S. B. Van Diizerj JVkcleMle Braanidt, Importer and Manufacturer, 3d Barclay St. @ 40 Bark Blace, Kew= York. 114 S.-116 Southampton Boiv, 37 Boulevard Jlanssmann, London. Baris, S. S.Van Duzer, 35 Barclay Street, 40 Park Place, NEW-YORK. 114 & 116 Southampton Row, 37 Boulevard Haussmann, LONDON. PARIS. Importer and Jobber of DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dyes, Etc. Etc Essential Oils, Sponges, Fancy Goods, Druggists’ Sundries, Perfumery, etc., etc. DRUGGISTS’ GLASSWARE. MANUFACTURER OF Pharmaceutical Preparations. Patent Medicintyc. Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Oils, White Lead, Zinc, And Painters’ Materials, All of my own manufacture, bearing my name AND TRADE-MARKS. CONTENTS. Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals 3 to 20 Dye Woods 21 Pressed Barks, Herbs and Roots 22 “ 23 Fluid Extracts 24 “ 26 Pills, Gelatine and Sugar Coated. See Note, Page 26 Solid Extracts 26 Tinctures, Officinal 27 “ 28 Syrups, “ 28 Spirits, “ 29 Wines, “ 29 Wines and Liquors..., 31 Corks 30 Sponges and Chamois 32 Sundries 33 “ 34 Essences 35 Proprietary and Patent Medicines 38 “ 47 Page. “ SPECIAL TIE SI Of our own Manufacture. Standard Articles. S. R. Van Duzer & Go’s Fruit Flavoring Extracts 50 to 51 “ “ “ Concentrated Ess. Jamaica Ginger.s6 “57 “ “ “ Special Safety Friction Matches..67 “ “ “ Selected Pure Gd. Spices, .in Cans, 60 “ 61 “ “ “ Perfection Baking Powder “ 62 “ 63 “ “ “ “ Saleratus Papers, 69 “ “ “ Imported Super. Carb. Soda. “ ..69 “ “ “ “ Bay Rum 64 “ 65 “ “ “ Perfection Cologne 65 “ “ “ Liquid Laundry Blue 69 “ “ “ Dry Laundry Blue 69 “ “ “ Seidlitz Powders 66 “ “ “ Medicinal Cod Liver Oil 70 “ “ “ Sewing Machine On 69 “Lupin’s” Flavoring Extracts 52 “ 53 “Roland’s” “ “ 54 “ 55 “ Essence Jamaica Ginger 58 “ 59 “ Benzine, “Windsor” 70 “ Insect Powder 70 Mrs. S. A. Allen’s World’s Hair Restorer 48 “ “ Zylo Balsamum 48 S. R. Van Duzer, Sole Agent for the following: Callesto Francesconi & Co’s Olive Oil 70 Silver Lustre Stove Polish 63 “ Royal ” Brand English Blacking 68 Floral Bell, or Liquid Dentifrice 37 & 65 Bridal Boquet Bloom, for Beautifying Complexion 36 & 65 PAINTS AND COLORS. “Horse Head” White Lead 74 “Gold Seal” “ “ 74 “Equity” P. & L. Zinc 74 “Gold Seal” French “ 74 Green “ “ “ 74 Red “ “ “ 74 S. R. V. D’s Colors, “Genuine,” “Royal,” “Crown,” in Oil.75 &76 “ “ “ “ “ Dry.77 Brushes, (Painters’) J 80 “ 81 Varnishes 78 Cottage, Ready Mixed Paints 79 Colors and Sundries, Imported and Domestic 82 “ 85 Window Glass, French and American 86 Office of S.ft. Van fhizer, To the Trade : New- York, April, 1880. j TAKE pleasure in presenting you, herewith, my Catalogue with prices of to-day. It is not offered as a full list. My stock embraces every article in the Drug and other Departments enumerated in this Cata- logue. The prices (subject to changes in market values) are net, except where discounts are noted. All inquiries by mail will receive prompt attention, and special quotations given for large quantities and goods in original packages. Department of Specialties. The extensive line of articles offered in this Depart- ment are all of my own manufacture, bearing my own name and exclusive trade-marks. These articles have for many years had a very large sale with the best and largest houses in the trade. No similar goods of either foreign or domestic manufacture surpass them in quality, and the prices are fixed to meet the closest buyers. Department of Paints, Go tors, &c. Stock full and complete, each article bearing my own name and exclusive trade-marks. The same high standard qualities will be maintained. Genuine, Royal and Crown brands of Colors, dry and ground in Dire Linseed Oil. White Lead, Zinc, Varnishes, Brushes, Nc., all at lowest manufacturers' prices. Special quotations, and inquiries by mail promptly answered. Yours, very respectfully, S. Van Dnzer, jy Barclay Street and 40 Park Place, New - York. S. R. VAN DUZER, MARKET PRICE LIST. DRUGS New-York, April, 1880 Terms Net Cash, payable within 30 days, in current funds in New-York, subject to draft if not paid at the expiration of that time. Prices subject to future changes in market. We give in column two prices ; generally the difference only covers the increased cost of putting up small quantities. Original packages always at the lowest prices. Acid, Acetic, No. 8 lb. $ .12 $ .ic “ “ U. S. P lb. .16 .18 “ “ Glacial, 1 lb. bots lb. .55 .60 “ Arsenious. Ghent, pure oz. .10 .12 “ Benzoic, English oz. .40 .45 “ “ German oz. .22 .25 “ Carbolic Crystals, Calvert’s No. 1, 1 lb. bots lb. 1.90 2.00 “ “ 2, 1 lb. “ lb. 1.30 1.40 “ Commercial, 1 lb. bots. . .lb. .60 .6? S. R. V. D.,x lb. bots lb. .45 .50 1 oz. “ oz. .06 .08 “ Carbolic Solution, Calvert’s No. 4, I lb. bots lb. .60 .65 S. R. V. D., 1 lb. bots doz. 3.50 .... 1 lb. “ gross. 36.00 .... Crude, 10% bbls gall. .40 .50 “ 75% bbls .... gall. 1.10 1.35 * “ Chromic, 1 oz. bots oz. .20 .25 “ Citric lb. .80 .85 “ Fluoric, 1 lb. bots lb. 2.00 2.25 “ Gallic, 1 lb. boxes Ib. 1.85 1.90 “ “ 1 oz. bots oz. .18 .20 “ Hydrobromic, Cone., 1 lb. bots lb. 2.00 2.25 “ Lactic, Cone., 1 oz. bots oz. .26 .30 “ “ Dilute U. S. P., i oz. bots oz. .11 .12 “ Muriatic, 180, 6 lb. bots lb. .04 .06 “ “ 180, by carboy, 120 lbs lb. .... “ “ Chem. pure, 6 lb. bots lb. .25 .28 “ “ Medicinal, 6 lb. “ lb. .06 .08 “ Nitric, 38°, 7 lb. bots lb. .11 .13 “ “ 38°, by carboy, 120 lbs lb. .09 .... “ “ Chem. pure, 7 lb. bots lb. .25 .27 “ “ Medicinal, 7 lb. “ lb. .12 .14 “ Nitro-Muriatic, 1 lb. bots lb. .50 .55 “ Oleic, crude, 1 lb. jars lb. .40 .45 “ “ purified,! lb. bots lb. 1.00 1.10 “ Oxalic.... lb. .12 .15 “ Phosphoric, Diluted, 1 lb. bots lb. .22 .25 Made from Phosphorus, 1 lb. bots. .lb. .30 .35 “ Phosphoric, Glacial, 1 lb. bots .. lb. .95 1.00 “ 1 oz. “ oz. .09 .10 “ Picric, I lb. cans lb. .60 .65 “ Prussic, U. S. P., 1 oz. bots oz. .07 .09 “ “ Scheele’s, 1 oz. bots oz. .30 .35 “ Pyrogallic, 1 oz. bots oz. .40 .45 “ Pyroligneous, crude gall. .25 .30 “ Salicylic, White, 1 lb. bots lb. 2.00 2.25 “ “ 1 oz. “ oz. .18 .20 “ Sulphuric Aromatic (Elixir Vitriol) lb. .50 .55 “ 66°, in 9 Ib. bots lb. .04 .05 “ 66°, by carboy, 160 lbs lb. . ... “ Chem. pure, 9 lb. bots lb. .25 .28 “ Tannic, 1 lb. boxes lb. 2.00 2.10 “ 1 oz. bots oz. .15 .18 “ Tartaric Crystals Ib. .56 .58 “ Powdered lb. .58 .62 4 Aconitia, X oz. bots . X oz. $2.10 $2.20 Alcohol, Absolute gall. 400 4.25 “ 95% gall- 2.20 2.25 “ “ by bbl gall. 2.10 .... “ Deodorized (Cologne Spirits) gall. 2.40 2.50 “ Wood gall. 1.40 1.50 “ “ by bbl gall- 1.30 . ... Allspice lb. .16 .18 “ Powdered lb. .22 .25 “ “ in cans, S.R.V.D.&Co’s (see page 61). Almonds, Bitter, shelled lb. .42 .45 “ Sweet, “ • lb. .38 .40 Alum, Ammonio-Ferric, 1 lb. bots lb. .50 .55 “ “ “ 1 oz. “ oz. .06 .08 “ Dried lb. .20 .25 “ “ Powdered.. lb. .25 .30 “ Ground..., lb. .04 .05 “ “ by bbl lb. .02]/2 .... “ Lump ib. .04 .05 “ “ by bbl lb. . 02X .... “ Powdered lb. .08 .10 “ “ by bbl lb. . 06]/2 .... Ammonia, Spirits of, 1 lb. bots . . lb. .40 .45 “ “ Aromatic, 1 lb. bots... .In. .45 .50 “ Water of, FFF, i6)4° lb. .07 .09 “ FFFF, 20° lb. .10 .12 “ “ Cone., U. S. P., 26°, 1 lb. bots lb. .13 .15 Ammonium, Benzoate, 1 oz. bots oz. .50 .55 “ Bromide, 1 lb. “ lb. ,52 .55 “ Carbonate lb. .20 .22 “ “ in jars, 20 lbs lb. .19 .... “ Muriate lb. .14 .16 “ “ Granulated lb. .18 .20 “ “ Powdered lb. .22 .25 “ Sulphate, crude lb. .07 .10 “ Valerianate, crystals, 1 oz. bots. .oz. .38 .40 Amyl, Nitrite 1 oz. bots oz. .35 .4(4 Aniline, Black (Aniline Salts) lb. .60 .65 “ “ Crystals lb. 3.00 3-25 “ Blue lb. 3.00 6.00 “ Brown lb. 2.00 2.50 “ Green Paste lb. 3.00 5.00 “ “ Crystals, extra lb. 8.00 9.00 “ Orange lb. 2.00 2.25 “ Purple lb. 4.00 8.00 “ Pink lb. 8.00 12.00 “ Red lb. 1.00 1.25 “ “ Small Crystals, Extra lb. 2.50 2.75 “ Scarlet . ,Ib. 2.00 2.25 “ Violet lb. 5-oo 7.00 “ Yellow lb. 5-00 6.00 Aniline Dye Colors, Proprietary (see page 40). Annatto lb. .35 .38 “ by basket, 40 lbs lb. .30 ... Anodyne, Hoffman’s, 1 lb. bots lb. .45 .50 Antimony, Black lb. .09 .11 “ “ Powd., pure. .. lb. .12 .15 “ Chloride, crystals lb. 2.00 2.25 “ “ Solut. (But. of), 1 lb.bots.lb. .25 .28 “ Metallic (Regulus) lb. .18 .20 “ Oxide, White lb. .60 .65 “ Oxysulph.(Kerme’s Min.), 1 lb. bots.lb. 1.25 1.35 Aqua Fortis, 36° lb. .10 .12 “ “ 36°, by carboy, 120 lbs lb. -07)4 ■■■■ Argols, Red lb. .10 .12 “ “ Powdered lb. .12 .15 “ White lb. .30 .35 Arrowroot, American lb. .08 .10 “ Bermuda lb. .45 .50 “ Jamaica lb. .25 .30 “ “ by tin, 14 lbs lb. .20 .... “ St. Vincent lb. .18 ,20 “ “ by tin, 28 lbs lb. .15 .... “ Taylor’s, X foil lb. .34 .38 “ “ X lb- “by box, 12 lbs. lb. .33 .... “ “ lb. “ lb. .34 .38 5 Arrowroot, Taylor’s, lb. foil, by box, 12 lbs .lb. $ .33 ... “ 1 lb. tin cans lb. .33 $ .37 Arsenic, lodide, 1 oz. bots oz. ,6b .70 “ White Lump lb. .15 .18 “ Powdered, pure lb. .22 .25 “ “ commercial lb. .06 .08 Atropia, oz. bots oz. 1.60 1.65 “ Sulphate, oz. bots. . . oz. 1.50 1.55 Balsam Copaiva, Angostura ,Ib. .75 .80 “ “ Para lb. .75 ..80 “ Solidifiable lb. .85 .90 “ Solidified, 1 lb. jars lb. .95 1.00 “ Fir, Canada gall. 1.63 1.80 “ “ “ lb. .35 .40 “ Peru, true lb. 3.23 3.30 “ Tolu, “ lb. .75 .85 “ Turlington’s lb. .75 .85 Bark, Angostura lb. .50 .60 “ Barberry lb. .22 .25 “ Bayberry lb. .08 .10 “ Powdered lb. .15 .18 “ Butternut ! lb. .18 .20 “ Canella Alba lb. .12 .15 “ Cascarilla lb. .12 .15 “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 “ Cassia lb. .23 .25 “ Powdered lb. .32 .35 “ “ in cans,S.R.V.D.& Co’s(see page 61). “ “ Extra lb. .38 .42 “ “ “ Powdered ]h. .48 .52 “ Cinnamon, Ceylon lb. 1.10 1.20 “ “ Powdered lb. 1.25 1.35 “ Cramp lb. .25 .28 “ Elm, Select lb. .15 .18 “ “ Ground lb. .12 .15 “ }{. lb. and lb. papers... lb. .18 .20 “ “ “ 2 oz. papers lb. .20 .22 “ “ Powdered lb. .20 .22 “ 2 oz. papers lb. .23 .30 “ “ “ I oz. “ lb. .30 .35 “ Hemlock, Ground lb. .12 .15 “ Powdered lb. .16 .18 “ Mezereon lb. .20 .25 “ Oak, Black (Quercitron) lb. .06 .08 “ “ White, Ground lb. .15 .18 “ Peruvian, Calisaya lb. 2.00 2.10 “ “ “ Powdered lb. 2.15 2.25 Pale lb. .75 .90 “ Powdered lb. .90 1.05 Red lb. 2.25 2.35 “ “ Powdered lb. 2.40 2.50 “ Rubingosa lb. .50 .60 “ Powdered., ,Ib. .60 .70 “ Yellow ...lb. .18 .20 “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Poplar lb. .12 .15 “ Ground lb. .15 .18 “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 “ Prickly Ash lb. .18 .20 “ Ground lb. .22 .25 “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Rhamnus Frangula lb. .15 .18 “ Sassafras lb. .10 .12 “ “ Powdered lb. .18 .25 “ Soap Tree (Quillaya) lb. .18 .20 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Tamarac lb. .25 .28 “ Wahoo lb. .23 .30 “ White Ash lb. .22 .25 “ Wild Cherry, Extra lb. .12 .15 “ “ “ “ Ground lb. .15 .18 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 Barley, Pearl lb. .03 .07 “ by keg, 100 lbs lb. .04 .... Barium, Chloride (Muriate) lb. .15 .18 Baryta, Caustic, Anhydrous, 1 lb. bots lb. 3.00 3.10 6 Bath Brick, English, in bbls per too. $3.00 ... “ “ “ in boxes, 2 doz box. .75 .... “ “ Dust, in papers, boxes, 2 doz. .. .box. 1.50 .... Bay Rum, pure imported gall. 2.50 $2.75 “ “ “ “ in bots. S.R.V.D.& Co’s (see page 65). Beans, Tonca, Angostura ....lb. 1.90 2.00 “ Vanilla, Prime Mexican lb 18.00 19.00 “ “ Good lb. 17.00 18.00 “ Ordinary “ lb. 14.00 15.00 Benzole, Pure, 1 lb. bots. lb. 1.00 1.10 Berries, Cocculus Indicus (Fish Berries) ib. .10 .12 “ Cubeb lb. .20 .22 “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .27 “ Juniper, Italian lb. .06 .08 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .15 .18 “ Prickly Ash lb. .22 .25 “ Sumac lb. .13 .16 Bismuth, Citrate and Ammonia Sol’n, 1 lb. bots. lb. .40 .45 “ Oxychloride, I lb. bots ~.lb. 2.20 2.30 “ Subcarbonate, 1 lb. “ lb. 2.65 2.75 “ Subnitrate, 1 lb. “ lb. 2.15 2.25 “ Tannate, 1 oz. bots. .' oz. .58 .60 Black Drop, I lb. bots lb. 2.00 2.25 Bladders, small doz. .50 .60 “ med doz. .60 .70 “ large doz. .90 1.00 Blatta Orientalis (Remedy for Dropsy) oz. 2.75 3.00 Blue Vitriol (Copper Sulphate) lb. .10 .12 “ “ by bbl lb. .09 .... .“ “ Powdered lb. .27 .30 Borax, Refined lb.. .13 .15 “ by case lb. .12 .... “ “ Powdered lb. .14 .16 Broma, Baker’s lb. .44 .47 “ “ by box, 12 lbs lb. .42 .... Bromine, 1 lb. bots lb. .60 .65 “ 1 oz. “ oz. .06 .08 Buds, Balm of Gilead lb. .38 .40 “ Cassia lb. .42 .46 Caffein, oz. bots oz. 2.50 2.75 Calcium, Bromide, 1 lb. bots lb. 1.25 1.35 “ “ I OZ OZ. .10 .12 “ Chloride, fused, white, 1 lb. bots. . . lb. .55 .60 “ Hypophosphate, 1 lb. bots lb. 2.50 2.60 “ Lactate, 1 oz. bots oz. .25 .28 “ Lacto-phosphate, 1 oz. bots oz. .40 .45 “ Oxalate, 1 oz. bots oz. .25 .30 “ Sulpho-carbolate, 1 oz. bots oz. .18 .20 Camphor, Mono-Bromated, 1 oz. bots oz. .40 .45 Candy, Colt’s-foot rock, 5 lb. boxes...! lb. .25 .30 “ “ “ slb. “ Eng. gen..lb. .50 .60 “ Gum-Drops, 5 lb. boxes lb. .32 .35 “ Rock, Red lb. .17 .20 “ “ “ on strings, 5 lb. boxes....lb. .18 .21 “ “ White lb. .17 .20 “ “ “ on strings, 5 lb. boxes .lb. .18 .21 “ “ Yellow lb. .17 .20 “ “ “ on strings, 5 lb. boxes. . .lb. .18 .21 Cantharides, Russian lb. 1.20 1.25 “ “ Powdered lb. 1.40 1.50 Caramel (Liquor-Coloring) gall. 1.25 1.50 Carbon, Bi-sulphuret, 1 lb. bots lb. .24 .27 Carmine, No. 6. 1 oz. bots oz. .25 .30 “ “40, I “ “ oz. .60 .65 “ “40, ilb. “ lb. 7.50 8.00 Castor, Fiber, Russian lb. 4.25 4.50 Cerate, Cantharides, 1 lb. cans lb. 1.00 .... “ Extract Cantharides, 1 lb. jars lb. 1.25 .... Goulard’s, 1 lb. jars lb. .50 .... “ Resin, 1 lb. jars lb. .50 .... “ “ Comp., 1 lb. jars lb. .50 .... “ Simple, 1 lb. jars lb, .50 .... “ Turner’s, Ilb “ lb. .50 .... “ Zinc, Carb., true, 1 lb. jars lb. .50 .... Cerium, Oxalate, 1 oz oz. .18 .20 Chalk, French Cut lb. .12 .15 7 Chalk, French Powdered lb. $ .06 $ .10 “ “ White, powdered (Talc) lb. .10 .12 Precipitated English lb. .12 .14 “ Prepared in drops lb. .06 .08 “ “ “ “ by boxes, 25 lbs lb. .04 .... “ Red, in fingers 1 lb. .06 .08 “ “ in lumps lb. .05 .07 “ White lb. .02 .03 “ “ by bbl - lb. .ooy .... Charcoal, Animal, Powdered (Ivory Black) .. .lb. .05 .06 “ Ordinary “ lb. .08 .10 “ Willow lb. .15 .18 “ “ in 1 lb. boxes lb. .16 .19 Chinoidine, Purified, 1 oz. rolls oz. .14 .16 Chloral-hydrate, Am., 1 lb. bots lb. 1-75 1.85 “ “ I OZ. “• oz. .16 .18 “ Croton, Am., i oz. bots. oz. 1.15 1.25 “ German, 1 lb. bots lb. 1.65 1.75 “ “ y2 lb. “ lb. 1.80 1.90 “ “ y lb. “ lb. 2.00 2.10 “ “ I oz. “ lb. 3.10 3.20 “ “ Crystals, 1 lb. bots...lb. 1.75 1.85 “ “ “ y lb. “ ...,Ib. 1.90 2.00 “ “ “ % lb. “ ....lb. 2.10 2.20 “ ■ “ “ 1 oz. “ ...lb. 3.25 3.35 “ “ Schering’s, 1 lb. bots.lb. 1.85 1.90 “ “ “ y lb. “ ,Ib. 2.00 2.10 “ “ “ X lb. “ ,Ib. 2.25 2.50 “ “ “ I OZ. “ .lb. 3.25 3.50 “ “ “ Crys., 1 lb.bots .lb. 2.00 2.10 “ “ “ “ y lb. “ ..lb. 2.15 2.25 “ “ “ “ y lb. “ . .lb. 2.35 2.40 “ “ “ “ i oz. “ . ,Ib. 3.40 3-5© Chloroform lb. 1.00 1.05 “ Purified, 1 lb. bots lb. 1.30 1.35 Chocolate, Baker’s Premium, boxes 12, 25 lbs.lb. .34 .36 “ “ German Sweet,6and 12lbs.lb. .22 .24 Cinchona, Alkaloid, Pure, 1 oz. bots oz. .45 .50 “ Muriate, 1 oz. bots oz. 1.00 1.10 “ Sulphate, 1 oz. “ oz. .30 .35 “ Mixture, 3 oz. boxes box. .40 .... Cinchonidia, Pure, Alkaloid, 1 oz. bots oz. 1.50 1.60 “ Sulphate, loz oz. 1.15 1.20 Cincho-Quinine, 1 oz. bots oz. 1.60 1.70 Citron lb. .22 .25 Clay, China lb. .05 .07 “ Pipe lb. .04 .06 “ “ Powdered lb. .10 .12 “ Potter’s lb. .05 .08 Cloves lb. .38 .40 “ Powdered lb. .45 .48 “ In cans, S. R. V. D. & Co’s (see page 61). Cobalt lb. .19 .20 “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 Cochineal, Honduras lb. .90 .95 “ “ Powdered lb. 1.05 1.10 Cocoa, Baker’s, Pure, boxes 12 and 30 lbs .. . .lb. .37 .39 “ Taylor’s Homoe lb. .33 .37 “ Butter lb. .45 .50 Cocoanut, Desiccated, 1 lb. packages lb. .26 .25 “ “ y lb. “ lb. .27 .26 “ “ Assorted “ lb. .26 .25 Codeia, y oz. bots oz. 3.75 4.00 Collodion, 1 lb. bots lb. .90 1.00 “ 1 oz. “ doz. 2.00 2.25 “ Cantharidal, 1 lb. bots lb. 2.75 3.00 “ “ 1 oz. bots doz. 2.75 3-00 Colocynth Apples, select Ib. .50 .55 “ “ Powdered lb. .60 .65 Confection, Rose, 1 lb. jars lb. .40 .... “ Senna, I lb. “ lb. .40 .... Copperas lb. .02 y .03 “ by bbl lb. .01 y .... Corks (see page 30). Cowhage Down, 1 oz. cans oz. .45 .50 Cream Tartar Crystals lb. .38 .39 8 Cream Tartar, Powdered lb. $ .39 $ .41 “ “ “ by box, 50 lbs lb. .38 .... Creosote, Commercial, 1 lb. bots lb. .65 .70 “ “ from Wood, 1 lb. bots.. Ib. 3.00 3.25 Crocus Martis lb. .12 .15 “ Metallorum lb. .35 .40 Cudbear lb. .25 .28 Dextrin lb. .14 .16 Dextro-Quinine, 1 oz. bots oz. 1.50 1.55 Dragon’s Blood 50 .55 “ “ Powdered 65 .75 Earth, Fuller’s lb. .04 .06 “ “ Powdered Ib. .10 .12 Emery Flour lb. .06 .08 “ various sizes, grain lb. .07 .10 Ergot lb. .70 .75 “ Powdered lb. .80 .85 Essences, S. R. V. D. & Co's (see page 35). Ess. Jamaica Ginger, S.R.V.D. & Co’s (see page 57). “ “ “ “ Rolands ” (see page 59). Ether, Acetic, 1 lb. bots lb. .82 .85 “ Chloric, 1 lb. “ lb. .78 .80 “ Sulphuric, 1 lb. bots lb. .62 .65 “ “ Cone., 1 lb. bots lb. .68 .71 “ “ Washed, 1 lb. bots . ,Ib. .65 .68 EXTRACTS, FLAVORING, S. R. V. D. & Co’s Fruit Brand, Standard Quality (see page 51). EXTRACTS, FLAVORING,“Lupin’s” (seepage 53). “ “ “ Roland’s ” (see page 55). EXTRACTS, FLUID, S.R.V.D.