?!'" ES CURRJiT NEW YORK. 1331. QUALITY UNSURPASSED. In 10 oz. bottles. Price $3.00 per dozen. EASEI.VS PEKFUMES. LIST OF ODOBS. UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY! ATTRACTIVE IN STYLE! In flint-glass stoppered bottles, each bottle containing one pint (sixteen fluid ounces of Extract), bottles and stamps inclusive. Azalea • • 3 00 Bouquet Anglais .... 3 00 Bouquet Caroline .... 3 00 Bouquet Victoria 3 00 Bouquet Waverly. .... 3 00 Carnation Pink 300 Ess. Bouquet 3 00 Clove Pink 3 00 Frangipanni 3 00 Hel otrope 3 00 Honeysuckle 3 00 Hyancinth 3 00 Jasmin 3 00 Jockey Club 3 00 Jonquil 3 00 Lily of the Valley 3 00 Magnolia 3 00 May Flowers 3 00 Marechale 3 00 Millefleur 3 00 Mignonette 3 00 Moss Rose 3 00 Mousseline 3 00 New Mown Hay 3 co Night Bl'mingCereus.-3 00 Musk, (special) 4 00 Musk Rose 3 00 Ocean Spray 3 oo Orange Blossom 3 00 Patchouly 3 00 Persian Bouquet 3 00 Pond Lily 3 00 Redwood Bouquet.. 3 00 Roman Frangipanii!. ..700 Rondeletia 3 00 Rose 3 00 Rose Geranium 3 00 Spring Flowers 3 00 Stephanotis 3 00 Sweet Brier 3 00 Sweet Lotus 3 00 Sweet Pea 3 00 Tea Rose 3 00 Tube Rose 3 00 Upper Ten 3 00 Verbena 3 00 Violet 3 00 West Lnd 3 00 White Lilac. 3 00 White Rose 3 00 Wood Violet 3 00 Yiang Ylang 3 00 An experience of twenty-seven years in the manufacture ot Perfumes enables us to offer EXTRACTS which in point of quality commend themselves and fully maintain the reputation so long enjoyed as being unsurpassed by any other make. REDWOOD OOLOG-NE. (Trade Mark Patented.) Quarter Pint, Glass Stoppered Bottles, per doz. $5 00 half " " ** " - - -- -- - " 7 50 Pint, " " " - " 12 00 Quart, " " " - - . _ . •• 21 0C FLORIDA WATER, (L., M. & G.) large 428 ** " " small 175 LEROY'S SACHET POWDERS. Price per lb. (In Qnarter pound Bottles, as represented below,) 33.00 UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY. BOUQUET CAROLINE FRANGIPANNI, HELIOTROPE, JOCKEY CLUB, ) MAGNOLIA, MARECHALE, MILLEFLEUR, MOUSSELINE, NEW MOWN HAY, PATCHOULY, REDWOOD BOUQUET ROSE, ROSE GERANIUM, SANDAL, STEPHANOTIS, VERBENA, VIOLET, WEST END, WHITE ROSE, YLANG YLANG, AROMATIC SMELLING SALTS. FOR FILLING PUNGENTS. Should greater strength at any time be desired, a few drops of Liq, Ammonia Aromatized (as prepared by L., M. & G.) may be added. This Preparation will not become Deliquescent. LJLZZETjL, ZMLAZELSZET & NEW YORK. PRICES CURRENT O F Foreign & Domestic Drugs, CHEMICALS, PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE, DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC., KEPT CONSTANTLY FOP. SALE BY Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, ISTos. IO & IQ Gold Street, Laboratory, JSCo.T Gold Street, N e w Y ork* TERMS : Net Cash, in par Funds. Prices subject to changes in the market. New York, April 23d, 1881. NEW YORK, April 23d, 1881. Dear Sir : , We have the pleasure to hand you herewith our Drug List, with prices corrected to date. Our friends will please remember that these quotations refer to moderate quantities ; for large quantities and especially for full packages, more favorable prices may generally be expected. Our terms are Cash, in 30 days. Bills not paid at maturity w'll be subject to draft. Parties ordering for the first time will see the necessity of giving references, or of enclosing Draft to cover. As we have numerous requests to forward small articles by mail, we would inform our friends that no liquids, powders, nor any articles enclosed in glass can be sent by mail. All packages sent or received at the New York P. O. are opened, and if there be anything con- tained which is at variance with the law, letter postage on the package is rigidly exacted. Any writing upon packages of Merchandise, other than the mailing directions, subjects the package to letter postage. All responsibility for any damage, or loss of goods that may be sent by mail, must be assumed by tho purchaser. Pledging our best endeavors in behalf of our friends, and soliciting the commands of those in the trade with whom we have not hitherto had the pleasure of any correspondence. We remain, faithfully yours, LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. INDEX. Page. Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, • - 5-17 • Powdered ------- 18-19 Concentrated Medicines, 19 Fluid Extracts 20-22 Page. Sugar-Coated Pills, ------ 23-25 Wyeth & Bro's. Preparations. - - - - 26-27 Patent Medicines 28-35 Druggists' Sundries - . - - - 36-68 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Page. Angostura Bitters, --->-- Atwood, H. W., Cologne and Toilet Articles. 93 Atwood's Alcohol, Graves, - - - 95 Ba wo & Dotter, French Porcelain Ware, - 71 College of Pharmacy, ----- 82 Cologne Oils, - -- - - -- 81 Druggists' Circular, The - - - - 80 Davids & Co.,Writing Inks, Fluid, &c. - - - 96 Effervescing Salts, L. M. & G., - - - 104 Engs, P. W. & Co.. Liquors, - - - - 87-88-89 Extracts, Handkerchief, L. M. & G., - 2-1C9 Extracts, Fluid, L. M. & G.. - - - - 20-21-22 Extracts, Powdered Medicinal,L. M. & G. 70 & 100 Fougera, E. & Co., Foreign Pharmaceuti- cals, --------- 1'7 Galvano Faradic M'f'G Co. ------ 107 Hagerty Bros. & Co., Glassware, - - - 85 HJEMAGLOBIN, L. M. & G., - - - 104 Holbrook & Bros.. Window Glass, - - 83 Husband's Magnesia and Plasters, - - - 76 Ives, Howard, Segars, ----- 86 Kennedy, Donald. Medicines. - - - 90 Laboratory Products, L. M. & G., - -106 & 69 Loonen'S Tooth Brushes, - - - - - Laurencot- I. B.. Optical and Fancy Goods 98 Lovell, F. H, &Co.. I, amp Soods. 108 Page. Metcalf, Theodore, & Co., Pharmaceutical Chemists - -- -- -- -- -- - 102 'Mitchel's Scluble Medicated*Urethral Bourgies 103 Morgan, J. L. & Co., Acids, Dyewoods, - - 91 Myers Bros., Paper and Envelopes, - - 74 Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, L. M. & G., 1 Persian Insect Powder, ----- ioi Planten's Capsules, ------ 92 Rawson's Suspensories, ----- 75 Raynolds, C. T. & Co., Artist's Materials, - 84 Roworth & Sons, Confectionery, - - - 72 Sachet Powder, Leroy's, - - - - 1 Schuyler & Duane, Guns, &c. ----- 98 Seabury & Johnson's Plasters, - - - 73 Sellew, T. G., Office and Library Furniture 94 Shivers, C., Adhesive Plasters - 74 Soda Water Requisites, ----- 105 Stratton & Co., John F. ------- 95 Slote, Daniel & Co., Blank Books, &c. - - - 97 The Clinton Manufacturing Co., Soaps - - - 94 The New York Coal Tar Chemical Co. - - 106 Tuscan Salad Oil, L. M. & G., - - - 111 Wilson, Jno. Sons, Druggists' Novelties - - - 79 Wyeth, John & Bro., Preparations, « • 26-27 Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. These Prices do not include Bottles and Vials. Acetone ------------- oz. 20 Acid, Acetic, U. S. P. (Sp. gr. 1.047) - - - lb. 14 • Clicm. pure - - - lb. 35 American No. 8. - - - - - lb. 09 - Glacial --------- lb. 55 Dichlor - -- -- -- - OZ. 75 Monochlor ------- oz. 60 Arsenic - - - - - -- -- -- oz. 121 Arsenious - -- -- -- -- - oz. 12 Boracic - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Benzoic, English ------- oz. 28 - German ------- oz. 20 1 Butyric - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 2 50 | Carbolic, Crystals. Calvert's No. 1, gilt lab. g.s.b.in. lb. 1 90 -- No. 2,1 lb. g. s. b. inc. lb. 1 30 L ,M. & G. - - - - - - - - lb. 60 L.M. &G. -------- OZ. 07 j Carbolic, Solution. Calvert's, No. 4,1 lb. c.b.incl lb. 60 5,1 lb. c.b.incl lb. 46 L. M. i: G. 95 % acid - - - lb. 35 L. M. & G. colorless solution lb. 25 Common for disinfecting - gallon 40 Citric - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 66 Chromic - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 20 Chrysophanic (from Goa Powder) - oz. 75 Cresylic - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 25 Fluoric, gutta percha bott. incl. lb. 2 00 Formic - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 25 Gallic - lb. 1 85 oz's. - - -- -- -- - OZ. 17 Hydriodic - -- -- -- -- - oz. 85 Hydrobromic, concentrated - - - oz. 15 dilute ------ lb. 60 Hydrocyanic, L.. M. & G., of full offl- cinal strength, and less liable to change than most of the Acids in the market ------- oz. 07 Hydrosulphuric - -- -- -- - lb. 55 Hypophosphorous Solution - - - OZ. 24 Lactic, Concentrated ------ oz. 26 Dilute - -- -- -- -- oz. 11 Muriatic-carboys ------- lb. 021 -bottles ------- lb. 06 chem. pure ------ lb. 25 Nitric, carboys - -- -- -- - lb. 9 a 12 42°-in bottles ------ lb. 15 chem. pure ------- lb. 26 Aqua Fortis- ------ lb. 14 Nitrous fuming - -- -- -- - lb. 22 -■-- Oleic, crude - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 purified - -- -- -- - lb. 90 Oxalic ------------ lb. 14 - Phosphoric, glacial ------ lb. 95 1 Syr. sol. Sp. gr. 1.700 lb. 1 10 dilute, from Phosphorus lb. 22 This Acid is specially prepared in our Laboratory for dispensing purposes, and is suitable for Iron solutions. Picric (Carbazotic) ------- lb. 60 Pyrogallic - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 40 Pyroligneous - -- -- -- -- lb. 08 Succinic - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 30 Salicylic, white - -- -- -- - lb. 1 75 - - _ - _ OZ. 16 -dialysed ------- oz. 30 Sulphuric, per carboy ------ lb. 021 in bottles ------ lb. ■ chem. pure ----- lb. Nordhausen ----- lb. 28 Aromatic ------ lb. 50 Sulphurous solution ------ lb. 20 Tannic - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 90 in ozs. - -- -- -- -- OZ. Tartaric, powd. 50 lb. boxes - - - - lb. 47 OZ. 1 00 Valerianic - -- -- -- -- - 40 Aconitia ------------- 2 00 Acorn Coffee ----------- lb. 16 Agaric ------------- _ lb. 70 Albumen, from eggs --------- lb. 1 75 Alcohol, market price, bbls. ------ gallon Cologne spirit, market price - - gallon Atwood's, see p 95. gallon 2 65 ' Absolute - -- -- -- -- gallon 4 oo ; M ood ---------- gallon 1 45 1 ' Aldehyde - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 3 00 Alizarine - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 30 Allspice ------------- lb. 20 ground - -- -- -- -- - lb. 24 Almonds, bitter - -- -- -- -- - lb. 45 sweet - -- -- -- -- lb. 45 Aloine - -- -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 1 20 Alum, bbls. - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 02} Ground - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 05 Calcined, powdered ------ lb. 20 Ammonio Ferric ------- lb. 50 Chrome - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Granulated- - -- -- -- -- lb. 15 Alumina, Sulphate, pure, - - - - - - OZ. 25 Aluminium, metal - -- -- -- -- oz. 2 25 | Ambergris, gray - -- -- -- -- - oz. 28 00 ; Ammonia, Aqua, U, S. P., 16° - - Carboys lb. 05 U. S. P., 20° - - Carboys lb. 07 lb. 13 sold as Concentrated Ammonia - - lb. 44 lb. Ammonium, Arseniate ------- Benzoate - -- -- -- - OZ. 40 oz. 38 Bromide - -- -- -- - lb. 57 oz. Carbaztitatt. (j)ic-i'ciXC') - - - Carbonate, American (in jars) lb. 22 lb. lb. 14 lb. This article is perfectly pure, and specially prepared for dispensing. Citrate - -- -- -- -- oz. 16 Hydrosulphuret ----- lb. 55 ------ OZ. oz. 24 38 ■ Nitrate, crystals ----- lb. 32 lb. 32 lb. 32 ---Oxalate --------- lb. 1 15 Phosphate ------- lb. 1 15 OZ. 70 lb. 07 OZ. 16 oz. Cy anide - - - - - 20 Sulphite - -- -- -- - oz. 25 Valerianate ------- oz. 35 Amygdalin - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 2 40 Amyl, Acetate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 2 75 Butyrate ---------- OZ. 50 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 80 Nitrite - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 35 Valerianate - -- -- -- -- oz. 70 Amylene - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 50 Aniline Dyes, soluble in water, unless otherwise specified. Black, (Nigro'sin) 3 B 1 lb. suitable for making Ink j " Blue, "R" (Reddish) ----- 2 70 lb. 3 25 BB No. 1, (.Bluish) - - - - lb. 7 00 lb. 4 75 R, (soluble in Alcohol) - - Brown, "Bismarck" ----- lb. 7 00 lb. 2 25 Crimson ---------- lb. 2 50 Eosine, (for making brilliant Red Ink.- ---------- OZ. 50 Green ----------- lb. 5 00 Orange ---------- lb. 3 GO Red, in grain, (this is strictly pure) lb. 2 00 lb. 5 00 Royal Purple 2 B "Hoffman's" - lb. 4 50 Scarlet - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Uranine --------- OZ. 75 Violet 2 B "Hoffman's" - - - - lb. 4 50 IVlvLlljl e) 1), VbUlLaiHC IOI making the transfer ink used with the Patent Copying Pads - - - lb. 4 50 Yellow - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 75 Annatto, best Brazilian, in rolls - - - - lb. 46 Annatto-ine - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 30 Anthracene - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 30 Antimony, Butter of - -- -- -- - lb. 24 Chloride - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 00 Diaphoretic ------- lb. 1 50 Golden Sulphuret ----- lb. 50 Sulphuret, crystals - - - - - lb. 16 lb. 20 | Ore, powd. -------- lb. 14 1 common, powd. ------ lb. Tartrate, Crystals ----- lb. 85 . ; z - Powdered ----- lb. 75 6 Apiol -------------- oz. 1 50 Apomorphia, Amorphous, - - - - - - i oz. 1 25 Crystals ------ - - i oz. 4 CO Arrowroot, American ------ lb. 10 1 Bermuda ------ lb. 50 Florida -------- - - lb. Jamaica ------- lb. Zb St. Vincent- - - - - - lb. 15 Taylor s, in foil. 12 lb. boxes - lb. <35 Arsenic, Metallic -------- lb. 50 - Bromide ------- OZ. id solution - - - - lb. 60 Chloro Phosphide - - - - OZ. 35 Donovan's solution - - - lb. 27 Fowler's solution - - - - lb. 12 Iodide - -- -- -- - OZ. 45 Red, (Realgar) ----- lb. • 20 White - -- -- -- - lb. 08 lb. 25 Yellow, (Orpiment) - - - lb. Asbestos - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 ground -------- lb. 15 Asparagin - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 1 60 Atropia ----------- oz. 10 25 Su'phate - -- -- -- - oz. 9 2.'> Vaierianate ------- oz. 10 25 Asphaltum - -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 Balsam, Canada,bbls. ------ gallon 2 20 pounds ----- doz. 5 00 Copaiva - -- -- -- - lb. 75 solidifiable - - - - lb. 85 solidilied - - - - lb. 95 Gurjun (wood oil) - - - - lb. 3 50 Peru - -- -- -- -- - lb. Tolu ---------- lb. 65 Sulphur - -- -- -- - lb. 40 Bark, Angostura - -- -- -- - Barberry --------- lb. 35 lb. 410 Bayberry - -- -- -- - lb. Black Haw -------- lb. 25 Buckthorn, (foreign) - - - - lb. 15 12 CanellaAlba ------- lb. Cascarilla - -- -- -- - lb. 12 Cascara Sagrada ------ lb. 40 Cassia in mats - ------ lb. 22 extra, in bundles - - - lb. 40 | - Cinchona, Calisaya ----- lb. 2 00 Loxa- ------ lb. 55 | Yellow ------ lb. 25 1 Red ------- - - lb. 1 90 | Cinnamon, Ceylon ----- lb. 90 I Coto ---------- lb. 1 40 ' Cotton Root ------- lb. 18 ground - - • - - lb. Cundurango, true ----- lb. 20 | Elm - -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 selected ------- lb. ground in bulk - - - - lb. 15 1 and J packets - - lb. 20 powdered - ----- lb. 20 powd. 2 ozs. ----- - - lb. 30 Hemlock, crushed ----- lb. 15 Lemon Peel ------- lb. 15 Mezereon - -- -- -- - lb. 22 Oak, white, ground ----- - - lb. 12 -- Orange Peel, Sweet ----- lb. 10 - ground - - - - lb. 13 Seville ------ lb. 12 15 lb. Pomegranate Fruit ----- 15 1 Root ----- lb. 35 Poplar ---------- lb. 10 1 ground ------ lb. 18 | Prickly Ash- ------- lb. 18 Quercitron - -- -- -- - lb. 98 | Sassafras- - -- -- -- - lb. 12j Simaruba - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Soap, (or Quillai) ------ lb. 12 i ground ------- lb. 16 -- Wild Cherry, selected young bark - lb. 15 Barium, Acetate - -- -- -- - oz. 20 Chloride, pure ----- lb. 18 1 Carbonate- ------- lb. 95 | Iodide --------- oz. 65 Nitrate --------- lb. 21 1 powd. ----- lb. 21 -- Oxide - -- -- -- -- oz. 25 Barley, Pearl ---------- lbs. 06 I Bath Brick, bbls. - -- -- -- - hund. 3 50 1 boxes. 2 doz. ----- - - box. 75 Bay Rum, pure, imported - . - - in quart Champagnes - - gallon 2 65 - - doz. 12 00 ' in pint " - - - - doz. 7 00 | American ------ gallon 2 50 in Wines, 8s - - doz. 8 00 Beans, Calabar - -- -- -- - lb. 75 Cacao --------- lb. 30 Locust, (St. John's Bread) - - lb. 10 St. Ignatius ------- lb. 45 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Feans, Tonka, Angostura - - - - lb. 2 40 lb. Vanilla, prime - - - - - lb. Tito 12 extra ------ lb. 15 00 Bebeerine, pure - -- -- -- - oz. 2 50 Sulphate- ------ oz. 1 75 1 Benzine - -- -- -- -- -- gallon 18 Benzole, (from Coal Tar) ----- lb. Berries, Buckthorn ------- lb. Cocculus Indicus ----- lb. 10 1 Cubeb - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Elder --------- lb. 25 - Juniper - -- -- -- - lb. 07 Laurel - -- -- -- -- lb. 12 Poke --------- lb. 25 Prickly Ash- - - - - - - lb. scarce Sumach - -- -- -- - lb. 12 Bismuth. Metallic ------- lb. 2 30 Citrate - -- -- -- - OZ. 40 and Ammon. Citr. t j - - - to to oz. 40 solution - to to lb. 75 Oxychloride ------ lb. 2 40 Salicylate ------- OZ. 1 50 Sub-carbonate ----- lb. 2 90 Sub-nitrate - - - - - to lb. 2 40 drops - - - - - - lb. 3 20 Tannate- ------- OZ. 58 Valerianate ------ OZ. 95 Black Pitch - -- -- -- -- - lb. 06 Bladders - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 75 Blue, Chinese - -- -- -- -- lb. 65 powd. ------ lb. 70 - ' - Prussian pure ------- lb. 65 powd. ------ to to lb. 70 Soluble, finest ------- lb. 70 Nuremberg, pound boxes - - - to lb. 40 1 ■■ •> _ - - lb. 40 Queen's - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Ultramarine ------- lb. 28 Blue Vitriol - -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 Bole Armenia - -- -- -- -- lb. 08 powd. ------ lb. 12 Borax, cases 112 lbs. ------- lb. 15 powd. - -- -- -- -- lb. 16 Breast Tea - -- -- -- -- - - lb. 40 Bromine - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 06 Chloride ------- - OZ. 75 Bromoform - -- -- -- -- - oz. 2 00 Brucia - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 2 80 Nitrate oz. 4 50 Sulphate - -- -- -- - oz. 2 80 Buds, Balm of Gilead ------ lb. 40 Cassia ---------- lb. 40 Orange --------- lb. Butter Cocoa - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 Cadmium, Bromide ------- oz. 25 Iodide- ------- oz. 40 Metallic ------- oz. 20 Sulphate ------- oz. 25 Sulphuret ------ oz. 60 Caffeine - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 2 40 Citrate -------- oz. 2 40 Calamine - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 10 Calcium, Bromide ------- - to lb. 90 cZ. - - - - - - to oz. 08 Carb. Preclp., English - - - to lb. 12 Chloride ------- lb. 40 Hypophosphite ----- OZ. 17 and Sodium Hypophosphite - to OZ. 20 Iodide - -- -- -- - oz. 45 Lactophosphate L., M. & G. - to oz. 50 Phosphate, Precip. - - - lb. 30 Sulphite ------- lb. 25 cartons - - - - doz. 1 25 Sulpho-carbolate - - - - OZ. 16 Sulphuret ------- oz. 07 Camphor - -- -- -- -- - bbl. lb. 27 Sublimed, (in powder) - - - to lb 65 Monobromated, L., M. & G. - - OZ. 40 Candy, Coltsfoot Rock, English, 5 lb. boxes lb. 50 Gum Drops, 5 lb. boxes - - - - to lb. 32 Rock, white and yellow - - - lb. 20&17 See also Lozenges, page 11. Cantharides - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 10 Cantharidin - -- -- -- -- - grain 50 Caramel - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Carbon, Bisulphuret - - ----- - lb. 24 oz's. ----- OZ. 06 Carmine, No. 6--------- oz. 25 12 oz. 45 20 oz. 50 40- -------- oz. 60 Cassia Fistula - -- -- -- -- lb. 18 Castoreum - -- -- -- -- - lb. 6 50 Cerate, Cantharides ------- lb. 90 Extract of Cantharides - - - to lb. 1 50 -- Goulard's - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Resin - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Cerate, Resin Comp'd - -- -- -- - lb. GO Savine - -- -- -- -- -- lb. GO Simple - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Soap ------------ lb. 50 Spermaceti - -- -- -- -- lb. GO Turner's - -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 Zinc Carb. ---------- lb. 50 Cereum, Nitrate - -- -- -- -- - OZ. GO -Oxalate - -- -- -- -- - oz. 18 Chalk in bbls. - -- -- -- -- -- per c. GO Drops, 25 lb. boxes ------- lb. 04 i Eng. in 8 lb. boxes - - - - box 75 1 Precip. See Calcium Carb. French ----------- lb. 15 powd. - -- -- -- -- lb. 08 red, lingers - -- -- -- -- - lb. 08 Charcoal, animal, coarse ------- lb. 12 powd. (Ivory Black) lb. 06 Charcoal, powd. willow, in 1 lb. boxes lb. 25 in 10 lb. kegs - - keg I 75 in bottles, L. M. & G. doz. 1 50 ordinary ------- lb. 08 Chinoidine - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 16 Chlorodyne, L., M. & G. - - - - - - - lb. 3 50 Chloral, Hydrate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 65 Schering's ------ lb. 1 75 1 Crystals, - - - - - - - lb. 1 90 Crystals, Schering's - - - lb. 2 00 Croton Hydrate ------- oz. 1 15 Chloraluni, Powder- - -- -- -- - 11). 12 I Solution, quarts ----- doz. 8 00 pints ------ doz. 4 38 > i . doz. 2 38 Chloroform. American -------- lb. 83 Purified, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 1 45 Cinchonia - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 45 Sulphate- - -- -- -- -- OZ. 30 Cinchonidia, Sulphate - -- -- -- - OZ. 1 10 pure Alkaloid ------ OZ. 1 50 Cinnabar - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 30 Civet - -- -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 3 50 Clay, China - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 06 Pipe - 11). 06 powd. - -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 Potters - -- -- -- -- -- 11). 07 Cloves - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 42 ground ----------- lb. 47 Cobalt - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Powder, - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Nitrate- - -- -- -- -- - oz. 65 Oxide, pure - -- -- -- -- oz. 1 00 Cochineal, Honduras - -- -- -- - lb. 65 Codeia - -- -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 3 50 Collodion - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 90 1 ozs. cork s. vials ------ doz. 2 00 oz. G. S. vials ------- doz. 2 75 Cantharidal - -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 Cologne Water ----------- gallon 4 .501 L. M. & G. ------ gallon 6 00 i Colocynth, Apple - -- -- -- -- - lb. 60 1 Composition, in bulk -------- lb. 30 I OZS. --------- lb. 40 2 ozs. - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Confection Black Pepper ------- lb. 7 n Damocratis ------- lb. 4 00 Rose - -- -- -- -- - lb. 45 Senna ---------- lb. 40 Extra, L. M. & G. - - - lb. 50 Worm seed - -- -- -- - lb. 75 Conia, 1-8 oz. vials- - -- -- -- -- OZ. 6 CO Copper, Ammoniated - -- -- -- - lb. 95 Arseniate ---------- OZ. 45 Arsenite - -- -- -- -- - oz. 30 Carbonate - -- -- -- -- lb. Chloride - -- -- -- -- - lb. 85 Cyanide ---------- oz. 30 Iodide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 50 ; Nitrate ----------- lb. 60 ! Oxalate - -- -- -- -- - oz. 30 | Oxide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 14 Sulphate, (see Blue Vitriol) Sulphate, L., M. & G. Pure Granu- iar for Pharmaceutical use - - lb. 35 | Copperas - -- -- -- -- - -Bbls. lb. 01 i Cornu Cervi, calcined - -- -- -- - lb. 16 | ---- rasped - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Corrosive Sublimate, see Mercury, Bi-Chlo- ride. Cowhage - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 40 Cream Tartar, pure powder ------ lb. Creosote - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 lb. 60 Wood, Morson's English, in 1 lb. G. S. bots., incl. ----- i lb. 3 75 Crocus Martis - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 13 Metallorum - -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Cubebin __ OZ. 9 60 Cudbear, extra - lb. Caxarc - - - _____ gram. 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 7 Cuttie Bone - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 35 Delphinia- - ---------- i oz. 4 50 Dextrine - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 14 Diastase, saccharated - -- -- -- - oz. 1 50 Digitalin - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 4 25 Pure - -- -- -- -- -- 1 oz. 2 00 Duboisin - -- -- -- -- -- -- grain 60 Earth, Fullers - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 05 powd. --------- lb. 08 Elixirs L. M. & G's, in bottles or bulk, at usual discount ----- Beef, Wine and Iron, - - - - pints doz. 8 00 Bismuth - -- -- -- -- - doz. 10 00 Bromide Potassium ------ doz. 10 00 Bromide Sodium ------- doz. 10 00 Calisava - - - ------- doz. 8 00 Detannated. The Cincho- Tannic Acid being all preclpi- tated from this Elixir, solutions of iron or other saltscan be add- per| ed, without causing it to change. gal. > 3 50 Formula for preparing Elix. Cali- net) saya, Ferrophosp,etc.,attached to label. Ferrated ----- pints doz. 10 00 Iron and Bismuth - - - dc.z. 10 00 Iron and Strychnia - - - doz. 10 00 Citrate Lithia - -- -- -- - doz. 20 00 Gentian and Tr. Chlor. Iron - - - doz. 8 00 Ferrated ------- doz. 8 00 Guarana - -- -- -- -- - doz. 18 00 Pyrophosp,Iron, Quinia&Strychnia doz. 22 00 Pepsin and Bismuth ------ doz. 18 00 t Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnia - - doz. 18 00 Rhubarb and Magnesia ----- doz. 10 00 Taraxacum Comp. - ------ doz. 8 CO Vai. Ammonia - -- -- -- - doz. 11 00 Elaterium - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 8 00 Emery. Flour - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 08 Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ----- lb. 12 Paper - -- -- -- -- -- quire 40 Emetia- - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 3 00 Eosine, (see Aniline). Ergot (Spanish) - -- -- -- -- - lb. 55 Ergotine - -- -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 40 Bonjean's - -- -- -- -- OZ. 3 00 Eserine- - -- -- -- -- -- -- grain 50 Essences, Fruit. L., M. & G.'sConcentrat- ed for Soda Water Syrups. Apple - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Banana - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Nectar - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Peach ---------- lb. 1 25 Pear - -- -- - -- -- - lb. 1 25 Pineapple - -- - lb. 1 2' Raspberry - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 25 Strawberry - -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Ether. Acetic - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 80 Butyraceous - -- -- -- -- lb. - 1 50 Butyric - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 2 00 Chloric - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 80 Concentrated ------ Ib. 95 -- Formic - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 3 00 Sulphuric - -- -- -- -- - lb. 66 washed ------- lb. 69 concentrated ----- lb. 72 Ethyl, Bromide, - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 50 Chloride - -- -- -- -- - OZ. Iodide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 80 EXTRACTS, SOLID, IN POWDER. We call attention to the list of Pow- dered Solid Extracts (see page 18) which are prepared with great care in our own laboratory for pre- scription use. They are all of the same strength as the Solid Extracts, and can be used in place of the latter, to the great advantage of the dispenser. They effect a great saving of time by facilitating the intimate mixing of ingredients. They are specially adapted for ready ad- mixture with Cacao Butter and preparing Suppositories, either by fusion or the cold process. For list of Powdered Extracts see page 18. EXTRACTS, SOLID. On the following list of Solid Extracts those bearing our own name will bo found to be the best of their kind in the market. For note on our Ex- tract Belladonna, see "American Journal of Pharmacy''for April. 1876 1 Extract Aconite, A leoholic, L., M. & G. - lb. 3 00 English ______ lb. 3 50 | -Aloes Socot, L., M. & G. - _ _ - lb. 2 CO 1 -Arnica, Alcoholic, M. f~ C. lb. * 3 00 - --Bark, Precipitated. M. 8 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Extract, Belladonna, Alcoholic, L., M. &G. lb. 3 00 Bittersweet lb. 3 40 Boneset - -- -- -- -- - lb. 3 00 Black Cohosh ------- lb. 3 00 Black Hellebore ------ lb. 4 00 • Blessed Thistle, L., M. & G. - - lb. 2 30 Bloodroot - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 50 Buchu, English ------- lb. 6 00 ■ ■ Butternut, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 2 00 Calabar Bean, L., M. & G. - - - OZ. 2 00 Cannabis Indica, L. M. & G. - - oz. 50 • Herring's - - oz. oo : Cascarilla - -- -- -- -- lb. 4 00 , Cinchona, Calisaya, L., M. & G. - oz. 85 i Bed, L. M. & G. - - oz. Pale, L., M. & G. - - lb. 6 00 ' Colchicuin, Alcoholic - - - - lb. 6 00 Acetic, L., M. & G. oz's OZ. 40 ■ English, oz's. oz. 60 • Colocynth, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 6 50 Comp. Pulv., L., M. & G. lb. 4 50 • Columbo - -- -- -- -- lb. 3 00 -Conium, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. - lb. 2 25 English ------ lb. 1 35 --Cubebs - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 25 Cypripediuin - -- -- -- - lb. 3 50 Dandelion - -- -- --- lb. 75 - English ----- lb. 1 15 ■ Digitalis, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. - lb. 2 25 English ------ lb. 3 50 Elecampane - -- -- -- - lb. 3 00 Galls ----------- lb. 2 50 Gentian, E. M. & G. ----- lb. 75 English ------ lb. 90 Golden Seal - -- -- -- - lb. 3 00 Grindelia Robusta ------ lb. 5 00 Hops, Alcoholic ------ lb. 3 00 ■ -Hyoscyamus,Bien., Ale.L., M. &G. lb. 3 00 ■ English, Bien. - - lb. 4 00 • Ignatia, L., M. & G. ----- OZ. 1 00 Ipecac, L.,M.&G. - - - - - oz. 1 00 Jalap, L„ M. & G. ------ lb. 2 50 1 Liquorice Calab. Corigliano, 4 to lb. lb. lb. 38 38 8 • lb. 38 16 » lb. 38 lb. 35 P&; S.7 ' 12 - - lb. 33 English Refined - - lb. 55 American « - - - lb. 35 Mass » - - - lb. 30 • Lobelia - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 25 Logwood, 12 lb. boxes - - - - lb. W pounds ------ 1 « ------ lb. lb. 13 14 i j , . - - - lb. 161 Male Fern. (See Oleo Resin.) Malt, Mercks - -- -- -- - lb. i rr- 1 7a | « Mandrake, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 1 60 Mezereon, Etherial ------ oz. 1 uO i Monesia - -- -- -- -- oz. 60 | Nux Vomica, Alcohol. L., M. & G. oz. 30 Opium Aqueous, L., M. & G. - - oz. 1 25 Pareira Brava -------- oz. 1 50 Quassia, L., M. & G. ----- lb. 4 50 Rhatany, Merck's ------ lb. 3 •>() • German ------ lb. 2 00 Rhubarb, Alcoholic. L.. M. & G. - lb. 4 50 Sarsaparilla,Alcoholic, L., M. & G. lb. 5 00 Jamaica - - - - - lb. 5 25 Compound, Allen's lb. 6 00 Savin - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 3 00 • Scullcap - -- -- -- -- lb. 3 50 Seneka ---------- lb. 8 00 ■ Senna ---------- lb. 2 00 Stramonium Leaf, Alcoholic, L„M. & G. - - - - - - - - lb. 2 75 Stramonium Seed, L., M. & G. lb. 8 50 UvaUrsi- - - - - -- -- lb. 2 20 Valerian, Alcoholic, L., M. & G. - lb. 3 50 For list of FLUID EXTRACTS see folio 20 Extracts Flavoring, Ballards, of supe- rior quality, in 2 oz. bottles and attractive style. Almond - -- -- -- - m doz. 1 75 Celery - -- -- -- -- -e doz. 1 75 Cinnamon ------- x doz. 1 75 ■ Lemon - -- -- -- -- c t doz. 1 75 Orange ---------Iq™ doz. 1 75 --Pineapple- ------- ® doz. 1 75 Raspberry - -- -- -- ® doz. 1 75 - --Rose- - -- -- -- -- >> doz. 1 75 Strawberry ------- g~ doz. 1 75 Vanilla- - - - - -•- - - J EH doz. 1 75 1 1 - EXTRACTS FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. Improved quality and attractive style- In flint glass stoppered bottles, each bottle containing one pint Extract. (See also page 3 & 110). Bottles and stamps are included in the annexed prices. Extract Azalea - -- -- -- -- - Pint. 3 00 Bouquet Anglais ------- 3 DO 3 00 Caroline ------ 3 00 3 (10 Carnation Pink ------- 3 00 Clove Pink - -- -- -- -- 3 00 Frangipanni --------- 8 1(0 Heliotrope - -- -- -- -- 3 00 Honey Suckle - -- -- -- - 3 00 Hyacinth - -- -- -- -- - 3 00 Jasmin- - -- -- -- -- - 3 00 Jockey Club --------- 3 00 Jonquille - -- -- -- -- - 3 (Ml Lily of the Valley- ------ 3 00 Magnolia - -- -- -- -- - 3 00 May Flowers - -- -- -- - 3 00 Marechale - -- -- -- -- 3 00 Millefleur ---------- 3 00 Mignionette - -- -- -- - 3 00 Moss Rose - -- -- -- -- 3 00 Mousseline - -- -- -- -- 3 00 Musk " Special" (green label) - - 4 00 Musk Rose - -- -- -- -- 3 00 New Mown Hay ------- 3 00 Night Blooming Cereus - - - - 3 00 Ocean Spray- - -- -- -- - 3 00 Orange Blossom ------- 3 00 Patchouly - -- -- -- -- 3 00 Persian Bouquet ------- 3 00 - - Pond Lily ---------- Redwood Bouquet ------ f V 3 00 3 00 Roman Frangipanni ------ V 7 00 Rondeletia - -- -- - - - - * 3 00 Rose- - -- -- -- -- -- * 3 00 Rose Geranium ------- * 3 00 Spring Flowers -------- f 3 00 Stephanotis - -- -- -- -- 3 00 Sweet Brier - -- -- -- -- f 3 00 Sweet Lotus - -- -- -- -- f 3 00 Sweet Pea - -- -- -- -- » 3 00 Tea Rose - -- -- -- -- - 3 00 Tuberose - -- -- -- -- - 3 00 Upper Ten - -- -- -- -- 3 00 Verbena - -- -- -- -- - 3 00 Violet - -- -- -- -- -- 3 00 West End - -- -- -- -- 3 00 White Lilac - -- -- -- -- 3 00 White Rose - -- -- -- -- 3 00 Wood Violet - -- -- -- - 3 00 Ylang Ylang - -- -- -- - 3 00 Extracts Concentrated, in ounce Bottles - Ambergris - -- -- -- -- OZ. 1 50 Civet - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 75 Musk - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 2 oz. bots. 1 50 Extracts Flavoring L., M. & G. Bitter Almond - - - - pint 1 35 doz. 2 00 Celery ------- " 1 35 doz. 2 00 Cinnamon ------ " 1 35 doz. 2 00 Lemon ------- " 1 35 doz. 2 00 Orange - -- -- -- "135 doz. 2 00 Rose - -- -- -- - "175 doz. 3 00 Vanilla ------- " 1 85 doz. 3 00 Lemon, 5 oz. bottles - - Vanilla • . - . doz. 5 00 doz. 6 00 Bottles are included in the price of pints. Ten per cent, discount when one gross of 2 oz. size are ordered. Farina, Hecker's, in i lb. packages - - - lb. 14 Fish Sounds ------------ lb. 1 50 Flake White - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 58 Flowers, Althea - -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 Arnica - -- -- - - lb. 38 Borage - -- -- -- -- - lb. 75 Calendula (Marigold) ----- lb. 55 Chamomile, Roman, 1880 - - - lb. 25 German, 1880 - - - lb. 30 Lavender - -- -- -- -- lb. 08 Linden, or Tilia (with leaves) lb. 35 (without leaves) lb. 50 Malva - -- -- -- -- - lb. 60 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 9 Flowers, Mullein -------- - lb. 65 --- Orange - -- -- -- - lb. 80 Poppy, Red ------ lb. 45 Rose, Pale ------- lb. 50 Red, French - - - lb. 2 00 ---- Rosemary ------- lb. 30 Saffron, American - - - - lb. 45 Spanish _ - - - lb. 16 00 Violet - -- -- -- - lb. 75 Fluor Spar - -- -- -- -- - lb. 12 1' ucus Vesiculosis ------- lb. 20 Garlics ------------ string 20 Gelatine, Cox's- - -- -- -- - - doz. 1 05 Cooper's ------- lb. 95 French -------- lb. 80 a 95 Pink ------ lb. 1 20 Gelsemine - -- -- -- -- - gram. 3 00 Gentisin - -- -- -- -- -- f oz. 16 00 Glass, Soluble - -- -- -- -- lb. 12 Glue, Cooper's, A, Extra bbls. - - - - - lb. 32 No. Ido. " - - - - - lb. 28 1 " - . - - - lb. 24 IX, " - - - - - lb. 20 li " - - - - lb. 17 " - - - lb. 16 u " - - - lb. 15 If " - - - lb. 13 H " lb. 12 9 44 lb. Glycerine, Price's, bottles free - - - - lb. 75 Bower's, lbs. bottles free - - - lb. 75 6 lb. bottles - - - lb. 65 Pure, L. M. & G. - - - - - - lb. 40 - Vienna -------- - lb. Sarg's distilled ----- lb. Selected ------- lb. 40 50 lb. cans - - - - - lb. 35 Glycyrrhizin, Ammoniacal - - - - - - OZ. 30 Glucose ----------- 10. 12 Gold, Chloride, 15 gr. bottles - - - doz. 5 30 and Sodium, 15 gr. bottles doz. 2 65 30 - doz. 5 30 Oxide, 15 gr. bottles - - - - doz. 11 00 Goa Powder ---------- lb. 4 00 Grains d'Ambrette ------- lb. 80 Grains of Paradise ------- lb. 25 Grindelia Robusta ------- lb. Guarana - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 10 Gum Aloes, Barbadoes- - - - - - lb. 35 Bonaire ------- lb. 28 Cape -------- lb. 17 Socotrine, true - - - - lb. 50 Ammoniac, in tears - - - - lb. 35 Assafoetida ------- - - lb. 20 a 25 Arabic, Extra - ------ lb. 55 1st - -- -- -- - - lb. 42 a 45 2nd - -- -- -- - lb. 30 ct 35 3d -------- lb. 25 a 30 4th - -- -- -- - - - lb. 22 Sifted Sorts ----- lb. 20 Sorts ------- lb. 18 Granulated 1st Select - - - lb. 55 Acroides- - -- -- -- - lb. • Benzoin, Fine Marbled - - - lb. 50 Catechu, Black (medicinal) - - - - lb. 12 Pale (Terra Japonica) - - lb. 7 Copal - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Damar - -- -- -- -- lb. -- Elemi - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Euphorbium ------- lb. v<> Galbanum, tears ----- lb. 45 strained ----- lb. 55 Guaiacuni - - - - -- -- lb. 35 Gamboge - -- -- -- - lb. 80 Hemlock - -- -- -- - 10. 50 Kino, true - -- -- -- - Ib. 45 Mastic, extra ------- lb. 1 50 Myrrh ---------- lb. 40 Olibanum, tears ------ lb. 25 Opium - -- -- -- -- lb. 6 25 Denarcotized - - - - OZ. 85 Opoponax - -- -- -- - lb. 4 00 Sagapenum -------- lb. 2 35 Sandarach - -- - -- -- lb. 35 Sanguis Draconis (Dragons Blood) - lb. 45 in reeds - - * - lb. 1 00 Scammony, pure Resin - - - lb. 12 00 Senegal - -- -- -- -- lb. Shellac - -- -- -- -- 43 Campbell's No. 1 - - - lb. 45 Bleached ------ - - lb. 50 Spruce - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 - Strained ------ - lb. I 25 Storax, Catamite- - - - _ lb. 40 --■ Liquid ------- lb. 35 - Thus (white turpentine) - - - lb. 68 - 'iSmar.i,''; lb. 1 15 Gum, Tragacanth, flake, 1st - - - - - - lb. I 1» 2nd _____ lb. 80 Extra, ribbons - lb. 1 30 Vermicelli ----- lb. 80 sorts ------- lb. 65 Gutta Percha - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 50 Gun Cotton. See Pyroxylin, page 14. Haemaglobin - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 30 HERBS, ROOTS, BARKS, &C., Prices given are for lb. p'kages. pressed. Herbs only are in ounce papers, at six cents, per lb. advance. Abe ess root - - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Aconite Leaves ------- lb. 25 Agrimony - -- -- -- -- lb. Alder Bark, Black ------ lb. 22 -- Berries - -- -- -- - lb. Red or Tag ------- lb. 20 -- Alum Root - -- -- -- -- lb. 38 Angelica Leaves ------- lb. 30 Seeds ------- lb. 35 Arnica Root- - -- -- -- - lb. 45 Ash Bark, Mountain ----- lb. 25 Prickly ------ lb. 24 Berries • ------ lb. scarce Avens Root - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Balm Lemon - -- -- -- - lb. 33 Mountain ------- lb. Sweet --------- lb. 35 Gilead Buds ------ lb. 40 -- Balmony - -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Balsam Sweet - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Barberry Bark - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Bayberry " - -- -- -- - lb. 18 Belladonna Leaves ------ lb. 30 Beth Root - -- -- -- -- lb. 28 Bitter *• lb. 33 Bittersweet Bark of Root - - - - lb. 32 Herb ------ - lb. 32 Blackberry Root ------- lb. 20 Bark of Root - - - - lb. 25 Blue Flag- - -- -- -- -- lb. fil) Boneset - -- -- -- -- - lb. 18 Bouncing Bet - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Boxwood Bark -------- lb. 22 Flowers ------ lb. 30 Buckbean ---------- lb. 37 Buckhorn Brake ------- lb. 30 Buckthorn Berries ------ lb. Bugle Sweet --------- lb. Burdock Leaves ------- lb. 25 Root -------- lb. 25 Seeds -------- lb. 20 Butternut Bark ------- lb. 20 Button Snake Root ------ 11>. 32 Cancer Root Plant ------ lb. 33 Catnep ----------- Celandine, Garden ------ lb. lb. 18 28 Centaury, American ----- lb. 28 Chestnut Leaves ------- lb. 22 Cicuta Leaves - -- -- -- - lb. 25 -- Cleavers - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Clover Heads - -- -- -- - lb. 28 -- Cocash Root - -- -- -- - lb. 40 Cohosh, Black - -- -- -- - lb. 17 Blue- -------- lb. 20 White - -- -- -- - lb. 38 Coltsfoot. Leaves ------ lb. 25 Coltsfoot, Root ------- lb. 35 --Comfrey - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Cotton Root Bark ------ lb. 25 Cramp Bark --------- lb. 25 -- Cranesbill - -- -- -- -- lb. 24 -- Crawley - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 25 Culvers Root - -- -- -- - lb. scarce Dandelion Root ------- lb. 35 Devils Bit - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Dragon Root - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Elder Flowers - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Dwarf- - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Sweet - -- -- -- -- lb. 28 Fern, Female - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Male - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Meadow - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Sweet --------- lb. 20 Feverfew - -- -- -- -- - lb. 45 Fleabane ---------- lb. 25 Foxglove - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Frostwort - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Goldthread - -- -- -- -- lb. 60 -Goldenrod - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 -Goldenseal - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Gravel Plant - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Hardback Leaves- ------ lb. 25 Hellebore Black ------- lb. 30 White ------- lb. -Horehound - -- -- -- -- lb. 18 --- Hops - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1&O40 --■-Hursemint ---------- lb. 25 1O Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Herbs, Hyssop - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Indian Hemp Black - - - - lb. 32 White - - - lb. 28 Indian Turnip ------ Ib. 28 Ivy, Ground- ------ . - - lb. 25 Johns wort ------- lb. 25 Ladies Slipper ------ - - Ib. 28 Larkspur Seed ------ - Ib. 1 25 Laurel Leaves ------ ib. 20 Lettuce Garden - - . .. - ib. 28 Life Root - -- -- -- - Ib. 25 Lily, White Pond ----- Ib. 28 Liverwort ------- Ib. 35 - Lobelia - -- -- -- - lb. 2'0 --- Seed ------- lb. 55 Lovage Root ------ lb. 25a45 Seed ------- lb. 60 Lungwort- ------- lb. 28 - Maidenhair - - - - - - - Ib. 25 Mandrake Root ----- lb. 18 -• Marshmallow Leaves - - - - - lb. 28 Marsh Rosemarv ----- - - lb. 30 - Marjoram Sweet ----- - - Ib. 25 Masterwort Seed ----- lb. 55 Milkweed Root ----- lb. 28 - Motherwort ------- lb. 25 Mugwort - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Mullein - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Nanny Bush Bark - - - - lb. 32 Oak Bark, Black ----- lb. 20 Red ------ lb. 20 White ----- lb. 18 of Jerusalem ----- lb. 28 Parsley Root ------ lb. 40 Leaves ------ - - lb. 31 Seed ------- lb. 30 Peach Leaves ------ lb. 25 Pits - -- -- -- - - - lb. 35 Pennyroyal ------- lb. 18 ---- Peony Flower ------ lb. -» Root - ----- - - lb. Peppermint ------- lb. 20 Plantain Leaves ----- lb. 28 Pleurisy Root ------ lb. 25 - Poke Berries ------ lb. 25 Root ------- lb. 22 Poplar Bark Black - - - - lb. 22 White - - - - - - lb 18 Poppy Flowers ----- - - lb. TO Leaves ------ lb. 40 Princes Pine ------ - lb. 22 Pumpkin Seeds ----- - lb. 20 Queen of the Meadow Herb - - lb. 20 • Root - lb. 22 Queen's Delight ----- lb. 25 Raspberry Leaves - - - - lb. 22 Rock Rose ------- lb. 40 Rosemary Flowers - - - - lb. 00 Leaves - - - - lb. 25 Rue - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Sage- --------- lb. 15 ■ Sampson Snake Root - - - lb. 30 Sarsaparilla ------- lb. 24 Savine - -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Scullcap - -- -- -- - lb. 32 Side-saddle Plant - - - - - - lb. 35 Skunk Cabbage ----- lb. 25 Solomon Seal ------ lb. 25 Spearmint ------- lb. 16 Spikenard ------- lb. 22 Squaw Vine ------- lb. 24 Stone Root ------- Ib. 25 Ib 24 -- Berries - - - - - lb. 20 Leaves ----- - - lb. 25 Summer Savory ----- lb. 20 Tamarack Bark ----- lb. 20 Tanzy --------- lb. 17 Thornapple Leaves - - - - Ib. 20 Seed - - - - - lb. 25 Thyme --------- lb. 20 Turkey Corn ------ lb. 28 Unicorn Root ------ lb. 31 Vervain - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Wahoo (Bark of Root)- - - lb. scarce Water Pepper ------ lb. 20 Wild Indigo ------ lb. 24 Wintergreen ------ lb. 20 Witch Hazel Bark - - - - lb. 20 lb 20 ■ Wormseed ------- ib: 18 Wormwood ------- lb. 18 Yarrow - -- -- -- - lb. 18 Yellow Dock ------ lb. 24 Jasmin** ----- lb. 25 lb. 25 Herbs. Peek & Velsor's "Select, »» a full stock in oz. papers, at their prices. Herbs, Wilson's Selected, a full stock in oz. papers, at their prices. Hiera Piera, (see Powders, page 18.) lb. 35 Hoffman's Anodyne ------- - - lb. 49 Honey -------------- lb. 16«25 Hops, bulk 1880 - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 pressed in } and } lb. 1880 - - - - lb. 35 lb. 40 Hydrastin, (see Resin, page 14.) Hydrogen Peroxide, Solution ----- lb. 1 60 India Rubber, Para - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 20 Indian Red - lb. 16 Indigo, Bengal ----------- lb. 1 85 lb. 1 20 Madras 1 Choicest for 1 - - - - lb. 1 10 Manilla f retailing I - - - - lb. 1 10 Indigo Compound, (Sulphate Indigo) - - lb. 65 Insect Powder, true Persian, most effec-l tive for destroying moths, roaches, ants r doz. 2 50 and similar vermin, in 4 oz. bottles doz. 1 50 Insect Powder, finest. (See page 101.) lb. 60 Iodine - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 3 50 OZ'S. - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 25 Bromide - -- -- -- -- - oz. 70 : solution ------- Chloride - -- -- -- -- - oz. 25 oz. 70 Iodoform - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 72 Iron, Acetate - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 35 lb. 1 00 Alcoholized (Limatura) - - - . lb. 32 Ammoniated - -- -- -- -- - lb. 35 Arseniate - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 30 Benzoate ----------- oz. 1 00 Bromide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 18 - by Hydrogen - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 10 Carbonate, Drops, (Rubigo Ferri?- - lb. 16 Precipitated -------- lb. 20 lb. 50 Saccharated - -- -- -- - lb. 70 Proto. (Vallet's mass) - - - lb. 40 Chloride - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 65 OZS. - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 06 Solution, U. S. P. - - - - pint 22 For preparing Tincture of Iron, by simply adding three pints of alcoho'l to one of solution, making a fine clear Tincture of U. S. P. strength. Tincture, U. S. P. - - _ - lb. 32 Citrate. U. S. P. -------- lb. 76 and Ammonia ------ lb. 80 and Magnesia ------- 1 RON,CITRATE AND QUINIA, L.. M . &G OZ. 09 lb. 9 00 OZ. 62 in oz s.- This preparation is entirely soluble, and contains over 10 per cent, of Alkaloidal Quinia. Citrate and Cinchonidia ----- lb. 5 00 40 in oz s. - - Quinia and Strychnia - - - - OZ. 70 ■ and Strychnia - ------ oz. 20 Dialysed, (in Scales) ------- oz. 40 Solution, L., M. & G. hot. free lb. 50 Ferrocyanide ---------- lb. 70 Filings - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 extra - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 (card teeth), clean and free from oxide ------- lb. 20 Hypophosphite - -- -- -- -- OZ. 20 Hydrated Peroxide ------- lb. 40 Iodide - -- -- -- -- -- . OZ. 35 Syrup lb. 50 Lactate - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 10 Lactophosphate --------- oz. 45 -- Oxalate - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 25 Oxide, black - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Pernitrate, Solution ------- lb. 35 Pyrophosphate, soluble, ----- lb. 75 lb. 90 L. M. & G. Phosphate ----------- lb. 50 Salicylate - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 45 Subsulphate (Monsel's Salt) - - - - lb. 53 solution ------- lb. 30 Succinate - -- -- - ____ OZ. 1 00 Sulphate (see Copperas) - - - - - - - pure - -- -- -- -- lb. 06 Exsiccated ------- lb. 18 and Ammonia- ----- lb. 16 granulated ------- Sulphocarbolate ------ . _ lb. oz. 45 16 Sulphuret - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 23 Tannate- - - - - _ _ _ - _ _ OZ. 30 and Potass-Tartrate ------- lb. U5 Tersulphate, Solution- ------ lb. ' 25 Valerianate, oz's. - -- -- -- - OZ. 40 Isinglass, American - - - - ____ Brazil - - - - - - - - - - lb. 2 00 lb. Cooper's sheet and shred - - - Ib. 95 Russian, true ------- James'Powder English, tree,oz's. - - - lb. 3 % 02. 1 75 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 11 Juices, Fruit. L., M. & G. These are simply the juices of the fruits, expressed in the season when they possess their full flavor, and so prepared as to preserve all their fruitiness and richness. Raspberry • 1 In quart - Strawberry • > Pineapple • ) Champagnes doz. doz. doz. 9 00 8 00 8 00 Juice, Conium, English- ------- lb. 1 25 Hyoscyamus, English - - - - - - lb. 1 75 lb. 1 '0 lb. 85 90 in pint bottles ------- dozen 3 75 Kali, Citrate. Mander's - ------- lb. 1.00 Kameela - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 10 Kaolin, (see Clay, China.) Kermes Mineral - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Koosso - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 80 - in oz's., French ------ doz. 6 00 doz. 5 50 Lac Dye - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Lactucarium - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 60 Laminaria Digitata - -- -- -- -- oz. 10 Lamp Black, asst'd - - - -- -- -- lb. 08 small papers, per hundred - per c. 85 Eddy's, assorted - - - bbls lb. 25 Germantown - - - - » lb. 12 Lapis Calaminaris, true, gray ----- lb. 10 Lard. Bjnzoated - -- -- -- -- - lb. 80 Lead, Acetate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 ■ brown - -- -- -- -- lb. 15 prepared for dispensing:. lb. 40 lb. 06 lb. 12 OZ. 25 1 75 Chromate - -- -- -- -- - lb. Glycerite L., M. & G. ------ A new product of our Laboratory, lb. 1 00 is used in place of Lead or Zinc Ointment, and in the treatment of cutaneous diseases. Tndidp _ OZ. 32 lb. 16 Red lb. 10 20 lb. OZ. 30 LEAF, Allens, selected, in pound bottles. 1 25 lb. lb. 1 25 lb. 1 25 Digitalis - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 Hyoscyamus, - -- -- -- - lb. 1 75 LEAVES, IN BULK. Aconite - -- -- -- -- - lb. 18 lb. lb. lb. 1 75 DUlllU - - - - lb. 42 short - -- -- -- - lb. 25 lb. 36 lb. 1 25 Conium - -- -- -- -- - Damiana - -- -- -- -- - lb. lb. lb. 16 60 28 lb. 1 16 lb. 25 1 I c n b a n e, R i eimial ------ Jaborandi- --------- lb. lb. 35 35 lb. 50 Rose. French, (see Flowers) - - - Rosemary ---------- lb. lb. 10 35 Sage, Long Ijeaf, llxtra - - - - - lb. -- Senna, Alexandria ------ lb. lb. 15 siitea ------ lb. and garbled - - Tndin lb. iiiuia --------- lb. Tinnevelly ------ Stramonium --------- U v a Ursi - lb. lb. 15 Leeches ------------- Lime, see also Calcium. hund. 6 00 Carbolated, 10 lb. boxes ----- box OX . 2 25 box doz. 1 50 - pound packages - - - - lb. 03 1 lb. bottles ------ doz. lb. 2 00 09 lb. i lb. " ------ 10 lb. 1 lb. ** Litharge - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 12 in scales- - -- -- -- -- lb. 15 Litmus lb. 40 Paper ----------- quire 70 Lithium, Benzoate --------- oz. 65 Carbonate --------- oz. 30 - Citrate - -- -- -- -- - oz. 30 ■ Iodide - -- -- -- -- - oz. 65 '- Salicylate - -- -- -- -- oz. 65 Loadstone - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 75 LOZENGES, MEDICATED, (See page 72.) Lozenges, Alum and Cubeb - - - - - - lb. 70 - - Alum and Kino ------ lb. 70 - Aromatic Cachou, brown.round lb. 80 Pink, octagon - - - lb. 70 -■- Astringent Rose L'f, very small lb. 1 50 ■ - Bath, English ------- lb. 55 Belladonna and Chlor. Potas. - lb. 1 00 Bismuth and Charcoal - - - lb. 2 00 ' Black Currant, English - - - lb. 75 - - Bloodroot -------- lb. 70 - Boneset. Extract ----- lb. 65 - Borax, Refined ------ lb. 68 .- -- Bronchial, No. 1 - - - - - lb. 90 No. 2 - - - - - - lb. 50 - - Buchu, Compound ----- - lb. 1 75 - - Calomel (1 grain) ----- lb. 65 - Camphor (i grain) ----- lb. 60 G gram) - lb. 65 - - Capsicum,small oval - - - - lb. 65 - - Carbolic Acid ------- lb. 80 and Chlor. Pot. - lb. 1 00 - - Catechu, plain ------ lb. 75 - Chalk, prepared ------ lb. 80 - Chamomile and Ginger - - - lb. 70 - - Charcoal, French ----- lb. 1 25 and Soda - - - - lb. 1 25 ' Chlor. Pot. 10 fl'rs, one to 5 grs. lb. - Coltsfoot English ----- lb. 50 - Coryza --------- lb. 1 50 - - Cough, Ladies (Tablets) - - - lb. 85 - Cream Tartar ------ lb. 60 - Cubeb, small oval ----- lb. 80 U. S. P. ----- - lb. 1 50 - - Cubebs and Chlorate Potash - lb. 80 - - Digestive - -- -- -- - lb. 85 Elm, Slippery ------- lb. 50 Eucalyptus, Glob. ----- lb. 1 25 - Ginger, extra ------- lb. 47 - - Ginger, mint ------- lb. 50 - - Guaiacum, -------- lb. 1 00 - - Heartburn - -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 - - Horehound, extract - - - - lb. 60 - Ipecac, Large Oval (1 grain)- - lb. 60 - - Iron, Carbonate of (5 grains) - lb. 80 - by Hydrogen (1 » ) - lb. 1 25 - - Dr. Jackson's Ammonia - - lb. 1 50 Pectoral - - - lb. 1 75 - - Juniper Tar. ------- lb. 70 - - Lactucarium ------- lb. 2 00 - - Licorice Extra ------ lb. 55 - - Lime Phosphate ----- lb. 70 - - London Hosp. Throat (32 for s) lb. - - Magnesia,Calcined- - - - _' lb. 70 Ponderous (3 grains) lb. 1 00 - and Ginger - - lb. 1 00 and Rhubarb - - lb. 1 00 and Soda- - - - - lb. 70 - Marshmallow - - - - _ - lb. 1 00 - Morphia (1-24 grain) - - - - lb. 1 00 Muriate Ammonia - - - - lb. 60 - and Chlor. Pot. - - lb. 60 - and Cubeb - - - - lb. 70 - - Musk (Tonquin) ----- lb. 68 - - Nervine,- - -- -- -- - lb. 2 00 - - Paregoric - -- -- -- - lb. 60 - - Pastilles de Paris ----- lb. 1 25 - - Peppermint,English, (Mitch'm) lb. 60 Eng. "Stand'dR.'' lb. 45 - - Pepsin <fc Charcoal with Mag- nesiaand Ginger ----- lb. 2 00 - - Pepsin and Iron ------ lb. 2 50 - - Podophllin and Jalap - - - - lb. 1 00 Potassa, Bi-Carb - - - _ . lb. 1 00 - Potassium, Bromide - - - - lb. 75 - - Quinine, Tannate (Tasteless) - lb. 3 00 - - Rhubarb and Ginger - - - - lb. 88 - - Salicylic Acid ------- lb. - - Santonine, 1 gr. Octagon - - - lb. - i » Large oval - - lb. 88 - Santonine, Calomel and Jalap lb. 1 85 - - Soda, Bicarbonate ----- lb. 55 Sulpho-Carbolate (3 grs.) lb. 1 00 60 - Sodium Bromide (2 grs-) - - - lb. so - - Spitta's Cough ------ lb. 1 25 - ■ ■ - Sulphur - -- -- -- -- Hx. 12 Lazell. Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. LOZENGES Tamarindus ------- lb. 2 00 1 Tannin (21 grains) ----- and Chlor. Pot. - - - lb. lb. 1 r- Tar, Pine Tree ------ lb. 80 Jujube - - - - - - - lb. 40 Horehound ------ lb. 65 Tolu, Balsam ------ lb. 60 Vichy, French ------ lb. 90 Wild Cherry ------- lb. 70 Wistar, Genuine ------ lb. 1 25 Worm - - lb. 1 00 Lupuline - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 45 Lycopodium- - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 45 Maccaroni, Italian - -- -- -- -- 18 Mace -------------- lb. 80 Mace, ground - -- -- -- -- -- ib. 90 Madder - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 14 Compound (see Muriate Tin) - - - Magnesium, Calc'd 10 lb. boxes (Jennings) lb. 10 lb. round tins » lb. 80 10 lb. square tins » lb. 1 lb. bottles « lb. 1 05 ponderous ■ lb. 1 65 - 1 lb. cans (Pattinson's) - lb. 75 Magnesium,Carb.2 oz. (Jenning's) - - - - lb. 35 4 » • - _ _ _ lb. 33 S. S. • lb. boxes lb. 70 2 oz. (Pattinson's) - - - lb. 25 4 . . - - - lb. 24 Citrate, L., M. & G's Granular lb. I 00 v- » » 4 oz. bot. doz. 3 50 Chloride - -- -- -- - lb. to Hypophosphite ------ OZ. 36 Iodide - -- -- -- -- oz. 50 -Metallic Ribbon ----- oz. 4 00 Phosphate*- ------- oz. : Sulphite - -- -- -- - lb. 80 Valerianate ------- OZ. 1 75 Manganese, Black Oxide, powdered - - lb. 08 Bromide --------- oz. 65 Carbonate -------- OZ. 30 Hypophosphite ------ oz. 40 Iodide --------- oz. 70 Phosphate - - -- -- -- oz. 50 Sulphate- -------- oz. 10 Manna, Large Flake, Select in pound boxes lb. 1 15 Small » new crop, - _ - - lb. 50 Sorts - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Marble Dust ------------ bbl. 125®150. Meconine - -- -- -- -- -- -- I oz. 2 50 Menispermin - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 50 Mercury ------------- lb. 19 Acetate ---------- OZ. 40 -- Acid Nitrate -------- oz. 15 | Ammoniated (White Precipitate) lb. 90 , Bi-Chloride (Corrosive Sublimate) lb. 62 Bi-Sulphate - -- -- -- - lb. 75 , Bi-Sulphide (Cinnabar) - - lb. 1 30 Chloride, Mild (Calomel) - - - lb. 69 1 Howard's English lb. 1 10 1 Cyanide- - -- -- -- -- OZ. 45 Distilled - -- -- -- -- lb. 65 Iodide, Green ------- OZ. 28 Red -------- oz. 30 Oxide, Black ------- oz. 20 Red (Red Precipitate) - lb. 80 Yellow ------ OZ. 30 Sulphuret, blk. (Ethiops Min.) - lb. 85 Sub-Sulphate (Turpeth Min.) lb. 1 15 with Chalk - -- -- -- - lb. 40 Morphia, Acetate- - -- -- -- -- OZ. 4 60 Bimeconate - -- -- -- - oz. 8 50 solution ----- Ib. 2 30 Bromide - -- -- -- -- oz. 5 75 Ferrocyanide ------- i oz. 1 50 Muriate - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 4 60 Pure (Alkaloid) ------- oz. 6 25 Sulphate (vials included) - - - oz. 4 40 V alerianate - -- -- -- - oz. Moss, Corsican - -- -- -- -- - lb. 6 25 | Iceland - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 10 Irish, selected - -- -- -- - lb. 8al2 1 Musk, Canton, lead-pots ------- OZ. 55 - Tonquin, true, in pods ----- oz. grain 1 oz. bottles oz. 27 00 MUSTARD, Pure, L., M. & G. 6 lb. tins- - lb. 40 10 . . - - lb. 40 | . ■ - . lb. 55 Mustard, Sadler, Firth & Ross - - - - - lb. Jib. tins - -- -- -- -- lb. 60 41b. . --------- lb. 55 101b. Kegs. - - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Colman's 1 lb. bots. ----- Ib. - 1 • tins D. S. F. - - - doz. 2 00 1 » - » - - - doz. 7 00 lb. 40 _ - -- -- - IK 49 - Mustard ColmanslO > lb. 40 6 • kegs ------ lb. 36 38 . . ------ lb. 30 Keen's Fine 6 lb. tins - - - - lb. 45 Superf. 