v OK®»rmaO[1eWs 1 ELECTRIC BELTSW IB ! FDRTHECUREof ' y NERVOUS AND CHRONIC k Without mbdicwb> PATENTi trademark PULVERMACHER'S ELECTRIC BELTS AND BANDS HA.VE BEEN A.CKNO WLFCDOET) AND INDORSED BY THE FOLLOWING MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC BODIES: NEW YORK. ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. MEDICAL COLLEGE, CROSBY STREET. DO. 13TH " DO. 14TH " CITY HOSPITAL, BELLEVUE & WARD'S ISLAND HOSPITALS, ETC LONDON. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. DO. SURGEONS. ROYAL BRITISH ASSOCIATION. PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY. PROVINCIAL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ASSOCIATION. HOSPITALS:-LONDON. GUY'S, ST. THO- MAS'S, ETC., ETC., ETC. PARIS. ACADEMIE NATIONALE DE MEDICINE. DO. • DO. SCIENCES. HOSPITALS:-HOTEL DIEU. ST. LOUIS, PITIE, ETC., ETC., ETC. VIENNA. IMPERIAL FACULTY OF MEDICINE. IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF PHYSICIANS. HOSPITALS : - AlLGEMEINES, KRANKER HAUS, W1EDEN HOSPITAL, ETC., ETC. BERLIN. ROYAL FACULTY OF MEDICINE, ETC., ETC., ETC. SEE THE ELECTRIC REVIEW FOR HUNDREDS OF OTHERS. Philadelphia. Dec. i^thy 1876: REPORT ON AWARDS. Product.-Galvanic Chains. Belts, Bands, Etc. Name of Exhibitor.-Pu\verrna.cher Galvanic Company. The undersigned, having examined the apparatus herein described, respectfully recommend the same to the United States Centennial Commission for Award, for the following reason, viz : The apparatus {Belts and other appliances) is portable, and can be easily applied to any Oart of the body* 'through which a continuous current of galvanism is to be transmitted. JOSEPH HENRY, Signature of the Judge. ■** * Chief of the Bureau of Awarqs» United States £t€ntennial Commission. ) PULVERMACHER'S ELECTRIC BELTS AND HAVE BEEN REWARDED AT ALL THE GREAT World Expositions of Europe and America. Sft THE ELECTRIC REVIEW /er /artlcoLir,. Sample of best Sent Free-See t&sx rage THE BEST KNOWN CURATIVE AGENT: Pulvermacher's Electric Belts and Bands FOR SELF-APPLSCATiON. The ordinary methods of treating disease, in vogue for ages pasts and which have had their growth from empiricism and conjecture rather than from any exact knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body, or the laws which determine the effect of cura- tive agents, are fast giving way to more advanced theories and deduc- tions, based on well-known and clearly recognized scientific facts. Foremost among these advanced therapeutic methods is the self-appli- cation of Electricity, in the form of mild, continuous currents-a method of treatment which is fast superseding all others, and which is attracting at once the attention and admiration of the medical and scientific world. Of all the different remedies which appertain to ordinary drug treat- ment, none have sustained the reputation first accorded them; and when benefit did result from their use, it was due more to the recu- perative powers of nature than to any benefit which might have been attributed to the use of drugs. Most every sufferer is aware, from his own personal experience, that little reliance can be placed in med- icine ; that it is generally of no avail, and so fast is this impression gaining hold with both patients and physicians, that in the march of 4 Indorsed by the Leading Minds of Europe' The plan is simple and most feasible if these means are secured for applying it safely, rationally and effectively; and we invite any person afflicted to visit our Establishment to freely convince himself before- hand-leaving him to verify the assertion, "That there has never existed a remedy so striking and immediate in its effects, so universal in its character and scope, and so simple and safe in its application.'''1 So uni- versal, indeed, that if an absolute panacea were possible, Electricity would be the only agent which could lay claim thereto. These noted curative appliances are indorsed and approved by the most eminent medical and scientific authorities in the world; by the Faculties of France, England, Austria, Prussia, Belgium and America; it being generally conceded by these authorities that Electricity, in mild, continued and prolonged currents, as applied by Pulvermacher's Electric Belts and Bands, is a safe and efficient mode of treatment in the cure of Nervous and Chronic Diseases. The Electric action be- gins at once, as soon as the Belt or Band is applied, and the beneficial effects are perceptible almost from the start-cases regarded incurable and of years' standing yield to the mild but wonderful Electric influ- ence, and in no case can the application be attended with the least danger, thereby testifying this form of treatment to be the most harm- less in therapeutics. OLD LONDON HOUSE, 194 REGENT STREET. Extracts from Medical and Scientific Authorities. 5 . AC A DE MIE DE MEDICINE, PARIS. Extract of a report of a meeting of above Academy. Commissioners: Messrs. Berard, Bouvier, Gaultier de Claubry, Gueneau de Mussy, Lon- GEN, Poissenille. Reporter: M. Soubeyran. " The voltaic chains of Pulvermacher are really a most wonderful apparatus. It is astonishing to see these little batteries, arranged with perfect regularity, adapting themselves to the form of the body, and capable of producing under this small volume the most surprising effects. " They unite henceforth two advantages, which no other apparatus has possessed until now: they are more portable and cheaper, two indispensable con- ditions in an apparatus of this description, in order to make the application of Electricity, as yet so little known, more general, and to a certain degree popular, which is certainly very desirable in the interest of patients as viell as the profession. In this respect the Chains of Pulvermacher will have a great future. "The commission begs to propose to the Academy to address their thanks to the inventor for his most interesting communication. Adopted." Bzilletin de I'Academic. Tome XVI., No. 13. Dr. J. Pereira, F. R. S., F. L. S., etc., in his Materia Medica, p. 53, 1854, Fourth Edition, says: "The application of the voltaic circuit has been largely prescribed, and has become a popular remedy in the form of Pulvermacher's Galvanic Chains. They are regarded by practitioners as a valuable and convenient means of ap- plying the continuous voltaic current." . . . " I hereby certify that Pulvermacher's Galvanic Chain may be employed with great success in cases where Electricity is employed, in Rheumatism, Par- alysis, Debility, etc." Professor J. OPPOLZER, " Chief Physician of the Imperial Hospital at Vienna, and " Physician to His Majesty, the Emperor of Austria." " We are glad to learn that we are about to have introduced into our country the Portable Electro-Voltaic Chain Belts and Bands invented by Pulver- macher, the virtues of which have been so well tested in Europe, and which come to us with such high testimonials in their favor. They are much more convenient in form and more manageable than the machines in ordinary use, and less apt to get out of order. "The inventor received the unanimous thanks of the French Academy of Medicine ; and the practical value of the instruments is attested by Drs. Golding Bird, Pereira, and many others of the first medical men in London."-Vol. L JJo. Timcs„ NEW YORK MEDICAL TIMES. 6 L\zc-Simile of Letter from Valentine Mott. Letter from Valentine Mott} M. D.* LL, D., Emeritus Prof, of Surgery and Anatomy to She Faculty of Medicine at New York, Foreign Associate of the Academic Royale de Medicine of ffsris, of that of Berlin, Brussels, Athens, etc. duWl&L'l/, <J /MJrf /l-UA, WaJm£, je^OJ^Ae^ / ,0 fl fl J fl'fl ■ k fl •/// rflfl V > avt&L rtvtatnJLdA cf f&syVtil/ l UxjJ/JL, ' AVUxJxL qI' 414v , (L/C. & Testimony of America's Greatest Physicians. 7 ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, NEW YORK. Extract from the Records of the Committee on Chemistry and Pharmacy to the above Academy. Committee: Drs. Macneven, Sayre, Garrish and Taylor. '' In regard to the electro-voltaic apparatus of Pulvermacher, for medical purposes, every facility was afforded the Committee of testing its applicability. It consists of a Chain composed of a series of elements, well arranged. " A galvanic instrument of this form is well calculated for medical purposes, from being so readily available when required. In examining it in reference to its advantages for ready application, the power, intensity, and permanency of action it was capable of manifesting were also duly considered. " On the facts above stated, the Committee is of the opinion that the Voltaic Chain of Pulvermacher, while it presents an instrument of the requisite efficiency, has the advantage, for medical purposes, of being more portable, more readily available, and more economical in its use, than the electro-galvanic instruments at present employed." The London "Lancet," No. i, Vol. II., says: "This ingenious apparatus of Pulvermacher has now stood the test for some years. The simplicity and efficacy are so easily determined, that it commends itself at once to every one who will take the trouble to make a single experiment with it. . . . The operator can diffuse the galvanic influence over an exten- sive surface or concentrate it on a single point. In these days of medico-galvanic quackery, it is a relief to observe the very plain and straightforward manner in which Pulvermacher's apparatus is recommended to the profession." "I have seen with much satisfaction the application of the Electric Chain of Pulvermacher. The neatness of its construction, and the facility with which so important a therapeutic agent as the electric current can be administered, render this modification of the voltaic pile highly eligible and convenient. J. M. Carnochan, M. D., Professor of Surgery in the New York Medical College." " I have employed Pulvermacher's Electric Chains, and am satisfied that they constitute the most effective and uniformly available apparatus for the therapeutic application of electro-galvanism of which I have any knowledge. Wm. H. Van Buren, M. D., Surgeon to the Bellevue and St. Vincent's Hospitals, Professor of Anatomy in the University of New York, etc. • "I have made a trial of Pulvermacher's Electric Chains, and regard them as a very convenient and efficient contrivance for the application of electricity in the treat- ment of disease. The portability of tlje instrument, and the facility of its appli- cation, are such as to render it superior, in my opinion, to any other electrical apparatus employed for medical purposes- Alfred C Post. M. D., ii; t :s >jy &« New Vert, 8 j,.ectmity, /Zfe instruwteniality cf 'all Lift. [Brom the Popular Science Monthly, February, 1873.] IS ELECTRICITY LIFE? (Original occupying nine pages, by Henry Lake.) The great advantage of electrical action is, that it brings relief in a large number of diseases confessedly beyond the reach of the ordinary remedies of the physician. It has fallen to the man of science, and not to the medical practi- tioner, to enforce a belief in the curative powers of electricity upon the public. . . . . . . All the astonishing cures in the early period were effected bv clumsy and importable machinery, with " shocks" of high-tension current, which are peculiarly disagreeable to some persons. They are indeed like the actual cautery-the hot iron to the wound-when compared with the modern appli- ances of Chain Belts and Bands, whose action is so tender that a baby would not wince at it, and which are so portable that the whole apparatus may be carried in the pocket There can be no question of the curative powers of electricity, since there is now extant a scientific literature, by the most eminent physiologists and thau- maturgists, affirming these powers; but, as we have said, electricity has been clumsy in its apparatus, and unpleasant in its action. These difficulties Pulver- rnacher has effectually overcome (by means of Electric Belts and Bands), to the satisfaction not only of most of the scientific men on the continent, but also of such men as Sir C. Locock, Sir H. Holland, Sir William Fergusson, Sir J. R. Martin, Dr. Sieveking, Dr. Quain, Dr. Andrew Clarke, Dr. Golding Bird, Dr. Thompson, and a host of other English celebrities. But if these chains and bands are small, they are not only powerful but val- uable ; and, as money is the great test of value in this eminently commercial country, it may be right to state that £10,000 was the penalty inflicted by the Imperial Court of Appeals in Paris, for the infringement of the patent. . . . . Every thing that is good in the present day is sure to have a host of empirical imitators, and the inventions of which we have spoken are no exception to this rule. These Chain Belts and Bands are really formed on scientific princi- ples, giving the patient the benefit of the curative powers of electricity in a con- venient form. There are many spurious appliances under the name of magnetic, electro-voltaic, and other high-sounding titles, that get confounded with the continuous current of electricity. The mischief done by these spurious imitations is incalculable, as they lead, not only to disappointment, but have a discour- aging effect upon the public mind Judging by the extraordinary cases of cure by the use of these Chain-Belts and Bands, now well authenticated by the highest professional authorities, John Wesley was indeed prophetic when he wrote in 1759, speaking of Electricity; "How much sickness and pain may be prevented or removed, and lives saved, by this unparalleled o Indorsed by the Elite of the Medical Profession. 