hm**- UCTION TO THE STUDY NATURAL HISTORY, IN A SERIES OF LECTURES DELIVERED IN THE HALL OF THE COLLEGE ^^«. OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, NEW YORK. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. A BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF THE AUTHOR. ?**■ BY PROFESSOR AGASSIZ. gjjgj NEW-YORK: GREELEY & MCELRATH, TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. 1847. T X AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY NATURAL HISTORY, IN A SERIES OF LECTURES DELIVERED IN THE HALL OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, NEW-YORK. / BY PROFESSOR AGASSIZ. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. A BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF THE AUTHOR. „v NE\V-YORK: GREELEY & MCELRATH, TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. 1847. PREFACE. In accordance with the request of the Faculty of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Professor Agassiz delivered, in the Hall of that institution, during the months of October and November of the present year, a series of twelve Lectures on the various orders of animals. The celebrity of the Lecturer and the intrinsic interest and importance of the subject, attracted very large and attentive auditories. Indeed, the degree of attention excited by these admirable discourses manifested, in a very striking manner, the greatly increasing interest with which the popular mind is now directing itself to the investigation of scientific subjects. Full reporta of these Lectures were given in the columns of the " New York Tribune," and abundant evidence was afforded of the high appreciation with which they were received by the public. They are now collected together; and having been carefully prepared for this publication in a permanent form, it is believed that they will prove acceptable to all who take an interest in the study of a department of Science which is daily becoming invested with fresh attractions. The young beginner and the more advanced student of Natural History will both derive essential aid from the study of these discourses; as, while teaching first principles in an eminently lucid and comprehensive style, the Lecturer commu- nicates also the results of the most recent and elaborate investigations in the latest discovered fields of philosophical inquiry. The Lectures, with the exception of one or two, were reported by Dr. Houston, Stenographer to the Senate of the United States, and he has succeeded in giving them with literal accuracy, so as to pre- serve the characteristic style of the Lecturer. The few Lectures not reported by that gentleman, were subjected to a careful revision. Of the engravings it is only necessary to say that they were rapidly sketched from the black-board during the delivery of the Lectures, by Mr. Brydges, with perfect accuracy, and will be found to contribute essentially to the elucidation of the subjects discussed in the Lectures. Very many of the illustrations are altogether original, and cannot be met with in any of the treatises on Natural History heretofore published. New-York, December 10, 1847. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF PROF. AGASSIZ. Louis Agassiz was born on the 28th of May, 1807, in a village of the Canton of Fribourg, Swit lerland, called Mottier. His father was a clergyman, a profession to which his progenitors for five generations had been devoted. He received the first rudiments of t,cholastic education at the Gymna- sium of Bienne, where he passed several years, principally in studying the ancient languages. His passion for Natural History appeared during this period, and his vacations at home were employed in making collections. His father having removed to a parish on the Lake of Neufchatel, he made fishes an object of especial study. He went with the fishermen on their excursions, and often, with a line in his hand, passed whole days on the Lake. He soon discovered how defective Natural Hi8tory was in this department, and resolved to make good the deficiency. Having completed his studies at school, his father wished him to become a clergyman, but his natural bent was too strong to be resisted. He accordingly commenced the study of Medicine, as being mosj nearly connected with his favorite pursuits. At the Academy of Zurich he received great assistance in his Zoological investigations from the well-known Professor Schinz. Afterward he studied Anatomy at Heidelberg, under the celebrated Tiedemann, until, attracted by the remarkable body of savans collected at Munich, he resorted thither to continue his studies Here he passed four years, rather as an associate in the private studies of the Professors of the University than as a student under their instruction. He also collected around him a knot of young men of kindred spirit with himself, for the discussion of scientific subjects, and into this assembly, which was called the " Little Academy,'' even the Professors were drawn. At this time Agassiz made his first appearance as an author, and in the most honorable manner. Martins, one of the Professors at Munich, was occupied in preparing his great work on the Natural History of Brazil. To Agassiz he confided the department of Ichthyology; this portion formed a folio volume, in Latin, with plates, and at once established the reputation of the young Naturalist. His parents, who had long been dissatisfied with the devotion of their son to Natural History, which withdrew him almost wholly from his medical studies, now cut off the allqwance on which he had depended for a living. In this emergency he fell back upon his own resourcea. He exhibited to the bookseller Cotta the material he had collected for a work upon Fresh-water Fishes, and obtained from him the means of completing that work. At the same time he returned to Medicine, in order to regain the favor of his parents, and with so much success that he shortly after obtained the degree of Doctor. Subsequent to this he passed another examination, and received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Having been restored to his former relations with his parents, he received from them permission to visit Vienna in order to complete his medical studies. He did not, however, neglect his favorite pursuits, but, as before, occupied a great part of his time with Ichthyology, and especially with the department of Fossils. On his return home, he obtained from a neighboring clergyman the means of visiting Paris. There he became intimate with Cuvier, who even resigned to him a work on Fishes which he had long designed, and for which he had made extensive preparations—so high was his estimate of the gifts and learning of the young man. He remained with Cuvier until his death in 1832, when he returned to Switzerland and became Professor of Natural History in the College of Neufchatel. Before he had passed the age of thirty-four, Agassiz had been made a member of every scientific academy in Europe. Many universities invited him to become one among their Professors; and the cities of Edinburgh and Dublin, in both of which he received the degree of LL.D. enrolled him in the number of their citizens. His personal influence induced several persons of distinction to engage in the study of Natural History; among others, Sir Philip Egerton and Lord Enniskillen, whose collections are known to all paleontologists. The reputation and influence of M. Agassiz have rendered the little town of Neufchatel a nursery of Bcience, resorted to from all parts of Europe; and on his recommendation a young pupil of his, Dr. 4 Biographical Notice of Prof. Agassiz. Tschudi, who has since become known by his work on Peru, was dispatched on a voyage round the world, to collect objects of Natural History. In order to confirm the Glacial Tneory which has made bis name so famous, M. Agassiz, after having visited in succession most of the glaciers, fixed his headquarters at the glacier of the Aars, whither he went with his friends to pass his summer vacation for eight years consecutively; at first with no shelter except a large boulder lying on the middle of the glacier, which soon became famous under the name of the Hotel des Neufchatelois. Here he prosecuted the long series of researches which have since obtained so much celebrity in the scientific world. Occupied with these investigations and with his regular duties, Prof. Agassiz remained at Neufchatel until his visit to this country. This visit was undertaken at the double instance of the King of Prussia, who charged him with a scientific exploration of America, and of the Lowell Institute in Boston, before which he was invited to deliver a Course of Lectures Since his arrival he has been offered a Profes- sorship of Zoology and Geology in Harvard College which he has accepted on condition of being released from his engagement with the King of Prussia. Professor Agassiz is personally a man of very striking and prepossessing appearance. He is tall, and formed with as much strength as elegance, with a rather fl. rid complexion and dark hair. In hit manner and bearing there is a singular grace and benignity. His principal work is on Fossil Fishes, in five folio volumes, with an atlas of plates. It is dedicated to Alexander von Humboldt, and has a very high and extensive reputation. He has also written on the Fossil Echinodemata of Switzerland, on Fossil Molluscs, on the Fresh-water Fishes of Central Europe, on the Glaciers, and on other subjecta. The rapidity with which these works have appeared, and the research and learning which they all display, would be inexplicable had no other hand than that of their distinguished author been concerned in their production In 1837, M. Agassiz associated with himself a young Naturalist, M. Desor, with whose valuable assistance his labors have since been prosecuted. By this means much more has been accomplished for Science and the world than could have been done by any single individual, however highly endowed. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. Natural History—Its Study and the Lights in which it may and should be viewed....Man may expect fully to under- stand Nature.... Man's Body similar to the Bodies of Animals—The Cause....The Varied Types of Nature—Aston- ishing Variety of Animals—difficulty of at first perceiving any order in them... .The Star-Fish---The Corals.....The Jelly-fish.....Clams, Worms, Spiders, Crocodiles, Bats—Their great apparent Dissimilarity and yet many of them of the same type—The Lobster, the Spider and the Butterfly—The Cuttle-fish, the Snail and the Clam all allied— The Coral and the Jelly-fish... .Soft Animals and their Power of Contraction___The respective Nervous Systems of the different Types of Animals___Origin of the applied terms, Articulata,Vertebrata, Radiata andMollusca.... The different Setsof Organs in these different Animals. Dr. A. H. Stevens introduced the lecturer to the assemblage in a few complimentary remarks. Prof. Agassiz then presented himself to the au- dience, and, in a singularly agreeable voice and marked foreign accent, delivered the following Lecture: Ladies and Gentlemen: Having to address you in a foreign tongue, I must first apologize for the deficiency of my language. Happily, however, Natural History has an interest entirely apart from the form in which the subject is presented to the student. The investigation of objects of Natural History does not need the aid of rhetoric to invest it with attractive charms ; and the mind may trace these phenomena even without putting them into a definite form, and, therefore, the mode of expres- sion employed in conveying the results of such in- quiries is not so important as it would be in a lit- erary work. I shall do all in my power to make up for the deficiency of my power of language, by the interest directly derived from the subject itself.— (Applause.) Natural History may be studied in very different points of view. Some may consider it as a source of information for useful purposes. The wealth of States depends frequently on the knowledge ac- quired by individuals of the structure of the soil. The working of mines has become an actual busi- ness since Geology as a science has given Us the key to the investigation of the deeper regions un- der the surface of the ground. Many trades de- Send on the knowledge of certain phenomena of ature. Even Navigation is the result of scientific investigation and discovery ; and, at this time par- ticularly, the vastly increased facilities of frequent intercourse between nations have been the result of the recent progreas of natural science—of physical Bcience especially. Thus, though viewed in this strictly utilitarian aspect a sufficient inducement may be furnished for the study of Nature and of the objects of Natural History in particular, the subject is yet to be regarded from a more ele- vated point of view. It is not enough for a philo- sophical mind to know the natural phenomena. It may be enough to know some isolated phenomena in order to derive important aid in the arts, but to the philosopher such superficial acquaintance with Na- ture is not sufficient. He wants to understand Na- ture. He is not satisfied with the knowledge of isolated phenomena. When I say that the philosopher desires to un- derstand Nature, 1 will perhaps better explain my meaning by an example. When we enter on the study of an author we may begin at a very low stage. With one of the classic Poets of antiquity, for example, we may begin by translating sentence by sentence, with great difficulty, and in this ws.y we may go through the most beautiful language of ancient poetry. But would it by any means follow because we have thus spelled over the pages of Homer, that we understand him? Another and a higher sort of mental process is requisite to en- able us to know, to understand, that sublime author. It is only when we have become acquainted with the condition of human society in that age—the ri- valry which existed between the nations of Asia and Greece—and the mythology of that remote time, that our sympathies approach the level of the poet's work and our hearts own the influence of the poet's spirit. So it is with the study of Nature. We may know by their name a great many animals. We may be able to indicate with accuracy the charac- teristic differences between the various tribes of animals. We may be able to distinguish the treea in our foreats and the plants cultivated in our gardens; nay, we may know any isolated plant that flourishes upon the surface of our globe, and yet we may after all know nothing of the plan of creation. There is a higher point of view from which we attain a deeper insight into that plan.— We must understand the connection between the various parts of Creation, and, rising higher still, di- rect our contemplations to the Author of all, who has formed the whole and subjected it to all those modifications extendi lg through long ages which Geology has revealed, from the remotest epoch up to the period when Man was created and introduced upon the surface of the globe with the animals and plants which we now behold. Understand, then, that the study and knowledge of Nature consist in something more than ac- quaintance with the isolated beings which exist upon the surface of our globe. We must under- stand the connections existing between these be- ings, and the relations which they sustain to th* Creator of them all. But the question may be asked, is it possible for Man to acquire more than a superficial insight into natural phenomena ? This question has been answered in many different ways. Some have maintained that all we can expect to come at is an artificial classification, agreeing in a greater or less degree with the natural phenomena; that a real insight into all the varied departments of Nature by man is unattainable. But if we view the pro- gress of natural science, and observe the investi- gations made in every succeeding generation in the 6 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. matter of isolated phenomena—if we bear in mind how many things which appear isolated have been combined into one and the same point of view, we are furnished with a strong ground of hope that it will be given unto Man to attain that insight into Nature. There is another reason why Man may expect ■ fully to understand Nature. We feel in ourselves that we are not mere matter. We have a soul. We have an intelligence. We have feelings by which we are in connection with each ot'.er. These feelings—that intelligence—carry us beyond the limits of our globe. We thus rise to the notion of a God. We have t'lat within ourselves which as- sures us of a participation in the Divine Nature; and it is a peculiar characteristic of Ma i to be able to rise in that way above material Nature, and to understand intellectu lexistences. The possibility of obtaining au i..sight into Nature is thus strength- ened by the analogy betweeu the Human and Di- vine Natures. On that principle, Man being made in theimage of God, it is possible for his intelligence to comprehend the doings of God in Nature. Hence by a constant intercourse with these works—by a Natural Religion—by a constant study of these works of Creation, we may come to understand the views, the objects of the Creator in doing these works—in introducing these phenomena as realities into existence. We may, in one word, come to a full understanding of Nature from the very reason that we have an immortal soul. Again, our body is so similar to the bodies of ani- mals. The organization of our body discovers in- timate relations with their physical condition. We pass from the lower type of animals so gradually to the higher, until we find Man, with his superior organization. Thus on one hand we see that owing to the intellectual nature of Man he has pe- culiar relations with the Author of all things, while on the other band, from his physical nature he has a root in the soil—a material foundation, and hence both the intellectual and the material world is laid open to bis contemplation, affording substantial grounds for the belief that he is competent to at- tain a full understanding of the works of creation and the plan of GoJ when bringing the world into existence. That all this creation has not been the result of one creative act, we know from geological ob- servation. This globe—the animals which exist upon it now—have not been brought into existence at one moment. We have learned from geological observation that a long series of epochs have suc- ceeded each other, and that during every epoch animals and plants, organic beings of various types, were successively living and died away, to make room for others, till the surface of the globe was oc- cupied by the animals and plants which now ex- ist with Man as their head. The most superficial knowledge of those pheno- mena soon gave rise to the notion that the intro- duction of Man has been the object of the creation of this globe, and the position which Man now oc- cupies upon the surface of this globe is such that this notion appears to us quite natural. I think it may be shown by actual demonstration, as Jar as physical phenomena can be demonstrated, that the view of the Creator in forming the globe—in al- lowing it to undergo these successive changes which Geology has discovered, and in introducing gradually all these different types of animals which have passed away, was, after all, to introduce Man upon the surface of our globe, and to bring him into connection with fhe other organized beings and with the soil in connection with which he does now exist. There is one reason to believe that this is so. That reason is this: We see from every point of view in which we may regard the Animal Kingdom—and I shall from this moment limit all my remarks to the Animal Kingdom, in order not to trespass beyond the bounds properly set to this discourse—we see that Man possesses the most complex and most perfect structure. E ven his position is re- markable and significant. Man's erect position in standing or walking shows that he is placed at the head of creation. All the lower animals have a horizontal position. The fishes move horizontally. Gradually as we ascend in the scale of animated beings we behold them raising their heads a little. Snakes have no feet, but they are able to elevate the head; and if we proceed farther we find suc- cessive typjs in which the position becomes an oblique one, until the head is raised more perpen- dicularly. But to Man alone is given the most im- portant position—the vertical position, which allows him to make use of his hand and fingers and to raise his eye directly toward the heavens, in this very position—in this material construction of his body, we have an evidence of the superiority of man. But in every respect, if we consider his structure, we see that Man stands at the summit of animal being —and that it is just so to regard Man as at the head of Creation, will be one object of these Lectures. Again, if we consider the construction of animals upon the surface of our globe, we will find that the lower types have been first created—that they belong to the most ancient rocks—that the deepest rocks contain none of the higher animals, and that gradually some more perfect types were introduc- ed till at last Man was created, and it may be shown geologically, by actual investigation and withoutthe slightest reference to any historical or sacred tra- dition, that Man has been created the last. Again, if it cannot be shown from this point of view that tli* introduction of man was actually the object of the Creator, it may be at least shown that Man was the last and most perfect work that proceeded from His almighty hand. But that it was actually the object of the Creator to introduce Man at the head of the Animal Kingdom can, I hope, be shown by combining the knowledge we have acquired with regard to his physical structure, and his relations with the different other classes of ani- mals and with the surface of the globe at large. At no time do we find in geological epochs a spe- cies spread all overthe surface of our globe. Every type of animal—every variety of animal, occupies in the geological epochs only a small portion of the surface of the globe. This fact holds true in all geological times. Before the animals now living were created—when races entirely different from them existed, every species was circumscribed within narrow limits, and in no case occupied the whole surface of the globe. No one of the species of former epochs was superior to tbe whole type of its time. At no geological epoch do we find one species standing preeminent above others. But at this present epoch, we find not only that Man stands preeminent above all other species, but that he oc- cupies the whole surface of our globe; and in this respect he appears to be of a superior organization and endowed with privileges which no type ever enjoyed before him. But I will not dwell on those general questions without some more precise foundation. 1 shall at once proceed to call your attention to the varied types which exist in Nature, so as to have actual facts upon which to reason. I desire that the state- ments with which I set out may be regarded as the results of investigation and not as matter of mere speculative opinion. There is an astonishing variety of animals upon the surface of our globe. This variety is such that Tlie Animal Kingdom. it is very difficult for the student who for the first time directs his attention to the subject, to perceive . any order. It is impossible at first to perceive the intimate affinities and the near relations which sub sist between all these varied formati > .s. I have here some diagrams giving outlines of ft lew of these'..i-niatsons. I .just name the subjects before passing to their characteristics. Here we have the common star lis,i ofr.h> M-ditn-rnnean Sea. Here we have one of those jellyfish so com mon in temperate and wan. latitudes. This is a specie! \ common in the Atlantic—01. " of the species whose sub Stance in more or less pho> phorescent. Here is a cora o' the Hud Sea—a very com mon species. Here is a cut tie-fish, ci■mmon on the west em shores of France. Her. _ a-e different species of snakes, row Imli and one from Central America. H -raisaclam very common on the south west shores of Africa— not the common species. Here is the common lob- ster. Here is a worm, of that species having colon., I blood. Here is a spider. Here are several skele- tons of vertebrated animals—an hyena—an ostrich —a crocodile—an enlarged skeleton of the bat. I do not mention two of these animals, because al- though represented so perfectly, they are not now in existence. They are nowhere to be found on the surface of the globe ; but these representations have been made from preparations most skillfully completed by attaching together isolated bonrs col- lected in the neighborhood"^!' Paris, and arranged into a complete animal by the wonderful attain- ments of Cuvier in comparative anatomy. Thus these long extinct species of animals* are as well known to us as if we had perfect specimen* of them in our museums. Now, on looking at these diagrams the beginner in Natural History will be struck by the great appa rent dissimilarity between animals whi. h yet be- long to the same family. Thns, how little apparent resemblance be tween the star-fish and the coral! Then n:.'aiii, t\e cuttle-fish, the snai and the cl?m appear to have littli in common, and yet the affinity be tween them is so close that the> appear to the naturalist as mem . bers of one and the same faruih And again, the worm, the lobster the spider and the butterfly be- long to one and the same tribe. The common earth-worm is more luiiuictr.eiy al- lied to the crab or the butterfly than to a snail or slug. One might think that the leech and the slug were of a very similar class. Not so. Mere ex- ternal appearance alone conveys an idea of iden- tity. There is by no means any actual relation be- tween them. The animals represented in the other diagrams constitute a fourth great division all ulti- mately allied. The fish and the bat—the crocodile aDd the ostrich, belong to one great type; and the characters by which they may be defined are cot artificial characters. They are not distinctions in- troduced by Man in order to facilitate his under- standing of those subjects and to make bis classi- fication easy. This intimate relation between them is a natural one, derived from their internal char- acter. It is very obvious that here in this star-fish, the star-like rays constitute the prominent charac- teristic. The rays proceed from the centre.— The same character is perceived in the coral and ■"■ ■3 f.v * . ,4 ftV - >'i [■If V *i V i ■•.i ; I > -: i :'. ■ ■■■i E?-- ■ .4 jelly-fish. Here you perceive a similar radiated arrangement of the pa-ts. The common cl nracter- istic of this me of these fo1 is will not run to the stomach, and form only subdivisions ol the principal p.r i ious. Between the two cavities there is. as I have said a wide opining. This structure io convnon to all p-.ilyps T'.rf organtzi- tion of this now pretty welt known, though, it has not been lo.itr sMidtu this department of History hnve also be a made by Mr. Dana. His work must alwayt. be a standard authority. (A, plause.) On entering into some more minute details of these animals, it will be seen that this organization is very interesting. We e;tu here trace the ani- mal Junctions in their lowest condition. How do these animals live? The food is seized by these tentacles. The whole surface of the te-./i-acles is covered with microscopic vibratory ciiU—little, soft, projecting hairs, so minute as to be discerni- ble only under a microscope of very considerable power. Unlets you apply two hundred and fifty diameters—which is a very considerable power— you can scarcely perceive these little cilia. But under such a magnifying power you see the entire surface of these tentacles covered, as it were, with hairs, and these hairs are in constant, incessant motion in different directions. A continuous current of water is thus maintained by these minute appendages. Here again, in the open- ing, these vibratory cilia are constantly in motion ; and in the internal cavity there are also seen vibra- tory cilia moving constantly. They are not under the control of the nerves—not under the control of the will. They move incessantly. From the mo- ment the animal escapes from tbe esg, and even when withit; the egg. they are in motion. Daring the whole period of life these cilia do not cease to move. They act by day and ni^ht. Daring the rest of the animal, as well as during the more ac- tive periods of its existence, these unwearied or- gans are at work. Now, it is owing to the action of these cilia that minute portions of organic matter are introduced into the animal's mouth. A considerable space of in oiameter is swept by these ten- taculse. All the little particles—imperceptible ti rue eye—of animal matter, of decomposed vegeta- ble matter, shells, and soon, are thus brought into the mouth, and thus food is supplied to the animal incapable of moving or running after other prey— This is the mode in which Nature has provided for t!i ■ sustenance of these animals. But beside this mode of alimentation, these ani> mals can contract their tentacles and seize upon large prey. Polyps of a few inches in diameter will seize a fish, surrounding it with their tentacles and introducing it into their mouth, after which it is di- gested very rapidly. Now this mode of alimenta- tion is performed in a very interesting way. The tentacle of such a polyp is a very complicated structure. I had an opportunity lately to study its microscopic structure, and 1 have foundthat each tentacle, examined under considerable micros- copic power, is a tube whose walls are formed of longitudinal muscular fibres—fibres similar in struc- ture to the muscles of the higher animals. By their contraction these fibre3 can shorten tbe tentacle in all directions; or if excited only on one side they will curve it on that side. Then, again, there are other circular fibres around the whole tube, and these pull the tentacle in succession, so as to elon- gate it to them in four times its usual length. Thus the animal is enabled to seize upon larger prey. Such ia the manner in which the food is intro- duced into the internal cavity. This cavity is a simple sac, and even a sac which is open at both ends. But then the ends may be contracted and shut at the animal's pleasure. When the whole animal is contracted, both these openings of the stomach are thut, and when the animal has filled its stomach viti. food the lower openih;.; of the stomach is closed But as soon as the food i- within tha1: cavity it comes in contact with some secretion, probably similar to the bile or the salivary fluid of higher animals. At all events, it is subjected to the influence of some agent the character of which has not yet bcu ascertained, but should be ascer- tained, as the u.niui:i.l is very common on the shores of this Continent. Digestion is rapid in these ani- mals. Kven shells are speedily assimilated, the hard parts being rejected by the mouth, and the juices produced under the influence of the walls of tiit; stomach are diffused into the lower cavity. fiie food is introduced into the stomach with a certain quantity of water, so that tie food is from the beginning mixed with a quantity of wa- ter, but the moment the food has been digested in the stomach, it passes into this lower cavity, and is there mixed with a greater quantity of water.— Now this digested food begins to move in the whole cavity, and to move between all these partitions ; and the motion is produced in a way similar to that of the tentacles. These partitions have the whole of their surface covered with vibratory cilia, so that the water containing the alimentary substance is constantly moving between them. The refuse of the water escapes through the tentacles. We have here the digestive function, as it were, combined or mixed with a kind of circulation. There is indeed no blood in these animals—no vessels—no respira- tion proper. There is only one large cavity divided into two sacs, the upper one digesting the food, and then we have this digested food mixed with water, and this fluid again diffused throughout a great many smaller cavities in contact with the walls of the animal. These walls absorb the fluid like a The Animal Kingdom. 11 sponge, and the alimentary portions remain within the body of the animal, while the superfluous wa- ter escapes through the tentacles. Of course the contact of the water produces a kind of respiration. There is undoubtedly a change of substance con- stantly produced between the external water and the internal fluid. The eggs, which are very numerous in these animals, are hung in bunches as numerous as the partitions. There are polyps in which there are twenty and in some a greater number of bunches of eggs hung around the lower opening of the stomach or on the internal wall of these partitions. When the eggs are ripe they escape either through the stomach and mouth, or between the partitions through the tentacles. In the course of this Sum- mer 1 have witnessed repeatedly this operation in one of those polyps which are common on these shores. They may very often be found on the piles of tbe wharves all along the shores of the At- lantic. In some of them I have witnessed the pro- cess from the earliest stage. When the young ani- mals escape from the egg, they have the same shape as the old one, but with this difference, that they have only five or ten tentacles arranged in such a way (making a diagram on the board); af- terward they have five additional tentacles, and so go on increasing till these appendages become al- most innumerable. I have found that these tenta- cles are uniformly multiples of five. The mouth appears to be circular, but when care- fully examined it is found to have an elongated ap- pearance. In fact, the mouth is rather oblong, and in the young animal that form is quite apparent.— You will perceive that in the youug animal one of the tentacles is just parallel with the straight line of the mouth, and the four others are arranged in two pairs literally. This point is important, as I shall show that there we have the first indication of bilat- eral symmetry with the anterior region well defined. No nerves have been observed in these animals. Nevertheless, we cannot doubt that they feel.— Light acts upon them. They contract under strong light. They also c jntract under the influence of darkness. In mild light they expand completely. Borne, indeed, can expand in the strongest light.— This shows certainly that the sensation of light is perceptible to them. In some of the polyps I have observed dark specks, corresponding in number with the tentacles. We may he allowed to conjecture that the specks are eyes, and if so there can be no doubt that there are nerves. Ia fact, in the star-fish the nerves have been seen. They have been traced up to these colored specks. This is about all that can be said of the structure of tbe polyps. Their external form is very various. I will mention some of them in order to show the variety of types among them. All those which have numerous tentacles, and the internal cavities with bunches of eggs hanging from the walls of the lower cavity, have been named sea-anemones.— Borne are entirely soft. Others have, inside, a hard framework formed of limestone—of carbonate of lime—and in this framework one can see the same radiated appearance which we can see in the type, which is entirely soft. You see in this specimen an illustration of the remarks just now made. It is not correct to regard these corals as the shells in which these animals cover themselves. The hard parts are found with- in the animal and form a portion of their internal structure. There are a great many of them in which the hard parts are deposited within like net- work. [Here the lecturer pointed to specimens in illustration.] The polyps do not all multiply only by eggs, though all will lay eggs and multiply in that mimiftr. Some produce buds on their surface and these buds will grow and re main attached to the main body.and in that manner the buds will be come branched. Perhaps a little polyp attached to a rock assumes j such a form. After a certain time I we see a small bud, which enlarges I in the same form, tcata- cles in the same manner as the first individual. Thus from this branch a new individual will be 'brmed and remain connected ■with the parent stem. In that manner we have compound an- imals, and that is the case with most of corals where a great may individuals are united in one and the same stem, while others remain single. The importance of these animals is very great, from the well-known coral reefs. Beside, these an- imals act in a very extensive manner in modifying the shades of the ocean's depth. They contribute in the formation of islands and in enlarging conti- nents, by increasing the amount of hard substances deposited on the surface of the earth. We know from geological researches that whole mountain ranges have been formed by the agency of this minute animal. But this is not the place in which to speak of this geological phenomenon. I allude to it at present only for the purpose of showing the importance of the functions performed by this little animal in Nature. There are some polyps which produce eggs and buds, but it is only some of the lat- ter which can in their turn produce epgs. A great many of the animals classified in the Infusoria are only eggs of polyps and other lower animals swim- ming freely by the agency of their vibratory cilia, which cover the surface of the egg-shell. The sieds of plants are in the same way covered by ciiia, and, moving freely in the water, are also often classed with the infusoria. There are plants called Confrrva, divided by partitions in the man- ner which I have described, and the seeds are covered with vibratory cilia, moving so freely in the water that they cannot be distinguished from toe lower animals. They are so minute that an examination of their internal structure is a mat- ter of very great difficulty. If we could only as- certain whether they have a stomach, their posi- tion among organized beings would be very easily fixed. But as they are so minute that the highest microscopic power discloses only these vibratory cilia, and as there are animals which have been discovered to possess a stomach very closely re- sembling them in external appearance, it is very difficult indeed to determine whether they belong to the animal or vegetable kingdoms. Locomotion, as such, is not a distinctive charac- ter of animal life. It is only the wilful motion under the action of nerves which is characteristic of the Animal Kingdom. But vibratory motion, pro- duced by these minute hairs covering the surface of minute animals and plants, is common to organ- ized beings in general, and is found as well in the vegetable as in the animal kingdom. Polyps are divided into two great families: the Ac- tinia, in which the eggs are arranged in bunchesin- terually, and Hydroida. which have tentacles in the same manner as the others, but in which the eggs hang in bunches externally from the lower end of the upper cavity, in graceful forms and sometimes beautifully colored. The hour is now so far advanced that I cannot en- ter into the consideration of other classes of radiated animals. I shall take them up in my next Lecture. 