Prices Current OF DRUGS. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, New York. . SACHET POWDERS. UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY. ONE-QUARTER POUND BOTTLE AS REPRESENTED BELOW, Price per lb., (with the exception of Musk, $7.00) $3.50. Frangipanni, Heliotrope, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Marechale, Millefleur, Mousseline, / Musk, Patchouly, Rose, Rose Geranium Sandal, Violet, West End. REDWOOD COLOGNE. (Trade Mark Patented.) Half Pint, Glass Stoppered Bottles, --------- per doz. oo Pint, " " " --------- " 15 oo Quart, " " " --------- " 26 00 LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, SOLE PROPRIETORS. Extracts for the H ANDKERCHIEF. Improved Quality and Attractive Style. BOUQUET. BOUQUET ANGLAIS. BOUQUET CAROLINE. CARNATION PINK. CEDRAT. CLOVE PINK. FRANGIPANNI. HELIOTROPE. HONEYSUCKLE. JASMIN. JOCKEY CLUB. LILY OF THE VALLEY. MAGNOLIA. MAY FLOWERS. MARECHALE. MILLEFLEUR. MOSS ROSE. MOUSSELINE. MUSK. NEW MOWN HAY. NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUS. ORANGE BLOSSOM. PATCHOULY. POND LILY. RONDELETIA. ROSE. ROSE GERANIUM. SANTAL. SPRING FLOWERS. STEPHANOTIS SWEET BRIAR. TEA ROSE. TUBEROSE. VERBENA. VIOLET. WEST END. WHITE LILAC. WHITE ROSE. YLANG YLANG. UPPER TEN. In flint-glass stoppered bottles, each bottle containing one pound (about fluid ounces) of Extract, bottles and stamps inclusive $4 OO Extract Musk (from true Tonquin Musk), same style . 0 5 00 Prices Current OF Foreign and Domestic DRUGS, Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, I Druggists' Glassware, Druggists' Sundries, Patent Medicines, etc., KEPT CONSTANTLY FOR SALE BY LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No. 10 Gold St. New York. TERMS, Net Cash in par Funds. Prices subject to changes in the market. New York, March 16th, 1876. New York, March 15TH, 1876. Dear Sir. We have the pleasure to hand you herewith our Drug List, with prices corrected to date. Our friends will please remember that these quotations refer to moderate quantities; for large quantities, and especially for full packages, more favorable prices may generally be expected. Our terms are Cash, in 30 days. Bills not paid at maturity will be subject to draft. Parties ordering for the first time, will see the necess:ty of giving references; or, of enclosing DRAFT TO COVER. Pledging our best endeavors in behalf of our friends, and soliciting the commands of those in the trade with whom we have not hitherto had the pleasure of any correspondence, We remain, faithfully yours, LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. DISCOUNTS. Fluid Extracts (Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's), ----- 40 per cent. Sugar-Coated Pills (Bullock & Crenshaw's), ----- 40 • " " other brands, - - - - - 40 to 45 • Green Glassware, by the Package, ------- 50 , White . . , _ _ 40 . Tinctures and Saltmouth Bottles, - -- -- -- jq ■ Glass Syringes, - -- -- -- -- -- go • Metal • ----------- 10 , Concentrated Medicines, - -- -- ____30 • INDEX. Page. Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, 3 » Powdered, - -- -- - .43 Fluid Extracts, --------44 Sugar-Coated Pills, ------- 45 Concentrated Medicines, _ 43 Wyeth & Bro's. Preparations, - - - - 19 Patent Medicines, ------- 21 • » French, ----- 24 Instruments, Syringes, Trusses, &c., - - - 25 PoAie. Shop Furniture and Utensils, - - - - 27 Glassware, Green, ---____30 » Mixed, ------- 31 » Flint, - - - _ 31 Druggists' Sundries, ------- 32 Brushes, 34 Combs, - -- -- -- -- - 34 Soaps, 35 Saccharated Pepsin, ------ 36 Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. These Prices do not include Bottles and Vials. Acid, Acetic, U. S. P. (Sp. gr. 1,047) - - - lb. $0 20 made from Sugar - n 0 40 American No. 8. - - - - - n 0 12 English, Beaufoy's, - - - - it 1 00 Acetic, glacial - - -- -- -- - « 0 95 oz's ------- oz. 0 08 Arsenious, - -- -- -- -- - ff 0 12 Boracic, - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 80 Benzoic, English, ------- OZ. 0 30 German ------- If 0 24 Buytric - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 3 50 Carbolic, Crystals. Calvert's No. 1, gilt lab. g.s.b. in. II 2 10 No. 2,1 lb. g. s. b. inc. II 1 45 German - -- -- -- -- fl 75 a 95 oz's ------- oz. 0 12 Carbolic, Solution. Calvert's colorless - - - lb. 47 a 58 L. M. & G. colorless- - - If 0 "2 Common for disinfecting- gallon 0 75 - Citric - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. L 00 - Chromic - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 0 25 Fluoric, gutta percha bott'S. inch - lb. 2 00 Formic - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 0 30 Gallic ------------ lb. 1 70 oz's. - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 0 12 Hydrocyanic - -- -- -- -- It 0 07 Hypophosphorous ------- II 0 20 Lactic, Concentrated ------ tl 0 38 Dilute - -- -- -- -- II 0 15 Muriatic-carboys ------- lb. 0 03 bottles ------- f 0 06 chem. pure - - - - - - If 0 25 Nitric, carboys - -- -- -- - II 9 a 12 bottles 42° ------- II 0 16 chem. pure ------- If 0 27 fuming - -- -- -- - If 0 20 Aqua Fortis- ------ ti 0 15 ■ Oleic, crude - -- -- -- -- n 0 40 purified - -- -- -- - if 0 90 Oxalic ------------ ti 0 16 Phosphoric, dilute ------- if 0 22 dilute from Phosphorus, it 0 40 glacial (sticks) - - - - n 1 50 Pyrogallic - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 0 45 Pyroligneous - -- -- -- -- lb. 0 10 Succinic - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 0 45 Salicylic, white, - -- -- -- - If 0 40 Sulphuric, per carboy- ----- lb. 0 024 bottles ------- a 0 06 chem. pure ----- n 0 29 Nordhausen ----- n 0 30 Aromatic ------ n 0 50 Sulphurous ---------- ii 0 20 Tartaric, powd. 50 lb. boxes - - - - n 0 52 Valerianic - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 0 40 Aconitin - -- -- -- -- -- -- t oz. Acorn Coffee ----------- lb. 0 15 Agaric - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 Alcohol, market price, bbls. ------ gallon Cologne spirit, market price - - If Absolute - -- -- -- -- lb. 0 75 Allspice - -- -- -- -- -- -- * 0 16 ground - -- -- -- -- - n 0 19 Almonds, bitter - -- -- -- -- - a 0 45 A.loine - -- -- -- -- -- -- - oz i-J Alum, bbls. - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 02| Ground ----------- n 0 05 Calcined ----------- n 0 30 Ammonio Ferric ------- n 0 75 Granulated- - -- -- -- -- ti 0 15 Alumina, Sulphate, pure, - - - - - - oz. 0 25 Aluminium, metal - -- -- -- -- it 2 50 Ambergris, gray - -- -- -- -- - n 25 00 Ammonia, Arseniate - -- -- -- - n 0 40 Aqua U. S. P. '- - - - - - - lb. 0 07 20° (formerly FFF) - - - II 0 10 ■ Fortior, U. S. P. - - - - II 0 20 Carbonate, English, (in jars) - II 0 18 Hypophosphite ------ oz. 0 28 - Monocarb. Odorif. for produc- tion of Smelling Salts, lb. 1 50 Muriate - -- -- -- -- If 0 16 Granulated, pure, - - If 0 35 Nitrate, Crystals ------ II 0 40 ■ Fused ------- If 0 40 Oxalate - -- -- -- -- If 1 25 Phosphate - -- -- -- - If 1 25 - Spirit of - - - - - - - - - 0 44 Spirit of, Aromatic ----- 0 49 Ammonia, Sulphate --------- lb. SO 10 V alerianate -------- oz. 0 40 Ammonium, Bromide - -- -- -- - 11). 0 75 Hydro Sulphnret ----- lb. 0 60 Iodide - -- -- -- -- oz. 0 45 Amygdalin - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 75 Amyl, Acetate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 3 25 Amyl, Nitrite of---------- OZ. 0 40 English Aniline Dyes,) best in market). Red, Crystals ----------- lb. 2 75 Crimson- - -- -- -- -- -- - ti 3 00 Green - -- -- -- -- -- -- n 5 00 Black (Nigrosine) - -- -- - » - - ii 5 50 Blue -------------- n 4 25 (Soluble in Alcohol only.) - - - - n 6 50 Brown - -- -- -- -- -- -- it 2 50 Bismarck, shade ------- n 4 00 Orange ------------- it 8 00 1 Royal Purple ----------- n 8 00 Scarlet - -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 50 Violet (Soluble in Alcohol only.) - - - 7 50 Yellow - -- -- -- -- -- -- 6 50 With the exceptions noted, all the above Anilines are soluble in Water. Annatto, best Brazilian, in rolls - - - - lb. 0 45 Annatto-ine, - -- -- -- -- -- 1 50 Antimony, Butter of - -- -- -- - 0 25 - Chloride - -- -- -- -- n 3 50 Diaphoretic ------- n 1 75 Golden Sulphnret ----- it 0 60 - Sulphnret, crystals,- - - - - ii 0 16 powd.- - - - n 0 20 - Ore, powd. -------- it 0 12 - common, powd. ------ n 0 08 -- Tartrate (see Tartar Emetic) - it Apomorphia, Amorphous, ------ i oz. 1 75 Cryst. - n 4 50 Arrowroot, American - -- -- -- - lb. 0 12 Bermuda - -- -- -- - n 0 65 Florida - -- -- -- -- n Jamaica - -- -- -- -- n 0 30 St. Vincent -------- ii 0 25 - - Taylor's, in foil, 12 lb. boxes - n 0 40 Arsenic, Metallic- - -- -- -- -- n Donovan's solution ----- n 0 30 Fowler's solution - ----- - n 0 12 Iodide - -- -- -- - - - oz. 0 50 - Lump - -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 20 •- ■ Red - -- -- -- -- -- // 0 25 White - -- -- -- -- - II 0 08 pure - -- -- -- - II 0 25 -- Yellow - -- -- -- -- - It 0 20 Asbestos - -- -- -- -- -- -- tl 0 20 ground - -- -- -- -- - a 0 25 Asparagin - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. Atropia ------------- i oz. 2 70 Sulphate - -- -- -- -- - i " 2 60 Valerianate - -- -- -- -- i " 2 70 Ashes, Pearl- - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 12 Pot II 0 10 Asphaltum - -- -- -- -- -- - 0 12 Balsam, Canada, bbls. -------- gallon 2 50 pounds ------- doz. 7 00 Copaiva - -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 80 I solidified ------ ii 1 20 Peru ------------ ii 2 00 Tolu ------------ ii 1 75 Sulphur - -- -- -- -- - 0 40 Bark, Angostura - -- -- -- -- - n 0 30 CanellaAlba - -- -- -- -- ii 0 14 ii 0 12 a 0 30 Cinchona, Calisaya ------- n 1 55 | Carthagena ------ n 0 30 I Loxa- - -- -- -- - ii 0 65 Yellow - -- -- -- - it 0 20 ii 1 10 Cinnamon, Ceylon ------'- ii 1 20 Cundurango, true, ------- n 0 25 Elm ------------ ti selected - -- -- -- -- n 0 18 ground in bulk ------ n 0 15 packets ----- ii 0 16 -- powd. 4 ozs. ------- ii 0 30 Elm, powd. 2 ozs. ------- 0 35 Lemon Peel - -- -- -- -- 0 25 Mezereon - -- -- -- -- - 0 25 4 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Bark, Orange Peel, Sweet ------- 1 lb. $0 15 ground - - - n 0 18 Seville - -- -- -- - n 0 20 Pomegranate Fruit ------- n 0 20 Root ------- n 0 45 Quercitron - -- -- -- -- - n 0 08 Sassafras- - -- -- -- -- - n 0 14 --- Simaruba - -- -- -- -- - n 30 Soap, (or Quillai) -------- n 0 20 Wild Cherry, selected young bark - n 0 18 Barium, Acetate - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 0 20 Chloride,- pure, ------- lb. 0 35 Carbonate- - -- -- -- -- II 0 9o Nitrate ----------- II 0 25 Bath Brick - -- -- -- -- -- - hund. 3 50 Bay Rum, pure, imported, ------ gallon 3 50 in quart Champagnes - - - - in pint " - - - - doz. 14 00 7 50 American - -- -- -- - gallon 2 75 in Wines- - - - - doz. 8 00 Beans, Calabar - -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 00 Cocoa ----------- II 0 28 Tonka, Angostura - - - - - - lb. 1 50 Para - -- -- -- -- -• St. Ignatius - - -- -- -- -- •ff 0 60 Vanilla, prime ------- It 22 00 extra, - -- -- -- - II 25 00 Bebeerine, pure - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 2 90 ff 2 15 Bismuth, Metallic - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 05 Citrate - - - - - - - - - - OZ. 0 40 and Ammon Citrate ----- II 0 40 solution - - - lb. 0 40 Oxychloride - -- -- -- - n 2 Oo Sub-carbonate ------- n 2 80 - Sub-nitrate - - - - - - - - n 2 05 3 00 Tannate ---------- OZ. 0 55 Valerianate - -- -- -- - ii 1 00 Black Pitch - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 06 Bladders - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 IX) Blue, Chinese - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 95 powd. - -- -- -- - Prussian - -- -- -- -- -- II II 1 00 0 75 powd. - -- -- -- - ff 0 80 Soluble, finest --------- 1! 0 90 Nuremberg, pound boxes - - - - i " 0 45 0 50 Blue Mass, American - -- -- -- - ff 0 03 English - -- -- -- -- ff 1 50 Blue Vitriol - -- -- -- -- -- - n 0 12 Bole Armenia - -- -- -- -- -- ti 0 10 Borax, cases 112 lbs. - -- -- -- -- n 0 14 BrazilWood- - - - - - - - - - - - ti 0 10 Breast Tea - -- -- -- -- -- - ii 0 45 British Lustre ----------- ii 0 12 Bromine - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 0 07 Chloride - -- -- -- -- n 0 75 Brucia - -- -- -- -- -- -- - r 3 25 Sulphate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 3 25 Butter Cocoa - -- -- -- -- -- 0 00 Cadmium, Bromide - -- -- -- -- OZ. 0 25 Iodide- - -- -- -- -- n 0 45 Metallic - -- -- -- -- ti 0 40 Sulphate --------- n 0 25 Sulphuret - -- -- -- - n 0 60 Caffeine - -- -- -- -- -- -- n 3 50 Citrate - -- -- -- -- - n 3 50 Calamine - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 10 Calcined Plaster - -- -- -- -- - bbl. 2 75 extra (Dentists) - - - - II 3 00 Calcium, Bromide - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 00 Chloride - -- -- -- -- If 0 60 Iodide - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 0 10 Calomel, American - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 10 English - -- -- -- -- - II 2 10 Camphor - -- -- -- -- -- -- II 0 30 Monobromated ------- OZ. 0 60 Camwood ------------- ff 0 08 Cantharides - -- -- -- -- -- - If 1 50 Cerate of-------- n 1 20 Carbon, Bisulphuret --------- lb. 0 35 * oz's. ------- OZ. 0 06 Carmine, No. 6----------- II 0 35 12 ---------- - II 0 50 20- ---------- n 0 60 40- ---------- n 0 75 Cassia Buds - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 05 Fistula - -- -- -- -- -- If 0 25 Castoreum - -- --------- Castor Oil, bbls. - - ------- 0 14 - ■ Bakers AA, ------- II 0 15 doz. 2 50 " -English ff 3 50 pints, full, ' - - - - ff 7 00 Cereum, Oxalate - - OZ. 0 25 Cereum, Nitrate - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 0 80 Chalk --------- _ _ . - bbl. 2 25 Drops, 25 lb. boxes ------- lb. 0 on Precip. English - -- -- -- - » 0 16 Herring's, in 7 lb. bundles - 0 20 French ----------- 0 12 powd. - -- -- -- -- n 0 08 red, fingers - -- -- -- -- - 0 08 Charcoal, powd. willow ------- 0 25 in 10 lb. kegs - - keg 2 00 - in bottles, Ellis - doz. 1 75 L. M. & G. 1 50 ordinary - - - - - - - lb. 0 10 Cherry Laurel Water - -- -- -- - gallon 3 00 Chinoidine - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 0 16 Chloral, or Hydrate of Chloral ----- lb. 1 90 » ' " Schering's - 2 15 Chloralum, Powder- - -- -- -- - • 0 12 ■ -Solution, quarts ----- doz. 8 00 pints ------ 4 38 • | ff 2 38 Chloroform, American -------- lb. 1 05 Squibb's - -- -- -- - II 2 10 Cinchona ------------- oz 0 40 Sulph. ff 0 35 Cinchonidia, Sulph. - -- -- -- -- II 0 80 Cinnabar ------------- lb. 1 95 Civet - -- -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 5 50 Cloves - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 55 ground ----------- ff 0 60 Cobalt - -- -- -- -- -- -- - ff 0 20 Powder - -- -- -- -- - ff 0 25 Nitrate ----------- oz. 0 75 Oxide, pure - -- -- -- -- It 1 00 Cocculus Indicus - -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 12 Cochineal, Honduras - -- -- -- - ff 0 65 Codeia - -- -- -- -- -- -- - i oz. 1 00 Collodion ------------- lb. 1 05 ozs. cork, s. vials ------ doz. 2 10 oz. G. S. vials ------- ff 2 70 Cantharidal - -- -- -- - ff 3 20 Cologne Water ----------- gallon 4 50 L. M. & G. ------ It 6 00 Colocynth ------------- lb. 0 40 Coltsfoot Rock ----------- ff 0 50 Composition, in bulk - -- -- -- - ff 0 30 OZS.- - -- -- -- - ff 0 40 2 ozs. - -- -- -- - ff 0 35 Concentrated Lye (4 doz. cases) - - - - case 8 00 Condensed Milk - -- -- -- -- - doz. I ») Confection Black Pepper ------- lb. 0 75 Rose - -- -- -- -- - ff 0 45 Senna ---------- II 0 50 Extra, L. M. & G. - - - It 0 60 Wormseed - -- -- -- - ff 0 75 Copper, Ammoniated - -- -- -- - ff 1 00 Arseniate ---------- oz. 0 45 Arsenite - -- -- -- -- - It 0 30 Cyanide ---------- ff 0 30 Iodide - -- -- -- -- -- II 0 55 Nitrate ----------- lb. 0 65 Oxide - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 0 14 Sulphate, (see Blue Vitriol) Sulphate, Pure - -- -- -- - lb. 0 30 Copperas - -- -- -- -- - -Bbls. it 0 01} Corn Starch - -- -- -- -- -- - it 0 12 Cornu Cervi, calcined - -- -- -- - n 0 16 rasped - -- -- -- -- n 0 25 Corrosive Sublimate --------- it 1 00 powder ------ n 1 20 Cowage - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 0 55 Crab Orchard Salts - -- -- -- -- lb. 0 45 Cream Tartar, pure powder ------ It 0 44 Crocus Martis - -- -- -- -- -- ff 0 13 Metallorum - -- -- -- -- ff 0 40 Croton Chloral, Hydrate ------- oz. 1 75 Cubebs -------------- lb. 0 14 Cubebin - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 10 00 Cudbear ------------- lb. extra ----------- ff 0 30 Cuttie Bone - -- -- -- -- -- - 0 40 Delphinia- - -- -- -- -- -- - i oz. 4 50 Dextrine - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 15 Digitalin - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 4 25 Pure - -- -- -- -- -- i oz. 2 50 Drop Black - -- -- -- -- -- - !b 0 25 Elixir Calisaya ----- 5 pint bottles each 2 70 and Iron ------- ff 3 15 and Bismuth » - it 3 15 Other Elixirs in bulk. Elaterium ------------- oz. 6 50 Emery, Flour - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 07 Numbers - -- -- -- -- - ff 0 12 Paper ----------- quiro 0 40 Emetine - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 3 25 Epsom Salt, Bbls. ---------- lb. 0 02} Ergot - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Ergotine - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. Ether, Acetic - -- -- -- -- -- lb. $0 90 Butyraceous - -- -- -- -- » 1 80 2 80 0 85 Formic - -- -- -- -- -- it 3 00 fl 0 61 washed ------- ii 0 66 - concentrated ----- ii 0 69 Eye Stones - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 0 65 Extract Aconite. Alcoholic, L., M. & G. lb. 2 50 English ------ 3 25 Aloes Socot. --------- IT 2 00 Antlieniis ---------- H 2 00 Arnica ----------- It 2 65 - Bark, Precipitated ------ oz. 0 16 Belladonna. Alcoholic, L., M. & G. lb. 3 25 English ------ n 3 00 Boneset - -- -- -- -- - H 3 00 Buchu, English - ------- II 6 00 Calabar Bean, in ozs. ----- OZ. 3 00 fl 0 65 - M. & G. - - - n 0 50 lb. 1 75 Cascarilla- - -- -- -- -- 3 50 - Cimicifuga - -- -- ----- n 2 50 12 50 If Pallida ------- n 7 00 Colchicum, Alcoholic ----- if 6 00 Acetic- ------- H 4 50 English, oz's. - - OZ. 0 65 Colocynth, simp. powd. - - - - lb. 6 50 - Comp. ------- If 5 50 II Calumba - -- -- -- -- - ff 4 00 n English -------- lb. 1 50 Cubebs ----------- 5 50 Cypripedium - -- -- -- - 1 5 25 fl 3 25 powd.- ------- Dulcamara - -- -- -- -- oz. lb. 0 50 3 40 Elecampane --------- » 4 00 ti 2 00 Galls - -- -- -- -- -- H 2 50 Gentian, L. M. & G. _ - - I 0 60 English ------- 1 1 (X) Golden Seal - -- -- -- -- II 3 00 Hellebore, Black ------- H 2 50 It 3 5(i n 3 50 powd. ------ oz. 0 50 - English ------ lb. 3 75 Jalap - -- -- ----- powd. - -- -- -- -- Juglandis - - -- -- - - -- Krameria, English ----- « 4 00 4 50 2 25 7 00 German ------ H 2 25 powd. - OZ. 0 60 Licorice Calab, Barracco - - - - lb. 0 42 P&S - -- -- It Corigliano - - - - • 0 48 Imitation - - - - H 0 35 English Refined - - - - 1 0 60 Mass. - -- -- -- - 'I 0 35 Lobelia - -- -- -- -- - 'I 5 50 Logwood, 12 lb. boxes ----- 0 14 - pounds II 0 16 II - i " 0 19 Male Fern- - -- -- -- -- 0 50 Mandrake - - - - - - - * lb. 2 75 - Meat, Liebig's,(La Plata) f lb. - | doz. 4 00 7 50 Hl112 - - Prices 1 • It I " _ - in Gold It 14 25 pounds. - - - I OZ. 26 50 Monesia - -- -- -- -- - 0 75 Nux Vomica- - -- -- -- - powd. ------ II II 0 30 0 50 Opium Aqueous ------- Pareira Brava - -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 1 50 4 50 RhuMrb, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. - 6 00 3 75 4 50 6 00 Sarsaparilla - - - - - - - - - Alcoholic L. M. & G. Compound - - - - » 3 00 3 50 Sabina - -- -- -- -- -- Seneka ----------- 8 50 Senna - - - - - T7 ■ Stramonium. Alcoholic, L., M. & G. 2 50 English ----- If oz. 9 00 x St. Ignatius - -- -- -- -- 60 1 50 Scullcap - -- ------ * lb. English ----- i UvaUrsi - - - - - - - " " " Valerian, Alcoholic, L., M. G. - Fso _ - English - - - - - - - 4 00 Cazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. For list of FLUID EXTRACTS see folio 14. EXTRACTS for the HANDKERCHIEF. Improved quality and attractive style. In flint glass stoppered bottles, each bottle containing one pound (about 181 fluid ounces) of Extract. Bottles and stamps are included in the annexed prices. Extract Ambergris ------- oz. lb. $4 00 4 Caroline- ----- - - n 4 00 Carnation Pink- ----- - - n 4 00 - Cassie - -- -- -- -- - - n 4 00 Cedrat --------- - - H 4 00 Civet - -- -- -- -- 4 00 Clove Pink ------- 4 00 4 00 Heliotrope ------- 4 00 Honey Suckle ------ 4 00 Jasmin --------- 4 00 Jockey Club ------- 4 00 Jonquille - -- -- -- - II 4 00 Lily of the Valley ----- n 4 00 Magnolia - -- -- -- - u 4 00 May Flowers ------ H 4 00 Marechale ------- II 4 00 Millefleur - ------- II 4 00 Moss Rose ------- II 4 00 Mousseline - - - - - - - II 4 00 Musk - -- -- -- -- 1/ 5 00 concentrated in ozs. - OZ. 1 50 - Nerol i - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 New Mown Hay ----- - - It 4 00 Night Blooming Cereus - - - tl 4 00 Orange Blossom ----- II 4 00 Patchouly ------- 4 00 Pond Lily- ------- 4 00 Portugal - -- -- -- - 4 00 Reseda --------- 4 00 Rondeletia ------ - - - n 4 00 Rose- - -- -- -- -- II 4 00 Rose Geranium ----- n 4 00 Santal - -- -- -- -- n 4 00 Spring Flowers ------ n 4 00 Sweet Briar ------- 4 00 Sweet Pea ------- 4 00 Stephanotis ------- 4 00 -- Tea Rose - -- -- -- - 4 Tuberose - -- -- -- - 4 00 Upper Ten ------- - - n 4 00 -Verbena ------- - 4 00 Vitivert - -- -- -- - - " ii 4 00 Violet --------- 4 00 West End- ------- 4 00 - - White Lilac ------- 4 00 White Rose ------- 4 00 Viang Viang ------ 4 00 Extracts Flavoring L. M. & G. Bitter Almond ----- doz. 50 Celery - -- -- -- - Cinnamon ------- - Lemon - -- -- -- - • cenl nt by fOSS. 3 50 2 50 2 50 Orange - -- -- -- - <D 5 tj ff - & 30 Rose - -- -- -- -- A Q 0) - 6 UU 3 25 Lemon, 5 oz. bottles - - - II a 00 Vanilla. » " - - - II o au The same quality in bulk. incl. B. Almond - pound bottles lb. L 30 Celery - - - 1 aa Cinnam on- - II 1 oa Lemon - - - n 1 35 Orange - - - « 1 35 Rose - - - 1 4 a Vanilla - - - ii 2 00 Extracts Flavoring, Ballards, ot supe- rior quality, in 3 oz. bottles and attractive style. doz. Almond - -- -- -- - Celery - -- -- -- -- 72 1 1 75 75 Cinnamon ------- I 75 Lemon - -- -- -- -- fl £ It 1 75 Orange --------- ® tl n 1 75 Pineapple- ------- k 2 n 1 Raspberry ------- Rose ---------- Strawberry ------- <12 n 1 1 1 i-> 75 75 Vanilla --------- E-i 1 75 Fish Sounds ---------- lb. 1 25 Flake White - -- -- -- -- u ZU Flowers, Althea - -- -- -- - » 0 45 Arnica ----- - - ■ 0 16 Boratre - -- -- -- - u 0 Chamomile, Roman, 1875 - - n 0 30 German, 1875 - - 0 55 5 6 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Flowers, Lavender - -- -- -- -- lb. $0 10 Linden, or Tillia - n 0 40 Malva ----- n 0 55 Mullein- - - - - Violet ----- a 0 75 Fluor Spar ------- n 0 12 Fuller's Earth ------ - ii 0 08 Fustic (Bbls.) ------ ii 0 03f FRUIT ESSENCES. Apple ------ n 1 25 Banana------ n 1 25 Nectar ------ ii 1 25 Peach ------ * 1 25 Pear ------- 1 25 Pine-apple - - - - - 1 25 Raspberry - - - - - I 25 Strawberry - - - - - n 1 25 FRUIT JUICES, in Quart Champagnes. Pineapple --------- hot. 1 25 Raspberry - - - - - If 1 25 Strawberry - - - - - If 1 25 Blackberry - - - - - II 1 25 Garlics --------- string 25 Gelatine, Cox's- ----- doz. 2 00 Cooper's - - - - - lb. 0 95 French ----- If 80 a 95 Pink - - - II 1 35 Gentisin - -- -- -- - i oz. 16 00 Glass, Soluble ------ ll>. 0 15 Glauber Salt, extra dry bls.) - - - - - II 0 02 Glue, Coopers A, Extra " - - - - - It 0 42 No. Ido. - - - - - If 0 37 1 - - - - II 0 33 u - - - - II 0 26 H - - - - - tt 0 23 H - - - - II 0 21 If - - - - - 0 1!) It - - - - - tt 0 18 2 - 0 17 2i - - - - 0 16 Glycerine, Prices, bottles free - - - - 0 85 Bowers, lbs. bottles free - - - 0 65 6 lb. bottles - - - - - tt 0 58 -- Pure, L. M. & G. - » 0 45 Vienna ----- 0 35 -- Sarg's distilled - - 0 60 Selected - - - - u 0 22 50 lb. cans - - - - n 0 20 Gold, Chloride, 15 gr. bottles - - - - doz. 6 20 and Sodium, 15 30 Oxide, 15 gr. bottles gr. bottles 3 10 - 6 20 12 00 Grains of Paradise - - - - - lb. 0 20 Guarana - -- -- -- - If 4 50 Guaiacum Wood ----- II 0 05 Gum Aloes, Barbadoes- - - 0 35 Cape - - - - - 0 18 Socotrine, true - - II 0 70 --- Ammoniac, in tears - - tl 0 55 Assafoetida - - - - - II 0 25 Arabic, Extra - - - - - II 1st ----- - It 0 60 ■ 2nd - - - - - II 0 48 3d _ _ - _ _ tl 0 36 Sifted Sorts - - - 0 22 Sorts - - - - ,, 0 20 Granulated 1st Select - - - II 0 65 Acroides- ----- 0 65 Benzoin, Fine Marbled - - - - 0 65 Catechu, medicinal- - 0 12 Damar ------ 0 30 Elemi ------- 0 45 Euphorbium - - - - - » 0 25 Galbanum, tears - - « 0 85 strained - - - 0 95 Guaiacum, select - - - n 0 50 Gamboge ----- > 0 80 Hemlock ----- II 0 55 Kino ------- II 0 25 Mastic, extra - - - - - II 2 50 Myrrh ------- tl 0 45 Olibanum ----- tl 20 a 40 Sandarach ----- II 0 45 Sanguis Draconis (Dragons Blood) - tt 0 50 in reeds - - - - II 0 85 Scammony Virgin - - - tt Senegal ------ tt 0 50 Shellac ------ - II Campbell's No. 1 - - - - - tt 0 65 Bleached - - - - 0 60 Spruce ------ II 0 75 Tears - - - - - tt 1 25 Storax, Calamite - tt 0 45 Storax, Liquid- - - - - n 0 35 Thus (white turpentine) - - - - - it 0 10 Tamarack ----- it Tragacanth, flake, 1st - - - - - - n 1 10 2nd - - - - t 0 85 Extra Hbbons V ermicelli lb. Gam Tragacanth, sorts _______ n $0 45 Gutta Percha, ------- H 2 50 HEBBS, BOOTS, BAEKS, &C., n Prices given are for pound packages, n pressed. it Herbs only are in ounce papers, at six n cents, per lb. advance. it Abe ess root - - - - - 0 55 - Aco nite Leaves - - - - - - - 0 30 Agrimony _____ 0 25 Alder Bark, Black - - - - - - 0 25 Berries - - - - 0 50 Bed or Tag - - - - - _ _ lb. 0 25 Alum Boot ----- 0 28 Angelica Leaves - - - - - - - 0 30 Seeds - - - - - - _ 0 45 Arnica Boot ----- fl 0 35 Ash Bark, Mountain - _ _ _ _ If 0 25 - - - Prickly - - - - - - fl 0 25 - Berries » - - II 0 40 Avens Boot ----- fl 0 35 Balm Lemon - - - - 0 35 Mountain - - _ 0 40 Sweet ----- II 0 28 Gilead Buds - - - _ _ _ tl 0 00 ---■-■ Balmony ------ - - - _ « 0 30 Balsam Sweet - - - - 0 25 Barberry Bark - - - - 0 30 Bayberry " - - - - II 0 25 Belladonna Leaves - - _ _ _ _ 0 35 Beth Boot ----- 0 40 Bitter " _____ fl 0 45 - Bittersweet Bark of Boot _ _ _ _ It 0 45 Berries - - _ _ _ _ 0 35 Herb - - - _ _ - - II 0 25 Blackberry Boot - - - - - - - 0 25 - Bark of Root - n 0 35 Blazing Star Boot - - 0 35 ■ Blessed Thistle - - - _ _ _ _ » 0 30 Blue Flag ------ n 0 28 Boneset ------ 0 20 - ■ Bouncing Bet - - - _ 0 35 Boxwood Bark _ - _ _ II 0 20 Flowers - - _ _ - - n 0 35 Buckbean- ----- _ _ - - 0 55 Buckhorn Brake - - - _ - - n 0 40 Buckthorn Berries - - _ _ - - 0 35 - Bugle Sweet ----- 0 28 Burdock Leaves - - - _ - - - 0 25 Boot - - - - II 0 30 -Seeds- - - - n 0 25 Butternut Bark - - _ _ _ - - 0 20 Button Snake Boot - - 0 30 Cancer Boot Plant - - _ - - - a 0 30 Catnep ------- a 0 25 Celandine, Garden - - _ _ - - n 0 30 Centaury Am. - - - - a 0 30 Chestnut Leaves - - - n 0 30 CicutaLeaves - - - _ 0 30 - Cleavers ------ 0 30 Clover Heads - - - - 0 30 Cocash Boot - - - _ a 0 40 ■ Cohosh, Black - - - - 0 20 Blue- - - - - a 0 25 White - - - - _ _ - - a 0 35 Coltsfoot ------ _ _ - a 0 25 Comfrey ------ _ _ _ - a 0 28 Cotton Root Bark - - _ _ - - a 0 30 - Cramp Bark ----- _ - a 0 28 Cranesbill ----- a 0 30 ■ Crawley ______ - - _ - 1 75 - Culvers Boot - - - - _ - a 0 30 - Dandelion Root - - - 0 30 Devils Bit _____ - 0 35 Dragon Boot - - _ _ n 0 35 Elder Flowers - - - - _ - n 0 35 Dwarf- - _ _ _ _ - a 0 30 > Sweet ----- H 0 25 Fern, Female - - - - - - II 0 35 Male ----- _ - I, 0 30 - Meadow - - - - _ _ _ - 0 25 Sweet ----- - - II 0 25 Feverfew ------ 0 50 Fleabane ------ II 0 25 Foxglove ------ - - n 0 25 Frostwort ----- - - n 0 30 Goldthread ----- a 0 65 Goldenrod ----- a 0 30 Goldenseal ----- _ _ _ - n 0 30 - Gravel Plant - - - - ii 0 30 - Hardback Leaves- - - _ - n 0 25 Hellebore Black - - - _ _ _ - a 0 30 White - - - - - _ - ti 0 25 Horehound ----- _ _ _ - ti 0 20 Hops ------- n 25 cl 65 Horsemint ----- n 0 30 Hyssop ------ - - - - it 0 25 Indian Hemp Black- - - - - - n 0 40 White - - _ - n 0 30 &c. Herbs, Roots, Barks, &c. - - - Indian Turnip - - - Ivy, Ground - - - - - - - lb. $0 35 0 28 0 30 Ladies Slipper - - - - - - - - If 0 30 Larkspur Seed - - - If 2 00 Laurel Leaves - - - tt 0 30 Lettuce Garden - - ff 0 30 - Life Root ----- ff 0 30 Lily, White Pond - - n 0 30 Liverwort - - - - ff 0 40 Lobelia ----- ff 0 28 Seed - - - - n 0 40 Lovage Root - - - n 0 30 Seed - - - - it 1 2- Lungwort- - - - - n 0 35 Maidenhair - - - - n 0 30 Marshmallow Leaves - - - it 0 25 Mandrake Root - - ii 0 20 Marsh Rosemary - - n 0 30 Marjoram Sweet - - it 0 50 Masterwort Seed - - it Milkweed Root - - ff 0 25 Motherwort - - - - II 0 25 Mugwort ----- II 0 25 •----- Mullein ----- II 0 20 Nanny Bush Bark • 0 30 Oak Bark, Black - - It 0 20 Red - - - n 0 20 White - - n 0 18 of Jerusalem - - n 0 30 Parsley Root - - - ff 0 40 Leaves - - - it 0 30 Seed - - - - it 0 45 Peach Leaves - - - 0 35 Pits ----- it 0 40 Pennyroyal - - - - it 0 20 Peony Flower - - - 1 00 Root - - - - ti 0 60 ---- Peppermint - - - - it 0 25 Plantain Leaves - - it 0 25 Pleurisy Root - - - n 0 25 Poke Berries - - - n 0 35 Root - - - - n 0 25 Poplar Bark Black - _ - - - - it 0 22 White - _ _ - - - if 0 20 Poppy Flowers - - _ - - - it 0 75 Leaves - - - ff 0 30 Princes Pine - - - 1 0 25 Pumpkin Seeds - - n 0 25 Queen of the Meadow Herb - - n 0 25 Root - - ff 0 30 Queen's Delight - - It Raspberry Leaves II 0 25 -■ Rock Rose - - - - If 0 30 Rosemary Flowers - If 0 60 Leaves It 0 18 Rue ------- If 0 35 Sage- ------ II 0 20 Sampson Snake Root _ _ - II 0 45 Sarsaparilla - - - - II 0 28 Savine ------ tl 0 25 Scullcap ----- ft 0 45 Side-saddle Plant It 0 40 Skunk Cabbage - - tt 0 30 Solomon Seal - - - ff 3 35 Spearmint - - - - - - ff 0 22 Spikenard - - - - II 0 25 Squaw Vine - - - - ff 0 30 Stone Root - - - - - - - - - ff 0 25 Sumach Bark - - - II 0 25 Berries - - - - ff 0 20 Leaves - - _ - - - - ff 0 25 Summer Savory - - - - - - - tt 0 30 -■ Tamarack Bark - - - - - - - ff 0 25 Tanzy ------ _ - - - - ff 0 20 Thornapple Leaves - ff 0 30 Seed - - It 0 30 Thyme ------ II 0 2.