THE CAPSULE0- “MoK. ( OL Myristicae ) Aloes and Asafcetida, B.P. .. 5 grs. / Aloes Soc. Pulv. Saponis Pulv. 1 \ Asafcetida Conf. Rosae..aa 11-4 grs. J Aloes and Iron, B.P 5 grs. f Aloes Barb. Pulv.. .1 gr. Cinnam. Co. Pulv. 1 1-2 grs. 1 \ Ferri Sulph 3-4 gr. Conf. Rosae 13-4 grs. J Aloes and Myrrh, B.P 3 grs. f Aloes Soc. . .1 gr. Myrrha 1-2 gr. \ \ Crocus .... 1-4 gr. Conf. Rosae ..11-4 grs. / Aloes and Myrrh, P.B 5 grs. / Aloes Soc. 1 2-3 grs. Myrrha 5-6 gr. \ \ Crocus F 12 gr. Conf. Rosoe 2 1-12 grs. / Aloes and Nux Vomica. / Pulv. Aloes Soc.. .1 1-2 grs. \ (Ext. Nucis Vom 1-2 gr. J Aloin 1-10 gr. Aloin 1-4 gr. Aloin 1-2 gr. Aloin 1 gr. Aloin Compound. / Aloin Res. Podophylli. .aa 1-8 gr. \ (Ext. Belladonna: 1-4 gr.j Aioin and Strychnine. / Aloin 1-5 gr. \ \ Strychnina . .1-80 gr. J Aloin, Strychnine, and Belladonna. / Aloin 1-5 gr. Strychnina.. 1 -60 gr. 1 ( Ext. Belladonnse 1-8 gr. J A tonic laxative granule, prescribed where a painless persitaltic action is required. DOSE.—1 or 2, three times a day, as directed. PLEASE NOTE IMPORTANT ADDITIONS TO THE LIST OF “McK. & R.” PILLS. IN ORDERING, BE CAREFUL TO SPECIFY “McK. & R.” P LLS. “McK. & R.” CAPS. PILLS THE HEADY SOLUBILITY of “ McK. & H. Pills ” is easily proved by the administration of a dose of the Cathartic Comp. U.S.P. (Purgative.) According to Formulas of the British Pharmacopoeia and other Standard authorities. “McK. & 11.” Caps. Pills are prepared expressly for the use of Physicians and Surgeons, and to he dispensed in Prescriptions. Anti-Cholera 2 grs. {Opii Pulv i part. 1 Capsici Pulv. Piper. Nig. Pulv. > Camphora Asafoetida aa 4 parts. ) Anti-Dyspepsia (Fothergill’s). /Strychnina... .1-20 gr. Pulv. riper. Nig. 1 1-2 grs. \ \ Pulv. Ipecac... 2-3 gr. Ext. Gentianae igr. J Aphrodisiac. ( Ext. Turnerae Aphrodisiacae 2 grs. 1 -(Phosphorus 1-100 gr. > ( Ext. Nucis Vomicae 1-3 gr. ) Arsenious Acid 1-50 gr. Arsenious Acid 1-20 gr. Asafoetida, U.S. / Asafoetida 3 grs. \ X Pulv. Saponis z gr. J Asafoetida Compound, B.P. .. 5 grs. {Asafoetida, Galbanum, Myrrhae . .aa i 3-7 grs. \ Theriaca 5-7 gT. J Atropine 1-300 gr. Atropine 1-100 gr. B Blue Mass, B.P 1 gr. Blue Mass, B.P 2 grs. Blue Mass, B.P 3 grs. Blue Mass, B.P 5 grs. Blue Mass, Colocynth, and Hyoscy. {Massa Hydrarg i gr. Ext. Hyoscj\ ..i gr. \ Ext. Colocynth. Co.. .3 grs. J C Calcium Sulphide 1-10 gr. Calcium Sulphide 1-4 gr. Calcium Sulphide 1-2 gr. Calcium Sulphide 1 gr. Calomel, Colocynth, and Hyoscyamus. ( Hyd. Chlor. Mite. ) < Ext. Hyoscyami aa i gr. > ( Ext. Colocynth. Co. . .3 grs. ) Calomel, Comp. B.P 5 grs. J Hyd. Chlor. Mite. 11-8 grs. Res. Guaiaci Pulv. 2 1-4 grs. \Antim. Sulph 1 1-8 grs. Ol. Ricini 1-2 gr. Calomel and Opium. f Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite. 2 grs. \ \ Pulv. Opii 1 gr. / Camphor and Hyoscyamus. {Camphora \ Ext. Hyoscyami. .aa 1 gr. J Camphor Mono-Bromated .. 2 grs. Cannabis Indica-Extract.. .. 1-4 gr. Cannabis Indica-Extract.. .. 1-2 gr. Cascara Sagrada Extract.. .. 3 grs. Cathartic Compound, U.S.P. (Purgative.) ( Ext. Jalapae Pulv. Hyd. Subchlor . .aa 1 gr. ) < Ext. Coloc. Co. Pulv 1 1-3 grs. V ( Cambogiae Pulv 1-4 gr. ) DOSE.—One to three. Codeine 1-2 gr. Colocynth Comp. B.P 4 grs. ( Coloc. Pulpae Pulv 4-5 gr. Potass. Sulph.) < Aloes. Barb. Pulv 1 3-5 grs. Ol. Caryoph. V ( Scammon. Virg. Pulv. . .1 3-5 grs. ) Colocynth Comp. B.P. .. ..5 grs. {Coloc. Pulpae Pulv 1 gr. Potass. Sulph. 