A SUPPLEMENT TO GROSS' Comparative Materia Medica. BY E. A. FARRINGTON, M.D. Part i. Appendix to the American Journal of H. M. M. Volumes VII, VIII. 1873-5- CONTENTS OF PART 4. Actea racem., Cauloph., . 64 Actea racem., Actea spicata, . 65 Ailanthus, Arum triphyl., . 149 Aloes, Sulphur, . . .46 Antimonium crud., Bryonia, 50 Antimonium crud., Lycopodium, 57 Apis, Belladonna, . . 11 Apis, Cantharis, . . .22 Apis, Lachesis, ... 18 Apis, Natrum mur., . . 26 Apis, Rhus tox., . . .3 Arnica, Baptisia, . . .83 Arnica, Bryon., Nux vom., and Ptelia trifol., ... 72 Arum triphyl., Ailanthus, . 149 Badiaga, Belladon., . . 66 Badiaga, Spongia, . . .67 Belladonna, Apis, . . 11 Belladonna, Badiaga, . . 66 Bromine, Iodine, . . 125 Bromine, lod. and Spong., Affec- tions of Larynx and Chest, 127 Bryonia, Antim. c., . .50 Bryonia, Arnica, Nux vom., Ptelia, .... 72 Calc, carb., Calc, phos., . . 41 Cantharis, Apis, . . . 22 Caulophyllum, Actea rac., . . 64 Causticum, Phosph., . . 129 Chelidonium, Nux vom., . 120 Chelidonium, Podophyl., . 117 Chelidonium, Sanguin., . 122 Cinnabar., .... 41 Cinnabaris, Merc, viv., . 36 Coffee, Coca, Tea, ... 65 Comparing Drugs, . . 1 Digitalis, Myrica cerif., . 70 Halogens (including Spongia) in affections of the Larynx and Chest, .... 127 Hepar sulph. c., Sulphur, . 138 Iodine, Bromine, . . 125 Iodine, Brom, and Spong., Lar- ynx and Chest, . . 127 Iodine, Kali hyd., ... 84 Iris versicolor, Leptand., . 119 Kali bichrom., Principal salts of Potassa, . . . .96 Kali brom., Principal salts of Po- tassa, . . . .96 Kali carbonic., Principal salts of Potassa, . . . .96 Kali chloric., Principal salts of Potassa, . . . .96 Kali hydroid , Iodine, . . 84 Kali hydroid., Principal Salts of Potassa, • . . .96 Kali nitricum, Principal salts of Potassa, ... 96 Lachesis, Apis, . . .18 Leptand., Iris vers., . 119 Leptand., Merc. viv. . . 119 Liluim tigrinum, Pulsat., . 70 Liluim tigrinum, Sepia, . 68 Lycopodium, Antim. crud., 57 Mercuries, the, ... 40 Mercurius aceticus, . . 41 Mercurius corr., . . . 40, 41 Mercurius, Merc, vivus, . • 34 Mercurius cyan., ... 41 Mercurius dulcis, . . 40, 41 Mercurius bin-jod., . . 41 Mercurius bin-jod., Merc, proto- jod., 39 Mercurius praec. rub., . . 40, 41 Mercurius proto-jod., . . 41 Mercurius proto-jod., Merc, bin- jod., 39 Mercurius proto-jod., Merc. vivus, . . . . .37 Mercurius solubil., . . 41 Mercurius sulph., . . 40,41 Mercurius vivus, . . 40,41 Mercurius vivus, Cinnabar., . 36 Mercurius vivus, Leptand., . 119 Mercurius vivus, Merc, corros., 34 Mercurius vivus, Merc, proto- jod., 37 Mercurius vivus, Podophyl., . 113 Mercurius vivus, Silicea, . . 73 III IV Corrigenda. Muriatic acid, Baptisia, . 84 Myrica cerifera, Digital., . .70 Natrum muriatic, Apis, . 26 Nux vomica, Arnica, Bryon. and Ptelia, . . ... .72 Nux vomica, Chelidon., . 120 Nux vomica, Podophyl., . . 116 Phosphorus, Caustic., . . 129 Phosphorus, Zincum, . . 88 Podophyllum, Chelidon., . 117 Podophyllum, Merc, viv., . 113 Podophyllum, Nux vom., . 116 Podophyllum, Sulph., . . 115 Potassa, Principal Salts of . 96 Ptelia trifoliata, Arn., Bryon. and Nux v., . . . .72 Pulsatilla, Lilium, . . 70 Rhus tox., Apis, ... 3 Rhus tox., Baptisia, . . 82 Sanguinaria, Chelid., . . 122 Sepia, Lilium, ... 68 Silicea, Merc, viv., . . 73 Spongia, Badiaga, . . .67 Spongia, Brom, and lod., Larynx and Chest, .... 127 Sulphur, Aloes, ... 46 Sulphur, Hepar, . . . 138 Sulphur, Podophyl., . . 115 Tea, Coca, Coffee, . . .65 Zincum, Phosph., . . 88 CORRIGENDA. P. 3, Note (2), line 2, for "apis," "Apis;" p. 5, 6th line, for " perios- tal," "periosteal;" p. 5, Note (4), line 2, for "apis," "Apis;" p. 6, line 8, for "tenemus," "tenesmus;" p. 8, Note (8), for " asthenic," "sthenic;" p. 9, line 2from the foot, for " mucus," "mucous ;" p. 12, line 12, for "is," read "if;" p. 13, line 13, for " sensative," "sensitive;" p. 14, Note (5), line 4, for "congestive," read "congested;" line 5, for "congested," read "congestive;" p. 18, line 28, for "Rhus," read "Bell.-" p. 41, line 20, for " Solut." read " Solub.;" p. 75, line 11, for "involuntary," read "invol- untarily;" p. 96, foot note, for " Kali Nitratum" read "Kali Nitricum," and also through the comparisons; p. 105, line 7, for " like almost all mu- riates," read "like the muriates;" p. 136, line 21, for "suits the cerebral form," read "suits when the patient cannot sleep," etc. COMPARING DRUGS. The following remarks are offered as explanatory of the most approved methods of comparing drugs. They are not designed as an introduction to the Comparative Materia Medica, but embody views communicated to me by Dr. C. Hering. In studying the proving of a new drug, we should com- pare the symptoms of different organs and regions, with the view of ascertaining if similar symptoms appear re- peatedly. Marked cases of such concordance should be noted. All additional provings by the same party, may be compared with this first proving. Again, all furnished by other parties must be compared, and thus will resemblances appear, even though the respective persons know not of each other or what they have taken. Of course differ- ences will appear, increasing, the greater is the range of aCtion of the drug, and the more various are the constitu- tions and endemic or epidemic surroundings of the provers. Comparisons of more than a thousand provings of not less than one hundred drugs, elicited the faCt, since amply confirmed, that the more individual a symptom was, the longer it lasted; or the later it appeared, the more charac- teristic it was. So we see, individual symptoms must not be discarded, but confirmed and assigned to their relative positions. We have a right to mistrust any symptom, but never to rejeCt it, until experiment has shown it untenable. The primary and secondary classification of symptoms, must not be insisted on arbitrarily. Grauvogl (Text Book, p. 198, vol. 1) explains them according to the laws of pro- portional oscillation, and the above facts clearly show their division untenable. 1 2 Comparing Drugs, Next, we may compare one drug with another, to deter- mine any existing resemblances, differences or inimical relations, (if possible). The last method may teach us that there is a kind of similarity not calculated to cure but rather to aggravate. The Ignatia and Nux vomica, though very similar, are by no means antidotal or serviceable one after the other. Their resemblance appears to be too much like cequale or idem, rather than only similar. To draw a comparison, it would seem like a marriage of brother and sister. In the Materia Medica Magna, partly published, two clases of relationship are recognized, conjunctive and disjunctive. The former embraces a similarity arising from natural alliances-a similarity of kin, and so near like idem, as to seldom warrant giving immediately one after another. The latter comprises those interesting drugs, which, though differing widely in origin, offer symptomatic resemblances of the most important character-true types of similarity. Further, the individuals of any given family may be compared, in the hope of finding family characteristics, which, added to those of individuals of the family, may materially and scientifically abridge our prolific materia medica. Perhaps some such comparisons will be contrib- uted by way of confirmation. One of the most important comparisons, is that of the symptoms produced, with the cured symptoms. This helps to enlarge the sphere of aCtion of a drug. Lastly, we may mark the concordances of one class of symptoms with the others, the real analogies of a drug- disease. This was first mentioned by Helbig. Gross (In- troduction, pp. v-vn.) gives some beautiful examples: " Sex- ual passion, often combined with jealousy, is intimately related, on the one hand to cruelty, on the other to affeCted devoutness." So shall we have a new physiology, a new pathology, and a new and scientific pharmacology. Our materia medica is a natural science; the future must prove it so. e. a. f. COMPARATIVE MATERIA MEDICA. By E. A. Farrington, M.D. APIS. Irritable, irascible, morose, fickle, foolish gayety. Anxiety felt in head, fears apo- plexy. Consequences of fright, rage, vexation, jealousy, hearing bad news. Dread of death, or sensation as if he should not breathe again. Memory weak with or after proso- palgia. Suppressed eruptions followed by hydrocephalic congestion. MIND Usually sad, despairing, easily vexed but undemonstrative. Anxiety praecordial, fears being poisoned. Consequences of vexation with fear, all ailments worse from least annoyance. Dread of death with sighing, verti- go; desires death in melancholia. Slow difficult thought, memory weak from damp weather, con- gestion, injuries. Suppressed eruptions, followed by melancholy, anxiety, paralysis. RHUS TOX. Both depress the sensorium with absent-mindedness, apathy, stupor, low muttering delirium, confusion of mind, dullness of head. Brain feels tired; imbecility; always busy yet does nothing, awkward, drops things. Vertigo when closing eyes, nausea. Delirium, muttering, indistinct lo- quacity, stupor,senseless apathy or pleasant happy expression. Brain shakes when jarred, almost unconscious if even turn head ; disinclined to work or think. Vertigo after a meal, chilliness. Delirium mild, murmuring or chats to himself or seemingly roams far and wide, stupor as if intoxicated. HEAD. Pressing in forehead; worse, from warmth. Burning, stinging in head or scalp ; better, cold washing. Hydrocephalus ; for horses that kick and try to run off. Pressing outward, temples and sides, better, warmth, (i). Burning, tingling (2) or stinging in head, face, jaws ; worse, washing. Hydrdcephalus; horses jerk the head. (1) Except the sensitive scalp, which in Rhus is worse from be- coming warm in bed. (2) This tingling is important as expressing the paralytic tendency of Rhus, a property not prominent in apis, except from intense blood poison, (after typhus, diphtheria, &c.) or as hemiplegia, and hence intra-cranial in origin. 3 4 Comparative Materia Medica. APIS. EYES. RHUS TOX. Burning, stinging in eyes ; stiff- ness. Lids swollen, cedematous ; turned inside out; lashes fall out; edges granulated. ConjunCtiva swollen, mostly around cornea, chemosis. Burning, cutting, pressure ; heavy lids. Lids swollen, cedematous; lids show tylosis, hence eyelashes turn in. ConjunCtiva dark red, protrudes between the lids like a pad. Both have cured ophthalmias from scrofula, rheuma- tism, gout; blepharitis, profuse lachrymation ; erysipelas ; herpes corneae. Mucous states, agglutination. Eyes tender to even a compress. Twitching of eyeball. Staphyloma. Herpes cornese, conjundiva in- jected, forming a band like pterygium; burning, stinging, photophobia ; after suppressed itch (which it restores). Blindness with staggering; opaque cornea. Purulent discharges ; agglutina- tion. Eyes feel sore when turned. Twitching ; spasm of lids. Traumatic suppuration ; iritis. Herpes corneae, conjunctiva con- gested, forming a net work; burning, smarting; swollen axillary glands, parotids; vesicles form on cornea. Blindness with rheumatism ; nervous headaches. Discharge from nose, white, thick, or acrid, bloody, fetid mucus. Eruptions on nose and lip, burning, stinging ; nostrils red, burn ; lip swollen, prickling. NOSE. Discharge green, offensive, pus, or thick yellow mucus, blood. Eruptions under nose; fever blisters, crusts ; nostrils sore to touch; lip cracked, crusty, burning, tingling. FACE. Erysipelas begins about temples or eyes; forms reddish bags under eyes; vesicles, if any, small; best before pustulation. Erysipelas begins on nose or on ear, spreading across face to other ; large blisters, confluent; pustules may form. Both appear in erysip. with oedema, gangrene; erysipe- latous eruptions ; phlegmon., erysip. Only Rhus has the fugax. Apis, is best adapted to metastasis to brain. Rhus exhibits the drowsy, languid state, so common in erysip. of scalp when the brain sympathizes. Lip (upper) swollen ; dry ; peels. Lips dry, parched, covered with brown scurf. Comparative Materia Medic a. 5 APIS. MOUTH. RHUS TOX. Tongue dry, cracked, sore, cov- ered with blisters or ulcers, rosy red, swollen, white all over. Gums, inflamed, swollen, throb, numb. Toothache, congestive, sore, bruised feeling, better from cold Mouth, inflamed, dry, but little thirst. Saliva, tough, frothy. Tongue dry, cracked tip, covered with brown mucus, feels hard as a board, red triangular tip, red, smooth, white one side. Gums stand off from the teeth. Toothache, periostal, rheumatic, pains tearing, tingling, better warmth, (3.) Mouth, dry, thirst unquenchable, (4-) Saliva, bloody, runs out while asleep. THROAT. Both have stinging in throat when throat is dry, con- tradlion of throat, tough mucus. Sore as if scalded; tonsils inflam- ed ; mucous coat. Swallowing difficult from swollen tongue; from diminished pow- er ; worse from drinks or food. Fetid breath (with headache). Sore as if strained ; deep tissues involved, (fibrous, muscular). Swallowing difficult from strained feeling; from paralyzed state of epiglottis ; food enters larynx ; worse from saliva or food. Putrid taste after eating; from teeth. STOMACH, AC. Nausea felt in throat. Violent eruftations. After eating, burning in stomach. Vascular irritation or inflamma- tion of mucous coat of stomach ; sensitiveness to least touch. Less in thoat, more in chest. Water-brash. After eating, pressure like a stone ; colic. Tingling in stomach; bad effects of cold drinks; ulcerative pains ; throbbing in stomach, (5). (3) The darting, cutting, when the nerve is affected, is better from cold touch in Rhus. (4) Stomatitis is not characteristic of Rhus tox, but is of Apis. Rhus Ven. is here very similar to apis, but only the latter has great difficulty (not pain) in swallowing. (5) Rhus is the principal remedy in oesophagitis, even if caused by a foreign substance. It involves the muscular and fibrous parts. This Apis could never do. Apis most resembles gastritis, cancer of the stomach, &c. Rhus, dyspepsia, gastrosis from rheumatism, get- ting wet, mechanical injuries, &c. 6 Comparative Materia Medica. APIS. ABDOMEN, 4C. RHUS TOX. Abdomen sore to least touch, even in sneezing ; bruised feeling in bowels. Abdomen bloated, sore. • Peritonitis, tendency to serous effusion ; death-like appear- ance ; cough and vomiting, diarrhoea; stabbing pains ; burning, stinging; metritis. Dysentery, tenesmus, yet little pain; bloody stools. Diarrhoea, painless, yellow; green- ish, involuntary, (7) ; thirstless, or drink little and often ; worse, in a warm room, morning, motion. Choi. Infantum, tendency to hy- drocephaloid. Constipation, urine scanty. Flaemorrhoids cause fidgets, irri- tability. Liver sore to touch; abdomen sore when stretched. Abdomen distended, foetid flatus. Peritonitis, tendency to typhoid state ; pale face; despairing look ; oozing ulcers on oedema- tous legs; pressing, clawing pains; metritis. Dysentery, tenemus; tearing in thighs; stools also jelly-like. Diarrhoea usually thin, painful ; frothy, slimy stools, involun- tary at night; thirst unquen- chable ; worse, in cold, damp; better, from warmth ; worse, at night; better, on motion. Choi. Infant n, tendency to a typhoid stat . Constipation alternate with diar- rhoea, (6). Haemorrhoids; restless, better on moving. KIDNEYS, URINE. Kidneys sore, bruised; stiff back stooping; oedema general ; after scarlatina ; sleepy yet cannot sleep. Urine, albuminous, scanty, turbid, red, like coffee grounds ; strong smell, involuntary. Urine pale, straw color. Dysuria, pressure on sphincter; scalding pains, bloody. Scrotum cedematous. Kidneys, tearing pains; oedema general; after scarlatina ; rest- less, tossing, after midnight. Urine albuminous, dark, fre- quent ; less, though drink more; involuntary at night. Urine white, flocculent. Dysuria, turbid, drops of blood. Testes dark red ; hydrocele, left half of scrotum. FEMALE ORGANS. Metritis ; tendency to dropsy ; • lower limbs numb from pres- sure ; stabbing pains in head. Coitus causes stinging in ovaries. Typhoid symptoms; lower limbs powerless from paralytic ten- dency ; bursting pains in head. (Comp. Peritonitis.) Coitus hindered by soreness in vagina. (6) Hence Rhus is better adapted to tabes-mesenterica. ' (7) In typhus, Apis has involuntary, painful stool; Rhus, involun- tary at night. Comparative Materia Medica. 7 APIS. Catamenia too soon. Before and during menstruation eruption, worse on abdomen ; bearing down mostly in ovarian regions. Discharge profuse, with heaviness in abdomen ; faintness; yawn- ing ; nervous restlessness. Amenorrhcea, congestion to head. Dysmenorrhcea, congestive type. Abortion from uterine congestion ; second to fourth month. Ovaries diseased with numb- ness, worse right side; with tendency to dropsy ; worse, on motion. Milk diminished. Tightness in ovarian region when raising the arms. Milk leg, high fever; restless, yet not relieved by change of pos- ture. FEMALE ORGANS. EHUSTOX. Too soon, profuse, protracted. Bearing down mostly in uterus; worse, standing, or from strain- ing ; red rash on chest Discharge profuse, more coagula than Apis ; restlessness more at night. Amenorrhcea from getting wet. Dysmenorrhcea, membranous type. Abortion from muscular exertion or strain. Ovaries less affeCted than uterus; right leg numb; after a strain ; better, moving about. Milk increased or suppressed, with burning all over body. Drawing, strained feeling when raising arms ; like a band in hypochondria. Milk leg, burning all over; rest- less relieved momentarily by change. Both have hoarseness, rough voice; erysipelatous or catarrhal inflammation. LARYNX, CHEST. Larynx as if scalded ; worse warm room; takes cold in wet, cold weather; skin dry or foot-sweat checked. Cough incessant all night, ceases when least phlegm is loosened ; soreness, upper left chest; pain- ful concussion of head ; expec- toration difficult, clear, tough, must be swallowed; mostly evenings. Adapted to clergyman's sore throat, after cauterization. {Nat. mur.) Does not see how he can get another breath; short, op- pressed breathing with catarrh; breathing possible only when sitting eredl; respiration hur- ried, abdominal; worse in warm room. Larynx as if sore, raw; stuffed up (influenza); worse in cold, even exposing hands ; takes cold in wet, especially when warm, sweating. Cough at sunset, lasts until mid- night, periodically returning each evening ; tearing loose in chest; concussion of head and chest; expectoration difficult, bloody or purulent; mostly mornings. Adapted to rheumatic catarrhs or to influenza. (Bryon.) Apprehensive that unless re- lieved, he could breathe but a short time; short breath with catarrh; breathes better when moving; always worse after a meal and exertion ; respiration quick, thoracic ; better in warm. 8 Comparative Materia Medica. APIS. HEART, PULSE. RHUS TOX. Heart diseases with hydroperi- car.dium; blowing with diastole. Pulse full, accelerated; or, if in- termittent, never irregular. Chronic forms after rheumatism, with numbness left arm; with relaxation of heart muscle. Pulse weak, soft, irregular ; trem- bling about heart,'(8.) BACK, LIMBS. Bruised, stiff feeling in back, (region of kidneys) ; worse on pressure, stooping, moving. Flashes of heat, as though sweat would break out over back. Rheumatism; burning, stinging pains; great soreness to touch ; joints swollen, tense, pale or erysipelatous. Has tingling, only when swelling compresses nerves. Pains are worse from motion, (except dull pains in bones.) Cold applications relieve pains. Bruised pain; better from walk- ing, (not from exertion) and lying on hard couch; hence, pressure. Creeping in back, or sensation of cold water poured over it. Rheumatism, more of the fibrous parts with tearing, tensive, burning pains; pains as if sprained; stitches in joints when touched; red streaks. Has tingling from paralytic tendencies. Pains better from motion or compel motion. Warm, dry, applications relieve. SLEEP. Sleepless, drowsy, yet cannot sleep,because fidgety; nervous restlessness. Dreamy sleep ; awakens with a start, agitated; breathing op- pressed. Sleepless, with restlessness caused by bodily pains, heat, &c., must move about. Dreams of wearisome journeys ; starts when going to sleep as if he dropped something; short breathing. SKIN, ETC. Eruptions dry; scabby, laminae thin, straw-colored or brown. Best adapted to itch (after abuse of Sulph.'}; lichen, especially when conical; prurigo. Urticaria, stinging, burning; croupy cough ; uterine catarrh. Eruptions with painless, yellow stools. Carbuncle; erysipelatous far around-or bluish. Eruptions moist; scabs moist, thick. Best adapted to erup- tions which pustulate; impetigo, &c. ; lichen if eczematous, cracked. Urticaria, burning, stinging, ting- ling ; fever ; rheumatic. Erup- tions with dysenteric stools. Carbuncle, red streaks or black. (8) Rhus can seldom be of use in asthenic inflammations with high fever, full pulse, &c. Apis may. Rhus becomes of use when ty- phoid or asthenic symptoms appear, or when the patient was pre- viously weakened by over-exertion. Comparative Materia Medica. 9 Runarounds; pains burning, stinging; sensitive to touch; after abuse of Sulph., bright- red or pale. Wounds punctured, erysipelas. Sphacelus, bluish. Suppuration rare ; causes inflam- mations, which tend toward serous effusion or degeneration into ulcers, gangrene, &c. APIS. SKIN, ETC. Runarounds and whitlows, (ten- dons involved) ; red streaks up arm, (lymphatic vessels); shoot- ing pains ; after or before Ury., dark-red. Wounds with vesicular erysipelas. Gangrene of exanthema, black. ■ Suppuration common ; sometimes laudable ; always copious; often low graded ; ichor, bloody serum, &c. RHUS TOX. Chill begins in front of chest. During chill ; oppression and burning in chest as though would smother. Chill 3 to 4 P. M. ; least motion, chills with heat of face and hands. Worse near warm stove, (chill.) Heat in chest, pit of stomach, abdomen, hands. Better un- covering. Sweat alternate with dry skin; sweat scanty. Apyrexia : pain under short ribs ; soreness ; limbs and joints ; swollen abdomen ; dropsy; scanty urine. Drowsy during fever. Swollen abdomen, (ascites). FEVER, ETC, Chill begins in hands or right side. During chill: cough ; tearing in hips, limbs, back ; restless. Chill evening, lasts all night; motion makes cold with hot face, cold hands. Better, warmth. Heat forepart of body, cold head, back and hands. Worse un- covering. Sweat profuse, often with flushes of heat. Apyrexia: pain in joints, chest; dropsy; burning eyes; diar- rhoea ; urine scanty, frequent; cold hands. Drowsy before paroxysm. Pit of stomach swollen ; palpita- tion. Both have debility, dropsy, soreness of joints ; scanty urine during apyrexia. Scarlatina : skin very red, sensi- tive ; better, cold applications ; thirstless ; scanty urine ; erup- tion thick, with cerebral excite- ment, boring head in pillow, &c., sopor. Eruption bright red, confluent. Tonsils swollen ; erysipelatous ulcers in throat. Scarlatina: skin peels, better from scratching, worse from cold or wet; great thirst; ischuria ; eruption vesicular, or like millet seeds ; restlessness. Eruption dark red with nose bleed at (night, sopor, &c. Parotids suppurating (left to right), discharging bloody ichor. (Compare also Typhus, Brain, &c. Variola: eruption stings, burns, red. Typhus: best adapted to ex- anthematic, enteric, cerebral forms, less to pneumo-typhus. Variola: eruption sinks, looks livid. Typhus: best "adapted to ex- anthematic, enteric, cerebral, mucus, pectoral, putrid forms. Also precursory stages. 10 Comparative Materia Medica. APIS. FEVER, AC. RHUS TOX Delirium low, muttering, talks in- distinctly ; thinks he is dead; stupor with senseless apathy or a happy expression ; congestion to head with moderate delirium ; brain excited ; fidgetty. Tongue cracked, sore, ulcerated, covered with vesicles; white all over ; inability to put it out or talk. Abdomen bloated, sore to least touch ; eruption, white miliaria ; diarrhoea bloody, painful, in- voluntary, or painless, yellow ; no stool for a long time ; stage of ulceration of Pyer's glands with purulent, involuntary stool; bloated abdomen, urine smell- ing strong like horse's, involun- tary. Cough from tenacious mucus in throat. Pulse intermits, weak, leeble. Over-estimates strength, tries to get up and falls. Wants to he quietly, but is nervous, lestless, no better from change of posi- tion. Slides down in bed. Sweat partial, clammy ; mostly burn- ing skin ; thirstless, or drinks little and often ; removes the tenacious mucus from throat (in malarial typhus). Delirium mild, talks incohe- rently, disconnectedly or answersshort, angrily; stupor as if intoxicated, with brown mucus in mouth and on lips ; congestion with red face, nose bleed ; heat in head ; dullness of thought. Tongue cracked ; triangular tip of red, covered with brown mucus ; feels hard; white on one side. Abdomen sore ; sensitive over the liver, rash red ; diarrhoea slimy, involuntary at night; sudden, thin, yellow, frothy, odorless ; stage of abdom. inflammation and ulceration with colic, tear- ing in limbs, involuntary stool; papescent stool, which affords relief (stage of inflammation), urine and stool involuntary at night. Cough dry, or sputa covered with blood ; bloody. Pulse irregular, weak, small, trembling. Worse from any over-exertion ; wants to lie (in beginning). Pains intolerable in rest, better changing posi- tion. Great debility of mind and body, as if paralyzed ; settles down in bed; open mouth. Head hottest; sweat all over except face ; thirst un- quenchable ; brown coated tongue, lips, mouth. generalities Burning, stinging pains. Cutting internal parts, fulness in- ternal. Symptoms go from left to right. Burning, stinging, tingling. Cutting external, internally as if something were torn loose. Symptoms go from rightto left.(9) Apis has aggravation, and Rhus amelioration, from warmth, wrapping up, motion. Rhus has aggravation, and Apis amelioration, from cold, uncovering, washing in cold water, spirituous liquors, during rest, when assuming an ereft position. Worse in heat of sun. | Worse in snowy air. (9) Hence give when disease goes in opposite direction. Comparative Materia Medica. 11 APIS. MIND. BELLADONNA. Hydrocephalic inflammation of brain, following suppressed eruption (urticaria, &c.) stage of exudation. Cry most marked ; sweat on head,musk-like; snap- ping of teeth; urine though scanty, often milky; pulse inter- mits ; is full and rapid only in beginning; limbs tremble ; big toe turned up ; squinting ; stif- fening of body if touched or moved. Congestion cerebral or spinal ; feels as if must hold head and eyes down ; head better uncov- ered. Delirium,muttering, stupor, drow- siness. Apathy more marked than with Bell. Dread of death. Anxiety felt in head. Awkward, clumsily breaks things and laughs at the mishap. Constantly busy; changes occupa- tion (Hysteria). Children imbecile; brain feels tired-emaciation. Vertigo, worse sitting and lying than walking. When closing eyes, dizzy. Prosopalgia with impaired memo- ry- Erysipelas whitish or pinkish; puffy, oedematous under eyes ; burning, stinging pains ;.little thirst. CEdematous form. I Hydrocephalic inflammation; stage of congestion or commen- cing exudation,less when exuda- tion is established. Moaning or starts in sleep ; sweat hot, pungent (sometimes cold on forehead) ; grind teeth ; urine dark, fiery-red, turbid, scanty ; pulse full, rapid, throbbing car- otids ; limbs jerk; convulsions of arms; eyes staring or red, wild, face glowing, later squint- ing. Screams if touched or jar- red. Congestion better, throwing head backward, worse bending for- ward ; better covered warm. Delirium, muttering, violent, alter- nate state of fury and coma. Apathy, indifference. Dread or indifference. Anxiety felt in prrecordia. Awkward gait; hurried manner ; raises feet high when walking. Sits breaking pins all day (Hys- teria). Children precocious, timid obe- s.ty. Vertigo, worse walking. When closing eyes, visions. Prosopalgia with excitement of brain. Erysipelas smooth, shining, scar- let ; worse right side ; great thirst; stitches in head. Erysipelas fugax. Both have metastasis to the brain. EYES. Production of mucus in eyes. Eyelids puffy, oedematous ; gra nulated worse on border. Twitching of eyeball; squinting Chemosis (i). Dryness of eyes or scalding tears. Eyelids interstitially distended; granulated lids whole inner surface. Twitching, spasms of eyes and lids; squinting. Ulceration of eye (i). (i) Apis tends to produce, besides a simple conjunctivitis, a super- adundance of serous effusion, with relaxation of the various tissues of the eyes ; thus we have puffed lids, chemosis, staphyloma. Itis of little use compared with Bell., in inflammation of the whole eye, tending to suppuration, or in purulent ophthalmia. Bell, is the best adapted to pannus, because this is so often a consequence of purulent ophthalmia. In mucous states, Apis is preferable; intense in- flammatory, Bell. 12 Comparative Materia Medica. APIS. EYES. BELLADONNA. Staphyloma (2). | Cornea grey, smoky, opaque ; "scrofulo-ribbon." ! Fungus-medullaris. Cornea specked or ulcers on the cornea; pannus (1). FACE. Swelling of upper lip with prick- ' ling pains ; neuralgia ; erysip., j &c. Face swollen, oedematous (under eyes) or swollen with hives ; I pale, waxy or pinkish, purple. I Swelling of upper lip with swollen gums ; struma, erysip., &c. Face swollen, indurated, as from congestion; scarlet, scarlet spots or yellowish-red, dark-red. MOUTH, Mouth and fauces inflamed, rosy- red ; in clusters on back of tongue; burning, stinging pains; irritable, fidgetty. Mouth and tongue as if scalded, burning, stinging. Tongue white (diarrhoea) ; deep red, covered with blisters (Scar- latina). Mouth and fauces inflamed,highly injefted, hot, dry ; point of tongue feels as if blistered; whining mood,crying, hot head. Mouth and tongue parched, as is from something acrid or corro- sive. Tongue white in middle,red edges, red, raised papillae (Scarlatina) THROAT. Tonsils swollen, red (mostly from inflammation of mucous mem- brane covering them) ; contrac- tion and rawness in the throat, worse morning; difficult swal- lowing from contraction, swell- ing or weakness of the muscles of the throat (Diphtheria). Diphtheria., throat as if varnished or mottled ; exudate dirty grey ; pains in the ears when swallow- ing; prostration from beginning; numb limbs; weak larynx ; itchy, stinging rash. Ulcerated throat, erysipelatous (with undeveloped scarlatina.) Goitre, with ovarian disease. Tonsils swollen (inflammation of whole glands, even to suppura- tion) dark red ; constriftion like spasm, worse 3 P.M. or 12 P.M. ; difficult swallowing from constriftion of the fauces or pharynx, causing regurgitation. Diphtheria, throat highly inflam- ed ; tenacious mucus on the tonsils (notan exudate) ; pains shoot to ears, even when not swallowing ; restless, brain ex- cited ; skin red or covered with scarlet-colored rash (3). Ulcerated throat, ulcers come quickly on the tonsils. Goitre sensitive ; with congestion to head. (2) Payr recommends Bell, as a preventive of staphyloma, but Apis is far preferable. (3) Those who are guided by the symptoms, need not fear to use Bell, in diphtheria, even if it does not seem to correspond to the ex- udation, prostration and paralysis of the disease. It has been used by competent men in the stage of irritation or excitement, although not later, when the membrane is formed. It corresponds to many of the cerebral, febrile and skin symptoms. Apis has in addition, uri- nary sytnptoms and the intense debility accompanying or following diphtheria. The mucous covering of the tonsils in Bell is more indica- tive of tonsillitis than diphtheria, where the exudation is albuminous. Comparative Materia Medica. 13 APIS. STOMACH, ETC.. BELLADONNA. After eating or drinking, heat and burning in the stomach, nausea, eruditions. Pit of stomach sensitive to the touch ; burning ; painless yel- low diarrhoea; drinking causes burning. Both have nausea, felt in the throat. After eating or drinking, contrac- tive pain in the stomach, some- times causing vomiting. Least jar or touch is unbearable ; slimy diarrhoea, burning with aching, clawing ; water causes fullness and intense pain. Both have drinking, little or often, or thirstlessness ; only Bell, has burning thirst with aversion to water. Appetite for sour things. I Averse, except during reconvales- cence, when acids promote cure. Both have abdomen sensative to touch, from pressure or bed clothing; distention. ABDOMEN. Tendency to dropsy with swollen feet, scanty urine ; or if inflam- matory, intestines feel bruised, sore ; diarrhoea painless. Sore pain superficial, as if beaten. Peritonitis, stage of exudation with dropsy; dark, scanty urine ; metritis as a complication. Sharp, sudden pains ; great pros- tration. Ads more on the spleen than liver. Bilious diarrhcea; also bitter, fluid vomit. Piles protrude, anus swollen ; fidgety, restless, irritable ; scanty urine ; constipated. Dysentery more urging than ac- tual pain ; bloody stool with but little pain ; rawness of the anus ; tongue dry, shining or white; urine frequent, profuse or strangury; skin hot, dry, yet little thirst; disturbed sleep with muttering. Tendency to suppurative inflam- mation ; supersensitive to least touch or jar ; diarrhoea painful. Sore pain deep in the abdomen, as if ulcerated. Peritonitis, stage of inflammation with cerebral congestion ; urine scanty, yellow ; pains come and go suddenly ; typhlitis as well as metritis (4). Adis more on the liver than spleen. Many bilious symp- toms ; congestion of liver; cal- culi, &c. Piles protrude and are constricted by spasm of anus; feverish rest- lessness ; dysuria ; tenesmus even in back. Dysentery with tenesmus so se- vere as to cause shuddering ; cutting, tearing pains ; burning of anus ; tongue dry, very red at the tip or two wl ite stripes on a red ground ; urine profuse or suppressed ; dry, hot skin or hot sweat; thirst, yet averse to drink ; starts in sleep ; stupor. (4) Bell, has an especial affinity for the ccecum and its appendage ; thus we find it of service in ulceration of Pyer's glands in typhus with delirium, &c. In peritonitis or enteritis, with or without suppuration, it becomes of the first importance, if the ccecum is the principal region attacked. 14 Comparative Materia Medica. Choi. Inf. with tendency to hydro- cephaloid ; stupor, starts with a shrill cry ; hands cold and blzie; stool green, yellow, slimy ; anus open ; worse morning. APIS. ABDOMEN Choi. Inf. with congestive symp- toms of the brain ; stupor with frequent starts ; angry when awake ; hands and feet cold, the head being hot; stool clay color, green or with chalk-like lumps ; worse afternoon. BELLADONNA. KIDNEYS, URINE. Bruised pain in the region of the kidneys ; worse stooping. Bright's Disease, skin waxy, pale; oedema, worse under eyes ; hydrothorax; breathing op- pressed, must sit up ; urine milky, scanty or like coffee grounds (5). Strangury with pressing down in the region of the sphincter ; from enlarged prostate. Must; press long before urine flows. Bladder feels bruised with sting- ing pains. Involuntary urine with great irri- tation of the parts; worse at night and when coughing ; urine clear, straw-colored. Urine profuse, afterwards scan- ty (6). Stitching pains from kidneys along the ureters to the bladder; renal colic. Bright's Disease, alternate red and pale face ; neuralgia of the head ; spasm of the diaphragm ; urine scanty, bloody, * fiery red (5). Strangury, bearing down, as from something turning in the blad- der ; spasm of the sphincter; from alcohol, stricture, gout, prostatitis. Urine voided in drops with fear to strain from extreme cystic tenderness. Involuntary urine night and day in girls or scrofulous children ; urine, contains white epithelia. Urine scanty, afterwards pro- fuse (6). (5) Bell, corresponds to the congested kidney with albuminuria, scanty, bloody urine and intense irritation, bordering on inflamma- tion. In scarlatinal dropsy, it is of service when the inactive skin throws double work on the kidneys; they become congestive and so secrete less actively. But besides, there must be congested symp- toms elsewhere ; as in the brain, liver, heart. Uraemia is not so marked as with Apis ; because the latter tends more readily to defib- rinate the blood, while it also irritates the kidneys and retards the secretion of urea, which according to Buchner, frequently changes into Carb, of Ammonia under the fermenting influence of poor fibrin. Hence Bell, tends more to irritate the tissues, blood poisining being more remote ; Apis soon poisons the blood and adds to the danger. Bell, is preferable when gout, alcohol, spasms of the bladder or gravel are the apparent cause ; because they tend to congest the kidneys. (6) This primary and secondary contrast of the two medicines, is given to show a probably different adlion on the kidneys. Apis seems to irritate the Malphigian tufts to increased excretion primarily, while Bell, congests them primarily, decreasing the excretion. The first, then, owes its scanty urine to secondary changes ; the latter, to simple congestion. Comparative Materia Medica. 15 APIS. SEXUAL ORGANS. BELLADONNA. Sexual desire increased; or, with widows, decreased ; coition causes stinging in the ovaries. Scrotal dropsy. Ovarian tumors, mostly dropsical; burning, stringing pains; or in- tense bruised, sore pains. Inflammation of the external genitals (females), stinging pains ; erysipelatous ; vesicu- lar ; gangrenous. Inflammation of internal genitals (females); tendency to dropsy or gangrene. Metritis after confinement ; sharp, stabbing pains. Menstruation checked with cere- bral congestion, delirium ; back feels stiff or bruised; oedema of limbs. Flow of blood scanty, dark, mix- ed with mucus ; bearing down, worse in ovaries ; restless, yawning, change of place, but no relief therefrom (Dysmen.) ; flow profuse, fluid (afibrinous) with faintness (Metrorrhagia). Girls who are thin, jealous ; frivo- lous levity ; awkward ; busy but do nothing. Milk leg, restlessly change pos- ture without relief; limb looks waxy, oedematous. Mammse inflamed, erysipelatous; burning, stinging pains. Milk diminished. Sexual desire lessened in males ; uymphomania in females ; coi- tion hindered by dry, hot vagina. Induration of testicles. Ovarian -induration with crampy pains ; bearing down more than Apis, clawing, cutting pains. Inflammation with dryness and heat to the examining touch ; erysipelas in rays ; gangrene with throbbing and weight. Inflammation internal genitals ; tendency to induration or sup- puration or gangrene. Metritis after confinement. Shooting or clawing pains. Menstruation checked with cere- bral congestion, delirium ; back aches as if broken ; jerking of limbs. Flow profuse, bright-red; more neuralgia than Apis; bearing down with heaviness most at the vulva; yawning; arms jerk; (Dysmen,); flow profuse, bright red or foetid and lumpy, faint, delirious (Metrorrhagia). Girls with thin skin or plethoric ; who are loquacious, hasty, sus- picious. Milk leg, limb purple ; restless, continually moving limbs; limb cold. Mammae inflamed ; throbbing stitching pains. Milk increased. Bell, has also diminished milk with heaviness, headache, red eyes and other signs of cerebral congestion. Leucorrhcea profuse, yellow or green and acrid, with painful urination ; straw-colored, not so deep as with Bell. Leucorrhcea, acute catarrh, white mucus ; colicky pains ; worse morning; strangury; urine stains linen yellow. LARYNX, CHEST. Voice hoarse, rough, husky ; phlegm difficult, scanty, clear ; saliva increased ; aphonia in consequence of diseases which poison the blood and paralyze parts (Diphtheria, &c.) Voice hoarse, rough, shrill or weak and wheezing ; mucus rattling but little sputa; saliva increased and stringy, slimy ; aphonia ca- tarrhal or in conjunction with hysteria. 16 Comparative Materia Medica. APIS. Cough with tough, scanty, sputa, which must be swallowed ; worse from exposure to wet and cold. Respiration difficult, worse lean- ing forward or backward ; can- not see how she can get another breath. Tendency to serous infiltration in the chest. Chest feels bruised as if jammed; dryness of the air-passages, with sensation of burning as if scalded. LARYNX, CHEST. Cough without sputa, spasmodic J or, bloody sputa, worse from dry cold winds or change from warm to cold. Respiration irregular, labored, with moaning; better holding head back, or holding breath ; difficult from mucus in the chest. Tendency to spasm of the chest ; purulent infiltration. Chest feels sore as if raw ; dryness of the air-passages, especially as far as the trachea, with tick- ling as if from dust. BELLADONNA. Heart; pain arrests breathing ; febrile excitement, anguish ; restless but no relief from change of position ; hydropericardium ; blowing sound with diastole. Pulse full and accelerated ; thread like ; intermits but is regular in volume (Typhus.) HEART. Heart; aching which takes breath, violent arterial pulsations, anx- iety, cerebral congestion ; stage of inflammation, no valvular lesion. Pulse full, accelerated and hard, soft and small, or slow and full (apoplexy), irregular and un- equal (heart disease). SLEEP, Both have inclination to sleep with inability; perhaps Bell, has more drowsiness with jerking of limbs, crying out in sleep; Apis more so called nervousness with less of the flushed face. The congestions of Apis are seldom as acute as those of Bell., but vitality is lower and absorption less active. FEVERS Chill with thirst. Chills on suffering part. Chill commences in abdomen, hands, chest or knees; worse from heat; better uncovering. Chill 3 to 4 P.M. Chill without thirst. Coldness on suffering part. Chill commences in the arms; better from heat, and worse from cold or uncovering. Chill evening or morning. Both have hot head with chills ; chilly least movement. Liver free, but sore pains in the region of the spleen ; dropsy, feet swollen, waxy skin ; diar- rhoea; scanty urine; swollen abdomen. Liver and spleen both swollen ; incipient dropsy; cases mal- treated with quinine ; constipa- tion. Comparative Materia Medica. 17 APIS. FEVERS. BELLADONNA. Heat with burning in the chest which almost suffocates. Sweat alternate with dry skin sweat increased in room. Heat with throbbing arteries, red face, delirium ; choking sensa- tion in the throat. Sweat partial, mostly on head, or on covered parts ; lessened in room. Scarlatina.-Both have red, irritated skin, with restless- ness, sensitive skin, sleepy but can't sleep ; throat swollen ; tongue red, &c. Skin hot, burning the examining hand; face and throat and neck swollen from congestive engorgement; "strawberry" tongue ; if eruption fails, furious delirium, restless ; if soporous,, snoring ; jerks, twitches ; best suited to smooth, scarlet ex- anthema. More allied to SuL,. Lach., Op., Stram., (in Scarla- tina.) Skin stings and burns, oedema- tous swelling of eyelids, ulcers in the throat, erysipelatous or oedematous ; tongue blistered ; if eruption fails, throat inflamed, nose discharges thin ichor; murmuring delirium ; great prostration, typhoid state. More allied to Rhus., (yet inimical), Ars., (in Scarlatina.) Eruption confluent with erysipelas or oedema ; throat oedematous. Typhus ; useful in febris nervosa putrida, stage of debility; symptoms of decomposition of the blood. Apathy ; stupor with murmuring delirium ; hardness of hearing; expression pleasant, happy, with senseless apathy ; cannot talk or put the tongue out; difficult swallowing ; urine and stool involuntary ; slide down in bed-all signs of paralysis from decomposition of blood. Tongue cracked, sore, ulcer- ated, covered with vesicles; tenacious mucus in the throat, difficult to remove; swallowing difficult from weak muscles; dry, burning skin or partial, clammy sweats ; urine involun- tary, strong like horse urine, pupils dilated ; white miliary eruption ; abdomen distended and sore ; bruised. Measles.