> Turkey Corn - - - _ - - - - tt 0 40 Unicorn Root - - - ff 0 30 Vervain ----- tt 0 25 Wahoo ------ - - tt 0 45 Water Pepper - - - If 0 25 Wild Indigo - - - _ - - - - II 0 25 Wintergreen - - - tt 0 25 Witch Hazel Bark _ - - - - tt 0 25 Leaves - 0 25 Wormseed - - - - - - - - - ff 0 20 Wormwood - - - - 0 30 Yarrow ----- 0 20 Yellow Dock - - - _ - - - - ff 0 25 Jasmine - - - - fl 0 35 Parilla - - - fl 0 25 Hecker's Farina ----- _ - - - - ff 0 16 Hiera Piera ------- ff 0 3;> with Socotrine Aloes - - ff 0 75 Hoffman's Anodyne - - - - 0 45 Honey --------- - 0 20 Lazell. Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Hooemopathic Globules ------- *0 35 Hypernic - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 06 I Iceland Moss - -- -- - - -- -- 0 10 Indian Red - -- -- -- -- -- - 0 15 11 Indigo, Caraccas - -- -- -- -- - If I 20 | Bengal - -- -- -- -- -- If 2 25 - Madras 1 Choicest for ( - - - _ It 1 15 - Manilla f retailing / - - - - It 1 15 Indigo Compound - -- -- -- -- f 0 (10 1 Insect Powder, true Persian, most effec- tive for destroying moths, roaches, ants 1 doz. 2 75 and similar vermin, in 4 oz. bottles 3 oz. » _ _ _ It 1 75 Insect Powder ----------- lb. 0 65 Iodine -------------- II 3 75 OZS. - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 0 26 Bromide - -- -- -- -- - If C 95 solution ------- II 0 30 Chloride - -- -- -- -- - u 0 85 Iodoform ------------- n 0 75 Irish Moss - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 9 «12 | Iron, Ammoniated - -- -- -- -- II 0 35 Tartrate ------ n 0 90 | Alcoholized (Limatura) ----- - ii 0 35 Arseniate - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 0 30 | Bromide - -- -- -- -- -- 0 20 Carbonate Drops - -- -- -- - lb. 0 16 | Precipitate - -- -- -- - • 0 24 1 pure - -- -- -- - n 0 50 I Saccharated - -- -- -- - 0 70 | Proto. (Vallet's mass) - - - 0 40 Chloride - -- - ------- 0 75 OZS. - -- - - -- -- - oz. 0 08 - Solution for making Tincture pint. 0 28 Tincture, U. S. P. - - - - lb. 0 38 Citrate - -- -- -- - - - - 1 00 and Magnesia - - ■ - - - - oz. 0 08 IRON, CITRATE AND QUINIA - - - lb. 7 50 OZ. 0 50 This preparation is entirely soluble, and contains the full officinal pro- portion of Quinia. and Strychnia - - tf 0 60 |i and Strychnia - ------ II 0 20 | Ferrocyanide lb. 1 00 Filings - -- -- -- -- -- - II 0 10 extra ---------- it 0 25 11 (card teeth), clean and free from oxide, ------- It 0 25 Hypophosphite - -- -- -- -- oz. 0 35 -- Hydrated Peroxide ------- lb. 0 40 by Hydrogen, Menier's ------ 1 75 Iodide - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 0 35 Syrup ---------- lb.. 0 50 Lactate - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 0 12 Oxide, black - -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 40 1 Pernitrate - -- -- -- -- -- If 0 35 Pyrophosphate, soluble, ----- II 1 00 Phosph 0 55 Subsulp. ate (Monsell's Salt) - - - - It 0 75 solution- ------ II 0 35 Sulphate (see Copperar) ------ ' pure - -- -- -- -- If 0 06 Exsiccated ------- n 0 15 and Ammonia - - - - - - n 0 16 Sulphuret - -- -- -- -- -- n 0 25 Tannate- - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 0 3») and Potass-Tartrate ------- lb. 0 90 Tersulphate, Solution- ------ II 0 30 Valerianate, ozs. - -- -- -- - oz. 0 40 Isinglass, American - - -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 1 Brazil ---------- II 1 Cooper's sheet and shred - - - II 0 95 Russian, true ------- II 5 00 Issue Peas - -- -- -- -- -- - string 0 30 Ivory Black - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 06 James' Powder, English true, ozs. - - - oz. 1 60 11 Juniper Berries - -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 08 Juice Conium, English - ------- u 1 50 Hyoscyamus, English ------ 1 75 Taraxacum « ------- 1 50 Kali Citrate, Mander's - -- -- -- - 1 00 Kameela - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 0 25 Kennes Mineral - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 00 I j Kreosote - -- -- -- -- -- -- n 0 95 11 from beech wood, Morson's - - n 4 50 | j Koosso - -- -- -- -- -- -- - ii 0 80 in ozs., French ------- doz. 6 00 II 5 50 Lac Dye - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 65 ! Lactucarium ----------- OZ. 0 30 Lamp Black, asst'd - - - -- -- -- lb. 0 08 1 Lamp Black, small papers, per hundred - per c 1 00 1 Eddy's, assorted - - - bbls lb. 0 32 : 1 Germantown ------ II 0 15 ' Lapis Calaminaris, true, gray ----- * 0 10 7 8 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Laurel Berries - -- -- -- -- -- $0 14 Lead, Acetate - -- -- -- -- -- 0 22 brown - -- -- -- -- It 0 18 pure --------- If 0 45 Black - -- -- -- -- -- - It 0 06 Carbonate ---------- H 0 18 Chloride - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 0 25 Goulard's Extract ------- lb. 0 20 Iodide ------------ oz. 0 35 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 17 Red- ------------ n 0 124 Tannate - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 0 30 Leaves, Allens, selected, in pound bottles. Aconite - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 ■■ ■ --- Belladonna - -- -- -- -- 1 50 Conium - -- -- -- -- - 1 25 Digitalis - -- -- -- -- - 1 25 Hyoscyamus- - -- -- -- - • 2 50 Leaves, in bulk. Aconite - -- -- -- -- - n 0 20 Belladonna - -- -- -- -- 0 25 - Buchu, long - -- -- -- -- 0 45 short - -- -- -- - n 0 13 Coca ----------- n 2 25 Conium - -- -- -- -- - n 0 18 Digitalis - -- -- -- -- - it 0 15 Henbane, Biennial ------ ii 0 30 Laurel - -- -- -- -- -- ii 0 12 Matico - -- -- -- -- -- ii Patchouly - -- -- -- -- 0 75 - Rose. French - -- -- -- - 1 60 Rosemary ---------- 0 12 Savin - -- -- -- -- -- II 0 12 Senna, Alexandria ------ II 0 17 sifted ------ II 0 22 and garbled - - II 0 45 India --------- n 0 15 Tinnevelly ------ n 0 20 UvaUrsi - -- -- -- -- - n 0 12 Lime, Carbolate, 10 lb. boxes ----- box 1 20 25' ' ----- If 2 25 - - pound packages - - - - doz. 1 50 Chloride - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 05 1 lb. bottles ------ doz. 2 00 Hypophosphite - -- -- -- - lb. 3 00 OZS. ------- OZ. 0 20 andSoda - - - - II 0 30 Iodide - -- -- -- -- -- II 0 40 Juice ------------ gallon 1 00 pints ---------- doz. 3 50 Precip. Carbonate ------- lb. 0 16 Phosphate - -- -- -- -- - II 0 35 Sulphite, packages dry ----- doz. 1 50 bottles - -- -- -- - II 2 50 Sulphocarbolate -------- oz 0 20 Lima Wood - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 15 Litharge - -- -- -- -- -- -- n 0 12 in scales- - -- -- -- -- II 0 18 Litmus -------------- f 0 60 Paper ----------- sheet 0 06 Lithia, Citrate - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 0 55 Carbonate- - -- -- -- -- II 0 55 Lithium, Iodide - -- -- -- -- - II 0 95 - Bromide - -- -- -- -- II 0 75 Loadstone - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 Logwood, chipped, barrels ------ It 0 024 -ground » ------ n 0 03 LOZENGES, MEDICATED. Lozenges, Alum and Kino ------ •i 0 75 - Asthma - -- -- -- -- 0 75 - - Alum and Cubebs ----- n 0 80 Boneset, Extract of - - - - n 0 75 - Borax. Refined (2grains)- - - 0 75 Bismuth, Compound - - - - • 1 65 Blackcurrant- ------ n 0 85 Cayenne --------- n 0 55 Calomel (1 grain)- - - - - - n 0 75 Camphor (4 grain) ----- n 0 65 Catechu - -- -- -- -- n 0 85 Charcoal (Willow) Sugar Coated it 0 80 -■*- Chlorate Potassa (2 grains) - - n 0 65 Coltsfoot - -- -- -- - n 0 60 - Compound Camphor - - - - n 0 80 Cough ----- ii 0 80 Rhubarb - - - - n 1 40 Coryza - -- -- -- -- n 2 00 Cream Tartar ------- ii 0 65 Cubeb, U.S. P. ------ it 1 65 Cubebs and Chlorate Potash - n 0 90 Digestive Tablet ------ 0 95 Ginger --------- n 0 55 Heartburn - -- -- -- - 1 10 Horehound, Extract of - - - 0 70 Ipecac, Large Oval (1 grain) 0 75 Small "(}»)- 0 85 Lozenges, Iron, Carbonate of (5 grains) - by Hydrogen (2 » ) - lb. $0 90 I 65 Dr. Jackson's Pectoral - - - n 2 00 Ammonia - - - V 1 65 Juniper - n 0 60 Magnesia, Calcined- - - - - n 0 SO Ponderous (3 grains) it 1 10 Marshmallow ------- n 1 10 Morphia (l-24th grain) - - - - n 1 50 Muriate Ammonia (2 grains) - n 0 70 Nitrate Potassa ------ n 0 95 Paregoric, Pink, Round - - - n 0 70 Sugar Coated - - - n 0 85 Quinine (| grain) ------ n 1 35 Saffron (i grain) ------ 1 10 Santonine, large Octagon, 1 gr. n 2 00 » Oval, i gr. - - n 1 10 n n } gr. - - if 0 85 small » i gr. - - 9 1 30 Squill, small Oval (4 grain) - - It 0 80 Sulphur --------- n 0 85 Phosphate Lime ------ if 0 80 Tannin and Chlorate Potass H 0 85 Tolu - -- -- -- -- - n 0 70 Wistar's Cough, No. 1 - - - - it 1 60 o W orm ---------- ti 1 10 Pastilles de Paris (in bulk) - - it 1 65 Troches, Bronchial » No. 1 ii 1 00 ii "2 it 0 65 of Bi-Carb. Soda. - - n 1 10 Chalk, IT. S. P. - - doz. 0 90 Magnesia, IT. S. P. - lb. 1 10 Lupuline - -- -- -- -- -- -- n 1 00 Lycopodium ------------ 0 65 j Maccaroni, Italian - -- -- -- -- n 0 18 Mace - -- -- -- -- -- -- - it 1 45 ground - -- -- -- -- -- ii 1 50 Madder ------------- ii 0 14 Compound (see Muriate Tin) - - - Magnesia, Calc'd 10 lb. boxes (Jennings) - ii 0 75 10 lb. round tins » n 0 90 ■ 10 lb. square tins » 1 lb. bottles » n 1 10 ponderous » ii 1 65 lib. tins (Pattinson's) - - n 0 80 Carb. 2 oz. (Jenning's) - - - - n 0 38 4 » _ _ _ _ n 0 36 S. S. » lb. boxes ii 0 70 2 oz. (Pattinson's) - - - 4 n n • Citrate, Herring's Granular - - n » » 4 oz. hot. doz. 3 75 Sulphite - -- -- -- -- lb. 0 85 Valerianate - -- -- -- - oz. 1 75 Magnesium, Bromide - -- -- -- - II 0 50 | Chloride - -- -- -- - II 0 60 Iodide - -- -- -- -- II 0 55 Maizena, Duryeas' - -- -- -- -- lb. 0 14 Manganese, Black Oxide ------- II 0 08 Bromide --------- oz. 0 85 Carbonate -------- * 0 30 Hypophosphite ------ n 0 45 Iodide - -- -- -- -- n 0 85 Phosphate - - -- -- -- a 0 50 Sulphate- - -- -- -- - it 0 16 Manna, Large Flake, Select in pound boxes lb. 1 60 Small » new crop, - - - - II 65. Sorts ----------- If Marble Dust ------------ bbl. 175"25CI Meconine - -- -- -- -- -- -- I oz. 2 50 Menispermin - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. Mercury - -- -- -- -- -- -- 11). 0 90 Acetate ---------- oz. 0 40 -t Acid Nitrate -------- It 0 15 Cyanide ---------- II 0 50 Distilled - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 05 Iodide, Dent - ------- OZ. 0 35 - Prof. - -- -- -- - II 0 30 Oxide, Yellow ------- II 45 | Pernitrate, Solution ----- oz. 0 15 | Sulphuret, blk. (Ethiops Min) - lb. 0 90 Sub-Sulphuret (Turpeth Min) II 1 50 with Chalk - -- -- - - - II 0 50 Mercurial Ointment, 4 mercury- - - - - II 0 70 I -J- mercury- - - - - II 0 56 | Morphia, Acetate- - -- -- -- -- OZ. 4 50 I Bimeconate - -- -- -- - II 12 00 solut. ------ lb. 2 75 - -- Bromide - -- ----- oz. 6 00 Muriate - -- -- -- -- - n 4 50 Pure - -- -- -- -- -- n 6 50 ----- Sulphate (vials included) - - - H 4 50 V alerianate - -- -- -- - n 1 6 25 Musk, Canton, lead-pots ------- I 0 75 Tonquin, true, in pods ----- tt 9 50 grain I oz. bottles - 1 II 28 00 Lazell, Marsh. & Gardiner's Prices Current. MUSTARD, Pure, L., M. & G. 6 lb. tins- - 10 " " - - lb. a $0 40 0 40 Mustard, Sadler. Firth & Ross' - -" - - - • 0 55 Jib. tins - 11). 0 65 41b. „ --------- » 0 55 101b. Kegs. - -- -- -- -- II 0 50 Colman's & lb. bots. ----- ft i « tins D. S. F. - - - doz. 2 25 1 ff II - - - II 8 00 4 " » Loudon - - - lb. 0 42 6 « " - -- -- - II 0 42 10 , , ------ II 0 42 - 6 » kegs ------ n 0 38 18 » » ------ it 0 38 Taylor's Fine 6 lb. tins - - - - n 0 50 Superf. 6 lb. tins - - - n 0 60 D. S. F. 6 » » - - - n 0 65 Fine 1 lb. tins - - - - n 0 55 S. F. » » - - - - ii 0 65 D.S.F.» " - - - - n 0 75 Narceine - -- -- -- -- -- -- i oz. 6 00 Narcotine ------------- oz. 2 00 Nicaragua Wood, bbls. - ------- lb. 0 04 Nickel, Metallic - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 0 35 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- -- n 0 80 Sulphate - -- -- -- -- - n 0 75 Nutgalls - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 20 ground - -- -- -- -- - n 0 23 Nutmegs - -- -- -- -- -- -- n 1 25 extra ----------- it Nux Vomica - -- -- -- -- -- n 0 12 bruised- - -- -- -- - u 0 18 Oatm eal, Irish - -- -- -- -- -- n 0 12 Opium - -- -- -- -- -- -- - it 6 25 Acetate (Black Drop) ----- it 2 75 Denarcotized - -- -- -- - OZ. 1 15 Oyster Shells, prep'd - -- -- -- - 11 0 25 Oil Almonds, Bitter --------- OZ. 0 65 Sweet, common ----- lb. 0 30 Alien's ------ It 0 50 Amber crude, pure ------- II 0 40 rect. English (Herring's) - - " ft 0 90 German ------- It 0 65 Angelica - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 25 Animal, Dippel's - -- -- -- - lb. 4 50 Anise - -- -- -- -- -- - It 3 50 Arbor Vitae - -- -- -- -- - II Bay - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 25 Black Pepper ---------- lb. 1 00 (Oleoresin, U. S. P.) - ~ OZ. Benne ------------ gallon 1 45 Bergamot (V. G.) - -- -- -- - lb. 4 50 Sanderson's ------ II 5 00 Cade ------------- II 0 35 Cajeput- - -- -- -- -- -- It 1 10 Calamus- - -- -- -- -- -- If 5 50 Camphor - -- -- -- -- -- it 1 75 Camphorated - -- -- -- -- n 0 75 Cantharides - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 0 65 Capsicum - -- -- -- -- -- ti 0 60 Caraway --------- ■ - lb. I 75 Seed- - -- -- -- -- II 3 00 Cardamom- - -- -- -- -- - oz. 4 00 Cassia ----------- lb. 1 30 Chamomile, English ------- OZ. 1 75 German ------- II 5 50 Cedar ------------ lb. 0 50 pure - -- -- -- -- - It 1 25 Cedrat ------------ II 5 25 Cherry Laurel - -- -- -- -- OZ. 1 50 Cinnamon, Ceylon ------ ~ II 2 75 Leaf --------- lb. 12 00 Citronella - -- -- -- -- -- II 1 00 Winter's ------- II 1 25 Cocoanut (51b. jars) ------- II 0 25 Cod Liver, filtered, bbls. ----- gallon 1 75 brown - -- -- -- - II 1 50 Norway- ------- u 2 40 ■ pints, L. M. & G. - - - " doz. 6 CO i w " ~ ~ ~ ~ n 3 50 Cognac ------------ CtZ. 4 00 pure ---------- n 8 00 Cologne, Redwood, 11b. G. S. bots. incl- lb. 7 00 Ballard's, 1 lb. G. S. bots. incl. II 5 00 Copavia- - -- -- -- -- -- II 1 75 Coriander - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 25 Cotton Seed, bbls. - -- -- -- - gallon 0 70 Cloves - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 3 50 English, Allen's ------ II Croton - -- -- -- -- -- - II 2 60 Herring's - -- -- -- - II 3 50 Dram Vials -------- doz. 1 25 ■ Cubebs - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 Cummin - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 0 65 Dill - -- -- -- -- -- -- II 0 65 Ergot ------------ It 0 12 Erigeron, true - -- -- -- -- lb. 5 00 com'l. - -- -- -- - II 2 00 Oil Eucalyptus - Fennel - - _ _ _ oz. lb $0 25 3 00 2 50 Fir Balsam, pure ------ u Fireweed ------- 1 75 Fusel, pure -------- - Geranium, Turkish - - it 0 75 Ginger -------- j 75 Goldenrod -- Hemlock ti lb. 0 50 0 55 pure ------- Horsemint Juniper Wood ------ It 2 75 * Berries ------ Laurel, expressed ------ 0 90 Lavender, Mitcham - - - _ _ oz. 1 10 Chiris Fleur - - - _ lb. 2 50 n Forte - - - _ n 1 00 n 1 10 Lemon - -- -- -- -- - n Sanderson's ----- n 4 00 Grass - -- -- -- - ii 1 50 Winter's - - _ _ n 2 25 Linseed ---------- gallon Lobelia - -- -- -- -- - oz. 1 50 Mace, expressed ------ lb. 2 25 Male Fern - -- -- -- -- OZ. 0 50 Melisse, imitation ------ n 0 50 true- ------- II 2 75 Millefleur - -- -- -- -- n 0 75 Mustard, distilled ------ 1 40 expressed ----- gallon 1 10 Myrbane --------- lb. 0 60 1 35 Neatsfoot - -- -- -- -- gallon Nero li, Chiris Bigarade - - - - -- -- n OZ. 4 00 Portugal, Chiris - - - - w 3 25 Nutmeg - -- -- -- -- n 0 50 Orange, bitter ------- lb. 5 50 - sweet ------- II 3 00 Olive, pure, commercial - - _ gallon 1 40 fine, II doz. 3 60 5 00 pints, (2 doz. in box) box II Olive "Vierge D'Aix," Eyquem, qts. pts. 9 50 10 50 n i PS. 7 50 9 50 Oliveflnest' Salad, L„ M. & G. - ii doz. Origanum, pure ------- lb. 0 80 1 45 Chiris ------ It 0 40 Commercial - - - - n Palm - -- -- -- -- -- n 0 25 Parsley - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 1 25 Patchouly - -- -- -- -- n 2 50 Pennyroyal - -- -- -- - 11). 2 50 Peppermint, Selected - - - - It 4 25 Hale & Parshall - - - _ It 4 75 Hotchkiss - - - - II 4 75 Petit Grain - -- -- -- - oz. 1 25 II 0 45 Poppy ---------- lb. 0 75 Pumpkin Seed ------- oz. 0 60 Rose - -- -- -- -- -- tt 5 00 pure Kissanlik - - - - II 8 50 Rosemary, EperR ------ lb. 2 00 Chiris, No. 1 - - - - II 1 50 Trieste ------ n 0 75 Rose Geranium, Chiris, No. 1 OZ. 1 00 Rhodium - -- -- -- -- n 0 50 - Rue ----------- lb. 3 50 -- Santalwood, English ----- OZ. 0 90 lb. 9 00 -- Sassafras - -- -- -- -- ff 0 75 Savin ---------- II 1 40 Seneka ---------- II 0 15 Spearmint --------- II 0 00 extra fine - - - - - II 5 00 Sperm, winter bleached, finest for sewing machines - - - - - - gallon 2 20 -- Spike - -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 30 Spruce - -- -- -- -- - fl 0 45 Stillingia - -- -- -- -- - - OZ. 1 00 Tansy ---------- lb. 4 00 extra fine ------ n 5 50 Tar - -- -- -- -- -- n 0 12 Tobacco - OZ. 2 25 ■ Thyme, white ------- lb. 2 00 Valerian - -- -- -- -- OZ. 1 00 -Verbena - -- -- -- -- - _ ff 0 40 French ------- n 1 25 Wine, heavy, (Squibb's) - - - - it 1 90 light - -- -- -- - lb. 2 75 Wintergreen - -- -- -- - ff 3 50 Worm seed, Baltimore - - - - - - ff 2 75 Wormwood - -- -- -- - II 4 50 - 7 00 German, finest - - 9 00 Ointment, Basilicon ------ 0 60 Benzoated ------- " 1 0 60 9 10 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Ointment, Citrine Iodine -------- -I - Marshmallow ------- - Mercurial 4 mercury - - - - - i mercury - - - - Savin - -- -- -- -- - - Stramonium ------- --- Zinc, benzoated ------ lb. n $0 60 0 80 0 75 0 70 0 56 0 75 0 65 0 85 Oleate, Aconitia - -- -- -- -- - 0 60 ! Atropia- - -- -- -- -- - n 0 60 Mercury (10 per cent, mercury) - - n 0 25 (20 ) - - - n 0 35 and Morphia ----- n 0 60 Morphia - -- -- -- -- - 0 60 Paris Green - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 25a45 White - -- -- -- -- -- - 0 06 Pearl Barley ------------ n 0 09 Sago - -- -- -- -- -- - * 0 10 Pepper, Black - -- -- -- -- -- V 0 20 Ground -------- H 0 23 African Bird - -- -- -- - II 0 20 pow'd ----- ff 0 28 • Long ----------- tt - White, pow'd - -- -- -- - tt 0 45 Phloridzino - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 3 50 Phosphorus, ounce tins ------- tt 0 35 Pipe Clay ------------- lb. 0 04 Piperine - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 1 00 Pitch, Black - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 06 Burgundy - -- -- -- -- - n 0 12 Plasters, in i lb. rolls - -- -- -- - ii Aconite ---------- n 1 25 Adhesive - - - - -• - - - ' - it 0 40 Ammoniacum -------- n 1 25 Anodyne - -- -- -- -- n 2 50 Arnica - -- -- -- -- - n 1 25 Aromatic - -- -- -- -- h 1 50 - Assafoetida - -- -- -- - it 0 85 Belladonna --------- it 1 10 Calefaciens - -- -- -- - it 0 60 Cantharides - - - - - - - - it 1 25 Cicuta - -- -- -- -- - it 1 00 Diach. Simp. -------- n 0 38 cum Gum, Hartford - - n 0 50 - - brown ------- n 0 45 - Diapalma - -- -- -- -- 0 60 Galbanum - -- -- -- -- II 0 75 ' compound - - - - II 0 75 -Guaiac - -- -- -- -- - II I 25 - Hydrarg. Mit. - - - - - - I 20 Fort. ------ i ' , 1 45 cum Ammon. - - "- II I 50 Hyoscyamus - -- -- -- - It 1 50 Logani - -- -- -- -- - n 0 50 Myrrh - -- -- -- -- - ii 0 70 Olivar - -- -- -- -- - it 0 40 Opium - -- -- -- -- - H 2 50 ■ Oxycroceum - -- -- -- - If 0 50 Pitch, comp. - -- -- -- - II 0 55 Roborans - -- -- -- -- II 0 40 Simple - -- -- -- -- - II 0 60 ■ ■ Soap - -- -- -- -- - II 0 50 de Vigo cum Mercurio - - - - lb. 1 65 Spread Adhesive, in 5 yard rolls yard Davidson's - - - - n 0 20 Langdons on swan down a 0 55 - Taylor's ------ n 0 18 Shivers ------ a 0 22 in 1 yard rolls - - - doz. Ellis' ------- f 2 25 Shivers ------ tt 2 50 Aconite, spread in yard rolls tt 6 00 -Belladonna " " u tt 6 00 Opium " " *• tt 6 00 Pomade, Chiris' No. 24, 12 lb. cans - - - lb. • ■ Cassie II 3 25 - -Jasmin - -- -- -- -- - II 3 25 Orange Blossom ------ tt 3 25 - Reseda - -- -- -- - - - II 3 25 r Rose - -- -- -- -- -- II 3 25 - Tuberose - -- -- -- -- ii 3 25 -Violet - tt 6 00 Poppy Heads, French - -- -- -- - n -German - - - - - - 0 25 Potassa, Acetate - -- -- -- -- - n 0 40 Arseniate - -- -- -- - OZ. Bicarbonate - -- -- -- - lb. 0 30 Bichromate -------- 0 20 f Carbonate - -- -- -- -- * 0 16 cum Calce - -- -- -- -- tt 0 70 Caustic - -- -- -- -- - It 0 55 white - -- -- -- - • 0 65 '"■■ ■ _ ... . Potassa, Caustic, white, ozs. _____ oz. $0 20 Chlorate, English ______ lb. 0 30 French ------- fl 0 36 Chromate - - - - ____ II Citrate - n 1 00 Hypophosphite ------- oz. 0 20 Liquor ___________ lb. 0 17 Nitrate, Refined - - - - Kegs. II 0 07 Flag ------ » It 0 08 Hudson ----- „ H 0 09 Phoenix ----- » It 0 10 Columbia - - - - » n 0 11 City ------ „ n 0 12 American - - - _ » n 0 13 - New York - - - - » n 0 14 -" - Croton, pure - - - » n 0 15 double - - » n 0 16 triple - - » n 0 17 - granulated « it 0 18 - Oxalate, pure - -- -- -- - n 2 50 Pei manganate- ------- oz. 0 12 Phosphate ----- n 0 15 - Prussiate - lb. 0 34 ■ Sulphite - -- -- -- -- - n 0 50 Sulphate - -- -- -- -- - n 0 14 Sulpho-Carbolate ------ OZ. 0 25 • Tartrate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 80 Potassium OZ. 3 50 Bromide - -- -- -- -- lb. Cyanide - -- -- -- -- It 0 70 ■ -granular ----- II 1 00 Iodide, French ------ 1 English ------ • " American 2 75 Sulphuret -------- II 0 25 Propylamin, pure Liquid ------- oz. 1 50 Chloride - -- -- -- - II 6 (10 Pulvis Antimonialis - -- -- -- - lb. 0 80 Pumice Stone - -- -- -- -- -- II 5-8 pow'd - -- -- -- - II 0 08 Putty, bladders ---------- II 0 04 tins - -- -- ------ II 0 04 -1 kegs - -- -- -- -- -- - II 0 03 Powder, (Oxide of Tin) ----- • 0 60 Quassia - -- -- -- -- - -Bbls. lb. 0 08 Quinine, Sulphate, P. & W., vial incl. - - oz. 2 25 R. & S. ------ II 2 25 Hospital ------ It 2 10 - Acetate - -- -- -- -- - II 3 50 Arseniate - -- -- -- -- 5 25 -: Bisulphate - -- -- -- -- If 3 00 Bromide - -- -- -- -- ft 3 25 Citrate - -- -- -- -- - If 3 00 -1 Citrate, with Iron U.S.P. - - - If 0 50 Ferrocyanide - -- -- -- - If 3 50 Hypophosphite ------- If 4 50 Iodide ft 3 50 and Iron ------- ft 2 50 - Lactate - -- -- -- -- - fl 5 75 Muriate - -- -- -- -- - II 3 25 Phosphate - -- -- -- -- II 4 50 Pure - -- -- -- -- -- II 4 CO Tannate ---------- n 2 25 Valerianate - -- -- -- - 5 50 and Iron ----- ft 4 00 Quinidia,Sulphate - -- -- -- -- it 1 65 Pure - -- -- -- -- -- 2 50 Queen's Blue - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 30 Redwood, bbls. - -- -- -- -- - 0 034 Red Saunders - -- -- -- -- -- If 0 06 Precipitate - -- -- -- -- - 1 20 Resin, white fl 0 08 common - -- -- -- -- - II 0 04 Leptandrin, - -- -- -- -- oz. 0 55 Jalap, U. S. P. ------- _ - Podophyllum, L. M.&G., (vial inch) II 0 50 Phosphorettcd, ------- II 0 40 Scammony _ ________ II Rhigolene - -- -- -- -- -- - bottle 0 80 Rice Flour - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 15 Rochelle Salt - -- -- -- -- -- ff 0 35 Rock Candy ------------ 22 30 Root,Aconite, Selected ------- If 0 25 ground - -- -- -- - f< 0 30 Alkanet - -- -- -- -- -- tf 0 17 Althea - CUt - -- -- -- -- - ft 0 35 Angelica ----------- It 0 25 Bistort - -- -- -- -- -- fl 0 20 Blood - -- -- -- -- -- - II 0 12 Calamus ----------- tl 0 25 sliced, white ------ H 0 45 Canada Snake, picked - ----- It 0 35 Carlina - -- -- -- -- -- n 0 25 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Root, Chiretta ----------- lb. $0 40 China 0 30 Colchicuin, English fl German ------ n 0 20 Colombo- - -- -- -- -- - ii 0 12 Curcuma, ground ------- a 0 18 --Elecampane - -- -- -- -- ii 0 15 Galangal ----------- n 0 10 Graminis ----------- n 0 18 Gentian ----------- n 0 09 ground - -- -- -- - n 0 12 Ginger, African - -- -- -- - ii 0 18 ground, pure - - - it 0 20 Jamaica - -- -- -- - a 0 26 Green --------- n Ginseng - -- -- -- -- -- n Ipecac ----- ------ 1 25 --Jalap - -- -- -- -- -- - 0 30 - Licorice, good- - ------- it 15cil8 extra select ------ u 0 20 pow'd - -- -- -- - •j 0 16 crushed ------- /i 0 16 cut, Russian ------ H 0 40 Mandrake - -- -- -- -- - n 0 12 Musk - -- -- -- -- -- - H 1 10 ground - -- -- -- -- II 1 25 Orris, Florentine, ------- It 0 30 - -V erona --------- H 0 18 in fingers - -- -- -- - It 0 55 Pareira Brava --------- It 0 55 ground ------ If 0 60 Pellitory ----------- II 0 45 Pink - -- -- -- -- -- - It 0 35 washed - -- -- -- -- It 0 65 Rhatany Peruvian, ground _ _ _ It 0 60 - - Savanilla, ------- // 0 45 ground ----- II 0 50 Rhubarb, China - -- -- -- - It 75 a 100 -choice ------ II 125al75 China sawed, every piece sound ------ 2 50 -(Cut, Small Fingers)- - - 4 50 Salep - -- -- -- -- -- - fl 1 00 Saponaria - -- -- -- -- - tl 0 30 Sarsaparilla, Honduras ----- II 0 42 Seneka ----------- It 1 00 Squill - -- -- -- -- -- - II 0 18 Valerian, Vermont- ------ n 0 20 English, ------- n 0 30 German ------- it 0 20 Vitivirt - -- -- -- -- -- ii 0 50 Virginia Snake - -- -- -- - n 0 25 Zedoary ----------- n 0 30 Rose Pink - -- -- -- -- -- - n 0 20 Rotten Stone, English - -- -- -- - ti 0 10 pow'd - -- -- -- - ii 0 10 Saffron, American - -- -- -- -- ii 0 40 Spanish - -- -- -- -- - ti 10 00 Salicine - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 0 45 Sal Acetosella - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 35 Enixum - - If 0 20 ASratus, pure - -- -- -- -- - fl 0 25 --Nitre, (see Potass Nitrat) ----- II Brunelle ------------ tl 0 40 Soda - -- -- -- -- - Casks n 0 02 -Tartar, (see Potass Carb.) ----- ii Santalwood, ground, extra quality - - - it 1 00 Santonine ------------ (17. 0 70 Sassafras Pitli - -- -- -- -- -- n 0 20 Seeds, Ambrette - -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 75 Angelica - -- -- -- -- - 0 35 Anise, Italian - -- -- -- - ff 0 28 German - -- -- -- - n 0 20 Star - -- -- -- -- n 0 55 Annatto - -- -- -- -- - tt 0 25 Canary - -- -- -- -- -- bushel Sicily, (scarce) ----- II Caraway - -- -- -- -- - 11). 