Physicians’ jfo RELIABLE PERMANENT m g&iajpjis ,Pllf ILli etc: Wm.R.Warner & Co. . Philadelphia, New York, LoHdoH- Nervous Headache and Brain Fatigue. FOR THE SPEEDY RELIEF OF (WARNER & CO.) sod b- Useful in Nervous Headache, Sleepless* ness. Excessive Stndy, Over Brainwork, Sea Sickness, Epilepsy, Nervous De- bility, Mania, etc., etc. Dose.—A heaping teaspoonful in half a glass of water, to be repeated after an interval of thirty minutes, if necessary. It is claimed by prominent specialists in nervous diseases, that the Sodium Salt is more acceptable to the stomach than the Bromide Potassium. An almost certain relief is given by the administration of this Effervescing Salt. It is used with advantage in Indigestion, depression following alcoholic and other excesses, as well as Nervous Headache. It affords speedy relief for mental and physical exhaustion. WM. R. WARNER & CO. PREPARED BY MANUFACTURERS OF SOLUBLE COATED PILLS, PHILADELPHIA and NEWYORK. PHYSICIANS’ COMPLETE FORMULA BOOK GIVING THE DOSES AND MEDICAL PROPERTIES. WM. R. WARNER & CO.’S -OF- RELIABLE SOLUBLE-COATED PILLS, GRANULES and PARVULES EFFERVESCENT SALTS, etc. WITH REFERENCE NOTES RESPECTING POISONS AND ANTIDOTES, DISEASES AND REMEDIES, Etc., Etc., Etc. WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO PUBLISHED BY PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK AND LONDON. 1890. CONTENTS. PAGE. Eff. Gran. Bromo Potash, - - - - - 3 Physicians' Medical Cabinet, 4 Introductory, ------ 5-6 Soluble Coated Pills, ----- 7-40 Gelatin Coated Pills, - 41-50 Soluble Coated Granules, - 51-54 Antiseptic Pastilles, - 54 Addenda Soluble Coated Pills, - - - 55-57 Parvules, - - - - - - - 58-61 Hypodermic Tablets, ----- 62 Dosimetric Granules, ----- 63-68 Granular Effervescent Salts, - - - 69-78 Parvule Cases, for Pocket, Hand and Buggy, 79-82 Parvules, Endorsement of, 83 Dose Table, -------- 84 Ingluvin, - -- -- -- -85 Arthrosia, - 86 Abridged Table of Diseases, - 87-88 Pil. Chalybeate, - - - - - - - 89 Pil. Chalybeate Comp., ----- 90 The Metric System, 91 Poisons and Antidotes, - - - - 92-93 Liquid Pancreopepsine, - - - - - 94 Fluid Extract Ergot, ----- 95 Salicylic Acid Comp., - - - - - - 96 Bromo Soda, - - - - 2nd page cover. Galenical Preparations, - - 3rd page cover. Special Recipes, - - - 4th page cover. FOR THE SPEEDY RELIEF OF Nervous Headache and Brain Fatigue. (WARNER & CO.) WARNER’S EFFPRVESOING AS SPECIALLY PREPARED BY WILLIAM R. WARNER A. CO. Dose.—A large teaspoonful, in water, containing; Hydrobromate of Caffein, i gr. Bromide of Potassium, 20 grs. We have adopted the above shortened title for our preparation of Bromid. Potash and Caffeine. Useful in Sleep, es ness, Over Exercise of the Brain, Intense Study, Nervous Debility, etc., and in ail cases for w the above remedies are given singly to advantage. PROPERTIES. An almost certain relief is given by the administra- tion of this Effervescing Sait It affords a pleasant and delightful draught, by mixing a large teaspoonful with a glass of water and drinking while effervescing. It is also u-ed with advaniage in indigestion, de- pkesSlON following alcoholic and morphia excesses and nervous headache It alfords speedy relief for mental and physical BXHAusiiON. The therapeu- tic value and great advantage of this preparation will be readily recognized by the Piofession. WM, R. WARNER & CO. 1228 MARKET ST-, PHILADELPHIA. Chemists, 18 LIBERTY ST., NEWYORK. wasstbs 3s oo.rm Medical Cabinet foi1 phi]gician3 Dispensing their own medicine where there are no drug stores; SUPPLIED WITH WARNER & CO.'S BEAUTIFUL BOTTLES, WITH INDESTRUCTIBLE GLASS LABELS. PRICE 8125.00. In Walnut or Ash Wood. contained in Physician's Cabinet, or changed to enlt your vlsHai. doz. 8 ox. BalK mouth BottleSa IM dot 8 ox. Tine lure Bottletc Uf dox. 2 ox. Assort* ed Bottles, (Acid Sulph. Arom.i Aqua Ammonia. Soiritus /Elhoris NIL. Spiritus Lava. Oomp. Ext. Senna Fluid. Ext. Ergolas Fluid. Ext. Sar. Comp. Fluid* Tincture Opii. Tmctura Opii Camph. Chloroformum. Llq. Potass. Arsena Syrupus Scilla Comp. Syrupus Ipacao. Copaiba. 01. Torebinthlna* Pulv. Acacia, »' Rhel. u Potasti Nitras. i Pocket, Parvule Case, Fulw. Alumefc > » OpIL “ Ipecstt. " Doviri. Camphors. Polassii ChloPa Potassii lodiduim Potassii Bitart. Potassii Bromidum. Bodii Borai. Sodii Bicarbonate Sulphur Sublimatunts Zinc! Sulpha* Sal Rochella* Acidum Tannlcurm Crefa Prepsrat* Magnesia Calc. Argent! Nitras. Morphia Sulphas* Ferri Subsulpha Acidum CarbolicuOft . Pil: Cath. Comp U.S.P ** Anti-Bilious Veg. M Anodyne. ** Anti-Chtorofio. ** Anti-Chromania. *' Anti-Dyspeptic. * Assafosiida. k> Opil at Camphors. “ Quinia 8. I gr. 4000 Parvulas. 40 varMlei I pair Scales, 8 Spatulas, PHI Boxes, Powder Envelopes, Powder Papers, Gallipot®* Isinglass Plaster, Belladonna Plaster, Adhesive Plaster, I or. Graduate, 4 ox. Graduate, j-4 Cross Assorted Vials, I Cross Corks, I Mattson's Syringe, Class Male Syringes* Class Female Syringes, Citrine Ointment, Resin Cerate, Blue Ointment* Seldlltt Powds«| Small Mortar, Larger Mortar and Pill Tile IM. S. & ©O. MEDICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS, 1228 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. | *”“• *• ..WJfS&hJ OARFICLO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. City of TV AsinjtoTOif, Oct. 14th, MM. { Dtt. Wli, ot shop bottles trlth Indestructible plana label' has been received, and the Board of Directors of the Garfield Memorial Hospital request me to acknowledge Ihsmoslpl Uaisof. and to convey to you thsir thanks tor a caotrtbu- 4 WARNER Ext. Belladon., Vs & ■} WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Aloin et Strychnin, et Bellad. 75 350 Comp Med. prop. Aloin, 1-5 gr. 1 Ext. Belladon, t-g gr. 1 Strychnin®, x-6o gr. j Ext. Cascara Sag., % gr. J Alterative 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Alterative, with tendency to Mercurial Impression. Dose, i to 2. Mass. Hydrarg., 1 gr.") Pulv. Opii., Ys gr. >- Pulv. Ipecac., Ys gr.J Alterative. (Dr. C. C. r'ox) 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Alterative, wita tendency to Mercurial Impression. Dose, 1 to 2. Mass. Hydrarg., 1 gr.-) Pulv. Rhei., j gr. V Sodii. Bicarb., 1 gr. j Ammon. Bromid. Igr 75 3 s<> Med. prop.—Sedative, Alterative, Re- solvent. Dose, 1. Analeptic 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Stimulant, Diaphoretic. Dose, 1 to 4. Pv. Antimonialis, % gr.") Pv. Res. Guaiac., x gr. 1 Pv. Aloes Socot., gr. f Pv. Myrrh., y2 gr.J Anderson’s Scot’s 4° 1 75 Med. prop.—Cathartic. 2 to 5. Pv. Aloes Socot.i Pv. Saponis. Pv. Colocynth. Pv. Gambogiae. Anodyne 75 3 5° Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 2 to 5. Pv. Camphors, 1 gr."l Morphin Acetas, 1-20 gr. i Ext. Hyoscyami, I gr. f 01. Res. Capsici, 1-20 gr.J Anthelmintic . oo 4 75 Med. prop.—Anthelmintic. Dose, i to 2, Santonin, 1 gr. ) Calomel, 1 gr. j WARNER &. CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED RILLS. Anti-Bilions (Vegetable) 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Cholagogue Cathartic. Dose, 2 to 3. Pv. Ext. Col. Co., •2% grs.l Podophyllin, % gr. j PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Anti-Chill t 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Anti-periodic. Applicable to obstinate intermittents. Dose, x to 2. Chinoidin, 1 gr."| Ferri Ferrocyanid, 1 gr. I 01. Piper. Nig., 1 gr. f Ac. Arsenious, 1-20 gr.J Anti-Chlorotic 75 3 5° Med. prop,—Anti-chlorotic. Dose 1 to 2 Potass. Chlor., 1 gr.") Ferri Chlor., V£ gr. 1 Pv. Podophylli., 1 gr. f Pv. Myrrhse, % gr.J Anti-Clioromama 75 3 5° Med. prop.—Anti-spasmodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Zinci Valer, 2 grs. I Ferri Valer, V gr. V Ext. Sumbul., gr. j Anti-Constipation 75 3 5° Dose, 1 to 4. Podophyllin, 1-10 gr.T Ext, Nuc. Vom. gr. Pv. Capsici, J4 gr. > Ext. Belladon., 1-10 gr. I Ext. Hyoscyami, % gr.J Anti-Constipation. (Palmer.)... 75 35° Dose, 1 to 2. Aloes Soc’t 1 gr. "| Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 gr. I Ext. Nuc Vom., v % gr. | Ipecac Pulv., 1-10 gr. J Anti-Dyspeptic i“ 4 75 Med prop.—Applicable where Debility and Impaired Digestion exist. Dose, i to 2. Strychnine, x-40 gr. I Ext. Belladon, 1-10 gr. I Pulv. Ipecac., 1-10 gr. > Mass. Hydrarg., 2 grs. I Ext. Coloc. Comp. 2 grs.J j WARNER & CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Anti-Dyspeptic. (Fothergill) 75 3 50 Dose, x. Pv. Ipecac., yz gr."| Strychnine, I—2o gr. I Pv. Piper Nig. I% gr. f Ext. Gentian, 1 gr.J Anti-Malarial 1 25 6 00 Med. prop.—Anti-malarial. Dose, 1 to 2 (Quininae Sulph , 1 gr. T Cinchoninae Sulph., gr I Ferri Sulph. Exs. % gr. j Ac. Arsenious, 1-40 gr.J Anti-Malarial (Philadelphia) 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Anti-malarial. Dose, 1 to 2. Ferri Sulph., 1 gr. "1 Pv. Capsici, gr. ! Cinchonid. Sulph., 2 grs. ( Strychnine, 1-30 gr. J Anti-Malarial. (McCaw) x 50 7 25 Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae Sulpn., 1 gr."| Ferri Sulph. Exs., gr. Ac. Arsenious, 1-80 gr. Gelsemin, gr. Podophyllin, gr. 01. Res. Pip. Nig., 1-16 gr._ Antimonii Comp.,U.S.P. (Pil. Plummer) 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, 1 to 3. Anti-Periodic 80 3 75 Med. prop.—Anti-periodic. Dose 1 to 3. Cinchonidin Sulph., 1 gr.") Res. Podophylii, 1-20 gr. ] Strychninae Sul., 1-33 gr. ( Gelsemin., 1-20 gr. f Ferri Sulph. Exs., gr. 01. Res. Capsici. x-iq gtt. Anti-Periodic. (One-half size) 45 2 00 Dose, 1 to 3. Anti-Spasmodic 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Anti-spasmodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Ext. Hyoscyami, % gr.T Morphinae Acetas., 1-10 gr. 1 Brom. Camphor., gr. f Pv. Capsici, gr.J WARNER «. CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Antisplenetic 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Anti-splenetic. Dose, 2 to 4. Pv. Aloes Soc., 1 grA Pv. Ammoniaci, gr. I Pv. Myrrhxe, % gr. [ Ext. Bryony, xgr.J PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Aperient 85 4 00 Med. prop.—Aperient, Tonic. Dose, 1 to 2. Ext. Nuc. Vom., % grA Ext. Hy’oscyami, % gr. >• Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 grs. J Aperient. (Dr. Fordyce Barker.)... xOO 475 Med. prop.—Aperient. Ext. Coloc. Co., 1% gr.) Ext. Nuc. Vom., y2 gr. Ext. Hyoscyam., gr. I Pulv. Ipecac, 1-12 gr. Pulv. Aloes Soc’t, s-12 gr. Res. Podophylli., 1-12 gr. _ Aperient. (Drysdale.) 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Aperient. Dose, 1 to 2. Pv. Rhei, zj£ grA Pv. Ipecac, S-12 gr. I Pv. Aloes Soc., IyA gr. f Pv. Nuc. Vom., yz gr. J Artlirosia. (See special page) g0 Med. prop.—Antilit’nic, Tonic, Altera- tive. Acid Salicylic. Ext. Colchicum. Ext. Phytolacca. Res. Podoyhyili. Quinine. Pv. Capsicum. Asafoetida, U. S. P 4o x7S Med. prop.—Nerve Stimulant. Dose, 1 to 3. Asa fuel id *. 2 grs 4Q j 7S Med. prop.—Nerve Stimulant. Dose, 2 to 4. Asafoetida Comp 4o x7S Med. prop.—Tonic and Nerve Stimu- lant. Dose, 2to 5. Aspi'oetidse, 2 grs. 1 Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. j WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Asafcetida et Aloes 40 1 75 Med. prop.-Purgative, Anti-spasmodic. Dose, 2 to 5. PILLS, Asafcetida et Rhei 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Laxative, Nerve Stimulant. Dose, 2to 4. Asafoetidae, 1 gr.") Pulv. Rhei, • 1 gr. j- Ferri Redact., 1 gr, J Astringent 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Astringent. Dose, 1 to 2. Ext. Geranii, 2 grs. 1 Pv. Opii, % gr. 1 01. Menth. Pip., 1-20 gtt. f 01. Res. Zingiber., 1-20 gtt. J Atropina. 1-60 and 1-100 gr 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Atropinse Snlph. 1-60 gr 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Bismuth Subcarb. 3 grs 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Sedative. Dose, 2 to 5. Bismuth Snbnit. 3 grs 73 3 50 Med. prop.—Sedative, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 5. Bismuth et Ext. Jfnc. Vom 15° 7 25 Med. prop.—Sedative, Tonic. Dose, 1 to 2. Bismuth. Subcarb., 4 grs. ) Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, gr. j Bismuth et Ignatla i 5° 7 as Med. prop.—Sedative, Anti-periodic, Tonic. Dose, rto 2. Bismuth. Subcarb., 4 grs. > Ext. Ignatiae Amara, % gr. J Blennorrhagic. (W & Co.) 1 °° 4 75 Dose, i to 2. Terebinth Alb., grs.) Ext. Humuli, yx gr. I Camph. Monobrom. y gr. | Res. Podophyllin, ]/? gr. J The remedy par excellence for Chronic Blennorrhoea, uncomplicated with organic stricture, very frequently effecting a speedy cure in gleet of long standing. It is also almost equally serviceable as a remedy for cystorrhosa and inflamma- tion of whatever kind effecting the urinary or sexual organs. 13 WARNER * CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. (’itfl’cln ('ifras. Igr 2 75 13 50 Med. prop.—Nerve Stimulant. Dose, 1. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 j 500 Caleinm Sulphide, i-iogr 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Useful in Cutaneous Dis- eases. Dose, 2to 4. [Extract from Dr. Howard Cane’s Article in the London Lancet.] From the great frequency of occurrence of acne, and from its manifesting itself on the faces of individuals of both sexes, any therapeutic agent which promises success in this often intractable skin disease will be welcomed by most practitioners. Ido not bring the sulphide of calcium forward as a new remedy in the treatment of this disease, for it was recommended some years ago by Dr. Sydney Ringer, but I wish to bring it more prominently into notice as a drug which will often prove of signal service in acne when other means have failed. The success which I attained in my first case which was of a most obsti- nate nature, led me to try it in others. Caleinm Sulphide. Ygr 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Useful in Cutaneous Dis- eases. Dose, 2to 3. Caleinm Sulphide. gr 75 35° Med. prop.