& Co’s (see page 24). EXTRACTS, SOLID, S.R.V.D.& Co’s (see page 26). EXTRACTS, PERFUMERY, “ Lautier Fils,” in pint and half pint bottles, glass stoppers. Bouq. de Caroline, Night-Blooming Cereus.lb. 3.00 3.25 Ess. Bouquet, Orange ....lb. 3.00 3-25 Frangipanni, Patchouly lb. 3.00 3-25 Heliotrope, Pond Lily lb. 3.00 3.25 Jasmin, Rose lb. 3.00 3.25 Jockey Club, Rose Geranium lb. 3.00 3-25 Magnolia, Stephanotis lb. 3.00 3-25 Marechale, Tea Rose lb. 3.00 3-25 Mignonette, Tuberose lb. 3.00 3.25 Millefleur, Upper Ten lb. 3.00 3-25 Moss Rose, Violet lb. 3.00 3.25 Musk, West End lb. 3.00 3-2$ Musk Rose, White Rose lb. 3.00 3.25 New-Mown Hay, Ylang Ylang lb. 3-00 3.25 Extract Logwood, bulk boxes, 12, 24, 48 lb. . .lb. .10 .11 “ “ 1 lb. packages, bxs., 24 lb. .lb. .12 .13 “ “ % lb. “ “ 24 lb., lb. .13 .14 “ “ % lb. “ “ 24 lb., lb. .15 .16 “ “ Assort’d “ “ 241b,.1b. .14 .15 Eye Stones doz. .50 .60 Fish Sounds lb. 1.25 1.50 Flour, Rice, bulk lb. .10 .12 “ “ I lb. papers lb. .12 .14 Flowers, Arnica lb. .17 .20 “ “ Powdered lb. .30 .35 “ Borage lb. .70 .75 “ Calendula (Marigold) lb. .50 .60 “ Chamomile, Belgian, new crop ... lb. .33 .38 “ “ German, “ “ .. . .lb. .35 .40 “ “ Roman, “ “ ... .lb. .35 .40 “ Elder lb. .18 .20 “ Koosso, true lb. .65 .75 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .75 .90 “ Lavender lb. .10 .12 “ Poppy, Red lb. .55 .60 “ Rose, Pale lb. .60 .65 “ * Red lb. .75 .85 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .90 1.00 “ Rosemary .lb. .40 .50 “ Saffron, American lb. .55 .60 “ “ Spanish, true, Valencia, .lb. 12.50 13.00 “ Tilia, with leaves lb. .25 .30 “ “ without leaves lb. .60 .65 9 Flowers, Violet lb. $ .70 $ .75 Garlics string. .18 .20 Gelatine, Cooper’s, sheet lb. .90 .95 “ “ sheet, by box, 12 lbs lb. .85 .... “ “ shred lb. .90 .95 “ “ “ by box, 12 lbs lb. .85 .... “ 2 oz. pps lb. .90 .95 “ “ “ 2 oz.pps., by b0x,12 lbs.lb. .85 .... “ Cox’s doz. 1.55 1.65 “ “ gross. 18.50 .. . ; “ French, Pink, sheets lb. 1.10 1.20 “ White, Gold Label lb. .70 .75 “ “ “ Silver “ lb. .60 .65 “ , “ “ C°PPer “ }b. .50 .55 Glue, A .... lb. .14 .16 “ A A . ,Ib. .18 .20 “ AAA lb. .25 .27 “ Cooper’s, A Extra, bbl. or less, 85 lbs. .lb. .32 .35 “ No. 1, Ex., “ “85 lbs..lb. .28 .30 “ 1, “ “ 85 lbs..lb. .24 .26 “ IX, “ “ 100 lbs..lb. .20 .22 “ “ “ “ 100 lbs . lb. .17 .19 “ “ “ “ “ XlO lbs..lb. .16 .18 “ “ “ 130 lbs., lb. .15 .17 “ 1%, “ “ 1351b5..1b. .13 .15 “ “ 2, “ “ 150 lbs., lb. .11 .13 “ 2%, “ “ 165 lbs.,lb. “ “ “ 2%, “ “165 lbs..lb. “ “ “ 2H, “ “165 lbs., lb. Less 5% in quantities by the bbl. “ Frozen lb. .25 .30 Glycerine, S. R. V. D. & Co’s, 1 lb. bots lb. .35 40 “ S. R. V. D. & Co’s, 2 oz. « ....doz. 1.00 “ S. R. V. D. & Co’s, bulk lb. .23 .28 “ S. R. V. I). & Co’s, by can, 50lbs. .lb. .20 Gold, Chloride, 15 gr. bots doz. 5.30 “ Leaf, Extra Deep, packs, 20 books.. . pack. 7.25 7.50 “ “ Pale, “ 20 “ ....pack. 6.50 6.75 “ “ Usual, “ 20 “ ....pack. 6.75 7.00 Goulard’s Extract, 1 lb. bots lb. .20 .25 Grains Paradise lb. .15 .18 Guarana (Paulinia) lb. 1.25 1.35 “ Powdered lb. 1.50 1.60 Gum Aloes, Barbadoes lb. .28 .30 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .38 .40 “ “ Cape lb. .15 .18 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .28 “ “ Socolrine, true lb. -50 .60 “ “ Powdered lb. .65 .73 “ Ammoniac, Mass. lb. .30 .40 Tears lb. .45 .50 “ Powdered lb. .75 .90 “ Arabic, Turkey, extra select lb. .45 .50 “ Ist “ lb. .40 .45 “ 2d “ lb. .35 .40 “ “ 3d “ lb. .30 .35 “ “ 4th “ lb. .25 .30 “ Sifted Sorts lb. .20 .25 “ Powdered, Ist lb. . “ “ “ 2d lb. .40 .45 “ Assafoetida lb. .25 .'>o “ Powdered lb. .45 .50 “ Asphaltum lb. .10 .12 “ Benzoin, Marbled lb. .50 .60 “ “ Powdered lb. .65 .70 “ Camphor, Refined lb. .32 .35 “ “ cakes, case 100 lbs.. .lb. .32 “ Catechu, Black (Cutch) lb. .12 .14 “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Brown (Terra Japon. or Gambier).lb. .07 .09 “ “ by bale, 150 lbs lb. .04% .... “ “ Refined, 1 lb. pack., boxes, 24 lbs. lb. .12 .14 “ Copal lb. .40 .45 “ Damar lb. .35 .40 “ Euphorbium lb. .18 .20 10 Gum Euphorbium, Powdered Ib. $ .35 $ .40 “ Galbanum, “ lb. 1.50 1.60 “ “ Strained.,.. lb. .90 1.00 “ “ Tears ..... i lb. .75 .85 “ Gamboge lb. .70 .75 “ “ Powdered... lb. .90 .95 “ Guaiac lb. .40 .45 “ “ Powdered lb. .50 .60 “ Kino, true lb. .40 .45 “ “ Powdered lb. .50 .55 “ Mastic lb. 1.65 1.75 “ “ Powdered lb. 2.00 2.25 “ Myrrh, Turkey lb. .38 .45 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .45 .55 “ Olibanum lb. .18 .20 “ “ Tears lb. .30 .35 “ “ Powdered lb. .45 .50 “ Opium, Turkey lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ Sandarac lb. .30 .35 “ Scammony, Aleppo lb. 6.00 6.50 “ “ “ Powdered lb. 7.00 7.50 “ Shellac, Bleached lb. .50 .55 “ “ Campbell’s lb. .50 .55 “ “ English, No. I lb. .45 .50 “ “ “ “ 2 lb. .40 .45 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .65 .70 “ Tragacanth, Flake, Aleppo, Natural. .. .lb. .75 .80 “ “ “ White lb. 1.00 1.10 “ “ “ “ Extra lb. 1.20 1.25 “ “ “ “ Ribbons lb. 1.40 1.50 “ “ Sorts ....lb. .30 .35 “ Powdered, Extra lb. 1.40 1.50 Honey, Strained lb. .16 .20 Hops, Loose, Fresh lb. .45 .55 “ Pressed, 1 lb., *4 lb., and % lb. papers.lb. .35 .45 Indigo, Bengal lb. 1.75 1.85 “ Caracas lb. 1.20 1.25 “ Compound (Sulphate) lb. .60 .65 “ Madras lb. 1.00 1.10 “ Manila, Extra lb. 1.10 1.15 “ “ A lb. 1.00 1.05 lodine, Resublimed, 1 lb. bots lb. 6.40 6.50 “ “ 1 oz. “ oz. .44 .47 lodoform, 1 oz. “ oz. .95 1.00 Iron, Carb., Precipitated lb. .19 .22 “ “ Proto. (Vallet’s Mass) lb. .40 .45 “ Chloride, 1 lb. bots lb. .65 .75 “ “ I oz. “ oz. .06 .08 “ “ Solution for tincture, i pt. bots .pt. .22 .25 “ “ Tincture lb. .32 .35 “ Citrate, U. S. P., I lb. bots lb. .91 .96 “ “ “ I oz. “ oz. .08 .10 “ “ and Amm. (soluble), 1 lb. bots..lb. .89 .92 “ “ “ “ “ 1 oz. “ . oz. .08 .10 “ “ “ Quinine, 1 lb. “ ..lb. 9.00 9-So “ “ “ “ 1 oz. “ . .oz. .60 .65 “ “ “ “ with Strych. 1 oz. bots. oz. .70 .75 “ “ “ Strychnine, 1 oz. bots oz. .20 .25 “ Dialysed, true, Solution, 1 lb. bots lb. .90 1.00 “ “ “ “ doz. 7.20 8.00 “ Filings lb. .10 .12 “ lodide, 1 oz. bots oz. .45 .50 “ “ Syrup of, 1 lb. bots lb. .67 .70 “ “ Tasteless, loz “ oz. .70 .75 “ “ “ Syrup of, 1 lb. bots lb. .75 -85 “ Oxide, Black, 1 lb. bots. lb. .40 .45 “ Pyrophosphate, 1 lb. bots lb. .88 .90 “ “ 1 oz. “ oz. .08 .10 “ Quevennes (by Hydrogen), 1 lb. bots.. .lb. 1.10 1.20 “ “ “ I OZ. “ ...OZ. .10 .12 ■ “ Sesquichloride, 1 lb. bots lb. .70 .75 “ “ 1 oz. “ oz. .06 .08 “ “ Solution, 1 lb. bots ...pint. .22 .25 “ Subsulphate, (Monsel’s Powd.) 1 lb. bots.lb. .55 .60 “ “ “ “ 1 oz. “ oz.. .05 .07 Iron, Subsulph. Solution (Monsel’s), I lb.bots. lb. $ .30 $ .33 “ Sulphate, Pure Crystals lb. .06 .08 *“ “ “ Dried, 1 lb. bots lb. .18 .20 “ Sulpho-Carbolate, 1 oz. bots oz. .16 .20 “ Sulphuret lb. .23 .25 “ Tartrate and Ammonia, x lb. bots. lb. .65 .70 “ “ “ “ 1 oz. “ oz. .08 .10 “ “ “ Potassium Plates, 1 lb. bots.lb. .60 .65 “ “ “ “ Powdered,l lb. “ lb. .55 .60 “ Valeriante, % oz., % oz., and I oz. bots oz. .40 .45 Isinglass, American (Fish Glue) lb. 1.85 1.95 “ Brazil, Shred ....lb. 3.00 3.25 “ Russia, true, Beluga lb. 3.30 3.73 JUICES, FRUIT, Pure. Catawba, quart champ, bots doz. B.co .... Pine-apple, “ “ “ doz. 8.00 .... Raspberry, “ “ “ doz. 8.00 .... Strawberry, “ “ “ doz. 8.00 .... Kameela, Powdered, 1 oz. bots oz. .12 .15 Lac Dye, Powdered lb. .35 .40 Lamp Black (see page 84). Lapis Calaminaris lb. .08 .10 Lard, Benzoated lb. .30 .35 “ Prepared lb. .30 .35 Laudanum lb. 1.00 1.10 “ in Bottles (see page 35). Lead, Acetate (Sugar of), Brown lb. .12 .15 “ “ “ White lb. .16 .18 “ “ “ “ Powdered. . .lb. .28 .30 “ Black, Am lb. .04 .06 “ “ E. I lb. .07 .09 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .08 .10 “ “ German lb. .06 .08 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .08 .10 “ Carbonate (White Lead) lb, “ Nitrate lb. .15 .18 “ “ Pure, I lb. bots lb. .50 .60 “ Red lb. Leaves, Aconite, German lb. .15 .20 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Belladonna, German lb. .22 .25 “ “ Powdered lb. .30 .35 “ Buchu, Long lb. .55 .65 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .45 -55 “ “ Short lb. .12 .14 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 “ Cherry Laurel lb. .60 .65 “ Cocoa lb. -5° .60 “ Conium, German lb. .15 .20 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Digitalis, German lb. .15 .20 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Eucalyptus lb. .20 ,25 “ . Hyoscyamus, German lb. .20 .25 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .30 .35 “ Jaborandi lb. .40 .45 “ I.aurel, true (Bay Leaves) lb. .10 .12 “ Matico lb. .38 .40 “ Rosemary lb. .10 .1? “ Sage, American lb. .15 -20 “ “ Italian lb. .10 .12 “ “ Powdered lb. .15 •18 “ “ “ % tins doz. .60 .70 “ Savin lb. .08 .10 “ “ Powdered lb. .18 .25 “ Senna, Alexandria, Natural lb. .18 .20 “ “ “ Sifted lb. .30 .35 “ “ “ “ extra lb. .45 -50 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .30 .40 “ “ E. I lb. .12 .15 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ “ Tinnivelly lb. .18 .25 “ Stramonium lb. .18 .20 “ “ Powdered lb. .23 .30 “ Thyme lb. .18 .20 “ “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 12 Leaves, Thyme, Powdered, Y lb. tins doz. $ .75 $ .85 “ Uva Ursi lb. .10 .12 “ “ Powdered ....lb. .20 .25 Leeches, Swedish per 100 5.50 6.00 Lemon Peel lb. .18 .20 Licorice, Calabria, Corigliano, 16 sticks to lb. .lb. .48 .44 “ “ “ 8 “ “ ..lb. .38 .43 “ “ “ 6 “ “ ~lb. .38 .43 “ “ 4 “ “ -lb. .38 .43 “ “ Guzzolini, 1214 “ “ ..lb. .12 .^7 “ “ “ 8 “ “ ..lb. .33 .38 “ & s-> “ “ ■ -lb- -34 -39 “ P. Di Gerace, 16 “ “ ..lb. .32 .37 “ “ “ “ 8 “ “ ..lb. .32 .37 “ “ “ 6 “ “ ..lb. .32 .37 “ “ “ “ 4 “ “ --lb. .32 .37 “ “ Powdered lb. .45 .50 “ “ Ringed lb. .15 .18 “ “ Sicily, Am lb. .18 .20 “ “ Scudder’s,6,9& 15 sticks tolb.lb. .27 .30 “ “ Mass Ib. .20 .28 Lime, Carbolate, boxes, 10 lbs box. 1.25 .... “ “ “ Ilb doz. 1.50 .... “ Chloride lb. .04 .06 “ 1 lb.bxs,bycase 50 lb. 20%'dis.lb. .09 .10 “ “ Y lb. “ “ 50 “20 “ lb. .10 .11 “ Y lb. “ “ 50 “20 “ lb. .11 .12 “ Assorted boxes, 50 “20 “ lb. .10 .11 “ Sulphite, 1 lb. bots lb. .25 .27 “ 5 oz. cartons doz. 1.35 1.50 Litharge lb. Lozenges, Chloride Potassa, 2gr lb. .50 .... Also, a full line medicated. Lunar Caustic, pure oz. .81 .84 “ “ No. 2,67% oz. 1 .57 .60 Lupulin lb. .45 .55 Lycopodium lb. .50 .55 Lye,concentrated, Pa. Salt Co.,boxes 48 lbs.box. 3.75 4.00 Greenwich, “ 48 lbs.box. .3.75 4.00 Mace lb. .85 .90 “ Ground lb. .95 1.05 “ in cans, S. R. V. D. & Co’s (see page 61). Madder, Dutch lb. .12 .14 Magnesia, Calcined, American, boxes, 12 lbs. .lb. .35 .45 “ “ “ Heavy, 1 lb. bots .lb. 1.50 1.60 “ “ Eng., Jennings’, tins, 12 lbs. lb. .75 .... “ “ • “ “ bots, Ilb .lb. 1.10 x. 15 u Carbonate, Jennings’, 2 oz. papers. .lb. .35 .37 40Z. “ ..lb. .33 .35 “ “ “ small square.lb. .65 .68 “ “ English, 2 oz. papers .lb. .23 .26 “ “ “ 4 oz. “ ..lb. .23 .26 “ “ “ small square.lb. .55 .60 “ Citrate Solution, S. R.V.D.& Co’s.doz. 2.00 .... Magnesium, Metallic, Ribbon oz. 3-75 4-5° “ “ Wire oz. 3.75 4.50 Manganese, Black Oxide, Powdered lb. .06 .08 “ “ “ by bbl ,lh. Manna, Flake, large lb. .80 .90 “ “ small ... lb. .40 .45 Marble Dust, in bbls bbl. 1.25 .... Mercury .' lb. .50 .60 “ Ammoniated (White Precipitate)... ,Ib. .84 .88 “ Bichlqride (Corrosive Sublimate)... .lb. .54 .58 “ Biniodide (Red lodide), I oz. bots. . .oz. .42 .45 “ Bisulphuret (Cinnabar) ,Ib. 1.25 1.30 “ Black Oxide, 1 oz. bots oz. .30 .35 “ Bromide, 1 oz. bots oz. .40 .45 “ Cyanide, 1 oz. “ oz. .40 .45 “ Distilled.... lb. .65 .70 “ Nitrate Crystals, I oz. bots oz. .25 .30 “ “ Solution, I oz. “ oz. .15 .20 “ Oxide, Red (Red Precipitate) lb. .74 .78 “ “ Yellow, German, 1 oz. bots. . .oz. .25 .30 “ Protiodide (Green lodide), 1 oz. bots.oz. .40 .42 “ Sub-chloride (Calomel), Am. 1 lb. bots ,Ib. .64 .68 Mercury, Sub-chloride (Calomel), Eng. i Ib.bots. lb. si. 10 $1.20 • “ Subsulphate (Turpeth Mineral).... lb. 1.10 1.15 “ Sulphuret, Black (Ethiops Mineral), .lb. .78 .83 “ with Chalk, 1 lb. bots lb. .41 .43 “ with Magnesia, 1 lb. bots lb. 1.15 1.25 Morphine, Acetate, ]/2 oz. bots oz. “ Muriate, l/% oz. “ oz. “ Sulphate, P. & W., 1 oz. bots oz. “ “ % oz. bots. ... oz. Moss, Iceland lb. .10 .12 “ Irish lb. .08 .10 Musk, Chinese, 1 oz. tins . . ,oz. .50 .55 “ Tonquin, in pods oz. 9.50 10.00 “ Tonquin, in grain oz. 25.00 26.00 Mustard, English, “ Queen,” 18 lb. kegs lb. .33 .35 “ 10 lb. cans lb. .35 .37 “ 1 lb. “ doz. 5. co 5.75 “ ]/2 lb. “ .. ..doz. 2.75 2.90 “ “ X lb. “ .... doz. 1.50 1.60 “ Colman’s Durham, 18lb. kegs. ,Ib. .31 .33 “ “ “ 4,6, 10lb. cans.lb. .33 .35 “ “ “ y lb. “ doz. 1.15 1.25 “ D. S. F., 1 lb. “ . , .doz. 5-75 6.00 “ “ y2 lb. “.. ..doz. 2.90 3-oo “ “ “ “ X lb. “ doz. 1.60 1.70 Nutgalls lb. .28 .30 “ Ground lb. .30 .32 “ Powdered lb. .35 .38 Nutmegs, No. 1, Selected lb. .90 .95 “ Ground lb. 1.00 1.10 “ in cans, S. R. V. D. & Co’s, (see p. 6x). Nuts, Areca lb. .50 .60 Nux Vomica lb. .10 .12 “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 Oakum lb. .12 .15 Oatmeal, “Ulster,” lb. .05 .06 “ “ by bbl bbl. 7.75 .... “ “ Connaught,” bbl. 7.25 .... “ Watergate Mills,bbl. 200 lbs bbl. 13.50 ... “ “ cases, 10,141b. tins, case 12.50 .... “ Robinson’s I lb. pckgs 30lb. case. .lb. .08 .... Oil Almonds, Bitter, Allen’s, 1 Ib.bots lb. 7.25 7-75 “ Sweet, Allen’s lb. .63 .18 “ “ French lb. .45 .50 “ Amber, Crude lb. .30 .35 “ Rectified lb. .45 .50 “ Aniseed lb. 2.25 2.50 “ Bay Leaves, true lb. .75 .90 “ Bergamot, Finest lb. 3.23 3.30 “ Cade lb. .30 .40 “ Cajeput lb. i.co x.25 “ Camphor lb. 1.50 1.60 “ Camphorated lb. .70 .75 “ Caraway lb. 1.25 1.50 “ “ Seed lb. 2,25 2.50 “ Cassia lb. 1.40 1.50 “ Castor, American, prime white lb. . “ “ “ in cases, prime white. .lb. . ■■■■ “ “ “ Shaded (Lubricating). .lb. -11)4 -12 “ “ S. R. V. D. & Co’s, in bots. (see page 35). “ Cedar, pure lb. .75 .85 “ Cinnamon, true oz. 2.25 2.50 “ Citronella, Native lb. 1.55 1.65 “ “ Winter’s lb. 1.75 1.85 “ Cloves lb. 2.40 2.50 “ Cod Liver, Brown, Bergen gall. 1.00 1.10 “ “ Newfoundland ....gall. .90 X.OO “ “ White, “ ....gall. 1.00 1.10 “ “ “ Norwegian gall. 1.35 1-50 “ S. R. V. D. & Co’s, bots. (see page 70). “ Copaiva lb. 1.30 1.40 “ Cotton Seed gall. .60 .65 “ “ by bbl gall. .56 .... “ Croton, English lb. 1.90 2.00 “ Cubeb lb. 2.35 2.45 “ Cumin lb. 5-fio 6.00 Oil Erigeron lb. $1.65 $1.75 “ Fennel Seed lb. 1.65 1.75 “ Fireweed lb. 1.50 1.75 “ Geranium, Rose, French lb. 16.50 17.50 “ “ “ Turkish lb. 8.50 9.00 “ “ “ “ Best lb. 16.00 16.50 “ Hemlock, pure lb. .65 .75 “ Juniper Berries lb. 2.00 2.25 “ “ Wood lb. .60 .65 “ Lard gall. .70 .75 “ “ by bbl gall. .65 .... “ Lavender, Flowers, French lb. 2.25 2.50 “ “ Garden, French, Pure lb. 1.60 1.75 “ “ “ Fine lb. 1.25 1.35 “ Lemon, Finest. lb. 3.50 3-75 “ “ Grass, Native lb. 1.60 1.70 “ “ “ Winter’s lb. 1.90 2.00 “ Linseed, Boiled gall. .88 .89 “ “ “ by bbl gall. .86 .... “ “ Raw gall. .83 .84 “ “ “ by bbl gall. .81 .... “ Machine, Extra gall. .70 .75 “ by bbl gall. .65 .... “ “ No. 1 gall. .45 .50 “ “ No. 1, by bbl gall. -40 .... “ Musk, Alcoholic oz. .75 1.00 “ Mustard, Essential oz. 1.00 1.25 “ Mustard, Expressed gall. .80 >go “ Myrbane lb. .45 .50 “ Neatsfoot, Extra gall. .85 .90 “ “ “ by bbl gall. .75 .... “ “ Cooper’s gall. 1.05 1.10 “ “ “ by bbl gall. .95 .... “ Neroli, Bigarade oz. 3-5° 3-75 “ “ Petit Grain oz. 1.00 1.25 “ Olive, Pure Malaga gall. 1.20 1.30 “ “ “ In bottles (see page 35). “ “ “ Sublime, Lucca gall- 3.00 3.25 “ “ “ “ “ 3 gall, cans (4 can cases) . . .gall. 2.85 ■• • • “ “ “ Subl.,Luc.,qts.,cases, 1 doz.case. 7.50 .... “ “ “ “ “ pints, “ 2doz.case. 8.50 .... “ “ “ “ “y2 pts, “ 2doz case. 5.00 .... “ “ “ Callisto, Francesconi ■& Co’s., our own importation, packed expressly for us. “ “ Marseilles, qts. boxes, 1 doz... .box. 4.00 .... “ “ “ pts. “ 2 “ ....box. 5.00 .... “ Orange, Bitter lb. 4.50 4.75 “ “ Sweet lb. 3-25 3.50 “ Orignum, Pure lb. .75 .80 “ “ Super lb. .60 .70 “ “ Commercial lb. .40 .50 “ Palm, 5 lb. jars lb. .20 .... “ Paraffine gall. .35 .40 “ “ by bbl gall- -26 .... “ Pennyroyal lb. 1.50 1.60 “ Peppermint lb. 3.00 3.25 “ “ Hotchkiss’,H. G.,b0t5.,21 oz.lb. 3.60 3-75 “ Rhodium oz. .50 .60 “ Rose, Kissanlik oz. 6.50 6.75 “ Rosemary, Flowers, French, Eperle lb. 1.50 1.75 “ “ “ “ No". 1 lb. 1.25 1.50 “ “ Trieste lb. .55 .65 “ Salad, Union Oil Co.’s gall. .60 .65 “ “ “ “ by bbl gall. .56 .... “ Sandal Wood, English lb. 8.00 9.00 “ “ “ German lb. 6.50 7-00 “ Sassafras lb. .50 .55 “ Savin lb. 1.25 1.50 “ Seneka gall. .70 .80 “ Sesame (Benne) gall. 1.30 1.40 “ Spearmint lb. 2.75 3.00 “ Sperm gall. 1.30 1.35 “ “ by bid gall. 1.25 “ “ Ex. Bleached (for Sew’g Mach).gall. 1.50 .. . . Oil, Sewing Machine, in bots., S.R.V.D.