jßevised March 15th, 1870. THEODORE METCALF & CO., Manufacturers of Standard Pharmaceutical Preparations, Importers of Chemicals, New Remedies, Proprietary Articles, Etc. 39 Tremont Street, Boston. TIIEODORK METC U.F THESE PRIGES ARE SUBJECT TO MARKET rLUOIUATIONS, AND INCLUDE BOTTLES AND POTS. SAMUEL M. COLCOKU THOMAS DO LI BE Li. A Discount to the Trade, except on Articles tnarlced JLTef, 1 pint j 5 Pint Bottles j Bottles Per Pint. Per Pint. 4 oz. Bottles FLUID EXTRACTS. 1 Pint Bottles Per Pint. 5 Pint Buttles Per Pint. 4 oz. Boit'ea Per Doz. FLUID EXTRACTS. Per Doz. Each minim represents one grain of the drug, ■with one exception, Cherry Bark.U. 9. P., 1860. These FluidExlracts are sold by measure. SENEKA, §2.50 §2.40 §0.00 SENNA, 1.25 1.15 5.25 SENNA, COMPOUND, 1.50 1.40 C.OO SERPENTARIA, 1.50 1.40 (5.00 SCULLCAP, 1.50 1.40 C.OO SQUILL, 1.25 1.15 5.25 STILLINGIA, 1.25 1.15 5.25 SUMBUL (Musk Root), C.OO 5.00 10.50 UVA URSI, 1.25 1.15 5.25 VALERIAN, 1.50 1.40 C.OO YERATRUM YIRIDE, 2.00 1.00 7.50 YELLOW DOCK, 1.50 1.40 (5.00 ACONITE ROOT, $1.75 SI.GS $G.75 ARNICA ELOWERS, i 1.50 i 1.40 j G.OO AROMATIC POWDER | 3.00 2.00 ! 10.50 BELLADONNA LEAVES, j 1.75 1.G5 G. 75 BELLADONNA ROOT ( 1.75 LGS C.75 BLACKBERRY ROOT, j 1.50 1.40 G.OO BUCHU, 1.50 ; 1.40 G.OO BUCKTHORN BARK (RHAJISUS FRAXGCIA), | 1.20 1.10 5.00 CALENDULA (Marigold Flowers), .. ( 3.00 2.90 10.50 CANNABIS INDICA, ; 1.50 1.40 6.00 CAYENNE ! 1.75 » 1.G5 G. 75 CHERRY BARK, U. S. P. 1860, . . . 1.50 1.40 G.OO CHERRY BARK, U. S. P. 1870, .. .( 1.50 1.40 G.OO CHESTNUT LEAVES, ! 1.50 1.40 j G.OO CHIRETTA, ' 2.50 ! 2.40 9.00 CINCHONA, CALISAYA, 8.50 3.40 12.00 CINCHONA, RED 8.50 3.40 12.00 CINCHONA, AROMATIC, 3.50 3.40 12.00 CINCHONA, COMPOUND, j 3.00 2.90 I 10.50 COCA LEAVES ! 5.00 ; 4.90 16.50 COHOSH, BLACK, j 1.25 1.15 5.25 COLUMBO I 1.25 1.15 ( 5.25 CONIUM LEAVES, ! 1.75 1 1.G5 G. 75 COTTON ROOT BARK, 1.75 1.G5 G. 75 CUBEBS I 1.50 1.40 G.OO DAMIANA, 3.00 2.90 I 10.50 DANDELION, 1.50 1.40 G.OO ERGOT 3.50 340 1 12.00 EUCALYPTUS, 2.50 2.40 I 9.00 GELSEMIUM, 1.50 1.40 G.OO GENTIAN, 1.25 1.15 6.25 GENTIAN, COMPOUND, 1.50 1.40 G.OO GINGER 1.50 1.40 G.OO GOLDENSEAL, 1.25 1.15 5.25 GRINDELIA ROBUSTA, 3 00 2 90 10.50 GUARANA (Piiullinia), 9.00 8.90 28.00 HYOSCYAMUS, 1.50 1.40 G.OO IPECAC, 4.00 3.90 13.50 JALAP 2.50 2.40 9.00 LICORICE, 1.00 .90 4.50 LUPULIN 2.25 2.15 8.25 MANDRAKE, . 1.25 1.15 5.25 MATICO, 1 2.00 1.90 7.50 OAK BARK 1.00 .90 4.50 OPIUM, AQUEOUS 3.00 2.90 10.50 ORANGE PEEL, BITTER, 1.25 1.15 5.25 PAREIRA BRAVA, 2.00 1.90 7.50 PINKROOT, 1.75 1.65 6.75 PINKROOT AND SENNA, 1.75 1.G5 6.75 PUMPKIN SEED, . 3.00 2.90 10.50 QUASSIA, 1.00 .90 4.50 RHAMNUSFRANGULAJcd bdcktbora bark. RHATANY, 1.50 1.40 6.00 RHUBARB 3.50 3.40 12.00 RHUBARB, AROMATIC, 2.75 2.65 9.75 RHUBARB AND SENNA, 2.50 2.40 9.00 RICINUS COMMUNIS, 2.50 2.40 9.00 SARSAPARILLA, 2.00 1.90 7.50 SARSAPARILLA COMP., 2.00 1.90 7.50 SAVINE, 1.50 1.40 6.00 ELIXIRS. 