—Useful in Cutaneous Dis- eases. Dose, 2to 3. Caleinm Sulphide. 1 gr 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Useful in Cutaneous Dis- eases. Dose, Ito 2. Calomel. Y gr., 1, 2, and 3 grs 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, 1 to 3. Calomel. 5 grs 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Alterative, Purgative. Dose, x to 3. Calomel et Opii 85 4 00 Med. prop.-Cathartic, Anodyne. Dose 1 Calomel, 2 grs.) Opium, 1 gr. J Calomel et Rliei 75 3 5° Med. prop.—Mild Purgative. Dose, x to 3. Calomel, Y gr. "I Ext. Rhei, % gr. I Ext. Coloc. Comp., Yz gr. f Ext. Hyoscyami, % gr. J WARNER & CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Camphor. Mgr 4° 175 Med. prop.—Diaphoretic Carminative. Dose, 2 to 4. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Camphor. Igr .... 50 225 Med. prop.—Diaphoretic, Carminative. Dose, 1 to 2. Camphor et Ext. Ilyosoyamns 50 225 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Cerebral Stimu- lant. Dose, Ito 2. Camphor, 1 gr.) Ext. Hyoscyami, Eng., 1 gr. j Camphor Monobromßted. sgrs. 1 50 7 25 Med. prop.—Anti-spasmodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Ca«*cara Comp.. 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Laxative, Cathartic. Ext. Cascara Sagrad., 3 grs. \ Res. Podophylli., VsSr-) Cafhart. Comp., U. S. P 5° 2 25 Med prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 2 to 4. These pills are made strictly in accord- ance with the formula as directed by the Pharmacopoeia. Cat hart. Comp., Imprv’d 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 2 to 4. Ext. Coloc. Comp. Ext. Jalap. Podophyllin, Leptandrin. Ext. Hyoscyami. Ext. Gentian. 01. Menth. Pip. <'alhart. Comp., Vrgoiahlo 5° 2 25 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 2 to 3. Podophyllin, Scammony. Ext. Colocynth. Aloes, Soap, and Cardamom. Cathart. Comp., Cholagrojjne.. 60 275 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 2 to 4. Res. Podophylli, % gr. "1 Pd. Hydrarg., _ % gr. Ext. Hyoscyami, gr. j- Ext. Nuc. Vom., 1-16 gr. 01. Res Capsici, Ya gtt. J CanlophyUfn. i-iogr 4° 1 75 Med. prop,—r.mmenagogue. Dose, I to 3. WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Chalybeate, sgrs 60 Med. prop.—Antichlorotic. Ferri Sulph., 1% gr.) Potassa Caro., Iy2 gr. / PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 This combination which we have suc- cessfully and scientifically put in pill form produces when taken into the stomach, Carbonate oi Protoxide of Iron, (Ferrous Carbonate) in a quickly assimilable con- dition. This pill contributed to make the repu- tation of Niemeyer, and the following lan- guage, which speaks without comment, is taken from his Text Book on the Practice of Medicine. PROF. NIEMEYER says: “Formore than twenty years I have used these pills almost exclusively in Chlorosis, and have witnessed such brilliant results from them in a large number of cases that I have never needed any opportunity to experi- ment with other articles. At Madgeburg and Greifswald I often had to send my recipe for the pills to a great distance, my good fortune in the treatment of Chlorosis —to which, by-the-by, I owe the rapid growth of my practice—having given me great repnte as the possessor of a sover- eign remedy against that disease ” The dose of Pil: Chalybeate is from 1 to 4 at meal times and is recommended and successfully used in the treatment of Pulmonary Phthisis or Consumption, Anaemia and Chlorosis, Caries and Scrof- ulous Abscesses, Chronic Discharges, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, etc. physician may see that he is obtaining exactly what he prescribes, by ordering in bottles containing 100 each. Ceril Oxalas. igr 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Nerve Tonic. Dose, 1 to 3. Chapman’s Dinner Pills 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Stimulating, Laxative. Dose, 1 to 3. Pulv. Aloes Soc. Pulv. Rhei Opt. Gum Mastich. Chinoidin. igr 4° 1 7. Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 2 to 4. WARNER & CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Chinoidin. 2grs 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 2 to 4. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Cliinoidin Comp 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Chinoidin, 2 grs.') Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. V Piperin, % gr. J Cholagogne. (Dr, Blackwood.) 100 475 Med. prop,—“An admirable Cholago- gue.’’ Dose, Ito 2. Cinchonid. Sulph., gr."| Euonyrain, x/2 gr. Leptandrin, y2 gr. Iridin, y2 gr. Juglandin, y2 gi. J- Podophyllin, % gr. Ext. Belladon., % gr. Ext. Nuc. Vom,, % gr. Ext. Hyoscyam., y> gr-. Cimicifngin. 1-10 gr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Nerve Stimulant. Dos xto 4. Cinehoninse Snlpli. gr 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 3. Clnchoninse Snlpli. 2 grs 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 3. Cinclionldin. Comp. (Warner & Co.) x 5° 7 25 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Cinchonid. Sulph., 2 grs.) Ac. Salicylic., 1 gr. ! Pv. Opii, y2 gr. I- 01. Res. Capsici., y gr. I This pill is also termed Pil, Salicylic Acid Comp. Cinchonidinte Salicylate. 1 50 7 25 grs Med. prop.—Anti-rheumatic. Dose, 1 to 2. Clnchonidinse Snlpli. xgr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Anti-malarial, Anti-perio- dic. Dose, xto 3. WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 I 500 Cinohonidinae Sulph. 2 grs 4c 1 75 Med. prop.—Anti-malarial, Anti-perio- dic Dose, Ito 3. Cinchonidlnse Snlph. 3 grs 5° 225 Med. prop,— Anti-malarial, Anti-perio- dic. Dose, xto 2. Clnchonldinte Sulph. s grs 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Anti-periodic, Anti-mala-j rial. Dose, xto 2. < Clncho-Qnlnine. igr 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 3. Clncho-Qninine. 2 grs 19° 925 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Coccia S° 4 25 Med. prop.—Hydragogue cathartic. Dose, 2 to 4. Pulv. Res. Scammon., igr") Pulv. Soc. Aloes, gr Pulv. Colocynth,, l/ 2 gr. }■ Potass. Sulph., y& gr. 01. Caryophyl., % gtt. J Codein. %gr 1 25 6°° Med. prop.—Anodyne, replacing mor- phine without the usual disagreeable after-effects produced by the latter. Dose, 1 to 2. Coloeynthidis Comp,, U. S. P. ~ 3grs 80 373 Med. prop.—Purgative. Dose, 2 to 5. Colocynth. et Hydrarg. et Ipe- CftC 5O Med. prop.—Cholagogue, Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 3. Pulv, Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 grs.'j Pil. Hydrarg., 2 grs. >- Pulv. Ipecac, l/% gr. j Colocynth. <>t Hyoseyamns. .. 75 350 Med, prop.—Gentle laxative. Dose, 1 to 2, Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2grs. \ Ext. Hyoscyami, il/3 gr. j 18 WARNER A CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Cook's 3 ©rs 50 3 25 Med prop.— Purgative. Dose, 2to 4. Pulv Aloes Soc., 1 gr.-) Pulv. Ruei, 1 gr. Calomel, * Sapon. Hispars., % gr. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Copaiba*. U, 8, P 50 2 25 Med. prop. Alterative to Mucous Membrane. Dose, 2to 6. Copaibte et Ext. Cubebse 80 3 75 Med. prop.—Alterative to Mucous Membrane. Dose, 2to 4. Pil. Copaibae, 3 grs. ) Oleo-Resm. Cubebae, 1 gr. j Copaibte Comp. 80 3 75 Med. prop. Alterative to Mucous Membrane, Tonic. Dose, 2to 4. Pil. Copaib. Resin. Guaiac. Ferri Citras. Oleo-Resin. Cubebse. Corrosive Sublimate. 1-12,1-20, J-40 and 1-100 gr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Mercurial, Alterative. Corrosive Sublimate has been adminis- tered with most gratifying results in certain forms of Chronic Dyspepsia. Ringer and other eminent therapeutists extol it very highly in 1-100 gr. doses in dysentery of children, regarding it as almost specific. Damiante cum Pbos. et Nnc. Vom 1 50 Med. prop.—Aphrodisiac. Dose, 1 to 2. Ext. Damianae, » grs. 1 , Phosphori, l-ioc gr. V Ext. Nuc. Vom., 14 gr.) A valuable remedy indicated in sexual debility, over work of the brain, impo- tency, etc. It is also highly recommended as an uterine tonic. Also of value in Leucorrhoea, Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorr- hoea, etc. Diaphoretic 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Diaphoretic. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphnise Acetas., 1-25 gr. 1 Pv. Ipecac, gr. I Pv. Potass. Nitras., 1 gr. | Pv. Camphors, % gi .J WARNER & CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Digestiva 75 Med. prop.—Useful in Indigestion. Dose, 1 to 2. Pepsin Concentrat., 1 gr.'l Pv. Nuc. Vom., gr. I Gingerine, 1-16 gr. f Sulphur, y& gr. J PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 This combination is very useful in re- lieving various forms of Dyspepsia and Indigestion and will afford permanent benefit in cases of enfeebled digestion, where the gastric juices are not properly secreted. As a corrective of nausea or lack of appetite in the morning, induced by over indulgence in food or stimulants during the night, these pills are unsurpassed; they should be taken in doses of two pills before retiring or in the morning at least one hour before eating; the first mentioned time is the most desirable as the effects are more decided, owing to the longer period for action and the natural rest is more fully experienced through their mild but effective influence. As a dinner pill, Pil; Digestiva is un- equalled and may be taken in doses of a single pill either before or after eating. Digitalln. (AlkaloidA 1-60 gr ?s 3so Med. prop.—Arterial sedative. Dose, 1 to 2. Digitalis Comp 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Arterial sedative. Dose, 1 to 3. Pv. Digitalis, 1 gr.-) Pv. Scillte, 1 gr. > Potass. Nitras., 2grs.J Diuretic— 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Diuretic, Antacid. Dose, 1 to 3. Sapon. Hispan. Pv., 2 grs."l Sodii Carb. Exsic., 2 grs. v 01. Baccae Junip., xgtt.J Diipnytrcn 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Specific Alterative. Dose, x. Pulv. Guaiac., 3 grs."| Hydg. Chlor. Cor., 1-10 gr. S- Pulv. Opii, Yi gr. j 20 WARNER & CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Eccoprotlc 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Mild cathartic. Dose, 2 to 4. Ext. Aloes Soc., 2 grs. I Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, 1-5 gr. [ Res. Podophylli, 3-10 gr. | 01. Caryophyl., i-iogtt. J PILLS. BOTTLE. ioo 500 Elaterlum. (Clutterbuck’s) i-io gr. 95 450 Med. prop.—Diuretic, Hydragogue Cathartic. Dose, Ito 2. EmmenagogTie i 25 6 00 Med. prop.—Active Emmenagogue, Tonic. Dose, Ito 3. Ergotine, 1 gr. 1 Ext. Hellebor. Nig., 1 gr. Aloes, 1 gr. Ferri Sul. Exs., x gr. 01. Sabinse, XA gr. J Hmmenag-ogue. (Mutter) 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Emmenagogue. Dose, 1 to 3. Ferri Sulph. Exs., 1% gr.) Aloes Pv., y, gr. V Terebinth. Alb., gr. j KrsfOtiu. igr joo 4 75 Med. prop.—Parturient. Ergot! n. 3 grs 150 725 Med. prop.—Parturient. Dose, 1 to 2. ErgOtlli. Comp. (Dr. Reeves.).... i 75 8 50 Med. prop.—Sedative, Parturient. Ergotin, 3grs-) Ext. Cannab. Ind., gr. > Ext. Belladon., % gr.J Extract Belladonna. (Eng.) gr. 40 175 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Extract Cannabis Imlica. gr. 60 275 Med. prop.—-Anodyne. Ext. Gnaranae. 3 grs 2 00 9 73 Med. prop.—Nervine. Dose, 1 to 3. Extract Hyoscyamus. (Eng.) %gr 4° i 75 Med. prop.—Nerve Stimulant. Ext. Coca. 3 grs 80 3 73 Med. prop.—A powerful Tonic and Sedative. Dose, Ito 2. WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Extract Isrnatla Amara. VA gr. 50 225 Med. prop.—Nerve Sedative. Dose, 1 to 2. PILLS. Extract JTnc. ‘Vein. and % gr.. 40 175 Med. prop.—Nerve Stimulant. Dose, 1 to 3. Fcl lioviiniiii 5° 2 2S Med. prop.—Laxative. Dose, 1 to 3. Pel Bovis. Ins. 2 grs. 1 Pv. Zingiber Jam., 1 gr. f Ferri lodid. Igr 80 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative. Dose, 1 to 2. In cases where lodide of Iron is pre- scribed, it is absolutely necessary, for the physician, who relies on the therapeutic action for beneficial results, that the com- pound should be perfectly protected, and so prepared as to remain inalterable and stable. With this important fact in view, we have devoted special study to lodide of Iron in pilular form, and are warranted in announcing that Warner & Co.’s lodide of Iron Pit's meet all the requirements, and are the must perfect preparation of the kind. A salt is formed and so prepared as to guard against oxidation, and will remain unchanged for years. A coating of pure sugar renders them pleasant to ad- minister, and further insures protection. In proof of the above statement, a pill cut through presents all the characteristics of a perfect pill mass and the presence of lodide Iron, without the free lodine,form- ing a clear solution; and dissolving readily if thrown into a glass of water. The dose of lodide Iron Pills is from one to two at meal time and is recom- mended and successfully used in the treat- ment of Pulmonary Phthisis or Consump- tion, Anoemia and Chlorosis, Caries and Scrofulous Abscesses, Chronic Discharges, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, etc. Ferrl Carb. (Vallett’s) IT. SL P. , 3 Srs 4° 17S Med. prop.—Tonic. Dose, 1 to 4. 22 WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE. ioo 500 Ferri Citras, F. S. P. 2 grs 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Tonic. Dose, 1 to 3. Ferri Comp., 11. S. P 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Emmenagogue. Dose, 2 to 6. Ferri f.aetas. Igr 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Tonic. Dose, 1 to 3, Ferri Pyrophos. Igr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—'Tonic. Dose, 1 to 3. Ferri et Q,nas. et Jfnc. Vom 7S 3 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Nerve Stimulant. Dose. 1 to 2. Fer. per Hydrog., 1 % gr.") Ext. Quassia;, x gr I Ext. Nuc. Vom., y gr. | Pulv. Saponis, % gr. J Ferri et Strychnin 75 3 5° Med. prop.