12 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. LECTURE III. ., oi r iv. -d«i™ rpv,e r;r»nd Distinctions between Animals and Plants.... Additional Facts Relative to the Structure of the'Polyps... .The J "^ fho!pbore,celll;e of the Ocean in part Organization of the Egg....The Acalephae---Structure ot the Jeu£-iH»n....i:uuj>i «_r ^___^ f ^._ anania/ Produced by the Medusae---Difference be 'iscoveries of Sars, Krohn and Chamesso. Structure of this Species....Mode of Loco in this Department of the Work of Creation. I Difference'beiweenThe-poTyp. and Medusa,... ^.^^^^^^ '" »nH PhampMo The Echinodermata___Interesting Held ol investigation upon.... o? Locomotion. ..Digestive and Circulatory Apparatus....Evidence ofDesign Ladies and Gentlemen : The last Lecture was occupied in tracing the characteristic features of the polyps—the lowest of the radiated animals. I showed how simple, and nevertheless how beauti- fal and well adapted the structure of these animals is. We find in them only one organ, and yet we find almost all the functions of animal life. That one organ is the stomach—au ample cavity with two openings, a mouth and a hole at the bottom of the sac emptying into the general cavity of the body; thus the food when digested is mixed with water which constantly fills the general cavity of the body. This mixture of sea-water is constantly set in motion by capillary cilia or hair-like append ages covering the whole surface of the internal cavity as well as the internal cavity of the tenta- cles, and by the partitions which run from the ex- ternal wall of the animal toward the centre of that cavity thus filled with water, which is then kept in motion in different currents, some ascending, others descending, so that there is constantly kept up a circulation of tbe digested food. The walls of the animal are permeable to this liquid—that portion which is nutritive remains in the walls of the ani- mal, while the water which has been the vehicle for this food is pushed out by the contraction of the animal. There are two exits for the food, either through the mouth again, or by the small openings in the tentacles. The water which fills the general cavi- ty enters also through the tentacles and the mouth —alternately through one or the other. But as there are muscular fibres similar to the flesh of higher animals which can be elongated by gradual contraction or expansion, this cavity can be alter- nately shut, so that by the contraction of the mouth the introduction of water may be allowed or pre- vented. The contents of the stomach may be kept within the cavity by the contraction of the lower opening of the intestinal cavity, and again the tentacles can contract at their end and so prevent the water from escaping; and while the digested food is moving with the water within the cavity, with the tentacles thus contracted, nothing escapes .—but after the nutritive portion of the food has been absorbed by the walls of the animal, then the water is allowed to escape through its mouth, as well as the other opening. An agency or influence is undoubtedly exerted upon tbe surface of the ani- mal by the surrounding water which may be com- pared to the respiration of animals that live in the water. There is something similar to bronchial res- piration in some] of the lower animals, especially the Mollusca, where the action of the water acts on the fluids in the animals and produces upon them a change which enables the fluid to become a por- tion of the living creature. These changes are very complicated and not all fully understood.— There is much room for investigation with reference to the changes which the food undergoes in order that it may become a portion of the living animal. What is more wonderful than what we see every day—a cow grazing and turning the grass into brain, muscles, bone ! That is constantly going on; and different animals produce the same changes upon common food, with different organs, but in all the same result. Thus the same food is transformed in one case into the body of the hare; in another into that of the deer; and in another into the body of the elephant. With the same food these ani- mals not only reproduce, but create, as it were, their bodies, under the influence of the primitive material principle which is the cause of their exis- Another system of organs existing in the polypi are the ovaries, hanging in bunches either in the in- ternal cavity or outside on the tentacles. These two forms have been the foundation of the two great divisions of the polypi, namely, the Acttnoi- dm, tbe name derived from the Greek word for " ray," and the Hydroida,beca.xise these animals re- semble that one which has been called the hydra —a name reminding you of a fearful animal. Thus these harmless, minute, almost microscopic animals have received that formidable name. You see here (pointing to a diagram) eggs forming on the outer side. Some are not isolated as in this case. In many instances the eggs hang in bunches —as you have them here, for instance, in another diagram. I then alluded to other differences in polypi, where some were isolated individuals and others combined ; the latter budding on one and the same stem, thus forming three large groups of individuals united by their base. It is a peculiarity of polypi to be fixed on the soil. There are no free swimming animals among them. Some are attached to other bodies at the bottom of the sea. Some are fixed at willor move at will from their location; but there are none among them who swim freely in the wa- ter. In this respect many of them have some likeness to plants, and were indeed long mistaken for plants. Even so late as the middle of the eighteenth century, naturalists quarreled about the vegetable or animal nature of polyps. But it is now fully understood that they belong to the Animal Kingdom; while, on the other hand, many organizations which belong truly to the vegeta- ble kingdom have been introduced among the poly- pi, and must of course be rejected from that class and be again classed among the plants. There is, indeed, some difficulty in distinguishing some of the lower types of plants and animals. I have al- ready alluded to one grand distinction between them. Tbe existence of a stomach is a chief char- acteristic of, an animal, and no being should be intro- duced into the Animal Kingdom in which a stom- ach does not exist. But as there is great difficulty in ascertaining in some of the lower animals wheth- er there is an alimentary cavity or not, we must take other characteristics by which they can be distinguished ; and we have now a very remarka- ble test by which we can determine whether an or- ganized being is a plant or an animal. In the mode of respiration we may, by chemical analysis, dis- cover whether an animal or a plant is before us. All animals in respiration assimilate oxygen and reject carbon, while plants assimilate carbon and reject oxygen. There is thus a constant antagon- ism between the animal and vegetable kingdoms. All animals would die were it not for the breathing of plants, and all plants would perish did animals cease to respire. The antagonism is such that the whole amount of animals living, now consume pre- The Animal Kingdom. 13 cisely the amount of oxygen which plants expel during the night, and by this antagonism between the animal and vegetable ^kingdoms, the constant and unvarying equilibrium of the atmospheric air is maintained. Now when we want to know whether we have before us a microscopic animal or amicroscopic plant.all we have to do is to examine the nature of the gas absorbed or expelled in res piration. Another test may be as certain. That test con- sists in the examination of the egg. The eggs of all animals,without any exception, from the polypi up to the mammalia, are identical. There is not the slight- est difference in their structure—in the internal and minute structure of the eggs of all classes of the Animal Kingdom. There are differences in size but not in structure. The egg of a fish is full of granules. In the class represented in this diagram they are about the size of a pin's head. In some fishes the granules are still more minute. Inside of this yolk there is another little vesicle which is called the ger- minative vesicle; and in that we have either another or several cells of a smaller size which are called germinative dots. These cells in a cell, containing granules of yolk, constitute a character- istic which you will find without exception in all eggs. In a bird's egg, the shell and white of egg are accessories, but not necessary to the actual for- mation of the chick, which is formed from the yolk, and not from the white or any other portion of the egg. Now this yolk, or vi- tellus as it is called, fills the essential portion of the egg, and within that is another vesicle filled with a trans- parent liquid in which sev- eral other similar vesicles swim. This constant and uniform structure of the egg affords a test whereby we can ascertain whether the organized being before us is an animal. The eggs may be as easily perceived in the lower ani- mals as in the highest, as they are so transparent that they are readily examined under the micros- cope. Now these eggs differ entirely from the seeds of plants. Even in the conferva these seeds are filled only with uniform granules and have no intricate minor cells; and now, when these eggs become movable by having the whole surface cov- ered with vibratory cilia, we have only to put them under the microscope in order to decide whether we have before us the seed of a plant or the mov- able egg of an animal. (Applause.) I will now proceed to demonstrate another class of these animals—the Acalepha, or " nettle- skinned." The name of this class is derived from peculiar- ities in these animals which I shall immediately explain. You have examples of Medusa in these diagrams. They have many relations to the polypi, but there is one general characteristic which will Strike you when it is mentioned. The medusaa are all free—independent of the soil. They have no point of attachment. They cannot fix themselves upon the soil. They have no means by which they can become attached ; and all have the mouth downward, while all polyps have the mouth up- ward. In the very position of the animal in the Burrounding element we have one great difference, which is as constant as the moat intricate peculiar- ity of their structure. There are a few moving ani- mals in which the difference of internal structure between them and the polypi is by no means very apparent; they have not one organ more than we have seen among the polypi, only a little complica- tion of the same organs. In the jelly-fish we have abroad disc, and in that a wide cavity, with a mouth in the centre, from which several, sometimes numerous, append- ages hang down. This is the simplest structure of the medusts. There the mass of the animal is con- stantly gelatinous. The bodies of this class are exceedingly soft, so much so that when taken out of the water they almost wholly decompose and disappear. They contain so very little substance that a cart-load of them would not, if dried by evaporation, leave an ounce of hard substance—of dried membrane. A single leaf of paper would contain as much solid matter as a full cart-load of these animals when dried. They are so liquid that they are transparent—so much so that they are fre- quently not seen in the water, and would not be perceived at all if it were not for their beautiful colors. They have, indeed, the most beautiful, del- icate colors of all the lower animals. Again, a great number of them are phosphorescent. In the night they appear like brilliant lights, and to some of them is owing the phosphorescence of the sea;— not to them solely, for the phosphorescence of the sea is produced by a great number of animals. Very numerous and different species of animals produce that peculiar, beautiful light that illumes the sea during the night. Some of these animals belong to the articulated types, others to the medu- sa? ; some are polyps; and perhaps the light is in part owing to physical causes—the decomposition of animal and vegetable matter; and perhaps also to electricity. There is some doubt as to the rela- tive agency of these various causes in producing the phosphorescence of the ocean. The great difference between the medusae and the polyps is that the alimentary cavity is no longer a simple sac with simple openings. The cavity has branches penetrating into the substance of the animal, so that we have no longer a simple sac opening into the general cavity, but a sac with ramifications. You perceive in this diagram some of these ramifications. They are so delicate that they can hardly be shown without exaggerating the colors. Let me illustrate this peculiarity of the structure of this class of the i radiated animals. Let that ] (diagram) represent the cen tral opening, sometimes angu lar, sometimes pentangular •. from that, light appendages extend toward the periphery, but soon divide like blood-ves- I sels; and these sacs will sometimes divide with nu- merous tubes, and form as many canals as the most complicated blood-vessel in its divisions. In that way the food, after it has been digested, is carried into the parts. It is no longer in contact with one surface only. It is now carried into the different parts of the animal. It is as if the stomach were at the same time a heart, forcing the digested food into the cavities, as the heart propels the blood into all portions of the body. But here this food, after it has arrived at the periphery, escapes. There are as many outlets as there are tubes. And again, there are from the periphery numerous minute append- ages, like tentacles, with an opening at the end, which absorb, pump the water and introduce it into a canal which runs all round the animal. So we have no longer the food introduced into a cavity containing water, but we have the alimentary canal branching in all directions; and in the extremity of these branches we have small tubes absorbing wa- ter and mixing it with the food. These tentacles form beautiful appendages in a great many of these animals. They vary very much in different Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. 14 animals. In some the appendages are longer than the body of the animal itselt. I., others they are quite short. In some they meet regularly and orm triangles In some they are few in number bu; of large size. But in all they are hollo *r, h .»d they ab- sorb water, ami also admit the digested ; jod, which is circulated through these tubes and induced into this circular canal, i'he motion ot the fluids, is not iu a uniform direction. Sometimes it is one way, sometimes another. It is an irregular circula- tion, which changes its direction. In some of the higher animals, the heart causes the blood to rush in one direction, and, after it returns, propels it in ano- ther direction, so that in one and the same animal we have the heart acting in different directions, and we have that sin^lar phenomena in some ot tbe medusaj. In this respect we have a complies, tion which exists in very few of the polypi. It is round these appendages that the ovaries usually hang in large bunches. These colored bunches are bundles of eggs hanging outside the tentacles which surround the mouth. In some of these animals, colored specks have been seen between the tentacles, usually red, and they have been conjectured, not without probabili- ty, to be eyes. This is about all that is known of the structure of these animals. There are several varieties of them. Some have large gelatinous discs; they are the common jelly-fish. Others have a large vesi- cle above the tentacles and compact portion of the animal, which allocs thetn t.> swim on the surface of the water. Others have a great many of these vesicles. Others again have vertical series of sin- gular appendages acting like oars, by which they move very rapidly in the water The locomotion of the first class, those having a disc, is.owing to the expansion and c infraction of the disc. The lo- comotion of the sreoud class is owing to the motion of the tentacles and the contraction of the air ves- sels ; while that of the third class is owing to those series o( vertical appendages. In their mode of growth they present most ex- traordiuary.phenomena. Not all of them have been studied, but those which have been exa ained pre- sent these phenomena. The Swedish naturalist, Sars, has discovered that the eggs of the common medusa of the Baltic Sea we.e movable. This might appear almost incredible, had not repeated subsequent observation established tbe fact. I shah endeavor to illustrate the formation of the egg. Iu an egg of this form the enlarged upper portion begins to grow with four appendages— these appendages forming a star-like animal. It graduali> changes its form, and assumes the ap- pearance of the polyp, for which it has sometimes been mistaken. The number of tentacles increases ; as many as sixteen and twenty tentacles are now seen, with much change in the general form. Then a considerable change commences. This animal, with all its tentacles at the upper end, begins to contract, transversely, just as if it were pressed in different places ; and these contractions increase, so as to form, very soon, several stages one above the other, like a series of independent cups, only from the contraction of the primitive trunk of this polyp-like animal. This internal column, re- sembling tbe back bone, which keeps them togeth- er, still continues to contract so far that the cups soon divide into as many individuals, and become free, movable from that time, and turn in opposite directions. Before they separate, the margin is fringed—divided in such a manner as to be fringed; and the moment these divisions are separated here, then the animal turns the opposite way and we have here a disc with fringes round it, turned in opposite directions. We see a cavity forming here. We see appendages here formed, and we have very soon a regular medusa! (Applause.) Thusaftera series of various formations we have several dis- tinct individuals produced from tbe single egg.—. The number ot animals thus produced irorri one egg is sometimes as great as a dozen, and even more. But what i.i very singular in this process is this— that the upper p...;on of the animal does not undergo these changes. The moment the animal divides i'jto these numerous young medusa?, this dies off'.— T;ie upper portion of the stem dies away, and it is only the lower divisions, formed in the manner I have described, which constitute new individuals. More extraordinary phenomena are observed in another type of the medusaB similar to these. In a species little known and not observed that I know of on the American shores of the Atlantic, we find a compound unimal—several individuals being at- tached to one another and swimmiDg freely in the water. They have all the general arrangements of t;>e medusae. They have been described by nu- merous naturalists, and two varieties of them have been noticed. Chamisso, the Prussian naturalist, remarked that one variety of these combined ani- mals had al>vays isolated eggs, while the other had eggs in bunches. He was induced to admit that these ten types were of the same species, being only different stages of the same being. This was regarded as rather inadmissible, until lately a Ger- man naturalist named Krohn, in the course of inves- tigations on the coast oi'Sicily, ascertained distinct- ly that it was the fact, and that in one and the same spt-cies there is a set of isolated individuals having eggs which never separate and form individual groups of animals, while each individual of these bunches lays isolated eggs, which form free, uncon- nected individuals. So then we have successive generations which do not resemble each other. aDd in which the grand-parents are similar to the grand- children, but the intermediate generation never like that which precedes or follows it! We have in mankind something to remind us of this carious phenomena. We find family likenesses, as they are called, go through two generations, omitting the i .cermediate. Certainly that is a corresponding fact, to this. These phenomena it is somewhat difficult to t.-ace, as it is necessary to follow for a loog while the same individual, but they have been ascer- tained beyond a doubt, and especially through the care of the Swedish naturalist, Sars. It is singu- lar, I may here remark, that a gentleman should be found in a country so poor in interesting natural phenomena ready to devote himself to the minute investigation of these phenomena, and succeed in so eminent a degree. In some other portions of Europe, on. the contrary, where the facilities of prosecuting such investigations are very remarka- ble, comparatively little advance has been made in natural science. The next class of which I shall speak is the Echinodermata. The internal structure of this class is more com- plicated than that of tbe preceding, though it fol- lows the same plan. We have here also the or- gans arranged as rays round the central cavity. This central cavity contains numerous independent organs. While we had in polyps and medusas the function of digestion and respiration produced by one and the same cavity branching within the re- cess of the body, in this class we have an alimen- tary cavity forming a stomach and extending some- times in several circumvolutions through the body; and the respiratory function performed by indepen- dent appendazes. The fluid is set in motion by organs always independent of the alimentary canal as well as respiratory organs, though all in connec- The Animal Kingdom. 15 tion, and in connection similar to what obtains among the medusa. Many of the facts which I shall add now were not fully ascertained until lately. But recently I had an opportunity of studying the internal struc- • tureof this class while on board a vessel employed in the Coast Survey. I have thus been enabled to observe more attentively the star-fishes, and dis- cover how intimately allied they are to the me dustrj and polyps. I may here be permitted to re- mark that, notwithstanding the material which is at hand on the shores of tbe Atlantic for the study of the whole of the types of radiated animals, there is no work existing on the po- lypi of the American coast; there is no work in which you can find, even a dry catalogue of this species. Though so many beautiful works on the Natural History of this country, and especially of this State, have been produced, it is somewhat surprising that there is no record what- ever of the radiated animals. There is no work on the medusae. These three classes of Radiata afford an ample field of investigation, and one which will fully compensate the labor bestowed upon it. It is due to the cause of Truth and Science that the pub- lic teacher should not only ascertain what is known, but also what is to be done ; and here a great deal is to be done, this group having been much more neglected than others of the Animal Kingdom. (Applause.) The most admirable arrangement is seen in the external covering of the Echinods-rmata. It will scarcely appear credible that these two specimens are formed of the same hard plates, arranged in the same manner, only of different proportions, so that one presents a sphere-like and the other a star- like appearance. But if in theone case the plates were a little elastic, it wouhl be easy to change the fonn of tbe star-li'-h into that of the echinos, and vice versa. After 1 have shown the structure of one of these animals, I trust that this statement will not be regarded as at all exaggerated. You see t.vo openings in such an animal—an up- per and a lower—not always opposite each other. 1 shall begin with the simplest class, before ap- proaching the other. Around this simple opening five large plates are placed so as to leave a space between them, and five smaller plates occupy the interstices. In each of these large plates there is a hole. Through these five holes live tubes open. Through these the eggs escape. The plates of the body are arraoged in a series of very different kinds. Alternately we have a series of plates per- forated and a series of plates imperforated. Upon those plates without holes we have large tubercles, upon which the tentacles or spines are movable. These form, as it were, ten vertical ribs from each of the openings to the other. Through the holes of one of the series little tentacles protrude, having an opening in the end, and which can be retracted and pushed out so as to disappear or extend even beyond the points of the spines; and by these tentacles the animal can move as well as by the motion of the spines. These plates, which are im- perforated, are just oppositeJ;o the large plates. Those which are perforated, are intermediate. They all meet at the lower end, where there is another large opening, and this lower opening is the mouth. . . . The spines are movable, and it is their motion which enables the animal to walk from place to place. In some, the powerof locomotion resides in the minute tentacles in the plates. The food is introduced through the mouth, and is crushed between very powerful plates. You find the jaw very complicated. Tbe complication is so great that it would require a full hour to explain merely the structure of this part of the animal.— There is scarcely any portion of the organization of the animal creation more complex than the jaw of these animals. It is formed of almost innumer- able hard plates, furnished with teeth, moved by very distinct muscles, and put in action by a complicated nervous system. I will mention merely that these jaws are five in number, and are arranged in such a manner as to cor- respond with these ten series of plates. One jaw is always before an imperforated plate. These jaws are so powerful, that they can crush shell- fishes and the hardest bodies. The intestinal tube is a wide tube provided with several appendages, bo as to make it more complicated than in any of the other radiated animals. But what is more singular in these animals is the existence of a heart and actual respiratory organs. These tubes, which can be protruded through these small holes, terminate by a hole, and inside of the shell there is in each of these tubes a considerable vesicle which is filled with water, upon which there is a number of blood-vessels. But here these tubes can be shut, and there is another apparatus for in- jecting these vesicles in the tube. I should have mentioned that one of these plates is larger than the others; and there is then a sieve of little boles by which the water can enter into the body; and by another tube which comes down in thatway and reaches to the lower opening, all these minute vesicles can be tilled ; so that there is an alternate movement of the water from outside and through these tetitaclesand shell to maintain a current upon the organs which are covered with blood-vessels. Respiration is nothing but an interchange of air and liquid moved in vessels. Htre we have all theae conditions in the interior of the echinos, the heart being placed near the intestinal tube. 'Still more, we have a complete nervous ring around the jaws and from five points of the ring threads arising and proceeding along the imper- forated plates so as to reach the upper ridr;e where they terminate on the five smaller plates which are perforated. In each of these holes we have an eye, so that we have five eyes at the termina- tion of those nerves arising from the ring around the mouth. There are two principal forms of the echinos. The star-fishes are one of these principal forma- tions, and are by no means so simple in struc- ture as the polyps. They have a peculiarity not easily explained. The whole body is full of water. We have a similar general cavity as that found in the polyp and jelly-fish, but no bole by which the body could be filled. This hole forms the mouth, but the mouth and the intestinal tube do not com- municate with the general cavity of the animal. Again: these perforations through the shells, by which the tentacles come out, have no com- munication with the internal shell. The ques- tion, then, was—How does the shell fill with water? No opening was seen. But there are really openings, so minute as to be seen only under a high microscopic power; and I have been fortunate enough to ascertain that these holes exist. I have even seen the membraneous tubes which pump the water and fill the whose cavity of the an- imal. These are so extremely minute that they cannot be seen by the naked eye until it becomes accustomed to the investigation of them. Then they are just as plain as any other part of the ani- mal. But they are extremely contractile, and the moment the animal is touched they become retract- ed and will not be seen for a long time. I have injected these tubes with colored matter; and by keeping the animal in colored fluid, I have demon- strated that there can be no doubt of the fact of 16 their being the apparatus by which the water en- ters the animal. ... ... Not *->hstanding all these complications, there is only one plan in these animals. All have one central cavity, an alimentary canal. This canal is either a single sac, or it is an alimentary tube complete of itself but with an independent system for respiration and circulation. But the arrange- ment of the blood-vessels is such that there is the strongest likeness between it and the arrangements of the circular canal in the medusa. One and the same plan are apparent in all these complicated structures. The question is, what does such a plan indicate 1 Have we here only material phenomena, evincing the influence of physical causes in the combination of vari- ous organs, so as to form a system more, or less complicated ? No; we have more than that. We have a succession of forms which show a progress. We begin with a lower type. We pass through more complicated types. .We come to the very complicated form of the echinos. And, though these forms are so complex, we find them in the same type of animals, in the same climate and in the same conditions of life. In all parts of the world—in the most different conditions and in Prof. Agassi z's Lectures. the most similar conditions—in the arctic, the tem- perate and the tropical regions—we meet these varied classes of the same type, so that the whole amount of external circumstances in which any or- ganized being can exist, are acting on these animali. It would be very unreasonable, then, to admit that all these varieties were produced by these external conditions. Again: Have we a mere complication of organs in these animals 7 No. We do not trace only mate- rial phenomena. It is not we, who by our investiga- tions have made these creatures to agree on one and the same plan. They exist on one plan; and instead of tracing material phenomena, we actually trace thoughts, and thoughts not ours—but the thoughts of that Mind which created them. I think in this way it can be shown by sufficient evidence that there is an Intelligence which planned these things, and formed and created them on a premed- itated plan—a graduated scheme of structures from the simplest to the most complicated; and that each animal was endowed with the power of so resisting the influences to which it is sub- jected as to retain its original conformation under the most diverse conditions of climate and circum- stances. LECTURE IV. The Calcareous Deposits of the Polyps....Why the Polyps cannot be considered higher than the Acalepha....The Molliwca— their great number....Recapitulation of the Structural Characteristics of the Radiata....Entirely dif- ferent arrangement of Organs in the Mollusca___Softness of the Mollusca___Contractibility....Nervous Sys- tern....Alimentary Cavity becomes complicated....The Respiratory Organs.... Structure and Position of the "Gills"....Organs of Circulation....Extraordinary Structure of the Blood-vessels....Theory of the Formation of the Blood and Circulatory Apparatus....Subdivision of the Mollusca___The Acephala.... Characteristics of this Class....Mode of ascertaining the Type to which Fossil Shells belong. Ladiks and Gentlemen : Since the delivery of | my last Lecture I have received several letters ask- ing questions relative to the structureof the Radiata, which I shall be happy to answer as far as in my power: " Is the carbonate of lime, which forms the coral forma- tion.secreted by the polyps from the food upon which they subust, in a way similar to the bones of other animals i" _ " Are not the Polyps a grade higher than the Acalephae, inasmuch as we have in them the first exhibition of bony structure, which appears more perfectly in the Echinoder- matae, the next higher grade.'" These questions relate to one point—What is the proper value of the hard calcareous matter which is secreted in the polypi ? This calcareous matter has not been long investigated. In fact, the first correct work on this subject is to be found in the volume alluded to, forming a part of the Narrative of the Exploring Expedition. In that beautiful work of Mr. Dana, we have for the first time the results of accurate and patient investigation of this subject. He showed what was not known before, or what at all events was not understood, that the limestone portions of the polypi form a portion of the animal, and not mere excretory matter, similar to shell. They belong to the body of the animal and are not a deposit of the external parts of it ■ and in this respect they are really altogether dif' ferent from the shells of the Mollusca, which are secreted within the skin. J0o .xPlain ftt,'y. *« difference, let me enter into some details relative to the structure of the skin. ihe skin m animals is composed of three layers If wecut through the skin into the body of WanT SS.Tp,indf,ft a suPerficial layer composed of of ve8seunr^dlly 86enu Fnder thatis a Network ol vessels and nerves, the latter giving to the skin its sensitiveness—the sensitive portion of the skin. Then we have a third layer: a tissue of threads in- tricately interwoven in all directions, forming the protective layer. These three different portion! have different functions. The external layer is constantly reproduced by blood-vessels, which deposit a liquid in the vessels already formed and from which tbe new vessels are constantly formed. When the skin is cut we sometimes see a transparent fluid escape from the cells and accumulate on the surface: and this lym- phatic fluid, as it is called, is the medium of the re- production which is always going on. Now, in the Mollusca, the shell is formed in this layer by sac cessive deposits of limestone, into which I shall not now enter as I shall have occasion to go farther into these details by and by. But let me now men- tion that between the upper or external coat of skin, which is called epidermis, there are layers of limestone in that way by the secreting portioni of the skin formed of a network of blood-vessels, so that the shell is formed of calcareous matter form- ed within the skin itself. Not so in the polyps, where the mass of the animal—the walls of the body—secrete within the substance tbe calcareous portions. I make here the outline of a polyp, with its tentacles: here is the| mouth, here the walls. Now, within the walls, in the mass of the body itself there are little fragments of limestone deposited in an irregular way, entirely unconnected with each other, which sep arate in several, but in others unite tol form a porous mass; and these calcareous' particles are sometimes formed in such quantities' as to form an internal framework, covered w The Animal Kingdom. 17 •oft parts of the animal. So you perceive thatthere is not only in the position, but also in the mode of deposition of the limestone, a great difference be- tween the polyps and the shells. Again, this skeleton, or this frame of solid parts within the animal, cannot be considered as identi- cal in different types. The skeleton of the verte- brated animals is not only carbonate of lime,but it is, even chemically speaking, somewhat different. It is a carbonate and a phosphate of lime ; and in this respect there is already a difference; but the differ- ence is still greater when we consider the general arrangement and relative position of the internal skeleton of these animals, and the external skele- ton of the shells, or the internal skeleton of the po- lyps. In the polyps these solid parts do not protect any essential organ. They are within the walls of the animal, but the soft surfaces of these walls are the parts which protect the intestine and form the internal cavity; while the bones themselves pro- tect the large cavities of the higher animals, cir- cumscribed to spaces in which the brain and spinal marrow are on one side, and the alimentary canal, the heart and the lungs on tbe other side, are con- tained. So that these two systems are by no means to be regarded as identical. They are identical on- ly in one respect. It is'true that these hard parts protect the body in general ; but in an essential point they are different, inasmuch as they are formed in a diiierent way, formed by different por- tions of the animal, and sustain different relations to the various internal systems of organs. Much remains to be done in the investigation of the corals themselves. The proper organs of se- cretion of those hard parts in them are not known. It has not yet been ascertained in what way the calcareous matter is secreted from the soft parts.