1 Aloes Barb. Pulv... 2 grs. 01. Caryoph. > Scammon. Virg. Puiv.. .2 grs ) Colocynth Comp. & Blue Mass, 5 grs. fPil. Coloc. Co. B.P...3 grs. \ \ Massa Hydrarg 2 grs. J Colocynth Comp, and Calomel 5 grs. {Ext. Coloc. Co 4 grs. \ Hyd. Subchlor 1 gr. J Colocynth Comp, and Hyos. B.P., 5 grs. f Pil. Coloc. Co. B.P. 3 1-3 grs. \ \ Ext. Hyoscyami... .1 2-3 grs. / Colocynth Comp. Extract, B.P. 5 grs. ( Coloc. Pulpae 11-5 grs. Saponis Pulv. 3-5 gr. 1 < Ext. Aloes Soc... 2 2-5 grs. Cardam. Sem. 1-5 gr. > ( Res. Scammon 4-5 gr. ) Conium Compound, B.P 5 grs. ( Ext. Conii 4 1-6 grs. 1 < Ipecac. Pulv. ..5-6 grs. > (Theriaca ) Copaiba Compound. {Ferri Sulph. Exsic.. .1-2 gr. Massa Copnibae 1 gr \ Terebinth Venet. 11-2 grs. Cubebne Pulv 2 grs. / Copaiba and Oleo-Resin Cubeb, 5 grs. {Massa Copaibas 3 grs. \ Oleo-Resina Cubebce .. 2 grs. / Corrosive Sublimate .. .. 1-30 gr. Corrosive Sublimate .. 1-20 gr. Corrosive Sublimate 1-10 gr. Croton Chloral 1 gr. Croton Chloral 2 grs. Cubeb, Oleo-Resin, with Soda. / Oleo-Resina Cubebae 1 gr. \ \Sodii Bicarb 1-8 gr. / D Digitalin ... 1-60 gr. E Elaterine 1-20 gr. Emmenagogue (Mutter’s). {Ferri Sulph. Exsic. Tercbinthina. .aa 1 1-2 grs.\ Aloes Soc l-2grs. J Ergotin ..3 grs. Each Pill contains the active principles o/30 grains Ergot of Ilyc or 30 minims of the Liquid or Fluid Extract. This Ergotin is prepared with great care from the best quality of fresh selected Ergot of Rye, and it contains, in the most potent form, all the active constituents of the drug. This form presents many advantages over the ordinary liquid preparations ; it is more reliable and uniform in its effect, and is more acceptable to patients, when admin- istered, and is specially desirable in neurotic treatment. Euonymin 2 grs. Euonymin 3 grs. Euonymin Comp. ( Euonymin... .1 gr. Ext. Nucis Vom. ..l-8gr. 1 < Aloin 1-4 gr. Ext. Hyoscyami ....lgr. > (Ext. Rliei....l gr. ) F Ferruginous (Blaud’s) .. .. 3 grs. / Ferri Sulphas \ X Potassii Carb.. .aa P.JE. j Ferruginous (Blaud’s) .. .. 5 grs. f Ferri Sulphas \ \ Potassii Carb.. .aa / H Hydrastine (White Alkaloid) .. 1-2 gr. I Iodoform 1 gr. Iodoform and Iron. {Iodoformum \ Ferrum Redact.. .aa 1 gr. J Ipecac. Powdered 1-4 gr. Ipecac. Powdered 5 grs. Ipecac. Comp. (Ipecac. & Opium) 5 grs. Ipecac, and Squill, B.P 5 grs. ( Ipecac. Co. Pulv 3 grs.) < Scillae Pulv. Ammoniaci Pulv...aa 1 gr. > (Theriaca j Iron Arseniate 1-8 gr. Iron Carbonate, B.P... .. .. 5 grs. Iron by Hydrogen (Quevenne's) I gr. Iron Iodide (Blancard’s Formula) 1 gr. Iron and Quinine Citrate .. .. 2 grs. Iron, Quinine, and Strychnine. f Ferrum Redactum Quininae Sulph.. .aa 1 gr. 1 \Strychnina 1-60 gr. J IN ORDERING, BE CAREFUL TO SPECIFY “McK. & R.” PILLS. IN ORDERING, BE CAREFUL TO SPECIFY “McK. & R.” PILLS. “McK. & R.” CAPS. PILLS According to Formulas of the British Pharmacopoeia and other Standard authorities. L Laxative Vegetable (Improved Cath.) f Ext. Coloc. Comp. Pulv 1 gr.Y J Jalapae Pulv. Res. Leptandrin aa 1-2 gr. I | Ext. Hyoscyami Ext. Taraxaci Res. Podoph. aa 1-4 gr. j V.01. Menth. Pip. J M Manganese Bin-Oxide .. ..2 grs. Mercury Bin-Iodide . 1-16 gr. Mercury Proto-Iodide .. .. 1-8 gr. Mercury Proto-Iodide .. .. 