0 15 Cardamom, Malabar, ------ II 2 00 Malabar extra _ - - It 2 40 Celery - -- -- -- -- -- II 0 40 Colch'icum, English ------ u German ------ n 0 40 Coriander - -- -- -- -- - it 0 14 Cummin - -- -- -- -- - If 0 20 - Dill - -- -- -- -- -- - If 0 30 Flax ------------ II cleaned ft 0 07 ground - -- -- -- -- n 0 08 --?-Fennel - -- -- -- -- -- n 0 16 Fenugreek ---------- ii 0 08 ground ------- it 0 12 Hemp ----------- bushel 2 25 Hyoscyamus - -- -- -- - lb. 0 20 Maw - -- -- -- -- -- - u 0 20 '-Millet - -- -- -- -- -- n 0 08 Seeds, Mustard, Black -------- 11). $0 10 111te, XUJLLKllbJLl - -Poppy b - - _ H 0 10 If 0 20 0 90 Quince Rape--------- II 0 10 Worm, American - - _ _ n 0 25 If Levant - - - - - 0 18 Seidlitz Mixture ------- II 0 30 Powders, 30 lbs. mixture to gross gross 33 00 lj Ids. to gioss it 42 00 a bilver, Bromide ------- oz. II 2 00 Chloride ------- 1 40 II 1 90 II 2 10 II fused, pure - - - tl 0 95 0 62 IN O. A - n Cones, 5 per ct. Chloride - n 1 15 Oxide - -- -- -- - a 1 55 Smalts, Black - -- -- -- - lb. 0 08 II Vermillion ------ ,, Soap, Castile, Marseilles, - - - - boxes 0 091 0 15 II White, Conti's, - - * n 0 18 it Soda, Ash - -- -- -- -- casks ii 0 04 a OZ. lb. - kegs 0 06 Pure - - - - 501b. boxes n 0 11 Bisulphite ------- 0 80 a Solution - - - - n 0 45 a 1 00 1 75 n Chloride, corked bottles, (bots. inc.) doz. 2 25 G. S. « » II II 2 85 lb. 0 90 0 20 OZ. lb. 0 08 0 18 Phosphate ------- 0 22 a and Ammonia _ - _ 1 25 Pyrophosphate ----- n oz. 1 00 0 09 ozs. - lb. 0 15 Sulphite - -- -- -- - o 25 II Sulphocarbolate - - - - _ _ - oz. 0 25 doz. 1 75 Sodium - -- -- -- -- - oz. 0 50 Bromide ------- lb. 0 80 Iodide - -- -- -- - Spanish Brown, bbls. ----- Spermaceti, pure ------- Spirit Lavender ------- Comp. ----- Myristica ------- oz. lb. n 0 40 0 OH 0 35 0 44 0 50 0 44 ■ Nitrous Ether, F. F. F. - - _ _ _ II 0 34 U.S.P. - - _ _ _ 0 48 0 44 - Rosemary ------ 0 44 Strontia, Nitrate ------- fl 0 23 ----■- Muriate ------- n 0 30 Starch, Kingsford's Oswego - - _ _ - ii 0 09 Corn - - - _ n 0 11 0 20 oz. Strychnine Crystals, (vials incl.) - _ _ _ 2 75 Pow'd, « k - - _ _ _ // 2 50 Acetate ------ n 3 25 - Bromide ------ ii 5 00 Citrate, with Iron - - _ _ _ t. 0 20 Muriate ------ it 4 50 Nitrate ------ n 3 60 Sulphate- ----- _ _ - a 2 60 Valerianate - _ - - ii 4 50 Sugar of Milk - -- -- -- - lb. 0 45 Sulphur, Flowers of ------ - bbls. II 0 041 Roll Brimstone - - - _ - bbls. tt 0 03t - Iodide ------- oz. lb. 0 35 0 16 0 28 Vivum ------- Syrup, Buckthorn ------ - of Hypophosphites - - - * a 0 10 0 60 0 60 - Ipecac -------- 0 75 Lacto phosphate Lime - - 1 00 _ _ - Iron - - - Orange Peel ------ 1 00 0 50 Phosphates, (Chemical Food) 0 60 0 70 Aromatic - - - - Sarsaparilla ------ » 0 60 0 50 Comp. - - - - n 0 50 0 85 Senna - -- -- -- -- it 0 65 11 12 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Syrup Simple ----------- lb. $0 25 Squill 0 50 Comp. (Hive)- ------ n 0 60 ■ Stillingia Comp. - -- -- -- - 0 65 Tolu - -- -- -- -- -- - 0 60 Wild Cherry - -- -- -- -- 0 50 Tamarinds, kegs - -- -- -- -- - 0 12 1 lb. bottles ------- doz. 3 00 Tannin- - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 70 OZS. - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 0 11 Tapioca, Rio - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 09 Tar - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If 0 06 Barbadoes ----------- n 0 15 Tartar Emetic, crystals ------- H 0 85 pow'd ----- n 0 75 Terra Japonica - -- -- -- -- - ii 0 10 Theine -------------- OZ. 3 50 Tin, Bar - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 55 Grain - -- -- -- -- -- - II 0 50 Eoil, thin - -- -- -- -- -- II 0 55 thick - -- -- -- -- - If 0 40 Muriate, crystals - -- -- -- - II 0 25 solution - - ----- II 0 12 strong ------ II 0 16 TINCTURES. Made carefully of the best materials and according to U. S. Pharm. Tincture Aconite Leaves ------- lb. 0 60 Root ------- 1 00 Eleming's - - _ u 1 00 - Aloes - -- -- -- -- - II 0 60 <- Aloes and Myrrh ------ It 1 00 -- Arnica - -- -- -- -- - I! 0 60 - Assafoetida - -- -- -- - U 0 80 Actea Racemosa ------ II 0 65 ■ Belladonna - -- -- -- - U 0 60 Benzoin ---------- 0 80 compound ----- II 0 80 Bloodroot --------- n 0 60 Buchu ---------- ii 0 60 ----- Cactus Grandiflora - - - - - a 10 00 Calabar Bean -------- a 2 00 Calamus - -- -- -- -- n 0 70 Camphor - -- -- -- -- 1! 0 60 ■ Cannabis. Indicus ------ U 1 25 Cantharides - -- -- -- - II 0 80 Capsicum - -- -- -- -- H 0 50 - Cardamom- - -- -- -- - 1 1 25 Castor - -- -- -- -- - II 1 00 -- Catechu 0 65 * Cinchona, Calisaya, ----- II 1 00 j- comp. ------- n 1 00 Colchicum Root ------ It 0 65 Seed ------ II 0 65 Cochineal --------- II 0 75 Colocynth --------- n 0 60 Coluinbo - -- -- -- -- 1! 0 60 Conium - -- - ----- i: 0 60 Cinnamon - -- -- -- -- ti 0 85 Cubebs ---------- 0 60 Curcuma - -- -- -- -- it 0 50 Digitalis - -- -- -- -- ii 0 60 : - Ergot - -- -- -- -- - n 0 75 Eucalyptus glob. ------ ii 1 00 Galls ----------- it 0 60 Gentian, comp. ------- a 0 60 Ginger -- -------- it 0 80 - Guaiac - -- -- -- -- - ii 0 85 Ammoniated ----- n 0 90 Hellebore, black ------ n 0 65 Hops ----------- 0 75 Hyoscyamus - -- -- -- - 0 60 - Iodine - -- -- -- -- - n 1 25 decolorized ------ 1 50 Iron, Acetate ------- it 0 75 Muriate ------- n 0 38 Jalap- - -- -- -- -- - 0 90 Kino - -- -- -- -- -- r 0 75 Lobelia ---------- 0 50 Ethereal ------ 0 75 Lupuline - -- -- -- -- 1 00 Musk Root - -- -- -- - It 1 00 Myrrh - -- -- -- -- - It 0 85 Nux Vomica- ------- tl 0 85 - Opium - -- -- -- -- - II 1 50 -Acetate ------- tl 3 00 -Camph. (Paregoric) - - - It 0 60 Deodorized ------ II 2 00 Orange Peel - -- -- -- - u 0 60 Orris - -- -- -- -- - 1 (Ml Quassia- - -- -- -- -- 0 60 ■ and Senna ----- tt 0 65 Senna - -- -- -- -- - a 0 50 - Serpentaria - -- -- -- - • 0 65 Soap, Camphorated ----- 0 60 Squill - -- -- -- -- - 0 65 Stramonium - -- -- -- - It 0 65 Tincture Tolu ----------- Valerian --------- lb. SO 80 0 60 .Ammoniated. ff V eratrum "V iride ------ // Yellow Jasmine ______ Tully's Powder - -- -- -- -- - Turmeric Paper - -- -- -- -- - sheet 4 00 0 06 Turpentine, Bbls, market price - - - gallon White, (see Gum Thus) - - - lb. Uranium, Chloride - -- -- -- -- oz. 0 00 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- 0 90 Oxide - -- -- -- -- - II 0 90 Urea, Acetate - -- -- -- -- -- II 1 40 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- -- n 1 00 Ultramarine ------------ lb. 1 0 35 Venetian Bed, bbls. - - -- -- -- - 0 03 V enice Turpentine - -- -- -- -- ff 0 30 Veratria ------------- oz. 2 35 Verdigris - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 0 40 pow dered - -- -- -- -- » 0 55 1 25 II Vermillion, American - -- -- -- - n 0 25 Chinese -------- ■ 2 50 1 25 English --------- Trieste - -- -- -- -- II Water, Distilled - -- -- -- -- - gallon 0 25 Water, Cherry Laurel - -- -- -- - Cologne ---------- "Redwood" ----- II 4 50 doz. 8 00 8 oz. g. s. bot S. 9 00 15 00 pint 11 26 00 quarts Congress, pints -------- case 8 50 quarts - - - _ _ _ H 7 00 Empire, pints -------- 11 7 50 quarts -------- II 6 (10 doz. - High Rock - -- -- -- -- 3 50 2 25 u Klissengen, prrrts - - - - - - - 2 00 4 00 It large - _ _ _ _ Vichy, pints --------- Orange Flower, Chiris, in copper ( 2 00 can cans, 5j gals, each J 13 00 4 50 doz. in bottles, l<nge - med. 3 50 2 25 small - -Rose, Chiris, in copper cans, 51 / gals, in each ( ■ can doz. 15 00 5 00 2 50 small - Ameucan - - - gallon 1 75 Wax, Bayberry- - Japan ------------ white, Phillips' - -- -- -- - lb. 0 35 0 60 Elken's - -- -- -- - gross 1 25 sheets loi Howers, single - - double _ 2 50 lb. 38a45 White Precipitate - -- -- -- -- 11 1 35 0 03 0 75 1 00 Whiting Wine, Antimony ---------- Ipecac ----------- Colch. Seed, Morson's ----- 1! 1 25 IO w 1 25 _LV' '' ' I * - - - - Ergot ----------- 1 00 0 75 Opium - -- -- -- -- -- 3 00 Wines and Liquors of undoubted purity for Medicinal uses, furnished to order at moderate rates. Wood Naptha - -- -- -- -- -- II 0 45 Zaffre - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 1 25 Zinc, Acetate, - -- -- -- -- -- u 0 60 oz. 0 25 lb. 0 30 oz. 0 08 lb. 0 22 0 12 Cyanide ----------- Ferrocyanide - -- -- -- -- oz. 0 25 0 25 - Granulated lb. 0 35 Indidn oz. 0 45 Lactate lb. 0 35 0 20 Medicinal - -- -- -- - // 0 30 0 90 Phosphate - -- -- -- -- - Phosphide - -- -- -- -- - oz. 0 15 1 25 Sulphate ----------- lb. 0 08 pure - -- -- -- -- II 0 30 Sulphocarbolate - -- -- -- - oz. 0 20 -Tannate ----------- II 0 35 Valerianate - -- -- -- -- - ( . 1 0 30 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 13 Select Powders. These Powders are not merely absolutely pure, but made from choice drugs, and the most judicious and intelligent care exercised in their manipulation. For thirty years they have received the approbation of the trade throughout the country. Put up in tin cans of 5 lbs. and 10 lbs. each. Also in 1 lb., | lb., } lb., I lb., and 1-16 lb. bottles, enclosed in paper cartons. The packages enumerated above will be charged as follows. 10 lb. tin cans - -- -- -- -- - each $0 45 51b. » - » 0 30 1 lb. bottles, with cartons ----- » 0 25 i lb. • » 0 20 When desired the Powders wi Arabic, Gum, 1st picked - - - - _ lb. $0 65 2d picked - - - - - - II 0 55 - 3d picked, - - - - II 0 4b Aconite, Leaves ------- 0 30 II 0 40 Allspice, Pimenta ------ II 0 22 Aloes, Ba rbadoes ------- II 0 50 Bonaire- ------- 0 40 -Cape --------- II 0 30 Socotrine, true ----- 1 00 Alum - -- II 0 12 Dried - -- -- -- -- II 0 40 Ammonia, Muriate of - - - - - n 0 30 Angus tura - -- -- -- -- 0 50 Anise Seed - -- -- -- -- 0 35 Arnica Flowers ------- ii 0 30 Aromatic Powder ------ 1 80 Assaf cetida - -- -- -- -- 0 60 Balm ony, Chetone glabra - - - - II 0 40 Barb erry, Berberis ------ - - - II 0 40 Bark Peruv., Calisaya, Cinch, flava - - " X 1 60 Rpd CiucJi rubra. II 1 20 0 85 II 0 40 Bayb erry, Myrica cerif. ------ - II 0 20 Belladonna Laves ------ II 0 40 - Boot ------- II 0 40 Benzoin Gum - -- -- -- - n 0 75 Beth Root, Trillium- - - - - - n 0 45 Bittersweet, Dulcamara - - - - n 0 30 Black Alder, Prinos ------ ii 0 35 Blackberry, Rubus villosus - - - n 0 30 Black Cohosh, Cimicifuga, - - - n 0 30 Black Oak Bark, Quereus tinct. - - - ii 0 35 Bloodroot, Sangumaria - - - - n 0 25 Blue Flag, Iris versicolor - - - - n 0 35 Blue Pill, Pil. Hydrarg ----- H 1 10 Blue Vitriol, Cuprisulph. - - - It 0 30 Bole Arm enian - - ----- - 0 20 Boneset, Eupator. perfol. - - - 0 28 Borax, Sodas boras ------ n 0 24 Buchu, long, Barosma cren. - - short, » » _ _ _ - - - II 0 65 0 25 Bur dock, Lappa ------- II 0 35 Calabar Bean, Physostigma venenosum - - H 1 00 Camphor - -- -- -- -- - 0 65 Cane Ila - -- -- -- - -- II Can tharides, all Russian - - - - - - - II 1 75 Car d amom - -- -- -- -- 2 50 Caraway - -- -- -- -- - It U Ab Cascarilla, - -- -- -- -- II 0 25 Cassia Bark - -- -- -- -- II 0 40 Castor, Castoreum ------ oz 0 4a Cate ctiu - -- -- -- -- - lb. 0 30 Cha momile, Atithenu-s ----- II 0 40 Charcoal, Vast Willow - - - - - II 0 Chir etta - -- -- -- -- - II 0 55 Cinn amon, Ceylon ------ 1 40 Cleavers, Galium ------- - - II 0 35 Cloves - -- -- -- -- -- 0 65 Cocculus Indicus ------- II 0 25 Cochineal, Coccus- ------ II 0 75 Colchicum Root, English - - - - >1 0 50 II Seed, English - - - - n - German - - - tt Colocynth --------- Pulp ------- ii 0 50 1 85 Coltsfoot, Tussilago ------ 0 3.) Columbo Root, Calumba - - - - it 0 25 ■ Am., Fraser a ----- n 0 3<) Comfrey, Symphytum ----- - - 0 40 Coriander Seed ------- " Cotton Root Bark, Gossypium, - - - - - i' 0 35 Cranesbill, Geranium ----- 0 30 Cubebs ---------- a Culver's Root, Leptandra - - - U Cnmin Seed, Cyminum - - - - - } lb. bottles, with cartons - - - - - each $0 15 i lb. " n " - - - - - - II 0 12 1-16 lb. n « « - - - - II 0 10 1 be put up in paper bundles. Cundurango ----------- - lb. $0 35 Cuttie Bone, Os. - - ------ 0 35 Curcuma - -- -- -- -- -- - It 0 25 Dandelion, Taraxacum- ------ It 0 35 Dogs bane, Apocynum and/rosccmifol - n 0 45 Dogwood, Cornus Florida- - - - - - ii 0 30 Dover's Powder, Pulv. Ipecac, comp. - n 1 60 Dragons Blood, Sanguis Draconis - - - - n 0 85 Dwarf Elder, Aralid hisp. ----- - n 0 40 Elder Flower, Sambucus ------ n 0 40 Elecampane, Inula - -- -- -- - n 0 25 Elm Bark ------------ n 0 30 Ergot - -- -- -- -- -- -- it 0 45 Euphorbium - -- -- -- -- - Extract Belladonna- ------- oz. 0 50 -Colocynth - -- -- -- - lb. 6 00 Comp. _ - - - - 5 50 Hyoscyamus ------- - oz. 0 50 -Jalap - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 50 Liquorice - -- -- -- - ff 0 65 Nux Vomica ------- oz. 0 40 -Rhatany, Krameria - - - - lb. 0 60 Fennel, Foeniculum -------- - 0 30 Foxglove, Digitalis -------- ff 0 30 Frankincense, Olibanum ------ 0 50 Galangal - -- -- - - -- -- - II 0 20 Gamboge - -- -- -- -- -- - n 1 00 Gentian - -- -- -- -- -- - n 0 20 Ginger, Jamaica - -- -- -- -- H 0 35 Gol denseal, Hydrastis Can. - - - - - - n 0 30 Goldthread, Coptis -------- n 1 00 Guaiac, Guaiaci resina ------ u 0 65 Guarana. Paullinia sorbilis - - - - - - n 4 50 Hellebore, American, Vcrat. virid - - - ff 0 30 Black, Helleborus - - - - - ff 0 40 White, Vcrat alb. - - - - « 0 30 Hemlock Leaves, Conium maculat - - - ff 0 30 Henbane, Biennial, Hyoscyam nig. - - - ff 0 40 Hops, Humulus --------- ff 0 6& Horehound, Marrubium ------ ii 0 35 Indian Hemp, Apocynum cannab. - - - it 0 45 ■ White Asclepius incarn. - it 0 40 Foreign, Cannab. Indic. - - it 0 35 Indian Turnip, Arum ------- n 0 35 Ipecacuanha ---------- n 1 50 Ipecac. Spurge, Euphorb Ipecac. - - - - n 1 00 Jalap - -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 40 Kino ------------- n 0 40 Koosso, Brayera anthelmint - - - - u 1 50 Ladies' Slipper, Cypripedium - - - - it 0 40 Liquorice Root, peeled ------ n 0 40 Lobelia Herb - -- -- -- -- - n 0 30 Seed ---------- 0 45 ■ Mandrake, Podophyllum ------ n 0 25 Marjoram Sweet, Origanum majorana - - n 0 50 Marshmallow, Althcca ------- n 0 40 Matico- - -- -- -- -- -- - n Mezereon- - -- -- -- -- -- n 0 40 0 75 Myrrh ------------- it Nutgall, Galla n 0 30 Nutmeg, Myristica - -- -- -- - - n 1 45 Nux Vomica - -- -- -- -- - i 0 35 Opium - -- -- -- -- -- -- Orange Feel, Aurant ------- it 0 2;> Bitter, Aurant amar. - - - n 0 30 Orris Root, Iris Florent ------ if 0 40 Verona ------ if 0 25 Pareira Brava - -- -- -- -- - n 0 65 Pepper, Black - -- -- -- -- - ii 0 25 Red, Capsicum ------- n 0 3») Peppermint, Month. pip. ------ n 0 35 Pinkroot, Spigelia - -- -- -- - n 0 50 Pleurisy root, Asclep tuberosa - » 0 35 0 25 Pokeroot, Phytolacca ------- Potassa, Chlorate, French ----- 0 40 0 25 0 20 Nitrate, C. P. - -- -- -- '' Sulphate ----- 14 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Prickly Ash, Xanthoxylum ------ lb. $0 35 Quassia, ------------- H 0 25 Red Rose Leaves, French ------ H 1 75 Rhatany, Peruvian, Krameria, - - - - 0 75 Rhubarb - -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 50 pow'd from good sound China! Rhubarb, without selection f ± /$£) Saffron, Crocus ----------- It ] 00 Sage, Salvia ------------ If 0 25 Salep, Orchis mascula -------- n 1 20 Sarsaparilla, Hond. - -- -- -- -- n 0 60 Sassafras - -- -- -- -- -- -- n 0 25 Savin e, Sabina ----------- It 0 25 Scammony, containing 75 per cent resin, - n 15 00 Scull cap, Scutellaria- - -- -- -- - it 0 50 Seneka ------------- it 1 25 Senna, Alex, from garbled Senna - - - n 0 40 E. I. ----------- - it 0 25 Silk Weed Asclep Syriaca ------ n 0 40 Simaruba- - -- -- -- -- -- - 0 45 Skunk Cabbage, Sy mplocarpus foetid - - n 0 35 Snakeroot. Canada, Asarum - - - - - 0 45 Snakeroot, Virginia, Serpentaria - - - - lb- $0 45 Soap, White Castile - -- -- -- -- Spearmint, Menth. virid. ------- n 0 55 it 0 35 Squill, SciUamar. --------- 0 45 Stillingia - -- -- -- - _ _ _ _ 0 35 Sugar of Lead, Plumbi acet. - - - - - n 0 35 Sugar of Milk, Sacch. lactis ------ 0 55 Summer Savory Saturejahortensis - - - II 0 35 Sweet Flag, Calamus, - -- -- -- - II 0 45 Thorn apple, Stramonium. ------ II 0 35 Tormentilla - -- -- -- -- -- - it 0 40 Tragacanth, From Ribbons ------ it 1 45 Turkey Corn, Corydalis formos - - - - [Unicorn, Helonias dioica ------- it 0 35 it 0 40 | Uva Ursi - -- -- -- -- -- -- H 0 20 Valerian - -- -- -- -- -- -- If 0 45 White Oak Bark, Quercus alb. ----- n 0 25 Wild Cherry Bark, Prunus Viry. - - - - n 0 30 Witch Hazel, Hamamelis Viry.- - - - - it 0 30 Wormseed, Levant, Santonica ----- it 0 35 Yellow Bock, Rumex crispus - - - . - H 0 35 Jasmine, Gelsemium ----- 0 35 Fluid Extracts. MADE BY LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. These Extracts are carefully prepared from select materials, and are made wholly by cold repercolations. Their strength (with a single exception) is uniformly one troy ounce of crude material to one ounce of fluid extract, which, of course, gives one grain to each minim-the dose can therefore be calculated with certainty. The exception is Opium, which is identical with the Tinctura Opii Deodorata of the U. S. P., containing 371 grains of powdered Opium in each fluid ounce. We invite the attention of Pharmacists to these extracts, confident that they will be found equal to the products of any other makers. ONE LB. FIVE LB. 1 LB. TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. BOTS. BOTS. BOTS. PER LB. PER LB. PER DOZ Aconite Leaves - -- -- -- -- - Aconitum Napellus -------- $2 00 $1 90 $8 00 Root - 2 00 1 90 8 00 Arnica - -- -- -- -- -- -- Arnica montana - -- -- -- -- 2 00 1 90 8 00 Balmony - -- -- -- -- -- - Chelone glabra ---------- J 1 15 5 75 Belladonna ----------- Atropa Belladonna- - -- -- -- - 2 50 2 40 9 50 Bethroot - -- -- -- -- -- - Trillium pendulum --------- 1 75 1 65 7 25 Bitter-root- - -- -- -- -- -- Apocynum androsoemifolium - - - - - 2 00 1 90 8 00 Bitter-sweet - -- -- -- -- -- Solatium Dulcamara - -- -- -- - 1 50 1 40 6 50 Black berry ------------ Rubus villosus - -- -- -- -- - 1 50 I 40 6 50 Biack Cohosh ----------- Cimicifuga- - -- -- -- -- -- 2 00 1 90 8 00 Black Hellebore ---------- Helleborus niger ---------- 1 75 1 65 7 25 Bloodroot - -- -- -- -- -- - Sanguinaria - -- -- -- -- -- 1 75 I 65 7 25 Blue Cohosh - -- -- -- -- -- Leontice thalictroides - -- -- -- - 1 50 1 40 6 50 Blue Flag - -- -- -- -- -- - Iris versicolor - -- -- -- -- - 1 75 1 65 7 25 Boneset - -- -- -- -- -- -- Eupatorium perfoliatum ------ 1 50 1 40 6 50 Broom Top- - -- -- -- -- -- Scoparius - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 75 1 65 7 25 Buchu Barosma crenata - -- -- -- -- 2 50 2 40 9 50 Compound - -- -- -- -- 2 50 2 40 9 50 Buchu and Pareira Brava ------ 3 50 3 40 12 50 Buckthorn - -- -- -- -- -- - Rhamnus catharticus - -- -- -- - 1 50 1 40 6 50 Bugle-weed ------- . _ - - Lycopus Virginicus- -------- 1 50 1 40 5 75 Burdock ------------- Lappa minor- 1 50 1 40 6 50 Butternut - -- -- -- -- -- - Juglans cinerea \ 1 50 1 40 6 50 Calabar Bean - -- -- -- -- -- Physostigma venenosum ------ - | 6 00 5 90 20 09 Cardamom Comp. - -- -- -- -- 5 00 4 90 17 00 Cascarilla - -- -- -- -- -- - Croton Eleuteria- - -- -- -- -- 1 50 1 40 6 50 Catnip - -- -- -- -- -- -- Nepeta cataria - -- -- -- -- - 1 25 1 15 5 75 Cayenne Pepper ---------- Capsicum - -- -- -- -- -- - 3 00 2 90 11 00 Chamomile - -- -- -- -- -- Anthemis nobilis - -- -- -- -- 2 00 1 90 8 00 Cherry Bark. U. S. P. 1873. ------ Primus Virginiana - -- -- -- - 2 00 1 90 8 00 -- Compound- ------ 1 50 1 40 6 50 Chestnut Leaves - -- -- -- -- Castanea vesca - -- -- -- -- - 2 25 2 15 8 75 Chiretta - -- -- -- -- -- -- Agathotes Chirayta --------- 4 00 3 90 14 00 Cinchona, Pale, 2 50 2 40 9 50 8Sya,nd' U-S-P'18ra- ' ________________ 2 50 4 50 2 40 4 40 9 50 15 50 Red. 4 25 4 15 14 75 Cleavers - -- --------- Galium - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 25 1 15 5 75 Clover, Red - -- -- -- -- -- 2 (X) 1 90 8 00 Coffee- Colchicum Root - -- -- -- -- - Seed - -- -- -- -- - Caffea Arabica - -- -- -- -- - Colchicum autumndle ------- 2 50 2 00 2 75 2 40 1 90 2 65 9 5o 8 00 10 25 Colocynth - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 25 2 15 8 75 Columbo - -- -- -- -- -- - Cocculus palmatus - -- -- -- -- 2 50 2 40 9 50 Comfrey- - -- -- ------ Symphytum - -- -- -- -- -- 1 50 1 40 6 50 Conium - -- -- -- ----- Conium maculatum - -- -- -- - 2 00 1 90 8 00 Cotton Root Bark - -- -- -- -- Gossypium herbarium ------- 3 00 2 90 11 00 Cramp Bark - -- -- -- -- -- Viburnum oxycoccus - -- -- -- - 1 50 1 40 6 ro Cranesbill - -- -- -- -- -- - Geranium maculatum ------ 1 75 1 65 7 25 Cubebs - ----------- Piper Cubeba - -- -- -- -- - 2 50 2 40 9 50 Culver's Root ----------- Leptandra Virginica - -- -- -- - 2 00 1 90 8 00 Cundurango ----- ______ - 3 50 3 40 12 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 15 TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. ONE LB. FIVE LB i LB. | BOTS. |PER DOZ. BOTS. PER LB BOTS. PER LB Dandelion - -- -- -- -- -- - Taraxacum - -- -- -- -- -- 2 25 2 15 | 8 75 and Senna - ------ 1 75 1 65 1 7 25 Dog-grass - -- -- -- -- -- - Triticum repens ---------- 2 50 2 40 9 50 Elder Flowers - -- -- -- -- - Sambucus ------------ 1 50 1 40 6 50 Ergot -------------- Ethereal - -- -- -- -- - Ergota - -- -- -- -- -- -- Eucalyptus Globosus - -- -- -- - 6 00 5 90 I 20 Op Foxglove ------------ Fringe Tree - -- -- -- -- -- Gentian - -- -- -- -- -- -- Compound --------- Digitalis purpurea - -- -- -- -- Chionanthus Virginica ------- Gentiana lutea - -- -- -- -- - 1 75 3 00 1 50 2 5<» 1 65 2 90 1 40 2 40 7 25 11 00 6 50 9 50 Ginger ------------- Zingiber officinale - -- -- -- -- 2 25 2 15 8 75 Golden Seal - -- -- -- -- -- Hydrastis Canadensis - -- -- -- - 2 00 I 90 8 00 Golden Rod - -- -- -- -- -- Solidago - - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 25 1 15 5 75 Gold Thread ----------- Coptis trifolia ----------- 2 50 2 40 9 50 Guarana Hemlock (see Conium) ------- Paulliuia sorbilis - -- -- -- «- ---------------- 12 00 11 90 38 00 Henbane ------------ Hyoscyamus niger - -- -- -- -- 2 50 2 40 9 50 Hop -------------- Humulus Lupulus - -- -- -- -- 2 50 2 40 9 50 Horehound - -- -- -- -- -- Marrubium vulgar e - -- -- -- - 1 50 1 40 6 50 Hydrangea ------------ Hydrangea arborescens ------- 1 75 1 65 7 25 Ignatia Bean - -- -- -- -- -- Strychnos Ignatia - -- -- -- -- 3 50 3 40 12 50 Indian Hemp - -- -- -- -- -- Apocynum cannabinum ------- 2 00 1 90 8 00 Foreign - -- -- -- - Cannabis Indica ---------- 3 50 3 40 12 50 White - -- -- -- - Asclepius incarnata - -- -- -- - 1 75 1 65 7 25 Ipecac Cephaelis Ipecacuanha ------- 6 00 5 90 20 00 and Seneka- - -- -- -- - 5 50 5 40 18 50 Jalap - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Ipomoea Jalapa - r- -- -- -- - 3 50 3 40 12 50 Juniper Berries - -- -- -- -- - Juniperus communis - -- -- -- - 1 25 1 15 5 75 Ladies' Slipper - -- -- -- -- - Cypripedium pubescent ------- 2 50 2 40 9 50 Lettuce ------------- Lactuca sativa - -- -- -- -- - 1 50 1 40 6 50 Life Root - -- -- -- -- -- - Senecio aureus - -- -- -- -- - 1 50 1 40 6 50 Liquorice - -- -- -- -- -- - Glycyrrhiza glabra - -- -- -- - 1 75 1 65 7 25 Lobelia - -- -- -- -- -- -- Lobelia inflata - -- -- -- -- - 1 75 1 65 7 25 Lupulin - -- -- -- -- -- -- Lupulina - ---------- 3 50 3 40 12 50 Male Fern - -- - - - - - - Aspidlum Filix mas - -- -- -- - 1 50 1 40 6 50 Mandrake - -- -- -- -- -- Podophyllum peltatum ------- 1 75 1 65 7 25 Matico - -- -- -- -- -- - Artanthe elongata - -- -- -- -- 3 00 2 90 11 00 Nux Vomica - -- ------- Strychnos nux vomica- ------- 2 25 2 15 8 75 1 3 50 3 40 12 50 Orange Peel, sweet -------- Aurantium - -- -- -- -- -- 1 50 1 40 6 50 Orange Peel, bitter - -- -- -- - Aurantii amari ----- _ - - - 2 00 1 90 8 <'0 Pareira Brava ----------- Chododend.ron tomentosum ------- i 3 50 3 40 12 50 Pink Root - -- -- -- -- -- - Spigelia Marilandica ------- -i 2 50 2 40 9 50 and Senna - -- -- -- - 2 00 1 90 8 00 Pipsissewa ------------ Chimaphila umbeUata ------- 1 50 1 40 6 50 Pleurisy Root ----------- Asclepias tuberosa --------- 2 00 1 90 8 00 Poke Root - -- -- -- -- -- - Phytolacca decandria ------- 1 59 1 40 6 50 Poppy ------------- Papaver somniferum ------- -i 1 75 1 65 7 25 Prickly Ash - -- -- -- -- -- Xanthoxylum fraxineum ------ 1 75 1 65 7 25 Quassia Simaruba excclsa - > 1 50 1 40 6 50 Queen of the Meadow ------- Eupatorium purpureum ------ 1 50 1 40 6 50 Rhatany- - -- -- -- -- -- - Kramer ia triandra - -- -- -- - 2 00 1 90 8 00 Rhubarb ------------- Rheum pdlmatum - -- -- -- -- 4 50 4 40 15 50 Aromatic --------- 4 00 3 90 14 00 and Senna - -- -- -- - 3 00 2 90 11 00 Rosin Weed - -- -- -- -- -- Silphium gummiferum ------- 3 00 2 90 11 00 Sarsaparilla, Rio Negro 2 50 2 40 9 50 and Dandelion ----- 2 50 2 40 9 50 2 50 2 40 9 50 * - Comp (for Syrup.) - - - - 2 50 2 40 9 50 Sassafras - -- -- -- -- -- - Laurus Sassafras - -- -- -- -- 1 50 1 40 6 50 Savin - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Juniperus Sabina - -- -- -- -- 1 25 1 15 5 75 Scullcap - -- -- -- -- -- -- Scutellaria lateriflora 2 50 2 40 9 IO Seneka - -- -- -- -- -- -- Polygala Senega - -- -- -- -- - 4 00 3 90 14 00 Senna Alex- - -- -- -- -- -- Cassia acutifolia - -- -- -- -- I 50 3 00 1 40 2 90 6 50 11 00 Skunk Cabbage - -- -- -- -- - Symplocarpus foetidus ------- 1 25 1 15 5 75 Snakeroot - -- -- -- -- -- - Serpentaria ----------- 3 00 2 90 11 00 Spikenard ------------ Aralia racemosa - -- -- -- -- 1 50 1 40 6 50 Squill - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Scilla maritima - -- -- -- -- - 1 50 1 40 6 50 Compound, (for Hive Syrup) - - Stillingia - -- -- -- -- -- - Stone Root ----------- 3 40 12 50 Collinsonia Canadensis ------- 2 50 2 50 1 75 2 40 2 40 1 65 9 50 9 50 7 25 Stramonium - -- -- -- -- -- Thistle Leaves - -- -- -- -- - Datura Stramonium - -- -- -- - 1 75 2 50 1 65 2 40 7 25 9 50 Tag Alder - -- -- -- -- -- - Alnus serrulata - -- -- -- -- - 1 25 1 15 Turkey Corn - -- -- -- -- -- Corydalis formosa - -- -- -- -- 3 00 2 90 11 00 Unicorn - -- -- -- -- -- -- Helonias dioica - -- -- -- -- - 3 00 2 90 11 00 Uva Ursi - -- -- -- -- -- - Arctostaphylos - -- -- -- -- - 1 50 1 40 6 50 Valerian- - -- -- -- -- -- - Veratrum Viride - -- -- -- -- Valeriana officinalis - -- -- -- - 2 00 2 50 1 90 2 40 8 00 9 50 8 75 5 75 Wahoo - -- -- -- -- -- -- Euonymus atropurpureus ------ 2 25 2 15 Water Pepper- - -- -- -- -- - Polygonum punctatum ------- 1 25 1 15 1 15 White Oak - - -- -- -- -- -- Quercus alba ----------- 1 25 Wild Indigo - -- -- -- -- -- Baptista tinctoria - -- -- -- -- 1 50 Wild Turnip - -- -- -- -- -- Arum triphyllum - -- -- -- -- 1 50 Wild Yam - -- -- -- -- -- - Dioscorea vilUisa --------- 1 50 Witch Hazel - -- -- -- -- -- Hamamelis Virginica -------- 1 25 1 50 1 15 6 50 6 50 8 00 Wormseed - -- -- -- -- -- - Chenopodium - -- -- -- -- -- Yarrow - -- -- -- -- -- -- Achillea Millefolia - -- -- - - - - 2 00 3 00 Yellow Dock - -- -- -- -- -- Rumex crispus - -- -- -- -- - 2 90 11 00 Jasmine - -- -- -- -- - Gelsemium sempervirens ------ * For making Syrup. Sarsaparilla Comp. U. S. P„ take four ounces of this Fluid Extract and mix with sixteen ounces of Simple Syrup. In ordering please specify if wanted for this purpose. 16 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Sugar-Coated Pills & Granules, MANUFACTURED BY BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Philadelphia. These Pills have now been before the profession for more than thirteen years. From the first, conscientious care has been observed with regard to the quality of the medicines entering into them, and to the accuracy and com pleteness with which they have been combined and divided. Experience and skill have been eagerly availed of to bring them, day by day, a step nearer perfection, and it is believed that the Pills of this house are equalled by no other products of the same kind, and that they excel all others in their ready solubility; any one who will cut open one of their Quinine Pills will need no further proof that perfection has been attained in this all important point. We have been induced to urge the sale of these Pills by the feeling of satisfaction resulting from the accuracy, care, reliability and skill of the manufacturers. PILLS S AND GRANULES, ugar Coated. Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- | ties of 100. Price per Bottle of500 each. Acid Arsenious , 1-20, 1-30, 1-40,1-50, 1-60 gr. $ 40 JI 75 Aconitia, 1-60gr. ---------- 75 3 50 Aloes, U. S. P. Pulv. Aloes, Socot, 2 grs. 1 1 I Saponis, 2 grs. J 1 75 Comp. U. S. P. (Pil. Gent. Comp.) - - 50 Z 25 et. Assaf. J. S. P, Pulv. Aloes Socot. grs.) Assafcetida, grs. >■ 40 1 75 Saponis, 1| grs. ) Pulv. Aloes Socot. 1 gr. I Zinzib. Jam. Igr. I et Ferri, -! Ferri Sulph. Exsic. 1 gr. f 1 75 (Ext. Conii, igr. J et Mastich, (see Pil. Stomachicae) - - 50 2 25 et Myrrh, U. S. P. Pulv. Aloes Socot. 2 grs. 1 Myrrhae, 1 gr. f 50 M 25 1 Croci Stigmat. 1 gr. ) ( Mass. Hy dr ar gyri, I gr. Alterative,■< Pulv.Opii, igr. > 50 2 25 - - Ipecac, igr. ) Ammon. Bromid. Igr. - -- -- -- - 75 3 50 (Pulv. Aloes Socot. Sapon. Hispan. Anderson's Scots,! FructColocynth 40 1 75 1 Gambogiae, (Oleum Anisi, Anti-Bilious (Vegetable) ( P. Ext. Coloc. Co. 2i gr. ( t Podophyllin, 1 gr. 1 f Stry chnias, 1 -40 Gr. | Ex. Belladonnas 1-10 Gr. Anti-Dyspeptic i Pulv. Ipecac, 1-10 Gr. 1 00 4 75 | Mass. Hydrarg. 2 Gr. 1 Ext. Coloc Cd. 2 Gr. Anti-Malarial, (McCaw) ( uiniae Sulph. 1 gr. 1 F erri Sul. Exs. 1 gr. I ) 01. Res. Pip. Nig. 1-16 gr. 1 A Ac. Arsenios. 1-80 gr. ( 1 Gelsemin. 1 gr. 1 V P >dophyllin, i gr. J Antimonii Comp. U, S. P. (see Pil. Calome Comp.) - 40 1 75 Chinchonae Sulph. 1 gr. F erri Sulph. Exsic. 1 gr. Antiperiodic, Ext. Quass. i gr. ( 1 00 4 75 Ext. Rhei. 1 gr. Pulv. Myrrhae, f gr. J ( Ext. Nux Vomic., i gr. i Aperient, ! Hyoscyam. i gr. >■ - - 90 4 25 f Coloc. Comp. 2 gr. ) f Pulv. Rhei, 11 grs. 1 Aperient, Aloe. Socot. 11 grs. 1 2 75 Drysdale's, Ipecac, 5-12 gr. 1 Nuc. Vom. igr. J (Ext. Coloc. Co. lGr.1 Aperient, Mild. -! mj 5_g ( 50 2 25 (01. Cari, J Assafcetida, U. S.P., ------- - 40 1 75 rs. - -- -- -- -- 40 1 75 r„mn J Assafoetia, grs. 1 comp. ( yerrj Sulph Exs. 1 gr. f 40 1 75 ( Assafoetidae, 1 gr. 1 et Rhei8 Pulv. Rhei, 1 gr. >• 75 3 50 • ( Ferrum perHydl gr. > Atropia, 1-60 gr ---------- 75 3 50 PILLS AND GRANULES, Sugar Coated. Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- tles of 100. L8 o ? ~ o & & a) Ph o ( Ext. Col. Comp. 1 gr. Ballou, J Jalapa;, 1 gr. ) Hydg. Chlor. Mit. 1 gr. j- $ 75 $3 50 (. Pub . Ipecac. 1 gr. Belladonna Bxt. (Eng.) 1 gr. - - - 40 1 75 Bismuth. Sub Carb. 3 grs. - - - - - - - 75 3 50 75 3 50 O U D -L> 11 • ' > I S'. - - Bismuth MuxYom | t"NuzvS».iK'- ( 1 50 7 25 Caffein, Citrat. 1 gr. ------- 4 50 Calomel, f gr., 1 gr., 2 grs., 3 grs. - - - 40 1 75 - -5 grs. . (Plummer's) 3 grs. - - 50 2 25 Comp I Calomel J J Oxysulph. Antimon. >- 40 1 75 Guaiacum Resin - - et Ipecac. Co. Calomel, 1 gr. ) P. Ipecac. Co. 3 1- Ext. Gent. Q.S. 3 gr. > 50 2 25 - -et Onii J Calomel, 2 grs. 1 ct Opn, ■( Opium lgr. | - - 75 3 50 ( Calomel. 1 gr- ] - et Rhei J Ext' Khei' et Kiiei,! coloc. C. 1 gr. 1 1 gr. I 75 3 50 1 Hyoscya. 1-0 gr. J Camphor Monobromated, 2 gr.- - 1 50 Camphor et Hyoscyam. ( Gum. Camphor. gr. 1. 1 2 25 1 Ext. Hyos. Eng., gr. 1, j Cannabis, Indica Ext. 1 gr. - - - . Cathartic Comp. U. S. P., 60 2 75 ( Ext. Coloc Comp. 11 grs. 1 - Jalapse, 1 r. ( 60 i Calomel, 1 gr. i * Pulv. Gambogise, 2-9 gr. ; - - Comp. (Vegetable), Ext. Coloc. Simp. IGr.' Podophyllin, 1 Gr. Pulv. Res. Scam. 1 Gr. 60 •---■ Aloes Socot. 11 Gr. I Gr. i Gr.„ fExt. Coloc. Comp. Jalap®, - - Comp j Podophyllin, (Improved), 1 Ext. Hyoscyam. Gentian®, 1 01. Menth. Pip. Caulophyllin, 1-10 gr. ------ 40 1 75 Cerii Oxalas. 1 gr. ------- - 1 00 4 75 ( Pulv. Aloe Soc. I Chapma 60 ( Gum Mastich, Chinoidin. 1 gr 40 1 75 50 2 25 ( Chinoidin. 2 grs./ 1 gr. ■ 1 00 4 75 f Oleo-resinPip.Nig Igr. ' Chirett; , Ext. 1 .gr. - - - 1 50 2 75 Cinchon. Sulph H grs. ------ - - 3 50 Cinehonidia Sulph. ------- 1 gr. 55 2 50 2 gr. 1 0" 4 75 Cincho Quiniae, - -- -- -- - 1 gr. 1 00 4 75 (Res. Scammon. Pur., 1 i. r. I Pulv. Aloe Socot. 11 gr. | Coccia, - Colocynth. j gr. j- - 90 4 25 Potass Sulph. 1 gr. 01. Caryoph. 1 gr. J Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 17 PILLS £ AND GRANULES, Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- tles of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. uga r Coated. Colocynth. Comp 3 grs. (Ext. Coloc. $3 75 Comp. U. S . P.) $ 80 Colocynth. et Hydrarg. et Ipecac. ( Pulv. Ext. Coloc Comp. 2 grs. ) •< Pil. Hydrarg. 2 grs. \ 75 3 50 ( Pulv. 1 pecac 1-6 gr. ) rpuh . Aloes Soc. 1 gr. 1 Phm' 1 w Cook's, 3 grs. CalomeL ' - 50 2 25 1 Sapon. Hispan. 1 gr. J Copaibas, U. S. l>. 3 grs. - ------- 50 2 25 Pi . Copaib® Copaib. Comp. Resin Guaiac Ferri Cit. Oleo-resin. Cubeb®. J 80 3 75 et Extract Cubebas, ( Pil. Copaib® 3 grs. 1 1 Oleo-resin. Cubeb®. 1 gr. J Corrosive Sublimate, 1-12,1-20, 1-30, 1-40 gr. 40 1 75 Digitalin. 1-60 gr. - - _ _ 75 3 50 ( Pulv. Digital. Eng. 1 gr. ) Digitalis CompJ- Scill®, Igr.)- 50 2 25 f Potass. Nit. 2 gr. ( Sapo Hispan. Pulv. 2 grs. ) Diuretic. •< Sod® Carb. Exsic. 2 grs. J-- - 50 2 25 ( 01. Baccae Junip. 1 drop ) ( Pulv. Guaiac 3 grs. ) Dupuytrens Hydg. Chlor. Corros. 1-10 gr. V 50 2 25 ( Pulv. Opii, i gr. ) Elaterium, (Clutterbuck's) 1-10 gr. - - - Emmenagogue, (Mutter) 1 00 4 75 ( Ferri Sulph. 14 gr. ) 1 Aloe Socot. Pulv. 4 gr. > Terebinth. Alb. 14 gr. 40 1 75 Eel. Bovinum, I Ox Gall, 2 grs. I 2 25 ) Powdered Jamaica Ginger 1 gr. J Ferri (Quevenne's,) Igr. - -- -- -- 50 2 25 - 2 grs. ------- 75 3 50 Carb. (Vallet 's,) U. S. P. 3 grs. - - - 40 1 75 Citrat. 2 grs. 50 2 25 Comp. U. S. P. -------- 40 1 75 • Ferrocyanid. 3 grs. ------- 50 2 25 J odid. 1 gr. - 65 3 00 --- Lac tat. 1 gr. 50 2 25 -- Pyrophosph. 1 gr. ------- 40 1 75 Sulph. Exsiccat. 2 grs. ------ 40 1 75 V aler. 1 gr. 1 00 4 75 et Quass. et Nuc. Vom. Ferrum Redactum 14 gr. | Ext. Quassi®, 1 gr. I - Nux Vom. J gr. [ Pulv. Saponis, 4 gr. J et Quin. Cit. Igr. -------- 75 3 50 - 2 grs. ------- ( Strychni®, 1-60 gr. ) 1 40 6 75 75 3 50 (Quevenne's) 2 grs. j Cit. Ferri Cit. 1 gr. I Strych. Cit. 1-50 gr.) 75 3 50 Galbani Comp U S. P. Galbanum, 14 grs.1 Pulv. Myrrh. 14 grs. > Assafoetida, 14 grs. ) 50 2 25 (Pulv. Gambogi®, Gambogi® Comp.- Aloe Socot. 1 40 1 75 Gelsemin, 1-16 gr. - 40 1 75 X o-r 50 2 25 t ®r. - (Ext. Gent. ♦ gr. 1 PrimT. J Aloes Socot. igr. 1 (rent. Comp. 4 Pulv Rhei, „r r - 50 2 25 1 01. Cari, 1-5 gr. J C t *ulv .Cubeba, 2grs.| finnnrrh<wp J Bais. CoPaib- 8olid, 1 Sr- I Gonorrhoeae,-j perrj gulph Bxglc, gr_ 1 60 2 75 1 Terebinth. Venet. 14 grs. J Helonin, 1-10 gi 50 2 25 (Pill Hydrarg, 3 grs. ) HepaticaV Ext. Colocynth Comp. Igr. > 90 4 25 1 Hyoscyami, 1 gr. ) Hooper, (Female Pills) grs. Aloes Socot. Ferri Sulph. Exsic. Ext. Hellebor. 1 Pulv. Myrrh. 40 1 75 - Canell®, - Zingib. Jamaica,,- PILLS S AND GRANULES, ugar Coated. Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- tles of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. Hydrargyri, U. S. P. 3 grs. ------- $ 40 $1 75 - 5 grs. ------- 50 2 25 ( Mass. Hydrarg. 1 gr. i Comp.-' Pulv. Opii, 4 gr.> 90 4 25 ( Ipecac. 1 gr. ) Iodide, i gr. ------- 40 1 75 - Rub, 1-16 gr. - - - - 40 1 75 lod. et Opii, (Ricord's) I Hydg. lodid. 1 gr. 1 3 50 1 Pulv. Opii, i gr. | Hyoscyamus Ext. (Eng.) 4 gr. ----'- 40 1 75 Ignatiaa Amaraj Ext. J gr. - -- -- -- 50 2 25 Iodoform. 1 gr. 1 60 7 75 et Perri, J Ferrum Redactum, 1 gr. ) 9 75 ) Iodoform, 1 gr. f Ipecac, et Opii, 34 grs. (Pulv. Doveri, U.S.P.) 50 2 25 risin 4 gr. ) Irisin. Comp.-< Podopnyllin, -10 gr. > - - 50 Strychnias 1-40 gr. ) ( Leptand. 1 gr.) Leptand. Comp. 4 Irisin, i gr. >- - 1 00 4 75 1 Podophyllin, i gr. ) Leptandrin, i, } gr. - -- -- -- -- 40 1 75 igr. - -- -- -- -- - 50 2 25 Igr. ---------- 75 3 50 Lupulin, 3 grs. 40 1 75 Macrotin, 1-10 gr, - -- -- -- -- - 40 1 75 Magnesias et Rhei, (1 gr. each) ----- 40 1 75 Morphia Acet, i gr. - -- -- -- -- 70 3 25 Sulphate, 1-20 gr. ------ 40 1 75 - - 1-10 gr. ------ 60 2 75 - - igr. - -- -- -- 70 3 25 - - 1-6 gr. - - - - - - - 80 3 75 - - igr. - 1 00 4 75 --Valerian, | gr. ------- 1 00 4 75 ( Morph. Sulph. i gr. ) Morphias Comp .-( Ant. et Pot. Tart. 1 gr. > 1 50 7 25 ( Calomel, i gr. ) Neuralgic. (Dr Gross.) Quin. Sulph. 2 grs. Morph. Sulph. 1-20 gr. Strychnia, 1-30 gr. I 3 25 16 00 Ac. Arsenious 1-20 gr. Ext. Aconiti, i gr. Neuralgic. (Dr. Gross,) without morphia - 3 00 14 75 Neuralgic, Idiopath. Ext. Hyoscyam. f Gr. Conii, j Gr. Ignat. Am. i Gr. Opii, i Gr. 9 75 Aconiti, Gr. Cannab. Ind. 1 Gr. Stramonii 1-5 Gr. Belladonnas 1-6 Gr. Nuc. Vomica Ext. 4 gr. - ------- 40 1 75 - |gr.-------- 40 1 75 Opii, IT. S. P. 1 gr. - - - ------ 60 2 75 et Campho™. .'gXh<S, 2 R ! 80 3 75 - et Tannin, ( Pulv. Opii, 1 gr. ) - Camphorse, 1 gr. J- 80 3 75 ( Acid Tannic 2 grs. ) et Plumbi Acet. i Pulv. Opii, i gr. [ 1 Plumbi Acet. li grs. ( Phosphorus, 1-60 gr. - -- -- -- -- 1 00 4 75 J Phosphorus, 1-60 gr. 1 comp Nuc. Vom. J gr. f 1 25 6 00 Podophyllin, 1-10, | gr. ------- - 40 1 75 Igr. ---------- 50 2 25 Igr. ---------- 75 3 50 et Belladon, Podophyllin, | gr. 1 Ext. Bellad. ale. i gr. 1 3 50 Oleo-resin Capsici. 1 gr. f Sacchari lactis. 1 gr. J (Podophylli, igr.) r Comp.-< Ext. Hyoscyam i gr. > 75 3 50 ( Nuc Vom 1-16 gr. 1 1 Podophyllin, 1 gr. 1 - ■ ■ ■ et ityci pjl Hydrarg, 2 grs. J 50 2 25 Potass. Bromid 1 gr. -------- 75 3 50 - -5 grs. - -- -- -- - 1 25 6 00 lodid. 2 grs. - -- -- -- -- 85 4 00 Permangan. Cryst. igr. - - - - - 50 2 25 18 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. PILLS AND GRANULES. . Sugar Coated. Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- tles of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. Quiniae Sulph. 1 gr. - - - - - $ 90 $4 25 - - Igr. 1 40 6 75 2 75 13 50 - - 3 grs. ----- 4 00 19 75 Quiniae Valerianat, 1 gr. - - - - _ _ _ 2 00 9 75 Quiniae Valerian, 1 gr. - - - - Quiniae Comp. 3 50 17 25 ( Quin. Sulph. 1 gr.) S Ferrum Redact. (Quevenne s) 1 f?r. > 1 75 8 50 ( Acid. Arsenious, 1-60 gr. ) Quiniae et Colocynth Comp. f Quiniae Sulph. 1 gr. Ext. Col. Comp. 1 gr. -j Ext. Ignat. Amar. i gr. 2 25 11 00 Piperina, [Morph. Sulph. i gr. 1-12 gr., Quiniae et Ext. Belladon. 1 Quiniae Sulph. 1 gr. 1 1 75 | Ext. Belladon. igr.) Quiniae et Eerri Carb. ( Quinia Sulph. Igr. ) I Ferri Carb. (Vallef s), 2 grs. J Quiniae et Eerri, Quin. Sulph. Ferrum Redactum 1 gr.) 1 75 8 50 (Quevenne's) 1 gr. 1 Quin, et Ee rri Ferro cyan. Quin. Sulph. 1 gr.'l Ferri Ferrocyan. 1 gr. Oleo-resin Capsici, 1-20 gr. 2 25 11 00 Gelsemin, 1-20 gr. Podophyllin, 1-20 gr. Strychnia. 1-60 gr' Quiniae et Eerri et Strychnias, Quin. Sulph. 1 gr. ) Ferri Carb. (Vallet's) 2 grs. >■ 1 75 8 50 Strych. Sulph. 1-60 gr. ) Quinine et Ferri Lact. Comp. Quuinae Sulph. 1 gr.) Ext. Ignat. Amar. i gr. >■ 2 00 9 75 Ferri Lactat. 2 gr- ) Quiniae et Eerri Valer. 2 grs. - - Quiniae et Hydrarg. 3 50 17 25 Quin. Sulph. 1 gr. ) Mass. Hydrarg. 2 grs. V 1 75 8 50 Oleo-resin. Piper. Nig. i gr. ) PILLS' AND GRANULES, Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- | ties of 100. I Price per Bottle of 500 each. Sugar Coated. Quinine et Strychnia. J Quin. Sulph. Igr. [ 1 75 8 50 I Strychnia. 1-60 gr. f Quinias et Zinci. Valer. j Quin. Valer. 1 Zinci. Valer. 1 gr- 1 Igr- J 4 00 19 75 piiai TT q T> Pulv. llhei. Rhei, U. S.P.-j saponis, 3 grs.) Igr- f 75 3 50 Comp. U. S. P. fPulv. Rhei, 2 grs. I J Aloes Socot. H- grs. 1 3 50 I Myrrh. Igr. | [01. Menth. Pip. Ext. Coloc. C. U grs. 1 Rheumatic - Colchici Acet. Hyoscyam 1 gr. 1 igr. | 90 4 25 lllydg. Chlor. Mit. igr. J Santonin, 1 gr. ------ - 1 00 4 75 Scillse Comp. U. S. P. fPulv. Scillas, i gr. 1 I Zingib. Jamaica 1 gr. 1 | Gum. Ammoniac. 1 gr. r 1 Pulv. Saponis, li gr. J Silver Nitrate, 4 gr. - - - - - - - - - 75 3 50 Stomachic® (Lady Webster's Dinner Pills,) 3 grs. ( Pulv. Aloes Socot. ) ■< Gum Mastich. - - 50 2 25 Elor. Rosas Strychnias. 1-20,1-30, 1-40, 1-50,1-60 gr. - - 40 1 75 Syphilitic. J Potass. lodid. 2i grs. 1 4 75 | Hydrarg Chlor. Corros. 1-40 gr j Tart. Emetic, 1-20,1-10, } gr. - - _ _ _ _ 40 1 75 Trillin, 1-10 gr. ------ - 50 2 25 ( Aloe Socot. 2 grs.) Triplex,-/ Pil Hydrarg. 1 gr. - _ _ 75 3 50 1 Podophyllin, | gr. ) Veratria Sulphate, 1-12 gr. - - - - - - 50 2 25 Zinci Valerian, 1 gr. - - - - - 1 00 4 75 Concentrated Medicines ; Or Active Principles of Medicinal Plants. Powders. Aconitin ---------- per oz $5 00 Ampelopsin --------- // 1 5( Alnuin ----------- it 1 (X Apocynin ---------- 0 3 00 Atropin - -- -- -- -- - ii 5 00 - Asclepin - -- -- -- -- - ii 1 50 Baptism - -- -- -- -- - ii 1 25 Barosmin ---------- ii 3 50 Caulophyllin - -- -- -- - ii 0 80 Cerasein - -- -- -- -- - n 1 0( Chelonin - -- -- -- -- - ii 1 75 Chimapliilin --------- n 1 25 Collinsonin - -- -- -- -- ti 2 75 Coldcynthin - -- -- -- -- ii 3 00 Cornin ----------- ii 1 (X Corydalin ---------- ii 3 (X Cypripedin - -- -- -- -- n 1 75 Digtalin - -- -- -- -- - ii 1 5( Dioscorein - -- -- -- -- it 2 00 Euonymin - -- -- -- -- n 2 25 Eupatorin (perfoliatum) - - - - ii 1 00 (purpureum)- - - - - n 2 00 - Frazerin - -- -- -- -- - n 1 25 ■ Gelsemin ---------- n 3 00 Geraniin - -- -- -- -- - u 0 80 Gossypiin --------- u 2 50 ■ Hamamelin - -- -- -- -- II 1 25 ■ Helonin - -- -- -- -- - B 2 50 - - Powders. Hydrastin - -- -- -- -- per oz $2 00 Hyoscyamin --------- Irisin - -- -- -- -- -- 3 50 1 25 Jalapin ----------- Juglandin- - -- -- -- -- Leontodin --------- • 3 50 1 00 2 50 Leptandrin - -- -- -- -- ff 0 90 Lupulin - -- -- -- -- - II 1 00 Lycopin - -- -- -- -- - II I 50 Macrotin - -- -- -- -- - H 0 75 Menispennin - -- -- -- - 1 50 Myricin - -- -- -- -- - Phytolacin - -- -- -- -- 0 80 1 50 •---■ Podophyllin - - -- -- -- - II 0 75 Populin - II 1 00 Prunin - -- -- -- -- -- II 1 00 Rhein - -- -- -- -- -- It 3 50 Rhusin ----------- It 1 25 Rumin - -- -- -- -- -- II 1 50 ■---- Sanguinarin - -- -- -- -- II 1 25 Scuteliarin - -- -- -- -- II 2 00 Senecin - -- -- -- -- - It 1 75 Smilacin - -- -- -- -- - Stillingin - -- -- -- -- - Trilliin ----------- Veratrin - -- -- -- -- - - Viburnin - -- -- -- -- - Xanthoxylin- • 2 25 1 00 2 50 2 00 1 75 Discount on Concentrated Medicines 30 per cent. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 19 Pharmaceutical Preparations, MANUFACTURED BY JOHN WYETH & BRO., Philadelphia. We take pleasure in calling attention to the Pharmaceutical products of Messrs. Wyeth & Bro. We have for several years sold them with great satisfaction, and confidently recommend them to our friends as prepara- tions of superior character. ELIXIRS. ELIXIR BISMUTH. Per gallon - - - - $6 00 | Quart bottles, each - $1 75 5 pint bottles, each - 4 00 | Per doz. pints - - 11 00 ELIXIR BROMIDE CALCIUM. Per gallon, - - $8 00 j Per quart, - - - - $2 50 5 pint bottles, each 5 50 | Per doz. pints, - - 15 00 ELIXIR BROMIDE POTASSIUM. Per gallon - - ' - - $8 00 | Quart bottles, each $2 50 5 pint bottles, each - 5 50 | Per doz. pints - - 15 00 ELIXIR BROMIDE SODIUM. Per gallon - - - - $8 00 | Quart bottles, each $2 50 5 pint bottles, each - 5 50 | Per doz. pints - - 15 00 ELIXIR CINCHONJE (CALISAYA). Per gallon - - - - $4 25 | Quart bottles, each $1 25 5 pint bottles, each - 3 00 | Per doz. pints - - 8 00 FERRATED ELIXIR CINCHONAS (Calisaya). Per gallon - - - - $5 00 | Quart bottles, each $1 45 5 pint bottles, each - 3 50 | Per doz. pints - - 10 00 ELIXIR CALISAYA BARK, IRON and BISMUTH. Per gallon - - - - $5 00 | Quart bottles, each $1 45 5 pint bottles, each - 3 50 | Per doz. pints - - 10 00 ELIXIR CALISAYA BARK, IRON and STRYCHNIA. Per gallon - - - - $5 00 | Quart bottles, each $1 45 5 pint bottles, each - 3 50 | Per doz. pints - - 10 00 ELIXIR CALISAYA BARK, IRON, PEPSIN AND BISMUTH. Per gallon, - - - $14 00 | Per quart, - - - $3 75 5 pint bottles, each, 9 00 | Per doz. pints, - - 24 00 ELIXIR CALISAYA BARK, IRON, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNIA. Per gallon. - - - $6 00 Per quart. - - - $1 75 5 pint bottles, each - 4 00 | Per dozen pints - 11 00 ELIXIR CITRATE LITIIIA. Per gallon, - - - $10 CO 1 Per quart, - - - $3 00 5 pint bottles, each - 7 00 | Per dozen pints, - 20 00 ELIXIR CORYDALIS COMP. Per gallon. - - - - $1 25 1 Per quart. - - - - $1 25 5 pint bottles, each - 3 00 | Per doz. pints, - - 8 00 FERRATED CORDIAL ELIXIR. Per gallon - - - - $4 25 1 Quart bottles, each $125 5 pint bottles, each - 3 00 I Per doz. pints - - 8 00 KT.TXTR GENTIAN WITH TINCTURE CHLORIDE OF IRON. Per gallon, - - - - $4 25 1 Per quart, - - - $1 25 5 pint bottles, each - 3 00 | Per dozen pints, - 8 00 ELIXIR GENTIAN FERRATED. Per gallon - - - - $4 25 | Quart bottles each, $1 25 5 pint bottles, each - 3 00 | Per doz, pints - - 8 00 ELIXIR GUARANNA. Per doz. pints, - - - $24 00 ELIXIR MATICO COMP. Per gallon, - - - $5 00 1 Per quart, - - - $1 45 5 pint bottles, each - _ 3 50 | Per doz. pints, - - 10 00 ELIXIR PYROPHOSPHATE IRON. Per gallon - - - - $5 00 1 Quart bottles, each $1 45 5 pint bottles, each - 3 50 | Per doz. pints - - 10 00 ELIXIR PHOSPHATE IRON, QUININE AND STRYCHNIA. Per gallon $14 00 1 Quart bottles, each $3 75 5 pint bottles, each - 9 00 | Per doz. pints - 22 00 ELIXIR PYROPHOSPHATE IRON, QUININE AND ARSENIC. Per gallon. - - - $14 00 1 Quart bottles, each $3 75 5 pint bottles, each - 9 00 | Per doz. pints, - - *4 00 ELIXIR OF THE PHOSPHATES AND CALISAYA. (Chemical Food with Cinchona.) Per gallon, - - - $4 25 | Per quart, - - - -$l 25 5 pint bottles, each - $3 00 | Per doz. pints - - 8 00 ELIXIR PEPSIN AND BISMUTH. Per gallon - - - - $12 00 5 pint bottles, each - 8 00 ) Per quart - - - - $3 50 Per doz. pints - - 22 00 ELIXIR PEPSIN, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNIA. Per gallon - - - - $14 00 1 5 pint bottles, each - 9 00 | Quart bottles, each $3 75 Per doz. pints - - 24 00 ELIXIR PEPSIN, BISMUTH, STRYCHNIA AND IRON. Per gallon - - - - $14 00 1 5 pint bottles, each - 9 00 | Per quart - - - - $3 75 Per doz. pints - - 24 00 ELIXIR PEPSIN BISMUTH & CALISAYA BARK. Per gallon - - - - $14 00 5 pint bottles, each - 9 00 Per quart - - - - $3 75 Per doz. pints - - 24 00 ELIXIR TARAXACUM COMP. Per gallon - - - $4 25 5 pint bottles, each - 3 CO 1 Per quart, - - - $1 25 | Per dozen pints - - 8 00 ELIXIR VALERIANATE OF AMMONIA. Per gallon - - - - $6 00 5 pint bottles, each - 4 00 1 Quart bottles, each $1 75 | Per doz. pints - - 11 00 ELIXIR VALERIANATE AMMONIA & QUININE. Per gallon - - - - $14 00 5 pint bottles, each - 9 00 1 Quart bottles, each $3 75 | Per doz. flints - - 24 00 ELIXIR VALERIANATE OF STRYCHNIA. Per gallon - - - - $4 25 1 5 pint bottles, each - 3 00 | Quart bottles, each $1 25 Per doz. pints - - 8 00 ELIXIR VALERIANATE MORPHIA. Per gallon, - - - - 4 25 1 5 pint bottles, each - 3 00 | Per quart, - - - $1 25 Per doz. pints - - - 8 00 ELIXIR VALERIANATE ZINC. Per gallon, - - - $5 00 1 5 pint bottles, each 3 50 | Per quart, - - - $1 45 Per doz. pints, - - 10 00 PREPARATIONS OF BEEF. BEEF AND WINE. Per gallon - - - - $4 25 5 pint bottles, each - 3 00 | Per quart - - - - $1 25 | Per doz. pints - - 8 00 BEEF, WINE AND IRON. Per gallon - - - - $4 25 5 pint bottles, each - 3 00 1 Per quart - - - - $1 25 | Per doz. pints - - 8 80 BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CINCHONA. Per gallon - - - - $5 00 5 pint bottles, each - 3 50 Per quart - - - - $1 45 Per doz. pints - - 10 00 SYRUPS. COMPOUND SYRUP PHOSPHATES. (Chemical Food.) Per gallon - - - - $5 00 | Quart bottles, each $1 45 5 pint bottles, each - 3 50 | Per doz. pints - 10 00 COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. (Churchill's.) Per gallon - - - - $5 00 5 pint bottles, each - 3 50 Quart bottles, each $1 45 | Per doz. pints - - 10 00 COMP. SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES AND IRON. Per gallon - - - - $5 00 5 pint bottles, each - 3 5C 1 Quart bottles, each $1 45 | Per doz. pints - - 10 00 SYRUP SUPERPHOSPHATE OF IRON. Per Gallon - - - $4 25 1 5 pint bottles, each 3 00 | Per quart - - - - $1 25 Per doz. pints - - 8 00 SYRUP LACTO PHOS. LIME. Per gallon - ■ - - $8 00 5 pint bottles, each - 5 50 1 Per quart - - - - $2 50 | Per doz. pints - - 15 00 20 SYRUP LACTOPHOSPHATE IRON. Per gallon, - - - $8 00 1 Quart bottles, each $2 50 5 pint bottles, each 5 50 [ Per doz. pints, - - 15 00 SYRUP LACTOPHOSPHATE IRON AND LIME. Per gallon, - - - - $8 00 1 Per quart, - - - $2 50 5 pint bottles, each 5 50 | Per doz. pints, - - 15 00 COMP. SYRUP OF THE LACTOPHOSPHATES. (Lime, Iron, Soda and Potash.) Per gallon. - - - $10 00 1 Per quart, - - - - 3 00 5 pint bottles, each, - 7 00 | Per doz. pints, - - 20 00 SYRUP LACTOPHOSPHATE LIME AND PEPSIN. Per gallon - - - - $12 00 | Per quart - - - - $3 50 5 pint bottles, each - 8 00 | Per doz. pints- - - 22 00 SYRUP IODIDE OF LIME. Per gallon - - - $8 00 | Quart bottles, each $2 50 5 pint bottles, each - 5 50 | Per doz. pints, - - 15 00 SYRUP PHOSPHATE IRON, QUININE AND STRYCHNIA. Per gallon, - - - $14 (X) | Quart bottles, each $3 75 5 pint bottles, each - 9 00 | Per doz. pints - - 24 00 COMP. SYRUP PHOSPHATE OF MANGANESE. Per gallon - - - $9 60 1 Quart bottles, each $2 75 5 pint bottles, each - 6 50 | Per doz. pints - - 17 50 JACKSON'S PECTORAL SYRUP. Per doz. 4 oz. bottles $3 00 1 Per gross, 4 oz. hot. $30 00 Per gallon - - - - 5 001 SYRUP CHLORAL HYDRAT Per gallon - - - - $8 00 1 Quart bottles, each $2 50 5 pint bottles, each - 5 50 | Per doz. pints - - $15 00 LIQ. BISMUTH. 5 pint bottles, each $4 00 | Per doz. pints - - 11 00 LIQUOR PEPSIN2E. Per gallon - - - - $7 00 | Quart bottles, each $190 5 pint bottles, each - 4 50 [ Per doz. pints - - - 12 00 WINES. WINE OF PEPSIN. (Made from the Stomach of the Pig.) Per gallon - - - - $8 00 | Quart bottles, each - $2 50 5 pint bottles, each - 5 50 | Per doz. pints - - 15 00 BITTER WINE OF IRON. Per gallon - - - - $5 00 | Quart bottles, each - $1 45 5 pint bottles, each - 3 50 1 Per doz. pints - - - 10 00 WINE OF WILD CHERRY BARK. Per gallon - - - - $4 50 1 Per quart - - - » $1 35 5 pint bottles, each - 3 25 | Per doz. pints - - 9 00 FERRATED WINE OF WILD CHERRY BARK. Per gallon - - - - $5 00 | Per quart - - - - $1 45 5 pint bottles, each - 3 50 | Per doz. pints - - 10 00 WINE OF ERGOT. 5 pint bottles, each 7 00 | Per doz. pints - - $20 00 WINE OF CALISAYA. 5 pint bottles, each $3 00 | Per dozen pints - $8 00 PREPARATIONS OF COD LIVER OIL. COD LIVER OIL, (Manufactured by Marvin Brothers & Bartlett, Portsmouth, N. H.) Per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- -- $7 00 TASTELESS COD LIVER OIL. Per gallon - - - - $4 25 | Per quart - - - - $1 25 5 pint bottles, each - 3 00 | Per doz. pints - - 8 00 TASTELESS COD LIVER OIL, FERRATED. Per gallon, - - - $4 25 1 Quart bottles, each - $t 25 5 pint bottles, each 3 00 | Per doz. pints, - - - 8 00 COD LIVER OIL WITH PHOSPHATE OF LIME. Per doz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $8 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. LACTO-PHOSPHATE OP LIME WITH COD LIVER OIL. Per doz. ------- $12 00 COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES. (Lime and Soda.) Per gallon - - - - $6 00 1 Quart bottles, each $1 75 5 pint bottles, each - 4 00 1 Per doz. pints - - 11 00 MISCELLANEOUS. COMP. FLUID EXT. BUCHU & PAREIRA DRAVA. Per gallon - - - $10 00 i Quart bottles, each $2 90 5 pint bottles, each 7 00 | Per doz. pints, - - 20 00 LCEFLUND'S CONCENTRATED LIEBIG'S FOOD, (For Infants.) Per dozen ------ LCEFLUND'S CONCENT. LIEBIG'S EXT. MALT. Per dozen ------ $6 00 P APOMA. Per gross ------- $36 00 SACCHARATED PEPSIN. Per ounce ------ $0 75 MEDICINAL PEARLS. Ter 1000 Per 1000 Chloroform - - - $8 00 Wormseed Oil, - - $12 00 Apiol ------ 30 00 Copaiba, - - - - - 7 50 Oleo-resin Cubebs 10 00 Oil Copaiba & Cubebs 10 00 Oil Turpentine. - - 6 00 Oil Sandal-wood, - 20 00 Each pearl contains live minims oil. We also manufacture a full list of Com- pressed Pills. Samples and lists sent on application. GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. (Manufactured by Alfred Bishop, London. Grains in 4 oz. Drachm. doz. Bromide Ammonium - - ------ 2 $6 00 Citrate Bismuth - - - 8 50 Carlsbad Salts (as the natural water). - - 7 0C Nitrate of Cerium - - - ------ 2 8 50 Citrate Cinchona, - - - ------- 11 6 00 Citrate Cinchona and Iron J Cinchona, 11 ( ' 1 Iron, 1 ) ------ 2 6 50 Bromide Iron - - - - - 8 50 Carbonate Iron - - - - ------ 2 5 00 Citrate Iron ----- ------ 2 5 00 Iodide Iron, ----- Phosphate Iron - - - - ------ i 7 i 0 5 50 Kissingen (as the natural water), - - - 5 00 Citrate Lithia ----- 12 00 Magnesia Aperient (printed directions and dose) 4 00 Benzoate Potassa, - » - ------ 2 8 50 Bi-carbonate Potassa - - ------ 4 5 (X) Citrate Potassa, - - - - ------ )o 7 50 Nitrate Potassa, - - - _ 5 00 Bromide Potassium - - ------ 2 6 (X) Iodide Potassium - - - ------ 2 6 00 Soda Cit. Tart. - - - - 5 00 Pullna Salts (as the natural water) - - - 5 00 Citrate Quinine - - - - ------ 1 10 50 Citrate Quinine and Iron, - - - - - each 1 11 00 Seldlitz (officinal strength) 5 (X) Iodide Sodium - - - - ------ 11 water) - - - 6 00 Vichy Salts (as the natural 5 00 Seltzer - - _ 5 00 Citrate Magnesia, - - - 5 00 Pepsin and Bismuth, j Sacch. Pepsin, 5 ) 'I Cit. Bismuth, 2 f 9 00 Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnia, - - - _ 1 Sacch. Pepsin,5 4 Cit. Bismuth 2 > ( Strychnia, 1-100 ) ( Phosph. Iron, 2 ) X Quinine, 1 (Strychnia, 1-00) 10 00 Orthophosphate Iron, Qui- nine and Strychnia, - - 10 00 FRESH HUMANIZED AND BOVINE VACCINE ALWAYS ON HAND FROM RELIABLE PHYSICIANS. The name of the Physician always accompanies the crust, so that the source of all vaccine received by us may be known. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 21 Patent Medicines, Proprietary Articles, &c. Acid Phosphate. Horsford's ----- doz. $5 50 Aperient, Cumming's Seidlitz ----- II 0 50 Fish's Saratoga, (see advt) - - II Trial size - - n 4 oil Tarrant's Seltzer ------ n 8 00 Alterative, Jayne's - -- -- -- -- n 7 50 Anodyne, Hunnewell's Tolu ----- it 3 75 Sand's Clove ------- ti 1 75 Townley's - -- -- -- - Ambrosia, Sterling's - -- -- -- - ii 1 65 8 00 Ring's- - -- -- -- -- u 6 25 Alleviator, Brigg's Corn ------- ii 4 00 Annihilator, Walcott's, 50c. size - ( New $1.00 » - f Style. tf 4 00 n 8 00 Antidote, Watts' Nervous ------ n 7 50 Assimilant, Brown's - -- -- -- - 15 00 Balsam,Alien's Lung - -- -- -- - H 7 00 Arnold's - -- -- -- -- - H 1 92 Blackman's, small ------ large- ------ 3 25 6 50 Brown's Acacian ------- 8 00 Cheeseman's - -- -- -- - II 3 75 Coe's Cough --------- •-- Denton's - -- -- -- -- - 2 75 1 75 Hall's - -- -- -- -- -- If 7 50 Hill's, of Honey ------- II 1 00 Hyatt's - -- -- -- -- - II 8 25 Porter's 25c. --------- II 1 90 50c.- -------- n 3 80 75c.