9 The opinions of men who have risen to the pinnacle of their profession are submitted. * STANDARD AUTHORITY IN GREAT BRITAIN. Pn, Ol&Pifyjyf, ffaP tpfy' s yf ffuzf jto fC /fro' In recognition of the services to Science and Humanity in the invention of his Galvanic Appliances, and the subsequent perfection for Healing Purposes to which the inventor, Pulvebmacher, has brought them, he has been honored by the above Testi- monial, signed by- Sir CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., Physician to Her Majesty, the Queen. Sir HENRY HOLLAND, Bart., F.R.S.. Physician to H. M. the Queen. Sir WILLIAM FURGUSSON, Bar». F.R.S., Physician to H. M. the Queen. Sir J. R. MARTIN. Bart., C.B., F.R.C.S., F.R.S. Dr. E. SIEVEKING, F.R.C.P., Phys, to II. R. II. the Prince of Wales, and to St Mary's JEfo&pitoL Dr. R. QUATN, F.R.C.P., Phys., to the Hospital for Consumption, Brampton. OsMtw-l of vMeh. can be ©sen at his 'GWvanic Establishment, z 10 Medical and Scientific indorsement. The. following Modern Works on Science, Natural Philosophy Medi- cine, and Electricity have described and made worthy mention of Pulver- macher's Galvanic Inventions. . The various works named, and many others, which w? do not cite, are included in our library, which is open to inspection, and can be referred to on application. Electricity and Magnetism. By Prof. Becquerel Published 1853 Guy's Hospital Reports, page 107. Elements of Therapeutic Physics. Dr. Heidenreich, page 248 1854 Dr. T, Pereira, F. R. S. etc. Materia Medica, p. 53, ed. IV 1854 Gazette des Hopitaux, Paris, 27th July . 1852 Local Electrization. Duchenne, p. 39 . . 1855 Elements of Physics. Prof. Pouillet, p. 694 1856 Lancet, Vol. Ilj xvii., 1851, and No. I, Vol. II i856 Exposd de 1'AppIication de I'Electricite, 2d ed., Vol. I 1856 Application of Electricity. By Viscount Du Moncel, pp. 237 to 239 1853 Becquerel on Electricity, its Application in Medical Treatment, p. 36 1857 Bulletin del'Acaddmiede Medecine,Paris. Vol. XVI, p. 13 1857 Electricity and Medical Treatment. Dr. O. Kowalewski, Vol. r.,'p. 121 .... 1857 Treatise on Electricity in Theory and Practice. De La Rive, Vol. III. . . 1858 Phdnomyne de la Nature. Valerius, p. 239, Vol. I 1858 Manuel d' Electrotherapie, p. 84, ed. 1. Tripier 1861 Electro-Physiology and Electro-Thera- peutics. Dr. Garratt, Boston .... 1861 Epileptic and Convulsive Affections. C. B. Radcliffe, M. D., p. 180 1861 Medical Use of Electricity. Garratt.ed.il. 1861 L'Electricite Appliqud au Traitment des Maladies, Dr. Desparquets „ , „ De I'Electricite de 1'Action des Eaux Minerales. Scoutetten . . Published 1864 Dictionnaire de Medecine, de Chirurgie, etc., ed II. I.ittreet Robin 1865 Guide Pratique du Doreur. Roseleur,p. 88, ed. II 1866 Chronic Diseases. Dr. John King, Pro- fessor of Obstetrics 1867 Traty Elementaire de Physique. P. A. Daguin, pp. 408 and 409 1867 Compendium, pp. 231 and 232, ed. Ill . . 1868 Electricity, Magnetism, and Acoustics. Lardner and Foster, p. 304 1868 L'Electricity. J. Bailie, pp. 201 and 202. 1868 Natural Philosophy. Dr. Lardner . . . 1868 Pathology and Therapeutics. By Wund- erlich, Vol. I., p. 113 j868 Althaus, pp. 302 and 303, ed. II 1870 L Electricity Appliquea la Therapeutique Chirurgicale 1870 Clinical Electro-Therapeutics. Dr. Allen Hamilton, M. D 1873 Medical and Surgical Electricity. Drs. Beard and Rockwell, p. 137, ed. I. . . 1871 Traite Elymentaire de Physique MedicSle. Wundt, p. 571 1872 Popular Natural Philosophy. Ganot, p. 831, ed. VII 1872 L'Electrothdrapie dans les Malidies Geni- tal et Urinaire, Dr. Deloume .... 1872 Practice of Medical Electricity. Powell, P- 20 1872 Acaddmie de Science, Paris, extract re- ported in " The Cosmos." Medical Electricity. Tibbits, p. 20 . . . 1873 Guide Practique de I'Electrothdrapie. Dr. Onimus..... , ... , Opinions of the Press. 11 OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. From '■'■The Cincinnati Weekly Post," Oct. 10, 1878. Electricity, long used in the labora- tory for experimental purposes only, is fast coming before the public as an agent of great value in the arts and in the affairs of every-day life. By elec- tricity, power to drive machinery can be utilized at the distance of miles from its source ; and by electricity-thanks to Mr. Edison's recent discovery-our streets and houses will soon be lighted more brilliantly than by gas, at less than one-half the cost. While all these results are evident to the public at large, there is still another field in which the use of electricity is rapidly working a profound reformation-the field of med- ical science. Long and extensive research by some of the most eminent medical men of the country has demonstrated the wonder- ful curative power of the electric cur- rent in a large class of diseases in which the ordinary drug treatment is either harmful or useless. For many years the labors of Prof. J. L. Pulver- macber, of London, England, in the field of electric therapeutics, have re- ceived the well-merited attention and approval of the medical profession and scientists of both Europe and America ; his Electric Belts and Bands for medi- cal purposes have been awarded the first place by the leading physicians of Paris, London, and New York; and at the World's Expositions on both sides of the Atlantic. These noted appliances, which, until a few yc£rs agOj, could, osdy be obtained in Europe, are now manufactured in this country by the Pulvermacher Gal- vanic Company, and can be obtained by patients for self-use, or by physicians for their special practice. We have many instances of the wonder- ful curative power of the Pulvermacher Electric Appliances, and sufferers every- where can realize the greatest benefits from their use in that large class of chronic and nervous diseases for which electricity is especially indicated. From " The Baltimore American" Dec. si, 1878. The Pulvermacher Electric Belt is recom- mended to general use for the following rea- sons : First, of course, for its wonderful properties for the cure of diseases of the kidneys, stomach, liver and blood; Second, for its extreme simplicity, and the fact of its being applied outside, precludes all pos- sibility of any injury being done to the pa- tient, as an external remedy is universally acknowledged to be safe. Another advan- tage of the Belt is the facility with which the progress of the cure can be watched, and if the Belt be not quite in the right place, it can be very easily re-adjusted so as to cover the parts affected. The great principle of this cure is a sys- tem of mild, continuous and prolonged cur- rents of electricity, a method which, though long known to the medical fraternity as an effective remedy, could not be used on ac- count of the inability of any one to perfect an arrangement for its application. This difficulty has, however, been overcome by the invention of the Pulvermacher Electric Belt, and its perfection has been hailed with delight, not only by the sufferers who have regained health, enjoyment, and a new lease of life through its beneficent qualities, but by the medical profession, who very fre» qucntly prescribe its use to their patieate, < 12 of i'he Press. From " The Cincinnati Commercial]' Sept. 15. 1879. Prominent among the exhibits in the Main Hall (Cincinnati Industrial Exposition) we find the display of the world-renowned discoveries and electric appliances invented by Professor J. L. Pulvermacher. Few, indeed, have any just idea of the immense volume of the business transacted by the Pulvermacher Galvanic Company. And it has been deservedly won, for it has been achieved by the most scientific application of the principles of electro-galvanism to medical purposes. Their importance has been recognized by the highest authorities of modern times. Such men as Sir Charles Locock, Str Henry Holland, Sir William Fergusson, physicians to the Queen; Dr. Sieveking, one of the physicians to the Prince of Wales; Sir J. R. Martin, Dr. Quain, and others, whose word is law, al- most, in the profession in Europe, have test- ified that Prof Pulvermacher is entitled " to the consideration and support of ever}' one disposed to further the advancement of real and useful progress.'*' The company now exhibits in a beautiful case, specimens of the Electric Belts and Bands, which have made the name famous, and those not yet conversant with the principles of the system as carried out so successfully by the Pulver- macher Company will here have an oppor- tunity of informing themselves on a subject of value not only to individuals, but to the human race. The names of the learned and scientific institutes, faculties and author- ities in France, England, and America alone that indorse and approve Pulvermacher's Electric Bands and Belts would fill several columns of the Commercial. Fcr more numerous notices and extracts from the Press, at home and abroad, sec "THE ELECTRIC REVIEW," a largo illustrated Journal, which sraay be had, post free, on application. OF CURE. Seminal Weakness. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen; I take great pleasure in recommending your appliances wher- ever I can, and my situation is such that many chances present themselves. The cure has been the best, and of the most satisfactory character. T. H. Harrisburg, Feb, iS, 1881, Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: Please send a copy,of the original size Electric Review. I feel a DEEP interest in it, and would like to read it, as by the electric forces I am a happy man, afttr using your belt only forty-eight hours. I wish I dare detail particulars. My case is pronounced a miracle.. W. F. F. Semina! Weakness. Fall River, Mass., Jan. 18,1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen : Having used your Belt and Suspensory Appliance for a case of spermatorrhoea, I am happy to say that the application has resulted in a speedy and complete cure. Hoping that others ®ay be- benefited by their use, I remain, J, C, Seminal Weakness. Princeton, N. J., March 2, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: The Electric Belt and Suspensory I received from you is just what you recommended it to be. It works like a charm. I would not b? •without it Yours truly, ' 'C. 'G. Kidney Disease. Hoboken, N. J., Oct 24, 1880. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Dear Sirs: This past summer I was troub- led with kidney disease of the severest kind, and paid more than $300 for doctors' and medicine bills, without being relieved of that fearful sickness. I had given up all hope of ever being cured, when by chance I met a friend who recommended your Electric Belt. I tried it, and am to-day as healthy as I ever was. I cheerfully recom- mend your Electric Belt to all my friends and the public generally.-* Any one asking for reference you can send to me, and 1 will willingly give full information as to the good your Electric Belt has done to my friends and me. Respectfully yours, R. HANGGI, No. 195 Washington St., Hoboken, N. J. Seminal Weakness. Bangor, Maine, Feb. 22, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen : The Galvanic Belt and Sus- pensory ordered by me was duly received and applied, according to directions, and I am happy to state, for the benefit of others, that I have received great benefit. My case seemed to be loss of manhood, with emis- • sions, but now the emissions have stopped and my health is much better. I know by experience that I have received lasting ben- efit from it. You are at liberty to use this letter, if you see fit, omitting the name. Respectfully yours, J. H. Complicated Disorders. Mattoon, Ills., March 25, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gents: I have been in bad health tor years; suffering from Catarrh, Neuralgia, 13 ; Rheumatism, and Kidney trouble, and have ' tried all known means for above diseases, ' but without relief. I have tried a change j of climate, but only returned home in worse i condition than when I left. Last fall I be- : came so reduced as to be unable to walk to i my place of business, and my friends were 1 predicting my early demise. About four : months since I vras induced to try one of your Electric Belts, which I have worn al- most constantly since, with a very great im- provement in my general health and an entire relief from the other troubles. Am gaining in weight, and attending to my busi- ness every day in better health than for ten years. Yours truly, J. R. DUNCAN. Benton, Yazoo Co., Miss., April 14, i88x. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Dear Sirs: Your Belts have given entire satisfaction. The price I paid you is noth- ing. I would not be without them for $2000. These Belts have relieved my wife almost entirely. I will recommend them to all who are suffering. Send me another one of your large Pamphlets, as I gave the one you sent me to a friend who, I think, will order a Belt. Yours resp'y, JNO. W. BOWMAN. Extreme Seminal Debility, Americus, Mo., April i, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: The Belt and Suspensory I ordered some six weeks ago came duly to hand, and I am now able to judge of its great curative qualities. The predominating symptoms of my disease were passing away of the vital fluids while straining at stool followed by great weakness and nervousness. These despondent symptoms have been en- tirely overcome by the use of your Belt and Suspensory, and am gaining very rapidly in health and strength, and expect to report a 14 T&timonws of Cun thorough cure in a few days I shall always speak a good word for your most valuable Appliances. Any one doubting the efficacy of the Belt and Suspensory, you are at per- fect liberty at any time to refer them to me. Thanking you very much for the benefit thus far received, I am yours very sincerely, F. W. D. Varicocele. Mineral Springs, Ark., Oct. 20, 1886. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Dear Sirs :-I can now say with pleasure that all symptoms of varicocele have disap- peared, and I can recommend your treat- ment to all who are affected as 1 have been. You are at liberty to use this as you please, only omit my name. Yours truly, * * * Apoplexy, Nervous Prostration, Etc. 29 Merritt,s Ave., Atlanta, Ga., March 13, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: I take pleasure in recom- mending your Electric Appliances as a per- fect, thorough and complete panacea for all diseases resulting from derangements of the nervous system. I have not the language with which to express my appreciation of their beneficent results. Ponce de Leon vainly searched for the Fountain of Peren- nial Youth : Pulvermacher has discovered it. Three years ago I had an attack of apoplexy, (the doctors termed it). My "whole nervous economy, so to speak, was rapidly tending to disruption and ruin. I adopted your treat- ment and to-day I am well-very well, sound, hearty, healthy; could walk thirty miles in a day if necessary. Verv respectfully, KITTRELL J. WARREN. Impotency. Kansas, Tenn., July 19, 1886. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen :-This is to certify that eight years ago, when I applied to you for treat- ment, I was broken down in health, both in mind and body, and what was worse, I was almost without hope of ever finding relief. But, thanks to your wonderful ap- pliances, after the lapse of seven or eight years of married life, I am still a man, sex- ually and otherwise, and consequently hap- py. I pen these few lines with a sincere desire to benefit poor fellow-mortals, and will gladly answer by letter. I remain, yours truly, S. B. Thompson, Pa., Jan. 14, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: I have one of your Electric Belts, purchased four years ago, and have used it with excellent success on five pa- tients. ® * * Yours, etc., A. O. STIMPSON, M, D., C. M. Spermatorrhoea. Worthville, Carroll Co., Ky., July si, 1880. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gents: I have been using your Belt and Suspensory Treatment for Spermatorrhoea, nervous prostration, and general debility, and can say have derived very much benefit therefrom. Would heartily recommend the Treatment to all persons similarly afflicted. Yours, with much esteem, J. Y. S. General Debility, Etc. Gordon's Ferry, Jackson Co., la., March 30, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen : Your Electric Bands proved a great success in my case, and have entirely cured me. I can attend to my house-work now as well as I ever could. Have lived here for 40 years, and am ready to testify Testimonials of Cure. 15 that your treatment does all that you recom- mend it to do. I take a great interest in suffering humanity, and will do all I can to encourage the people to use your remarkable curative appliances. Weakness, Lost Vigor, etc. Dayton, O., Jan. 12, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen : 1 received the Belt and Sus- pensory Attachment which I had ordered from you a few weeks ago, and immediately used as per directions. Since using I have grown a hundred per cent, better. I am gaining in flesh, and am looking a great deal better. The night losses have ceased altogether, and my lost vigor is again return- ing. Gentlemen, words are not capable of expressing the thanks I owe you. 1 remain your obedient servant, E. H. MRS. L. W. SMITH. Seminal Debility. Sparta Center, Mich., Jan. 18, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Your Belt received in good shape, and is working admirably. I wouldn't sell it for $50 if I were unable to procure anc'her. I am feeling better now than I have before in five years, and think that the Belt will work a perfect cure in time. Yours truly, Spermatorrhoea. Boston, Aug. 29, 1880. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gents: I send you my testimonial. Ex- cuse for not sending sooner. This is to certify that I have been cured of all my troubles by means of Pulvermacher's Electric Appliances. My disease was Sper- matorrhoea of the worst type. * * ;S Bladensburg, O., Jan. 15, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gents.: In accordance with my promise I will make you a statement of the result of my experience in wearing one of your Elec- tric Chain Belts. When I boughtone, some three months ago, I was troubled with a dis- ease in one of my kidneys to such an extent that it would gather and break every two weeks. I had despaired of living. After reading your advertisement I pondered a great deal; consulted several physicians, who informed me there was no help; that the Belt was worthless as to my case. But, in opposition to all, I bought one of your Belts I am almost well, and now feel certain it will en- tirely cure me. This you may make use of, withholding my name, but may refer any inquirer to me by mail. W. A. H. P. S.-The Belt I bought for my old neighbor is working like a charm. There Will be more demand here for them. W. A. H. Female Complaint, General Debility, etc. Holyoke, Mass., March 31,1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen : The Combined Bands for my wife were duly received. She is satisfied at this time that they are doing her great good; the unnatural enlargement of stomach and. abdomen is decreasing, and her whole gen- eral health is better. When she first used the Appliances she could not walk one mile without being tired out and compelled to lie down. Last week she walked around town here for two hours ; went to Springfield, and went around there two or more hours, and returned feeling perfectly satisfied with her- self, and that the Bands did the work. ® ® Tyuly yours, D. F. Q, 16 Ttstirn&Htals t>f Ckm • Chronic Rheumatism. Anderson's Store-, N. C., May 7, 1880. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. I bought from you last year, by the direc- tion of my attending physician, Dr. I. Q. Anderson, a Galvanic apparatus, from which I have derived great benefit. My disease was Chronic Rheumatism, of ten years stand- ing. Excepting seme stiffness, I am entirely relieved. I went through the changes of the winter without any inconvenience. My physician, Dr. Anderson, says I have made the best recovery he ever saw, of the disease in the shape I had it. In conclusion, permit me to return my sincere thanks for the benefit I have derived from your apparatus. I am, my dear sirs, Very trulv, etc., ABNER WALKER. Spasms. Carlyle, Clinton Co., Ills., Dec. 27, 1879, Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gents: This will inform you that your Belts and Bands have cured me of spasms of the abdomen muscles, and I can truly rec- ommend them to others. They did for me all you claim for them; and ii you wish to use my name for reference, I am ready to certify what the Belts and Bands have done for me. I remain very gratefully yours, RICHARD H. WEAR. Sexual Debility. 430 Montgomery Ave., San Francisco, Dec. 20, 1880. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen : With feelings of gratefulness I beg to report a complete cure of an aggra- vated case of Nervous Debility and Sexual Impairment, by the use of Pulvermacher's Electric Belt and Suspensory Attachment. It has done for me in three (3) months what medicine has failed to accomplish in ten years. I earnestly recommend your Appli- ances to the afflicted, and deem them second to none for curative purposes. Very respectfully vours, W, L. New Athens, Ohio, Feb. 28, 1881. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. I have recommended your Belts. Am pleased with the one you sent me. I think it is just what suffering humanity needs. So many have been humbugged by quacks that they are incredulous and move slowly. I loaned my Belt to two who were in bed, and in less than 24 hours they left their beds and went to work. Lumbago in one case, and Rheumatism the other. Yours truly, JAMES DAY. 1 Xot wishing to tire the. patience of the reader, we publish but a few of our many testimonials. A large mass of others, of similar purport, from persons well known in their respective localities, are constantly being received. T„he originals are at all times subject to examination at our office. In those eases where only initials are given-(by request,-the full address (where we have permission of the writers') may be had on application. For more numerous reports from Patients and Physicians, see "The trie Review," which will be mailed free on application. Testimonials of Eminent Medical Professors. 17 From Prof. Francis E. Nipher, Professor of Physics. Polytechnic School, Washington University, St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1879. I have tested the Electric Belt, which you forwarded me, and am exceedingly pleased with its performance. I regard it as a valuable acquisition to the apparatus of my lab- oratory. . The construction of the belt is such that it is admirably adapted to physiological work, and to any kind of laboratory work where the resistance of the circuit must be very great. Passing the current through 10,000 ohms of resistance (which is equivalent to 500 miles of ordinary telegraph wire), the current is still able to produce a very marked effect upon the galvanometer. . . . Under the same circumstances the direct current from the bat- teries ordinarily used by physicians exerts no appreciate effect. I can say, from a careful examination, that Pulvermaeher's Electric Belts are admir- ably adapted to the work of passing currents of high tension through the h timan body. Very truly, yours, Francis E. Nipher, Professor of Physics. Dr. Onimus, Laureatde V Academic de Science et de Medicine, Paris, in his Handbook, " Guide Pratique d'Electrotherapie," states: There are cases in which the patients can themselves apply the electric currents, al- though not conversant with medical science; hence it is desirable to place in their hands an appliance which gives a moderate electric current, the action of which can be of suffi- cient duration, without inconvenience. In such cases, Pulvermacher's Chains constitute, after all, the best apparatus, especially since their recent improvements. I have known the Electric Chain appliances of Pulvermacher used in cases of Paralysis with very great benefit to the patient, and am so favorably impressed with their good effects that I shall continue their employment where the want of electricity may be indicated. Their portability and ease of application are great recommendations. John J. Metcalfe, M. D., Physician to Bellevue Hospital. Pulvermacher's Electric Chain Belts and Bands, recently improved, are the best form of appliances for medical purposes of which we have any knowledge.-Beard and Rockwell, Medical and Surgical Electricity, 1871. Similar highly commendatory testimonials have been received from many other members of the profession, who have experienced and tested the effects of the Chain; as, for instance, from- E. H. Van Deusen, M. D., Physician to New York Hospital. Thomas F. Cook, M. D., Physician to Bellevue Hospital. Ulric Palmedo, M. D., Brooklyn. H. N. Wilhelm, M. D., New York, Etc., etc. Ife 'Ifiwggs-xg 'Utriti bt a&8»&we&. pbof. rowiaa. 18 DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Dyspepsia though strictly speaking a disease of the stomach, resulting from &a abuse of Nature's laws, is the promoter of most every phase of suffering that follows a derangement of the General or Nervous System. The disease presents itself in various types, and usually develops into an aggravated, distressing condition, character- ized by more or less of the following symptoms: heavy feeling about the stomach, attended with pain, uneasiness, and swelling at times; there is belching of wind, the food ferments, sours, remains on the stomach, and passes off in a partially digested state. The bowels are coctive or there may be diarrhoea, the liver is generally torpid, there is great nervous- ness, palpitation of the heart, headache, nightmare, pains in the left side, dry or wrinkled skin, debility, lassitude and want of energy, variable appetite, tongue coated, disagreeable taste in the mouth, especially in the morning, fretfulness, lowness of spirits, imaginary fears, physical and mental suffering, and a host of other gloomy symptoms that act in uni- son with them. The stomach, which is the seat of the trouble, and the brain, act so in harmony with each other, through the nervous system, that whatever affects the former may also affect the whole system, and thereby promote various chronic diseases. It is therefore of vi- tal importance that efficient remedial means be resorted to without delay, and thus pre- vent complicated functional disturbances, which are more difficult to remove. Pulver- macher's Electric Appliances act speedily and effectually in these cases, and it may be amply verified by the experience of the afflicted themselves, that no other treatment has alike effect, but to the contrary, the various "Patent Medicines," "powerful drugs." " whisky tonics," " bitters," "soda," etc., are of no avail as a curative, since their use not only tends to irritate the stomach, and ultimately aggravate the disease, but is often haz ardous and dangerous. "A gentleman had been a dyspeptic, and hearing that a preparation of soda was * good for dyspeptics,' he tried it, it acted 'like a charm,' and for the next six months he was so enraptured with its effects that he considered it a duty, as well as a humanity, to recom- mend it to every person who seemed to be affected as he had been. Not long thereafter, as he was standing at the gate of his newly-married daughter, in London, in a passing call on his wdy to business, he dropped down dead. On examination, the cause was found to be several ounces of soda impacted in the bowels."