& Go’s (see page 69). “ Spike lb. $ .30 $ .35 “ Spruce lb. .40 .35 “ Tanner’s gall. .52 .57 “ “ by bbl gall. .47 .... “ Tansy lb. 3.25 3.50 “ Tar gall. .45 .50 “ Verbena oz. 1.00 125 “ Whale gall. .70 .75 “ “ by bbl gall. .65 .... “ Wintergreen lb. 3-75 400 “ Wormseed lb. 2.00 2.25 “ Wormwood lb. 3.65 3-75 Ointment, Citrine (Nit. Mercury), 1 lb. jars. .lb. .45 .50 “ Mercurial, “ 1 lb. “ ..lb. .50 .53 « “ yz “ 1 lb. “ . .lb. .42 .45 “ Tar 1 lb. jars lb. .40 .... “ Zinc Oxide, 1 lb. jars lb. .60 .... Orange Peel lb. .10 .12 “ “ Ground lb. .12 .15 “ “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 Paraffine, Refined lb. .22 .25 Paregoric lb. .45 -5° “ in bottles (see page 37). Pearlash (Carbonate Potassium) lb. .12 .15 Pepper, Black lb. .16 .18 “ “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 “ “ in cans, S. R.V. D. & Co. (see page 61). “ Red (Capsicum) lb. .20 .25 “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ “ “ in cans, S.R.V.D. & Co. (see page 61). “ White lb. .25 .30 “ “ Powdered lb. .30 .35 “ “ “ in cans, S.R.V.D.&Co.(see page 61). Phosphorus, 1 lb. cans lb. 1.10 “ I OZ. “ lb. .30 .35 Picra, Hiera . lb. .30 .35 Pill, Blue, 1 lb. jars lb. .43 .48 “ “ Powdered, 1 lb. bots lb. .68 .73 Pitch, Burgundy, American,boxes 10 & 20lbs. .lb. .06 .08 “ “ True lb. .xo .12 Plaster,Adh.,Spd., Am.,Davidson’s, 5 yd.rolls.yd. .15 “ “ “ “ Ellis, 5 yd. “ yd. .15 .... “ “ “ “ “ 1 yd. “ doz. 1.75 .... “ “ “ English, 5 yd. “ yd. .16 .... “ “ “ “ 1 yd. “ doz. 2.25 .... Plaster Paris, by bbl bbl. 1.25 “ “ Dentists’, by bbl bbl. 1.50 ■ ••• Poppy Heads, French lb. .40 .45 “ “ German lb. .20 .25 Potash.... lb- *°6 -°7 “ by cask, 400 lbs lb. “ Cone., Babbitt’s, balls, cases, 48 lbs. .case. 3-5° • ••• “ “ “ “ “ 24 lbs. .case. 1.75 .... “ “ “ cans, “ 48 lbs..case. 3.50 .... “ « “ “ “ 24 lbs..case. 1.75 .... Potassa, Caustic, Common, 1 lb. bots lb. .55 .60 “ “ White, 1 lb. “ lb. .60 .65 “ Solution (Liquor Potassse) lb. .17 .20 Potassium, Acetate, 1 lb. bots lb. .34 .38 “ Bicarbonate, 1 lb. bots lb. .24 .25 “ Bichromate lb. .18 .20 “ Bromide, 1 lb. bots lb. .50 .55 “ Chlorate, English lb. .20 .25 “ “ “ Powdered Ib. .25 .30 “ “ French lb. .28 .30 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .35 -4° “ Chromate, pure lb. 1.50 1.60 “ “ Yellow lb. .50 .55 “ Citrate, 1 lb. bots lb. .68 -7° “ Cyanide, Fused lb. .5° -55 “ “ Granular lb. .80 .83 « “ Purified lb. .95 X.OO “ lodide, 1 lb. bots lb. 4.65 4.75 “ Permanganate, Crystals, I lb. bots.lb. .80 .85 “ “ “ 1 oz. “ . .oz. .09 .12 Potassium, Permanganate, Ord. (Cham. Min.), i lb. bots lb. $ .60 $ .65 “ Prussiate, Red lb. .75 .80 Yellpw lb. .30 .32 “ Sulphate, Crystals lb. .12 .15 “ Powdered lb. .15 .18 “ Sulphuret lb. .25 .32 Powder, Aromatic, 1 lb. bots lb. 1.50 1.75 “ Composition, bulk lb. .25 .30 4 oz. papers ,Ib. .35 .40 2 oz. “ lb. .40 .45 1 oz. “ .... lb. .45 .50 “ Dover’s U. S. P lb. 1.30 1.40 “ Insect, true Dalmatian lb. .65 .70 “ “ “ Roland’s, in bots. (see page 70). Quassia Chips lb. .07 .10 “ Powdered lb. .18 .20 Quinia, Bromide, loz oz. 4.50 .... “ Sulphate, French, 1 oz. bots oz. 3.30 “ “ Hospital, 1 oz. “ cz. 2.315 “ P. & W., oz. “ oz. 3.75 .... “ P. & W., 1 oz. “ oz. 3.35 .... “ “ P. & W., 5 and 10 oz. cans.oz. 3.30 ... “ Valerianate, oz oz. 5.50 .... Quinidia, Pure, 1 oz. bots oz. 2.25 2.35 “ Sulphate, loz “ oz. 1.75 1.85 Resin, White lb. .06 .08 “ “ by bbl bbl. 4.50 6.00 “ Yellow lb. .03 .04 “ “ by bbl bbl. 2.25 2.50 “ “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 Root, Aconite, English lb. .65 .70 “ “ German lb. .15 .18 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Althea (Marsh-Mallow) lb. .20 .25 “ “ Cut lb. .22 .27 “ “ Powdered ... .lb. .30 .35 “ Alkanet lb. .14 .18 “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .28 “ Blood lb. .12 .15 “ “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 “ Burdock lb. .18 .20 “ Calamus, Peeled lb. .15 .18 “ “ White, Peeled and Split lb. .35 .38 “ “ Powdered lb. .30 .35 “ Cohosh, Black lb. .12 .15 “ Colchicum, English lb. .40 .45 . “ “ German lb. .15 .18 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Colombo lb. .15 .18 “ “ Ground lb. .18 .20 “ “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 “ Coltsfoot lb. .50 .60 “ Comfrey lb. .18 .20 “ “ Ground lb. .22 .25 “ Culver’s (Black Root) lb. .18 .20 “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Curcuma lb. .10 .12 “ “ Ground lb. .12 .15 “ Dandelion lb. .12 .15 “ “ Cut lb. .15 .20 “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Elecampane lb. ,10 .12 “ “ Ground lb. .12 .15 “ “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 “ Galangal lb. .12 .15 “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Gentian lb. .08 .10 “ “ Cut lb. .10 .12 “ “ Ground... lb. .10 .12 “ “ Powdered lb. .15 .18 “ Ginger, African lb. .08 .10 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .12 .15 “ “ “ in cans, S.R.V.D.&Co’s (see page 61). “ “ Jamaica, Bleached lb. .24 .26 “ “ “ “ Ground lb. ,27 .30 17 Root, Ginger, Jamaica, Unbleached .lb. $ .22 $ .24 “ Ginseng lb. 1.25 1.35 “ “ Powdered lb. 1.40 1.50 “ Golden Seal lb. .15 .18 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .22 .25 “ Hellebore, Black lb. .18 .20 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .28 “ “ White lb. .15 .18 “ “ “ Powdered.... lb. .18 .20 “ Indian Hemp, Black lb. .25 .30 “ “ “ White lb. .25 .30 “ Ipecac, Rio lb. 1.45 1.50 “ “ “ Powdered lb. 1.60 1.70 “ JalaP •••lb. .30 .35 “ “ Powdered lb. .40 .45 “ Licorice, bundles, 10 lbs., Extra lb. .12 .15 “ “ “ 10 lbs., No. 1 lb. .10 .12 “ “ Ground lb. .12 .15 “ “ Powdered lb. .12 .15 “ Mandrake .. lb. .10 .12 “ Powdered....... , lb. .18 .20 “ Orris, Finger lb. .50 .60 “ “ Florentine lb. .22 .25 “ Powdered lb. .30 .35 “ “ Verona lb. .15 .18 “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 “ Pink (Spigelia) lb. .50 .55, “ Powdered 11). .60 .65 “ Rhatany lb. .22 .25 “ Powdered lb. .30 .35 “ Rhubarb, East India. lb. .75 .go “ “ “ Powdered lb. .90 i.oo “ “ “ Extra lb. 1.25 1.50 “ “ “ “ Powdered, .lb. 1.50 1.75 “ “ “ “ Cut, extra lb. 2,50 3.00 “ “ “ “ No. 1 lb. 2.00 2.5 a “ “ “ “ “ “ 2 lb. 1.50 2.00 “ Sanguinaria, (Blood Root) lb. .10 .12 “ “ Powdered lb. .18 .20 “ Sarsaparilla, Honduras. lb. .35 .40 “ “ “ Cut lb. .40 .45 “ “ “ Ground lb. .42 .47 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .45 .50 “ Seneca lb. .75 .85; “ “ Powdered lb. .90 .95 “ Snake, Canada, select lb. .30 .35 “ “ Virginia lb. .35 .40 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .45 .50 “ Squill, White lb. .12 .15 “ “ “ Powdered, 1 lb. bots lb. .40 .45 “ Valerian, English lb. .25 .30 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .35 .40 “ Veratrum Viride lb. .25 .30 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .35 .40 “ Yellow Dock lb. .12 .15 “ “ “ Ground lb. .15 .18 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 Rose Pink, English lb. .12 .15 Sago, Flour lb. .10 .12 “ Pearl lb. .08 .10 Sal Acetosella lb. .28 .30 “ Epsom lb. .03 .04 “ “ by bbl lb. “ Glauber lb. .03 .04 “ “ by bbl lb. -Oi% •••• “ Nitre, crude lb. .06 .07 “ “ Refined, commercial lb. .07 .08 “ “ “ “ by keg, 100 lbs. .lb. .06 .. . “ “ “ Pure lb. .10 .12 “ “ “ “by keg, 100 lbs lb. .09 .... “ “ “ Double lb. .12 .14 “ “ “ “ by keg, 100 lbs lb. .10 .... “ “ “ Triple lb. .13 .15 “ “ “ “ by keg, 100 lbs lb. .10 y2 .... “ “ “ Pure, Granular lb. .12 .14 “ “ “ “ Powdered lb. .12 .15, Sal Prunel lb. $ .40 $ .45 “ Rochelle lb. .34 .36 “ Soda lb. .02 .03 u “ by cask, 400 lbs... lb. .... “ “ by keg, 112 lbs lb. .01^ “ Tartar (Potassium Carbonate) lb. .14 .16 Saleratus, Pearlash lb. .12 .15 “ in papers, S. R. V. D. & Co’s (see page 69). Salicin, 1 oz. bots oz. .40 .45 Sand, White bbl. 1.25 .... Santonin, 1 oz. bots oz. .70 .75 Seed, Anise lb. .16 .18 “ “ Powdered . , .lb. .22 .25 “ “ Star lb. .40 .45 “ Canary, Sicily lb. .05 .06 “ “ Smyrna lb. .04 .05 “ “ “ by bag bush. 2.00 .... “ Caraway lb. .10 .12 “ “ Powdered lb. .20 .25 “ Cardamom, Aleppo lb. 2.50 2.75 ■“ “ Malabar lb. 2.75 3.00 “ “ “ Powdered lb. 2.75 3.00 “ “ White, Extra Large lb. 3.00 3.25 “ Celery lb. .18 .20 “ “ Ground lb. .25 .28 “ Colchicum, English lb. .65 .75 44 “ German lb. .22 .25 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .35 .40 “ Coriander lb. .10 .12 “ “ Powdered lb. .18 .20 ■“ Cumin lb. .18 .20 “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 “ Fennel lb. .18 .20 “ “ Powdered.. lb. .25 .30 “ Flax, Clean lb. .05 .06 ■“ “ “ by bbl bbl. 8.00 .... “ “ Ground lb. .06 .08 •“ “ Ground, by bbl lb. .05 .... ■“ Fcenugreek lb. .06 .08 “ “ Powdered lb. .09 .10 “ Hemp, Russian lb. .05 .06 “ “ “ by bag bush. 1.40 .... “ Larkspur lb. 1.60 1.75 “ Lobelia lb. .30 .35 ■“ “ Powdered lb. .38 .40 Maw (Poppy) lb. .15 •18 “ Millet lb. .08 .10 “ Mustard, Brown, Trieste lb. .08 .10 “ “ “ “ Ground lb. .18 .22 “ “ “ Yellow lb. .08 .10 “ Quince lb. .75 .85 “ Rape, English lb. .07 .08 “ “ “ by bag bush. 3.00 .... “ Worm, Foreign (Levant) lb. .18 .20 “ “ “ Powdered lb. .25 .30 Seidlitz Mixture lb. .30 .35 “ Powders, full weight and extra weight, S. R. V. D. & Co’s (see page 66). Silver Leaf, in packs 20 books pack. 2.00 2.25 “ Nitrate, Crystals, pure oz. .8x .84 Snuff, Maccaboy, Lorillard’s, in 4, 8, 15 and 20 lb. jars lb. .62 .... “ Rappee, Lorillard’s,in4,B,ls &20 lb. jars .lb. .62 .... “ Scotch, “ in bladders lb. .50 Soap, Castile, Mottled, by box, 35 lbs. or less. ,Ib. .08 .10 “ “ “ Pure, by box, 35 lbs, “ ..lb. .11 .12 “ “ “ “in cks.,by bx. solbs. . .lb. .14 .... “ “ White,“Conti’s,”bybx.3slb.orless.lb. .14 .16 “ “ “ “in cakes, by box 45 lbs. lb. .16 .... “ “ “ Powdered lb. .45 .50 “ . Whale Oil lb. .08 .10 “ “ “ 1 lb. cans doz. 2.00 .... Soda, Ash lb. .05 .06 “ “ by bbl lb. “ Acetate, 1 lb. bots lb. .40 .45 “ Bi-Carbonate, American lb. .05 .06 19 Soda, Bi-Carbonate, American, by keg, IX2 lbs. lb. $ .04 .... “ English, by keg, 112 lbs.lb. “ in pap’s, S.R.V. D.& Co’s (see page 69). “ Chem. Pure, 1 lb. bots. . .lb. .40 $ .45 “ Caustic, by drum, 600 lbs. . lb. “ by jar, 10 to 30 lbs lb. .10 .12 “ Chlorinated Solution, G. S. b0t5...... doz. 2.75 3.00 “ C. S. “ doz. 2.25 2.50 “ Nitrate, crude lb. .06 .07 “ “ Purified lb. .16 .18 “ Powders doz. 1.50 .... Sodium, Bromide, 1 lb. bots lb. .52 .55 “ 1 oz. “ oz. .06 .08 “ Carbonate, Chem. pure Crys., 1 lb. bots. lb. .40 .45 “ Hypophosphite, 1 lb. bots lb. 2.50 2.60 “ I OZ. “ OZ. .18 .20 “ Hyposulphite lb. .05 .08 “ in kegs lb. .04 .... “ Chem. Pure lb. .70 .80 “ Phosphate, 1 lb. bots lb. .21 .22 “ Salicylate, 1 oz. bots oz. .24 .27 “ Silicate, Dry lb. .10 .15 “ “ Solution gall. .50 .60 “ Sulphite, Crystals, 1 lb. bots lb. .22 .25 “ Granular, x lb. “ lb, .41 .44 Spermaceti, in cakes lb. .30 .35 “ by box, 40 lbs lb. .30 Spirits Ammonia, 1 lb. bots lb. .43 .45 “ Aromatic, 1 lb. bots lb. .48 .50 “ Camphor, 1 lb. bots lb. .50 .55 “ Juniper, Comp., 1 lb. bots lb. .50 .55 “ Lavender, 1 lb. “ lb. .43 .45 “ Comp., 1 lb. “ lb. .45 .50 “ Mindererus, 1 lb. bots lb. .25 30 “ Niter, U. S. P lb. .38 .43 “ Niter, FFFF lb. .33 .38 “ “ FFF lb. .28 .33 “ Turpentine gall. .31 .33 “ “ by bbl gall. .49 .... “ “ in small bottles (see page 35). Starch, Highland, “ Best,” 6 pack. 38 to 42 lb. bxs. .05 .... “ “ Enamel,” 6 lb. slide cover boxes, 72 lb. crates 07 Y .... “ Duryea’s, sup. 6 pack. 38 to 42 lb. boxes.. . .. . “ “ I lb. pack. 40 lb. boxes. . . .07 .... “ Satin Gloss, 5 lb. p. b. 30 lb. boxes .oßj£ ... “ “ “ 1 lb. pack. 40lb. boxes. . “ “ “ 6 lb. s. c. bxs. 72 lb. crts. .09 .... “ Pearl, 6 lb. pck, 38 to 42 lb. boxes. .06 . ... “ Kingsford, Pure, 6 lb. pack. 38 to 45 lb. “. . .07 .... “ I lb. pack. 36 lb. “, . .07 .... “ Silver Gloss, 4 lb. p. b. 40 lb.“ .. “ “ “ 1 lb. pack. 36 lb. “.. .oßj£ “ “ “ 61b. s. c. b, 72 lb. crts. .09 .... “ Pearl, 6 bund. 38 to 45 lb. boxes. .06 .... “ Duryea’s Improv.Corn, I lb. pck. 40 lb. bxs .09 .... “ “ “ “ Y lb. pck. 40 lb. “ . -ogY .... “ Kingsford’s Oswego Corn,l lb. pk. 40IL “ , .09 “ “ “ I lb. pk. 20 lb. “ . .09 Discount 5 per cent. Stone, Pumice lb. .04 .06 “ Select lb. .05 .07 “ Powdered lb. .04 .06 “ Rotten, English lb. .08 .10 “ ' “ Powdered lb. .06 .08 “ Soap, Powdered lb. .05 .07 Strontium, Nitrate lb. .19 .20 Strychnia, Crystals, Y oz. bots oz. 1.75 1.80 Powdered, oz. “ oz. 1.60 1.65 “ Sulphate, *4 oz. “ ... oz. 1.60 1.65 Styrax, Liquid lb. .30 .35 Sugar of Milk, Crystals . .lb. .40 .45 “ Granular lb. .45 .50 “ “ Powdered lb. .45 .50 Sulphur Flowers lb. .04 .05 “ by bbl., 175 lbs lb. .03 - 20 Sulphur Lac .lb. $ .12 $ .15 “ Rolls (Brimstone) lb. .03 .04 “ “ bybbl lb. Syrups, Officinal (see page 28). Tamarinds lb. .09 .11 Tapioca, E. I lb. .08 .10 “ Pearl... lb. .10 .12 Tar, Barbadoes gall. .90 1.00 “ Common, by bbl bbl. 2.75 .... “ Pure N. C., 5 gall, cans, 2 cans in case. .gall. .20 .... “ 1 “ “ 1 doz.“ “ ..doz. 4.00 .... “ “ “ }4 “ “2 “ “ “ . .doz. 2.25 “ “ “ I quart “ 2 “ “ “ . .doz. 1.50 . .. “ “ “ 1 pint “ 4 “ “ “ ..doz. .85 .... “ “ “ K “ “6 “ “ “ ..doz. .75 .... Tartar Emetic, Crystals lb. .81 .83 “ Powdered (Antimony Tart.).. .lb. .71 .73 Tin Foil, Medium lb. .25 .30 “ “ Tissue lb. .30 .35 “ “ Tobacco lb. .25 .30 “ Muriate, Crystals lb. .23 .25 “ Solution (Madder Compound), .lb. .12 .15 Tinctures, Officinal (see pages 27 and 28). Tow, Surgeons’. ... lb. .25 .30 Turpentine, Venice, true, 1 lb. bot bot. .30 .35 “ White lb. .08 .10 Vaccine Virus, Quill Slips each. .25 .... “ “ Capillary Tubes each. 1.00 .... “ “ Crusts each. 2.00 .... Veratria, Pure, % oz. bots oz. 2.20 2.25 Verdigris, in balls lb. .38 .40 “ Distilled lb. .70 .75 “ Powdered .....lb. .50 .55 Vinegar of Squill lb. .40 .50 Water, Cologne, “ Perfection ” gall. 6.00 6.50 “ “ “ in toilet bottles (see page 65). “ Distilled gall. .20 .25 “ Javelle gall. .75 “ “ in bots doz. 4.00 4.50 “ Lime gall. .50 .... “ Orange Flower, Trip. Fr. Chiris’ gall. 2.25 2.50 “ “ “ “ “ “ small. . .doz. 1.75 2.00 “ “ “ “ “ “ medium, doz. 2.75 3.00 “ “ “ “ “ large... doz. 3.50 3-75 “ Rose, Triple, French, Chiris’ gall. 2.50 2.75 “ “ “ “ 5ma11.... doz. 2.00 2.25 “ “ “ “ medium., doz. 3.00 3.25 “ “ “ “ “ large ...doz. 4.00 4.25 Wax, Bayberry lb. .25 .30 “ Bees’, Yellow lb. .28 .30 “ “ “ select lb. .33 .35 “ “ “ select small cakes lb. .40 .45 “ Japan. lb. .22 .25 “ White, Pure, Philips’ lb. .50 .55 “ “ “ “ by box, 30 lbs. . . .lb. .43 .... “ “ “ Star lb. .55 .57 “ “ “ “by box, 50 lbs lb. .50 .... “ “ small cakes lb. .65 .70 Wood, Guaiac, Rasped lb. .04 .06 “ Sandal lb. .50 .60 Zinc, Acetate, 1 lb. bots lb. .58 .60 “ Bromide, 1 oz. “ oz. .20 .25 “ Carbonate, Precip., 1 lb. bots lb. .28 .30 “ Chloride, Fused, 1 oz. “ oz. .08 .10 “ “ Granular, 1 oz. “ oz. .08 .10 “ “ Solution, Corn’!., 1 lb. bots.. .lb. .11 .12 “ “ “ Medicinal, 1 lb. bots ,Ib. .22 .25 “ Cyanide, 1 oz. bots oz. .25 .30 “ lodide, 1 oz. bots oz. .60 .65 “ Oxide, true, 1 lb. bots lb. .12 .15 “ Phosphate, 1 lb. “ lb. 2.00 2.10 “ Sulphate, Crystals lb. .06 .08 “ Valerianate, 1 oz., JJ" oz., and oz. bots.oz. .33 .35 21 DTE-WOODS. Bar Wood, Ground in bbls., about 130 lbs. .lb.s .03 Brazil Wood, Ground. “ “ 130 “ ..lb. .04 Cam Wood, Ground “ “ 130 “ . ,Ib. .05 Fustic, Cut, “ “ 130 “ . .lb. .02 Fustic, Ground “ “ 130 “ ..lb. .02^ Fustic, Cuba, Cut “ “ 130 “ . .lb. .02^ Fustic, Cuba, Ground “ “ 130 “ . .lb. .02^ Hypernic, Cut... “ “ 120 “ ..lb. .04 Hypernic, Ground “ “ 120 “ ..lb. .04^ Logwood, St. Domingo, Cut. . “ “ 130 “ , .lb. .02 LogWood,St. Domingo, Gr’d “ “ 130 “ ..lb. .02^ Log Wood, Campeachy, Cut.. “ “ 130 “ ..lb. .02 Log Wood, Cam peachy, Gr’d. “ “ 130 “ ..lb. .02^ Nic Wood, Cut “ “ 120 “ ..lb. .03 Peach Wood, Ground “ “ 130 “ . .lb. .04 Red Sanders, Ground “ “ 120 “ ..lb. .03^ Red Wood, Cut “ “ 125 “ . .lb. .02j^ 22 PRESSED BARKS, HERBS AND ROOTS. Prices quoted are for Herbs and Flowers in ounces. Roots and Barks in pounds. Herbs in halves, quarters, or pounds, 2 cents per pound less. Aconite Leaves lb. $ .25 “ Loot ",Ib. .25 Alder Bark, Black * lb. .20 Alum Root lb. .30 Arbutus, Trailing lb. .30 Arnica Flowers lb. .35 “ Root. lb. .40 Ash Bark, Prickly lb. .20 Avens Root lb. .35 Balm, Lemon lb. .40 “ Sweet lb. .35 Balmony lb. .20 Balsam, Sweet lb. .35 Barberry Bark lb. .35 Basil, Sweet lb. .30 Beech Leaves lb. .25 Beth Root lb. .30 Bitter Root lb. .35 Bittersweet, Bark of Root lb. .3? “ Herb ib. .20 Blackberry Root lb. .15 Blessed Thistle lb. .30 Blue Flag lb. .25 Boneset lb. .20 Borage lb. .35 Boxwood Bark ... lb. .15 Buckbean lb. .40 Bugle, Bitter lb. .30 “ Sweet .lb. .25 Burdock Leaves lb. .20 “ Root lb. .20 Butterfly Weed lb. .25 Butternut Bark .... ,Ib. .15 Canadian Fleabane lb. .25 Cancer Root Plant lb. .25 Catnip lb. .20 Centaury, American. .. lb. .30 Checkerberry Ib. .20 Chicory lb. ,25 Cicuta Leaves lb. .30 Clover Heads, Red lb. .30 “ “ White lb. .35 Cohosh Root, Black lb. .15 “ “ Blue lb. .20 “ “ Red lb- .40 “ “ White lb- .25 Coltsfoot lb- .25 Comfrey Root lb. .20 Cotton Root Bark lb- .28 Cramp Bark lb- .25 Cranesbill lb- .20 Crowfoot lb- .30 Culver’s Root lb- .20 Dandelion Herb lb- .25 Devil’s Bit lb- .40 Dock, Yellow lb- .20 Dogwood Bark. lb. .20 Elecampane lb. .20 Elder Bark lb. .20 “ Flowers lb. .25 “ Dwarf .lb. .30 “ Sweet lb. .30 Fern, Male lb. .25 “ Sweet lb. .20 Feverfew lb. .60 Fireweed Ib. ,25 Fleabane lb. .30 Fox-Glove lb. .35 Garget lb. .25 Ginger, Wild ; lb. .40 23 Goldthread lb. $ .60 Golden-rod lb. .25 “ Seal lb. .20 Green Hellebore lb. .25 Hellebore, Black lb. .30 “ White lb. .20 Hemlock Bark lb. .15 “ Leaves lb. .30 Henbane, Black *. .lb. .35 Hoarhound lb. .20 Hollyhock Flowers lb. .50 Hyssop lb. .30 Indian Hemp, Black lb. .35 “ “ White lb. .28 “ Tobacco lb. .30 “ Turnip lb. .30 Indigo, Wild lb. .20 Jessamin, Yellow lb. .20 Ladies’ Slipper lb. .25 Larkspur Herb lb. .40 Lettuce, Wild lb. .30 Life Everlasting lb. .25 Life Root Ib. .30 Liverwort lb. .35 Lobelia Herb lb. .20 Lungwort lb. .35 Maiden Hair lb. .30 Marigold Flowers.... lb. .45 Marjoram, Sweet lb. .35 Marsh Rosemary lb. .30 May Weed lb. .23 Motherwort lb. .25 Mullein Herb lb. .25 Barilla, Yellow lb. .20 Pennyroyal lb. .20 Peppermint - - lb. .20 Pilewort lb. .30 Pleurisy Root .....lb. .25 Princess Feather lb. .30 “ Pine lb. .25 Queen-of-the-Meadow Herb lb. .20 “ “ “ Root lb. .20 Raspberry Leaves lb. .20 Rue lb- -4° Sage lb. -20 Savin lb. .25 Scullcap lb. .30 Skunk-Cabbage Root lb. .25 Solomon’s Seal lb. .20 Southernwood lb. .35 Spearmint lb. .20 Speedwell, Virginia lb. .30 Spikenard lb. .20 Stone Root lb. .25 Stramonium Leaves - lb. .20 “ Root lb. .25 “ Seed .lb. .25 Sumach Bark lb. .18 Summer Savory lb. .25 Sweet Clover lb. .30 “ Flag lb. .25 Tamarack Bark ..lb. .15 Tansy, Double lb. .20 Thoroughwort lb- .20 Thyme lb- .25 Unicorn Root lb. .30 Vervain lb- -25 Wa-a-hoo Bark lb- .35 Water Pepper lb. .20 Wintergreen lb* -25 Wormwood lb- *25 Yarrow lb- -20 24 S. R. VAN DUZER’S Officii!al Elllid lixtl%cts. manufacture, prepared with great care under our own immediate We offer the following line of Fluid Extracts of our own supervision by Repercolation (the only proper method whereby the active principle of the drug is obtained). The standard of strength is that of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. The following prices are for Extracts in pint bottles ; when ordered in one-half pints, add 20 cents per pint, and in one- quarter pints, add 50 cents per pint additional; five-pint bottles, 10 cents per pint less, subject to a liberal discount. One pt. TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. Bots. Per pt. Arnica Arnica Montana sl-75 Balmony Chetone Glabra 1*25 Belladonna Leaf Atropa Belladonna 2.00 Bitter-root Apocynum Androsemfolium. 