TRANSACTIONS OF, THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, FOR THE YEARS 1876 AND 1877. CARLISLE, PA., PRINTED BY HERALD PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1878. THE MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Jlwmaa |kai«| HELD IN PHILADELPHIA, SEPT. 6, 1876. A Letter of Invitation having been printed and distributed, during the early part of the American Centennial, advocating a higher stand- ard of qualifications in the medical profession, and the organization of a society, college, or academy, whose foundation should be that of de- grees conferred by respectable institutions of learning, the following gentlemen convened and held a meeting in the city of Philadelphia, September 6th, 1876, viz.: Prof. Traill Green, M. D., LL. D., Hon. Lewis H. Steiner, M. D , Edward H. M. Sell, M. D., William S. Stew- art, M D., R. Lowry Sibbet. M. D, R. Stansburry Sutton, M, D., E. B. Shapleigh, M. D., and Peter D. Keyser, M. D. Dr. Green was called to the chair and Dr. Keyser was elected tem- porary Secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, Dr. Sibbet read a paper on “ The Necessity of an Organization which shall Encourage a Higher Standard of Qualifications in the Medical Profession.” Dr. Steiner also read a paper on ‘‘ The Importance of the Study of Languages, iVncient and Modern, and of their Literature, to the Stu- dent of Medicine.” Dr. Sibbet presented and read several very encouraging letters from gentlemen not present, which had been read at an informal meeting the previous evening. Dr. Steiner moved that a committee consisting of the chairman, Dr. Green, Dr. Sibbet and Dr. Keyser, be authorized to draught a Consti- tution and By-Laws, and to report the same at the next meeting for the government of the association, to be known as , which shall be composed of gentlemen in the 2 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. profession, who have pursued regular courses of study in literary in- stitutions before entering upon the study of medicine. Carried. On motion of Dr. Keyser, the chairman, Dr. Traill Green, was elected President for the ensuing year. Dr. Sibbet moved that Dr. Steiner? Dr. Geo H. Larison, not present, Dr. Sell and Dr. Stewart be elected Vice-Presidents. Carried. Dr. Sibbet was elected Secretary. On motion, it was agreed that the officers elected be considered a Board of Counsel, to co-operate and consult with the committee on Constitution and By-Laws in matters pertaining to the association. Several names were suggested, as National Medical Society, Ameri- can College of Physicians and Surgeons, and American Academy of Medicine ; and, on motion of Dr Sutton, it was agreed to adjourn, to meet in the city of New York on the second Tuesday of September, 1877. P. D. Keyser, Tern. Sec. THE MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HELD IN NEW YORK, SEPT, it, 1877. The American Academy of Medicine met in the Halls of the New York Academy of Medicine, in the city of New York, Tuesday, Sep- tember 11th, 1877, at 3 o’clock p. m. The President, Dr. Traill Green, occupied the chair, supported by the Vice-Presidents, Dr. Lewis H. Steiner, Dr. George H Larison, Dr. Edward H. M. Sell and Dr. William S. Stewart. The Secretary, Dr. R. L. Sibbet, was assisted by Dr. P. D. Keyser. Dr. Sell delivered an Address of Welcome, af- ter which the President delivered the Annual Address. A few complimentary remarks being made by gentlemen in attend- ance, the names of the Fellows of the Academy, including those whom the officers received, were called. The minutes of the first annual meeting were then read and adopted. A letter from Dr. Charles M. Allin, President of the Medical Jour- nal Association, of the city