6 lb. tins - - - lb. 55 D. S. F.6 . . - - . lb. 60 Fine i lb. tins - - - - lb. 63 S. F. • . .... lb. 70 D.S.F.» • ... - lb. 83 Naphtha, Wood, 1 lb, bottles ----- lb. 35 Naphthalin - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 20 Narceine - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 oz. 3 75 Narcotine- - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 2 00 Nickel, Carbonate - -- -- -- -- oz. 75 Chloride - -- -- -- -- - oz. 75 Metallic - -- -- -- -- - oz. 25 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- - oz. 50 Oxalate - -- -- -- -- - oz. 75 Oxide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 00 Sulphate - -- -- -- -- - oz. . 75 Nicotine, in | oz, vials - -- -- -- - i oz. 2 0« Nutgalls - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 25 ground - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Nutmegs - -- -- -------- lb. 92 extra - - - -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 Nuts, Areca or Betel - -- -- -- - lb. 40 ground ------ lb. 50 Nux Vomica - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 10 bruised- - -- -- -- - lb. 18 Oakum ------------- lb. 15 Oatmeal, Irish - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 10 Oyster Shells, prep'd -------- lb. 25 Oil Almonds, Bitter, essential - - - - - OZ. 60 Sweet, expressed - - - - lb. 30 Alien's lb. 50 Amber crude, pure ------- lb. 30 rect. English (Herring's) - - - lb. 90 German ------- lb. 55 Angelica - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 25 Animal, Dippel's - -- -- -- - lb. 4 50 Anise - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 25 Arbor Vitas - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 - Balsam Fir, true - -- -- -- - lb. 2 50 Bay ------------- OZ. 90 Benne ------------ gallon 1 20 Bergamot (V. G.) - -- -- -- - lb. Sanderson's ------ lb. 2 75 Birch Tar, rectified ------- lb. 75 Black Pepper ---------- lb. 9) Cade ------------- lb. 35 Ca.jeput- - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 00 --Calamus- - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 5 00 Camphor - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 25 Camphorated - -- -- -- -- lb. 7 5 Canada Snake Root ------- OZ. 1 25 -- Cantharides - -- -- -- -- - oz. 50 Capsicum, (oleo resin) ------ oz. 7 5 Caraway --------- . - lb. 1 50 Seed- - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 75 Cardamom- - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 4 00 -- Cassia ----------- lb. 1 15 Castor, Baker's Crystal, case of 4 cans lb. 14 by single can lb. 15 Castor, Baker's A A, case of 4 cans - lb. 12 by single can lb. 13 Castor Oil. English ------- quarts ------- doz. 7 50 pints ------- doz. 5 00 1 . ------- doz. 3 (H) i . doz. 2 00 Cedar ------------ lb. 45 pure - -- -- -- -- - lb. 75 Cedar Wood, for Perfume - - - - lb. 1 50 Cedrat ------------ lb. 4 50 Chaulmoogra - -- -- -- -- - lb. 4 50 Chamomile, English ------- OZ. 1 75 German ------- oz. 5 50 Cherry Laurel - -- -- -- -- oz. 1 25 Cinnamon, Ceylon, true - ----- oz. 2 50 Leaf ------ lb. 1051 Citronella - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 45 Winter's ------- lb. 1 60 - Cloves - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 50 Cocoanut (51b. jars) ------- lb. 25 Cod Liver, N. F. filtered, bbls. - - - gallon 85 Brown or Bergen - - - - gallon Norway- ------- gallon 1 40 L.M.&G .(10 oz. bots.) doz. 3 00 Emulsion ------- gallon 3 50 Cognac, pure - -- -- -- -- - oz. 7 00 Cologne, Ballard's, L.M. & G., g. s. bots. lb. 5 00 Farina, lb. 10 00 Redwood lb. 7 00 Copavia- - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 40 --Coriander - -- -- -- -- - - OZ. 1 00 Cotton Seed, bbls. - -- -- -- - gallon 60 Croton - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 20 Herring's - -- -- -- - i lb. Dram Vials - -- -- -- - i doz. 1 25 Oil Cubeb - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 3 75 Cumin ----------- oz. 50 Dill - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 50 Ergot - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 12 Erigeron, true - -- -- -- -- lb. 5 50 com'l. - -- -- -- - lb. 2 50 -- Eucalyptus - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 75 Fennel - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 50 Fireweed - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 2 50 Fusel, pure - -- -- -- -- - lb. 75 •* Geranium Turkish ------- lb. 7 50 Ginger (see Oleo-resin) - - - - - - - Goldenrod - -- -- -- -- - oz. 40 limn lock - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 45 1 pure - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Horsemint - -- -- -- -- - lb. 3 50 Hyacinth - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 00 Jasmin (See Extracts) ----- Jasmin, fatty for hair oils - - - - - lb. 2 75 Juniper Wood - -- -- -- -- lb. 65 Berries, superior ----- lb. 2 50 Lard, for Hair Oil - -- -- -- - gallon 1 05 Laurel, expressed - -- -- -- - lb. 70 Lavender, Mitcham ------- oz. 2 50 Chiris, Fleur ------ lb. 2 20 Chris, Douce ------ lb. Forte ------ lb. 1 40 ----Spike --------- lb. 1 00 - Lemon - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. ■ Sanderson's, new crop - - - lb. 3 20 Grass - -- -- -- -- - lb. Winter's ------ lb. 1 35 Limette - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 75 Linseed, barrels at market price - - gallon Lobelia - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 1 25 Mace, expressed - -- -- -- - lb. 2 00 Male Fern, Ethereal (oleo-resin) - - oz. 50 Marjoram - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 25 Matico - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 6 00 Melisse, imitation -------- oz. 50 true- - -- -- -- -- oz. 3 00 Millefieur - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 75 Musk. (See Extracts) ------ Mustard, distilled - -- -- -- - oz. 1 00 expressed ------- gallon 90 Myrbane - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 50 | NeatsfootCooper's, pure ----- gallon 90 Neroli. Chiris Bigarade - - - - - - OZ. 3 50 Petit Grain - -- -- -- - oz. 1 00 -Portugal, Chiris ------ oz. 2 50 Nutmeg - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 35 Olive, pure, commercial ----- "alien 1 25 Salad, "Romagna" _ _ - . gallon 2 50 Fine Salad, "Cream" - - - - gallon 3 25 Marseilles, quarts ----- doz. 4 25 . pints, (2 doz. in box) box 5 25 | Olive, Finest Tuscan, L. M. & G. qts. box 8 50 ; 9 50 -- ips. box e 66 (This is the " Cream Oil," the finest known in Tuscany, selected for us by an expert. No better oil is procur- able.) See page 108. Orange, bitter - -- -- -- -- lb. 5 00 sweet - -- -- -- -- lb. 3 25 Origanum, pure --------- lb. 75 Chiris' - -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Commercial ------ lb. 38 Palm - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Parsley - -- -- -- -- -- - oz. 1 00 Patchouly ----------- oz. 1 50 - Pennyroyal - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Pepper, Black, (oleo-resin) - - - - lb. 90 Peppermint. Selected ------ lb. 3 00 Hale & Parshall - - - - lb. Hotchkiss ------ lb. 3 50 Phosphorated - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Pimenta - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 42 Pinus Sylvestris - -- -- -- - lb. 2 00 Poppy - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 PumpkinSeed - -- -- -- -- oz. 60 -- Rapeseed - -- -- -- -- -- gallon 1 75 Rhodium - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 50 Rose - -- -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 5 50 • pure Kissanlik ------ oz. 7 25 Rosemary, Eperle - -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 Chiris, No. 1 ------ lb. 1 20 Trieste - -- -- -- - lb. 75 Rose Geranium, Chiris, No. 1 - - - OZ. 1 10 Rue - -- -- -- -- - - -- lb. 3 00 Sage ------------- OZ. 50 | Santalwood, English ------- lb. 9 60 German ------ lb. 6 00 ■ Sassafras - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Savin lb. 1 25 Swiss - -- -- -- -- - lb. Seneka ----------- - lb. 15 Spearmint --------- - - lb. 2 75 1 extra line - - - - - - - lb< 3 25 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Oil Sperm, winter bleached, finest for sewing machines -------- gallon 1 35 Spike - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Spruce ------------ lb. 45 Stillingia - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 70 Tansy ------------ lb. extra fine - -- -- -- - lb. 3 25 Tar ------------- lb. 12 -- Tobacco - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. Thyme, white - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 50 Valerian - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 75 Verbena ----------- oz. 40 French - -- -- -- -- oz. 1 00 Vetivert - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 10 00 Whale - -- -- -- -- -- - gallon Wine, heavy (Squibb's) ------ OZ. 1 75 light - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 50 Wintergreen - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 75 Worm seed, Baltimore ------ lb. 2 50 Wormwood - -- -- -- -- - lb. ? pure - -- -- -- - lb. 8 00 L., M. & G., finest - - - lb. Ylang Ylang --------- OZ. 9 00 Ointment, Basilicon - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Belladonna -------- lb. 75 Ointment, Benzoated - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Citrine - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Iodine - -- -- -- -- lb. 90 Marshmallow ------- lb. 75 Mercurial J mercury - - - - lb. 48 i mercury - - - - lb. 40 Savin - -- -- -- -- - lb. 60 Stramonium, green, from fresh leaves --------- lb. 65 Zinc, benzoated ------ lb. 85 Oleate, Aconitia - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 60 Atropia- - -- -- -- -- - oz. 60 Mercury (10 per cent, mercury) - - oz. 20 (20 > - - - oz. 25 and Morphia ----- oz. 50 Morphia - -- -- -- -- - oz. 60 Quinine - -- -- -- -- - oz. 1 35 Strychnia - -- -- -- -- oz. 60 Zinc ------------ oz. 20 Oleoresin Capsicum - -- -- -- -- oz. 60 Cubeb ---------- lb. 2 50 Ginger - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 1 00 Lupuline - -- -- -- -- oz. Male Fern - -- -- -- - oz. 50 Pepper - - -- -- -- -- lb. 90 Oxgall, Inspissated - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 35 Powd. ------- oz. 50 Pancreatine, L., M. & G. oz, ------ oz. 45 lbs. ----- lb. 6 00 Paraffin, refined - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Paris Green - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 20a30 White - -- -- -- -- -- - Ib. 06 Pastilles, Fumigating, black- ----- lb. 75 red ------ lb. 1 00 Pearlash - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 12 Pellets, Homoeopathic, Nos. 1 to 9 incl. lb. 35 Pepper, Black - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 18 Ground -------- lb. 22 African Bird - -- -- -- - lb. 40 ground ----- lb. 45 -- Long ----------- lb. 45 White, ground ------- lb. 30 Pepsin (See also page 32.) ----- Porci, L„ M.&G. ------ oz. 2 50 Saccharated, L., M. & G. Prepared by our new process, whereby we obtain it free from odor, mucus, fatty and coloring matters. We claim for this Pepsin perfect solubil- ity, combined with reliable and standard digestive power. in 1 oz. vials - -- -- -- -- oz. 40 in lb. bottles - -- -- -- -- lb. 5 00 Phloridzine - -- -- -- -- -- - OZ. 3 50 Phosphorus, cans 1 lb. each ------ lb. 1 20 cans 1 oz. each ----- OZ. 25 Amorphous ------- lb. 2 75 Thompson's solution lb. 1 00 Pill, Blue, American - -- -- -- - lb. 48 powd. ------ lb. 72 Herring's English - - - - _ lb. 160 Pills Compressed, Dunton's, at his prices Wyeth's, at his prices - Gelatine coated, McKesson & Robins Soluble, W. H. Schieffelin & Co., at at their prices - -- -- -- -- Sugar coated, Bullock & Crenshaw's (For list, see page 23.) Pilocarpine, Muriate, Crystals ----- grain 25 Nitrate • ------ grain 25 Pipe Clay, (see Clay.) ------- Piperine - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 85 Pitch, Black - lb. U5 13 14 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. - Pitch, Burgundy, true ------- bbl. C9 Plaster, Calcined - -- -- -- -- 1 75 dentists ------ bbl. 2 00 Plasters, in 1 lb. rolls - -- -- -- - lb. - Aconite ---------- lb. 1 25 Adhesive - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Ammoniacum ------- lb. 1 25 Anodyne - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 50 Arnica - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Aromatic - -- -- -- -- 1 50 Assafoetida - -- -- -- - lb. 75 Belladonna - -- -- -- - lb. 1 40 Calefaciens - -- -- -- - lb. 60 Cantharides - -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 '■ Cicuta - -- -- -- -- - lb. Diach. Simp. -------- lb. 35 - cum Gum, Hartford - - lb. 40 brown ------- lb. 45 Diapalma --------- Galbanum --------- lb. 60 lb. -; compound - - - - lb. Guaiac - -- -- -- -- - lb. 85 Hydrarg. Mit. ------- lb. 1 00 Fort. ------- lb. 1 20 lb. 1 25 •- Hyoscyamus - -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 Logani ---------- lb. 50 Myrrh - -- -- -- -- - lb. 70 -1 - Olivar - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 - Opium - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 50 Oxycroceum - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Pitch, comp. - -- -- -- - lb. 55 Roborans - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Simple - -- -- -- ---- lb. 60 Soap - -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 - de Vigo cum Mercurio - - - - lb. 1 50 Spread Adhesive, in 5 yard rolls De la Cour's- - - - - yard 20 yard 50 Tavlor's ------ yard 15 Moleskin, in 3 yd. rolls yard 1 00 Shiver's ------ yard 18 in 1 yard rolls doz. 2 50 -- Aconite, spread in vara rolls doz. 6 00 Belladonna " " " doz. 6 00 Opium " " " doz. 6 00 Pomade, Chiris' No. 24, in cans of about 2 1-5 lbs. --------- -- Cassie - - - - - - - - - - lb. 2 75 -Jasmin - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2 75 Orange Blossom ------ lb. 2 75 Reseda - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 75 Rose - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 2 75 Tuberose - -- -- -- -- lb. 2 75 - Violet ---------- lb. Poppy Heads, French - -- -- -- - lb. 50 German ------- lb. 20 Potash lb. 8al0 by cask, 400 lbs. ------- lb. 061 Potassa, Caustic - -- -- -- -- - lb. 55 white - - - - - - - lb. 6C with Lime - -- -- -- - lb. 70 Solution (Liq. Potassa) - - - - lb. 17 Potassium in i oz. vials ------- OZ. 3 00 Acetate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 35 Arseniate - -- -- -- -- oz. 20 , Solut, (Fowler's) - - - lb. 12 Arsenite - -- -- -- -- oz. 15 | - Benzoate - -- -- -- -- oz. 1 00 - Bicarbonate -------. lb. 24 Bichromate lb. 18 1 Bisulphate - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Boro Tartrate (Solu. Cream Tartar) lb. 1 20 Bromide - -- -- -- -- - lb. 38 Carbolate - -- -- -- -- . OZ. 40 1 Carbonate - -- -- -- -- lb. 14 1 Chlorate, English ------ lb. 20 ! - -French- ------ lb. 24 ] lb. 30 prepared expressly for Prescription use. Chloride - -- -- -- -- - lb. 75 Chromate - -- -- -- -- lb. 80 Citrate --------- lb. 75 Cyanide, fused ------- lb. 58 Granular ------ lb. 75 Hypophosphite ------- oz. 17 - Hyposulphite - -- -- -- - oz. 18 Iodide, American ------ lb. 2 50 English ------- lb. Merck's ------- lb. 6 00 lodo-Hydrarg - -- -- -- - 1 oz. 85 lactate ---------- OZ- LOO Lactophosphato _______ oz. III "it rate. ErSjied - Kegs. 3b. 05 - - -- Potass. Nitrate, Flag ------ . lb. 05| Hudson ----- » lb. on - Phoenix ----- . lb. 07 - Columbia - _ - - « lb. 074 Htv lb. 08 American - - - - • lb. New York - - - - • lb. (9 Croton, pure - - - » lb. 10 double - - >■ lb. 11 lb. 12 lb. 13 Nitrite- - - - ------ oz. 20 Oxalate, pure ------- - lb. 1 50 Permanganate (Cryst. pure) - - - lb. 70 Phosphate - -- -- -- - lb. 15 Prussiate, Red ------- - lb. 90 V/.IL II, 30 Salicylate - -- -- -- - - oz. 45 Silicate, Solution ----- lb. 20 Sulphate --------- lb. 14 -s Sulphite - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Sulpho-Carbolate ----- - OZ. 16 Sulpho-Cyanide ------ oz. 25 Sulphuret - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Tartrate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 72 Powders. (See pages 18, 33 and 34.) - - - Select, (See pages 18 and 19.) - Fumigating ------- lb. 90 Insect. (Seepages 10,31,34and 101) Seidlitz, (See Seidlitz Powders,) Soda. (See Soda Powders.) - - Tully's Dover's ------ lb. 4 00 Propylamin, pure Liquid ------ - OZ. 1 15 - - Chloride ------- oz. 5 00 Pulvis Antimonialis ------- - lb. 70 Putty, bladders - -- -- -- -- lb. 04 tins - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 04 kegs - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 034 -Powder, (Oxide of Tin) - - - - lb. 60 Pyroxylin, (Gun Cotton, soluble.) - - - OZ. 50 Quinine Sulphate, in 5 and 10 oz. tins - oz. 2 65 P. & W., vial incl. - oz. 2 70 R. & S. ----- oz. z 70 Hospital ----- oz. Acetate - -- -- -- -- oz. 3 75 Arseniate - -- -- -- - oz. 5 50 Bisulphate - -- -- -- - - oz. 3 15 Bromide - -- -- -- - oz. 4 25 Citrate - -- -- -- -- oz. 3 75 Citrate, with Iron, U.S.P. - - - oz. 65 Ferrocyanide ------- Hypophosphite ------ oz. oz. 4 4 oo Iodide - -- -- -- -- oz. 3 90 and Iron ------ - oz. 2 40 Lactate - -- -- -- -- - oz. 00 Muriate - -- -- -- -- oz. 4 00 | ---Phosphate - - - - - - - - oz. 4 75 . Pure Alkaloid ------ oz. 4 75 1 Salicylate - -- -- -- - oz 4 20 Sulpho Carbolate ----- oz. 7 55 Tannate --------- oz. 1 60 Valerianate ------- oz. 5 25 and Iron - - - - oz. 3 50 Quinidia,Sulphate oz. 1 75 Pure - -- -- -- -- - oz. 25 Queen's Blue - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Red Precipitate, (see Mercury, page 12.) - lb. Resin, white - -- -- -- -- - 08 common - -- -- -- -- lb. 04 Copaiva ---------- lb. 2 25 Hydrastin - -- -- -- - - OZ. 1 00 Leptandrin, L., M. & G. - - - - oz. 40 Jalap, U. S. P. L.. M. & G. - - - oz. 45 Podophyllum,L. M. &G-, (vial incl.) oz. 40 Phosphoretted ------ oz. 35 Scammony - -- -- -- - oz. 1 co i Rhigolene - -- -- -- -- -- bottle 70 1 Rice Flour - -- -- -- -- -- }b- 15 Root,Aconite, Selected ------ lb. 20 ground ------- lb. 25 Alkanet - -- -- -- -- - lb. 15 Althea - -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 cut - -- ----- lb. 22 Angelica- - -- - -- -- - lb. 20 Arnica - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Asarabacca - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Belladonna - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Bistort - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Blood - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 12 Calamus - -- -- -- -- - lb. sliced, white ----- lb. 35 Canada Snake, picked - - - - - - lb. 30 Carlina - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Chiretta - -- -- -- -- - lb. ■30 China - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Colchicum, English ----- Ib. h? 20 Colombo- - - - _ - _ lb. 125 .- Curcuma, ground. ------ lb. 12 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 13 Root, Dandelion, cut - -- -- -- - lb. 20 1 ■---Elecampane - -- -- -- -- lb. 15 --- Galangal ----------- lb. 12 G entian - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 08 ground ------- - lb. 11 -- Ginger, African - -- -- -- - lb. 10 -- ground, pure - -• - lb. 13 Jamaica - -- -- -- - lb. 22 ground ----- lb. - Green --------- lb. Ginseng - -- -- -- -- -- lb. Golden Seal - -- -- -- -- lb. 15 -Grain inis, cut - - ------ lb. 16 - Hellebore, Black ------- lb. 18 White ------- lb. 18 Hydrangea - -- -- -- -- - lb. 22 -.- Ipecac - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 30 Jalap - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Ladies' Slipper - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Licorice, good- - - -- -- -- lb. 12al5 extra select ------ lb. 18 1 pow'd - -- -- -- - lb. 15 - crushed ------- lb. 15 Russian, cut ------ lb. 22 Mandrake - -- -- -- -- - lb. 12 Musk - -- -- - .- - - - - - lb. 65 * ground - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Orris, Florentine ------- lb. 22 V erona --------- lb. 15 in fingers - -- -- -- - lb. 55 Pareira Brava, true - ------ lb. 22 ground ------ lb. 25 Pellitory ----------- lb. 35 I Pink - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. washed - -- -- -- -- lb. -- Pleurisy - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Rhatany, Peruvian, ground - - - lb. 30 Savanilla, ------- lb. 20 ground ----- lb. 25 ' Rhubarb, China - - - • - - - - lb. 75al00| choice - - - - - - lb. 12'5.1151 China sawed, all sound, lb. 2 00 Cut, (Small Fingers) - - lb. 4 00 x < > ° --Salep - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 85 Saponaria - -- -- -- -- - lb. 2o Sarsaparilla, Honduras ----- lb. 45 ■ cut - - - - lb. 50 ground - - lb. 50 Mexican - - - - - lb. 16 ground - - lb. 20 | Seneka ----------- lb. 70 Squill - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 12 Stillingia - -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 Valerian, English ------- lb. 25 1 German ------- lb. 18 Vermont- ------ lb. 16 V eratrum Viridc - ------- lb. 25 Vitivirt - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 60 Virginia Snake, true, ------ lb. 45 Yellow Dock ------ - - lb. 18 Zedoary ----------- lb. 20 Rose Pink - -- -- -- -- - - - lb. 18 ' Rouce, Jewelers, powd. ------- lb. 75 | Saffron, (see Flowers.) ------- Sago, Pearl - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 08 ' Salicine - -- -- -- -- -- -- oz. 20 Sal Acetosella - lb. 28 Airatus. (True Pearlash) ----- lb. 22 . -Enixum - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Epsom, in bbls. - -- ----- lb. 02 Glauber, in bbls. - -- -- -- - lb. 011 Nitre, (see Potass Nitrat) ----- Prunellc ------------ lb. 40 1 Rochelle - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 35 1 by 50 lb. box ------- lb. 33 | Soda ---------- Casks lb. OH Tartar, (sec Potass Carb.) ----- Salt, Rock ------------ lb. 06 Sea ------------- lb. 05 Salts, Carlsbad. (Sec page 34.) - - - Crab Orchard, true ------- lb. 40 Kissengen, for making 10 gallons Water - -- -- -- -- -- box 1 20 Lemon, bulk - -- -- -- -- lb. Vichy, for 10 gallons water - - - box 1 20 Wormwood, bulk ------- lb. 75 Santalwood. (see Wood, page 17.) - - - Santonine ------------ OZ. 02 Sassafras Pith - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 12 Seed, Angelica - -- -- -- -- - lb. 35 Anise, Italian - ------ lb. 15 German -------- lb. 14 Star --------- lb. 35 Annatto - lb. 25 Canary, Dutch - - - - - ■ - .1 bush. Sicily - -- -- -- -| buch. 2 20 Caraway - -- -- -- -- - lb. 12 -Cardamom, Alleppy ------ j lb. 2 35 Seed, Cardamom, Malabar ------ lb. 2 75 Mangalore ----- lb. 3 25 Celery - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Colchicum, English ------ lb. German ------ lb. 20 Conium - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Coriander ---------- lb. 12 Cumin - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 18 Dill lb. 25 Flax - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 05 cleaned --------- lb. 06 ground --------- lb. 06 Fennel - -- -- -- - -- lb. 18 Fenugreek ---------- lb. 07 ground. (Extra quality) lb. 10 Hemp ------ ---- bush. 1 45 Hyoscyamus - -- -- -- - lb. 25 Larkspur - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 Lobelia - -- -- -- -- - lb. 45 Lovage - -- -- -- -- - lb. 55 - -Masterwort - -- -- -- -- lb. 40 ---Maw - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 12 Millet, Foreign - -- -- -- - lb. 08 Mustard, Black -------- lb. 09 White - -- -- -- - lb. 10 Poppy, Blue - -- -- -- -- lb. 15 White -------- lb. 20 - Pumpkin - -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Quince, Russian ------- lb. scarce Rape ------------ lb. 07 Summer ------- lb. 10 Stavesacro --------- lb. 20 Sunflower - -- -- -- -- - lb. Watermelon - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Worm, Levant - -- -- -- - lb. 18 Seidlitz Mixture - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Powders, 30 lbs. mixture to gross gross 30 IX) ■ U.S.P., 40 lbs. to gross gross 33 00 Extra, 50 lbs. to gross gross 39 00 Silver, Bromide - -- -- -- -- - oz. 1 75 Chloride - -- -- -- -- - oz. 1 30 Cyanide ---------- oz. 1 75 ■- -Iodide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 35 Leal' in Packs, 20 books - - - - pack 2 50 Nitrate, crystals ------- OZ. 82 fused, pure ------ oz. • 81 oz. 60 Cones, 5 per ct. Chloride - oz. 1 05 Oxide - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 1 55 Smalts, Black - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 10 Blue- ----------- lb. 18 Vermillion - -- -- -- -- Soap, Castile, Marseilles, - - - - boxes lb. 25 lb. 08 1 Mottled, Pure, - - » lb. 12 White, Conti's, - - • lb. 15 Carmel ------ gross 15 00 Green Sapo Viridis) - - - - - - lb. 18 Kesan - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 1 Opodeldoc - -- -- -- -- - lb. 14 Toilet Soaps. (See pages G2, 63 and 6 lb. Whale Oil --------- - 10 1 Soda, Ash - -- -- -- -- - - - lb. 5 a 6 Caustic Common, in drums - - - Ib. 5i lb. «>5 Chlorinated Sol. of, in G. S. hot. - - in C. S. Lot'. - - doz. 2 85 doz. 2 25 gallon 40 Powders, L., M. & G. - - - - - - doz. 1 75 Sodium (in J oz. vials) -------- OZ. 50 Acetate - - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Arseniato - OZ. 15 Benzoate ---------- oz. 38 Bicarb., Natrona ----- kegs lb. 04i Newcastle - - - - -kegs lb. Oil Pure - - - - 50 lb. boxes lb. 10 Bisulphate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 65 Bisulphite - -- -- -- -- - lb. 65 Solution ------ lb. 35 Bitartrate- - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 Bromide - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 55 Carbolate - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 30 Carbonate (see Sal Soda.) . - - - Ib. Chlorate - -- -- -- -- -- 1 65 Choleate- - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 35 Citrate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Hydrosulphate - -- -- -- - lb. 90 Hypophosphite - -- -- -- - OZ. 17 Hyposulphite - -- -- -- -- Iodide - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 6 OZ. 40 Lactate - -- -- -- -- -- OZ, 36 Lactophosphate - -- -- -- - OZ. 60 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 18 Oxalate - -- -- -- -- -- OZ. 20 Permanganate - -- -- -- - lb. 1 15 Phosphate - -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 and Ammonia - - - - lb. 1 25 Pyrophosphate - -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 Salicylate ----------- OZ. L4 16 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Sodium, Santonate - -- -- -- -- oz. 150 Silicate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 15 Sulphate (see Sal Glauber) - - - - C. P. ------- lb. 60 Sulphite, crystals ------- lb. 22 granular ------- lb. 40 i Sulphocarbolate - -- -- -- - oz. 16 Sulphovinate - -- -- -- -- OZ. 30 Tannate - -- -- -- -- -- oz. 40 I Tartrate - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 10 -•- Valerianate - -- -- -- -- OZ. 140; Spanish Brown, bbls. - -- -- -- - lb. 0U Species, Aromatic - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 : Lignorum - -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Marienbad - -- -- -- -- lb. 80 Pectoral - -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 Resolventes - -- -- -- - lb. 40 St. Germain - -- -- -- - lb. 90 Spermaceti - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Spirit Ammonia - -- -- -- -- - lb. 45 ; Aromatic ------ lb. 50 1 45 1 Comp. -------- lb. 50 I -- Myristica - -- -- -- -- - lb. 45 Nitrous Ether, U.S.P. - - - - - lb. 40 Spirit Nitrous Ether, L., M. &G. containing full 5% Nitrous Ether. lb. 45 --Pimenta - -- -- -- -- - lb. 44 -- Rosemary - -- -- -- -- lb. 44 Turpentine, bbls. ------- gallon Starch. Kingsford's Oswego ----- lb. 08 , Corn ------- lb. io: Silver Gloss - -- -- -- -- lb. 09 I Iodide ---------- OZ. 25 ; Stearin. (Stearic Acid.) ------- lb. 30 | Stone, Pumice, select - -- -- -- - lb. 06 ' powd. - -- -- -- - lb. 08 Rotten English ------- lb. 10 powd. - -- -- -- - lb. 08 ' Soap. powd. - -- -- -- - lb. 08 J Strontium, Caustic - -- -- -- -- OZ. 35 || Chloride (Muriate) - - - - lb. 30 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- lb. 20 1 Oxalate - -- -- -- -- lb. 120 Strychnine, Crystals, (vials incl.) - - - - oz. 1 65 1 Pow'd, » »----- oz. 1 60 Acetate - -- -- -- -- oz. 2 35 1 Bromide - -- -- -- - oz. 3 00 Citrate, with Iron - - - - - oz. 20 Muriate - -- -- -- -- oz. 2 35 1 Nitrate - -- -- -- -- oz. 2 35 Sulphate- - -- -- -- - oz. 1 60 Valerianate ------- oz. 4 50 1 Sugar of Milk - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 40 ! Sulphur, Flowers of - ----- -bbls. lb. 03} -Roll Brimstone - - - - -bbls. lb. 021 Iodide - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 40 | Lac - -- -- -- -- -- lb. Pure Precipitated ----- lb. 15 Vivum - -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 ; Syrup, Buckthorn - -- -- -- -- Ib. 60 | Hypophosphite, Iron ----- lb. 65 Limo and Soda - - Ib. 70 1 and Potash - --- Ib. 65 | Lime, Soda, Iron & lb. Potash - - - - Ib. 80 1 Iodide Iron, L., M. & G. ----- lb. 50 1 Iodide Lime, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 1 00 Ipecac ----------- lb. 75 Lacto phosphate Lime ----- lb. 1 00 1 Iron ----- lb. 1 00 Orange Peel - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 | Phosphates, (Chemical Food) - - - lb. 60 Phosphates Iron, Quinine & Strych. lb. (Aitken's formula.) ------ Ib. 1 50 1 - Rhubarb - -- -- -- -- - ib. 70 Aromatic ------ Ib. 60 Sarsaparilla - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Comp. ------- lb. 50 Seneka ----------- lb. 75 Senna - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 65 Squill ------------ lb. 50 Comp. (Hive)- ------ lb. 60 Stillingia Comp. - -- -- -- - lb. 65 i Tolu - -- -- -- -- -- - Ib. 60 Wild Cherry - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 Tamarinds, kegs - -- -- -- -- - keg 2 75 || 1 lb. bottles ------- doz. 2 75 Tannin, (see Acid Tannic ------ Tapioca, prime - -- -- -- -- - lb. 08 ;| Tar - -- -- -- -- -- -- bbls. bbl. 3 50 Barbadoes ----------- lb. 18 North Carolina, 1 gallon cans - - - doz. 4 50 ' | > - - - _ doz. 2 75 Quart cans - - - - doz. 1 80 II Tar, North Carolina pint cans - - - doz. 1 00 4 pint cans - - - - doz. 75 Tartar Emetic, (see Antimony.) Terra Japonica. (see Gum Catechu pale) Theine ------------ oz. 2 50 Thymol (Acid Thymic) - - - - - oz. 90 Tin, Bar ---------- - lb. - Grain - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Muriate, crystals ------ lb. 25 solution ------ lb. 13 TINCTURES. Made carefully of the best materials and according to U. S. Pharmacopoeia Tincture Aconite Leaves - - - - - lb. lb. ------ Root - - - _ . 80 lb - - 90 Aloes -------- lb. 40 lb <♦0 Arnica - -- -- -- - lb 60 - Assafoetida ------ ib* Actea Racemosa - - - - lb 65 Belladonna ------ lb 60 Benzoin -------- lb 80 75 Bloodroot ------- lb 50 Buchu -------- lb 60 - - Cactus Grandiflora - - - lb 7 00 Calabar Bean ------ lb i 00 Calamus ------- lb. 70 50 Cannabis Indicus - - - - lb 1 00 Cantharides ------ ib: 60 50 --- Cardamom- ------ ib. 75 60 Castor - -- -- -- - - - ib 1 00 Catechu ------- lb Cinchona, Calisaya - - - lb. 80 lb. HO 1 00 75 Coca --------- lb. lb Colchicum Root - - - - ib: 60 Seed - - - - lb 60 Cochineal ------- lb. 60 60 Columbo ------- lb 50 Conium - -- -- -- - lb Cubebs - -- -- ---- lb 60 Curcuma ------- lb 50 Damiana ------- lb. 1 00 Digitalis ------- - - lb. 50 lb. 60 70 Galls - -- -- -- -- lb. 60 Gentian, comp. - - - - _ lb. Ginger -------- lb. 70 Guaiac - -- -- -- - lb 70 Ammoniated - - - lb 70 Guarana ------- lb 1 50 Hellebore, black - - - - lb. 60 Hop - -- -- -- -- Hyoscyamus ------ lb. lb. 60 50 1 on Iodine - -- -- -- - - - lb. 1 00 decolorized - - - - lb. 1 25 Iron, Acetate ----- lb Muriate - - - - - lb 35 Tasteless - - - - - lb. 75 Jaborandi ------- lb. lb. 75 75 Kino - -- -- -- -- lb. 60 lb. 80 Lobelia - -- -- -- - lb. 50 : Ethereal - - - - lb. 75 -i Lupuline ------- lb. 75 Musk Root ------ lb. 80 Myrrh - -- -- -- - lb. lb. 70 and Capsicum (Jlot Nux Vomica - - - - - - lb. 75 Opium - -- -- -- - - - lb. 1 25 Acetate - - - - - lb. 2 50 -Camph. (Paregoric) - lb. 50 Deodorized - - - - ib. 2 00 Orange Peel ------ lb. 60 Orris - -- -- -- - lb. Phosphorus, Alcoholic - - - - lb. 1 50 Etherial - - lb. 2 00 Quassia -------- lb. 60 Rhubarb - - ... - - - lb. 70 and Senna - - - lb. 60 Senna - -- -- -- - lb. 50 Serpentaria ------ lb. lb. 50 65 Squill -------- lb. 50 Stramonium ------ lb. 60 Tolu - -- -- -- -- lb. 75 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current 17 Tincture Valerian - -- -- -- - lb. 50 - Ammoniated - - - lb. 80 Veratrum Viride - _ _ _ lb. 75 Warburg's - - - - _ _ _ lb. 4 00 in oz. vials - - - - doz. 4 00 Yellow Jasmine _ . lb. 65 Tow, Surgeon's ----- - - - lb. 30 Trimethylamin - - - - - - _ _ OZ. 1 50 Chloride r- - - - - oz. 6 00 Tsa Tsin - -- -- -- - oz. 1 50 Turpentine. Bbls, market price- - - - - gallon Venice - - - - lb. 25 White, (Gum Thus) - - M - lb. 10 Tutty Powder (Oxide Zinc impure) - - lb. 65 Uranine - -- -- -- - oz. 1 00 Urea, Acetate ------ oz. 1 40 Nitrate ------ oz. 1 00 Venetian Red, bbls. - - - - _ _ _ lb. 03 Veratria - -- -- -- - OZ. 3 25 Verdigris -------- lb. 40 powdered - - - - lb. 45 distilled - - - - lb. 80 Vermillion, American - - - - - - lb. 25 Chinese - - - - - - lb. 1 00 English - - - - - - - lb. 75 Trieste - - - - lb. 75 Water, Distilled - - - - - - - - gallon 20 Cherry Laurel - - - lb. 35 Cologne ----- gallon 4 50 " Redwood" - - - gallon 6 00 8 oz. g. s. hot s. doz. 7 50 pint " doz. 12 00 quarts " doz. 21 00 Javelle ------ gallon 60 Mineral Waters - Foreign and American. In ordering, please specify the brand and size of package, as noted in this list. Num'r Price Price NAME. in by by P'k' e Packape. dozen. Apollinaris, pts. ----- - bots. 100 11 00 1 50 qts. ----- - M 50 8 00 2 25 pts. - - - - - - jugs. 50 5 50 1 50 qts. ----- - H 50 7 Off 2 (KI Ballston, pts. ------ - bots. ■*8 8 00 2 25 Bethesda, pts. ------ 48 7 00 2 00 qts. ------ _ 0 24 6 00 3 00 Birmensdorf, qts. - - - - _ II 50 15 00 4 50 Bourboule (Arsenical), qts. - a 3 50 Buffalo Lithia, i gallons - - - a 12 6 00 Carlsbad, qts. ------ - « 50 13 00 3 50 Congress, pts. ------ - o 48 6 00 qts. ------ 24 4 75 2 50 Ems Kraenchen, qts. - - - - jugs. 50 11 00 3 50 pts. - - - 50 7 50 2 50 Victoria Spring, qts. - jugs. 50 11 00 3 50 pts. - 50 7 50 2 50 Empire, pts. ------ - bots. 48 6 00 1 65 qts. ------ - M 24 4 75 2 50 Friederichshaller, pts. - - - - bots. 24 4 50 2 35 « qts. - - - _ a 30 8 50 3 60 Gettysburg, qts. ----- a 24 7 00 3 75 Geyser, pts. ------- - u 48 6 50 1 75 qts. ------- 24 5 00 2 75 Hathorn, pts. ------ 48 6 50 1 75 qts. ------ _ a 24 5 00 2 75 High Rock, pts. ----- - a 48 6 50 1 75 Hunyadi Janos, pts. - - - - a 50 11 (KI 3 25 - - - • 24 6 00 3 25 Kissengen, artificial. J pts. - - bots. 24 1 00 pts. - - - a 24 1 '5 ■ Rakoczy, qts. - - - a 25 7 00 3 75 "Ofener"pts. « 50 11 00 3 25 Marienbad, pts. ----- a 50 12 00 3 50 Missisquoi, qts. ----- - a 24 7 50 4 00 Pullna, artificial, j pts. - - - a 24 1 00 - pts. - - - - r 24 1 75 Bitterwatcr, pts. - jugs 50 7 50 qts. * 20 4 50 Richfield Spring, pts. - - - - bots. 48 7 50 2 00 Rockbridge Alum, J gall.- - - a 12 8 00 Schwalbacher, qts. - - - - - bots 50 15 00 4 00 Seltzer, artificial, pts. - - - - « 24 1 00 qts. - - - - a 24 1 75 50 7 CO 2 25 -- qts. - - - • 50 2 75 St. Catherines, i pts. - - - - a 4 00 pts. - - - - a 8 00 Star, pts. ------- - a 48 7 00 2 00 qts. ------- - a 24 5 00 2 75 MINERAL WATERS, CONTINUED. NAME. Num'r in P'k'g Price by Package. Price . by aoren. Vichy, artificial, i pts. - - - - bots. 24 1 00 pts. - - - - » 24 1 75 Celestins, qts. - - - - • 50 10 00 3 00 Grande-Grille, qts. - - • 50 10 00 3 00 Hauterive, qts. - - - - « 50 10 00 3 00 Hopital, qts. - - - - « 50 10 00 3 00 Elizabeth, qts., - - - • 50 8 50 2 50 Saratoga, 4 pts. - - - « 72 6 50 1 25 pts. - - - - • 48 6 50 1 75 Washington, pts. ----- • 48 6 00 1 75 Wildungen, Otto Spring, qts - • 50 12 09 4 00 Helenen Spring - « 50 13 00 4 00 Water, Orange Flower, Chiris, in copper ) cans, 64 gals, each j Celli J. U vAJ in bottles, large - doz. 3 75 Rose, Chiris, in copper cans, 64- [ gals, in each f can 12 00 in bottles, large - - doz. 4 25 doz. American - - - - gallon 1 50 Wax, Bayberry- - -- -- -- - lb. 28 Japan - -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 white, Phillips' ------ lb. 55 Elken's ------ lb. 50 sheets for flowers, single - - gross 1 25 gross 2 50 yellow, pure in bricks - - - - lb. 40 cones - - - - lb. 45 White Precipitate, (see Mcrcurv page 12.) lb. Whiting - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 03 Wine, Antimony - -- -- -- - lb. 75 Calisaya - -- -- -- - - - lb. 70 Colchicum Root, L., M. & G. - - - lb. 1 00 -English. Langdon's - lb. 1 00 -Morson's lb. 1 20 Mander's - lb. 1 10 Seed, L„ M. & G. - - - lb. I 00 English, Langdon's - lb. 1 00 Mander's - lb. 1 10 Morson's lb. 1 20 Ergot - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 00 Ipecac - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 00 Iron - -- -- -- -- - lb. 75 Iron, Bitter ------- lb. 75 Opium - -- -- -- -- lb. 3 00 Pepsin, L., M. & G. - - - - lb. 80 Wines and Liquors of undoubted purity for Medicinal uses, furnished to order at moderate rates. See pages 87.88.89. Wood, Bar, ground ------ -bbls. lb. 06 Brazil, ground ------ . - lb. 06 Cam, ground ------ lb. 074 Fustic, chips ------ lb. 03 ground ------ lb. 03 Guaiac, rasped ------ It - barrel 1 25 Hypernic, cut ------ If - lb. 05 ground - - - - It - lb. Obf Logwood, chips ----- It - lb. 024 ground - - - - U - lb. 021 Nicaraugua, cut ----- M - lb. 034 Peach, ground ------ It - lb. 04 Quassia, chips ------ ff - lb. 10 Quercitron Bark ----- • - lb. 06 Red Sanders, ground - - - It - lb. 03 RedWood, cut ----- • - lb. 034 Santal, ground ------ lb. 40 extra quality - " - lb. Zaffre - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 GO Zinc, Acetate - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 20 Carbonate - -- -- -- - lb. 28 Chloride - -- -- -- -- oz. 08 Solution medicinal lb. 22 11) 11 25 Ferrocyanide ------- _ - oz. Granulated - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Hypophosphite ------ OZ. 1 00 Lactate - -- -- -- -- oz. 35 lb. 15 medicinal ------ lb. 20 pure, Hubbuck's - - - lb. 55 Phosphate - -- -- -- - C j. 14 Phosphide - -- -- -- - oz. 1 00 Sulphate - -- -- -- - lb. 07 pure ------- lb. 25 Sulphocarbolate ------ OZ. 18 Valerianate- ------- oz. 33 18 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Currnet. Select Powders. These Powders are not merely absolutely pure, but made from choice drugs, and the most judicious and intelligent care exercised in their manipulation. For thirty-five years they have received the approbation of the trade throughout the country. We call attention to the list of Powdered Extracts prepared by ourselves, and which are specially adapted for Prescription uses. We guarantee them to contain the active principles of the Drug, uninjured by heat, and to b e equal, grain for grain, to the Solid Extracts. We furnish them in one ounce bottles only. Put up in tin cans of 5 lbs. and 10 lbs. each. Also in 1 lb., j lb., 1 lb., J lb., and 1-16 lb. bottles, enclosed in paper cartons. 10 lb. tin cans - -- -- -- -- - each $0 45 51b. « . 030 1 lb. bottles, with cartons - -- -- • 025 i lb. . . 0 20 The packages enumerated above will be charged as follow-s. i lb. bottles, with cartons ------ each $0 15 1 lb. . . o 12 1-16 lb. . . . o 10 Arabic, Gum, 1st picked ------- lb. 's 55 -2d picked - - ----- - lb. 45 3d picked ------- lb. 35 Aconite, Leaves - -- -- -- - - - 11). 30 Root - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Allspice, Pimenta ---------- lb. 22 Aloes, Barbadoes- - -- -- -- -- lb. 45 --Bunaire- - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Cape - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 22 | Socotrine, true - ------- lb. 65 et Canella - -- -- -- -- - lb. 35 Alum - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 10 Dried - -- -- -- -- -- - ]b. 20 Ammonia, Muriate of-------- lb. 22 Augustura ------ ------ lb. 49 Anise Seed - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Arnica Flowers - -- -- -- -- - lb. .30 Aromatic Powder - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 50 Assafoetida - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Barberry, Berceris - -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Bark Peruv., Calisaya. Cinch./kwa - - - lb. 2 10 Red, Cinch. rubra - - - , lb. 1 90 i Loxa, Cinch, pallida - - - lb. 65 Com. Yellow, Carthagena - Ib. 30 i Bayberry, Myrica ccrif. ------- lb. 15 Belladonna Leaves - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Root - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Benzoin Gum - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 65 Beth Root, Trillium --------- lb. 35 Bittersweet, Dulcamara ------- lb. 30 Blackberry, Bubus villosus ------ lb. 25 Black Cohosh, Cimicifuga ------ lb. 25 Black Oak Bark, Qucrcus timet. - - - - lb. 30 Blood Root, Sanguinaria ------- lb. 20 Blue Flag, Iris versicolor ------- lb. Blue Pill, PH. Hydrarg - ------- lb. Blue Vitriol, Cuyri sulph. ------ lb. 25 Bole Aremian - -- -- -- -- -- 11). 15 Boneset, Eupator. perfol. ------ lb. 25 Buchu, long, Barosma even. ----- 11). GO short, » » ------ 11). 25 Calabar Bean, Physostigma venenosum - - lb. 80 Camphor - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 65 prepared by sublimation, and will remain in powder indefinitely. 1 Canella - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 22 I Cantharides, Russian - -- -- -- - lb. 1 25 i Cardamom - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 3 00 Caraway - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Cascarilla - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 Cassia Bark - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 1 Extra - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 50 . Castor, Castoreum - -- -- -- -- oz. r>0 Catechu - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Chamomile, Anthemis - -- -- -- - lb. 35 Charcoal, Best Willow, in 1 lb. cartons lb. 25 i Chiretta - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Cinnamon, Ceylon - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 00 1 Cloves - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 50 Cocculus Indicus ---------- lb. 20 Cochineal, Coccus- - -- -- -- -- lb. 85 Colchicum Root, English ------- lb. German ------ lb. 30 Seed, English ------- lb. German ------ lb. 35 Colocynth ------------ lb. 50 Pulp - -- -- -- -- - lb. Coltsfoot, Tussilago - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Columbo Root, Calumba ------- lb. 25 American, Frascra ------ lb. 3.5 Comfrey, Symphytum, - - - - - - - - lb. 35 Coriander Seed - -- - -- -- -- 11). 20 Cotton Root Bark, Gossypium ----- lb. 25 Cranesbill, Geranium - -- -- -- - lb. 28 When desired the Powders will be put up in paper bundles. Cubeb -------------- lb. 50 Culver's Root, Lcptandra ------ lb. 60 Cumin Seed, Cymlnum -------- lb. 30 Cundurango ------------ lb. 25 Cuttie Bone, Os. - - ------- lb. 25 Curcuma - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 15 Dandelion, Taraxacum ------- lb. 25 Dogsbane, Apocynum androsamifol - - lb. 40 Dogwood, Cornns Florida - ------ lb. 30 Dover's Powder, Pwlv. Ipecac, com . - - lb. 1 50 Dragons Blood, Sanf/ufa Draconis - - - - lb. 60 Elecampane, Inula --------- lb. 20 Elm Bark ------------- lb. 20 Ergot -------------- lb. 65 Euphorbium - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Extracts, one grain equal to the same weight of Solid Extract - - - (See remarks at head of page.) Aconite, L., M. & G. ----- oz. 40 Aloes, Socot, L., M. & C - - oz. 40 Belladonna, L., M. & G - - _ . oz. 50 Black Haw, L. M. & G - - oz. 50 Cannab. Indica., L. M. & G. - - oz. 75 Cascara Sagrad ------- oz. SO Cinchona Calisaya, L. M. &. G. - oz. 1 25 Colocynth, L., M. & G. - - - - oz. 60 Comp., L.. M. & G. - - oz. 40 Colchicum Acet.. L. M. & C - - oz. 50 Colombo,L„ M. & G. - - - - - oz. 50 Conium, L., M. & G. - - - - - oz. 40 Dandelion -------- oz. 40 Digitalis, L., M. & G. ----- oz. 40 Gentian, L. M.&G. ------ oz. 40 Guarana, L. M.&G. - - - - - oz. 1 30 Hop, L. M.&. G. - - - - oz. 50 ; Hyoscyamus. L., M. & G. - - - oz. 50 Ipecac. L. M. & G. - ----- oz. 90 --Jalap, L., M. & G. ------ oz. 40 Lettuce, L. M. & G. ----- - oz. 50 Liquorice, Calabria ----- lb. to Lobelia, L. M. & G. - ----- OZ. 40 Man drake, L. M. & G. - - - - - oz. 40 Nux Vomica, L., M.&G. - - - oz. 50 Onium, Aquous, L., M. & G. - - oz. 2 00 Ox Gall, L. M.&G.- ----- oz. 50 Quassia, L. M. & G. ------ oz. 50 Rhatany, Krameria, L., M. & G. - oz. 40 Rhubarb. L„ M.&G. - - - - - oz. 50 Sarsap., Jam. L., M. & G. - - - oz. 1 00 St. Ignatia, L., M. & G. - - - - oz. 1 50 Stramonium, L., M. & G. - - - oz. 40 Fennel, Focniculum - -- -- -- -- lb. 28 Foxglove, Digitalis --------- lb. 35 Frankincense, Olibanum - - . - - - - lb. 50 Galangal - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Gamboge - -- - -- -- -- lb. 90 Gentian - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 15 Ginger, Jamaica - -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Goldenseal, Hydrastis Can. ------ lb. 25 Goldthread, Coptis ---- ----- lb. 75 Guaiac, Guaiaci resina ------- lb. 55 Guarana PauUinia sorbilis - - - - - lb. 1 20 Hellebore, American, Vcrat. virid - - - lb. 20 Back, Helleborus ----- lb. 35 White, Vcrat alb ----- lb. 20 Hemlock Leaves. Conium maculat - - - lb. 25 Henbane, Biennial, Ilyoscyani niycr - - lb. 35 Hops, Humnlw.s - -- -- -- -- - lb. 40 Indian Hemp, .4pocynum cannab. - - - lb. 35 White, Asclepius incarn. - lb. 25 Foreign, Canab Indic - - lb. 50 Indian Turnip, Arum -------- lb. 25 Ipecacuanha ----------- lb. 1 55 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 19 Ipecac, Spurge, Euphorb Ipecac. - - - - lb. 40 Jalap - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 45 Kameela - n ---------- - lb. 1 00 Kino -------------- lb. 55 Koosso, Braycra anthclmiutica - - - - lb. . 40 Ladies' Slipper, Cypripcdium - - - - - lb. 30 Licorice, Comp. (Pule. Glycyrrh Co. P. G.) lb. 1 50 Liquorice Root, peeled ------- Lobelia Herb - -- -- -- -- -- lb. lb. 25 - Seed - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 55 Mandrake, Podophyllum ------- lb. 20 Marjoram Sweet, Origanum majorana - - lb. 30 Marshmallow, Althcea -------- lb. 30 Matico- - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 40 Mezereon- - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 30 Myrrh - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 55 Nutgall, Galla - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Nutmeg, Myristica - -- -- -- -- lb. 90 Nux Vomica - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 25 Opium - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 9 00 Orange Peel, Aurantii - -- -- -- - lb. 18 Bitter, Aurant amara - - - lb. 25 Orris Root, Iris Florent ------- lb. 26 Verona ------- lb. 18 Pareira Brava, true - -- -- -- -- lb. 28 Pepper, Black - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 22 Red, Capsicum -------- lb. 50 Peppermint, J/cnth. pip. ------- lb. 25 Pinkroot, Spigelia --------- lb. 50 Pleurisy Root, Asclep tuberosa ----- lb. 28 Poke Root, Phytolacca - -- -- -- - lb. 20 Potassa, Chlorate, French ------ lb. 30 Nitrate, C. P. - -- -- -- - lb. 14 ---- Sulphate ------- - _ - lb. 15 Prickly Ash, Xanthoxylum ------ lb. 28 Quassia - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 18 Red Rose Leaves, French ------ lb. 2 00 Rhatany, Peruvian, Krameria, - - - - lb. 32 Rhubarb - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 6J ■ pow'd from good sound China! lb. Rhubarb, without selection f 1 25 Saffron, Carthamus --------- lb. 75 Sage, Salvia ------------ lb. 20 Salep, Orchis maxeula -------- lb. 90 Sarsaparilla, Hond. - -- -- -- -- lb. 55 Sassafras ------------- lb 20 Savine, Sabina ----------- Scammony, containing 75 per cent resin - lb 25 pure resin - -- -- -- - lb. 16 00 Scullcap, Scutellaria - -- -- -- -- lb. 35 Seneka ------------- lb. 75 Senna, Alex, from garbled Senna - - - lb. z * Silk Weed Asclep Syriaca ------ lb. 35 Skunk Cabbage, Symplocarpus foetid - - lb. 25 Snakeroot, Canada, Asarum ------ lb. 35 Snakeroot, Virginia, Serpentaria - - - - lb. 50 1 Soap, Bark - -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 20 White Castile, Contis ------ ll>. 40 Spearmint, Month, virid. ------- lb. 35 Squill, Scilla mar. - -- -- -- -- lb. 35 | Stillingia - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Sugar of Lead, Plumbi acet. ------ lb. 30 Sugar of Milk, Sacch. kictis ------ lb. 50 Summer Savory Satureja hortensis - - - lb. 30 Sweet Flag, Calamus - -- -- -- - lb. 40 Thornapple, Stramonium. ------ lb. 25 Thyme - -- -- -- -- -- -- - lb. 25 Tormentilla ------------ lb. 30 Tragacanth, from flake ------- lb. 1 10 Turkey Corn, Corydalis formos - - - - lb. 35 Unicorn, Helonias dioica ------- lb. 35 Uva Ursi - -- -- -- -- -- -- lb. 20 Valerian, English - - -- -- -- -- lb. 35 White Oak Bark, Quercus alb. ----- lb. 25 Wild Cherry Bark, Primus Virg. - - - - lb. 25 V itch Hazel, Hamamelis Virg. - - - - - lb. 25 Wormseed, Levant, Santonica - - - - - lb. 30 American, Chenopodium - - - lb. 15 1 Yellow Dock, Rumex crispus - - - - - lb. 30 Jasmine, Gelsemium - - - - - lb. 30 Concentrated Medicines ; Or Active Principles of Medicinal Plants. Powders. per oz 5 00 Ampelopsin --------- Alimin - -- -- -- -- -- Apoeynin ---------- Atropin - -- -- -- -- - Asclepin - -- -- -- -- - 1 50 H K If 1 00 3 00 5 00 1 50 1 25 Barosmin ---------- Betin - -- -- -- -- -- Caulophyllin - -- -- -- - Cerasein - -- -- -- -- - It H 3 50 3 00 0 80 1 00 1 75 Chimaphilin --------- Collinsonin - -- -- -- -- Colocynthin - -- -- -- -- -- Cornin - -- -- -- -- -- Corydalin ---------- Cypripedin - -- -- -- -- Digtalin - -- -- -- -- - Dioscorein - -- -- -- -- -- Euonymin - -- -- -- -- Eupatorin (perfoliatum) - - - - - (purpureum)- - - - - Frazerin --------- H H If It It • t It 1 25 2 75 3 (10 1 00 3 00 1 75 1 50 2 00 2 25 1 00 2 00 1 25 3 00 Geraniin - -- -- -- -- - Gossypiin - -- -- -- -- Hamamelin - -- -- -- -- Ht Ionin - -- -- -- -- - It It K tl 0 80 2 50 1 25 2 50 Powders. Hydrastin --------- per oz n 2 00 3 50 Irisin - -- -- -- -- -- - Jalapin ----------- Juglandin- - -- -- -- -- Leontodin - -- -- -- -- n 1 25 3 50 1 00 2 50 0 80 1 00 n 1 50 It 0 75 Mcnispprmin ------- It 1 50 0 80 It 1 50 n 0 75 n 1 00 H 1 00 II 3 50 H 1 25 n 1 50 It 1 25 It 2 00 It 1 70 Smilacin - -- -- -- -- - Stillingin - -- -- -- -- - Trilliin ----------- - V eratrin - Viburnin - -- -- -- -- - Xanthoxylin- It n it a a 3 05 2 20 1 00 2 50 2 05 1 75 Discount on Concentrated Medicines 30 per cent. 20 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Standard Fluid Extracts; MANUFACTURED BY LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. These Fluid Extracts are prepared by the process of "Repercolation," in which only that portion of a percolate is reserved and sold as Fluid Extract, which corresponds with a known accurate standard. This standard is made by assay of the drug, exhausting sixteen troy ounces with a suitable menstruum and determining the amount of Extractive matter which it yields. This method obviates the use of heat, vacuum pan, or hydraulic press. The finest dusted powders are used, prepared from drugs which have been selected fortheir reliable quality and full medicinal activity. Nd process insures that perfect exhaustion of material, combined with stability of finished product, so well, as that known as "Repercolation." The strength of these Extracts (with a single exception) is one troy ounce of crude material to one ounce of fluid extract, which gives one grain to each minim-the dose can therefore be calculated with certainty. The exception is Opium, which is identical with the Tinctura Opii Deodorata of the U. S. P., containing 37i grains of powdered Opium in each fluid ounce. We invite attention to the new style of putting up these goods. Our new labels have printed on them, dcscs and formulae for preparing Tinctures, Syrups, &c. NET CASH PRICES. In 5 pound bottles, the price is five cents less per pound. In i « » » ten » advance per pound. In 1 » » » twenty-four cents advance per pound. TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. ONE LB BOTTLES. PER LB. Aconite Leaf - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Aconitum NapeUus ------------ 1 00 Root -------------- -- - - - 1 10 Arbor Vita - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Thuya occidentalis ~--r--------- 1 00 Arnica - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Arnica montana ------------- 1 (10 Balmony - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Chelone glabra - -- -- -- -- -- -- - iQ Bearsfoot - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Polymnia Uvedalia - 1 75 Belladonna Leaf - -- -- -- -- -- -- Atrova Belladonna- - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 25 Belladonna Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 25 Berberis Aquifolia - -- -- -- -- -- - Bethroot ---------------- Trillium pendulum ------------- 90 Bitter-root - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Apocynum androsceinifolium - -- -- -- -- 1 (M> Bitter-sweet - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Solatium Dulcamara - -- -- -- -- -- - 80 Blackberry - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Rubus viUosus - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 80 Black Cohosh - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Cimicifuga ---------------- 1 00 Black Hellebore - -- -- -- -- -- -- HeUeborus niger -------------- 90 Black Haw - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Viburnum prunifolium - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Bladder Wrack - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 10 Bloodroot --------------- Sanguinaria -------------- - j 90 Blue Cohosh - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Leonticethalictroidcs 75 Blue Flag ---------------- Iris versicolor -------------- 90 Boneset - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Eupatorium perfollatum - -- -- -- -- - 75 Broom Top - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Scoparius ---------------- 90 Buchu ----------------- Com pound ------------- Barosma crcnata - \ 1 €0 1 00 Buchu andPareira Brava - -- -- -- -- - Rhamnus frangufa 1 75 Buckthorn --------------- 1 (X) Buckthorn Berries - -- -- -- -- -- - Ilham, cathartic U8 - ( 1 00 Bugle-weed - -- -- -- Lycopus Virginie ------------ *0 Burdock ---------------- Lappa minor --------------- 75 Butternut - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Juglans cinerea -------------- 75 Calabar Bean --------------- Physostigma venenosum ----------- 3 00 Cardamom - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 00 Cardamom Comp. ------------- 2 00 Cascara Sagrada - -- -- -- -- -- -- Rhamnus Purshi: a: ------------ 2 00 Cascarilla - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Croton Eleutcria- - -- -- -- -- -- -- 70 Catnip - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Nepeta cataria -------------- 70 Cayenne Pepper - - - - -------- Capsicum ------------- . _ 1 25 Chamomile - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Anthemis nobill t ------------- 1 (X) Cherry Bark, U. S. P- 18<3. - -- -- -- -- Compound - -- -- -- -- - Prunus Virginia a ----------- - j 1 00 80 Chestnut Leaves - -- -- -- -- -- -- Castanea vesca - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Chiretta - -- -- Agathotes Chirayta ------------- 1 50 Cinchona Aromatic - --------- 1 50 Pale, ] 1 50 Compound, * tt S P 1R7.1 _ _ _ _ _ 2 (X) Calisaya, f u 1 ' 1 ' 3 25 Red, J 3 25 Cleavers - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Galium - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 75 Clover, Red - -- -- -- -- -- --- * , 1 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 21 TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. i ONE LB BOTTLE PER LB Coca ------------------ Erythroxylon Coca- - - --------- 2 50 Caffea Arabica - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 25 Colchlcum Root -------------- Colchlcum autumnale - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Seed -------------- 1 25 1 10 Colli 1)11,0 - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Cocculus palmatus - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Comfrey - - - - - -- -- -- -- -- - Symphytum - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 80 Coni uni- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Conium maculatum ------------ 1 00 Conium Seed - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 25 4 a0 Cotton Root Bark - -- -- -- -- -- -- Gossypium herbarium - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Cramp Bark - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Viburnum oxycoccus - -- -- -- -- -- 80 Cranesbill - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Geranium maculatum ------ - -- -- 90 Cubebs - --------------- Piper Cubeba -------------- 1 00 Culver's Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Leptandra Virginica - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Cundurango --------------- I 75 2 00 Dandelion - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Taraxacum --------------- 1 00 and Senna - -- -- -- -- -- 90 Dog-grass - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Triticum repens ------------- 1 00 Elecampane - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Inula - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 75 Elder Howers - -- -- -- -- -- -- Sambucus - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 80 Ergot ---------------- Ergota - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 20 Ethereal - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 2 20 Eucalyptus Globulus - -- -- -- -- -- 1 25 Foxglove - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Digitalis purpurea - -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Fringe Tree - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Chiouanthus Virginica ----------- 1 10 Gentian ----------------1 Gentiana lutea - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 75 Compound - -- -- -- -- -- - - ______________ 1 25 Ginger Zingiber officinale - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 10 Golden Seal - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Hydrastis Canadensis - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Golden Rod - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Solidago ---------------- 90 Gold Thread - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Qoptis trifolia - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 25 Grindelia Robusta- - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 50 Grindelia Squarrosa - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 00 Guarana - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Paullinia sorbilis - 2 50 Hemlock (see Conium) - -- -- -- -- -- Henbane - - - - - ---------- Hop - -- -- -- -- ---. Hyoscyamus niger - -- -- -- -- -- - Humulus Lupulus ------------ 1 00 1 25 Horehound - Marrubium vulgare ------------ 80 Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens ----------- 90 Ignatia Bean --------------- Strychnos Ignatia - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 75 Indian Hemp - -- -- -- -- -- - Apocynum cannabinum ---------- 1 00 Foreign - -- -- -- -- -- Cannabis Indica - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 25 White - -- -- -- -- -- - Asclepias incarnata - -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Ipecac ----------------- Cephaelis Ipecacuanha ----------- 3 00 and Seneka - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 50 Jalap - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Ipomoca Jalapa ------------ - . 