A CRITICAL REVISION OF THE ENCYCLOPEDIA A- PURE MATERIA MEDICA^1^ By T.^F. ALLEN, M.D. «r In prosecuting this revision, Hahnemann's contributions have been exam- ined first. The method adopted for volume one, of preparing the Encyclopedia for the press, proved defective, and many omissions have been found in that volume which were guarded against subsequently. In the preparation of Belladonna we endeavored to condense by omitting related symptoms; at the time this was done we felt justified by the vast accumulation of toxi- cological effects. We now perceive that some important matter has been lost: this we give in full, thus restoring the completeness of Hahnemann's pathogenesis. No other drug was subjected to such a pruning. While the late Dr. Dunham was able to work he revised every line of the translations; this included Lycopodium. After that Dr. von Musits, of this city, as- sisted, so that every translation was subjected to two or three revisions. Yet errors are numerous; but they will be found to diminish in number as the work progresses, except now and then, curiously enough, a page will be found bristling with them, while many pages will be found entirely free. This work of revision cannot be hurried; line byline the translation must be compared with the original, and some months will necessarily elapse ere the next instalment will be ready for the press. When the Ency- clopedia shall have been revised the Index will be corrected. AGARICUS.—Symptom 45, read " as though she were about to hear of something unpleasant." 87, for " hours," read " days." 149, omit " con- tinued," and for " one and a half," read "half an." 158, for " u," read " V 184, for " one and a half," read " half an." 191, for "7," read "6." 247, for "and," read "or." 255, for "on," read "or." 296, before "stretching," add "yawning and." 354, for "dimness," read "clearness." 370, instead of " by rubbing a short time," read "only a short time by rubbing." 390, for " another," read "Canthus." 459, instead of " it ap- pears pale," read " vision becomes dim." 455, for "2," read "6." 524, arid " '." 544, for " sometimes," read " always." 583, for "5," read " V 573,. 1 2 A CRITICAL REVISION OF THE for"17," read "V 660, for ""/'read"1." 726, for " sixteenth," read " tenth." 740, for " "," read " '." 745, for " mouth," read " trachea." 822, for ""," read "'." 1006, for " "," read "'." 1218, for " groin," read " loins." 1196, for " "," read " \" 1175, add " 7." 954, for " "," read " '." 1119, add " '." 1172, for " 1S," read " '." 1340. for " water," read " urine." 1309, add"7." 1396, for ",8," read "'." 1472, add "7." 1585, before " chest," add " interior of the." 1640, omit " and a half." 1619, last part reads better " with chest bent forward." 1710, add " 5." 1813, add " *." 2068, add "7." 2188, for "9," read "6." 2263, for " 'V read " 1." 2266, after "chest," add "passing through obliquely." 2268, after "fits," add " were more violent and." 2352, for " one," read " one-half." 2406, after " hands," add " and feet." 2492, for " 18," read " V Add, in their proper places, the following: Painful heaviness in the forehead (the fifth day),8. Feeling of heaviness dragging down in both temples as far as the half of the ears, as if a heavy weight were hanging on both sides of the head ; worse during the day than in the morning, and aggravated by touch,4. Head- ache, as if the brain would be torn to pieces,1. Painful pressure on the right side of the chin,5. Burning on the arm above the left elbow,5. Cramp- like pain in the ball of the right thumb while writing (after one and eight hours),6. A violent stitch in the outer side of the calf (after two hours),18. He feels best when walking very slowly,7. The day after a short walk the arms and legs feel bruised,7. Heaviness of the whole body, especially of the calves,1. In the morning after a good sleep he was unrefreshed, and rose unwillingly,7. He had to make a great effort to rise in the morning,7. After an afternoon nap of two hours he could not rouse himself,7. Fre- quent attacks of warmth of the face and whole upper part of the body, lasting five to ten minutes,1. ALUMINA.—Symptom 11, for "bad," read "sad." 18, after " threat- ened," add " in a few hours." 34, for " sneers at everybody " read " laughs at everything." 39, for "speaks wrong," read " makes slips of the tongue." 68, 69, and 70, for "with" read "around." 82, for "increases," read " begins." 192, add " relieved after washing." 231, omit " external." 229, for " often," read " after," and put it before " eleven." 305, after " project," add " far." 337, add " (the fourth day)." 323, for " worse," read "worst." 411, put "on swallowing," after "sometimes." 389, for "secretion," read "accumulation." 403, add " lasting a long time." 407, for " morniug," read "evening." 422, after "is," read "almost." 446, add " corroding." 464, for " one hour," read " first day." 499, for " of," read "up." 500, instead of " for several hours in the evening," read " till evening for several days." 518, after " pressure," read " inward." 390, for " rancid," read " scraping," and for " clear the throat," read " cough," and for "four days," read "the fourth day." 524, for "dinner," read "eating." 525, add "the first day." 607, after " and," read "in," and add "V 629, omit "and without it." 631 and 639, constitute one symptom, before " soreness," read " biting." 653, add " soon after dose." 682, after " drawing," read " pinching." 687, for " formation," read " for- mication." 725, add " after two days." 822, omit " third." 833, for " across," read " above," and add " almost continuously." 885, for " her," read "his." 954, for "left," read "right." 967, omit in two places " upon the foot." 970, omit " upon the foot." 986, omit " tickling." 993, for "open," read "cold." 1018, for "thirteenth," read "first to third." 1013, for "body," read "abdomen." 1119, for "tiler," read " player," and for " meat," read " dog's meat." 1131, for " she has com- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PURE MATERIA MEDICA. 3 mitted a theft," read " a theft has been committed." 1155, for "day," read "days." Add the following symptoms in their proper places. Fretful mood (the first day),5. Pressure as from a stone in the stomach, after milk soup, in the evening, relieved by eructations (the fourth day),1. Itching in the anus, aggravated after scratching (the first and second days),3. A pain in the perinaeum on touch, as from a bruise,*. Stitches in the perinseum,*. A screwing-together sensation in the right ilium (the first day),'1. Constant burning and sticking in the anus^with stiffness in the back, so that she could not well move,1. Waking in the morning with depression as from grief, without perfect consciousness,1. Unsteadiness while walking, as if intoxicated,6. AMBRA.—Symptom 63, should read "A painful spot on the occiput." 91, add " especially." 121, for " prickling," read " pinching." 11, for "dinner," read "eating." 2, instead of "do not feel," read "are but little." 152, for " tickling," read " tiching." 280 and 283, for " mamma," read " chest." 305, for " dav," read " days." 344, insert " right" before "little." 368, for "day," read " days." 454, for "hour," read "of the night." 457, for "increases," read "decreases." 