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O 10 Tl Na O 10 Jllllllllllllll 0 10 Sr n 10 Ba Gi*een 60 20 SO (Oran^epfe I *0 | 50 i|lii!iliiiiliiii|iiiiliiiiliriiliiiiliiiil|iiiliiiiiii^ Red -*r¥eliow 10 20 so Uo | 50 ll.lllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll A a I Blue Indigo no ioo uo lao 130 i+o jso 160 no 90 so 1*0 lao Uo 70 80 ijiiliiiiWiiirtimtnnti 30 30 llllllll 60 70 80 SO 30 20 30 20 30 HifiiTrM 90 30 90 30 20 30 ||pl)lllllHI^||llllllj(llll|Jlllllllll 60 70 BO nTTT iiili^ilynlllliliiilliiijju 60 70 80 60 JO SO +0 Ml 00 JO 80 60 I GO 70 80 Hi d^uliyjip 60 70 no Ullli 20 30 0O IO 80 Red .MiiJlii^luli OraM&e|Yellow Green lL in Tl 9 « 110 ioo no too uo i»o 130 i4-o 1*0 130 1+0 ., 130 14>0 130 1+0 130 140 mli 130 1+0 1*0 l+O ijlllllllll 130 1+0 MO 14,0 Blue Sr6 Indido MANUAL OF QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. -x— * * * +--^ BY DR. C. REMIGIUS FRESENIUS. PRIVY ACLIC COUNSELLOR OF THE DUKE OF NASSAU ; DIRECTOR OF THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY AT WIESRADEN; PROFESSOR OP CHEMISTRY, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, AND TECHKOLCliT AT THB WIESBADEN AGRICULTURAL ISSTITUTK. jFrom tf)t last Bnglisf) anb Amman 3£^itfonjS. EDITED BY SAMUEL W. JOHNSON, M.A., PROFESSOR OF ANALYTICAL AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY IN YALB COLLEGE, NSW HAYEN, OOSlt. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SON, 535 BROADWAY. 1867. Scored according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by JOHN WILEY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. K. OBAIOHEAD, :itrr, Mereolyper. ami Electrolyptr, Carton ©wining, 81. Hi, and 83 CerUrt Strict. EDITOR'S PREFACE. Notwithstanding the rapid multiplication of Treatises on Qualitative Chemical Analysis, the Manual of Fresenius main- tains a well deserved popularity. Though apparently somewhat complicated in its arrangement, it is in use incomparably the most trustworthy guide the chemist can employ. The present contains all the improvements of the eleventh German and sixth English editions. The editor has employed as its basis the text of the fifth London issue, and has incorporated with it his own translation of the corrections and new matter of the last German edition; the Appendix alone excepted, which is reprinted from the sixth English edition, just published. The matter newly added to this work by the author relates chiefly to the Rarer Elements, to Flame-Tests, Spectral Analysis, Dialysis, and the Reactions op the Alkaloids. The course of Analysis has also received some important modifica- tions. The editor has added a few notes which are distinguished by inclosure in brackets [ ]. In one or two instances he has sub- stituted his own matter for that of the author, and he has omitted altogether a few unimportant paragraphs. The colored spectrum-plate of the foreign editions, which is not only incomplete but erroneous, has been replaced in this work by the more recent and useful plain plate of Kirchhof and Bunsen. SAMUEL W. JOHNSON, Sheffield Laboratory of Tale College. May, 1864. CONTENTS. PART I. INTRODUCTORY PART. PAGE PRELIMINARY REMARKS. Definition, objects, general princi- ples, utility, and importance of qualitative chemical analysis, the conditions and requirements for •a successful study of that science..................... 2 SECTION I Operations, § 1. 1. 3 9 fi 3. 7 4. 8 5. 9 6. 11 7. 12 R 13 9. 13 10. Fusion and Fluxing, § 11.... 14 11. Deflagration, § 12........... 15 12. The use .of the blowpipe, § 13 16 13. Spirit and gas lamps, § 14.... 20 14. Colored flames and spectral 25 Appendix to the First Section, Apparatus and utensils, § 16..... 29 SECTION II. Reagents, § 17............. 31 A. Reagents in the humid way. pa 01 I. Simple Solvents. 1. Water, § 18................ 34 2. Alcohol, § 19............... 35 3. Ether, ) 4. Chloroform, and [-§20... 35 5. Sulphide of Carbon, ) II. Acids and halogens, § 21.... 36 a. Oxygen acids. 1. Sulphuric acid, § 22......... 37 2. Nitric acid, § 23........... 38 3. Acetic acid, § 24.......... 39 4. Tartaric acid, § 25.......... 40 6. Hydrogen acids and halogens. 1. Hydrochloric acid, § 26...... 40 2. Chlorine, §27.............. 42 3. Nitrohydrochloric acid, § 28.. 43 4. Hydrofluosilicic acid, § 29.... 43 c. Sulphur acids. 1. Hydrosulphuric acid, § 30.... 44 III. Bases and metals, § 31..... 50 a. Oxygen bases. a. Alkalies. 1. Potassa and soda, § 32...... 51 2. Ammonia, § 33............. 53 /?. Alkaline earths. 1. Baryta, § 34............... 5£ VI CONTENTS. PAGE 2. Lime, § 35................. 56 y. Heavy metals and their oxides. 1. Zinc, 8 36................. 56 2 Iron, § 37................. 57 3. Copper, § 38............... 57 4. Hydrate of teroxide of bis- muth. § 39.............. 57 5. Binoxide of lead, § 40....... 58 b. Sulphur banes. 1. Sulphide of ammonium, § 41. 58 2. Sulphide of sodium, § 42___ 60 IV. Salts. a. Salts of the alkalies. 1. Sulphate of potassa, § 43..... 61 2. Phosphate of soda, § 44..... 61 3. Oxalate of ammonia, § 45.... 61 4 Acetate of soda, § 46....... 62 5. Carbonate of soda, § 47...... 62 6. Carbonate of ammonia, § 48.. 63 7. Bisulphite of soda, § 49..... 64 8. Nitrite of potassa, § 50...... 64 9. Bichromate of potassa, § 51.. 65 10. Antimonate of potassa. § 5'2.. 65 11. Molybdate of ammonia, § 53. 66 12. Chloride of ammonium, § 54.. 66 13. Cyanide of potassium, § 55... 67 14. Ferrocyanide of potassium, §56................... 68 15. Ferricyanide of potassium, § 57 69 16. Sulphocyanide of potassium, §58.................... 69 b. Salts of the alkaline earths. 1. Chloride of barium, § 59..... 70 2. Nitrate of baryta, § 60....... 71 3. Carbonate of baryta, § 61.... 71 4. Sulphate of lime, § 62....... 72 5. Chloride of calcium, § 63..... 72 6. Sulphate of magnesia, § 64... 72 c. Salts of the oxides of the heavy metals. 1. Sulphate of protoxide of iron, §65.................... 73 2. Sesquichloride of iron, § 66.. 73 3. Nitrate of silver, § 67....... 74 4. Acetate of lead, § 68........ 75 5. Nitrate of suboxide of mercury, §69.................... 75 6. Chloride of mercury, § 70___ 76 7. Sulphate of copper, $71..... 76 8. Protochloride of tin, § 72..... 77 9. Bichloride of platinum, § 73.. 77 10. Sodio-protochloride of palla- dium, § 74.............. 78 11. Terchloride of gold, § 75..... 78 V. Coloring matters and indif- ferent vegetable substan- ces, § 76. 1. Test papers. a. Blue litmus paper......... 79 0. Reddened litmus paper.... 79 y. Georgina paper........... 79 6. Turmeric paper.......... 80 2. Indigo solution, § 77........ 80 B. Reagents in the dry way. I. Fluxes and decomposing agents. 1. Mixture of carbonate of soda and carbonate of potassa, §78.................... 81 2. Hydrate of baryta. § 79..... 82 3. Fluoride of calcium, § 80 ... 83 4. Carbonate of lime, § 81...... 83 5. Chloride of ammonium, § 82.. 83 6. Nitrate of soda, § 83........ 84 [I. Blowpipe reagents. 1. Carbonate of soda, § 84...... 84 2. Cyanide of potassium. § 85... 85 3. Biborate of soda, § 86....... 86 4. Phosphate of soda and ammo- nia, § 87................ 87 5. Nitrate of protoxide of cobalt, §88.................... 88 SECTION III. Reactions, or the deportment of bodies with reagents, § 89.. 89 A. Deportment and properties of THE METALLIC OXIDES AND THEIR RADICALS, § 90............. 90 FIRST GROUP, § 91. a. Potassa, § 92.............. 91 b. Soda, § 93................ 93 c. Ammonia, § 94............ 95 Recapitulation and remarks, § 95.. 96 Caesia, rubidia, lithia, § 96 .... 98 SECOND GROUP, § 97......... 100 a. Baryta, § 98............. 100 b. Strontia, § 99............. 102 c. Lime, § 100............... 104 d. Magnesia, § 101........... 105 Recapitulation and remarks, § 102. 107 THIRD GROUP, § 103......... HO a. Alumina, § 104............ HO CONTENTS. Vll PAGE b. Sesquioxide of chromium, § 105.................... 112 Recapitulation and remarks, § 106. 113 Glucina, thoria, zirconia, yttria, terbia, erbia, oxides of cerium, lanthanum, and didymium, titanic, tantalic, and hypo- columbic acids, § 107.....114-120 FOURTH GROUP, § 108........ 120 a. Oxide of zinc, § 109........ 120 b. Protoxide of manganese, §110 122 c. Protoxide of nickel, § 111.. 124 d. Protoxide of cobalt, § 112... 126 e. Protoxide of iron, § 113____128 /. Sesquioxide of iron, § 114.. 130 Recapitulation and remarks, § 115. 131 Oxides of uranium, vanadium, and thallium, § 116..... 134-136 FIFTH GROUP, § 117........136 First division of the fifth group: oxides which are precipitated by hydrochloric acid. a. Oxide of silver, § 118...... 137 6. Suboxide of mercury, § 119. 138 c Oxide of lead, § 120........ 139 Recapitulation and remarks, § 121. 141 Second division of the fifth group: oxides which are not precipi- tated by hydrochloric acid. a. Oxide of mercury, § 122--- 142 b. Oxide of copper, § 123..... 143 c. Teroxide of bismuth, § 124.. 146 d. Oxide of cadmium, § 125.... 147 Recapitulation and remarks, § 126. 148 Protoxide of palladium, oxide of rhodium, oxides of osmium and ruthenium, § 127... 149-151 SIXTH group, § 128......... 152 First division : a. Teroxide of gold, § 129..... 152 b Binoxide of platinum, S 130. 154 Recapitulation and remarks, § 131. 155 Second division: a. Protoxide of tin, § 132.....155 b. Binoxide of tin, § 133...... 157 c. Teroxide of antimony, § 134. 159 d. Arsenious acid, § 135....... 163 e. Arsenic acid, § 136........173 Recapitulation and remarks, §137. 175 Oxide of iridium, oxides of molybdenum, tungsten, tellu- rium, and selenium, § 138.179-182 PAGE B. Deportment of the acids and THEIR RADICALS WITH REAGENTS. § 139..................... 182 L Inorganic acids. first group, § 140......... 184 First division: Chromic acid, § 141........... 184 Sulphurous, hvposulphurous, and iodic acids,'§ 142........186-188 Second division: Sulphuric acid, § 143 ........ 188 Hydrofluosilicic acid, § 144____189 Third division: a. Phosphoric acid, § 145...... 190 Bi- and tribasic phosphoric acids, § 146............. 194 6. Boracic acid, § 147.........195 c. Oxalic acid, § 148......... 196 d. Hydrofluoric acid, § 149____198 Recapitulation and remarks, § 150. 201 Phosphorous acid, § 151........ 202 Fourth division: a. Carbonic acid, § 152........ 203 b. Silicic acid, § 153.......... 204 Recapitulation and remarks, § 154. 207 SECOND GROUP.............. 207 a. Hydrochloric acid. § 155.... 207 b. Hydrobromic acid, § 156.... 209 c. Hvdriodic acid, § 157....... 211 d. Hydrocyanic acid, § 158----214 Hydroferrocyanic and hy- droferricyanic acids...... 216 e. Hydrosulphuric acid. § 159.. 217 Recapitulation and remarks, § 160. 218 Nitrous, hypochlorous, chlorous, and hypochlorous acids, § 161................220-221 THIRD GROUP. a. Nitric acid, § 162..........222 b. Chloric acid, § 163......... 223 Recapitulation and remarks, § 164. 225 Perchloric acid, § 165......... 225 II. Organic acids. first group............... 226 a. Oxalic acid............... 226 b. Tartaric acid, §166........ 226 vm CONTENTS. PAGE c. Citric acid, § 167.......... 228 d. Malic acid, § 168.......... 229 Recapitulation and remarks, § 169. 230 Racemic or paratartaric acid, § 170..................... 231 second group.............. 232 a. Succinic acid, 8 171........232 b. Benzoic acid, § 172........233 PAGE Recapitulation and remarks, § 173. 234 THIRD GROUP...............234 a. Acetic acid, 8 174......... 234 b. Formic acid, § 175.........236 Recapitulation and remarks, § 176. 237 Lactic, propionic, and butyric acids, § 177............... 238 PART II. SYSTEMATIC COURSE OF QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Preliminary remarks on the course of qualitative analysis in gene- ral, and the plan of this part of the present work in parti- cular..................... 243 SECTION I. PRACTICAL PROCESS, I. Preliminary examination, § 178 246 A. The body under examination is solid.................... 246 I. It is neither a pure metal nor an alloy, §179........... 246 II. The substance is a metal or an alloy. § 180........... 253 B. The substance under examina- tion is a fluid, § 181........254 II. Solution of bodies, or classi- fication of substances ac- cording to their deportment with certain solvents, § 182 255 A. The substance under examina- tion is neither a metal nor an alloy, § 183............... 256 B The substance under examina- tion is a metal or an alloy, § 184...................... 258 III. Actual analysis..... 259 SIMPLE COMPOUNDS. A. Substances soluble in water. Detection of the base, § 185.. 259 Detection of the acid. I. Detection of inorganic acids, § 186................... 266 II. Detection of organic acids, § 187................... 269 B. Substances insoluble or sparingly soluble in water, but soluble in hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, or nilrohydrochloric acid. Detection of the base, § 188. 271 Detection of the acid. I. Detection of inorganic acids, §189................... 273 II. Detection of organic acids, § 190................... 275 C. Substances insoluble or sparingly soluble in water, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, or nitro- hydrochloric acid. Detection of the base and the acid, § 191.............. 275 COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. A. Substances soluble in water, and also such as are insoluble in water, but dissolve in hydro- chloric acid, nitric acid, or nilrohydrochloric acid. Detection of the bases, § 192 I. Substances soluble in water. Detection of silver and sub- oxide of mercury.........278 II. Substances soluble in hydro- chloric or nitrohydrochloric acid....................281 III. Substances soluble in nitric acid. Detection of silver and sub- oxide of mercury......... 281 Treatment with hydrosulphuric acid, precipitation of the me- CONTENTS. IX tallic oxides of Group V., 2d division, and of Group VI., § 193..................... 282 Treatment of the precipitate pro- duced by hydrosulphuric acid with sulphide of ammonium ; separation of the 2d division of Group V. from Group VI., § 194.....................283 Detection of the metals of Group VI. Arsenic, antimony, tin, gold, platinum, § 195....... 285 Detection of the metallic oxides of Group V, 2d division. Oxide of lead, teroxide of bis- muth, oxide of copper, oxide of cadmium, oxide of mer- cury, § 196................ 288 Precipitation with sulphide of ammonium, detection and separation of the oxides of Groups III. and IV. Alumi- na, sesquioxide of chromium, oxide of zinc, protoxide of manganese, protoxide of nickel, protoxide of cobalt, proto- and sesquioxide of iron, and also of those salts of the alkaline earths which are pre- cipitated by ammonia from their solution in hydrochloric acid: phosphates, borates, ox- alates, silicates, and fluorides, § 197..................... 290 Separation and detection of the oxides of Group II., which are precipitated by carbonate of ammonia iu presence of chloride of ammonium, viz., baryta, strontia, lime, § 198.. 299 Examination for magnesia, § 199 300 Examination for potassa and soda, § 200................ 301 Examination for ammonia, § 201 302 DETECTION OF THE ACIDS. 1. Substances soluble in water. I. In the absence of organic acids, § 202............... 302 II. In presence of organic acids, § 203....................305 2. Substances insoluble in water, but soluble in hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, or nilrohydro- chloric acid. I. In the absence of organic acids, § 204............... 308 II. In presence of organic acids, § 205..................... 309 B. Substances insoluble, or sparing- ly soluble both in water and in hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, or nilrohydrochloric acid. Detection of the bases, acids, and non-metallic elements, §206................... 309 SECTION II. practical course in particular cases. I. Special method of effecting the analysis of cyanides, ferro- cyanides, &c, insoluble in water, § 207.............314 II. Analysis of silicates, § 208... 316 A. Silicates decomposable by acids, § 209............. 317 B. Silicates which are not de- composed by acids, § 210.. 319 C. Silicates which are partially decomposed by acids, § 211 322 III. Analysis of natural waters, §212. A. Analysis of the fresh waters- (spring-water, well-water, brook water, river-water, &c.), § 213..............323 B. Analysis of mineral waters, §214................. 327 1. Examination of the water. a. Operations at the spring, §215................. 328 6. Operations iu the labora- tory, § 216............ 329 2. Examination of the sinter deposits, § 217........... 334 IV. Analysis of soils, § 218..... 337 1. Preparation and examination of the aqueous extract, § 219 338 2. Preparation and examination of the acid extract, § 220.. 340 3. Examination of the inorganic constituents insoluble in water and acids, § 221... 341 4. Examination of the organic constituents of the soil, § 222..................'. 341 V. Detection of inorganic sub- stances in presence of or- ganic substances, § 223... 343 1. General rules for the detec- tion of inorganic substances in presence of organic mat- ters, which by their color, consistence, &c, impede the application of the reagents, or obscure the reactions produced, § 224......... 343 2. Detection of inorganic poisons in articles of food, in dead bodies, &c, in chemico-legal cases, § 225.............346 CONTENTS. PAGE I. Method for the detection of arsenic and all other metal- lic poisons. A. Method for the detection of undissolved arsenious acid, § 226................... 346 B. Method of detecting arsenic and other metallic com- pounds which are soluble in water, by means of dialy- sis, § 227 .............. 347 C. Method for the detection of arsenic in whatever form of combination it may exist, which allows also a quanti- tative determination of that poison, and permits at the same time the detection of other metallic poisons which may be present, § 22-*..... 349 II. Method for the detection of hydrocyanic acid, § 229... 358 [II. Method for the detection of phosphorus, § 230........360 3. Examination of the inorganic constituents of plants, ani- mals, or parts of the same, of manures, &c. (analysis of ashes), § 231......... 366 A. Preparation of the ash... 366 B. Examination of the ash .. 366 a. Examination of the part soluble in water........ 367 b. Examination of the part soluble in hydrochloric acid.................. 368 c. Examination of the resi- due insoluble in hydro- chloric acid............ 369 SECTION III. EXPLANATORY NOTK8 AND ADDITIONS TO THE SYSTEMATIC COURSE OF ANALYSIS. I. Additional remarks to the pre- liminary examination, To §§ 178-181.............. 370 II Additional remarks to the so- lution of substances, &c, To §§ 182-184......... 371 III. Additional remarks to the actual analysis, To §§ 185- 207...................372 A. General review and explana- tion of the analytical course 372 a. Detection of the bases.... 372 b Detection of the acids.... 376 B. Special remarks and additions to the systematic course of auaiysis................. 379 To 8 192.................... 380 PAGE To 88 193 and 194........... 381 §195................... 383 8 196.................... 383 §197................... 384 8 198................... 386 §206................... 386 8 207................... 387 APPENDIX. I. Deportment of the most import- ant medicinal alkaloids with reagents, and systematic method of effecting the de- tection of these substances, §232................... 389 I. Volatile alkaloids. 1. Nicotia, § 233........... 390 2. Conia, § 234............391 II. Non-volatile alkaloids. FIRST GROUP. Morphia, § 235.............. 393 SECOND GROUP. a. Narcotina, § 236........... 395 b. Quina, § 237.............. 396 c. Cinchonia, § 238........... 398 Recapitulation and remarks, § 239. 399 THIRD GROUP. a. Strychnia, § 240........... 400 b. Brucia, § 241.............402 c. Veratria, § 242............404 Recapitulation and remarks, § 243. 405 Salicine, § 244............... 406 Systematic course for the detection of the non-volatile alkaloids treated of in the preceding paragraphs, and of salicine. 406 I. Detection of the alkaloids, and of salicine, in solutions sup- posed to contain only one of these substances, § 245...... 406 II. Detection of the alkaloids, and of salicine, in solutions sup- posed to contain several or all of these substances, §246... 409 III. Detection of the alkaloids, in presence of coloring and ex- tractive vegetable or animal matter, § 247.............. 411 1. Stas's method of detecting poisonous alkaloids....... 411 2. Otto's modification of Stas's method................. 4jj 3. Method of L. von Uslar and J. Erdmann.............. 414 4. Detection of strychnia by means of chloroform...... 416 CONTENTS. xi 5. Graham and Hoffmann's method of detecting strych- nia in beer.............. 417 6. Dialysis of the alkaloids.....417 II. General plan of the order and succession in which substan- ces should be analyzed for practice, § 248............418 ITI. Arrangement of the results of the analyses performed for practice, § 249.............420 IV. Table of the more frequently occurring forms and combina- tions of the substances treated of in the present work; ar- PAGH ranged with special regard to the class to which they re- spectively belong, according to their solubility in water, in hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, or nitrohydrochloric acid, § 250...................... 422 Preliminary remarks........ . 422 Table....................... 424 Notes....................... 424 V. Table of weights and mea- sures............ ........427 Index.......................429 PAET I. INTRODUCTORY. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. DEFINITION", GENERAL PRINCIPLES, OBJECTS, UTILITY, AND IMPORT- ANCE OP QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, THE CONDITIONS ANT REQUIREMENTS FOR A SUCCESSFUL STUDY OF THAT SCIENCE. Chemistry is the science which treats of the various materials entering into the structure of the earth, their composition and decomposition, their mutual relations and deportment in general. A special branch of this science is designated Analytical Chemis- try, inasmuch as it pursues a distinct and definite object—viz., the analysis of compound bodies, and the examination of their com- ponent elements. Analytical chemistry, again, is subdivided into two branches—viz., qualitative analysis, which simply studies the nature and properties of the component parts of bodies ; and quantitative analysis, which ascertains the quantity of every indi- vidual element present. The office of qualitative analysis, there- fore, is to exhibit the constituent parts of a substance of unknown composition in forms of known composition, from which the consti- tution of the body examined, and the presence of its several com- ponent elements may be positively inferred. The efficiency of its method depends upon two conditions—viz., it must attain the object in view with unerring certainty, and in the most expeditious manner. The object of quantitative analysis, on the other hand, is to exhibit the elements revealed by the qualitative investigation in forms which will permit the most accurate estimate of their weight, or to effect by other means the determination of their quantity. These different ends are, of course, attained respectively by very different ways and means. The study of qualitative analysis must, therefore, be pursued separately from that of quantitative analysis, and must naturally precede it. Having thus generally defined the meaning and scope of qualita- 2 PRELIMINARY REMARKS. tive analysis, we have now still to consider, in the first place, the preliminary information required to qualify students for a success- ful cultivation of this branch of science, the rank which it holds in the domain of chemistry, the bodies that fall within the sphere of its operations, and its utility and importance; and, in the second place, the principal parts into which its study is divided. It is, above all, absolutely indispensable for a successful pursuit of qualitative investigations, that the student should possess some knowledge of the chemical elements, and of their most important combinations, as well as of the principles of chemistry in general; and that he should combine with this knowledge some readiness in the apprehension of chemical processes. The practical part of this science demands, moreover, strict order, great neatness, and a cer- tain skill in manipulation. If the student joins to these qualifica- tions the habit of invariably ascribing the failures with which he may happen to meet, to some error or defect in his operations, or, in other words, to the absence of some condition or other indis- pensable to the success of the experiment—and a firm reliance on the immutability of the laws of nature cannot fail to create this habit—he possesses every requisite to render his study of analyti- cal chemistry successful. Now, although chemical analysis is based on general chemistry, and cannot be cultivated without some previous knowledge of the latter, yet, on the other hand, we have to look upon it as one of the main pillars upon which the entire structure of the science rests ; ). In solutions of the salts of ammonia with other acids than carbonic, a clear solution of mixed carbonate of potassa and chloride of mercury must be employed, which is prepared by adding 10 drops of a solution of the purest carbonate of potassa (§ 78), (1 of salt to 50 of water) and 5 drops of a solution of chloride of mercury (§ 70) to 80 c. c. of water exempt from ammonia (such is the water of many springs, but ordinary distilled water rarely, § 18). This reagent may be kept in closed vessels for a time without change. If much more concentrated, oxide of mercury separates from it. By its use the ammonia salt is first converted into carbonate by double decomposition with the carbonate of potassa, and the further reaction proceeds as before mentioned] § 96. Special Reactions of the rarer Members of the First Group. 1. C^sia (Cs O,) and 2. Rubidia (Rb O). The compounds of Caesium and Rubidium appear to be widely distributed in nature, though they occur in small quantities. They have been found principally in the mother-liquors of some mineral waters and in some minerals (lepidolite). They have great similarity to the com- pounds of potassium. Their volatile salts communicate a violet color to the flame, and their concentrated aqueous solutions give precipitates with bichloride of platinum and tartaric acid. Characteristic of these metals is the great insolubility of their platinchlorides. Thus, at 50° Fahr. 100 grm. of water dissolve 900 milligrm. of platinchloride of potassium, but only 154 mgr. of the rubidium- and 60 mgr. of the csesium-platinchloride. Their spectra are especially adapted to their detection, and characterize them most perfectly. The spectrum of caesium (plate I.) has the pale blue lines a and 0 of extraordinary brilliancy and definiteness. Next to these in brilliancy is the line y. In the spectrum of rubidium the splendid indigo-blue lines a and /? are most prominent. Less brilliant though not less characteristic are the deep red lines S and y. [Finally, caesia may be separated from rubidia by converting both into bitar- trates and repeatedly recrystallizing these salts from hot solution.—(Allen*). Or better, by uniting them with so much tartaric acid as will form bitartrate of rubidia and neutral tartrate of caesia, bringing the dried mixture on a funnel and placing it in an atmosphere kept saturated with moisture; tartrate of ca?sia deliquesces and passes the funnel, while bitartrate of rubidia remains behind.—(Bunscn)f ]. 3. Lithia (Li O), is of frequent occurrence, though usually found in small quan- tities. It is commonly met with in analyses of mineral waters and the ashes of plants, more rarely in examining minerals, and very seldom in technical analyses * American Journal of Science [2] xxxiv. 370. f Pogg. Annalen cxix. 3. § 96.] SPECIAL REACTIONS OF THE RARER ALKALIES. 99 Lithia forms the transition from the first to the second group. It is soluble in water with difficulty, and does not become moist by exposure to the air. Its salts are mostly soluble in water, and some of them (chloride of lithium) are deliquescent. Carbonate ol lithia is difficultly soluble, especially in cold water. Phosphate of soda produces in not too dilute solutions of lithia salts, on boiling, a white crystalline quickly subsiding precipitate of tribasic phosphate of lithia, (3 Li 0 P05). This characteristic reaction is far more sensitive when the solution of the lithia salt together with phosphate of soda, and so much soda-lye as suffices to maintain an alkaline reaction is evaporated to dryness, the residue softened with water, and an equal volume of solution of ammonia added. In this way very small quantities of lithia may be separated as phosphate. This precipitate fuses before the blowpipe, with carbonate of soda melts to a clear bead; fused on charcoal, it is ab- sorbed by the latter. It dissolves in hydrochloric acid to a solution which remains clear after addition of ammonia in excess; but, on boiling, separates again with its original characters—(Distinction from the alkaline earths.). Tartaric acid and bichlo- ride of platinum do not affect even concentrated solutions of lithia-salts. When a salt of lithia is brought into the blowpipe or gas-flame (§ 14.) the latter is tinged carmine- red. Silicates containing lithia are mixed with sulphate of lime. Phosphate of lithia colors the flame when tho fused salt is moistened with hydrochloric acid. The lithia flame is completely masked by that of soda, and when the latter substance is present the flame must be examined by a blue glass or by the thinner parts of the indigo prism. A small quantity of potassa does not disguise the lithia flame. In presence of much potassa, lithia may be detected by comparing through the indigo- prism the flame of the substance to be tested with that of a pure potassa-salt. In this experiment, the two substances are placed near each other on opposite sides of the zone of fusion of the Bunsen lamp. The potassa-lithia flame, viewed through the narrow part of the prism, appears redder in color than the pure potassa flame ; at a certain thicker point in the prism both flames appear equally red if the proportion of lithia is very small. If lithia predominates, the intensity of the flame reddened by it, diminishes perceptibly, when seen through the thicker parts of the prism, while the potassa flame is scarcely affected. In this way a few thousandths of lithia may be recognized iu salts of potassa. Soda scarcely influences the result unless it is present in very large quantity. — Cartmell, Bunsen. The spectrum of lithium (Plate I.) is characterized by the fine carmine-red line a and the faint orange-yellow line /?. If chloride of lithium is heated with alcohol and the latter be set on fire, it burns with a magnificent carmine-red color. Soda- salts disguise this reaction. In order to discover small quantities of caesia, rubidia and lithia when associated with a large amount of potassa and soda, the dry chlorides are extracted. with alcohol of 90 per cent, and a few drops of hydrochloric acid, which leaves untouched the greater share of the chlorides of sodium and potassium. The alcoholic solution is evaporated to dryness, the residue is dissolved in a little water and precipitated with bichloride of platinum. The precipitate is repeatedly boiled out with fresh quantities of water, being tested each time in the spectroscope. If rubidia and caesia be present, the spectra of these metals will shortly appear, while that of potassa becomes less marked. The filtrate from the precipitate of platinchlorides is evaporated to dryness, the residue is gently heated in a current of hydrogen gas in order to decompose platin- chloride of sodium and bichloride of platinum, it is then moistened with hydrochloric acid, dried, and the chloride of lithium is extracted with a mixture of ether and absolute alcohol. This solution, on evaporation, leaves behind chloride of lithium in a nearly pure state, which can be further tested. Before deciding from tho sim- ple flarao that lithia is present, the dilute aqueous solution of a portion of the supposed chloride of lithium must be examined with carbonate of ammonia to 100 BARYTA. [§§ 97, 98. demonstrate the absence of strontia and lime. The addition of hydrochloric acid before extraction with alcohol is needful, because chloride of lithium on moderate ignition is partially converted into caustic lithia, which, by absorbing carbonic acid from the air, becomes insoluble in alcohol. § 97. second group. alkaline earths. Baryta, Strontia, Lime, Magnesia. Properties of the group.—The alkaline earths in a pure (caustic) state are soluble in water. Magnesia, however, dissolves but very sparingly in water. The solutions manifest alkaline reaction ; the alkaline reaction of magnesia is most clearly apparent when that earth is laid upon moistened test-paper. The neutral carbonates and phosphates of the alkaline earths are insoluble in water. The solutions of the salts of the alkaline earths are therefore precipitated by alkaline carbonates and phosphates. This deportment distin- guishes the oxides of the second group from those of the first. They are further distinguished from the oxides of the subsequent groups by not being thrown down from their solutions by hydro- sulphuric acid and sulphide of ammonium. The alkaline earths and their salts are colorless, and not volatile at a gentle red-heat; the solutions of their nitrates and chlorides are not precipitated by carbonate of baryta. Special Reactions. § 98. a. Baryta (Ba O). 1. Caustic baryta is pretty readily soluble in hot water, but rather difficultly so in cold water; it dissolves easily in dilute hydrochloric or nitric acid. Hydrate of baryta fuses but does not lose its water upon ignition. 2. Most of the salts of baryta are insoluble in witter. The solu- ble salts do not affect vegetable colors, and are decomposed upon ignition, with the exception of chloride of barium. The insoluble salts dissolve in dilute hydrochloric acid, except sulphate of baryta and silicofluoride of barium. Nitrate of baryta and chloride of barium are insoluble in alcohol, and do not deliquesce in the air. Concentrated solutions of baryta are precipitated by hydrochloric or nitric acid added in large proportions, as chloride of barium and nitrate of baryta are not soluble in the aqueous solutions of the said acids. 3 Ammonia (free from carbonic acid) produces no precipitate in the aqueous solutions of salts of baryta; soda or potassa (free from carbonic acid) only in highly concentrated solutions. Water redis- solves the bulky precipitate of crystals of baryta (Ba O, H O -f 8 aq.) produced by soda or potassa. r § 98.] BARYTA. 101 4. Alkaline carbonates throw down from solutions of baryta car- bonate of baryta (Ba O, C 02) in the form of a white precipitate When carbonate of ammonia is used as the precipitant, or if the solution was previously acid, complete precipitation takes place only upon heating the fluid. In chloride of ammonium the precipi- tate is soluble to a trifling yet clearly perceptible extent; in very dilute solutions of baryta, therefore, which contain much chloride of ammonium, carbonate of ammonia produces no precipitate. 5. Sulphuric acid and all the soluble sulphates, also solution of sxdphate of lime, produce even in very dilute solutions of baryta, a heavy, finely pulverulent, white precipitate of sulphate of baryta (Ba O, S 03), which is insoluble in alkalies, and scarcely soluble in dilute acids; but is perceptibly soluble in boiling concentrated hydrochloric and nitric acids. In strong solutions of ammonia salts, when excess of sulphuric acid is not present, it is also soluble. As a rule, this precipitate is formed immediately upon the addition of the reagent; from highly dilute solutions, however, especially when strongly acid, it separates only after some time. 6. Hydrofluosilicic acid throws down from solutions of baryta silicofluoride of barium (Ba Fl + Si Fl2), in form of a colorless, crystalline, quickly subsiding precipitate. In dilute solutions this precipitate is formed only after the lapse of some time ; it is per- ceptibly soluble in hydrochloric and nitric acids. Addition of an equal volume of alcohol hastens the precipitation and makes it so complete that the filtrate remains clear upon addition of sulphuric acid. 7. Phosphate of soda produces in neutral or alkaline solutions of baryta a white precipitate of phosphate of baryta (2 Ba O, II O, P 05), which is soluble in free acids. Addition of ammonia only slightly increases the quantity of this precipitate, and converts a portion of it into basic phosphate of baryta (3 Ba O, P 05). Chloride of ammonium dissolves it to a clearly perceptible extent. 8. Oxalate of ammonia produces in moderately dilute solutions of baryta a white, pulverulent precipitate of oxalate of baryta (2 Ba O, C4 Os -f 2 aq.) which is soluble in hydrochloric and nitric acids. When recently thrown down, this precipitate dissolves also in oxalic and acetic acids; but the solutions speedily deposit binoxalate of baryta (Ba O, II O, C4 06 + 2 aq.) in the form of a crystalline powder. 9. Soluble pulverized salts of baryta, when heated with dilute spirit of wine, impart to the flame a greenish yellow color, which, however, is not very characteristic. 10. Salts of baryta, when exposed on a platinum wire to the inner blowpipe flame, or the zone of fusion of the gas lamp, color the flame yellowish-green. The soluble baryta-salts, together with the carbonate and sulphate, give the reaction at once, or after 102 STRONTIA. [§ 99, a little time—phosphate of baryta and silicates decomposable by acids, after moistening with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Silicates not decomposable by acids must be fluxed with carbonate of soda, and the carbonate of baryta thus obtained is examined in the flame. The presence of salts of lime and strontia does not prevent the reaction when the sulphates are employed. 11. The baryta flame is characterized by its appearing blue- green when viewed through the green glass. 12. The spectrum of baryta is figured on Plate I. The green lines a and (3 are the most intense. Less distinct but still charac- teristic is the line y. 13. Sulphate of baryta is not all or but very slightly decom- posed by cold solutions of alkaline bicarbonates or of carbonate of ammonia. It is also not perceptibly decomposed by a boiling solution of 1 part of carbonate and 3 parts of sulphate of potassa. Boiling solutions of neutral carbonates of the alkalies, if renewed sufficiently often, decompose it completely. By fusing it with carbonate of soda or potassa, it is easily and perfectly decomposed, there being formed sulphate of the alkali which is soluble, and carbonate of baryta which is insoluble in water. § 99. b. Strontia (Sr O). 1. Strontia and its hydrate and salts manifest nearly the same general deportment and properties as baryta and its correspond- ing compounds.—Hydrate of strontia is more difficultly soluble in water than hydrate of baryta.—Chloride of strontium dissolve? in absolute alcohol, and deliquesces in moist air. Mtrate of strontia is insoluble in absolute alcohol, and does not deliquesce in the air. 2. The salts of strontia manifest with ammonia and potassa, and also with the alkaline carbonates and with phosphate of soda, nearly the same deportment as the salts of baryta. Carbonate of strontia dissolves somewhat more difficultly in chloride of ammo- nium than is the case with carbonate of baryta. 3. Sulphuric acid and sulphates precipitate from solutions of strontia sulphate of strontia (Sr O, S 03), in form of a white powder. Application of heat greatly promotes the precipitation. Sulphate of strontia is far more soluble in water than sulphate of baryta ; owing to this readier solubility, the precipitated sulphate of strontia separates from rather dilute solutions, in general, only after the lapse of some time; and this is invariably the case (even in concentrated solutions) if solution of sidphate of lime is used as precipitant. Sulphate of strontia is insoluble in alcohol; addition of the latter, therefore, facilitates its separation. It is perceptibly § 99.] STRONTIA. 103 soluble in hydrochloric and nitric acids, and the delicacy of this reaction is therefore greatly diminished when these acids are pre- sent. The solution of sulphate of strontia in hydrochloric acid is made turbid by chloride of barium, after addition of water. 4. Hydrofluosilicic acid fails to produce a precipitate even in concentrated solutions of strontia; even upon addition of an equal volume of alcohol no precipitation takes place, except in very highly concentrated solutions. 5. Oxalate of ammonia precipitates even from rather dilute solutions, oxalate of strontia (2 Sr 0, C4 06 + 5 aq.), in form of a white powder, which dissolves readily in hydrochloric and nitric acid, and perceptibly in salts of ammonia, but is only spar- ingly soluble in oxalic and acetic acid. 6. If salts of strontia soluble in water or alcohol, are heated with dilute spirit of wine, and the latter kindled, the flame appears of an intense carmine color, more particularly upon stirring the mixture. 7. Salts of Strontia, when exposed on platinum wire to the inner blowpipe flame, or brought into the zone of fusion of the gas lamp, impart an intense red color to the flame. Chloride of strontium gives the strongest reaction. With carbonate and sulphate of strontia the coloration is less intense. The com- pounds with fixed acids scarcely affect the flame. The substance to be examined is therefore first placed by itself in the flame and afterwards, when moistened with hydrochloric acid, is again sub- jected to its action. If sulphate of strontia is suspected, it is first exposed a short time to a reducing flame (whereby sulphide of strontium is formed), before it is treated with hydrochloric acid. 8. The strontia flame, viewed through the blue glass, appears purple to rose colored, and is hereby distinguished from the lime flame which under the same circumstances has a faint green-gray tint. In presence of baryta the strontia reaction only appears at the moment when the substance moistened with hydrochloric acid is first brought into the flame. 9. The spectrum of strontia is represented in Plate I. It con- tarns numerous characteristic lines, especially the orange line, a, the red lines (3 and 7 and the blue line 8. The last is especially adapted for detecting strontia in presence of lime. 10. Sulphate of strontia is completely decomposed by long digestion with solutions of carbonate of ammonia or of bicarbo- nates of the alkalies ; also, and far more readily, by boiling with a solution of 1 part of carbonate and three parts of sulphate of potassa (important distinction from sulphate of baryta). 104 LIME. [§ ioo. §100. c. Lime (Ca O). 1. Lime and its hydrate and salts present, in their general deportment and properties, a great similarity to baryta and strontia and their corresponding compounds. Hydrate of lime is far more difficultly soluble in water than the hydrates of baryta and strontia; it dissolves, besides, more sparingly in hot than in cold water. Hydrate of lime loses its water upon ignition. Chloride of calcium and nitrate of lime are soluble in absolute alcohol, and deliquesce in the air. 2. Ammonia, alkaline carbonates, and phosphate of soda, pre- sent nearly the same deportment with salts of lime as with salts of baryta. Recently precipitated carbonate of lime (Ca O, C Oa) is bulky and amorphous—after a time, and immediately upon appli- cation of heat, it falls down and assumes a crystalline form. When recently precipitated, it dissolves pretty readily in solution of chloride of ammonium ; but the solution speedily becomes turbid, and deposits the greater part of the dissolved salt in form of crystals. 3. Sulphuric acid and sulphate of soda produce immediately in very concentrated solutions of lime, white precipitates of sulphate of lime (Ca O, S 03, H O + aq.), which redissolve completely in a large proportion of water and are still far more soluble in acids. In less concentrated solutions the precipitates are formed only after the lapse of some time ; and no precipitation whatever takes place in dilute solutions. Solution of sulphate of lime of course cannot produce a precipitate in salts of lime ; but even a cold satu- rated solution of sulphate of potassa, mixed with 3 parts of water, produces a precipitate only after standing from twelve to twenty- four hours. In solutions of lime which are so very dilute that sulphuric acid has no apparent action on them, a precipitate will immediately form upon addition of alcohol. 4. Hydrofluosilicic acid does not precipitate salts of lime. 5. Oxalate of ammonia produces even in very dilute solutions of lime a white pulverulent precipitate of oxalate of lime. The composition of this precipitate, when thrown down hot or from concentrated solutions, is 2 Ca O, d O + 2 aq; whilst when thrown down cold from dilute solutions, it consists of a mixture of the above salt with 2 Ca O, C4 06 + 6 aq. In very dilute solutions the precipitate forms only after some time. It is readily soluble in hydrochloric and nitric acids, but dissolves to a trifling extent only in acetic and oxalic acids. 6. Soluble salts of lime, when heated with dilute spirit of wine, impart to the flame of the latter a yellowish-red color, which is often confounded with that communicated to the flame of alcohol by salts of strontia. § 101.] MAGNESIA. 105 7. Salts of lime when brought into the inner blowpipe flame or into the zone of fusion of the Bunsen lamp communicate a yel- low-red color to the flame. This reaction is most evident with chloride of calcium. Sulphate of lime gives it after it has become basic. Carbonate of lime manifests it most plainly when the carbo- nic acid has been expelled. Compounds of lime with acids which are not volatile at a high temperature do not tinge the flame ; if they are decomposed by hydrochloric acid, the coloration appears after moistening them with this acid. To promote its action, the loop of the platinum wire is flattened with a hammer, a small quantity of the substance is brought upon it and heated until it has caked together, a drop of hydrochloric acid is added, and the whole brought at once into the flame. At the moment when the drop of acid disappears the reaction is most plainly exhibited.—Bunsen. 8. Viewed through green-glass, the flame obtained as just described, appears siskin-green. This distinguishes it from strontia, which under the same circumstances has a very faint yellow color. Merz. In presence of baryta, the reaction is only manifest at the moment when the substance moistened with hydrochloric acid is brought into the flame. 9. The spectrum of lime is mapped on Plate I. The bright green line (3 and the orange line a are the most characteristic. The indigo-blue line at the right of the spectrum is only seen in a good spectroscope. 10. Sulphate of lime manifests the same deportment towards alkaline carbonates and bicarbonates as sulphate of strontia. § 101. d. Magnesia (Mg O). 1. Magnesia and its hydrate are white powders of far greater bulk than the other alkaline earths and their hydrates. Magnesia and hydrate of magnesia are nearly insoluble both in cold and hot water. Hydrate of magnesia loses its water upon ignition. 2. Some of the salts of magnesia are soluble in water, others are insoluble in that fluid. The soluble salts of magnesia have a nauseous bilter taste ; in the neutral state they do not alter vegeta- ble colors ; with the exception of sulphate of magnesia, they undergo decomposition when gently ignited, and the greater part of them even upon simple evaporation of their solutions. Sulphate of mag- nesia loses its acid at a strong white heat. Nearly all the salts of magnesia which are insoluble in water dissolve in hydrochloric acid. 3. Ammonia throws down from the solutions of neutral salts of magnesia part of the magnesia as hydrate (Mg O, H O), in form of a white, bulky precipitate. The rest of the magnesia remains 106 MAGNESIA. [§ 101. in solution as a double salt, viz., in combination with the ammoniacal Bait which forms upon the decomposition of the salt of magnesia ; these double salts are not decomposed by ammonia. It is owing to this tendency of salts of magnesia to form such double salts with ammoniacal compounds, that ammonia fails to precipitate them in presence of ammoniacal salts in sufficient proportion, or, what is the same, that ammonia produces no precipitate in solutions of magnesia containing a sufficient quantity of free acid; and that pre- cipitates produced by ammonia in neutral solutions of magnesia are redissolved upon the addition of chloride of ammonium. 4. Soda, potassa, caustic baryta and caustic lime throw down from solutions of magnesia hydrate of magnesia. The separa- tion of the precipitate is greatly promoted by boiling the mixture. Chloride of ammonium and other similar salts of ammonia redis- solve the precipitated hydrate of magnesia if the precipitant has not been added greatly in excess. If the salts of ammonia are added in sufficient quantity to the solution of magnesia before the addition of the precipitant, small quantities of the latter fail altogether to produce a precipitate. However, upon boiling the solution after- wards with an excess of soda, the precipitate will, of course, make its appearance, since this process causes the decomposition of the ammoniacal salt, removing thus the agent which retains the hydrate of magnesia in solution. 5. Carbonate of soda and carbonate of potassa produce in neutral solutions of magnesia a white precipitate of basic carbon- ate of magnesia 4 (Mg O, C02) + Mg O H O +10 aq. One-fifth of the carbonic acid of the decomposed alkaline carbonate is liberated in the process, and combines with a portion of the carbonate of magnesia to bicarbonate, which remains in solution. This carbonic acid escapes upon ebullition and a further precipitate (Mg O C 02+ 3 aq.) is produced. Chloride of ammonium and other similar salts of ammonia prevent this precipitation also, and redissolve the pre- cipitates already formed. 6. Carbonate of ammonia added to solutions of magnesia does not at once cause a precipitate. After a time, however, except in very dilute solutions, a crystalline precipitate forms, which is a double carbonate of ammonia and magnesia (1ST H4 O, C02+Mg O C02-f-4 aq.) It separates the more rapidly the more concen- trated are the solutions. Excess of carbonate of ammonia and free ammonia promote its formation. Chloride of ammonium hinders, but, in concentrated solutions, cannot altogether prevent its sepa- ration. 7. Phosphate of soda precipitates from solutions of magnesia, if they are not too dilute, phosphate of magnesia (2 Mg O, H O, P 03 + 14 aq.) as a white powder. On boiling, basic phosphate of magnesia (3 Mg O, P 05 + 7 aq.) is formed which separates even § 102.] MAGNESIA. 107 from quite dilute solutions. But if the addition of the precipitant is preceded by that of chloride of ammonium and ammonia, a white crystalline precipitate of basic phosphate of magnesia and ammonia (2 Mg O, 1ST Hi O, P 0.5+12 aq.)will separate, even from very dilute solutions of magnesia; its separation may be greatly promoted and accelerated by vigorous stirring with a glass rod: even should the solution be so extremely dilute as to forbid the formation of a precipitate, yet the lines of direction in which the glass rod has moved along the side of the vessel will, after the lapse of some time, appear distinctly as white streaks. Water and solutions of salts of ammonia dissolve the precipitate but very slightly ; but it is readily soluble in acids, even in acetic acid. In water containing ammonia it is as good as insoluble. 8. Oxalate of ammonia produces no precipitate in highly dilute solutions of magnesia; in less dilute solutions no precipitate is formed at first, but after some time crystalline crusts of various oxalates of ammonia and magnesia make their appearance. In highly concentrated solutions oxalate of ammonia very speedily pro- duces precipitates of oxalate of magnesia (2 Mg O, C4 0G-4-4 aq.), which contain small quantities of the above-named double salts. Chloride of ammonium, especially in presence of free ammonia, interferes with the formation of these precipitates; but, as a rule, it does not absolutely prevent it. 9. Sulphuric acid and hydrofluosilicic acid do not precipitate salts of magnesia. 10. If magnesia, or a salt of magnesia, is moistened with water, heated to redness on a charcoal support, then moistened with 1 drop of solution of nitrate of protoxide of cobalt, and again heated at first to gentle redness, ultimately to intense redness, in the oxidation flame, a pinkish mass is obtained, the color of which becomes distinctly apparent only upon cooling, but is never very intense. Alkalies, alkaline earths, and heavy metallic oxides prevent the reaction. 11. Salts of magnesia impart no coloration to the flame. § 102. Recapitulation and remarks.—The difficult solubility of the hydrate of magnesia, the ready solubility of the sulphate, and the disposition of salts of magnesia to form double salts with ammo- niacal compounds, are the three principal points in which magnesia differs from the other alkaline earths. To detect magnesia we always first remove the baryta, strontia, and lime, if these bodies happen to be present. This is accomplished most conveniently (because the latter bases are at the same time procured in the form best adapted for further examination) by precipitating with carbonate of ammonia with addition of some caustic ammonia and chloride of ammonium, and 108 MAGNESIA. [§ 102. gently heating. If the solutions are moderately dilute and the precipitate is shortly brought upon a filter, it consists of carbonates of baryta, strontia, and lime, while all the magnesia remains in solution and is found in the filtrate. Since, however, chloride of ammonium dissolves carbonate of baryta and even carbonate of lime to some, though but a slight extent, small quantities of these bases pass into the filtrate, and when but traces of them are pre- sent they may remain entirely in solution. In exact investigations it is therefore advisable to divide the filtrate into three portions, in one of which any dissolved baryta is detected by dilute sulphuric acid, while the second is tested for lime by means of oxalate of ammonia. In case these reagents produce no turbidity, even after the lapse of some time, the third portion is examined for magnesia by means of phosphate of soda. If, on the other hand, a precipitate appears in either of the first two portions, it is filtered off after it has completely subsided, and the filtrate is tested for magnesia. If both the first and second portions are turbid they are mixed together, after some time are filtered, and the filtrate is tested with phosphate of soda. To prove that a pre- cipitate produced by oxalate of ammonia is really oxalate of lime, and not an oxalate of ammonia and magnesia, it is dissolved in a little hydrochloric acid, and a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid and some alcohol are added, when sulphate of lime should separate, if lime were present. The precipitate by carbonate of ammonia may be examined for baryta, strontia, and lime, as follows: It is dissolved, after washing, in dilute hydrochloric acid. To a small portion of the liquid, solution of sulphate of lime is added; an immediate precipitate is proof of the presence of baryta. The rest of the hydrochloric solution is evaporated to dryness and the residue is treated with absolute alcohol (§ 19). Chloride of barium mostly remains undissolved while the chlorides of strontium and calcium enter into solution. The alcoholic solution is mixed with an equal volume of water and some drops of hydrofluosilicic acid ; the last traces of baryta are thus thrown down if the mixture is allowed to stand for several hours. To the alcoholic filtrate, sul- phuric acid is added which precipitates from it strontia and lime. The precipitated sulphates are collected on a filter, washed with weak alcohol [4 volumes of alcohol of 92 per cent, mixed with 5 volumes of water], and converted into carbonates by boiling with solution of carbonate of soda. The carbonates thus obtained are well washed with water, dissolved in a little hydrochloric acid, the solution is evaporated to dryness, and the residue is taken up by a little water. The aqueous solution is filtered, if necessary, and divided into two portions. To one of these, solution of sulphate of lime is added ; a precipitate formed after some time, it may be § 102.] MAGNESIA. 