1 50 1 25 Juniper Berries - - -- -- -- -- -- -- Juniperus communis ------------ 90 Kameela ---------------- Rottlera Tinctoria ------------- 2 50 Koosso - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Brayera Anthelmintica - -- -- -- -- - 2 00 Ladies' Slipper - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Cypripedium pubesce"s ----------- 1 00 Lettuce - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Lactuca sativa - \ 1 co Life Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Scnecio aureus - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 80 Liquorice, made from peeled root ------ Glycyrrhiza glabra - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Lobelia - Lobelia inflata -------------- 90 Lupulin Lupulina - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 50 Male Fern - -- -- -- -- -- - - - _ Aspidium Filix mas - -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Mandrake - -- -- -- -- -- - - - - Podophyllum peltatum ----------- 90 Matico - _ Artanthe elongata ------------- 1 50 Musk Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sumbul ----------------- 2 50 Night Blooming Cereus ----------- Cactus grandiflora ------------- 5 00 Nux Vomica - - - ----------- Strychnos nux vomica ----------- 1 20 Opium, (Tinct. Opii Dead. U.S-P.) ------- ___________________ 2 00 Orange Peel, sweet - -- -- -- -- -- - Aurantium --------------- 90 Orange Peel, bitter - -- -- -- -- -- - Aurantii amari - - - - -------- 1 eO Orris Root ---------------- Iris Fiorentina --------------- 90 Pareira Brava - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Chododendron tom entosum - -- -- -- -- 1 25 Pink Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Spigelia Marilandica ----------- 1 25 and Senna - -- -- -- -- -- 1 00 Pipsissewa - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Chimaphila umbellata - -- -- -- -- -- 80 Pleurisy Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Asclepias tuberosa ------------ 1 00 Poke Root- --------------- Phytolacca decandria - -- -- -- -- -- 80 Poppy ----------------- Papaver somniferum \ 90 Prickly Ash - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Xanthoxylum fraxineum ---------- 90 Quassia ----------------- Simaruba excelsa ------------- 80 Queen of the Meadow - -- -- -- -- -- Eupatorium purpureum ---------- 80 Rhatany - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Krameria triandra ------------ 1 00 Rhubarb ---------------- Rheum palmatum - -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 25 Aromatic - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 00 and Senna - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 50 Rosin Weed - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Silphium gummiferwn ------- _ _ _ 1 50 Saffron ----------------- Carthamus- --------------- 2 00 Sandalwood - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Santalum Album ------------- 2 50 22 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. Ione lb. bots. |PER LB. Sarsaparilla, Rio Negro - -- -- -- -- -- 1 25 and Dandelion - -- -- -- -- 1 25 Comp ------------- 1 25 Comp (for Syrup.) -------- 1 25 for Soda W ater --------- 1 25 Sassafras - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Laurus Sassafras - -- -- -- -- -- - 80 Savin - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Juniperus Sabina - -- -- -- -- -- - 75 Scullcap - -- -- -- -- -- - ---_ Scutellaria lateriflora - -- -- -- -- -- I 00 Seneka ----------------- Polygala Senega ------------- 1 80 Senna Alex- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Cassia acutifolia ------------ 90 and Jalap - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 25 Skunk Cabbage -------------- Symplocarpus feetidus ---------- 75 Snakeroot ---------------- Serpentaria -------------- 1 25 Solomon's Seal - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Convallaria polygonata ----------- 80 Spikenard ---------------- Aralia racemosa - -- -- -- -- -- -- 80 Squaw Vine - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Mitchella repens - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 20 Squill - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Scilla mdritima - -- -- -- -- -- -- 80 Compound, (for Hive Syrup) ------ 1 60 Star Grass - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Aletris - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 50 Stavesaere ---------------- Delphinium Staphisagria - -- -- -- -- - 2 00 Stillingia - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Compound - -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Stone Root - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Collinsonia Canadensis - -- -- -- -- - 90 Stramonium - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Datura Stramonium ----------- 90 Sundew ----------------- Drosera rotundifolia - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 25 Thistle Leaves - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 25 Tag Alder - Alnus serru'iata ------------- 75 Tonka Bean - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Dipterix Odorata - -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 00 Turkey Corn - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Corydalis formosa ------------- 1 50 Unicorn, False - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Helonias dioica - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 50 UvaUrsi - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Arctostaphylos - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 80 Valerian- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Valeriana officinalis ------------ 1 00 Veratrum Vlrlde - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 25 Wahoo - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Euonymus atropurpureus ---------- 1 15 Water Pepper- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Polygonum punctatum - -- -- -- -- -- 75 White Oak ---------------- Quercus alba --------------- 75 Wild Indigo - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Baptisia tinctoria ------------- 80 Wild Turnip - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Arum triphyllum - -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Wild Yam - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Dioscorea villosa - - -- -- -- -- -- - 90 Witch Hazel - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Hamamelis Virginica - -- -- -- -- -- 80 Wormseed - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Chenopodium -------------- 80 Wormwood - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Artemisia absinthium - -- -- -- -- -- 1 15 Yarrow - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A chillea Millefolia ------------- 80 Yellow Dock - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Rumex crispus - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1 00 Jasmine - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Gelsemium sempervirens ---------- 1 00 Yerba Santa - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Eriodyction glutinosum ----------- 2 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current 23 Sugar-Coated Pills & Granules, MANUFACTURED BY BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Philadelphia. These Pills have now been before the profession for more than fourteen years. From the first,conscientious care has been observed with regard to the quality of the medicines entering into them, and to the accuracy and com- pleteness with which they have been combined and divided. Experience and skill have been eagerly availed of to bring them, day by day, a step nearer perfection, and it is believed that the Pills of this house are equalled by no other products of the same kind, and that they excel all others in their ready solubility ; any one who will cut open one of their Quinine Pills will need no further proof that perfection has been attained in this al important point. We have been induced to urge the sale of these Pills by the feeling of satisfaction resulting from the accuracy, care, reliability and skill of the manufacturers. PILLS AND G HANDLES. Sugar Coated. I Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- | ties of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. Acid Arsenious,1-100,1-20,1-30,1-40,1-50,l-60gr 40 1 75 Z! 3 50 Aconitia, 1-60, 1-100 gr. - -- -- -- - Aloes, U. S. P. <5 3 50 ( Pulv. Aloes, Socot, 2 grs. 1 40 50 1 Pulv. Aloes Socot. '4 grs. / 40 1 75 [Pulv. Aloes Socot. 4 gr. I of Fprri -1 .. . /j . ! a. < 40 1 75 et rem, -j perrlSulph.Exsic. 1 gr. | [Ext. Coni!, 4 gr. J 50 et Myrrh, U. 8. P. ( Pulv. Aloes Socot. 2 grs. ) 50 1 Croci Stigmat. 4 gr. ) 1 Mass. Hydrargyri, 1 gr. / Alterative,-/Pulv. Opii, 4 gr. > 50 ( Ipecac, 4 gr. ) Amnion. Bromid. 1 gr. - -- -- -- - 75 3 50 [Pulv. Aloes Socot. 40 1 75 [Olenin Anisi, J Anti-Bilious (Vegetable) j P. Ext. Coloc. Co. 2 gr. ) 50 I Podophyllin, i gr. f [Strychnias, 1-40 Gr. I Ex. Belladonnas 1-10 Gr. Anti-Dyspeptic, [ Pulv. Ipecac, 1-10 Gr. r 1 00 4 75 Mass. Hydrarg. 2 Gr. (Ext. Coloc Co. 2 Gr. Anti-Malarial,(McCaw) [ Quiniae Sulph. 1 gr. 3 l Ferri Sul. Exs. 4 gr. 1 J 01. Res. Pip. Nig. 1-16 gr. 1 9 75 "A Ac. Arsenios. 1-80 gr. [ 1 Gelsemin. 4 gr. I ' Podophyllin, 4 gr. ' Antimonii Comp. U. S. P. (see Pil. Calomel • Comp.) - -- -- -- -- -- - 40 1 75 Chinchonaa Sulph. 1 gr. Ferri Sulph. Exsic. 1 gr. Antiperiodic, Ext. Qua'ss. 4 gr. 1 00 4 75 Ext. Rhei. 4 gr. Pulv. Myrrhae, f gr. ( Ext. Nux Voinic., 4 gr. ) Aperient,-/ Hyoscyam. 4 gr. > - - 85 4 03 No. 2. ( Coloc Comp. 2 gr. ) [ Pulv:,Rhei: 1 gr. •] * 1 " Aloe Soc., 1 gr. ( Aperient 5 podophvthin, 1-10 gr. ( 60 2 75 1 Ext. Belladon:, 1-10 gr. [Pulv. Rhei, 14 grs. "1 Aperient, J Aloe. Socot. 14 grs. 1 60 t Nuc. Vom. i gr. 1 [Ext. Coloc. Co. 4 Gr.'l Aperient, Mild. SjKhH , 50 2 25 (Ol. Cari, Assafoetida, I'. S. P., 2 grs. - -- -- -- -- 40 1 75 PILLS 1 AND GRANULES, Sugar Coated. h* Pi-ice per Bottle of 500 each. | Assafmrida Cnmn J Assafoetia' gr8' I Assatoetiua, lomp. Ferri SulphExs. 1 gr. J 40 1 75 ( Assafoetid®, 1 gr. / et Pulv. Rhei, 1 gr. >• I Ferrum perHydl gr. 1 75 3 50 Atropia, l-60gr. 1-100 gr. ------- 75 3 aO ( Ext. Col. Comp. 1 gr. 4 Ration J Jalapae, 1 gr. ! Baiiou, ■< Hydg< chlor. Mit. 1 gr. f 75 3 50 (. Pulv . Ipecac. i gr. ) Belladonna Ext. (Eng.) I gr. - ----- 40 1 75 Bismuth" Sub Carb. 3 grs. - ------ 75 3 50 Sub Nit. 3 grs. ------- 75 3 50 Bl.muthSNuxVom { "TNulvSm.iS'" ( 1 50 7 25 Caffein, Citrat. 1 g1 . 3 00 14 75 Calcium Sulphide. 1-10 gr. ------ 40 1 75 Calcium" Sulphide, 1-4 gr. ------ 50 2 25 Calomel, f gr., 1 gr., 2 grs., 3 grs. - - - - 40 1 75 5 grs. 50 2 25 Comp. (Plummer's) 3 grs. \ Calomel ) j Oxysulph. Antimon. > 40 1 75 Guaiacum Resin et Ipecac. Co. Calomel. 1 gr. ) P. Ipecac. Co. 3 1-3 gr. > 50 2 25 Ext. (lent. Q.S. ) onii ■! Calomel, 2 grs. I et Opii, ( opium, 1 gr. f 85 4 00 (Calomel. 4 gr."1 Pt Hhei J Ext" Rhei' * gr" t et itnei, < Coloc. C. i gr. [ 75 3 50 1 Hyoscya. 1-0 gr. J Camphor Monobromated, 2 gr.- - - - - Camphor et Hyoseyam. i Gum. Camphor, gr. 1. I 1 Ext. Hyos. Eng., gr. 1, i Cannabis Tndica Ext. f gr. ------ 60 2 75 Cathartic Comp. U. S. 1'.. 1 I Ixt. Coloc Comp. If grs. 4 - Jalapae, 1 r. f 1 Calomel, 1 gr. f JU (. Pulv. Gambogiae, 2-9 gr. ) Comp. (Vegetable), Ext. Coloc. Simp. f Gr. ] Podophyllin, f Gr. Pulv. Res. Scam. f Gr. 1 Aloes Socot. If Gr. [ 50 Cardamom!, 1-9 Gr. Saponis, fGr.Jj (Ext. Coloc. Comp. Jalapae, Comp Podophyllin, Q (Improved), Ext. Hyoseyam. g Gentian®, Ol. Menth. Pip. (Aloes Pulv. 1 gr. 1 Cath. Co. Purgative J Ex*/phyT ] £ | (vegetable) , p_ Gambogiae I gr. ■ 40 1 75 IP. Zingiber f gr. 1 Caulophyllin, 1-10 gr. - -- -- -- - 40 1 1 75 Ceril Oxalas. 1 gr. - -- -- -- -- - 1 00 4 75 ( Pulv. Aloe Soc. ] Chapman's Dinner. Rhei Opt. -- - 60 2 75 I Gum Mastich, ) Chinoidin. 1 gr ________ _ _ 40 | 1 75 2 grs. - -- -- -- -- -1 50 I 2 25 24 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. PILLS AND GRANULES, Price per 100 Pills,in Bot ties of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. Sugar Coated. (Chinoidin. 2 grs.) Chinoidin Comp.s Ferri Sulph. Exsie Igr. > 75 3 50 ( Oleo-resinPip.Nigfgr. ) Chiretta, Ext . 3. gr. - - - - - - - - - 1 50 2 75 Cinchonia, Sulph. If grs. ----- V 3 25 Cinchonidia Sulph ------- 1 gr. 70 3 50 Cinchonidia Sulph . ------- 2 gr. 1 35 6 50 - - - - - _ - 3 gr. 1 90 9 25 Cincho QuiniaB, - -- -- -- - 1 gr. 1 25 6 00 Res. Scammon. Pur., 1 gr. Puh . Aloe Socot. If gr. Coccia, - Colocynth. i gr. - 90 4 25 Potass Sulph. 1 gr. Ol. Caryoph. 1 gi Colocynth. Comp. 3 grs. (Ext. Coloc. Comp. L. S. p.) ------ _ 80 3 75 Colocynth. et Hydrarg. et Ipecac. ( Pulv. Ext. Coloc Comp. 2 grs. / •< Pil. Hydrarg. 2 grs. > 75 3 50 Pulv. Ipecac 1-6 gr Pulv. Aloes Soc. 1 gr. Cook's, 3 grs. Rhei, Igr. Calomel, i gr. 50 2 25 [Sapon. Hispan. igr. Copaibas, U. S. P. 3 grs. - ----- - - 50 •> 25 I Pil. Copaiba? ., Resin Guaiac Copaib. Comp. > Ferri cit. - ■ 80 3 75 1 Oleo-resin. Cubebas. J et Extract Cubebae, ) Pil. Copailiie 3 grs. 1 i Oleo-resin. Cubeba?. 1 gr i Corrosive Sublimate, 1-12, 1-20, 1-30, 1-40 gr. 40 1 75 Bigitalin. 1-60 gr. - -- -- -- - 75 3 50 Pulv. Digital. Eng. 1 gr. ) Digitalis Comp.-l Scillaa, 1 gr. 50 2 25 1 Potass. Nit. 2 gr. ( Sapo Hispan. Pulv. 2 grs. ) Diuretic, v Sodas Carb. Exsic. 2 grs. > - 50 2 25 ( Ol. Baccae Junip. 1 drop 1 ( Pulv. Guaiac 3 grs.) Dupuytren Hydg. Chlor. Corros. 1-10gr. > 50 2 25 ( Pulv. Opn, 1 gr. ) Elaterium, (Clutterbuck'.0) 1-10 gr. - - Ergotine, 1 gr. Ext. Hellebr Nig. 1 gr. Emmagogue J Aloe Socot, 1 gr. 1 25 6 00 Ferri. Sulph. 1 gr. Ol. Sabine, i gr. Emmenagogue, (Mutter) ( Ferri Sulph. li gr. j -( Aloe Socot. Pulv. f gr. 40 1 75 1 Terebinth. Alb. li gr. ) Fel. Bovlnum ■ i Ox Gall, 2 grs. | 2 25 i Powdered Jamaica Ginger 1 gr 1 1 ' 9" Ferri (Quevenne's,) 1 gr. ----- - 50 - 2 grs. ----- 75 3 50 ('arb. (Vallet's,) L. S. P. 3 grs. - - - 40 1 75 (Jitrat. 2 grs. ------- - - 50 .-•» Comp. L'. S. P. ------ 40 1 75 1 errocy amd.3grs. ----- 50 I )did. 1 gr. - -- -- -- - 65 3 00 Lactat. Igr. ------- 50 2 25 Protochloride, 2 grs (Rabuteau s) - 75 3 .50 Pyrophosph. 1 gr. ----- - - 40 1 75 ■ Sulph. Exsiccat. 2 grs. - - - - - - 40 1 75 Valer. Igr. - -- -- -- - - 1 00 4 75 et Quass. et Nuc. Vom. fFerr.um Redactum l|gr.| j ExtQasd aj, 1 gr. 1 | Nx Vo m. I gr. 75 3 50 [Pul . Saponis, i gr. J et Quin. Cit. 1 gr. ----- - - - 75 3 50 - 2 grs. ----- 1 40 6 75 ( Strychnias, 1-60 gr. ) et Strvchs Ferrum Redactum - 75 3 50 ( (Quevenne's) 2 grs.) - ( Ferri Cit. 1 gr. 1 1 Strych. Cit. 1-50 gr. f 75 3 50 Ferruginous ( Ferri Sulph. li grs. O Blauds. 1 Potass Bi-carb. li grs. Galbani Comp. U. S. P. i Galbanum, If grs. / Pulv. Myrrh. li grs. ( Assafoetida, li grs. ' f Pulv. Gambogiae, Gambogiae Comp J Zinrib°Jam. J- 40 1 75 [ Saponis, Gelsemin, 1-16 gr. - -- -- -- - 40 2 75 PILLS S AND GRANULES, Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- tles of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. ugar Doated. Gelsemin. I £r. - - 40 1 75 [Ext. Gent. | gr. | nont fnmn J Aloes Socot. i gr. 1 Gent. comp. . Pulv Rhej gr , 40 1 75 1 01. Cari, 1-5 gr. J ulv. Cubeba, 2 grs.I Gonorrbm® J Bals> Copalb'Solid' 1 «r- L Gonorrlice®, j Feri_. Sulph ExsiCi * gr. r 60 2 75 LTerebinth. Venet. lj grs. J Helonin, 1-10 gr. - 50 Q 2d (Pill Hy drarg, 3 grs. Hepatica, ■< Ext. Colocynth Comp. 1 gr. > SO 3 1 Hyoscyami, 1 gr. Hooper, (Female Pills) 21 grs. f Aloes Socot. Ferri Sulph. Exsic. Ext. Helfebor. J Pulv. Myrrh. 40 1 Saponis, Canell®, Zingib. Jamaica, Hydrargyri, U. S. P. 3 grs. ------- 40 1 - 5 grs. ------- 50 1 Mass. Hydrarg. 1 gr. Pulv. Opii, 4 gr. Ipecac, i gr. 2 rji 1 cjuniu, 1-t.v - - - Iodide, i gr. ------- 40 1 lO - Rub, 1-16 gr. - - - - 40 1 ( Hydg. lodid. 1 gr. / 75 a I Pulv. Opii, i gr. 75 Hyoscyamus Ext. (Eng.) I gr. ----- 40 1 Ignati® Amar® Ext. 1 gr. ------- 50 Iodoform. 1 gr. 1 25 6 00 - et Fern, 1 Ferrum Redactum, 1 gr.) 1 50 (Iodoform, 1 gr. J Iodoform et Ferri J J' t etQuinffi' | Quin. Sulph. ' i gr.) 2 25 11 00 Ipecac, et Opii, H grs (Pulv. Doveri, U.S.P. ) 50 2 i Irisin 1 gr. Irisin. Comp. ■< Podophyllin, 1-10 gr. > - - 50 2 25 Strvchni® 1-40 gr. ) Ext. Coloc. Comp. " Jalap®, w Podophyl. <£ Laxative and Tonic (Dr. Warren's For'la)- " Nux Vom. "> " Belladon. ® " Hyosoyam. £ 1 00 4 75 Aloe Socot er Ferri, et Quin,Cit. .Pepsin Porci. ( Leptand. 1 gr. 1 Leptand. Comp ■( Irisin, 1 gr. f - 1 00 1 75 ( Podophyllin, f gr. ) Leptandrin, 1,1 gr. - 40 2 25 i gr. - - 50 2 4)0 1 frr . ■■ 1 gi. - - Lupulin, 3 grs. 40 1 <5 Macrotin, 1-10 gr. - - ________ 40 1 75 Magnesiae et Rhei, (1 gr. each) - - - - - 40 1 76 Morphia Acet, f gr. 70 3 25 Sulphate, 1-20 gr. ------ 40 1 75 1 - 1-10 gr. ------ 60 70 - - 1-6 gr. - - - - - - - 80 3 \5 - 1 gr. - - - - ' 1 INI 4 4 •') V alerian, f gr. - -- -- -- 1 00 4 75 k Morph. Sulph. 1 gr. Morphi® Comp. -( Ant. et Pot. Tart, j gr. 1 50 7 25 1 Calomel, j gr. Neuralgic. (Dr. Gross.) Quin. Sulph. 2 grs. Morph. Sulph. 1-20 gr. 25 Strychnia, 1-30 gr. 3 50 17 Ac. Arsenious 1-20 gr. Ext. Aconiti, 1 gr. Neuralgic. (Dr. Gross,) without morphia - 3 50 17 25 Neuralgic, Idiopath. (Brown-Sequard.) Ext. Hyoscyam. I Gr. Conii, j Gr. Ignat. Am. j Gr. Opii, i Gr. Aconiti, Gr. 2 00 9 75 Cannab. Ind. 1 Gr. Stramonii 1-5 Gr. Belladonnas 1-6 Gr. J Lzell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 25 PILLS AND GRANULES. Sugar Coated. Price per 100 i Pills, in Bot- | ties of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. Nuc. Vomica Ext . i gr. - -------- $ 40 $1 75 igr. -------- 40 1 75 Opii, U. S. P. 1 gr. - - - ------ 70 3 25 - et Camphor.,! ™i> gW > g-< 80 3 75 et Tannin, ( Pulv. Opii, Igr. 1 < Camphor®, 1 gr. > 80 3 75 / Acid Tannic 2 grs.) j Pulv. Opii, I gr. 1 2 75 | Plumbi Acet. 1 j grs. i Phosphorus, 1-60 gr. - -- -- -- -- 1 00 4 75 1-100 gr. - -- -- -- - 1 00 4 75 et Iron. j Phosphurus, 1-50 gr. 1 6 00 | Iron by Hydrogen, 1 gr. f Iron et Digitalis. ( Iron by Hydrogen, 1 gr. | 1 25 6 00 (Digitalis, Igr. J Ferri, et Nux Vomica. i Phosphorus, 1-100 / < Ferri Carb., Vallet's, 1 gr. / Ext. Nuc. Vomica, 1 8r.) Iron and Quinine. ( Phosphorus, 1-100 gr.) •< Ferri Carb. 1 gr. > ( Quinine Sulph. 1 gr.) 2 25 11 00 Iron Quini and Nux V om : (Phosphorous 1-100 gr.") J Ferri Carb (Vallet's) 1 gr-y 11 00 Quinia Sulph. • 1 gr. ( (Ext. Nux Vom. 1 grJ And Nux Vom. ( Phosphorus 1-60 gr. » 6 00 (Ext. Nun Vom igr.) et Strychnia. J Phosphorus, 1-50 gr,. ) fi 00 | Strychnia, 1-60 gr. f 1 » Strychnia and Iron. I Phosphorus, 1-100 gr.) Strychnia, 1-60 gr. }■ 1 50 7 25 ( Vallet's Mass. 1 gr.) Podophyllin, 1-10, igr. - -- -- -- - 40 1 75 igr. ---------- 50 2 25 Igr. ---------- 75 3 50 1 et Belladon, 1" Podophyllin, i gr. 1 J Ext. Bellad. ale. i gr. 1 1 Oleo-resin Capsici. i gr. f (.Sacchari lactis. Igr.J ( Podophylli, i gr. 1 Comp.-; Ext. Hyoscyam i gr. > 75 3 50 1 NucVom 1-16 gr. ) PtHvd ' Podophyllin, igr. 1 et Hja, ( pil IIydrarg< 2 grs. f 50 2 25 Potass. Bromid. Igr. - -- -- -- - 75 3 50 5 grs. - -- -- -- - 1 25 6 00 lodid. 2 grs. - -- -- -- -- 85 4 00 Pennangan. Cryst. igr. - - - - - 50 2 25 Quinidia Sulph, Igr. - -- -- -- - 1 25 6 00 2 gr. - -- -- -- - 2 25 11 00 Quini® Sulph. 1-10 gr. - -- -- -- - 40 1 75 igr. - -- -- -- -- 1 (H) 4 75 lgr. 1 75 8 50 2 grs. - -- -- -- -- 3 25 16 00 1 3 grs. - -- -- -- -- 4 50 22 25 Quini® Bisulph. Igr - -- -- -- - 1 75 8 50 2 grs. - -- -- -- - 3 25 16 00 Quinia' Valerianat, i gr. ------- 1 90 9 25 Quini® Valerian, Igr. - -- -- -- - 3 50 17 25 Quini® Comp. i Quin. Sulph. 1 gr. 1 « Ferrum Redact. (Quevenne's) 1 gr. > 2 00 9 75 ( Acid. Arsenious, 1-60 gr. ) Quini® et Colocynth Comp. Quini® Sulph. 1 gr. Ext. Col. Comp. 1 gr. Ext. Ignat. Amar. i gr. 3 00 14 75 Piperina, 1 gr. LMorph. Sulph. 1-12 gr. J PILLS AND GRANULES, Price per 100 Pills, in Bot- tles of 100. Price per Bottle of 500 each. Sugar Coated. Quinize et Ext. Belladon. I Quiniae Sulph. 1 gr. 1 $2 00 9 75 1 Ext. Belladon. I gr. I Quinize et Ferri Carb. J Quinia Sulph. J gr. 1 1 Ferri Carb. (Vallet's), 2 grs. J 2 00 9 75 Quinize et Ferri, i Quin. Sulph. -< Ferrum Red actum 1 gr. / 2 00 9 75 (Quevenne's) 1 gr. 1 Quin, et Ferri Ferrocyan. Quin. Sulph. 1 gr. Ferri Ferrocyan. 1 gr. Oleo-resin Capsici, 1-20 gr. [ 2 10 10 25 Gelsemin, 1-20 gr. Podophyllin, 1-20 gr. Strychnia. 1-60 gr. J Quinize et Ferri et Strychnias, Quin. Sulph. Ferri Carb. (Vallet's) Igr. 2 grs. 2 00 9 75 Strvch. Sulph. 1-60 gr. ) Quinize et Ferri Lact. Comp. Quuinse Sulph. 1 gr. i 2 10 10 25 Ext. Ignat. Amar. i gr. >■ Ferri Lactat. 2 gr. ) 4 00 Quinize et Ferri Valer. 2 grs. - - 19 75 Quinize et Hvdrarg. Quin. Sulph. 1 gr. 1 Mass. Hvdrarg. 2 grs. >- 2 00 9 75 Oleo-resin. Piper. Nig. i gr. ) Quinize et Strychnia. \ Quin. Sulph. 1 gr. 1 2 00 9 75 1 Strychnia. 1-60 gr. ) Quiniae et Zinci. \ aler. J Quin. Valer. t Zinci. Valer. 1 gr. 1 Igr. f 3 00 14 75 Rhei, U. s. p (Pulv. Rhei. 1 Saponis, 3 grs. 1 1 gr. ) TO 3 50 Comp . U. S. P. 1 Pulv. Rhei, 2 grs. ] J Aloes Socot. H grs. 1 75 3 50 | Myrrh. [Ol. Menth. Pip. Igr. | [Ext. Coloc. C. H grs. ] Rheumatic I Colchici Acet. ] Hyoscyam 1 gr. L igr. f 90 4: 25 [Hydg. Chlor. Mit. i gr. J Santonin, Igr. - -- -- -- 1 00 4 75 Scillae Comp. U. S. P. fPulv. Scillze,. 1 gr. 1 1 Zingib.Jamaica 1 gr. I 50 2 25 | Gum. Ammoniac. 1 gr. | 1 Pulv. Saponis, 14 gr. J 3 50 Silver Nitrate, 4 gr. - - - - - - - - - in Stomachicae (Lady Webster's Dinner Pilis,) 3 grs. ( Pulv. Aloes Socot. j -J Gum Mastich. - - 50 2 25 ( Flor. Rosze Strychnias. 1-20,1-30,1-40, 1-50,1-00 gr. - - 40 1 75 Syphilitic. Potass. lodid. 24 grs. 1 1 00 4 75 Hydrarg Chlor. Corros. 1-40 gr.) Tart. Emetic, 1-20,1-10, i gr. - - - - 40 1 75 Tonic Laxative (Dr. C. H. Thomas' For- inula. Aloe Purif 1 gr. Ferri Sulph Exsic. 1 gr. 3 5* Ext. Hyoscyam, Ale, 1 gr. - 75 Ext. Nux Vom. 1 gr. O1 Resin Capsic. 1-0 gr. Trillin, 1-10 gr. ------- 50 2 25 ( Aloe Socot. 2 grs. 1 3 50 Triplex, Pil. Hydrarg. 1 gr. [■ - - - 75 Podophyllin, 1 gr. ) 2 25 Veratria Sulphate, 1-12 gr. - - - - 50 Zinci Valerian, 1 gr. - - - - - 1 00 4 75 26 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Pharmaceutical Preparations, MANUFACTURED BY JOHN WYETH <Sc BRO., Philadelphia. Tn addition to our regular price list, we ask attention to the accompanying one of Messrs John Wyeth & Br> of Philadelphia. We have sold their preparations largely for years, and the increased demand and many inquiries, necessitates our Issuing a special list. The hign reputation enjoyed by the Manufacturers is a guarantee that the articles prepared by them will be found as represented. "Compressed Pills ''are a comparatively recent addition to their list, and present such decided advantages over coated pills by reason of their smaller size, flattened shape, and greater solubility, that they deserve vour consideration. All their preparations will be sup plied at the Manufacturer's lowest prices. ELIXIRS. Pepsin, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- - 12 00 Bitter Wine of Iron, per doz. pints ----- 10 00 Wild Cherry Bark, per doz. pints ------ 9 00 Wild Cherry Bark, Ferrated, per doz. pints - - 10 00 Ergot, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- - 12 00 Calisaya, per doz. pints --------- - 8 00 WINES. Bismuth, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- 11 00 Blue Flag, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- 800 Bromide Calcium, per doz. pints ------ 15 00 Bromide Potassium, per doz. pints ----- 10 00 Bromide Sodium, per doz. pints - - - - - - 10 00 Cinchona Calisaya, per doz. pints - -- -- - 800 Cinchona Rubra, Ferrated, per doz. pints - - - 10 (Hl Cinchonidia, Iron and Strychnia, per doz. - - 12 00 Calisaya, Iron and Bismuth, per doz. pints - - 10 00 Calisaya, Iron and Strychnia, per doz. pints - - 10 00 Calisaya, Iron, Pepsin and Bismuth, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 20 00 Calisaya, Iron Bismuth and Strychnia, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 11 00 Cathartic Co., 12 oz. per doz. - -- -- -- 9 00 Cinchonidia, Iron and Strychnia, per doz. pints 12 00 Citrate Lithia, per doz. pints - -- -- -- 20 00 Coca Leaves - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 10 00 Corydalis Comp., per doz. pints - -- -- - 8 00 Eucalyptus Globulus, per doz. pints ----- 8 (X) Ferrated Cordial, per doz. pints - -- -- - 800 Gentian, with Tinct. Chloride of Iron, per doz. pints ----------- - 800 Gentian Ferrated, per doz. pints - -- -- - 800 Guarana (Paullinia Sorbilis), per doz. pints - - 18 00 Hops, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- - 8 00 Matico Compound, per doz. pints ----- 10 00 Phosphorus, per doz. pints - -- -- -- - 10 00 Pyrophosphate Iron, per doz. pints ----- 10 00 Phosphate Iron, Quinine and Strychnia, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 28 00 Pyrophosphate Iron, Quinine and Strychnia, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 28 00 Pyrophos. Iron, Quinine and Arsenic, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- - - - 28 00 Phosphates and Calisaya (chemical food, with Cinchona), per doz. pints - -- -- -- 8 00 Pepsin and Bismuth, per doz. pints - - - - - 18 00 Pepsin, Bismuth ami Strychnia, per doz. pints - 20 00 Pepsin, Bismuth, Strychnia and Iron, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 20 00 Pepsin, Bismuth and Calisaya, per doz. pints - 20 00 Taraxacum Compound, per doz pints - - - - 8 00 Valerianate of Ammonia, per doz. pints - - - 11 00 Valerianate Ammonia and Quinine, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 28 00* Valerianate Strychnia, per doz. pints - - - - 8 00 Valerianate of Morphia, per doz. pints - - ■ 8 00 Valerianate of Zinc, per doz. pints ----- 10 00 Wahoo, (Bark of Root,) per doz. pints - - - - 10 00 Wahoo and Blue Flag, per doz. pints - - - - 9 00 PREPARATIONS OF COD LIVER OIL. COD LIVER OIL, (Manufactured by Marvin Brothers & Bartlett, Portsmouth, N.H.) Per doz. pints 7 (X> This Oil is sold only in bottles containing sixteen fluid ounces. Tasteless Cod Liver Oil. per doz. pints - - - - 8 00 (Cod Liver Oil, prepared in an emulsion.) Tasteless Cod Liver Oil, Ferrated, per doz. pints 8 00 Cod Liver Oil, with Phosphate of Lime, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 8 00 Lactophosphate of Lime, with Cod Liver Oil, per doz. pints - -- -- -- - -- -12 00 Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphates Lime and Soda, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- 8 0<. LAWTON'S ABSORBENT COTTON. • FOR Hospitals, Dispensaries, Physicians, Dentists, Druggists, Photographers etc., etc. We put up our Absorbent Cotton in neat and con- venient packages, containing one pound, one-quarter pound and two ounces. One Pound Parcels, . . 75 cts. per Pound. Four Ounce-Boxes, . . $3.00 per Dozen. Two Ounce " . . 2.00 " Compound Fluid Extract Buchu and Pareira Brava, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- 20 00 This fluid extract is composed of equal quantities of Buchu, Pareira Brava, and Collinsonia Canadensis. Papoma, per gross - -- -- -- -- -- 36 00 MISCELLANEOUS. Beef and Wine, per doz. pints ------- 8 00 Beef, Wine and Iron, per doz. pints ----- 8 00 Beef, Wine, Iron and Cinchona, per doz. pints - 10 00 PREPARATIONS OF BEEF. PURE PEPSIN. Per ounce . . • • • • .->0 Saccharated Pepsin, per ounce - -- -- -- 40 Solution Carbolic Acid, per doz. pints - - - - 6 00 Each fluid ounce contains forty grains of Glacial Acid. Phosphates, Compound (chemical food), per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 10 00 Hypophosphites, Compound (Churchill's) per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- -10 00 Hypophosphites, Compound and Iron, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- -10 00 Superphosphate of Iron, per doz. pints - - - «8 00 Lactophosphate of Lime, per doz. pints - - - 15 00 Lactophosphate of Iron, per doz. pints - - - 15 00 Lactophosphate Iron and Lime, per doz. pints 15 00 Lactophosphate Lime, Iron and Potash, per doz. pints ------------20 00 Lactophosphate Lime and Pepsin, per doz. pints 22 00 Iodide of Lime, per doz. pints - -- -- -- 15 00 Jackson's Pectoral, 4 oz. per doz. - -- -- - 300 Phosphate Iron, Quinine and Strychnia, per doz. pints - -- -- -- -- -- - 28 00 Phosphate Manganese, Compound, per doz. pts 17 50 Chlorat Hydrat, per doz. pints - -- -- -- 15 00 Liquor Bismuth, per doz. pints - -- -- - 11 00 Liquor Pepsinse, per doz. pints ------ 10 00 SYRUPS. (ferrum dialysatum.) A pure Neutral Solution of Peroxide of Iron in the Colloid Form. The result of Endosmosis and Diffusion with distilled water. Per doz. bots. in boxes with dropper,(regular size) $8 00 Per doz. 1 lb bottles,(for Hospitals and Dispensing) 12 00 DIALYSED IRON. BUTTER OF CACAO SUPPOSITORIES. Rectum Suppositories, per gross - - - - - - - 480 When Quinine and Morphia are ordered in larger prportions than we can furnish at the above price, we add the increased cost of the drug. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 27 GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. Orthophosphate Iron, Qui-J Ir°n' 1 110 00 nine and Strychnia, - Joo f " ° Physicians will find this mode of administering many medicines and the natural waters, such as Vichy, Kissengen, etc., preferable to any other. Physicians and druggists will find Alfred Bishop's superior to any other make, and always just as represe. ted. (Manufactured by Alfred Bishop, London.) Grains in 4 oz- Drachm. doz. Bromide Ammonium - -- -- -- - 2 $6 00 Citrate Bismuth - -- -- -- -- 2 8 50 Citrate Caffein - -- -- -- -- - 10 00 Carlsbad Salts (as the natural water), - - 7 0C Nitrate of Cerium - -- -- -- -- 2 8 50 Citrate Cinchona, - -- -- -- -- - u 6 00 Citrate Cinchona and Iron, -j Pp(7nht>na' ( 6 50 Bromide Iron - -- -- -- -- -- 2 8 50 Carbonate Iron - -- -- -- -- - 2 5 00 Citrate Iron - -- -- -- -- -- 2 5 00 Iodide Iron, - -- -- -- -- -- i 7 ' 0 Phosphate Iron ----------- 2 5 50 Kissingen (as the natural water), - - - 5 (M> Citrate Lithia - -- -- -- -- -- 2 12 00 Magnesian Aperient (printed directions and dose) 4 00 Benzoate Potassa, -»------- 2 8 50 Bi-carbonate Potassa - -- -- -- - 4 5 00 Citrate Potassa, - -- -- -- -- - 10 7 50 Nitrate Potassa, - -- -- -- -- - 5 5 00 Bromide Potassium - -- -- -- - 2 6 00 Iodide Potassium - -- -- -- -- 2 6 00 Soda Cit. Tart. - -- -- -- -- - 5 00 Pullna Salts (as the natural water) - - - 5 00 Citrate Quinine - -- -- -- -- - 1 10 50 Citrate Quinine and Iron, - - - -"-each I 11 00 Seidlitz (officinal strength) ------ 5 00 Iodide Sodium - -- -- -- -- - 14 6 00 Vichy Salts (as the natural water) - - - 5 00 Salicylic Acid - -- -- -- -- -- 8 00 Seltzer Salts (as the natural water) - - 5 00 Citrate Magnesia, - -- -- -- -- 5 00 Pepsin and Bismuth, f f 9 00 PeStrw-hnlainUth and at.BismuPthin'2 t btrychnla, (strychnia, 1-100 f 10 00 The greatly increased demand for the following Special Pills has induced us to put them up in neat and convenient boxes, with full directions, etc. They are very largely used, being prescribed by leading medical men whenever introduced, and have in addition a large popular sale. Our process of compressing renders them much more acceptable, and their action more effective than possible, when coated or prepared extemporan- eously. Other very great advantages they possess is the entire absence of sugar, excipients, or any extraneous matter. I Peptonic Pills, Large, per gross,. $96 00 " / " " " doz 8 00- " / " Small, " gross,.... 48 00 " / " " " doz 4 00 Chlorate Potash Tablets,... .5 gr. " gross, .. 2000 " " " ... .5 gr. " doz 1 75 Muriate Ammonia Pills,... 3 gr. " gross,.... 20 00 " 7 " " . ...3gr, " doz 175 Bicarbonate Potash Tablets,5 gr. " gross,.... 40 00 " " " 5 gr. " doz 3 50 Bicarbonate Soda Tablets, 5 gr. " grosf..... 40 00 " " " 5 gr. " doz 3 50 Chlorate Potash and Borax Tablets 2X grs. of each. per gross, $20 00. per doz. $1 75 Soda Mint Tablets In bottles of 50 each. per gross. $48 00 per dozen 4 00 We make no claim for proprietorship in regard to our goods. We only assert the excellent quality of the material employed, and the skill and accuracy with which they are manufactured. Our labels give the exact contents and combination of each preparation. They are manufactured and intended for administration through the medium of the Medical Profession exclusively. All of our products, as also those for which we are agents, are now dispensed by all the leading Druggists, and are regularly prescribed by a large majority of the Physicians of America and Great Britain, being preferred on account of their superior quality, strength, elegance, and agreeable flavor. Both at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia and at the Exposition in Paris we were awarded the highest testimonials for Progress in Pharmacy, Superiority of Manufacture, Precision in Admixture, and quality of material employed. Price Lists and Descriptive Catalogues of all our products will be sent free of charge to any section of the country upon application. Special information in regard to any article of our manufacture will be gladly furnished to those who may desire more minute particulars. COMPRESSED POWDERS (or PILLS), Made from dry powders, altogether free from coatings, excipients, or other extraneous matter; are smaller in size, more speedily soluble, do not change by keeping, and have none of the objections so often urged by medical men against coated pills. Our List embraces all the formulas in use. The Compressed Tablets of Chlorate of Potash, Bi-carbonate of Potash, Bi-carbonate Soda, and Peptonic Pills are among those most widely known and universally prescribed. MEDICINAL FLUID EXTRACTS. Unrivalled in Strength, Beauty, and Activity. Made from the choicest material in accordance with the most advanced science in regard to the properties of each article. A pound of Fluid Extract represents a pound of selected Drug. We solicit the most critical and exhaustive tests for our Fluid Extracts. DIALYSED IRON. The value of this Chalybeate is becoming more pronounced every day. That manufactured by our House is recognized as the standard preparation throughout the country. SACCHARATED AND PURE PEPSIN. Made from the fresh stomach of the Pig, entirely free from odor and all impurities. Directions for testing its digestive pow'er accompany each package or sample. The Pepsin made bv us is about double the strength of that usually sold. WE ARE AGENTS FOR ALFRED BISHOP'S GRANULATED SALTS. The Salts manufactured by Mr. Bishop are the only ones that have given unqualified satisfaction. We invite the most careful examination and comparison with other like preparations, feeling confident of their superior merits. MARVIN'S COD LIVER OIL. MARVIN BROTHERS & BARTLETT, Portsmouth, N. H. The only manufacturers who prepare Cod-Liver Oil exclusively for medicinal use. LAWTON'S ABSORBENT COTTON. An economical, pure, and convenient substitute for Patent Lint, Charpie, and Sponge, for the use of Surgeor% Gynaecologists, Dentists, and Photographers. Powerfully absorbent, uniform fine quality, pure white color, and exquisite softness. The article furnished by us will be found superior to any other and the price very much less. 28 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Patent Medicines and Proprietary Articles. Foreign and Domestic. Acid, Phosphate, Horsford's ----- doz. 4 00 Alkathrepta ----------- doz. Alleviator, Brigg's Corn ------- doz. 4 00 Alterative, Jayne's - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 60 Ambrosia, Ring s---------- doz. 6 25 Sterling's - doz. 7 50 Anakesis - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Anisette, Bisbrow's --------- doz. Annihilator, Hedges' F. & A. - - - - - doz. 8 00 Wolcott's 25c. ------ doz. 1 85 50c. ------ doz. 3 75 $1.00. ------ doz. 7 50 Anodyne, Hunnewell's Tolu- - - - - - doz. 3 50 Sands' Clove ------- doz. 1 65 Townsley's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 60 Antidote, Horton's Miasma- - - - - - doz. 11 00 Jeflries ---- - - - - - doz. 7 00 Watts' Nervous ------ doz. 7 50 Anti-Fat, Allan's - -- -- -- -- doz. 11 00 Aperient, Bailey's Saline ------- doz. 3 75 Close's Tonic, 4 oz. ----- doz. 3 (0 12 oz. ----- doz. 6 00 16 oz. - - - - - doz. 8 00 1 ish's Saratoga - ------ doz. 7 50 Trial size - - - doz. 3 75 hrothingham's Excelsior - - - doz. 3 75 Tarrant's Seltzer ------ doz. 8 (Ml Assimilant, Brown's - -- -- -- - doz. 14 25 1 August Flower, Green's ------- doz. 5 50 trial size - - - doz. 85 Axle Grease, Fraser's, (Wood)- - - - - doz. 1 25 Balm, Brown's Woodland ------ doz. 3 75 Cook's of Life - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Cooper's Magnetic ------- doz. 1 85 Graefenberg's Consumptives - - - doz. 9 <10 Hagan's Magnolia ------- doz. 5 25 Lawrence's Tar -------- doz. 1 75 Marsden's Pectoral, small - - - - doz. 3 75 large - - - - doz. 7 00 Miller's Magnetic ------- doz. 1 85 Phelps'Norwegian, small - - - - doz. 2 GO large - - - - doz. 8 00 Quirk's Carageen- ------- doz. 3 75 Rush's Lung - -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 Balsam, Adamson's, 35c. ------- doz. 3 00 Allen's Lung - -- -- -- - doz. 7 00 Arnold's Diarrhoea ------ doz. 2 00 Becker's Eye, Genuine - - - - doz. 1 65 Blackman's, small ------ doz. 2 75 large ------- doz. 5 50 Brandt's Blood Purifying- - - - doz. 8 CO Brown's Acaeian ------- doz. 7 50 Buchan's Hungarian ----- doz. 8 00 Cheeseman's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 Coe's Cough, small ------ doz. 2 75 | Denton's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 85 Fitch's Pulmonary ------ doz. 8 75 Gardiner's - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 00 Hall's Lung - - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Hayne's Arabian ------- doz. 1 65 Hermance's Lung ------ doz. 4 00 Hill's, of Honey ------- doz. 75 Hyatt's Life - -- -- -- - doz. 8 25 "A. B." (double strength) doz. 12 00 Pulmonary ------ doz. 8 75 Keating's Horehound - - - - - doz. 1 75 Knapp's Cough, small ----- doz. 1 90 - large ----- doz. 3 80 Miller's ---------- doz. 3 85 Parker's Hair - -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 • small ------ doz. 4 00 Peckham's - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 50 Pettit's Canker ------- doz. 1 75 Porter's Cough 25c. ------ doz. 1 90 50c.- - - - - - doz. 3 80 75c. ------ doz. 5 70 - Heed & Cutler's Pulmonary 35c. doz. 3 25 1 '"• - Roman Eye - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 65 Rush's, of White Mustard 25c. - doz. 1 75 35c. - doz. 2 75 Sawen's Cough -------- doz. 3 75 Seabury's Cough 25c. - - - - doz. 1 80 50c. - - - - doz. 3 60 1 - -- - Balsam, Silliman's Cough - - - - - - doz. 1 75 Stringer's Cough, small - - - - doz. 00 med. - - - - doz. 4 00 doz. 8 01) Turlington's ----- doz. 75 1 Wistar's 50c. - - - - - - - doz. 4 00 -• $1.00 - - - doz. 8 00 Barley, Robinson's, Patent - - - doz. 1 zo i Bellows, Insect (see Guns, page 31) - - - doz. ' Benzine, Hegeman's ----- 1 - L. M. & G., 2 oz. - - - doz. 40 4 02. - - - doz. i imi Pratt's ------- doz. 1 50 Bird Food (see Food) ----- doz. 50 Gravel, qts. ------- •--pts. ------- - - - doz. 30 Medicine, Globe ----- - - - doz. 1 00 Biscotine, Delluc's ------ doz. 5 50 Bitters, Angostura (seepage 99.) - - - doz. 9 00 Atwood's ------ - - - doz. 1 50 doz. 8 50 Boker's -• - - - - - - doz. 13 00 Coca -------- doz. 8 Drake's Plantation - - - doz. 8 Green's Oxygenated - - - - doz. Hartshorn's ----- doz. (J 50 Hibbard's W. C., 75. - - - - doz. 6 00 $1 50. - - - - doz. 12 00 Hoofland's ------ doz. 8 00 Hostetter's ------ doz. 8 40 Hop -------- - - doz. 25 Langley's 35c. - - - - - - - doz. 2 75 doz. b 50 | $1 00 ... - doz. 00 Mishler's Herb - - - - doz. 8 50 Moffat's ------- doz. 50 Poor Man's ------ - - - doz. 2 (Ml Porter's 25c. ----- doz. 1 !MI 50c. ----- doz. 3 b0 Quaker ------- doz. 8 .><» Richardson's Jaundice Dry) - doz. 4 Sherry Wine - - - doz. 8 ) Rush's ------- doz. 8 5li Walker's Vinegar - - - doz. 8 ) Warner's Safe Tonic, small - - doz. 3 4 0 large - - - doz. 00 Blood Purifier, Brown's - - - - doz. 7 75 Howe's Arabian - - - - doz. 8 00 Blood Searcher, Lindsay's - - - - - - doz. Y 50 | Bloom of Youth, Laird's - - - - doz. 5 i Bluing, Sawyer's Pepper Box, No. 1 - - doz. 30 1 No. "" - doz. 50 Liquid, 2 oz. ----- gross 5 00 1 4 oz. ----- - gross 6 00 | - 8 oz. ----- gross 8 50 1 Van Deusen's, dry, small - - - gross 2 (Ml large - - gross 3 50 Bougies, Alien's Soluble Medicated - - - doz. 10 (Ml Mitchell's Soluble Gelatine - doz. 8 00 [ A full supply of all kinds instock. 1 See page 103. 1 s Broma, Baker's Ma lb. packets - - - - lb. 45 ] Bromidia ---------- doz. 8 1 o Bromo Chloralum, Tilden's - - - - - - doz. 3 75 Bronchials, Brown's ----- doz. 1 50 Bronchine --------- doz. 50 j Buchu, Helmbold's ------ doz. 8 00 | Kearney's ------ doz. 50 L., M. & G., 6 oz. - - - - doz. J 00 Risley's ------- Rush's, with Iron - - - - Smolander's ----- doz. doz. 8 co doz. 8 00 Camphorine - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Camphor, Brigham's Aromatic - - - doz. 1 Camphor Ice, Caswell & Hazard's - - - doz. 1 50 | Hegeman's - - - doz. 1 C».» Candy, Hamilton's Cough - - - doz. 1 00 Hill's Slippery Elm - - - doz. 1 Nick's Worm ----- doz. 1 50 - Vermifuge (see Vermifuge) - - - Capsules, American Co.'s " Star ' Soft 00 Castor Oil - - - - - - _ - - doz. 1 Cod Liver Oil - - - _ doz. 2 00 hazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 29 Capsules, Cod Liver Oil and Iodide Iron - doz. 3 00 Copaiba - -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 and Cubebs - - - - doz. 4 CO Matico, Cubebs and Copaiba - doz. 4 (0 Oil Male Fern with Kameela - doz. 5 00 Sandalwood ----- doz. 8 00 | Turpentine ------ doz. 2 00 . Dundas. Dick & Co's. 3 00 Castor Oil - - - - - - doz. Cod Liver Oil - - - - - doz. 3 00 and Iodide Iron - - doz. 4 00 j Copaiba - -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 i and Oil Cubeb - - - doz. 5 00 Matico, Cubeb and Copaiba - Oil Sandalwood "Docuta" - doz. 7 00 | doz. 12 00 Tar, Norwegian ----- doz. 4 00 Turpentine ------- doz. 3 00 Fougera s. 4 00 ' Oil Santal - -- -- -- - doz. - in bottles of loO - - per 100 2 50 1 " * 500 - - per 100 Empty, in 4 sizes- - - - - doz. 3 00 | Mathey Caylus. Copaiba and Oil Santal - - - doz. 9 00 | Cubebs and Oil Santal doz. 9 00 All other kinds ------ doz. 6 00 Planten's. (See also page 92. > 1 75 Copaiba, No. 1, (1 doz in box.) •> (2 f " ) - doz. 1 75 ' 3,(3 • > )- doz. 2 50 Cub. & Cop. No. 1 - - - - - doz. 1 50 1 o doz. doz. 2 90 4 00 3- - - - - Purified Tar, No. 3- - - - - doz. 3 00 Oil of Turpentine, No. 3 - - - doz. 3 00 <)il of Santa], 30 in box - - - doz. 8 00 Norway Cod Liver Oil, No. 3 - doz. 3 00 Amm. Cit. Iron and Cop. No. 3 doz. 3 50 1 Eth. Oil Cubeb and Cop., No. 3 doz. 3 50 J u jube Paste (empty.) (Boxes of 100 each.) 3 00 No. 00 largest - - - - doz. 0 large ----- doz. 3 IM) 1 med. large - - doz. 3 00 doz. 3 00 3 small _ _ - _ doz. 3 00 doz. 3 00 ■ 5 smallest - - - doz. 3 00 | Planten's Improved French. - (Vials of 6 doz. each.) 4 00 , Copaiba Balm ------ - doz. Copaib, Oil Cubebs, Turpentine, 6 00 Iron and Sarsap ----- doz. Oil Cop. and Oil Cubeb - - - - doz. 7 00 Oil Cubeb - -- -- -- - doz. 7 00 Copaiba and Matico - - - - - doz. 7 00 Matico - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 00 ()il Santalwood, l-10th Oil Cassia doz. 10 00 -Queru's. doz. Copaiba No. 1- ------ 80 2- ------ doz. 1 50 3_ ------ - doz. 2 20 and Cubeb, No. 1 - - - doz. 1 25 2 _ _ doz. 2 50 3 - - doz. 3 60 Capsules, Raquin's. all kinds - - - - - doz. 9 50 Carboline - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Carminative, Dalbv's American - - - - doz. 1 25 genuine - - - - doz. 9 00 Jayne's, small ----- large - - - - - doz. 2 85 . doz. . 3 80 . Castoria - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 | Catholicon, Marchisi's ------- doz. 12 50 Marshall's ------- doz. 8 50 Cements, various (see page 43' - - - - doz. 2 85 Cerate, Weavers - -- -- -- -- Charcoal, Belloc's Vegetable - - - - L. M. & G'sBest Selected Willoi - doz. 7 00 V doz. 1 50 ' In 8 oz. bot's., with directions in English, French, German and Spanish. 1 85 | Charm, Packer's, small ------ doz. large ------ doz. 3 70 j Chlorodyne, Brown's small ----- doz. 4 25 | medium - - - - doz. 12 00 j large ----- doz. 20 00 | extra large- - - - doz. 51 00 Cholagogue. Osgood's ------- Cigarettes, Bonfume ------- - doz. 12 50 | doz. 1 25 1 Carleton's ------- doz. 1 25 | Draper's Cubeb ----- doz. 1 00 | Espic's - -- -- -- - doz. 5 75 | Kimball's ------- doz. 1 75 1 Lancelot's ------- - doz. 6 00 Marshall's Cubeb - - - - doz. 1 75 j Norton's -------- doz. 4 50 | • "R. B." -------- doz. 75 1 "Popular" ------- doz. 75 1 Cleaner. Jouven's Glove ------ - doz. 1 75 Cloverin e. small - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 1 Cloverine, large ---------- doz. 1 60 Cocoa, Taylor's Homoeopathic, small lb. 40 Cocoaine, Burnett's - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Color, Perfected Butter, trial - - - - doz. 60 small - - - - doz. 2 (M) med. - - - - doz. 4 GO large - - _ - doz. 8 00 Coloris, Sackett's --------- doz. 6 (Hl Colorific, Boswell & Warner's ----- doz. 6 75 Comedone, Perry's - -- -- -- -- doz. 14 00 Comfits, Brown's Vermifuge ----- doz. 1 50 Compound, Clarke's Antibilous - - - - doz. 7 50 Gardiner's Rheumatic - - - doz. 7 50 German Worm ------ doz. 2 50 Hayden's Viburnum, 1 lb. bots. doz. 21 00 JuhlinsHvdrastin ----- doz. 7 00 Pinkham's Vegetable - - - doz. 8 00 Poland's White Pine - - - - doz. 7 50 Confections, Holloway's Worm - - _ - doz. 1 50 Van Deusen's Worm - - - - doz. 1 50 I Cordial, Arnold's Teething ------ doz. 1 75 - Brown's Teething ------ doz. 1 60 1 Fosgate's - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 75 Foord's Tonic -------- doz. 2 75 Godfrey's - -- -- -- -- doz. 75 Jacob's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 McLean's ---------- doz. 8 50 Monell's Teething ------ doz. 1 60 Parke, Davis & Co. Cascara - - - doz. 7 50 Scott & Bownes Buckthorn - - - doz. 7 50 Wickes' Asiatic ------- doz. 3 75 Winchester's Cough ----- doz. 4 00 1 Wishart's Tar $1.00 ----- doz. 7 50 Corrector, Fitch's Biliary, small - - - - doz. 4 50 large - - - - doz. 8 50 Heart, small - - - - doz. 6 50 large - - - - doz. 13 (X) Cosmoline. Houghton's ------- Plain, 2 oz. ------- doz. 1 75 4 oz. ------- doz. 3 50 1 lb. cans ------ lb. 50 5 and 10 lb. cans - - - lb. 35 -: Pomade, in 2 oz. and 4 oz., same as plain - -- -- -- - | Camphorated, Carbolated - - Cerate, Rose, and Veterinary at market prices ------ 1 Cotton, Rowland's Styptic ------ doz. 2 00 | Crystals, Idaho Gum - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Littlefield's Washing - - - - - doz. 25 I Curative, Brigg's Corn - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Cure, Ayer's Ague - -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 Coe's Dyspepsia - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Crosby's 5 minute ------- doz. 1 75 Dillow's Heave - -- -- -- - doz. 1 80 Fowle's Pile and Humor - - - - doz. 7 50 Guild's Green Mountain Asthma - doz. 11 00 Hermance's Asthma ------ doz. 8 00 Himrod's Asthma ------- doz. 7 50 Howe's Arabian Milk ------ doz. 8 00 Hoyt's Dyspepsia ------- doz. 8 00 Jayne's Ague - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 CO Kendall's Spavin -------- doz. 7 50 Knapp' Throat - -- -- -- - <ioz. 2 50 Peek's Asthma - -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 Piso's for Consumption, 25c. - - doz. 2 00 ■ ■ , , <• 1 fMl ■- Rossmann's Pile - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Sandford's Catarrh ------- doz. 8 25 Shiloh's Consumption small - - - doz. 3 50 i large - - - doz. 7 0*1 Talcott's Magic - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 Uncle Sam's Cough - ------ doz. 1 60 Upham's Asthma ------- doz. 3 75 ■- Meat - -- -- -- - doz. 7 75 Warner's Safe Kidney - - - - - - doz. 10 00 Warner's Diabetis ------- doz. 10 00 Wei De Me ver's Catarrh -$1.00 - - doz. 8 50 Welling's Headache ------ doz. 2 00 Wilton's Catarrh, small ----- doz. 3 75 large ----- doz. 7 50 Cuticura, small ---------- doz. 4 25 large - -- -- -- -- - doz. 8 .tO Resolvent - -- -- -- - doz. 8 50 Deadshot, Dutcher's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 85 Emerson's for Horses - - - - doz. 4 00 Peery's for Worms - - - - - doz. 1 65 Dermador, Anderson's 25c. ------ doz. 1 85 50c. ------ doz. 3 75 Destroyer, Hutchinson's Worm - - - - doz. 1 50 Discovery, Kennedy's Medical, box of doz. doz. 12 50 Pierce's Golden Medical - - - doz. 7 75 King's New -------- doz. 7 50 trial - doz. 75 I Dissolvent, Kennedy's - -- -- -- - doz. 12 50 Drafts, French's Spongoid Capsicum - - doz. 90 Dragees, Guffroy's, C. L. O., small - - - doz. 6 00 ' med, - - - - doz. 10 00 30 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current Dragees, Guffroys, C. L. 0., large - - - - doz. 16 00 Drops, American Lite - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Bardott's Worm ------- doz. 2 00 doz. 1 10 Bateman's --------- 85 doz. Brummell's Cough ------ doz. 1 10 Ditman's Toothache ----- doz. 1 75 Edward's Toothache ----- doz. 1 50 Hurlbut's Tracheal ------ doz. 3 75 Koenig' Hamburg ------- doz. 3 50 Kornoran's Pine Tar ----- doz. 75 Marshall's Tar - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Miner's Botanic ------- doz. 3 25 Pike's Toothache ------- doz. 1 6) ' Roworth's Cough ------- doz. 1 20 - Wilson's Neuropathic ----- doz. 4 00 | Wishart's Worm Sugar - - - - doz. 1 50 Dye Colors, Handy Package ------ doz. 1 00 Howe & Stevens, small - - - doz. 1 10 large - - - doz. 1 85 Leamon'sAniline ----- doz. 1 65 Star - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 60 Electro Silicon - -- -- -- -- -- doz. f-0 Electuary, Upham's Pile ------- Elixir, Arthur's, of Sulphur ------ doz. 8 00 doz. 8 00 Sulpho Carbolate Soda - doz. 8 50 Calisaya, Caswell & Hazard - - - doz. 9 (0 Ferrophosph - - - - doz. 10 50 with Bismuth doz. 10 50 with Strychnia - doz. 10 50 Delluc's ------- doz. 11 50 Hegeman's, New Style 75c doz. 5 75 with Iron, » » 75c doz. <) »') L. M. & G. ------ doz. 8 (.0 Detannated ------ doz. 8 00 with Iron ------ doz. 8 00 - and Bismuth - doz. 8 00 undStrychnia- doz. 8 00 Milhau's Chalybeate ----- doz. 8 00 Down's, small - -- -- -- - doz. /w 4 M large - -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 Ducro's, Alimentary _ - - - - doz. 10 50 Guarana, Brewer's ------ doz. 18 00 Guarana, U, M. & G. _ - - - - doz. 14 10 Hubbell's, Valer Ammonia, 4 oz. - doz. 3 50 11 00 doz. Lebaigue's, Dialysed ----- doz. 10 00 McMunn's - -- -- -- -- doz. *3 o5 Nichol's Bark and Iron - - - - doz. 7 £0 Rabuteau's, Iron ------- doz. 16 00 Tarrant's, Rhubarb ------ doz. 7 50 Tilden's, lod. Brom. Calc. Co. - - doz. 10 80 Wheeler's, Calisaya & Phosphates doz. 8 00 White's Pulmonary ------ doz. 3 00 Rheumatic ------ doz. 8 00 Wyeth's full list (see pages 26 & 27) doz. Embrocation, Roche's - -- -- -- - 17 00 Emulsion, Pancreatic, S. & M., small - - doz. 9 00 med. - - doz. 16 50 doz. doz. 30 00 Essence of Beef, London Manuf. Co., 2 oz. 2 50 4 oz. doz. 4 50 Chicken 4 oz. doz. 7 00 Mutton 2 oz. doz. 3 50 Essence, Ballard's of Jamaica doz. Ginger, 50c. size ------- 3 25 Essence, Ballard's of Jamaica Ginger, 25c. size -------- Equal to thebest in market, and affording the largest profit - -- -- -- -- F. Brown's, of Ginger - - - - doz. 1 75 doz. 3 75 Schering's, of Pepsin - - - - doz. 7 00 Moore's, of Life ------ doz. 1 75 Whitehead's, of Mustard - - - doz. 1 50 Expectorant, Jayne's - - - - - - - doz. 7 60 Tutt's - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Exterminator, Costar's Bed Bug - - - - doz. 1 50 Rat ------ doz. 1 50 Isaacsen's Sure Pop - - - doz. 1 50 Parson's Rat ----- doz. 1 25 Extract of Beef, Johnston's Fluid, No. 1 - doz. 3 00 No 2 - doz. doz. Ncn 3 - 8 50 Liebeg's La Plata) lbs. - - doz. 26 50 i lbs. - - doz. 14 25 - libs. - - doz. 7 50 libs. - - doz. 4 00 1 (London) lbs. - - doz. 30 00 jibs. - - doz. 16 (Ml libs. - - doz. 8 50 , jibs. - - doz. 4 50 Blackman's Golden ----- (I; 7 50 Blanchard's Tonic Wheat - - - doz. 8 00 Bowker's Birch Beer ----- lb. 1 25 1 Brewer's, of Dandelion and Sarsaparilla, for Beer - - d()Z. 1 75 Brown's Valerian ------ doz. Carter's Smartweed, sma.. - - - doz. 3 25 1 Extract, Carter's Swartweed, large - - - doz. 6 50 Colden's Liquid Beef ----- doz. 8 00 Gaudichaud's Santal Wood - - doz. 7 5i Hays'Ginger Ale, pints - - - - doz. 15 00 Hoff's Malt --------- doz. 3 25 Kennedy's, Pinus Canad., pints - doz. 11 50 White, pt, doz. 14 00 Knapp's Beer, small ----- doz. 1 85 -- med. - - - - - doz. 3 65 qts. ------ each 2 75 1 gallon - - - - each 5 00 1 gallon - - - - each 10 00 Loeflund's Malt ------- doz. 6 00 with Iron - - - doz. 8 00 [ " Lime - - - doz. 8 00 " Pepsin - - doz. 8 50 " Quin. & Iron doz. 8 50 1 Patterson's Bitter Apple - - doz. 4 00 Pierce's Smartweed ----- doz. 3 85 Pond's. 50c. - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 -, $1.00 - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 1 1.75 .-------- doz. 15 00 Pond's for Beer ------- doz. 1 75 | Shakers of Boots ------ doz. 4 80 Tarrant's ('. &C. - ------ doz. 8 (M> Thorn's C. & S. ------ - doz. 10 50 Trommer's Malt ------- doz. 7 50 1 -- Ferrated ----- doz. 7 50 j with Alteratives - - - - doz. 7 50 Cod Liver Oil - - - doz. 7 50 ---- and Iodide Iron doz. 7 50 and Phosphorus doz. 7 50 -Hypophosphites - - doz. 10 50 ----Iodides ----- doz. 10 50 Cit. Iron and Quinine doz. 12 00 Pepsin - _ _ - - doz. 12 00 Witch Hazel - -- -- -- - gallon 1 25 Risley's, 25c. - - doz. 2 00 50c.