434, for "day," read "days." 470, for "appear," read "reappear." Add the following: Pain as from cracks in the corners of the mouth,1. Rheumatic pain in the tongue posteriorly, and in the pharynx when not swallowing,2. Dry- ness of the throat morning,1. The accustomed tobacco-smoking irritates him very much, and, though very well relished, provokes hiccough,1. Pressure in the abdomen changing to a pinching,2. Pressure in the lower abdomen for several hours, alike while walking and sitting, after six days,1. Pinching pain in the right lower abdomen,2. Ulcerative pain in the ghins penis,1. Burning internally in the region of the vesiculse seminales,'. Burning, biting, tickling, and itching on the pudenda and in the urethra, while urinating,1. Coryza and cough with expectoration of white mucu-s,1. Aching in the side beneath the pit of stomach, when coughing,1. Anxiety at the heart even to arrest of breathing, with transient heat,1. Tearing in the right elbow,1. Tearing on the right elbow,1. Falling asleep of the hands, at night,1. The fingers are drawn inward, flexed, in the evening (after seven days),1. Weakness of the fingers, at night, so that he could press them into the palm or move them rapidly only with effort,2. Swell- ing of the left inner malleolus; it hurt only on walking ; but on walking a longer time it ceased hurting (after seven days),1. Profuse sweat, mostly on the abdomen and thighs, when walking,1. Perspiration the whole day, after twenty-four hours,1. Very weak (after eight, twenty-four hours),1. AMMONIUM CARB.—Symptom 178, for^ " \" read "3." 195, for " in the forenoon," read " before midnight." 218, for " moral," read "mental." 350, omit " with thirst." 373, add " (the sixth day)." 424, after "stomach," read "also." 427, prefix "pressive." 499 and 554, for"1," read "3." 564, for "body," read abdomen." 594, add "soon followed by a catarrhal irritation in the nose, and ^ore painful scratching and scraping in the throat, with difficult hawking up of a little mucus, after half an hour,2." 714, after "inward," add " forcibly." 729 is com- posed of parts of two symptoms, namely, " Bruised pain in the left thumb, in the cold air (the second day),3; jerking-griping in the left thumb, as if in the bone, with yawning (eleventh day),3." 760, add " on the knee." 843, for "affects her head," read "causes coryza." Add the jolhwing: The lower lip is cracked in the middle and bleeds, with burning pain,1. The upper lip is painful as if cracked,1. The lips are cracked, and the corners of the mouth sore,1. Lips dry, cracked, chapped, with burning, and a feel- 4 A CRITICAL REVISION OF THE ing as if covered with blisters,3. Pain and swelling of the glands beneath the chin, with tension in them on moving the mouth,3. A swelling as large as a pigeon's egg on the jaw beneath the gum, which pains violently on simply moving the., jaw while chewing,1. Frequent heartburn, stitches in the chest after supper,1. Discomfort with pressure in the stomach and fore- head, immediately after a meal, lasting several hours (after four hours),1- Sweat on the scrotum,1. Catarrh, with deafness and burning in the region of the stomach,1. Ffequeut hawking on account of accumulation of mucus iu the throat,3. A frequent stitch at the heart,1. Sudden stitches in the right loin,1. Chilliness when undressing,1. Violent headache after walking in the open air, which lasts through the evening,1. Auxiety in the even- ing in bed,1. She cannot lie quietly,1. AMMONIUM MUR.—Symptom 90, add "(first day.)" 94, for " hours," read " days." 198, for " right," read " left." 226, for " hours," read " days." 282, for " first day," read " second and ninth days." 291, add " 7 p.m." 292 comprises the following: "reddish clear urine, with neither sediment nor cloud, during the menses,1, " and " urine deep yellow, saturated with loose, flocculent sediment (sixth day),1." 408,for "to," read " in," in both places. 512, for " shoulders and in the back," read " shoul- ders and in the nape of the neck." 560, for " evening," read " morning." Add: Frequent flushes of heat in the head, of short duration, in the after- noon (twenty-fifth day),1. Tearing stitches in the right side of the chin,2. Diarrhoea, with pains in the abdomen, back, small of the back, and limbs, after every meal,2. Frequent distension of the abdomen ; relieved by emission of flatus, in the evening before the menses (fifteenth day),1. Great swelling of the abdomen, as far up as the stomach, which even is very tense, for half an hour, then two evacuations with disappearance of the above distension, in the evening (first day),1. Cutting pain in the whole abdomen at 7 p.m., extending to the groins and small of the back, disappearing after an ordinary stool (nineteenth day),1. Stools always hard through the whole proving,1. Oppression of the chest, like a dry catarrh,2. A small, very sensitive, and inflamed pimple on the top of the right scapula, which does not suppurate (third day),1. Violent tearing in the middle of the first phalanx of the left index finger, as she stretched it out after holding a vessel; relieved by flexing it; it seemed stiff, so that she could not stretch it out; during the menses (seventeenth day),1. Some vesicles on the front of the chest and on the left leg, which first itch then burn (after nineteen days),1. She cannot fall asleep before midnight on account of cold feet,2. Dreams of illness, of having a rash,'. ANACARDIUM.—Symptom 5, for " at," read " beneath." 11, for "walk- ing," read "standing still while walking." 24, for "annoyance," read "insults." 42, add "he cannot of himself hit upon anything." 98. be- fore " tearings," read "jerking." 125, for " eyeball," read " eyeballs." 216, for "taste," read "relish." 224, add "(after two hours)." 287, add "(after half an hour)." 336, omit "and a half." 371, for "stooping," read "sitting bent." 405, for " back," read " nape downward." 433, add "and fingers." 447 comprises parts of two symptoms; they should read " repeated tearings in the right thumb, extending as far as the elbow, as if an ulcer would form,';" and "tickling itching on the little finger, in the evening after lying down, relieved only by violent rubbing and pressure; seeming to be seated not in the flesh but deeper,*." 458, for "pain," read " drawing." 497 is composed of " burning pain in a small spot in the middle of the lower leg, on the anterior and rather on the outer portion,*," and ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PURE MATERIA MEDICA. 5 " burning as of glowing sparks on the lower legs,1." 578, for "one place," read "affected places." 633, for "dinner," read " midday nap." 653 should read " warm perspiration over the abdomen, back, and forehead, with moderate warmth of the re*t of the body, in the evening by an open window (after twelve hours),3." Add: Great weakness of memory ; he does not know how to help himself with speech,1. Short-sightedness very much diminished ; curative action (after forty-eight hours),6. Pressive tearing and beating as if something would suppurate in the cartilage of the ear and in the inner ear ; on boring with the finger it is aggravated, and there arises a sensation as if something had stopped the meatus (after ten hours),5. Pressive drawing on the upper surface of the left forearm, soon,*. Perspi- ration over the whole bodv by an open window, with thirst for milk,3. ANGUSTURA.—Symptom 55, add " (after five hours)." 72, for " right," rearl " left," 90, for " a half," read " three-quarters." 102, for " \" read " *." 143, for " '," read " 7." 189. for " rectum," read " auus " twice ; and for " two days," read " three days." 198, for " three," read " two." 229, for "a pollution," read "an orgasm." 