—Tonic, Nerve stimulant. Dose, 1 to 2. Ferrura per Hydrog., 2 grs. ) Strychninae, 1.60 gr. j Ferri et Sirychnime Cit 75 3 5° Med. prop.—Tonic, Nerve stimulant. Dose, 1 to 2. Strych. Citras., 1-50 gr. 1 Ferri Citras., 1 gr. j Ferri Snlph. Exs. 2 grs 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Tonic. Dose, 2 to 4. Ferri Valer. Igr 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-spasmodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Ferrnm. (Quevenne’s.) Igr 50 225 Med. prop.—Tonic. Dose, 1 to 3. Ferrnm. (Quevenne’s.) 2 grs 75 3 50 Med. jrop.—Tonic. Dose, x to 2. Oalbani Comp 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Anti-spasmodic. Dose, 2 to 4. Galbani, gr.") Pv. Myrrh., y2 gr. >- Asafoet, % gr. j Gambogise Comp 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Active purgative. Dose, 2 to 5. Pv. Gambogia. Pv. Aloes Socot. Pv. Zingib. Jam. Pv. Saponis. WARNER & CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Gelsemin. 1-16 gr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Arterial sedative. Dose, 1 to 4. PILLS. BOTTLE. too 500 Gelsemin. %gr 50 2 23 Med. prop.—Arterial sedative. Dose, 1 to 2. Gelsemin. Vgr 75 3 5° Med. prop.—Arterial Sedative. Dose, 1 to 2. Gentian. Comp. (Aloe Comp.) 40 i 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Purgative. Dose, 2 to 4. Ext. Gentian, % gr.'i Pv. Aloes Soc., 2 grs. J- 01. Carui, 1-5 gr. J Gonorrhoea 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative to Mu- cous Membrane. Dose, Ito 3. Pulv. Cubeb., 2 grs.l Bals. Copaib. Solid., 1 gr. 1 Ferri Sulph., % gr. | Terebinth. Venet., IIA Sr- J Heim’s (Niemeyer.) 1 25 600 Med. prop.—Anti-periodic, Tonic. Dose, 1. Quininae Sulph., igr.-) , Pulv. Digital. Fol., gr. I Pulv. Ipecac, Sr- I Pulv. Opii, gr. J Helonin. i-iogr 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 4. Hepatiea 80 3 75 Med. prop.—Cholagogue, Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 2. Pil. Hydrarg., 3 grs.) Ext. Coloc. Comp., 1 gr. > Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 gr. j Hooper. (Female Pills.) 4O 1 75 Mecf. prop.-Emmenagogue. Dose, 1 to 3 Hyclrarg. sgrs ; 50 225 Med. prop.—Mercurial alterative. Dose, 1 to 2. Hydrargyiri, IT. S. P. sgrs 40 17s Med. prop.—Mercurial alterative. Dose, 2 to 3. Hydrarg. Bin lodide. 1-16 gr... 4° i 75 Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, 1 to 3. WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Hydrargyrl Comp 75 3 5° Med. prop.—Mercurial alterative. Dose, 1 to 2. Mass. Hydrarg., 1 gr.-) Pulv. Opii, gr. >- Pulv. Ipecac, y gr. J PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Hydrargyrl lod. et Opii. (Ricords.) 75 3 S° Med. prop.—Mercurial alterative. Dose, 1 to 2. Hydrarg. lodid., 1 gr. 1 Pulv. Opii, % gr. J Hydrarg. Prot lodide. 1-5 gr.. 4Q 175 Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, 1 to 4. Our preparation of Prot lodid. Mercury is made by precipitation and is entirely free from traces of the Bin-lodid. H.ydrars;. Prot lodide. % gr... 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, 1 to 4. Hydrarjf. Prot lodide. &gr... 40 175 Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, 1 to 2. Hydrarg1. Prot lodide. gr... so 22S Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, x to 2. Hydrastin. ygr 9S 4so Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 2. Hyoscyamlte. 1-100 gr 30014 75 (Crystals, Pure Alkaloid.) Med. piyp.—Anodyne, Soporific. Dose, 1. lodoform, igr ioo 475 Med. prop,—Tonic, Alterative. Dose, i to 2. lodoform et Ferrl 1 50 7 25 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative. Dose, i to 2. lodoform, 1 gr. \ Ferri Redact., i] 4 gr.) lodoform et Ferrl et >’ 11 c. Tom 1 50 7 25 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative. Dose, 1 to 2. lodoform, I gr.-) Ferri Redact., 1 gr. v Ext. Nuc. Vom., % gr.J WARNER A CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. lodoform et Hydrar&r 1 50 7 25 Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, 1 to 3. lodoform, y Quininae Sul., y2 gr. ) lodoform therapeutically is alterative, nervine, sorbefacient; anti-periodic, and ansesthetic. As an alterative it acts with more rapidity than other medicines of that class, in doses of one, two, or three grains, repeated thrice daily. As a nervine it is prompt and efficient; while it gives nervous strength, it calms speedily the most severe pains. It is rapidly absorbed into the blood. Accumulative effects have not been ob- served. lodoform is destitute of any local irri- tant action, and has that advantage over all other iodic remedies. It may be administered, with reason- able expectation of success, in the follow- ing diseases: Neuralgia of every description, chronic rheumatism, consumption, scrofula, oph- thalmia, chronic ulcerations, and skin diseases, syphilis, and certain affections of the neck of the bladder and prostrate gland, and whenever a powerful alterative agent is needed. This quality of lodo- form is greatly enchanced, in the majority of ‘cases, by the addition of pure iron, Fer. per hydrog. 26 WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATEO BILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Ipecac., et Opii. grs. (Pulv. 50 225 Doveri, U, S. P.) Med. prop.—Anodyne, Soporific. Dose, 1 to 3. Ipecac, et Opii. 5 grs 65 300 Med. prop.-Anodyne, Soporific. Dosei. Irisin Comp 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Cathartic, Nerve stimu- lant. Dose, Ito 2. Irisin, y grA Podophyllin, 1-10 gr. > Strychnine, 1-40 gr. J Laxative 60 2 73 Med. prop.—Gentle purgative. Dose, 1 to 2. Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 gr. I Sulphur, 1-5 gr. Res. Podophylli, 2-5 gr. j- Res. Guaiaci, % gr. Syr. Rhamni, q. s.J Leptandrin. ygr 40 1 75 Med. prop. Cathartic. Dose, Ito 4. Leptandrin. gr 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 2. Leptandrin. Igr 75 35° Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1. Lapland rin Comp 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Laxative, Diuretic. Dose, 1 to 2. Leptandrin, 1 grA Irisin _ U gr. V Podophyllin, yg gr.) Lupuliii. 3 grs 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 2 to 4. Morphinse Acetas. ys gr 70 3 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphinse Comp 1 25 6 00 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Febrifuge. Dose, 1. Morph. Sulph., % gr.") Ant. et, Pot. Tart., % gr. y Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., y gr. j Morphinse Sulph. 1-20 gr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphinse Sulph. i-iogr 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. WARNER 4. CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Morphinse Sulph. y% gr 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphinse Sulph. % gr 70 3 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphinse Sulph. Y gr 90 4 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphinse Sulph. % gr 1 50 7 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1. Morphinse Valerianae, /agr... go 4 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Neuralgic 2 50 12 25 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative, Ano- dyne. Dose, Ito 3. Quininse Sulph., 2grs.'| Morphinse Sulph., 1-20 gr, Strychnine, 1-30 gr. !■ Acid Arsenious, 1-20 gr. Ext. Aconiti, 'A gr. J Neuralgic. (One-halfsize.) 1 50 725 Med. prop.—As above. Dose, Ito 3. Neuralgic. (Brown Sequard.) 2 00 9 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1. Ext. Hyoscyami, Ext. Conii, % gr. Ext. Ignat. Amar., gr. Ext. Opii, Yz gr. Ext. Aconiti, Y gr. Ext. Cannab. Ind., Y Sr- Ext. Stramon., 1-5 gr. Ext. Belladon., % Sr- J Neuralgic. (Sine Morphine.) 2 50 12 25 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative. Dose, 1 to 3. Opii. %gr 40 x 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Opii, U. S. P. IST 50 225 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1. Opli et Camphor 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Nerve sedative. Dose, 1. Pulv. Opii, 1 gr.) Camphorse, 2 grs. j WARNER A. CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Opii et Camphor et Tannin 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Astringent. Dose, 1 to 3. Pulv. Opii, z/( grA 'amphorae, 1 gr. > Acid Tannic, 2grs.J Opii et Plumbi Acetas S° 2 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Sedative. Dose, 1 to 2. Pulv. Opii, x/2 gr. I Plumbi Acet., 1 y gr. J Opium, Purified. y, gr 1 25 600 Med.'prop.—Anodyne, Soporific. Dose, 1 to 2. Phosphori. 1-100 gr., 1-50 gr., 1-25 gr., in each 1 00 Med. prop.—Nerve stimulant. Dose, 1. The method of preparing Phosphorus in pilular form has been discovered and brought to perfection by us, without the necessity of combining it with resin, which forms an insoluble compound. The ele- ment is in a perfect state of subdivision and incorporated with the excipient while in solution. The non-porous coating of sugar protects it thoroughly from oxida- tion, so that the pill is not impaired by age. It is the most pleasant and accept- able form for the administration of Phos- phorus. Phosphori Comp x 25 Med. prop.—Nerve tonic. Dose, x. Phosphor!, x-100 gr. I Ext. Nuc. Vom., y gr. J Phosphor! cum Aloe et Nuc. Vomica x 50 Med. prop.—Useful in the atonic form of Dyspepsia and Neurosis of the Stomach. Dose, 1. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. I Ext. Aloe Aq., y gr. V Ext. Nuc. Vom., y gr.J Phosphori cum Belladonna., t S° Med. prop.—Useful in Anaemic Condi- tions and Neuralgia. Dose, Ito 2. Phosphori, 1-100 gr.) Ext. Belladonna gr- J 29 WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Phosphor! cum Cannab. Inti ■ 1 75 Med prop —Narcotic, Aphrodisiac. Dose, 1 to 2. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. \ Ext. Cannab. Ind., gr.J Phosphor! cum Ferro Comp.. 1 5° Med. prop.—Nutritive, Tonic and Stim- ulant to the Nervous system. Dose, i. Phosphor!, 1-50 gr.J Strychnine, 1-60 gr. > Ferri Redact., Ifi gr.J PHOSPHORUS has recently been pre- scribed w 11.ii great advantage in cases of extreme debility and mental depression, from prolonged anxiety or excessive ex- citement; also, in nervous prostration from overwork, especially brain-work. It is recommended in cases which are attended with great prostration of the vital powers; in exhausting diseases, such as Cholera, Diphtheria, and the latter stages of Typhus and other Fevers, etc. In Epi- lepsy, Epileptiform-Vertigo, Melancholia, Softening and some other diseases of the Brain, it has been given with marked benefit; also in Neuralgia, Tuberculosis, and Scrofula, in chronic and inveterate diseases of the skin, Leprosy, Lupus, and Psoriasis. Dr. Burgess recommends it in Pruritus Pudendi and other forms of Pruritus. Phosphorus, Strychnine, and Iron, combined in the proportions above indi- cated, is a safe and valuable remedy. As a nutritive tonic and stimulant to the nervous system, especially the spinal cord, it is admirably adapted for the treatment of a large number of nervous disorders dependent on defective nutrition and de- bility. It increases appetite and promotes digestion. It may be safely given in all those cases in which hypophosphites are employed. It is strongly recommended in Consumption, Neuralgia, Atonic Dys- pepsia, Lowness of Spirit, in General Debility, and in that general condition of depression and loss of power popularly known as below par, and in breakdown from overwork and mental fatigue. WARNER 4 CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Phosphori cum Digital. Co .. 1 50 Med. prop.—Valuable as a Heart tonic. Dose, 1. Phosphori, 1-50 gr.-) Pv. Digitalis, x gr. > Ext. Hyoscy., 1 gr. ) PILLS. Phosphori cum Digitale et Ferro 1 50 Med. prop.—Valuable as a Heart tonic. Dose, x. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. J Pv. Digitalis, 1 gr. V Ferri Redact., 1 gr. ) Phosphori cum Ext. Aconiti.. 1 50 Med. prop.—Useful in the Treatment of Phthisis with Pyrexia. Dose, 1. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) Ext. Aconiti, 1-16 gr. / Phosphori cum Ferro 1 25 Med. prop —A Powerful Nervine tonic and Blood restorer. Dose, Ito 2. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. 1 Ferri Redact., 1 gr. j Phosphori cum CantharicleCo 1 50 Med. prop.—Stimulating emmenagogue and Diuretic. Dose, Ito 2. Phosphori, x-sogr.'j Pv. Nuc. Vom., 1 gr. V Sol. Gantharidis Con., 1 m.J Phosphori cum Ferro et Jfnc. 1 25 Vom Med. prop.—Nerve stimulant. Tonic. Dose, 1 to 2. Phosphori, x-xoogr.J Ferri Garb., 1 gr. V Ext. Nuc. Vom., gr.J Phosphori cum Ferro et Q,ni> 1 60 11 i 11 *t Med. prop.—Nerve tonic. Dose, Ito 2 Phosphori, 1-100 gr. Ferri Garb., 1 gr. v Quininae Sul., 1 gr.J Phosphor! ram Ferro et Qni- i 60 11 in it el line. Vom Med. prop.—Nerve tonic. Dose, tto 2 Phosphori, i-xoo gr. ] Ferri Garb., x gr. I Quininae Sul., 1 gr. f Ext. Nuc. Vom., gr. J WARNER A. CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Phosphori cnm Ferro et Strychnina 1 50 Med. prop.—Nerve tonic and Stimulant. Dose, 1 to 2. Phosphori, x-xoo grA Ferri Garb., 1 gr. Strychnin, i-fiogr.J Phosphori cnm Morphina et Zinco Valer 2 00 Med. prop.—Nerve tonic and Sedative. Dose, 1. Phosphori, 1-50 grA Morphinae Sul., x-12 gr. V Zinci Valer, 1 gr. J Phosphori cnm Tfnc. Tomlca.. 1 25 Med. prop.—Nerve tonic and Stimulant. Dose, 1 to 2. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. \ Ext. Nuc., Vom., J4gr. J Phosphor! cnm Oplo et Digi- tal i 50 Med. prop.—Useful in Arresting Abnor- mal calorification. Dose, Ito 2. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. 