1 Tint Bottles Per Doz. 5 Pint Bottles Each. LAXATIVE, or BUCKTHORN BARK (Rhamnus ! Frangula), see page 4, | $10.50 $3.75 in 4 oz. bottles, with directions for I use, perdoz., [ 4.00 ELIXIR CALISAYA BARK, 9.00 3.25 “ “ “ \h pt. bot. pr. doz., I 12.00 FERRATED ELIXIR BARK, 1 10.50 3.75 ELIXIR BARK, IRON AND BISMUTH. . . . 10.50 3.75 “ “ « STRYCHNIA, . ! 10.50 3.75 CITRATE LITHIA, ■ 20.00 7.50 GENTIAN, : 8.00 3.00 GUARANA, 24.00 9.50 4 oz. vials, per doz., ... 8.00 PEPSTNE, j 18.00 7.00 PYROPHOSPHATE IRON, 10.00 3.50 PHOSPHATES OF IRON, QUINIA, AND STRYCHNIA 22 00 9.00 SIMPLE, UNCOLORED, G. 50 2.25 “ COLORED, G. 50 2.25 TARAXACUM, COMP., 9.00 3.25 VALERIANATE AMMONIA, .... 12.00 4.50 “ 3 oz. vials per doz., 3.50 “ AMMONIA AND QUI- NIA 24.C0 9.00 “ AMMONIA AND STRYCHNIA, 18.00 7.00 SYRUPS. 1 lb. Bottles Per Doz. 5 pt. or 6t Ib.bots, each. SYRUP BROMIDE IRON, $l/5.00 $7.50 CHLORAL HYDRATE, 12.00 G.OO CITRATE IRON, 10.00 5.00 “ “ AND QUINIA, . . 12.C0 C.OO CODEINE, 10.00 5.00 EERROUS NITRATE, 12.00 G.OO HYPOPHOSPHITE IRON, 10.50 5.00 “ LIME, 10.50 5.00 “ MANGANESE, . 15.00 7.50 “ POTASSA, .. . 10.50 5.00 “ SODA, 10.50 6.00 lIYPOPHOSPHITES LIME AND SODA 10.50 6.00 lIYPOPHOSPHITES LIME, SODA. AND POTASSA, 10.50 5.0 C SYRUPS. 1 lb. 5 pt. or Bottles Per Doz. each. PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. SYRUP HYPOPHOSPHITES LIME, SODA, POTASSA, AND IRON, $10.50 $5.00 lODIDE IRON, U. S. P. 10.00 5.25 “ LIME, . 10.00 5.00 “ MANGANESE, 15.00 7.50 “ IRON AND MANGANESE, 15.00 7.50 LACTATE IRON, 12.00 0.00 LACTO-PHOSPHATE LIME, . . . 15.00 7.50 “ “ IRON, . . . 15.00 7.50 “ “ LIME & IRON, 15.00 7.50 “ “ LIME, IRON, SODA, AND POTASSA, 18.00 9.00 LACTO-PHOSPHATE MANGANESE, 15.00 7.50 LAC fUCARIUM, 18.00 9,00 LIME, 9.00 4.50 PHOSPHATE IRON, 12.00 G.OO “ “ AND MAN- GANESE, 15.00 7.50 PHOSPHATES IRON, QUINIA, AND STRYCHNIA, 20.00 10.50 PHOSPHATE LIME, 12.00 G.OO PHOSPHATES LIME AND IRON, . 12.00 G.OO PHOSPHATES LIME, IRON, SODA, AND POTASSA, “ Chem. Food,” 10.00 5.00 PYROPHOSPHATE IRON, 10.00 5.00 STILLINGIA COMP 10.00 5.00 GLYCERINE PLASMA, lb, $1 50 GLYCEEITE OF CARBOLIC ACID, “ 2.00 GALLIC ACID, “ 2.00 TANNIC ACID, “ 2.00 TAR, “ 2.00 IRON, CITRATE, SOLUTION, U. S. P., . . “ 2.00 FERROCYANIDE, U. S. P., 07. .25 OXALATE, U. S. P., 1870, - .35 SACCHARINE CARBONATE, .... lb. 1 25 AND MANGANESE SACCH. GARB , . “ 3 50 TERSULPHATE, SOLUTION, .... “ .40 AND BISMUTH, CIT. SOLUTION, . . “ - 200 LEAD lODIDE, nz. .50 LICORICE, COMPOUND POWDER, P. G., . lb. 1 00 MERCURY, lODIDE, GREEN, oz 1 45 “ “ FED, •• .50 OXIDE, YELLOW, U. S. P., 1870, “ .00 OINTMENT, BENZOIN ATE D ZINC, .... lb. 1 95 CARBOLIC, U. S. P„ 1870, . . . “ 1.50 CUCUMBER, “ 1.25 MARSHMALLOW, lb. 1 95 NITRATE MERCURY, .... ■' 90 ROSE WATER (Cold Cream), . “ 145 SAVINE (Cerate, U. S. P.), . . “ 1 00 STRAMONIUM, U. S. P., . . . “ 2.00 “ Green (from leaves), “ 95 OIL, PHOSPHORATED, oz. 25 OLEATE MERCURY, 5 per ct., 10 per ct., 20 