242, add "(after fifteen hours)." 248, for "brought together," read "crossed;" and for " they feel," read "she feels." 259. for "expectoration," read "inspiration." 281, for "two," read " three." 305, add, " the whole night long." 325, for " half," read "quarter of." 327. omit the first " for a long time." 355, for "three," read " eight." 368, add " Rafter six hours)." 388, " for quarter of," read " half." 408, for " left heel," read " heel and ball of left foot;" and for "still," read "firm." 416, for "standing upon the foot," read "making a step." 509, for "'," read "6." Add; (A burrowing in the lower jaw) (after eighteen hours),1. ANTIMONIUM CRUD.— Symptom 5, for " *," read " \" 32, for " ver- tigo," read "vertex." 62, for "Smashing," read "Swashing." 75, for "with," read " without." 95, 148, and 174, for "dinner," read "eating." 113, for "roughness," re:td "rawness." 143, for "cheerfulness," read " vigor." 185, for " gland," read "glands ;" and for "appears," read "ap- pear." 210. add "(after one hour)." 224, add "tenth day." 251, for " larynx," read " trachea." 259, for "young men," read " children." 267, add "(eighth day)." 228, for "worse on," read "caused aud aggravated by." 282, for " Straining," read "Tightness." 289, for "immediately on rising," read " early in the morning." 308, for " days," read " hours." 335, for " painful," read " painless." 336, for " after," read " followed by." 340, before "tibia" add "right." 342, for "lower joint of," read " very low down on." 413, for " blisters," read " pocks." 415, for " pimple," read " pimples." 423.after " dots," add " especially." 429,for " left," read " right." 462, for "trembles," read "struggles." 466, for "body," read "back." 477, add "(twelfth day)." Add: Scraping on palate, with hawking of much mucus (after five weeks),2. Qualmish nausea,8. Constipation for three days,1. Frequent desire to urinate, but little is discharged (after five days),8. He feels badly iu the heat of the sun and in warm air, even on slight motion and work,10. Wine-drinking especially aggravates the symp- toms,10. Feels best in rest and cold air,10. Death by apoplexy fifteen days after a few grains,10. Waking at night, with desire to urinate,1. ANTIMONIUM SUL. AUR.— Add: Dry racking cough, with invol- untary copious discharge of urine, in a woman who received the golden Sulphuret of antimony for cough, with profuse perspiration (Caspari, Hahnemann, Chr. Krankheiten),2. ARGENTUM MET. Symptom 66, for "twelve," read "twenty-four." 6 A CRITICAL REVISION OF THE 113 and 141, for " rawness," read "scratching." 114, before "sore" add " painfully." 207, for "two or three fits of cough," read "cough in two or three shocks." 222, for " eight," read " three." 226, for " irritation read "scratching." 240, before " sternum " add " middle of the." 254. add " after one hour." 265, add " after thirty-six hours." 317, for " six," read " one." 326, add " of the left arm." 433. before " wrist" add " left. 449, add "after sixty-five hours." Add: Sticking beneath the right nipple, without affecting inspiration or expiration,2. Tearing beneath the right nipple,2. Burning on the tip of the right elbow (after six hours),2. ARNICA.-Symptom 12, for " 2," read "21." 18, add " everything en- rages her." 24,*for " irritable,'' read " absorbed in self." 52, for " '," read "V 73, for "7," read "V 153, add "(after two hours)." 155, for " twenty-four," read " two/' 182, after " sleep," add " (after three hours)." 206, before " otherwise," add " body." 211, for " half," read " one-eighth of." 252, add " (after four hours)." 277, for " body," read " abdomen." 298, before "7," add "(after half an hour)." 404, for " twenty-six," read " thirty-six." 437, add " (after twentv-four hours)." 439, for "half," read "quarter." 463, for " days," read "hours." 508. for " chest," read " abdomen:' 556, after " stomach," add " on touch." 588, for " vertebrae," read "muscles." 765, after " dull," add "(numb)." 888, for "*,_" read " 3." Add: Burrowing in the pit of the stomach, and a sensation as if some- thing were knotting itself up,*. ARSENICUM ALB.—Symptom 25, add "or can endure." 36, for " nine hours," read "one hour." 39, for "despondent," read "tender." 93. add after " thing," " insulted and." 113, for " indifference," read " se- riousness." 130, before " waking," add " intoxicated." 188, after " head," add " through much pain." 193, for " stand still," read " rise easily." 249, add " 2 o'clock." 341, for " dUortion," read " rigidity." 401, for " ,0," read " 1." 444, before " hours," add " and five." 480, before " towards," add " worse." 599, for " 9," read " *." 630, for " red," read " sore." 921. add " but not at night" 942, for " '," read " 7." 998, for " 36," read " 89." 1110, for " 159," read " 59." 1194, for " constant and considerable burning," read " constant burning and considerable oppression." 1196, for "5I," read "61." 1257, for "hard," read "acute." 1424. before "prickings," read "slow." 1435, for " day," read " hour." 1496. add " for two days." 1560, omit " some- times." * 1567, omit " often." 1774, for " ;" read " ," and for "on," read " or." 1816, after " night," add " about 3 o'clock." 1827, after " quick," read "small." 1963, add " 1." 2095, add " obliging scratching," andfor " \" read " 7." 2155, for "knee," read " knees," and add " (after two hours)." 2310, for" bed," read "sleep." and for " twelve," read " thirty-six." 2380, for " *3," read " 1." 2457, for " lost control of her senses," read " cannot con- trol her thoughts." 2458, omit " with vomiting." 2401, for " legs," read " feet." 2645, add " (after six days)." 2647, before " irresistible," add "al- most." 2759, for " head," read " bed," and add " in the evening." Add : Easily frightened,1. Agglutination of the external canthus by matter in the morning,10. Black around the mouth,23. The child vomits after eating and drinking; will neither eat nor drink,but sleeps well,1. Unusual pains in the prsecordial region,60. Feeling as if he would burst before the diar- rhoea,23. Desire to urinate every minute, with burning in the bladder,1. Long-continued cou^h for several minutes in the evening, with nausea and efforts to vomit,'. Sudden oppression of the chest, threatening suffocation, with want of breath while walking, with weakness and extreme exhaus- tion,47. Suffocative catarrh (Misc. n. 1., Dec. Ill, on 9, 10.) Drawing ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PURE MATERIA MEDICA. 7 pain in the arms,5. Painful nodes on the right arm,*3. Biting itching which provokes scratching on the forearm near the wrist,7. Corrosive itch- ing on the right thigh near the groin, with irritation to scratch (after four and a half hours),1. Many symptoms occur only in the evening after lying down ; several two hours after midnight; not a few in the morning after rising,1. Many pains recur or are aggravated after dinner, especially while sitting,1. The symptoms appear mostly while sitting and lying, are relieved by standing and moving,1. The nightly pains can only be endured while walking about; they cannot be tolerated while sitting, and especially while lying quietly,1. The pains are almost always relieved by external warmth,1. Pains are relieved and removed by pressure on the painful part,1. ASARUM.— Symptom 28, for " half," read " quarter." 66, for " left," read " right." 72, for " ,5," read " 5." 109, add " * " and "5." 113, be- fore " one," add " after." 