Prices Current OF LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, New York. SACHET POWDERS. UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY. ONE-QUARTER POUND BOTTLE AS REPRESENTED BELOW Price per lb .j (with the exception of Musk, $7.00) $3.50. Bouquet Caroline, Frangipanni, Heliotrope, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Marechale, Millefleur, Mousseline, Musk, New Mown Hay, Patchouly, Redwood Rose, Rose Geranium, Sandal, Verbena, Violet, West End, White Rose. REDWOOD COLOGNE. (Trade Mark Patented.) Half Pint, Glass Stoppered Bottles, per doz. 50 Pint, " " " - - - - " 12 00 Quart, " " " - - - - " 21 00 REDWOOD COLOGNE OIL. Pound, Glass Stoppered Bottles --------- per lb, 7 00 LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, SOLE PROPRIETORS. Extracts for the Handkerchief. Improved Quality and Attractive Style. BOUQUET. BOUQUET ANGLAIS. BOUQUET CAROLINE. BOUQUET VICTORIA. CARNATION PINK. CEDRAT. CLOVE PINK. FRANGIPANNI. HELIOTROPE. HONEYSUCKLE. JASMIN. JOCKEY CLUB. LILY OF THE VALLEY. MAGNOLIA. MAY FLOWERS. MARECHALE. MILLEFLEUR. MOSS ROSE. MOUSSELINE. MUSK. NEW MOWN HAY. NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUS. OCEAN SPRAY. ORANGE BLOSSOM. PATCHOULY. PERSIAN BOUQUET. POND LILY. REDWOOD BOUQUET RONDELETIA. ROSE. ROSE GERANIUM. SANTAL. SPRING FLOWERS, STEPHANOTIS. SWEET BRIAR. TEA ROSE. TUBE ROSE. UPPER TEN. VERBENA. VIOLET. WEST END. WHITE LILAC. WHITE ROSE. WOOD VIOLET. YLANG YLANG. One Pound CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF Fjockey CLUB 1 | PREPARED BY PEELL,MARSHS GARDINER I NEW YORK. In flint-glass stoppered bottles, each bottle containing one pounds (about 18 V fluid ounces) of Extract, bottlesand stamps inclusive $4 00 Extract Musk, (from True Tonquin Musk,) special green label, 5 OO PRICES CURRENT O F Foreign & Domestic Drugs, chemicals, pharmaceutical prepmons, DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE, DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC., KEPT CONSTANTLY FOR SALE BY Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, 3Vos. IO &j IQ Gold Street, Laboratory, IN o.T Gold Street, N ew Y ork. TERMS : Net Cash, in par Funds. Prices subject to changes in the market. New York, March, 1878. NEW YORK, March ioth, 1878. Dear Sir : We have the pleasure to hand you herewith our Drug List, with prices corrected to date. Our friends will please remember that these quotations refer to moderate quantities ; for large quantities and especially for full packages, more favorable prices may generally be expected. Our terms are Cash in 30 days. Bills not paid at maturity will be subject to draft. Parties ordering for the first time will see the necessity of giving references, or of enclosing Draft to cover. As we have numerous requests to forward small articles by mail, we would inform our friends that no liquids, powders, nor any articles enclosed in glass can be sent by mail. All packages sent or received at the New York P. O. are opened, and if there be anything con- tained which is at variance with the law, letter postage on the package is rigidly exacted. Any writing upon packages of Merchandise, other than the mailing directions, subjects the package to letter postage. All responsibility for any damage, or loss of goods that may be sent by mail, must be assumed by the purchaser. Pledging our best endeavors in behalf of our friends, and soliciting the commands of those in the trade with whom we have not hitherto had the pleasure of any correspondence. We remain, faithfully yours, LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. DISCOUNTS Fluid Extracts (Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's), - - - - net. Sugar-Coated Pills (Bullock & Crenshaw's), - - - - - 40 per cent. " " " other brands, - - - - - 40 to 50 • Green Glassware, by the Package. - - - - - - - 65 • White > > - 50 . Tinctures and Saltmouth Bottles. - -- -- --25 « Glass Syringes, - -- -- -- -- --25 > Metal » ----------- 15 ' Concentrated Medicines, - -- -- -- --30 INDEX. Page. Drugs. Medicines and Chemicals, - - 5-16 • Powdered, ------ 17-18 Concentrated Medicines, - - 18 Fluid Extracts. ------- 19-21 Sugar-Coated Pills, ------ 22-24 Wyeth & Bro's. Preparations, - - - 25-26 Patent Medicines, ------ 27-33 Druggists' Sundries, ----- 33-58 Brushes, - -- -- -- - 37-38 Combs, - -- -- -- -- 30-41 Corks, - -- -- -- - 42 Extracts, Perfume, L. M. & G. - - - 43 Page. Glassware, ------- 44-46 Mirrors, - -- -- - - - 47-48 Pepsin, Saccharated ----- 33 Powders-Leroy's Sachet, - - - - 50 Scales-Counter and Prescription, - - 51-52 Skins-Chamois, ------ 53 Soaps. - -- -- -- -- 53-55 Sponge, --------- 55 Syringes, - - - ----- 55-56 Thermometers, ------ 56 Trusses, -- ---- -- - 57 Weights, - -- -- -- - 58 Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. These Prices do not include Bottles and Vials. Acetone - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 20 Acid, Acetic, U. S. P. (Sp. gr. 1.047) - - - lb. 20 made from Sugar - lb. 40 American No. 8. - - - - - lb. 12 English, Beaufoy's, - - - - lb. 85 Acetic, glacial --------- lb. 90 OZS ------- OZ. 08 Arsenious - -- -- -- -- - oz. 12 Boracic - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Benzoic, English, ------- OZ. 27 German ------- oz. 20 Buytric - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 2 75 Carbolic, Crystals. Calvert's No. 1, gilt lab. g.s.b. in. lb. 2 00 No. 2,1 lb. g. s. b. inc. lb. 1 40 No 3. ------ lb. 65 oz's - - - - - - - OZ. 12 Carbolic, Solution. Calvert's, No. 4,1 lb. c.b.iricl lb. 65 5,1 lb. c.b.incl lb. 45 L. M. & G. colorless- - - lb. 25 Common for disinfecting- gallon 60 Citric - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 77 Chromic - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 25 Chrysophanic, true ------- i oz. 3 00 Eluoric, gutta percha bott. incl. lb. 2 00 Formic - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 30 Gallic - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 95 oz's. - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 15 Hydrobromic, dilute ------ lb. 75 Hydrocyanic, L„ M. & G., of full offi- cinal strength, and less liable to change than most of the Acids in the market ------- OZ. 07 --- Hypophosphorous (50 per cent.) - - OZ. 20 Lactic, Concentrated ------ oz. 30 Dilute - -- -- -- -- oz. 15 Muriatic-carboys ------- lb. 02J bottles ------- lb. 06 chem. pure - - - - - - lb. 25 Nitric, carboys - -- -- -- - lb. 9 a 12 42°-in bottles ------ lb. 16 : chem. pure - - - - - - - lb. 26 fuming - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Aqua Fortis - ----- - lb. 14 Nitro-Muriatic - -- -- -- - lb. 15 Nitrous - -- - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Oleic, crude - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 purified - . - - - - - - lb. 90 Oxalic- - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 14 Phosphoric - -- -- -- -- lb. - dilute, from Phosphorus lb. 30 This Acid is specially prepared in our Laboratory for dispensing purposes. and is suitable for Iron solutions. Phosphoric, glacial ------ lb. 1 10 Picric ------------ lb. 60 Pyrogallic - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 45 Pyroligneous - -- -- -- -- lb. 10 Succinic - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 45 Salicylic, white - -- -- -- - OZ. 22 Sulphuric, per carboy- ----- lb. 02 - bottles ------- lb. 05 chem. pure ----- lb. 27 Nordhausen ----- lb. 28 Aromatic ------ lb. 50 Sulphurous ---------- lb. 20 Tannic - lb. 1 95 in ozs. - -- -- -- -- oz. 15 Tartaric, powd. 50 lb. boxes - - - - lb. 47 Valerianic - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 40 Aconitia - -- -- -- -- -- -- J- oz. 2 40 Acorn Coffee ----------- lb. 16 Agaric - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 80 Alcohol, market price, bbls. ------ gallon Cologne spirit, market price - - gallon Atwood's - - - - gallon 2 65 Absolute - -- -- -- -- lb. 70 Wood Naphtha ------- lb. 45 Allspice - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 18 ground - -- -- -- -- - lb. 22 1 Almonds, bitter - -- -- -- -- - lb. 45 Aloine - -- -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 2 20 Alum. bbls. - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 02f Ground - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 05 Calcined ----------- lb. 30 Ammonio Ferric ------- lb. 60 Granulated ---------- lb. 15 Alumina, Sulphate, pure, - - - - - - oz. 25 Aluminium, metal - -- -- -- -- OZ. 2 25 Ambergris, gray - -- -- -- -- - oz. 22 00 Ammonia, Aqua, U, S. P., 16° - - Carboys 11). 06 U. S. P„ 20° - - Carboys lb. 08 Fortior, 26s', formerly lb. 16 sold as Concentrated Ammonia - - Spirits ------- lb. 42 Aromatic U.S. P. lb. 47 Ammonium, Arseniate ------- OZ. 40 Benzoate -------- oz. 60 Bromide - -- -- -- - lb. 73 Carbazotate - - ----- - oz. 60 - Carbonate, American (in jars) lb. 18 English - - - - lb. Chloride -------- lb. 14 Granular, L., M. & G. lb. 30 This article is perfectly pure, and spe- cially prepared for dispensing. Citrate - -- -- -- -- OZ. 16 Hydrosulphuret ----- lb. 60 Hypophosphite ------ oz. 27 -- --Iodide - -- -- -- -- oz. 53 Nitrate, crystals ----- lb. 33 fused ------ lb. 33 granular ----- lb. 33 Oxalate --------- lb. 1 25 ----Phosphate ------- lb. 1 25 Sulphate - -- -- -- - lb. 07 -Sulpho-Carbolate ----- OZ. 20 - Valerianate ------- oz. 45 Amygdalin - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 2 75 Amyl, Acetate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 3 25 Amyl, Nitrite of---------- oz. 35 Aniline Dyes, English - -- -- -- - Black (nigrosine) ------- lb. 5 50 - Blue- - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 4 25 (soluble in alcohol only) - - lb. 6 50 Brown - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 2 50 Bismarck shade ----- lb. 4 GO Crimson - -- -- -- -- - lb. 3 00 Green - -- --------- lb. 5 00 Orange ----------- lb. 8 00 Red, Crystals - -- -- -- - lb. 2 50 Royal Purple - -- -- -- - lb. 8 00 Scarlet ----------- lb. 2 50 Violet (soluble in Alcohol only) - lb. 7 .50 - Yellow - -------- lb. 6 50 With the exceptions noted, all the above Anilines are soluble in Water. Annatto, best Brazilian, in rolls - - - - lb. 40 Annatto-ine, - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 40 Antimony, Butter of -------- lb. 25 Chloride - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 75 Diaphoretic ------- lb. 1 75 Golden Sulphuret ----- lb. 50 Sulphuret, crystals ----- lb. 16 powd.- - - - lb. 20 Ore. powd. -------- lb. 13 common, powd. ------ lb. 08 Tartrate, Crystals ----- lb. 85 -- Powdered- - - - - lb. 75 Apiol - -- -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 1 50 Apomorphia, Amorphous, ------ i oz. 1 50 Crystals - -- -- -- - i OZ. 4 00 Arrowroot, American - -- -- -- - lb. 10 Bermuda - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Florida - -- -- -- -- lb. Jamaica - -- -- -- -- lb. 27 St. Vincent -------- lb. 20 Taylor's, in foil, 12 lb. boxes - lb. 40 Arsenic, Metallic ---------- lb. 25 Donovan's solution ----- lb. 28 Fowler's solution ------ lb. 12 Iodide - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 61 Lump - -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Red ----------- lb. 25 White - -- -- -- -- - lb. 08 pure - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Yellow - -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Asbestos ------------- lb. 20 --ground - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4-0 Asparagin - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 2 00 Atropia ------------- oz. 14 25 Sulphate - -- -- -- -- - oz. 13 25 ■ V alerianate - -- -- -- -- oz. 14 25 Asphaltum - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 Balsam, Canada, bbls. - -- -- -- - gallon 2 50 --pounds ------- doz. 6 00 Copaiva - -- -- -- -- - lb. 36 solidifiable ------ lb. 50 solidified ------ lb. 75 6 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Balsam,Gurjun (wood oil) - - - - lb. Peru - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 35 Tolu ---------- lb. 1 10 Sulphur -------- lb. 40 Bark, Angostura - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Barberry --------- lb. 25 Bayberry - -- -- -- - lb. 10 CanellaAlba ------- lb. 12 Cascarilla - -- -- -- - lb. 12 Cassia in mats ------- lb. 25 extra, in bundles - - - lb. 50 Cinchona, Calisaya ----- lb 1 95 Carthagena - - - - lb. 30 Loxa- ------ lb. 60 Yellow ------ lb. 25 Red ------- - - lb. 1 25 Cinnamon, Ceylon ----- lb. 1 15 - Cotton Root ------- lb. 20 ground - - - - lb. 25 Cundurango, true ----- lb. 20 Elm ---------- lb. selected, ------- lb. 20 ground in bulk - - - - lb. 15 i and | packets - - lb. 20 powdered - ----- lb. 20 powd. 2 ozs. ----- - - lb. 30 Hemlock, crushed ----- lb. 15 Lemon Peel ------- lb. 22 Mezereon - -- -- -- - lb. 22 Oak, white, ground ----- lb. 12 Orange Peel, Sweet ----- lb. 12 ground - - - lb. 15 Seville ------ lb. 22 Pomegranate Fruit ----- lb. 20 Root ----- lb. 40 Poplar ---------- lb. 15 ground ------ lb. 18 Prickly Ash -------- lb. 22 Quercitron - -- -- -- - lb. 08 Sassafras- - -- -- -- - lb. 11 Simaruba - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Soap, (or Quillai) ------ lb. 18 Wild Cherry, selected young bark - lb. 15 Barium, Acetate - -- -- -- - oz. 20 Chloride, pure ----- lb. 18 Carbonate -------- lb. 95 Nitrate --------- lb. 22 powd. ----- lb. 24 Barley, Pearl ---------- lb. 07 Bath Brick, bbls. - -- -- -- - hund. 3 50 boxes, 2 doz. ----- box. 1 00 Bay Rum, pure, imported, - - - - gallon 3 00 in quart Champagnes - - - - doz. 12 00 in pint " - - - - doz. 7 00 American ------ gallon 2 50 - in Wines, 8s - - - doz. 8 00 Beans, Calabar - -- -- -- - lb. 60 Cocoa --------- lb. 28 St. Ignatius ------- lb. 60 Tonka, Angostura .- - - - lb. 1 35 Para ------- - lb. Vanilla prime ----- lb. 10 00 extra ------ lb. 15 00 Bebeerine, pure - -- -- -- - OZ. 2 60 Sulphate- ------ oz. 1 80 Berries, Buckthorn ------- lb. 30 Cocculus Indicus ----- - - lb. 10 Cubeb --------- lb. 12 Elder - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Juniper - -- -- -- - lb. 07 Laurel - -- -- -- -- lb. 12 Poke --------- lb. 25 Prickly Ash ------- - lb. 20 Sumach - -- -- -- - lb. 16 Bismuth, Metallic ------- lb. 2 25 -- Citrate - -- -- -- - oz. 40 and Ammon. Citrate - - - oz. 40 solution - - - lb. 40 Oxychloride ------ lb. 2 15 Sub-carbonate ----- lb. 2 65 Sub-nitrate - - - - - lb. 2 15 drops - - - - lb. 2 75 Tannate -------- oz. 60 V alerianate ------ oz. 1 05 Black Pitch - -- -- -- -- - lb. 06 Bladders - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 75 Blue, Chinese - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 powd. ------ lb. 85 Prussian pure ------- lb. 65 powd. ------ lb. 70 Soluble, finest - - lb. 75 Nuremberg, pound boxes - - - - lb. 45 1 " " - - - lb. 50 Queen's - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Ultramarine ------- lb. 30 Blue Vitriol ---------- lb. 10 Bole Armenia - -- -- -- -- lb. 10 powd. ------ - - lb. 15 Borax, cases 112 lbs. - -- -- -- -- lb. 10 Borax, powd. lb. 14 Breast Tea ------------ lb 35 British Lustre - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 12 Bromine - -- -- -- -- -- -- 08 Chloride - -- -- -- -- 75 Brucia - -- -- -- -- -- - 3 25 Sulphate - -- -- -- - 3 25 Buds, Balm of Gilead - -- -- -- - lb. 40 Cassia- - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 38 Orange ----------- lb. Butter Cocoa - lb 50 Cadmium, Bromide - -- -- -- -- 20 Iodide- - -- -- -- -- 56 Metallic - -- -- -- -- 20 Sulphate --------- OZ. 25 Sulphuret - -- -- -- - 60 Caffeine - 3 50 Citrate - -- -- -- -- - 3 50 Calamine - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb 10 Calcined Plaster bbl. 2 25 extra (Dentists) - - - - bbl. 2 75 Calcium, Bromide - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 00 OZ. - -- -- -- - OZ. 15 Carb. Precip., English - - - - lb. 14 Herrings' 7 lb. bundles lb. 20 Chloride - -- -- -- -- lb. 60 Hypophosphite ------- and Sodium Hypophosphite - - OZ. OZ. 17 26 - Iodide - -- -- -- -- - 51 Lactophosphate L., M. & G. - - OZ. 60 Phosphate, Precip. ----- lb. 34 Sulphite - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 cartons ------ doz. 1 50 Sulpho-carbolate ------ 20 Camphor - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 31 Monobromated, L., M. & G. - - 55 Candy, Coltsfoot Rock, English, 5 lb. boxes lb. 50 Gum Drops, 5 lb. boxes ----- lb. 32 Rock, white and yellow ----- lb. 22 See also Lozenges, page 11. Cantharides - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 20 Cantharidin - -- -- -- -- -- - grain 50 Caramel - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Carbon, Bisulphuret --------- lb. 32 OZ's. - - - - - - - OZ. 06 Carmine, No. 6----------- OZ. 30 * 12 . OZ. 50 20----------- OZ. 55 40- OZ. 65 Cassia Fistula - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 18 Castoreum - - - --------- lb. 4 50 Cerate, Cantharides - -- -- -- -- lb. 90 Extract of Cantharides - - - _ lb. 1 50 Goulard's - -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 ----• Resin - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Resin Comp'd - -- -- -- - lb. 60 Savine ----------- lb. 60 Simple - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Soap ------------ lb. 50 Spermaceti - -- -- -- -- lb. 60 Turner's ----- lb. 50 Zinc Carb. ---------- lb. 50 The above Cerates are made strictly ac- cording to the U. S. Pharmacopoeia and other standard authorities. Cereum, Oxalate - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 24 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 70 Chalk - -- -- -- -- -- -- - bbl. 2 25 Drops, 25 lb. boxes ------- lb. 06 Precip. See Calcium Carb. French ----------- lb. 15 powd. - -- -- -- -- lb. 08 red, fingers - -- -- -- -- - lb. 08 Charcoal, animal, coarse ------- lb. 08 powd. (Ivory Black.) - lb. 06 Charcoal, powd. willow, in 1 lb. boxes, lb. 25 in 10 lb. kegs - - keg 1 75 in bottles, L. M. & G. doz. 1 50 ordinary ------- lb. 08 Chinoidine - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 16 Chloral, Hydrate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 85 Schering's ------ lb. 2 00 Crystals, Schering's - - - lb. 2 25 Croton - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 1 40 Chloralum, Powder- - -- -- -- - lb. 12 Solution, quarts ----- doz. 8 00 pints ------ doz. 4 38 « If - doz. 2 38 Chloroform, American -------- lb. 90 Purified, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 1 60 Squibb's ----- lb. 1 80 Cinchonia - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 38 Sulphate- --------- OZ. 33 Cinchonidia, Sulph. - -- -- -- -- OZ. 75 Cinnabar ------------- lb. 1 40 Civet - -- -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 4 50 Clay, China - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 06 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 7 " ' - • Clay, Pipe - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 06 powd. - -- -- -- -- - lb. 12 Potters - -- -- -- -- -- Ib. 07 Cloves - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 ground ----------- lb. 46 Cobalt - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 - Powder - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Nitrate- - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 70 Oxide, pure - -- -- -- -- oz. 1 00 Cochineal, Honduras - -- -- -- - lb. 75 Codeia - -- -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 4 00 Collodion - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 95 ozs. cork, s. vials ------ doz. 2 20 oz. G. S. vials ------- doz. 2 70 Cantharidal - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Cologne Water ----------- gallon 4 50 L. M. & G. ------ gallon 6 00 Colocynth, Apple - -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 Composition, in bulk - -- -- -- - Ib. 30 OZS. --------- lb. 40 2ozs. - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Confection Black Pepper ------- lb. 75 Rose - -- -- -- -- - lb. 45 Senna ---------- Ib. 45 Extra, L. M. & G. - - - lb. 50 Wormseed - -- -- -- - lb. ■ 75 Conia, 1-8 oz. vials- - -- -- -- -- OZ. 6 00 Copper, Ammoniated - -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 Arseniate ---------- OZ. 45 Arsenite - -- -- -- -- - oz. 30 Carbonate --------- lb. 1 25 Chloride - -- -- -- -- - lb. 75 Cyanide - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 30 Iodide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 63 Nitrate ----------- lb. 65 ;- Oxalate - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 30 Oxide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 14 Sulphate, (see Blue Vitriol) Sulphate, L., M. & G. Pure Granu- lar for Pharmaceutical use - - lb. 65 Copperas - -- -- -- -- - -Bbls. lb. 01 i Cornu Cervi, calcined - -- -- -- - lb. 16 rasped - -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Corrosive Sublimate. See Mercury Bi-Chlo- ride. Cowhage - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 40 Cream Tartar, pure powder ------ lb. 28 Creosote - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Wood, Morson's English, in i lb. G. S. bots., incl. ----- lb. 4 00 Crocus Martis - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 13 , Metallorum - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Cubebin - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 10 00 Cudbear - lb. extra ----------- lb. 30 Cuttie Bone - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Delphinia- - ---------- i oz. 4 50 Dextrine - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 14 Digitalin - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 4 25 Pure - -- -- -- -- -- i oz. 2 00 Drop Black - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Earth, Fullers - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 05 powd. --------- lb. 08 Elixirs L. M. & G's, in bottles or bulk, at usual discount ----- Beef, Wine and Iron, - - - - pints doz. 8 00 d O 7 11 00 Bromide Potassium ------ doz. 15 00 15 00 Calisaya - -- - -- -- -- doz. 8 00 Tannic Acid being all precipi- tated from this Elixir, solutions of iron or other salts can be add- ed, without causing it to change. Formula for preparing Elix. Cali- saya, Ferrophosp,etc.,attached to gallon label - -- -- -- -- -- net 3 50 Calisaya, Ferrated - - - - - pints doz. 10 00 Calisaya, Iron and Bismuth - - - doz. 10 00 Calisaya, Iron and Strychnia - - - doz. 10 00 20 00 8 00 8 00 Guarana - -- -- -- -- - doz. 24 00 Pyrophosp,Iron,Quinia& Strychnia doz. 22 00 Pepsin and Bismuth ------ doz. 22 00 Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnia - - doz. 24 00 Rhubarb and Magnesia ----- doz. 10 00 Taraxacum Comp. ------- doz. 8 00 Vai. Ammonia - -- -- -- - doz. 11 00 Elaterium - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 6 25 Emery. Flour - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 08 Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ----- lb. 12 Paper ----------- quire 40 Emetia- - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 3 50 Ergot - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 38 Ergotine - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 50 Bonjean's - -- -- -- -- oz. 2 75 Essences, Fruit. L., M. & G-.'s Concentrat- ed for Soda Water Syrups. Apple - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Banana ---------- lb. 1 25 Nectar - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Peach ---------- lb. 1 25 Pear ----- ------ lb. 1 25 Pineapple - -- ----- lb. 1 25 Raspberry - -- - -- -- - lb. 1 25 Strawberry - -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Ether, Acetic - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 80 Butyraceous - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 80 Butyric - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 2 60 Chloric - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 80 Concentrated ------ lb. 1 00 Formic - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 3 00 Sulphuric - -- -- -- -- - Ib. 60 washed ------- lb. 65 concentrated ----- lb. 68 EXTRACTS, SOLID, IN POWDER. We call attention to the list of Pow- dered Solid Extracts (see page 17) which are prepared with great care in our own laboratory for pre- scription use. They are all of the same strength as the Solid Extracts, and can be used in place of the latter, to the great advantage of the dispenser. They effect a great saving of time by facilitating the intimate mixing of ingredients. For list of Powdered Extracts see page 17. EXTRACTS, SOLID. On the following list of Solid Extracts those bearing our own name will be found to be the best of their kind in the market. For note on our Ex- tract Belladonna, see "American Journal of Pharmacy'' for April, 1876: Extract Aconite, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. - lb. 3 00 English ------ lb. 3 50 Aloes Socot, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 2 00 Arnica, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. lb. 3 00 -Bark, Precipitated ------ OZ. 16 Belladonna, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. lb. 3 00 English ----- lb. 2 75 Bittersweet - -- -- -- - lb. 3 40 Boneset - -- -- -- -- - lb. 300 Black Cohosh ------- Ib. 300 - Black Hellebore ------ lb. 4 00 Blessed Thistle (Carduus Bene- dictus), L., M. & G. ----- lb. 2 30 Bloodroot - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 50 Buchu, English ------- lb. 6 00 Butternut, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 2 00 Calabar Bean, L., M. & G. - - - OZ. 2 00 Cannabis Indica, L. M. & G. - - oz. 50 Herring's - - oz. 60 Cascarilla - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Cinchona, Calisaya, L., M. & G. - oz. 85 Red, L. M. & G. - oz. Pale, L., M. & G. - . lb. 6 00 Colchicum, Alcoholic - - - -a lb. 6 00 ---- Acetic, L., M. & G. oz' OZ. 40 English, oz's. OZ. 60 - -Colocynth, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 6 50 Comp. Pulv., L., M. &G' lb. 4 50 Columbo - -- -- -- -- lb. 3 00 Conium, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. - lb. 2 25 English ------ lb. 1 35 Cubebs ---------- lb. 4 25 Cypripedium - -- -- -- - lb. 3 50 Dandelion - -- -- -- -- lb. 85 English - - - - - lb. 1 15 Digitalis, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. - lb. 2 25 English ------ lb. 3 50 Elecampane - -- -- -- - lb. 3 00 Galls ----------- lb. 2 50 - Gentian, L. M. & G. - - - - - lb. 75 English ------ lb. 90 Golden Seal - -- -- -- - lb. 3 50 Grindelia Robusta ------ lb. 5 00 Hops, Alcoholic, Gehe's - - - - lb. 3 50 Hyoscyamus.Bien., Ale.L.. M. &G. lb. 3 00 Hyoscyamus, English. Bien. - - lb. 4 00 Ignatia, L., M. & G. ----- oz. 1 50 Ipecac, L., M. & G. ----- OZ. 75 Jalap, L., M. & G. ------ lb. 2 50 Liquorice Calab. Corigliano, 4 to lb. lb. 45 6 " 8 * 8 Extract, Liquorice Calab.Corigliano,16to lb. lb. 42 Guzzolini, 8 « lb. 36 P & S., 12 . lb. 35 English Refined - - lb. 55 American • - - - lb. 35 Mass » - - - lb. 30 Lobelia - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 25 Logwood, 12 lb. boxes - - - - lb. 12 pounds ------ lb. 14 1 1/ ------ lb. 15 1 . ------ lb. 17 Male Fern. (See Oleo Resin.) -Mandrake, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 2 50 -Mezereon - -- -- -- -- oz. 1 00 Monesia - -- -- -- -- oz. 60 Nux Vomica, Alcohol. L., M. & G. oz. 30 Opium Aqueous, L., M. & G. - - oz. 1 % -Pareira Brava -------- oz. 1 oO -Quassia, L., M. & G. ----- lb. 4 50 Rhatany, Merck's ------ lb. 1 75 German ------ lb. 2 00 Rhubarb, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. - lb. 5 00 Sarsaparilla,Alcoholic, L., M. & G. lb. 5 (10 -English ----- Compound, Alien's lb. 6 00 Savin - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 3 00 1 Scullcap - -- -- -- -- lb. 3 50 | Seneka ---------- 8 00 j Senna ---------- lb. 2 00 ' Stramonium Leaf, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. - - - - - - - - lb. 2 75 Stramonium Seed, L., M. & G. lb. 8 50 Uva Ursi - -- - - -- -- lb. 2 20 - Valerian, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. - lb. 3 50 For list of FLUID EXTRACTS see folio 19 EXTRACTS for the HANDKERCHIEF Improved quality and attractive style. In flint glass stoppered bottles, each bottle containing one pound (about 181 fluid ounces) of Extract. (See also page 2.) Bottles and stamps are included in the annexed prices. Extract Ambergris - -- -- -- -- OZ. 1 50 Bouquet ---------- lb. 4 00 Anglais - -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 - Caroline- ------- lb. 4 00 Carnation Pink -------- lb. 4 00 Cassie - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Cedrat - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Civet - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 4 (X) Clove Pink - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Frangipanni --------- lb. 4 00 Heliotrope - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Honey Suckle - -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 Jasmin ----------- lb. 4 00 Jockey Club- - -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 Jonquille - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 Lily of the Valley- ------ lb. 4 00 Magnolia - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 May Flowers - -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 Marechale - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 (X) Millefleur ---------- lb. 4 00 Moss Rose - -- -- -- -- lb. 4(X) Mousseline - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Musk - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 5 00 Musk " Special" (green label) - * lb. 5 00 concentrated in ozs, - -. - OZ. 1 50 Neroli - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 New Mown Hay ------- lb. 4 00 Night Blooming Cereus - - - - lb. 4 00 Orange Blossom ------- lb. 4 00 Patchouly - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Pond Lily ---------- lb. 4 00 Portugal - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 Redwood Bouquet ------ lb. 4 00 Reseda ---------- lb. 4 00 Rondeletia ------- - lb. 4 00 Rose ------------ lb. 4 00 Rose Geranium ------- lb. 4 00 Santal - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Spring Flowers -------- lb. 4 00 Sweet Briar - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Sweet Pea - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Stephanotis --------- lb. 4 00 Tea Rose - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 Tuberose - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 Upper Ten - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Verbena - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 Vitivert - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 Violet - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 West End - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 White Lilac - - .- - - - - - - lb. 4 00 White Rose - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 Ylang Ylang - -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current Extracts Flavoring L„ M. & G. ! Bitter Almond ----- f . doz. 2 50 Celery -------- doz. 2 50 Cinnamon - - - - - - - r doz. 2 50 Lemon - -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 Orange ® 3 S doz. 2 50 Rose - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 V anilla - -- -- -- - c « 5 doz. 3 <X> Lemon, 5 oz, bottles - - - "'Q doz. 5 IM) Vanilla » » - - - doz. 6 00 The same quality in bulk. B. Almond - pint bottles incl. lb. 1 35 Celery - - - " * lb. 1 35 Cinnamon- - " ' lb. 1 35 Lemon - - - " ' lb. 1 35 Orange - - - " ' lb. 1 35 Rose - - - " lb. 1 75 Vanilla- - - lb. 1 85 Extracts Flavoring, Ballards, of supe- rior quality, in 3 oz. bottles and attractive style. Almond - -- -- -- -1 cc doz. 1 75 Celery - -- -- -- -- • doz. 1 75 Cinnamon ------- cl doz. 1 75 ' Lemon - -- -- -- -- s £ doz. 1 75 Orange --------- 8" doz. 1 75 Pineapple -------- u S doz. 1 75 Raspberry ------- '7". doz. 1 75 | Rose ---------- doz. 1 75 Strawberry ------- a -o doz. 1 75 Vanilla- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 1 Farina, Hecker's, in i lb. packages - - _ lb. 18 | Fish Sounds ---------- lb. 1 50 Flake White - -- -- -- -- lb. 20 i Flowers, Althea - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Arnica ------ - - lb. 16 Borage -------- lb. 50 Calendula ------- lb. 65 i Chamomile, Roman, 1877 - - - lb. 40 ! German, 1877 - - - lb. 25 1 Lavender ------- * - lb. 10 Linden, or Tilia - - - - lb. 35 Malva - -- -- -- - lb. 60 Mullein -------- lb. 1 00 Orange -------- lb. 90 Poppy Red ------ lb. 60 ■ White ----- lb. Rosemary ------- lb. 40 Saffron, American - - - - lb. 35 Spanish - - - - lb. 9 50 Violet - -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 Fluor Spar - -- -- -- -- - lb. 12 Fucus Vesiculosis ------- lb. 25 Garlics ------------ string 25 Gelatine, Cox's- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 80 Cooper's ------- lb. 95 French -------- lb. 80 a 95 lb. 1 20 Gentisin - -- -- -- -- -- i oz. 16 00 Glass, Soluble - -- -- -- -- lb. 15 Glue, Cooper's, A, Extra bbls. - - - No. 1 do. " - - - lb. 36 - - lb. 32 1 kk lb. 27 11 - lb. 18 ii " - - - - - lb. 16 u •• - - - lb. 15 ii - - - lb. 14 ii " _ _ _ lb. 12 2 " - - - lb. 11 _ lb. 09 Glycerine, Prices, bottles free - - - lb. 80 Bowers, lbs. bottles free - - - lb. 65 lb. 55 Pure, L. M. & G- - - - - lb. 35 Vienna - - - - - ' - - - lb. 35 Sarg's distilled ----- lb. 60 Selected ------- lb. 22 - lb. 20 Glvcyrrhizin - - -- -- -- -- oz. 50 Gold. Chloride, 15 gr. bottles - - - doz. 5 60 and Sodium, 15 gr. bottles doz. 2 80 30 doz. Oxide, 15 gr. bottles - - - - - - doz. 11 00 Grains d'Ambrette ------- lb. 75 Grains of Paradise ------- lb. 12 2 10 Guarana - -- -- -- -- -- lb. Gum Aloes, Barbadoes ------ lb. 30 Cape -------- lb. 17 Socotrine, true - - - - lb. 55 Ammoniac, in tears - - - - lb. 50 Assafoetida -------- - • - lb. 20 Arabic, Extra ------- 1st - -- -- -- - _ - lb. lb. 60 50 ■ - 2nd - -- -- -- - lb. 38 1 3d - -- -- -- - lb. 30 1 - Sifted Sorts ----- lb. 24 Gum Arabic, Sorts - -- -- -- - lb. 22 Granulated 1st Select - - - lb. 60 lb. 65 lb. 60 9 lb. Pale (Terra Japonica) - - lb. 7 lb. 40 lb. 25 lb. 30 Euphorbium - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Galbanum, tears ------ lb. CO strained ------ lb. 65 lb. 45 lb 60 lb. 50 Kino ----------- Mastic, extra - -- -- -- - Myrrh ----------- 10. lb. lb. 30 2 00 45 lb. 30 lb. oz. 5 00 90 Denarcotized ----- - lb. 35 lb. 45 in reeds - - - - lb. 75 lb. 10 00 lb. 50 - Campbell's No. 1 - - - - lb. 30 Bleached ------- lb. 40 Spruce - -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 Strained ------- lb. I 25 Storax, Calamlte - ----- lb. 40 Liquid - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Thus (whit,a turpp.ntinp) _ _ _ _ lb. 08 lb. lb. 1 25 2nd - - - - lb. 1 10 Extra, ribbons - lb. Vermicelli - - - - lb. 1 00 sorts ------ lb. 65 Gutta Percha - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 00 Gun Cotton. See Pyroxylin, page 13 - HERBS, ROOTS, BARKS, &C., Prices given are for lb. p'kages. pressed. Herbs onlii are in ounce papers, at six cents, per lb. advance. - Abe ess roots - -- -- -- - lb. 75 Aconite Leaves ------ lb. 25 Agrimony - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Alder Bark, Black ----- lb. 25 Berries ------- lb. Red or Tag ------ lb. 22 Alum Root - -- -- -- - lb. 40 Angelica Leaves ------ lb. 35 Seeds ------ lb. 40 Arnica Root -------- lb. 30 Ash Bark, Mountain - - - - lb. 28 Prickly ----- lb. 25 Berries » ----- lb. 25 Avens Root - -- -- -- - lb. 38 Balm Lemon ------- lb. 30 Mountain ------ lb. 35 Sweet - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Gilead Buds ----- lb. 4ll Balmony - -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Balsam Sweet ------- lb. 20j Barberry Bark ------- lb. 30 lb. lb. 20 Belladonna Leaves ----- 30 Beth Root - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Bitter " -------- lb. 40 Bittersweet Bark of Root- - - - lb. 40 - Berries ----- lb. 35 Herb ------ lb. 35 Blackberry Root ------ lb. 22 Bark of Root - - - - lb. 35 Blue Flag - - -- -- -- - lb. 38 • Boneset - -- -- -- -- lb. 18 Bouncing Bet ------- lb. 35 Boxwood Bark ------- lb. 25 - Flowers ----- - lb. 35 Buckbean --------- lb. 40 Buckhorn Brake ------ lb. 31 Buckthorn Berries ----- - lb. 35 Bugle Sweet -------- lb. 25 Burdock Leaves ------ lb. 25 Root ------- lb. 25 Seeds- ------ lb. 20 Butternut Bark ------ lb. 20 Button Snake Root ----- lb. 30 Cancer Root Plant ----- lb. 30 lb. lb. 19 Celandine, Garden ----- 30 Centaury Am. ------- lb. 25 Chestnut Leaves ------ lb. 25 Clcuta Leaves ------- - lb. 25 Cleavers - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 - Clover Heads ------- lb. 30 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Herbs, Cocash Root - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Cohosh, Black -------- lb. 17 Blue --------- lb. 20 White -------- lb. 36 Coltsfoot - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Comfrey - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Cotton Boot Bark ------ lb. 25 Cramp Bark - - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Cranesbill - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Crawley - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Culvers Root - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Dandelion Root ------- lb. 25 Devils Bit - -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Dragon Root -------- lb. 35 Elder Flowers - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Dwarf- -------- lb. 25 Sweet - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Fern, Female - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Male - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Meadow - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Sweet --------- lb. 20 Feverfew - -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 Fleabane ---------- lb. 25 Foxglove - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Frostwort - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Goldthread - -- -- -- -- lb. 55 Goldenrod - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Goldenseal - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Gravel Plant - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Hardback Leaves- ------ lb. 25 Hellebore Black ------- lb. 25 White ------- lb. 25 Horehound - -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Hops - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 a 25 Horsemint - -- -- -- -- lb. 28 Hyssop - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Indian Hemp Black ------ lb. 35 White ----- lb. 30 Indian Turnip - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Ivy, Ground --------- lb. 25 Johnswort - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Ladies Slipper - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Larkspur Seed - -- -- -- - lb. 2 00 Laurel Leaves - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Lettuce Garden - - - ... - - lb. 30 - - Life Root ---------- lb. 30 Lily, White Pond ------- lb. 30 Liverwort - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Lobelia - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Seed --------- lb. 35 Lovage Root - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Seed --------- lb. 60 Lungwort- - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Maidenhair - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Marshmallow Leaves ----- lb. 30 Mandrake Root ------- lb. 20 Marsh Rosemarv ------- lb. 30 Marjoram Sweet ------- lb. 30 Masterwort Seed ------- lb. 60 Milkweed Root ------- lb. 30 Motherwort --------- lb. 22 Mugwort - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Mullein - -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Nanny Bush Bark ------ lb. 30 Oak Bark, Black ------- lb. 20 Red -------- lb. 20 White ------- lb. 18 of Jerusalem ------- lb. 30 Parsley Root - -- -- -- - lb. 40 Leaves -------- lb. 30 Seed --------- lb. 30 Peach Leaves - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Pits - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Pennyroyal - -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Peony Flower - -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 Root - -- -- -- -- lb. 60 Peppermint --------- lb. 20 Plantain Leaves ------- lb. 2a Pleurisy Root - -- -- -- - lb. 28 Poke Berries - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Root --------- lb. 22 Poplar Bark Black ------ lb. 22 White ------ lb. 20 Poppy Flowers ----- - - lb. 85 Leaves -------- lb. 60 Princes Pine - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Pumpkin Seeds ------- lb. 20 Queen of the Meadow Herb - - lb. 20 Root - - lb 30 Queen's Delight ------- lb. 25 Raspberry Leaves ------ Rock Rose --------- lb. lb. 20 28 Rosemary Flowers ------ lb. co Leaves ------ lb. 22 Rue - lb. 30 Sage ------------ lb. 17 I Sampson Snake Root ----- lb. 40 Sarsaparilla - -- -- -- -- Lb. 28 9 10 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Herbs, Savine - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Scullcap - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Side-saddle Plant ------ lb. 35 Skunk Cabbage ------- lb. 30 Solomon Seal - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Spearmint --------- lb. 22 Spikenard --------- lb. 25 Squaw Vine --------- lb. 25 Stone Root - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Sumach Bark - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Berries ------- lb. 17 Leaves - - - - - - - lb. 20 - Summer Savory ------- lb. 25 Tamarack Bark ------- lb. 20 Tanzy ----------- lb. 20 Thornapple Leaves ------ lb. 20 Seed ------- lb. 25 Thyme ----------- lb. 20 Turkey Corn - -- -- -- - lb. 28 Unicorn Root - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Vervain - -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Wahoo- - -- -- -- -- - lb. 35 Water Pepper - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Wild Indigo - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Wintergreen - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Witch Hazel Bark ------ lb. 25 Leaves ------ lb. 25 Wormseed - -- -- -- -- lb. 17 Wormwood - -- -- -- -- lb. 18 Yarrow - - - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Yellow Dock - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Jasmine ------- lb. 30 Parilla - -- -- -- - lb. 28 Wilson's Selected, a full stock in oz. papers, at their prices. Hiera Piera, (see Powders, page 17.) Hoffman's Anodyne - -- -- -- -- lb. 42 Honey - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 16 Hops, bulk 1877 - -- -- -- -- lb. 20 pressed in f and i lb. 1877 - - - - lb. 25 in oz. 1877 ------- lb. 30 Indian Red - ---------- lb. 16 Indigo, Caraccas - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 20 Bengal - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 2 10 Madras I Choicest for 1 - - - - lb. 1 10 Manilla J retailing ) - - - - lb. 1 10 Indigo Compound - -- -- -- -- lb. 65 Insect Powder, true Persian, most effec-| tive for destroying moths, roaches, ants }• doz. 2 25 and similar vermin, in 4 oz. bottles 2 oz. » - - - doz. 1 50 Insect Powder, finest. (See page 57.) - - lb. 55 Iodine -------------- lb. 4 75 OZS. - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 31 Bromide - -- -- -- -- - oz. 1 00 solution ------- oz. 33 Chloride - -- -- -- -- - oz. 90 Iodoform ------------- oz. 90 Iron, Ammoniated - -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Alcoholized (Limatura) ------ lb. 35 Arseniate - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 30 Bromide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 20 by Hydrogen, best French - ... - lb. 1 50 A superior article, imported expressly for dispenser's use. by Hydrogen, ordinary ------ lb. 1 25 Carbonate, Drops - -- -- -- - lb. 16 Precipitated- ------- lb. 20 pure - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Saccharated - -- -- -- - lb. 70 Proto. (Vallet's mass) - - - lb. 40 Chloride - -- - - -- -- -- lb. 70 OZS. - -- -- -- -- - oz. 08 Solution, U. S. P. - - - - pint 24 For preparing Tincture of Iron, by simply adding three pints of alcohol to one of solution, making a fine clear Tincture of U. S. P. strength. Tincture, U. S. P. - - - - lb. 32 Citrate. U. S. P. -------- lb. 85 and Ammonia ------ lb. 85 and Magnesia ------- OZ. 08 IRON,CITRATE AND QUINIA, L„ M. & G. lb. 10 50 in oz's.