- - -- -- -- - n 5 70 Peckham's - -- -- -- -- ti 2 60 Pettit's Canker ------- n 1 60 Roman Eye - -- -- -- -- ii 1 75 Rush's Lung - -- -- -- - n 8 00 Veg. Pul. R. & C. ------- n 4 00 Saw en's Cough - ------- it 3 00 Seabury's Cough, small - - - - ii 1 80 large ----- n 3 60 Turlington's - -- -- -- - it 1 (Ml Wistar's Wild Cherry ----- it 8 00 small - - - it 4 0 i Balm, Cooper's- - -- -- -- -- - it 1 90 Hagan's Magnolia ------- n 5 25 Miller's ----------- n 1 90 Barley, Robinson's, Patent ------ n I 40 Bitters, Atwood's- - -- -- -- -- Boker's - -- -- -- -- - 15 00 Drake's Plantation ------ n 8 50 Hartshorn's - -- -- -- -- n 6 50 Hostetter's - -- -- -- -- it 8 50 Hoofland's - -- -- -- -- n 8 00 Langley's 35c. size ------ it 3 (M) -75c. « ii 6 00 $1 n 8 00 Moffat's - -- -- -- -- - ii 7 50 Porter's 25c. size ------- n 1 90 50c.. » ------- n 3 80 Walker's Vinegar - ------ Rush's - -- -- -- -- -- it 8 75 Buchu, L., M. & G., 6 oz. bottles - - - - it 7 50 Helmbold's - -- -- -- -- n 9 75 and Iron. Rush's ------- it 8 00 Benzine, Hegeman's - -- -- -- - ti 1 50 L„ M. & G., 4oz. ------ 1 00 Pratt's - -- -- -- -- - n 1 50 Sylvester's --------- n 1 00 Beer, Brewer's Home Made ------ ti 1 75 Bloom of Youth, Laird's ------- it 5 50 Roses, Hunt's ------- 7 00 Bluing, Van Deusen's, small ----- gross 2 50 large ----- a 3 75 Tiemann's small ------- n 2 50 large ------- a 4 25 Bronchials, Browns - -- -- -- -- n 18 00 Bromo Chloralum - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 80 Candy, Hamilton's Cough ------ a 1 00 Hill's Slippery Elm ------ 0 1 75 Catholicon, Marchisi's -------- n 15 00 Marshall's -------- n 9 00 Carminative, Dalby's - -- -- -- - Jayne's - -- -- -- - t> 1 00 H 2 75 Capsules, Dundas, Dick & Co's. 5 00 Bals. Cop. - -- -- -- -- n -with Oil Cubebs - - H 7 00 Matico Cub. and Cop. - - - - V 7 00 Capsules, Oil Male Fern ------- Oil Sandal - -- -- -- -- doz. 5 00 15 00 Capsules, Mathey Caylus. (See French Med. Prep., page 24.) Capsules, Planten's. Copaib, No. 1, (1 doz. in box) - - fl $1 00 2, (2 « » ) - - If 1 75 3, (3 " • ) - - u 2 60 -- Cub. & Cop., No. 1 - - - - - - ti 1 60 0 3 00 3- - . _ _ _ n 4 25 Purified Tar, No. 3- ----- n 3 00 Oil of Turpentine, No. 3 - - - - 3 00 i Norway Cod Liver Oil, No. 3 - - If 3 50 Amm. Cit. Iron and Cop, No. 2 - If 3 - II 3 50 Eth. Oil Cubeb and Cop., No. 2 - II I 3 . tl 3 50 |- Jujube Paste (empty) - - - - If 4 50 Planten's Improved French (in vials containing 72 capsules.) Copaiba Balm ------- 4 50 Copaib, Oil Cul.jbs, Turpentine, II Iron and Sarsap. n 6 00 I Oil Cop. and Oil Cubeb - - - - n 7 00 1 Oil Cubebs- - -- -- -- - it 7 00 Copaib and Matico ------ it 7 00 Matico - -- -- -- -- - n 7 00 Oil Sandalwood, l-10th Oil Cassia ii 12 00 Capsules, Queru's. Copaib. No. 1 - ------- it 92 A - - - - - - - - ti 1 67 3- ------- u 2 50 and Cubeb, No. 1 - - - ti 1 42 2 fl 2 75 Q - Capsules, Raquin's (see French Med. Prep, page 24). Camphorine ------------ n 1 90 Camphor Ice, Hegeman's ------- 1 75 Cantharidine, Brown's -------- n 11 50 Castoria - -- -- -- -- -- -- ii 2 75 Cement, Ede's - -- -- -- -- -- n 1 75 Freese's - -- -- -- -- - n 1 50 Brown's Chinese ------ ii 1 75 Hunnewell's Opal ------ ii 1 75 Cerate, Weaver's - -- -- -- -- - ti 3 00 Chlorodyne, Brown's, small ------ ii 5 00 med - - - - - - n 13 50 large ------ n 22 00 Cholagogue, Osgood's - -- -- -- - n 13 00 Cordial, Fosgate's- - -- -- -- -- n 2 75 Foord's Tonic -------- ii 2 50 Godfrey's - -- -- -- - n 75 ■ Wishart's 75c. size ------ it 5 00 tl.CO " ------ n 10 00 Cocoaine, Burnett's - -- -- -- -- it 7 50 Cream Gouraud's Oriental ------ ii 12 00 Comedone, Perry's - -- -- -- -- ii 14 00 Cold Cream, Patey's - -- -- -- - ii 1 88 Colorific - -- -- -- -- -- -- ti 7 00 Comfits, Bi own's Vermifuge ----- n 1 50 Compound, Poland's White Pine - - - - n 7 50 Clark's Anti-Bilious - - - - ti 7 50 Confection, Holloway's Worm - - - - - n 1 50 Van Deiisen's Worm - - - - ii 1 50 Cosmoline, 5 lb. cans - -- -- -- - lb. Cough Killer, Arnold's ------- doz. 1 85 Cure, Ayer's Ague - -- -- -- -- II 8 00 Coe's Dyspepsia -------- It 7 50 Dillow's Heave - -- -- -- - II 2 60 12 00 for Consumption, Piso's ----- ti 7 75 small - - n 3 88 Tailcot's Magic - -- -- -- - u 7 75 Rossman's Pile - -- -- -- - n 3 75 Upham's Meat - -- -- -- - ii 7 75 Wilton's Catarrh ------- 0 3 75 Deadshot, Dutcher's - -- -- -- - n 1 85 Peery's, for Worms - - - - - H 1 65 Dentine, Calder's- - -- -- -- -- n 1 75 Dendan, Vincent's - -- -- -- -- t 3 50 Dermador, Anderson's, 25c. ------ n 1 85 50c. - - - - - - H 3 70 Destroyer, Hutchinson's Worm - - - - If 1 60 Discovery, Kennedy's Medical ----- H 12 50 Pierce's - -- -- -- -- n 8 OQ Matico Cub. and Cop. 22 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Dressing, Brown's French ------ doz. $1 .5 Drops, Bardott's Worm ------- ff 2 00 Bateman's - -- -- -- -- ff 88 Brummell's Cough ------- u 1 20 Marshall's Tar - -- -- -- - n 1 75 Pike's Toothache - - - - - - - n 1 60 Dye Colors, Howe & Stevens' large - - - n 1 88 small - - - n 1 10 Liquid, Fuelling's Star - - - u 1 67 Leamon's - - ----- n 1 65 Eau Angelique, Delluc - ■ ----- u 7 50 Electro Silicon - -- -- -- -- -- ff 1 25 Electuary, Upham's Pile ------- u 7 20 Embrocation, Boche's - -- -- -- - n 18 00 Elixir, Downs', 35c. size ------- n 2 75 Calisaya, Caswell & Hazard's- - - n 9 00 Delluc's ------- n 12 00 Hegeman's ------ H 10 00 L.,M. &G. ------ gal. 3 50 and Iron, L., M. & G. - - ff 4 00 and Bismuth, 1 L„ M. & G. f ff 4 00 --McMunn's, of Opium ----- doz 3 35 Nichols', Bark and Iron - - - - ff 8 00 Emulsion, Pancreatic, Savory & M., small ff ( 9 00 med. " o 8 16 50 large » tn (31 00 Essence of Life, Moore's ------- ff 1 75 Exterminator, Costar's Rat ------ ff 1 50 Parson's Rat ------ ff 1 50 Extract, Brown's Valerian ------ ff 3 25 --of Dandelion & Sarsap., for Beer, ff (Brewers)- - -- -- -- - 1 75 ---Carter's Smartweed, small - - - ff 3 40 large - - - ff 6 80 Hays' Ginger Ale, pints - - - - ff 18 00 Hoff's Malt --------- ff 4 00 Pinus Canad, Kennedy's, pints - ff 13 00 1 _ ff 7 00 Knapp's, of Roots ------ ff 2 50 Meat, Liebig's, pounds (La Plata) ff [26 50 - i lbs. ------ ff rtf J 14 25 •-i lbs.- - - - - - » o ] 7 50 J-lbs.- ----- » M I 4 00 Ponds, 6 oz. - -- -- -- - If 3 75 pints - -- -- -- - * 7 50 quarts ------- ff 15 00 Tarrant's, of Cub. and Cop. - - ff 8 (10 Expectorant, Jayne's - -- -- -- - ff 7 50 Food, Mocking Bird - -- -- -- - * 3 50 Loeflund's - -- -- -- -- - ff 6 00 Savory & M. Infant ------- ff 3 75 Fly Paper, Dutcher's - -- -- -- - quire 0 50 Battelle's - -- -- -- - gross 3 00 Hartshorne's ------- hund. 2 50 Tinker's sticky, best article of the kind, 50 sheets in box - box 1 50 Fumigators, Perrine's, 25c. ------ doz. 1 65 $1.00- ----- It 8 00 Ginger, Brown's Ext. Jamaica - - - - - If 3 75 Ballards Ext. Jamaica - - - - - ff 3 25 Glue, Spalding's - -- -- -- -- - ff 1 75 Glycerine, Pearl's White, small - - - - ff 5 50 large ----- w 11 00 Groats, Robinson's - -- -- -- -- ff 1 40 Hair Dye, Bachelor's, $1.00 size - - - - ff 7 75 Briest's - -- -- -- -- II 4 00 Buckingham's ------- II 3 75 Cristadoro's, $1.00 size - - - - If 7 75 Egyptian - -- -- -- -- II 7 00 Hambleton's ------- n 8 50 Hill's ---------- if 4 00 Mathews' - -- -- -- - ff 5 50 --- Miller's - -- -- -- -- ff 3 65 Russian - -- -- -- -- ff 3 75 • Coloring, Heimstreet's, 50c. - - - - ff 3 50 It 6 75 n 5 75 Honey of Horehound and Tar, Hale's - - « 4 00 Insect Powder, Persian, 4 oz. bots. - - - If 2 75 2 oz. bots. - - - It 1 75 Imperial Granum, small ------ u 6 00 large, ------ II 10 00 Invigorator, Sanford's Liver ----- ff 8 75 Jelly, Queru's Cod Liver Oil- - - - - - ff 8 00 Juniper Tar, Forrest's - -- -- -- - ff 2 25 Kathairon, Lyons' - -- -- -- -- ff 3 60 Kalliston, Burnett's- - -- -- -- - ff 7 50 King, Watson's Neuralgia ------ ff 7 50 Lemonade, Portable, Mathews, J lbs. - - ff 2 50 pounds - ff 3 75 Life for the Hair, Chevalier's ----- If 6 75 Liniment, Alien's N, & B- -- -- -- 0 1 60 Burdsall's Arnica- ----- n 3 00 ■ Centaur, 50c. ------- n 3 75 $1.00 - - - - ff 7 50 Hammond's ---- - - - - ff 3 75 Hay's - -- -- -- -- - ff 5 50 'Hunt's - -- -- -- -- - ff 3 50 Liniment, Jadwin's Subduing ----- doz. *1 90 Jayne's - -- -- -- -- // '3 75 Johnson's Anodyne - - - _ ff 2 75 Kellinger's, small ----- ff 1 80 med. ----- H 3 60 large ----- II 7 20 Kennedy's Rheumatic - - - - 3 85 Scattering - - - _ II 7 75 Laubach's - -- -- -- - If 3 00 Low's - -- -- -- -- - II 3 00 Mustang, small ------ n 1 85 med. ------ ti 3 70 large ------ it 7 40 Sweets, small ------- n 3 00 large ------- ii 6 00 Tobias', small ------- n 4 00 large ------- a 8 0() horse ------- 1! 9 00 Thorn's Arnica & Chloroform - II 2 50 Lithontriptic, Vaughan's - ------ If 7 75 Liquor Opii Sed. Battley's ------ lb. 10 00 Lotion, Church's- - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 (Ml Perry's Moth & Freckle - - - - II 15 00 Lozenges, Bennett's Worm ------ ft 1 75 Brockedon's Bi-Carb. Soda - - II 4 00 II Purdon'sWorm ------ n 1 ?A Hill's Slippery Elm - - - _ - II 1 75 -Chlo. Potass, Hegeman's - - - ft 1 75 Caswell & Hazard's n 1 75 L., M. & G. - - - ii 1 50 German Cathartic ----- n 2 00 Harrison's Peristaltic, small - 2 35 Jackson's Pectoral ----- it 1 67 Keating's - -- -- -- - ii 6 00 Wistar's, L., M. & G. - - - - n 1 00 Liverwort, Nowill's Honey ------ H 2 50 Mixture, Aspinwall's Tonic ------ n 12 00 Magnesia, Ellis's Calcined- ------ n 3 00 Citrate, solution Ellis's - - - n 2 60 ■ Hegeman's n 2 60 granular, Herring's - - lb. 1 50 4 oz. bottles ----- J Husband's, Calcined- - - - - n 3 00 Henry's genuine ------ n 9 75 Murray's Fluid ------ ii 4 00 Philips' Milk of, small - - - - ii 4 00 large - - - - n 8 00 Roger's Cit. Drj' ------ it 2 50 Meen Fun, Hobbs' - -- -- -- -- n 1 00 Nervine, Dodd's - -- -- -- -- - 11 7 50 Oatmeal, Robinson's - -- -- -- - lb. 0 14 Oil, British, - -- -- - __ doz. 0 75 Cod Liver, Burnett's - - - - _ _ _ It 7 ?'O Caswell & Hazard's - - - If 6 75 DeJongh's - - - gold n 8 00 Fougera's lodinized - - - ii 12 00 Hegeman's ------ n 6 75 Lazell, Marsh & G's - - - n 6 00 Marvin's ------- ii 6 50 Moller's ------- n 6 f.0 Nichol's ------- n 7 50 Wilbor's, with Lime - - - n 8 50 Willson's Carbolated - - ii 7 75 DeGrath's Electric, 50c. - - - - - - ii 3 75 *1.00 ----- it 7 50 Gargling, 25c. - -- -- -- -- n 1 90 50c. --------- n 8 85 $1.00 --------- n 1 70 Harlem, imported - -- -- -- - H 0 50 Hamlin's Wizard, small - ----- n 3 80 large ------ ii 7 60 Page's Arnica - -- -- -- -- ii 1 70 Renne's, small - -- -- -- -- n 1 80 large - -- -- -- -- n 7 20 Thomas's Electric, small - - - - - ii 3 75 large ----- ii 7 50 Sewing Machine, Crystal ----- ii 1 50 Powell's ----- ii 1 75 Torrey's ----- ii 1 75 - Wells'- - - - - - n 1 75 Ointment, Bowyer's Spikenard - - - - u 1 65 Brown's, O. Phelps ----- ii 4 00 Butt's Imperial ------ n 1 75 Carbolic Balm ------- it 1 55 Gray's - -- -- -- -- - n 1 60 Green Mountain ------ ll 1 60 Hieskell's - -- -- -- - ii 3 75 Holloway's 35c. ------ if 2 00 88c. ------ n 4 75 *1.40 - - - - - - n 7 50 -Kennedy's S. R., 50c. - - - - n 3 85 Scrofula, *1.00 - - H 8 00 Healing, 50c. - - - II 3 85 Kiersted's - -- -- -- - n 2 75 --• -McAlister's - -- -- -- - ii 1 75 Osborn's Golden ------ ii 1 fO Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 23 Ointment, Perry's Family- ------ doz. $175 Physic's Camphor ----- n 1 75 Russells Itch, 25c. ----- ti I 75 S. Rheum, 50c. - - - ii 3 75 Sloan's, 25c. - -- -- -- - n 1 60 Tanner's German- ----- u 1 60 Taylor's Indian ------ it 1 35 Trask's, 25c. -------- it 1 95 40c.- ------- ti 2 90 Terrell's - -- -- -- -- n 1 60 Wheaton's Itch ------ tt 3 75 Opodeldoc, Liquid - -- -- -- -- n 1 12 Steer's - -- -- -- -- n J 12 Panacea. Baker's Pain, small ----- n 1 88 med. ----- ti 3 75 large ----- u 7 50 Swaim's - -- -- -- -- n 18 00 Pain Extractor, Dailey's ------- n 1 88 1 88 -50c.' ------- ii 3 75 $1.00 ------- n 7 50 Paint, Wolcott's, 25c. ------ n 2 00 Paste, Chichester's Rat ------- it 1 50 Pastilles de Paris, - -- -- -- -- n 2 50 Kidder's Asthmatic ----- n 2 75 Sawyer's ---------- ii 2 50 Paper, Gayetty's - -- -- -- -- - ii 4 00 -Star - -- -- -- -- -- - it 2 50 Singer's Gravel - -- -- -- - n I 80 Pepsin, Hawley's American, ozs. - - - - 0 6 60 lbs. - - - - lb. 8 00 -- Saccharated, L., M. & G. ozs. - - doz. 6 00 - lbs. - - lb. 7 00 - - Morson's - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 1 25 Porci, Morson's ------- II 3 50 Scheffer's, Saccharated - - - - - doz. 6 60 Pectoral, Ayer's Cherry ------- tt 8 00 Pellets, Pierce's Purgative ------ n 1 50 Prescription, Pierce's Favorite - - - - n 11 00 Pills, Ayer's - -- -- -- -- -- - n 1 50 in glass - -- -- -- -- ii 1 75 Brandreth's - -- -- -- -- - n I 25 Blair's Gout, oval. 34 in box - - - - ii 9 50 Bennett's- - -- -- -- -- - n 1 38 Brown's, O. Phelps ------- n 4 00 Cockle's - -- -- -- -- -- n 6 00 Cook's - -- -- -- -- -- - n 1 00 ---Deshler's - -- -- -- -- -- ii 8 00 Dean's Rheumatic ------- n 3 50 Grafenberg - -- -- -- -- - n 1 50 ----Helmbold's Grape ------- n 3 40 Holloway's, 35c. - -- -- -- - ii 2 00 Hoofland's - -- -- -- -- - n 1 85 Hooper's genuine English - - - - . n 6 00 English Imitation - - - - n American » - - - - ti 1 00 Herrick's - -- -- -- -- -- ii 1 50 Jayne's Sanative - -- -- -- - n 1 65 Judson's Mount. Herb ------ n 1 50 Lee's Windham - -- -- -- - n 1 50 Leidy's- - -- -- -- -- -- 1 75 Mott's Liver- - -- -- -- -- ii 1 50 McLane's - -- -- -- -- -- h 1 50 1 50 Morison's, Nos. 1 and 2 - - - - - - n 4 50 Parmlee's - -- -- -- -- - ti 1 60 Phinney's- - -- -- -- -- - ii 1 60 Page's Cough - -- -- -- -- n 1 50 Mandrake - -- -- -- - n 1 50 Parr's Life - -- -- -- -- - ii 1 75 Radway's - -- -- -- -- -- ii 1 50 Rush's - -- -- -- -- -- - ti 1 50 Shallenberger's- - -- -- -- - n 9 50 Soule's ------------ I! 1 50 Schenck's Mandrake- ------ w 1 50 --Spalding's - -- -- -- -- - n 1 50 Turner's Neuralgia ------- ii 7 50 Wright's Plain - -- -- -- -- a 1 44 S. C. --------- ii 1 50 Plasters, Allcock's Porous ------ gross. 14 50 Coddington's Capsicum, large - doz. 12 00 - - small - II 6 00 Ellis' Corn - -- -- -- -- 1 50 English Corn Felt ------ 1 1 25 Bunion ------- 1 75 Fougera's Mustard ----- 4 00 ---: Herrick's - -- -- -- -- » 1 50 Holloway's Arnica, small - - - If 1 00 med. - - - It 1 50 large - - - II 2 00 Husband's Isinglass ----- tt 6 75 .-- Littlefield's Isinglass - - - - tt 4 00 Morehead's Magnetic - - - - tt 1 85 Bobbin's Isinglass - ----- 6 50 Surgeon's Adhesive 6 00 Wells, 20c. - -- -- -- - I' 1 25 ■ 25c. - 1 67 40c. -------- 2 25 Powder. Persian Insect. 4 oz. bots. - - - 2 75 Powder, Persian Insect, 2 oz. bots. - - - doz. $1 75 Foutz'Am. Condition - - - » 1 60 Harvell's Condition - - - - - II 1 50 Knowles' Insect - - - _ II 1 75 Lyon's Magnetic - - _ _ II 1 85 Punderson's Condition - - - - ff 1 50 Sheridan's Condition- - - II 1 60 Sloan's Condition - - - - II 1 50 Stafford's Iron and Sulphur - - II 7 50 Tobias' Condition - - - - II 2 00 Polish, Houchin's Starch, 13c. - - - II 1 00 25c.- - - tl 2 00 Prolactea, Peabody's ------ II 8 00 Prophylactic, Darby's ------ II 3 75 Remedy, Parley's Heave ----- II 1 50 Goodale's (latarrh - - - - II 7 00 Metcalf's Rheumatic - - - II 8 00 Sage's Catarrh ----- II 3 35 Seelye's Catarrh - - - - II 8 00 Velpeau's ------- II 3 50 Whitcomb's Asthma - - - - - tl 11 50 William's Asthma - - - - It 5 50 Restorer, Gray's Hair ------ II 6 50 ■ Hiawatha Hair ----- II 7 50 Rossetter's Hair - - - _ It 6 00 Alien's, New Style, $1.00 - - - It 6 75 No. 3 (See Zylobals.) II Ready Relief, Radway's ----- II 3 75 Resolvent, Radway's ------ II 8 50 Rennet, Liquid, Shinn's ----- tl I 67 Relief, Flagg's - -- -- -- -- II 3 75 Rosadalis, Lawrence's ------ n 10 00 Salve, Carbolic - -- -- -- -- n 1 60 Conklin's - -- -- -- - it 0 75 Griswold's - -- -- -- - n 1 65 Mitchell's Eye ------- ii 1 35 Page's Climax - ------ n 1 85 Pettit's Eye ------- n 1 50 Peleg White's ------- ii 0 75 Russia- - -- -- -- -- n 1 85 - Sawyer's --------- n 4 00 Smith's Magnetic ----- n 1 85 Sapolio- - -- -- -- -- -- ii 1 10 Hand - -- -- -- -- ii 1 00 Sarsaparilla, Ayer's ------- if 8 00 Bull's, John - - - - - n 8 50 Bristol's ------ tt 11 00 Helmbold's ----- it 9 50 and Iron. Rush's - - - - - n 8 00 Townsend's, Jacob - - - - n 10 00 Townsend's S. P. - - - n 10 00 Schnapps, Wolfe's, quarts- - - - - n 10 00 pints ----- it 5 50 Sinapine, Cooper's ------- it 1 75 Snuff, Cephalic - - -- -- -- - n 1 50 Durnos' Catarrh ------ it 1 95 Marshall's Catarrh ----- ii 2 00 Solvent, Houchin's Corn ----- ii 1 75 Sozodont - -- -- -- -- -- n 6 00 Specific, Reynold's Gout ----- it 17 50 Humphrey's, small, Nos. 1 to 15 - ti 1 75 medium - - - it 3 t0 large - - - - n 7 00 Searcher, Lindsay's Blood - - - - ii 7 25 Syrup, Constitution Life ----- n 10 50 Foord's Pectoral, 75c. - - - ii 4 75 $1.50 - - - n 9 50 Hastings, of Naptha - - - - n 7 50 Hooker's Cough- ----- n 2 60 New England Cough - - - - n 4 (0 Peruvian, $1 00 ------ n 8 00 $2.0' ------ n 16 00 Hive and Tolu, Ransom's - - - - ii 2 50 Liverwort, Tar and Canchalagu ii Roger's- -------- ii 7 75 Mitchell's, of Ipecac - - - - it 2 75 Scovill Blood ------- n 7 75 Schenck's Pulmonic - - - - - - n 12 00 Seller's Cough ------ ti 2 75 Weaver's Salt Rheum - - - ti 11 00 - Winslow's Soothing - - - - n 2 65 Winchester's Hypophos, large - - » 15 50 sm a 11 - - u 7 75 Svapnia ----------- OZ. 2 75 Sweet Quinine - -- -- -- -- ff 1 25 Tablets, Lyon's Tooth ------ doz. 3 65 Welling's Dyspepsia - - - ff 4 00 Tar, Stafford's Olive ------- ff 4 00 Tea, Kellogg's Wcrm ------ II 1 60 Beal's German ------- tl 1 80 Hamburg, Koenig's _ _ _ - It 1 75 Tincture, Norwood's Ver. Virid. - - - - H 12 00 Peek's " n - - - - ff 11 00 Tissue, Brown's Blistering - - - - n 11 50 Tonic, Delluc's Glycerine Hair - - - - ff 11 00 *-Hoofland's ------- n 12 00 Jayne's Hair ------- H 7 50 Schenck's Seaweed - - - - II 12 00 Tooth Powder. Thurston's, 25c. - - - - II 1 75 24 Tooth Powder, Thurston's, 50c. - - - - doz. 3 50 Wash, Burnett's ------- n 7 50 Tricopherous, Barry's - -- -- -- - it 3 60 Tripoli, Mount Eagle - -- -- -- - ii 60 Trix - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- jxross. 6 00 Troches, Brown's Bronchial ------ doz. 2 65 ■ Edey's Carbolic ------- ff 1 75 Jadwin's - -- -- -- -- It 1 75 Wells' Carbolic ------- If 2 00 Ursina, Savage's - -- -- -- -- - > 6 50 Vaseline, pure, 4 oz. bottles ------ ft 3 "5 1 lb. bottles ------ n 7 50 5 lb. cans ------- can 2 50 Vegetine - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 10 50 Vermifuge, B. A. Fahnstocks ----- 1 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Vermifuge, Jayne's --------- doz. £2 85 McLane's - -- -- -- - 1 50 Swaim's - -- -- -- - ft 2 00 Wafers, Bryan's Pulmonic ------ It 3 25 Wash, Helmbold's Rose ------- It 5 75 Water, Anders' Iodine -------- fl 8 00 Barnes' Magnolia- ------ It 7 20 Constitution- - -- -- -- - n 8 00 Florida, L. M. G. - - - - - - - it 5 50 Murray & Lanman - - - u 0 25 Thompson's Eye ------- it Wax of Antilles, Hunt's ------- n 3 75 Wine of Tar, Crook's - -- -- -- - n 7 50 Yeast Powders - -- -- -- -- - 2 25 Zylobalsamum, Alien's, New Style, 75c. - 3 50 French Medicinal Preparations. Prices in Gold, payable in Currency, with the addition of the premium of gold on the day of sale. Albespeyres' Blistering Tissue, 1 yd - - - - i " - - - Aubergier's Syrup of Lactucariu'm - - - Paste- - -- -- -- -- Belloc's Vegetable Charcoal- ----- Lozenges - - Blancard's Pills of Iodide of Iron, largo - small - Syrup _ _ - Bonjean's Ergo tine, in 1 oz. bottles - - - Boudault's Pepsine, put up in doses - - in 1 oz. bottles - - - ■ in bulk, per lb. - - - Elixir ------ doz. ff // u II II II II II II $10 00 6 00 10 00 5 00 7 00 5 00 9 00 5 00 7 50 30 00 7 00 12 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 22 00 7 50 6 00 9 00 9 00 13 50 4 00 14 00 7 00 8 00 4 25 2 50 0 50 10 50 5 75 4 00 2 00 10 00 4 00 13 00 8 00 13 00 8 00 5 00 2 50 9 00 5 00 12 00 0 50 6 75 8 00 5 50 11 25 10 00 8 00 8 00 4 50 4 00 2 25 Syrup ------ Wine- - - - - - - in 1 lb. bottles - Brou's Injection - -- -- -- -- - Bully's Vinegar- - -- -- -- -- - Chassaing's Pills of Pepsine and Diastase- Syrup • » Wine » » Collas' Benzine ----------- Dehaut's Purgative Pills, large- - - - - small - - - - De Jongh's Cod Liver Oil - ------ Delangrenier's Pate de Nafe d'Arabic, Ige. II II II n ii n n if ii Slrop 3I-' Racahout des Arabes - - Espic's Asthmatic Cigarettes - - - - - Fayard & Blayn's Rheumatic Paper, large Follet's Syrup of Chloral ------- Poucher's Vinaigre aromatique - - - - Fournier's Paullinia powder, large - - - small - - - Pills, large - - - - small - - - - Frank's (Dr.) Grains de Sante, large - - - small - - - Fruneau's Asthmatic Paper, large - - - .small - - - Gelis & Conte's Dragees Lactate of Iron, small Grimault & Co's Cod Liver Oil ----- - Guarana powder - - - Indian Cigarettes - - - Kousso Powder - - - - Matico Capsules - - - - Injection - - - Paullinia powder, - ii H II II H II It II n D it Pectoral paste, large - - • small - - n Grimault & Co's Pepsine powder, ini ozbot doz. $11 25 Elixir- - - - - II 10 00 - Syrup Horseradish, iodised tl 10 00 Hypophosphite of iron n 8 00 -- Mangan, and Iron - ii 7 25 Hogg's Cod Liver Oil (small size) - - - - n 12 00 Hottot's Dragees Lactate of Iron - - - - ii 7 00 Joret's Apiol Capsules, large ----- n 14 00 small ----- H 7 00 Labarraque's Liqd. Chlor, of Oxide of Sod. 7 00 Wine of Quinium - - - - 20 00 Lamouroux's Pectoral Syrup, large - - - 14 00 small - - - II 7 00 Lancelot's Asthmatic Cigarettes - - - - II 5 00 Sirop de Raifort iode - - - - n 9 00 Laroche's Elixir de Quinquina ----- n 15 00 Fcrrug - - it 15 00 Lartigue's Anti-gout Pills- ------ n 30 00 Laville's Anti-gout Liquor ------ ii 30 00 Pills ------- n 30 00 Lebel's Savonules of Pure Copaiva - - - ii 6 00 Cop. and Iron - - - - H 6 00 Cop. Cub. and Rhat - - n 6 00 Leras' Sol. Phos. of Soda and Iron - - - n 5 50 Leroy's Purgatif, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 - - - - - ii 19 00 Vomitif - -- -- -- -- - n 4 50 Mathey Caylus' Caps. Copaiva, &c. - - - n 6 75 Injection ------- it 6 75 Maous' Colcorame, (for corns) ----- ii 7 00 Mothe's Capsules, Copaiva, &c - - - - - ii 6 25 Pelletier's (de Lvon) Dragees de Santon - n 4 00 Elixir Odontalgique ----- H 10 00 - Odontine - -- -- -- -- II 10 00 Phillipe's Kousso ---------- II 25 00 Quevenne's Iron by Hydrogen with spoon 0 8 00 Dragees of Iron bv Hydrogen - n 11 00 Quevenne's Dragees of Iron by Hydrogen small - - - - - - - - t - - - - - 7 50 Raquin's Capsules of pure Copaiva - - - r- Copaiva and Iron - - - a 9 00 9 00 Cubebs- - a 9 00 Matico- - H 9 00 Regnault's Pectoral Paste, large - - - - ii 5 00 small - - - - 2 50 Ricord's Injection - -- -- -- -- n 9 00 Rigollot's Mustard leaves, Rolls or Square it 3 75 Vallet's Pills of proto Carb, of Iron, large n 8 50 small if 4 25 Vichy, Genuine Vichy Water, direct from the Springs, bv the case (50 bots.) it 16 00 Genuine Vichy Water, by the doz. u 4 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 25 Instruments,_ Syringes, Trusses, &c. Atomizers, Codman & Shurtleff's Steam - each $6 CO Boston - doz. 12 00 -Perfume II 12 00 Bandage Gum ----------- lb. 3 50 Bougies, English - doz. 1 50 olive pointed - - _ - II 5 tO French ---------- II 1 25 - Rectum- --------- II 12 00 Sea Tangle- - -- -- -- - n 9 00 Breast Pipes, Gid Style ------- a 3 00 New Style ------- ii 3 00 Straight -------- n 3 00 Hagerty's No. 1 - - - - - n 3 00 No. 2 - - - - - it 3 25 Pumps, Hagerty's Brass - - - - H 15 00 Metal - - - - II 8 50 Hard Rubber ----- II 14 00 Mattson's ------- II 15 00 - Meig's - -- -- -- - II 6 00 Needham's Alexandra - - n 14 00 Davidson's (bag) - - - - u 12 00 Delano's (bag) ----- u 9 00 Union, (bag) ------ It 10 00 Catheters, English - -- -- -- -- II 1 50 olive pointed - - » - II 5 50 French - -- -- -- -- n 1 25 Silver, Male - -- -- -- - each 1 75 Female ------- u 1 25 Combined ------ ii 3 00 Catheter Wires - -- -- -- -- - doz. 75 Caustic Holders, Hard Rubber, No. 1 - - If 3 50 No. 2 - - n 4 00 No. 3 - - n 4 50 No. 4 - - if 5 00 Cupping Cups, Glass - -- -- -- - it 1 25 Rubber Bulb ----- n 6 50 Dental Instruments, from the best facto- ries, at manufacturers' prices. Elastic Stockings, Silk - -- -- -- - each Linen -.----- n Cotton ------- Nasal Douche, Essex - -- -- -- - doz. :: $18 00 8 00 4 00 6 00 - Hagerty's ------- Pierce's ------- Lincoln's ------- Needles, Surgeons' - -- -- -- -- II 1 00 Pessaries, Hard Rubber, Bow ----- II 4 00 Concave 2 50 - Horseshoe - - - It 4 00 Glass, concave or globular - ■ 1 00 3 00 Soft Kubber, inflatable - - • II 4 50 inflated - - - - 4 50 POCKET CASES, PHYSICIANS'. No. VIALS, 16 2 dram DESCRIPTION. 428 Morocco Strap, gilt - - - doz. 13 50 528 20 2 " II II It - " - Il 16 00 529 4 24 « for the Vest Pocket - - - If 6 75 530 30 " Turkey Morocco Clasp - - If 20 OJ 531 24 1 Slide both ends, Morocco, - n 14 50 633 9 24 » 1 row of Vials, upright, - - ti 12 00 536 18 2i " 2 rows » » - - n 15 50 437 16 2 » Wood'n frame cov'd Morocco 13 50 20 2 fl H II II 15 50 540 16 14 ' Sheepskin, sewed - ' - - H 12 00 541 20 2 » II ' II - - II 13 50 544 16 2 Russet Leather Strap - - - II 10 00 644 20 2 n n - II 12 00 549 16 H » Portmonaie style, - - - - II 18 00 580 24 14 " 4 divisions, nicely gilt - - II 27 00 587 16 14 » Morocco, sewed, - - _ _ II 12 00 488 18 2 » n n - - - - II 13 50 588 20 2 n ii - II 15 00 589 20 4 Morocco, gilt strap - - - - II 23 00 590 20 4 Sheepskin, sewed - - - - II 22 00 591 18 14 » Portmonaie style - - - - II 20 On 594 24 2 II II - _ _ _ II 86 1'0 596 12 4 and 24 2-dram Vials, buggy II cases, good Morocco, with handle, ------- 1/ 60 00 600 24 2 Gilt numbers, ------ • 24 00 601 12 24 » and 8 6-dra'm Vials, best Tur- II key Morocco, ----- II 33 00 602 20 2 Wrapper Cases, ----- II 18 00 603 2 2 and 8 4-dram Vials, wrapper- case, - -- -- -- - and 7 4-dramVials and2 1-oz. II 20 00 604 10 2 It glass stop, bottles upright II case, -------- u 30 00 605 8 3 On one side, and2pockets for n powders on the other side, of best Russia leather - - n 30 00 606 16 3 » of best Russia leather - - » 33 00 608 20 24 " Box style ------- II 27 00 609 6 3 Wrapper case, red - - - - II 13 50 610 20 2 Sewed, red ------- II 15 50 611 10 3 Wrapper case, red - - - - II 15 50 612 12 3 » Wrapper ends, covered - - II 15 50 613 0 3 and 14 14 drams, vials red - 24 00 Pn jbangs, pla in - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 tipped - -- -- -- -- - II each 1 5'1 Scarificators - 4 00 Speculums, plain glass ------- doz. 2 50 glass reflecting ------ II 6 00 Shoulder Braces, Cutter's ------ If 11 00 - 27, Prof. Heynen's - - ff 12 00 - 29, Prof. Heynen's Sus- I pender Brace I Spongio Pilino - -- -- -- -- -- yard 7 50 Supporters doz. No. 22 Spring ------- 22 00 - 24, Mrs. Betts', with Pessa- I ries. Cloth ( - 24, with Pessa- i 24 00 ries, leather J - 25, London Belts, Bandage, I 24 00 with Pessary J - 31, Empress Eugenie - - - II 26 00 25 00 Suspensory Bandages. doz - Cotton ----- 2 50 to 7 00 Linen ------ 4 00 to 10 00 - Silk - 4 00 to 15 00 DIRECTIONS FOR MEASURING FOR ELASTIC HOSE. Indicate the measure around the limb in inches, opposite the dotted lines on the cut. For Stocking to cover the entire limb, measure at A, B, C, E, G, H. For Stocking to reach G, measure at A B, C, E, G. For Stocking to reach D, measure at A, B, C, D. For Knee-cap, measure at D, E, F. Inhaling Bottles, Cutler's- ------ -Hunter's ------ - FulgrafTs ------ doz. II II 12 00 13 50 6 00 Lancets, Evans', genuine ------- -Tiemann's- - -- -- -- - fl 2 25 If 8 00 Gum - -- -- -- -- -- It 9 00 Lancet Cases, 1 hole- - - It 9 00 _ 2 holes - - - .- ~~ ~ - Magnetic Machines (see Electrical Instru- ments, page 41, prices ranging from - - If $io" to 1 25 $25 00 26 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. SYRINGES, Glass. Metal capped and corked, same price. -No. 00 Male Syringes - - - gross 7 00 - 0 » » - - - ff 8 00 - Iff ff - - - 9 00 - 2 ff ff - - - 10 00 - 3 » " - - - it 12 00 - 4 ff ff _ _ _ n 14 00 - 5 ff " _ _ _ it 18 00 - 6 » » _ _ _ n 24 00 - -2 oz. Injection ----- n 27 00 - -3 oz. » _ _ _ _ - n 36 00 - 4 oz. • _____ n 42 00 - -6 oz. • _____ n 54 00 - -8 oz. » _____ ii 72 00 - No. 1 Female - - _ - - it 10 00 - 2 " _____ it 11 00 - 3 » _ . _ _ _ n 12 50 - 4 , _____ n 14 00 - 5 n - - - - - n 18 00 - 6 " _____ ii 24 00 Med. Fine SYRINGES WHITE METAL. doz. doz. - 24 oz. Self, in case, 2 Pipes - 25 00 30 00 - 16 " ' ii _ 16 00 21 00 - ] 2 ff ff ff - 14 00 18 00 -1 10 » » « - 12 00 15 00 - 8 » u » _ 11 00 14 00 - 6 » » » - 9 00 12 00 - 4 « » « - 7 00 9 00 - 24 oz. single, in boxes - - - 18 00 24 00 16 « a - - - 12 00 16 00 - 12 » a - - - 10 00 12 IK) - 10 » » - - _ 0 00 10 00 8 » » - - _ 7 00 9 00 . 1 - ■ . 6 » n - - - 5 00 7 00 - 4 ff » - - - 4 00 5 00 - 2 " a - - _ 3 00 4 00 Iff ff - - _ 2 50 3 00 - -P.P.- ------- - 1 00 1 50 - F. P., Short ------ 1 50 2 50 - Long ------ 2 00 3 00 SYRINGES HARD RUBBER. doz. -No. 00, | oz.- - - - - - ff 4 00 0, f - II 5 50 - 1, £. - II 5 25 - la,f ------ - II 5 50 - lb,4 n ----- - II 6 50 ■ 2, J » ------ ff 6 50 - - 3, 1 ------ - II 7 50 4, 3 ------ - If 11 00 5, 6 ------ - II 15 00 6,12 ------ - ff 20 00 10, > _ ff 3 00 - 30, ] ------ - ff 6 25 - 50, 6 ------ - ff 12 00 4, Female, 3 oz. - - - - If 13 00 - 5, - 6 » - - - - ff 17 00 - 4, » with Shield, 3 oz. ff 17 00 - 4, Male, Bent Pipe, 3 ff ff 12 00 5, " " 6 ff It 16 00 - 4, with Extra Pipes (Male r and Female), 3 oz. n '6 00 5, " ff G ff n 20 00 ii 24 00 1, Vaginal, i oz. - - n 5 25 2, » 1 » _ _ it 6 00 3. - 14 » - - ff 8 00 2. » with Shield,1 oz. n 8 50 3, » - li ff n 11 00 Ear - -- -- -- -- ff 8 50 _ Dental - -- -- -- - ff 6 00 , i Catarrh ------- w 9 00 - Long Pipe, No. 3 - - - - 9 25 SYRINGES, HYPODERMIC. Hard Rubber, ------ Glass, graduated ----- German, - - ______ Upright - -- -- -- - each 1 50 2 50 2 50 3 00 SYRINGES, ELASTIC BULB. Davidson's, No. 1 - doz. 17 00 2 - n 14 00 0 - ii 9 00 4(Hard rubber u pipes and trimmings) - - n 22 50 Mattson's Original - - - - n 9 00 No. 1 Family - - ii 17 00 Vaginal Irrigator - n 11 00 Improved Irrigator n 17 (X) - Anglo American - it 7 00 Richardson's No. 2 - - - - a 8 00 3 _ - _ _ ii 13 00 Syringe Bulbs - -- -- -- -- -- n .