- - - doz. 4 CO Extractor, Buttrick's Grease ----- doz. 1 25 Dailey's Pain ------- doz. 1 85 I Firwein Tilden's - - - ______ doz. 10 80 Flea-Killer, Ballard's. T/ie great destroyer of fleas on Dogs, Cats, &c. - doz. 3 75 Flour, Hawley's Diabetic, in lbs. - - - - doz. 4 00 5 lbs. - - - - doz. IS 00 Shedden's - - doz. 3 75 Fluid, Darby's Prophylactic ----- doz. 3 15 Fly Paper, Dutcher's - -- -- -- - quire 50 Tinker's sticky, best article of the kind, 50 sheets in box - - box 1 00 Food, Allen's Brain - -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 Blair's Wheat - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 50 Blanchard's Carbonaceous - - - doz. 12 00 Fibrin and Wheat - - doz. 16 00 Life - - - - - - doz. 12 00 Gerber's Milk - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 (HI Hard' Farinaceous, small - - - - doz. 3 50 large - - - - doz. 6 50 Hawley's Infant (Liebeg's) small doz. 2 50 large doz. 4 50 Horlick's, small - -- -- -- - doz. 3 2.' large - -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 Loeflund's Liebeg's ------ doz. 6 ('0 Mellin's, small - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 large --------- doz. 6 75 Mocking Bird, Rieche's ----- doz. 4 50 - Sheppard's - - - - doz. 2 75 Zoller's ----- doz. 4 00 'Neave's Infant - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 Nestle s Lacteous Farina - - - - doz. 4 50 Ridge's Infant No. 1 ------ doz. 2 65 fck _ _ _ _ _ _ doz. 5 00 doz. 9 50 " 4 ----- - doz. 13 25 Sheppard's Canary Bird, in lb boxes doz. 1 50 Savory & M Infant, small - - - - doz. 3 25 med. - - - - doz. 6 25 - Victor Baby, 25c - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 $1.00 -------- doz. 7 00 Friend, Clotworthy's Poulterer's - - - doz. 1 50 Mav's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 85 Fumigators, Perrin's, 25c. ------ doz. 1 75 $1.00- - - - - - doz. 7 75 Ginger, Ballard's Ess. Jamaica, 50c doz. 3 25 William's, 25c. ------- doz. 1 75 50c. -------- doz. 1 75 Gin, Bininger's London Dock - - - - - doz. 7 JO Globules. E. Fougera <fc Co's. Apiol - -- -- -- -- - per 100 1 60 Assafoetida ------- per 100 1 (Hl Ether Tinct. - - per loo 1 (HI Balsam of Peru - - - - - - per 100 1 0(1 Chloroform ------- per 1(M t 1 25 Cod Liver Oil ------ per 100 50 Lazell, Marsh. & Gardiner's Prices Current. 31 Globules, E. Fongera & Co. per 100 60 - Copaiba and Tar ----- per 100 60 Chloral-Hydrate ----- per 100 1 25 Ether per 100 1 00 | Iron, (reduced by hydrogen) - per 100 1 >) Oil of Eucalyptus ----- Turpentine ----- per 100 1 00 pel 110 co Oleo-Resin Cubebs - - - - - per 100 1 00 Phosphorated Oil, 1-30 grain - per 100 60 1-00 • per 100 60 1 Purgative - -- -- -- - per (Hl 1 00 Quin, sulph. 2 grains, net - - per 100 2 00 | Rhubarb, 3 grains - - - - - per 100 1 00 - Soda, Bicarb. 4 grains - - - - per 100 60 Tar - -- -- -- -- - per 100 Valerian, Ether Tinct. - - - per 100 1 25 Venice Turpentine - - - - per 100 1 (A) Oil of Santal Wood - - - - per 100 1 50 Glue, Spalding's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 65 Pot, Howe's Family ------- doz. 3 75 Muchmore's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 85 Glycerine, Pearl's White, small - - - - doz. 5 50 - -- large ----- doz. 11 00 Grains de Saute, Dr. Frank's, large - - - doz. 9 00 small - - - doz. 4 50 Gravel, Bird. (See Bird Gravel) - - - - doz. ! Singer's Bird - -- -- -- - 60 Groats. Robinson's Patent ------ doz. 1 Gum. Bowker's, for Soda Water - - - - lb. 1 00 Gun, Angel's Rheumatic ------ doz. 7 50 Guns, Creedmoor, L. M. & G. - - - - - doz. 1 25 Isaacsen s---------- doz. 2 00 Knowles' Powder ------- doz. 1 <5 Lyon's Metal Powder - ----- doz. 1 75 L. M & G.. large size (Bellows) - - doz. 6 00 Springfield Powder ------ doz. 1 CO Hair Color Restorer, London - - - - - doz. Dye, Bachelor's, #1.00 size - - - - doz. - m 7 aO Barry's Safe -------- doz. 7 a0 Buckingham's Whisker - - - doz. 3 75 Cristadoro's ,$1.00 size - - - - Hill's - -- -- -- -- - doz. doz. 7 <5 3 75 Mathews' - -- -- -- - doz. 5 50 Miller's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 Russian - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 Sackett's - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 Grower. Kennedy's ------- doz. Invigorator, Phalon's, small - - - doz. 6 50 Life for, Chevalier's ------ doz. 6 50 Regenerator, Tebbetts' ----- doz. 5 75 Rejuvenator, Pierson's ----- doz. 7 00 Renewer, Hall's - -- -- -- - doz. 6 75 Restorer, Mrs. Allen's, new style - - doz. 10 00 Nature's ------ doz. 6 50 Rossiter's ------ doz. 5 00 Stain, Hambleton's ------ doz. 3 50 Tea, Kennedy's - -- -- -- - doz. 6 50 Vigor, Ayer's - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 <0 | Honev, Hale's of Horehound and Tar, 50c. doz. 3 75 _ $1.00 doz. 7 50 Nowill's of Liverwort ----- doz. 2 50 Imperial Granum, 75c. - -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 1 - $1.50 ------- doz. io oo ! Ingluvin, Warner's (1 oz. vials) - - - - doz. 11 co Inhalant, Crumb's - -- -- -- -- Cutler's - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 CO 1 doz. 3 75 Movie's ---------- doz. 3 75 | Inhalers, see page 52. - -- -- -- - doz. 19 00 Tnjectine - -- -- -- -- -- -- Injection, Brou's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Macqueen's Matico ----- doz. 7 00 Mathey-Caylus' ------ doz. 6 50 King's Rose - - - - - - - - doz. 3 50 Insect Powder, Persian, L. M. A- G - Hotel - - - - doz. 12 00 4 oz. bottles - - doz. 2 50 doz. 1 50 For other Powders see pages 33, 34, 1C6. Invigorant, Van Buskirk's ------ doz. 4 00 Invigorator, Sanford's Liver ----- doz. 7 50 lodia - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 Jelly, Queru's Cod Liver Oil- ----- doz. 8 00 Juice, Rose's Lime - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 Juice, Martinique Lime, small - - - - doz. 3 6) large - - - - doz. 7 25 Valentine's Meat ------- doz. 8 50 Kalliston, Burnett's- - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Kathairon, Lyons' - -- -- -- -- Kephaline, Glvcerite of ------- doz. 3 60 lb. 6 00 Kidneywort, Dry - - - -- -- -- doz. 8 50 * - Liquid - -- -- -- - doz. 8 50 Killer. Arnold s Cough, small ----- doz. 1 75 med. ----- doz. 3 ro larso ----- i doz. 7 00 Killer. Laycock's Worm ------- doz. 1 60 1 King, Knight's, of Pain ------ duz. 1 75 Ransom's, of Blood ------ doz. 50 Lacto-peptine, in i lb. bottles ----- lb. i 50 ■ in oz. bottles ----- doz. >> 00 Laxatine, Dundas Dick & Co. ----- doz. ♦ 00 Laxative Tropical Fruit, 25c. ----- QOZ. 00 60c. - - - - - CiOZ. 5 00 Lethean, Parker's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Liniment, Allen's N, & B - - - - - - - doz. 1 75 i Baker's Hoof ------- doz. 5 75 Barker's Knickerbocker - - - doz. 3 40 Bishop Soule's, 75c. - - - - - doz. 5 50 $1.50- - - - - doz. 11 00 Brown's Young America - - - QOZ. 1 50 Burdsall's Arnica ----- doz. 3 00 Liniment, Centaur, Animal, 25c., YTel. wr:q GOZ. 1 88 ) 50c., aoz. 3 4 I -$1.00 doz. Y 50 -Family, 2>c., White wiaj GOZ. 1 88 50c , doz. 3 75 I $1.00 doz. 7 50 Fitch's Pulmonary - - - - - di z. 4 25 Rheumatic ----- doz. 8 50 Four-fold - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Giles' Iodide Ammonia. 25c. - doz. 1 88 50c. - - GOZ. 3 75 $1.00 - - doz. 50 HHH., small- ------- doz. 3 50 large ------ doz. 7 00 1 Hays' Pile - -- -- -- - doz. 5 a0 1 Herrick's. 50c. - ------ doz. 3 75 $1.00 ------ doz. 7 50 Hunt's- - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Jadwin's Subduing, 25c.- - - doz. 1 t*5 - 50c. - - - doz. 3 70 $1.00 - - - doz. 50 Jayne's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 1 Johnson's Anodyne - - - - - doz. z 75 Kellinger's, 25c. - ----- doz. 1 80 50c. ------ doz. 3 60 $1.00 ----- doz. 7 20 Kennedy's Rheumatic - - - doz. 3 4 0 Scattering - - - - doz. Y 50 Laubach's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Low's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 McEckron's, small ----- doz. 4 00 large ----- doz. 8 00 McLean's Volcanic Oil, small - doz. 1 4 doz. 3 50 large - doz. Y (KI Mustang, 25c. ------ doz. 1 85 50c. ------ doz. 3 70 $1.00 ------ doz. 7 50 St. Anthony's, small _ - - - doz. 4 00 large _ - - - doz. 8 00 Sweet's Infallible, 50c. - - - doz. 3 00 $1.00 - - - doz. 6 00 -■ ■ - Rub-it-in, small - - - doz. .. 00 large - - - doz. 4 (10 Thorn's Arnica & Chloroform - doz. 2 50 Tobias' Family, 25c. - - - doz. 2 25 50c. - - - doz. 4 50 Horse $1 00 - - - - doz. 8 00 Wells, Nerve & Bone, small - - doz. 00 doz. 4 (HI Liquor, Battley'sCinchona i lb. bottles - lb. 13 50 Ergot • • - - lb. 00 Opii Sedative* • - - lb. 9 (K) doz. 28 (HI Lithontriptic, Lee's - -- -- -- -- doz. 30 00 Vaughn's ------- doz. 50 L'Oter - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Lotion, Bartine's - -- -- -- -- - doz. Y 00 Church's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 Gowland's - -- -- -- -- doz. 10 50 McClintock's Papillary - - - - doz. A 00 Munson's Pile - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 Perry's Moth and Freckle - - - - doz. 14 00 Shaw's Moth and Freckle - - - doz. 8 00 Lozenges, Moore's, 10c. ------- doz. 80 25c. ------- doz. 2 00 Belloc's Charcoal ------ doz. 5 00 Bennett's Worm ------ doz. 1 75 Brockedon's Bi Carb. Soda - - doz. 4 25 Potass. doz. 4 25 Cassabeer's Ammonia - - - - doz. 2 01 Chlor. Potass., Carleton & Hovey'i- doz. z (0 • Caswell & Hazara's doz. 1 65 Fougera's - - - - doz. z 00 Hegeman's - - - doz. 1 7a L. M. & G. - - - doz. 1 50 Ditman's Throat ------ doz. 1 75 German Cathartic ------ doz. 2 00 Harrison's Peristaltic, 30c. - - doz. 2 25 60c - - doz 4 50 Hill's Slippery Elm ----- doz. 1 75 Jackson's Pectoral - - - - - doz. 1 67 Keating's - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 25 32 Lazell, Marsh &. Gardiner's Prices Current. Lozenges, Pyle's Coryza ------- doz. 1 87 Nelson's Gelatine - - - - - - " Wistar's" L. M. & G's - - - - doz. 1 75 doz. 1 00 Lve. Concentrated, Pa. Salt Co. (4 doz. case) case 3 50 Magnesia, Calcined, Henry's, genuine - - doz. 9 00 doz. 3 00 Citrate Granular Bishop's - - doz. 4 50 Herring's - -. doz. 3 75 L. M. & G's - doz. 3 50 Solution, Caswell &H. - doz. 2 00 Ellis' - - - doz. 2 00 doz. 1 88 Dunbar's Fluid i pint - - - - doz. 2 00 pints - - - doz. 3 00 doz. 4 00 Murray's Fluid, small - - - - doz. 4 00 doz. 8 50 large - - - - doz. 12 50 Phillips'Milk of, small - - - doz. 3 75 large - - - - doz. 7 50 Koger's Cit. Dry ------ doz. tC o Maltine, (plain) - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 with Hops - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Alteratives ------- doz. 10 00 Beef and Iron ------ doz. 10 00 Cod Liver Oil ------ doz. 7 50 and Iodide Iron doz. 7 50 Pancreatine doz. 7 50 Phosphates doz. 7 50 Phosphorus doz. 7 50 Hypophosphites ----- Iodides - -- -- -- - doz. 10 00 doz. 10 00 doz. 12 00 Pepsin and Pancreatine - doz. 10 00 Petroleum ------- doz. 7 50 Phosphates ------- doz. 7 50 Phosphates, Iron and Quinia doz. 12 00 Strycninia. j doz. 12 00 Ferrated. - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Wine - - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 with Pepsin and Pancreatine doz. 10 00 Malto- Verbine. - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Miasrnine ------------ doz. 4 00 Milk, Condensed, Anglo Swiss - - - - doz. 2 00 Borden's ------ doz. 2 25 Mixture, Aspinwall's Tonic ----- doz. 12 00 Jayne's Fever and Ague - - - doz. 7 f>0 Mucilage, Bixby's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Stickwell's, No. 2 ----- - doz. 1 00 10c size ----- doz. 4D " The Perfect" ------ doz. ■ 1 75 Nervine, Dodd's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Ingham's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 Oatmeal, Robinson s - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Oil, British,- - -- -- -- - -- doz. 75 Oil, Cod Liver, Burnett's - ------ doz. 6 50 Caswell & Hazard's - - - doz. 6 50 DeJongh's ------ doz. 7 50 Fougera's lodinized - - - doz. 11 50 Hegeman's ------ doz. 6 50 L. *1. A (see p. 1) 1 doz. Pure Norwegian- -) 3 0 .0 Marvin's ------- doz. 6 50 Moller's ------- doz. 5 50 Nichol's ------- doz. 6 50 • Olliffe's, with Lime and Wild Cherry- ----- doz. 7 50 and Lime, Osmun's, 50c. - £1 (0 _ doz. 4 (0 doz. 8 GO Nutntine ------ doz. 7 50 Sands, with Lime - - - doz. 7 50 Scott's, with Lime - - - doz. 7 50 Wilbor's, with Lime - - - doz. 8 50 Walker's Emulsion - - - doz. ti CO DeGrath's Electric, 50c. ------ doz. 3 75 , $1.00 ----- doz. 7 50 I Gargling, Family, 25c. ------ doz. 1 9J Animal, 25c. ------ doz. 1 (KI 50c ------- doz. 3 80 $i.6o ------ doz. 7 50 Green Mountain, small ------ doz. 1 05 | Harlem, Imported ------- Sylvester's ------- doz. 50 doz. 3 GO | Hamlin's Wizard, 50c. ------ doz. 3 75 | $1.00 ------ doz. 7 50 | Hoofland's Greek - -- -- -- - doz. 4 (,0 Humphrey's Witch Hazel ----- doz. 3 75 | Miller's Harness, No. 1 ------ doz. 3 75 • > doz. 5 67 1 Page's Arnica - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 60 Parker's Nipple - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 00 . Renne's, Magic, 25c. ------ doz. 1 85 50c ------ doz. 3 70 $i.co '------- doz. 7 51 | Hoyers' Magnetic, ------- doz. 3 60 - - Oil, St. Jacob's ----------- doz. $3 75 Thomas' Electric, 50c. - _ _ _ . doz. .8 75 $1.00 ------ doz. 7 50 Sewing Machine, Crystal ----- doz. 1 50 Powell's ----- doz. 1 75 Torrey's ----- doz. 1 50 Wells' ------ doz. 1 75 Scott & Bowne's Palatable Castor - - doz. 1 75 9 00 doz. Van Patten's Chilblain ------ doz. 2 75 Ointment, Bird'sPile - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Bowyer's Spikenard - - - - doz. 1 75 Brown's Herbal, small - - - doz. 1 SI0 large - - - - doz. 3 80 Butt's Imperial ------ doz. 1 75 Carbolic Balm ------- doz. 1 75 Graefenberg, Green Mountain doz. 1 60 Gray's- - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Ileiskell's Tetter ----- doz. 3 85 Holloway's English, (Genuine) doz. 5 00 -• Kennedy's Healing- - - - - doz. Scrofula doz. 7 50 Kiersted's - -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 Knickerbocker Hoof - - _ - doz. 7 00 McAllister's ------- doz. 1 65 Miner's Botanic ------ doz. 1 75 Mott's Hoof ------- doz. 7 50 Orr's Chilblain ------ doz. 1 75 Osborne's Golden ----- doz. 1 75 Peck's Indian ------- doz. 1 75 Physic's Camphor ----- doz. 1 75 Russells, Itch, ----- doz. 1 75 S. Rheum, - - - doz. 3 50 Singleton's Eye ------ doz. 9 00 Sloan's - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Swayne's, All Healing - - - doz. 3 75 -- -- Tanner's German ----- doz. 1 75 Taylor's Indian ------ doz. 1 60 Terrell's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 60 Trask's Magnetic, 25c. - - - - doz. 1 85 35c. - - - - doz. 2 85 Upham's Pile - ------ doz. 7 00 Wheaton's Itch ------ doz. 3 75 Olive Tar, Stafford's --------- doz. 3 75 Opodeldoc, Liquid - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Steer's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Pads, Bay's Kidnev - -- -- -- -- doz. 15 00 Durkee's Fever and Ague - - - - doz. 8 00 Holman's » » » - _ _ _ doz. 16 00 » » • Childrens' doz. 12 00 C -k 11 a , 1 /S t Pain Annihilator. (See Annihilator.) Killer, P. Davis'. 25c. ------ doz. 1 85 50c. ------ doz. 3 75 $ 1.00 ------ doz. 7 50 Paint. Wolcott's, 50c. ------ doz. 3 75 $1.00 ------ doz. 7 50 Reliever, Marsh's -------- doz. 2 (KI Panacea. Baker's Pain - -- -- -- - doz. 1 88 Brown's Household - - - - - doz. 1 88 Graefenberg Children's - - - - doz. 3 00 Swaim's - -- -- -- -- doz. 18 00 Pancreatine, L. H. & G., oz. - - - OZ. 45 Defresne's in oz. - - - doz. 24 (Hl in half oz. - - doz. 13 50 Savory & Moore's, oz. - - - 2 50 Paper, F. & B.'s Rheumatic, small - - - doz. 2 (XI large - - - - doz. 4 00 Fly. (See Fly Paper, page 30.) - - Gravel, Singer's for Birds - - - - doz. 1 80 Medicated, Atlantic, 100 in case - - doz. 1 75 - Alpine 1P0 packs - - - case 11 50 Coronet - - - - - doz. 1 65 - Dime, 100 packs - - - case 6 50 ■ Gayettys, 100 packs, (25c ) case 18 00 Gavetty's, 50 in case (..uc) doz. 4 00 -I*. P. P. Pocket - - - - per 100 5 00 Star Mills ------ doz. 2 25 Paracelsus, Backett's - -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Papoma, Wyeth's - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 <K> Pastilles,Carnes & Haskell's, de Paris - - doz. 2 50 Kidder's Asthmatic ----- doz. 2 75 Moore & Taylor's de Paris - - - doz. 2 50 Pectoral. Ayer's Cherry ------- doz. 8 00 Pellets, Pierce's Purgative ------ doz. 1 75 1 Pepsin. See also page 13. Beal's Porci - -- -- -- -- OZ. Boudalt's oz. bottles ----- oz. 1 lb. . _ - - - - lb. 11 50 i lb. . ----- lb. 11 60 Dyer's Chloro - -- -- -- - oz. 75 Hawley's American, oz's. - - - - oz. . 45 I lbs. - - - - lb. 6 25 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 33 Pepsin, Houghton's, dry ----- doz. 6 00 liquid - - - - doz. 6 00 Pepsin-Sa cell a rated. Lazel], Marsh & Gardiner's. This article is free from odor and of uniform strength, each lot manufactured being tested before it leaves our laboratory. In 1 oz. bottles ----- - OZ. 40 In 1 lb. bottles ----- - lb. 5 00 Lilly &Phelan's Liquid - - - - doz. 12 50 Morson's Pepsin Porci - - - - OZ. 3 50 Scheffer's Sacch., oz. - - - - - - oz. 50 lbs. - - - - lb. 7 52 Phenol. Sodique - -- -- -- - - doz. 3 75 Philotoken, Risley's - ------ - doz. 7 50 Phosphates, Percy's Vitalized - - - - - doz. 8 (X) Phosphoids, Hawley's Wheat - - - - - doz. 6 00 Pills, Ayer's ---------- - doz. 1 50 in glass ------- - doz. 1 65 Bennett's --------- doz. 1 38 ----Benson's Celery and Chamomile - doz. 3 75 Blair's Gout, oval. 34 in box - - - - doz. 9 00 small - - - - - doz. 5 00 Blancard's small ------ - doz. 5 00 large- ----- - doz. 9 00 Brandreth's - -- -- -- - - doz. 1 25 S. C. ------ - doz. 1 25 Brown's. 25c. ------- - doz. 1 90 50c. ------- - doz. 3 80 Bull's Vegetable ------ - doz. 1 75 Carter's Liver ------- - doz. I 50 Iron ------- doz. 3 50 Nerve ------- - doz. 1 50 Chandler's Blood and Liver - - - doz. 2 00 Cockle's - -- -- -- -- doz. 5 50 Cook's --------- doz. 1 00 Dean's Rheumatic ----- doz. 3 75 Defresne's Pancreatine - - - - - doz. 10 00 De Sancti's Gout ------ - doz. 5 50 Deshler's, F. & A. - - - - - - doz. 7 50 Ellsworth's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Filkin's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Graefenberg ------- doz. 1 50 Helmbold's Grape ----- doz. 3 40 --Herrick's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Hibbard's --------- doz. 1 75 Hill's RheiTmatic ----- doz. 1 75 ---Hobensack's Liver ----- doz. 1 50 Hollcway's, English (Genuine) - doz. 5 00 •'Hoofland's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Hooper's genuine English - - - - doz. 5 50 American ----- doz. 75 Jayne's Sanative ------ - - doz. 1 65 Judson's Mountain Herb - - - - doz. 1 50 Kaiser - -- -- -- -- - doz. 50 ! Lee's Windham ------ doz. 1 37 , Low's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 McLane's Liver ------ doz. 1 50 Moffat's- - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Morrison's, Nos. 1 and 2, large - - doz. 4 50 small - doz. 2 75 Morse's Indian Root - - - _ - - doz. 2 00 Mott's Liver- ------- doz. 1 50 Norton's Chamomile - - - - doz. 5 50 Page's Mandrake ------ doz. 1 50 Parmlee's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Parr's Life - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 | Phinnev's --------- doz. 1 50 Pinkham's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 1 Porter's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Rad wav's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Rabuteau's, of Iron ----- doz. 8 00 1 Rush's Mandrake ----- doz. i 50 : Schenck's- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 | Shallenberger's ------ - - doz. 7 50 1 Sharpe's Dyspepsia ----- - - doz. 8 00 Sholl's Fever and Ague - - - - - doz. 3 50 Soule's ---------- doz. 1 25 Spalding's Cephalic ----- doz. 1 75 Strickland's ------- doz. 1 65 | Strong's Pectoral - - . - _ doz. 1 75 [ Sanative ------ doz. 1 75 1 Stomach ----- doz. 1 75 1 Swayne's Tar ------- doz. 1 60 T. & L.s' Hematosine, large - - - - doz. 15 00 small - - doz. 9 00 1 Taylor s Mandrake ----- doz. 1 35 Turner's Neuralgia ----- doz. 7 50 Tutt's Liver ------- doz. 1 50 Warner's Safe ------- doz. 1 50 Winchester's Specific - - - _ doz. 8 00 Wishart's Dyspepsia - - - _ doz. 7 00 Wright's Indian (plain) - _ _ doz. 1 40 (sugar coated) - - - doz. 1 50 Pilules, Moore's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 1 1 Pinus Canadensis, Kennedy's. See Extracts, page 30. Plasters, Allcock's Porous ------ doz. 1 15 vard rolls - - doz. 18 00 Benson's Capcine ------ doz. 1 65 Bruce's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Coddington's Capsicum, small - doz. 6 (10 Collins'Voltaic - ------ doz. 1 85 Corn & Bunion, see page 57. Court (see page 57) ----- Crew s Mustard. 1 doz. in box. (Sold by the dozen plasters.) No. 1 - - - - - doz. 75 No. 2 - - - - - doz. 88 No 3 - - - - - doz. 1 00 No. 4 - - - - - doz. 1 75 Fougera's Mustard, No. 1, all Mus- feard, 10 plasters in box, per doz. boxes ---------- doz. 3 00 No. 2, Half Mustard - doz. 3 00 Grosvenor s Belladonna. No. H kid - doz. 1 38 1 yd. rolls, cloth yard 84 Porous ------ doz. 75 Plasters, Hamburg Koenig's ----- doz. 1 75 --Herrick's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 37 -Capsicum ----- doz. 1 15 Perforated ----- doz. 1 15 Holloway's Arnica, small - - - doz. 1 00 med. - - - doz. 1 50 large - - - doz. 2 00 Holmes' Mustard, large - - - - doz. 3 00 small - - - doz. 1 50 Isinglass (see page 57) - - - - ■----Husband's Isinglass, yd. rolls yard 55 Littlefield's » » » - - yard 30 ■- -- Robbins' • » » - - yard 55 Knapp's Indian, small - - - - doz. 1 37 large - - - - d«z. 1 75 Martin's Rubber Adhesive - - - yard 7»> Morehead's Magnetic - - - - - doz. 1 85 Pond's Extract ------- doz. 1 12 Rigollot s Mustard in Rolls - - - doz. 3 25 Square, lOin box - - - doz. 3 25 SEA BURY & J( HINSONS, see p 73 Arnica, No. 2 Kid, ------ doz. 1 25 Cloth, 1 yd. rolls - yard 60 Porous- - - - - doz. 1 00 Belladonna, U. S. P., No. 2 Kid - doz. 1 50 Cloth, 1 yd. rolls yard 60 Porous - - - - doz. 1 13 -Mustard, 1 yard rolls ----- doz. 3 00 I yard rolls- - - - - doz. 1 75 Poor Man's, No 2 Kid - - - - doz. 1 25 Cloth, 1 yard rolls - yard 60 Porous - -- -- -- -- - doz. 80 Porous - - - - in I vard rolls doz. 3 50 -Strengthening '- in 5 yard rolls roll 1 35 1 Warming No 2 Kid ----- doz. 1 50 Cloth in 1 yd. rolls - yard 60 Porous ----- doz. 1 25 Thapsia, Desnoix s ----- - doz. 7 50 Wells small - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 - medium ------- doz. 1 67 large - -- -- -- - doz. 2 25 i Plugs, Lange's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 85 Polish, Bro. Jonathan's Furniture - - - doz. 2 25 I Brown's Glass - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Close's Poningoe ------- doz. 2 (HI Dixon's Stove - -- -- -- - doz. 55 Gem S»ove - -- -- -- -- doz. 50 Rising Sun Stove ------- doz. 50 i Houchin's Starch ------ doz. 1 00 | Aunt Nahby's Starch - - - doz. 1 25 | Potaska, for Diptheria -------- doz. 3 75 | Poultice, Lelievre's Instantaneous - - - doz. 3 (10 1 Powder, Carson's Cleaning ------ doz. I 75 Clotworthy's Chicken - - - - doz. 1 75 Grimault's Guarana ----- doz. 8 00 Royal Baking ------- doz. 1 64 Condition, Barber's Red Horse i doz. 1 50 3 00 large - doz. Dale's ------ doz. 1 50 -Dillow's Heave - - doz. 1 75 -Dixon's - - - - doz. 8 00 ; FoUtZ 8 ----- doz. 1 50 Fronfield's - - - - doz. 1 35 «■ Grant's ----- doz. 1 75 Harvell's, small - - doz. 1 40 3 35 doz. Punderson's - - - doz. 1 50 I Sawen's ----- doz. 1 65 Sheridan's - - _ - doz. 1 50 1 Sloan's, small - - - doz. 1 50 3 00 doz. Starin's ----- doz. 1 35 ■ Tobias Derby - - - doz. 1 50 34 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner' Prices Current. Powder, Danziger's Fever ----- doz. 8 00 Goings Worm ------ Healing, Hopkins' small - doz. doz. 8 00 3 75 large - - - doz. 7 50 James' (Kiddie's) ----- oz. 1 7 a Stafford's Iron and Sulphur - doz. 7 50 Powder. Insect, Costar's ----- doz. 1 50 Henry's _ - - - - doz. doz. 1 50 1 50 Knowles'. 25c. - - - doz. 1 75 - 50c. - - - doz. 3 50 $1.00 - - - doz. 7 00 doz. 1 85 Powder. Persian Insect. L. JI. & (« 1 50 doz. doz. 2 50 Hotel doz. 12 00 Powders, Seidlitz, I. > JI. <fc G. - - 39 00 3 50 - Extra weight, 50 lbs. to a gross - gross doz. Powders. Seidlitz, IT. S. P. weight gross 33 00 These Powders are prepared from select- ed materials and warranted full weight. They are put up in tin boxes, with acids, in foil. The wrapper specially designed for us. In quantities of one gross and upwards, CUSTOMER'S CARD printed on wrappers free of charge. Powders, Soda, D. JI. <VG. • - - doz. 1 50 Prairie Weed, Kennedy's (see page 90) - ■ doz. 8 00 Preparation, Horsford's Bread - - - - doz. 2 50 Prescription, Pierce's Favorite - - - - doz. 11 00 Preservative, Cristadoro's Hair $1.00 - - doz. 8 00 Miller's Leather No. 1 doz. 1 15 No. 2 doz. 1 60 Prolactea, Peabody's ------- doz. 8 00 Prunes, Smith's Medicated ----- doz. 4 00 Purifier, O. P. Brown's Blood - - - - doz. 7 60 Quinelixir, Baker's - -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 Racahout, Delangrenier's ----- doz. 10 50 Regulator, Emerson's Bowel - - - - doz. 6 00 - -Simmon's Liver, dry, $1.00 - - liquid $1.00 50c - - doz. doz. doz. 7 00 7 00 4 00 doz. 4 GO 2 00 doz. Wood's Liver ------ doz. 7 50 Relief, Flagg s Instant, 50c. ----- $1.00 ----- doz. doz. 3 4 a 7 50 doz. $1.00 - - - - doz. 7 50 Remedy, Brigg's Pile Throat ------ doz. doz. 8 00 4 00 Caldwell's Dyspepsia - - - - - doz. 7 00 Coddington's Soft Corn - - - doz. 1 75 doz. 1 75 doz. 8 25 Fenners B&L - - - - - - doz. 7 50 Fish's Pile ------- doz. 6 ;>0 Fitler's Rheumatic - - - - - doz. 9 50 Freligh's • ----- Goodale's Catarrh - - - - - doz. doz. 7 50 ■ 7 50 Graefenberg's Pile - - - - doz. 6 50 Harper's Cough ----- doz. 2 00 1 80 3 60 Hunnewell's Cough, small - doz. doz. Hunt's Kidney, small - - - doz. 7 00 large - - - - - doz. 10 50 Kennedy's Favorite - - - - Langell's - -- -- -- - doz. doz. 8 25 7 50 Littlefield's Const'l Catarrh - - doz. 7 50 Metcalf s Rheumatic - - - - doz. 7 50 Sage's Catarrh ------ doz. 3 35 Velpeau's Dysentery (new style) doz. 2 50 11 50 Whitcomb's Asthma - - - - - doz. William's Asthma ----- doz. 5 50 Renewer, Wilson's Blood ----- doz. 7 75 Rennet, Blair's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Shinn's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Wyeth's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 67 Renovator, Brown's Scalp ----- - doz. 4 00 Smith's Green Mountain - - doz. 7 50 Resolvent, Radway's ------- - doz. 8 50 Restorer, Sheppard's Song ----- doz. 1 80 Revalenta, Du Barry s, small - - - - doz. 8 INI large - - - - doz. 14 50 Revivum, Morse's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 Rosadalis, Lawrence's ------- - doz. 9 50 " Rough on Rats," 15c size ----- - doz. 1 (10 25c size ----- - doz. 1 50 Saline, Lamplough's Pyretic - - - doz. 11 00 Salts, Granular Efferveis'nt,Ij.M.&G 3 50 lib. bottles - - - la. 1 00 Carlsbad - -- -- -- -- - 1 C. )Z. 3 50 1 lb. bottles - - - 1 >. 1 00 Cit. Lithia - -- -- -- -- d >z. 9 00 1 lb. bottles - - - ib. 2 75 Cit. Magnesia - -- -- -- - (. z. 3 50 I 1 lb. bottles - - - 1). 1 00 Friederichshall -------- doz. 3 50 II 1 lb. bottles - lb. 1 00 1 Kissengen - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 ;>0 | 1 lb. bottles - - - ib. 1 00 doz. 6 00 1 lb. bottles - - - ib. 1 75 doz. 2 50 1 lb. bottles - - ■ lb. Pepsin and Bismuth ----- doz. « 00 | 11b. bottles - - - lb. 2 25 i, Pulina - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 i 1 lb. bottles - - - lb. 1 00 I -• Seltzer - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 II 11b. bottles - - - lb. 1 00 1 Vichv - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 | lib.bottles - - - lb. 1 00 Our Granular Salts are prepared with great care. Those representing Natural Waters will be found to possess tiie/ud medicinal qualities of tne Springs. Salts,Carlsbad Genuine} lb. bottles - - - doz. 6 CO i i lb. bottles - - - doz. 12 00 doz. 2 00 | J lb. bottles - - - doz. 4 00 | 1 lb. bottles - - - doz. 8 00 Salt, Dltman's Sea, 2 lb. boxes, 25c. - - doz. 1 75 1 6 lb. « 50c. - - doz. 3 50 25 lb. • 1.50 - - - doz. 13 50 50 lb. * 2.50 - - - doz. 21 00 doz. 12 00 doz. 84 doz. 3 25 doz. 1 75 Salve, Adams Golden - -- -- -- - doz. Blackman's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Brandin's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 fl ()7 75 doz. 3 75 -- Doney's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 50 doz. doz. 1 (0 doz. 1 50 Griswold's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 65 Hardy's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 1 75 doz. 1 25 Mitchell's Eye - -- -- -- - doz. doz. 1 85 Peleg Whites - -- -- -- - doz. 75 i Pettit's Eye - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 60 doz. 1 75 doz. doz. Sawyer's, Miss - -- -- -- - doz. 3 85 doz. 1 50 doz. 1 50 Sapanule, pints - - - - - doz. 4 00 qts. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 trial size 25c. ------- doz. 1 75 Sapolio, Morgan's - -- -- -- -- doz. 85 Hand, small - - - - - - doz. 60 Sarsaparilla, Ayer's - -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 Bristol's - -- -- -- - Bull's, John - ------ doz. doz. doz. 10 00 8 25 6 75 Guysott's - ------- doz. 7 75 Helmbold's ------- doz. 8 00 Hood's, small ------ doz. 4 00 -large ------ doz. 8 00 Rush's and Iron, - - - - - doz. 8 (X) Townsend's, Jacob - - - - doz. 9 00 Townsend's, S. P. - - - - - doz. 9 (0 Tutt's - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Seven Seals, Radcliffe's ------- . doz. 3 50 Schnapps, Wolfe's, quarts ------ doz. 9 50 ninm ------- doz. Sedative. Battley's. See page 31. - - - - Seedesea ------------- doz. 2 00 Seidlitine - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 38 Snuff, Durno's Catarrh - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 doz. 1 75 doz. 2 67 doz. 1 65 doz. 3 00 doz. 35 Solution, Chloride Kalium ------ doz. 3 75 Gardiner's Ferrous Nitrate - - doz. 10 20 83 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Price Current. Solution, Lebaigue's, Dialysed Iron - - - doz. 7 00 Speer s Fruit Preserving - - - doz. Solvent, Houchin's Corn ------ - doz. 1 75 Robinson's Corn ------ doz. 1 50 doz. 6 00 Specific, Carey's G. E S. S. small - - - - doz. 1 75 _ medium - - - doz. 3 50 doz. 7 00 Crossman's, ------- - doz. 7 50 Humphrey's, small, No s. 1 to 15 doz. 1 75 Nos. 16 to 27 - - - - doz. 3 50 Nos. 29, 30, 31, 34 - - - - doz. 3 50 Nos. 28, 32, 33 - - - - doz. 7 00 Humphrey's Veterinary, A A to J J doz. 0 00 Lallemand's Gout - - - - - doz. lb 00 Reynold s Gout ------ doz. 16 50 Sugar of Malt, Horlick's, 50c. - - - $1.00 - - - - doz. doz. 4 00 8 00 Suppositories, Bartlett's Pile - - - - Hollow, No. 1 6 doz. in b - doz. 8 <H) ox Gross. 3 00 2 « • Gross. 3 50 3 H n n Gross. 4 00 4 3 • * Gross. 8 00 Suppositories, Mitchell's Hollow, Vaginal, of various medications. See page 103. doz. 4 00 - Nelaton's ------ Sawen's ------- doz. 5 00 O. P. Brown's, small - - doz. 2 00 large - - doz. 8 00 Svapnia. in I oz. vials ------- OZ. 3 00 Syrup, Aubergier's of Lactucanum - - doz. 10 00 - Bailey s Quieting ------ doz. 1 60 Boschee's German ----- doz. 5 5J trial size - - - doz. 85 Syrup, Broughton's Invigorating, 25c. - doz. doz. 2 00 4 00 $1.00- doz. 8 00 Bull's Baby - -- -- -- - doz. 1 87 Cough, small ----- doz. 1 87 medium - - - - doz. 3 75 large - - - - - doz. 7 50 Bumstead's Worm ----- doz. 1 50 Clark's Peruvian, small - - - - doz. 8 00 large - - - - doz. 16 00 Clark's Worm ------- doz. 1 75 Corbin's Worm ------- doz. 1 38 Delmonico Little's Pectoral, small doz. 3 75 7 50 Edward's Tar & W. C., 25c. - - doz. 1 75 50c - - doz. $1.00 - - doz. 6 50 Fellows' Hypophosphites Comp. Foord's Pectoral, 75c. - - - - doz. 11 50 doz. 4 75 $1.25 . - - - doz. 9 o0 Gardner's Hypophosphite - - - doz. 10 20 -- Iron and Quinine doz. 15 00 doz. 12 00 Goodell's Pectoral, 25c. - - - doz. 1 75 35c. - - - doz. 2 50 $1.00 - - - doz. 8 00 Gould's Pin Worm ----- doz. 3 75 Graefenberg Dysentery - - - doz. 3 50 Hasson's of Tar ------ doz. 3 50 Hastings, of Naptha ----- doz. 7 50 Hatch's Universal Cough, small doz. 3 50 large - doz. 7 00 Hobensack's Worm - - - - - Hooker's Cough ------ doz. 1 75 doz. 2 75 Jackson's Pectoral ----- doz. 2 50 Johnson's Indian Blood, small - doz. d oz. 3 75 7 50 Kunkel's Worm- ------ doz. Laubach's Worm ------ doz. 1 50 Low's Worm - ------- doz. 1 50 McArthur's Hypophosphites - - doz. 8 50 Mitchell's, of Ipecac ----- doz. 2 75 Mother Noble's, small - - - - doz. 4 00 large - - - - - doz. 8 00 New England Cough ----- - doz. 3 <5 Parrish's Phosphates, small - - doz. doz. 4 00 8 00 Parker's Worm - ------ doz. 1 75 Puccoon --------- doz. 1 75 Ransom's Hive ------- doz. 2 50 Reuter's Life - - - - - - - doz. 8 25 Roger's L'rwort, Tar & Canchalagua doz. 7 50 -Worm ------- doz. 1 75 Schenck's Pulmonic ----- doz. 8 00 Scovill's Blood and Liver - - - doz. 7 75 Seabury's Hive ------- doz. 1 85 Seller s Cough ------- doz. 1 84 Swann's Hypophos. Iron - - - doz. 13 'K) Lime - - - doz. 13 (Hl Soda - - - doz. 13 00 Tobias' Pulmonic ------ doz. 4 00 Taft's White Pine ------ doz. 3 50 Wearer's Salt Rheum - - - - doz. 10 50 Syrup, Winchester's Hypophos, $2.00 - - doz. doz. 15 00 7 50 with Manganese doz. 8 00 Winslow's Soothing ------ doz. 1 80 Wood s Soothing, large - - - doz. 3 50 - doz. 1 *•> Sweet Quinine - -- -- -- -- - OZ. 1 25 Tablets, Lyon's Tooth ------ doz. 3 60 Merchants' Worm - - - - doz. 1 50 Murray's Charcoal - - - - - - doz. 1 Welling s Dyspepsia - - - - - doz. 4 00 Wells Carbolic ----- - - doz. 1 50 Wyeth's Chlorate Potash - - - - doz. 1 6. Tamar Indien, Grillons ----- - - doz. 6 50 Tar, Forrest s Juniper ------ doz. 1 85 Tuniper Whitehursts - - - doz. Tea, Hamburg, Freese s ----- doz. 1 50 doz. 1 Judson's Worm- ------ doz. 1 ba Kellogg s Worm ------ doz. 1 50 Kennedy's Hair ------ doz. 6 Koenig s Hamburger Brest - - - - doz. 1 65 Quirks Irish- ------- doz. 1 <5 Tea, Webber s Alpine ------ doz. 1 50 doz. 1 .>0 Thermaline, small - - - - - - - doz. 2 00 medium ------ doz. 3 75 large ------- doz. 50 Tincture, Hampton's Vegetable - - - - doz. s 00 Norwood's Verat. Viride - - - doz. 12 00 Tissue, Albespeyre's iyd rolls - - - doz. 6 00 doz. in 00 Brown's Blistering - - - - doz. 11 00 Cooper's Sinapine ----- doz. 1 75 Tonic. Al wood's Quinine - - - - - doz. 9 00 Deduc'sGlvcerine Hair (Sans Pared) doz. jo so Quinine - - - - - doz. y 00 Hoofland's German - - - - doz. 12 00 Howe's Arabian ----- doz. 8 00 Jayne's Hair ------- doz. 00 Liebeg's Coca Beef - - - - doz. 8 00 doz. 12 no Mensman's Peptonized Beef - - - doz. 12 00 Parker's Ginger, small - - - - - doz. 4 00 doz. 8 IK! Potter's Hair Tonic - - - - doz. 8 00 Richard's Teetotal - - - - - doz. 8 (0 Schenck's Seaweed - - - - doz. 8 00 Wilthoft's - -- -- -- - doz. 8 60 Tricopherous, Barry's ------ doz. 3 .)U Tripoli, Mount Eagle ------ doz. 60 Troches, Brown's Bronchial - - - - doz. 1 Sil Edey's Carbolic ----- doz. 1 87 L. M. & G. Chlor. Potash - - - - doz. 1 50 1 Smith s Gangaloo (see page 93) - doz. 1 < 5 Vaseline, 2 oz. bottles, net prices - doz. 1 80 I 4 oz bottles • • - - doz. 3 611 1 11). cans • ■ - - doz. 5 5 lb. cans • • - each 1 80 Vegetine ---------- doz. 10 00 1 in powder ------ doz. 4 00 Vermifuge, Brown's (O. P.) Male Fern - - doz. 4 00 Fahnestock's, B. A. - - - - doz. 1 50 BL doz. 1 Frey's ------- - - doz. 1 62 Jayne's, small - - - - - - doz. 2 85 large - - - - doz. 3 80 ' McLane's ------ - - doz. 1 50 Orrick's ------ - - doz. 1 75 Perry's Dead Shot - - - Swaim's ------ - - doz. doz. 1 1 50 75 Swayne's ------ - - doz. 2 00 Winer's ------- doz. 1 50 Vitalizer, Shiloh's System - - - - - doz. 2.) Wafers, Adan's Sweet Worm - - - - doz. i ;>0 Bryan's Pulmonic - - - - doz. 3 25 Medicine (see page 67) - - - - - for Machines (see page 67) - - - doz. Wash, Helmbold's Hose ----- Water, Francis' of Happiness for To< - 4 00 >th- doz. 50 ache --------- 1 Gregg's Constitution - - - - - doz. 8 00 Poor Richard's Eye - - - - doz. 1 1 •) Thompson's Eye ----- doz. 1 bO | Wheat, Hubbell's Prepared - - - - doz. 8 25 Wine, Iron Bitter, Hubbell.s, 4 oz. - - - doz. 3 00 1 pints - - - doz. 10 00 Kunkel's - - - doz. 50 Pepsin, Boudault's, | pints - - - doz. 10 (MJ 1 pints - - - doz. 17 00 L.. M. & G., pints - - - - doz. 9 60 | Tar, Crook's, - ------ doz. 50 Wine of the Woods, Dame's, trial size - doz. 2 $1.00 - - - doz. 9 00 Xanthoxylum - -- -- -- -- doz. * 25 11 Zylobalsamuin, Alien's New Style - - - doz. 6 00 DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, INSTRUMENTS, GLASSWARE, TOILET AND MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Absorbent Cotton. Dennison's. (See page 48.) Air Beds. Single, 32x80 inches, No. 1 - - - each 25 00 » 42x80 « » 2 - - each 33 00 Double, 52x80 » « 3 - - - each 42 00 Air Cushions. White or Black, 9 inches, No. 1 - - doz. 17 00 • • 10 • » 2 - - doz. 19 00 » • 11 » • 3 - - doz. 20 (HI « » 12 » • 4 - - doz. 22 00 • » 13 » » ,5 - - doz. 23 (Ml . . 14 6 - - doz. 24 00 • • 15 » » 7 - - doz. 25 00 • h 36 " * 8 - - doz. 26 00 , . 17 . 9 - - doz. 27 00 . . 18 • • 0 - - doz. 29 00 Air Pillows. 9x13 inches, No. 1 - - - - doz. 19 00 10x16 » » 2 - - doz. 22 00 12x18 • , 3 _ _ _ _ doz. 30 00 14x23 » » 4 - - - - doz. 36 00 Alabaster Tablets. Irvine's, gilt ------ doz. 1 25 Shand's, » ------ doz. 1 25 Alcohol Lamps. 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 4 <>z. doz. 6 00 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 4 oz. handled, small - - - - - - - doz. 9 00 6 oz. » medium - - - - - - - doz. 10 50 8 oz. » large - - - - doz. 12 00 With ground glass cap - - Alcoholmeters. doz. 6 00 Proof & Trade's Scale - - doz. 6 00 U. S. Custom House, with Thermome- ters combined ----- doz. 18 00 Ama ndine. Bazin's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Ammonia-Afonocarb. Odorif. In lb. bottles for the production of Smelling Salts. Allchin's ------- lb. 1 25 Herring's ------- lb. 1 00 Ammonia-A romatized. For perfuming Smelling Salts In 2 oz., G. S. bottles - - - hot. 40 Anklets. (See page 49.) Aprons-NUrsery. A variety ------- doz. Atomizing Tubes. Glass - doz. 1 75 Atom izers. Alexandra ------- doz. 9 00 Boston - -- -- -- - doz. 9 00 Centennial ------- doz. 10 00 Codman & Shurtleff's, Hand, N D. 5 - each 5 00 - 56 - doz. 10 IN) - ft III) doz. 9 00 Steam, ff 15 - each 5 00 N. P., ff 15 - each 7 00 Davidson's, No. 56, fancy glass - - - doz. 11 25 » 57, plain - - - doz. 11 25 Delano's « 558, long tube - doz. 10 50 « 560, short tube - - doz. 10 00 Essex, No. 5 - -- -- - doz. 10 50 Eureka. Steam. ----- each 2 50 Favorite ------- doz. 4 00 Gem - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 Johnson's (Throat) flexible tube, two bulbs -------- each 2 00 Johnson's (Throat) with tongue de- pressor- ------- each 4 00 Phoenix, (Throat) - - - - doz. 6 00 The Complete, (long tube) - - doz. 9 50 Richardson's, H. R. Pipes - - doz. 36 00 Aureollne. Robaire's, small ----- doz. 20 00 large ----- - - - - doz. 40 00 AnrilavesEar Cleaners. Bone, Lovell's - -- -- -- -- Leiner's - -- -- -- -- doz. doz. 1 75 1 25 Bags-Gonorrhoea --------- doz. 1 50 Bags-Ice for spine. Pure Gum. 12 inches - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 11 50 U . doz. 12 (H) 16 . doz. 12 50 18 . doz. 13 (10 20 . doz. 14 60 For throat, Pure Gum. 7 inches - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 75 8 . doz. 7 (10 9 . doz. 7 25 10 • doz. 7 50 11 . ----------- doz. 7 75 Bags-Sachet - -- -- -- -- -- doz. Bags-Saddle. (See Saddle Bags.) Bags-Soap. Cambric, lined with rubber - - - - doz. 1 50 Bags-Sponge. Cambric, lined with rubber - - - - 1, Check pattern --------- doz. 2 75 2, » n --------- doz. 3 50 3, . . doz. 4 60 4, . , --------- doz. 5 00 5, . . doz. 6 60 6. « n --------- doz. 7 I 0 2, Cashmere pattern ------- doz. 4 50 3, • « doz. 5 :5 4, n « - doz. 6 i 5 Double, with Pocket for Brush & Comb doz. 10 00 Bags-Water. India Rubber, 14x14 ------- each 3 25 » » 16x16 ------- each 3 75 • • 18x18 ------- each 4 25 Balls-India Rubber. Hollow Bat, No. 5 - -- -- -- - doz. C8 10-------- doz. 40 20 ------- - doz. 48 30 ------- - doz. 80 - 40 doz. 1 JO 45 doz. 1 40 Solid Sponge,No. 5 - -- -- -- - doz. i a 10 ------- - doz. 1 (0 20 doz. 1 i 0 - - 30 ------- - doz. 2 ; o 40 ------- - doz. 3 10 Bandage-Gum - -- -- - _ - lb. 2 30 Bandages-Surgeons'. Assorted widths - -- -- -- - lb. 1 OO Bandages-Suspensory. No. 1, Cotton, with strings - - - - doz. 1 25 2, Cotton, with elastic - - - - doz. 1 25 100, Bobbinet, with elastic - - - doz. 1 25 115, Bobbinet, with strings - - - doz. 1 25 15, Netted, with elastic - - - - doz. 1 75 16, Netted, with strings - - - - doz. 1 75 103, Linen, with elastic- - - - - doz. 00, Cotton netting, extra finish - doz. 3 00 0, Cotton netting, extra heavy - doz. 3 ..0 125, Sack of Netting, and adjusted with buckles ------ doz. 4 00 123, Linen Sack, adjusted with buckles -------- doz. 5 50 107, Silk Netted Sack ----- doz. 4 00 01, Floss Silk Netted Sack - - - doz. 5 50 112, Best Silk • . _ . _ doz. 8 00 120, Best Silk » . - - - doz. 8 00 22, Stockman's ------- doz. 3 75 Bandages-Suspensory. Bates', No. 18. Small, white ------ doz. 3 00 24, Medium, white with ring doz. 6 (X) 30, Large, white - - - - doz. 6 00 40, Medium, white - - - - - doz. 4 50 48, Large, brown - - - - doz. 6 (X) 50, Extra large white - - - - doz. 6 00 ; Rawson's Patent. (For cut see page 75.i No. 1, Small, medium and large - doz. 10 50 14, - - - doz. 12 00 2, - - doz. 15 00 (17 18 00 4, - _ - doz. 20 00 5, - - doz. 22 00 6, - - doz. 33 00 Bandoline. Bazin's ------- doz. 1 25 Coudray's, 1101 ------- doz. 1 75 1164 ------- doz. 2 00 1165 ------- doz. 3 00 i 1166 ------- doz. 3 50: Requa's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 75 1 Bands lilastie. Light, 4 in. wide, 34 in. long - - - - gross 1 75 | I in. » 34 • » - - - - gross 2 75 1 In. • 34 • • - - gross 3 25 ' 14 in. » 4 • » - - - - gross 4 75 The above assorted widths. No. 0 4x2 inches ------- gross 1 00 | 0 4x2 » ------- gross 2 00 0 4x2 » ------- gross 2 50 0 Assorted Widths, 2 in. long - - - gross 1 70 00 4x24 inches ------- gross 1 25 00 4x24 » ------- - - gross 2 25 (Hi Jx24 " ------- gross 3 00 00 Assorted Widths, 24 in. long - - gross 2 00 000 4x3 inches ------- gross 1 50 000 4x3 » ------- gross 2 50 000 4x3 ' ------- gross 3 50 (MM) Assorted Widths, 3 in. long - - - gross 2 30 (KMX) 4x34 inches ------- gross 1 75 (XXXI 4x34 • ------- gross 2 75 IMXM) 4x24 • ------- gross 4 (X) Assorted Lengths, 4 in. wide - - - - gross 1 50 4 . - - gross 2 60 4 , - - gross 3 60 No. 8 Rings, I in. long - - - - - - - gr. gr. 1 75 1 11 Rings, 14 in. long - - - - gr. gr. 2 2> [ 14 Rings, 2 in. long - - - - - gr. gr. 3 00 18 Rings, 3 in. long ----- gr. gr. 4 00 | 20 Rings, 14 in. long - - - - gr. gr. 4 00 50 Rings, 1 in. long, heavy - - - - gross 40 Assorted Rings ------ gross 1 65 | Election, f in. diam. - - - - - M. 75 Baskets-Comb and Tooth Brush. 6547 A, 4 in. x 8 in. - - - - - doz. 3 50 6547 2-A 4 » x 10 » - -- -- doz. 5 25 1 6557 1-A 4 • x 8 • ----- doz. 5 7 5 6557 2-A 4 * x 10 • - -- -- doz. 7 25 4650 2-A 4 • x 9 • - -- -- doz. 5 25 4661 A 4 « x 7 » - -- -- doz. 1 75 4663 6 » X10 » ----- doz. 4 25 6561 A 6 ■ xlO • - -- -- doz. 5 75 6561 B 6 » x 9 » - -- -- doz. 5 25 Baskets-Sponge (For Stores.) Willow, single, small ----- each 1 00 medium - - - - - - each 1 25 ■ large - - - - - each 1 50 double small ----- each 2 50 large ----- each 3 25 Wire, double, small ----- each 9 (X) large ----- each 12 00 Upright, (new style - - - each 6 00 Baskets-Sponge. (For Bath Room.) Sherwood's Wire, No. 0, 3x5 inches - - doz. 3 50 1, 4x7 • - - doz. 4 50 2, 54x8 . - - doz. 6 0) 3, 64x10 » - - doz. 8 00 Bay Bum. Imported, qt. Champagnes - - - - - doz. 11 00 Imported, pt. Champagnes - - - - doz. 6 50 Imported, Wines ------ doz. 7 50 | American, Wines ------ doz. 7 00 Beaker Glasses. Best Bohemian. 2 oz. to 10 oz., 5 in nest - - - nest 1 25 2 oz. to 1 qrt., 8 in nest - - - nest 2 J: 5 2 oz. to 4 gall., 14 in nest - - - - - nest 5 50 Lazell. Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Bed Pans. Earthen, white, round ------ doz. 10 50 French shape - - - doz. 12 00 Earthen, yellow, round ------ doz. 9 00 French shape - - - doz. 10 50 Metal, round - -- -- -- -- - doz. 20 00 Rubber, black, white, or slate - - - doz. 31 00 Bellows.-For Insect Powder. Creedmoor (superior to all others) - - doz. 1 25 Excelsior - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 H. & B. Metal --------- doz. 1 50 Horace's, filled - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Isaacsen's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Knowles' - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Lyon's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 L. M. & G., large size ------ doz. 6 00 Springfield Rifle - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 Belts-Flesh. Dinneford's, Horse Hair ----- doz. 18 CO Lawrence's • doz. 16 50 Pattison's Baden - -- -- -- - doz. 5 75 Blacking. Brown's French Dressing ----- doz. 1 00 Bixby's,Best, No. 1, (3 doz. in a case,) - gross 4 CO 2, (3 » « • ) - gross 4 50 -- 3, (3 • • • ) - gross 8 00 4, (3 - • • ) - gross 9 00 6, (2 • ' ' gross 21 00 Cahill's Liquid Bronze ------ doz. 2 00 Day & Martin's,Liquid, small - - - - doz. 1 50 medium - - - doz. 2 50 large ----- doz. 4 00 Paste ------- doz. 60 Dubois, French, tin box ------ doz. 1 CO wood box ----- doz. 1 50 Jacquand's,No. 2 - -- -- -- - gross 4 50 3 - gross 9 00 4 - -- -- -- - gross 12 01) 5 -------- gross 15 00 Jacquot's,French, 3 - -- -- -- doz 75 Z 4 ------- doz. 1 00 1 25 Marcerou's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Mason's, 2 - -- -- -- -- -- gross 4 00 3 gross 4 50 4 gross 6 50 Blanc de Perle-Liquid. Coudray's, No. 2,604 ------- doz. 5 00 Dorin's, No. 34 - - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Blanc de Perle-Powder. Lubin's, fine - -- -- -- -- - doz. 6 CO rose tint ------- doz. 7 50 superfine - -- -- -- - doz. 13 50 f j IS O'l yellow tint - - doz. 18 00 Blanc de Perle-Tablet, on Porcelain. Coudray's No. 2,592 - ------- doz. 2 50 Dorin's No. 0---------- doz. 1 50 4---------- doz. 1 75 1© _ doz. 7 50 Bo ok s-Pharmaceut, ical. Attfleld's Chemistry ------- each 2 50 Beasley's Formulary ------- each 2 25 Beasley's Prescriptions ------ each 2 25 Beasley's Receipt Book ------ each 3 25 Dick's Encyclopedia ------- each 4 50 Dunglison's Dictionary ------ each 5 50 Ellis'Formula- - -- -- -- -- each <•* 4 • > Elmer's Physicians'Hand-Book - - each 1 75 Fowne's Chemistry -------- each & 4 German Pharmacopoeia ------ each H M) Griffith's Formulary ------- each 4 00 Griffith's Medical Botany ----- each 4 00 Hobbs'Botanical Hand Book - - - - each 3 50 L King's Dispensatory ------- each 9 50 National Dispensatory, Stille & Maisch each 6 50 Parrish's Pharmacy ------- each 4 50 Physicians' Visiting Lists ----- each 1 00 Pollock's Botanical Index ----- each 1 50 Redwood's Supplement to the Pharma- copoeia ------------ each 10 00 Rudolphy's Chemical and Pharma- ceutical Directory ------- each 5 00 U. S. Dispensatory - -- -- -- - each 6 0) U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 1873 ----- each 1 10 Medical Books supplied at publishers' prices. 37 38 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Books-Prescription. {For Pasting.) No. Heavy Manilla Paper, 94x12-176 1'v's 41 each each each each each each 1 50 1 75 2 50 3 30 1 75 2 50 104x14-176 » lljxl6-176 » 44 47 51 124x18-176 • Mark Twain's,(gum'd)81xll+-100 » 84 xlli-175 • Bottle Caps-Pleated Paper. Assorted sizes and colors - - - gross 75 Bottle Labels-Dennison's. Bottles-Cologne. An assortment. Bottles-Cased. 1 oz., BoxWood. ------ doz. 5 75 i// n u ------- doz. 6 50 2 « . doz. 4 H ff ff doz. 10 50 doz. 13 75 8 » » doz. 16 50 Bottles-Nursing. Burr's, Green - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Medallion - - - - doz. 1 50 Flint -------- doz. 3 25 each in box - - - doz. 4 25 Eagle, black fittings - - doz. 3 25 Flasks, narrow mouth, small - - doz. 75 large - - doz. 1 25 wide mouth ----- doz. 1 00 Goodyear's, one in box - - - - doz. 2 50 Knapp's, green, each in box - - doz. 3 00 white, » . - - doz. 3 50 Lang's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 25 Lincoln's, " Perfection" - - - - doz. 4 00 without fittings - - - doz. 1 25 Manx, No. 1. black fittings - - doz. 4 00 doz. 3 00 1. without " - - doz. 1 00 o . _ _ doz. 90 Maw's. Alexandra, flint, earthen caps doz. 4 00 j metal * doz. 4 00 flint, with't fittings doz. 1 .50 green, earthen caps doz. 2 50 Export, flint, earthen caps - - doz. 2 50 with't fittings - - doz. 1 25 6d green, boxwood tops doz. 1 50 with't fittings doz. 70 Peerless, No. 1. flint, wood box - - doz. 4 50 2, » paper • - - doz. 3 50 3, » loose - - - - doz. 2 50 4, green, loose - - - - doz. 1 50 Bottles- Pomade 1 oz., Fancy Metal Caps - - - - gross 6 00 2 * » " - - - - gross 7 50 4 » * * gross 10 50 1 » Plain Brass Caps - - - - gross 6 00 " fl II H - - - " gross 7 .50 1 • Glass Caps ------ doz. 1 00 2 « » »------- doz. 1 .50 4 ff n doz. 1 75 6 » • »------- doz. 2 rJ') Bottles-Sachet Po'ider. 4 oz., Glass Label ------ doz. 4 50 8 « • » ______ doz. 5 50 16 * » » ------ doz. 7 50 4 » » » with Photograph - doz. 6 00 8 „ ff ff * * doz. 7 00 16 » » » » ' doz. 9 00 8 » Engraved Label - - - - doz. 7 50 16 » » » _ - - _ doz. 10 50 Bottles-Smelling Saif or Pungents. Boxwood top, small ----- doz. 1 00 large ----- do . 1 25 Crystal, small, octagon shape - - do;. 1 75 medium » » - - do . 2 00 large « » - - do;. 2 50 Cut Glass, No. 3------- doz. £ 6- ----- - doz. 3 00 66- ------ doz. 3 75 KI. ------ doz. 3 00 15_ ------ doz. 2 25 41 ------ - doz. 3 25 gilt, No. 499 - - - doz. 3 50 636 - - - doz. 4 00 Silver Caps, assorted colors No. 2 doz. 10 50 - 1 doz. 13 50 double end, assorted colors doz. 7 00 Bottles-Salt Mouth, Tinct.. &c. (See page 52) Bottles-Water. India Rubber, 1 quart - - - - each 1 38 2 * - _ _ - each 1 12 3 » .... each 1 5C 4 , .... each 1 63 Bougies-Gum Elastic. English, 1 to 12, single web - - - - doz. 1 25 13 to 20 ------- doz. 3 CO - --a'Boule- ------ doz. 12 00 conical, 1 to 12, black - - - doz. 4 00 red - - - - doz. 6 00 olive pointed, 1 to 12, black - doz. 4 00 red - - doz. 6 00 French, conical ------- doz. 9 (0 olive pointed - - - - - doz. 9 00 a'Boule ------- doz. 15 (10 Metal - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 50 Boxes-Card. Celluloid- - -- -- -- -- doz. Leather ---------- doz. Wood - -- -- -- -- -- doz. Boxes-Chip. American, round, nested - - - paper 15 oval, small ----- gross ,-•> large ----- gross 3b English willow ------- paper zo Boxes-Lip Salve. Bone - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 Boxwood --------- doz. 75 Celluloid --------- doz. 1 50 China - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 Metal, plain --------- gross 3 50 ■ screw top ------- gross 4 50 Rosewood - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Scotch wood -------- doz. 1 50 Compressed Ivory ------ doz. 1 00 Boxes-Magnesia. Paper Glazed, small, No. 25 - - - - gross 95 large, No. 26 - - - - gross 1 10 Calico, small, No. 27 - - - - gross 90 large, No. 28 - - - - gross 1 05 Boxes-Match. Leather, small ------- doz. 1 75 medium ------ doz. z 25 large ------- doz. 2 75 H. R., No. 1 -------- doz. 1 90 2 doz. *> 40 Metal, small - -- -- -- - doz. 1 (HI -large - -- -- -- - doz. 1 £3 Universal (self-lighting) - - - doz. 1 75 Boxes-Jit. Washington Impervious. 1 ( J oz. Blk Walnut or Poplar. gross 2 25 gross < 1 oz. u n n gross 2 75 packages (1 oz. » « « gross 3 25 (2 oz. » » » gross 3 15 gross K 4 oz. » » » / gross i 75 packages(8 oz « » » gross 6 25 Boxes-Patch, Earthen. i oz. ----------- doz. 75 I oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 75 i oz. doz. 75 1 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 88 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 05 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Boxes-Pill. Bronze, shouldered, high, nested - - paper 30 low, nested - - paper 30 No 2 gross 65 •> 85 4 gross 1 5 1 45 -- flat 4 gross 1 15 K 1 45 patent 29 gross 80 "11 90 31 1 (Ml 29-31, nested - - gross 1 ,-•) - gilt edge. 291 - - gross 2 75 - 301 - - gross 3 00 311 - - gross 3 291-311 nest'd gross 3 00 Gilt Star, plain, No. 13 - - - - gross 35 14 - - - - gross 50 15 - - - - gross 70 16 - - - . - gross 90 Plaid Gilt, shouldr'd 9 - - - - gross 45 10 - - - - gross 65 11 - , _ . gross 80 12 . _ - - gross 1 05 39 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Price Current. ■ Boxes- Pill. Pink, American, nested - - - - paper IO 12 | English » - - - - paper 14 2 - - - - gross 35 3 _ - - - gross 45 4 - - - - gross 65 5 _ . - . gross 75 Glazed, shouldered, lit) - - - - gross 6 00 11! . . . - gross 5 50 112 - - - - gross 5 00 113 ... . gross 4 50 114 _ _ . _ gross 4 00 115 - - - - gross 3 50 116 - - - - gross 3 00 125 - - - - gross 5 25 Square, glazed, 75 - - - - gross 2 75 76 - - - - gross 3 25 77 _ . . _ gross 3 75 78 - - - - gross 4 25 79 - - - - gross 4 75 - 80 - - - - gross 5 2 > gilt edge 69 - - - - gross 5 50 70 - - - - gross 5 00 71 _ _ _ _ gross 4 50 4 00 73 - - - - gross 3 50 74 - - - - gross 3 00 German, nested, No. 0-2 - - - paper 28 1-3 - - - paper 4a 1-6 - - - paper l?0 2-4 - - - paper aO | Pill and Powder nested, 10 in nest nest Koxes-Prescription Powder. Covered, Plain, small No. 32 gross 1 00 medium 33 g.oss 1 10 I large 34 gross 1 25 | Calico, small 35 gross 1 10 medium 36 gross 1 15 | large 37 gross 1 25 1 Glazed, small 38 gross 1 15 | medium 39 gross 1 30 large 40 gross 1 40 | Gilt Star, small 41 gross 1 40 medium 42 gross 1 50 | ■ large 43 gross 1 70 • White, glazed, small 44 gross 1 40 medium 45 gross 1 50 11 large 46 gross J 70 11 Shouldered,Glazed, ass. col., small 97 gross med. 96 gross 4 50 || large 95 gross 4 75 || G lazed, white, sm. 100 gross 4 2a || med. 99 gross f - - large 98 gross t I? Sliding, Calico, small 47 gross 1 25 11 medium 48 gross 1 50 11 large 49 gross 1 75 | Gilt Star, small 50 gross 1 7a • medium 51 gross 2 00 • large 52 gross 2 25 | Inlaid Gilt, small 53 gross 2 25 medium 54 gross 2 50 ■ large 55 gross 2 75 || White Glazed, large 58 gross 1 75 11 medium 57 gross 1 50 | small 56 gross 1 2a ass'd 56-58 gross 1 50 | White Emb'd, large 58 gross 2 25 medium 57 gross 2 00 | small 56 gross 1 75 | assorted 56-58 gross 2 00 White Emb'd, gold edge, small 56 gross 2 50 medium 57 gross 2 75 large 58 gross 3 00 ass'd 56-58 gross 2 75 Boxes-Puff. China (a variety) ------- doz. Glass, (a variety) ------ doz. Metal, ass'd white ------ doz. colors and patterns - No 183 - - () 7 3 00 *7'186 - - doz. 3 50 » 184 - - (17 3 50 , 491* - - doz. 4 50 , 181 - - doz. 5 00 . 410 - - doz. 6 (X) , 185 - - doz. 4 25 » 503 - - doz. 6 00 * 307 - - 5 50 v 308 - - 5 50 h 30<) _ _ 6 75 * 320 - - 5(14 - - doz. 6 00 . 505 - - - ) doz. 6 00 | Boxes-Puff. Paper, plain ordinary, No. 00 - - - - fancy • 175 - - - - doz. doz. 75 1 50 . 280 - doz. 1 75 « 365 - doz. 1 75 chromo tops • 176 - 1 doz. 1 20 painted top » 178 - doz. 2 55 painted satin top» 179- doz. 2 <0 Tin, ass'd patterns - - - - - doz. I doz. 1 25 2 75 Wood, Relic, 2i inch - - - - d z. 3 25 3 » . _ _ _ 1 doz. 5 55 34 » - - - - doz. 6 25 -Scotch Plaid, 21 inch - doz. 4 75 3 • doz. 6 25 31 • - doz. 7 25 Boxes-Seidlitz Powder. No. 64 2 25 Calico Paper, gross Plaid and White Paper n 65 gross 2 75 Glazed and White Paper n 66 gross 3 00 Gold Star and White Paper n 67 gross 3 50 Glazed Paper, shouldered . 91 gross 8 00 m 92 gross 100 8 50 Tin for " full weight " Powders » 43 2 75 Boxes-Shaving. doz. Metal - -- -- -- -- - 8 60 Wood, with Mirror ----- doz. 1 75 to 3 75 Boxes-Soup. doz. Celluloid --------- Metal, a variety ------ doz. doz. doz. 4 50 Papier Mache ------- Boxes-Soda Powder. Calico Paper, Plaid and White Paper No. 59 gross 1 70 • 60 gross 1 90 Glazed and White Paper, . 61 gross 2 00 Gold Star and White Paper * 62 gross 2 25 Emb'd » « . 63 gross 2 75 Glazed Paper, shouldered . 93 gross 6 00 » 94 gross 6 50 Tin, 100 2 25 ' Boxes-Tin, Ointment. Seamless. Capacity, Size. No. ozs. 50 1 lxl- 100 59 1 lxl- hO 70 213 1 11 x f - 100 85 51 1 11 x 1 - 100 90 52 1 11 x f 100 95 55 f 11 x 1 100 1 05 53 t Hx 1 - 100 1 10 31 1 11 x t - 100 1 15 26 11 H x 1 10 ' 1 25 27 2 1|x 11 160 1 35 45 3 21 x 11 - 100 1 75 28 4 21 x If - 100 2 05 These boxes are put up in neat wooden boxes, containing ?00 each. Pressed, or Rim Covers. Capacity. No. ozs. Size. 220 2.f 11 x 2 100 1 70 56 i U x I - 100 1 30 80 1 11x11 - 100 1 50 122 If 11 x 11 - 100 1 CO 51 t Ifx f - 1'0 1 35 149 1 If x f - 100 1 50 57 1} Ifx If - 100 1 70 82 2 Ifx If - 100 1 90 91 If 2f x I - 100 1 75 46 6 2f x 2f 100 2 15 47 8 2-2 x 3 - _ _ _ 100 3 00 Boxes-Tin, Ointment, Patent. (Pressed out of one piece of metal) Capacity. No. drachms. 