— There is, then, here also an ample field for investi- gation. Unhappily, this investigation will scarcely be attempted on these shores, as there is only, as far as I know, a single species of calcareous polypi en the western shores of the Atlantic, north of the Gulf of Mexico. The other question—Whether the polyps are not higher than the acalepbse ?—is answered by it- self. If the calcareous parts of the polyps have not the same meaning as the analogous parts of other types, the existence of such a hard skeleton will of course not be a test for the degree of their organization. And again: we have among polyps themselves, some with, and others without hard parts, and even the great amount of calca- reous matter which is deposited in many of them will never be a sufficient reason to consider the polyps in any way higher than the acalephoe, as the alimentary cavity is a simple sac in polyps, while it is a branched cavity in acalephaa, perform ing at the same time the functions of a digestive tube and circulatory organs. __We now enter into another field of the Animal Kingdom—into the study of the Mollusca. These animals are very numerous. The number of species which have been collected at this time- including those only which are provided with shells, —is perhaps six thousand, perhaps even as high as ■even thousand; and we may suppose that the whole number existing no w, will not fall short of ten or twelve thousand, if we include the soft, naked species as well as those protected by a hard calca- reous shell. The number of species which have existed in former ages—in geological times—whose remains we find in a fossil state in the successive strata which constitute the crust of our globe, is still greater. It is astonishing what a quantity of fossil shells are found in the different strata of the crust of our globe. There is scarcely any locality which has been well examined that does not exhibit almost as many fossil species as we find on any ex- tensive coast of any sea. Compare, for instance, those shores which have been most investigated— the shoresof France for instance—where the shells from the time ot Lomarc up to this period have been so assiduously collected. There the number of species known to exist, when compared with the number of species, found in one and the same stratum of the tertiary deposits in the neighbor- hood of Paris, is much smaller. There are scarcely eight hundred living shells found in the Mediterra- nean or French shores of the Atlantic Ocean, but more than twelve hundred fossil shells have been found in that single stratum—in that limestone on which the City of Paris is built, and of which such extensive deposits exist in the neighborhood. In that single stratum is found at this day one-third more fossil shells than live on the whole extent of the French shores! This will show how large the number of fossil shells must be, and how large it will turn out to be, as soon as we have made more extensive researches in the field of fossil shells. To understand properly the character of the Mollusca, it is well perhaps torec apitulate briefly what I have said of the Radiata; as the differences between the two large types is less in the details of their organization, than in the mode of the ar- rangement of their organs. The Radiata have their organs distributed around the centre. This centre is the mouth, and the mouth is turned either up- ward. We have the mouth upward in the po- lypi, downward in the echinodermata. Nowhere have we the mouth on the anterior portion of the body. Among the Radiata there is no anterior ex- tremity which prevails over the sides or posterior extremity. All the rays diverge from tbe centre and are of equal value, and when we can trace some indicationslof a bi-lateralsymmery it is owing only to slight differences between these rays, and not owing to any general arrangement on the two sides of a longitudinal axis. There is no longitudi- nal axis proper in the Radiata. In the Mollusca we have an entirely different ar- rangement. The mouth moves toward one end of the animal, and now we have an anterior extremity, though we have not yet a head—not organs of sense.placed always round tbe head. But there is at least an anterior extremity,on which the mouth is situated, and round it there are tentacles by which the food is introduced into the alimentary canal. Thus the anterior extremity is given by the position of the mouth, and the two sides by the general arrangement of the viscera. We have not only an anterior extremity but we have a dorsal region, a right and a left-hand side— a lower and an upper region—and in all the Mol- lusca those regions can be readily distinguished, though the animal does not always stand on the lower extremity. There are some who for their whole lives rest on one side. For instance, the oyster lives constantly lying on the left-band side; others are attached by the upper extremity and stand the lower extremity upward, and it is only by means of comparison that we can ascertain which is the right and left hand, and by finding where the mouth is placed and by examining the relative position of the different internal organs. The body of the Mollusca is always very soft Hence their|name Mol lusca, which signifies " soft animals." The body is exceedingly con- tractile. It can be con tracted so much that large animals will occu py a very small spa<;e when contracted. Fur instance, the animal which 18 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. forms this shell, which is, as you perceive, of large size, and out of which it pushes a large foot on which it walks, when contracted is entirely con- cealed in the bottom of the cavity. In others there are two shells which cover the soft parts. Some- times there is bnt one shell very much curved on itself; and in other cases forming only a flat disc, covering only the upper part of the body. The softness of these animals is very character- istic, and in no other t.\pe do we find tissues so sou as in this class and so capable of containing a great quantity of water. They continually absorb a certain quantity of water, which penetrates the mass of the body and maintains it in a ttate of ex- pansion. But when contracting this water, is ex- pressed in a way quite similar to the water con- taini d in the sponge when it is squeezed. The organization of the Mollusca is, ia some cases, highly complicated. In others it is as simple almost as in the polypi. The difference ia the latter case is only in the s_^ rumetry. The mouth being in the anterior region, and the nervous system sur- rounding the anterior extremity'of the intestinal canal in a vertical position, while in tbe Radiata the nervous system is placed horizontally. The nervous system is placed above the intestinal ca- nal,forming a ring around the tube; with some other ganglia below, from which tbe nervous threads run into tbe different organs. From the upper ganglion we have nervous threads going into the tentacles. Here are threads going to the other organs placed in the cavity of the animal; and here are threads running into the muscular fibres which move the animal. A similar structure is found in those hav- ing two valves, only the symmetry is somewhat different. Always the nervous system is com- posed only of a swelling above and a swelling be- low the alimentary canal from which the threads are sent to the different organs. That is the gen- eral arrangement of the nervous system in all the ollusca ; the Malimentary tube passing through the nervous ring, but the ring having a vertical position, while iu the Radiata it has a horizontal position. We see the difference here is rather in the posi- tion of the organ—in the relation with other parts —than in the structure. This nervous system is scarcely any more complicated than the nervous system of the star-fish, or echina. Perhaps t!iese ganglia a?e somewhat larger and less numerous; and in the smaller number is evinced a degree of superiority. We see in the higher animals that certain organs not unique but in pairs, in the lower animals exist in great numbers. In the star-fishes and echina, where we have the first evidence of eyes, we have an eye at the end of each ray—as many eyes as there are rays, and as many ganglia as there are rays, and from each a nervous filament running through each ray. Here we have a small- er number of nervous ganglia and they are placed so that one stands above the other and on the ante- rior region of the animal; in that way this ganglia or nervous centre has a greater influence upon the whole animal; and it is only owing to the position of that nervous mass that the anterior region of the animal has become more important and possesses greatervitality; while other organs round the mouth have a higher importance to the functions of life. Wherever the nervous system becomes larger and acquires a preponderance over the other organs, then we see that life acquires greater intensity and that all the important organs are accumulated. It is so with the head of vertebrated animals which contains all the organs of any high importance.__ The organs in other parts of the body are just as im- portant to the maintenance of life and the sound condition of the animal, nevertheless t':ey do not possess the high value which the organs in the head of these animals exhibit. The alimentary cavity is complicated in the Mol- lusca. it is i o longer a simple or branched sac, as it is in the Radiata. But we have in them, behind the mouth, which is usually surrounded by ten- tacles, to introduce the food, sometimes two in number, and sometimes four, arranged iu pairs, two above, two below, or only two on the sides— behind the mouth, I was about to say, there is a narrow tube, the oesophagus, and usually a large ba,r which is the stomach, and the intestine behind. Now this stomach is complicated, inasmuch as there is a liver, a glandular organ united with it; and this liver is sometimes very large, surround- ing the whole stomach, and secreting a greenish dark liquid, known under the name of "bile," which is introduced into the stomach and helps di- gestion. This bile, the secretion of the liver, is very considerable in all the Mi U nsea. The liver is some- times so large as to exceed in. size the whole of the animal. It is more than half the weight of the body. Sometimes there are several livers, two three or four, arranged around the stomach and opening directly into it. The organs of respiration are always distinct, and uniformly present the form of gills. Their po- sition varies very much in the Mollusca, and I will not now enter into the details of the arrange- ment of these respiratory organs, as I shall have occasion to explain the differences which they ex- hibit in different types of the great group of mollus- ca. But everywhere these gills are present; and when I say everywhere, I do not exclude that class which breathe the atmospheric air, which have no lungs, notwithstanding they respire by air, but have gills like other Mollusca, only they are kept in contact with atmosperic air, and not with water. Their gills, then, are not at all similar to the lungs of higher animals, and are entirely similar to the gills of other mollusca. What are gills ? Every- where a blood-vessel divides into parallel branches which are brought into contact with the air con- tained either in the atmosphere or in the surround- ing water; these organs are called "gills." Some- times these blood vessels are united by a mem- brane which forms them into appendages of very varied forms. Sometimes they are loose, and then they form tree-like branches upon the back or into the cavity of the animal. The gills may be exter- nal, as in many Mollusca—internal as in others.— 8ometimes they are placed in such a way as to be used at the same time as organs of respiration and of locomotion, acting on the sides of the animal and performing the functions of feet. Sometimes they are entirely concealed in the interior, and the water and air are introduced by external openings. We see all these differences among the Mollusca, and it is more important to know these differences, as they have been made by some naturalists the basis of the classification of this department of the Ani- mal Kingdom. Cuvier's classification of this great group of animals is almost entirely based upon the arrangement of tjbe respiratory organs. The organs of circulation are very singular In their arrangement There is uniformly a heart in the Mollusca. But this heart is placed in a very singular manner. In some it is placed in the cen- tre ot the body. In others it surrounds the alimen- tary tube, so that the intestine passes right through the heart. In others there are several hearts placed in different positions in the animal. Some- times there is a heart at the base of the respiratory organs, and sometimes a central heart to supply the body. In some cases the heart is very near the mouth, and opens into wide cavities containing other organs. Nowhere ia the circulation more The Animal Kingdom. 19 unequal in different animals than among the mol- lusca. There are not two families in which the blood is circulated by similar apparatus, and more- over there is no class among the Mollusca where the circulation is continuous. I will give an ex- ample: Here is one of the Mollusca, re i slug. It has a large foot on which it wal • j. flat shell on its back, in which the viscera are con- tained. From the heart in this animal there originates a large blood vessel running downwards toward the head, and the blood v longer contained in this vessel is diffused into a cavity, so that the tongue and posterior apparatus of the digct.tive or- gans are actually swimming in the cavity full <>f blood. From the walls ofthis cavity new tubes arise, which unite into other vessels, and thus form an artery or a vessel running backward and di- viding into the body* In others of these animals we have the blood- vessels opening into the cavity which cont-tins the viscera and surrounding the stomach—surrounding the intestines—and surrounding the liver, and then again absorbed by vessels to be diffused into the lower parts of the animal. So that there are every • where blood cavities into which the blood-vessels open, and from which other vessels arise and diffuse again the blood into the organs. The extraordinary structure of the blood-vessels, and of the circulation in the Mollusca, has not been long known. It is the discovery of one of our most eminent naturalists—the present Professor of Xat- ural History in the Jardin des Pla/Ues in Paris. It throws most important light on the mode of circula- tion and of the organs of circulation in the animal. How are the blood-vessels and blood formed in animals, and how does circulation begin? In ex- amining the egg of a fish, for example, we first ob- serve an accumulation of red corpuscles, which be- gin to move in different directions, but without ves- sels, till, after a certain time, there is a regular movement of some of these blood-corpuscles in a straight direction ; and then they will extend over the surface of the yolk and form regular streams, but always without vessels till tbe vessels are formed around the blood, when regular channels for the circulation arise from the fact that vessels be- giu to form the corpuscles, similar to what we see occur after a heavy rain. When the water runs over the street, there is at first no channel for the water; but after it has run for some time in different directions, chanuels begin t > present them- selves, which gradually become deeper and deeper in the softer parts, till the water remains bounded by them. So in a living animal, the cells, being excited by the current of the blood, are gradually formed into channels. The younganimalis formed entirely of cells. Some of these cells become mov- able and are moved iu different directions and form little streams—little currents in different ways, and then after these streams have become regular the vessels are formed around them. In this way you have a full explanation of those large blood cavi- ties in th e Mollusca; and those unconn ected blood-ves- sels opening into the larger .cavities and a heart which is central, but which does not communicate with the most distant portions of the body. I think the only way to understand the circulation is to consider it and the blood as arising from the liquefaction, as it were, of the cells which form the animal, which then become movable, un- dergo amotion in precise and uniform directions, and then are surrounded by cells which form the vessels, and which form the heart. It is only when tracing all these phenomena in the young animal within the ' :g that these details can be understood. But I could not help adverting to the formation | of the blood-vessels when speaking of a class in which the circulation is so unique as it is in the Mol usca. Let us cow turn our attention to the M"lineca themselves, and see what form they show in *he whole range of the cla«s. All the diagrams on the wall belong to that class, but you will perceive that they .present many different terms. Here is an animal resting on a stem. There is one very like a coral. Here is one which for a long time has united with the coral, and by many naturalists is ranked as such. You perceive that it bas cells similar to those of the common coral. Here you have animals with two unequal valves. Here, others with two equal valves. Hr re one with one central valve iurved. Others without any protec- tive valve. All these diversities exist in one and the same class. The Mollusca have been divided into three classes. The first class is the Acepknla—animals without a [ head. They really have no head. The anterior [ and poster; ir extremities hardly differ. This class of acephalte have tiie bivalve shells. You have here examples of them; two shells united in the superior margin and movable along the back. But many of them unite to form compound masses.— Yet the organization of the individuals thus con- nected has been ascertained to show the same structure as that of the bivalve class. I shall soon enter upon the derails after I have explained the characteristics of the acepbalse. The characteristic of this class is to have two symmetrical regions; a right and a left side, over which hang the respiratory organs. If I cut across an oyster, I find that the vertical line is lou perceive that the vertical or perpendicular di- ameter is greater than the longitudinal diameter.— Here we have the interior mass of viscera, the sto- mach ; and here are both sides, the membranes covered with blood-vessels, wiiicb are the gills, two oii each side. That is the general character of the acephalse, to have the gills surrounding the alimen- tary canal, the liver and other organs which are in the centre of the animal; and over these .-e metimes onlv one pair of gills ; over that, again,ai>k:.i, which lines tho shell all over iti internal surface, which has been called 'the mantle." This arrangement of parts is the general structure of bivalves or ace- phalous mollusca. This "mantle" is sometimes open tee whole length of the animal. So it is in the oyster. Perhaps there is no animal among the Mollusca so interesting in its structure as tbe oys- ter. [Here the learned Professor explained a dia- gram illustrative of the structure ot tbe oyster, which, with t^s other diagrams, will be given hereafter.] Allow me a few minutes beyord the hour, which I see has now expired, in order to finish the de- scription of the acepbelae. (Applause.) The shells are not always s_\ mmetrical. Some- times that of the right-hand sick- is larger than that of the left-hand side, and vice versa. Sometimes the anterior and posterior extremities are equal, while the two sides are unequal. Sometimes, on the other hand, tl>e two sides are equal and the extremities unequal, and in these differences we have characteristics by which a great number of these bivalves may be divided into families. It is important in the beginning to give them the same position when we desire to compare them. For instance, in 6oroe of them 'we have one valve con- vex and the other flat. Many naturalists have con- sidered these cases to present instances of a dorsal valve and a ventral valve. But when we examine the formation properly, it is easy to perceive that this is an error, and that what was called the dorsal 20 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. valve is nothing more than an exaggeration of this form which we see in the oyster, where one of the valves is deeper than the other and is flat. The only difference between the terrebrachela is that in them the anterior and posterior margins are en- tirely symmetrical, and cnly the right-hand and left-hand sides are unequal. It is not so in the oyster. It is important to understand this point. Let us take a symmetrical bivalve shell and be- gin with that. In that the right and left sides are easily known by the positions of both, by the appendages round the mouth and the symmetry of the valves. There are two equal valves—one on the right, the other on the left. Here is the mouth. Here is the back. Here is the foot by which the animal walks, protruding between the two valves. Here are the tubes by which the water enters.— You see that the anterior end of the animal is broad- er than the posterior, and in every respect it is ea- sy to see the proper position of such a shell. In the oyster these anterior and posterior ends are so irregular that we have no means to ascertain which is the anterior and which the posterior until we open the animal and discover the position of the mouth. There we see that the mouth is between the two shells here; that the long diameter is the vertical diameter; that this is the right valve and that the left valve, the valves being unequal, one convex and the other flat. But in the terrebrache- la we have the right-hand valve convex and the left-hand valve flat, but the anterior and posterior edge cut precisely in the same way—and thus the extremities are so precisely symmetrical that the blood-vessels which you see in the anterior and posterior half are distributed in the same manner and that there are two hearts, anterior and posteri' or, so that if it was not for the position of the month and the direction of the alimentary canal, it woald be impossible to ascertain that this was the anteri- or extremity and this the posterior extremity of the animal; this the back and this the foot. Anotfler important peculiarity is this: that tha mantle lobe which covered the internal portion of the shell leaves a deep impression on the shell from the action of the muscular fibres by which it is attached to the shell; and as there is a long tabs by which the water is introduced between the valves in some of these animals, and which is re- tracted and introduced between the valves, a lares sinus is formed. Thus, on opening a shell, you can ascertain whether the animal to which it be- longed had this tube or not, by the absence or ap- pearance of this sinus— the impression of the tube. When the tube, or " siphon " as it is called has been long, the impression is considerable; when short, the sinus is not so marked. This difference is important, because in the examination of fossil shells, these impressions constitute the great test by which we ascertain the character of the animal which occupied them. It is in this way that an idea has been formed of the animals which occupied the fossil shells, almost as precise as if the animals themselves were before us. The only difficulty is to compare a sufficient number of types in order to become completely acquainted with all the varia- tions and relations of those parts, and to trace the analogy with accuracy and success. LECTURE V. The Anatomy of the Oyster....The Ligament....The Mouth....The Gills....The Stomach, Liver, Ovary and Heart-Position of the Oyster....The Fossil Bivalves....Important considerations relative to the Symmetry of the Bivalves....Order of Succession....The various Groups of the Acephalae....The Shells of comparatively little Importance... .Changes m the Classification ot the Mollusca and other Animals... .Tribute to the Labon of CLASSIFICATION OF THE MOLLUSCA. 1..Acephela..............(Without head.) 1. Bryozoa..........(Moss animals.) 2. Tunicata.........(Having a coat.) 3. Brachiopoda......(With feet like arms.) 4. Monomyaria......(With one muscle.) 5. Dimyaria.........(With two muscles.) II..Gasteropooa..........(Feet below the abdomen.) 1. Phlebentera.......(With branched intestine.) 2. Trockoidea........(Trochus-like.) 3. Buociwoidea.......(Buccinium-like.) I. Pulmonata........(With aerffl gills.) III..Cephalopoda...........(Feet round the head.) 1. Sipiodca...........(Squids.) 2. Naut'doidea........(Nautilus-like.) 3. Ammonitidea......(Ammonites-like.) Ladies and Gentlemen : After having given a general outline of the characteristics of Mollusca in the last Lecture, I proceeded to illustrate the peculi- arities of the first class of that group called acepha- la. Then having entered into as many details as possible with regard to their structure, I alluded to the different groups which belong to that class, but as perhaps many or some of this audience mav wish to know how these facts are ascertained, I have brought here some of these animals in order to demonstrate in them the peculiarities of their organization. For, let me remind you that the ob S3 EEST afe n°tBTeenuas *ou «■ *«J d3i£ ™i?fte diagrams. In the diagrams the objects must be represented of larger size than natural! and in strong outlines. Things are not so easily seen in Nature, and therefore I wish to show you in what manner we must proceed in order to see foi ourselves the objects in nature, and how we are able to proceed in making new observations and comparing the types not yet understood. I have thus taken for example the oyster, as it is the most common of this order of animals. I have been told that there was some misunderstanding in the minds of some of my auditors, when I explained the difference between the oyster and the common bivalve shells. The misunderstanding was with respect to the shell which is concave, and arose from not attending to the manner in which the shells were held in the hand when demonstrating them. The two valves are united at one end by what if called the ligament. It is an elastic substance, which contracts when the muscular power of the animal which closes the valve is relaxed. In order to open an oyster, particularly for anatomical in- vestigation, it is only necessary to pass a knife be- tween the valves on the back, near the projecting portion, where the two valves are united, so that the strong muscular portion of the animal, and which passes across the whole body and fixes it- self to the valve, be divided. You see this dark spot in the centre of the valve. Here is the ma- cular portion, tough like meat; and the fibres ot this part of the animal are transverse, running from one valve to the other. Now after the valve « «■ TJie Animal Kingdom. 21 moved in such a manner—it is not much matter what valve is removed, only perhaps it is more convenient to allow the animal to remain in the deep valve, which retains the water—you see at once the animal in its natural position. Here jou have this muscular portion, which is the toughest part of the animal, and then a skin which runs all around the shell. This skin which lines the whole inside of the valve, and which can be upheld very easily, is attached to the muscle, and runs all round the shell to the margin. If it appears now not to cover entirely the surface of the shell, it is owingto the contraction of the fibres which are in this mem- brane. The margin of the membrane itself has a very complicated structure. There are fringes, sometimes most beautiful a'nd of very elegant color, in the different species of clams and bivalve shells and when you remove this portion of the shell, which is called the " mantle." you have another membrane quite similar to that, which is situated transversely. This is the gill. There is another inside—a second one, so that there are two lobes of the gill on one side ; and above that two long tenta- cles, which are placed here above the mouth. On the other side we have the same structure. Now the mouth is here on this upper portion of the shell. All that may be more easily seen when you keep tbe whole animal in water, as then, with a brush or pencil, you can elevate the one above the other, and examine their beautiful structure. Iu this upper portion of the animal is the stom- ach, a large cavity surrounded by a dark brown colored liver, which forms the softest part of the oyster. Around the liver is the ovary. The eggs are so minute as not to be perceptible to the naked eye, but are readily seen under the microscope.— The intestinal tube, which begins here between the tentacles, at the anterior portion of the body, turns twice between the liver and the ovary, and then passes through the upper region, in which we see the heart of the oyster. The intestinal canal does not pass through the heart of the oyster as in other animals, whicn I shall demonstrate immedi- ately. What is peculiar to the oyster is that the "mantle" is open all round. There is no siphon, but the water, as often as the shell opens, can reach immediately the whole surface of the gill—the food can immediately reach the mouth, so that the ani mal has no need of a tube which could be elongated and protruded between the valves in order to ab sorb the surrounding water. You see that the position of the mouth indicates, without any doubt, that this is the anterior edge of the oyster; and this the superior; this the interior side ; and this the posterior. As I have remarked the animal rests forever on tbe deep valve; so that when examining an oyster anatomically, in order to compare it with other shells, we must put it in a position different from that it used to have in nature. But this is the case with many other animals. Among the water-insects, for instauce, there are many which constantly swim with the feet upward, but nobody when comparing them with others would think it proper to compare them in that re- versed position. We must in these cases bring the animal into the natural position of the greatest number of animals in order to come to a right un- derstanding of the correspondence between the parts. So it is with the common hard clam. Thus the two valves are precisely identical in shape — But after having removed one of them you see a great difference tn the structure of the animal. There are two muscular bundles uniting the two valves; one on the anterior and the other in the posterior portion of the animal, so that the two valves are shut by twosetsof muscular fibres, and not by a central set as in the oyster. And these two sets of muscles are placed one on the anterior and the other on the posterior end of tbe animaL Those two muscles act, however, in the same man- ner as the single muscle in the oyster. The mantle here surrounds the shell precisely in the same way as in the oyster, but it ia not open all around. Here, about two-thirds backward, the mantle unites from the two sides. It is open only on the anterior ridge, so that the water can enter either between the mantle lobes or through the hole which is formed by tbe junction of the two portions of tbe mantle. If, as I have done here, you remove the mantle, you see similar flat membranes, which are the gills. They are so collapsed in this animal that I cannot show them. They shouldbecovered with water, and those who wish to see their structure may remain after the Lecture, and I shall put tbe animal in water and demonstrate these membranes. There is a considerable muscular mass,underneath which is the muscle or foot by which the animal walks.— This foot they protrude between the valves, and by means of it fix themselves on the sand or stones and creep along by successive contractions and expan- sions of their body. In the same way as in the oyster, we have here the mouth surrounded by ten- tacles. The liver is above, and of a brownish color, as in the oyster. Then we have the heart here, be- tween the gills, and the intestinal cavity,and the ali- mentary canal which passes through the centre of the heart. The beating of the heart can be seen for a long time after you open the valves of the oyster. It beats seven or eight times during a minute. In the hard clams the pulsations are al- most the same in frequency. When contracted, the heart is of very small size—when expanded, it is three times as large. This operation of the heart may be very easily seen if you put the animal after you open it in the water, so that all the parts expand. Here the two valves are symmetrical, and the anterior extremity differs from the posterior. I have already alluded to this fact.but I want to show one thing more about them, as it is important in order to understand the gradations among the bi- valves ; and to understand the reason why so much importance is put upon the question how the ani- mal stands or lies in its natural position 7 We have seen that some of the distinguishing characteristics of the Mollusca are, to be symmetri- cal, to have a longitudinal axis and an anterior ex- tremity at which the mouth is situated. But what is singular, these animals in their organization do not yet stand so high as to assume a constant posi- tion of the sides of the body. The anterior extremity is constantly marked as the anterior, the prevailing portion of the animal; but the sides of the animal, the posterior extremi- ties are sometimes lying on the right or on the left, and sometimes even uplifted in a very irregular way: Now, lieio we have a uimive wan t*o symmet- rical shells. Here is the ligament uniting the two valves, and here some tubercles on the edge of the valve which are usually but incorrectly called teeth. They are by no means teeth. They are merely serratures or dentations. Here is the mar- gin of the shell by which the two valves unite more strongly ; this portion of the shell has been called the hinge. 22 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. Now this being the anterior extremity where the mouth is placed, this will be the posterior ex- tremity, and we will have an animal walking with the aid of its feet in an upright position, the mouth forward, the feet downward, the right and left hand in an equilibrium on the right and left hand side and the back upward—the posterior being backward. But in the oyster, when the two parts are compared with one another, in such an animal we will find that no longer is this position maintained, but the animal through life lies flat on one side, from the beginning. Th&young oyster lies on one side of the egg; begins to grow in that position and never comes to have the anterior extremity forward and the sides in equal position. One side, the left, remains below, and tbe right in the form of a cover upward, resting upon the lower side. Now, in the oyster, the anterior and posterior mar- gins of the animal are not equal; nor are the right and the left valves equal. Here we have inequali- ties between the two valves, and these inequalities are very great—not only are the two valves very unequal, but you see the anterior edge car- ried forward—the posterior edge is emarginate. Now, we have other bivalves where one valve is very deep and the other flat; but where the extre- mities are identical. They are called the Brachi- opoda. It is very important to ascertain these facts, because they point to a most extraordinary circumstance—it is this: that in shells found in , strata forming the crust of our earth, we have none which have the two valves unequal. There is not one bivalve shell with equal valves in any of the ancient strata. There was not one of the an- cient bivalves which had this bilateral symmetry in its shells. All belonged to that claps where the two sides could not yet be equalized and stand up- right, and of course we must consider them as of a lower grade than those where the symmetry is en- tirely perfect. There is even something more. We have not only the valves unequal, but the anterior and pos- terior extremities unequal. Though these valves are still unequal, there is still an approach to a dif- ference between the anterior and posterior extrem- ities. The anterior extremity curves forward, though the posterior does not yet extend backward. But the fact that there begins to be an equality shows that these stand above those where the anterior and posterior extremities are precisely identical.— Now again, those which are terrebrachela, which have the anterior and posterior ends precisely iden- tical and the valves unequal, are the oldest. They fill the strata below tbe coal, and in the coal. We have not yet any of those which have unequal valves, with unequal anterior and posterior ends before we have passed the epoch of the coal. So we see a gradation of the animals in each series, corresponding precisely with the order of succes- sion of animals in time. Thus the great importance of understanding these facts, which at first appear to be rather insignificant. But, you see, when I at- tempted to show that there was a difference in the actual position of the animal in water, how it stood, or lay, I expressed thelawof succession oftypes, the law of gradation of organization from the earliest appearance of organic life up to the present time. Of course, theoldest types once introduced have not been allowed to die out. We have in a living state geveral brachiopoda, but very few, perhaps one- fiftieth of the whole number, of the acephalae. We have of these bivalves agreatnumber.but they begin about the middle age of the history of our earth, and the number is about equal to the number ot types now living. Now the symmetrical bivalves are the jnost numerous living in our days, and those which I occur only in the upper strata of the crust of otn | globe, which begin in the last time, as it were, the last historical and geological periods. Of course there are some few species which run through a greater range of geological time. I give only a gen- eral outline of this succession, in order to show the importance of this thing. Perhaps it would be more attractiveto enter into details of the mode of living of these animals, their uses, habits and so forth; but these things may be found in almost every text-book, while anatomical details and these more general bearings of tbe struc- ture, with geological phenomena, are scattered in isolated papers, and some of these views have only be*en known for a short time, so that perhaps it is more advisable to stick to this point of view rather than what is usually called the history of these animals. (Applause.) It will of course be per- ceived that this difference between the bivalves is less important than has generally been considered. Whether the mantle be united with the whole length of the animal, and whether it be opened for a greater portion is of less importance than many conchologists have thought. And again, whether such an animal has a hard shell or not is of trifling importance. We have, iu fact, a great number of animals, quite similar in their structure with the bivalve shells, which have no shells at all—and have only a membraneous cov- ering, and it is according to this difference that the class of acephela? has been divided into the follow- ing groups: First, the Bryosoa. These resemble the polypi in size. In these the anterior end of the animal is surrounded by a circle of tentacles, and these have cilia all round, by which they can introduce the water. Withiu this membraneous covering of the animal, is a structure quite similar to the shell of the oyster. Sometimes members of this group have calcareous stems like the coral. Next we have the Tunicata. They have mere- ly the opening for the introduction of the water to the gills and the mouth. It is like an oyster with- out shells, where the skin is entirely united the whole length of the animal: Then there is the Brachiopoda, with the valves unequal, but tbe anterior and posterior extremities symmetrical. Here is the hole through which these animals protrude a ligament which is used as the means of attachment. These animals constantly lie upon the fiat valve attached by this ligament, which passes through a hole in the larger valve. It is this type which is the rrost common, and in fact the only one, found in ancient strata All the lime- stone and coal strata in the United States contain a The Animal Kingdom. 