140, for " »," read " 8." 223, for " foot," read " sole." 239, omit brackets, and for " sleep well," read " easily fall asleep." AURUM.—Symptom 3, for " thus," read " deliriously," and for " many other such foolish questions," read " the whole delirium consisted of such questions." 40, for "coarse," read "harsh." 124, for "motion," read " touch." 137, add " (add after three-quarters of an hour)." 181, add " (after two hours)." 244, before " milk," add " cold." 319, add " (first days)." 323, after " dull," add " stinging." 365, for " larynx," read " upper part of the trachea." 412. add " near the clavicle." 414, for " eleven," read "fourteen." 425, before " shooting," add " transient." 486, before " rubbing," add " slight." 518, for "or lying down," read " and reading." Add: Lively, contented mood, desires constantly to converse with others,6. Pressive pain on the right eyeball from above downward,6. Pinching pain in the i.-chii, on the inner sides,11. Acute stitches as with needles just be- neath the right scapula near the spine (after half an hour),3. He feels well in the open air, even in the most unpleasant weather; it comforts him,2. AURUM FUL.—Symptom 1, add " especially iu children, with appre- hension." AURUM MUR.—Symptom 50, for " Deafness," read " Ringing." BARYTA AC—Symptom 16, after "speak," add "'." 46, omit "-"; add "," after "hand;" for "there is" read "with" and for "eye" and " ball," read " eyes " and " balls." 47, after " intervals," add " ,". 59, for " teeth," read " tooth " twice. 62, for " sudden," read " constant." 73, for "sitting erect," read "stretching up." 90, for " oppressure," read "op- pression." 101, for " ." -read " ,". 107, after " drawing," omit " ," and for "here and there," read "to and fro." 134, for "below the," read " beneath the upper." 145. for " several," read " soft." 153, for " bones of the right," read " bone of the upper." 167, for " rising," read " raising it." 171, for ";" read " ," and add "when sitting, with painful aching in the posterior surface of the thigh, which is aggravated on stepping, and which extends downward to the foot." 185, for " when at rest," read " as in dys- entery."* 192, before " limbs," add " lower." Add: Intolerable crawling and biting in the palm of the hand, so that she is constantly obliged to rub it,1. BARYTA CARB.—Symptom 23, for " ;", read " V 42, for " shaking," read " shattering," and, after " brain," for " ;" read " 1." 57, for " squeezing," read " screwing." 141, for "sometimes only," read "scarcely." 145, for * The mistake occurs in the original German, in which " ltuhe " is printed for "Buhr." 8 A CRITICAL REVISION OF THE " Frequent," read " Profuse." 147, for " constant," read " general." 157, for " top," read " back." 168, for " red," read "dry." 191, for " his," read "this." 213, for "Tearing," read "Tear." 261, for "to nibble," read " for dainties." 301, for " choking," read " retching." 302, for " and on stooping," read " after stooping." 332, for "Severe drawing cutting," read " Many drawing cuttings." 363, for " one day," read " \" 383, for " all night (thirtieth day)," read "every night (after thirtieth day)." 408, for " air-passages," read " trachea." 417, for " bronchi," read " trachea." 433, for " in," read " beneath." 447,450, 601, for " neck," read " nape of neck." 455, for " and," read " to." 461, for " dav," read " days." 464, for'" broke down," read " dragged downward." 472, after "afternoon," for " ," read " ;" ; omit " ;" after "evening" and "night," and after "sweat" add "and." 474, before "shoulder-joint," add "left." 499, 500, 503, for " last," read " first." 506, 538, 543, 545, 485, for " legs," read " lower ex- tremities." 511, for " torn off," read " drawn downward." 543, for " feet," read " heels." 560, for " Pinching," read " Cramp." 566, before "stick- ing," add "burning." 587, for "Trembling," read "Beating." 576, add ";" after "profusely;" omit ";" after "day;" and add ";" after " nau- seated." 584, for " Drawing," read " Tearing." 585, for " weakness," read " indolence." 586, before " whole," add " skin of the." 592, for " *," read " V 623, for "2," read "V 635, for "all," read "every." 649, for " with," read "followed by." 654, before " fourteenth," add "after." Add: During dinner some symptoms seemed relieved,2. The pains in the abdomen were partly relieved by eructations and partly by warm applica- tions,2. The pains in the chest were partly relieved by eructations and partly by warm applications,2. Many symptoms arise while sitting and are relieved by standing, and disappear on moving about,2. Many symptoms disappear in the open air,2. Reveries and stupefaction at night, as in fever,1. BELLADONNA.—Symptom 2, add " (after ten hours)." 12, 33, 65, 71, 151, 329, 1928, for " she," read " he." 12, 32, 329, 1928, for " her," read " his." 33, add " (after two hours)." 110, for " one to eight," read " one-half, six and eight." 137, for " Constant," read "Unruly." 163, add " (after one-eighth of an hour, after two, and within eight hours)." 188, add " (after one and sixteen hours)." 210, for " Disordered," read " Loss of." 254, for " thev," read " he," and for " their," read " his." 324, add "(after six hours)"." 357, for "in," read "of," and for "he," read "it." 406, add " (after three-quarters of a»n hour)." 411, for " be- hind forward," read "from before backward." 434, omit " (after five and twenty-four hours)." 464, add " (after half an hour)." 479, for "half hours," read "quarter hours." 558, add "(after twenty-eight hours)." 568, for " within outward," read " without inward." 646, for "one and a half," read " one and a quarter." 727, add " (after fifteen hours)." 751, for "below the ear," read "from within outward." 796, for "91 " read "73." 807, for " »7' read "50." 826, add " (after six weeks)." 928, after " whole cheek," add "with burning and sticking in the red portion, and boring and throbbing in the whole cheek." 931, for " night," read " after- noon." 954, for "14," read "9." 960, add "(after two days)." 982, 2449, for " hours," read " days." 985, add " (after quarter of an hour)." 998, for " gum," read " palate." 1056, for " throat," read " tongue." 1078, add " (after five, six, and seven days)." 1106, for " Extraordinary," read "Spoiled." 1117, add " and dilated pupils (after two and three hours)." 1124, for " afterwards," read " after the." 1208, for " Strong," read " Vis- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PURE MATERIA MEDICA. 9 ible." 1239, add "(after thirty hours)," and for "235," read"1." 1275, transpose " right" and " left." 1309, for " after," read " toward." 1344, add " (after one hour)." 1351, before " after," a'dd " especially;" after " eat- ing" add " (after twenty-four hours) ;" and after " later," add " (after five hours)." 1353, for "Violent," read "Painful." 1398, for "half." read " quarter of." 1420, add " (while walking)." 1435, add "in the evening." 1440, add " (after eleven days)." 1455, for "protruding," read "cutting upward." 1468, for "stool," read "motion." 1552, for "123," read"4." 1583, add " '." 1629, for " n," read " 1." 1637, for " sixteen," read " ten." 1676, omit "insensibility." 1709, add "(after ten hours)." 1712, for " cough," read " hawking" 1714, add " in the forenoon." 1755, for " eight hours," read " five hours." 1783, for " three hours," read " half an hour." 1784, add " (after seventy-two hours)." 1793. for " after dinner and sup- per," read " toward noon and eveniug." 