of New York, inviting the Fellows of the Academy to visit their Reading Rooms, was read; also a letter from Dr. Samuel S. Purple, President of the New York Academy of Medi- cine, extending to the Fellows of the Academy the privileges of their Library. Prof. Frank H. Hamilton invited the Fellows of the Acad- emy to visit the Bellevue Hospital, Wednesday, at 3 o’clock p. m. These invitations were cordially accepted and the thanks of the Acad- emy tendered. On motion, the Academy adjourned to hold an exec- utive session in the evening at 7i o’clock. The Academy convened according to adjournment, with the Presi- dent in the chair. A letter of congratulation from Dr. Elisha Harris, SECOND SESSION. 4 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. Secretary of the American Public Health Association, was read, after which the report of the committee on Constitution and By-Laws was accepted, and the committee discharged. The articles and sections of the Constitution were then taken up, amended and adopted, seriatim. On motion, the Academy adjourned to meet the following morning at 10 o’clock, and at the same time ac- cepted an invitation to a handsome collation in another part of the building. The Academy convened Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock, with the President in the chair, and at once proceeded to the consideration of the By-Laws as reported by the committee. These were amended and adopted, seriatim ; and afterwards the Constitution and By-Laws were both adopted as a whole THIRD SESSION. The Secretary then presented the proposal of Dr. J. E. Clawson, and also that of Dr. William Govan, for Fellowship in the Academy. Both were unanimously elected by ballot; and Dr. Govan, being pres- ent, was invited to take part in the proceedings The election of officers for the ensuing year being in order, Dr. Keyser moved that a committee of three be appinted to present candi- dates for the several offices. Carried. The President appointed Drs. Keyser, Stewart and Sell, who reported as follows: President—Prof, Frank H. Hamilton, M. D., LL.D., New York, N. Y Vice-Presidents—Hon. Lewis H Steiner, M. D., Frederick, Md.; Stephen Wickes, M. D., Orange, N. J ; Benjamin Lee, M. D , Philadel- phia, Pa.; Prof, Henry G Piffard, M. D , New York, N. Y. Secretary—R. Lowry Sibbet, M D., Carlisle, Pa Assistant Secretary—Neilson A Baldwin, M. D , Brooklyn, N. Y. Treasurer—Edward H. M. Sell, M. D., New York, N. Y. The candidates were unanimously elected by ballot and the com- mittee discharged. The Secretary, Dr. Sibbet, acting as Treasurer during the past year, requested that a committee be appointed to audit his account; where- upon the President appointed Drs Keyser, Stewart and Sell, who re- ported as follows : AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, DR. To printing (Herald Go.) $3B 50 “ “ (H. K. Peffer), 4 50 To postage and stationery, &c., 25 00 TO R. L. SIBBET. $6B 00 5 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS. CR. 23 initiation fees @ $5, $ll5 00 68 00 Balance due the Academy Sept. 11, 1877, $ 47 00 On motion, the report was accepted and the committee discharged. The President appointed Dr. P. D. Keyser as a member of the Coun- cil for the ensuing year On motion of Dr. Keyser the President ap- pointed Dr. Steiner a committee of one to prepare and report at the next annual meeting a form of certificate, as provided for in Art. IX of the Constitution. On motion of Dr. Sibbet the President appointed Dr. Keyser a committee of one to prepare and present at the next an- nual meeting, a design for the seal of the Academy. The time for adjournment having arrived, the President suggested that Drs. Sell and Stewart conduct the President elect, Dr. Hamilton, to