$3-4.50 V alves ----------- ii 20 Tubing, ______ l-8th inch ------ foot 07 3-16th » ------ II 12 l-4th " ------ n 16 3-8th » ------ ii 20 1-2 „ ------ if 25 Tents, Sea Tangle, hollow ------- doz. 4 00 : solid - -- -- -- - II 2 75 --■- Sponge, Imported ------- II 2 00 Extra Quality- ----- II 2 50 TRUSSES. No. 1,Mechanical, with Ivory Pad doz. 1$ a « Boxwood Pad -------- II 25 00 2, Umbilical, for Men - - If 36 00 • 4, Elastic Pad ----- II 20 00 5$, French Truss, 1st qual. - H 24 00 6$, " » 2nd qual. It 18 00 8, " " 4th » It 15 00 11, French Ladies' Truss, extra finish It 18 00 12$, U S. Truss, Ball and Socket Pad, 1st qual., applicable to either side It 24 00 12$, U. S. Truss, B. & S. Pad, for either side, ex. finish It 28 00 13, U.S. Truss. B. & S. Pad. for either side, 2nd qual. It 18 00 14, Chase s Ivory Pad - - If 24 00 15. " Best Wood Pad It 14 00 16, " 2nd " » " II 10 50 17, Am. Truss, Ivory Pad - It 20 00 18, Children's Truss - - - It 9 00 18$, Infants' • - - - tl 12 50 19. Children's Umbilical - II 12 DO - Hull's Strap ------- It 15 00 plain ------ ft 12 00 ■ Common- - -- -- -- - tl 6 (X) Snowden's Cedar-wood Pads for either side ----- 15 00 Double Trusses of all the above styles. L<azell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 27 Shop Furniture, Utensils, &c. Books, U. S. Dispensatory each $7 50 Pharmacopoeia 1873 - - - - II 1 40 King s Dispensatory ------ n 9 50 Parrish's Pharmacy ------ ii 5 00 Pollock's Botanical Index - - - _ ii 1 50 Attfields Chemistry ------ N 2 75 Barber's Students Pharmacopoeia- u 2 50 Medical Books supplied at the Publisher's prices. BOTTLES, TINCT. & SALT MOUTH. (See "Glassware," folio 31.) Boxes, Patch (See "Jars"). Boxes, Pill. Chip - -- -- -- -- -- - paper 0 12 Oval (Brandreth) ----- gross 0 30 --- English Willow ------- paper 0 25 Paper, Pink, nested. Am. - - - a Eng. - - - n 0 15 Bronzed Should. Eng- - - n 0 40 single (various sizes) in >■ gross ■< to boxes of one gross each ) 1 2 50 German, fancy colors, (2 25 projecting edges, single >• ti to and nested ) / 3 00 Boxes Prescrip. Powder, oblong, nested - it 2 25 sliding, » & 25 German, assorted colors - - ) 4 50 Boxes, Seidlitz Powder, paper- - - - - tt 3 50 tin, small - - - tt 6 50 Boxes, Soda, Powder, paper - - - - - - It 3 00 tin - - - - - - - It 4 f 0 Boxes, Tin, Ointment, No. 1-J- oz. - - hun. 0 80 - - 2 t » - - If 0 80 3-i a - - fl 0 90 4-| . - - tl 1 00 5-I » - - II 1 00 6-1 . - - II 1 10 7-1 » - - u 1 30 8-i « - - n 1 20 9-1 • - - n 1 30 10-H n - - n 1 30 11-2 » - - n 1 45 12-1 » - - n 1 50 13-1} . - - it 1 55 14-2 » - - it 2 00 15-2} • - - n 2 00 33-3 » - - it 2 25 34-4 „ - - it 2 25 Lee's Pill -16 - - - - it 1 20 long-17 _ _ _ _ it 1 30 Turned Wood, -1-} oz. - - gross 0 40 2_i. „ _ _ it 0 50 3-| » _ _ n 0 65 1,2 & 3 nested n 0 55 4-1 oz. - - n 1 (KI r* o 6-3 » - - it 2 00 Twine, Iron - -- -- -- - each 0 50 Bronzed ----- 0 0 75 Glass, all varieties - - - tt Corks, Bottle Quart, fine, straight - - - gross 1 65 com. " - - - a 0 75 ■ » Taper - - - - n 0 75 flue » _ _ _ _ it 1 50 Pint, com. » _ _ _ _ n 0 60 Cit. Magnes., straight ----- n 1 40 taper ------ n 1 40 Demijohn- - -- -- -- -- it 1 50 Bung - -- -- -- -- -- n 1 25 J ar, all sizes - -- -- -- -- n Jug - -- -- -- -- -- - a 1 00 Homoeopathic, 1st qual., xx M. C. - it No. 1 ----- - H 0 23 0 It 0 28 -. 3 ----- - II 0 33 . i ----- - II 0 42 5 ----- _ II 0 50 6 ----- - It 0 60 7 0 75 8 ----- - u 1 66 9 ----- _ a 1 25 - K) ------ ii 1 40 - XI - - - - 1 50 12 ------ H 1 65 Corks, Homoeopathic, 2d qual, xM. C. - No. 4 - - - - - - gross $0 20 0 23 6 ----- - ii 0 28 7 ----- - it 0 30 8 ----- _ n 0 40 9 _____ _ I, 0 58 10 _____ _ II 0 05 11 _ 0 75 12 ----- - • 0 87 -- Asrtd. 4-7, 1st qual. 0 50 Wine - II 1 75 Cork Tongs - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Drawer Pulls, Porcelain ------- It Iron - -- -- -- -- II The above labeled to order in fine gilt. Drug Mills, No. 3, Ames' - - - - - - each 0 00 4, ii ------- II 8 00 Drug Mills, Steel, Troemner's ----- II (See advertisement.) Dishes, Porcelain Evaporating Berlin. No. 00, 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- n 0 35 0, 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- ii 0 40 1.8 » - -- -- -- -- ii 0 45 2, pint _ n 0 55 3, quart - -- -- -- - n 0 83 4, 3 pint - -- -- -- - n 1 00 5, i gall. it 1 30 6, 3 quart - -- -- -- - zz 1 75 7, 1 gall. -------- n Zt) 8, H « --------- it 2 75 9, _________ n 3 25 10,1J - it 4 00 ]],2i - n 4 50 12, 3 n 5 00 Filters, Fr. Hound, No. 19-6 in. diameter pack 0 30 25- 9| " » It 0 40 33-13 »• » II 0 50 40-10 » II 0 00 45-17 » II 0 70 =-50-19 » II 0 80 Filtering Paper, French, Gray ----- quire 0 25 White - - - - a 0 35 Cornets - -- -- -- -- - doz. Funnels, Glass Fluted. loz.- - -- -- -- - It 1 00 - 2oz.- - -- -- -- - II 1 00 3oz.- - -- -- -- - ff 1 13 4 oz.--------- II 1 25 8oz.- - -- -- -- - II 1 50 -Pint- - -- -- -- - II 2 00 Quart - -- -- -- - u 2 25 i gall. - -- -- -- - II 3 00 1 „ II 4 50 2 » -------- II 7 50 ■ Assorted to quart - - - II 2 00 - Plain French, Heavy. loz.- - -- -- -- - n 1 50 2oz.- -------- n 1 75 3oz.- - -- -- -- - ii 2 00 4 oz. --------- H 2 25 8oz.- - -' - - - - - - II 2 50 Pint- -------- II 3 00 Quart - ______ II 4 50 i gall. - -- -- -- - It 0 00 Gall. -------- II 7 50 Small Tube, 3 in a nest - nest 0 50 ■ Assorted ------- doz. 3 00 Wedgwood. Ribbed Inside. No. 1-3 inches Dlam. across top II 3 50 2-4 " " » ■ n II 4 00 3-5 it o n ti II 5 50 - 4-G " n n n K 8 00 5-7 " ° " " II 12 50 ■ 6-71 " " 11 n II 16 50 8-8 » « « " II 21 00 9-9 a u n n II 24 00 ■ - 10 ii ii n it II 30 00 Porcelain, Pierced for Filtering. • No. 00, Diameter 11 inches - - _ each 3 00 0, » 9 » - - - It 2 25 • ii Y zz - - - • 1 50 2, ii Qu--- 1 25 3, " 5 r - - - n 0 90 Hard Rubber, No. 0 ----- doz. 2 50 ] _ - 3 00 I 66 3 - - - - - • 5 00 28 Gallipots, White Earthen. ■ -1 to 4 oz., nested ------ : 1 to 8 oz., » ------ 1 to 4 oz., » cup - - - - gross $4 50 6 00 4 00 Graduates, American. - 1 oz. - - - - - - - doz. 3 00 1 oz. - - - - - - - II 3 00 - 2 oz. - - - - - - - II 3 50 • 3 oz. - - - - - - - n 4 00 4 oz. - -- -- -- ti 5 00 6 oz. - -- -- -- ii 6 00 8oz.- - - - - - - it 7 50 10 oz. ------- n 9 00 12 oz. - - - - - - - it 10 00 16 oz. - - - - - - - n 12 00 24 oz. - - - - - - - it 15 00 32 oz. -»----- n 21 00 * 48 oz. ------ - it 28 00 Minim, Tall Shape - - ti 3 50 -English Style, 1 dram - n 3 50 9 n English. (Always Correct.) 1 dram, Tall - - - - it 3 50 1 » Conical - - ii 3 50 2 n » - - it 4 50 i oz. - - - - - - - tt 4 00 1OZ. - -- -- -- ii 4 25 2 oz. - - - - - - - ii 5 50 4 oz. - - - - - - - it 7 00 6 oz. - - - - - - - it 8 00 - 8 oz. - - - - - - - ti 10 50 12 oz. ------- n 13 50 16 oz. - - - - - - - tt 15 75 32 oz. ------ - tt 27 00 , Eng. Minim & Tumbler, in case tt 9 00 Medicine Wine Glass Shape it 6 00 Tulip (new style) » 6 00 Jars, Earthen, flat top, i oz. ------ u 0 88 - 1 oz. - - - - - - it 0 88 2 oz. ------ it 1 00 4 oz. - - - - - - n 1 12 8 oz. - - - - - - it 1 33 16 oz. - - - - - - it 1 50 steeple top, 4 oz. - - - - - - it 2 00 8 oz. ------ it 2 25 16 oz. - - - - - - n 3 00 32 oz.- - - - - - ii 6 00 Ointment (patch boxes) 1 oz. - - - 0 75 1 oz. - - - 0 88 2 oz. - - - 1 05 3 oz. - - - 1 25 4 oz. - - - 1 50 Labels, Glass, Elegant and Durable. -■ of oval shape, black letters on white or gold ground-these letters are unequaled for clearness and share- ness of outline. Gallons - -- -- -- -- - each 0 35 Smaller sizes -------- It 0 30 Other Styles - -- -- -- -- II 15 to 25 Pharmaceutical, for Shop Furni- ture, compiled from LT. S. Phar- macopceia, 2,000 Labels in a book. Gilt ------------ book 15 00 Plain- - -- -- -- -- -- II 5 00 Pharmaceutical, shield shape, for Shop Furniture, published by G. W. A ver ell, compiled from U. S. Pharmacopoeia and other standard works. • 1,200 in a book - -- -- -- - II 12 00 600 » * - -------- n 8 00 Special attention given to the execution of orders for Druggists' Furniture Bottles, with either Glass or Gilded Labels. Mortars, Glass, 1 oz. - -- -- -- -- each 0 25 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- u 0 30 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- tt 0 35 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- n 0 40 Hard Bohemian, 3 in. diam. 0 45 7 in. » n 1 10 ■ 8 in. » n 1 65 Wedgewood. ■- No. 0000, 3 in. across top - - - n 0 35 000, 3} in. • » - - - n 0 42 -- 00, 3) in. • » - - - 0 50 •- 0, 4 in. u ' - - - 0 56 1, 4} in. • • - - _ 0 65 2, 5 in. . . - _ _ 0 85 3, 6 in. « . - - - 1 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 1 Mortars, Wedgewood. No. 4, 6| in. across top. - - - 5, 7 in. « » - - - - each Si 25 1 62 6, 8 in. » « - - - - H 2 00 7, 8J in. " » _ _ _ - 11 2 50 8, 9-j in. " i - - - - H 3 25 9,101 in. » » - - - - II 4 00 10,12 in. • ■' - - - - II 4 50 11, 13 in. a a - - - - II 5 25 12,14 in. " » - - - - 6 00 Iron, Goblet Shape. 1 pint - -- -- -- - n 0 45 - Pint - -- -- -- -- n 0 60 Quart - -- -- -- - it 0 75 1 gallon- ------- n 1 25 1 , ________ n 2 25 2 » - -- -- -- - .2 75 German Porcelain. No. 0, diameter 7 in.- - - - - it 1 75 1, « 61 in. - - - - - n 1 50 2, » 5J in. ----- n 1 40 -- - 3, » 5 in. ----- ii 1 25 4, » 41 in. - - - - - n 1 00 5, » 3j in. - - - - - ii 0 80 6, » 3 in. ----- n 0 65 7, » 21 in. ----- ti 0 50 8, » 2 in. - - - - - ii 0 40 Moulds, Suppository for 1 doz. ----- n 1 50 Idoz.- - - - - ti 2 00 Plaisted's - - - n 3 50 Blackman's - - - n 8 00 Paper, Manilla ----------- lb. 12 to 15 White Wrapping ------- II 15 to 18 ■ Seidlitz White - -- -- -- - ream 3 50 Blue - -- -- -- -- 4 50 Water Closet- - -- -- -- - ti 0 50 Patent Medicine Directions ------ a 3 50 Percolators, Glass, Quarts ------ each 0 50 • 1 gallon ------ II 0 75 - 1 n ------ II 1 00 2 » II 1 75 --Tin, 1 » ______ II 1 25 1 1 ------ tl 1 50 2 2 ------ 2 00 Pill Machines, with Rollers, 3, 4, and 5 grs. 12 Pills n 5 75 18 n it n n 6 75 24 a a a ii 7 75 Tiles, graduated, 6x8------ n 0 75 8x10- - - - - - ti 1 12 10x12- - - - - - 2 00 Spirit Lamps, with Ground Glass Cap, to prevent the evaporation of Alcohol. 2 oz., with Wick Tubes - - n 0 50 4 oz., » » a - - 0 63 8 oz., n u a - - 0 75 SCALES. PRESCRIPTION SCARES. Marble Base. 8 inch, (open beam) Brass ------ each 10 00 10 n 12 00 12 ------ ii U 00 8 -Silver Plated - ii 12 00 10 12 - 0 16 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 29 PHYSICIANS' POCKET SCALES. doz. $10 00 8 00 Oak Boxes ------------ Morocco-Boxes - - -- -- -- -- - 12 00 10 00 Tin Boxes- - -- -- -- -- -- - | 7 50 8 50 No. 1, Brass, (solid beam) ------- each $15 00 2, « " n _______ H 12 (10 3, n ti n _______ Silver Plated Scales of the above style. 9 00 BRASS COLUMN. glass prescription scale oases. For Prescription Scales. Nicely finished of Oiled Walnut, has double door and bot- tom of case finished in fine Polished Mahog- any, which is preferable to either Marble or Glass. each 8 00 Black Marble Base, Plate Glass Plated Metal Frame - - - - * 50 00 IMPROVED SINGLE BEAM BOX SCALES. Metal Body, Bronze Frames, and White Enamel Box, Gilt Ornaments, and Marble Top. OCTAGON MARBLE COLUMN. No. 1, Heavy Silver Plated ------ each 25 00 2, Solid Silver- - -- -- -- -- 50 00 These scales resemble the celebrated French (Beranger) Scale, yet differ from them in internal arrangement, having but one single beam instead of two beams, consequently fewer bearings, and thereby greater deli- cacy of movement and increased accuracy are positively secured, as well as less liability to get out of order. In regard to style, finish and beauty of workmanship they have no superior. SOLID COLUMN WITH LEVER. No. 0, Heavy Silver Plated ------ 0, " Gold " ------ each 25 00 35 00 HECKER & SONS' BALANCES, FOB PHARMACEUTICAL PURPOSES WHERE ACCURACY IS REQUIRED. No 14. Prescription Balance, on French polished box with drawer, drop lever, bows and movable pans. Can be charged up to 2 ounces in each pan. 12 50 Sensible to 1-50 grain. ------ No. 16. Prescription Balance, No. 14 in French polished glass case, with counterpoised front sliding frame - No. 17. Prescription Balance for 5 ounces in each pan, on French polished box with drawer. Sensible to 1-30 grain - 25 00 16 00 No. 18. Ditto, ditto, in class case - - - No. 19. Balance for 10 ounces in each pan on French polished box with drawer, provided with set screws and level. 30 00 Sensible to 1-20 grain ------ 25 00 No. 20. Ditto, ditto, in glass case, with sliding frame. Sensible to 1-30 grain, No. 22. Balance for 20 ounces in each pan, 35 00 on French polished box with drawer, provided with set screws and level, in 46 00 glass case. Sensible to 1-20 grain - - No. 1 Diam. of Pans. Capacity. 8 inches, 15 pounds - - - - each 38 00 3 9 » 30» - - - - II 33 00 3 10 » 45 » - _ _ _ u 38 00 4 11 60 - II 43 00 5 13 » 75 » - - - - 48 00 MARBLE BOX SCALES. Made of the Finest Statuary Marble, with Fire Gilt Ornaments. No. 0 Diam. of Pans. 8 inches. Capacity. 10 pounds - - - each 37 00 1 9 15 " - - - II 40 00 o 10 25 . - - - 45 00 30 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Tincture Presses, Troemner's Improved - Quart ------- cac h $4 50 -Half Gallon ----- 0 6 50 Gallon ------- II 9 00 -- - -2 Gallon ------ II 12 00 Twine, Dennison's - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Sea Island ---------- II 1 00 full weight ----- II 1 75 English, Variegated - - _ _ - lb. 65 - ■ Pink - -- -- -- - 0 1 30 Hemp, all sizes and qualities. WEIGHTS. Apothecaries, Grain, brass ------ set 12 Becker's "Standard " // 4 00 Aluminium - - - - II 50 ■ and dram ----- H 50 - Coin - - - II 50 Avoirdupois, Zinc Pyramid, 4 lbs. to i oz. - II 4 00 ■ 2 • i " - II 3 00 ] u a - II 2 00 Brass 4 » j » - II 8 00 2 " i " - II 5 00 1 » i - 3 00 We can also supply these Scales in the following styles: Black Ebony Box, edged with Gold, and Marble Top Black Walnut Box and Maple Panels - - Rosewood Box, with Gilt Mouldings and Marble Top - -- -- -- -- -- Silver or Nickel plated Pans for any of the foregoing, at ten per cent, advance. each 35 00a 25 00 a 28 00 a 52 00 33 00 33 00 Scoops, Horn, number 1 ----- doz. 75 o _____ II 90 3 _ _ _ _ - If 1 20 4 If 1 40 0 ----- n 1 75 Spoons, Horn No. 1------- n 75 o _ _ _ _ n 90 3 ------- - - u 1 20 4 ------- n 1 40 Long Handle for Bottles, No 1 it 75 « > - 3 H 1 00 - -4 1 25 Seidlitz Measures - -- -- -- - each 25 Sieves, Nested, one each of 20, 40, 50, 60, 80 meshes to the inch ------ nest 5 00 Spatulas, Steel Riv. Hand, 3 inches - - doz. 2 50 4 - - It 2 75 5 w _ - - If 3 25 0 - - II 3 75 T 5 00 8 - II 6 00 9 „ 8 00 16 U 10 00 12 » - - It 16 00 Spatulas, Horn, No. 0 ------ H 1 50 - - II 1 00 1 00 6 ------ « 1 25 Segar Box Openers ------- each 1 00 Test Tubes, 3 to 9 in., in nests - - - - nest 75 3 to 7 • » - - - - - n 50 3 to 6 » « _ _ _ n 40 4 to 6 » « - - - - - 35 BLOCK WEIGHTS. Avoirdupois Brass Blockw'ts 4 lbs. to J ozs. set 9 00 7 00 1 H II tl 5 00 Troy, Brass Block, 20 ozs. down _ - - - 30 " " - - - - U 8 00 10 00 50 » » _ _ _ - V 15 00 Cup 16 « » _ - - - n n 4 00 3 00 n 1 50 0 50 Glassware. GREEN. PRESCRIP. VIALS, PLAIN OR FLUTED, LONG OR SHORT. i. 1, 2 and 3 drachm - -- -- -- -- | oz. --------------- 1»--------------- 9 « gross a n it $3 75 3 25 3 75 4 50 a 5 50 4 • a 6 75 6 » H 8 25 8 ,, ft 9 75 12 « H 12 25 16 ft 15 25 24 B 19 50 32 - Assorted in 1, 2, 3 and 5 gross boxes - - - • 24 50 6 00 OVAL VIALS AND BOTTLES. 3 25 3 75 i oz., 1 « Short - -- -- -- -- -- - y 2 a 3 « If 4 75 - - - - - - It 5 75 4 * B 7 00 H 8 50 8 « r 10 25 10 » It 11 00 12 « y ------------ It 14 25 24 >• n 15 75 16 » it 17 50 32 » 1 » Long ------------ B 25 00 3 75 2 « 4 75 3 » K 1 * 9 * Panel Oval - -- -- -- -- - 3 75 4 75 5 75 4 . K 7 50 PANELLED VIALS AND BOTTLES. I oz. ------- ________ gross $3 50 1 _______ _ 4 00 2» ------- ,, 5 50 3 _______ 7 00 4 w - - -- -- - ________ ti 8 00 5 - -------- . 9 25 10 50 8 - -------- , 13 00 10 »------ - 12 - ! , 15 50 17 50 14 - -------- , 18 75 16,------- ________ IT 21 00 20» ------- 23 50 24 ,------ - ________ IT 26 00 CASTOR OIL, I. M., or LEMON SYRUPS.I 2 oz. ------ , 5 25 3 „ ------ _ , 5 75 6 75 5 , ------ 7 50 8 25 7 • ------ 9 25 8 • ------ 10 50 9 , 11 00 10 , ------ 12 00 12 , ------ 13 25 14 . ------ 15 00 16 , ------ 16 00 18 , ------ 18 00 20 • ------ 21 (10 r-3 * " - " 23 00 PACKING BOTTLES, 4 pint, ------ COMMON. 9 75 1 • 14 and 16 ounce a 15 25 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current, 31 1} pint - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 quart - -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 pints - -- -- -- -- -- -- - i gallon - -- -- -- -- -- -- i Wide Mouth, $1.00 per gross extra. PACKING BOTTLES, EX. HEAVY, P. L. gross II $19 50 24 50 32 75 39 00 44 00 56 00 J pint, 9 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- - II 12 25 12 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 15 (M) 1 pint, 18 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- II 19 50 1| n 24 oz. - -- -- -- - n 24 00 Quart, 35 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- ii 30 (M) 3 pints - -- -- -- -- -- -- - ii . 40 00 4 gallon, 68 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- n 55 00 t " ------------- n 63 00 1 „ ii 70 00 2 « ------------- n 140 00 Wide Mouth, $1.00 per gross extra. CITRATE MAGNES1A BOTTLES. 9 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - ii 12 00 12 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 17 75 MIXED CLASSWARE. (Black, Green or Amber Colors. DEMIJOHNS-COVERED. Quart - -- -- -- -- -- -- - each 0 35 } gallon - -- -- -- -- -- -- It 0 45 1 ,, ------------- II 0 65 A II _____________ II 0 85 3 H _____________ u 1 05 5 „ ------------- n 1 30 10 » 3 00 FLASKS. 1 pint - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 5 50 Pint - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- a 8 00 Quart - -- -- -- -- -- -- - « 11 00 FLASKS-SCREW TOPS. i pint - -- -- -- -- -- -- - n 12 00 Pint - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n 15 00 Quart - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 18 00 WINE BOTTLES. } gallon, full size - -- -- -- -- - £ II II It ---------- 5 to the Gallon - -- -- -- -- - 30 00 20 00 13 00 5i « « __________ a 12 00 6 a a __________ n 11 00 7 „ „ n 10 00 8 // n ---------- ii 9 00 FLINT CLASSWARE. PL'N R'ND-SHOULD'D PRESC'N VIALS, AND BOSTON GOTHIC FLUTED (i oz. to 8 oz.) « i oz. - n 2 75 I OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - n 3 75 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - H 4 75 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 5 50 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 7 00 6cz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 8 50 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 10 50 10 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - It 12 25 | 12 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 13 75 16 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 16 50 22 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - It 21 50 32 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - It 28 50 Assorted, f to 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- 6 50 UNION OVALS AND PLAIN OVALS, i OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - u 2 75 1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 3 75 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - H 4 75 3 oz. - -- -- ---------- It 5 50 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 7 00 6 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 8 50 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 0 10 50 12 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 13 75 16 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - n 16 50 Assorted, I to 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- ii 6 50 FRENCH SQUARE PRESCRIP'N VIALS. TALL FRENCH SQ. 1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - it 3 00 4 00 2oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 5 00 7 25 9 00 - 8 oz. gross 11 25 12 oz. ti 14 75 16 oz. a 18 50 24 oz. n 26 00 32 oz. a 31 (XI Assorted, i to 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- u 6 75 TALL FRENCH SQUARE PRESCRIP- TION, WIDE MOUTH, FOR PILLS. i oz. - U 3 25 1 OZ. - If 4 25 14 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 5 50 2 oz. - II 5 50 3 oz. - 1 6 25 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 8 (X) 6 oz. - » 9 75 8 oz. - 12 00 HOMCEOPATHIC VIALS. i, J and 4 dram Short Vials ------ 1 13 1 II II //______ n 1 25 1 II II II ------ ii 1 50 2 it a a ------ 1 50 3 ti a a - - - - - - 2 00 4- a a a - - - - - - n 3 00 a ti n ------ 4 00 8 a u n ------ 5 00 4,1,4 and 1 dram Long Vials ------ 1 13 1 £ II II " ------ 1 25 Z ii it ii ------ 1 25 3 n ti a - - - - - - It 2 00 . j // a ii - - - - - - 2 50 (> a n ii - - - - - - 3 50 8 ii a a ----- - n 4 50 HOMCEOPATHIC CASE VIALS. 4 dram, no brim, extra heavy ----- It 1 25 1 II II II II _____ II 1 50 2 II II II " _____ It 1 75 3 « a it n - - - - - II 2 50 4 // a a a _____ II 3 5() 6 n a a a - - - - - II 4 50 8 n i' n a - - - - - II 6 00 TINCTURE BOTTLES. With Inclined or Round Shoulders and Mushroom Stoppers. 1 oz., height 4 inches - -- -- -- - doz. 1 38 2 oz., » 44 » - -- -- -- - II 1 50 4 oz., » 54 « ________ n 2 00 8 oz., • 7 " -------- ii 2 45 Pint, » 84 " -------- ii 2 75 14 pint, » 9 » -------- it 3 00 Quart, » 10 « -------- n 3 00 3 pint, » 11 » -------- ii 4 50 4 gall., » 12 » -------- n 5 50 1 ti ii 14 " -------- ii 8 00 14 a « 16 » -------- it 15 00 2 » " 18 » -------- ii 21 00 3 » » 21 » -------- •• 30 00 SALT-MOUTH BOTTLES. With Inclined or Round Shoulder and Mushroom Stopper. 4 oz., height 54 inches - -- -- -- - n 2 50 8 oz., » 64 " -------- n 3 00 Pint, » 8 » -------- it 3 50 14 pint, « 9 « -------- ii 4 25 Quart, » 10 » -------- ii 4 50 3 pint, » 11 » -------- n 6 75 4 gall., « 12 » ----- --- 7 00 1 „ II 12 00 14 a - -- -- -- -- -- -- - II 20 00 2 „ II 27 00 3 n - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 36 00 TINCTURES-EXTRA HEAVY. Round Shoulders and Mushroom Stoppers. 4 pint, height, 74 inches ------- n 2 50 1 » " 8|- •' ------- ti 3 00 1 quart » 10 » ------- ti 4 50 4 gallon, » 13 » ------- it 8 00 i n n 15 " ------- ii 13 00 SALT-MOUTHS-EXTRA HEAVY. Round Shoulders and Mushroom Stoppers. 4 pint, height, 74 inches ------- 1 » a 84 " ------- ti it 3 00 4 00 1 quart, » 10 » ------- H 5 50 4 gallon, » 13 » ------- 1 » ii 15 » _______ 9 00 15 00 Tinctures and Salt Mouths of any style desired, made to order with Cut Bottoms and Polished Stoppers, at 30c. per pound. 32 Lazell. Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Miscellaneous Articles. Alabaster ------- Amandine, Bazins' ----- Aurilaves ------ Bandoline, American, small - _ _ _ _ 1 62 large ------ u 2 38 Coudray's, all sizes ----- Bed Pans, French, white, large - - - - II 12 00 small - _ _ _ II 10 ;>0 yellow, large - - _ n 10 50 - small - - - - ii 9 00 round, white, large - ii 12 00 Blacking, Bixby's - -- -- -- -- - ii 0 75 Brown's French Dressing - - - n 1 60 Daj' & Martin, small - - - - - ti 1 75 med. - - - - - n 3 25 - - large - - - it 4 50 French, in wood, "Dubois" - - it 1 50 in tin, "Marcerou"- - H 1 50 Masons', small ------- II 0 38 med. ------- II 0 50 * large ------- It 0 75 Boxes, Lip Salve, Britannia, screw - - - U 0 33 labelled - - If 0 42 porcelain, plain - - - - V 0 75 gilt and deco- rated n 2 (Ml wood, plain ----- 0 37 - labelled - - - - 0 46 Powder Puff, metal - - - - doz. 8 (X) a 15 00 paper, fine styles - « 1 25 a 5 00 - - porcelain, richly de- corated 4 50 a 12 00 Tooth Powder, glass, 1 oz. plain - doz. 1 00 ] B II _ H 1 00 2 » " - V 1 50 wood, No. 1 - - - H 0 42 n 3 - . _ H 0 62 > 4 _ _ - 0 75 Cachous, Arn 's, brass boxes - - - - a 1 50 paper * - - - - H 0 88 Hooper's » • - - - - H 1 25 brass boxes ----- H 1 50 Chalk, balls, 4 doz. in box ------- box 1 10 1 II II ------ doz. 0 55 single • ------- II 0 62 pink - - - - II 0 85 billiard - -- -- -- -- -- u 0 30 -crayon, blackboard, 1 gross in box- gross. 0 25 tailor's - -- -- -- -- -- box 0 50 Cold Cream, Glenn's --------- doz. 2 50 Bazin's - -- -- -- -- II 3 50 Patey's, large ------ • 3 50 small ------ • 1 88 Cologne Farina, Francois Marie No. 4711, 6 00 Joseph Anton, long - - * 5 00 short- - 5 (X) wicker, qts. II 42 00 wicker, pts. II 21 00 wicker, 4 » II 10 50 Litbas, Neroli - ------- II 18 00 L., M. & G's Redwood, £ pts. G. S. u 9 00 -- pints » It 15 00 CONFECTIONERY. Candied Cardamom- - - - - u 0 75 Flagroot ----- II 0 75 - Chocolate Cream Drops - - - lb. 0 40 Gum Drops, Lemon - - - - - II 0 44 Licorice - - - - II 0 44 Vanilla - - - - II 0 44 Jujube Paste ------- II 0 46 Lozenges, Licorice ----- n 0 40 Musk ------ ii 0 50 extra fine - - ti 0 80 - Peppermint, thick - u 0 60 octagon, strong n 0 60 -Mitcham Oil ii 0 80 Lozenge Pipe, Peppermint - - H 0 55 Sassafras - - - II 0 55 Wintergreen - - 11 0 55 COMBS of all Kinds (see folio 34.) INCLUDING COMBS, PEBEUMEBY, SOAPS, &c., &C. Corn Files, Japanese - -- -- -- - doz. $1 75 Court Plasters, Dickman's Arnica, stamped II 0 75 Tablets - - - II 1 75 Mechanic's - - » 0 65 English ------- II 0 50 Hayward's ------ H 0 38 - Bobbins' ------- tt 0 15 -- Shivers' ------- II 0 60 Wilson's ------- II 0 4'1 - Crown - - - - tl 0 25 Corkscrews, English, No. 31022 ----- It 3 50 54873 ----- II 4 00 31023 ----- II 4 50 774 - - - - - tl 5 50 876 - - - - - tl . 