1 Pv. Digitalis, y2 gr. I Pv. Ipecac., y. gr. [ Pv. Opii, iigr.J Pbosphorl cum Qnlnina 1 80 Med. prop.—Nerve tonic. Dose, Ito 2 Phosphori, 1-50 gr. 1 Quininae Sul., 1 gr. J Phosphori on in Qninliiie Co.. x 35 Med. prop.—Nerve tonic. Dose, 1. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. 1 Ferri Redact. 1 gr. I Quininae Sul., % gr. f Strychnin., 1-60 gr. J Phosphori cnm Qninina et Ferro et Strychnina x 60 Med. prop.—Powerful nerve stimulant. Dose, i. Phosphor! i-xoogr.'l Quininae Sul., i gr. 1 Ferri Redacti, x gr. [ Strychnin, 1-60 gr. J WARNER & CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Phosphori cum Qninina et 1 35 IMsfitale Co Med. prop.—Valuable as a Sedative and Diuretic. Dose, Ito 2. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. Quininse Sul., y2 gr. Pv. Digitalis, y2 gr. ■ Pv. Opii, y, gr. Pv. Ipecac., % gr. Phosphori cum Qninlna et Jfnc Vom 1 60 Med. prop.—Nerve tonic. Dose, Ito 2 Phosphori, 1-50 grA guininse Sul., 1 gr. V xt. Nuc. Vom., j Phosphori <‘(iin Strychnina... 125 Med. prop.—Nerve tonic and Stimulant. Dose, 1. Phosphori, 1-50 gr.) Strychnin, 1-60 gr. j Phosphori cum Zinco Co 1 50 Med. prop.—Useful in Uterine disturb- ances, Leucorrhoea and Hysteria. Dose, 1 to 2. Phosphori, 1-50 grA Zinci Sul., 1 gr. > Lupulin, 1 gr. J Phosphor! et Damiana cum Nnc. Vom i 50 Med. prop.—Aphrodisiac. Dose, x to 2. Ext. Damiana, 2 grs.'l Phosphori, 1-100 gr. V Ext. Nuc. Vom., Vsgr-J Podopbyllln. x-iogr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, i to 4. Podopbyllln. %gr 40 175 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 4. Podopbyllln. y2 gr 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 2. Podopbyllln. igr 75 350 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, x. WARNER & CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Podophylll. (Dr. E. R. Squibb.)... 75 350 1 to 2. Res. Podophylli, Y gr. ) Pv. Capsici, Yt. gr. Ext. Belladon., Ys gr. > Pv. Sacch. Lact., 1 gr. Acacia and Glycerin., aa q. s. J PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 The composition of this pill is the same as Dr. Squibb’s recipe, and for adminis- tration is preferable, being just as soluble- and more elegant in appearance. Practical test for Solubility:—Suspend 3 of these pills in water and they will dis- solve, coating included, as soon as the plain pills ready prepared. This is ac- complished through our method of manip- ulation and coating, and physicians should not regard the prejudice against sugar- coated pills as applying to Wm. R. War- ner & Co.’s manufacture. Podophyllin et Bellad 75 3 5° Med. prop.—Mild stimulating laxative. Dose, 1 to 3. Podophyllin, y gr. ) Ext. Bellad., J4 gr- 1 01. Res. Capsici, Y\ gr. | Saccharum Lact., 1 gr.J Podophyllin Comp 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Cathartic and Tonic. Dose, x to 2. Podophyllin, gr.') Ext. Hyoscyami, Ya gr. > Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, 1-16 gr.J Podophyllin Comp. (Eclectic.).. 75 350 Med. prop.-—Purgative. Dose, 2 to 4. Podophyllin, l/a gr. ~| Leptandrin, 1.16 gr. Juglandin, 1.16 gr. > Macrotin, 1-32 gr. I 01. Res. Capsici, q. s. J Podophyl. et Hydrarg1 50 a 23 Med. prop.—Laxative. Dose, 2 to 4. Podophyllin, y gr.) Pil. Hydrarg., 2 grs. j Podophyllin et Hyoscyamns. 60 273 Med. prop.—Gentle cathartic. Dose, 1 to 2. Podophyllin, gr.) Ext. Hyoscyami, gr. J 34 WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Podophyllotoxin. %gr 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Cathartic, without the nau- sea induced by Podophyllin. Dose, 1 to 2. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Podopliylloloxin. 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Cathartic, without the nau- sea induced by Podophyllin. Dose, 1 to 2. Post-Partum. (Dr. Fordyce Barker.) 1 00 4 75 Dose, 1. Ext. Coloc. Comp., gr.) Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., 1% gr. Ext. Hyoscyami, % gr. I Ext. Nuc. Vom., lfl> gr. | Pulv. Aloes, \4> gr. Pulv. Ipecac,. % gr. J Potass. Bromid. Igr 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Nerve sedative. Dose, 2 to 5. Potass. Bromid. 5 grs 1 25 6 00 Med. prop.—Nerve sedative. Dose, 1 to 2. Potass. Todid. (Merck’s) 2 grs 85 400 Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, 1 to 3. Potass. Permang’anas. gr... 50 225 Med. prop.—Dr. Roberts Bartho- low, Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, says (“Perman- ganate of Potassium, its Action and Uses”):— “One of the most important therapeuti- cal applications of permanganate of po- tassium, a recent discovery, is in the treatment of amenorrhoea. We owe this valuable improvement, as indeed many others, to E*s. Ringer and Murrell. They have shown that this remedy is remark- ably certain when applied in suitable cases. Given in doses of two to five grains three times a day, for several days preceding the menstrual molimen, this agent is quite sure to start the flow. Dose, 2to 5 grs. Potass. Permanganas. i gr— 75 350 Med. prop.—As above. Dose, Ito 4. Potass. Permanganas. 2gr5.... 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—As above. Dose, Ito 2. WARNER & CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Prandii 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Stimulating purgative. Dose, 1 to 2. Ext. Aloe Aq., x gr. _Ext. Gentian, 2 grs. I "Ext. Antheraid., 1 gr. | Pv. Capsici, % gr. J PILLS, Quininae Bi-Snlpli. ftgr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 4. Quininae Bi-Sulph. Igr 55 2 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 3. Quininae Bi-Sulpli. 2 grs 80 3 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 3. Quininae Bi-Sulpb. 3 grs x 05 5 00 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae Bi-Snlph. 5 grs 1 70 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. • Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae Comj* 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae Sulph., 1 gr.-) Fer. Carb. (Vallett’s), 2 grs. V • Acid Arsenious, x-60 gr.) Qnininse cum Capsicum i oo 4 75 Med. prop.—Anti-periodic, Stimulant. Dose, 1 to 3. Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. 1 Capsicum, % gr. j Quininae et Ext. Itellad 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Nerve tonic. Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. "1 Ext. Belladon., % gr. J Quininae et Fcrri 1 00 4 73 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae Sulph., I gr. I Ferrum per Hydrog., I gr. J Quininte et Fcrri Carb 1 00 4 73 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. 1 Fer. Carb. (Vallett’s), 2 grs. j WARNER &. CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE, too 500 Quininae et Ferri Cit. xgr 55 2 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae et Ferri Cit. 2 grs.... 90 425 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae et Fer. et Sir.veil- 100 475 nin Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae Sulph., 1 gr.'] Fer. Carb. (Vallett’s), 2 grs. V Strych. Sulph., 1-60 gr.J Qnininse et Fer. et Strych. 1 25 6 00 Phos Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1(0 2. Quininae Phos., I gr.) Ferri Phos., 1 gr. V Strychninae Phos., 1-60 gr.J Quininae et Ferri Valer. 2gr.. 2 00 9 73 Med. prop.—Tonic, Nerve sedative. Dose, 1 to 2. Qnininae et Hydrarjf 1 25 6 00 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae Sulph., x grA Mass. Hydrarg., 2 grs. V Oleo-Res. Piper. Nig., gr. j Quininae et lodoform 1 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative. Dose, 1 to 3. lodoform, gr. 1 Quininae Bi-Sulph., *2 gr. j Quininae lodoform et Fer r 75 8 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative. Dose, 1 to 2. lodoform, I gr.-) Fer. Carb. (Vallett’s), 2 grs. V Quininae Sulph., gr.j (tn ininai et St ry elm In 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Nerve stimulant. Dose, 1 to 2. Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ) Strychninae, 1-60 gr. j WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. Qnininee et Strychnin Comp.. 1 25 6 00 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative. Dose, 1. Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ~) Ferri per Hydrog., gr. [ Strychnine, 1-20 gr. | Acid Arsenious, 1-20 gr. J PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Qninime Snlpli. y2 gr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 4. Our Quinine Pills are manufactured from Powers & Weightman’sQuinine, and other brands having an established reputation. An examination by a competent Chemist is made to verify our tests. Each Pill contained in packages to which our label is attached, is warranted to have the full complement of pure material as expressed thereon. Qnininte Snlpli. Igr 55 2 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 3. tininiiisc Snlpli. 2 grs 80 3 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 3. Qnininae Snlpli. 3 grs 1 05 5 00 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. ifcnininre Snlph. 5 grs 1 70 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Qninlnse Valeriana*, 1 45 700 Med. prop.—Tonic, Nervine Dose, x to 2. Qnlnidinse Snlpli. Igr 1 15 5 50 Med. prop.—Anti-periodic. Dose, x to 3 QulnldiniC Snlpli. 2 grs 2 15 xo 50 Med. prop.—Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 3 Pulv. Ipecac, % gr. I Anti-Billon*. (Vegetable) 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Cholagogue, Cathartic. Dose, 2 to 3. Pulv. Ext. Coloc. Co. 2Yz grs. \ Podophyllin, % gr. j | WARNER & CO 'S GELATIN COATED PILLS. Antiperiodic 80 3 75 Med. prop.—Antiperiodic. Dose, 1 to 2 Cinchona Sul. 1 gr. ] Podophyl. x-20 gr. | Strych. Sul. 1-33 gr-l Gelsemin. x-aogr. j Ferri Sul. Ext. y2 gr. I 01. Res. Caps. i-xogtt. I PILLS. BOTTLE 100 500 Aperient , 85 4 00 Med. prop.—Aperient, Tonic. Dose, 1 to 2. Ext. Nuc. Vom. J^grA Ext. Hyoscyami % gr > Ext. Coloc. Comp. 2 grs.) Aperient, (Dr. Fordyce Barker) 1 00 4 75 Med. prop—Aperient. Ext. Coloc. Comp. t?^grs l Ext. Nuc. Vom. y2 gr. | Ext. Hyoscyam. ■ 1% grs. I PuLv. Ipecac, 1-12 gr. [ Pulv. Aloes Soc. 5-12 gr. Res. Podophylli, 1.12 gr.J Asafoetida, IT. S. P 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Nerve stimulant. Dose, 1 to 3, Camphor et Ext. Il.voscyanms 50 225 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Cerebral stimu- lant. Dose, Ito 2. Camphor, 1 gr. J Ext. Hyoscyami, Eng. 1 gr. / Cascara Comp 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Laxative, Cathartic. Dose, 2 to 4. Ext. Cascara Sagrad. 3 grs. J Res. Podophylli, y& gr. J Catliart. Comp. IT. S. P 30 1 35 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 2 to 4. These pills are made strictly in accord- ance with the formula as directed by the Pharmacopoeia. Catliart. Comp. Improved 30 1 35 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 2 to 4. Ext. Coloc. Comp. J Ext. Jalap. Podophyllin, Leptandrin. i Ext. Hyoscyami. Ext. Gentian. 01. Menth. Pip. 3 grs. J WARNER & CO ’S GELATIN COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE 100 500 Catbart. Comp. Vegetable so 2 25 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 2 to 3. Podophyllin, Scammony, 'I Ext. Colocynth, V Aloes, Soap and Card. 3 grs. j Cinch on Isc ftnlpb. 1% grs 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Antiperiodic. . / Dose, 1 to 3. Cincbonidise Salicylate,2% grs. xso 725 Med. prop.—Antirheumatic. Dose, 1 to 2. Cincbonidise Snlph. Igr ,Q x,, Med prop.-Antimalarial, Antiperiodic, Dose, 1 to 3. Cincbonidise Snlph. 2 grs 45 2 OQ Med. prop.-Antimalarial, Antiperiodic. Dose, 1 to 3. Cincbonidise Snlph. 3 grs JO 2 2S Med. prop.-Antimalarial, Antiperiodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Colocyntb et Hydrarg. et Ipecac 75 3 so Med. prop.—Cholagogue, Cathartic. 1 Dose, 1 to 3. Pulv. Ext. Coloc. Co. 2 grs.'l Pil. Hydrarg. 2 grs. > , Pulv. Ipecac, gr. j Coloeynth et Hyoscyamn®— 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Gentle laxative Ppse, 1 to 2. Ext. Coloc. Comp. 2Y grs. > Ext. Hyoscyami, 1% grs. j | Damianse cum Ptaos. et Sfuc Voni i 50 7 25 Med. prop —Aphrodisiac. Dose, 1 to 2, Ext. Damianse, 2 grs.'l Phosphori, 1100 gr. y 1 Ext. Nuc. Vom. Ys gr. j A valuable remedy, indicated in sexual debility, overwork of the brain, impo- tency, etc. It is also highly recommended as a uterine tonic. Also of value in Leu- corrhos, Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhos.a, 43 WARNER &. CO.'S GELATIN COATED PILLS PILLS. BOTTLE 100 500 Digestiva 75 3 5° Med. prop.—Useful in Indigestion. Dose, 1 to 2. Pepsin Concentrat. 1 gr. ~| Pulv. Nuc. Venn. gr. I Gingerine, 1-10 gr. j Sulphur, Migr.J This combination is very useful in re- lieving various forms of Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and will afford permanent benefit in cases of enfeebled digestion, where the gastric juices are not properly secreted. As a corrective of nausea or lack of appetite in the morning, induced by over- indulgence in food or stimulants during the night, these pills are unsurpassed They should be taken in doses of two pills before retiring, or in the morning at least one hour before eating; the first mentioned time is the most desirable, as the effects are more decided, owing to the longer period for action, and the natural rest is more fully experienced through their mild but effective influence. As a dinner pill, Pil. Digestiva is tin-[ equalled, and may be taken in doses of a single pill either before or after eating. Dlgltalin (Alkaloid) 1-60 gr 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Arterial sedative. Dose, 1 to 2. Eminenagogiio 1 25 6 00 Med. prop.—Active emmenagogue. Tonic. Dose, Ito 3. Ergotine, 1 gr. 1 Ext. Hellebor. Nig. 1 gr. Aloes, 1 gr. }- Ferri Sulph. Exs. i gr. j 01. Sabinae, Vi gr-) Ergo tin, 1 gr i 00 4 75 Dose, 1 to 4. Erg-otin. 3 grs 1 50 7 25 Med. prop.