- OZ. 72 This preparation is entirely soluble, and contains the full officinal pro- portion of Quinia. Cit. Quinia and Strychnia - - oz. 77 and Strychnia ------- oz. 20 Dialysed - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 65 Solution - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Wyeth's - - - - lb 90 Ferrocyanide ---------- lb. 80 Filings - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 extra - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 (card teeth), clean and free from oxide ------- lb. 20 1 Iron Hypophosphite - -- -- -- - oz. 26 Hydrated Peroxide ------- lb. 40 Iodide - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 43 Syrup ---------- lb. 65 Lactate - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 10 Oxide, black - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Pernitrate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Pyrophosphate, soluble, ----- lb 85 | Phosphate ----------- lb. 52 Subsulphate (Monsel's Salt) - - - - lb. 65 solution ------- lb. 35 Sulphate (see Copperas) ------ pure - -- -- -- -- lb. 06 lb. 14 and Ammonia ------ lb. 16 Sulphuret - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Tannate ------------ OZ. 35 and Potass-Tartrate ------- lb. 70 Tersulphate,Solution- ------ lb. 25 Valerianate, ozs. - -- -- -- - OZ. 40 Isinglass, American - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 55 Brazil - -- -- -- -- - lb. 3 25 Cooper's sheet and shred - - - lb. 95 Russian, true ------- lb. 4 25 James' Powder, English true, oz's. - - - Juices, Fruit. L., M. & G. These are simply the juices of the fruits, expressed in the season when they possess their full flavor, and so prepared as to preserve all their fruitiness and richness. They make incom- parable Soda Water Syrups. Blackberry, in quarts ----- oz. 1 75 doz. Raspberry • ----- doz. 9 00 Strawberry » ----- doz. 8 00 Pineapple • - - - - - doz. 8 00 Juice, Conium, English- ------- lb. 1 50 Hyoscyamus, English ------ lb. 1 75 Taraxacum « ------- lb. 1 50 Kali, Citrate. Mander's - -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 Kameela - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. Kermes Mineral - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 30 Koosso - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 80 in oz's., French ------ doz. 6 00 in oz's., L., M. & G. ----- doz. 5 50 Lac Dye - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Lactucarium - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 35 Lamp Black, asst'd - - - -- -- -- lb. 08 Lamp Black, small papers, per hundred - I Eddy's, assorted - - - bbls per c. 1 00 lb. 32 Germantown ------ lb. 15 Lapis Calaminaris, true, gray ----- lb. 10 Lard, Benzoated - -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 1 Lead, Acetate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 22 brown - -- -- -- -- lb. 17 L., M. & G. pure, specially prepared for dispensing. lb. 40 Black - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 06 Carbonate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 16 Chloride - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 25 Glycerite L., M. & G. ------ lb. 1 00 A new product of our Laboratory, is used in place of Lead or Zinc Ointment, and in the treatment of cutaneous diseases. -- Goulard's Extract ------- lb 20 Iodide ------------ OZ 43 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 16 Red- ------------ lb. 14 Tannate - -- -- ----- OZ. 30 Leaves, Allens, selected, in pound bottles. Aconite - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Belladonna - -- -- -- -- Ib. 1 25 I Conium - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Digitalis - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Hyoscyamus, - -- -- -- - lb. 2 00 1 Leaves, in bulk. Aconite - -- -- -- -- - lb. 18 Bay ------------ lb. 15 Belladonna - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Buchu, long - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 short - -- -- -- - lb. 12 | Cannabis Indica ------- lb. 30 Coca - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 80 Conium - -- -- -- -- - lb. 18 Damiana - -- -- -- -- - lb. 65 Digitalis - -- -- -- -- - lb. 15 Eucalyptus - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Grindelia Robusta ------ lb. 50 Henbane, Biennial ------ lb. 30 | Jaborandi- - -- -- -- -- lb. 45 Matico - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 55 Patchouly - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Rose, French - -- -- -- - lb. 75 Rosemary ---------- lb. 12 I Sage, Long Leaf, Extra ----- lb. 30 Savin - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 12 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 11 ■■ -• - Leaves Senna, Alexandria ------ lb. 20 sifted ------ lb. 30 lb. 40a50 India- - -- -- -- - lb. 15 Tinnevelly ------ lb. 20 Stramonium --------- lb. 12 UvaUrsi - -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 Leeches ------------- hund. 6 00 Lime, see also Calcium. Carbolate, 10 lb. boxes - - - - - box 1 20 25 » ■' - - - - - box 2 25 pound packages - - - - doz. 1 50 Chloride, bbls. - - -- -- -- - lb. 031 11b bottles ------ doz. 2 00 1 lb. packets ------ lb. 09 } lb. • ------ lb. 10 fib. ' ------ lb. 11 Juice - -- -- -- ------ gallon 1 00 pints - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Litharge - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 10 in scales- - -- -- -- -- lb. Litm us-------------- lb. 40 Lithium, Bromide - -- -- -- -- oz. 55 Carbonate --------- oz. 50 Citrate - -- -- -- -- - oz. 55 Iodide ---------- oz. 96 Loadstone ------------ lb. 1 00 LOZENGES, MEDICATED. Lozenges, Alum and Kino ------ lb. 70 Asthma - -- -- -- -- lb. 70 Alum and Cubebs ----- lb. 70 Boneset, Extract of - - - - lb. 65 Bloodroot -------- lb. 70 Bismuth. Compound - - - - lb. 1 50 Blackcurrant- ------ lb. 78 Cayenne --------- Calomel (1 grain)- - - - - - lb. 50 lb. 65 Camphor (I grain) ----- lb. 60 Catechu - -- -- -- -- lb. 85 Carbolic, thin round - - - - lb. 80 Charcoal extra flue - - - - - lb. 1 25 Chlorate Potassa (2 grains) - - lb. 65 No. 2 - - - - - lb. 40 Coltsfoot - -- -- -- - lb. 55 Compound Camphor - - - - lb. 75 Cough ----- lb. 70 Coryza --------- lb. 1 50 Cream Tartar ------- lb. 60 Cubeb, U. S. P. ------ lb. 1 65 Cubebs and Chlorate Potash - lb. 80 Digestive Tablet ------ lb. 85 Elm, Slippery, octagon - - - lb. 50 Ginger --------- lb. 50 Heartburn - -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 Ipecac, Large Oval (i grain) - - lb. 70 - Small » (I « ) - - lb. 80 Iron, Carbonate of (5 grains) - lb. 80 by Hydrogen (2 « ) - lb. 1 50 (1 , ) _ lb. 1 25 Dr. Jackson's Pectoral - - - lb. 1 75 Ammonia - - - lb. 1 50 Licorice, extra strong - - - lb. 55 London Hospital, (all formulas.) lb. Magnesia, Calcined ----- lb. 70 Ponderous (3 grains) lb. 1 00 Marshmallow ------- lb. 1 00 Morphia (l-24th grain) - - - lb. 1 00 Muriate Ammonia (2 grains) - lb. 60 Mur. Ammonia & Chlor. Potass. lb. 60 Musk, (Tonquin.) ----- lb. 68 Nervine, stamped ----- lb. 2 00 Paregoric, Pink, Round - - - lb. 60 Peppermint, English - - - - lb. 45 Pepsin and Iron, stamped - - lb. 2 50 Phosphate Lime ------ lb. 70 Quinine (|grain) - - - - - - lb. 1 00 Santonine, large Octagon, 1 gr. lb. 1 75 Oval, i gr. - - lb. 1 00 . . J gr. - - lb. 75 small • i gr. - - lb. 1 25 Salicylic Acid, white - - - - lb. 75 Soda, Bicarbonate ----- lb. 55 Soda and Ginger ----- lb. 60 Tannin and Chlorate Potass - lb. 75 Tar, Pine Tree ------ lb. 18 - Tolu - -- -- -- -- - lb. 60 Wistar's Cough, No. 1 - - - - lb. 1 25 2 - - - - lb. 70 -Worm- - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 00 Pastilles de Paris (in bulk) - - lb. 1 50 Troches, Bronchial » No. 1 lb. 1 00 . 2 lb. - Bedford's - - - - lb. 1 25 Lupuline - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 55 Lycopodium ------------ lb. 50 Maccaroni, Italian - -- -- -- -- lb. 18 Mace - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. Mace, ground - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 15 Madder - lb. 10 Compound (see Muriate Tin)- - - Magnesia, Calc'd 10 lb. boxes (Jennings) - lb. 10 lb. round tins » lb. 80 10 lb. square tins » lb. --- 1 lb. bottles » lb. 1 05 - ponderous • lb. 1 65 -- 11b. tins (Pattinson's) - - lb. 7 Carb. 2 oz. (Jenning's) - - - - lb- 36 ■ 4 • _ - - _ lb. 34 S. S. » lb. boxes lb. 70 2 oz. (Pattinson's) - - - lb. 30 If H - - - lb. 28 Citrate, L., M. & G's Granular - lb. 1 00 » « 4 oz. bot. doz. 3 50 Magnesium, Bromide - -- -- -- - oz. 50 Chloride - -- -- -- - lb. 40 Hypophosphite ------ OZ. 40 Iodide - -- -- -- -- OZ. 66 Phosphate- ------- OZ. 25 Sulphite - -- -- -- - lb. 85 Valerianate ------- OZ. 1 75 Maizena, Duryeas' - -- -- -- -- lb. 14 Manganese, Black Oxide ------- lb. 06 Bromide -- - - -- -- - OZ. 85 Carbonate -------- oz. 30 Hypophosphite ------ oz. 40 Iodide --------- oz. 96 Phosphate - - -- -- -- oz. 50 Sulphate --------- oz. 14 Manna, Large Flake, Select in pound boxes lb. 1 00 Small • new crop, - - - - lb. 45 Sorts - -- -- -- -- -- lb. Marble Dust ------------ bbl. 150-200 Meconine - -- -- -- -- -- -- i oz. 2 50 Menispermin - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 50 Mercury - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 60 Acetate ---------- oz. 40 Acid Nitrate -------- oz. 15 Ammoniated (White Precipitate) lb. 95 Bi-Chloride (Corrosive Sublimate) lb. 65 Bi-Sulphate - -- -- -- - lb. 90 Chloride, Mild (Calomel) - - - lb. 75 Howard's English lb. 1 50 Cyanide ---------- OZ. 50 Distilled - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Iodide, Green ------- OZ. 35 Red -------- oz. 40 Oxide, Black ------- oz. 35 Red (Red Precipitate) - lb. 85 Yellow ------ OZ. 40 Pernitrate, Solution ----- oz. 15 Sulphuret, blk. (Ethiops Min.) - lb. 75 Sub-Sulphate (Turpeth Min.) lb. 1 15 with Chalk - -- -- -- - lb. 43 Morphia, Acetate- - -- -- -- -- OZ. 4 00 Bimeconate - -- -- -- - oz. 11 00 solution ----- lb. 2 50 Bromide - -- -- -- -- OZ. 6 00 Muriate - - - - - -- -- - oz. 4 00 Pure - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 6 50 Sulphate (vials included) - - - oz. 4 00 Valerianate - -- -- -- - oz. 6 50 Moss, Corsican - -- -- -- -- - lb. Iceland - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 10 Irish, selected - -- -- -- - lb. 11 Musk, Canton, lead-pots ------- OZ. 60 Tonquin, true, in pods ----- oz. grain I oz. bottles - oz. 28 00 MUSTARD, Pure, L., M. & G. 6 lb. tins- - lb. 40 10 • i - - lb. 40 J » . - - lb. 55 Mustard, Sadler, Firth & Ross ----- lb. I lb. tins - -- -- -- -- lb. 60 41b. . --------- lb. 55 101b. Kegs. - -------- lb. 50 Colman's i lb. bots. ----- lb. 2 25 7 50 4 n « London - - - lb. 40 Qu - ------ lb. 40 10 » lb. 40 6 n kegd ------ lb. 36 18 K ~ - lb. 34 Keen's Fine 6 lb. tins - - - - lb. 45 Superf. 6 lb. tins - - - lb. 55 D S F 6 * 9 . _ _ lb. 60 lb. 60 S F \ _ lb. 70 iS s f » » - ■ - lb. 80 Narceine - -- -- -- -- -- -- i oz. 4 50 Narcotine ------------- oz. 2 00 Nickel, Metallic - -- -- -- -- - oz. 40 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 80 Sulphate - -- -- -- -- - oz. 75 Nutgalls - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 27 ground - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 12 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Nutmegs - -- -- - -- -- - lb. 1 00 extra - - - -- -- - lb. 1 10 Nuts, Areca or Betel ------ lb. 50 lb. 60 Nux Vomica - -- -- -- lb. 10 bruised- ------ lb. 18 Oakum - -- -- -- -- - - lb. 14 Oatmeal, Irish - -- -- -- -- lb. 12 Oyster Shells, prep'd - - . - - - lb. 25 Oil Almonds, Bitter - ------ oz. 50 Sweet, common - - - - lb. 30 Allen's - - - - lb. 55 Amber crude, pure ----- lb. 35 rect. English (Herring's) - - - lb. 90 German ----- lb. 55 Angelica - -- -- -- -- OZ. 1 25 --• Animal, Dippel's ------ lb. 4 50 Anise - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 (X) Arbor Vitae - -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 Bay ----------- OZ. 1 10 -- Benne - -- -- -- -- - gallon 1 30 Bergamot (V. G.) ------ lb. 4 00 Sanderson's - - - - lb. -- Black Pepper -------- lb. 90 Cade ----------- lb. 35 Cajeput- - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 25 Calamus- - -- -- -- -- lb. 5 00 Camphor - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 25 Camphorated ------- lb. 75 Cantharides - -- -- -- - OZ. 50 Caraway - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 50 Seed -------- lb. 3 00 Cardamom --------- oz. 4 00 Cassia --------- lb. 1 00 Castor, Baker's Crystal, case of 4 cans lb. 15 lb. 16 Castor, Baker's A A, case of 4 cans - lb. 13 by single can lb. 14 Castor Oil. Imported English - - doz. 7 50 quarts ----- - pints ----- - doz. 5 00 1 . ----- doz. 3 00 J » doz. 2 00 Chamomile, English ----- OZ. 1 75 , German ----- oz. 5 50 •f- Cedar - -- -- -- -- - lb. lb. 50 1 00 -- Cedrat ---------- lb. 5 00 Cherry Laurel ------- oz. 1 25 Cinnamon, Ceylon, true - - - - _ - oz. 2 50 Leaf - - - - lb. 10 50 Citronella - -- -- -- -- _ - lb. I 15 Winter's - - - - - - lb. 1 30 -- Cloves - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 70 English, Allen's - - - - lb. 25 -i-Cocoanut (51b. jars) - - - - - lb. Cod Liver, N. F. filtered, bbls. - w - gallon 1 30 brown ------ gallon 1 10 Brown or Bergen - - - - gallon 1 40 Norway- ----- : pints, L. M. & G. - - | n k - - gallon 2 00 doz. doz. 6 00 3 50 Emulsion ----- gallon 3 50 Cognac, pure - -- -- -- -- - Cologne, Redwood, 1 lb. G. S. bots. inch oz. lb. 7 00 Ballard's, 1 lb. G. S. bots. incl. lb. 5 00 Copavia- - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 20 Coriander - -- -- -- -- OZ. 1 25 Cotton Seed, bbls. ------ - - gallon 62 Croton ---------- lb. 2 40 Herring's ------ lb. 1 25 doz. Cubeb - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 40 Cummin - -- -- -- -- OZ. 50 Dill ----------- oz. 60 Ergot ---------- oz. 12 5 50 2 75 Erigeron, true ------- - com'l. ------ - - lb. lb. - Eucalyptus - -- -- -- - oz. 25 2 75 Fennel - -- -- -- -- - lb. Fir Balsam, pure ------ lb. 2 50 Fireweed - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 75 Fusel, pure - -- -- -- - lb. 75 -r- Geranium, Turkish ----- lb. 7 50 - Goldenrod - -- -- -- - OZ. 50 --Hemlock - -- -- -- -- lb. lb. 75 lb. Horsemint - -- -- -- - 1 00 Hyacinth - -- -- -- -- Jasmin (See Extracts) - - - OZ. lb. Juniper Wood ------- 65 - Berries, superior - - - - - lb. 2 50 --- Lard, for Hair Oil ----- - gallon 90 Laurel, expressed ------ lb. 75 Lavender, Mitcham ----- oz. 1 20 Ch iris, Fleur - - - - lb. 2 00 _ _ . Douce - - - - lb. 1 75 ----Forte - - - - lb. 1 25 Oil, Lavender Spike --------- lb. 1 00 Lemon - -- -- -- -- lb. Sanderson's - - - - _ - - lb. 3 00 Grass ------- lb. 1 25 Winter's - - - _ _ _ lb. 1 50 Linseed --------- gallon 75 Lobelia - -- -- -- -- oz. 1 25 Mace, expressed - - - - - lb. 2 50 Melisse, imitation ----- OZ. 50 true ------- - oz. 2 50 Millefleur - -- -- -- - oz. 75 Musk. (See Extracts) - - - Mustard, distilled ----- - - - oz. 1 25 expressed - - - - gallon 90 Myrbane - -- -- -- - lb. 55 NeatsfootCooper's, pure - - Nero li. Chiris Bigarade - - - - - - gallon 1 20 _ _ _ OZ. 3 50 Petit Grain ----- oz. 1 25 Portugal, Chiris - - - oz. 2 25 Nutmeg - -- -- -- - oz. 45 Orange, bitter ------ lb. 5 50 sweet ------ lb. 3 25 Olive, pure, commercial - - - - - gallon 1 35 fine salad - - - - gallon 3 50 Marseilles, quarts - - _ _ - doz. 4 75 pints, (2 doz. in box) box 5 75 Olive, Finest Tuscan, L. M. & G. qts. box 9 00 10 00 7 00 - ips. box (This is the "Cream Oil." the finest known in Tuscany, selected for us by an expert. No better oil is procur- able.) See page Origanum, pure ------ lb. 75 Chiris - - - - - lb. 1 40 Commercial - - - - - - lb. 40 Palm - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Parsley - -- -- -- -- oz. 1 25 Patchouly -------- - - - oz. 1 25 Pennyroyal ------- - - - lb. 1 50 Peppermint, Selected - - - lb. 2 50 Hale & Parshall - - - - 3 00 - Hotchkiss - - - - - - lb. Pimenta - -- -- -- - oz. 40 Poppy - -- -- -- -- lb. 60 Pumpkin Seed ------ Rapeseed - -- -- -- - oz. gallon 60 1 50 Rhodium - -- -- -- - oz. 50 Rose - -- -- -- -- - oz. 8 00 pure Kissanlik - - - - - - oz. 12 00 Rosemary, Eperle - - - - - lb. 1 50 Chiris, No. 1 - - - lb. 1 20 Trieste ----- lb. 75 Rose Geranium, Chiris, No. 1 _ _ - oz. 75 Rue - -- -- -- -- - lb. 3 00 • Santalwood, English - - - - - - - lb. 10 50 lb. 7 50 lb. Sassafras - -- -- -- - 60 Savin - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 20 Swiss ------- lb. 2 00 Seneka - -- -- -- -- lb. 15 -*- Spearmint -------- lb. lb. 3 75 Sperm, winter bleached, finest for gallon 1 60 sewing machines ----- Spike - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Spruce - -- -- -- -- lb. 45 Stillingia - -- -- -- - - - - oz. 75 Tansy - -- -- -- -- lb. 3 00 lb. 4 00 12 Tar ---------- lb. Tobacco -------- oz. 2 25 -- Thyme, white ------ lb. 1 50 -- Valerian - -- -- -- - oz. 75 Verbena - -- -- -- - _ - - oz. 40 French ------ - - - oz. 1 00 Vetivert - -- -- -- - oz. 9 00 Whale --------- gallon 1 75 2 50 2 75 Wine, heavy (Squibb's) - - - light ------- Wintergreen ------- - - - oz. lb. lb. Worm seed, Baltimore - - - - - - lb. 2 50 Wormwood ------- lb. lb. 4 50 L M & G., finest lb. 7 00 ------ Ointment, Basilicon _ - - - - OZ. lb. 15 00 50 75 Belladonna - - - - - lb. Benzoat ed - - - - - - - - [b. 50 - •. - lb. 50 lb. 90 lb. 75 Mercurial i mercury - _ - - lb. 52 mercury - - - lb. 42 lb. 60 leaves ------ lb. 65 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 13 Ointment, Zinc, benzoated ------ lb. 85 Oleate, Aconitia - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 60 Atropia- - -- -- -- -- - oz. 60 Mercury (10 per cent, mercury) - - lb. 2 00 (20 ) - - - lb. 2 50 and Morphia ----- OZ. 50 --- Morphia - -- -- -- -- - oz. 50 Oleoresin Capsicum - -- -- -- -- oz. 60 - -'-Cubeb - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 00 --Ginger - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 1 75 Male Fern - -- -- -- - oz. 50 Oxgall, Inspissated- - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 50 Powd. - - - - - - - OZ. 50 Pancreatine, L., M. & G. oz, ------ lbs. ----- oz. 45 lb. 6 00 Paraffin, refined - -- -- -- -- - lb. „ 35 Paris Green - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 25ci45 White --------- - - - lb. 06 Paullinia. (see Guarana.) ------ Pearlash - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 12 Pellets, Homoeopathic, Nos. 1 to 9 incl. lb. 35 smallest, Nos. 00, 0, I, incl. lb. 45 Pepper, Black - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 16 Ground -------- lb. 20 African Bird - -- -- -- - lb. 18 lb. 25 -1 Long - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 50 -• White, ground ------- lb. 35 Pepsin Porci, L., M. & G. - - - - - - - oz. 3 00 Pepsin Saccharated, L., M. & G. Prepared by our new process, whereby we obtain it free from odor, mucus, fatty and coloring matters. We claim for this Pepsin perfect solubil- ity, combined with reliable and standard digestive power. -in 1 oz. vials - -- -- -- -- oz. 40 in lb. bottles - -- -- -- -- lb. 5 50 Phloridzine - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 3 50 Phosphorus, ounce tins ------- OZ. 30 Pill, Blue, American - -- -- -- - lb. 45 powd. ------ ll>. 70 Herring's English ----- lb. 1 25 Pills Compressed, Dunton's, at his prices Wyeth's, at his prices - -•-Gelatine coated, all makes - - - - -- Sugar coated, Bullock & Crenshaw's (For list, see page 22.) Pipe Clay, (see Clay.) ------- 85 Piperine - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. Pitch, Black - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 06 Burgundy, true ------- lb. 10 Plasters, in £ lb. rolls - -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Aconite ----------- lb. -* Adhesive - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 -* Ammoniacum ------- lb. 1 25 - Anodyne - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 50 -* Arnica - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 -1 Aromatic - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 50 -< Assafoetida - -- -- -- - lb. 75 Belladonna - -- -- -- - lb. 1 40 Calefaciens - -- -- -- - lb. 60 Cantharides - -- -- -- - lb. 1 20 Cicuta - -- -- -- -- - !b. 1 00 Diach. Simp. - -- -- -- - lb. 35 cum Gum, Hartford - - lb. 45 brown ------- lb. 45 Diapalma - -- -- -- -- Galbanum ------- lb. 60 lb. 75 lb. 75 Guaiac - -- -- -- -- - lb. 85 Hydrarg. Mit. ------- lb. 1 00 Fort. ------- lb. 1 20 lb. 1 25 Hyoscyamus - -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 Logani - -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 Myrrh - -- -- -- -- - lb. 70 Olivar - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Opium - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 50 Oxycroceum - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Pitch, comp. - - - - - - - - lb. 55 Roborans - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 -1 Simple - -- -- -- -- - lb. 60 Soap ---------- lb. 50 de Vigo cum Mercurio - - - - lb. 1 50 Spread Adhesive, in 5 yard rolls yard De la Cour's- - - - - yard 20 Langdons on swan down yard 50 yard 16 Shiver's ------ yard 20 in 1 yard rolls doz. 2 50 - Aconite, spread in yard rolls -1 Belladonna " '' " doz. 6 00 doz. 6 00 - Opium " " " doz. 6 00 Plaster Paris - -- -- -- -- -- bbl. 2 75 Dentist's - -- -- -- - bbl. 2 75 Pomade, Chiris' No. 30, in cans of about 3i, 5 and 13 lbs. ------ Cassie - -- -- -- -- - lb. lb. 2 75 Jasmin - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 75 Orange Blossom _ - - - - lb. 2 75 Reseda - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 75 Rose - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 75 Tuberose - -- -- -- - lb. 2 75 --- Violet - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 50 Poppy Heads, French ------- lb. German ------ lb. 25 Potash ------------ lb. 8al0 by cask, 400 lbs. ------ - lb. 06i Potassa, Caustic - -- -- -- -- lb. 55 white ------ lb. 65 with Lime ------- lb. 70 Solution (Liq. Potassa) - - - - lb. 17 Potassium - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 3 25 Acetate - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Arseniate - -- -- -- - - OZ. 20 Bicarbonate ------- lb. 30 • - Bichromate ------- lb. 17 Bromide - -- -- -- -- lb. 65 Carbonate - -- -- -- - lb. 14 Chlorate, English - -- --- - lb. 25 French ------ lb. 30 Granular, L., M. & G. prepared expressly for Prescription use. lb. 38 Chromate - -- -- -- - lb. 75 Citrate - -- -- -- -- lb. 85 Cyanide, fused - - ' - - - - lb. 60 Granular - - - - - - lb. 00 Hypophosphite ------ oz. 17 Iodide, American - - - - - lb. 3 50 lb lb. -----French ------ lodido-Hydrarg - - - - - - OZ. 88 Nitrate, Refined - - - - Kegs. lb. 07 -- Flag ------ lb. 08 Hudson ----- lb. 09 Phoenix ----- lb. 10 Columbia - - - - > lb. 11 lb. Hi -' American - - - - • lb. 12 - N ew York - - - - lb. 13 Croton, pure - - - lb. 14 - double - - lb. 15 triple - - lb. 16 granulated lb. 18 ■ Oxalate, pure - - - - - - - lb. 2 50 Permanganate- ------ OZ. 12 Phosphate - -- -- -- - lb. 15 Prussiate - -- -- -- - - lb. 30 ■ Sulphite - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 -- Sulphate - -- -- -- -- lb. 14 Sulpho-Carbolate - - - - - - oz. 20 Sulphuret - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Tartrate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 75 Powders. (See page 17.) ------ Propylamin, pure Liquid ------ OZ. 1 50 ,- Chloride ------- oz. 6 00 Pulvis Antimonialis ------- lb. 80 Putty, bladders - -- -- -- -- lb. 04 tins - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 04 kegs ----------- lb. 03J Powder, (Oxide of Tin) - - - - lb. 60 Pyroxylin, (Gun Cotton, soluble.) - - - - oz. 50 Quinine Sulphate, in 5 and 10 oz. tins - - oz. 2 95 P. & W., vial incl. - oz. 3 00 R. & S. - - - - - oz. 3 00 Hospital - - - - - - ■ oz. 2 90 Acetate - -- -- -- -- . oz. 4 25 Arseniate - -- -- -- - oz. 6 00 Bisulphate - -- -- -- - oz. 3 50 Bromide - - - - - - - - oz. 4 75 Citrate - -- -- -- -- .. oz. 4 25 Citrate, with Iron, U.S.P. - - - oz. 72 Ferrocyanide ------- Hypophosphite ------ - oz.. oz. 4 50 5 25 Iodide - -- -- -- -- oz. 4 50 -and Iron ------ - oz. .3 25 -Lactate - -- -- -- -- oz. 7 00 Muriate - - - - - - - - - oz. 4 50 Phosphate - - - - - - - - oz. 5 00 Pure - -- -- -- -- - oz. 5 25 Tannate --------- oz. 2 15 Valerianate ------- - oz. 5 75 and Iron - - - - - oz. 4 75 Quinidia,Sulphate - -- -- -- - oz. 1 45 Pure - -- -- -- -- - oz. 2 00 Queen's Blue - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Red Precipitate, (see Mercury.) - - - - lb. Resin, white - -- -- -- -- - 08 common - -- -- -- -- - lb. 04 Copaiva ---------- lb. 2 00 Hydrastin - -- -- -- -- oz. 1 20 Leptandrin, L., M. & G. - - - oz. 50 14 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Resin, Jalap, U. S. P. L., M. & G. - - - ---Podophyllum, L. M. & G., (vial incl.) oz. 50 oz. 45 35 Scammonv _ _ _ oz. Rhigolene ------------ bottle 70 Rice Flour - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 15 Root,Aconite, Selected ------- lb. 20 ground - -- -- -- - lb. 25 lb lb. 25 -ZXlLIWcl - - - - - - - - cut - -- -- -- -- - lb. 26 --- A ngelica - - - - - - - - - - - lb. ■ .Arnica ~ - - - - - - - - - - 1b. 351 lb. 22 Bistort - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 lb. lb- 12 --- JjlvJOU - - - - - - - - - - - - Z ' 1 <> •V « /■ lb. 22 Vdl<l 111 <1 - - - - - - - - - - - sliced, white ------ lb. 40 lb. 45 (Jar 1 ina - - - - - - - lb. 25 ■ Chiretta ~ - - - - - - - - - - lb. 25 China - - - - - - - - - - - - lb. 45 Coh hicum, English - - - lb. German ------ lb. 18 Co lu in bo - - - - - - - - - - - lb. Curcuma, ground ------- lb. 30 lb. lb. 14 p cam pan e - - - - - - - - - Galangal - - - - - - - - - - - lb. 12 lb. 15 lb. 08 lb. 12 ground - - Ginger, .African - - - - - - - - lb. 12 ground, pure - - - lb. 15 *- Jamaica - -- -- -- - lb. 22 lb. 26 ground Green --------- lb. Ginseng - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 50 lb. Hellebore, Black ------- lb. 20 White ------- lb. 22 Hydrangea - - - - - - - - - - lb. 20 1 35 30 lb. lb. ■ «J aiap - - - - - - - - - - - - lb. 20 Licorice, good- - - - - - - - - lb. 10nl5 extra select ------ lb. 18 pow'd - -- -- -- - lb. 15 - --crushed ------- lb. 15 Russian, cut ------ lb. 35 Mandrake - -- -- -- -- - lb. 13 lb. 75 HI Unit - - - - - - - - - - - ground - -- -- -- -- lb. 85 • Orris, Florentine, - - - - - - - lb. 25 Verona- - -- -- -- - lb. 15 in fingers - -- -- -- - lb. 50 1 > a 1.9 «««, -w- » lb. 40 ground ------ lb. 45 Pellitory ----------- lb. 40 32 lb. _£ 111H., BLdlLC - - - - - _ _ _ washed - -- -- -- -- lb. --- Pleurisy - - - - - - - - - - - lb. 25 50 lb. - Rhatany, Peruvian, ground - - - Savanilla, ------- lb. 30 lb. ground - - lb. 90 lb. 125*150 lb. China sawed, every piece 2 00 sound ------ lb. Cut, (Small Fingers) - - lb. 4 50 No. 2 - lb. 2 75 lb. Saponaria - - - - - - - - lb. 30 ■ barsapanlla, Honduras - - - - - lb. cut - - - - lb. 40 ground - - lb. 40 Mexican ----- lb. 20 ground - - lb. 23 Seneka ----------- lb. 80 Squill - - - - lb. 12 lb. 20 CLI " - " " ~ ~ ~ " \ alerian, A' erniont - - - - - - - - lb. 20 English ------- lb. £ German ------- lb. 20 V eratrum Viride - ------- lb. 20 Vitivirt - lb. 60 VILIVIIL - " - ~ " - lb. 40 Yellow Dock - -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Zedoary ----------- lb. 20 18 Rose Pink - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. Rouge, Jewelers, powd. ------- Saffron, (see Flowers.) ------- lb. Sago, Pearl - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 Saficine - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 65 Sal Acetosella - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 33 --jEratus - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 32 Enixum - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Sal Epsom, in bbls. - -- ----- lb. 02i Glauber, in bbls. - -- -- -- - lb. OH Nitre, (see Potass Nitrat) ----- -Prunelle ------------ lb. 40 Rochelle - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 36 by 50 lb. box ------- lb. 34 Soda - -- -- -- -- - Casks lb. OH Tartar, (see Potass Carb.) ----- Salt, Rock - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 06 Sea --- ---------- lb. Salts, Carlsbad. (See page 32.) - - - Crab Orchard, true ------- lb. 40 Kissengen. L., M. & G., for making 10 gals. Water - -- -- -- - Lemon, bulk - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Vichy, L„ M. & G., for 10 gals, water Wormwood, bulk ------- lb. 75 Santalwood. (see Wood, page 16.) - - - Santonine ------------ oz. 84 Sassafras Pith - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 12 Seeds, Angelica - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Anise, Italian - ------ lb. 20 German - -- -- -- - lb. 16 Star - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Annatto - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Canary, Dutch - -- -- -- - bush. 2 00 Sicily -------- bush. 2 50 Caraway - -- -- -- -- - lb. 15 Cardamom, Malabar, ------ lb. 2 00 extra - - - - lb. 2 25 Celery - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 28 Colchicum, English ------ lb. German ------ lb. 30 Conium - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Coriander ---------- lb. 12 Cummin - -- -- -- -- - lb. 15 Dill ----------- lb. 25 Flax - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 05 cleaned- -------- lb. 06 ground --------- lb. 07 Fennel - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 16 Fenugreek ---------- lb. 09 ground ------- lb. 11 Hemp - -- -- -- -- -- bush. 1 75 Hyoscyamus - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Larkspur - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 75 Lobelia - -- -- -- -- - lb. 35 Lovage ---------- lb. 75 M asterwort - -- - -- -- - lb. 65 Maw - -- -- -- - . - - - lb. 15 Millet, Foreign - -- -- -- - lb. 08 Mustard, Black -------- lb. 10 White, English - - - - lb. 12 Poppy, Blue - -- -- -- -- lb. 20 White -------- lb. 25 Quince - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Rape ------------ lb. 10 Summer -------- lb. 15 Watermelon - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Worm, American ------- lb. 08 Levant -------- lb. 20 Seidlitz Mixture - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Powders, 30 lbs. mixture to gross gross 30 00 U.S.P., 40 lbs. to gross gross 36 00 Extra, 50 lbs. to gross 42 00 (see last page.) Silver, Bromide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 2 00 Chloride - -- -- -- -- - oz. 1 30 Cyanide - -- -- -- -- - oz. 1 90 Iodide ----------- oz. 1 58 Nitrate, crystals ------- oz. 90 fused, pure ------ oz. 90 No. 2 ----- - oz. 62 Cones, 5 per ct. Chloride - oz. 1 10 Oxide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 55 Smalts, Black - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 08 Blue ------------ lb. 18 Vermillion - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Soap, Castile, Marseilles, - - - - boxes lb. 09 Mottled, Pure, Conti's » lb. 13 White, Conti's, - - » lb. 15 in tablets, 1 case gross 5 50 lb. 1 25 Opodeldoc - -- -- -- - - _ lb. 14 Whale Oil - -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 Soda, Ash - -- -- -- -- - - _ lb. 5 a 6 Caustic, Common, in drums - - - lb. 05} by Lime ------- Chlorinated Sol. of, in G. S. hot. - - lb. doz. 55 2 85 in C. S. bot. - - doz. 2 25 Powders, L., M. & G. - - - - - - doz. 1 75 Sodium - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 50 Acetate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Arseniate - -- -- -- -- oz. 20 Bicarb., Newcastle - - - - kegs lb. 04$ Pure, - - - 50 lb. boxes lb. 10 Bisulphite - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Solution ------ lb. 45 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 15 Sodium Bromide - -- -- -- -- - lb. 73 Carbonate (see Sal Soda.) - - - - oz. 40 lb. 85 lb. 1 65 Hydrosulphate - -- -- -- - lb. 90 Hypophosphite - -- -- -- - oz. 17 Hyposulphite- - -- -- -- - lb. 7 oz. 48 lb. 18 Permanganate - -- -- -- - lb. 1 15 Phosphate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 22 and Ammonia - - - - lb. 1 25 Pyrophosphate - -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 Salicylate - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 30 lb. Suiphate (see Sal Glauber) - - - - cp - - - - 60 Sulphite, crystals ------- IK 22 Sulphocarbolate - -- -- -- - oz. 20 Sulphovinate - -- -- -- -- oz. 30 Spanish Brown, bbls. - -- -- -- - lb. OH Spermaceti - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 35 Spirit Ammonia - -- -- -- -- - lb. 42 Aromatic ------ lb. 47 -Lavender - -- -- -- -- - lb. 42 - Comp. -------- lb. 50 Myristica ---------- lb. 43 Nitrous Ether, IT. S.P. - - - - - lb. 40 L., M. & G. containing full 5'4 Nitrous Ether. lb. 50 lb. 43 Rosemary - -- -- -- -- lb. 43 Turpentine, bbls. ------- gallon Strontia, Nitrate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 22 Muriate ---------- lb. 30 Starch, Kingsford's Oswego ----- lb. 09 Corn ------- lb. 11 Silver Gloss - -- -- -- -- lb. 12 20 Stone, Pumice, select - -- -- -- - lb. 06 powd. - -- -- -- - }b. 08 Rotten, English ------- lb. 08 powd. - -- -- -- - lb. 10 Soap, powd. - -- -- -- - lb. 08 Strychnine, Crystals, (vials inch) - - - - OZ. 2 10 Pow'd, • oz. 1 95 Acetate - -- -- -- -- oz. 2 55 Bromide - -- -- -- - oz. 3 30 Citrate, with Iron ----- oz. 20 Muriate - -- -- -- -- oz. 2 55 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- oz. 2 55 Sulphate- - -- -- -- - oz. 1 95 Valerianate ------- oz. 4 50 Sugar of Milk - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 48 Sulphur, Flowers of------- bbls. lb. 04 Roll Brimstone ----- bbls. lb. 031 Iodide - -- -- -- -- - oz. 48 Lac - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 16 Pure Precipitated - - - - - lb. 24 - Vivum - -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 Syrup, Buckthorn - -- -- -- -- lb. 60 Hypophosphite, Iron ----- lb. 65 - Lime and Soda - - lb. 70 lb 65 Lime, Soda, Iron & lb. Potash - - - - lb. 80 Iodide Iron, L., M. & G. - - - - - lb. 60 lb. 1 00 lb. 75 - Lacto phosphate Lime ----- lb. 1 00 Iron ----- lb. 1 00 - Orange Peel - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Phosphates, (Chemical Food)- - - lb. 60 Phosphates Iron, Quinine & Strych. lb. (Aitken's formula.) ------ lb. 1 50 Rhubarb - -- -- -- -- - lb. 70 Aromatic ------ lb. 60 Sarsaparilla - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Comp. ------- lb. 50 Seneka ----------- ib. 75 Senna ---- - - -- -- -- lb. 65 Squill ------------ lb. 50 Comp. (Hive) ------- lb. 60 Stillingia Comp. - -- -- -- - lb. 65 Tolu - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 60 Wild Cherry - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Tamarinds, kegs - -- -- -- -- - keg 2 00 1 lb. bottles ------- doz. 3 00 Tannin, (see Acid Tannic ------ Tapioca, prime - -- -- -- -- - lb. 09 Tar - -- -- -- -- -- -- bbls. bbl. 3 00 Barba'does ----------- lb. 18 North Carolina, 1 gallon cans - - - doz. 5 00 I , _ - . - doz. 3 00 Quart cans - - - - doz. 2 00 pint cans ----- doz. 1 25 - j pint cans - - - - doz. 1 00 Tartar Emetic, (see Antimony.) Theine -------------- oz. 3 50 Thymol - -- -- -- -- - oz. 65 Tin, Bar - -- -- -- -- - lb. Grain - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Muriate, crystals ----- lb. solution ----- lb. 14 TINCTURES. Made carefully of the best materials and according to U. S. Pharmacopoeia Tincture Aconite Leaves - - - - lb. 55 Root - - - - lb. 80 - Fleming's - - - lb. 90 Aloes ------- lb. 40 Aloes and Myrrh - - - lb. 90 Arnica ------- " lb. 60 Assafcetida ----- lb. 65 - Actea Racemosa - - - - - - lb. 65 Belladonna ----- lb. 60 Benzoin ------- lb. 80 compound - - - - - lb. 75 Bloodroot ------ lb. 50 Buchu ------- lb. 60 Cactus Grandiflora - - - ' lb. 7 00 Calabar Bean ----- - - - lb. 1 25 Calamus - - - - - - lb. 70 Camphor ------ - lb. 60 Cannabis. Indicus - - - lb. 1 00 Cantharides ----- lb. 60 Capsicum ------ lb. 50 -- Cardamom- ----- lb. 75 comp. - - - lb. 60 Castor ------- lb. 1 20 Catechu ------ - - - lb. 60 Cinchona, Calisaya - - - lb. 80 comp. - - - - lb. 80 Coca -------- lb. 1 50 Colchicum Root - - - lb. 50 Seed - - - - ■w - lb. 50 Cochineal ------ - lb. 64 Colocynth ------ lb. 60 Columbo ------ lb. 50 Conium ------- lb. 50 Cinnamon ------ lb. 75 Cubebs ------- lb. 60 Curcuma ------ lb. 50 Damiana ------ lb. 1 00 Digitalis ------ lb. 50 lb. . 60 Eucalyptus glob. - - - lb. 70 Galls - -- -- -- - lb. 60 Gentian, comp. - - - - lb. 55 Ginger ------- lb. 75 Guaiac ------- lb. 80 Ammoniated - - - lb. 75 Guarana ------ lb. 1 50 Hellebore, black - - - lb. 60 Hops -------- lb. 65 Hyoscyamus ----- lb. 55 Ignatia - - - - - - - lb. 1 25 Iodine ------- lb. 1 15 ■-- decolorized - - - lb. 1 25 Iron, Acetate - - - - lb. 75 Muriate - - - - lb. 35 - Jalap- ------- - - - lb. 75 Kino - -- -- -- - lb. 60 Larkspur ------ lb. 80 Lobelia ------- lb. 50 Ethereal - - - - - - lb. 75 Lupuline ------ lb. 75 Musk Root ----- lb. 80 Myrrh ------- lb. 80 Myrrh and Capsicum (Hot Drops) lb. 65 Nux Vomica - - - - - lb. 85 Opium ------- - - - lb. 1 25 Acetate - - - - - - - lb. 2 50 Camph. (Paregoric) Deodorized - - - - - - lb. lb. 50 2 00 Orange Peel ----- lb. 60 Orris ------- lb. 1 00 Phosphorus, Alcoholic - - - - lb. 1 50 Etherial - - - - lb. 2 00 Quassia ------- lb. 60 lb. 70 and Senna - - - lb. 60 Senna ------- lb. 50 Serpentaria ----- lb. 60 Soap, Camphorated - - lb. 60 Squill ------- - - - lb. 50 Stramonium ----- lb. 60 Tolu - -- -- -- - lb. 80 Valerian ------ lb. 50 Ammoniated - - - - lb. 80 Veratrum Viride - - - - - - lb. 85 lb. 65 Tow, Surgeon's ------- lb. 25 Trimethylamih ------- OZ. 1 50 16 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Trimethylamin, Chloride - - - - - oz. 1 50 Turpentine. Bbls, market price- - - - - gallon Venice - -- -- -- -- lb. 35 White, (see Gum Thus) - - - lb. 08 Uranium, Chloride - -- -- -- -- OZ. 90 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- oz. 90 Oxide - -- -- -- -- - oz. 90 Urea, Acetate - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 40 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 00 Venetian Bed, bbls. - - -- -- -- - lb. 03 Veratria - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 2 15 Verdigris ------------- lb. 40 powdered - - - - - - - - - lb. 55 distilled - -- -- -- -- lb. 85 Vermillion, American - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Chinese -------- lb. 1 00 lb 90 Trieste - - - - - - . - - - lb. 90 Water, Distilled - -- -- -- -- - gallon 25 Water, Cherry Laurel - -- -- -- - gallon 2 75 Cologne - -- -- -- -- - gallon 4 50 - "Redwood" ----- gallon 6 00 8 oz. g. s. bot's. doz. doz. 7 50 12 00 - pint doz. 21 00 C111 < 11 1 s - Javelle - ---------- gallon 75 Apollinaris, small ------- doz. 2 00 • large ------- doz. 2 75 Carlsbad, Imp., qts., cases, 50 bots. case doz. 10 00 4 50 case 7 50 doz. 2 12 case 6 00 doz. 3 50 Empire, pints, cases, 4 doz. - - - case doz. 7 50 2 00 case 6 00 doz. 3 25 Friedrickshall, Im., pts., cases, 2 doz case 4 00 doz. case 7 00 doz. 2 00 case 6 00 doz. Geyser, pints, cases, 4 doz. - - - 8 50 case doz. case 3 50 doz. Hathorn, pints, cases, 4 doz, - - case 8 00 2 25 6 00 case doz. case 3 25 High Rock, pints, cases, 4 doz. 8 00 2 25 6 00 doz. case doz. case 3 25 13 00 Hunyadi Jafios, pints, cases, 50 bots 3 50 Kissengen, Am. | pints, cases,2doz. case 2 50 doz. 1 25 pints, cases, 2 doz. case 4 IM) doz. 2 IM) Kissengen, Rakoczy, Imported - case doz. case 9 00 doz. 5 00 • Missiquoi, quarts, cases, 2 doz. case doz. 8 50 4 25 Pullna, Im., pints, cases, 50 jugs case doz. 10 00 2 75 Pyrmont, Im., pints., cases, 50 bots. case doz. 18 00 5 00 cask 12 00 d 7 2 25 quarts, casks, 100 jugs cask 15 00 doz. 2 50 St. Catharine's, I pints - - - - doz. 4 00 pints ----- doz. 8 00 case 2 50 doz. 1 35 pints, cases, 2 doz. 4 00 case doz. 2 20 Water, Vichy, Imported, Celestine, Grand Grille, ETauterive, or Hopital - - qts, cases of 50 bots. case doz. 10 50 3 25 Orange Flower, Chiris, in copper (. cans, 54 gals, each j can 12 00 doz. 4 00 in large " med. doz. 3 00 doz. 2 00 - -Bose, Chiris, in copper cans, 54 (. gals, in each j can 15 00 doz. 4 50 doz. 3 20 doz. 2 20 SIH <111 - ~ American ... - gallon 1 50 Wax, Bayberry- - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Japan ------------ lb. white, Phillips' - -- -- -- - lb. 58 1 Elken's - -- -- -- - lb. 50 sheets for flowers, single - - gross 1 25 gross 2 50 yellow, pure - -- -- -- -- (Beeswax) Brick - -- -- -- - 11). 35a40 lb. 50 White Precipitate. (See Mercury) - - - lb. Whiting - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 03 Wine, Antimony - -- -- -- -- - lb. 75 Calisaya - -- -- ------ lb. 75 Colchicum Root, L., M. & G. - - - lb. 1 00 lb. 1 10 Morson's lb. 1 25 ib. 1 20 Qoorl T XT Xr fl lb. 1 00 oceu, ivr. Ov vi. ~ - lb. 1 10 Mander's - lb. 1 20 - - Morson's lb. 1 25 Ergot ----------- lb. 1 00 Ipecac ----------- lb. 1 00 Iron - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 75 Iron, Bitter - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Opium - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 3 00 I Pepsin, L., M. & G. ------ lb. 1 25 Wines and Liquors of undoubted purity for Medicinal uses, furnished to order at moderate rates. Wood, Bar, ground ------ -bbls. lb. 06 Brazil, ground -------- lb. 06 Cam, ground ------«- lb. 071 Fustic, chips ------»- lb. 03 j Guaiac, rasped -------- barrel 1 25 Hypernic, cut -------- lb. 05 ground - - - - • - lb. 054 - Logwood, chips ------- lb. 024 j ground _ - - . . - lb. 02J Nicaraugua,cut lb. 034 Quassia, chips -------- 11). 10 Red Sanders, ground ---•-. lb. 06 j Reel Wood, cut - - - - - « - 11). 034 Santal, ground - -- -- -- - lb. 60 extra quality - - - lb. Zaffre - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 Zinc, Acetate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 60 i Bromide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 25 j - Carbonate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Chloride - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 08 [ Solution medicinal - - - lb. 22 i commercial - - - lb. 12 Cyanide ----------- OZ. 25 Ferrocyanide - -- -- -- -- oz. 2a Granulated - -- -- -- -- - lb. 35 Iodide ------------ OZ. 56 Lactate - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 35 Oxide - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 18 medicinal - -- -- -- - lb. 30 pure, Hubbuck's ----- lb. 75 Phosphate - -- -- -- -- - oz. 14 - -- -- -- -- - oz. 1 25 Sulphate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 07 pure - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Sulphocarbolate - -- -- -- - oz. 20 Tannate ----------- oz. 35 Valerianate- - -- -- -- -- oz. 35 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 17 Select Powders. These Powders are not merely absolutely pure, but made from choice drugs, and the most judicious and intelligent care exercised in their manipulation. For thirty years they have received the approbation of the trade throughout the country. We call attention to the list of Powdered Extracts prepared by ourselves, and which are specially adapted for Prescription uses. We guarantee them to contain the active principles of the Drug, uninjured by heat, and to be equal, grain for grain, to the Solid Extracts. Note.-The Powdered German Narcotic Extracts sold in this market are only one-half strength. Put up in tin cans of 5 lbs. and 10 lbs. each. Also in 1 lb., i lb., 1 lb., J- lb., and 1-16 lb. bottles, enclosed in paper cartons. The packages enumerated above will be charged as follows. 10 lb. tin cans - -- -- -- -- - each #0 45 i lb. bottles, with cartons - ----- each $0 15 51b. . ---------- 0 30 | lb. » » » ------ « 0 12 1 lb. bottles, with cartons ----- » 0 25 1-16 lb. » » » ------ . 0 10 ilb. • . . . 0 20 When desired the Powders will be put up in paper bundles. Arabic, Gum, 1st picked ------- lb. $ 60 2d picked ------- lb. 45 3d picked ------- lb. 40 Aconite, Leaves - -- -- -- -- - 11>. 30 Root. - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Allspice, Pimenta --------- lb. 22 Aloes, Barbadoes - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Bonaire ---- ------- lb. 35 Cape ------------ lb. 25 Socotrine, true - -- -- -- - lb. 75 et Canella - -- -- -- -- lb. 35 A] uni - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 38 Ammonia, Muriate of-------- lb. 25 Angus tura - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 Anise Seed - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 28 Arnica Flowers - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Aromatic Powder - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 50 Assafoetida - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Barberry, Herberts --------- lb. 40 Bark Peruv., Calisaya, Cinch, flava - - - lb. 2 05 Red, Cinch. rubra - - - - lb. 1 35 Loxa, Cinch, pallida - - - lb. 65 Com. Yellow, Carthagena - lb. 35 Bayberry, Myrica cerif. ------- lb. 15 Belladonna Leaves - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Root ---------- lb. 40 Benzoin Gum - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 80 Beth Root, Trillium --------- lb. 45 Bittersweet, Dulcamara ------- lb. 30 Blackberry, Rubus villosus ------ lb. 25 Black Cohosh, Cimicifuga, ------ lb. 25 Black Oak Bark, Quercus tinct. - - - - lb. 30 Bloodroot, Sangutnaria ------- lb. 20 Blue Flag, Iris versicolor ------- lb. 40 Blue Pill, Pil. Hydrarg - ------- lb. 70 Blue Vitriol, Cuprisulph. ------ lb. 30 Bole Armenian - - - -- -- -- - lb. 15 Boneset, Eupator. perfol. ------ lb. 25 Buchu, long, Barosma cren. - - - - - lb. 85 short, » « ------ lb. 20 Calabar Bean, Physostigma venenosum - - lb. 1 00 Camphor - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 65 prepared by sublimation, and will remain in powder indefinitely. Canella - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Cantharides, Russian - -- -- -- - lb. 1 35 Cardamom - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 25 Caraway - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 22 Cascarilla, - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Cassia Bark ------------ lb. 35 Extra - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 55 Castor, Castoreum - -- -- -- -- oz. 40 Catechu - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 28 Chamomile, Anthemis -------- lb. 35 Charcoal, Best Willow, in 1 lb. cartons lb. 25 Chiretta - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 45 Cinnamon, Ceylon - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 25 Cloves - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 55 Cocculus Indicus ---------- lb. 20 Cochineal, Coccus- --------- lb. 85 Colchicum Root, English ------- lb. German ------ lb. 30 Seed, English ------- lb. German ------ lb. 40 Colocynth ------------ lb. 55 Pulp - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 50 Coltsfoot, Tussilago - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Columbo Root, Calumba ------- lb. 25 American, Frasera ----- lb. 35 Comfrey, Symphytum - - - - - - - - lb. 40 Coriander Seed - -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Cotton Root Bark, Gossypium - - - - - lb. 30 Cranesbill, Geranium -------- lb. 35 Cubeb -------------- lb. 20 Culver's Root, Leptandra ------ lb. 25 Cumin Seed, Cyminum -------- lb. 25 Cundurango------------ lb. 2d Cuttie Bone, Os. - - ------- lb. 28 Curcuma - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Dandelion, Taraxacum -------- lb. 30 Dogsbane, Apocynum androscemifol - - lb. 45 Dogwood, Cornus Florida- ------ lb. 30 Dover's Powder, Pulv. Ipecac, comp. - - Dragons Blood, Sanguis Draconis - - - - lb. 1 40 lb. 60 Elecampane, Inula - -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Elm Bark ------------- lb. 25 Ergot -------------- lb. 50 Euphorbium - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Extracts, one grain equal to the same weight of Solid Extract - - - (See remarks at head of page.) Aconite, L., M. & G. ----- oz. 40 Aloes, Socot, L., M. & G. - - - oz. 40 Belladonna, L., M. & G. - - - - oz. 50 Cannab. Indica., L. M. & G. - - oz. 75 Cinchona Calisaya, L. M. &. G. - oz. 1 00 Colocynth, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 6 DO Comp.. L.. M. & G. - - lb. 4 50 Colchicum Acet., L. M. & G. - - OZ. 50 Conium, L., M. & G. - - - - - oz. 40 Digitalis, L., M. & G. - - - - - oz. 40 Gentian, L. M. & G. - - - - - oz. 40 Guarana, L. M. & G. - - - - - oz. 1 30 - Hop, L. M. &. G. ------ oz. 50 -: Hyoscyamus, L., M. & G. - - - oz. 50 Ipecac, L. M. & G. - ----- oz. 90 Jalap, L., M. & G. - - - - - - lb. 3 50 Lettuce, L. M. & G. ----- oz. 50 Liquorice, Calabria ----- lb. 60 Lobelia, L. M. & G. - - - - - - OZ. 40 Mandrake, L. M. & G. - - - - - oz. 40 Nux Vomica, L., M. & G. - - - oz. 50 ■ Ooium, Aqueous, L., 11. & G. - - oz. 1 50 Ox Gall, L. M. & G. - ----- OZ. 50 Quassia, L. M. & G. - - - - - - oz. 50 Rhatany, Krameria, L., M. & G. - oz. 60 Rhubarb, L., M. & G. - - - - - Valerian, L„ M. & G. - - - - - oz. 50 oz. 50 Fennel, Foeniculum --------- lb. 25 Foxglove, Digitalis - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Frankincense. Olibanum ------- lb. 50 Galangal - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Gamboge - -- -- -- -- -- -- Il'' 80 Gentian - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 15 Ginger, Jamaica - -- -- -- -- - lb. 26 Goldenseal, Hydrastis Can. ------ ,1b. 30 Goldthread, Coptis - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Guaiac, Guaiaci resina ------- lb. 50 Guarana. Paullinia sorbilis ------ lb. 2 25 Hellebore, American, Verat. virid - - - lb. 30 Black, Helleborus - ... - lb. 35 White, Verat alb. ----- lb. 30 Hemlock Leaves, Conium maculat - - - lb. 25 Henbane, Biennial, Hyoscyani niger - - lb. 40 Hops, Humulus - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Indian Hemp, Apocynum cannab. - - - White, Asclepius incarn. - lb. lb. 50 40 Foreign, Cannab. Indic. - - lb. 35 Indian Turnip, Arum - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Ipecacuanha ----------- lb. 1 50 Ipecac. Spurge, Euphorb Ipecac. - - - - lb. 1 00 Jalap - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 18 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Kameela lb. 1 25 Kino -------------- lb. 40 Koosso, Bray era anthelmintics - - - - lb. 1 00 Ladies' Slipper, Cypripedium - - - - - lb. 20 Liquorice Root, peeled ------- lb. 35 Lobelia Herb - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 25 -- Seed - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Mandrake, Podophyllum ------- lb. 20 Marjoram Sweet, Origanum majorana - - lb. 35 Marshmallow, Althcea -------- lb. 30 Matico -------------- lb. 70 Mezereon- - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 35 Myrrh - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 60 Nutgall, GaUa ----------- lb. 35 Nutmeg, Myristica lb. 1 15 Nux Vomica - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Opium - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 6 75 Orange Peel, Aurantii - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Bitter, Aurant amara - - - lb. 30 Orris Root, Iris Florent ------- lb. 32 Verona ------- lb. 22 Pareira Brava, true - -- -- -- -- lb. 60 Pepper, Black - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Red, Capsicum - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Peppermint, Menth. pip. ------- lb. 25 Pinkroot, Spigelia - -- -- -- -- lb. 45 Pleurisy root, Asclep tuberosa - - - - - lb. 30 Pokeroot, Phytolacca - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Potassa, Chlorate, French ------ lb. 38 Nitrate, C. P. - -- -- -- • lb. 20 Sulphate ---------- lb. 15 Prickly Ash, Xanthoxylum ------ lb. 30 Quassia - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Red Rose Leaves, French ------ lb. 1 10 Rhatany, Peruvian, Krameria, - - - - lb. 55 Rhubarb - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 2 00 pow'd from good sound China 1 1 10 Rhubarb, without selection f 1 50 Saffron, Carthamus lb. 45 Sage, Salvia ------------ lb. 25 Salep, Orchis mascula -------- lb. 80 Sarsaparilla, Hond. - -- -- -- -- lb. 45 Sassafras - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Savine, Sabina ----------- lb. 25 Scamniony, containing 75 per cent resin - lb. 10 25 Scullcap, Scutellaria- - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Seneka ------------- lb. 90 Senna, Alex, from garbled Senna - - - lb. 35 E. I. ----------- - lb. 20 Silk Weed Asclep Syriaca ------ lb. 40 Skunk Cabbage, Sy mplo carpus foetid - - lb. 35 Snakeroot, Canada. Asarum ----- lb. 45 Snakeroot, Virginia, Serpentaria - - - - lb. 45 Soap, Bark - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 28 White Castile - -- -- -- -- lb. 45 Spearmint, Menth. virid. ------- lb. 35 Squill, Scilla mar. - -- -- -- -- Ib. 40 Stillingia - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Sugar of Lead, Plumbi acet. ----- lb. 35 Sugar of Milk, Sacch. lactis ------ lb. 52 Summer Savory Satureja hortensis - - - lb. 35 Sweet Flag, Calamus - -- -- -- - lb. 45 Thornapple, Stramonium. ------ lb. 35 Tormentilia ------------ lb. 40 Tragacanth, From flake ------- lb. 1 25 Turkey Corn, Corydalis formos - - - - lb. 35 Unicorn, Helonias dioica ------- lb. 30 Uva Ursi - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 V alerian, English ---------- lb. 35 White Oak Bark, Quercus alb. - - - - - lb. 25 Wild Cherry Bark, Primus Viry. - - - - lb. 25 Witch Hazel, Hamamelis Viry. - - - - - lb. 30 Wormseed, Levant. Santonica - - - - - lb. 35 American, Chenopodium - - - lb. 15 Yellow Dock, Rumex crispus - - - - - lb. 35 Jasmine, Gelsemiuni - - - . - lb. 30 Concentrated Medicines ; Or Active Principles of Medicinal Plants. Powders. per oz 5 00 1 50 1 00 3 00 5 00 1 50 1 25 3 50 3 00 0 80 1 00 1 75 1 25 2 75 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 75 1 50 2 00 2 25 1 00 2 00 1 25 3 00 0 80 2 50 1 25 2 50 - Ampelopsin --------- Apocynin ---------- Atropin - -- -- -- -- - Baptisin - -- -- -- -- - Barosmin ---------- Betin - -- -- -- -- -- - - Caulophyllin - -- -- -- - Cerasein - -- -- -- -- - Chimaphilin --------- Colocynthin - -- -- -- -- Eupatorih (perfoliatum) - - - - -- - (purpureum)- - - - - Frazerin - -- -- -- -- - Gelsemin ---------- Geraniin - -- -- -- -- - -■- Gossypiin - -- -- -- -- Hamamelin - -- -- -- -- Helonin - -- -- -- -- - H H n Powders. Hydrastin - -- -- -- -- per oz 2 00 Hyoscyamin --------- 3 50 Irisin - -- -- -- -- -- 1 25 - - Jalapin ----------- 3 50 Juglandin- - -- -- -- -- 1 00 Leontodin - -- -- -- -- 2 50 Leptandrin --------- 0 80 Lupulin - -- -- -- -- - V 1 00 Lycopin - -- -- -- -- - 1 50 1 Macrotin - -- -- -- -- - 0 75 1 Menispermin - -- -- -- - 1 50 Myricin - -- -- -- -- - 0 80 Phytolacin - -- -- -- -- 1 50 Podophyllin --------- 0 75 Populin - -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Prunin - -- -- -- -- -- » 1 (10 1 Rhein - -- -- -- -- -- a 3 50 Rhusin ----------- a 1 25 Rumin - -- -- -- -- -- it 1 50 Sanguinarin - -- -- -- -- it 1 25 Scutellarin - -- -- -- -- 2 00 Senecin - -- -- -- -- - 1 75 Smilacin - -- -- -- -- - 3 00 Stillingin - -- -- -- -- - 2 25 Trilliin ----------- 1 00 Veratrin - -- -- -- -- - 2 50 ---- Viburnln - -- -- -- -- - 2 00 Xanthoxylin 1 75 Discount on Concentrated Medicines 30 per cent. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 19 Standard Fluid Extracts, MANUFACTURED BY LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. These Fluid Extracts are prepared by the process of "Repercolation," in which only that portion of a percolate is reserved and sold as Fluid Extract, which corresponds with a known accurate standard. This standard is made by assay of the drug, exhausting sixteen troy ounces with a suitable menstruum and determining the amount of Extractive matter which it yields. This method obviates the use of heat, vacuum pan, or hydraulic press. The finest dusted powders are used, prepared from drugs which have been selected fortheir reliable quality and full medicinal activity. No process insures that perfect exhaustion of material, combined with stability of finished product, so well, as that known as "Repercolation." The strength of these Extracts (with a single exception) is one troy ounce of crude material to one ounce of fluid extract, which gives one grain to each minim-the dose can therefore be calculated with certainty. The exception is Opium, which is identical with the Tinctura Opii Deodorata of the IT. S. P., containing 371 grains of powdered Opium in each fluid ounce. We invite attention to the new style of putting up these goods (see page 90). Our new labels have printed on them, doses and formul® for preparing Tinctures, Syrups, &c. NET CASH PRICES, In 5 pound bottles, the price is five cents less per pound. In i « » » ten » advance per pound. In i • » » twenty-four cents advance per pound. TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. ONE LB. BOTTLES IPER LB. Aconite Leaf -------------- Aconitum Napellus ------------ 1 00 Root -------------- 1 10 Arnica - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 Arnica montana - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Balmony - 1 Chelone glabra -------------- 75 Bearsfoot - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Polymnia Uvedalia 2 00 Belladonna Leaf - -- -- -- -- -- -- Atropa Belladonna ------------- 1 25 Belladonna Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 50 Bethroot ---------------- Trillium pendulum ------------- 90 Bitt er-root - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Apocynum androscemifolium - -- -- -- -- 1 00 Bitter-sweet - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Solarium Dulcamara ------------ 80 Blackberry - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Rubus villosus - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 80 Black Cohosh -------------- Cimicifuga ---------------- 1 00 Black Hellebore - -- -- -- -- -- -- Helleborus niger -------------- 90 Black Haw - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Viburnum prunifolium - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Bladder Wrack - Fucus vesiculosis - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 10 Bloodroot - Sanguinaria - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 Blue Cohosh - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Leontice thalictroides - -- -- -- -- -- - 75 Blue Flag ---------------- Iris versicolor - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Boneset - -- -- -- Eupatoriuni perfoliatum - - - - ------ - 75 Broom Top - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Scoparius - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Buchu ----------------- Barosma crenata - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Compound ------------- 1 00 Buchu and Pareira Brava - -- -- -- -- - 1 75 Buckthorn Rhamnus catharticus - -- -- -- -- -- - 80 Buckthorn --------------- Rhamnus frangula ------------ 1 00 Bugle-weed Lycopus Virginicus - -- -- -- -- -- - 75 Burdock ---------------- Lappa minor --------------- 75 Butternut - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Juglans cinerea - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 75 Calabar Bean --------------- Physostigmavenenosum - -- -- -- -- -- 3 00 Cardamom - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 00 Cardamom Comp. ------------- 2 00 Cascarilla - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Croton Eleuteria- - -- -- -- -- -- -- 75 Catnip - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Nepeta cataria - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 70 Cayenne Pepper - - - - -------- Capsicum - -- -- -- -- -- -- - - I 25 Chamomile - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Anthemis nobilis - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Cherry Bark. U. S. P. 1873. --------- Prunus Virginiana 1 00 Compound - -- -- -- -- - 80 Chestnut Leaves - -- -- -- -- -- -- Castanea vesca 1 00 Chiretta - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Agathotes Chirayta - ------------I 1 50 Cinchona, Pale, ) 1 50 Compound, I TT „ _ Calisaya, ■ L.b. P. 1873. - - - - - -------------------- 1 25 3 00 Red, J 2 50 Cleavers - - ------------- Galium ----------------- 75 Clover, Red - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Coca ------------------ Erythroxylon Coca - - - --------- 3 00 20 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. 1 ONE LB. BOTTLES PER LB. Coffee ----------------- Caffea Arabica -------------- 1 35 Colchicum Root - - -- -- -- -- -- -- Colchicum autumnale - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Seed- - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 25 Colocynth ---------------- 1 10 Columbo - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Cocculus palmatus - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Comfrey - -- - - -- -- -- -- -- - Symphytum --------------- 80 Conium ----------------- Conium maculatum - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Conium Seed - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 25 Cotton Root Bark - -- -- -- -- -- -- Gossypium herbarium - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Cramp Bark - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Viburnum oxycoccus - -- -- - - -- -- 80 Cranesbill - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Geranium maculatum - -- -- - - -- -- 90 Cubebs - --------------- Piper Cubeba - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Culver's Root - - - - Leptandra Virginica - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Cundurango ----- ---------- 1 75 2 00 Dandelion - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Taraxacum - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 and Senna - -- - ------ 90 Dog-grass - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Triticum repens ------------- 1 00 Elder Flowers - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Sambucus - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 80 Ergot ----------------- Ergota - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 80 Ethereal - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 80 Eucalyptus Globosus - -- -- -- -- -- ------------------- 1 50 Foxglove - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Digitalis purpurea - -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Fringe Tree - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Chionanthus Virginica - -- -- -- -- -- 1 50 Gentian ----------------1 Gentiana lutea - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 75 Compound - -- -- -- -- -- - - 1 25 Ginger ----------------- Zingiber officinale - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 10 Golden Seal - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Hydrastis Canadensis ----------- 1 00 Golden Rod - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Solidago ---------------- 90 Gold Thread - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Coptis trifolia - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 25 Grindelia Robusta- - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 oo 2 00 Guarana - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Paullinia sorbilis 4 00 Hemlock (see Conium) - -- -- -- -- -- Henbane ----- ---------- Hyoscyamus niger - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Hop ------------------ Humulus Lupulus ------------ 1 25 Horehound - -- -- -- - - - - . - - - Marrubium vulgare ------------ 80 Hydrangea - Hydrangea arborescens ----------- 90 Ignatia Bean --------------- Strychnos Ignatia - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 715 Indian Hemp - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Apocynum ca. inabinum - -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Foreign - -- -- -- -- -- Cannabis Indica - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 25 White - -- -- -- -- -- - Asclepias incarnata - -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Ipecac ----------------- CephdSlis Ipecacuanha - -- -- -- -- -- 3 00 and Seneka - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 75 Jalap - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Ipomcea Jalapa ------------- ■ 1 75 Jaborandi - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 50 Juniper Berries -------------- Juniperus communis ------------ 90 Kameela --------- - -n---- Rottlera Tinctoria ------------- 5 00 Koosso - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Brayera Anthelmintica - -- -- -- -- - 2 00 Ladies' Slipper -------- Cypripedium pubescent - ---------- 1 00 Lettuce ---------------- Lactuca sativa - 1 00 Life Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Senecio aureus - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 80 Liquorice - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Glycyrrhiza glabra - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Lobelia - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Lobelia inflata - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Lupulin - -- -- -- -- -- ---- Lupulina ---------------- 1 75 Male Fern - -- -- -- -- -- - - - - Aspidium Filix mas - -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Mandrake ----------- - - - - Podophyllum peltatum - -- -- -- -- -- 90 Matico - -- -- -- -- -- - -___ Artanthe elongata ------------- 1 50 Musk Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sumbul ----------------- 6 00 Night Blooming Cereus ----------- Cactus grandiflora ------- - ------ 5 00 Nux Vomica --- ----------- Strychnos nux vomica ------- - - - - 1 20 Opium, (Tinct. Opii Deod. U.S.P.) ------- 1 75 Orange Peel, sweet - -- -- -- -- -- - Aurantium --------------- 90 Orange Peel, bitter - -- -- -- -- -- - Aurantii am art - -- - ------- 1 00 Orris Root ---------------- Ir s Fiorentina -------------- 90 Pareira Brava - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Chododendron tomentosum - -- -- -- -- 1 25 Pink Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Spigelia Marilandica - -- -- -- -- -- 1 25 and Senna - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Pipsissewa - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Chimaphila umbellata ----------- 80 Pleurisy Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Asclepias tuberosa - - - - -------- 1 00 Poke Root ---------------- Phytolacca decandria ------------ 80 Poppy ----------------- Prickly Ash - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Papaver somniferum- ----------- Xanthoxylum fraxineum - -- -- -- -- - 90 90 Quassia ----------------- Simaruba excelsa - -- -- -- -- -- -- 80 Queen of the Meadow - -- -- -- -- -- Eupatorium purpureum ---------- 80 Rhatany - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Krameria triandra ------------ 1 00 Rhubarb - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Rheum palmatum - -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 50 Aromatic - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 25 and Senna - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 00 Rosin Weed - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Silphium gummiferum - -- -- -- -- -- 1 50 Saffron ----------------- Carthamus ---------------- 2 00 Sandalwood - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Santalum Album - -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 50 Sarsaparilla, Rio Negro ------- I 1 25 Lazell Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 21 TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. ONE LB. BOTS. PER LB. Sarsaparilla, and Dandelion - -- -- -- -- 1 25 Comp ------------- 1 25 - Comp (for Syrup.) -------- 1 25 Sassafras - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- - Laurus Sassafras - -- -- -- -- -- - 80 Savin - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Juniperus Sabina - -- -- -- -- -- - 75 Scullcap - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Scutellaria lateriflora - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Seneka ----------------- Polygala Senega ------------- 1 75 Senna Alex- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Cassia acutifolia ------------ 90 and Jalap -------------- 1 50 Skunk Cabbage -------------- Symplocarpus foetidus --------- 75 Snakeroot - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Serpentaria -------------- 1 25 Solomon's Seal - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Convallaria polygonata ----------- 80 Spikenard - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Aralia racemosa - -- -- -- -- -- -- 80 Squaw Vine - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Mitchella repens - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 50 Squill - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Scilla maritima - -- -- -- -- -- - 80 Compound, (for Hive Syrup) ------ 1 50 Star Grass - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Aletris - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 50 Stavesacre ---------------- Delphinium Staphisagria - -- -- -- -- - 2 25 Stillingia - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Compound - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Stone Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Collinsonia Canadensis - -- -- -- -- - 90 Stramonium - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Datura Stramonium ----------- 90 Sundew ----------------- Drosera rotundifolia - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 25 Thistle Leaves - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 25 Tag Alder - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Alnus serrulata ------------- 75 Tonka Bean --------------- Dipterix Odorata - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 50 Turkey Corn - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Corydalis formosa ------------- 1 50 Unicorn - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Helonias dioica - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 50 Uva Ursi - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Arctostaphylos -------------- 80 Valerian- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ■Valeriana officinalis ------------ 1 10 Veratrum Viride - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 25 Wahoo - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Euonymus atropurpureus ---------- 1 15 Water Pepper- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Polygonum punctalum - -- -- -- -- -- 75 White Oak - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Quercus alba - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 75 Wild Indigo - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Baptisia tinctoria - -- -- -- -- -- -- 80 Wild Turnip - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Arum triphyllum - - -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Wild Yam - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Dioscorea villosa - - -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Witch Hazel --------------- Hamamelis Virginica ----------- 80 Wormseed - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Chenopodium - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 80 Wormwood - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Artemisia absinthium - -- -- -- -- -- 1 15 Yarrow - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A chiilea Millefolia ------- ------ 80 Yellow Dock - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Rumex crispus -------------- 1 00 Jasmine - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Geselmium sempervirens - -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Yerba Santa - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Eriodyction glutinosum ----------- 2 25 LAZELL, MARSH & CARDINER'S LABORATORY PRODUCTS. We note, with pleasure, the increased demand for the products of our Laboratory, and call attention to the fact that we now produce all new articles, both Chemical and Pharmaceutical, that are in demand. Solution Dialysed Iron, A pure neutral solution of Ferric Oxychloride (Fe.'a C1.3 23 Fe.7 O3), which will keep without change. In Pint Bottles, 50 Cents. I Pive Pint Bottle, $2.25 I Gallon, $3.75 CITRATE OF IRON AND CINCHONIDIA, A new Scale Salt of value, and which is asserted to equal in medicinal value, Citrate of Iron and Quiniae. It is freely soluble, and adapted for use either in solution or pill. We offer it in Ounce Bottles, 40 Cents. I Pound Bottles, $5.00 We do not propose in this place to give an extended list of our products, but would mention that we always furnish our own manufacture of any of our Laboratory products, unless other manufacture be specified. Nearly every one of the "Officinal " preparations of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 1873, can be supplied of our own manufacture, besides most of the non officinal remedies in use. 22 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Sugar-Coated Pills & Granules, MANUFACTURED BY BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Philadelphia. These Pills have now been before the profession for more than thirteen years. From the first, conscientious care has been observed with regard to the quality of the medicines entering into them, and to the accuracy and com- pleteness with which they have been combined and divided. Experience and skill have been eagerly availed of to bring them, day by day, a step nearer perfection, and it is believed that the Pills of this house are equalled by no other products of the same kind, and that they excel all others in their ready solubility ; any one who will cut open one of their Quinine Pills will need no further proof that perfection has been attained in this all important point. We have been induced to urge the sale of these Pills by the feeling of satisfaction resulting from the accuracy, care, reliability and skill of the manufacturers. PILLS AND GRANULES. Sugar Coated. : Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- | ties of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. Acid Arsenious, 1-20,1-30, 1-40,1-50,1-60 gr. $ 40 $1 75 Aconitia, 1-60 gr. - Aloes, U. S. P. --------- 40 3 50 ( Pulv. Aloes, Socot, 2 grs. 1 I Saponis, 2 grs. ( 40 1 75 Comp. U. S. P . (Pil. Gent. Comp.) - - 50 2 25 et Assaf. U. S. p, ( Pulv. Aloes Socot. G grs. ) - Assafcetida, grs. >• 40 1 75 { Saponis, li grs.) (Pulv. Aloes Socot. i gr. | AtPorri J Zinzib. Jain. Igr. 1 et j? ern, | perrj sulph. Exsic. 1 gr. i Ext. Conii. ' i gr. J 40 1 75 ---et Mastich, (see Pil. Scomachicae) - - 50 2 25 et Myrrh, U. S. P. ( Pulv. Aloes Socot. 2 grs. 1 -Myrrh®, 1 gr. >• 50 2 25 ( Croci Stigmat. 4 gr. ) ( Mass. Hydrargyri, 1 gr. ) Alterative,-(Pulv. Opii, f gr. > ( Ipecac, | gr. ) 50 2 25 Ammon. Bromid. Igr. - -- -- -- - 75 3 50 Pulv. Aloes Socot. Anderson's Scots, Sapon. Hispan. FructColocynth - 40 1 75 Gambogi®, Oleum Anisi, Anti-Bilious (Vegetable) _) P. Ext. Coloc. Co. 2i gr. I 2 25 ( Podophyllin, i gr. ( ["Strychnias, 1-40 Gr. 1 Ex. Belladonnas 1-10 Gr. Anti-Dyspeptic, ( Pulv. Ipecac, 1-10 Gr. - Mass. Hydrarg. 2 Gr. 1 00 4 75 (Ext. Coloc Co. 2 Gr. Anti-Malarial,(McCaw) ( Quiniae Sulph. Igr. A | Ferri Sul. Exs. 1 gr. ) J 01. Res. Pip. Nig. 1-16 gr. 1 12 25 A Ac. Arsenios. 1-80 gr. Z* 1 Gelsemin. i gr. k \ Podophyllin, J gr. j Antimonii Comp. U. S. P. (see Pil. Calome Comp.) - -- -- -- -- -- - Chinchonae Sulph. Igr.1 40 1 75 Ferri Sulph. Exsic. 1 gr. Antiperiodic, Ext. Quass. igr.) 1 00 4 75 Ext. Khei. 1 gr. Pulv. Myrrh®, j gr. (Ext. Nux Vomic., igr. 1 Aperient, j Hyoscyam. 1 gr. j- - - ( Coloc Comp. 2 gr. ) 85 4 00 (Pulv. Rhei, 14 grs. I • Aperient, ) - Aloe. Socot. li grs. 1 Drysdale's, 1 - Ipecac, 5-12 gr. ( Nuc. Vom. igr. J (Ext. Coloc. Co. iGr.) Anerient Mild J Plllv- Rhei' 2 Gr. I Aperient, Mild, j Ex(. Hvoscyami, 5-6 Gr. ( 50 ! 2 25 (Ol. Cari, J Assafcetida, U. S. P., - - . - - - - - 40 1 75 40 1 75 [Assafoetia, grs. ( 40 1 75 tomp. ( Ferri sulph Exs. 1 gr. ( ( Assafoetid®, 1 gr.) et Rheis Pulv. Rhei, 1 gr. > 75 3 50 (Ferrum perHydl gr. i PILLS AND GRANULES, Price per 100 Pilis, in Bot- tles of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. S ugar Coated. Atropia, l-60gr. $75 $3 50 ( Ext. Col. Comp. 1 gr. 1 Gallon 1 Jalapae, Igr. ! Ballou, -< jjydg. Chlor. Mit. 1 gr. f 75 3 50 (. Pulv. Ipecac. i gr. ' Belladonna Ext. (Eng.) i gr. ----- - 40 1 75 Bismuth. Sub Carb. 3 grs. ------- 75 3 50 Sub Nit. 3 grs. ------- 75 3 50 Bismuth &NuxVom^^n"th. Sub. 5 grs. 1 1 50 7 25 Caffein, Citrat. 1 gr. - -- -- -- - . 3 00 14 75 Calomel, i gr., 1 gr., 2 grs., 3 grs. - - - - 40 1 75 5 grs. 50 2 25 Comp. (Plummer's) 3 grs. (Calomel ) •< Oxysulph. Antimon. >- 40 1 75 ( Guaiacum Resin 1 et Ipecac. Co. Calomel, 1 gr.) P. Ipecac. Co. 3 1-3 gr. )■ 50 2 25 Ext. Gent. Q.S. ) Pt Onii ) Calomel, 2 grs. 1 et opn, jOpium lgr< r - 85 4 00 (Calomel. igr. 1 pt Hhei J Ext- Khei' * gr' 1 et KiieM Coloc. C. igr. 75 3 50 [ Hyoscya. 1-6 gr. J Camphor Monobromated, 2 gr.- - - - - Camphor et Hyoscyam. J Gum. Camphor, gr. 1. ( I Ext. Hyos. Eng., gr. 1, | Cannabis Indica Ext. 1 gr. ------ 60 2 7c Cathartic Comp. U. S. P., ( Ext. Coloc Comp. li grs. A J _ - Jalapte, 1 r. 1 j Calomel, 1 gr. C ' Pulv. Gambogiae, 2-9 gr. ) Comp. (Vegetable), Ext. Coloc. Simp. 1 Gr. Podophyllin, 1 Gr. Pulv. Res. Scam. 1 Gr. Aloes Socot. 11 Gr. Cardamomi, 1-9 Gr. Saponis, 1 Gr. ("Ext. Coloc.Comp. Jalapae, Comp ..J Podophyllin, , (Improved), "J Ext. Hyoscyam. | Gentiame, 101. Menth. Pip. (Aloes Pulv. 1 gr.' C.U>. Co.. P.,native, «J«oSv7 1 £■ (Vegetable) R'gfi'b'oik. t £ 40 1 71 [P. Zingiber igr. Caulophyllin, 1-10 gr. - -- -- -- - 40 1 71 1 Cerii Oxalas. Igr. - -- -- -- -- - 1 00 4 71 ( Pulv. Aloe Soc.) Chapman's Dinner, •< Rhei Opt. > - - I 60 2 7. Gum Mastich, 1 Chinoidin. Igr. - -- -- -- -- - 40 1 7c 2 grs. - -- -- -- -- - 50 2 2, ( Chinoidin. 2 grs. / -Comp.4 Ferri Sulph.Exsic Igr. > 3 5 Oleo-resinPip.Nigigr. ) Chiretta, Ext. 3. gr. -------- - | 1 50 2 7 Cinchonia, Sulph. 11 grs. ------- V 5 3 5 Cinchonidia Sulph. - -- -- -- Igr 1 55 2 5( Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current, 23 PILLS AND GRANULES, Price per 100 Pills, in Bot ties of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. Sugar Coated. Cinchonidia Sulph . -------2gr $1 00 $4 75 Cincho Quinias, --------Igr. 1 25 6 00 Res. Scammon. Pur., 1 gr. Pulv. Aloe Socot. 11 gr. Coccia, - Colocynth. i gr. - 90 4 25 Potass Sulph. 1 gr. Ol. Caryoph. 4 gr. Colocynth. Comp. 3 grs. (Ext. Coloc. Comp. U. S. P.) ------- - 80 3 75 Colocynth. et Hydrarg. et Ipecac. ( Pulv. Ext. Coloc Comp. 2 grs. | -< Pil. Hydrarg. 2 grs. > 75 3 50 ( Pulv. Ipecac 1-6 gr Pulv. Aloes Soc. 1 gr. 1 Cook's, 3 grs. Rhei, • 1 gr. 1 Calomel, 1 gr. | - 50 2 25 Sapon. Hispan. igr.J 50 Copaibas, U. S. P. 3 grs. ------- 2 25 f Pil. Copaiba) J Resin Guaiac Copaib. Comp, -j - 80 3 75 1 Oleo-resin. Cubebae. J et Extract Cubebas, | Pil. Copaibas 3 grs. ( 80 3 75 1 Oleo-resin. Cubebae. 1 gr. | Corrosive Sublimate, 1-12,1-20,1-30,1-40 gr. 40 1 75 Digitalin. 1-60 gr. -------- - 75 3 50 ( Pulv. Digital. Eng. 1 gr. Digitalis Comp.-f Scillae, 1 gr. > 50 2 25 f Potass. Nit. 2 grA ( Sapo Hispan. Pulv. 2 grs. ) 50 Diuretic. < Sodae Carb. Exsic. 2 grs. > - - 2 25 Ol. Baccas Junip. 1 drop ) ( Pulv. Guaiac 3 grs. Dupuytren/ Hydg. Chlor.Corros. l-10gr. J- 50 2 25 ( Pulv. Opu, 1 gr.) Elaterium, (Clutterbuck's) 1-10 gr. - - - 1 00 4 75 Emmenagogue, (Mutter) ( Ferri Sulph. J-i gr. X Aloe Socot. Pulv. i gr. J- 40 1 75 ( Terebinth. Alb. 14 gr. Fel. Bovinum, ( Ox Gall, 2 grs. (. 2 25 1 Powdered Jamaica Ginger 1 gr. ) Ferri (Quevenne's,) 1 gr. ------ - 50 2 25 - 2 grs. ------ 75 3 50 Carb. (Vallet's,) U. S. P. 3 grs. - - - 40 1 75 Citrat. 2 grs. - -- -- -- - - 50 2 25 Comp. U. S. P. ------- 40 1 75 Ferrocyanid. 3 grs. ------ 50 2 25 I did. 1 gr. - -- -- -- -- 65 3 00 Lactat. 1 gr. -------- 50 2 25 Protochloride, 2 grs (Rabuteau's) - 75 3 59 Pyrophosph. 1 gr. ------ 40 1 75 Sulph. Exsiccat. 2 grs. - - - - - 40 1 75 Valer. 1 gr. -------- - - 1 00 4 75 et Quass. et Nuc. Vom. (Ferrum Redactum 14 gr. | I Ext. Quassias, 1 gr. ( 1 Nux Vom. igr. f 75 3 50 [Pulv. Saponis, igr.J et Quin. Cit. 1 gr. - - - - - - - 75 3 50 - 2 grs. ------ 1 40 6 75 ( Strychniae, 1-60 gr. 75 et StrychK Ferrum Redactum 3 50 - ( (Quevenne's) 2 grs.) J Ferri Cit. 1 gr. I 1 Strych. Cit. 1-50 gr. f 75 3 50 Galbani Comp. U. S. P. ( Galbanum, 14 grs. ) / Pulv. Myrrh, 14 grs. > 50 2 25 I Assafoetida, 1| grs. ) (Pulv. Gambogiae, Gambogiffi Comp J Zingib.°Jam. J- 40 1 75 I Saponis, Gelsemin, 1-16 gr. - -- -- -- -- 40 1 15 ■ . - igr. - -- -- -- -- 50 2 25 Ext. Gent. f gr. 1 Gent. Comp.( Aloes Socot. i gr. 1 Pulv. Rhei, 1| gr. f - 40 1 75 Ol. Cari, 1-5 gr. J Pulv. Cubeba, 2 grs. 1 Gonorrhoeas, -) Bals. Copaib. Solid, 1 gr. 1 Ferri Sulph. Exsic, 4 gr. f 60 2 75 Terebinth. Venet. ligrs.J Helonin, 1-10 gr. -------- - 50 2 25 8-g • t.8 PILLS AND GRANULES, Sugai- Coated. a.S'3 fll *• Pho m ( Pill Hydrarg, 3 grs.) Hepatica, -< Ext Colocynth Comp. 1 gr. > $80 $3 75 1 Hyoscyami, 1 gr. ) Hooper, (Female Pills) grs. Aloes Socot. Ferri Sulph. Exsic. Ext. Hellebor. J Pulv. Myrrh. Saponis, Canella, 40 1 75 Hydrargyri, U. 5. P. 3 grs. ------- 40 1 75 5 grs. ------- 50 2 25 ( Mass. Hydrarg. 1 gr. 1 75 3 50 ( Ipecac, t gr. ) Iodide, 4 gr. - -- -- -- 40 1 75 - Rub, 1-16 gr. - - - - 40 1 75 lod. et Opii, (Ricord's) 1 Hydg. lodid. 1 gr. 1 1 Pulv. Opii, i gr. ) 75 3 50 Hyoscyamus Ext. (Eng.) 4 gr. ----- 40 1 75 Ignatia Amars Ext. J gr. - -- -- -- 50 2 25 Iodoform. 1 gr. 1 60 7 75 et Ferri, J Ferrum Redactum, 1 gr. I (Iodoform, 1 gr. f 2 00 9 75 I°dOeft°Q"int/erri j FerrifCaTb. IL gr. 1 et Quina, / Quin. Sulnh. 4 gr. ) 2 25 11 00 Ipecac, et Opii, grs. (Pulv. Dover!, U.S.P.) 50 2 25 l Irisin I gr. ) Irisin. Comp. < Podophyllin, 1-10 gr. J- - - 50 2 25 1 Strychnia 1-40 gr.) ( Leptand. 1 gr.) Leptand. Comp ■< Irisin, J gr. >■ - ( Podophvllin, 4 gr.) 1 30 4 75 1 75 Leptandrin, |, 4 gr. - -- -- -- -- 40 jgr. ---------- 50 2 25 1 err 75 3 50 Lupulin, 3 grs. 40 1 75 Macrotin, 1-10 gr. --------- - 40 1 75 Magnesia et Rhei, (1 gr. each) ----- 40 1 75 Morphia Acet. 4 gr. - -- -- -- -- 70 3 25 Sulphate, 1-20 gr. ------ 40 1 75 - - 1-10 gr. ------ 60 2 75 70 3 25 -- - 1-6 gr. ------ - 80 3 75 - - 4 gr. - -- -- -- 1 00 4 75 Valerian, i gr. ------- 1 00 4 75 ( Morph. Sulph. 4 gr. ) 1 50 7 25 Morphia Comp. 4 Ant. et Pot. Tart. 4 gr. > ( Calomel, 4 gr.) Neuralgic. (Dr. Gross.) Quin. Sulph. 2 grs. Morph. Sulph. 1-20 gr. - Strychnia, 1-30 gr. - Ac. Arsenious 1-20 gr. 4 00 19 75 Ext. Aconiti, i gr. 18 50 Neuralgic. (Dr. Gross,) without morphia - Neuralgic, Idiopath. (Brown-Sequard.) 3 75 Ext. Hyoscyam. 4 Gr. Conii, j Gr. Ignat. Am. 4 Gr. Opii, 4 Gr. Aconiti, Gr. r 2 00 9 75 Cannab. Ind. i Gr. Stramonii 1-5 Gr. Belladonna 1-6 Gr. J Nuc. Vomica Ext. 4 gr. - ------- 40 1 75 - - 4 gr.-------- 40 1 75 Opii, U. S. P. 1 gr. - - - ------ 60 2 75 etCemphone.!™'®, IgJ 80 3 75 et Tannin, 1 Pulv. Opii, 4 gr. ) < Camphora, 1 gr. > ( Acid Tannic 2 grs.) 80 3 75 et Plumbi Acet. j Pulv. Opii, 4 gr. ) | Plumbi Acet. 14 grs. 1 60 2 75 Phosphorus, 1-60 gr. - -- -- -- -- 1 00 4 75 1-100 gr. -------- 1 00 4 75 Comn i. Phosphorus, 1-60 gr. 1 1 25 6 00 1 Ext. Nuc. Vom. I gr. j 24 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. PILL S AND GRANULES. Sugar Coated. Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- tles of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. Phosphorus, Ferri, et Nux Vomica. ( Phosphorus, 1-100) ■< Ferri Carb., Vallet's , 1 gr. $1 50 $7 25 (Ext. Nuc. Vomica, iBr. 1 Podophyllin, 1-10,1 gr. - - - - - 40 1 75 i gr. ------- 1 gr. ------ - 50 75 2 25 3 50 - - et Belladon, < f Podophyllin, igr.'l j Ext. Bellad. ale. i gr. I 3 50 ] Oleo-resin Capsici. I gr. I (Sacchari lactis. 1 gr. J ( Podophylli, i gr. ) - - Comp A Ext. Hyoscyam 1 gr. > 75 3 50 ( NucVom 1-16 gr. ' ptTTvd (Podophyllin, i gr- I. 50 2 25 etHyd, piL Hydrarg 2 grs.) Potass. Bromid. 1 gr. ----- 75 3 50 1 25 6 00 lodid. 2 grs. ------ 85 50 4 00 2 25 Quiniae Sulph. 1 gr. ------ 1 10 5 25 - Igr. - - 1 00 9 25 3 50 17 25 2 grs. - - 5 00 24 25 3 grs. ------ Quiniae Bisulph. 1 gr ----- 1 90 9 25 - - 2 grs. ----- 3 50 17 25 Quiniae Valerianat, i gr. - - - - 2 00 9 75 Quiniae Valerian, 1 gr. ----- Quiniae Comp. 3 75 18 50 i Quin. Sulph. 1 gr. ) •< Ferrum Redact. (Quevenne's) 1 gr. > 2 10 10 25 ( Acid. Arsenious, 1-60 gr. Quiniae et Colocynth Comp. 1 gr."] Quiniae Sulph. Ext. Col. Comp. 1 gr. Ext. Ignat. Amar. I gr. ) 3 00 14 75 Piperina, igr. Morph. Sulph. 1-12 gr. Quiniae et Ext. Belladon. Quiniae Sulph. Ext. Belladon. 1 gr-1 i gr.) 2 10 10 25 Quiniae et Ferri Carb. Quinia Sulph. Ferri Carb. (Vallet's), Igr. 1 2 grs. J 2 10 10 25 Quiniae et Ferri, Quin. Sulph. 1 gr.) 1 'errum Redactum 2 10 10 25 (Quevenne's) 1 gr. ( Quin, et Fern Ferrocyan. Quin. Sulph. Ferri Ferrocyan. 1 gr.' 1 gr. Oleo-resin Capsici, 1-20 gr. Gelsemin, 1-20 gr. Podophyllin, 1-20 gr. Strychnia. 1-60 gr-, 2 25 11 00 PILLS AND GRANULES, Sugar Coated. Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- tles of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. Quiniae et Ferri et Strychnias, ( Quin. Sulph. < Ferri Carb. (Vallet's) Igr- ) 2 grs. > $2 10 10 25 ( Strych. Sulph. ' 1-60 gr. ) Quiniae et Ferri Lact. Comp. Juuinae Sulph. 1 gr. ) -h Ixt. Ignat. Amar. Igr. > 2 gr. ) 2 25 11 00 ( Ferri Lactat. Quiniae et Ferri Valer. 2 grs. - - 4 50 22 25 Quiniae et Hydrarg. ( Quin. Sulph. Igr. ) < Mass. Hydrarg. 2 grs. >■ 2 10 10 25 ( Oleo-resin. Piper. Nig. 1 gr. ) Quiniae et Strychnia. Quin. Sulph. 1 gr- 1 2 10 10 25 I Strychnia. Quiniae et Zinci. Valer. 1-60 gr. j Quin. Valer. Zinci. Valer. 1 gr- 1 Igr- f 4 50 22 25 pi,.; tt t* .. Pulv. Rhei. Rhei, U. S. P. -j SaponiS) Comp. U. S. P. 3 grs. 1 Igr. j 75 3 50 Pulv. Rhei, 2 grs. 1 Aloes Socot. li grs. 1 3 50 Myrrh. 01. Menth. Pip. Igr. | Ext. Coloc. C. H grs. 1 Rheumatic Colchici Acet. Hyoscyam 1 gr. 1 igr. f 90 4 25 Hydg. Chlor. Mit. igr. J Santonin, Igr. - -- -- -- Scillae Comp. U. S. P. 1 00 4 75 Pulv. Scillae, i gr. 1 Zingib. Jamaica 1 gr. 1 Gum. Ammoniac. 1 gr. 1 Pulv. Saponis, li gr. J 75 Silver Nitrate, I gr. ----- - - - - 3 50 Stomachicae (Lady Webster's Dinner Pills,) 3 grs. ( Pulv. Aloes Socot.) •< Gum Mastich. - - 50 2 25 I Flor. Rosae Strychniae. 1-20,1-30, 1-40,1-50,1-60 gr. - - 40 1 75 Syphilitic, j Potass. lodid. 2i grs. 1 1 00 4 75 ( Hydrarg Chlor. Corros. 1-40 gr j Tart. Emetic, 1-20,1-10, i gr. - - _ _ _ _ 40 1 75 Trillin, 1-10 gr. ------ - ( Aloe Socot. 2 grs.) 50 2 25 Triplex, •< Pil. Hydrarg. 1 gr. >■ - _ _ 75 3 50 I Podophyllin, 1 gr. ) 2 25 iVeratria Sulphate, 1-12 gr. - - - - - - 50 Zinci Valerian,! gr. - - - - - 1 00 4 75 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 25 Pharmaceutical Preparations, MANUFACTURED BY JOHN WYETH & BRO., Philadelphia. Tn addition to our regular price list, we ask attention to the accompanying one of Messrs John Wyeth & Bro. of Philadelphia. We have sold their preparations largely for years, and the increased demand and many inquiries, necessitates our issuing a special list. The high reputation enjoyed by the Manufacturers is a guarantee that the articles prepared by them will be found as represented. "Compressed Pills ''are a comparatively recent addition to their list, and present such decided advantages over coated pills by reason of their smaller size, flattened shape, and greater solubility, that they deserve your consideration. All their preparations will be sup- plied at the Manufacturer's lowest prices. ELIXIRS. Bismuth, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- 11 00 Bromide Calcium, per doz. pints ------ 15 00 Bromide Potassium, per doz. pints ----- 15 00 Bromide Sodium, per doz. pints ------ 15 00 Cinchona Calisaya, per doz. pints ------ 8 00 Cinchona Rubra, Ferrated, per doz. pints - - - 10 00 Cinchonidia, Iron and Strychnia, per doz. - - 12 00 Calisaya, Iron and Bismuth, per doz. pints - - 10 00 Calisaya, Iron and Strychnia, per doz. pints - - 10 00 Calisaya, Iron, Pepsin and Bismuth, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 24 00 Calisaya, Iron Bismuth and Strychnia, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 11 00 Cathartic Co., 12 oz, per doz. ------- 9 00 Citrate Lithia, per doz. pints ------- 20 00 Coca Leaves -------------- 10 00 Corydalis Comp., per doz. pints ------ 8 00 Ferrated Cordial, per doz. pints ------ 8 00 Gentian, with Tinct. Chloride of Iron, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 8 00 Gentian Ferrated, per doz. pints - - - - - - 8 00 Guarana (Paullinia Sorbilis), per doz. pints - - 18 00 Hops, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- - 8 00 Matico Compound, per doz. pints ----- 10 00 Pyrophosphate Iron, per doz. pints ----- 10 00 Phosphate Iron, Quinine and Strychnia, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 28 00 Pyrophosphate Iron, Quinine and Strychnia, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 28 00 Pyrophos. Iron, Quinine and Arsenic, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 24 00 Phosphate and Calisaya (chemical food, with Cinchona), per doz. pints ------- 8 00 Pepsin and Bismuth, per doz. pints ----- 22 00 Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnia, per doz. pints - 24 00 Pepsin, Bismuth, Strychnia and Iron, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 24 00 Pepsin, Bismuth and Calisaya, per doz. pints - 24 00 Taraxacum Compound, per doz pints - - - - 8 00 Valerianate of Ammonia, per doz. pints - - - 11 00 Valerianate Ammonia and Quinine, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 28 00 Valerianate Strychnia, per doz. pints - - - - 8 00 Valerianate of Morphia, per doz. pints - - 8 00 Valerianate of Zinc, per doz. pints - - - - - 10 00 PREPARATIONS OF BEEF. Beef and Wine, per doz. pints ------- 8 00 Beef, Wine and Iron, per doz. pints ----- 8 00 Beef, Wine, Iron and Cinchona, per doz. pints - 10 00 SYRUPS. Phosphates, Compound (chemical food), per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 10 00 Hypophosphites, Compound (Churchill's) per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 10 00 Hypophosphites, Compound and Iron, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 10 00 Superphosphate of Iron, per doz. pints - - - 8 00 Lactophosphate of Lime, per doz. pints - - - 15 00 Lactophosphate of Iron, per doz. pints - - - 15 50 Lactophosphate Iron and Lime, per doz. pints 15 00 Lactophosphate Lime, Iron and Potash, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 20 00 Lactophospbate Lime and Pepsin, per doz. pints 22 00 Iodide of Lime, per doz. pints ------- 15 00 Phosphate Iron, Quinine and Strychnia, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 24 00 Phosphate Manganese, Compound, per doz. pts 17 50 Chlorat Hydrat, per doz. pints ------- 15 00 Liquor Bismuth, per doz. pints ------ 11 00 Liquor Pepsinaa, per doz. pints ------ 12 00 WINES. Pepsin, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- - 15 00 Bitter Wine of Iron, per doz. pints ----- 10 00 Wild Cherry Bark, per doz. pints ------ 9 00 Wild Cherry Bark, Ferrated, per doz. pints - - 10 00 Ergot, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- - 20 00 Calisaya, per doz. pints ---------- 8 00 PREPARATIONS OF COD LIVER OIL ■ COD LIVER OIL, (Manufactured by Marvin Brothers Bartlett, Portsmouth, N. H.) Per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- -- 7 00 This Oil is sold only in bottles containing sixteen fluid ounces. Tasteless Cod Liver Oil. per doz. pints - - - - 8 00 (Cod Liver Oil, prepared in an emulsion.) Tasteless Cod Liver Oil, Ferrated, per doz. pints 8 00 Cod Liver Oil, with Phosphate of Lime, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 8 00 Lactophosphate of Lime, with Cod Liver Oil, per doz. pints - -- -- -- - - - - 12 00 Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphates Lime and Soda, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- 8 00 We give in above, prices only for Pint sizes. They are also put up in Quart, Five Pint and Gallon Packages sizes more desir- able for dispensing. Tne cost of the larger packages are from Five to Ten per cent, less than in pint bottles. MISCELLANEOUS. Compound Fluid Extract Buchu and Pareira Brava, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- 20 00 This fluid extract is composed of equal quantities of Buchu, Pareira Brava, and Collinsonia Canadensis. Dialysed Iron, Solution in bottles with droppers 8 00 in 1 lb. hots, for dispen. 12 (X) Loeflund's Concentrated Liebig's Food, per doz. 6 00 For Infants. Loeflund's Concentrated Liebig's Extract Malt, per doz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 6 00 Papoma, per gross - -- -- -- -- -- 36 00 Saccharated Pepsin, per ounce ------- 60 Solution Carbolic Acid, per doz. pints - - - - 6 00 Each fluid ounce contains forty grains of Glacial Acid. Sponge Tents, with or without Carbolic Acid, per doz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - auu Medicinal Pearls - -- -- -- -- -- per 1000 Chloroform ------------ 8 00 Apiol - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30 00 Oleo Resin Cubebs - -- -- -- -- - 10 00 Oil Turpentine - -- -- -- -- -- 6 ()0 Wormseed Oil ----------- 12 00 Copaiba - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 7 50 Oils Copaiba and Cubebs ------- 10 00 Oil Sandal-wood, - -- -- -- -- - 20 (X) Each pearl contains five minims oil. Pastilles of Chlorate of Potash, per gross - - 20 00 BUTTER OF CACAO SUPPOSITORIES. Rectum Suppositories, per gross - - - - - - 4 80 When Quinine and Morphia are ordered in larger proportions than we can furnish at the above price, we add the increased cost of the drug. 26 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. (Manufactured by Alfred Bishop, London.) Grains in 4 oz. Drachm. doz. Bromide Ammonium - -- -- -- - 2 $6 00 Citrate Bismuth - -- -- -- -- 2 8 50 Citrate Caffein - -- -- -- -- - 10 00 Carlsbad Salts (as the natural water), - - 7 00 Nitrate of Cerium - -- -- -- -- 2 8 50 Citrate Cinchona, - -- -- -- -- - li 6 00 Citrate Cinchona and Iron, -J iron^ j !• 6 50 Bromide Iron - -- -- -- -- -- 2 8 50 Carbonate Iron - -- -- -- -- - 2 5 00 Citrate Iron - -- -- -- -- -- 2 5 00 Iodide Iron, - -- -- -- -- -- 1 7 00 Phosphate Iron ---------- 2 5 50 Kissingen (as the natural water), - - - 5 00 Citrate Lithia - -- -- -- -- -- 2 12 00 Magnesian Aperient (printed directions and dose) 4 00 Benzoate Potassa, - 2 8 50 Bi-carbonate Potassa - -- -- -- - 4 5 00 Citrate Potassa, - -- -- -- -- - 10 7 50 Nitrate Potassa, - -- -- -- -- - 5 5 00 Bromide Potassium - -- -- -- - 2 6 00 Iodide Potassium - -- -- -- -- 2 fi 00 Soda Cit. Tart. - -- -- -- -- - 5 00 Pullna Salts (as the natural water) - - - 5 00 Citrate Quinine - -- -- -- -- - 1 10 50 Citrate Quinine and Iron, ----- each 1 11 00 Seidlitz (officinal strength) ------ 5 00 Iodide Sodium - -- -- -- -- - 1| 6 00 V ichy Salts (as the natural water) - - - 5 00 Salicylic Acid - -- -- -- -- -- 8 00 Seltzer Salts (as the natural water) - - 5 00 Citrate Magnesia, - -- -- -- -- 5 00 Pepsin and Bismuth, { Bismuth?' 2 1 - 9 00 Pepsin Bismuth and J BismuTh'1'2 1 10 00 Strychnia, - - - - /strychnia, 1-1001 I Orthophosphate Iron, Qui-J Iron' ? Lnnn nine and StrvchniA } Quinine, 1 -10 00 nine and btrychma, - - ( strychniai j_100 j Physicians will find this mode of administering many medicines and the natural waters, such as Vichy, Kissengen, etc., preferable to any other. Physicians and druggists will find Alfred Bishop's superior to any other make, and always just as represented. COMPRESSED PILLS. The preparation of drugs in such a form as to be at once efficient and readily administered, is a matter of the utmost importance, alike to physician and patient. In this respect great advantages have been made of late years, but we can confidently claim that our Compressed Pills are far superior to any of the other improved medicaments hitherto introduced. These "Compressed Pills," made by dry compres- sion, are free from the coatings that render many other Pills objectionable. They are readily soluble or diffusible, and, being flat in shape, are more easily swallowed than those of any other form. Owing to the absence of the excipients ordinarily employed in making Pills, they are smaller than those made by any other process. They are smooth, glossy, and elegant in appear- ance, and are made only of the purest materials. Leading physicians have found these " Compressed Pills " to be reliable and quick in their action. Bisulphate of Quinine being a more soluble salt than the ordinary sulphate, we recommend its use in preference to the other. When given in the form of a "Compressed Pill," it will act as promptly as a solu- tion of ordinary' Quinine. When the Compressed Pills weigh more than the given formula, it is owing to the addition of Sugar of Milk, which is used in order to divide the drugs more completely, thereby increasing their dif- fusibility. Books containing formulas of all our preparations will be foryvarded to any physician or pharmacist who may desire them. FIVE AWARDS FROM THE UNITED STATES CENTENNIAL COMMISSION. FOR PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. Embracing Elixirs, Syrups, Medicated Wines, Saccharated Pepsin, etc., etc. "These Elixirs, etc., etc., seem to be a real advance in Pharmacy, as they represent strength and virtues with com- paratively much less disagreeable taste than the same ingredients, as usually made and extempora- neously prepared." FOR COMPRESSED PILLS. " In our judgment, these Compressed Pills are, for above reasons, viz. : smaller size, absence of excipients and speedy solubility, superior to any other pills manufactured." FOR PAPOMA (Food for Infants and Invalids). "The most nutritious, most easily digested and most strengthening food, etc." FOR SUPPOSITORIES. " For precision in admixture of drug, regularity in size of cone, and skill in incorporating the various ingredients, is worthy of special mention." Two awards were also given to the manufacturers of the preparations for which they have the sole agency, and have met with such deserved favor from physicians, viz. : to Marvin Bros. & Bartlett, for their Pure Medicinal Cod Liver Oil. " For Freedom from disagreeable taste and color, careful prepara- tion, and representing in every respect the elements required in Cod Liver Oil. To ED. LOEFLUND, Stuttgart, Germany, for his CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF MALT. " Its great richness in Sugar of Malt, complete absence of drugs and products of fermentation, such as alcohol and carbonic acid, and agreeable and pleasant taste." FRESH HUMANIZED AND BOVINE VACCINE ALWAYS ON HAND FROM RELIABLE PHYSICIANS. The name of the Physician always accompanies the crust, so that the source of all vaccine received by us may be known. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 27 Patent Medicines and Proprietary Articles. Foreign and. Domestic. Acid, Phosphate, Horsford's ----- doz. 4 00 Ague-spell, Philip's - -- -- -- - doz. 5 50 Alkathrepta ----------- doz. 5 25 Alleviator, Brigg's Corn ------- doz. 4 00 Allevantor » - - doz. 8 00 Alterative, Jayne's - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 60 Ambrosia, Ring's ---------- doz. 6 25 Sterling's - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Anakesis - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Anisette, Disbrow's --------- doz. 1 75 Annihilator, Hedges' F. & A. - - - - - doz. 11 00 Wolcott's 25c. ------ doz. I 75 50c. ------ doz. 3 50 $1.00. ------ doz. 7 00 Anodyne, Hunnewell's Tolu ------ doz. 3 50 Sands' Clove ------- doz. 1 65 Townsley's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 60 Antidote, Horton's Miasma - - - - - - doz. 11 00 Jeffries'- - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 00 Watts' Nervous ------ doz. 7 75 Aperient, Bailey's Saline ------- doz. 3 75 Close's Tonic, small, ----- doz. 3 00 large ----- doz. 6 00 Cumming's Seidlitz ----- doz. 6 50 Fish's Saratoga ------- doz. 7 50 Trial size - - - doz. 3 75 Frothingham's Excelsior - - - doz. 7 60 small doz. 3 75 Tarrant's Seltzer ------ doz. 8 00 Assimilant, Brown's -------- doz. 14 25 August Flower, Green's ------- doz. 5 50 trial size - - - doz. 8a Axle Grease, Fraser's, (Tin) ------ doz. J (Wood) - - - - - doz. 1 50 Hardy's (Wood) - - - - doz. Balm, Brown's Woodland ------ doz. 4 00 Cook's of Life - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Cooper's ----------- doz. 1 85 Flagg's Pain, small ------ doz. 3 75 large ------ doz. 7 50 Hagan's Magnolia ------- doz. 5 25 -- Lawrence's Tar -------- doz. 1 75 Miller's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 85 Rush's Lung - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 75 Balsam, Adamson's, 35c. ------- doz. 2 75 75c. ------- doz. 5 75 Allen's Lung - -- -- -- - doz. 7 00 Arnold's Diarrhoea ------ doz. 2 CM) Becker's Eye - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Blackman's, 50c. ------- doz. 2 75 $1.00. ------- doz. 7 50 Brandt's Blood Purifying- - - - doz. 7 75 Brown's Acacian - ------ doz. 7 60 Cheeseman's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 Coe's Cough - - -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 Denton's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 85 Fitch's Pulmonary doz. 8 75 Gardiner's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 Hall's ----------- doz. 7 50 Hill's, of Honey ------- doz. 75 Hyatt's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 8 50 "A. B." (double strength) doz. 12 00 -■ Pulmonary ------ doz. 9 00 Keating's Horehound ----- doz. 1 75 Knapp's Cough, small ----- doz. 1 90 large ----- doz. 3 80 Masta's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 5 75 Parker's Hair Page ------ doz. 7 00 - Peckham's - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 50 Pettit's Canker ------- doz. 1 50 Porter's 25c. --------- doz. 1 90 50c.- -------- doz. 3 80 75c.- - -- -- -- - doz. 5 70 Roman Eye - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 R. & C. Veg.Pulmonic 50c. - - doz. 4 00 $1 00 - - doz. 8 00 Rush's, of Mustard 35c. - - - - doz. 2 75 25c ,- - - - doz. 1 75 Sawen's Cough- ------- doz. 3 00 Seabury's Cough 25c. - - - - doz. 1 80 50c. - - - - doz. 3 50 Silliman's - - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 'Stringer's - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Turlington's - -- -- -- - doz. 75 Balsam, Wistar's 50c. ------- doz. 1 4 00 .Wistar's $1.00 ------- doz. I 8 (X) Barley, Robinson's, Patent ------ doz. 1 25 Beer, Brewer's Home Made ------ doz. 1 75 Benzine, Hegeman's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 - L. M. & G., 2 oz. ------ doz. 75 4 oz. ------ doz. 1 00 Pratt's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Biscotine, Delluc's - -- -- -- -- doz. 5 50 Bitters, Angostura - -- -- -- -- doz. 11 00 Atwood's - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 50 Quinine Tonic - - - i doz. 8 50 Boker's - -- -- -- - - - doz. 13 (X) Drake's Plantation ------ doz. 8 38 Green's Oxygenated ----- doz. 7 75 - Hartshorn's - -- -- -- - doz. 6 50 Hibbard's W. C., 75. - - - doz. 6 (X) $1 50. ----- doz. 12 (X) Hoofland's - -- -- -- -- doz. 8 (X) 7 50 Hostetter's - -- -- -- -- doz. 8 50 Langley's 35c. ------- doz. 2 75 75c. _______ doz. 5 50 $100 ------- doz. 7 00 Mishler's ---------- doz. 8 (X) Moffat's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Poor Man's --------- doz. 2 00 Porter's 25c. - -- -- -- - doz. 1 90 50c. -------- doz. 3 80 Richardson's Dry Jaundice - - doz. 4 25 - S. Wine ----- doz. 8 25 Rush's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 8 50 Walker's Vinegar ------ doz. 8 25 Blood Purifier, Brown's ------- doz. 7 60 Howe's Arabian - - - - doz. 8 00 Roback's ------- doz. 8 00 Blood Searcher, Lindsay's ------ doz. 7 25 Bloom of Youth, Laird's ------ doz. 5 25 Bluing, Sawyer's Pepper Box, small - - doz. 30 large doz. 60 Tieman's - - - dry, small - - gross 2 50 large - - gross 4 25 Moss' Liquid, 2 oz. ----- - gross 6 00 4 oz. - - gross 8 00 - 8 oz. - - gross 12 00 Van Deusen's dry, small gross 2 50 large - - gross 3 75 Broma, Baker's lb. packets ----- lb. 40 Bromo Chloralum, Tilden's ------ doz. 3 75 Bronchials, Brown's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Buchu, Byrn's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 50 Helmbold's --------- doz. 8 00 Kearney's - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 50 -- L., M. & G-, 6 oz. - ------ doz. 7 00 (Specially adapted for the Retail Trade.) Risley's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 75 Rush's, with Iron ------- doz. 7 75 Smolander's -------- doz. 7 50 Camphorine - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Camphor, Fluid Murray's, small - - - - doz. 4 00 large - - - - doz. Camphor Ice, Caswell & Hazard's - - - doz. 1 50 Hegeman's ------ doz. 1 65 Candy, Hamilton's Cough ------ doz. 1 00 Hill's Slippery Elm ------ doz. 1 75 Cantharidine, Brown's -------- doz. 11 00 Capsules, Dundas, Dick & Co's. Castor Oil - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Cod Liver Oil ------- doz. 4 00 with Iron- ----- doz. 4 00 with lod. Potass. - - - doz. 5 00 Copaiba - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 00 and Oil Cubeb - - - - doz. 6 00 Matico, Cubeb and Copaiba - - doz. 7 00 Oil Male Fern and Kameela - - doz. H 00 Oil Santal 1-10 Oil Cassia - - - doz. 14 00 Turpentine - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Capsules, Fougera'S. Oil Santal --------- doz. 12 00 in bottles of 100 - - - per 100: 3 00 , , 500 - - - per 100 2 75 Empty, in 4 sizes - - - - - - * doz. 1 4 50 Capsules, Mathey Caylus. - Copaiba ------- gold doz. j fl 50 28 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Capsules, Mathey Caylus, Cop. and Catechu - - gold doz. 6 50 and Cit. Iron - - - gold doz. 6 50 and Cubeb - - - -gold doz. 6 50 -and Magnesia - - -gold doz. 6 50 and Oil Santal - - - gold doz. 9 00 and Rhatany - - - gold doz. 6 50 and Sub. Nit. Bismuth gold doz. 6 50 and Tannic Acid - - gold doz. 6 50 and Tar ------ gold doz. 6 50 Cop. Cubeb and Alum - - gold doz. 6 50 -and Carb. Iron gold doz. 6 50 and Oil Santal gold doz. 9 (Xl and Rhatany gold doz. 6 50 Cop. Iron and Santal - - - gold doz. 9 00 Cop. Pepsin and Bismuth - gold doz. 6 50 Cubeb, pure ------ gold doz. 6 50 : and Alum - - - - gold doz. 6 50 and Turpentine - - gold doz. 6 50 and Tannate Iron - gold doz. 6 50 Venice Turpentine - - - gold doz. 6 50 Norway Tar ----- -gold doz. 6 50 Capsules, Planten's. Copaiba, No. 1, (1 doz in box.) doz. 90 2, (2 » • ) - - doz. 1 60 3, (3 » » ) - - doz. 2 30 Cub. & Cop. No. 1- - - - - - doz. 1 40 2 2 70 3- - - - - - doz. 3 85 Purified Tar, No. 3- ----- doz. 3 00 Oil of Turpentine, No. 3 - - - - doz. 3 00 Oil of Santal, 30 in box - - - - doz. 12 00 Norway Cod Liver Oil, No. 3 - - doz. 3 50 Amm. Cit. Iron and Cop. No. 3 - doz. 3 50 Eth. Oil Cubeb and Cop., No. 3 - doz. 3 50 Jujube Paste (empty.) (Boxes of 100 each.) -No. 0large- ----- doz. 3 00 1 med. large - - - doz. 3 00 2 medium - - - - doz. 3 00 3 small ----- doz. 3 00 4 smallest - - - - doz. 3 00 Capsules, Planten's Improved French. (Vials of 6 doz. each.) Copaiba Balm ------- doz. 4 50 Copaib, Oil Cubebs, Turpentine, I ton and Sarsap ------ doz. 6 00 Oil Cop. and Oil Cubeb - - - - doz. 7 00 Oil Cubeb - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 00 Copaiba and Matico ----- doz. 7 00 Matico - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 00 Oil Santalwood, 1-lOthOil Cassia doz. 10 00 Capsules. Queru's. Copaiba No. 1- ------- doz. 80 2 - doz. 1 50 3- doz. 2 25 and Cubeb, No. 1 - - - doz. 1 25 2 - 2 50 - 3 - - - doz. 3 75 Capsules, Raquin's. Copaiba ------- gold doz. 9 50 Cop. and Cubeb - - - - gold doz. 9 50 Cop. and Matico - - - - gold doz. 9 50 Cop. and Iron ----- gold doz. 9 50 Cop. and Rhatany - - - gold doz. 9 50 Cop. and Tar ----- gold doz. 9 50 Cop. and Sub. Nit. Bismuth gold doz' 9 50 Pure Turpentine - - - - gold doz. 9 50 Carminative, Dalby's American - - - - doz. 1 25 genuine - - - doz. 9 00 Jayne's, small ------ doz. 2 85 large ------ doz. 3 80 Castoria, - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 75 Catholicon, Marchisi's -------- doz. 13 50 Marshall's -------- doz. 8 75 Charcoal, Belloc's Vegetable - - - gold doz, 7 00 L. M. &G'sBest Selected Willow doz. 1 50 In 8 oz. loot's., with directions in English , French, German and Spanish. Chlorodyne, Brown's small ------ doz. 4 25 medium ----- doz. 12 (M) large ------ doz. 21 00 extra large - - - - doz. 54 00 Cholagogue, Osgood's - -- -- -- - doz. 12 50 Cigarettes, Espic's Asthmatic - - - gold doz. 5 75 Lancelot's Asthmatic - - gold doz. 6 (X) Cleaner, Jouven's Glove ------- doz. 1 75 Cloverin e, small - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 large - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 60 Cocoa, Taylor's Homoeopathic, small - - lb. 40 Cocoaine, Burnett's - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Coloris, Sackett's - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 Colorific, Boswell & Warner's - - - - - doz. 6 75 Comedone, Perry's - -- -- -- -- doz. 14 00 Comfits, Brown's Vermifuge ----- doz. 1 50 Cerate, Weaver's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 85 Charm, Packer's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 85 Compound, Clarke's Antibilous - - - - doz. 7 50 Compound, Gardiner's Rheumatic - - doz. 8 00 Compound, Pinkham's Vegetable - - doz. 8 50 Compound, Poland's White Pine - - - - doz. 7 50 Confection Holloway's Worm - - - doz. 1 50 Van Deusen's Worm - - - - doz. 1 50 Cordial, Brown's Teething - - - - doz. 1 60 - Pitler's Kidney - - - - - doz. 7 50 Fosgate's ------- - - doz. 2 75 Foord's Tonic ------ doz. 2 75 ■ Godfrey's ------- doz. i •> Monell's Teething - - - - doz. 1 60 Wickes' Asiatic ----- - - doz. 3 75 Winchester's Cough - - - - doz. 3 75 Wishart's Tar $1.00 - - - doz. 7 60 Corrector, Fitch's Biliary, small - - - doz. 4 50 large - - - - doz. 9 00 Heart, small - - - - doz. 6 50 large - - - - doz. 13 00 Cosmoline. 50c. - -- -- -- - doz. 3 60 1 lb.cans ------ lb. 75 5 lb. cans ------ lb. 60 10 lb. cans ------ lb. 60 Cotton, Rowland's Styptic - - - - Crystals, Littlefield's Washing - - - doz. 1 75 doz. 25 Curative, Brigg's Corn ------ Cure, Ayer's Ague ------- doz. 4 00 doz. 8 00 - Coe's Dyspepsia ------ doz. 7 50 Dillow's Heave ------ doz. 1 80 Fowle's Pile and Humor - - - - doz. 7 70 - ■ Guild's Green Mountain Asthma - doz. 11 50 Hermance's Asthma - - - - doz. 7 50 Himrod's Asthma ----- doz. 7 50 Howe's Arabian Milk - - - - - - doz. 7 50 Kelly's Dyspepsia, small - - - - doz. 4 00 large- - - doz. 8 00 Knapp's Throat ------ doz. 2 50 Mrs. Belcher's Female - - - doz. 7 75 Piso's for Consumption, 50c. $1 00 - - doz. 3 75 - - doz. 7 50 Rossman's Pile ------ doz. 3 50 Sanford's Catarrh ----- doz. 8 25 Shiloh's Consumption - - - doz. 3 50 doz. 7 00 Talcott's Magic ------ doz. 7 50 Upham's Asthma - - - - - doz. 3 75 Meat ------ doz. 7 75 Welling's Headache - - - - doz. 2 00 Wilton's Catarrh, small - - - doz. 3 75 large - - - doz. 7 50 Deadshot, Dutcher's ------ doz. 1 85 Emerson's for Horses - - - doz. 3 75 Peery's, for Worms - - - - doz. 1 65 Dermador, Anderson's 25c. - - - - doz. 1 85 50c. - - - - doz. 3 75 Destroyer, Hutchinson's Worm - - - - doz. 1 50 Discovery, Kennedy's, Medical, box of doz. doz. 12 50 Pierce's Golden Medical - - doz. 7 50 Dissolvent, Kennedy's, per box of doz. - doz. 13 00 Dragees, Guffroy's, C. L. O., small - - - doz. 6 00 - med.- - - - doz. 10 00 doz. 16 00 Limousin's of Chloral - - - gold doz. 10 00 Drops, Barnaby's W. C. Cough - - - - - doz. 1 10 Bardott's Worm - - - - - doz. 2 00 Boardman's American Cough - - doz. 2 75 Bateman's ------- doz. 85 Brummell's Cough - - - - doz. 1 20 Ditman's Toothache - - - doz. 1 75 Hurlbut s Tracheal - - - - doz. 3 50 Koenig's Hamburg - - - _ doz. 3 50 Kornoran s Pine Tar - - - doz. 75 Cough - _ - - doz. 1 25 Marshall's Tar ------ - - doz. 1 75 Miner's Botanic ----- - - doz. 3 25 Pike's Toothache - - - - doz. 1 60 Roworth's Cough - - - - - - - doz. 1 20 Wilson's Neuropathic - - - doz. 4 00 Wishart's Worm Sugar - - - - doz. 1 50 Dye Colors, Handy Package - - - - - doz. 1 10 -Howe & Stevens, small - doz. 1 10 doz. 1 85 Leamon's Aniline - - - - doz. 1 65 Star -------- doz. 1 60 Electro Silicon - -- -- -- - doz. 1 10 Electuary, Upham's Pile ----- doz. 7 20 Elixir, Calisaya, C. & H. ----- doz. 9 00 Ferrophosph - - - - doz. 10 50 with Bismuth - doz. 10 50 with Strychnia - doz. 10 50 Delluc's - - - - - - doz. 10 50 -Hegeman's - - - - doz. 10 00 - - with Iron - doz. 9 00 Elixir, Calisaya, L. M. & G. - - - - Detannated - - - doz. 8 00 - doz. 8 00 with Iron - - - doz. 8 00 with Bismuth - - doz. 8 00 with Strychnia - - doz 8 00 Milhau's Chalybeate - - - - doz. 10 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 29 Elixir, Defresne's, Pancreatine - - gold doz. 13 50 Downs' - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 Ducro's, Alimentary- - - - gold doz. 10 50 - Guarana, Brewer's ------ lb. 2 00 - Guarana, L., M. & G. ----- lb. 1 60 Lebaigue's, Dialysed - - - gold doz. 10 00 McMunn's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 35 Nichol's Bark & Iron ----- doz. 8 00 Rabuteau's, Iron ----- gold doz. 17 00 Tarrant's, Rhubarb ------ doz. 7 50 Tilden's, lod. Broin. Calc. Co. - - doz. 10 80 Wheeler's, Calisaya & Phosphates - doz. 8 00 Wyeth's full list seepage 25 Embrocation, Roche's ------- doz. 17 00 Emulsion, Pancreatic, S. & M., small, gold doz. 9 00 med. gold doz. 16 50 large, gold doz. 30 00 Essence, Ballard's of Jamaica Ginger, 50c. size ------- doz. 3 25 Essence, Ballard's of Jamaica Ginger, 25c. size -------- doz. 1 75 Equal to the best in market, and affording the largest profit --------- F. Brown's, of Ginger - - - - doz. 3 75 Schering's, of Pepsin - - - - doz. 7 00 Moore's, of Life ------ doz. 1 75 Whitehead's, of Mustard - - - doz. 1 50 Expectorant, Jayne's - -- -- -- - doz. 7 60 Tutt's - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Exterminator, Costar's Bed Bug - - - - doz. 1 50 - Rat - - - - - - doz. 1 50 Parson's Rat ----- doz. 1 50 Extract, Blackman's Golden ----- doz. 7 50 of Dandelion & Sarsaparilla, for Beer (Brewer's)- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Brown's Valerian ------ doz. 3 25 Carter's Smartweed, small - - - doz. 3 40 large - - - doz. 6 80 Gaudichaud's Santal Wood - - doz. 7 50 Hays' Ginger Ale, pints - - - - doz. 15 00 Hoff's Malt --------- doz. 3 50 Pinus Canad., Kennedy's, pints - doz. 13 00 doz. Knapp's Beer, small ----- doz. 2 00 med. ----- doz. 4 00 qts. ------ each 2 75 i gallon - - - - each 5 00 1 gallon - - - - each 10 00 - -Liebeg'sMeat, (La Plata) lbs. gold doz. 26 50 libs. gold doz. 14 25 j1bs. go 1 d doz. 7 50 jibs, gold doz. 4 00 (London) lbs. gold doz. 30 00 |lbs. gold doz. 16 00 1 lbs. gold doz. 8 50 Jibs, gold doz. 4 50 Loeflund's Malt ------- doz. 6 00 with Iron - - - doz. 8 50 " Lime - - - doz. 8 50 " Pepsin - - doz. 9 00 " Quinine - - doz. 9 00 Patterson's Bitter Apple - - - doz. 4 00 Pierce's Smartweed ----- doz. 4 00 Pond's, 50c. - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 $1.00 -------- doz. 7 50 1.75 doz. 15 00 Pond's for Beer ------- doz. 1 75 Tarrant's C. & C. - - - - - - - doz. 8 00 Thorn's C. & S. - -- -- -- doz. 10 50 Trommer's Malt ------- doz. 7 50 Ferrated ----- doz. 7 50 with Hypophosphites - - doz. 10 50 with Cit. Iron and Quinine. doz. 12 00 Extractor, Buttrick's Grease ----- doz. 1 50 Dailey's Pain ------- doz. 1 85 Flea-Killer, Ballard's. The great destroyer of fleas on Dogs, Cats, Ac. - doz. 3 75 Fluid, Darby's Prophylactic ----- doz. 3 75 Fly Paper, Dutcher's - -- -- -- - quire 50 Tinker's sticky, best article of the kind, 50 sheets in box - - box 1 00 Food, Loeflund's Liebeg's ------ doz. 6 00 Neave's Infant - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Nestle sLacteous Farina - - - - doz. 5 50 Mocking Bird, Reiche's ----- doz. 4 50 Sheppard's - - - - doz. 2 75 Zoller's ----- doz. 4 00 Ridge's Infant No. 1 ------ doz. 2 80 " 2 ----- - doz. 5 20 u 3 - - - - - doz. 10 00 doz. 14 00 Savory & M. Infant, small - - gold doz. 3 25 med. - - gold doz. 6 25 Friend, May's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Poulterer's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Fumlgators, Perrin's, 25c. ------ $1.00 ------- doz. doz. 1 75 8 00 Ginger, Ballard's Ess. Jamaica, 50c doz. 3 25 -_2-' 25c doz. 1 75 Ginger, Williams, 25c. ------ doz. 1 80 50c. ----- - doz. 3 60 Gin, Bininger's London Dock - - - doz. 7 50 Globules, E. Fougera & Co's. Apiol -------- per 100 2 00 Assafoetida - - - - - per 100 1 <X) Ether tinct. - - per 100 1 25 Balsam of Peru - - - - per 100 1 25 Chloroform . - - - - - per 10C 1 25 Cod Liver Oil - - - - per 100 60 Copaiba ------- per 100 75 Copaiba and Tar - - - per 100 75 Chloral-Hydrate - - - per 100 1 25 Ether- ------- per 100 1 00 Iron, (reduced by hydrogen) - per 100 75 Laxative ------ per 100 1 00 Oil of Eucalyptus - - - - - per 100 1 25 Turpentine - - - pel 100 1 (X) Oleo-Resin Cubebs- - - per 100 1 25 Phosphorated Oil, 1-30 grain - per 100 1 00 1-60 per 100 1 00 Purgative ------ per 100 1 00 Quin, sulph. 2 grains, net - - per 100 2 00 Rhubarb, 3 grains - - - per 100 1 00 Soda, Bicarb. 4 grains - - - - per 100 75 Tar - -- -- -- - per 100 60 Valerian, Ether tinct. - - - per 100 1 25 Venice Turpentine - - - - per 100 1 00 Oil of Santal Wood - - - - per 100 2 25 Glue Pot, Howe's Family ----- doz. 3 75 Glue, Spalding's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 65 Glycerine, Pearl's White, small - - - - doz. 5 50 ■ * large - - - doz. 11 00 Grains de Sante, Dr. Frank's, large - gold doz. 5 (X) small - gold doz. 2 50 Gravel, Singer's Bird ------ doz. 60 Groats, Robinson's Patent - - - - doz. 1 25 Gun, Angel's Rheumatic - - - - doz. 7 50 Guns, H. & B. Metal Powder - - - doz. 1 75 Knowles' Powder ----- doz. 1 75 Lyon's Metal Powder - - - - doz. 2 25 L. M. & G.. large size - - - - doz. 7 00 Hair Coloring, Heimstreet's, 50c. - - - - doz. 3 75 Egyptian ----- doz. 6 50 Hair Dye, Bachelor's, $1.00 size - - - - doz. 7 75 Barry's Safe ------ doz. 7 00 ---Briest's ------- - - doz. 3 75 Buckingham's ----- doz. 3 75 -Cristadoro's ,$1.00 size - - - - doz. 7 75 Hambleton's - - - - - doz. 3 50 Hill's -------- doz. 3 75 Mathews' ------ doz. 5 50 Miller's ------- doz. 3 65 -Russian ------- doz. 3 75 Hair, Regenerator, Tebbetts' - - - doz. 5 75 Rejuvenator, Pierson's - - - doz. 7 25 Renewer, Hall's ------ _ - doz. 6 75 Restorer, Circassian - - - - doz. 6 00 Mrs. Allen's - - - doz. 6 75 Nature's - - - - doz. 5 75 Rossiter's - - - - doz. 4 50 Vigor, Ayer's ------- doz. 6 70 Honev. Hale's of Horehound and Tar, 50c. doz. 3 75 - $1 00 doz. 7 50 - Nowlll's of Liverwort - - - - - doz. 2 50 Imperial Granum, 75c. ------ - - doz. 6 00 $1.50 - - - - - doz. 10 00 Inhalant, Crumb's ------- doz. 3 00 Cutler's ------- doz. 3 75 Moyle's -------- doz. 3 75 Inhalers, see page 45. ----- - Injection, Brou - -- -- -- - gold doz. 7 50 Dundas Dick's Matico - - - - doz. 7 00 Gaudichaud's - - - - doz. 7 50 Mathey-Caylus' - - - - gold doz. 6 50 Ring's Rose- ----- doz. 3 50 INSECT POWDER, PERSIAN, L. M. & G. - Hotel - - - - doz. 12 00 4 oz. bottles - - doz. 2 25 2 oz. bottles - - doz. 1 50 For other Powders see page 31. Invigorator, Sanford's Liver - - - doz. 8 50 Jelly, Queru's Cod Liver Oil - - - - doz. 8 00 Juniper Tar, Forrest's ------ doz. 2 00 Jurubeba----------- doz. 8 00 Juice, Valentine's Meat - - - - - doz. 8 50 Kalliston, Burnett's- ------ doz. 7 50 Kathairon, Lyons' ------- _ - doz. 3 60 Killer, Arnold's Cough, small - - - doz. 1 80 med. - - - doz. 3 60 large - - - doz. 7 20 Chichester's Rat - - - - - doz. 1 50 Flagg's Cough, small - - - - doz. 3 75 large - - - - doz. 7 50 Laycock's Worm - - - - - - - doz. 1 60 30 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Killer, Pratt's Bed Bug ------- doz. 1 75 King, Alien's Indian, Dry ------- doz. 7 50 Liquid ----- doz. 7 50 Knight's, of Pain ------- doz. 1 75 Life for the Hair, Chevalier's - - - - - doz. 6 50 Liniment, Alien's N, & B- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Baker's Hoof ------- doz. 5 75 Barker's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 Bishop Soule's, 75c. ----- doz. 5 50 $1.50 - - - - - doz. 11 00 Burdsall's Arnica ----- doz. 3 00 Centaur, animal, 50c., yel. wrap. doz. 3 75 $1.00 - - - - doz. 7 50 family, 50c.,white wrap. doz. 3 75 $1.00 - - - - doz. 7 50 Donnelly's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Fronfield's - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Giles' lod. Ammonia, 25c. - - doz. 1 88 -Hammond's ------- doz. 3 75 Hays' - -- -- -- -- - doz. 5 50 Herrick's, 50c. ------- doz. 3 75 $1.00 ------ doz. 7 50 Hunt's- - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Jadwin's Subduing, 25c. - - - doz. 1 85 50c. - - - doz. 3 70 Jayne's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 -i Johnson's- - -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 Kellinger's, 25c. - ----- doz. • 1 80 50c. ------ doz. 3 60 $1.00 ----- doz. 7 20 Kennedy's Rheumatic - - - doz. 3 75 Scattering - - - - doz. 7 50 Laubach's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Low's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Mustang, 2"c. ------ doz. 1 85 50c. - - - - - - doz. 3 70 $1.00 ------ doz. 7 50 Sweet's, 50c. - - - - - doz. 3 00 $1.00 ------ doz. ' 6 00 Thorn's Arnica & Chloroform - doz. 2 50 Tobias' Family, 50c. - - - doz. 3 50 $1 00 _ _ - doz. 7 00 Horse $1 00 - - - - doz. 8 00 Young America ------ doz. 1 50 Liquor, Hattley's Cinchona } lb. bottles lb. 13 50 Battley's Ergot » » - - lb. 7 00 Battley's Opii Sedative* • - - lb. 9 00 Laville's Anti Gout, - - - gold doz. 28 00 Lotion, Bartine's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 00 Church's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 McIntyre's - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Munson's Pile - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 Perry's Moth and Freckle - - - - doz. 14 ()0 Lozenges, Barnes', 10c. ------- doz. 75 25c. ------- doz. 1 75 Belloc's Charcoal - - - - gold doz. 5 00 Bennett's Worm ------ doz. 1 75 Brockedon's Bi Carb. Soda - - doz. 4 00 Potass. doz. 4 00 Chlor. Potass., Carleton & Hovey';- doz. 2 85 Caswell & Hazard's doz. 1 65 Fougera's - - - - doz. 2 00 Hegeman's - - - doz. 1 75 L. M. &G. - - - doz. 1 50 Ditman's Throat ------ doz. 1 75 German Cathartic ------ doz. 2 00 Harrison's Peristaltic, 30c. - - doz. 2 25 60c. _ _ doz. 4 50 Hill's Slippery Elm ----- doz. 1 75 Jackson's Pectoral - - - - - doz. 1 67 Keating's - -- -- -- -- doz. 5 50 Purdon's Worm ------ doz. 1 60 Winslow's Worm ------ doz. 1 50 " Wistar's" L. M. & G's - - - - doz. I 00 Lye, Concentrat 'd, Pa. Salt Co. (4 doz. cases) case. 4 50 Magnesia, Henry's genuine ------ doz. 9 00 Husband's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Citrate Granular Bishop's - - doz. 4 50 Herring's - - doz. 3 75 L. M. & G's - doz. 3 50 Solution, Caswell & H. - doz. 2 50 Ellis' - - - doz. 2 50 Hegeman's - doz. 2 50 Dunbar's Fluid J pint - - - - doz. 2 00 pints - - - doz. 3 00 quarts - - - doz. 4 00 Murray's Fluid, small - - - - doz. 4 00 , large - - - - doz. 8 50 med. - - - - doz. 12 50 Phillips'Milk of, small - - - doz. 3 75 large - - - - doz. 7 50 Roger's Cit. Dry ------ doz. 2 75 Medicina, Wood's 50c.- - - - - - doz. 3 95 $1.00 ------ doz. 7 50 Milk, Condensed, Borden's ----- doz. 12 75 Mixture, Aspinwall's Tonic - - - - doz. 2 00 Mucilage, Bixby's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Stickwell's ------- " The Perfect" ----- doz. 1 00 doz. 1 85 i Nervine, Dodd's - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Oatmeal, Robinson's ------- doz. 1 30 Oil, British, --------- doz. 75 Oil, Cod Liver, Burnett's ------ doz. 6 50 Caswell & Hazard's - - - doz. 0 50 doz. 8 50 doz. 11 50 ■■ Hegeman's ----- doz. 6 50 L., M. & G.'s (An extra quality filtered Newfoundland Oil, acceptable to the most delicate stomachs.) jg 0Z- pane] doz. 6 00 doz. 3 50 8 o z. i) < 111 c 1 Marvin's ------ doz. 6 50 Moller's ------ doz. 6 50 Nichol's ------ doz. 6 50 Scott's, with Lime - - Wilbor's, with Lime - - Willson's Carbolated - doz. 7 50 - doz. 8 50 - doz. 7 00 DeGrath's Electric, 50c. - - - - - - $1.00 - - - - doz. 3 75 doz. 7 50 Gargling, family, 25c. - ----- doz. 1 85 animal, 25c. ------ doz. 1 85 50c. ------ doz. 3 70 $1.00 ----- doz. 7 40 Harlem, imported ------- doz. 50 Sylvester's ------ doz. 3 50 Hamlin's Wizard. 50c. ----- doz. 3 75 $1.00 ----- doz. 7 50 Miller's Harness, No. 1 ----- doz. 4 00 doz. 6 00 Page's Arnica - -- -- -- - doz. 1 70 -- Renne's, Magic, 25c. ----- doz. 1 75 50c. ----- - doz. 3 50 no doz. 7 00 Rogers' Magnetic, 50c. - - - - - doz. 3 75 Thomas' Electric, 50c. - - _ - doz. 3 75 $1.00 ----- doz. 7 50 Sewing Machine, Crystal - - - - - doz. 1 50 Powell's - - - - doz. 1 75 doz. 1 75 Wells' ----- doz. 1 75 Ointment, Baker's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 1 Bird's Pile ------- doz. 4 00 Bowyer's Spikenard - - - - doz. 1 50 Brown's Herbal, small - - - doz. 2 00 doz. 4 00 Butt's Imperial ----- doz. 1 75 Carbolic Balm ------ Gray's- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 doz. 1 50 Green Mountain ----- doz. 1 75 Ileiskell's ------- doz. 3 50 Holloway's, small - - - - doz. 1 75 med. - - - - doz. 4 50 large - - - - doz. 8 00 Kennedy's Healing- - - - doz. 3 75 S. Rheum - doz. 3 75 Scrofula doz. 7 50 i Knickerbocker Hoof - - - doz. 7 50 Kiersted's ------- doz. 2 75 McAllister's ------ doz. 1 65 Miner's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 65 Mott's Hoof ------ doz. 7 25 Orr's Chilblain ----- doz. 1 75 Osborne's Golden - - - - doz. 1 25 Perry's Family ----- doz. 1 Physic's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Russells, Itch, 25c. - - - - doz. 1 75 doz. 3 50 Sloan's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 60 Tanner's German - - - - doz. 1 65 Taylor's Indian ----- Trask's Magnetic, 25c. - - - doz. 1 60 - doz. 1 85 doz. 2 90 Terrell's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 60 Wheaton's Itch ----- - doz. 3 75 Olive Tar, Stafford's -------- doz. 4 00 Opodeldoc, Liquid - -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Steer's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Pads, Holman's F. & A. - - - - - - doz. 16 00 Pain Annihilator. (See Annihilator.) Extractor, Dailey's ------ doz. 1 85 Killer, P. Davis', 25c. ----- doz. 1 88 50c. ----- - doz. 3 75 $1.00 ----- doz. 7 50 Paint. Wolcott's, 25c. - - - - - doz. 1 75 50c. - - - - - doz. a 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 31 Pain Paint, Wolcott's, $1.00 - - - doz. 7 00 Reliever, Marsh's - - - - - doz. 2 00 Panacea. Baker's Pain - - - - - doz. 1 88 Swaim's ------ doz. 18 00 Pancreatine, L. HI. & G., oz. a ■ m OZ. 45 Defresne's in oz. - gold doz. 24 00 Pancreatine, Defresne's in half oz - gold doz. 13 50 Savory & Moore's, oz - gold OZ. 3 00 Paper, F. & B.'s Rheumatic, small - gold doz. 2 00 large - - gold doz. 4 00 Gravel, Singers for Birds - doz. 1 80 Medicated, Atlantic, 100 in case - - doz. 1 75 Gayetty's, 50 in case - - doz. 4 00 Star Mills - - - doz. 2 25 Paracelsus, Backett's - - - - - doz. 2 00 Papoma, Wyeth's ------ doz. 3 00 Pastilles, Carnes & Haskell's, de Paris - - doz. 2 50 Edey's Carbolic - - - - doz. 2 75 Kidder's Asthmatic - - - - - doz. 2 75 ----Sawyer's- ------ doz. 2 50 Pectoral, Ayer's Cherry - - - - doz. 8 00 Pellets, Pierce's Purgative - - - - - - doz. 1 50 Pepsin, Boudault'soz. bottles - - _ _ _ OZ. 1 00 lb. bottles - - _ _ _ lb. 15 00 |lb. bottles - - lb. 15 25 Hawley's American, oz's. - OZ. 45 lbs. - lb. 6 25 Pepsin -Saceli arated. I.azcll, Marsh & Gardiner's. This article is free from odor and of uniform strength, each lot manufactured being tested before it leaves our laboratory. In 1 oz. bottles - - - - OZ. 45 . n 1 lb. bottles - - - - lb. 5 50 Liny & Phelan's Liquid - - - doz. 13 00 Morson's Pepsin Porci - - OZ. 3 50 Scheffer's Sacch., oz. - - - oz. 60 lbs. - - lb. 8 50 Phenol. Sodique ------- doz. 3 75 Philotoken, Risley's - - - - - - doz. 7 50 Phosphates, Percy's Vitalized - - doz. 8 25 Pills, Ague-spell, Philips - - - - doz. 5 50 Allen's Indian King - - - - doz. 1 75 Ayer's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 in glass ------ doz. 1 65 Bennett's -------- doz. 1 38 Blair's Gout, oval, 34 in box - - _ - doz. 9 00 Blancard's small - - - - - - gold doz. 5 00 large ----- - gold doz. 9 00 Brandreth's ------- doz. 1 25 S. C. - - - - - doz. 1 25 Brown's. 25c. ------ doz. 2 00 50c. ------ doz. 4 00 Cockle's - -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 Cook's -------- doz. 1 00 Dean's Rheumatic - - - - doz. 3 50 Defresne's Pancreatine - - - gold doz. 10 00 Deshler's, F. & A. - - - - - doz. 7 50 Graefenberg ------- doz. 1 50 Hamilton's ------- doz. 1 75 Helmbold's Grape - - - - doz. 3 40 Herrick's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Holloway's, small - - - - doz. 1 50 Hoofland's ------- doz. 1 75 Hooper's genuine English - - - - doz. 5 50 American - - - - doz. 75 Jayne's --------- doz. 1 65 Judson's Mountain Herb - - doz. 1 50 Lee's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 37 McLane's Liver ----- doz. 1 50 Moffat's- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Morrison's, Nos. 1 and 2 - - doz. 4 50 Mott's Liver- ------ doz. 1 50 -Page's Mandrake - - - - - doz. 1 50 Parmlee's ------- doz. 1 60 Parr's Life ------- doz. 1 50 Phinnev's -------- doz. 1 50 Porter's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Radwav's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Rabuteau's, of Iron - - - - - gold doz. 10 00 Roger's- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Rush's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Schenck's- ------- doz. 1 50 Shallenberger's - - - - - doz. 8 00 Sharpe's Dyspepsia - - - - doz. 7 50 Sholl's --------- doz. 2 80 Soule's- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Spalding's ------- doz. 1 75 T. & L.s' Hematosine, large - - gold doz. 15 00 small - - gold doz. 9 00 Taylor's Mandrake - - - - doz. 1 50 Turner's Neuralgia - - - - doz. 7 00 Tutt's Liver ------- doz. 1 50 Wishart's Dyspepsia- - - - doz. 7 00 Woodhull's Dinner - - - - doz. 1 65 Wright's Plain ------ doz. 1 44 Pills, Wright's, S. C. -------- - doz. 1 50 Pilules, Moore's ---------- doz. 3 75 Pinus, Canadensis, Kennedy's. See Extracts, page 29. Plasters, Allcock's Porous ------ doz. 1 20 Benson's Capcine- ------ doz. 1 50 Bruce's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Coddington's Capsicum, small - doz. 6 00 1 cl 10 doz. 12 GO Plasters, Collins'Voltaic ------- doz. 1 85 Corn & Bunion, see page 48. Crew s Mustard, 1 doz. in box. (Sold by the dozen plasters.) NTri 1 doz. 75 No. 2 - - - - - doz. 88 No. 3 - - - - - doz. 1 00 No. 4 - - - - - doz. 1 75 Fougera's Mustard, No. 1, all Mus- tard, 10 plasters in box, per doz. boxes ---------- doz. 3 50 doz. 3 50 Grosvenor's Belladonna, No. 11 kid - doz. 1 75 yard 92 Porous ------ doz. 1 25 Hamburg - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Herrick's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 37 Herrick's Perforated - - - - - doz. 1 15 Holloway's Arnica, small - - - doz. 1 00 doz. 1 50 doz. 2 00 Holmes' Mustard, large - - - - doz. 3 00 doz. 1 50 Husband's Isinglass, yd. rolls - - yard 55 Littlefield's » • • - - yard 30 Robbins' » • • - - yard 55 Knapp's Indian, small - - - - doz. 1 37 doz. Morehead's Magnetic - - - - - doz. 1 85 Rigollot's Mustard in Rolls - - - doz. 3 75 Square, 10 in box - - - doz. 3 75 SEABURY & JOHNSON S - - - Arnica, No. 2 Kid, - ----- doz. 1 25 Cloth, 1 yd. rolls - yard 60 Porous- - - - - doz. 1 00 Belladonna, IT. S. P., No. 2 Kid - doz. 1 50 Cloth, 1 yd. rolls yard 60 Porous - - - - doz. 1 13 Mustard, 1 yard rolls ----- doz. 3 00 1 yard rolls ----- doz. 1 75 c- Poor Man's, No. 2 Kid - - - - doz. 1 10 Cloth, 1 yard rolls - yard 60 Porous ---------- doz. 90 Porous - - - - in 1 yard rolls doz. 4 80 Strengthening - in 5 yard rolls doz. 18 00 Warming No. 2 Kid ----- doz. 1 25 Cloth in 1 yd. rolls yard 60 Porous - - - - doz. 1 25 Thapsia - -- -- -- - gold Wells' small - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 doz. 1 25 medium ------- doz. 1 67 doz. 2 25 Plugs, Lang's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Polish, Bro. Jonathan's Furniture - - - doz. 2 38 Brown's Glass - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Close's Poningoe ------- doz. 2 00 Dixon's Stove - -- -- -- - doz. 60 Gem - -- -- -- -- doz. 50 Rising Sun Stove ------- doz. 50 Houchin's Starch ------ doz. 1 00 Aunt Nabby's Starch - - - doz. 1 25 Poultice, Lelievre's Instantaneous - gold doz. 4 50 Powders, Brewer's Guarana ----- Clotworthy's Chicken - - - - doz. 6 00 doz. 1 75 Grimault's Guarana - - - gold doz. 8 00 Royal Baking ------- doz. 1 65 Powders, Condition, Barber's Red Horse 1 small f doz. 1 50 doz. 3 00 Dale's ----- - doz. 1 50 Dillow's Heave - - doz. 1 75 Dixon's Heave - - doz. 8 00 Foutz's ----- doz. 1 50 Fronfield's - - - - doz. 1 35 Grant's ----- doz. 1 75 Harvell's, small - - large - - doz. 1 50 doz. 3 25 Punderson's - - - doz. 1 50 Sawen's ----- doz. 1 65 Sheridan's - - - - doz. 1 50 r Sloan's, small - - - doz. 1 50 doz. 3 00 Starin's ----- doz. 1 35 Tobias Derby - - - doz. 1 75 Fever, Danziger's ------ doz. 8 00 James' ----- doz. 18 00 doz. 7 00 doz. 7 50 32 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Powder. Insect, Costar's - - - - - - doz. 1 50 Henry's ------ doz. 1 50 Isaacson's ----- doz. 1 50 Knowles'. 25c. - - - - doz. 1 75 35c. - - - - doz. 3 50 #1.00 - - - - doz. 7 00 Powder. Persian Insect, L. HI. & G 2 oz. - doz. 1 50 ■ 4 oz. doz. 2 25 Hotel doz. 12 00 Powders, Seidlltz, L<. & G. - - - Extra weight, 50 lbs. to a gross - gross 39 00 doz. - - doz. 3 50 Powders, Seidlitz, U. S. P. weight- gross 33 00 These Powders are prepared from select- ed materials and warranted full weight. They are put up in tin boxes, with acids, in foil. The wrapper specially designed for us. In quantities-of one gross and upwards, CUSTOMER'S CARD printed on wrappers free of charge. Powders, Soda, L,. M. & G. - - - - doz. 1 50 Prairie Weed, Kennedy's - ------ doz. 8 00 Preparation, Horsford's Bread - - - - doz. 2 50 Prescription, Pierce's Favorite _ - - - doz. 10 50 Preservative, Cristadoro's Hair 50c. - - - doz. 4 00 $1.00 - - - doz. 8 00 - - Miller's Leather No. 1 - - doz. 1 15 ■ No. 2 - - doz. 1 60 Prolactea, Peabody's - -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 Purifier, O. P. Brown's Blood ----- doz. 8 00 Racahout, Delangrenier's ... - gold doz. 10 50 Regulator, Emerson's Bowel ----- doz. 6 00 Simmon's Liver, dry - - - - doz. 7 00 liquid - - - doz. 7 00 Wood's Liver ------- doz. 7 50 Relief, Flagg's Instant, 50c. ------ doz. 3 75 $1.00 ------ doz. 7 50 Radway's Ready, 50c. ----- doz. 3 75 $1.00 ----- doz. 7 50 $2.00 ----- doz. 15 00 Remedy, Brigg's Pile - -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 Caldwell's Dyspepsia - - - - - doz. 7 00 Cherokee --------- doz. 15 00 Coddington's Soft Corn - - - - doz. 1 75 Constitutional Catarrh - - - - doz. 7 50 Darley's Heave ------- doz. 1 50 De Bing's Pile ------- doz. 7 50 Fish's Pile - -- -- -- - doz. 7 75 Fitler's Rheumatic ----- doz. 9 50 Freligh's - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Goodale's Catarrh ------ doz. 7 50 Graefenberg's Pile ----- doz. 6 50 Harper's Cough ------ doz. 3 00 Hunnewell's Cough, small - - doz. 1 80 Hunt's Kidney ------- doz. 10 50 Metcalf's Rheumatic ----- doz. 7 50 Sage's Catarrh ------- doz. 3 30 Seelye's Catarrh ------ doz. 7 50 Velpeau's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Whitcomb's Asthma ----- doz. 11 50 William's Asthma ------ doz. 5 50 Renewer, Wilson's Blood ------ doz. 7 75 Rennet, Blair's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Shinn's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Wyeth's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 61 Renovator, Brown's Scalp ------ doz. 2 00 Smith's Green Mountain - - doz. 7 50 Resolvent, Radway's - -- -- -- - doz. 8 50 Restorer, Rush's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 8 (X) Revalenta, Du Barry's, small ----- doz. 8 50 large ----- doz. 14 50 Revivum, Morse's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 Rosadalis, Lawrence's - -- -- -- - doz. 10 00 Saline, Lamplough's Pyretic ----- doz. 11 5C Salts, Bishop's Effervescing. See page 26. Salts, Granular Eflerves'nt,L.UI.&G Bicarb. Potassa ------- doz. 3 50 1 lb. bottles - - - lb. 1 25 Carlsbad - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 1 lb. bottles - - - lb. 1 25 Cit. Lithia - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 lb. bottles - - - lb. Cit. Magnesia - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 1 lb. bottles - - - lb. 1 25 Friedericshall - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 1 lb. bottles - - - lb. 1 25 Kissengen - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 1 lb. bottles - - - lb. 1 25 - Nitrate Cereum ------- doz. 1 lb. bottles - - - lb. Vichy - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Salts, Vichy, 1 lb. bottles ------- lb. 1 25 Our Granular Salts are prepared with great care. Those representing Natural Waters will be found to possess the full medicinal Qualities of the Springs. Salts, Carlsbad i lb. bottles - - - doz. 6 75 i lb. bottles - - - doz. Crab Orchard j lb. bottles - - - doz. 2 00 i lb. bottles - - - doz. 4 00 1 lb. bottles - - - doz. 8 00 Salve, Blackman's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Brandin's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 88 Carbolic ---------r- doz. 1 75 Conklin's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 75 Dailey's. See Extractor Dailey's Horse - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 Diinker's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 Grace's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Griswold's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 65 --- Hardy's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Hamburg ---------- doz. 1 75 - Mitchell's Eye - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Page's Climax - -- -- -- - doz. 1 85 Paracelsus ---------- doz. 1 75 Peleg White's - -- -- -- - doz. 75 Pettit's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Russia - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 85 Sanford's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Sawyer's, Miss - -- -- -- - doz. 3 85 Smith's Magnetic ------- doz. 1 50 Sapolio, Morgan's - -- -- -- -- doz. 85 Hand --------- doz. small ------- doz. Sarsaparilla, Ayer's - -- -- -- -- doz- 8 00 Bristol's - -- -- -- - doz. 11 00 Bull's, John ------- doz. 8 25 Guysott's -------- doz. 7 75 Helmbold's ------- doz. 8 00 Rush's and Iron, ----- doz. 7 75 Townsend's, Jacob - - - - doz. 10 00 Townsend's, S. P. - - - - - doz. 10 00 Tutt's - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Schnapps, Wolfe's, quarts ------ doz. 10 00 pints ------- doz. 5 50 Sea Salt, Ditman's, 2 lb. boxes, 25c. - - - doz. I 75 6 lb- » 50c - - - doz. 3 50 25 lb., » $1-75 - - - doz. 15 00 50 lb.. « 2.50 - - - doz. 21 00 Tidman's 7 lb. » _ _ _ . - doz. Sedative. Battley's. See page 30. - - - - Snuff, Cephalic ----------- doz. 1 50 Durnos' Catarrh - -- -- -- - doz. I 75 Jackson's Catarrh ------- doz. 2 50 d 2 00 Reader's German ------- doz. 3 00 Solution, Garvin's, of Tar- ------ doz. 8 00 Lebaigue's, Dialysed Iron - gold doz. 10 00 Speer's Fruit Preserving - - - doz. 7 75 Solvent, Houchin's Corn ------- doz. 1 75 Sozodont ------------- doz. 6 00 Specific, Carey's G. E. S. S. small - - - - doz. 1 75 medium - - - doz. 3 50 large - - - - doz. 7 00 Crossman's, - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 • Humphrey's. Small, Nos. 1 to 15 doz. 1 75 Nos. 16 to 27 - - - - - doz. 3 50 • Nos. 29, 30, 31, 34 - - - - doz. 3 50 Nos. 28, 32. 33 ----- doz. 7 00 • Humphrey's Veterinary, A A to J J doz. 7 00 Jayne's Tape Worm - - - - - doz. 17 00 Lallemand's Gout ------ doz. 12 00 Reynold's Gout ------- doz. 16 50 Syrup, Aubergier's of Lactucarium - gold doz. 10 00 Bailey's Quieting ------- doz. 1 75 , ■ Boschee's German ------ doz. 5 50 trial size - - - - doz. 85 Bumstead's Worm ------ doz. 1 50 ■ Clark's Peruvian, small ----- doz. 8 00 large ----- doz. 16 00 ■ Constitution Life ------- doz. 10 50 Corbin's Worm - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Edward's Tar & W. C., 25c. - - - doz. 1 50 50c - - - doz. 3 00 #1 00 - - doz- 6 00 Fellows' Hypophosphites Comp. - doz. 12 00 Foord's Pectoral, 75c. ----- doz. 5 25 $1.50 - - - - - doz. 11 00 Goodell's Pectoral ------ doz. 2 50 Gould's Pin Worm ------ doz. 3 75 Graefenberg's Dysentery - - - - doz. 3 50 Hasson's of Tar ------- doz. 3 50 Hastings, of Naptha ------ doz. 7 50 Hatch's Universal- ------ doz. 3 50 Hobensack's Worm ------ doz. 1 75 Hooker's Cough ------- doz. 2 60 Jackson's Pectoral ------ doz. 2 50 Laubach's Worm ------- doz. 1 50 McDonald's Petroleum ----- doz. 8 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 33 Syrup, Mitchell's, of Ipecac ------ doz. 2 75 Mother Noble's, small - - - doz. 4 20 large - - - doz. 8 40 Parrish's Phosphates, small - - - doz. 4 00 doz. 8 00 large - Puccoon -------- doz. 1 75 Ransom's Hive ------ doz. 2 50 Roger's L'rwort, Tar & Canchalagua doz. 7 50 W orm ------ doz. 1 75 Schenck's Pulmonic - - - - - - doz. 12 00 Scovill's Blood and Liver - - - - doz. 7 50 Seabury's Hive ------ doz. 1 75 • Seller's Cough ------ doz. 2 25 Strickland's ------- doz. 3 75 Stringer's Pulmonic - - - - doz. 2 00 Swann's Hypophos. Iron ■ - gold doz. 13 00 Lime - - gold doz. 13 00 Soda - - gold doz. 13 00 Tobias' Pulmonic - - - - - doz. 6 00 True's German Cough - - - doz. 2 50 Weaver's Salt Rheum - - - doz. 10 50 Winchester's Hypophos, $2.00 " - doz. 15 00 $1.00 doz. 7 50 with Manganese doz. 8 00 Winslow's Soothing - - - - doz. 2 60 Wood's Soothing, large - - - doz. 3 50 small - - - doz. 1 75 Wright's Ind. Vegetable - - - - doz. 1 85 Svapnia ----------- oz. 2 75 Sweet Quinine - -- -- -- -- oz. 1 25 Tablets, Lyon's Tooth ------ doz. 3 60 Merchants' Worm - - - - doz. 1 50 Swann's Pectoral - - - - gold doz. 6 50 Welling's Dyspepsia - - - doz. 4 00 Wells' Carbolic - - - - - doz. 1 50 Tamar Indien, Grillon's - - - - - gold doz. 8 00 Tar, Forrest s Juniper ------ doz. 2 00 Tea, Beal's German ------- doz. 1 75 Hamburg, Freese's - - - - - doz. 2 00 Webber's- - - - - doz. 1 50 Judson's Worm- ------ doz. 1 65 Kellogg's Worm ------ doz. 1 75 Kennedy's Hair ------ doz. 6 50 Koenig's Hamburger Brest - - - - doz. 1 65 Quirk's Irish -------- doz. 1 75 Three Kings - -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Webber's Alpine ------ doz. 1 50 Tincture, Hampton's Vegetable - - - - doz. 8 00 Norwood's Verat. Viride - - - doz. 12 00 Tissue, Albespeyre's lyd rolls - - - gold doz. 6 00 1 yd rolls, - - gold doz. 10 00 Brown's Blistering ------ doz. 11 00 Cooper's Sinapine ------- doz. 1 75 Tonic, Aspinwall's - -- -- -- -- doz. 12 00 Tonic, Delluc's Glycerine Hair - - - - doz. 10 50 Hoofland's - -- -- -- -- doz. 12 00 Howe's Arabian ------- doz. 8 00 Jayne's Hair --------- doz. 7 50 Parker's Ginger (page ')---- doz. 8 00 Schenck's Seaweed ------ doz. 12 00 Tricopherous, Barry's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Tripoli, Mount Eagle - -- -- -- - doz. 60 Troches, Brown's Bronchial ------ doz. 2 60 Edey's Carbolic ------- doz. 1 75 L. M. & G. Chlor. Potash - - - - doz. 1 50 Tsa Tsin - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 5 50 Vaseline, 2 oz. bottles - -- -- -- - doz. 1 85 4 oz bottles - -- -- -- - doz. 3 70 1 lb. bottles - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 5 lb. cans - -- -- -- -- each 2 50 V egetine ------------ doz. 10 00 Vermifuge, O. P. Brown's ------ doz. 3 80 B. A. Fahnestock ----- doz. 1 50 Jayne's --------- doz. 2 75 McLane's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Swaim's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 85 Wafers, Bryan's Pulmonic ------ doz. 3 25 Wash, Helmbold's Rose ------- doz. 4 00 Water, Ander's Iodine -------- doz. 8 00 Constitution --------- doz. 8 00 Poor Richard's Eye ------ doz. 1 75 Thompson's Eye ------- doz. 1 50 Wheat, Hubbell's Prepared ------ doz. 3 00 Wine, Iron Bitter, Hubbell.s, 4 oz. - - - doz. 3 75 doz. 11 00 Kunkel's ----- doz. 8 00 Pepsin, Boudault's, 1 pints - gold doz. 11 °2 pints - gold doz. 22 00 Pepsin, L., M. & G., pints - - - - doz. 12 00 Tar, Crook's, --------- doz. 7 50 Wine of the Woods, Dame's, trial size- - doz. 2 00 $1.00 - - - doz. b 00 Xanthoxylum - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 5 75 Zylobalsamum, Alien's New Style - - - - doz. ! 3 50 SACCHARATED PEPSIN. Contrary to the history of many articles introduced as specifics for disease, Saccharated Pepsin has grown in favor with Physicians of every school, and is now extensively used in all troubles caused by deranged digestive power. We were among the first to manufacture this preparation on a large scale, and our product has been received with great favor by the trade during the past four years. We have now perfected a "new process" for its manufacture, whereby we obtain a Pepsin free from animal odor, mucus, and inorganic salts, and we claim that for perfect solubility and standard digestive power, our Saccharated Pepsin cannot be excelled. When desired in a fluid form, the following is suggested: Saccharated Pepsin, 64 grains ; Water, 5 fluid ounces ; Muriatic Acid, 1 fluid drachm. Dissolve, filter, and add Glycerine, 3 fluid ounces. As Alcohol injures the properties of Pepsin, Elixirs or preparations containing alcohol are not reliable forms of administering this remedy. Note.-Pepsin, when first adopted by the Profession, was used in doses of from one to five grains. From five to thirty grains are now given with most satisfactory results. In 1 oz. bottles, ------------- 45 cents per oz. In 1 pound bottles, - -- -- -- -- -- -- $5-5° per pound. SAMPLE SENT ON APPLICATION. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, No. IO Gold Street, New York. 34 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, INSTRUMENTS, GLASSWARE, TOILET AND MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Alabaster. Irvine's gilt - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Irvine's plain - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Shand's gilt - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 plain - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 Alcohol Lamps. With ground glass cap 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 5 00 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 8oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Alcoholmeters. One scale - -- -- -- -- -- doz. U 00 One scale with Thermometer - - - doz. 33 00 Richter & Tralles - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Richter & Tralles, with Thermometer - doz. 36 00 IT. S. Custom House ------- each 3 50 Amandine. Bazin's - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 Ammo nia-Monocarb. Odor if. In lb. bottles for the production of Smelling Salts. Allchin's - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 25 Herring's - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 00 Anklets. (See page 42.) Atomizers. Alexandra ----------- doz. 12 00 Boston - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 10 50 Centennial - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 10 50 Codman & Shurtleff's Hand, No. 5 each 3 50 Codman & Shurtleff's Steam, No. 15 each 5 00 Codman & Shurtleff's Hand, No. 56 doz. 10 50 Davidson's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 12 00 Delano's ------------ doz. 11 00 Essex, No. 5 - -- -- -- -- - doz. 12 00 Essex, with two bulbs ------ doz. 24 00 Eureka, Steam - -- -- -- -- each 2 50 Floral - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 5 50 G. & J. for plants and perfumes - - doz. 10 00 Aurilaves-Ear Cleaners. Bone, Lovell's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Leiner's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Wire, • --------- doz. 1 00 Bags-Ice for spine. 12 inches - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 9 50 14 , ---------- doz. 10 00 16 . ----------- doz. 10 50 18 , doz. 11 00 20 . ----------- doz. 11 50 Pure Gum, above sizes $1.50 doz. extra For throat, pure gum only ----- 7 inches - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 5 50 8 . ----------- doz. 5 75 9 , doz. 6 00 10 . ----------- doz. 6 25 11 . doz. 6 50 Bags-Soap. Cambric, lined with rubber - - - - doz. 1 75 Bags-Sponge. Cambric, lined with rubber - - - - 1, Check pattern --------- doz. 3 00 2, > • --------- doz. 3 50 3, , . doz. 4 00 4. . , ......... doz. 5 00 2, Cashmere pattern ------- doz. 4 50 8, * » doz. 5 25 4, > « doz. 6 25 Double, with Pocket for Brush & Comb doz. 10 00 Bandage-Gum ----- - - - lb. 3 50 Bandages-Surgeons'. Assorted widths - -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 Bandages-Suspensory. No. 1, Cotton, with strings - - 2, Cotton,'with elastic - - - - doz. doz. 1 25 1 25 100, Bobbinet, with elastic - - - doz. 1 25 115, Bobbinet, with strings - - - doz. 1 25 15, Netted, with elastic - - - - doz. 1 75 16, Netted, with strings - - - - doz. 1 75 103, Linen, with elastic- - - doz. 2 75 00, Cotton netting, extra finish - doz. 3 (K) 0, Cotton netting, extra heavy - doz. 3 50 125, Sack of Netting, and adjusted with buckles - - - - doz. 4 00 123, Linen Sack, adjusted with buckles ------ doz. 5 50 107, Silk Netted Sack - - - doz. 4 00 01, Floss Silk Netted Sack - - - doz. 5 50 112, Best Silk - doz. 8 00 120, Best Silk « » _ - doz. 8 00 3, Suspensory with Oil Silk Sack attached ----- doz. 5 00 No. Bates' 18, Small, white - - - - doz. 3 00 24, Medium, white with ring doz. 6 00 30, Large, white - - - - doz. 6 00 40, Medium, white - - - doz. 4 50 48, Large, brown - - - - doz. 6 00 50, Extra large white - - - _ doz. 6 00 Lawson's Patent, (For cut see page 84.) No. 1, Small, medium and large - - doz. 10 00 14, doz. 12 00 15 00 doz. 18 00 doz. 20 00 Bandoline. Bazin's ------- doz. 1 75 Coudray's, 1161 ------- 1164 ------- doz. doz. 1 75 2 00 1165 doz. 3 00 1166 ------- doz. 3 50 Bands-Elastic. Light, i in. wide, 34 in. long - - - - gross 1 75 j in. » 34 » » - - - - gross 2 25 1 in. • 34 » » - - - - gross 3 25 If in. • 4 » » - - - gross 4 75 The above assorted widths. No. 0 4x2 inches ------- gross 1 00 0 4x2 « ------- gross 2 00 0 jx2 » ------- gross 2 50 0 Assorted Widths, 2 in. long - - - gross 1 70 00 4x24 inches ------- gross 1 25 00 4x24 » ------- - - gross 2 25 00 4x24 « ------- gross 3 00 00 Assorted Widths, 21 in. long - - gross 2 00 000 1x3 inches ------- gross 1 50 000 4x3 » ------- gross 2 50 000 Jx3 » ------- gross 3 50 000 Assorted Widths, 3 in. long - - - gross 2 30 0000 4x31 inches ------- gross 1 75 0000 4x34 " ------- gross 2 75 0000 jx24 ' ------- gross 4 00 Assorted Lengths, 4 in. wide - - - - gross 1 50 4 . - - gross 2 60 j . - - gross 3 60 No. 8 Rings, f in. long ----- gr. gr. 1 75 11 Rings, 14 in. long - - - - - - gr. gr. 2 25 14 Rings, 2 in. long ----- gr. gr. 3 00 18 Rings, 3 in. long ----- gr. gr. 4 00 20 Rings, 14 in. long - - - - - - gr. gr. 4 00 50 Rings, 1 in. long, heavy - - - - gross 40 Assorted Rings ------ gross 1 65 Election, f in. diam. - - - - - - M. Baskets-Comb and Tooth Brush. 4650 A----------- doz. 5 00 4650 2-A - -- -- -- -- - doz. 5 50 4670 2-A ---------- doz. 6 00 4651 A------------ doz. 6 00 4675 B ---------- - doz. 6 50 4675 A ---------- - doz. 7 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 35 Baskets-Sponge (For Stores.) Willow - -- -- -- -- -- - Wire, double - -- -- -- -- - Baskets-Sponge. (For Bath Room.) Sherwood's Wire, No. 0, 3x5 inches- - each each 4 00 10 00 doz. 3 00 1, 4x7 . - - doz. 4 00 2, 54x8 • - doz. 5 00 3, 6|xl0 » - - doz. 7 00 Bay Rum. doz. Imported, qt. Champagnes - - _ _ _ 12 00 Imported, pt. Champagnes _ _ _ doz. 7 00 Imported, Wines ----- doz. 8 00 American, Wines ----- doz. 7 50 Bed Pans. White ---------- doz. 12 00 Yellow, large ------- doz. 10 50 small ------- doz. 9 00 Belts-Mesh. Horse Hair -------- doz 18 00 Pattison's Baden ----- doz. 6 00 Blacking. doz. Brown's French Dressing - - _ _ _ 1 25 Bronze - _ - doz. 1 50 Bixby's Best, No. 3- - - - - doz. 75 4- - - - - doz. 88 Day & Martin's Liquid, small - - - _ doz. 1 75 medium - - doz. 3 00 doz. 4 50 1 00 Dubois, French, tin box - - - doz. wood box - - - - - doz. 1 50 Jacquot's French, 3 - - - - - 4 _ _ doz. doz. 75 1 00 5 - - - doz. 1 25 Marcerou's • ----- doz. 1 25 Mason's 2 - -- -- -- - gross 5 00 3 -------- gross 5 50 4 ------- _ gross 9 00 Blanc de Perle-Liquid. Bazin's ------ doz. 4 00 Coudray's, No. 2,604 - doz. 5 50 doz. 3 00 Lubin's ------ doz. 6 50 Blanc de Perle- Dry. doz. 2 50 Coudray's, on China, No. 2,592 - Dorin's No. 4 ------ - - doz- 2 00 on Porcelain - - - - doz. 1 75 Lubin's Fine ------- doz. 8 00 Bo ok s-Phar m aceut ical. Attfleld's Chemistry - - - - each 2 50 Beasley's Receipt Book - - - each 3 25 Dick's Encyclopedia - - - - each 4 50 Fowne's Chemistry ----- each 2 50 German Pharmacopoeia - - - each 2 00 Griffith's Formulary - - - - each 4 00 King's Dispensatory - - - - each 9 50 Parrish's Pharmacy - - - - each 4 50 Physicians' Visiting Lists - - - - - each 1 00 Pollock's Botanical Index - - _ _ _ each 1 50 U. S. Dispensatory ----- each 7 50 U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 1873 - - each 1 50 Medical Books supplied at publishers' prices. Books -Prescription. (For Pasting.) Burnett's Wire-Lock, Half Roan, 250pp each 2 50 - ' - ' - - - ■ ■ 500 • each 5 00 Half Russia, 250 • each 5 00 - 500 » each 6 50 Shipman's Patent, 10x15, No. 46, 236 » each 1 55 ■ - 47, 344 » each 1 90 124x1'4, No. 48, 446 » each 3 00 Bottle Caps-Plaited Paper. Assorted sizes and colors - - gross 1 00 Hotties-Salt Mouth, Tinct., &c. (See pages 45 and 46) Bottles-Nursing. Burr's Green ------- doz. 3 00 Medallion - - - doz. 1 50 Flint ------- doz. 3 25 each in box - - - - - doz. 4 50 Eagle, black fittings - - doz. 3 50 Flasks, narrow mouth, small - - - - doz. 75 large - - - - doz. 1 00 wide mouth - - - - doz. 1 00 Lang's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 60 Lincoln's "Perfection" - - - doz. 4 00 without fittings - - doz. 1 75 Maw's Alexandra Flint, earthen caps doz. 4 00 -■-- metal * doz. 4 00 Bottles-Nursing. Maw's Alexandra Flint, with't fittings doz. doz. l 2 50 3 00 t • i (. c11 • Ceil tli (/ii caps Export flint, earthen caps - doz. 3 00 with't fittings - - doz. 1 00 doz. 1 50 6(1 green, boxwood tops doz. ■■ with t fittings Bottles-Smelling Salts. Ordinary screw caps, assorted doz. 75 Glass stop'd, Silver caps (a variety) each No. 3 ----- - doz. 3 25 6 ----- - doz. 3 50 10 _____ _ doz. 3 00 15 ----- - doz. 3 25 2381 ------ doz. 3 00 23811 ----- doz. 3 75 Bougies-Gum Elastic. English, 1 to 12 - -- -- -- doz. 1 25 13 to 16 - -- -- -- doz. 3 00 conical ------- doz. 6 00 - olive pointed - _ - - doz. 6 00 Rectum ------ doz. 12 00 French, conical - - - - - - - - doz. 9 00 olive pointed ----- doz. 9 00 Metal - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 50 Boxes-Chip. American - -- -- -- -- paper 12 oval -------- gross 30 English willow ------- paper 25 Boxes-Lip Salve. Boxwood --------- doz. 75 China - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Metal screw top ------- doz. 38 Rosewood - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Scotch wood - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Ivory ----------- doz. 1 25 Boxes-Magnesia. Paper Glazed, small, No. 25 - - - - gross 95 large, No, 26 - - - gross 1 10 Calico, small, No. 27 - - - - gross 90 large, No. 28 - - - - gross 1 05 Boxes-Match. Leather ---------- doz. 2 00 with shoulder ----- doz. 2 50 H. R„ No. 1 -------- doz. 2 40 2 -------- doz. 3 00 Metal, small - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 large - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Boxes-Mt. Washington Impervious. 2 25 I 1 }oz. Blk Walnut or Poplar. gross gross •< i oz. » » » gross 2 75 packages (1 oz. » » « gross 3 25 i (2 oz. » » » gross 3 75 gross -< 4 oz. « • • gross 4 75 packages(8 oz • » » gross 6 25 Boxes-Patch, Earthen. i OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 75 1 oz. - doz. 75 | OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 75 1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 88 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 05 3 oz. - doz. 1 25 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Boxes-Pill. Bronze, shouldered, high, nested - - paper 35 low, nested - - paper 35 Fancy » high - - - - paper 35 Bronze » » No. 2 gross 75 3 gross 1 10 4 gross 1 20 5 gross 1 60 flat 4 gross 1 20 5 gross 1 60 29 gross 1 50 30 gross 1 75 31 gross 2 00 American Pink, nested - - - - - paper 12 English " • _ _ _ - paper 15 No. 2 - - - - - - gross 40 3 - - - - . - gross 60 4 _ _ _ _ . - gross 80 5 ----- - paper 1 00 German, nested, No. 0-2 - - - - gross 28 1-2 gross 1-3 gross 16 gross 1 30 2-3 « _ - gross 35 2-4 - - gross 50 Pill and Powder nested, 10 in nest - nest 20 36 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Boxes-Prescript inn Powder. Unglazed, small, No. 32 gross 1 00 ; medium, • 33 gross 1 10 I large • 34 gross 1 25 ■ Glazed, colored edge, small « 44 gross 1 40 med. » 45 gross 1 50 large « 46 gross 1 70 Shouldered. Tinted Glazed, colored edge, large • 101 gross 4 50 med. • 102 gross 4 25 1 - small» 103 gross 4 00 i Sliding. Tinted Glazed, gold edge, small - - - gross 2 25 medium - - gross 2 50 large - - - gross 2 75 White Glazed, large No. 126 gross 1 75 medium « 127 gross 1 50 small » 128 gross 1 25 assorted 126-128 gross 1 50 White Emb'd, gold edge, small, 56 gross 2 50 med. 57 gross 2 75 large 58 gross 3 00 ass ' d 56-58 gross 2 75 German Convolute, very fine, ass'd only gross 4 00 Boxes-Puff. China (a variety) - -- -- -- -- doz. Florence, No. 2 A - -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 2B doz. 5 00 2C -------- doz. 5 00 Metal, ass'd white - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 colors and patterns - - - No. 183 - - - - doz. 3 50 , 186 - - - - doz. 3 75 181 . . _ _ doz. 4 50 , 730 - - - - doz. 6 00 , 181 - - - - doz. 6 75 , no - - - - doz. 8 00 « 348 - - - - 6 00 , 746 - - - - doz. 7 75 Paper, plain ordinary, No. 00 - - - - doz. 1 00 1 fancy • 175 - - - - doz. 1 75 . 286- - - - doz. 1 75 , 365 - - - - doz. 2 00 chromo tops • 176 - - - - doz. 1 75 silverwith photo • 177- - - - doz. 2 00 painted top » 178 - - - - doz. 2 75 painted satin top» 179- - - - doz. 3 00 Tin, ass'd patterns - -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Wood, Mt. Washington. ---B. Walnut & R. Cedar, No. 1 doz. 3 00 2 Relic (a variety.) ------ doz. Scotch (a variety.) ----- doz. Boxes-Seidlitz Powder. Calico Paper, No. 64 gross 2 25 Glazed and White Paper » 66 gross 3 (X) Tin for "full weight ''Powders » 43 100 3 00 Boxes-Soda Powder. Calico Paper, No. 59 - - - gross 1 70 Glazed and White Paper, » 61 - - - gross 2 00 Tin, , 42 - - - 100 2 50 Boxes-Tin Ointment. Pressed Covers - -- -- -- -- Capacity Diameter Height No. ozs. inches. inches If 1 1 - - - 100 75 2 1 1 1 - - - 100 75 3 1 11 t - - - 100 90 4 1 11 1 - - - 100 90 5 1 H 1 - - - 100 1 00 6 1 H i - - - 100 1 05 7 1 11 1 - - - 100 1 05 8 1 11 1 - - - 100 1 20 9 11 H 1 - - - 100 1 35 10 2 11 11 - - - 100 1 50 11 1 H ♦ - - - 100 1 35 Rim Covers - -- -- -- -- - Capacity Diameter Height No. ozs. inches. inches. 20 1 11 1 - - - 100 1 35 21 1 H H - - - 100 1 45 22 11 11 11 - - - 100 1 50 23 21 11 2 - - - 100 1 80 24 1 11 1 - - - 100 1 20 25 1 11 I - - - 100 1 35 26 11 1} If - - - 100 1 50 27 2 H 11 - - - 100 1 1 67 28 11 21 j . . - 100 1 80 29 3 21 11 - - - 100 1 88 30 4 21 H - - - 100 1 95 Lee's Pill, No. 16 100 1 75 long 17 - -- -- -- - 100 1 30 Boxes-Tin Ointment, Patent. (pressed out of one piece of metal) - Capacity No. drachms. 1 U gross 75 2 2 _____ gross 85 _ 3 8 . . _ _ . gross 1 00 4 4 - - - - - gross 1 25 5 7 . . _ _ . gross 1 50 6 10 _ _ . _ _ gross 1 80 7 16 gross 2 25 Boxes-Tooth Powder. Glass, opaque, or plain, J oz. - - - doz. 88 1 oz. - 1 - - doz. 1 00 doz. 1 25 Glazed paper vt. edge, foil lined No. 123 gross 5 25 Wood, English Turned, 1 oz. No. 12 gross 6 00 2 oz. K 14 gross 7 00 ------ 4 oz. B 16 gross 8 00 American Var. & labeled U 1 gross 5 00 gross 6 00 3 gross 7 00 4 gross 8 00 Mt. Washington - - - - - Silver Poplar, or Black Walnut 2 Inches in diameter. No. 1 gross 3 25 - 2i n 2 gross 3 75 2 .J » ' H 3 gross 4 75 3 it 4 gross 6 25 Boxes-Turned Wood. No. 1 4 oz. --------- gross 35 2 i oz. --------- gross 50 3 s oz. --------- gross 65 1, 2 and 3 nested ----- gross 50 4 1 oz. - -- -- -- - gross 87 5 2 oz. -------- gross 1 12 6 3oz. - -- -- -- - gross 1 75 7 4oz. - -- -- -- - gross 2 25 Blueing, small ------ gross 40 large ------- gross 50 Long Pill - -- -- -- - gross 75 Boxes-Twine. Glass, heavy, 4 inches across bottom - each 63 6 » • n each 1 00 Eng'd 4 » » B each 85 6 n each 1 35 Richly cut, coated with White, Red, Blue, or Green Glass - - each 1 88 Iron - -- -- -- -- - each 55 Silver Plated ------- each 2 50 Brackets-Soap. Sherwood's Wire - - - - - doz. 2 00 Breast Glasses. Hagerty s No. 1 - -- -- doz. 2 50 2 - - - - . - - - doz. 3 00 Maw's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Breast Pumps. Alexandra - -- -- -- - doz. 13 50 Davidson's Bulb, No. 135 - - - - doz. 12 00 Delano's Bulb, No. 635 - - - - doz. 9 00 English - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 50 Fry's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 12 00 Hagerty's Brass ------ doz. 15 00 Metal ------ doz. 18 50 Hard Rubber ------- doz. 14 00 Mattson's Improved - - - - doz. 15 00 Meig's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 5 75 Needham's - -- -- -- - doz. 12 50 Brllliantine. Atkinson's - -- -- -- - doz. 10 00 Coudray's - -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 Brooms-TFIiisk. Hurl Handle, plain, No. 1 doz. 1 50 doz. 2 00 doz. 2 50 velvet tips 1 doz. 2 00 o doz. 2 25 3 doz. 2 75 4 doz. 3 25 wire bound 24 doz. 2 00 33 doz. 2 50 35 doz. 3 00 Leather handle, 32 doz. 2 25 Wood ------ doz. 1 75 Brushes-Bandoline. Bone Handle ------- doz. 2 50 Buffalo - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 1 Wood, Rose ------- - doz. 4 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current 37 Brushes- Bath. doz. Turkish Oval, No. 201 ------ 7 50 * 251 ------ doz. doz. 9 IHI Long Handle, • 0 ------ 6 00 doz. 10 "a Short Handle, • 6-20 ----- doz. 7 50 , o-21 ----- doz. 8 50 Round End, • 1 ------ doz. 7 50 ,3 ------ doz. 9 50 Panstrepton, • 3 ------ doz. 12 00 Brushes-Bottle. doz. Nursing Bottle, No. 1 - - - - - - '5 round end. No. 2 - _ doz. tube, No. 3- - - - _ doz. 30 Ordinary Bottle - -- -- -- - doz. 1 a 175 Brushes-Camel Hair. Common Assorted, Nos. 1 to 8 - - _ gross 2 00 Ordinary, No. + -- -- -- -- _ gross 1 50 5-------- - gross 1 75 6-------- _ gross 2 00 7 - gross 2 50 8 ------- - - gross 3 00 Brushes-Camel Hair, Rose. The following numbers in any length No. hair, from 4-to 2i inches : 2 00 1- ------------- gross - - - - - - - - - - - - - gross 2 25 3- - gross 2 50 4- ------------ - gross 3 00 5____-_________ gross 3 75 6- - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 4 25 gross 5 00 8- gross 5 75 Assorted, 1 to 8 - -- -- -- - gross 3 50 For the throat, wo od handles - - - doz. 1 50 wire * - - - - doz. 1 75 Bru shes-Cloth. No, doz. I-..-. -------- 2 50 205 ------------ - doz. 3 50 55 Oval back --------- doz. 4 00 65 » • doz. 6 00 10 Rosewood back ------ doz. 7 75 11 » doz. 8 75 12 » doz. 10 75 0 French. Black Bristle - - - - doz. 7 25 1 ff K ff - - - - doz. 8 50 2 » * * - - - - doz. 9 75 1 French, White Bristle - - - - doz. 12 00 2 • « • - _ - - doz. 14 00 3 » f f - - - - doz. 16 00 60 Florence - -- -- -- -- doz. 12 75 61 ------------ - doz. 11 00 62 ------------ - doz. 8 75 Brushes-Cloth, with Handles. No. 20 Mixed Bristles ------- doz. 3 50 75 • • -------- doz. 4 25 230 Black » - -- -- -- - doz. 6 50 9 White " -------- doz. 10 75 Brushes-Comb Cleaning. Brushes-Daubers, for Blocking. Brushes-Dusting or Counter. No. 1 all Bristle, white outside - - - doz. 5 00 Z ff ff ff ff _ _ _ _ doz. 6 00 3 ff if i n - doz. 7 00 6 00 5 Extra white Bristles ----- doz. 6 » * *-_____ doz. 8 00 i n « »______ doz. 10 00 1 White Bristles, ornamented block doz. 9 00 2 • » > » doz. 10 50 3 ff * < * doz. 12 00 Less discount. Brushes-Dueling Feather. Carriage » No. 1 ----- - doz. 42 00 2 ----- - doz. 54 00 3 ----- - doz. 60 00 4 - - - - . . doz. 66 00 5 - - - - - - doz. 72 00 Picture, soft, white Feathers,for Pianos. Paintings, &c. No. 5-5 inch Feathers ------- _ doz. 12 00 6-6 > * _______ doz. 15 00 7-7 ■ • ------- doz. 20 00 8-8 * » _______ doz. 24 00 9-9 . . ------- doz. 30 00 Brushes-Dusting Feather. ' 10-10 - ' ------- doz. 36 00 12-12 » - doz. 48 00 U--14 , • , doz. 60 00 16-16 » » -------- doz. 72 00 Plain, Full Centre, Gray Feathers No. 4- 4 inch Feathers ------- doz. 2 00 ! 5- 5 • ' ------- doz. 2 50 6- 6 « • ------- doz. 4 50 7- 7 * • ------- doz. 7 00 8- 8 ' ■ ------- doz. 10 00 9-9 • - ------- doz. 15 00 10-10 • ' ------- doz. 22 00 12-12 . ■ ------- doz. 33 00 14-14 , . ------- doz. 40 00 16-16 • • ------- doz. 44 00 18-18 • - ------- doz. 45 00 20-20 • ■ ------- doz. 46 00 22-22 . ■ ------- doz. 47 00 24-24 - « ------- doz. 48 00 B r usli es-Flesh. Adams'No. 211 long handle - - - - doz 6 00 246 --------- doz. 7 50 263 --------- doz. 9 00 299 --------- doz. 12 00 Horse Hair, 250 short handle - - - - doz. 6 60 273 • • - - - - doz. 8 80 409 curved handles - - - doz. 12 00 540 « » _ - - doz. 14 00 Leiner's Friction- - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 • • curved ------ doz. 8 00 Brushes-Hair, American. A very complete assortment, compris- doz. ing all the latest styles ----- Brushes-Hair, Buffalo Horn. An assortment of the latest patterns. Brushes-Hair. 18 00 Celluloid ------------ doz. to 36 00 Brushes-Hair, Florence. No. 1 Infant ----------- doz. 5 25 80 Mirror Back - -- -- -- -- doz. 10 50 100-------------- doz. 20 00 115 - doz. 16 50 180-------------- doz. 10 25 220 ------------- - doz. 12 25 223 Grey- ----------- doz. 10 25 225 ------------- - doz. 13 00 258 Initial - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 13 00 310 ------------- - doz. 11 50 335 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 10 25 335 Mirror Back --------- doz. 11 25 358 Initial - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 11 (Ml 410 doz. 9 75 445 ------------- - doz. 8 50 445 Mirror Back - -- -- -- - doz. 9 75 446 -------------- doz. 10 00 453 Grey - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 8 50 480 ------------- - doz. 8 75 522 ------------- - doz. 11 25 565 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 10 50 622 ------------- - doz. 9 50 658 Initial - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 8 75 doz. 9 50 doz. 8 25 680 ------------- - doz. 7 25 795 -------------- doz. 9 50 825 -------------- doz. 7 25 935- -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 Brushes-Hair, English. An assortment of Gosnell's, Maw's and other makes of our own importation. Brushes-Hair, French. A line variety in all styles and prices, in Maple, Rose, Satin, Tulip and White Woods, specially imported by us, and adapted for fine retail trade. Brushes-Hair, Wire. No. 1 Plain - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 2 Enameled - -- -- -- -- - doz. 9 00 Fancy -------- doz. 10 (X) 7 Rose - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 10 00 4 Peerless - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 12 00 Rubber - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 15 00 Inlaid - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 15 00 Brushes-Hat. doz. American and French ------ 38 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Brushes-Infant. Bone, an assortment ------- doz. Buffalo « » ------- doz. Wood » « ------- doz. Bru sites-Markina. No. 1 Round Cedar Handles ------ doz. 50 2 n n n ------ doz. 60 3 n it a ------ doz. 70 5 II II II ------ doz. 90 6 n a » ------ doz. 1 00 1 to 6 assorted ---------- doz. 70 Brushes-Nail, Bone Handles. 5 Row, --------- doz. 1'50 6 " --------- doz. 1 75 7 » doz. 2 00 8 » --------- doz. 2 75 10 » --------- doz. 3 75 5 Row, with wings ------- doz. 2 00 0 n n n ______ doz. 2 50 7 a a a doz. 3 00 8 " " « ------- doz. 3 75 10 . » . ------- doz. 5 25 Brushes-Nail. Bone Handled, oval, 6 Row - - - - doz. 3 50 8 « ----- doz. 4 50 plain, 6 « ----- doz. 3 75 8 » ----- doz. 5 25 Buffalo Horn 6 « ----- doz. 6 00 Brushes-Nail. Buffalo Handles. 5 Row - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 6 " ----------- doz. 3 50 7 » ----------- doz. 4 25 8 » ----------- doz. 5 25 9 » ----------- doz. 6 75 10 . doz. 9 00 5 » with wings -------- doz. 3 25 6 „ a a - - - - - doz. 4 00 7 » i, , - -- -- -- - doz. 4 75 8 " " a - -- -- -- - doz. 6 50 9// U H - -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 Brushes-Wail, Hotel. Adams & Co., No. 156 ------- doz. 6 00 175 ------- doz. 7 00 202 ------- doz. 8 00 Boxwood, 6 Row --------- doz. 4 50 8 doz. 7 25 Brushes-Nail. Boxwood Handles. 5 Row, with wings -------- doz. 3 50 7 n a n - -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 9 » " a - -- -- -- - doz. 7 25 Brushes-Paint. An assortment at Manufacturer's prices. When ordering, please specify if "All Bristle" or "Mixed" Brushes are re- quired. Brushes-Shaping. No. Badger Hair, Bone Handle, 162 doz. 5 75 doz. 164 doz. 8 00 for the pocket 148 doz. 6 50 150 doz. 7 50 metal ferules 158 doz. 4 00 159 doz. 4 50 160 doz. 5 50 161 doz. 7 00 Wood Handles, - - -154 doz. 4 50 155 doz. 6 00 156 doz. 7 50 Buffalo Handles, - -165 doz. 5 50 166 doz. 6 50 167 doz. 8 00 Bristle, Blain Wood Handle, - - 5 doz. 75 g r* 1 00 g 1 25 Black Enamelled Handle - 123 doz. 75 125 doz. 1 00 126 doz. 1 25 127 1 50 Bl'k Hand'l, Twine ferule - 16 doz. 2 25 19 doz. 3 25 112 doz. 3 50 d () 7 2 1)0 20 2 50 30 doz. 3 66 Bone and Wood Handle - - 105 doz. 1 75 f 17 1 25 1 50 65 doz. 1 75 Brushes-Shoe. A full line, prices ranging from - - - (In ordering, please specify " with or doz. 1 50 to 12 00 V without handles." Brushes-Silver Plate. 1 75 Bone or wood handle, 3 and 4 row - - doz. to 4 50 Brushes-Toilet Sets. 3 00 to Celluloid ___________ set 15 00 Wood - ___________ set 1 00 to 6 00 Brushes-Tooth, English. Maw, Son & Thompson's First Quality only. A large assortment of styles of our own importation, to select from in the following sizes: 3 Row Waxed Backs ------- doz. 1 75 4- ________ doz. 2 50 5- _______ doz. 3 50 Brushes-Tooth, French. A large variety of Lorenzo's and other good French makers, of our own im- portation. Bone - - ___________ doz. Boxwood, ass'd dozens ------ doz. 2 75 Buffalo Horn - -- -- -- -- - doz. Badger Hair - -- -- -- -- - doz. Fancy Handles - -- -- -- -- doz. Brushes-Tooth, French. Pocket No. 113, Boxwood ----- doz. 3 50 - 114, Bone ------- doz. 4 50 - 115, Buffalo ----- doz. 4 00 Brushes- Tithe - -- -- -- -- - doz. 30 Brushes-Varnish. An assortment at Manufacturers prices- Bulbs For Boston Perfumers ------ doz. 6 00 Davidson Syringes, double & single doz. 3 50 Mattson Syringes ------- doz. 6 00 Caeho us-Hooper's. Brass Boxes - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Paper » _ _ _ _ ______ doz. 1 25 Ladies' - ___________ doz. 1 25 Cards-Playing, Goodall's. Steamships ----------- doz. 1 50 Tugboats doz. 1 75 Steamboats - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Highlanders No. 3 - -- -- -- - doz. 2 25 - 1 ------- _ doz. 2 50 Grand Pachas - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 75 Quadrantal Highlanders (round corners) doz. 3 00 Gen. Jackson No. 1 - ------- doz. 3 37 - Sporting- - - - - - doz. 3 37 Columbias, Euchres ------- doz. 3 75 Quadrantal Moguls (round corners.) - doz. 3 50 Golden Gates, Gilt Backs ----- doz. 4 50 - Floral ----- doz. 4 50 Mount Vernons, Illuminated in colors and gold doz. 6 00 Cards-Playing. All makers, at their price. Cases -For Nail and Tooth Brushes. 1 75 Metal - - doz. to 6 00 Cases -Physicians'. VIALS, DESCRIPTION. No. dram. 428 16 2 Morocco Strap, gilt - - - doz. 12 00 528 20 2 doz. 14 00 529 4 24. for the Vest Pocket - - - doz. 6 00 530 30 4 Turkey Morocco Clasp - - doz. 18 00 531 24 1 Slide both ends, Morocco, - doz. 13 00 533 9 24 1 row of Vials, upright, - - doz. 11 00 536 18 24 2 rows • » - - doz. 14 00 437 16 2 Wood'n frame cov'd Morocco doz. 12 00 587 20 2 H It H U doz. 14 00 540 16 14 Sheepskin, sewed - ' - - doz. 10 50 541 20 2 ff H - - - - doz. 12 00 544 16 2 Russet Leather Strap - - - doz. 9 00 644 20 2 fl fl - - _ doz. 11 00 549 16 14 Portmonaie style, - - - - doz. 16 50 580 24 14 4 divisions, nicely gilt - - doz. 24 00 587 16 14 Morocco, sewed, - - - - doz. 11 00 488 18 2 V » _ _ _ _ doz. 12 00 588 20 2 fl H _ _ _ _ doz. 13 00 589 20 4 Morocco, gilt strap - - - - doz. 21 00 590 20 4 Sheepskin, sewed - - - - doz. 20 00 591 18 14 Portmonaie style - - - - doz. 18 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 39 Cases-Physicians. doz. 30 00 No. 594 596 VIALS, dram. 24 2 12 4 DESCRIPTION. Portmonaie style - - - - and 24 2-dram Vials, buggy cases, good Morocco, with handle, ------- doz. 54 00 600 24 2 Gilt numbers, ------ doz. 21 00 601 12 24 and 8 6-dra'm Vials, best Tur- key Morocco, ----- doz. 30 00 602 20 2 Wrapper Cases, ----- doz. 16 00 603 12 2 and 8 4-dram Vials, wrapper- case, - -- -- -- - doz. 18 00 604 10 2 and 7 4-dramVials and 2 1-oz. glass stop, bottles upright case, -------- doz. 26 00 605 8 3 On one side, and 2 pockets for powders on the other side, of best Russia leather - - doz. 27 00 606 16 3 of best Russia leather - - doz. 30 00 608 20 24 Box style ------- doz. 24 00 609 6 3 Wrapper case, red - - - - doz. 12 00 610 20 2 Sewed, red ------- doz. 14 00 611 10 3 Wrapper case, red - - - - doz. 14 00 612 12 3 Wrapper ends, covered - - doz. 14 00 613 10 3 and 14 14 drams, vials red - doz. 22 00 6141 18 3 Imitation Russia - - - - and 1614 dram Vials, 3 folded, doz. doz. 20 00 2 Pockets ------ 26 00 615 24 3 2 Pockets and place for Pow- ders - -- -- -- - doz. 21 00 616 24 3 and 1814 dram Vials,the Vials doz. all upright ------ 24 00 617 10 4 One ounce strong bottles doz. 21 00 corked, Box Style - - - 618 6 and 28 2 dram Vials, 3 folded Imitation Russia - - - - doz. 34 00 619 10 4 14 2 dram and 281 dram Vials, 620 10 4 Imitation Russia, 3 folded, doz. 36 00 621 8 2 Vials, on one side - - - - and 14 2 dram Vials, Imita- doz. 9 00 622 10 4 tion Russia ------ doz. 26 00 623 8 6 Vials, Box Style - » - - - doz. 18 00 624 6 4 long Vials, Wrapper cases, the Vials 5 inch long - - doz. 15 00 Catheters. Best English, ltol2 - - - - - - doz. 1 25 - -13 to 16 ------- doz. 3 00 -Olive Pointed - - - - doz. 5 50 Metal, Flexible - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 Silver, Male - -- -- -- -- - each Female - -- -- -- -- doz. 9 00 Combined - -- -- -- - each 3 00 Silver Plated, Male ------- doz. 12 00 - Female - -- -- -- - doz. doz. 4 50 24 00 Catheter Wires - -- -- -- -- doz. 75 Caustic-in Cases. doz. 1 50 Johnson's Mounted ------- Caustic Holders. H. R. 1 - doz. 4 00 2 doz. 4 50 3 doz. 5 00 7 doz. 6 00 Cement. Brown's Chinese --------- doz. 1 75 Dey's - - doz. 1 50 Dey's, In handsome boxes for the coun- ter, containing 6 doz. Cement and samples of work in glass, marble and box 10 00 wood - ________ - - - Dey's, in 3 doz. boxes with samples box 5 00 Ede's - - doz. 1 75 Freese's - ----------- doz. 1 50 Painters' Diamond - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Chalk Balls. doz. Austin's, one in box ------- 62 4 doz. boxes ------- box 1 00 Pink, one in box ----- doz. 88 Shand's, one in box ------- doz. 63 Pink, one in box ----- doz. 1 00 Chalk. 2 00 Billiard - gross Crayons for Blackboard ------ box 20 Tailors' - box 50 Assorted colors ------ box 70 Chamois Skins. (See page 53) Colojj ne-See "Waters," page 57- Cologne Oil-For making Cologne by mixing with Cologne spirits. L. M. & G's Ballard. ------ lb. 5 00 This Oil is the cheapest in the market. Four ounces to a gallon of Cologne spirits making a good Cologne. L. M. & G.'s Redwood. - _ _ _ _ lb. 7 00 The Redwood Oil makes a Cologne equal to the finest imported, and is used in the proportion of six ounces to the gallon of Cologne spirit. Direc- tions for use accompany each bottle. Combs-Barbers, Buffalo Horn, Black or Blonde. 64 inch, plain, all coarse, or coarse & fine doz. 3 25 7 » * n an doz. 3 75 » n n it n doz. 4 00 8 '• it n un doz. 4 50 64 • quill back • » » doz. 4 75 1 " 11 a n n doz. 5 25 71 » ff tt n H doz. 5 75 S " n h n n doz. 6 25 64 » quill back, narrow, c'se, or c. & f. doz. 2 50 7 * u n n n doz. 3 00 i i " " • • » doz. 3 25 8 " HUH doz. 3 75 Combs-Barbers, Celluloid. White, Amber, Shell, Blue and Coral - doz. 4 50 Combs-Barbers. (Hand, Made.) 6 inch, all coarse, or coarse and fine - doz. 1 40 61 » « n n - doz. 1 50 1 " « n n - doz. 1 60 74 » » » » _ doz. 1 70 8 " II It H - doz. 1 80 Combs-Barbers. (Machine Made.) 6 inch, all coarse, - -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 61 » n n ________ doz. 1 20 7 " " n ________ doz. 1 35 doz. 1 45 8" II n ________ doz. 1 55 Combs-Dressing, Buffalo Horn, Black or Blonde. 6 inch, plain, coarse and fine - - - - doz. 3 50 61 * n n n - - _ _ doz. 3 75 7" " n n - _ _ _ doz. 4 25 74 " « » » _ _ _ _ doz. 4 75 8 « ii n n - _ _ _ doz. 5 00 64 » » all coarse ------ doz. 4 50 7 'I a « ______ doz. 5 00 71 " n n ______ doz. 5 50 8 " » n ______ doz. 6 00 6 » quill back, coarse and fine - - doz. 5 00 61 " » a n - - doz. 5 25 7 " n ii n - - doz. 5 75 71 " i> ii n - _ doz. 6 00 8 n a h n _ _ doz. 6 50 6 ' » c. & f. extra quality doz. 5 75 64 " » n » doz. 6 00 7 » » » ,i doz. 6 50 71 • " n it doz. 7 25 8 » it u n doz. 8 00 64 » • n extra width doz. 7 25 7 " » ii n doz. 7 75 71 * H H II doz. 8 25 8 H II It H doz. 9 25 64 » crook back, coarse and fine doz. 5 75 7 " n n « - - doz. 6 00 'li » It « n - - doz. 6 75 8 t " n h - - doz. 7 25 64 » plain, sloped back, coarse and fine doz. 4 25 7 » » « « » doz. 4 50 71 " n ii n ii doz. 5 25 8 a u n n it doz. 6 25 Combs-Dressing, Celluloid. White, Amber, Shell, Blue and Coral - doz. 7 50 Combs-Dressing. Hard Rubber, Fancy ------- No. 2-7 inch - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 50 2-8 « ----------- doz. 3 00 4-74 „ doz. 1 75 6-8f » ----------- doz. 3 50 9-84 » in slides -------- doz. 4 75 10-5 1 in leather slides ----- doz. 2 50 10-74 " ----------- doz. 2 25 15-74 » doz. 3 75 15-8 , doz. 4 00 15 -84 " ----------- doz. 4 25 18-84 » in slides -------- doz. 5 50 20-94 • » -------- doz. 7 00 22-74 « ----------- doz. 3 25 40 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Combs-Dressing. Hard Rubber. Fancy. No. 25-7 « in slides ------- doz. 3 50 25-8 • ------ doz. 4 00 28-7 - ----------- doz. 3 00 31-71 • ----------- doz. 3 75 33A-8 • doz. 325 35-9 • ----------- doz. 4 75 1 36-8 . doz. 6 00 36-8 • in slides ------- doz. 6 70 36-9 . doz. 7 00 36-9 • in slides ------- doz. 7 70 37-8 . ----------- doz. 3 50 38-7 • ----------- doz. 1 60 . 38-8 . ----------- doz. 1 90 39-6 « ----------- doz. 1 45 39-7 • ----------- doz. 1 75 39-8 - ----------- doz. 2 00 40-71 ' ----------- doz. 2 00 41-81 • ----------- doz. 6 25 42-41 • doz. 1 15 42-7 ■ ----------- doz. 1 40 43-7 • ----------- doz. 1 50 43-8 . ----------- doz. 1 75 44-71 « doz. 1 80 45-7 » doz. 1 60 45-8 . ---------- doz. 1 85 46-8 • doz. 3 75 47-71 « ----------- doz. 2 60 48-8 » ----------- doz. 1 75 49-8 « doz. 4 75 49-9 » ----------- eoz. 5 50 100-5 » in leather slides - - - - doz. 2 50 100-71 » ----------- doz. 2 25 201-6 - ----------- doz. 1 00 201-7 • doz. 1 15 201-8 . ----------- doz. 1 30 Hard Rubber, Plain 27-6 inch - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 125 27-61 ' ----------- doz. 1 35 27-7 • ----------- doz. 1 50 27-71 . doz. 1 65 27-8 ° - - - - doz. 1 75 32-6 . doz. 1 25 doz. 1 50 doz. 1 75 101-5 » - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 55 101-51 . ----------- doz 60 101-6 inch - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 101-61 » doz. 70 101-7 - ----------- doz. 80 101-71 • ----------- doz. 85 101-8 » ------ doz. 90 Hard Rubber, Metallic Backs - - - - 7060-6 inch - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 7065- 61 . doz. 1 65 | 7070-7 » - - - - _ doz. 1 80 7075-71 • ----------- doz. 1 95 7080-8 . - doz. 2 10 Hard Rubber, Imperial. (Expressly for fine retail trade.) D. 7 inch - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 CO B. 8 • ----- doz. doz. 5 50 F. 81 » doz. 6 00 G. » ----------- doz. 6 25 A. 81 » ----------- doz. 6 50 A. 9 « ----------- doz. 7 25 C. 81 . doz. 8 00 Toilet - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 50 Combs-Combination Side. Hard Rubber. NO; 3 Fancy ------------ doz. 2 25 4 Plain - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 5 Fancy ------------ doz. 2 50 8 • - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 25 9 . - doz. 2 85 10 • - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 13 • - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 40 14 • doz. 3 50 15 - ------------ doz. 3 50 16 ■- ------------ doz. 3 50 17 « - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 18 Plain - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 40 19 » ------------ doz. 1 55 24 • doz. 2 30 25 - ------------ doz. 3 00 26 « ----- doz. 4 25 27 • - - - - doz. 3 00 28 * ------------ doz. 3 00 29 • - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 doz. 2 65 20 Centennial - -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 21 ■ - - - doz. 2 25 22 • ---------- doz. 2 50 23 . ---------- doz. 3 65 Combs-Dressing. (Noyes' Metallic Backs.) Narrow Teeth, Brass Baeks. No. 5 inch, 2150 - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 35 5} . 2155 ---------- - doz. 1 55 6 . 2160 ----------- doz. 1 75 61 . 2165 ---------- - Narrow Teeth, German Silver Backs. doz. 2 00 5 inch, 2050 - -- -- -- -- -- doz. I 1 75 51 . 2055 ----------- doz. 2 00 6 . 2060 ----------- doz. 1 2 25 61 . 2065 ----------- doz. 2 50 Medium Teeth, Brass Backs. 51 inch, 3155 ----------- doz. 1 25 6 . 3160 ----------- doz. 1 35 61 » 3165- ---------- doz. 1 50 7 . 2770- - --------- doz. 1 60 71 • 2775 - ---------- doz. 1 80 8 . 2780 ----------- doz. 2 00 Medium Teeth, German Silver Backs. 7 inch, 2670 ----------- doz. 2 50 71 » 2675 ---------- - doz. 2 75 8 . 2680 ----------- Metallic Back, Bidding. doz. 3 00 17 Brass Back - -- -- -- -- doz. 60 1740 » . --------- doz. 75 16 German Silver Back ------ Barbers, Brass Back. doz. 75 7 inch, 2570 - -- -- -- -- -- 71 • 2575 ----------- doz. 1 50 doz. 1 75 8 . 2580 ----------- doz. 2 00 Barbers, German Silver Back. 7 inch, 2470 - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 71 . 2475 ---------- - doz. 2 50 5 . 2480 ----------- doz. 2 75 Combs-Dressing. (Horn.) Swedge Back - -- -- -- -- - 6 inch - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 61 » - doz. 1 20 7 * - doz. 1 35 71 - doz. 1 50 8 . - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 60 Combs-Dressing. Raw Horn. One Inch Teeth - -- -- -- -- 5 inch - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 85 51 • - doz. 90 6 . - doz. 1 00 61 . doz. I 10 7 . ------------- doz. 1 20 71 » ------------- doz. 1 25 8 . - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 35 One and One Quarter Inch Teeth - - 5 inch - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz.. 95 51» - doz. 1 00 6 . ------------- doz. 1 15 61 • ------------- doz. 1 20 7 if ------------- doz. 1 35 71 . ------------- doz. 1 40 8 . doz. 1 50 81 - ------------- Wide Back - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 55 51 inch - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 20 6 . - doz. 1 50 61 . - doz. 1 65 7 . ------------- doz. 1 80 71 . doz. 1 95 8 . doz. 2 10 81 • - - Crook Back, 1 Inch Teeth ----- doz. 2 20 6 inch ------------- doz. 1 50 61 . doz. 1 65 7 . doz. 1 80 71 ■ ------------- doz. 1 95 8 . ------------- doz. 2 10 Crook Back, 1J Inch Teeth ----- 61 inch - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 80 7 • - - - - _ doz. 2 00 71 . ... - - . doz. 2 10 8 . ------------- doz, doz. 2 20 81 . . . . _ 2 30 Combs-Infant, Ivory. 1 25 to An assortment - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 C o m b s-Pocket. 1 25 to Buffalo Horn, Black or Blonde - - - doz. 2 50 1 50 to doz. 4 00 H. Rubber, 3-3 inch ------- doz. 1 50 4-31 * doz. doz. 1 75 2 00 7-31 « - doz. 1 60 8 --------- - doz. 1 00 11 doz. 1 10 Swedge Back, 3 inch ------ doz. 50 ---- 31 « ------ doz. 60 4 , ------ doz. 75 Comb-Cleaners. 1 75 to An assortment - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 41 COMBS-FINE, HARD RUBBER, COMMON WIDTH. No. | 8 | 9 10 i 11 12 1 13 1 14 | 15 | 16 Superfine - - - - - per doz. - 1 45 50 55 1 60 65 1 75 1 85 1 90 95 Super superfine - - per doz. - - - - - 1 50 1 55 60 I 65 1 70 I 80 | 90 I 95 1 1 00 MEDIUM WIDTH AND THICKNESS. No. | 10 1 11 12 I 13 14 15 16 Superfine - - - - - per doz. - - - - I 60 65 75 | 85 90 95 1 00 Super superfine - - per doz. - - - - 70 75 85 | 95 1 00 1 05 1 10 COMBS.-FINE H. R. ASSORTED FANCY PATTERNS, MEDIUM WIDTH AND THICKNESS. No. | 10 11 12 | 13 14 15 i 16 Superfine - - - - - per doz. - - - -------- I 65 70 80 j 85 95 1 00 I 1 05 Super superfine - - per doz. - - - I 75 I 80 90 1 1 00 1 05 1 10 | 1 15 EXTRA WIDE, No. 12 13 14 15 1 16 Superfine - - - - - per doz. ------- ---------- 1 10 1 20 1 30 1 40 1 1 50 Super superfine - - per doz. ------- ---------- 1 20 1 30 1 40 1 50 I 1 60 COMBS-FINE, HARD RUBBER, IMPROVED. 2} inch ------ - - - - - I doz. 1 100 11 3J inch ------ - - - - - I doz. 1 3 - - - - - | doz. 1 1 20 U - - - - - | doz. 1 COMBS-FINE, IVORY, COMMON WIDTH. Inches. If to 2ito2f 2f to 2| 2f to 21 2£to3i 3f to 3f 3f to 3f 3fto3£ 3|to4| No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Superfine - - - - - per doz. ----- 1 10 1 55 2 20 2 45 2 70 2 80 2 95 3 05 3 20 S. Superfine - - - - per doz. ----- 1 45 2 05 2 60 2 90 3 20 3 35 3 60 3 85 4 00 S. S. Superfine - - - per doz. ----- 2 00 2 75 3 45 3 85 4 25 4 85 5 25 5 50 5 60 MEDIUM WIDTH AND THICKNESS. No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Super Med. - - - - per doz. ----- 2 00 3 00 3 75 4 25 4 55 5 00 5 35 5 55 5 75 S. S. - - - - - per doz. ----- 2 75 3 60 4 55 5 20 5 70 6 20 6 60 6 95 7 25 S. S. S. _ _ - _ per doz. ----- 3 25 4 85 6 10 6 75 7 30 8 00 8 60 9 35 9 75 EXTRA WIDTH AND THICKNESS. No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 S. wide - - - - per doz. ----- 3 25 4 05 5 00 5 60 6 10 6 60 7 10 7 60 8 10 S. S. _ - - _ per doz. ----- 4 25 4 85 6 10 6 75 7 30 8 00 8 55 9 20 9 75 S.S. S. _ - _ - per doz. ----- 4 85 6 50 8 10 8 95 9 75 10 55 11 35 12 20 13 00 COMBS-FINE, HORN. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 Fine ------- - - - per doz. - - - - 45 50 55 60 65 70 Superfine ----- - - - per doz. - - - - 40 55 60 65 70 75 Super Superfine - - - - - - per doz. - - - - 55 60 65 TO 75 80 42 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current, Corks-Homoeopathic, XX - These Corks are packed in Bags of o, 10 and 25 gross, when a package of one or more sizes is taken we allow a discount of 10 per cent, from list price. No. 0 - - - - gross 20 1 - - - - gross 22 2 - - - - gross 25 3 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ gross 30 4 - - - - gross 35 5 - - - - _ _ - - - gross 42 6 - - - - 50 7 - - - - gross 70 8 - - - - gross 90 9 - - - - gross 1 00 10 - - - - gross 1 20 11 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - gross 1 40 12 - - - - gross 1 60 13 - - - - - - - - - gross 1 75 14 - - - - gross 1 95 15 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ gross 2 15 16 - - - - gross 2 35 17 - - - - - - - - - gross 2 55 18 - - - - - _ - - - gross 2 80 19 - - - - _ _ - - _ gross 3 05 20 - - - - - gross 3 3;> Assorted, Nos 1 to 6 - - - gross 35 - 3 to 7 - - _ gross 45 Wines. No. 1 25 7, 14 inch long - - - - - - gross 8, » ' - gross 1 40 9, - gross 1 55 10, • « - - - - Corks- Homoeopathic, X - gross 1 75 No. 0 - - - - - - - - - - gross 08 1 - - - - gross 09 2 - - - - - - - - - gross 11 3 - - - - „ _ _ _ - gross 14 4 - - - - - - - - - gross 16 5 - - - - gross 18 6 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ gross 25 7 - - - - _ _ _ _ - gross 35 8 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ gross 45 9 - - - - gross 55 10 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ gross 65 11 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ gross 76 12 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ gross 90 13 - - - - _____ gross 1 00 14 - - - - - - _ _ _ gross 1 15 15 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ gross 1 35 16 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ gross 1 50 17 - - - - _____ gross 1 70 18 - - - - _ _ _ - _ gross 1 90 19 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - gross 2 10 20 - - - - gross 2 30 Assorted, Nos. 1 to 6 - - _ gross 14 - 3 to 7 - - - gross 19 Wines. No. 90 7, 11 inch long - - - - _ gross 8. " " _ _ _ - _ - _ - gross 1 00 9, _ gross 1 12 10, • • - gross 1 25 Corks-.Rubber. No. 1, - - _ 100 6 00 2, - - 100 4 00 3. - - 100 2 50 4, - - 100 1 50 5, - - 100 1 00 6 & 64 - - _ 100 75 24, - - _ 100 3 25 44 - - 100 1 50 54, - - 100 1 00 7, _ 100 75 Assorted dozens in boxes - Corks-Specie or Flat. Measure on top or large end. box 25 1 inch diameter - - - - gross 26 11 H gross 33 14 • » gross 40 If » • gross 46 14 » gross 55 If ' • gross 63 If « » gross 75 lj • » gross 90 2 " " gross 1 00 2f • » gross 1 15 24 . gross 1 25 2f ' If gross 1 40 24 » » gross 1 55 2f • . gross 1 75 Corks-Specie or Flat. Measure on top or large end. 2f inch diameter --------- gross 1 90 2| » • --------- gross 2 15 3 • « » --------- gross 2 30 3|. . --------- gross 3 25 n n - - - - - - - - - gross 4 25 4i ■ • --------- gross 5 40 5 • . --------- gross 6 50 5i " • --------- gross 8 00 6 /r a ' --------- gross 9 65 Cork Borers. Polished Brass, with handle and sharp edges, 6 inches long. No. 137, Set of 6, from i to 13-33 inch diam- eter - -- -- -- -- -- set 2 25 138 Set of 12, from | to 11-16 inch diam- eter - -- -- -- -- -- set 5 00 Cork Handles- Clough's. A, Tinned, 3-8 inch screw - - - gross 1 75 B » 9-16 inch screw - - - Hgross 2 00 0 . 3-4 ' - - - gross 2 25 A, Nickel Plated 3-8 « « - - - gross 3 50 B • • 9-16 • , - - - gross 4 00 C • » 3-4 , - - - gross 4 56 Cork Presses. No. 0 Iron - -- -- -- -- -- - each 30 1 " ------------ each 40 2 , ------------ each 75 3 Solid Brass - -- -- -- -- - each 3 00 4 Nickel Plated - -- -- -- -- each 2 00 Lochman's Patent Notary - _ - - each 1 25 Cork Screws-American. Variety from ----- 1 50 to 4 50 Clough's Ne plus Ultra, handle and doz. screw made but of a single piece of stout wire. No. 1 Steel, 3 inches long ------- doz. 63 1 Nickel 3 • doz. 1 10 2 Steel, 4 • doz. 1 25 2 Nickel 4 « doz. 1 88 Cork Screws-French, on Cards. 1 50 Assorted Bone & Wood Handles - - doz. to 4 50 Cork Screws-Pocket. Clough's Centennial Nickel - - - _ doz. 1 75 French and English, all steel, on cards doz. 1 50 to 3 75 Cork Screws-Pocket. Hard Rubber, No. 1 - -- -- -- doz. 4 00 2 doz. 4 75 Cork Tongs - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 Corn Files-Japanese ------- Cosmctiques. No. doz. 2 75 Bazin's Black, Brown and White, 540 doz. 88 Coudray's 960 doz. 1 00 940 doz. 1 50 941 doz. 2 00 943 doz. 2 50 946 doz. 300 Italian, Black and White, small - - - doz. 1 00 large - - - doz. 2 00 Lubin's Black, Brown and White small doz. 4 50 large doz. 7 50 Pinaud's Black, Brown and White sm'll doz. 1 50 med. doz. 3 00 Pope's Black, Brown and White, small doz. 1 00 1 arge doz. 2 00 Cots, Finger. 50a60 Rubber, Black and White ----- doz. Crayons, (see Chalk page 39) Cream, Cold. Caswell & Hazard's -------- doz. 2 50 Patey's, small - -- -- -- -- large --------- doz. 1 75 doz. 3 50 Vaseline, small - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 doz. 3 60 Winter's Camphorated, (compressible tubes.) - - doz. 1 75 Cream, Shaving. Bazin's Almond and Ambrosial, small doz. 2 50 large doz. 3 25 Rose, small doz. 2 75 doz. 3 50 -- -- in lbs. lb. 1 50 Guerlain's Earthen Jar, small - - - - doz. 5 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 43 Cream-Shaving. doz. 8 50 Guerlain's (earthen jars), large - - - Lloyd's Euxesls - n ----- - doz. 4 75 Taylor's (in mugs) ------- doz. 3 00 Cupping-glasses. doz. 5 00 With Rubber Bulb ------- Bell shape - -- -- -- -- - Oval » ---------- doz. doz. 1 00 1 00 Cups, Drinking. Hard Rubber --------- doz. 3 50 Telescopic - - - - - doz. 5 00 Nile's Patent - - - - doz. 7 00 Metal Telescopic ------- doz. 4 50 silver plated - - doz. 7 50 Cups. Quassia. small ------- doz. 2 75 medium ------ doz. 3 50 large- ------- doz. 4 50 Dental Instruments. From best factories at manufacturers prices. Dishes, Evaporating. Iron, porcelain lined. 6 inches in diameter, 14 pints capacity. each 50 8 « « 2 • - - - each 70 each 80 - each 90 12 « « 6 • - - each 1 20 13 « • 8 « - - each 1 60 14 » « 12 » - - each 2 00 _ each 3 00 18 « • 24 • - - - each 4 00 Dishes,Evaporating. Berlin Porcelain. No. 00, 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- each 25 0, 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- 1, 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- 2, pints - -- -- -- -- - 32 « ---------- each 30 each each each 45 55 85 4, 3 , 5 4- ____ _ - - each 1 00 each 1 30 6, 6 « ---------- 7 8 _____ ____ each 1 75 each 2 25 8,'10 • ---------- 9 12 » ---------- each 2 75 each 3 25 10,14 " ---------- each 4 00 11,20 - ---------- 12,24 . ---------- each 4 50 each 5 00 Drawer Knobs-Porcelain. doz. Plain, 1 to 2 inches in diameter - - - Lettered, 1 to 2 inches in diameter - - doz. Gilt, 1 to 2 inches in diameter - - - - doz. Lettered, 1 to 2 inches in diameter - - doz. Drawer Pulls-Bronzed Iron. No. 12, 44 x 3 inches, with glass labels - 10,54 x34 « » » 16,2 x 4 • • • - doz. doz. doz. 3 50 3 75 3 00 Drawer Pulls-Porcelain. Plain - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Plain, lettered - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Gilt and lettered ------- doz. 4 50 to 5 50 Dressing-For Shoes. (See Blacking, p. K.) Droppers-Medicine. Barnes' - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Perkins' - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 75 Tweed's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Drug Mills. Ames No. 3 - -- -- -- -- each each 6 00 8 00 Enterprise, No. 5 - -- -- -- each each 8 00 16 00 Troemner's Steel ------- each 16 00 Douches. See page 48. Eau Angelique, Belluc's small --------- doz. 7 50 doz. 17 00 Elastic Stockings. 