-Both have croupy cough, inflamed eyes, &c. Eruption on a red skin ; skin swollen, turgid ; parotids swollen. Typhus; useful in inflammatory stage, when symptoms alter- nate between excitement and depression, (7). Profound coma, with snoring or furious delirium; deafness al- ternate with acute hearing ; ex- pression depressed; glassy eyes, or staring, furibund delirium ; tongue trembles, talk thick or sneechless ; no stool; distortion of the mouth; debility with sleepiness ; no stool-all as a re- sult of irritation and congestion of the nervous centres. Tongue red, dry, cracked or red margins, white centre ; stringy mucus, brown on the tongue and in the throat, or dry throat; swallowing difficult from spasm or paralysis; dry skin, hot, or hot sweat or cold sweat on the face; urine bright yellow or scanty and red ; pupils con- tracted or dilated ; red erup- tion ; abdomen distended, pains worse in ileo-csecal region. (7) By noting the alternate symptoms connected by or, we see how two-fold are the indications for Bell.; hence its extensive range, and hence the more care in its use. 18 Comparative Materia Medica. APIS. LIMBS. BELLADONNA. Rheumatic pains, burning, sting- ing; or sore, bruised feeling in muscles. Arthritic nodes; worse in wet weather; after checked gonorrhoea ; chronic -forms. Rheumatic pains with stitching, red in streaks ; extreme sensi- tiveness to touch. Arthritic pains, boring, shooting like lightning from joints along bone ; worse change warm to cold ; acute forms. skin, &c. Urticaria with uterine catarrh. Boils large ; mostly before sup- puration begins. PumSlurcd wounds with traumatic erysipelas. Urticaria with profuse menstrua- tion. Boils small; worse in Spring ; throbbing, tendency to suppuration. Nervous symptoms from con- cussions; inflammation from sprains. Both have affections from stings, and contagious anthrax. Only Bell, has symptoms of hydrophobia. Wounds become oedematous. Wounds suppurate profusely. GENERALITIES Inclination for open air. Blood black, viscous, non-coagulable (afibrinous). Left Side.-Complaints from lod., Sul. Similar to Ranunc., Nat. M., Rhus. Remission during the day. Aversion to open air. Blood bright-red, clotted ; but later, as in destructive diseases, cancer, &c., offensive, watery. Right Side. - Complaints from Merc., Plumb., lod., China. Similar to Hep., Merc., narcotics, Lach. Remission after midnight and in the forenoon. Apis has aggravation, and Rhus amelioration, from warmth, lying, lying in bed, stooping, sitting down, holding the breath, wrapping up. Apis has amelioration, and Bell, aggravation, from open air, cold washing, rising from bed, uncovering. APIS. Always busy, but awkward, break things; change occupation. Overstrained merriment, happy expression. Typhus, muttering delirium, tongue dry, cracked, hard to put out, swollen ; slide down in bed; eyes turn up, squinting or strange, happy MIND. Hurried, awkward on rising ; body bends to left; changes subjed in talking. Talk as in foreign language, or cry, whine, and then silly laugh ; expres- sion vacant. Typhus, mutter- ing, tongue dry, cracked, black, trembles when put out, catches LACHESIS. Comparative Materia Medica. 19 APIS. MIND. LACHESIS. look; stool putrid, involuntary, urine involuntary; speech im- possible. Absent mind-Brain feels tired. Ailments from rage, vexation with fright. on teeth or lolls in mouth; lower jaw hangs, eyelids drop ; eyes roll vacantly; face sunken ; stool offensive; speech, nasal or indistinct. AClive mind-Study well at night. Ailments from grief, disappointed love. / HEAD, FACE. Headache forehead; better press- ure. Staphyloma. Erysipelas of face ; begins about eyes; pale, pinkish. Coryza dry morning, fluent in the evening. Headache vertex; worse pressure. Pterygium; fistula lach. Erysipelas of face; begins on cheeks ; blue or purplish. Coryza fluent; pulsating head- ache precedes. MOUTH. Tongue and mouth inflamed; fauces, tonsils, rosy-red ; ves- icles clustered on posterior of tongue, or whole border. Tongue blistered on tip ; vesicles tend to ulcerate ; tingling pains. Diphtheria, weak from the begin- ning; patches dirty-grey, or throat as if varnished; voice weak, larynx numb; worse swallowing liquids or solids ; legs numb; skin waxy; nose dry. Hoarse, rough voice; phlegm difficult, scanty, clear, (1). THROAT. Diphtheria, throat purple, gan- grenous ; worse left side; la- rynx sensitive to least touch ; worse swallowing liquids and saliva; legs mottled, livid; nose discharges thin, slimy fcetor. Hoarse voice, weak, low; phlegm difficult, watery, salty. Both have contradtion of the throat, rawness, stinging. Contraction less marked; more like a tonic astridion; swallow- ing difficult from diminished power over the muscles of de- glutition. Feel as if throat and mouth were scalded. Constriction like spasm, clonic; almost choke when swallow; fluids escape through the nose. Dryness in spots; less scalded feeling; tingling pains. Ascites from tumor (uterine, ova- rian); abdomen sore as if bruised. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. Ascites from enlarged liver, spleen, heart; worse least touch or feeling as if ulcerated, (2). . (1) Apis has been given in clergyman's sore-throat after cauteriza- tion. (Compare Nat. Mur., Ars.) (2) This distinction is important; because Apis seldom causes suppuration; Lachesis, often. 20 Comparative Materia Medica. APIS. STOMACH, ABDOMEN LACHESIS. Inflammation of internal organs, dropsy following. Burning in the stomach, worse eating; yellow, painless diar- rhoea. More the acute symp- toms of gastric catarrh. Diarrhoea, yellow-green mucus ; worse morning; hands blue, cold. Dysentery; intestines feel bruis- ed ; tenesmus after stool. Costive; stool large, difficult; rawness at the anus. Piles protrude ; fidgety, restless ; stinging soreness (vascular state) ; anus swollen. Inflammation of internal organs, suppuration or engorgement following. Burning pressure, gnawing, better from eating ; returns soon, more violent the emptier is the sto- mach ; more the symptoms of chronic catarrh, gastralgia, &c. Diarrhoea yellow, foecal; worse at night; alternates with consti- pation. Dysentery; stool cadeverous; ab- domen feels as if ulcerated; tenesmus during stool. Costive; stool natural or like sheep's dung ; offensive; burn- ing at the anus. Stool hin- dered by constriction. Piles protrude; stitches when coughing; can't bear least touch (nervous state) ; prolapsus ani. KIDNEYS, URINE. Urine generally scanty but fre- quent; straw-colored (not so deep yellow as sometimes in Lachf more acute cystic symp- toms ; tenesmus vesicae, urine mixed with blood. Not so much pressure as with Lach., hence symptoms not so chronic. Kidneys ; sore, bruised feeling; back feels sore when stooping; stiff or weak feeling in the back. (See Scarlatina). Urine frequent and profuse ; foamy (bilious state) ; with bad looking mucus (cystitis); pres- sure on the bladder as from haemorrhoids of bladder (after liquor). Blood sometimes, then it looks like charred straw, set- tling to the bottom. Kidneys; stitches; warmth; like a ball moving; drawing into hips, with urging to urinate; stiffness from the loins to the sacrum and thighs. Complaints among widows. Right ovary; pains up to ribs; tightness across hips ; ovarian dropsy. Menstruation; heaviness in ab- domen ; bearing down most right ovary; congestion to head; constipation; legs cedematous, wax-colored ; restless, uneasy ; yawning. Sexual desire strong; sometimes in widows, weak; coition causes stinging in the ovaries. Milk diminished. GENITALS. Complaints at climacteric age. Left (3) ovary; pain to liver, chest or genitals ; ovarian sup- puration. Menstruation; tearing in abdo- men ; bearing down left ovary ; congestion to head, nose bleed ; diarrhoea; legs with ulcers, purple ; chilly by day, flashes by night. Sexual desire strong, irresistible, often with functional weakness; pollutions or intercourse im- proves. Milk spoiled. (3) Lachesis has been given for tumor in the right groin ; but its main action seems on the left ovary. Comparative Materia Medica. 21 APIS. CHEST. LACHESIS. Cough; soreness upper left chest; worse before midnight, after lying down, after sleep; sputa tough, scanty, must be swal- lowed, sputa small. Cough ; ulcerative pain in chest; worse lying down, during and after sleep ; sputa must be swallowed; expectoration all day. Both have cough continuing until phlegm is loosened. Respiration difficult, leaning for- ward or backward; cannot see how can get another breath; restless, yet no relief from change of place; breathe quick- ly; asthma in winter. Respiration better sitting bent forward ; awake suffocating, gasping, anxious ; anguish worse from least motion of arms; breathe slowly ; asthma in warm, wet weather, (Spring). Both have emotions affecting the heart. Pulse accelerated, full; or thread- like ; if intermitting, regular. External plethora (mostly). Feel sore all over superficially. Pulse full or small, weak; un- equal. Internal plethora (mostly). Feel sore internally. FEVERS. Chill worse in a warm room; in the morning; burning in the chest; smothering feeling in the chest; begins in the chest stomach or hands. Heat, wants to uncover. Sweat alternative with dry skin. No thirst in the sweat. Scarlatina; restless, agitated ; ir- ritation of the whole surface ; erysipelas of the throat; whole neck swollen ; saliva tough, stringy ; dropsy with scanty, milky urine ; skin waxy. If rash recedes or fails, throat worse; delirium, bores head in pillow, shrill shriek ; skin hot and cold in places ; face oedem- atous. Chill better in a warm room; in the afternoon ; burning in the face; tearing, tightness in the chest; runs up the back. Heat, averse to uncovering. Sweat with heat; worse motion. None in the chill; mostly before chill. Scarlatina; tendency to gangrene in the throat; tonsils and glands suppurate ; puffy in front of the neck ; saliva copious, tenacious or slimy ; dropsy with copious urine, black in spots. If rash recedes or fails ; face and jaws sunken; skin cold, purple in spots. SLEEP. Both cause sleeplessness from nervousness with desire to sleep. z TISSUES. Boils, abscesses, &c.; stage of inflammation (Erysip.) or later, gangrene. Panaritium, burning, stinging ; erysipelas far around. Boils, abscesses, &c.; suppura- tion, pus laudable but retarded; later, bluish. Panaritium, pricking, tingling, more than stinging ; blue far around. 22 Comparative Materia Medica. Skin peels. Cancers and eruptions burn, sting yellow, painless diarrhoea. Varicose veins burn, sting. Skin and muscles rigid. APIS. TISSUES. LACHESIS. Skin suppurates. Cancers with lancinating pains; eruptions more with constipa- tion. Varicose veins ulcerate. Skin and muscles lax. GENERALITIES Allied to Ranunc., Nat. tnur., Sulphur. Complaints from Anthrax, lod., Sul. Remission during the day. Inclination for open air. Allied to Merc., Solanacece, Hepar. Complaints from Merc., Quinine. Remission midnight until noon. Aversion to open air (mostly). Apis has aggravation and Lachesis amelioration from motion, warmth, shaking the head, after rising from a seat, swallowing food, cold weather, inspiration. Apis has amelioration and Lachesis aggravation from holding suffering part, assuming an eredt position, rising from bed, open air. APIS. MIND. CANTIIARIS. Mental symptoms more those of deficient brain action-coma, imbecility-brain feels tired- hydrocephalus; sero-tubercular deposit; absent-minded. Restless, with the meaningless, busy, manner of the weak- minded ; always at work, yet awkward, break things and laugh at the mishap. Sensitive to pains. Coma caused by hydrocephalic effusion, sero-tubercular; one side paralysed, the other jerk- ing; shrill cry ; boring head in pillow; squinting. Breathing oppressed, worse lying. Big toe is turned up. Mental symptoms more hyper- adlion-fury, violent cries, in- sanity-wild look-cerebral in- flammation with violent symp- toms even if unconscious. Fancies. (See Sleep). Restless, agitated, frantic, an in- flammatory state of both mind and body ; passions wild, parts burning. Frantic with the pains. Coma caused by internal erosions or suppurations; arms lie life- less, with occasional starts ; scowling, barking ; eyes closed, or if open, expressionless. Breathing oppressed, better lying. THROAT. Diphtheria, prostration constant from beginning; throat as if varnished, rosy-red, mottled or gray deposit ; saliva tough, stringy ; rash ; neck swollen. Diphtheria,prostration later, faint- ing spells, coldness ; throat ex- coriated, burns, dark red; saliva frothy, bloody ; rash shines through epidermis ; spasms in throat. Both have strangury in diphtheria. Comparative Materia Medica. 23 APIS. FACE CANTHARIS. Erysipelas of face ; begins about eyes, temples ; blisters, if any small. Dryness of the nose (as in Scar- latina) or coryza dry in morn- ing, fluent in the evening. Involuntary snapping of teeth to- gether (brain). Vesicles in clus- ters on root of tongue or along border ; tongue swollen, burns, stings. Tonsils swollen, red, highly in- flamed; erysipelatous. Difficult swallowing of liquids or solids, because throat is swol- len, contracted, or muscles are too weak. Erysipelas, burning as though scalded ; begins on dorsum of nose ; blisters large, bleb-like. Difficult detachment of tenacious mucus from posterior nares, causing a burning, smarting sensation. Grinding of teeth, hydrophobia ; spasms, lascivious mania. Ves- icles in mouth, on tongue, burn sore, suppurate; burning to stomach. Tonsils swollen dark-red, burn, suppurate. Difficulty of swallowing liquids from spasms of the throat; often impossible ; even the sight of water causes choking. Inflammation of internal organs, parts feel sore as if bruised ; dropsies follow. Generally little thirst; if any, drink often and little. Inflammation of stomach; burn- ing, stinging pains ; fever, dry skin, full pulse, restlessness. Peritonitis especially with exuda- tion and prostration. Feet swol- len, waxy. Abdomen so sore, bruised, it cannot bear pressure. Metritis as a complication. Costive, or stool painless yellow. Ascites may follow, with in- voluntary diarrhoea from re- laxed sphinder ani. Alvine discharges more from mu- cous state of intestines, sub- acute inflammation, vascular fullness. Hence painles smu- cous; mucous with tenesmus or griping; rawness, bruised soreness, bloody stools. Indicated in hydrocephaloid stage of Choi. Inf. with coma; cold, blue hands. Similar to Phos., Calc, c., Sul., Zinc. AffeCls more the spleen ; hence diseases affeCling the quality of the blood. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. Inflammation internal organs with intense burning with the sore- ness ; more suppuration than A pis. Thirst, drink seldom and much at a time, or aversion because drinking excites the pains. Inflam, stomach, agonized tossing about, burning like coals of fire, stomach as if screwed together. Peritonitis especially with erosion or suppuration. Pains cutting, burning, agonizing. Despair, face sunken. Complicated with inflammation of serous covering of bladder. Stool bloody, slimy, extorting cries. Suppuration may follow with coma, arms hang lifeless, pulse weak, hands cold, occa- sional starts. Alvine discharges more from intense, destructive inflamma- tion, pains cutting, burning, with agony, destructive. Hence scrapings of intestinal mucous membrane ; bloody, corrosive stool, scream with the tenes- mus. Indicated in collapse of dysentery, peritonitis, &c.; sinking, death- like spells. Similar to Carnph. Affects more the liver; hence yellow skin, yellow sight, &c. 24 Comparative Materia Medica. APIS. KIDNEYS, URINE. Kidneys (i). Bruised pains in kidneys, worse stooping. Pains from bladder to kidneys. Stitches in kidneys, arrest the breathing. Pains from kidneys to bladder. CANTH ARIS. Both have strangury, irritation of neck of bladder, burn- ing during and after'micturition. Urine copious with hemiplegia. Incontinence with great irrita- tion of parts ; worse at night and when coughing. Urine scanty, bloody or like cof- fee-grounds or milky (Scarla- tina). Dropsy with scanty urine, thirst- lessness, defibrinatedblood (i). Urine copious, involuntary, after long retention or with para- plegia. Urine scanty, contains casts of epith, flaky, purulent. Dropsy caused by cystic retention, atony of urinary organs. SEXUAL ORGANS Sexual desire may be strong; often lessened in widows. Priapism, desire intense, most with inflamed bladder, &c., &c. The lascivious symptoms of Canth. render it far superior in Nymphomania, although Apis also has eruptions and inflammation of external genitals, so often the apparent cause of this disease. Inflammation more vascular, ery- sipelatous. Scratching raises lumps, like hives. Gonorrhoea, system contaminated - gonitis - fever-gleet. An- swers to the hydrogenoid con- stitution of Grauvogl. Ovarian disease, right side ; burn- ing, stinging; soreness upper left chest, numbness down thigh or up to ribs. Dropsy, pale complexion, waxy, cedematous limbs ; scanty urine ; constipa- tion. Abortion, direCt congestion with bearing down; heaviness in abdomen; flow with yawning and faintness. Complaints among widows. Dysmenorrhcea, sharp, stabbing pains in head or uterus, con- gestion to head. Inflammation of a destructive nature. Scratching (pruritus) raises little tumors. Gonorrhoea, inflammation intense, spreads to bladder, kidneys, prostate. Sometimes in second- ary forms, when discharge in- creases again-seldom true gleet. Ovarian disease ; burning, pinch- ing ; stitches arrest breathing. Dropsy with sickly complexion ; more strangury than Apis ; te- nesmus of both reCtum and bladder. Abortion, strangury, especially when subjeCt to moles or foetus is dead ; flow black, .clotted. Complaints among the sterile (subjeCt to moles). Dysmenorrhcea, membranous, burning ; lancinating deep in brain. (i) Cantharis is best adapted to nephritis vera with tendency to suppuration or croupous exudation. In Bright's disease, it owes its uraemic symptons to destructive inflammation, thus preventing the functional action of the kidneys. In Apis we would scarcely find a remedy for true nephritis, as it seldom acts on parenchymatous parts or causes suppuration or croupy (fibrinous) exudation. Its uraemia results from defibrinated blood, albuminuria. It claims precedence where the blood is the cause of the disease, Scarlatina, &c. Comparative Materia Medica. 25 Dropsy of chest, no inflamma- tion; cannot see how can get another breath. R.estless, can bend neither forward nor back- ward. Cough, awakes before 12 P. M.; expectoration difficult, scanty, tough, clear. Respiration hurried, painful, spasmodic ; worse lying down, (cerebro-spinal diseases, &c). Weakness of air passages in diseases which devitalize the blood. Diphtheria, &c. Soreness of chest as if jammed, bruised. Palpitation not marked. Pulse full, accelerated or intermittent, or thread-like. APIS. CHEST, ETC. Dropsy after pleurisy ; chest so weak can make neither effort to breathe nor speak. Face ex- pressive of despair, cold sweat; syncope. Cough early on rising; expectora- tion difficult, tenacious, bloody. Respiration oppressed, with crampy pains in chest; better lying down (cerebro-spinal diseases, &c). Weakness of air passages, as from exhaustive inflammation or suppuration, &c. Cutting, burning, stitches in chest. Palpitation violent. Pulse full and hard, or intermittent and hard, or feeble, slow. CANTHARIS. BACK, LIMBS. Stiff back or weakness in the small of the back. (See kidneys). Hands blue, cold, in diarrhoea. Stitches up the back to the axilla or into the abdomen, (2). Hands cold, in bladder diseases. SLEEP. Sleepless from nervous irritation ; fidgetty. Sleepless from illusions of persons walking, striking bed, &c. Scarlatina. Both have kidney affections, dropsy, stran- gury, uraemia, &c. (See note 1). FEVEBS. Throat sore, with non-develop- ment of eruption; muttering delirium or sopor ; nose dry, or discharge of white or bloody mucus. Chill, worse least motion ; face and hands hot. Worse, warm room. Heat with muttering, uncon- sciousness ; drowsy or sleep- less ; thirstless mostly. Better from uncovering. Throat covered with tenacious mucus; vitiated, frowning look, sleepless, great distress ; nose dry, burning or discharge ichorous. Chill, worse rising from bed ; face pale ; sometimes resists warmth, but better therefrom. Heat delirious, talk of business or of the dead; great thirst; some- times thirsty, yet averse to drink. Worse from uncovering. (2) Cantharis has the symptoms of neuralgia of kidneys, bladder, urethra, as well as of irritability. Apis, only those of irritability. Comparative Materia Medica. 26 APIS. FEVERS. CANTH ARIS. Intermittents, all stages marked ; thirst during chill. Better if sweat is checked. Sweat not marked ; alternate with dry skin ; musk-like, in brain diseases. Intermittents with strangury; thirst after chill. Chilly stage predominates. Better after sweat. Sweat profuse; cold on hands and feet. (Collapse, &c). TISSUES. Skin, muscles, rigid. Skin raises in welts ; feels sore, bruised; burning, stinging. Hives. Red areola around carbuncles, boils, ulcers; (erysipelatous) with burning, stinging pains. Gangrene. Eruotions better washing. Inflammation of the periosteum. Remission during the day. Skin, muscles, lax. Skin as if blistered or actually blistered; burns like fire. Blisters. Burns. Pemphigus. Red areola around pimples, ulcers burn, tearing pains. Gangrene with vesicles. Eruptions worse washing. Tearing in the bones. Remission morning, evening until midnight. GENERALITIES. Apis has aggravation, and Canth. amelioration, from warmth, warm air, after lying down, when growing warm in bed. Apis has amelioration, and Canth. aggravation, from open air, cold washing, moistening the suffering part. Fear of apoplexy ; apoplexy more than paralysis, (1.) APIS. t MIND. Fear of loss of reason ; paralysis more than apoplexy. NATRUM MUR. Both have ailments from fright with vexation ; rage: If with jealousy. Fickle inconstancy; foolish gaiety, overstrained gaiety. Loquacious. If with reserved displeasure. Sad, tearful, or alternately sad and excessively merry, (2). Taciturn. Both have absent mindedness, mental weakness, dullness, imbecility, weary feeling in the head. (1) Apis seldom causes paralysis, except from blood poison (Diph- theria, &c.), or from causes within the brain (tumors, apoplexy, &c). Nat.mur. causes paralysis from emotions, pains, onanism, exces- ses in liquor; hence from direct nervous exhaustion. (2) The alternation of symptoms in Nat. mur. is very characteris- tic, and shows its efficacy in nervous diseases ; especially hysteria. Comparative Materia Medica 27 APTS. MIND. NAT. MUR. Awkward; breaks things from clumsiness. Vertigo when lying with closed eyes; nausea and headache ; congestive from suppressed menses ; faint when stooping, with revolving vertigo ; even- ing vertigo after sleep; from sun or hot room; in the spring. Awkward ; hasty ; drops things from nervous weakness. Vertigo when rising, goes off if lie down awhile; congestive from suppressed haemorrhoidal flow or in pregnancy ; faint if move; morning vertigo ; from spirituous liquors ; from strain- ing eyes or'close study. (3). HEAD. Nervous headache; must hold the head and eyes down; better in cold air. Congestion; pressure in fore- head, relieved by pressure of the hand; throbbing and burn- ing; worse, moving or stoop- ■ ing, (4). Same with constridlive pains, cutting; .worse in cold air and while walking; eyes drawn together. Congestion; like little hammers beating ; pressure both sides of head like a vice; worse, rising or moving ; (worse, waking); better from sweat. EYES. Staphyloma cornea. Vesicles on the cornea; cornea smoky; profuse lachrymation; twitching of the ball; lids granular. Scrofulous oph- thalmia from suppressed (itch) eruption; hence like Sulph. Obscuration of sight, with blind staggers or from opaque cornea. Lachrymal sac in- flamed, (like Puls). Suppuration of cornea. Acrid, corroding tears from the eyes; twitching of the balls and spasmodic closure of the lids. Dermoid tumor on edge of lid. Scrofulous ophthalmia, abused with nitrate of silver, (5); like Ars. Obscuration amaurotic, from de- bilitating, nervous losses. Fistula lachrymalis. EARS. Erysipelatous, redness of the ears, Ears red from congestion, together with otorrhcea, beating, throb- bing. (3) Tlie sun<s heat seems to aggravate all symptoms of the Natrum salts. Nat. mur. gives us, especially, weak, faint feelings in chest and head when walking in the sun, and not so much vertigo as Apis or Natr. carb. & (4) Generally, Apis feels better if sweat is lessened. Perhaps this will be true of headaches. (5) Yet Apis has cured sore throats after cauterization, and it may be, that it will apply equally well to the eyes. 28 Comparative Materia Medica. APIS. NOSE. NAT. MLR. Dryness of the nose, or white, thick or aciid, bloody, fetid mucus. Dry coryza, morning.; fluent, evening. Erysipelas of nose ; cedematous. Thick mucus with loss of smell and taste. Membrane thick- ened. Alternate dry and fluent coryza. Red and swollen nose ; numb. Neuralgia with or followed by impaired memory, (6). Face pale, waxy or purplish. FACE. Neuralgia after quinine ; pains produce paralytic symptoms. Face shining, yellowish or livid; one cheek red. MOUTH. Upper lip swollen, feels stiff. Mouth inflamed, rosy-sed; dry, as if burned ; or vesicles mostly along the edge of the tongue; prickling in the tongue. Tongue dry, white. Saliva, tough, frothy. Upper lip swollen, feels numb. Mouth inflamed, tongue and gums swollen, blisters; ulcers form more than in Apis ; gums bleed ; ptyalism ; one side of the tongue numb, (7). Map tongue. Saliva, copious, bloody or limpid. THROAT. Swallowing difficult from contrac- tive sensation in the throat; from swelling; or from diminished power over the muscles of the throat. (Diphtheria). Throat dry, glistening ; or oedem- atous; or gangrenous ulcers. (Scarlatina). Goitre, with ovarian disease. Swallowing difficult, as from a plug in the throat; from spasm, of the pharynx (8) ; food goes down *• the wrong way " or not at all; muscles of swallowing weak, speech impa.ired. Throat dry, yet constantly hawk- ing mucus ; putrid, ulcerated patches in the throat and on the gums. (Scorbutus). Goitre, with chronic sore throat; glands worse coughing; swal- lowing. STOMACH, ETC. Nausea felt in the throat. Longing for sour things. Nausea felt in the stomach, Longing for bitter things. (6) Apis has blind staggers, revolving vertigo, neuralgia, with de- ficient memory and hemiplegia, all symptoms of cerebral tumors. Will it be of use in their treatment? Many of the Apis symptoms point to organic brain changes. (7) Nat. mzir. has scorbutic symptoms, and always produces more excoriated, raw sensations than Apis. (8) Nat. mzir. always gives us crampy, colicky, spasmodic pains in nearly every locality. Apis offers more symptoms of vascular irri- tation. Both may appear in the treatment of hysteria, but Nat. mur. must ever cover the majority of cases. Comparative Materia Medica. 29 Thirstless (dropsy), or drink little and often ; drinking causes burning and nausea. Eradiations bitter. Appetite less, (with Diarrhoea). Symptoms of acute catarrh of the stomach ; burning; sensitive- ness to least touch ; soreness; diarrhoea, painless, yellow. APIS. STOMACH, ETC. Thirst constant; nausea ajter drinking. Empty erudlations ; sour. Hunger increased, often with lessened appetite. Hungry for supper. Symptoms of chronic catarrh; cramp-pains ; burning alterna- ting with coldness ; pressure, with nausea and sudden sink- ing of strength; sleepy after eating. NAT. Mil?. Both have a tightness of the skin across the abdomen from hip to hip : ABDOMEN -worse raising the arms ; ovarian. Abdomen feels sore, bruised, worse walking, or from least touch. Abdomen distended, oedematous. -must loosen the clothes. When walking, abdominal vis- cera feel as if loose, dragging. Abdomen distended, with flatus. (9). BOWELS. Constipation, stool very large; sensation as though something tight would break if too much effort is used. Diarrhoea painless, bloody (dys- enteric) or painless, yellow; worse in morning ; emaciation with anasarca, indescribable weakness ; hands blue and cold (Cholera Infantum) ascites. Hydrocephaloid symptoms, with Cholera Infantum. Haemorrhoids small, protrude, cause smarting and much fid- getiness ; urine very scanty. Swelling of anus. Constipation, stool hard, dry, crumbling, fissures the anus; sensation of pressure from na- vel downwards, with leaden heaviness across the bladder and pelvis. (13). Diarrhoea green, watery, bloody ; worse during the day ; emacia- tion most about the neck; eat well, yet grow thin ; alternation of constipation and diarrhoea ; abdomen sunken or distended. (9)- Haemorrhoids, with protruding redlum and much smarting; cutting in the urethra after mic- turition ; herpes around anus. Prolapsus ani. (9) Nat. mur. causes emaciation, with hunger; constipation alter- nate with diarrhoea, etc., because the glandular system is diseased. Apis tends to produce dropsies, albuminuria, etc., because the blood is defibrinated. (13) Crumbling of the stool seems to be the especial property of the muriates ; at least, Mag. mur., Amm. mur., Nat. mur., represent- atives of three different bases, have it ; and Kali chlor, (mur.} has hard, rZry stool, a favorable pre-disposing state. 30 Comparative Materia Medica. APIS. KIDNEYS, URINE. NAT. MUR. SoreT bruised feeling in region of kidneys ; painful stiffness, worse stooping; urine scanty, red, bloody. Incontinence at night and when coughing, with great irritation of the parts. (10). Burning before and after urina- ting ; strangury. Urine scanty, albuminous, often like coffee-grounds. Gleet, with gonitis (rheumatic sub- jects). Compare Note (5). Tension and heat in region of kidneys, even while sitting; walking soon tires; urine with brick-dust sediment. Incontinence night and day when coughing, walking or laughing. Stitches in the bladder, burning during urination ; cutting in ure- thra, after. Urine generally profuse or like coffee-grounds, black. Gleet green, (females) intensely itching; genitals (male) smell strong, humid, itching ; herpes scroti et ani. After Nitrate of Silver. GENITALS. Sexual desire increased or, with widows, decreased. Embrace (female) causes pains in ovarian regions. Menses suppressed cause con- gestion to head, vertigo, delir- ium ; awkward, constantly busy, but do nothing. Vulvitis, erysipelatous; or erup- tions stinging like bee sting. Leucorrhcea profuse, yellow; green and acrid, with dysuria. Bearing down mostly in region of ovaries (congestive). Tendency to dropsy, with uterine (and ovarian) diseases. Excitement physical; weakness of the parts ; impotence. Embrace weakens, coldness of joints, (n), (male); feels easy and light-hearted at first, later, ill-humored (females) (12). Menses delayed cause bloody saliva, heat in face, heavy ab- domen ; congestion of head more after menses ; hasty, im- patient. Vulvitis with falling off of the hair; pimples on mons veneris, and on border of hair, nape of neck. Leucorrhcea with colic, white, thick, transparent, or green; when walking causing smarting and itching. (8). Pressing from sides of abdomen in morn, must sit to prevent prolapse. Chlorotic symptoms with uterine diseases. (10) Apis suits vesicle irritability, with accompanying enuresis. Nat. mur. develops more a paralytic state, hence, no irritation. Apis may, perhaps, cause profuse paralytic enuresis with hemiplegia. (11) This sensation, of coldness, compared wtth similar sensations, in other parts, will be found to run through the whole pathogenesis of Nat. mur. (12) But, after the menses, Nat mur. gives us aversion to embrace, which has become painful from dryness of the vagina. The sadness so characteristic at this time, also helps to induce the aversion. Comparative Materia Medica. 31 APIS. LARYNX, LUNGS, HEART. NAT. MUR. Hoarseness, rough voice, husky phlegm difficult, scanty, clear clergyman's sore throat. Hoarseness, with dryness in lar- ynx and nose ; accumulation of mucus mornings; in chronic cases, with sensation of swal- lowing over a lump. Both have been successfully used after abuse of Lunar Caustic. Cough worse evening until 12 P. M. ; after lying down; after sleep. Expectoration tough, scanty, must be swallowed. Cough causes soreness left peCtoral re- gion. ' Cough worse evening after lying down ; from motion. Expectoration yellow, blood- streaked, flat or sourish, seldom salt. Cough with cutting, (14) tearing in chest, bursting pain in head. Breath fetid, (with headache). 1 Breath smells, (scurvy, &c.); hot. Both have oppression of chest worse in the room. Dyspnoea; does not see how he can breathe again. (Pneumo- thorax). Pain near heart al- most arrests breathing. Must sit up ; worse bending back- ward or forward, Suffocative fullness in larynx and chest, less constriction. Dyspnoea from manual labor; [Emphysema. (Hysteria?)]. Pains generally take away breath, and almost paralyze. When sitting erefl, cough comes. Oppression as if constricted or lungs were too tight, burning hands. Both have bruised feeling in the chest, (15) and both have emotions affecting the heart. Valvular disease of the heart; fe- brile excitement, distress, an- guish, restlessness, yet no relief from change of position. Blow- ing with diastole. Pulse accelerated, full, or thread- like ; if intermittent it is equal in volume. Valvular disease ; chronic forms, with weak, faint feeling, must lie down; fluttering heart, (16) worse lying on left side ; cold feeling about heart from mental exertion ; worse from least mo- tion. Pulse at one time rapid and weak, at another full and slow; feel pulse all over least motion, ir- regular, intermittent, trembling. (16). (14) As comparable, we note cutting as a characteristic sensation in headache, cough, backache, urination. It is often combined with crampy pain. (15) The bruised pains of Nat. mur.. differ from those of Apis, lack- ing the extreme sensitiveness to touch, so characteristic of the latter. (16) As comparable, mark under Nat. mur., trembling pulse, flut- tering heart, trembling hands when writing, limbs tremble when walk, trembles after siesta, fluttering in ear, tremor of lids, letters run together. 32 Comparative Materia Medica. Flashes of heat over the back, as though sweat would break out, with pain in the left ileo-sacral articulation. Spasmodic, rapid, painful respira- tion, with congestion of head and spine. Muscles of back feel stiff or weary; weak, must lie down. Stiffness and swelling of the limbs (oedema). Rheumatism, inflammatory; worse in damp, cold weather; burning, stinging pains. Tingling, with fiery burning at the points of the fingers. Panaritium, burning stinging. Hands blue, cold. APIS. BACK AND LIMBS. Throbbing in the small of the back ; whole spine is over-sen- sitive to touch or pressure. Sensation of weight in back and shoulders, with dyspnoea. Spi- nal irritation. Paralytic weakness in the lumbar region. Stiffness, rigidity of a paralytic na- ture. Rheumatism, with less inflamma- tion, but marked contraction of muscles, and especially ham- strings. Tingling over all limbs ; worse in tips of fingers. Panaritium starts from a hang- nail. Hands burn or are sweaty. NAT. MLR. Both have suppressed foot sweat. SLEEP. Both have sleeplessness from nervous restlessness, yet with desire to sleep; awaken agitated; awaken unrefreshed. The restlessness of Nat. mur., is most marked in the legs. Awakens with a shrill shriek ; I Awakens as from fright, with hydrocephalic. (17). | throbbing all over ; headache. Drcams, frightful, with disturbed respiration, occur in both. Only Nat. mur. has the true incubus and the symptom : " dreams of robbers, on awaking, will have house searched." FEVER. Chill, afternoon (3-4 P. M.); begins in the chest. During chill, thirst; burning and oppression of the chest, as though he would smother. Heat, with inclination to uncover. Chill, morning (io A. M.,) (18) ; begins in back, hands, feet, right side. During chill, persistent vomiting, debility, paleface. (C. Pearson). Heat, with aversion to uncover. (17) The adjeCtive, Hydrocephalic is used, because the symptom has occurred in children who had no real dropsy of brain, but were predisposed to that disease. (18) Nat. mur. has also an evening chill, internal, as from want of animalheat. This often occurs in Chlorosis and kindred diseases. Comparative Materia Medica. 33 APIS. FEVER. NAT. MUI?. During heat, delirium with mutter- ing, unconsciousness; diar- rhoea ; short breath ; drowsy or sleepless. Sweat, scanty or alternate with dry skin. Urticaria. During apyrexia, pain under short ribs; sore limbs and joints large abdomen ; swollen feet, scanty urine. Typhus, enteric; exanthematic; cerebral. Delirium, slides down in bed. Generally thirstless; if drink, takes only small quantities at a time ; uncon- sciousness. During heat, violent headache, stitches in the head; uncon- sciousness, blindness or blurred sight. Sweat, copious, relieves all symptoms. Hydroa. -- During apyrexia, yellow face, stomach disordered; swollen liver, stomach; drawing in limbs. Typhus versatilis; gastric symp- toms; on getting up sink down to ihe floor. Unquenchable thirst, dry tongue ; water tastps spoiled; nausea from drinking, unconsciousness. Both develop an urticaria, worse from violent exercise; with red spots on abdomen ; stinging pains; lichen; prurigo; also eruptions with thin, scaly scabs. Im- petiginous and other pustular eruptions belong more to Nat. mur., as do also raw, excoriated eruptions. 8KIN, BONES, ETC. Boils large ; before suppuration, (20). Punflured wounds become erysipelatous. Arthritic nodosities. Muscles, as if jammed, bruised. Ulcers gangrenous. Erysipelas appears in both Boils small, especially blood boils; corners of mouth. Wounds become painful, sup- purate ; pain in old scars. Arthritic contractions. Muscles, as if torn from the bones. Ulcers fistulous, phagedenic. but predominately in Apis. GENERALITIES. Complaints of children, women, (widows). Paralysis from pressure (in ovarian dropsy); from blood changes, (diphtheria); hemi- plegia, (from serous effusion in brain); not so predominant as with Nat. m. Complaints of old people. Paralysis from intermittents; from sexual excesses or other nervous exhaustion ; from diphtheria; from anger or emotions; even from pains. (20) According to Virchow, the degeneration necessary for sup- puration must occur in deep parts. Now, as Apis seldom influences parenchymatous parts, it seldom produces suppuration. (See Cross, Apis-Lach.} 34 Comparative Materia Medica. Spasms from cerebral effusion; starting from sexual organs (in females). Hysteria. Mania of women. Spasms with unconsciousness. Left side predominately affedted. Remission during day. Sensitive to touch ; over-sensitive to pain. Worse in heat of sun. Worse lying down; better rising from bed. Worse drinking cold water. Better from wine. Better uncovering ; from wet ap- plications. APIS. GENERALITIES. NAT. MUR. Spasms, chronic or hysterical. Come at full moon. Mania, especially when accompanied by paralytic debility, (19). Spasms with full consciousness. Right side predominately af- fected. Remission afternoon. Sensitive to touch, but numbness predominates. Worse in sultry weather, (3). Better lying down; worse rising from bed. Better drinking cold water. Worse from spirituous liquors. Better from wrapping up. Apis and Nat. mut. are complementary. First noticed by Dr. Hering, this has been confirmed by Drs. Raue, Lippe and many others. Chronic symptoms resulting from bee stings, will be cured by Nat. mur., in a very high potency. Cases relieved by Apis, will be completely cured by Nat. mur., when the symptoms concur. MERC. VIV. MIND, HEAD. MERC. CORR. Forgetful. Vertigo ; things look black. Stares at people, don't understand them. Vertigo, deafness, cold sweat. EYES. Pupils dilated. Ophthalmia, catarrhal; exanthe- matic, when pustules form; pimples around inflamed eye ; relapses from every cold. Lids closed, with pustules on tarsi. Pupils contracted or angular. Ophthalmia, gonorrhoeal, better than the Vivus; iris irregular, pink line around cornea; pus in ant. chamber ; phagedenic inflammation. Upper lid overlaps lower. Nasal.discharge anterior; watery, corrosive. FACE, MOUTH. Nasal discharge posterior; dis- charge dries up, gluey. (19) Nat.mur. produces alternate heaviness and lightness of the limbs; parts of the body move involuntarily, or move farther than intended ; in walking, one side seems to advance farther than other. These point to disordered nervous centres ; the latter, especially, to the cerebellum. Comparative Materia Medica. 35 MERC. VIV. FACE, MOUTH. MERC. CORR. Saliva profuse, fetid. Ulcers in mouth, white, larda- ceous; breath not so offensive as Merc. corr. Upper lip swollen, dry, rough. Sweat on the forehead; cold, oily or sour. Saliva acrid, rarely ptyalism. Ulcers phagedenic; very offen- sive breath. Lower lip everted, dark red. Sweat on forehead ; anxiety ; fetid towards morning. THROAT. Sore throat; uvulitis, tonsils con- tain pus; saliva copious, stringy. Of little use in diphtheria. Vomit bitter mucus; slimy .bloody. Dysentery; when tenesmus is worse after stool; urine fre- quent and scanty. Protflitis, typhlitis, etc., when ab- scess has formed. Chronic diarrhoea, (high poten- cies). Sore throat; uvulitis, when parts are dark red, burning; ten- dency to phagedena. Albuminuria after diphtheria. Vomit tough, stringy, albuminous mucus; dark blood. Dysentery, with more burning and bile ; tenesmus vesica;, hot or suppressed urine; cramps in calves. Same when, during stool, dis- charge of urine is impossible. Constipation, (highest potencies). Urine sour, pungent; mixed with blood, white flakes or pus, soon becomes fetid. Gonorrhoea when discharge is yellow-green, purulent. URINE. Urine hot, bloody, contains brick- dust sediment; or purulent sed- iment. Gonorrhoea when phagedenic in- flammation ensues. It is probable that in Phimosis, when the parts become dark red, burning, Merc. corr. will be the better remedy; and as this state oftenest occurs in Paraphimosis, it will be preferable here. Chancres simple, soft, superficial regular, free and thick pus. Chancres assume a phagedenic form, and secrete thin, ichorous pus. (Raue). Leucorrhoea purulent, acrid, floc culent, lumps of mucus. Menses profuse-too late. FEMALES. Leucorrhoea smelling sweetish, pale-yellow. Menses too early and profuse. CHEST. Merc. viv. is by far the better proved medicine in coughs, influenza, etc. But Merc. corr. is the remedy when, in bron- chitis, there are severe, cutting pains in larynx ; fauces dark-red, tightness across the chest, can hardly breathe. If 36 Comparative Materia Medica. MERC. VIV. CHEST. MERC. COER. fauces are involved, Mere. cotr. is to be preferred when swallowing is not so painful as is depressing the tongue, putting the tongue out; because the base is more affedted than in Merc. viv. EXTREMITIES Limbs cold, clammy; or so sore can scarcely move them. Limbs cold, muscles relaxed; purplish, with small, spasmodic pulse. Sweat cold, sour; often burns the skin. Pulse generally full, fast, some- times tremulous. Small-pox, with dysenteric dis- charge, great salivation ; sup- purative stage. FEVER, PULSE. Sweat cold, with anxiety; fetid towards morn. Pulse always weak, intermitting, tremulous. Small-pox when throat is so swol- len and inflamed almost suffo- cate. TISSUES. Caries mostly. Suppurations generally profuse ; laudable pus predominates. Nails yellowish. Similar to Aur., Narcotics, Lach., Sul., etc. Complaints of women and chil- dren. Necrosis. Suppurations ichorous always; phagedaena; gangrene. Nails grayish. Similar to Kreos., Arg., Nit., Arum., Ars., etc. Complaints of men. (Burt). MERC. VIV. CINNABAR. Fretful, malicious. Forgetful; headache sinciput. Symptoms predominate, left eye. Coryza anterior nares. Ophthalmia, pustules on and around eyes ; pustules on tarsi. Salivation, with sore gums. Catarrhs; sensation of lump in the throat; rawness in throat and chest; nose runs a burning ■water ; pain like a stitch through right chest. Dry, conical fig-warts. Chancres simple, uncomplicated; soft, free, thick pus. Bubo discharging thick pus. Fretful. Forgetful; headache vertex. Symptoms predominate, right eye. Coryza posterior nares. Condyloma of iiis on border of pupil or eyelids. Saliva, with increased urine. Catarrhs ; contraction in throat; dryness at night so can't sleep ; nose discharges, posteriorly, a dirty, ropy mucus in morning; pain from ensiform cartilage diagonally, through chest. Fan-shaped fig-warts. Chancres neglefled,badly treated, indurated ; exuberant granula- tions ; raised edges. Indolent bubo. Cinnabar cures when there is a combination of scrofula with syphilis, or syphilis and tuberculosis. Comparative Materia Medica. 