-Hall's Journal of Health. Dyspepsia or Indigestion can only be cured by adopting measures that will correct th > abnormal electrical condition in the system, which is the real cause of the trouble. Thi* is Nature's exclusive work, and it is here where Electricity is specially indicated. Pulver- macher's Electro-Galvanic Chain Belt speedily removes nervous irritability, and braces up the system ; the appetite and digestion improve at once; the body receives proper nourish- ment ; all the various symptoms that have made life a burden gradually yield to the mild continuous action of the electric current, which is generated along the nerves and through the tissues of the stomach and its immediate connections. In this way the natural tone of the stomach is restored, and a renewal of health and strength is the invariable result. Hundreds have been cured of dyspepsia and its train of symptoms by using Pulver- macher's Electric Appliances as a last resort. and Ctet&as&tl. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. The reason why so many females are out of health can be attributed to tne v&rfoow chronic diseases to which alt-are liable, and to that numerous class of anments peculiar only to the female sex. Among these latter disorders we may enumerate those attendant upon menstruation, lactation, and child-bearing. These conditions make thousands of lives miserable and unhappy, and are the great promoters of debility, lost health, general weakness, unnatural discharges, humorous secretions, profuse hemorrhages, enlargements, and a train of other gloomy symptoms. The prevalence of these complaints, and the inef- ficient modes of treatment ordinarily adopted, warrant the assertion that fully two-thirds of all women are out of health, Possibly the strongest reason why female complaints are so common, and why the at- tendant sufferings are so prolonged,-may be due to the fact that the different medicines and empiric means employed fail to give relief! Again, women are altogether too reserved in broaching these subjects, and, from a false modesty, often conceal them, instead of seek- ing for means Of restoration. " Whatever restores the female health and vigor is the greatest of public and private benefactions. But be it every-where known, they can not come through medicines. Drugs are not adapted to reach such eases. The same principles that apply to masculine restora- tion also apply to feminine."-Pro/. Fowler In these cases Pulvermacher's Electric Combined Bands can be applied effectively, and if necessary, with the utmost privacy, by the patient, by simply following the directions. The mild, continuous electric current derived from these appliances penetrates the various organs of the reproductive system and every part adjacent thereto, and is most effective in the direct and gentle infusion of new life and vigor. The cures effected in these com- plaints, in this country and Europe, number by the thousands, and the unimpeachable evidence offered testifies Pulvermacher's Electric Combined Bands to be the greatest blesss- ifflg otw TouchsafM to 20 Urinary Diseases, Rheumatism', Die. DISEASES OF THE CENITO-URINARY ORGANS/ v There is no class of diseases more unpleasant and annoying, and at the same time more dangerous, than those of the Genito-Urinary Organs. The symptoms present in these troubles are numerous; among the number we may mention inflammation of the blad- der, prostate gland, and other ducts of the urethra, painful urination and scalding sensation, gleety discharges, the water high-colored, and at times containing red or white deposits of lime, uric? acid or albumen; then a pale or bloody deposit when al- lowed to stand. In aggravated cases, or where the disease is allowed to go unchecked, the most alarming symptoms may ensue, as ulceration, stricture or paralysis of the bladder, excruciating pains, bleeding from the parts, gravel, ulceration, and wasting decay. These symptoms are the cause of great physical suffering and mental anxiety. The exciting causes are traceable to blood taints, the excessive use of hard water, irritating drugs, acids, and alkalies, and intemperance, irregular habits, etc. The ordinary treatment is diuretics, which, owing to their action on the kidneys and bladder, may afford temporary relief; but a curative can not be supplied by any of the drug schools. The proper treatment to effect a permanent cure is the direct application of mild, con- tinuous electric currents as realized byTulvermacher's Belt and Suspensory Attachment (see page 27). RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, ETC. Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, etc., are caused by improper action of the kidneys liver, and skin, and their inability to throw off poisonous substances-uric acid, etc.-from the blood. The consequences are disorders both local and constitutional, affecting the joints, muscles, and membranes, and characterized by pain and swelling more or less intense. It is well known by every sufferer that the various "medicines," " liniments." " reliefs," etc., do nothing to cure the disease-relief is only afforded at best. Pulvermacher's Electric Appliances are the true agents in such cases, often removing every trace of the disease in a short space of time, by equalizing the circulation and ena- bling the excretory and secretory ducts to perform their natural functions. Thousands have been cured of Rheumatism, Sciatica, and other painful diseases by means of these appliances. VARICOCELE, EPILEPSY, PARALYSIS, CATARRH, ETC. There are many diseased conditions susceptible of cure by means of Electricity which are not treated upon in this pamphlet. Among them we may name Varicocele, incipient Chest 1'roubles, Liver Complaint, Asthma, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Catarrh, Nervous Deafness, Ilea I Troubles, Headache, Face Ache, Neuralgia, Spinal Disease, Epi- lepsy or Fits, Cramps, Constipation, Anemia or Wasting Decline, Paralysis, General De- bility, Hypochondria, Hysterics, Gout, Spasms, Loss of Voice, Insomnia, Scrotal Hernia, Mercurial Disease. Weaknesses attending Fever and Ague, and the Opium and Morphine habit. These disorders are due to various causes, excited by an electrical disturbance in the system-by a greater or less deficiency of the life principle which is so necessary to the maintenance of health and a normal condition in living bodies. To effect a cure, we have to correct the abnormal condition of the system by supplying all waste of the life principle artificially. To secure this end, and consequently' improve the health generally when below the normal standard, no means are known'to medical science so rational, safe and effective, as mild, continuous currents, derived from Pulvermacher's Slectric Appliances Kidney Disease, General Debility. 21 KIDNEY DISEASE is most insidious in its approach and development, and alarming in its consequences. It may be acute or chronic, and occur at any time of life. Many suffer and are not aware of the char- acter of the trouble, and much progress is made before due attention is given it. Any neglect is dangerous in a disease of this character. The symptoms are, dull pain in the back on either side of the spine, with tenderness on pressure, the urine is cloudy and deposits albumen, white or reddish colored after standing, etc. Kidney disease, better known as Bright's disease, yields to electricity after every other means fail. Pulvermacher's Electric Combined Bands are adapted for such cases. Hundreds have been cured by these Appliances. FRONT VIEW, BACK VIEW. '-SILVER OR NEGATIVE POLES. -Q°to im % , o / J" Above are shown the COMBINED BANDS for all forms of KIDNEY DISEASE. The treatment at once affects all the great nerve centres, and at the same time brings a strong current to act directly on the seat of the disease. It is altogether the most comfortable and ef- fective m>_de of applying the Electric Currents. The Bands are self-adjustable, and can be easily applied. The Combined Bands specially applied to suit the case, also cure Epilepsy, Spinal Disease, Female Complaints, St. Vitus Dance, Paralysis, etc. GENERAL D E B I T, I T YC There are in every town and hamlet in the land, persons out of health, who suffer from de- bility and weakness; they are sometimes pale, have cold hands and feet, are subject to chilli- ness, headache, feel gloomy and languid; they swallow dose after dose of every conceivable drug, bitters, or mineral, and are constantly wondering why they do not get stronger. There are thousands of such persons dragging through a weary life, all for the want of knowledge of the proper remedy to combat these indications of disease. The person is weak and debilitated because the blood is impoverished from a deficiency of certain chemical elements, and hence does not afford requisite strength to the body. The cause is anemic, and the person can never gain his strength until the requisite electrical equilibrium of the body is restored. In these cases the Pulvermacher Electric Belt acts like a charm : it supplies life and nerve force J builds up and repairs-infusing the entire system with new life and energy, Spermatorrhoea, Nervous Debility, etc. 22 SPERM ATORRHCEA. SEXUAL DECLINE. SPERMATORRHOEA, NERVOUS DEBILITY AND IMPOTENCE. {With quotations from standard authorities.) These disorders result from pernicious habits practiced in solitude, sexual excesses in matured years, and other causes. While sexual sin is the most de- structive of all human vices, that in the form of self-pollution is by far its worst, because it is the greatest outrage on Nature's sexual ordinances man can pos- sibly perpetrate. No words can adequately describe the miseries it engenders. It is man's sin of sins, and vice of vices, and has caused incomparably more sex- ual delapidation, paralysis and disease, as well as demoralization, than all the other sexual vices combined. The universality of this habit, and its terrible effects, show that the conse- quent sexual decline must be commensurate and truly fearful; and facts every- where add their confirmation that this is the case. The eyes and countenance of most men are their own accusers. Nature obliges all to confess. Let the faces, and especially those black and blue discolorations under and around the eyes, tell their own story on faces by the million. Horace Mann, while president of Antioch College, at the close of a private lecture before his students, made some most commendatory remarks, and was followed by Judge , who declared ; "To my certain knowledge, twenty-five years ago, when I was a student at Miami College, a large proportion of its students practiced masturbation, and 1 have every evidence that it was almost universal throughout that institution." Most of our schools are hot-beds of this ruinous, loathsome vice. The drain on the forces consequent on th* habit 'indeed tembta Greatest Aww/mmw, 23 The male excretion embodies forty times more vital force than an equal amount of red blood right from the heart. Think what wonders it accomplishes! All this concentrated vitality is wasted! Powerful constitutions can endure this drain the longer, but finally break irreparably. It rarely kills outright at first, or of itself, but, by weakening the citadel of life, it opens the gates to other diseases. The losses generally occur during sleep, accompanied by lascivious dreams, and cause weakness, headache, nervousness, " the blues," etc., along with a hag- gard, repulsive look, and a lifeless, vacant eye. Nothing robs the whole system of its animal heat, and gives an icy coldness to hands, feet and flesh, as does this drain. Of course other things may occasion this coldness, but this vice, by taking the life right out of the whole system, is especially productive of it. "A great number of the ills which come upon the young, at and after puberty, arise from this habit, persisted in so as to waste the vital energies, and enervate the physical and mental powers of man. No cause is more influential in producing insanity. The records of the insti- tutions give an appalling catalogue of cases attributed to it.''-Dr.Woodward. "In my own practice I have seen the following results of masturbation:-involuntary emissions, prostration of strength, paralysis of the limbs, hysteria, epilepsy, strange nervous affections, dyspepsia, hypochondria, spinal disease, pain and weakness in the back and limbs, costiveness, and, in fine, the long and dismal array of gastric, enteric, nervous, and spinal af- fections that are so complicated and difficult to manage."-Dr. J. A. Brown. Regarding the treatment for these cases, medicines almost universally prove useless, or else injurious. That they do no good, is the universal testimony of all honest medical men, and the experience of all who consult them. Thousands have "doctored" for the complaint, but have thrown away both their money and constitution together. " Electricity constitutes a physical remedy, if rightly applied. This element is undoubtedly the instrumentality of all life. This sexual paralysis consists in electrical derangement or interruption, so that unquestionably electricity can be so employed as to reinstate and regulate this interrupted electric action."'