109 a long time, indicates strontia. The other portion is treated with solution of sulphate of potassa, heated to boiling and filtered, to remove strontia. The filtrate from the sulphate of strontia is tested with oxalate of ammonia for lime. In precipitating strontia by sulphate of potassa, a portion of the lime may also be separated if it is present in large quantity, but enough always remains in the filtrate to detect with certainty. The best way of detecting the alkaline earths, when in the form of phosphates, is to decompose these latter by means of sesqui- chloride of iron with the addition of acetate of soda (§ 145). The oxidates of the alkaline earths are converted into carbonates by ignition, preparatory to the detection of the individual earths which they contain. A mixture of the sidphates of the alkaline earths is first washed with small quantities of boiling water. All the suJphate of mag- nesia and a small quantity of sulphate of lime thus pass into solu- tion. The residue, which must be finely pulverized, is digested, as Rose recommends, for 12 hours in a cold solution of carbonate of ammonia, or is boiled 10 minutes in a solution of one part of car- bonate and three parts of sulphate of potassa, thrown on a filter, thoroughly washed, and then treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, which dissolves the carbonates of lime and strontia, and likewise a slight trace of baryta (Fresenius); but leaves behind sulphate of baryta. The latter can be decomposed by fusion with carbonate of soda. The solutions thus obtained are to be further tested as previously directed. By aid of the spectroscope, baryta, strontia, and lime may be detected, even when occurring together, far more easily than by following the highly instructive but somewhat tedious processes of the humid method. The substance under examination is brought into the flame of the gas-lamp, either directly or after moistening with hydrochloric acid. [Minute quantities of baryta and strontia give no spectral lines in presence of much lime. Engelbach directs that the mixed carbonates be strongly ignited by means of a blast-lamp for a few minutes, whereby, in presence of carbonate of lime, baryta and strontia readily become caustic. The mass is extracted with a little distilled water, the solution evaporated to dryness with hydrochloric acid and the residue examined in the spectroscope.] The earths just named may also be severally recognized in their mixtures, without the spectroscope, by observing the coloration they impart to the flame. The substance is repeatedly moistened with sulphuric acid and cautiously dried. It is then brought into the zone of fusion of the gas flame. After any alkalies that may be present in the mixture have volatilized, the baryta coloration tppears by itself. (§ 98, 10.) 110 OXIDES. [§§ 103, 104. After it has entirely disappeared, and the substance on moisten- ing with hydrochloric acid gives, at the moment when the latter evaporates, no more a flame, that seen through the green glass appears blue-green, the substance is again moistened with hydro- chloric acid, and its flame examined by help of the green glass (§100, 8), for lime, and with the blue glass for strontia.—Merz. §103. THIRD GROUP. Of common occurrence: Alumina, Sesquioxide of Chromium. Of rare occurrence: Glucina, Thoria, Zirconia, Yttria, Terbia, Erbia, Oxides of Cerium, Lanthanum, Didymium ; Titanic, Tantalic, and Hyponiobic Acids : Properties of the group.—The oxides of the third group are insoluble in water, both in the pure state and as hydrates. Their sulphides cannot be produced in the humid way. Hydrosulphuric acid therefore fails to precipitate their solutions. From salts in which the oxides of the third group play the part of base,* sul- phide of ammonium as well as ammonia, throws down the hydrated oxides. This deportment with sulphide of ammonium distinguishes the oxides of the third from those of the two preceding groups. Special Reactions of the more commonly occurring Oxides. a. Alumina (Al2 O ). 1. Aluminum is a nearly white metal. It undergoes no oxida- tion on exposure to the air, and when massive scarcely oxidizes on ignition. It is very malleable and may be wrought by the file. Its sp. gr. is but 2.56. It fuses at a bright red heat. The finely divided, but not the compact metal, decomposes water at a boiling heat. Aluminum dissolves easily in hydrochloric acid as well as in hot soda-lye, with evolution of hydrogen. It is but slowly dis- solved even by hot nitric acid. 2. Alumina is non-volatile and colorless; the hydrate is also colorless. Alumina dissolves in acids (particularly when dilute) slowly and with very great difficulty; in fusing bisulphate of potassa it dissolves readily to a mass soluble in water. The hydrate in an amorphous state, and recently precipitated, is readily soluble in acids; but after being left some time in the fluid * The oxides of the third group are mostly capable of uniting with acids as well as with bases to produce saline compounds, e. g. alumina unites with potassa forming aluminate of potassa, and with sulphuric acid yields sulphate of alumiua. These oxides, therefore, stand in part on the boundary between bases and acid. Those which most nearly agree in character with the latter are designated as acids. § 104.] OXIDES. Ill from which it was precipitated, its solubility decreases, and in the crystallized state it dissolves with very great difficulty in acids. After previous ignition with alkalies, which leads to the formation of aluminates of the alkalies, alumina is readily dissolved by acids. 3. The salts of alumina are mostly colorless, and non-volatile: some of them are soluble, others insoluble. Anhydrous chloride of aluminum is a yellow crystalline volatile solid. The soluble salts have a sweetish astringent taste, redden litmus paper, and lose their acids upon ignition. The insoluble salts are dissolved by hydrochloric acid, with the exception of certain native compounds. The compounds of alumina which are insoluble in hydrochloric acid are decomposed and made soluble by ignition with carbonate of soda and potassa, or bisulphate of potassa. They may also be decomposed and brought into solution by heating for two hours at a temperature of 390° to 410Q Fah. with hydrochloric acid of 25 per cent, or with a mixture of three parts of hydrated sulphuric acid and 1 part of water. The substance must be in a state of fine division. The heating is performed in a sealed glass tube. —(A. Mitscherlich.) 4. Soda andpotassa throw down from solutions of alumina a bulky precipitate of hydrate of alumina (Al2 03 3 H O), which contains alkali, and generally also an admixture of basic salt; this pre- cipitate re-dissolves readily and completely in an excess of the precipitant, but from this solution it is reprecipitated by addition of chloride of ammonium, even in the cold, but more completely upon application of heat (compare § 54). The presence of salts of ammonia does not prevent the precipitation by potassa or soda. 5. Ammonia also produces in solutions of alumina a precipitate of hydrate of alumina, containing ammonia and an admixture of basic salt; this precipitate also redissolves in a very considerable excess of the precipitant, but with difficulty only, which is the greater the larger the quantity of salts of ammonia contained in the solution. It is this deportment which accounts for the com- plete precipitation of hydrate of alumina from solution in potassa, by an excess of chloride of ammonium. 6. Carbonates of the alkalies throw down from solutions of alumina basic carbonate of alumina, which is insoluble or but very slightly soluble in excess of the precipitant. 7. If the solution of a salt of alumina is digested with finely pulverized carbonate of baryta, the greater part of the acid of the alumina salt combines with the baryta, the liberated carbonic acid escapes, and the alumina precipitates completely as hydrate mixed with basic salt of alumina ; even digestion in the cold suffices to produce this reaction. 8. If alumina or one of its compounds is ignited upon charcoal before the blowpipe, and afterwards moistened with a solution of 112 SESQUIOXIDE OF CHROMIUM. . [§ 105 nitrate of protoxide of cobalt, and then again strongly ignited, an unfused mass of a deep sky-blue color is produced, which consists of a compound of the two oxides. The blue color becomes distinct only upon cooling. By candlelight it appears violet. This reac- tion is decisive only in the case of infusible or difficultly fusible compounds of alumina pretty free from other oxides, as solution of cobalt imparts a blue tint to readily fusible salts, even though no alumina be present. § 105. b. Sesquioxide of Chromium (Cr2 Oj). 1. Sesquioxide of Chromium is a green, its hydrate a bluish gray-green powder. The hydrate dissolves readily in acids : the non-ignited sesquioxide dissolves more difficultly, and the ignited sesquioxide is almost altogether insoluble. 2. The salts of sesquioxide of chromium have a green or violet color. Many of them are soluble in water. Most of them dissolve in hydrochloric acid. The solutions exhibit either a fine green or a deep violet color; the latter, however, acquire a green tint when even moderately heated. The salts of sesquioxide of chromium with volatile acids are decomposed upon ignition, the acids being expelled. The salts of sesquioxide of chromium which are soluble in water redden litmus. Anhydrous sesquichloride of chromium is crystalline, difficultly volatile, insoluble in water and acids, and of a fine violet color. 3. Potassa and soda produce in solutions, both of the green and violet salts of sesquioxide of chromium, a bluish-green precipitate of hydrate of sesquioxide of chromium, which dissolves readily and completely in an excess of the precipitant, imparting to the fluid an emerald-green tint. Upon long-continued ebullition of this solution, the whole of the hydrated sesquioxide separates again, and the supernatant fluid appears perfectly colorless. The same reprecipitation takes place if chloride of ammonium is added to the alkaline solution, and the mixture heated. 4. Ammonia precipitates from the green solutions of sesquioxide of chromium grayish-green, from the violet solutions, grayish-blue, hydrate of sesquioxide of chromium. The former precipitate dissolves in acids with a green, the latter with a violet color. The color and composition of these precipitates is influenced by various circumstances; viz., the concentration of the solutions, the mode in which the precipitant is added, &c. A small portion of these hydrates may redissolve in an excess of the precipitant in the cold, imparting to the fluid a peach-blossom red tint; but if, after the addition of ammonia in excess, heat is applied to the mixture, the precipitation is complete. § 106.] SESQUIOXIDE OF CHROMIUM. 113 5. Carbonates of the alkalies precipitate basic carbonate of sesquioxide of chromium, which is soluble in a large excess of the precipitant. 6. Carbonate of baryta precipitates from solutions of sesqui- oxide of chromium the whole of the sesquioxide as a greenish hydrate mixed with basic salt. The precipitation takes place in the cold, but is complete only after long-continued digestion. 7. If the solution of sesquioxide of chromium in soda or potassa- lye is boiled a' short time with an excess of binoxide of lead, the sesquioxide of chromium is converted into chromic acid. On filter- ing, a yellow fluid is obtained, which holds chromate of lead in solution, and upon supersaturation with acetic acid, chromate of lead separates in form of a yellow precipitate.—(Chancel.) Minute traces of chromic acid may be detected in the alkaline solu- tion with more certainty by acidifying it by means of hydrochloric acid, and adding binoxide of hydrogen and ether. Compare chromic acid (§ 141, 8). 8. The fusion of sesquioxide of chromium or of any of its com- pounds with nitrate of soda and som,e carbonate of soda gives rise to the formation of yellow chromate of sooa, part of the oxygen of the nitric acid separating from the nitrate of soda, and converting the sesquioxide of chromium into chromic acid, which then combines with the soda. For the reactions of chromic acid, see § 141. 9. Phosphate of soda and ammonia dissolves sesquioxide of chromium and its salts, both in the oxidizing and reducing flame of the blowpipe or Bunsen's lamp, to clear beads of a faint yel- lowish-green tint, which upon cooling change to emerald-green. The sesquioxide of chromium and its salts show a similar deport- ment with biborate of soda. % 106. Recapitulation and remarks.—The solubility of hydrate of alumina in solutions of potassa and soda, and its reprecipitation from the alkaline solutions by chloride of ammonium, afford a safe means of detecting alumina only in the absence of sesquioxide of chromium. If the latter is present, therefore, which is seen either from the color of the solution, or by the reaction with phosphate of soda and ammonia, it must be removed before we can proceed to test for alumina. The separation of sesquioxide of chromium from alumina is effected the most completely by fusing 1 part of the mixed oxides together with 2 parts of carbonate and 2 parts of nitrate of soda, which may be done in a platinum crucible. The yellow mass obtained is boiled with water; by this process the whole of the chromium is dissolved as chromate of soda, and part of the alumina as aluminate of soda, the rest of the alumina remain- 114 GLUCINA. [§107 ing undissolved. If the solution is acidified with nitric acid, it acquires a reddish tint; if ammonia is then added to feebly alka- line reaction, the dissolved portion of the alumina separates. The precipitation of sesquioxide of chromium, effected by boiling its solution in solution of potassa or soda, is also tolerably complete if the ebullition is continued a sufficient length of time; still it is often liable to mislead in cases where only little sesquioxide of chromium is present, or Avhere the solution contains organic matter, even though in small proportion only. The deportment of a solu- tion of sesquioxide of chromium with solution of potassa or soda is completely changed by the presence of certain other metallic oxides, viz., protoxide of manganese, protoxide of nickel, protoxide of cobalt, and especially sesquioxide of iron. In presence of these oxides, and according to the greater or less relative proportion in which they happen to be present, sesquioxide of chromium does not dissolve, or dissolves only incompletely in an excess of solution of potassa. This circumstance should never be lost sight of in the analysis of compounds containing sesquioxide of chromium. Further, it must be borne in mind, also, that alkalies produce no precipitates in the solutions of alumina if non-volatile organic sub- stances are present, such as sugar, tartaric acid, &c. The precipi- tation of sesquioxide of chromium is likewise interfered with by the presence of organic acids (oxalic, tartaric, acetic), since the latter form with sesquioxide of chromium double salts not decom- posable by alkalies. If, therefore, organic matters are present, the substance is ignited ; the residue, fused with carbonate and nitrate of soda, and further treated as directed above. Special Reactions of the more rarely occurring Oxides of the Third Group. § 107. 1. Glucina (Gl2 03). This earth is found as silicate in phenacite, and combined with other silicates in beryl, euclase, and a few not commonly occurring minerals. In the pure state glucina is a white tasteless powder that is insoluble in water. After ignition it dissolves slowly but completely in acids. Fusion with bisulphate of potassa renders it easily soluble. Its hydrate dissolves readily in acids. Its compounds have a great resemblance to those of alumina. The soluble salts have a sweet and astringent taste, and an acid reaction. Silicates containing glucina are made soluble in acids by fusion with 4 parts of carbonate of soda Soda, potassa, ammonia and sulphide of ammonium produce in solutions of salts of glucina, a white flocculent precipitate of hydrate of glucina. This precipitate is insoluble in ammonia, easily soluble in soda and potassa: from these solutions it is reprecipitated by chlo- ride of ammonium. The concentrated alkaline solutions remain clear on boiling; the dilute solutions on long boiling deposit all their glucina (distinction from alumina). The freshly precipitated hydrate dissolves in solution of chloride of ammonium on continued boiling as chloride of glucinum, ammonia being expelled (distinction from alumina). Carbonates of the alkalies precipitate white carbonate of glucina which is soluble 107.] ZIRCONIA. 115 in a large excess of carbonate of soda and carbonate of potassa, and in much less carbonate of ammonia (characteristic distinction from alumina). When these solutions are boiled, basic carbonate of glucina separates. The separation is com- plete and speedy from solutions of carbonate of ammonia; from solutions in the fixed alkaline carbonates, it takes place only upon dilution and is imperfect. Ca?- bonate of baryta partially throws down glucina in the cold, completely on boiling. It is not precipitated by oxalic acid or oxalates. The compounds of glucina when ignited with nitrate of cobalt yield a gray mass. 2. Thoria (Th 0) is of very rare occurrence in Thorite and Monazite. It is white. After ignition it dissolves when heated in a mixture of equal parts of concentrated sulphuric acid and water; but is not soluble in other acids even after fusion with alkalies. Its hydrates dissolve easily in acids when moist, but with difficulty when dry. Thorite (silicate of thoria) is decomposed by concentrated hydrochloric acid.— Potassa, soda and sulphide of ammonium precipitate from solutions of salts of thoria white hydrate of thoria which is insoluble in excess of these reagents. (Its insolu- bility in excess of potassa and soda distinguishes thoria from alumina and glucina.)— Carbonate of potassa and carbonate of ammonia throw down basic carbonate which is easily soluble in excess of the precipitant, when the latter is concentrated, diffi- cultly when it is dilute (distinction from alumina). The solution in carbonate of ammonia deposits basic salt when heated to 122° F. Oxalic acid gives a white precipitate (distinction from alumina and glucina), which is insoluble in oxalic acid, and scarcely soluble in other acids.—A concentrated solution of sulphate of potassa precipitates thoria slowly but completely, (distinction from alumina and glucina). The precipitate—sulphate of thoria and potassa—is insoluble iu strong solution of Bulphate of potassa; it dissolves slowly in cold, easily in hot water. The solution deposits basic salt on prolonged boiling. 3. Zirconia (Zr2 03)—is found in zircon and a few other rare minerals. It is a white powder insoluble in hydrochloric acid, but is taken up by continued digestion in a mixture of 2 parts of strong sulphuric acid and 1 part of water, with final addition of more water. Its hydrate resembles hydrate of alumina It is easily soluble in hydrochloric acid when freshly precipitated in the cold; if precipitated from hot solutions or when dried it is difficultly soluble. Salts of zirconia which are soluble in water redden litmus. The silicates of zirconia, if finely elutriated, are decomposed by fusion at a high heat with 4 parts of carbonate of soda. The fused mass yields to water silicate of soda, while zirconate of soda remains as a sandy powder. It is when washed soluble in hydrochloric acid.—Potassa, soda, ammonia, and sulphide of ammonium thrown down from solutions of salts of zirconia, the hydrate in form of flocks, which is insoluble in excess of the precipitant (distinction from alumina and glucina) and is not taken up by chloride of ammonium (distinction from glucina). Carbonates of potassa, soda, and ammonia throw down carbonate of zirconia as a flocky precipitate, which is soluble in a large excess of carbonate of potassa) more easily in bicarbonate of potassa and most readily in carbonate of ammonia (distinction from alumina). From these solutions it is thrown down on boiling. — Oxalic acid gives a voluminous precipitate of oxalate of zirconia (distinction from alumina and glucina), which is insoluble in oxalic acid, and difficultly soluble in hydrochloric acid. A strong solution of sulphate of potassa shortly produces a white precipitate of sulphate of potassa and zirconia (distinction from alumina and glucina), which—precipitated cold—is soluble in a large quantity of hydrochloric acid ; but, precipitated hot, is almost perfectly insoluble in water and hydrochloric acid (dis- tinction from thoria). Zirconia is not thrown down completely by carbonate of baryta even upon boiling.—When turmeric paper is immersed in solutions of zirconia, which have been rendered acid by a slight excess of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid( the paper acquires an orange yellow color.—(G. J. Brush.) (Distinction from thoria.) 116 OXIDES OF CERIUM. [§ 107. 4. Ytteia (Y 0) is met with in the rare minerals gadulinite, orthite, and yttrotanta- lite. The ignited earth is easily dissolved by hydrochloric acid (distinction from zirconia and thoria). When pure it is white, but when it contains erbia and terbia has a brownish-yellow color. Its hydrate is white, attracts carbonic acid from the air, when freshly precipitated is soluble in boiling solution of chloride of ammonium (distinction from alumina and zirconia). The salts of yttria are white with an ame- thystine tinge. Anhydrous chloride of yttrium is not volatile (distinction from alu- mina, glucina, thoria, and zirconia)—Potassa throws down white hydrate which is insoluble in excess (distinction from alumina and glucina). Ammonia and sulphide of ammonium act like potassa. A small amount of chloride of ammonium does not prevent the precipitation by ammonia and sulphide of ammonium; but in presence of a large excess of this salt uo precipitate is produced. Carbonates of the alkalies give a white precipitate, which dissolves with difficulty in carbonate of potassa, more easily in bicarbonate of potassa and in carbonate of1 ammonia (but not to nearly the same extent as carbonate of glucina). The solution of pure hydrate of yttria in carbonate of ammonia deposits all its yttria on boiling Ifj however, chloride of ammonium be present, the precipitate redissolves on further heating with separation of ammonia and formation of chloride of yttrium. It is to be observed further, that from saturated solutions of carbonate of yttria in carbonate of ammonia, double carbonate of yttria and ammonia readily separates. Oxalic acid gives a white precipitate (distinction from alumina and glucina). This precipitate is insoluble in oxalic, but soluble in hydrochloric acid. Sulphate of potassa precipitates double sulphate of yttria and potassa, which is soluble, though slowly, in much water even when it has been thrown down from hot solutions (distinction from zirco nia); it is somewhat more soluble in solution of sulphate of potassa (distinction from thoria), and still more soluble in solutions of salts of ammonia. Carbonate of baryta does not precipitate yttria even on boiling. Turmeric paper is not affected by the acidified solutions of yttria (distinction from zirconia).—Tartaric acid does not prevent the precipitation by alkalies (characteristic distinction from alumina, glucina, thoria, and zirconia). The precipitate is tartrate of yttria. The precipitation takes place only after the lapse of some time; it is, however, complete. 5. Terbia (Tr 0) and 6 Erbia (E 0). These oxides usually accompany yttria. Gradual addition of ammonia to a solution of the three bases first throws down erbia, then terbia, and lastly yttria. Erbia after ignition is yellow or orange-yel- low in color. Terbia appears to be white, though it is not known in the pure state. No further means of distinguishing these earths, or separating them from each other, are known. 7. Oxides of Cerium.—Cerium occurs as protoxide in the rare minerals, cerite, orthite, &c. It forms two oxides, the protoxide (Ce 0), and the sesquioxide (Ce2 03). The hydrated protoxide is white ; exposed to the air it absorbs oxygen and becomes yellow ; ignited in the air it passes into orange-red or red sesquioxide (distinction from the previously described earths). The hydrated protoxide easily dissolves in acids. The ignited sesquioxide, when it contains oxides of lanthanum and didymium, dissolves easily in hydrochloric acid with evolutbn of chlorine ; when pure, sesqui- oxide of cerium is scarcely soluble in boiling hydrochloric acid; on addition of alcohol it, however, dissolves (distinction from thoria and zirconia); the solution contains protochloride of cerium. The salts of protoxide of cerium are colorless, sometimes with an amethystine tinge; those which are soluble redden litmus. Pro- tochloride of cerium is not volatile (distinction from alumina, glucina., thoria and zircouia). Cerite (hydrous silicate of protoxide of cerium, (Ce 0, La 0, Di O), S. 0a -f 2 aq) is insoluble in aqua regia, is, however, decomposed by fusion with car- bonate of soda, and by digestion with concentrated sulphuric acid. Potassa pre- cipitates from solutions of protoxide of cerium white hydrate, which turns yellow in the air, and is insoluble in excess of the precipitant (distinction from alumina and § 107.] OXIDE OF DIDYMIUM. 117 glucina). Ammonia throws down a basic salt insoluble in excess. Carbonates of the Alkalies give white precipitates slightly soluble in excess of carbo- nate of potassa, more easily soluble in carbonate of ammonia.— Oxalic acid precipitates protoxide of cerium completely, even from moderately dilute solu- tions (distinction from alumina and glucina). The precipitate is insoluble in oxalic acid, but is taken up by a large quantity of hydrochloric acid. A saturated solution of sulphate of potassa throws down, even from somewhat acid solutions, white double sulphate of potassa and protoxide of cerium (distinction from alumina and glucina), which is very difficultly soluble in water, and totally insoluble m a saturated solution of sulphate of potassa (distinction from yttria). This precipitate may be dissolved in a large quantity of boiling water to which some hydrochloric acid is added. Carbo- nate of baryta precipitates cerium slowly but completely. Tartaric acid prevents the precipitation by ammonia (distinction from yttria), but not by potassa. Borax and microcosmic salt dissolve cerium in the outer flame to red beads (distinction Irom the previously mentioned earths), the color fades or even disappears on cool- ing. In the inner flame the beads are colorless. 8. Oxide op Lanthanum is usually associated with protoxide of cerium. It is white, and does not change color on ignition (distinction from protoxide of cerium); in contact with cold water it is slowly, by hot water rapidly, converted into milk- white hydrate. The oxide and its hydrate both turn red litmus paper blue, and are dissolved by boiling solution of chloride of ammonium, and by dilute acids i oxide of lanthanum thus resembles magnesia. The salts are colorless; the saturated solution of sulphate of lanthanum in cold water, deposits a portion of the salt upon heating to 86° F. (distinction from protoxide of cerium). Sulphate of potassa, oxalic acid, and carbonate of baryta react as has been described uuder cerium. Potassa throws down hydrate, which is insoluble iu excess, and does not turn brown on exposure to the air. Ammonia precipitates basic salts, which, when washed, run milky through the filter. The precipitate by carbonate of ammonia is entirely inso- luble in excess of this reagent (distinction from Ce 0). By supersaturating the solution of acetate of lanthanum with ammonia, washing the precipitate several times with cold water and adding a little powdered iodine, a blue color gradually pervades the mass (characteristic distinction of lanthanum from all the other earths). 9. Oxide of Didymitm occurs together with cerium and lanthanum, white after strong ignition; moistened with nitric acid and gently ignited, dark brown; becomes white again on strong ignition. In contact with water, slowly passes into hydrate ; absorbs carbonic acid; is destitute of alkaline reaction; dissolves easily in acids. Its strong solutions have a reddish or faintly violet color. The saturated solution of the sulphate is not precipitated by heating to 86° F., but, on boiling, salt is deposited. Potassa throws down hydrated oxide that does not alter when exposed to the air, and is insoluble in excess of the precipitant. Ammonia precipitates basic salts which are insoluble in ammonia, but somewhat soluble in chloride of ammonium. Alkaline carbonates give copious precipitates which are insoluble in excess, even of carbonate of ammonia (distinction from protoxide of cerium), but are somewhat soluble in chloride of ammonium Oxalic acid precipitates oxide of didymium almost completely; the precipitate is soluble with difficulty in cold, with ease in hot hydrochloric acid. Carbonate of baryta throws down oxide of didymium very slowly (more slowly than protoxide of cerium, and oxide of lanthanum), and never completely. Salts of didymium are more slowly and less completely precipitated by sulphate of potassa than salts of protoxide of cerium. The precipitate is inso- luble in cold, and difficultly soluble in hot hydrochloric acid. Microcosmic salt dis- solves oxide of didymium in the reduction flame to a violet amethyst bead; with soda in the outer flame a grayish mass is obtained (distinction from manganese). Entirely satisfactory methods of separating the oxides of cerium, lanthanum, and didymium from each other are not known. Sesquioxide of cerium is obtained nearly 118 TANTAL1C ACID. [§ 107. pure as a residue, when the mixed oxides are ignited in the air and afterwards treated with concentrated nitric acid. This process is repeated with the nitric acid solution, whereby nearly all the cerium is removed from it. From the solution, the oxides of lanthanum and didymium are thrown down by an alkali, washed and dissolved in sulphuric acid. Water at a temperature of 41° to 43° Fall., is now saturated with the dry sulphates. The saturated solution is finally heated to 86° Fah. when sulphate of lanthanum separates, while sulphate of didymium remains in solution. 10. Titanic Acid.—Titanium forms two oxides; the sesquioxide (Ti2 03) and titanic acid (Ti 0 ) The latter is most frequently met with. It occurs free in rutile and anatase, combined in titanite, titanic iron, , binoxide (V 02), and vanadic acid (V 03). The lower oxides of vanadium are converted into vanadic acid by heating with nitric or nitrohydro- chloric acids, and by fusion with nitrate of potassa. Vanadic acid is yellowish-red, fusible at an incipient red heat, not volatile, and becomes crystalliue on solidification. It is very slightly soluble in water, but reddens litmus-paper strongly. It unites both with acids and bases. a. Acid solutions. Vanadic acid dissolves in the stronger acids, forming yellow or red liquids. The solutions are often decolorized by boiling. Sulphurous acid, many metals, organic matters, The solutions of the salts beai heating without suffering decomposition; but upon boiling with a strong acid, the phosphoric acid is converted into the tribasic state. If the salts are fused with carbonate of soda in excess, tribasic phosphates are produced. Of the neutral pyro- phosphates only those with alkaline bases are soluble in water; the acid salts (e. g., Na 0, H 0, P 05) are by ignition converted into metaphosphates (Na 0, P 0S). Chloride of barium fails to precipitate fhe free acid; from solutions of the salts it precipitates pyrophosphate op baryta (2 Ba 0, P 0.5). Nitrate of silver throws down from a solution of the hydrate, especially upon addition of an alkali, a white, earthy-looking precipitate of pyrophosphate of silver (2 Ag 0, P 03), which is soluble in nitric acid and in ammonia. Sulphate of magnesia precipitates pyro- phosphate op magnesia (2 Mg 0, P 05). The precipitate dissolves in an excess of the phosphate, as well as in an excess of the sulphate of magnesia. Ammonia fails to precipitate it from these solutions. Upon boiling the solution, it separates again. While of egg is not precipitated by solution of the hydrate, nor by solutions of the salts, mixed with acetic acid. Molybdate of ammonia, with addition of nitric acid, fails to produce a precipitate. /?. Monobasic phosphoric acid. Five sorts of monobasic phosphates are known, and the hydrates also of most of these have been produced. The several reactions by which to distinguish between these I will not enter upon here, and confine myself to the simple observation that the monobasic phosphoric acids differ from the bibasic and tribasic phosphoric acids in this, that the solutions of the hydrates of the monobasic acids precipitate white of egg at once, and the solutions of their salts. after addition of acetic acid. Those hydrates and salts which are precipitated by nitrate of silver produce with that reagent a white precipitate. A mixture of sulphate § 147.] BORACIC ACID. 195 of magnesia, chloride of ammonium, and ammonia fails to precipitate the monobasic phosphoric acids and their salts, or produces precipitates soluble in chloride of ammonium. All monobasic phosphates yield upon fusion with carbonate of soda tribasic phosphate of soda. § 14V. b. Boracic Acid (B 03). 1. Boracic acid, in the anhydrous state, is a colorless, fixed glass, fusible at a red heat; hydrate of boracic acid (H O, B 03) is a porous, white mass; in the crystalline state (H O, B 03-f 2 aq.), it presents small scaly laminae. It is soluble in water and in spirit of wine; upon evaporating the solutions, a large proportion of boracic acid volatilizes along with the aqueous and alcoholic vapors. The solutions redden litmus-paper, and impart to turmeric paper a faint red tint, which acquires intensity upon drying. The borates are not decomposed upon ignition ; those with alkaline bases alone are readily soluble in water. The solutions are colorless, and all of them, even those of the acid salts, manifest alkaline reaction. 2. Chloride of barium produces in solutions of borates, if not too highly dilute, a white precipitate of borate of baryta, which is soluble in acids and ammoniacal salts. The formula of this pre- cipitate, when thrown down from solutions of neutral borates, is Ba O, B 03 -f aq.; when thrown down from solutions of acid Dorates, 3 Ba O, 5 B 03 + 6 aq. (H Rose.) 3. Nitrate of silver produces in concentrated solutions of neutral borates of the alkalies a white precipitate, inclining slightly to yellow from admixture of free oxide of silver (Ag O, B 03 +HO); in concentrated solutions of acid borates, a white precipitate of 3 Ag O, 4 B 03. Dilute solutions of borates give with nitrate of silver a grayish-brown precipitate of oxide of silver (H. Rose). All these precipitates dissolve in nitric acid and in ammonia. 4. If dilute sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid is added to highly concentrated, hot prepared solutions of alkaline borates, the boracic acid separates upon cooling, in the form of shining crys- talline scales. 5. If alcohol is poured over free boracic acid or a borate—with addition, in the latter case, of a sufficient quantity of concentrated sulphuric acid to liberate the boracic acid—and the alcohol is kindled, the flame appears of a very distinct yellowish-green color, especially upon stirring the mixture ; this tint is imparted to the flame by the ignited boracic acid which volatilizes with the alcohol. The delicacy of this reaction may be considerably heightened by heating the dish which contains the alcoholic mix- ture, kindling the alcohol, allowing it to burn for a short time, then extinguishing the flame, and afterwards rekindling it. At the first flickering of the flame its borders will now appear green, even though the quantity of the boracic acid be so minute that it fails 196 OXALIC ACID. [§ 148. to produce a perceptible coloring of the flame, when treated in the usual manner. The sulphuric acid employed must be concen- trated, and must be added in considerable quantity. As salts of copper also impart a green tint to the flame of alcohol, the copper which might be present must first be removed by means of hydrosulphuric acid. Presence of metallic chlorides also may lead to mistakes, as the chloride of ethyle formed in that case colors the borders of the flame greenish. 6. If the solution of boracic acid or of an alkaline or earthy borate is mixed with hydrochloric acid to slight, but distinct, acid reaction, and a slip of turmeric paper is half dipped into it, and then dried on a watch-glass at 112° Fah., the dipped half shows a peculiar red tint (H. Rose). This reaction is very delicate; care must be taken not to con- found the characteristic red coloration with the blackish-brown color which turmeric paper acquires when moistened with rather concentrated hydrochloric acid, and then dried or with the brown- ish-red occasioned by sesquichloride of iron or by acid solutions of molybdic acid [or the orange-red produced by acid solutions of zirconia.] When turmeric paper that has been reddened by boracic acid is moistened with solution of an alkali or alkaline carbonate, its color passes into bluish or greenish-black. Hydrochloric acid restores the red tint. (A. Vbgel, H Ludwig.) 7 If a substance containing boracic acid is reduced to a fine powder, this, with addition of a drop of water, mixed with 3 times its weight of a flux composed of A\ parts of bisulphate of potassa and 1 part of finely pulverized fluoride of calcium, free from boracic acid, and the paste exposed on the loop of a platinum wire to the inner flame of the blowpipe, fluoride of boron escapes, which imparts to the flame—though only for a few instants—a yellow-gfeen tint. This reaction may be prpduced with easily decomposable substances by moistening them with hydrofluosilicic acid and then bringing into the flame. § 148- c. Oxalic Acid (C4 Og = O). 1. The hydrate of oxalic acid (2 H O, C4 06) is a white powder; the crystallized acid (2 H O, C4 O + 4 aq.) forms color- less rhombic prisms. Both dissolve readily in water and in spirit of wine. When heated rapidly in open vessels, part of the hydrated acid undergoes decomposition, whilst another portion volatilizes unaltered. The fumes of the volatilizing acid are very irritating and provoke coughing. If the hydrate is heated in a test-tube, the greater part of it sublimes unaltered. § 148.] OXALIC ACID. 197 2. All the oxalates undergo decomposition at a red heat, the oxalic acid being converted into carbonic acid and carbonic oxide. Those with an alkali or an alkaline earth for base are in this process converted into carbonates (if pure, almost without sepa- ration of charcoal) ; oxalate of magnesia yields pure magnesia on gentle ignition; those with a metallic base leave either the pure metal or the oxide behind, according to the greater or less degree of reducibility of the metallic oxide. The alkaline oxalates, and also some of the oxalates with metallic bases, are soluble in water. 3. Chloride of barium produces in neutral solutions of oxalates a white precipitate of oxalate of baryta (2 Ba O, C, 06 + 2 Aq.), which is very slightly soluble in water, more largely in acetic or oxalic acid, and in solution of chloride of ammonium, easily in nitric acid and in hydrochloric acid. From solution in the last named acids it is reprecipitated by ammonia unaltered. 4. Nitrate of silver produces in aqueous solutions of oxalic acid and alkaline oxalates a white precipitate of oxalate of silver (2 Ag O, C4 Or,), which is almost insoluble in water, difficultly soluble in dilute nitric acid, easily soluble in hot strong nitric acid and in ammonia. 5. Lime-xoater and all the soluble salts of lime, and consequently also solution of sulphate of lime, produce in even highly dilute solutions of free oxalic acid or of oxalates, white, finely pulverulent precipitates of oxalate of lime (2 Ca O, C, 06 + 2 aq. and some- times 2 Ca O, C4 0G -f- 6 aq.) which dissolve readily in hydrochloric acid and in nitric acid, but are nearly insoluble in oxalic acid and in acetic acid, and almost totally insoluble in water. The presence of salts of ammonia does not interfere with the formation of these precipitates. Addition of ammonia considerably promotes the pre- cipitation of the free oxalic acid by salts of lime. In highly dilute solutions the precipitate is only formed after some time. 6. If hydrated oxalic acid (or an oxalate), in the dry state, is heated with an excess of concentrated sulphuric acid, the latter withdraws from the oxalic acid its constitutional water, and thus causes its decomposition into carbonic acid and carbonic oxide (C4 Ofl = 2 CO -f- 2 CO,), the two gases escaping with effervescence. If the quantity operated upon is not too minute, the escaping car- bonic oxide gas m;iy be kindled ; it burns with a blue flame. Should the sulphuric acid acquire a dark color in this reaction, this is a proof that the oxalic acid contained some organic substance in admixture. 7. If oxalic acid or an oxalate is mixed with some finely pulve- rized binoxide of manganese (which must be free from carbonates), a little water added and a few drops of sulphuric acid, a lively effervescence ensues, caused by the escaping carbonic acid: 2 Mn O, + C, O +2 SO, = 2 (Mn O SO,) + 4CO,. 8. If oxalates of the alkaline earths are boiled with a concentra- 198 HYDROFLUORIC ACID. [§ 149 ted solution of carbonate of soda, and the fluid filtered, the oxalic acid is obtained in the filtrate in combination with soda, whilst the precipitate contains the base as carbonate. Some oxalates of the heavy metals, e. g., oxalate of nickel, are not entirely decomposed in this manner, soluble double oxalates being formed. Sulphide of ammonium or hydrosulphuric acid must, therefore, be employed to separate these bases. §149. d. Hydrofluoric Acid (H F). 1. Anhydrous Hydrofluoric acid is a colorless, corrosive gas, which fumes when exposed to the air, and is freely absorbed by water. Aqueous hydrofluoric acid is distinguished from all other acids by the exclusive property it possesses of dissolving crystalliz- ed silicic acid, and also the silicates which are insoluble in hydro- chloric acid. Fluoride of silicon and water are formed in the pro- cess of solution (2 H F + Si 02 = Si F2 -f- 2 H O). Hydrofluoric acid decomposes with metallic oxides in the same manner, metallic fluorides and water being formed. 2. The fluorides of the alkali metals are soluble in water ; the solutions have an alkaline reaction. The fluorides of the metals of the alkaline earths are either altogether insoluble in water, or they dissolve in that menstruum only with very great difficulty. Fluoride of aluminum is readily soluble. Most of the fluorides correspond- ing to the oxides of the heavy metals are very difficultly soluble in water, for instance, fluorides of copper, lead, and zinc ; many other of the fluorides of the heavy metals dissolve in water without diffi- culty, as, for instance, the sesquifluoride of iron, protofluoride of tin, fluoride of mercury, &c. Many of the fluorides insoluble or difficultly soluble in water dissolve in free hydrofluoric acid, others do not. Most of the fluorides bear ignition in a crucible without suffering decomposition. 3. Chloride of barium precipitates free hydrofluoric acid imper- fectly, more completely the solutions of alkaline fluorides ; the volu- minous white precipitate of Fluoride of Barium (Ba F) is quite insoluble in water, but dissolves in a large excess of hydrochloric or nitric acid. From these solutions it is thrown down incompletely or not at all by ammonia, being somewhat soluble in ammonia salts. 4. Chloride of calcium produces in aqueous solutions of hydro- fluoric acid or of fluorides a gelatinous precipitate of fluoride of calcium (Ca F), which is so transparent, as at first to induce the belief that the fluid has remained perfectly clear. Addition of ammonia promotes the complete separation of the precipitate. The precipitated fluoride of calcium is insoluble in water, is very slightly soluble in hydrochloric acid and nitric acid in the cold; it dissolves somewhat more largely upon boiling with hydrochloric § 149.] HYDROFLUORIC ACID. 199 acid. Ammonia produces no precipitate in the solution, or only a very trifling one, as the salt of ammonia formed retains it in solu- tion. It is scarcely more soluble in free hydrofluoric acid than in water. It is insoluble in alkaline fluids. 5. If a finely pulverized fluoride, no matter whether soluble or insoluble, is treated in a platinum crucible with just enough con- cent rated sulphuric acid to make a thin paste, the crucible covered with the convex face of a watch-glass of hard glass coated with bees-wax,* which has been removed again in some places by tracing lines in it with a pointed bit of wood, the hollow of the glass filled with water, and the crucible gently heated for the space of half an hour or an hour, the exposed lines will, upon the removal of the wax, be found etched into the glass. If the quantity of hydrofluoric acid disengaged by the sulphuric acid was very minute, the etching is often invisible upon the removal of the wax; it will, however, in such cases reappear when the plate is breathed upon. This reappearance of the etched lines is owing to the unequal capacity of condensing water which the etched and the untouched parts of the plate respectively possess. The appearance of lines, after breathing on the glass, is not neces- sarily evidence of the presence of hydrofluoric acid in the sub- stance under examination, unless they can be reproduced after the glass has been rinsed, dried and wiped, though their non-appear- ance is proof of its absence. This reaction (5) fails if there is too much silicic acid present, or if the body under examination is not decomposed by sulphuric acid. In such cases the one or the other of the two following methods is resorted to, according to circumstances. G. If we have to deal with a fluoride decomposable by sulphuric arid, but mixed with a large proportion of silicic acid, the fluorine in it may be detected by heating the mixture in a test-tube with concentrated sulphuric acid, as fluosilicic gas is evolved in this process, which forms dense white fumes in moist air. If the gas is conducted into water, through a bent tube moistened inside, the latter has its transparency more or less impaired, by the separation of silicic acid. If the quantity operated upon is rather considera- ble, hydrate of silicic acid separates in the water, and the fluid is rendered acid by hydrofluosilicic acid. * The coating with wax may be readily effected by heating the glass cautiously, putting a small piece of wax upon the convex face, and spreading the fused mass equally over it. The removal of the wax coating is effected by heating the glass gently, and wiping the wax off with a cloth. f The statement of Nickles, that sulphuric acid and all acids adapted to decom- pose fluorides, etch glass, I have not been able to confirm when employing Bohemian glass. It is, however, advisable to prove by trial that the sulphuric acid one usea really does not attack the glass. 200 HYDROFLUORIC ACID. [§ 149. The following process answers best for the detection of smaller quantities of fluorine. The substance is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid in a flask closed by a perforated cork bearing two tubes. Through one tube which should reach nearly to the bottom of the flask, is passed a slow current of dried air which finds exit through the other short tube, and is made then to stream through some ammonia contained in a U tube by attaching the latter to an aspirator. The fluoride of silicon carried over by the stream of air, is decomposed on reaching the ammonia, especially when the latter is heated, fluoride of ammonium and hydrated silica being formed. The liquid is filtered, the filtrate is evaporated to dryness in a plati- num crucible and the residue tested according to 5. In the case of more difficultly decomposable substances bisul- phate of potassa is used instead of sulphuric acid, and the mixture, to which some marble is likewise added, heated to fusion, and kept in that state for some time. 7. Compounds not decomposable by sulphuric acid must first be fused with four parts of carbonate of soda and potassa. The fused mass is treated with water, the solution filtered, the filtrate concen- trated by evaporation, allowed to cool, transferred to a platinum or silver vessel, hydrochloric acid added to feebly acid reaction, and the fluid allowed to stand until the carbonic acid has escaped. It is then supersaturated with ammonia, heated, filtered into a bottle, chloride of calcium added to the still hot fluid, the bottle closed, and allowed to stand at rest. If a precipitate separates after some time, it is collected on a filter, dried, and examined by the method described in 5. (H. Rose.) 8. Minute quantities of metallic fluorides in minerals, slags, &c, may also be readily detected by means of the blowpipe. To this end, bend a piece of platinum foil, gutter-shape, then insert it in a ,ramisi!=____==_[ra___ glass tube as shown in Fig. 29, H!^^/ "THi introduce the finely triturated substance mixed with powdered Fi„ 29. phosphate of soda and ammo- nia fused on charcoal, and let the blowpipe flame play upon it in a manner to make the products of combustion pass into the tube. If fluorides of metals are pre- sent, hydrofluoric acid gas is evolved, which betrays its presence by its pungent odor, the dimming of the glass tube, and the yellow tint which the acid air issuing from the tube imparts to a moist slip of Brazil-wood paper* (Berzelius, Smithson). When silicates containing metallic fluorides are treated in this manner, gaseous fluoride of silicon is formed, which also colors yellow a moist slip * Prepared by moistening slips of fine printing-paper with decoction of Brazil wood. § 150.] RECAPITULATION. 201 of Brazil-wood paper inserted in the tube, and leads to silicic acid being deposited within the tube. After washing and drying the tube, the latter appears here and there dimmed. In the case of minerals containing water, presence of even a small proportion of metallic fluorides will, upon heating, even without addition of phosphate of soda and ammonia, usually suffice to color yel low a moistened slip of Brazil-wood paper inserted in the tube (Berzelius). § 150. Recapitulation and remarks.—The baryta compounds of the acids of the third division are dissolved by hydrochloric acid, apparently without undergoing decomposition; alkalies therefore reprecipitate them unaltered, by neutralizing the hydrochloric acid. The baryta compounds of chromic, sulphurous, hyposulphurous, and iodic acids show, however, the same deportment; these acids must, therefore, if present, be removed before any conclusion regarding the presence of phosphoric acid, boracic acid, oxalic acid, or hydrofluoric acid, can be drawn from the reprecipitation of a salt of baryta by alkalies. But even leaving this point alto- gether out of the question, no great value is to be placed on this reaction, not even so far as the simple detection of these acids is concerned, and far less still as regards their separation from other acids, since ammonia fails to reprecipitate from hydrochloric acid solutions the salts of baryta in question, and more particularly the borate of baryta and the fluoride of barium, if the solution con- tains any considerable proportion of free acid or of an ammoniacal salt. Boracic acid may be invariably detected by the characteris- tic tint Avhich it communicates to the flame of alcohol, as well as by its reaction with turmeric paper. The latter reaction is particu- larly adapted to detect minute quantities. Care should be taken to concentrate the solution sufficiently before testing. Solutions of free boracic acid must be combined with an alkali before evapora- ting, otherwise a large portion of the acid will volatilize along with the aqueous vapors. Metallic oxides, if present, should be removed, which may be done by hydrosulphuric acid or sulphide of ammo- nium. The detection of phosphoric acid in compounds soluble in water is not difficult; the reaction with sulphate of magnesia is the best adapted to effect the purpose. To compounds which are insoluble in water, sulphate of magnesia cannot be applied. In phosphates of the alkaline earths, phosphoric acid may be detected and sepa- rated by means of sesquichloride of iron (§ 145, 9). In presence of alumina and sesquioxide of iron, solution of molybdate of ammo- nia in nitric acid is best employed. Both reagents must be used strictly according to the directions already given (§ 145, 9 and 10), 202 PHOSPHOROUS ACID. [§ 151 if satisfactory results are looked for. Phosphates of the oxides of groups 4, 5, or 6, may be treated either as described, § 145, 11 or the base being thrown down by hydrosulphuric acid or sulphide of ammonium, the acid may be looked for ii»the filtrate. Oxalic acid may always be easily detected in aqueous solutions of alkaline oxalates by solution of sulphate of lime. The forma- tion of a finely pulverulent precipitate, insoluble in acetic acid, leaves hardly a doubt on the point, as racemic acid alone, which occurs so very rarely, gives the same reaction. In case of doubt, the oxalate of lime may be readily distinguished from the para- tartrate, or racemate, by simple ignition, with exclusion of the air, as the decomposed paratartrate leaves a considerable proportion of charcoal behind ; the paratartrate dissolves moreover in cold solu- tion of potassa or soda, in which oxalate of lime is insoluble. The deportment of the oxalates with sulphuric acid, or with binoxide of manganese and sulphuric acid, affords also sufficient means to confirm the results of other tests. In insoluble salts the oxalic acid is detected most safely by decomposing the insoluble com- pound by boiling with solution of carbonate of soda, by hydrosul- phuric acid or sulphide of ammonium, according to circumstances. (See § 148, 8). I must finally call attention here to the fact that there are certain soluble oxalates which are not precipitated by salts of lime; these are more particularly oxalate of sesquioxide of chromium, and oxalate of sesquioxide of iron. Their non- precipitation is owing to the circumstance that these salts form soluble double salts with oxalate of lime. In salts decomposable by sulphuric acid, the hydrofluoric acid is readily detected; only, it must be borne in mind that too much sulphuric acid hinders the free escape of hydrofluoric acid gas, and thus impairs the delicacy of the reaction, and that the glass cannot be distinctly etched, if, instead of hydrofluoric gas, fluosilicic gas alone is evolved. There- fore, in the case of compounds abounding in silica, the safer way is to try, besides the reaction given § 149, 5, also the one given in § 149, 6. In silicates which are not decomposed by sulphuric acid, the presence of fluorine is often overlooked, because the analyst omits to examine the compound carefully by the method given § 149, 7. § 151. Phosphorous acid (P 03), when anhydrous, is a white powder which may be sublimed in close vessels but burns if heated in contact with the air. In combina. tion with water it forms a syrupy liquid. On long standing it crystallizes, when heated it decomposes into hydrated phosphoric acid and non-spontaneously inflam- mable phosphoretted hydrogen gas. It is easily soluble in water. Its salts with alkaline bases are readily soluble in water, the other phosphites are with difficulty dissolved by water, but easily by dilute acids. On ignition, the phosphites are converted into phosphates, hydrogen gas or a mixture of hydrogen and phosphoretted hydrogen being evolved. With nitrate of silver, especially on addition of ammonia § 152.] CARBONIC ACID. 203 and warming, they cause reduction and separation of metallic silver with nitrate of protoxide of mercury, under similar circumstances, separation of metallic mercury. From sdu tion of chloride of mercury in excess, phosphorous acid, after some time, more speedily on heating, throws down subchloride of mercury. Chloride of barium and chloride of calcium with addition of ammonia, yield in moderately dilute solutions, white precipitates which are soluble in acetic acid. A mixture of sulphate of magnesia, chloride of ammonium and ammonia precipitates only somewhat concen- trated solutions. Acetate of lead throws down white phosphite of lead which is insoluble in acetic acid. When phosphorous acid is heated to boiling with excess of sulphurous acid, sulphur separates and phosphoric acid is produced. Phosphorous acid when placed in contact with zinc and dilute sulphuric acid, evolves a mixture of hydrogen and phosphoretted hydrogen which smokes in the air, burns with an emerald green flame and throws down phosphide of silver from a solution of nitrate of silver. Fourth Division of the First Group of Inorganic Acids. §152. a. Carbonic Acid (C (X). 