37 Worse after stool, tenesmus. Anus burns. Painful diarrhoea at night. Eruptions painful, on palms of hands. Itching when warm in bed. Pulse slow by day, increased at night. Sweat night, front of body. Worse when alone. Worse cold air, evening air. Worse stretching. MERC. VIV. Pinching before stool, better after. Pimples around anus burn, itch. Painless diarrhoea at night. Eruption on elbows, knuckles red. Itching all over, no eruption. Pulse slow forenoon, increased afternoon. Sweat at noon, between thighs. Worse in company. Worse in heat, better cold air. Better stretching. CINNABAR. MERC. VIV. MIND, HEAD. MERC. PROTO-JO D. Both have anxiety, restlessness, etc. Longs to go abroad for relief. Headaches, catarrhal, rheumatic, etc., worse open air. Vertigo lying or walking. Discharge from nose, anterior nares. Catarrhs : discharges watery, ex- coriating, scurfy nostrils, bleed when cleansed; green, fetid pus ; nose red, shining, swollen. Catarrh of conjunctiva of eyes; relapses from cold ; exanthema conjunctivae. Tongue flabby ; dry, coated black. Sore throat ; tonsilitis with suppu- ration, or slowly forming ulcers ; best when pus has formed. Other symptoms better during care and anxiety. Headache from catarrh, etc., bet- ter open air. Vertigo when riding. Disch: rge from posterior nares, mostly. Catan hs: discharge whitish or bloody, posterior nares ; nasal bones diseased, turbinated bones swollen, worse right nos- tril. Catarrh of eyes, indicated in con- junctiva membranacea. Tongue yellow base ; bright-red tip. Diphtheritic sore throat (i); patch- es limited, easily detached; ulcers on tonsils; tubercular sore throat. Merc. viv. produces ulceration of mucous membrane, but Mere. jod. seems to alter more the follicular glands, so that their secretions are tough, opaque; while those of the Virus are tenacious, viscid. Merc. jod. cures tubercular sore throat because of its adtion on follicles, cheesy masses in sputum. (i) Merc, proto-jod. may, perhaps, be of use ingenuine diphtheria, but it is certainly the best remedy in the diphtheritic sore throats so common every winter. It differs from Lach, in being darker, more livid ; like Lach., the swelling is worse left side, and from empty swallowing; but it lacks the extreme sensitiveness to external touch about neck. 38 Comparative Materia Medica. MERC. VIV. STOMACH, BOWELS. MERC. PROTO-JOD. Nausea with vertigo. Whitish, watery stools. Dysentery, much tenesmus, es- pecially after stool. Stool tenacious or crumbling. Nausea with suffocation about heart. Thin, brown stools, much froth. Best when there is griping, with little blood hut much grass- green mucus. Stool tenacious like putty. URINE, GENITALS Urine copious, dark, sour. Emissions at night, bloody. Chancres soft, pus free. Urine copious, dark-red. Emissions when dream of urina- ting. Chancres indurated, scars hard. CHEST. Ulcerated laryngitis, with profuse ptyalism; white patches. Bronchitis, bloody sputa ; symp- toms of influenza. Ulcerated laryngitis, patches livid, purplish ; discharge thin, offen- sive. Bronchitis, bronchial glands swol- len ; sub-acute cases. SLEEP. Sleepless before 12 P.M | Sleepless before i A.M FEVERS, ETC., SKIN Scarlatina, consecutive anasarca, ascites ; genitals sore, inflamed. Scarlatina, lose voice, fauces purple, ulcerated; after Lach. Merc, prot-jod. is the better medicine in Scarlatina, Measles, etc., when parotids, cervicals and tonsils are indu- rated. (See Burt). Seldom useful in typhus, except with sore, fetid mouth ; pain in liver, with green-yellow stools, dark urine, yellow skin. Typhoid fevers with enlarged liver or spleen; torpor; paralytic languor; coma, even spasms, suppressed urine. TISSUES. Itching when warm in bed Itching all over, no eruption, comes in successive spots. GENERALITIES. Worse during Fall. Worse swallowing saliva, liquids. Averse to open air. Pains worse on motion. Better in warm room, (not bed). Worse in thaws, hence Spring. Worse saliva, or empty swallow- ing. Often better in open air. Pains better on motion. Worse in warm room. Merc. jod. has aggravation from passive motion, but relief from active exercise. Comparative Materia Me die a. 39 MERC. BIN-JOD. [From MSS. of Du. A. KoRNPCERriB, with additions.] MIND. MERC. PROTO-JOD. Ill humor. | Destructive disposition. HEAD. Pains in the head from below upwards. Pulsations and heat in vertex. Pains in the head from above downwards. Increased throbbing, more in fore- head. Dimness of sight. Eyes inflamed, especially the right; bright light irritates so that must keep eyes closed ; psorophthalmia. EYES. Black clouds float before the eyes. Inflammation of Meibomian glands, with ulceration and ad- hesion of the lids in morning ; inflammation and ulceration of the conjunctiva and sclerotica, elevated, granular surface. Both may be used in conjunctivitis. Coryza with profuse sneezing; right nostril worse ; crusty erup- tion on the wings. NOSE. Coryza discharge white or bloody, mostly from posterior nares; turbinated bones diseased. EAM. Catarrhal deafness improves. Right ear feels closed, yet hears well. FACE, MOUTH. Heavy, dull aching; first in the upper, then in lower jaw. Unusual afflux of saliva. Small, sore spots on the lower lip, and soreness in the thin part of the cheek. Blisters on point of tongue. Soreness in the inferior jaw bone. Mouth, gums dry, sticky. Eruption, fine and of a bright-red color; worse on the roof of the mouth. Blisters back part of tongue. A yellow or yellow-white coat on the back part of the tongue, with tip and edges clean, is characteristic of Merc, proto-jod. THROAT. Diphtheria, w'ith livid, purplish patches ; discharge thin, offen- • sive. Hawks up hard, green lumps. Left tonsil swollen, velum elon- gated ; scalded sensation ; must swallow, from a collection of saliva and a feeling of a lump. Diphtheria, with feebly organized patches, and great gastric, he- patic or intestinal disturbance. Mucous expectoration. Both tonsils; mostly the right; burning sensation; must swal- low, from a constant sensation as of a lump in the throat. 40 Comparative Materia Medica. MERC. BIN-JOD. Wants food salted more. Wants to drink in small quantities. Pains about the navel. Slight tenesmus after a thin, loose stool; urine hot. * TASTE, APPETITE, ETC. Wants acids, sour things. Wants to drink large quantities. Burning about the navel. Dysentery when the stool is of a grass-green. MERC. PROTO-JOD. URINE. Both have copious, red urine. GENITALS. Both have seminal emissions. In the Protojod., the patient may dream of urinating, and an emission follow. In the Bin jod. there is increased sexual desire, particularly on going to sleep. CHEST. Dry cough evenings ; expectora- tion white, scanty. Sticking in the region of the heart. Slight, hacking cough when inspi- ring; sputa not observed. Heart gives an occasional spas- modic jump. Rheumatism worse mid-day, mo- tion, putting on one's coat; less in the evening and night; pains more in the muscles. BACK, LIMBS. Rheumatism worse at night in bed; worse writing, passive motion ; pains deep seated in the bones. Itching not marked. Small fissures and cracks. SKIN. Itching very persistent. Sore spots which itch. GENERALITIES. Aggravations are nearly the same in both. Merc, proto- jod. has more similarity with Mercurius; the Mere, bin jod., with lodium. (C. Hering.) THE MERCERIES. EYES. Merc, viv., worse candle light; Merc, sul., worse sunshine. Merc. Dulcis, phlyctenular conjunctiva. Merc, prcec. rub., croupous blennorrhcea, exudative stage; also ophthalmia neonatus, after Cham, and Bell. MOUTH, ETC. Only Merc. cor. has acrid saliva ; only Merc, sulph., black gums. Merc, viv., throat swollen dark red, tonsils swollen, suppurating; Merc, prcec. rub., throat bright red, oedema of larynx. Comparative Materia Medica. 41 THE MERCURIES. Merc, viv., corr., jod., sulph., cinnab., all have pain through right chest to back. (Family characteristic). Merc, viv., glands with fistulous ulcers ; Merc, prcec. rub., herpetic ulcers ; discharge profuse, bloody, sanious. All are of use in syphilis. Merc, prcec. rub. must be used in deep seated cases with mania or melancholy; fibrous tissues involved ; brain involved. Merc, sulph. in syphilis, with intense congestion of genitals and legs. In influenza, the choice falls on Merc, aceticus, when there is great tenesmus vesicae, with intolerable cutting, burning in urethra during scanty urination ; cutting with the last drop of urine. Merc. cyan, is praised in true diphtheria. The tongue differs from that of the others by having yellow streaks on its base. By virtue of the combining cyan., it affeCts the heart more than the others :-syn- cope, cyanosis; pulse weak, 130, with cyanosis; like Hydrocyanic acid it causes varices of legs. Dysentery is more malignant than with other forms ; there are symptoms of gangrene of the bowels, icy cold skin and collapse. Buchner says that the Mercuries are indicated in catarrhal dysen- tery. The Solut. for small children ; Dulcis, lymphatic patients; Bijod., strumous ; Prcecip. rub., dry herpes ; Aceticus, moist herpes ; Cyanicus, adynamia, (like Nit. ac.) In Merc, corr., patients bend and ride on all fours, from swelling of solitary glands. The Merc, sulph. has more symptoms in common with sulph. than any, even Cinnab. {Sulphide of mere.') It should be selected ac- cordingly. Its diarrhoea is early morn; the stools burst out in a hot stream of yellow water. All the Merc, may appear in oedema, but the Sulphate has relieved hydro-thorax when all else has failed. (Lippe). Merc, prcec. rub., suffocative fits at night on lying down, while on the point of falling asleep, must jump rip suddenly ; palpitation. CALC. CARB. MIND. CALC. PHOS. Like mental work, but unable to perform it. Self-willed, (children). Bad news, vexation with dread or fear, cause return of catamenia ; also heavy feet. Anxiety more mental, (horror at twilight, conscience stricken, dread disease, insanity, etc.). Fears being alone, (must see his wife in the room). Imbecility ; silly or sad. Forgetful; chooses wrong words. Vertigo worse ascending, walking in open air; looking upward; vertigo in young people. Indisposed to mental work. Fretful, (children). Bad news causes sweat, indiges- tion. Vexation with vehemence causes lameness, loose bowels. Anxiety more physical, with sweat, bellyache; desire to change place; in change of weather. Likes to be alone. Cretinism ; indifferent; stupid. Forgetful; writes the same word twice. Vertigo rising from a seat, with leucorrhoea before catamenia; in old people ; in the wind. 42 Comparative Materia Medic a. CALC. CaRB. MIND. CALC. PHOS. Heat on vertex, coldness on one (right) side; face pale, puffed. Heat on vertex running down to feet, (from the Phos.), coldness occipital, with crawling. HEAD. Headache worse from mental labor; washing in cold water. Sweat mostly on occiput and neck. Eruptions spread from scalp to face; itching. Hydrocephalus and -oid; fonta- nelle (anterior) open; head grows larger. Hair falls off, mostly on temples. Headache better fr.om mental labor and cold washing. Sweat mostly on brows and eye- lids. Eruptions, ulcers on vertex, with cold crawling. Hydrocephalotd or -us; fontanelle (posterior) open; bones thin, brittle, (8). Hair poor in quantity, or falls off. NOSE. Epistaxis worse morning. Coryza predominates, dry or ob- structed, with pus; stench be- fore nose ; smell of brimstone. Epistaxis worse afternoon. Coryza mostly fluent; fluent in cold, dry in warmth and out doors. FACE, MOUTH. Face pale, bloated. Dentition slow from beginning, or irregular; fat or, if emacia- ted, stomach remains bloated. Sore throat, must swallow the sa- liva ; worse from warm drinks. Sensation of lump in the left side of the throat. Face pale, sallow, earthy. Dentition slow, especially later teeth ; emaciation ; stomach flabby. Sore throat worse swallowing sa- liva ; better from warm drinks. Uvula, tonsils, etc. feel weak, empty, (i). STOMACH, BOWELS. Hunger morning. Better after breakfast, (weakness). Cold food relieves. Enlarged abdomen in mesenteric tabes predominates. Cholera infantum worse from smoked meat; long for eggs. Hunger afternoon, (4 P.M.). Worse after breakfast. Ice cream, cold food, aggravate. More frequently flabby abdomen, with mesenteric tabes. Cholera infantum ; long for ham- fat, bacon, corn-beef, (7). (i) This sensation of emptiness, weakness, runs through the whole remedy. It is probably due to the influence of the combining Phos. We find it in throat, abdomen, stomach, genitals, male and female. (7) Calc. phos. has much more marked than Calc, carb., a weak condition of the neck in children, head totters. Compare Natr. mur., summer-complaint; Verat., whooping cough ; Lyc., Sul., etc. (8) In tumors, ulcers, etc., which bear the closest resemblance, the phosphate is best when they appear on the occiput; the Calc, carb., when on the sinciput. Comparative Materia Medica. 43 CALC. CARB. STOMACH, BOWELS CALC. PROS. Stool white, sour. Hard, undigested, hot stools every day. Anal troubles (piles) alternate with head. Stool green, much fetid flatus. Watery, hot stools every day. Anal troubles (fistula) alternate with chest. URINE. Urine deposits white, (calcareous). Haematuria from checked piles. I Urine flocculent, (phosphatic). | Diabetes when chest is involved. The Calc. carb, does not materially alter the quantity of urine. The Calc. phos. causes copious emission, with weak sensation, (Diabetes). SEXUAL ORGANS. Erections too short during coition. Sexual excitement predominates, moral. Amorous dreams before the men- ses. Milk changed in quantity. Prolapsus uteri, (like Belli}, with bearing-down pains. Erethism intense during coition. Sexual excitement predominates, physical. Nymphomania, erethism, before the menses. Milk changed in quality. Prolapsus uteri, (like Phosl), with weak, sinking feelings. Both appear in rheumatism, but only Calc. phos. has uterine displacement with rheumatic pains, worse in damp weather, or in changes from warm to cold; also dark cata- menia in rheumatic females. Menses too early, too profuse, lasting too long; amorous dreams ; throbbing in the head when ascending; anaemia; con- gestion of the head and chest. Menses every two weeks, black, clotted ; sexual desire ; stiff all over when ascending; stitching pains in the left side of the head ; griping and rumbling in the bowels. Calc. phos. may serve in menstruation during Inflation. During pregnancy : pelvis feels lame all over; limbs feel heavy. During pregnancy: pelvis pain- ful in the sutures; limbs feel weak, trembling. Calc. phos. has " heartburn up into the throat; soreness right groin ; kicking, quivering over the os pubis; pressing ; aching in the neck of the bladder; drawing in the region of the navel to the sacrum;" hence, symptoms of preg- nancy. Calc, carb., on the other hand, seems to suit better the period of parturition,-" labor-pains when the uterus goes upward," etc. 44 Comparative Materia Medica. CALC. CARB. LARYNX, CHEST. CALC. PHOS Cough with rawness in the chest; tearing as if something were be- ing torn loose. Asthma worse lying. Phthisis pulmonalis second stage, or even first stage in the ple- thoric young. Coldness be- tween the shoulder-blades; night-sweats in the first sleep. Cough with stitches in the chest ; burning rising up into the throat, (2). Asthma better lying, (4). Phthisis pulmonalis incipiens, burning in spots, hawking causes gagging ; burning from the vertex down the whole spine; sweat towards morning awakens him. BACK. Spine curved; worse in the dorsal region or neck. Stool white, sour. Spine curved ; worse in the lum- bar region. LIMBS Hip-disease, second stage ; sweat on the head during sleep; scratches head impatiently when waking; desires boiled eggs; abdomen hard, bloated ; diarrhoea, especially towards evening; glands of neck swol- len. Rheumatism from getting wet; from working in water, or from long continuance in the water. Hip-disease, third stage; it puts an end to the further destruction of the bone, stops suppuration, and promotes new organization. (Raue's Pathology). Rheumatic pains erratic; from wet or windy weather; from every cold; especially in fe- males with prolapsus uteri, etc. Child awakens suddenly, and points to some imaginary object on the wall, (fontanelles open). SLEEP Child awakens cold, screaming, grasping in agony towards the mother, (fontanelles open). TISSUES, Bones diseased, mostly in the whole epiphysis. Rhachitis, head sweats profusely ; child fat or, if emaciated, stom- ach large ; stool white, sour; legs deformed. Bones diseased in symphyses or sutures, (3). Rhachitis, child thin, flabby all over; stool green or watery ; legs bend outward. (2) These burning sensations are more marked in the phosphate, and tend to spread over considerable surface; but start in spots. (3) The Calc. phos. causes so much irritation in sutures that we may here find a reason why it so often assists in forming a callus after fraClure, by irritation (formative, Virchow) of the fraCture, a sort of artificial suture. (4) Calc. phos. ought to be considered in cyanosis neonatorum. It has many chest symptoms, worse when rising. Comparative Materia Medica. 45 CALC. CARB. TISSUES. CALC. PHOS. Bones of the head (after injury) grow larger. Skin pale, watery, bloated or flabby. Warts turn into ulcers. Bones of the head grow soft, crackling, brittle. Skin dark-brown, yellow, flabby, (more like Sulphf Furuncles become ulcers. Both appear in scrofulous, sluggish, ulcers. The Phos. is preferable in ulcers from poultices of mustard. GENERALITIES, Child makes an anxious face vyhen raised from the cradle, (Cholera infantum). Resembles Bell., Sul., lod., Nit. ac. Exhausted, dizzy, walking up stairs. Best in early childhood. Better lying on the back. Better being touched. Better after breakfast. Better on rising. Better often from cold food. Worse from mental work. Worse washing. Worse lying on side. Worse cold, wet weather. Child has suffocating spells, turns blue, bends head back when raised from the cradle, (4). Resembles Carbo, a., Berb., Sul., Ruta., Sil. Exhausted, trembling, walking up stairs. Best in second dentition : old age, (5). Worse lying on the back, (twitch- ings). Worse from slight touch. Worse after breakfast. Worse on rising. Worse cold food (ice cream, jel- lies, cold water). Better from mental work. (6). Better washing, (head). Better lying on side. Worse same, and in wind. Extrafl of letter from Dr. Neidhard.-" Calc. carb, is used by me in diseases of infancy and childhood, particularly in enlargements and indurations of the sub-maxillary and cervical glands, as well as those of the mesentery; marasmus, tendency to hydrocephalus ; in- numerable cases of neuralgia afifedting the head, worse cold air. Calc. phos. suits diseases of youth and middle age when the respira- tory functions are chiefly affedled. Bronchial coughs, and incipient turbercles are benefited more than by any other remedy. Attendant diseases of spine; fistula in ano. In the advanced stages of con- sumption, Calc, hypophos. is our only hope, and often relieves. " (5) Calc. phos. like Phos. has many symptoms of old people; hence, also children, who appear too old from disease. Calc. carb. cannot be repeated with advantage in affedlions of the aged, (Hah- nemann), except the potency be a very high one. (C. Hg.) (6) Calc. phos. has complaints among school-girls, growing chil- dren, (like phos. ac."}. They get anxious, restless, want to go home when at school, and to school, when at home ; sighing, etc. 46 Comparative Materia Medica. ALOES. MIND. SULPHUR. Hypochondriacal humor; worse in cloudy weather, while in pain, when costive. Anguish with ebullitions ;■ princi- pally abdominal in origin; hates people, repels everyone, peevish. Children chat and laugh. Vertigo makes everything seem insecure. Ailments from chagrin. Hypochondriacal humor; worse all day, better in the evening, U)-. v Anguish with hot head; praecor- dial or abdominal; concern about one's salvation, health, or family ; weeping, peevish. Children bold, quick, or listless. Vertigo as if the ground were shaking. Ailments from mortification, with fear. HEAD. Congestion, with throbbing in the middle of the brain, cold feeling in the occiput; better from cold washing, and in the open air; worse in the warm room. Must sit up. Every step causes stitches in the temples. Scalp sensitive in spots. Congestion, with burning, throb- bing, buzzing, coldness in the vertex ; worse from cold wash- ing, and in the open air ; better in the warm room. Must lie with head high. Every step causes pain through the head. Scalp tender on the vertex. Half-shutting the eyes with head ache. Eyes glittering, prominent. EYES. Closing eyes with headache. Eyes generally sunken. EARS. Earache, with distress in the ab- domen ; congestion to the ears and head, with deafness from damp rooms, (2). Cracking in the ears when read- ing aloud. Drawing in the ear during ermfta- tions; congestion to the ears, deafness preceded by too acute hearing. Cracking when chewing; crack- ing like a cord breaking. Both offer symptoms of congestion to the ears, with buz- zing, burning, pulsating; especially is this true of those subject to haemorrhoids. Nose red in the open air. Epistaxis on awaking. NOSE. Nose red in a warm room, (3). Epistaxis mostly afternoons. (1) Aloes also has cheerfulness in the evening, but it is most marked in Sulph. (2) The aggravation of the earache, with abdominal symptoms, shows wherein these remedies agree. They both cause abdominal congestion, portal stasis. (3) Sztlph. has congestion to the nose in the cold air. It has red nose of a scrofulous origin, less frequently, from intemperance. Comparative Materia Medica. 47 ALOES. MOUTH, THROAT. SULPHUR. Lips dry, red, chapped, scurfy, in both. Inflames uvula and palatine arch es ; worse yawning, empty swal lowing, not from food. Hawks mucus in jelly-like lumps (Compare stool). Inflames uvula, tonsils; worse swallowing solids, and after eat- ing. Hawks up mucus in hard lumps. TASTE, APPETITE. Taste earthy, like ink, bitter, sour, metallic. Appetite for bread, beer, juicy things, apples. Hunger after eating, {5) 7 A. M., or 10 P. M., during diarrhoea. If he cannot eat, weak with changeable pulse. Nausea from motion. Taste empyreumatic, bitter, sour, metallic. Appetite for beer, brandy, (4) liquid food ; averse to bread. Hunger all night, must eat, from 10 to 11 A.M. If he cannot eat, headache, weary, must lie down. Nausea riding. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. It is in the abdominal organs that Aloes and Sulph. dis- play their greatest similarities. They cause portal con- gestion, congestion of the liver, intestines, uterus. Hence appear tension, burning, pulsation, fullness; heaviness, vom- iting of blood, inflammation, and even ulceration. These give rise to flushed face, ringing in the ears, hot mouth, red tongue, red lips, aphthous or ulcerated mouth, and even spinal congestion. Abdomen pains from a mis-step. Flatulence; gurgling in the abdo- men like water running out of a bottle ; rumbling along the de- scending colon. Abdomen pains from a strain, (integuments). Flatulence ; moving like the arm of a foetus; rumbling through abdomen, mostly in the sigmoid flexure. (4) The Sulph. patient usually dislikes wine, because it is not "strong" enough. He is filthy, coarse in taste, as well as in habit. Aloes creates an unnatural appetite for beer, and is, hence, used in the adulteration of lager, ale. etc. (5) The hunger after eating, in Aloes, arises from the torpid state of the stomach ; it is not until some time after a meal that the nerves of the stomach are stimulated to the normal state, which would cause the impression of hunger. 48 Comparative Materia Medica. ALOES. STOMACH,ABDOMEN. SULPHUR. Although both remedies cause the passage of flatus, yet it is more charadleristic of Aloes. The lower bowels, and especially the refturri, are full, heavy, and the stool is effec- ted with much effort, resulting in a small escape of mucus, or fcecal matter, and immense quantities of wind. Stool contains jelly-like masses ; stool like long, stringy bands, like pieces of flesh ; bilious stool, bright, golden-yellow. Musculature of the bowels re- laxed : hard stool passes unno- ticed ; bowels move when uri- nating, passing flatus, moving, walking or standing. Sphinc- ter ani insecure. Urging to stool, hurries out of bed, or in evening ; hungry; bowels feel as if scraped. Before stool: colic about the na- vel ; passing flatus; fullness and weight in the anus. During stool: numbness and weakness of the thighs; cold- ness general; hunger ; vomit slime. After stool: urging; weight in the anus. Stool worse hot, damp weather; staying in damp rooms; from chagrin ; on awaking, 7 A. M., or 10 P.M.; ale relieves. Haemorrhoids protrude like grapes ; when urinating feeling as though bowels would move. Stools consist of slime mucus, or frothy, white mucus; change- able in color; bilious stools greenish-yellow. Musculature relaxed : stool invol- untary or sudden, hurrying out of bed ; stool when passing fla- tus ; abdominal muscles weak, he cannot rise. Prolapsus ani. Urging to stool, hurries out of bed in the morning ; bowels feel as if tied in knots. Before stool: cutting pains ; rum- bling of flatus, as if redtum would protrude. During stool: cramps in the limbs; chilly more in lower abdomen ; hunger at all times; nausea. After stool; urging ; prolapsus ani. Stool worse in cold, damp weath- er; from evening air; early morning on awaking; at night (dysentery); ale aggravates. Haemorrhoids of all kinds; burn- ing in the urethra during mic- turition. URINE. Sediment yellow-red, mucous, or bloody. Urine increased; must rise often at night. Urine of an offensive, ammoniacal odor. Sediment dark-red, slimy, loamy, or bloody. Urine decreased ; increased or in- voluntary at night. Urine fetid, greasy pellicle on the surface. GENITALS. Erections after urinating ; sexual desire increased; worse after Erections weak ; sexual desire in- creased, but without physical Comparative Materia Medic a. 49 ALOES. GENITALS. SULPHUR. eating, (6). United the torn prepuce of a child. Testes cold, scrotum relaxed, penis shrunken, offensive sweat on the genitals; wakes with urgency to urinate, and erec- tions, (7). Gonorrhoeal sequelae: sticking, burning in urethra as far as the bladder; penis when eredl, bent; epididymitis ; discharge thin. excitement. Cured many cases of phimosis. Testes cold, scrotum relaxed, penis shrunken, sweat offensive; semen watery ; headache, hun- gry, weakness of the legs. Gonorrhoeal sequelae: scrofulous or psoric patients; strumming sensation in the testicles; epi- didymitis ; discharge purulent or white. FEMALES. Fullness, weight, dragging in the pelvis ; worse standing ; better from cold washing. Menses too early ; earache ; draw- ing, labor-like pains extend into the thighs ; fullness in the rec- tum. Abortion, with copious, mucous stools. Fullness, weight, etc.; worse stand- ing ; worse from cold washing. Menses generally too late, (8) ; labor-like pains in abdomen and back ; toothache ; lassitude of the limbs ; urging to stool. Abortion with constipation ; blen- orrhceas. LARYNX, CHEST. Difficult breathing, with weak limbs, anxious going up stairs ; must sit and sleep ; blood leaves the surface. Wheezing from smoking tobacco. Voice hoarse, thick. Difficult breathing from conges- tion, with trembling limbs, faint- ing ; worse at night when lying. Wheezing in a smoky atmosphere. More a deep-toned voice. BACK, LIMBS. Lumbarpains, worse sitting, better moving. Lumbar pains, worse walkingthan sitting. (6) Probably one of the best remedies to repress a too lively desire, especially in children, which only a few remedies do. (C. Hg.j Sulph., on the other hand, is the best remedy for the ill consequences of onanism. (7) Aloes gives the symptoms of sexual erethism with increased afflux.of blood, and conversely with coldness, dwindling, etc., as re- sults of venous stasis. The emissions are followed by increased ex- citement, micturition and stool ; frightened at the least noise. Sulph., with the same local weakness, gives us constitutional symptoms of more importance. (8) That is, according to Boeninghausen; but Sulph. is now and then indicated in premature, profuse menses. Comparative Materia Medica. 50 ALOES. BACK, LIMBS. SULPHUR. Paralytic weakness of the limbs, with weight in the pelvis; torpid bowels; stool passes with urine. Paralytic weakness of the limbs from spinal disease; no urine passes, (9). SLEEP. Sleepless, with activity of body and mind; brain excited, urging to urinate, to defecate, sexual desire ; sleepless from cold feet. Sleepless, or " cat-naps ; " awak- ens often, becomes wide awake ; sudden jerking of the legs on going to sleep; sleepless from burning feet. GENERALITIES. Useful in severe, painful develop- ments of chronic diseases. The leading antipsoric remedy; helps the system to respond to medicine. Hypochondriacal, sedentary, lym- phatic, but quick in adding. Generally lies on the back, even if worse therefrom. Antidotes: Puls., Sep., Merc., Chin., Nux v. Similar to: Puls.. Lyc., Calc, c., Sep., Sil., Aeon., Nuxv., Merc., Rhus t., Nit. ac., China, etc. Hypochondriacal, sedentary, lym- phatic, worse cloudy weather. Lies on the side; worse when lying on the back. Antidotes : Vinegar, Sul., Nuxv., and Lyco. (Earache). Similar to: Sul., Nux v., Lyc., Carbo, v., Puls., Sab., Calc, c., ' Cham., Coloc., Jalap, Phos., Rheum. Aloes and Sulph. are complementary; hence, when the first partially cures, the second completes the case. They have at least a hundred identical symptoms. In treating a chronic disease with Sulphur or allied remedies, Aloes does well to check acute symptoms appearing, after which Sulph. may be resumed. Many of the symptoms, especially those of the skin, arc too near alike to bear differentiation. BRYONIA. MIND. ANTIM. CRUD. Irascible ; easily angered ; wants to quarrel. Concerned about pecuniary or household affairs; dreams of the affairs of the day. Dreafld of death ; timid. Disposed to be sad ; impressible ; weeping mood. Sentimental, woful mood; con- cerned about the present or future; ecstatic love. Desire to shoot oneself. (9) Suiph., c. m., in repeated doses, every three hours for a month or more, caused paralysis of the legs, (Macfarlan). Since then it has several times benefitted cases of paraplegia from spinal disease. Aloes produces weakness of the thighs, with dysentery, apparently arising from pelvic pressure, and probably spinal congestion. Weak- ness of the wrists and ankles occurs in both remedies. Comparative Materia Medica. 51 BRYONIA. MIND. ANTIM. CRUD. Children cross, irritable ; want to be kept still. Intellect weak; so forgetful, he drops what he holds. Vertigo as if rocked ; vertigo when rising from bed, with nausea and fainting. Children will neither be touched nor looked at. Intelleft weak; threatened de- mentia, with complete apathy. Vertigo when going up stairs; vertigo with nausea, nose bleed and intense prostration. HEAD. The forehead is the common seat of the headaches ; full- ness as if it would burst; nausea, loathing, white tongue. As editing causes, both have: exposure to heat, taking cold, debauchery, rheumatism. / Headache from washing the sweat- ing face; from ironing; in the sun ; in sultry weather, (1). Stitches in the forehead, or one side; worse from any motion, (rheumatic). Headache from bathing ; from the sun's rays, a watrn room. Boring, crampy pains in the fore- head, temples or vertex ; worse ascending, (probably best in gout). In gastric headaches, Bryon. gives tongue white in the centre, or yellow; aggravation after awaking on beginning to move; Antim., tongue as if white-washed all over, time less marked. EYES. Eyelids inflamed, sore from mov- ing, or the least touch. Eyes red, conjundliva puffed, dark-red; pus. Worse in the sun. Glaucoma, (2). Eyelids inflamed, moisture and gum only in the canthi. Eyes red, dreads light on awaking; worse in glare of snow. Blindness; lids partly open. (1) Bryon. has aggravation from heat, especially from moist, hot, or foggy air. Such an atmosphere prevents the evaporation of the sweat; hence, Bryon. is worse from suppressed sweat; therefore, cold washing, by checking the sweat, aggravates. One element in the headache following ironing, is probably the steam rising from the hot iron when applied to the " sprinkled " clothing. (2) The puffed conjunctiva and suppuration of Bryon., correspond to ophthalmia neonatorum. Bryon. serves after operations on the eyewhen burning pains and vomiting follow. It is recommended in glaucoma; probably useful because of its resorptive power. Antirn., on the other hand, by reason of its aggravation of eye symptoms after awaking, deserves consideration in ophthalmia scrof., but only when the lids show the gum-like deposit in one or other canthus. 52 Comparative Materia Medica. BRYONIA. NOSE. ANTIM. ( RUD. Nose sore to touch, swollen ; nos- trils ulcerated, hardened crusts of mucus in the nose. Nose bleed morning ; after sup- pressed menses; headdehe. Nose sensitive to inhaled air; nostrils and cornets of mouth sore, cracked, crusty. Nose bleed evening ; after con- gestive headache and vertigo. EARS. Earache worse moving or stoop- ing ; of best use when cold has checked an otorrhoea, headache following (after Bell.}. Deafness rheumatic; but oftener oversensitiveness of heating. Earache with redness, heat and swelling; hence more like Puls.r pains are better from touch, (3). Deafness caused by suppressed ulcers or eruptions. FACE, MOUTH. Lips dry, chapped. Toothache in hollow teeth, but oftener in sound teeth ; better lying onpainful side, from pres- sure, from cold water; worse at night. Saliva increased ; frothy, soapy. Lips sore, crusty in the corners, (4). Toothache pre-eminently in hod- low teeth ; worse from the least touch, from cold water; better walking in the open air; worse at night. Saliva increased, saltish. Dry mouth, though occuring in Antini., belongs more to Bryon., especially when associated with dry lips and throat, with thirstlessness and constipation. Sore throat worse turning the head, (5) ; or touching the throat, (3); sticking pains. Voice rough, hoarse, nasal after measles, croup. Sore throat left side ; hawking of mucus in the morning. Deep bass voice, or aphonia. APPETITE, STOMACH. Wine agrees; longs for acids. Worse from meat, if it causes flat- ulence ; better from cold things-; worse from vegetables. Wine aggravates ; longs for acids, (6). Worse from fat meat, especially pork ; worse from cold things ; * from butter. (3) In Bryon., touch generally aggravates, pressure relieves. Sim- ilarly we find that an almost unbearable soreness remains after pains cease. (4) Compare eyes and mouth, and we see the corners attacked in both ; canthi inflamed ; commisures of the mouth inflamed. (5) Worse turning, because there are rheumatic pains in the muscles of the neck, hence it is very characteristic, Bryon. being a rheumatic remedy, worse from motion. (6) Yet sour wine, vinegar, etc., always disagree; Bryon. has aggravation from sour-kraut or cabbage howsoever prepared. Comparative Materia Medica. 53 Adventitious appetite, (7) : wants uneatable things, things that cannot be had, or are not wanted if procurable; tobacco aggra- vates the toothache. Drinks seldom, but much at a time. BRYONIA. APPETITE, STOMACH. Adventitious appetite : few symp- toms of abnormal craving; more commonly a disgust for all food ; tobacco causes head- ache, hiccough. Drinks a good deal at night, less by day. ANTIM. CRUD. Both have loss of appetite, even with empty stomach; the need of food is felt, but no desire. Bryon. also has canine hunger, demanding food little and often, {the opposite of the thirsty Ant. c. has a false hunger, not relieved by eating. Nausea when drinking water; when sitting up, (with faintness); after eating, even when food was relished; with anxiety; from eating too much. Vomiting, with tongue white in the middle; dry mouth and no thirst; face bloated, yellowish ; anguish; dry stools. Nausea after drinking wine ; after smoking tobacco ; repugnance to food ; with vertigo ; from eat- ing too much. Vomiting continues, nausea ceases ; tongue white ; delirious; red, hot, face ; drowsy, (child) ; hard stools. Both have cutting pains in the stomach, soreness to pressure, contractive pains. In Bryon., the soreness is most acute, being worse from a false step, touch or coughing. We also find the characteristic pain as from a stone, worse from any motion; in Antim., the pain is spasmodic and almost drives the patient to suicide (8). STOOL, ETC.' Constipation, stool too large, hard as if burned, brown; worse after castor oil. Stool dirty, watery, undigested ; worse in changes from cold to warm; in the morning when beginning to move ; from tak- ing cold; after fruits ; from a cold drink when heated. Constipation, stool (large) hard or watery with solid lumps; worse in old people, (9). Stool watery, undigested; worse if overheated ; at night and early morning ; from bathing, espec- ially in cold water; from cold water or cold food. (7) Adventitious in the sense of acquired. It is an unconscionable mistake to insert tobacco among the foods. Wine possessing nutri- tive properties, may be termed a food. (8) This spasm is in keeping with the prevailing aCLion of Antiin.; thus we see why the nausea may cease, while the vomiting (spas- modic) continues. (Compare vomiting.) (9) Bryon. has a nightly involuntary stool in typhus, and with old people. 54 Comparative Materia Medica. BRYONIA. STOOLS, ETC. ANTIM. CRUD. Stools loose, brown, (children) ; worse from moving, even turn- ing in bed; tongue yellow or white centre, blistered; vomit solids and drink immediately. Bilious symptoms predominate. Liver diseases. Stools white, dry, irregular in shape (children); tongue white all over, blistered ; after nursing child throws up a little sour milk. Gastric symptoms predominate, (10). Antim. c. also cures a flatulent state, when with the sen- sation of a copious stool, flatus passes, succeeded by solid foeces. Bryon. has putrid stools, stools smelling like old cheese. URINE. Urine dark, red, hot, but no sedi- ment. AffeCts more the urethra. Urine dark, deposits a red, sandy sediment. AffeCts more the bladder, (11). GENITALS. Both give us tenderness in the ovarian region worse from touch. In Bryon. it co-exists with, or follows shooting pains. Metritis, stitch pains ; sometimes there are ulcers, which feel cold, (subjectively). During pregnancy, abdomen pains ; burning in the uterus. Leucorrhcea ; pains in the limbs ; mucous discharge. Uterine ulcers when there co-ex- ists a discharge of acrid water with lumps of pus, (12). During pregnancy troublesome diarrhoea. Leucorrhcea watery, causes smart- ing down the thighs. (10) It may at times be of service to compare the organs affected by these two remedies. The bitter taste and vomit, brown offensive stools, yellow tongue, stitches in the liver, infrascapular (right) pain, &c., &c., point to the aCtion of Bryon. on the liver. In Antim. c., we have bitter taste, bitter vomit, loathing; but they evidently arise from the stomach, the spasmodic aCtion of which may have caused a reverse motion, throwing the bile into the pylorus. Boeninghausen does not mention the Antim. as aCting at all on the liver. Hence, we have: predominant liver symptoms, Bryon.; predominant gastric symptoms, Antim. c. (11) Bryon. has burning in the urethra when not urinating, con- striction during urination, passage feels too narrow, stitch pains, feel- ing as of a drop remaining after urinating ; hence, Wahle recom- mends it in gonorrhoea. Ant. c. gives burning during urination, but it co-exists with mucous urine, copious at night, backache, " mucous " piles; hence, we find it useful in catarrh of the bladder. (12) See how this compares with the characteristic constipation. Comparative Materia Medica. 55 BRYONIA. GENITALS. ANTIM. CRUI). Menses early and profuse, blood dark-red ; burning in the uterus; tearing in the limbs, (13). Menses profuse, blood dark; a peculiar pressure in the uterus as if something would come out. LARYNX, CHEST. Cough excited by irritation in the epigastrium ; worse going into a warm room ; in a damp room ; becoming cold after being heated ; after measles ; vomits solid food as soon as he eats. Cough excited by irritation deep in the abdomen; worse going into a warm atmosphere ; in the burning sun ; from the glare of the snow or fire ; after measles, variola, varicella, etc.; vomits only liquids. Expedloration is nearly the same in both; the mucus in Bry. is difficult; in Antim., c. tenacious or watery. The spasmodic coughs are very different. In Bryon., the patient has a dry cough coming in spasmodic shocks as though striking the upper part of the windpipe; or, a suf- focating sensation forces him to spring up in bed and cough. In Antim. c., the cough begins hard, and comes so rapidly that the spells grow weaker and weaker as if the fauces were closing. Difficult respiration, the chest scarcely moves; worse from any motion ; in foggy weather. Asthma. Pulse full, hard, quick; seldom intermitting. Difficult respiration, with hot breath, burning pains; worse from raising the arms, (14). Asthma. Pulse irregular, now quick, now slow. BACK, LIMBS. Rheumatism worse from warmth, motion, change of weather; parts red, shining or pale swel- Rheumatism worse warmth and hot sun, working in water; parts swollen, red; metas- (13) Bryon. represents the congestive type ; hence, we have burn- ing in the uterus, headache, etc.; and if amenorrhcea obtains, nose- bleed, blood spitting, drowsiness, etc. By virtue of its power to form false membranes, we find it numbered among the remedies curing membranous dysmenorrhoea. In Antiin., congestions are rare, and we have symptoms of pressure, etc., expressing a spasmodic tendency which runs through the whole remedy. (14) Antiin. c. seldom causes ebullitions of blood as does Bryon. In the lungs we note venous hyperaemia ; hence, the hot breath ; deep breathing, from the sluggish circulation ; pulse irregular, now fast, now slow, from the same cause. 