2.00 Bitter-sweet Solanum Dulcamara.. 1.50 Black Alder Prinos Verticillatus 1.50 Blackberry Rubus Villosus x. 50 Black Cohosh Cimicifuga Racemosa 2.00 Black Haw Viburnum Prunifolium 1.75 Black Hellebore Helleborus Niger 1.75 Bloodroot Sanguinaria 1 • 75 Blue Flag Iris Versicolor 1.75 Boneset Eupatorium Perfoliatum. ... 1-25 Boxwood Cornus Florida 1-25 Buchu Barosma Crenata 2 •00 Buckthorn Bark Rhamnus Frangula. ....... I*so Burdock Lappa Minor 1.50 Butternut Bark Juglans Cinerea 1-25 Calabar Bean Physostigma Venenosum.... 6■ 00 Calendula 4.00 Cardamom Eletiaria Cardamomum.,,. . 6.00 “ Comp 3-oo Catnip Nepeta Cataria 1.25 Cayenne Pepper Capsicum 2.50 Chamomile Anthemis Nobilis 1.75 Cherry Bark Prunus Virginiana 1• 75 Chestnut Leaves Castanea Vesca. 2.00 Cinchona, Aromatic 3.00 “ Pale Cinchona Pallida 3.00 “ Compound 3.00 “ Calisaya Cinchona Flava 5.00 “ Red ............ Cinchona Rubra 5.00 Coca Leaves Erythroxylon Coca 6.00 Colchicum Root .Colchicum Autunmale 2.00 “ Seed “ “ 2.50 Colocynth Cucumis Coiocynthis 2.25 Colombo Cocculus Palmatus 2.00 Coltsfoot Tussilago 1.50 Conium Seed Conium Maculatum 2.00 Cotton Root Bark Gossypium Herbaceum 3.00 Cramp Bark Viburnum Opulus 1• 50 Cranesbill Geranium Maculatum 1• 75 Cubeb Piper Cubeba 2.50 Culver’s Root Leptandra Virginica 2.00 Cundurango Pseusmagenuetus Equatorium 3.00 Damiana 4.00 Dandelion .... Taraxacum 2 •00 “ and Senna 1.75 “ Compound 2.00 Dwarf Elder Aralia Hispida 1.25 Elecampane Inula 1.25 25 Ergot Ergota $4.00 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Globulus 4.00 Fern Sweet Comptonia 1.25 Fire Weed Erechthites Hieracifolia 1.50 Foxglove Digitalis Purpurea 1.75 Garden Celandine Chelidonium 1.50 Gelsemium Gelsemium Sempervirens ... 2.50 Gentian Gcntiana Lutea... 1.50 “ Compound •* “ 1.75 Golden Seal Hydrastis Canadensis 2.00 Gravel Plant Epigcea Repens x.25 Grindelia Robusta 3-5° “ Squarrosa 3-5° Guarana Paullinia Sorhilis 7 •00 Hemlock Pinus Canadensis 1.25 Henbane Hyoscyamus Niger 2.50 Hop Humulus Lupulus 2.50 Horehound Marrubium Vu/gare 1.50 Hydrangea Hydrangea Arborescens . . . 1.75 Indian Hemp, Foreign.... Cannabis Indie a 2.50 “ “ White Asdepias Incarnate 1.75 Ipecac Cephcelis Ipecacuanha 6.00 Jaborandi Pilocarpus Pinnatus 3-5° Jalap Ipomcea Jalapa 3.00 Kava Kava Piper Methysticum 4.00 Lactucarium 9.00 Ladies’Slipper Cypripedium Pubescens 2.25 Lettuce Lacfuca Sativa x .50 Liquorice Glycyrrhiza Glabra 1.50 Liverwort Hepatica A meric ana . 1.50 Lobelia Lobelia Injiata 1-75 Logwood Hcematoxylon Campech 1.25 Lupulin Lupulina 3-5° Male Fern Aspidium Filix Mas 1.50 Mandrake Podophyllum Peltatum 1.75 Matico Artanthe Elongata 3.00 Nux Vomica Strychnos Nux Vomica 2.25 Opium, Aqueous Papaver Somnifera 3-5° Pareira Brava Cissampelos Parch a 2.50 Pink Root Spigelia Marilandica 2.50 “ “ and Senna 2.00 Pipsissewa Chimaphila Umbellata 1.50 Pleurisy Root Asdepias Tuberosa 2.00 Poison Oak Rhus Toxicodendron 3.00 Poke Root Phytolacca Decandra 1.50 Poppies Papaver Somniferum 1.75 Prickly Ash Bark Xanthoxylum Fraxineum... 1.75 P ulsatilla A nemonc Pulsa til la 2.50 Quassia Quassia Excelsa 1-5° Queen of the Meadow Eupatorium Purpurcum 1.50 Red Clover Tops Trifolium Prattnse 2.00 Rhatany Krameria Triandra 2.00 Rhubarb Rheum Palma turn 4.00 “ Aromatic 4.00 “ and Senna 3.00 Sarsaparilla Smilax Officinalis 2.25 “ Comp. U. S. P 2.25 “ American Smilax Sarsaparilla. 1 • 75 Savin Juniperus Sabina 1-5° Scullcap Scutellaria Lateriflora 2.00 Sea Wrack Fucus Vesiculosus 2.00 Senek a Poly gala Senega 3-5° Senna Cassia Acutifolia 1-50 “ Aqueous X .50 Skunk Cabbage Symplocarpus Fcetidus 1.25 Serpentnria 2.50 Squill Scilla Maritima 1.50 “ Acetic “ “ 1.50 “ Compound “ “ 3.00 Stillingia ... Stillingia Sylvatica 2.50 “ Compound 2.50 Stone Root Collinsonia Canadensis 1 • 75 Stramonium Seed Datura Stramonium 1 •75 Sumach Rhus Glahrum 1-25 Sundew Drosera Rotundifolia 4-5° Unicorn Aletris Farinosa 3.00 26 Unicorn False-.- ...... . .Helonias Dioica $3.00 Uva Ursi Arctostaphylos 1-50 Valerian Valeriana Officinalis 2.00 Water Pepper Polygonum Functatum..... 1.25 Wild Indigo Baplisia Tinctoria 1.50 Wild Turnip Arum Triphyllum 1.50 Wild Yam Dioscorea Villosa 1-25 Witch. Hazel Hamamelis Virginica 1.25 Wormwood Artemisia Absinthium 1-25 Yellow Dock Kumex Cripus 2.00 Yerba Santa Eriodictyon Californicum. . . 4.00 EXTRACTS, SOLID—S. R. Van Duzer’s. Aconite Leaves lb. 2.00 “ Root lb. 3.00 Aloes, Soc lb. 2.00 Belladonna Leaf lb. 3.00 “ Root lb. 4.00 Butternut ... lb. 1.25 Cannabis Indicus.. oz. .50 Chamomile lb. 1.75 Colchicum Root, acetic lb. 4.00 “ “ “ English oz. .50 Colocynth, Comp., U. S. P lb. 4.00 “ “ “ Powdered lb. 4.50 “ Simple lb. 3.00 Conium lb. 1.75 Cotton Root Bark ..lb. 3.75 Dandelion lb. .85 Digitalis lb. 2.25 Ergot oz. .50 Gentian, U. S. P lb. .75 Guarana oz. 1.00 Guaiac Wood . . oz. .40 Hellebore, Black lb. 2.50 Hop lb. 3.00 Hyoscyamus lb. 3.00 Ignatia Beans oz. x.oo Ipecac oz. 1.00 J aborandi oz. .75 Jalap lb. 3.00 Lettuce. lb. 2.25 Licorice lb. 1.00 Lupulin lb. 3.50 Mandrake lb. 2.50 Nux Vomica lb. 4.00 Opium oz. 1.00 “ dried oz. 1.50 Quassia lb. 2.75 Rhatany lb. 3.00 Rhubarb lb. 4.50 Sarsaparilla, Comp Ib. 2.75 “ Simple lb. 3.50 Sea Wrack oz. .25 Senna lb. 2.00 Serpentaria oz. .50 Stramonium Leaf lb. 2.50 Sumbul oz. 1.50 Valerian lb. 3.25 Verat. Viride lb. 3.25 GELATINE & SUGAR COATED PILLS AM) GRANULES Of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia and other reliable Formulas. (Gelatine and Sugar Coated) Pills, Elixirs, and their other stand- ard preparations, believing them to be most reliable, and send We carry in stock a full line of Messrs. Reed & Carnrick’s them in all cases, unless special makes are specified. Prices subject to the usual liberal discount. 27 TINCTURES—S. R. Van Duzer’s. Made after Officinal and other Formulas Tincture Aconite Leaf lb. $ .50 “ “ Root lb. .75 “ Fleming’s lb. .90 “ Alkanet. lb. .50 “ Aloes lb. .50 “ “ Comp lb. .75 “ Ambergris lb. 4.00 “ Arnica lb. .50 “ Assafoetida lb. .60 “ Belladonna lb. .50 “ Benzoin lb. .75 “ “ Comp lb. .75 “ Blood Root lb. .50 “ Buchu lb. .50 “ Calabar Bean lb. .90 “ Cannabis Indica lb. .90 “ Cantharides lb. .70 “ Capsicum lb. .50 “ Cardamom , lb. .75 “ Comp lb. .60 “ Cascarilla . lb. .50 “ Castor lb. .90 “ Catechu lb. .60 “ Cherry Bark lb. .60 “ Cimicifuga lb. .60 “ Cinchona lb. .60 “ “ Comp lb. .60 “ Cocculus Indicus lb. .60 “ Cochineal lb. .60 “ Colchicum Root lb. .60 “ “ Seed lb. .60 “ Colocynth lb. .60 “ Colombo lb. .50 “ Conium lb. .50 “ Cubeb lb. .50 “ Curcuma lb. .50 “ Ergot lb. .60 “ “ Ethereal lb. .7c “ Galls lb. .58 “ Gentian, Comp lb. .50 “ Ginger lb. .60 “ Guaiac lb. .70 “ “ Ammoniated lb. .85 “ Guarana lb. 1.50 “ Hellebore lb. .50 “ Hop lb. .60 “ Hyoscyamus lb. .50 “ lodine lb. 1.00 “ “ Colorless lb. 1.25 “ “ Comp . .lb. 1.25 “ Ipecac lb. .75 “ Iron, Acet lb. .50 “ “ Muriate lb. .35 “ “ “ Tasteless lb. .75 “ Jalap lb. .75 “ Kino lb. .60 “ Larkspur lb. .80 “ Lobelia 1 lb. .50 “ “ Ethereal lb. .60 “ “ and Capsicum lb. .70 “ Lupulin lb. .90 “ Matico lb. .75 “ Musk ; lb. 1.50 “ Myrrh lb. .65 “ Nux Vomica lb. .65 “ Opium, U. S. P lb. 1.00 “ “ Camph lb. .50 “ Deodorized Ib. 1.75 “ Orange Peel, Bitter lb. .50 “ “ “ Sweet lb. .50 “ Orris lb. .50 28 Tincture, Pimpinella lb. $ .50 “ Poke Root lb. .50 “ Prickly Ash lb. .50 “ Pulsatilla. lb. .50 “ Quassia lb. .50 “ Rhatauy lb. .50 “ Red Saunders lb. .50 “ Rhubarb lb. .60 “ “ Aqueous lb. .50 “ “ Aromatic lb. .70 “ “ and Aloes . lb. .60 “ Saffron Am lb. .60 “ “ Spanish lb. 1.50 “ Scullcap lb. .60 “ Senega lb. .60 “ Senna lb. .50 “ “ Comp lb. .50 “ Serpentaria lb. .50 “ Soap, Camphorated lb. .50 “ Squill lb. .50 “ Stramonium lb. .50 “ “ Leaf lb. .50 “ “ Seed lb. .50 “ Styrax lb. .60 “ Tolu lb. .70 ■“ Valerian lb. .50 “ “ Ammoniated lb. .80 “ Veralrum Viride lb. .75 “ Warburg’s, 1 lb. bots.. lb. 4.50 “ “ 1 oz. “ doz. 4.50 SYRUPS— S. R. Van Duzer’s. Made after Officinal and other Formulas. Syrup, Banana, for Soda-Water gall. 2.00 “ Blackberry, “ “ gall. 2.00 “ Garlic lb. .60 “ Ginger, for Soda-Water gall. 2.00 “ lodide Iron, 1 lb. bots lb. .65 “ “ “ and Manganese, x lb. bots lb. .go “ “ Manganese, 1 lb. bots lb. .90 “ Ipecac lb. .60 “ Lactucarium lb. 1.00 “ Lemon, for Soda-Water gall. 2.00 “ Lime lb. .50 “ Orange Peel lb. .50 “ Pine-apple, for Soda-Water gall. 2.00 “ Poppy, 1 lb. bots lb. .50 “ Protoxide Iron, 1 lb. bots lb. .70 “ Pyrophosphate Iron, 1 lb. bots lb. .70 “ Raspberry, for Soda-Water gall. 2.00 “ Rhubarb lb. .60 “ “ Aromatic lb. .50 “ “ and Potass - lb. .65 “ Sarsaparilla. lb. .50 “ “ Comp lb. .50 “ “ for Soda Water gall. 2.50 “ Senna lb. .50 “ Senega lb. .60 “ Simple lb. .15 “ Squill lb. .50 “ “ Comp. (Cox’s Hive) lb. .50 “ Stillingia lb. .60 “ “ Comp lb. .60 “ Strawberry, for Soda-Water gall. 2.00 “ Tar lb. .50 “ Tolu lb. .60 “ Vanilla, for Soda-Water gall. 3.00 “ Wild Cherry lb. .50 29 SPIRITS—S. R. Van Duzer’s. Made after Officinal and other Formulas. Spirits Ammonia, 1 lb. bots lb. $ .45 “ “ Aromatic, 1 lb. bots lb. .50 “ Camphor, 1 lb. bots lb. .5° “ Chloroform, U. S. P., 1 lb. bots lb. .80 “ Juniper, 1 lb. bots lb. .50 “ “ Comp, 1 lb. bots lb. .50 “ Lavender, 1 lb. “ lb. .5° “ “ Comp., 1 lb. “ lb. .45 “ Horse-radish, I lb. “ lb. -75 “ Melissa, 1 lb. “ lb. 1.00 “ Mindererus (Liq. Ammon., Acet.), 1 lb. bots.lb. .25 “ Nutmeg, 1 lb. bots lb. .45 “ Pimento, 1 lb. “ lb. -45 “ Rosemary, 1 lb. “ lb. -45 WINES—S. R. Van Duzer’s. Made after Officinal and other Formulas. Wine Aloes lb. .60 “ Antimony lb. -75 “ Aromatic lb. -75 “ Colchicum Root ... .lb. .75 “ “ Seed lb. .75 “ Ergot lb. *9° “ Ipecac lb- -9° “ Iron lb. .70 “ Opium lb- 2.00 “ Rhubarb lb. -9° “ Tar lb. .70 “ Tobacco lb. -75 CORKS. TAPERED CORKS. XX X XX X Per Gross. Per Gross. Assorted ito 6.. .$0.45 $0.12 No. 12 $l.BO .94 “ 3to 6... .50 .16 13 2.00 1.05 No. 00 and o 28 .07 14. ... 2.25 1.25 1 30 .08 15.. .. 2.50 1.38 2 33 -io 16. .. 2.75 1.52 3 38 .12 17 3-oo 1.80 4 47 -14 18 3.25 1,94 5 56 .17 19 3-5° 2.10 6 67 .22 20 3.75 2.25 7 83 .33 22.... 4.30 2.70 8 1.00 .47 24 5.50 3.00 9 1-20 -55 26... . 6.50 3.30 10 1.40 .66 Assorted 6to 10.. 1.10 .46 11 1.60 .80 “ 11 to 20.. 2.75 1.50 EXTRA LONG TAPERED CORKS. Per Gross. Per Gross. No. o s°-34 $O.OB No. 6 $0.90 $0.25 1 36 .09 7 1-05 -39 2 42 .11 8 1.25 .55 3 5° -13 9 i-55 -66 4 60 .16 10 1.92 .79 5 72 -2° XX X XX X XX X STRAIGHT WINE CORKS. iDn.long. I tin. long. No. 6 per gross, $l.lO $0.44 7 “ !-25 -55 8 “ 1.45 .67 9 “ 1.60 .73 10 “ i-75 -79 COMMON TAPERED FLASK, BOTTLE AND DEMIJOHN CORKS. Per Gross. No. Ij'J 2’ J Suitable for Inks and Bluing { ‘°4 3. f s 1 -°5 4> J _ I. -06 5, ? Suitable for X pint Flasks. ( .09 6, 5 \ .12 i, \“ “1 “ “ I io| | “ “ “ “ 12-5° f( 4, t( “ 14.00 ci 5, “ u 18.00 “ 6, “ “ 24.00 2 oz. t( ic 27.00 3 oz. “ “ 36.00 4 oz. iC “ 42.00 6 oz. “ “ 54.00 8 oz. “ u 72.00 Male Syr’s, corked, same price as with metal caps. Rubber Syringes, Bulb. Doz. Davidson’s met. pipes,&c. No. i.516.00 “ “ “ 2 13.00 “ hard rub. pipes, etc., No. 4 18.00 Delano, No. 502 6.00 “ No. 505 7.50 “ No. 506 7.00 “ No. 507 6.00 Mattson’s Anglo-American,... 7.00 “ Family 17.00 “ New-York 5.00 “ Jet and Spray g.oo “ Original g.oo New-York, No. 1 10.50 No. 2. ... 7.50 “ No. 3 4.50 “ No- 4 3-75 Ex. Heavy Single Paper Cases. Doz. No. o, male $1.25 No. 1, “ 1.25 No. 2, “ 1.50 No. 3, “ 1.75 No. 4, “ 2.00 No. 5, “ 2.25 No. 2, oz., male, 3.50 No. 1, Fern. Syr’s, Met’l Cap.. 10.00 No. 2, “ “ 11.00 No. 3, “ “ 12.50 No. 4, “ “ 14.00 No. s, “ “ 18.00 No. 6, “ “ 24.00 2 oz. “ 27.00 3 oz. “ “ 36.00 4 oz. “ “ 42.00 6 oz. “ “ 54-°° 8 oz. “ “ 72.00 Female Syringes, corked, same price as with metal caps. TIN CASE, Japanned. Doz. 7 inch $2.50 8 “ 2-75 10 “ 3-oo 12 “ 4.00 DAIRY. Doz. 7 inch $2.50 8 “ 3.00 10 “ 3.50 SOLID BLACK-WALNUT. Doe. 8 inch, square ends $6.00 10 “ “ “ 8.00 Thermometers. Quill, No. 3, small . . .per 1000, $ .80 “ “ 4, medium. “ 1.25 “ “ 5, large “ 1.50 Wood, 2500 in box, case 100 bxs. 7.50 Tooth-Picks. Ex. Heavy Single Paper Cases. No. 1, Female doz. $1.50 No. 2, “ “ 1.62 No. 3, “ “ r.75 No. 4, “ “ 2.00 No. 5, “ “ 2.25 2 oz. “ “ 3.50 4 oz. “ “ 7-5° Doz. No. 1. Womb, with bent pipe. . 1.75 No. 2, “ “ .. 2.00 No. 3, “ “ 2.25 No. 4, “ “ .. 2.50 2 oz. “ “ .. 2.75 3 oz. “ “ • 3-5° 4 oz. “ “ .. 4.50 6 oz. “ “ . • 6.00 8 oz. “ “ .. 7.50 T übing. Foot. India Rubber, 1-16 inch, white $ .05 “ l/s “ “ .06 “ “ 3-16 “ “ .09 “ “ % “ “ -12 “ “ % “ “ .16 “ “ K “ “ .18 “ “ “ .21 “ Y “ “ .20 “ 1 “ “ -35 Twines. Do z. Cotton, Sea Island, assorted. . . $ .50 “ “ “ pink 75 “ “ “ bulk 50 35 LAUDANUM. Small panel vials.. doz. $ . 70 Med. “ “ . .doz. .90 [ Large “ “ ..doz. 1.50 ! Packed 2 doz. in wood boxes, j pint panel bots. .doz. $2.25 Pint “ “ ..doz. 4.00 Quart “ “ ..doz. 7.50 Packed I doz. in wood boxes. Small panel vials.. doz. .50 Med. “ “ . .doz. .60 Large “ “ doz, 1.00 Packed 2 doz. in wood boxes. PAREGORIC. y2 pint panel bots. .doz. 1.5° Pint “ “ . .doz. 2.50 Quart “ “ . .doz. 4.50 Packed 1 doz. in wood boxes. CASTOR OIL. Med. panel vials.. doz. .50 Large “ “ . . doz. . 75 Packed 2 doz. in wood boxes. y2 pint panel bots. .doz. 1.25 Pint “ “ ..doz. 2.00 Quart “ “ ..doz. 3.50 Packed I doz. in wood boxes. SWEET OIL. Med. panel vials, .doz. .50 Large “ “ doz. . 70 Packed 2 doz. in wood boxes. y pint panel bots. .doz. 1.00 Pint “ “ ..doz. 1.75 Quart “ “ . .doz. 3.00 Packed 1 doz. in wood boxes. ESSENCES. Essence Lemon, Peppermint, Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Cloves. Small panel vials, .doz. .55 Med. “ “ . .doz. .65 Large “ “ ..doz. 1.10 Packed 2 doz. in wood boxes. y pint panel bots. .doz. 1.75 Pint “ “ ..doz. 3-oo Quart “ “ . .doz. 5.25 Packed 1 doz. in wood boxes. SPIRITS. Spirits Niter, Camphor, Lavender Comp. Small panel vials, .doz. .55 Med. “ “ . .doz. .65 Large “ “ ..doz. 1.10 Packed 2 doz. in wood boxes. y pint panel bots. .doz. 1.75 Pint “ “ . .doz. 3*oo Quart “ “ ..doz. 5*25 Packed 1 doz. in wood boxes. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Small panel vials . .doz. .30 Med. “ “ ..doz. .40 Large “ “ . .doz. .60 Packed 2 doz. in wood boxes. y pint panel bots. .doz. .90 Pint “ “ ..doz. i-5° Quart “ “ . .doz. 2.50 Packed 1 doz. in wood boxes. SYRUPS. Syrup Squills, Squills Comp. (Hive Syrup), Ipecac, Rhei. Small panel vials, .doz. .50 Med. “ “ . .doz. .60 Large “ “ ..doz. 1.00 Packed 2 doz. in wood boxes. y pint panel bots. .doz. 1.25 Pint “ “ ..doz. 2.50 Quart “ “ ..doz. 4.50 Packed 1 doz. in wood boxes. Discount 10% 1 Gross Lots. 36 S. R. VAN DUZ E R, Sole Agent for United States. BRIDAL BOUQUET BLOOM, For Beautifying the Complexion. ||PijP:yji J oiDUi/1 for Beautifying Ever Blooming TJqo Complexion Ever Young 1 This exquisite preparation iya siny/e application requimyhuta moment of time,imparts to the face, NecfcArms and Hands a de/icate softness andmarNe parity with the tint and'fragrance ofthe iiiyandtie Rose- it removes TanrJrech'es Sunburn anda/I \rouybness andblemishes. $ J Brilliant Compex/on THE FOUNTAIN OF 'YOUTH BEAUTY PATRONIZED BY ALL THE EUROPEAN COURTS ANDTHE ELITE OF AM ERICA 'Price ; 3/6 Sold by all Chemists and Perfumers 114 & 116 Southampton Row PRINCIPAL DEPOT 4 MANUFACTORY LON DON Trade Prices. BRIDAL BOUQUET BLOOM. Bridal Bouquet Bloom per gross $57.00 Each bottle is enclosed In an elegant card-board case. Bridal Bouquet Bloom per dozen 5.25 Bridal Bouquet Bloom per bottle 0.75 The price noted, on the above facsimile label is the sterling price for Great Britain. 