0 1 . - . . . gross 45 1 1 ----- gross 55 2 2 ----- gross 70 3 3 . . . - - _ _ _ gross 85 4 4 ----- gross 1 00 5 8 ----- gross 1 25 5f 10 ----- _ _ _ gross 1 40 6 12 ----- gross 1 55 7 16 ----- gross 1 90 8 20 ----- gross 2 60 9 oblong, 31x21 ------ gross 2 lO 40 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. IJoxi's - Tooth Powder. doz. doz. doz. 63 1 00 Glass, opaque, or plain, } oz. - 1 oz. - »> - - - Twitchell's Patent 2 oz. - - doz. 2 25 Tin, Twitchell's Patent, 1 OZ. - - - doz. 85 2 oz. - - - doz. 1 25 Wood, English, Var. & labeled No. 1 gross 10 50 V gross 12 (Ml 3 gross 15 00 Glass inside. No. 2 doz. 7 75 „ 3 doz. 9 00 Silver Poplar, or Black Walnut 2 inches.in diameter, No. 1 gross 3 25 21 2 gross 3 75 21 • " IT 3 gross 4 75 3 » » 4 gross 6 25 Boxes-Turned Wood, Polished, English. No. 4 50 9 1 oz. ------ - - gross 10 1 gross 5 00 11 ------- gross 5 ;.O 12 1J. ------- gross 6 00 13 ]j ....... . gross 6 50 Id 2 gross 7 00 15 ........ gross 7 50 16 3 »------- gross 8 00 Boxes-Turned Wood. No. - 1 J oz. ------- gross 30 2 i oz. ------- gr< >ss 40 3 4 oz. ------- gross 50 1, 2 and 3 nested - - - - - - - - gross 45 4 1 oz. ------ gross 75 5 2 oz. ------ gross 95 6 3 oz. - -- -- - gross 1 40 7 4 oz. ------ gross 1 90 Blueing, small - - - - - - gross 35 45 ■ large - - - - - gross Long Pill ------ gross 50 Boxes -Twine. Glass, heavy, 4 inches across bottom - each 63 6 • • n each 1 (M) Eng'd 4 » • n each 85 ■- g • » M each 1 35 Richly cut, coated with White, Red, Blue, or Green (JI USS - - each 1 88 Iron, Bee Hive - - - - each 50 Large, _ _ - - - Medium, - - - - - each 1 25 - - " - - each 1 (X) Small, . ... - each 75 Brackets-Soap. Snerwood's Wire - - - - - doz. 4 00 Breast Glasses. Geyer's ------- doz. 3 75 Hagerty's No. 1 - - - - - doz. 2 (Ml 1~~ r* - - - - - doz. 2 50 Lawrence's ------ doz. 3 00 Lincoln's ------ doz. 3 50 Maw's ------- doz. 3 50 Breast Pumps. Alexandra ------ doz. 13 50 Davidson's Bulb, No. 135 -» - - - - doz. 13 03 Delano's Bulb, No. 33> doz. 10 00 Durand's ------ doz. 8 50 English ------- doz. 4 IK) Goodyear's large bulb - - doz. 10 00 Hagerty's Brass - - - - - - - - - doz. 12 IMI Metal - - - - doz. 8 00 Hard Rubber - - - - - doz. 14 CM) Household ------ doz. 7 50 Mattson's Improved - - doz. 12 00 Meig's - -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 Mothers' Blessing - - - doz. 12 (Ml Mullan's ------- doz. 12 (Ml Needham's ------ doz. 12 00 Phoenix with bulb - - - doz. 3 50 tube - - - doz. 2 25 Van Beusts ------ doz. 8 50 Brilliantine. Atkinson's ------ doz. 9 00 Coudray's ------ Lubin's ------- doz. 4 00 doz. 8 00 Pinaud's, small - - - - - - - - - doz. 3 50 medium - - - doz. 4 50 large - - - - doz. 6 75 Bronze-Powders. In all shades. No. 1000 ------- lb. 2 50 3000 ------- lb. 2 75 3 00 3 50 I 00 40(H) ------- lb. 5000 ------- 6000 ------- lb. lb. Broom s TFTiisfc. Bone Handle, fancy, No. 1 - doz. doz. 3 75 4 JO - :r - doz. 4 25 4 - doz. 4 50 Patent Handle 1 - doz. 1 75 doz. 2 00 doz. Pocket - - - doz. 2 00 Hurl Handle 3 - doz. 1 00 - - - - 4 - doz. 1 A5 doz. 1 50 Brush-Cleaners- IFire. doz. 2 00 Brushes-Bandoline. Bone Handle - -- -- -- - doz. 2 25 Buffalo - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Wood, Rose - -- -- -- - ' - doz. 4 0J Brushes-Bat 11. Oval, cloth top, No. 60 - - - doz. 5 50 leather top » 5 - - - uoz. 7 50 -■- wood « « 0 - - - doz. fl 00 ,, Q01 - doz. 7 50 " k>5 1 doz. 9 00 Long Handle « 10 - - - doz. 0 00 double • 27 - - - doz. 8 00 Ryan's Pat., leather ----- doz. 12 (Ml wood ------ doz. 10 50 Panstrepton, No. 3 ----- doz. 15 00 n 5 ----- doz. 18 00 Round end, * 1 ----- H 2 - - - - - doz. 7 50 doz. 9 00 Short Handle « 23-1 ----- doz. 7 ■ 0 „ 2 - doz. 9 00 Brushes-Bottle. Nursing Bottle, No. 1 - - - - - - - doz. 35 round end. No. 2 - - doz. 50 tube. No. 3- - - - - doz. Ordinary Bottle ------- doz. la3 00 Brushes-Camel Hair. Common, Assorted, Nos. 1 to 8 - gross 1 00 Goose Quill » 8 - gross Demi Fine, Assorted « 1 to 8 - gross 1 25 Rose, Goose quill, assorted, Nos. 1 to 8 gross 1 50 fl It If fl 8 gross 2 50 Assorted, Nos. 1 to 8 - - - gross 2 25 No. 4, 4 to 1} inch - - - - gross 1 75 . 5,4 • H ' - - - - gross 2 25 » fl, f » If » _ _ _ _ gross 2 50 » 7, 4 « 11 ' - - - - gross 3 25 . 8, 4 » 11 » - - - - gross 3 50 Swan Quill, 4 » 1} » ---- gross 4 50 11 » 2 ' - - gross 5 50 •>i u »>i „ _ _ _ gross 6 CO Long pointed, I to 1} inch - gross 5 00 Throat, bent quill, wood handles - - - gross 9 00 Silk bound, wire » No. 1 gross 13 50 unit h n gross 16 50 Stri pi ng,ordinary,thread bound No. Ito8 gross 3 00 flue rose » 1.8 gross 3 75 nv aiinprfl no m <ilL' « 1 H S gross 7 50 Swan quill, 4 to 24 inches long 9 75 gross Brushes-Cloth. No. doz. 20 Cloth back, white bristle - - 3 50 1 Plush « « > - - doz. 6 (Ml Sea Root, small - - - - doz. 4 <MI medium - - - doz. 5 00 large ----- doz. 6 00 125 Wood Back mixed bristle 55 « » » ' doz. doz. 3 75 65 • « • « doz. >) 19 • « " ' doz. 3 50 34 • doz. 4 75 214 Wood back, white bristle - - doz. 5 00 15 . . . . - - doz. 5 50 1300 Rosewood back, white bristle doz. 9 00 1400 • ... doz. 10 50 1500 » ' doz. 12 00 0 . » black bristle doz. 0 75 1 . ... doz. 8 <M» 2 • ... doz. 9 00 Plush Back, white bristle, handled - - doz. 9 00 Plush • Sea Root doz. 4 50 Wood • • » « doz. 5 50 60 Florence - -- -- -- - doz. 12 <5 61 - 1 a"7'' 11 IK) «3 ---- I doz. | 8 »5 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 41 Brushes-Crumb. No. 107 Satin Back - -- -- -- -- 9 Walnut Back - -- -- -- - 22 Decorated Back ------- doz. doz. doz. 6 00 5 50 4 50 Brushes-Daubers, for Blacking. Brushes-Barber Dusters. N >. 1. 3 inch Hair, Fancy Handles, - - - doz. 6 00 1 ii u n n doz. 7 DO h n n h doz. 8 Ot 4. 44 » doz. 9 00 Brushes-Dusting or Counter. No. 1 All Bristle - -- -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 2 • • doz. 5 63 3 « a --------- doz. 6 00 4 « » ---------- doz. 1 Extra, White Bristles ------ doz. 5 75 2 » • ------ doz. 6 50 3 • ■ ------ doz. 7 50 4 • • • doz. 8 65 1 Extra Heavy, White Bristles - - - doz. 11 75 2 - . . . . _ _ doz. 13 00 3 » . , _ . _ doz. 17 00 4 » . . , - - - doz. 18 50 5 . . . . - - - doz. 24 00 1 White Bristles, ornamented block - doz. 10 00 2 » » » . - doz. 12 00 3 - • - doz. 14 00 Double, Stiff Bristles on back - - - doz. 18 00 Less discount. Brushes-Dusting Feather. Carriage » No. 1------- doz. 42 00 2------- doz. 54 00 3- ----- - doz. (>0 00 4- ----- - doz. 66 00 5------- doz. 72 00 Picture, soft, white Feathers,for Pianos, Paintings, &c. No. 5-5 inch Feathers - -- -- -- - doz. 12 00 6-6 • » -------- doz. 1> 00 r 'j' „ n _ _ _ _ _ doz. 20 00 8-8 . . doz. 24 00 9-9 . . -------- doz. 30 00 10-10 . . -------- doz. 35 0) 12-12 « • -------- doz. 48 00 14-14 • • -------- doz. 60 00 16-16 • • -------- doz. 72 00 Plain, Full Centre, Gray Feathers No. 4- 4 inch Feathers ------- doz- 2 00 5- 5 » i - - - - - - - doz. 2 50 6-6» « ------- doz. 4 50 4 4 It II - - - _ _ doz. 7 03 8-8. • ------- doz. 10 00 9-9» » ------- doz. 15 00 10-10 . » doz. 22 IK) 12-12 » » doz. 33 00 14-14 . . d >z. 40 00 16-16 • i ------ _ doz. 44 00 18-18 • » ------- d >z. 45 <>0 20-20 • . doz. 46 00 22-22 . . ------- r1 z. 47 0J 24-24 . . ------- doz. 48 00 1 Brushes-Flesh, Adams'No. 211 long handle - - - - doz. 6 00 246 - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 263 doz. 9 00 - ---299 - doz. 12 00 250 short handle - - - - doz. 6 60 273 • • - - - - doz. 8 80 409 curved handles - - - doz. 12 0J 546 . • - - - doz. 14 00 Leiner's Friction- - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 • « curved ------ doz. 7 50 Brushes-Hair, American. A very complete assortment, compris- ing all the latest styles ----- Brushes-Hair, Buffalo Horn. 9 Raw, Plain - -- -- -- -- - doz. 9 00 11 . . - doz. 11 00 13. doz. 13 00 | 9 » Inlaid - -- -- -- -- doz. 12 00 | 11 . , doz. 15 00 | 13. . doz. 18 00 | 15 . . (?)Z. 21 00 17 • • --------- doz. 27 00 18 00 Brushes-Hair. to 1 Celluloid doz. 38 09 . Brushes-Hair, Florence. No. 1 Infant ----------- doz. 5 25 80 Mirror Back --------- doz. 10 50 100-------------- doz. 20 00 115 - -- -- -- - ______ doz. 16 50 180-------------- doz. 10 25 220-------------- doz. 12 25 223 Grey- - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 10 25 225 -------------- doz. 13 00 258 Initial - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 13 00 310 ------------- - doz, 11 50 335 _ doz. 10 25 335 Mirror Back - -- -- -- -- doz. 11 25 358 Initial - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 11 00 410 doz. 9 75 415 ------------- - doz. 8 50 445 Mirror Back --------- doz. 9 75 446 - doz. 10 00 453 Grey - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 8 50 480 -------------- doz. 8 75 522 ------------- - doz. 11 25 565 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 10 50 622 ------------- - doz. 9 50 058 Initial - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 8 75 665-------------- doz 9 50 670 -------------- doz. 8 25 680 ------------- - doz. 7 25 795-------------- doz. 9 50 825 -------------- doz. 7 935- doz. 5 00 Brushes-Hair, English. An assortment of Gosnell's, Maw's and other makes of our own importation. Brushes-Hair, French. A fine variety in all styles and prices. in Maple, Hose, Satin, Tulip and White Woods, specially imported by us, and adapted for fine retail trade. Brushes-Hair, Ivory. A variety - -- -- -- -- - doz. Brushes-Hair, Wire. No. 1 Plain Varnished - - - oval - - doz. 8 00 2 Plain Black Enamel - - « - - doz. 9 00 3 Veneered (diff. kinds) - • - - doz. 10 (Ml 5 Fancy Enamel - - - - » - - doz. 10 00 4 Pearl Inlaid ----- » - - doz. 12 00 6 Decorated (diff patterns) • - - doz. 12 00 7 Japanese ------ • -- (1OZ. 15 00 8 Scrap Pearl - -- -- • -- doz. 15 00 A Plain Varnished - - - oblong- - doz. 6 .50 B Plain Black Enamel - - « - - doz. 7 50 C Veneered (diff. kinds) - » - - doz. 8 00 D Fancy Enamel - - - - • - - doz. 8 50 E Pearl Inlaid ----- » - - doz. 10 00 F Decorated (diff. patterns) • - - doz. 10 00 G Japanese ------ • -- doz. 12 00 H Scrap Pearl - -- -- » -- doz. 12 (0 100 Varnish, small oval ------ doz. 4 50 101 Enamel • « ------ doz. 5 50 49 Six small oval (by case only) - - - case. 3 00 50 Six decorated, in case (by case only) case. 4 00 A, B, C, D, E, F, one of each in case - case. 4 25 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, one of each in case - - - case. 5 10 Brushes-Hair (Argenseta) Wire Centre. No. 1 S.iort, oval - -- -- -- -- - doz. 19 00 2 Long, • - -- -- -- -- - doz. 21 00 3 Short • - -- -- -- -- - doz. 23 00 Brushes-Hand. Bone Back 8 row ------- doz. 4 75 9 . ------- doz. 5 (Ml Leather Back 7 » ------- doz. 3 75 9 « doz 4 50 Wood plain - -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Adam's Hotel, No. 156 - doz. 6 00 Box, 6 row ----- doz. 3 75 8 . ------ doz. 7 00 Bose, 7 • ------ doz. 4 00 9 » ------ doz. 7 50 Brushes - Hat. Plush Back, small - -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 medium ------- doz. 3 25 large - -- -- -- - doz. 4 (Ml • diamond, small - - - - doz. 2 00 large - - - _ doz. 3 50 Wood No. 426 ------- doz. 2 75 10 - -- -- -- doz. 4 75 23 ------- doz. 5 25 99 ------- doz. 5 50 curv'd T'7 ------ doz. 6 00 Leiner's Patent - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 42 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Brushes-Infant. Bone, an assortment ------- Ivory « » - - - - - - - doz. doz. Buffalo » ----- doz. Wood » » ----- doz. B r u sh e s-Kai so m i n e. 4 inch, Extra, all white Bristles - doz. 28 00 5 • n n n ii - doz. 38 00 6 n n n n n - doz. 46 50 7 n n n n n - doz. 57 00 8 » nun n - doz. 10 00 9 n nun n - doz. 84 00 4 n Extra, Extra » • doz. 37 00 5 » n n n n - doz. 51 00 6 n n n n n - doz. 58 00 7 if n n n n - doz. 74 00 8 n n n n n - doz. 84 00 j 9 * n n n n - doz 100 00 Less Discount. B r n s Ii e s - M< i rk i n (/. Round or Flat - ------- - - Common, assorted, 1 to 6 - - - - - doz. 1 CO Extra, assorted, 1 to 6 - - - - - - doz. 1 35 | No. 1 Bag, common ------- - - doz. 4 00 2 » extra - -- -- -- - - - doz. 7 50 j 3 » • flat, 1 inch ----- - - doz. 6 00 4 a « " li inch - - - - - - doz. 7 00 Brushes-Nail, Bone Handles. oRow, _______ doz. 1 25 6 * ------- doz. 1 50 7 H ------- doz. 1 75 8 » ------- _ - doz. 0 25 10 i ------- doz. 3 25 5 Row, with wings ----- doz. 1 50 6 » » » ----- doz. 2 00 7 " f " ----- doz. 9 05 8 • » " - - - - - doz. 2 75 10 . n n ----- doz. 4 00 6 Row, oval, handle on top - - - - doz. 3 75 8 n » * » - - - doz. 4 50 » Monitor,» » - - - doz. 3 50 8 n " " n - - - doz. 5 00 6 » Plain, » » - - - doz. 3 75 j 8 » • » , - - - doz. 5 25 Brushes-IVait, Buffalo Handles. 5 Row - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 59 6 « --------- doz. 3 00 1 doz. 3 75 8 . --------- doz. 4 75 9 » --------- doz. 6 09 | 10. --------- doz. 8 25 5 » with wings ------ doz. 3 CO 6 » n n ------ doz. 3 50 7 " it n ------ doz. 4 25 8 . . n ----- - doz. 6 O' 9 » « * - -- -- - 7 50 6 » handle on top- - - - - doz. 5 50 Brushes - Nail, Boxwood Handles. 5 Row, with wings ------ - - doz. 3 59 7 » n n ------ doz. 4 59 9 » » 'I ------ d jz. 6 75 5 « without wings - - - - doz. 3 00 7 n n t - - - - doz. 4 00 1 6 00 Brushes-Paint. An assortment at Manufacturers' prices. When ordering, please specify if •Al. Bristle" or ''Mixed" Brushes are re- quired. Brushes-Shaving. No. Badger Hair, Bone Handle, 162 doz. 5 75 lt>3 doz. 6 50 164 doz. for the pocket 118 doz. 6 50 iio doz. 7 50 metal ferules 158 doz. 4 (KI 159 doz. 4 50 11.0 Wood Handles. - - - 154 doz" 4 50 doz. - 156 doz. 7 (Ml- Buffalo Handles, - - 165 doz. 5 50 - 166 doz. 6 50 - 16" doz. 8 00 Bristle, Bone Handle, - - - - - 119 doz. 2 25 doz. 100 doz. 4 50 Wood Handle, twine bound, - 9 doz. 2 50 r* - 13 doz. Brushes-Shaving. No. Bristle, Black Enamelled Handle- 123 12(5 197 doz. doz. 50 130 doz. 1 25 Bl'k Hand'l, Twine ferule - 102 doz. 1 50 103 doz. 1 75 104 Black Handle, Ribbon, - - 16 doz. 1 00 °0 '30 Bone and Wood Handle - - 105 doz. 1 75 Wood Handle, wire bound - 10 doz. 1 25 20 doz. 30 Brushes -Shoe. 1 50 A lull line, prices ranging from - - - doz. to (In ordering, please specify " with or 12 00 without handles.") Brushes-Silver Plate. Bone, 3 row - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 • 4 » doz. It 5 * __________ doz. 3 25 Wood, 3 row - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 » 4' doz. 2 25 , 5 • ---------- doz. 3 75 Brushes-Toilet Sets. Celluloid - -- -- -- -- -- set Wood - -- -- -- -- -- -- set Florence Co's - -- -- -- -- - set Brushes-Tooth, English. Maw. Son & Thompson's First Quality only. A large assortment of styles of our own importation, to select from in the following sizes : 3 Row Waxed Backs ------- doz. 2 00 4 _ doz. 2 50 5 _______ doz. 3 50 Palate - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 25 Silver Wire, 4 row - -- -- -- - doz. 2 CO 5 n ________ doz. 4 fP English Tooth Brushes imported to order in quantities of three gross or more, and stamped witli firm name and address, without extra charge. Samples to order from, will be sent on application. Brushes-Tooth, French. A large variety of Lorenzo's and other good French makers, of our own im- portation. Bone ------------- doz. 2 25 Boxwood, ass'd dozens ------ doz. Buffalo Horn - -- -- -- -- - doz. Badger Hair - -- -- -- -- - doz. Fancy Handles - -- -- -- -- doz. Sponge End - -- -- -- -- - doz. Brushes-Tooth, French. Pocket No. 113, Boxwood ----- doz. 3 50 114, Bone ------- doz. 4 50 115, Buffalo ----- doz. 4 00 Brushes- Tube ---------- doz. 25 Brushes-Varnish. An assortment at Manufacturers' prices Brushes.-Wh it ewash. An assortment at Manufacturers' prices Brushes-Window. No. 1 - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 12 00 2 Round End - -- -- -- - doz. 19 50 Extra long handles ------- doz. 30 (Hi No. 1 Popes Eye, Mixed Bristles - - - doz. 15 (Hi 2 • » All • _ _ _ doz. 15 00 3 » * White * _ _ _ doz. 19 50 1 Popes Head, All • - - - doz. 21 25 doz. 30 00 Bulbs. r or Davidson Syringes, double - - - doz. 3 00 single- - - - doz. 3 00 Mattson Syringes, small - - - - doz. 3 00 • » large - - - - doz. 4 00 Button-Hooks, Celluloid ------------ doz. r» Steel, a variety - -- -- -- -- doz. Smith s Extension ------ doz. 2 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current, 43 Cachous. lb. 2 00 Aromatic, in bulk - -- -- -- - - 1 lb show bottles - - - - bot. 2 25 Hooper's, Brass Boxes ------ doz. 1 25 Paper » ------- doz. 1 (X) doz. 1 00 Mather's, Cents', Metal Boxes - - - doz. 75 Ladies' » » - - - - doz. 50 doz. 75 Cards-Playing, Daugherty's 0 No. 2. Steamboats, asst'd Star and Calico Backs - -- -- -- - 1 Steamboats, first quality, ass'd Star, Plaid and Calico Backs - - - - doz. 2 00 2 25 doz. 1 Steamboats, first quality, "Extra," asst'd Star,Plaid and Calico Backs doz. 2 50 6 Great doz. 3 00 4 •f * convex c'rs doz. 3 50 33 Eagle American Flag Back, enaml'd doz. 5 00 16 P • UH H H Great, ' with Indicators on corners" doz. 4 ro 15 Great Moguls, enam'd, (convex cor's) 18 Triplicate, " Patented," • • doz. 6 00 doz. 6 00 18 Extra, • » » Dogs'Head- - -- -- -- - doz. 7 00 18 Triplicate, Extra, Pat'd, convex cor- ners, Horses'Head- ----- doz. 7 00 18 Triplicate, Ex., Pat., con. cor.. Cat - doz. 7 CO 18 » » • gilt edg. doz. 8 00 18 » » » » Horses' Head, gilt edges ------- doz. 9 00 18 Triplicate, Ex., Pat., con. cor., Dogs' Head, gilt edges - ------ doz. 9 00 18 Triplicate, Extra, Pat., con. cor., Cat, gilt edges ■ ------- doz. 9 09 25 Spanish American,"Pat'd," con. cor. doz. 6 00 50 Indicators, • » • doz. 6 (.0 50 • gilt edges doz. 8 0) 28 Great Moguls,(Euchre,)con. cor. - - doz. 5 (0 36 » » (Solo,) con. cor. - - doz. 5 00 Cards -Pl a ying. All makers, at their price. Cases-Card. A;i assortment - -- -- -- -- doz. Cases-Fa/.; r An assortment - -- -- -- -- doz. Cases-Pressing. An assortment - -- -- -- -- each Cases-Vail. A variety each Cases-Playing Card. An assortment. Cases-Physicians'. VIALS, No. dram. DESCRIPTION. 428 16 2 Morocco Strap, gilt - - - doz. 16 50 528 20 2 II UK - doz. 18 00 529 4 24 for the Vest Pocket - - - doz. 7 00 533 9 24 1 row of Vials, upright, - - doz. 15 00 536 18 24 2 rows • h - - doz. 19 <M» 437 16 2 Wood'n frame cov'd Morocco doz. 16 00 537 29 2 Sheepskin, sewed - ' - - doz. 18 00 540 16 14 doz. 14 00 541 20 2 doz. 17 (Ml 544 16 2 Russet Leather Strap - - - doz. 12 00 644 20 2 doz. 15 (M) 549 '6 H Portmonaie style, - - - _ doz. 21 00 587 16 14 Morocco, sewed, - - - - doz. 12 00 488 18 2 H K - - - - doz. 15 00 588 20 2 doz. 16 00 589 20 4 Morocco, gilt strap - - - - doz. 28 00 590 20 4 Sheepskin, sewed - - _ _ doz. 26 00 591 18 14 Portmonaie style - - - - doz. 24 (Ml 594 24 2 Portmonaie style - - _ _ doz. 40 00 596 12 4 and 24 2-dram Vials, buggy cases, good Morocco, with handle, ------- doz. 72 00 600 24 2 Gilt numbers, ------ doz. 28 00 601 12 24 and 8 6-dra'm Vials, best Tur- key Morocco, ----- doz. 39 00 602 20 2 Wrapper Cases, ----- doz. 20 (XI 603 2 2 and 8 4-dram Vials, wrapper- case, - -- -- -- - doz. 24 00 604 10 2 and 7 4-dram Vials and 2 1-oz. glass stop, bottles upright case, - -- -- -- - doz. 33 00 605 8 3 On one side, and 2 pockets for powders on the other side, of best Russia leather - - doz. 36 00 629 10 2 Amber Vials, stiff ends - - doz. 16 0) 6!» 6 1 • • for vest pocket doz. 6 09 627 24 2 « • wrap, case, cal f doz. 30 00 j Cases-Physicians'. * VIALS, DESCRIPTION. No. dram. 606 16 3 of best Russia leather - - doz. 36 00 609 6 3 Wrapper case, red - - - - doz. 15 60 610 20 2 Sewed, red ------ doz. 19 00 611 10 3 Wrapper case, red - - - - doz. 20 60 612 12 3 Wrapper ends, covered - - doz. 19 00 613 0 3 and 14 dram, vials red - doz. 20 (KI 614 18 3 Imitation Russia - - - - doz. 27 00 615 24 3 and 1614 dram Vials, 3 folded, 1 2 Pockets ----- - doz. 36 00 616 24 3 2 Pockets and place for Pow- ders - -- -- -- - doz. 28 00 617 10 4 and 1814 dram Vials the Vials 1 all upright ----- doz. 31 00 619 10 4 and 28 2 dram Vials, 3 folded 1 Imitation Russia - - - - doz. 44 00 620 10 4 14 2 dram and 281 dram Vials, 1 Imitation Russia, 3 folded. doz. 48 00 621 8 2 Vials, on one side - - - doz. 12 00 622 10 4 and 14 2 dram Vials, Imita- 1 tion Russia ----- doz. 34 00 635 20 1 Wrapper case: metallic ends 1 Soft Red Morocco - - - - doz. 24 00 Wrapper Case, metallic ends. 636 24 2 Soft Red Morocco - - doz. 33 00 Cases-Physicians'. i Peacock's Patent,10, 2 drachm vials - doz. 24 00 12, 2 - doz. 27 00 16, 2 » • - doz. 27 00 - 18, 2 » * - doz. 30 (KI 20, 2 doz. 33 00 Catheters. English, single web, 1 to 12 - - doz. 1 25 - 13 • 20 - - doz. 3 50 Conical, 1 • 12, black doz. 4 00 1 ' 12, red doz. 6 00 Olive pointed 1 » 12, black doz. 4 00 1 • 12, red doz. 6 (10 French, Jacques' ------- doz. 9 (KI Conical - -- -- -- - doz. 9 00 Olive pointed ----- doz. 9 00 Nelaton's ------- doz. 3 50 a1 Boule - -- -- -- - doz. 15 00 Metal, Flexible - -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 Silver, Male, Ito 6------- each 18 00 - - 7,8 and 9 - - - - - doz. 24 00 - 10, 11 and 12 - - - - doz. 30 00 -Combined ----- each 3 00 Catheter Wires -------- doz. 75 Caustic-In case. F > i rir's Moulted ------ doz. 1 CO Johnson's H - - - - - - doz. 1 50 Caustic Holders. H.R. 1 - __________ doz. 3 50 z - ---------- doz. 4 00 3 - __________ doz. 4 75 4 - ---------- doz. 5 30 Cement. Brown's Chinese - ------- doz. 1 75 Ede's - - doz. 1 to Forncrook's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 37 Freese's - doz. 1 37 Hunnewell's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Kay's Coaguline - -- -- -- - doz. i to Painters' Diamond ------- doz. i to Patten's Liq. Glass - ------ doz. 1 75 Te-nex-ine - -- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Turner's It H - - - - - - - doz. 1 !5 Van Stan's Stratena ------ doz. 1 25 Chalk Balls. Austin's, one in box ------ doz. 62 4 doz. boxes ------ box 1 (K) Pink, one in box - - - - d z. 88 Shand's, one m box ------ - doz. 62 4 doz. boxes ------ box 1 0) Pink, one in boz - - - - doz. 88 44 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current Chalk. Billiard - -- -- -- -- -- - gross 1 00 Crayons for Blackboard ------ box 20 Tailors' - -- -- -- -- -- - box 50 1 Assorted colors ------ box 70 Chamois Skins. (See page 61) Cologne-See "Waters," page 67. Cologne Oil-For making Cologne by mixing with Cologne spirits. L. M. & G's Ballard. ------ lb. 5 00 This Oil is the cheapest in the market. Four ounces to a gallon of Cologne. spirits making a good Cologne. L.M.&G.'s Redwood. - - - - - lb. 7 00 The Redwood Oil makes a Cologne equal to the finest imported, and is used in the proportion of six ounces 1 to the gallon of Cologne spirit. Di rec- tions for use accompany each bottle. Combs-Barbers', Buffalo Horn. (!1 inch, plain, all coarse, or coarse & fine doz. 3 50 7 It It II UH doz. 4 00 1 74- n n " " » doz. 4 50 1 8 it n n ii n doz. 5 00 fii • quill back » • » doz. 5 25 7 n * * an doz. 5 75 74 h n it n it doz. 6 25 1 Sun n n it doz. 6 7 *> 1 6i • quill back, narrow, e'se, or c. & f. doz. 7n , f nun doz. 3 (Ml 7$ n n " " " doz. 3 25 S • n n » " tt doz. 3 75 Combs-Barbers', Celluloid. White, Amber, Shell, Blue and Coral 71 inch, plain - -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 50 71 • quill - -- -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 Combs-Barbers', Horn. (Hand Made.} (i inch, all coarse, or coarse and fine - doz. 1 10 " n - doz. 1 20 7 * » " n - doz. 1 30 7| * * " n - doz. 1 40 S n n " n - doz. 1 50 Combs-Barbers', Horn (Machine Made.) 6 inch, all coarse, or coarse and fine - doz. 90 6| » • • » » - doz. 1 (Ml 7 It fl H " * - doz. 1 10 7i » » « » « doz. 1 20 8 » * * " n - doz. 1 30 Combs-Barbers', iforii. Swage Back. 5| inch, coarse and fine ------ doz. 80 6 » » « • - -- -- - doz. 90 6J « • • » ------ doz. 1 00 7 ti n n n ------ doz. 1 10 71 • » • « ------ doz. 1 20 8 It n n n ------- doz. 1 30 Combs-Dressing, Buffalo Horn. 6 inch, plain, coarse and fine - - - - doz. 3 75 61 « • » • - - - - doz. 4 25 7 n h n doz. 4 50 71 » , • " - - - - doz. 5 (Ml 8 » « » » _ - _ - doz. 5 50 61 » » all coarse ------ doz. 5 25 7 n it tt ------ doz. 5 75 n n n ------ doz. 6 25 8 > « « ------ doz. 7 00 6 » quill back, coarse and fine - - doz. 5 50 6i • « • . _ - doz. 6 00 7 » • » » _ _ doz. 6 25 71 , « » » - - doz. 6 75 8 • « » • - _ doz. 7 25 6 « n c. & f. extra quality doz. 6 25 Ci » • « » doz. 6 50 7 n n * " doz. 7 00 71 • • • doz. 7 lb 8 » « • ' doz. 8 75 tii • • » extra width doz. 8 (X) 7 h n n n doz. 8 50 71 • ' ' " doz. 9 00 8 • » » » doz. 9 75 61 • crook back, coarse and fine - doz. 6 25 7 • ■ • « - - doz. 6 75 71 « • • . - - doz. 7 50 8 • ' " doz. 8 (Ml 61 n plain, sloped back, coarse and fine doz. 4 75 doz. 5 25 71 . . doz. 5 75 8 » • • " ' doz. 6 75 Combs -Dressing, Celluloid. Wiiite, Amber, Shell, Blue and Coral. 8 inch, straight - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 8 • curved- --------- doz. 8 (M) 81 « straight - -- -- -- -- doz. 9 00 Combs-Dressing. Hard Rubber, Fancy No. 2-7 inch - doz. 2 20 2-8 • ----------- doz. 2 50 10-5 « in leather slides - - - - - doz. 1 70 10-71 . doz. 1 60 Combs-Dressing.-Hard Rubber, Fancy. N o. 33A-8 • doz. 2 75 41-81 • doz. 5 63 42-44 ' -------- doz. 86 42-7 • doz. 1 12 43-7 " -------- doz. 1 25 43-8 » -------- doz. 1 50 44-74 » -------- doz. 1 30 45-7 . -------- - - - doz. 1 25 45-8 » -------- - - doz. 1 50 48-8 • -------- doz. 1 50 49-8 • -------- doz. 4 38 49-9 . doz. 5 00 50-84 » - doz. 2 81 51-8 . - doz. 2 50 54-8 » - -- -- -- - doz. 2 80 54-84 « - -- -- -- - doz. 3 12 55-74 » -------- doz. 2 50 55-84 • - -- -- -- - doz. 3 12 56-8 « - -- -- -- - doz. 3 12 ■ 56-9 • - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 57-9 • - -- -- -- - doz. 4 75 58-8 • - -- -- -- - doz. 2 10 59- H doz. 1 25 64-81 " - -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 100-74 « -------- 201-6 • -------- doz. 1 60 J - . doz. 1 0) 201-7 . -------- doz. 1 15 201-8 » -------- Hard Rubber, Plain doz. 1 30 32-7 inch - -- -- -- - 1 35 32-8 » -------- doz. 1 61) 100-5 • -------- doz. 50 100-54 • -------- doz. 55 100-6 » doz. 60 100-64 • -------- doz. 65 100-7 ■ -------- doz. 70 100-74 ' -------- doz. 75 100- 8 > - -- -- -- - doz. 85 705-71 » - -- -- -- - doz. 0 25 705-8} • - -- -- -- - doz. 3 12 707-7 • -------- doz. 95 707-8 " -------- doz. 1 25 708-9 » - doz. 4 75 601-7 • - -- -- -- - doz. 83 601-8 » - doz. 1 00 602-7 » -------- doz. 95 602-8 • - -- -- -- - doz. 1 17 Combs-Rubber, Jfbttk'd, (New) IMO. 162-8 in. -------- doz. 1 88 163-84 « - -- -- -- - doz. 3 12 164-8 • -------- doz. 1 75 165-7 » - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 166-8 . - -- -- -- - doz. 3 12 167-74 • -------- doz. 1 55 175-9 . -------- doz. 4 38 176-9 • - -- -- -- - doz. 6 50 177-9 . - -- -- -- - doz. 5 50 178-9 • doz. 4 0> 179-64 • - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 190-8 • - -- -- -- - doz. 4 38 191-9 • - -- -- -- - doz. (i 50 192-8 . -------- doz. 2 50 193-9 • -------- doz. 3 75 194-8 . -------- doz. 1 88 197-9 ■ -------- doz. t) 198-8 • doz. 2 :J0 187-74 • -------- _ _ _ doz. 1 4() 188-74 • -------- Hard Rubber, Imperial. doz. 2 12 (Expressly for fine retail trade.) I). 7 inch - -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 B. 8 • -------- doz. 4 70 E. 84 » -------- doz. 4 70 F. 84 * -------- doz. ft 60 G. 84 - -------- doz. 6 00 A. 84 > -------- doz. 6 IK) A. 9 » -------- doz. 6 50 C. 84 • -------- doz. 7 50 11. 7 ■ -------- doz. 2 75 I. 7 . doz. 1 88 K. 74 ■ -------- doz. 3 12 L. 8 • -------- doz. 3 50 M. 8 . -------- doz. 3 50 N. 8 • -------- doz. 3 50 0. 84 « -------- doz. 5 IK) P. 7} ■ -------- doz. 3 50 S. 6} • -------- doz. 2 75 Toilet - -- -- -- -- - doz. 6 25 Combs-Rubber, Royal. No. 6 00 117-84 inch. ------- doz. 117-84 » all coarse - - - doz. 6 (Ml 118-8 , ------- doz. 5 25 118-8} • ------- doz. 5 25 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Combx-Rubber Royal. No. 118-9 . 122-81 inch - -- -- -- -- - 132-8 " ---------- 132- . 133- » ---------- doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. 7 00 5 60 6 25 7 50 7 00 138 -71 • ---------- doz. 2 50 - * - • - - - - - - - _ doz. 2 50 doz. 2 50 146 8 • doz. 3 75 147-8 inch - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 148-9 • ----------- doz. 6 25 149-61 • ----------- doz. 3 12 150-7 • ----------- doz. 3 12 151-7 . doz. 3 75 Combs Dressing. (Noyes' Metallic Ba i.s.) Narrow Teeth, Brass Backs. No. 5 inch, 2150 - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 35 5J • 2155 - -- -- -- -- -- do?. 1 55 6 . 2160 - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 61 » 2 65 ---------- - doz. 2 (Ml Medinin Teeth. Brass Backs. 51 inch, 3155 ----------- doz. 1 35 6 » 3160 ----------- doz. 1 50 61 > 3165- ---------- doz. 1 75 7 • 2770- ---------- doz. 1 88 7 i - - - - - - - - - - doz. 2 00 8 » 2780 - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 Deep Teeth, Brass Baeks. 61 inch, 2965 - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 7 » 2970 ---------- doz. 2 25 71 • 2975 ---------- doz. 2 38 8 2980 - -- -- -- -- - Metallic Back. Ridding. doz. 2 50 17 Brass Back - -- -- -- -- doz. 65 1740 . . --------- doz. 85 00 '1 ------------- - doz. 1 00 Barbers. Brass Baek. 7 inch, 2570 - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 1 75 71 • 2575 - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 (Ml 8 , 2580 - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 Hotel. 6 inch, 060 - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 7 » 070 - -- -- -- -- -- 6 • 060 with Chain ------ doz. 2 25 doz. 3 25 7 - 070 . . ------ doz. 3 50 7 • 4770 - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 Pocket. 6 inch, Rule - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 GO Com b*-Dressing. (Horn.} Swage Back ----------- 6 inch - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 61 • doz. 1 10 doz. 1 25 71 , ------------- doz. 1 35 8 . - doz. 1 45 Combs-Dressinfl, Raw Hom. One Inch Teeth ------ 5 inch - -- -- -- -- - doz. 75 54 ' ---------- doz. 80 6 • - doz. 85 64 * ---------- doz. 95 H - - - _ - doz. 1 05 74 ' - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 10 8 . - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 15 One and One Quarter Inch Teeth - - 5 inch - -- -- -- -- - doz. 85 5i . - -- -- -- -- - doz. 90 6 . - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 64 • doz. 1 10 doz. 1 20 74 • ---------- doz. 1 25 8 , - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 40 8i . doz. 1 45 Wide Back -------- 54 inch - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 3 . - - doz. 1 25 64 • doz. 1 40 doz. 1 55 74 ' - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 65 8 » - doz. 1 86 8i . doz. 1 90 Crook Back, 1 Inch Teeth - - - 6inch ---------- doz. 1 20 64 ' doz. 1 35 7 n doz. 1 50 7i • ---------- doz. 1 60 8 . - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Crook Back, 1} Inch Teeth - - - 64 inch - doz. 1 50 1 ■ !■ doz. 1 60 * - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 8 . - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 85 84 ' doz. 1 95 Combs-Dressing, Iron/. Plain and quill, a variety - - - - - doz. Combs-Dressinfl, Tortoise Shell. Plain and quill, a variety - - - doz. Combs-Pocket. Buffalo Horn, 3 inch, in cases, doz. 1 25 * H doz. 1 50 4 • • doz. 1 75 Horn, Siamese, small - - - - doz. 75 large - - - - doz. 1 00 H. Rubber, 3-3 inch - - - - doz. 1 20 4-34 « - - - - doz. 1 40 5-4 - - - - - doz. 1 67 7-34 • _ doz. 1 20 8------- doz. 96 11 doz. 1 15 8 in slides - - - - doz. 1 20 12 • • - - - . doz. 1 25 Tortoise Shell ------ - 45 COMBS-CELLULOID FINE, COMMON WIDTH. No. 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 Superfine - - - - - - - per doz. - - - - - 1 00 1 10 1 20 1 35 1 50 1 60 1 70 1 85 Super Superfine - - - - - per doz. - - - - - ; i 30 1 40 J_50 1 65 1 80 1 90 2 00 2 15 MEDIUM WIDTH. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Superfine ------ - per doz. - - - - - 1 1 30 1 50 1 70 1 90 2 10 2 30 2 50 2 75 Super Superfine - - - - per - - - - - I 1 60 1 80 2 00 _| 2 25 2 50 2 75 3 10 3 25 EXTRA WIDTH. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Superfine - - - - - - - per doz. - - - - - 2 25 2 75 3 10 I 3 35 3 65 3 95 4 20 Super Superfine - - - - - per doz. - - - - - 2 70 3 35 3 75 l_4_oo 4 50 4 70 5 05 5 35 No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Superfine _ - - - - - - per doz. - - - _ _ 1 33 1 47 1 60 1 70 2 00 2 13 2 27 2 47 Super Superfine - - - - - per doz. - 1 73 1 87 2 00 2 20 2 40 2 53 2 67 2 87 CELLULOID FINE, SHELL, COMMON WIDTH. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 46 No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Superfine - - - - - per doz. - - - 1 73 2 00 2 27 2 53 2 80 3 07 3 33 3 67 Super Superfine - - per doz. - - - 2 13 2 40 2 67 3 00 3 33 3 67 4 13 4 33 COMBS-CELLULOID FINE, SHELL, MEDIUM WIDTH. EXTRA WIDTH. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Superfine ----- per doz. - - 3 00 3 67 4 13 4 47 4 87 5 27 5 60 6 00 Super Superfine - - per doz. - - ----- 3 00 4 47 5 00 5 33 5 87 6 27 6 73 7 13 COMBS-FINE, HARD RUBBER, COMMON WIDTH. - No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Iti Superfine - - - - - per doz. - 45 I 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Super Superfine - - per doz. - - - - - 1 50 E5 60 65 10 1 75 80 85 95 MEDIUM WIDTH AND THICKNESS. No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Superfine - - - - - per doz. - - - - ______ 60 65 70 80 85 9 i Super Superfine - - - per doz. - - - - ______ 65 70 ; 75 1 80 85 90 95 COMBS-FINE H. R ASSORTED FANCY PATTERNS, MEDIUM WIDTH AND THICKNESS No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Superfine - - - - - per doz. - - - - _______ 65 70 I 75 80 85 90 . 95 Super Superfine - - per doz. - - - - _______ 75 | 80 | 85 | 90 | 95 1 00 1 15 No. 12 13 14 15 10 Superfine - - - - - per doe. ------- 85 95 1 05 1 15 1 25 Super Superfine - - per doz. ------- 95 1 05 1 15 1 1 25 1 35 EXTRA WIDE. 21 inch ------ - - - - - I doz. I 95 1 3i inch ----- ------ 1 doz. 1 1 12 3 .------ - - - - - I doz. | 1 00 | 3t • ------ | doz. | 1 25 COMBS-FINE, HARD RUBBER, IMPERIAL.; COMBS-FINE, IVORY, COMMON WIDTH. Inches. lito?i 2J-to2f 2fto2f 2fto2j 2jto3| 3fto3f 3f to3| 3| to3f to 4 No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Superfine - - - - - per doz. ----- 1 10 1 55 2 20 2 45 2 70 2 80 2 95 3 05 3 20 S. Superfine - - - - per doz. - - - - - 1 45 2 05 2 60 2 90 3 20 3 35 3 60 3 85 4 00 S. S. Superfine - perdoz. ----- 2 00 2 75 3 45 3 85 4 25 4 85 5 25 5 50 5 60 No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Super Med. - - - . per doz. ----- 2 00 3 00 3 75 4 25 4 55 5 00 5 35 5 55 5 75 S. S. -- _ - - - per doz. ----- 2 75 3 60 4 55 5 20 5 70 6 20 6 60 6 95 7 _5 S. S S. - _ - - per doz. ----- 3 25 4 85 6 10 6 75 7 30 8 00 8 60 9 35 9 75 MEDIUM WIDTH AND THICKNESS. No. 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 S. Wide - - - - per doz. ----- 8 25 4 05 5 00 5 60 6 10 6 60 7 10 7 60 ! 8 10 S.8. - - - - per doz. - - - - - 4 25 4 85 6 10 6 75 7 30 8 00 8 55 9 20 9 75 S.S.S. - - - per doz. ----- 4 85 6 50 8 10 8 95 9 75 10 55 11 35 12 20 13 00 EXTRA WIDTH AND THICKNESS. COMBS-FINF, HORN No. 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fine - - - - 4 50 5 25 6 00 | 6 50 i 7 25 7 50 7 75 8 GO Combs-Infant, Ivory. Small - -- -- -- -- -- -- Large ------------- - with whistle - -- -- -- - Small, assorted, 1 doz. on card - - - Large » 1 • • - - - doz doz. 1 oz. coz. coz. 1 1 25 1 50 1 75 1 00 1 1 25 Combs-Ridding. Celluloid- - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Hard Rubber. 3 inch ------ gross 4 25 3i ------- - gross ' 4 50 1 gross 5 00 Horn, 1 in. teeth, 3 - -- -- -- - gross 3 00 T 3f - -- -- -- - gross 3 25 4 gross 3 50 4f, ------- gross 3 75 fin. teeth, 3 and 3} in. - - - - gross 3 25 Swage back, 3 in. ----- - doz. 50 - ;jf » ------ doz. 60 4 « ------ doz. 75 Com b-Cleaners. An assortment of B. Horn and Wood - doz. Comb-Trays. For holding B. H. Combs so as to keep them from warping ------- each 2 00 Connections-For Nursing Bottle Fittings Glass - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 20 French Jet - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 20 Corks-Homoeopathic, XX -----, Tnese Corks are packed in Bags of 5 10 and 25 gross, when a package of one or more sizes is taken we allow a discount of 10 per cent, from list price. No. 0 - gross 28 1 - gross 30 2 gross 33 3 - gross 38 4 gross 47 O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - gross 56 6 - gross 67 gross 83 3 - gross 1 00 9 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 1 20 10 gross 1 40 11 - _ gross 1 60 12 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 1 80 13 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 2 00 It - gross •' 15 - gross 2 50 1 16 gross 2 75 17 - gross 3 00 18 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 3 25 19 - gross 3 50 || 20 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross | 3 75 gross 1 4 50 24 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 5 50 I 26 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 6 50 Assorted, Nos. ItoO------- gross 45 i 3 to 6------- gross 50 , 6 to 10 - - - - - - - gross 1 10 1 11 to 20 ----- - gross 2 75 | M ines. No. 6, If inch long - -- -- -- -- gross 1 10 i . " " --------- gross 1 25 8, » » -------- gross 1 45 i| 9, * it gross 1 60 10, » . gross 1 75 Corks-Homoeopathic, X No. 0 - gross 09 J 1 -------------- gross 10 gross 12 II 3 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 15 4 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 18 5 - gross 22 6 - gross 28 gross 40 1 8 - gross 53 9 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 65 10 - gross 80 11 -------------- gross 95 ]2 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross | 1 05 13 -------------- gross i 1 20 14 gross 1 40 15 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 1 52 16 gross i vo Ji - -- -- -- -- -- -- - gross 1 95 IS - -- -- -- - - -- -- - gross 2 20 19 - gross rv ' 0 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 47 Corks-Homoeopathic, X. No. 20 - gross 2 50 22 gross 1 3 00 24 - gross 3 50 26 gross 4 CO Assorted, Nos. 1 to 6 ------- gross 15 3 to 7 - - - - - - - gross 20 6 to 10- - - - - - - gross 55 11 to 20- ------ gross 1 60 Wines. No. 6, 14 inch long - -- -- -- -- gross 80 7, . . gross 90 8. . . --------- gross 1 (10 9, » . gross 1 12 10, » . --------- gross 1 25 Corks-Specie or Flat. Measure on top or large end. 1 inch diameter - -- -- -- -- gross 29 If . . • gross 35 H ' " ' - gross 44 If if n _________ gross 52 u « » gross 63 H . gross 73 If » » gross 86 If » a --------- gross 1 00 2 . . gross 1 14 2f . . gross 1 28 2f » . gross 1 43 2f . . gross 1 60 24 » , gross 1 77 2f . . gross 2 CO 21 a . gross 2 23 24 . . --------- gross 2 46 3 • . gross 2 68 3f " « --------- gross 3 15 3| " « --------- gross 3 70 3f » . gross 4 30 4 n n --------- gross 4 85 44 » » --------- gross 6 20 5 " » --------- gross 7 45 54 « . gross 9 15 6 • . gross 11 00 Cork Borers. Polished Brass, with handle and sharp edges, 6 inches long. No. 137, Set of 6, from 4 to 13-32 inch diam- eter - -- -- -- -- -- set 2 25 138 Set of 12, from 4 to J1-16 inch diam- eter - -- -- -- -- -- set 5 00 Cork Handles- Clough's. A, Tinned, 3-8 inch screw - - - gross 2 00 B n 9-16 . n - - - gross ■ 2 00 C » 3-4 • . - - - gross 2 00 D < 7-8 • . - - - gross 3 25 E If 1 H If - - - gross 3 25 All sizes, assorted - -- -- -- - gross 1 3 00 Cork Presses. No.O Iron - -- -- -- -- -- - each 25 1 fl each 40 each 50 3 Solid Brass - -- -- -- -- - each 3 00 4 Nickel Plated - -- -- -- -- each ■ 2 00 Lochman's Patent Rotary, small - - - each 1 1 00 large - - - each 1 25 Cork Screws-American. 1 00 Variety from - -- -- -- -- - doz. to 6 00 Clough's, Ne Plus Ultra, handle and screw made out of a single piece of stout wire. No. 15 Tinned, 3 inches long - - _ _ doz. 75 15j Nickel, 3 » • ----- doz. 1 00 16 Tinned, 4 » » _ _ _ _ 1 00 164 Nickel, 4 » » _____ doz. 1 25 Cork Screws-French, on Cards. 1 50 Assorted Bone & Wood Handles - - doz. to Cork Screws-Pocket. 4 50 French and English, all steel, on cards doz. 3 75 Hard Rubber, No. 1 - -- -- -- doz. 4 50 doz. Metal, closing in tube ------- doz. 6 00 Clough's, Centennial, Nckel, No. 124 - doz. 1 50 doz. 2 (KI 9 Tinned, 1 inch long - - doz. 1 00 10 . H • » - - doz. 1 20 11 • If n doz. 1 50 9f Nickel, 1 « » _ _ doz. 1 50 104 » If ' doz. 1 75 114 . if . .. _ doz. 2 00 48 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Cork Tongs ------ . - - doz. 1 50 Corn Files- Japanese. doz. 2 75 Cosmetics. No. Bazin's Black, Brown and Wnite, 540 doz. 80 Carlton's doz. 1 00 Co 11 d ray ' s,- 960 doz. 1 00 Udi1 (Ml doz (qv 943 94# - - 976 doz. 1 00 Chapman's -- doz. 75 Italian,Black, Brown and White small doz. 1 GO - -large doz. 2 00 Letchford's Transparent doz. 1 50 Lubin's, Black, Brown and White,small doz. 4 50 « -large doz. 7 00 Pinaud's Oval, small 815 doz. 1 25 medium 816 doz. 1 75 ■ large 818 doz. 2 50 Round,small 819 doz. 3 00 large 820 doz. 5 00 Pope's, Black, Brown and White small doz. 1 00 d Rameau's. Sicilian ----- doz. 3 00 Rimmel's, - - - - _ - - - doz. 6 00 Cots, Finger. Chamois Skin ------- gross 9 00 Rubber, White, light - - - - _ _ - gross 3 75 - . - medium - - gross 4 50 heavy - - - - gross 5 25 Black, light ----- gross 4 50 medium - - - - gross 5 (0 heavy - _ _ - _ - _ gross 6 50 Cotton, Absorbent-Dennison's. For Hospitals, in bales of 25 lbs. lb. 1 25 Surgeons, » 1 lb. boxes - - - lb. 1 38 i . . _ - - lb. 1 50 1 i . . lb. 1 75 | Dentists, 1 • • _ _ _ lb. 2 00 -- Apothecaries, in 1-32lb. boxes - lb. 2 50 Cotton, Absorbent. Borated, for dressing wounds - lb. 1 50 Salicylated - -- -- -- - lb. 1 1 50 . - - - _____ doz. 1 50 | Haemostatic, Styptic - - - - doz. 1 75 1 Carbolized - -- -- -- - lb. 1 50 i Iodized - - - - . - _ - - _ _ _ doz. 1 75 | Von Bruhn's, Hygroscopic - - - - - lb. 1 25 ' Cotton-Gun. (See Pyroxylin.) Cotton, Perfumers'. Dennison's. (See page .) Cotton-Styptic. Rohland's, small ------ doz. 1 75 large ------ doz. 3 50 Counter Papers-Dennison's. (Seep. ) Crayons. (See Chalk, page 44.) Cream. Gouraud's Oriental ----- doz. 12 00 'Pond's Toilet ------- doz. 8 00 Cream, Cold. Caswell & Hazard's ----- doz. 2 50 Patey's, small ------- doz. 1 75 large - ------ _ _ - doz. 3 50 Vaseline, small ------ - - doz. 2 09 large ------ - - - doz. 4 00 Winter's, Camphorated, (compressible tubes.) - - - doz. 1 75 Cream, Shaving. Bazin's, Almond and Ambrosia! small doz. doz. Rose small doz. 2 50 doz. Colgate's --------- doz. 1 85' Coudray's, Almond ----- doz. 3 50 Guerlain's, Earthern Pot, small _ _ - doz. 50 large _ _ _ doz. 8 50 China Pot, small - _ - - doz. 8 00 large - - _ - doz. 15 00 Le Compte's, Naples, Porcelain Pot - - doz. 18 00 | ------ doz. 4 50 1 Taylors, in mugs ----- doz. 3 00 j • » • (combination) - _ _ doz. 4 50 Crucibles. German Sand. Small Fives & Three Corner - - _ - - nest. 06 : Large « « » _ - - _ nest. 10 Sixes nr , _ _ _ nest. 20 Eights . . . _ _ _ _ nest. 32 | Crucibles. Eights Hound - -- -- -- -- - nest 45 Halves » - -- -- -- -- - nest 65 Ones » - -- -- -- -- - nest 1 20 Black Lead, German ------ pr No. 05 Dixon's ------- pr.No. 08 Cupping Glasses. W ith Rubber Bulb - -- -- -- - doz. 5 CO Bell shape - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Oval • ----------- doz. 1 Nested - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 60 Cups, Drinking. Hard Rubber, Plain ------- doz. 4 ( 0 Telescopic ------ doz. I» ( z Nile's Patent ----- doz. 8 00 Leather ------------ doz. 2 0) Metal, Telescopic - -- -- -- - doz. - Cups, Quassia. • Gobiet (shape, small ------- doz. 1 25 medium ------ doz. 2 60 large ------- doz. 3 CO Tumbler Shape - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 (JO Wine Glass Shape, small ------ doz. 1 25 medium- - - - - doz. 1 75 large ------ doz. 2 5G Cups, Spit. White Earthen, No. 1 ------- doz. 3 00 o u doz. 4 10 Dental Instruments. From best factories at Manufacturer..' Ibices. Dilators-Pure Gum -------- doz. 5 ::o Dishes, Evaporating. Iron, porcelain lined. 6 .aches in diameter, 1} pints capaci v. each ;o 8 • • 2 • - - - each 42 9 • " 3 « _ - - each 48 10 • 4 ... each 54 12 • 6 - - - each 13 • . 8 - - - each 1 00 11 • « 12 - - - each 1 25 16 • 16 - - - each 1 80 13 • 24 - - - - each 2 40 Dishes,Evaporating. Berlin Pored.dn. No. 00, 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- - each 25 0, 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- - each 38 1, 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- - each 50 2, pints - -- -- -- -- -- each 60 3, 2 . ----------- each 85 4, 3 • ----------- each 1 00 5, 4 , each 1 30 6, 6 • each 1 75 7. 8 . ----------- each 2 25 8 10 . each 2 75 9, 12 • ----------- each 3 25 10, 14 . ----------- each 4 00 11,20 . each 4 50 12,24 . ----------- each 5 00 Dishes, Evaporating-Graduated. 40 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 1 75 93 • - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 2 50 Drawer Knobs-Porcelain. Plain, 1 to 2 inches in diameter - - - doz. Lettered, 1 to 2 inches in diameter - - doz. Gilt, 1 to 2 inches in diameter - - - - doz. Lettered, 1 to 2 inches in diameter - - doz. Drawer Pulls-Bronzed Iron. No. 12, 44 x 3 inches, with glass labels - - doz. 10,54x31 • • - - - doz. 16, 2 x4 doz. Iravver Pulls-Porcelain. • Plain - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. Plain, lettered - -- -- -- -- doz. Gilt and lettered - -- -- -- - doz. Dressing-For Shoes. (See Blacking,p. 37.) Droppers-Medicine. Barnes' - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Pipette - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 50 Tweed's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 49 Drug Mills. each each each each 5 00 8 00 10 00 Enterprise, No 3 ------- 5 ------- Less discount -9------- of 15%. 16 00 Drug Sifters. Harris No. 1, 9x12 ------ each 20 00 2,14x17 ------ 3,14x22 ------ Douches. See page 56. each each 25 00 30 00 Ear Trumpets. At Manufacturers' prices. Eau Lu st rale. doz. doz. doz. each 3 50 6 25 13 50 2 50 to Bazin's small - -- -- -- - large -------- Guerlain's - -- -- -- -- Elastic Stockings. Silk- ----------- Linen Cotton - -- -- -- -- - Elastic Stockings. each each 7 50 1 50 to 6 00 ■1 & D C B A/ • Indicate the exact measure around the limb in inches.opposite the dotted lines on the cut. He allow for compression. For Stocking to cover the entire limb, measure at A, B, C, E, G, H. For Stocking to reach G, measure B, C, E, G. For Stocking to reach D, measure B. C, D. For Knee-cap, measure at D, E, F. at at A A. Enamel-LaveVs Pearl - - - - - doz. 1 75 Envelopes-Comb and Tooth Brush. Assorted, 4 tints ------- 3 » Fine quality - - 4 • Extra ■ - - Printed to order for the trade. - M M M 3 50 4 00 4 50 Envelopes-Prescription. Best quality, all white or assorted tints. 213-16x1 1-2 inches, 0 ------- 2 7-8 xl 3-4 » 1 ------ - M M 1 10 1 10 3 1-4 xl 7-8 • z - - - - - M 1 25 Euxesls. Lloyd's for Shaving - - - - - doz. 4 50 Extracts-handkerchief. Atkinson's 1 oz. glass or sprinkler tops 2 » « • « • 4 > • • doz. doz. doz. 5 75 10 75 19 50 Bayley's, Ess. Bouquet - - - - Marechale - - - - - Briedenbach's, cork stopped - - - doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. 11 00 11 00 7 50 11 00 5 50 12 00 15 00 5 00 8 00 13 50 9 50 9 00 6 00 10 50 ; 6 75 13 50 I 24 00 Chardin's, in cartons - - - - - Coudray's, Boq. des Alpes, small - Greensill's "Mona Bouquet," small - Hanay's Rondeletia - - - ' - - - Letchford's, No. 149, 2 oz. - - - - .. i ~.n 1 - • U • - - - Lubin's, 1 oz 4 » _______ Extracts-Handkerchief. Lubin's 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- - doz. 44 00 26 bot. 8 50 Maw's " Knitted Sweets," ----- doz. 7 .0 Rameau's, No. 333, assorted - - - - doz. 5 ;o 425, • _ _ . . doz. 13 0) Shattuck's, 1 oz., Japan Tea Rose - - doz. 7 (0 5c lang Ylang- - - - doz. 5 00 Tetlow's » assorted ----- doz. 2 b.) Wenck's « » ----- doz. 5 50 Piesse & Lubin's Marechai ----- doz. 9 (0 Opoponax ----- doz. 9 I! Le Grande's Oriza Bouquet ----- doz. 7 50 Low's, 1 oz. bottles ------- doz. 5 21 > < - - - - - - - doz. 11 5.1 Himmel's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 50 Societe Hygenique - doz. 10 mO EXTRACTS, HANDKERCHIEF. Eazell, Marsh & Gardiner's. Pint bottles, containing 16 fluid ounces All odors excepting Musk ----- pint 3 00 Extract Musk from True Tonquin Musk pint 4 00 In Elegant Etched Bottles, pint, as per Cut, last page ------- extra each We do not sell the bottles empty. LIST OF ODORS. Azalea. Ocean Spray. Bouquet Anglais. Orange Blossom. Bouquet Caroline. Persian Bouquet. Bouquet Victoria. Patchouly. Bouquet Waverly. Pond Lily. Carnation Pink. Redwood Bouquet. Clove Pink. Roman Fragipanni. Ess. Bouquet. Rondeletia. Frangipanni. Rose. Heliotrope. Rose Geranium. Honeysuckle. Spring Flowers. Hyacinth. Stephanotis. Jasmin. Sweet Brier Jockey Club. Sweet Lotus. Jonquil. Sweet Pea. Lily of the Valley Tea Rose. Magnolia. Tuberose. May Flowers. Upper Ten. Marechale. Verbena. Millefleur. Violet. Moss Rose. West End. Mousseline. White Lilac. Mignonette. White Rose. Musk (special). Wood V iolet. Musk Rose. Ylang Ylang. New Mown Hay. Night BloomingCereus. The same Extracts as above in 1 oz. and 2 oz. bottles, assorted odors as wanted, neatlv put up in I doz. boxes doz. 4 00 Assorted,! oz. (all Musk. doz. 4 50) - - doz. 7 50 2 » » ■ » 8 00 doz. 14 00 Also in 4 oz. bottles, attractive style - doz. 5 00 Azalea. 11 oz. bottles ------- doz. 8 CO Roman Frangipanni, 1 oz. bottles - - doz. 2 00 Miniature, assorted, 3 dr., G. S. bottles Special Odors. Azalea. Bouquet Waverly. Sweet Lotus. Jockey Club. White Lilac. Persian Boquet. Wood Violet. Roman Fragipanni. White Rose. Ylang Ylang. Extracts-Handkerchief. Leroy's, 1 oz. G. S. bottles, } doz. in box doz. 3 50 Eye Raths. Glass, plain- - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Porcelain - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Eye Droppers.- - -- -- -- -- doz. I 00 Eye-brow Pencils. Dorin's, black, small ------- doz. 1 50 " large ------- doz. 2 00 brown, small - ------ doz. 'w •' la'ye ------- doz. 3 (HI I Eye Protectors-H ue. - ------ doz. 1 50 Eye Shades. Silk, double - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 single ---------- doz. 1 75 Rickett's, Bow - - -- -- -- - doz. 4 50 Spring - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 ________ doz. 1 75 Patent, paper - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Eye Stones. - -- -- -- -- -- 50 Filter Folderr. I3iik.cs' ------------- each 1 00 50 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Filters-Felt, White. No. each each each each each each each each each 45 55 67 87 1 13 1 35 1 50 1 80 2 13 1, 7fx 8, J gallon - - - - 2, 8 x 8J, i » - . . . 3, 8ix 9, J • _ . _ . 4,11 xl2, 1 gallon - - - - 5,13 xl5, li • _ _ . _ 6, 14 xl5, 1| » _ _ - _ 7, 16 xl9, 2 . - - - _ 8,18 x21, 3 » ... - 9,20 x23, 4 . - _ _ . . _ . - Filters-French, Round. No. 15-6 in. diameter - - - - 19- 8 » . _ _ _ 25- 91 « » _ _ _ _ 33-13 » • - - _ _ 40-16 » » - - - _ 45-17 « " - - - - 50-19 « » - - . . Filtering; Paper-French. Gray - -- -- -- -- White- -------- Fittings-For Nursing Bottles. Burr's - -- -- -- -- Eagle ------ pack pack pack pack pack pack pack ream ream doz. g | i 20 25 1 25 30 [ 30 40 40 5" 50 65 60 75 70 85 3 50 4 00 2 00 doz. 1 50 doz. 1 00 1 50 French Style, fits any bottle doz. Manx, Black Rubber. - - doz. 3 50 doz. doz. 2 50 Maw's Alex. Porcelain cap - 2 00 Screw » doz. 2 00 1 75 doz. 1 00 6d. Wood ton - - - Pure Gum doz. 1 50 | Perfection » » doz. Peerless, No. 1 ----- doz. 2 25 doz. doz. 2 in 3 ----- 1 50 -4 ----- doz. 1 (M) Wood Shields, White Rubber doz. 60 j Black • doz. Bone Shields, White Rubber doz. Black » doz. 1 00 Flasks-Chemical. Best Bohemian, round or flat bottoms doz. doz. 1 oz. - - - - - o- 1 2a 1 50 4 oz. - - - doz. 1 75 | 8 oz. - - - Pint - - - - doz. doz. 2 25 3 00 Quart - - doz. 4 50 | Half Gallon - - - - doz. 6 00 Flasks- Pocket Drinking. doz. Fry's leather covered, with metal cups Olry's « » » ff doz. Fleams-Horse. 3 50 One blade ------- each Two • ------- each 4 50 1 Flesli Helts or Straps. See Belts page 37. Flesli Gloves-See Gloves, page Fn n nels-Glass fluted. 52. 1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 1 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 13 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 1 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Pint --------- doz 2 00 Quart - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 i gallon - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 50 , 2 gallon ------- doz. 7 50 i Assorted to quart - - - - Plain French, Heavy. doz. 200 1 OZ.- - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 2oz.- - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Pint - -- -- -- -- doz. 5 (0 Quart - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 4 gallon - -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 Gallon - -- -- -- - doz. 12 00 Small Tube, 3 in nest - - - - nest 50 Funnels-Hard Rubber. No. 0, 4 oz. - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 i 1, i pint - -- -- -- - - doz. 4 00 2, 1 • - -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 1 3,1 quart ------- doz. 6 00 1 Funnels-Porcelain, Perforated. Plain Inside. No. 00, diameter 11 inches ------ each 3 00 0, » 9 » ------ each 1, » 7 * ------ each 1 50 2, ' 6 « ------ each 1 25 3, . 5 » ------ each 90 Ribbed Inside. No. 00, diameter 11 inches ------- each 3 25 0, . 9 • ------- each 2 75 1, . 7 , ------- each 1 75 2, . 6 » ------- each 1 50 3, » 5 . ------- each 1 25 Funnels. Porcelain. Plain Inside. No. 0, diameter 34 inches ------- each 50 1, , 4 , ------- each 55 2, » 44 » each 70 3, • 54 » ------- each 85 4, « 6 u ------- each 1 00 Ribbed Inside. No. 0, diameter 34 inches ------- each 65 1, , 4 i ------- each 85 2, » 44 » ------- each 1 00 3, « f 4 « ------- each 1 50 4, . 6 . ------- each 1 90 Funnels- Wedgewood. No. 1, diameter 3 inches ------ doz. 3 50 2, ' 4 » ------ doz. 4 00 3, « 5 • ------ doz. 5 50 4. n 6 n ------ doz. 8 09 5, • 7 • ------ doz. 12 50 6, • 74 » ------ doz. 16 50 7, a 8 » ------ doz. 21 (Ml 8, » 9 » doz. 24 00 9, » 10 » ------ doz. 30 00 • 10, • 11 • ------ doz. 36 00 Gallipots-TPhite Earthem. 1 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 1 55 i oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 1 70 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 2 25 1 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 3 60 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 4 80 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 7 70 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 8 50 1 to 4 oz. nested Cup ------- gross 4 (M) 1 to 4 oz. « Straight ----- gross 4 50 1 to 8 oz. " » _ - - _ gross 5 50 | Gallipots-German Porcelain. With Wood Tops and Labels. 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 60 4 • doz. 70 1, doz. 80 14 • doz. 90 2 » doz. 1 00 24 • doz. 1 10 3 , ------------- doz. 1 25 Gallipots- Yellow Clay. 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 90 4 oZ. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 1 00 1 OZ. - - - - -------- 100 1 25 14 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 1 60 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1(H) 2 00 3 <>z. 1(H) 2 50 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 3 40 Gas Digliters-Honcliin's. No. 90. l.'O in box, 18 inches in length - - - doz. 7 00 91, 60 » • ' " - - - doz. 3 50 92, 30 • » » • _ - - doz. 1 75 97, 1-0 a ' » » - - - doz. 6 IM) 98, 60 » » ' » - - - doz. 3 (M) 99, 30 « • » » - - - doz. 1 50 Glasses-Medicine. (See Graduates p. 52) GLASSWARE-GREEN. Round or Fluted Prescrip- lions-Green. 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 3 25 1 • ------------- gross 3 75 2 gross 4 50 3, gross 5 50 4 , gross 6 75 6 » - -- -- -- -- -- -- 8 25 | 8 gross 9 75 Lzell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 51 y""- _ . "■ - - -. - CLASSWARE-GREEN. Hou nd or Fluted Prescrip tio ns-Green. 