23 great number of these bivalves which are very well known to conchologists: Here we have the type of the oyster—the Mono- myaria. These have unequal valves and are also unequal in the anterior and posterior sides, and bave, as their name imports, a single muscle run- ning between the valves. The last group is the Dimyaria. I have taken up' this view of the subject in order to impress the audience with the importance of an- atomical investigation with reference to successive types during geological epochs. It shows that there is a plan successively realized in Nature ; and that the types now in existence were in view at the begin- ning. Such a series cannot be realized, unless at the beginning, the termination of the plan was al- ready sketched out. If it were otherwise, then it would be precisely like one sitting down to write a book without having formed his plan. If he does not know where he is to go, how can he ever come to an end? (Applause) We next come to the class of Gasteropoda, the name being derived from the large muscular disc by which the animals creep. Here it is a flat disc of muscular fibres which contract successively and so move the animal. What is very singular is that some of these animals are able to walk against the air when swimming at the surface of the water.— It is necessary to explain that in order to make it nnderstood: Let this be a wactsr-basiu, ana ine level of the water above. We have here the pressure of the at- mosphere upon the water. Let now a fresh-water mollusc of this class be placed at the bottom of the vessel in this position. It will rise to the surface bv expansion. It will diminish its own weight ■o much that the animal will rise to the surface. How is that possible ? The animal sinks because it is heavier than water. But its weight is sonear- lv equal to that of the water that the moment it assumes a larger size, by dilation, it displaces a greater quantity of water and becomes therefore fomparatively lighter than the fluid, and by this process it slowly comes to the surface of the water. The moment it contracts it of course again sinks. When at the surface of the water the feet will be upward, and by the contraction of the feet the pres- sure of the air upon the water is a sufficient resist- ance for this animal to walk along on the surface of the water, and any one may have the pleasure of seeing this by observing the motions of any of this species so common in all our fresh-water nonds. Nor is the motion of tins animal very slow. I have seen some not more than half an inch m length walk a foot in this way in a minute. Ibis shows that the resistance must be considerable. All the gasteropoda have that muscular disc at the lower portion of the animal, and have been so called because the disc is below the visceral cavity or abdomen. Here I take occasion to remark that masy impro- per names have been give to animals of these lower groups, because the animals themselves have not been sufficiently understood. Still it is perhaps ad- visable to retain the names, as if the mode of classi- li■■■■-.■*•■•! were to be changed to meet every fresh ac- cession to our knowledge, the memory would be embarrassed and endless confusion be produced. Most of the gasteropoda have the body covered with shells; but a great number of them are naked. Here are some very beautiful from the variety of their colors. The size and thickness of the shell vary very much. In some the shell is so minute that it covers only a small portion of the animal. In others the shell is entirely concealed in the skin, and is seen only when the skin is cut open. The shell cannot be considered as a very important part of the animal. There are almost as many of the Mollusca destitute of shells as there are possessed of them. Again: all those without shells had them when young. If the shell were of as great importance as it is generally deemed by concholo- gists we would not see so many of these animals naked. Though very beautiful and diversified, the shells, then, are of comparatively little importance. Yet the shells after all are not without their value in the study of Natural History, for it is by means of them that we can study the Mollusca of ancient geological times. In a fossil state there have been found a great many of these univalve shells. But we do not know how many or what sort of naked shells existed in those epochs simultaneously with the others. It is only from those which had a hard coat that we can form an idea of the gaster- opoda of ancient times. The shell of tnis class is often a single flat disc without any circumvolutions. In that case it is formed of successive layers, growing larger and larger, and forming concentric lines as you see here. The mode of deposition of this shell is in this way :| First above the animal there is a small calcare- ous disc. Then, as it grows larger, the mantle se- cretes another layer, a larger layer, and another, and another, each still larger, and so the shell grows in proportion as the animal grows. Now in several this disc is flat. In others it is more or less conical. Here is the beginning of a cavity into which the animal can retreat. In some it is even a deep cone. In some the cone is so high as to be like a cylindri- caltube. But usually this tube is rolled up, and that in a very peculiar manner. Sometimes in roll- ing it will form a few circumvolutions, and you have an apex. 24 In some the circumvolutions are very nu- merous, and succeed each other in such a way as to form a high spire, and you easily understand that that is a mere tube rolled in a spire. Sometimes the tube thus rolled turns to the right—sometimes to the left. But what is remarkable, all the indi- viduals of a species which is designed to be rolled up to the right are turned the same way, and per- haps of thousands and tens of thousands you will not find more than one reversed. These reversed individuals are highly prized by collectors ot shells. They are extremely rare. Among tbe common snails we find perhaps more of these reversed shells than in any other class. What may be the cause of this constant rolling in one and the same direction is not known. It begins in the egg. The opening in tbe shell is generally circular.— In some cases it is oblong. In some it has a notch, and through that there passes a membraneous tube, through which the water is introduced and reaches tbe respiratory organs. Here is a case in which this prolongation forms a kind of siphon, protecting the membraneous tube. An animal with such a tube can breathe without moving its body. Those which have a circular opening are obliged to come out when they breathe. Sometimes the membraneous tube coming out of this notch is very long, as long as the shell itself, and forms a kind of horn, rising above the animal. Many of this class become blind when they are full grown. The mouth is usually surrounded by the tentacles and is at the anterior part of the head. But some- times there is a proboscis, a long tube, at the end of which we have the mouth. In some, on the contrary, the mouth is very short, and in such the proboscis protrudes. In this respect there is a great variety, as there is also in the form and shape of the foot and mantle. In some the foot is much broader than the shell, so that when you look on the animal from above, the shell does not seem to be more than half the size of the foot. In other cases the foot is so large that the shell and head of the animal constitute the smallest portion. In this respect great diversity exists. Again, in some the mantle is so broad that it will cover a portion of the shell by folding itself back- ward, thus concealing the greatest portion of the Prof Agassiz's Lectures. shell, and we have cases where the foot is of an amazing size when compared with the size of the animal. All these differences are important, as it is owing to some of them that concholog sts have divided tbe gasteropoda into several classes. One is that class called Phlebentera, entirely na- ked, and peculiar for the structure of the intestinal canal. Their name indicates that peculiarity. The alimentary canal forms a kind of circulation, and in this respect this family does not stand much higher than some of the medusae, but they differ in the respect that the alimentary canal has a longitudinal axis. They have, all of them, external gills, sometimes most beautiful, forming bunches of blood- vessels hanging outside, which are used as oars and constitute the means of locomotion. The modes of locomotion are either by the feet creeping along or by the gills in swimming. There is another group rather interesting, which contains animals of so greatly varied appearance, that to one accustomed to combine animals ac- cording to their general appearance, it seems unnatural to classify tbem in one family; but they have been so classified by so high an au- thority in Natural History that no one has dared to alter the classification. A Swedish Natural- ist has proposed a modification of the classifica- tion of Cuvier, and indeed it is quite reasonable to suppose that as tbe investigation of Natural His- tory proceeds, and fresh discoveries are made, mod- ifications of classification will become necessary.— Nor does it in the least reflect upon the exalted character of the great Naturalist I have named, to whom tbe science owes so much, that these changes should be deemed necessary. It has perhaps been owing to his immortal work that scientific men of our day have been able to improve the methods of our earlier naturalists. LECTURE VI. Remarks Explanatory of the Lecturer's Views with regard to the Succession of Animals in Geological Times Views entirely different from thote advanced in the " Vestiges of Creation"....Character of that Work....Clasai- His fication of the Gasteropoda not Natnral... .The Trochoids___The Pulmonata. Peculiarities in the Organization of these Animals....Fossil Shells. .The " Cuttle-Fish"___Interesting Ladies and Gentlemen :—Several questions having been put to me with respect to the views which I entertain in regard to the development of organic life, and some observations having been made with respect to the tendencies of the facts presented in my Lectures, I deem it necessary to explain what I understand, in reference to the suc- cession and development of organic life. Tbese words are constantly used and some- times in very ditlerent senses, so that there is in- finite misunderstanding among those who use the same words and mean very ditlerent things by them. When we speak of what comes later we of course have referencer ^vhat comes before. We will take for illustration chick. From the time when the egg is laid to the period when the ma- ture chick is batched, a succession of changes takes place. This epoch between the formation of the chick and its full growth is called its develop- ment, and the changes which such an animal under- goes during this time are its metamorphoses. We have often limited tbe meaning of metamorphoses to the changes which we perceive in the butterfly— in the caterpillar, where these changes are inter- rupted and are very striking. Everybody knows that a butterfly is formed from a caterpillar out of an egg. The caterpillar, or worm like animal, af- ter it has grown to a certain size undergoes a change—it assumes a new form, that of the chrysalis. It is motionless and so remans for a certain time, till out of this comes a living butterfly with all its brightness and vivacity of life. Now The Animal Kingdom. 25 these changes have usually been called metamor- phoses, although not so striking, nor interrupted in ■uch a manner as to form distinct ages in tbe life of the animal. They pass from one to another, and the early state ot the chick, for instance, is so .dissimi- lar to the full-grown chicken that noone recognizes them if they have a chance to compare them. But il we can trace all the intermediate stages we find that they are connected in such a manner that there is no interruption to the succession of these changes—and thus we do not in that case usually speak of metamorphosis but of development, and ■uch a development is also called the progress of an animal during the different stages of tbe egg. In a metaphoric manner we are also accustomed to speak of metamorphoses in the Animal Kingdom through different ages of geological time. Every- body knows that the earliest Geology has been made so clear that I suppose all know that the strata which form the crust of our globe contain a great number of fossil remains—remains of fossil beings in all classes of the Animal Kingdom—and when tracing the whole succession of these animals we find that the most ancient strata—those which form the lower beds of this crust of the earth—are different from those which are found in the interme- diate beds, and which differ again from those found in the uppermost beds. Now in this succession of strata and of animals through the whole range of geological epochs, we have what is considered a progress. We find that the types in all the lower beds resemble tbe lower types of the now living animals. For instance, I have mentioned that the Brachiopoda among the Mollusca are the most ancient acephala. We find among the vertebrated animals that fishes only are found in the lower beds. There are no reptiles, no birds, no mammalia, nor any of the higher classes of the Animal Kingdom. And here, again, we may ■peak of a progress in the succession of types. We can speak, also, of a metamorphosis in the Animal Kingdom, but not in the same sense in which we ■peak of the metamorphosis of an animal; because, when we have a butterfly arising from a caterpil- lar, then we have one and the same animal contin- ually living without interruption, and passing through successive changes ; while, when we speak of the metamorphoses of tbe Animal Kingdom of the different classes—when we speak, for instance, of the metamorphosis of the class of Acalepbse, and consider the Brachiopoda, Monomyaria and Dimya- ria as different stages of this metamorphosis, of course we would have here a succession of differ- ent types, different animals, unconnected mate- rially—not the same living beings undergoing these changes, but a number of distinct individuals un- connected with each other, not derived from each ether. Nevertheless, there is in their succession a great analogy—a striking analogy, with the changes, the progress, the development observed in one and the same individual while growing from the egg to the full size; therefore, what we call metamorpho- sis, progress, development, in one sense, is entire- ly different from that which we call by the same name in another case. In the succession of the changes of an individual, we have really a progress in one thing; but we have in the other case a pro- gress of the plan—and a progress on a plan arising in a succession of species which do not descend from eacli other—which have never been derived from each other, as two different individuals of one and the same species are derived from each other through successive generations. Therefore we should never mistake these two things. In the one case we have individual sue cessions of changes—in the other case we have a plan which is successively modified and where the progress is introduced by a series of species under- going changes independent from each other . and in that view, in such a progress, such a grad*tion only, in the plan, we recognize the mode in which this succession so introduced proceeds in different epochs. I make these observations in reference to some remarks made and questions which agree with cer- tain philosophical views entertained ia some quar- ters. Now, I have not to teach Natural Philoso- phy, but to give a sketch of Natural History—of the Animal Kingdom; but as a knowledge of the Ani- mal Kingdom has constantly a bearing on philo- sophical questions, of course you cannot avoid ref- erence to them. But I would only make this dis- tinction, that in the case of the metamorphoses of individuals we have a series of phenomena arising from the fact, that the species has been called into existence with the properties of undergoing suc- cessively these changes. But with the progress of species, as we find them in different geological strata, the question is: can we find in Nature ex- ternal causes which will produce these changes? and, again, can we refer these successive appear- ances of different types to the influences of external causes? I say no; because, since Man has studied Nature he has never seen any species modified un- der external influences. The most ancient monu- ment whose mummies have been studied, shows animals quite identical with those who live in the same country now; therefore we see, that as far as we can reach, the species which exist now have had the same characteristics which they have at this present day ; and, therefore, it would be illogi- cal to suppose that what does not occur for so long an amount of time has been the cause of all the va- rieties which we see in Nature. And again, the fact to which I alluded in the last Lecture, that such a vast variety of animals, living in the same cir- cumstances, in tbje same locality, and again animals of the very same types as we have in the different geological epochs, shows evidently that these ex- ternalcircumstances are not the product—have not been made by external influences—but have been arranged with the plan which was formed at the beginning, when the world and the organic beings were called into existence with the end of introdu- cing Man. (Applause.) These views—to which I shall recur when I come to speak of the position of Man in Nature, and of his relations to the Animal Kingdom—disagree en- tirely with the views, and have not the slightest alliance with the views of a work which is very much spoken of, but which I consider entirely un- worthy of notice by any serious sceientific man—be- cause it is made up of old-fashioned views which have been brought before the notice of the public for half the French school, and are support- ed only by antiquated assertions, and by no means by facts scientifically ascertained. It must be owing to some particular circumstance that this work has been so much noticed, because really it is not wor- thy a critical examination by a serious scientific man. Now, after this too tedious explanation, let me come back to my proper subject, and I beg to be allowed to go on regularly with the subject, as questions are frequently submitted in reference to Lectures already delivered, which really are not rel- evant or pertinent to the present object of our in- vestigations. In the proper place 1 should have been led to speak of the points which have been the subject of this explanation, and tbe remarks just now made would with more propriety have been introduced at the close of the Course, had I not been asked so often to give my views in rela tion to these questions. (Applause.) 26 Prof Agassiz's Lectures. I remarked that the gasteropoda are not prop- erly classified. Their structure is generally well known, but the details of the different groups have not been sufficiently ascertained for the purposes of a strictly natural classification. The gills, which have been made the principle of classification, vary so much, and the variations are of so little impor- tance that I do not suppose a natural classification can be educed on that principle. You remem- ber I mentioned the Phlebentera as the first group. The alimentary canal is distributed in chem in a manner similar "o blood-vessels, and dif- fuses the product of di- gestion through the body, and even in the gills. You have here this canal, which is a ramification of the alimentary tube, and vou see here how a vessel, as it were, runs in the branchi, which is nothing more than a duct arising from the alimentary canal, and performs functions similar to a blood-vessel. The next group is the Trochoids, according to Cuvier. This group contains the only species pro- vided with shells. There is a circular opening in the shell, without the notch, and the animal is quite similar to those which have a notch; and again, quite similar also to some of the naked animals. To those familiar with the structure of Mollusca it will be obvious that there is scarcely any difference be- tween this group and several of the other classes. The only difference appears to be that a portion of the animal is in one case covered with shell, and in the other it is naked. I am satisfied, then, that the distinction is not natural, but that this group should contain all the naked mollusca, which have the same structure. The difference between those which have and those which have* not the notch is of no value at all. I will quote an example: The common limpet has no notch, but there is an open- ing on the side, for the introduction of the water, as large as on any of those which have a notch, and the animal can breathe without coming out of its shell just as well as those which have this long membraneous tube coming out of their notch. It forms a group entirely different from all these. The classification of the gasteropoda, then, is not at all natural. Perhaps this may offer an inducement to some young naturalist to begin the study of this class of animals, which are so numerous along these shores, and some types of them so large that an op- portunity is afforded for their examination such as is not to be met with on any of the European coasts. I have yet to speak of two additional groups of the gasteropoda; and first of the Pulmonata, or those provided with so-called lungs. The slugs— the snails, belong to that group. They form un- doubtedly a natural group. Though they have an organ of breathing similar to the gills of the other Mollusca, it is peculiar in this respect that the air which is brought in contact with the blood vessel is not mixed up with water. These animals breathe the atmospheric air and not the small quantity of air contained in all water. They are well-known under the name of land and fresh-water shells. I would here mention la peculiarity in the respi- ratory structure of these [animals which is worthy if notice. In this pro- jective portion of the ■ihell we have a large avity opening outside if an oblong hole. The I >vhole of this cavity is covered with blood-vessels, parallel to each other bat connected by transverse vessels, and forming a kind of net work all over the cavity, so that the air which is introduced into this cavity at once is brought in contact with a great many blood-vessels. The heart is near the base of this cavity, so that from there the blood is carried directly to the respi- ratory organs. The only difference, then, between this organ and the gills of the common Mollusca is that the blood-vessels are united with the vessels of the cavity, and do not form a tube-like free ap- pendage hanging in the water. The number of species in this group is very considerable. There are as many living in the fresh water as there are upon the dryland; but usually they seek moist corners when they conceal themselves, along fences, or between the roots of trees in wet localities. They are very voracious and consume a great quantity of carrion, and are thus useful in many respects, though in otherrespectg they are quite the reverse, being often very de- structive in our gardens. Another group is that of the Terrepadte, not mentioned in my diagram, because I consider the classification as little natural as the others. It has, indeed, been shown by a Russian naturalist that they have such an affinity with so many other groups that they should be divided and placed among the different families. What was consider- ed the common characteristic was a kind of mem- braneous appendage on the sides of the head by which they swim; but this is not formed in all by the samepart. In some it is a dilatation of the body, in others of the anterior ridge of the head; and therefore you see in this case a classification of an- imals in one group from an external likeness in one respect, which is not owing to an uniformity of structure. I now pass on to the exami- ationof the Cephalopoda. The diagrams present numerous il- lustrations of this class. Here are some without an external shell. Here is one apparently naked, which has an internal shell. The most striking exter- nal feature is that the head, is mire distinct than in any other nollusca. There is a contrac ion about tbe anterior ridge wnere we see two distinct eyes. The posterior part of the body is in the form of a sac. Around the head we have membraneous appendages which have been called arms or feet, and on whose surface you see numerous snckers, by which these animals seize their prey and convey it to theirmouth, which is in the centre of the tentacles. Some of the cephalopo- da have only eight of these tentacles and feet. Here you have eight of the same size ; and two much larger, of different form, with a cylindrical base and flat extremity. Some are even provided with hooks in this more elongated form, by which they seize their prey more vigorously. In this species the arms are very numerous and they have appendages like numerous tentacles, forming bunches, which are arranged around the mouth in a similar manner as the four tentacles in the other species. In their internal organization they agree in this respect—all are provided with large gills placed on the sides of the animal; and at the base of these gills we see two venous hearts and one which is colored in blue and another in red. 80 that there are three hearts in these animals. But when we here speak of several hearts we must understand what we mean. These several hearts are little The Animal Kingdom. 27 more than dilatations of the tubes which carry the blood. They are large sinuses in the blood-vessels and not muscular hearts like the hearts' of higher animals. The blood reaches the heart from the two large-lobed sacs situated at the base of the gills, which are considered as hearts by some nat- uralists. They force the blood into the gills, where it is brought in contact with the extensive surface of water, and then it is changed into arterial blood and is again appropriated for the functions of blood in the living animal. It then comes again into the heart proper, which propels it into all parts of the body. In the diagrams the blood-vessels are colored as in the higher animals. But it is not so in Nature. In these animals the blood is transparent; and it is only for the sake of illustration that the coloring has been here employed. Near the stomach, between that organ and the liver, these animals have a little gland which se- cretes a dark-colored fluid of a very dense consis- tence, which is used in the manufacture of the " China ink." All the cephalopoda have their sac filled with this black or rather brown substance in great abundance, and it is so tenacious that in all the fossil cephalopoda, which are very numerous, those ink-bags have been found in the fossil state, full of fossil ink—and this fossil ink is so well pre- served that when prepared it has been used in the same manner as the China ink made from the re- cent cuttle-fish. I have repeatedly seen fossils drawn with the China ink furnished by these shells existing for thousands and thousands of years in the strata in which the greatest number of these ani- mals is found. I have just mentioned that in this group we have some without a shell, some with an internal shell, and some with an external shell. This clearly ■hows how little value can be placed in the exis- tence and possession of shells, and how erroneous would be classification resting only on that prin- ciple. In the form of the shell this group presents a marked difference from the gasteropoda. In both types the shell is rolled up, but in the gasteropoda the animal moves sideways when roliing up, and thus in the snail you have the right hand side turn- ing on the left hand side. I will illustrate this by a diagrams: tances, constantly growing as the animal grows larger; and the animal occupies only the anterior portion of tbe shell, though it formerly occupied all these partitions, only when growing larger it moved on and formed partitions between itself and all these chambers. The siphon which communicates with the heart is in part a prolongation of the pericardium. We have only one genus of these chambered shells rolled up in that manner living now, and another where the shell is not entirely rolled up as it is here, but where the successive convolutions are detached from each other, so that it is as you see here: In the cephalopoda the shell is rolled up in avery different manner. You see hero the back outside and the lower reeion below and the right and left 'mud side are symmetrical. So hat the cephalopoda which |rolls up to form its shell, rolls |up head forward and back out- -He, while tbe gasteropoda |iolls in a different manner.— Av'uin, in the gasteropoda the ciiur of the shell is com- ||)lrhly occupied by the aui- iuhI when it is contracted.— ^ot so in the cephalopoda, or it. least in most of them. There ' ia one which makes an excep- tion. Tha nautilus proper is divided into numerous chambers, and those chambers are at equal dis- This has been called Spinrfa. It is an animal not very well known. Though found on these shores, it is rarely met with in a good condition for exami- nation. The siphon passes through all these parti- tions in a similar way as in the nautilus. These two are the only ones now living with chambered shells ; and you will perceive that it is this animal which has not simple tentacles, but bunches of ap- pendages forming masses similar to the tentacles in other diagrams. The structnre of the gills and tentacles alone considered would make the nautilus inferior to those beautiful animals in our seas. There are other anatomical reasons to consider the spirula as well as the nautilus lower in their organization than the true cuttle fish. The fact that they are rolled up in this manner, while the body is straight in .hese and comes nearer the nat- ural symmetry of an animal having a longitudinal diameter and two symmetrical sides, shows evi- dently that their type is higher than that. Now all the cephalopoda found in a fossil state below the coal, during the coal epoch—during the series of sec mdary rocks—belong to this group. They are as numerous as the gasteropodaare in our seas. In a living state we have only two types, but hundreds and thousands of them are found in all the ancient strata, up to the most recent depos- its forming the outermost beds of the crust of the earth. Those which have internal shells have also existed in former epochs, but not very late. They are only found in the oolitic beds, in the series of strata extremely extensive in the British Islands and Continent of Europe, but found in a very rudi- mentary condition in this part of the world. They are well known in every part of Europe under the name of "devil's fingers." They have a conical lorm, and yiside of them a hollow cone ; and this cone is divided into partitions, and on one side it is prolonged in tbe form of a flat disc. For a longtime it was not li-iowu to what grjup 28 of the cephalopoda they belonged. Tbey have been considered as belonging to the chambered shells in the division of this hollow cone. But when studying the shell which is found in the back of the cuttle-fish, and is known under tbe name ol "cuttle-fish bone," I found that this disc is divided in the interior by plates of calcareous matter. But it had not been noticed that there was con- stantly a little point here, which, when minutely examined, is found to be hollow. On comparing the arrangements of these plates it will be found that they go into this point, and in fact the cuttle- fish is a belemnite in a reversed position. So that there is no doubt now—and this explanation is generally admitted—that the belemnites are by no means the external shells of cephalopoda, but the bones of some cuttle-fish of the oolitic series; and the fact that in the beds where belemnites oc- cur, we find the greatest quantity of those loose ink-bags in a fossii state, is a confirmation of that view. (Applause.) The naked cuttle-fish of our day are numerous ; and as you see, have tentacles arranged in pairs. Those which have only eight tentacles never have a hard shell or any hard part. Those, on the other hand, which have ten tentacles always have hard parts. But in some of them this shield which is placed in tbe back is cartilaginous—not very hard in the species common here, but in the common cuttle-fish of Europe, very hard and calcareous. Now, it is not enough to have shown that the chambered class are last and appear first—that those which have an external shell are younger, and follow those which have bard plates. I want to show that there is a very regular mode of sue cession in these. In the most ancient beds below the coal where the chambered shells are the most numerous, we find types already with varied plates. I have shown already how these chambered shells are rolled up. It is not necessary then to draw a Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. full shell, but just enough to give a notion of it. In the most ancient strata some of these chan.. bered shells are perfectly straight, having a siphon in the centre, or on the margin of some of them. Already these two types occur in the mos ancient strata, and you see here the beginning of a series which will pass through all possible modifi- cations of their shape. Some have the shell curved only in this way with a partial curve, and some have the shell curved thus, like a hook ia the beginning, and then becoming quite straight: Here are specimens of these extremely diversi- fied convolutions • All forms of convolution, as it were,of the straight tube are to be found in these shells just at the epoch when tbe family dies out The Animal Kingdom. 29 LECTURE VII. ..Peculiarities of their Nervous System. DTscovery of Mr- Blan- .How do Animals....Results of Recent Investigation.. eles....General Structure of the Articulata....r owi-i'"=. "'n."ur*u»T~;«»"i,"=.~nV"inV»«fin»l Worms.... chard....Worms....Great Variety of Form and Structure....The He»»^" ^^^"^tow DUcoverles the, comVo Exist in other AnimJ.?....History of^he »o™^n.SLI05:SaphS?-non of Red Snow. ___The Theory of Spontaneous Generation Exploded. When he divided the CLASSIFICATION OF THE ARTICULATA. 1.. Vssmf.s................(Worms.) 1. Helninthti.......(Intestinal Worms.) 2. Apoda............(Withfeet.) S. Cketopodm........(With feet like hairs.) A. DortxbrmckuUa ..(Gills on the back.) 5. Tu»u(iir«ncAu>ra.(Gills like tubes.) U. .Ihsecta................(Insects.) 1. Araoknoid*.......(Spiders) 2. SucUrim..........(Suckers.) 3. Mandiiulmta.....(With jaws.) Ill. .Crui tasea............(Crustaceans.) 1. Puratita..........(Parasites.) 2. Eritomostroc*.....(With articulated claws.) S. ilalacottrocu.....(With calcareous claws.) Ladihs and Grktlemer :—The subject of the Lecture this evening will be the structure of the Articulated animals in general and of the worms in particular. The general structure of this order of animals is well known. The bodies of these animals are per- fectly symmetrical. The two sides are equal.