37 S. R. VAN DUZER, Sole Agent for United States, Floral Bell Fragrant Elixir or Liquid Dentifrice. toMlm ■ $■ JIIQUIDfENTIFRICE UNEQUALLED FOR Cleansing, 'Preserving ano BEAUTIFYING THE TEETH and hardening the Cams f) S f .. r Sc ■' It removes all Tartar, hardens Ilk Enamel, arrests decay and imparts to the Breath a most delightful fragrance PATRONIZED BY ALL THE EUROPEAN COURTS AND THE ELITE OFAMERICA 9RICE 2/e Sold hy all Chemists and Terftimers PRINCIPAL DEPOT 114*116 Southampton Row l LONDON Trade Prices. Each bottle is enclosed in an elegant card-board case. FLORAL BELL FRAGRANT ELIXIR. Floral Bell Fragrant Elixir per gross $66.00 Floral Bell Fragrant Elixir per dozen 6.00 Floral Bell Fragrant Elixir per bottle 0.75 The price noted on the above facsimile label is the sterling price for Great Britain. 38 PATENT MEDICINES AND PROPRIETARY ARTICLES. Doz. Gross. Acid, Phosphates, Hosford’s small $4.00 .... “ “ “ large 8.00 .... Alterative, Jayne’s 7.60 Ambrosia, Ring’s 6.25 .... Annihilator, Hedges, F. & A 7.75 .... “ Wolcott’s Pain, small 1.75 .... “ “ “ medium 3*s° “ “ “ large 7.00 .... Anodyne, Hunnevvell’s Tolu 3.50 ... “ Townsley’s T. A 1.60 .. . Anti-Fat, Allen’s 10. 75 .... Aperient, Tarrant’s Seltzer 8.00 .... August Flower, Green’s, trial size 85 $9.50 “ “ 5.50 63.00 Axle Grease ....'; .75 7.50 Balm, Hagan’s Magnolia 5.25 60.00 “ Miller’s Magnetic 1.85 21.00 Balsam, Allen’s Lung 7.00 81.00 “ Arnold’s, Seth, Diarrhoea 1.90 .... “ Blackman’s, small 2.65 .... “ Blackman’s, large 5.25 .... “ Coe’s Cough, small 2.75 “ Fitch’s Pulmonary 8.50 .... “ Hall’s Lung 7-5° “ Hill’s, of Honey 1.00 9.00 “ Hyatt’s Infallible Life 8.00 .... “ “ “ A. 8., double.... 11.50 “ Pulmonic Life 7.75 .... “ Jayne’s Carminative, small 2.85 ... “ “ large *.... 3.80 .... “ Keating’s Horehound, small 1.65 .... “ Miller’s . 3.85 .... “ Porter’s, Madame, small 1.90 21.60 “ “ “ medium 3.80 43.20 “ “ “ large . 5.70 64.80 “ Roman Eye 1.75 19.50 “ Seabury’s Cough, small 1.85 21.c0 “ “ “ large 3.65 42.00 “ Turlington’s 75 8.00 “ Van Deusen’s Cough 2.75 30.00 “ Wistar’s Wild Cherry, small 4.00 47.00 “ “ “ large 8.00 93.00 Barley, Robinson’s Patent, 1 lb. papers. ...... 1.25 13.5° Bellows, Insect, small 1.75 .... Bay Rum, Hock bottles, S. R. V. D. & Co’s, qts. 6.75 .... “ “ “ pts. 4.50 “ “ “ “ /4 pts. 3.00 .... Benzine, Hegeman’s 1.25 13.50 “ Roland’s 85 9.00 Bitters, Angostura, Genuine 9.00 .... “ Atwood’s Jaundice 1.60 16.50 “ Boker’s Stomach 12.50 .... “ Drake’s Plantation 8.38 99.00 “ Hoofland’s German 8.00 93.00 “ Hop 7.25 84.00 “ Hostetter’s Stomach 8.38 99.00 “ Langley’s, small. 2.75 “ medium 5-5° “ “ large 7.00 .... “ Mishler’s Herb 8.00 93.00 “ Porter’s, Madame, small 1.90 21.60 “ “ “ large 3.80 43.20 “ Walker’s Vinegar 8.25 .... Bloom of Youth, Laird’s 5-25 Bloom “ Bridal Bouquet ” 5>25 57<0° Blacking, Royal, No. 1 2.75 “ “ “2 3.25 “ “ “3 4-oo “ “ “4 5-5o 39 Bluing, S. R. V. D. & Co’s, small pepper-box style, improved tin lop $2.00 “ S. R. V. L). & Co’s,, large pepper-box style, improved tin top 3-°o ‘‘ S. R. V. D. & Co’s, small flat box style 2.25 “ “ “ large flat “ “ 3.25 “ “ “ 2 oz. bots., 3 doz. bxs 3-5° “ “ “ 4 OZ. “ 3 doz. bxs 4-75 “ “ “ Boz. “ 3 doz. bxs. .. . 7.00 “ “ “ 12 oz. “ 3 doz. bxs 10.75 “ “ “ 16 oz. “ 1 doz. bxs 14.00 “ “ “ 32 oz. “ 1 doz. bxs 25.00 Borax, Smith’s, 1 lb. papers $1.75 •• ■ • “ “ *4 lb. “ 1.00 .... Bromo-Chloralum,Tilden’s 3.75 .... Cakes, Yeast, National 3 doz. cases. .62 .... “ “ Twin Brothers 3 “ “ .62 .... <■ “ Yankee 3 “ “ .60 ... Bronchials, Brown’s 1.50 ... Camphorine, Hoyt’s 1.75 20.00 Capsules, Dundas, Dick & Co’s, Balsam Copaiba. 2.50 .... “ “ “ Castor Oil 3-°o .... “ “ “ Cod Liv. Oil 3-oo .... “ “ “ “ with 10. Iron 4.00 .... “ “ “ Copaiba & Oil Cub. . 6.00 ~.. “ “ “ Matico Cub. & Cop. 7.00 .... “ “ “ Oil Male Fern .... 5.00 .... “ “ “ “ Sandal Wood... 12.00 .... “ “ “ “ Turpentine .... 3.00 .... “ Mathey-Caylus’ Capsules of Copaiba; Cop. and Cub. ; Cop. and Citrate of Iron; Cop. and Rhatany; Cop. Cub. and Rhatany; Cop. Cub. and Carb. of Iron; Cop. Cub. and Alum ; Cop. and Magnesia ; Cop. and Catechu; Cop. and Subnit. of Bis- muth ; Cop. and Tannic Acid ; Cop. and Tar; Cop. Pepsine and Bis- muth ; Cob. and Alum; Cub. and Turpentine ; Cub. and Tannate of Iron ; Venice Turpentine ; Norway Tar 6.75 .... Cop. and Oil of Sandal Wood; Cop. Cub. and Oil of Sandal Wood ; Cop. Iron and Sandal Wood 9.00 Capsules, Planten’s Castor Oil, No. 1 1.25 . , . “ “ “ “ “ 2 2.25 .... “ “ “ “ “ 3 3.25 .... “ “ Cod Liver Oil, No. 3 3.00 .... ■“ “ Copaiba, No. 1 1.00 ... “ “ “ “2 1.75 “ “ “ “3 2.50 .... “ “ Cop. & Cub. “ 1 1.50 .... “ “ “ “ 2 2.90 .... “ “ “ “ 3 4.00 ... “ “ Empty 3.00 .... “ “ Oil Sandal Wood 9.00 .... Carboline 7.25 84.00 Carminative, Dalby’s Am 1.25 13.50 “ Jayne’s, small 2.85 .... “ “ large 3.80 Castoria, Pitchers 2.75 31.50 Catholicon, Marchisi’s 12.50 ..7. “ Marshall’s 8.50 .... Cement, Edes’ Diamond 1.5° “ Van Stan's Stratena x.25 13.50 Cerate, Weaver’s 2.85 .... Chewing Gum, Adams’, India Rubber. .. .box, 30 “ “ Curtis’ Spruce, in lumps, .box, 75 “ “ “ “ in sticks, .box, 50 Chlorodyne, Brown’s,small 4.25 Cholagogue, Osgood’s 12.50 Cloverine, small 1.25 13.50 Cocoaine, Burnett’s 7*s° 87.00 Color, Perfected Butter, W. R. & Co’s, Sample. . .60 “ “ “ “ “ “ Small... 1.90 22.50 Doz. Gross. 40 Color, Perfected Butter, W. R. & Co’s, Medium. $3.80 $45.00 “ “ “ “ “ “ Large... 8.00 93.00 Comfits, Brown’s Worm 1.55 17.50 Compound, Clark’s Anti-bilious 7.50 “ Poland’s White Pine 7.50 . Confections, Holloway’s Worm 1.50 16.00 “ Van Deusen’s Worm 1.50 16.50 Cordial, Brown’s Teething 1.50 .... “ Fosgate’s. 2.75 .... “ Godfrey’s 65 6.00 “ McLean’s 8.25 99.00 “ Wishart's Pine Tree 7.50 .... Corrector, Fitch’s Biliary, small 4.50 .... “ “ “ large 8.50 .... ■“ “ Heart, small 6.50 “ “ “ large id*00 Cosmoline, Ploughton’s, Plain, small 2.00 21.00 “ “ “ large. 3-So 36.00 “ “ Rose, Perfumed, small. . 2.00 21.00 “ “ “ “ large.. 3.50 36.00 Cream, Gouraud’s Oriental 12.00 .... Crystals, Washing, Fisher’s 1.50 .... Cubebs, Marshall’s Prepared 1.90 21.00 Cure, Ayer’s Ague 7.88 94.c0 “ Coe’s Dyspepsia 7-5° 87.00 “ Guild’s G. M. Asthma 11.00 .... “ Himrod’s Asthma 7.50 84.00 “ Jayne’s Ague 7.60 .... “ Knapp’s Throat 2.75 30.00 “ Piso’s Consumption, small 2.00 .... “ “ “ large 7-5° “ Sanford’s Radical 8.25 96.00 “ Upham’s Asthma 3-75 •••• “ Wei de Meyers’Catarrh 12.00 .... ( Cuticle, Judd’s Liquid 2-25 .... Cuticura, small 4-25 .... “ large 8.50 .... “ Resolvent 8.50 .... “ Soap 2.50 Dead Shot, Dutcher’s, for Bugs, small 1.85 21.00 “ “ Peery’s, for Worms ' 1.65 .... Dermador, Anderson’s, small 1.85 21.00 “ “ large 3*7° 42.00 Discovery, Kennedy’s Medical 12.50 .... “ Pierce’s Medical 7-5° 88.00 Disinfectant, Girondin, quarts 4.00 .... Dissolvent, Kennedy’s Rheumatic 12.50 .... Dressing, Brown’s P'rench 90 10.00 Drops, Bateman’s 75 8.00 “ Brummell’s Cough 1.20 13.50 “ Marshall’s Pine Tree Tar 1.75 .... “ Pike’s Toothache 1.62 18.00 “ Townley’s Toothache 1.62 18.00 “ Wishart’s Worm 1.50 16.00 Dye Colors, Handy Package 1.00 .... “ “ Leamon’s 1.65 18.00 “ “ “ trial size 88 9.50 “ “ Star 1.65 .... Electro Silicon 1.10 12.00 Elixir, Down’s, small 2.75 30.00 “ McMunn’s,of Opium 3-35 40.00 “ Tilden’s lodo Brom. Calc. Co 10.50 120.00 “ Wheeler’s Calisaya and Phosphates 8.00 90.00 Essence, Coffee, Hummel’s, in foil 2.50 “ “ “ in tin 3.75 “ Ginger, Brown’s 3-65 43.00 “ “ Williams, small 1.75 20.00 “ “ S. R. V. D. & Co’s 3.25 36.00 ■“ “ Roland’s 1.75 20.00 Expectorant, Jayne’s 7.60 .... Exterminator, Costar’s Rat, small 1.35 15.00 “ “ “ large 2.75 30.00 “ Parson’s 1.25 .... Extract Buchu, Helmbold’s 7.75 “ “ and Iron, Rush’s 7.75 .... “ Cubebs and Copaiva, Tarrant’s 8.00 .... Doz. Gross. Extract Dandelion, Brewer’s $!. 75 “ Flavoring, S. R. V. D. & Co’s Fruit Brand, Standard Quality. Doz. Gross. Lemon, Almond, Orange, and all others , Vanilla 2 oz. 2.00 $24.00 5 oz. 4.00 48.00 10 oz. 8.00 96.00 pints, 15.50 „ quarts, 30.00 .... 2 oz. 3.00 36.00 5 oz. 6.00 72.00 10 oz. 12.00 144.00 pints, 24.50 .... quarts, 43.00 .... Discount, 15 per cent. “ Flavoring, “ Lupin’s.” 2 OZ. 1.50 iS.OO 5 oz. 3.00 36.C0 10 oz. 6.c0 72.00 pints, 11.00 .... quarts, 21.00 2 oz. 1.75 21.00 5 oz. 3.50 42.00 10 oz. 7.00 84.00 pints, 13.00 ... quarts, 25.00 .... Lemon, Almond, Orange, and all others < V anilla < “ Flavoring, “ Roland’s.” “ Lemon and all flavors except Vanilla, small size only 1.00 12.00 “ Vanilla “ “ “ 1.25 15.00 Discount, 15 per cent. “ Malt, Hoff’s 3.50 39-00' “ “ Trammer’s, with Hops (Plain) 7-5° •... “ “ “ with Pyrophos. of Iron (Fer.) 7-5° “ “ “ with Cod Liver Oil 7.50 .... “ “ “ with Hypophosphites 10.50 •••■ “ Roots, Dutcher’s, for Beer 1.75 .... “ “ Knapp’s, for Beer, small.. 1.85 21.00 “ “ “ “ “ medium 3-7° 42.00 “ “ “ “ “ large 7-4° 84* 00 “ “ “ “ “ quarts 26.00 .... “ Smartweed, Pierce’s 3-75 44.00 “ Witch Hazel, bulk gall,, 1.25 “ “ “ Pond’s, small 3-75 •••• “ “ “ “ medium 7-5° “ “ “ “ large 15 -00 Farina, Hecker’s,! lb. papers,bxs. 48 lbs.box, 4.50 “ lb. “ “ 24 1b5.b0x,2.35 ... .... Floral Bell or Fragrant Elixir 6.00 66.00 Food, Nestle’s Lacteous 4*75 . ... Friend, Clotwerthy’s Poulterers’.... 1.50 .... Fumigators, Perrin’s, small 1.62 19.00 “ “ large 7.50 Gelatine, Cox’s 1.65 18.50 “ Nelson’s ...... 1.60 18.00 Ginger, Sanford’s Jamaica 3.35 .... Glue, Spalding’s 1.65 19.00 Glue-Pots, Muchmore’s 1.85 .... Guns, Lyons’Powder 2.25 .... “ Roland’s “ 1.50 .... Hair Balsam, Parker’s, small 4.00 45.00 “ “ “ large 7.00 78.00 “ Dye, Batchelor’s, small 7-5° “ “ “ medium 10.50 •••• “ “ “ large 23.00 .... “ “ Buckingham’s Whisker 3-75 •••■ “ “ Cristadoro’s, small 7-5° • ••■ “ “ Hill’s 3.75 “ “ Jayne’s 8.50 ... “ “ Miller’s 3-75 ■• • ■ “ Renewer, Hall’s Sicilian 6.75 80.00 “ Restorer, Allen’s, Mrs. S. A 10.00 112.00 Tonic, Jayne’s 7.60 .... “ Vigor, Ayer’s 6.75 79.00 Honey, Horehound, and Tar, Hale’s, small 3-87 45-00 “ “ “ “ large 7.75 90.00 Discount, 15 per cent 42 Honey,Liverwort,Nowill’s $2.50 .... Imperial Granum, small 5-75 $67.00 “ “ large 9-5° Ink, Indelible, Pay son’s 2.00 22.50 “ “ Tarrant’s 2-75 •••• Doz. Gross. BLACK, BLUE, VIOLET. S. R. V. D. & Co’s Stands 3 doz. bxs. .40 4-5° “ “ “ 4oz 1 doz. bxs. 1.00 10.00 “ “ “ 6 oz 1 doz. bxs. 1.25 13.00 “ “ “ Boz 1 doz. bxs. 1.5° 16.00 “ “ “ Pints 1 doz. bxs. 2.75 28.00 “ “ “ Quarts 1 doz. bxs. 4-5° 48.00 “ “ “ Jugs i gallon. 18.00 .... “ “ “ Monitor or nosed. 3 doz. bxs. .30 3-25 Invigorator, Sanford’s Liver 8.00 93.00 Juice, Valentine’s Meat 8.25 .... “ “ “ with' Glycerine 4.00 .... Kalliston, Burnett’s 7-5° 87.00 Kathairon, Lyon’s 3.75 42.00 Killer, Arnold’s, Seth, Cough, small 1.75 20.00 “ “ “ “ medium 3-5° 40.00 “ Flagg’s Cough, small 3.75 ■ ■■■ “ “ “ large 7-5° Laycock’s Worm 1.60 18.00 Lactopeptine, 1 oz. vials 8.00 90.00 Life for the Hair, Chevalier’s 6.50 75.00 Liniment, Burdsall’s Arnica 3.00 34.50 “ Centaur (White or Yellow), trial 1.85 21.00 “ “ “ “ small 3.75 42.00 “ “ “ “ large 7.50 84.00 “ Giles’lodide Am., Fam. or Horse, trial. 1.85 21.00 ,« “ “ “ “ “ sml . 3-75 42-°° “ “ “ “ “ large 7 *s® 84.00 .« “ “ “ “ “ qts 22.50 u Herrick’s German Horse, small 3-75 42.00 “ “ “ “ large 7.50 84.00 “ Hunt’s 3.50 39.00 “ Jadwin’s Subduing, small 1.85 21.00 “ “ “ large 3-75 42.00 “ “ “ Horse 7.50 84.00 “ Jayne’s 3.80 .... “ Kennedy’s Rheumatic 3.87 45.00 “ “ Scattering 7.75 90.00 “ Low’s Magnetic 3.00 ■■■■ “ Mathis’ Family 0 16-5° “ Mexican Mustang, small 1.85 21.00 “ “ “ medium 3-7° 42.00 “ “ “ large 7*s° 84.00 “ Sweet’s, small 3.00 .... “ “ large 6.00 .... “ Tobias’ Venetian, small 2.00 .... “ “ “ large 4.00 .... “ “ Horse 7-5° .... “ Wells’ 2.75 .... “ Young America 1.50 16.00 Lotion, Perry’s Moth and Freckle 13.00 .... Magnesia, Citrate, Solution, Ellis’ 2.25 24.00 “ “ Dry, Ellis’ 3-00 ■ “ “ Granulated, Ellis’ 3.75 .... “ “ Eng. granulated 3.00 33.00 “ “ Rogers’ 2.75 .... ' “ “ Solution, S. R. V. D. & Co’s. . 2.00 22.00 “ Husband’s Calcined 3.00 34-5° Matches, “ Special Safety,” S. R. V. D. & Co’s, 100’s 5 and 10 gross cases 2.50 “ “ Special Safety,” S. R. V. D. & Co’s, 30o’s 3jJ gross cases 7• 35 “ Sulph., No. 2, J4f’s..s and 10 gross cases 2.35 “ “ “2, J^’s..s and 10 gross cases 2.30 “ Parlor, Swift & Courtney’s, Bo’s. 5 and to gross cases. ... 2.70 “ Parlor, Swift & Courtney’s, 6o’s .... 5 and 10 gross cases 2.40 “ Parlor, Swift & Courtney’s, s°°’K 1 gross cases 14.00 Matches, Parlor, Swift & Courtney’s, 300’s 2 gross cases $8.40 “ Parlqr, Swift & Courtney’s, round bxs . 5 and 10 gross cases 2.80 Milk, Condensed, Anglo-Swiss Co. Prepared in England 4 doz. case. $5.75 “ “ Cham, Switz ~..4 “ “ 6.75 .... Milk, Condensed, Borden’s. Eagle 4 “ “ 8.00 .... Crown 4 “ “ 6.00 .... “ of Magnesia, Philijos’, small 3.87 45.00 “ “ “ “ large 7.75 90.00 Mucilage, S.R. V. D. & Co’s, 3 oz.,cap. x doz. bxs. 1.00 9.00 “ l/t pts. ... 1 doz. bxs. 3.50 39.00 “ “ pts. ... 1 doz. bxs. 5.00 54.00 “ “ “ qts. .. . 1 doz. bxs. 9.00 96.00 Oil, Cod-Liver, De Jongh’s 7.00 .... “ “ “ Fougera’s 11.50 “ “ “ Hazard & Caswell’s . 6.50 .... “ “ “ Hcgeman’s , 6.50 .... “ “ “ Marvin’s 6.50 .... “ “ “ Moller’s 5-5° .... “ “ “ Phillips’, with Phospho-Nutritine. 7.50 .... “ “ “ S. R. V. U. & Co’s, full size, in bots 5.75 66.00 “ “ half “ “ 3.25 36.00 “ “ “ and Lime, Scott’s ... 7.50 87.00 “ “ “ “ “ Wilbor’s 8.50 .... “ Green Mountain, small 1.75 .... “ “ “ large 3.50 “ Hamlin’s Wizard, small. . 3-75 42.00 “ “ “ large 7.50 84.00 “ Harlem, Genuine 75 6.00 “ “ Sylvester’s 3.25 .... “ Hoofland’s Greek, small 3.75 .... “ “ “ large 7.50 .... “ Merchant’s Gargling, small. ~ . 1.90 22,50 “ “ medium 3.85 45.00 “ “ “ large 7.70 90.00 “ Miller’s Harness, ]/2 pts 1.75 .... “ “ “ No. 1 3.50 .... “ “ “ “ 2 5.50 “ Renne’s Magic, small 1.85 21.00 “ “ “ medium 3.75 42.00 “ “ “ large 7.50 84.00 “ Sewing Machine, S. R. V. D. & Co’s 1.00 10.00 Ointment,Brown’s O. P., Herbal, small 2.00 21.60 “ “ “ large 4.00 43.20 “ Graefenberg, Green Mountain 1.60 18.00 “ Heiskell’s Tetter 3-75 42.00 “ Holloway’s, small 1.75 18.00 “ medium 4.50 .... “ “ large B.co .... “ Kennedy’s Healing 3*87 45.00 “ “ Hemlock 4.00 .... “ “ Salt Rheum... 45.00 “ “ Scrofula 7.75 90.00 “ McAllister’s 1.65 19.00 “ Miner’s Botanic, small 1.75 19.50 “ Tanner’s German 1.75 19.50 “ Trask’s Magnetic, small 1.85 21.c0 “ “ “ large 2.85 33.00 Olive Tar, Stafford’s 3-75 44.00 Opodeldoc, Liquid 1.00 10.50 “ Steers’ 1.00 10.50 Pads, Holman’s Fever and Ague 16.00 .... Pain-Killer, Perry Davis’, small 1.85 22.00 “ “ medium 3.75 42.50 “ “ “ “ large 7.50 85.00 Panacea, Baker’s Pain, small 1.85 22.00 “ Curtis & Brown’s Household 1.85 .... “ Swaim’s 18.00 194.00 Paper, Fly, Butcher’s per ream, 7.50 “ “ Isaacsen’s Sticky per 100, 2.00 “ “ Stayner’s “ per 100, 2.00 Pectoral, Ayer’s Cherry 7.88 94.00 Pepsin,Am.,Hawley’sAromat’d,!oz.bts.oz., .45 Doz. Gross. 44 Pepsin, Am., Hawley’s Sacch., I lb.bots.lb., $6.00 “ “ “ “ y2Vo. “ ,Ib., 6.10 “ “ % lb. “ .lb., 6.20 “ “ “ “ 1 oz. “ .oz., .45 “ “ Scheffer’s Sacch., 1 oz. “ .oz., .Co “ French, Boudalt’s, 1 oz. “ oz., .80 Phosphates, Percy’s Vitalized $8.25 .... Pills, Ayer’s S. C 1.50 $17.50 “ Arnold’s 1.50 15.00 “ Blair’s Gout, small 5-5° .... “ “ “ large 9.25 .... “ Blancard’s, small 5.00 .... “ “ large 9.00 .... “ Brandreth’s 1.25 14.00 “ “ S. C 1.25 14 00 “ Bristol’s 1.50 .... “ Brown’s O. P., small 2.00 21.60 “ “ large . 4.00 43.20 “ Clarke’s Female 7-5° 87.00 “ Deshler’s Fever and Ague 7*s° 90.00 “ Filkins’ 1.35 15.00 “ Graefenberg 1.40 15.50 “ Herrick’s 1,50 17.00 “ Holloway’s, small 1.75 .... “ medium 4-5° •• • • “ “ large 8.00 “ Hoofland’s '. 1.75 19.50 “ Hooper’s American 50 4.50 “ Jayne’s Sanative 1.65 .... “ Lee’s, Windham... 1.35 15.00 “ McLane’s Liver 1.50 17.25 “ McLean’s, J. PI., Universal 1.25 14.00 “ “ Chinoidine 7-00 7^-00 “ Moffat’s 1.50 16.00 “ Mott’s Liver. 1.50 17.00 “ Parson’s Purgative 1.50 .... “ Pierce’s Purgative Pellets 1.70 19.50 “ Porter’s 1.50 16.50 “ Radway’s 1.50 17-50 “ Schenck’s Mandrake 1.50 .... “ Shallenberger’s, F. & A 7.50 .... “ Shell’s Fever and Ague 3-5° •• • “ Tallcott’s Magic, small 3-75 .... “ large 7-5° “ Tutt’s Liver 1.50 17.00 “ Van Deusen’s 1.50 “ Wright’s Indian Vegetable, Plain 1.42 16.00 “ “ “ “ S. C 1.50 17.00 Pilules, Moore’s 3-75 42.00 Plasters, Allcock’s Porous 1.20 13.50 “ “ “ Yard rolls 18.00 . . . “ Benson’s Capcine 1.75 20.00 “ Coddington’s Capsicum, sml. 1 yard rolls 6.00 .... “ “ “ Ige. 2 “ “12.00 “ Collins’ Voltaic 1.85 21.00 “ Crew’s Mustard, No. 1 75 .... “ “ “ “ 2 88 .... “ “ “ “ 3 1.00 .... “ Crittenton’s P. M. Cloth, No. 1 75 .... “ “ “ “ “2 1 00 “ “ “ “ “3 1.25 .. . “ “ “ Kid, “ 1. 