—Parturient. Dose, 1 to 2. Ext. Colocynth Comp. 3 grs— 80 3 75 Dose, 1 to 3. Ferrnm (Quevenne’s) 2 grs 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Tonic. Dose, 1 to 2. 44 WARNER A. CO.'S GELATIN COATED PILLS. Gonorrhoea 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative to Mu- cous Membrane. Dose, Ito 3. Pulv. Cubeb. 2 grs. "] Bals. Copaib. Solid, 1 gr. I Ferri Sulph. Y gr. ( Terebinth Venet. i^grs.j PILLS. BOTTLE too 500 Hepatica 80 3 75 Med. prop —Cholagogue, Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 2. Pil. Hydrarg. 3 grs. Ext Coloc. Comp. 1 gr. > Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 gr. j Hydrargyri, s grs 50 2 25 Dose, x to 2. Hydrargyri, U. S. I*. 3 grs 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Mercurial alterative. Dose, 2 to 3. Ipecac et Opii, (Pulv. Dover!, U. S. P ) 3Y grs 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Soporific. Dose, x to 3. Ipecac et Opii, s grs 65 3 00 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Soporific. Dose, 1 to 2. laxative 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Gentle purgative. Dose, 1 to 2. Pulv. Aloes Soc. 1 gr.'l Sulphur, 1-5 gr. | Res. Podophylli, 1-5 gr. J- Res. Guaiaci, Y gr. Syr. Rhamni, q. s. J Morplilse Snlpli., 1-20 gr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morplilse Snlph.. i-iogr 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, x to 2. Morphise Snlph., %gr 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphise Snlph., Y> gr 70 3 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Horphiee Snlph., gr 90 425 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 WARNER & CO.'S GELATIN COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE 100 500 Morphia? Sulph., %gr , 1 50 7 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphlie Valerianas. ys gr 90 425 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Neuralgic, (one-half size) 2 50 12 25 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative, Ano- dyne. Dose, Ito 3 Neuralgic 1 50 5 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative, Ano- dyne. Dose, xto 3. Quiniae Sulph. 2 grs. I Morphise Sulph. 1-20 gr. Strychnine, 1-30 gr. J- Acid Arsenious, 1-20 gr. | Ext. Aconiti, % gr. J Neuralgic, (Brown-Sequard) 2 00 9 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Dose, 1. Ext. Hyoscyami, gr. 1 Ext. Conii, % gr. Exs. Ignat. Amar. Y gr. Ext. Opii, % gr. Ext. Aconiti, % gr. f Ext. Cannab. Ind. Y gr. Ext. Strammon. 1-5 gr Ext. Belladon.- %SX-J Opii. IT.S. P., 1 gr 50 2 25 Medp. pro.—Anodyne. Dose, 1. Opii et Camphor 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Nerve sedative. Dose, 1. Pulv. Opii, 1 gr. \ Camphorse, 2grs.J Pepsin et Bismuth 1 50 7 25 Dose, 1 to 2. Pepsin Sacch, 2 grs. 1 Bis. Sub. Nit., 3 grs. j Pepsin Sacch 100 4 75 Each containing 3 grs. Dose, 1 to 2. Pepsin Sacch 1 00 4 75 Each containing 5 grs. Dose, 1. Phosphor! Comp 25 . Med. Pro.—Nerve tonic. Dose, 1. Phosphori, 1-100 gr. \ Ext. Nnc. Vom. Y gr. J WARNER & CO.'S GELAT'N COATED PILLS. Phosphor! cnm Cantharide Comp i 50 Med. prop.—Stimulating emmena- goge and diuretic. Phosphori, 1-50 gr.j Pulv. Nuc. Vom. 1 gr. > Sol. Gantharidis., 1 m.J PILLS. BOTTLE 100 500 Phosphori cnm Ferro 1 25 Med. prop.—A powerful nervine tonie. and blood restorer. Dose, Ito 2. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. 1 Ferri Redact, 1 gr.j Phosphor! cnm Ferro et Xuc. Vom 25 Med. prop.—Nerve stimulant. Tonic. Dose, x to 2. Phosphori, 1-100 gr.j Ferri Garb, 1 gr. > Ext. Nuc. Vom. gr.j Phosphori cum Ferro et Qui- nina 6t> Med. prop.—Nerve Tonic. Dose, x to 2 Phosphori, x-xoogr.J Ferri Garb., 1 gr. > Quinine Sulph,, 1 gr.j Phosphor! cum Ferro et l)ni' nina et Nnc. Yom 60 Med. prop.-Nerve Tonic. Dose, 1 to 2. Phosphori, 1-100 gr, J Ferri Garb., 1 gr. I guinse Sulph , 1 gr. j xt. Nuc. Vom. gr.J Phosphor! (inn Qninina et Ferro et Strychnina 1 60 Med. prop.—Powerful Nerve stimu- lant. Dose, 1. Phosphori, i-ioogr. 1 Quinise, Sulph., 1 gr. 1 Ferri Radacti, 1 gr. j Strychnina, i-6ogr.J Phosphor! cnm Ferro et Strychnia 50 Med. prop.—-Nerve tonic and stimu- lant. Dose, Ito 2, Phosphori, x-xoogr.J Ferri Garb , 1 gr > Strychnina., 1-60 gr.j WARNER & CO.’S GELATIN COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE 100 500 Phosphor! cum Jfiic.Tom 1 25 Med. prop.—Nerve tonic and stimu- lant. Dose, 1. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. \ Ext. Nuc. Vom. ys gr. J Phosphor! cum Quinise C'omp 1 35 Med. prop.—Nerve tonic Dose, 1. Phosphor!, 1-50 gr.j Ferri Redact., 1 gr. I Quinise Sulph., y2 gr. [ Strychnia. 1-60 gr. J Podophylli (Warner & Co.) 75 1 50 Dose, 1 to 2. Res Podophylli, y gr. "j Pulv. Capsici, gr. ( Ext. Belladona., j- Pulv. Sacch Lact., 1 gr. I Acacia and Glycerine, aa q. s. J ■ The composition of this pill is the same as Dr. Squibb’s recipe, and for adminis tration it is preferable, being just as soluble and more elegant in appearance. Practical Test f®r Solubility. Suspend three of these pills in water, and they will disolve, coating included as soon as the plain pills ready prepared. This is accomplished through our method of manipulation and coating, and physicians should not regard the prejudice against sugar-coated pills as applying to Wm. R. Warner & Co.’s manufacture. Qninise Bi-Sulph., y2 gr 4° 1 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic Dose, 1 to 4. Quinite Bi-Sulph.. Igr 55 2 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 3. Qulnlfe Bi-Snlph., 2 grs 80 3 75 Med. prop.—Tome, Anti-periodtc. Dose, 1 to 3. Qniniie Bi-Snlph., 3 grs 1 °5 S 00 Med. prop.—, Tonic Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 2, WARNER & CO.'S GELATIN COATED PILLS PILLS. BOTTLE 100 500 Qnlnlse Bi-Snlph., 5 grs 1 70 8 25 Med. prop.—Tonic Anti-periodic. Dose, 1 to 3. Qninise cum Capsicnm 100 4 75 Med. prop.—Anti-periodic, Stimulant. Dose, 1 to 3. Quiniae Sulph., 1 gr. \ Capsicum, gr. j Qninte et Ferri et Strychnin 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Tonic Anti- periodic. Dose, 1 to 2. Quiniae, 1 gr.") Ferri Garb. (Vallett’s), 2 gr. > Strych. Sulph., 1-60 gr. j Ext. Belladon., gr.J Atropina. r-6ogr 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Atropina. 1-100 gr 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Atropime Sulph. 1-60gr 75 350' Med. prop.—Same as Atropina. Dose, 1 to 2. Canlophyllin. i-iogr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Emmenagogue. Dose, 1 to 4. Cimicifugln. i-iogr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Nerve timulant. Dose, 1 to 4. Codein. gr 1 25 6 00 Med. prop.—Anodyne, replacing mor- phia without the usual disagreeable after-effects produced by the latter. » . Dose, 2 to 4. Corrosive Sublimate. 1-12,1-20, 1-40, and 1-100 gr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Mercurial alterative. Dose, 1 to 2. WARNER &. CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED GRANULES. Digitalln. (Alkaloid.) x-6ogr 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Arterial sedative. Dose, 1 to 2. GRANULES. BOTTLE. 100 500 Elaterium. (Clutterbuck’s) 1-10 gr. 95 45° Med. prop. Diuretic, Hydragogue cathartic. Dose, Ito 2. Ext. Belladonna. (English.) ygr 40 175 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 3. Extract Cannabis Indica. gr. 60 275 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 4. Extract Hyoscyam. (Eng.) U gr. 40 175 Med. prop.—Nerve stimulant. Dose, 1 to 3. Extract Ignatia Amara. y gr.. 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Nerve sedative. Dose, 1 to 2. Extract Kuc. Tom. y and % gr.. 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Nerve stimulant. Dose, x to 3. * Oelsemin. 1-16 gr 40 1 7s Med. prop.—Arterial sedative. Dose, 1 to 4. Oelsemin. yjgr 5° 2 as Med. prop.—Arterial sedative. Dose, 1 to 2. Gelsemln. gr 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Arterial sedative. Dose, Dose, 1 to 2. II (‘I Oil ill. i-iogr 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 4. Hydrastin. Agr 95 4 50 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 2. Hyoscyamise. i-ioogr 3 00 14 75 (Crystals, Pure Alkaloid.) Med. prop.—Anodyne, Soporific. Dose, 1. Eeptandrin. gr 4Q ,?5 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 4. Eeptandrin. Agr So 225 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, x to 4. Mercury Bin-lodide. x-x6gr T Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 4. 4 75 52 WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED GRANULES. GRANULES. BOTTLE. 100 500 Mercury Protiodlde. Ygr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, 1 to 4. Prepared from the precipitated lodide and free of all traces of the Bin-lodid. Mercury Protiodlde. %gr 5° 2 25 Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, x to 2. Mercury Protiodlde. Ya Sr 4° 1 75 Med. drop.-—Alterative. Dose, 2 to 4. Mercury Protiodlde. i-Sgr 4° | 1 75 Med. prop.—Alterative. Dose, 1 to 4. Morphinse Acet. Ya gr 7° 3 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, x to 2. Morphinse Sulph. 1-20 gr 4° 1 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphinse Sulph. x-xogr 5° 2 2S Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphinse Snlph. 60 2 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, x to 2. Morphinse Sniph. % gr 70 3 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphinse Sniph. Ygr go 4 2S Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Morphinse Sulph. gr rso 725 Dose, 1. Morphinse Valer. Ys gr 90 425 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Dose, 1 to 2. Podopliyllin. i-iogr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 4. Podopliyllin. Y\ gr 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 4. Podopliyllin. y2 gr. 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Cathartic. Dose, 1 to 2. Podopliyllin Comp 75 3 50 Med. prop.—Cathartic and Tonic. Dose, 1 to 2. Podophyllin, % Sr-'\ Ext. Hyoscyami, Ya gr. V Ext. Nuc. Vom., 1-16 gr. J 53 WARNER & CO.’S SOLUBLE COATED GRANULES. GRANULES. BOTTLE. 100 500 Silver lodid. 75 350 Med. prop.-—Alterative to Mucous Membrane. Dose, Ito 4. (Silver titrate. %gr 75 350 Med. prop. Alterative to Mucous Membrane. Dose, Ito 4. Strychnin. 1-16,1-20,1-30,1-32,1-40, 40 175 and 1-60 gr Med. prop.-—Nerve stimulant. Tonic. Dose, 1 to 3. Strychninfe Sulph. 1-32 40 1 75 Med. prop.—Tonic. Dose, 1 to 2. Veratrinae Sulph. 1-12 gr. 50 2 25 Med. prop.—Powerful topical excitant. Dose, 1. Zinc Phosphide. \4> and gr— 75 350 Med. prop.—Tonic. Dose, 1 to 3. Antiseptic Pastilles. (Dr. Carl Seiler’s Formula.) Useful in Nasal Catarrh and Inflamed Mucous Membranes. Used as an Antiseptic Spray, Nasal and Mouth Wash. Directions.—Dissolve one tablet in two fluid ounces of warm water to be sniffed up the nose or used as a spray or with a soft tooth brush, as a mouth wash for tender gums. It is a valua- ble antiseptic and healing agent, imparting a pleasant and cleansing after effect when used as directed. Per bottle, 50 cts. WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO. PREPARED BY PHILADELPHIA AND NEWYORK. 54 WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. ADDENDA SOLUBLE COATED PILLS PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Euonymin. 2 grs 2 00 9 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Laxative, Diu- retic. Dose, Ito 2. Cocaine Hydrochlor. i-iogr... jJO ? Med. prop.—Stimulant, Tonic, Aph- rodisiac. Erg-otiii. 2 grs i 25 6 00 Med. prop.—Parturient. Dose, 1 to 2. Ext. Eucalyptus. 2 grs 1 00 4 75 Med. prop.—Diaphoretic, Febrifuge. Morpliime Marias. %gr T 50 72S Med. prop.—Anodyne, Soporific. Dose, x. Morpliime Marias. gr 90 4 25 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Soporific. Morptainxe Marias. y% gr 6o 2 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Soporific. Dose, 1 to 2. Sficfeel Bromid. 2% grs 1 s'o 25 Med. prop.—Recommended in Epil- epsy. Dose, Ito 2. Sumbnl Comp r so ? 2J Ext. Sumbul, igr."] Asafoetida, 2 grs. I Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. | Acid Arsen., 1-30 gr.J WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS. PILLS. BOTTLE. 100 500 Quinlna et Ferri et Zinci Valer. x 50 7 25 'Med. prop.—Recommended for the re- lief of Melancholia, Incipient Insanity, and as being particularly adapted for the cure of the worry of nervous females. Dose, 1. I|i Quininae Valer. Ferri Valer. Zinci Valer. aa 1 gr. Chalybeate Comp. (Warner & Co.) 80 Med. prop.—Employed in the treatment of Anemia, Chlorosis, Phthisis, etc. Dose, 1 to 3. Chalybeate Mass. 2 grs. ) Ext. Nuc. Vom. gr. ( Manganese Bin-Oxide, agrs... ,2j 600 Med. prop.—Emmenagogue. Dose, 1. Aloin. ygr '. 7S 3 so Med. prop.—Laxative. Dose, 1 to 3. Antiseptic. (Warner & Co.) 80 Med. prop.—Pil. Antiseptic is pre- scribed with great advantage in cases of Dyspepsia attended with Acid Stomach and Enfeebled Digestion following an over indulgence in eating or drinking. It is also useful in Rheumatism. Dose, 1 to 3. Sulphite Soda, 1 gr.'l Salicylic Acid, 1 gr. > Ext. Nuc. Vom. Y\ gr.j Antiseptic Comp. (Warner & Co.) 80 Med. prop.—Used with great advan- tage in cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Malassimilaticn of food. Dose, 1 to 3. Sulphite Soda, 1 gr.'l Salicylic Acid, 1 gr. Ext. Nuc. Vom. % gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-10 gr. Concent. Pepsin, 1 gr, J Lapacticse 75 3 50 Aloin, gr.'l Strychnin. i-6o gr. 1 Ext. Belladon. % gr. f Ipecac, 1-16 gr. J 56 WARNER & CO.'S SOLUBLE COATED PILLS PILLS. bottle ioo s°° Sallltls, (Dr. T. G. Thomas) 80 3 73 Aloin, gr.] Ext. Hyoscy. % gr. I Ext. Nuc. Vom. Yg gr. f Ext. Belladon. 1-16 gr. J Tonic-Laxative, (Dr. Skene) 80 3 50 Dose, 1. Quininse Sulph. 1 gr.’) Ext. Colocynth. Co. % gr. > Ext. Belladon. 