the chair, who, before taking his seat, delivered a most encourag- ing extemporaneous address. Dr Stewart moved that the next annual meeting be held at Easton, Pa., on the third Tuesday of September, 1878, at 8 o’clock in the af- ternoon. Carried. The Secretary then reported the names of the Fellows present dur- ing the meeting, and registered as follows: Traill Green, Joseph S. Cook, Lewis H. Steiner, Frank H. Hamilton, P. D Keyser, Charles Mclntire, Edw H. M. Sell, Henry G. Piffakd, R. L. Sibbet, Benjamin Lee, William S. Stewart, Neilson A. Baldwin, Stephen Wickes, G. Galen Triechler, J. E. Bulkeley, S. S. Schultz, George H. Larison, William Govan, James M. Shearer, On motion, Academy adjourned. R. L. Sibbet, Sec. THE MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL The Council of the American Academy of Medicine met in the Halls of the New York Academy of Medicine, Tuesday, September 11th, 1877, at 2 o’clock p. m., the President, Dr. Traill Green, the Vice-Presidents, Dr. Lewis H. Steiner, Dr. George H. Larison, Dr. Edw. H. M. Sell, Dr William S. Stewart, the Secretary, Dr. R. L. Sibbet, 6 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. and Dr. P. D. Keyser, being present. The following candidates for Fellowship were presented by the Secretary, viz.; Dr. Charles Mclntire, proposed by Dr. Green ; Dr. Henry G. Piffard, proposed by Dr. Sell; Dr. William Biddle Atkinson, proposed by Dr. Stewart; Dr. Silas N Benham and Dr. James G. Rea, proposed by Dr. Sutton; Dr. Plorace Y. Evans and Dr. E. B. Shapleigh, proposed by Dr. Keyser ; Dr James Collins, Dr. Gustavus S Franklin, Dr. Ed- mund W. Meisenhelder, Dr. George E. Stubbs, Dr. G. Galen Triechler, Dr. Stephen B. Kieffer, Dr. Jonathan E. Bulkeley, Dr. James D. Straw- bridge, Dr. George D. Bruce, Dr. Lewis W. Foulke, Dr. J. W. Hoy, Dr. Joseph S. Cook, Dr, John S. Billings, Dr. John Curwen, Dr. S. S. Schultz, Dr. James M. Shearer, Dr. Edward L. Welling, Dr. Stephen Wickes, Dr. Frank Hastings Hamilton, Dr S. 0. Vander Poel, Dr. Warren Schoonover, Dr. John R. Vanderveer, Dr. Neilson A Bald- win, Dr. John Berrien Lindsley. Dr. Benjamin Lee, proposed by Dr. Sibbet. All were received as Fellows of the Academy without the formalities of election. After an exchange of views, it was agreed that the Address of Wel- come, the President’s address, the adoption of the Constitution and By-Laws, and the election of officers for the ensuing year, be first in order; and that the reading of papers on medical subjects be post- poned until the next meeting. Council adjourned. SECOND SESSION. Sept. 12th, 1 o’clock p m. Council convened and, on motion, the proposal for Fellowship of Dr. J. E„ Clawson, by Dr. Shearer, and that of Dr Wil iam Go van, by Dr. Sibbet, were approved. Council ad- journed. Sept. 12th, 2J o’clock p. m. Council convened and, on motion of Dr. Steiner, it was agreed to publish 250 copies of the President’s Ad- dress and Constitution and By-Laws in pamphlet form, and 250 copies of the Constitution and By-laws in the same style, at a cost not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars. On motion the President, the Secretary and Dr. P. D. Keyser were authorized to superintend the printing of the same. Council adjourned. R. L. Sibbet, Sec. THIRD SESSION. CATALOGUE OF FELLOWS. 7 CATALOGUE OF THE Srqeridkn Ackdeixiy of jVTedidiqe Presidents, Prof TRAILL GREEN. A M., M. D., LL. D ... 1876. Prof. FRANK H. HAMILTON, A M., M. D., LL. D. - - 1877. Vice Presidents, Hon. LEWIS H STEINER, A M., M. D. - - - 1876-77. GEORGE H. LARISON, A. M., M. D. - - - - 1876. EDWARD H. M. SELL, A. M., M. D. - - - - 1876 WILLIAM S. STEWART, A M., M. D. - - - 1876. STEPHEN WICKES, A M., M. D. - - - - 1877. RENJAMIN LEE, A. M., M. D. 1877. Prof. HENRY G. PIFFARD, A. M., M. D. - - - - 1877. Secretary, R. LOWRY SIBBET, A. M., M. D. - - - - 1876-77 .A-ssistant Secretary, NEILSON A. BALDWIN, A. M., M. D. - - - - 1877 Treasurer, EDWARD H. M. SELL, A. M., M. D. 1877. 