— We have no longer here any such differences be- tween the right and left hand sides as we have among the Mollusca, or anything similar to tbe ra- diated structure of the lowest type of the Animal Kingdom. The Crustacea only show in their limbs— in their claws—such a difference. In them we see frequently one of the claws much longer than the •ther. But it is well known to what circumstances this difference is owing. The Crustacea frequently lose the claws and these limbs are reproduced, but usually of diminished size. When the animal does ■ot meet with such an accident, the claws continue of the same size, and this accidental disparity is still farther illustrated by the fact that sometimes it is the left and sometimes the right claw which is smaller than the other. This shows that tbe differ- ence in size is not a characteristic of the type. I propose to divide the Articulated animals into •nly three classes—the Worms, the Insects, and the Crustacea. This type has always heretofore been divided into a great number of classes, and even some classes have been left out of the Articulata, which I think really belong to that division, and here, in this con- nection, I design to make a few critical remarks on the general classification of animals as we find them in the most recent works on Natural History. This classification has not kept pace with the pro- gress of our knowledge. Our text-books do not jive the results of recent investigation and discov- ery. I would refer to the best of the classifica- tions, not perhaps the most recent, but the most extensive—that contained in the great work of Cuvier on tbe Animal Kingdom. That is the greatest work on Natural History; not very volaminous, in five octavo volumes, in which the celebrated author has given the general char- acteristics of all the principal types of the Animal Kingdom, and for the first time classified them ac- cording to their organization. It was Cuvier who for the first time divided the Animal Kingdom into four types—who recognized four different modes of arrangement in the structure of animals, and that there was not a simple gradation from the low- armation oi lotesunai »»""«"••• ?A a .Explanation of the Phenomenon of Red er to the highest animals. Animal Kingdom into those four groups, he desig- nated those groups by a very happy name lor which I cannot find an English term sufficiently ex- plicit. He called these divisions embranchments. By this he conveyed the idea in a felicitous man- ner that the groups of the Animal Kingdom did jeitherform a single series nor parallel lines, but a jomplicated grouping of individuals connected to- ;ether by affinities in a similar way as the, branches of a tree, forming groups with very natural propor- tions, though not divisible into families of equal value. Tbe groups we may call types—great di- visions of the Animal Kingdom. For want of a bet- ter name, some have proposed the term " depart- ments." Thus you see, if lam correct, that we have not in the English language any terra which conveys the idea so happily as that employed by Cuvier. . . When Cuvier divided the Animal Kingdom into these four groups, some of the groups had not yet been studied anatomically as fully as they since have been studied, and therefore it is not to be wondered at that that illustrious naturalist intro- duced into several of these groups animals which did not properly belong to them—that have only an external likeness—which are analogous to them, but not really identical in their structure. For in- stance, in the group of Radiata to which I refer only three classes—the polyps, the acephala, and the echinodermata,—Cuvier had five classes, one of tfrem being the class of intestinal worms— the Hdminthes—nni the Infusoria, a class which, I think, must be entirely broken up, and does not form a natural group, but contains ani- mals of very different structure, and which have been combined together as a class only in conse- quence of their minute size. That is the only characteristic which they have in common, but their structure is not such as to justify this union in one class, nor to justify their admission as a natural group among the Radiata. Cuvier, Lamarc and other eminent naturalists were induced to maintain the class of Infusoria, in eonsequence of the general arrangement of vibra- tory cilia around the mouth, presenting the form of a circular disc vibrating round the mouth, and giv- ing these animals an appearance of radiated struc- ture like some of the polypi. But on examining the bodies of these animals, it has been found that there are transverse divisions in these animals. Borne of the infusoria have been found to agree so fully with articulated animals that nobody now doubts the propriety of combining at least the so- called Rotifera with the crustaceous animals. Oth- ers are worm-like, and belong more properly to the Vermes than any other group, and we know that many of the so-called infusoria are merely germs of plants which have been mistaken for animals; and germs of different other animals which have been mistakenfor full-grown animals. Thus it has been iiscovered recently that organizations which have been regarded as independent animals, and as such bave been placed among the infusoria, are really the young of certain Mollusca—certain gasteropo- dous mollusca. Now such mistakes should be corrected. When Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. 30 they were made, the facts by which we are enabled to correct them were not known. The works in which the mistakes occur are and must long con- tinue to be the great fundamental books of Natural History, and hence the greater necessity for rectify- ing these errors. The class of intestinal worms, heretofore ranked with the Radiata, belongs to the Articulata. All these worms are articulated transversely. These articulations are very numerous. But tbey have a circle of radiated folds around the mouth. Hence the mistake to which I have alluded in classifying them with the Radiata. The existence of a nervous system with ganglia was then unknown—so that the mistake of Cuvier cannot appear strange, par- ticularly when we reflect on the extreme difficulty of observing the structure of many of tbe intestinal worms. 1 have said that I divided the Articulata into on- ly three classes, though I admit all the intestinal worms and the greater number of the infusoria. Cuvier admitted more classes than I think proper to admit. The spiders were considered by him as a class distinct from the common insect, be- cause they have no wings and because their respir- atory organs are somewhat different from those of common insects. But many true insects have no wings; and when tracing all the modifications of certain insects we find the transitions so gradual as not to allow the differences between them to be of the value which was formerly placed upon them ; and so the class of spiders is now merged in the general group of insects. Beside, we have now ascertained that the metamorphoses of insects are not so peculiarly a trait of that class as was for- merly supposed, and therefore in the absence of that characteristic in the spider we do not see the same ground of making a prominent distinction be- tween them and insects. There are many insects which do not undergo so striking a metamorphosis as the butterfly and some other two-winged insects. • Then again, certain Crustacea, which bad been distinguished as a particular class, must now be combined with the true Crustacea. It will perhaps appear singular that the Balani—there is a com- mon English term for them, which now escapes me—ah! I recollect it, the "barnacles"—shonld be- long to the Articulata. They have been placed among the shells. But that classification was erro- neous, and this is perhaps one of the most unex- pected results of recent investigations. Even during the lifetime of Cuvier—til teen years ago— nobody suspected that the barnacles did not really belong to the class of shells. Cuvier himself pub- lished an elaborate paper on the nervons system of the barnacles, in his memoir on tbe Structure of Mollusca, and he considered all barnacles as true mollusca He made only one remark, that be was struck by the complicated nervous system of these animals; and that remark has been the foundation of that true distinction between the Mollusca and Articulata. He found that tbe ganglia were more numerous in barnacles than iu Mollusca, where there is only a large ganglion above, and another or two below the alimentary canal; while in the bar- nacles we find that below the alimentary canal there are several ganglia, and when comparing the nervous system of the barnacles with that of the greater number of Mollusca, and with that of the rreater number of other articulated animals, it was found that this very great peculiarity constituted the most striking difference between tbem. From that time it was suspected that, t boo eh the barna- cles were supplied with shells, tbey might yet be long to the articulated animals. A British natural- ist—Mr. Thompson of-Cork—when engaged in the study of the barnacles found that the young, when escaping f om the egg, is a true crustaceous ani- mal; precisely like other crustaceous animals, and fixing itself only after a certain time, when the shells are formed to protect it, and combine in such a manner with the animal as to give it an external resemblance to the Mollusca. But tbe internal structure is entirely different. So there is no doubt that the barnacles, cons dered as a class of Mollus- ca by Cuvier, do not only not form a class by them- selves but are true Crustacea. This change in the classification is made necessary by those recestre- searches into the structure of the nervous system of barnacles and into the growth and metamorpho- sis of the young. But it has not yet been effected in general works. Through the kindness of Professor Watts, I am enabled to show this beautiful preparation, illus- trative of the structure of the articulated animals. This is a large Scolopendra where the divisions of the body into transverse sections, and movable rings, with appendages on each side in the form of feet, are seen much more distinctly than they could be perceived in any insect. The body is divided trans- versely. Every one of these livisions forms a protecting ring i>f horny substance. Here we liave no calcareous substance, inly in some lobsters. In some if the Crustacea the shield is uard and contains limestone.— Ancso lilies ure uuited together by a membrane. Here is the articula- tion, but the ring doet J not pass across the. whole. There is a folcil and the next ring isto The membrane here it thinner and aliows t fold to be formed, anr so the next ring is movable on this one. Many of the articulated ani- mals have all their rings uniform and very numerous- rfo it is with worms. Others have appendages to these rings of very varied form. In some these appendages are even very complicated. In some insects with rinps there are as many feet as rings. All the rings have feet. The number of them may "■each hundreds,even sev- ral thousands. When ^here are appendages '.hey are soft, as indeed in general the covering of he worm is soft. The rin^s are also soft, so that the body of these animals has a less constant form thai other articulated ani- mals. In insects, if several rings are combined, we usually see the body divided into two or three regions—two more distinctly—sometimes three. You see here a long tail- like appendage. Heretht tail is shorter—the hear very distinct. All theet appendages can be com bined together, and we finr them to be very analogous It is in tbe worms that w< can best understand wha> they are, and I shall defei these details till I come to | speak of tbe worms. You will recollec the characte ri6tics The Animal Kingdom. 31 ji'ler these as arising radiated animals. Bear in mind now that I di- rect your attention to the structure of the intes- tinal worms, which are now classed not with the radio»-pd. hnt tbf artir-nlqt-ed animals. It is only recently hat a yoang French laturalist found that .^lere was a nervous Uystem in all intesti I lal worms, evea where east expected, and mnd that it differed some what iu arrangement trom the common articu- lated animals. It is in this respect: that these threads go from one ganglia to another, and, instead of joining as a common swelling, form two independent se- ries of parallel nerves. But you see that the difference is not very considerable. After all, _ it shows how we ought tu from the juncture of the parallel threads, rather than as one only with swellings intermediate ; and far from being the exception to the rule, it gives the true key to the understanding of this arrange- ment, which in fact we did not know before the discovery of Mr. Blanchard. The class of worms, insects and Crustacea rest for their distinction particularly on the respiratory organs—the circulation and mode of respiration. The worms are elongated, cylindrical and com- posed of very numerous and rather soft rings. The •kin shows superficial folds, and these folds are movable on each other, not to be compared with the hard rings of higher articulated animals. We find in worms the greatest variety of structure__ There is perhaps no class of the Animal Kingdom which shows more of this variety. Many characters which are considered of the highest value disappear here entirely. For instance, in tbe intestinal worms we have no circulation whatever—no heart —no blood-vessel—no blood even; while in other worms of the same class and which cannot be sep- arated from them, we have not only blood, but blood of the most ruddy color—blood-vessels very complicated, and not even one alone, butsometimes three or more pairs of hearts. Thus the most com- plicated circulating apparatus and a total absence of blood-vessels are found in one and tbe same class of animals. More than that, some of the worms have organs of respiration, gills, highly complicated gills, perhaps more complicated than the gills of fishes, or of any of the Mollusca- The most com- plicated structure of the gills is found in some of the worms. In others there are not only no gills but no respiratory organs at all. I would go beyond that. In some we have an alimentary canal, which is sim- ple. There is only a mouth and an alimentary canal branching into the body and diffusing the product of digestion like a blood-vessel through the organs without causing that fluid to pass before through peculiar tubes or through any organs of circulation. What, then, is there in these in common? Why combine animals presenting such dissimilarity of structure ? This is really the question I have to answer, because they have heretofore.been divided into distinct classes. Worms wifh respiratory organs and circulating apparatus have been united into one and the same class under the name of Annulat.a, and worms without these organs have been united in the class of intestinal worms, while some others which are less known and are also parasitical have been formed into a third class under the name of Tubularia. The common char- acter of all these insects is to have the body o elongated form, with numerous articulations, the wings connected in such a manner as to be mov- able on each other in all directions, the structure of the skin being more simple than it is in higher animals, not being divided into so many layers; and the muscles so combined with the skin as not always easily to be distinguished, so that the skin is formed of interwoven muscular fibres with hard horny rings moving on each other. Again: the nervous system is uniformly construct- ed ; and there are intermediate types so numerous that between those very complicated worms with highly organized organs of circulation and respira- ■z on and those which have none at all we find all intermediate steps ; some where the circulation is farther developed but where the organs of breath- ing ire not so highly organized, and vice versa.— From tbe uniformity of nervous structure and from | the fact just mentioned with regard to the numer- ous intermediate steps in the cavity of respiratory and circulatory organs, we are justified in arriving at the conclusion that all these animals must be combined in one class. The Insecta in the full-grown state have no organ of circulation—at least they have no heart. But they breathe through a very complicated system of air-tubes penetrating into the body, having numer- ous external outlets, penetrating, like vessels, throughout the body, and undergoing considerable and very striking metamorphoses ; while/the Crus- tacea have a circulation and breathe through the gills. This evening 1 must, however, limit myself to the investigation of the worms. So many changes have to be made in the classi- fication of these animals, that, at present, it is scarcely possible to admit any of the classifications in the books; though these classifications appear very simple, and are founded upon characteristics very easily recognized. The first division of worms is the intestinal worms or Helminthes, which is their systematic name. They have been the subject of many speculations. How do they come to exist in the bodies of other animals? How can they be introduced into cavi- ties perfectly closed? And if they cannot be intro- duced into those close cavities, how are they pro- duced within those cavities? These were ques- tions which were apparently answered in quite a satisfactory manner; and the reply—these worms originate where they are found. That was the com- mon solution of these questions; and, in fact, it has till recently been believed that intestinal worms originated, in particular circumstances, within the bodies of animals, within the alimentary canal— within the surface of the abdominal cavity of ani- mals in which they are found. Butisthattrue? This statement rested merely on assertion; and no one ever made observations so as to prove that the ani- mals had been produced where they were found. It was only because it could not be explained or shown how they were introduced, that it was quite generally admitted that intestinal worms originated where they were found. But recent researches have explained the way in which these animals are introduced into the cavity of other animals. I will give the history of one of them, and then show what conclusions may be educed, and then pjve «nm» d«r.<»ii« of other divisions of worms. The history of the intes- inal worms is most inter- sting, owing to the fact hat they have been re- garded at affording tbe uost striking example of ;iontaneous generation. .'In mode of formation without apparent cause 32 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. has been called spontaneous generation—the in- testinal worms, as also infusoria, were considered as arising spontaneously either from a diseased condition of the alimentary canal, or from peculiar circumstances, without knowing how. Let this be the body of a common species of fresh-water shell. Bteenstrup, the Swedish naturalist, disovered that at a nnrtienlnr season this shell had worms of minute size. These worms nave this form: Here is a kind >f sucker. Here the alimentary | canal, dividing into two tubes'in this way—a forked alimentary canal. At particular seasons these worms fix themselves upon the skin of this shell-fish and within the mucus which sur- rounds it. They swim in innu- merable quantitiesin the water, till they fix themselves upon this mollusc; and mere they form little cysts in which they bury themselves. Fixing themselves on the •kin by means of these suckers, they produce a kind of irritation. The mucus is secreted in large quantities and accumulates around them, forming a kind of cell in which they are buried. They remain there curled up in such a sac, and may be found in great abnndance in the skin after the mucus has been removed. During time they are buried in that way, they undergo a metamorphosis similar to that of the cat- erpillar which is to be changed into a butterfly — The tail is cast, and a circle o folds is formed around the heai and we have then an animal o Boch a form which escapes froi these little sacs. The animi then penetrates into the ski with these folds, which are hun er than the outer portion of tr animal. It bores its way int and passes through, the skn- enters into tbe wall of the animal, and, passing across that wall, enters into the ab lominal cavity" and reaches the organs contained in the abdomi- nal cavity, entering even into these organs them- selves ' These folds the* disappear, and the anterior re gion of the animal assumes another form Here we see a sucker—a mouth which is small The in testinal tube still retains its bifurcated form But here is another large sucker foruico, aua with these two' suckers the animal walks over the inside of the abdominal cavity, over the organs, in a manner sim- ilar to the leech, and fixes itself upon the liver, which it penetrates, and we have there that com mon intestinal worm of the liver which has been oescribed in the class of intestinal worms, under «he name of Distoma hepaticum. domiI»ial otb;er worm, are found to enter the ab seensom ™?Z m the sftme ™7- lh™* lately «een someof those penetrating into the gills. One of the gentlemen now present, saw it within the flesh of the abdominal wall, penetrating through the flesh and reaching the internal organs. It had nearly gone through the whole thickness of the fish, and was about to reach the abdominal cavity when the fish was opened. So that, in the case of the dis- toma, the way in which these worms penetrate into the cavities of other animals is well known. I do not say that all intestinal worms are introduced in the same way into the alimentary canal; those are not found in tbe alimentary canal but found in the organs of the abdominal cavity. We shall see in what manner others are introduced into these cavi- ties. What is still more curious is that this distoma, after it has been in the cavity of the body, will lay eggs, and these eggs have a very singular structure Within the eg?, we see a young one formed which has this shaoe. The moment the shell of the egg breaks the new individual es- capes, and here there are nu- nerous vibratory cilia by which it moves with great rapidity, in i manner so similar to some of the rotifera that I do not doubt for a moment that many of them ire only embryos of these in- estinal worms. But even with- n the egg we see through his shell another thing. It is very thin and transparent.— When the young escapes and begins to move, that faint body inside becomes mnw t-rorumgrpnt —more prominent—always of j this shape. At that time this-1 free movable covering, with all fiese vibratory cilia, is cast. L is no longer a portion of ;the ani mal. It is like the skin of the I caterpillar which falls away, and out of it comes a sluggish worm. moving very slowly, which grows and grows, and we see within J that these extraordinary phenom ena which, if not observed by several experienced naturalists, would be well deemed incredible.— The moment the skin is cast we have a very slag- c-i.h nnim^l of this shape. We now see eggs formed which become numerous *nd grow. We see some as- suming a peculiar form. We see through this body new indi- viduals formed inside, which have a form somewhat different from 'hat. When ripe to escape, their torm is like | •his: And now 'hey escape, J ind now they ,'row. We have, therefore, here a genera- tion arising from the egg of the | distoma, which does not pro duce animals of that form—a sec- ond eenerntion. Inside of this I Tganwe see ■ggsform.and' hese growing so that the very orm of the individual may be Itstinguished, inside and when •hese new young—the third ,'eneration---escape, we have his animal, the common Cerca- ia: the third generation from the gg of the distoma. (Applause.) I have no part in these beautiful discoveries. I only relate them. TJie Animal Kingdom. 33 (Applanse.)—Here we have animals of successive generations undergoing in each generation a series of metamorphoses. We have three alternate generations each undergoing metamorphoses, pro- ducing individuals different from tbe mother, and so for three generations, till at last we have the form of the common intestinal worm, which reaches the internal cavity and there becomes a parasite. How difficult to identify all the successive genera- tions when each generation, in its metamorphoses, assumes such different forms! But when tbe great grandfather is reproduced in the fifth generation, all doubt must end. What remains then of the theory of spontaneous generation? It is gone forever ! Every one now who attempts to reason on spontaneous generation knows that he is reasoning on what has no exist- ence. He is reasoning on a supposition which has been scattered to the winds. (Applause) Be- cause one such fact well-ascertained—as that has been, and you will see that similar facts have betn well ascertained—is sufficient to destroy forever such a theory. Another case adduced in favor of the theory of spontaneous generation has been shown to be equally unfounded in fact. I allude to tl}e infusoria. But the rotifera also lay eggs. I have seen some rotifera living in the snow at the bight of eight and ten thousand feet above the level of the sea, causing the snow of higher mountains to be as red as blood and presenting a most beautiful appear- ance. This red snow is only an accumulation of mi- croscopic animals belonging to the class of rotifera among infusoria. I have seen some of these laying eggs. I have had the good fortune to have been able to trace some of tbe changes in these eggs, not all of them, so that I mention here an imper- fect series of observations, because I can stand for that; but other observers—Ehrenberg, in particular, who has made that beautiful history; in fact created the natural history of Infusoria—have completed the researches on this subject. Ehrenberg has seen rotifera laying eggs an hundred times. He has seen the young form and grow within the egg. He has not only seen them grow, but he has traced them for a series of generations. Individuals which he grew from eggs he has seen laying eggs. He has ■een them for three, four, six, ten generations. He has even seen individuals arising lrom a stock from which millions have been derived; and now, again, I ask, what remains of the theory of spontaneous generation? (Loud applause.) But there are other intestinal worms for whose presence in other animals as parasites it is not so easy to account. These are found in the eyes ol almost all fishes, and in other portions of the body How they were introduced is a question which could scarcely be answered, were it not for the discoveries of a distinguished Professor of Natural History in Copenhagen—Prof. Eschrich. He traced them in fishes which were kept in a pond, so as ; to be able at a moment's notice to kill a sufficient j number of fishes and examine the condition of the intestinal worms within each animal. He found that in the scolpin of the Baltic, at a certain epoch, there were always very large tfflnia in the alimentary | canal, while at other seasons there were none to be found. He ascertained, for a series of years, that the presence of these tenia was periodical, and he knew at what season he could find them, and in what condition he would find tbem.— The moment that he ascertained this prelim- inary fact, which cost years of patient investi gation, he went on tracing still farther the phe- nomena, till he discovered that these animals— Which are exceedingly long, with a small head, a very slender neck and thin body,tf extraordinary Iprs-th, dividpd into transverse articulations—cast, atcertainsessons.the great- •r portion of their body, and hat he could produce it by lividing this portion of the 'iead, the articulations divi- ting and dividing till a .rreat number were formed. When studying the anato- nyof these links he ascer- .ained that there was a •outinuous tube running through all—in fact, an al- imentary canal, but branched in such a manner in every ring as to supply the ring with sub- stance; these branchings of tbe alimentary canal being at the same time a sort of blood-vessels or organs of circulation. But he found, more- over, that in each ring there were several hun dreds of eggs, each having the true character and three essential parts of an egg. When these bodies were cast, then of course innumerable quan- tities of eges escaped into the water and were swallowed by the fishes with their food. This af- fords a perfectly clear solution of the manner in which those intestinal worms find their way into the bodies of these fish. As to the terrestrial animals in whose cavities intestinal worms are found, the same process takes place. With the vegetables on which they live, there are constantly conveyed into their alimentary canal innumerable quantities of eggs. And now we can also explain tbe reason why some animals have one species of worms and others other species. The alimentary canal of some has an influence which the eggs of certain species cannot resist, and they therefore perish, while in other animals they grow and propegate. It has been still farther ascertained that these eggs exist in the blood cavity, nay, they have been found circulating with the blood corpuscles of cer- tain animals—in the frog, for instance. These researches of course require great patience and care, as they are attended with obvious diffi- culties ; but they have been repeated by compe- tent observers, and there can be no doubt of the ac- curacy of the results. All this shows us how defective the old classifi- cations must of necessity be. Even old divisions nf intestinal worms can no longer be admitted. This is only one state of an ani- mal, so that it must be combined >vith that class instead of forming in independent division. So with others which belong to the disto- ma, which, as we have seen, un- dergoes many changes, but is 'till the same animal. Then we have the Cystira which nernnng ire not rea' w..iuj», out only the sacs ii which the actual worms art found. 'All the classifications ol them are vet to be changed — The class Nematoideaof Cuviei and the families Aconthocepha la and Frematod ea, which las-t| contain the Distoma, must un dt rgo an entire revolution as thi history of the animal becomes known. In fact, the whole class location ot this type of the Animal Kit edom should be re-written ai.d made to accord with the results of recent in- vestigation and discovery. 34 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. i LECTURE VIII. .f the. Class of Worms ..I* Div sions or Families-Tire Apoda, or Fre»h-water Worms ~Th>rVter'ms Suet or i* and \Und,bulata... .The Metamorphosesof Insects ions. .Structure of the Eye, of particular Classes. have some value. But it is owing to the very transparent nature of the tissues of the body that these articulations are so slightly marked. The leech belongs to this type. It las a straight alimentary tube ind also large jaws armed with eeth. Some have two jaws, ithers have a third, and thus .be bite makes a triangular cut m the skin of the animal on which they fasten. The all- •nentary canal, now and then, c use.* us or- gans of locomotion—and usually the last ring has still a pair turned backward. Now the nervous system, alimentary tube and all the organs of respi- ration are perfectly uniform in all the rings. There is a nervous mass in every ring, so that the struc- ture of such a caterpillar is very similar to that of any worm. The alimentary tube is a simple tube scarcely swelling in the region where the homy feet are seen, and quite uniform forthe whole length nf fho ho-t- R'n in tin* perfect insect, where we iave the head well de- ined, the thorax dis- iuct and the posterior egion divided complete- y from the anterior por- ion, we have the ante- ior rings of the head till the same, bat only me large nervous mass ~ion of thesetbree nervei; and then in tbe abdomen we see again this differ- ence. But when some of the rings come together we have a greater approximation between them. Here, though combined, tbe fundamental distinction of these swellings can still be observed. Here we see evidence that such insectswith defined and distinct regions of the body must be considered as superior to those which have no such divisions. The class of Crustacea is the highest among ar- ticulated animals, and we infer this for the reason that their circulation is quite perfect^ They have a heart, from which proceed large blood-vessels, conveying the blood to all parts of the body. This blood is returned to the organs of respira- tion. In a lobster the organs of res piration correspond precisely to the thorax. They are in common chiefly formed by the junction of rings on the back and are above the base of the feet. Now if you will remember what I showed you in articulated animals, where we have here little hairs,here* The Animal Kingdom. 37 branching blood vessel—here a vesicle with vessels ramifying in it, and if we trace the whole series of modifications in the type of articulated animals you will readily admit that in the Crustacea you have only in a higher and more complicated or- ganization the blood-vessels seen in worms. It is not a useless playing with forms to make these analogies. I will take my example from an actual species. We have inthe earth-worm, simply stiff hairs as organs of locomotion, articulated at the base. We have in many of tbe marine worms these hairs not only articulated at the base, but also articulated at some distance from the base. We have that, tor instance, among the Aphroditce.— But take some of the in- sects and we have a foot with articulations and a hook at the termination—a foot formed of numerous | joints and a hook at the end. We may trace all these mod- fications in certain families of the Crustacea. Here we have the last but one. and here the last joint. Now let this projection become a little more prominent and you see how little is wanting to make that a claw! Nor is this at all accidental. All can be referred to one and the same type—in fact, that all these complicated structures of locomotion. from the heavy claw of the crab andlobsterdown to the single stiff hair by which worms move, are only modifications of one and the same type of ap pendages. (Applause.) The jaws are the samf as the t'pet. Tn insects the jaws are only modified Ifeet; and if we wanted proof of that we have only | ro look at the jaws of rustacea. In many of | the Crustacea there are not two pairs of such lat- eral movable appendages sin the insect, but there «re as many as six pairs. [Tiie arrangement is thus: Let this be the foot of the cmo. vVt; can s> e now it is divided into these rings. The anterior one has an ap pendage. At its end wes/^g!-'g-=jiL^->.< find an eye. Then com e sVSrRlwtmmagitS^^i. an appendage, as we set here—internal and externa antennai; and here the mouth. Here are the man- dibles. Then another pair more slender; and a third pair still more slender. Then come three other psi's more complicated. So we have a se- ries of s from tbe tail to the anterior ex- tremity of the head. In the posterior extremity they are paddles, by which the animal swims. In the tail they are flat appendages ; in the thorax they are feet ; in Hie head, jaws; in the anterior extremity of the head, nopendages by which the animals touch their food, and the first of these ap- pendages terminates in an eye, and all these differ- ent appendages are only modifications of one and the same type. Nothing is more interesting than to trace these modifications through different fami- lies. Among Crustacea there are a great many which are parasites and form a group. Tbev attach themselves to the gil' skin and fins of fishes. In these, some of the| jaws and anterior portion of the feet unite togeth- er from the two sinesI and form at the junction a large sucker, by which the little animal fixes | itself on the fish on which it lives as a par- asite. These appendages, these sucker-like discs, are formed sometimes of the jaws, and sometimes of the anterior portion of the feet. The metamor- phosis of these parasites is extremely curious.— They are free-moving insects when young, but af- terward become fixed, and usually grow to a mon- strous size, and change entirely their shape, so that they are frequently mistaken for other animals.— Many of these parasitical crabs have been described as peculiar genera, when they are only families which have long remained attached to other ani- mals. The form of these animals is extremely interest- ing, but still extremely obscure. The Crustacea proper, which remain free-moving animals, are ex- ceedingly numerous, and it is difficult to classify them. The most common division is that of Ento- mostroca and Malamostroca. Their eyes, like those of insects, are exceeding- ly complicated. Of this complication you will form some idea from this diagram. The surface of the eye 'is composed of a great number of little eyes united, and to each of which a nervous thread may be traced, arising from a common nerve which proceeds from the anterior or upper swelling of the nervous sys- tem placed inthe anterior portion of the head. The number of these eyes varies from hundreds to thousands. Some have ten thousand eyes united to form one single hemisphere, apparently one eye. The mode of vision in these animals is difficult to understand, and it is owing to this arrangement that the rays only which fall perpendicularly on that part of the eye can reach the nervous system, be- cause every one of these little eyes is tubular, and has not a spheroid form as the eye of other animals Among the Crustacea we have a series of forms, similar to those which we see in the metamorphoses of insects. We have elongated types in which all the rings are similar, as in the shrimps. On the contrary, we have other types, in which the ante- rior region is very much complicated, while the tail is short and curved on the body. This is the case of the crabs. The latter stand highest, and those with elongated tail must stand next, and so down to those which are parasites. 38 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. LECTURE IX. _ „. . e ... v^rtPhrated Animals—Fishes—Vertebrated Animals characterized by striking Differencs« The Structure of'His. ve f^^rmation of their Vertebral Column.. ..Connection of the Verttbra^.