1897, omit " leg." 1907, for '/20," read "*°." 1949, for " eight," read "five." 1952, for " on the follow- ing day," read "thereupon." 1975, should read " Cutting tearing in the lower muscles of the right forearm during rest (after five and a half hours),3;" and "Cutting tearing in the lower muscles of the left forearm (after three-quarters of an hour),3." 2037, for "half," read "quarter." 2044, for " a quarter of an hour," read " four hours." 2108, add " burning hot." 2122, add " with unchanged pulse." 2177. add "and leg." 2190, for "body," read "mind." 2208, for "taste," read " touch." 2278, 2361, for*" with," read " without." 2288, for " palmar surface of foot," read " palm." 2289, for " boils." read " blisters." 2309. add " (after five hours)." 2325, before " feet," add "soles of;" and for "4," read "7." 2328, for " half," read " quarter." 2343, for "5 to "," read " 5 to 9." 2380, for " light," read " slight." 2394, 2419, add " (after fiftv-four hours)." 2413, for " convulsions," read '< twitchings." 2429, for " 235," read " 50." 2462, for " 222," read "31." 2478, for " and," read " or." 2494, add " (heat before the head)." 2499, omit "for twelve days." 2502, add "(after eight hours)." 2506, after " heat," insert " ) ;" and for " about," read " burning in." 2538, after " hot stage," insert " scarcely any thirst during the chill, and none at all during the heat and sweat."* Add: Confusion of sense the whole day ; does not know what he is doing,11. Confusion and duluess of the whole head, as from a distressing feeling of beginning intoxi- cation,3. Tearing pressure here and there in the head, especially in the fore- head and temporal region,7. Tearing pressure here and there in the head (after five hours),7. Drawing pain from the temple to over the right orbit,1. Boring and throbbing in the right side of the head, similar to that in the cheek, aggravated by every motion,9. Slight sticking headache in the whole forehead (after an hour and a half),13*. Tearing over the eyebrow,*. Violent tearing headache in the sinciput (after eight hours),3. Drawing in the fore- head,9. On stooping the blood shoots to the forehead,2. A painful boil on the temple,1. Falling out of the hair for an hour (alter twenty four hours),1. Sweat only on the face,1. Redness and heat of the whole face, as if he had been drinking wine,*. Dark-red face,65. The eyes close and become watery,13. After waking in the morning the eyes close of themselves ; she cannot keep them open, until she gets out of bed,9. Salt water constantly ruus from the eyes.*. Increased heat and sensation of heat in the eyes,12. Pressure * While preparing Belladonna, we were induced to follow a former preparation of the pathogenesis, and laudably but disastrously endeavored to condense the symp- toms. We now repair damages, and beg to assure our readers that no other drug will be found so mutilated. 10 « A CRITICAL REVISION OF THE in the eyes and watering of them, especially in the morning,5. Tearing in the eye, starting from the inner canthus,13. Pupils contracted, difficult to dilate,1. A white scale in the left pupil, which is extremely dilated,*. Sight sometimes entirely lost, at others only diminished, with extremely dilated and almost immovable pupils,32. It becomes dim, dark, and black before the eyes (after an hour and a quarter),238. Amaurosis'for three days; cannot read print,42. Obscuration of vision, as from a fog before the eyes,10. Glistening, glassv eyes,81. Crawling on the tip of the nose, disap- pearing on rubbing,14. Ulcers on the lips which break,50. Small pimples, one on the upper lip near the right wing of the nose, covered with a scab, another beneath the margin of the lower lip and on the inner skin of the lower lip ; both with biting pain as from salt water,*. A pimple on the margin of the lip equidistant from the middle and the corner, changing to an ulcer, and covered with a scab, and paining like an inflamed part,1. Cramp drawing the mouth obliquely, risus sardonicus,76. A pimple with biting, corroding pain beneath the lip externally and to the side,1. A pimple on the side-of the chin, with itching stitching, or rather stitches than itching; the sensation was relieved by scratching,1. Several small pimples on the chin,1. Several small rashlike pimples on the chin, with a burning sensation on touch (after three days),*. Red boil at the angle of the lower jaw, hard and painless except when pressed upon, when there is a stinging pain,1. Sharp stitches on the lower margin of the right lower jaw,1*. In the lower jaw (in a gland?) a pain (a jerking drawing?) which suddenly shot inward and suddenly disappeared,13a. Cramplike tense sensation in the left side of the neck, in the cervical muscles, even when not moving it (after a quarter of an hour),8. Stiffness of the neck so that she could not lay the head on the side,9. Swollen cervical glands, painful at night; not painful on swallowing,2. Stiffness of the nape of the neck,2. Drawing in the cervical muscles,*. Drawing-pressing pain in the right cervical muscles,*. Fine stitches in the pit of the throat,'4. Pressing sensation on the left side of the larynx, aggravated by external pressure (after half an hour),8. Pressing pain in the nape of the ueck, close to the occiput, not affected by motion (after three hours),8. Violent stitches in the nape of the neck, in the region between the second and third cervical vertebrae, frequently returning, on carrying the head erect (after three-quarters of an hour),8. He often spits out tenacious mucus,40. Very bad odor from the mouth in the morning on waking,1. Feeling of great dry- ness in the moist mouth, with stickiness and great thirst,13*. Sensation of excessive dryness in the mouth, though the tongue was always moist,13*. Excessive dryness of the mouth, which constricted the throat,13*. Dryness of the mouth, fauces, and nose, 20 50. Everything on the palate seems raw and sore; especially painful ou touch of the tongue and on chewing, as if the skin were denuded, lasting several days (after six days),13*. Dryness of the fauces and burning on the tongue,61. Sore throat; constriction of the throat, which hinders swallowing (after three hours),1. Foul taste in the mouth, as from foul meat, two hours after eating (after eight hours,)12. Increased appetite (curative action),1. Violent thirst at noon (recurring several days at the same hour),9. Something midway between eructations and hiccough,1. Air seems to have collected beneath the sternum, disap- pearing with rumbling in the abdomen, whereupon the nausea continues to get worse,9. Constrictive pain in the pit of the stomach,12. Pressure upon the pit of the stomach causes a pressing-out ache in the side of the abdo- men,1. Constriction in the umbilical region,10. Constrictive pain in the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PURE MATERIA MEDICA. 11 abdomen ; she was obliged to bend up on account of the pain,1. Extremely painful clawing together in the umbilical region, coming from the sides into the navel,13*. Pressing-sticking pain in the umbilical region (after twenty-four hours),10. Ou going to stool shivering creeps over the child,1. He is unable to press during stool,5. Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge (alter one hour),11. Incessant urging to urinate,20. Flow of urine with sweat, good appetite, and prostration,40. Flow of urine, diar- rhoea, and appetite,40^ Much too profuse urine,46. The prepuce becomes drawn back behind the glans penis, on account of which there is a disa- greeable sensation in the uncovered glans (after four hours),12. Two emis- sions in one night,1. Voluptuous pictures and stories excite neither his fantasies nor his sexual organs ; he remains indifferent (after twenty hours),1. Nightly sweat on the breast during the menses, with nightly yawning and chill creeping over the back,*0. Tightness of the chest, like a dry catarrh, which provokes dry cough,1. Pressure upon the chest, which seems upon the heart,1. Sudden heat rises from the abdomen into the chest and sud- denly disappears (after half an hour),14. Stitches in one of the mammae (after three hours),1. Painful stitches in the left side of the chest, not affecting breathing,1*. Milk comes into the breast of a woman not preg- nant, and runs out. On the left breast there appears small scattered pimples, with crawling, itching, relieved by rubbing,1. Paralytic drawing in the elbow,'. On the left arm, beneath the elbow, a pimple, dark red, without sensation or suppuration, with sore pain when touched (after nine days),7. A pimple beneath the right elbow, with stinging pain when touched,14. He cannot easily crack the fingers,1. Excessive pains in the leg, obliging him to stretch out the foot,50. Cramp in the calf on bending the leg, in the evening in bed ; disappearing on stretching the leg (after seventy-two hours),1. A stitch in the affected part, extending to the head, as though one inadvertently pricked oneself, while walking, on every second or third step, not while sitting,'. Gnawing pain in the affected parts (after one hour),'. The external application of Belladonna makes the parts sensitive to the free air,1. Ulcers pain almost only at night (from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.), burning as if something would press outward, and the part seems paralyzed and stiff (after forty-eight hours),1. Ulcers become covered with black scabs, as from dried blood,1. The ulcers exude almost only bloody matter,1. The ulcers become painful to touch, almost a burning pain (after four hours),1. Ariolent itching in ulcers (after one hour),1. Cutting pain in ulcers during rest, and tearing pain on moving the part (after twenty hours),1. Sore pain around the ulcer (after four hours),1. Soreness in the bends of the joints,1. Sudden, excessive, cramplike pain in one side of the chest, one side of the abdomen, and one loin, or one elbow; especially during sleep, so that she bends the painful part inward and together (after eight, six- teen, and thirty hours),'. Drawing pain in the feet, extending upward to the scapulae, and thence to the fingers, at last into the teeth, which there- upon seem on edge and become loose,'. Drawing pain in all the limbs,1. All the symptoms are worse in the afternoon, especially about three or four o'clock; more tolerable in the forenoon,1. Severe risus sardonicus,1. Slight convulsive movements of the limbs,29. The most violeut spasms after a slight vexation, which compel him to run to the wall,138. Weari- ness and anxiety, with spasms of the limbs,40. Insensibility, rattling respi- ration, and twitchings of the hands and feet,17. Weary and restless in the limbs, on account of pain; she constantly wanted to place the limbs in another position, early in the morning,9. Trembling, with convulsive shiv- 12 A CRITICAL REVISION OF THE ering,1. Trembling of the heart in the forenoon,1. So weary in the even- ing that he could scarcely walk (after fifty hours),1. Aversion to and dread of work, of movement (after one and five'hours),1. Weariness throughout every day, and in the afternoon, sleepiness,4. Great prostration, with short breath, especially in the evening,1. Stupefaction, which compels sleep in the forenoon; he sleeps very soundly for an hour and a half; after waking, great hunger, with violent burning heat and dryness of the mouth, without thirst; followed by hacking cough, with offensive breath, as of human faeees,6. At the time of falling asleep he did not know whether he were dreaming or awake,4. Suffocative snoring, only on inspiration during sleep,1. Sleeplessness, with relief of the pains at night,1. Constant stupefaction and sleepiness (after four hours),3. In the morning, very weary and dizzy,9. Slumber, with small, weak, irregular pulse,19. In the after- noon, an attack of frequent yawning, stretching, and filling of the eyes with water (after forty-eight hours),1. Violent thirst after midnight and in the morning,1. Great thirst in the morning,*. She is deathly pale, quite dead, and as cold as snow,9. Ice-cold hands in the morning, with dulness of the head, and weeping,1. Coldness of the whole body, with pale face,1. Cold feet, with heat within the ear, in the evening,1. Coldness over the whole body, especially in the feet,4. Cold hands and feet, with rather profuse cold sweat on the feet (after ten hours),12. Unusually cold sensation in the lower legs, mostly in the feet (after five hours),10. Chill after eating,1. She becomes chilly during sleep, and feels the coldness ; is also cold ou waking,1. Shivering as soou as cold air blows on her; in other respects she feels better in the open air,9. Shivering over one arm,4. Shivering over the abdomen,*. Febrile shivering and coldness of the hands,13. Shiverings over the arms and abdomen ; not on the head (after two hours),1. Shiverings creep down the back at short intervals, without subsequent heat,'4. Fever, alternations of chill and heat,2. The veins of the limbs are swollen; the cervical arteries beat so that ou opening the jaws a little the lower jaw beats against the upper with every beat of the heart, causing a slight gnashing of the teeth, with warmth, and a feeling of warmth over the whole body, especially in the head,5. He feels much too hot at night in bed, especially towards morning, and yet he does not dare to uncover; the uncovered part is painful as from a chill,1. Slight motion (walking) causes heat of the body,1. Red swelling of the whole body,20. General hot and cold gangrene (and rapid decomposition of the body after death),54. Heat of the body, with sweat (after two hours),10. He feels very hot, sweats all over, but is not thirsty,1. Cold sweat ou the forehead (after one hour),13. Sweat during sleep, after midnight,1. No sweat at night during sleep, but in sleep during the day,1. Sweat as soon as he covers up in bed, especially on the upper parts,*. The covered parts only sweat in the evening in bed,1. Sweat very early in the morning, about two or three o'clock, after waking, on covering the arms ; it ceases on uncovering them,1. In the morning, alternating sweat; it rises from the feet into the face, which especially sweats ; immediately afterwards it becomes cool,9. Dur- ing the febrile heat, when the hands are covered in bed, general sweat; but when they are put out of bed, general chill,1. Anxiety in the region of the heart (after three hours),10. Anxiety,50. Frequent groaning, especially in the morning, without saying why or what pains caused it,1. Groaning and moaning at every expiration,1. He prattles unintelligible nonsense, with extreme senselessness,*0. Aimless sitting behind the stove, she busies herself making songs, and sings loud and lustily, though without sense and * ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PURE MATERIA MEDICA. 