1-10 gr. J Ferruginous, (Bland) 3 grs 4° 1 75 Dose, 1 to 4. Ferruginous, (Bland) 5 grs 5° 2 25 Dose, 1 to 2. Ferrl Oarb. (Vallet) 5 grs 5° 2 25 Dose, 1 to 2. Ext. Damiana, 2 grs 1 00 4 75 Dose, 1. Ext. Damiana, 3 grs I 1 00 4 75 Dose, 1. WM. R. WARNER & CO. Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK. A NEW Important Class of Remedies. FARITULES. YOU ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST IMITATIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS OFFERED UNDER OTHER NAMES. This is a new class of medicines (minute pills), de- signed for the administration of remedies in small doses for frequent repetition in cases of children and adults. It is claimed by some practitioners that small doses, given at short intervals, exert a more salutary effect. The elegence and efficiency of Parvules, and the avoidance of cumulative effect, depend on our mode of preparation. of any of the parvules will vary from one to four, according to age or the frequency of their admisistra- tion. For instance, one Parvule every hour, or two every two hours, or three every three hours, and so on for adults. For children, one three times a day is the minimum dose. THE DOSE PRICE. 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE OF ICO EACH. DISCOUNT FOR QUANTITIES. POCKET CASES, WITH 20 VARIETIES, FOR THE USE OF PRACTITIONERS, $6.00 NET. POCKET CASES. WITH 10 VARIETIES, FOR THE USE OF PRACTITIONERS, $2.60. HAND OR BUGGY CASES, 40 BOTTLES, ALL THE VARIE- TIES, $lO.OO NET, SUPPLIED BY ALL DRUGGISTS, OR SENT BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. Acidi Arseniosi gr. Medical properties.—Alterative, Anti-periodic. Aci«l I Salley llc - • r-io gr. Med. prop.—Anti-rheumatic. 58 WARNER & CO.'S PARVULES. Acldl Tannic 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Astringent. Aconltl Rad gr. Med. prop.—Narcotic, Sudorific. Aloin i-iogr. Med. prop.—A most desirable cathartic. Dose.—4 to 6at once. This number of Parvules, taken at any time, will be found to exert an easy, prompt, and ample cathartic effect, unattended with nausea, and in all respects furnishing the most de- sirable aperient and cathartic preparation in use. For habitual constipation they replace, when taken in single Parvules, the various medicated waters without the quantity which they require as a dose, which fills the stomach and deranges the digestive organs. Am moil i i Clilorld i-iogr. Med. prop.—Diuretic, Stimulant. Antimonil et Potass. Tart i-ioogr. Med. prop.—Expectorant, Alterative. Arnicte Flor *-5 gr. Med. prop.—Narcotic, Stimulant, Diaphoretic. Arscnicl Iodi«l x-ioogr. Med. prop.—Alterative. Bclladonnse Fol 1-20 gr. Med. prop—Narcotic, Diaphoretic, Diuretic. Calomel 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Alterative, Purgative. Dose.—i to 2 every hour. Two Parvules of calomel, taken every hour until five or six doses are adminis- tered (which will comprise but half a grain), produce an activity of the liver which will be followed by bil- ious dejections and beneficial eifects that twenty grains of blue mass or ten grains of calomel rarely cause, and sickness of the stomach does not usually follow. Calomel et Ipecac aa 1-10 gr. Med. prop,—Alterative, Purgative. Camphorse gr. Med. prop.—Diaphoretic, Carminative. Cantharidis 1-50 gr. Med. prop.—Diuretic, Stimulant. 59 WARNER & CO.'S PARVULES. Capsid 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Stimulant and Carminative. Cathartic Comp., Officinal gr. Med. prop.—Cathartic. Cathartic Comp., Improved % gr. Med. prop.—Cathartic. Digitalis Fol 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Sedative, Narcotic, Diuretic. Rover’s Powder yz gr. Med. prop.—Anodyne, Soporific. Ergo tin gr. Med. prop.—Emmenagogue, Parturient. Ferri Redact wo gr. Med. prop.—Tonic. Gelsemlni Rad 1-50 gr. Med. prop.—Nervous and Arterial Sedative. Hydrarg. Bi-Cl»lor i-ioo gr. Med. prop.—Mercurial alterative. Germicide. Recently, Corros. Sub., in small doses, has been ad- ministered with most gratifying results in certain forms of Chronic Dyspepsia. Dose.—One Parvule, repeated according to the age or nature of the disease. Ringer and other eminent therapeutists extol very highly i-ioo gr. in dysentery of children, regarding it as almost specific. Hydrarg. cnm Creta i-xogr. Med. prop.—Alterative. Hydrarg. lodid 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Alterative. Hydrastln gr. Med. prop.—Tonic, Astringent. lodoform 1-10 gr. Med. prop.—Alterative. Ipecac 1-50 gr. Med. prop.—Emetic, Expectorant. Morphinse Sniph 1-50 gr. Med. prop.—Narcotic, Sedative. 60 WARNER & CO.'S PARVULES. Nncis Vomicae 1-50 gr. Med. prop.—Tonic, Stimulant. Opli 1-40 gr. Med. prop.—Narcotic, Sedative, Anodyne. Pbosphorns gr. Med. prop.—Nerve stimulant. Piperin 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic, Carminative. Podophy llin 1-40 gr. Med. prop.—Carhartic, Cholagogue. Two parvules of podophyllin administered three times a day will re-establish and regulate the peri- staltic action and relieve habitual constipation, add tone to the liver, and invigorate the digestive functions. Potass. Arsenitls i-ioogr. Med. prop.—Alterative. Potass. Bromld 1-5 gr. Med. prop. —Alterative, Resolvent. Potass. Nitratis t-io gr. Med. prop.—Diuretic and Refrigerant. Qnlnin* Sulphas i-iogr. Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-periodic. Santonin i-xo gr. Med. prop.—Anthelmintic. Strychnin* 1-100 gr. Med. prop.—Nerve stimulant. Tonic. PREPARED ONLY BY William R. Warner & Co., 1228 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA SOXjTJIBIjIKI ijpodei'mic Wlets. In compliance with repeated requests from the medical profession to manufacture Tablets for sub- cutaneous medication, we have prepared a series as per following list, which will be found easily and quickly soluble. PRICE PER BOX, ASSORTED, 12 TUBES, 20 TABLETS IN EACH, $2.35. PILOCARPINE HYDROCHL., 1-5 gr. $0.20 |2.00 ERGOTIN, 1-6 gr 20 2.00 APOMORPHINE, 1-12 gr 20 2.00 ATROPINE SULPH.. 1-60 gr 20 2.00 STRYCHNINE SULPH., 1-60 gr 20 2.00 MORPHINE SULPH., % gr. et ATROPINE SULPH., 1-120 gr 25 2.50 MORPHINE SULPH., % gr 30 3.00 MORPHINE SULPH., % gr..... 25 2.50 MORPHINE SULPH., 1-6 gr 25 2.50 HYOSCYAMIN SULPH., 1-100 gr 75 9.00 HYDRARG. 81-CHLOR., 1-150 gr 20 2.00 ESERINE SULPH., 1-60 gr 30 3.00 THE YIALS SHOULD BE KEPT TIGHTLY CORKED. Per tube. Per doz. DR. GRANT’S IMPROVED HYPODERMATIC SYRINGE. ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR SENT ON APPLICATION. PRICE, $3.50 EACH. Globules sent by mail on receipt of price. wmb su w& ©©. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, PHILADELPHIA AND NEWYORK. 62 DOSIMETRIC GRANULES. WJI, R. WASHER & CO. As their name indicates, these Granules are measured, doses of the alkaloids, metals and metalloids in such definite and accurate pro- portions as may best meet the requirements of the physician. The most perfect system of Dosimetry is that comprised in Parvules originally introduced by Warner & Co. several years ago, but Dosimetric Granules are intended to comprise such reme- dies as are new and such as are 'proximate prin- ciples not so frequently repeated in a measured time for all cases. These Granules have been divided according to the metric system into strengths of half mil- ligramme, one milligramme and centigramme. In each instance, however, their equivalents are stated in grains or fractions thereof. Such a plan, we think will easily familiarize the practitioner with the metric system for all practical purposes and will commend itself at once to his recognition. The selection of the list is based entirely upon the physiological action of these active or essen- tial principles, and are therefore administered upon a rational basis, thus making therapeu- tics stand upon firmer ground than that which it has occupied or even still occupies, when compared with the advances which its sister 63 sciences have taken within the last decade. Under the administration of these Granules, therapeutics partake of the character of a specific form of treatment. The cutting short or Strangulation of many acute diseases while as yet in their incipient or formative stages has not been sufficiently appreciated. That this is possible, the medical literature of the day affords ample evidence; but to accomplish it, treatment must be both scientific and energetic, i. e., must be based upon the physiological action of drugs and upon the action of reliable medications. With such an intention, these Granules have been prepared abroad, (in France particularly as suggested by Dr. Burggraeve.) This method of treatment has met with suc- cess, and it will be a matter of no surprise that therapeutists in this country should be prompt in adopting it. In the hands of the physician and his hands only, these Granules are potent remedies, capable of, accomplishing results far more quickly and certainly than the uncertain fluid extracts and tinctures, and far more pleasantly. See following pages for list comprising 66 varieties. PREPARED BY WM, JSC. WARNER d CO. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. PHILADELPHIA AND NEWYORK. DOSIMETRIC GRANULES. The dose is one Granule, repeated to meet the require- ments of the case. Per 100 Aconltin 1-65 gr. (1 75 Med. prop.—Nerve sedative. Acid Arseniosnm... .1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med, prop.—Anti-periodic, Alterative. Acid Phosphoric 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Nerve stimulant. Acid Taiiliicuin % gr. (1 centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Astringent. Acid Salicyllcum % gr. (1 centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Anti-rheumatic. Antiinonil Arsenias.. 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Alterative, Diaphoretic. Arsenli lodidum i-6s gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Alterative. Asparagin 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Arterial sedative. Atropinse Sulphas. 1-130gr. milligram) 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne, Anti-spasmodic. Brncln i-isogr. [}/2 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Tonic. Bryonin 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 50 Med. prop.—Hydragogue, Cathartic. Caffeinse Arsenias 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 50 Med. prop.—Alterative. Calfeime Hitras 1-05 gr. (1 milligram) 50 Med. prop.—Nerve stimulant. CalFeinse Valerianas 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 50 Med. prop.—Stimulant, Anti-spasmodic. Calabarin. Sulphas.i-isogr. {% milligram) 75 Med. prop.—Spinal sedative. Calomel 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Alterative, Purgative. Camphorse gr. (1 centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Sedative. GRANULES ARE NOT PARVULES. WARNER A CO.'S DOSIMETRIC GRANULES. Cicntin 1-130 gr. ()£ milligra«) 50 Med. prop.—Nerve sedative. Cicntin. llydrAbromas.. ..1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 75 Med- prop.—Nerve sedative. Codein 1.65 gr. (1 milligram) 73 Med. prop.—Hypnotic sedative. Colcllicin 1-130 gr. {% milligram) 75 Med. prop.—Sedative, Diuretic, Emetic. Croton Chloral % gr. (1 centigram) 75 Med. prop.—Hypnotic. Cnbebln x-65 gr. (r milligram) 50 Med. prop.—Diuretic. JDatnrin 1-130 gr. milligram) 75 Med. prop.—Narcotic, Anodyne. Diastase % gr. (1 centigram) 75 Med. prop.—Possesses the power of convert- ing starch into sugar (of the grape.) Eiaterin 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 75 Med. prop.—Purgative. Emetine 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 75 Med. prop-Emetic, Diaphoretic, Expectorant. Ergotin % gr. (1 centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Emmenagogue, Parturient. Fcrri Arsenias 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative. Fcrri Salicylas gr. (1 centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Tonic. Ferri Valerlanas % gr. (1 centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-spasmodic Hydrargyri lodid. Rub.. 1-63 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Alterative. Hydrargyri lodid. Vir.>ggi. (1 centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Alterative. Hyoscyamln ...1-130 gr. {% milligram) 300 Med. prop.—Hypnotic, Anti-spasmodic. Per 100 GRANIJEES ARE NOT PARVUIES. 66 WARNER & CO.’S DOSIMETRIC GRANULES. lodoform 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Alterative. Jalapln 1-65 gr. (x milligram) 50 Med. prop.—Hydragogue cathartic. Stoosiu 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 50 Med' prop.—Anthelmintic. Idthit farlKiiias % gr. (1 centigram) 50 Med. prop.—Diuretic. lilthli Benzoas l/a gr. (1 centigram) 75 Med. prop.—Diuretic, Expectorant. Morplisna- llydrobroinas.. 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Morpliiuae lodoliydras 1-65 gr. (x milligram.) 75 Med. prop.—Anodyne. Efarcein 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 75 Med. prop.—Supposed to influence the infer, ior part of the spinal marrow, diminishing the sensation and mobility in the inferior extremities; I*lpei"ina 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Local and general stimulant. Pierotoxin 1-130 gr. {1 milligram) 75 Med. prop.—Narcotic. Piloearpin 1-65 gr. {1 milligram) 75 Med. prop.—Sudorific. Podophyllin. ]/(, gr. (1 centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Cholagogue cathartic. Potasii Arsrisias 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Alterative. Qliassln 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Febrifuge, Anthelmintic. Qnlnlnie Arsenias . .1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative. Qniiilnse Hydrobromas % gr. (1 centigram) 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-spasmodic. Per xoo GRAITULES ARE NOT PARVULES. 