1. Carbon is a solid, tasteless, and inodorous body. The very highest degrees of heat alone can effect its fusion and volatilization (Silliman, Despretz). Carbon is combustible, and yields carbonic acid when burnt with a sufficient supply of oxygen or atmospheric air. In the diamond the carbon is crystallized, transparent, exceed- ingly hard, difficultly combustible; in the form of graphite, it is opaque, blackish-gray, soft, greasy to the touch, difficultly combusti- ble, and stains the fingers; as charcoal, produced by the decomposi- tion (destructive distillation) of organic matters, it is black, opaque, noncrystalline—often dense, shining, difficultly combustible—often porous, dull, readily combustible. 2. Carbonic acid, at the common temperature and common atmospheric pressure, is a colorless gas of far higher specific gravity than atmospheric air, so that it may be poured from one vessel into another. It is almost inodorous, has a sourish taste, and reddens moist litmus-paper; but the red tint disappears again upon drying. Carbonic acid is readily absorbed by solution of potassa; it dissolves pretty copiously in water. :i. The aqueous solution of carbonic acid has a feebly acid, pungent taste ; it transiently imparts a red tint to litmus-paper, and colors solution of litmus wine-red ; it loses its carbonic acid upon the application of heat, and also when shaken with air in a half-filled bottle. Many of the carbonates lose their carbonic acid upon ignition; those with colorless oxides are white or colorless. Of the neutral carbonates, only those with alkaline bases are soluble in water. The solutions manifest a very strong alkaline reaction. Besides the carbonates with alkaline bases, those also with an alkaline earth for base, and some of those with a metallic base, dissolve as acid or bicarbonates. 204 silicic acid. [§ 153. 4. The carbonates are decomposed by all free acids soluble in water, with the exception of hydrocyanic acid and hydrosulphuric acid. The decomposition of the carbonates by acids is attended with effervescence, the carbonic acid being disengaged as a colorless and almost inodorous gas, which transiently imparts a reddish tint to litmus-paper. It is necessary to apply the decom- posing acid in excess, especially when operating upon carbonates with alkaline bases, since the formation of bicarbonates will fre- quently prevent effervescence, if too little of the decomposing acid be added. Substances which it is intended to test for carbonic acid by this method, should first be heated with a little water, to prevent any mistake which might arise from the escape of air- bubbles upon treating the dry substances with the acid. Lime- water may be substituted for pure water if it is feared that carbonic acid will escape on boiling. If it is wished to determine by a direct experiment whether the disengaged gas is really carbonic acid or not, this may be readily accomplished by dipping the end of a glass rod in baryta-water, and inserting the rod into the test- tube, bringing the moistened end near the surface of the fluid in the tube, when ensuing turbidity of the baryta-water on the glass rod will prove that the evolved gas is really carbonic acid, since 5. Lime-water and baryta-water, when brought into contact with carbonic acid or with soluble carbonates, produce white preci- pitates of neutral carbonate of lime (Ca O, C 0-2), or neutral carbonate of bartta (Ba O, C 0^). When testing for free carbonic acid, the reagents ought always to be added in excess, as the acid carbonates of the alkaline earths are soluble in water. The precipitated carbonates of lime and baryta dissolve in acids, with effervescence, and are not reprecipitated from such solutions by ammonia, after the complete expulsion of the carbonic acid by ebullition. Since a minute quantity of carbonate of lime is taken up by lime-water, the latter should be saturated with carbonate of lime by continued digestion with it for some time before being em- ployed for detecting very small traces of carbonic acid.—( Welter, Berthollet.) 6. Chloride of calcium and chloride of barium immediately pro- duce in solutions of neutral alkaline carbonates, precipitates of carbonate of lime or of carbonate of baryta ; in dilute solu- tions of bicarbonates these precipitates are formed only upon ebul- lition ; with free carbonic acid these reagents give no precipitate. § 153. b. Silicic Acid (Si 02). 1. Silicic acid is colorless or white, even in the hottest blowpipe flame unalterable and infusible. It fuses in the flame of the oxyhy- § 153.] silicic acid. 205 drogen blowpipe. It is met with in two modifications (more cor- rectly speaking, in the crystalline and in the amorphous state). It is insoluble in water and acids, with the exception of hydrofluoric acid ; whilst its hydrate is soluble in acids, but only at the moment of its separation. The amorphous silicic acid and the hydrate dis- solve in hot aqueous solutions of caustic alkalies and of fixed alka- line carbonates ; but the crystallized acid is insoluble or nearly so in these fluids. If either of the two is fused with pure alkalies or alkaline carbonates, a basic silicate of the alkali is obtained, which is soluble in water. The silicates with alkaline bases alone are soluble in water. 2. The solutions of the alkaline silicates are decomposed by all acids. If a large proportion of hydrochloric acid is added at once to even concentrated solutions of alkaline silicates, the sepa- rated silicic acid remains in solution; but if the hydrochloric acid is added gradually drop by drop, whilst stirring the fluid, the greater part of the silicic acid separates as gelatinous hydrate. The more dilute the fluid, the more silicic acid remains in solution, and in highly dilute solutions no precipitate is formed. But if the solu- tion of an alkaline silicate, mixed with hydrochloric or nitric acid in excess, is evaporated to dryness, silicic acid separates in propor- tion as the acid escapes; upon treating the residue with hydrochlo- ric acid and water, the silicic acid remains in the free state (or, if the temperature in the process of drying was restricted to 212°, as hydrate, II O, 4 Si O.), as an insoluble white powder. Chloride of ammonium produces in moderately dilute solutions of alkaline sili- cates precipitates of hydrate of silicic acid containing alkali. The separation is facilitated by warming. 3. Part of the silicates insoluble in water are decomposed by hydrochloric acid or nitric acid, part of them are not affected by these acids, not even upon boiling. In the decomposition of the former, the greater portion of the silicic acid separates usually as gelatinous, more rarely as pulverulent hydrate. To effect the com- plete separation of the silicic acid, the hydrochloric acid solution, wilh the precipitated hydrate of silicic acid suspended in it, is eva- porated to dryness, the residue heated at a temperature somewhat above the boiling point of water until no more acid fumes escape, then moistened with hydrochloric acid, heated with water, and the fluid containing the bases filtered from the residuary insoluble silicic acid. 4. Of the silicates not decomposed by hydrochloric acid, many, e. g., kaolin, are completely decomposed by heating with a mixture of 8 parts of hydrated sulphuric acid and three parts of water, the decomposition being attended with separation of silicic acid in the pulverulent form; many others are acted upon to some extent by this reagent. 206 SILICIC ACID. [§153 5. If any silicate, reduced to a fine powder, is fused with 4 parts of carbonate of potassa and soda until the evolution of carbonic acid has ceased, and the fused mass is then boiled with water, the greater portion of the silicic acid dissolves as alkaline silicate, whilst the alkaline earths, the earths proper (with the exception of alumina and glucina, which are more or less perfectly dissolved), and the heavy metallic oxides are left behind. If the fused mass is treated with water, then, without previous filtration, hydrochlo- ric or nitric acid added to strongly acid reaction, and the fluid evaporated to dryness as directed in 3, the silicic acid is left undis- solved, whilst the bases are dissolved. If the powdered silicate is fused with 4 parts of hydrate of baryta, the fused mass digested with water, with addition of hydrochloric or nitric acid, and the acid solution evaporated to dryness as directed in 3, the silicic acid separates, and the bases, especially the alkalies, are found in the filtrate. [6. If an insoluble alkaline silicate is mixed in the state of powder with 3 times its weight of precipitated carbonate of lime and one- half its weight of chloride of ammonium in powder, and the mix- ture is heated in a platinum crucible in a slow charcoal fire for half an hour, too high a heat being avoided, a somewhat sintered mass is obtained, which, on being digested in hot water, falls to powder, and yields a solution containing, besides chloride of cal- cium and hydrate of lime, all, or nearly all the alkalies of the sili- cate, in the form of chlorides.—(J. Lawrence Smith) ] 7. When hydrofluoric acid, in concentrated aqueous solution or as gas, is allowed to act on silicic acid, gaseous fluoride of silicon is formed (Si 02 + 2 H F = Si F2 + 2 H O) : dilute hydrofluoric acid dissolves silica to hydrofluosilicic acid (Si 02 + 3 H F = Si F„ H F 4- 2 H O). By the action of hydrofluoric acid upon silicates, silicofluorides are produced (Ca O, Si 02 -f 3 H F = Si F2, Ca F, + 3 II O), which when heated with strong sulphuric acid are con- verted into sulphates with evolution of hydrofluoric acid and fluoride of silicon. If the powdered silicate is mixed with 5 parts of fluoride of calcium in powder, the mixture made into a paste with hydrated sulphuric acid, and heat applied (best in the open air), until no more fumes escape, the whole of the silicic acid pre- sent volatilizes as fluosilicic gas. The bases present are found, in the residue as sulphates, mixed with sulphate of lime. 8. If silicic acid or a silicate is fused with carbonate of soda on the loop of a platinum wire, a frothing 'is observed in the fusing bead, owing to the disengagement of carbonic acid. If the proper proportion of carbonate of soda is not exceeded, the bead of silicate of soda formed in the process will remain transparent on cooling. 9. Phosphate of soda and ammonia, in a state of fusion, fails nearly altogether to dissolve silicic acid. If therefore silicic acid §§ 151, 155.] HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 207 or a silicate is heated, in small fragments, with phosphate of soda and ammonia on a platinum wire, the bases are dissolved, whilst the silicic acid separates and floats about in the clear bead, as a more or less transparent mass, exhibiting the shape of the fragment used in the experiment. § 154- Recapitulation and remarks.—Free carbonic acid is readily known by its deportment with lime-water; the carbonates are easily detected by the evolution of a nearly inodorous gas, which takes place when they are treated with acids. When operating upon compounds which, besides carbonic acid, evolve other gases, the disengaged gas is to be tested with lime-water or baryta-water. Silicic acid, both in the free state and in silicates, may usually be readily detected by the reaction with phosphate of soda and ammonia. It differs, moreover, from all other bodies in the form in which it is always obtained in analyses, by its insolubility in acids (except hydrofluoric acid), and in fusing bisulphate of potassa, and its solubility in boiling solutions of pure alkalies and alkaline carbonates. It also differs from many bodies by its completely volatilizing when repeatedly evaporated in a platinum dish with hydrofluoric acid or a mixture of fluoride of ammonium and sul- phuric acid. second group of the inorganic acids. Acids which are precipitated by Nitrate of Silver, but not by Chloride of Barium : Hydrochloric Acid, Hydrobromic Acid, Hydriodic Acid, Hydrocyanic Acid, Hydroferro-, and Hydroferricyanic Acid, Hydrosulphuric Acid. (Nitrous acid, Hypochlorous acid, Chlorous acid, Hypophosphorous acid.) The silver compounds corresponding to the hydrogen acids of this group are insoluble in dilute nitric acid. These acids decom- pose with metallic oxides, the metals combining with the chlorine, bromine, cyanogen, iodine, or sulphur, whilst the oxygen of the metallic oxide forms water with the hydrogen of the hydracid. §155. a. Hydrochloric Acid (H CI). 1. Chlorine is a heavy, yellowish-green gas of a disagreeable, suffocating odor, and which has a most injurious action upon the respiratory organs; it destroys vegetable colors (litmus, indigo- blue, (2 H 0, Cs H4 O10). The formula of crystallized racemic acid is 2 H 0, C8 H4 0i0 + 2 aq. The crys- tallization water escapes slowly in the air, but rapidly at 212° F. (difference between racemic acid and tartaric acid). Towards solvents racemic acid comports itself like tartaric acid. The racemates also show very similar deportment to that of the tar- trates. However, many of them differ in the amount of water they contain, and iu form and solubility from the corresponding tartrates. Aqueous solutions of racemio acid and racemates do not deviate the ray of polarized light. Chloride of calcium precipitates from the solutions of free racemic acid, and of racemates racemate ov umk (2 Ca 0, C» H, do + 8 aq.), as a white crystalline powder. Ammonia throws 232 SUCCINIC ACID. [§ 171, down the precipitate from its solution in hydrochloric acid, either immediately or at least very speedily (difference between racemic acid and tartaric acid). It dissolves in solution of soda and potassa, but is reprecipitated from this solution by boiling (difference between racemic acid and oxalic acid). Lime-water added in excess, produces immediately a white precipitate insoluble in chloride of ammonium (differ- ence between racemic acid and tartaric acid). Solution of sulphate of lime does not immediately produce a precipitate in a solution of racemic acid (difference between racemic acid and oxalic acid); however, after ten or fifteen minutes, racemate of lime separates (difference between racemic acid and tartaric acid); in solutions of neutral racemates the precipitate forms immediately. With salts of potassa racemic acid comports itself like tartaric acid. If a solution of the double racemate of soda and potassa, or of the racemate of soda and of ammonia, is allowed to crystallize slowly, two kinds of crystals are obtained which differ from each other in appearance as the direct image of an object differs from its image reflected from a mirror. One set of (dextro-hemihedral) crystals con- tains the ordinary (right polarizing) tartaric acid (dextro-tartaric acid), the other flaevo-hemihedral) crystals contain an acid which scarcely differs from ordinary tartaric acid except that it rotates the plane of polarization to the left. It is termed laevo-tartaric acid. When the two kinds of crystals are dissolved together, the solu- tion has all the reactions of racemic acid. second group of the organic acids. Acids which Chloride of Calcium fails to precipitate under any Circumstances, but which are precipitated from Neu- tral Solutions by Sesquichloride of Ibon : Succinic Acid, Benzoic Acid. §171. a. Succinic Acid (2 H O, C8 H, 06). 1. Hydrate of Succinic acid forms colorless and inodorous prisms or tables of slightly acid taste, which are readily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, difficultly soluble in nitric acid, and vola- tilize when exposed to the action of heat, leaving only a little char- coal behind. The officinal acid has an empyreumatic odor, and leaves a somewhat larger carbonaceous residue upon volatilization. Succinic acid is not destroyed by heating with nitric acid, and may therefore be easily obtained in the pure state by boiling with that acid for half an hour, by which means the oil of amber, if present, will be destroyed. By sublimation crystalline needles of silky lus- tre are obtained; the hydrate loses water in this process, so that by repeated sublimation anhydrous acid is ultimately obtained. Heated in the air, succinic acid burns with a blue flame, free from soot. 2. The succinates are decomposed at a red heat; those which have an alkali or alkaline earth for base, are converted into carbo- nates in this process, the change being attended with separation of charcoal. Most of the succinates are soluble in water. 3. Sesquichloride of iron produces in solutions of neutral succi« § 172.] BENZOIC ACID. 233 nates of the alkalies a brownish pale-red, bulky precipitate of suc- cinate of sesquioxide of iron (Fe2 03, C8 H4 0(); one-third of the succinic acid is liberated in this reaction, and retains part of the precipitate in solution, if the fluid is filtered off hot. The pre- cipitate dissolves readily in mineral acids; ammonia decomposes it, causing the separation of a less bulky precipitate of a highly basic succinate of sesquioxide of iron, and combining with the greater portion of the acid to succinate of ammonia, which dissolves. 4. Acetate of lead gives with succinic acid a white precipitate of neutral succinate of lead (2 Pb O, Cd H4 06), which is very spar- ingly soluble in water, acetic acid, and succinic acid, but dissolves readily in solution of acetate of lead and in nitric acid. Treated with ammonia, the neutral succinate of lead is converted into a basic salt (6 Pb O, C8 H4 Oe). 5. A mixture of alcohol, ammonia, and solution of chloride of barium produces in solutions of free succinic acid and of succinates a white precipitate of succinate of baryta (2 Ba O, C H, 06). 6. Nitrate of suboxide of mercury and nitrate of silver also pre- cipitate the succinates ; the precipitates, however, are not possessed of any characteristic properties. § 1?2. b. Benzoic Acid (H O, Ch H5 03). 1. Pure hydrate of benzoic acid forms inodorous white scales or needles, or simply a crystalline powder. When heated, it fuses, and afterwards volatilizes completely. The fumes of benzoic acid cause a peculiar irritating sensation in the throat, and provoke coughing; when cautiously cooled, they condense to brilliant needles, when kindled, they burn with a luminous sooty flame. The common officinal hydrate of benzoic acid has the odor of ben- zoin, and leaves a small carbonaceous residue upon volatilization. Hydrate of benzoic acid is very sparingly soluble in cold water, but it dissolves pretty readily in hot water and in alcohol. Addi- tion of water, therefore, imparts a milky turbidity to a saturated solution of benzoic acid in alcohol. 2. Most of the benzoates are soluble in water; only those with weak bases, e. g., sesquioxide of iron, are insoluble. The soluble benzoates have a peculiar, pungent taste. The addition of a strong acid to aqueous solutions of benzoates displaces the benzoic acid, which separates as hydrate in the form of a dazzling white, spar- ingly soluble powder. Benzoic acid is expelled in the same way from the insoluble benzoates, by such strong acids as form soluble salts with the bases with which the benzoic acid is combined. 3. Sesquichloride of iron precipitates solutions of free benzoic acid incompletely; solutions of neutral benzoates of the alkalies completely. The precipitate of benzoate of sesquioxide op 234 ACETIC ACID. [§§ 173, 174. tRON (2 Fe2 03, 3 [Cu H5 03] + 15 aq.) is bulky, flesh-colored, in- soluble in water. It is decomposed by ammonia in the same man- ner as succinate of sesquioxide of iron, from which salt it differs in this, that it dissolves in a little hydrochloric acid, with separation of the greater portion of the benzoic acid. 4. Acetate of lead fails to precipitate free benzoic acid and benzoate of ammonia, at least immediately; but it produces white, flocculent precipitates in solutions of benzoates with a fixed alka- line base. 5. A mixture of alcohol, ammonia, and solution of chloride of barium produces no precipitate in solutions of free benzoic acid or of the alkaline benzoates. § !73. Recapitulation and remarks.—Succinic and benzoic acids are distinguished from all other acids by the facility with which they may be sublimed, and by their deportment with sesquichloride of iron. They are distinguished from one another by the different color of their salts with sesquioxide of iron, and also by their differ- ent deportment with chloride of barium and alcohol; but princi- pally by their different degrees of solubility, succinic acid being readily soluble in water, whilst benzoic acid is very difficult of solu- tion. Succinic acid is seldom perfectly pure, and may therefore often be detected by the odor of oil of amber which it emits. The detection of the two acids, when present in the same solu- tion with other acids, may be effected as follows: precipitate with sesquichloride of iron, warm the washed precipitate with ammonia, filter, concentrate the solution, divide it into two parts, and mix one part with hydrochloric acid, the other with chloride of barium and alcohol. Succinic acid and benzoic acid do not prevent the precipitation of sesquioxide of iron, alumina, &c, by alkalies. third group of the inorganic group. Acids which are not precipitated by Chloride of Calcium nor by Sesquichloride of Iron : Acetic Acid, Formic Acid. (Lactic Acid, Propionic Acid, Butyric Acid). § 174. a. Acetic Acid (H O, C4 H3 03). . 1. The hydrate of acetic acid forms transparent crystalline scales, which fuse at 62'6° F. to a colorless fluid of a peculiar, pun- gent and penetrating odor, and exceedingly acid taste. When exposed to the action of heat, it volatilizes completely, forming pungent inflammable vapors, which burn with a blue flame. It is § 174.] ACETIC ACID. 235 miscible with water in all proportions; it is to such mixtures of the acid with water that the name of acetic acid is commonly applied. The hydrate of acetic acid is also soluble in alcohol. 2. The acetates undergo decomposition at a red heat; among the products of this decomposition we generally find hydrate of acetic acid, and almost invariably acetone (C6 H3 O,). The acetates of the alkalies and alkaline earths are converted into carbonates in this process ; of the acetates with metallic bases many leave the metal behind in the pure state, others in the form of oxide. Most of the residues which the acetates leave upon ignition are carbo- naceous. Nearly all acetates dissolve in water and in alcohol; most of them are readily soluble in water, a few only are difficult of solution in that menstruum. If acetates are distilled with dilute sulphuric acid, the free acetic acid is obtained in the distillate. 3. If sesquichloride of iron is added to acetic acid, and the acid is then nearly saturated with ammonia, or if a neutral acetate is mixed with sesquichloride of iron, the fluid acquires a deep dark- red color, owing to the formation of acetate of sesquioxide of iron. Upon boiling, the fluid becomes colorless if it contains an excess of acetate, the whole of the sesquioxide of iron precipitating as a basic acetate, in the form of brown-yellow flocks. Ammonia precipitates from it the whole of the sesquioxide of iron as hydrate. Upon addition of hydrochloric acid, a fluid which appears red from the presence of acetate of sesquioxide of iron turns yellow (difference from sulphocyanide of iron). 4. Neutral acetates (but not free acetic acid) give with nitrate of silver white, crystalline precipitates of acetate of silver (Ag 0, C, H, 03), which are very sparingly soluble in cold water. They dissolve more easily in hot water, but separate again upon cooling, in the form of very fine crystals. Ammonia dissolves them readily; free acetic acid does not increase their solubility in water. 5. Nitrate of suboxide of mercury produces in solutions of acetic acid, and more readily still in solutions of acetates, white, scaly crystalline precipitates of acetate of suboxide of mercury (Hg, 0, C4 H3 03), which are sparingly soluble in water and acetic acid in the cold, but dissolve without difficulty in an excess of the pre- cipitant. The precipitates dissolve in water upon heating, but separate again upon cooling, in the form of small crystals; in this process the salt undergoes partial decomposition: a portion of the mercury separates in the metallic state, and imparts a gray color to the precipitate. If the acetate of suboxide of mercury is boiled with dilute acetic acid instead of water, the quantity of the me- tallic mercury which separates is exceedingly minute. 6. Chloride of mercury heated with solutions of acetic acid or of acetates yields no precipitate of subchloride of mercury. '7. When acetates are heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, 236 FORMIC ACID. [§ 175 hydrate of acetic acid is evolved, which may be known by its pungent odor. But if the acetates are heated with a mixture of about equal volumes of concentrated sulphuric acid and alcohol, acetic ether (C4 H5 O, C4 H3 03) is formed. The odor of this ether is highly characteristic and agreeable; it is most distinct upon shaking the mixture when somewhat cooled, and is much less liable to lead to mistakes than the pungent odor of the free acetic acid. 7. If acetates are distilled with dilute sulphuric acid, and the distillate is digested with an excess of oxide of lead, part of the latter dissolves as basic acetate of lead, which may be readily recognised by its alkaline reaction. § 175. b. Formic Acid (H O, Ca H 03). 1. The hydrate of formic acid is a transparent, colorless, slightly fuming liquid, of a characteristic and exceedingly pene- trating odor. When cooled to below 32° F., it crystallizes in colorless plates. It is miscible in all proportions with water and with alcohol. When exposed to the action of heat, it volatilizes completely; the vapors are inflammable and burn with a blue flame. 2. The formates, like the corresponding acetates, leave upon ignition either carbonates, oxides, or metals behind, the process being attended with separation of charcoal, and escape of carbide of hydrogen, carbonic acid, and water. All the compounds of formic .acid with bases are soluble in water; alcohol likewise dis- solves some of them. 3. Formic acid presents the same deportment with sesquichloride of iron as acetic acid. 4. Nitrate of silver fails to precipitate free formic acid, and affects the alkaline formates only in concentrated solutions. The white, sparingly soluble, crystalline precipitate of formate of silver (Ag O, C2 H 03) acquires very rapidly a darker tint, owing to the separation of metallic silver. Complete reduction of the oxide of silver to the metallic state takes place, even in the cold, after the lapse of some time ; but immediately, upon applying heat to the fluid containing the precipitated formate of silver. The same reduction of the oxide of silver to the metallic state takes place in a solution of free formic acid, and also in solutions of for- mates so dilute that the addition of the nitrate of silver failed to produce a precipitate in them. But it does not take place in pre- sence of an excess of ammonia. The rationale of this reduction is as follows : the formic acid, which may be looked upon as a compound of carbonic oxide with water, deprives the oxide of silver of its oxygen, thus causing the formation of carbonic acid, which § 176.] RECAPITULATION. 237 escapes, and of water, whilst the reduced silver separates in the metallic state. 5. Nitrate of suboxide of mercury gives no precipitate with free formic acid; but in concentrated solutions of alkaline formates this reagent produces a white, sparingly soluble precipitate of formate of suboxide of mercury (Hg20, C2 H 03), which rapidly becomes gray, owing to the separation of metallic mercury. Complete reduction ensues, even in the cold, after the lapse of some time, but is immediate upon application of heat. This reduction is also attended with the formation of carbonic acid and water, and takes place, the same as with the oxide of silver, both in solutions of free formic acid and in fluids so highly dilute that the formate of suboxide of mercury is retained in solution. 6. If formic acid or an alkaline formate is heated with chloride of mercury to from 140° to 158° F., subchloride of mercury precipitates. Free hydrochloric acid, as well as a large quantity of alkaline chlorides prevent this reaction. 7. If formic acid or a formate is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, the formic acid is resolved into water and carbonic oxide gas, which latter escapes with effervescence, and if kindled, burns with a blue flame. The fluid does not turn black in this process. The rationale of the decomposition of the formic acid is this: the sulphuric acid withdraws from the formic acid the water or the oxide necessary for the existence of the latter acid, and thus occasions a transposition of its elements (C2 H03 = 2 CO-f-HO). Upon heating formates with dilute sulphuric acid in a distilling apparatus, free formic acid is obtained in the distillate, and may mostly be readily detected by its odor. Upon heating a for- mate with a mixture of sulphuric acid and alcohol, formic ether is evolved, which is characterized by its peculiar arrack-like smell. 8. If dilute formic acid is heated with oxide of lead, the latter dissolves. On cooling the solution, which, if necessary, is concen- trated by evaporation, the formate of lead (Pb O, Ca H 03) separates in brilliant prisms or needles. §176. Recapitulation and remarks.—Acetic acid and formic acia may be distilled over with water, and form with sesquioxide of iron soluble neutral salts which dissolve in water, imparting to the fluid a blood-red color, and are decomposed upon boiling. These reac- tions distinguish the two acids of the third group from the other organic acids. From each other the two acids are distinguished by the odor of their hydrates and ethyle compounds, and by their different deportment with sails of silver and salts of mercury, oxide of lead, and concentrated sulphuric acid. The separation 238 PROPIONIC ACTD. [§ 177, of acetic acid from formic acid is effected by heating the mixture of the two acids with an excess of oxide of mercury or oxide of silver. Formic acid reduces the oxides, and suffers decomposition, being resolve! into carbonic oxide and water; whilst the acetic acid combines with the oxides, forming acetates, which remain L Bolution. ? 177. Mo". rarC-j otcurriig Organic Aciii of i'rie T\ir& Group. 1. Lactic acid i2HO, Cu H1tOu) is found in some of the liquids of the animal oodv. in milk and in vegetable juices which have soured. When pore, its hydrate e a syrupy liquid which has no odor, but possesses a purely acid and bit-? taste. When slowly heated at -2-j-i' Fan., it yields a d-sallate of water and a little h7i.-i-.ri acid, and leaves a residue of lactic anhydride (Ca Hit On), which at higher tem- peratures i'4i'j:-370° Fah. i3 resolved into earoonic oxide, carbonic acid, lactide and other products. Lactic acid dissolves with ease in water, alcohol and ether Cm boiling the aqueous solution a portion of the acid e=teres with the vapors of water. The lactates are all soluble in water and alcohol, most of them, however with difficulty. In ether they are all insoluble. The best mode of proceeding for the detection of lactic arid consists in p-eoirlig certain of its salts, and observi:.? their form under the microscope. The salts best adapted for this purpose are those of lime and zinc To prepare the lime salt from animal or ve^etehle juices the method cf .5 '-vrer is to be recommended. Tr.e liquid is dilute! if needful with water, treated with baryta water, and altered from the precipitate. The filtrate is disti.led with a little sulphuric acid to remove volatile acids) and the residue is digested :';r several days with strong alcohoL The acid solution is distilled with addition of milk of lime, filtered warm from the excess of lime and frjm pre capitated sulphate of lime, and subjected to a stream of carbonic acid gas. a?ain heated to boiling, and filtered from carbonate of lime, and evaporated to dryness. The residue is wanned and digested with strong alcohol filtered and the neutral nitrate set aside for some days for the lactate of lime to deposit. If so little lactic a::d be present that no crystals separate, the liquid is evaporated to the consistence of syrup, strong alcohol is added, the mixture allowed to stand some time, and the alcoholic solution poured or filtered Into a stoppered vessel and a small : u.:.:t of ether is added by degrees. By this treatment even trace; of lactate of lime may be broutrht to crystallization. Under the microscope this salt appears in tufts cf needles, of which there are always some specimens that resemble two brusies joined base to base. Lactate of zinc when rapidly deposited appears under the m::r:sccpe in the form of globular groups of needles. When it crystallizes slowly it at urst yields crystals with curved faces, and narrower at one end than at the other, like a club. Their crystals gradually increase in size, the extremities become narrower, while the middle thickens i'fV:>:. 2 PBOPioyic acid iH O, C« H5 Os) and 3. Bttttbic actd (H 0. d H7 Cm Prttl :.c add is produced under a gr^at variety of circumstances, it is found especially in fermented liquids. The pure hydrated add crystallizes In minute plates, it boils at 2 = 4=—-li3~^ Pal:., is easily soluble in water, upon hydrated phosphoric acid or chloride of calcium solution, it floats as an ofly layer. It has a peculiar odor. remind in? at once of acetic and butyric acids. On distilling its aqueous -.*> tion. it passes over with the water. Butyric acid occurs in animal and vegetable matters, especially in fermented liquids of the most various kinds. The pure hydrate is a colorless, mobile, caustic, very sour liquid which bolls at about 320° Fak, and has a disagreeable odor, partaking of that of rancid butter and acetic acid, t is soluble in water and alcohol in all proportions; from concentrated aqueous § 177.] PROPIONIC ACID. 239 solutions it is separated by chloride of calcium, strong acids, &c, in the form of a thin oil Its odor is especially marked in its aqueous solution. It distils over when heated with water. Propionic and butyric acids occur in fermented liquids, in guano and in many mineral waters, often associated with formic and acetic acids. In such mixtures ono may operate as follows, to detect the individual acids: The substance, sufficiently diluted with water, is acidulated with sulphuric acid and distilled. The distillate is saturated with baryta water, evaporated to dryness, and the residue repeatedly extracted with boiling alcohol of 85 per cent. By this means a solution is obtained in which exist the propionate, butyrate, and a part of the acetate of baryta, while the formate and a part of the acetate remain undissolved. The alcoholic solution is * evaporated to dryness, the residue dissolved in water, decomposed by cautious addi- tion of sulphate of silver (of which not quite enough to throw down the baryta, rather than an excess, should be employed), boiled, filtered, and the solution evapo- rated in a desiccator. The crystals which form at first, an intermediate crop, and a final crop, are collected and examined separately. The acetate of silver when dis solved in concentrated sulphuric acid, gives the odor of acetic acid, and no oily drop- lets ; propionate and butyrate of silver under the same treatment yield oil-drops (in Bmall quantities to be recognized only by the help of a microscope), and further, give the odor peculiar to these acids. In order, however, to decide with certainty between propionic and butyric acids, it is necessary to determine the per centage of silver in the salts separated by crystallization, and thence calculate the atomic weight of the acids. In a solution which contains a large quantity of acetic acid with but little pro- pionic and butyric acids, that portion of the baryta salts taken up by alcohol is Drought into aqueous solution, from it the baryta is exactly thrown down by Bulpliuric acid; one-half of the acid solution is now neutralized by carbonate of soda, the other half added and the whole subjected to distillation. The distillate which contains, principally, the propionic and butyric acids is saturated with baryta, decomposed by sulphate of silver and further treated as above directed. • PART II. SYSTEMATIC COUESE . QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. PART II. PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON THE COURSE OF QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS IN GENERAL AND ON THE PLAN OF THIS PART OF THE PRESENT WORK IN PARTICULAR. The knowledge of reagents and of the deportment of other bodies with them enables us to ascertain at once whether a compound of which the physical properties permit an inference as to its nature, is in reality what we suspect it to be. Thus, for instance, a few simple reactions suffice to show whether a body which appears to be calcareous spar, is really carbonate of lime, and that another, which we hold to be gypsum, is actually sulphate of lime. This knowledge usually suffices also to ascertain whether a certain body is present or not in a compound ; for instance, whether or not a white powder contains subchloride of mercury. But if our design is to ascertain the chemical nature of a substance entirely unknown to us—if we wish to discover all the constituents of a mixture or chemical compound—if we intend to prove that, besides certain bodies which we have detected in a mixture or compound, no other substance can possibly be present—if consequently a complete quali- tative analysis is our object, the mere knowledge of the reagents, and of the reactions of other bodies with them, will not suffice for the attainment of this end ; this requires the additional knowledge of a systematic and progressive course of analysis, in other words, the knowledge of the order and succession in which solvents, and general and special reagents, should be applied, both to effect the speedy and certain detection of every component element of a.com- pound or mixture, and to prove with certainty the absence of all other substances. If we do not possess the knowledge of this sys- tematic course, or if, in the hope of attaining our object more rapidly, we adhere to no method whatever in our investigations and experiments, analyzing becomes (at least in the hands of a novice) mere guess-work, and the results obtained are no longer the fruits of scientific calculation, but mere matters of accident, which sometimes may prove lucky hits, and at others total failures. 244 PRELIMINARY REMARKS. Every analytical investigation must therefore be based upon a definite method. But it is not by any means nece=sary that thia method should be the same in all cases. Practice, reflection, and a due attention to circumstances will, on the contrary, generally lead to the adoption of different methods for different cases. How- ever, all analytical methods agree in this, that the substances pre- sent or supposed to be present in a compound or mixture, are in the first place classed into certain groups, which are then again subdivided, until the individual detection of the various substances present is finally accomplished. The diversity of analytical methods depends partly on the order and succession in which rea- gents are applied, and partly on their selection. Before we can venture upon inventing methods of our own for individual cases, we must first make ourselves thoroughly conver- sant with a certain definite course, or system, of chemical analysis in general. This system must have passed through the ordeal of experience, and must be adapted to every imaginable case, so that afterwards, when we have acquired some practice in analysis, we may be able to determine which modification of the general method will in certain given cases most readily and rapidly lead to the attainment of the object in view. The exposition of such a systematic course, adapted to all cases, tested by experience, and combining simplicity with the greatest possible security, is the object of the First Section of the second part of this work. The elements and compounds comprised in it are the same which we have studied in Part I., with the exception of those given in that part simply by way of appendix, or printed in smaller type. The First Section of the Second Part consists of practical instructions in analysis, wherein I have laid down a systematic course which, with due care and attention, will, by progressive steps, lead speedily and safely to the attainment of the end in view. The subdivisions of this practical course are : 1, Preliminary examination ; 2, Solution; 3, Actual analysis. The third subdivision (the actual analysis) is again subdi- vided into, (1) Examination of compounds in which but one base and one acid are assumed to be present; and, (2) Examination of mixtures or compounds in which all the substances treated of in the present work are assumed to be present. With respect to the latter section, I have to remark that where the preliminary exami- nation has not clearly demonstrated the absence of certain groups of substances, the student cannot safely disregard any of the para- graphs to which reference is made in consequence of the reactions PRELIMINARY REMARKS. 245 observed. In cases where the intention is simply to test a com- pound or mixture for certain substances, and not to ascertain all its constituents, it will be easy to select the particular numbers which ought to be attended to. As the construction of a universally applicable systematic course of analysis requires due regard to, and provision for, every contin- gency that may possibly arise, it is self-evident that, though in the system here laid down the various bodies comprised in it have been assumed to be mixed up together in every conceivable way, it was absolutely indispensable to proceed throughout upon the supposi- tion that no foreign organic matters whatever were present, since the presence of such matters would of course tend to prevent or obscure many reactions, and variously modify others. Although the general analytical course laid down here is devised and arranged in a manner to suit all possible contingencies, with a very few exceptions, still there are special cases in which it may be advisable to modify it. A preliminary treatment of the sub- stance is also sometimes necessary, before the actual analysis can be proceeded with; the presence of coloring, slimy, organic matters more especially requires certain preliminary operations. Not to leave the student without a guide in these special cases, the Second Section of this Part will be found to contain a detailed description of the methods employed to effect the analysis of a few important compounds and mixtures which chemists are frequently called upon to examine. Some of these methods show how the analytical process becomes simplified as the number of substances decreases to which regard must be had in the analysis. In conclusion, as an intelligent and successful pursuit of analysis is possible only with an accurate knowledge of the principles whereon the detection and separation of bodies depend, since this knowledge alone can furnish the student with a guide to the selec- tion of the proper reagents, and the order in which they ought to be applied, I have given in the Third Section of the Second Part an explanation and elucidation of the general analytical process, with numerous additions to the practical operations. As this third section may properly be regarded as the key to the first and second sections, I strongly recommend students to make themselves early and thoroughly acquainted with it. I have devoted a special sec- tion to this theoretical explanation of the process, as I think it will be understood better in a connected form, than it would have been by explanatory additions to the several paragraphs, which, more- over might have materially interfered with the plainness and per- spicuity of the plan of the practical process. In this Third Section I have also indicated in what residues, solutions, precipitates, &c, as obtained in the systematic course, the operator may look for the elements of more rare occurrence, 246 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION. [§§ 178, 179 and how these bodies may be systematically and surely detected in analyses where they are likely to be present. SECTION I. PRACTICAL PROCESS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF COM POUNDS AND MIXTURES IN GENERAL. I. Preliminary Examination.* § 178. 1. Examine, in the first place, the physical properties— if color, shape, hardness, gravity, odor, &c.—of the substance intended for analysis, since these will often enable you in some measure to infer its nature. Before proceeding to the appli- cation of any chemical process, you must always consider how much of the substance to be analyzed you have at com- mand, since it is necessary, at this early period of the exa- mination, to calculate the quantity which may safely be used in the preliminary investigation. A reasonable economy is in all cases advisable, even though you may possess the sub- Btance in large quantities; but, under all circumstances, let it be a fixed rule, never to use at once the whole of what you possess of a substance, but always to keep a portion of it for unforeseen contingencies, and for confirmatory experiments. A. The Body under Examination is Solid. I. It is neither a Pure Metal nor an Alloy. § 179. 1. The substance is fit for examination if in powder or in 2 minute crystals ; but if in larger crystals or in solid pieces, it is necessary in the first place to reduce a portion of it to fine powder, if practicable. Bodies of the softer kind may be triturated in a porcelain mortar; those of a harder nature must first be broken into small pieces in a steel mortar, or upon a steel anvil, and the pieces then be triturated in an agate mortar. 2. Put some of the powder into a glass tube, sealed 3 at one end, about 2 inches long and fgths of an inch wide, and heat, first gently over the spirit or gas-lamp, then intensely in the blowpipe flame. The reactions resulting may * Consult also the observations and additions in the Third Section. \ These marginal numbers are simply intended to facilitate reference. § 170.] preliminary examination. 247 lead to many positive or probable conclusions regarding the nature of the substance. The following are the most import- ant of these reactions, to which particular attention ought to be paid ; it often occurs that several of them are observed in the case of one and the same substance. a. The substance remains unaltered: absence of 4 organic matters, salts containing water of crystallization, readily fusible matters, and volatile bodies. b. The substance does not fuse at a moderate 5 heat, but simply changes color. From white to yel- low, turning white again on cooling, indicates oxide of zinc: from white to yellowish-brown, turning to a dirty light yellow on cooling, indicates binoxide of tin ; if the color changes from white or reddish-yellow to brownish- red, turning to yellow on cooling, and the body is fusible at a red heat, this indicates the presence of oxide of lead ; if the color changes from white to orange-yellow, or a deeper and more reddish tint, up to reddish-brown, turning pale yellow on cooling, and the body fuses at an intense red heat, this indicates the presence of teroxide of bismuth ; if the color changes from red to black, turn- ing red again on cooling, this indicates the presence of sesquioxide of iron ; if from yellow to dark orange the substance being fusible at a strong heat, it indicates neu- tral chromate of potassa, &c. c. The substance fuses without expulsion of aque- 6 ous vapor. If on intense heating, gas (oxygen) is evolved, and a small fragment of charcoal thrown in is energe- tically consumed,nitrates or chlorates maybe assumed to be present. d. Aqueous vapors are expelled, which condense 7 in the colder part of the tube : this indicates the pre- sence either (a) of substances containing water of crystallization, in which case they will generally readily fuse, and re-solidify after expulsion of the water; many of these swell considerably whilst yielding up their water, e. g. (borax, alum); or (8) of decomposable hydrates, in which case the bodies often will not fuse ; or (7) of anhy- drous salts, holding water, mechanically enclosed between their lamellae—in which case the bodies will decrepitate ; or (S) of bodies with moisture externally adhering to them. Test the reaction of the condensed fluid in the tube: if it is alkaline, ammonia may be assumed to be present; if acid, a volatile acid (sulphuric acid, sulphurous acid, hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric, hydrobromic, or hydriodic acids, nitric acid, &c). preliminary examination. [§ e. Gases or fumes escape. Observe whether they have a color, smell, acid or alkaline reaction, whether they are inflammable, cfcc. aa. Oxygen. The disengagement of this gas indi- cates the presence of peroxides, chlorates, nitrates, &c. A glimmering slip of wood is relighted in the gaseous current. bb. Sulphurous acid. This is often produced by the decomposition of sulphates; it may be known by its peculiar odor and by its acid reaction. cc. Hyponitric acid, resulting from the decomposi- tion of nitrates, especially with oxides of the heavy metals; it may be known by the brownish-red color of the fumes. dd. Carbonic acid. The evolution of carbonic acid indicates the presence of carbonates decomposable by heat [or if accompanied by carbonization (see 10) of organic bodies]. The gas evolved is colorless and taste- less, non-inflammable; a drop of lime-water on a watch- glass becomes turbid on exposure to the gaseous current. ee. Carbonic oxide gas. The escape of this gas indicates the presence of oxalates, and, when attended with actual carbonization, also of formates. The gas burns with a blue flame. When evolved from oxalates, it is mingled with carbonic acid, and is more difficult to kindle. Oxalates when placed with a little water and pulverized binoxide of manganese on a watch-glass and a few drops of oil of vitriol added, effervesce from evo- lution of carbonic acid, formates do not. ff. Cyanogen. The evolution of cyanogen gas de- notes the presence of cyanides decomposable by heat. The gas may be known by its odor, and the crimson flame with which it burns. gg. Hydrosulphuric acid gas. The escape of hydro- sulphuric acid gas indicates the presence of sulphides containing water ; the gas may be readily known by its odor. hh. Ammonia, resulting from the decomposition of ammoniacal salts, or also of cyanides or nitrogenous organic matters, in which latter cases browning or car- bonization of the substance takes place, and either cyanogen or offensive empyreumatic oils escape with the ammonia. /. A sublimate forms. This indicates the presence of volatile bodies: the following are those more frequently met with:— § 179.] preliminary examination. aa. Sulphur. Separated from mixtures or from many of the metallic sulphides. Sublimes in reddish- brown drops which become solid on cooling, and turn yellow, or yellowish-brown. bb. Ammonia salts give white sublimates; heated with soda and a drop of water on platinum foil, they evolve ammonia. cc. Mercury and compounds of mercury. Metallic mercury forms globules; sulphide of mercury is black, but acquires a red tint when rubbed; chloride of mercury fuses before volatilizing; subchloride of mercury sublimes without previous fusion; the sub- limate, which is yellow whilst hot, turns white on cooling. The red iodide of mercury gives a yellow sublimate. dd. Arsenic and compounds of that metal. Metal- lic arsenic forms the well-known arsenical mirror; arsenious acid forms small shining crystals; the sul- phides of arsenic give sublimates which are reddish- yellow whilst hot, and turn yellow on cooling. ee. Teroxide of antimony fuses to a yellow liquid before subliming. The sublimate consists of brilliant needles. ff. Benzoic acid and succinic acid, which may be known by the odor of their fumes. gg. Hydrated oxalic acid. White crystalline sub- limate, thick fumes in the tube. Heating a small sample on platinum foil with a drop of concentrated sulphuric acid gives rise to a copious evolution of gas. g. Carbonization takes place : organic substances. This is always attended with evolution of gases (in the case of acetates, of acetone) and water, which latter has an alkaline or acid reaction. If the residue effervesces with acids, whilst the original substance did not show this reaction, organic acids may be assumed to be pre- sent in combination with alkalies or alkaline earths. [Since the observations suggested by this paragraph will decide the operator, whether or not to look for an organic acid in the subsequent analysis, it may be well to caution the beginner not to be too hasty in concluding that car- bonization does or does not occur. In addition to what is stated above, we may mention that: 1. Blackening is not necessarily carbonization, for salts of volatile acids with certain oxides, as those of copper, nickel and cobalt, blacken on ignition from separation of the oxide. 