perct., “ .40 4 oz. vials, each, 1 35 OLEATE MERCURY AND MORPHIA (same as above, with 2 per ct. Morphia), “ ,75 4 oz. vials, each, 2 50 OLEATE MORPHIA, 2 per ct. “ ‘75 4 oz. vials, each, 2 50 OLEORESIN CAPSICUM, “ 125 GINGER, “ 1 75 PAULLINIA (see Guarana). PLASTER, OPIUM, 1 oz. rolls, . ea. ,30 4 lh. rolls, “ 100 BELLADONNA, \ lb. rolls, ... “ .50 RESIN COPAIBA, oz. >75 SOAP, GERMAN (Sapo Yiriclis), ....... lb 50 SOLUTION FERROUS NITRATE (see Syrups). STYPTIC COLLOID, doz. 5.00 SUPPOSITORIES, Plain and Medicated, Va- ginal, Rectal, and Urethral, TINCTURE ACONITE ROOT, lb. 1 10 ANACARDIUM, oz. 95 CACTUS GRANDIFLORA (made from the fresh plant at the place of growth in South America), . “ 75 CALABAR BEAN, lb. 2*oo CALENDULA (Marigold), ... “ 100 CINCHONA, FERRATED, ... “ i’2s DAMIANA lb. I*so GRINDELIA ROBUSTA. .... lb. 150 EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS, . . “ i'oo GUARANA << 200 lODINE COLORLESS, “ 100 IPECAC, COMPOUND. A fluid form of Dover’s Powder, ... “ 2 95 NUX VOMICA, << i'so OPIUM, « 175 OPIUM, DEODORIZED, .... “ b’.OO These Tinctures of Opium are made by assay and adjusted to the strength of four grains Morphia to each fluid ounce. OPIUM, ACETATE D, ,< o PHOSPHORUS, . u V™ “ ETHEREAL, . . « PULSATILLA, . l( . QUASSIA, COMP., < 05 ahTT. sumbul « j-JJ UV’ VERATRUM VIRIDE (Middlesex Medical Society), u 7 TULLY’S POWDER 1 lb. bottles, each, 4.00 2 JU. << 9 d lb. “ « 125 1 oz. “ « ;40 WINES. 1 Pint Bottles Per Doz. 5 Pint Bottles Each. BITTER WINE OF IRON, $13.50 $5.00 WINE OF BEEF, . . 8.00 3.00 “ “ AND IRON, 8.00 3.00 “ ORANGE, 9.00 3.00 PEPSINE (Rennet), 15.00 5.75 WILD CHERRY, 9.00 3.25 “ “ FERRATED, .... 10.00 3.75 ACID LACTIC CONCENTRATED, lb. S6.GO OLEIC • “ 1-50 PHOSPHORIC CONCENTRATED, . . “ 2.00 AMMONIA, CARBONATE, Resublimed, ... “ | 1-00 AMMONIA, CARBAZOTATE (Picratc), ... i oz. .25 ARSENIATE SODIUM, SOLUTION U. S.P., lb. 1.00 BISMUTH, SOLUTION (Liq. Bismuth!), ... “I -65 BLACK DROP (Acetum Opii), “ 5.50 CALCIUM, SULPHIDE, SOLUTION (Vlem- minx’s Solution'), “ I .75 CARBOLIC ACID, SOLUTION, 5 per ct., . . “ .50 CARBOLIC ACID WATER, U. S. P., 1870, . . “ .50 CARBOLIC CERATE, “ 2.00 CHLORINE WATER pt. .75 COLLODION CONTRACTILE, lb. L5O “ “ 1 oz. vials, . cloz. 2.50 “ FLEXIBLE lb. 1.50 “ “ 1 oz. vials, with brush, .... cloz. 2.50 “ CANTU ARID AL, oz. .40 CONFECTION ALMOND, . lb. 2.00 CONFECTION ROSE (U. S. P.), “ 1.10 CACAO BUTTER, PURIFIED (Oil of Thco- broma, U. S. P.), “ -70 DISTILLED WATER (package extra), .. . gall. .25 ESSENCE AMBERGRIS AND MUSK, ... oz. .75 EXTRACT CINCHONA (U. S. P.), “ .65 CONIUM, INSPISSATED, .... lb. 2.50 GUAR AN A oz. 2.00 NUX YOMICA, “ .50 OPIUM, “ 1.75 RHUBARB “ .60 SCULLCAP, lb. 5.00 “ in one oz. pots, ... oz. .50 VALERIAN, lb. 3.75 i lb. pots, 1-00 GUARANA (Paullinia), one oz. bots., cloz. | 7.20 4 oz. bots., “ 27.00 GUTTA PERCHA, SOLUTION, oz. 1 .50 PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. T. METCALF & CO.’S PROPRIETARY ARTICLES COD LIVER OIL, BURNETT’S, Per doz., $7.50 Per gross, Net. 75.00 BAY WATER, Per gallon (Package extra), 4.50 14 Pint Bottles, per doz., 13.50 Pint Bottles, per doz., 9.00 6 oz. “ “ 4.00 CHILBLAIN OINTMENT, Per doz., 4.00 COLOGNE WATER, ! Per gallon (Package extra), 7.00 Hock Bottles, per doz., 21.00 Pint “ “ 13.50 Coz. “ “ 0.00 4 oz. “ “ 4.00 CURRIE POWDER, Per doz., 8.00 EAU HESS (Hair Wash), Per doz., 7.50 ESS. JAMAICA GINGER, Per doz., 3.75 Per gross, 42.00 FRUIT SYRUPS, extra size, per doz. GINGER, 8.00 LEMON, 8.00 SARSAPARILLA, 8.00 ORGEAT 8.00 PINEAPPLE, 8.00 STRAWBERRY, $B.OO VANILLA • 8.00 RASPBERRY, 12.00 RASPBERRY VINEGAR, 12.00 GLYCERINE AND CAMPHOR TABLET, Per doz., 1.75 Per gross, 18.00 HAMLIN’S CHOLERA MIXTURE, Per doz., 4.00 JACKSON’S PECTORAL SYRUP, 8 oz., per doz., 8.00 3 oz. “ 4.00 LAVENDER WATER, Per gallon (Package extra), 7.00 Pint Bottles, per doz., 13.60 G oz. “ “ 6.00 4 oz. “ “ 4.00 OAK TOOTH WASH, Per doz., 7.50 PEACH WATER, Per doz., 6.00 PECTORAL DROPS (Candy), Per doz., ! 2.00 Per gross, 21.00 SALAD OIL, Per doz., j 7.50 TOOTHACHE DROPS, Per doz., 2.00 TOOTH POWDER, “ M. & C 0.,” Per doz., 1.75 “ Parker,” Per doz., I 2.00 TROCHES, CHLORATE POTASSA, Per doz., .... 2.00 TANNIN, Per doz., 2.00 SACHET POWDERS. DAMASK ROSE, YEW MOWY HAY, FRAYGIPAYYI, PATCHOULY, MILLEFLEUR, TEA ROSE, HELIOTROPE, JOCKEY CLUB, STEPHANOTIS, YIOLETTE, YLAYG YLAYG, ESS. BOUQUET, WHITE ROSE, MUSK, WEST END. These Sachet Powders are put up in an attractive style in half-pound Cans at $4.00 per Ita., less 10 per cent discount, and in one-ounce Cans, one dozen in a box, at $3.50 per dozen, net, , SUPPOSITORY MOULDS. I Rectal 30 grain 24 hole, each, $15.00 “ 30 grain 12 hole, “ 10.00 “ 30 grain 6 hole, “ G. 50 “ 15 grain 12 hole, “ 7.50 “ 15 grain 6 hole, “ 3.50 Urethral, 12 hole, “ . 12.00 WHITE METAL. Vaginal, per doz., $2.50 Rectal, “ “ 1-75 GUN-METAL, SIL VEB ELATED, ENG. Vaginal 120 grain 12 hole, each, 15 00 “ 120 grain G hole, “ 10.00 “ 60 grain 12 hole, “ 12.00 PURIFIED CACAO BUTTER (Oil of Theo- -1 broma, U. S. P.), for Suppositories, per lb .70 We have constantly in stoclc lE. If. SQUIBB’S PREPARATIONS. ) ROSENGARTEN & SONS’ CHEMICALS. j Comprising their entire Lists. ENGLISH CHEMICALS FROM T. MORSON & SON. BULLOCK AND CRENSHAW’S SUGAR-COATED PILLS. KEASBEY AND MATTISON’S GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT PREPARATIONS. VALENTINE’S MEAT JUICE. We would call especial attention to the following articles in the within list: FLUID EXTRACT of RHAMNUS FRANGULA and ELIXIR of RHAMNUS FRANGULA or Buckthorn Bark. BURNETT’S PURE COD LIVER OIL. Rhamnus Frangula has long been used in Germany as a gentle lax- ative. It has more recently come into notice in England and in this- country. This oil is prepared from the fresh, healthy liver of the Cod, in the same careful manner and of the same superior quality as when first introduced