2 50 to Silk- - -- -- -- -- -- - each 7 50 Linen - each 1 50 to Cotton - each 6 00 Elastic Stockings. Indicate the exact measure around the limb in inches,opposite the dotted lines on the cut. We allow for compression. For Stocking to cover the entire limb, measure at A, B, C, E, G, H. For Stocking to reach G, measure at A B, C, E, G. For Stocking to reach D, measure at A, B, C, D. For Knee-cap, measure at D, E, F. Enamel-LareZ's Pearl ------- doz. 1 50 Envelopes-Comb and Tooth Brush. Assorted, 4 tints --------- M 3 50 3 » Fine quality - - - - M 4 00 4 » Extra » - - - - M 4 50 Printed to order for the trade. 1 Envelopes--Letter. 1 50 Buff, Canary and White ------ M to 5 00 Envelopes- Prescription. Best quality, all white or assorted tints. 2 13-16x11-2 inches, 0 ------- M 1 10 2 7-8 xl 3-4 • 1 ------ - M 1 10 3 1-4 xl 7-8 - 2 ------ - M 1 25 Euxesis. Lloyd's for Shaving ------- doz. 4 75 Extracts-Handkerchief. Atkinson's 1 oz. glass or sprinkler tops doz. 6 00 2 » • « » " doz. 12 00 4 » » » » « doz. 22 50 Bayley's Ess. Bouquet ------ doz. 12 00 Lubin's, all odors - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Rimmel's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 7 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's. The sale of these extracts is steadily increasing. They are putup in hand- some styles of uniform strength and great delicacy of odor, and are con- sidered by many to be the best goods in the American market. We spe- ciallyrecommend the "Two ounce" size as being most desirable for re- tailing, the present ruinous compe- tition in " imported" goods leaving no profit to the retailer. L M. & G. 1 oz. assorted odors - - - doz. 5 00 (Put up in neat boxes containing! doz. odors,) assorted to suit customers. L M. & G. Musk, special, 1 oz. - - - doz. 6 00 L M & G., 2 oz. Assorted Odors - - - In ! doz. boxes as above ------ doz. 7 50 L. M. &. G. Musk, Special, 2 oz. - - - doz. 8 00 L. M. & G.'s Extracts in bulk, in Flint G. S. bottles, each bottle containing one pound (184 to 19 fluid ounces of Extract, bottles and stamps inclusive lb. 4 00 Ext Musk "Special," from true Ton- quin Musk, green label ----- lb. 5 00 This Extract is specially prepared for the Handkerchief. 44 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. LIST OF ODORS. Bouquet. OrangeBlossom. Bouquet Anglais. Persian Bouquet. Bouquet Caroline. Patchouly. Bouquet Victoria. Pond Lily. Carnation Pink. Rondeletia. Cedrat. Rose. Clove Pink. Rose Geranium. Frangipanni- Santal. Heliotrope. Spring Flowers. Honeysuckle. Stephanotis. Jasmin. Sweet Briar Jockey Club. Sweet Lotus. Lily of the Valley Tea Rose. Magnolia. Tuberose. May Flowers. Upper Ten. Marechale. V erbena. Millefleur. Violet. Moss Rose. West End. Mousseline. White Lilac. Musk. White Rose. New Mown Hay. Ylang Ylang Night Blooming Cereus. Eye Baths. 2 50 Glass, plain - doz. Glass, cut out - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 Porcelain - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Eye Shades-Silk 3 50 Double - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. Single - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Feather Dusters-See "Brushes Dusting" ® Filters-French, Round. g 3 No. 15- 6 in. diameter -------- pack 25 35 19- 8 ' » -------- pack 30 40 25-9| » « -------- pack 40 50 33-13 " • -------- pack 50 60 40-16 ■ • -------- pack 60 70 45-17 . . pack 70 85 50-19 » ■ -------- pack 80 95 Filtering; Paper-French. Gray ------------- quire 25 White ------------- quire 35 Filter Racks. See page 50. Fitting's-For Nursing Bottles. Burr's - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 50 doz. 2 50 1 50 French Style, fits any bottle - - - - 2 00 Maw's Alex. Porcelain cap ----- Screw » ----- Export Porcelain cap - - - - doz. doz. 2 00 2 00 1 75 6d. Wood top ------- doz. 1 00 Pure Gum - - - 1 50 Perfection • . - - - _ doz. 2 75 Flasks-Chemical. Best Bohemian, round or flat bottoms 1 OZ. ------- doz. 1 25 2 oz. ------- doz. 1 80 4 oz. - -- -- -- doz. 2 00 8 oz. - - - - - - - doz. 3 00 Pint ------- d-oz. 4 00 Quart ------ doz. 5 00 Half Gallon - - - - doz. 6 00 Flasks- Pocket Drinking. Flint glass, with tumbler tops, i pint - doz. 1 25 Diamond • • » • doz. 2 00 Flint glass, • • • 1 » doz. 1 to Leather covered i » doz. 5 00 Ely's leather covered, with metal cups doz. Willow covered, 4 pint ------ doz. 2 50 Pint ------- doz. doz. 3 00 5 00 Flesh Belts or Straps. See Belts page 35. Flesh Gloves-See Gloves, page 46 Friction Mats-For Lighting Matches Plain - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 75 With pocket for matches ----- doz. 1 50 Funnels-Glass fluted. 1 OZ. - doz. 1 00 2 oz. - doz. 1 00 3 oz. - doz. 1 13 4 oz. ------------- doz. 1 25 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Pint - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Quart - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 4 gallon - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 1. - doz. 4 50 Funnels-Glass fluted. 2 gallon - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Assorted to quart - - - ----- doz. 2 00 Plain French, Heavy. 1 OZ.- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 2oz.- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 3 oz. - -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 4 oz. - -- -- -- - doz. 2 25 8 oz. - -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 Pint - ------- doz. 3 (0 Quart ------- - doz. 4 50 i gallon ------- doz. 6 00 Gallon ------- doz. 7 50 Small Tube, 3 in nest - - ----- nest 50 Funnels-Hard Rubber. No. 0, 4 oz. ------- doz. 2 50 1, i pint ------- ----- doz. 3 00 2, 1 » ------- doz. 4 00 3, 1 quart ------ doz. 5 00 Funnels-Porcelain, Perforated, plain inside. No. 00, diameter 11 inches each 3 00 0, • 9 • each 2 25 1, . 7 . each 1 50 2, . 6 each 1 25 3, ' 5 . ----- each 90 Funnels- Wedgewood, Ribbed inside. No. doz. 3 50 1, diameter 3 inches - 2, » 4 3, • 5 4, " 6 * - doz. 4 00 doz. 5 50 doz. 8 00 doz. 12 00 6, • 7i > - doz. 16 50 doz. 21 00 8 9 9 » doz. 24 00 . 10 . - 10, • 11 doz. 30 00 ----- doz. 36 00 Gallipots- White Earth ern. 100 1 55 i OZ. -------- 100 1 70 j oz. - -- -- -- - 100 2 25 i OZ. - -- -- -- - 100 3 60 1 OZ. - -- -- - - - ICO 4 80 <3 OZ. - -- -- -- - 100 7 70 3 oz. - -- -- -- - 100 8 50 4 oz. - -- -- -- - 1 to 4 oz. nested Cup - - gross 4 00 4 50 6 00 1 to 4 oz. • Straight 1 to 8 oz. • » ----- gross Gas Fighters-Houchin's. No. 97, 100 in box, 18 inches in length - - doz. doz. 6 00 3 25 98, 50 9 » 9 « - - doz. 1 75 99, 25 • • • ' - - Glasses-Jfedicine. (See Graduates p. 46) GLASSWARE-GREEN. Round or Fluted Prescrip- tions-Green. i, 1, 2 and 3 drachm - - ----- gross 3 75 I oz. - -- -- -- - gross 3 25 1 * -------- gross 3 75 2 if -------- gross 4 50 3 » - -- -- -- - ----- gross 5 50 4 » - -- -- -- - gross 6 75 6 * - -- -- -- - gross 8 25 8 9 - -- -- -- - gross 9 75 12 » - -- -- -- - gross 12 25 16 • - -- -- -- - gross 15 25 24 » - -- -- -- - gross 19 50 32 » - -- -- -- - gross 24 50 Assorted in 1, 2, 3 and 5 gross boxes gross 6 00 Union or Plain Ovals-Green. 1 oz., Short ----- ----- gross 3 25 It n - gross 3 75 2 • • ----- gross 4 75 3 9 9 - - - - - gross 5 75 4 • , ----- gross 7 00 6 * ' ----- gross 8 50 8 • 9 gross 10 25 10 » ' ----- gross 11 00 12 . . ----- gross 14 25 14 » 9 - - - - - gross 15 75 16 . • ----- gross 17 50 32 9 9 - - - - - gross 25 00 1 • Long ----- gross 3 75 2 • « ----- gross 4 75 3 • » - . - - - gross 5 75 1 » Panel Oval - - - gross 3 75 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Price Current. 45 Union or Plain Ovals-Green. 2 oz. Panel Oval ------- gross 4 75 3 * <r ________ gross 5 75 4 ■ . gross 7 50 Panels-Green. 1 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 3 50 i « ------------- gross 4 00 1 , gross 4 00 li » ------------- gross 5 50 U • ------------- gross 5 50 2 . ------------- gross 5 50 3 • gross 7 00 4 ■ ------------- gross 8 00 gross 9 25 6 » gross 10 25 8, gross 13 00 10. - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 15 50 12 » ------------- gross 17 50 14, - gross 18 75 16, ------------- gross 21 00 20 « - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 23 50 24» - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 26 00 Bulb-neck panels, 50c. per gross ad- vance on above prices. Castor Oils or Lemon Syrups.- Green. 2 oz. ------------ gross 5 50 3, gross 5 75 4 » gross 6 75 5 , ------------ gross 7 50 gross 8 25 7 , ------------ gross 9 25 8 , ------------ gross 10 50 9 » ------------ gross 11 00 10 »' ------------ gross 12 00 12, gross 13 25 gross 15 00 16. ------------ gross 16 00 18, ------------ gross 18 00 20 « ------------ gross 21 00 22 . ------------ gross 23 00 Packing Bottles-Extra Heavy. P. L.-Green. J pint, 9 oz. - -- -- -- -- - gross 12 25 12 oz. ------------ gross 15 00 1 pint, 18 oz. - -- -- -- -- - gross 19 50 1J i 24 oz. - -- -- -- -- - gross 24 00 Quart, 35 oz. - -- -- -- -- - gross 30 00 3 pints - -- -- -- -- -- - gross 40 00 i gallon, 80 oz. --------- gross 55 00 j „ gross 63 00 1 , gross 70 00 2 . ---------- gross 170 00 Wide Mouth, $1.00 per gross extra. Citrate Magnesia-Green. 9 oz. ------------ gross 12 00 i 12 oz. gross 17 75 GLASSWARE-MIXED. Demi joints. Quart - -- -- -- -- -- - each 35 i gallon - -- -- -- -- -- each 45 1 . each 65 z ft ___________ each 85 3 . each 1 05 0 u ___________ each 1 30 Liquor Flasks-Amber or Green. i pint ------------ gross 3 75 Pint - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 5 00 Quart ------------ gross 9 38 Liquor Flasks-Amber, Screw Tops 4 pint - gross 12 00 Pint - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 15 00 Quart - -- -- -- -- -- - gross 18 00 Wines. i gallon, full size - -- -- -- - gross 12 50 5 to the Gallon -------- gross 10 75 5|» > -------- gross 10 00 6 , , -------- gross 8 75 gross 8 25 8 < » -------- gross 7 50 io . . gross 7 50 GLASSWARE-FLINT. Round Prescription-Flint. i OZ. ------------ gross 3 00 1 OZ. ------------ gross 3 75 2 oz. ------------ gross 4 75 3 oz. ------------ gross 5 50 4 oz. ------------ gross 7 00 (.LASSWAUi; FLINT. Kound Prescriptions-Flint. 6 oz. ------------ gross 8 50 8 oz. --------- gross 10 50 10 OZ. --------- gross 12 25 12 oz. --------- gross 13 75 16 oz. --------- gross 16 50 22 oz. --------- gross 21 00 32 oz. --------- gross 28 50 Assorted, 4 to 8 oz. - _ - - gross 6 50 Round Prescrii>tion. Stoppered-Flint. 9 50 | oz. - -- -- -- -- - gross 1, - -- -- -- -- - gross 10 50 2 « - -- -- -- -- - gross 12 00 3 » gross 14 50 4 • - -- -- -- -- - gross 15 50 gross 18 50 8 • - -- -- -- -- - gross 20 00 12 . ---------- gross 26 00 16 " ---------- gross 30 50 32" - -- -- -- -- - gross 42 00 Union or Plain Oval-Flint. 3 00 1 OZ. --------- gross 1 oz. --------- gross 3 00 1 OZ. --------- gross 3 75 2 oz. --------- gross 4 50 3 oz. --------- gross 5 25 4 oz. - - - - . _ gross 7 00 6 oz. -------- gross 8 25 8 oz. --------- gross 10 50 12 oz. --------- gross 14 00 16 oz. --------- gross 17 00 Assorted, 4 to 8 oz. - - - - gross 6 50 French Square Prescription -Flint. 3 25 3 25 4 00 5 00 5 75 1 OZ. ---------- 4 oz. --------- loz. --------- 2 oz. --------- 3 oz. --------- gross gross gross gross gross 4 OZ. ________ gross 7 25 6 oz. _________ gross 9 00 8 oz. ________ gross 11 25 12 oz. --------- 16 oz. --------- 24 oz. --------- 32 oz. - -- -- -- -- Assorted, J to 8 oz. ----- ■ gross gross 14 75 18 50 gross gross gross 26 00 31 00 6 75 Tall French Square PrescrijJ - tion. Wide Mouth lor Pill s -Flint. 3 50 4 25 4 oz. --------- gross gross li OZ. --------- gross gross 5 50 5 50 2 oz. gross 6 25 4oz. --------- gross gross 8 00 9 75 8 oz. --------- gross 12 00 GLASSWAKE-HOM1EOPATHIC i, i and 4 drachm Short Vials - - gross 1 13 1 . » « - - gross 1 25 H * - gross i to 2 « f n - gross 1 50 3 • • ' - gross 2 00 4 n a it - gross 3 00 3 , , , _ - gross 4 00 8 li ii n - - gross 5 00 4, f, 1 and 1 drachm Long Vials - gross 1 13 ana- - gross 1 25 2 „ a n - - gross 1 25 3 • • » - gross 2 00 a it it - - gross 2 50 (5 , , , - - (gross 3 50 8 ' - gross 4 50 Case Vials. | drachm, no brim, extra heavy _ gross 1 25 1 » • « » - gross 1 50 2 « » ' » - gross 1 75 3 • • , , - gross 2 to I a a .a - gross 3 50 6 > ' • • - gross 4 50 8 • « - gross 6 00 GLASSWARE-SHELF. Tincture Bottles-With Inclined or Round Shoulders and Mushroom Stoppers. doz. 1 38 1 oz., height 4 inches - - - 2 oz., » 44 « _ - - doz. 1 50 1 4 oz., » 6 • - - - doz. 2 00 46 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current, GLASSWARE SHELF. 8 oz., height 74 inches - - - - - - doz. 2 40 Pint, » 84 ' . - - - doz. 2 75 If pint, • 9 • . _ _ - doz. 3 00 Quart, • 10 » - - - - doz. 3 00 3 pint, » 12 » _ _ _ - doz. 4 50 4 gall., > 13 • - - - - doz. 5 50 j». 15 » _ _ _ _ doz. 8 00 14 • 17 - - - - - doz. 15 00 2 » » 20 » _ _ _ _ doz. 21 00 3 • • 22 » - - - - doz. 30 00 Salt-Mouth Bottles- With. In- dined or Round Shoulder and Mushroom Stopper. 1 75 1 oz., height 3fin ches - - - - - _ doz. 2 oz., • 44 » - - - - doz. 2 00 4oz.. « 6 » - - - - doz. 2 50 8 oz., » 74 • _ . . - doz. 3 00 Pint, » 84 » _ - _ - doz. 3 50 14 pint, « 9 • - - - - doz. 4 25 Quart, » 10 » - - - - doz. 4 50 3 pint, » 11 » . _ _ - doz. 6 75 4 gall., « 13 " - - - - doz. 7 00 1 » , 15 ...... . doz. 12 00 14 ' . 17 ------ - doz. 20 00 2 » , 20 ------ - doz. 27 00 3 » » 22 - -- -- -- doz. 36 00 Tincture Bottles-Extra Heavy. Round Shoulders and Mushroom Stoppers. doz. 2 50 4 pint, height, 6 inches - - - - 4 « » 74 * doz. 3 (Hi n it 8-j- " - - - doz. 3 50 1 quart » 10 « _ _ _ _ doz. 5 00 4 gallon, » 13 » - - - _ doz. 8 50 1 » • 15 « doz. 14 00 Salt-Mouth Bottles-Extra Heavy. Round Shoulders and Mushroom Stop- pers. | pint, height, 6 inches - - - - - _ doz. 3 00 4 • » 74 » doz. 3 50 1 , . 84 « .... doz. 4 50 1 quart, « 10 » - - - - doz. 6 00 4 gallon, » 13 » . . . . doz. 10 00 1 • .15 , . _ . - doz. 16 00 Tinctures and Salt Mouths of any style desired, made to order with Cut Bottomsand Polished Stoppers, at 30c. per pound. Glaziers' Diamonds. Ebony handle, plain ----- each 3 50 key ----- each 4 50 Ivory handle, plain ----- each 5 50 key ----- each 6 00 Patent Key for Pocket - - - - each 6 00 Plate Glass - -- -- -- - each 12 00 Gloves, Bath. Hair, &c. Califacio - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Dinneford's Horse Hair, Gentlemens - doz. 18 00 Ladies' - - doz. 18 00 Lawrence's Hair, Ladies' - - - doz. 18 00 Gentlemens' - - doz. 18 00 Turkish, AVhite ------- - - doz. 3 50 Brown ------- doz. 4 00 G r a d u a t e s-A m erican. 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 1 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 00 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 5 00 6 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 10 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 12 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 10 00 16 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 12 00 21 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 15 00 32 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 21 00 48 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 28 00 Minim, Tall Shape ------ doz. 3 60 English Style, 1 drachm - - - - doz. 3 60 2 , . ... . - - doz. 4 00 Tumbler ---------- doz. 1 50 G r a d u a t e s-E n gl Ish. Made of the best flint glass, graduated on both sides, and always accurate. 1 drachm, Tall ------- doz. 3 50 1 » Conical ------ doz. 3 50 2 » , ------ doz. 4 50 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 00 loz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 25 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 5 50 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 50 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 7 00 6 oz. - doz. 8 00 Graduates-English. 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 10 50 12 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 14 00 16 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 15 75 32 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 27 00 Graduates tea and tablespoonful doses for family use. Minim, in cases, - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Tumbler ------------ doz. 4 00 In cases - -- -- -- - doz. 6 GO and Minim in cases - - - - doz. 8 (XI Wine Glass Shape, 4 oz. and table-spoon doz. 5 00 « tea and table-spoon doz. 5 (X) drop measure at back doz. 6 00 doz. 6 00 doz. 5 00 Guitar Strings. See " Musical Goods." Inhalers. 9 00 Brown's - - - -- -- -- -- doz. Crumb's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 15 00 Cutler's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 8 50 Hunter's- - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 8 50 Fullgraff s----------- doz. 4 50 Kirkwood's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 24 00 Messer's Tubes for - -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Moyle's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Stafford's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 Ink-Indelible. Barber's Crimson - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Baldwin's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Briggs' - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Hegeman's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 50 Kidder's with preparation ----- doz. 3 00 Livingston's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Tablet - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Payson's ------------ doz. 2 00 Combination- ------ doz. 4 50 Tarrant's with preparation - - - - - doz. 2 75 Ink. 2 50 India, 64 sticks to lb. ------ - lb. Ink-Copying. doz. 5 75 Arnold's, pints - -- -- -- -- doz. 10 50 David's 8 oz- - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 doz. 5 00 doz. 9 00 Ink-Writing. doz. Arnold's Fluid, cones - ------ 50 doz. 1 00 1 . doz. 1 75 1 ■ pints ------- doz. 3 75 doz. 6 00 David's Black. Blue and Violet. doz. 60 Octagon stands - - - - 1 10 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- - doz. 6oz. - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 40 8oz. - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 --- pints - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 doz. 5 00 David's Carmine. doz. 1 50 11.)z.t di aped stands doz. 2 00 doz. David's Red, 1 oz. - -- -- -- - 80 2 oz. - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Ink and Stain Extractor. doz. 1 25 Lawrence's ----------- Issue Peas - -- - -- -- -- - string 35 Jars-Cold Cream. Labels burnt in - -- -- -- -- 4 OZ. » n - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 1 OZ. « » - doz. 1 15 2 oz. • doz. 1 25 Jars. Earthen, flat top, } oz. ------ doz. 88 1 OZ. ------ doz. 88 2 oz. ------ doz. 1 00 4 oz. - -- -- - doz. 1 12 doz. 1 33 16 oz. ----- - doz. 1 50 Jars-Steeple Top. 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 16 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 32 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 (X) Ointment (patch boxes) J oz. - - - - doz. 75 1 oz. - - - _ doz. 88 2 oz. - - - - doz. 1 05 3 oz. - - - - doz. 1 25 doz. 1 50 Jokes. For the Breath - -- -- -- -- doz. 60 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 47 Key Rings. Variety - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 15 to 1 00 Labels. Glass for Tinctures, Salt Mouths, &c. Elegant and durable. A variety of sixteen styles, gallon size and under, doz. 1 50 from - -- -- -- -- -- - to Parties ordering labels for their own bottles should state the circumfer- ence of the different sizes of bottles for which they are intended. Special attention given to the execu- tion of orders for Druggists' Furni- ture Bottles, with either Glass or Gilded Labels. 3 00 Pharmaceutical, for Shop furniture, compiled from U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 2,000 Labels in a book. Gilt -------------- book 15 00 Plain- - -- -- -- -- -- -- Pharmaceutical, shield shape, for Shop book 5 00 Furniture, published by G. W. Aver- ell, compiled from U. S. Pharmaco- poeia and other standard works. 1,200 in a book ---------- book 12 00 600 » • - -- -- -- -- - book 8 00 Labels-Gum, an assortment - - - - - Lancets. box doz. 10 9 00 Evans', genuine - -- -- -- -- Tieman's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 Gum ------------- doz. 9 00 Lancet Cases. doz. 9 00 1 hole - -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 holes - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 12 00 Lily White. doz. 1 50 Alabastrine - -- -- -- -- - Bazin's Spanish - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Enameline, oval, No. 47 ----- - doz. 1 00 46- - - - - - doz. 1 25 45- - - - _ - doz. 1 50 44- _ _ _ - _ doz. 1 75 43- - _ - _ - doz. 2 00 McArthur's ----------- doz. 1 75 Mother of Pearl - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Opera Pearline - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Shand's Alabaster - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Fancy ---------- doz. 1 25 E. Paoli & Go's, Lily White and Com- binations. New goods, and unexcell- ed either in quality or style by any in the market. None Such, small round No. 301 - - doz. 63 med. • • 303 - - doz. 75 large » • 305 - - doz. 90 Elite, small oval, • 307 - - doz. 75 large » • 309 - - doz. 1 00 Bon Ton, small round, » 311 - - doz. 1 25 large, • 313 - - doz. 1 50 Pearl Dust, small oval, » 315- - doz. 1 75 doz. 2 00 Beau Monde, small square, « 319 - - doz. 1 75 large • • 321 - - doz. 2 00 Innocence, small oblong, • 323 - - doz. 1 75 large » • 325 - - doz. 2 00 Rouge, Japan Rose, « 327 - - doz. 1 25 COMBINATIONS. Par Excellence. Lily White, Rouge & doz. 1 75 Puffs, No. 3115 -------- - Water Lily. Lily White, Rouge and doz. 2 00 Puffs, No. 337 -------- - Lily of Cashmere. Lily White, Rouge, doz. 4 00 Tompons & Eyebrow pencils, No. 339 Lint-Patent. lb. Antiseptic Marine - -- -- -- - 50 Taylor's Al, lbs. - OZS. - -- -- -- -- lb. lb. 1 50 1 75 Lip Salve. doz. 88 Austin's Vaseline - -- -- -- - Bazin's - -- -- -- -- -- - Machines-Electro Magnetic. From the retail prices printed below, we give a discount of twenty per cent. doz. 1 50 For cuts of Machines see page 61. No. 2.-Medium, for Family use. Gen- erally ordered by Physicians for Patients - -- -- -- -- each 15 00 Machines-Electro Magnetic. Nickle Plated ----- each 18 00 Hard Rubber cell, extra - - - each 1 50 No. 3.-For Professional purposes each 20 00 Nickel Plated - - - - - each 23 00 Hard Rubber cell, extra - - - each 1 50 Continuous Current Machine. A modi- fication of the "Stohrer" Battery. Sixteen Cells (Glass) ------- each 35 00 (Hard Rubber) - - - - each 39 00 Thirty-two Cells (Glass) ------ each 50 00 (Hard Rubber) - - - each 58 00 Matches- S. & C. Parlor. BOinbox - -- -- -- -- -- gross 2 50 80 " • ----------- gross 2 75 500 » • ----------- gross 15 00 Match Safes. See "Boxes." Medicine Chests. Black Walnut No. 1 ------- each 12 00 Contains32 bottles, with scale, weights, spatula, mortar, and graduate. Di- mensions 15 x 111 x 94 inches. Black Walnut No. 2 ------- each 11 00 Containing 26 bots., &c. Dimensions, 15 x 9f x 9 inches. Black Walnut No. 3 ------- each 10 00 Contains 26 bots., &c. Dimensions, 12x91 x 9 inches. Black Walnut No. 4 ------- each 5 00 Contains 14 bots., &c. Dimensions Six64x8 inches. Meen Fun. Hobbs - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Medicine Tubes. Bent - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 25 Straight - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 25 Mirrors, Hand-American Mahogany. 5 incli Plate, Bevel Edge,Velvet Rings doz. 10 00 54 » « doz. 12 00 6 . . doz. 14 00 doz. 16 00 doz. 18 00 doz. 20 00 doz. 22 00 5 • » • Wood Rings doz. 12 00 doz. 14 00 doz. 16 00 doz. 18 00 7 s < » » doz. 20 00 doz. 22 00 8 » • « • doz. 24 00 Mirrors, Hand-Florence. No. 5, 3f inch - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 00 t;, 4 » - -- -- -- -- doz. 5 00 7, 44 - --------- doz. 6 00 8, 5 • - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 00 8, Plate 5 • - -- -- -- -- doz. 13 00 9, 54 • --------- doz. 8 00 9, Plate 54 > - -- -- -- -- doz. 15 25 10, 6 • --------- doz. 9 00 10, Plate 6 » doz. 19 00 11, 64 « --------- doz. 10 50 11. Plate 61 ■ --------- doz. 23 00 Mirrors, Hand-Imitation Russia. 54 inch Plate - -- -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 6 n tt ---------- doz. 10 00 6| a * ---------- doz. 12 00 7 , „ ---------- doz. 14 00 Mirrors, Hand-Celluloid. Plate, Plain Handle ------- doz. 30 00 » Twist » ------- doz. 33 00 Mahog Rose- Mirrors, Hand- French, Plain. any. wood. No. doz. doz. 1, 14 inch - -- -- -- -- - 1 75 2 00 2, 2 • ---------- 2 00 2 50 3, 24 • ---------- 2 50 3 00 4, 3 . 3 00 3 50 5, 34» ---------- 3 75 4 50 6, 4 » 4 75 5 75 7, 44« ---------- 5 75 7 50 8, 5 " ---------- 7 00 9 00 9, 54' ---------- 8 00 10 50 10, 6 • 9 50 12 00 11, 64 ' ---------- 11 00 14 00 12, 7 « ---------- 12 50 16 50 13. 74 « ---------- 15 00 19 50 14, 8 • ---------- 18 00 21 00 15, 81 • ---------- 21 00 24 00 48 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Mahog Rose- Mirrors, Hand-French Plate.Bevel Edge any. wood 4 inch ---------- 13 00 15 25 44 i. 16 00 17 50 - 18 00 19 50 54 « 19 75 22 50 6 i ---------- 22 50 24 75 61 » 26 00 28 75 Mirrors, Mouth-An assortment. Mirrors, Pocket. Florence, No. 64 Round - - - - - - doz. 2 12 No. 72, Leather Back, with Comb- - • doz. 3 00 73, • ' • » - - doz. 4 00 Mirrors-Stand.' 20 Florence, 3x4 inches - - - - doz. 10 50 40 " 4x5 » - - - - doz. 12 50 59 Leather Back, 4x7 • - - - - doz. 14 00 60 • « 41x74 » - - - - doz. 16 00 61 » • 6x9 " - _ _ - doz. 18 00 62 » " 61x91 - - - - - doz. 20 00 Mirror-Stands. Mahogany for 13 Mirrors - - - - each 6 00 15 . _ - . - each 6 50 Rosewood for 13 » - - - - each 7 25 15 n - - - - each 7 75 Mortars, Glass-A mcrican. 1 OZ. each 30 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- - each 35 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- - each 40 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- - each 45 Large sizes - -- -- -- -- - lb. Mortars, Polished Glass-French. No. Shallow, 100, 2 oz. ------- each 60 101, 4 oz. ------- each 1 (Ml 102, 6 oz. - -- -- -- each I 25 Deep, 103, 3 oz. - -- -- -- - each 4 D 104, 4 oz. ------- each 1 00 105, 6 oz. ------- each 1 25 106, 8oz. ------ - each 1 50 Mortars, Iron-Bell Shape. Pint - each 60 Quart - -- -- -- -- -- - each 1 00 Half Gallon - -- -- -- -- each 1 50 One Gallon- - -- -- -- -- each 2 50 Two Gallon ---------- each 5 00 Three Gallon - -- -- -- -- each 6 00 Four Gallon - -- -- -- -- each 7 50 Mortars, Iron-Goblet Shape. Half Pint - -- -- -- -- - each 45 Pint ------------ each 60 Quart - -- -- -- -- -- - each 75 Half Gallon - -- -- -- -- each 1 25 One Gallon - -- -- -- -- - each 2 25 Two Gallon ---------- each 3 00 Mortars, Wedgewood. No. 0000, 3 in. across top ------ each 35 000, 34 in. ' ....... each 42 00, 34 in. • each 50 0, 4 in. » •-.---- each 56 1, 44 in. » » ----- - each 65 2, 5 in. » each 85 3. 6 in. * each 1 00 4, 64 in. • each 1 25 5, 7 in. • ------- each 1 62 6, 8 in. « each 2 IM) 7, 84 in. • ------- each 2 50 8, 94 in. » ------- each 3 25 9, 104 in. • ------- each 4 00 10, 12 in. f ------- each 4 50 11, 13 in. » »------ each 5 25 12, 14 in. » ------- each e 6b Mortars,German Porcelain-Shallow. 2| in. diameter - -- -- -- - each 35 2f . -------- each 45 34 . each 55 3J . each 67 44 • each 75 4f . - - each 90 54 . - each 1 00 64 » -------- each 1 25 64 ' -------- - each 1 50 74 • each 2 00 8 » each 2 50 Moulds, Suppository. Tin for 4 doz. - -- -- -- -- each 1 00 1 doz. - -- -- -- -- each 1 50 Moulds, Suppository. Blackman's. For 30 Suppositories of 15 grains each - -- -- -- -- each 8 00 Blackman's. For 24 Suppositories of 30 grains each - -- -- -- -- each 8 00 Plaistead's. For 6 Suppositories of 30 grains each - -- -- -- -- - each 3 50 Mucilage. See page 30. Mugs, Shaving. Combination - -- -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 Perfection ---------- doz. 6 00 Williams - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 00 Yankee ------------ doz. 4 00 Musical Goods. Guitar Strings 1st-E (Violin E) - - - bund. 4 25 2d-B (Violin A) - - - bund. 3 85 3d-G(Violin D) - - - bund. 4 65 4th-D ------- doz. 1 00 - 5th-A ------- doz. 1 00 6th-E ------- doz. 1 00 Violin Bridges - -- -- -- -- doz. 75 Resin - -- -- -- -- - doz. 75 Strings 1st-E,bundle of 30 strings bund. 4 25 2d-A » » » bund. 3 85 3d-1) * n h bund. 4 65 Bass G------- doz. 1 00 The above prices are for Stratton's first quality goods; lower grades furnished if required. See page 73. Nail Files. 1 00 Bone, Pearl and Shell. An assortment. doz. to 6 00 Nasal Douches. Hagerty's pints - -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 quarts - -- -- -- - doz. 9 00 Lincoln's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 (X) Pierce's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Thudicum's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 6 75 Needles. Surgeons ----------- doz. 1 00 Night Lights. Houchin's, No. 500 - -- -- -- - doz. 4 25 Nix's - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 75 See also Tapers, page 55. Nipples. Davidson's, No. 20 White ----- doz. 30 21 » large - - - doz. 40 22 • Patent - - doz. 40 23 Pure Gum - - - - doz. 40 24 » » large- - doz. 50 25 White, Swan bill - doz. 25 26 Pure Gum, Patent - doz. 50 29 » » Swan bill doz. 35 doz. 75 French, Red No. 5 - -- -- -- - doz. 35 6 -------- doz. 50 Bell Nose ------ doz. 75 Maw's, No. 5 White ------- doz. 25 6 " -------- doz. 35 8 . doz. 50 5 Pure Gum ------ doz. 35 6 » » ------ doz. 50 Union, White ---------- doz. 30 « large -------- doz. 40 - Pure Gum - -- -- -- - doz. 40 » » large ------ doz. 50 Nipple Shells. Glass - -- -- -- -- -- -- Nipple Shields. Boxwood ----------- doz. 75 doz. 75 with nipple ------ doz. 1 25 Maw's with nipple - -- -- -- - doz. I 50 with tube and nipple - - - - doz. 2 50 Needham's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Nichol's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 30 Pure Gum - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 White Rubber - -- -- -- -- doz. 75 Oil of Cologne-For making Cologne by mixing with Cologne Spirit. Directions for use accompany each bottle. L. M. & G.'s Ballard lb. 5 00 This Oil is the cheapest in the market, four ounces to a gallon of Cologne Spirits making a good Cologne. h. M. & G.'s Kedwood - - - - lb. 7 00 The Redwood Oil is equal to the finest im- ported, and is used, in the proportion of six ounces tn the gallon of Cologne Spirit. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 49 Oils, Hair. American, an assortment ----- doz. 1 25 to 5 50 Coudrav's No. 1015, assorted odors - doz. 3 00 1017, - - doz. 4 50 1018, - doz. 7 50 1019, - - doz. 10 50 Lubin's Antique, small - - - - doz. 7 50 -large - - - - doz. 10 50 Rowland's Macassar ----- doz. 12 00 Societe Hygienique ------ doz. 5 50 Oiled Muslin. 5 yard pieces, 36 inches wide - - - - piece 3 00 Oiled Silk-Best Quality. 5 yard pieces, 25 inches wide - - - - piece 4 50 30 . , - - - - piece 5 50 Maw's 1 yard in box ----- yard 2 50 Pads, Teething-Rubber. Goodyear's Pure Gum - - - - doz. 1 50 Paper-Capping. Assorted Colors ------- quire 30 Plaited Caps, assorted colors & sizes - gross 1 00 Paper-Emery. Nos F, 0. i, 1 and assorted - - - - ream 4 75 Nos. Hand 2 - -- -- -- - ream 6 00 No. 2i- -- -- -- -- -- ream 6 50 Paper-Filtering. (See page 44.) Paper-Prescription Poivder. Dennison's, at his prices. Paper-Test. Litmus, blue and red, in boxes >f 12 books ---------- box 60 Turmeric, in books ------ box 60 Paper-Sand. All sizes - - -- -- -- -- ream 3 00 Paper-Seidlitz. Blue, 19x24 - -- -- -- -- ream 4 25 cut in packs of 1 M. - - - M 75 White, flat cap, 14x17 ----- ream 3 50 cut in packs of 1 M. - - - M 75 Paper-Tissue. Assorted colors, 20x30 ----- ream 2 50 Manilla (W. C.) ------- ream 50 Paper- Writing. Foolscap ---------- ream Initial in boxes, with envelopes one, two and four tints ----- box Letter ----------- ream Note - -- -- -- -- -- ream Paper- Wrapping. Manilla, 24x36, 50 lbs to ream - - - lb. 12 30x40, <to . . - lb. 12 White, 20x36,26 • • - - - - lb. 16 Paper-Gravel, for Bird Cages. Singer's, 12 sheets in pack. Round, 84, 8J-, 9, 9| and 10 inch - - - doz. 1 75 Square, 10, and 74x10 ----- doz. 1 75 Paste, Tooth. Bazin's Charcoal - ------ doz. 2 50 C. & H. Formodenta ----- doz. 4 00 Glenn's Rose - -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 Gosnell's Cherry ------- doz. 5 50 Jewsbury & Brown's, small - - - - doz. 5 00 large - - - doz. 7 50 Pastilles. Coudray's Fumigating - - - - doz. 1 50 Hooper's • _ - - - doz. 1 50 Lewenberg's de Florence - - - doz. 3 75 Rose ------ doz. 3 75 Patent Medicine Wrappers. - - - ream 3 50 Pencils-Camel Hair. See Brushes p- 37. Pencils-Corn. De Grave's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Robinson's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Wyeth's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Pencils. Indelible, Clarke's ------ doz. 2 00 Pencils-Lead. Dixon's - -- -- -- -- -- - gross 5 00 Eagle - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 5 00 Faber's - -- -- -- -- -- - gross 6 00 50 to Pens-Steel. (A variety.) ------ gross 1 50 Pens-Glass. Brigg's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Livingston's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Perfumers-See Atomizers, (page 34.) Percolators. Glass, Quarts - -- -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 -i gallon - -- -- -- -- doz. 9 00 1 , ......... doz. 12 00 2 » --------- doz. 21 00 Tin,} gallon - -- -- -- -- - each 75 i , ---------- each 1 00 1 , each 1 50 2 » each 2 00 4 . each 5 00 Percolating Jars. For receiving Percolates. Graduated in Enamel, from 2 oz. to 4 pts each 1 75 Pessaries. Glass, concave or globular ----- doz. 1 00 Pessaries-Hard Rubber. Bow ------------- doz. 4 00 Concave - - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 50 Horseshoe - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 00 Pessaries. Meig's Ring - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Pessaries-Soft Rubber. Inflated Ring ---------- doz. 5 00 Inflatable Ring with stem ----- doz. 6 00 Oval » • _ _ _ _ - doz. 6 00 Picks, Tooth. Quill Diamond - -- -- -- -- M 3 50 No. 3- ---------- M 1 25 4 M I 50 5 ----------- M 1 75 Wood, double point, 2,500 in box - - box 18 500 » . - - - box 08 Pill Machines. With Rollers, 3, 4, and 5 grs. 12 Pills » » ----- each 5 75 18 « * » - -- -- each 6 75 24 n n n - ... - each 7 75 Maw's Mahogany, with extra heavy brass cutters, 4 and 5 grain, cuts 24 pills - -- -- -- -- -- - each 9 50 Cooper's Patent, making 3, 4 & 5 grain pills by reversing plates ----- each 12 00 Pill Rollers. Boxwood - -- -- -- -- -- each 50 Littlefield's Roller and Cutter - - - - each 1 75 Pill Silverers-Boxwood ------ each 75 Pill Tiles. Graduated, 6x8-------- doz. 9 00 8x10 ------- - doz. 13 50 10 x 12 ------- - doz. 24 00 Pink Saucers - -- -- -- -- - doz. 60 Plasters, Isinglass. Adhesive. Ordinary, see page 31. Husband's - -- -- -- -- -- yard 55 Littlefield's- - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Family, in cases - - _ - doz. 1 75 Robbins' - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 Surgeons' ------- doz. 6 50 Tallman's - -- -- -- -- -- yard 55 Plasters, Bunion-Felt. Maw's, Thick - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Thin ---------- doz. 1 50 Plasters, Corn-Felt. Maw's, Thick - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Thin - -- -- -- -- - doz. | 1 25 Plaster, Court. Behrle's Skin, rolls - -- -- -- - doz. 4 50 envelopes ----- doz. 25 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Plaster-Court. Crown, black, white and flesh - - - doz. 25 Dickman's Arnica - -- -- -- - doz. 75 Tablet ----- doz. 1 50 Mechanics' - - - - doz. 50 Hubbell's Mechanics' ------- doz. 50 Littlefield's Arnica, black, white, flesh doz. 63 Arnica Tablets ----- doz. 1 25 Imperial, black, white, flesh doz. 35 Crown Tablets ----- doz. 75 Robbins', Arnica, black, white, flesh - doz. 75 Tablets - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Imperial, black, white, flesh doz. 35 Parchment ------- doz. 35 Surgeons' Dressing - - - - doz. 1 00 Yard's- - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 35 Plaster Irons. Small - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 75 Large - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 1 00 Pomade. Atkinson's Balsam of White Rose, small doz. 9 00 Bazin's Philocome, small ----- doz. 2 00 medium - - - - doz. 2 75 large ----- doz. 3 50 Colgate's Vaseline, 2 oz. - - - - - doz. 2 00 4 oz. ----- doz. 4 00 8 oz. G. S. Jar - - doz. 9 00 Coudray's, No. 510 Tin Can - - - - - doz. 5 00 „ 511 « ----- doz. 6 00 " 512 » ----- doz. 12 00 « 980 HongroiseGlass- - doz. 3 00 » 981 » China - doz. 4 50 Low's Blue Pot -------- doz. 4 50 Piver's Blue Pot - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Savage's Ursina - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 50 Powder-Depilatory. Bazin's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Powder-Folders. Expanding ----------- each 1 50 Screw - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 3 00 Powder-Hair. Blonde, Diamond, Gold & Silver. Austin's in Gilt Boxes ------ doz. 1 50 in Glass Top Boxes - - - - doz. 2 00 Dorin's in Gilt Boxes ------- doz. 3 50 Powder-Puffs. Eureka or Union - -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 A, very large ------- doz. 5 00 Opera, extra large - -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 D, Ivory handles - -- -- -- - doz. 4 50 C, » » -------- doz. 3 50 1A. . - -------- doz. 4 50 1, » i -------- doz. 3 50 2, Ivory handles --------- doz. 3 00 3, » » -------- doz. 2 50 4, Velvet • -------- doz. 2 25 6, Ivory • -------- doz. 2 00 7, . . -------- doz. 1 75 8, » * ________ doz. 1 35 Powders-Sachet (see also page 1.) Leroy's, in I, i and 1 lb. bottles - - lb. 3 50 Bouquet. New Mown Hay. Bouquet Caroline. Night Bl'gCereus. Bouquet Imperial Patchouly. Clove Pink. Pot Pourri. Frangipanni. Redwood Bouquet Heliotrope. Rose. Jockey Club. Rose Geranium. Kiss-Me-Quick. Santal. Magnolia. Verbena. Marechale. Violet. Millefleur. West End. Mousseline. White Rose. Musk - lb. 7 00 We recommend these Sachets as being unsurpassed in quality by any in the market. The price includes bottles and stamps. Powder-Toilet. Atkinson's White Rose - - Blue Paper (Imitation) - - _ - _ 7 18 Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet - - - - 2 00 Coudray's Blue Paper ------ 1 lb.' ' 35 Pow der -Toilet. Coudray's, Fleur de Riz, No. 2,499 - - doz. 1 25 2.507 - - doz. 2 50 doz. 4 50 Elgin's Phantom, small - - - - doz. 1 75 Fay's Veloutine ------- doz. 3 50 Fehr's Talcum Baby, plain - - - - doz. 1 75 perfumed - - - doz. 3 50 Hunt's Court, round ----- doz. 2 00 triangle - - - - doz. 3 75 Lubin's Fleur de Riz (green box) - - doz. 9 00 Rose - -- -- -- - - - lb. 70 Violet ------- lb. 60 Palmer's Invisible ------ doz. 1 75 Snow White - - - - doz. 1 75 Pozzoni's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 Ramsey's small ------- doz. 88 large ------- Saunders' Bloom of Nihon - - - doz. 1 50 doz. 3 50 Pure White ----- doz. 3 50 Powder- Tooth. Atwood s Sap. Dentifrice - - - doz. 3 50 Brown's Camphorated - - - _ doz. 1 80 Calder's Dentine ------ doz. 1 75 C. & H. Dentine ------- doz. 3 00 Hood's (Metal Cap) ------ doz. 1 75 Johnson's American, small - - - - doz. 1 85 medium _ - doz. 3 75 large - - - doz. 5 50 Lyon's (Dr. I. W.) ------ doz. 1 75 Tablets - - - - doz. 3 50 Rowland's Odonto ------ doz. 12 00 Thurston's, small ------ large ------ doz. 1 75 doz. 3 50 Vincent's Dendan. small - - - doz. 2 00 large - - - - doz. 3 60 Probangs. doz. 1 00 Plain - -- -- -- -- -- Tipped ---------- doz. 1 50 Wire - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Protectors-Chest. doz. Arctic Chamois No 2 - - - - - 4 50 3 _ . _ _ _ doz. 5 25 4 ----- doz. 6 25 Arctic Felt, white or red, No. 2 - - _ doz. 5 50 3 doz. 7 25 4 . - - doz. 9 25 Protectors-Lung. Felt, white or red, No. 3 - - - - - - doz. 13 00 - 4 _ _ _ _ doz. 16 00 Felt and Chamois, small - - - - doz. 7 50 medium - - - - doz. 9 00 large - - - - doz. 12 00 Paragon, small- ------- doz. 15 00 medium ------ doz. 17 00 large- ------- doz. 20 00 Puffs-See Powder Puffs. Puff Boxes-See page 36. Pungents-See Bottles, page 35. R acks-Filtering. Wire, 5 inch - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 7 . doz. 5 00 9 . -------- doz. 7 00 12 . -------- doz. 8 00 Racks-Test Tube. Walnut - -- -- -- -- - each 1 00 Racks-Tooth and Nail Brush. Sherwood's Wire ------ doz. 2 00 see also "Holders." Racks-For W. C. Paper. Sherwood's Wire, small - - - - doz. 5 00 7 00 doz. Rattles-Rubber. No. 1, Embossed - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 2- doz. 2 (X) 3, Two faced - -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 4------------- doz. 2 00 5, Musical - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 6, » with Bells ----- doz. 2 25 Razors. 1 Wade & Butcher'*, a variety. 1 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 51 Kazor Straps. Genuine "Emerson" Elastic. B, 131 inch oval ------- doz. 7 00 C, 13j » semi oval ----- doz. 6 50 D, 12 » oval ------- doz. 6 50 E, 12 • semi oval ----- doz. 6 25 F, 131 • Barber style - - - - doz. 6 50 G, 12 ■ ■ ■ - - - - German Belt. doz. 6 00 No. 1-13 inch Ivory handle - - - - doz. 28 00 2-15 » Iron frame ----- doz. 15 (Ml 3-131 ■ • • ----- doz. 11 00 4-12 . . . ----- doz. 9 00 5-15 . Wood . _____ doz. 10 00 6-13| » * * doz. 6 (XI 7-12 « » » ----- doz. 5 00 8-131 » Single rod ----- Badger's Square. doz. 6 00 No. 1 Your Razor's Choice - - - - doz. 2 00 2 • » » ____ doz. 3 00 3 » * * - - - - doz. 4 50 4 Leather Cases ------- doz. 6 50 Badger's Super Quality. I 101 inch Tablet - ------ doz. 3 00 K 9 » » - doz. 2 50 Q 131 ' Elliptic ------ doz. 6 50 R 12 » i ------ Badger's Patent X. doz. 6 00 XX 12 inch -------- doz. 3 00 X 131 --------- doz. 3 50 XXX 171 doz. 7 00 Retort Stands, (see Stands.) Rings-Teething. Bone Ivory ----------- Rubber, Hard ------- Pure Gum ------ White ------- doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. 1 00 1 75 75 75 50 Rouge. Bazin's Vinegar ------- Coudray's Theatre China Pots, No. 2541 doz. 2 50 2575 4 Dorin's Theatre, paper box » doz. doz. 1 75 2 00 ■ metal » » 9 doz. 5 50 paper * n Dorin's Vinegar, » Paoli's, . 10 42 327 doz. doz. doz. 9 00 1 50 1 25 Sachets. Atkinson's paper, assorted odors doz. 4 00 Leroy s, in bulk. See Powders, paere49. Lubin s, in envelopes ----- 1 oz. vials ------ doz. doz. 7 50 8 50 Salts-Smelling. Bulk, see page 34. Bazin's, No. 723, G. S - - _ _ _ doz. 1 88 Salts of Lemon ------- doz. 75 Saddle Rags. With drawers, 16 G. S. Bottles - 20 > . - - - - - each 10 00 each 11 00 each 12 00 Scales -Counter. Troemner's Single Beam Box Scales. In regard to style, finish and beauty of workmanship they have no superior. EBONY BOX SCALE. Ebony box with gold lines and dial, marble top. No. Diain. of Pans. 0 7 inches 1 8 2 9 Capacity. 10 pounds - - - 15 - - - - 25 » - - - each each each 14 00 16 00 19 00 OILED WALNUT BOX, With maple panels, dial, carved feet and marble top. No. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. 0 7 inches 10 pounds. - - - each 18 00 1 8 15 * _ _ _ each 21 00 2 9 25 • - - - each 24 00 METAL FRAME BOX SCALE. Metal body, gilt frame, white enamel sides, and marble top. No. 0 Diam. of Pans. Capacity. each 25 00 7 inches, 10 pounds - - - - 1 8 15 . - - - _ each 28 00 2 9 25 . . _ _ _ each 33 00 3 10 35 - _ . . _ each 38 00 4 11 45 » _ _ _ _ each 43 00 5 12 60 • - - - - each 48 00 MARBLE BOX SCALES, Made of the Finest Statuary Marble, with! Plate Glass Dial. No. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. 0 7 inches. 10 pounds - - - 18- 15 ... 2 9 . 25 . - - _ each each each 37 00 40 00 45 00 We can also supply these scales in the following styles: Tennessee Marble Box, finely polished, capacity 20 lbs. 9 inch pans - _ _ each 50 00 French Walnut Box, with carved pan- 25 00 els, capacity, 15 and 25 lbs., 9 and 10 in. each and pans- - -- -- -- -- -- - 28 00 Rosewood Box, with ebony mouldings and marble top, capacity, 15 and 25 25 00 lbs., 8 and 9 inch pans ----- each and French Plate Glass Box, pans and in- 28 00 side works nickel plated, bottom of box covered with silk velvet. The entire works of scale can be seen, capacity 20 lbs. 9 inch pans - - - - each 115 00 Nickel Plated Pans for any of the fore- going at 10 per cent, advance. GLASS PRESCRIPTION SCALE CASES. For Prescription Scales. Nicely finished of Oiled Walnut, has double door and hot- [ tom of case finished in fine Polished Mahog- ! any, which is preferable to either Marble . or Glass ------------- each 8 00 52 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. ROBERVAHL SCALES. Style, P. 44. Open beam with lever,i on polished mahogany box with ebony mouldings and fancy marble top. Japanned, with gold lines, gilt indi- cator, and movable brass pans. No. 2 10 in. Pans. 15 lbs. capacity - - - each 10 00 3 8 10 » - - - each 8 00 4 6 » 5 » _ _ - ; each 6 00 No. 1 Brass Pans, 24 inches ------ each 12 00 2 * ,2} » ------ each 14 (X» 3 , 3 . ------ each 16 00 Scales-Prescription. Troemner's Army, on polished mahog- any box, with weights. BECKER & SONS' BALANCES, No. 1, 71 inch beam - -- -- -- -- each 6 CM) 2,51 • - ---------- each 5 00 FOR PHARMACEUTICAL PURPOSES WHERE ACCURACY IS REQUIRED. No 14. Prescription Balance, on French polished box with drawer, drop lever, bows and movable pans. Can be charged up to 2 ounces in each pan. Sensible to 1-50 grain. ------ each 12 50 No. 16. Prescription Balance, No. 14 in French polished glass case, with counterpoised front sliding frame - each 25 00 No. 17. Prescription Balance for 5 ounces in each pan, on French polished box with drawer. Sensible to 1-30 grain - each 16 00 No. 18. Balance, No. 17, in glass case - - No. 19. Balance for 10 ounces in each pan on French polished box with drawer, provided with set screws and level. Sensible to 1-20 grain ------ each 30 00 each 25 00 No. 20. Balance No. 19, in glass case, with sliding frame. Sensible to 1-30 grain, each 35 00 No. 22. Balance for 20 ounces in each pan, on French polished box with drawer, provided with set screws and level, in glass case. Sensible to 1-20 grain - - each 46 00 MARBLE BASE. 8 inch (open beam) Brass - - - _ - each 10 00 10 » • II II - - - each 12 IM) 12 » • n it - - - each 14 00 8 « « » nickel plated - - each 12 00 10 • » n n n - each 14 00 12 * n h h - - - each 17 00 TROEMNER'S DISPENSING SCALE. (New.) Becker's new style Prescription Bal- ance, ebony box, nickel plated pans and glass cover, sensible to 1-30 grain. each 22 no The above balance with drawei be- neath for weights ----- - - each 23 00 Scales-Prescription. German. 4 inch beam, with Horn Pans - - - - each 1 40 5 * " * * it - - - - each 1 85 6* n h a b - - - - each 2 50 i " a n mb- - - - each 3 00 8 " * it " n - - - - each 4 00 10 » " " n H - - - each 6 00 Scales-Physicians' Pocket. Oak Boxes, English, 6 inch beam, of our own importation and of superior quality - -- -- -- -- each 1 25 German, 5 inch beam ----- doz. 7 50 6 If H - - - - - doz. 12 00 - doz. J 5 00 jff n - - - - - Morocco Boxes, 5 inch beam - - doz. 7 00 6 » • - - doz. 8 50 Tin Boxes, 5 inch beam - - - - doz. 7 00 | 6 . • _ _ - _ doz. ; 8 50 Handsomely finished Scale, with 3} inch movable Nickel Plated Pans. Has a side beam on front, with sliding poise; beam divided in grains up to two drachms. Plat- form or shelf is attached to base of scale, in which are fitted separately a set of solid brass weights, 2 oz. down. Scale adjusted to the utmost accuracy. Price ------------- each I 9 00 j The Gram instead of the Troy weights will be furnished when desired. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 53 Scale Pans -For Prescription Scales. Brass - -- -- -- -- -- -- pair 50 Glass - -- -- -- -- -- -- pair 60 Horn - -- -- -- -- -- -- pair Nickel Plated - -- -- -- -- - pair 75 Scarificators - -- -- -- -- - each 4 00 Scoops-Horn. Square Ends, No. 1-------- - 2 -------- doz. doz. 75 1 00 3 -------- doz. 1 20 4 doz. 1 50 Round Ends, No. 1-------- doz. 75 doz. 1 HO doz. 1 20 4 doz. 1 50 Sieves-Brass Wire. Nested, one each of 20, 40, 50, 60, 80 meshes to the inch, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 inches in diameter ------- nest 5 00 Single,10 or 12 in. diam. 20,40 or 50 meshes each 1 00 60 each 1 25 -- 80 each 1 50 Sheeting- Rubber. 3-4 Black, White or Drab ----- yard 1 00 4-4 a * yard 1 25 5-4 ff " " - ~ yard 1 50 6-4 » " ,----- yard 2 00 Shoulder Braces. Dr. Cutter's Ladies' and Gentlemen s - doz. 10 50 Skins. Baudreuche, for Capping ----- doz. 1 75 Skins-Chamois. No. 1 doz. 10 00 2 -------------- doz. 8 50 3--.----------- doz. 8 00 4 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 6 75 doz. 6 00 doz. 5 25 7 ------------- doz. 4 75 8 -------------- doz. 4 25 9 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 10 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 11 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 12 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 13 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 14 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 15 -------------- doz. 1 25 By Kip of 30 skins, 5 per cent, discount on above prices. These skins are of extra quality, fin- ished on both sides, and are suitable for the finest purposes. Skins-Chamois, Oil Finished. No. 1 doz. 7 50 doz. 7 00 3 doz. 6 00 4 - doz. 5 00 doz. 4 25 6 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 25 These skins are of extra quality, dress- ed with oil, and are specially adapted for carriage washing. Skins-Plaster. No. 1 doz. 8 iXt doz. 6 50 Sumac - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 9 00 Skins-Split. No. 1 ------------ doz. 8 00 doz. 6 00 Snuff-Lorillard's. Maccaboy in jars - -- -- -- - lb. Rappee » -------- lb. 90 Scotch in bladders - -- -- -- - lb. Soaps-Carbolic. Buchan's. No. 1 Perfumed boxes of 3 cakes - - - - doz. 2 75 2 Plain • • 3 » - - - - doz. 2 63 3 Perfumed » • 6 • - - - - doz. 1 88 4 Plain ' ' 6 » - - - - doz. 1 80 5 Glycerine » » 3 » - - - - doz. 3 75 6 Camphorated • 3 • - - - - doz. o Soaps-Carbolic. Buchan's. No. 7 Perfumed Bath » 6 » - - - - doz. 1 38 8 Medicinal » 12 » ... - doz. 3 75 9 Dental • 12 » - - - - doz. 1 75 10 Shaving » 12 » - - - - doz. 1 75 11 Disinfecting » 12 » - - - - doz. 1 50 12 Disinfecting, boxes of 6 lbs., 1 lb. bars - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 50 12 Disinfecting, cans of 5 lbs. - - - - doz. 15 00 12 » • 10 lbs. - - - - doz. 30 00 13 American, boxes of 12 cakes - - - doz. I 38 Family, in boxes of 60 lbs., 1 lb. bars - lb. 124 Laundry, in boxes of 60 lbs., 1 lb. bars - lb. 15 Laundry, in boxes of 6 lbs., 1 lb. bars - lb. 16 Soap-Erasive. Bazin's - -- -- ------ doz. 75 Edward's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Soap-Medicated. Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s Juniper Tar - doz. 2 25 Constantine's Pine Tar ------ doz. 1 50 Glenn's Sulphur --------- doz. 1 75 Gouraud's Oriental ------- doz. 3 50 Packer's Pine Tar - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Soap-Shaving Bayley's Spermaceti ------- doz. 6 50 Bazin's Barbers' Bar ------- box 5 00 Brown's Barbers'Bar, 8 in box - - - box I 50 30 lbs. in box - - lb. 18 Buchan's Carbolic - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Calvert's » -------- doz. 2 00 Colgate's Pavonia - -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Guerlain's Round Cake ------ doz. 5 50 Square • ------ doz. 5 00 Oakley's Military - -- -- -- - doz. 38 Pear's Transparent, sticks ----- doz. 3 50 Rieger's » » tin cases doz. 3 75 cakes » « doz. 4 00 Riggs' Military - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 00 Robinson's Crown - -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Vroom & Fowler's Military - - - - : doz. 1 00 Williams' Barbers' Bar, 10 in box - - doz. 3 00 Barbers' Favorite - - - - doz. Yankee - -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Winter's Rypophagon ------ doz. 4 00 Soap-Toilet. Colgate's-Discount 10 per cent. No. 42 Almond. boxes of 6 cakes gross 8 (KI 3 W, Almond Bath, • « 36 » gross 14 (Ml 3 P. » " » • 3 » gross 15 00 161 Almond Flour » » 3 » gross 18 00 66 Aromatic Vegetable, • « 3 • gross 30 00 67 » » « n 8 » gross 20 00 96 Assorted Fine, Honey, Glycerine, Brown Windsor and Elder Flower 1 lb. bars boxes of 24 bars box 4 00 W, Bath, boxes 3 doz gross 14 00 P, » i 3 cakes gross 15 00 5 W. Brown Bath, boxes of 36 cakes gross 3 50 5 P, * n * 3 * gross 15 1X1 91 Cashmere Bouquet • 6 » gross 36 00 159 Century Toilet, boxes of 12 cakes gross 10 00 CCC Brown Windsor « 12 » gross 6 25 - Do., 6 cake packets » 6 doz » gross 6 25 CCC Glycerine, large • 12 » gross 6 25 Do., 6 cake packets » 6 doz « gross 6 25 CCC Glycerine, small •" 36 » gross 3 50 Do., 6 cake packets of 1 gross » gross 3 50 CCC Honey, large boxes of 12 cakes gross 6 25 do., 6 cake packets « 6 doz » gross 6 25 CCC Honey, small » 3 doz « gross 3 50 Do., 6 cake packets »lgross» gross 3 50 133 Eau de Cologne boxes of 6 cakes gross 36 00 64 Elder Flower • 3 » gross 21 00 65 » » '• 3 » gross 15 50 92 » » i lb. bars 2 doz box 4 00 168 Elite (wrapped) boxes of 6 cakes assorted odors ------- gross 18 75 112 Family Toilet, boxes 1 doz. cakes - gross 18 00 172 « Vaseline, boxes of 3 cakes gross 22 50 152 Floating boxes of 3 cakes gross 24 00 162 Gem Toilet, ass d • 12 » gross 4 75 36 W, Glycerine No. 1 • 36 » box 4 25 36 P, " « . 3 » gross 18 00 46 W, " med. « 36 » box 3 50 46 P, ' ' ' 3 ' gross 14 50 37 W, ' No. 2 • 36 • box 2 13 37 P, ' ' • 3 » gross 9 00 94 . J lb. bars, bxs of 2 dozen box 4 00 35 W, Honey No. 1, boxes of 36 cakes box 4 25 35 P, « ' 3 gross 18 00 45 W, » Med. » 36 • box 3 50 4-5 P. a < " 3 1 gross H 50 54 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Soaps-Toilet. box ■ 2 13 No. 10 W, Honey No. 2, boxes o f 36 cakes 10 P, • 3 gross 9 00 93 • ilb. bars • 24 box 4 00 20 Hotel • 36 box 1 25 143 Jockey Club • 3 gross 36 00 70 Marshmallow ■ 6 gross 30 00 116 Medicinal Tar • 3 gross 15 00 134 Nonpareil, large 6 gross 24 00 135 • small » 6 n gross 15 00 169 Nursery • 3 gross 22 50 154 Oatmeal • 3 gross 18 00 143 Olive Palm • 4 gross 20 00 158 • • 3 rgross 15 00 34 W, Palm Bath • 36 box 3 50 34 P, » » ■ 3 gross 15 00 99 Ponclne wrapped 3 gross 24 00 41W, « med. • 36 box 3 00 41P, » 3 gross 13 00 12 « No. 2 36 box 2 25 63 Sand. • 6 gross 7 50 39 Silver 12 gross 8 50 122 A, Sterling « • 36 gross 6 25 122 B, . . 12 gross 6 25 138 Turtle Oil • • 3 gross 18 00 Superfine Soaps wrapped. 4 00 1(H) Rose • 3 doz. 101 Lettuce « 3 doz. 4 00 102 Musk Lavender • 3 t doz. 4 00 104 Rose Geranium • 3 n doz. 4 00 105 Verbena • 3 n doz. 4 (X) 106 Musk 3 doz. 4 00 107 May Blossom • 3 doz. 4 00 108 Spermaceti » 3 doz. 4 00 109 Patchouly • 3 doz. 4 00 147 Violet • 3 doz. 4 00 150 West End « 3 doz. 4 00 151 Frangipanni > 3 doz. 4 00 171 Vaseline • • 3 doz. 2 50 Soap-Toilet, Imported. Brecknell's Skin ----- doz, 1 50 Coudray's Glycerine - - - - - - - doz. 4 50 Guimauve - - - doz. 1 50 Jockey Club - - doz. 4 50 Lettuce - - - - doz. 4 50 Omnibus - - - doz. 2 00 Gelle Freres' Infant - - - doz. 1 50 Monster Pink - doz. 3 00 Low's Br'n Windsor, Jib. bars, 24 in box box 4 50 packets of 3 cakes gross 12 00 Elder Flower, 1 lb. bars, 24 in box box 4 50 No. 4,3 ck's in box gross 22 50 36 gross 21 50 Glycerine i lb. bars, 24 in box - box 4 50 No. 4, 3 cakes in box - gross 22 50 4, 36 • 1 gross 21 50 Honey, i lb. bars, 24 in box - - box 4 50 No. 4, 3 cakes in box - gross 22 50 4. 36 V gross 21 50 Turtle Oil, J- lb. bars, 24 in box - box 4 50 No. 4, 3 cakes in box gross 22 50 -4. 36 It gross 21 50 Lubin's ass'd odors, small, 6 H doz. 4 50 med. 6 > H doz. 7 50 large, 6 Rose, small, 6 cakes in H doz. 10 50 box - doz. 5 50 med. 6 » u doz. 9 00 large 6 » If doz. 12 00 Naldaire's Dog ----- doz. 4 00 Pear's Transparent, cakes - - - - - doz. 3 25 Price's Glycerine, small - - - - doz. 1 75 large - - - - doz. 2 50 Sarg's Wrapped Glycerine - - - doz. 2 50 Liquid • - - doz. 4 50 Yardley's, 3 cakes in box Soaps-Toilet. - _ doz. 2 25 Oakley's Transparent Balls in bulk packed in barrels at net prices. No. 1, about 44 gross to barrel - - - gross 5 00 2, » 34 « - - gross 7 00 8, » 24 » * - - gross 9 00 4, ■ 2 gross 12 00 Transparent Balls, extra perfumed, polished and wrapped. 12 00 1.1 doz. in box ----- 2.1 . . ----- gross gross 15 00 3,1 . . ---__ gross 20 00 00 Transparent Continental Bars gross 5 50 0 - gross 6 50 Is • » • - gross 7 50 1 - gross 8 50 5 » grossi 11 50 7 * - gross 15 00 9 . . - - - gross 24 00 Soaps. Oakley's Transparent Cakes and Tablets No. 35 Round 1 doz. in box gross 6 00 40 Small Crystal 1 » • gross 6 00 45 Medallion « 1 • • gross 6 00 50 Sm all Lily 1 » • gross 6 00 65 Glycerine 1 • • gross 8 00 64 Honey 1 • ■ gross 9 00 70 Large Crystal 1 • « gross 9 50 63 Med. Lily 1 . gross 10 00 55 Glycerine j • » gross 10 50 71 Gauntlet i > • gross 12 50 80 Deer - i • • gross 12 50 85 Glycerine j • « gross 13 50 73 Large Lily j » • gross 15 00 90 Large Glycerine i • « gross 15 00 95 Magnum i » » gross 20 00 Distilled Glycerine bar, } gross in box gross 12 50 100 Glycerine Tablet, 1 doz. in box - - gross 17 00 100 . . 3 « . - - gross 16 00 101 Geranium Tablet, J » • - - igross 17 00 May Flower, containing 50 per cent. pure Glycerine, 3 cakes in box - - - gross 18 00 Oakley's Extra Fine, in wrappers, 3 cakes in box. 220 Aromatic Glycerine ------ gross 18 00 225 Aromatic Honey ------- gross 18 00 230 Pure Old Windsor- ------ gross 18 00 235 Wild Rose ---------- gross 18 00 240 Elder Flower - -- -- -- - gross 18 00 245 Honeysuckle - -- -- -- - gross 18 00 250 Sweet Clover, - -- -- -- - gross 18 00 Two dozen assorted boxes of the above Soap, containing i dozen No. 220 and 1- doz. each of No. 225 to 250 - - - - box 3 00 The above assorted in half poundbars, two dozen in a box ------- box 4 00 Oakley's Oatmeal and Spermaceti, wrapped, three cakes in box - - - gross 18 00 Oakley's Clarified Tar and Glycerine - gross 18 00 Superfine, in wrappers, 3 cakes in box. Golden Hyacinth - -- -- -- - gross 24 00 Spring Flowers - -- -- -- -- gross 24 00 Forget-me-not - -- -- -- -- gross 24 00 Elder Flower - -- -- -- -- - gross 24 00 Turtle Oil - -- -- -- -- -- gross 24 00 Jockey Club - -- -- -- -- - gross 24 00 Wood Violet - -- -- -- -- - gross 24 00 Rose Geranium - -- -- -- -- gross 24 00 The above assorted in fancy boxes con- taining 1 dozen cakes ------ gross 24 00 Pearl d'Orient, 3 cakes n box - - - gross 34 00 La Pompadour - -- -- - - - gross 42 00 Glycerine Boquet - -- -- -- - gross 34 00 Soaps-Robinson's Indexical, Large Oval. No. 1 Pure Honey - -- -- -- -- gross 16 50 2 Pure Glycerine - -- -- -- - gross 16 50 24 White Glycerine ------- gross 18 00 3 Brown Windsor- ------- gross 18 00 120 Turtle Oil - -- -- -- -- - gross 18 00 31 Oatmeal Glycerine- ------ gross 18 00 4 Palm Oil ---------- gross 15 00 34 White Windsor - -- -- -- - gross 18 00 40 Alpine - -- -- -- -- -- gross 15 00 35 Sun flower - -- -- -- -- - gross 18 00 42 Cinnamon - -- -- -- -- - gross 15 00 66 Poncine - -- -- -- -- - gross 18 00 17 Assorted, one box each of above, twelve kinds in wood case - - - case 4 25 124 Almond Meal - -- -- -- - gross 24 00 54 Rice Flour ---------- gross 20 00 148 Bay Leaf - -- -- -- -- - gross 24 00 26 Musk Windsor - -- -- -- - gross 27 00 88 Tar and Glycerine ------- gross 18 00 20 Tar (superfine) - -- -- -- - gross 15 00 84 Tar - -- -- -- -- -- - gross 9 00 6 Sand - -- - -- -- -- - gross 10 50 5 Pumice - -- -- -- -- -- gross 12 00 67 Sawdust - -- -- -- -- - gross 12 00 25 Silver ------------ gross 12 00 7 Dental - -- -- -- -- -- gross 16 50 77 Water's Tooth -------- gross 13 50 73 Bay Rum Shaving ------- gross 9 00 74 Inaexical Shaving ------ gross 11 00 76 Crown Shaving - -- -- -- - gross 12 00 75 Crown Shaving, in boxes, 10 bars - box 2 75 142 Musk Rose, small ------- gross 36 00 150 White Windsor - -- -- -- - gross 13 00 55 Pumice, small - -- -- -- - gross 8 00 86 Bee Hive Bath, large ----,- gross 15 00 91 California Pumice » - ----- gross 6 00 125 BABY ----------- gross 21 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 55 Soaps-Robinson's Indexical, Large Oval. Giant, Honey, 1 lb. cakes ----- Glycerine, I lb. cakes - - - - gross gross 15 00 15 00 15 00 Soaps-Robinson's Indexical, Long Oval. No. 59 Callas - -- -- -- -- gross 9 00 13 Fashion Bouquet ----- irross 13 00 32 Brown Bath ------- gross 13 50 30 Bouquet - -- -- -- - gross 30 00 231 White Honey ------ gross 18 00 43 Cardinal - -- -- -- - gross 10 00 62 Nosegay Honey - - - - - - gross 7 50 63 Nosegay Glycerine - - - - gross 7 50 64 Nosegay Windsor - - - - - gross 7 50 Soap-Tooth. Buchan's- - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Colgate's ---------- doz. 1 50 Robinson's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 38 Thompson's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Spatulas. Bone, ordinary ------- doz. 2 00 Finest assorted - - - - doz. 5 00 Horn, 0 - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 6 - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 d ci 1 00 5 1 00 Steel, Riveted Handles, 3 inches- doz. 2 25 4 , doz. 2 50 5 „ doz. 2 75 6 ■ doz. 3 25 7 . doz. 4 00 8 , doz. 5 00 9 . doz. 7 00 10 . doz. 9 00 12 . doz. 13 50 Steel, Balance Handles, 3 • doz. 2 50 4 . doz. 2 75 5 • doz. 3 25 6 - doz. 3 75 7 ci O 7 4 00 8 « doz. 6 00 . . .. q , 8 00 - - 10 10 00 12 . doz. 14 00 Spatulas-Silver plated with Ivory handle. 3 inches - -- -- -- -- - - each 75 4 , - each 1 00 5 « ---------- each 1 25 Speculums-Glass. Ear, silvered and coated - - - - - - doz. 5 00 Rectum, « • » - - - - doz. 6 00 Vaginal, « • » - - - - doz. 5 00 doz. SPONGE No. of Sponges to lb. or atrinf? 101 Barbers - -- -- -- - 20 - lb. 1 75 Sponge-Bath. No. 102 Medium - -- -- -- - 12 - lb. 2 50 103 Fine - -- -- -- 4 to 5 - lb. 3 50 104 Finest - -- -- -- -- 8 - lb. 4 50 105 Ordinary, assorted small - - 65 - string 4 00 106 Medium, small ----- 25 - string 4 00 107 Fine, small ----- 25 - string 5 00 108 Ordinary, med. and large 20 - string1 5 50 109 Medium, medium - - - - 18 - string 7 50 110 Fine medium - - - - 20 - string 9 00 111 Finest medium - - - - 20 - string 12 00 112 Fine, med. and large 16 - string 13 00 113 Finest, med. and large 15 - string 15 00 Sponge-Carriage or Sheep's Wool. No. 114 Florida, light color - - 4 to 7 lb. 1 75 115 » select - - - - 8 to 10 - lb. 2 00 116 « extra select - - 8 to 10 - lb. 2 25 Sponges-Potters, No. 117 Finest --------- 17 ■ lb. 5 00 Sponge- Reef or Slate. 118 Finest, yellow - - - 80 to 100 - lb. 1 60 Sponge-Surgeons'. No. 119 Ordinary ------ 50 to 60 - lb. 1 50 Sponge-Surgeons'. No. 120 Medium -------- 24 - lb. 2 50 121 Fine ---------- 50 - lb. 3 50 122 Zimoca - -- -- -- - 35 - string 2 00 123 Fine, small and medium - 50 - string 2 50 124 Fine, small and medium - 75 - string 5 00 Sponge-Toitet. No. 125 Duree - -- -- -- - - 20 - lb. 2 00 126 Zimoca - -- -- -- - - 24 - lb. 3 50 127 Zimoca - -- -- -- - - 20 - lb. 4 00 128 Turkey Cup, small - - - each 25 129 « • medium - - each 40 130 > • large - - - - each 85 131 • • ------ - 40 - string 3 75 132 • - 40 - string 6 50 133 • - 50 - string 10 00 134 Formes ------- - 15 - string 12 00 135 Fine Cup ------- - <;) - string 13 00 136 Extra fine Cup ----- - string 16 00 137 Finest Cup ------ - 75 - string 25 00 Sponge Tents, (see page 56.) Spongio Piline. Per square yard ------ yard 7 00 Spoons-Horn, Long Handle. No. 1- ---------- - doz. 75 2------------ doz. 90 3- ---------- - doz. 1 00 4- ----------- doz. 1 25 Spoons-Meclicine. Maw s Porcelain, on foot, graduated for tea, table and dessert spoonfuls - doz. 3 25 Stands-Retort or Funnel. Bronzed Iron ------- each 1 50 Japanned • ------- each 1 25 Squibb's * for general apparatus - each 6 50 Stirring Rods-Glass. 6 inch - -- -- -- -- doz. 40 12* --------- doz. 75 18 , doz. 1 75 Assorted sizes ------ lb. 63 Stationers' Gum-In Boxes. 10, 20, 30, 40,60 pieces to a pound - - - lb. 1 00 Supporters. Bannings' - -- -- -- - each 8 00 Betts', Mrs. ------- doz. 24 00 Elastic, made to order in cotton linen or silk - -- -- -- -- each Fitch's - -- -- -- -- doz. 30 00 London --------- doz. 24 00 Spring, No. 22 - ------ doz. 24 00 Empress Eugenie, No. 31 - - - - doz. 30 00 Suspensories, (see Bandages page 34.) Syringes-Elastic Bag. Delano's Eye and Ear, 1 oz. - - doz. 4 00 2 oz. - - - doz. 5 00 Goodyear's 1, 6 oz. ----- doz. 8 00 -r- 2, 10 ----- - doz. 9 00 3, 18 ----- - doz. 11 00 Vaginal - - - - doz. 11 00 Syringes-Elastic Bulb. Davidson's, 0------- doz. 9 00 1 doz. 16 50 2 ------ - doz. 14 00 3 ------ - doz. 16 00 4, H. R. fittings - - - doz. 22 50 Derby, 2 pipes ------ doz. 4 50 3 , ------ doz. 5 00 Favorite, (De Henrie's.) - - - doz. 12 00 Mattson's Anglo-American - doz. 7 00 Family No. 1 - - - doz. 17 00 Improved Irrigator - - - doz. 17 00 Original ----- doz. 8 50 Vaginal Irrigator - - - doz. 9 00 Richardson's No. 2 - - - - - doz. 7 50 3 ----- - - - doz. 12 00 Syringes-Fountain. No. 1, 1 Pint --------- doz. 16 00 2, 1 Quart - -- -- -- - doz. 18 00 3,2 • -------- doz. 20 00 56 Lazell, Marsh &. Gardiner's Prices Current. ■ - - - Syringes-Glass. Metal capped or corked, same price. No. 00 Male Syringes - - - - - - doz. 60 0 » . _ _ . _ - - doz. 67 ' n n _ _ _ _ - doz. 75 2 » ' - - - - - - doz. 85 1 00 3 « " - - - - - - doz. 4 * _ _ _ _ - doz. 1 20 ;) it s - - - - - doz. 1 50 6 n " - - - - - doz. 2 00 2 oz. Injection - - - - - doz. 2 25 3oz. » - - - - doz. 3 00 4oz. " - - - - - - _ _ _ doz. 3 50 6 oz. » _ . _ . - doz. 4 50 8 oz. » _ _ _ _ - doz. 6 00 1 Female ------ doz. 85 95 2 , ------ doz. 3 n ______ doz. 1 05 4 » ______ doz. 1 20 5 - ------ doz. 1 50 6 u ------ doz. 2 00 Syringes-Cases. Male Metal case, - - - doz. 1 50 Wood • No. 00 - - - _ . doz. 1 00 " 0 - doz. » 1 - _ _ _ doz. 1 50 Syringes-Glass, English. These goods are extra heavy and finely finished, at net prices. Male, | ounce - « - - - . . - doz. 1 00 1 , ----- doz. 1 00 -- | . ----- doz. I 25 Female, 1 ounce - - - - doz. 1 25 1 , _ - - . - . - doz. 1 75 Syringes-Hard Rubber, Female. No. 1 _ doz. 5 doz. 6 00 2, with shield ----- doz. 8 50 3 --------- - doz. 8 00 3, bent pipes, with shield doz. 11 00 4, bent pipes ----- doz. 12 00 4, « » with shield - doz. 16 00 5, » » ----- doz. 15 50 Syringes - Hard Rubber. Male and Injection. No. 00, f oz. ------ doz. 3 75 0, 5. - doz. 5 00 1, 5- ,------ - doz. 5 00 1A, f • - doz. 5 50 IB, f, ------- doz. 6 50 1, Catarrh ------ doz. 8 50 1, Dental ------ doz. 6 00 1, Ear- ------- doz. 8 00 2, f oz. ------- doz. 6 50 3, 1 « - -- -- -- doz. 7 00 3, Long Pipe ----- doz. 9 00 4, 3 oz. ------ - doz. 10 00 4, Bent Pipe ----- doz. 11 00 5, with full set of pipesanale and female doz. 18 50 5, 6 oz. ------- doz. 13 50 5, Bent Pipe ----- doz. 14 50 6, with full set of pipes,male and female doz. 22 00 6,12 oz. - - - - - - - doz. 18 00 Battery, with solid piston - - - doz. 24 00 10, f oz. - - - - - - - doz. 2 75 30, 1 ------- - doz. 6 00 50, 6 - - -- -- -- doz. 11 00 Syringes-Hypodermic. Hard Rubber ----- each 1 50 Glass, graduated - - - each 2 50 German - - - . - - - each 2 50 Upright ------- each 3 00 Med. Fine Syringes- White Metal. doz. doz. 24 oz. Self, in case, 2 Pipes - - - - - 25 00 30 00 16 » » • 16 00 21 00 12 • 14 00 18 00 10 " " " _ - - 12 00 15 00 O II " n 11 00 14 00 6 " » « - 9 00 12 00 4 * * » _ - - 7 00 10 00 24 oz. single, in boxes - - 18 00 24 00 16 » » - - - 12 00 16 00 12 » • - - - 10 00 12 00 10 . - 9 00 10 00 8 * » - - 7 00 9 00 6 " " - - 5 00 7 00 4 . . _ _ - - - - - 4 00 5 00 Med. Fine Syringes White Metal. doz. doz. 2 oz. single, in boxes ------- 3 00 4 00 ] H n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 50 3 00 p. p. 1 00 1 50 F. P., Short, 1 oz. - -- -- -- - 1 75 2 50 Long, 2»--------- 2 00 3 00 24 oz. Horse in wood case ----- 30 (X) 36 » » » 36 00 48 " ' " - - - - - 48 00 Syringe Bulbs. See page 38. Syringe Tubing. See Tubing, page 57. Syringe Valves - -- -- -- -- doz. 20 Tapers. German Floating, 3 months - - - - doz. 50 6 » _ - - - doz. 1 •) Houchin's Monitor No. 580, 3 months - doz. 1 25 570,6 • doz. 1 75 see also Gas Lighters. Taps-Champagne. Lawrence's ----------- doz. 10 00 Maw's Prince of Wales ------ doz. 24 00 Shaler's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 18 00 Tents-Sea Tangle. Hollow - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 Solid - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Tents-Sponge. doz. 1 50 Imported - -- -- -- -- -- Extra quality - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 Test Tubes. 3 inch ------------- gross 2 25 4 » - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 2 50 f) H gross 3 00 6 ii gross 3 50 3 to 9 in., in nests - -- -- -- - nest 50 3 to 7 " " -------- nest 38 3 to 6 » " -------- nest :» 4 to 6 • • -------- nest Thermometers-Clinical or Fever. 4 inch Ivory scale, bent tube, Mor. case each 2 00 6 » » Self Registering - - each 3 00 4 » Contracted, Self Registering, in H. R. cases ------- each 2 00 6 » Contracted, Self Registering, in each 2 50 H. R. cases ------- Thermometers-Tin Case. 7 inch ------------ doz. 2 50 8 , ------------ doz. 2 7.5 10 i - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 25 12 , ---- - - - ----- doz. 4 00 Thermometers- Walnut, Oval Ends. 8 inch - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 00 10 , doz. 9 00 Thermometers -Walnut, Square Ends. 8 inch - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 6 50 10 » ------------ doz. 8 50 Thermometers- Wii I doiv. 8 inch, oval ends --------- doz. 5 50 Tincture Presses-Troem tier'sImproved. each Quart - -- -- -- -- -- -- 4 50 Half Gallon ---------- each 6 50 Gallon - -- -- -- -- -- - each 9 00 Two Gallon - -- -- -- -- - each 12 00 Tin Foil. Thick, in packs of about 14 lbs. - - - lb. 30 Medium, » » • » - - - lb. 40 Thin • » » » - - - lb. 45 Tongue Scrapers. Horn - ------------ doz. 1 50 Ivory ------------- Shell ------------- doz. 3 50 doz. 3 f0 Towelfi-Turkish. Brown, small - -- -- -- -- - doz. 5 50 medium - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 50 large ---------- doz. 7 50 White, small - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 medium - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 large - -- -- -- -- - doz. 9 00 Trix. For the Breath - -- -- -- -- doz. 60 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 57 Tripoli. Mount Eagle - -- -- -- -- - doz. 60 Trusses. 15 00 Cedar Pad, reversible for either side - doz. small, reversible - - - - - Celluloid, a variety both single and doz. 10 00 double - -- -- -- -- -- - 15 00 Chase's, wood pad, genuine, single - - doz. » » • double - doz. 28 00 " » imitation single doz. 12 00 » « • dobble - doz. 24 00 Common « « single ----- doz. 7 00 » • double ----- doz. 14 00 • reversible - - - - doz. 12 00 Elastic, letter A, single, ------ each 3 50 Umbilical - -- -- -- - each 3 50 double ----- each 6 00 French, common - -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 Improved, single ----- doz. 16 to double ----- doz. 24 00 Infant and Youths, a variety - doz. Ivory, Ratchet Pad, single ----- 21 00 double ----- doz. 42 00 Hard Rubber, Riggs' ------- doz. 24 00 Ritter's ------ doz. 24 00 Seeley's, single - - - - doz. 24 00 double - - - doz. 36 00 Marsh's Soft Pad, single ------ doz. 24 00 double ----- doz. 36 00 U, S. No. 121, ball and socket pad for doz. 24 00 either side - -- -- -- -- - Tu bln"--Glass. Hard Bohemian, for combustion - - }J>- 1 00 Soft American - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Tubing-White Rubber. 1-8 inch, 8 inches long, 1 gross boxes - gross 6 IK) 1-8 » in lengths of 12 feet - - - - foot 06 3-16 » ------------ foot 08 1-4 » ------------ foot 10 5_16 , ------------ foot 15 3-8 « ------------ foot 18 1-2 » ------------ foot 22 Tubing, French-Red Rubber. 1-8 inch - -- -- -- -- -- - foot 10 Tubing--B?ack Rubber. 1-8 inch, for nursing bottles - - - - foot 08 Tweezers-Steel. An assortment - -- -- -- -- doz. 37 to 3 50 Twine. Cotton, White - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Flax, No. 9 - -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 12 lb. 45 18 ---------- lb. 35 24 ---------- lb. 35 Linen, Blue - -- -- -- -- - lb. 80 Pink ----------- lb. 90 White - -- -- -- -- - lb. 75 Yellow- --------- lb. 80 Variegated - -- -- -- - lb. 65 Sea Island, small, assorted ----- doz. 75 pink ------ doz. 1 00 large, assorted ----- doz. 1 50 pink ------ doz. 1 50 Dennisons ------- doz. 2 00 Ur inal s-R ubber. Pure Gum, Day, Male - - - No. 101 doz. 12 00 102 doz. 12 00 Female, - - No. 103 doz. 15 00 Day & Night, Male, No. 104 doz. 15 00 French Pattern, brass cocks attached Pure Gum, Day, Male, - - - No. 105 doz. 27 00 Day& Night, Male, No. 106 doz. 36 00 Day, Female, - - No. 107 doz. 30 00 Urinometers. with Test Glass, paper case - - - - doz. 9 00 and Thermometer complete in Morocco case - -- -- -- - doz. 42 00 Vinegar-Aromatic. Bully's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 00 Coudray's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 50 Lubin's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 9 00 Himmel's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Societe Hygienique, small ----- doz. 6 00 Wafers-Medicinal. American Cachets, all sizes - - - - M 1 00 French » small ----- M 1 25 M 1 35 large ----- M 1 50 Maw's round - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 » » small ------- doz. 1 (X) • square, small ------- doz. 1 (X) Square, in packs of 100 ------ pack 1 25 Wash-Tooth. Bonn's Dentifrice, small ----- doz. 6 00 large ------ doz. 10 00 Botot's Dentrifrice, small ----- doz. 7 50 large ----- doz. 10 50 Burnett's Oriental - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Edward's Myrrh - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Delluc's Eau Angelique, small - - - doz. 7 50 large - - - doz. 16 50 Water-California. Lundborg's, small - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 large -------- doz. 6 50 Water- Cologne. Atwood's, trial size ------- doz. 1 75 J pint --------- doz. 10 50 pints - -- -- -- -- doz. 17 50 quarts - -- -- -- - doz. 32 00 Caswell, Hazard & Co's No. 6, 4 oz - - doz. 5 50 doz. 10 50 doz. 16 00 doz. 30 00 Caswell's Verbena, Lavender and Rose Geranium at same prices. Caswell's J. Club and all other odors. J pint doz. 15 00 pint doz. 25 00 Farina, F. M., No. 4711, long - - - - doz. 5 50 short - - - - doz. 5 50 Farina, J. A., long - -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 short ------- doz. 5 (X) wicker, 1 pint - - - - doz. 6 00 * , _ _ . . doz. 9 00 pint - - - - doz. 18 00 quart - - - - doz. 36 00 Farina, J. M., opp. Julichs Platz, long doz. 7 00 short doz. 7 00 wicker, i pint doz. 10 50 pint doz. 21 (X) quart doz. 42 00 Hoyt's German, 6 oz. ------- doz. 7 50 trial ------- doz. 1 75 L., M. & G.'s Redwood, 1 pint G. S. - - doz. 7 50 pint G. S. - - doz. 12 00 quart G. S. - doz. 21 00 W ate r-Florida. Dubois' - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 L., M. &G.'s ---------- doz. 5 50 trial size ------- doz. 1 75 Lanman & Kemp's ------- doz. 5 75 W ater-Lavender. Colgate's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 7 20 Coudray's Ambree, round ----- doz. 7 00 Distilled, » ----- doz. 6 00 square ----- doz. 9 00 Lubin's Ambree, small -»---- doz. 10 00 Distilled --------- doz. 7 50 Provost's Bell ---------- doz. 7 00 Water-Orange Flower. Chiris, small - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 25 medium - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 25 large - -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Water-Rose. Chiris, small - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 medium - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 large - -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 50 Water-Toilet. Colgate's assorted, 4 doz. in box - - - doz. 10 00 Lavender -------- doz. 8 00 Multiflora ------- doz. 10 00 Rosodora ------- doz. 10'0 Violet - -- -- -- -- doz. 10 00 small ------- doz. 5 00 wicker, J pints - - - doz. 12 20 Wax-Sealing. Com. Bottle, red or black, 10 sticks - - lb. 12 Sup. « red, green, yellow or black lb 20 Scarlet, Columbia, ----- 24 sticks lb. 1 60 Am. Congress - - 10x20 • lb. 1 20 Irish Harp - - - - 20 • lb. 1 00 Fine London - - - 26 » lb. 60 Black, Columbia - - - - - 24 « lb. 1 50 Fine London - - - 20 » lb. 60 58 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. W eights--Avoirdupois. Brass, single for Pyramids. i oz. - -- -- -- -- -- each 10 i oz. - -- -- -- -- -- each 2C 1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- each 30 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- each 40 Zinc, in Pyramids. 1 lb. to } oz. - -- -- -- - set 2 00 2 lb. to J oz. -------- set 3 00 4 lb. to i oz. - -- -- -- - set 4 50 Iron, i oz. to 1 lb. -------- set 50 i oz. to 2 lb. set 75 1 oz. to 4 lb. -------- set 1 25 i oz. to 7 lb. - ------- set 2 50 W e igli t s - Prescr iplio) i. Aluminium Grain - -- -- -- - set 50 Becker's "Standard," Troy ounce to I gr set 3 50 ■ 10 grains to 4 grain set 1 50 "Metric," 20 grams to 1 centi- gramme -------- " Metric," 100 grams down to 1 centigramme ----- set 3 50 set 5 50 Brass Coin, drachm to i grain - - - - set 50 Grain - -- -- -- -- - set 10 Metric, 10 gram, to 1 centigramme set 60 Silver Grain - -- -- -- -- - set 1 00 Weights-Troy. Brass, in Walnut Block. 20 oz. down - -- -- -- - set 8 00 30 n . -------- set 10 00 ,50" » -------- set 15 00 Brass, in Cups. --- 32 oz. down - -- -- -- - set 5 00 16 . . -------- set 4 00 8 • • set 3 50 4 u r set 1 50 BLOCKWEIGHTS. Brass, in Walnut Blocks. 1 lb. to i oz -------- set 4 50 2 lb. to I oz. - -- -- -- - set 6 0C 4 lb. to i oz. - -- -- -- - set 8 00 In Ebon v Blocks, extra - - - - set 1 00 Brass, single for Blocks. j oz. - -- -- -- -- -- each 15 i oz- - -- -- -- -- -- each 25 1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- each 35 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- each 50 Nickel, in Walnut Blocks. 1 lb. to | oz. - - - - - - - - set 6 00 2 lb. to } oz. - -- -- -- - set 8 00 4 lb. to I oz. - -- -- -- - set 10 00 Brass, in Pyramids. ---1 lb. to i oz. - -- -- -- - set 3 00 2 lb. to i oz. -------- set 5 00 ■ 4 lb. to 1 oz. - -- -- -- - set 8 00 DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. The preceding list of Druggists' Sundries is but a portion of the many articles which we keep regularly in stock, and to which we invite the critical attention of our customers and of other purchasers of goods in this line. Our stock is well selected, bought at the closest figures, and we car supply purchasers at the lowest market rates. T R U E Persian Insect Powder. FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF BED-BUGS, ROACHES, ANTS, FLEAS, WATER-BUGS AND OTHER VERMIN. L A Z E L L, MARSH & GARDINER, Wholesale Druggists, NTo. IO GOLD STREET, IST.T- The popular notion that this substance is a combination of ingredients, is an error. Genuine Persian Insect Powder is the flowers (ground) of the Pyrethrum Carneum or Pyrethrum Roseum, a plant growing at a high elevation upon the Caucasian Mountains, and possessing in a singular degree, the quality of first stupefying and then killing insects and vermin of every kind, while at the same time it is harmless to man and animals. Persian Insect Powder has long been in extensive use in Asia and Eastern Europe, but only within a com paratively recent period has it been knows in Western Europe or in this country. Our House was one of the first (if not the the first) to introduce it in the United States. As its qualities became known, a large demand quickly sprang up, stimulated by parties who adopted the article, putting it up, however under other names, such as "Magnetic Powder," "Electric Powder," &c. The demand for the powder in Western Europe and this country has increased so much of late, that adultera- tions with the leaves and stems of the plant, as well as with other substances, have become common, and vast quantities of this trash are thrown upon the market. Indisputably many persons on this account have been disappointed in the results they expected. We have, since its first introduction in this country, been largely engaged in importing the Persian Insect Powder, and our long experience has given us unsurpassed facilities for commanding the best Powder obtainable, vizthat ground from the flowers atone. Our instructions to our agents are imperative on this point; and that they have been faithfully followed, is evidenced by the favor with which Persian Insect Powder, bearing our label has always been received. For Terms, see below. LAZELL, MARSH &. GARDINER. PRICES OF LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER'S PERSIAN INSECT POWDER. 4 ounce Bottles, per dozen $2 25 2 " " " " 1 50 4 ounce Bottles, per gross $27 00 2 " " " 18 00 24 ounce Bottles (Hotel size), per dozen 12 00 The most satisfactory results in the use of the Persian Insect Powder, are secured by the use of a Bellows, made for the purpose. The Bellows, filling the air with the powder, compels the inhalation of the fine particles by the insect or vermin, and it is this inhalation, rather than mere contact, that kills them. By it, the Powder can be blown into crevices and recesses, searching out such vermin as would be comparatively secure from a simple strewing by hand. Moreover, the use of the Bellows economises the Powder, making every particle tell. Price of Bellows (Retail, $1 00)$7 50 per doz. 59 COLGATE & CO. Toilet Soaps and Perfumery, We ask special attention to our well known Cashmere Bouquet Soap, the peculiar and delightful perfume of which is so universally popular. We also recommend, as being of unusually good quality and fine perfume, our Rose Soap, Lettuce Soap, Frangipanni Soap, New Mown Hay Soap, Eau de Cologne Soap, Rose Geranium Soap, May Blossom Soap. Violet Soap, West End Soap, Jockey Club Soap, Multiflora Soap, Tonquin Musk Soap, Patchouly Soap, Rondeletia Soap, Sandaline Soap. In addition to the above, and a large assortment of other Fine and Superfine Toilet Soaps, we strongly recommend our HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS: Cashmere Bouquet, Italian Violets, Ylang Ylang, White Rose, New Mown Hay, Jockey Club, Bridal Bouquet, Moss Rose, Lilium Auratum, Bouquet de Caroline, Souvenir, West End, May Blossom, Ess. Bouquet, Rondeletia, And a variety of other favorite odors, in PINT and HALF-PINT bottles. Our Violet Toilet Water, Multiflora Toilet Water, Rosodora Toilet Water and Lavender Flower Water, in half pint bottles, will be found very agreeable and refreshing toilet articles. 60 PURE COD LIVER OIL MANUFACTURED ON THE SEA-SHORE BY US FROM FRESH AND SELECTED LIVERS This Oil is made from fresh selected livers on the sea-coast, and from the great care and skill attending its manufacture, is perfectly pure and sweet, and can be retained by the stomach when all other kinds have failed. It is confidently recommended to the medical profession as the sweetest and purest in market. Prof. Parker, of New York, says ; "I have tried almost every other manufacturer's Oil, and give yours the decided preference." Prof. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachusetts,after a full analysis of it, says: "It is the best for foreign or domestic use." It is made with GREATER. CARE, is sweeter, and has less of the RANCID, unpleasant fish taste and odor than any other made-foreign or domestic. Cod Liver Oil, with Iodine, Bromine and Phosphorus. lodo-Ferrated Cod Liver Oil.-A combination of Cod Liver Oil with Iodide of Iron. Cod Liver Oil with Phosphate of Lime. Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. THE BEST TONIC. Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya Bark (Calisaya Bark and Pyrophosphate of Iron)-A pleasant straw- colored cordial (never before attained), made directly from the- best Calisaya Bark ( from its alkaloids or their salts,) combining the three most valuable tonics, Iron, Phosphorus and Calisaya, without injury to their active tonic properties, in an agreeable elixir, pleasant to the taste and acceptable to the most delicate stomach. Each tea-spoonful contains one grain of Pyrophosphate of Iron, and each pint the virtues of one ounce of Royal Calisaya Bark. Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya with Bismuth. Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya with Strychnia. Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Gentian. Elixir-Phosphate Iron, Quinine and Strychnine. Elixir of Paullinia. Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine. Elixir Taraxacum Comp. Juniper Tar Soap.-The Juniper Tar Soap has been extensively used for a long time, with the greatest success, in Psora, Lichen agrius, Impetigo, Ring-worm, the different scaly affections of the skin, the advance stage of Eczema and Favus. and especially for chapped hands, face, and all roughness of the skin caused by cold weather, or change of temperature. Ferro-Phosphorated Wine of Wild Cherry Bark.-Each Fluid Drachm contains twenty-five grains of the Bark and two grains Ferri-Pyrophospbate. RELIABLE ANIMAL VACCINE. Stored by FRANK P. FOSTER, M. D., We have an arrangement with Dr. Foster by which we receive this Vaccine absolutely fresh. We can furnish it in any quantity desired, either by express, or by mail, if remittance is made to cover postage. Dr. Foster's Animal Vaccine is the only kind that may be said to have the unqualified indorse- ment of the medical profession of New York. QUILL SLIPS (half quill, charged on convex surface, at square-cut end), $0.25 SURGICAL INSTRUMENT DEPARTMENT, Under the direction and personal supervision of W. F. FORD, Instrument Maker to St. Luke's, Mt. Sinai, New York State Woman's Hospitals, Bellevue, and all the other New York Hospitals. MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Surgical, Dental, Orthopaedic Instruments, Catheters, Trusses, Supporters, Silk Stockings, Ear Trumpets, Splints, Anatomical Preparations, Local Anaesthesia Apparatus, Laryngoscopes, Ophthalmoscopes, Hypodermic Syringes, Axilla Thermometers, Etc., Etc. attention given to the Manufacture of Instruments to order, in exact accordance with patterns furnished by Surgeons and Physicians. MANUFACTURERS OF FLUID EXTRACTS. CASWELL, HAZARD & CO., DRUGGISTS CHEMISTS, Factory, 159 & 161 W. 29th St. Broadway, cor. 24th. St., N. Y. 61 SHEPARD & DUDLEY, NEW YORK. Manufacturers of Surgical Instruments and Rubber Goods, MEDICINE CHESTS, SADDLE-BAGS, in variety, and PHYSICIANS' POCKET VIAL CASES. Only Manufacturers in the United States of SEASONED FEVER THERMOMETERS. Warranted absolutely correct. Sea Tangle and Sponge Tents. STEAM ATOMIZERS Hand Spray Apparatus for Local Anaesthesia and Throat Atomization. Trusses, Deformity Apparatus, Pessaries, Electric Medical Apparatus, Elastic Goods in every variety. Illustrated Catalogue of Deformity Apparatus, Misses Pessaries, Urinals, Crutches, Galvanic Batteries, etc., mailed to any address on receipt of 10c. to cover postage. Complete Illustrated Catalogue of Surgical Instruments now in press, and will be ready for distribution May 1st. 62 THE STANDARD ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS For Medical Purposes. Acknowledged to be the Best by the most eminent members of the Medical Profession. GALVANO-FARADIC MANUFACTURING CO. No. 288 Fourth New York. MANUFACTURE FOR MEDICAL USE: Portable Electro-Magnetic Machines, " Galvanic Batteries. Galvano Caustic " Batteries for Hospitals and Dispensaries. And Electrodes of all description. No. 2 Electro Magnetic Machine For Family Use. 16 Cell Galvanic Battery. (continuous current.) Highest Award received from Centennial Exposition, 1876. Send for Catalogue with a Concise and Practical Guide for their UseQ Orders Received and Executed by LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. 63 ESTABLISHED 1844. WILLIAM ROWORTH & SOKS, Successors to SAMUEL W. ROWORTH & CO. Manufacturing Confectioners, AND PROPRIETORS OF BOWORTH'S Renowned Reliable Remedies & Standard Pharmaceutical Lozenges, Brooklyn Suspension Bridge. i 354 Pearl Street. New York. Manufacturers of Strictly Pure Medicated Lozenges for Druggists' Use. Also, the only Manufacturers in the U. S. of TTTZE T2EUTTIE ENGLISH COLTSFOOT ROCK. HE CELEBRATED ENGLISH iBA'Traec PIPE. English Black Currant jujubes, Carbolic Acid Jujubes, Pine Tree Tar Jujubes Diamond Iceland Moss, Licorice, Rose Jujubes, also Jujube Paste in Sheets. ENGLISH BLACK CURRANT LOZENGES English Peppermint Lozenges, Double and Triple Strength. French Chlorate Potash Lozenges. Pastilles de Paris. Dr. Wistar's Cough Lozenges. Santonine, or Worm Lozenges. Bronchial Troches, and all the Officinal Lozenges of the Pharmacopoeias. WHITE ROCK CANDY. Soluble Gum Drops, Extra Horehound Candy, Iceland Moss, Flax Seed, Irish Moss and Bone- set and Hop Drops, and a General Assortment ofthe most Saleable Confectionery. LONDON HOSPITAL LOZENGES. FOR THE THROAT, Made with BLACK CURRANT PASTE, from Dr. MacKenzie's Formulas N.B.-W. R. & Sons manufacture with the greatest care all kinds of Medicated Lozenges, or Troches for Druggists, according to their own Prescriptions, in small or large quantities at very low rates. Homoeopathic Globules, all Sugar. The different sizes always on hand. All our Medicated Lozenges Warranted to contain the Full Quantity of Medicine, of the Very Best Quality Required for each Lozenge. FOR CIRCULAR, Our Goods are for Sale by Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. 64 IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT IN SURGERY. SEABURY & JOHNSON'S Surgeon's Salicylated Isinglass Plaster, APPLIED BI WETTING, AND SPREAD ON STRONG WATERPROOFED COTTON CLOTH. COMBINED QUALITIES. Strength of material.- It is antiseptic, non-irritating, very susceptible to the slightest wetting, very adhesive, quickly' applied, waterproof, applied without heat, does not spoil, warranted to keep good in any climate, any length of time, and sold at a very moderate price. FISH ISINGLASS. For surgical plasters, when perfectly pure, is undoubtedly the best and most innocent of vehicles that can be employed to create adhesion. Heretofore its high cost has prevented its universal use. Recent improvements made by us for the production of perfectly pure gelatine from the fresh fish sounds (a process which effectually removes all fatty, oily, sanguineous, and fibrous matter) have in- duced us to manufacture the above plaster, and since its introduction to the medical world it has been endorsed by the most eminent of operating surgeons. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. For the varied operations of the surgeon in private or hospital practice, this plaster deserves special recognition. It can be applied, almost instantly, without heat. The application of moisture conveyed in any form (the most convenient medium being that of a wetted sponge), causes it to adhere quickly without any danger of displacement If you will carefully wet the surface of the plaster, or pass it through warm or cold water, it will at once adhere firmly and closely. Being waterproof, wounds can be cleaned without redressing, whilst the mild antiseptic action of the incorporated salicylic acid en- tirely prevents putrefaction. It remains serviceable in any climate for years. It cannot spoil. It lasts as long as four or five times the same quantity of the ordinary adhesive plaster, even when this is freshly prepared, and consequently is, without exception, the cheapest and most practical dressing yet produced. It is to be had in 5 yard Rolls, l G inches wide, by 5 yards long. $1.50 per Roll ; and in l yard Rolls. 8 inches wide by l yard long, 40 cents. BELLADONNA PLASTER, U. S. P I±T ZR-TTEZEZEIR, COMBIKATIOTT. Messrs. Seabury & Johnson claim that theirs is the most thoroughly reliable and only strictly officinal Belladonna Plaster ever offered to the medical profession. It is an improvement on other Bella- donna Plasters in several important particulars. First, it is incorporated with the officinal alcoholic extract only. Secondly, it is freed from all stimulating qualities, thereby insuring the uninfluenced sedative action of Belladonna. Thirdly, it adheres with greater tenacity than others. Physicians have been prejudiced in favor of Allen's English Extract ; but recent analysis, fairly conducted by competent chemists, emphatically condemns the Inspissated Extract as a mild and unstable product, representing but one-half or less than one-half of the strength of the U. S. P. Alcoholic Extract of Belladonna. The following result, published in the American Journal of Pharmacy, in April, 1876, page 145, is furnished for your consideration, which indicates the following percentage of Atropia in the respective extracts • Alcoholic Extract Belladonna, U. S. P.2.571 Allen's English Extract1.411 Herring's English Extract1.179 The practitioner, as well as ourselves, has but one choice. Considering these features from a professional standpoint, we offer a Belladonna Plaster which cannot be improved noon. SALIC/LATED SURGEON'S RUBBER ADHESIVE PLASTER. Applied without heat or moisture, unequalled in counter extension. LINT. We shall soon be able to furnish the finest qualities at the lowest market price. SEABURY & JOHNSON, LZTANTTPAOTURERS OZF* Iinproveil India Rubber, Porous. Medicinal, Surgical and Isinglass Plasters of every iescriotion, NEW YORK AND LONDON. 21 PLATT STREET, N. Y. 65 Natural Salt of Pure Sea-Water Extracted by Evaporation. To produce real Sea-water at will, dissolve this Salt in ordinary water at any desired temperature, in the proportion of about six (6) ounces to the gallon. This solution possesses all the health-giving qualities and tonic virtues of natural Sea-water, while it is free from the organic impurities of the surf It is for sale'by all the principal Druggists, and by A. J. DITMAN, Pharmacist, Astor House, Broadway, cor, Barclay Street, New York, RAWSON'S PATENT 3ES XL»j£k S TPIC SELF ADJUSTING U. S. ARMY SUSPENSORY BANDAGES: Fly. 2 Fisr 5 THE ONLY PERFECT ARTICLE EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC Fiff:3 Examined and recommended by the best and most noted Surgeons and Physicians i the United States. Far superior to any Foreign or Domestic production. Heretofore the Suspensory Bandage has been used as an article of necessity. This is an article of comfort, and is fast becoming an indispensable article of gentlemen's attire. Used by scores of people in perfect health for the comfort and pleasure derived from its use. It is a perfect protection while riding, laboring, etc. Many physicians who are in perfect health are using my Patent Suspensory. Size. PRICES. Retail. No. 1. Small, medium and large $1.50. No. Small, medium and large 1.75. No. 2. Small, medium and large 2.00. No. 3. Small, medium and large 3.00. No. 4. Small, medium and large 4.00. o S. E. G. RAWSON, Patentee, - - SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. For sale by Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. 