12 oz. ------- gross 12 25 16 • ------- gross 15 25 1 24 . ------- gross 19 50 32 . ------- gross 24 50 | Assorted in 1, 2, 3 and 5 gross boxes gross 6 00 , Union or Plsiin Ovals -Green. } oz., Short - - - - - - gross 3 25 | 1 . . - - . . - - gross 3 re1 2 » • - - - - - - gross 4 75 3 . . - - _ _ - - gross 5 75 4 * » - - - - - - gross 7 00 6 • . - - . _ - - gross 8 50 8 » « - - - - - - . gross 10 25 10 . . - - - . - - gross 13 00 12 . • - - - . - - gross 14 25 14 - , - _ - - - - gross 15 75 16 r . - - - - - - gross 17 50 32 r • - - - - - - gross 25 00 1 » Long - - - - - - gross 3 75 2 » • - - - - - _ gross 4 75 3 * » - - - - - _ gross 5 75 1 » Panel Oval - - - gross 3 75 Q ■ ■ gross 4 75 3 . - - - gross 5 75 | 4 • . - - - - - - gross 7 50 Panels-Green. 4 oz~ ------- gross 3 50 } . gross 4 00 j 1 . ------- gross 4 00 1} , gross 5 50 U • ------- - gross 5 50 2 » ------- gross 5 50 3 » ------- - gross 7 00 4 • ------- gross 8 00 - -- -- -- gross 9 25 6 . _______ gross 10 50 8 * - -- -- -- gross 13 00 10 . gross 15 50 12 . gross 17 50 It . gross 18 75 16 • gross 21 00 20"' - -- -- -- gross 23 50 24 » _______ gross 26 00 Eulh-neck panels, 50c. per gross ad- vance on above prices. Castor Oils or Lemon Syrups.- Green. 2 oz. ______ gross 5 25 3 « ------ gross 5 75 4 * ------ gross 6 75 gross 7 50 | G * ------ gross 8 25 i • ------ gross 9 25 8 » ------ gross 10 50 1 9 • ------ gross 11 00 Id* ------ gross 12 00 yj ------ gross 13 25 11 * gross 15 00 16 » ------ gross 16 00 18 » ------ gross 18 00 gross 21 00 22 * ------ - gross 23 00 Packing: Bottles-Extra Heavu. P. L.-Green. 4 pint, 10 oz. - - _ _ - gross 12 25 | 12 oz. _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - gross 15 00 l 1 pint, JO oz. - - _ _ gross 19 50 1 14 » 24 oz. - - - - gross 24 00 j Quart, 40 oz. - - - - - - - - gross 30 00 : 3 pints ______ - - - - - - gross 40 00 1 gallon, 83 oz. - - - gross 55 00 1 1 • _ _ _ _ . 1 , _____ - gross gross gross 63 00 1 70 00 170 00 \\ ide JLouth, $1.00 per gross extra. Citrate Magnesia -Green 9 oz. gross 12 00 12 oz. --____ gross 17 75 GEASVWAIHE-MIXED. Demijohns. Quart ______ 4 gallon _____ each each 20 25 1 » ----- each 30 2 « - - - - - each 45 3 » ----- each 65 5 a _____ each 85 | Liquor Flasks-Amber or Green. i pint Pint, - -- -- -- -- -- -- Quart ------------ gross gross gross 10 00 15 00 22 00 Liquor Flasks-Amber, Screw Tops i pint ------------ gross Pint - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross Quart - -- -- -- -- -- - gross Wines. 4 to the Gallon -------- gross 31 00 5 o > -------- gross 28 00 5f » » -------- gross 27 00 6 « > gross 25 00 Y j u ________ gross 21 50 8 V II -------- gr OSS 19 00 10 . . gross 15 00 GLASS W A HF-FLINT. utouiid Prescription-Ftint. } OZ. ------------ gross 3 00 i oz. ------------ gross 3 75 2 oz. ------------ gross 4 75 3 oz. ------------ gross 5 50 4 oz. gross 7 00 6 oz. ------------ gross 8 50 8 oz. ------------ gross 10 50 12 oz. ------------ gross 13 75 16 oz. ------------ gross 16 50 32 oz. gross 28 50 Assorted, i to 8 oz. ------- gross 6 50 Round Prescription. Stoppered- Flint. J oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 9 50 1, - gross 10 75 2 » - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 12 25 3, gross 14 00 4 « - gross 16 25 6 » - gross 18 00 8 • ------------- gross 20 00 12. - grot-s 26 25 16 » - gross 30 50 32. - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 41 75 Union or Plain Oval-Flint. i OZ. gross 3 00 1 OZ. ------------ gross 3 75 2oz. ------------ gross 4 75 3 oz. gross 5 50 4 oz. ------------ gross 7 00 6 oz. ------------ gross 8 50 8 oz. ------------ gross 10 50 12 oz. ------------ gross 13 75 16 oz. ------------ gross 16 50 Assorted, } to 8 oz. ------- gross 6 50 GL ASSWA RE-SHELF. French Square Prescription -Flint. 1 oz. ------------- gross o 2') i oz. gross 3 25 1 OZ. gross 4 00 2 oz. gross 5 00 3 oz. gross b 4 oz. ------------ gross 7 25 6 oz. gross 9 00 8 oz. ------------ gross 11 25 12 oz. gross 14 75 14 oz. ------------ grow s 17 00 16 oz. ------------ gross 18 50 32 oz. ------------ gross 31 00 Assorted, 4- to 8 oz. - -- -- -- - gross 6 75 Tali French Square Prescrip- tion. Wide Mouth lor Pills -Flint. | OZ. ------------ gross 3 50 1 OZ. ------------ gross 4 25 2 oz. ------------ gross 5 50 3 oz. ------------ gross 6 25 4 oz. ------------ gross 8 00 6 oz. ------------ gross 9 75 8 oz. ' - -- -- -- -- -- - gross 12 00 12 oz. ------------ gross 15 50 GL ASSWA.RE -HOJKEOPATIIIC. 4. i and i- drachm Short Vials - - - - gl OSS 1 13 1 n n it - - - - gross 1 25 1 1 n 'i * ---- [gross 1 50 2 .7 // a - - - - gross 1 50 3 a a i - - - - gross 2 00 4 u j a - - - - gross 1 3 00 6 .7 a n - - - - i gross i 4 00 8 j j j - - - - ■ gross 1 5 0Q 52 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. GLASS WARE-HOMOEOPATHIC. 4,4,4 and 1 drachm Long Vials - - - gross 1 13 14 n a u - _ - _ gross 1 2> 2 on n - » w - gross 1 25 3 00 0 .... 2 00 4 00 0 _ _ _ _ gross 2 50 G 00 0 .... 3 50 8 00 0 .... gross 4 50 Case Vials. drachm, no brim, extra heavy - - - gross 1 25 In u 0 0 ... gross 1 50 2 » ' • • - - - gross 1 75 0 0 0 0 - - - gross 2 50 4 o 0 0 0 ... gross 3 50 6 n ° ° B - - gross 4 50 8 ® B 0 0 ... gross 6 00 GLASSWARE-SHELF. Tincture Bottles-With Inclined or Hound Shoulders and Mushroom Stoppers. 1 oz., height 3} inches ------ doz. 1 25 2 oz., « 34 » ------ doz. 1 38 4 oz., » 6 » ------ doz. 1 50 8oz„ « 74 » ------ doz. 1 75 Pint, » 84 » ------ doz. 2 00 14 pint, » 9 • ------ doz. 2 25 Quart, » 10 » ------ doz. 2 25 3 pint, » 12 » ------ doz. 3 50 4 gall., « 13 i ------ doz. 4 00 1 • » ■ 15 > ______ doz. 6 00 14 . . 17 . ------ doz. 9 00 2 • • 20 • ------ doz. 13 00 3 . . 22 • ------ doz. 22 00 Salt-Moutli Rotties - With Inclined or Round Shoulder and Mushroom Stopper. 1 oz., height 3} inches ------ doz. 1 50 2 oz., » 3} " ------ doz. 1 63 4 oz.. » 6 ' ------ doz. 1 75 8 oz., ii 74 ' ------ doz. 2 25 Pint, » 84 • ------ doz. 2 50 14 pint, « 9 » ------ doz. 3 00 Quart, »10 » ------ doz. 3 25 3 pint, » 11 » ------ doz. 4 50 4 gall., »13 « ------ doz. 5 00 1 . , 15 --------- doz. 8 00 14 • • 17 - -- -- -- -- doz. 15 00 2 ■ . 20 - -- -- -- -- doz. 20 00 3 . . 22 -------- - doz. 27 00 Tincture Bottles-Extra Heavy. Round Shoulders and Mushroom Stoppers. 4 pint, height, 6 inches ------ doz. 2 50 4 . . 74 • ------ doz. 3 00 1 . . 84 • doz. 3 50 1 quart • 10 • ------ doz. 5 00 4 gallon, • 13 « ------ doz. 8 50 1 . .15 . ------ doz. 14 00 Salt-Moiith Bottles-Extra Heavy. Round Shoulders and Mushroom Stop- 4 pint, height, 6 inches ------ doz. 3 00 4 » » 74 » ------ doz. 3 50 1 . . 84 . ------ doz. 4 50 1 quart, • 10 » ------ doz. 6 00 4 gallon, » 13 » ------ doz. 10 00 1 > .15 . ------ doz. 16 00 Tinctures and Salt Mouths of anv style desired, made to order with Cut Bottomsand Polished Stoppers. Glaziers' Diamonds. Ebony handle, plain ------- each 3 00 key ------- each 4 00 Ivory handle, plain ------- ecch 5 00 key each 7 00 Patent Key for Pocket ------ each 6 00 Plate Glass - -- -- -- -- - each 10 00 Gloves. Bath. Cash's Brown - -- -- -- -- - doz. 5 50 Dinneford's, Horse Hair, Gentlemens' doz. 18 00 « « Ladies' - - doz. 18 00 Lawrence's, • • » - _ - doz. 16 50 • . Gentlemens' - doz. 16 50 Maw's, Turkish, Califacio ----- doz. 3 50 White ------ doz. 3 00 Brown ------ doz. 3 50 Gold Leaf. Extra deep, packs, 20 books - - - - pack 8 50 Pale » 20 « - - - - pack 7 25 Usual • 20 • - - _ - pack 7 50 Graduates-American. i OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 loZ. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 00 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 5 00 6 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 10 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 8.00 12 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 10 CO 16 oz. - doz. 12 00 21 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 15 00 32 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 21 00 48 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 28 00 Minim, Tall Shape - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 English Style, 1 drachm ------ doz. 3 50 2 . ------- doz.' 4 00 Graduates-English. Made of the best flint glass, graduated on both sides, and always accurate. . 1 drachm, Tall - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 1 • Conical - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 2 > . doz. 4 50 ioz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 00 loz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 25 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 5 50 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 50 4 oz - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 7 00 6 oz. - -- -- --------- doz. 8 00 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 10 50 12 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 14 00 16 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 15 75 32 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 27 00 Graduates -Patent Enameled. lOZ. - -- -- - - -- -- -- doz. 3 00 1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 (KI 3 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 75 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 5 50 6 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 7 00 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 12 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 10 00 16 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 12 00 32 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 21 (Ml 1 drachm - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 (KI 2 drachm - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 50 Graduates -Patent Enameled. (Metrical Measure.) 30 grammes - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 75 • ---------- doz. 5 (M) 100 . doz. 6 00 150 • doz. 7 00 250 « doz. 9 00 500 > ---------- doz. 13 50 1000 • ---------- doz. 16 00 30 • and 1 oz. - -- -- -- - doz. 5 50 75 • . 2 oz. ------- - doz. 7 25 100 • « 3 oz. - -- -- -- - doz. 8 50 150 » » 4 oz. - doz. 9 50 250 • • 8 oz. - -- -- -- - doz. 13 50 500 • » 16 oz. - -- -- -- - doz. 21 00 1000 > .32 oz. - -- -- -- - doz. 24 00 Graduated Medicine Glasses. Minim, in cases, - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Tumbler, Block - -- -- -- -- doz. 75 American- ------- doz. 1 50 English - - - - - doz. 3 50 in cases - - doz. 5 00 and Minim in cases - - - - doz. 7 50 Enameled ------- doz. 2 75 Goblet Shape, » ------- doz. 7 00 Wine Glass Shape, 4 oz. and table-spoon doz. 4 00 tea and table-spoon doz. 4 00 drop measure at back doz. 5 00 Maw's, toughened giass- - doz. 5 50 Tulip, (new style with lip) - doz. 5 00 Guards-Tooth Brush. Metal - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Nickeled - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 Frosted - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Porcelain - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 50 Guitar Strings. See " Musical Goods.' Gum Labels- Dennison's. Inhalants; Crumb's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Cutler's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 Moyle's - -- -- -- -- -- - dc>3. 3 50 Inhalers. Crumb's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 12 00 Cutler's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 9 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 53 Inhalers. Hunter's- ------- doz. 8 50 Felton's - -- -- -- - doz. 8 50 Fullgraff's ------- doz. 4 50 Kirkwood's ------ doz. 24 00 Lockwood's ------ doz. 4 50 Messer's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Moyle's - -- -- -- - doz. 4 50 Siphonic - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Stafford's ------- doz. 6 00 Ink-Indelible. Barber's, Crimson - - - - - doz. 4 00 Baldwin's ------- doz. 1 50 Combination - - - - doz. 3 50 Briggs' - -- -- -- - - doz. 2 00 Gayle's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Hegeman's ------- doz. 2 50 1 Kidder's, w'ith preparation - - - - - doz. 3 00 without • - doz. 1 75 Livingston's ------ doz. 1 50 Tablet - - _ - - doz. 3 50 I Payson's -------- doz. 1 90 * Combination- - - - doz. 4 25 Tarrant's, with preparation - - doz. 2 75 Ink. India, 64 sticks to lb. - - - - lb. 2 50 Ink- Copying. Arnold's, pints ----- doz. 5 00 quarts ----- doz. 9 50 David's, 8 oz- -- -- - doz. 2 50 •- pints ----- doz. 4 50 quarts ----- doz. 8 00 Ink-Writing. Arnold's Fluid, cones - - - - - - - doz. 42 1 pints - - - doz. 85 i . - - - doz. 1 65 pints - - - - doz. 3 25 quarts - - doz. 5 50 David's Black. Blue and Violet. Octagon stands - - - doz. 60 4 oz. ------ doz. 1 10 | (i OZ. --.--- doz. 1 40 8 oz. - - - _ - doz. 1 75 ) pints ------ - - - - doz. 3 (Kt quarts _____ David's Carmine. doz. 5 00 1 oz. draped stands - - doz. 1 50 7- 1 oz rich flint glass - doz. 2 00 David's Red. 1 oz. - - - - - - - doz. 80 2 oz. - - - - doz. 1 50 | Worden's Violet, perfumed - - - - doz. J 00 in show boxes of 3 doz. box 2 75 Ink and Stain Extractor. Bloede's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Cushman's ------- doz. 1 50 Ink Powder. Maynard & Noyes - . - - doz. 1 50 Ink Stands-Pocket. Boxwood ------- doz. Hard Rubber, No. 2 - - - - doz. . « . 3 - - - - doz. • . . 4 - - - - doz. Leather -------- doz. Issue Peas - - - _ - - _ string 35 .1 a rs- Cold Crea m. Labels burnt in - - - - - t OZ. • «----- doz. 87 1 oz. » - ----- - - - - doz. 1 00 . 2 oz. » <----- doz. 1 25 I Jars. Earthen, flat top, } oz. - - - doz. 93 [ 1 oz. - - doz. 93 2 oz. - - - - doz. 93 4 oz. - - - doz. 1 00 -8 oz. - doz. 1 20 16 oz. - - - doz. 1 50 Jars-Steeple Top. 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- doz. 16 oz. ----- - - _ _ doz. 3 00 32 oz. - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 Ointment (patch boxes) 4 oz. doz. 75 j 1 oz. doz. 88 2 oz. doz. 1 05 • 3 oz. - doz. 1 25 - -- 4 oz. - *• 1 doz. | 1 50 || J ars-Ointment. Amber, Wood Top. i oz. ------------- gross 5 50 i oz. ------------- gross 6 00 1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 7 50 2 oz. - gross 9 00 4 oz. - - - gross 12 00 Blue, Metal Top. ioz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 5 50 i oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross. 6 00 loz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 7 50 2 oz. - gross 9 00 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 12 06 Jokes. For the Breath - -- -- -- -- gross 6 50 Key Rings. A variety - -- -- -- -- -- doz. K nlves. Corn ------------- doz. 12 00 Gilders', double edge ------- doz. 6 00 single • ------- doz. 4 75 Nail - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. Putty, round and square ------ doz. 2 £.0 Labels, Rottie-Dennison's, (See p. ) Labels. Glass for Tinctures, Salt Mouths, &c. Elegant and durable. A variety of sixteen styles, gallon size and under, 1 50 from - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. to Parties ordering labels for their own 3 00 bottles should state the circumfer- ence of the different sizes of bottles for which they are intended. Special attention given to the execu- cion of orders for Druggists' Furni- Lt re Bottles, with either Glass or Gilded Labels. Paper,in books, Imitat'n Glass 800 labels book ' gold ground, black letters 2000 labels - book 12 00 • • » black letters 800 labels - book 6 00 • » • black letters 300 labels - book 2 00 » black gr'nd,yellow letters 2000 labels - book 4 00 « • • yellow letters 800 labels - book 2 00 ■ » » yellow letters 300 labels - book 1 00 • yellow gr'nd, black letters strips, 1500 labels - book ID Labels. Cologne and Hair Oil------- 100 Gum, Dennison's - -- -- -- - box 10 Seidlitz - -- -- -- -- -- - 100 Wine, Brandies, &c. ------- 100 Lancets. Abscess - -- - ------- doz. 9 00 Evans', genuine - -- -- -- -- doz. 9 00 Gum - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 12 00 Spring ------------- each Thumb - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 9 00 Vaccinating - -- -- -- -- - doz. 12 00 Lancet Cases. 1 hole - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 2 holes - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Lily White. Alabastrine - -- -- - __ doz. 1 50 Bazin's, Spanish - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 Cascarilla - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 75 Small, oval or round ------- doz. 50 Medium, • • ------- doz. 62 Large, • • ------- doz. 75 McArthur's ----------- doz. 1 75 Mother of Pearl - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Opera Pearline - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Shand's, Alabaster - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Fancy ---------- doz. 1 25 Lilly Whites and Combinations. Tetlows. No. 478 Bloom of Lillies, small, round - - doz. 1 00 480 » • • medium, round - doz. 1 50 481 » • » large, • doz. 2 00 182 New Magnolia Tablet, small, oval - doz. 1 25 483 » » » medium, » - doz. 1 50 484 • • » large, doz. 2 25 480 Opera Pearl, small round - - - _ doz. 1 00 487 ' f » medium • - - - - doz. 1 25 )Liily White!* and Combinations. Tetiow's. i No. 188 Opera Pearl, large, round - - - doz. 1 50 489 • » small, oval - - - doz. 1 00 490 • » medium, oval - - doz. 1 25 191 • • large, • - - - doz. 1 75 | 492 Langtry Pearl, Photo., oblong - - doz. 2 50 493 Opera Beauty, « » - - - doz. 5 00 197 Tablet of Innocence, round - - - doz. 2 00 1 "98 • • » oval - - - - doz. 2 25 8 Small Round --------- doz. 55 7 Medium « - -- -- -- -- doz. 63 ' 6 Large • - -- -- -- -- doz. 80 1 10 Small Magnolia -------- doz. 67 i 9 Large « -------- doz. 85 1 5 Cascarilla de Persia ------ doz. 1 00 1 Mountain Pearl - -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 I 35 Alaskine, round- ------- doz. 1 00 32 » oval - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 385 Ivy Flora, round ------- doz. 1 00 387 « » » - - - doz. 75 | •'$89 • » oval ------- doz. 88 •126 Cream of Pearls, round ----- doz. 1 75 427 • - • doz. 1 00 75 Opera Bouquet, combination - - doz. 2 25 276 La Peri, » - - doz. 2 25 21 Mountain Rose, • - - doz. 4 25 >44 Orienta Cream Tablet, large - - - doz. 1 50 445 » » » small- - - doz. 1 13 391 Flora Lily - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 462 Pearl of Savoy - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 463 Nevada Lily - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Lint. Antiseptic Marine - -- -- -- - Cotton, " Stag," - -- -- -- -- lb. 50 lb. 1 25 English, Penny Packets ------ gross 4 50 I Flax, lbs. - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 1 50 OZS. ----------- lb. 1 75 Hospital, lbs. - -- -- -- -- - lb. 1 00 OZS ---------- lb. 1 25 Taylor's A 1, lbs. --------- lb. 1 50 OZS. --------- lb. 1 75 1 Lip Salve. Bazin's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 13 Metal Boxes - -- -- -- -- - doz. 88 machines-Electro Magnetic. From the retail prices printed below, we give a discount of twenty per cent. No. 2.-Medium, for Family use. Gen- erally ordered by Physicians for Patients - -- -- -- -- each 15 00 Nickle Plated ----- each 18 00 Hard Rubber cell, extra - - - each 1 00 No. 3.-For Professional purposes Nickel Plated ----- each each 20 00 23 00 Hard Rubber cell, extra - - - each 1 50 Continuous Current Machine. A modi- flcation of the "StOhrer" Battery. Sixteen Cells (Glass) ------- each (Hard Rubber) - - - - each 35 00 Thirty-two Cells (Glass) ------ each 39 (X) (Hard Rubber) - - - each 50 00 58 00 Machine s-M agn etic. Bartlett, Pocket, reservoir cells - - each 10 00 Boyd's, Miniature Battery ----- Davis & Kidder's - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 each 7 00 Gaiffe's, French Pocket, No. 200 - - - each 6 00 201 - - - each 8 00 Drelscher's, Pocket ------- each 7 50 , Machines- Pill. (See Pill Machines.) Matches-S. & C. Parlor. 60 in box - -- -- -- -- -- gross 2 75 HO- » 3 00 500 » - gross 15 00 Match Safes. See "Boxes." Medicine Chests. Russet Leather. Containing Glass Stoppered Bottles. Mahogany Trays,Graduated Measure, Mortar, four Jars, Tray for Scales and space for Instruments under i Bottles. No. 1. Containing 4 4oz. 16 2oz. 18 loz. and 6 |oz. bottles. Length, 14 inches; | width, 91 inches; height, 91 inches - each 21 00 , S4 Lazell, Marsh. & Gardiner's Prices Current. medicine Chests. No. 1, Extra. Containing 4 4oz.,18 2oz 20 loz. and 8 }oz. bottles. .Length, 15} inches; width, 9} inches; height. 9}inches ----------- each 23 0C No. 2. Containing 14 2oz. and 42 doz. bottles. Length, 12} inches; width. 7} inches; height, 11 inches - - - '- each 23 00 No. 3. Containing 16 2oz. and 18 doz. bottles. Length, 12} inches; width, 8 inches; height, 8} inches - - - - each 17 GG No. 4. Containing 2 4oz. 16 2oz. and 19 loz. bottles. Length, 12} inches; width, 8} inches; height, 9} inches - each 18 50 No. 5. Containing 2 4oz., 14 2oz. and 16 loz. bottles. Length, 11 inches; width, 8} inches ; height, 9} inches each 17 00 No. 6. Containing 2 4oz., 12 2oz. and 13 loz bottles. Length, 9} inches; width, 8} inches; height, 9} inches each 15 50 The following without Mortars, Meas- ures or Jars: No. 7. Containing 4 4oz., 10 2oz. and 6 loz. bottles. Length, 9} inches; width, 7 inches; height. 8} inches - each 12 00 No. 8. Containing 15 l}oz. bottles. Length, 8} inches; width, 5} inches; 10 00 height, 71 inches ------- each Tray in front of bottles. No. 9. Containing 5 3oz. 5 2oz. and 41oz. bottles. Length. 9 inches; width, 6} inches; height,inches - - - - - each 9 50 No. 10. Containing 5 4oz., 7 2oz. and 6 loz. hotties. Length, 10 inches; width. 7} inches; height. 5} inches - each 11 50 No. 11. Containing 4 4oz., 9 2oz., 12 loz. and 6 }oz. bottles. - ------- each 14 00 All the above with locks. No. 12. Buckle and Strap. Containing 5 Ijoz. and 4 loz. bottles. Space in front. Length, 7 inches; width, 4} inches : height, 4} inches ----- each 5 50 No. 13. Buckle and Strap. Containing 10 l}oz. bottles. Length, 7 inches; width. 34 inches; height, 4} inches - each 5 00 No. 14. Containing 2 4oz. and 6 2oz. bottles. Space in front. Length, 7 inches; width, 5} inches; height, 5 inches ------------ each 6 00 No. 15. Containing 12 loz. bottles. Length. 8 inches; width, 3} inches; height, 3} inches - -- -- -- - each 6 00 Black Walnut No. 1 ------- each 12 00 Contains 32 bottles, with scale, weights, spatula, mortar. and graduate. Dimensions 15 x 11} x 9} inches. Black Walnut No. 2 ------- each 11 00 Containing 26 hots., &c. Dimensions, 15 x9} x 9 inches. Black Walnut No. 3 ------- each 10 00 Contains 26 bots., &c. Dimensions, 12x9« x9 inches. Black Walnut No. 4 ------- each 5 00 Contains 14 hots., &c. Dimensions 8} x6}x8 inches. Ween Fiiii. Hobb's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 medicine Tubes. Assorted colors - -- -- -- -- gross 2 50 Bent, light - -- -- -- -- -- gross 2 00 Straight, light ---------- gross 2 00 Heavy ------------- gross 2 50 gr< >ss 4 50 flat mouth piece ------ gross 12 00 mirrors, Hand-Celluloid. Plate, Plain Handle ------- doz. 30 00 Twist • ------- doz. 33 00 Parallel doz. 39 00 Red or Blue Colors $3 per doz. additional mirrors, Hand-Florence. No. 5, 3} inch - - doz. 4 0* 6, 4 • - -- -- --- doz. 5 00 7, 4} • - - - doz. 6 00 8, 5 , - - - - - - - doz. i 7 00 8, Plate 5 inch --------- doz. 13 <M> 9, 5} • --------- doz. 8 00 9, Plate 5} • - -- -- -- -- doz. 15 25 10, 6 • --------- doz. 9 00 10, Plate 6 » - -- -- -- -- doz. 19 DC 11, 61 . -------- doz. 10 50 11. Plate 6' » - - - - - - - - - j doz. 23 00 Square, Plate - -- -- -- -- - doz. 18 00 Assorted, on St,and (8 mirrors) - - - stand. 7 OQ Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 85 Mirrors, Hand-Metal Frame. No. 8, 5 inch, Leather Baek - - - doz. 4 00 9, 5j • - doz. 5 00 10, 6 . - doz. 6 00 11, 6} • . . - - - doz. 7 00 Sea-Side (one in box) - - - - doz. 1 75 W ndsor(one in box) - - - - - doz. 1 75 Mirrors, Hand-French. Double Magnifying. No. 15 Round, 4 inch, diam. - - - - doz. 15 00 16 • 4i ' • _ . . - doz. 18 00 17 5 • » - - - - doz. 24 00 18 5* . . . . - - - - doz. 30 00 Mirrors, Hand- French. Rose, or Holin Plain. No. 0, 14 inch ------- doz. 1 75 1, 2 » ------- doz. 1 75 2, ------- doz. 3 00 1 3, 3 » _______ doz. 3 50 1 4, 34' doz. 4 50 i 5, 4 « ------- doz. 6 75 6, 44' ------- doz. 7 25 '**, 5 » ------- doz. 8 25 8. 54 » ------- doz. 9 50 9, 6 » _______ doz. 10 50 10, 64 » _______ doz. 12 00 11, 7 " ------- doz. 13 50 12, .74 • _______ doz. 15 00 Bevel Edge. 5 inch - - doz. 15 00 54 • doz. 18 00 6 « doz. 21 00 64 » -------- - doz. 24 00 4 n -------- doz. 27 00 Mirrors, Hand. Leather Back. A 2 Oval, Engraved, 44x104 - - - doz. 38 00 A 8 • • 44x104 - - - doz. 15 00 A 19 • » 4fxlO4 - - - doz. 13 50 A 17 ' • 44x10 - - doz. 9 50 B 17 » ' 4'x 91 - - - doz. 6 00 C 18 « • 4 x 84 - - - doz. D 17 » » 34x b - - doz. 8 00 Cambric Back. A 17 Oval, Engraved, 44x10 - - doz. 7 50 B 17 • ' 4Jx 91 - - - doz. 7 00 C 17 • • 4 x 84 _ - - doz. 6 50 D 17 » ■ 34 x 8 - - doz. 6 00 Mirrors, Stand. Cambric Back. No. 20 Easel, 4 xlO ______ doz. 7 00 21 • 34x 9 doz. fl 00 22 • 3x8 - doz. 5 00 160 • doz. 4 00 884 • 4x7 ______ doz. 8 00 161 • 6x8 - doz. 10 00 87 • 6x9 ______ doz. 12 00 Leather Back No. 20 Easel, 4 xlO ______ doz. 9 00 21 • 3jx 9 ______ doz. 8 00 22 • 3x8 ______ doz. 7 00 129 • 54 x 74 Imt. Russia, beveled - doz. 34 0 ) 130 » 5x7 0 - - doz. 30 50 131 ■ 4»x 6.1 . a - - doz. 27 84 i 132 • 3fx 5J . u - doz. 24 80 144 » 6x8 Wood bound cases. - doz. 27 00 209 • 6x8 Leather, plain glass - doz. 24 00 206 « 4x6 ' . a - doz. 15 00 20 • 3x4 Florence. - - - doz. 10 50 40» 4x5 • -- - doz. 12 50 25 Pivot, Nickel Plated - - _ - doz. 8 00 35 ' • » _ _ _ doz. 27 00 Mirrors, Pocket. Round, Pin Cushion. - - _ _ gross 4 50 6} Round, Florence. - - _ _ doz. 2 12 1 74 2 x34 Im. Russia - - _ _ doz. 4 75 ! 75 1 x4 . . - _ _ _ doz. 4 00 152 2fx4 • • with pencil & comb doz. 7 00 I 193 2xHf ... a doz. 6 00 154 2x34 ... in case doz. 9 00 I 205 11x3} Cambric, not beveled - - - - doz. 1 00 Mirrors, Mouth. Ivory - doz. 7 50 Glass, three sizes - - - _ _ doz. 3 00 Rosewood. 2 inch - - _ _ _ doz. 1 75 Holly Wood. 2 • - _ _ - _ - - doz. 1 75 Mirror-Mands. Rosewood for 13 Mirrors - - - each fl 00 WbjXtivuod * 13 • - - each 7 50 t Mortars, Glass-American. 1 OZ. ------------- each 25 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 30 each 40 4 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 45 Large sizes - -- -- -- -- -- lb. 28 Mortars, Polished Glass-French. No. Shallow, 100, 2 oz. - -- -- -- - each 60 101, 4 oz. - -- -- -- - each 75 102, 6 oz. - -- -- -- - each 1 00 Deep, 103, 3 oz. ------- - each 65 - -104, 4 oz. - -- -- -- - each 80 105, 6 oz. - -- -- -- - each 1 00 106, 8 oz. - -- -- -- - each 1 25 Mortars, Iron-Bell Shape. Pint each 60 Quart - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 1 00 Half Gallon - -- -- -- -- - each 1 50 One Gallon- - -- -- -- -- - each 2 50 Two Gallon ----------- each 5 00 Three Gallon - -- -- -- -- - each 6 00 Four Gallon - -- -- -- -- - each 7 50 Mortars, Iron-Goblet Shape. Half Pint - -- -- -- -- -- each 36 Pint - each 40 Quart - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 56 Half Gallon- - -- -- -- -- - each 80 One Gallon - -- -- -- -- -- each 1 50 Two Gallon ----------- each 2 00 Mortars, Wedgewood. No. 0000, 3 in. across top ------- each 37 000, 34 in. » each 44 00, 34 in. » each 52 0, 4 in. » each 60 1, 44 in. » « - -- -- _ - each 75 2, 5 in. » each 88 3, 6 in. » each 1 00 4, 6J in. » each 1 25 5, 7 in. - .------- each 1 62 6, 8 in. » »------- each 2 00 7, 84 in. n each 2 8, 94 in. » each 3 25 9, 104 in. a t ------ - each 4 00 10, 12 in. » u ------ - each 4 50 Mortars,German Porcelain -Shallow. No. 6, 3 in. diameter - -- -- -- - each 42 5, 3 • • -------- each 55 4, 3} » - -------- each 68 3, 4f . . -------- each 88 2, 54 - . -------- each 1 Of' 1, 64 • » each 1 2r. 0, 74" • -------- each 2 00 00, 8. . -------- each 2 5t 000, 9» . each 2 75 Moulds, Camphor Ice. 4 Moulds - each 3 00 6 . ----------- each 4 00 12 . each 6 00 Moulds, Suppository. Archibald's, a new style for making sup- positories by pressure, without heat-a very great improvement ------ each 7 00 Blackman's. For 30 Suppositories of 15 grains each - -- -- -- -- each 8 06 Blackman's. For 24 Suppositories of 30 grains each --------- each 8 CO Plaistead's. For 6 Suppositories of 30 grains each - -- -- -- -- - each 3 00 Tin for 4 doz. - -- -- -- -- - each 75 1 doz. - -- -- -- -- - each 1 50 1 doz., Vaginal ------ each 2 50 Mucilage. Bixby's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 75 Stickwell's, Cone --------- doz. 1 co Bell Top ------- doz. 1 25 Mugs, Shaving. Bazins - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Champion - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 Excelsior, Gilt band ------- doz. < 06 Popular - doz. 2 00 Requisite, Opal - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 50 Decorated, assorted - - - doz. 7 50 -- G ilt band ------- doz. 7 50 Taylor's doz. 6 06 Cnion--------- - _ __ doz. 2 7» 4 U 36 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Musical Goods. Guitar Strings 1st-E (Violin E) No. 28 bund. 3 75 2d -B (Violin A) • 71 bund. 3 50 3d -G (Violin D) > 91 bund. 4 25 4th-D - - - doz. 85 5th-A - - - - - - - doz. 85 6th-E - - - - - - - doz. 85 Violin Bridges, No. 551 - - - - - - gross 1 40 553 - - - - - - gross 1 90 556 - - - - - - Gloz. 37 Resin, No. 866 - - - - - - gross 1 95 867 - - - - - - doz. 20 873 - - - - - - doz. 45 Strings, Bass G - - - - - - - doz. 70 The above prices are for Stratton's first quality goods; lowergrades furnished if required. Nail Cases. A variety ------- each Nall Cutters and Cleaners. .Stewart's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 with Button Hook - doz. I 75 Nail Flies. 1 00 Bone, Pearl and Shell. doz. to 6 00 Nail Polishers. Ivory and Wood ----- doz. Nail Powder. Austin's - -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 Pray's - -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 Nasal Pouches. Hagerty's pints ----- doz. 4 00 quarts - - - - doz. 8 00 Lockwood's ------ doz. 9 00 Mead's - - -- -- -- doz. 4 00 Pierce's - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Phelp's - -- -- -- - doz. 12 00 Thudicum's ------ doz. 6 75 Warner's ------- doz. 12 00 N eed les-Surgeo ns'. Warrin's, full curved - - - doz. 75 half . - - - - - - _ doz. 75 straight - - - - - - - - doz. Night Lights. Houchin's, No. 500 - - - - doz. 4 25 Nix's - -- -- -- -- doz. 4 75 See also Tapers, page 55. Nipples. Davidson's, No. 20 White - gross 3 50 21 • large - - - gross 5 (Ml 22 ' Patent - - gross 5 OU 23 Pure Gum - - - - gross 4 00 24 • large - - gross 6 00 25 White, Swan bill - gross 3 25 26 Pure Gum , Patent - gross 6 00 29 • Swan bill gross 4 00 30 White, Plug - - - gross 10 00 French, Red No. 5 - - - - gross 3 00 6 - - - - gross 3 75 Bull Nose - - gross 6 75 Union Style - - - - - gross 3 75 Maw's, No. 5 White - - - gross 2 50 6 • - - - - gross 3 00 8 • - - - - gross 5 00 5 Pure Gum - - gross 3 00 6 . . - - gross 3 75 8 . . - - - gross 6 00 Union, White ------ - - - - gross 3 00 • large - - - - gross 6 00 Pure Gum - - - - gross 3 75 • • large - - gross 7 50 Nipple Shells. doz. Glass - -- -- -- -- 75 Nipple Shields. Boxwood, with nipple - - doz. 1 25 Bringhurst's, Wax - - - - doz. 1 75 Favorite - -- -- -- - - - - - doz. 3 00 Geyer's, with tube - - - - - - - - doz. 3 50 without tube - - - doz. 2 00 Glass - -- -- -- -- - - - - doz. 1 25 Kent's, with nipple - - - doz. 3 50 Maw's with nipple - - - - doz. 1 50 with tube and nipple - - - - doz. 2 50 Needham's ------ doz. 3 00 Nichol's - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Pure Gum ------- doz. i oo Wansburgh's, Metal, in pairs - - - - doz. 4 00 White Rubber doz. 75 I>d orators. Maw's, folding _____ doz. 1 75 Oil of Cologne-For making Cologne by mixing with Cologne Spirit. Directions for use accompany each bottle. L. & G.'s Ballard ----- lb. 5 0C This Oil is the cheapest in the market. four ounces to a gallon of Cologne Spirit making a good Cologne. G. M. <fc G.'s Redwood - - - - lb. 7 00 The Redwood Oil is equal to the finest im- ported, and is used, in the proportion of six ounces to the gallon of Cologne Spirit. G. ITI. A: G.'s Farina ----- lb. 10 00 Making a Cologne having the character is- tics of the celebrated 4711 brand. Oils, Hair. 1 25 to American, an assortment ----- doz. 5 50 • Coudray's, No. 0, Rhum & Quinine - doz. 6 00 1014, assorted odors - - doz. 2 00 1015, • . - - doz. 3 00 1010, . . - . doz. 3 50 1017, . . _ . doz. 4 00 1094, . . - - doz. 5 00 1095, . , - - doz. 3 50 Le Grand's, Oriza Roquet ----- doz. 6 00 Lubin's, Antique, small ------ doz. 7 50 medium ----- doz. 13 50 Piesse & Lubin's, Pestach io Nut - - - doz. 8 50 Rowland's, Macassar ------- doz. 11 00 Societe Hygienique - ------- doz. 5 00 Oiled ITIusli n. 5 yard pieces, 36 inches wide - - - - piece 2 50 Oiled Silk Best Quality. 5 yard pieces, 25 Inches wide - - - - piece 4 00 29 , piece 5 Ot Maw's 1 yard in box ------- yard 2 00 Otto Rose. Coudray's, No. 2208 ------- doz. 5 00 Pads, Bathing. Sponge and Toweling combined - - - doz. 3 75 Pads, Chamois, For applying Toilet Powders - - - - doz. id Pads, Teething-Rubber. Goodyear's Pure Gum ------ doz. 1 25 Paper. Capping, assorted colors ------ quire 40 Pleated Caps, assorted colors gross 75 Emery, F, O, i, 1 and assorted - - - ream 4 75 14 and 2--------- ream 6 00 -2} ----------- ream 6 50 Filtering, (see page 50). Gravel, for Bird Cages. Singer's, Round, 8f, 8J, 9, 94 and 10 inch doz. 1 80 Square, 10, and 74x10 - - - doz. 1 80 Prescription Powder. Dennison M'f'g Co.'s, at their prices. Randolph & English, at their prices - Litmus, blue and red, in boxes of 12 books ------------ box 60 Seidlitz, Blue, 19x24- ------- ream 3 00 cut in packs of 1 M. - - M 75 -■--White, 24x38 ------- ream 3 50 Sand, all sizes - -- -- -- -- - M 75 Tissue, assorted colors, 20x30 - - - - ream 2 25 Manilla (W. C.) ------ ream 35 White ---------- ream 2 00 Writing, Foolscap - -- -- -- - ream Letter - -- -- -- -- ream Note- - -- -- -- -- ream Water-Closet, Atlantic 100 in case - - doz. 1 75 Coronet, 100 • - - doz. 1 65 Dime, 100 • - - doz. 85 Gavetty's 50 • - - doz. 4 00 100 [» small - doz. 2 25 Star, 100 in case - - - - doz. 2 25 P. P. P. Pocket - - - - doz. 60 Wrapping, Manilla, 24x36,50 lbs to ream lb. 12 30x4°, 90 . lb. 12 White, 20x36,26 • lb. 14 Paste, Tooth. Bazin's, Charcoal - -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 Calvert's, Carbolic - -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 Colgate's, Aromatic ------- doz. 4 00 C. & II. Formodenta ------- doz. 4 00 Glenn's, Rose - doz. 1 Lazell, Marsh. & Gardiner's Prices Current. 57 Paste, Tooth. Gosnell's, Cherry - -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 Jewsbury & Brown's, small - - doz. 4 75 large ----- doz. 7 50 Lyon's, (Dental Cream) ------ doz. 1 75 Saunders', Coral --------- doz. 4 00 Stamp's, small - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 75 Warner's Areca Nut ------- doz. 6 00 lies. Coudray's, Fumigating - - - - - - doz. 1 50 Hooper's, • ------ doz. 1 50 Lewenberg's, de Florence, small - - doz. 3 25 • large - - doz. 4 50 Rose - -- -- -- - doz. 3 25 Lubin's, Fumigating, large ----- doz. 12 00 small - - - - doz. 5 50 Patent Mediciue Wrappers. . _ - ream 3 50 Paws, Rabbit. For applying Toilet Powder - - - doz. 5 00 Pencils-Camel Hair. See Brushes p. 40. Pencils-Corn. De Grave's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Robinson's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Wyeth's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 67 Pencils. Indelible, Clarke's - -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Raymore's ------- doz. 1 75 Pencils-Lead. Dixon's - -- -- -- -- -- - gross 5 00 Eagle - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 6 00 Faber's, round gilt - -- -- -- - gross 6 00 hexagon -------- gross 7 50 steamboat - -- -- -- - gross 175 Pens-Steel. (A variety.) ------ gross Pens-Slews. Brigg's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Livingston's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Perfumers-See Atomizers, (page 36.) Percolators. Glass, Pints - -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 50 Quarts - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 i gallon - -- -- -- -- doz. 9 00 1 , --------- doz. 12 00 2 , --------- doz. 21 00 Tin, i gallon - -- -- -- -- - each 75 1 , each 1 00 1 , each 1 50 2 » ---------- each 2 00 4 , each 5 00 Porcelain. No.00, 11 inches, ribbed ------- each 3 25 0, 9 • each 2 75 1, 7 ■ each 1 75 2, 6 • each 1 50 3, 5 • ......... each 1 25 00, 11 ° plain - -- -- -- - each 3 00 0, 9 . • -------- each 2 25 1, 7 . . -------- each 1 50 2, 6 • • -------- each 1 25 3, 5 • • -------- each 90 Pessaries. Glass, concave or globular ----- doz. 1 00 Hard Rubber, Bow -------- doz. 2 50 Concave - - - - - - doz. 2 50 Horseshoe - - - - - doz. 3 50 Hodge's, S. S. - - - - doz. 4 00 • Smith's ------ doz. 3 00 Hoffman's Patent. P. G. ----- doz. 15 00 Oval, P. G., with Stem, No. 94 - - - doz. 7 00 . . . , 95 - - - doz 5 00 Ring, » Malleable Wire ----- doz. 4 50 • Steel Spring ------ doz. 4 00 ' Infated - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 White • ex. heavy - - - - doz. 5 (0 P. G-, InAatabl?, with.stem - - doz. 7 01 --Meig's - doz. 300 Pill Machines. With Rollers, 12 Pills 3, 4, and 5 grs. - each 5 75 18 . each 6 75 24 • . . each 7 75 Without Rollers, 12 Pills, 3, 4 and 5, grs. each 4 75 18 - 3, 4 • 5, • each 5 75 24 • 3, 4 » 5, ■ each 6 75 Maw's Mahogany, with extra heavy brass cutters, 4 and 5 grain, cuts 24 pills - -- -- -- -- -- - each 9 00 Cooper's Patent, making 1,2,3 & 5 grain pills by reversing plates ----- each 12 00 Pill Rollers. Boxwood ----------- each 50 Littlefield's Roller and Cutter - - - - each 1 75 Pill Sllverers-Boxwood ------ each 75 Pill Tiles. Graduated, 6x8-------- doz. 9 00 8x10-------- doz. 13 50 10x12-------- doz. 24 00 Pink Saucers - -- -- -- -- - doz. 75 Plasters, Isinglass. Adhesive. Ordinary, see page 33. Husband's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 50 Littlefield's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Family, in cases - - - - doz. 1 75 Robbins' - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 Surgeons' ------- doz. 5 GO Shivers' (see page 74.) ------ - doz. 6 50 Tallman's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 6 50 Yard's- doz. 6 00 Plasters, Runion-Felt. Ede's, Thick - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Thin - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Maw's, Thick - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Thin - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Robbins' ------------ doz. 1 50 In 1 gross boxes Thin ------- box 85 i • Thick ------ box 1 00 Plasters, Corn-Felt. Ede's, Thick - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Thin- - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Maw's, Thick - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 - Thin - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Robbins' ------------ doz. 1 50 In 1 gross boxes, Thin ------ box 75 1 • Thick ------ box 1 00 Plaster, Court. Behrle's, Skin, rolls- ------- doz. 3 50 envelopes ----- gross 3 00 Crown, black, white and flesh - - - gross 1 25 Dickman's, Arnica - -- -- -- - gross 8 00 Tablet - - _ _ - gross 18 00 Mechanics' - - - - gross 6 00 English Taffeta - -- -- -- -- Hubbell's, Mechanics' ------ gross gross 6 00 6 00 Littlefield's, Arnica, black, white, flesh gross 7 00 Arnica Tablets ----- gross 16 50 Imperial, black, white, flesh gross 3 50 Crown Tablets ----- gross 7 50 Prout's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Robbins', Arnica, black, white, flesh - gross 6 50 --Tablets - -- -- -- - gross 18 00 Imperial, black, white, flesh gross 3 50 Kid ---------- gross 6 00 Surgeons' Dressing - - - - gross 10 50 Water-proof ------ gross 3 50 Yard's- - -- -- -- -- -- - gross 3 50 Plaster Irons. Small - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 75 Large - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 1 25 Pomade. Atkinson's,Balsam of White Rose, small doz. 75 Bazin's, Philocome, small ----- doz. 2 00 medium - - - - doz. 2 75 large - - - - - doz. 3 7f Colgate's,Vaseline, 2 oz. _ - - - _ doz. 2 09 4 oz. ----- doz. 4 00 8 oz. G. S. Jar - - doz. 8 00 Coudray's, No. 510 tin can, small - - doz. 4 50 • 511 • medium - doz. 5 00 i 512 • large - - doz. 9 «J0 --- • 6 6 De la Cour, small - . doz. 7 50 ,-.- <U3 Moellede Boeut- - . doz. 3»0 --t-- iloz. 1 -liU 38 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Pomade. Coudray s, No. 980 Hongroise, Glass - doz. 3 00 • 981 » China - doz. 4 50 Low's, Blue Pot - -- -- -- - doz. 4 25 Lyman's, Arctusine ------- doz. 5 00 Fiver's. Blue Pot - -- -- -- - doz. 6 75 ; Savage's, Ursina --------- doz. 6 50 Powder-Folders. Expanding ----------- each 1 50 | Screw - -- -- -- -- -- -- each 2 75 I Powder Papers- Dennison's. Po wde r-P u Us. Gem, Metal Handles ------- doz. 50 44 » » ------- doz. 2 00 G, » » doz. 8 00 D, Ivory Handles - -- -- -- - doz. 4 50 C, - » doz. 3 50 1, „ . -------- doz. 3 50 2, . . -------- doz. 3 00 3, , , -------- doz. 2 50 8, . . -------- doz. 1 35 X, » ------ doz. 1 67 XX, . -------- doz. 2 00 XXX, . -------- doz. 2 38 Powder, Brush. Hassall's ------------ doz. 1 50 Powder-Depilatory. Bazin's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 50 Upham's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 7 25 Powder-Hair. Blonde, Diamond, Gold & Silver. Gilt Boxes - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Glass Top Boxes --------- doz. 1 75 Bottles 1 doz. assorted in box - doz. 1 75 Dorin's, in Gilt Boxes ------- doz. 3 50 Sussmann's, in glass ------- doz. 2 25 Powders-Sachet (see also page 1.) Leroy's, in 1 lbs. - -- -- -- - lb. 3 00 Bouquet Caroline. Redwood Bouquet Frangipanni. Rose. Heliotrope. Rose Geranium. Jockey Club. Santal. Magnolia. Stephanotis. Marechale. Verbena. Millefleur. Violet. Mousseline. West End. NewMownHay. White Rose. Patchouly. Ylang Ylang. Assorted Odors, in handsome glass jars doz. 1 75 We recommend these Sachets as being unsurpassed in quality by any in the market. The price includes bottles and stamps. Powders-Sachet. Atkinson's, in envelopes ----- doz. 3 50 Bazin's, in silk bags ------- doz. 4 5> Coudray's, % lb. bottles ------ lb. 3 50 Musk & Ylang Ylang - - - lb. 7 O' Letchford's, in envelopes ----- doz. 3 50 Lubin's, • • ----- doz. 7 5> in oz. bottles ------- doz. 9 CO Powder-Spang, e. Hassall's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Jt*o wder-Toilet. Atkinson's, White Rose ------ doz. 4 on Belot's - -- - - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Blue Paper ----------- lb. 18 Bourjois', Fleur do Riz, No. 41 - - - doz. 2 00 Colgate's,Cashmere Bouquet,packets - doz. 1 88 • boxes - - doz. 2 34 Coudray's Blue Paper ------ lb. 35 Fleur de Riz, No. 2,499 - - doz. 1 25 2.507 - - doz. 2 50 - oval, 2,536 - - doz. 4 00 Dorin's, (Talc de Venice) - - - - - doz. 1 50 Phantom, small ------ doz. 1 75 Fay's, Veloutine - - -- -- -- - doz. 12 (0 Fehr's, Talcum, plain ------- doz. 1 75 perfumed - - - doz. 3 5» Fisher's, Lilien - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Hobb's, Meen Fun - -- -- -- - doz. 1 '0 Hunt's, Court, round ------- doz. 201 -----triangle ------ doz. 3 75 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's, Violet, p'k'ts doz. 1 50 Lubin s,Fleur de Riz, Marechale. boxes doz. 12 Or doz. 8 00 -Violet, boxes doz. 8 00 Rose ------- - - lb. 65 Powder-Toilet. Lubin's, Violet - -- -- -- - lb. 55 Maw's, Rose Leaf - -- -- -- - doz. 2 (10 Violet ---------- doz. 1 5'1 Natvick's, Velvet - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Palmer's, Invisible - -- -- -- - doz. 1 88 Snow White ------ doz. 1 88 Pear's, Fullers' Earth ------- doz. 1 75 Piesse & Lubin's, Pestachio Nut - - - doz. 8 50 Pozzoni's --------- doz. 3 50 large - -- -- -- -- doz. 7 50 Ramsey's, small - -- -- -- -- doz. 88 large - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 Redwood, (double box) ------ doz. 1 50 Rigaud's Fleur de Riz ------ doz. 3 25 Riker's, assorted colors ------ doz. 2 00 Saunders', Bloom of Nifion - - - - - doz. 3 (0 Kalodermine ------ doz. 9 00 -- -Pure White ------- doz. 3 00 St. Just's, Marechale ------- doz. 6 00 •Tetlow's, Swan Down No. 424 - doz. 1 75 V bite Rose, small • 447 - doz. 2 13 • • large » 432 - doz. 4 00 Queen Anne, small » 457 - doz. 80 « » large » 458 - doz. 1 75 Blue Bell, medium • 459 - doz. 1 25 • • large » 4C0 - doz. 1 75 -- Little Swan Down • 467 - doz. 4 50 Ermine -------- doz. 4 50 Gossamer ------- doz. 2 25 Powder- Tooth. Atwood's, Sap. Dentifrice ----- doz. 3 50 Brown's, Camphorated ------ doz. 1 75 Calder's, Dentine - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 large ------- doz. 3 50 Calvert's, Carbolic - -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 C. & H. Dentine - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 » Dentifrice - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Geer's, Phenol - -- -- -- -- doz. I 75 Johnson's,American, small - - - - doz. 1 85 medium - - - doz. 3 75 large ----- doz. 5 50 Lyon's (Dr. I. W.) - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Tablets- ----- doz. 3 50 MacMahan's, Handicap ------ doz. 3 50 Himmel's, Hamigaki ------- doz. 3 00 Rowland's, Odonto ------- doz. 12 00 Saunder's, " Ladies' Own" ----- doz. 3 56 Smokers' ------- doz. 3 50 Socifitfi Hygenique - -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 Thurston's, small - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 ---- large - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 Vincent's, Dendan, small ----- doz. 1 75 large ------ doz. 3 50 Young's, Opera Pearl ------- doz. 1 75 Prohangs. Plain - -- -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Tipped - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Wire ------ doz. 1 00 Protectors-Chest. Wood's Chamois No 2 A - ----- doz. 3 50 3 A - - - - - - doz. 4 00 4 A- - - - - - doz. 4 50 Felt, No. 3 E ------- doz. 5 00 , . _ - 4 E - - - - - - - doz. 5 50 5 E - -- -- -- doz. 6 00 Rabbit Skin - -- -- -- -- - doz. 9 CO Protectors-Lung. Wood's Felt, No. 3, E. S, - - - - - doz. 6 50 4, E. S. ------- doz. 7 50 5, E.S. ------- doz. 8 50 Felt and Chamois, small No. 3, A S doz. 6 50 medium, 4, A S doz. 7 50 large, 5, A S doz. 8 50 Paragon, No. 3 - - ------ doz. 15 00 2 - - ------ doz. 17 00 - 1 doz. 19 00 0 - -- -- -- -- doz. 21 00 00 - -- -- -- -- doz. 23 00 Puffs-See Powder Puffs. Puff Boxes-See page 39. Pungents-See Bottles, page 38. Racks-Filterinfl. Wire, 5 inch - -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 yr g u _ ________ 8 0) doz. 10 00 Ttnelin-Te-Kt Tube. 1 Walnut - -- -- -- -- -- - each 75 . Racks-Tooth and Nail Brush. 1 Sherwood's Wire - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current Racks-For W. C. Paper. Sherwood's Wire, small - - - - - - doz. - - - doz. r 6 GO 7 00 ■■ large - - Hatties-Rubber. No. 1, Embossed ------ doz. 1 75 2- --------- - doz. 1 75 3, Two faced ------ do." 1 75 4- - - -- -- - doz. 1 75 5, Musical ------- doz. 2 00 6, • with Bells - - - - doz. 2 00 Kazors. Le Coultre's, French. 1 blade - doz. 15 00 « 2 - doz. 21 00 3 - doz. 24 00 4 - doz. 30 oo - ■ - ■ - I) 1 fl doz. 34 50 6 - doz. 39 00 7 • - doz. 43 50 Rodger's, a variety - - - - Wostenholm's, a variety - Wade & Butcher's, a variety. - Razor Straps. 3 09 to Chapman's, a variety - - - - doz. 7 59 "Emerson" Elastic. B, 134 inch oval ----- doz. 7 09 C, 134 • semi oval - - - - doz. 6 50 D, 12 • oval ----- doz. 6 50 E, 12 • semi oval - - - doz. 6 25 F, 134 • Barber style - - - doz. 6 50 G, 12 . . . - - - - - • doz. 6 00 German Belt. No. 1-13 inch Ivory handle - - - doz. 28 00 2-15 » Iron frame - - - - doz. 15 00 3-134 • • , - _ . - doz. 11 00 4-12 > • , . . . - doz. 9 00 5-15 . Wood > - - - - doz. 10 00 6-134 • . , - - - - doz. 6 00 7-12 . . , - _ - - doz. 5 00 8-134 * Single rod - - - - doz. 6 00 Badger's Square. No. - - - - 1 Your Razor's Choice - - - doz. 2 00 2 . . . - - - doz. 3 00 3 . . , _ - doz. 4 50 4 Leather Cases ----- - doz. 6 50 Badger's Super Quality. I 104 inch Tablet - - - - - doz. 3 00 K 9 « doz. 2 50 Q 134 • Elliptic - - - - doz. 6 50 Badger's Patent X. - doz. 6 00 XX 12 inch ------ doz. 3 00 X 134 ------- doz. 3 50 XXX 174 •-----. 7 00 1 Goldschmidt's, Iron Screw, A K - - - doz. 9 O' A M - - doz. 11 00 A G - - - doz. 14 ' 0 Wood C - - - - doz. 6 0) 1» - - - - doz. Sprague's, Combination - - - doz. Saunder's. a variety - - - - doz. Torrey's, R. H. D.- - - - - doz. 1 25 No. 4 ----- ----- ft - - - - doz. 4 00 o - - - - - doz. 6 00 wll ----- doz. 6 50 40 ----- doz. 4 O' 4U - - - - - doz. 2 09 Respirators. Maw's, No. 1 ----- - o doz. 7 50 ----- - doz. 12 0» ----- - doz. 15 00 Retort Stands, (see Stands.) Ribbons. Perfumers', assorted, for tving over piece 20 Perfumed, Piesse & Lubin s - - - - doz. 5 (0 Hings-Teething. Bone doz. 1 00 Ivory --------- Rubber. Black - - - - - doz. doz. 1 225 WhiMs ' doz- So r; - Rouge. Bazin's, Vinegar ----- Coudray's, Vinegar Dorin's, Tablet, paper box No. 2575 « 4 • 9 • 10 • 4 • 42 doz. uoz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. 1 25 1 75 1 75 6 00 7 50 1 75 1 50 3 00 luuvai " paper * « • -Powder, Lubin's ------------ Tetlow's Tablet, Opera ------ doz. doz. doz. doz. lb. 12 do 1 25 1 00 Salts-Smelling. Bulk, see page 36. Bazin's, No. 721 G. S------- L. M. &. G. Dry in pound bottles. 2 0G 1 OC Aromatized Ammonia For perl tun ing Smelling Salts. In 2 oz. G. S. bottles ------- bot. 40 Salts ol Lemon - - - - - doz. 75 ' Saddle Bags. (See also page 72.) With drawers, 16 G. S. Bottles, No. 3 - 20 « . . 2 - -i each each each 10 00 11 On 12 00 1 i - GLASS PRESCRIPTION SCALE CASES- For Prescription Scales. Nicely finished of Oiled Walnut, has double door and bot- tom of case finished in fine Polished Mahog- any, which is preferable to either Marble or Glass - -- -- -- -- -- -- No. 1, inside measure, 14x14x16 - - - • 2, Rosewood,Marble bottom,sliding door, size inside, 16x141x64 - - • 3, Polished French Mahogany, counterpoised sliding door - - each each each 3 00 14 00 12 00 SCALES. -Counter & Prescription' We are Agents for HENRY TROEMNER'S celebrated make of SCALES, and execute orders for same at Manu- facturers' prices. In regard to style, finish and | beauty of workmanship, they have no superior. EBONY BOX SCALE. 1 Ebony box with gold lines and dial, ii marble top. No. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. 0 7 inches 10 pounds - - - 1 « . 15. - - - '• S 9 . 25 * each each -■each. 14 «5 16 fb 11»® 60 1 1------■ - OILED WALNUT BOX SCALE. ~ ~ - j .ihdJE j. .iffTtitaih Oiled Walnut Box, with Maple Panels, Dial. Carved Feet and Marble Top. No. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. 0 7 inches 10 pounds. - - - each 18 00 1 8 • 15 * - - - each 21 O' 9 • 25 - - each 24 00 FRENCH WALNUT BOX SCALE. -===~ - 1 - Jig • French Walnut Box. With Carved Panels of Mottled Walnut, Marble Top, and Gilt Dial. No. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. each each 25 00 28 00 1 9 inches 1 10 • 2 pounds - 5 * - - - MARBLE BOX SCALES. ' III-II ■ Made ol the Finest Statuary Marble, with Plate Glass Dial. No. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. 0 7 inches. 10 pounds - - - each 33 00 1 8 • 15 « - - - each 36 00 s 9 ' 25 * * - - each 40 00 We can also supply these scales in the following styles: Tennessee Marble Box, finely polished, capacity 20 lbs. 9 inch pans - - each 45 00 Rosewood Box, with Ebony mouldings and Marble top, capacity, 15 and 25 25 00 lbs., 8 and 9 inch pans - - _ each and French Plate Glass Box, pans and in- 28 00 side works nickel plated, bottom of box covered with silk velvet. The entire works of scale can be seen, capacity 20 lbs. 9 inch pans - - - - each 115 00 Nickel Plated Pans for any of the fore- going at 10 per cent, advance. (See also page 80.) ROBERVAHL SCALES. io - ~ Japanned, with gold lines, gilt indi- cator, and movable brass pans. Ko. 2 10 in. Pans. 15 Ihs. cavacity - - - each 9 00 3 * e TT V' - - - each . ■50 < ti a w - - each ' Jlttl Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. BOX PRESCRIPTION SCALE No. 12. - I French Polished Box, with Ebony Mould- ing,s. Has Marble Top and hinged Glass Cover, Nickel Plated Pans, 2} in. diameter. Scale sensible to 1-30 grain. Extra large size, 3t in. Pans. _ - - - each each 20 00 22 00 TROEMNER'S DISPENSING SCALE. - (New.) I ■ ■ v & Wul'dl iihl - Handsomely finished Scale, with 3f inch movable Nickel Plated Pans. Has a side beam on front, with sliding poise; beam divided in grains up to two drachms. Plat- form or shelf is attached to base of scale, in which are fitted separately a set of solid brass weights, 2 oz. down. each 9 00 Scale adjusted to the utmost accuracy. The CJram instead of the Troy weights will be furnished when desired. & / I § ill Style, P. 44. Open beam with lever, on polished Mahogany box with Ebony mouldings and fancy Marble top. No. 1 Nickel-plated, Pans, 24 inches - - - 2 ■ • . 2J . 3 • ■ 3 _ - - each each each 13 00 14 50 17 00 i Scales- Prescription. Troemner's Army, on polished Mahog- any box, with weights. So. 1.71 inch b .-am each 5 5r BECKER & SONS' BALANCES. FOR PHARMACEUTICAL PURPOSES WHERE ACCURACY IS REQUIRED. No 14. Prescription Balance, on French polished box witli drawer, drop lever, bows and movable pans. Can be charged up to 2 ounces in each pan. Sensible to 1-50 grain each 11 00 No. 16. Prescription Balance, No. 14 in French polished glass case, with counterpoised front sliding frame - each 22 00 No. 17. Prescription Balance for 5 ounces in each pan, on French polished box with drawer. Sensible to 1-30 grain - each 15 00 No. 18. Balance, No. 17, in glass case - - No. 19. Balance for 10 ounces in each pan each 26 0- on French polished box with drawer, provided with set screws and level. Sensible to 1-20 grain ------ each 22 00 No. 20. Balance No. 19, in glass case, with sliding frame. Sensible to 1-30 grain, each 32 00 No. 22. Balance for 20 ounces in each pan, on French polished box with drawer, provided with set screws and level, in glass case. Sensible to 1-20 grain - - each 42 00 Jp-MI' .W.unT-TTOT.r- tf.i,. fill Bill iii.iiS.Bii> - ■ Becker's new style Prescription Bal- ance, Ebony box, Nickel plated pans and glass cover, sensible to 1-30grain. each 22 00 : 'The above balance with drawer be- i eath for weights - each 23 00 , 1 he same with two drawers - - _ each 24 00 Scaleu-Physicians' Pocket. Oak Boxes, English, ( inch beam, of our own importation and of superior quality - - doz. 12 00 Morocco Boxes, inch beam - - - - doz. 7 00 5 » ff - - - doz. 8 50 Tin Boxes, 5 inch beam ------ doz. 7 00 | 6 » doz. 8 50 | Rhea's, small - doz. doz. 6 00 12 00 large - Scale Puns -For Prescription Seales. Brass - - - - pair 50 | Glass - - - - pair 60 Horn - - - - pair 60 Nickel Plated - pair i m Scarificator.; ------ each 4 00 Scissors. to 7 00 1 Patent Folding doz. 10 to 15' Nail, Straight and curved ----- doz. 6 to 15. Scoops- Ur, rn. Square Ends, No. 1 - - ------ doz. 75 ... doz. 1 00 1 25 -4 - - ------ doz. doz. 1 50 Round Ends, No 1 - - ------ doz. 75 . - -2 - - -3 - - ------ doz. doz. i oo : 1 25 -4 - - doz. 1 50 | Seidl itz-Meas in es - - each 25 Seidlitz-Wrappers 100 tJ5 1 50 Sheeting-Rubber. 3-4 Black. White or Drab - - - - _ yard 60 yard 75! M*' . - -* * yard 100 • ' - - • - yard. X25 • Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Shoulder Braces. Cutter's, Ladies' and Gentlemens'. - - doz. 10 5(1 London ------------ doz. 10 00 Marsh's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 24 00 Pratt's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 10 50 Sieves. Brass Wire, Wood Frames. Nested, one each of 20, 40, 50, 60, 80 meshes to the inch, 6, 7. 8, 9 and 10 inches in diameter ------- nest 5 00 Single, 10 in. diam., 20 - - - meshes each 75 10 » • 40, 50, or 60 each I 00 10 . . 80 each 1 25 12 » • 20,40 each 1 25 12 • . 50. 60 each 1 50 12 . . 80 each 1 75 Metal Frames. 10 in nest; sizes, No. 1 to 10 - - - - nest 15 00 5 • • »lto5---- nest 5 50 No. 1, ICO meshes to inch ------- each 70 2, 90 . ........ each 90 3, 80 . each 1 10 4, 70 . ........ each 1 30 5, 60 . each 1 50 6, 50 . ........ each 1 70 \ 7, 40 . . each 1 90 8, 30 . ........ each 2 10 9, 24 . . _ _ - _ _ _ each 2 30 10, 18 . ........ each 2 50 Bolting Cloth, 4 in nest ------ nest 1 50 Special sizes made to order. Silk Dental Floss. Plain ---------- doz. 1 50 Waxed - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 Silver Leaf. Packs of 20 books - -- -- -- - pack 2 50 Sick Feeders. Earthenware - -- ------ doz. 3 00 White China - -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 50 Skins. Baudreuche, for Capping ----- doz. 2 00 Skins, Chamois-Oil Dressed. No. 2 (each kip contains 30 skins) - - - kip 19 50 4 kip 14 00 kip 10 50 8 - kip 9 00 10--------------- kip 7 25 These skins have been specially pre- kip 19 00 pared, and are particularly adapted for kip 14 00 carriage washing. Warranted to re- kip 10 50 main soft. kip 7 25 Sk i ns-Ch amois. No. 1 (each kip contains 30 skins) - - - kip 21 00 2 - kip 18 75 3 - kip 15 75 4 - kip 13 25 5 - kip 12 75 6 -------------- kip 11 50 kip 9 75 8 - kip 8 25 10 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - kip 6 50 12 - -- -- -- -- -- -- - kip 4 50 14 ------ -------- kip 3 00 15 - kip 1 75 These skins ar3 of extra quality, fin- ished on both sides, and are suitable for the finest purposes. Skins-Plaster. 