13 quite foolishly ; she also whistles at times, but will not eat or drink ; there- with she sees and hears nothing, with pale face and sweat on the fore- head,5. Very irritable mood, with great dryness of the mouth,1. Horrible words and curses in broken syllables,29. Howling and screaming about trifles, aggravated by soothing words, with easily dilating and very easily contracting pupils,1. Delirium, he dreads decaying while still alive,1. BISMUTHUM OX.—Symptom 7, for "head," read " brain." 16, for "Sudden," read "Constant." 61, before " beating," add "severe." 71, after " especially," add " violent," 78, for " less," read " more." 99, add " in the afternoon." Add: Metallic, sweetish-sour taste on the back of the tongue,2. Great thirst for cold drinks in the evening, without heat (after six and twelve hours),*. BORAX.—Symptom 11, for "shock," read "shot." 16,19,33,40, 76, 126, 138, 143, 163, 310, 342, for "day," read "days." 52, add "from within outward." 56, for "in," read "near." 67, for " removes," read "puts on." 73, omit " three" and "in succession." 87, omit "right." 128, for "thirty-second," read "thirty-third." 139, for " burning," read " swelling." 141, for "a," read " the," and for "tooth," read " teeth." 150, before " lower," add " upper and." 183, for " first." read " ninth." 220, for "region," read "pit." 226, before "stomach," add "pit of." 235, before " three weeks," add "after." 256, add "soft to touch," and for "second and third," read "twenty-third." 322, for "fifteen," read "five." 333, add " lasting two hours." 344, for " he has," read " it causes." 372, after "stitches," add " and drawing." 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, tor "back," read "small of back." 407, for "at the same time," read "in the same manner." 410, for " of the toes," read " and toes." 413, for " three," read " two." 422, for " worse," read " sweat." 424, for " it had been beaten," read " beating something." 432, after "pains," add " long." 455, after " mood," add " (fourth day),1." BRYONIA.—Symptom 43, add " loss of power of reflecting." 102, for "morning" read "head" 136, for " motion," read " shooting" 143, for '■breakfast," read" daylight" 145, for " outward," read "asunder." 146, for "stooping," read "stepping." 151, for "then on," read "through." 183, for " even," read "only." 254, 303, for " without," read "within out- ward." 263, for "downward," read "inward." 303, for"2," read "3." 312, for " under," read " in," twice. 329, add " on the left side." 357, for " it," read " everything." 386, after " externally," add ",", and for " sore," read " more" 410, for " cheek," read " teeth." 503, after " throat," erase and read "as if one had an offensive breath. Her mouth tastes as decay- ing meat smells; while eating she notices nothing of it,1." 612, add " 1." 678, add "immediately,6." 724, before "stomach," read "pit of." 480, add "low down." 868, for "Intermitting," read "Intense." 938, for "thirty-eight," read "thirty." 977, for "cutting in the forepart of the bowels," read " preceded by cutting in the bowels." 1135, omit "," after " breath," and for " stitching," read " speech." 1168, for " portion," read "oppression." 1187, erase all after "believes," and read "she cannot walk in the open air without pain there." 1221, for " behind," read "after." 1399, after " arm," add " especially." 1523, for " legs," read " lower ex- tremities." 1612, for "grows," read "aches." 1615, for " in," read "of the " 1621, for " 10," read " 1," and for " in consequence," read " if un- conscious." 1684, for " she," read " he." 1755, for "Sudden," read "Con- stant." 1808. for " many other," read " entirely different," and for " ab- sent " read " strange." 1829, for " toss some one out of the window," read * 14 A CRITICAL REVISION OF THE " break some one's window." 1889, add " with redness." 1922, for " wash- ing," read "wiping." Add: Colic associated with anxiety, rendering breathing difficult; relieved by walking about,1. Causes evacuations of the bowels,1. Pressure in the pit of the stoma-h, which oppresses her chest,1. Involuntary jerking of the fingers of both hands on motion,3. Visible jerking in the arms and feet while sitting, during the day,1. Does not like the open air as well as formerly,2. He believes that he feels better while lying,1. CALCAREA ACET.—Symptom 4, for "some evil were impending or to be dreaded in the future," read "he had committed a crime or feared re- proaches." 9, erase all after " talk," and read "as soon as he came from the open air, where he felt well, into the house, with increased headache,"2. 14, for " impending," read "passing." 21. after "head," add "on stoop- ing." 44, after " boring," add " outward." 60, for " would become," read "were." 79, omit " immediately." 95, before "upper," add " right." 113, for " day ," read "hour." 124, for "immediate," read "hot." 158, for " at," read " first." 178, for " pain," read " stitches." 184, for " Sharp," read "Jerking." 211, for "evening," read "even." 250, omit "and thinking." 260, for "even," read " evening." Add: Heavy headache while standing after stooping, with pressure from within out in the whole forehe.id, especially over the left eye (after five and a half hours),3. Milk tastes sour, and he is averse to it,3. CALCAREA CARB — Symptom 12, for "irritable," read "irresistible." 16, for " imagined," read "sought for." 17, add " (first days)." 21, after " she, " insert " were or." 27, for " happen," read " be heard of." 59, for "Sudden," read "Constant." 75, for "in paroxysms," read "even to falling." 80, before "after," read "as." 93, for " several hours," read "several mornings." 96, 97, for "shivering," read "shattering." 97, for "left," read "right." 107, omit "out." 112, for " to," read "at." 190, after " audible," add " to himself." 191, for " hours," read " days." 221, before "burning," add "itching." 225, add " after nineteen days." 251,693, 1373, for " she," read " he." 255, for " near," read " in." 284, for " Lach- rymation," read "Lachrymose." 320, after "that," add "sometimes." 321, 387, 703, 1586, for " day," read " days." 339, for " to touch," read " on motion." 345, for " from," read " before." 360, before " sneezing," add " much" 369, for "thirteenth," read "eighteenth." 409, transpose " lower" and " red." 415, for " a swollen tooth," read " the teeth." 421, for " extending to," read " from out." 520, for " it," read " the jaw." 591, add " and heat." 603, for " retching," read " pressure." 623, after "stomach," add "and abdomen." 636, for "across," read "through." 639, before " stool," read " the morning." 654, for " Dragging," read "Jerk- ing." 656, for "ribs," read " rib." 660, for " around," read "justabove." 696, for "and during," read "after." 790, for "during," read "after." 812, for " colic," read " pain in liver." 906, 1053, 1112, for " back," read " small of back." 949, add " on coughing." 953, for " walking," read " moving." 969, add " (first day)." 992, read " Disappearance of milk in a nursing woman (after forty-eight hours),1." 1011, for " raising," read "moving." 1025, after "sound," add "on every inspiration," and for "every," read "the." 1037, after "tumor," add "or boil." 1039, for " burnt," read "sprained." 1058, omit " (first day)." 1080, for "left side," read " small." 1078, for " fine," read " violent." 1085, 1095, for "lifting," read " strainiug." 1091, before "dragging," add "constant." 1195, for " third," read " three." 1236, for "joints," read " bones." 1261, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PURE MATERIA MEDICA. 