% ACT OF INCORPORATION^ TOGETHER Willi m&J>j?®)&& g^^ECjE, j^&iimj iisi2> su^iaa* < RHODE-ISJLAND nkSIMIL SOCIETY. ^> V ,/• v^V^ PROVIDENCE, Tf:!J liY (KANSTON v HAMM' S/'">' v ? .r ^f f / / THE ACT OF INCORPORATION, TOGETHER WITH THE mm®%G)&& gasE©® V mn^iML^m 4i£?2) ©waa^s. OP THE RHODE-ISLAND MEDICAL SOCIETY. PROVIDENCE, PRINTED BY CRANSTON h HAMMOND. 1831. ACT OF INCORPORATION- STATE OF RHODE-ISLAND, A. D. 1812. \u act to incorporate certain Physicians and Sur- geons, by the name of " The Rhode-Islajnd Medi- cal Society." AS the Medical Art is important to the health and happiness of society, every institution, calculated to further its improvement, is entitled to public attention : and as Medical Societies, formed on liberal principles, and encouraged by the patronage of the laws, have been found conducive to this end : Section 1. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, and by the authority thereof it is enacted, That Amos Throop, William Bowen, Pardon Bowen, Levi Wheaton, Rowland Greene, Samuel Hudson, Daniel Barrus, Joseph Comstock, Niles Manchester, John Wilkinson, John M. Eddy, Thomas M. Barrows, Charles Eldridge, Jacob Fuller, Moses Mowry, Peleg Clark, John Mackie, Jeremiah Williams, William C. Bowen, Joseph B. Pettes, Walter Wheaton, Stephen Harris, Sylvester Knight, Abraham Mason, Ezekiel Comstock, Augustus Torry, A. Waldron, Caleb Fiske, Solomon Drown, Comfort A. Carpenter, Thomas Nel- son, Thomas Warren. John W. Richmond, William 4 G. Shaw, (iyril Carpenter, Thomas Carpenter, Gorton Jerauld, Chillingsworth Foster, Lemuel W. Briggs, John Aldrich, Eleazer Bellows, Eleazer Bellows, jun. Jonathan Easton, Benjamin Waite Case, Enoch Haz- ard, David King, William Turner, Edmund Thomas Waring, and Jonathan Easton, jun. be and they here- by are formed into, constituted and made, a body pol- itic and corporate, by the name of " The Rhode-Is- land Medical Society ;"—and that they and their suc- cessors, arid such other persons as shall be elected in the manner hereafter mentioned, shall be and contin- ue a body politic and corporate by the same name forever. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the mem- bers of said society may, from time to time, elect a President, two Vice-Presidents, one or more Secreta- ries, with such other officers as they shall judge neces- sary and convenient; and they, the members of said Society, shall have full power and authority, from time to time, to determine and establish the names, number and duty of their several officers, and the tenure they shall respectively have in their offices. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the mem- bers of said Society shall have a common seal, and power to break, change or renew the same at their pleasure. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said So- ciety may sue and be sued, in all actions, real, person- al or mixed, and prosecute and defend the same unto final judgment and execution. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said So- ciety shall have full power and authority to make and enact such rules and by-laws, for the better govern- ment of said Society, as are not repugnant to the laws of this State, or of the United States, and to annex .) reasonable fines and penalties to the breach of thercij not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars, to be sued for and recovered by said Society, and to their own use, by action of debt, in any court, having cognizance of the same ; and also to determine the number requisite to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business ; and to establish the time, place and manner of conven- ing the said Society. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said Society, at any stated legal meeting of the same, may, by a majority of the votes of those present, elect any suitable person or persons to be a member or mem- bers of the said Society : Provided, That all practising Physicians, or Surgeons, resident within this State. who shall be so elected, shall, within one year after such election, subscribe the by-laws of the said Soci- ety, or otherwise declare in writing their assent to the same, or such election shall be void : and all persons, not practising Physicians, or Surgeons, or not resident within this State, who shall be so elected, may be deemed honorary members of the said Society ; and at any such meeting, the said Society shall have pow- er, in like manner, to suspend or expel for improper conduct, any member of said Society. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Presi- dent and members of said Society, or such officers or members as they shall specially appoint for that pur- pose, shall have full power and authority to examine all candidates for the practice of Physic and Surgery, who shall offer themselves for examination, respecting their skill in their profession ; and if, upon examina- tion, the said candidates shall be found skilled in their profession, and fitted for the practice of it, they shall receive the approbation of the said Society, in letters testimonial, under the seal of said Society, sinned by 0 the President or such other person or persons as shall be appointed for that purpose. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the said Society may and shall forever be deemed capable in lawT, of having, holding and taking, in fee-simple, or any less estate, by gift, grant or devise, or otherwise, any land, tenement or other estate, real or personal, provided that the annual income of the whole real es- tate, that may be given, granted or devised to, or pur- chased by the said Society, shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars, and the annual income or in- terest of said personal estate shall not exceed fifteen hundred dollars, and the annual income or interest of the said real or personal estate, together with the fines and penalties paid to said Society, or recovered by them, shall be appropriated to such purposes as are consistent with the end and design of the institution of the said Society, and as the members thereof shall determine. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That a meeting for the organization of the said Society, shall be held in some convenient place within this State, and that Dr. Amos Throop be and he hereby is authorized to appoint the time and place of holding the said meet- ing, and to give notice of the same in two or more newspapers printed in the towns of Newport and Pro- vidence. Passed February Session, A. D. 1812. MEDICAL POLICE, BY-LAWS, &« Whereas it is granted and declared, in and by the Charter for incorporating a Medical Society in the State of Rhode-Island, that the fellows may enact such By- Laws, Rules and Regulations, relative to the affairs, concerns and property of said Society, and relative to the duties of their several officers, as they may think proper : it is therefore ordained, that the following be the Medical Police, By-Laws and Rules of the said Society. CHAP. 1. Of Meetings, &c. Sec. 1. Annual Meeting. There shall be an annual meeting of the Rhode- Island Medical Society, to be held alternately in the towns of Newport and Providence, on the last Wednes- day in June, at ten o'clock, A. M. at such place as the President may appoint; fourteen days notice being previously given in two public papers, one printed in the town of Newport and one in the town of Provi- dence ; at which meeting, ten fellows shall constitute a quorum for transacting business. Sec. 2. Order of Business. At the opening of the annual meeting, the Record- ing Secretary shall read the proceedings of the last meeting ; and the proceedings of the censors, and shall receive the report of any committee or committees. A discourse or dissertation on some medical subject shall then be delivered by the person appointed for thai purpose. The Society shall then make such alterations in the by-laws as may be judged expedient—after which at every triennial meeting, the election, by ballot, of of- ficers for the three ensuing years shall take place, in 8 which a majority of votes shall constitute a choice. The Society shall then proceed to the admission, by ballot, of the candidates, as fellows, or honorary mem- bers of the Society, and no person shall be admitted a fellow or honorary member, unless he shall obtain two thirds of the votes of the fellows present. After which the Society shall attend to such communications as it shall be thought proper to make, and to any pro- positions, which may be considered as conducive to the welfare of the Society, or the general interest of medical science. Sec. 3. Election of Fellows and Honorary Members. Every person elected a fellow of this Society shall be notified thereof by the Corresponding Secretary, and upon declaring his assent in the manner required by the act of incorporation, and paying five dollars to the Treasurer for the use of the Society, shall receive from the Recording Secretary, a certificate in the fol- lowing form, viz : STATE OF RHODE-ISLAND. This may certify, that A. B. of C. in the county of D. was elected a fellow of the Rhode-Island Medical Society on the----day of--------, A. D.----, and is entitled to all the honours and privileges of the Society. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the Society to be affixed, at --------, this----day of--------A. D.---- E. F. President. Attest: G. H. Recording Secretary. Sec. 4. Assessment. Every fellow of this Society shall annually contri- bute two dollars to the funds of the Society, and shall pay the same to the Treasurer thereof, and no fellow shall be allowed the loan of any book or other article belonging to the Society, nor be allowed to vote at any 9 meeting, or hold any office in the gift oVg Society. until he shall have made such payment, al^ukscribed his name to the by-laws, or expressed hVassent in writing, directed to the Corresponding Seck^-y. Sec. 5. Resignation. The Society may, for satisfactory reasons, Vmit a fellow to resign his fellowship. \ Sec. 6. Expulsion. \ No fellow of the Society shall be expelled thereVmi, but by a vote of two-thirds, at least, of the fehNys present, at the annual meeting of the Society. \ Sec. 7. Consultation. \ To promote the laudable designs for which the So ciety was formed and incorporated, to prevent, as fai as may be, all unqualified persons from practising medicine or surgery, and in order to discourage em- piricism, it shall be deemed disreputable and shall be unlawful for any fellow or licentiate of this Society, in the capacity of either Physician or Surgeon, to advise or consult directly or indirectly, with any person what- ever, who shall hereafter commence the practice of medicine or surgery within this State, until he shall have been examined and approbated by the Censors of the Society—and any fellow of the Society, who shall assist any person not so qualified, by affording him advice or by consulting directly or indirectly with him, in the capacity of physician or surgeon, shall for each and every such offence, be fined ten dollars, shall be disqualified from giving his vote at any meeting of the Society for two years, shall be liable to the censure and reprimand of the Society, and in aggravated cases, to expulsion. And any licentiate who shall be guilty of the above offence, shall be liable to be deprived of all the rights and privileges which he derives from the Society. And it shall be the duty of the Censors ex 10 officio, to examme mt0 every case of the violation of this law t/'at mav come to their knowledge ; and if they sho^d* neglect to do so, they shall be liable to a fine of t^n dollars for every case. Sec. 8. Quackery. Whenever any fellow of the Society shall publicly advc'li'Se, for sale, any medicine, the composition of whjjh he keeps a secret, or shall offer, in like manner, to -ure any disease, by any such secret medicine, he shall be liable to expulsion, or such other penalty as tie Society, at their annual meeting, may think proper