1.00 .... “ “ “ “ “2 1.25 .... “ “ “ “ “3 2.00 .... “ Grosvenor’s Arnica, No. 1 85 10.00 “ Belladonna, No. 1 1.25 15-00 “ “ “ I yard r0115... 11.00 .... “ “ Porous 1.00 .... “ Herrick’s Strengthening i-37 16.00 “ “ Perforated 1.12 12.00 “ “ Capsicum 1.12 12.00 “ Holloway’s Arnica, small 1.00 u.oo “ “ “ medium 1.10 16.50 “ “ “ large 2.00 22.00 “ Isinglass, Husband’s, No. 1, yard rolls. 6.50 .... “ Montauk Porous 75 8.00 Doz. Gross. Plasters, Rigollot’s Mustard, in boxes of 10.... $3.25 . . . “ “ “ “ “ 25.... 7.50 .... “ “ “ “ “ 100 ... 30.00 .... “ Seabury & Johnson’s Bella., porous. . . 1-13 ... “ “ “ “ 1 yard rolls.. 7.20 “ “ “ “ strengthening 1.00 .... Polish, Bro. Jonathan’s Furniture 2.25 .... “ Dixon’s Slove 55 $5.25 “ Silver Luster Stove 50 3.50 “ Star Plate 3-5° Powders, Condition, Foutz’s 1.50 17.50 “ “ Fronefield’s 1.35 15.50 “ “ Harvell’s, small 1.40 16.00 “ “ “ !arge 3.35 39.00 “ “ Punderson’s 1.50 17.00 “ “ Sheridan's .. 1.50 17.00 “ “ Tobias’Derby 1.60 18.00 “ Insect, Costar’s 1.35 15.00 *• “ Isaacsen’s .. 1.50 17.00 “ “ Knowles’, small 1.75 20.00 “ “ “ medium 3-5° 40.00 “ “ large 7.00 80.00 “ “ Lyons’Magnetic 1.85 21.00 “ “ Roland’s .... 18.00 “ Iron and Sulphur, Stafford’s 7-25 87.00 “ Seidlitz, S. R. V. D. & Go’s, full weight. 3.00 33.00 “ “ “ “ extra 3-5° 39-00 “ Soda, “ “ 1.50 16.50 Yeast, Gantz’s. Sea Foam 2.90 .... “ Baking, S. R. Y. D. & Co’s Perfection, y lb. tins, 3 doz. boxes 13.20 “ “ S. R. V. D. & Co’s Perfection, y lb. tins, 2 doz. boxes 24.00 “ “ S. R. V. D. & Co’s Perfection, 1 lb. tins, I doz boxes 45-00 “ “ Royal, y lb. tins, 3 doz. bxs. . 1.40 .... “ “ “ y2 lb. “ 2 “ “.. 2.60 .... “ “ “ 1 lb. “ 2 “ “. . 5.00 .... Prairie Weed, Kennedy’s 7.75 90.00 Preparation, Hosford’s Bread, 3 doz. boxes, .box. 6.25 .... Prescription, Pierce’s Favorite . 11.00 ... Preservative, Miller’s, Frank, Leather, No. 1.. . 1.00 .... “ “ “ “ “ 2... 1.50 Regulator, Simmons’ Liver, Dry 7.00 .... “ “ “ “ small 2. co .... “ “ “ Liquid 7.00 .... “ “ “ “ small 4.00 .... Relief, Radway’s Ready 3.75 44.00 Remedy, Kennedy’s Favorite 8.00 93.00 “ Sage’s Catarrh 3.5° 39.00 “ Mathis’ Dysentery I-5° 16.50 “ Sanford’s Catarrh 8.50 .... “ Van Deusen’s Ready 2.00 .... “ Whitcomb’s Asthma 11.50 Rennet, Shinn’s 1.50 .... “ Wyeth’s 1.50 .... Resolvent, Radway’s 8.50 99.00 Salt, German Bathing, 1 lb. boxes 84 9-5° Salve, Blackman’s . 1.50 .... “ Conklin’s 75 7.50 “ Dailey’s, small 1.87 21.00 “ “ large 3.75 42.00 “ “ Horse 3-75 42.00 “ Griswold’s 1.65 18.00 “ Henry’s Carbolic 1-75 20.00 “ Page’s Climax 1.85 21.00 “ Peleg White’s, small .75 7.50 “ “ “ large 1.50 16.50 “ Pettit’s Eye 1.60 .... “ Raymond’s Arnica 1.25 “ Redding’s Russia 1.85 21.00 “ Sawyer’s, Mrs 3.87 . . . “ “ “ small 2.00 “ Smith’s Magnetic 1.50 16.50 Sapolio, Morgan’s Hand, small 6.00 “ “ “ large 10.00 Doz. Gross. 46 Sapolio, Morgan’s Hand, Polishing $ .87 $lO.OO Sarsaparilla, Ayer’s 7.88 94.00 “ Bristol’s 10.00 .... “ Bull’s, John 8.00 “ and Iron, Rush’s 7.75 .... “ Townsend’s, Old Dr 9.00 .... “ “ S. P 9.00 .... Sauce, Pepper, pints 1.25 .... 1 “ “ quarts 1.75 .... Schnapps, Wolfe’s, pints 5.25 60.00 “ “ quarts 9.50 108,00 Sea Salt, Ditman’s, small 1.65 18.00 “ “ medium 3.25 36.00 “ “ large 6-50 72.00 “ Tidman’s, boxes, 7 lbs 5-5° .... Snuff, Durno’s Catarrh 1.75 .... “ Marshall’s Catarrh 1.75 .... Sozodont, Van Buskirk’s 6.00 69.00 Specifics, Humphrey’s, Nos. Ito 15, inclusive.. 1.75 19*50 “ “ “ 16 to 27, “ .. 3.50 39.00 “ “ 29, 30, 31, 34, 35,. . 3.50 39.00 “ 28, 32, 33 6.00 ... Syrup, Boschee’s German s*s° 63.00 “ “ “ sample 85 9.60 “ Bull’s Cough, small 2.00 21.00 “ “ “ medium 4.00 42.00 “ “ “ large 8.00 90.00 “ Bumstead’s Worm 1.50 .... “ Peruvian, small. 8.00 93.00 “ “ large 16.00 ... “ Clark Johnson’s Indian Blood, small. ... 3.75 42.00 “ “ “ “ “ large,... 7.50 84.00 “ Corbin’s Worm 1.50 16.50 “ Edwards’W. C. and Tar, small 1.50 16.50 * “ “ “ “ medium 3,00 33.00 “ “ “ “ large 6.00 66.00 “ Fellows’Hypophosphites, Compound... . 11.50 .... “ Low’s Worm 1.50 17.00 “ Mother Noble’s Healing, small 4.20 46.00 “ “ “ “ large 8.40 92.00 “ Ransom’s Hive.... 2.50 27.00 “ Reuter’s Life 8.25 .... “ Rogers’ Liv. Tar and Can 7.50 87.00 “ “ Worm 1.75 20.00 “ Schenck’s Pulmonic 8.25 96.00 “ Scovill’s Blood and Liver 7.50 87.00 “ Seabury’s Hive X.85 21.00 “ Tobias’ Pulmonic 4.00 .... “ Weaver’s Salt Rheum 10.25 .. . “ Winchester’s Hypophos., small 7.50 .... “ “ “ large 15.00 .... “ “ “ and Manganese 8.00 .... “ Winslow’s Soothing 1.85 21.00 “ Wood’s “ small 1.75 .... “ “ “ large 3-5° . ... Tamar Indien.. 7-5° . ... Tea, Hamburg, Freese & Co’s 1.85 .... “ Judson’s Worm ' 1.50 .... “ Kellogg’s Worm 1.65 .... “ Koenig’s Hamburg Breast 1.75 .... “ Quirk’s Irish 1.75 .... “ Webber’s Alpine I-So .... “ “ Hamburg 1.50 .... Thermaline, small 2.00 22.50 “ medium 3*75 42-oo t Tincture, Norwood’s Ver. Viride 12.00 .... Tonic, Hoofland’s German 12.00 .... “ Parker’s Ginger, small 4.00 45.00 “ “ “ large 8.00 90.00 “ “ “ sample bots 1.20 13.00 “ Schenck’s Sea-Weed 8.25 96.00 “ Van Deusen’s Mandrake 7-75 90.00 Troches, Arnold’s Cough 2.00 .... “ Brown’s Bronchial, small. 1.85 21.00 “ “ “ medium 3*75 42.00 “ “ “ large 7.50 84.00 Doz. Gross. 47 r Doz. Gross. Troches, Byram’s Tar and W. C $i • 75 “ Edey’s Carbolic 1.75 Vegetine, Stevens xo.oo “ Powder 4.00 .... Vermifuge, Brown’s O. P 3.75 $41.00 “ Fahnestock’s B. A i.co 17.2? “ “ B. L 1.45 15.00 Jayne’s Tonic, small 2.85 “ “ large 3.80 .... McLane’s 1.50 17.25 “ Peery’s Dead Shot 1.50 17.50 Water, Cologne, Toilet glass stopped bots., 4 oz. S. R. V. D. &Co 4.00 .... “ Toilet glass stopped bottles, 8 oz. S. R. V. D. &Co 6.00 .... “ Toilet glass stopped bottles, 16 oz. S. R. V. D. & Co 11.00 .... “ Toilet glass stopped bottles,32 oz. S. R. V. D. &Co 18.00 .... “ Florida, Lanman & Kemp’s 5.25 62.00 Wine, Pepsin, Boudault’s, % pints 10.00 ... “ ‘‘ “ pints 17.02 .... “ Hawley’s, pints 6.00 .... “ pints 12.00 .... “ Tar, Crooks 7.50 Wine of the Woods, trial size 2.00 .... “ “ “ $l.OO size 7-5° ••.. Zylo-Balsamum, Mrs. Allen’s, S. A 6.00 66.00 A full line of Domestic and Foreign Mineral Waters in stock, at lowest prices. MINERAL WATERS. DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES. Fancy Goods, Soaps and Perfumery, Foreign and American Toilet Scales, Articles, Trusses, Instruments, Etc. Etc. Etc. DRUGGISTS’ GLASSWARE. The extent and variety of the above lines of goods render a detailed enumeration, for want of space, impossible. 48 The Admiration of the IVbrld. Mrs. S. A.A lien s World's Hair Restorer IS PERFECTION! Established iBj2. Improved iByg. The nature of the great improvement is in its wonderful life- giving properties to faded or falling hair, and MORE QUICKLY CHANGING GRAY OR WHITE HAIR to its natural youthful COLOR and BEAUTY. IT IS NOT A DYE. A treatise on the article, with full directions for use, will he found around each bottle, in the following languages : ENGLISH, ARMENIAN, HUNGARIAN, FRENCH, SPA NISH, DUi 'CH, SERVIAN, PORTUGUESE, R US SI A N, DA NISH, POL ISH, JA PA NESE, GREEK, SWEDISH, ROUMA NIA N, TURKISH, GERM A N, A RA BIC. ITALIAN, Sold by all Druggists. NOTE.—Mrs, S, A. Allen has for over forty years manu- factured two entirely distinct and different Preparations for the Hair—one tinder the name of Mrs, S. A, ALLEN'S WORLD’S HAIR RESTORER, and the other Mrs. S. A. ALLEN’S ZYLO-BALSAMUM, Neither contains any ingre- dients hut what are perfectly harmless, and one or the other is adapted for every condition of the Human Hair. They should never he used together, nor oil nor pomade with either. The readers can easily determine which of the two preparations they require. Mrs. S. A. Allens Zylo-B a Isamu m It is a COOLING, TRANSPARENT LIQUID, -without Sediment, ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. A simple TONLC and DRESSING of inestimable vabie to the YOUNG, and all those who have no gray hairs. Lt will NOT CHANGE THE COLOR OF THE HALR. Premature loss of the LLair, so common in these days, is pre- vented. Prompt relief in thousands of cases has been afforded where the LLair has been coming out in Handfuls. Use no OIL or POMADE, or any Preparation for the Hair, with Zylo-Balsamum. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Large Glass - Stoppered Bottles. 114: & 116 Southampton Mow, London, Eng. 37 Boulevard Haussman, Paris, France. 35 Barclay St. and 40 Park Place, New- York. Manufactories and Salesrooms : 49 0. I\. Vai\ DuzeFs Manufacturing Department. Ipeeiai’tie), STANDARD PREPARATIONS. o||ice o| <§. sl' 1/aw TLiis-%jcrk, (flptif, XBSO. Cc I foe XiacU : SI ll am Ilos pie a ours c| prooouliucj ijcn loerewi tk CSalafocjue o| § pecialtieo o| mij own manujacturs, pnceo and dio- counts reinoed to date. qJ would aok a carejul examination c tJoio fist. Ho oimilar <|oodo, o| eitker azmcjn or dc- meotic manujacliue, ourpaoo tlsrn in cpualitij, and sack ijear ofoowo an incrsaoe in oaleo to uol-cfaoo trade. Hit oral tor mo to tloe trade, avid atoolute cjuaran- teo o| po eject oaliojacticn in suonj par- ticular. Sample ordero ooficited. djour&j uezij rsopcc-ljuffij, $. Yki] Dnxer, 3§ olhavclaij St. and %0 Taxk Tface, Tew -TJ-oA. S. R. Van Duzer & Co’s 50 Fruit Flavoring extracts. Facsimile of Label and two oz. Bottle, (Beautiful Lithosirafh Label.) PRICE LIST. APRIL, 1880. S. R. Van D UZER & COS Fruit Flavoring extracts FOR FLAVORING. Ice-Cream,. Blanc Mange, Jellies, Custards, Puddings, flavored with these Ex- tracts are unequaled for richness and delicacy of flavoi\ THEY ARE EXPRESSED FROM SOUND SELECTED FRUITS. HEALTHY— BECAUSE PURE. Cheap—because, half the quantity is only required of these extracts compared with others. Put up in elegant style, white glass bottles, i dozen boxes. 3 sizes: 2 oz., 5 oz. and 10 oz. Also pints and quarts. Extract Lemon, Peach, Orange, Almond, Nutmeg, Celery, 2 oz. pergro.ff 2Jq.00 5 OZ.,per doz. Jq. 00 10 OZ., “ 8.00 Pints, “ 15.50 Quarts,“ 30.00 Nectarine, Cinnamon, Cloves, Jamaica Ginger Raspberry, Gall. 9.50 Strawberry, Pine-apple, Rose, Blush. j 2 oz., per gross ■ ■ $36-00 5 oz.,per doz 6.00 10 oz, “ .. . 12.00 Pints, “ 22.50 Quarts, “ Jj-3.00 Gall. 13.50 Extract Vanilla Discount, 15 per cent. Quantities one gross. 52 LUPIN’S PLAVORING T * EXTRACTS. Facsimile of Bottle and Label. 53 LUPIN'S PLAVORING * * EXTRACTS. Siijiinj Extract), a ) if on icitt note Moio, ole offered at a aelif to 10 plice. (Life qiiatitif, of conUe, ij not equal to oul Sunit Inland, (kit fnttif equal to maug kandj in madet netting at Ijigljcl pdcej. Tat up in elegant ilijfe, ionite gfaij fictile), one doTen &oxej. Tlflee mt): % o&, 5 and 10 o& Jlko, pint) and quad) Extract Lemon, Peach, Orange, Almond, Nutmeg, Celery, Nectarine, Cinnamon, 2 02., per gross, $lB.OO 5 02., per d 02., 3.00 10 02., “ 6.00 Pints, “ 11.00 Quarts, “ 21.00 Gall. 6.50 Gloves, Jamaica Ginger, Raspberry, Strawberry, Pine-apple, Blush, Rose, 2 02., per gross, $21.00 502.,perd0z., 3.50 10 02.. “ 7.00 Pints, “ 13.00 Quarts, '' 25.00 Gall. 8.00 Extract Vanilla- Discount, Id per cent. Quantities one gross. 54 Roland’s * Flavoring •’‘■Extracts Facsimile of Bottle and Label. 55 * Rolands* Flavoring* Extracts Small Size only. Put up in White Glass Bottles. One Doz. Boxes. Extract Lemon, Extract Peach, Extract Orange, Extract Almond, Extract Nutmeg, Extract Celery, Extract Nectarine, Extract Cinnamon, Extract Cloves, Extract Jamaica Ginger. Extract Raspberry, Extract Strawberry, Extract Pine-apple, Extract Blush, Extract Rose. Per Gross $12.00 Extract Vanilla Per Gross $15.00 Discount, 15 per cent. Quantities one gross. B. f(. Vkq Coy Celebrated Pure Concentrated Essence True Jamaica Ginger, OF The above Cut represents a fac-shnile of our Label and Bottle Wrapper 57 B. I\. Yap & do’s Celebrated Pure Concentrated Essence OF True Jamaica Ginger. Packed in One Dozen Packages. In 4 oz. Bottles gross, $36.00 doz. 3.25 PURE Concentrated Essence Jamaica with those who kijow its many virtues, is held as a household necessity, Its aijd correcting influ- ences have njade it of priceless value, It is delicious to tlje taste and entirely harmless, It cannot fail to cure Heartburn Sour Storpach, Indigestion, Cramps, apd Cholera RJorbus. The enormous consumption of it has offered special inducements to many to manu- facture it from inferior root, while others wljo have, in the past, obtained a reputation for their article, are now careless, and palm off an inferior article, The immense demand for our Preparation tias induced us to manufacture it on a very extensive scale, and the reliable quality, perfect purity apd excellence of our Preparation stiall be maintained. Roland’s Essence I amaica CinaerG ROLAND'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER • DELICIOUS TO THE TASTE, INVALUABLE IN ALL CASES OF DYSPEPSIA AND GENERAL DEBILITY THE CONSTANT COMPANION OF EVERY TRAVELER. A NECESSITY IN EVERY FAMILY, A HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR EVER1) COMPLAINT. A Luxury in every season. • A Tonic prepared with great skill, from the very choicest materials. Prompt relief and cure for Dyspepsia, Colic, Cramps, Cholera Morbus, Diar- rhoea and Dysentery, Most invaluable to aid Digestion and all Disorders of the stomach. • PRICE 25 CENTS. • PREPARED BY ROLAND MANUFG CO, 8S BARCLAY ST. AND 40 PARK PLACE, , NEW-YORK. ROLAND’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER. The above cut represents a facsimile of our Label and Bottle Wrapper. 59 Roland’s Essence Jamaica 6inger. Packed ip Ope Dozep Boxes. In 2 oz. Bottles gross, $20.00 “ “ doz. 1.75 Whje quality and strength of Roland’s Essence Ginger is fully equal to any oilier. Tl|e size of tl|e bottle and tl]e price have been fixed to supply a demand for a bottle tlqat can be retailed for Twenty-five cents. Tl)is article contains all tlpe medicinal properties of tlje arti- cle bearing our own name. l\. Vai| Oj (oVs-<- SELECTED HJkffkqted Pure Spices Facsimile of Cans. Labels printed in Gold and Green. lt Vai| Duzef & Co’s' SELECTED c(l[tUci'anteil PtWe Cf01111 cl SpiceA THESE spices are carefully selected of the very best quality and ground under our own immediate supervision. We Guarantee the Perfect Purity of every package hearing our name. Packed in New and Attractive Style. Tin Cans. Net JPrices% i lb. Cans. Per lb. Yz lb. Cans. Per lb. Y lb. Cans. Per lb. A Cans. Per doz. B Cans. Per doz. C Cans. Per doz. Ginger, African 16 18 20 55 45 35 ‘ ‘ Jamaica 32 34 36 85 65 50 Pepper, Black 25 27 29 70 55 37 “ Red 30 S2 34 65 t>5 45 “ White 33 35 37 85 65 45 Allspice 28 30 32 75 60 40 Cloves 60 62 64 1.30 * 05 75 Cinnamon 42 44 46 I IO 85 60 Mace 1.06 1.08 I .IO 2.50 1 -75 I.OO Nutmegs 1.06 1.08 I IO 2 50 1 -75 I .OO i lb., Yz lb., and Y lb. cans, packed in 12 lb. boxes. A, B and C cans packed in j doz. boxes. Ground Spices iti Bulk, in Barrels, Kegs and Boxes. THESE SPICES ARE STRICTLY PURE. The Trade can rely on our Ground Spices. We put up only the one quality. 62 S. R. Van Duzer & Co’s Perfection Baking, or Yeast Powder. Facsimile of Cans and Labels, printed in Gold and Drab. 63 S. R. Van Duzer & Co’s Perfection Baking, or Yeast Powder. article is true to its name, “ Perfection” * Without effort op our part it has ip a brief time obtained a large and increasing sale upop its merits, confirming the opiniop of the best judges that it has no equal, It is warranted perfectly pure, and the best to make light, sweet, healthy bread, biscuits, cakes, &c. SQUARE TIN CANS, 2, 3, and 6 doz. Boxes Net Price, % lb. square cans gross, $13.20 ]/2 lb. “ “ . “ 24.00 lib. “ “ “ 45.00 5 lb. round cans, hotel and baker’s size lb. .30 10 lb. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ,28 64 65 jS. Jl. yAN pUZER y jDo’s PERFECTLY PURE Imported 3iaij 3\uin. Hock bottles, quarts, packed in doz. boxes. . . ,doz. $6.75 Hock bottles, pints, packed in doz. boxes “ 450 Hock bottles, J4 pints, packed in 2 doz. boxes, “ 3.00 Net Prices. p. jr. yAN puzER y po’s TOILET (Bolofn-e jyato. Our Cologne Water is fully equal to the best imported. Toilet glass stopped bottles, 4oz doz. $4.00 Toilet glass stopped bottles, Boz “ 600 Toilet glass stopped bottles, 16 oz “ 11.00 Toilet glass stopped bottles, 32 oz “ 18 00 Net Prices. JS. j~l. yAN pUZER, Sole Agent for United States. otolat 3M oTiaglaiit Stbdi OR liquid Each bottle enclosed in an elegant card-board case. Trade Prices. Floral Bell Fragrant Elixir gro. $66.00 Floral Bell Fragrant Elixir doz. 6.00 Floral Bell Fragrant Elixir, . . bottle, 0.75 jS>. JR. yAN pUZER, Sole Agent for United States. 3>udai 33oiiqiiet 3j£oow. For Beautifying the Complexion. Each bottle enclosed in an Elegant card-board case. Bridal Bouquet Bloom gro. $57.00 Bridal Bouquet Bloom doz. 5.25 Bridal Bouquet Bloom bottle, 0.75 Trade Prices. 