w> ^y v ,.*^ vmi iij ^^ ■rpt X DELIVERED AT THE ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT V 1 GEORGETOWN COLLEGE Br Thomas Antisell, M D., PROFESSOR OF MILITARY SURGKRY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND HYGIENE. Mm-c-h '.i. IHfi.l. n- 7^n (7*> WASHINGTON, D. C. ifBSON BROTHERS, PRINTERS 18(54. ^WJ^v^....... ✓ DELIVERED AT THE ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT GEORGETOWN COLLEGE. By Thomas Antisell, M. D., PROFESSOR OF MILITARY SURGERY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND HYGIENE. WASHINGTON, D. C. GIBSON BROTHERS, PRINTERS, 1864. Georgetown, D. C, March 3, 1864. SIR — The undersigned, on behalf of the Students of the Medical Department of Georgetown College, appreciating the value of your Valedictory delivered this day, respectfully request a copy thereof for publication. Very respectfully, J. M. D. FRANCE, K. D. WRAV, FRANK S. WALSH, SAMUEL HOLMAN, EI)\V. S. THOMPSON, EDW. MORAN. THOMAS ANTISELL, M. D., Professor of Military Surgery, Physiology. and Hygiene. Committee. Georgetown, D. C, March 4, 1864. GENTLEMEN,— In compliance with your request I have the honor to forward the copy of the Commencement Discourse, and at the same time to express my sense of the honor conferred, and the gratification which it affords me in learning that you have deemed it worthy of publication, and remain, Gentlemen, Your obliged, THOMAS ANTISELL. To Messrs. France, Wray, Walsh, Holman, Thompson, and Moran, Committee of the Class of Session 1863-4. ------000------ Gextlemex of the Lkaduatixu Cla^s of 18(58-4: Having devoted the allotted period of Medical Study, and fulfilled all the requirements of the Medical Faculty, and having been subjected to a series of examinations intended to test the amount of your knowledge, you have now re- ceived the highest honor it is in the power of this or any University to bestow- the degree of Doctor in Medicine. All scholastic connection between the Faculty and the late student now ceases^ and your time, talents, and opportuni- ties are to be occupied with the battle of life on becoming the members of so honorable and liberal a profession. While, to the Professors, this is but the return of another season in which a few young men are added to the ranks of practice, to you it is an epoch surrounded with circumstances which never presents itself to you again, and on this account, in accordance with time-honored custom, a member of the Faculty addresses you with remarks pertinent to the occasion. You will be called upon to perform very serious duties in life. You become the guardian of the race, ushering weak and puny humanity into the busy world, watching over the childish and adolescent years ; upholding manhood from the destructive influences around ; and when you can no longer preserve life, it is yours to alleviate the sufferings which ac- company the shuffling off of this mortal coil. You have social duties, also, to perform. You will advise the public in all matters relating to health. You are to aid the law in deciding points of almost metaphysical subtlety regarding aberration of the mind ; and you have the regu- lation of the hygienic conditions of armies, fleets, and even of the whole nation. It is scarcely possible to conceive of duties more serious than these ; duties which, to perform well, needs the culti- vation of all your powers for a life of integrity and usefulness. Being, as we trust, prepared for this duty of life, it is not proposed before this goodly assembly to lecture you on any 4 strictly professional topic ; and on the present occasion 1 shall, therefore, occupy your attention by laying before you a historical sketch of the method of Education in Medicine at various periods of civilization, and especially in what con- sist the true doors of knowledge in your day. If we have improved in old times in our art it is certainly due to the accumulated information of the past which has been laid be- fore us : it was the duty in that time to study the past. If we desire to improve in our day, it is not by the study of the past, except as a matter of history, but rather by an awa- kened attention to the improvements of the present. If we look back into the dim vista of an almost fabulous historical period, we find, among the early European nations, as among all barbarous people, disease looked upon as the visitation and punishment of an Offended Deity. They believed the world to be peopled with picturesque deities who inhabited mountains, vallies, and groves—spirits who made the fountain bubble up, or presided over the growth of the tree—fawns, dryads, hamadryads, and nereids. To propitiate these gods was the only means by which it was then considered possible to be cured ; and it was the practice of the sick to visit the heathen temples and appease the an- ger of the god by an offering, or present a gift in return for their recovery. Along with the gift was handed in a writ- ten statement of the symptoms of