67 WARNER & CO.’S DOSIMETRIC GRANULES. Per 100 Qnininic Hydroferrocyanas r-6s gr. (i milligram) 75 Med. prop.—Tonic. Quinlnse Salicylas % gr. (1 centigram) 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Stimulant. Qninlnse Sulphas % gr. (1 centigram) 75 Med. prop.—Tonic, Auti-periodic. ttuininse gr. (1 centigram) 73 Med. prop.—Tonic, Anti-spasmodic. Santonin... % gr. (1 centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Anthelmintic. Scillitln 1 6t gr, (1 milligram) 50 Med. prop.—Cardiac sedative. Diuretic. Sodii Renzoas Ye, gr. (1 centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Diaphoretic, Expectorant. Sodii Salicylas Ye gr- (r centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Hepatic stimulant. Strychnlnse Arsenias 1-130 gr. (A milligram) 50 Med. prop.—Tonic, Alterative. Strychnlnse Hypophos.. .1-130 gr. Y/2 milligram) 50 Med. prop.—Tonic. Strychnlnse Sulphas 1-130 gr. YA milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Tonic. Sulphur Todidnni Ysr- (1 centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Alterative. 'Veratrlna i-ijogr. YA milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Topical excitant. Kind tlyanldnm 1-65 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Anti-spasmodic. Zitici Phosphidum I-65 gr. (1 milligram) 40 Med. prop.—Tonic, Stimulant. Zinci Valerianas Yu Sr- (t centigram) 40 Med. prop.—Anti-spasmodic. GRANULES ARE NOT PARVULES. Granular Effervescent Salts. (EQUAL TO THE BEST ENGLISH.) PREPARED BY WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO. Granular Effervescent ANTALGIC SALINE. Each dessertspoonful contains Antipyrine, - - - - 4 grains. Salicylate Soda, - - - 4 grains. A specific in Neuralgic Headaches. Granular Effervescent ANTIPYRINE. Each dose or heaping teaspoonful contains 5 grains Antipyrine. The effervescent form is the most desirable for the administration of this remedy because of the attending Carbonic Acid; which according to Prof. Germain, avoids the tendency to produce nausea and the rash, which frequently follows the administration of Anti- pyrine. Granular Effervescent. Each teaspoonful contains five grains of Salicylic Acid. Valuable in Rheumatism and analogous dis- orders. The temperature should be carefully watched in special cases. ACID. SALICYLIC. 69 WARNER & CO 'S GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. Granular Effervescent. BROMO SODA. COMPOSITION : Caffeine, . . i gr. Bromide Sodium, . 30 gr. In each teaspoonful. Useful in Nervous Headache, Sleeplessness, Exces- sive Study Over Brainwork, Nervous Debility, Mania, etc., etc. Dose—A heaping teaspoonful in half a glass of water, to be repeated once after an interval of thirty minutes, if necessary. It is claimed by some prominent specialists in ner- vous diseases, that the Sodium Salt is more accept- able to the stomach than the Bromide Potassium. An almost certain relief is given by the administration of this Effervescing Salt. It is also used with advantage in Indigestion, Depression following alcoholic and other excesses, as well as Nervous Headache. It affords speedy relief for Mental and Physical Ex- haustion, Granular Effervescent CAFFEINE BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. AND Specially prepared hy Willliam R. Warner Co. Dose—A large teaspoonful, in water containing Hydrobromate of Caffeine, , . 1 gr. Bromide of Potassium, . . . 20 grs. Properties;— Useful in Sleeplessness, Over Exer- tion of the Brain, Over Study, Nervous Debility, etc. and in all cases for which the above remedies are given singly to advantage. An almost certain relief is given by the administration of this Effervescing Salt. It affords a pleasant and delightful draught, by mixing a large teaspoonful with a glass of water and drink- ing while effervescing. It is also used with advantage in Indigestion, Depression following alcoholic and other excesses, as well as Nervous Headache. It affords speedy relief for Mental and Physical Ex- haustion. Physicians recognize its great advantage. The dose named may be repeated, if necessary, three times at intervals of thirty minutes. WARNER & CO.'* GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS Granular Effervescent Each dose or heaping teaspoonful of the salt con- tains two grains of soluble Citrate of Bismuth, ami should be placed in part of a glass of water and drank while effervescing. CITRATE OF BISMUTH. CITRATE OF CAFFEINE Granular Effervescent A dessertspoonful containing one grain of Citrate of Caffeine should be given for sick headache every hour or two before and during the paroxysms. This preparation should be used more particularly in those cases of sick headache, the cause of which is torpidity of the liver and other excretory organs. CITRATE LITHIA AND POTASH Granular Effervescent Each dose or heaping teaspoonful contains Lithii Citras. 5 grains. Potassii Citras. 10 grains. To be taken in a glass of water at a temperature not under 6o° CRAB ORCHARD SALT. Granular EFFErvBSCENT Prepared from the exact of analysis, of the purified natural salt as obtained from the Crab Orchard Spring, Ky. A heaping teaspoonful in half of a glass of water forms a grateful, effervesceut draught, producing the effect of the natural water. Granular Effervescent A dessertspoonful containing one grain of Bromide of Caffeine, should be given for sick headache, every hour or two before and during the paroxysms. This most valuable therapeutic agent acts with marvelous promptitude in those cases of headache the cause of which is gastric irritability fiom over indulgence in food or drink, and also when due to nervous exhaustion caused by want of sleep and overwork. BROMIDE OF CAFFEINE. WARNER & CO.'S GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS Granular Effervescent Each heaping teaspoonful contains two grains < f Nitrate of Cerium. Useful in reflex vomiting and gastric distress not due to organic disease of the stomach. The dose may be increased to four and even eight grains of Nitrate of the Cerium as occasion demands. NITRATE OF CERIUM Granular Effervescent CONGRESS SALT. A heaping teaspoonful in a glass half full of water, forms an agreeable and refreshing draught identical with the water of the popular “Congress Spring” at Saratoga. Granular Effervescent A Saline Aperient. OXALATE OF CERIUM. Each heaping teaspoonful contains two grains of Oxalate of Cerium. Valuable in reflex vomiting not due to gastric irri- tability. In many cases of So-called nervous Dys- pepsia it will control the paroxysms. Granular Effervescent GINGERADE. A tablespoonful dissolved in a glass of water forms an exceedingly grateful summer drink, similar to Ginger Ale. Granular Effervescent A heaping teaspoonful dissolved in half of a glass of water, forms an agreeable and refreshing draught, identical with the natural water. KISSINGEN SALT Granular Effervescent BENZOATE OF LITHIA. Each teaspoonful contains four grains of chemically pure salt. This preparation has been strongly recommended as a remedy for gout. It may be used with good effect in all cases of Lithaemia, Gout and Rheumatic Gout. 72 WARNER &. CO.’S GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. Granular Effervescent Each teaspoonful contains five grains of the chem- ically pure salt. This preparation has been strongly recommended as a remedy for epilepsy and as a hypnotic of great value. BROMIDE OF LITHIA. SALICYLATE OF LITHIA. Granular Effervescent Dosk.—A teaspoonful, containing ten grains of the salt. A convenient and pleasant remedy in Gout and Rheumatism. This preparation is intended for physicians’ use, and will be found to possess advantages over Salicylic Acid, being less irritating to the stomach, and com- bining the efficacy of Lithia and Salicylic Acid. Granular Effervescent CITRATE LITHIA. Each heaping teaspoonful contains four grains of the chemically pure salt. Valuable in Rheumatic, Gouty, and analogous disorders being acceptable to delicate stomachs, where the Carbonate is not well borne. Granular Effervescent CARBONATE LITHIA. Each heaping teaspoonful contains four grains of the chemically pure salt. A remarkable and often magical resolvent < f Gouty Rheumatic deposits. Dr. A. Garrod, the well-known English authority on Gout, and who was the first physician to introduce the Lithia Salts in the treatment of the gouty diathesis, states that their action is materially in- creased by being administered in a freely diluted form. The effervescing salts of Lithia furnish an easy and elegant way of applying Dr. Garrod’s methods. 73 WARNER &CO 'S GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS chalybeate saline. Granu'-ak Effervescent (Ferric Saline Effeevescens, Dr. Means.) Each heaping teaspoonful contains one grain of Citro-tartrate of Iron and twenty grains of Soda. Dose —A heaping teaspoonful of the Salt, contain- ing one grain of Citro-tartrate of Iron and twenty grains of Soda, to be taken in a glass two-thirds full of water and drunk while effervescing. If a more decided effect is desired, warm instead of cold water may be used. In all cases this draught should be taken but once or twice a day, and then on an empty stomach, preferably before breakfast. No restric- tions as to diet. One or two PM. Digestiva (W.&Co.) may be taken at noon, before eating as a dinner pill. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. Granular Effervescent Pleasant and Efficient. DIRECTIONS. For a purgative effect take two or more tablespoon- fuls added to a small glass of water, and drink while effervescing. As a laxative, one or two tablespoonfuls, taken in the same manner. One or two teaspoonfuls in sweetened water, produces a delightful cooling drink in summe’- This preparation of Citrate of Magnesia has the ad- vantage over the liquid form, and a fresh and effective preparation is possible in every household. SULPHATE OF MAGNESIA. Granular Effervescent For a purgative effect, take two or more tablespoon- fuls added to a small glass of water, and drink while effervescing. As a laxative, one or more tablespoon- fuls taken in the same manner. This preparation is more agreeeable and quite as efficient as the old fashioned dose of salts, and is thus a great boon to the nursery. DIRECTIONS. Granular Effervescent PEPSIN AND BISMUTH. Each heaping teaspoonful contains the dose of Saccharated Pepsin and soluble Citrate of Bismuth. Useful in cases of Indigestion due to catarrhal conditions of the gastric mucous membrane. 74 WARNER & CO 'S GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS Granular Effervescent Each heaping teaspoonful contains the dose of Saccharated Pepsin, soluble Citrate of Bismuth and one grain of Citrate of Iron. Useful in cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion and gastric irritability. PEPSIN, BISMUTH AND IRON. Granular Effervescent PEPSIN, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNINE. Each heaping teaspoonful contains the dose of Saccharated Pepsin, soluble Citrate of Bismuth, and the one-sixtieth grain of Citrate of Strychnine. A valuable and agreeable tonic, indicated in cases of atonic dyspepsia. Granular Effervescent LITHIATED POTASH Each heaping teaspoonful contains five grains of Carb. Lithia and ten grains of Bi-Carb. Potash. Granular Effervescent 81-CARBONATE OF POTASSIUM, A dessertpoonfu! in a glass of water makes an ex- cellent neutral mixture and effervescent draught. The diaphoretic and refrigerant effects are readily produced. lODIDE OF POTASSIUM. Granular Effervescent Each heaping teaspoonful contains two grains of lodide of Potassium. This preparation of lodide of Potassium has the advantage of being easily borne by the stomach, and as the peculiar taste is disguised, can be taken for a long time without arousing disgust in the patient which is often found when other preparations of lodide of Potassium have to be taken for a long period. Granular Effervescent Each heaping teaspoonful contains ten grains of Bromide of Potassium. BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. 75 WARNER & CO.’S GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS Granular Effervescent A dessertspoonful In a glass of water makes an excellent neutral mxiture and effervescent draught. The diaphoretic and refrigerant effects are readily produced. CITRATE OF POTASSIUM. NITRATE OF POTASSIUM. Granular Effervescent A dessertspoonful in half of a glass of water makes an excellent mixture and effervescent draught. The diaphoretic and refrigerant effects are readily pro- duced. Granular Effervescent PULLNA SALTS. A large teaspoonful dissolved in a glass half full of water, forms an agreeable and refreshing draught, identical with the water of the Pullna Springs in Germany. Granular Effervescent A pleasant and gentle laxative; its use is recom- mended when a mild purgative effect is desired. The dose is a heaping dessertspoonful in a glass of water to be drank while effervescing. The dose to be increased to a tablespoonful if required. ROCHELLE SALTS. Granular Effervescent SEIDLITZ MIXTURE. An excellent aperient and refrigerant, very accept- able to the stomach. Dose.—One tablespoonful in a glass of water. Like the Citrate of Magnesia this preparation is a more convenient and agreeable form of an aperient medicine than is usually administered. (Seidlitz Powder, U. S. P.) Granular Effervescent BROMIDE OF SODIUM Each large teaspoonful contains ten grrins of Bro- mide of Sodium. 76 WARNER & CO 'S GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. Granular Effervescent SELTZER SALT. A tablespoonful to half of a glass of water, forms a grateful and refreshing saline draught, identical with the natural water. Granular Effervescent 81-CARBONATE OF SODIUM. An excellent antacid, also antilithic and resolvent. Dose.