2. 250 preliminary examination. [§ 179 Carbonization, i. e., the separation of carbon, is usually attended with the disengagement of vapors, which often condense in oily droplets, or as an oily film on the cold part of the tube, and which have a " burnt" odor. 3. The carbon remaining after these vapors cease to escape usually takes fire when heated in cogtact with the air, and glows with red-heat until it is consumed. 4. Carboniza- tion is, in general, best observed when the body is heated rapidly to a high temperature.] 3. Put a small portion of the substance on a charcoal i i SUPPORT (IN THE CAVITY SCOOPED OUT FOR THE PURPOSE), AND EXPOSE TO THE INNER BLOWPIPE FLAME. As most of the reactions described under 2 (3—10) are also produced by this process, I will here enumerate only those which result more particularly and exclusively from its appli- cation. Evolution of sulphurous acid in this experiment, usually denotes the presence of a metallic sulphide. a. The body fuses, and is absorbed by the char- 1 a coal or forms a bead in the cavity without incrus- tation of the charcoal: this denotes more particularly the presence of salts of the alkalies. b. An infusible white residue remains on the l.l charcoal, either at once or after previous melting in the water of crystallization. This indicates more particu- larly the presence of baryta, strontia, lime, magnesia, alumina, oxide of zinc (which appears yellow whilst hot), and silicic acid. Among these substances, stron- tia, lime, magnesia, and oxide of zinc, are distin- guished by strong luminosity in the blowpipe flame. Moisten the white residue with a drop of solution of nitrate of protoxide of cobalt, and expose again to a strong heat. If the mass assumes a fine blue tint, this indicates the presence of alumina; if a reddish tint, of magnesia; if a green color, of oxide of zinc. If silicic acid is present, the mass also assumes a faint bluish tint, which must not be confounded with that proceeding from the presence of alumina. In cases a. and b. further examination may be made for the alkalies and alkaline earths by the flame-tests. A little of the substance is brought upon the loop of a fine platinum wire, moistened repeatedly with sulphuric acid, and cautiously dried near the edge of the gas flame, and finally brought into the zone of fusion. The alkalies first volatilize and tinge the flame; after they are dissipated, the baryta coloration, and lastly, on wetting with hydrochloric acid, the strontia and lime reactions appear. For details see § 95 and § 102. § 179.] preliminary examination. c. The substance leaves a residue of another COLOR, OR REDUCTION TO THE METALLIC STATE TAKES PLACE, OR THERE IS FORMED AN INCRUSTATION ON THE charcoal. Mix a portion of the powder with carbo- nate of soda, and heat on charcoal in the reducing flame; observe the residue in the cavity, as well as the acrustation on the charcoal. a. The sustained application of a strong flame pro- duces a metallic globule, without incrustation of the charcoal; this indicates the presence of gold, or cop- per. The oxides of platinum, iron, cobalt, and nickel, are indeed also reduced, but they yield no metallic globules. /3. The charcoal support is coated with an incrus- tation, either with or without simultaneous formation of a metallic globule. aa. The incrustation is white, at a long dis- tance from the test specimen, and is very readily dissipated by heat, emitting a garlic-like odor; ARSENIC. bb. The incrustation is white, is nearer the test specimen than aa, and may be driven from one part of the support to another: antimony. Metallic globules are generally observed at the same time, which continue to evolve white fumes long after the blowpipe jet is discontinued, and upon cooling may, if the metal is quite pure, become surrounded with crystals of teroxide of antimony; the globules are brittle. cc. The incrustation is yellow whilst hot, but turns white on cooling; it is near the test specimen, and is with difficulty volatilized: zinc. dd. The incrustation has a faint yelloio tint whilst hot, but turns white on cooling; it surrounds the test specimen, and both the inner and outer flame fail to volatilize it: tin. The metallic globules formed at the same time (but only in a good reducing flame), are bright, readily fusible, and malleable. ee. The incrustation has a lemon-yellow color, turn- ing on cooling to sulphur yellow; when exposed to the reducing flame, it volatilizes tinging the flame azure-blue: lead. Readily fusible, malleable glo- bules are formed at the same time with the incrus- tation. ff. The incrustation is of a dark orange-yellow oolor whilst hot, which changes to lemon-yellow on 252 preliminary examination. [§ 179. cooling; when exposed to the reducing flame, it changes its place without imparting any color to the flame: bismuth. The metallic globules formed at the same time as the incrustation are readily fusible and brittle. gg. The incrustation is reddish-brown, in thin layers, orange-yellow; it volatilizes without tinging the flame: cadmium. hh. The slight incrustation is dark-red: silver. In presence of a little lead or antimony it is crim- son-red. To learn, in cases of doubt, whether reduced metal has been separated in this experiment, the charcoal cavity is moistened with water, the charcoal cut out for a little space around and below the cavity, brought into an agate mortar, finely pulverized, and the charcoal powder cautiously washed away. Any metal that may be present remains in the mortar; gold in yellow, copper in red, silver in white, tin in grayish-white, lead in gray plates or streaks. Bis- muth will remain as a reddish-gray, zinc a bluish- gray, antimony a gray powder. When copper and tin, or copper and zinc are simultaneously present, yellow alloys of these metals may be formed. [Iron, nickel and cobalt, when reduced on charcoal, remain after washing as black or dark-gray powders, which are lifted by the magnet.] 4. Fuse a small portion together with a bead of micro- 17 cosmic salt, and expose for some time to the outer flame of the blowpipe. a. The substance dissolves readily and rather LARGELY TO A CLEAR BEAD (WHILST HOT). a. The hot bead is colored: 18 Blue, by candlelight inclining to violet—cobalt ; Green, upon cooling blue; in the reducing flame, after cooling, red—copper ; Green, particularly fine on cooling, unaltered in the reducing flame—chromium ; Brownish-red, on cooling light yellow or colorless; in the reducing flame red whilst hot, yellow whilst cooling, then greenish—iron ; Dark yellow to reddish, turning lighter or altoge- ther colorless on cooling; in the reducing flame unaltered—nickel ; Yellowish-brown, on cooling changing to light- § 180.] preliminary examination. 253 yellow or losing its color altogether; in the reducing flame almost colorless (especially after addition of a very little tin foil), blackish-gray on cooling—bismuth ; Bright-yellowish to opal, when cold somewhat turbid; in the reducing flame whitish-gray—silver. Amethyst-red, especially on cooling; colorless in the reducing flame, not quite clear—manganese. (3. The hot bead is colorless: 19 It remains clear on cooling : antimony, alumina, ZINC, CADMIUM, LEAD, LIME, MAGNESIA J the latter five metals, when added in somewhat large propor- tion to the microcosmic salt, give enamel-white beads; the bead of oxide of lead is yellowish when saturated; It becomes enamel-white on cooling, even when only a small portion of the powder has been adS'ed to the microcosmic salt: baryta, strontia. b. The substance dissolves slowly and only in small 20 QUANTITY : a. The bead is colorless, and remains so even after cooling; the undissolved portion looks semi-transparent; upon addition of a little sesquioxide of iron, it acquires the characteristic color of an iron bead: silicic acid. /3. The bead is colorless, and remains so after addition of a little sesquioxide of iron: tin. c. The substance does not dissolve, but floats (in 21 the metallic state) in the bead : gold, platinum. 5. Minerals should be examined for fluorine according to § 149, 8. As the body under examination may consist of a mixture of the most dissimilar elements, it is impossible to give well defined cases that shall offer at the same time the advantage of general applicability. If, therefore, reactions are observed in an experiment which proceed from a combination of two or several cases, the conclusions drawn from these reactions must of course be modified accordingly. On concluding the Preliminary Examination, solution may be proceeded with according to § 183 (32). § 180. n. The Substance is a Metal or an Alloy. 1. Heat a small portion of the substance with water 22 ACIDULATED WITH ACETIC ACID. If HYDROGEN GAS is evolved this indicates the presence of a light metal (a metal of the 254 the substance is a fluid. [§181 alkalies or alkaline earths), possibly also of metallic man- ganese. 2. Heat a sample of the substance on charcoal in the 23 reducing flame of the blowpipe, and watch the reactions; for instance, whether the substance fuses, whether an incrusta- tion is formed, or an odor emitted, &c. In this operation the following metals maybe detected with more or less certainty : arsenic by its garlic odor; mercury by its volatility: antimony, zinc, lead, bismuth, cadmium, tin and silver by their fusibility and yielding incrustations on the charcoal, compare (l6), copper by its tinging the outer flame green; only when a single pure or nearly pure metal is present, is it possible to form further conclusions, thus gold is fusible without incrusting the charcoal; platinum, iron, manganese, nickel and cobalt when pure are infusible. 3. Heat a sample of the substance before the blow- 24 PIPE INJA glass tube sealed at one end. a. No sublimate is formed in the colder part of the tube : absence of mercury. b. A sublimate is formed ; presence of mercury, cadmium, or arsenic. The sublimate of mercury, which consists of small globules, cannot possibly be confounded with that of cadmium or arsenic. When the Preliminary Examination is finished, proceed to bring the substance into solution according to § 184 (^2). § 181. B. The Substance under Examination is a Fluid. 1. Evaporate a small portion of the fluid in a plati- 25 num dish, or in a small porcelain crucible, to ascertain whe- ther it actually contains any matter in solution; if a residue remains, examine this as directed §179. 2. Test with litmus paper (blue and red). 26 a. The fluid reddens blue litmus paper. This reac- tion may be caused by a free acid or an acid salt, as well as by a metallic salt soluble in water. To distinguish between these two cases, pour a small quantity of the fluid into a watch-glass, and dip into it a small glass rod, the extreme point of which has previously been moistened with dilute solution of carbonate of soda; if the fluid remains clear, or if the precipitate which may form at first, redissolves upon stirring the liquid, this proves the presence of a free acid or of an acid salt; but if the fluid becomes turbid and remains so, this generally denotes the presence of a soluble metallic salt. b. Reddened litmus paper turns blue : this indicates 21 o § 182.] solution of bodies. 255 the presence of free alkalies or alkaline carbonates, free alkaline earths, alkaline sulphides, and of a number of other salts which contain an alkali or an alkaline earth in combination with a weak acid. 3. Smell the fluid, or, should this fail to give satisfactory 2§ results, distil, to ascertain whether the simple solvent pre- sent is water, alcohol, ether, &c. If you find it is not water, evaporate the solution to dryness, and treat the residue as directed 179. 4. If the solution is aqueous, and manifests an acid reac- 29 tion, dilute a portion of it largely with water. Should this impart a milky and turbid appearance to it, the presence of antimony, bismuth (possibly also of tin) may be inferred. On completing the Preliminary Examination the operator 30 may proceed to the Actual Analysis. If the solution is aque- ous and reacts neutral, only bodies which are soluble in water can be present; if, on the contrary, it has an acid reaction, which may be due to the presence of a free acid, it can no longer be considered simply aqueous, and the subsequent exa- mination must accordingly be conducted with regard to the possible presence of substances insoluble in water but soluble in acids. These circumstances being properly considered, the analyst passes over, when but one acid and one base are to be sought, to § 185 or to § 188—if several acids or bases are possibly pre- sent to § 192—solutions having an alkaline reaction are examin- ed according to § 185 when containing but one acid and one base, otherwise according to §192. H. Solution of Bodies, or Classification of Substances ACCORDING TO THEIR DEPORTMENT WITH CERTAIN SOL- VENTS * §182. Water, hydrochloric or nitric acid, and aqua regia are the 3| solvents used to classify simple or compound substances, and to isolate the component parts of mixtures. We divide the various substances into three classes, according to their re- spective behavior with these solvents. First class.—Substances soluble in water. Second class.—Substances insoluble or sparingly SOLUBLE IN WATER, BUT SOLUBLE IN HYDROCHLORIC ACID, NITRIC ACID OR AQUA REGIA. Third class.—Substances insoluble or difficultly Consult the remarks in the third section. 256 NEITHER A METAL NOR AN ALLOY. [§ 183. SOLUBLE IN WATER AS WELL AS IN HYDROCHLORIC ACID, NITRIC ACID, AND AQUA REGIA. The solution of alloys being more appropriately effected in a different manner from that pursued with other bodies, I shall give a special method for these substances (see § 184). The process of solution is conducted in the following manner A. The Substance under Examination is neither a Metal nor an Alloy. §183. 1. Put about a gramme (15*5 grains) of the finely-pulverized 32 substance under examination into a small flask or a test-tube, add from ten to twelve times the amount of distilled water, and heat to boiling over a spirit or gas-lamp. a. The substance dissolves completely. In that 33 case (regard being had to what has been stated in (30) concerning the reactions with test-papers), the substances may be reckoned in the first class. Treat the solution either as directed § 185, or as directed § 192, according as either one or several acids and bases are supposed to be present. b. An insoluble residue remains, even after pro- 34 tracted boiling. Let the residue subside, and filter the fluid off, if practicable, in such a manner as to retain the residue in the test-tube; evaporate a few drops of the clear filtrate slowly on platinum foil; if nothing remains, the substance is completely insoluble in water; in which case proceed as directed (35). But if a residue remains, the substance is at least partly soluble; in which case boil again with water, filter, add the filtrate to the ori- ginal solution, and treat the fluid, according to circum- stances, either as directed § 185, or according to § 192. Wash the residue with water, and proceed as directed (35). 2. Treat a small portion of the residue which has been boiled 35 with water (34) with dilute hydrochloric acid. If it does not dissolve, heat to boiling, and if this fails to effect complete solution decant the fluid into another test-tube, boil the resi- due with concentrated hydrochloric acid, and if it dissolves, add it to the fluid in the other test-tube. The reactions which may manifest themselves in this operation, and which ought to be carefully observed are, (a) Effervescence, which indicates the presence of carbonic acid or hydrosulphuric acid; (3) Evolution of chlorine, which indicates the presence of per- oxides, chromates, &c.; (7) Emission of the odor of hydro- § 183.] SOLUTION. 257 cyanic acid, wrhich indicates the presence of insoluble cyanides. The analysis of the latter bodies being effected in a somewhat different manner, a special paragraph will be devoted to them (see § 207). a. The residue is completely dissolved by the hy- 37 3. A portion of the solution is slightly acidified with hydro- chloric acid (or in case oxide of silver or protoxide of mer- cury has been detected, with nitric acid), and chloride of barium (or nitrate of baryta) is added. a. The fluid remains clear. Absence of sulphuric acid. Pass on to (70). b. A WHITE finely pulverulent precipitate is formed. Sulphuric acid. The precipitate must re- main undissolved on addition of more hydrochloric (or nitric) acid. 4. Add solution of sulphate of lime to another portion of 70 the solution (which, if it has an acid reaction, must first be neutralized, or made slightly alkaline, by means of ammonia). a. No precipitate is formed : absence of phosphoric acid, silicic acid, oxalic acid, and fluorine. Pass on to (73). b. A precipitate is formed. Add acetic acid in excess. 71 a. The precipitate redissolves readily: phosphoric acid or silicic acid. To a portion of the original solution hydrochloric acid is added in slight excess, the liquid is evaporated to dryness, and the residue treated with a little hydrochloric acid and water. If an insolu- ble residue remains it is silica. If no residue remains a portion of the original solution is mixed with chloride of ammonium, ammonia, and a little sulphate of mag- nesia.* The formation of a crystalline precipitate is proof of the presence of phosphoric acid (§ 145). 8. The precipitate remains undissolved or dissolves 72 with difficulty: oxalic acid or fluorine. Oxalate of lime is pulverulent, fluoride of calcium flocculent and gelatinous. The reaction wTith binoxide of manganese and sulphuric acid (§ 148) will afford conclusive proof of the presence of oxalic acid; the reaction on glass (etching) of the presence of fluorine (§ 149). 5. Acidify a fresh portion of the original solution with nitric 73 acid, and add solution of nitrate of silver. a. The fluid remains clear. This is a proof of the absence of chlorine, bromine, iodine, ferrocyanogen, and ferricyanogen; the absence of cyanogen (in simple cyan- ides) is also probable. (Of the soluble metallic cyanides, cyanide of mercury is not precipitated by nitrate of silver; if therefore, in the analytical process for the detection of the bases, mercury has been found, cyanide of mercury may be present. For the manner of detecting the cya- nogen in the latter, see § 158, 8.) Pass on to (76). * [See § 136, 9, note.] 268 DETECTION OF INORGANIC ACIDS. [§ 166. b. A precipitate is formed. «. The precipitate is orange colored: ferricyanogen ; 74 the reaction with sulphate of protoxide of iron is resorted to as a confirmatory test (§ 158, appendix). 3. The precipitate is white or yellowish-white. Treat the precipitate with ammonia in excess—at once, if the base be of the 1st or 2d groups—after filtering and washing if a base of the 3d or subsequent groups be present. aa. The precipitate is not dissolved: iodine or ferrocyanogen. In the former case the precipitate is pale-yellow, in the latter white and gelatinous. The reaction with starch and hyponitric acid i§ 157) will afford conclusive proof of the presence of iodine, the reaction with sesquichloride of iron of the pre- sence of ferrocyanogen (§ 15S, appendix). 33. The precipitate is dissolved: chlorine, bro- 75 mine, or cyanogen. If the original substance smells of hydrocyanic acid, and the silver precipitate dis- solves with some difficulty in the ammonia, the pre- cipitate may be assumed to consist of cyanide of silver, and, consequently, to indicate the presence of cyanogen. To remove all doubt on the point, add to the original solution sulphate of protoxide of iron, solution of soda, and hydrochloric acid (§ 158). If addition of chlorine water imparts a yellow tint to the original solution the precipitate may be held to consist of bromide of silver, and consequently indi- cates the presence of bromine ; if the bromine is pre- sent only in very small proportion, chloroform or bisulphide of carbon must be used in conjunction with chlorine water to make the reaction distinctly apparent (§ 156). In the proved absence of both bromine and cyanogen, the precipitate consists of jhloride of silver, and consequently shows the pre- sence of chlorine. 6. AcLrto a small portion of the aqueous solution hydro- 7b chloric acid, drop by drop, until a distinct acid reaction is just imparted to the fluid, then dip in a slip of turmeric paper, take it out, and#dry it at 212°. If the dipped portion looks brownish-red, borack acid is present. To settle all doubt on the point, add sulphuric acid and alcohol, and set fire to the latter (§147). 7. With regard to nitric acid and chloric acid, these are 77 usually discovered already in the course of the preliminary examination (6). The reaction with sulphate of protoxide of § 187.] SIMPLE COMPOUNDS. 269 iron and sulphuric acid (§ 162) will afford conclusive evidence of the presence of the former, treatment of the solid salt with concentrated sulphuric acid, of the presence of the lat- ter acid (§163). Simple Compounds. A. Substances soluble in Water. Detection of the Acid, LI. Detection of Organic Acids.* § 187. The analyst should in the first place ascertain by reference to the Index of solubilities (see Appendix IV.) what organic acids form soluble salts with the base which has been found in the substance under examination. Those which form inso- luble salts, of course, cannot be present. The following course implies that the organic acid is either in the free state or combined with an alkali or alkaline earth. If, therefore, any other base besides those belonging to groups I. and II. is present it must be removed. If the base belongs to the 5th or 6th groups it may be separated by hydrosulphu- ric acid; if it belongs to the 4th group, by sulphide of ammo- nium. After the metallic sulphide is filtered off, and excess of sulphide of ammonium is disposed of by acidulating with hydrochloric acid, warming and filtering off the sulphur, the clear liquid is examined according to (7§). In case alumina or sesquioxide of chromium is the base present, the attempt should be made to throw it down by boiling with carbonate of soda. If this plan does not succeed, as will be the case when a non-volatile acid is present, the acid itself is precipitated by neutral acetate of lead, the precipitate is washed, diffused in a little water and hydrosulphuric acid gas passed through until the lead salt is decomposed. The sulphide of lead is fil- tered off and the filtrate examined according to (7§). Alu- mina may also be thrown down from its combinations with non-volatile organic acids, by means of a solution of silicate of soda, in the form of a silicate of alumina. 1. Add ammonia to a portion of the aqueous solution of the 7§ compound under examination to slight alkaline reaction, then chloride of calcium. If the solution was neutral, or only [* The indications of the preliminary examination (10 and note) are always suffi cient to prove the presence or absence of an organic acid in "simple compounds." If, from iuexperience, the operator is uncertain whether an organic acid be present he will do well to go carefully through the following course, and then to repeat the preliminary examination (10), interpreting its results by the more positive proof of the actual analysis.] 270 DETECTION OF ORGANIC ACIDS. [§ 187, slightly acid, add chloride of ammonium before adding the chloride of calcium. a. No PRECIPITATE IS FORMED, NOT EVEN AFTER SHAK- ING THE FLUID NOR AFTER THE LAPSE OF A FEW MINUTES '. absence of oxalic acid and tartaric acid.* Pass on to (80). b. A precipitate is formed. Add lime-water in ex- 79 cess to a fresh portion of the original solution, and then add solution of chloride of ammonium to the precipitate formed. a. The precipitate redissolves: tartaric acid. The reaction with acetate of potassa may be resorted to as a confirmatory test; positive proof will also be afforded by the deportment which the precipitate produced by the chloride of calcium, and properly washed, exhibits with solution of soda or with ammonia and nitrate of silver (§ 166). 8. The precipitate does not redissolve : oxalic acid. To remove all doubt, try the reaction with concentrated sulphuric acid (§ 148). 2. Heat the fluid of 1, a, to boiling, keep at that temperature 80 or some time, and add some more ammonia to the boiling fluid. a. It remains clear : absence of citric acid. Pass on to (§1). b. It becomes turbid, and deposits a precipitate : citric acid. To remove all doubt as to the nature of the acid, add solution of acetate of lead in excess, wash the precipitate formed, and see whether it dissolves readily in ammonia (§ 167). 3. Mix the fluid of 2, a, with alcohol. §1 a. It remains clear : absence of malic acid. Pass on to (§2). b. A precipitate is formed : malic acid. To remove all doubt, it is invariably necessary to try the reaction with acetate of lead, to see whether the precipitate pro- duced by that reagent dissolves with difficulty in ammo- nia, and to examine its deportment when the fluid in which it is suspended is heated to boiling (§ 168). 4. Neutralize a portion of the original solution exactly\ (if not * [To be certain of the absence of tartaric acid, the solution must be concentrated.] f [For this purpose, place a very small slip of blue litmus paper, and also one of red litmus or turmeric in the solution, and add, from the reagent bottle, either am inonia or hydrochloric acid, as is needed, a single drop at a time, agitating, to mix the liquids thoroughly, until the reagent is in excess. Then dilute a drop of the other reagent with enough water to fill a test-tube to the depth of half an inch, and apply this to the solution by means of a glass rod, until it is just in excess, when the point of neutralization is attained with sufficient accuracy.] § 188.] SIMPLE COMPOUNDS. 271 already absolutely neutral) with ammonia or with hydrochloric §2 acid, and add solution of sesquichloride of iron. a. A BULKY PRECIPITATE FORMS, OF A CINNAMON BROWN, or dirty yellow color. Wash the precipitate, heat it with ammonia, filter, concentrate the filtrate by evapo- ration to a small bulk, divide into two parts, and add to the one some hydrochloric acid, to the other alcohol and chloride of barium. The formation of a precipitate in the first portion indicates the presence of benzoic acid, a precipitate in the second denotes the presence of succi- nic acid. Compare § 171 and § 172. b. The liquid acquires a rather intense deep red §3 TINT, AND, UPON PROTRACTED BOILING, A LIGHT REDDISH- BROWN precipitate separates : acetic acid or formic acid. Heat a portion of the solid salt under examination, or, if the substance is in the fluid state, of the residue left upon evaporating the fluid (which, if acid, you must neu- tralize first with soda), with sulphuric acid and alcohol (§ 174). The characteristic odor of acetic ether indicates the preesnce of acetic acid. If you do not detect acetic acid in the fluid, you may conclude that the substance under examination contains formic acid : to remove all doubt, try the reactions with nitrate of silver and chloride of mercury (§ 175). Simple Compounds. B. Substances insoluble or sparingly soluble in Water, but soluble in Hydrochloric Acid, Nitric Acid, or Nitrohydro- chloric Acid. Detection of the Base.* § 188. Dilute a portion of the solution in hydrochloric acid, nitric 84 acid, or nitrohydrochloric acid with water, f and proceed to examine for bases of the 2d, 5th, and 6th groups exactly as directed § 185, beginning at (46), in cases where the substance is dissolved in nitric acid, and at (50), if the solution already contains hydrochloric acid. In testing for bases of the 3d and 4th groups by means of sulphide of ammonium according to (56) the usual course of * Regard is also had here to certain salts of the alkaline earths, as this course of examination leads directly to their detection. f If upon the addition of water the liquid becomes white and turbid or deposits a white precipitate, this indicates the presence of antimony or bismuth, possibly also of tin: compare § 124, 9, and 134, 4. Heat with hydrochloric acid until the fluid has become clear again, and then begin at (50). 272 DETECTION OF THE BASE. [§ 188 analysis sometimes requires to be modified. Particular regard must therefore be had to the following observations: In cases where we have a substance soluble in water, we obtain, in the course of the examination, a white precipitate upon adding chloride of ammonium, ammonia, and sulphide of ammonium; this precipitate can consist only of sulphide of zinc, or alumina, or hydrate of siltcic acid as we have already seen (59). But the case is different if the body is insoluble in water, but dissolves in hydrochloric acid; for in that case a white precipitate produced by sulphide of ammonium, in pre- sence of chloride of ammonium, may consist also of phosphates, BORATES, OXALATES, SILICATES OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS, Or of fluorides of their metals, as all these bodies are insoluble in water, but dissolve in hydrochloric acid, and (being only very sparingly soluble also in solution of chloride of ammo- nium) accordingly separate again upon neutralization of that acid. If, therefore, a white precipitate is produced upon test- ing an acid solution, under the circumstances stated, and ac- cording to the directions of § 185, (56) proceed as follows:— 1. If the results of the preliminary examination have given §5 you reason to suspect the presence of silicic acid [20], evapo- rate a portion of the hydrochloric acid solution to dryness, moisten the residue with hydrochloric acid and add water. If silicic acid is present, it will remain undissolved. Determine the base in the solution as directed (56), or (62), as the case may require. 2. Add to a portion of the original hydrochloric acid solution, some tartaric acid, and after this ammonia in excess. a. No permanent precipitate is formed : absence of §6 the above enumerated salts of the alkaline earths. Mix another portion of the original solution with solution of soda in excess, and add to the one half of the clear fluid chloride of ammonium, to the other half hydrosulphuric acid. The formation of a precipitate in the former indi- cates the presence of alumina ; in the latter, the presence of ZINC b. A permanent precipitate is formed : presence of a salt of an alkaline earth. a. A portion of the original substance is placed on a watch-glass, with a little binoxide of manganese, a few drops of water and some concentrated sulphuric acid. If evolution of carbonic acid forthwith takes place, the salt is an oxalate. Heat a sample of the original sub- stance to redness, dissolve the residue in hydrochloric acid, and ascertain the nature of the alkaline earth in the solution as directed (62). § 189.] SIMPLE COMPOUNDS. 273 8. Add to a portion of the hydrochloric acid solution §§ ammonia until a precipitate forms ; then acetic acid until this is redissolved; lastly, acetate of soda and a drop of solution of sesquichloride of iron: the formation of a white flocculent precipitate indicates the presence of phosphoric acid. Add now some more sesquichloride of iron until the fluid has acquired a distinct red color, boil, filter boiling, and test the filtrate, which is now free from phosphoric acid, for the alkaline earth with which the phosphoric acid was combined, as directed (62), after having previously removed, by precipitation with ammonia, the iron which may have been dissolved. y. Test a portion of the original substance, or of the §9 precipitate produced in the hydrochloric acid solution by ammonia, with sulphuric acid for fluorine (§ 149). After removal of the fluorine, ascertain the nature of the alkaline earth now in the residue, combined with sul- phuric acid (§ 191). S. Boracic acid is detected in the hydrochloric acid solution by means of turmeric paper (§ 147), and the base combined with it, by boiling a portion of the origi- nal substance with dilute solution of carbonate of soda, filtering, washing well the precipitated carbonate, dis- solving it in the least possible quantity of dilute hydro- chloric acid, and further proceeding with this solution according to (62). Simple Compounds. B. Substances insoluble or sparingly soluble in Water, but soluble in Hydrochloric Acid, Nitric Acid, or Nitro- hydrochloric Acid. detection of the acid. I. Detection of Inorganic Acids. § 189. 1. Chloric acid cannot be present, since all chlorates with- 90 out exception are soluble in water; nitric acid, which may be present in form of a basic salt, must have been revealed already by ignition of the body in a glass tube, and so must cyanogen (§). For the analysis of the metallic cyanides in- soluble in water see § 207. The results of the test with phos- phate of soda and ammonia will have directed attention to the presence of silicic acid (20). Evaporation of the hydro- chloric acid solution to dryness, and treatment of the residue 18 274 DETECTION OF INORGANIC ACIDS. [§ 189 with hydrochloric acid and water will set all doubt at rest on the point (§ 153, 3). 2. The course of examination laid down here for the detec- 91 tion of the bases leads likewise to that of arsenious and ARSENIC ACIDS, CARBONIC ACID, HYDROSULPHURIC ACID, and chromic acid. With regard to the latter acid, I repeat that its presence is indicated by the yellow or red color of the compound, the evolution of chlorine which ensues upon boiling with hydrochloric acid, and the subsequent presence of sesqui- oxide of chromium in the solution. Fusion of the compound under examination with carbonate of soda is, however, the most conclusive test for chromic acid (§ 141). 3. Boil a portion of the substance with nitric acid. 92 a. If nitric oxide gas is evolved, and sulphur separates, this is confirmative of the presence of a metallic sulphide. b. If violet vapors escape, the compound is a metallic IODIDE. c. If reddish-brown fumes of a chlorine-like smell are evolved, the compound is a metallic bromide, in which case the fumes will color starch yellow (§ 156). 4. Dilute a portion of the solution obtained by boiling with 93 nitric acid (92)—or of the filtrate of this solution, should the nitric acid have left an undissolved residue—with water, and add solution of nitrate of silver to the fluid. The formation of a white precipitate which, after washing, is soluble in ammonia, and fuses without decomposition when heated, indi- cates the presence of chlorine. 5. Boil a portion of the substance with hydrochloric acid, 94 filter, if necessary, dilute with water, and add chloride of barium. The formation of a white precipitate, which does not redissolve even upon addition of a large quantity of water, indicates the presence of sulphuric acid. 6. Test for boracic acid as directed § 147, 6. 7. If none of the acids enumerated from 1 to 6 are present, 95 there is reason to suspect the presence of phosphoric acid, oxalic acid, or fluorine, or the total absence of acids. To the presence of oxalic acid your attention will have been called already in the course of the preliminary examination (8). If the acids named had been combined with an alkaline earth, they would have already been detected in the course of the examination for these bases; they need therefore here be tested for, only in case the examination has revealed the pre- sence of some other base. To that end, precipitate the base, according to circumstances, either with hydrosulphuric acid or with sulphide of ammonium and filter. If you have precipi- tated with sulphide of ammonium add to the filtrate hydro- §§ 190, 191.] SIMPLE INSOLUBLE COMPOUNDS. 275 chloric acid to acid reaction, expel in either case the hydro- Rulphuric acid by boiling, and filter if necessary. Test a portion of this solution for phosphoric acid, oxalic acid, and fluorine, as directed (70). If the base is alumina or sesquioxide of chro- mium, phosphoric acid is tested by means of the nitric acid solution of molybdate of ammonia (§ 145,10), oxalic acid with binoxide of manganese and oil of vitriol (§ 148), fluorine with oil of vitriol (§ 149). Simple Compounds. B. Substances insoluble or sparingly soluble in Water, but soluble in Acids. detection of the acid. H. Detection of Organic Acids.* § 190- 1. Formic acid cannot be present, as all the formates are 96 soluble in water. 2. Acetic acid has been revealed already in the course of the preliminary examination, by the disengagement of acetone. The reaction with sulphuric acid and alcohol (§ 174) will afford conclusive proof. 3. Boil a portion of the substance for some time with solution 97 of carbonate of soda in excess, and filter hot. You have now in most cases the organic acid in solution in combination with soda. Acidulate the solution slightly -with hydrochloric acid, expel the carbonic acid by heat, and test as directed § 187. When a base of the 4th group, or oxide of lead is present, the separation by carbonate of soda is not complete. In such a case, after boiling with carbonate of soda, add to the filtrate sulphide of ammonium in slight excess, filter again and test the solution thus obtained. Simple Compounds. C. Substances insoluble or sparingly soluble in Water, Hydrochloric Acid, Nitric Acid, and Nitrohydrochloric Acid. detection of the base and the acid. § 191. Under this head we have to consider here, sulphate of 98 BARYTA, SULPHATE OF STRONTIA, SULPHATE OF LIME, FLUORIDE OF CALCIUM, SILICA, SULPHATE OF LEAD, Compounds of LEAD * [See Note § 187.] 276 DETECTION OF BASE AND ACID. [§ 191 with chlorine and bromine, compounds of silver with chlo- rine, bromine, iodine, and cyanogen, and lastly, sulphur and carbon, as the only bodies belonging to this class which are more frequently met wdth. For the simple silicates I refer to § 208, for the ferro- and ferricyanides, to § 207. The pre- liminary examination will have informed you whether you need pay any regard to the possible presence of these com- pounds. Sulphate of lime and chloride of lead are not altogether insoluble in water, and sulphate of lead may be dissolved in hydrochloric acid. However, as these compounds are so diffi- cultly soluble that complete solution of them is seldom effected, they are included here also among the class of insoluble sub- stances, to insure their detection, should they have been over- looked in the course of the examination of the aqueous or acid solution of the body to be analyzed. 1. Free sulphur must have been detected already in the course of the preliminary examination. 2. Carbon is usually black; it is insoluble in aqua regia; put on platinum foil, with the blowpipe flame playing upon the under side of the foil, it is always consumed; by deflagration with nitrate of potassa it yields carbonate of potassa. 3. Pour sulphide of ammonium over a very small quantity 90 of the substance under examination. a. It turns black ; this indicates the presence of lead or a salt of silver. ol. The body fused in the glass tube without decompo- sition (s)' chloride of lead, bromide of lead, chloride of silver, bromide of silver, iodide of silver. Fuse 1 part of the compound with 4 parts of carbonate of soda and potassa in a small porcelain crucible, let cool, boil the residue with water, and test the fil- trate for chlorine, bromine, and iodine, as directed (73). Dissolve the residue, which consists either of metallic silver or oxide of lead, in nitric acid, and test the solution as directed (46). 8. The body evolved cyanogen, and left metallic sil- ver behind: cyanide of silver. y. The body remained unaltered: sulphate of lead. Boil a sample of it with solution of carbonate of soda, filter, acidulate the filtrate with hydrochloric acid, and test with chloride of barium for sulphuric acid ; dissolve the washed residue in nitric acid, and test the solution with hydrosulphuric acid and with sul- phuric acid for lead. b. It remains white : absence of an oxide of a heavy 100 § 191.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. ! metal. A small sample is ground together with quartz sand, the mixture is placed on a watch-glass, moistened with a few drops of oil of vitriol and gently warmed. a. White vapors are evolved which redden litmus y this indicates the presence of fluoride of calcium. Reduce a portion of the substance to a fine powder, decompose this in a platinum crucible with sul- phuric acid, and try the reaction on glass (§ 149), to prove the presence of fluorine ; boil the residue with hydrochloric acid, filter, neutralize the filtrate with ammonia, and test for lime with oxalate of ammonia. 8. Vapors that redden litmus are not evolved. Mix a small portion of the very finely pulverized sub- stance with 4 times the quantity of pure carbonate of soda and potassa, and fuse the mixture in a platinum crucible, or else on platinum foil. Boil the fused mass with water, filter, should a residue be left, and wash the latter. Acidulate a portion of the filtrate with hydrochloric acid, and then test with chloride of barium for sulphuric acid ; and in case you do not find that acid, test another portion of the filtrate for silicic acid by evaporating the fluid acidified with hydrochloric acid (§ 153, 2). If the silicic acid was present in the pure state, the mass resulting from the fusion of the substance with carbonate of soda and potassa must have dissolved in water to a clear fluid; but if silicates also happened to be present, their bases are left behind undissolved, and may be further examined. If, on the other hand, sulphuric acid has been found, the alkaline earth which was combined with it is found on the filter as a carbonate. Wash this, then dissolve it in dilute hydrochloric acid, and test the solution for baryta, strontia, and lime, as directed (62). Complex Compounds.* A. Substances soluble in Water, and also such as are inso- luble in Water, but dissolve in Hydrochloric Acid, Nitric Acid, or Nitrohydrochloric Acid. * I use this term here, and hereafter in the present work, to designate compounds in which all the more frequently occurring bases, acids, metals, and metalloids are supposed to be present. 278 AQUEOUS SOLUTION—DETECTION OF THE BASES. [§ 192 Detection of the Bases. * § 192. f (Treatment with Hydrochloric Acid: Detection of Silver, Sub oxide of Mercury [Lead].) The systematic course for the detection of the bases is 1©1 essentially the same for bodies soluble in water, as for those which are soluble only in acids. Where, in consequence of the different nature of the original solution, deviations are ren- dered necessary, the fact will be distinctly stated. I. Solution in Water. Mix the portion intended for the detection of the bases with some hydrochloric acid. 1. The solution had an acid or neutral reaction pre- 102 viously to the addition of the hydrochloric acid. a. No precipitate is formed ; this indicates the absence of silver and suboxide of mercury. Pass on to § 193. b. A precipitate is formed. Add more hydrochloric acid drop by drop until the precipitate ceases to in- crease ; then add about six or eight drops more of hydro- chloric acid, shake the mixture, and filter. The precipitate produced by hydrochloric acid may consist of chloride of silver, subchloride of mercury, chloride of lead, a basic salt of antimony, basic oxychlo- ride of bismuth, possibly also of benzoic acid. The basic salts of antimony and oxychloride of bismuth, however, redissolve in the excess of hydrochloric acid; conse- quently, if the instructions given have been strictly fol- lowed, the precipitate collected upon the filter can con- sist only of chloride of silver, subchloride of mercury, or chloride of lead—(possibly also of benzoic acid, which, however, is altogether disregarded here). Wash the precipitate collected upon the filter, twice with cold water, add the washings to the filtrate, and examine the solution as directed § 190, even though the addition of the washings to the acid filtrate should pro- * The beginner should not fail to study the explanations in the Third Section thoroughly before attempting the analysis of a complex substance. He will also do well to review these explanations frequently during the course of his practice. Regard is here had also to the presence of the acids of arsenic, and of those salts of the alkaline earths which dissolve in hydrochloric acid, and separate again from that solution unaltered, upon neutralization of the acid by ammonia. f Consult the remarks in the Third Section. § 192.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 279 duce turbidity in the fluid (which indicates the presence of compounds of antimony or bismuth). Treat the washed precipitate on the filter as follows: 103 a. Pour hot water over it upon the filter, and test the fluid running off with sulphuric acid for lead. The non-formation of a precipitate upon the addition of the sulphuric acid simply proves that the precipitate pro- duced by hydrochloric acid contains no lead, and does not by any means establish the total absence of this metal, as hydrochloric acid fails to precipitate lead from dilute solutions. 8. Pour over the now thrice-washed precipitate upon the filter, solution of ammonia. If this changes its color to black or gray, it is a proof of the presence of subox- ide OF MERCURY. y. Add to the ammoniacal fluid running off in 8 nitric acid to strongly acid reaction. The formation of a white, curdy precipitate or opalescence indicates the presence of silver. (If the precipitate did contain lead, the ammoniacal solution generally appears turbid, owing to the separation of a basic salt of lead. This, however, does not interfere with the testing for silver, since the basic salt of lead redissolves upon the addition of nitric acid.) 2. The original aqueous solution had an alkaline 104 reaction. a. The addition of hydrochloric acid to strongly ACID REACTION FAILS TO PRODUCE EVOLUTION OF GAS OR A PRECIPITATE, OR THE PRECIPITATE WHICH FORMS AT FIRST REDISSOLVES UPON FURTHER ADDITION OF HYDRO- CHLORIC acid : pass on to § 193. b. The addition of hydrochloric acid to the origi- nal SOLUTION PRODUCES A PRECIPITATE WHICH DOES NOT REDISSOLVE IN AN EXCESS OF THE PRECIPITANT, EVEN UPON BOILING. a. The formation of the precipitate is attended 105 neither with evolution of hydrosulphuric acid nor of hydrocyanic acid. Filter, and treat the filtrate as directed § 193. aa. The precipitate is white. It may, in that case, consist of a salt of lead or silver, insoluble in water and hydrochloric acid (chloride of lead, sulphate of lead, chloride of silver, &c.) or may be hydrated silicic acid. Test for the bases and acids of these compounds as directed § 206, bearing in mind that the chloride of lead or chloride of silver 280 AQUEOUS SOLUTION—DETECTION OF THE BASES. [§ 192, which may be present may possibly have been form- ed in the process. bb. The precipitate is yellow or orange. In that case it may consist of sulphide of arsenic (and if the fluid from which it has separated was not boil- ed for a long time, or only with very dilute hydro- chloric acid, also of sulphide of antimony or bisulphide of tin), which substances were original- ly dissolved in solution of ammonia, soda, potassa, phosphate of soda, or some other alkaline fluid, with the exception of solutions of alkaline sulphides and cyanides. Examine the precipitate which may also contain hydrated silica, as directed (40). 8. The formation of the precipitate is attended with 106 evolution of hydrosulphuric acid gas, but not of hydrocyanic acid.* aa. The precipitate is of a pure white color, and consists of separated sulphur. In that case a sulphuretted, alkaline sulphide is present. Boil, filter, proceed with the filtrate according to § 197, with the residue as directed § 206. bb. The precipitate is colored. In that case you may conclude that a metallic sulphur salt is present, i. e., a combination of an alkaline sulphur base with a metallic sulphur acid. The precipitate may accordingly consist of sulphide of gold, sul- phide OF PLATINUM, SULPHIDE OF TIN, SULPHIDE OF ARSENIC, Or SULPHIDE OF ANTIMONY. It might, flOW- ever, consist also of sulphide of mercury or of sulphide of copper, or sulphide of nickel, or con- tain these substances, as the first is readily soluble in sulphide of potassium, and the last two are slightly soluble in sulphide of ammonium. Filter, and treat the filtrate according to § 197, the precipitate as directed (40)- y. The formation of the precipitate is attended with 107 evolution of hydrocyanic acid, with or without simul- taneous disengagement of hydrosulphuric acid. This indicates the presence of an alkaline cyanide, and, if the evolution of the hydrocyanic acid is attended with that of hydrosulphuric acid, also of an alkaline sulphide. In that case the precipitate may, besides * Should the odor of the evolved gas leave any doubt regarding the presence 01 absence of hydrocyanic acid, add some chromate of potassa to a portion of the fluid previously to the addition of the hydrochloric acid. § 192.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 281 the compounds enumerated in a (105) and 8 (106), contain many other substances (e. g., cyanide of nickel, cyanide of silver, &c). Boil, with further addition of hydrochloric acid, or of nitric acid, until the whole of the hydrocyanic acid is expelled, and treat the solution, or, if an undissolved residue has been left, the filtrate, as directed § 193 ; and the residue (if any) according to § 206. c. The addition of hydrochloric acid fails to pro- 10§ DUCE A PERMANENT PRECIPITATE, BUT CAUSES EVOLUTION OF GAS. a. The escaping gas smells of hydrosulphuric acid ; this indicates the presence of a simple alkaline sul- phide. Proceed as in § 197. 8. The escaping gas is inodorous y in that case it is carbonic acid which was combined with an alkali. Pass on to § 193. y. The escaping gas smells of hydrocyanic acid (no matter whether hydrosulphuric acid or carbonic acid is evolved at the same time or not). This indi- cates the presence of an alkaline cyanide. Boil until the whole of the hydrocyanic acid is expelled, and then pass on to § 193. II. Solution in Hydrochloric Acid or in Nitrohydro- chloric Acid. Proceed as directed § 193. HI. Solution in Nitric Acid. Dilute a small sample of it with water; should this pro- 109 duce turbidity or a precipitate (indicative of the presence of bismuth) add nitric acid until the fluid is clear again, then hydrochloric acid. 1. No precipitate is formed. Absence of silver and suboxide of mercury. Treat the principal solution as directed § 193. 2. A precipitate is formed. Treat a larger portion of the nitric acid solution the same way as the sample, filter, and examine the precipitate as directed (l03), the filtrate as directed § 193. 282 TREATMENT WITH HYDROSULPHURIC ACID. [§ 193. § 193* (Treatment with Hydrosulphuric Acid, Precipitation of the Metallic Oxides of Group V. 2nd Section, and of Group VI.) Add to a small portion of the clear acid solution HYDROSULPHURIC ACID WATER, UNTIL THE ODOR OF HYDROSUL- PHURIC ACID IS DISTINCTLY PERCEPTIBLE AFTER SHAKING THE MIXTURE, AND WARM GENTLY. 1. No precipitate is formed, even after the lapse of no some time. Pass on to § 197, for lead, bismuth, cad- mium, copper, mercury, gold, platinum, antimony, tin, and arsenic,f are not present ;J the absence of sesqui- oxide of iron and of chromic acid is also indicated by this negative reaction. 2. A PRECIPITATE IS FORMED. a. The precipitate is of a pure white color, light and m finely pulverulent, and does not redissolve on addition of hydrochloric acid. It consists of separated sul- phur, and indicates the presence of sesquioxide of iron.§ None of the other metals enumerated in (110) can be present. Treat the principal solution as directed § 197. b. The precipitate is colored. Add to the larger proportion of the acid or acidified 112 solution, best in a small flask, hydrosulphuric acid water in excess, i. e., until the fluid smells distinctly of it, and the precipitate ceases to increase upon con- tinued addition of the reagent; apply a gentle heat, shake vigorously for some time, filter, keep the filtrate (which contains the oxides present of Groups I.—IV.) for further examination, according to the instructions * Consult the remarks in the Third Section. f Should the preliminary examination have led you to suspect the presence of arsenic acid, you must endeavor to obtain the most conclusive evidence of the absence of this acid; this may be done by allowing the fluid to stand for some time at a gentle heat (about 158" Fah.) or by heating it with sulphurous acid previous to the addition of the hydrosulphuric acid. (Compare § 136, 3.) \ In solutions containing much free acid, the precipitates are frequently formed only after dilution with water. § Sulphur will precipitate also if sulphurous acid, iodic acid, or bromic acid is present (which substances are not included in our analytical course), and also if chromic acid, chloric acid, or free chlorine is present. In presence of chromic acid, the separation of the sulphur is attended with reduction of the acid to sesquioxide of chromium, in consequence of which the reddish-yellow color of the solution changes to green. (Compare § 141.) The white sulphur suspended in the green solution looks at first like a green precipitate, which frequently tends to mislead beginners. 191.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 283 of § 197, and thoroughly wash (compare page 10) the precipitate which contains the sulphides of the metals present of Groups V. and VI. In many cases, and more particularly when there is any reason to suspect the presence of arsenic, it will be found more convenient to transmit hydro- sulphuric acid gas through the solution diluted with water, instead of adding hydrosulphuric acid water. If the precipitate is yellow, it consists principally lis of sulphide of arsenic, sulphide of tin, or sulphide of cadmium; if orange-colored, this indicates sulphide of antimony; if brown or black, one at least of the fol- lowing oxides is present: oxide of lead, teroxide of bismuth, oxide of copper, oxide of mercury, teroxide of gold, binoxide of platinum, protoxide of tin. How- ever, as a yellow precipitate may contain small admix- tures of an orange-colored, a brown, or even a black precipitate, and yet its color not be very perceptibly altered thereby, it will always prove the safest way to assume the presence of all the metals named in (110), in any precipitate produced by hydrosulphuric acid, and to proceed accordingly as the next para- graph directs. § 194. (Treatment of the Precipitate produced by Hydrosulphuric Acid with Sulphide of Ammonium; Separation of the 2nd Section of Group V. from Group VI.) Introduce a small portion of the (thoroughly washed) 114 PRECIPITATE PRODUCED BY HYDROSULPHURIC ACID IN THE ACIDIFIED SOLUTION INTO A TEST-TUBE,* ADD A LITTLE WATER, AND TEN TO TWENTY DROPS OF YELLOW SULPHIDE OF AMMO- NIUM, AND EXPOSE THE MIXTURE FOR A SHORT TIME TO A GENTLE HEAT.f * If there is a somewhat large precipitate, this may be readily effected by means of a small spatula of platinum or horn; but if you have only a very trifling precipi- tate, make a hole in the bottom of the filter, insert the perforated point into the mouth of the test-tube, rinse the precipitate into the latter by means of the washing- bottle, wait until the precipitate has subsided, and then decant the water. f If the solution contains copper, which is generally revealed by the color of the fluid, and may be ascertained positively by testing with a clean iron rod (see § 123 10), use solution of sulphide of sodium instead of sulphide of ammonium (in which sulphide of copper is not absolutely insoluble, see § 123, 5), and boil the mix 284 TREATMENT OF THE HS PRECIPITATE WITH NH4S. [§ 194. 