56 Comparative Materia Medic a. BRYONIA. back, limbs. ANTIM. CRU1). ling; metastasis to chest, head, eyes. Prickling, stitches in the soles and heels when walking ;-they feel swollen, tense. tasis to stomach, bowels, eyes, (J5)- Soles and heels very sensitive when walking, especially on the pavement. SLEEP. Sleepiness in the daytime appears strongly marked in both. In Ant. c., it is more in the forenoon. A comatose state characterizes both. We see it in Bryon. in many in- flammatory diseases of chest, abdomen, etc., when the brain, sympathizing, induces a drowsiness, and the patient wishes to lie perfectly quiet We see it in Antim. c. expressed as drowsiness, with delirium, nausea, red face, the child worse from cold bathing. Bryon. possesses, likewise, sleeplessness from ebullitions or pain ; restless tossing, yet much worse from motion. Sleeplessness is less marked in Antim, (16). Intermittents, gastric symptoms; much thirst; low spirited and impetuous ; chill in the evening, with heat of the head, red cheeks ; chill right-sided ; heat, dry burning; sweat profuse, grows worse from the least motion. Sweat day or night, oily, sour. Measles, with inflammatory symp- toms if the eruption delays. FEVERS, ETC. Intermittents, gastric* symptoms; little thirst; melancholy, woful mood ; chill in the day, about noon; shivering in the back, with icy cold feet, the body be- ing sweaty; heat with sweat, which drying, leaves the skin hot; sweat periodical, (17). Sweat every other night, inodor- ous, (17); same hour. Measles, with vomiting if the erup- tion delays. (15) Antim. c. has more symptoms of gout; Bryon. more of acute rheumatism. Both have gastric symptoms as concomitants. With Antim c., we note white tongue, alternate diarrhoea and constipation, spasm of the stomach, vomiting ; gout from rich food. With Bryon., we have constipation, tongue white in the middle, nausea, etc. In deciding between the two, the character of the disease, whether gouty or rheumatic, may decide, although the symptoms are ever paramount. (16) It must be borne in mind that in the restless, sleepless state, so common in inflammatory fevers. Bryon., when well chosen, will speedily induce a tranquil sleep, to disturb which, by unwarranted repetition, would be to spoil the cure. (17) Periodicity is marked in Antim. c. Complaints return after weeks ; every other day, etc. In ague, Antim. resembles more Puls.; Bryon., more Cham. Comparative Materia Medica. 57 BRYONIA. TISSUES. ANTIM. CRUD. Induration of cellular tissues, (as after boils, abscesses, &c.) Corns with tearing pains in change of weather, (rheumatic, as it were.) Swellings, (abscesses, tumors, &c.,) tense, pale or red, shin- ing. Emaciation. Petechiae. Tends more to dry, scaly erup- tions, (dandruff, &c.,) (20.) Nettle-rash, worse in change of weather; pains in the legs. Eruptions (in measles, scarlatina, * &c.,) suppressed or retarded, cause dyspnoea, bronchitis, men- ingitis, &c. Light hair. Burning in the veins. Skin tends to thicken and harden, (as in corns, &c.,) (18.) Corns, h'orny, hard, mostly on the soles of the feet. Swellings, hot, smooth, hard or (as in fungus artic.) Obesity, (19.) Gangrene. Tends more to pustular eruptions. Nettle-rash; gastric derange- ments ; cramps in the legs. Eruptions (in measles, &c.,) if suppressed, cause nausea, vom- iting, headache, &c. Dark hair. Pulsations in the veins. Both suffer from the sun. Antim. c. from its heat or glare; Bryon., especially when the weather is sultry and hot. Both are adapted to the diseases of old people. IVorse bathing when over-heated ; better, warm baths. Worse from cold bathing; not worse from warm. Btyon. has aggravation, and Antim. c. amelioration from cold air, after rising from bed or from a seat, walking in the open air. Bryon.t has amelioration, and Antim. c. aggravation from pressure, lying on the painful side, in wet weather. Melancholy about one's present or future ; woful mood. Child will be neither touched nor looked at. ANTIM. CRUD. MIND. Melancholy about one's salva- tion; scrupulous conscientious- ness. Child suddenly becomes obsti- 1 nate ; awakens cross. LYCOPODIUM. (18) Similarly, Ant. c. develops a polypus (of the bladder) and attacks the nails, making them grow in splits with horny spots. (19) The Kalis produce a bloated, flabby state; Calc, c., Sil., Caust., Baryt., &c., present enlarged abdomens; Senega, Ifiec., Kali bich. are adapted to fat children ; but few medicines suit general adiposis better than Ant. c. (20) Yet so superficial a comparison should not prevent one from using Bry., if weightier symptoms concur, as in small-pox, &c. 58 Comparative Materia Medica. ANTIM. CRUD. MIND. LYCOPODIUM. Depression of spirits ; or ecstatic mood. Physical suffering produces a sui- cidal mood. Mind weak, almost idiocy. So apathetic, has no wants and is unconscious of the voided stool; sits speechless, aimlessly pull- ing his cravat; gastric weak- ness. Vertigo with nausea; nose bleed and intense prostration when ascending the stairs. Depression of spirits ; or angry, proud, imperious. Physical suffering produces a dis- gust for life, (1.) Mind weak as from over taxing the brain. Indifferent; talks well on abstract ideas, but for- gets familiar objects ; misplaces letters and names; great ex- haustion, (2.) Vertigo with nausea, when look- ing at-anything which turns or when walking by a rail-fence, (3-) Stupefying headache, worse in the evening; nausea. Rheumatic headaches, with tear- ing, boring or crampy pains into forehead, vertex or temples; worse going up-stairs ; nausea. Losing hair from nervous head- aches. HEAD. Stupefying headache, worse from 4 to 8 P, M.; dry mouth and lips. Rheumatic headaches, with tear- ing pains into the temples, face, eyes or teeth; worse rising from bed ; fainting, (4.) Losing hair from abdominal dis- eases, parturition. EYES. Eyes inflamed, gum in the canthi outer canthus sore, moist. Worse from the glare of the sun or fire, or snow. Eyes inflamed, with pus so copi- ous as to puff out the lids ; eye- lids ooze, (5.) Worse from the light of a candle or lamp (after Calc, c.) (1) In Antiin. we find colic, headache and skin diseases, with propensity to shoot or drown oneself. In Lycop. the disgust is an element of hypochondriasis, so prominent in those who suffer from liver diseases. (2) The Antim. state is one of fatuity ; the Lycop. arises in con- stitutions greatly exhausted, after apoplexy, typhus, or in cases of in- cipient cerebral softening. It may also play a good part in aphasia. (3) When looking at something new, as at a new carpet with curious patterns, when rapidly passing a picket-fence, when walking along serpentine paths, cause vertigo, Lycopod. helps. (4) Both have relief in the cold like their co-relative Puls. If gas- tric symptoms predominate after Puls, has but partially relieved, Ant. c. may follow. If the pains still extend to the face after Pulsat., (which by the way is all but specific for these pains,) Lycopod. may- be given. (5) Both remedies have an affinity for "corners;" corners of mouth, canthi, folds of skin, &c., but it is more characteristic of Antim. to give inflamed canthi, and more of Lycopod. to produce purulent conjunctivitis. Comparative Materia Medica. 59 Heat, swelling, pain ; better from touch, (otitis similar to Pulsat.} ANTIM. CHUD. EARS. More for otorrhcea after otitis or exanthematic fevers, (6.) LYCOPODIUM. Dry catarrh with nose obstructed in the evening and nostrils sore, cracked and crusty. NOSE. Dry catarrh, cannot breathe at night with the mouth shut; in- crustations high up in the nos- trils, (7.) FACE. Eruptions on the face, scabs yellow-green and hard, crack and pus gushes out; corners of mouth cracked, crusty. Countenance sad, woful, even . stupid. Facial muscles twitch, child de- lirious, drowsy, hot. Eruptions on the face, scabs thick which ooze a foetid pus ; affe<fls more the lower lip, but also the corners of the mouth. Countenance sad, deep furrowed, or jaw dropped, eyes dim, (8.) Facial muscles alternately expand and contradl, also alae nasi, (9-) MOUTH, THKOAT, Mouth dry or saliva flows ; much thirst at night. Ptyalism, saliva salt. Toothache in hollow-teeth ; worse from cold water; better walk- ing in the open air. Tongue as if white-washed or blistered. Mouth and tongue dry without thirst. Saliva dries on lips and palate. Toothache with gum-boils, swollen cheek; better from warm ap- plications. Tongue dry, blisters under the tip; ulcers; tubercles. (6) Both cause deafness from suppressed eruptions, ulcers; Lyco- pod. more from checked otorrhoea. Lycopod. also relieves a nervous deafness alternating with oversensitiveness to noises, (S«Z.) (7) Lycopod. develops an acrid, corroding coryza with heat in the forehead and headache, (scarlatina, &c.) This has not been noticed under Antim. The former proves curative in ozaena with orange- yellow discharge, the nearest approach to which in Antim., is a yellowish mucus hawking from the posterior nares. The latter has all the symptoms worse from inspiring cold air. (8) Lycopod. gives us here the symptoms of incipient cerebral paralysis, which catastrophe it will prevent in typhus, scarlatina, apoplexy, &c. The dim, watery eyes and rattling breathing, distin- guish it from Nux., Opium, Lach., &c. (9) This far famed "fan-like" motion of the nostrils must be dis- tinguished from the expansive effort to get breath common to Tart, emet., Ars., and perhaps any medicine causing severe dyspnoea. In Lycopod. it is an alternate contraction and expansion, a muscula? oscillation which runs through the whole pathogenesis. Thus in- terpreted, it will prove a God-send in many alarming diseases. 60 Comparative Materia Medica. Like a plug in the throat; left side worse; hawk yellow mucus. ANTIM. CRUD. MOUTH, THROAT. LYCOPODIUM. Throat as if contracted ; throat worse right side ; hawk bloody mucus, (10). , STOMACH, ABDOMEN. Hungry even after eating. Worse from butter, fat meats, especially pork; long for acids, (yet worse therefrom). Adventitious appetite: Few long- ings, generally disgust for food. Tobacco causes headache, hic- cough. t Gastroses with agonizing burning in the pit of the stomach; cramps drive to suicide ; cannot bear the least touch ; worse or caused by wine, acids, bathing in cold water. After eating, eruClations tasting of thefood ; inflated abdomen; hunger continues. Not many liver symptoms ; bilious vomit from regurgitant bile in the course of gastric irritation, (12.) . Colic with high colored urine, hard stool, (children) ; from over-eating ; from lead ; child will not be touched or looked at. Stool difficult from extreme size, much urging during stool; sen- sation as of a copious stool when flatus passes, later solid faeces. Hungry soon after a meal. Worse from flatulent food ; from oysters, (yet great longing) ; long for sweets. Adventitious appetite : Longing for tobacco ; or averse to smok- ing. Tobacco causes impo- tence. Gastroses with burning into throat or pain into the back, alternate contraction and relaxation of the stomach, (9, io), disgust for life, (1); worse or caused by adulterated coffee, sour beer, wine, oysters, heavy bread. After eating, rumination ; full to the throat after a mouthful, (11) ; sensation as if fasting. Many liver affections; gastric states associated with icterus, swollen liver, gall-stones, &c. Colic with crying before passing red, sandy urine, (children) ; from drugging the mother; child awakens cross, kicking. Stool difficult from constriction of the anus, urging long after stool; sensation as if much re- mained with painful accumula- tion of flatus. (10) Here again comes the same alternation of contraction and expansion referred to in note (8). In croup, diphtheria, pneumonia, &c., we have alternation of suffocation and free intervals; loose cough by day, suffocation at night. Among the tongue symptoms, we find that this same tendency makes the patient say O when he means A. Again, he thrusts his tongue snake-like out of his mouth and moves it to and fro, or like a pendulum. Compare Sulph., Cup. acet., Cham. (11) It must be remembered that this fulsome condition is quite common, but is characteristic of Lycopod., when bitter taste and pressure on the liver concur. ' (12) We find only tension in the right hypochondrium, which may indicate a slight hyperaemia, such as occurs physiologically after a meal or from over-eating. Comparative Materia Medica. 61 Stool white, dry, irregular in shape, solid particles floating in the liquid. Diarrhoea during pregnancy, watery, morning and night; nausea and persistent vomiting. Haemorrhoids with much dis- charge of yellow mucus; so fidgetty, can hardly keep still. Haemorrhage from the bowels; blood dark ; the discharge con- tains solid lumps; alternate diarrhoea and constipation. 1XTIM. CRUD. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. Stool pale, putrid smelling, often mixed with hard lumps, (13). Diarrhoea during pregnancy, worse from 4 to 8 P. M.; nausea when riding; earthy face. Haemorrhoids, pain for hours after stool; pain worse when sitting. Haemorrhage from the bowels ; blood bright; feeling as of fer- mentation in the bowels ; invet- erate constipation. LYCOPODIUM. URINE. Frequent and copious urination at night, with mucous dis- charge ; pain in the small of the back ; catarrh. Urine involuntary with cough. Frequent at night, scanty by day ; urging with flow of milky, puru- lent offensive urine, relieving all the symptoms, (14) ; catarrh. Incontinence at night. GENITALS. Atrophy of the testicles. Indurated testicles. Both have increased sexual desire or impotence. Menstrual blood dark or fluid with lumps. Amenorrhcea after a cold bath; after becoming over-heated. Pressing in the uterus as if some- thing would come out. Ovarian region tender to touch; white tongue. Leucorrhoea of acrid water, con- taining solid lumps; causes smarting down the legs. Menstrual blood bright at times and again black ; lumpy, fluid. Amenorrhoea chronic, after fright with anger. Pressure on bladder or redlum, pressing in the vagina when stooping. Boring, stitching pains in the ovaries ; better after urinating. Leucorrhcea in gushes, pains across abdomen from right to left; jerking of the limbs causes itching of the labia. (13) In Lycop. the pale hue denotes deficient bile, hence the odor ; in Antim., the white is undigested milk, and of course, occurs only in children. They also throw up a little sour milk after nursing. (14) Lycopod. is of great use in diseases of the urinary organs. We find backache, pressure on the bladder, renal colic with pain from right groin to bladder, &c., &c., all relieved by urination. In children we find holding the hands to the lower abdomen, crying impatiently, relieved by urination. Both have red sandy sediment ; but Lycop. answers best for calculi, gravel. 62 Comparative Materia Medica. GENITALS Alternate diarrhoea and constipa- tion ; gastric symptoms; ec- static, sentimental mood, all with genital troubles. ANTIM. CRUD. Obstinate constipation with in- carcerated flatus or flatus of the womb, (15); temporal head- ache as if screwed, (8, 9); sad, tearful, all with genital troubles. LYCOPODIUM. LARYNX, CHEST. Voice lost or weak when over- heated ; rough voice. Cough worse morning, in rays of sun, warm room, after exan- thematic fevers ; excited by irritation in the abdomen ; ex- pectoration of tenacious mucus mixed with dark blood, flat tasting. Breathing deep, sighing, suffo- cating ; breath hot; suffocative catarrh, old people, burning in the chest. Hoarse voice, sounds weak, husky, (16). Cough worse 4 to 8 P. M.', in warm room, wind, after (mem- branous) croup ; excited by ir- ritation as from sulphur in the trachea; expectoration of bloody mucus or lemon-colored, green, tastes salt. Breathing short, rattling, {chil- dren,'} oppressed ; suffocative catarrh with danger of paraly- sis of the lungs. Rheumatism with white tongue, nausea, great thirst at night; pains are worse from warmth, hot sun, working in water; muscles and tendons painfully shortened; especially the bi- ceps flexor cubiti. Soreness of the soles of the feet and heels from walking, espe- cially on the pavement. Stiffness of the knee, (fungus of the knee.) Inflammation of the heel. BACK, LIMBS. Rheumatism with sour belching, nausea in early morning, flatu- lence ; pains worse at night, better in warmth, (17); mus- cles and joints rigid, feel numb ; especially finger-joints and in- steps. Soreness and swelling of the soles of the feet and ankles from . walking. White swelling of the knee. Lippe. Rhagades of the heel. SLEEP. Drowsy, (child) hot, delirious, face red; worse after a cold bath. Drowsy in the forenoon. Drowsy, lies in a stupor, rattling breathing, (child) jaw dropped, face pale. Drowsy all day. (15) We find under Lycopod. circumscribed, changing tumors in the abdomen, which may be caused by shifting flatus, but which may also answer for " phantom" tumors in hysteria. (16) Lycopod. also offers difficult speech from thickness, (nodosi- ties) or paralysis of the tongue. (17) Better from the warmth of the bed, but worse from warm poultices. Comparative Materia Medica. 63 ANTIM. CRUD. SLEEP. LYCOPODIUM. Dreams pleasant, amorous; or frightful, causing him to start. Awakens with a scream, will not be left alone ; jerks the limbs, asleep or awake, (18). FEVER. Chill, with thirst (for, beer;) or thirstlessness ; shivers over the back, feet icy cold. Heat from the least exercise. Morning sweat with shivering of the tips of the fingers. Partial cold; nose internally icy cold. In intermittents, mood woful; vomit bitter. Measles, scarlatina, &c., preceded by convulsions, drowsiness ; earache. Fever from over-heating or bath- ing ; gastric type. Chill preceded by thirst; chill accompanied by numb hands and feet. Sweat from the least exercise. Morning (and night), sweat with cold face. Partial cold ; one-sided ; one foot cold the other warm. In intermittents, mood tearful; vomit sour. Measles, scarlatina, &c., with coma, threatened cerebral par- alysis ; otorrhcea and deafness. Fever from getting wet (feet) ; bilious type. TISSUES. Corns horny, hard, mostly on the soles. Eruptions green, hard, horny, purulent. Horny warts. Skin hardens, becomes horny. Nails split, grow horny. Ulcers around warts. Obesity or emaciation. General dropsical swellings. Venous hypertemia; pulsations in the veins. Corns inflamed, pulsating, tear- ing. Eruptions with thick crusts which crack ; fcetid. Pedunculated warts. Skin like parchment or moist in the folds, (intertrigo). Hang-nails. Ulcers from varicose veins. Upper part emaciated, lower part distended, (ig'». Dropsy, especially of the ankles goes from r. to 1. (Heart dis- ease). Ebullitions; circulation as if stopped in the veins. (18) Lycopod. has legs involuntary spread asunder and then pressed together; jerking arms or legs up and down; involuntary nodding the head backward and forward. Compare (9, 10). The screaming mentioned above, is very characteristic, even in hip disease, {Stram}. (19) Antim. c. prefigures a rather robust, corpulent patient, but predisposed to gastric disturbances. Lycopod. portrays a patient of keen intellect, but of feeble muscular development, lean and predis- posed to pulmonary and hepatic diseases. In chest symptoms it so favors Phosph., that one might suppose it the preferable medicine when the Phosph., though seemingly well chosen, aggravates. With a sallow face, gray expectoration and negleCted or maltreated pneu- monia present, the choice for Lycopod. is certain. 64 Comparative Materia Medica. Exanthema miliary, pustular; like nettle rash. Boils (perineum). ANTIM. CRUD TISSUES. Exanthema moist, scurfy, suppur- ating; like nettle-rash, (20). Boils point of nose, forearm, (21). LYCOPODIUM. GENERALITIES Left side predominant. Dark hair. Worse in moonlight. Worse every two or three weeks ; alternate days. Worse in the sun and glare of snow. Right side predominant. Light hair. Worse at new moon. Worse on alternate days ; 4 to 8 P. M. Worse in snowy air. Antim. c. has aggravation, and Lycopod. amelioration from ascending, stooping, erudlations, uncovering. Antim. c. has amelioration, and Lycopod. aggravation from wrapping up warm, sitting. ALlea rac. (misnamed Cimicifuga) has many symptoms in common with Caulophyllum. In uterine diseases, ALlea has the general character of constant pains, tonic spasms; Catdoph. of intermitting pains, clonic spasms. Actea, ceteris paribus, renders labor easier when given in the last month. Cramp pains in the groins, stitches (either as after-pains or with undilated os); Cau- loph. helps when the patient seems, so weak, she cannot de- velop labor-pains. Adlea causes a marked general sore- ness; tenderness in the hypogastrium with dysmenorrhoea; Cauloph. causes intermitting crampy pains all over, hypo- gastrium, bladder, chest, &c., with dysmenorrhoea. Sleeplessness is well marked; but only AElea has numb- ness all over preventing sleep; Cauloph. causing intense atony, is preferable in sleeplessness from nervous relaxa- tion. ACTEA RACEMOSA.-CAULOPHYLLUM. (20) Hence Antim. corresponds to measles, small-pox, prickly heat, bites of inserts, &c.; Lycopod. to tetter, eczema, erythema. But of course the subje Clive symptoms when present, must ever de- cide. Thus in scarlatina, sopor, rattling breathing, &c., would in- dicate Lycopod., no matter what was the eruption. (21) Lycopod. cures large boils, especially when they do not ma- ture but remain blue. Comparative Materia Medica. 65 ACTEA KACEMOSA.-CAULOPHYLLUM. Aclea excels in inflammations with nervous excitement; though causing often weakness, it shows a tendency to keep up irritability ; nervous tremor ; nervous chill (many cases in the first stage of labor, [Cels.]) before the menses ; trembling from debility, yet cannot bear the least noise, touch or motion, &c. Cauloph. excels in relaxation with uterine displacement, resulting in paralysis ; paralysis from enervation. Leucorrhoea is cured by Aclea, with continuous bearing down pains ; by Cauloph., (often in pre-pubic cases') when it is profuse as if from atony of the mucous membrane. Similarly, Aclea causes diarrhoea with tenesmus; Cauloph., profuse, watery, painless. Rheumatism afleCting the belly of the muscle; metasta- sis to the heart, call for Aclea ; of the small joints of the hand ; metastasis to the nape of the neck, panting, delirium, call for Cauloph. /''tfyWt'zr eruptions appear under Aclea; "moth" spots under Cauloph. Actea racem., rheumatism of the belly of the muscles, or of the lower extremities; Actea spicata, only of the small joints. COFFEE, TEA, COCA. Coffee increases the intellectual activity; congestions. Tea does the same with excessive garrulity; nervousness. Coffee renders the arteries tense; tense fibre ; stomach feels tight after food ; pulse quick but force lessened. Tk# renders the arteries lax; stomach as if it would sink ; pulse intermits. Give Coffee as a drink when weary from travel in the heat, with deprivation of food; also in diarrhoea from over- work with too much care. *These comparisons of some hygienic value, are taken from the N. A. J. H. Vol. III. No. ii, with some additions. The Coca must not be confounded with cocoa. It is the plant used by the natives to aid them in the ascent of the Andes, not a beverage. 66 Comparative Materia Medica. COFFEE, TFA, COCA. Give Tea as a drink for the bad effects of a walk in the sun, especially when followed by difficult breathing. Give Coca in fatigue from climbing mountains, especially in old, short breathed persons, anti in states of the atmos- phere when the barometer stands lozv. All three increase the nitrogenous bodies by diminished tissue waste, (less urea, uric acid, &c.j Hence Tea and Coffee are injurious to the young but beneficial to the old. Coffee should be used by wine drinkers ; Tea by beer drinkers. (C. Hering). Coffee and Tea stimulate the intellect; Coca, the mo- tility. BAD! AGA.*-BELLADONNA. Mind almost always is clear, ac- tive. unchanged by posture. Pains in the eyeballs. Sounds as of distant artillery. Fluent coryza. Face ashy or lead colored ; blue under the eyes. Mouth dry with thirst. Cough spasmodic with forcible expectoration flying out of the mouth; better in the warm room ; excited by a tickling as from sugar dissolving in the larynx ; worse afternoon and evening. (Mainly from MSS. of J. B. BELL, M.D.) Not inclined to talk or fast talk- ing ; nervous anxiety. Headache worse lying; better bending head backwards. Photophobia. Humming and roaring in the ears. Bleeding from the nose. Face red or pale, or alternating. Mouth dry without thirst. Cough spasmodic, dry, worse at night and on the slightest mo- tion ; excited by tickling in the throat as if from down or as if from constriction of the larynx, (i); worse evening and just after 12 P. M. Bad-yah-ga. (j) Bellad. is one of the few medicines having relief from sweets ; sugar lessens the burning in the oesophagus. Spongia has the sore throat worse from sweets, and here Badiaga gives us the sensation of melting sugar, a by no means uncommon symptom.* I agree with Dr. Bell, who asserts that Bellad. is more frequently indicated in spasmodic croup than the famous trio Aeon., Spang., Hepar. The child awakens about 11 P. M., face red, eyes suffused, expression anxious, there is constriction of the glottis, crying with the cough which frequently ends with a half suppressed sneeze. Soon the Comparative Materia Medica. 67 BADIAGA.-BELLADONNA. Palpitation of the heart from the least elating thought or emotion, (2). Worse while swallowing solids, on moving the eyes, in the after- noon. Palpitation of the heart after sleeping, after 12 P. M., with loud pulsations in the temporal arteries. Worse while swallowing liquids, looking at bright things, after- noon and after 12 P. M. BADIAGA SPONGIA. Headache severe yet mind unaf- fected ; better in the morning and worse after breakfast. Headache with inflamed eyes. Noise like distant artillery. Coryza fluent; or sneezing ; worse left side. Sore throat, worse from swallow- ing solids. Diminished appetite. Urine high colored and reddish. Cough spasmodic, caused by tick- ling in the larynx as from melt- ing sugar; expectoration of a viscid mucus flying out of the mouth, afternoons ; better in a warm room. Palpitation of the heart, sitting or lying, from any elating thought. Glands enlarged, hard, inflamed or suppurating. Inguinal glands; left side. Indicated in fat children. Aggravation 1 to 8 P. M. (Contributed by J. B. BELL, M.D.) Headache with moroseness ; worse in the morning and better after breakfast. Headache and the eyes feel cold. Hardness of hearing. Coryza dry, hoarseness. Sore throat, better from swallow- ing. Ravenous appetite. Urine frothy or saffron colored, yellow, white red. Cough deep, hollow, caused by feeling of a plug in the larynx ; expectoration tough, yellow, hardened, mucus generally swallowed, mornings; better after eating. Startup with palpitation, anguish, bellows murmur with each beat. Glands enlarged, but generally little pain or inflammation. Testes and cord enlarged. Indicated in children and women. Aggravation afternoon and before 12 P. M. little patient drops off to sleep, to shortly awaken with the same symptoms. If with these symptoms the cough is brassy, simulating membranous croup, Kali brom. But we just as often have a croup with swelling of the mucous membrane, when neither Boening- hausen's three, nor Bellad., Kali, brom., will do much good. The spasmodic form generally follows dry, cold (northwest) winds ; the other occurs in damp, wet weather. The choice then falls on such medicines as lod., (black eyes, moist but deep cough, wheezing) ; Brom., (blue eyes, suddenly awaken, hoarsely cry for water, which relieves); Ipecac., (in changes in winter from northwest to warm south winds, rattling cough, &c. ; child fat) ; Arsenic, (hives sup- pressed by damp, give croup), &c. (2) No medicine aCts so well here as Badiaga. Compare Coff., Aeon., Phos. 68 Comparative Materia Medica. BA 1)1 AGA.-SPONGIA. Worse lying on unpainful side. Position does not affecft the head or chest symptoms. Worse lying long in one position. Worse moving the eyes. Worse stormy weather. Better lying on unpainful side. Better lying flat, (head) ; better sitting, (chest). Bettei; lying in the horizontal position, head low. Worse looking intently. Better in stormy weather, (i). Mental symptoms almost identical. LILIUM TIG. SEPIA. (*) HEAD. Headache from forehead to oc- ciput. Fear of insanity. Taciturnity. Headache from occiput to fore- head. Fear of apoplexy. Loquacity. Drinks often and much. Longs for meat. Smarting after stool, (like a cathartic.) Urine retained causes oppression of chest. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. ' Usually thirstless. Averse to meat. Tension ani after stool. Urine retained ; anxiety, pressure on bladder. FEMALE ORGANS. Absence of feeling in head ; wild looks when menses cease to flow. Menses generally scanty; cease when sitting down, flow while moving about. Leucorrhcea,brown,yellow, excori- ating ; worse after menses. Bearing down, funneling toward the vulva or anus ; better from support. Burning (less stinging), cutting in the ovaries; congestion. Slow recovery after confinement; lochia too long; uterus remains large ; must support the vulva to prevent everything from es- caping ; at times better, at other times, worse, from riding. Mammae tender; cutting through to left scapula. Mania caused by too profuse menses. Menses generally profuse; they flow only in the morning. Leucorrhcea green or milky, ex- coriating ; worse before menses. Bearing clown over whole pelvis ; must cross the limbs. Stinging in the ovaries ; conges- tion. Slow recovery after confinement; lochia very foetid ; become "pot belliedmust sit down and cross legs to prevent prolapsus ; always worse riding (horse- back.) Mammae sore, hard lumps ; sting- ing pains ; cracked nipples. (i) Spong. requires that the patient shall feel better in wet weather and worse in dry, cold weather. E. A. F. (*) It is not a little singular that the isomorphic group, of which Sulphur is the type and Sepia an analogue, should find such similar drugs in the Liliacea and analogues; thus Sul. and Aloes; Phos. and Cepa.; Ars. and Allium Sativum ; and here, Sepia and Lilium. Comparative Materia Medica. 69 LILIUM TIG. MALE ORGANS. SEPIA. Sexual excitement; emissions | followed by difficulty in fixing ■ the mind; choose the wrong [ word ; irritable ; blurred sjght. Emissions followed by vertigo, irritability, sensitiveness to damp weather ; mental exhaus- tion. CHEST, HEART. Both affect Similarly the venous system ; both cause con- gestive asthma, pulsations all over the body; congestion to heart, worse from motion, better from pressure and rub- bing; in both is there chilliness combined with internal heat in the chest. Becomes worse if retain urine ; sighing relieves; uterine trou- bles, pain through left mamma to back ; dragging of all the viscera. ♦leaviness in the region of the heart, worse after eating. (2). Pain as if the heart were alter- nately squeezed and relaxed. Congestion to the heart; pulse weak; heart feels full to burst- ing ; taste of blood ; faint; chills run down from face to chest; heart feels cold in the open air. Comes on when awaking from sleep; uterine and hysterical, followed by jerking in one side. Hard, teasing cough. Intermitting beats of heart after eating. Palpitation with intense stitching pains in the left chest. Congestion to the heart; bubbling in left chest as if haemoptysis were coming on; burning in the face ; beating felt in the pit of the stomach. GENEIt A CITIES. Both suit the weakened system, especially that of the female; fearful about one's health; hurried, nervous, fid- getty; so nervous the least excitement causes cold, clammy hands, palpitation, &c. In both, the cause of the debility seems to consist in a relaxation of the ligamentous structures, serous sacs (3) and veins. The first two causes account (») The heart symptoms of Liliiim occurred late in the proving and are hence very characteristic. They seem to be mostly attended with congestive symptoms, and are linked with the urine disturbances. But they occurred in both sexes and exhibit strong resemblance to organic disease. (3) Dr. Hering taught long ago that serous membranes, containing little or no air in their sacs, adted by sudion in keeping viscera in place. Aeon. seemstoexcite them, Sepia, Iodine. &»c., relax them. 70 Comparative Materia Medica. GENERALITIES. for the empty, gone feelings; weak knees (even cracking in Lilium, from deficient synovial fluid); prolapsi, &c. The last explains the.readiness to portal stagnation, fullness of the chest, heart and veins of the extremities. The most important distinction besides those already given, is the following ; because so characteristic of the respect- ive remedies:- LILIUM TIG. SEPIA Remission forenoon. | Remission afternoon. PULSATILLA.-LILIUM TIG. Pulsatilla and Lilium, although unlike in their general indications, bear the closest resemblance in their action on the veins. They have the same fullness of veins, chest and heart; worse in the evening and better in the open air. Heart feels too full of blood, with weak, feeble pulse, faint- ness, inclination to take a deep breath. Such symptoms often occur in enlargement, involving the right heart. Pulsatilla, though feeling chilly, finds relief in the open air and from walking; Lilium finds relief in the open air (except headache); but the cold air makes the heart feel icy cold; motion aggravates. If the urine is retained, the congestion seems aggravated. Lilium like Pulsa., causes scanty menses; but the former has irritable mood; wants to die and yet knows not why; solicitude about health; absence of feeling in the head with amenia; longs for meat; diarrhoea hurries her out of bed in the morning. Pulsatilla has gentle, tearful mood; wants to die, but fears it ; solicitude about health and sal- vation ; mania with amenia; averse to meat; diarrhoea after midnight. Remission, in Lilium, forenoon ; in Pulsa.r midnight, until noon, (except diarrhoea). MYRICA CERIFERA. Digitalis, according to Hale, antidotes the jaundice caused by Myrica. Comparative Materia Medica. 71 MYRICA C'ERIFEEA. By diminishing the secretion of bile, both develop symp- toms of cholaemia; drowsiness, stupor, languor, slow pulse, jaundice, yellow eyes, swollen, heavy lids, clay- colored stools, frothy, brownish-yellow urine, &c. In both we find indifference, sadness, irritability. Only Myrica has, "thinks himself better than any one else." Digitalis causes serous or jelly-like secretions from the mucous membranes, easily detached. Aphthae, stomatitis with foetid or sweetish saliva. Myrica causes thick, viti- ated mucous secretions, difficult to detach. Stomatitis with spongy gums, foetid mucus, mouth coated with an adhe- sive coating difficult to loosen. Both give weak, sinking feeling in the epigastrium after gating; Digitalis, specifically after breakfast; Myrica, better from rapid walking. In jaundice, Myrica has ash-colored stool, drowsiness, slow pulse, but increased in intensity; dull aching liver ; dragging in back ; tongue dirty, yellow ; catarrh of poste- rior nares. Digitalis differs in having clean tongue or tongue covered with easily detached slime ; pulse slower than the beating of the heart; hardness in region of liver; yellow in corners of eyelids. Both cause palpitation while lying on the left side; con- striction of chest; tickling cough, made worse by lying or by talking. But Myrica produces an audible pulsation (more like Chelidonium); Digitalis exhibits the quick, but small pulse of the weakened heart, laboring under the superadded pressure of the body. Myrica, with its slow but intensified pulse, shows the system temporarily weakened by blood poisoned with bile, health returning with the resumption of hepatic activity ; Digitalis gives us an enlarged liver made so by organic heart disease, the enervating bile but intensifying the weakness of organic dcfeCt. 72 Comparative Materia Medica. PTELIA TRIFOL LATA. Ptelia Trifoliata has many symptoms in common with Bry. and Nux v. All have weak mind with bodily languor; peevish, irritable; senses too easily impressed by external objects; hence, worse from noise, light, smells, conversation, smell of food, &c. Gastric headache ; stom- acace; pharyngitis; disgust for meat; hepatic congestion and hepatitis; ascites, (except perhaps Nux); dysenteric stool; constipation with hard, dry stool; jaundice; cata- menia too soon ; urine red, high colored; red sediment, (except Bry.); stitches in various parts, worse moving, speaking, breathing ; headache with cough; rheumatism, wandering pains; nettle-rash with gastric disorder; lan- guor, must lie down ; limbs weak with nausea, &c. Ptelia stands between Bry. and Nux v., and Am., in gastro-bilious diseases. Like Bry., it has hepatitis better lying on right side ; but the stitch pains do not appear with the least attempt to breathe, only in inspiration ; and the stool is dry, hard, small, while Bry. has stool large, dry. Nux v., is worse lying on painful side and has large stool. With Arnica, it has eructations like rotten eggs; aver- sion to meat and longing for acids ; but eating causes epi- gastric pain and sensation of goneness; not fullness, as in Am. Nux vomica has a similar periodic aggravation of gas- tric symptoms (3-4 A. M.); but Ptelia has aversion to fat; Nux a longing. Ptelia, predominating bitter taste ; Nux, more sour taste; Ptelia feels the effects of food at once; Nux, an hour or two after a meal. (Duodenal Di- gestion). Ptelia causes dysenteric tenesmus appearing before and after stool ; in Nux, tenesmus ceases after stool. Ptelia, stool small, hard balls ; Nux and Bry., stools too large. Comparative Materia Medica. 73 PTELIA TRIFOLIATA. Ptelia causes dry mouth, cracked lips ; but the saliva is increased and saltish. Tongue shows red papillae and feels scalded with prickling. Drooling at night. Bryonia has dry mouth, thirst; saliva frothy, soapy ; mouth better when moistened, (because " child does not like to take hold of the breast; but when once its mouth is moistened, it nurses well.") Nux v. has the drooling, but saliva is then bloody ; voice is altered as if something were being held in the mouth. In fevers with bilious symptoms: Ptelia, hot sweat on forehead; sweat relieves ; (pulse quick, weak or irregular). Nux, cold, clammy sweat on face; sweat aggravates; worse in open, cold air; {Ptelia, better: pulse full, hard). Bryon., nausea better lying; {Ptelia, worse): less chilly in open air ; pulse regular. Ptelia is worse: warmth, mental work, fat food, meat, lying down, early morning ; and better: open air, (except chest) acids, rising from bed, during continued motion. Bryon. and Nux. are belter: warmth, lying ; and worse : continued motion, open, cold air, acids. MIND. In both remedies is found a desponding, melancholy mood. Anxiety, in Mercury seems to be caused by ebullitions, by alcholism, &c.; the patient wants Io escape from the house, to go abroad. Under Silicea it is a part of nervous weakness, which cannot bear even normal stimuli. But under Mercury we find an irritability, even vehemence, and a malicious, suspicious state contrary to Silicea, which represents a bland, tearful, yielding mind. The sensorium is weakened even to dementia. Under Mercury, weak memory results from congestions, from abuse of spirits or external injuries, or from syphilis. In extreme cases, the patient does all sorts of foolish things, laps his own spittle, takes peop]e by the nose, &c., &c. MERCURIES. SILT CEA. 74 Comparative Materia Medica. MERCURIUS. MIND. SILICEA. Under Silicea, weak memory results from nervous weak- ness (2), exposure to wet, excessive study, &c. In some cases, the patient sits' counting pins, thinks he is in two places at the same time, &c. Head aches generally worse in bed at night, from sweat; pains like a hoop around the head. Head-sweat oily, sour; forehead icy cold ; worse in the heat of the bed. Eruption mostly fore-part of head; scratching causes bleeding. (See Tissues). HEAD. Head aches generally, better warm in bed ; worse at night; seem to ascend the spine into the head. Head-sweat sour, profuse, gen- eral over the head ; better cov- eting the head. Eruption back part of head and behind the ears ; scratching causes burning. Amblyoptic symptoms from in- flammations, congestions, &c.; letters move when reading; using the eyes causes stinging soreness ; worse from the glare of the fire. Paroxysms of blindness; pupils dilated. Inflammatory affections when pus or pustules form ; pimples far around; pains are cutting, stinging. EYES. Amblyoptic symptoms reflex, ner- vous, &c. ; from the uterus, lungs, suppressed discharges ; letters look pale; using the eyes causes vertigo ; worse from day- light. Momentary blindness; pupils contracted. Inflammatory affections; threat- ened perforation of the cornea ; fistulce : pains like stitches from the forehead into the eyes. EARS. Deafness with roaring in the ears; swallowing, or blowing the nose relieves ; meatus always moist. Otitis when ulceration has begun ; tearing pains (i); inner ear feels cold ; purulent otorrhcea. Deafness with gurgling, fluttering in the ears ; relieved sometimes by a loud report in the ears ; mastos red, swollen. Otitis with stitches out of the ear ; itching of the middle ear ; otor- rhoea with caries. Otitis in- terna (often in scarlatina). NOSE. Fluent coryza, discharge excori- ates (influenza) ; chronic forms with green pus, inner surface of wings red, scabs; pains, fever, &c., eustachian tubes ob- structed. Nose red, swollen, shining with itching. Nose generally dry, obstructed (chronic forms) ; acrid, corrod- ing discharge (as in scarlatina); scabs high up in the nostril; eustachian tubes itch. Point of nose itches intolerably without swelling. (i) Tearing must ever be a characteristic here ; for it expresses the same tenesmus feeling so marked in the Mercury dysentery. Comparative Materia Medica. 75 MERCURIES. MOUTH, THROAT. SILICEA. Toothache ; dentine inflamed ; gums swell, become white, sup- purate, bleed ; gum-boils. Upper lip swollen (as in scrofula). Glossitis ; whole tongue inflamed, even suppurating. Tongue black; shows prints of teeth. Tonsilitis, &c., when ulcers form slowly ; when pus is present, and the abscess needs maturing ; worse, swallowing liquids and saliva. Fetor from the mouth. Parotids swollen; pale; stinging pains. Toothache ; periosteum inflamed ; gums show fistulous openings, oozing thin, offensive ichor. Upper lip hard (as in cancer). One-half swollen ; indurated ; as in carcinomatous disease. Tongue coated brown ; sensation of a hair on the tip. Tonsilitis, &c., when the abscess will not heal, or when each effort to swallow involuntary distorts the face; swallowing pains when there is no inflam- mation, (2). Fetor in the morning, (3). Parotids swollen ; hard; indolent. Vomit mucus, bile, food ; sweetish I rising, faint (as from worms). STOMACH. Vomit drink, food ; nausea when over-heated ; vomits as soon as he drinks, (4). (2) This dysphagia is a part of a general characteristic of Silicea : the patient is weak, mentally and physically; he has not strength of mind to resist, hence is yielding ; swallows slowly; is tired ; drags the limbs; his foeces are expelled with difficulty, even slip back ; as a child, he is slow in learning to walk; in a word, he is in a semi- paralytic state. (3) Clinically, these remedies differ greatly here; Merc, presents a pidure of scurvy, aphtha, &c ; tongue shows imprint of teeth ; when indurated, it is the result of inflammation; gums are ulcerated, white, &c., hence the fetor. In Silicea, the induration of the tongue is indicative of carcinoma, &c.; the gums, though affeCted, are diseased in connection with the periosteum ; aphtha: are less marked ; hence the fetor is symptomatic of disordered stomach, disturbed sleep, and so comes in the morning. (4) Such symptoms show but little similarity in the aCtion of these ramedies on the gastric organs, yet in aCtual practice, especially in the treatment of psoric children, they often clash. They seem to present a resemblance which is, however, deceptive. Mete. causes the so-termed bilious symptoms with mucous derangements : and in the intestines, slimy diarrhoea and dysentery. In dyspepsia, we always find co-existing, yellow face, soft tongue, bilious or clay- colored stools ; stomach and hypochondria feel inflated, or it drags heavily, as do also the abdominal parietes in walking. In Sil cea, the complexion is earthy or waxy, vomiting occurs immediately after drinking or nursing, and shows an irritability of the stomach, as seen in gastralgia, cancer, &c. The bowels are inactive, rather than dysenteric. Despite these differences, both meet in swollen liver; hard, hot, tender abdomen (as in children); worm colic ; tender liver, worse lying on the right side, &-=c. Mercury, however, promotes the formation of pus ; hence suits in acute hepatic abscess ; Silicea retards suppuration ; hence suits in chronic hepatic abscess. 