&nH SfeTra^rac^e .Sor, of the Fishes according to the Position of their Fins. ...Formation of the ScSle ""f Fishes Restorations of Fishes....The Brain of Fishes possessing the same essential parts as those of high, Animais... Succession of Fishes, Keptiles, Birds and Mammalia, and in the last epoch only one type-Man, who stands at the head of Creation. Ladies and Gentlemen : This evening I in- | coal, at the beginning of the creation of animal tend to illustrate the structure and some points in the history of the vertebrated animals, beginning with the class of fishes. The vertebrated animals, the higher group ot the Animal kingdom, are characterized, as I have already stated by striking differences. Their es- sential organs—the nervous system, comprising the brain and spinal marrow; and the organs of vegetative life, the stomach, the alimentary canal, the lungs, heart and blood-vessels, are contained in two different cavities;—the former in an upper or posterior cavity, according to the position of the animal, and the latter, the organs of vegetative life, by which the animal lives, in the lower or anterior cavitv. These two cavities are formed by bones— a series of bones called the back-bone, having ap- pendages curved upward and uniting on the back, forming the cavity which contains the spinal mar- row. Other appendages are turned downward, sometimes uniting, sometimes terminating between the soft walls of the animal, forming a lower cavity in which the alimentary canal, the lungs, the heart and ether viscera are contained. In these three skeletons on the wall you may see these general traits of the vertebrata, just as well as in any of the higher classes. You see that in these skeletons the vertebral column is un- divided in its whole length and not divided by transverse articulations. Few fishes have such an undivided vertebral column. These belong to a peculiar class to which I shall soon refer. Gen. erally the vertebrated animals have this column formed of divided bones moving upon each other. In those which have an undivided vertebral column we have a reminiscence of the condition of things when the animal was in the egg and the vertebral column was merely a cartilaginous string—the so- •alled dorsal cord, which is the foundation of the vertebral column in the new individual when very young within the egg; and this vertebral column remains soft in many fishes, and in those which must be considered as the lowest. These only in their full-grown state preserve the character of the embryo, it is a peculiar condition of things—a most extraordinary condition of things, which I re- gard as of high importance in attaining a correct understanding of the succession and gradation of types in geological epochs. I had the good fortune to notice, when investigating these fishes, that there are fashes which in their full grown state ex hibit, m their vertebral column, precisely the same state of things as existed in the fish when forming within the egg. The first thing which is perceived in the fish when the substance of the upper layer •f the egg is condensating—becoming di- vided into organs-is a series of lateral condensations, and between that there is a continuous string, which has received the name of dorsal cord. That is the foun- dation of the backbone or vertebral column It u certainly cartilaginous in the embryo and remains so in the sturgeon and in seve- ral cartilaginous fishes; and this is, most ex- traordmary to 8ay, thenatnral d jf condition of aU fishes of ancient types In the ancient strata-in the strata below the life, when the fishes were first introduced in the waters, all the fishes had this peculiar condition of the vertebral column—bony ap p endages, but no ver- tebras—no division of the back-bone—a cartilaginous dorsal cord remaining throughout life. There are very many peculiarities in the struc- ture of fishes which deserve to be noticed, in order to distinguish the class of fishes from the other classes of vertebrated animals. It appears to be of little value, but it is one of the most striking characteristics of this class, that all are perfectly horizontal—all swim horizontally. There is a longitudinal diameter, running from the head to the tail, which is perfectly straight. Now you will find that in any of the other verte- brated animals—in the reptiles, in the frogs and salamanders, in the snakes—the head rises more nr less. Even in those which have no legs, as the snakes, the head rises more or less from the hori- zontal position of the body. Another characteris- tic trait of the fish is to have no neck. The head and trunk are continuous ; so that the fish cannot move its head upon the neck. The fishes movethe head and the trunk together; they form a lateral curve more or less marked, but there is no possi- bility of an immediate motion of the trunk upon the neck. There is one single exception to thii- and it is in this fish whose skeleton you see here. The vertebrae of the fish are connected in this manner : Just take two i of the vertebras,with their | upper and lower append ages. The surfaces by I which the bones unite here, when cut across would have such a sur- face. These singularsur faces, from which these points arise above and these ribs below, are not flat as in the Mammalia. They are hollow cotips formed in snch^ ai anner,f and theseI hoi lo» cones are | Tilled wit i cartilage fhese ar |__ ticulations uo uoi alio* say con- siderable motion between the vertebrae; and kthat is the reason why the fishes have general metion and cannot move one part of their body oa the next or following portion. One type of fishes has arncu- lations similar to those of reptiles. There u 8388 The Animal Kingdom. 39 a fish of the Western waters, found also in thr Northern lakes, which has vertebrae with hoi low surfaces posteriori} and with hemispherical swellings anteriorly on the articulating surfaces. This fish is only a rem- nant of a numerous fam ily, of which you have here some representa- tions. They were very numerous, not in the oldest strata, but in the so-called secondary strata of the crust of our globe, and this living type, whose structure can be well studied, has that likeness to the reptiles that the articulations in its back-bone are movable by a ball-and-socket joint. This is a reptilian structure of the skeleton in this fish—a form common in many fishes at an epoch when reptiles did not yet exist. They are the next step in the fishes in their succession in geological epochs, and that is one of the first fishes whose vertebral column, instead of remaining carti- laginous, becomes bony—osseous. Now I had the good fortune to see one of that class of fishes alive last Spring; and my first thought was to see whether it moved its neck, and the first look at it conveyed the impression that it did. In this re- spect this reptilian fish, with this peculiar articu- lation of the vertebras, has the faculty of moving its neck right and left,—though the neck is not divided; though there is no division, the head can be moved sideways. Another peculiarity of fishes is found in the fins. Instead of legs, these animals have fins of a pecu- liar kind, which serve the purposes of organs of lo- comotion. The organs of locomotion in birds and in reptiles consist of a few joints. There is the shoul der—there is the upper arm—the fore-arm and the- hand. They have similar bones in the posterior ex tremities. All these are detached from the walls of the animal. In fishes we have also a shoulder, arm and fore arm; but the bones were detached from the body.ouly the hand depends sideways. The arm remains within the wall of the animal, and the fingers are numerous instead of being reduced to the num- ber of live, as in the case of the higher vertebrated animals. None of the higher vertebrated animals, no reptile, no bird, no mammal has more than five fingers ; there are many which have only two. three or four fingers; in horses there is only one: the hoof is the nail of the single finger. In fishes, I was a- bout to say, instead of being reduced to the number of five, the fingers are many, and are united into many joints. I just stated that the higher aaimals have several fingers, and 1 might go on and show the beautiful adaptation of thehuman hand. In an- imals which have only four fingers, the first which is wanting is the thumb ; then, in the next, where there are only three fingers, the little finger— the shortest remaining—is also wanting. In those ▼. hich have only two lingers—which is uniformly the case in the ruminating animals—we have only the middle and annular, or fourth, finger; and there are usually two rudimentary fingers backward, corres- ponding to the first andiifth fingers, and which even have also rudimentary nails. Where only one finger is left it is the medial fiuger, and that is the case in the horse. Thus, in proportion to the fingers, we may trace the gradation of the hand or foot in the whole series of animals. (Applause.) This is nothingJbut a common anatomical fact. i But beside, the fishes have other fins. 1 will just mention their names. First: there is the pectoral fin because placed on the chest; then the abdominal fin, on the abdomen—usually placed on the centre o* that cavity, but in some we have the abdominal fin just below the pectoral, and in them it is even more forward. So it is in the cod, where the ven- tral fins are placed under the head in front of the pectoral cavity. The other fins are placed verti- cally above and below these bony appendages, rising from the vertebral column According to the position of these fins, they have received different names. The one on the back is called the dorsal fin—that below the tail, the anal fin—that at the termination of the tail, the caudal fin. These fins vary very much in their form and even in their number Sometimes the dorsal, caudal and anal fins are united into one continuous fin, begin- ning at the neck and continuing till it terminates in the tail. Such is the case in the eel. This con- dition of fin we find in every embryotic fish at the beginning of its formation in the egg. All these have a continuous fin. As the fish grows, more or less dentations are to be seen, and the fins at length di- vide, as we see them in the full-grown fish. But what is most extraordinary is, that young fishes have the vertebral column not terminating jn a straight line, as you see here, with a regular bi- jobed medial fin. That is only seen in full grown fishes. Young fishes always have the vertebral column terminating in the following manner: The J white-fish, common in Lake Su perior and other Northern Lakes, has its medial fin as deeply cmar- ginate as this. We have one in ov* ri *iss Lakes quite similar to the white-fish ot these Lakes ; and, indeed, it cannot be readily distinguished from the latter, unless by those who have made Zoology a very serious study. In this fish I had the chance of examining the egg, and of tracing the succesive t^^:*E$l!3Z$§&XBEEMKl WMcnanges which occur rhere. I could ob- serve in the young fishes the following mtline: Lines be- ginning here and ex- tending so all round che animal, the back- bone extending so, ami men terminating in the centre, so that we have here a regular termination of the vertebral column. Now when the fish grows larger this is diminished ; the lower extremity be- comes more prominent, and after the fish has been hatched it changes its fo-rm so J as to present that appearance.— This is only that exaggerated. But you will easily perceive how I readily it may be changed, and even the vertebral column be come regular and only a littltl remnant of that irregularity re f main in the curve of the very last part ol tne column. This is observed not only in this fish, but in many other fishes—in fact among all those bony fishes whose young have been observed within the egg. Now we will see that that same form of tail is seen in these bony fishes of ancient types. All fishes in the coal and below the coal, which have a bonv skeleton, have such a termination of the tail, 40 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. andit is only inthe secondary strata, in the interme- diate epoch of a succession of animals, that we find the tail becoming more and more regular. In one of my drawings here there isonly a slight obliquity left. It is a fash from the chalk. Among the fishes of our day we have only the sturgeon which bas this car- tilaginous vertebral column, and in the tribe of cartilaginous fish at large, those whose skeleton never becomes bony—the sharks and skates—we have also that irregular prolongation of the verte- bral column. It is a matter of surprise even now, and of course was more surprising when first discovered, that there should be such a strict correspondence be- tween the form of ancient fishes, which alone pus sessed the waters of former days, and the changes which we now see going on in all the young fishes within the egg. These changes correspond pre- cisely to the order of succession of fishes in geolog- ical epochs, so much so, that more than once I have been able from tbis to establish the species and even the geological epoch to which fossil fish be- long. In this country there is a full series of stra- ta, containing fossil fishes which all show in their structure such a position of their tail—an oblique termination, not this symmetry—whose era must be between the coal and the oolitic series. I have seen a beautiful series of these fishes in the collec- tion of a scientific gentleman in this city—the most beautiful, indeed, that I have ever seen. This correspondence of structure between the egg of fishes and the growth of the embryo, is one of the matters which can be established, perhaps, only in a class of animals whose structure has been fully ascertained. I could show some examples among the acepbala of the Mollusca, because they have been better studied than other types. But the fact being that there is such a strict corres- pondence between the phenomena observed in the growth of individuals and tbe succession of geolo- gical epochs, I venture to maintain what 1 have already asserted, that allclassifications in which we should not find such an agreement must be defec- tive, and canhave been constructed only on account of want of information. In Nature, when we have ascertained a rule of such an extent, we are safe in regarding it as the general rule, because there have been observed no such exceptions in organic life.— (Applause.) I see this favorite subject of mine has already led me beyond the limit of time to be devoted to this class of animals. I must, therefore, abridge what yet remains to be said of fishes, in order that I may be able to go through that class in this even- ing's Lecture. There is one point in the structure of fishes to which I must allude, as it is important in its bear- ing on tbe study of fossil fishes. I refer to the scales of fishes. Naturalists have usually classified the fishes by their fins, uniting first the fishes which have a bony skeleton and those which have a cartilaginous skeleton; uniting, for instance, the skates, sharks and sturgeons into one order—then all fishes with a bony or hard skeleton, in another order; and then subdividing these two primary groups by the posi- tion of their fins. Cuvier adopted these primary divi- ssions, and arranged the Irishes into two great groups 1 -those with only soft rays n their fins, and those |vvhich had not only soft ays, but spines also rising is_ you see here—hard hpines on the anterior of jcbe dorsal fins and soft rays 'oackward. Linnseus adopted another mode of classification.. He divided the fishes according to the position of the pectoral and ventral fins. He named "ab- dominals" all the fishes whose ventrals are placed in the middle region of the abdominal cavity.— The next he called •'thoracici,"' those with ventrals on the thoracic region. Then he named "jugulars" those whose ventrals are in front of the pectorals, and then he had in another class those whose fins are continuous, as in the eels. But such a classification, though readily learned, is not at all natural, and does not bring the fishes together as they are really related. The classification followed by Cuvier in which the hardness or softness of the rays of fins is the principle, is not any more nat- ural than the other, which is beneath criticism.— If, instead of taking the hardness of the rays, the structure itself were taken as the basis of classifi- cation, it would be much more natural. Then we would have fishes which have, in the dorsal, simple rays in front and articulated and divided rays in the posterior. When these rays are divided not only longitudinally, but also transversely, the dis- junction has, I think, some value. ;f will show that by referring to another difference. Studying the fossil fishes I could not satisfy myself with the classifications, because they scarcely ever show- ed their general form. We find too rarely a complete fossil fish [to be able to ascertain by the __structure—by the form of the fish—to what, tamily t belongs. But the scales were frequently fou d in an excellent state of preservation; and when investigating the subject I tried to find in the scale some characters by which I fishes, or by which I couh classify them. One pre- liminary fact was then as certained: that those fisliw which had some likeness to the ancient fishes haii| scales of peculiar struc- ture.' The structure of >< common scale is this : Lay ers are formed successive- ly on each other in a man ner very similar to the or 1 mation of a shell. These scalt , are ot a horny struc- ture. I make now a section of this scale. Such a rale is a coil of layers piled up,the oldest being uniform- v below, and is covered vith a mass of considera- _ ile thickness of true enam- i, as haru as me names' enamel of the teeth, am the lower portion of thi scale is bony substancf showing all the charac L^ teristic peculiarities ol uu.,j, . ...ctuie. ribnTwe have two varieties of scales, of very different structure. Now all the fossil fishes, without any exception, have such enameled scales—the lower layer of bony substance and the upper of enamel of considerable thickness. This afforded a suffi- cient reason for the union of all these fishes in one' order, especially as they differed so completely from the common fishes. Recent anatomical investigations have led even those who at first ridiculed this mode of classifica- tion to adopt it themselves. Johannes Miiller, for instance, of Berlin, who at first laughed at this singular desquamation, as he was pleased to term could recognize The Animal Kingdom. 41 it, has himself acknowledged that it was the most fortunate hit I made in Ichthyology. (Applause.) Every animal is cartilaginous at the beginning. Even those animals which have the hardest bones have a cartilaginous skeleton in the embryotic state. It is only at a later period of life that they become bony. That, then, gave me the basis for a classification, and I think that from that time 1 made more rapid progress than before in Ichthyol- ogy. After I had ascertained these analogies I went on, and found that sharks always had scales of a peculiar character, formed only of enamel with- out bony substance below. All those protuber- ances on the skin of the skates are of enamel, but they are not arranged in layers on a bony basis, and.therefore, they form another type. Then among the fishes with scales of horny substance, deposited in layers I found that these were two types : one type in which the scales are simple lavers with regular outlines ; and another ir which the scales had dentatec outlines, so that every one hac teeth in its posterior edge, anc that as the scale grew larger these dentations became more numerous, and the surface of the__ scale became gradually rougher and rougher. Now we have that in the perch. The mere touch of that fish discovers this peculiarity, while the fishes whose surface is smooth have the scales formed in simple layers. A singular coincidence is this, that fishes, with few exceptions, which have such dentations on the posterior margins, are just, those which have the hard bony spines on the anterior portion of the dor- sal fin ; and more than that, the head of the fish has something quite characteristic. Here we have a bony pi ate which covert the gill. That willbetheeye We have here] a crescent shaped bone movable, and behind which there are three other bonee movable npoi it, and that joins with the lower jaw here, also movable. These four bones here have been called the oper- culum. Having ascertained such a connection between the hard parts of the animaLI became more and more convinced of the value of scales ; and I then endea- vored to ascertain to what families belonged those of which any scales had been found, and to'classify the whole of fishes according to the structure of the scales. I put in one order all the fishes which have only enameled granules on the skin, and called them Placoids. All those which have scales cov- ered with enamel I called (iinv)ids. All those which had dentated, serrated scales, with hard bone in the backbone and serratures in tUe oper- cular bones, I classed together as C/rnoids; and those which had simple head-bones, soft rays and soft scales, with simple outlines, I classed together and called Cycloids. Of course, when studying the different families, I found the similar relations in tbe details which enabled me to find correspondent adaptations be- tween the higher characteristics by which we dis- tinguish genera and species. Now, I was enabled to " restore" a fish from iso- lated scales. So much has been said about that that I will show how possible, and indeed how easy it was for any one who took the trouble first to investigate these relations. I have shown how the different modifications of the structure of the head- bones are related to the structure of the fins and the structure of the scales. I will not try your pa- tience by going into details, but 1 willoniy show you how easy it was, from the knowledge of these re- lations of the scales to other portions of the animal to give the probable and approximative outline of a fish when you have had only a single scale as a starting point. (Applause.) Let me draw a scale. A great many fossil fishes have angular scales of this oblique form. That portion which is here en- ased by enamel is covered by a scale which proceeds so that I am allowed to draw my outlines of nerely of the enameled portions without drawing the portion which is covered. I will make the scale of a size which will enable me to give the whole thing on the board. Let that, then, be the outline of the scale. Now we know that there are usually forty, fifty or sixty scales in one longitudi- nal series from the head to the tail. We know that fishes which are about as thick as long have these scales higher than tbey are long; and that those which are longer have their scales longer than they are high. These are preliminary facts easily obtain- ed by investigation. We now find a scale which is about as long as it is high. You see then what an easy task it is to draw scales of about the same form, perhaps forty in that line, and you will have to make a fish about as high as it is long. You at once draw your outline and when placing your scales you will find that they fit easily, and you draw them with as much precision as if you had the living model before you. But you have now got a fish without fins ! The question is where are you to put the fins ? And, again, what sort of a head are you to put to such a body 7 (A laugh.) A lish which has a flat, ovate form like that will be a fish of not very rapid motion; and we know that all fishes not p issessed of powers of rapid mo tion have rather elongated dorsal and anal fin*. and that the caudal fin is not forked. Those that swim fast have the tail forked, and these fins act as a paddle. The fishes which have a broad, flat body, are notvoracious ; therefore they cannot have a prolonged snout. They will have a short, round head, and so in that way you terminate your draw- ing. (Applause.) That all that can be done with precision I had the good fortune to be able to demonstrate in a rather striking manner. In the year 1833 I delineated in the first number of my work on " Fossil Fishes," a scale of a fossil fish sent me from England, and from it drew the fish to which I considered it to be- long. In the following ye r, 1834, the whole remains of the fish were collected, and the drawing was given in the third number of my work. I have the satisfaction of saying that the two delineations do not differ in any essential way, even in the details (Loud applause.) These restorations have been repeatedly made They have been made in other cases where the process was still more difficult. Cuvier was the first 42 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. who made these restorations from single bones of those fossil mammalia found in the gypsum near Paris. He restored several genera. He gave not only the whole skeleton of these animals, but even the outlines of their forms. Thus far he could go, and thus far he did go, and gave entirely satisfacto- ry details to his figures. Some imitators followed and went farther than he—giving even bair to these animals and dots to their colors! They ac- complished all that, but there were as many lies as additions to the figures. (A laugh.) The structure of fishes is in general the same as that of tbe higher vertebrated animals, except per- haps as far as regards the organs of respiration.— All fishes do not breathe by lungs as the mamma- lia, birds and reptiles. They breathe by gills, or- gans placed in the sides of the bead under those large covers which protect the sides of the head. These gills have the fol- lowing structure: Let that be the posterior mar- gin of the head. Here we have in the opercle three, four and sometimes more, arch-shaped bones, usually three or four, to whose posterior margii; we see attached small bony appendnges, along which blood-vessels run in great abundance. These are the organs of respira- tion. The blood comes to them immediately from the heart, which is placed here below and has this form. A large sac receives the blood coming from the body, which is the auricle, and empties into another cavity called the ventricle ; and that empties through a tube which has received the name of aortic tube ; and here arises a large blood- vessel, under the name of aorta, which branches into as many branches as there are arches in the gill. There is no continuation to this great blood-vessel. The blood goes directly to the gills and then comes back after it has reached the termination, through a sinus, and all these veins unite, forming another large blood-vessel by their junction, which runs to the back-bone and along this cavity beneath it, whence it is distributed to all the viscera of the ab- dominal cavity. The blood, after it has reached all parts of the body, returns through these veins and is emptied into this large sac, so that the venous blood comes into that cavity and is propelled into the gills, where it is converted into arterial blood. Such a circulation is called "a simple circulation." But beside these organs of respiration we have in fishes a curious organ placed in the upper portion of the abdominal cavity—a large air-sac called the air-bladder, which opens into the alimentary tube above. This is a rudimentary lung. It is the first indication of the formation of a lung in vertebrated animals; and when tracing the formation of the organs within the egg we may ascertain that in its position and formation this air-bladder is similar*to the lung of higher animals. The mouth opens into the gills, which form the arches on both sides. The food passes between these arches, and moves on into the stomach which is very uniform. The alimentary tube is scarcely more slender than the stomach, and is very short in most fishes. There is also a large liver and gall- bladder, so that in the structure of the viscera the fishes do not materially differ from the higher ani- m ils. All of them lay eggs in innumerable quan- tities. There are species which lay as many as fifty thousand eggs. This extraordinary fecundity affords a ready explanation of the great number of fishes, and the non-disappearance of any of the types notwithstanding the voracity of these ani- mals. -^S5»«fl The brain in fishes has the same essential parts as that of higher animals. We have also nerves proceeding to the* eye, the nose ant [ the ear, which hat| no external outlet but is yet quite com plicated. Here is an j ether striking anal ogy with the highe animals. All belom to one and the same plan, and the order of their structural arrangement precisely corresponds with their succession in geological times. There was an epoch when there were no fishes, no reptiles, no mammalia. First come the fishes, and fishes only exist. Then appear the reptiles—then the birds, and lastly the mammalia; and in the last epoch only one type is introduced—Man—who stands at the head of Creation. LECTURE X. Geo'ogical Succession of the Class of Fishes....The Vertebral Structure of FinliM p»m,h.^*w <■ «. • m ., The PfacoUt-Sharks and Skates-Fossil Remains of the Shark The Ganoidl Vhlr.^\Z of their Teeth.... eled Scales....The genus J^i<,0S*uS-Their Vertebral Structure The Allien, °pi?l^:-^ H^Enam- ancient. Fisbe,-their Analogy to the Reptiles.. ..The Ctenoid!".: The Spare da'' "iw™ r.7 vf ^T0-8t Swimming-Peculiarity in their Eyes....The Herring... .The Trout ^^00^^" -r-V °?-.of V» F-sh ln Apparent dissimilarity in their Structure-Snakes Lizards without feet-The^ r"8 '/ ^ "L6"- -Structure of the Heart in Reptiles-Divi-ion of Reptiles intc^ four Ordefs • TurflP, i ; J i ec1Ztrd~T^eI,Fr0g ....Scales of the Tortoise nothing but extended Ribs ...Brain o7Utiles m f ' nf^"' ??£ket »nd Fr°g" the Turtle not yer, ancient.... Crocodiles a Remnant of the Ancient" Tvplof Wds'"'Th. f ^ exl"ten«°f ....Fossil Remains of the Mososaurus.... Characters of AncientTyLtfete™i£ffcriAm«noan Crocodile .... Extensive Discoveries yet to be made on this Continent .^Lizards wtS Fp«J Comparison of the: Vertebras tar, Feet. Difference in the Structure of the Jaws in Snakes and UzaiS^Enom™. TO.tS°^e" *?& RuId,men', Snakes....Fossil Snakes found in the London Clay.. ..Batrachians Distension of the Jaws of Ladies and Gentlemen':—Through the kind- ness of Prof. Watts, I have been provided with a series of specimens from the College Museum, which will enable me to show several facts of in- terest relative to the structure of Fishes and Rep- Hies Haying gone through the examination of the anatomical character of fishes, we have the means of understanding more fully the order of succession The Animal Kingdom.' 43- and the mode of introduction of the different types in geological epochs. I will now advert to some of the peculiarities in tbe families of Fishes. I have already stated in my last Lecture that the class of fishes is divided into four Orders, from the structure of the scales. But these peculiarities in the structure of the scales are not tbe only characteristics by which these Or- ders are distinguished. For example: in the first group, the Placoids, which is covered with enam- eled tubercles spread over the skin, we have a skeleton constantly cartilaginous. This, though sometimes hard, is never bony as in other fishes. Again, the vertebra; on the central portions of the back-bone are also separated from appendages which stand above and below, so that the vertebral column can be taken out of the body like a stick.— Here is a specimen. You see plainly on these sur- faces the prominent characteristics of all fishes that have the whole surface articulated. You observe this cavity and, opposite to it, a similar one. You see several vertebrae, one above the other, and these boles form biconical cavities. For the sake of a clear un-l derstanding I will repeat what 1 have before explained. Such a portion of the back-bone of the shark is divided into a series of cylinders which are) hollow in this manner. These hollow kcavities in (contact with each other lare filled with cartilage. ISo there are herethe hard ■portions of the vertebrae, land above them the ap- jpendages of the vertebral ■column,but separate from ■the back-bones them- selves, and articulated in such a manner that they easily fall off. Another peculiarity of all cartilaginous fishes, is to have their teeth loose, without sockets, and only attached to the jaw by the skin. They are not in- serted in deep sockets as those of other fishes and higher orders of animals. This mode of insertion renders the teeth movable, so that the shark can erect its teeth. The shark has not a single row, but five, six or seven rows behind each other, and the first erect teeth are placed thus On the edge of the jaw we have anl erect tooth, and back of it numerous teeth whose point is turned backward. As often as such a tooth is destroyed, the next tooth will take its place, so that there is a constant supply. The rows of teeth are not always as dis- tinct as in this instance. In manyj___ the teeth are united so as to form large plates by their junction. In the skates the teeth are arranged in this man- like pavintf-stones. This being the anterior •margin of the jaw, there |*re constantly newteeth liorroing at the back as Joften as the front ones ■fall oft". There are some- Btimes as many as twenty |or thirty in one row, all oT~which arn rt nc-ved in ilie same manner, and as the animal increases in size the series of teeth grow larger. The series of teeth are oblique, and as tbey fall off, those which come to supply their place will fill up the whole margin of the jaw — Those back teeth are formed on a larger scale than those in front. The order of Placoids contains two families- sharks and [skates. These two families, though very different in form and strncture, have this in common—their gills are merely covered by strips of skin. There are as many openings as gills. In the common fishes there is only one opening in the gill and a series of flat bones covering the whole cavities in which the gills are contained. But in the shark there are externally five, and sometimes- six or seven\ fissures, eachd of which isLg.^nj^r^.- covered b> strips of skin ; ••'>, $0k ' ':'■' In the ■Kates.&g^igftjgjj which an | fiat, the fis-* sures open under the heads—in the sharks, on each side. A knowledge of the details in the structure of the shark is very interesting to geologists. The great number of their teeth found in a fossil state, renders it quite necessary for the geologist to know what differences in their structure the teeth indi- cate. Their skeleton, being rather soft, is not often preserved in a fossil state, but the teeth being ex- ceedingly bard, are very common in geological strata. In the tertiary strata some are foufcd ex- ceedingly large. In this shark, which is about twelve feet in length, the teeth are nearly an inch long. Some are found, having tbe same form, which are several inches in hight and as much in width. In Malta, teeth are found seven inches long and four and a half broad at the base. One would suppose that the shark from which it was derived must have been ex- eedingly large. Such is not the fact. "hey probably did not exceed some iving ones, being about twenty-five 'or thirty feet in length. It has been pposed that they were sixty or one hundred feet long; but such is an exaggeration, caused by want of a proper knowledge of the corresponding living species. Sharks of the greatest size have not the largest teeth, but on the contrary, those having the smallest body have the largest teeth, and it is to this tribe of sharks the fossil species be- long. So then we have no right to infer that the teeth belong to an extraordinary sized species. The next is Ganoids, of which I have explained the character from ancient strata. This drawing represents the one which I had the pleasure to " re- store" from a single scale some years ago, and I b*ere exhibit the outlines of that taken from the spe- cimen itself. You will observe, on comparing this specimen with the first outline I gave, how closely it agrees. They have not only enameled scales, but they are rhomboidal in the same way as the Ganoids. You have here one of the few remnants of these ganoids, the gar-pike of Lake Champlain—found also inthe Southern rivers. It is provided with sharp conical teeth, and is extremely voracious. You can find all the peculiarities which I mentioned, about the position of the dorsal and anal fins, in the voracious fishes. In those which have a short body, the dorsal fin is usually on the back and is of a larger size. The head is proportionably shorter and rounder. The scales of the gar-pike are so very hard that it is utterly impossible to pierce them with a nail. They are covered with the hardest enamel. The fin likewise is protected on either 44 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. edge with similar hard scales, which prevent the breaking of the rays. Only a few similar fishes are found. This genus Lepidosteus is peculiar to North America. It is found in rivers emptying into the Gulf of Mexico and the St. Lawrence. A genus is also foHnd in the Nile and Senegal called the Po- lyptcrus, which has numerous rays on the back.— The sturgeon is allied to this genus. Fossil fishes, of which a few smooth scales are found, differ from them by the position of their fins and the form of the head and teeth. I have alluded to the peculiar structure of the vertebrae in that genus where we have articulating surfaces of the back bones, rounded on the anterior, and hollow on the posterior extremity. I have shown you a series of vertebras of the back-bone from one of these fishes. Though it is from a large ■species, it is so small that you will scarcely be able to examine it at a distance. I show it to compare the form of these vertebra? with those of other fishes— the shark and codfish for example. In the form of their articulating surfaces they resemble those of the crocodile. I have here the vertebra of the'alligator. You see these rounded articulating surfaces. There is a hollow socket in which the succeeding vertebrae can fit, and the manner in which the two vertebrae move is like a ball-and-socket joint;—precisely the mode of articulation in the family of the Gan- oids. This peculiarity is more interesting, as these fishes are the only vertebrated animals existing at an epoch when reptiles had not yet been called into existence. And after the reptiles began to exist, those types of fishes became so diminished that they were almost extinct, and at the present day we have only a few remnants of them—in fact only two genera. It is not the place to speak of the types of those ancient fishes, and I would only allude to some more pecularities of the most ancient ones, to show that they are somewhat analogous not only to rep- tiles, but have some othercurious analogies. These animals, with these curious flat bones on the head and be- hind the shoulders,'";:'',"'■'•J^Al have in their form* ',j*5,."',^',«* some resemblance'?^. Vy| '>} to tortoises, but of a-1* '-.'.Mii.-^ small size. Theyi' have also some re-'^ semblance to cer-l tain Crustacea.