1. THE PRECIPITATE DISSOLVES COMPLETELY IN SULPHIDE Hg of ammonium (or sulphide of sodium, as the case may be): absence of the metals of Group V.—cadmium, lead, bismuth, copper, mercury. Treat the remainder of the precipitate (of which you have digested a portion with sulphide of ammo- nium) as directed § 195.—If the precipitate produced by hydrosulphuric acid was so trifling that you have used the whole of it in treating with sulphide of ammonium, precipi- tate the solution obtained in that process by addition of hydrochloric acid, filter, wash the precipitate, and treat the latter as directed § 195. 2. The precipitate is not redissolved, or at least not lie completely : presence of the metals of Group V. Dilute with 4 or 5 parts of water, filter, and mix the filtrate with hydrochloric acid in slight excess. a. The fluid simply turns milky, owing to the separa- tion of sulphur. Absence of the metals of Group VI.— gold, platinum, tin, antimony, and arsenic* Treat the rest of the precipitate (of which you have digested a portion with sulphide of ammonium), according to the directions of § 196. b. A colored precipitate is formed: presence of metals 117 of Group VI. by the side of those of Group V. Treat the entire precipitate produced by hydrosulphuric acid the same as you have treated a portion of it, i. e., digest it with yellow sulphide of ammonium, or, as the case may be, sulphide of sodium, let it subside, pour the supernatant liquid on a filter, digest the residue in the tube once more with yellow sulphide of ammonium (or ture. But if the fluid, besides copper, also contains oxide of mercury (the presence of which is generally sufficiently indicated by the several changes of color exhibited by the precipitate forming upon the addition of the hydrosulphuric acid (§122, 3), and which, in doubtful cases, may be detected with positive certainty by testing a por- tion of the original solution acidified with hydrochloric acid, with protochloride of tin, sulphide of ammonium must be used, although the separation of the sulphides of the antimony group from the sulphide of copper is not fully effected in such cases; since, were sulphide of sodium used, the sulphide of mercury would dissolve in this reagent, and this would impede the ulterior examination of the sulphides of the antimony group. [If the mixture is heated to boiling before filtering off, sulphide of ammonium may be used in all cases, only the very minutest traces of copper, or none at all being dissolved.—Editor.] * That this inference becomes uncertain if the precipitate produced by hydro- sulphuric acid, instead of being digested with a small quantity of sulphide of ammo- nium, has been treated with a larger quantity of that reagent, is self-evident; for the large quantity of sulphur which separates in that case will, of course, completely conceal any slight traces of sulphide of arsenic or bisulphide of tin which may have been thrown down. In case of doubt, proceed according to (117). § 195.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 285 sulphide of sodium), and filter. Wash the residue* (con- taining the sulphides of Group V.), and treat it after- wards as directed § 194. Dilute the filtrate—which contains the metals of Group VI. in the form of sulphur salts—with water, add hydrochloric acid to slightly acid reaction, heat gently, filter the precipitate formed— which contains the sulphides of the metals of Group VI. mixed with sulphur—wash thoroughly, and proceed as directed next paragraph (§ 195). § 195. (Detection of the Metals of Group VI.: Arsenic, Anti- mony, Tin, Gold, Platinum.) If the precipitate consisting of the sulphides of Group VI. 11 § has a pure yellow color, this indicates principally arsenic and tin ; if it is distinctly orange-yellow, antimony is pre- sent ; if it is brown or black, this denotes the presence of platinum or gold. Beyond these general indications, the color of the precipi- tate affords no safe guidance. It is therefore always advi- sable to test yellow precipitate also for antimony, gold, and platinum, since minute quantities of the sulphides of these metals are completely hid by a large quantity of bisulphide of tin or tersulphide of arsenic. Proceed accordingly as follows: Heat a little of the precipitate on the lid of a porcelain cru- cible, or on a fragment of porcelain or glass.f 1. Complete volatilization ensues: probably presence 119 of arsenic, absence of the other metals of Group VI. Reduction of a portion of the precipitate with cyanide of potassium and carbonate of soda (§ 135, 12)J will * If the residue suspended in the fluid containing sulphide of ammonium, and insoluble therein, subsides readily, it is not transferred to the filter, but washed in the tube by decantation. But if its subsidence proceeds slowly and with difficulty, it is transferred to the filter, and washed there; a hole is then made in the bottom of the filter, and the residue rinsed into a small porcelain basin by means of a wash- ing bottle; the application of a gentle heat will now materially aid the subsidence of the residue, and the supernatant water may then be decanted. Sometimes the suspended sulphides are so finely divided as to run through the filter. In such a case add to the liquid a little chloride of ammonium. f That this preliminary examination may be omitted if the precipitate is not yellow, and that it can give a decisive result only if the sulphur precipitate submit- ted to the test has been thoroughly washed, is self-evident. t If the precipitate contains much free sulphur, it is digested for some time with ammonia which dissolves the tersulphide of arsenic. The filtered solution is evaporated k) dryness at a gentle heat with addition of a little carbonate of soda, and this residue is heated with cyanide of potassium and soda as above directed. 286 DETECTION OF THE METALS OF GROUP VI. [§ 195 afford positive proof of the presence or absence of arsenic. Whether that metal was present in the form of arsenious acid or in that of arsenic acid, may be ascer- tained by the method described § 137, 9. 2. A fixed residue is left. In that case all the metals 120 of Group VI. must be sought for. Dry the remainder of the precipitate thoroughly upon the filter, triturate it together with about 1 part of anhydrous carbonate of soda and 1 part of nitrate of soda, and transfer the mix- ture in small portions at a time to a small porcelain cru- cible, in which you have previously heated 2 parts of nitrate of soda to fusion.* As soon as complete oxida- tion is effected, pour the mass out on a piece of por- celain. After cooling, soak the fused mass (the portion still sticking to the inside of the crucible as well as the por- tion poured out on the porcelain) in cold water, filter the insoluble residue—which will remain if the mass con- tained antimony, tin, gold, or platinum—and wash well with a mixture of about equal parts of water and alcohol. (The alcohol is added to prevent the solution of the anti- monate of soda. The washings are not added to the filtrate.) The filtrate and the residue are now examined as follows: a. Examination of the filtrate for arsenic 121 (which must be present in it in the form of arsenate of soda). To the filtrate add nitric acid cautiously to faint acid reaction,! heat to expel carbonic and nitrous acids, and then divide the liquid into two portions.—To one portion add some nitrate of silver (not too little), filter * Should the amount of the precipitate be so minute that this operation cannot be conveniently performed, cut the filter, with the dried precipitate adhering to it, into small pieces, triturate these together with some carbonate of soda and nitrate of soda, and project both the powder and the paper into the fusing nitrate of soda. It is preferable, however, in such cases, to procure at once, if practicable, a suffi- ciently large amount of the precipitate, as otherwise there will be but little hope of effecting the positive detection of all the metals of Group VI. Supposing all the metallic sulphides of the sixth group to have been present, the fused mass would consist of antimonate and arsenate of soda, binoxide of tin, metallic gold and pla- tinum, sulphate, carbonate, nitrate, and some nitrite of soda. Compare also § 137, 1. \ In some cases where a somewhat larger proportion of carbonate of soda had been used, or a very strong heat applied, a trifling precipitate (hydrated binoxide of tin) may separate upon the acidification of the filtrate with nitric acid. This may be filtered off, and then treated in the same manner as the undissolved residue. $ 195.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 287 (in case some chloride of silver* or nitrite of silver should have separated), pour upon the filtrate, along the side of the tube held slanting, a layer of dilute solution of ammonia,—2 parts of water to 1 part of solution of ammonia—and let the mixture stand for some time without shaking. The formation of a red- dish-brown precipitate, which floats cloud-like between the two layers (and may be seen far more readily and distinctly by reflected than by transmitted light), de- notes the presence of arsenic If the arsenic is present in some quantity, and the free nitric acid of the solution is exactly saturated with ammonia, the fluid being stirred during this pro- cess, the precipitate of arsenate of silver which forms imparts a brownish-red tint to the entire fluid. To the other portion of this acidified solution, add 122 ammonia, then a mixture of sulphate of magnesia and chloride of ammoniumf and rub the sides of the test- tube with a glass rod. The formation of the crystal- fine precipitate of arsenate of ammonia-magnesia, which often forms only after the lapse of some time and especially on the sides of the tube, is further evi- dence of the presence of arsenic. For additional con- firmation the arsenic may be procured in the metallic state. (Compare § 135 and § 136.) Whether the arsenic was present in the form of arsenious acid or in that of arsenic acid, may be ascer- tained by the method described, § 137, 9. b. Examination of the residue for antimony, tin, 128 gold, platinum. (As the antimony, if present in the residue, must exist as white, pulverulent antimonate of soda, the tin as white, flocculent binoxide, the gold and platinum in the metallic state, the appearance of the residue is in itself indicative of its nature.) The preci- pitate is placed in a small vessel of platinum [or in a porcelain dish in contact with a slip of platinum foil] and heated with a little hydrochloric acid. Water is now added, and (disregarding any undissolved residue) a compact piece of pure (lead-free) zinc is put into the liquid. Gold and platinum, through all these operations, from the fusion forward, exist in the metallic state. Tin and antimony are now reduced to the metallic state by * Chloride of silver will separate if the reagents were not perfectly pure, and the precipitate has not been thoroughly washed. f [See§ 136, 9, note.] 288 DETECTION OF THE METALS OF GROUP V. 2d SEC. [§ 19(j the zinc. Antimony is however at once, or shortly, re- cognized by the black stain it produces on the platinum. As soon as hydrogen gas has nearly ceased to escape, what remains of the zinc is removed, the liquid—a solu- tion of chloride of zinc—is carefully poured off, and the residual metals are warmed with hydrochloric acid. In the solution thus procured, which, if tin be present, con- tains protochloride of tin, this metal is tested by means of chloride of mercury (§ 132, 8). The contents of the platinum vessel (123) are freed 121 from tin by repeatedly boiling with hydrochloric acid, and in case an insoluble residue is left—the acid is also removed by washing it with water. The residue is then examined in the following manner : It is warmed in the platinum dish with some water and a little tartaric acid, and lastly with addition of a few drops of nitric acid. If it dissolves completely, gold and platinum are not present; if an insoluble residue remains these metals must be looked for. The acid solution is decanted (in it the presence of antimony may be confirmed by hydrosulphuric acid), the residue is washed several times by decantation, transferred to a porcelain dish and dissolved by aid of a little nitrohydrochloric acid. The solution is evapo- rated to a very small bulk and further tested as directed § 131 for gold and platinum. § 196. (Detection of the Metallic Oxides of Group V. 2 c? Section:— Oxide of Lead. Teroxide of Bismuth. Oxide of Copper. Oxide of Cadmium. Oxide of Mercury. Thoroughly wash the precipitate which has not been 125 dissolved by sulphate of ammonium, and boil with nitric acid. This operation is performed best in a small porcelain dish; the boiling mass must be constantly stirred with a glass rod during the process. A great excess of acid must be avoided. 1. The precipitate dissolves, and there remains float- 126 ing in the fluid only the separated, light, flocculent, yellow sulphur ; this indicates the absence of mercury. Cadmium, copper, lead, and bismuth may be present. Filter the fluid from the separated sulphur, and treat the filtrate as follows (should there be too much nitric acid pre- sent, the greater part of this must first be driven off by evaporation) : add to a portion of the filtrate dilute sulphuric § 196.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 289 acid in moderate quantity, heat gently, and let the fluid stand Borne time. a. No precipitate forms ; absence of lead. Mix the 127 remainder of the nitrate with ammonia in excess, and gently heat. a. No precipitate is formed; absence of bismuth. 128 If the liquid is blue, copper is present; very minute traces of copper, however, might be overlooked, if the color of the ammoniated fluid alone were consulted. To be quite safe, and also to test for cadmium, evapo- rate the ammoniated solution nearly to dryness, add a little acetic acid, and, if necessary, some water, and aa. Test a small portion of the fluid for copper 129 with ferrocyanide of potassium. The formation of a reddish-brown precipitate, or a light brownish-red turbidity, indicates the presence of copper (in the latter case only to a very trifling amount). bb. Mix the remainder of the fluid with solution 130 of hydrosulphuric acid in excess. The formation of a yellow precipitate denotes cadmium. If, on account of the presence of copper, the sulphide of cadmium cannot be distinctly recognised, allow the precipitate produced by the hydrosulphuric acid to subside, decant the supernatant fluid, and add to the precipitate solution of cyanide of potassium until the sulphide of copper is dissolved. If a yellow residue is left undissolved, cadmium is present; in the con- trary case, not. 8. A precipitate is formed. Bismuth is present. 131 Filter the fluid, and test the filtrate for copper and cadmium, as directed in a (i2§). To test the washed precipitate more fully for bismuth, dry the filter con- taining it somewhat between blotting-paper, remove the still moist precipitate with a platinum spatula, dis- solve in a watch-glass in the least possible quantity of hydrochloric acid, and then add a considerable quantity of .water. The appearance of a milky turbidity con- firms the presence of bismuth. b. A precipitate is formed. Presence of lead. Bring 132 the entire nitric solution into a porcelain capsule, add enough dilute sulphuric acid to form sulphate with the lead and evaporate in the water-bath until all nitric acid is expelled, add to the residue a little water mixed with dilute sulphuric acid, filter off immediately from the inso- luble sulphate of lead, and examine the filtrate for bis- 19 290 PRECIPITATION WITH SULPHIDE OF AMMONIUM. [§ 197. muth, copper, and cadmium, as directed in a (127).* Test the precipitate, after washing, by one of the me- thods described in § 126. 2. The precipitate of the metallic sulphides does not 133 completely dissolve in the boiling nitric acid, but leaves a residue, besides the sulphur that floats in the fluid. Probable presence of oxide of mercury (which may be pro- nounced almost certain, if the precipitate is heavy and black). Allow the precipitate to subside, filter off the fluid, which must still be tested for cadmium, copper, lead, and bismuth ; mix a small portion of the filtrate with a large amount of solu- tion of hydrosulphuric acid, and should a precipitate form or a coloration become visible, treat the remainder according to the directions of (126). Wash the residue (which, besides sulphide of mercury, may also contain sulphate of lead, (formed by the action of nitric acid upon sulphide of lead), and also binoxide of tin, and pos- sibly sulphides of gold and platinum, as the complete separa- tion of these sulphides from the sulphides of the metals of Group V. is rather difficult), and examine one half of it for mercury,f by dissolving it in some hydrochloric acid, with addition of a very small proportion of chlorate of potassa, and testing the solution with copper, or protochloride of tin (§ 122); fuse the other half with cyanide of potassium and carbonate of soda. If on treating the fused mass with water, you obtain metallic grains or a metallic powder, wash, heat with nitric acid, and test the solution obtained, with sulphuric acid for lead. If nitric acid leaves a residue, this is washed and any hydrated metastannic acid it may contain is extract- ed from it in the form of metabichloride of tin by boiling for a time with hydrochloric acid, pouring off the acid and adding water (see § 133, 1). If a heavy metallic powder remains after this treatment it is dissolved in aqua regia and the solution tested for gold and platinum according to § 131. § 197. (Precipitation with Sulphide of Ammonium, Separation and De- tection of the Oxides of Groups ni. and IV.: Alumina, SeS' quioxide of Chromium ;— Oxide of Zinc, Protoxide of Man- * For another method of distinguishing cadmium, copper, lead, and bismuth from each other, I refer to the Third Section (additions and remarks to § 196). \ If you have an aqueous solution, or a solution in very dilute hydrochloric acid, the oxide of mercury formed was present in the original substance in that form; but if the solution has been prepared by boiling with concentrated hydrochloric acid, or by heating with nitric acid, the mercury may most likely have been originally pre- sent in the form of suboxide, and may have been converted into oxide in the process. § 197.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 291 ganese, Protoxide of Nickel, Protoxide of Cobalt, Proto- and Sesquioxide of Iron ; and also of those Salts of the Alkaline Earths which are precipitated by Ammonia from their Solution in Hydrochloric Acid; Phosphates, Borates, Oxalates, Silicates and Fluorides.) Put a small portion of the fluid in which solution of 134 hydrosulphuric acid has failed to produce a precipitate (110) or of the fluid which has been filtered from the precipitate formed (112) in a test tube, observe whether it is colored or not,* boil to expel the hydrosulphuric acid which may be present, add a few drops of nitric acid, boil, and observe again the color of the fluid ; then cautiously add am- monia to alkaline reaction, observe whether this produces a precipitate, and then add some sulphide of ammonium, no mat- ter whether ammonia has produced a precipitate or not. a. Neither ammonia nor sulphide of ammonium 135 produces a precipitate. Pass on to § 198, for iron, nickel, cobalt, zinc, manganese, sesquioxide of chromium, alumina, are not present, nor are phosphates, borates,f silicates, and oxalates J of the alkaline earths ; nor fluo- rides of the metals of the alkaline earths ; nor silicic acid originally united to alkalies. b. Sulphide of ammonium produces a precipitate, 136 ammonia having failed to do so ; absence of phos- phates, borates,! silicates, and oxalates^ of the alkaline earths; of the fluorides of the metals of the alkaline earths; of silica originally united to alkalies, and also, if no organic matters are present, of iron, sesquioxide of chromium, and alumina. Pass on to (138). c. Ammonia produces a precipitate before the addi- 137 tion of sulphide of ammonium. The course of proceed- ing to be pursued now depends upon whether (a) the original solution is simply aqueous, and has a neutral * If the fluid is colorless, it contains no chromium or but a very minute quantity. If colored, the tint will to some extent act as a guide to the nature of the substance present; thus a green tint, or a violet tint turning green upon boiling, points to the presence of chromium ; a light green tint to that of nickel; a reddish color to that of cobalt • the turning yellow of the fluid upon boiling with nitric acid, to that of iron. It must, however, be always borne in mind that these tints are perceptible only if the metallic oxides are present in larger quantity, and also that complement- ary colors, such as. for instance, the green of the nickel solution and the red of the cobalt solution, will destroy each other, and that, accordingly, a solution may con- tain both metals and yet appear colorless. + Presence of much chloride of ammonium has a great tendency to prevent the precipitation of borates of the alkaline earths. ± Oxalate of magnesia is thrown down from hydrochloric solution by ammonia only after the lapse of some time, and never completely: dilute solutions are not t^eciriitated at all. 292 BASES OF GROUPS III. AND IV. IN ABSENCE OF P06, ETC. [§ 197 reaction, or (8) the original solution is acid.or alkaline. In the former case, pass on to (l3§), for phosphates, borates, oxalates, and silicates of the alkaline earths cannot be present; nor can fluorides of the metals of the alkaline earths nor silica in combination with alkalies. In the lat- ter case, regard must be had to the possible presence of all the bodies enumerated in (l35); pass on to (150). 1. Detection of the bases of Groups HE. and IV. if 13§ PHOSPHATES, &C, OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS ARE NOT PRE- SENT.* Mix the fluid mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph (.134) (a portion of which you have submitted to a prelimi- nary examination) with some chloride of ammonium, then with ammonia, just to alkaline reaction; lastly, with sulphide of ammonium, until the fluid, after being shaken, smells distinctly of that reagent; shake the mixture until the precipitate begins to separate in flocks, warm gently for a time, and fil- ter. Keep the filtrate,! which contains, or may contain, the bases of Groups H. and I., for subsequent examination accord- ing to the directions of § 198. Wash the precipitate with water, to which a very little sulphide of ammonium has been added, and then proceed with it as follows :— a. It is perfectly white; absence of iron, cobalt, 139 nickel. You must test for all the other bases of Groups IH. and TV., as the faint tints of sesquioxide of chromium and sulphide of manganese are imperceptible in a large quantity of a white precipitate. Dissolve the precipitate by heating it in a small dish with the least possible amount of hydrochloric acid ; boil—should hydrosulphu- ric acid be evolved—until this gas is completely expel- led, concentrate by evaporation to a small bulk, neutral- ize with carbonate of soda, then add solution of soda in excess, heat to boiling, and keep the mixture for some time in a state of ebullition. a. The precipitate formed at first dissolves complete- 140 ly in the excess of solution of soda. Absence of man- ganese and chromium, presence of alumina or oxide of zinc. Test a portion of the alkaline solution with solu- * This simpler course is quite good enough for most purposes; in very accurate analyses, however, the course beginning at (150) is to be followed, since it leads to the detection of the traces of alkaline earths which are thrown down with alumina and sesquioxide of chromium. \ If the filtrate has a brownish color, this points to the presence of nickel, sul« phide of nickel, as is well known, being slightly soluble in sulphide of ammoniurr this, however, involves no modification of the analytical course. 197.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 293 tion of hydrosulphuric acid for zinc; acidify the remainder with hydrochloric acid, add ammonia slight- ly in excess, and apply heat. The formation of a white, flocculent precipitate shows the presence of ALUMINA. (3. The precipitate formed does not dissolve, or die- in solves only partially, in the excess of solution of soda. Filter and test the filtrate, as in a (i40), for zinc and alumina. With the undissolved precipitate which, when much manganese is present, has a brown or brownish color, proceed as follows:— aa. Should the color of the solution indicate the absence of chromium, test a portion of the precipi- tate for Manganese by means of the reaction with carbonate of soda in the outer blowpipe flame. bb. If chromium is indicated by the color of the 142 solution, the examination of the residue insoluble in solution of soda becomes more complicated, since it may contain zinc, and indeed, perhaps all the zinc of the original substance (§115). The precipitate is dis- solved in hydrochloric acid, the solution is evapo- rated to a small bulk, diluted, the free acid nearly neutralized by means of carbonate of soda, a slight excess of carbonate of baryta added, and the whole digested in the cold with occasional agitation until the solution has become colorless. It is now filter- ed and the precipitate is tested for chromium by fusion with carbonate of soda and nitrate of soda or potassa (§ 105, 8). The solution is treated hot with excess of dilute sulphuric acid and filtered, to remove baryta, the filtrate is evaporated to a small volume and supersaturated with strong solution of soda. If any precipitate is formed, it is filtered off and tested as in aa. for manganese ; the filtrate is examined for zinc with hydrosulphuric acid. b. It is not white ; this points to the presence of chro- 143 mium, manganese, iron, cobalt, or nickel. If it is black, or inclines to black, one of the three metals last mentioned is present. Under all circumstances, all the oxides of Groups III. and IV. must be looked for. Remove the washed precipitate from the filter with a spatula, or by rinsing it, with the aid of a washing-bottle, into a test-tube, through a hole made in the bottom of the filter, and pour over it rather dilute cold hydrochloric acid in moderate excess. a. It dissolves completely (except perhaps a little 141 294 BASES OF GROUPS III. AND IV. IN ABSENCE OF P05, ETC. [§ 197 sulphur, which may separate); absence of cobalt and nickel, at least of notable quantities of these two metals. Boil until the hydrosulphuric acid is completely ex- pelled, filter if particles of sulphur are suspended in the fluid, concentrate by evaporation to a small volume, then add solution of potassa or soda in excess, boil, filter the fluid from the insoluble precipitate which is sure to remain, wash the latter, and proceed first to examine the filtrate, then the precipitate. aa. Test .a portion of the filtrate with hydrosul- 145 phuric acid for zinc; acidify the remainder with hydrochloric acid, and then test it with ammonia for alumina. Compare (140). bb. Dissolve a portion of the precipitate in hydro- 146 chloric acid, and test the solution with sulphocyanide of potassium for iron. Test another portion for chromium by fusing it with carbonate and nitrate of soda (§ 105, 8). If chromium is not thus de- tected, the remainder of the precipitate is examined with carbonate of soda in the oxidizing flame for manganese. If, on the contrary, chromium be pre- sent, the remainder of the precipitate, which may in that case contain manganese and zinc (and in- deed the whole of the latter metal, § 115), is exa- mined according to (142). 8. The precipitate is not completely dissolved, a 147 black residue being left; this indicates the presence of cobalt and nickel. Filter, wash the undissolved pre- cipitate, and test the filtrate as directed (144); pro- ceed with the residuary precipitate as follows :— aa. Test a portion of it with borax, first in the 148 outer, then in the inner blowpipe flame. If the bead in the oxidizing flame is violet whilst hot, and of a pale reddish-brown when cold, and turns in the re- ducing flame gray and turbid, nickel is present; but if the color of the bead is and remains blue, in both flames, and whether hot or cold, cobalt is present. As in the latter case the presence of nickel cannot be distinctly recognized; examine bb. The remainder of the precipitate by incine- 149 rating it together with the filter in a small porcelain capsule or crucible, heating the ash with some hy- drochloric acid, filtering the solution, then evapo- rating nearly to dryness, and adding nitrate of potassa, and then acetic acid (§ 112, 10). The for- § 197.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 295 mation of a yellow precipitate after standing in a warm place for some time confirms the presence of cobalt. Let the fluid, with the precipitate in it, stand for about 12 hours, then filter, and test the filtrate with solution of soda for nickel. 2. Detection of the bases of groups HI. and IV. in 150 CASES WHERE PHOSPHATES, BORATES, OXALATES, OR SILICATES OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS, OR FLUORIDES OF THE METALS OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS, OR HYDRATED SILICA, MAY POSSI- BLY HAVE BEEN THROWN DOWN ALONG WITH THESE BASES, i.e., in cases where the original solution was acid or alkaline and a precipitate was produced by ammonia in the prelimi- nary examination. See (134). Mix the fluid mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph (l3l) with some chloride of ammonium, then with ammo- nia just to alkaline reaction, lastly with sulphide of ammo- nium, until the fluid, after being shaken, smells distinctly of this reagent; shake the mixture until the precipitate begins to separate in flocks, warm gently for a time and filter. Keep the filtrate, which contains, or may contain, the bases of Group H. and I., for subsequent examination accord- ing to the directions of § 198. Wash the precipitate thoroughly with water to which a very little sulphide of ammonium has been added, and then proceed with it as fol- lows. To give a clear notion of the obstacles to be overcome in this analytical process I must remind you that it is neces- sary to examine the precipitate for the following bodies: Iron, nickel, cobalt (these show their presence to a certain extent by the black or blackish coloration of the precipitate), manganese, zinc, sesquioxide of chromium (the latter gene- rally reveals its presence by the color of the solution), alu- mina ;— baryta, strontia, lime, magnesia, which latter sub- stances may have fallen down in combination with phosphoric acid, boracic acid, oxalic acid, silicic acid, or in form of fluorides. Besides these bodies, free silicic acid may also be contained in the precipitate as hydrate. As the original substance must, under all circumstances, be 151 afterwards examined for all acids that might possibly be pre- sent, it is not indispensable to test for the above enumerated acids at this stage of the analytical process; still, as it is often interesting to know the presence of these acids at once, more especially in cases where a somewhat large proportion of some alkaline earth has been found in the precipitate pro- duced by sulphide of ammonium, a method for the detection of the acids in question will be found appended by way of supplement to the method for the detection of the bases. 296 BASES OF GROUPS III. AND IV. IN PRESENCE OF P05, ETC. [§ 197. Remove the precipitate from the filter as soon as it is com- 152 pletely washed [else it may partially oxidize and be lost], with a small spatula, or by rinsing it off with the washing- bottle, and pour over it cold dilute hydrochloric acid in moderate excess. a. A residue remains. Filter, and treat the filtrate 153 as directed in (154). The residue, if it is black, may con- tain sulphide of nickel, and sulphide of cobalt, and be- sides these, sulphur and silicic acid. Wash, and examine a sample of it in conjunction with phosphate of soda and ammonia before the blowpipe, in the outer flame. If a silica skeleton remains undissolved (§ 153, 8), this proves the presence of silicic acid. If the color of the bead is blue, cobalt is present; if reddish, turning yellow on cooling, nickel. Should the color leave you in doubt, incinerate the filter containing the remainder of the resi- due, and test for cobalt and nickel by means of nitrite of potassa, as directed (149). b. No residue is left (except perhaps a little sul- 154 phur, which may separate): absence of nickel and cobalt, at least in any notable proportion. Boil the solution until the sulphuretted hydrogen is expelled, and then proceed as follows: a. Mix a small portion of the solution with dilute 155 sulphuric acid. If a precipitate forms, this may con- sist of sulphates of baryta and strontia, possibly also of sulphate of lime. Filter, wash the precipitate and test it either by the flame, according to the latter part of § 102, or decompose it by boiling or fusion with carbonated alkali, wash the carbonates produced, dis- solve them in hydrochloric acid, and test the solution as directed § 198. Mix the fluid which has not been precipitated by dilute sulphuric acid, or the fluid fil- tered from the precipitate produced, with 3 volumes of spirit of wine. If a precipitate forms, this consists of sulphate of lime. Filter, dissolve in water, and add oxalate of ammonia to the solution, as a confirmatory proof of the presence of lime. 8. Boil a somewhat larger sample with some nitric 156. acid, and test a small portion of the fluid with sulpho- cyanide of potassium for iron ;* mix the remainder with sesquichloride of iron in sufficient quantity to * "Whether the iron was present as sesquioxide or as protoxide, must be ascer- tained by testing the original solution in hydrochloric acid with ferrocyanide 0/ potassium and sulphocyanide of potassium. [Compare § 114, 8, note.] § 197.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 297 make a drop of the fluid give a yellowish precipitate* when mixed, on a watch-glass, with a drop of ammo- nia ; concentrate the fluid now until there is only a small quantity left; add to this some water, then a few drops of solution of carbonate of soda, just sufficient to nearly neutralize the free acid, and lastly carbonate of baryta in slight excess; stir the mixture, and let it stand in the cold until the fluid above the precipitate has become colorless. Filter now the precipitate (aa) from the solution (bb), and wash. aa. Boil the precipitate for some time with solu- 157 tion of soda, filter, and test the filtrate for alumina,! by heating with chloride of ammonium in excess. The part of the precipitate insoluble in solution of soda is examined for chromium by fusion with car- bonate and nitrate of soda (§ 105, 8). bb. Add to the solution hydrochloric acid to acid reaction, heat to boiling, add dilute sulphuric acid as long as a precipitate of sulphate of baryta forms, and filter. Supersaturate the filtrate with ammonia and add sulphide of ammonium. aa. No precipitate forms: absence of manga- 158 nese and zinc. Mix the solution with oxalate of ammonia. If a precipitate of oxalate of lime (which may be distinguished from separated sulphur by its being readily soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid) forms, filter, and test the filtrate with phosphate of soda for magnesia. BB. A precipitate forms. Filter, and proceed 159 with the filtrate according to the directions of aa (l5§). The precipitate may consist of sulphide of manganese and sulphide of zinc, and may contain traces also of sulphide of cobalt and sulphide of nickel. Wash it with water containing some sul- phide of ammonium, and then treat it with acetic acid, which will dissolve the sulphide of manga- nese if any is present, leaving the other sulphides * The addition of sesquichloride of iron is necessary, to effect the separation of phosphoric acid and silicic acid which may be present. f If the solution contains silicic acid, the precipitate taken for alumina may con- tain also silicic acid. A simple trial with phosphate of soda and ammonia, on a platinum wire, in the blowpipe flame, will show whether the precipitate really con- tains silicic acid. Should this be the case, ignite the remainder of the supposed alumina precipitate on the cover of a platinum crucible, add some acid sulphate of potassa, fuse the mixture, and treat the fused mass with water, which will dissolve the alumina, leaving the silicic acid undissolved; precipitate the alumina from the eolution by ammonia. 298 BASES OF GROUPS III. AND IV. IN PRESENCE OF P06, ETC. [§ 197. undissolved. Filter, boil the filtrate with solution of soda, and test the precipitate, which may form, with carbonate of soda in the lower blowpipe flame for manganese. Free the residuary part of the precipitate, which acetic acid has failed to dissolve, by washing, from the acetic acid solu- tion still adhering to it, and then treat it with dilute hydrochloric acid, which will dissolve the zinc, if any is present. Filter, add some nitric acid to the filtrate, and concentrate the mixture considerably by boiling ; then add to it solution of soda in excess, boil, filter, if necessary, and test the filtrate with sulphide of ammonium for zinc.' Should a precipitate insoluble in solution of soda remain in the last operation, or should the dilute hydrochloric acid have left a black residue, test this precipitate and residue for co- balt and nickel, if you have not already pre- viously detected the presence of these bodies; compare (i4§ and 149). /. If you have found alkaline earths in a or B, and 160 wish to know the acids in combination with which they have passed into the precipitate produced by sulphide of ammonium, this may be ascertained by making the following experiments with the remainder of the hydro- chloric acid solution:— aa. A portion is evaporated in a small capsule or 161 watch-glass in the water-bath to complete dryness, the residue is treated with hydrochloric acid, and subsequently with water. If silicic acid were pre- sent it remains undissolved. The solution is tested by phosphoric acid by means of the nitric solution of molybdate of ammonia (§ 145, 10). bb. Mix another portion with carbonate of soda in excess, boil for some time, filter, and test one-half of the filtrate for oxalic acid, by acidifying it with acetic acid, and adding solution of sulphate of lime; the other half for boracic acid, by slightly acidify- ing it with hydrochloric acid, and testing with tur- meric paper (§147 and § 148). cc. Precipitate the remainder with ammonia, fil- 162 ter, wash and dry the precipitate, and examine it for fluorine according to § 149, 5. § 198.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS, GROUP II. 299 § 198. (Separation and Detection of the Oxides of Group II, which are precipitated by Carbonate of Ammonia in Presence of Chloride of Ammonium, viz., Baryta, Strontia, Lime.) TO A SMALL PORTION OF THE FLUID IN WHICH AMMONIA AND SULPHIDE OF AMMONIUM HAVE FAILED TO PRODUCE A PRECIPI- rATE (135), OR OF THE FLUID FILTERED FROM THE PRECIPITATE FORMED, ADD CHLORIDE OF AMMONIUM, IF THE SOLUTION CON- TAINS NO AMMONIACAL SALT, THEN CARBONATE OF AMMONIA AND SOME CAUSTIC AMMONIA, AND HEAT FOR SOME TIME VERY ge.vtly (not to boiling). 1. No precipitate forms : absence of any notable quantity 163 of baryta, strontia, and lime. Traces of these alkaline earths may, however, be present; to detect them, add to another portion of the fluid some sulphate of ammonia (prepared by supersaturating dilute sulphuric acid with ammonia): if the fluid becomes turbid, it contains traces of baryta ; add to a third portion some oxalate of ammonia; if the fluid turns turbid—which reaction may perhaps require some time to manifest itself—traces of lime are present. Treat the re- mainder of the fluid as directed § 199, after having previously removed the traces of lime and baryta which may have been found, by means of the reagents that have served to effect their detection. 2. A precipitate is formed. Presence of lime, baryta, 164 or strontia. Treat the entire solution with ammonia and carbonate of ammonia as above directed. After gently heat- ing, filter, test portions of the filtrate with sulphate and oxalate of ammonia, for traces of lime and baryta, which it may possibly still contain, remove such traces, should they be found, by means of the said reagents, and examine the fluid, thus perfectly freed from baryta, strontia, and lime, for magnesia according to the directions of § 199. Wash the precipitate produced by carbonate of ammonia, dissolve it in the least possible amount of dilute hydrochloric acid, and add to a small portion of the fluid some solution of sulphate of lime (not too little). a. No precipitate is formed, not even after the lapse of some time. Absence of baryta and strontia ; presence of lime. To remove all doubt, mix another sample with oxalate of ammonia. b. A precipitate is formed by solution of sulphate of lime. a. It is formed immediately ; this indicates baryta. 165 300 EXAMINATION FOR MAGNESIA. [§ 199 Besides this, strontia and lime may also be present. Evaporate the remainder of the hydrochloric acid solution of the precipitate produced by carbonate of ammonia to dryness, digest the residue with strong alcohol, decant the fluid from the undissolved chloride of barium, dilute with an equal volume of water, mix with a few drops of hydrofluosilicic acid—which throws down the small portion of baryta that had dis- solved in form of chloride of barium—allow the mix- ture to stand for some time; filter, and treat the filtrate with dilute sulphuric acid. The formation of a precipitate indicates strontia or lime or both these substances. The precipitate is filtered off after some time, washed with weak alcohol [a mixture of 4 volumes of so-called alcohol of 95 per cent, with 5 volumes of water], and boiled with solution of car- bonate of soda to convert the sulphates into car- bonates. The carbonates are collected on a small filter and washed with water dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and the solution is evaporated to dryness. Dis- solve the residue in a little water and test a portion of the fluid with a dilute solution of sulphate of potassa (§ 99, 3). If a precipitate forms immediately, or in the course of half an hour, the presence of strontia is demonstrated. In that case, let the fluid with the pre- cipitate in it stand at rest for some time, then filter, and add ammonia and oxalate of ammonia to the fil- trate. The formation of a white precipitate indicates lime. If sulphate of potassa has failed to produce a precipitate, the remainder of the solution of the residue left upon evaporation is tested at once with ammonia and oxalate of ammonia for lime. 8. It is formed only after some time. Absence of 166 baryta, presence of strontia. Mix the remainder of the hydrochloric acid solution with sulphate of potassa, let the mixture stand for some time, then filter, and test the filtrate with ammonia and oxalate of ammonia for LIME. § 199. (Examination for 3fagnesia.) TO A PORTION OF THE FLUID IN WHICH CARBONATE, SULPHATE, AND OXALATE OF AMMONIA HAVE FAILED TO PRODUCE A PRE- CIPITATE (163) OR OF THE FLUID FILTERED FROM THE PRECIPI- TATES FORMED (164), ADD AMMONIA, THEN SOME PHOSPHATE § 200.] SOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. ALKALIES. 301 OF SODA, AND, SHOULD A PRECIPITATE NOT AT ONCE FORM, RUB THE INNER SIDES OF THE VESSEL WITH A GLASS ROD, AND THEN LET THE MIXTURE STAND FOR SOME TIME. 1. No precipitate is formed: absence of magnesia. Eva- 167 porate another portion of the fluid to dryness, and ignite gently. If a residue remains, treat the remainder of the fluid the same as the sample, and examine the residue, which by the moderate ignition to which it has been subjected has been freed from ammonia, for potassa and soda, according to the directions of § 200.—If no residue is left, this is a proof of the absence of the fixed alkalies; pass on to § 201. 2. A precipitate is formed: presence of magnesia. As 16§ testing for alkalies can proceed with certainty only after the removal of magnesia, evaporate the remainder of the fluid to dryness, and ignite until all ammoniacal salts are removed. Warm the residue with water, add baryta-water (prepared from crystals of hydrate of baryta), as long as a precipitate continues to form,* boil, filter, add to the filtrate a mixture of carbonate of ammonia with some caustic ammonia in slight excess, heat for some time gently, filter, evaporate the filtrate to dryness, adding some chloride of ammonium during the process (to convert into chlorides the caustic alkalies that may have formed), ignite the residue gently, then dissolve it in a little water, precipitate, if necessary, once more, with ammonia and carbonate of ammonia, evaporate again, and if a residue remains, ignite this gently, and finally examine it according to the directions of § 200. § 200. (Examination for Potassa and Soda.) YOU HAVE NOW TO EXAMINE FOR POTASSA AND SODA THE GENTLY IGNITED RESIDUE, FREE FROM SALTS OF AMMONIA AND ALKALINE EARTHS, WHICH HAS BEEN OBTAINED IN (l67), OR IN (16§). Dissolve it in a little water, filter, if necessary, evaporate until there is only a small quantity of fluid left, and transfer one half of this to a watch-glass, leaving the other half in the porcelain dish. 1. To the one-half in the porcelain dish add, after cooling, 169 a few drops of solution of bichloride of platinum. If a yel- low, crystalline precipitate forms immediately, or after some time, potassa is present. Should no precipitate form, evapo- rate to dryness at a gentle heat, and treat the residue with a very small quantity of water or, if chlorides alone are present, * [In absence of sulphuric acid, or after it has been thrown down by baryta water or chloride of barium, milk of lime may be advantageously used to separate magnesia.] 302 AQUEOUS SOLUTION—DETECTION OF ACIDS. [§§ 201, 202 with a mixture of water and alcohol, when the presence of minute traces of potassa will be revealed by a small quantity of a heavy yellow powder being left undissolved, § 92, 3. 2. To the other half of the fluid (in the watch-glass) add 170 some antimonate of potassa. If this produces at once or after some time a crystalline precipitate, soda is present. If the quantity of soda present is only very trifling, it often takes twelve hours before minute crystals of antimonate of soda will separate; the operator should therefore wait that time for the possible manifestation of the reaction, before deciding, from its non-appearance, that no soda is present. As regards the form of the crystals, consult § 93, 2. [The alkalies may also be conveniently tested for by J. L. Smith's method (§ 95), but care must be taken not to operate in an atmosphere containing ammonia vapors.] § 201. (Examination for Ammonia.) There remains still the examination for ammonia. 171 Triturate some of the body under examination, or, if a fluid, a portion of the latter, together with an excess of hydrate of lime, and, if necessary, a little water. If the escaping gas smells of ammonia, if it restores the blue color of reddened litmus paper, and forms white fumes with hydrochloric acid vapors, brought into contact with it by means of a glass rod, ammonia is present. The reaction is the most sensitive, if the trituration is made in a small beaker, and the latter covered with a glass plate with a slip of moistened turmeric or moist reddened litmus paper adhering to the under side. Complex Compounds. A. 1. Substances soluble in Water. DETECTION OF ACIDS.* I. In the Absence of Organic Acids. § 202. Consider, in the first place, which are the acids that form with the bases found, compounds soluble in water, and let this guide you in the examination. To beginners the table given in Appendix IV. will prove of considerable assistance. 1. The acids of arsenic, as well as carbonic acid, hydro- 172 sulphuric acid, chromic acid, and silicic acid, have generally been detected already in the course of testing for the bases; compare (67) and (68). 2. Add to a portion of the solution chloride of barium, or * Consult also the explanations in Section ILL. § 202.] COMPLEX COMPOUNDS.—AQUEOUS SOLUTION. 303 if lead, silver, or suboxide of mercury are present, nitrate of baryta, and, should the reaction of the fluid be acid, add ammonia to neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. a. No precipitate is formed : absence of sulphuric 173 acid, phosphoric acid, chromic acid, silicic acid, oxalic acid, arsenious and arsenic acids, as well as of notable quantities of boracic acid and hydrofluoric acid.* Pass on to (175). b. A precipitate is formed. Dilute the fluid, and add 174 hydrochloric acid; if the precipitate does not redissolve, or at least not completely, sulphuric acid is present. 3. Add nitrate of silver to a portion of the solution. If this 175 fails to produce a precipitate, test the reaction, and add to the fluid, if it is acid, some dilute ammonia, taking care to add the reagent so gently and cautiously that the two fluids do not intermix; if the reaction is alkaline, on the other hand, add with the same care some dilute nitric acid, instead of ammonia, and watch attentively, whether a precipitate or a cloud forms in the layer between the two fluids. a. NO PRECIPITATE IS FORMED IN THE LAYER BETWEEN 176 THE TWO FLUIDS, NEITHER IMMEDIATELY NOR AFTER SOME time. Pass on to (i§i) ; there is neither chlorine, bro- mine, iodine, cyanogen,f ferro- nor ferricyanogen present, nor sulphur; nor phosphoric acid, arsenic acid, arsenious acid, chromic acid, silicic acid, oxalic acid; nor boracic acid, if the solution was not too dilute. b. A precipitate is formed. Observe the color J of it, 177 then add nitric acid, and shake the mixture. a. The precipitate redissolves completely: absence of chlorine, bromine, iodine, cyanogen, ferro- and ferricya- nogen, and also of sulphur. Pass on to (l§l). 8. A residue is left: chlorine, bromine, iodine, cy- 178 anogen, ferro- or ferricyanogen may be present; and if the residue is black or blackish, hydrosulphuric acid or a soluble metallic sulphide.—The presence of sul- phur may, if necessary, be readily established beyond * If the solution contains an ammoniacal salt in somewhat considerable propor- tion the non-formation of a precipitate cannot be considered a conclusive proof of the absence of these acids, since the baryta salts of most of them (not the sulphate) are in presence of ammoniacal salts, more or less soluble in water. + That the cyanogen in cyanide of mercury is not indicated by nitrate of silver has been mentioned (73). 1 Chloride, bromide, cyanide, and ferrocyanide of silver, and oxalate, silicate, and borate of silver are white; iodide of silver, tribasic phosphate, and arsenite of silver are yellow; arsenate of silver and ferricyanide of silver are brownish-red; chromate of Bilver is purple-red; sulphide of silver is black. 304 DETECTION OF INORGANIC ACIDS. [§ 202 doubt, by mixing another portion of the solution with some solution of sulphate of copper. aa. Test another portion of the fluid for iodine, and subsequently for bromine, by the methods de- scribed in § 160. bb. Test a small portion of the fluid with sesqui-179 chloride of iron for ferrocyanogen ; and, if the color of the silver precipitate leads you to suspect the presence of ferricyanogen, test another portion for this latter substance with protosulphate of iron.—If the original solution has an alkaline reaction, some hydro- chloric acid must be added before the addition of the sesquichloride or the protosulphate of iron. cc. Cyanogen, if present in form of a simple metallic cyanide soluble in water, may usually be readily recognised by the smell of hydrocyanic acid which the body under examination emits, and which is rendered more strongly perceptible by addition of a little dilute sulphuric acid.—If no ferrocyanogen is present, the presence of cyanogen may be ascertained by the method given in § 158, 6. dd. Should bromine, iodine, cyanogen, ferrocyano- i§0 gen, ferricyanogen, and sulphur not be present, the precipitate which nitric acid has failed to dissolve, consists of chloride of silver. However, should the analytical process have re- vealed the presence of any of the other bodies, a special examination for chlorine may become neces- sary, viz., in cases where the quantity of the precipi- tate will not enable the operator to pronounce with positive certainty on the presence or absence of the latter element.* In such cases, which are of rare occurrence, however, the methods given in § 160 are resorted to. 4. Test another portion for nitric acid, by means of protosul-181 phate of iron and sulphuric acid (§ 162). 5. To ascertain whether chloric acid is present, pour a little concentrated sulphuric acid over a small sample of the solid body under examination: ensuing yellow coloration of the acid resolves the question in the affirmative (§ 163). You have still to test for phosphoric acid, boracic acid, * Supposing, for instance, the solution of nitrate of silver to have produced a copious precipitate insoluble in nitric acid, and the subsequent examination to have shown mere traces of iodine and bromine, the presence of chlorine may be held to be demonstrated without requiring additional proof. § 203.] COMPLEX COMPOUNDS.—AQUEOUS SOLUTION. 305 silicic acid, oxalic acid, and chromic acid, as well as for hy- drofluoric acid. For the first five acids test only in cases where both chlo- ride of barium and nitrate of silver have produced precipitates in neutral solutions. Compare also foot note to (173). 6. Test for phosphoric acid, by adding to a portion of the 182 fluid, ammonia in excess, then chloride of ammonium and sul- phate of magnesia (§ 145, 7). Very minute quantities of phosphoric acid are detected most readily by means of molybdic acid (§ 145, 10). 7. To effect the detection of oxalic acid and hydrosul- phuric acid, add chloride of calcium to a portion of the solution, which, if acid, must be rendered slightly alkaline by addition of ammonia. If chloride of calcium produces a precipitate which is not redissolved by addition of acetic acid, one or both bodies are present. Examine therefore now a sample of the original substance for fluorine, according to the directions of § 149, 5, another sample for oxalic acid, by the method given in § 148, 7. 8. Acidulate a portion of the fluid slightly with hydrochlo- 183 ric acid, and then test for boracic acid, by means of turmeric paper (§ 147, 6). 9. Should silicic acid not have yet been found in the course of testing for the bases, acidulate a portion of the fluid with hydrochloric acid, evaporate to dryness, and treat the residue with hydrochloric acid (§ 153, 3). 10. Chromic acid is readily recognised by the yellow or red color of the solution, and by the purple-red color of the precipitate produced by nitrate of silver.—If there remains the least doubt on the point, test for chromic acid with ace- tate of lead and acetic acid (§ 141, 7). Complex Compounds. A. 1. Substances soluble in Water. DETECTION OF ACIDS. II. In presence of Organic Acids. § 203. 1. The examination for inorganic acids, inclusive of oxalic 184 acid, is made in the manner described in § 202. As the tar- trates and citrates of baryta and silver are insoluble in water, tartaric acid and citric acid can be present only in cases where both chloride of barium and nitrate of silver have pro- duced precipitates in the neutral fluid ; still, in drawing a conclusion, you must bear in mind that the said salts are slightly soluble in solutions of salts of ammonia. 