1 No. 1 - doz. 9 00 doz. 7 50 Sumac - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 8 00 Skins-Split. No. 1 - doz. 7 50 2 -------------- doz. 6 00 Sn u tr-Lorlllards. Maccaboy in jars - lb. 62 r Rappee • -------- lb_ 72 * 5 rot ch in. bladders _ _ _ lb ?5s> 61 Pazell, Marsh. & Gardiner's Prices Current. 62 Soaps-Carbolic. uuchan's. Toilet, new and elegant style, put up 3 cakes in a box, each cake weighing over 4 ozs. - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Toilet, No. 5 Glycerine, transparent, in boxes of 3 cakes (paper) perfumed - doz. 3 75 i Medicinal, No. 8, boxes of 1 doz. cakes doz. 3 75 Dental, No. 9, Boxes of 1 doz. cakes doz. 1 75 j Disinfecting, No. 11, Boxes of 1 doz. doz. 1 50 12,boxes 6 lbs. 1 Ib.bars doz. 4 50 Cans of 5 lbs. cases of 1 doz. doz. 15 00 io „ „ i „ 50 lb. kegs ------ each 12 00 I 2C0 • bbls. ------ each 37 50 No. 50, Boxes of 1 doz. cakes (made ex- pressly for urinals) ------- doz. 1 (HI Laundry, boxes of 60 lbs. 80 cakes - - C'clSC 7 00 ! Calvert's, Medicated ------- doz. 3 75 Nursery - -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Toilet - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Howe's, Disinfecting ------- doz. 1 50 Hoyt's, Urinal, in perforated tins - - doz. 1 50 Yardley's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Soap-Dog. Calvert's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 (H) Cathery's, large - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 small - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Naldire's, - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 Sehuele's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 Taylor's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Yardley's ----------- doz. 2 00 Soap-Uraslve. Bazin's ----------- doz. Elward's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. i 6b Soap-Shaving. Bayley's, Spermaceti -----*-- doz. 4 oo: Bazin's, Barbers Bar ------- box 3 50 Brown's, Barbers' Bar, 8 lbs. in box - - lb. 16 lb 16 Buchan's, Carbolic - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 | Calvert's, • -------- doz. 2 00 Clinton Co's Orient (see p. 9t) disc. 10,f- gross 10 00 Colgate's, Pavonia - -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 12, 1 lb. bars ------ box 3 00 36, cake boxes - - - - - box 1 25 Cuticura - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Guerlain's, Bound Cake ------ doz. 4 50 Square » doz. 4 00 Oakley's, Military - -- -- -- - doz. ® 1 Pear's, Transparent, sticks, No. 1 - - doz. 2 75 2 _ - doz. 4 00 3 - - 7 7 oo cakes, 1 - - - - doz. 3 66 _2 - - - - doz. 4 50 Rieger's • sticks, tin cases - doz. 4 00 paper cases doz. 3 00 Ricksecker's, Bay Rum SIscks- - - - doz. 1 50 Riggs', Military - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 75 Robinson's, Crown - -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Sarg's, ------------- doz. 3 75 Societe Hvgienique -------- doz. 5 00 Vroom & Fowler's, Military- - - - - doz. 1'00 Williams'. Barbers'Bar. Ill in box - - box 3 00 ..Barbers' Favorite - - - - doz. 75 'lipper - -- -- -- - doz. 60 --Yankee - -- -- -- - doz. 1 00 Winter's. Rypophagon ------ doz. 4 00 Soaps - Tar. Clinton Co.'s Glycerated (see page ) disc. 20% ---------- gross 18 00 Caswell's Juniper - -- -- -- - ~ioz. 2 25 Constantine's - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Moodie's ------------ doz. 1 75 Packer's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 50 Robinson's, Indexical ------- doz. 75 Yardley's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Soap-Toilet. Clinton Co.'s Bavberry Gycerine, disc 20% (see nage 91.> ------ gross 21 00 Colgate's. Discount 15 p. c. No. 42 Almond, boxes of 6 cakes gross 8 00 3 W, Almond Bath, » » 36 » gross 14 03 3 P. • • ■ > 3 • gross 15 00 161 Almond Flour • • 3 • gross 18 09 66 Aromatic Vegetable, • • 3 • gross 30 00 67 » » • » 3 » gross 20 00 96 Assorted Fine, Honey, Glycerine, B'own Windsor and Elder Flower | lb. bars boxes of 24 bars box 4 00 W, Bath, boxes 3 doz gross H 0J P. . r 3 cakes gross 15 00 . 5 W, Brow n Bath, boxes of 36 cakes gross 14 00 &P. . . • 3 - gross 1560 1 -Off ■ fl » xw Soap-Toilet. Colgate's. STOSS 10 00 159 Century Toilet, boxes of 12 cakes gross 6 25 CCC Brown Windsor » 12 » gross 6 25 -- Do., 6 cake packets • 6 doz » gross 6 25 CCC Glycerine, large • 12 » CCC Do.,6cake packets,boxes6 doz. cak gross 6 25 CCC Glycerine, small • 36 » gross 3 50 Do., 6 cake packets of 1 gross » gross 3 50 CCC Honey, large boxes of 12 cakes gross 6 25 do., 6 cake packets « 6 doz » gross 6 25 CCC Honey, small » 3 doz » gross 3 50 Do.,6 cakapackets » 1 gross* gross 3 50 133 Eaude Cologne boxes of 6 cakes gross 3" 00 64 Elder Flower » 3 » gross 21 00 65 » » » 3 » gross 15 50 92 » » 1 lb. bars 2 doz box 4 00 168 Elite (wrapped' boxes of 6 cakes assorted odors ------- gross 18 75 112 Family Toilet, boxes 1 doz. cakes - gross 18 00 172 » Vaseline, boxes ol 3 cakes gross 22 50 152 Floating boxes of 3 cakes gross 24 00 162 Gem Toilet, ass'd • 12 • gross 4 75 36 W, Glycerine No. i « 36 « box 4 25 36 P. • • « 3 . gross 18 00 46 W, » med. » 36 » box 3 50 46 P, • « • 3 u gross 14 50 37 W, » No. 2 « 36 » box 2 13 37 P, - , . 3 - gross 9 00 94 • i lb. bars, bxs of 2 dozen box 4 00 35 W, Honey No. 1, boxes of 36 cakes box 4 25 35 P, • • » 3 • gross 18 (Ml 45 W, » Med. • 36 » box 3 50 45 P, • » » 3 » gross 14 50 10 W, Honey No. 2, boxes of 36 cakes box 2 13 10 1*, • 3 gross 9 00 93 • lib. bars » 24 « box 4 00 20 Hotel • 36 • box 1 25 143 Jockey Club » 3 » gross 36 00 70 Marshmallow » 6 • gross 30 00 116 Medicinal Tar • 3 • gross 15 00 134 Nonpareil, large « 6 » gross 24 00 135 • small • 6 • gross 15 00 169 Nursery » 3 • gross 22 50 154 Oatmeal • 3 • gross 18 00 143 Olive Palm » 4 « gross 20 (Ml 158 • • 3 gross 15 (Ml 34 W, Palm Bath • 36 » box 3 50 34 P, > - • 3 • gross 15 00 99 Poncine wrapped » 3 » gross 24 (Ml 41W, • med. » 36 « box 3 00 41 P, • • « 3 gross 13 00 12 • No. 2 , 36 - box 2 25 63 Sand. » 6 • gross 7 50 39 Silver • 12 • gross 8 50 122 A, Sterling • • 36 • gross 6 25 122 B, • • 12 gross 6 25 138 Turtle Oil • • 3 ■ gross 18 00 Superfine Soaps wrapped. 100 Hose » 3 • doz. 4 00 101 Lettuce » 3 • doz. 4 00 102 Musk Lavender » 3 » doz. 4 00 104 Rose Geranium » 3 • doz. 4 00 105 Verbena » 3 » doz. 4 00 106 Musk » 3 » doz. 4 00 107 May Blossom » 3 » doz. 4 00 108 Spermaceti • 3 » doz. 4 00 109 Patchouly » 3 « doz. 4 00 147 Violet • 3 * doz. 4 00 150 West End • 3 doz. 4 00 151 Frangipanni • 3 • doz. 4 00 171 Vaseline » • 3 • doz. 2 50 Cuticura ------------ doz. 2 00 Edward's, Ox Gall - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Glenn's, Sulphur - -- -- -- - doz. 1 88 Gouraud's, Oriental ----- - - doz. 3 50 Lyon's Sulphur and Borax - - ■ - doz. 1 75 McBride's, Sea Foam ------- doz. 85 Oatmeal and Borax ------- doz. 1 50 Pond's, 3 cakes in box ------ doz. 1 50 Soap--Toilet, Imported. Bauer's, Scalp ---------- doz. 2 00 Bayley's, Essence Boquet ----- doz. 6 00 Glycerine -------- doz. 3 50 Otto of Rose ------- doz. 12 00 Sandal - -- -- -- -- 3 50 Spermaceti ------- doz. 6 00 Violet - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 Benbow's Elder Flower, i lbs- - - - box 4 00 Brecknell's, Skin, Oval ------ doz. 1 50 Square ----- doz. Coudray's, Ambrosie No. 228 - - doz. 3 25 Camelia » 48 - - doz. 1 75 Du Voyage ■ 301 - - doz. 6 00 Family » 37 - - doz. 1 25 •-Glycerine » 229 - - doz. 3 53 .-GuhmaMPe- w 35 doz. 1-35, Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 63 Soaps-Toilet, Imported. Coudray's Jockey Club • 300 - - doz. 3 50 Lettuce • 29. > - - doz. 3 50 Marshmallow » 36 - - doz. 1 25 Miel , 35 - - doz. 1 25 Poncine • 84 - - doz. 2 00 GelleFreres'.Iniant ------- doz. 1 25 Monster, assorted - - - doz. 2 75 Gosnell's Sand - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Low's,Br'n Windsor, Jib. bars, 24 in box box 4 00 - packets of 3 cakes gross 12 00 Magnum - - - - doz 2 »j0 box 4 00 gross 21 00 36 \ * gross 20 00 Glycerine i lb. bars, 24 in box - box 4 00 -No. 4, 3 cakes in oox - gross 21 00 4, 36 ' • gross 20 (XI box 4 00 No. 4, 3 cakes in box - gross 21 00 4.36 gross 20 00 Honey&Oatmeal,No.4,3 cakes in box gross 21 00 Marsh Mallow » 4,3 • gross 21 00 Monster Brown Windsor - - - - doz. 3 25 Musk » • No. 3 - - gross 21 0C box 4 00 No. 4, 3 cakes in box gross 21 00 4 36 * » gross 20 00 White Windsor • 4, 3 • • gross 20 00 Assorted, 24 4 lb. bars ------ box 4 00 Lubin's,ass'd odors, small, 6 » • doz. 4 00 - med. 6 • • doz. 6 25 large, 6 » » doz. 9 50 Rose, small, 6 cakes in box - - doz. 4 75 med. 6 • • doz. 8 00 large 6 » - - doz. 12 00 McGuflle's, Brown Windsor ----- doz. 3 00 Pear's, Transparent Balls, No. 1 - - - doz. 3 25 2 - - - doz. 4 50 3 - - - doz. 7 25 Pak-p 1 - - - 3 00 2 - - - doz. 5 00 Glycerine 115 - - - doz. 2 00 doz. 7 25 Unscented 120 - - - doz. 1 75 Price's, Glycerine, small ------ doz. 1 75 large ------ doz. 2 50 Pinaud's Lettuce - -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 Plver's » ________ doz, 6 00 Rieger's, No. 2180 - ------- doz. 3 50 2465 - -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 Rigaud's, Sulphur - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 Rimmel's, Glycerine ------- doz. 4 00 Sarg's, round cake - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 square * doz. 1 50 Liquid - -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 00 Saunders' Chinese Rose ----- doz. 4 00 Societe Hygenique, Special ----- doz. 4 75 Dulcifle - - - - doz. 5 00 Violet's, Thridace - -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 Yardley's, Brown Windsor, Magnum - doz. 2 00 Glycerine • doz. 2 no Transparent - - doz. 2 50 Honey, Magnum • - - - doz. 2 00 Oatmeal » ----- doz. 2 1X1 Otto Rose ------- doz. 2 00 Sun Flower- ------ doz. 2 00 Turtle Oil, Magnum - - - doz. 2 00 Eeckeiaei-s" Toilet Soaps. We would call the attention of druggists and of dealers in Toilet articles to the to!- lowing line of Soaps, manufactured by L. Eeckelaers' of Brussels. We confidently recommend them as being unrivaled both in QUALITY and perfume, by any soaps now offered, either of home or for- eign manufacture. Each kind is put up separately in boxesof f doz. each. No. 77 Bouquet of Violets, round or square - ! lb. doz. 2 75 141 Baby Soan - -- -- -- f» doz. 2 00 17 Family, small- ----- 1 • doz. 85 18 " medium ----!• doz. 1 00 46 Hygienic Almond - - - - i * doz. 1 75 154 Jockey Club ------}» doz. £ I »3 53 Lettuce Soap ------ f • doz. 1 75 73 Lettuce arid Glycerine - - j » doz. 2 75 114 Lettuce, extra - - - - - 4 • doz. 4 00 23 Oval, large ------- 1 • doz. 24 " Mirbane ----- 1 » doz. 2 25 115 Oriental, Rose - - - - - 1 • doz. 4 00 116 » Violet ------]» doz. 4 00 91-96 Royal, assorted. Violet. Lily of the Valiev, Lettuce, Rose, Jasmine, Bouquet de Valerie i " dQZ. 4 75 Soaps Toilet, Imported. Eeekelaer's. 119 Spring Perfumes, assorted, Violet, May Rose, Fleurs des Alpes, Delice des Boudoirs, Rose and Lilac, Bouquet Ori- ental --------- f lb. 56 Universal - - - - - - 1 • 89 Violette de Parme - - } • U9 Wood Violet - - - i ' doz. doz. doz. doz. 2 5D 2 10 4 75 2 75 The Celebrated F. M. F. (4T1 i> Put up in boxes of 1 doz. each No. 1106 Eau de Cologne - -- -- -- - doz. 3 25 852 Eau de Cologne - -- -- -- - doz. 3 00 854 Flower - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 2 '0 801 Sue de Laitue - -- -- -- - doz. 3 50 1101 Fleurs Naturelies ------- doz. 3 50 885 Maiglochchen - -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 883 Jockey Club --------- doz. 2 70 1105 Eau de Cologne and Glycerine - - doz. 2 50 Soaps-Toilet. Oakley's Transparent Balls in bulk. unpolished, packed in barrels containing from two to five gross, at net prices. gross No. 1, 1 doz. in box - -- -- -- -- gross 9 CO 2, » « --------- gross 12 00 H, * » --------- gross 15 CO 1, " • Polished and wrapped gross 12 00 2, » » » » - gross 15 00 3, • » - • » gross 20 00 5 Transparent Continental Bars - - gross 11 50 7 ff * * - - gross 15 00 9 . . , _ _ _ gross 24 00 Transparent Cakes and Tablets No. 35 Round 1 doz. ir box gross 6 00 65 Glycerine 1 » • gross 8 00 70 Large Crystal } » • gross 9 50 63 Med. Lily 1 • gross 10 00 55 Glycerine } » • gross 10 50 71 Gauntlet i • • gross 12 50 80 Deer I • » gross 12 50 73 Large Lily } • gross 15 00 90 Large Glycerine 4 » • gross 15 00 Distilled Glycerine bar, i gross in box gross 12 50 100 Glycerine Tablet, 1 doz. in box - - gross 17 0b 100 • » 3 » » - - gross 16 0G 101 Geranium Tablet. .} • » - - gross 17 06 May Flower, containing 50 per cent. pure Glycerine, 3 cakes in box - - - gross 18 00 Oakley's Extra Fine, in wrappers, 3 cakes in box. 220 Aromatic Glycerine ------ gross 18 00 225 Aromatic Honey ------- gross 18 00 230 Pure Old Windsor- ------ gross 18 00 235 Wild Rose ---------- gross 18 00 240 Elder Flower -------- gross 18 00 245 Honeysuckle ________ gross 18 06 250 Sweet Clover. -------- gross 18 00 Assorted boxes. No. 220 to 250 - - box 3 06 Assorted in half pound bars. - - - - box 4 00 Oatmeal and Spermaceti. - - - - gross 18 00 Superfine, in wrappers, 3 cakes in box. Golden Hyacinth - -- -- -- - gross 24 00 Spring Flowers - -- -- -- -- gross 24 00 Forget-me-not - -- -- -- -- gross 24 00 Elder Flower - -- -- -- -- - gross 24 00 Turtle Oil - -- -- -- -- -- gross 24 00 Jockey Club ---------- gross 24 00 Wood Violet - -- -- -- -- - gross 24 00 Rose Geranium - -- -- -- -- gross 24 00 The above assorted in fancy boxes. gross 24 00 Soaps-Robinson's Indexical, Large Oral. No. 1 Pure Honey - -- -- -- -- gross 16 50 2 Pure Glycerine - -- -- -- - gross 16 GO 24 White Glycerine ------- gross 18 00 3 Brown Windsor- ------- gross 18 00 120 Turtle Oil - -- -- -- -- - gross 18 00 31 Oatmeal Glycerine- ------ gross 18 00 4 Palm Oil - -- -- -- -- - gross 15 00 34 White Windsor - -- -- -- - gross 18 00 40 Alpine - -- -- -- -- -- gross 15 00 35 Sunflower - - -- -- -- -- gross 18 00 42 Cinnamon - -- -- -- -- - gross 15 00 66 Poncine - -- -- -- -- - gross 18 00 17 Assorted, one box each of above, twelve kinds in wood case - - - case 4 25 124 Almond Meal - -- -- -- - gross 24 00 54 Rice Flour ---------- gross 20 00 148 Bay Leaf - -- -- -- -- - gross 24 00 26 Musk Windsor - -- -- -- - gross 27 00 88 Tar and G lycerine ------- gross 18 00 20 Tar (superfine) - -- -- -- - gross 15 Q0 64 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current Soaps. 84 Tar - -- -- -- -- gross 9 00 6 Sand - -- - -- -- gross 10 50 5 Pumice - -- -- -- - gross 12 00 67 Sawdust ------- gross 12 00 25 Silver --------- - - - gross 12 00 7 Dental - -- -- -- - gross 16 50 77 Water's Tooth ----- gross 13 50 73 Ray Rum Shaving - - - - gross 9 00 74 Indexical Shaving - - - gross 11 00 76 Crown Shaving ----- gross 12 00 75 Crown Shaving. in boxes, 10 bars - box 2 75 142 Musk Rose, small - - - - gross 36 00 150 White Windsor ----- gross 13 00 55 Pumice, small ----- gross 8 00 86 Bee Hive Bath, large - - - gross 15 00 91 California Pumice - - - - gross 6 00 125 BABY -------- gross 21 00 Large Oval. Giant, Honey, 1 lb. cakes - - gross 15 00 cross Pink Rath. | lb. cakes - gross 15 00 Lona Oval- No. 59 Callas - -- -- -- - gross 9 00 13 Fashion Bouquet - - - - gross 13 (KI 32 Brown Bath ------ gross 13 50 30 Bouquet ------- gross 30 00 231 White Honey ----- gr< >ss 18 00 43 Cardinal ------- gross 10 00 62 Nosegay Honey - - - - - gross 7 50 63 Nosegay Glycerine - - - gross 7 50 64 Nosegay Windsor - - - - gross 7 50 Soap-Tootli. Buchan's- - -- -- -- - doz. 1 75 Calvert's - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 00 Colgate's --------- doz. 1 50 Rimmel's - -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 Robinson's ------- doz. 1 38 Thompson's ------- doz. 1 75 Water's - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 25 Spatulas. Bone, ordinary ------ doz. 2 00 Horn, 0 - -- -- -- -- doz. 1 50 d O 7 1 25 4--------- doz. 1 00 5 --------- doz. 1 (Ml Steel, Riveted Handles, 3 inches doz. 2 25 - - 4 * 2 50 5 » doz. 3 00 - - 6 " doz. 3 50 , 7 n doz. 4 50 8 . doz. 5 50 . _- 9 * 7 50 10 » doz. 9 00 12 • doz. 16 50 Steel, Balance Handles, 3 » doz. 2 50 2 75 5 • doz. 3 25 j - 6 • doz. 3 75 l4 i 4 7 5 ml 8 » 6 00 9 » doz. 8 25 i 10 • doz. 10 (Kl 12 » doz. 17 50 Steel, Ebony Handles, 3 « doz. 3 25 ' 4 . doz. 3 50 5 " doz. 3 75 1 6 • doz. 4 50 7 * 5 00 8 . doz. 6 25 9 * fl 07 8 25 10 - doz. 11 25 Spatulas-Ointment. Horn, 6 inches ------ doz. 1 25 _ _ _ doz. 1 .50 Iron - -- -- -- -- - doz. 7 50 doz. 9 00 Spatulas- Plaster. Brass, wood handle, (for Gas) - each 2 50 Iron, • » . . _ each 75 Spatulas-Pocket. Steel. Ebony Handle - - - - doz. 6 00 Ivory ' _ - - - doz. 8 00 doz. 12 m Spatulas-Silver plated, with Ivory handle 3 inches - -- -- -- -- each i •) 4 * --------- each 1 (Ml 5 • --------- each 1 25 Speculums-Glass. Ear. silvered and coated - - - doz. 6 00 Rectum, • » » - - - doz. 6 00 Vaginal, » » • - - - doz. 4 50 - hole on side doz. 6 (MJ SPONGES. No. 100 Barbers' _ - _ _ 30 pieces to lb. lb. 2 00 102 • small, (Coupe) 6 ' ' • lb. 2 25 103 « medium • 5 • ■ • lb. 2 25 103a » medium - 20 ' string string 2 00 105 » small, assorted 65 » • • string 3 75 106 • medium - - 16 • ' » string 3 00 107 » fine, small - 25 » • » string 4 75 108 « medium, med. 20 • • string 5 00 109 » medium, large 18 « • » string 7 00 109a » medium, med. 10 » « » string 8 00 110 « fine, medium 20 » • • string 8 00 111 » finest, medium 20 » » » string 10 00 112 • » med.&l'gel6 • » • string 11 CO 113 » » extra 1'ge 15 » » » string 14 00 120 Carriage, Florida, yellow - - - - lb. 1 00 121 » Sheeps' Wool, all small- - lb. 1 50 122 • » assorted, all sizes, not limed or sanded; natural color. - lb. 3 CO Most of the Sheeps' Wool Sponge now offered is either bleached with lime, which adds to its weight from 33 to50per cent., or else sanded, which adds to its weight at least 50 per cent. Our Sponge is neither bleached nor sanded. 124 Potters' - - - - 17 pieces to lb. lb. 4 00 125 Beef, small - -- -- -- -- lb. 1 50 126 » medium - -- -- -- - lb. 1 60 127 - large ---------- lb. 1 75 140 Surgeons' - - - - 40 pieces to lb. Ib. 2 00 141 . - _ _ _ 30 lb. 2 50 142 • fine - - 40 » » » lb. 3 50 143 » fine, - - 17 • • ■ lb- 3 75 1+4 • small 31 pieces to string string 1 75 145 » small 35 » • » string 1 75 146 » small 50 » » » string 2 50 150 Toilet,Turkey fines. 31 • • » string 5 (10 151 • • • rn.40 » • • string 6 00 152 » » , m.50 » » • string 10 00 153 * * • 1.15 » * * string 10 00 154 » • cup fine 75 • » • string 13 00 155 " i> • n id « « „ string 18 00 156 « » »finest 75 • • « string 23 00 157 » « « single, .25 to 4 00 each Sponge Tags. Dennison's, ---------- No. 5 _ M 3 00 . 10 _ M 3 50 Sponge Tents. (see page 66.) Spongio Pillne. Per square yard - -- -- -- -- yard 7 00 Spoons-Horn, Long Handle. No. ] - - - . _ doz. rz 2- ------------- - doz. 90 3- -------------- doz. 1 00 4- -------------- doz. 1 25 Spoon s-Me d icine. Maw's Porcelain, on foot, graduated for tea, table and dessert spoonfuls - doz. 3 00 Earthen. Dessert - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 Table --------- doz. 1 50 Tea --------- doz. 1 00 Glass, Dessert ---------- doz. 6 00 Table ---------- doz. 7 50 Tea - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 4 50 Force's, Patent - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 CO Stands- Cologne. Bronze, Gilt, Relic or Scotch Wood, a variety - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. Stands-Retort or Funnel. Bronzed Iron - -- -- -- -- - each 1 25 Japanned « ---------- each 1 co Squibb's ■ for general apparatus - each 6 50 Stills-Alcohol, Prentiss'. This still is commended to the notice of Druggists and Chemists as being the very best apparatus of the kind, and in every wav idapted to the varied uses ne- cessary in Pharmaceutical and Chemical processes, (see page 94.) Size No. 1 - -- -- -- -- -- each 16 00 ___________ each 18 50 Stirring Kods-otow. 6 inch - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 40 8 » doz. 50 1(). ------------ doz. 60 12, ------------ doz. 75 15. ------------ doz. 1 25 18 . doz. 1 75 Assorted sizes - -- -- -- -- doz. 50 StaConers' Gum-In Boxes. 10, 20, 30, 40, GO pieces to a pound - - - lb. 1 25 La?ell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 65 Stoppers-Rubber. Mo. Diam. Length. 0, 1 xf 2 inch ------- 100 1 7 00 1, 14x4 U ' ------ 100 6 00 2, lxj 14 « ------ 100 4 00 24, 4x4 lj inch ------ 100 3 25 3. $xt 14 • ------ 100 2 50 34, 4x4 1 • ------ 100 2 50 4, fx4 1 . ------ 100 1 50 44, Jx4 l ...... . 100 1 50 5, 4x4 4 ...... - 100 1 00 54, 4x4 4 ...... - 100 1 00 6, jxl 13-16 » ------ 100 75 64, 4x5-16 f • ------ 100 75 7, 7-16x4 4 « ------ 100 75 Supporters. Elastic, made to order in cotton, linen or silk - -- -- -- -- -- - each Empress Eugenie, No. 31 ----- doz. 30 00 Fitch's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 36 00 Heynen's Spring - -- -- -- - doz. 24 00 London ------------ doz. 24 (XI extru quality ------- doz. 36 00 Surgeons' Silk. Skeins ............. doz. 1 75 OZ. 2 00 Spools, plain - -- -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 • waxsd ---------- doz. 1 50 Surgeons' Tow - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Suspensories, (see Bandages page 35.) Syringfes-Elastic Bulb. Davidson s, 1---------- doz. 17 00 - 2 - doz. 14 00 4, H. R. fittings - - - _ doz. 18 00 Delano's, No. 508, Eye and Ear - - - doz. 4 00 509, . • • - - - doz. 5 00 510, Vaginal ----- doz. 13 50 511, Anal ------ doz. 9 (XI Derby, 2 pipes - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 50 3 , doz. 4 00 Goodyear's Enema, 2 pipes - - - doz. 3 25 . 3 , _ _ - doz. 3 50 Original, 3 . - - - doz. 6 00 » Imp'vd,3 . - - - doz. 8 00 Practical, 3 • - - - doz. 6 00 Superior No.l,4 « - - - doz. 10 (10 . . 2.4 . - - - doz. 8 (10 I Hagerty's N. Am. 2 pipes ----- doz. 4 (X) - • 3 ------ - doz. 5 00 No. 3, 3 . ...... doz. 5 00 Household No. 1, 4 pipes ----- doz. 12 50 2, 3 .------ doz. 8 67 3, 2 .------ doz. 6 50 Mattson's, Anchor - -- -- -- - doz. 6 00 Anglo-American ----- doz. 6 50 Combination ------ doz. 42 00 Family No.l ------ doz. 16 50 Improved Irrigator - - - - doz. 17 (Ml Original - -- -- -- - doz. 8 50 Molesworth, Vaginal ------- doz. 16 50 Union, No. 3, 3 pipes ------ doz. 10 00 4, 3 « H. R. - - - - doz. 16 75 5. 2 ' - -- -- -- doz. 4 00 - 5. 3 • ------- doz. 4 25 5a, 3 • ------- doz. 5 (X) G, 3 * ------- doz. 6 00 7,3 . H.R. - - - - doz. 9 00 Syringes-Fountain. No. 1. 1 Pint - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 16 00 2, 1 Quart - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 18 (X) 3,2 • ----------- doz. 20 00 Sy ri ages-Glass. Metal or Wood Tops, same price. No. 00 Male Syringes - -- -- -- -- doz. 60 0 . » doz. 67 1 • • -------- doz. 75 doz. 85 3 « ' --------- doz. 1 00 4 » * --------- doz. 1 20 .AM II doz. 1 50 6 * » --------- doz. 2 (Ml 2 oz. Injection - -- -- -- -- doz. 2 25 3 oz. « ......... doz. 3 00 4 oz. • ......... doz. 3 50 6 oz. • --------- doz. 4 .50 8 oz. » --------- doz. 6 00 1 Female - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 85 2 . doz. 95 3 , ........... doz. 1 05 4 . ----------- doz. 1 20 ti - - - - - - - - - - - doz. 1 50 G « doz. 2 00 U Syringes- Glass. Without cap or cork. No. v 00 Male ------- gross 8 00 0 • ....... gross 9 00 1 . ------- gross 10 50 2 . ------- gross 12 00 3 » _______ gross 14 00 4 » - - - - - - - gross 18 00 5 Male ------- gross 21 00 6 . gross 27 (KI 1 Female ------ gross 12 00 2 . gross 13 50 3 . ------ gross 15 00 4 . ------ gross 18 00 5 . ------ gross 21 (HI 6 >• ------ gross 27 00 Syringes-Glass. McElroy's Patent. Ear --------- doz. 1 25 Nasal - -- -- -- - doz. 1 25 0", Male ------- doz. 50 0 doz. 75 1 . doz. 1 00 2 . doz. 1 12 3 . ------- doz. 1 25 4 . doz. 1 50 5 . ------- doz. 1 75 0 » Wood case - - - doz. 1 00 00 . . - - - _____ doz. 75 Bulb, » » - _ - - - _ _ _ doz. 1 50 Straight, • • - - - _____ doz. 1 50 3 Female ------ - _ _ _ - doz. 1 25 4 . ------ doz. 1 50 5 . ------ doz. 1 75 6 oz. • doz. 2 00 1 Vaginal, ------ doz. 1 75 2 . ------ doz. 2 00 3 . ------ doz. 3 00 Syringes-Glass. French. Dental, with Rubber bulb _____ doz. I 50 Ear » » • _____ doz. 1 50 Nasal • « » _____ doz. 1 50 Male Point » • _____ doz. 1 50 Cockerton's • • _____ doz. 1 50 Syringes--Zn Cases. Male, Brass case, No. 0 - doz. 1 25 1 - doz. 1 35 doz. 1 50 Nickeled case, 0 - doz. 1 67 1 - doz. 1 75 _ doz. 2 00 Wood case, No. 0 - doz. 50 1 - doz. 60 '2 _ doz. 75 Combination in bott - _ _ _ doz. 2 00 Syringes- Hard Rubber. No. 00 j oz. Koval "P." - - _____ doz. 3 90 10 i oz. » . - - - _____ doz. 2 75 1A }■ oz. « • with Bulbous Tip - doz. 5 40 0 f oz. • • with Blunt End - doz. 5 10 4 oz. • » Super doz. 6 00 t oz. "Excelsior" "P. ' doz. 7 50 IB t oz. "Royal" Infant doz. 6 30 10 i oz. * Rectal doz. 5 10 20 i oz. » • doz. 6 60 30 1 oz. > " doz. 7 20 1 OZ. ' ' doz. 8 40 2 oz. • > doz. 9 60 4 3 oz. < • doz. 10 60 5 6 oz. • » doz. 14 40 6 12 oz. • • doz. 19 20 4 3 oz. • • with Bent Pipe doz. 11 40 5 6 oz. • • H doz. 15 60 6 12 oz. » » It doz. 19 20 4 3 oz. » "with Extra Bent Rectal and Vaginal Pipes - - - - doz. 15 60 5 (5 oz. Royal Rectal » f * » doz. 19 20 6 12 oz. t It H doz. 22 80 2 1 oz. » Vaginal - _____ doz. 6 00 2 1 oz. • « with Shield doz. 7 80 3 2 oz. » » _____ doz. 7 80 3 2 oz. • • with Shield doz. 10 20 4 3 oz. • ' with Bent Pipe doz. 12 00 5 6 oz. * •> * doz. 16 50 6 12 oz. • » doz. 21 50 4 3 oz. » » and Shield doz. 16 Ml 3 1 oz. • Uterine, long Pipe - - doz. 9 60 4A 2 oz. » • If _ doz. 13 80 4A 2 oz. » without Pipe doz. 10 80 4 oz. » Dental - _____ doz. 6 00 1 oz. • Ear - - - _ - _ _ doz. 8 40 1 oz. • Catarrh _____ doz. 9 00 12 oz. » Battery, with solid 1 Piston - - - - ( doz. 24 00 24 oz. • Horse - doz. i 44 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. 66 Med. Fine S' yringes-White Metal. doz. doz 24 oz. Self, in case, 2 Pipes ----- 25 00 30 00 16 . • • ----- 16 09 21 00 12 • « ' 14 00 18 00 10 « • • ----- 12 30 14 00 8 ' » » ----- 11 iK) 12 00 f) , « n - - - - - 9 00 10 00 7 00 24 00 24 oz. single, in boxes ------- KJ v n 18 00 12 00 16 (X) 12 00 i ]2 ' ------- 10 (10 10 00 10 i/ _______ 9 (M) 9 GC 8 , „ - - - - - - - 7 (X) 7 00 ! 0 * » ------- 5 (M) 5 00 4 00 4 00 ; 2 oz. single, in boxes ------- 1 , , ------- P. P. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 (X) 2 50 3 00 1 50 1 00 2 50 ! F. P., Short. 1 oz. - -- -- -- - 1 75 3 01) 2 <H) 30 00 36 00 | 24 oz. Horse in wood case ----- 36 . - " ----- 48 00 48 » ' ----- Syringes- Hypodermic. each 1 50 Hard Rubber - -- -- -- -- - Glass, graduated - -- -- -- - each each 2 00 and screw - - each 3 00 each 1 50 PocketFin metal case ------- each 2 00 Syringe Bulbs. See page 38. Syringe Tubing. - -- -- -- - foot 15 Syringe Valves - -- -- -- -- Tags-Merchandise-Dennison's. doz. 25 T apers. German Floating, 3 months - - - - doz. 50 doz. 75 Houchin's Monitor No. 580, 3 months - doz. 1 25 570, 6 » doz. 1 75 Taps-Champagne. Lawrence's ----------- doz. 9 00 Maw's Prince of Wales ------ doz. 24 00 Plain - -- -- -- -- - doz. 9 00 Shaler's - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 15 00 Tents-Sea Tangle. doz. 2 50 j Hollow - -- -- -- -- -- - Solid ------------- doz. 1 75 Tents-Sponge. Carbolized - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 1 00 Plain ------------- doz. 1 00 Test Tubes. 3 inch - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 4 „ gross 2 .0 5 , - -- -- -- -- -- -- gross 3 00 (J „ ------------- gross 3 50 7 „ ------------- gross 4 59 8 , ------------- gross 6 00 9 , - gross 6 00 3 to 9 in., in nests - -- -- -- - gross 6 00 3 to 7 ' » -------- gross 4 50 3 to 6 ' • -------- gross 3 50 4 to 6 • » -------- gross 4 00 thermometers-Clinical or Fever. each 1 50 4 inch ivory scale, bent tube. Mor. case 6 « « Self Registering - - each 2 00 4 » Contracted, Self Registering, in H. R. cases ------- 6 • Contracted, Self Registering, in each each 1 75 2 00 11. R. cases ------- Thermometers. Tin Case. 7 inch ------------ 8 u doz. doz. 5 00 5 50 j() n doz. 6 50 Fancy Styles, an assortment. doz. 8 00 | sneture Presses. I'rnemner'n Improved. Quart - -- -- -- -- -- -- each | 3 75 Half Gallon - -- -- -- -- - each I 5 00 Gallon - -- -- -- -- -- - each 7 50 Two Gallon - -- -- -- -- - each 10 09 Tincture Presses. Enterprise. Quart - - - - - -- -- -- each 3 75 Half Gallon - -- -- -- - each 5 no Gallon - -- -- -- -- - each 7 50 Two Gallon - -- -- -- - each 10 00 Swift's. Quart - -- -- -- -- -- - each 7 50 Half Gallon - -- -- -- - each 10 50 Gallon - -- -- -- -- - each 15 00 Two Gallon - -- -- -- - each 18 00 Bartlett's, "Draw Up." Half Gallon - -- -- -- - each 3 fO Gallon - -- -- -- -- - each 6 00 Two Gallon --------- each 10 00 Tan Foil. Thick, in packages of 1 lb. - lb. 25 Medium, • » - - lb. 30 Thin • • - - lb. 35 Fancy Colored ------- lb. Tins-Pencil. Rubber ---------- gross 1 50 Tongue Scrapers. Horn - doz. 1 50 Ivory - -- .-- ------ doz. 3 50 Shell ----------- doz. 3 10 Towels-Turkish. Brown Drug, small ------ doz. 3 50 medium ----- doz. 5 50 large ------ doz. 6 75 White, small - -- -- -- - doz. 2 75 medium ------- doz. 4 50 large - -- -- -- - doz. 5 75 Striped, a variety ------ doz. 3 to 15 Cash's, Patent Brown ----- doz. 10 00 White ----- doz. 11 00 Tow-Surgeons - -- -- -- - lb. 30 Trix. For the Breath ------- gross 4 75 Tripoli. Mount Eagle - -- -- -- - doz. 60 Trusses. Cedar Pad, reversible, for either side 15 00 small, reversible - - - 10 00 Celluloid, a variety both single and double - -- -- -- -- - Chase's, wood pad, genuine, single - - doz. 15 00 •> !• f double - doz. 27 00 Common » « single - - - doz. 7 00 » • double - - - doz. 14 00 » reversible - - - - doz. 12 00 French, common ------ doz. 6 00 double - - - - doz. 12 00 S. & 0. single - - - - doz. 21 00 double - - - - doz. 30 (10 back pad - - doz. 30 01 Improved, single - - - doz. 18 (10 | double - - - doz 27 00 Infant and Youths. - - - - doz. 16 00 Ivorv, Ratchet Pad, single - - - doz. 21 CO double - - - doz. 40 (10 Hard Rubber, Riggs' ----- doz. 24 00 Ritter s - - - - - - doz. 21 CO Seeley's, single - - - - doz. 36 00 ---- 7 double - - doz. 54 00 Hull's Plain, single ----- doz. 12 00 Strap. • ----- doz. 15 00 Marsh's Soft Pad, single - - - - doz. 30 (K) double - - - doz. 40 00 U.S. No. li?I, ball and socket pad for either side - -- -- -- - doz. 24 00 Tubing- Glass. Hard Bohemian, for combustion - - lb. 1 00 Soft American ------- lb. 50 Tu bing. White Rubber. 1-8 inch,in lengths of 12 feet - - - - foot 06 3-16 . ---------- foot 11 1-4 » foot 15 5-16 » foot 17 3-8 . foot 19 1-2 » ---------- foot 23 3-4 . foot 32 1 i ---------- foot 40 Red Rubber. 1-8 inch - -- -- -- -- - foot 08 Black Rubber. 1-8 inch - -- -- -- -- - foot 03 i Tweezers-Steel. ,4n assortment - .... - - - doz. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Currnet. 67 Twine. Cotton, White - -- -- -- -- lb. 30 Flax, No. 9 ------- lb. 45 12 ------- lb. 40 16 ------- lb. 65 18 ------- lb. 39 24 - - lb. 32 Linen, Blue ------- lb. 75 Pink- ------- lb. 85 White ------- lb. 75 Yellow- ------ - - _ lb. 75 Variegated ----- lb. 45 Sea Island, assorted, small - - doz. 50 large - - bulk - - doz. lb. 1 00 55 pink, small - - - doz. 60 largo - - - bulk - - - doz. 1 20 lb. 60 white,small, - - - doz. 50 largo - - - bulk - - - doz. 1 00 - - - lb. 50 I' rinals-Rubber, Pure Gum, Day, Male - - - No. 101 doz. 16 00 • 102 • 103 17 00 20 00 Female, - - doz. « 104 doz. 20 00 French Pattern, brass cocks attached doz. 36 00 Pure Gum, Day, Male, - - - No. 105 doz. Day& Night, Male, « 106 • 107 doz. doz. 48 00 36 00 (Jrinometers. With Test Glass, paper case - _ - - doz. 9 00 :- and Thermometer complete in Morocco case ----- doz. 42 00 Vinegar-Aromatic. Bonn's - -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 Bully's - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 (X) Letchford's -------- doz. 6 00 Kimmel's, small ------ doz. 4 00 medium ----- doz. 7 00 large ------ doz. 10 00 Society Hygienique, small - - _ _ _ doz. 6 00 ------ large - - - - - doz. 9 00 Wafer Presses. Including all necessary fixtures - - - each 5 00 Wafers-medicinal. American, Cachets, all sizes - M 1 00 French, » small - - _ _ _ M 1 15 Tn e cl In m M 1 25 large - - _ _ - M 1 40 Maw's round ------- doz. 1 00 • » small - - - - doz. 75 • square, small - - - - doz. 75 Square, in packs of 100 - - - pack 1 00 Wash-Toot h. Bonn's, Dentifrice, small - - - - _ doz. 6 00 large - - - doz. 10 00 Botot's, Dentifrice, small - - - _ _ doz. 5 50 large - - - - - doz. 10 00 Burnett's, Oriental ----- - - - doz. 5 00 Delluc's, Eau Angelique, small _ _ - doz. 7 50 large Edward's, Myrrh ------ Gallup's, Floriline ----- McElhennie's, Corallodont - - Pierre's, small ------ - - . doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. 16 50 3 50 3 75 4 00 10 00 16 50 Pond's, Dentifrice ----- doz. 4 00 Van Buskirk's, Sozodont - - - - - doz. 6 00 Wash Cloths. 12 inch with border ----- doz. 60 15 . . . . . . _ . doz. 1 00 18 . . » ----- doz. 1 25 Water-Californ ia. Lundborg's, small ----- doz. 1 50 largo - - . - - doz. 4 25 wicker - - - - _ doz. 6 50 Water-Cologjie. Atwood's, trial size - - - - doz. 1 50 i pint - - - - - - pints ------ doz. doz, doz. 10 50 17 50 31 00 Austin's, Forest Flower - - - doz. 1 75 doz. 5 50 Luge - "Belgravia," trial size - - - - Burnett's, 4 oz. wicker - - - doz. 1 65 ... doz. 4 00 W ater- Cologne. Caswell, Hazard & Co's No. 6,1 oz - - doz. 5 50 doz. doz. Caswell's Verbena, Lavender and Rose Geranium at same prices. Caswell's J. Club and all other odors. doz. 15 00 I pint 25 00 Coudray's, International, No. 1268 - - doz 15 00 National, No. 1280 - - - - doz. 5 00 -1281 --- - doz. 7 50 Delmonico's, Champagne ----- doz. 1 75 Farina, F. M., No. 4711, long - - - - doz. 5 00 short - - - - doz. 5 00 wicker, 4 pint - - - - doz. 6 50 1 , _ . - . doz. 12 00 quart - - - - doz. 24 00 Farina, J. A., long - -- -- -- - doz. 5 00 short ------- doz. 5 00 wicker, J pint - - - - doz. 6 00 i doz. 9 00 pint - - - - doz. 18 00 quart ----- doz. 36 00 Farina, J. M., opp. Julichs Platz, long doz. 7 00 sh ort doz. 7 00 double size doz. 14 00 wicker, i pint doz. 10 50 pint doz. 21 00 doz. 42 00 Farina, J. M. F. No. 4, long or short - doz. 6 50 4 pint - - - - doz. 10 00 pint - - - - doz. 20 00 quart - - - - doz. 40 00 Hoyt's German, 6 oz. - -- -- -- doz. 7 50 trial ------- doz. 1 75 L., M. & G.'s Redwood, 1 pint G. S. - - doz. 5 00 j pint G. S. - - doz. 7 50 pint G. S. - - doz. 12 00 quart G. 8. - doz. 21 00 Lubin's, 4 oz., cork stop ------ doz. 10 50 12 oz., » • ------ doz. 20 00 12 oz., glass • wicker - - - doz. 27 00 Pinaud's, 6 oz. No. 1053 ------ doz. 8 50 6 • . 2028 ------ doz. 12 00 8 • . 2024 ------ doz. 18 00 Violet's, 8 oz. - -- -- -- -- - doz. 13 50 Water-Florida. Dubois' - -- -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 50 L„ M. &G.'s ---------- doz. 4 25 trial size ------- doz. 1 75 Lanman & Kemp's ------- doz. 5 25 Water-Lar ender. Colgate's - -- -- -- -- -- doz. 8 00 Coudray's, Ambree, Blanche "L" - - doz. 8 50 No. 1645 - - - - doz. 6 50 Distilled, "M" ------ doz. 7 50 1593 ------ doz. 6 00 1594 doz. 12 00 Lubin's, ArnbrSe, i pint ------ doz. 9 50 1 . doz. 18 00 Distilled i • ------ doz. 6 50 1 . doz. 12 00 Provost's, Bell - -- -- -- -- doz. 6 00 Water- Orange Flower. Chiris, small - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 00 medium - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 00 large - -- -- -- -- - doz. 3 75 Water- Rose. Chiris, small - -- -- -- -- - doz. 2 25 medium - -- -- -- -- doz. 3 25 --large - -- -- -- -- - doz. 4 25 Water-Toilet. Colgate's, assorted, 4 doz. in box - - doz. 10 00 Ambrosial ------- doz. 6 25 Cashmere Bouquet - - - - doz. 10 00 Lavender -------- doz. 8 00 Heliotrope ------- doz. 10 00 Multiflora ------- doz. 10 00 Rosodora ------- doz. 10 00 -- Violet - -- -- -- -- doz. 10 00 small ------- doz. 5 00 wicker, } pints - - - doz. 12 20 Coudray's, Divine - -- -- -- - doz. 10 00 Lubin's, large - -- -- -- -- - doz. 30 00 - medium - -- -- -- - doz. 18 00 small- - -- -- -- -- doz. 10 00 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner's Prices Current. Wax.-Sealing. Dennison's, Wax-Sealing. Coni. Red Bot., in wrap'rs, 4 & 10 sticks lb. 12 »np. ■ • 4 & 10 lb. 20 Com.Black • • 4 & 10 lb. 12 Sup. • » • 4 & 10 lb. 20 Green • » 4 & 10 lb. 20 Green Package, No. 1 • 4, 10 & 20 H lb. 00 2» 4, 10 & 20 It lb. 40 Brown • < 1 • 4, 10 & 20 H lb. 60 2 • 4, 10 & 20 lb. 40 Scarlet. No. 1 In boxes, 4, 8, 20 and 40 sticks - lb. 1 50 2 4, 8, 20 and 40 • lb. 1 20 3 4, 8, 20 and 40 » lb. 1 00 4 4, 8, 20 and 40 » lb. 80 5 4, 8 and 20 . lb. 60 6 4, 8 and 20 • lb. 40 Black. No. 1 In boxes, 20 and 40 sticks lb. 1 50 3 20 and 40 « _ - _ - lb. 1 00 5 8 and 20 » - - lb. 60 6 8 and 20 « _ - - _ lb. 40 Fancy Tinted, Perfumed, assorted cols. In boxes, 20 sticks - - - - - - - lb. 1 50 W eights-Avoirdupois. BLOCKWEIGHTS. AjC'x = Aik ==-* Weights - Avoirdupois. Brass, in Walnut Blocks. V 2 lb. to i oz. - -- -- -- - set 6 bo 4 lb to i oz. - -- -- -- - set 8 00 In Ebony Blocks,extra,per set 1.00 Brass, single for Blocks. i oz. ----------- each 15 } oz- - -- -- -- -- -- each 25 -1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- each 35 -2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- each 50 Brass, in Walnut Blocks, Nickeled. 1 lb. to i oz. - - - - - - - - set 6 00 2 lb. to 1 oz. - -- -- -- - set 8 00 1 lb. to I oz. - -- -- -- - set 10 00 In Ebony Blocks, extra, per sc t 1.03. Brass, in Pyramids. 1 lb. to I oz. - -- -- -- - set 3 00 2 lb. to i oz. - -- -- -- - set 5 00 4 lb. to j oz. - -- -- -- - set 8 00 Brass, single for Pyramids. i oz. - -- -- -- -- -- each 10 ' 1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- each 20 1 OZ. - -- -- -- -- -- each 30 2 oz. - -- -- -- -- -- each 40 Zinc, in Pyramids. 1 lb. to f oz. - -- -- -- - set 2 00 2 lb. to I oz. - -- -- -- - set 3 00 4 lb. to i oz. - -- -- -- - set 4 50 Iron, i oz. to 1 lb. - -- -- -- - set 50 i oz. to 2 lb. -------- set 75 1 oz. to 4 lb. -------- set 1 25 1 oz. to 7 lb. set 2 50 Weights-Prescription. Aluminium Grain - -- -- -- - set 50 Becker's "Standard," Troy ounce to } gr set 3 50 10grains to | grain set 1 50 "Metric," 20 grams to 1 centi- / gramme - -- -- -- - set 3 50 " Metric," 100 grams down to 1 centigramme ----- set 5 50 Brass Coin, drachm to i grain - - - - set 50 Grain - -- -- -- -- - set 10 Metric, 10 gram, to 1 centigramme set 60 Silver Grain - -- -- -- -- - set 1 00 Becker & Sons have recently added to their manufactures Grain Weights, in sets, from f grain to 120 grains, which are accurate and reliable ; in this respect being entirely different from other brands in the market. Price per Set, 75 cents. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. The preceding list of Druggists' Sundries is but a portion of the many articles which we keep regularly in stock, and to which we invite the critical attention of our customers and of other purchasers of goods in this line. Our stock is well selected, bought at the closest figures, and we can supply purchasers at the lowest market rates. Lazell, Marsh & Cardiner's Laboratory Products. The attention of Pharmacists is called to the following important Pharmaceutical Products, which are but a few of the many articles made in our laboratory, all of which are of unexceptionable quality. Medicinal Fluid Extracts of which our list embraces about one hundred and fifty kinds. These are all made by Cold Percolation, and, unlike many of the kinds offered for sale, are reliable and of full standard strength. . With one exception, each fluid ounce contains all the medicinal virtues of one troy ounce ot the drug from which it is made. Citrate of Iron and Quiniae containing over Ten per cent, of the Alkaloid Quiniae and perfectly soluble in cold water. Much of this preparation offered for sale is deficient in Quiniae strength. Saccharated Pepsin. We have for the past five years been manufacturers of this article, and it has always been known favorably as being entirely soluble, of full strength and acceptable quality. A full special list of all our Pharmaceutical and Chemical products will be furnished on application. POWDERED MEDICINAL EXTRACTS The popularity of Fluid Extracts among medical men, as well as in general use, is due in part to the fact that when properly manufactured, the finished product represents in one TniniTn, the medicinal activity of one grain of the drug used. The officinal Solid Extracts have never been made to conform to any similar standard, and by the loose method pursued by some in their manufacture, they have proved quite variable in their medicinal activity. To place our Powered Medicinal Extracts on a more scientific basis, and to insure more satisfactory use of the same, we now state on the label of each bottle, the amount of crude drug which each, grain of (Powdered ftfjedicina'L dPr/brao! represents, and this invariably corresponds with the medicinal activity of the Official Standard of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. Our Powdered Medicinal Extracts will stand any normal degree of heat unchanged and unimpaired, but they have a tendency to absorb moisture from the atmosphere in hot, damp weather, if the bottles are loosely corked, and this cannot be avoided without a change in manufacture, which wouZd destroy tpLeir reLiabidity as medicinal remedies. In this respect our Powdered Medicinal Extracts differ from many others, which claim the merit of withstanding such changes, but do this at the expense of medicinal activity. If the bottles are Pept -weld corTced, the risk of their cohering into a solid mass is greatly lessened. We ask for our Powdered Medicinal Extracts a trial, feeling assured they will meet the entire desire of both Physician and Pharmacist. We commend them specially to those Pharmacists who prepare Com- pressed Pills and Suppositories as being of superior advantage to the use of Solid Extracts. SACCHARATED PEPSIN. We were among the first to manufacture this preparation on a large scale, and our product has been received with great favor by the trade during the past four years. We have now perfected a "new process" for its manufacture, whereby we obtain a Pepsin free from animal odor, mucus, and inorganic salts, and we claim that for perfect solubility and standard digestive power, our Saccharated Pepsin cannot be excelled. When desired in a fluid form, the following is suggested : Saccharated Pepsin, 64 grains ; Water, 5 fluid ounces ; Muriatic Acid, 1 fluid drachm. Dissolve, filter, and add Glycerine, 3 fluid ounces. As Alcohol injures the properties of Pepsin, Elixirs or preparations containing alcohol are not reliable forms of administering this remedy. Note.-Pepsin, when first adopted by the Profession, was used in doses of from one to five grains From five to thirty grains are now given with most satisfactory results. In 1 oz. bottles, --- ---------- 40 cents per oz. In 1 pound bottles, - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - $5.50 per pound L AZELL, MARSH &, GARDINER. BAWO A DOTTEK. 30 & 32 BARCLAY ST. NEW YORK. 3 RL E DE LA FOWDERTE, LIMOGES, FRANCE. FRENCH PORCELAIN, Bohemian Glassware Toilet Sets, Colognes, Card Baskets, Sets of Vases, Single flower Vases, &c. &c. PARIAN MURBIE, Groups, Figures, Busts, &c. including a large assortment of above of a suitable size for Druggists Show Cases. ORMULA GOODS, Best quality fine gold Toilet Sets, Perfume boxes,Vases, &c., &c. German China Goods For Jobbing. China Limb Dolls, Doll- Heads, Boxes, Segar Stands, Animals, Figures, &c. Waiters and Trays, LAVA GOODS. Segar Stands, Sets, Cuspadores, Figures, and Fish Stands. JDUP STRAWS. Goods Suitable for Druggists and Fancy Good's Trade. French China. Dinner and Tea Ware, Fine Vases, Gift Cups and Saucers, Mugs, Fine French Vases, full and complete assortment, at our Show Rooms, 30 & 32 Barclay Street, P. O. BOX 1872. 71 KEW YORK. QTTTGLTTY, TSTOT QUANTITY. WILLIAM BOWORTH'S SONS' M'F'G CO. " The House of Roworth " established 58 years. Manufacturing; Confectioners, AND PROPRIETORS OF WORTH'S Renowned Reliable Remedies & Standard Pharmaceutical Lozenges, Brooklyn Suspension Bridge. 354 Pearl Street. New York. Manufacturers of Strictly Pure Medicated Lozenges for Druggists' Use. Also, the only Manufacturers in the U. S. of TZETZE TZRATZE ENGLISH COLTSFOOT ROCK. THE CELEBRATED ENGLISH 33A."3P3EX PIPE. English Black Currant jujubes, Carbolic Acid Jujubes, Pine Tree Tar Jujubes, Diamond Iceland Moss, Licorice, Rose Jujubes, also jujube Paste in Sheets. ENGLISH BLACK CURRANT LOZENGES English Peppermint Lozenges, Double and Triple Strength. French Chlorate Potash Lozenges. Pastilles de Paris. Dr. Wistar's Cough Lozenges. Santonine, or Worm Lozenges. Bronchial Troches, and all the Officinal Lozenges of the Pharmacopoeias. WHITE ROCK CANDY. Soluble Gum Drops, Extra Horehound Candy, Iceland Moss, Flax Seed, Irish Moss and Bone- set and Hop Drops, and a General Assortment of the most Saleable Confectionery. LONDON HOSPITAL THROAT LOZENGES. (Prepared with Black Currant Paste.) As Formulated by Morell Mackenzie, M. D. Benzoic Acid, Cathechu Chlor Potassa, Cubeb, Guaiac, Ha (e) Matoxyii, Kino, Krameria, Lactuca, Citrate Potassa, Potassa Tart Acid, Althea, Carbolic Acid. ALSO, Mur. Ammonia, Mur Ammonia and Chlor. Potassa, Bromide Potassa, Cubebsand Chlor. Potassa and Borax, Prepared with Black Currant Paste. Roworth's Slippery Elm Lozenges, Manufactured by us over Twenty-five Years. ROWORTH'S ENGLISH COLTSFOOT LOZENGES, Manufactured by us over Thirty-five Years. Our Goods are For Sale by Lazell, Marsh & Gardner. Highest hard over al! European and American Competitors. Paris, 1878. Philadelphia, 1876. New York, 1879. MEDICAL JURORS AWARD "Originality, Reliability and General Excellence of Manufactures." SEABURY & JOHNSON'S PHARMACOPEIA AND MEDICINAL India Rubber Porous & Spread Plasters. Pharmacists and druggists will have the kindness to bear in mind, that we manufacture but OJXTZE QUALITY of Medical and Surgical Plasters. When a physician prescribes an officinal preparation, he invariably expects such article to be of pharmacopoeia strength. To depart from established formula, or to cheapen medicinal preparations by the introduction of inferior drugs or extracts, is simply reprehensible. Such preparations not only baffle the acknowledged skill of practitioners, but it also reflects disadvantageously, the judgment and intelligence of the dispensing pharmacist and druggist. It has never been our aim, and never will be, to cal- culate how cheap we can produce a suspicious class of medicinal articles. The extensive demand, united with OUR UNEQUALLED FACILITIES for the economical production of our specialties, enables us to offer the best quality of elegant and unimpeachable goods at exceptionally lozv prices. They are skillfully made of purified india rubber, selected drugs, and incorporated with an unquestionable quality of alcoholic medicinal extracts. Every pharmaco- poeia article is warranted to be of proper strength and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every respect. ANALYSIS OF BELLADONNA PLASTERS. -BY- Ogden Doremns. Messrs. ( Bellevue Hospital Medical College, Seabury & Johnson : ) New York, Sept. 7, 1878 "Gentlemen :-I obtained from Messrs. W. H. Shieffelin & Co., of this city, samples of Belladonna Plasters prepared by Grosvenor & Richards, Boston; Mitchell's Novelty Plaster Works; Seabury & Johnson, New York and London. I have examined these varieties for the purpose of determining which possesses the largest quantity of Atropine. I employed equal surfaces of each, and my analy- sis demonstrated that Seabury & Johnson's contains the greatest proportion of the active principle of Belladonna, and is the most reliable Plaster Prof. R. OGDEN DOREMUS, M. D„ LL.D." New York, June 7th, 1878. Messrs. SEABURY & JOHNSON. Gentlemen :-Samples of the Belladonna Plaster manufactured by your firm, and by Dr. Grosven- or's, were purchased by me of a well-known drug house, and comparative tests made of the same for the purpose of determining the relative amount of Extract of Belladonna in each. The tests used were applied to an equal quantity of each plaster, and under similar conditions. I find that the largest amount of the solid Extract of Belladonna is contained in your preparation, which result was corrobo- rated by repeated trials. Respectfullv yours, J.'P. BATTERSHALL, Ph D. Analytical and Consulting Chemist. S. & J's. Staple Articles quoted under appropriate heads in this Price List. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER keep on hand a full assortment of S. & J.'s Plasters. MYERS BROTHERS 62 John Street New York. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Fine Writing Papers & Envelopes In all Shapes and Sizes. Papers put up in Plain and Fancy Boxes of i, 2, 3 or 4. quires with Envelopes to match. Correspondence Cards, in neat boxes, (24 gilt edge Cards and Envelopes,) plain and stamped with days of the week, and many Fancy Designs. LEATHERETTE CABINETS, containing three quires of Paper, 24 gilt edge Cards and four packs Envelopes from 95 cents each. Orders can be sent direct, or through LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. SP R E AD PL A S T E R S NIANUFA.CTURED BY CHARLES SHIVERS, SEVENTH AND SPRUCE STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Adhesive Plaster 5 yd rolls " " Twilled 7. ..5 " " Canton Flannel 5 " " " Swansdown 5 " Soap " 5 Adhesive " half width yd. cans, yd. boxes, Aconite " inches wide 1 " Arnica " " 1 " Belladonna " " 1 " Capsicum " " " Conium " " ...1 Opium " " 1 " Adhesive " On Black Silk 1 " Isinglass " Pink and White 1 " Court " White, Black, and Flesh " After more than thirty years practical experience in the manufacture of plasters, and by using the purest and best materials, I am enabled to furnish plasters which are superior to all others. CHARLES SHIVERS. Orders for SHIVERS' PLASTERS eiecutefl Dy LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. RAWSON'S Ftg.l. Fig. 2. PATENT ELASTIC Self-Adjusting U. S. ARMY SUSPENSORY BANDAGES: A Marvel of Support, Relief, Comfort and Durability. .3 Automatically Adjustable RENDERING Displacement Impossible. Fia. 4. The Individual Wearing it will not be conscious of its presence. A PERFECT FIT, (Free from Restraint.) Warranted for any size or condition. THE ONLY PERFECT ARTICLE EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. "No Man should be without one." FOR SALE BY LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER DESCRIPTIVE AND PRICE LIST. In Quality of Material, Manner of Construction, and Style of Manufacture, it is Superior to any Testacle Supporter in the World. In Three Sizes, Targe, Medium and Small. Retail prices. No. 1-Fine Frilled Elastic Waistband and Buttock Straps, made whole. Bags of German or American Penelope, soft and durable, trimmed and finished in silk $1.50 No. 1%-Fine Frilled Elastic Waistband and Buttock Straps, with 2 buckles at abdomen. Bags same material and finish as No. 1 1.75 No. 2-Extra Fine Plain Elastic Waistband and Buttock Straps made whole. Bags of extra fine quality, German or American Pene ope, solt and durable, trimmed and finished in silk 2.00 No. 3-Superfine Plain Elastic Waistband and Buttock Straps with 2 buckles at abdomen. Bags of finest French material, very sort and durable. Extra quality silk trimmings and beautifully finished 3.00 No. 4-Superfine Plain Elastic Waistband and Bmtock Straps with 2 buckles at abdomen, and 2 Buttock Strap Buckles. Bags, trimming and finishing same as No. 3 4.00 No. 5-Silk Bag-Superfine Elastic Wais band and Buttock Straps w th 2 buckles at abdomen and 2 buttock strap buckles. Bags of fine English silk netting in white or buff color. Superfine quality silk trimmings, and artistically finished 5.00 No. 6-SilkBag-Superfine 17 Sfrand Silk Elas'ic Waistband and Buttock Straps 2 buckles at abdomen, 2 Buttock strap buckles. Bag< of superfine Engli-h or French Silk ne'ting in white, buff and flesh colors. Superior quality of Silk trimmings and beautiiully and artistically finished 6.00 The Elastic is manufactured < ipressly for us, and is fresh from the loom every ten days. We warrant it to retain its freshness and elacticity for one year, Orders received and promptly executed by the Patentee and Sole Manufacturer, S. E. G. RAWSON, Saratoga Spring's, N. Y. For sale by all First Class Druggists. 75 HUSBAND'S CALCINED MAGNESIA! »l AWARDED AT WORLDS FAIR, NEW M, 1853. FIRST PREMIUM SILVER MEDAL awarded by the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; by the Mechanics' Association, Boston ; by the xA.merican Institute, New York, and by the Maryland Institute. In the report of the Twentieth Exhibition of American Manufacturers, by the Franklin Institute Pa., it is stated that HUSBAND'S MAGNESIA Is " Relieved, to be the best in the United States." It§ Superior qualities consist in its being entirely deprived of carbonic acid ; in its freedom from unpleasant taste, smell or other disagreeable property, and without roughness or grittiness to the touch or palate. One teaspoonful of it is equal in strength to three or four teaspoonfuls of the common Calcined Magnesia-thus combining smallness of dose with the most agreeable form in which Magnesia can be administered. ISINGLASS ADHESIVE PLASTER. This PLASTER has been found to be admirably adapted to Strapping after Surgical operations, and as a dressing to either incised or lacerated wounds. It is clean, of easy application, adheres firmly without producing inflam- mation, and being semi-transparent, allows of an examination of the parts without their having to be disturbed by its removal, until, in many instances, the cure is affected. This plaster is not affected by age, and will bear ex- posure to any climate. For sale by Druggists, and by THOS. J. HUSBAND. JR., N. W. Corner Third and Spruce Sts., Philadelphia. E. FOUGERA & CO. 30 North William Street, New York, Invite the attention of Druggists to their very full assortment of FRENCH AND ENGLISH PHARMACEUTICAL SPECIALTIES, NEW REMEDIES. Filtering Papers, Mineral Waters, &c. Among the leading of these for which they have made favorable arrangements the following are mentioned : DR. DE JONGH'S COD LIVER OIL, SAVORY & MOORE'S PREPARATIONS. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. GRILLON'S TAMAR INDIEN. PILLS. BOUDAULT'S PEPSINE, BULLYS' VINEGAR. INJECTION BROU. MATHEY CAYLUS' CAPSULES, a full assortment. RABUTEAU'S DRAGEES. ELIXIR and SYRUP. RIGOLLOT'S MUSTARD LEAVES. LIMOUSIN'S CACHETS AND CACHETEURS. THOMAS' IODISED COTTON. CRINON'S HEMOGLOBIN, ELIXIR, WAFERS & CHOCOLATE. CRYSTALISED ALKALOIDS : ACONITINE & NITR. OF ACONITINE ; DIGIT ALINE ; ESERINE, & SULPH. OF ESERINE: DUBOISINE ; PICROTOXINE, PILOCARPINE. ALSO Eeckelaers' Superior Toilet Soaps. Not surpassed by any in the market as to quality and perfume, and sold at reasonable prices. We annex fac-similes of the most popular kinds : No. 77. No. 154. No. 149. No. 73. No. 141. No. 156, (6 odors.) Price Lists sent on application, and orders executed by LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. novelties tint brushes. LOONENS IMPROVED "Counter-Sunk" Tooth Brushes, WIRE DRAWN AND CEMENTED INSTEAD OF WAXED. Each hole is carefully counter- sunk, so that the bristles bend over a smooth surface in place of a sharp cutting angle. OLD STYLE. NEW COUNTEJUSUN K LOONEN'S ELECTRIC TOOTH BRUSH, produces a perfect Electric Current, restores the natural color cf the teeth, removes impurities, arrests decay, cures neuralgia and tooth-ache in early stages. F. LOONEN & SON, yCy Brush Manufacturers, TRADE / Jal\ MARK NAIL, HAIR, V CLOTH, TOOTH. Registered. BARIS, LOTTTDOnST- SPECIALTIESSolii Back Hair Brnsiies. Cementei Wire Draw Tooth Brushes. Imported and for Sale by LAZELL, MARSH <£ GARDINER. Geo. R. Gibson, 98 Chambers St., New York, representative for the United States and Canada. ESTABLISHED 1846. AMERICAN PAPER BOX CO. Geo. W. Plumly & Son, Proprietors, Nos. 213, 215 & 217 North Fourth St, PHILADELPHIA. Manufacture all kinds of ROUND, OVAL and SQUARE PAPER BOXES. DRUGGISTS9 BOXES A SPECIALTY. K Stock kept on hand. Samples and Catalogues furnished on application. Labels of any special design made to order. A full line for sale by LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. DRUGGISTS' NOVELTIES. A-//r7A7 jt Odor Stands, Puff Boxes, Thermometers, SPECIAL IMPORTATIONS OF LATEST EUROPEAN STYLES. Elegant Perfumery and Flower Stands, Toilet Sets, &c, Designed and exeecuted by the most distinguished Parisian and Viennese Artists and Artisans. 