—A heaping teaspoonful in part of a glass of water. PHOSPHATE OF SODIUM. Granular Effervescent Each heaping teaspoonful contains thirty grains of Phosphate of Sodium. Granular Effervescent SALICYLATE OF SODIUM. A nti-Rheumatic. Each heaping teaspoonful contains ten grains of Salicylate of Sodium. Salicylate of Sodium is now generally preferred to other form of Salicylic Acid, owing to its greater solubility, etc. SALICYLATE OF SODA With BROMIDE OF POTASH. Granular Effervescent Anti-rheumatic, Sedative. Each heaping teaspoonful contains ten grains of Salicylate of Soda and ten grains of Bromide of Potash. The dose is usually one large teaspoonful in half of a glass of water, three times a day before eating. This is the minimum dose for adults, and may be in- creased with advantage in many cases of Rheumatism and Rheumatic Gout, This preparation is particularly valuable in cases of Lythiasis, in which the more prominent symptoms are inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respira- tory and digestive tracts and ill-defined muscular soreness. WARNER &. CO.'S GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS Granular Effervescent TRIPLE BROMIDES. Useful in Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Migraine, Diurnal Epilepsy, etc , etc , Dose.—A teaspoonful containing Sodium Bromide, 15 grains ; Potassium Bromide, 10 grains; 5 grains Ammonium Bromide, three times daily. Administer one teaspoonful in half of a glass of water. Drink while effervescing. In Diurnal Epil- epsy take a dessertspoonful three times daily until sense of taste is partly destroyed. After this reduce the frequency of the dose, but keep the fauces in a benumbed condition. Granular Effervescent VICHY SALT. (Grand Grille.') A heaping teaspoonful dissolved in a half of a glass of water, forms a grateful and refreshing draught, identical with the natural water. VICHY SALT, LITHIATED. Granular Effervescent A large teaspoonful dissolved in half of a glass of water, forms a grateful and refreshing draught, identical with the natural water, combined with the antilithic properties of the Lithia. PREPARED BY WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO.. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, PHILADELPHIA AND NEWYORK. 78 This case is of a convenient size for carrying in the coat pocket, and presents a handsome appear- ance. The dimensions, when closed, are:—Length, 8 in. Width, 3 in. Thickness, li in. wjkM'W'W'&M Q&mmm &o>m wss. Pocket Parvule Case, filled with ten varieties, any selection, $3.50 DELIVERED BY POST ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. Manufactured only by WM. R. WARNER & CO. PAanma w@a. Pocket Parvule Case containing twenty filled bottles, any selection, 00 A presentable a>. d compact case suitable for pocket or band. The dimensions, when closed, are .-—Length, 8 in. Width, 3 in. Thickness, 2 in. Manufactured only by WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO. DELIVERED BY POST ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. Q&mmm rsTßieiAira’ vsa.' Warner A Co.’s Buggy or Hand Parvnle Case, eonlainina: 40 filled bottles, all the varieties, 810.00. Manufactured only by WM. R. WARNER & CO. DELIVERED BY POST ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. Office or Stock Case, glass top, containing forty bottles, full variety, $lO.OO This case with glass top is intended as an office case for Physicians and as a stock or show case for Druggists. It is neat and shows the Parvules to good advantage. Manufactured only by WM. R. WARNER & CO. DELIVERED FREE ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. “PARVULES.” Gentlemen: Although a practitioner of over forty years, I think I may feel privileged to express my great pleasure and appreciation of the new class of remedies prepared by you called “ Parvules.” I regard them the greatest improvement in modern medicine, and I could scarcely practice my profession without them, as they are so handy, so convenient, and easily taken by children and adults. Their most important quality is their unvary- ing and reliable strength and efficacy. I can obtain with a grain or less of Calomel, with a grain or less of Aloin, and with a grain or less of Podophyllin, divided respectively into the tenth, twentieth, or fortieth of a grain, in “Parvules,” all that I could desire in most cases, and in a more satisfactory manner than in the usual form. I have used successfully a “ Parvule” of one-fiftieth of a grain of Sulph. Morphia repeatedly for two or three hours, and have relieved pain without the least nausea or vomiting in patients that could not bear opiates in any other form. I do not know what to attribute this to, except the peculiar mode of pre- paring the “ Parvules,” as they are so readily dissolved and absorbed after being taken, and in endorsing them I must disclaim any favoritism or sympathy with Homoeopathy. A “Parvule” given every hour, it will be seen, is not Homoeopathy in theory or practice. I usually give two “ Parvules” of Calomel every hour until six or seven doses are taken, and the result is the same as with ten grains of the same without the embarrassing effect. I give four or five “Parvules” of Aloin, the effect is the same as four or five cathartic pills; also with the Podophyllin “Parvules;” they will relieve habitual constipation, derangement of the liver and digestive organs, if given, one or two, three times a day. I have no doubt that every practitioner who will use these “Parvules” will find the same results which convinced me of their importance and convenience. I have no other medicine chest in my daily rounds than my pocket case of “ Parvules.” Yours very truly. GEORGE P. REX, M. D. Rbaville, N. J. 83 DOSE TABLE Showing the ordinary mode of adjusting the dose to suit the age of the patient. The average adult dose being represented by one, the several doses at different ages may be put down as follows. Age 1 to •3 months, .... . . Dose 1-16 tt 4 to 12 “ .... . . “ 1-10 “ 1 to 3 years, C( i tt 4 to 5 “ 6< i “ 6 to 8 tt it i ii 8 to 12 “ it i tt 13 to 16 (< it S tt 17 to 20 “ tt i tt 2 L to 45 “ . . « 1 tt 50 “ tt i “ 60 to 70 (( tt S “ 80 to 90 ii tt i tt 100 (( tt i The simple rule generally applicable is as follows: Under 12 years of age diminish the dose of the medicine in the proportion of the age to the age increased by 12 thus;—at 6 years 84 AH IMPORTANT NEW REMEDY. SUPERIOR TO PEPSIN OF THE HOG. A POWDER, PRESCRIBED IN THE SAME MANNER, DOSES AND COMBINATIONS AS PEPSIN. INELUYIN. VENTRICULUS CALLOSUS GA LLIIM AC EUS. From the Gizzard of the Domestic Fowl, Pullus Gallinaceus. Dose.—lo to 20 Grains. A Specific for Vomiting in Pregnancy Potent and reliable remedy for the cure of Marasmus, Cholera Infantum, Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Sick Stomach, caused from debility of that organ. It is superior to the pepsin preparations, since it acts with more certainty, and effects cures where they fail. AND A WM. Ft. WARNER wK s: Xi CJ fg o no on 2 w w C, CP TROY WEIGHT. OJOJOJWKJNOhMHHMm vb NO 0 ONU) h MD ux OJ m o Q NO On Ox in i W W M io h 0 O O 0 0 0 Q Q 0 Q Ox OOOx 0 0 coca NO NO (JX NO NO ON 0 00 On Ox CO 10 h m 0 0 0 0 Ox On 0 CO ONOx 4>- GRAMMES, KO W H H H M h CO ONOX NO o NO no on ONCn -^.-^.OJCOtOtOMHHHM OOOOOOOnOONooxOOOOOOxOOxO On Ox to 0 NO OOvj On Ox > W to h *-*x *■*> *■*> *-n »-*»*•+> .3 or ot ot ot or or * g APOTHECARIES* MEASURES. w o NO CO OnCa 10 » (3 10 h h h CO m Q ox sq ON-b M Ox b ON-b Cob) NO ’o -b M NO ONOx U-N WW 10 10 w w O OOOOOxOOOOoxOOOOcnOOONOOO On Ox ox 0 ox co NO 00 NO OnQ Lighter than water. GRAMMES FOR LIQUIDS. W H on On Ox Ox W W CO to NO H H w H 0 NO b OX Ox to b ON b OX b bj H b ox to NO OX NO b NO 00 vj ONOX OxiwWtOHHO Ox ox OX NO 0 0 C ox Ox Ox NO Ox NO On CO NO On Spec. Grav. of water. VJ OX CO NO o CO On On Ox (/.A-MjJtOtOtOHHHH Ox Q CO Ox b OJ bbx ON 0 W b H 0 CO NO Ox 0 On CO to H NO CO ONOx 4*- CO tO h . OOOOOOOOOxOOOoxOOOOOOtoOtoONOWOxoxCOOto^Oico Heavier than water. POISONS AND ANTIDOTES. COMPILED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. In all cases use the stomach pump at once if possible. ACIDS. Carbonates of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium are all anti - Acetic. dotes. In the case of sulphuric acid, Citric. water should not he drank, as the Muriatic. union of I he two produces great heat. Sulphuric. Subsequent inflammation may he -—; treated in the ordinary manner. Nitric. Carbonates of calcium and magne- Oxalic. sium alone should be employed; see above. Prussic. Ammonia is an antidote hut it Laurel Water. should not he employed in a very Nitrobenzolc. concentrated form. Liquid chlorine Oil Bitter Al- has also been found efficacious. The mond. cold douche to the head has been recommended. Vomiting should be produced by ANTIMONY. tickling the fauces and giving large draughts of warm water. Astringent Butter Antim. infusions as galls, oak bark, peru- OxideAntim. vian bark, act as antidotes, and Tarter Emetic. should be given at once. Powdered yellow bark may be given until the infusion is prepared. ARSENIC. Hydrated peroxide iron, diffused through water, or the precipitated carbonate in very fine powder, should be given every five or ten White Arsenic minutes until relief is obtained. This is particularly efficacious where white arsenic has been swallowed. Dialysed iron solution has come Arsenic Acid. much into vogue at the present time and been highly recommended as an antidote, but the recent experiments of E. Hirschsohn, Russia, prove that Yellow Arsen. when used alone. It has no value whatever in this respect, and, when used in connection with ammonia, or magnesia, the resulting insoluble Emer’d Green. compound formed with the arsenic, is decomposed much more readily In the presence of acids than when the hydrated peroxide of iron is em- ployed. COPPER. Albumen in form most readily obtained, as milk, white of eggs, &c. and Salts. Vinegar should not be given. The Verdigris. inflammatory and nervous symp- Pickles. toms to be treated on general prin- ciples. IXORGAIfIO POISOJfS. 92 LEAD. Sulphate magnesium and phos- phate sodium are both good anti- Acetate and dotes for the soluble salts. For the Garb. Litharge solid forms, giving dilute sulphuric Goulard’s Ex. acid. The use of strychnia for the paralysis, and of iodide potassium, for the chronic forms generally, have been recommended. MERCURY. Albumen such as white of eggs, milk and wheat flour beaten with White and Red water, must be promptly adminis- Precipitate. tered. Counteract inflammation by Cor. Sublimate ordinary means. Gold finely mixed Vermilion. in dust with iron filings. The iron filings and Jerri pulvis have been given enclosed in gold leaf. ZINC. The vomiting may be relieved by copious draughts of warm water. Acetate and Carbonate sodium in solution will Sulphate. decompose the sulphate. Milk and White Vitirol. albumen act as antidotes. General principles to be observed in the sub- sequent treatment. CRBABOTE. Is immediately coagulated by al- bumen. Phosphorus. An emetic promptly; give copious draughts containing magnesia in Matches, &c. suspension; mucilaginous drinks; general treatment for inflammatory symptoms. ACRONARCOTIC AND NARCOTIC. Aconite. Baneberry. Belladonna. Bloodroot. Calabar bean. Camphor. Cherry Laurel. Cocc. Indc. Colchicum. Curare. Dogsbane. Ergot. Fox Glove. Gelsemium. Helebore. Hemlock. Henbane. Lobelia. Nux Vomica. Opium. Poison Oak. Rue. Squill. Strain m on. Tobacco. Yerat. Vir. Wild Cherry. Wild Orange. Evacuate the stomach with four or five grains of tarter emetic, or ten to twenty of sulphate zinc, x’epeated every quarter hour until the full effect is produced, assist by tickling the throat with a feather. Large and strong glysters of soap dissolved in water, or of salt and gruel, should he speedily administered to clear the bowels and assist in getting rid of the poison. Active purgatives may he given after vomiting has ceased. When as much as possible of the poison has been expelled, give alter- nately, a teacupful of strong hot coffee and diluted vinegar. If the drowsiness or insensibility be not relieved by these means, blood may be taken from the jugular vein, blisters applied to the neck and legs and the attention roused by every means possible. If the heat declines, warmth and frictions must be per- servingly used. Vegetable acid should on no account be given before the poison is expelled, and it is de- sirable that but little fluids of any kind should be administered. 93 AX IMPORTANT NEW REMEDY. LIQUID PANCREOPEPSIWE -OE- LIQUOR PANCREATICUS COMP. (digestive fluid.) This preparation contains in an agreeable form the natural and assimilative principles of the digestive fluid of the stomach, comprising Pancreatine, Pepsin, Eactlc and Muriatic Acids. The best means of re-establishing digestion in enfeebled stomachs, where the power to assimilate and digest food is impaired, is to administer principles capable of communicating the elements necessary to convert food into nutriment. The value of Eiquor Pancreopepsine in this connection has been fully established, and we can recommend it with confidence to the profession as superior to pepsin alone. It aids in digesting animal and vegetable cooked food, fatty and amylaceous sub- stances, and may be employed in all cases where from prolonged sickness or other causes, the alimentary processes are not in their normal condition. It is usually given in tablespoonful doses after each meal, with an equal quantity of water or wine, or alone, as it is most pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Put up in 16 oz. French Square Bottles Price, $l.OO. PREPARED ONLY BY WM.R.WARNER