15 after " thigh," insert " when at rest." 1285, for " Tearing," read " Draw- ing." 1291, after "jerking," add " upward." 1292, for " he," read " it." 1298, for "pain," read "bending." 1401, for "he," read "she." 1402, before " lie," add " allow them to." 1439,1476, for " skin," read " chin." 1464, before "painful" add " large" 1518, for " she could not get rested," read "her rest ivas disturbed" 1524, for "before," read "after." 1531, 1598, for " from," read " up in." 1538, for " \" read " n." 1551, for " all," read "every." 1556, for " death," read " murder." 1613, add " in bed." Add: Toothache only while eating,1. Constant fulness,1. Painful swollen gland the size of a horse bean in the groin (after twenty days),1. Cough, with expectoration of mucus from time to time,1. CAMPHORA.—Symptom 17, add " (after half an hour)." 27, for " were considered naughty and would be punished," read " thinks he has been insulted and scolded." 106, 580, for " twelve hours," read " half an hour." 199, before " very," read " two." 200, 268, for " outward," read "upward." 236, for " as large as," read " larger than." 346, for " when swallowing, and even more when not swallowing," read " when not swallowing, worse on swallowing." 414, for "fourteen hours," read "one-fourth of an hour." 458, for "difficulty," read "symptoms," and before " bladder," add " re- gion of." 511, for " Short," read " Shorter," and for " and," read " thau." 532. for " breathing," read " inspiration." 654, for " half," read " quarter." 714, omit ",", and for " mostly," read "motion." 733, for "who," read " how." 774, for " only able," read " able." 827, for " is unable to endure slight cold," read "takes cold easily." 828, for "Frequent," read "Evi- dent." 837, add " after eating." 900, for " from smelling," read " having the odor of." CANNABIS SAT.—Symptom 10, for " He," read " She," and for " soon," read " as if." 67, for "occiput," read "occipital bone." 170, should read "Cardiac oppression,12." 192, for "stitch," read "stretching." 390, for "Painless," read "Painful." 403, for "unable," read "before he was again able." 453, for " some," read " once." Add: Emission of much odor- less flatus every morning,3. CAPSICUM.—Symptom 42, for " Tearing," read " Drawing." 57, for " dust," read " fumes." 90, for " the teeth," read " a tooth." 91, for " A tooth," read "The teeth," for "seems," read "seem," and for "feels," read " feel." 131, after " and," insert " in." 247, for " Very," read " Several," and for " cried," read " would cry." 272, for "shoulder," read "elbow." 283, for " pressive," read " pressing-inward." 298, for " enforcing," read " inviting." 302, for " were," read " would fall." 303, after " crawling," insert " and." 304, after " Drawing," add " transient." 319, for " even," read "only." 342, for "General," read "Unusual." 364, before " sweat," insert " cool." CARBO AN.—Symptom 9, for " Depressed," read " Exhausted." 37, for " table," read " meal." 46, for " chillness," read " stupidity." 48, for "struggled," read "staggered." 76, insert " ;" after "externally," and omit h after " stooping." 83, for " dust from dusty," read " odor of soiled." 94, add "and forehead." Ill, for "external," read " internal." 135, for "on going into," read " while walking in." 161, for "stitching," read " tearing." 212, 696, add " in the morning." 258, before " water," insert "sour." 319, for "constriction," insert "pinching." 326, put "during menstruation " at the end of the symptom. 345, for " like oppression," read "in the lower part." 373, for "was very red," read "smelled very strono-." 377, 482, for "she," read "he." 379, for "walking," read 16 A CRITICAL REVISION OF THE " waking in the morning." 431, before " expectoration," insert " purulent." 446, for "as if she should breathe," read " upon breathing." 457, before "during," insert "most." 472, before "at," insert "and." 473, for "when," read "during." 589, after "knee," add "which bends it up." 633, for " biting," read " beating." 683, after " heat," add " ; which dis- appeared." Add: Pressure and heaviness in the occiput extending for- ward to the vertex, better in the open air, during the menses,3. Vertigo while walking, with fog before the eyes ; which forces her to walk rapidly and to the right,3. Violent scratching in the rectum after a stool,1. Violent itching in the axilla,1. Violent itching of the tip of the index finger, like the sting of a wasp.1 CARBO VEG.—Symptom 6, for "very," read "every." 58, add "in bed." 59, for " in consequence," read '' unconscious." 95, before " head," add "bones of the." 101, before "longer," add " had," and for "faint," read " have fainted." 108, omit " Tearing.". 124, for " ears," read ".hair on touch." 127, before '-pressive," add "constant." 132, before " tearing," add "dull." 133, for "side to side," read "time to time." 141, after " severe," add " short." 143, omit " (after half an hour)." 147, after " two," add " and a half." 173, after " Pressure," add " in the eyes," and before " eye," add " right." 199, transpose " after exerting the eyes," and "for some time." 219, for " suddenly," read " always." 236, after " crawl- ing," add " and tickling," and after " night," add " in bed." 243, for" also," read " so that." 294, omit the first " as." 299, for " the upper incisors," read " an upper incisor." 303, for " a," read " the," and for " tooth," read " teeth." 311, for " the teeth," read " a tooth." 314, for " some pustules," read " a pustule." 362, for " in the lower portion of," read " down." 373, for " soon," read " only." 400, for " five," read " three." 436, for " be- fore," read " caused by." 450, for " supper," read " breakfast." 500, omit "moist." 504, for "right," read " left" 505, for "under," read " towards." 523, add " constantly." 539, before " all," add " the back and." 541, for " afterwards," read " after." 564, add " (after forty-eight hours)." 591, for " anus," read " rectum." 597, for " A few," read " Two violent." 608, for " little passes," read " soon passing away." 618, add " (after twenty hours)." 621, 631, 634, for " for," read " every." 624, for " stool passes," read " desire for stool passes off." 625, for " Passage of," read " Pasty." 675, for " first," read " twelfth." 703, for " oppressed by fatigue, by speaking," read" constricted or fatigued by speaking." 713, for "she," read "he." 724, add " in the evening." 727, for" after waking," read " an hour after rising." 791, for " very," read " several." 789, for " Twitching," read "Sticking." 873, before "upper arm," add "upper part of the." 876, for " right," read " inner side of the left." 882. omit "right." 884, before " forearm," insert "right." 930, for "one hour and three-quarters," read "three-quarters of an hour." 932, for " second middle finger," read " two middle fingers." 948 for " walking," read " waking." 972, for " in," read " on." 997, for " burnt," read " sprained." 998, for " below," read " above." 1002, omit " upon them." 1015, omit " left." 1042, before " attacks" add " sudden" 1059, for " parts," read " the pulses." 1067, before " shoulders," add " between the." 1081, for " eruption on," read " irritation in." 1116, for " increased," read " relieved" 1130, for " at," read " first." 1131, for " prostration," read " perspiration." 1139, for " ten," read " sixteen." 1152, for " hours," read " days." 1180, for " Heat," read " Sweat." Add: Tearing stitch in the lower abdomen, extending to the navel,3. Thick, yellowish-white leucorrhoea,1. Greenish 6