79 TWENTY-FIFTH YEAS>. THE DRUGGISTS CIRCULAR AND Chemical Gazette. This widely-known and popular publication is issued monthly from 36 BEEKMAN ST. NEW YORK, at the low price per annum (including postage) of one dollar and sixty cents. To keep abreast of the times, every Druggist should subscribe for at least one good Pharmaceutical Periodical: if he cannot, for want of time, regulariy read ft, he will nevertheless find it valuable for reference in time of need. The Druggists Circular is, we believe, the paper that, will meet the requirements of the case. It contains the cream of Foreign and American Pharmaceutical literature, including the whole sphere of Laboratory and Counter Pharmacy ; in it all new medicines, so soon as known, are fully noticed, their ascertained properties desciibed and their pharmaceutical management, therapeutical uses, doses, modes of administration, and physiological effects carefully 1 eported. One of the most useful features of the Druggists Circular is the familiar discussion in each number, under " Notes and Queries," of some of the many practical difficulties which beset both the Physician and the Apothecary in their professional dealings with patients and daily routine of business ; under this head also much will be found relatii.g to incompatibles in prescriptions, and the best forms for the preparation and administration of puzzling combinations, such as physicians are daily prescribing. The Druggists Circular contains a Monthly Review of the Drug Market, and a COMPLETE PKICE-CUR- KENT, embracing nearly every medicinal article of a well-stocked drug store, with prices each month carefully corrected by one whose opportunity and pursuits fully fit him for the undertaking. It gives always as lair and rational an idea of market values as it is possible in any list of prices to attain. It will not be out of place here to add to the foregoing statements a few of the many letters daily reaching us from subscribers, which testify to the satisfactory character of the publication : " Though long out of the drug trade, I read the Circular with as much pleasure as a newspaper, and look for it at the beginning of each month wit 1 as much interest."- Dr. J. W. C. O'NEAL, Gettysburg, Pa. Every number of the Circular is well worth the entire price of subscription." - CHAS. H. A. STAFFORD. Middleburg, Vermont. " We might say that we are pleased and instructed by the monthly visits of the Druggists Circular, and con- sider it the best medical journal we take."- A. M. HERRING, British Columbia. " I have been a constant subscriber to the Circular for twelve years, and each year marks a visible improvement in all its departments. It is certainly a Godsend to any young druggist, and to us older ones it seems each month like meeting an old friend. Go on in the good work."- N. I. FORD, Oneonta, N. Y. " The Circular is indispensable with ns, and well worth several times the subscription to any Druggist for the valu- able formulas which it contains."- J. A. JACKSON, Gardiner, Me. *•1 have found the Druggists Circular a great source of help to me,and hope the Numbers, of 1881 will be as satis- factory as the past year."- G. A. LAMMON, Woodbury, Conn. " The Druggists Circular is, in my estimation, the best paper of the kind published, and I never waut to be wuiiout it."- G. F. WAGNER, Jr., Rock Island, 111. I can't get along without my Druggists Circular. If I had to give up one or the other, I would give up the U. S. Dispensatory before 1 would the Circular.',- EDWARD C. JACKSON, Norfolk, Va. " You may rel von my taking the Circular next year, and I hope to get another subscriber. I think the paper well worth double the money. I have taken it three years and can highly recommend it to English chemists."- J. W. ADAMS, Salford, England. " My name has t>een on your books for the past nine years, and the 96 Nos. of the first eight years, which I have b ,und in four volumes, I consider the most valuable part of my permanent business and professional library."- A. T. WILLIAMS, New Hamburgh, N. Y. " I have got so now that I can't get along very well with- out the Druggists Circular. I find a lot of good infor- ma ion that I benefit by. I am having a lot bound for future reference."- C. H. KIRKWOOD, Ishpeming, Mich. " We fully appreciate your efforts to furnish the Drug- gists witii some reliable journal for their especial use. We hardly think that we comd do without it. Every number ia full of practical thoughts, practical formulas, scientific essays, etc. & COMPANY, Spring Valley, O. " I have saved several times the cost the last year, and do not intend to do without the circular as long us I con- tinue in the drug business."- L. H. CLAPP, Lebanon, Va. A. Specimen Copy will be sent on Application. JOHN NEWTON, Editor and Proprietor. NEW YORK : 36 Beekman Street.-Post Office Box 4104. 80 REDWOOD COLOGNE OIL. DIRECTIONS: TO MAKE A COLOGNE EQUAL TO THE FINEST IMPORTED. TAKE SIX OUNCES REDWOOD COLOGNE OIL AND MIX WITH SEVEN PINTS ALCOHOL OR COLOGNE SPIRITS 95 PER CENT. LET STAND FOR A WEEK, OR MORE, THEN ADD HALF A PINT EACH OF ROSE WATER AND ORANGE FLOWER WATER. SHAKE WELL, LETTING THE MIXTURE STAND ONE DAY, THEN FILTER THROUGH PAPER Fpice, $7.00 Fep ZPottzctid. 33 A3L.3G. A 33 30 'S COLOGNE OIL. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING COLOGNE. TO FOUR OUNCES COLOGNE OIL ADD ONE GALLON ALCOHOL, OR COLOGNE SPIRITS 95 PER CENT. LET STAND FOR A DAY OR MORE, THEN ADD ONE PINT OF WATER. SHAKE WELL, LETTING THE MIXTURE STAND FOR ANOTHER DAY, THEN FILTER. PBICE, $5.00 PEP POUND. FARINA COLOGNE OIL. IN ONE POUND GLASS STOPPERED BOTTLES. ZP-RICIE $10.00 PEP JPOTTZUTZD. DIRECTIONS. For producing a Cologne Water equal to the celebrated brand 4711. Used in the proportion of five ounces to the gallon of Cologne Spirit. BALLaR1TS Bay Rum Essence. FOR MAKING BAY RUM WITHOUT THE TROUBLE OF FILTERING. TO ONE POUND OF ESSENCE ADD SIX GALLONS OF ALCOHOL, SHAKE WELL, THEN ADD FOUR GAL- LONS OF WATER, THIS WILL PRODUCE TEN GALLONS OF GOOD BAY RUM. SHOULD A BETTER QUALITY BE DESIRED, USE THE ESSENCE IN LARGER PROPORTIONS. PRICE, $5.00 FEE ZPOTTUSTZD LAZEL.L,, MARSH &. GARDINER, Sole Proprietors, NEW YORK. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY OF THE OITY OT NEW YOBK. ANNUAL SESSION, The Lectures in this College will commence September 28,1881, and continue until March 4th, 1882. The Lectures on Botany and Materia Mediea will be illustrated by living plants diagrams and models, while the drpgs themselves will be shown as they arefound in ordinary course of business, and their medical action explained. The Lectures on Chemistry, will give the student a thorough insight into this important department, and wil 1 be finely illustrated with practical experiments designed to impress upon the mind the facts which are conveyed in the Lectures. The important branch of Toxicology, will receive special at- tention. The Lectures on Pharmacy will be practical, and all important processes will be fully detailed, explained and illustrated. The selection of drugs and their proper manipulation to produce the remedies ordered by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia and other recognized standard works will be dwelt upon, and the appli- tion of Analysis to Pharmaceutical Chemicals will be shown. The various manipulations of Pharmacy, as well of the store as of the Laboratory, will be explained, and a large number of preparations will be made, in order to familiarize the students with their manufacture. The present session will continue the plan of dividing the classes into a Junior and Senior class who received instruction on a graded basis, and at separate hours. The Junior class will attend on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons; and the Senior class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. The building recently purchased for the College has been remodeled and adapted specially for the comfort and convenience of the College and its classes, and has been newly fitted with apparatus, models, specimens and aids to the lectures. TERMS, for the Course, $40. ZFJAOTTJLTM. CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Ph. D., ------ Professor of Chemistry. W. De F. DAY, M. D., Professor of Materia Mediea and Botany. P. "W. BEDFORD, Professor of Pharmacy. CHARLES FROEBEL, Professor of Analytical Chemistry. JOSEPH SCHRENCK, Professor of Botany. THE SUMMER CLASS IN BOTANY Will receive practical instruction in that useful and interesting study, by the examination of fresh plants, under the tuition of Prof. Joseph Schrenck, at three o'clock every Wednesday, during May, June and July. TZEIRZMIS, $5. A SUMMER COURSE OF PHARMACEUTICAL MANIPULATIONS, By Prof'. B. W. BEDFORD, Will be given on Monday Evenings, at 7.30 o'clock, during the months of May, June and July. TERMS, $5. THE LABORATORY WILL BE OPEN FOR PRACTICE IN Pharmaceutical and Chemical Manipulations and Chemical Analysis, Daily, during the Spring and Winter, from 9 A. M., to 1 P. M., viz.: SPRING COURSE, from April to July. WINTER COURSE, from September, 1881, till March, 1882, except the last week in December. THE LIBRARY IS OPEN DAILY From 9 A. M. till 2 P. M., and from 7 to 9 P. M. For tickets, prospeetus, or further information, address or apply to P. FRED. LGHLB1CH, Secretary of College of Pfiamarg, CV1.LKUB OF 1'HARMACI BULLDINO, 209 and 211 East Twenty-Third Street, New York. City. WINDOW GLASS. HOLBROOK BROTHERS, 85, 87, 89 BEEKMAN, 53, 55 CLIFF STREET, NEW YORK. Importers and Dealers in FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS. - - ALSO - POLISHED PLATE For Store Fronts. Ornamental Glass, For Vestibule Doors, Office Partitions, Prescription Cases, &c., &c. Glass Cut to any Size and Shape Required. ESTIMATES GIVEN. Price Lists Furnished on Direct Application, or through LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. C. T. RAYNOLDS & CO. ESTABLISHED 1770, Manufacturers and Importers of Artists, Painters & Wax Flower Materials FINE COLORS. PAINTERS' FINE BRUSHES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A FULL ASSORT MENT OF MATERIALS FOR COACH. CAR AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. DRAWING PAPERS and MATERIALS. FINE DRY COLORS WATER COLORS and MATERIALS. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS GRAINERS' MATERIALS, CHAMOIS SKINS. PAINTERS' CUTLERY. BRONZE POWDERS, GOLD LEAF. ENGLISH TUBE PAINTS, AMERICAN TUBE PAINTS. COPYING BRUSHES, CRAYONS AND MATERIALS, ETC., ETC., ETC. TYRIAN WATER COLOR TABLET, IMPROVEMENT IN WATER COLORS FOR ART, COMPOSED OF THE CHOICEST MATERIALS, ALWAYS READY FOR USE. also, Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Colors, WHITE LEADS AND ZINCS, 106 & 108 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, 21 Lake St., Chicago, IDs. 9 Front St., San Francisco. Cal. HAGERTY BROTHERS & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Druggists' Flint, Green, Blue and Amber GLASSWARE. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, FANCY GOODS, &C:„ Nos. 3, 5, 8 AND 10 PLATT STREET, NEW YORK. We respectfully call the attention of the Drug Trade to the following list of Specialties, which we offer at remarkably low figures: Hagertv's Feeding Bottles, Hagerty's ipple Shields. Nichols' Feeding Bottles, Nichols' Nipple Shields, Hagerty's Alexandra Feeding Bottles, New York Nipple Shields, Hagerty's Breast Pipes, Nos. i and 2, Richly Cut Pungents, English Breast Pumps, Cut Cologne Bottles, Needham's Breast Pumps, Cut Cologne Sets, Needham's Alexandra Breast Pumps, Hand Mirrors, Mullan's Breast Pumps. Silvered Speculums. English Catheters and Bougies. English Patch Boxes, Wedgewood Mortars, . Porcelain Mortals, W. W. Funnels, Porcelain Evaporating Dishes, Pill Til es, Porcelain Funnels. In addition to the above, we have in stock nearly every article usually kept in a first-class Druggists' Glassware Establishment. ILZETTZEZRZEID LFZRZESOIRZrZE'TTOlSr VIALS. In this department of our manufacture we excel, as by our process the lettering is brought out clear, bold and distinct. DRUGGISTS' OUTFITS AND SUPPLIES In this department we have an extensive assortment of goods, to which we particularly call the attention of those who contemplate commencing business, or who wish to replenish ■ tock, consisting in part of TINCTURES AND SALT MOUTHS, FRENCH COUNTER JARS. RICHLY CUT SHOW BOTILES, CUT SPONGE JARS, PAINTED AND DECORATED JARS, COUNTER BALANCES. PLAIN AND FLUTED URNS, PRESCRIPTION SCALES. In a great variety of designs, shapes, patterns, and prices. HAGERTY'S PATENT DRAWER PULLS, Nos. 10, 12 and 16. These Pulls are neat, chaste and desirable, and decidedly superior to any other ever manufactured. They are made in Italian (a dark) or French (a light) Bronze, Nickel and Verdi, and Nickel Plated. GLASS LABELING. In reference to the above we say that for beauty of design, brilliancy of color, and artistic finish of label, in connect* with rapidity of execution of orders in this branch of our m mufactures, we defy competition. PRIVATE MOULDS MADE TO ORDER AND PARTICULARLY ATTENDED TO. Our superior facilities for obtaining a supply of goods from the best sources and on the most ad van tageous terms, being Manufacturers and Importers, are such as to enable us to offer great inducements to purchasers. We therefore solicit a call and examination of our extensive and well selected stock, feeling confident of being able to give entire satisfaction. We have the sole New York Agency fir the Celebrated Enterprise Drag Mills-Mills which are vnperioT te all s-there n>ax-vTac bjmL HOWARD IVES, IMPORTER A.KD MANUFACTURER OF CIGARS, 77 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. Sole Importer of the Celebrated Brands of " IDOLICO,'' (Pedro Murias & Co.) "ADALINE," (Jura Topez & Co.) "LA COMPETENCIA," and "LA COSMOPOLITAN HAVANA CIGARS, and ALL THE POPULAR BRANDS OF HAVANA CMS RECEIVED WEEKLV, and sold at close prices. Also sole manufacturer of the La Buena Fe domestic Cigars. ALL STYLES OF FINE SEED AND HAVANA CIGARS MADE AND PACKED TO ORDER. No Price Lists issued, but full quotations will be furnished to the trade upon application. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HOWARD IVES, P. O. Box 3964, New York City, 86 NEW YORK. 1881 PRICE LIST OF P. W. ENGS & SONS. WINE MERCHANTS, 131 Front Street, Corner of Pine. PRICES SUBJECT TO REVISION, ARISING FROM CHANGES IN MARKET. Imported Goods in Casks Forwarded to any Port of Entry in the U. S. in Bond without expense to the purchaser for Custom House charges. SAMPLES, CARRIAGE FREE, WILL BE SENT UPON REQUEST, BRANDY. BRANDY. W. Bertrand & Co. J. Hennessy & Co.- -Cognac. Martell & Co.-Cognac Fine Champagne - - 3 55 to 4 15 " " - - - 4 tn ft 40 Vintages ------ 1877 $5 35 > ...... 1875 5 50 - - - - - 1878 $5 15 5 35 f 1874 5 65 ------ 1877 • ...... 1872 1870 5 90 6 05 ------ 1875 ------ 1874 5 50 5 65 CASES. F X 0 P- - -- -- - 1869 1868 1867 1865 1860 1858 1854 6 15 6 25 6 35 6 55 7 00 8 00 8 50 ------ 1872 ------ 1870 ------ 1869 ------ 1868 ------ 1867 ------ 1865 ------ I860 5 80 6 05 6 15 6 25 6 35 6 55 7 00 J. Hennessy & Co. IN CASES. Per Single In Lots Case. <>f 100 11 00 ------ 1858 8 00 Old Landed ------ 12 65 s n p . . 11 50 ----- $14 25 ----- 16 25 13 35 15 50 Verv Old London Dock - ■ • Dark - 10 00 9 00 V S O P - ------ - - 12 50 * * Royal Mail ------ - I 12 50 ♦ ♦ 20 00 17 00 Old Landed Pale - - - - ) :o: V. 0 ----- - 3800 s 0) X. 0 ------ 48 00 ♦ >Pale ------ 15 00 Oldest and Finest - 65 00 X P j Old Landed - - - 16 50 Pinet, Castillon & Co.-Cognac :o: Otard, Dupuy & Co.- Vintages ----;- -Cognac. 1878 $4 85 1877 5 05 1875 5 20 Vint iges 1877 ------ 1875 ------ 1874 ------ 1872 _ _ . _ 1870 ------ 1869 $4 65 4 85 4 95 5 15 5 25 5 30 Otard, Dupuy & Co. in Cases. ----- $14 00 13 25 1872 1870 1869 1868 1867 1865 5 50 ------ 1868 5 45 eMis ----- 16 00 15 00 5 75 ----- 20 00 16 50 , ------ 5 90 6 05 6 15 6 35 F F V 0 ------ 1854 1850 6 75 7 75 8 70 10 00 XOP - -. 28 00 VOP - --31 00 SOP - - - 45 00 MSOP - - - 60 00 r ...... 1864 6 50 6 60 : 0: • ------ 1860 1858 6 85 7 35 J. and F. Martell. 1854 8 60 Pellevoisin Freres. La Rochelle * ------ 1848 10 85 IN CASES. F? o p ------- - 4 90 to 8 50 Vintages ------ New ------ 1877 4 15 4 40 * - - - $14 25 13 25 9 50 ------ 1875 4 70 ** - - - 16 25 15 50 Old Landed - - - - - 11 00 • ------ 1874 5 00 *** - - - 20 75 17 00 VI -- - 10 50 Old Landed - - - 12 00 ,-£.i(vOP •S32 1 s 0 P - - - - - 1836 1820 12 50 14 00 A. Seignette, La Rochelle. Pinet, Castillon & Co. S.sjMSOP - - - - _ ! Verv Old Dark L D 1HO0 19 50 Tn cases. 8 00 Quarter Casks ------ ) 4 50 • • Super 9 50 Octaves c&* ------ 12 25 10 25 RUM. OLD TOM GINS. PORT WINE. Deg of Proof. per Gal. SIR ROBERT BIRNETT'S, From G. G. Sandeman's Sons & Jamaica. in puns - -- -- -- - 3 05 In A puns - -- -- -- - 3 15 In bbls - -- -- -- -- 3 25 Co., " Oporto," Quality Un- Puns -S . !• - - . 150 4 70 surpassed. Heart \ In % bbls - -- -- -- - 3 35 I puns • - - - - 150 4 75 In cases of 1 doz. each - - - 10 00 .rer Bbls. • - - - - 150 4 85 $2 00 Crown - - 117-120 $3 75 to } bbls. - - - 117-120 3 85 to 4 60 5 00 :o: - 00 --------- 2 50 3 50 B in bbls - - - 116 to 120 3 50 GINGER GIN. 4 50 Puns, very superb - 144 $5.25 000 i puns • • - 144 5,75 Bbls ----- 144 6.25 - - - to 154 to 8 50 Sir Robt. Burnett <fc Co.'s v s Particular ------- 6 00 In cases, per case - - - - 11 00 V S Wedderburns- 7 00 R I proof j Qrs. - - $5 00 to 6 90 Particular ------- O OU 0 M j Old Landed 10 p. c. additional. V s O J- $8 00 10 00 Jamaica, bottled in bond by Sir R. Genuine Bataivia Arrack. Extra ' Burnett & Co., London- Pure Juice, $2, 2 75, 3 00 and 4 00 Cases, 12 bottles each, per case 12 00 Old London Dock, Dry, $2 50 to 4 00 St. Croix- Caret F.llinckliuijsen & Dolce Porto Puro - - 1 75 to 2 00 Very old ----- bbls. 5 50 Zooneii.-(This is the very Oporto Seco - - - - - $1 50 to 2 00 Crop Ol lb(5b-187U - - f 4 50 Arrack used to make the New crop - - - - _ * 3 25 world-renown Sweedish Ar- o ■ ■■ Old Antigua Bum, superb 140% 5 40 rack Punch.) Qr. casks - -- -- -- - 4 00 i • ------- - 405 Burgundy Ports- BAY RUM. Old Chinese Mandarijn, 1 doz. each, cases- - -- -- -1250 " Guille Best Pure Juice." Per Gal. imported in - - - - - Iff 73 Puns and bbls., prices according to , 1871 - - - - - 1 50 Proof, etc. SWEET MALAGA. Best Pure Juice- Qr. casks ------- 1 15 :o: Scholtz,Hermanos,old and very Octaves -------- 1 20 fine. Best Selected Mountain Sole Receivers of WHISKIES. in qrs. and % casks, from - - - - $1 50 to $3 50 per gallon. J. Ramsey'- Deg of Proof Puns ----- 115-118% Hhds . . _ _ - BURGUNDY WINES. 3 55 3 60 From Ph. Andre & Jh. Voillott Bbls ----- i • . . _ _ - » 3 65 3 75 MADEIRA WINE. Beaune <Cote d'Or. Ardbeg, Scotch, bbls. • 3 65 Castle Brand - -- -- -- $3 25 IN CASES. • f 1 » • Stewart's - - - - » 3 35 Crown • ------ - 425 Anchor « ------- 5 25 Macon- ------- $12 00 CASES. Sir Robert Burnett & Co.'s selected, bottled in Bonded Warehouse in London - -- -- -- 12 CO Less Trade Discount. Star » ------- 7 00 1836 » ------ - 18 00 J H. March & Co. ----- 4 50 Basto - -- -- -- -- - 650 Tayior - -- -- -- -- 4 50 London Particular, Tenneriffe. 2 25 Beaune -------" Volnay - -- -- -- § Pommard ------ .s Richebourg- Chambertin ------o' Nuits - -- -- -- 14 00 17 00 17 00 25 00 24 75 18 50 SOM - - - - - - - $1 40 to 2 50 Romance- ------ s 28 00 :o: Platamone - -- -- 3 00 to425 Woodhouse O L P - - 2 50 to 3 40 Clos Vougeot Chablis (white)- - - - - 33 00 15 00 Cette - -- -- -- 1 00 to 1 10 TDTCW WtTTC'R'V Pints $1 50 additional. Jno. Jameson's- SHERRY WINE. o Qrs. - -- -- -- -- 4 00 Special Agents tor % Old Jameson's as high as - - 4 05 7 50 M. Lasaletta & Co., " Pale Golden Brown." HOCK & M0SEILE WINES. Wise's Irish Malt- X IP - _ _ _ _ . 1 15 to 1 25 Qrs. - ------- 3 75 XX IP ----- 1 35 to 1 50 IN CASES AND CASKS. % - - ------- 3 80 - -- -- -- 200 to From DEINHARD & CO., Very old of above 9 25 12 00 ------ 2 30 to 2 70 Brands from - - - - ©4 <0 to CASES. Sir Robert Burnett & Co. Less Trade Discount. - - -- -- 3 00 to 3 35 | ------ 3 50 to 3 95 I P.O. - - - - - 3 65 to 4 10 1836 - -- -- -- -- - 4 50 1825 - -- -- -- -- - 5 70 Amoroso - - - - 500 Montilla - -- -- -- -- 700 VinodePasto- - -- -- - 800 La Palma- - -- -- -- - 900 Amontillado - - - - $5 75 toll 00 Yriarte, 1820 - -- -- -- 5 50 . 1836 - -- -- -- 4 50 R 120 ar---------- 140 SO R - -- -- -- -- 175 VP---------- 2 25 J. Jimenez & Co., Pale and Brown- Coblenz. Laubenheim*- ------ Nierstein* - -- -- -- - Deidesheim* ------- Gold. -$8 00 - 8 00 - 11 00 :o: HOLLAND GINS. J. niJSHOUWER'S Schle- Hochheim - -- -- -- - Liebfraumilch* ------ Riidesheim ------- Pisporter Auslese ----- Marcobmnn* ------- Steinberg, Cabinet ----- Steinwein, box bottles - - - - 16 00 - 15 (0 - 17 00 - 14 00 - 20 00 - 35 00 - 14 00 dam (Double Meerschaum) a very line gin, highly racom- mended,) qrs ------ pipes --------- $2 90 3 00 .Tohannisberg Castle, 1862 - - Scharzhotberg ------ Zeltingen - -- -- -- - Assmanshausen* - - - - - ♦Pints SI 25 additional - 25 00 - 20 00 - 10 00 - 20 00 J. de KI1PI R <fc SON'S p_-__. ----- - 1 75 Laubenheim and others (Double Royal Arms- PX---------- 2 00 Aums) - - - per gal. $1 85 to 2 75 Qrs. - -- -- -- -- 2 85 XP - -- -- -- -- - 3 00 Sparkling- %- - - - - 2 90 P 0 - -- -- -- -- - 3 50 Anchor, Red cases, 1 15 large bottles each. ) " " Imperial, Green cases ( 12 bottles each. J - 15 00 8 50 Topaz - -- -- -- -- 5 50 Cette Sherries- Xerez de Montana and others, ---------- 90c. to 1 00 Flower of the Rhine - - - Flower of the Moselle - - Pints, $2 additional. 25 00 23 00 P. W. ENGS & SONS' PRICE LIST. 88 P. W. ENGS & SONS' PRICE LIST. OLD MALMSEY WINE. CLARET AND WHITE CLARETS, in Bulk, in Casks. For Sacrament. WINES. St Lezignan - - - - - - $57 00 $2 75 $3 75 $5 00 St. Julien ------ - - 65 00 and $6 00 G. Preller & Co.- St. Emilion - - - - - - 70 00 :o: Pontet Canet* - - - Cantenac* - - - - - - - $8 50 - - - 9 50 St. Estephe - - - . Lormont ------ - - 80 00 - - 100 00 CLARET AND WHITE Lormont* - - - - Chat. Margaux - - - - - 10 50 - - - 29 50 Others as high as - - - - - 350 00 WINES. » Larose - - - • Lafitte - - - • Latour - - - - - - 20 00 - - - 22 00 - - - 28 50 Sauternes in Bulk- in casks - - - - $60 00 to 150 00 W. Bertrand & Co.- » Leoville* - - - - - 14 00 :o: St. Lezignan - - - $4 00 « Mouton - - - - - - 24 00 St. Julien - . - - 4 50 Haut Sauterne - - - - - - 10 50 BITTERS. Cannot, Fils & Co.- « Creme - - - - 20 00 St. Julien - - - - - 5 50 Chateau Yquem - - - - - - 36 00 St. Etnilion - - - - St. Estephe - - - - 6 7 50 50 ♦Pints, $1 extra. Bokers ------- Sir Robert Burnett & Co- - - 12 00 Haut Sauterne - - - 6 50 * Orange Bitters - - - quarts 9 50 Pints, $1 50 additional. o * » - _ - pints 11 50 GROSS GALLON CAPACITY OF CASKS. Style of Wines or Spirits. Pipes and % pipes. Punch'ons pipes, pchns, hhds. J4 Casks. l-5th Casks. % Casks. Aums. Double Aums. Bbls. Brandy ------- Scotch and Irish Whisky. Gin -------- - Rum Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines Claret and Sauterne Wines Rhine Wines - - - - - Bourbon and Rye Whiskies Apple Jack and N. E. Rum 130 to 140 100 to 140 136 to 158 110 to 156 130 to 140 64 to 80 66 to 76 64 to 70 64 to 70 60 to 80 Casks. 60 39 to 46 37 to 42 38 to 41 36 to 42 30 to 45 i Casks 30 31 to 35 28 to 29 i Casks 20 to 26 24 to 27 24 to 27 24 to 27 17 to 25 15 34 to 40 68 to 80 40 to 54 40 to 54 JWe represent in this country the following houses: SIR ROBERT BURNETT & CO.. Vauxhalt, London. G. PRELLER & CO., Bordeaux. France. PH. ANDRfi & JH. VOILLOT, Beaune (C6te d'Or), France. J. JIMENEZ & CO.. Cadiz and Port St. Mary's, Spain. DEINHARD & CO., Coblenz, on the Rhine and Moselle. GUILLE BROTHERS, Barcelona, Spain. (Succeeded by R. Guille Cassanes & Co.) CAREL ELLTNCKHUIJSEN & SONS, J. RIJSHOUWER. ArraCk' Rotterdam Rotterdam, Holland (Double Meerschaum Gin ) JOHN He KUYPER & SON, Rotterdam. M. LASALETTA & CO.. Cadez& Puerto Sta Maria, Spain. RICARDO GUILLE CASSANES & CO. Barcelona, Spain. (Successors to Guille Bros SCHOLTZ HERMANOS, Malaga, Spain. Orders received for direct shipment for Goods of any of the above named Hozises. We make a specialty of Bourbon and Rye Whiskeys, and are in constant receipt of the same from Distillers of the best reputation. In the absence of a list of prices, which we can adhere to for these goods (owing to frequent changes), we will, with pleasure, furnish special quotations for the different ages, on application. P. W. E. & SONS. DONALD KENNEDY'S MEDICINES. Medical Discovery, warranted to cure every kind of humor, from a common Pimple to the worst kind of Scrofula, Cancer excepted. Price $1.50 Prairie Weed, a Balsam and Tonic for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Inflammation of the Throat and Lungs, and all difficul- ties tending to Consumption. Price $1.00 Rheumatic and Neuralgia Dissolvent will neutralize and dis- solve the virus that causes Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago and all Rheumatic Pains in any part of the system. Price $1.50 Rheumatic Liniment. The best outward application for Pains, Bruises and Aches of all kinds. Price 50 cts. Salt-Rheum Ointment cures all Inflammatory Skin Dis- eases. Price 50 cts. Scrofula Ointment. For cleansing and purifying Scrofulous Sores. Price $1.00 Healing Ointment. For cleansing and healing Ulcers and Old Sores. Price 50 cts. Scattering Liniment, for dissolving and scattering Strumous Swellings. Price $1.00 Hair Grower. For Scald Head and Loss of Hair from Drandruff and Heat. Price $1.00 For Sale by all Druggists in the United States and Canada. NO MEDICINES SENT C. O. D., OR TO BE SOLD ON COMMISSION. WARREN STREET, ROXBURY, MASS. JAS, L. MORGAN & CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF ACIDS, DYE-WOODS, DYEING DRUGS, CHEMICALS & DYE-STUFFS. HUDSON RIVER Chemica Works, AND JyoW B, SEAM SIDE. ON HUDSON MR, OIL VITRIOL, NITRIC ACID, MURIATIC ACID, AQUAFORTIS, AQUA AMMONIA, ACETIC AC'D, MURIATE IRON, ETCHING ACID. TIN CRYSTALS, MURIATE TIN, NITRATE TIN, OXY. MURIATE TIN, NITRO MURIATE TIN, IRON LIQUOR. SULPHATE ZINC, &c. &.c. &c. LOGWOOD, CAMWOOD, BARWOOD, FUSTIC, PEACHWOOD, BARBERRY ROOT. HYPERNIC, TURMERIC, QUERCITRON, BRAZILWOOD, RED SANDERS, etc., etc. BLUE VITRIOL, COPPERAS, SODA ASH, ALUM, SAL SODA, INDIGO, SUGAR LEAD, CUDBEAR, COCHINEAL, BLEACHING POWDER, etc., etc. 47 Fulton Street, New York. Samples sent free. Specify PLAIVTEN'S CAPSULES on all orders. Sold by all Drflggists. Empty, 7 Sizes. Rectal, 3 Sizes. HARD and SOFT CAPSULES Horse, 2 Sizes. Vaginal, 2 Sizes. THE BEST OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. PLANTER'S CAPSULES* Known as RELIABLE since Ffftv years. PREMIUM FOR "GENERAL EXCELLENCE IN MANUFACTURE." ESTABLISHED 1836. H. PLANTEN & SON, 224 William St., N. Y, TZELJLTDZE HARD and SOFT CAPSULES, ALL fctzstzds filled. IMPROVED FRENCH CAPSULES. (SMALL SIZE. 72 in each vial,) These Capsules are of similar size as the Imported French-such as Mathey Caylus, Raqnin, and others-elegantly put up In wrapped vials, and, owing to tneir being one-half the size of our ordinary Capsule, to many more acceptable. They are the best Capsule made; in every way reliable, therefore Worthy of your recommendation. / EMPTY. Ho, 00, LaJJest. No. 5 X, Smallest. {Order by Number only.) Boxes 100 each. A suitable form, by means of which you can administer readily, preventing irritation of mouth or throat, and injury to the teeth, but. perfectly disguised as to odor, taste or other disagreeable properties -such drugs as Quinine and nauseous, bitter al- kaloids, or sharp and CAPSULES. pungent articles like Capsicum, assafcstida, Essential Oils, or certain powders which give off an irritating dust making them difficult to swallow, etc.; nor is the action of the medicine the least impaired. Box by Mail, 50 cents. RECTAL (SUPPOSITORY) CAPSULES. For administering medication in the rectum; are most readily soluble, and far superior to the ordinary suppositories. This new and convenient substitute for sup- positories may be filled with any substance, in powder, paste, extract or liquid, thus, bv a speedy and satisfactory method, helping the dispensing of this form of medica- tion. Box of 100, 50 Cents. N. B.-VVe make ALL KINDS of Capsules to order. New articles and Capsuling Private Formulas a Specialty. Special Notice to the Veterinary Profession and Horse Owners. Two (2) Sizes o hold one or half ounce liquid or solid. PLANTEN'S HORSE (Ball) CAPSULE. Box of ten (10 Capsules, either size, by mail, on receipt of 50 cents. The best and Simplest Form by which Medicines can be given to Horses or Cattle. (21) ♦ see loot note on page 64 In Profs. Van Buren and Keyes' work on Genito-Urinary Organs. SOLE AGENTS IN THE UNITED STATES FOR THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. HOB B'S Meen Fun (Chinees Skin Powder), Reeves's Ambrosia for the Hair. Dr. R. R. FOLGEH'S Olosaonian, or Cough Balsam. Superior Norw ay Cod Diver Oil. And all Preparations formerly made by the late firm of F. C. Wells & Co. 92 SPECIALTIES OF HERMON W. ATWOOD. 8 4k 6 Broadway. Nd Y. ADJOINING WALLACK'S THEATRE. The Atwood Cologne. IN HANDSOME GLASS-STOPPERED BOTTLES- LABELS ELEGANTLY ILLUMINATED. Trial Flasks, $1.75 per doz. Flat Oval Bottles, Sprinkler Stopper, - 7.50 " " Half Pint Bottles, - 10.50 " " Pint Bottles,17.50 " " Quart Bottles, ------ 31.00 " " ATWOOD'S GLYCERINE AND ELDER FLOWER LOTION. An Agreeable, Cooling and Soothing Application for the Cure of C' apping Sunburn and Rough Skin, and for Gentlemen's Use after Shaving. Retails 50 cents per bottle, per doz. $.|.co. GENERAL AGENT FOR Smith's Gangaloo Troches. A Sure Remedy for all Affections of the Throat, Lungs and Bronchial Tubes. These Troches are totally unlike any other in the market. Handsome in style, agreeable to the taste and satisfactory in effect. Sample packages for free distribution furnished on application. Retail Price, 25 cents. Per dozen, $1.75. GENERAL AGENT FOR DOBYN'S SURE CURE The Greatest Catarrh, Neuralgic and Nervous Headache Remedy of the Age! Several thousand certificates have been received by the Proprietors to this offect. Price $[.oo per Box; Per Dozen, $6.00 ORDERS FOR ABOVE ARTICLES EXECUTED BY LAZELL, ZNAJVZRSTT: & G-JLiaZDHSTEZE?,. THE CLINTON MANUFACTURING- CO. MANUFACTURERS 07 THE BAYBERRY GLYCERINE SOAP, BAYBERRY GLYCERATED SOAP, ORIENT SHAVING SOAP, CLINTON, CONN. These Soaps are en- dorsed by the medical fraternity, also by prom- inent men i.i other pro- fessions as superior to any soaps on the market. They are meeting with general favor with the trade. Every Druggist should have them in stock as their sale is guaranteed. Bayberry Glycerine Soap, ... per gross, $21.00 Glycerated Tar Soap, - " " 18.00 Orient Shaving Soap, - " 10.00 Subject to liberal discount. See Price List. Sold by Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner T. G. SELLEW, MANUFACTURER OF D S E K S D S OFFICE AND LIBRARY Furniture, 111 FULTON ST., NEW YORK. Agent For The Celebrated "Wooton Desk." FINE CYLINDER AND ROLL DESKS. Offices Fitted up with Counters and Partitions. FINE DESKS FOR HOME USE. 94 Atwood's Pure Alcohol. AN ABSOLUTELY PURE SPIRIT. NOTHING MANUFACTURED EXCELS IT FOR THE PREPARATION OF FINE PERFUMES Oita by the barrel or smaller quantities executed by LAZELL. MARSH & GARDINER. "Atwood's Alcohol has for many years enjoyed an enviable reputation throughout the whole country, for purity and strength. A large majority of the most successful American Perfumers, whose products are rapidly d iving out all foreign brands, attribute much of their success to the great purity of the Atwood's Alcohol, with which their most delicate odors are combined and diluted. This Alcohol is made only by Messrs. C. II. Graves & Sons, 35 Hawkins Sireet, Boston, Mass., and is sold by all dealers from Maine to California. The present system of guaging alcohol, etc., is not always accurate, as has been often shown, and Messrs. Graves have adopted the plan of measuring all goods sent out, and guaranteeing {\x\\ quantity, as well as quality and purity. Messrs. C. H. Graves & Sons also import all the leading Wines and Liquors direct from first hands, and offer to the trade for Medical Uses the Best Brands of pure old Whiskeys and American Liquors. No house in the country is better known, and those in want of pure standard goods will do well to examine quality and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Circulars, prices, etc., will be mailed free to all on application. THE HTJJB iPUMCH. (Trade Mark Registered.) One of the most palatable of the standard compounds of liquors now bottled by wholesale dealers is the "Hub Punch," prepared by the well known Boston house of C . H Graves & Sons, It is made of the best liquors, in large quantities, and its flavor is far superior to any punch that can be produced by ordinary methods of mixing. ' There is a rapidly increasing demand for it for hotel, club and family use. It can be kept for any length of time, and preceptibly improves with age.-From the Boston Advertiser, Jan. 15, 1880. Soli by Licensed Wine Wants, Grocers and Druggists everywhere. JOHN F. STRATTON & CO. IMPOBTEM Specialty: VIOLIN STRINGS. Leipsic, Saxony & 55 Maiden Lane, N, Y. THE GENUINE RUSSIAN GUT VIOLIN STRINGS.-These goods are extensively advertised, and are well known not only to musicians, but to the small country dealers all over the United States. We have this season adopted a new mode of packing, viz : each string is put in a separate wrapper bearing our Trade Mark, as follows ; Our reasons for the change, are : 1st.-By attaching our trade mark to each string, instead of, as hereto- fore, only to the box containing them we prevert unprincipled persons from offering as our Genuine Rus- sian Gut Strings, an inferior article which can only damage the reputa tion of these goods. 2nd.-Each string is better protect- ■ d by its separate wrapper, so that it reaches the hands of the Violinist with- out Laving been previously injured by handling and exposure. 3rd.- The merchant is himself better protected against loss from damage to the goods while in his store as each string is more carefully kept from the air. Every retail dealer will at once recognize this material ad- vantage. mr.-It is more convenient for jobbers, who, in supplying the small trader, desire to break bundles. Sth.-It enables us to stamp on each wrapper and on the mind of each purchaser that every one of these strings is thoroughly warranted. SEND FOR PRICES AND TERMS. Orders executed by Lazell, Marsh. <fc Gardiner. Thaddeus Davids & Co., MAKUFACTUREM OF Sealing ffai, Mrs, Ming Inks, Flnifl, Etc., IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, FOR THE TRADE ONLY. 127 and 129 William St., New York. (WASHINGTON STORES)-MANUFACTORY, EST A RUSHED 1824. THADDEUS DAVIDS. GEO. W. DAVIDS. DAVID F. DAVIDS. NO GOODS AT RETAIL-TERMS CASH. Sticks. Peril). Common Red Bottle Wax, in wrappers10 $ 12 Superior do do do do 10 20 Common Black do do do 10 12 Superior do do do do 10 20 Superior Green do do do .10 20 Given Package Wax. No. 1. do ...4, 10 & 20 60 Green Package W'ax, No. 2, do .. 4, & 10 40 Brown Package W'ax. No. 1, do ...4, &10 60 Brown Package Wax, No. 2, do ...4, & 10 40 T. Davids & Co's Scailet, No 1, in bxs 4, 8, 20 & 40 1 50 do do do No. 2, do 4,8,20 & 40 1 20 do co do No. 3, do 4, 8,20 & 40 1 00 do do do No. 4, do 4, 8,20 & 40 80 do do do No. 5, do ...4, 8 & 20 60 do do do No. 6, do ...4, 8 & 20 40 T. Davids <fc Co's Black, No. 1, do 20 & 4Q 150 do do do N o. 3, do .... 20 & 40 1 00 do do do No 5, do 8 & 20 60 do flo do No. 6, do 8&2O 40 Fancy Tinted, perfumed, as>oi ted colors in bxs.20 150 Sealing W'ax of any color, quality, style or price, made to order. SEALING WAX, , „ Per gro. 1 oz. Patent Stands 83 60 2 oz. Monitor (or Nosed) Stands 4 00 „ „ , Per doz. 2 oz. Octagon Stands $ 60 4 oz. Bottle; 1 io 6 oz. do 1 40 8 oz. do 1 75 Pint do 3 00 Quart do 5 oo Vi Gal. Stone Jugs 10 00 1 Gal. do do 20 00 BLUE, RLACK AND VIOLET INK. COPYING INK. „ „ Per doz. 8 oz. Stone Bottles 82 50 Pint do 4 50 Quart do 8 00 RED INK. , Per doz. 1 °z $ 80 2 oz 1 50 Per doz. Pints 85 50 Quarts 10 00 Gallon Jugs 36 00 No 1, 8 <>z. do, with Metallic cap and brush 4 00 No. 1, 8 oz. flat, do do do 4 00 No. 2,3 oz. do do do 175 No. 3.3 oz, do do «io 1 50 Bill Stickers, 3 oz. do do do 1 25 On Draught, per gallon .. 2 50 MUCILAGE. CARMINE INK. „ . Perfyz. Carmine Writing Ink, 1 az. Draped Stands JI 50 No. I, 1 oz. Bien Flint Glass 2 00 No. 2, 2 oz. do do do 3 00 No. 1. 1 oz. do do do Ground Stoppers 3 00 No. 3, 3 oz. do do do do ....4 50 No. 4, 4 oz. do do do do 7 (O No 5,8 oz. do do do do 12 00 Pints do do do do 21 00 Quarts ds do do do 42 00 Per doz. 4 oz. Bottles 83 CO 8 oz. do 5 00 Pint do 9 00 JAPAN INK. SCARLKT INK. (A GOOD COPYING INK.) Per aoz. No. 1,1 oz. Rich Flint Glass ¥1 00 No. 2, 2 oz. do do do 1 50 No. 1, 1 oz. do do do Ground Stoppers 150 No. 3, 2 oz. do do do do 2 20 No. 4,4 oz. do do do do 3 55 No. 5, 8 oz. do do do do 6 00 Pints. do do do do 9 00 Quaits, do do do do 18 00 MARKING INK. Per Gallon 75 Per doz. Pints t.2 25 Quart- - 3 50 Gallon Cans 12 CO INK ON DRAUGHT, Arc. WRITING AND C OMBINATION FLUID. Per doz. 2 oz. Stone Stands 8 75 8 oz. Stone Bottles. 2 00 Pint do 3 50 Quart do 6 CO U Gal. Stone Jugs 12 00 1 Gal. do 24 00 Per gal. Block and Bine Writing Ink, on draughtJI 25 Chemical Writing Fluid, do 1 50 Violet Writing Ink, do 1 25 Ink in bottles will be carefully packed in shipping order, in such sized packa'es as may be required. For In its on draught, the price of the barrel or keg is charged extra, at net cost. RATES OF DISCOUNT, From which there is no Deviation from this Date- On all orders below 5 Per cent- discount. On all orders from i25 to 10 Per f eut- d 8C0Unt- On all orders from 810 to 30 Per cent- discount. On all orders over 8100 net 25 Per discount. Terms, CASH, with. Exchange on New York. 95 ESTABLISHED 1854. DANIEL SLOTE <fc CO. DRUGGISTS' PATENT BACK PRESCRIPTION BOOKS. Mark Twain's Scrap Books. ■each No. 660, Size 10 x 12, 250 pages, - $1.60 663, ** 10 x 16, 200 *' 1 75 664, '• 10 x 16, 350 " 2.45 666, " 12 x 18, 350 " 3.15 668, " 12 x 18, 500 " 4.00 DRUGGISTS' PRESCRIPTION BOOKS. MARK TWAIN'S PATENT Send for Descriptive Catalogue with prices. SCRAP BOOK. MEDAL AWARDED PARIS 1878. 119 and 121 William St. J?. O. Box 21. 1ST EAV YORK 97 SCHUYLER & DUANE, 189 Broadway, N. Y. Importers and Dealers in GUNS AND SPORTING GOODS, Agents for W. & C. SCOTT & SONS A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ALL OTHER MAKERS, INCLUDING Parker Bros. Colt, Greener, Clabrough, Bonehill & Northcote, Fine English Sporting Goods of every Description. A full line of Sporting and Target Rifles and Revolvers. English Bicycles a Specialty Orders from Druggists Solicited. £. r. 7?. SOTC7FZA/?, Z M. DUANE, Of the late firm of Schuyler, Hartley & Graham. J. R. Schuyler, Special. J. B. LAURENCOT, IMPORTER OF Optical and Fancy Goods, EBEECH CLOCKS, MUSICAL BOXES, &c. 33 Maiden Lane, 15 RUE D'ENGHIEN, PARIS. Box 2954 P. O. NEW YORK 98 CAUTION.-The public are warned not only against the many false ANGOSTURA BITTERS offered for sale, bearing imitated labels and signatures of Dr. J. G. B. Siegert »fc Hons, but also against any Angostura Bitters manufactured under the name of other makers, and which being but recently introduced, are merely imitations of the only genuine ANGOSTURA BITTERS, of Dr. J. G. B. SIEGERT & SONS which, during the last forty (40) years have enjoyed an unrivalled reputation for efficacy and superiority. Price, $16.00 per case of 24'-2 Bottles, duty paid and stamped. N. B.-Orders for the above justly celebrated Bitters executed by LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. DR. J. G. B. SIEGERT & SONS' Angostura Bitters. "The Aromatic Bitters of Messrs. Dr. Siegert & Sons of Angostura, are doubtless one of the most beneficial discoveries of the present time." Dr. Johannes Muller. Medical Council, Berlin. These Bitters are justly celebrated for their exquisite flavor and great medicinal virtues. Used as an Aromatic Mixture with Wine and Spirits, an invaluable Tonic, and an efficient Preventive of Diarrhoea, Cholera, etc. Copies of Certificates of some of the most eminent physicians and chemists of the world regarding its wholesomeness and purity, are packed tn each box. Soli by Principal Grocers Druggists & LiQiior Dealers. GEORGE WUPPERMANN, Manager & Attorney. J. W. HANCOX, Sole Agent for the United States, p.o.Box2610. 51 BROADWAY, New York. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER'S POWDERED MEDICINAL EXTRACTS The attention of pharmacists is respectfully called to the following in relation to an improvement in preparing medicinal extracts, so that they may be readily dispensed without loss, change or inconvenience. This is readily accomplished in the Powdered Medicinal Extracts which are of the same medicinal strength as the solid extracts prepared in our own Laboratory, and both of these varieties are superior to similar preparations usually offered for sale. For convenience, these Powdered Extracts meet the wants of the dispensing pharmacist, and for their reliability and medicinal action they have received the unqualified approval of those physicians who have employed them. Our powdered extracts may in all cases be subtituted in equal weight for the Solid Medicinal Extracts. Put up in one ounce bottles bearing labels like the following: POWD. EXT. HYOSCYAMUS. POWD. EXT. NUX VOMICA. One grain of the powdered extract represents three and three-fourths grains of powdered Henbane Leaf. This is prepared from the officinal Alcoholic Ex- tract of Henbane, and has the same medicinal strength. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, NEW YORK. One grain of the powdered extract represents eight grains of powdered Nux Vomica. This is prepared from the officinal Alcoholic Ex- tract of Nux vomica, and has the same medicinal strength. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, NEW YORK. The following list includes our present productions, but will be increased to meet the demands of pharmacists : Powd. Ext. Aconite Leaf,... .40 Powd. Ext. Aloes .. .40 Powd. Ext. Belladonna 50 Powd, Ext. Cannabis Ind... .75 Powd. Ext. Cinchona Calis .1.25 Powd. Ext. Colchic. Acetic.. .50 Powd. Ext. Colocynth .. .. .60 Powd. Ext. Colocynth Co... .40 Powd. Ext. Columbo 50 Powd. Ext. Conium 40 Powd. Ext. Dandelion 40 Powd. Ext. Digitalis 40 Powd. Ext. Gentian 40 Powd. Ext. Guarana1.30 Powd. Ext. Hop 50 Powd. Ext. Hyoscyamus 50 Powd. Ext. Ipecac, 90 Powd. Ext. Jalap 40 Powd. Ext. Lettuce 50 Powd. Ext. Lobelia 40 Powd. Ext. Mandrake 40 Powd. Ext. NuxVomica 5° Powd. Ext. Opium i.2.00 Powd. Insp. Ox-Gall 5° Powd. Ext. Quassia 50 Powd. Ext. Rhatany 40 Powd. Ext. Rhubarb 50 Powd. Ext. Sarsaparilla Jam.1.00 Powd. Ext. St. Ignatia 1.50 Powd. Ext. Stramonium 40 Powd. Ext. Valerian 40 A FULL LINE OF THE ABOVE WITH GILMAN BROTHERS, Boston. MORRISSON, PLUMMER & CO. Chicago BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Philadelphia. W. H. BROWN & BROTHER, Baltimore. CRANE & BRIGHAM, San Francisco. RICHARDSON & CO. St. Lonis. SWIFT & DODDS, Detroit. R. A. ROBINSON & CO. Louisville. TRUE Persian Insect Powder FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF BED-BUGS, ROACHES, ANTS, FLEAS, WATER-BUGS AND OTHER VERMIN. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, Wholesale Druggists, NTo. IO GOLD STREET, IST.T The popular notion that this substance Is a combination of ingredients, is an error. Genuine Persian Insect Powder is the flowers (ground) of the Pyrethrum Carneum or Pyrethrum Roseum a plant growing at a high elevation upon the Caucasian Mountains, and possessing in a singular degree, the qualit' of first stupefying and then killing insects and vermin of every kind, while at the same time it is harmless to mat and animals. Persian Insect Powder has long been in extensive use in Asia and Eastern Europe, but only within a com paratively recent period has it been knows in Western Europe or in this country. Our House was one of the first (if not the the first) to introduce it in the United States. As its qualities became known, a large demand quickly sprang up, stimulated by parties who adopted the article, putting it up, howevei under other names, such as "Magnetic Powder," " Electric Powder," &c. The demand for the powder in Western Europe and this country has increased so much of late, that adulter? tions with the leaves and stems of the plant, as well as with other substances, have become common, and vast quantities of this trash are thrown upon the market. Indisputably many persons on this account have been disappointed in the results they expected. We have, since its first introduction in this country, been largely engaged in importing the Persian Insec* Powder, and our long experience has given us unsurpassed facilities for commanding the best Powder obtainable, viz:-that ground from the flowers alone. Our instructions to our agents are imperative on this point: and that they have been faithfully followed, is evidenced by the favor with which Persian Insect Powder, bearing our label has always been received. For Terms, see below. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. PRICES OF LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER'S PERSIAN INSECT POWDER. 4 ounce Bottles, per dozen . $2 50 2 " " " " 150 4 ounce Bottles, per gross $30 00 2 " " " 18 00 24 ounce Bottles (Hotel size), per dozen .12 00 The most satisfactory results in the use of the Persian Insect Powder, are secured by the use of a Hollows, made for the purpose. The Bellows, filling the air with the powder, compels the inhalation of the fine particles by the Insect or vermin, and it is this inhalation, rather than mere contact, that kills them. By it, the Powder can be blown into crevices and recesses, searching out such vermin as would be comparatively secure from a simple strewing by hand. Moreover, the use of the Bellows economises the Powder, making every particle telh I*rlce of Bellows (Retail, $1 00) - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $7 00 per doz. For other Insect Bellows, see page 37. THEODORE METCALF & GO., Pharmaceutical Chemists, -ATTIC Manufacturing Pharmacists, BOSTON, MJLSS. SPECIALTIES. MELLIN'S FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. The ONLY PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for MOTHER'S MILK KEEPS TILT A_TjTj CILTIMIALTZES. T. METCALF & CO., Boston, Sole Agents. BURNETT'S COD LIVER OIL. "The pure, pale Oil simply extracted from the Fresh, Healthy Liver of the Cod " BURNETT'S COD LIVER OIL IS 100 PER CENT. PURE COD LIVER OIL. • T. METCALF <H CO., BOSTON. SOLE PROPRIETORS. METCALFS SACHET POWDERS Impart a delightful and lasting odor to Handkerchief and Glove Boxes, Stationery, Linen Chests, etc. ALL ODORS. T. METCALF & CO., Boston, - - Sole Proprietors. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. IF OZE?, SALE BY LAZELL, MARSH & GAlTTDIjSTER, NEW YORK. 102 MITCHELL'S SOLUBLE MEDICATED URETHRAL BOUGIES FOR THE TREATMENT OF GONORRH(EA, GLEET AND DISEASES OF THE URETHRA. TWO SIZES, LONG AND SHORT, LONG BOUGIE, 6% Inches Lons. SHORT BOUGIE, 3 Inches Lons. REGULAR No. 1. SHORT ONLY. (For Sub-Acute Gonorrhoea.) REGULAR No. 2. LONG ONLY. (Fur Gleet.) REGULAR No. 3. LONG & SHORT. (For Acute Gonorrhoea.) Sulphate Zinc . % gr. Sulphate Zinc. A gr. Oxide Zinc 2 pts. Carbolic Acid ...... %g>'. Carbolic Acid %gr. Ext. Gels-mium 2 gr& Ext. Hydrastis .... 1 gr. Ext. Hydrastis 1 gr. Sulphate Morphia l/e gr- Ext. Belladonna 1 gr. Ext. Belladonna............... 1 gr- Ext. Aconite Rad., Fid 1 gr. Ext. Gelscmium............... • A gr. Also 41 other Special Medications. Retail Price, per box, $1.50, To Physicians .......... $1.00 To the Trade, $8.00 per doz. Boxes. Also manufacturer of Soluble Medicated Intra Uterine Pencils. " Hollow Vaginal Suppositories. " " Prostatic Bougies. " " Nasal " " " Rectal Suppositories. And Gelatine Preparations of all kinds. Send for full Illustrated Catalogue to C. L. MITCHELL, M. D., 9th and Race Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A full line of these goods kept in stock by LAZELL, &; G-ZLIECIDTISriEZEC, who will also furnish catalogues of my preparations, The Regulars Nos. 1 and 2 are especially suited for retail trade. 103 HJEMAGLOBIN; OR ELDSLOOJX.TZETD BULLOCK'S BLOOD. We prepare this remedial from healthy Bullock's Blood, direct from the abbatoirs. This preparation is freed from fibrin and all extraneous matters, evapo- rated with care at a moderate temperature, and represents nearly pure Haemoglobin. Bullock's blood has been used recently with very gratifying results. In presenting it in this form, by which it may be preserved almost indefinitely and without any loss of its soluble principles or remedial properties, the pharmacist or patient can readily reproduce Bullock's Blood as efficient as from the animal itself. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER, Manufacturers. The attention of the Trade is called to our GRANULAR EFFERVESCING SALTS, which represent the full medicinal qualities of the celebrated springs vichy, TCTSSILTQ-ZETT, FRIEDBICHSHALL, (Bitter. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, (Granular.) Freely Soluble and Effectual. 4 ounce bottles, per dozen, - - - - - - -$3 5° I pound bottles, per pound, - -- -- -- 125 Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. SODA WATER REQUISITES. FRUIT JUICES, OUR OWN MAKE, Strawberry, Raspberry, Pine Apple, Blackberry, In Quart Champagne Bottles, per doz., $ g .00. FRUIT ESSENCES, of Superior Quality, our own make, Apple, Banana, Nectar, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Raspberry ? Strawberry, per lb $1.25. Fruit Acid Solution, Fruit Coloring. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, Checkerberry, Lemon, Orange, Sarsaparilla, Nectarine, Vanilla, Coffee. Our Fruit-juices do not spoil nor ferment after the bottles are opened, and only require to be mixed with Simple Syrup as may be needed. We also furnish to order any other articles or apparatus connected with Soda Water trade, at manufacturers prices. Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, 10 Gold Street. THE NEW YORK COAL TAR CHEMICAL CO. (Formerly Page. Kidder & Fletcher,) No. IO Warren Street, N. Y. Manufacturers of Benzole, Naphtha, Naphthaline, Nitro-Benzole, Oil Myrbane. Carbolic Acid, Cresylic Acid, Paraffine Varntsh. We have largely increased our facilities for the manufacture of all qualities of CARBOLIC ACID Crystals, Liquid and Crude. Being COAL TAR DISTILLERS on a large scale, we WZ tampete with the best German and English makers, and offer our goods at the LO Il'ESP MARKET PRICES. We recommend the following standard varieties as being the most useful for medicinal and disin- fecting purposes; No. 1 Medicinal, Cryst. at 42° c. in 1 lb. bottles. " 2 ** " 35° c. " " 2 " 35° «• >n 50 lb. tins. ** 4 Liquid in lb. bottles. 5 " 95 Per cent. Tar Acids in bbls, per sail. M 6 0 80 " " * " " " CRUDE .ACIDS, We are prepared to supply any grade ot Crude Arid, but cannot advise its use for general disin- fecting purposes. LAZELL, MARSH & CARDINER'S LABORATORY PRODUCTS. We note, with pleasure, the increased demand for the products of our Laboratory, and call attention to the fact that we now produce all new articles, both Chemical and Pharmaceutical, that are in demand Solution Dialysed Iron, A pure neutral solution of Ferric Oxychloride (Fe 7 Cl.3 23 Fe.7 O3), which will keep without change. lit Pint Bottles, 50 Cents. I Five Pint Bottle, $2.25 I Gallon, $3.75 CITRATE OF IRON AND CINCHONIDIA; A new Scale Salt of value, and which is asserted to equal in inedicinal value, Citrate of Iron and Quiniae, It is freely soluble, and adapted for use either in solution or pill. We offer it in Ounce Bottles, 40 Cents. I Pound Bottles, $5.00 We do Hot propose in this place to give an extended list of our products, but would mention that we always furnish our own manufacture, of any of our Laboratory products, unless other manufacture be specified. Nearly every one of the "Officinal " preparations of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 1873, can be supplied of our own manufacture, besides most of the non-officinal remedies in use. 106 THE STANDARD ELECTRICAL INSTRUMEMTS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. Acknowledged to be the Best by the most eminent members of the Medical Profession. GALVANO-FARADIC MANUFACTURING CO., Ao. 288 Fourth Avenue, Neto Fork. MANUFACTURE FOR MEDICAL USE : Portable Electro-Magnetic Machines, u Galvanic Batteries. Galvano Caustic " " Batteries for Hospitals and Dispensaries. And Electrodes of all description. SPECIAL NOTICE.-A Long Needed Want Supplied. We are now prepared to furnish the trade with a Self-Acting Electrical Machine, complete and reliable in every respect, for family use. Price $10. No. 2 Electro Magnetic Machine For Family Use. 16 Cell Galvanic Battery, (continuous current.) Highest award received from Centennial Exposition, 1876, and first pre- miums from Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, 1879 • Send for Catalogue with a Concise and Practical Guide for their Use. Orders received and executed by Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. F. H. LOVELL & CO., 231 and 233 Pearl Street and 118 John Street, NEW MANUFACTURERS OF LAMP GOODS of EVERY DESCRIPTION AND DEALERS IN GLASSWARE. Glass Hand Lamp 75c. Brass Hand Lamp, No. 2, #1.65 Fire Fly Lamps, Per gross' $10.50. Glass Stand Lamp, $1.25 Opal Stand Lamp, 3 in., #1.75 34 • 2.25 4 » 300 Hurricane Lantern Small, #6 50 Medium 7 50 Large, 10. .0 No. 1 Lantern, $6.50 No. 15, Tubular, #14.00 • 17, - 18.00 No. O, Tubular, #8.6i ■ 1, • 10.50 Lip Chimney, NO. 0, 35 1, 35 2, 45 Sun. No. 0, 35 1, 35 2, 45 Study. Small, 35 Large, 45 Drummond. No. 1, 60 2, 80 3, 1.00 Radiator. 6 in. 90 7 • 1.10 Founts. A, 75 B, 90 Feeder Founts. A, 85 B, 1.10 Globes. 34 in., #3.00 4 ■ 4.00 Oregons. 34 in., #2.75 4 • 4.00 Globe Ring' 34 in., 70c. 4 • 80c. Collars. No. 0. 11 1, 11 2, 17 3, 45 Sun Burners. No. 0, #1.45 1, 1.55 2, 2.15 Prize Burners No. 0, #1.45 1, 155 2, 2.15 Crystal Light Burners #3.65 Hinge Burners No. 0, 85 1, 95 2, 1.75 Convex Burners #1.10 Drummond Burners No. 1, #1.40 2, 2.90 3, 3.90 Prices by tile Dozen, except where otherwise stated. ORDERS EXECUTED BY LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER'S FINEST TUSCAN SALAD OIL. Quarts, cases of One Dozen, ----- per case, $8.50 Pints, cases of Two Dozen, - - per case, 9.5Q Pints, cases of One Dozen, ----- per case, §5.00 Half Pints, cases of Two Dozen, - - - - per case, 6.00 This is the " CREAM OIL," the finest known in Tuscany ; selected for us by an expert. No Better Oil is Obtainable. Our bottles contain about 20 per cent, more Oil than most other brands of similar quality. LAZELL, MARSH & GARDINER'S FLUID EXTRACTS OF TT. S. I?. Standard Strength.. We call attention to our new style of package for these Pharmaceuticals and also to the list of Special Extracts, many of which are new. Bearsfoot, Belladonna Root Berberis Aquifol. Black Haw, Bladder Wrack, CascaraSagrada Coca, Conium Seed, Coto Bark, Damiana, Ergot, Eucalyptus, Grindelia Rob. Grindelia Squar. Guarana, Jaborandi, Liquorice, (from peeled rooU) Mistletoe, Squaw Vine, Star Grass. For full list of Fluid Extracts and remarks on the process of manufacture, see page 20. EAZEEVS CONCENTRATED PERFUMES. PRICE LIST. OUR HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS AND CELEBRATED COLOGNE OILS, &c, MAY BE FOUND WITH THE Principal Wholesale Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers throughout the Union. ITT ELEGANT ZETOET'-EZD LABELLED BOTTLES. (As represented by this engraving.) TWELTTY-FIVE CERTS EXTRA. This Cut represents the actual size of bottle. MANUFACTURED BY HiJLZEJLL, :m:7V:R,S:h: & G-JLIRZDIZtSTiElR ISTEW YOEK.