the disease, with the mode of cure, which was hung up on the walls of the temples of .Esculapius, and thus was initiated a history of disease or of medical cases. Crude and full of error and of superstition these were no doubt, but still it was the only means then existing whereby a knowledge of the approach of disease and of its results could be obtained. By degrees the temples of iEsculapius, or Asdepions, multiplied, and the Votive Tablets, as these histories were called, were preserved for inspection and consultation by those who were supposed to suffer similarly. The priests, who preserved these, were the first physicians. By degrees a set of men, not in the priestly office, made it their business to consult the tablets, and the earliest method of teaching was that where the pupil, accompanying the teacher, con- sulted the Votive Tablets of those patients who had been cured of disease. This practice gave a certain experience to the teacher, who gradually drew a practice round him of patients who came to the Asclepion or temple to consult him. In time each Asclepion had its renowned physician who collected pupils around him ; and the Asclepion, in its mode of in- struction, resembled very much the modern dispensary prac- tice, where the pupil, after seeing a patient within the building, visited him afterward at his own home until cured. This mode of teaching lasted nearly 800 years in Western Asia and Europe from the time of Hippocrates B. C. 400 to the period of the destruction of the temples (in which the Asclepions were included) at Bvzantium under the reign of Theodosius in 390 A. D. The Christian spirit of these times was evinced even in the closure and destruction of the temples of the gods. As the Asclepion had been of acknowledged benefit to humanity, some substitute for it had to be supplied, and public build- ings were set apart for the reception of the sick coming from a distance to consult the physicians of the cities ; and thus commenced the formation of the institutions approaching but not fully corresponding to the modern hospital. During this long period of Asclepion instruction a gradual change had been going on in the mode of acquiring medical knowledge. The Ptolemies in African Alexandria were patrons of all the art and science of their day. Learned men were invited by them to that city, which soon became one of the shining beacons in the civilization of the Medi- terranean shores. Besides the large libraries established there the Museum was formed by Ptolemy Philadelphus, in which four faculties were taught—Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, and Astronomy. The most eminent teachers of that day in Medicine were to be found there, and opportuni- ties for anatomical instruction were afforded. To make the education more complete, the Serapion, or temple of Serapis, corresponding in some degree to the Greek Asclepion, was established near the Museum, in which the sick were re- ceived, and persons were admitted to study disease ; and we have thus in Alexandria developed the more complete mode of instruction, consisting of that given in the Museum or College and that given in the Serapion, corresponding to clinical practice. Here a great and manifest improvement in the mode of teaching was added by Africa to the more simple Asiatic instruction. When the followers of Mahomet (A. D. 638) entered Af- frica by Egypt they overthrew the worship and the temples of Isis ; and, in an unguarded moment, the Museum was demolished, the school of instruction scattered abroad, and a library said to have been consumed in the strife. The conquerors strove to replace the ruin, but notwithstanding the zeal for learning and science displayed by the Arabs, Alex- andria never recovered her literary position, and the dicta of Galen, the speculations of Democritus, and the metaphysics 6 of Aristotle ceased any longer to be the chief sources of Medical instruction. On the destruction of the Alexandrian School, Medicine took refuge with the wandering and exiled Jews. After the destruction of Jerusalem the empires adjoining were flooded by Jewish schools. The educated Jews settled in Alexan- dria ; and, after the Arab conquest, they kept up the Greek teachings wherever they went. But their influence was lim- ited in time, although spread over the then civilized earth. Nor were they alone in this work, for, driven out of Con- stantinople, the Nestorian Christians carried away with them, and became the depositaries of, the Old Greek Medi- cal Science. " Its great names they revered. They collected with the utmost assiduity whatever works remained on Medi- cal topics, whether of a Greek or Alexandrian origin, from the writings of Hippocrates, called with affectionate venera- tion by his successors, ' the divine old man,' down to those of the Ptolemaic school." * These Christians, being more educated than the surround- ing heathen in their Medical Practice, were associated with the Jews ; and with these