76 Comparative Materia Medica. MERCURIES. STOMACH. SILICEA. The child becomes yellow ; vomits bile ; rejects the milk. Pressure as if the stomach were hanging down heavily', after a meal. Colic (as from worms), with cold, clammy hands; slimy stool ; worse, 12 P. M. Discharges from the bowels, slimy, bloody, pitch-like, bil- ious, green, clay-colored, sour ; much 'straining, tenesmus ; un- covering even a hand, causes pains in the bowels. Stools tenacious or crumbling; require much straining 'o pass them. The child refuses mother's milk, or immediately vomits it, (4). Pressure as from a heavy stone after eating; especially after raw vegetables, (4). Colic (as from worms), with yel- low hands and blue nails ; con- stipation ; worse, new moon, (4). Discharges from the bowels, slimy, bloody, of a cadaverous smell ; difficult but painless ; uncovering causes pains, and makes the general condition worse. Stools too large ; slip back when but partially expelled. In the treatment of haemorrhoids which tend to suppu- rate, great care must be used in the choice of these reme- dies. In Merc., there co-exists a prolapsed rectum, black and bloody (5); production of slime; in Silicea, only the haemorrhoidal knobs protrude, with pains extending into the reClum and testes; fistulae. Worms ; sweetish risings ; putrid breath ; hunger, yet great weak- ness ; fever; escape easily at night; cause inflammation of the vulva ; of the genitals (6). Worms ; continuous water-brash ; fever becomes constant, almost like heftic; hunger, yet nausea if attempt to eat; symptoms worse at new moon. The Mercury urine contains blood, pus, mucus; is turbid, sour, or putrid. The Silicea urine deposits a yellow or reddish, sandy sediment. Both have frequent urination ; but with Mere, it is also copious ; with Silicea, scanty. URINARY ORGANS. GENITALS. Mere, corresponds to many forms of syphilis ; Silicea only to the bone affcClions; open, stubborn chancres, buboes, &c., where Mercury has been used in excess. (See Ulcers, Bones). Both produce spots, humid eruptions, and itching of the genitals, especially of the corona glandis. (5) Note how this compares with phimosis ; such anologies confirm the characteristic aClion of a drug. (6) The influence of Merc, on the genitals is remarkable. Often in Scarlatina, measles, worms, &c., co-existing inflamed genitals points to Merc, as the cure all. In a great variety of complaints when the Comparative Materia Medica. 77 MERC UR LUS. GENITALS. SILICEA. Gonorrhoea thick, green, puri- form ; worse at night. Emissions cause burning in the spine; icy-cold hands. Leucorrhoea green, flocculent, with lumps the size of hazel- nuts ; genitals inflamed (6). Menstruation. Congestive type ; scorbutic patients ; whimsical, anxious ; hands, feet and face oedematous ; mucous stool, urg- ing ; urine excoriates the parts ; sore spots on the tongue. Vagina feels raw; prolapsus, feeling as if the abdomen would drop when walking. Fainting; cold sweat on the fore- head, with metrorrhagia; es- pecially among aged females. Mamma. Inflamed, feel raw, hard shining, swelling; pus formed; milk sboiled, so that the child refuses it. Gonorrhoea thick, fetid, pus; worse exerting to sweating. Emissions cause a sensation of one-sided paralysis of the brain. Leucorrhoea milky,watery, brown ; instead of the menses; after acids. Menstruation. Nervous type; chlorotic patients (7); melan- choly ; icy-cold all over ; always great constipation before menses; eruptions on inside of thighs; cuts fester ; paronychia. Vagina feels very tender to the touch; pressing down in the vagina when walking. Momentary blindness with metror- rhagia, uterine cancer, &c., blood flows while nursing; also between the periods. Mamma. Chronic fistulous open- ings, callous edges; hard (scir- rhus) lumps; child refuses the milk or vomits it at once. LARYNX. CHEST. Cough; chest seems to contract causing dyspnoea; comes in two paroxysms ; causes a burst- ing pain in head and chest; sore over sacrum and between scapulae; worse from worms, from teething; from lying on the left side; from cool evening air, damp weather, (8). Cough short-breathed, seems to arrest the breath ; hollow, suf- focating ; causes protrusion of the hernia; pains like jerks over the sacrum ; worse after rapid walking, from eating hastily ; from lying on the back ; from change of weather; thunder storm. patient (child) is continually pulling at the penis, Merc, is the remedy. In delirium, stupor, &c., this same symptom points to Merc., Canth., (Hyos.), Bufo. (7) Let it be remembered that in no instance is it recommended to prescribe pathologically. Whenever such comparisons are drawn the intent is brevity only. It would take a page to express in symptoms what is here stated, in a few words. (8) Mercury gives us burning, rawness, pains in the bones, watery blennorrhcea, such as we see in influenza. In suppuration of the lungs the resemblance between Merc, and Silicea is often perplexing. Merc., however, is preferable after hamorrhage, after acute inflam- mation, pneumonia, &c.; soft, quick pulse, anxiety, weight on the chest, stinging pains, cold sweat on the forehead ; face yellow, bilious. Silicea compares with Calc, in cavities of the lungs; rattling, pant- ing, breathing ; milky, purulent sputa, heflic fever, pale, waxy face, 78 Comparative Materia Medica. MERCURIUS. LARYNX, CHEST. SILICEA. Expectoration watery ; of coagu- lated blood ; of yellow mucus ; of pus, tasting putrid or salty. Dyspncea worse ascending; better from tobacco-smoke. Awakens with trembling and thumping at the heart; feels as if life ivas ebbing away, (9) Pulse full and accelerated. Ebullitions and trembling from the least exertion. Expectoration clear, profuse, vis- cid ; of pale, frothy blood ; of milky, acrid, ichorous or pur- ulent mucus, tasting greasy. Dyspnoea worse resting after running or walking fast. Violent, dangerous thumping of the heart ; worse after any violent exertion. Pulse small, hard, and quick. Ebullitions from wine; easily ex- cited. FEVERS. Chilliness, as from cold water poured over the body. Chilly after stool (11), at night, with frequent micturition. Heat with anxiety, constriction of the chest, faintishness ; chilly if he moves. Sweat general, except the head; or on the front of the body, (10). Sweat never relieves, (12) ; sour, oily, clammy, burns the skin. HeCtic fever, worse all night; sweat cold, skin feels clammy, especially on forehead and thighs. Variola, stage of maturation. Scarlatina with anasarca, (6). Chilliness, as from cold air blow- ing around the waist, (10). Chilly, from want of animal heat. Heat with headache, appearing in flashes, worse in the face, (io). Sweat absent, except on the head ; or on the back of the body. Sweat sour or offensive ; foot- sweat, offensive, about the toes. HeCtic fever, worse at night, especially towards morning ; sweat periodical; feels cold. Variola, for the sequelce. Scarlatina on a scrofulous basis. (See ears, nose.) night sweats, foetid sweat on the feet. Clinically, Silicea palliates the sleeplessness of consumptives ; Mercury the diarrhoea and occasional catarrhs from evening exposure. (9. A group common enough in debility, as well as organic disease. Compare Merc.prcec. rub., Kali hyd., Lach., &*c. (10) Neither remedy occupies a very prominent position in inter- mittents. Still, when they are indicated, there are resemblances enough to necessitate a differential study. In Merc., the pains are referred to the liver ; the sweating stage is the worst, with palpitation of the heart, nausea and indescribable malaise, diarrhoea and dropsy. In Silicea, the pains are referred to the stomach, cramp pains; the apyrexia gives us the most symptoms, mainly, because Silicea is in- dicated as a constitutional remedy, correcting psora. We find con- stipation, dry coryza, want of animal heat and backache, with a sense of paralysis of the limbs. (11) This chilliness occurring in syphilis, indicates mercurialization. (12) Often a guide to Merc. But in typhus it rather leads to Strain., Lach., Phos. Mercury can only be used here when pitch-like stool, great urging, soreness of the liver, icteroid skin, &>c., point to hepatic Comparative Materia Medica. 79 MERCURIES. SLEEP. SILICEA. Sleepless from ebullitions, with anxiety ; as from alcohol, from a fright, home sickness, &c. Moaning continuously in sleep ; terrifying visions awaken ; fear of being alone. Deep sleep, mouth open, coma, (as in low fevers). Sleepy by day ; sleepless at night; pros- trated. Sleepless from ebullitions, as from nervous excitement, fan- tasies, crowding of ideas, &c. Screamingsleep, (night-mare) ; clairvoyant visions ; somnam- bulistic state. Coma vigil, jerks in sleep, (as in typhus, &c). Sleepy and pros- trated during a thunder-storm. TISSUES. Abscesses, boils, &c., when pus has formed. Ulcers spread superficially; feel raw, excoriated; lardaceous surface ; worse from either warm or cold. Erysipelas smooth, red, oedema- tous ; with eruptions. Scars redden. Skin dirty, yellow, rough, dry; or bloated, flabby Glands inflamed, red, painful, hot. Skin unhealthy ; discharges (stool urine, &c.), excoriate. Tumors, swellings, &c., smooth, shining, pale or red. Eruptions greasy, yellow, thick, crusts; itching worse in bed; scratching causes bleeding. Run-arounds or whitlows (ten- dons). Nails yellow ; pain as if sore. Abscesses, boils, &c., 'when they will not heal; cellular tissues. Ulcers extend in depth; very tender to the least touch ; black- ish surface ; better from warm ; worse from cold, (13). Erysipelas, smooth ; mostly with bone diseases. Scars pain and break open. Skin delicate, pale, earthy or waxy ; pale and bloated. Glands swollen, hard, painless, cold. Skin unhealthy; festers as from splinters ; difficult to heal. Tumors, swellings, &c., smooth or spongy. Eruptions furfuraceous, oozing, black ; itching at night as from ants crawling. Whitlows and felons proper (bone), (14). Nails blue ; grow into the flesh. complications. Then there co-exist indifference, deep sleep, nose bleeds at night, wants to go away from the house, talks of robbers, does not know where he is, sleepy but cannot sleep, &*c. Silicea, with a similar state of debility and profuse sweat, comes into play when there is a desire to be magnetized ; the patient thinks he is in two places at once, &c. (13) Silicea answers for almost any kind of pus ; but the thin pus is not offensive, while the thick pus is. (14) Silicea is the remedy when felons seem to start from splinters, &c.; it will also bring foreign substances to the surface. 80 Comparative Materia Medica. MERIURIUS. TISSUES. SILICEA. Nerves. Pains tearing, like a band ; part affeded is cold and clammy; red spots on the cheeks; sweats without relief; worse every cold change, in damp evening air ; worse from warmth of bed. Paralysis agitans ; spinal paraly- sis, membranes inflamed ; limbs rigid, but can be moved by others, (16). Spasms with constant drivelling, (17); mostly in the extremi- ties ; at night with much thirst, bloated abdomen, itching nose, (worms). Faint, with vertigo and sweetish risings. Nerves. Pains throbbing, (15) ; like shocks; part affeCted is cold; white or burning spots on the cheeks ; cannot sweat; worse least draught (on back); change of weather, thunder- storms ; better from warmth of bed. Tabes dorsalis ; spinal paralysis with constipation and increased sexual desire; caries of the vertebrce. Spasms with lachrymation ; starts and spreads from the solar plexus ; at night during sleep ; worse during the. new moon, (worms). Faint, if attempt to lie on the side. Mercury appears mostly in rheumatism; Silicea, chiefly in chronic arthritic nodes; Mercury serves when children suddenly begin to limp; Silicea, when they are slow learn- ing to walk. MUSCLES bones, &c. Generally speaking, Mercury involves more the glands and periosteum; Silicea, more the bones. It is true that Merc, cures caries, bone pains, &c., but this is because of the periosteum. Only Silicea cures necrosis, osteitis, re unites fraftures, heals chronic abscesses, otor- rhcea with caries, &c., &c. (15) Merc, is not so much as Hepar the remedy when throbbing rigors, &c., show that pus is about to form ; but it is the remedy when pus has formed, and then matures the abscess rapidly. Silicea has throbbing pains with neuralgia, hence not necessarily indicative of suppuration. (r6) Mercury gives us paralyzed bladder; pain in the spine when moving; occasional contractions of the limbs; a perfect picture of meningitis spinalis; hence curative when concomitants concur. Silicea often appears in scrofulous children, with spina-bihda, &c., &c., and is well characterized by the constipation, and in adults by increased sexual desire. (17) When in teething children the salivation suddenly ceases and spasms result Merc., as well as Kali brom., are often curative. Comparative Materia Medica. 81 Dropsy in Metc. is developed in almost any locality; in amenia, Merc, offers oedema of face, hands and feet; under Silicea dropsy is found principally in the joints; also as hydrocele in scrofula. In amenia the feet swell in the morning, (18). MERCURIUS. BONES, &C. SILICEA. GENERALITIES. Heat causes profuse sweat which weakens ; blood becomes so heated cannot " get cool." Prostration after storms. Resembles Bell., Lach, Hep., Ait. ac., Mez., China, Pule., Kali hyd., Sulph., &=c. Remission during the day. Worse in the Fall. Heat causes great dyspnoea ; nausea from the least rise of temperature. Prostration during thunder- storms. Resembles Sul., Graph., drs., lyc., Hep., Phos., Puls., Calc., Remission before 12 P. M. Worse in the Spring. Mtrcurius has aggravation, and Silicea, amelioration from wet weather, warmth of bed or stove, (19); empty stomach, (20); lying on the right side. Mercutins has amelioration, and Silicea, aggravation from dry weather, standing, smoking after breakfast, lying on the back, lying on the left side, assuming ereft position. CHARACTER. The Mercury patient is irritable, malicious, suspicious ; he is coarse in manners and tastes ; likes beer, not wine ; presents a dirty, rough, yellow face; is scorbutic, scroful- ous or syphilitic ; cannot bear damp, cold winds or the evening air; contracts catarrhs, rheumatism; sweats easily. As a child, he has open fontanelles, anxiety when alone; restless during sleep, with clammy thighs and cold, icy forehead; large, tender abdomen, and readily contracts dysentery. (18) Of course, if the symptoms call for Silicea, it will cure, even if not a prominent dropsy medicine. What is here meant is that in the absence of higher symptoms, Merc, has the preference in drop- sies. This is the only use of these external contrasts. (19) Merc, is better wrapping up like Silicea. These remedies, so inimical, are perplexingly similar in modalities. They have at least twenty precisely alike. So much the more need for studying their differences. (20) Silicea, like Lyc., has headache if the patient does not eat • but is always worse from a satisfying meal. 82 Comparative Materia Medica. MERCURIUS. character. SILICEA. The Silicea patient is more bland, yielding; he is more refined in tastes and appearance; his skin is delicate, pale or waxy; he cannot bear thunder-storms ; takes cold when his feet get wet, and, because of his weak spine, is very susceptible to draughts on the back. As a child, he presents open fontanelles, large, sweaty head, body small but abdomen swollen ; cannot walk ; is always costive. RHUS TOX. Anxious, certain of death. Delirium constant, low; thinks her head is scattered over the bed, and that she must toss about to get the pieces together. While answering a question, goes to sleep. Mentally restless, yet too lifeless to move ; confused as if drunk. Feels as if the top of the head would fly off. Expression besotted; cheeks yel- low, with a deep central flush. Teeth covered with sordes ; mouth full of ulcers, fetid breath, aph- tha. Jaws rigid ; pain. Tongue white, dry, yellow centre, (early stages typhus). Tongue dry, dark red, shining, cracked, ulcerated; or, dry, with a brown streak down the centre, edges clean, red. Saliva viscid, thick. Dry mouth, great thirst; spits out the liquid put into his mouth. Uvula long; mucus in the throat, cannot raise or swallow it; can only swallow liquids. Putrid, painless, dark ulcers, (i). BAPTISIA. Faint, timid, fear of death. Delirium mild, low ; thinks that he is roaming over fields, swim- ming or engaged in some other physical work. Answers correctly, but in a hasty manner. Mentally restless ; slow flow of ideas; better moving. Feels as if a board were bound across the forehead. Expression listless; or anxious appearance ; cheeks dark red. Teeth and mouth covered with thick, hard, brown mucus ; vesi- cles. Jaws crack ; feel stiff. Tongue white on one side, dry, (early stages typhus). Tongue dry, hard as a board, hardened, dirty phlegm; or, red triangular tip, cracked, shows imprints of teeth. Saliva bloody, runs out in sleep. Dry mouth, unquenchable thirst; repugnance to either food or drink. Throat sore as if strained ; swal- lowing difficult from paralyzed epiglottis ; oesophagitis, cannot swallow Solid food. (l) The painlessness may decide for Baptisia not only in typhus, but in scarlatina, putrid sore throat, &c., when the suspicious odor and general weakness, offer a dangerous reason for the absence of pain. The ability to swallow only liquids, distinguishes it from Lach., Apis, Canth. Rhus tex. has not so marked a tendency towards putrid ulcers. In oesophageal spasm, both can only swallow liquids ; but with Baptisia solids simply cause gagging; with Rhus, vomiting. Comparative Materia Medica. 83 Stool yellow, involuntary, horri- bly fetid; sour belchings. Dysentery, great tenesmus with discharge of pure blood, no mucus. Urine alkaline, offensive, dark red. Cannot draw a full breath, gasp- ing ; tightness across the chest. Heart throbs audibly; seems to fill the chest. Pulse full, whether hard, slow or quick ; variable, thread-like. Cannot lie long anywhere ; yet motion is painful. Must change position, the bed feels so hard. Feels as if sinking away; lies with the head thrown back; jaw dropped ; sliding down in bed, putrid breath. BAPTISIA. Stool yellow, slimy, involuntary at night, almost no fetor; empty belchings. Dysentery, tenesmus, discharge of transparent lumps of mucus. Urine albuminous ; involuntary at night. Difficult breathing referred to the lower chest and pit of stomach. Heart beats feebly; trembling about the heart. Pulse small, weak and quick, weak and small, thread-like. Cannot remain quiet; motion of the limbs improves, (2). Must change to relieve the pains in the limbs. Feels as if paralysis were coming on ; mouth open ; lies as if in- toxicated ; involuntary stool and urine, (3). RHUS TOX. Anxious, certain of death. Falls asleep in the midst of his answer. Lies with head thrown back, low- er jaw dropped ; slides down in bed. Vertigo, worse stooping. Gasping; breathingas if he could not draw a long breath. Can swallow only liquids; spits out the water taken. Stool involuntary, fetid. Pulse full and slow ; variable. Nervous symptoms predominant. BAPTISIA. Indifference. Falls asleep, forgetting the words for his answer. Lies quiet, no complaints; says he is well; lower lip trembles. Vertigo raising the head. Loud, blowing inspiration and ex- piration in sleep. Pharynx seems " lame a gurg- ling noise when swallowing. Stool and urine involuntary. Pulse frequent, sunken. Stupefadlion from the very begin- ning. ARNICA.* (2) Rhus, in the beginning of typhus during profound weakness, has an exceptional symptom : wants to lie still in one spot. (3) It would be premature to characterize Baptisia while so imper- fectly proved. But in general, it shows a heavy, besotted face ; fetid breath, stool and urine ; dyspnoea from weakness ; in the beginning, nervous restlessness. Rhus shows a bland expression, pale, waxy skin : hepatization of lower lobes (hence dyspnoea is referred to the stomach and hypochondria); in the beginning, erethism (hence the nose bleeds, which relieves.} * Arnica has but little resemblance in the beginning of typhus ; but when stupor and petechiae appear, we find in common, such symptoms as : must move, the bed feels so hard ; brown tongue; putrid breath ; goes to sleep, while answering ; stupid, heavy look, etc. 84 Comparative Materia Medica. Goes to sleep while answering. Delirium ; cannot sleep, because she must toss about to get the pieces of her head together. Soreness as if in the frontal brain ; wild feeling. Senses generally blunt; besotted, heavy expression. Dull hearing during and after typhus. Cheeks, dark red, yellow ground. Aphthae putrid, dark, ulcerating; thick, viscid saliva. Tongue dry, blown down the centre; feels numb or scalded. Goneness; sinking at the stomach. Stool involuntary, putrid; occa- sional diarrhoea or costive, (beginning). Urine offensive, alkaline. Heart-beats seem to fill the chest. Pulse full and slow ; variable ; thread-like. Slides down in bed; lower jaw dropped ; putrid breath. Scarlatina with dark, fetid ulcers in the throat; great prostra- tion ; petechias ; stupor. Stupor resembling that of Arnica, Opium. BAPTISIA. MURIATIC ACID. Forgets what he has said. Delirium ; would sleep but can- not ; vivid hallucinations of changing images from past to present. Brain feels sore, as if it was torn or had been beaten. Senses generally too acute ; dis- tant talking gives headache. Dull hearing, with dryness of ears, or dark wax. C ir c u m s c r i b e d gio wing red cheeks. A ph thee putrid, small, bluish, deep. Tongue small, bluish or rattling like leather; heavy, as if par- alyzed. Emptiness all over the abdomen. Involuntary while urinating; pu- trid ; during crisis, papescent stool relieves. Urine acid ; difficult to expel. Heart-beats seem to be felt in the face Pulse irritated, but without en- ergy ; omits every third beat. Slides down in bed; lower jaw hanging; moaning. Scarlatina with blue feet; dark bluish fauces ; scanty eruption ; sudden red face; petechice ; stupor. Stupor and nervous weakness after Rhus., Bry., fail. IODINE. MIND. KALI HTDRIODICUM. Anxiety, constantly on the move, cannot even sleep; anxious, if he cannot eat. Shuns people, especially the dollar ; wants to cry during di- gestion. I Anxiety, starts at the least noise : torturing anguish prevents sleep ; frantic, with catarrh or \ headache, (i). Less sensitive to external impres- sions ; whining mood. (i) This tendency to start belongs to all the Kali salts. The fran- tic state is a part of the well-known " Iodine intoxication but it is common enough after Mercury, when the dura mater and perphaps the brain itself are irritated. It will be well to compare note (8), and remember this symptom in pneumonia as there described. Comparative Materia Medica. 85 IODINE. HEAD. KALI HYD. Pain like a tape drawn around the head. Headache as if the brain were stirred up ; fears he will go crazy. Pain as if the temples were screwed in, (2). Violent headaches, hard lumps on the cranium ; pains intense. EYES. Sparks before the eyes when sewing. Eyes protrude, (as in Basedow's disease. Screens the eyes, and yet light does not affeift him. Eyes prominent from oedema, chemosis. In scrofulous ophthalmia, the Iodide is preferable; when chemosis forms, and when Mercury has been abused. EARS. Over-sensitive hearing, followed by deafness ; deaf from eusta- chian catarrh. Sensation of a leaflet over the ear, yet not deaf; catarrhal deafness. NOSE. Coryza fluent in the open air; dull head; cannot think; pos- terior nares feel expanded. Coryza from abuse of Mercury ; comes from the least cold; frantic excitation. Face pale, yellow; frequently changing. Toothache, with yellow teeth ; gums full of blisters. Aphthae, no fetor; saliva profuse, watery, (4). Goitre painless. FACE, MOUTH. Face pale, (with the spasmodic attacks), bloated. Toothache ; feeling of a 'worm crawling at the root, (3). Aphtha; as if the mouth was coated with milk ; saliva viscid. Goitre sensitive. STOMACH, BOWELS. Cold milk aggravates the symp- toms. Empty feeling not removed by eating. Diarrhoea of serous mucus ; back feels as if in a vice, (2). Cold milk opens the bowels. Better from eating a full meal, (5) Diarrhoea watery, foamy, whey- like; fatty, (6\. (2) Quite a characteristic sensation. (3) A marked subjective sensation. It will be remembered that the root of the tooth is often the seat of decay in sycosis, indicating Thuja, and here, Kali hyd. (4) China is preferable to Iodine, in salivation, after Mercury. Salivation is not marked in the Iodide. Extreme fetor points more to Kali chlor. (5) A strong characteristic is this hunger of Iodine. The patient feels anxious if meals are not ready. He can eat often, and yet may be very thin. (6) From its aCtion on the glands, from this fatty diarrhoea, we know Iodine will render service in pancreatic atrophy. 86 Comparative Materia Medica. IODINE. URINE. KALI HYD. Urine scanty ; milky, variegated cuticle. Urine copious, pale, (7) ; scanty and bloody, Sexual desire too strong. Before menses, pressure on the bladder; during menses, pains in the back and ovaries ; weak- ness going up stairs. GENITALS. Sexual desire too weak. Before menses, pressure on the bladder ; during menses pains from groins into thighs ; thighs feel as if squeezed, (2); chilly, head hot. LARYNX, CHEST. Hoarse, deep voice ; cough from tickling all over the chest; dry cough or expectoration of clear mucus, or of blood-streaked mucus ; worse during motion ; emaciationwith morning swe-eXs, chest intolerably weak, (8). Croup with torpidity ; child grasps the throat; wheezing, moist breathing ; voice deep ; worse in the morning, (9). Palpitation from any exertion or after exertion; fainting, heart and chest feel weak ; heart feels cramped. Cardiac disease with purring feel- ings ; worse when just rising or after exercise. Hoarse, nasal voice ; cough from roughness in- the throat ; dry or profuse expectoration of green- ish pus or like soap-suds ; worse during rest ; emaciation with exhausting night sweats and loose stools ; great oppression. Croup with hyperaesthesia ; awakens about 5 A. M. with great oppression, loss of voice, smothering. Palpitation when walking ; flutter- ing on awaking, giddy, must get up or smother. Cardiac disease with darting pains ; after the abuse of Mer- cury, (10), (7) The Kali hyd. may, other symptoms agreeing, cure diabetes mellitus. The Iodine has only scanty urine, according to Bcening- hausen. If Kafka, recommending Kali hyd. for Morbus Brightii. because of its tendency to croupous formations, had advised it rather from its tendency to oedema, he would have been nearer correct. The selection is certain if pulmonary oedema, serous diarrhoea, &c., concur, and if gout or syphilis underlie the disease. (8) Such symptoms distinguish the two in pneumonia, phthisis, &c. When oedema occurs Kali hyd. is preferable, (hence the soap- sud sputa}. When suppuration occurs the Kali hyd. is preferable, (night sweats, alternate dry and sweaty skin, sputa are green, puru- lent}. Again, when hepatization is so extensive as to seriously im- pede respiration, or when co-existing cedema renders breathing diffi- cult, and we find bluish, bloated face; urine suppressed, apopleCtic symptoms, dilated pupils, Kali hyd. may save the patient. Here Bella, would certainly fail. (9) Iodine cures croup in black-eyed children ; this is not yet no- ticed under the Iodide. (10) Iodine gives us the symptoms of functional and incipient organic heart disease. It is the character of the Iodide to produce repeated attacks, thus rendering the disease chronic ; the remnant of each inflammation forming a salient point for subsequent attacks. See Rindfleisch. Comparative Materia Medica. 87 Rheumatism and gout belong to both ; the pains are worse at night, after Mercury, jerkings. Iodine is preferable in gout after rich living; the Iodide in combinations of syphilis, rheumatism and mercurialization; the limbs are contracted. IODINE. BACK, LIMBS. KALI HYD. White swelling, second and third stages ; fistulous openings dis- charging a thin, watery ichor, and surrounded by pale, spongy edges, which bleed easily ; rest- less, continually moving. White swelling, doughy, (13), spongy, no fluctuation, skin tense, red in spots, hot. Inter- nal feeling of heat; gnawing, boring, pains at night forcing a change of position, Raue. Dreams of eating; awakens weary, extensores ache ; jerk- ing. ' SLEEP. Dreams vivid, cause him to start in his sleep, (1) ; jerking. Thirst during the sweat. Chill, better arising from bed. Cold feet. Fever with sallow face, great languor, trembling hands, grasping at flocks ; great ex- citation or drowsiness, (11). FEVER. Thirst during the chill. Chill, better in bed. Chilly up the back. Fever with ascites, (13), staring, jerkings ; great excitation or extreme drowsiness. Emaciation with good appetite; glands atrophy, (12). Chorea, very excited, zigzag mo- tions ; emaciated. Syphilis with salivation, skin rough, dry, dirty, yellow ; after Mercury. Diseases of the periosteum ; bones curve. Glands enlarge or dwindle. Pus thin, ichorous. Itching nettle-rash on the thighs. TISSUES. Emaciation with loss of appetite ; glands atrophy. Chorea, when of a rheumatic origin. Syphilis with deep ulcers; skin covered with thick scabs, rupia ; after Mercury. Caries, necrosis, exostosis; bones swell. Glands enlarge, dwindle, grow doughy, (13.) Pus thin or curdy. Itching herpes on the face ; papulae, (14). (11) Iodine may be used in typhus. The staring, ascites and drowsiness under the Iodide are symptoms of dropsy ; the first and third of cerebral effusion noticed in pneumonia, hydrocephalus, &c.; the second, a concomitant of intermittents. (12) Atrophy is more characteristic of Iodine than hypertrophy. (13) The Iodide tends everywhere to infiltrate the cellular tissues with serum; pul. oedema, myelitts with effusion, pneumonia with oedema, Bright's disease, doughy swellings. 114) Papulae also occur in Iodine, but they are characteristic of Kati hyd. 88 Comparative Materia Medica. The Iodine patient is sallozu, emaciated, hungry, restless, suffers from palpitation and intolerable weakness of the chest; better lying. The Kali hyd. patient is bloated, emaciated, empty, but not hungry, suffers from smothering spells and cedema ; must get up. CHARACTER. PHOSPHORUS. MIND. ZINCUM. Sad at twilight; alternate laughter and crying. Easily angered; trembling, hot afterwards. Memory generally quick. Indifferent. Anxiety, as if about to die. Vertigo ; sensation as if the chair were rising ; worse mornings ; revolving vertigo. Sad at noon ; calm in the even- ing. Easily angered; trembling, as if chilly afterwards. Memory weakened. Taciturn. Fears death, (hypochondriac) ; thinks calmly of death (when exhausted). Vertigo; sensation as if the seat were rocking ; worse evenings ; revolving vertigo, (i). HEAD. Hemicrania, forehead or occiput swollen; pulsations in the head ; face congested. Headache, better for awhile after dinner, (2). Itching of the scalp, xyorse from scratching, (3). Hair comes out in bundles, over ears. Softening of the brain ; incipient hemiplegia. Chronic, maddening pain deep in the bra'n; face rather pale ; eyelids bluish. Headache, worse after dinner, after wine. Soreness of the vertex, better from scratching. Hair comes out leaving vertex bald. Softening of the brain; distress- ing vomiting. EYES. Glaucoma; objects look green or gray. Burning spots on the eyeball. Pterygium ; objects appear blue, yellow, green. Intense burning after operations. Hearing too acute ; deaf to the human voice. Otitis ; throbbing in the ears. EARS. Hearing impaired, yet intoler- ance to the least noise. Otalgia (among boys). (1) Phos. and Zinc., both rpay be indicated in cerebral tumors; for revolving vertigo is a symptom of their presence. (2) But worse during mastication. (3) Phos. is generally better from scratching. Comparative Materia Medica. 89 NOSE. Smell too acute, (headache). Point of nose red, shining. PHOSPHORUS. Loss of smell. Point of nose cold. Z1NCUM. Circumscribed red cheeks. Sick look, pu.fed under the eyes ; pale, flushes from the least emotion. FACE. Livid face. Sick look, face pale, waxy, yellow; alternately red and pale, (brain). MOUTH. Tongue red, stinging tip, middle white. Velum palati afifeCted more than the tonsils; worse, swallowing fluids or solids, pains after eating. Stricture of the oesophagus; rumination. Tongue blistered, swollen on one side. Blue herpes on the tonsils, (sup- pressed gonorrhoea) ; worse, empty swallowing ; cramps in the neck, drinking. Stricture of the oesophagus; worse from wine. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. EruClations cause oppression of the chest, coming from the cardiac orifice Aversion to boiled milk, salt fish, beer; longing for refreshing things. Canine hunger after a meal; at night she must eat or faint ; empty feeling, at about 11 A. M. As soon as water gets war tn, it is thrown up. ContraCtive pain in pit of stom- ach extending to left hypo- chondrium, later to the heart and left shoulder; better from warmth. Vomit blood, pure or brown; bile; feet and hands numb, cold, cold sweaty forehead; better lying down. Erudations cause a pressure in the middle of the spine. Aversion to fish; longing for beer. Canine hunger, hungry even when full; sudden weakness of the limbs at noon, tremor. As soon as the first spoonful reaches the stomach it comes up. Screwing pain in the stomach, pinching deep in the region of the heart, extending to hypo- chondria; warm all over; worse wine. Vomit bitter mucus ; blood; chil- liness on the arms; sweat; tremulous feeling, (subjective) ; better sitting, bent forward. They differ widely in their action on the liver. PJws. causes jaundice from catarrhal inflammation of the duode- num ; also jaundice with the coma and collapse, belong- ing to atrophy of the liver or fatty degeneration, (not in- filtration) ; also with Bright's Disease, with atrophy of the brain or heart disease; dropsy; hepatic congestion with pneumonia. Zinc., on the other hand, behaves more like Plumb., giving us indurations here and there in the abdo- 90 Comparative Mat er ia Medic a. PHOSPHORUS. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. ZINCUM. men, enlarged left lobe of liver; the consecutive dropsy of the feet comes from pressure and retarded circulation, rather than from albuminuria and poisoned blood. The stool is lumpy, hard, difficult, (like Plumb?} or pitch-like, involuntary, and hence indicative of obstruction, rather than suppression of biliary secretion. Both meet in colica flatulentia, with consequent asthma ; but in Zinc., the wind does not relieve when passed; worse from wine, in the evening or after 12 P. M. P/ios. finds some relief from flatus, which is not offensive, as in Zinc. ; generally wine does not aggravate ; worse after supper and first on lying down. Zinc., like its relative lead, causes retraction of the abdomen, hence, may serve in lead colic. Phos. appears in the tympanitis, attending typhoid states with symptoms of dissolution of the blood. Inguinal hernia with relaxed ab- domen ; protrudes even with soft stool; sensitive. Stool long, dry, difficult, " dog stool." Polypi recfti with proditis. Blood from the redlum during stool; blood dark. Fatty degeneration of pancreas or spleen. Inguinal hernia with pains as if strangulated. (Comp. Nux vom.) Stool difficult, insufficient, lumpy, hard, dry. Leucorrhoea during stool with proditis. Blood from the recStum ; blood pale. Sago-spleen with chlorosis ; crampy pains. KIDNEYS, URINE. Haematuria from general dissolu- tion of the blood ; after sexual excesses. Haematuria, vicarious from sup- pressed menses ; diarrhoea, night cough, (Raue). Phos. is a leading remedy in the complications of Morbus Brightii, bearing no resemblance to Zinc. In renal calculi, Phos. suits more congestive and inflammatory symptoms, with purulent, chalky or sandy sediment. Zinc, gives us a pure neuralgia; vesical irritation, crampy, colicky pains; spasm of the bladder; difficulty in beginning to pass water ; loamy or sandy sediment; cannot pass urine unless sit bent backwards. Comparative Materia Medica. 91 PHOSPHORUS. KIDNEYS, URINE. ZINCUM. Urine impeded by pain in the hypogastrium, (fundusvesicae). Urine ammoniacal; with variegat- ed cuticle ; white and flocculent sediment. Pressure on bladder, sits with the limbs ctossed, bladder full, yet none passes (cervix vesicae). Urine yellow, depositing flocks ; loamy. GENITALS. Gonorrhoea, gleet, hypertrophy of the prostate. Gonorrhoea; bubo, left groin constriblion in the testes. In both, the sexual desire is increased with local excite- ment ; strong erections. In spermatorrhoea, they are equally adapted to the nervous exhaustion; pale face, weakness, sunken eyes, melancholy, &c. Phosd is prefer- able when the lungs are involved, memory weak, diarrhoea ; locomotor ataxia. Locally, we have interiorly an irritation of the genitals ; impotence, feeble and too rapid emission of semen. Zinc, is the remedy when the patient torments everyone with his complaining, hypochondriacal; spinal irri- tation, with pains only when sitting ; spine better for a few .days after an emission. Locally, there is an itching of the scrotum, not relieved by scratching, (Staph?); emission absent during coition from failure in testicular secretion. Testes sore ; cord swollen, pain- ful. Menses generally too early ; re- laxation, weakness felt in the abdomen ; cramps in the calves. Ovarian pains during menses. Most complaints during menses. Amenorrhoea, stitches in the mammae; eyelids puffed. Menorrhagia, blood pale or bright. Eredlile tumors on the external genitals. Leucorrhoea corrosive ; precedes menses. Mammae inflamed, even threat- ened ulceration. Galadlorrhoea ; weak therefrom. Testes inflamed ; orchalgia; stran- gulating pain ; jerks in chord. Menses generally late ; weakness felt in the hands and fett; cramps in the hypochondrium or knees. Ovarian pains better during menses. Generally better during menses. Amenorrhoea, mammae swollen, painful; eyes sore. Menorrhagia, blood in clots. Varicose veins of the external genitals. Leucorrhoea causes itching; in place of menses. Mammae painful; nipples sore, excoriated. Aglatflia; fever, nymphomania may follow. 92 Comparative Materia Medica. PHOSPHORUS. GENITALS. ZINCUM. According to Dr. Guernsey and others, Zinc, has cured obstinate puerperal convulsions when Phos., though in- dicated, failed. Sexual mania with lasciviousness, obscene talk, (male or female) ; after Hyosc. fails, (4). Sexual mania, more in females, caused by pruritus vulvae ; or by suppressed milk, lochia, menses. CHEST. Hoarse; voice lost or altered from catarrh or laryngeal pain. Cough, tightness across the chest; larynx sensitive ; veins of hand swollen ; sacrum feels as if broken ; trembling all over. Expectoration bloody, frothy, pale-red, rust-colored, salt, sour, sweet and purulent. Phthisis pulm. seu abdom., face pale or cheeks red; bowels loose ; stools bloody or contain lumps like tallow; flashes of heat with debility, weak knees. Hoarse ; voice weak from use, as if the muscles were weak. Cough, as if chest would fly to pieces; spasm in the super sternal fossa; varices of legs pain ; sacrum feels sore ; trem- bling of the legs. Expectoration bloody, tenaciows, yellow, sweet, purulent, me- tallic. Phthisis pulm. sen abdom., face pewter-like hue ; stools contain flakes like epithelium ; flashes of heat with intense trembling. Phosph, has a congestive asthma, and then the aggrava- tion is while lying on the back or on falling asleep. The labored breathing indicates its use in threatened paralysis of the lungs. Zinc, has a quick, dry breathing, with inci- pient cerebral paralysis, with occipital heat and stiffness of the neck, (medulla oblongata). Palpitation with congestion to the heart, cramp between the scapulae. Pulse full, hard, accelerated ; double or small, weak and ir- regular. Palpitation with an occasional violent jump of the heart. Pulse small and frequent, even- ing ; slow during the day; in- termittent. BACK, LIMBS. Burning in spots along the spine. Backache as if broken ; impedes motion; sacrum pains after confinement. Burning with crampy pains along the spine. Backache, worse at the last lum- bar vertebra ; worse sitting, less walking. (4) Phos. seems to affect the genitals more interiorly ; Zinc, ex- teriorly ; the former, therefore, gives us obscenity ; the latter, desire for onanism. Zinc, seems to exhibit many complaints from checked eruptions, ulcers, exanthema or discharges. Thus we have delirium from undeveloped scarlatina; maddening pain in the brain, when uterine ulceration is locally treated; and here, nymphomania from suppressed discharge. Comparative Materia Medica. 93 PHOS. BACK, LIMBS. ZINC. Paralysis with anaesthesia and heat in the parts; caused by sexual excesses ; softening; after confinement. Paralysis with anaesthesia, general sense of trembling ; caused by wine, suppressed foot sweat; softening of the brain. Phosph, has also a paralysis from myelitis, inflammation of the vertebrae (burning in spots) and from chronic soft- ening (with Calc. ci). Zinc, gives paralysis of the arms with colic ; later,' nausea, tremor, paralyzed sphinfters ; abdomen retraced. Here it resembles lead. Legs weak, worse when hungry ; face pale. Hands bluish, from stagnation of blood. Blisters and soreness as if cor- roded after a journey. Foot sweat, corrosive, fetid. Legs so weak, she makes mis- steps ; face hot. Hands and arms cold with diar- rhoea. Soles pain as if bruised after a journey. Lower limbs covered with fetid sweat. Usually better after sleep ; except after siesta or when aroused. Awakened by heat or chilliness, hunget or bad dreams. Coma; coma vigil. SLEEP. Usually worse after sleep; look haggard. Awakened by cold feet, fidgetty feet or bad dreams. Deep, fatiguing sleep. Both have unconsciousness with typhoid symptoms, es- pecially with incipient cerebral paralysis ; but sopor belongs chiefly to Phos. Starts in sleep, awakens anxious. | Starts in sleep, awakens terrified. FEVER. Chill, evening until 12 P. M. Chill more internal; worse near warm stove, in a warm room; better after eating, ✓ Heat afternoon, evening, night; ascends ; breath anxious ; mam- mae swollen ; red cheeks. Circulation altered when at rest, from tobacco smoke, afternoons. Sweat clammy, upper part of body; morning, night; pros- tration ; milk increased. Typhoid States : Typhus stupida ; exanthematic, enteric, pectoral, cerebral, petechial forms. Chill lasts after eating into the night. Chill more external; worse in the open air, from touching any- thing cold, after eating. Heat forenoon, night; descends ; breath hot; milk suppressed; red face. Circulation altered when ascend- ing, from drinking, evenings. Sweat too easily excited ; lower parts ; night; trembling ; milk diminished. Typhoid States: typhus versatilis; cerebral, enteric forms. 