1-4 gr. Absolutely pure Proto-Iodide of Mercury should be a bright yellow impalpable powder, entirely free from globules of mercury or particles of bin-iodine. The title “Viride” should be discarded, and “ Flavum ” substituted as a correct descriplion of the chemically pure product of precipitation found in the “ McK. & R.” Pills containing 1-8 and 1-4 grain. Ap examination will show the importance of specifying “ McK. & R.” Pills in preference to any other. Morphine, Muriate 1-8 gr. Morphine, Muriate 1-4 gr. N Narcotic Extracts (Brown-Sequard.) Ext. Hyoscyami Ext. Conii. .aa 2-3 gr. !Ext. Ignat. Amarae Ext. Opii aa 1-2 gr. 1 Ext. Aconiti 1-3 gr. f Ext. Cannabis I ndicae 1-4 gr. i Ext. Stramonii 1-5 gr. ) Ext. Belladonnas 1-6 gr. Nitro-Glycerin 1-100 gr. Nitro-GIycerin 1-50 gr. o Opium, Powdered 1 gr. Opium and Acetate of Lead, B.P. 5 grs. / Plumbi Acet 3 3-4 grs. ) \'Opii Pulv. Conf. Rosse. .aa 5-8 gr. J Opium and Camphor. f Opii Pulv 1 gr. \ \ Camphora .. 2 grs. / P Pepsin, Pure Concentrated .. 1 gr. Each Pill equals 5 grains Saccharated Pepsin. Phosphorus.. .. .. .. 1-100 gr. Phosphorus 1-50 gr. Phosphorus 1-30 gr. Phosphorus and Iron. f Phosphorus 1-50 gr. \ \ Ferrum Redactum 2 grs. / Phosphorus, Iron, and Quinine. f Phosphorus 1-100 gr. \ \ Ferri Carb, (Vallets) Quininae Sul.. .aa 1 gr. J Phosphorus and Nux Vomica. f Phosphorus 1-50 gr. \ \Ext. Nucis Vomicae.. 1-4 gr. J Phosphorus, Nux Vomica, and Iron. ( Phosphorus 1-50 gr. \ < Ext. Nucis Vomicae. .1-4 gr. > l Ferri Carb 1 gr. ) Phosphorus and Quinine. f Phosphorus 1-50 gr. \ \ Quininae Sulphas 1 gr. J Phosphorus, Quinine, Iron, and Strychnine. ( Phosphorus 1-50 gr. } < Quininae Sulphas 1-2 gr. Ferrum Redact.. .2 grs. > ( Strychnina 1 -60 gr. J Phosphorus and Valer. Zinc. / Phosphorus 1-50 gr. \ X Zinci Valerianas 1 gr. / Picrotoxin .. .. 1-80 gr. Podophyllin 1-8 gr. Podophyllin 1-4 gr. Podophyllin 1-2 gr. Podophyllin Comp. ( Res. PodophyUi 1-2 gr. ) < Ext. Coloc. Co 2 grs. > l Ext. Hyoscyam 1 gr.) Q Quinine, Bi-Sulphate .. .. 1-4 gr. Quinine, Bi-Sulphate .. .. 1-2 gr. Quinine, Bi-Sulphate .. 1 gr. Quinine, Bi-Sulphate .. ..2 grs. Quinine, Bi-Sulphate .. 3 grs. Quinins, Bi-Sulphate .. 4 grs. Quinine, Bi-Sulphate 5 grs. Quinine, Sulphate 1-4 gr. Quinine, Sulphate 1-2 gr. Quinine, Sulphate 1 gr. Quinine, Sulphate 2 grs. Quinine, Sulphate 3 grs. Quinine, Sulphate 4 grs. Quinine, Sulphate 5 grs. Quinine, Comp, (Anti-Malarial.) (Quininae Sulphas Acid. Carbolic. ) < Cinchonid. Sulph. aa 1 gr. Mentha Camphor aa 1-8 gr. > ( Acid. Arsenios. . .1-10 gr. Capsici Pulv 1-4 gr. J This Pill is largely prescribed in the most severe malarial districts of America with remarkable results. R Rhubarb Comp. B.P. .. .. 5 grs. / Rhei Pulv 1 1-4 grs. \ I Aloes Soc. Pulv 1 gr. I < Saponis Pulv. Myrrhae Pulv. . .aa 5-8 gr. > f Theriaca ‘. 1-2 gr. i \ 01. Menth. Pip. / Rhubarb Comp, and Blue Mass, 5 grs. f Pil. Rhei Comp.. .3 grs. \ \ Massa Hydrarg.. .2 grs. J Rhubarb, Ipecac, and Soda. f Pulv. Rhei Sodii Bicarb.. .aa 1 gr. \ \ Pulv. Ipecac 1-5 gr. J S Salicylic Acid 2 grs. Salicylic Acid 5 grs. Salicylic Acid Comp. f Acid. Salicylicum 5 grs. \ X Morphinae Hydrochlor. .1-8 gr. / Soap Comp. B.P. 5 grs. / Opii Pulv 1 gr. \ X Saponis Pulv. . .4 grs. J Squill Comp. B.P 5 grs. ( Scillae Pulv 1 gr. Ammoniaci Pulv. ) < Zingiber. Pulv.. .4-5 gr. Saponis Pulv.. .aa 4-5 gr. V (Theriaca j Strychnine 1-50 gr. z Zinc, Phosphide.. .. .. .. 