people, by their contact with the Arabs, spreading into Mesopotamia and Syria, taught that wonderful people the value of Greek and Alexandrian Medi- cine. But they mingled Oriental Philosophy with their in- struction ; they inculcated planetary influences and the doc- trine of indwelling and animating spirits in everything, whether living or lifeless, ideas that can hardly yet be ex- tirpated by the light of a nineteenth century Christianity. The tendency of the human mind, when in its uneducated condition, to refer all cause and effects not otherwise explic- able, to the action of powers and influences more than earth- ly—omne ignotum pro mirabile—is remarkable. To do away with this Hippocrates labored with energy. When philoso- phy first left the temples of the gods it declared that every thing was either water, air, or fire. We smile, perhaps, now at the seeming childishness which declared it, but it was a great advance in its day, and by pointing out that an excess or deficiency of any of these elements constituted disease, it aimed a blow at the connection of the worship of the gods with Medicine, which it never recovered in Greece. Among the practical Romans planetary influences supplanted the anger of the gods as causes of disease. A passage in Aulus Gellius, in his " Attic Nights," tells us that the muscular fibre grew larger, oysters grew fatter, and the eyes of cats fuller as the moon increased, and that they dwindled in like manner on its wane. * Draper's Intellectual Development, passim. 7 Still later in time the belief in demons, witches, and vam- pires superseded the trust in the gods and led to charns, amulets, and incantations to preserve humanity from diseases. This excess of spiritualism has infused itself in Chris- tianity under the form of a belief in special providences and of the direct interference of the Deity in the order of nature. This opinion in our own times appears sometimes ludicrously put. Thus Professor Gross, in his American Medical Bio- graphy, in describing Dr. John Godman, one of the Medical celebrities of the day, states that, being of the highly unct- uous school of Christianity, he was prevented from studying Medicine by the special interference of the Divine Ruler of Events, but that he afterwards reverted to that pursuit through the friendly interposition of Dr. Davidge. Indeed we are yet scarcely rid of charms and amulets, and we have a temple of Isis in every city, where the spirits of the living and the dead can be raised up and interrogated, or the soul of a table or piano may be so disturbed as to make them take on the power of locomotion. The inquiring and energetic Arab adopted Medical Science, and, with the zeal of new believers, pushed for- ward its improvement -with rapidity. They wTould try and disentomb the deific essence out of every object in nature worth investigating ; they experimented with every thing ; they acted on them with acids, which they themselves pro- duced ; they tortured them with fire to draw the spirit out of them, and thus Alchemy was the origin and the first steps in the development of our modern Chemistry. The Arab would not only investigate, but he would teach. When the Abas- sides Caliphs moved to Bagdad they established a school of Medicine there, and the world-renowned Har^mn Al Raschid not only increased their number in the dominions of the faithful, but he wrote to Charlemagne in Europe, as being a wise man and powerful monarch, advising him to cultivate learning by the establishment of schools, advice which that monarch speedily adopted. About the time of the establishment of the school at Bag- dad the dissensions among the Mussulman leaders drove them into Africa, and the Emir Abderahman having reached the modern Morocco passed over into Spain, and, by easy con- quests, brought a large portion of its fair lands under his rule; he fixed his capital at Cordova, and having established the practice of opening a school and a hospital in connexion with every Mosque, he at once enlightened that country; he founded a Medical School at Cordova, which drew pupils from and furnished teachers to a large portion of Western Europe : these teachers were Jews and Arabs, who were in 8 direct communication with Alexandria and Bagdad. Medi- cal authors were translated, and Medicine never was more energetically cultivated nor more honorably pursued than under the rule of the Arabs, which, extending from the Caspian Sea to the borders of Portugal, made Arabian Med- cine an enlightened and a popular science over an extent of three thousand miles. Here is a picture of the life of a fashionable and prosper- ous Jewish physician of the twelfth century, given in a let- ter of the Rabbi Mosch Ben Maiemon, a native of Cordova, but afterwards practising at Cairo. " I reside," he writes to a friend "at the Egyptian capital, and am in terms of the greatest privacy with the Grand Sultan, whom, in the dis- charge of my duty, I visit daily morning and evening ; and when he or any of his sons or the ladies of the harem are unwell I remain in the palace the whole day. It is, besides, my duty to visit the principal state officers in their illnesses. When I go to the Court in the morning and meet nothing new to detain me, I return at mid-day to my own house, which I find full of Jew and Gentile nobility and commonalty, judges and merchants, friends, and even some who are no friends, awaiting me. As soon as I arrive I salute them civilly, and beg them to allow me to take some refreshment; and then leaving the table, I busy myself with inquiring in- to their ailments, and direct the necessary remedies. Many there are who are obliged to wait until night b&cause the at- tendance is so numerous that I am occupied with them the whole afternoon ; and sometimes I am so worn out and over- come with drowsiness that I drop over asleep while convers- ing, unable to utter another syllable."* The school at Cordova had a library of 250,000 volumes, furnislied by the Emir Alhakem 2d, and so famous had its teachings become that in other cities of the Moslem dominion in Spain new hospitals and schools were established, and so valuable was this two-fold mode of instruction felt to be that when Cordova surrendered to the Christians in 1226, and the Moors Avere finally driven from Spain, the schools of Medi- cine remained and prospered for nearly three centuries longer (1512.) The sway of Arabian Medicine was exerted for eight hundred years, and, while we cannot praise it too highly on account of the learning of its teachers, and the mode of teaching by experiment and illustration, peculiar then to that school, we should perhaps hardly regret that the causes which led to its introduction into Europe were the causes which led to its abandonment and decav. The * Brit, find For. Med. Rev.»vol. xxvii. 0 migration of the Arab into Africa brought it into Europe ; the migration of the Turks to Constantinople drove it out. When a weak monarch of a dissolving empire called upon Mahomet 2d to secure him in the possession of the capital of the Eastern kingdom of European civilization the warlike Arab entered Byzantium and destroyed the last re- mains of the Greek empire of the East (1453 A. D.) The Greek learning and the Christian hospitals which had been established in that city then suddenly disappeared ; the learned men emigrated into the more westerly kingdoms of Europe, joined the schools which had been connected with the monasteries and abbacies in Italy, France, and Spain ; and the schools of Charlemagne, founded at the advice of the Arab, became the future University of France—the ri- vals of the schools of the Caliphs, the successful rivals by reason of a purer teaching. It is remarkable of Saracenic Medicine, as it is called, that there never was infused into it any of the religions of the Crescent. When the Moslem conquered he wras generous: he ceased to persecute. The spirit of toleration was of the most liberal character in .Moorish Spain, and the medical teachings of the Arabs, after eight centuries of residence, preserved the evil traces of its Asiatic and Alexandrian ori- gin. ^ As before stated, the poly theism of Mesopotamia, the pharisaic spiritualism of the Jew, and the indwelling dasmon- ology of Africa were combined in the school of Medicine of Spain. From all such ideas as these the followers of Ma- homet turned away with disgust, yet, having nothing better to offer, they permitted the teaching ; but when the Greek learning was thrown back on Europe in the fifteenth century, and when printing had been just adopted, the teachers of medicine saw at once the superiority of the old Hippocratic medicine over Galen and Avicenna, and from that time for- ward, even in the schools of Spain, the old school prevailed in doctrine while the Arab method of teaching was incorporated therewith. Hippocrates had taught that the immediate causes of dis- ease lay not in the anger of an offended Deity but in the hu- man constitution ; that the latter was liable to change by exposure to external agents ; that it was modified by climate, season, and mode of life, and not by visitations of a Superior Power. He separated Pagan Theology from .Medicine, and taught his disciples to examine the frame itself for mutations of health ; he taught them blood alterations ; blood poisons: critical days and expectations of cure within the system. How different this from the Syrian notions of diseases being produced by the entrance of spirits and devils into the sick ; 10 of exorcism and the capability of controlling the evil spirit of a disease by the more powerful influence of a planet! Hippocrates never troubled his followers with the nature of disease ; he described rather the course and the termina- tions of the illness than busied himself with imagining rul- ing influences. The revival of his mode of teaching in Eu- rope happily gave a new impetus to medicine by making men more solicitous about the outer aspect