20 306 DETECTION OF ORGANIC ACIDS. [§ 203 Before testing for organic acids it is necessary to remove all those bases whose presence might disturb the reactions, viz., all those belonging to Groups III. IV. V. and VI. This is accomplished by the methods already described at the beginning of § 187, to which the operator is referred. The examination for the organic acids is then conducted as follows: — 2. Make a portion of the fluid feebly alkaline by addition 185 of ammonia, add some chloride of ammonium, then chloride of calcium, shake vigorously, and let the mixture stand at rest from ten to twenty minutes. a. No PRECIPITATE IS FORMED, NOT EVEN AFTER THE lapse of some time. Absence of tartaric acid,* pass on to (186). b. A precipitate is formed immediately, or after some time. Filter, wash, and keep the filtrate for fur- ther examination according to the directions of (186). Digest and shake the precipitate with solution of soda, without applying heat, then dilute with a little water, filter, and boil the filtrate some time. If a precipitate separates, tartaric acid may be assumed to be present. Filter hot, and subject the precipitate to the ammonia and nitrate of silver test described in § 166, 8. 3. Mix the fluid in which chloride of calcdum has failed to 18« produce a precipitate, or that which has been filtered from the precipitate-*—in which latter case some more chloride of oalcium is to be added—with alcohol. a. No precipitate is formed. Absence of citric acid 187 and malic acid. Pass on to (190). b. A precipitate is formed. Filter and treat the fil- trate as directed in (l90). As regards the precipitate, 188 treat this as follows :— After washing with some alcohol, dissolve on the filter in a little dilute hydrochloric acid, add ammonia to the filtrate to feebly alkaline reaction, and then boil for some time. a. The filtrate remains clear. Absence of citric acid. Probable presence of malic acid. Add alcohol again to the fluid, and test the lime precipitate in the manner directed § 169, to make sure whether malic acid is really present or not. 8. A heavy, white precipitate is formed. Pre- 189 sence of citric acid. Filter boiling, and test the filtrate for malic acid in the same manner as in a. To [* Tartaric acid may be easily overlooked unless the solution is concentrated.] § 203.] COMPLEX COMPOUNDS.—AQUEOUS SOLUTION. 307 remove all doubt as to whether the precipitate is citrate of lime or not, it is advisable to dissolve once more in some hydrochloric acid, to supersaturate again with ammonia, and to boil; if the precipitate really consisted of citrate of lime, it will now be thrown down again. (Compare § 167, 3). 4. Heat the filtrate of (iss) (or the fluid in which addition 190 of alcohol has failed to produce a precipitate) (187), to expel the alcohol, neutralize exactly with hydrochloric acid, and add sesquichloride of iron. If this fails to produce a light brown, flocculent precipitate, neither succinic nor benzoic acid is present. If a precipitate of the kind is formed, filter, digest, and heat the washed precipitate with ammonia in excess; filter, evaporate the filtrate nearly to dryness, and test a portion for succinic acid with chloride of barium and alcohol (§ 171); the remainder for benzoic acid with hydro- chloric acid (§ 172). Benzoic acid may generally be readily detected also in the original substance, by pouring some dilute hydrochloric acid over a small portion of the latter, which will leave the benzoic acid undissolved; it is then filtered and heated on platinum foil (§ 172, 1). 5. Evaporate a portion of the solution to dryness—if acid, 191 after previous saturation with soda—introduce the residue, or a portion of the original dry substance, into a small tube, pour some alcohol over it, add about an equal volume of con- centrated sulphuric acid, and heat to boiling. Evolution of the odor of acetic ether demonstrates the presence of acetic acid. This odor is rendered more distinctly perceptible by shaking the cooling or cold mixture. 6. To effect the detection of formic acid, add to a portion 192 of the solution nitrate of silver in not too small a proportion, then soda until the fluid is exactly neutralized, and boil. If formic acid is present, reduction of the silver to the metallic state ensues (§ 175, 4). The reaction with nitrate of sub- oxide of mercury may be had recourse to as a conclusive test (§ 175, 5).* * In presence of chromic acid the reduction of oxide of silver and suboxide of mercury is not a positive proof of the presence of formic acid. In cases where the two acids are present, the following method must be resorted to:—Mix the original solution with some nitric acid, add oxide of lead in excess, shake the mixture, filter, add to the filtrate dilute sulphuric acid in excess, and distil. Test the distillate as directed 8 176. In presence of tartaric acid also it is the safest way to distil the formic acid first, with addition of dilute sulphuric acid. 308 ACID SOLUTION,—IN ORGANIC ACIDS. [§ 204 Complex Compounds. A. 2. Substances insoluble in Water, but soluble in Hydro- chloric Acid, Nitric Acid, or Nitrohydrochloric Acid. detection of the acids. I. In the absence of Organic Acids. § 204. In the examination of these compounds attention must be directed to all acids, with the exception of chloric acid. Cyanogen compounds and silicates are not examined by this method. (Compare § 207 and § 208.) 1. Carbonic acid, sulphur (in form of metallic sulphides), 193 arsenious acid, arsenic acid, and chromic acid, if present, have been found already in the course of the examination for bases ; nitric acid, if present, has been detected in the course of the preliminary examination, by the ignition of the powdered substance in a glass tube (s). 2. Mix a sample of the substance with 4 parts of pure car- 194 bonate of soda and potassa, and, should it contain a metallic sulphide, add some nitrate of soda ; fuse the mixture in a pla- tinum crucible if there are no reducible metals present, in a porcelain crucible if reducible metals are present; boil the fused mass with water, and add a little nitric acid, leaving the reaction of the fluid, however, still alkaline; heat again, filter, and proceed with the filtrate according to the directions of § 202, to effect the detection of all the acids which were combined with the bases.* 3. As the phosphates of the alkaline earths are only incom- 195 pletely decomposed by fusion in conjunction with carbonate of soda and potassa, it is always advisable in cases where alkaline earths are present, and phosphoric acid has not yet been detected, to dissolve a fresh sample of the body under examination in hydrochloric acid or nitric acid, and after re- moval of silicic acid (§ 153, 3) and of arsenic acid (§ 136, 3 or 4) to test the solution for phosphoric acid with molybdic acid. 4. If in the course of the examination for bases, alkaline earths have been found, it is also advisable to test a separate portion of the body under examination for fluorine, by the method described in § 149, 5. 5. That portion of the substance under examination which 196 is treated as directed in (194), can be tested for silicic acid * If the body examined has been found to contain a metallic sulphide, a separate portion of it must be examined for sulphuric acid, by heating it with hydrochloric acid, filtering, adding water to the filtrate, and then testing the fluid with chloride of barium. §§ 205, 206.] COMPLEX COMPOUNDS.—ACIDS, BASES, ETC. 309 only in cases where the fusion has been effected in a platinum crucible: in cases where a porcelain crucible has been used, it is necessary to examine a separate portion of the body for silicic acid, by evaporating the hydrochloric or nitric acid solution (§ 153, 3). 6. Examine a separate sample of the body for oxalic acid as directed in (§ 148, 6 or 7). Complex Compounds. A. 2. Substances insoluble in Water, but soluble in Hydro- chloric Acid, Nitric Acid, or Nitrohydrochloric Acid. detection of the acids. II. In presence of Organic Acids. § 205. 1. Conduct the examination for inorganic acids according 197 to the directions of § 204. 2. Test for acetic acid as directed § 174, 7. 3. Dissolve a portion of the compound under examination 198 in the least possible amount of hydrochloric acid, filter, if necessary, and test the undissolved residue which may be left, for benzoic acid by application of heat; add to the filtrate solution of carbonate of soda in considerable excess, and, be- sides this, also a little solid carbonate of soda, boil the mixture for a few minutes, and then filter the fluid from the precipi- tate. In the filtrate you have now all the organic acids in solution, combined with soda. Acidify the filtrate with hydrochloric acid, heat, and proceed according to (185). Complex Compounds. B. Substances insoluble or sparingly soluble both in Water and in Hydrochloric Acid, Nitric Acid, or Nitrohy- drochloric Acid. detection of the bases, acids, and non-metallic elements. § 206. To this class belong the following bodies and compounds. 199 Sulphate of baryta, sulphate of strontia, and sul- phate OF LIME.* Sulphate of lead| and chloride of lead.J * Sulnhate of lime passes partially into the solution effected by water, and often completely into that effected by acids. + Sulphate of lead may pass completely into the solution effected by acids. ± Chloride of lead can here only be found if the precipitate insoluble in acids haa not been thoroughly washed with hot water. 310 SUBSTANCES INSOLUBLE IN ACIDS. [§ 206 Chloride of silver, bromide of silver, iodide of silver, cyanide of silver,* ferro- and ferricyanide of silver.f Silicic acid and many silicates. Native alumina, or alumina which has passed through a process of intense ignition, and many aluminates. Ignited sesquioxide of chromium and chrome-ironstone (a compound of sesquioxide of chromium and protoxide of iron). Ignited, and native binoxide of tin (tin-stone). Some metaphosphates and some arsenates. Fluoride of calcium and a few other compounds of fluorine. Sulphur. Carbon. Of these compounds those printed in small capitals are more frequently met with. As the silicates perform a highly im- portant part in mineral analysis, a special chapter (§ 208— 211) is devoted to them. The substance under examination which is insoluble in water and in acids is in the first place subjected to the pre- liminary experiments here described in a—e, if the quantity at your disposal is not absolutely too smaU to admit of this proceeding; in cases where the quantity is insufficient for the purpose, the operator must omit this preliminary examina- tion, and at once pass on to (205) bearing in mind, however, that the body may contain all the aforesaid substances and compounds. a. Examine closely and attentively the physical state and 200 condition of the substance, to ascertain whether you have to deal with a homogeneous mass or with a mass composed of dissimilar particles; whether the body is sandy or pulveru- lent, whether it has the same color throughout, or is made up of variously-colored particles, &c. The microscope, or even a simple magnifying glass, will be found very useful at this stage of the examination. b. Heat a small sample in a glass tube sealed at one end. 201 If brown fumes arise, and sulphur sublimes, this is of course a proof of the presence of that substance. c. If the substance is black, this indicates, in most cases, 202 the presence of carbon (wood-charcoal, pit-coal, bone-black, lamp-black, graphite, &c). Heat a small sample on platinum * Bromide, iodide, and cyanide of silver are decomposed by boiling with nitro- hydrochloric acid, and converted into chloride of silver; they can accordingly be found here only in cases where the operator has to deal with a substance which— aa nitrohydrochloric acid has failed to effect its solution—ia examined directly by the method described in this paragraph (§ 206). f With regard to the examination of these compounds, compare also § 207. § 206.] INSOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 311 foil over the blowpipe flame; if the substance (which blackens the fingers) is consumed, this may be held to be a positive proof of the presence of carbon in some shape or other. Graphite, which may be readily recognized by its property of communicating its blackish-gray color to the fingers, to paper, &c, requires the application of oxygen for its easy combustion. d. Warm a small sample, together with a small lump of 203 cyanide of potassium and some water, for some time, filter, and test the filtrate with sulphide of ammonium. The for- mation of a brownish-black precipitate shows that the sub- stance under examination contains a compound of silver. e. If an undissolved residue has been left in d, wash this 4<*04 thoroughly with water, and, if white, sprinkle a few drops of sulphide of ammonium over it; if it turns black, salts of lead are present. If, however, the residue left in d is black, heat it with some acetate of ammonia, adding a few drops of ace- tic acid, filter, and test the filtrate for lead, by means of sul- phuric acid and hydrosulphuric acid.* The results obtained by these preliminary experiments serve to guide the operator now in his further course of pro- ceeding. 1, a. Salts of lead are not present. Pass on to (206). 205 b. Salts of lead are present. Heat the sub- stance repeatedly with a concentrated solution of acetate of ammonia, until the salt of lead is completely dissolved out. Test a portion of the filtrate for chlorine, another for sulphuric acid, and the remainder for lead, by addition of sulphuric acid in excess, and by hydrosul- phuric acid. If acetate of ammonia has left a residue, wash this, and treat it as directed in (206). 2, a. Salts of silver are not present. Pass on to (207). 206 b. Salts of silver are present. Digest the sub- stance free from lead, or which has been freed from that metal by acetate of ammonia, repeatedly with cyanide of potassium and water, at a gentle heat (in presence of sulphur, in the cold), until all the salt of silver is removed. If an undissolved residue is left, wash this, and then pro- ceed with it according to the directions of (207). Of the filtrate, which contains cyanide of potassium, mix the larger portion with sulphide of ammonium, to pre- cipitate the silver. Wash the precipitated sulphide of silver then dissolve it in nitric acid, dilute the solution, * The presence of lead in silicates, e. g. in glass containing lead, cannot be de- tected by this method. 312 DETECTION OF BASES, ACIDS, ETC. [§ 20G and add hydrochloric acid, to ascertain whether the pre- cipitate really consisted of sulphide of silver. Test ano- ther small portion of the filtrate for sulphuric acid.* 3. a. Sulphur is not present. Pass on to (208). 207 b. Sulphur is present. Heat the substance free from silver and lead in a covered porcelain crucible until all the sulphur is expelled, and, if a residue is left, treat this according to the directions of (208). 4. Mix the substance free from silver, lead, and sulphur 208 with 2 parts of carbonate of soda, 2 parts of carbonate of po- tassa, and 1 part of nitrate of potassa,f heat the mixture in a platinum crucible until the mass is in a state of calm fusion, place the red hot crucible on a thick, cold iron plate, and let it cool. By this means you will generally succeed in remov- ing the fused mass from the crucible in an unbroken lump. Soak the mass now in water, boil, filter, and wash the residue until chloride of barium no longer produces a precipitate in the washings. (Add only the first washings to the filtrate.) a. The solution obtained contains the acids which 209 were present in the substance decomposed by fluxing. But it may, besides these acids, contain also such bases as are soluble in caustic alkalies. Proceed as fol- lows :— a. Test a small portion of the solution for sulphuric acid. 8. Test another portion with molybdic acid for phosphoric acid and arsenic acid. If a yellow pre- cipitate forms, remove the arsenic acid which may be present with hydrosulphuric acid, and then test once more for phosphoric acid. y. Test another portion for fluorine (§ 149, 7). S. If the solution is yellow, chromic acid is pre- sent. To remove all doubt on the point, acidify a por- tion of the solution with acetic acid, and test with acetate of lead. s. Acidify the remainder of the solution with hydro- 210 chloric acid, evaporate to dryness, and treat the residue * As the carbonate of potassa contained in the cyanide of potassium may have produced a total or partial decomposition of any sulphates of the alkaline earths which happened to be present. \ Addition of nitrate of potassa is useful even in the case of white powders, as it counteracts the injurious action of silicate of lead, should any be present, upon the platinum crucible. In the case of black powders, the proportion of nitrate of potassa must be correspondingly increased, in order that carbon, if present, may be consumed as completely as possible, and that any chrome ironstone existing in the compound may be more thoroughly decomposed. § 206.J INSOLUBLE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 313 with hydrochloric acid and water. If a residue is left which refuses to dissolve even in boiling water, this consists of silicic acid. Test the hydrochloric acid solution now in the usual way for those bases which, being soluble in caustic alkalies, may be present. b. Dissolve the residue left in (208) in hydrochloric 211 acid (effervescence indicates the presence of alkaline earths), and test the solution for the bases as directed in § 193. (If much silicic acid has been found in (210), it is advisable to evaporate the solution of the residue to dryness, and to treat the residuary mass with hydrochlo- ric acid and water, in order that the silicic acid remain- ing may also be removed as completely as possible.) 5. If you have found in 4 that the residue insoluble in acids 212 contains a silicate, treat a separate portion of it according to the directions of (22§), to ascertain whether or not this sili- cate contains alkalies. 6. If a residue is still left undissolved upon treating the 213 residue left in (208) with hydrochloric acid (21l), this may consist either of silicic acid, which has separated, or of an undecomposed portion of sulphate of baryta; it may, how- ever, also be fluoride of calcium, and if it is dark-colored, chrome-ironstone, as the last-named two compounds are only with difficulty decomposed by the method given in (208). I would therefore remind the student that fluoride of calcium may be readily decomposed by means of sulphuric acid; and, as regards the decomposition of chrome-ironstone, I can recommend the following method, first proposed by Hart: Project the fine powder into 8 times the quantity of fused borax, stir the mixture frequently, and keep the crucible for half-an-hour at a bright red heat. Add now to the fusing mass carbonate of soda so long as effervescence continues, and then finally add 3 times the weight of the chrome-iron- stone of a mixture of equal parts of carbonate of soda and nitrate of potassa, whilst actively stirring the mixture with a platinum wire. Let the mass cool, and, when cold, boil it with water. 7. If the residue insoluble in acids contained silver, you 211 have still to ascertain whether that metal was present in the original substance as chloride, bromide, iodide, &c, of silver, or whether it has been converted into the form of chloride of silver by the treatment employed to effect the solution of the orio-inal substance. For that purpose, treat a portion of the original substance with boiling water until the soluble part is completely removed; then treat the residuary portion in 314 ANALYSIS OF CYANIDES, ETC. [§ 207 the same way with dilute nitric acid, wash the undissolved residue with water, and test a small sample of it for silver according to the directions of (203). If silver is present, proceed to ascertain the salt-radical with which the metal is combined; this may easily be effected by boiling the remain- der of the residue in the first place with rather dilute solu- tion of soda, filtering, and testing the filtrate, after acidifying it, for ferro- and ferricyanogen. Digest the washed residue now with finely granulated zinc and water, with addition of some sulphuric acid, and filter after the lapse of ten minutes. You may now at once test the filtrate for chlorine, bromine, iodine, and cyanogen; or you may first throw down the zinc with carbonate of soda, in order to obtain the salt-radicals in combination with sodium. SECTION II. PRACTICAL COURSE IN PARTICULAR CASES. I. Special Method of effecting the Analysis of Cya- nides, Ferrocyanides, etc., insoluble in Water, and also of insoluble mixed substances containing such Compounds.* § 207. The analysis of ferrocyanides, ferricyanides, &c, by the 215 common method is often attended by the manifestation of such anomalous reactions as easily mislead the analyst. Moreover, acids often fail to effect their complete solution. For these reasons it is advisable to analyze them, and mix- tures containing such compounds, by the following special method:— Treat the substance with water until the soluble parts are entirely removed, and boil the residue with strong solution of potassa or soda; after a few minutes' ebullition add some car- bonate of soda, and boil again for some time; filter, should a residue remain, and wash the latter. 1. The residue, if any has been left, is now free from 210 cyanogen, unless the substance under examination con- tains cyanide of silver, in which case the residue would * Before entering upon this course of analysis, study well the special remarks to the paragraph (§ 207) in the Third Section. § 207.] ANALYSIS OF CYANIDES. 315 of course still contain cyanogen. Examine the residue now by the common method, beginning at (35). 2. The solution or filtrate, which, if combinations of 217 compound cyanogen radicals (ferrocyanogen, cobalti- cyanogen, &c.) were originally present, contains these combined with alkali metals, may also contain other acids, which have been separated from their bases by the process of boiling with carbonate of soda, and lastly also, such oxides as are soluble in caustic alkalies. Treat the solution as follows:— a. Mix the alkaline fluid with a little solution of hydro- 218 sulphuric acid. The addition of solution of hydrosulphu- ric acid or the passage of the gas through the solution until the liquid smells of it (i.e. until all the alkali is con- verted into a sulphuretted sulphide—hydrosulphate) is to be avoided, else alumina, and even sulphides of metals of the sixth group might be thrown down. a. No permanent precipitate is formed. Absence of zinc and lead. Pass on to (219)- (3. A permanent precipitate is form.ed. Add to the fluid sulphide of sodium, drop by drop, just sufficient to throw down from the alkaline solution the metals of groups IY. and V., heat moderately, filter, wash the precipitate, and treat the filtrate as directed in (219). Dissolve the washed precipitate in nitric acid, whereby sulphide of mercury may remain undis- solved, and examine the solution for copper, lead, zinc, and other metals of the fourth group, which may, in the same way as copper, have passed into the alkaline solution by the agency of organic matters. b. Mix the alkaline fluid, which contains now also sul- 219 phide of an alkali metal (and may therefore contain the sulphides of the sixth group (as sulphur salts), as well as sulphide of mercury, which is soluble in sulphides of the fixed alkalies), with water and with dilute nitric acid to acid reaction, and, if necessary, add more hydrosulphuric acid until the liquid smells strongly of the gas. a. No precipitate is formed. Absence of mercury and of the oxides of the sixth group. Pass onto (220). (8. A precipitate is formed. Filter, wash the pre- cipitate, and then examine it for mercury, and the metals of the sixth group, according to the directions of § 194. c. The fluid, acidified with nitric acid, and therefore 220 abundantly supplied with nitrates of alkalies, may still contain the metals which, in combination with cyanogen, 316 ANALYSIS OF SILICATES. [j form compound radicals (iron, cobalt, manganese, chro- mium), and, besides these, also alumina. You have to test it also for cyanogen, respectively, ferrocyanogen, cobalticyanogen, &c, and for other acids. Divide it, therefore, into two portions, a and 8. Examine a for the acids acording to the directions of § 202 or § 203. (Cobalticyanogen may be recognised as such by its giving with salts of nickel greenish, with salts of manganese and zinc white precipitates in which cobalt may be detected with borax before the blowpipe.) Evaporate 8 to dryness, and heat the residue to fusion. Pour the fused mass upon a piece of porcelain, boil with water, filter, and examine the residue for iron, manga- nese, cobalt, and alumina. Test a portion of the fil- trate (if yellow) for chromic acid, the remainder for alumina—which may have passed partially or complete- ly into the solution, through the agency of the caustic alkalies formed, in the process of fusion, from the nitrates of the alkalies present. n. Analysis of Silicates. §208. Whether the body to be analyzed is a silicate, or contains one, is ascertained by the preliminary examination with phos- phate of soda and ammonia before the blowpipe ; since, in the process of fusion, the metallic oxides dissolve, whilst the sepa- rated silicic acid floats about in the liquid bead as a transpa- rent, swollen mass (§ 153, 8). The analysis of the silicates differs, strictly speaking, from the common course only in so far as the preliminary treat- ment is concerned, which is required to effect the separation of the silicic acid from the bases, and to obtain the latter in solution. The silicates and double silicates are divided into two dis- tinct classes, which require respectively a different method of analysis; viz., (1) silicates easily decomposable by acids (hy- drochloric acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid) and (2) silicates which are not decomposed or decomposed with difficulty, by acids. Many rocks are mixtures of these two kinds of silicates. To ascertain to which of these two classes a silicate belongs, reduce it to a very fine powder, and digest a portion with hydrochloric acid at a temperature near the boiling point. If this fails to decompose it, try another portion with tolerably concentrated sulphuric acid, and apply heat. If this also fails, after some time, to produce the desired effect, § 209.] SILICATES DECOMPOSABLE BY ACIDS. 317 the silicate belongs to the second class. Whether decompo- sition has been effected by the acid or not may generally be learned from external indications, as a colored solution forms almost invariably, and the separated gelatinous, flocculent, or finely-pulverulent hydrate of silicic acid takes the place of the original heavy powder which grated under the glass rod with which it was stirred. To ascertain whether the decomposition is complete the separated hydrate of silicic acid, after filtering and washing, is treated with boiling solution of carbonate of soda. If complete solution takes place it shows that the silicate was wholly decomposed. If after repeated treatment a resi- due remains, it indicates that the silicate (or mixture of sili- cates) is but partially decomposed. These preliminary tests decide whether the substance shall be further examined according to § 209 or § 210 or § 211. Before proceeding further, test a portion of the pulverized compound also for xoater, by heating it in a perfectly dry glass tube. If the substance contains hygroscopic moisture it must first be dried by protracted exposure to a temperature of 212° F. Apply a gentle heat at first, but ultimately an intense heat, by means of the blowpipe ; you may also con- veniently combine with this a preliminary examination for fluorine (§ 149, 8). A. Silicates decomposable by Acids. § 209. a. Silicates decomposable by hydrochloric acid or by nitric acid.* • 1. Digest the finely pulverized silicate with hydrochloric 222 acid (or nitric acid) at a temperature near the boiling point, until complete decomposition is effected, filter off a small por- tion of the fluid, evaporate the remainder, together with the silicic acid suspended therein, to dryness, and expose the resi- due to a temperature somewhat exceeding 212° F., with con- stant stirring, until no more, or very few, hydrochloric acid fumes escape; allow it to cool, moisten the residue with hydrochloric acid, or as the case may be, with nitric acid, afterwards add a little water, and heat gently for some time. This operation effects the separation of the silicic acid, and the solution of the bases in the form of chlorides (or nitrates). Filter, wash the residue thoroughly, and examine the solu- * Nitric acid is preferable to hydrochloric acid in cases where compounds of sil- ver or lead are present. 318 SILICATES DECOMPOSABLE BY ACIDS. [§ 209 tion by the common method, beginning at § 192, II. or III* To be quite safe, the residuary silicic acid may be digested with ammonia, filtered, and the filtrate tested for silver, by supersaturation with nitric acid. 2. As in silicates, and more particularly in those decom- 223 posed by hydrochloric acid, there are often found other acids, as well as metalloids, the following observations and instruc- tions must be attended to, that none of these substances may be overlooked:— a. Sulphides of metals and carbonates are detected in the process of treating with hydrochloric acid. 8. If the separated silicic acid is black, and turns sub- sequently white upon ignition in the air, this indicates the presence of carbon or of organic substances. In presence of the latter, the silicates emit an empyreuma- tic odor upon being heated in a glass tube. y. Test the portion of the hydrochloric acid solution filtered off before evaporating (222), for sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, and arsenic acid : for sulphuric acid with chloride of barium, in a sample diluted with water: for arsenic acid by passing a stream of hydrosulphuric acid gas into the solution heated to 160° Fah., and further examination of the precipitate: for phosphoric acid by means of molybdic acid. The filtrate from the sulphide of arsenic, in case arsenic acid was present, will serve, after expulsion of excess of hydrosulphuric acid, to test for phosphoric acid. * Minute traces of titanic acid are occasionally met with in silicates. The titanic acid present mostly passes into the hydrochloric acid solution, if the separation of the silicic acid has been effected on the water-bath, while a small portion separates with the silica. The titanic acid is detectea in the following manner : a. The silica is heated in a platinum dish with a mixture of hydrofluoric acid, and sulphuric acid, and this is repeated until all the silica is dissipated as fluoride of silicon. Finally the residue is evaporated to dryness. b. The solution that has been filtered from silica is precipitated with ammonia, the precipitate (which contains alumina, oxide of iron, Ac, together with the rest of the titanic acid) is washed, dried, and ignited. It is now added to the residue obtained in a, the whole is fused with enough bisulphate of potassa to bring it into solution, and the heat is kept up until the greater part of the excess of sulphuric acid is driven off. After cooling the fused mass is dissolved in cold water (whereby a perfectly clear solution is obtained if the process has been successfully carried out, and all silica was removed). The solution is filtered if needful and largely diluted with water. Hydrosulphuric acid gas is now transmitted through the liquid until all ses- quioxide of iron is reduced to protoxide. The liquid is now (without removal of the suspended sulphur) maintained for half an hour at a boiling heat, while a stream of carbonic acid gas is passed through it without interruption. The titanic acid is in thia way gradually thrown down while all the bases remain in solution (Th. Scheerer\ The precipitate is collected on a filter, washed, ignited, and the residue is examined according to § 107, 10 § 210.] SILICATES NOT DECOMPOSED BY ACIDS. 319 8. Boracic acid is best detected by fusing a portion 224 of the substance in a platinum spoon with carbonate of soda, boiling the fused mass with water, and examining the solution for boracic acid by the method given in § 147, 6. s. With many silicates, boiling with water is sufficient to dissolve the metallic chlorides present, which may then be readily detected in the filtrate by means of solu- tion of nitrate of silver; the safest way, however, is to dissolve the mineral in dilute nitric acid, and test the solution with nitrate of silver. £. Metallic fluorides, which often occur in silicates in greater or smaller proportion, are detected by the method described § 149, 6. b. Silicates which resist the action of hydrochloric acid, but are decomposed by concentrated sulphuric acid. Heat the finely pulverized mineral with a mixture of 3 parts 225 of concentrated pure sulphuric acid, and 1 part of water (best in a platinum dish), finally drive off nearly all the sul- phuric acid, boil the residue with hydrochloric acid, dilute, filter, and treat the filtrate as directed § 193 ; and the residue, which, besides the separated silicic acid, may contain also sulphates of the alkaline earths, &c, according to the direc- tions of § 206. If you wish to examine silicates of this class for acids and salt-radicals, treat a separate portion of the sub- stance according to the directions of § 210. B. Silicates which are not decomposed by Acids* § 210. As the silicates of this class are most conveniently decom- 220 posed by fusion with carbonate of soda and potassa, the por- tion so treated cannot, of course, be examined for alkalies. The analytical process is therefore properly divided into two principal parts, viz., a portion of the mineral is examined for the silicic acid and the bases, with the exception of the alka- lies, whilst another portion is specially examined for the lat- ter.—Besides these, there are some other experiments required, to obtain information as to the presence or absence of other acids. 1. Detection of the silicic acid and the bases, with the excep- tion of the alkalies. * Silicates which are unaffected by boiling acids are with few exceptions decom- posed when heated with a mixture of 3 parts concentrated sulphuric acid and 1 part of water, as well as by hydrochloric acid, to a temperature of 390° to 410° Fah. The silicate must be finely pulverized, and the heating is conducted in a sealed lube of Bohemian glass. (Al. Mitscherlich.) 320 SILICATES NOT DECOMPOSED BY ACIDS. [§210, Reduce the mineral to a very fine powder, mix this with 4 227 parts of carbonate of soda and potassa, and heat the mixture in a platinum crucible over a gas or Berzelius spirit-lamp, until the mass is in a state of calm fusion. Put the red-hot crucible on a thick, cold iron plate, and let it cool there ; this will generally enable you to remove the fused cake from the crucible, in which case break the mass to pieces, and keep a portion for subsequent examination for acids. Put the remainder, or, if the mass still adheres to the crucible, the latter, with its contents, into a porcelain dish, pour water over it, add hydrochloric acid, and heat gently until the mass is dissolved, with the exception of the silicic acid, which sepa- rates in flocks. Remove the crucible from the dish, if neces- sary, evaporate the contents of the latter to dryness, and treat the residue as directed (222). 2. Detection of the alkalies. To effect this, the silicates under examination must be 22§ decomposed by means of a substance free from alkalies. Hydrofluoric acid or a metallic fluoride answers this purpose best; but fusion with hydrate of baryta will also accomplish the end in view. a. Decomposition by means of a metallic fluo- ride.—Mix 1 part of the very finely pulverized mineral with 5 parts of fluoride of barium, or pure, finely pulver- ized fluoride of calcium, stir the mixture in a platinum crucible with concentrated sulphuric acid to a thickish paste, and heat gently for some time in a place affording a free escape to the vapors; finally heat a little more strongly, until the excess of sulphuric acid is completely expelled. Boil the residue now with water, add chloride of barium cautiously as long as a precipitate continues to form, then baryta-water to alkaline reaction, boil, filter, mix with carbonate of ammonia and some ammonia as long as a precipitate forms, and proceed exactly as directed (l6§). b. Decomposition by means of hydrate of baryta. 229 Mix 1 part of the very finely pulverized substance with 4 parts of hydrate of baryta, expose the mixture for half an hour in a platinum crucible to the strongest possible heat of a good Berzelius or gas-lamp, and treat the fused or agglutinated mass with hydrochloric acid and water until it is dissolved; precipitate the solution with ammo- nia and carbonate of ammonia, filter, evaporate to dry- ness, ignite, dissolve the residue in water, precipitate again with ammonia and carbonate of ammonia, filter, evaporate, ignite, and test the residue for potassa and § 210.] SILICATES NOT DECOMPOSED BY ACIDS. 321 soda as directed § 200. If the residue still contains magnesia, this may be readily removed, by adding to the aqueous solution of the residue a little pure oxalic acid, evaporating to dryness, igniting the dry mass, and then treating it with water, which will dissolve the alkalies as chlorides, and leave the magnesia undissolved. Fil- ter, acidulate the filtrate with hydrochloric acid, evapo- rate to dryness, and examine the residue for potassa and soda. [c. Decomposition by means of carbonate of lime 229* and chloride of ammonium. Mix 1 part of the pul- verized substance with 6 parts of precipitated carbonate of lime, and % part of pulverized chloride of ammonium, place in a platinum crucible and treat to bright redness for 30 to 40 minutes. The crucible with its contents (which should be in a coherent, sintered, but not thoroughly fused condition), is placed in a beaker, covered with water and heated to near the boiling point for half an hour. The whole is then brought upon a filter, the filtrate, containing the alkalies, chloride of cal- cium and caustic lime, is treated with a little ammonia and with carbonate of ammonia in slight excess, and heated to boiling, filtered, and the filtrate evaporated to dryness and gently ignited to expel salts of ammonia. The residue is dissolved in a little water, one or two drops of carbonate of ammonia, and a drop of oxalate of ammonia added, the mixture is heated, filtered, the fil- trate is evaporated to dryness, ignited, and the residual alkaline chlorides examined according to § 200. (J. L. Smith).] 3. Examination for fluorine, chlorine, boracic acid, phos- phoric acid, arsenic acid, and sulphuric acid. Use for this purpose the portion of the fused mass reserved 230 in (22T), or, if necessary, fuse a separate portion of the finely pulverized substance with 4 parts of pure carbonate of soda and potassa until the mass flows calmly ; boil the fused mass with water, filter the solution, which contains all the fluorine as fluoride of sodium, all the chlorine as chloride of sodium, all the boracic acid as borate, all the sulphuric acid as sul- phate, all the arsenic acid as arsenate, and at least part of the phosphoric acid as phosphate of soda, and treat the filtrate as follows:— a. Acidify a portion of it with nitric acid, and test for chlorine with nitrate of silver. b. Test another portion for boracic acid as directed § 147, 6. 21 322 SILICATES PARTIALLY DECOMPOSED BY ACIDS. [§211. c. Examine a third portion according to §149, 7 for fluorine. d. The remainder is acidified with hydrochloric acid, and a small portion is tested with chloride of barium for sulphuric acid ; the rest of the solution is heated to 158° Fah., and tested for arsenic acid by hydrosulphuric acid. If no precipitate is formed, the liquid—or if a precipitate separates, the filtrate from it—is evaporated to dryness, the residue is treated with hydrochloric acid and water, and the solution thus obtained is examined for phosphoric acid by means of sulphate of magnesia, or a nitric solution of molybdate of ammonia (§ 145). C. Silicates which are partially decomposed by Acids. § 211. Most native rocks are mixtures of several silicates, of which 231 the one is often decomposed by acids, the other not. If such mixtures were analyzed by the same method as the absolutely insoluble silicates, the analyst would indeed detect all the ele- ments present, but the analysis would afford no satisfactory insight into the actual composition of the rock. It is, therefore, advisable to examine separately those parts which show a different deportment with acids. For this pur- pose digest the very finely pulverized substance for some time with hydrochloric acid* at a very gentle heat, then filter off a small portion, evaporate the remainder to dryness, and expose to a temperature somewhat exceeding 212° F., with stirring, until no more, or very little hydrochloric acid vapor is evolved; let the residue cool, moisten it when cold with hydrochloric acid, heat gently with water, and filter. The filtrate contains the bases of the decomposed part of the mixed mineral; examine this as directed (222). Test tbe portion first filtered off according to (223) /, and portions of the original substance for other acids according to (224). The residue contains, besides the silicic acid separated from the bases by the action of the hydrochloric acid, that part of the mixed mineral which has resisted the action of the acid. Boil this residue with an excess of solution of carbonate of soda,f filter hot, and wash, first with hot solution of carbonate of soda, finally with boiling water. Treat the residuary un- decomposed part of the mineral, from which the admixed free * [Evolution of hydrogen gas may be due, in certain trap rocks, to presence of finely-divided metallic iron.] f [According to A. Miiller, caustic Boda must be employed instead of carbonate of soda for taking up silica.] §§ 212, 213.] ANALYSIS OF WATERS. 323 silicic acid has thus been removed, according to the instruc- tions given in § 210. In cases where it is of no consequence or interest to effect the separation of the silicic acid of the part decomposed by acids, you may omit the laborious treat- ment with carbonate of soda, and may proceed at once to the decomposition of the residue. IU. Analysis of Natural Waters. § 212. In the examination of natural waters the analytical process 232 is simplified by the circumstance that we know from expe- rience the elements and compounds which are usually found in them. Now, although a quantitative analysis alone can properly inform us as to the true nature and character of a water, since the differences between the various waters are principally caused by the different proportions in which the several constituents are respectively present, a qualitative analysis may yet render very good service, especially if the analyst notes with proper care, whether a reagent produces a faint or distinctly marked turbidity, a slight or copious pre- cipitate, since these circumstances will enable him to make an approximate estimation of the relative proportions in which the several constituents are present. I separate here the analysis of the common fresh waters (spring-water, well-water, brook-water, river-water, &c.) from that of the mineral waters, in which we may also in- clude sea-water; for, although no well-defined limit can be drawn between the two classes, still the analytical examina- tion of the former is necessarily far more simple than that of the latter, as the number of substances to be looked for is much more limited than in the case of mineral waters. A. Analysis of Fresh Waters (Spring-water, Well- water, Brook-water, River-water, &c). § 213. We know from experience that the substances to be had 233 regard to in the analysis of such waters are the following :— a. Bases : Potassa, soda, ammonia, lime, magnesia, prot- oxide of iron. b. Acids, &c. : Sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, silicic acid, carbonic acid, nitric acid, nitrous acid, chlorine. c. Organic Matters. d. Mechanically suspended substances : Clay, &e. The fresh waters contain indeed also other constituents besides those enumerated here, as may be inferred from the 324 ANALYSIS OF FRESH WATERS. [§ 213. origin and formation of springs, &c, and as has, moreover, been fully established by the results of analytical investiga- tions ;* but the quantity of such constituents is so trifling that they escape detection, unless hundreds of pounds of the water are subjected to the analytical process. I omit, there- fore, here the mode of their detection, and refer to § 214. 1. Boil one to two litres of the carefully collected water in 234 a glass flask or retort to one-half. This generally produces a precipitate. Pass the fluid through a perfectly clean filter (free from iron and lime), wash the precipitate well, after having removed the filtrate, and then examine both as fol- lows :— a. Examination of the precipitate. The precipitate contains those constituents of the water 235 which were only kept in solution through the agency of free carbonic acid, or, as the case may be, in the form of bicarbonates, viz., carbonate of lime, carbonate of mag- nesia, hydrated sesquioxide of iron (which was in solu- tion as bicarbonate of protoxide of iron, and precipi- tates upon boiling as sesquioxide, and if phosphoric acid is present, also in combination with that acid), phosphate of lime; and besides, silicic acid, and sometimes also sulphate of lime, if that substance is present in large proportion; and clay which was mechanically suspended in the water. Dissolve the precipitate on the filter in the least pos- sible quantity of dilute hydrochloric acid (effervescence indicates the presence of carbonic acid), and mix sepa- rate portions of the solution :— a. With sulphocyanide of potassium: red coloration indicates the presence of iron. 8. After previous boiling, with ammonia: filter, if 236 necessary, mix the filtrate with oxalate of ammonia, and let the mixture stand for some time in a warm place. The formation of a white precipitate indicates the presence of lime—in the form of carbonate, or also in that of sulphate if sulphuric acid is" detected in y. Filter, mix the filtrate again with ammonia, add some * Chatin ('; Journ. de Pharm. et de Chim.," 3 Ser. t. xxvii. p. 418) found iodine in all fresh-water plants, but not in land plants, a proof that the water of rivers, brooks, ponds, Ac, contains traces, even though extremely minute, of metallic iodides. According to Marchand (" Compt. Rend.," t. xxxi. p. 495), all natural waters contain iodine, bromine, and lithia. Van Ankum has demonstrated the presence of iodine in almost all the potable waters of Holland. And it may be affirmed with the same certainty that all, or at all events most, natural waters con- tain compounds of strontia, fluorine, &c. § 213.] ANALYSIS OF FRESH WATERS. 325 phosphate of soda, stir with a glass rod, and let the mixture stand for twelve hours. The formation of a white, crystalline precipitate, which is often visible only on the sides of the vessel when the fluid is poured out, indicates the presence of magnesia (carbonate of); y. With chloride of barium, and let the mixture stand for twelve hours in a warm place. The forma- tion of a precipitate—which, when very inconsiderable, is best seen if the supernatant clear fluid is cautiously decanted, and the small quantity remaining shaken about in the glass—indicates the presence of sulphu- ric acid. 8. Evaporate another portion to dryness, treat the 239 residue with hydrochloric acid and water, filter and test the filtrate for phosphoric acid by means of molyb- dic acid or sesquichloride of iron and acetate of soda (§ 145). b. Examination of the filtrate. a. Mix a portion of the filtrate with a little hydro- 23§ chloric acid and chloride of barium. The formation of a white precipitate, which makes its appearance at once or perhaps only after standing some time, indi- cates SULPHURIC ACID. 8. Mix another portion with nitric acid, and add nitrate of silver. A white precipitate or a white tur- bidity indicates the presence of chlorine. y. Test a portion of the filtrate after acidifying with hydrochloric acid, for phosphoric acid as in (237). 8. Evaporate another and larger portion of the fil- trate until highly concentrated, and test the reaction of the fluid. If it is alkaline, and a drop of the con- centrated clear solution effervesces when mixed on a watch-glass with a drop of acid, a carbonate of an alkali is present. Should this be the case, evaporate the fluid to perfect dryness, boil the residue with spirit of wine, filter, evaporate the alcoholic solution to dry- ness, dissolve the residue in a little water, and test the solution for nitric acid* as directed § 162, 7, 8 or 9. e. Mix the remainder of the filtrate with some chlo- ride of ammonium, add ammonia and oxalate of ammo- nia, and let the mixture stand for a considerable time. The formation of a precipitate indicates the presence of lime. Filter, and test,— * In many cases this circuitous but safe process is unnecessary, nitric acid being •eadily detected directly in the highly concentrated water. 326 ANALYSIS OF FRESH WATERS. [§ 132. aa. A small portion with ammonia and phosphate of soda for magnesia. bb. Evaporate the remainder to dryness, heat the residue to redness, remove the magnesia, which may be present (168) and test for potassa and soda, according to the directions of § 200. 2. Acidify a tolerably large portion of the filtered water 239 with pure hydrochloric acid, and evaporate nearly to dryness; divide the residue into 2 parts, and— a. Test the one part with hydrate of lime for ammo- nia (compare § 94, 3). b. Evaporate the other part to dryness, moisten with hydrochloric acid, add water, warm, and filter, if a resi- due remains. The residue may consist of silicic acid, and of clay which has been mechanically suspended in the water; these two substances may be separated from each other by boiling with solution of carbonate of soda. The precipitate is often dark-colored from the presence of organic substances; but it becomes perfectly white upon ignition. 3. Mix another portion of the water, fresh taken from the 240 well, &c, with lime-water. If a precipitate is thereby pro- duced, free carbonic acid or bicarbonates are present. If the former (free carbonic acid) is present, no permanent pre- cipitate is obtained when a larger portion of the water is mixed with only a small amount of lime-water, since in that case soluble bicarbonate of lime is formed. 4. A portion is examined for nitrous acid* by mixing with 241 iodide of potassium-starch-paste (1 part of pure KI. 20 parts starch and 500 parts of pure water) and pure dilute sulphuric acid, and observing whether a blue coloration is produced at once or in a few minutes (§ 161, 1). 5. To detect the presence of organic matters, evaporate a 242 portion of the water to dryness, and gently ignite the residue: blackening of the mass denotes the presence of organic sub- stances. If this experiment is to give conclusive results, the evaporation of the water, as well as the ignition of the resi- due, must be conducted in a glass flask or a retort. 6. To detect putrefying organic matters or other sub- stances recognisable by the odor, a flask is filled two-thirds full of the water, closed with the palm of the hand, and vigorously shaken; the smell is then noted. If hydro- sulphuric acid is perceived proceed according to § 215, 3. To examine for organic odors in presence of hydrosulphuric * Found by Schonbein in all rain and snow-waters. § 214.] ANALYSIS OF MINERAL WATERS. 327 acid combine the latter with help of a little sulphate of cop- per and test the odor again. 7. If you wish to examine the matters mechanically 243 suspended in a water (in muddy brook or river-water, for instance), fill a large glass bottle with the water, cork securely, and let it stand at rest for several days, until the suspended matter has subsided ; remove now the clear super- natant fluid with the aid of a syphon, filter the remainder, and examine the sediment remaining on the filter. As this sediment may consist of the finest dust of various minerals, treat it first with hydrochloric acid, and examine the part insoluble in that menstruum in the manner directed § 208. 8. In order not to overlook oxide of lead, which sometimes exists in waters which are served through leaden pipes, a considerable quantity of the water is treated with hydro- sulphuric acid gas left at rest for some time, and a black pre- cipitate, should one be formed, is examined according to §196. For detecting extremely minute traces of lead 6 to 8 litres of water are acidulated with acetic acid and evaporated almost to dryness with addition of some acetate of ammonia to pre- vent the precipitation of sulphate of lead. The residue is filtered and precipitated with hydrosulphuric acid. B. Analysis of Mineral Waters. § 214. The analysis of mineral waters embraces a larger number 244 of constituents than that of fresh water. The following are the principal of the additional elements to be looked for:— Caesia rubidia, lithia, baryta, strontia, alumina, prot- oxide OF manganese, boracic acid, bromine, iodine, fluo- rine, hydrosulphuric acid (Hyposulphurous Acid),* crenic acid, and apocrenic acid (Formic Acid, Propionic Acid, tkc., Nitrogen, Oxygen, Marsh Gas). The analyst has, moreover, to examine the muddy ochreous or hard sinter-deposits of the spring for arsenious acid, arsenic acid, oxide of antimony, oxide of copper, oxide of lead, oxide of cobalt, oxide of nickel, and the oxides of other heavy metals. The greatest care is required in this examination, to ascertain whether these oxides come really from the water, and do not proceed from metal pipes, stop- cocks, &c.f The absolute purity of the reagents employed * With regard to the substances enclosed in parentheses consult my treatise on Quantitative Analysis, § 206, et seq. + Compare " Chemische Untersuchung der wichtigsten Mineralwasser des Herzog. thums Nassau," von Professor Dr. Fresenius; I. Der Kochbrunnen zu Wiesbaden; II Die Mineralquellen zu Ems; IIL die Quellen zu Schlangenbad; IV. die Quellen 328 OPERATIONS AT THE SPRING. [§ 215 in these delicate investigations must also be ascertained with the greatest care. 1. Examination of the Water. a. Operations at the Spring. § 215. 1. Filter the water at the spring, if not perfectly clear, 245 through Swedish filter paper, and collect the filtrate in large bottles with glass stoppers. The sediment remaining on the filter, which contains, besides the flocculent matter suspended in the water, also those constituents which separate at once upon coming in contact with the air (hydrate of sesquioxide of iron, and compounds of sesquioxide of iron with phosphoric acid, silicic acid, arsenic acid), is taken to the laboratory, to be examined afterwards according to the directions of § 21V. 2. The presence of free carbonic acid is usually sufli- 246 ciently visible to the eye. However, to convince yourself by positive reactions, test the water with fresh-prepared solution of litmus, and with lime-water. If carbonic acid is present, the former acquires a wine-red color; the latter produces turbidity, which must disappear again upon addition of the mineral water in excess. 