to the medical profession, thirty years ago. Dr. J. C. B. Williams, Consulting Physician to the Hospital for Con- sumption, at Brompton, England, after au experience of over forty years, during which time he has treated more than 20,000 cases of Consumption, says, “ The great remedy, more essential and more effectual than any other, is COD LIVER OIL ; and I have no hesitation in stating my conviction that this agent has done more for the consumptive than all other means put together ; and so far is this remedy from ‘ having had its day and gone out of fashion,’ that, in my experience, its usefulness and efficacy have gone on increasing in proportion to the greater facilities for obtaining it in a pure state.” MELLIN’S EXTRACT FOR PREPARING LIEBIG’S FOOD. A distinguished Pharmacist of England says: “The greater part of my occupation being sedentary, it has induced a constant constipation, which is extremely hurtful in its effects. Now, though I am extremely opposed to anything like testimonials, I think we must distinguish between testi- monials and testimony, and that I am entitled to bring forward the results- of my own experience with regard to the use of this drug. I thought it would be well to try tbe effect of this very simple remedy, and the result was truly marvellous, though I am afraid of using exaggerated terms. It answered in every respect the purpose intended; it appears to be an invig- orating stimulant to the bowels, and not an irritant. The Elixir of Rhamnus Frangula will be found an excellent laxa- tive for children, on account of its pleasant taste and gentle action, and the small close required. Not Farinaceous. TINCTURE OF OPIUM and DEODORIZED TINCTURE OF OPIUM. By means of this Extract the genuine Liebig’s Food can be pre- pared by mothers or nurses for their infants more easily and speedily than common milk pap. This food is intended for perfectly healthy as well as ailing children, and it is a misfortune that it is often tried as a last resource instead of being given as soon as a mother becomes aware of a deficiency of breast milk. In all cases where a child has been fed entirely with this food, its good results have been marvellous. These Tinctures of Opium are prepared from the best Yerli Opium, they are made by assay and adjusted to the strength of four grains of Morphia in each fluid ounce. The importance of having preparations of Opium of a uniform strength- must be apparent to every careful physician and pharmacist. KENT’S METALLIC NIPPLE SHIELD AND CAOUT- CHOUC TEAT. COMPOUND TINCTURE OF IPECAC. A fluid form of Dover's Powder. Ten minims of this tincture represent one grain of ipecac and one grain of opium; that is, one minim of the tincture represents one grain of Dover’s Powder. It will be found useful by those physicians who carry pocket cases of medicines for immediate use at the bedside. “The only perfect mechanical substitute adapted to