—1 l-'^. They have been ;,'£..,"" mistaken for theJjj^ri former by some and/ for the latter by oth-" «rs. It is only since] 1 had am opportuni- ty of studying mi- nutely their struc tare, and findini some of their types' more fish-like in the! structure of their' vertebral column, that I ceuld ascertain that this as well as that form belonged to the class of fishes. rhe analogy is so striking that it is possible to sat lsty any one that this type will follow that, and ■mL £?g a trueJfi8h> we °"»»t necessarily con- sider this extraordinary form as belonging to that tW w first1appearanee of the class of Vertebra fereyn^fron?ttafire,8embknC? t0 l™** entirely d* WWt . SES. e- fi8helnow in existence, as to ex- nibit a most curious phenomenon in Nature, show- ■:*^S?r*5raiM ing us how that from the beginning all types were contemplated by the Creator, but only called into existence gradually. The ordinary bony fishes are divided, by the pe- culiarities of their scales, into two Orders. First, those with hard, rough scales, called the Ctenoid*, to which the Perch belongs. They have not only spines on their backs, but dentations on their scales, and have been divided into numerous families, ac- cording to the structure of some of the head bones. They are not found in general works, which may be an inducement to some to study them. We have here a preopercu jlum which is dentated |or serrated. Then the perculnm which ii the next lower is usually dentated and provided with spines, and two tber bones below the iserratures. That is the character of the perch families. Beside that. the perch have teeth in the upper and lower jaw, and upon the palatal bones inside the month, as well as the bones of the skull. It is a most extra- ordinary fact that the bone which is known by anatomists to form the division of the nose in higher animals, called the vomer, rests upon the bonea of the skull in fishes which have no such deep cavities in the nose. Tbe vomer forms part of the palate in the perch family, and is covered with teeth. Another family allied to this, the Sparoids," to which the '• sheep-head" belongs, differ in having no serratures along tbe edge of the pre operculum. This and two other bones> are smooth in their edges.S but the operculum hasjjfji spines, the back fin hasj-; spines, and the scales aret rough. The Scienoids.f to which the weak-fish^ belongs, has the sameS characteristic of the op-*i ercular bone, and no teeth on the palatal bones. One most extraordinary family belonging to this group is the flat fishes, for it is the only family that is unsymmetrical in the vertebral column. The two sides are not equal. The one is flat and color- less, ^hiletbe other is swollen and colored- In- stead of swimming vertically, they swim flatwise, on one side. They are distinguished by the fact that the two eyes are on the side that is colored. When young, in the egg, they are symmetrical, but when they grow larger, and even very early, one of the eyes turns to one side—sometimes to the right and sometimes te the left. The eye turns the moment the fish begins to grow. That side which is exposed to the action of light is the only one colored. Though these fishes have soft rays. they have radiated, serrated scales, thereby mak ing an exception to the general rule that there ii a correspondence between the hardness of the rays and the structure of the scales. The flat fishes form an exception to the whole type of ver- tebrated animals, in their want of symmetry. The name of the family is Pleuronectes. The fishes with smooth scales are more nume- rous than any other types, and are the type belong- ing to onr day. Some have had rays upon their backs. The Mackerel are of this class. In them we find the following peculiarity: Let this be tbe The Animal Kingdom. 45 body: we have here hard rays in the same manner as tbe perch. Numerous branches arise and even divided rays. According to the rule I gave, this fish should have smooth scales. On the contrary it has serrated scales, but only on some parts of the body—tbe other portion is covered with smooth scales. It is, in fact, an intermediate type between the herring and the ctenoids. The family of the herring, of trout and of codfish, all have the same scales and soft rays. The family of Codfish is distinguished by having numerous di- vided fins—sometimes three dorsal and two anal fins, all ofthem with soft rays and smooth scales.— The family of Eels has the fin continuous with the body. Then we have the families of Herring and of Suck- ers, which differ in the following manner. In the fam- ily of herrings the body is provided with a single dorsal fin, and a fin rising from the pectorafs. The body is serrated all along the abdomen. These teeth are formed by peculiar bones which stand out on the edge of the body. Each of the ribs has two (branches uniting, and the point which ■stands out is marked thus: two (branches meeting. So that they have loot only ribs running out from the back- bone, but an additional pair from the _|iower margin of the body. In tbe family of Trout we have no such cbsjacteris- tic. We have an additional dorsal fin without any ray, only a soft adipose or fatty fin. In these two fami- lies the edge of the upper jaw is formed of the max- illary bones, or provided with rude teeth, soasetimes merely serratures in the bone which reach the posterior edge of the mouth, and the upper maxil- lary bone no longer has any teeth. The foregoing de- tails will be sufficient to give a complete notion of the whole class of Fishes. I will show a specimen con- taining three fossil fishes. The scales in the fossil fishes are precisely the same as in the living gar- pike. The s pecimen is from this country—one from the collection of Mr. Redfield. I have now to introduce the class of Reptiles-— They are animals very dissimilar in their structure and appearance. At first one can scarcely under- stand the likeness existing between a snake and a turtle. Their skeletons in their external form are so totally different that a common characteristic is by no means easy to perceive. It seems almost impossible that such heterogenous animals as frogs, snakes, lizards and tortoises should belong to one natural division ; nevertheless the class of reptiles is the most natural group of the Animal Kingdom. The extreme differences we notice be- tween the groups just named, disappear more and more when we examine the distinct types of those animals which lived in former epochs and are now extinct. We have-now some animals which, by their form, stand intermediate between lizards, or crocodiles, and tortoises. We have other forms even intermediate between the snakes and liz- ards. Tbe common snake has no feet; numerous ribs extend the whole length of the body. The numerous vertebras have each a pair of ribs, and the structure is so uniform that in a transverse sec- tion in any region of the body, we see precisely the same arrangement of the bones and soft parts. 8ome lizards, like snakes, have no feet. In some there begin to appear on tbe sides and underneath the abdominal cavity rudimentary feet, or ribs, at the extremities of which there is a hook. First we observe these enlarged—then there are two fingers—then some rudimentary feet on the sides of the head with one, two, and afterward three toes, until we have the common form of feet with five distinct fingers. All possible intermediate states between tbe existence of feet and the com- plete want of them is known among the living rep- tiles—snakes and lizards. The length and propor- tion of the body vary. Some are of extraordi- nary length; in others, in which tbe body is shorter. the tail is more separate from the botly and forms a long, tail-like appendage. There is no longer any difficulty in tracing this form in that of the turtle, in which the body is broad, flat, with very short tail and neck. Here we have a type where the tail is very long and very similar to a snake's body, and here we have feet of con- siderable size. Again, in the frog the legs are of extraordinary length, being in many instances longer than the body. The medial region is broad, flat and short as in turtles, so that the external form, where we trace all intermediate forms, should no longer be an objection to the union of all these animals in one group. But in the intermediate forms we have pos- itive characters by which they all agree and there- fore must be classed together. These characters are—first: the structure of the heart. In this injected heart of a turtle you see two red cavities in which the blood comes from the lungs, and this black cavity from which the blood is forced into tbe lungs and other parts of the body. The heart of reptiles is divided into three cavities. Let that be the ventricle irheart proper: from the auricles arises a large blood-vessel proceedingin- to the body of the animal and also sending two ves- sels to tbe lungs. A large Itrunk arises from this cav- ty sending branches to [the respiratory organs. The main trunk, which carries the blood into the body, divides into nu- merous branches, supplying the head, anterior extremities and alimentary organs, and also the viscera iu the posterior extremity. That blood returns and enters one of the auricles, while the blood which goes to the lungs will enter this other auricle, so that the blood from the body is mingled in the common ventricle. Thus we have, going to the body, blood of a mixed nature. That which has become blood and has lost its vital prop- erties by being used inthe body, returns to one of the auricles ; and tbe blood which has become oxygenated in the lungs comes back to the other auricle. The venous and arterial blood then empty into this common cavity, the ventricle, and are forced thence into the body, as well as tbe respiratory or- gans. Such a circulation is that which is fonnd in all cold-blooded animals. In the higher animals the blood which comes from the body into this cavity passes into that, and does not unite with the arterial blood, but is forced into the respiratory organs by a vessel distinct from that, and from the lungs comes(~ back into this cavity, and from! this into that, so that the blood] coming from the body and res-] piratory organs never mingles. This is a double circulation pe- culiarto wsrnt-blooded animals.] Reptiles are cold-blooded,tbel temperature of the blood never! rising higher than that of the* 46 surrounding atmosphere. Their temperature sinks with that of the atmosphere, and when it is very low the animal becomes torpid and remains so during tbe cold season. Turtles, snakes, liz- ards and frogs sink into this state during tbe Win' ter, and their circulation is very much diminished. All reptiles breathe with lungs, which are of a very peculiar appearance. I have here the lung of the snapping-turtle—it is sponge-like and full of large air-cells. The air enters into tubes or air-pipes, which unite in one tube opening into the ■mouth and communicating with |the nose. Here is the lung of an- other reptile, the boa-constrictor, [in which the cells are beautifully ■more numerous and not divided linto larger cells. These two rep- stiles have such organs of respira- Ition. We have seen in fishes ■only a rudiment of a lung—the lair-bladder. Here we have the lung of a reptile, into which the air is constantly introduced, moving in and out as often as the animal requires air: but the inspiration is not so frequent as in warm-blooded animals, and the quantity of oxygen consumed is much less.— These two characters are sufficient to distinguish reptiles from all other animals, and to show that, notwithstanding their extraordinary diversity of form, they are a very natural class in their structure. Without entering into asy more anatomical de- tails, I would mention some peculiarities of the different organs. Reptiles have been divided into four orders— Turtles, Lizards, S?iakes and Frogs. The first are named from the Greek Chelonias, the second Sauri- ans, the third Ophidians, and thefourth Batrachians. These terms simply signify the same as tbe com- mon name, and are only used for the sake of a com- mon understanding in different langaages. The common name is just as good, only it would some- times create mistakes. For instance: here is a fish called the gar-pike, which has a namesake.belong- ing to a different family. So it is necessary to have scientific terms derived either from the Greek or Latin—for scientific men of different nations speak different tongues, and it is essential to a thorough study or knowledge of tbe different types of the Animal Kingdom that there should be a fixed Classification, as the names in common use among us would necessarily change with different languages. The order of Chelonians is peculiar from the singu- lar form of the body. The common turtle is covered with large flat cuirass-shaped scales, both above and below. These scales rest immediately upon the bones. JThe question is, what are these bones ?— ... Turtles have been considered as ani- mals of a peculiar or- der, constructed on a different plan from other animals,in hav- ing their skeleton outside, and having bones analagous to no other animals.— But it is easy in com- paring to find what the broad, flat bones are. Here we have the indication quite plain: the whole space between the scales is not filled up. [Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. In all marine animals the ribs do not enlarge the whole lepgth but are only united near the back- bone. The large, broad disc is nothing hut a lo- ries of ribs, and when looking internally they pre- sent precisely the) same relations to the central backbone as in common vertebrated animals. In the philosophical comparison of animals the mere disc is not sufficient, but will lead to frequent mistakes. On the anterior portion of the animal we have ». similar series of bones something analo- gous to those of the crocodile. The anterior ex- tremities of tbe ribs unite in a series of middle bones, called sternal bones. The lower cuirass of the turtle is nothing but a series of those bones formed in tbe same manner as ribs. The whole middle region of the body is thus immovable be- tween them. There is no possible motion of the ribs or sternum. In some turtles only the ante- rior and posterior portions are movable, and the animal has a head of most extraordinary form. Here is a head of a large green-turtle. From the cavities in it one might suppose the animal had a large brain—but it is not so. Here is a little hole through which the spinal marrow passes. These large covered cavities are only to protect the large muscleswhichmovethelowerjaw. Sothatwehave a covering formed by the skull to protect the lateral muscles which move the lower jaw. The head is large, but the space for the brain small. So ia rep- tiles, the brain is not very large, and we have in this class the same relative position of the different parts of the brain. The little quantity of brain re- mains uncovered by the anterior lobe. The only progress in the form of the brain is that the an- terior lobe of the brain is larger than the other, __but the posterior part is still uncovered by it. These turtles form a natural group. They did not exist very anciently—we do not find them beyond the oolite period, but we find tbe next order, the Sanrians, at an earlier age, immediately after the coal era. The question arises, Are the saurians, which are found below the oolite and above the coal, real lizards 7 Tbey have been so considered, but I think the analogy with lizards has been exaggerated. In fact all the reptiles found in the strata below the chalk have a pecu- liarity which the actual lizard has not:—the teeth are inserted in cavities. Lizards have teeth united with their jaws, but these ancient saurians have teeth inserted by a long root into a cavity ; and we have the same structure in the crocodile ; so that the analogy between the crocodile and lizard which was considered so natural and close, is, I think, rather exaggerated. I consider crocodiles as one remnant of those ancient types of large liz- ards having, like reptiles, teeth inserted in the hollow cavities of the jaw. You see in this head of an alligator the character of their teeth very plainly. Most of them have fallen out, but in the few remaining you see a long root projecting above these cavities. Among lizards we have teeth which unite with tbe head and there are never any such cavities for their reception. These reptiles should be called Rhizodonts—having teeth with roots. I will mention the distinguishing characteristic! of the alligators^- of the South. from the croc odiles of the East. You se^ the teeth of the lower jaw come within the up- ,e Animal Kingdom. 47 per jaw, and when the jaw is closed they unite | m such a manner that only the teeth of the upper jaw are seen outsideof the lower. In the crocodile | proper you have the teeth closing in a dif- ferent manner, crossing each other, so that on a tide view you see two sets of teeth—those of the lower jaw coming outside those of the upper- It is a fact for which we cannot account that all the crocodiles of the Old World have teeth varying in this manner from the alligators of this fontinent. There is one species, however, in the West Indies constructed on the plan of the Eastern crocodile. With this type we have to combine fossil reptiles, of which portions only are known.— They havs been described chiefly by Conybeare, Prof. Owen, and other British Naturalists. It is in the oolitic series of Great Britain that they are mostly found. They are truly gigantic, some of them exceeding in size the largest terrestrial mam malis. Only parts havs been restored. They are described under the name of Plesiosaurus and Ichthyosaurus. I will only ailuds to another of these types, of which I have some fragments, the precious gift of _Dr. Torrey. Here is a (fragment of a tooth, por- Ition of the jaw, and some ■rudimentary teeth coming insideways. These teeth are larger than any of those in the jaw of the living crocodile. You see tbe portion of the tooth is larger than the whole of the other. Therefore we are allowed to infer that this animal was much larger than any of the largest alligators of this country. This would be one of those large reptiles. It belongs to the genus Mososaurus, found in the cretacious strata of Eu- rope. The peculiarity of the teeth is this: Let that be a portion of the jaw.| Here is a large cavity fot the teeth, which are gone Here is a root of a tooth! broken away, but the root is united with the bone so that it is :iot fully sepa- rated from the bone; but that it was, at the time |whe» the tooth was formed,we see by ■the fact that so much of the tooth is (preserved. Back of this there are ■the small teeth coming out whose pe- Iculiarity is to take that form. They ■have two sharp edges. This is a trans- Iverse section. The vertebras are of considerable size. Here you have one of the back- bones. The appendages aboveand below are broken. Tbe back-bone of the fossil is twice as large as that of the largest crocodile. How can this be as- certained to be a reptile? It is easy. Youhave these hollow surfaces. So this simple bone can be referred to the class of reptiles simply by the character of tbe articulating surfaces of the vertebra. That it is a reptile and not a fish is ascertained by thefactthat the appendages were united to the vertebras, as is seen by these fractures. We may ascertain to what genus it belongs bythe peculiar form of the joints of the vertebras, which [as seen in the next diagram] are obtusely triangular. The articulating surfaces, though concave onone and convex on the other side, are usually] triangular, and that is tin I peculiarity of the genus| Mososaurus. It is by this simple pro-l cess of comparison thati the characters may be determined, and if any one will investigate all the relations between such bones and skeletons of a reptile, he will himself be able to restore the entire animal, giving the whole outline with great accuracy. g^_. The number of fossil bones coming to Wght every year is so great that there is a greater field of in- vestigation than there are students to enter it, which should be an inducement for many more to begin such studies. In this country, fossil bones have been studied but very imperfectly. The Mastodon has been discovered here, and I have no doubt there are as many bones remaining unde- scribed as there were several years ago in many countries of Europe, so there is ample room for in- vestigation. Owing to tbe before-mentioned pecu- liarities in the structure of the crocodile—the form of the teeth and modifications in the vertebrss— those ancient types should form a peculiar order by themselves. The order of lizards, so numerous in our day, is of little geological interest, because so few fossils have been found to compare with existing types. The next order is Ophidians. Having shown how gradually this order passes into that of liz- ards by the formation of tbe feet, the inquiry arises, By what are snakes distinguished from lizards 7 for there are lizards without feet, and snakes have rudiments of feet. In lizards the lower jaw is movable in its articulation on the temporal bone, and can only move up and down. In the snake the same motion is possible, but the two jaws in front can also move sideways, so that the jaw can be , separated considerably, and thus the month ean be enlarged indefinitely. This is the reason why snakes can swallow animals of a larger diameter than their own body. Not only is their mouth en- larged in that manner, but the posterior articula- tion of the jaw with the head is such, that the jaw can slide on the aide of the head, and thus enlarge in that direction. The temporal bone is detached from the skin, and forms the joint of tbe lower jaw, which joint is movable right and left, allowing the snake to distend its mduth enormously. But the upper jaw is also movable, and iu some, as in ven- omous serpents, there are movable teeth, uniting with the sac containing the poison which they in- ject through tbe tube of the tooth into the wound made by the bite of the reptile. ■$*»■■■•'*-• y______ Snakes have existed in former times. Prof. Owen has ascertained that in the London clay, fossils are found allied to the boa-constrictor, as early as the deposition of the most ancient tertiary bodies. The last family is the Batrachians, which is so interesting in its geological bearings, and also anatomically frem the extensive metamorphoses it undergoes, that I beg leave to pass by the class of birds which is so well understood and is of less interest, and take up the order of Batrachians for the next Lecture. 48 Prof. Agassiz's Lescrctv. LECTURE XL Examination of the Order of Batrachians—Their Metamorphoses the Key to a proper Classification of Animals in the Scale of Being...The importance of this key. or principle never as yet known and applied.... Fossil Batra- chians illustrate this principle.... Birds and Mammalia—Difference in their respiration....Cause of the power of flight in Birds___Peculiarity in the Toes of Birds—A Clue to the Discoveries of Ancient Forms by thait Footprints___Pres't Hitchcock's discovery—Hisjopinion sustained...Diversities in the class of Mammalia.... Whales an ordar of Mammalia—Fossil Whales___The Hydrarchos...Herbivorous and CarnivorousAnimals—Dif- ference in their alimentary organs___The teeth of Rodcntia—The jaw of the Badger.. ..Motions of the jaw In ani- mal)—Teeth of the Barbaroussa___The Pachjdermata---Remain' of a species of the Elephant in Frozen regioai with the flesh preserved___Sudden change of climate in th « Frozen| Regions___The Mastodon of reoent data —The Ruminantia—The Rodentia—The Singular character of the Didelpfiides—The Carnivora—Seals: Car- nivora proper___The Quadrumana—Difference between a man and monkey. Ladies and Gentlemen: In the examination of the class of Reptiles, we have already gone through four orders—viz : that of Rhizodonts, con- taining those gigantic fossil extinct types and the now living Crocodile; second, the Chelonians or Turtles; third, the Saurians or Lizards; and fourth, the Ophidians or Snakes. We have to-night to examine the order of Ba trachians. These animals are very numerous, and of a singular character, owing to their mode of growth. Tbey differ from the other reptiles in this—that their body is naked, without scales, and the skin is soft. But what is the most striking feature in their character, is that they undergo a series of changes during their life after they are hatched. The young batrachians all have a long tail, like lizards ; even frogs and toads, whenyoung, have this appendage. The order of Batrachians contains Frogs, Toads, Salamanders, and many other animals allied to Salamanders. There is an extraordinary difference in their external form, though all agree in this, that after they have escaped from the egg they have a long tail circumscribed by a fin, and in their early stage they have no feet. Soon after they are hatched, the feet begin to appear, and in some the tail disappears, and they assume the short, com- pact form of the frog and toad—while others retain their tail. Again, when young they all respire through gills, which some lose, in later life, and breathe through lungs like other reptiles. In these tew facts we have a most important in- dication of the value of character throughout the great division of the vertebrated animals. If my object was not to illustrate the principles of Zo- ology, I would enter into more details in the ex- amination of the different species and their exter- nal characteristics; but these can be learned from books. In these facts of the structure and charac- teristics of the Batrachians, we have illustrated some fundamental principles of classification—and, in fact, a new principle which I consider as most important for that object. Animals have usually been classified by the difference in their structure, which principle is perfectly correct; but the diffi- culty is to ascertain by a knowledge of their struc- ture which combination of organs—which struc- ture^—belongs to the higher and which to the lower order. We have had no test for ascertaining this. The good opinion men have of their own superiority over the rest of the animal creation, has induced zo- ologists to consider those animals more nearly allied to Man to be the higher order, and those that differ more widely from this type to belong to the lower orders. But the actual scale by which we measure the degree in the gradation of animals is found only in their metamorphoses; and unhappily this test has not been introduced into our classification as it should have been. The facts we know already in relation to the structure of Batrachians and their metamorphoses are sufficient to give a perfect key to the classification of the two lower classes of ver- tebrated animals and the succession of any order even with the most minute details. In this diagram I will sketch not any one parti- cular animal, but tbe general outline of a group When the young batrachian escapes from the egg the general outline is elongated, with a tail, but without legs and we then have the form of a Salamander. Then the legs will increase in size and the tail will dis- appear—and we will have the form of the frog and toad. In the beginning there are external append ages for respiration—the gills. These disappear entirely in the salamanders, frogs aid toads, and remain permanent in the others. The earlier stages in the growth of the animal will be considered to be very analogous to the lower grades of animals—and in the full-grown state, to the higher. Let us see what are the relations of these to other vertebrated animals. Is it among birds and mammalia that w« find an analogy to these animals? Certainly not It is among the fishes we have a similar structure. Therefore we shall consider fishes as lower than those reptiles which begin with the characteristics ■een in fishes, and progress to a higher develop- ment. Here is evidently a test by which we know that the class of fishes should stand lower than rep- tiles, which, otherwise, might be doubted. The fact that some respire by gills, is not of itself sufficient evidence that tbey stand lower or higher. There are some reptiles that breathe by gills their whole life. The fact of the fish-like forms in the young batrachian is sufficiently indicative of the po«ition which fishes should occupy with reference to rep- tiles and other vertebrated animals. Let us again examine the different families in the order of Batrachians. We have some families in which the form is thus: The Animal Kingdom. 49 First external gills, and, having lost them, a very minute fin appears, and afterward ill-shaped, im- perfect feet. Then in some, whose body is larger, we will find the fingers more complete and the legs more developed, and larger and more complicated s ■$$■#;*! - '■ V- n'£' feet. In others the tail will gradually shorten, and the fin circumscribing it will gradually disappear. The gills at length will disappear, and the legs at- tain such a size as to become the main organs of locomotion. Here, then, we have—in such a series and grada- tion of forms, and in such a relation between these forms and the changes which the frog undergoes— the actual indication of the order of classification in the arrangement of all the families. And wher- ever Embryology—the knowledge of the changes in the young animal—has taught us the successive forms, we may have in these changes important hints as to the classification of types. Therefore I think the principle ot metamorphosis, as a founda- tion for classification, is the best and most striking guide a zoologist can take But. as I have said, this principle has been very imperfectly understood, and in fact never applied as one upon which classi- fication in general could rest. There are several fossil Batrachians, and what is again interesting, is that the larger ones and those which have appeared earlier, belong to the older tertiary strata. It is in the more recent tertiary beds we find those which show a closer affinity with frogs or tailless batrachians. I will not enter into farther details. My object in speaking of the Batrachians was to illustrate the principle of classification, derived from a knowledge of the metamorphoses in any portion of the Animal Kingdom. In another Lecture I shall show that this principle will be of direct application in the or- der of succession of the different types of the Ani- mal Kingdom. Though we have not investigated all classes, there are sufficient facts obtained to ■how, even now, that this is a fundamental princi- ple upon which classification can rest, and that this same principle is the one in the order of succession of types in all geological ages. (Applause.) The next class is Birds, and next the Mamma- lia. These two classes have certain characteristics in common, of which I will first speak. They are both warm-blooded animals, and they both breathe with lungs. Birds, as well as Mammalia, have large air-sacs called lungs, which open externally through the mouth as well as the nostrils, in the same manner a* reptiles ; but there is this funda- mental difference between reptiles and birds and mammalia. The latter two classes are warm- blooded. The difference in temperature is un- doubtedly owing to the greater amount of oxygen consumed in respiration. .... Mammalia and bird, agree again in the large size of their brain in proportion to the body. It is ■o much greater than in reptile* as to be quite striking In comparing, for instance, the brain of the sparrow with that of the largest sea-turtle, that of the sparrow is found to be about half the size of that of the tnrtle. The difference in proportion to tbe size of the two is as 100 to 1. The peculiar characteristics of the class of Birds are that the anterior and posterior extremities are entirely dissimilar. The former are wings—the latter legs. Nevertheless the structure of the wings and legs in birds is precisely tbe same—the bones exactly correspond, and the true difference is owing to their arrangement. The large thigh- bone, uniting with the back-bone, corresponds to the shoulder. The thigh-bone corresponds to the humerus—the leg proper corresponding to the fore- arm—then the foot and fingers correspond to the hand. These parts are covered with feathers, and the difference which is obvious in the bones entire- ly disappears in tbe external limbs. This analogy in the anterior and posterior extremities can be traced throughout the great type of the vertebrated animals. The short fingers on the foot of the bat, correspond precisely to the long fingers ef its hand, even to their arrangement and number of bones, and the difference is only in the manner in which they unite together by membranes. There is no class among vertebrated animals so uniform as birds. What I have said applies to tbe whole class—they differ only in the shape and form of the bill and the fingers, and ia the pro- portion of their bodies- In the parrot, which is widely differ- -nt from the ostrich, you will lind the same neck and back bones, tbe same arrangement if the wings and even the same lumber of articulations in the toes. In their respiration, they differ runi Mammalia. Birds, in order to fly, must necessa- arily be very light. To obtain this, they are provided with a large air-sac, extending from the lungs into the abdominal cavity, and even into the bones. The bones of the arm in birds are hollow, communicat- ing with the air sacs of the lungs. The reason why a bird falls when its wing is broken, is because the air within the cavity no longer resists the pressure of the chest. If you sever the bone of the wing, you will hear the air whistling through the broken bone. It is owing to this ar- rangement that the specific weight of birds is so much di- minished, and they are ena- bled to soar through the air with such ease. Only a few birds are de- prived ef this faculty—sueh as the ostrich. In this the ster- nal bone is quite flat and withoui the peculiar projection which is seen in other birds, to which the large muscles are attached thatl move the wings. I will draw nl transverse section of the breast bonel of the ostrich. Thel surface is entirely flat! and here is the cavi-" ty for the lungs—here are the ribs and here the breast-bone entirely flat. In otherbirds there is the same arrr.nge- mentof the ribs and breast-bone, and there is a large ridge rising from the middle, and tol it are attached the broad muscles! which move the wing. These mus | cles are well known as the whit. meat of the fowl. There is a eon i stant proportion in the extent oil this bone and the power of flight! in all birds. I will enter a littk-l farther into details. Let this diagram represent 50 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. the backbone and ribs attached to it. I There are additional bones not found m other birds, passing from one rib jo another, preventing the compres- sion of the chest, which would other- 'wise modify the respiration, by di- minishing the quantity of air inspired. I have mentioned that the fingers, or rather the toes, were similar in all birds. I will pursue this point, as it is the only one upon which birds have acquired a geological interest. Many years ago Pres. Hitchcock of Amherst College discovered cu- rious tracks upon certain rocks in the Connecticut Valley. He examined these impressions and pub- lished some diagram* of them, maintaining that they were the footprints of birds. I believe this assertion was received with as much incredulity in this country as in Europe. He has for years been struggling against opposition in reference to his assertion. To himself, as well as to a few in- dividals who had confidence in the fixity of the laws of Nature, the evidence was satisfactory. At length his views have been fully borne out. It can be proved with as much certainty that birds have existed as early as the deposition of the new red sandstone, as if we saw them—Lhough only the tracks remain, like those left on a sandy beach — These tracks were made long before Man was created, and the evidence is beyond the slightest doubt. (Applause.) Tbe evidence is this. The toes of birds are always two.three or feur in number. When there are four there is one behind corresponding to the thumb. Let this represent tbe foot. 1 n the posterior finger therel is one bony articulation and a! nail—inthe first finger, two( bony articulations and a nail —in the second, three articu lations and a nail-joint—and! in the third, four articulations^ and a nail-joint. There is not another animal in which the! number of articulations is such as in birds. Here we have only three fingers. The first has three, the second four, and the third five articulating joints, including the nailjoint.—; In the only bird which hasj two fingers, the African ostrich, the first finger has foui and the second five joints.— Now in the new red sandstone] of the Connecticut Valley, the( impressions left show plainly| the joints of the toes and num ber of articulations, which cor- respond precisely to the fore- going arrangement. This is satisfactory evidence to every anatomist that the impressions were from birds only. I do not maintain by this that President Hitchcock has shown that they were all birds' tracks. There were also impressions of other animals whose tracks do not agree with those of the birds. But there are tracks of birds running over wet sand, that have been preserved by a deposit of mud upon it, which is enough to prove conclu- sively to the mind of the geologist the existence of animals—though there are no remains at all. These results are satisfactory, because they promise more information concerning the true history of geological succession on the surface of the globe. Since the ripple marks of the ebbing tide, and the slightest impressions of the feet of animals can be recognized, we have evidence that the time will come when we shall know all that has transpired on the sur- face of the earth, at a period when Man did not exist, and we can reconstruct the form of the whole Animal Creation only by these slight evidencei.— (Applause.) The last class of vertebrated animals of which I have to speak, is the Mammalia. It is a clasi in which the types are almost as diverse as in rep- tiles. We have, in this class, animals provided with fins, others with feet, and others with wings There are some which have external horns of large size, some with smooth skin, and others covered with hair. Though their external appearance is extremely different, they all agree in this reepect: they have warm blood, like birds. But they have no air-sac extending into other cavities of the body. The breast is divided by a large partition called the diaphragm, which separates the respiratory cavity from that in which the other viscera are con- tained. Birds lay eggs, while the Mammalia bring forth living young. It is upon this mest important difference in their character that the reunion of so many animals so widely different has been deter- mined. For example, the Whales as well as bats bring forth living young and nourish them with milk. The similarity of their general structure ii closer than would appear—owing to this peculiari- ty. The internal structure of the whales is the same as the higher Mammalia, and though they have been considered as fishes they have no affini- ty, but only anexternal analogy to that class. The whales are really much more allied to Man than to any of the fish tribe. The distinction between analogy and affinity is, that the former indicates only an external similar- ity ; but the moment we investigate the internal structure of the whale we find such a striking re- semblance to the Mammalia that we call it affinity. So then whales are analogous with fishes, but are truly Mammalia. Even this analogy wtih fishes is much less than it might appear. They have fins, but for a different use from fishes. In fishes the large fin at the end of the tail ii placed perpendicularly, and cleaves the water from right to left, producing a forward motion only—while in whales this fin is placed horizontally, audits motion causes the animal to rise or sink at will. And this arrangement facilitates their respiration, for they cannot breathe except in the atmosphere. Fishes can rise and sink, but only slowly, on account of the perpendicular position of the tail; but whales can rise rapidly to the surface to breathe the atmog- pheric air.