-Prof O. S. Fowler. Acton, F. R. C. S., says: ''Electricity must be classed among the remedies for impotence. Since the last edition of noy work was published, I have had considerable experience with this agent, and I have every reason to be satisfied with the results. The patient can aow, by means of Pulvermacher'a Belt, apply rtvattdy 24 Mild and Prolonged Electric Currents. Impotence, which is usually coupled with onanism, arises from want of nervous vitality, or to seminal losses consequent on venereal abuse. Dr. Schultz has employed Electricity in cases of impotence, and has been able to restore the faculty of erection to men who uad been for ten or fifteen years unable to find relief under various modes of treatment." Speakiug'of the treatment of the sexual organs by Electricity, Dr. Hammer, Director of the Medico-Galvanic Institution in Dresden, says: " That the evil of onanism is one of the chief causes of our enervated generation, by an- nihilating, as it does, the vital powers in the germ ; and it is to be feared that the universal spread of the evil is exercising a most destructive effect on the rising generation of both sexes. I have often had occasion to treat this malady, and have always found that, by the use of Elec- tricity, the excessive morbid desires have disappeared, and the general tone restored. Patients who have followed this course of treatment are relieved from their distress and become fitted, by degrees, for the society of their fellows, a complete transformation being effected in the pathological condition of the minds and bodies." The following case is reported by Professor Hassenstein, in his work "On the Curative Efficacy of Electricity : " "The patient had for some years lost all erectile power, and had gone through the course usually recommended for this class of disorders. The patient complained of a continual sen- sation of cold and numbness, and of very weak erectile power during intercourse. Nutrition suffered, and the functions of the bowels were irregular. I treated him by Electricity for four weeks, and then sent him away with the necessary apparatus for continuing the application himself. The functions of the bowels and digestion became regular, while he soon perceived that more life returned to the wasted organs, and that they gained in volume. After twelve weeks the patient was again in his usual state of health and manhood.'' In the "Dictionary of Medical and Surgical Knowledge" (p. 952), is an article on Spermatorrhoea, the writer of which says: "In severe cases, one of Pulvermacher's Electro-Galvanic Belts should be worn for an hour or two daily around the hips and under each testicle. All internal remedies are secondary to these more practical applications." The celebrated Dr. Lallemand, in his work " Perles Seminales Involon- taries," in which he bears strong testimony to the Electric treatment, says: "Galvanism was employed with gieat success in a case of torpor of the genital organs. The permanent and complete success obtained after nine applications, shows how strongly the use of galvanism was indicated." " By whatever means the electric fluid may be produced, it is always necessary to be able to measure its power, as in the case of any other therapeutic agent, in order to produce a grad- ual progressive effect ami net tc expose the patient to und'oe shocks. Indeed, this is the reason The Only Rational Means for Self-Cure. 25 which causes Galvanic Electricity to be preferred to the Electric Machine, the effects of which are always more difficult to be regulated. But those of Galvanism {Pulver-macher s Galvanic system) may be regulated by the number and extent of the elements that are employed.'' John King, M. D., in treating on these disorders, page 994, " King on Chronic Diseases," says: " Premature seminal discharges may be overcome by the use of the voltaic current, by means of Pulvermacher's Belts, which should be worn in these cases.'' And on page 995 he adds: " Pulvermacher's Belt increases the tone of the parts, etc.'' The disorders referred to prevail to an alarming extent in the community; and, since drug treatment has signally failed-a fact now generally conceded by those who stand eminent in the profession-it is with no concealed gratifica- tion that we refer to the unimpeachable evidence in favor of mild continuous electric currents, as derived from Pulvermacher's Electro-Galvanic Chain Belt. The therapeutic action of this agent penetrates to the innermost recesses of the organs. The ejaculatory duct, the seminal vessels, and every part adjacent thereto, even the whole surface of the canal of the urethra, may be submitted to the direct electrical influence of the current. The Belt and Suspensory Appliance, for direct application, cures these cases in from one to three weeks to as many months, depending altogether upon the severity of the symptoms, but a decided improvement will be experienced almost from the start. Auxiliary measures may be brought into requisition, such as cool hip-baths, frequent bathing of the parts, plain diet, moderate exercise, and regular habits in sleeping and eating. Before concluding these remarks, it would be well to refer for a moment to the pernicious influences exercised by sham doctors and quacks, on patients of this class. The belief which is carefully impressed upon them in the beginning from reading the alarming books and circulars of these pretenders, leads to har- rowing fears and a state of mind which aggravates the complaint under which they are suffering. It is therefore advisable to avoid further consulting anybody who would lecture them on these ailments in a manner tending to bring about mental disturbance and want of self-confidence. How sad the thought, that; for the want of a little knowledge imparted to 26 youth at the right time, thousands are suffering from broken down constitutions and a train of gloomy symptoms which harass both body and mind-this all through ignorance of Nature's laws! And what is equally lamentable, not all the skill, aided by all the prescribed medicines in the materia medica, has yet proved adequate to cure the disease. Every plan and mode of drug treatment has been resorted to, and the poor sufferer meets_£>nly with disappointment, and is bereft of all hope of ever finding relief. Happily for the sufferer, these disorders, in all their various forms, yield readily to Electricity by means of Pulvermacher's Electro-Galvanic Chain Belt and Electro-Conducting Suspensory Appliance, for direct application to the parts affected. This treatment is now offered to every sufferer, and may be re- lied on. for a complete restoration to health and manly vigor. Positive Pole Belt and Suspensory PULVERMACHER'S BEPOLAR ELECTRIC BELT AND SUSPENSORY APPLIANCE. (Latest Improved, March 10,1387.) Suspensory, Pole.. PULVERMACHER'S EXTRA FULL POWER BELT WITH SUSPENSORY. Medicine Rendered Useless. 27 MODE OF Ai'X'LICJVTIOjaT. FRONT ViEW. BACK V8EW. Positive Pole. Suspensory - Negative Pole. AM The Appliance consists of the following : First-The Chain Belt, which generates the elec- tric current. Second-The electro-conducting Suspensory Attachment, or scrotal sack, with its perforations of gold thread. Third-The electric conductors (gold braid loops), for con- necting Belt with Suspensory. Fourth-The Metallic Disk (or Positive Pole) which connects with Belt at bottom of spine. Fifth-The elastic band (with buckle and tapes) for holding the Chain Belt and Suspensory and Disk in position to the body as shown. VARICOCELE. It should be understood that Varicocele can not be cured by supports, trusses, or com- presses alone; in addition, the suffering parts must be subjected to the curative influence of mild, continuous and prolonged electric currents. In our treatment the Suspensory gives the necessary support to the scrotum; at the same time the electric-curative currents, which may be said to envelop the suffering parts, gradually equalize the circulation of blood in the enlarged veins, and effect a permanent cure. This is the only rational and effective means of curing this ailment. The so-called Varicocele trusses, compresses, etc., only afford temporary relief at best. TO PATIENTS LIABLE TO BE MISLED BY QUACK DOCTORS. In nervous disorders of the generative system, the patient's false delicacy and fear of ex- posure, on the one hand, and on the other the indifference of the regular medical practitioner to undertake the treatment of a class of ailments generally considered incurable by medicine, are the main circumstances which operate as inducements for the quack doctors, bogus "medi- cal institutes," "medical associations,'' dealers in "marriage guides," "medical advisers," "counselors," "clinical lectures," etc., to pursue their abominable system of deception and extortion exercised upon unsuspecting patients whom they attract by their delusive advertise- ments and treatises. This condition of things, which weighs upon this country like a plague, would not for a moment be tolerated in any well-regulated state, and the public, who are ever prone to be duped by the most impudent and high-sounding pretensions, would elsewhere be protected from those who prey upon it. 28 Address to the Weak, Nervous and Debilitated, who suffer from Ill-health, consequent on Lingering, Chronic, Nervous or Functional Diseases. External remedies are the safest and best that can be applied in diseases, on account of the facility which we possess of watching their action and results; and of these remedies, electricity, in the form of mild, continuous and prolonged currents, as realized exclusively by Pulver- macher's Electro-Galvanic Chain Belts and Bands, has been found the most valuable, safe, simple and efficient treatment in the world for the cure of disease. We have reviewed, in our various pamphlets, the manifold benefits to be derived from Pulvermacher's Appliances, and have brought forward testimony in their favor, from the most learned physicians and scientific men in Europe and this country. We have also demonstrated why relief and cure result from their use aftei* every other plan of treatment has failed. Reader, are you afflicted and wish to recover the same degree of health, strength and energy experienced in former years ? Do any of the symptoms, or class of symptoms, we have indicated in this pamphlet, meet your diseased condition 1 Are you suffering from ill-health in any of its many forms, consequent on a linger- ing, nervous, chronic, or functional disease? Do you feel nervous, debilitated, fretful, timid, and lack the power of will and action ? Are you subject to loss of memory, have spells of Taint- ing, fullness of blood in the head, feel listless, moping, and unfit for business or pleasure, and subject to fits of melancholy? Are your kidneys, stomach, urinary organs, liver or blood, in a disordered condition? Do you suffer from rheumatism, neuralgia or other aches and pains ? Have you been indiscreet in early years and a victim to youthful follies, or carried the marital relations to excess in later years? Have these indiscretions or excesses left you in a weak and debilitated condition? Are you timid, nervous and forgetful, with your mind con- tinually dwelling on the subject ? Have you lost confidence in yourself, and energy for busi- ness pursuits? Are you subject to any of the following symptoms: Restless nights, broken sleep nightmare, dreams, palpitation of the heart, bashfulness, confusion of ideas, aversion to society, dizziness in the head, dimness of sight, pimples and blotches on the face and back, and other despondent symptoms? There are thousands of young men, middle-aged and even the Old, who suffer from nervous and physical debility. There are thousands of females broken down in health and spirits from disorders peculiar to their sex, and who, from false modesty or neglect prolong their sufferings. Why further neglect your health and future happiness, when there is at hand a means of cure? Why not throw off the yoke altogether, and seek a rem edy which has science and common sense to commend it-a remedy of indisputable efficacy, and the most certain means of restoration to health and vigor. There are many diseases which we do.not propose to cure by means of electricity; among the number we may name acute diseases and fevers; these are left to the care of an intelligent physician, but from all that Electro-Physiology teaches us in regard to the tmrfus operandt of the curative and preservative effects of Voltaic Electricity, we may most reasonably infer that all those chronic diseases and ailments due to a depressed condition of the nervous forces, exhaustion of nerve power, or the diminished energy of vital functions, as treated upon in this pamphlet, are happily most susceptible of cure by means of 1 ulvermacher s Electric Ap- pliances. These conditions they will cure while drugs will not, and we offer the most convin- cing testimony from former patients, who have been restored to health, strength, and energy after drugging in vain for months and years. Electricity supplies new life and vigor, Cssi Compared with Medicine. 