8 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. Members of Council, Prof. TRAILL GREEN, A. M., M D., LL. D. - . 1876-77 Hon LEWIS H. STEINER, A. M, M. D. - - . 1876-77 GEORGE H. LARISON, A. M., M. D. - - . . 1876. EDWARD H. M. SELL, A. M., M. D. - - - 1876-77 WILLIAM S. STEWART, A. M., M. D. - - . i 876 R. LOWRY SIBBET, A. M., M. D - - - 1876-77 Prof. FRANK H. HAMILTON, A. M., M. D., LL. D. - - 1877 STEPHEN WICKES, A. M., M. D. - - . . iB77> Prof. HENRY G. PIFFARD, A. M., M D ■ - - . i 877. BENJAMIN LEE, A M., M. D. 1877 NEILSON A. BALDWIN, A. M., M D.- 1877 PETER D. KEYSER, A. M, M. D. .... i 877 FELLOWS OF 1876. Traill Green, Euton, Pa.—Born May 25th, 1813, in Pa., U. S.-~ M D, Univ. of Penn’a, 1835 ; A. M„ Rutgers Col., 1841; LL. D., Wash, and Jef. Col., 1866.—Prof, of Che in. Lafayette Col., 1837; Prof, of Nat. Science Marshall Col, 1841; Prof, of Lewis H. Steiner, Frederick, Md.—Born May 4th, 1827, in Md., U. S. Chem Lafayette Col., 1848-78. —A. 8., Marshall Col., 1846 ; A. M., same, 1849 ; M. D., Univ. of Penn a, 1849; A. M., Col. of St. James, 1854; A. M., Yale George H. Larison, Lamhertville, N. Ji—Born Jan. 4th, 1831, in N. J., U. S.—M. D., Univ. of Penn’a., 1858 ;A. M., Univ. at Lewisburg, 1867.—Pres. of Med. Soc. of N. J., 1875. Col., 1869.—Senator of the State of Md. CATALOGUE OF FELLOWS. 9 Edward H. M Sell, 51 W. 35th St., N. Y.—Bom Aug. 16th, 1882, in Pa., U. S.—A. 8., Penn’a, Col., 1856; A. M., same, 1859; M. D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col., 1866; M. Obst., Univ. of Vienna, 1872 William S. Stewart, N. E. cor. 11th and Filb. St., Phila.—Born Nov. 13th, 1838, in Pa., U. S— A. 8., Jef. Col., 1860; M. D , Jef. Med. Col., 1863; A. M., Wash, and Jef. Col, 1876. R. Lowry Sibbet, Carlisle, Pa.—Bora Mar. 4th, 1826, in Pa., U. S.— A B , Penn’a Col., 1856; A. M., same, 1859; M. D„ Univ of Penn’a, 1866. Peter D. Keyser, 1630 Arch St., Phila.—Bom Feb. Bth, 1835, in Pa., U. S.—M. D., Univ of Jena, Germany, 1864 ; A. M., Delaware Col., 1876. R. Stansbury Sutton, 146 Penn St. Pittsburg, Pa.—Bom July Bth, 1841 —A. 8., Jef. Col, 1862; M. D., Univ. of Penn’a., 1865; A. M., Wash, and Jef. Col., 1876. FELLOWS OF 1877. James Collins, 538 Market St., Phila., Pa —Born , in Pa,, U. S.—A. 8., Amherst Col., 1858; M. D., Univ. of Penn’a , 1860 ; A. M., Amherst Col., 1863. Gustavus S, Franklin, Chillicothe, Ohio.—Born Nov. 22nd, 1837, in Ohio, U. S —A. 8., Marietta Col., 1859 ;A. M., same, 1862 ; M. D., Col of Phys. and Surg., of N. Y. 1862. Edmund W. Meisenhelder, York, Pa.—Bora Feb. 22nd, 1843, in Pa., U. S.—A. 8., Penn’a. Col., 1864; A. M., same, 1867 ; M. D., Jef. Med. Col., 1868. George E. Stubbs, N. E. cor. 11th and Jef. Sts., Phila.—Born Dec. 10 AMERICAN' ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. 30th, 1889, in Me., U. S.—A. 8., Bowdoin Col., 1861; A, M., same, 1863; M. D., Harvard Univ.,, 1863. C. Galen Treichler, Honeyhrooh, Pa.—Born Feb. 23d, 1840, in Pa., U, S.—A. B, Penn’a. Col, 1862 ; A. M., same, 1865 ; M. D., Univ. of Penn’a., 1865. Silas N. Benham, Pittsburg, Pa.—Born Nov. 20th, 1840, in Pa., U. S. —A. 8., Wash. Col. 1861; A. M , same. 1864 ;M. D., Univ. of Penn’a., 1865. Stephen B. Kieffer, Carlisle, Pa.—Born Sept, 6th, 1824, in Pa., U. S. —A 8., Marshall Col., 1848; A. M., same, 1851 ;M. D., Univ. of Penn’a,, 1851.—Pres of Med. Soc. of Pa., 1874. Jonathan E, Bulkeley, Wilkesbarre, Pa—Born Nov. 16th, 1823, in Pa., U. S.—A. 8., Dickinson Col.-, 1842; A. M., same, 1845 ; M. D., Jef. Med. Col., 184-. George D. Bruce, Pittsburg, Pa.