1-4 gr. Zinc, Phosphide 1-2 gr. Zinc, Valerianate 1 gr. Being completely sealed, all substances are perfectly preserved from Oxidation. OBSERVE SPECIAL ROTE regarding the Proto-Iodide of Mercury. PRIVATE FORMULAS. Private Formulas of 3,000 or more Pills made and Capsuled to order for Hospitals and large consumers at special quotations. address : McKesson & robbins, 91, Fulton Street, New York. IN ORDERING, BE CAREFUL TO SPECIFY “McK. & R.” PILLS. The Pills of McKesson & Robbins are quite of the highest class of merit, in respect to the method, in respect to the materials, and in respect to results.”—British Medical Journal, October 1881. NOTE what the “British Medical Journal,” Sept. 18, 1880, says:— “ d he McK. & R. Caps. Pills are beautiful in appearance, the color of the medicine showing clearly through the thin, but perfect and soluble covering of gelatine. Their oval shape appears to give them a great advantage over the round form of pill, as they are much more easily swallowed. They ARE ALL THAT CAN BE DESIRED IN POINT OF SOLUBILITY as the covering of gelatine is put on while the mass is soft. If one of their Quinine Pills be placed on the tongue (this is the best and most reliable test of solubility) the taste is at first ENTIRELY IMPERCEPTIBLE, until in about HALF-A-MINUTE the covering dissolves, and the mass itself being soft, dissolves in about two minutes more.” “ Phis of exceptional merit for originality and for excellence of manufacture.”—Medical Times and Gazette (London), October 1881. ine one iorm 01 Fin tnat is an advance on anything previously manufactured.”—Lancet, October 1881. PERMANENCE. The question whether McK. & R.’s Pills will remain unaffected in warm, damp climates seems to be satisfactorily answered in the following abstract of a letter from Aspinwall: “Commissary Department, “Panama Railroad, Aspinwall, U.S., Columbia. “ Messrs. McKesson & Robbins, “Gentlemen,—Almost everything perishes rapidly in this terrible climate, but your Pills put up in bottles keep remarkably well. The dampness does not appear to have the least effect upon them, as long as they are kept in bottles, though ordinary coated Pills are soon spoiled. “Yours respectfully, “ THOS. M. CASH, Commissary.” We have other letters from various points in the Tropics, speaking to the same effect. We are spending much money, time, and labor on the Pill department of our Labor- atory, desiring to make it as perfect as possible, and any suggestions from the Profession will be thankfully received. During the past few years, many imitations of our Pills, some of them quite inferior, have been put upon the market, and these, we regret to say, are sometimes dispensed on prescriptions when our Pills have been desired ; and as the preference for our Capsuled Pills is increased by microscopical and chemical, as well as therapeutical tests of quality, we would most earnestly and respectfully request Physicians to specify “ McK. & R.” on all prescriptions and orders to their retail druggists, and when circumstances will admit, in original vials of 25 or 100 Pills each. Yours respectfully, McKESSON & ROBBINS, 91, Fulton Street, New York. “ hJ th,e class of Pills there are probably very few improvements that have attained such wide and speedy recognition in the profession as the beautiful Ovoid Capsuled Pills of McKesson & Robbins, New York.”—Medical Press and Circular, (London), Oct 1881.