94 Comparative Materia Medica. FEVER. In the Apoplectic forms, with impending paralysis of the brain, both are indicated. PHOS. ZINC. Delirium generally mild. , Senses acute yet indifferent, apa- thetic; answers " yes," " no." Hot vertex. Lids half covering the dull sunken eyes. Sick, hollow, sunken look; blue circles around the eyes ; face ashy-pale, dingy or earthy. Restless all night; puts hands out, tosses hands. Lies on the back, sudden spells of weakness, sinking of all the forces ; lips covered with black slime. Cries out in sleep ; awakens hot, dizzy. Part laid on feels as if the bed had been too hard. Stool unnoticed; looks like flesh water orblack from decomposed blood. Rosela spots; ecchymosis. Pulse weak, intermitting, quick, or full and accelerated. Trembling in the morning with jerking of the limbs. Haemorrhages from nose, gums, chest, bowels; blood black from bowels. Small pox with haemorrhagic diathesis; eruption fills with blood ; bronchial symptoms. Scarlatina, retrocession of the eruption ; typhoid symptoms ; threatened cerebral or pulmon- ' ary paralysis ; rattling on the chest, with sweat on the face ; sopor with dry tongue, loss of speech and hearing; difficult deglutition ; urine involuntary ; mouth open ; a burning in vari- ous parts compels a change of position. Delirium violent; tries to escape. Senses dull; repeats all questions before answering them. Hot occiput. Staring ; cannot or will not open the eyelids. Sick, sunken look; facial muscles relaxed ; face red, cracked or pale, waxy or yellow. Trembling, automatic motion of the hands; picks the bed- clothes. Lies on the back; so weak that he slides down in bed; lips black, brown, cracked. Cries out as if terrified; knows no one on waking. Decubitus on the sacrum or tro- chanters. Stool and urine involuntary with pieces of epithelium. Ecchymosis; petechiae. Pulse weak, intermitting, scarcely perceptible, frequent. Trembling hands with convul- sions, cold extremities. Haemorrhages with pale blood at the approach of cerebral par- alysis. Small pox when the eruption is slow, with convulsions; no fever but cold feet and pale urine. Scarlatina, eruption is slow, im- perfect; threatened cerebral paralysis or cerebral irritation ; breathing short but dry, with cold sweat on forehead, occiput hot; unconscious; loss of speech ; difficult deglutition ; urine and stool involuntary; mouth open ; eyelids paralyzed; a fidgetty condition compels the moving of the feet. TISSUES. Herpes, vescicular around the joints. Herpes in the bends of the joints. Comparative Materia Medic a. 95 PHOS. TISSUES. ZINC. Anaemia appears in both. They meet in that disease of exhaustion, known as Hydrocephaloid. Compare head, stools, typhus. Sensation of festering of internal parts. Sensations (pains) occur between skin and flesh. Small wounds bleed much, although found in both, has proved, clinically, characteristic of Phosph. Cancer; medullary; fungus haem.; pale, earthy face ; can- cer of the stomach with coffee grounds vomit. Glands inflamed, swollen, ulcer- ated ; fatty degeneration, atro- phy, cancer, &c. Caries necrosis, inflammation and curvature of bones, especially lower jaw and tibia. Ulcers, discharge copiously, bloody or yellow. Tetter, dry, scaly. Pricking and burning in the skin. Gnawing in outer parts ; com- plaints mostly internal. Itching ; after scratching vesicu- lar ; burning ; erysipelas ; spots. Remission after midnight. Ailments from lod., table salt. Hard, scirrhus lumps in various parts ; pewter-like hue of the face ; pressure like a finger in the tumors, (5). Not many symptoms of the glands; swelling, ulceration, pressure, cancer. Drawing, coldness, tightness in the bones ; especially the long bones, they refuse support. Ulcers, discharge thin, bloody, acrid. Tetter dry, like, rhagades. Pricking in the muscles. Pungent-biting in outer parts, (6); complaints mostly external, Itching ; after scratching effiores- ence, pimples; prickling; rha- gades. Remission night, noon and fore- noon. Ailments from Baryta, (7). Phos. has aggravation and Zinc., amelioration, from change of posture, sitting bent forward, clothing tight. Phos. has amelioration and Zinc., aggravation, from wine, (8), drawing up the diseased limb, sweats, sitting ereft. (5) That Phos. is adapted to bleeding, and hence to open cancers, is certain ; it is partly inferential that Zinc, is suited to scirrhus, but the symptoms point to it, and it was thought not unwise to insert the comparison. (6) This sensation is characteristic of ulcers, skin eruptions and erosions in Zinc. It is a corrosive feeling, something like that felt when the bare plates of a galvanic battery are allowed to press on the skin. (7) Phos. has ailments from table salt; Zinc, has herpes in the mouth from salt-bathing. (8) Phos. has also a tired, drowsy, feeling after wine, but generally wine improves. 96 Comparative Materia Medica. THE PRINCIPAL SALTS OF POTASSA.* MIND. A state of apprehension, timidity, anxiety is quite general. The patient is easily startled. In the Carb, the least touch, or supposed " vision of fly- ing birds" makes him start. In the Brom, this timidity is so intensified we have, night terrors (children) followed by squinting, cerebral erethism ; in adults this state is coupled with a feeling as if they would lose their mind. The chemically similar Hydriod. shows a symptomatic resem- blance ; but the talkativeness and excitement are a part of the " lodine-drunkennessT The third, Chlor., claims pre- cedence in alternate states of sadness and cheerfulness, associated with congestion; hence, nosebleed relieves. The Nitrat. produces more than the others, profuse sweat with the anxiety. Dullness of intellect is predominate in all. Associated with this is melancholy, indifference or apathy. Weak memory, aphasia, diminished reflex excitability and profound melancholy, characterize the Brom. Thus it proves curative in cerebral softening. Vertigo is not marked. More characteristic is a stupid, intoxicated state of mind. The Chlor., because of its power to disturb the circula- tion, determining blood to central organs, gives the best type of congestive vertigo, especially after violent exercise. When of gastric origin, we may choose between the Bichr. and the Carb. In the former, nausea and sour watery vomit concur; in the latter, ancemia, weakness of the legs, pale face. HEAD. In headaches, the Bichr. causes blindness before the at- tack, sight retaining with the onset of pain. The Hydriod. * The salts here compared are : Kali Carbonicuin, Kali Bickrom- icum, Kali Chloricum, Kali Hydriodicum (otherwise written Kali Hydroiodicum}, Kali Nitratum, Kali Bromatum. The Nitratum usually written Nitrum. Schussler's Kali Phosph, is omitted. For brevity Kali is sometimes anglicized and written in the plural, Kalis, when referring to the whole group. Comparative Materia Medica. 97 cures swellings of the scalp, hard and intensely painful, after abuse of mercury. In chronic headaches, there is coldness of the painful part, relieved by external warmth* Under the Carb, the sharp pains are worse from carriage-riding; under the Nitrat. better. The latter remedy is indicated when a feeling of constriftion ends in a tightness at the tip of the nose. SPECIAL SENSES. Only rarely are the senses too acute. Like its analogue, Phosphorus, the Carb, sometimes has acuteness of hearing; but even then, it wavers between acute and dull. The Sight suffers in the Bichr. from bile in the blood, yellow-sight; in the Carb, from loss of semen, anaemia; in the Chlor., from irritable retina ; in the Hydriod., more from retinal infiltration, scrofulous ophthalmia, etc.; while the Nitrat. brings us back again to nervous causes and produces blackness before the eyes. In the Kalis, dullness of Smell is usually traceable to ca- tarrhs, which, tend towards ulceration, thickening and, of course, anosmia. Inflammations of Eyes, Nose, etc , fre- quently find a cure in the Kali Salts. The Bichr. and the Hydriod. answer where syphilis or scrofula is at the foundation; the Chlor, and the Hydriod. when mercury has been abused; the Carb., for psora uncon- taminated with syphilis. Earache finds a remedy in the Bichr., when there are pulsating pains at night, purulent otorrhoea ; stitches extend- ing into the mouth, or down the neck, enlarged parotid. The Carb, adds an otorrhoea of liquid cerumen and pus. Fetor from the mouth belongs to all; thus may we expeft stomatitis, scurvy, decayed teeth, etc., diminished taste. In the Bichr. the ulcers are deep and yellow ; in the Brom., by reason of its nervous action, infantile stomatitis appears, with hot, dry mouth, mouth so numb the examining finger can touch the fauces, causing no contraction. Nexy similar * See Raue's Record, 1872. This coldness, etc., has been con- firmed by Dr. J. B. Bell. 98 Comparative Materia Medica. is the Carb., with mouth feeling numb as if burned zvith caustic ; but the ulcers emit a smell as of old cheese. More like scurvy is the Chlor, sore mouth, with spongy, bleed- ing gums, patches in the fauces and on the pharynx, like diph- theria or follicular disease ; fetor unbearable. Changing to the Hydriod., the gums ulcerate as after mercury; the saliva is bloody, smells like onions. Scurvy is again pictured in the antiseptic Nitrat., but here the blood is thin, acrid, like vinegar. Saliva increased: viscid, saltish, Bichr.; bloody, Hy- driod. ; tasting brassy, Chlor. Toothache: throbbing zvhile eating, Carb.; reaching the periosteum, the Hydriod. gives us a sensation as though a worm were crazvling at the root of a tooth ; the Nitrat. infringes on the Carb., pulsating toothache, stitches when the teeth are touched, gums bleed easily. FACE. All have a bloated face, sickly expression ; face szvells sud- denly, parts become oedematous or livid. There is a commingling of yellow in the BiCHR.-pallor ; the anaemic Carb, adds an alternately red and pale face ; sacs over the upper eyelids, (i). The expressionless face of the Brom, portrays incipient softening of the brain. Swelling of the cheeks during the menses characterizes the Carb.; extending to the tongue after mercury, the Hydkiod. CATARRHS Mucous, muco-purulent discharges. The Bichr. develops coryza, worse in the open air, flow acrid, sensation of a feather in the nose or on the tongue; fauces and bronchi attacked, swollen tonsils, ropy expectoration; deep-eating ulcers in the fauces, often syphilitic; discharge from the nose of large clinkers or greenish plugs; worse in zvarm weather; catarrh alternating zvith rheumatic pains. The Brom, has relieved torpid cases of bronchitis with copious (i) Although Potash Salts readily develop oedema, it is most marked in the Hydriod., both internally and superficially. Comparative Materia Medica. 99 purulent expeftoration. The Carb, cures coryza, rough voice, crawling in the throat and difficult detachment of phlegm ; sensation of a plug in the throat; it belongs prin- cipally to the mucous stage with obstructed nostrils, re- lieved in the open air, discharge of green, bloody or foetid purulent mucus, mostly from one side; nose scurfy, bloody; the cough is so difficult and spasmodic that it often causes retching and vomiting in the effort to dislodge small, gray lumps of mucus; like the Bichr., it suits rheumatic patients, but its principal characteristic is the lassitude and backache ; even swallowing causes pain in the cervical spine. The Chlor, comes into use when mercury abused, has devel- oped a tendency to catarrhs with profuse coryza, twitchings of the masseter muscles, luminous vibrations before the eyes when sneezing; gums bleed; scorbutic or aphthous symptoms brassy taste, fcctid odor from the mouth ; the Chlor, differs from the Hydriod. in causing aphthous or diphtheritic states after mercury, rather than croupous and glandular diseases. (This is in keeping with the differences between Chlorine and Iodine ; the first corresponding to a scorbutic state, the second to a scrofulous.) The Hydriod. involves the frontalsinuses, Highmorian cavities, etc., the nasal secre- tion excoriates, eyelids are bloated; the least cold aggra- vates; chilliness alternates with feverishness; speech nasal; urine hot, red; like the others it has rheumatic pains, but worse in the evening, preceded by chilliness. The Nitrat. discharges through the posterior nares like the combining Nitric Acid; the tip of the nose is red; tendency to nasal polypus. LUNGS, HEART. Respiration.-Potash salts are proverbially useful in op- pressed breathing, asthma. The Bichr. breathing awakens the patient at 2 A. M., palpitation; orthopnoea, sits bent forward; caused by mucus, croup, croupous diphtheria chronic bronchitis, membranous bronchitis; or, from disturbed 100 Comparative Materia Me die a. circulation, cold sensation and tightness about the heart, lower portions of the lungs oppressed; pressure on the heart after eating. The Brom, dyspnoea is more from spasmodic asthma; breathless with the headache; also in chorea, hysteria, etc.; croup, supplication of the lungs, etc. The Carb., like its relative Bichr., awakens after midnight with dyspnoea, characteristically at 2 or j o'clock in the morning ; the patient is compelled to sit bent forward, the head on the knees; worse walking; in phthisis, suppuration of the lungs, mucous phthisis, pneumonia, pleuritis, heart disease. During the cold stages of fevers, the breathing is loud, dry ; during the heat less marked, then only short; the difficult respiration comes from spasmodic pain in the chest. The Chlor, owns a cardiac asthma with a sensation as if the heart and lungs were constricted (Cadmium) as from vapors of sulphur; congestion to the chest with cold feet. The Hydriod. develops few symptoms of dyspnoea. Like the preceding remedies, it has oppression of breathing, which awakens the patient at 5 A. M., or at least in the morning hours; it appears in conjunction with pneumonia, especially if oedema sets in, catarrhs (especially after abuse of mercury), Bright's disease, when the lungs become en- gorged, and in membranous croup. The Nitrat. presents as strong a pifture of nervous asthma as any medicine in the Materia Mcdica; tightness in the larynx during inspiration; awakens about 3 A. M.; so out of breath cannot drink but in sips ; child seizes the cup with avidity but can drink only in sips ; throat feels as if it were about closing up ; Camphor aggravates ; also in pneu- monia when the dyspnoea is greater than the extent of disease would warrant; in the distressing paroxysms of dyspnoea in Bright's disease. Lungs.- The Kalis seem to attack the lungs, congesting, inflaming, and organically altering them. Comparative Materia Medica. 101 THE PRINCIPAL SALTS OF POTASSA.' The Bichr. causes a bronchitis with thickened or dilated bronchial tubes; ropy mucus; purulent mucus, foetid breath; torpidity; plastic exudation, croup* the membrane forming even in the trachea and bronchi-, the head is thrown back, mouth open; voice hoarse; tonsils red, swollen ; if parts are detached, they are tough, fibrous; insidious approach of the disease -,fat, chubby children. In diphtheria we have similar symptoms, the deposit being yellowish, and the bare spots very red and sensitive (the Brom, is opposite); diph- theria invading the larynx and trachea. The Cough is worse undressing, better warm in bed; worse 2 A. M., or on awaking; cough from every inhalation; cough from tick- ling in the larynx or at the bifurcation of the trachea ; the least food or drink brings cough; cough dry, titillating with smooth orfollicular redness of the pharynx and fauces ; wheezing and panting precede the cough ; the Bichr. has it as a characteristic, that rheumatism co-exists or alternates with gastric or pulmonary troubles. The Brom, develops a spasmodic cough and may appear in capillary bronchitis, when the child with severe dyspnoea throws its arms about zvildly, spasmodic movements of the muscles, even opisthoto- nos ; thus again showing its peculiar combination of the nervous element with inflammatory processes ; suppuration of the lungs. Diphtheria, especially zvith ancesthesia of the mouth. The Carb, becomes of paramount importance in pneumonia and capillary bronchitis of children. It gives us cough with difficult expectoration, worse after eating or drinking, vomiting and sour phlegm; face pale, but red during cough, pains referred to the abdomen because the lower lobes of the lungs are infiltrated; oedema of the LUNGS, HEART. * I have made six or seven provings of this salt. Generally the cough seems to descend into the chest until there is an annoying oppression referred to the epigastrium, the cough seems to start thence. If persisted in, the remedy then causes a horrible smother- ing sensation ; breathing sounds as if the tubes were very narrow and lined with metal. Does this not simulate croup ? 102 Comparative Materia Medica. limbs; livid face with puffed eyelids. The difficult ex- pectoration differs from that of the Bichr, Instead of arising only from its tenacity, there is added a muscular weakness, the sputa must be swallowed again. The Carb, is the first remedy to be thought of when symp- toms of phthisis show themselves after abortion, confine- ment, pneumonia. The pains arc stitching, worse in the lower part of the right lung; stitches through right lung to the back (the Bichr. also offers stitches, but they are from the sternum to the infra-scapular region; in similar cases the Hydriod. claims attention; but the stitches are like the Bichr. from mid-sternum to back). The cough is choking, with difficult sputa, that even when loosened must be swallowed; later the sputa is purulent, bloody (especially after pleuro-pneumonia); accompanying symptoms are sensation of a lump in the stomach.; empty feeling, goneness before eating, fullness after eating fam differing from Sepia}; coffee or soup produces fullness ; pulse is weak, small, irregu- lar. Symptoms better after breakfast. In females, we add profuse menses. In keeping with the goneness, inability to expectorate, and general languor, is the condition of the chest: sensation of hollowness, weakness from talking. The Hydriod. more than the preceding, tends to inflammations with oedema. In pneumonia it is preferable to other reme- dies, when the hepatization is so extensive as to develop symptoms of cerebral congestion with effusion, dilated pupils, dropped jaw, coma, limbs paralyzed {Bell. would be useless here because the congestion is mechanical); the sputa are either frothy, like soapsuds, showing oedema pul., or copious purulent, green ; stitches through from sternum to back (2); pain in the chest as if cut to pieces. Mem- branous croup in scrofulous children with swollen glands, loss of voice, awakened choking at 5 A. M. The Carb. cough is worse from motion; the Hydriod., though dry, irritating, is worse at rest. (2) It is a remarkable coincidence that all the Mercuries have this symptom and Kali-hyd. is one of the best antidotes. Comparative Materia Medica. 103 The Chlor., modified by the combining acid, gives us a constitution tending toward aphthse, diphtheritic deposits; the cough is associated with luminous vibrations before the eyes and a preponderance of congestive symptoms; tight- ness across chest and heart; palpitation. The Carb, has these luminous vibrations, but less marked than are dark spots. If hoarseness, cough, foetid breath, diphtheritic patches concur after abuse of mercury, the Chlor, is the only remedy. The Nitrat. has pneumonia with stitch pains, anxiety. The dyspnoea is very marked, as it is in the Carb ; but in the latter it arises from obstruction of the bronchioles, in the former it is all out of proportion to the severity of the disease, appearing even when congestion or hepatization is slight. There is also a troublesome feeling of heaviness on the chest as though from a great load (3). Suppuration of the lungs with profuse colliquative sweat, anxiety, hot face and fore- head (4). Owing probably to the combining acid, the sweat is more profuse than with any other Kall In phthisis the cough is violent enough to take away the breath and cause palpitation ; sputa scanty, with coagulated blood. Heart, Circulation.-It is characteristic of the Kalis to produce a paretic state of the heart muscle, qualified, of course, by the combining acid. The Bichr. disturbs the circulation but slightly; pulse accelerated, especially awak- ing at 2 A. M.; with nausea, palpitation; cold sensation in the cardiac region; pressure on the heart lying, better after rising. The Brom. (5)? The Carb., better adapted to females than the Bichr., cures throbbing of the blood- vessels felt like a pulse all over; pulse more rapid in the morning; the Bichr. on the other hand, proves cura- (3) This is comparable with the sensation in the limbs as if they were made of wood. (4) This feverishness of the forehead is just the state in which the allopaths most successfully use a lotion of nitre. (5) Lacking potentized provings, we only know the paretic symp- toms of Kali Brom. 104 Comparative Materia Medica. tive in local flushes of heat in the face during the climacteric years; a weak, irregular action of the heart with cramp- pains and a faint, empty feeling in the left chest belong to the Carb. The Chlor, has right pulse full, soft, sluggish, intermitting every 25 beats, not synchronous with the heart; the left, small, soft, easily compressible. Like the Bichr., it causes a cold sensation about the heart; but in- stead of the heaviness, we have a constriction as from a cord (the Carb., a cramp); congestions to heart and chest, with cold feet and arms. The Hydriod. introduces an Iodine symptom: palpitation while walking. In cardiac inflam- mation, we look to the Carb, where, with sharp, stitching pains, we find a blowing noise in place of the first tick and a louder second tick, showing a stagnation in the pulmonary circulation. However the darting pains might suggest the Carb., we seledt the Hydriod. after repeated attacks (see Raue's Pathology), and if it is a sequel of Morbus Brightii. The Nitrat. must be consulted when palpitation is worse lying on the back; pulse slower than the beating of the heart. Gastric Disturbances.-The Bichr. has earned some reputation in dyspepsia when meat disagrees; longing for lager beer, yet worse therefrom; weight immediately after eating; face red, blotchy, skin thick; tongue looks flat, broad, with raised, scalloped edges. The Carb, offers a red face made w'orse from cold washing; fullness in the stomach after eating, emptiness before eating ; soup causes fullness; pulsations in the epigastrium; pulse weak, irregu- lar; pains go into the back. The Chlor, comes to the rescue when portal congestion and enlarged liver are present; emptiness in the stomach. The Hydriod. should be preferred when symptoms common to the Kalis, weak digestion, etc., are complicated with frequent belching (like Iodine); emptiness, unlike Carb., because eating does not relieve it; food tastes like straw. The Brom, would mani- fest a curative action when the stomach is so weakened that a heavy pressure follows every attempt at eating. Comparative Materia Medica. 105 The Nitrat. may, though rarely, counteraft a dyspeptic tendency with crarnpy pains and colic following veal. STOOL Common to all is hard, difficult stool; chronic constipation. We may distinguish the Bichr. by the painful re- traction of the anus (6). The Carb, has large, difficult, stool, arising from inactivity of the rcdlum. The Chlor., like almost all muriates, causes so decided a dryness that the stools almost crumble. Loose evacuations also appear; sudden, forcible, urging; watery stool; mucous. The Bichr. hurries out of bed; jellydike stool, tongue dry, red, cracked. The Carb, and the Brom, develop paretic states, involuntary stool while passing flatus in the former; in the latter, when bowels seem as if they would pass with the stool. Although milk aggravates the Carb, patient, it is more characteristic of the Hydriod. In the latter remedy, there is co-existing pain as though the back were being screwed in a vice. KIDNEYS, URINE. The Potash Salts play a not unimportant part in the treat- ment of Mor bus Br ightii. Buchner recommends the Bichr. in syphilitic cases. The Carb, deserves attention when dropsy of one foot occurs, with oedcrnatous sacs over each upper eyelid; urine blackish ; exciting cause, getting wet, standing in wet clothes. The Chlor, has no clinical confirmation ; but it may appear, because it answers for diphtheritic disease ; a fibrinous, pale, blood; congestion to the heart, slow pulse, twitching of the face, dirty yellow, urinal sediment (7). The Hydriod. corresponds to the secondary changes ; pleurisy with exuda- tion, malaise, chilliness, bruised pain in the lumbar region, darting pains; urine dark, scanty; oedema of the lungs. (6) Very likely this retraction belongs to the acid, as it comes from a group of which lead and zinc are isomorphic members. (7) Also nephritis crouposa with dirty, yellow sediment. 106 Comparative Materia Medica. The Nitrat., in sudden cedematous (8) swellings; pulse slower than the heart; painless jerkings here and there; spasms of the throat as if choking; especially in the dis- tressing dyspnoea. (9) ' Pale, watczy urine, indicating nervousness, is more char- acterized under the Nitrat.; the Brom, also gives us pale urine with chorea, epilepsy, etc. In a less marked degree, we find under the Hydriod., associated with such an un- quenchable thirst, that we are warranted in thinking of Diabetes Mellitus. Here, as elsewhere, the paretic effeCts of the Kalis, are best known in the Carb, for we note: urine discharges slowly. Such a state may also belong to prostatic enlargement in old people, with prostatorrhoea, nightly micturition. It differs from the same state under the Bichr. In the latter the urine passes readily enough, but leaves a sensation as if a drop of urine remained behind. This may occur in gonorrhoea involving the prostate when the Bichr. rivals Thuja. The Hydriod. from its powerful aCtion on all glands, so interstitially enlarges the prostate, that the urine is completely retained. GENITALS. The Kalis tend to bring about zveakness of the sexual pow- ers. The Brom, is extolled in impotence with melancholy, loss of memory, nervous prostration and epilepsy; or in- creased irritability with priapismic ereCtions at night, back- ache and incontroilable fidgettiness. The Carb, which always suffers from loss of vital fluids, adds weakness of the body after an embrace, especially zveakness of sight; and showing the atony of the ejaculatory muscles we note, pollutions after an embrace. The Chlor, should be (8) Sudden hydropical swelling belongs to the Kalis and often points preferably to their use. (9) According to Buchner, croupous nephritis as synonymous with Morbus Brightii, is a misnoma; because the blood in the latter dis- ease is afibrinous, and hence unfavorable to the croupous exudation. However, when gout or rheumatism is at the bottom of the trouble, the croup-forming Kalis must come into use. The symptoms will never deceive if properly characterized. Comparative Materia Me die a. 107 thought of when Natr. Mur. does not exactly fit and there are present chilliness and apathy. The Hydriod. borrows from the Iodine its power to atrophy glands and with the shrivelling of the testes comes loss of power. The Nitrat induces an erethism, which, if not gratified, results in vio- lent testicular tension, (io) The Carb, is justly extolled in the sequelice of abortion and confinement: Backache, night-sweats, dry cough, ema- ciation or menorrhagia. When, however, the uterus refuses to return to its nor- mal size (sub. involution) or when a fibrous tumor forms, the Brom, must be studied. The Kalis alter the time and character of the menses. The Carb, as well as the Hydriod. own the rare symp- tom : menses too profuse and too late. The Brom, develops epilepsy', itching, burning and excitement about the vulva. The local itching under the Carb, is not a pruritus as in the Brom., but comes from the excoriating flow. The Nitrat. makes the flow as black as ink. The Bichr. adds suppressed urine or urine with red sediment. While the Bichr. has an accumulation of tenacious mucus about the genitals; the Carb, and the Hydriod. develop an acrid corrosive leucorrhcea; the Nitrat. a thin white leucorrhcea. TISSUES. Stitching or shooting pains are the common property of the Kalis. In differentiating we find the localities vary- ing. See chest, &c. Rheumatism (n) is cured by all. In the Bichr. pains come periodically and wander from part to part; better in warmth (the analogue, Puls, opposite); pains come and go gradually or appear and disappear suddenly ; rheumatism (10) Tension seems to be produced ty fullness of the capillaries combined with nervous constriction. (11) Potash indifferent combinations is a physiological necessity to muscular tissue, Its deficiency develops a paretic state. The Kalis become nutritive remedies in muscular rheumatism, paralysis, especially in old people. Compare Heart. 108 Comp ar ative Materia Medic a. alternates with gastric or pulmonary affections. The Brom. answers more for paralytic pains; weakness of the muscles of the arms; the Bichr. has sensation of lameness in the right arm as if it had gone to sleep and suggests itself in rheumatic paralysis ; the Brom, suggests at once increased reflex aCtion and may serve in the spasmodic jerkings in rheumatism, if other symptoms concur. The Carb, is the best proved in muscular paresis; thus, arms numb after exercise, want of strength in the arms, limbs go to sleep, even after a meal; faint, weak, after a walk, &c. Rheum- atism with swelling, worse at rest. The lumbago is worse j a. m.; pains shoot into the buttocks and thighs (12) pains cause the patient to jerk', jerks the limb if the foot is touched. The Hydriod., like the Bichr., appears in syphilitic and mercurial rheumatism; it is more closely allied to gout; pains worse at night, tearing (periosteal); rheumatic nodes ; contractions of the joints from gouty deposit. The Chlor. is adapted to mercurial rheumatism with facial twitchings. The Nitrat. cures rheumatism with the usual stitch pains, but the parts feel as if they were growing large ; feet feel as if made of wood. Rheumatic paralysis when numbness and creeping alternate with articular pains. Spasms. We can sometimes look to the Kalis to relieve spasms, just as they are better serviceable in paresis than in paralysis: so analogously, they are oftener indicated in muscular twitchings, &c., than in general convulsions. The Bichr., so far as proved, gives us only spasmodic contraction of the hands and this in connection with rheumatism. The Brom., however, is one of the greatest " reflex" medicines we have; hence, twitchings, chorea, and from the same cause, mental disturbances ; as spasms from emotions, delusions, night terrors; characteristic here is the hands constantly busy tying his shoes, picking threads from his clothes ; busily working; always worse when trying to sit quietly. The Carb, is recommended in epilepsy and puer- (12) Several cases were promptly cured with Kali-carb., 2c. Comparative Materia Medica. 109 peral eclampsia when eructations relieve. The spasms co- exist with spinal irritation in the cervical region and involve the pneumo-gastric nerve. A similar increased reflex excitability to that noticed in the Brom, is also observed here : starts when touched, especially on the feet; headjerked forward, unconsciousness, blindness; a drink relieves but she remains weak, nauseated. Epilepsy selects the morning hows of the night and as with the Brom, there is always a debility bordering on paralysis. The Chlor, should be given when twitchings occur in the facial muscles after mer- cury ; also, jaflitations in the inner canthi, lower jaw, fore- head. There always concurs a congestion of nervous centres; for we note as concomitants, heat in the head, vertigo after exercise, face hot, better from nose bleed ; delirium after convulsions. The Hydriod., obedient to its contained Iodine, is curative when subsultus tendinum is very marked; contraction of the tendons; distortion of the limbs, with gout, with chronic spinal meningitis. The Nitrat. gives us tension in the cheeks and tip of nose (the Bichr. pains in the cheeks as if bruised; the Carb., pres- sure ; the Chlor., twitchings and the Hydriod., tearing). Like the Carb, the Nitrat. produces spasms of the stom- ach ; the former after food or drink; the latter after veal. HIPS. Sciatica.-The Bichr.promises well when the left nerve is the seat of disease; tendons feel as if stretched. In pains referable to hip disease, we may be called upon to seledt between the Carb, and the Hydriod. The form- er, though afting but slightly on bone and periosteum, prominently affedls joints; gout, paralytic weakness, tubcr- cularization (coxarthrocace). The latter adds periosteal and osseous inflammation with interstitial infiltration. From the Carb., then, we would expert only crampy, tear- ing pains from hip to knee ; the limb goes to sleep, twitchings in sleep and when lightly touched. From the Hydriod., 110 Comparative Materia Medica. gnawing, boring pains, worse at night; fluctuation over the hip, with a doughy surface around; darting in the hip at every step, must limp; abscesses discharging a curdy or thin ichor. SKIN, BONES. The Kalis arrest profuse and abnormal secretions, whether they appear as hemorrhages or purulent or serous secretions. Goullon. The Carb, has dryness of the skin, deficient perspiration ; hence, scaly, dry eruptions; occasionally an exudate under the epidermis develops herpes, herpes of the scrotum, perineum or edges of the labia; only exceptionally do phagaedenic blisters develop. The skin is painfully sore, with stitches in the liver; long, lasting gastric weakness, empty feeling. Urticaria with uterine disease. Ulcers with livid edges, bleeding at night. Glands swollen after contu- sions. Erysipelas. Bones and periosteum escape. To always discriminate between the Bichr. and the Hy- driod. is not easy. The former develops a measle-hke eruption on a hot, dry skin ; yet its tendency is always towards pustulation; the pustides resemble small-pox. If blisters form (as in the Carb, and Nitrat.), they tend to deepen and form thick scabs, after breaking. Just such a picture is seen under the Hydriod., but the choice falls here upon the abuse of mercury. The blisters form thick, lamellated scabs, with continuous suppuration beneath ; that is, a complete picture of rupia appears. Although both (Bichr. and Hydriod.) cure ulcers which grow deep, yet in the former, they are usually dry, oval, contain a dry, black scab; in the latter the discharges are thin, corroding, ichorous. In osseous affedlions, the Bichr. cures caries, syphilitic caries of the septum narium ; the Hydriod. devel- ops also exostoses, tophi, necroses; abscesses with a curdy discharge; nightly mercurio-syphilitic bone-pains. The Brom. the Chlor., and the Hydriod., when taken in excess, bring out a papular eruption. In scrofulous enlargement of the Comparative Materia Medica. 111 tonsils, with enlarged glands elsewhere, similar to Merc. Hcp.,ctc., I suggest the substitution of the Hydriod., when dryness of the throat and papidce on the face concur. The Brom, is excellent for acne. Equally difficult is it to differentiate the tuberculous tumors produced by the Brom., Bichr., and Hydriod. In the first two, the centres present a navel-like depression, and, on dis- appearing, leave thick crusts or scars. The Bichr. devel- ops them more in summer, and they degenerate into deep, solitary ulcers. The Brom, seleCts winter; and if ulceration ensues, we note a flat, atonic ulcer, which, healing, leaves a yellow, scaly surface. The Kalis appear in the treatment of boils, boils that are small {furuncles}. Of these the Hydriod. comes nearest to the character of carbuncle, both from its aCtion on the nape of the neck (a common locality for this disease) and because of its destructive inflammation of cellular tissues. Skin of the Hands. For the fingers, the Kalis have an especial affinity. The Bichr. develops pustules at the roots of the nails, the inflammatory process involving the lymphatics up the arm, engorging the axillary glands. The Carb. seleCts the thumb and gives us superficial sub- cutaneous inflammation about the nail (run around) in rheumatic patients; sensation of subcutaneous ulceration. The Hydriod. dips deeper to the periosteum (felon); draw- ing as if the thumb would come off or the nail be torn out The Nitrat., true to its character, affeCts the tip of the thumb, but the inflammation is furuncular. GENERALITIES. So general is the aggravation (especially of chest symp- toms) in the morning hours that this may be denominated a family characteristic: Bichr., 2 A. M.; Carb., 3 A. M.; Hydriod., 5 A. M.; Nitrat., 5 A. M. Weakness of the lower limbs. When concomitant symp- toms agree, the Kalis may serve in spinal irritation, pas- sive congestion, (as in Carb., Bichr., and Nitrat. at the 112 -Comparative Materia Medica. menstrual epoch) and in paralysis. The Brom, has cured backache with anesthesia, phosphatic urine ; loss of mem- ory; impotence; aftervenery. The Carb, restores the spine after abortion. So general is backache in diseases cured by the Carb, that it must be considered an essential "key-note I' In sore throat {cervical spine stiff}; in pharyngeal and oesophageal diseases {food swallowed hurts the spine}; in dyspepsia (pains in back and legs after eating}; in genital troubles; in spasms; in constipation; in erysipelas; in tuberculosis. The Hydriod., used by the old school, comes into play in chronic myelitis and meningitis; back feels as if in a vice; limbs contradied. CONSTITUTIONS. The Bichr. suits fat, chubby children. The Carb, corres- ponds to diseases of old people, females, fat and flabby. The Hydriod. suits the mercurialized in whom there is a ten- dency to glandular diseases, atrophy of glands, who have had syphilis. It absorbs normal fat. It develops inflam- mations which tend toward infiltration, oedema, necrosis- The Brom, absorbs pathological fat; so called nervous dis- eases. The Chlor, may be used in the mercurialized in whom a scorbutic state has been created. The Nitrat. pre- figures the asthmatic. ANALOGUES. Although possessing many points of resemblance, the respective salts diverge greatly when their individual char- acteristics are compared with analogous remedies. The Bichr. bears an intimate relation toPulsa.,Lach.,Ars., Thuja- The Brom, mostly resembles Natr. mur. (mind) C. Wessel- hoeft. The Carb, is allied to Phos., Carbo veg., Nitric acid, Lycop., Natr. mur. The Chlor, finds a counterpart for its heart symptoms, in Cadmium. The Nitrat. en- croaches on Lycopod. in pneumonia, and is very similar to Canth. in bladder diseases. The Hydriod. holds a won- derful relation to Mercury, and finds an all-sufficient anti- dote in Hepar. Comparative Materia Medica. 113 MIND. MERCURIUS VIVUS. PODOPHYLLUM. Low spirited ; fears he is going to die; hypochondriacal. I Fears loss of reason, fears he will become insane; anxious. HEAD. Throbbing temples, eyes ache, head hot, morning. Polling head; grinding teeth ; whining at night; head sweaty in sleep, flesh cold. Dentition difficult. Splitting frontal fullness, head hot; evening, night. Fontanelles open; restless sleep, moaning, groaning; sweat all over, clammy, cold, sour. Den- tition difficult. Ophthalmia scrofulosa, even per- foration of the cornea; worse in the morning, (1). EXES. Ophthalmia scrofulosa, pustules on the cornea; lids crusty; worse evening and night. Breath smells foul. Tongue white, dry. Saliva copious. Throat sore ; worse right side; swallowing liquids; in the morning. MOUTH, THKOAT. Breath smells fetid, (2). Tongue yellow, moist, flabby. Saliva copious, fetid. Throat sore; worse left side; swallowing saliva and liquids ; evening air. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. Nausea, gagging; vomit of blood, bitter ; or, painful retching. Flatus in the right abdomen; palpitation, sleepy mornings, (3)- Liver feels hot, sore; twisting pains; better from rubbing that region; costive; stools hard, dry, difficult. Colic (as from lead), with retrac- tion of the abdominal walls. Stool chalk-like, offensive with gagging ; clay-colored ; black; watery, profuse, painless,gush- ing, exhausting; mealy sedi- ment ; bloody, green, yellow, mucus, smelling like carrion ; worse towards morning, in the morning. After stool exhaustion ; cutting pains ; weak even after natural stool. Prolapsus redli from any exer- tion ; with diarrhoea. Nausea; vomit bile, bitter, or sweetish (as from worms). Flatus not so marked as in Podo- phyl.; fullness in stomach, and hypochondria. Liver so sensitive he cannot lie on the right side or bear the least touch; costive, with inef- fectual straining. Colic as from worms; sweet taste ; hard, tender, distended abdomen. Stool tenacious, crumbling, small in shape ; grayish-white ; black, pitch-like; not gushing, but burning, watery, corrosive ; bloody mucus, slimy, with much tenesmus; odorless or simply sour; worse usually evening and night. After stool cutting and great te- nesmus ; sweat; trembling ; burning in anus. Prolapsus reCti ; inflamed black ; when straining. (1) In compounding mandrake pills, the dust causes inflamed eyes, perforating ulcer ; itching eruption, worse about the genitals. The morning aggravation is marked; Merc, is worse from the glare and heat of the fire. (2) This fcetor comes from ulcerative processes ; the foulness in Podophyl. is indescribable. (3) A group many times confirmed by Dr. Jeanes. 114 Compar alive Materia Medic a. Urine scanty, frequent at night (pregnancy). Dragging pains in the ovarian re- gions. Prolapsus uteri, with backache at sacrum ; after confinement ; from washing; with prolapsus ani; with amenorrhcea ; stool frequent, though natural. Pregnancy. Can lie comfortably only on the abdomen (early months) ; frequent urination ; prolapsus uteri after. URINE, GENITALS. Urine scanty with constant, vio- lent urging. Shooting from ovaries to hips; suppuration. Prolapsus uteri et vaginae with soreness of the genitals exter- nally and internally (4) ; much urging in the rectum ; stools crumble or slimy, bloody. Pregnancy. Stomach very sen- sitive to touch or pressure; scorbutic symptoms, sore gums, etc.: lochia, with sore genitals, (4). CHEST. Cough in remittent fever; loose during dentition ; whooping cough with constipation and loss of appetite. Palpitation from any exertion with flatulence ; heart as if it came into the throat. Cough with burning and rawness, moist but phlegm does not loosen ; so convulsive, cannot speak ; whooping cough in two paroxysms. Palpitation on awaking, thump- ing, agitation,• trembling or feel ing as if life were ebbing away Pulse slow ; scarcely perceptible ; pulseless, collapse, chill 7 A. M.; forgets the words. Heat with delirium and loquacity ; afterwards forgetful of what has passed. Sweat warm on the legs; feet cold; head sweat with coldness of the skin ; sleep during sweat. Flashes up the back and abdom- inal pains during stool. FEVER Pulse usually full, strong ; pulse- less with hot body. Chill A.M. (5), but more evening. Heat with ebullitions, constriction of the chest; anxiety. Sweat cold, clammy on the legs ; cold sweat on the forehead; skin burns; sweat never re- lieves. Chilliness between or after stool. Worse from walking on uneven ground ; mis-step. Worse in the morning. Worse from acid fruit with milk (6). GENRALITIES. Worse from any form of motion. Worse evening and night. Worse from sweets, from sugar. (4) This soreness is very characteristic, and indicates Mercury in scarlet fever, etc. (5) The morning chill is after rising from bed ; but the evening attack is most important. This colleCt of symptoms is invaluable in bilious fevers. (6) Podophyllum has received the name of Vegetable Mercury. It helps promptly in dyspepsia caused by Calomel. Comparative Materia Medica. 