5 00 592 ----- II 6 50 3699 ----- II 6 00 Am. Convex Twist, No. 4 - - II £ ~3 6 - - II 3 00 Pocket, No. 52050 ----- II 3 50 73 - - - - - 2 50 COSMETIQUES. -Bazin's asst'd colors, 540 oblong 'I 0 88 541 oval It 1 (XI Coudray's all sizes - II Italian small - - II 1 00 --Lubin's Ige & sm. II Pope's 1 00 EXTRACTS. Handkerchief. Atkinson's ------- II Bazin's, at his prices - - - Chiris, by the lb. - - - - - II Glenn & Co., at their prices - II Hinman's, at his prices - - II Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's oz. II 5 50 Lubin's, genuine ----- II Faveurs ------------- It 6 (X) Glazier's Diamonds, ebony handle, plain - each 4 75 patent key pocket - It 7 50 Ivory handle, plain - It 7 (Hl plate glass - - - - II 18 00 Gold Leaf, pale - - -- -- -- -- - pack 7 50 usual - -- -- -- -- - II 8 00 - deep - -- -- -- -- - II 9 00 Gum Tickets, an assortment- ----- If Hair Oils, Bazin's - -- -- -- -- - doz. Coudray's --------- II Glenn's - -- -- -- -- II Guelard's --------- II Societe Hygenique ----- tl -Lubin's - -- -- -- -- II Ink, Arnold's Writing Fluid, quarts - - - II 6 00 pints - - - '1 3 75 i pints- - - 2 (Ml i . - - - 1 10 cones - - - r 0 50 David's Carmine, 1 oz. draped stands » 2 (io 1 oz. rich flint glass » 2 50 3 50 Black & Blue, octagon stands » 6 75 4 oz. bottles - . » 1 25 6 oz. » - » 1 50 = 8 oz. » - " 2 00 pint » - •' 3 50 quart » - » 6 0(1 Violet, octagon stands- - - » (I 75 4 oz. ------ » 1 25 S n ------ it 2 (X) pints - - - - - - » 3 50 quarts - - - - - - ■' 6 00 - Indelible, Barber's Crimson - - - - » 3 50 Baldwin's - -- -- -- » 1 75 -Briggs' - -- -- -- - » 2 00 2 (Hl -Hegeman's ------ » 2 75 -Kidder's - - ----- - » 3 (Ml Payson's ------- 2 15 3 (H) India - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 .50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 33 Ink, Powder, Davids' - -- -- -- - doz. $1 25 Issue Peas - -- -- -- -- -- - string 0 35 Lily White, fancy ---------- doz 1 50 McArthur's ------- 1 75 oval, large - -- -- -- - 1 25 small- ------- • I 00 round, large ------- 1 25 small ------- » 1 00 Spanish - -- -- -- -- 1 50 Lint, Taylor's Al, 1 lb. parcel ----- lb. 1 50 1 OZ » ----- 1 75 Matches, Swift & C. Parlor, 60 in box - - gross 80 ■ u 3 00 : 500 • - - doz. 1 50 Medicine Chests, black walnut, No. 1 - - each 12 00 Q 3 _ . n 10 00 4 _ _ II 5 00 Meen Fun, Hobbs' - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Mucilage, Stickwell's - -- -- -- - u 1 50 Mugs, Combination Shaving ------ u 6 00 Nipples, American, White- ------ u 0 38 Large --------- u 0 62 Black - -- -- -- -- tt 0 50 Pure Gum - -- -- -- -- H 0 50 Plug - -- -- -- -- -- II 0 75 English,! hole, small ----- n 0 30 Leech bite, small - - - ii 0 30 med. - - - u 0 75 large - - - 1 00 Shells, Glass - -- -- -- - 1 00 Shields, boxwood, with Nipple - 1 75 without Nipple 0 75 Needham's ----- * 3 75 Quinlan's ------ » 4 50 White Rubber - - - - » 2 00 Black i _ - _ - tt 1 75 Metal -------- 0 1 00 Night Lights, Houchin's ------- It 4 75 Nix's - -- -- -- -- H 4 50 Nursing Bottles, Bailey's ------- If 3 50 Burr's, Green ----- If 3 IM> Flint ----- t 4 50 Maw's -------- » 1 75 Export ----- t 3 00 Alexandra, White- U 4 50 Green - It 3 50 Trimmings - - - a 1 25 Plain, No. 22 - - - - - a 1 00 Sleeper's Am. Feeding - a 2 00 Excelsior - - H 5 00 Oiled Muslin, 5 yd. pieces ------- piece 3 50 Silk » » ------- n 5 50 Pastiles, Fumigating, Coudray's and others doz. Pencils, Lead, Eagle --------- II 0 50 Faber's - -- -- -- - II 0 60 Clark's Indelible ------- II 2 25 Pink Saucers - -- -- -- -- -- •I 0 60 Pomade, Bazin's Philocome, small - - - 2 25 med. - - - 3 IK) large - - - 4 00 Ox marrow, screw top - If 4 75 Coudray's various styles - - - - Henry & Demarsons various styles Low's • ' Lubin's « • n Fiver's • » ■ Soci6te Hygenique » • Ursina, Savage's - - - - - u 6 00 Powder Puffs, button - -- -- -- - tt 11 50 bone tip -------- n wood tip ------- n 1 6 50 Quassia Cups, large - -- -- -- -- 5 50 • med. - -- -- -- -- 4 00 small - -- -- -- -- 3 25 Razor Strops, Chapman's ------- Alford Hone ------ 2 25 Finger's - -- -- -- - 2 75 Rogers' - -- -- -- - 3 75 No. 90 -------- - 4 00 82- -- -- -- -- 4 50 84- -- -- -- -- 6 00 85--------- 7 00 86--------- 9 (M> 81 -------- - ii 9 00 Rouge Liquid, Hill's Royal ------ n 4 00 Theatre, Coudray's ------ n 3 50 Vinegar, » ______ if 1 50 Sachet Powders, Musk ------- lb. 7 00 Frangipanni ----- II 3 50 Violet ------- It 3 50 Heliotrope ----- 3 50 Rose Geranium - - - II 3 50 Rose - -- -- -- - M 3 50 Night Blooming Cereus II 3 50 Mousseline ----- • 3 50 New Mown Hay - - - • 3 50 Bouquet ------ 3 50 Verbena ------ • 3 50 Sachet Powders, Millcfleur ------ lb. $3 50 Patchouly ----- tl 3 50 Marechale ----- n 3 50 Jockey Club ----- ii 3 50 Kiss-Me-Quick - - - - n 3 50 Clove Pink ----- n 3 50 Bouquet Imperial - - - it 3 50 Pot Pouri ------ ii 3 50 Salts of Lemon - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 0 75 Saddle Bags, with drawers, 16 G. S. bottles 20 " " each 10 00 11 00 24 » n If 12 00 Skins, Chamois, No. 1 ------- - doz. 13 75 2 - - - - - - n 11 25 3 ______ II 10 00 4 H 8 75 5 - -- -- -- - II 7 50 6 - -- -- -- - II 6 50 7 - -- -- -- - II 6 00 8-------- II 5 50 0 10 -------- 4 75 4 00 11 ________ II 3 25 12 ________ II 2 50 13 -------- II 1 75 Skins, Plaster, No. 1--------- 2--------- II II 7 50 6 50 Split No. 1 --------- - 2 - -- -- -- -- - « 9 00 7 50 Snuff, Lorillard's in jars ------- n Maccoboy, ------ lb. 0 15 Rappee ------- ■ Scotch, in bladders - - - 0 75 SOAPS of all Kinds (see folio 35.) Stationers' Gum, in boxes, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 pieces to a pound - -- -- -- - 1 00 Sponge, Bath Ven. Surchoix, on tapering strings, usual sizes, ti 5 50 5 IKJ Formes, usual sizes - a 4 00 medium sizes a 3 50 Sheep's Wool, Florida ----- a 1 75 2 OP Reef - -- -- -- -- -- - it 1 50 Surgeon's, loose, small ----- u 5 00 on strings ------ string 7 50 loose, medium - - - - lb 10 00 on strings, medium - - string 4 00 Toilet, fine, a variety ----- n Teething Rings, ivory - -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 rubber- ------- II 0 50 Thermometers, mahogany, 8 inch - - - II 6 80 10 - - - - - u 7 60 rosewood, 10 - _ _ _ _ tl 8 80 tin 7 - - - - - II 3 75 8 - - - 4 12 10 - - 4 88 12 _ . - _ 6 00 Union 6 - - - - - U 8 40 10 00 10 _ _ _ _ 12 00 Tin Foil, thick, in packs of about Q lbs. - lb. 0 40 thin n 0 50 Toilet Powder, Coudray's, genuine - - - ii 0 40 0 18 Hill's Monogromatique - doz. 1 75 Hunt's Court, triangle - - tl 3 75 Lubin's Rose ----- lb. 0 80 Violet ----- II 0 70 Ramsay's large ----- doz. 1 50 small - - - - 0 88 Tooth Paste, Bazin's Charcoal ----- 3 00 Jewsbury& Brown Oriental Ige It 8 50 sml II II 1 25 1 50 Lyon's - - - - - - - - H 1 75 Thurston's Dentifrice, large II 3 50 small 1/ 1 75 Tripoli, Mount Eagle --------- 0 60 Tooth Picks, wood, double point 2,500 in box box 0 25 quill, No. 3 ------- perM 1 25 4 II 1 50 5 _______ II 1 75 Trefelio- - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 Turkish Towels- - -- -- -- -- - ft Wax, bottle, green and red ------ lb. 0 20 tt 1 60 - -American Congress - - - f 1 20 -Irish Harp ------- tl 1 00 II 0 60 Black Cabinet ------ n 2 00 n 0 60 doz. 0 65 6 ----- 0 90 34 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Br U S H E s. A fine assortment of both Foreign and American make, comprising CLOTH, HAIR, HAT, TOOTH, and NAIL, also, PAINT, VARNISH, and WHITE-WASH BRUSHES in great variety. Combs. COMBS-BUFFALO HORN DRESSING.-Plain patterns, 6, 61, 7, 71 inches, from $4.00 to $8.00 per dozen. Quill back, finely finished, same sizes of plain, from $5.00 to $10.00 per doz. POCKET.-In White horn, buffalo horn and hard rubber, from $1.00 to $5.00 per doz. HARD RUBBER DRESSING COMBS No. 2-7 inch ----------- doz. $2 50 ■ 2-8 » ----------- It 3 00 4-71 » ___________ 2 00 6-84 » ----------- 3 50 9-84 « in slides - -- -- -- - ff 4 75 ■ 10-5 » in leather slides ----- II 2 25 • 10-74 " ___________ u 2 50 15-74 » ___________ II 3 75 • 15-8 » II 4 00 ■ 15-84 • ___________ II 4 25 ■ 18-84 » in slides -------- II 5 50 ■ 20-94 " II II 7 00 22-74 " ----------- II 3 25 • 25-7 » ___________ II 3 50 25-8 » II 4 00 28-7 » ___________ II 3 25 31-74 » ___________ II 3 75 3321-8 " II 3 25 ■ 35-9 « ___ ________ II 5 25 ■ 36-8 » ___________ II 6 50 36-8 » in slides ------- It 7 20 - 36-9 » ___________ II 7 50 • 36-9 " in slides ------- II 8 20 . 37-8 " II 3 50 No. 38-7 inch - -- -- -- -- -- doz. $1 60 38-8 « ti 1 90 39-6 » ii 1 45 39-7 " ----------- n 1 75 39-8 » ----------- n 2 00 40-74 » ----------- it 2 00 41-8| « ----------- ii 7 00 42-44 n --------- - - ti 1 15 42-7 a ----------- n 1 40 43-7 » ----------- ii 1 50 43-8 a ----------- ii 1 75 - 44-74 • ----------- n 1 80 45-7 • ----------- ii 1 60 - 45-8 a ---------- it 1 85 46-8 » it 4 00 47-74 » ----------- ii 2 80 48-8 » - -- -- -- -- -- ii 2 00 49-8 » ----------- ti 5 25 49-9 n - -- -- -- -- -- ii 6 (X) 100-5 » in leather slides - - - - ti 2 25 100-74 » ----------- n 2 50 201-6 a ----------- u 1 00 201-7 a ----------- 1 15 201-8 » ----------- 1 30 WHITE HORN DRESSING COMBS. Inches. 5 51 6 7 71 8 81 1 inch teeth, per doz. 80 90 1 00 J 10 1 20 1 30 1 40 H 90 1 00 1 10 1 20 1 30 1 40 1 50 1 60 Wide Baek, ____________ 1 20 1 40 1 55 1 70 1 80 1 90 2 00 Crook Back, 1 inch teeth per doz. ------- 1 40 1 55 1 70 1 80 1 90 11 1 50 1 70 1 80 1 90 2 00 2 10 Barbers' Combs, _______ 80 90 1 20 1 30 1 40 1 50 1 65 HARD RUBBER FINE COMBS, COMMON WIDTH. No. 8 9 10 11 13 13 14 15 16 Superfine ----- per doz. ----- 50 55 65 75 80 90 95 1 00 1 05 paper superfine - -- » - - - - - 55 00 70 75 85 95 1 00 1 05 1 10 Medium superfine - - » ----- 1 30 1 40 1 45 1 50 1 55 1 60 I 70 super superfine « - - - - - 1 40 1 50 1 55 1 60 1 65 1 70 1 80 IVORY FINE COMBS, COMMON WIDTH. Inches. 2|to2J 2fto2f 2$- to 2£ 2Jto3i 3£ to 3f- 3fto3i 3f to3j- 3Jto4i No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Superfine - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 10 1 55 2 20 2 45 2 70 2 80 2 95 3 05 3 20 S. Superfine - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 45 2 05 2 60 2 90 3 20 3 35 3 60 3 85 4 00 S. S. Superfine - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 00 2 75 3 45 3 85 4 25 4 85 5 25 5 50 5 60 IVORY FINE COMBS, MEDIUM WIDTH AND THICKNESS. No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Super Med. - - - - ________ 2 00 3 00 3 75 4 25 4 55 5 00 5 35 5 55 5 75 S. §. ________ 2 75 3 60 4 55 5 20 5 70 6 20 6 60 6 95 7 25 S.S.S. - - - - ________ 3 25 4 85 6 10 6 75 7 30 8 00 8 60 | 9 35 9 75 IVORY FINE COMBS, EXTRA WIDTH AND THICKNESS. No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8. wide ------------- 3 25 4 05 5 00 5 60 6 10 6 60 7 10 7 60 8 10 S.S. - - 4 25 4 85 6 10 6 75 7 30 8 00 8 55 9 20 9 75 S.S.S. 4 85 6 50 8 10 8 95 9 75 10 55 11 35 12 20 10 30 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 35 Soaps. BUCHAN'S CARBOLIC SOAPS. CARBOLIC LAUNDRY SOAP. Boxes of 60 lbs. 1 lb. bars ------- lb. $0 15 in 6 lb. paper boxes - - - - II 0 16 ' CARBOLIC FAMILY SOAPS. Boxes of 60 lbs., 1 lb. bars ------- II 0 12i CARBOLIC TOILET SOAPS. No. 1. Honey, in boxes of 3 cakes (paper) doz. 3 00 2. Plain 3 II 2 75 fl 1 88 4. Plain 6 It 5. Glycerine, transparent, in boxes of 4 00 3 cakes (paper) ------- II 6, Camphorated, in boxes of 3 cakes 3 00 (paper) - -- -- -- -- - II 1 50 1 doz. (paper) - - - CARBOLIC BATH SOAP. No. 7. Boxes of 6 cakes (paper)- - - - 1 50 CARBOLIC MEDICINAL SOAP. No. 8. Boxes of 1 doz. cakes (paper) - - • 4 00 CARBOLIC DENTAL SOAP. No. 9. Boxes of 1 doz. cakes (paper) - - 2 00 CARBOLIC SHAVING SOAP. No. 10. Boxes of 1 doz. cakes (paper) - fl 2 00 CARBOLIC DISINFECTING SOAP. No.11. Boxes of 1 doz. cakes (paper) - - 1 65 5 00 15 00 30 00 12. 6 lbs„ (paper) 1 lb. bars • in cans of 5 lbs. each - - - - II COLGATE'S SOAPS. ALMOND SOAP (FINE). 42-Boxes of 6 cakes, --------- gross 7 20 ALMOND BATH SOAP. 3-Boxes of I gross, (wood) ------ n 12 60 6 cakes, (paper) ------ n 13 50 AROMATIC VEGETABLE SOAP. 66-No. 1 size, boxes of 3 cakes, - - - - it 27 00 67 2 _ - - - a 18 00 ASSORTED BATH SOAP. 54-Boxes of i gross, (wood) ------ ii 12 60 6 cakes, (paper) - - - - - n 13 50 ASSORTED TOILET SOAP. 1-Boxes of 48 bars, 8 oz. each - - - - box 4 00 - -36 8 . - - II 3 15 24 8 - - It 2 00 II 3 15 69 8 4 - - II 4 00 3 15 1 60 9 4 (cushion form, No. 1) If 1 60 7- 80 cakes (- 2) II > 80 BROWN BATH SOAP. 5 -Boxes of } gross, wood ------ gross 12 60 5 6 cakes, paper ------ it 10 DU CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP. 91-Boxes of 6 Cakes, - -- -- -- - IMPORTED CASTILE SOAP. 24-Boxes of 4 doz. cakes ------- gross box $32 40 2 00 59 3 4 oz. each- ----- a 1 80 33 -3 5 a 2 25 60 3 6 a 2 70 61 3 7 ------ 3 15 (EAU-DE) COLOGNE SOAP. NEW- 133-Boxes of 6 cakes - -- -- -- - gross 32 40 CONTINENTAL SHAVING SOAP. 26-Packages of 12 cakes, 1 gross packages ti 5 40 ELDER FLOWER SOAP. 64-No. 1 size, boxes of 3 cakes - - - - - n 18 90 65 2 _ _ - - n 14 00 75-Boxes of 12 bars, 1 lb. each ----- box 3 60 92 - 24 i ----- 3 60 FAMILY TOILET SOAP. 112-Boxes of 12 cakes, - -- -- -- - gross 16 20 GLYCERINE SOAP. 36-No. 1 size, box of } gross, wood - - - n 15 30 36 3 cakes, paper - - - a 16 20 46-Med. i gross, wood - - - a 12 60 46 3 cakes, paper - - - a 13 00 37-No. 2 j gross wood - - - 7 65 37 -3 cakes, paper- - - a 8 10 GLYCERINE SOAP, "CCC" (SMALL SIZE.) 118-Boxes of 1 gross (wood) ------ n 3 15 118 1 6 cake packets - - - a 3 15 HONEY SOAP. 35-No. 1 boxes of 4 gross, wood - - - - a 15 30 35 - 3 cakes, paper - - - - a 16 20 45-Med. 1 gross, wood - - - - a 12 60 45 3 cakes, paper - - - - n 13 00 10-No. 2 i gross, wood - - - - a 7 65 10 2 3 cakes, paper - - - - n 8 10 HONEY SOAP. "C C C" (SMALL SIZE.) 117-Boxes of i gross (wood) ------ a 3 15 117 1 6 cake packets - - - n 3 15 HOTEL TOILET SOAP. 20-Boxes of 3 doz. cakes ------- box 1 13 MARSHMALLOW SOAP. 70-Boxes of 6 cakes --------- II 27 00 OATMEAL SOAP. 154-Boxes of 3 cakes --------- II 16 20 PALM BATH SOAP. 34-Boxes of i gross, wood - - - - u 12 60 34 6 cakes, paper ------ • 13 50 36 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. PALM SOAP. 109-Boxes of 3 cakes - -- -- -- - gross $ 7.20 PONCINE SOAP. 99-No. 1 Size, boxes of 3 cakes (wrapped) 41-Med. boxes of 1 gross, wood - - - - 41 3 cakes, paper - - - - 21 60 10 80 11 70 RONDELETIA SOAP. (WRAPPED.) 119-Boxes of 6 cakes, - -- -- -- - • 32 40 SILVER SOAP. 39-Boxes of 12 cakes, - -- -- -- - * 7 65 SUPERFINE SOAPS. 120-Each cake in square box, boxes of 6 cakes (2 perfumes-Rose and Musk) - 120-Each cake in oval box, boxes of 6 cakes (2 perfumes-Rose and Lettuce) » 54 00 54 00 SUPERFINE SOAPS. In Wrappers. 100-Rose in boxes of 3 cakes - - - » 43 20 43 20 43 20 43 20 43 20 43 20 43 20 43 20 I 43 20 : 43 20 | 43 20 43 20 104- Rose Geranium 2 - - - 105- Verbena 3 - 106- Musk 3 - - • • 147- Violet 3 - • 150- West End 3 - - - 151- Frangipanni 3 - - - * MISCELLANEOUS SOAPS. Bazin's Barbers, 10 cakes in box - - - - Shaving Cream, Almond, small - - box doz. 5 00 2 50 3 25 ; 2 50 3 25 2 75 3 50 Ambros., small - - large - - Rose, small- - large - - Toilet, various styles ----- Coudray's, an assortment ------- Glenn's ------ Guerlains', Shaving - -- -- -- -- doz. 5 50 cream, china pots small If 12 00 large n 22 50 earth pots, small it 6 00 12 00 Low's Brown Windsor - -- -- -- - tt 12 00 Glycerine, No. 1 3 cakes ----- n •> _ _ _ 12 00 3 16 00 -4 _ _ _ - it 24 00 1 wood ----- 2 _ . - - • 11 00 3 . . - 16 00 22 50 Honey 1 3 cakes ----- II . 2 _ - - - n 11 50 3 _ _ - _ 16 00 4. _ _ n 23 00 1 wood - -- -- 2 _ - . 10 00 3 _ _ _ - 14 00 4 ----- 21 00 Lubin's large ------------ doz. 12 00 med. - -- -- -- -- -- * 7 50 small ------------ It 5 50 Oakley's Sancho Panza ------- • 1 25 Riggs' Military Shaving -------- n 4 00 Robinson's Silver - -- -- -- -- - a 1 00 Taylor's, an assortment ------- tt Transparent bars - -- -- -- -- - Violet's, an assortment -------- it Vroom & Fowler's Military Shaving - - - • 1 00 Williams' Barber - -- -- -- -- - box 3 00 Yankee - -- -- -- -- -I doz. 1 00 SACCHARATED PEFSIN. The increased demand for a reliable article of Pepsin has induced us to add it to the list Of pharmaceutical products emanating from our laboratory, and we confidently believe it will be found uniform in strength and efficacious, wherever the symptoms of the patient indicate the use of Pepsin. Each parcel of Saccharated Pepsin is tested when manufactured, and will be found to answer the usual tests of efficiency. This article of Pepsin is perfectly soluble, and can be employed either in the form of Powder, in doses of from one to five grains, or dissolved in water, to which Glycerine, Syrups, or a flavoring Aromat ic may be added, avoiding, however, the use of alcohol, or metallic Salts, in the combination. In i oz. bottles, 50 cents per oz. In 1 pound bottles,$7.00 per pound SAMPLE SENT ON APPLICATION. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, No. IO Gold Street, New York. T R U E Persian Insect Powder. FOE THE DESTRUCTION OF BED-BUGS, ROACHES, ANTS, FLEAS, WATER-BUGS AND OTHER VERMIN LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, Wholesale Druggists, aSTo. IO GOLD STREET, OO.LT- The popular notion that this substance is a combination of ingredients, is an error. Genuine Persian Insect Powder is the flowers (ground) of the Pyrethrum Carneum or Pyrethrum Poseum, a plant growing at a high elevation upon the Caucasian Mountains, and possessing in a singular degree, the quality of first stupefying and then killing insects and vermin of every kind, while at the same time it is harmless to man and animals. Persian Insect Powder has long been in extensive use in Asia and Eastern Europe, but only within a com paratively recent period has it been knows in Western Europe or in this country. Our House was one of the first (if not the the first) to introduce it in the United States. As its qualities became known, a large demand quickly sprang up, stimulated by parties who adopted the article, putting it up, however under other names, such as "Magnetic Powder," " Electric Powder," &c. The demand for the powder in Western Europe and this country has increased so much of late, that adultera- tions with the leaves and stems of the plant, as well as with other substances, have become common, and vast quantities of this trash are thrown upon the market. Indisputably many persons on this account have been disappointed in the results they expected. We have, since its first introduction in this country, been largely engaged in importing the Persian Insect Powder, and our long experience has given us unsurpassed facilities for commanding the best Powder obtainable, viz :-that ground from the flowers alone. Our instructions to our agents are imperative on this point; and that they have been faithfully followed, is evidenced by the favor with which Persian Insect Powder, bearing our label has always been received. For Terms, see below. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. New York, August 1871. PRICES OF LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER'S PERSIAN INSECT POWDER. 4 ounce Bottles, per dozen ...$2 75 2 " " " " 1 75 4 ounce Bottles, per gross $30 00 2 " " " . 19 00 24 ounce Bottles (Hotel size), per dozen 15 00 The most satisfactory results in the use of the Persian Insect Powder, are secured by the use of a Bellows, made for the purpose. The Bellows, filling the air with the powder, compels the inhalation of the fine particles by the insect or vermin, and it is this inhalation, rather than mere contact, that kills them. By it, the Powder can be blown into crevices and recesses, searching out such vermin as would be comparatively secure from a simple strewing by hand. Moreover, the use of the Bellows economises the Powder, making every particle tell. Price of Bellows (Retail, $1 00)$7 50 per dot. 37 COLGATE & CO. Toilet Soaps and Perfumery, We ask special attention to our well known Cashmere Bouquet Soap, the peculiar and delightful perfume of which is so univer sally popular. We also recommend, as being of unusually good quality and fine perfume, our Rose Soap, Lettuce Soap, Frangipanni Soap, New Mown Hay Soap, Eau de Cologne Soap, Rose Geranium Soap, May Blossom Soap. Violet Soap, West End Soap, Jockey Club Soap, Multiflora Soap, Tonquin Musk Soap, Patchouly Soap, Rondeletia Soap, Sandaline Soap. In addition to the above, and a large assortment of other Fine and Superfine Toilet Soaps, we strongly recommend our HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS: Cashmere Bouquet, Italian Violets, Ylang Ylang, White Rose, New Mown Hay, Jockey Club, Bridal Bouquet, Moss Rose, Lilium Auratum, Bouquet de Caroline, Souvenir, West End, May Blossom, Ess. Bouquet, Rondeletia, And a variety of other favorite odors, in PINT and HALF-PINT bottles. Our Violet Toilet Water, MultiflLora Toilet Water, Rosodora Toilet Water and Lavender Flower Water, in half pint bottles, will be found very agreeable and refreshing toilet articles. 38 CASWELL, HAZARD & CO. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, Broadway, cor. 24th Street, and Sixth Avenue, cor. 39th Street, New York. French Fruit Juices, for Soda Syrups, PREPARED BY LEXCELLENT & CHEVASSU, Paris France. PINE APPLE, QUINCE, STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY, CHERRY, BLACKBERRY, CURRANT, (Framboise,) WILD CHERRY, SYRUP RED ORANGE, (1'Orange Rouge de Malte.) We recommend to the favorable consideration of the Trade the productions of this celebrated House, which have met with an unprecedented sale and are everywhere recognized as the standard of excellence. The juices are prepared directly from the fruit, possessing the true flavor of the fruits from which they are made-. They are unequalled by any other juices or syrups on the market. The ORANGE SYRUP is prepared entirely from the Red Oranges of Malta, of which the exquisite taste and perfume are so favorably known. It Jis a delicious Syrup for Soda Water or for preparing a refreshing and healthful beverage. These juices were imported, and introduced by Messrs. Sargent, Studley & Co. some three years since. Having re- tired trom business, they have assigned the agency for them to us. PURE COD LIVER OIL MANUFACTURED ON THE SEA-SHORE BY HAZARD & CASWELL, FROM FRESH AND SELECTED LIVERS This Oil is made from fresh selected livers on the sea-coast, and from the great care and skill attending its manufacture, is perfectly pure and sweet, and can be retained by the stomach when all other kinds have failed. It is confidently recommended to the medical profession as the sweetest and purest in market. Prof. Parker, of New York, says ; "I have tried almost every other manufacturer's Oil, and give yours the decided preference." Frof. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachusetts,after a full analysis of it, says: " It is the best for foreign or domestic use." It is made with GREATER CARE, is sweeter, and has less of the RANCID, unpleasant fish taste and odor than any other made-foreign or domestic. Cod Giver Oil, with Iodine, Bromine and Phosphorus. lodo-Ferrated Cod Elver Oil.-A combination of Cod Liver Oil with Iodide of Iron. Cod Liver Oil with Phosphate of Lime. Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. THE BEST TONIC. Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Caiisaya Bark (Calisaya Bark and Pyrophosphate of Iron)-A pleasant straw- colored cordial (never before attained), made directly from the best Calisaya Bark (J3F"not from its alkaloids or their salts,) combining the three most valuable tonics, Iron, Phosphorus and Calisaya, without injury to their active tonic properties, in an agreeable elixir, pleasant to the taste and acceptable to the most delicate stomach. Each tea-spoonful contains one grain of Pyrophosphate of Iron, and each pint the virtues of one ounce of Royal Calisaya Bark. Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya with Bismuth. Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya with Strychnia. Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Gentian. Elixir-Phosphate Iron, Quinine and Strychnine. Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine. Elixir of Paullinia. Elixir Taraxacum Comp. Juniper Tar Soap.-The Juniper Tar Soap has been extensively used for a long time, with the greatest success, in Psora, Lichen agrius, Impetigo, Ring-worm, the different scaly affections of the skin, the advance stage of Eczema and Favus. and especially for chapped hands, face, and all roughness of the skin caused by cold weather, or change of temperature. Ferro-Phosphorated Wine of Wild Cherry Bark.-Each Fluid Drachm contains twenty-five grains of the Bark and two grains Ferri-Pyrophosphate. Manufacturers Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of SURGICAL, DENTAL AND ORTHOP/EDIC INSTRUMENTS, 39 SHEPARD & DUDLEY, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS. Instrument Makers to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. SHEPARD &. DUDLEY. N. Y. The improvement of the manufacture of this Thermometer consists in the contraction of the bore at "A." This is produced by a new and very difficult operation. The bore already wonderfully small, bv this process is rendered extremely minute. It permits the free passage of the main portion from the bulb by expansion, but is entirely too small to admit the disjointed or registering portion, " B," from entering, and thus prevents the possibility of joining. We are aware that large numbers of thermometers have been sold claiming this peculiarity, but little or absolutely no reliance can be placed in them, as many of the faculty can testify. C2U" Every Thermometer offered by us as possessing this merit is absolutely incapable of being deprived of this property, unless by actual design. The Improved Clinical or Fever Thermometer. We take pleasure in introduci.ig this Supporter to the notice of the trade,feeling assured that it possesses merits which cannot be claimed for any other article of the kind yet invented. The fabric is knitted entirely by hand, possesses a soft and porous texture which renders it cool and pleasant to the most irritable patient. A full description of it will be mailed on application. A complete illustrated and descriptive Catalogue of Apparatus for Deformities, Uterine Supporters, Inhalation Apparatus, Galvanic Batteries, etc., containing four hundred wood cuts, will be mailed on receipt of ten cents, to cover postage. A FULL SUPPLY ON HANDOF THE LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED Aspirators, Hypodermic Syringes, Fever Thermometers, etc., Obstetrical, Uterine and Urethral Instruments in Variety. THE IMPROVED ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER Also, a Full and Complete Assortment of Druggists' Rubber Goods, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. Special attention given to the sale of Davidson's, Mattson's, Richardson's and Essex Syringes. Send for Trade Journal. 40 GALVANO-FARADIC MANUFACTURING CO. MANUFACTURERS OF ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, No. If>7 East Thirty-Fourth Street. New York. MANUFACTURE FOR MEDICAL USE: Portable Electro-Magnetic Machines, 11 Galvanic Batteries. Galvano Caustic " 11 Batteries for Hospitalsand Dispensaries. Electrodes for Eye, Ear, Phrenic Nerve, Larynx, Uterus, Urethra, Bladder, Rectum, Resolution of Tumors, Foot and Tongue Plates, Scourges, Needles. Recommended and Used by Prof. W. A. Hammond, M. D. - - New York. " James R. Wood, " - - " Lewis A. Sayre, " - - S. Weir Mitchell, " - - Philadelphia. " Robt. E. Rogers, " - - " Francis Minot, " . - - Boston. " Robt, Bartholow, " - Cincinnati. " J. K. Bauday. " - - St.Louis. Prof. N. S. Davis, M. D - - - - Chicago. " James S. Jewell, " - - - - " J. S. Cabell, " - Charlottesville, Va. " Julian J. Chisolm, " - Baltimore, Md. " Leartus Connor ' - - Detroit, Mich. " James B. McCaw, " - - Richmond, Va. " Julius F. Miner, " - - Buffalo. N.Y. " Geo W. Rains, " . - - Augusta, Ga. Send for Catalogue with a Concise and Practical Guide for their Use, Orders Received and Executed by T .A 7, FT ,T MARSH & GARDINER. 41 SAMUEL W. ROWORTH & CO. Manufacturing Confectioners 354 PEARL STREET, Corner of Frankfort Street, NEW YORK. Manufacture for Druggists' Use, Genuine Medicated and other Lozenges. The Original English Coltsfoot Rock and the Celebrated English Bath Pipe, Diamond Licorice Jujubes, and Jujube Paste in Sheets. LONDON HOSPITAL LOZENGES, FOR THE THROAT, Made with Black Currant Paste, according to Dr. McKenzie's Formulas. ENGLISH BLACK CURRANT LOZENGES. English Peppermint Lozenges, Double and Triple Strength. French Chlorate Potash Lozenges. Muriate of Ammonia Lozenges. Pastilles de Paris. Dr. Wistar's Cough Lozenges. Santonine or Worm Lozenges. Bronchial Troches and all the Officinal Troches of the Pharmacopoeias. Soluble Gum Drops, Extra Horehound Candy, Iceland Moss, Flax Seed, and Boneset and Hops Drops, and a General Assortment of the Most Saleable Confectionery; N. B.-S. W. R. & Co. Give special attention to the Manufacture of all kinds of Medicated Lozenges or Troches for Druggists, according to their own formulas. Homoeopathic Globules, all Sugar. The different sizes always on hand. All our Medicated Lozenges Warranted to contain the Full Quantity of Medicine, of the Very Best Quality Required for each Lozenge. • FOR Our Goods are for Sale by Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. 42 WOOLWORTH & GRAHAM, SI John Street, New York, STATIONERS AND PAPER DEALERS FIRST CLASS STOCK FOR THE DRUG TRADE. ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS STATIONERY. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC PAPER. WRITING PAPERS, PRINTING PAPERS, CHROMO PAPERS, WRAPPING PAPERS, LABEL PAPERS, TISSUE PAPERS. Paper made to order any weight, size and color. Samples supplied on application. Correspondence invited, WOOLWORTH & GRAHAM, P. O. Box 4377. 51 John St., New York. GOLD MEDAL NON-EXTENSIBLE RAZOR BELT. Patented July 25, 1871 ; Re-Issued May 13, 1873 and June 9, 1871- In this strap the liability ot the leather to stretch and become loose and porous is prevented by the use of a Patented Non-Extensible Base, which supports the leather and secures PERMANENT ELASTICITY. We make this style with single rod, double rod and wood frames, and intend that it shall, in quality, compare favorably with our other well-known brands. BENJAMIN F. BADGER, & SON, Manufacturers, Badger Place, Charlestown, Mass. Orders for the Non-Extensible Razor Belt, also Emerson's Genuine Strop, executed by, LAZELL, MARSH & G-ARDINER. 