—Born May 11th, 1811, in Pa.. U. S. - A. 8., Western Univ. of Penn’a , 1829 ; A M., same, 183-; M. D., Univ. of Penn’a., 1833. Lewis W. Foulke, Chil/icothe, Ohio.—Born Aug. 6th, 1809, in Pa,, U. S.—A. 8., Dickinson Col., 1829 ; M D., Univ. of Md., 1832 ; A. M., Dickinson Col, 1840. Charles Mclntire, Easton, Fa.—Born Aug. 30tlp 1847, in Pa., U. S —A. 8., Lafayette Col., 1868 ;A. M., same, 1871; M. D., Univ. t , of Penn’a., 1873. Joseph S. Cook, Washington, N. J.—Born Mar 26th, 1830, in N J., U. S— A. 8., Union Col., 1853; M. D , Univ. of Penn’a., 1856 ; A. M., Lafayette Col., 1865. John S. Billings, Washington, D. C.—Born Apr 12th, 1838, in Ind. U. S.—A. B , Miami Univ , 1857 ;A. M., same, 1860; M. D Ohio Med. Col, 1860 John Curwen, Harrisburg, Pa—Born Sept. 20th, 1821, in Pa , U. S. —A. 8., Yale Col, 1841 ; A M., same, 1844; M. D , Univ. of Penn’a,, 1844. S. S. Schultz, Danville, Pa.—Born July sth, 1831, in Pa., U. S.— A. 8., Col. of N. J., 1852; A. M., same, 1855 ; M. D, Univ- of Penn’a., 1856. CATALOGUE OF FELLOWS. 11 James M. Shearer, DUlsburg, Pa.—Born Dec. 26th, 1833, in Pa,, U. S. —A. 8., Dickinson Col., 1853; A. M., same, 1856; M. D., Med. Dept, of Penn’a. Col., 1858. Stephen Wickes, Orange, N. J.—Born Mar. 17th, 1813, in N. Y., U, S.—A. 8., Union Col., 1831; A. 1834; M. D., Univ. of Penn’a., 1834; A. M., Col. of N. J., 1868. Henry G. Piffard, 10 W. Ssth St., N. Y.—Born .—A. 8., Univ. of the City of N. Y., 1862 ; M. D., Col. of Phys. and Surg., N. Y., 1864 ; M. D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col., 1865 ; A. M., Univ. of the City of N. Y., 1865.—Prof, of Dermatology, . Frank Hastings Hamilton, 43 W. 32nd St., N. Y.—Born 10th, 1813, in Vt., U. S.—A. 8., Union Col., 1829 ; A. M., same, 1833; M. D.. Univ. of Penn’a., 1835; LL. D,, Union Col., 1869 —Prof. Military Surgery, Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col. James C. Rea, PitUbwg, Pa.—Bom Sept 7th, 1847, in Pa., U. S.— A. 8., Col. of N. J., 1869 ; A. M., same, 1872; M. D , Univ. of Penn’a., 1872. Warren Schoonover, 682 Lexington Ave., N. Y.—Born Feb. 17th 1838, in Pa., U. S.—A. 8., Union Col., 1864; A. M., same, 1867; M. D., Col. of Phys and Surg, N Y., 1867. John R Vanderveer, 301 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.—Born Apr. 21st, 1829, in N. Y., U. S.—A. 8., Univ. of the City of N. Y., 1850; M. D., Med. Dept of same, 1852 ; A M., Univ. of the City of N. Y , 1853. Neilson A. Baldwin, 407 St., Brooklyn, N. Y—Born Feb. , 1839, in N. Y., U. S.—A 8., Lafayette Col, 1858 ; A. M,, same, 1861; M. D., Med. Dept. Yale Col, 1861. John Berrien Lindsley, Nashville, Tenn.—Bom Oct. 24th, 1822, in N. J., U. S.—A. 8., Univ. of Nashville, 1839; A. M., same, 1842; M. D,, Univ. of Penn’a., 1843; D. D., Col. of N. J., 1858.—Chancellor of the Univ. of Nashville.—Prof, of Ghem. in Med. Dept, of same. William Biddle Atkinson, 1400 Pine St., Phila.—Born June 21st, 12 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. 1832, in Pa ,U. S.—A. 8., Phila. Central High School, 1850; M. D., Jef. Med. Col., 1853; A. M., Phila, Central High School, 1855. Benjamin Lee, 1503 Spruce St., Phila— Born Sept. 26th, 1833, in Pa., U. S.—A. 8., Univ of Penn’a., 1852 ; A. M., same, 1855 ; M. D., New York Med. Col., 1856. Horace Y. Evans, N. E. cor. 17th and Green St, Phila.—Born Oct. 14th, 1834, in Pa., U. S.—A. 8., Col. of N. J., 1855; A. M., same, 1858 ; M. D., Univ. of Penn’a, 1858. Elisha B. Shapleigh, 658 JV. Bth St., Phila.—Born Nov. 6th, 1824, in Me., U. S.—A. 8., Yale Col., 1846 ; M. D., Univ. of Penn’a., 1849. William Govan, Stony Point, N. Y—Bom Aug. 16th, 1818, in Yt., U. S.—A. 8., Dartmouth Col, 1839 ; A. M., same, 1842 ; M. D., New York Med. Col., 1854. DOG