66 S. R- Van Duzer & Co>s Seidfik 3^oio3ei). Strictly First-Class Material. Gu a ran teed in Every Particular. Full Weight (40 lb. Seidlitz mixture to the gross) $33.00 Extra Weight (50 lb. “ “ “ ) 39.00 Per Gross. 67 S. R. Van Dnzer & Co’s Special Safety + + Friction Matches. The above is a fac-simile of our Label on each box of our Matches. /nrvOO MUCH caution cannot be exercised in the selection X and use of matches. The Fire Commissioners of all our large cities, in their reports, say that much loss of life and destruction of dwellings by fire are caused directly by the use of common matches, that are unsafe, made without care, and of inferior quality. Our Special Safety Friction Matches are commended by the Fire Insurance Companies as the safest and best. First-class hotels in all parts of the country prefer these to all others. They have stood the test of years in climates where all others have failed. Dampness does not affect them. Every box is full count, and every match is selected, and guaranteed that it will ignite when fairly struck ; this fact presents a practical item of economy. See that the words Special Safety are on every box, together with our name, and take no other; as inferior matches are often substituted as being “just as good,” they are not and cannot be. One trial will prove the superiority of S. R. VAN DUZER Sc GO’S Special Safety Friction Matches. $2.50 per gross 100’s packed in 5 and 10 gross cases. 7.35 “ 300’s. “ 3P3 gross cases. Prices Net Cash. 68 J3. yAN pUZER, Sole Agent in the United States for this brand Blacking. No. I $2.75 per gross. FOUR SIZES: " 2 3.25 // // 3 4.00 n " 4- 5-5° " Net Prices. Facsimile of Label on each box. 3(oijal lifoh STOVE //(oiiO POLISH. FOR POLISHING STOVES, GRATES, &c. Warranted equal to Dixon’s or any other manufacture. Price $3 5° per gross Net Price. 69 S. R. VAN DUZER & GO’S Jinpoitcd Soda. Warranted Pure. Our Own Brand. Per lb. In i lb. papers (36 and 60 lb. boxes) S/4c- In lb. papers (36 and 60 lb. boxes) SXC- In % lb. papers (36 and 60 lb. boxes) , . 6)4(0. In ass’d papers (36 and 60 lb. boxes) . . . SHC- Net Prices. *■ S. R. VAN DUZER & GO’S Tpc^ection Safeiatii). Reliable Quality, Standard Purity, and Excellence. Pure, in 1 lb. papers (36 and 60 lb. boxes) 6 c. Per lb. Pure, in lb. papers (36 and 60 lb. boxes) . 6)4(0. Pure, in % lb. papers (36 and 60 lb. boxes) .... 6^c. Pure, in ass’d papers, and 1 lb., in 36 and 60 lb. bxs. 6)4(0. Net Prices. S. R. VAN DUZER & GO’S liquid 3](iiiiig Gross. In 2 oz. bottles, 3 doz. boxes $3-50 In 4 oz. bottles, 3 doz. boxes 4-75 In 8 oz. bottles, 3 doz. boxes 7.00 In 12 oz. bottles, 3 doz. boxes 10.75 In 16 oz. bottles, 1 doz. boxes 14.00 In 32 oz. bottles, 1 doz. boxes 25.00 Net Prices. S. R. VAN DUZER & GO’S s)iq Samidiij 3iliiing. Gross. In boxes, small (pepper-box style, improved tin top). . . . $2.00 In boxes, large (pepper-box style, improved tin top). ... 3.00 In boxes, small (flat box style) .-. 2.25 In boxes, large (flat box style) 3.25 Net Prices. S. R. VAN DUZER & GO’S ieimiif |]tael)iti€ ©il Gross. In 2 oz. flint bottles $lO.OO Net Price. 70 S. R. VAN DUZER & GO’S PURE MEDICINAL (Bod SW ©if. Gross (full size bottles) $66 oo “ (half “ ) 36.00 ROLAND’S 3iued I'Oiodci. Gross $lB.OO ROLAND’S “WINDSOR BRAND” jieiiaiie. Gross $9.00 §tm oi Safad ©if. OUR OWN IMPORTATION. Bottled Expressly for our Own Trade. Sueea ©tine ©it. (Callisto Francesconi & Co.) Quarts, 1 doz. cases per doz. $7.50 Pints, 2 “ “ case, 8.50 Y Pints, 2 “ - “ “ 5.00 3 gall, tin cans, 4-can cases “ gall. 2.85 6. %Vai) Oliver’s MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT * Special tie). * Standard Preparations. S. R. VAN DUZER & CO'S FRUIT FLAVORING EXTRACTS. LUPIN’S FLAVORING EXTRACTS. PERFECTION SALERATUS. S. R. VAN DUZER & CO’S S. R. VAN DUZER & CO'S IMPORTED SUPER-CARB. SODA.' S. R. VAN DUZtR & CO’S WARRANTED PURE GROUND SPICES. SELECTED S. R. VAN DUZER & CO'S SPECIAL SAFETY FRICTION MATCHES. LIQUID LAUNDRY BLUING. S. R. VAN DUZER & CO’S DRY LAUNDRY BLUING. S. R. VAN DUZER & CO'S PURE IMPORTED BAY RUM. S. R. VAN DUZER & CO’S TOILET COLOGNE WATER. S. R. VAN DUZER & CO'S S. R. VAN DUZER & CO’S PERFECTION BAKING, OR YEAST POWDER. S. R. VAN DUZER & CO'S CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF TRUE JAMAICA GINGER. CELEBRATED PURE 72 $. I\. Vail f)u^efy MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT * Speeiaftie). * Standard Preparations. S. R. VAN DUZER & GO’S SEIDLITZ POWDERS. S. R. VAN DUZER & GO’S PURE MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL. S. R. VAN DUZER & GO'S SEWING MACHINE OIL. SOLE AGENT Callisto Francesconi & Co. S. R. VAN DUZER, OLIVE OIL. BOTTLED EXPRESSLY FOR OUR TRADE. S. R. VAN DUZER, SOLE AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES, ROYAL BRAND ENGLISH BLACKING. S. R. VAN DUZER, SILVER LUSTRE STOVE POLISH. SOLE AGENT ROLAND'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS. ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER. ROLAND'S ROLAND'S “WINDSOR BRAND” BENZINE. ROLAND’S INSECT POWDER. TRUE PERSIAN 73 kqd Col of ©ep^trqeqt.*^ PRICE LIST. Terms Net Cash, payable within 30 days, in current funds in New-York, subject to draft if not paid at the expiration of that time. Prices subject to future changes in market. We give in List of Sundries two prices ; generally, the difference only covers the increased cost of putting up small quantities. Original packages aKvays at the lowest prices. Office cj §. oR. Jtew-||ork, 1880. Co tkc Crake. V/V% stock consists of a large anti most com- ptctc assortment o[ all articles in tkis line. Co explain the quality of the several Ranks of colors J , offer, would say, all colors kry ank in oil bearing my own name ank labelek (Genuine are gnarantcek by me to be of absolute purity. Cbe Jlopal brank, mp seconk qualitp, is fully equal to manp of the so-callek “genuine gooks.” Cbe Crown brank, next, at a corresponding rckuction in price, supplies the want when cheap- ness is imperative. Cbe Cnglisb ITawn <§reen, wbicb bas be- come a stankark article, df commcnk for its brilliancy ank kurabilitp of color as the best blink-green. arlies wbo may favor me with their orders, wbetber for large or small quantities, may be assurek of lowest market prices, perfect satisfac- tion in qualities, ank prompt shipment. gouts, turn mptdfullj. §. I.Un 9W, q>§> oisatcfaij St. and 40 tew-'djoik. 74 WHITE LEAD AND WHITE ZINC IN OIL. Exclusively my Own Brands. 25 lb. 25 lb. Ass’d kegs. cans. cans. Horse Head Brand lb. 7 c. Bl4c. Gold Seal “ “ 6 5y2 8 WHITE LEAD—In Oil. Leads of my own brands (25 lb. cans), packed in 100 and 200 lb. cases; assorted cans (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 lbs.), in no lb. cases. Atlantic Brand Brooklyn “ Jewett “ English Genuine 88. At lowest market rates Exclusively my Own Brands 25 lb. 25 lb. Ass’d kegs. cans. cans. P. &L. Zinc, Equity Brand, .lb. 7c. By£c. French “ Gold Seal 7y2 8 gy2 “ “ Red “ B*4 9 “ “ Green “ lO WHITE ZINC—In Oil The above are packed as noted under White Lead. WHITE ZINC In Varnish. S. R. V. D. & Co., Genuine Parlor Finish, S. R. V. D. & Co., Gloss Finish, 1 to 4 lb. cans lb. 16c. 1 to 4 lb. cans lb. 18c. 75 S. fj. Vaii ©user’s Genuine, Royal and Crown Brands Colors in Oil. Put up in Cans from i lb. to 50 lbs. each, and packed in Cases to suit Dealers. A Seduction in Prices when larger than 1 and 2 lb. cans are ordered. BLACKS—In Oil. Coach Black, Japan 1 & 2 lb. Cans, $ .22 $ .17 Genuine. Royal. Crown, “ “ Oil 1& 2 lb. Cans, .17 .14 $ .12 Drop “ “ 1& 2 lb. Cans, .17 .14 .12 Lamp “ “ 1& 2 lb. Cans, .14 .12 .11 Black Paint, Assorted. . .Ito 5 lb. Cans, .14 .11 .10 “ 7, 10 &14 lb. Cans, .13 .10 .09 “ 25 &50 lb. Kegs, .11 .09 .08 BLUES—In Oil. Chinese Blue & 1 lb. Cans, .37 Ultramarine Blue. & 1 lb. Cans, .20 .15 Prussian Blue }{, & 1 lb. Cans, .32 .26 .22 Blue Paint 1& 2 lb. Cans, .13 .11 .10 Barrel Blue. In Kegs, .09 Celestial In Kegs, .11 YELLOWS—In Oil. Chrome Yellow Ito 2 lb. Cans, .20 .15 .14 Oxford Stone Yel., Ass’d. Ito 5 lb. Cans, .17 .13 .11 Yellow Ochre Ito 5 lb. Cans, .11 .to .09 Yellow Ochre 25 to 500 lb. Kegs, .10 .09 .08 GREENS—In Oil. English Lawn Green, L. M. D., for Win- dow Blinds and Ornamental Iron Work and Machinery. S. R. V. D., Sole Importer. Assorted, 1 to 5 lb. Cans, warranted the most brilliant and permanent green in market .16 Chrome Green, Assorted, Ito 5 lb. Cans, .15 .12 .10 Paris Green, “ Ito 5 lb. Cans, .20 .17 .14 Hibernia Green, “ Ito 5 lb. Cans, .15 .12 .xo Imperial Green, “ Ito 5 lb. Cans, .14 .12 .10 Verdigris Green, “ Ito 5 lb. Cans. .32 .27 .22 Vermilion, American 1& 2 lb. Cans, .20 .15 .14 REDS—In Oil. Indian Red 1& 2 lb. Cans, .17 .14 .12 Flat Brick Red 7& 10 lb. Cans, .12 Red Lead 1& 2 lb. Cans, .12 Red Paint (Yen. Red), Assd. Ito 5 lb. Cans, .11 .10 .09 Red Paint, Assd. 25 to 500 lb. Kegs, .10 .09 .08 76 f(. Vkq Genuine, Royal and Brands Colors in Oil. Put up in Cans from i lb. to 50 lbs. each, and packed in Cases to suit Dealers. A Reduction in Prices when larger than 1 and 2 lb, cans are ordered. BROWNS—In Oil. Burnt Sienna i ,&2lb. Cans, ,15 .11 ,09 Genuine. Royal. Crown. Raw Sienna .1 & 2 lb. Cans, .15 .11 .09 Burnt Umber 1& 2 lb. Cans, ,14 .11 09 Raw Umber 1& 2 lb. Cans, .14 .11 .09 Van Dyke Brown 1& 2 lb. Cans, .15 .11 ,09 Spanish Brown 1& 2 lb. Cans, .13 ,11 .09 Metallic Brown Kegs & Pails, .09 PATENT DRYER. Patent Dryer, Ass’ted. ... Ito 5 lb. Cans, .10 Patent Dryer... .7, 10, 14 &25 lb. Cans, 09 Patent Dryer, Eng 7& 14 lb. Cans, .11 DISTEMPER COLORS. Burnt Sienna x lb Bottles, .14 Bottles, , 14 Bottles, .14 Bottles, .14 Bottles, .14 Bottles, .14 Bottles, .42 Raw Sienna 1 lb, Burnt Umber 1 lb. Raw Umber 1 lb, Van Dyke Brown 1 lb. Drop Black 1 lb, Carmine Lake 1 lb GRAINING COLORS- Light Oak Color 110 5 lb. Cans, .14 in OIL, Dark Oak Color Ito 5 lb. Cans, .14 Walnut Color Ito 5 lb. Cans, .14 COPPER PAINT— FOR VESSELS’ BOTTOMS. Per Gallon 1.7 c PUTTY. Made only with Pure Linseed Oil. Putty in Bulk, Barrels, Kegs & Tubs 02*4 Putty in Bladders, Bbls. & Half Bbls.. , . 02^ Putty in Round Cans 12% lb. .031^ Putty in “ “ 25 lb. .03 Putty in “ “ 50 lb. .03 Cans are packed in xoo & 200 lb. Cases. 77 s. % Vai\ Genuine, Royal and Crown Brands Colors Dry Put up in Cans, Kegs and Barrels. BLACKS—Dry Genuine. Royal. Grown, Drop Black, English, Ex Kegs, .17 .14 Drop Black, Eng.. Ex., Bow’d Kegs, .18 .15 Drop Black, American. .. .Bbis. & Kegs, .12 .11 Drop Black, American, Bow’d Kegs, .13 .12 Ivory Black, English Kegs, .07 Ivory Black, American Kegs, .05 Blue Black, English Kegs, 09 Frankfort Black, English Kegs, .27 Brussian Blue, Lump Boxes, 28 lb. .47 .35 Brussian Blue, Bow’d Boxes, 25 lb. ,49 .37 Chinese Blue, Lump Boxes, 25 lb. .57 Chinese Blue, Bow’d Boxes, 25 lb. ,59 Celestial Blue, Bow’d Kegs, too ib. 10 Ultramarine Blue, Ex Boxes, 28 lb. .22 .12 Better’s 81ue... Kegs, .32 Refiner’s Blue Kegs, ,60 Verditer Blue Kegs, .27 Soluble Blue, Bow’d Boxes, 25 lb. .65 BLUES—Dry. BROWN S—Dry. Sienna, Italian, Raw, Bow’d Kegs, .09 ,05 Sienna, Italian, Burnt, Bow’d Kegs, .08 .05 Umber, Turkey, Raw, Bow’d Kegs, .05 ,03 Umber. Turkey, Burnt, Bow’d Kegs, .06 ,03 Van Dyke Brown, Bow’d Kegs, .08 05 Burple Brown, English Kegs, .08 GREENS—Dry. English Lawn Green, L. M, & D 15 Chrome Green, L. M. & D 14 .11 Hibernia Green 13 .10 Baris Green, Iron Cans, 14, 28 &56 1b... .25 2j .21 i lb. tins 1 c., 2 lb. l/ 2 c. advance on above prices. American Green 100 lb. Kegs, .09 Brunswick Green, L. & D.. . 100 lb. Kegs, .07 Verdigris, French, Bow’d 45 Green, English, Bronze 13 Green, English, Quaker 13 Green, English, Verditer 27 YELLOWS—Dry Chrome Yellow, L. M. & O ,20 .18 .15 Chrome Yellow, Red 25 .22 Chinese Yellow Kegs and Barrels, .07^ REDS—Dry. English Vermilion, 30 & 50 lb. Bags 70 Trieste Vermilion 75 Chinese Vermilion 90 Turkey Scarlet Vermilion, L.&D., 6 lb. Tins, .18 .16 Carmine Nakarat 1 oz. Bottles, ,60 Carmine No. 40 ... . 1 oz. Bottles, .55 Victoria Lake 25 lb. Boxes, .40 English Rose Lake 25 lb. Boxes, .25 Red, Indian Kegs, ,10 .08 Red, Tuscan 10 lb. Boxes, .17 Rose Bink, English Barrels & Kegs, .12 78 VARNISHES STANDARD QUALITY. (Boacli 7 7 Per Gall. Wearing Body $4.00 Coach 11 . , 330 Carriage or Gearing 2.25 Coach Body, Extra Light 3 oo Hard Drying or Rubbing 3,30 No. 1 Coach, Extra 2.00 No. 1 “ x. 75 No. 2 “ 1.50 3 iilniiiiZe Polishing, Extra 330 No- 1 S 25 Furniture, Extra x.^o No. 1 1.25 No. 2 x xo ~Wl)ik Ta^ni4. Damar, Extra Heavy 1.73 “ No. 1 1,50 White Enamel 2.50 “ Copal 4.00 Picture, Extra Light 5 00 33(acli Asphalturn or Iron 1.10 Black Leather 4.00 “ Baking Japan 1.25 “ Enamel 2.50 Spilit Vatol}o. White Shellac Spirits 4.00 , Brown “ “ Extra 350 “ Ordinary 300 Light Spirit Varnish 2.00 .THijii). Japan Gold Size 3.00 “ Coach Painters’ 1.75 Brown Japan, Windsor “ “ No. 1 90 Liquid Dryer 90 3Huccllaiicoii). Agricultural, No. i 2 oo “ No. 2 1.50 Mastic Gum, Extra 20.00 Grecian 5.00 Rosewood Stain 4.00 Black Walnut Stain 1 25 Oil - cloth 1.75 Special Quotations are given when large quantities are required. Varnishes put up in any size Cans, also in Barrels and. Half Barrels. 79 J3.* “COTTAGE” Ready * Mixed -:- Paints. Prepared for Immediate Use, and Guaranteed to be Pure. These are Pure Linseed Oil Paints, and weigh about 15 pounds per gallon. In One Gallon Cans. per Vermilion $3.00 Chrome Yellow 2.75 Permanent Green 2.25 Black 2.00 Light Blue 2.00 Dark Blue 2.00 Pea Green 2.00 Lilac. 2.00 White 1.50 All other Shades 1.5° Gallon. Cases contain. Ten I gal. cans. “ “ “ “ “ Forty % “ Also packed in Quart and Half Gallon Cans. % gallon cans cost sc. per can additional. And in 10, 15, 20, 25 and 40 Gallon Kegs and Barrels. N. B.—These paints do not contain any Alkalies whatever. In Cans, Assorted, 1 to 5 Lbs. Per Pound. Outside White $ .14 Inside White .14 Light Drab 14 Dark Drab . . / 14 Light Lead Color .14 Dark Lead Color 14 Stone Color .14 Yellow Stone Color 14 French Gray . .14 Brown .14 Venetian Red 14 French Ochre .14 French Color .14 Buff. 17 Lilac. .17 Pea Green .17 Light Blue .17 Dark Blue .17 Black 17 --V 7 Permanent Green 20 Chrome Yellow 24 Vermilion 27 SAMPLE CARDS representing SHADES will he furnished upon application. BRUSHES, EVERY SIZE AND FOR EVERY PURPOSE. Unsurpassed for Quality and Price. EXTRA GROUND PAINT BRUSHES Price . .. $35.00 40.00 46.00 No 4-0 5-0 6-0 Price $27.00 31.00 37-00 No 4-0 5-0 6-0 SUPER EXTRA PAINT BRUSHES. SUPER PAINT BRUSHES Price $B.OO 10.50 12.50 14.50 16.00 18.00 20.50 No 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 7-0 EXTRA P. B, GLOSS PAINT BRUSHES. Price $19.50 23.50 29.00 34.00 No 4-0 5-0 6-0 7-0 , Price $2.00 2.35 3-oo 4.00 4.25 5.00 No 654321 Price $6.00 6.50 7.50 9.00 10.00 n.50 12,75 No 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 7-0 H. PAINT BRUSHES. P. B. GLOSS PAINT BRUSHES, Price.....510.15 12.25 1600 17.75 21.75 25.00 30.5° 36.75 No 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 7-0 8-0 GRAY OVAL PAINT BRUSHES. Price.. ..$1.85 2.15 2.35 2.85 3.20 3-6o No 6 54321 Price... .$4-3° 5-35 6-°5 7-io 8.55 14.30 17.10 No i-o 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 7-0 £ />£ S)4 9 9 Discount on above Line Brushes, HO per cent. Prices are per dozen. 82 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC + (Eolod) and Snndde). * Alum, Lump bbls. or less, per lb. $ O5 “ Ground “ “ 01; Axle Grease per gross, 9.00 Bath Brick per 100, 3.00 “ “ 24 in box “ box, .75 Borax per lb. .13 15 Brimstone, Roll bbls. or less, per lb. O4 Chalk, white, Lump “ “ “ .03 “ “ Prepared Drops “ .06 .08 “ “ French, Powdered “ ,06 10 “ Red, Lump. . “ ,05 07 “ “ Fingers.... “ .06 .08 dozen. Chamois Skins, X. P.... kip, 30 skins, per kip, 21.00 8.50 “ “ P “ “ “ 18.00 8.00 “ “ No. 1. ... “ “ “ 17.00 7.50 “ “ “2 “ “ “ 1500 7.00 “ “ “ 3. ... “ “ “ 14.00 6.50 “ “4 “ “ “ 1300 6.00 “ A. “ “ “ 12.00 550 “ B. “ “ “ io.oo 500 “ C “ “ “ 900 4.50 “ “ D “ “ “ 8.00 4.00 “ E “ “ “ 7-00 350 “ “ F “ “ “ 6.00 300 “ “ G “ “ “ 5.00 2.50 “ XX “ “ “ 9.00 4.50 “ “ French “ “ “ 18.00 8.00 “ Oil Dressed, A... “ “ “ 12.50 5.50 “ B “ “ “ 11 5° 5-25 “ C... “ “ “ 10.50 5.00 “ D... “ “ “ 9-50 475 “ E... “ “ “ 8.50 4.50 “ F... “ “ “ 7-5° 4-00 China Clay, Super Eng., y2 ton casks. . . per ton, 18 00 Copperas bbls. or less, per lb. .03 Crayons, Chalk, White per gross, .14 Crocus Martis, Eng. per lb. .12 .15 Dutch Pink “ ,12 .15 Emery, Pure Turkey, Flour. . “ ,06 .08 “ “ “ Grain “ ,07 10 “ Cloth per ream, 18.00 “ Paper “ 625 Fillings, American per lb. ,06 .08 “ English “ .08 .10 Frostings, White “ .40 ■ “ Blue, Green, and Purple “ .80 “ Canary “ 135 “ Ruby “ 2.75 Glaziers’Diamonds, Plain .perdoz. 