3. Free hydrosulphuric acid is detected with the greatest 247 delicacy by the smell. For this purpose half fill a bottle with the mineral water, close with the hand, shake, remove the hand, and smell the bottle. In this way distinct traces of hydrosulphuric acid are often found, which would escape detection by reagents. However, if you wish to produce visible reactions, fill a large white bottle with the water, add a few drops of solution of acetate of lead in solution of soda, place the bottle on a white surface, and look in at the top, to see whether the water acquires a brownish color or deposits a blackish precipitate ;—or half fill a large bottle with the water, and close with a cork to which is attached a small slip of paper, previously steeped in solution of acetate of lead and then moistened with a little solution of carbonate of ammo- nia ; shake the bottle gently from time to time, and observe whether the paper slip acquires a brownish tint in the course of a few hours. If the addition of the solution of acetate of lead to the water has imparted a brown color to the fluid or produced a precipitate in it, whilst the reaction with the ku Langenschwalbach; die Schwefelquelle zu Weilbach; die Mineralquelle zu Geil- nau ; VII. die neue Natronquelle zu Weilbach ; published at Wiesbaden, by Kriedel uud Niedner. 1850-1860. § 216.] ANALYSIS OF MINERAL WATERS. 329 paper slip gives no result, this indicates that the water con- tains an alkaline sulphide, but no free hydrosulphuric acid. 4. Mix a wineglass-full of the water with some tannic acid, 248 another wineglass-full with some gallic acid. If the former imparts a blue violet, the latter a red violet color to the water, protoxide of iron is present. Instead of the two acids, you may employ infusion of galls, which contains them both. The coloration ensues only after some time, and increases from above where the air has access, downwards. b. Operations in the Laboratory. § 216. As it is always desirable to obtain even in the qualitative examination some information as to the quantitative compo- sition of a mineral water, i. e. as to the proportions in which the several constituents are contained in it, it is advisable to analyze a comparatively small portion for the principal constituents, and to ascertain, as far as may be practicable, the relative proportions in which these constituents exist, and thus to determine the character of the water; and then to examine a large sample for substances that exist in smaller proportion, and finally a very large amount of the water or of sinter, for those elements which are present only in minute quantities. For this purpose proceed as follows:— 1. Examination for those constituents of the water 219 which are present in larger quantities. a. Boil about 3lbs. of the clear water, or of the filtrate, brought from the spring, in a glass flask for 1 hour, taking care, however, to add from time to time some dis- tilled water, that the quantity of liquid may remain un- diminished, and thus the separation of any but those salts be prevented which owe their solution to the pre- sence and agency of carbonic acid. Filter after an hour's ebullition, and examine the precipitate and the filtrate as directed § 213. b. Test for ammonia, silica, organic matters, &c, as described § 213. 2. Examination for those fixed constituents of the 250 water which are present in minute quantities only.— Evaporate a large quantity (at least 20 lbs.) of the water in a silver or porcelain dish to dryness ; conduct this operation with the most scrupulous cleanliness in a place as free as possible from dust. If the water contains no carbonate of an alkali, add pure carbonate of potassa to slight predomi- nance. The process of evaporation may be conducted in the 330 OPERATIONS IN THE LABORATORY. [§ 216, first place over a gas-lamp, but ultimately the sand-bath must be employed. Heat the dry mass to very faint redness ; if in a silver dish, you may at once proceed to ignite it; but if you have it in a porcelain dish, first transfer it to a silver or pla- tinum vessel before proceeding to ignition. If the mass turns black in this process, organic matters may be assumed to be present.* Mix the residue thoroughly, that it may have the same composition throughout, and then divide it into 3 portions, one (c) amounting to about one-half, and each of the other two (a and b) to one-fourth. a. Examination for iron, and phosphoric acid. Warm the portion a with some water, add perfectly 251 pure hydrochloric acid in moderate excess, digest for some time at a temperature near the boiling point, filter through paper washed with hydrochloric acid and water, and test. a. A sample for iron, by means of sulphocyanide of potassium. 6. The remainder is examined for phosphoric acid with nitric solution of molybdate of ammonia (§ 145, . 10). b. Examination for fluorine. Heat the portion b with water, add chloride of calcium 252 as long as a precipitate continues to form, let deposit; filter the fluid from the precipitate, which consists chiefly of carbonate of lime and carbonate of magnesia. After having washed and dried the precipitate, ignite, then pour water over it in a small dish, add acetic acid in slight excess, evaporate on the water-bath to dryness, heat until all smell of acetic acid has disappeared, add water, heat again, filter the solution of the acetates of the alkaline earths, wash, dry or ignite the residue, and test it for fluorine as directed § 149, 5. c. Examination for the remaining constituents 253 present in minute quantities. Boil the portion c repeatedly with water, filter, and wash the undissolved residue with boiling water. You have now a residue (a), and a solution (8). a. The residue consists chiefly of carbonate of lime, * This inference is, however, correct only if the water has been effectually pro tected from dust during the process of evaporation ; if this has not been the case, and you yet wish to ascertain beyond doubt whether organic matters are present, evaporate a separate portion of the water in a retort. If you find organic matter, and wish to know whether it consists of crenic acid or of apocrenic acid, treat a portion of the residue as directed § 217, 3. 16.] ANALYSIS OF MINERAL WATERS. 331 carbonate of magnesia, silica, and—in the case of chalybeate springs—hydrate of sesquioxide of iron. But it may contain also minute quantities of baryta, STRONTIA, ALUMINA, and PROTOXIDE OF MANGANESE, and must accordingly be examined for these sub- stances. Put the residue in a platinum or porcelain dish, pour water over it, add hydrochloric acid to slightly acid reaction, then 4 or 5 drops of dilute sulphuric acid, evaporate to dryness, moisten with hydrochloric acid, then add water, warm gently, filter, and wash the residue which is left undissolved. aa. Examination of the residue insoluble in 254 hydrochloric acid for baryta and strontia. This residue will generally consist of silicic acid ; but it may contain also sulphates of the alkaline earths and carbon. If there is much silicic acid pre- sent, remove this in the first place, as far as practi- cable, by boiling with dilute solution of soda; filter, wash the residue, if any has been left, dry, incine- rate the filter in a platinum crucible, add some car- bonate of soda and potassa, and, in presence of carbon, some nitrate of potassa, and ignite for some time. If the residue contains but little silicic acid, the treatment with solution of soda may be omitted, and the fusion with carbonate of potassa and soda, &c, at once proceeded with. Boil the fused mass with water, filter, wash thoroughly, dissolve the resi- due (which must have been left, if sulphates of the alkaline earths were present) on the filter in the least possible quantity of dilute hydrochloric acid, add an equal volume of spirit of wine, then some pure hydrofluosilicic acid, and let the mixture stand 12 hours. If in the course or at the end of the 12 hours a precipitate makes its appearance, this de- notes the presence of baryta. Filter, and warm the filtrate in a platinum dish, adding from time to time some water, until the spirit of wine is quite driven off. Mix the fluid now with saturated solu- tion of sulphate of lime. If this produces a precipi- tate, whether after some time or after several hours' standing, this precipitate consists of sulphate of strontia. To make quite sure, examine it before the blowpipe (see § 99, 1). The examination for baryta and strontia may be much more easily accomplished by help of the spec- 332 EXAMINATION FOR NITRIC ACID, ETC. [§ 216, troscope. For this purpose, ignite what remains of the residue (free from silica), strongly over a blast lamp, wash the ignited mass with a little water, evaporate the clear liquid with hydrochloric acid to dryness and test the residue as directed § 102. bb. Examination of the hydrochloric acid 255 SOLUTION FOR PROTOXIDE OF MANGANESE AND ALUMINA. Mix the solution in a flask with some pure chloride of ammonium, add ammonia until the fluid is just turning alkaline, then some yellow sulphide of am- monium, close the flask, which should be filled very nearly full, and let it stand for 24 hours in a mode- rately warm place. If a precipitate has formed at the end of that time, filter, dissolve the precipitate in hydrochloric acid, boil, add solution of potassa (§ 32, c) in excess, boil again, filter and test the fil- trate for alumina with chloride of ammonium ;* the residue with carbonate of soda before the blowpipe for MANGANESE. 8. The alkaline solution contains the salts of the 256 alkalies, and usually also magnesia and traces of lime. You have to examine it now for nitric AciD,f bo- racic acid, iodine, bromine, and lithia. Evapo- rate the fluid until highly concentrated, let it cool, and place the dish in a slanting position, that the small quantity of liquid may separate from the saline mass ; pour a few drops of the concentrated solution in a watch-glass, acidify very slightly with hydrochloric acid, and test with turmeric paper for boracic acid. Pour back into the dish the remainder of the liquid, of which you have just tested a few drops, evaporate, with stirring, to perfect dryness, and divide the resi- duary powder into 2 portions, one (aa) of two-thirds, the other (bb) of one-third. aa. Examine the larger portion for nitric 257 ACID, IODINE, AND BROMINE. Put the powder into a flask, pour pure spirit of * You are not justified in regarding this substance as an ingredient of the water, except in cases where the process of evaporation has been conducted in a platinum or silver dish, but not in a porcelain dish. \ The nitric acid originally present may have been destroyed by the ignition of the residue in (250), if the latter contained organic matter. If you have reason to fear that such has been the case, and you have not already found nitric acid in (249), examine a larger portion of non-ignited residue for that acid, according to the directions of (2 57). § 216.] ANALYSIS OF MINERAL WATERS. 333 wine of 90 per cent, over it, boil on the water bath, and filter hot; repeat the same operation a second and a third time. Mix the alcoholic extract with a few drops of solution of potassa, distil the spirit of wine off to within a small quantity, and let cool. If minute crystals separate, these may consist of nitrate of potassa ; pour off the fluid, wash the crystals with some spirit of wine, dissolve them in a very little water, and test the solution for nitric acid, by means of indigo, brucia, or iodide of potassium, starch- paste, and zinc (§ 162). Evaporate the alcoholic solution now to dryness. If you have not yet found nitric acid, dissolve a small portion of the residue in a very little water, and examine the solution for that acid. Treat the remainder of the residue or, if it has been unnecessary to search for nitric acid, the entire residue, three times with warm alcohol, filter, evaporate the filtrate to dryness with addition of a drop of potassa lye, dissolve the residue in a very little water, add some starch-paste, acidify slightly with sulphuric acid, and test for iodine by adding some nitrite of potassa in solution, or a drop of solution of hyponitric acid in sulphuric acid. After having carefully observed the reactions, test the same fluid for bromine with chloroform or bisul- phide of carbon and chlorine water in the manner described in § 160. bb. Examine the smaller portion for lithia. Warm the smaller portion of the residue, which, 258 if lithia is present, must contain that alkali as car- bonate or phosphate, with water, add hydrochloric acid to distinctly acid reaction, evaporate nearly to dryness, and then mix with pure spirit of wine of 90 per cent., which will separate the greater portion of the chloride of sodium, and give all the lithia in the alcoholic solution. Drive off the alcohol by evapo- ration, and test the residue for lithia by means of the spectroscope. (§ 96, 3.) If no spectroscope be at hand dissolve the residue in water mixed with a few drops of hydrochloric acid, add a little sesquichloride of iron, then ammo- nia in slight excess, and a small quantity of oxalate of ammonia, and let the mixture stand for some time ; then filter off the fluid, which is now entirely free from phosphoric acid and lime; evaporate the nitrate to dryness, and gently ignite the residue, 334 EXAMINATION OF THE SINTER-DEPOSIT. [§217. until the salts of ammonia are expelled; treat the residue with some chlorine water (to remove the iodine and bromine) and a few drops of hydrochloric acid, and evaporate to dryness; add a little water and (to remove the magnesia) some finely divided oxide of mercury, evaporate to dryness, and gently ignite the residue, until the chloride of mercury is completely driven off; treat the residue now with a mixture of absolute alcohol and anhydrous ether, filter the solution obtained, concentrate the filtrate by evaporation, and set fire to the alcohol. If it burns with a carmine flame, lithia is present. By way of confirmation, convert the lithia found into phosphate of lithia. (§ 96, 3.) 3. Examination for substances which are present in 259 extremely minute quantities. 1. Evaporate 2 or 3 cwt. of the water in a large, perfectly clean iron kettle until the salts which are soluble in water begin to separate. In case the water contains no carbonate of soda, add previously to the evaporation enough of this salt to give the water an alkaline reaction. Filter after the eva- poration, wash the residue without uniting the washings to the first filtrate and examine:— a. The precipitate according to the course beginning at (261). b. The solution is acidulated with hydrochloric acid, chloride of barium added until all sulphuric acid is just thrown down, filtered, evaporated to dryness, and the residue extracted with alcohol of 90 per cent. The alcoholic solution is tested according § 96, last paragraph, for caesia and rubidia. 2. Test a sample of the original water for nitrous actd 260 according to (24l). Should hydrosulphuric acid be present it must be removed by very cautious addition of sulphate of silver (silver must on no account remain in the solution). 2. Examination of the Sinter-Deposit. § 217. 1. Free the ochreous or sinter-deposit from impurities, by 261 picking, sifting, elutriation, &c, and from the soluble salts adhering to it, by washing with water ; digest a large quan- tity (about 200 grammes) of the residue with water and hydrochloric acid (effervescence: carbonic acid) until the § 217.] ANALYSIS OF MINERAL WATERS. 335 Boluble part is completely dissolved; dilute, cool, filter, and wash the residue. a. Examination of the filtrate. a. The larger share of the filtrate is heated nearly 262 to boiling, and solution of pure hyposulphite of soda added until all the iron is reduced to the state of protochloride. Carbonic acid is now passed through the still heated liquid until all or nearly all sulphurous acid is expelled, then hydrosulphuric acid is trans- mitted through it. The solution being diluted if neces- sary, the liquid is let stand in a moderately warm place until the odor of hydrosulphuric acid becomes faint, and is then filtered and washed. It is now advantageous to displace the water by 263 alcohol and to digest the precipitate with bisulphide of carbon until the larger portion of the free sulphur is removed. It is now gently warmed with yellow sulphide of ammonium, filtered, washed with water containing sulphide of ammonium, and the filtrate and wash waters are evaporated to dryness in a small porcelain capsule. The residue is moistened with pure red fuming nitric acid, warmed until most of the acid is expelled, carbonate of soda is added in excess and then nitrate of soda, and the whole heated to fusion. The fused mass is treated with cold water, filtered, the residue washed with dilute alcohol, and the aqueous solution tested for arsenic acid (l2l) and (122); the residue for antimony, tin and copper, by dis- solving it in dilute hydrochloric acid and treating one- half in a platinum vessel with zinc (123) and adding to the other half ferrocyanide of potassium. If a residue has been left upon treating the precipi- 264 tate produced by hydrosulphuric acid with sulphide of ammonium, boil it, together with the filter, with a very little dilute nitric acid, filter, wash, and examine the contents of the filter, at first by pouring hydro- sulphuric acid over it, that you may not overlook the possible presence of sulphate of lead, and test for baryta and strontia as directed (254). Mix the filtrate (the nitric acid solution) with some pure sulphuric acid, evaporate on the water-bath to dryness, and treat the residue with water. If this leaves an undissolved residue, the latter consists of sul- phate of lead. To make quite sure, filter, wash the residue treat it with hydrosulphuric acid water, and observe whether that reagent imparts a black color to 336 EXAMINATION OF THE SINTER-DEPOSIT. [§ 217. it. Test the fluid filtered from the sulphate of lead which may have separated, a with ammonia, b with ferrocyanide of potassium, for copper. Of the fluid filtered from the precipitate produced 265 by hydrosulphuric acid, examine in the first place a portion, after having evaporated to dryness and treated the residue with hydrochloric acid and water, with nitric solution of molybdate of ammonia for phos- phoric acid; mix the remainder in a flask with chloride of ammonium, ammonia, and yellow sulphide of ammonium, close the flask, and let it stand in a moderately warm place until the fluid above the pre- cipitate looks no longer greenish, but yellow; filter, and wash the precipitate with water to which some sulphide of ammonium has been added. Dissolve the washed precipitate in hydrochloric acid, and test for COBALT, NICKEL, IRON, MANGANESE, ZINC, ALUMINA and silica as directed (152) to (l60). Examine now the fluid filtered from the precipitate produced by sulphide of ammonium, for lime and magnesia in the usual way. 8. Mix a portion of the highly diluted hydrochloric acid solution with chloride of barium, and let the mix- ture stand 12 hours in a warm place. The formation of a white precipitate indicates the presence of sul- phuric acid. b. Examination of the residue. This consists usually of silicic acid, clay, and organic 266 matters, but it may also contain sulphate of baryta and sulphate of strontia. Boil in the first place with solution of soda or potassa, to dissolve the silicic acid ; then fuse the residue with carbonate of soda and potassa, and a little nitrate of potassa. Boil the mass with water, wash the residue, and then dissolve it in some hydrochloric acid, separate any silica which may be present, add to the hydrochloric solution ammonia, filter the fluid from the alumina, &c, which may precipitate, evaporate the fil- trate to dryness, gently ignite the residue, redissolve it in very little water, with addition of a drop of hydro- chloric acid, and test for baryta and strontia as directed (254). 2. As regards the examination for fluorine, the best way £67 is to take for this purpose a separate portion of the ochreous or sinter-deposit. Ignite (which operation will also reveal the presence of organic matters), stir with water, add acetic acid to acid reaction, evaporate until the acetic acid is com- pletely expelled, and proceed as described in (25&). § 218.] ANALYSIS OF SOILS. 3. Boil the ochreous or sinter-deposit for a considerable time with concentrated solution of potassa or soda, and filter. a. Acidify a portion of the filtrate with acetic acid, add ammonia, let the mixture stand 12 hours, and then filter the fluid from the precipitate of alumina and hy- drated silicic acid, which usually forms; again add acetic acid to acid reaction, and then a solution of neutral acetate of copper. If a brownish precipitate is formed, this con- sists of apocrenate of copper. Mix the fluid filtered from the precipitate with carbonate of ammonia, until the green color has changed to blue, and warm. If a bluish-green precipitate is produced, this consists of crenate of copper. b. If you have detected arsenic, use the remainder of the alkaline fluid to ascertain whether the arsenic existed in the sinter as arsenious acid or as arsenic acid. Com- pare § 137, 9. rV. Analysis of Soils. § 218. Soils must necessarily contain all the constituents which are found in the plants growing upon them, with the exception of those supplied by the atmosphere and the rain. When we find, therefore, a plant the constituent elements of which are known, growing in a certain soil, the mere fact of its growing there gives us some insight into the composition of that soil, and may accordingly save us, to some extent, the trouble of a qualitative analysis. Viewed in this light, it would appear quite superfluous to make a qualitative analysis of soils still capable of producing plants; for it is well known that the ashes of plants contain almost invariably the same constituents, and the differences between them are caused principally by differences in the relative proportions in which the several constituents are pre- sent. But if, in the qualitative analysis of a soil, regard is had also—in so far as may be done by a simple estimation— to the quantities and proportions of the several constituent ingredients, and to the state and condition in which they are found to be present in the soil, an analysis of the kind; if combined with an examination of the physical properties of the soil, and a mechanical separation of its component parts,* * With regard to the mechanical separation of the component' parts of a soil, and the examination of its physical properties and chemical condition, compare Ir. Schuhe's paper, " Anleitung zur Untersuchung der Ackererden auf ihre wichtigsten physikalischen Eigenschaften uud Bestandtheile."—Journal f. prakt. Chemie, Vol «)P.24L 22 338 EXAMINATION OF THE AQUEOUS EXTRACT. [§ 219. may give most useful results, enabling the analyst to judge sufficiently of the condition of the soil, to supersede the necessity of a quantitative analysis, which would require much time, and is a far more difficult task. As plants can only absorb substances in a state of solution, it is a matter of especial importance, in the qualitative analy- sis of a soil, to know which are the constituents that are soluble in water ;* which those that require an acid for their solution (in nature principally carbonic acid); and, finally, which those that are neither soluble in water nor in acids, and are not, accordingly, in a position for the time being to afford nutriment to the plant. With regard to the insoluble substances, another interesting question to answer is, whether they suffer disintegration readily, or slowly and with diffi- culty, or whether they altogether resist the action of disinte- grating agencies; and also what are the products which they yield upon their disintegration.! In the analysis of soils, the constituents soluble in water, those soluble in acids, and the insoluble constituents must be examined separately. The examination of the organic por- tion also demands a separate process. The analysis is therefore properly divided into the follow- ing four parts: 1. Preparation and Examination of the Aqueous Extract. § 219. About two pounds (1000 grammes) of the air-dried soil are 269 used for the preparation of the aqueous extract. To prepare this extract quite clear is a matter of some difficulty; in fol- lowing the usual course, viz., digesting or boiling the earth with water, and then filtering, the fine particles of clay are speedily found to impede the operation, by choking up the pores of the filter; they also almost invariably render the * Since the discovery that the soil, like porous charcoal, possesses the power of removing dissolved matters from solutions, the formerly received notion that those matters which are soluble in water, or in water containing carbonic acid, are free to move in the soil has been necessarily modified. We must conclude that the water extract of a soil does not accurately represent what is present in the soil in a form accessible to plants. Certainly it cannot contain these substances in the proportion in which they exist in the soil, because the absorptive power of the soil is exerted more forcibly towards some substances than towards others. Although for these reasons the analysis of the aqueous solution of a soil can no longer be valued as formerly, yet it is often of interest to know what substances really are dissolved by water from an earth, and I have therefore retained this chapter. \ For more ample information on this subject I refer the reader to Fresenius' " Chemie fur Landwirthe, Forstmivnner und Cameralisten;" published at Brunswick by F. Vieweg & Son, 1847, p. 485. § 219.] ANALYSIS OF SOILS—AQUEOUS EXTRACT. 339 filtrate turbid, at least the portion which passes through first. I have found the following method the most practical.*5 Close the neck of several middle-sized funnels with small filters of coarse blotting paper, moisten the paper, press it close to the Bides of the funnels, and then introduce the air-dried soil, in small lumps ranging from the size of a pea to that of a wal- nut, but not pulverized or even crushed; fill the funnels with the soil to the extent of about two-thirds. Pour distilled water into them, in sufficient quantity to cover the soil; if the first portion of the filtrate is turbid, pour it back on the filter. Let the operation proceed quietly. When the first quantity^ of the fluid has passed, pour on more and continue the lixiviation until the weight of the filtrate is two or three times as great as that of the soil employed. Unite the several filtrates and set aside a portion of the washed earth for further examination. a. Concentrate two-thirds of the aqueous solution by 270 cautiously evaporating in a porcelain dish, filter off a portion, and test its reaction; put aside a portion of the filtrate for the subsequent examination for organic mat- ters, according to the directions of (2§0). Warm the remainder, and add nitric acid. Evolution of gas indi- cates the presence of an alkaline carbonate. Then test with nitrate of silver for chlorine, b. Transfer the remainder of the concentrated fluid, together with the precipitate which usually forms in the process of concentration, to a small porcelain, or, wdiich is prefer- able, a small platinum dish, evaporate to dryness, and cautiously heat the brownish residue over the lamp until complete destruction of the organic matter is effected. In presence of nitrates this operation is attended with deflagration, which is more or less violent according to the greater or smaller proportion in which these salts are present, c. Test a small portion of the gently ignited residue with carbonate of soda before the blowpipe for manganese, d. Warm the remainder with water, add some hydrochloric acid (effervescence indicates the pre- sence of carbonic acid), evaporate to dryness, heat a little more strongly, to effect the complete separation of the silicic acid, moisten with hydrochloric acid, add water, warm, and filter. The washed residue generally contains some carbon, and also a little clay—if the aque- * Recommended by Fr. Schulze "Anleitung zur Untersuchung der Ackererden auf ihre wichtigsten physikalischen Eigenschaften und Bestandtheile."—Journ. f. prakt. Chemie, vol. 47, p. 241. 340 EXAMINATION OF THE ACID EXTRACT. [§ 220 ous extract was not perfectly clear—and lastly silicic acid. To detect the latter, make a hole in the point of the filter, rinse the residue through, boil with solution of carbonate of soda, filter, saturate with hydrochloric acid, evaporate to dryness, and treat the residue with water, which will leave the silicic acid undissolved. e. Test a small portion of the hydrochloric acid solu- 271 tion with chloride of barium for sulphuric acid ; another portion with nitric solution of molybdate of ammonia for phosphoric acid ; a third portion with sulphocyanide of potassium for sesquioxide of iron. Add to the remain- der a few drops of sesquichloride of iron (to remove the phosphoric acid), then ammonia cautiously until the fluid is slightly alkaline, warm a little, filter, throw down the lime from the filtrate by means of oxalate of ammonia, and proceed for the detection of magnesia, potassa, and soda, in the usual way, strictly according to the direc- tions of § 199. /. Alumina is not likely to be found in the aqueous 272 extract. (Fr. Schulze never found any.) However, if you wish to test for it, boil the ammonia precipitate obtained in (271) with pure solution of soda or potassa, filter, and test the filtrate with chloride of ammonium. g. If you have detected iron, test a portion of the 273 remaining third of the aqueous extract with ferricyanide of potassium, another with sulphocyanide of potassium, both after previous addition of some hydrochloric acid : this will indicate the degree of oxidation in which the iron is present. Mix the remainder of the aqueous extract with a little sulphuric acid, evaporate on the water-bath nearly to dryness, and test the residue for ammonia, by adding hydrate of lime. 2. Preparation and Examination of the Acid Extract. § 220. 1. Heat about 50 grammes of the soil from which the part 274 soluble in water has been removed as far as practicable,* with moderately strong hydrochloric acid (effervescence indicates carbonic acid) for several hours on the water-bath, filter, and make the following experiments with the filtrate, which, owing to the presence of sesquichloride of iron, has in most cases a yellow color:— Test a small portion of it with sulphocyanide of potassium 275 * Complete lixiviation is generally impracticable. §§ 221, 222.] ANALYSIS OF SOIL. 341 for sesquioxide of iron, another with ferrocyanide of potas- sium for PROTOXIDE OF IRON. 2. Test a small portion with chloride of barium for sulphu- ric acid, another with molybdate of ammonia for phosphoric acid. 3. Mix a larger portion of the filtrate with ammonia to 276 neutralize the free acid, then with yellowish sulphide of ammonium ; and let the mixture stand in a warm place until the fluid looks yellow; then filter, and test the filtrate in the usual way for lime, magnesia, potassa, and soda. 4. Dissolve the precipitate obtained in 3, in hydrochloric 277 acid, evaporate the solution to dryness, moisten the residue with hydrochloric acid, add water, warm, filter, and examine the filtrate according to the directions of (150), for iron, manganese, alumina, and, if necessary, also for lime and magnesia, which may have been thrown down by the sul- phide of ammonium, in combination with phosphoric acid. 5. The separated silicic acid obtained in 4 is usually colored by organic matter. It must, therefore, be ignited to obtain it pure. 6. If it is a matter of interest to ascertain whether the 278 hydrochloric acid extract contains arsenic acid, oxide of copper, &c, treat the remainder of the solution first with hyposulphite of soda, then with hydrosulphuric acid, as directed in (262) to (264). 7. Should you wish to look for fluorine, ignite a fresh portion of the earth, and then proceed according to the direc- tions of (230). 3. Examination of the Inorganic Constituents insoluble in Water and Acids. § 221. The operation of heating the lixiviated soil with hydro- 279 chloric acid (274) leaves still the greater portion of it undis- solved. If you wish to subject this undissolved residue to a chemical examination, wash, dry, and sift, to separate the large and small stones from the clay and sand; moreover, separate the two latter from each other by elutriation. Sub- ject the several portions to the analytical process given for the silicates (§ 208). 4. Examination of the Organic Constituents of the Soil.* § 222. The organic constituents of the soil, which exercise so great an influence upon its fertility, both by their physical * Compare Fresenius' "Chemiefur Landwirthe. Forstmilnner und Cameralisten;" published at Brunswick, by F. Vieweg and Son, 1847, §§ 282-285. 342 EXAMINATION OF ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS. [§ 222, and chemical action, are partly portions of plants in which the structure may still be recognised (fragments of straw, roots, seeds of weeds, &c), partly products of vegetable decomposition, which are usually called by the general name of humus, but differ in their constituent elements and proper- ties, according to whether they result from the decay of the nitrogenous or non-nitrogenous parts of plants—whether alka- lies or alkaline earths have or have not had a share in their formation—whether they are in the incipient or in a more advanced stage of decomposition. To separate these several component parts of humus would be an exceedingly difficult task, which, moreover, would hardly repay the trouble; the following operations are amply sufficient to answer all the purposes of a qualitative analysis of the organic constituents of a soil. a. Examination of the Organic Substances soluble in Water. Evaporate the portion of the filtrate of (270), which has 280 been put aside for the purpose of examining the organic con- stituents, on the water-bath to perfect dryness, and treat the residue with water. The ulmic, humic, and geic acids, which were in the solution in combination with bases, remain undis- solved, whilst crenic acid and apocrenic acid are dissolved in combination with ammonia; for the manner of detecting the latter acids, see (268). b. Treatment with an Alkaline Carbonate. Dry a portion of the lixiviated soil, and sift to separate the 281 fragments of straw, roots, &c, together with the small stones, from the finer parts; digest the latter for several hours, at a temperature of 176°—194° F., with solution of carbonate of soda, and filter. Mix the filtrate with hydro- chloric acid to acid reaction. If brown flakes separate, these proceed from ulmic acid, humic acid, or geic acid. The larger the quantity of ulmic acid present the lighter, the larger that of humic acid or geic acid, the darker the brown color of the flakes. c. Treatment with Caustic Alkali. Wash the soil boiled with solution of carbonate of soda (b) 2§2 with water, boil several hours with solution of potassa, replacing the water in proportion as it evaporates, dilute, fil- ter and wash. Treat the brown fluid as in b. The ulmic and humic acids which separate now, are new products resulting from the action of boiling solution of potassa upon the ulmine and humine originally present. §§ 223, 224.] DESTRUCTION OF ORGANIC MATTERS. 343 V. Detection of Inorganic Substances in Presence of Organic Substances. § 223. The impediments which the presence of coloring, slimy, and other organic substances throws in the way of the detection of inorganic bodies, and that the latter can often be effected only after the total destruction of the organic admixture, will be readily conceived, if we reflect that in dark-colored fluids changes of color or the formation of precipitates escape the eye, that slimy fluids cannot be filtered, &c. Now, as these difficulties are very often met with in the analysis of medi- cinal substances, and more especially in the detection of inorganic poisons in articles of food or in the contents of the stomach, and, lastly, also in the examination of plants and animals, or parts of them, for their inorganic constituents, I will here point out the processes best adapted to lead to the attainment of the object in view, both in the general way and in special cases. 1. General Rules for the Detection of Inorganic Substances in Pre- sence of Organic Matters, which by their Color, Consistence, t&c, impede the Application of the Reagents, or obscure the Reactions produced. § 224. We confine ourselves here, of course, to the description of the most generally applicable methods, leaving the adapta- tion of the modifications which circumstances may require in special cases, to the discretion of the analyst. 1. The substance under examination dissolves in 283 water, but the solution is dark colored or of slimy consistence. a. Boil a portion of the solution with hydrochloric acid, and gradually add chlorate of potassa, until the mixture is decolorized and perfectly fluid; heat until it no longer exhales the odor of chlorine, then dilute with water, and filter. Examine the filtrate in the usual way, commencing with § 193. Compare also § 228. b. Boil another portion of the solution for some time with nitric acid, filter, and test the filtrate for silver, potassa, and hydrochloric acid. If the nitric acid succeeds in effecting the ready and complete destruction of the coloring and slimy matters, &c, this method is often altogether preferable to all others. c. Alumina and sesquioxide of chromium might escape detection by this method, because ammonia and 344 DESTRUCTION OF ORGANIC MATTERS. [§ 224. sulphide of ammonium fail to precipitate these oxides from fluids containing non-volatile organic substances. Should you have reason to suspect the presence of these oxides, mix a third portion of the substance with car- bonate of soda and chlorate of potassa, and project the mixture, in small portions at a time, into an ignited cru- cible. After cooling, the fused mass is treated with water, the solution is tested for chromic aeid and alumina, and the residue for alumina as directed § 106. The alumina is now found by acidifying with nitric acid, and then adding ammonia; the chromium—as alkaline chro- mate—in the filtrate, by means of acetate of lead, after addition of acetic acid. 2. Boiling water fails to dissolve the substance, or 284 effects only partial solution ; the fluid admits of filtration. Filter, and treat the filtrate either as directed § 192, or, should it require decolorization, according to the directions of (283). The residue may be of various kinds. a. It is fatty. Remove the fatty matters by means of ether, and should a residue be left, treat this as directed § 1V8. b. It is resinous. Use alcohol instead of ether, or apply both liquids successively. c. It is of a different nature, e.g., woody fibre, &c. a. Dry, and ignite a portion of the dried residue in a porcelain or platinum vessel, until total or partial incineration is effected; boil the residue with nitric acid and water, and examine the solution as directed (109); if a residue has been left, treat this according to the directions of § 206. 6. Examine another portion for the heavy metals and for acids in the manner directed in (283) and (284) ; since in a, besides the compounds of mercury which may be present, arsenic, cadmium, zinc, &c, may volatilize. y. Test the remainder for ammonia, by triturating it together with hydrate of lime. 3. The substance does not admit of filtration or any 285 other means of separating the dissolved from the un- dissolved part. Treat the substance in the same manner as the residue in (284). As regards the charred mass (284) c. a, it is often desirable to boil the mass, carbonized at a gentle heat, with water, filter, examine the filtrate, wash the residue, incinerate it, and examine the ash. § 225.] DETECTION OF INORGANIC POISONS. 345 2. Detection of Inorganic Poisons in Articles of Food, in Dead Bodies, dtc, in Chemico-legal Cases* § 225. The chemist is sometimes called upon to examine an article 286 of food, the contents of the stomach of an individual, a dead body, of 8 parts of water and 1 part of hydrochloric acid, filter, wash the undissolved part thoroughly with hot, distilled water, with addition of a little hydrochloric acid, and add the washings, which must be concentrated if necessary, to the filtrate. Dry the washed carbonaceous residue, then mark it II., and reserve for further examination according to the instruc- tions given in (304). 4. Preliminary Examination for Arsenic and other 293 Metallic Poisons of Groups V. and VI. (Second Pre- cipitation with Hydrosulphuric Acid.) The clear fluid obtained in 3 contains all the arsenic which 352 DETECTION OF INORGANIC POISONS. [§ 228. may have been present, in form of arsenious acid, and may contain also tin, antimony, mercury, copper, bismuth, and cadmium. Supersaturate a small portion of it cautiously and gradually with a mixture of carbonate of ammonia and some ammonia, and observe whether a precipitate is thereby pro- duced. Acidify the supersaturated sample of the fluid with hydrochloric acid, which will redissolve the precipitate that may have been produced by ammonia; then return the sample to the fluid, and treat the latter with hydrosulphuric acid in strict accordance with the directions of (291). This process may lead to three different results, which are to be carefully distinguished. a. The hydrosulphuric acid fails at first to produce a 294 precipitate / but after the fluid has stood for some time, a trifling white or yellowish-white precipitate separates. In this case probably no metals of Groups V. and VI. are present. Nevertheless, treat the filtered and washed precipitate as directed in (297), to guard even against overlooking the minutest traces of arsenic, &c. b. A precipitate is formed, of a pure yellow color like 295 that of tersulphide of arsenic. Take a small portion of the fluid, together with the precipitate suspended therein, add some ammonia, and shake the mixture for some time, without application of heat. If the precipitate dissolves readily and, with the exception of a trace of sulphur, completely, and if, in the preliminary examination (293), carbonate of ammonia has failed to produce a precipitate, arsenic alone is present, and no other metal (tin or antimony), at all events, no quantity worth notic- ing. Mix the solution of the small' sample in ammonia with hydrochloric acid to acid reaction, return the acidu- lated sample to the fluid from which it was taken, and which contains the yellow precipitate produced by the hydrosulphuric acid, and proceed as directed in (297). If, on the other hand, the addition of ammonia to the sample completely or partially fails to redissolve the pre- cipitate, or if, in the preliminary examination (293), carbonate of ammonia has produced a precipitate, there is reason to suppose that another metal is present, per- haps with arsenic. In this latter case also, add to the sample in the test-tube hydrochloric acid to acid reaction, return the acidulated sample to the fluid from which it was taken, which contains the yellow precipitate pro- duced by the hydrosulphuric acid, and proceed as directed in (298). c. A precipitate is formed, which is not yellow. In 296 § 228.] TREATMENT OF THE YELLOW PRECIPITATE. 353 that case you have to assume that other metals are pre- sent, perhaps with arsenic. Proceed as directed in (298). 5. Treatment of the Yellow Precipitate produced by Hydro- 297 sulphuric Acid, in Cases where the Results of the Exami- nation in (295) lead to the Assumption that Arsenic alone is present. Determination of the Weight of the Arsenic. As soon as the fluid precipitated according to the directions of (293) has nearly lost the smell of sulphuretted hydrogen transfer the yellow precipitate to a small filter, wash thoroughly, pour upon the still moist precipitate solution of ammonia, and wash the filter—on which, in this case, nothing must remain undissolved, except sulphur—thoroughly with dilute ammonia ; evaporate the ammoniacal fluid in a small, accurately tared porcelain dish, on the water-bath, dry the residue at 212° F. until its weight suffers no further diminu- tion, and, weigh. If it is found, upon reduction, that the residue consisted of perfectly pure tersulphide of arsenic, cal- culate for every part of it 0*8049 of arsenious acid, or 0"6098 of arsenic. Treat the residue in the dish according to the instructions given in (300). 6. Treatment of the Yellow Precipitate produced by Hydro- 298 sulphuric Acid, in Cases where the Results of the Exami- nation in (295), or in (296), lead to the Assumption that another Metal is present—perhaps with Arsenic. Separa- tion of the Metals from each other. Determination of the Weight of the Arsenic. If you have reason to suppose that the precipitate produced by hydrosulphuric acid (293) contains other metals, perhaps with arsenic, proceed as follows:—As soon as the precipita- tion is thoroughly accomplished, and the smell of sulphuretted hydrogen nearly disappeared, pour the precipitate on a small filter, wash thoroughly, perforate the point of the filter, and rinse the contents with the washing-bottle into a little flask, using the least possible quantity of water for the purpose; add to the fluid in which the precipitate is now suspended, first ammonia, then some yellowish sulphide of ammonium, and let the mixture digest for some time at a gentle heat. Should part of the precipitate remain undissolved, filter this off, wash, perforate the filter, rinse off the residuary preci- pitate, mark it III., and reserve for further examination according to the instructions given in (305). Evaporate the filtrate, together with the washings, in a small porcelain dish, to drvness Treat the residue with some pure fuming nitric J ' 23 354 DETECTION OF INORGANIC POISONS. [§ 228. acid (free from chlorine), nearly expel the acid by evapora- tion, and then add, as C. Meyer was the first to recommend, gradually, and in small portions at a time, a solution of pure carbonate of soda until it predominates. Add now a mixture of 1 part of carbonate and 2 parts of nitrate of soda, in suffi- cient, yet not excessive quantity, evaporate to dryness, and heat the residue very gradually to fusion. Let the fused mass cool, and, when cold, extract it with cold water. If a residue remains undissolved, filter, wash with a mixture of 299 equal parts of spirit of wine and water, mark it IV., and reserve for further examination, according to the direction of (306). Mix the solution, which must contain all the arsenic as arsenate of soda, with the washings, previously freed from alcohol by evaporation, add gradually and cautiously pure dilute sulphuric acid to strongly acid reaction, evaporate in a small porcelain dish, and when the fluid is tolerably concen- trated, add again sulphuric acid, to see whether the quantity first added has been sufficient to expel all nitric and nitrous acids ; heat now very cautiously until heavy fumes of hydrated Bulphuric acid begin to escape ; then let the liquid cool, dilute with water, bring into a small flask, and, while the liquid is kept at a temperature of 158° Fah., pass a slow current of washed hydrosulphuric acid gas into it for at least 6 hours, then, continuing the stream of gas, let it cool. If arsenic is present, a yellow precipitate will form. When the precipitate has completely subsided, and the fluid has nearly lost the smell of sulphuretted hydrogen, filter, wash the precipitate, dissolve it in ammonia, and proceed with the solution as directed in (297), to determine the weight of the arsenic. 7. Reduction of the Sulphide of Arsenic. The production of metallic arsenic from the sulphide, which 300 may be regarded as the keystone of the whole process, de- mands the greatest care and attention. The method recom- mended in § 135, 12, viz., to fuse the arsenical compound, mixed with cyanide of potassium and carbonate of soda, in a slow stream of carbonic acid gas, is the best and safest, affording, besides the advantage of great accuracy, also a positive guarantee against the chance of confounding the arsenic with some other body, more particularly antimony; on which account it is more especially adapted for medico- legal investigations. The reduction should be made with great care; the apparatus should be entirely filled with carbonic acid, and the stream of this gas should be made sufficiently slow before applying heat to the mixture. It is best to employ an apparatus which admits §228. REDUCTION OF THE SULPHIDE OF ARSENIC. Fig. 35. of perfectly regulating the gase- ous current. For the evolution flask § 135, 12 maybe conveni- ently substituted the arrange- ment shown in Fig. 35, which is easily constructed from the ordi- nary stock of a laboratory. The stoppers are best made of vul- canized rubber [though corks soaked in melted tallow answer a good purpose]. The clamp by which the issue of gas is con- trolled should be adjustable by means of a screw [or wedge]. For the process of reduction, you may proceed at once with the sulphide of arsenic. Take care, if possible, not to use the whole of the residue in the dish, obtained by the evapora- tion of the ammoniacal solution, but only a portion of it, so that the process may be repeated several times, if necessary. Should the residue be too trifling to admit of being divided into several portions, dissolve it in a few drops of ammonia, add a little carbonate of soda, and evaporate on the water- bath to dryness, taking care to stir the mixture during the process; divide the dry mass into several portions, and pro- ceed to reduction. Otto* recommends to convert the sulphide first into arsenic acid, and then to reduce the latter with cyanide of potassium. The following is the process given by him to effect the con- version of the sulphide into the acid; pour concentrated nitric acid over the sulphide of arsenic in the dish, evaporate, and repeat the same operation several times, if necessary, and then remove every trace of nitric acid by repeatedly moistening the residue with water, and drying again ; when the nitric acid is completely expelled, treat the residue with a few drops of water, add carbonate of soda in powder, to form an alkaline mass, and thoroughly dry this in the dish, with frequent stirring, taking care to collect the mass within the least possible space in the middle of the dish. The dry mass thus obtained is admirably adapted for reduction. I can, from the results of my own experience, fully confirm this statement of Otto; but I must once more repeat, that it is 301 Anleitung zur Ausmittelung der Gifte," von Dr. Fr. Jul. Otto, p. 36. 356 DETECTION OF INORGANIC POISONS. [§ 228. indispensable for the success of the operation that the residue should be perfectly free from every trace of nitric acid or nitrate; otherwise deflagration is sure to take place during the process of fusion with cyanide of potassium, and, of course, the experiment will fail. When the operation is finished, cut off the reduction tube 302 at c (see Fig. 30), set aside the fore part, which contains the arsenical mirror, put the other part of the tube into a cylinder, pour water over it, and let it stand some time; then filter Fig. 36. the solution obtained, add to the filtrate hydrochloric acid to acid reaction; then again some hydrosulphuric acid, and observe whether this produces a precipitate. In cases where the reduction of the sulphide of arsenic has been effected in the direct way, without previous conversion to arsenic acid, a trifling yellow precipitate will usually form; had traces of antimony been present, the precipitate would be orange- colored and insoluble in carbonate of ammonia. When all the soluble salts of the fused mass have been dissolved out, examine the metallic residue, which may be left behind, for traces of tin and antimony; these being the only metals that can possibly be present if the instructions here given have been strictly followed. Should appreciable traces of these metals, or of either of them, be found, proper deduction and correction must be made in calculating the weight of the arsenic. Examination of the reserved Residues, marked severally I., II., III., and IV., for other Metals of the Fifth and Sixth Groups. a. Residue I. Compare (290). This may contain chloride of silver and sulphate of 303 lead, possibly also binoxide of tin. Incinerate the resi- due (I.) in a porcelain dish, burn the carbon with the aid of some nitrate of ammonia, extract the residue with water, dry the part left undissolved, and then fuse it with cyanide of potassium in a porcelain crucible. When the fused mass is cold, treat it with water until all that is soluble in it is completely removed; warm the residue with nitric acid, and proceed as directed in § 184. 5. Residue II. Compare (292). The carbonaceous residue which is obtained by the 304 § 228.] EXAMINATION FOR METALS. 357 purification of the crude sulphide by means of nitric acid and sulphuric acid, may more especially contain lead, mercury, and tin; antimony and bismuth may also be present. Heat the residue for some time with nitrohydrochloric acid, and filter the solution; wash the undissolved resi- due with water mixed with some hydrochloric acid, add the washings to the filtrate, and treat the dilute fluid thus obtained with hydrochloric acid; should a precipi- tate form, examine this according to the instructions given in § 194. Incinerate the residue insoluble in nitro- hydrochloric acid, fuse the ash in conjunction with cyanide of potassium, and proceed with the fused mass as directed in (303). c. Residue III Compare (298)- Examine the precipitate insoluble in sulphide of ammo- 305 nium for the metals of the fifth group according to the instructions given in § 196. d. Residue IV. Compare (299). 306 This may contain tin and antimony, perhaps also cop- per. Proceed as directed (123). If the color of the residue was black (oxide of copper), treat the reduced metals according to the instructions given in § 184. 9. Examination of the Filtrate reserved in (291) for Metals of the Fourth and Third Groups, especially for Zinc and Chromium. a. As we have seen in (29l), the fluid filtered from the 307 precipitate produced by hydrosulphuric acid, and tempo- rarily reserved for further examination, has already been mixed with sulphide of ammonium. The addition of this reagent to the filtrate is usually attended with the formation of a precipitate, consisting of sulphide of iron and phosphate of lime, but which may possibly also con- tain sulphide of zinc. Filter the fluid from this precipi- tate, and treat the filtrate as directed in (30s); wash the precipitate with water mixed with some sulphide of ammonium, dissolve by warming with hydrochloric acid, and boil the solution with nitric acid, to convert the protoxide of iron into sesquioxide; add, if necessary, sufficient sesquichloride of iron for carbonate of soda to produce a brownish-yellow precipitate in a sample of the fluid- neutralize almost completely with carbonate of soda, precipitate with carbonate of baryta, and filter; the precipitate contains all the sesquioxide of iron and all the phosphoric acid. Concentrate the filtrate, pre- 358 DETECTION OF INORGANIC POISONS. [§ 229. cipitate the baryta with dilute sulphuric acid, filter, add to the filtrate ammonia to alkaline reaction, and precipi- tate with sulphide of ammonium the zinc which may be present. For the further examination of the precipitate, see § 109. b. If the analysed substance contained chromium, this will 308 be found in the fluid filtered from the precipitate pro- duced by sulphide of ammonium, since this reagent is incapable of throwing down chromium from liquid con- taining organic matters. If you wish to ascertain whether chromium is really present, evaporate the fil- trate to dryness, mix the residue with 3 parts of nitrate of potassa and 1 part of carbonate of soda, and gradually introduce the mixture into a crucible heated to moderate redness. Allow the fused mass to cool, and, when cold, boil with water: yellow coloration of the fluid shows the presence of alkaline chromate, and accordingly of chro- mium. For confirmatory tests, see § 141. II. Method for the Detection of Hydrocyanic Acid. § 229. In cases of actual or suspected poisoning with hydrocyanic 309 acid, where it is required to separate that acid from articles of food or from the contents of the stomach, and thus to prove its presence, it is highly necessary to act with the greatest expedition, as the hydrocyanic acid speedily under- goes decomposition. Still this decomposition is not quite so rapid as is generally supposed, and indeed it requires some time before the decomposition of the whole of the acid present is effected.