29 COST OF THE PULVERMACHER ELECTRIC BELT COMPARED WITH MEDICINE. The Pulvermacher Electric Belt is a valuable substitute for medicines, and medical treat- ment of every name and description, and its cost is infinitely small in comparison when taking into consideration the following: Most invalids and ailing persons pay out in small sums, or at one time, from S3 to $10 per month for doctor bills, secret and patent medicines, etc. ; others pay larger sums for fees in addition to medicines. These outlays, in the aggregate, will in three to six months, or longer, amount to considerable money. Compare even the lowest aggregate expense for medicine, etc., during a certain period, with the expense attending the purchase of the Pulvermacher Electric Belt, and the money-saving advantages the latter offers will be ap- parent. The Belt is to be purchased but once, is ever ready for use, and will prove more val- uable and economical in curing disease, than a family medjeine chest or any kind of med- ical treatment, The money expended for medicines proves a dead loss; patients are little, if any better oft than before using them. The effects of all drugs are pernicious, as they pro- duce by regular use, a "drug disease," and if continued in for a long time, derange the stom- ach and other organs irreparably. Why sensible people will make "drug shops'' of their stomach is an unsolved problem. GALVANISM-Its Origin, Perfection and Abuse. Galvani, professor of anatomy at Bologna, discovered animal electricity in the year 1779; fourteen years later, Volta, professor of physics at Pavia, Italy, stimulated by this discovery, made the science of Galvanism, or Voitaism, a possibility, by constructing on an analogous principle, the Voltaic Pile, which has since borne his name. This apparatus consisted of a series of copper and zinc disks piled upon each other, with a wet, acidulated cloth invervening to excite the action of the metals; but this arrangement, history tells us, proved inconstant, unreliable, and was presented in such a crude state, as not to admit of its being applicable in Electro-therapeutics. Galvani and Volta were the founders of Galvanism, but the principal which culminated in its propagation originated with Volta, who died about the year 1806, soon after his researches were made public. It was left for Pulvermacher, an earnest disciple in the cause of Electric science, forty years later, to so perfect the principle of his predecessors, as to make available the vast properties of Electricity in the cure of disease, by means of Self-Application direct to the body. The Voltaic Pile presented the rudiments of Galvanism in theory. Pulvermacher, stimulated by these discoveries, and the furor they created throughout Europe, carried the theory into practice by constructing the original Electro-Galvanic Chain in the year 1846; and the encouragement and favor he received from such eminent medical and scientific men as Prof. Oppolzer, of Vienna, Golding Bird and Jonathan Pareira, of London, the Academy of Medicine, Paris, Valentine Mott, of New York, and others, urged him to. renewed fields of la- bor and improvement, which now for over a quarter of a century the inventor has never ceased to cultivate. The achievements ofGalvani, Volta, and Pulvermacher in the fields of Electric science are quotedin medical and scientific works; but it is a significant fact that only the name of Pulvermacher is subject of record in connection with Electro-Galvanic Chain Belts and other appliances for the body. Notwithstanding this, false reports are circulated regard- ing various so-called Electric, Galvanic, Magnetic and Voltaic Belts, Bands, etc., said to be suggested, discovered, invented or patented by imaginary persons whose soul in the fleshjca.Q be traced-to no origin. 30 Chita/ awd C/avUtyns CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Previous to the general introduction of Pulvermaeher's Electric Belts and Bands in this country, they could only be obtained from Europe, and the delay, expense, and custom duties incurred In the transit, prevented many from possessing so admirable a curative Agent. These facts, together with the unparalleled success which attended their use in Europe during a period of thirty-live years, excited the cupidity of certain greedy specula- tors and unscrupulous men, who contrived counterfeit Beltsand other appliances, claiming advantages for them equal, if not superior to the genuine European article. These envions speculators in Chain Belts, Bands, Disks, etc., not satisfied with bringing the application oi Electricity into ridicule, went so far as to attempt to create a false identity with us, and a belief that their appliances were identical in principle to thagenuine article.' To further this end, they pirated our trade motto, "Electricity is Life,'' appropriated writings, etc., from our pamphlets, and contrived every imaginable scheme to impose upon the credulity of invalids. Failing m their object, the public experienced a lull in the operations of imposters in Electricity, till a new crop of speculators, more audacious than the first, sprung up, and by apparently cheap prices and loudly proclaimed merits for bogus articles, called electric o? voltaic belts, shields, generators, girdles, pads, brushes, corsets, chest protectors, clothing, garments, etc., abused public confidence shamefully. These irresponsible operators stopped at no manner of deception to sell their cheap and worthless wares, resorting to the most unlawful and reckless misrepresentations, false promises and guarantees, bogus testimo- nials, false affidavits, and other unprincipled acts. Some of these concerns have disbanded by diction of the law, while others continue to deceive the most gullible portion of the com- munity, operating from country towns, where they command influence and are in col- lusion with the local authorities. We can not afford to compete in price with dealers in cheap leather and metal (whose appliances are high in cost at any price), and if the afflicted arc not willing to pay a reason- able price for genuine curative appliances of scientific construction, suqh as ours, we have nothing further to say, and having warned the public as far as we can, our responsibility ceases. The proprietors of the genuine Electric appliances are protected by the laws of tjie country against any infringement of their patents, but they can not prevent unknown and irresponsible parties from' calling a series of metal strips, or disks, imbedded in cheap leather, or any other spurious device, "Electric." " Voltaic." or "Magnetic." They can only warn against these attempts, earnestly requesting that their valuable and scientific apparatus may not be mixed up in the minds of the public with such quackeries, and that the disappoint- ments necessarily arising from their use may not delude'patients into the belief that they have tried electricity without success. The only genuine Electro-Galvanic, Electro-Voltaic, or other curative Appliances bear our trade-mark (see title page) stamped upon the Positive (gold) Pole, and Negative (silver) Pole, of the apparatus, Belts or Bands. Before purchasing any ar-f rang'ement represented to he electric, voltaic, mag'netic or curative,' consult tv it 11 us, and you will save time, money and disappointment. $5,000 Forfeited, if not as Kepresented. Pulvermaeher's Electro-Galvanic Chain Belts and Bands generate mild and prolonged currents of Electricity through any part of the body, without shocks, and are unlike any other appliance in every respect. The-Electric action, though mild, is of such bona fide nature thaPit can be felt immediately the belt or band is applied. Fur- ther proof of bona fide electric action is demonstrated by the phenomena of electric flashes before the eyes, produced by these appliances when desired. The Appliances are ready for use without loss of time, trouble, or inconvenience. and are not liable to get out of order; they require no arranging- or cleaning, either before or after use. and are easily applied to the body by simply following the GUARANTEE. $&,000 RRWARD will be paid for any Testimonial of Cure published by its-- ■whether names or initials are given not found to be genuine. All the original letters are open to private inspection by permission of the writers. Our responsibility and integrity can be easily ascertained by inquiry through reliable business sources. . RECENT TESTIMONIALS, Below we give a few extracts from recent letters, which speak for them- selves of the curative virtues of our Electric Appliances. Many more could be given did occasion require, but we have reason to believe that the entire public is thoroughly convinced of the positive curative properties of these noted appliances, and rate them at their true value. For other testimonials of cure, see General Pamphlet and The Electric Review. Summit Sta., Washington Co., Mo., 1 Ma.' 1. / Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: Last October I received the Electric Belt and Suspensory Attachment, and commenced to wear it on the 5th of Oc- tober, and I am happy to say that in four weeks time I was cured. 1 followed your in- structions to the letter. 1 waited six months to see if the symptoms would return, but I am happy to say such is not the case. I have no knowledge of anything that can cure such complaints as your appliances do. Now, gentlemen, to verify the above I am willing to make oath under God that your appliance has cured me of a disease of ten years' stand- ing, and I recommend every one so afflicted to put on your appliances and quit doctors' medicine if they want to be cured. I have no interest in making this statement, only to benefit suffering humanity. Gentlemen, wishing you success in your whole under- Uktog, 1 remain, Vpur humbleF C Glendale, Miss., May 8. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Dear Sirs: I bought a Belt from you in 1878, October or November, sent by express to Pickens, Miss. Though I paid your price for it, yet I feel that I ought to render you some further acknowledgment. While I was, before its use, almost, if not quite a sexual imbecile, I am now as strong in the possession of manly power as most men. This I owe to nothing but the Belt. Accept my heartiest gratitude. Yours truly, T. M. Lynn, Mass., May 2. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: I have worn the Belt and Sus- pensory that I received of you for about three weeks, and every symptom of the disease has gone. I can now do a hard day's work with- out fatigue, and feel much belter in health and spirits than for a long time. I cannot «<v ton much in its favor 8, M, PEMJSIXA CODRTY, Da. Te»., > April 25. J Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Dear Sirs: The Galvanic Chain Belt with Suspensory I ordered from your establish- ment some time ago, had the advantage of efficacy in the case of nervous and general debility. After having used these appliances, I am very happy to state that they have re- stored me to health. I was a total wreck be- fore their application, suffered greatly from Spermatorrhoea or seminal weakness, and have tried a good many kinds of drugs but only in vain, till, thanks to God, through your galvanic appliances I am once more re- stored to health and feel strong and robust. Yours very respectfully, J. H. L. some Bell aha Suspensory, ana every aescrtp- tion of worthless appliances, but I firmly stick to the one I know to be genuine. I only wish I could but open my heart to you and let you know how grateful I feel toward you. My sincerest wish is that you may ever carry on a prosperous business, with the blessings of God. Ever your friend, A. W. R. Vermillionville, La., May 2. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Dear Sirs: Many years ago I had one of your most valuable Electric Belts, a better and cheaper instrument than any battery. No physician or family should be without one. It is valuable for every body. Please send to me your "Electric Review," and price-list. Yours respectfully, Dr. R. HILLER. New York, May 3. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. The Belt and Suspensory has done all you Claim for it, Yours, etc., M. H. Richmond, Va., May 1. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: I purchased from you some time ago, a Belt with Suspensory Attachment, which has given much satisfaction. Very truly, W. W. G. La Grange Hotel, Boston, May 2. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Dear Sirs: In England we used Pulver, macher Chains for various purposes. We also used to apply for indigestion, one end at the back, the other on the stomach. A lady friend used it for womb trouble with success. Have you these Chains, and at what price? Please reply by return to MME. RUDEREDORFF, Plymouth, Mass. White Willow, Ills., May 1. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gents: You will no doubt be pleased to learn that I am progressing very finely under the electric treatment, and believe I am on the point of a perfect cure, such as I had not expected to meet with, being so nearly dis- couraged by the worthless remedies I had tried; but, thank God ! I now have a remedy which I know will do all that is claimed for it. How happy I am to think that there is at least one company in this world who do not make it their business to swindle the poor ignorant sufferers like myself. I believe I have received many circulars from every quarter ftdvmtainjf little fiftv-cent batteries. Winnepeg, Manitoba, May 3. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: I received the Belt a few days ago and am highly pleased with the result already, the improvement in a few days being more marked than after a continuous use of drugs for months. I am faithfully yours, S. S. SCORIL, M. D. East Brady, Pa„ May 3. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gents: The Belt and Suspensory you sent me did all you claimed for it j, K Texas, May 4. Pulvermaeher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: I take pleasure in informing you that the Beit and Suspensory I bought of you has done me more good than all the medicine I have taken in two years, and I think I will be entirely well soon. I do not wish my name made public, but anyone you refer to me will receive satisfaction as far as is in my power to satisfy them. Yours respectfully. better umti oelore, tm<l 1 do not xnow.otn what I had treatment enough, and write this to inquire if I had better continue the treat- ment. Yours, etc., J. X. M. Westfield, N. J., May 6. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Dear Sirs: The Chain Belt I got of you has done me a good deal of good, and I have recommended it to another person, living at - and he will come and see you ; do the best you can for him. Shall be glad to recommend the same whenever I have an opportunity. Yours truly, F. DECKER. Ellenbumgh Depot, N. Y., May 4. Pulvermaeher Galvanic Co. Sirs: It is with gratitude that I this day testify to the efficacy and curative qualities of your Electric Combined Bands. The Bands you sent me about six w'eeks ago have done me great service and benefit, and my health is much improved. Mbs. J. B. SABRE. Washington, D. C., May 7. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen : I am almost well; indeed, I am better than I have been for ten years. If you wish and think it will be of any advan- tage to the afflicted I will make a statement of my case and send it to you. Yours truly, WM. P. L. Chelsea, Mass., May 5. Pulvermaeher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure in writing you this note. I must now tell you that my brother is on the road to recovery, and I think myself that in a few weeks he will be entirely cured. I served two and a half years in an English hospital, but never saw a more difficult case to cure. Yours very truly, B. H. P. S.-You can make use of this letter in any way you please, but omit the name . Grand Blanc, Mich., May 7. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Dear Sirs: I would not part with your Electric Appliance at any price, if I could not get another. My health never was bet- ter ; have done heavy work all winter, which I never expected to do before wearing the appliance. My friends all speak of my im- proved looks, and congratulate me on my re- gained health. Shall always feel grateful to you, and you are at liberty to use this as another testimonial to your deserved merit. Please withhold my name if you should do so. Woodstock, Vt., May 5. Pulvermaeher Galvanic Co. Gents: I commenced wearing the Belt March 4th, and have worn it every night since, except six days when I was away and Could not use it. Had one or two emissions during the first part of the treatment, but none lately The parts seem stronger and Prof. Henry I. Schmidt, for thirty years connected with Columbia College, New York, says :-" I have used your Electric Appliance for painful disorders, with good results, and you are at liberty to use my narce », refe?- ence." FOREIGN TESTIMONY. l.Mt'TTEB FROM CHAS. DK REN8 Euston Road, Loma,». W., 5 October 31,1882. j I have the greatest pleasure in giving my testimony to the thorough efficacy of your galvanic appliances in my case of local and nervous debility. I have worn your Belt for four months, and now I can enjoy life and mix in society, which for three years I was not able to do from a want of confidence, and those terrible fits of depression which effect both body and mind. Thanking yon for your kindness in my case, I remain, yours truly, C. M. Gad's Hill Place, Higham-by-Rochblle, 1 Kent, Friday, 3d June, 1870. J Mr. Charles Dickens sends his compliments, and begs to say, he wishes to try a galvanic Band across his right foot as a remedy a- gainst what he supposes to be neuralgia there (originating in overwalking in deep snow), to which he is occasionally liable. Mr. Dickens writes on the recommendation of Mrs. Ban- croft (wife of the American historian), who assures him that she has derived great relief from a similar complaint from the use of one of these Bands. See Life of Charles Dickens, by Dr. R, Shel- ton Mackenzie, page 313. Published by T. B. Peterson <fc Bros., Phila. Leicester, Nov. 16. 1882. I am pleased to say your Head Bands re- lieve pain in the head very quickly and in- duce sound and refreshing sleep. I am, yours truly, N. W. Gravesend, Ship Vellore, 1 25th Nov., 1882. J I write to thank you, before leaving Eng land, for the great benefit I have derived from your invention. I had attended two hospitals without getting any relief for my complaint, acute rheumatism, but in one month after wearing your Belt I had quite recovered the use of my arm and shoulder. I shall never be tired of speaking in their praise. T remain, yours gratefully, B. A. KIPP AX. Studley, near Redditch, { Oct. 11,1882. ) I have much pleasure in informing you that the Band which I obtained for a mem- ber of my congregation has proved most effi cacious. The patient had been suliering terribly from Sciatica for about nine months, during which time he was under medical treatment, and also tried the baths at Droit- wich, but without getting any relief. After wearing your Belt for about a week he began to improve, and in a very short time was completely cured. I need not tell you that he was gratefully surprised at the rapidity and completeness of the cure, and is anxious that you should be informed of it. This is the second case in which your appliances have proved of the utmost value to members of my congregation. I am, dear sir, faithfully yours, Rev, FREDERICK STUBBS. ils of Cures have Spring Grove House, Linthwatte, 1 Huddersfield, 23d Nov., 1882. J I suffered intense pain of neuralgia in head and face for five weeks. I got one of your Chain Appliances, and in two days the pain completely left me; and I have not had a re- lapse since. To all who suffer I would earn- estly recommend the same. Yours truly, B. WOODHEAD. Tent of Thousands of Testimonials o f&reiyvt, offices in the past thirty-five years. Nervous Debility sufferers are certain to be swindled if they send money to con- cerns which publish Seminal Weakness and Lost Manhood testimonials with NAMES and ADDRESS attached. All such testimonials are written by unprincipled confeder- ates who receive pay. No person with any self-respect will, under any circumstances, allow his name to be published broadcast in connection with testimonials of this character. BOGUS TEST1JVIOIV1AL.» See Our Guarantee On First Tint Page. q> /h'udv ?yt /m, z -f 4 > -fe- (ZAA,CL, |C Ze-€ J)./y>? J! c<~.'?/. d t / /%A- Z // A CL <7- d / lZIc^-^-i-O-t / n x2"aX~ ' 5- "tai) 5 a'v*9W ■_,^r..vx-r-w*. Wk Manufacture of Electric Belts rnd Bands. The number of modern industries which owe their original inception and subsequent perfection to the most deli- cate and seemingly speculative scien- tific research, is strong evidence that our knowledge of Nature, into what- ever domain it may be extended, ulti- mately ministers to the wants and hap- piness of mankind. The invention of Electric Belts and Bands for medical purposes, is a fine illustration of this truth, and the progress that is being made in this special branch of industry forms one of the marked features of the present era. For nearly half a century the manu- facture of Pulvermacher's Electric Belts and other analogous goods, has been one of the leading industries of Europe, and, although, comparatively speaking, a new feature in modern mechanism in this country, a place has already been assigned them among ingenious Ameri- can manufactures. They are the only appliances that possess any electric qualities whatever, and the various ap- paratuses included in the inventions, are enumerated and described in all the noted works devoted to science, physics, and chemistry, and details ac- cumulate on all hands, illustrating their value and importance from a medical and scientific standpoint. The illustration on following page shows the workmen engaged in the various processes of manufacture, such as spin ning, arranging metallic elements, soldering, insulating, elementing, etc, The details that attend the construction of Electric Belts and other analogous goods, under Pulvermacher's patents, are numerous and varied, and it would require much space to enter into their description. Professor J. L. Pulvermacher, of Lon- don, England, the sole inventor of Electric Belts and Bands (in any coun- try), as long ago as 1846, constructed the earliest forms of his appliances. Since that time the inventor has gone on improving the various apparatuses, to keep pace with advancing scientific knowledge, at the same time inventing and perfecting the machinery necessary for their manufacture. The original invention of Pulvermacher was infringed upon in France, in the year 1850, and the inventor awarded an equivalent to .*#50,000 damages before the Court of Appeals, Paris, clearly showing the value placed upon td*« principle in Europe and Pulvermacher's claim to priority, THE MANUFACTURE OF ELECTRIC BELTS 3Y THE PULVERMACHER GALVANIC COMPANY. Cuxutf s&c&ax/ 33 £&■■(£'&t£ U..<yU( 'h^C 3o 'i'tjti::i£ If -i he Reader will kindly oblige us by sending the Addresses of Afflicted Friends they wish to do a Service, we will be pleased to Mail them our Pamphlets. Cbzsfi /<JC / (f7 S ./ r ' , 4- fc"" , , S 'i' 0PTONS 0F THE DRESS. From The Republican, St. Louis, July 1, 1877. Medical theory and practice, especially in their direct connection with their scientific branches of physiology, are involved in so much abstruse and technical controversy, that, as a general rule, we make it a point to abstain from expressing an opinion upon the merits of any subject involved in these discussions. But when we see universal and unanimous testimony pointing unmistak- ably in one direction, and that that direction means the perfect proof of the mastery of a given agency over deplorable, painful and prostrating forms of disease, we feel called upon to record the fact as one bf the most important items of intelligence which it would be possible to bring before the public. This desideratum is fully supplied by the Belts, Bands and Batteries of the Pulver- macher Galvanic Company. These appli- ances have long been known to the medical profession, and the universal and unani- mous testimony in their favor consists of 'he foremost professional authorities of our o wn and other countries; of the great schools and colleges of medicine and surgery; stand- ard writers, native and foreign; cases re- ported from hospitals, and innumerable com- munications from patients who have been cured. We find them indorsed and recom- mended by such eminent authorities as Sir Charles Locock, Drs. Quain, Sieveking and Valentine Mott: by many of the noted French and German physicians and physiologists, and by the Academy of Medicine, Paris, and the Academy of Medicine, New York. The judge at the Philadelphia Exposition, on whose report the Pulvermacher Appliances received the only award given, was Prof. Joseph Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute and U. S. Signal Service. Convinced of the value of this mode of treatment in chronic and nervous disorders, we have personally made use of it, and can testify that it is all, and more than all, that it is claimed to be. From The Birmingham (Eng.) Daily Post, November 8, 1869. [extract.] Hitherto, or until Pulvermacher's inven- tions and improvements were made public, Electricity was crudely obtained from bat- teries, inconvenient of application momen- tary in action, and inappropriate, if not posi- tively injurious in the quality, form and tension of the current imparted. In fact, there was no adequate control of the agent, and hence its use was prudently abandoned, even by many of those who were satisfied of its substantial value. It was to remedy these defects that Pulvermacher invented those chain appliances (Belts and Bands) which recent improvements have brought to a high state of perfection. From The London Scientific and Literary Review, April, 1873. It is a singular fact that the first useful ap- plication of Electricity was that of restoring health, The improved means of practically applying this subtle power is an important item in the progress of electro-therapeutics, and in the extensive and ever-growing liter- ature explaining the various medico-gal- vanic apparatus in use, we find, side by side with other scientific apparatuses, Pul- vermacher's various inventions of Voltaic Chain Belts, Bands, etc., frequently treated upon in terms flattering to the inventor. Similar commendatory notices have been received from other high standard journals, such as the London Times, Paris Journal d«s Debate, " Chronicle " Prewe, " News, " Union Medicate; " Journal, " L'Industrie, ' Chemical Record, " Revue Clinique. '* Lancet, " Gazetie. New York Times. New York Reformer, Dispatch, " Eseulaplau, Mercury. ** Democrat, " Independent. '* Medical Times. Staats-Zeiiunp, Courier des Etate-Cute. American Progress. " Atlas And hundreds of others PULVEBPlflGPS GfllWG I)VEM In the form of Chain-Belts, Bands, Appliances, etc., and their improve- ments, embrace a number of American and Foreign Patents, which cover hun- dreds of pages of details of their de- scription, their plans, specifications, and analogies. The patents named are the only ones ever granted for Electric Appliances, either in this country or Europe; and every device is amply covered, as well as protected, by the inventor, Pulvermacher, who has estab- lished and verified his claim to priority. We give below the numbers and dates of the principal Pulvermacher Patents, both American and Foreign. The patents of latest date relate to the new improvements. These improve- ments are the only ones we manufac- ture and treat upon in our publications. American Patents-Continued. No. 7209 No. 7210 dated July 4, 1876 " "4, 1876 B@"The above Patents dated July 4, 1876, are re-issues of Patent No. 120772, dated November 7, 1871. Canada Patents. No. 6215 dated May 13, 1876 No. 6199.. " "13, 1876 No. 6180 .... " June 1, 1876 No. 6181 " " 1, 1876 English Patents. No. 12899 No. 13933 " Jan. 29, 1852 No. 2411. " Sept. 17, 1857 No. 2656. " Oct. 23, 1861 No. 582.. :.. " Feb. 24, 1866 No. 773.. " Mar. 6, 1868 No. 2740. " Sept. 5, 1868 No. 2062. " July 8, 1869 No. 1460. " June 1, 1871 No. 809.. " Mar. 18, 1872 No. 2771. " Sept. 18, 1872 No. 1067 . " Mar. 21-, 1873 No. 1969. " May 31, 1873 No. 3519. " Oct. 29, 1873 No. 2172. " June 22, 1874 No. 3937. " Nov. 16, 1874 No. 3782 . " Sept. 28, 1876 American Patents. No. 9571 No. 120772 . ... .... " Nov. 7,1871 No. 177273 .... .... " May 9, 1876 .... " " 9,1876 .... " " 9,1876 No. 177274 .... No. 177275 .... No. 177276 .... .... " " 9,1876 No. 7207 .... " July 4, 1876 .... " " 4,1876 No. 7208 French, German, Austrian and other Patents, corresponding with above, are omitted. Those who desire, may obtain copies of any of the above patents, at a tri- fling expense, by applying at the Patent Offices in the respective countries; at Washington, D. C.; at Ottawa, Canada; and at the Southampton Buildings, Holborn, London ; those which relate to the recent improvements we will under- take to supply ourselves. A FEW RECENT TESTIMONIALS-SPECIMENS OF MANY WE ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING. Semina! Weakness. Semina! Weakness. New Canaan, Feb. 23,1887. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gents: I should have written to you before, but did riot get to it. I felt'the effects of your Electric Appliance before I had had it two weeks, and kept improving until now. After having worn it nearly two months my trouble seems to be all gone. I can highly recommend them to all whp are troubled as I was. You are at liberty to give my address to any one who is a sufferer and wishes to be relieved, arid they can correspond with me. Very truly yours, S. Naugatuck, Conn., Jan. 10,1887. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: It is four weeks since I received and commenced wearing the Belt you sent me. I have had for thirty years a trouble in the testicles, spermaticchord, and small of the back ; at times severe £aihs. Testicles would swell-one or both-mid pains would run up the spefmatic chord so severely that at times' I had to lie down and could not stand un. The arteries of one testesat all times is more like varicose veins, and when they swelled were very sensitive. The doctors gave various rea- sons for this. Some said it .was a strain from lifting, and others said it was seminal weak- ness, but could not give much relief. Since using the Belt I have felt it very little, not enough to bother me. My weight for fifteen years has been 142 to 145 pounds. I now weigh 149, and am feeling good. You can refer to me if you think proper. Truly yours, G. A. B. Poplar Bluff, Mo., Oct. 2,1886. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gents: I received the Belt and Suspensory a few days ago, and am highly-pl eased with the result and the marked improvement in so short a time. Will recommend your Appli- ances to all who may need them. Yvrirs, with great respect, B. F. R. . Newton, Kan., Feb. 21,1887. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen: 1 have used the Belt and Sus- pensory tor about two weeks, and am now able to give a true statement of its curative value. The worst part of my disease was the passing away of the vital fluids while straining pt stool, followed by weakness and nervous- ness. After I had used your Electric Appli- ances for about a week I was greatly relieved of these despondent symptoms, and by to-dav they have been overcome altogether by the use of the Appliances. I shall always speak a good word for your most valuable Appliances, whenever I find occasion to do so. Yours, etc., G. H. W. Echo, Utah, June 7,1886. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Dear Sirs: I can say the electric outfit pur- chased frohi you has done me more good than all the medicine I eVer took! it has restored me to health and vigor; I now feel like a new man. I have spent many dollars for patent medicines and worthless drugs, but they all did me no good. I would recommend your treatment to all those who are suffering from any evils of self- abuse. 1 am sure no medicine on earth will -cure this disease. Yours truly. E. M. Any one wishing my full name may apply to you for it. Mason, Mich., Nov. 22, 1886. Messrs. Pulvermacher <fc Cd. Some two months ago a gentleman called on me for medical advice, though with little confidence in the result. We tried ydur" Belt and Suspensory Appliance." The' improve- ment in the case was marked and rapid. Our patient-a gentleman of wealth, character and reputation-was highly pleased, and he now regards the case completely cured. 1 am an old man, have practiced medicine and surgery over forty years. I regard your Appliances for using electricity the greatest improvement of the age. Very respectfully, I. N. SHERMAN, A. M., M. D. St. Vitus Dance. Forest St., Jersey City, N. J., Sep. 6,1886. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen : On January 25th you sent me one of your Belts for ray son who had St. Vitus Dance, and could not talk so as to be under- stood. I am happy to say that from its first application he commenced to improve, and in three months' time was cured, and has not worn the Belt since. Please to send one of,your circulars to the address below, to whom I have advised the use of your Belt. 1 Yours truly, GEO. H. DEWIS. Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Clearwater. Kan., Nov. 13, 1886. Pulvermacher Galvanic Co. Gentlemen : The Belt received of you some time ago, has done more for me than I ever expected it possible for anything to have done in my case. I can now say that this (the dis- ease) has left me as free as any man on earth. I shall be most happy to answer anj' inquiries made of me regarding your Appliances, and do thoroughly recommend them to persons af- flicted and in need of such treatment. Yours, with respect, A. W. M. OUR GUARANTEE -ABSOLUTE PROUf OF EFFICACY. The PULVERMACHER GALVANIC COMPANY extend a general invitation io the afflicted, or those who may be appointed to act in their interest, to call at their Galvanic Establishmen. and examine the various records of merit and authenticated certificates which relate to Pulvermacher's Inventions. The library of the Company contains the choicest works on Philosophy, Science, Medicine and Electricity, including those various works which describe and indorse Pulvermacher's Electro-Galvanic Chain Belts, Bands, etc. These are, at all times, subject to examination, together with a large mass of origi- nal testimonials from patients who have been cured of almost every form of nervotis and chronic diseases. The various philosophical and scientific in- struments for testing the power and worth of Electro-Galvanic Appliances, and which were procured expressly for the purpose in London and Paris, are always accessible in their Consulting and Examining Departments. The patent papers, drawings, specifications and other important matters relating thereto, which form an ela,borate exposition of the true Voltaic principle, can also be seen at their Galvanic Establishment. PULVERMACHER'S Electro-Galvanic Chain Belts, Bands, etc., received the ONLY AWARD of merit for Galvanic, Electric, Magnetic or Voltaic Ap- pliances at the Great International Exposition (Centennial), Philadelphia. The Examiner and Judge appointed by the Centennial Commission in this instance, was Prof. Joseph Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute, who is conceded to be the best authority on Electricity in this country, and the rival of Faraday, the noted European Scientist. Professor Henry decreed the PUL- VERMACHER GALVANIC COMPANY the only honors and distinction con- ferred upon ANY ONE for Electric or other Curative Appliances, no other parties receiving any recognition whatever. The previous verdicts obtained at the Universal Exposition, Paris, 1855, and elsewhere, and now confirmed by the highest scientific authority in America, testify to the assertion that Pulvermacher's Belts and Bands are the only gen- uine Electric or Curative Appliances in the world. AESO REWARDED AT THE UNIVjERSAE EXPOSITIONS, AMSTERDAM (HOLLAND), 1883, AND NICE (FRANCE), 1884. ADDITIONAL AWARDS.-Pulvermacher's Electric Appliances were re- warded at the Industrial Exposition, Cincinnati; the American Institute Exhibition, New York; and at the Mechanics' Institute Fair, San Francisco. Fac-simile re- productions of the Medais, Diplomas, and the accompanying official reports are published in "The Electric Review." WsT The originals can be seen at our Galvanic Establishment SAMPLE OF BELT SENT FREE. The PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO. will, on application, send by mail, to af- flicted persons who may be interested in their Electric Appliances for curative purposes, a FREE specimen sample of their Electric Belt, showing its actual appearance and construction. Patients procuring this sample can readily see for themselves the genuine electric character of the Belt, and that it is a bona-fide patented invention ing iously constructed, and different in every particular from any of the so-called curative appliances which may have been brought to their notice. Further, they can easily understand from the intricate and scientific arrangement of the metals and absorbents, that complicated and costly machinery (also patented) is necessary in its manufacture, thereby precluding any possibility of imitating or infringing it. The PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO, are the only manufacturers of genuine Electric-Curative Appliances, and they alone send out samples for examination. None of the concerns which advertise Belts and other appliances will submit samples in advance of pur- chase, as they know too well that even a novice in electricity would condemn their bogus con- trivances at sight, as worthless. The sample in question is a perfect, full-size fac-simile section, including pole, of the Pulvermaeher Electric Belt, and corresponds precisely with the descriptions and representations given in copy of Letters Patent accompanying it. Patients take no risk whatever in purchasing, as it is distinctly agreed by t-he Pulvermaeher Galvanic Co. that all money advanced will be returned if the Appliances are not just as represented. The responsibility of the Company can be easily ascertained at any bank or business house where "Dun's" or "Bradstreet's'' Mercantile Reports (giving their commercial standing) can be referred to. The afflicted have been imposed upon to such an extent by dealers in all sorts of so-called electric, magnetic and voltaic belts and other appliances (see page 30) that the plan of sending samples was resolved on as the only means of satisfying patients beyond question, that there is one genuine Electric-Curative Appliance adapted in every way for practical medical purposes. The sample, it should be understood, is only intended to show the composition, mechan- ism and genuine character of the Pulvermaeher Electric Belt, and is, of course, of no curative value, consisting only of one Pole and end of Belt separated from the main electric chitin. We take pleasure in sending sample of Belt (and further information about the appliances) to every interested person, without any sort of pledge, and in advance of any correspondence, on receipt of " ORDER FOR SAMPLE," as below, and only request that the sample be re- turned to us after examination. [Sample can be returned at small expense for postage, in same box in which it is received.] OESER FOR KA1IPLE. [return this order with name and address in full.] PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO., 174 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gentlemen :-You may send me by mail, post-paid, a free specimen sample of the Pulvermaeher Electric Belt as proposed by you, which I agree to return after examining same. Name, Town,- -- County, State, With the sample we mail a copy of our large "General Pamphlet" of 80 pages, with price list, and " The Electric Review," containing additional particulars of these noted curative appliances. The Pamphlet and Review will be sent without sample, if so re- quested. K®" Pulvermacher's Electric Belt costs little, compared with medicine, and will save its possessor money. Mjrt/e lecf ric (ELABORATELY ILLUSTRATED), Is published for FREE distribution, and commends itself at once to the attention of readers. It treats upon Health, Hygiene, Physical Culture and Medical subjects, and is a complete encyclopaedia of information for invalids and others suffering from Nerv- ous, Exhausting and Painful Diseases. COPIES MAILED FREE ON APPLICATION. 1®* These who desire a private address, may direct their letters to 5ur publication, THE ELECTRIC REVIEW, and they will reach us the Same as though sent direct to the Company. Belts on Trial (?) - Warning'. The fraudulent concerns which advertise to send Belts on trial to men suffering from private disorders, have no intention of fulfilling their promise. The flattering offer is nothing more than a bait to obtain names and address of afflicted persons upon whose credulity they prey by false promises and misrepre- sentations. They then either altogether ignore their proposition of sending on trial, or require a condition of payment which they are sure no one can accept. This condition is nothing less than an exposure of the patient's private disorder in writing (with deposit of money) to bank officials in the town in which he lives. If the patient is so verdant and loses his self-respect so far as to attempt to carry out this condition, he is ridiculed for his pains; under no circum- Btances do these concerns send Belts on trial, nor do they pay any attention to confiding dupes, who return the worthless appliances after a thorough ex- perience, and expect their money refunded. These dealers in bogus belts, etc., as their pamphlets bear witness, give no authority for their claims to merit be- yond their own statements, and those of unprincipled and unknown confeder- ates. No particle of testimony is given from any reliable authorities, scientific and medical institutions, electrical experts, physicians, exhibition committees, etc., etc., as such fraudulent appliances are never recognized in such quarters. It is remarkably strange that persons of any intelligence will peril exposure by writing confidential letters to concerns which receive money under false pre- tenses, and whose correspondence is liable at any time to seizure and confisca- tion by legal authority. (SEE CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC PAGE 30.)