all cases of excori- ated and retracted nipples.” Prepared extemporaneously. We have procured the necessary apparatus for preparing Compressed Pills upon prescription. Physi- cians who do not wish to prescribe the Compressed Pills as found in the market ready-made, and Pharmacists who have prescriptions for Compressed Pills not on the lists, can have them compressed as readily as they can be prepared by the old method. COMPRESSED PILLS, BENZOINATED ZINC OINTMENT. Made by the older process of digestion; considered by those physi- cians who are most familiar with its use as superior to that made from the Tincture. CACHETS DE PAIN,” OR WAFERS, for Administering Powders. For preparing Liquor Ammonias Acetatis and for other nice phar- maceutical uses. CARBONATE of AMMONIUM RESUBLIMED. This elegant mode of rendering medicines tasteless has become very popular. We can supply the Wafers, either empty or filled, as may be desired. SUPPOSITORIES. CHLORINE WATER. The great prevalence of Throat diseases has caused a demand for this article, which we are enabled to supply. Plain and Medicated, Rectal, Vaginal, and Urethral. We keep more than fifty kinds ready prepared. We also prepare them extempo- raneously for the Physician or the Pharmacist. For those Pharma- cists who prepare their own Suppositories we have the best English Suppository Moulds, and the best quality Cacao Butter. See page 3. We prepare the Tincture and Fluid Extract of this herb; it has recently been brought to notice as au aphrodisiac. DAMIANA. FLUID EXTRACT OF WILD CHERRY, U. S. P. 1860. Wild Cherry Bark is represented by this Fluid Extract, probably more perfectly than by any other preparation. GRINDELIA ROBUSTA FLUID EXTRACT OF ERGOT. Has been used as a remedy in Asthma, Rose Cold and Hay Fever; also for eruptions caused by Rhus Toxicodendron or Poison Oak. We prepare the Fluid Extract and the Tincture. A reliable preparation. FLUID EXTRACT OF CALENDULA (Marigold Flowers). Used as a local remedy for sprains and bruises and in surgical cases for the prevention of suppuration. Used internally it is slightly stimulant and diaphoretic. This remedy has had remarkable success in the cure of Sick Head- ache; it has "also been used in Rheumatism and in Diarrhoea. We supply the article in powder in one ounce and four ounce bottles. We have also the Elixir, which is a very agreeable form for the administration of this medicine; the Fluid Extract, one minim of which represents one grain of powdered Guarana; the Solid Ex- tract for preparing pills, and the Tincture. GUARANA (Paullinia). FLUID EXTRACT OF CHESTNUT LEAVES. The new remedy for Whooping Cough. Has been used as a Galactagogue. FLUID EXTRACT OF RICINUS COMMUNIS LEAVES We are supplied with all the newer remedies, among which may be mentioned Jaborandi, Boldo, Gurjun Balsam, Oil of Betula (Birch). T. METCALF & CO., IVlantjf acturin Gr Pharmacists, 39 TEEMONT STREET BOSTON.