________ This is theskull >f a dolphin, one ifthewhaletribe. It is widely dif- ferent from the lass of fishes and __lis provided with uniform teeth. The whales are, however, the lowest order of Mammalia, as is indicated by the structure of their other extremities. They have anterior feet, but no posterior. They have finger*, five in number, as in other Mammalia, but united by a thick membrane forming a fin. The structure of the caudal appendage, and in some of them the existence of a dorsal fin, shows some relation to fishes, which puts them in a lower grade, but «till their true affinity is with Mammalia. Whales have existed in former times. Most ex- traordinary sized fossil types are found in the South ern parts of this country. In Alabama large speci- mens have been discovered, which unfortunately have been described by an ignorant German natur- alist as the remains of reptiles, and this discovery of so much importance, has been leuened in inter- est by the unscientific manner in which they were described. Bat lately Prof. Wyman, a yoasg nat- vThe Animal Kingdom.] | 51 aralist of Boston, and Dr. Gibbs of South Carolina, have given a scientific description, showing their essential structure to be that of Mammalia. And Still later, since their proper place has been assigned, a skull has been discovered, showing the peculiar rounded form of the posterior part of the head, giv- ing another evidence that the remains are those of a specie* of whale, and not those of a reptile called the Hydrarchos. The existence of whales dates as far back as tbe cretaceous epoch,and many have been found in the tertiary strata. There is a diffi- culty in determining the species of these fossil ce- taceans, on account of their large size. It is much easier to compare smaller specimens. The Mammalia are divided into two other large Or- ders beside that of whales: the Herbivora and the Carnivora. There is a difference in those which live on vegetables and those which devour animals for food. The form and structure of the teeth for grind- ing vegetable food and for cutting and devouring living animals—as also the alimentary organs for digestion, which require the food to undergo a pro- cess of assimilation—are very different in the two Orders. The difference between the food and the substance of the body of an herbivorous animal and the modification it has to undergo to become assimilated, render the digestive organs much more complicated in the herbivorous than in the carnivor- •u* tribe. **JM Again, the food of these two orders is so different in the various families, that we find numerous far- ther modifications in the operations by which the food is prepared before it is swallowed. We have, for instance, in the gnawing animals teeth entirely dissimilar from those which act upon the surface of '.he jaw. This is jaw J if the beaver. You see jthe two anterior teeth, [both in the upper and "'ower jaw. Then there space deprived of Iceeth, and in the pos Iterior portion of the jaw We have the grinders. Animals with such jaws, and they are very numerous, are called Rodentia. Rats and squirrels are of this group. Rabbits and hare* have two anterior teeth in the lower jaw, and four or five grinders on the right and left side of the posterior part of the upper and lower jaws. The """"Itirst are called incisors land the second molars. ]We find such only jamong herbivorous ani- |nals, while in the car- nvorous we find a third Ikiud of teeth : In the Ijaw of the tiger you Jaave in front the in- [cisors, and in the pos- terior part the molars ; but beside these, in the anterior position and on the sides, there are four large teeth, called the tanine teeth. They are those with which the animal seizes and retain* its prey. In the badger the articulation of the lower jaw is so powerful that the jaw cannot fall. There i* a groove into which the enlarged end of the lower jaw is introduced, and closed by the upper so strongly that they are kept in their natural position, and even after the soft parts are removed, the jaws cannot be dis- joined. All carnivorous animals can make ouly upward and downward motions of the jaw, with a very slight lateral movement, while those which live upon grass have, beside these, a lateral motion.— This is especially evident in ruminating animals. All the herbivorous animals which have a compli- cated stomach, from which the food is returned to the mouth te be ground over again, have no canine teeth—only the large molar teeth, with no incisors in the upper jaw and five in the lower. Deers, elks and cows are of this family, having no incis- ors inthe upper jaws, and no canine teeth at alL When I say no herbivorous animals have canine teeth I suppose many have thought of the extraor- dinary tusks of the elephant, which are placed in the same position as canine teeth in other animals. In this head of the Barbaroussa appear canine teeth of extraordinary size, but you will readily perceive tbe difference between these and the ca- nine teeth of carnivorous animals. Tbey are not used to seize the prey. They are curved upward, and are used for other purposes, beside being an or- nament to the heed. In this head of a ho ar. from the Island of Bor f>V£Z,:Z.; neo—the BarbaJfa* roussa—they arc'^v,-, curved like horns.fejg Tn the elephantWjt* theybecomelarttej ' tusks, correspon ing to the canine teeth, but are notj used to perforoij the office of cauitu teeth as in the Carnivora. Among the Herbivora we will first distinguish the large family of Pachydermaia, in which the fin- gers are covered with a hoof. The horse, the elephant and the rhinoceros belong to this family. They have grinding teeth of a large size. Some have many and some very few. The elephant, the largest of the Mammalia, when full grown has only four molar teeth—two in the upper and two in the lower jaw. The young elephant has twice as ma- ny—four in the lower and four in the upper. This differpnce is easily explained. The new teeth are itiot formed under the old ones, but behind, md as they grow they uove forward, first the interior portion of the K)th appearing above r|ie bone of the jaw, r.:ie posterior portion ieing still covered with bone. As they 52 Prof Agassiz's Lectures. come forward they displace the other teeth, the an- terior por-.'on successively falls away and the pos- terior comes in gradually. In the full-grown ani- mal thero are only four maxillary teeth in the whole jaw and two tusks, making six; but these are re- newed constantly, so that after the second pair has taken the place of the first, another will be formed behind. So it is not true that the full grown ani- mal has only four teeth, for there are new ones con- stantly forming behind. They have now eight and now four teeth, and when full grown there are only four left. The family of Pachyderms is highly interesting, because it is to them we must refer many of the gigantic terrestrial animals found in the tertiary strata. They are quite numerous, and it is these which have been for the first time reconstructed and ^illustrated so admirably in the immortal works of Cuvier. We have here the remains of the Pa- laotherium, an animal allied to the Tapir in the form of its head, and grinding and ca- Dine leetli.—Tins aiiiuiai. the Anaplotherium, is sim ilar to the Palaeotheri- um—but of a slender! frame, and the body indi- cate* an animal of quickei motion, while the formei was more heavy and slow.__ The main difference is in tbe arrangement ot the teeth. There is no vacant space between the in- cisors and canine and molar teeth of the latter, but in the former you see the canine can cross each other and fill the vacant spaces when tbe jaws are brought together. These animals have never been found entire, but the skeleton has been drawn from related bones. Never was even a complete head found of a Palaeotherium or Anaplotherium. They have been reconstructed even from much more im- perfect fragments than are now contained in the Museum of Paris. The difference in the animals is notonly in the teeth but also in the feet; the Ana- plotherium ha* three fingers, the middle linger being much larger than the lateral ones, while the other has two fingers only. The older pachydermata found in tbe gypsum are not of gigantic size—the largest is not greater than the horse, and some are a* small a* an ass. But in the more recent ter- tiary beds, other genera of this animal have been discovered, such as the Hippopotamus, showing tbe same characteristics in the canine, incisor, and molar teeth. And not only isolated teeth are found, but in the Val d'Arno, near Florence, complete skulls have been found larger than the largest specimen* known to naturalist*, and most of these are preserved in the Museum of Paris, which con- tains the largest and most complete collection o! fossils. Several species of the elephant have been found —and what is most remarkable, they lie in the coldest regions of Siberia and tbe most arctic por- tion of this continent The species is similar to the Asiatic and African elephant, so that we can- not doubt that they lived in a much warmer cli- mate than that where tbey are now buried— thereby proving extraordinary change* in tempera- ture in those regions, and more particularly as it is evident that they are buried in the countries where they lived. The best evidence of this is the fact that one of these elephants was found so well pre- served that after disinterring the body, the flesh was actually devoured by wolves. These well- preserved remains are numerous in the North of Asia. Parras, and more recently Admiral Vrengel, when visiting the White Sea, *ays he had to travel for days over remain* of these fossil elephants and rhinoceri and hippopotami, gathered on the beaches so a* actually to form hills. It is in the frozen region of Siberia that the soft parts have been fonnd. The hairs, skin and even the muscles which are known to exist, show plainly that they mnst have been suddenly buried after their death, and could not have been dragged from the tropical regions. There is a genus of Pachyderms, tbe Mastodon, which is entirely extinct. It is sometimes called tbe Mammoth, but improperly, as that name should be reserved for the fossil elephant of Northern A»ia. Several specie* of the mastodon are found in this country, Europe and tropical America. The largest species i* common in this continent and appear* to be of recent geological date—so recent that few geological phenomena can have taken place lince its extinction, so that it i* even a question among geologists whether this species has not lived within the existence of mankind. This is a pendant ques- tion upon which evidence i* not sufficient to deter- mine the facts. All this shows how recently such animals inhabited tbi* continent, and how stupend- ous the changes that have occurred on tbe surface of our globe. Next to the Pachyderms eomes the family of Rumlnantia, of which the Northern Elk is one. The horns of the elk are flat on the internal margin and with projections on the edges. All the ruminating animals are characterized by the want of incisors in the upper jaw. There are two groups: those which have compact horns which fall off every year, and those which have hollow horns which are per- manent. These horns stand upon a bony projec- tion formed of a horny substance, but different from the enamel-like substance composing the horn of the deer. A species of very large size has been found. The family of Rodentia, containing many minute species, among which the beaver is the largest, have only two upper and two lower incisors. One type in tbe class of Mammalia ha* puzzled naturalist* exceedingly, being similar in one re- spect to mammalia, and entirely dissimilar in many others. It is the family of Didelphida. containing the kangaroo and opossum. This family ha* one peculiar character: tbey bring forth their young in a very imperfect state, and they are afterward intro- duced into a large pouch under the skin, where they remain till they can provide for themselves.— But, except this common character and the fact that they have a common structure of the brain, they differ widely—some having the structure of the teeth like carnivorous and others like herbiv- orous animals. Some are, in fact, carnivorous and others herbivorous, and it is probable that a higher consideration than that of food will prevail to make these a natural group. The whole family of these Didelphides, except the genus opossum, is peculiar to New-Holland, where also numerous fossil specie* are found. The opossum is the only species which is a native of this part of tbe New World. There are some few species in South America. In New Holland the species are quite numerous and ex- tremely varied in the structure of their teeth and alimentary organs. The fact that the fossil specie* are numerous also in New-Holland, shows that the opossum has a relation to that type, as among fos- sils in that country we find almost none but the Di- delphides. Only one has been found in the plaster of Paris, and no one elsewhere. The next group is the Carnivora. In these we observe distinctly the cutting canine teeth and the slender claws adapted for seizing the prey. This The Animal Kingdom. 53 characteristic is particularly strong in the cat tribe. The claw which terminates the toes is arched and ■harp »o ai to be used as a fang. The order of Carnivora contain* families suffi- siently different to be distinguished. W e have first the family of Seals, wbich have all the structure of Carnivora except that their fingers are united to form fin* and tbe posterior extremities are exceedingly far back. Next the Carnivora proper, which have the finger* divided, the legs long and the cutting teeth most strongly developed. These carnivora have been numerous in former ages and do not differ so wide- ly from living carnivora as fossil herbivora do from the corresponding living group, and when speaking of the order of succession in the next Lecture I shall ■how that the nearer we come to the actual types which prevail upon the surface of our globe, the less numerous are the corresponding fossils. Another family is the Bats, and differ chiefly by the form of the anterior extremities. They have four fingers which unite by a membrane, while the thumb is separated and is used as a means of sus- pending the animal in caves, and for the purpose of crawling. During winter they suspend themselves by their hind feet. The last family, the Quadrvmana or Monkeys, begin to approach so near to Man that Linnmns could not find a common character to separate the monkey from Mankind. (Laughter ) It is singular that the first naturalist of the past century, the one to whom we owe all oar princip'es of modern clas- sification, was incapable of distinguishing by char- acter* expressed in words tbe true difference be- tween »ome of tbe higher monkey* and Men, but has even placed one species—tbe Chimpanzee—in the same genu* as Man, under the name of Homo- lar. It i* only by close anatomical investigation we can learn the difference. Now it is easy to un- derstand it ao as never to mistake a monkey for a man again. We have two hands and two feet.— Monkeys have four hands. But, some will ask, what difference is there between the hand and foot? It is not merely the length of the fingers— for the fingers of the hand of the fore-arm of some monkeys are shorter than those of the foot. The difference is here: We can open and close the thumb with each successive finger, which we can- not do witi our toes. (Loud applause ) It is to this characteristic in tbe human hand and foot that Man owes his superiority over the lower crca-ion. The fact that we have two feet allows us to stand upright, and while standing to use r external appendages.— ^JlJut seen from above they ,c hIidul this t.irtu, with perhaps some ap- pendage here which is wanting among trilobites. There is such a close resem blance between young crabs and those ancient trilobites—the only Crustacea found in the primary beds—that it is quitf extraordinary that the old agref with the first form of young Crustacea in the egg. Next we have the lobster tribe— which occur in the secondary strata. We know that crabs stand higher than the lob ■ter, and there are less of these external ap- pendages in the tail of crabs—which append- age* are by no means indicative of superi- ority • therefore wo consider the crab as higher than the lobster. But the crab* begin to appear in 5* the chalk jnst after the existence of the long-tailed crnstacea. So we have given tbe order of snecesaion of these types agreeing with the gradation of form now in existence, when we consider only their organiza- tion. I could mention tbe first appearance of the wingless insects, with a form allied to that of the spider and tbe scorpion tribes,—the only ones are found in tbe coal deposition; those with wings, analogous to the more perfect insects, beginning and occurring in the secondary strata, in the beds of chalk and the oolitic series. So we have in all classes the lowest existing first, and of invertebrated animals all classes in existence at once, because worms have been found from tbe beginning. So there can be no doubt that if all classes began to exist simultaneously, their lowest types occurred first, and their higher types appearing in succession—a great variety be- ing established only during the existence of Man. What are the facts with vertebrated animals ? We find fishes only in the older strata. In the secondary strata reptiles prevail considerably, with some indication of birds, and at very late epochs another indication of mammalia. But in the terti- ary beds we find reptiles, birds, mammalia and fishes, animals which illustrate all the types of for- mer epochs. But do we find tbe first fish called into existence to be the lowest 1 By no means.— The types of those first created must be considered the highest in their class. The first class that ex- isted are the ganoids—those covered with enameled scales, in which wa see some likeness to reptiles, and in fact indicative of higher orders which were not existing at that time. Then again at another epoch—when reptiles be- gan to exist in the secondary strata—we do not find batrachians first, but reptiles allied to tbe crocodile —the Rhizodonts—which indicate, by their charac- ter and form, a likeness to Mammalia, which were called into existence later. There is a great re- semblance between these and cetacians—so great that in some respects it is difficult to distinguish their bones from cetacians. Again, we find pterodactyl'es, as allied to birds, which were called into existence later. So we see that the first types of the oldest verte- brated classes which are introduced are the highest among themselves. They are prophetic types, in- dicating the future existence of other types at a later epoch, and if we trace all these series we can go so far as to see that the order of succession ia such that there is only one chain in the whole series of vertebrated animals, indicating from tbe begin- ning an intention to introduce at last Man, the highest type, at the bead of Creation. And this point of view allows us to consider tbe vertebrated animals aj the only one in which there is a progression of this peculiar kind, in which the first step is already indicative of another higher step, till the complete aeries is accomplished. it would take me much beyond the limits of my time if I were to enter into the details of all these types. Let me only show that these types suc- ceeded each other in such a manner that they can- not be considered as derived from each other. They may be considered as entirely independent of each other and only connected, in the idea of the Creator, in the same manner sb tbese facts, of which we showed a succession, are connected, not materially, but in our minds only. All these fishes, though they have analogy to reptiles, are nevertheless by their characters true fishe* : they have fins, gills, a verte- bral column, and articulated fingers in tbe form of singularly modified fins with numerous ray*. Even in different strata of the primary roeks we find fishes of different genera and specie*. We find in the 58 Prof. Agassiz's Lectures. secondary strata again other fishes—and, what is singular, tbe moment the class of reptiles begin to exist, these fishes no longer show so strong a like- ness to reptiles, but begin to resemble more the fishes of our own day. In the cretaceous series we have all the types now in existence, though tbe genera with bony spine, dentated scales and multi- plied fins on tbe back, show no indication of exist- ence in the ancient strata. n But reptiles which first exist, assume all thechar- acters we find in the beginning among fishes. But can they be considered as derived from those fishes ? No more than any of our living species can be de- rived from another. There has never been a spe- cies derived from another. We have always seen the order of reproduction remain within tbe natu- ral limits of the species, and it never passes from one to another. It must be maintained as a natu- ral law that one species will not produce another, for what does not take place now cannot he admit- ted to have taken place in other epochs. If it had been so, we should find intermediate forms, and in such a manner that they could be shown to have been derived from different species existing pre- viously. In fact, the anatomical characters in rep- tiles are such that there must have been a change in structure, and such change is never assumed ex- cept in varieties which cau be found in tribes of domesticated animals when the races are mixed. These effects are entirely different, from those of a succession of different species in geological epochs. So we would consider this analogy between the ancient fishes and the reptiles of a later period— this change of character in fishes when the rep- tiles begin to exist, and then the renewed changes in the successive ep'ichs as indicating merely that at such epochs thr plan contemplated at the begin- ning has actually been effected, and these modifi- cations, which were intended to carry on the pro- gress up to the appearance of Man. have been gradually accomplished by the Creator. There is, therefore, in this view a gradation in all vertebrated animals There is no such in tbe invertebrated:—they were intended to be compan- ions of the vertebrated throughout the geological epochs, improving till they acquired that great va- riety which now accompanies Man—which type of vertebrated animals was intended to be the stock from which the highest type should spring forth at the latest epoch, then to find all that variety in the lowest animals. Therefore we conclnde tliHt Man is not only the highest group in Creation, but is the last intended type. We can even go farther, and say that this having been the intention of the Crea- tor from the beginning, we can expect no higher progress or new development. The creation of Man is the highest possible development in the progress of Creation. In this view we are borne out by other fact*. For though the different geological type* have been introduced upon different point* of the surface of our globe—and though, as I have stated, animal* in different parts of the globe are constantly cir- cumscribed—Man at last began to be diffused, and to acquire a power over Nature which no other species ever had. At no epoch has any species ever had such a marked superiority over another a* Man has now over the lower creation. Again, when in any point of view we compare the structure of Man, we can see that he was the last object intended. You remember that fishe* have a brain very little larger than the spinal mar- row and it is placed horizontally with the vertebral column: the class of reptiles begins to raise its head : in th »"i <••<<"'»' '" the test, they were perfectly ■Mii'inshr ■ :hc ». w t!i winch be applied bib rules for J«wruvi »,, ■■■'■ , \ gmue qualm-, of a C«» We have received quite a number of letters from different parts of the country, fully corroborating tha theory of M. Guenon. We select for publication tha following: Princeton, Mats. October Id, 1 S4o\ Dear Sir: I received vour favor of the 6th m-t. denn^ me to state my opinion of the value of M. Gui-irm's Treatise '°i Mitch Cows, translated Irnm the French. i„,d pubb.-hed in The Farmers' Library. On my first meeting with tin- Treatise I was impressed with its value, from my previous knowledge of -ome general marks whereby tbe milking properties of Cows may. in soma measure, be determined, and from the fact that 1 had myself no- ticed the oval maris above tbe hind teats, mentioned by M. Gue- non as indicating good milking qualities, that 1 immediately com- m need the study and application of bis method to every Cow that came under my observation. 1 have examined more than one hundred Cows, and after carefully marking their escutcheons, I have become satisfied that M. Guenon's discovery is one of great merit, and can be relied upon as true. 1 have no doubt that I can judge very n■• irly as to the quantity and quality of the milk any Cow will £ ve at the higbtofher flow, and also the time -he will continue in in Ik alter being with calf. The way taken to convince mysefiof the truth of M. Guenon's method has been to visit the cow-yards of some of our principal dairy fanners, and examine the escutcheons and marks on their Cow., and make up my judgment as to the quantity and quality of unlk each Cow would give at the hight of her flow . .uid how Ion;' she would continue in milk after being with ciili . then in- rpnre of the owners how much milk their several l "w, would civ,- at tie- Inght of tbeirflow, and how long they would holdout alter being with calf: comparing tbe owner's account with my own judgment. 1 find 1 have mistaken in only five cases, out of more than one hundred examined 1 have great confidence in M. Guenon'B method of testing the milking properties of Cows, and consider it one of the great dia coveries of the age. The advantage of this discovery to our dairy- farmers, enabling them, as 1 think it does, to determine the milk- ing properties of their young stock at an early age, must be very Sreat, and wdl be appreciated by every one who is in the slighteat egree acquainted with the subject. In my opinion, no aairy- farmer, after acquainting himself with M. Guenon's discovery, need possess himself of a bad milking Cow. M. Guenon informs us that his system is applicable to calvea three or four months old. I have traced the escutcheons upon calves as early as two or three weeks old, and 1 see no reaaon why their value as future milkers may not be judged of at thtj age as well as at any other age. Yours respectfully. To J S. Skinner, Esq. .loHN BROOKS. Kditor of The Farmers'Library, New} ..rk City. Patersnn, N.J. December 19, lMo\ Dear Sir: I have read, with r,reat satisfaction, M. Git,'k-hi'i work on Milch Cows, by winch one can jud^-e by certain infallible signs the milking qualities of the annual. I have compared the marks he gives for his first-grade Fl.ciders Cow, and fnui they correspond with the escutcheon of my lavor.te Devon CoxoF.'Un that has taken the first premium at the last two cattle shows of the American Institute. My farmer has great faith in M. Guenon's work, and so has one of my neighbors, aknowing Scotch milkman, who keeps fifty Cows. He says that after careful examination be places confidence in these marks, and tbey wdl govern bim ia bis future purchases. 1 return you my sincere thanks for giving to ns fanners tiu valuable Treatise of M. Guenon. I shall hereafter make my se- lection of the calves I will raise from my choice stocks from Uw marks given by this author. I think every farmer should own this work. With regard, yours. &c. ROSYVELL L. COLT. To the Editor of The Farmers' Library. East trmdsor Hilt, Ct. December 9, wv Dear Sir- Having had some experience in raising rows, aad having h:nl my attention particularly called to their nidkin_;prop erties, I was pleased to find a Treatise on the subject In M. (iue non, of Libourne, in France—published by you a lew months since, which 1 procured and carefully studied. And 1 think the book more worthy of attention than I behave it has received from the public in this quarter 1 have found that Ins escutcheons, or marks of the particular classes und orders of Cows, to agree with nearly all 1 have had an opportunity to examine. It has been easy to ascertain, after studying this book, to which class and order almost every (Yw belungs, winch as a guide in purchasing Milch Cows, or (.1 'safely deciding which to keep, before we have had time or opportunity to test their qualities as milkers, will far more than repay the |ir>e of the book, and the time necessary to a clear under-t oidni^ of it. 1 am. Sir. very' resu'y.your obe't servant. .TESSE CHARITON. To John .v. Skinner, Esq. Editor Farmers,' Library. Country Merchant* visiting any of the Citie can procu 1 r the Work from Booksellers for those who may wish to obtain it. Please send on your orders. Ad- dreu GREELEY & McELRATH, P blithers, Tribune Buildings, New-Tort POPULAR LECTURES SCIENCE AND ART, DELIVERED IN THE CHIEF CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY DIONYSIUS LARDNER, Doctor of Civil Law, Fellow of the Royal Societies of London an-1 Edinburgh, Member of the Universities of Cambridge and Dublin, and Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in the University of London, 4c. Sic After Dr. Lardnerhad brought to a close his Public Lectures in the United States, he was prevailed upon by the Publishers to prepare a complete and authentic edition for publication. The general in terest which, for a period of several years, these beautiful expositions and commentaries on the Natu- ral Sciences had excited, and which was so universally felt and acknowledged, induced the Publishers to believe that their publication would be most acceptable, as well as permanently beneficial, to the American public. In these published Lectures it will be found that the Author has preserved the same simplicity of language, perspicuity of reasoning, and felicity of illustration, whichrendered the oral discourses so universally popular. The above work was originally published in Fourteen Numbers or Parts, and sold at 25 cents per number. Any of the numbers can still be purchased. The entire work is now completed in two large octavo voluiies of about 600 pages each, well bound in full cloth, illustrated by 380 Engravings, and sold at $4 50. District School Libraries can order these Lectures through any of the Booksellers or Country Mer- -hin's. Parents, Teachers, Superintendents and Trustees of Common Schools, Farmers, Mechanics, and a'l, indeed, who htve any desire to increase their store of useful information on the subjects em- braced in these vo'umes, are earnestly entreated to examine thin work before they throw away their oney on the trash, or even worse than trash, that is now so rapidly inunda'ing the country. From among the numerous recommendatory notices which the publishers received during the pro vss of publication, we have only room to give the following: tin D. Meredith Reese, A. M., M. D., Supe, in- Tbe volumes of "The Farmers' Library" and Frou. _. Undent of Common Schools in the City and Coun- Ui of New-York. New-York, Oct. 20, 1846. Greeley it McElrath : Gi;n ilemen : I have examined tbe Popular Lec- ires of Dr. Lardneron Science and Art, with much satisfaction, and take pleasure in expressing the opinion that you are doing a valuable service to/he people of our common country by their publication, and especially by issuing them at so cheap a t ate. To populanzeScienc" and cheapen Knowledge, must be regarded by the philanthropist as worthy jf the mightiest minds of the age, and to be suc- cessful in such efforts, constitutes their authors public benefactors. These Lectures of Dr. Lardner re addressed to the common mind, and though reading upon the loftiest of the Natural Sciences, ire so plain and practical, so simple and attractive, that all who can read may readily profit by their instructions. The clear and familiar illustrations d diagrams, which abound in every depaittnent, we skillfully adapted to the apprehension of youth, vho should be encouraged everywhere to reud and turfy them and thus promote their own happiness nd usefulness I coild wish that they were found in every School Library to which their scientific accuracy and nu- merous moral reflections upon the wonderful works of God should be esteemed no smallcoramendation. But they sitould bt found in every workshop in the and; for Science and Art are here exhibited in their true relations; and the working men of our country would find here both entertainment and instruction, calculated to improve alike their in- tellects and their morals. D. M. KEESE. State of Michigan. } Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, > Monroe, May 28, 1847 ) Greeley & McElrath—Gentlemen: . . Your (forts, in connection with those of Dr. Lardner, in preparing so complete an edition of hie popular ind attractive Lectures on Science and Art, which miy he comprehended by ordinary minds, and Inch are, nevertheless, replete with instruction, e beyond praise. I shall take great pleasure in communicating my official recommendation of hese invaluable Lectures toevery Board of Officers charged with the purchaseof Township »nd School Oistrict Libraries through the S ate I hope they may reach not only every Town and School District of this State, but that they may be extensively cir dilated and read throughout our wide spread coun 'ry. 'Journal of Agriculture" I shall also take much pleasure in recommending. In their publication you have rendered a grateful service to a large class of your fellow-citizens, who will read them with profit and be thankful. Very truly yours, IRA MAYHEW, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Rochester, Nov. 2,1846. Dear Sir: 1 perused Dr. Lardner's Lectures on Science and Art, as they appeared in numbers pub- lished by Greeley U McElrath, with much profit and satisfaction. It has been a source both of complaint and regret that information upon scientific subjects wa* only to he obtained through abstruse treatises little adapt ed to common apprehension. This, to a great ex- tent, had closed the popular mind to the attainment of such information, and prevented the knowledge of scientific truths from becoming common and general. I think Dr. Lardner has in these Lectures, to the extent of the subjects embraced in them, obviated this evil. He has been peculiarly happy in com- municating information in clear and perspicuous language, and by the aid of familiar illustrations presented his subjects in a manner both attiactive and easily comprehended. In short he has been eminently successful in these Lectures in popular- izing scientific knowledge. These volumes contain a vast amount of information, presented in an agreeable manner, and they are peculiarly proper for District School Libraries, and indeed tor every place where they will reach that popular mind which they are so well calculated to enlighten and improve. Yours respectfully, F. WHITTLESEY, "We know of no publication in this department of Literature which has succeeded so well in strip- ping an unwise and erudite philology from a vast mine of mental wealth, and exhibiting its Httrac- tious to the delighted gaze of the ' unlettered hind,1 as well as to the student of Nature's manifold mys teries. "We would be glad to see these interesting dis sertations in every family, (and we think theii cheapness renders them easily accessible to most) because there is a solidity of matter and a vigor of style about them, which will render them as in- structive and impressive to succeeding generations as t > the present." [The Virginian IMPORTANT TO LAND-OWNERS AND TO FARMERS AMD FARMERS' SONS. The Farmers' Library and Journal of Agriculture comprises at the present time Lectures to Farmers on Agricultural Chemislry. By Alexander Petzholdt. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 108, bound. Price 50 cents. The taste for Scientific Agriculture in the United States has created a demand for the very informa- lion which these Lecturesof Petzholdt supply " The motive," says the author, •' which has induced me to prepare such a ' onrse of Lectures, is the complaint I have heard from many of you, that,being unacquainted with the elements of Chemistry, you have found it difficult to understand the questions which are at the present moment so warmly discussed, respecting the theory and practice of Agricul- ture. " This work being less scientific and technical in its language than Liebig's woik, is on that ac- count belter adapted for the use of general Farmers, and ought to be first read. The author in his'Pre- face says that a " rerusal of this work with ordinary attention will furnish the necessary amount of chemical information fof the purposes of the Farmer." The Principles of Agriculture. By Albert D. Thaer. Translated from the German by Wm. SShaw and Cuthbert Johnson. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 552. Price, bound. $2 50. This justly celebrated work of Baron Von ThaSr is alone worth the full subscription price of the Far- mers' Library, and yet it is not more than one-third of what each subscriber to the Work receives yearly for his Bibacription money. This work of Von Thaer was originally written and published in the Geinan, tranaUted and published in the French ond afterward in the English language. It is pro- uonced by competent judges to be the most fininhed Agricultural Book which has ever been written and muht to be in the hands of every Farmer in the United States. Von Tha£- was educated for a Physician, the practice of which he relinquished for the more quiet and philosi pineal pursuits of Agriculture. Soon after he commenced farming he introduced such de- cideo impiovt meats upon his farm that his fame was soon known from one end of Europe to the other. The Book of the Farm: ,.,„,, Being