43 houchin's true blue. OR LIQUID INDIGO, Is the best Laundry Blue in the market. Put up in 2, 4, 8 - and 16 oz. Bottles, and the Powder Blue in 3 sizes wood boxes. This is a very superior article and is of Extra Strength. It is a Superior Blue Writing Ink, and a good Dye. houchin's Starch Polish Wafers is the best Starch Polish in use. The popularity of Houchin's Specialties has induced parties to put inferior articles in the market, and we caution the Trade to see that the name "Houchin's" is on every article. for illustrated Catalogue of all cur articles, k full assortment of our goods kept by Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. HOUCHIN'S PATENT SPECIALTIES. These Monitor Floating Wax Tapers for BURNING OIL, are the cheapest Night Lights in use and are very popular. Price with sufficient number of wicks to burn every night for Six Months 25 cts Per Box. Three " 15 " " " These tapers are desirable for burning in the Sanctuary or Altar lamps. These superior Wax Night Lights will burn eight hours without SMELL OR SMOKE. For the Bed Chamber, Fami- lies and Travelers. 1 dozen in box-50 cents a box. They can be used without any Lamp ; but when our No. 560 Patent Night Lamps with glass bell shade are used, they are the most ORNAMENTAL AND CONVENIENT Night Light in use. Lamp, complete, $1.25. No. 666. HOUCHIN'S PATENT POCKET 3OOKSTOVE, with GRIDIRON and BOILER- This Boiler, holding nearly one pint, has folding handles and can be used as a drinking cup, by which enough water can be boiled in five minutes to make a cup of TEA, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE, or other hot drinks, or broil or scramble eggs, make an oyster stew, broil a steak or chop, make toast, etc. There is no taste, smell or smoke. This is the most complete and portable COOK STOVE IN THE WORLD. It can be carried in the pocket. Price complete, in box> $1.25. Nickel Plated, $2.00; a larger size for MECHANICAL, CHEMICAL OR HOUSEHOLD USE, on which can be boiled a gallon of water and the cooking for a family may be done. Price $2.25. ANY OF HOUCHIN'S PATENT sent by mail on receipt of price. 44 GET THE BEST I The attention of Druggists and Dealers in Fine Pharmaceutical Products is directed to the IMPROVED MEDICINAL PLASTERS MANUFACTURED BY J. M. GROSVENOR, M. D. 22 Park Place, New York. P. O. Box 2567. GROSVENOR & RICHARDS, 14 HAMILTON STREET, BOSTON. These goods are prepared by processes peculiar to ourselves, and a comparison of them with any others in market, will immediately establish their superiority, both in medicinal value, and mechanical perfection. All our products are warranted to be exactly as represented, and to retain their value and elegance unimproved by age or climate changes. We Manufacture: Grosvenor's Improved Porous Plasters, in 2 doz. boxes, and in 5 yard rolls, for dispensing. Grosvenor's Capsicin Porous Plasters, in 2 doz. boxes, and in t yard rolls, for dispensing. Grosvenor's Thapsiaguin Porous Plaster, in 1 doz. boxes. Grosvenor's Improved Belladonna Plaster, ( The Standard for Physicians Use.) In I yard rolls, for dispensing, The same Plain in i doz. boxes, The same Porous in i doz. boxes. The same Porous, in i yard rolls, for dispensing. Grosvenor's Improved Opium Plaster, In one yard rolls for dispensing ; also, GROSVENOR & RICHARDS' STANDARD STRENGTHENING PLASTERS. Arnica, Poor Man's, Belladonna, Morning, Galbanum, Hemlock, Iron, etc., in four sizes, on Kid, Cloth or Paper as desired. MANUFACTURERS OF Torrey's Patent Chest & Lung* Protectors AND THE CELEBRATED ARCTIC JACKETS. PROPHIETORS OF GROSVENOR'S LIVERINE-System Regulator and Tonic. RICHARDSON S SHERRY WINE BITTERS, and BLOOD-ROOT ELIXIR. Full lines of Fruit Flavors, Flavoring' Extracts, Root Beer and Ging'er Ale Extracts, etc. for Soda Water Fountains, of approved quality, at satisfactory prices. I*ricc ILists sent on aj>plication. Samples of Plasters furnished to Dealers and Physicians without charge. Private formulas incorporated in Plasters with special labels, to order. So licitcd. ALL OUP PRODUCTS MAY BE OBTAINED, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT, THROUGH LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. 45 POND'S EXTRACT, OF Hamamelis, or Witch Hazel. SOH-ZD EVER.YWHERE ! ! ! People's Remedy FOR •BURNS, SCALDS BRUISES, SPRAINS, WOUNDS, ULCERS, LAME BACK FROZEN LIMBS, SORE FEET, CORNS, SWELLED FACE, KIDNEY DISEASE, BROKEN BREAST, AGUE IN BREAST, RHEUMATISM, People's Remedy FOR BLEEDING PILES, BLIND PILES, TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE, EARACHE, SORE THROAT, SORE EYES, NOSE-BLEED, SORE NIPPLES, BLEEDING LUNGS, PAINFUL MENSES, STINGSOF INSECTS NEURALGIA, HEMORRHAGES. Above is old picture, now used only on Bundle Labels and inside of Pamphlet-sent free on application to No. 98 Maiden Lane, N. Y. PROMPT AND PERMANENT ! ! NEAT, CLEAN AND EFFECTUAL! ! THE VEGETABLE PAIN DESTROYER, AND INVALUABLE FAMILY REMEDY. CAUTION : Pond's Extract lias been imitated. The genuine article has the words Pond's Extract blown in each bottle. It is prepared by the only persons living who ever knew how to pre- pare it properly. Refuse all other preparations of Witch Hazel. This is the only article used by Physicians, and in the hospitals of this country and Europe. FOR WHOLESALE PRICES, SEE ILACrE 22. 46 ESTABLISHED 1852. INDEXICAL SOAP COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER, PUMICE, SHAVING, DENTAL, AND FINE TOILET SOAPS. Indexical Silver Soap,-For cleaning and pol- ishing Silver, Silver-Plated, Britannia and Tin Ware, Window Glass, Mirrors, Marble, Paint, &c. This is the most convenient and effective prepara- tion for these purposes ever offered to the public. It may be used even by inexperienced help with entire safety, as it contains nothing that can possibly injure the finest plate or jewelry. Many of our largest Manufacturers and Importers of Silver and Plated Ware, have used this Soap, and have given it their unqualified approval. " We have made careful trial of your SILVER SOAP, and find it admirably adapted to the cleaning of Silver and Plated Ware, particularly the chased and frosted work; and we take pleasure in recommending it to the public as a safe and effective agent for removing tarnish and restoring the color with a very small amount of labor. We have never seen a better article for the above purpose." "We have given your SILVER SOAP a thorough trial, and find there is nothing to equal it, as it cleans Silver quicker, better and with less trouble than any- thing we have been able to find." "After repeated trials of your SILVER SOAP, we can recommend it as the best article we have ever seen for cleaning plated and Silver ware. It must soon be used by every family." "I ufee your SILVER SOAP daily in my business, for cleaning Silver and Plated Ware and Jewelry; it is tjie best thing for the purpose I have ever used, and I sell it nearly every day, and every customer likes it and recommends it." "For cleaning and polishing Silver, Silver-Plated, and Tin-Ware, Mirrors, Window Glass, Paint, Marble, &c., we are now selling, and for many years have sold, more of ROBINSON'SIINDEXICAL SILVER SOAP, than all other preparations combined. We recom- mend it as safe, effective, convenient and eco- nomical." "We have sold during the last seven years many thousand boxes of your INDEXICAL SILVER SOAP, and it has given universal satisfaction,being superior in my estimation, to any preparation of its kind. We expect to greatly increase the already large demand." Marion Harland, in " Common Sense in the House- hold," page 529, says : " For cleaning silver I have for years used the INDEXICAL SILVER SOAP. Besides being clean and easy of application, it will not wear away the metal, as will whiting, or chalk, or plate powder, however finely pulverized." CA 5JTION.-The original and only genuine Silver Soap is known world-wide, as the INDEXICAL SILVER SOAP, and is the only proper thing to use for cleaning silver, Electro-Plated Goods, Marble, Artificial Teeth Plate, Jewelry, Statuary, fine House Paint, etc. Beware of imitations. INDEXICAL PUMICE-STONE SOAP.-Re- moves stains of all kinds from the hands leaving them soft and white. INDEXICAL CROWN SHAVING SOAP.- Surpasses all shaving compounds In richness and durability of its lather ; working equally well in cold or warm water. It permeates the beard, rendering it soft and easy to cut, and leaves the face fresh, fair and smooth. INDEXICAL DENTAL SOAP.-Without color, and containing no powders or acids. It imparts to the teeth a pearly whitness, sweetens the breath and strengthens the gums. Recommended by den- tists. The best value in TOILET SOAPS is found in Robinson's Indexical Large Oval Tablets. Honey, Glycerine, White Glycerine, Brown Windsor, Turtle Oil, Oatmeai Glycerine, Palm Oil, White Windsor, Alpine, Sunflower, Poncine, Bay Leaf, Almond Meal, Rice Flower, Tar, Sand, Pumice, &c. ALMOND MEAL. SOAP;-Registered July 27,1875. Rich in Sweet Almond Meal, Albumen, Glycerine, Balsams and Ottos. Its fine emolient properties are unexcelled by any Toilet Soap in use. It ICE FLOUR SOAP.,-Registered July 13, 1875. An extra fine white Toilet Soap, with abundant, agreeable, and lasting perfume. OATMEAL GLYCERINE SOAP.-Registered June 8, 1875, Recommended for use in all extremes of weather. It is especially adapted to the tender skins of young children. Made exceedingly mild, it is far preferable to the best Castile. CAUTION. The only genuine Oatmeal Soap is ROBINSON'S OATMEAL GLYCERINE. It is the cheapest fine Toilet Soap in the world, and a perfect winter soap. Ask for ROBINSON'S OATMEAL SOAP. The above Soaps are made only by the Indexical Soap Company, ROBINSON BROS. & CO., BOSTON. ORDERS FOR INDEXICAL SOAP EXECUTED BY LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. 47 KRAFT & HOFFMEISTER. Successors to A. LORENZ. MANUFACTURERS OF METAL SHOW CASES, Nos. 8 & 13 NORTH WILLIAM STREET, N. Y. A large assortment of SILVER, WHITE METAL and WOOD SHOW CASES of the latest improved patterns, constantly on hand. SILVER STORE FRONTS made to order, in any desired pattern, at short notice. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. OVAL FRONT COUNTER SHOW CASE. No. No. 1. Spring Hinges. Corner Moulding. Descriptive Price List sent on application. Top Moulding. 48 HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE (MEDICINAL.) This preparation, since its introduction, has been generally recognized by the medical profession as one of the best specifics for DYSPEPSIA, URINARY DIFFICULTIES, CEREBRAL & SPINAL PARALYSIS, MENTAL EXHAUSTION, WAKEFULNESS, HYSTERIA, AND NERVOUS DISORDERS IN GENERAL Most excellent results nave followed its administration for the prostration and nervous symptoms following Sunstroke. SEA SICKNESS. It has recently been discovered by an eminent Physician, while crossing the Atlantic, that HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE is a preventive and cure for SEA SICKNESS. Its use does not interfere with either habits or diet, and no danger need he apprehended from exces- sive doses, lor it is the same Acid as is found in Wheat and other cereals, and if we take into the system more than is needed it is expelled with the secretions of the body. Professional men, especially those undergoing severe mental labor, will find this article, from its stim- ulant effect, to relieve fatigue and invigorate the mental powers, while its use before retiring produces relaxation and sleep. The following unsolicited communication from that distinguished gentleman. Dr. Winslow Lewis, simply confirms what is already known to most of the medical fraternity Boston Massachusets, November, n, 1873. H. M. Anthony,Esq., New York. Dear Sir : Having in my own person experienced those ills for which the Acid Phosphate is pre- scribed, and having found great relief and alleviation by its use, I most cheerfully attest my appreciation of its excellence. Yours very truly, Winslow Lewis, M. D. Physicians wishing to examine aud test this remedy, are requested to apply by letter or otherwise to the undersigned. A pamphlet more thoroughly descriptive, and containing testimonials, will be sent free by mail on application. H. M. ANTHONY, G-eneral Agent, Z04 lieade Street New York* 49 Dr. J. G. B. SIEGERT & SONS' ANGOSTURA BITTERS CAUTION.-The public are warned not only against the many false ANGOSTURA BITTERS offered for sale, bearing imitated labels and signatures of Dr. J. G. B. Siegert& Sons, but also against any Angostura Bitters, manufactured under the name of other makers, and which, being but recently introduced, are merely imitations of the only genuine ANGOSTURA BITTERS of Dr. J. G. B. SIEGERT & SONS, which, during the last forty (40) years, have enjoyed an unrivalled reputation for efficacy and superiority. PRICE.-1 Case (2 Doz.), $19.00, Gold. 5 Cases, $18.00, Gold. 10 Cases, $17.00, Gold. Stamps extra. N. B.-Orders for the above justly celebrated Bitters executed by LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, Manufactured in Ciudad Bolivar (formerly Angos- tura), Venezuela. These Bitters are justly celebrated for their exquisite flavor and great medicinal virtue, and are the same article known in European Pharmacopoeias as " Tincture of Angostura," and were awarded "HONORABLE MENTION FOR SUPERIORITY OF QUALITY." at the International Exhibition, London, 1862 : also at Vienna Exposition of 1873, the MEDAL OF MERIT, or the highest distinction obtainable. Used as an aromatic mixture with Wine and Spirits, an Invaluable Tonic, and an efficient preventive of Diarrhcea, Cholera, etc. Sold, duty paid and in Bond by WM. H.KNOEPFEL, Sole Agent and Patentee for the United States. Shipping and Commission Merchant, 59 Liberty St., N. Y. 50 ESTABLISHED 1836. H. FLANTEN & SON, CAPSULES, THOROUGHLY RELIABLE. Sandalwood Oil, also with i-io Cassia added. Copaiba, Copaiba and Cubebs, Cod Liver Oil. Phosphorated Oil, Turpentine. Oil of Erigeron, Wormseed, Castor Oil (1-8 Gr. Podophyllin). Xylol, Tar, Eucalyptus Globulus, And many other kinds, to which new articles are continually added. CAPSULES IN BULK FOR DISPENSARY USE, in botts., 100 each. EMPTY CAPSULES, (5 sizes). Especially adapted and recommended for the easy administration of concentrated or nauseous solid medical substances. Detailed List and Samples furnished on application. 224 William Street, New York. Sole Agents in America for BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. RAWSON'S PATENT ELASTIC SELF ADJUSTING U. S. ARMY SUSPENSORY BANDAGES: THE ONLY PERFECT ARTICLE EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC Examined and recommended by the best and most noted Surgeons and Physicians in the United States. Far superior to any Foreign or Domestic production. Heretofore the Suspensory Bandage has been used as an article of necessity. This is an article of comfort, and is fast becoming an indispensable article of gentlemen's attire. Used by scores of people in perfect health for the comfort and pleasure de- rived from its use. It is a perfect protection while riding, laboring, etc. Many phy- sicians who are in perfect health are using my Patent Suspensory. Figr.3 Tig4 Size. PRICES. Retail. ' No. 1. Small, medium and large . ....... $1.50. No. llfj Small, medium and large 1.75. No. 2. Small, medium and large ..2.00. No. 3. Small, medium and large .3.00. No. 4. Small, medium and large .4.00. S. E. G. RAWSON, Patentee, - - SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. For sale by Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. 51 CONROY, BISSETT & MALLESON, Importers and Manufacturers of Fish Hooks and Fishing Tackle, 6 3 Fulton Street, New York. The Trade Supplied on Liberal Terms. Send for Priced Catalogue. Factory at Woodbury, Orange Countyf Jd. Y. SUPPOSITORY MOULDS. PLAISTED'S I PATENT [Patented Jan. 20, 1874.] THE above cut represents one of Plaisted's Patent Suppository Moulds, closed and ready to fill, and one from which the Suppositories have been removed by sliding the moulds apart. These moulds are offered to the Pharmacists of the country, with the assurance that they are the best moulds in the market, and that suppositories may be removed from the moulds in from three to five minutes after filling without danger of breaking. The moulds are made of brass, nickel-plated, and each will make six suppositories of thirty grains U. S. P. They are constructed in two parts that they may be separated by a sliding motion in the direction of the axis of the suppository, while a lateral motion or a direct separation is prevented. The object is to facilitate the removal of the suppository from the moulds, and to diminish the danger of breaking it. ORDERS RECEIVED AND EXECUTED BY Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. 52 TROEMNER'S STEEL DRUG & SPICE MILL. CAPABLE OF REDUCING DRUGS, SPICES, ROOTS, &c. TO A FINE POWDER. It can be dusted out and cleaned in a moment, by unscrewing the two brass thumb-screws and removing the face and fly-wheel. This Mill in point of efficiency and durability, is superior to any other in use. Price, - $>16. HENRY TROEMNER, 710 Market St. Philadelphia. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, Agents, NEW YORK. 53 BROOKLYN WHITE LEAD COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1825. White Lead, Red Lead, Litharge. EVERY PACKAGE WAEBANTED ST RIOT L f PURE. The LEAD manufactured by this Company is made from the FINEST QUALITY of ENGLISH and GERMAN PIG LEAD, and is unsurpassed in COLOR, FIRMNESS and BODY. Office, 89 Maiden Lane, NEW YORK.. ORDERS EXECUTED BY LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. 54 WINDOW GLASS. E. F. HOLBROOK & BROTHERS, 85, 8 7, 89 BEEKMAN, 53, 55 CLIFF STREET, NEW YORK. Importers and Dealers in FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS. - ALSO - POLISHED PLATE, Floor and Skylight Glass. Ornamental Glass, For Vestibule Doors, Office Partitions, Prescription Cases, &c., &c. Glass Cut to any Size and Shape Required. ESTIMATES GIVEN. Price Lists Furnished on Direct Application, or through LAZELL, NIA.RSTI & GARDINER. 55 ESTABLISHED 1847. GEE, 6 &. 7 New Haven Bailroad Buildings, Franklin Street, corner Elm St., New York. SODA WATER APPARATUS Soda-Water Apparatus for the manufacture of Soda- water, Mineral-Water, Gin- ger Ale, Mead, Wines, etc., etc., with all the latest im- provements. Syphon bot- tles, and machines for filling syphons. Machines for bot- tling and corking Soda- Water, Ginger-Ale, Wines, etc., etc. My Upright Gen- erator, for §150, will charge four ten-gallon fountains, with one charge of material. Iron and Copper fountains of all sizes. Copper foun- tains retinned and repaired at short notice. The safety valve, alarm, and pressure gauge combined furnished for all classes or Generators. Marble Dispensing Apparatus, for the Counter. The INVINCIBLE will draw all beverages from one connection pipe to a Soda Cylinder, or Manufacturing Apparatus. Send for a Catalogue with prices, Ac., Ac. Explicit Directions for the Manufacturing of Soda-Water and Choice Syrups. 56 HANBURY SMITH & HAZARD, 35 Union Square, NEW YORK. MINERAL WATERS, NATURAL and ARTIFICIAL, Also Materials for their Manufacture, in Solution or as Dry Salts. GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT PREPARATIONS, Of very Superior quality, and in all cases EXACTLY WHAT THE LABEL CALLS FOR. ORDERS RECEIVED AND EXECUTED BY i Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. 57 P ARK & TILFORD, Importers, ZPHtlaNTCIKLAULi OFFICE, 931 BROAD VYyVNT TxTE'W YORK SEGARS. MINERAL WATERS. We offer to the Trade Special Inducements in HAVANA SEGARS. Consignments received by EVERY STEAMER, of choicest brands, including the celebrated LA ROSA, CABANAS, FLOR DEL FUMAR, HENRY CLAY, LA ESCEPCION, CAROLINA, FLOR DE YNCLAN, EL AGUILA DE ORO, VILLAR Y VILLAR, H. UPMANN, FLOR DE CUBA, CHURRUCA, LA MATILDE, LORD NELSON, PARTAGAS, LA ANTIGUEDAD, FIGARO, ESPANOLA, BELINDA, FLOR DE LAZO In MINERAL WATERS, we offer on best terms: IMPORTED VICHY, FRIEDRICHSHALL BITTER WATER, OREZZA (Corsica) WATER, GERMAN SELTZER, CONGRESS & HATHORN WATER, n8, 120 and 122 Sixth Avenue, New York. 656 and 658 Sixth Avenue, " " 39 Rue de LaFayette, Paris, France. BRANCHES; for Catalogue. 58 SODA WATER REQUISITES. FRUIT JUICES, OUR OWN MAKE, Strawberry, Raspberry, Pine Apple, BlacKberry, In Quart Champagne Bottles, per doz., $12.00. FRUIT ESSENCES, of Superior Quality, our own make, Apple, Banana, Nectar, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry, per lb $1.25. Fruit Acid Solution, Fruit Coloring. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, Checkerberry, Lemon, Orange, Sarsaparilla, Nectarine, Vanilla, Coffee. Our Fruit-juices do not spoil nor ferment after the bottles are opened, and only require to be mixed with Simple Syrup as may be needed. We also furnish to order any other articles or apparatus connected with Soda Water trade, at manufacturers prices. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, 10 Gold Street, 59 PRATT'S OIL For Sale Everywhere! CHAS. PRATT & CO. Sole Proprietors, 128 Pearl street, NEW YORK. ORDERS EXECUTED BY Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. 60 R. DOUGLAS & CO. No. 97 Chambers St. N. Y. M»NUFACTURERS OF THE J, I, PATENT FOUNTS AND BUMS, Also, CRYSTAL LIGHT BURNERS, No. 4. FOUNT, plain and flat. B.X.L.Burner, 7 in. shade No. 1 FOUNT. B. X. L. Burner, 10 in. Patent Folder & Shade. No. 1. FOUNT; showing how the fount can be taken out. This new arrangement for burning Kerosene Oil is rapidly superceding gas ; the easy manner in which it is adjusted, the brilliant light of the X. L. Burner, and the very low price of the fixtures, render it the most desirable lamp ever offered in the market. SOLE AGENTS OF THE CELEBRATED IMPROVED German Study Lamp, " KLEEMAN'S PATENT," SAFETY RESERVOIR, And Patent Drip Cup for Lighting and Extin- guishing without handling shade or chimney. Sole Proprietors ot the well-known "Game Cock" trade mark, Study, Sun, and X. L. Chimneys, warranted fire-proof. General Importers and Dealers in all descriptions of lamp Goods. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, Containing full description of Goods, with Price List, furnished on application. Orders Received and Executed by LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. 61 COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, OF THE CITY OF IN E W YORK. FORTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL SESSION, 1876-77. The Lectures tn this College will commence September 25th, 1876, and continue on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings, until March 9th 1877. The Lectures on Botany and Materia Medica will occupy the hour from 7 to 8 o'clock on Monday and Friday Evenings, and will be illustrated by living plants, diagrams and models, while the drugs themselves will be shown as they are found in ordinary course of business, and their medical action explained. The Lectures on Chemistry, on Wednesday Evening from 7 to 9 o'clock, will give the student a thorough insight into this important department, and will be finely illustrated with practical experiments designed to impress upon the mind the facts which are conveyed in the Lectures. The important branch of Toxicology, will receive special attention. The Lectures on Pharmacy will be practical, and all important processes will be fully detailed, explained and illustrated, The selection of drugs and their proper manipu- lation to produce the remedies ordered by the U. S. Pharmacopceia and other recognized standard works will be dwelt upon, and ihe application of Analysis to Pharmaceutical Chemicals will be shown. The various manipulations of Pharmacy, as well of the store as of I he Laboratory, will be explained, and a large number of preparations will be made, in order to familiarize the students with their manufacture. The Lectures on Pharmacy will be given on Monday and Friday Evenings, occupying an hour and a quarter each evening. TERMS for the course, $36. Matriculation ticket, $2. FACULTY. Charles F. Chandler, Ph. D. - - - - , Professor of Chemistry. W. DE F. Day, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica and Botany. P. W. Bedford, Professor of Pharmacy. Charles Froebel, Professor of Analytical Chemistry. August Koehler, M. D., - - Professor of Botany. THE SUMMER CLASS IN BOTANY Will receive practical instruction in that useful and interesting study, by the examination of fresh plants, under the tuition of Prof. August Koehler, at three o'clock every Wednesday, from the 10th of May to the 9th of August. TERMS $5. ' A SUMMER COURSE ON PHARMACEUTICAL MANIPULATIONS, JBY Prof. P. W. BEDFORD, Will be given on Wednesday Eve'gs,. at 7.30 o'clock, during the months of May, June, and July. T E RMS ©5. THE LABORATORY WILL BE OPEN FOR PRATICE IN PHARMACEUTICAL AND CHEMICAL MANIPULATIONS AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Daily, during the spring and winter, from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M., viz.: Spring Course, from 1st day of April till 2d day of July. Winter Course, from September 1st 1876, till March 10th, 1877 '-L'-EJjRTsZES--For one month, daily, $15; each month additional, $10. For three days, weekly, during one month, $10,two months, $15; then, $7 per month. THE LIBRARY IS OPEN DAILY, From 9 A. M. till 2 P. M., and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, from 7 to 9 o'clock. For tickets, prospectus or further information, address or apply to M. L. M. PEIXOTTO, Secretary of N. Y. College of Pharmacy, UNIVERSITY BUILDING, University Dlace, Cor. Waverly Place, New York City. 62 C. T. RAYNOLDS & CO. ESTABLISHED 7770, Manufacturers and Importers of Artists, Painters & Wax Flower Materials FINE COLORS. PAINTERS' FINE BRUSHES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF MATERIALS FOR COACH, CAR AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. DRAWING PAPERS and MATERIALS. FINE DRY COLORS. WATER COLORS and MATERIALS. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. GRAINERS' MATERIALS, CHAMOIS SKINS. PAINTERS' CUTLERY. BRONZE POWDERS, GOLD LEAF. ENGLISH TUBE PAINTS, AMERICAN TUBE PAINTS. COPYING BRUSHES, CRAYONS AND MATERIALS, ETC., ETC., ETC. TYRIAN WATER COLOR TABLET, IMPROVEMENT IN WATER COLORS FOR ART, COMPOSED OF THE CHOICEST MATERIALS, ALWAYS READY FOR USE. also. Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Colors, WHITE LEADS AND ZINCS, 106 & 108 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. And 21 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. 63 Laze 11, Marsh $< Cardiner's Laboratory Products. The attention of Pharmacists is called to the following important Pharmaceutical Products, which are but a few of the many articles made in our laboratory, all of which are of unexceptionable quality. Medicinal Fluid Extracts of which our list embraces about one hundred and fifty kinds. These are all made by Cold Percolation, and, unlike many of the kinds offered for sale, are reliable and of full standard strength. With one exception, each fluid ounce contains all the medicinal virtues of one troy ounce of the drug from which it is made. Citrate of Iron and Quiniae containing over Ten per cent, of the Alkaloid Quiniae and perfectly soluble in cold water. Much of this preparation offered for sale is deficient in Quiniae strength. Saccharated Pepsin. We have for the past three years been manufacturers of this article, and it has always been known favorably as being entirely soluble, of full strength and acceptable quality. A full special list of all our Pharmaceutical and Chemical products will be furnished on application. 64