66 HUSBAND'S CALCINED MAGNESIA! MEDAL iWffl IT »S FAIR, NEW YORK. 1853. FIRST PREMIUM SILVER MEDAL awarded by the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; by the Mechanics' Association, Boston; by the American Institute, New York, and by the Maryland Institute. In the report of the Twentieth Exhibition of American Manufacturers, by the Franklin Institute, Pa., it is stated that HUSBAND'S MAGNESIA Is " Belie ee l to be the best in, the United States9' Its superior qualities consist in its being entirely deprived of carbonic acid ; in its freedom from unpleasant taste, smell or other disagreeable property, and without roughness or grittiness to the touch or palate. One teaspoonful of it is equal in strength to three or four teaspoonfuls of the common Calcined Magnesia-thus combining smallness of dose with the most agreeable form in which Magnesia can be administered. ISINGLASS ADHESIVE PLASTER. This PLASTER has been found to be admirably adapted to Strapping after Surgical operations, and as a dressing to either incised or lacerated wounds. It is clean, of easy application, adheres firmly without producing inflam- mation, and being semi-transparent, allows of an examination of the parts without their having to be disturbed by its removal, until, in many instances, the cure is affected. This plaster is not affected by age, and will bear ex- posure to any climate. For sale by Druggists, and by THOS. J. HUSBAND, Jr.. N. W. Corner Third and Spruce Sts., Philadelphia. 67 POND'S EXTRACT, A SPECIFIC FOR INFLAMMATION, BURNS, SCALDS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, WOUNDS, ULCERS, FROZEN LIMBS, RHEUMATISM, HEMORRHAGES, BLEEDING PILES, BLIND PILES, BLEEDING LUNGS NOSE BLEED, HEADACHE, SORE THROAT, CATARRH. Notice to Druggists. We invite the attention of both druggists and people to the following Extract from an Act of Congress, passed August 14th, 1876, which fully protects us, and enacts severe penalties on any who sell as Pond's Extract, or the same as Pond's Extract, or to any who call for Pond's Extract, any imitation thereof. The above is a Friendly Caution to all. "An Act-To punish the counterfeiting of Trade-Mark Goods,, and the sale of or dealing in Counterfeit Trade-Mark Goods. " Those parties dealing in goods 'calculated to deceive the public,' knowing the same to be counterfeit, or not the genuine goods referred to in said registration, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment not more than two years, or both such fine and imprisonment." Part of Sec. 2d. - " That every person who fraudulently affixes, or causes or procures to be fraudulently affixed, any trades-mark registered pursuant to the statutes of the'United States, or any colored imitation thereof calculated to'deceive the public, to any goods of substantially the same descriptive properties as those referred to in said registration," &c., &c. Persons using the term 'Pond's Extract,' in connection with the many weak imitations offered to the public, or selling these imitations as Pond's Extract, are violating the above section. Part of Sec. 3.-"To every person who fraudulently fills, or causes or procures to be fraudulently filled, any package to which is affixed any trade-mark," &c., &c. Those undertaking to refill a Pond's Extract bottle from anything they have in bulk, telling their customers it is the same as Pond's Extract, are guilty of violating the above section. Part of Sec. 8.-"That any person who shall, withintent to defraud any person or persons, knowingly and willfully aid or abet in the violation of any of the provisions of this act, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding fix e hundred dollars, or imprisonment not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment." All those who interfere with a proprietary article in any way, either in representing others as the same, or refilling an original package, or in counterfeiting the trade-mark, or in any way using a name already protected by law, are violating this Act of Congress. List of Prices of Pond's Extract, Toilet Articles and Specialties: Pond's Extract, in cases of 4 doz. each, small . At Retail Per Dozen. | Per Gross. $0 50 $ 4 co $ 45 00 ir tt n 2, n n medium I 00 8 00 90 00 it n n I n tt large... I 75 15 00 180 00 if it Toilet Cream, in boxes of 1 doz. each I 00 8 00 90 00 if n Toilet Soap, « 1 » » (3 cakes in each box.). 0 50 4 co 45 00 n n Dentifrice, » I * ft 0 5° 4 00 45 00 n B Lip Salve, « I " 0 25 2 00 20 00 Catarrh Remedy, « I B 0 75 6 00 65 00 n g Plaster, » 2 » 0 15 1 20 12 00 g g Ointment, « I * 0 5° 4 OO 45 00 a 0 Inhaler, in single boxes I 00 8 OO 90 00 It tt Nasal Syringe, in single boxes.. 0 25 2 OO 22 00 n u Female Sviino'e. n I 00 8 OO 9° 00 >> Medicated Paper, in cases only (100 packages in case) .$10 00 Orders for Toilet Articles and Specialties will be filled assorted as desired, at prices given above, if ordered in packages not less than one half-dozen of any one kind. On assorted lots amounting to S150 00 net, five per cent for cash will be allowed. Drayage charged on any less than ten gross. Prepared only by the Pond's Extract Company, New York and London. 68 Hair Balsam. The BEST preparation ever made for restoring the NATURAL COLOR, LIFE AND BEAUTY TO THE HAIR. It imparts VIGOR to the SCALP, cleanses it, and thor- oughly eradicates DANDRUFF. IT IS UNEQUALLED FOR EFFICACY IN RESTOR- ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR AND LIFE. IT STOPS THE HAIR FALLING by imparting vitality to the roots, and stimulating the healthy action of the scalp; it thus secures the continued growth of the Hair, and prevents baldness and its final loss, which is sure to occur if the falling be not checked. IT IS RICHLY PERFUMED, AND IS AN ELEGANT DRESSING FOR THE HAIR; it renders it soft, beautiful and vigorous, preserves its luxuriance when abundant, and restoresits vitality and life when dry, harsh and decaying. IT CONTAINS COMPONENT PROPERTIES OF THE HAIR THAT ARE NECESSARY TO ITS LIFE, AND WITHOUT WHICH IT CEASES TO GROW AND FALLS OUT. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. Price per Dozen, $7.00. HISCOX &. CO., PROPRIETORS, 163 WILLIAM STREET, N. Y. NTOTE TO TZHE T ZR-A. ZD ZE A want has been felt many years for a Hair Preparation that should, possess restorative prop- erties, and yet be cleanly and agreeable. The proprietors of Parker's Hair Balsam believe that it will fully meet this want, and are advertising it in the most extensive and liberal manner. It is meeting with great success wherever known, and dealers may feel certain that it will please their most fastidious customers. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. The trade supplied by This active and efficient Remedy is sure to prove its necessity in every Household, by its high tonic and invigorating properties, its absolute harmlessness, and its prompt efficacy in removing disorders of the Stomach, Bowels and Breathing Organs. It is certain to cure COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, DIARR- H(EA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, CRAMPS, COLIC, DYSPEPSIA, SOUR STOMACH, HEARTBURN, SEA SICKNESS, FLATULENCE, CHOLERA INFANTUM, and FEMALE WEAK- NESS and IRREGULARITIES, and soothes and quiets the nervous system. It is an invaluable Tonic in all cases of weakness and debility, and produces none of the prostrating effects sure to follow the use of liquors. It is a greataid to DIGESTION, corrects ACIDITY, and surpasses all other remedies in the cure of DYSPEPSIA, CATARRH, BRON- CHITIS, CONSUMPTION, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, MALARIAL FEVERS and COSTIVENESS. As an Appetizer, it is greatly superior to Wines or Liquors, impart- ing Vigor and Strength to the Stomach, without intoxicating. It is a grateful support to the aged and feeble, and is especially valuable to females and children. To the struggling inebriate it is a great aid in his efforts to reform. It is a purely vegetable extract, prepared from the concentrated virtues of various roots, barks and herbs, so compounded as to secure the highest remedial action of each. For full explanation and di- rections, see circular inside. THE MEDICINE FOR EVERY FAMILY PRICES: DOLLAR Size, per doz., $8.00 15 Cent Sample, " 1.20. HISCOX & CO., Proprietors 163 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. TO THE TRADE. This elegant compound is entirely different from anything on the market, and is fast becoming one of the most popular remedies. As a family medicine we believe it to be unequalled, and all dealers in Drugs and Medicines are assured that no effort or expense is being spared to place its virtues prominently before the public. The trade supplied by LAZELL: MARSH & G- _A_ ZR ID 11ST ZE ZR _ 69 KRAFT & HOFFMEISTER, Successors to A. LORENZ. MANUFACTURERS OF METAL SHOW CASES, Nos. 8 & 13 NORTH WILLIAM STREET, N. Y. A large assortment of SILVER, WHITE METAL and WOOD SHOW CASES of the latest improved patterns, constantly on hand. SILVER STORE FRONTS made to order, in any desired pattern, at short notice. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. OVAL. FRONT COUNTER SHOW CASE. No. No. 1. Spring Hinges. Corner Moulding. Top Moulding. Descriptive Price List sent on application. 70 THE DRUGGISTS' CIRCULAR AND Chemical Gazette. This Pharmaceutical Monthly has now been published for twenty-one years. It contains, in large quarto form, 36 pages, filled with interesting Pharmaceutical and general scientific matter of a practical character; a full and correct PRICE-CURRENT, and a large variety of advertisements, that to apothecaries, are of first-rate business value. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE is $1.60 a Year, free of Postage. Payment required in advance. We submit a few specimens of Testimonials from subscribers, picked indifferently from a large mass of similar friendly letters. It is better that "constant readers'' should speak for us than we should offend good taste by boasting of our own modest merits. We find your paper very interesting and useful.- CHAS. A. FRASER & Co., Porto Plato, St. Domingo. Having taken The Druggists' Circular for the last nine years, I have become so much attached to it that I should feel the loss of it very seriously. I really think it has done more to elevate the stan- dard of the profession than all others combined. Trusting you may succeed as well in the future as in the past, I am, etc.- NEWTON J. FORY, Oneonta, N. Y. To the country physician, who is, of necessity, his own druggist and apothecary, your paper is of great value. With best wishes, I am, etc.- J. H. McMAHON, M. D., La Vernia, Texas. Enclosed, please find my twentieth annual sub- scription to The Druggists' Circular, am getting advancedin years, (72) but take as much pleasure in reading your paper, as ever.- G. PA ULL, Detroit, Michigan. Enclosed, please find check for five dollars, to be placed to my credit on subscription list of your very valuable Journal. The Druggists' Circular, I think, every number, is worth to me more than the year's subscription.- E. L. BOGGS, Charleston, W. Va. Enclosed, please find money order to renew our subscription toyour valuable Journal. Weconsider it indispensable to us.- FICKLUR PALMER, Washington, Ga. The Circular is a most valuable paper. I have every copy since I first began to take it in 1871, Would no more be without it, than without bread. L. S. STOLL, Arcadia, Iowa. I would as soon try to get along without an assis- tant, as to do without the Circular.- J. P. PRIMLEY, Elkhart, Indiana. I consider it the best and cheapest of all the Journ- als I take.- J. S. TUFTS, Plymouth, N. H. All the druggists in this section of the country with whom we are acquainted, are subscribers to your valuable paper, and like ourselves, would be lost without it.- SWIFT & BRO., Volcano, W. Va. Please allow me to congratulate you over the manner in which you conduct the Circular and embody within its pages so much useful and valu- able information. When I entered into the Drug business, nearly ten years ago, I became a subscri- ber to the Circular, and have not missed a number since. I am a subscriber to many other similar publications, but "The Druggists' Circular and Chemical Gazette" stands without a successful rival in my estimation. May the new volume see it in a more prosperous condition than ever, and find many new readers to be benefltted by its valuable instruction.- H. P. HAYES, Buffalo, N. Y. Allow me to state, that I would not do without your very valuable and interesting Journal for twenty times the amount of subscription.- xS. S. HOLLAND, Pittsburgh, Pa. I cannot spend $1.60 to better advantage than by sending it to you to renew my subscription for The Druggists' Circular for 1878.- CHAS. A. WEIDEMANN, Phila., Pa. Although no longer in the drug business, I am still much interested in its advancement; constant reader of your most valuable paper, from its birth, less the first year. I think I could not do without it.- M. KOVACS, N. Kanizsa, Hungary. Having taken the Circular for years, it lias become a necessity to me, and I wish you abundant success in its continuance.- •I. G. NORTHCRAFT, Abilene, Kansas. I cannot carry on the Drug business successfully without The Druggists' Circular.- J. M. SHOEMAKER, McLeansboro, Hl. I have taken The Druggists' Circular for a number of years; also others, and I am perfectly satisfied that your Circular is the best of all.- C. H. SHACKLADY, Troy, N. Y. I would rather go without my dinner for a month than not get the Circular.- L. J. BROTHERS, Washington, D. C. I have taken the Circular some eighteen or twenty years; can't do without it now.- L. H. TITCOMB, Augusta, Me. I have taken the Circular since 1865, and it grows better every year.- W. L. GREENLEAF, Winooski, Vermont. L. V. NEWTON, M.D., Editor and Proprietor. New York ; 36 Backman Street.-Post-Office, Box 4104. 71 ESTABLISHED IN 1840. TWELVE PRIZE MEDALS TAKEN. HENRY TROEMNER, MANUFACTURER OF Standard Scales and Weights, Store, No, 710 Market Street, Philadelphia, RECEIVED THE Highest Award at Centennial Exposition, 1876, l AND International Exposition, Chile, 1875. I [n general use at the United States Treasury, and by all the U. S. Mints and Assay Offices ; also by the Canadian Government, for the weighing of Precious Metals, etc. The attention of PHARMACISTS is called to the Excellent Variety of BALANCES for DISPENSING and COUNTER USE; AS ALSO, VARIOUS STYLES OF Troy, Avoirdupois and Metrical Weights. Any Article of Troemner's Manufacture furnished by LAZELL, MARSH & GARD1XEIL 72 THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST One Quality only, The Genuine Russian Gut, Unequaled for Durability and Brilliancy, Our Russian Gut Strings, packed in neat boxes bearing our Trade-Mark Label, as above, are for sale by almost every first-class Wholesale Drug, Notion, or Musical Instrument Dealer in America. BY PURCHASING THESE STRINGS AND NO OTHERS, MUSICIANS will obtain a reliable string which can always be depended on, will respond readily to the bow, and will outlast any Violin String made. BY PURCHASING THESE STRINGS AND NO OTHERS, RETAILERS will obtain a string which will build a lasting trade for themselves, and give universal satisfaction to their customers. BY PURCHASING THESE STRINGS AND NO OTHERS, JOBBERS will obtain strings which will sell themselves and stop all grumbling. Ask for John F. Stratton & Co.'s (Russian Gut Strings and be sure that our Trade-Mark is on the box. John F. Stratton &> Co., IMPORTERS, 55 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. 75 WINDOW GLASS. E. F. HOLBROOK & BROTHERS, 85, 87, 89 BEEKMAN, S3, 55 CLIFF STREET NEW YORK. Importers and Dealers in FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS. - ALSO - POLISHED PLATE For Store Fronts. Ornamental Glass, For Vestibule Doors, Office Partitions, Prescription Cases, &c., &c. Glass Cut to any Size and Shape Required. ESTIMATES GIVEN. Price Lists Furnished on Direct Application, or through LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. 76 BROOKLYN WHITE LEAD COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1835. White Lead, Red Lead, Litharge. EVERY PACKAGE WARRANTED ST RIOT L X PURE. The LEAD manufactured by this Company is made from the FINEST QUALITY of PIG LEAD, and is unsurpassed in COLOR, FIRMNESS and BODY. Office, 89 Maiden Lane, NEW YORK.. ORDERS EXECUTED BY LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. 77 HOWARD IVES, IMPORTER OF HAVANA SEGARS, 77 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. SOLE IMFOB.TBH OF THE EOLLOWIETG EBA1THS LA HUA DE CUBA, LA ADMIRABLE, LAS B. B. B. LA VEGA DE ORO, EL IDOL1CO. Consignments received by every steamer, of current and well known brands. Also, Key West Segars. SOLE AGENT FOR THE mejor" ip yvcJTon.'sr. The attention of the trade is called to this brand, which for quality and price cannot be excelled. Quotations for the above and other Brands Furnished on Application- 78 FIRST PREMIUM OF THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION, AWARDED TO ELECTRO-SILICON. TRADE-MARK. OR MAGIC BRILLIANT, THE UNRIVALLED POLISHIHG IND CLEANING POWDER, GOLD, SILVER, PLATED-WARE, GLASS, and all Surfaces where a BRILLIANT LUSTRE is required. Being PURE SILICA obtained from a Mine in NEVADA, it is entirely free from injurious chemicals and grit. It produces a polish more brilliant than any article before known. The AMERICAN INSTITUTE has always awarded it the First Premium. The COMMISSION appointed by the FRENCH GOVERNMENT to examine Exhibits at the Centennial Exposition, speak of it in the HIGHEST TERMS. It is economical to have in every household, preserving the Silver Ware in good condition. It will give satisfaction to all who use it. COFFIN, REDINGTON & CO., 72 JOHN STREET, N. Y. Orders Executed by LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. 79 HAGERTY BROTHERS & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Druggists' Flint, Green, Blue and Amber GLASSWARE, DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, FANCY GOODS, &C:, Nos. 3, 5, 8 AND 10 PLATT STREET, NEW YORK. We respectfully call the attention of the Drug Trade to the following list of Specialties, which we offer at remarkably low figures: Hagerty's Feeding Bottles, Hagerty's Nipple Shields, Nichols' Feeding Bottles, Nichols' Nipple Shields, Hagerty's Alexandra Feeding Bottles, New York Nipple Shields, Hagerty's Breast Pipes, Nos. i and 2, Richly Cut Pungents, English Breast Pumps, Cut Cologne Bottles, Needham's Breast Pumps, Cut Cologne Sets, Needham's Alexandra Breast Pumps, Hand Mirrors, Mullan's Breast Pumps, Silvered Speculums English Catheters and Bougies, English Patch Boxes, Wedgewood Mortars, Porcelain Mortars, W. W. Funnels, Porcelain Evaporating Dishes, Pill Til es, Porcelain Funnels. In addition to the above, we have in stocknearly every article usually kept in a first-class Druggists' Glassware Establishment. TTT.A.LS. In this department of our manufacture we excel, as by our process the lettering is brought out clear, bold and distinct. DRUGGISTS' OUTFITS AND SUPPLIES In this department we have an extensive assortment of goods, to which we particularly call the attention of those who contemplate commencing business, or who wish to replenish (dock, consisting in part of TINCTURES AND SALT MOUTHS, FRENCH COUNTER JARS, RICHLY CUT SHOW BOTTLES, CUT SPONGE JARS, PAINTED AND DECORATED JARS, COUNTER BALANCES, PLAIN AND FLUTED URNS, PRESCRIPTION SCALES. In a great variety of designs, shapes, patterns, and prices. HAGERTY'S PATENT DRAWER PULLS, Nos. 10, 12 and 16. These Pulls are neat, chaste and desirable, and decidedly superior to any other ever manufactured. They are made in Italian (a dark) or French (a light) Bronze, Nickel and Verdi, and Nickel Plated. GLASS LABELING. In reference to the above we say that for beauty of design, brilliancy of color, and artistic finish of label, in connection with rapidity of execution of orders in this branch of our manufactures, we defy competition. PRIVATE MOULDS MADE TO ORDER AND PARTICULARLY ATTENDED TO. Our superior facilities for obtaining a supply of goods from the best sources and on the most advan- tageous terms, being Manufacturers and Importers, are such as to enable us to offer great inducements to purchasers. We therefore solicit a cal 1 and examination of our extensive and well selected stock, feeling confident of being able to give entire satisfaction. We have the sole New York Agency for the Celebrated Enterprise Drug Mills-Mills which are superior to all others manufactured. 80 Flease order PLS.VTENS Cap stiles, "the best of American manufacture."-See Prof. VanBuren & Keyes on Genito-Urinary Organs. H. PLANTEN <fc SON, 224 William Street, New York. Established 1836. Exhibition American Institute, N. Y. 1840. International Exhibition, N. Y. 1853. International Exhibition, Phila., 1876, Award! "General Excellence in Manufacture" GIUTiKS OF ALL KINDS, Also, * JUJUBE PASTE (EMPTY) CAPSULES. Five Sizes, No. 0, largest; No. smallest. Especially adapted and recommended for administering concentrated or nauseous medicines; free from taste or smell. Preventing irritation of mouth or throat, and injury to the teeth. Our Capsules are not patented nor FILLED with any SECRET PREPARATION, but made strictly in accordance with officinal formulas, and contain NONE but authorized medicines of the U.S. Dispensa- tory; are entirely reliable and soluble, free from all TASTE or SMELL : remain perfect in any climate. N. B.-Particular attention given to Capsuling SPECIAL. FORMULAS. Detailed Price Lists and Samples Sent on Application. Sole Agents in America for Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills. Importers of Superior Norway Cod Elver Oil-put up in Pint Rotties ; also by Rarrel or Gallon, at the lowest market-rates. LEAMON'S DYES! NEW DEPARTURE! TWO SIZES! Regular Size Price 25 cents. - - - - $1 75 per Dozen. Trial Size, in Envelopes, Price 15 Cents. 90 They are the only Dyes advertised in the newspapers and ladies journals. They are the only kind that is called for by the public. They color the largest amount and give the best colors of any Dyes ever invented. IIT P" C* I 17 The handsomest printing. The most beautiful sample cards, and the best W IL U 1 V E black walnut show case. Our book entitled " Every Lady a Practical Dyer," which we give with the imprint of the Dealer, is unique, and very efficient. If you have any demand for a small package Dye, you should put in a stock of these, as they give the most dye, and the best colors for the least money. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.'S Perfected Butter Color* This is the only color advertised through the press to any extent, and is just what all dairy men want. It gives a pure dandelion color and never turns red, or rancid, but tends to improve and pre- serve the butter. Warranted to add 5 cents per pound to its selling value. For prices please see page. REFINED GUM CATECHU. IN PACKAGES, We desire to call your attention to the new and desirable form in which we offer this article. By an improved process the Catechu is freed from the many impurities so abundant in the crude article, and it is thereby made much stronger and better for all uses. It enables you to supply a better article to the consumer, and at the same time save the loss from waste and shrinkage of weight, which is always large when Catechu is handled in bulk. It will save a great deal of time and temper, which are quite sure to be lost when retailing the crude article. A trial order solicited. 81 S P R E A D P L A S T E R S CHARLES SHZTVZEHbS, SEVENTH AND SPRUCE STREETS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Adhesive Plaster .5 yd. rolls, " " Twilled 5 " " " Canton Flannel 5 " " " Swansdown 5 Soap " 5 Adhesive " half width 2 yd. cans, " " " 1 yd. boxes, Aconite " inches wide 1 " Arnica " 6% *' 1 " Belladonna " " 1 " Capsicum " " 1 " Conium " " 1 Opium " " 1 " Adhesive " On Black Silk.. . 1 " Isinglass " Pink and White 1 " Court ** White, Black, and Flesh " After more than thirty years practical experience in the manufacture of plasters, and by using the purest and best materials, I am enabled to furnish plasters which are superior to all others. CHARLES SHIVERS. Orders for SHIVERS' PLASTERS 8fflllteil Dy LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. Dr. A. H. DIXON'S ALTERATIVE CONDITION AND POWDERS. These Powders prove an invaluable remedy in all casas of Inflammatory Action, Coughs, Colds, Epidemic Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Heaves, and the like ; removing all Urinary Derangements, (Edema, or Swelling of the Legs, Cracked Heels, and all impurities of the Blood. An unfailing Specific for all diseases of the Skin-they quickly produce a beautiful and blooming coat, and in the first stages of Acute Laminitis or Founder, their exhibition is guaranteed to effect a speedy and lasting cure. They correct readily all derangements of the Appetite and Digestion, arising either from overwork, general debility, or worms, requiring neither change of food, nor cessation from work,and to Graziers and Cattle Dealers are invaluable showing both in coat and condition, perfect health restored and preserved. Beware of Counterfeits. N. B.-I would warn the public that there are imitations of these Powders. None are genuine without the signature of A. H. DIXON, V. S. Prepared only by the DAUGHTERS of the late A. H. DIXON, deceased, late of Union Course, L. I. .Letters of Testimonial have been received from the following Gentlemen : Robert Bonner New York. William Humphrey, New York. Edwin Thorne, Thorndale, New York. Charles Backman Stony Ford, New York. James M. Hamil Philadelphia, Pa. Isaiah Rynders Passaic, N. J. Col. McDaniel Saratoga Springs, N. Y. James D. McMann New York. Daniel Mace New York. Brush Van Wyck Flatbush, L. I. Daniel Pflefer New York. J. F. Nodine Brooklyn, N. Y. Simeon Hoagland Gravesend, L. I. Hiram Howe Gravesend, L. I. J. H. Phillips Gravesend, L. I. Mort. Tunison Coney Island Road. John I. Sncdeker Gravesend, L I. John Rogers Fleetwood Park,N. Y. John Murphy " " " . Samuel Truesdell 126-128 West 46th St., N. Y v. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, Agents. 82 BA WO A DOTTER. 30 A 32 BARCLAY ST. 3RUE DE LAFONDERIE, HEW YORK. LIMOGES, FRANCE. FRENCH PORCELAIN, Bohemian Glassware Toilet Sets, Colognes, Card Baskets, Sets of Vases, Single flower Vases, &c. &c. ORMBLA GOODS, Best quality fine gold Toilet Sets, Perfume boxes,Vases, &c., &c. Waiters and Trays, STRAWS & SPLINTS, SEGAR LIGHTERS. Shades & Chimneys. PARIAN MAH RLE, Groups, Figures, Busts, &c. including a large assortment of above of a suitable size for Druggists Show Cases. German China Goods For Jobbing. China Limb Dolls, Doll- Heads, Boxes, Segar Stands, Animals, Figures, &c. LAVA GOODS, Segar Stands, Sets, Cuspadores, &c. French Clocks, Bronze Figures, Jardeniere Stands, French China. Dinner and Tea Ware, Fine Vases, Cups and Saucers, Mugs, Shell Vases, full and complete assortment, at our Show Rooms, SO & 32 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. 83 PRICE LIST OF P. W. ENGS & SONS, WINE MERCHANTS, 131 Front Street, Corner of Pine. PRICES SUBJECT TO REVISION, ARISING FROM CHANGES IN MARKET. Imported Goods in Casks Forwarded to any Port of Entry in the U. S. in Bond without expense to the purchaser for Custom House charges. SAMPLES, CARRIAGE FREE, WILL BE SENT UPON REQUEST. BRANDIES. J. Hennessy & Co.-Cognac. Pellevoi sin Freres, La Rochelle In Half Pipes, Quarter Casks, Fifth and Eighth Casks and Cases; in Bond Vintages ------ 1875 , ______ 1874 Gold. $4 40 4 65 Pale - _ . _ _ - - 1875 - - 1874 Gold. $3 75 3 90 and Duty Paid. , ------ 1872 4 85 Dark - - - 1872 4 30 , ------ 1870 5 10 _ _ _ _ - - 1870 5 10 [All Brandies in Eighth Casks Five • ------ 1869 5 30 Pale - - - 1869 _ - , ------ 1868 5 45 Dark - - - 1868 - _ ------ 1867 5 60 Fine Champagne - - - - 1805 4 25 • ------ 1865 5 70 • 6 25 Otard, Dupuy & Co.-Cognac. • ------ I860 , ------ 1858 6 40 6 90 :o: - Gold. FXOP- - -- -- -- - 11 00 Vintages - - - - ; - 1875 • ------ 1874 S4 25 4 50 Old Landed -------- Very Old London Dock - - - 12 65 10 00 J. & F. Martell - Cognac. ------ 1872 4 80 » • Dark - - - 9 00 Vintages _ _ _ _ - - 1875 $4 40 ------ 1870 5 00 • _ _ _ _ - - 1874 4 65 ------ 1869 5 20 Royal Mail - -- -- -- ( 12 50 » _ _ _ _ - - 1872 4 85 ------ 1868 5 35 Old Landed Pale - - - - ; * _ - _ _ - - 1870 5 10 ------ 1867 5 50 S O 15 00 If _ _ _ _ - - 1869 5 30 ------ 1865 t 65 * )-Pale - -- -- -- - _ _ _ _ - - 1868 5 45 ------ 1864 5 75 X P ) Old Landed ----- 16 50 If _ - _ _ - - 1867 5 40 ------ 1863 5 95 » _ _ _ _ - - 1865 5 60 ------ i860 6 25 White for Preserving 1 If _ _ _ _ - - I860 6 70 ------ 1858 6 75 W ( 4 75 SOP- _ _ _ _ - - 1858 6 90 ------ 1854 8 00 o f - 9 00 ------ 1848 9 75 oo J V S O P 12 00 4 90 to 8 50 F o P -------- - - 9 50 J. Hennessy & Co.-(In Cases.) -Gold- 15 cases. Old Landed ------- 11 00 1 case. 5 cases. 50 cases. 100 cs. -A. V 10 50 * _________ $14 25 13 75 13 25 13 00 12 75 Old Landed ------- 12 00 ♦ ♦ ♦ _ _ 15 50 20 00 14 75 17 50 16 50 xT v 0 P - - - - - 1836 12 50 V. o ------- 38 00 34 00 1> - K -o ° O C -3 ®'>5 SOP ----- 1820 M S O P - - - - 1800 14 00 46 50 X. O ------- Oldest and Finest - - 48 00 65 00 44 00 60 00 tJx: 05 Very Old Dark L D 5 00 Otard. Dunv & Co.-(In Cases.) o;s " ■ • Super 9 50 --------- $14 00 13 50 53 75 12 50 11 75 dMo --------- 15 00 14 75 16 50 .0: eMMe - -- -- -- -- 20 00 17 50 x O P ------ 28 00 26 50 25 50 V O P ------ 31 00 31 50 30 50 • . . . . Pmet. Castillon & Co.-Cognac. SOP ------ 45 00 41 50 40 50 Vintages ------ 1875 $4 15 M S O P - - - - - - 60 00 55 00 ------ 1874 4 25 J. & F. Martell-(In Cases.) ------ 1872 4 40 * - - - $14 25 13 75 13 25 13 00 12 75 ------ 1870 4 60 ** ______ 16 25 15 00 ------ 1869 ------ 1868 4 80 4 95 *** ______ vso 20 75 18 25 17 25 ------ 1861 ------ 1865 5 10 5 25 Pinet, Castillon & Co- (In Cases.) 10 00 ------ 1858 6 35 ------ 12 25 11 25 13 25 10 75 ------ 18.54 7 75 • Pint Flasks - - 14 75 13 75 13 00 12 75 ------ 1850 8 70 All Pints, additional per case, $2. FF V O- ------- - 10 00 Imperial Cognac, per case (cur) $24 00 84 P. W. ENGS & SONS' PRICE LIST. RUM. MADEIRA WINE. PORT WINE. Deg of Proof, per Gal. Gold. J. H. March & Co. - - - - - Gold. $4 50 Imported in 1874 - - Per Gal .Gold. $1 15 Jamaica. Basto - -- -- -- -- - 6 50 Lomelino - -- -- -- - 9 00 V » - - PunsHeart f 15W $4 70 Brandy, 1836 ------- 18 00 A Extra, 1873 - - - - 1 30 Park - -- -- -- -- - 4 00 Cary & Co- Alicante Medium Dej 1 puns. » _ - - - 150$ 4 75 Park Malmsey ------ 4 00 - 90c. to 1 20 Bbls. - - - - - 150$ 4 85 Taylor - -- -- -- -- 4 50 Crown - - 117-120$ S3 75 to 4 60 London Particular, Tenneriffe. 2 25 i bbls. - - - 117-120$ 3 85 to 5 00 SOM------ - $1 40 to 2 50 :o: B in bbls ----- 120$ 3 50 Platomone - -- -- 3 00 to425 Puns., very superb 144$ 5 25 ) 4 puns., • 144$ 5 75 > to 8 50 Woodhouse O L P - - 2 50 to 3 40 Cette ------- 1 00 to 1 10 CHAMPAGNE. Bbls., • 144$ 6 25 ) Wedderburns- :o: Trade Discount. I R l proof * Qrs. - - $5 00 to 6 90 SHERRY WINE. Gold. Less. W | 153: (i ------ 5 50 Heidsieck (Piper - - $23 00 13$ Old Landed 10 p. c. additional. Gold. G. H. Muinm & Co.- Jamaica, bottled in bond by Sir Dry Verzenay - - 23 00 1 R. Burnett & Co., London- Gonzalez, specialty, Oloroso - *7 00 « « pints 25 00 !• 14$ Cases, 12 bottles each - - gold, » » VinodePasto 8 00 Extra Dry - - - - 26 00 per case -------- 12 00 • » Macharnudo - 9 00 • • pints - 28 00 1 Henry White & Co.'s Red Heart, in cases - -- -- -- - « » Palma - - - 10 00 15 00 « » Amontillado - 11 00 L. Roederer- Less discount according to quantity. Pernartin, very Old Brown - - 4 00 Dry Sillery - - - 23 50 Romano, Pale ------ 3 75 Carte Blanche - - 26 00 St. Croix, 1 R. verv old - - - - bbls. M. Lasaletta & Co.- 1 60 Imperial - - - - Schreider Dry - - - Delmonico - - - - 24 50 23 00 25 50 5$ ■ crop of 1869-1870 » 4 50 » new crop - - - » 3 75 S. F. & C. C., old and new 3 40 to 4 00 1 VP ------- 2to 2VP-------3to 1836 --------- - 1825 --------- - 3 75 4 50 5 70 Krug & Co., ----- 22 00 pints $3 00 extra. Veuve Clicquot- - - - 27 50 Moet, V Chandon- 5$ 12$ :o: Amontillado ------ Yriarte, 1820 ------- 8 00 5 50 Sillery Mo usseux - Cremant D'Av- - - - 23 00 - 28 00 '■ 13$ SCOTCH AND IRISH WHIS- • 1836 ------- 4 50 All Wines, excepting Krug & Co., KIES. O ( Pf $2 additional for pints. 1 35 J. Ramsey's- Deg. of proof. Gold. :o: - Scotch puns. - - - - 120$ » hhds. - - - - 120$ 3 55 3 60 | 1 25 . bbls. - - - - 120$ , y . ... - 120$ Ardbeg, Scotch bbls. - 120$ 3 65 3 75 3 65 M. de Tejada- SUNDRIES. R ---------- - AR---------- 1 10 1 40 Scotch Ale, "Jeffries," - pints $1 90 Bushmills, Irish, % csk 120$ . . y . 120$ 3 75 3 85 SOR--------- VP ---------- 1 75 2 25 " Bass" Ale - - - - Dauk's ------ London Porter- "Byass" - - - - - quarts 3 10 - pints 1 85 Very old of above J. Jimenez Pale and Brown- - quarts 3 00 Brands from - - - - $4 m to 9 za P ---------- - 1 75 - pints 1 80 Jno. Jameson s- 4 00 P X --------- - 2 00 " Barclay, Perkins & Co.," quarts 3 00 Qrs. - -- -- -- -- - X P --------- - 3 00 pints 1 80 % - - - - 7 " " 4 05 PO---------- 3 50 " Guinness" Stout - quarts 3 00 Old Jameson s as high as - - 6 50 Topaz --------- 5 50 n n - - - pints 1 85 Wise's Irish Malt- Amontillado ------- 6 50 McEwan's Ale. Scotch- - pints 1 85 Qrs. - -------- 3 75 Cette Sherries and low grade Ca- Wm. Youneer's Ale, Scotch, pts. 1 90 % - " - -- -- -- - 3 80 diz Wines, Jansen and others, Currency. qrs. and eighths, 85c., 90c. and 1 00 Boker's Bitters - - - 12 00 :o: Gold. HOLLANDS AND OLD GINS. TOM :o: Angostura Genuine, stamped - 18 00 PORT WINE. Boonekamp of Maag Bitters- H. Underberg Albrecht - - - 16 00 Gold. Currency. "Double Meerschaum" Schei- From G. G. Sandeman s Sons & Sir Robert Burnett & Co- dam (a fine gin, highly recom- mended,) qrs ------ S3 00 Co., " Oporto," Quality Un- Orange Bitters - - - quarts iu au - pints 12 50 V* pipes --------- 3 10 surpasses Cases, 1 doz. each ----- 8 50 :o:- Single Meerschaum, J4 cask . ' % ' - 2 80 <4> Per Gal. Gold. 2 85 •W $2 00 n i cases of 1 10 00 2 50 doz.,each 3 50 SOLE RECEIVERS OF J. de Kuyper & Son's Royal Arms- 4 50 Qrs. - -- -- -- -- - 2 85 2 90 O O o V S BURGUNDY WINES. Anchor, Red cases, 1 15 laree bottles each, f 15 00 Particular -------- 6 00 Imperial, Green cases I _ _ _ am 12 bottles each. I Sir K. Burnett's Old Tom Gin, D V S Particular ------- 7 00 From Ph. Andre & Js. Voillott Beaune (Cote d'Or.) in puns - -- -- -- - In y2 puns - -- -- -- - 3 On 3 15 M > V S O - - - - - $8 00 10 00 In hbls - -- -- -- -- In y bbls - -- -- -- - 3 25 3 35 10 00 Pure Juice, $2, 2 75, 3 00 and 4 00 Old London Dock, Dry, $2 50 to 4 00 IN CASES. » 2 » pints - 12 00 Dolce Porto Puro - - 1 75 to 2 00 Macon- ------ $12 00 Burecundv Ports- Beaune ------ - e 14 00 :o: Volnay ------ 17 00 SWEET MALAGA. " Guille Best Pure Juice." Pommard - - - - - Richebourg- - - - - c 17 00 25 00 Gold Chambertin - - - - 09 24 75 Scholtz,Hermanos,oId and very fine, in qrs. and % casks $2 00 Ditto, old 2 00 R. M. Gomez, qr. casks - L. G. ---------- Alicante - - $1 00, $1 25 and $3 85 2 50 1 65 1 35 . 1 50 Per Gal Imported in 1869 - - - - - , 1870 ----- . 1871 ----- . 1872 ----- . 1873 ----- Gold. $2 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 15 Nuits - -- -- -- -h Romance- ------ g ClosVougeot ----- Chablis (white)- - - - - Pints $1 50 additional. 18 50 28 00 33 00 15 00 85 P. W. ENGS & SONS' PRICE LIST. Special Agents for | OLD MALMSEY WINE. CLARETS, in Bulk, in Casks, HOCK & MOSELLE WINES. For Sacrament. Gold. St. Lezignan ------ $45 00 St. Julien ------- - 65 00 IN CASES AND CASKS. $2 75, $3 75, $5 00 and $6 00 Currency. St. Emilion - -- -- -- 70 00 St. Estephe - -- -- -- so 00 Lormont - -- -- -- - 175 00 Chat. Larose - -- -- -260 00 From DEINHARD & CO., .0. Coblenz. CLARET AND WHITE Others as high as-----35000 Laubenheim* ------- Deidesheim* ------- Gold. -$7 50 - 9 50 WINES. Sauternes in Bulk- in casks - - - - $50 00 to 150 00 Nierstein* - -- -- -- - Hochheim - -- -- -- - - 9 50 IN CASES. - 14 00 St. Lezignan- W. Bertrand & Co - - - _ Gold. $4 00 Liebfraumilch* ------ Rtidesheim ------- - 14 50 - 15 00 Genuine Imported (1st Quality) Pisporter Auslese ----- Marcobrunn* ------- - 15 00 20 00 Cannot, Fils & Co.- St. Julien - -- -- -- - 5 50 CORDIALS. Steinberg - -- -- -- - - 23 00 St. Emilion ------- 6 50 Per Case. Steinwein, box bottles - - 15 00 St. Estephe ------- 7 50 Gold. Johannisberg Castle, 1862 - - - 31 00 Haut Sauterne ------ 6 50 Anisette, White, in bottles - - $21 00 Scharzberg ------ 17 00 Pints, $1 50 additional. Marasquino, in jugs - - - - 24 00 C111-190 a, White and Red, in Zeltingen- ------- - 11 00 G. Preller & Co.- Assmanshausen* ----- - 18 00 jugs ------ $20 00 to 24 00 ♦Pints $1 50 additional. Pontet Canet* ------ 8 50 Creme de Menthe ----- 20 00 Laubenheim and others (Double Cantenac* ------- 9 50 LIQUEURS. Aums) - - - per gal. $1 85 to 2 75 Lormont* ------- 10 50 Sparkling - Moselle - -- -- -- __ Chat. Mafgaux ----- 29 50 Per Case. • Larose ------ 20 00 Gold. • Lafitte ------ 22 00 Chartreuse - - - - $30 00 to 42 00 - 18 00 • Latour ------ 28 50 Vermouth - -- -- -- - 9 00 » Muscatel ----- - 23 00 • Leoville* ----- 14 00 Benedictine - -- -- -- 25 00 Flower of the Moselle - - - - 20 50 • Mouton ------ 24 00 Kiimmell -------- 16 50 Scharzberg - ------ - 20 50 Haut Sauterne ------ 10 50 Kirschwasser - -- -- -- 18 5o Hock- --------- - 18 00 » » Creme - - - - 20 00 Aya Pana, Yellow and Green- « Ehrenbreitstein - - - - 21 00 Chateau Yquem ------ 36 00 $25 00 to 28 00 Pints, $2 additional. ♦Pints, $2 extra. Absynthe- - - - - - 15 00 to 24 00 GROSS GALLON CAPACITY OF CASKS, Style of Wines or Spirits. Pipes and % pipes. Punch'ons 'A pipes, pchns, hhds. X Casks. l-5th Casks. y& Casks. Auras. Double Auras. Bbls. Brandy ------- 130 to 140 64 to 80 39 to 46 31 to 35 20 to 26 Scotch and Irish Whisky. 110 to 156 66 to 76 37 to 42 24 to 27 .... Gin - -- -- -- -- 100 to 140 .... 64 to 70 38 to 41 24 to 27 Rum -----»-- 130 to 140 64 to 70 36 to 42 24 to 27 Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines »------ 136 to 158 60 to 80 30 to 45 28 to 29 17 to 25 Casks. Claret and Sauterne Wines 60 30 15 Rhine Wines ----- 34 t o 40 68 to 80 Bourbon and Rye Whiskies 40 to 54 Apple Jack and N. E. Rum 40 to 54 We represent in this country the following houses: SIR ROBERT BURNETT & CO.. Vauxhall, London. G. PRELLER & CO., Bordeaux, France. CANNOT FILS & CO., Bordeaux, France. PH. ANDRE & JH. VOILLOT, Beaune (Cote d'Or), France. J. JIMENEZ & CO., Cadiz and Port St. Mary's, Spain. DEINHARD & CO., Coblenz, on the Rhine and Moselle. GUILLE BROTHERS, Barcelona, Spain. J. RIJSHOUWER. Rotterdam, Holland (Double Meerschaum Gin) C. MEYER & CO., Schiedam, Holland (Single Meerschaum Gin). JOHN De KUYPER & SON, Rotterdam. HENRY WHITE & CO., London, Red Heart Jamaica Rum. Orders received for direct shipment for Goods of any of the above named Houses. We make a specialty of Bourbon and Rye Whiskeys, and are in constant receipt of same from Distillers of the best reputation. In the absence of a list of prices, which we can adhere to for these goods (owing to frequent changes), we will, with pleasure, furnish special quotations for the different ages, on application. P. W. E. & SONS. Orders executed by LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. 86 BALLARD'S FLEA KILLER FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF FLEAS ON DOGS AND OTHER ANIMALS. An Absolute and Perfect Focterminator of the Pest. MAY BE USED WITH ENTIRE SAFETY. Contents of a Package sufficient to rid half a dozen large dogs of the Vermin Ao Person owning Dogs should be without the Flea Killer. Retail Price, 5 0 cents per package. To the Trade, $3.75 per dozen. Proprietors : LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. The attention of the Trade is called to our GRANULAR EFFERVESCING SALTS, which represent the full medicinal qualities of the celebrated springs ■viciHTsr, TCISSTJSTG-ETT, FBIEDBICHSHALL, (Bitter CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, (Granular.) Freely Soluble and Effectual. 4 ounce bottles, per dozen, - - - - - - - $3 50 i pound bottles, per pound, _______ 125 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. 87 C. T. RAYNOLDS & CO. ESTABLISHED 1770, Manufacturers and Importers of Artists, Painters & Wax Flower Materials FINE COLORS. PAINTERS' FINE BRUSHES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF MATERIALS FOR COACH, GAR AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. DRAWING PAPERS and MATERIALS. f FINE DRY COLORS. WATER COLORS and MATERIALS. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS GRAINERS' MATERIALS, CHAMOIS SKINS. PAINTERS' CUTLERY. BRONZE POWDERS, GOLD LEAF. ENGLISH TUBE PAINTS, AMERICAN TUBE PAINTS. COPYING BRUSHES, CRAYONS AND MATERIALS, ETC., ETC, ETC. TYRIAN WATER COLOR TABLET, IMPROVEMENT IN WATER COLORS FOR ART, COMPOSED OF THE CHOICEST MATERIALS, ALWAYS READY FOR USE. also, Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in Faints, Oils, Varnishes and Colors, WHITE LEADS AND ZINCS, 106 & 108 EULTO2ST STREET, NEW YORK. And 21 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. 88 SODA WATER REQUISITES. FRUIT JUICES, OUR OWN MAKE, Strawberry, Raspberry, Pine Apple, Blackberry, In Quart Champagne Bottles, per doz., $12.00, FRUIT ESSENCES, of Superior Quality, our own make, Apple, Banana, Nectar, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry, per lb $1.25. Fruit Acid Solution, Fruit Coloring. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, Checkerberry, Lemon, Orange, Sarsaparilla, Nectarine, Vanilla, Coffee. Our Fruit-juices do not spoil nor ferment after the bottles are opened, and only require to be mixed with Simple Syrup as may be needed. We also furnish to order any other articles or apparatus connected with Soda Water trade, at manufacturers prices. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, 10 Gold Street. 89 Lazell, Marsh & Cardiner's Laboratory Products. The attention of Pharmacists is called to the following important Pharmaceutical Products, which are but a few of the many articles made in our laboratory, all of which are of unexceptionable quality. Medicinal Fluid Extracts of which our list embraces about one hundred and fifty kinds. These are all made by Cold Percolation, and, unlike many of the kinds offered for sale, are reliable and of full standard strength. With one exception, each fluid ounce contains all the medicinal virtues of one troy ounce ot the drug from which it is made. Citrate of Iron and Quiniae containing over Ten per cent, of the Alkaloid Quiniae and perfectly soluble in cold water. Much of this preparation offered for sale is deficient in Quiniae strength. Saccharated Pepsin. We have for the past three years been manufacturers of this article, and it has always been known favorably as being entirely soluble, of full strength and acceptable quality. A full special list of all our Pharmaceutical and Chemical products will be furnished on application. 90 Atwood's Pure Alcohol. We take pleasure in informing the Drug and Perfumery Manufacturing Trade that we have added to our list of regular buyers and consumers, the well known firms of Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner and W. H. Schieffelin & Co. New York, who are prepared to fill orders for this Spirit in any quantity. This Alcohol is entirely free from Fusel Oil and all foreign odors, and no Alcohol or Spirit has yet been produced that is so near absolute purity as this brand. C. H. GRAVES & SONS, Distillers, BOSTON, Mass. Orders by the Barrel, or smaller quantities executed by Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. H. WEINHAGEN. Manufacturer, 152 William Street, New York. H. Weinhagen's is the most compact Atomizer made. It is very durable, weighs but 8 ounces, can be easily transported, and steam can be gen- erated in three minutes Price, complete of Copper, per doz. $36.00 Nickel plated, extra, " " 6.00 Each Atomizer packed in Wood CLIMCAL OR FEVER THERMOMETERS. These Thermometers are warranted to be perfectly accurate and neatly finished. Each Thermometer packed in a hard rubber case. Patent applied for. Above Cut is % size. No. 274.-4, 5, or 6 in. Patent Twist with Indestructible RegisterPer doz. $40; each, $3.50 No. 275.-4, 5 or 6 in. Safety contraction, with Indestructible RegisterPer doz. 824; each, 83.00. No. 276.-4, 5, or 6 in. Keif-registering, scale engraved on tube, % degPer doa. KA); •uch, K3.5O. A@H>lend for Catulogue."feg 91 LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER'S POWDERED MEDICINAL EXTRACTS The attention of pharmacists is respectfully called to the following in relation to an improvement in preparing medicinal extracts, so that they may be readily dispensed without loss, change or inconvenience. This is readily accomplished in the Powdered Medicinal Extracts which are of the same medicinal strength as the solid extracts prepared in our own Laboratory, and both of these varieties are superior to similar preparations usually offered for sale. For convenience, these Powdered Extracts meet the wants of the dispensing pharmacist, and for their reliability and medicinal action they have received the unqualified approval of those physicians who have employed them. Our powdered extracts may in all cases be subtituted in equal weight for the Solid Medicinal Extracts. Put up in one ounce bottles bearing labels like the following: POWD. EXT. NUX VOMICA. This is prepared from Alcoholic Extract of Nux Vomica, and each grain of the Powder has the same strength as the recent extract. It is quite soluble and perfectly reliable Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, NEW YORK. POWD. EXT. HYOSCYAMUS. This is prepared from Alcoholic Extract of Hyoscyamus, U. S. P., and each grain of the Powder has the same strength as the recent extract. It is quite soluble and perfectly reliable. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner NEW YORK. The following list includes our present productions, but will be increased to meet the demands of pharmacists : per oz, Powd. Ext. Aconite Leaf... .40 Powd. Ext. Aloes 40 Powd. Ext. Belladonna 50 Powd. Ext. Colocynth 60 Powd. Ext. Colocynth Co. .40 Powd. Ext. Conium 40 Powd. Ext. Cannabis Ind.. .75 Powd. Ext. Digitalis 40 Powd. Ext. Guarana .1.30 per oz. Powd. Ext. Gentian 40 Powd. Ext. Hop 50 Powd. Ext. Hyoscyamus 50 Powd. Ext. Ipecac 90 Powd. Ext. Jalap 40 Powd. Ext. Lobelia 40 Powd. Ext. Lettuce 50 Powd. Ext. Mandrake 40 Powd. Ext. Nux Vomica 50 per oz. Powd. Ext. Opium 1.50 Powd. Insp. Ox-Gall 50 Powd. Ext. Quassia 50 Powd. Ext. Rhubarb 50 Powd. Ext. Rhatany 40 Powd. Ext. Stramonium 40 Powd. Ext. Valerian 40 A FULL LINE OF THE ABOVE WITH GILMAN BROTHERS, Boston. BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Philadelphia. WILLIAM H. BROWN & BROTHER, Baltimore. MORRISSON, PLUMMER & CO., Chicago. RICHARDSON & CO., St. Louis. CRANE & BRIGHAM, San Francisco. i, Boston. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER'S FINEST TUSCAN SALAD OIL. Quarts, cases of One Dozen, ----- per case, $9.00 Pints, cases of Two Dozen, -- per case, 10.00 Pints, cases of One Dozen, ----- per case, $5.25 Half Pints, cases of Two Dozen, - - - per ease, 7.00 This is the "CREAM OIL,'' the finest known in Tuscany ; selected for us by an expert. No Better Oil is Obtainable. Our bottles contain about 20 per cent, more Oil than most other brands of similar quality. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINERS FLUID EXTRACTS OF TJ. S.I< Standard Strength. We call attention to our new style of package for these Pharmaceuticals and also to the list of Special Extracts, many of which are new. Belladonna Root, Black Haw, Bladder Wrack, Coca, Conium Seed, Damiana, Ergot, Eucalyptus, Gnndelia, Guarana, Jaborandi, Liquorice, (from peeled root.) For full list of Fluid Extracts and remarks on the process of manufacture, see page tas ,g