115 PODOPHYLLUM. SULPHUR. Anxiety ; fears he is going to die. Dentition. Rolls the head, grinds the teeth ; child whines at night, restless sleep, half open eyes; head sweats, legs cold, face cold ; vomiting frothy mucus, green ; or food; or only gagging; stools profuse, gush- ing, green, watery, or white ; offensive ; from midnight, but worse in the morning. Anxiety, despairs of salvation. Dentition. Child lies in a stu- por, eyes half open ; or sleeps in cat-naps, jerks the limbs ; fontanelles open, pale face, cold sweat on face, cold ex- tremities ; vomiting sour smell- ing; stools watery, green, in- voluntary, white, sour or offen- sive ; irresistible, sudden urging in the morning. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. Erudations hot, sour ; smell like rotten eggs. Worse from acid fruits with milk. Tongue white or brown. Flatus in the right abdomen ; palpitation ; sleepy forenoon. Bowels move after being washed. Colic with cramp-like knots or retradion of the abdominal walls. EruCtations sour ; taste like rotten eggs. Worse in every form from milk. Tongue white, red tip. Flatus mostly in the region of the sigmoid flexure. Aversion to washing; generally worse therefrom. A similar cramping as if the in- testines were in knots ; pains go to chest, to groins. The stools are very similar: changeable, watery, green, mucous, white, undigested; with colic, cramps in the thighs; vomiting, purging; with prolapsus ani (more marked in Podophylf They meet, hence, in cholera in- fantum, cholera, summer diarrhoeas. Sulph. has with Podophyl. the profuse, gushing, painless stools, but has more marked the excoriation and redness of the anus. It pictures, according to Hering, the whole course of Asiatic cholera', hence becomes a prophylactic ; Podophyl. may apply in painless cholera morbus and in cholera when cramps, profuse discharges, prostration, etc., are present. In cholera infantum Sulph. shows its supremacy as a nu- tritive remedy: Drowsiness or restless sleep, roll- ing the head; flesh is soft, flabby; sallowness. Stupor, suppressed urine (hydro- cephaloid impending) ; flesh wrinkled, yellow, dry; child looks like an old man. FEVER. Remittent or intermittent type; forgetful during the chill ; lo- quacious delirium in the heat, violent headache. More a continuous remittent type • between chill and heat delirium sets in ; prostration increasing with the congestion and heat; headache. Compar alive Materia Medica. 116 Tongue coated uniformly white, yellow or brown ; jaundice. After the hot stage forgets all that has passed. Tongue dry, if coated, more yellow-brown centre ; jaundice. Fever if continuous causes slow- ness in responding, (I). More depression of spirits. Morning headache ; hot vertex. PODOPHYLLUM. HEAD. More irritability, anger. Morning headache ; heat in the forehead. NUX VOMICA. EYES. Ophthalmia worse in the morn- ing ; perforation of the cornea. Ophthalmia worse evening and morning ; ecchymosis ot scle- rotica. FACE. Complexion sallow, dingy. Complexion yellow with a red flush. Breath foul, (night). Throat sore; worse from swal- lowing liquids. MOUTH, THROAT. Breath offensive, morning. Throat sore as if rough, scraped ; worse after eating, from solids. STOMACH, ABDOMEN, Tongue white or yellow coated. Dyspepsia from abuse of calomel. Vomit hot, sour, bilious, bloody. Flatus in the ascending colon; palpitation : drowsy forenoons. Region of the liver sore ; relief from rubbing the tight side; stools black or clay-colored ; jaundice ; stool difficult. Stool difficult from inactive bow- els ; prolapsus ani even with loose stool. Stool watery, gushing, profuse, green; with sudden urging, often painless ; oftensive ; worse in hot weather. Tongue red, store and coated yel- low at the base. Dyspepsia from abuse of drastic medicines. Vomit sour or bitter, of dark blood. Flatus in the hypochondria, press- ing upwards or down on to the bladder and reClum. Region of the liver worse from pressure ; must loosen the clothing; stools black, large, ineffectual urging; jaundice. Stool difficult from spasmodic ac- tion ; hence ineffectual urging-, prolapsus ani. Stool thin, brown, dark water, small, frequent, offensive ; in- effectual urging, worse in cold changes. Urine scanty, frequent; or fre- quent urination during preg- nancy. URINE, GENITALS. Painful, ineffectual urging to uri- nate ; even in pregnancy fre- quent urging. Prolapsus uteri after washing; after parturition; has frequently yielded to either. (i) The latter is an observation of Dr. C. Wesselhoeft. Comparative Materia Medica. 117 PODOPHYLLUM. NUX VOMICA. Prolapsus with falling of the rectum; stools are naturally formed, but too frequent and weakening; sacral pains; aching in ovarian region. After pains with much bearing down, flatulency. In pregnancy (early months), must lie on the abdomen ; (later) pains above the right groin. Prolapsus with urging to stool ; stools large; back-ache worse turning in bed; tightness in the hypochondria ; cough dry, teasing. After pains too long lasting; pressure on the redtum. In pregnancy (especially later months) difficulty of breathing from upward pressure. Whooping cough, with costive- ness, loss of appetite; cough in remittent fever ; cough dur- ing dentition. Palpitation of the heart from physical exertion ; flatulence ; drowsy forenoons. LARYNX, CHEST. Whooping cough with costive - ness, nose bleed; "stomach" cough; cough of students. Palpitation of the heart, the heart feels tired ; palpitation lying; wind from the stomach. Whining in sleep (teething chil- dren) ; languid on awakening in the morning. SLEEP. Awakens 3 A. M., ideas crowd upon him; if he falls asleep, he re-awakens much fatigued, (1). Chill 7 A. M.; forgets words he wishes to use. Heat with delirium and excessive loquacity, thirst, headache; forgetful afterwards. Sweat warm on the head, with cold face (dentition); sleep in sweat. FEVER. Chill P. M.; goes to sleep be- tween chill and heat. Heat with over-excited senses, worse from external impres- sions. Sweat clammy, sour or offensive; one-sided sweat. Debility, (especially with bowel disturbances.) Complaints of teething children. Abuse of calomel; eating acid fruit with milk; poisoning with lead. GENERALITIES. Debility, with over-sensitive nerves. Complaints of "high-livers." Abuse of purgatives ; indulging in liquors; poisoning with lead, copper. PODOPHYLLUM. MIND, HEAD. CHELIDONIUM. Forgetful during the chill. Low-spirited; imagines he will die or be very sick ; liver af- fected. Dull headache, with pain behind the eyes (liver affeded). Difficult thought; forgets easily. Troubled, weeps, must move from place to place ; liver affected. Neuralgic pains from occiput to left ear; occiput heavy (liver affedled). (i) Nux Vomica has a whimpering and moaning in sleep ; waking from troubled, busy dreams frightened as if some one were in the room. (Typhus, mania-a-potu.) 118 Comparative Materia Medica. Eyes inflamed in the morning; scrofulous ophthalmia. Complexion sallow as in jaundice. Not yet given in neuralgia of the face. PODOPHYLLUM. FACE. Lachrymation with fistula, with neuralgia ; when looking fixed- ly- Sallow or sunken, gray, blue around the eyes. Right supra-orbital neuralgia ; eyes water. CHELIDONIUM MOUTH, THROAT, Tongue white furred or yellow. Throat sore ; worse right side ; in the morning; swallowing liquids. Tongue narrow, pointed, or thick- ly furred. Constricted feeling above the larynx ; sensation as after swal- lowing too large a morsel. STOMACH, ABDOMEN, Taste foul; breath foul. Dyspeptic symptoms from abuse of mercury; liver torpid, with soreness, fullness in the right hypochondrium, better from rubbing; costive, clay-coloi ed stools : sallow complexion, pu- trid breath, furred tongue; dull headache ; aching behind the eyes ; loathing or regurgi- tation of food; worse after eating. Diarrhoea from acid fruit and milk; during dentition; dis- charges yellow, green, slimy. Taste bitter. Dyspeptic symptoms, with liver complications indicated by pain tinder angle of right shoulder-blade; congestion of the liver, with sharp stitching pains, throbbing; costive, clay- ey stools ; jaundice ; pain from occiput to left ear ; longing for milk, coffee, they agree; "better (pains) after eating. Diarrhoea better from milk; dur- ing pnezimonia; capillary bronchitis; discharges bright- yellow. CHEST. Loose cough, rattling on the chest during dentition. Whooping cough, with constipation and loss of appetite. Cough asso- ciated with remittent fever, les- sening during the remissions. Palpitation of the heart from phy- sical exertion ; as if the heart were ascending into the throat; rumbling in the right abdomen ; morning drowsiness. Rattling cough with capillary bronchitis ; bright yellow diar- rhoea. Whooping cough, with forcible expectoration of lumps of mucus. Pneumonia with one cold ear and foot, one warm ; great oppression ; fan- like motion of the alae-nasi; pain under right scapula. Palpitation so violent as to shake the bed; stitches in the heart; great anxiety ; often associated with congestion of the liver and portal system. BACK. Lumbar backache after washing; with prolapsus uteri; diar- rhoea. Pinching, spasmodic pain on the inner edge of the right scapula. Comparative Materia Medica. 119 SLEEP. Whining, moaning in sleep ; roll- ing the head, (teething). Sleepy in the forenoon, with flatus in the ascending colon. PODOPHYLLUM. Sleepy, yet cannot sleep, (1). Heavy sleep all day in patients suffering from portal congestion. CHELIDONIUM. LEPTANDRIA VIRGINICA. MERCURIUS VIVUS. Prostration, stupor; skin dry, burning ; or extremities cold ; tongue yellow or black down the centre ; discharge of fetid, tarry, bloody stools ; jaundice, (as in low bilious fevers). Nausea, deathly faint on rising. Weak, sinking sensation in the pit of the stomach. Distressing pains, sharp, between umbilicus and epigastrium ; hot burning feeling ; burning dis- tress in the region of the gall- bladder or posterior of the liver near the spine; tongue yellow down the centre ; chilly along the spine. Stools clayey, tarry, fetid ; fol- lowed by griping in the abdo- men, but no tenesmus. More excitability ; sleepy, but cannot sleep ; extremities burn- ing, dry; or clammy, cold sweat; tongue thickly coated yellow, taking imprint of teeth ; or dry, clean ; costive, or pitch like stool, ox green-yellow, slimy stool, (2). Nausea, with sweet taste, head- ache, heat. Stomach feels as if hanging down heavily after even light food. Contractive pains, with swollen, hard, tender abdomen ; burn- ing, stinging pains, intense soreness in the region of the liver and duodenum, worse lying on the right side ; tongue large, shows prints of teeth; chilly between stools. Stools clayey, black, green, slimy, sour, excoriating; tenesmus after stool; cannot "get done." Stupor: shivering or dry, hot skin ; stools tarry, black. Tongue coated yellow down the centre. Taste bitter. Nausea, deathly faint on rising, vomiting of bile. Burning in the posterior of the liver, or the region of the gall- bladder. Headache dull, constant, right temple ; costive, bitter taste. LEPTANDRIA. Muttering; chilly or hot and sweaty skin ; stools black, wa- tery or yellow. Tongue coated uniformly white. Taste greasy or sour. Nausea compels lying down ; sour vomit; traces of bile ; or, sweetish. Burning in the throat, stomach. pancreas, intestines. Sick headache, nausea, vomiting ; wot se right side ; sight fails. IRIS VERSICOLOR. (i) All the Papavcraceae have this symptom (2) Mercurius, seldom admissible in Typhus, resembles Left, in the preponderance of iCteroid symptoms. Its mental phenomena are, however, not so much the stupor of Lept., but simulate the excitability of Bellad. There is a desire to go away from the house; talking of robbers; sleepy, but cannot sleep, etc. 120 Comparative Materia Medica. LEPTANDRIA. IRIS VERSICOLOR. Stool tarry, black ; cutting above the navel after stool; worse af- ternoon and evening, from damp weather. Stools of muddy, dirty water; profuse, running as from a spout; worse A. M. after begin- ning to move. Stool mushy, bilious, with much fetid flatus, burning at the anus; 'worse at i or 3 A. M., worse in hot weather. Stools watery, profuse, with vom- iting and cramps (cholera, chol. morbus) ; worse 2 to 3 A. M.; rumbling of gas in the ab- domen (1). Low spirited, weeps yet knows no reason; must move about. Sometimes violent bursts of anger. CHELIDONIUM. Fearful, hypochondriacal, but more uniformly irascible, cross. Over-sensitive to external im- pressions. NUX VOMICA. HEAD. Heaviness of occiput, can scarce- ly raise the head ; pains thunce to left ear, head aches worse sneezing, coughing; better while eating, but worse after. Bruised, aching in the occiput; feeling as of a nail driven in the head; head aches worse stooping, moving, even moving eyes; after eating, especially dinner. Face yellow, conjundivae yellow; or face sunken, gray, eyes sur- rounded by blue borders. Supra-orbital right-sided neural- gia ; lachrymation. Inflames the lachrymal sac ; epi- phora ; lachrymal fistula. Roaring like wind in the ears ; sensation as if wind were rush- ing out; pressure in the occiput toward the left ear; tearing from the ear into the teeth • ears obstructed during cough. EYES, FACE, EARS. Conjunctivae yellow; face yellow, and at the same time, florid, pale, sunken face, blue or yel- low around the eyes. Supra-orbital left-sided neuralgia; eyes injeCled. Inflames the inner canthus, cir- cumscribed extravasations of blood. Reverberation of sounds in the ear ; otalgic pains extending to the forehead and temples; pains into the middle ears, tympana feel as if pressed out- ward, while swallowing. Toothache worse in bed, better from cold water.* Tongue narrow, pointed, thickly furred. MOUTH, THROAT. Toothache better from warm food ; worse from coffee. Tongue white or yellow, especial- ly on the base. (i) Iris irritates the whole alimentary canal; hence burning, se- rous diarrhoea, even rice-water from the epithelial exfoliation ; cramps, purging and vomiting. Thus it corresponds to many of the summer diarrhaeas. In cholera morbus or infantum coming at 2 or 3 A. M., it is far superior to Veratrum. It produces an inflammation of the pancreas. Leptand. adts more diredlly on the liver, causing black, pitch-like stools. Chronic cases of liver complaint, with a muddy, watery morning stool, find here an excellent remedy. Comparative Materia Medica. 121 Tightness around the neck, as if constricted; hinders swallow- ing ; feeling as after swallow- ing too large a morsel. CHELIDONIUM. MOUTH, THROAT. Throat feels scraped, raw, and as if too narrow ; sensation as of a plug in the throat. NUX VOMICA. Taste bitter; but food tastes natural. Desire for wine, coffee, milk; they agree ; aversion to cheese, cold food, boiled meats. Pains like gastralgia relieved while eating. Stitches through the liver to the back; pain under the angle of the right scapula; powerful palpitation. Costive, stools like sheep's dung ; but more frequently bright- yellow, thin diarrhoea. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. . Taste mostly sour ; food tasteless. Desire for fats; they disagree ; for brandy ; aversion to coffee ; it disagrees ; coffee, milk, beer, water, do not taste right.* Pains like gastralgia worse from food or drink. Pressure and stinging in the re- gion of the liver ; cannot bear clothing tight; stitches worse from motion or contact. Costive with ineffectual urging, or stools small, frequent, dysen- teric, mucous stools. URINE, GENITALS. Urine rather profuse, frequent; dark or reddish, uric acid sedi- ment. Daily burning in the vagina at the same hour. Menses retarded, but last too long. Urine seldom and scanty ; gener- ally light colored, sediment red- dish.* Swelling and burning of the vag- ina.* Menses too early and too profuse. CHEST. Pneumonia, capillary bronchitis, dark red face, great oppression with fan-like motion of the alae nasi, bright yellow diarrhoea. Palpitation forcibly lifting the clothing. Pneumonia not characteristic ; but sometimes with prominent bronchial catarrh, in drunkards, gastric symptoms ; costive. Anxious palpitation* ; heart feels tired. BACK, LIMBS. Pain under the angle of the right\ shoulder blade. Tearing in the lowermost lumbar vertebra extending to the iliac bones, (Guernsey). Rheumatism, cannot bear the least touch ; sweat but no relief. Tension and aching between the shoulder blades. Lumbar spine aches, worse when attempting to turn over in bed. Rheumatism mostly of large mus- cles ; cannot bear the least jar. SLEEP, Wants to sleep, but cannot; very drowsy all day (jaundice). Dreams of corpses, journeyings, music, vivid. Goes to sleep late, awakens 3 a. m., falls again asleep, awaking feeling tired. Dreams sad or frightful mutila- tions, confused.* 122 Comparative Materia Medica. Chill begins in hands and feet; wakeful during the chill. Shaking chills while walking out, even in summer; better in warm room. Heat not charadlerized. CHELIDONIUM. FEVER. Chill begins back or limbs or whole body, not lessened by warmth; sleep between chill and heat* Chills just as soon as he moves the bed clothing. Chilly if move during heat. NUX VOMICA. Pricking pains now here, now there. Itching changing place and final- ly relieved by scratching. Worse afternoon, evening and night. GENERALITIES. Numbness in different parts. Burning itching or stinging after scratching.* Remission evening until 12 P.M.* Chelidon. is predominantly better and Nux worse after eating, wine, sour things, milk, coffee. Chelidon. is pre- dominantly worse and Nux better from chilly weather (damp), in bed.* CHELIDONIUM. MIND, HEAD. SANGUINARIA. Anxiety, must move about; weeps and knows not why. Occiput so heavy he can hardly lift his head; pressure to the left ear ; head worse from sneez- ing, stooping, open air; better from eating. Anxiety, irritability ; cannot bear to hear persons walk across the room. Headache from occiput to forehead, over right eye; periodical; worse from noises, light, stoop- ing, motion, eating ; better from lying still and after sleep. EYES, FACE, EARS. Pupils contradied. Profuse lachrymation with neural- gia, using eyes, and as a result of fistula lachrymalis. Rushing as of wind out of the ears. Deafness during cough. Mostly dry coryza, one side ob- strudled; or fluent with thick blood in the morning. Face yellow ; gray, sunken, blue around the eyes. Face dark- red in pneumonia, cap.-bron- chitis. Supra-orbital neuralgia; worse right side, copious lachrymation. Pupils dilated. Burning lachrymation as a symp- tom of catarrh, coryza, raw throat, cough, diarrhoea. Tinnitus from congestion; ears hot; over sensitive to noises. Mostly fluent right sided coryza ; hot discharge, eye waters, throat raw, finally diarrhoea. Polypus. Face pale, swollen around the eyes; bright red circumscribed cheeks; or, livid, in typhoid pneumonia. I eins swollen. Supra-orbital right sided neural- gia ; relieved only by holding the head tight to the floor. *From a contribution by Dr. J. B. Bell. Other symptoms from his kind favor are so incorporated as to render distinction impossible. Comparative Materia Medica. 123 CHELIDONIUM. MOUTH, THROAT. SANGUINARIA. Toothache worse in bed, better from cold water. Tongue narrow, pointed (dyspep- sia) ; furred. Taste bitter; food tastes natural. Toothache, decayed tooth, worse from cold drinks. Tongue as if scalded; coated white (loss of appetite.) Fatty, slimy, taste; sweets taste bitter. On the throat the two remedies have but little similarity of action. Chelidonium inflames the fauces, but, as will be seen, its main adiion is on the larynx. Sanguinaria, on the other hand, causes ulceration of the mouth and fauces : -Mouth, gums and roof sore, burning; throat feels if scalded, tonsils swollen, worse the right: pearly diphther- itic exudation; worse from swallowing sweets; throbbing in the head, red cheeks; distended temporal veins. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. Longs for milk, hot drinks, coffee ; they agree. Aversion to cheese, boiled meats. Gastralgia with gnawing pains in the stomach made better from continued eating. Hepatic congestion with sharp stitch pains, pains under the right scapula; clay-colored or bright yellow, thin stools ; colic from portal congestion, with great heat, contraction of the navel; headache behind the eyes and in occiput. Stool bright yellow, thin ; or dry, in hard lumps; white, clay- colored. Loss of appetite with craving for piquant food. Aversion to butter. Gastric catarrh, burning ; tongue and lips red; throat hot; eat- ing relieves the sensation of nausea. Hepatic symptoms less marked ; like a hot stream from breast to liver ; yellow stools less char- acteristic than in Chelidon.-, colic with much flatulence and torpor of the liver ; sick headache over the right eye ; nausea, vomiting of bile. Stool yellow, thin, undigested; much offensive, flatus ; termin- ates the catarrh. Sharp spasmodic pains in the kid- neys and bladder; urine green- ish (bile) or deposits red sedi- ment. Menses too late, profuse and last too long; pain under angle of right scapula. Burning in the vagina periodically at the same hour. Milk vanished. URINE, GENITALS. Pain in the left hypochondrium with copious, pale, urine; urine yellow (bile) ; reddish sedi- ment. Menses too early, black offensive blood ; sick headache from oc- ciput over right eye. Discharge of flatus from the vag- ina ; climacteric changes. Nipples sore, burn. 124 Comparative Materia Medica. Hoarse periodically every day 5 P. M. ; dry, hard, spasmodic cough as from dust in the lar- ynx ; spasm of the glottis in expiration ; constriction across the upper part of the larynx ; worse in the morning (cough). Pneumonia or capillary bronchitis with bilious complications ; loose rattling cough; bright, yellow, thin diarrhoea; in se- vere cases, dark red cheeks, great dyspnoea with fan-like motion of the alae-nasi, one hot and one cold foot. Heart beats so forcibly as to raise the clothing, (bilious com- plaints). Pulse full, hard but not much ac- celerated ; or, small and rapid (cap. bronchitis.) CHELIDONIUM. LARYNX, CHEST. Aphonia with swollen larynx; rawness, burning; ulcers; dry, cough ceases when flatus is passed up and down ; or as soon as diarrhoea ensues ; wheezing whistling cough ; worse at night and lying with the head low, (1). Pneumonia with marked vascular disturbance; rust-colored sputa; little pain or simply burning ; circumscribed red cheeks ; great dyspnoea; in severe cases, livid face and hands; quick, small pulse, weak feeling at the heart ;. extensive hepatization, (2). Palpitation violent, felt in the head, constriction of the stom- ach, deathly nausea. Pulse frequent, full; or quick, small; frequency and force re- duced (pneumonia). SANGUIN ARIA. BACK, LIMBS. Pain under the angle of the right scapula. Rheumatism not so well marked as in Sanguin. Tearing pains, parts will not bear the least touch; sweat gives no relief. Nails blue, joints of the fingers yellow, cold. One foot cold, one hot, (pneu- monia. Pressure and pain along the inner border of the left scapula. Rheumatism especially of the right deltoid, muscles of the back ; parts sparely covered are sensitive to touch ; sweat re- lieves the pains ; pains shift, (3). Livid hands (pneumonia); roots of the nails ulcerate one after the other. Feet generally burn. (1) Sanguin. corresponds more to inflammation and ulceration ; Chelid. offers more spasmodic symptoms. Sanguin., with its pecul- iar cough has cured croup (J. B. Bell) and is similar in pseudo-mem- branous croup to Kali. Bich. (Nichol). (2) It is now known that one great danger in pneumonia is heart- failure. The symptoms of Sang, point to its use in just such an emergency. (3) Sanguin. is an excellent remedy in acute rheumatism, worse from motion, at night; pains are throbbing, burning and there are spasmodic pains in the joints, When metastasis to the heart occurs from external application to the affedted joints, Sanguin. or Kalmia (according to Hering) will be of great service. Comparative Materia Medica. 125 CHELIDONIUM. SLEEP. Restless, dreamy sleep ; awakens frightened as if falling. SANGUINARIA. Sleepy yet cannot get to sleep. Irregular circulation; dark red face ; one cold, one warm foot; one ear cold, one warm; palms hot; veins of hands and arms swollen. Chilly in the open air, even in summer. Heat with the colic ; heat with dark-red cheeks ; cold feet; short breath, nausea. Sweat ceases on awaking. FEVER. Irregular circulation : hecftic red cheeks; hot streaming from chest to abdomen; flushes of heat at climaxis; feet, hands burn ; veins swollen, especially temples. Chilly and hot alternately. Flushes of heat; hectic with bright red cheeks ; nausea, sick head- ache ; dyspnoea. Profuse sweat; cold sweat. GENERALITIES Itching with jaundice. Old, putrid, spreading ulcers, (Lippe). Itching precedes the nausea, (4). Indolent ulcers, no pain, dry, sharp cut edges, (W. Wessel- hoeft). At first gloomy, later cheerful, disposed to mental labor. Feels as if on turning around he must see some one ; experts to see things jumping about. Running water causes giddiness; giddy and nose bleed. Headache as of a band around the head; dizziness, which in- creases the more marked is the band; worse in the sun; head- ache after milk; headache dur- ing and before catamenia. Sensation deep in the brain with fear of apoplexy. BROMINE. MIND, HEAD. Irritable, excitable, constantly on the move; feeling of melan- choly. Fears every little thing will result in some trouble ; anxiety, shuns even the doctor. Less true vertigo; sometimes a half-sided vertigo. Headache as of a band around the head; forgetful, continual feeling as if he had forgotten something ; worse in warm air ; headache mostly on the left side with paralytic feeling in the arms. Brain feels as if stirred up ; fears he will go crazy, IODINE. Flashes through the eyes ; dilated pupils, (see Chest). Lachrymation and inflammation of the right eye ; fistula lachry- malis. Coryza with stoppage of the nose and sneezing. EYES, NOSE, EABS. Small sparks before the eyes while sewing. (Edematous swelling of the eye- lids ; candle light dim ; twitch- ing of the lids. Fluent coryza, the hot water drops out; general heat. (4). Bute proposes Sanguinaria as the quickest antidote to Rhus radicans. 126 Comparative Materia Medica. BROMINE. FACE, MOUTH, THROAT. IODINE. Face pale. Spider web feeling over the face when moving the nose. Yellow spot on lip, (cancer). Affections of the lower jaw ; toothache, worse cold water; lower jaw bone feels as if being sawed. Aphthae with affection of the eyes. Salivation; much frothy mucus in the mouth. Enlarged tonsils; net-like red- ness of the throat; raw spots ; spasm of theglottis, (see Chest). When stooping feel as if the fau- ces would drop out. Face pale or yellow, changing. Twitchings of the facial mus- cles. Lips dry, peal off. Toothache with bleeding of the gums; little blisters on the gums. Apathae in the mouth but no smell. Salivation after abuse of mercury. Enlarged tonsils; elongated uvula ; torpid cases when there is no pain or spasm. Nostrils feel widened ; weakness of the chest. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. Nausea, retching better from eat- ing. Emptiness in the stomach ; con- tractive spasm of the stomach, both relieved after eating. Enlarged spleen. Black fecal diarrhoea; painful blind varices with black stools. Milk causes headache. Vomiting renewed by eating. Great hunger ; must eat; anxious if don't eat; desire to cry dur- ing digestion; eating renews the spasm. Sore in the region of the liver. Whey-like diarrhoea in the morn- ing ; piles protrude, bztrn, worse from heat. Milk opens the bowels. URINE, GENITALS Testicles swollen, smooth, hard, painless ; worse from riding. Menses bright red, profuse ; mem- branous catamenia ; headache. Dull constant pain in the left ovary. Loud escape of air from the vag- ina. Not yet studied in cancer uteri. Contractive pains duringthe men- strual flow ; soreness of the ab- domen afterwards. Scirrhus of the mamma with drawing like a string into the axilla; lancinating pains at night. Swelling and induration of the testicles and prostate; offen- sive sweat. Menses premature, copious; great prostration ; pains in themam- mce. Dropsy of the ovaries; leucor- rhoea corroding the linen. Uterine haemorrhage at every stool; cancer uteri. Cutting in the abdomen, bearing down, sharp pains in the loins and back. Dwindling of the mamma; at first they feel heavy, later they lose their fat. Comparative Materia Medica. 127 THE HALOGENS (INCLUDING SPONGIA) IN AFFECTIONS OF THE LARYNX AND CHEST. Insoiration difficult ; child starts from sleep ; relieved by a drink of water. Throat sore; dry, smooth; raw spots ; air feels cold. Hoarse; child cries with hoarse voice ; evening aphonia. Goitre. Blue eyes, light complexion ; young. Cough dry, rough as from vapors of sul- phur; whistling hoarse croupy, spas- modic ; no sputa, gaspingfor breath ; worse wet weather; evening, night; bet- ter in warmth. Croup in children with Blue Eyes. Deep breathing pro- v o k e s gasping ; asthma better in the sea-air; Eyes af- fected ; better in warmth. Rattling as if the chest were full ; face puff- ed, body cold. BROMINE. Inspiration difficult, constriction of the throat prevents swallowing, (i). Throat sore ; child grasps it with the hands. Hoarse; voice deep or husky ; morning ag- gravation. Goitre. Black eyes, dark complexion ; protruding eyes. Cough moist but harsh as from tickling all over the chest ; wheezing, metallic cough; tough or slimy sputa; con- striction of the lar- ynx ; worse in wet weather; morning part of the day. Croup in children with Black Eyes. Breath comes in wave like expansions, (2); asthma; warm air or a warm room al- ways aggravates. Rattling on the chest yet nothipg seems to loosen, (3). IODINE. Inspiration difficult as though breathing through a sponge. Throat sore; sensation of a plug. Hoarse ; deep, harsh voice ; or voice fails in speaking. Goitre. (Living in valleys). Light complexion. Cough barking, rough, crowing with suffo- cative spells ; slow, sawing respiration ; scanty sputa; worse before midnight; worse from dry cold west winds; seldom in damp or wet weather. I Croup (before exuda- tion) blue eyes. Breathe slowly; strong action of the ab- dominal muscles; always better in wet weather. Loud rattling on the , chest; sonorous ron- | chi. SPONGIA. (1) Iodine has constriction stronger than the rest; Bromine has the most marked ptyalism. (2) This wave-like motion is characteristic of the presence of a membrane. When using the Halogens in croup, a sponge wrung out in hot water and applied externally over the larynx, aids materially. (3) Iodine here resembles Hepar. and Ant. tart. If the laryngeal obstruction continues, and if the rattling seems symptomatic of tracheal catarrh, Iodine is indicated. If paralysis of the lungs is imminent-blue face, cold sweat, frequent pulse, drowsiness, stupor -Ant. tart, is indicated. 128 Comp ar ative Materia Medic a. BROMINE. IODINE. SPONGIA. Chest weak; Eyes Affected. Membrane comes up from the larynx; after Spongia ; local symptoms very in- tense ; spasm of the glottis. Phthisis. Cutting up into the axilla; worse in the right lung, congestion to the head better from nose-bleed; Eyes Affected. Heart. Cutting from heart to axilla ; asth- ma, cannot lie down ; pressure re- ferred to the pit of the stomach. Hy- pertrophy. Hepatization of the lower lobes. Chest so weak can hardly walk up- stairs. Membrane extensive ; torpid cases; jerk- ing breathing; after Hepar\ more fever, thirst; more pul- monary congestion. Phthisis. Tickling all all over the chest; tough, stringy blood streaked sputa; hunger yet emacia- tion ; cannot bear a warm room. Heart. Purring in the region of the heart; heart feels as if be- ing squeezed or very weak'; palpitation better lying quietly on the back. Pneumonia when the disease localizes. Sudden weakness of the chest; tottering. Beginning of croup- ous inflammation ; after Aconite; saw- ing respiration. Phthisis. Dyspnoea on lying down ; dry hard, barking cough burning in the chest least motion ; weak spells ; tottering. Heart. Deposit on the valves ; blowing sound; must sit up; suddenly startingup anxious, choking, coughing. Bronchitis. Bromine, suffocating spells, gasping; excoriation in the larynx; struma. Iodine, spasm of glottis ; rachitic children ; cannot bear warmth. Fluorine, spasm of glottis; can withstand both heat and cold. Chlorine, inspiration crowing, expiration impossible. BROMINE. TISSUES IODINE. Glands indurated, generally pain- less. Also intense glandular inflammation ; the gland sup- purates ; throbbing and warmth even with thin excoriating dis- charge. Ovarian inflammation (because inflammation is more common in the young, and Brom, is adapted to young pregnant females). Glands indurated, painless. More torpid, sluggish, rather than in- tense ; the so-called cold-swell- ings, hard, painless; glands tend to soften and dwindle (mammae, testes) ; corroding discharges. Ovarian dropsy (hence more adapted to older females). Comparative Materia Medica. 129 BROMINE. IODINE. Ulcers with greenish hue of the surrounding skin; smell like carrion, (4). Emaciation less marked ; debility noticed especially after break- fast. Ulcers, scrofulous ulcers with spongy edges. Emaciation and yet hunger ; de- bility, chest weak; extensors weak in the morning. GENEKALITIES. Worse from evening until mid- night. Worse in cold weather, uncover- ing, inspiration. Better rapid motion, riding on horseback, expiration. Worse after midnight and in the afternoon. Better in cold weather, uncover- ing, inspiration. Worse from walking rapidly, and on expiration. Common to both remedies are : melancholy, sorrowful- ness ; timidity especially evening and night; anxiety with cardiac oppression. But Causticum adds weak memory, weak feeling in the brain on exerting the mind. There is seldom present an opposite state of mental excitement, mental activity. The face is yellow, especially about the temples and there often concur ptosis, facial paralysis, &c. Phosph., on the other hand, is as well characterized by ex- citement as Caust. is by depression of mind. Weak mem- ory, prominent in the latter, is rare in the former and when present has generally followed abnormal activity. In Phosph, the melancholy and tearfulness often alternate with spells of laughter; and angry vehemence is sure to display itself at times. The face is more frequently pale, sunken, with dark rings around the eyes. Somnambulism and clair- voyance could only belong to the exciting Phosph. Thus, depression predominates in Caustic., excitement in Phosph. Remembering this we may understand why ailments from grief or care, real or unfounded, find a remedy in Caustic.; fright or fear with anger and vehemence in Phosph. Vertigo is very characteristic of Phosph., less so of Caust. CAUSTICUM. MIND. PHOSPHORUS. (4), Bromine is an excellent disinfectant and also cures offensive ulcers, threatening gangrene. 130 Comp at at we Materia Me die a. The former proves curative in many forms : in ancemic, as after loss of fluids, too protracted thinking, senile cerebral atrophy with its ever present staggering, uncertain step, dizziness when turning around, dizziness on rising from bed with fainting, blindness or muscae volitantes: also in vertigo from a too great susceptibility to external impressions, as in dizziness and fainting from odors, from music, &c., (1), feeling as if very tall, or as if the chair was rising; likewise in vertigo from hypercemia and stasis, as in con- gestion of the brain with heat ascending from the spine, pulsation in the brain, worse about the ears, with nausea and vomiting after eating; again, as in dizziness from heart-disease, from tumors, from pressure of the uterine tumor in pregnancy, &c. Caustic, has vertigo with a paralytic weakness of the brain, dizzy on awaking, redness of the face and hot head; vertigo with paralysis ; after seminal emissions; with sen- sation of a film before the eyes ; rheumatic patients. CAUSTICUM. MIND. PHOSPHORUS. Tension and tightness of the scalp (forehead and temples) ; worse on awaking and in the even- ing. Sensation in the forehead as of a space between brain and bones; better from warmth. Tension in the skin of the fore- head and face; worse from change of weather, while eating; better after eating. Empty sensation in the head, ver- tigo ; cold and stiff sensation mostly in the cerebellum ; worse from warmth. In eruptions on the scalp they concur in tinea capitis. Caustic., it is well known, selects the occiput and nape of neck; especially in children with large abdomen; weak ankles. Phosph, is less prominent in eczema, (2), but more (1) Here, by reflex irritation, the cerebral vessels are contrafled vaso-motor spasm, the resulting symptoms being the same as though the anaemia were aflual want of blood. (2) A prover of Phosph. 2c. after taking it in repeated doses, de- veloped an eczema spreading from the nape of the neck over the scalp to the vertex and behind the ears. The scabs were thick, yel- low, the discharge glutinous. She never had such symptoms before. Lice took up their abode. The young lady refusing longer to tolerate her loathsome burden, Lycopod. 2c. was successfully administered as an antidote. The prover was tall, slim, gracefully built. A few years since she lost a sister from consumption. Comparative Materia Medica. 131 CAUSTICUM. MIND. PHOSPHORUS. so in pityriasis when " clouds of dandruff" can be brushed out; itching relieved immediately by scratching, but soon worse with burning super-added. The hair falls out in bundles, giving the characteristic appearance of tinea de- calvans : denuded spots on the scalp, clear, white and smooth. EYES. So far as vision is concerned, both develop symptoms of amblyopia. Caustic, causes a paralytic state of the optic nerve and also some of the muscles. It is especially use- ful after neuralgic headaches, the 'blindness increasing with each attack of headache; also in rheumatic patients. Phosph, causes amblyopia, glaucoma, having but little ef- fect on the external parts. It is especially useful in blind- ness from lightning, asthenopia in anaemic, debilitated per- sons, as after seminal emissions, &c. Dim-sightedness as from a film before the eyes; sudden blind- ness ; black threads before the eyes. Feeling of pressure in the eyes momentarily relieved by rub- bing; ptosis; paralysis of ab- ducent muscle. Dim-sightedness often with sensi- tiveness to bright light; sudden blindness and fainting; black motes. Aching pains in the eye and orbit, burning spots on the eyeball; no symptoms of muscles. EARS. Deafness charadlerizes each. Sounds reverberate in the ear, especially words ; hence the patient finds it difficult to appreciate the human voice :- Hatdness of hearing in rheumatic patients; worse from cold winds. Otorrhcea (inscrofulous children), discharge thin, bloody, watery, fetid; external meatus swollen ; cracking in the ear ; sore behind the ears, (3), tinea capitis. Hardness of hearing especially after typhus; better in clear, dry weather. Otorrhcea not so characteristic ; discharge with throbbing in the ears, bloody, purulent, thin; the consequent deafness better from pressing on the ear. (3). Intertrigo is well marked in Caust. and places it with Graph. and Sulph. Phosph, has more dryness of the skin. 132 Comparative Materia Medica. CAUSTICUM. NOSE, MOUTH, THROAT, LARYNX. PHOSPHORUS. Only Phosph, has prominently nose-bleed, indicating it in vicarious menstruation, nose-bleed during stool, polypi easily bleeding. Caust. rather dulls the sense of smell ! Phosph, corresponds to acuteness of smell: strong odors cause fainting; headache with acute smell. In catarrhs they are more similar. Coryza, hoarseness, nose ob- structed ; morning aphonia, with rawness and soreness of the larynx and trachea, burning in the throat; influenza with rheumatic pains (Rhus.) and weakness of the limbs; cough with involuntary escape of urine. External nose pimply, warts on the nose ; scabs about the nose, raw behind the ears, eyes in- flamed ; mucous expectoration (scrofulous children.) Chronic aphonia with weakness of the laryngeal muscles, glossal or facial paralysis; hoarseness and cough, worse stooping; rheumatic patients. Spasmodic or catarrhal croup ; excellent to check the disease, (4) ; worse from dry, cold winds; rawness in the larynx. Cough with rawness, burning and soreness of throat and chest; spirting of urine during cough; pain over one hip ; cough re- lieved by a swallow of water; sputa cannot be expectorated, must be swallowed. Adapted to phlegmatic patients, subjeCt to rheumatism, to catarrhs of the respiratory tract; to paraly- sis; well marked scrofulosis; yellow complexion ; yellow, es- pecially about the eyes. Coryza fluent or dry; sneezing causes laryngeal pain; smell often over sensitive; evening aphonia ; burning in larynx ; coughing or talking causes pain in the larynx ; trembling with the cough ; great weakness; re- markably clear sclerotica. (See Record, 1874). External nose swollen, smooth, red ; nasal cavities painfully dry; discharge greenish yel- low, blood-streaked; nasal pol- ypus frequently bleeding. Chronic aphonia, larynx sensitive, great nervous weakness, tight- ness across the chest; cough and speech hurt the larynx; tuberculous patients. Membranous croup to remove hoarseness, prevent return and also when paralysis threatens, with suffocation, cold clammy sweat, small pulse. Coughs of many kinds: from laughing, talking, strong odors, appearance of strangers ; tight- ness across the chest; blood- streaked, purulent, rust-colored sputa; trembling with the cough. Adapted to tall, slender, tuber- culous patients, with pale com- plexion, clear sceroticae (Hol- combe), weak nervous persons ; great nervous irritability and sensitiveness to external impres- sions ; pale, waxy face, sunken eyes. (4). Dr. Heerman, of Paris, informed me while I was visiting his city, that he preferred Caust. to Aconite in spasmodic croup. The. same information seems to have been communicated to Dr. Prige (See Am. Observer). Comparative Materia Medica. 133 CAUSTICUM. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. PHOSPHOBUS. Tongue white down either side. Greasy taste in the mouth ; sensa- tion as if lime were slacking in the stomach, (heartburn) after fat, starchy or saccharine food. (Often accompanying bronchial catarrh). Violent thirst for cold drinks, easi- ly quenched; vomiting not marked. Desire for beer. Colic (similar to Coloc., Coffee, Staph.'], bending double re- lieves ; worse after food; pres- sure as if the abdomen would burst; better while lying down. Abdomen hard, swollen, painful; general emaciation, (scrofulous children). Constipation with intense spasm of the redturn, causing great urging with red face, anxiety ; stool at first in hard pieces, later soft and as thin as a goose-quill. Haemorrhoids with stinging, burn- ing pains worse at every attempt to walk and when thinking of them; oozing and moisture at the anus; stools often mucous- coated. Diarrhoea not so well marked as in Phosph. Scrofulous children, scrofulous adults with consump- tion or dyspepsia who get a diarrhoea every time they eat fresh meat. Tongue uniformly white. Sour or saltish taste in the mouth; burning in the stomach and pharynx often extending into the chest; vomiting of drinks so soon as they become warm ; goneness in the stomach. (Of- ten tuberculosis). Thirst for cold or refreshing drinks relieved thereby until they be- come warm, when they are vomited. Desire for wine. Spasm of the stomach especially at the cardiac extremity; " nervous " colic not marked ; flatulent colic worse while lying down ; belching in large quali- ties after eating. Abdomen flaccid, sore when walk- ing ; debility, emaciation (con- sumption). Constipation when the stool is small-shaped, hard expelled with difficulty, ' ' dog-stools ;' ' painful cramps in the redlum after stool. Haemorrhoids with frequent bleed- ing; they protrude while pass- ing flatus ; hcemorrhoids and discharge of blood from the bowels in consumptives ; dis- charge of mucus from a wide open anus. Many forms of diarrhoea. Chol- era infantum with cough and golden-yellow stools; watery diarrhoea with abdominal burn- ing ; morning green diarrhoea (as in cholera times) ; diarrhoea while coughing ; great debility, emaciation, &c. URINE, GENITALS. Involuntary urination while coughing ; also in children dur- ing the first sleep ; incontinence of urine day and night in cold weather; children are weak, weak-minded, totter while walk- ing. Involuntary urination during ty- phus; sometimes also at night, in children who correspond to the 27z0j//z0r«s-build; children who grow too rapidly. Profuse pale urine of nervous women and in diabetes mellitus. 