30.00 “ “ Keyed . “ 36 00 83 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC * Colo'o and Siiiuhio. a- Glaziers’ Points, No. o, i, 2, 3 \ Triangles and Sharps, in boxes of 100 >per box $6.75 lb. papers ) Glue, A Bbls. or less, per lb., $ .14 .16 “ AA “ “ “ .18 .20 “ AAA “ “ “ .25 ,27 “ Cooper’s A Extra. ~ . “ “ “ ,32 .35 1 “ “ ,28 .30 “ “ No. 1 “ “ “ 24 .26 “ IX “ “ “ ,20 .22 “1)4... “ “ “ .17 ,19 “1H ■ ■ “ “ “ .16 .18 “ “ iK “ “ “ .15 17 “ IH-■ ■ ■ “ “ “ 13 15 “ ■■ ■ ■ “ “ “ .12 .14 “ “ 2 “ “ “ . u ,13 “ “ “ 2“ “ “ 2X .. . “ “ Less 5 % in quantities by the barrel. Gold Leaf, Extra Deep per pack, $7.25 $7.50 “ “ Usual “ “ 6.75 7.00 “ “ Pale “ 6.50 6.75 Gum, Asphaltum per lb., .10 .12 “ Copal “ .40 .45 “ Dainar “ ,35 ,40 “ Gamboge “ ,70 ,75 “ Shellac, Bleached “ .30 .55 “ Campbell’s, D. C “ .30 .55 “ “ English, No. 1 “ .45 .50 “ " No. 2. “ .40 ,45 “ Garnet “ ,40 ,45 Indigo, Bengal “ 175 1.85 “ Caracas “ 1.20 1.25 “ Manilla, Extra “ 1.10 1.15 “ A “ 1. co 1.05 Black. Col’d. Japanned Tins, or iron, 10X14 per doz., $1.75 $2.00 “ “ 12x17 “ 3.50 4.00 “ “ “ 14X20 “ 4.50 5.00 “ “ 18x24 “ 7.00 800 “ 20X28 “ 14.00 16.00 “ 24x36 “ 20.00 23.00 “ “ 28x56 “ 30.00 38,00 Knives, Gilders’ per doz., 4.50 “ Mixing “ 9.30 “ Hack “ 2.50 “ Palette “ 2.75 “ Putty “ 2.50 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC * (EoIm) and Smid'de). + Titus, Eddy & Sons, Pounds and Assorted. . .bbls. or less, per lb. $ .20 $ .22 L. Martins & Co., Ex. Coach Painters, 16 oz. Pap’s, bbl®e°j^ess’ 15X . 173^ “ X Pounds “ “ 17 .19 “ .19 .21 “ Assorted “ “ .17 .19 Coach Painters, 16 oz. Papers. . “ “ . 1 15X “ y2 Pounds “ “ .15 .17 “ X “ “ “ 19 “ Assorted “ “ .15 17 Germantown, 16 oz. Papers “ “ .09 .11 “ y2 Pounds “ “ IO .12 “ X “ “ “ .t2 .14 “ Assorted “ “ .10 .12 Ordinary (sold lij count), Whole Pap’s, “ “ 03 05 “ “ Assl’d “ “ “ ,03 05 “ “ X “ “ “ 04 06 “ “ X “ “ “ 05 .07 Double Refined Velvet, in Bulk . . “ “ .10 .12 Germantown “ “ ~ . “ “ .07 .09 Super No. 1 “ ,06 .oS “ “3 “ “ “ “ 04X 06X Cape Cod Lamp-Black, in Fingers, bbls. or Jess, per ico 50 1.00 Lead, Black, East India Lump per lb. .07 .09 “ “ “ “Powdered “ .08 .10 “ “ German “ .06 .08 “ “ American. “ .04 .06 “ Red “ .... Kegs or less, “ 10 “ “ English “ “ “ °9X 12 “ White Atlantic Dry. “ “ “ .oBX 10 “ “ Horse Head “ “ “ “ 06X 08 “ “ English “ “ “ “. 09X 12 Litharge, American “ “ “ °7X 10 “ English. “ “ “ 09X 12 Manganese, Black Oxide, Extra “ .06 .08 “ “ “ Super...... “ .04 .06 Marble Dust bbls., per bbl. 1.25 LAMP-BLACKS. Brandon, Yellow bbls. or less, per lb. .01X 03 “ Roofing “ “ “ .01% ' .03 “ Red Brown “ “ “ ,oiX 03 Spanish Brown “ “ “ .01 .02 S. R. V. D. & Co., Metallic, “ “ “ .01X .03 Prince Bros. “Ironore” “ “ “ “ .01X .03 Grafton Chocolate Paint . . “ “ “ .01 .02 “ Slate “ . . “ “ “ .01 .02 Ochre, French, Rochelle.. “ “ “ oi]/2 .03 “ “ Havre .. . . i! “ “ “ American “ “ “ .01 .02 “ Washed Dutch... . “ “ “ 08 .10 MINERAL PAINTS. 85 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC (qoI-oL) and litiidiie). Ochre, English, Oxford, Nat’i Lump... .per lb., $ 10 $ 12 “ “ “ “ Pow’d. “ II 13 Orange Mineral, English “ .10 12 Plaster, Calcined bbls., per bbl., 1.25 “ Dentists’ “ “ 1.50 Potash, Ist sorts Casks, or less, per lb., ,07 Pumice Stone, Selected “ .05 .07 “ “ Powdered “ .04 .06 Rotten “ Selected “ .08 .10 “ “ Powdered .06 .08 Rubbing “ English “ .08 .10 Red, Eng. Venetian, S. R.V. D. & Co. | bbper°[|3less’ |Ol )4 03 “ “ “ H. R. & Co. .. . “ “ .03 “ “ “ Cookson’s “ “ .0103 “ American Venetian “ “ .03 SandPaper, Flint Ream, 4.50 “ “ Eagle “ 3.25 Sea Sand bbls., per bbl., 1.25 Silver Leaf per pack, 2.00 Smalts, German Cobalt, Blue, Fine. .. .per lb., .15 .17 “ “ “ “ Coarse.. “ .15 .17 “ American Blue “ .10 .12 “ Black Superfine .07 .08 “ “ Fine “ .06 .07 “ “ Extra “ ,04 .05 “ Brown “ .07 .08 “ Maroon “ 07 .08 “ Chrome Green “ .07 .08 “ Paris “ “ ,11 ,12 “ Vermilion “ .11 .12 Sponges, Florida, S. W., Selected.... *• 2.50 “ “ Carriage ‘ 1.00 “ Bahama “ “ K25 Sulphur, Flour of . bbls., “ -°3X -°5 Wax, Pure White “ 50 .55 “ Refined Yellow ..28 .30 White, Paris, Imp. Queensgate,| kssTptob.5’ } °2X 03 “ “ “ Kiln-dried & Bolted “ “ .04 “ “ Cliffstone “ “ °3 “ “ “ Kiln-dried & Bolted “ “ .02 .03 Whiting, Gilder’s “ “ .02 “ “ Kiln-dried and Bolted “ “ .01 .02 “ Commercial “ “ .02 “ “ Kiln-dried & Bolted “ “ .02 Zinc, American, Snow White, [ bbJer°1rbless> | .OB “ “ Super “ “ • .07 “ French, Red Seal “ “ ,lO “ “ Green Seal..., “ “ .10 .12 “ Sulphate “ “ .06 .08 86 FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. SINGLE. DOUBLE. SIZES. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 fix 8 to 10x15 8.00 0.75 6.25 5.75 12.00 11.00 10.00 9.25 nxi4 to 10x24 8.75 8.00 V.50 7.00 14.75 13.75 12.75 11.75 18x22 to 20X30 11.25 10.50 9.75 8.75 19.00 17.75 16.00 15x30 to 24x30 12.75 11.50 10.00 21.50 19.25 16.50 20x28 to 24x30 13.50 12.25 11.25 23 00 20.75 18.25 20x30 to 20x44 14.75 13.75 11.75 25.00 23.00 19.25 26x46 to 30x50 10.25 15.00 13.00 27.00 25.00 21.25 30x52 to 30x54 17.25 16.00 13.50 28.50 26.00 22.25 30x50 to 34x50 18.75 16.75 15.00 30.00 27.75 24.75 34x58 to 34x00 19.50 18.00 16.00 31.75 30.00 27.00 30x00 to 40x00 21.00 19.50 18.00 35.50 32.50 30.25 Sizes above 100 in( lies—$10 per box ex tra for every 5 in cl ies. All sizes over 52 inches in length, and not making 81 united inches, will be charged in 84 united inches bracket. An additional 10 per cent, will be charged for all Glass more than 40 inches wide. DISCOUNT, AMERICAN WINDOW CLASS. SINGLE. DOUBLE. SIZES. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 fix 8 to 10x15 8.25 7.50 7.00 6.50 12.75 11.75 10.75 10.00 Uxl4 to 15x24 9.25 8.50 8.00 7.25 14.50 13.25 12.50 j 11.25 16x24 to 20x28 10.75 9.75 8.75 7.75 17.25 15.75 14.00 1 15x34 to 24x30 12.25 10.75 9.00 8.50 19.75 17.25 14.50 26x28 to 24x36 13.00 11.50 9.75 9.00 21.00 18.50 15.75 26x36 to 26x44 14.50 13.25 10.75 9.50 23.25 21.25 17.25 26x46 to 30x50 15.00 14.00 11.25 10.50 24.00 22.50 18.00 30x52 to 30x54 16.00 14.50 12.00 25.75 23.25 19.25 30x56 to 34x56 17.25 15.50 13.50 27.75 25.00 21.75 34x58 to 34x60 18.25 17.25 15.00 29.25 27.75 24.00 i 36x60 to 40x60 20.75 18.75 17.25 33.25 30.00 27.75 Sizes above 100 indies—$10 per box ex tra foi every 5 inches. All sizes over 52 indies in length, and not making SI united inches, will he charged in 84 united inches bracket. An additional 10 per cent, will be charged 'or all Glass more than 40 inches wide. DISCOUNT. OlLS.—Perfectly Pure. Quotations not binding in case of change in market value. Linseed Oil, Raw At lowest market rates. Linseed Oil, Boiled. . . ,l “ “ Sperm Oil, Bleached.. Gall.si .30 1.35. .By BbL, Gall.si .25 Elephant Oil, Bleached, “ 0.80 0.85. .By Bbl., “ 0.75 Lard Oil, Prime “ 0.70 o. 75. .By Bbl., “ 0.65 Lard Oil, No. 1 “ 0.68 0.73. .By Bbl., “ 0.63 Whale Oil, Bleached . . “ 0.70 o. 75 .. By Bbl., “ 0.65 Neatsfoot Oil, Extra. . “ 0.85 0.90. .By Bbl., “ 0.75 Neatsfoot Oil, Cooper’s “ 1.05 1.10. .By Bbl., “ 0-95 Machine Oil, Extra. . . “ 0.70 o. 75. .By Bbl., “ 0.65 Machine Oil, No. 1... “ 0.45 0.50. .By Bbl., “ 0.40 Strait’s Oil “ 0.52 0.57. .By Bbl., “ 0.47 Bank Oil “ 0.50 0.55. By Bbl., “ 0.45 Superior Prime White Coal Oil At lowest market rates Spirits Turpentine “ “ “ AN UNBROKEN RECORD OF SUCCESS. ®DUEYEAS- G-len Cove Starch Mfgr. Co. received the ONLY M GOLD MEDAL, over all com- li Vs W||f Sjj petitors, at PARIS EXPOSITION, 1878. A few Fac-Similes of Prize Medals Awarded the Messrs. Duryea, over all competitors, for the “Perfection of Quality of their Goods." The above medals present an array of irrefutable testimony in favor of Duryeas’ Starch, well worthy of the serious consideration of all who want the best and most economical; each medal represents a decision of a separate Board of Scientific and Disinterested Jurors. No greater evidence of superiority can pos- sibly be submitted. Comments of the manufacturers can add nothing thereto, fit,s?® I|||f DURYEAS’ ISP SATIN GLOSS STARCH Gives a Beautiful, White, Glossy and Basting Finish besides renders Fabrics very Durable. Try it. No other Starch so easily used or so Economical, DURYEAS’ Improved Corn Starch. Manufactured by a greatly improved process, from the Best Selected Indian Corn, and Warranted Perfectly Pure. In every instance of competition, has received the highest award. In addition to Medals many Diplomas have been received. The following are a few of the characterizing terms of award : at London, 1862, for quality, “EXCEEDINGLY EXCELLENT.” Paris, 1867, “ “PERFECTION OF PREPARATION.” Paris, 1878, “ “BEST PRODUCTION OF ITS KIND.” Centennial, 1876, for “NOTABLE OR ABSOLUTE PURITY.” Brussels, 1876, for “REMARKABLE EXCELLENCE.” Franklin Inst., Penn., “FOR SUPERIOR MERIT, not alone as being THE BEST OF THE KIND EXHIBITED, but as THE BEST KNOWN TO EXIST IN THE MARKET OF AMERICAN PRODUCTION.” DURYEAS’ STARCH, Our new Recipe Book will be sent, post-paid, to any one sending their address to WM. DURYEA, General Agent, 29, 81 and 88 Park Place, N. Y. 33e Sure “Duryeass” is 011 Every -Article. EOR SALE BY GROCERS GENERALLY. Trade supplied at lowest manufacturers’ prices by S. R. Van Duzer, JOHNSTON’S Patent Standard DRY P'S I ZED KALSOMINE. “Ready For Use.” This Kalsomine is an article that, in the most inexperienced hands, cannot fail to produce a pleasing effect. It is endorsed by Painters, Dealers and House- keepers, wherever tried. It is ready for use by the addition of water only, being an impalpable powder. It will not rub or scale from the wall. It will work well upon absorbent, or what are known as hot walls. It is invaluable in cleansing and disinfect- ing walls that are impregnated with germs of disease. It is made of the purest white, and in gradations of all the leading and fashionable tints—“from grave to gay, from common to sublime.” It is sold from sample card; all the tints, shades, and colors are warranted in every respect accurate. It will KEEP FOR YEARS without change in Quality or Color. It is packed in strong Manilla paper packages, of box form, holding six pounds, with full directions for use. A six-pound package will cover 400 square feet with one coat, on a hard-finished wall. A pail of this Kalsomine can be mixed in five minutes. SEND FOR SAMPLE CARD AND PRICES. CAUTION.—The widespread popularity of my PATENT KALSOMINE and. Fresco Paints having induced unscrupu- lous parties to foist upon the market worthless preparations, under various names, purporting to he for the same purposes, I caution the public to guard against such frauds, by seeing that my Name and, Trade-Mark are on every package. JET. M. JOHNSTON, Patentee. Trade supplied at lowest manufacturers’ prices by S. R. VAN" DTJZER. MALTINE. Professor of Practical Chemistry to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain ; Author of a Manual of General Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. FBOF. BOHN ATTFIFLI), F. C. S., London, 17 Bloomsbury Square, W. C., ? October 28th, 1878. 5 To Messrs. Reed &= Carnrick: Gentlemen -I have analyzed the extract of malted Wheat, malted Oats, and malted Barley, which you term Maltine.’ I have also prepared, myself, some extract from these three malted cereals, and have similarly analyzed it, and may state at once that it corresponds in every respect with the Maltine made by myself. As regards the various Malt Extracts in the market, I may remark that your Maltine belongs to the non-alcoholic class, and is far richer, not only in the directly nutritious materials, but in the farina digest- ing Diastase. In comparison, your Maltine is about ten times a§ valuable, as a flesh former ; from five to ten times as valuable as a heat producer; and at least five times as valuable as a starch digesting agent. It contains, unimpaired and in a highly concen- trated form, the whole of the valuable materials which it is possible to extract from either malted Wheat, malted Oats or malted Barley. Yours faithfully, JOHN ATTFIELD. .Vbl of "Plaltiiu Akpaialioii) MALTINE—PIain. MALTINE with Alteratives. . MALTINE with Beef and Iron, MALTINE with Cod Liver Oil and Pancreatine. MALTINE with Cod Liver Oil and Phosphates. MALTINE with Hops. MALTINE with Hypophosphites. MALTINE with Pepsin and Pancreatine. MALTINE with Phosphates. MALTINE with Phos. Iron, Quinia and Strychnia. MALTINE Ferrated. MALTINE WINE. MALTINE WINE with Pepsin and Pancreatine. MALTINE with Peptones. M ALTO-YERBINE. Maltine is now in the hands of the Wholesale Trade through- out the United States. We guarantee that Maltine will keep perfectly in any climate, or any season of the year. We Manufacture a Full Line of FLUID EXTRACTS, G[elktir|e kqd su^kf-dokted ELIXIRS, &c. Which we guarantee to be perfect in every respect. Faithfully yours, REED & CARNRICK, New-York. All of the above, and a full line of Reed & Carnrick’s other Standard Preparations, supplied to the trade at lowest manufact- urers’ prices, by S. R. VAN DUZER. TEFFT GRISWOLD & CO Impophs jWD Jobbers of DRY GOODS. 326,328 & 330 Broadway, Between Worth. and. Pearl Sts. NEWYORK. E. T. TEFFT. W. E. TEFFT. J. H. WELLER. G. G. KELLOGG. G. L. PUTNAM. H. R. CLARKE. G. C. CLaRKE. AUSTIN, NICHOLS &. CO. AND Wholesale Grocers, ALSO Dealers in Fish AND FOREIGN FRUITS Nos. 106, 108 & 110 Reade St. NEW-YOEK. fVide List isctit 011 Sppltcfitiori, WILL REMOVE On or about May Ist, to American Express Building* Corner Hudson and Jay Streets. 92 NATH’L FISHER & CO Wholes/le Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, 27 lurrat»»3l Warren Sts. New-York. NATH’L FISHER. HENRY DIX. WM. A. FERRIS. GEO. W. DAVIS. IRVING R. FISHER. 93 EARLY & LANE, Wholesale Dealers in Wood Ware, Cordage, BROOMS, BRUSHES, MATCHES, TWINE, BASKETS, Etc. And Importers and Jobbers of Crockery, China, Lamps, AND Glassware, 145 Chambers Street, 127 Reade Street, 5 Hudson Street, NEW-YORK. 94 QUACKENBUSH. TOWNSEND & CO, manufacturers ami IMolesale Sealers in HARDWARE. Depot for Wide-Awake Axes, Rough-and-Ready and Clipper Scythes, Beaver Files And Challenge Door and Gate Springs. Agents' for NORWICH LOCK MFC. CO. 85 Chambers k6? Reade Sts. New-York. 95 HOLBROOK BROTHERS, American Plate Glass, Sole Agents for the East Crystal Plate Glass Co. OF THE Of St. Louis, Mo. QUALITY GUARANTEED EQUAL TO THE BEST IMPORTED. Also, Importers of French and English Plate & Window Glass ORNAMENTAL GLASS For Offices, Prescription Cases, Vestibules, &o Glaziers’ Diamonds, 87 and 89 Beekman Street 53 and 55 Cliff Street, NEW-YORK. Trade supplied at Importers’ lowest prices, by S. R. VAN DTJZER. E. Greenfield’s Son&Co. Manufacturers of CONFECTIONERY, NEW-YORK Druggists’ Gum Drops. Licorice Drops. Cough Drops. Hoarhound Drops. CHOCOLATE CREAM DROPS, MARSHMALLOW DROPS, MIXED CANDIES, ETC,, ETC. All Kinds of Medicated Lozenges for Druggists use. COLTSFOOT ROCK. ROCK CANDY, etc. Trade supplied at manufacturers’ lowest prices, by S. R. VAN DXJZER. 97 S. F. Engs. Geo. Engs. H. Snyder, Jr, P.W. ENGS & SONS, Wine Merchants, No. 131 Front Street, NEW-YORK, DEALERS IN SPIRITS AND WINES, Importing them from the best houses abroad, Offer to the Drug trade a stock, for variety and excel- lence unsurpassed by any house in the United States. Druggists who wish to handle Pure Goods Are invited to buy of us. We know our stock is as large, if not larger, than any house in the . trade, and challenge comparison both in quality and prices. BOURBON | RYE WHISKIES, From the best makers, ALWAYS IN STOCK, “OF ALL AGES.” SAMPLES SENT CARRIAGE FREE. Trade supplied at Importers’ lowest prices, by S. R. VAN DUZER. 98 DAVID S. BROWN & CO. Established 1808, MANUFACTURE THE Finest and Largest Line of TOILET SOAPS In the Country. ALSO A FINE LINE OF Toilet Waters AND HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS Sold by all Wholesale Druggists and Notion Jobbers. Trade supplied at manufacturers’ lowest prices, by S. R. VAN DUZER. 99 “Sweet Bye-and-Bye.” The Odor is Itich and very Lasting, It has the LARGEST SALE of any Perfume in the country, Sold on its honest merit. “OUR ROSE BUD,” “GYPSY MAID,” Popular Perfumes. Our BULK and TRIPLE EXTRACTS are Standard. CORNING & TAPPAN, Perfumers, NEW-YORK. All of the above, and a full line of Corning & Tap- pan’s other Standard Perfumes, supplied to the trade at lowest manufacturers’ prices by S. R. VAN DUZER. Geo.hßassett&Co. 49 Barclay Street, AND 52 and 54 Park Place, NEW-YORK CITY. Importers, Jobbers find Manufacturers’ Agents of China, Glass, EARTHENWARE, LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, Silver-Plated Ware Fancy Goods. Also, make a specialty of Furnishing Hotels, Restaur- ants and Steamboats; besides having on hand, in Packages and Open Stock, Decorated English Earthenware From the celebrated factories of BATES, GILDEA & WALKER, FINDER,IBOURNE & CO. HOPE & CARTER, and COPELAND.! Would be pleased to send on application Catalogues and Price Lists, and would solicit a per- sonal inspection when in the city. John Jewett & Sons, CORRODERS OF LEAD Crushers of Linseed This is the ONLY QUALITY of WHITE LEAD that we have made for the last twenty-two years. PACKAGES. Wood Pails, 25 and 50 lbs. each. Kegs, - - - 100 “ “ Casks, about 200, 300, 500 and 600 lbs. each. Cases containing four 25 lb. tin pails. “ “ eight 1 “ “ “ 100 lbs. ass’d, 1, 2, 3 and 5 lb. cans, JOHN JEWETT & SONS, 181 Front Street, New-York. Trade supplied at manufacturers’ lowest prices, by S. R. VAN DUZER.