134 Comparative Materia Medica. CAUSTICUM. URINE, GENITALS. PHOSPHORUS. Paralysis of the muscular coat of the bladder, belongs to Caustic., especially when a result of too long retention of urine. In great debility, as after typhus, Phosph, may be indicated when the bladder is full, but urine does not flow because of absence of urging. Haematuria belongs only to the blood-decomposing Phosph. Sexual desire (male and female) too weak; emissions are fol- lowed by vertigo. Menses bright red, generally pro- fuse and too late; preceded by melancholy, disposition to view the dark side of things; yel- lowness of the face. Labor- like pains in back and abdo- men ; menstrual colic as if the pelvic contents were being squeezed ; flow ceases on lying down. Disposed to chafing between the thighs ; to sore, cracked, nip- ples with small pustules around. Secretion of milk lessened. Sexual desire (male and female) too strong; nymphomania ; shameless exposure. Sperma- torrhoea. Menses generally pale, profuse and long lasting preceded by tearfulness, nymphomania; face pale, blue around the eyes; pains cutting, go up even into the chest; great emptiness in the abdomen ; heat up the spine, into the head ; cold feet and hands ; sometimes vicarious through urethra or from the lungs. Disposed to mastitis, to ulceration of the mammae, to erysipelas even after pus has formed. Increased secretion of milk, great debility. HEART. Caust. fades into insignificance when compared with Phosph, in its action on the heart. The former remedy pos- sesses palpitation with cardiac anxiety as a part of its well- known melancholy, and as a symptom in paralysis. Phosph, has palpitation of nervous origin from every motion, in anaemia, with tightness across the chest, dyspnoea and nervous weakness. But Phosph, plays a part in inflamma- tory affections ; as an extension of pneumonia, as secondary to Morbus Brightii and blood dissolution; as a result of rheumatism (symptoms agreeing). It also applies to fatty degeneration of the heart. Comparative Materia Medica. 135 CAUSTICUM. PHOSPHORUS. Spinal irritation (often from rheu- matism or uterine disease), tear- ing, drawing pains with hard- ness of the muscles; internal parts as if squeezed (pelvis) ; spasmodic colic ; nape of neck stiff with twisting of neck to one side and tearing over the head to the face. Backache worse rising from a seat; better after ; bruised feel- ing and bearing down in the lumbar region during menses. SPINE, NERVES, ETC. Spinal irritation (often in chest diseases, confinement, reflex uterine, caries, &c.), the pains are more burning, burning in spots, better from rubbing; more congestion than in Caust.; throbbing and burning in the neck, thence over the head io the forehead, with burning on the vertex. Backache worse when rising from stooping ; pain in the sacral re- gion after confinement; pain as if broken, cannot move about. Phosph, applies to spinal diseases from inflammation of the vertebrae; here, Caust. is unknown. Neuralgia of the face, pain from the cheek to the mastoid pro- cess ; chilly; scanty or sup- pressed menses ; worse at night; face yellow; rheumatic patients. Facial neuralgia especially involv- ing the jaw; pains go to the root of the nose, temples ; hot, bloated face ; worse from talk- ing, eating; caries of the lower jaw. Phosph., holding, as it does, a nutritive relation to nerve- tissue, presents all phases of nervous debility, from simple weakness to complete paralysis. Often in pneumonia, ty- phus, exanthematic diseases, croup, bronchitis, vitality reaches its lowest ebb, the cerebro-spinal system is de- pressed, the surface is cold, pulse like a thread, breathing rattling, trembling of the whole frame-in just such cases, Phosph, aCts with astonishing rapidity. In milder forms of nervous weakness, Phosph, is charact- erized by debility with increased susceptibility to external impressions, the so-called " irritable weakness." Its paralysis may often be traced to cerebral or spinal softening, or atrophy-states which were preceded by over- excitement, as shown by the history. The accompanying symptoms concurring, we may employ it in progresssive muscular atrophy, the intellect remaining clear. Paralysis of spinal origin frequently calls for Phosph. There are tingling and formication in the limbs, better from fridlion ; heat in the paralyzed part; ancesthcsia ; caused by onanism, chlorosis, Bright's disease, etc. 136 Comparative Materia Medica. CAUSTICUM. SPINE, NERVES, ETC. PHOSPHORUS. Caust. cures a one-sided facial paralysis, glossal paralysis, ptosis. Exciting causes are different from those of Phosph. Rheumatism stands foremost and for similar reasons, ex- posure to dry, cold zvinds. The mind is always comprom- ised. There are hopelessness, fear of death, weak memory. Scrofulous children, weak-minded, totter and fall, not so much from muscular, as from cerebral weakness. But Caustic, claims precedence in spasms. It pictures epilepsy perfectly: headache, heat, sweat, pressure in the stomach and chest, causing dyspnoea. If now, a glass of water is taken, the whole may be aborted. If not, the spasm develops, frothing at the mouth, biting the tongue, &c. Afterwards sopor. Exciting causes are suppressed, itch, delayed menses, fear, &c. Paralysis may be a sequel. Phosph, has no such range. Spasms with consciousness are noted; hence more likely of spinal rather than of cer- ebral origin. The relation of Phosph, to albuminuria, however, makes it even superior to Caust. in puerperal eclampsia. Here it is allied to Zinc. The attack is preceded by a hot rush up the spine into the head. In Chorea, Caustic, suits the cerebral form : cannot sleep because of the contortions; tongue heavy, words are jerked out; twitching of the mouth. Phosph, suits the spinal form; walks as if paralyzed; makes mis-steps from weak- ness ; indicated when the child grows too rapidly. Rheumatic diathesis; flexors con- tracted ; shortening from con- tracted tendons; stiffness and swelling of joints ; worse from cold, better from the warmth of of the bed. Rheumatism at- tacks the head, with roaring, burning in the ears, deafness, nausea. RHEUMATISM. Rheumatism not so well marked ; drawing, tearing, tight feeling in the affedted part; worse from cold weather. Rheumatism al- ways affedls the chest with op- pression, cough, dyspnoea forc- ing the patient to sit up (endo- carditis). Comparative Materia Medica. 137 CAUSTICUM. FEVER. PHOSPHORUS. Chill mostly left sided; better from drinking, in bed, in warm room ; worse after eating. Heat from 6 to 8 P. M.; flushes of heat followed by chilliness ; heat descends. Heat not so prominent as the chill. Sweat often diredtly follows the chill ; profuse while walking out doors; sour, 4 A. M.; in- creased when eating. Thirst before the chill; thirst with aversion to drink. Varicosities; net-like appearance of the capillaries. Pulse not much altered ; some- times frequent towards evening. Orgasm of blood; congestions not marked, (5). Haemorrhages of dark blood. Chill right sided; better from drinking and from eating (the accompanying debility); worse in bed and in a warm room. Heat predominates; anxiety, burning hands; heat ascends; heat from the stomach into chest and throat; heat causes fre- quent waking. Sweat on head, hands, face, with increase of urine, followed by great debility; lessened from eating. Thirst in the heat; desire for drink without thirst. Distended veins ; red spots pete- chiae ; haemorrhages. Pulse accelerated, full, hard; weak, small. Orgasm of blood ; blood excited by sensual impressions. Haemorrhages of bright red blood. SLEEP. Sleep disturbed by colic or spas- modic jerks of head and limbs. Sleep disturbed by heat of the body ; or by oppression of the chest. SKIN. Eruptions moist; itch after abuse of mercury and sulphur-, es- pecially with large pustules ; eczema ani, intertrigo. Injuries of the skin which have been healed, suppurate again. Warts, suppurating ; warts on the nose, eyelids. Eruptions dry ; dry herpes ; erup- tion scaly as psoriasis ; dry even x if pustular. Injuries of the skin which have been healed, bleed; small wounds bleed much. Polypi; fungus h<ematodes; blood boils. Blisters appear in the provings of either remedy. Un- der Caust. they resemble burns, pemphigus. Under Phosph. vescicles form in clusters about the joints. (5). Caust. has red face, congestion to head with roaring as during stool; flushes after walking; film before the eyes, blindness, hothead, during pregnancy. But Phosph, has the circulation disturbed by the slightest external impression, as well as by emotional causes. Con- gestions with stasis are common in all vascular parts. Characteris- tically, Caust. has predominant chilliness; Phosph, predominant heat. 138 Comparative Materia Medica. CAUSTICUM. SKIN. PHOSPHORUS. Superficial suppurations; as in run arounds, (G>a/A); ulcers after burns with throbbing, burning pains and watery pus. Phlegmonous inflammations; chronic suppurating openings with, he flic, [Silicia') ; ulcers often with caries, painless or with a " festering " sensation ; bleeding. GENERALITIES Restlessness of the legs in the evening ; anxiety, afraid of the dark. Pains better in bed and in wet weather. Cold air aggravates the colic and paralysis ; sensitive to cold air. Washing improves. Colic better, throat and chest worse, from bending forward. Abuse cd Euphras., Asaf, Plumb.. Coloc., China, Sulph. and Merc. (itch). Compare with Coloc., Cham., Staph., Cupr., Lach.. Sepia., Graph., Sulph., Rhus., &°c. Restless moving because of burn- ing heat; anxiety at twilight. Pains better in dry weather; worse in change of weather. Cold air relieves the head but ag- gravates the chest symptoms; sensitive to cold air. Washing aggravates. Generally worse from bending forward. Abuse of Iodine, Natr. mur., (ex- cessive salt eating), Turpentine, over-doses of Camphor. Compare with Nux v., China. Camph., Petrolezim, Carbo, veg., Kali, c., Sulph., Calc, c., Rhus., Silicia, 8r=c. Frequntly agreeing in symptoms, but, for some unknown reason,found to be Inimical. HEPAR. MIND. SULPHUR. Malicious mood. Irritability; vehement, hasty speech and hasty drinking. Anxiety in the evening driving to suicide ; after abuse of mercury. Apprehensive about his relations. Changeable mood; hypochon- driacal. Irritable, peevish; restless, hasty temper; haste in working or walking, (i). Anxiety with dozibts about his sal- vation ; with desire to escape. Thinks only of himself; cares nothing for the salvation of others. Sulphur is by far the most important in weak memory. Hepar has weakness of thoughts, sits speechless in a cor- ner, worse when out of humor. Sulph. has misplacing or (l). The Sulph. patient is often full-blooded, fat, but always ner- vous, hasty in temper and motion, thus contrasting with its near relative, Calc. carb. Comparative Materia Medica. 139 HEPAR. MIND. SULPHUR. misapplication of words ; answers are given slowly as if com- prehension was difficult; or the words spoken to him are repeated as if difficult of comprehension. Here we find a well-confirmed indication for Sulph., when a typhoid state is impending. Supp. 115-16. The imagination is aflive in Sulphur. The patient fan- cies that rags are fine dresses, that he is happy, contented; this state may alternate with sadness. Hepar preserves unchangeably a despondent mood. Vertigo from riding in a carriage; reflex from the abdomen, with diminished peristaltic action ; in hysteria with hyperaesthesia of smell. Vertigo worse sitting; crossing a stream; on rising from bed; with nose-bleed ; with increased peristaltic adlion (Kafka) ; with chronic irritating discharges. HEADACHE. Sulph. has a wide range. Thus, it cures congestions to the head: throbbing deep in the brain; throbbing of the heart and carotids; humming in the head; headache with throbbing increasing with the increase of fever. Gastric headaches, periodically returning every week. Nervous forms, with stitch, pains over the left eye, setting in during the evening and reaching an acme during the night. Hepar has less to do here with congestion. In nervous forms, it attacks the right temple and super-orbital region, causing a sensation as of a nail boring into the head; bet- ter from binding the head tightly; worse in the morning. Like Sulph., there is sensitiveness to cold air and aggrava- tion from motion or touch ; but in Hepar the soreness is a characteristic bruised feeling as though a boil were forming -sore as a boil. In catarrhal headaches, Hepar is most important. Uncovering the head, every exposure to cold, especially to dry, cold, west winds causes headache, coryza, &c. Sulph. might be preferable if change of weather, eve- ning air, getting wet or checking sweat was the cause. Compaq a tive Materia Medic a. 140 HEP AR. HEADACHE SULPHUR. Nodosities on the head, sore to touch, better from covering the head warmly. Eruption on the scalp moist, fetid ; itching worse on rising in the morning. Inflammation of the bones and caries with a feeling of a band around the head. Eruption on the back part of the ' head and behind the ears, dry ; scratching relieves; skin rotigh, dry. EYES. Sulph. has more action on the optic nerve, amblyopia from inveterate use of alcohol; from suppressed eruptions ; after onanism. It is in scrofulous afifedtions of the eyes that the two remedies most intimately resemble each other. Eyelids feel sore as if bruised; patient dreads to have them touched. Edges of the lids swollen, studded with pustules ; pimples around the eye. Right eye; preferable when sup- puration with throbbing pains, predominates; better from warmth. Eyelids swollen, conjunctiva/r#- truding like a bag. Edges of the lids swollen, red, covered with dry scurf, itching continually. Left eye ; preferable when the eye is painfully dry; worse in a warm room or in warm weather. EARS. In catarrhal deafness both are valuable. In the conges- tive forms of deafness, Sulph. is the remedy. It is asso- ciated with tendency of blood to the head; abdominal plethora, piles, &c. In nervous forms Sulph. gives us deafness preceded by over-sensitiveness to noises. Sometimes, as with earache, there is sensitiveness to sounds, music nauseates. Deafness of catarrhal origin ; af- ter suppressed itch, scarlatina. Earache, the external ear sensitive to the least touch, feels bruised; throbbing and stitching pains, indicating approaching suppur- ation, (after Bell.'}. Otorrhoea, fetid or purulent; mas- toid cells involved. When af- ter Bell., &>c., suppuration threatens or begins. Deafness of catarrhal origin ; af- ter suppressed itch ; variola. Earache with stitches into the throat and head ; great burn- ingheat; congestion to the head; slightest sounds produce nau- sea. Otorrhoea, chronic, bloody, fetid ; mostly from the left ear. When after otitis the discharge will not yield. 141 Comparative Materia Medica. Face yellow; blue around the eyes; eyes prominent. Face hot and fiery red. Erysipelas of the face coming early in the morning, disap- pearing rapidly; eyes remain bluish red, and feel sore to pressure. Eruption on the face, corners of mouth, &c., of yellow vesicles very painful, sore as a boil. Prosopalgia worse from dry cold west winds; associated with cor- yza, hoarseness, rheumatic pains ; worse on the right side ; after Bell, or abuse of Merc. HEPAR FACE. Face yellow or pale, blue around the eyes ; eyes sunken. Circumscribed red cheeks; face blotched, red. Erysipelas of the face beginning by a redness of the right ear and spreading thence over the face ; excellent to prevent re- lapses. Eruption dryer than in Hepar ; skin of the face rough, red ; lips dry, rough or bright-red. Prosopalgia, especially in chronic cases after other remedies fail; associated with scanty menses, constipation; worse on the left side; after Merc. SULPHUR. Smell sometimes too acute with vertigo; generally blunted. Coryza one-sided with headache at every exposure; after Mer- cury ; dry cold west winds; croupy cough, (2), Catarrh from every cold wind; borders of the nostrils become sore, swollen ; throbbing ' ' cold sores ' ' on the lips. Nose red, swollen; sore as if a boil were forming. Small boils form in the nose, especially after abuse of Mercury. Toothache with swollen gums, throbbing as if suppuration had begun ; worse in a warm room and at night. Offensive smell from the mouth after abuse of Merc. Taste sour. Tip of tongue feels sore and as if burned, awaking him. Ulceration of mouth and throat after Mercury ; ptyalism, ulcers with a lardaceous base. Tonsillitis begins to form. NOSE, MOUTH, THROAT. I Smell too sensitive ; or subjective smell as of human feces. Burning coryza in the open air, stopped up in the room ; rough, scraping cough, raw throat, deep voice. Chronic catarrh, discharge yellow, thick or green ; through the posterior nares ; dry ulcers and scabs; smell as of old catarrh. External nose swollen; often red- ness of the nose, worse in warmth. Hepatic saddle across the nose; freckles; comedones. Toothache with "jumping '' pain ; throbbing pain, swelling around old stumps ; worse in the eve- ning and in the open air. Putrid smell in the morning ; also after Merc. Taste sour, saltish, putrid. Tip of tongue red ; dorsum dry and usually white. Aphthae, with bleeding gums, ptyalism ; often after Merc, and in children when the stools ex- coriate the anus. Tonsillitis when the abscess has broken but does not heal. (2). Hepar unless indicated by abuse of Mercury or accompanied by a croupy cough, had better not be given in the beginning of a cold. It is best adapted to the later symptoms, especially after the cough becomes loose. 142 Comparative Materia Medica. HEPAR. NOSE, MOUTH, THROAT. SULPHUR. Sensation as of a splinter in the throat, stitches into the ears; worse from swallowing saliva, solids and after eating. • Sensation as of a plug or of a hair in the throat; worse from swal- lowing saliva and from solids. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. Longing for sour things, wine, pickles,' for condiments; for brandy ; they relieve the gone- ness and produce a feeling of strength. Eating relieves pains in the stom- ach ; but is followed by fullness and pressure demanding the loosening of the clothing. Longing more for beer than for wine; great aversion to milk, it causes vomiting; especially inebriates, filthy in habits. Eating produces pain, better bend- ing double ; fullness and press- ure as in Hepar with a weight on the chest, making breathing difficult. Sulph. far more than Hepar, deranges the portal circu- lation. It will cure hard, swollen liver with jaundice, vom- iting of food and sometimes of blood; piles; bloated abdomen. It will relieve colic, abdominal tension after eating, headache, dizziness, palpitation, &c., caused by a suppression of hamorrhoidal discharges. Hepar, as well as Sulph. has sharp stitching pains in the region of the liver, worse from motion. It suits in hepatic abscess; Sulph. in chronic hepatitis. Stool passed with much urging, even though papescent; insuffi- cient peristaltic aClion. Diarrhoea green, slimy, sour; the child smells sour. Diarrhoea with weak digestion af- ter Mercury and Quinine ; weak empty feeling, longingfor strong food; better after eating (stomach). Stool passed with difficulty; much urging, tenesmus ; urging con- tinues after stool. Diarrhoea green, slimy or watery, sour, putrid, purulent ; tenes- mus an hour or so after. Diarrhsea hurrying the patient out of bed in the morning; weak, hungry, about n A.M.; pains are worse after eating, (colic). URINE, GENITALS. Frequent desire to urinate but the bladder is so weak he must waitlong; water drops perpen- dicularly. Frequent urging from catarrh af- fecting the neck of the blad- der; urine passes in drops; urging continues after. Comparative Materia Medica. 143 HEPAR. URINE, GENITALS. SULPHUR. Sediment whitish; urine floccu- lent, turbid, (3). Gonorrhoea when the discharge is purulent aft er abuse of Mercury. Sediment more often reddish, sandy. Gonorrhoea with a whitish, mu- cous discharge ; also after the failure of well chosen remedies. Sulph. has more influence over the sexual organs. Sem- inal emissions often yield to it; and it also has a remarka- ble effcft in curing the tendency to masturbation. Both have relaxed organs, prostatorrhcea. Hoarseness with deep, bass-voice, belongs rather to Sulph.-, especially if caused by damp, evening air or damp, cold weather. Hoarseness from dry cold winds, belongs to Hepar; morning aggravation. LARYNX, CHEST. Cough, dry, hoarse or a combina- tion of rattling with croupy cough ; worse towards morning. Sneezing and crying after cough. Pneumonia (children) in the stage of resolution with suffocative accumulation in the chest. Tuberculosis of the lungs; es- pecially first stage ; croupy, rat- tling cough ; disposed to bron- chitis with loud mucous rattling ; the least exposure of a part of the body causes cough ; mucous accumulation in the morning when going into the cold air; sweats easily and turns pale from exertion, followed by burn- ning of the cheeks and palms of the hands. Asthma in croupy patients, must sit up with the head thrown back; swelling under the larynx ; sud- denly aroused from sleep after • midnight; little or no vascular excitement; often in catarrhs during the accumulation of ten- acious mucus. Cough, dry, short, hacking ; spas- modic with constriftion of the chest; worse in the evening. Coughing preceded by sneezing. Pneumonia especially indicated in the stage of exudation and when resolution delays. Tuberculosis of the lungs, es- pecially indicated as a prevent- ive when there are congestions to head and chest; dry, teasing night cough ; breath hot; pain like a rivet through the upper third of the left lung to the scapula; sweats; flashes of heat; burning of the feet; de- sire to uncover. Asthma arising from suppressed eruptions, especially itch; or from suppression of chronic discharges-, periodical, spas- modic stinging in the back; congestion to the chest-, comes on in sleep, when turning over in bed or in the evening. (3). Kafka proposed Hepar in Bright's disease because it has a relation to croupous exudations. Buchner denies that the exudation can be fibrinous and prefers remedies which produce an a-fibrinous state of the blood. Still several post-scarlatinal cures with Hepar are reported, and we must not negleft it on pathological grounds. 144 Comparative Materia Medica. HEPAR. LARYNX, CHEST. SULPHUR. Pleurisy with fibrinous exudation. Catarrhs are best cured by Hepar when exudation has taken place ; given too soon it often retards cure. Whooping cough with great sus- ceptibility to cold air; pains in one spot of the larynx; suffo- cation compelling to sit upright and throw the head back; anxious, whistling respiration ; weakness of the chest, making speaking difficult; throbbing of the carotids ; swelling about the ankles with difficult breathing ; sweat on the head and face; hastiness; crying after; eyes protruding; sneezing after; worse after cold drinks ; cough in paroxysms which follow each other rapidly. Applicable to those dangerous cases which be- come complicated with croup- ous exudation. Pleurisy with more serous thr fibrinous exudation. Catarrhs which come to a stand still, have resisted other medi- cines ; organic changes threat- ening, (4). Whooping cough in children who dread being washed\ are worse or have relapses in damp weath- er ; difficult respiration at night, constriction worse bringing the arms together; burning from chest to face ; feeling as if the lungs touched the back; palpi- tation of the heart; lump in the abdomen ; feet cold, cold sweat; cold sweat on face; hasty tem- per', crying ; eyes szwZwz ; nose bleed; worse after food or drink ; cough in two paroxysms following each other quickly. Applicable in the most serious forms ; also as an intercurrent when others fail to act. Sulph. far more than Hepar, disturbs the circulation. It may be assumed as a general charadleristic that Sulph. causes congestions to all parts, scarcely ever being of use unless the vascular system is deranged. See headache ; eyes (congestion in warm room, hot weather); ears (exter- nal ears red, &c.); face (red blotches, &c.); nose (red, whether or not caused by alcohol: nose-bleed); chest (as- thma, haemoptysis, pleurisy with congestion to the lungs, pneumonia, palpitation towards evening from rush of blood); abdomen (plethora, portal fullness, haemorrhoids-, haemor- rhages from the bowels, &c.); genitals (exciting to onan- ism, emissions, sweat of the parts; congestion to the uterus, &c ); limbs (congestion, varices). See also fever. (4)- Sulph. is an admirable remedy when a cough becomes chronic, mucous rales through the chest are heard ; the patient loses appetite, sweats at night and fears phthisis. Expedloration may be purulent or even bloody. Sulph. ic. or higher, three or four doses daily for a week will generally restore health. Comparative Materia Medica. 145 HEPAR. SULPHUR. Hepar causes an orgasm of blood, throbbing of the blood vessels ; congestions following exposure to dry, cold winds. Palpitation of the heart with a feeling of debility about the heart; stitches in the heart and left chest, worse in the cold air and from uncovering. Hyper- trophy, relieving the weakness of the chest and anxiety. Palpitation from climbing hills; from congestion to the chest; the heart feels as if too large for the chest; stitches in the side after vigorous exercise. Pain through the left chest to the back; red lips; sleeplessness; after suppressed itch. The pulse is almost identical. Sulph. claims precedence in the beginning of inflammatory diseases with pulse full, hard ; skin dry, hot. NECK, BACK. Symptoms of the back worse from contact; bruised feeling as if a boil were forming. Weakness of the whole spine. Bruised feeling, stiffness ; more a sensation as if the back had been sprained. Weakness, paraplegia; urine re- tained, (5). LIMBS Rheumatism, parts, hot, swollen, red ; strained feeling ; profuse sweat ; noClurnal pains worse during the chill or when be- coming cold. Excessive sus- ceptibility to pain. Cramps in the thighs or calves and pelvis when the limbs are drawn up. Soles of the feet sore when walk- ing. Soles of the feet burn ; must un- cover ; anxiousness, (6). Rheumatism, with or without swelling; erratic pains; short- ening of the tendons; pains worse in dampness, after work- ing in water; after washing. Loss of power, numbness. Cramps in the calves, mostly at night; also with loose bowels, (cholera). Cramps of the soles of the feet when walking. Soles of the feet burn ; puts them out of bed, tries to find a cool place for them. SLEET. Twitching of the body after lying down ; must move the limbs to and fro ; sadness. In going to sleep one leg is sud- denly drawn up and shot out again. (5) See note (9), page 50, Supp. (6) Uncovering with relief is exceptional here. The anxiousness is characteristic, being a part of the Hepar susceptibility to pain. 146 Comparative Materia Medica. HEPAR. SLEEP. SULPHUR. Starts up from sleep as if in a fright, suffocating. Profound sleep with the head thrown back. Changes sides because the parts feel bruised, as if a boil were forming. Sleeps in "cat-naps;" starts up from congestion, fright, &c. Profound sleep, eyes half open, (cerebral diseases). Turns on his back during sleep ; yet it may cause rush of blood to the head. FEVER. Before and during the chill, net- tle-rash, fevtr blisters, tetter on the chest; excitable. Chill from 4 to 8 P. M.; or in the night aggravating all com- plaints. Dry burning heat, redness of the . face and violent thirst all night; flushes with sweat. Worsefrom uncovering. Sweats day and night without re- lief. Sweat offensive, sour; on the chest and forehead. Sweat day and night; sweat on the back after worrisome dreams. Intermitting type of fever with nettle rash ; with coryza, cough, distress in the chest; or with bitter taste, bilious vomiting, diarrhoea; weakness of the stomach from abuse of mercury. Before the chill, thirst; during the chill, pale, cold face ; or heat of the face, delirium. Chill from 5 to 8 P. M.; or in the forenoon ; begins in the feet or runs up the back ; chill in bed. Intense heat at night without thirst; frequent flushes of heat ; cold feet, hot vertex. Not worse from uncovering. Worse with and after sweat. Sweat sour, empyreumatic, with itching; on the hands; one side ; or only on body. Night sweats mostly on the occi- put and neck ; worse A.M. after awaking. Intermitting type of fever or a re- mitting type with continued dry heat, harsh skin, no sweat; or no reaction, stupid; slow in answering questions; after sup- pressed itch ; chronic cases. TISSUES The child exhales a sour smell; with diarrhoea. Dropsy of cellular tissue and serous cavities is not marked ; except perhaps after scarlatina. Fibrinous exudation on serous membranes ; sensitive. Croupous formations on mucous membranes ; purulent mucus ; profuse secretion of mucus ; of- fensive mucus. Weakness, faint with the pa ns ; limbs weak and feel bruised; paralysis rare, except after abuse of mercury. The child has an offensive smell not removable by washing. Dropsy prominent; after mercury, after chills and fever, enlarged liver, &c.; excellent in absorp- tions after pleurisy. More serous than fibrinous exu- dation. Thickening of mucous mem- branes; purulent mucus; or thick, viscid mucus ; greenish colored; smell as of old catarrh. Weakness ; walks stooped; trem- bles ; limbs give away ; hungry 10 to 11 A.M.; faint; flashes of heat ; hot vertex, cold feet; paralysis marked. Comparative Materia Medica. 147 HEPAR. TISSUES. SULPHUR. Itch with fat, pustular crusty eruption, after Mercury. Eczema and eruptions in general, usually moist, pustular. Scabs dry in some parts, moist in others. Itching in the bends of the joints; eruptions worse in the morning and after the use of salves; worse from the least touch. Ulcers sensitive to contact, easily bleeding, corrosive pains, burn- ing, stinging; profuse suppura- tion; smell like old cheese; lard-like base (after J/m'.). Abscesses (boils, &c.) large and extremely sore ; throbbing, lan- cinating ; thus when pus begins to form ; also after salves. The slightest injuries produce suppuration and ulceration; pimples around the main dis- eased part. Superficial erysipelatous onychia around the nail or under, when suppuration threatens. Panaritium with violent throbbing; it promotes suppuration. In scarlatina when croupous symptomsappear; swellingand suppuration of the glands ; also later when dropsy and albumin- uria ensues; with nose-bleed, bloated face, convulsions; also for subsequent crops of boils. In variola during the suppurating stage. Croupy, rattling cough, cannot raise the phlegm ; measles. Itch, tingling, burning soreness; dryness of the skin ; after mer- cury. Eczema and eruptions in general, usually dry, scaly. Scabs dry, cracked, itching, bleeding. Itching general; scratching re- lieves the itching but causes burning, soreness and numb- ness ; worse after washing. Ulcers usually not sensitive; thus often in the beginning to pre- pare the way ; suppuration thick yellow like Hepar; or thin offensive pus. Abscesses (boils, &c.) small; chronic abscesses; in acute cases to expel the core after pus has formed; to destroy the ten- dency. Skin rough, dry; or in chronic cases when slight wounds will not heal; rawness in the folds following erythema. Beginning onychia under the nail, boring pains; also after sup- puration to make the new nail grow rightly. Panaritium sometimes in the be- ginning, to prevent further pro- gress. In scarlatina when the body looks red, like a boiled lobster or red coalescing spots; cerebral com- plications ; stupor, sudden start- ing, face bloated, shining, red ; nose and mouth dry, tongue tip red; later the eruption turns purple, diarrhoea, sopor. In variola when during suppura- tion delirium ensues. Catarrhal symptoms increase, the rash being tardy ; severe cases, moist cough, raising pus; measles. GENERALITIES, Is best adapted to slow torpid I constitutions; lax fibre, light hair. Best adapted to those who are quick, restless even if fat; dark or light. 148 Compa? ative Materia Medic a. HEPAR. GENERALITIES. SLLPHER. Motion aggravates the pains ; bet- ter when at rest. Worse from uncovering, espec- ially uncovering a patt of the body. Worse from cold winds ; from the least cold air ; improvement in damp weather, from warmth, wrapping up, from the warmth of the bed. Remission of complaints, after- noon. Not many symptoms return peri- odically. See Chill, Fever. Compare with: Bellad. (in in- flammations, neuralgia, cough, erysipelas, toothache, after get- ting hair cut, headache, sleep, &c.) ; Laches., (dys- pepsia, tonsillitis, croup, &c.) ; Merc., (anguish, crusta ladtea, pustular eruptions, sup- puration, otorrhcea, pimples around ulcers, coryza, tooth- ache, ulcers with lardaceous base, excessive sweats, glandu- lar enlargements, salivation, bone pains, &c., &c.) ; Spong., (in croup, suffocation, aggrava- tion from dry, cold winds, glandular swellings, &c.) ; Nitric A cid, (ophthal.neonat.,as an antidote to Mercury, &c.); Silicia, (in nervousness, sup- purations, boils, abscesses, bone affections, glandular diseases, unhealthy skin, felons, &c.) ; Iodine, Metals, Kali hyd., Cham., (stools, skin); Rheum. Antidotes: Bell., Cham. Com- plementary to Calend. (in wounds). Worse beginning to move, from running; better from continued moderate motion. Generally betterfrom uncovering; pre-eminently worse from washing. Worse from changes of weather ; from cold air ; from damp, eve- ning air; often better in dry weather; worse from the warmth of the bed, wrapping up, being near the fire. Remission of complaints after noon and before midnight. Periodicity marked; during full moon; every spring, every 7 days ; neuralgia, &c. Compare with; Bellad., (in scar- latina, hydrocephalus, spasms, congestion of the brain, &c.) ; Merc., [Merc, vs a Hahnemann- ian intercurrent when Sulph. ceases to a<St; especially in the treatment of itch; also com- pare in iritis, eruption, abscesses, salivation, dysentery, bone and glandular diseases, &c.) ; Cal- carea, (useful after Sulph. when the pupils grow large ; scrofula, ophthalmia, otorrhcea, foreign bodies in eye, chronic sore throat, aphthae, hydrocephalus, congestions, asthma, diseases of the bones, burning or sweaty feet, flashes of heat, night sweats, eruptions, &c., &c.) ; Lach., (dyspepsia, liver, &c.); Aeon., (dry hot skin, sthenic fever) ; Rhus., (rheumatism, getting wet. &c.); Apis., (brain, urticaria, dropsy) ; Puls.; Met- als; Lycop.-, Silicea ; Sepia., Psorin. Antidotes: Puls., Cinchon., Rhus., Merc., Sep. Comple- mentary to Aloes ; Calc. c. Comparative Materia Medica. 149 AILANTHUS. MIND, SENSORIUM. ARUM TRIPH. Low-spirited, depressed. Delirium continuous, low mutter- ing ; insensibility. Cannot concentrate the mind. Dizziness with great confusion of mind; apopleCtic fullness; drowsy as if intoxicated. Irritability, (I). Delirium with tossing about; pick- ing at the dry lips or at one spot; boring in the nose. Forgetful. Dizziness with fullness of the head and absent-mindedness; not so stupid as Ailanth.; sleepy. HEAD. Headache with dull, heavy sen- sation, disinclination to think ; confusion of ideas and drowsi- ness ; heat and redness of the face. Headache with dull, heavy sen- sation, sometimes with absence of thought but with restless sleep; more shooting pains as in catarrh. Letters look blurred, dance up and down ; vertigo. Eyes suffused ; startled look when aroused; pupils dilated. Smarting, burning in the eyes ; pus-like discharge. EYES. Dimness as from a veil before the eyes ; not relieved by specta- cles. Eyes cloudy, heavy, sleepy; lids (especially the lower) heavy. Smarting lachrymation, swelling of the margins of the lids. NOSE, MOUTH, THROAT. Both remedies attack the mucous membrane of nose, mouth and throat; but they differ in intensity. Here, too it will be found that Arum causes more excoriation, more irritation; Ailanthus offers more symptoms of a typhoid state, (see Teeth, Tongue). Discharge from the nose, copious, thin, ichorous ; blood and pus. Lips cracked ; blisters or ragged little ulcers near the corners of the mouth. Teeth covered with a brown sordes. Discharge makes the nostrils and tipper lip raw and sore ; boring in the nose. Lips swollen, corners of the mouth sore, raw, cracked and bleeding. Inner mouth sore, desire to wet it, but the child refuses to drink, cries when it is offered. (i). Irritability corresponds to the acrid Arum; low-spiritedness to the more toxical, stupefying Ailanthits. It is a distinction running through the whole pathogeneses that irritation predominates in Arum; torpor in Ailanthus. The lines between these remedies ought to be sharply drawn; for they meet in the severest forms of scarlatina and kindred diseases. A mistake here might prove fatal. 150 Comparative Materia Medica. AILASTHUS. NOSE, MOUTH, THROAT. ARUM TRIPH. Tongue dry, red, cracked ; moist, white with livid tip and edges ; white with a brown centre. Throat feels as after an astring- ent ; feels sore on inhaling cold air; feeling of fullness above the sternum ; tender and sore on swallowing, pains extend into the ears; throat livid, swollen, tonsils studded with deep angry ulcers, fetid oozing; neck swol- len ; glands enlarged and ten- der. Tongue cracked, burning, raw spots ; tongue red ; the papilla being raised ; child will not open the mouth. Throat feels as if constricted with sneezing; sensation of some- thing hot during inspiration ; swelling over the larynx ; swal- lowing and chewing almost im- possible, mouth and throat are so sore ; throat burning, raw ; uvula dry : putrid throat more burning than in Ailanthus ; neck swollen, glands swollen. STOMACH, ABDOMEN. Great thirst; or drinking only while eating. Food is repulsive ; stomach inac- tive ; great hunger during the chill; goneness in the stomach. Sleepiness, fullness of the head after wine. Sudden violent vomiting, on sit- ting up. Emptiness in the stomach; stom- ach inactive does not contra fl. Pain like a stricture under the short ribs ; tenderness over the hepatic region. Simply moistens the mouth or re- fuses water ; mouth sore. Loss of appetite ; squalmish feel- ing; burning heat in pharynx, oesophagus and stomach. Headache, heat in the head after coffee. Feels sick, qualmish, burning heat in stomach. Cramps in the stomach, too great irritability of the stomach. Pain in the liver from front to back; pain under the left short ribs. RECTUM, STOOL. Frequent painful stool, much bloody mucus; dysentery; tym- panitis. Loose, watery stools, expelled with great force ; weakness and burning in the bowels. Soft stool with much severe ten- esmus ; loud rolling in the ab- domen. Loose watery stools, yellow-brown, burning at the anus. URINE. Both have scanty or suppressed urine, (scarlatina), (2). Ailanthus, true to its typhoid, torpid state, has urine passed unconsciously. (2). When in a scarlatina case after Arum the urine escapes abund- antly, the patient is surely improving. Comparative Materia Medica. 151 AILANTHUS. LARYNX, CHEST. ARUM TRI PH. Arum has more adlion on on the bronchi and lungs. Voice hoarse, fails sometimes. Dry, hacking cough, sticky ex- pectoration ; oppression in the region of the bronchi; cannot expand the chest; feels as if the air cells were stuck together. I urgs sore, tender; burning in the chest. Pulse rapid, cannot be counted. the larynx; Ailanthus more Voice uncertain, (singers, &c.), cannot be controlled. Dry, distressing cough ; constant pain in the larynx; phlegm collects in the trachea, causing difficult breathing ; larynx sen- sitive-, voice los'; after N. W. winds. More rawness; burning from chest to stomach. Pulse more frequent; circulation excited. NECK, BACK. Dorsal vertebrae ache, pressing feeling; pain in head, neck, back and numbness under the left scapula ; pain through from left lung. Atlas and dentoid vertebrae pain- ful; headache and stiffness of the neck; pressing between the shoulder blades. LIMBS. Tingling prickling of the left arm ; numbness ; headache. Legs feel numb, tingling, as if asleep. Feet pain, tension when walking. Both hands feel stiff and are swollen. Cramps in the (r) leg, worse on awaking. Feet sting, sore ; hurt when walk- ing. SLEEP. Drowsy or very restless with de- lirium ; soon pass into insensi- bility. Sleepless, nervous, from itching of the skin, from sore mouth ; drowsy but no stupor. FEVER. Chilly, with hunger and sense of emptiness. Dry hot skin, morning until noon (lungs); flushes of heat after the chill. Typhoid type of fever; vomiting on sitting up; rapid, small pulse ; face red and hot; great anxiety, restlessness: later drowsy, unconscious, muttering delirium ; sordes on the teeth ; tongue dry, livid or brown down the middle, (see Skin) ; torpor. Repeated chills, yawning, sneez- ing, same hour on 2 days. Dry skin, intense heat with burn- ing face 4 to 7 P. M.; flushes. Typhoid symptoms not so promi- nent; but sometimes, restless, tossing about the bed, desire to escape; unconscious of what he is doing or of what is said to him ; constantly picking at the dry lips until they bleed; boring in the nose or at one spot; urine scanty or suppress- ed ; more excitement than in Ailanthus. 152 Comparative Materia Medica. SKIN. AILANTHUS. ARUM TRIPH. Ailanthus fias very characteristic skin symptoms, which aid in its seleftion in scarlatina, especially in malignant forms. An eruption like miliary rash appears before the chill; it comes in patches. Between these points the skin is dark, almost livid. The rash is dark, livid (scarlatina) from the beginning. After passing the finger over it, the livid color returns slowly. The itching is all but intolera- ble. Sometimes bullae, containing a claret-colored fluid appear; again petechia form. Arum develops an eruption like scarlet-rash. The itching is severe, causing sleepless- ness and restlessness; but there are no evidences of the malignancy of the Ailanth. The skin peels off in large patches, so characteristic of scarlatina. Sometimes this occurs two or three times. GENERALTIES Great exhaustion; cannot sit up (scarlatina); tottering gait; can- not stand long; cannot guide the feet. Cold inflames the eyes. Left side mostly. Morning: nervous symptoms worse ; sore-throat; pus from eyes; nausea, diarrhoea; heavi- ness, better. Evening, night: nervousness; neuralgia lying down, Compare with Arnica, (sore lungs) ; Hydroc. Acid. Bryon., Phytolac.; Nitric A cid; Bap- tisia, (scarlatina). Antidotes : Aloes (headache); Nux v.; stimulants. I Great exhaustion (mostly in the last stages of typhus, probably uraemia); right side lame dur- ing dentition. | N. W. wind causes hoarseness. I Right to left, Morning: cramps, heaviness, headache; mouth raw; diar- rhoea ; swollen hands, better. Evening, night: headache; drow- siness ; throat burns more lying down. Compare with Ly copod., Nitric Acid, Amm. c. et in., Silicea (scarlatina, angina); Calad. Nitiic Acid (typhus). Antidotes: butter-milk has been ! successfully used.