* Although hydrocyanic acid betrays its presence, even in minute quantities, by its peculiar odor, still this sign must never be looked upon as conclusive. On the contrary, to ad- duce positive proof of the presence of the acid, it is always indispensable to separate it, and to convert it into certain known compounds. The method of accomplishing this is based upon distilla- tion of the acidified mass, and examination of the distillate for hydrocyanic acid. Now, as the non-poisonous salts, ferro- and ferricyanide of potassium, on distillation, likewise yield * Thus I succeeded in separating a notable quantity of hydrocyanic acid from the stomach of a man who had poisoned himself with that acid in very hot weather, and whose intestines were handed to me full 36 hours after death.—A dog was poisoned with hydrocyanic acid, and the contents of the stomach, mixed with the blood, were left for 24 hours exposed to an intense summer-heat, and then examined; the acid was still detected. § 229.] HYDROCYANIC ACID. 359 a distillate containing hydrocyanic acid, it is, of course, indis- pensable—as Otto very properly observes—first to ascertain whether one of these salts may not be present. For this purpose, stir a small portion of the mass to be examined with water, filter, acidify the filtrate with hydrochloric acid, and test a sample of it with sesquichloride of iron, another with sulphate of protoxide of iron. If no blue precipitate forms in either, soluble ferro- and ferricyanides are not present, and you may safely proceed as follows: Test, in the first place, the reaction of the mass under 310 examination; if necessary, after mixing and stirring it with water. If it is not already strongly acid, add solution of tar- taric acid until the fluid strongly reddens litmus paper; in- troduce the mixture into a retort, and place the body of the retort, with the neck pointing upwards, in an iron or copper vessel, but so that it does not touch the bottom, which should, moreover, by way of precaution, be covered with a cloth; fill the vessel with a solution of chloride of calcium, and apply heat, so as to cause gentle ebullition of the con- tents of the retort. Conduct the vapors passing over, with the aid of a tight-fitting tube, bent at a very obtuse angle through a Liebig^s condensing apparatus, and receive the distillate in a small, weighed flask. When about half-an- ounce of distillate has passed over, remove the receiver, and replace it by a somewhat larger flask, also previously tared. Weigh the contents of the first receiver and proceed as follows: a. Mix one-fourth of the distillate with solution of 311 potassa or soda to strongly alkaline reaction, and then add a small quantity of solution of sulphate of protoxide of iron, mixed with a little sesquichloride of iron. Heat now gently for some minutes and finally supersaturate with dilute hydrochloric acid. If a blue precipitate is formed, it indicates a relatively large amount of hydro- cyanic acid; if a bluish-green liquid is obtained from which, on long standing, blue flocks deposit, a small quan- tity is present. b. Treat another fourth as directed § 158, 7, to convert 312 the hydrocyanic acid into sulphocyanide of iron. Aa the distillate might, however, contain acetic acid, do not neglect to add some hydrochloric acid after the sesqui- chloride of iron, in order to neutralize the adverse influence of the acetate of ammonia. Compare § 114, 8, note. c. If the experiments a and b have demonstrated the 318 presence of hydrocyanic acid, and you wish now also to 360 DETECTION OF INORGANIC POISONS. [§ 230. approximately determine its quantity, continue the dis- tillation, until the fluid passing over contains no longer the least trace of hydrocyanic acid; add one-half of the contents of the second receiver to the remaining half of the contents of the first, mix the fluid with nitrate of silver, then with ammonia until it predominates, and finally with nitric acid to strongly acid reaction. Allow the precipitate which forms to subside, filter on a tared filter, dried at 212° F., wash the precipitate, dry it tho- roughly at 212° F., and weigh. Ignite the weighed precipitate in a small porcelain crucible, to destroy the cyanide of silver, fuse the residue with carbonate of soda and potassa—to effect the decomposition of the chloride of silver which it may contain—boil the mass Avith water, filter, acidify the filtrate with nitric acid, and precipitate with nitrate of silver; determine the weight of the chloride of silver which may precipitate, and deduct the amount found from the total weight of the chloride and cyanide of silver: the difference gives the quantity of the latter; by multiplying the quantity found of the cyanide of silver by 0*2017, you find the corresponding amount of anhydrous hydrocyanic acid; and by multi- plying this again by 2—as only one-half of the distillate has been used—you find the total quantity of hydro- cyanic acid which was present in the examined mass. Instead of decomposing the precipitate by fusion with an alkaline carbonate it may be treated with zinc and dilute sulphuric acid, and the chlorine determined in the solution after the reduction is complete. Instead of pursuing this indirect method, you may 311 also determine the quantity of the hydrocyanic acid by the following direct method : Introduce half of the dis- tillate into a retort, together with powdered borax; distil to a small residue, and determine the hydrocyanic acid in the distillate as cyanide of silver. Hydrochloric acid can no longer be present in this distillate, as the soda of the borax retains it in the retort ( Wackenroder). HI. Method for the Detection of Phosphorus. § 230. Since phosphorus paste has been employed to poison mice, 315 &c, and the poisonous action of lucifer matches has become more extensively known, phosphorus has not unfrequently been resorted to as an agent for committing murder. The chemist is therefore occasionally called upon to examine some § 230.] DETECTION OF UNOXIDIZED PHOSPHORUS. 361 article of food, or the contents of a stomach, for this sub- stance. It is obvious that, in cases of the kind, his whole attention must be directed to the separation of the phospho- rus in the free state, or to producing such reactions as will enable him to infer the presence of free phosphorus; since the mere finding of phosphorus in form of phosphates would prove nothing, as phosphates invariably form constituents of animal and vegetable bodies. A. Detection of Unoxidized Phosphorus. 1. Test in the first place the suspected matters as to 316 whether free phosphorus is recognizable by its odor or by its luminosity in the dark, exposing, for this purpose, the materials to the air, as much as is necessary, by rubbing, stirring, or shaking. 2. A portion of the substance is placed, according to the 317 plan of J. Scherer* in a small flask, suspend in it, above the substance, by aid of the loosely fitted cork, a slip of filter paper moistened with neutral solution of nitrate of silver and warm the whole to 85° to 105° Fah. In case the paper is not colored black after some time, unoxidized phosphorus cannot be present, and it is then unnecessary to proceed fur- ther by the methods 3 and 4. The operator may go on to (324). If, on the other hand, the paper blackens, this is no certain evidence of the presence of phosphorus, because vari- ous substances, viz., hydrosulphuric acid (detectable by means of a slip of paper moistened with solution of 'lead or terchlo- ride of antimony), formic acid, products of putrefaction, &c, may produce the same result. Proceed then with the sub- stance as directed in 3 and 4. 3. The luminosity of phosphorus, of all its characters, fur- 31 § nishes the most striking evidence of its presence in the free state. A large sample of the substance is accordingly ex- amined by the following well-proved and admirable method of E. Mitscherlich.\ Mix the substance under examination with water and some sulphuric acid, and subject the mixture to distillation in a flask, A (see Fig. 37). This flask is connected with an evolu- tion tube b, and the latter again with a glass cooling or con- densing tube, c c c, which passes through a perforated cork, a, in the bottom of a cylinder, B, into a glass vessel, C. Cold water runs from D, through a stopcock, into a funnel, * Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., 112, 214. f Jour. f. Prakt Chem., 66, 233. 362 DETECTION OF INORGANIC POISONS. [§ 230. Fig. 8T. t, which extends to the bottom of B; the warmed water flows off through g.* Now, if the substance in A contains phosphorus, there will appear, in the dark, in the upper part of the condensing tube at the point r, where the aqueous vapors distilling over enter that part of the tube, a strong luminosity, usually a luminous ring. If you take for distillation 5 oz. of a mixture containing only ^gth of a grain of phosphorus, and accordingly only 1 part of phosphorus in 100,000 parts of mixture, you may dis- til over 3 oz. of it—which will take at least half-an-hour— without the luminosity ceasing; Mitscherlich, in one of his experiments, stopped the distillation after half-an-hour, al- lowed the flask to stand uncorked a fortnight, and then recommenced the distillation: the luminosity was as strong as at first. If the fluid contains substances which prevent the luminosity of phosphorus in general, such as ether, alcohol, or oil of turpentine, no luminosity is observed so long as these * [Instead of this vertical condenser, the apparatus shown in Fig. 4 may be used.] § 230.] DETECTION OF PHOSPHORUS. 363 substances continue to distil over. In the case of ether and alcohol, however, this is soon effected, and the luminosity accordingly very speedily makes its appearance ; but it is different with oil of turpentine, which exercises a lasting pre- ventive influence upon the manifestation of this reaction. After the termination of the process, globules of phosphorus 319 are found at the bottom of the receiver, C. Mitscherlich obtained from 5 oz. of a mixture containing i grain of phos- phorus, so many globules of that body that the one-tenth part of them would have been amply sufficient to demonstrate its presence. In medico-legal investigations these globules should first be washed with alcohol and then weighed. A portion may afterwards be subjected to a confirmatory ex- amination, to make quite sure that they really consist of phosphorus: the remainder, together with a portion of the fluid which shows the luminosity upon distillation, should be sent in with the report. The experiment should be made in a perfectly dark room, best at night. If it is made in the daytime the room should be darkened by aid of curtains or blinds, so that no reflections whatever from the surfaces of the glass vessels or of the liquids moving in them shall occasion mistakes. It is advis- able, even, especially when very minute traces of phosphorus are searched for, to pass the evolution-tube through a screen, at b, to prevent such reflections being occasioned by the light of the lamp by which the flask is heated. The residue of the distillation is further examined accord- ing to (324) for phosphorous acid. The distillate, also, may be tested in the same manner to confirm the presence of phosphorus, or of phosphorous acid arising from its oxidation. 4. Another sample of the substance may be examined, 320 according to experiments made by Neubauer and myself* in the following manner. It is brought into a flask with doubly- perforated stopper, water is added, if necessary, and dilute Bulphuric acid to acid reaction. Washed carbonic acid gasf is now slowly conducted through the mixture by means of a glass tube passing through the cork and reaching nearly down to the bottom of the flask. From a short tube above, the current of gas is led through one or two V-formed tubes which contain neutral solution of nitrate of silver. When the flask is filled with carbonic acid it is warmed in a water- bath. The experiment is kept up for several hours. If free phosphorus be present, a portion of it volatilizes unoxidized in the stream of carbonic acid, and on passing into the silver- solution, produces there an insoluble black precipitate of * Zeitschrift f Analyt. Chem., 1, 336. \ The apparatus, Fig. 35 (300), may be conveniently employed. 364 DETECTION OF INORGANIC POISONS. [§ 230. phosphide of silver, together with phosphoric acid. Since a black insoluble precipitate may be caused by various volatile reducing agents or by hydrosulphuric acid, its appearance is not proof of the presence of phosphorus, though its non-forma- tion demonstrates conclusively that free phosphorus is absent. A precipitate formed in the silver solution in the above 321 experiment is collected on a filter (which has been previously washed with dilute nitric acid and water), and is well washed with water. The phosphide of silver, which may be contained in this precipitate, is detected by the method of Blondlot, im- proved by Dussard.* a Fig. 38. is an apparatus for evolving hy- drogen ; b is filled with fragments of pumice-stone drenched with concentrated potassa-lye ; c is a common spring clamp; d a clamp that can be nicely adjusted by means of a screw or wedge; e is a platinum jet which is kept cool by means of moistened cotton. This platinum jet is essential, since the flame would be colored yellow if burned directly from a glass tube. At the outset it is needful to test the sulphuric acid and zinc to demonstrate that they yield hydrogen free from phos- phuretted hydrogen. For this purpose allow the gas to evolve until air is displaced from the apparatus, then close c until the acid has been forced into/, then close cl, open c, and lastly open d, cautiously inflaming the gas at the jet and properly regulating its issue. If the flame, when examined in a rather dark place, is colorless, exhibits no trace of a green cone in its interior and no emerald-green tinge when a * Zeitschrift f. Aualyt. Chem. 1, 129. 89999999999996 § 230.] DETECTION OF PHOSPHOROUS ACID. porcelain dish is depressed into it, the hydrogen is pure. After verifying this result by a second trial, the precipitate to be examined is rinsed into /, care being taken that it passes completely into a, and the flame is again observed as before. In case but a minimum of phosphide of silver be present the green inner cone and emerald-green coloration of the flame will be perceptible. The solution filtered from the silver precipitate, is freed from excess of silver by hydrochloric acid, filtered through a well purified filter, strongly concentrated in a porcelain capsule, and finally tested for phosphoric acid by means of molybdate of ammonia or magnesia mixture. In this manner we have most plainly detected the phospho- rus of a common match mixed with a large quantity of putre- fied blood, and in presence of those substances which prevent luminosity in the method of Mitscherlich. 5. When enough phosphorus is present to weigh, its esti- mation is practicable by adopting Scherer's modification of the process of Mitscherlich. The mass, acidified with sul- phuric acid, is distilled in an atmosphere of carbonic acid gas. For this purpose it is best to fit into the cork of the flask in which the mixture is distilled, a second tube through which pure carbonic acid may be transmitted into the distill- ing apparatus, until it is completely filled, when the stream of gas may be cut off and the process continued as usual. The receiver may consist of a flask with a doubly perforated cork, one opening of which passes over the end of the condensing tube, the other carrying a bent glass tube which is connected with a U tube containing solution of nitrate of silver. When the distillation is finished, globules of phosphorus are found in the receiver, which, after again establishing a gentle stream of carbonic acid, are united by gently heating and then are washed and weighed as described (319). The solution poured off from the globules is luminous in the dark, when shaken, though not to the same degree as in Mitscher- lich's process. The phosphorus in this liquid may be deter- mined, after oxidation, by nitric acid or chlorine, as phosphoric acid; though, only, when the operator is certain that none of the contents of the distilling flask, which usually contain phosphoric acid, have spirted into the condenser. The entire quantity of phosphorus is obtained by adding to that, thus determined, what exists in the U tube. Its contents are treated with nitric acid, the silver thrown down by hydro- chloric acid filtered through a washed filter, concentrated, precipitated as phosphate of ammonia-magnesia, and weighed as phosphate of magnesia. 366 ANALYSIS OF ASHES. [§ 231 B. Detection of Phosphorous Acid. In case free phosphorus itself has not been detected by the 321 above methods, it is needful to look for the first product of its oxidation, viz. phosphorous acid. To this end the residue of the distillation (318) or (323), or also the residue of (320) is brought into the apparatus, Fig. 38, and tested as described (321), as to any green coloration of the evolved hydrogen. If the phosphorous reaction appears it is sufficient; otherwise, organic matters may have hindered its production. If, therefore, the flame is not colored, the clamp is closed and a U tube containing neutral solution of nitrate of silver is affixed to the apparatus and the gas is allowed to stream slowly through the silver solution for many hours. In pre- sence of phosphorous acid, phosphide of silver is formed, which is filtered off and examined as directed in (32l). 3. Examination of the Inorganic Constituents of Plants, Animals, or Parts of the same, of Manures, &c. (Analysis of Ashes.) § 231. A. Preparation of the Ash. It is sufficient for the purposes of a qualitative analysis to 325 incinerate a comparatively small quantity of the substance which it is intended to examine for its inorganic constituents; the substance must previously be most carefully cleaned. The incineration is effected best in a small clay muffle, but it may be conducted also in a Hessian crucible placed in a slanting position, or, under certain circumstances, even in a small porcelain or platinum dish, over which a wide glass tube (lamp chimney) is supported to increase the access of air. The heat must always be moderate, to guard against the volatilization of certain constituents, more especially of metallic chlorides. It is not always necessary to continue the combustion until all the carbon is consumed. With ashes containing a large proportion of fusible salts, as, e. g. the ash of beetroot molasses, it is even advisable to effect, iu the first place, complete carbonization, then to boil the charred mass with water, and finally to incinerate the washed and dried residue. For further particulars see Quantitative Analysis, 4th Edition, § 250. B. Examination of the Ash. As the qualitative analysis of the ash of a vegetable sub- 326 stance is usually undertaken, either as a practical exercise, or for the purpose of determining its general character, and the state or condition in which any given constituent may happen to be present, or also with a view to make, as far as prac- § 231.] ANALYSIS OF ASHES. 367 ticable, an approximate estimation of the respective quantities of the several constituents, it is usually the best way to examine separately ; (l) the part soluble in water ; (2) the part soluble in hydrochloric acid; and (3) the residue which is insoluble in either menstruum. This can be done the more readily, as the number of bodies to which regard must be had in the analysis is only small, and the several processes may accord- ingly be expeditiously performed. a. Examination of the Part Soluble in Water. Boil the ash with water, filter, and whilst the residue is being washed, examine the solution as follows :— 1. Add to a portion, after heating it, hydrochloric acid in 327 excess, warm, and let the fluid stand at rest. Effervescence indicates carbonic acid, combined with alkalies; odor of hydrosulphuric acid indicates the sulphide of an alkali metal, formed from an alkaline sulphate by the reducing ac- tion of the carbon. Turbidity from separation of sulphur, with odor of sulphurous acid, denotes a hyposulphite (which occurs occasionally in the ash of coal). Filter, if necessary, and add to the filtrate—or to the fluid if no filtration is required—some chloride of barium ; the formation of a white precipitate indicates the presence of sulphuric acid. 2. Evaporate another portion of the solution until it is 323 reduced to a small volume, add hydrochloric acid to acid re- action—effervescence indicates the presence of carbonic acid —evaporate now to dryness, and treat the residue with hydro- chloric acid and water. The portion left undissolved consists of silicic acid. Filter, add ammonia, chloride of ammonium, and sulphate of magnesia; the formation of a white precipi- tate indicates the presence of phosphoric acid. Instead of this reaction, you may also mix the fluid filtered from the silicic acid with acetate of soda, and then cautiously add, drop by drop, sesquichloride of iron, or you may test with molyb- date of ammonia (§ 145). 3. Add to another portion of the solution nitrate of silver 329 as long as a precipitate continues to form ; warm gently, and then cautiously add ammonia ; if a black residue is left, this consists of sulphide of silver, proceeding from the sulphide of an alkali metal, or from a hyposulphite. Mix the ammoniacal solution now—after previous filtration if necessary—with nitric acid in slight excess, so that phosphate of silver, which at first falls, is redissolved, and only chloride (iodide and * To detect the iodine in aquatic plants, dip the plant in a weak solution of potassa (Chatin), dry, incinerate, treat with water, and examine the aqueous solution as directed (257). 368 ANALYSIS OF ASHES. [§ 231. bromide) of silver remains. Filter off the precipitate, which is to be further examined according to (l78) and neutralize the filtrate cautiously and exactly with ammonia. If this pro- duces a bright yellow precipitate, phosphoric acid is present in the tribasic; if a white precipitate, it is present in the bibasic form. 4. Acidify a portion of the solution with hydrochloric acid, 330 and then make it alkaline with ammonia; mix the alkaline fluid with oxalate of ammonia, and let it stand at rest. The forma- tion of a white precipitate indicates lime. Filter, and mix the filtrate with ammonia and phosphate of soda; the forma- tion of a crystalline precipitate, which often becomes visible only after long standing, indicates magnesia. Magnesia is often found in distinctly appreciable lime, only in exceedingly minute quantity, even when alkaline carbonates and phos- phates are present. 5. For potassa and soda examine as directed § 200. If magnesia is present, neutralize that portion of the solution intended for detecting alkalies with hydrochloric acid, and separate the magnesia as directed § 199, 2. 6. Lithia, which is more frequently an ingredient of ashes than has been hitherto suspected, and rubidia, which nearly always accompanies potassa, may be detected by the spectro- scope (§ 96), in the residue of alkaline salts. b. Examination of the Part Soluble in Hydrochloric Acid. Warm the residue left undissolved by water with hydro- 331 chloric acid*—effervescence indicates carbonic acid, com- bined with alkaline earths; evolution of chlorine denotes oxides of manganese—evaporate to dryness, and heat a little more strongly, to effect the separation of the silicic acid: moisten the residue with hydrochloric acid and some nitric acid, add water, warm, and filter. 1. Test with hydrosulphuric acid. If this produces any other than a perfectly white precipitate, you must examine it in the usual way. The ashes of plants occasionally contain copper ; if the plant has been manured with excrements de- odorized by nitrate of lead, they may contain lead [if with superphosphate made from arsenical oil of vitriol, arsenic, J. Davy]. 2. Mix a portion of the original solution with carbonate of 332 soda, as long as the precipitate formed redissolves upon stir- ring ; then add acetate of soda, and some acetic acid. This produces, in most cases, a white precipitate of phosphate of sesquioxide of iron. If the fluid in which this precipitate * If the residue still contains much carbon, after further incineration. § 231.] ANALYSIS OF ASHES. 369 is suspended is reddish, there is more sesquioxide of iron pre- sent than corresponds to the phosphoric acid; if it is color- less, add sesquichloride of iron, drop by drop, until the fluid looks reddish. (From the quantity of the precipitate of phos- phate of sesquioxide of iron formed you may estimate the phosphoric acid present.) Heat to boiling,* filter hot, and mix the filtrate, after addition of ammonia, with yellow sul- phide of ammonium, in a stoppered flask; should a precipi- tate form, after long standing, examine this according to (l4l) for manganese and ziNc,f and tne fluid filtered from it for lime and magnesia, in the usual way (330). 3. To examine for baryta and strontia, add dilute sul- phuric acid to a portion of the hydrochloric solution, let the mixture stand for a considerable time, and test any precipitate that may form as directed (254). c. Examination of the Residue Insoluble in Hydrochloric Acid. The residue insoluble in hydrochloric acid contains, 1. The silicic acid, which has separated on treating with 333 hydrochloric acid. 2. Those ingredients of the ash which are insoluble in hydrochloric acid. These are, in most ashes, sand, clay, car- bon ; substances, therefore, which are present in consequence of defective cleaning or imperfect combustion of the plants, or matter derived from the crucible. It is only the ashes of the stems of cereals and others abounding in silicic acid, that are not completely decomposed by hydrochloric acid. Boil the washed residue with solution of carbonate of soda 334 in excess, filter hot, wash with boiling water, and test for, silicic acid in the filtrate by evaporation with hydrochloric acid (§ 153, 2). If the ash was of a kind to be completely decomposed by hydrochloric acid, the analysis may be con- sidered as finished—for the accidental admixture of clay and sand will rarely interest the analyst sufficiently to warrant a more minute examination by fluxing. But, if the ash abounded in silicic acid, and it may therefore be supposed that the hydrochloric acid has failed to effect complete decom- position, evaporate half of the residue insoluble in solution of carbonate of soda, with pure solution of soda in excess, in a silver or platinum dish, to dryness. This decomposes the silicates of the ash, whilst but little affecting the sand. Acidify now with hydrochloric acid, evaporate to dryness, &c, and proceed as in (33l). For the detection of the alkalies use the other half of the residue (22s). * If this should fail to decolorize the fluid, add some more acetate of soda. + TZinc is found in a species ot violet growing in the neighborhood of zinc minea] ' ' 24 370 EXPLANATORY NOTES, ETC., TO §§ 178-181. SECTION III. EXPLANATORY NOTES AND ADDITIONS TO THE SYSTEMATIC COURSE OF ANALYSIS. I. Additional Remarks to the Preliminary Examination. To §§ 178-181. The inspection of the physical properties of a body may, as already stated, § 178, in many cases enable the analyst to draw certain general inferences as to its nature. Thus, for instance, if the analyst has a white substance before him, he may at once con- clude that it is not cinnabar, or if a light substance, that it is not a compound of lead, &c. Inferences of this kind are quite admissible to a certain extent; but if carried too far, they are apt to mislead the operator, by blinding him to every reaction not exactly in accordance with his preconceived notions. As regards the examination of substances at a high temperature, platinum foil or small iron spoons may also be used in the process; however, the experiment in the glass tube gives, in most cases, results more clearly evident, and affords, moreover, the advantage that volatile bodies are less likely to escape detection, and that a more correct and precise notion can be formed of the nature of the heated substance, than exposure on platinum foil or in an iron spoon will permit. To ascertain the products of oxidation of a body, it is sometimes advisable also to heat it in a short glass-tube, open at both ends, and held in a slanting position; small quantities of a metallic sulphicre} for instance, may be readily detected by this means. (Compare § 159, 6.) With respect to the preliminary examination by means of the blowpipe, I have to remark that the student must avoid drawing positive conclusions from pyrochemical experiments, until he has acquired some practice in this branch of analytical chemistry. A slight incrustation of the charcoal support, which may seem to denote the presence of a certain metal, is not always a conclusive proof of the presence of that metal; nor would it be safe to assume the absence of a substance simply because the blowpipe flame fails to effect reduction, or solution of nitrate of protoxide of cobalt fails to impart a color to the ignited mass, &c. The blowpipe reactions are, indeed, in most cases, unerring, but it is not always easy to produce them, and they are moreover liable to suffer modi- fication by accidental circumstances. The student should never omit the preliminary examination ; the notion that this omission will save time and trouble, is very errone- SOLUTION OF SUBSTANCES, §§ 182-184. 371 ous. The beginner may, for example, spend hours in searching for organic acids, when the simple preliminary test would show that they are all absent. H. Additional Remarks to the Solution of Substances, etc. To§§ 182-184. It is a task of some difficulty to fix the exact limit between sub- stances which are soluble in water and those that are insoluble in that menstruum, since the number of bodies which are sparingly Boluble in water is very considerable, and the transition from spar- ingly soluble to insoluble is very gradual. Sulphate of lime, which is soluble in 430 parts of water, might perhaps serve as a limit between the two classes, since this salt may still be positively detected in aqueous solution, by the delicate reagents which we possess for lime and sulphuric acid. When examining an aqueous fluid by evaporating a few drops of it upon platinum foil, to see whether it holds a solid body in solution, a very minute residue sometimes remains, which leaves the analyst in doubt respecting the nature of the substance; in cases of the kind test, in the first place, the reaction of the fluid with litmus papers; in the second place, add to a portion of it a drop of solution of chloride of barium; and lastly, to another portion some carbonate of soda. Should the fluid be neutral, and remain unal- tered upon the addition of these reagents, the analyst need not examine it any further for bases or acids; since if the fluid con- tained any of those bases or acids which principally form sparingly soluble compounds, the chloride of barium and the carbonate of soda would have revealed their presence. The analyst may there- fore feel assured that the detection of the substance of which the residue left upon evaporation consists, will be more readily effected in the class of bodies insoluble in water. If water has dissolved any part of the substance under examina- tion, the student will always do well to examine the solution both for acids and bases, since this will lead more readily to a correct apprehension of the nature of the compound—an advantage which will amply counterbalance the drawback of sometimes meeting with the same substance both in the aqueous and in the acid solution. The following substances (with few exceptions) are insoluble in Water but soluble in hydrochloric acid or in nitric acid : the phos- phates, arsenates, arsenites, borates, carbonates, and oxalates of the earths and metals; and also several tartrates, citrates, malates, benzoates, and succinates; the oxides and sulphides of the heavy metals ; alumina, magnesia; many of the metallic iodides and cya- nides &c. Nearly the whole of these compounds are, indeed, decomposed, if not by dilute, by boiling concentrated hydrochloric 372 explanatory notes, etc., to §§ 185-207. acid ;* but this decomposition gives rise to the formation of inso- luble compounds when oxide of silver is present, and of sparingly soluble compounds in the presence of suboxide of mercury and lead. This is not the case with nitric acid, and accordingly the latter effects complete solution in many cases where hydrochloric acid has left a residue. But, on the other hand, nitric acid leaves, besides the bodies insoluble in any simple acid, teroxide of antimony, bi- noxide of tin, binoxide of lead, &c, undissolved, and fails also to effect the complete solution of many other substances, e. g. sesqui- oxide of iron and alumina. Substances not soluble in water are, therefore, treated as fol- lows : try to dissolve them in dilute or concentrated hydrochloric acid, cold or boiling; if this fails to effect complete solution, try to dissolve a fresh portion in nitric acid; if this also fails, treat the body with aqua regia, which is an excellent solvent, more particu- larly for metallic sulphides. To examine separately the solution in hydrochloric acid or in nitric acid, on the one hand, and that in nitrohydrochloric acid on the other, is, in most cases, unnecessary. To prepare a nitric or nitrohydrochloric solution is disadvan- tageous when not necessary, because a hydrochloric solution is much better adapted for precipitation with hydrosulphuric acid. To evaporate an aqua-regia solution for the purpose of removing excess of acid is unadvisable, since volatile chlorides, especially chloride of arsenic, may thus be lost. Use, therefore, no more acid at the outset than is necessary in making the solution. With regard to the solution of metals and alloys, I have to remark that, upon boiling them with nitric acid, white precipitates will frequently form, although neither tin nor antimony be present. Inexperienced students often confound such precipitates with the oxides of these two metals, although their appearance is quite dif- ferent. These precipitates consist simply of nitrates sparingly solu- ble in the nitric acid present, but readily soluble in water. Conse- quently the analyst should ascertain whether these white precipi- tates will dissolve in water or not, before he concludes them to consist of tin or antimony. III. Additional Remarks to the Actual Analysis. To §§ 185-207. A. General Review and Explanation of the Analytical Course. a. detection of the bases. The classification of the bases into six groups, and the methods which serve to detect and isolate them individually, have been fully * For the exceptions, see § 206. detection of the bases, §§ 185-207. 373 explained in Part I., Section IH. The systematic course of ana- lysis, from § 192 to § 201, is founded upon this classification of the bases; and as a correct apprehension of it is of primary import- ance, I will here subjoin a brief explanation of the grounds upon which this division rests. Respecting the detection of the several bases individually, I refer the student to the recapitulations and remarks in §§ 95, 102, 106, 115, 121, 126, 130 and 137. The general reagents which serve to divide the bases into princi- pal groups are—hydrochloric acid, hydrosulphuric acid, sul- phide of ammonium, and carbonate of ammonia ; this is likewise the order of succession in which they are applied. Sulphide of ammonium performs a double part. Let us suppose we have in solution the whole of the bases, together with arsenious and arsenic acids, and also phosphate of lime—which latter may serve as a type for the salts of the alkaline earths, soluble in acids, and reprecipitated unaltered by ammonia. Chlorine forms insoluble compounds only with silver and mer- cury ; chloride of lead is sparingly soluble in water. The insolu- ble subchloride of mercury corresponds to the suboxide of that metal. If, therefore, we add to our solution: 1. Hydrochloric Acid, we remove from it the metallic oxides of the first division of the fifth group, viz. the whole of the oxide of silver and the whole of the suboxide of mercury. From concentrated solutions, a por- tion of the lead may likewise precipitate as chloride ; this is, how- ever, immaterial, as a sufficient quantity of the lead remains in the solution to permit the subsequent detection of this metal. Hydrosulphuric acid completely precipitates the oxides of the fifth and sixth group from solutions containing a free mineral acid, since the affinity of the metallic radicals of these oxides for sulphur, and that of the hydrogen for oxygen, are sufficiently powerful to overcome the affinity between the metal and the oxygen, and that between the oxide and a strong acid, even though the acid be present in excess. But none of the other bases are precipitated under these circumstances, since those of the first, second, and third group form no sulphur compounds insoluble in water; and the affinity which the metallic radicals of the oxides of the fourth group possess for sulphur, combined with that manifested by hydro- gen for oxygen, is not sufficiently powerful to overcome the affinity of the metal for oxygen and of the oxide for a strong acid, if the LATTER IS PRESENT IN EXCESS. If therefore, after the removal of the oxide of silver and sub- oxide of mercury, by means of hydrochloric acid, we add to the solution, which still contains free hydrochloric acid, 374 EXPLANATORY NOTES, ETC., TO §§ 185-207. 2. Hydrosulphuric Acid, we remove from it the remainder of the oxides of the fifth, toge- ther with those of the sixth group, viz., oxide of lead, oxide of MERCURY, OXIDE OF COPPER, TEROXIDE OF BISMUTH, OXIDE OF CAD- MIUM, TEROXIDE OF GOLD, BINOXIDE OF PLATINUM, PROTOXIDE OF TIN, BINOXIDE OF TIN, TEROXIDE OF ANTIMONY, ARSENIOUS ACID, and arsenic acid. All the other oxides remain in solution, either unal- tered, or reduced to a lower degree of oxidation, e. g. sesquioxide of iron to protoxide ; chromic acid to sesquioxide of chromium, &c. The sulphides corresponding to the oxides of the sixth group combine with basic metallic sulphides (the sulphides of the alkali metals), and form with them sulphur salts soluble in water; while the sulphides corresponding to the oxides of the fifth group do not possess this property, or possess it only to a limited extent.* If, therefore, we treat the whole of the sulphides precipitated by hydrosulphuric acid from an acid solution, with— 3. Sulphide of Ammonium (or, in certain cases, Sulphide of Sodium), if necessary, with addition of some sulphur or yellow sulphide of ammonium, the sulphides of mercury, lead, copper, bismuth, and cadmium remain undissolved, whilst the other sulphides dissolve as double compounds of sulphide of gold, platinum, antimony, tin, arsenic, with sulphide of ammonium (or, as the case may be, sulphide of sodium), and precipitate again from this solution upon the addition of an acid, either unaltered, or, as regards the proto- sulphide of tin and the tersulphide of antimony, in a state of higher sulphuration—these two compounds taking up sulphur from the yellow sulphide of ammonium. The rationale of this precipitation is as follows :—The acid decomposes the sulphur salt formed. The sulphur base (sulphide of ammonium or sulphide of sodium) trans- poses with the constituents of the water, forming an oxygen base (oxide of ammonium or soda) and hydrosulphuric acid; the former combines with the acid added, the latter escapes, and the liberated electro-negative sulphide (sulphur acid) precipitates. If the acid is an hydracid, its radical combines with the ammonium, its hydro- gen with the sulphur. Sulphur precipitates at the same time, the sulphide of ammonium containing generally an excess of that ele- ment. The analyst must bear in mind that this eliminated sulphur makes the precipitated sulphides appear of a lighter color than they are naturally. The alkalies, the alkaline earths, alumina, and sesquioxide of * Sulphide of mercury combines with sulphide of potassium and sulphide of Bodium, but not with sulphide of ammonium; sulphide of copper dissolves a little it sulphide of ammonium, but not in sulphide of potassium or sulphide of sodium. DETECTION OF THE BASES.—§§ 185-207. 375 chromium have remained in solution, because their sulphur com- pounds are soluble in water, or because their salts are not affected in the least by hydrosulphuric acid ; the sulphides corresponding to the oxides of the fourth group are insoluble in water, and would have been precipitated accordingly by hydrosulphuric acid, but for the free acid present. If, therefore, this free acid is removed, i. e., if the solution is made alkaline, and then treated with hydro- sulphuric acid, or, what answers both purposes at once, if 4. Sulphide of Ammonium, is added to the solution,* the sulphides corresponding to the oxides of the fourth group will precipitate : viz., the sulphides of iron, manganese, cobalt, nickel, and zinc. But in conjunction with them, alumina, sesquioxide of chromium, and phosphate of lime are thrown down, because the affinity which the oxide of ammo- nium possesses for the acid of the salt of alumina or of sesquioxide of chromium, or for that which keeps the phosphate of lime in solu- tion, causes the elements of the sulphide of ammonium to transpose with those of the water, thus giving rise to the formation of oxide of ammonium and of hydrosulphuric acid. The former combines with the acid, the latter escapes, being incapable of entering into combination with the liberated oxides or with the phosphate of lime,—the oxides and the lime-salt precipitate. There remain now in solution only the alkaline earths and the alkalies. The neutral carbonates of the former are insoluble in water, whilst those of the latter are soluble in that menstruum. If, therefore, we now add 5. Carbonate of Ammonia, and some ammonia, in order to prevent the formation of bicarbo- nates, the whole of the alkaline earths ought to precipitate. Thia is, however, the case only as regards baryta, strontia, and lime ; of magnesia we know that, owing to its disposition to form double compounds with salts of ammonia, it precipitates only in part; and that the presence of an additional salt of ammonia will altogether prevent its precipitation. To guard against any uncertainty arising from this cause, chloride of ammonium is added previously to the addition of the carbonate of ammonia, and thus the precipi- tation of the magnesia is altogether prevented. We have now in solution magnesia and the alkalies. The detec- tion of magnesia may be effected by means of phosphate of soda * After previous neutralization of the free acid by ammonia, to prevent unneces- sary evolution of hydrosulphuric acid; and the addition also, if necessary, of chloride of ammonium to prevent the precipitation of magnesia by ammonia. 376 ADDITIONAL REMARKS TO §§ 185-207. and ammonia; but its separation requires a different method, since the presence of phosphoric acid would impede the further progress of the analysis. The process which serves to effect the removal of the magnesia is based upon the insolubility of that earth in the pure state. The substance under examination is accordingly ignited in order to expel the salt of ammonia, and the magnesia is then precipitated by means of .baryta, the alkalies, together with the newly formed salt of baryta and the excess of the caustic baryta added, remaining in solution. By the addition of carbonate of ammonia, the compounds of baryta are removed from the solution, which now only contains the fixed alkalies, the salt of ammonia formed, and the excess of the salt of ammonia added. If the salts of ammonia are then removed by ignition, the residue consists of the fixed alkalies alone. This method of separating the baryta affords the advantage over that of effecting the removal of that earth by means of sulphuric acid, that the alkalies are obtained in the most convenient form for their subsequent individual detection and isolation, viz., as chlorides. But as carbonate of baryta is slightly soluble in salts of ammonia, and gives, upon evaporation with chloride of ammonium, carbonate of baryta and chloride of barium, it is usually necessary, after the expulsion of the salts of ammonia by ignition, to precipitate it once more with carbonate of ammonia, in order to obtain a solution perfectly free from baryta. Lastly, to effect the detection of the ammonia, a fresh portion of the substance must of course be taken. b. Detection dF the Acids. Before passing on to the examination for acids and salt radicals, the analyst should first ask himself which of these substances may be expected to be present, from the nature of the detected bases and the class to which the substance under examination belongs with respect to its solubility in water or acids, since this will save him the trouble of unnecessary experiments. Upon this point I refer the student to the table in Appendix IV., in which the various compounds are arranged according to their several degrees of solu- bility in water and acids. The general reagents applied for the detection of the acids are, for the inorganic acids chloride of barium and nitrate of silver, for the organic acids chloride of calcium and sesquichloride of iron. It is therefore indispensable that the analyst should first assure himself whether the substance under examination contains only inorganic acids, or whether the presence of organic acids must also be looked for. The latter is invariably the case, if the body, when ignited, turns black, owing to separation of carbon.— In the examination for bases the different reagents serve to effect the actual separation of the several groups of bases from each DETECTION OF THE ACIDS.—§§ 185-207. 377 other; but in the examination for acids they serve simply to demonstrate the presence or absence of the acids belonging to the different groups. Let us suppose we have an aqueous solution containing the whole of the acids, in combination with soda, for instance. Baryta forms insoluble compounds with sulphuric acid, phos- phoric acid, arsenious acid, arsenic acid, carbonic acid, silicic acid, boracic acid, chromic acid, oxalic acid, tartaric acid, and citric acid; fluoride of barium also is insoluble or, at least, difficultly soluble ; all these compounds are soluble in hydrochloric acid, with the exception of sulphate of baryta. If, therefore, to a portion of our neutral or, if necessary, neutralized solution, we add, 1. Chloride of Barium, the formation of a precipitate will denote the presence of at least one of these acids. By treating the precipitate with hydrochloric acid, we learn at once whether sulphuric acid is present or not, as all the salts of baryta being soluble in this menstruum, with the exception of the sulphate, a residue left undissolved by the hydro- chloric acid can consist only of the latter salt. When sulphate of baryta is present, the reaction with chloride of barium fails to lead to the positive detection of the whole of the other acids enume- rated. For upon filtering the hydrochloric solution of the precipi- tates and supersaturating the filtrate with ammonia, the borate, tartrate, citrate, &c, of baryta do not always fall down again, being kept in solution by the chloride of ammonium formed. For this reason, chloride of barium cannot serve to effect the actual separa- tion of the whole of the acids named, and except as regards sul- phuric acid, we set no value upon this reagent as a means of effect- ing their individual detection. Still it is of great importance as a reagent, since the non-formation of a precipitate upon its applica- tion in neutral or alkaline solutions, proves at once the absence of so considerable a number of acids. The compounds of silver with sulphur, chlorine, iodine, bromine, cyanogen, ferro- and ferricyanogen, and of the oxide of silver with phosphoric acid, arsenious acid, arsenic acid, boracic acid, chromic acid, silicic acid, oxalic acid, tartaric acid, and citric acid, are insoluble in water. The whole of these compounds are soluble in dilute nitric acid, with the exception of the chloride, iodide, bro- mide, cyanide, ferrocyanide, ferricyanide, and sulphide of silver. If therefore, we add to our solution, which, for the reason just now stated, must be perfectly neutral, 2. Nitrate of Silver, and precipitation ensues, this shows at once the presence of one or several of the acids enumerated • chromic acid, arsenic acid, and 378 ADDITIONAL REMARKS TO §§ 185-207. several others, which form colored salts with silver, may be indi- vidually recognised with tolerable certainty by the mere colw of the precipitate. By treating the precipitate now with nitric acid, we see whether it contains any of the haloid compounds of silver, or sulphide of silver, as these remain undissolved, whilst all the oxide salts dissolve.—Nitrate of silver fails to effect the complete separation of those acids which form with oxide of silver com- pounds insoluble in water, from the same cause which renders the separation of acids by chloride of barium uncertain, viz. the ammo- niacal salt formed prevents the reprecipitation of several of the salts of silver by ammonia, from the acid solution. Nitrate of sil- ver, besides effecting the separation of chlorine, iodine, bromine, cyanogen, &c, and indicating the presence of chromic acid, &c, serves, like the chloride of barium, to demonstrate at once the absence of a great many acids, where it produces no precipitate in neutral solutions. The deportment which the solution under examination exhibits with chloride of barium and with nitrate of silver, indicates there- fore at once the further course of the investigation. Thus, for instance, where chloride of barium has produced a precipitate, whilst nitrate of silver has failed to do so, it is not necessary to test for phosphoric acid, chromic acid, boracic acid, silicic acid, arsenious acid, arsenic acid, oxalic acid, tartaric acid, and citric acid, provided always the solution did not already contain salts of ammonia. The same circumstance is to be considered in case we obtain a precipitate by nitrate of silver, but none by chloride of barium. Returning now to the supposition which we have assumed here, viz., that the whole of the acids are present in the solution under examination, the reactions with chloride of barium and nitrate of silver would accordingly have demonstrated already the presence of sulphuric acid, and led to the application of the special tests for CHLORINE, BROMINE, IODINE, CYANOGEN, FERROCYANOGEN, FERRI- CYANOGEN, and sulphur ;* and there would be reason to test for all the other acids precipitable by these two reagents. The detection of these acids is based upon the results of a series of special ex- periments, which have already been fully described and explained in the course of the present work: the same remark applies to the rest of the inorganic acids, viz., nitric acid and chloric acid. Of the organic acids, oxalic acid, paratartaric acid, and tartaric acid, are precipitated by chloride of calcium in the cold, in presence of chloride of ammonium; the two former immediately, the latter often only after some time ; but the precipitation of citrate of lime is prevented by the presence of salts of ammonia, and ensues only * For the separation and special detection of these substances, I refer to § 1G0. THE COURSE OF ANALYSIS.—§§ 185-207. 379 upon ebullition or upon mixing the solution with alcohol; the latter agent serves also to effect the separation of malate of lime from aqueous solutions. If, therefore, we add to our fluid,— 3. Chloride of Calcium and Chloride of Ammonium, oxalic acid, paratartaric acid, and tartaric acid are precipitated, but the lime-salts of several inorganic acids, which have not yet been separated, phosphate of lime, for instance, precipitate along with them. We must therefore select for the individual detection of the precipitated organic acids such reactions only as preclude the possibility of confounding the organic acids with the inorganic acids that have been thrown doAvn along with them. For the detection of oxalic acid we select accordingly solution of sulphate of lime, with addition of acetic acid (§ 148); to effect the detection of the tartaric and paratartaric acids, we treat the precipitate pro- duced by chloride of calcium with solution of soda, since the lime- salts of these two acids only are soluble in this menstruum in the cold, but insoluble upon ebullition. Of the organic acids we have now still in solution citric acid and malic acid, succinic acid and benzoic acid, acetic acid and formic acid. Citric acid and Malic acid precipitate upon addition of alcohol to the fluid filtered from the oxalate, tartrate, &c, of lime, and which still contains an excess of chloride of calcium. Sulphate and borate of lime invariably precipitate along with the malate and citrate of lime, if sulphuric acid and boracic acid happen to be pre- sent ; the analyst must therefore carefully guard against confound- ing the lime precipitates of these acids with those of citric acid and malic acid. The alcohol is now removed by evaporation, and to the perfectly neutral solution,— 4. Sesquichloride of Iron is added. This reagent precipitates succinic acid and benzoic acid, in combination with sesquioxide of iron, whilst formic acid and acetic acid remain in solution. The methods which serve to effect the separation of the several groups from each other, and the individual detection of the various acids, have been fully described and explained in the former part of this work. B. Special Remarks and Additions to the Systematic Course of Analysis. In this section attention will be directed to various points which could not be noticed in the course of analysis, and explanations will be given, in small type, how to proceed when the presence of the rarer elements is suspected. 380 ADDITIONAL REMARKS, ETC., TO § 192. To § 192. At the commencement of § 192, the analyst is directed to mix neutral or acid aqueous solutions with hydrochloric acid. Thia should be done drop by drop. If no precipitate forms, a few drops are sufficient, since the only object in that case is to acidify the fluid in order to prevent the subsequent precipitation of the metals of the iron group, by hydrosulphuric acid. In the case of the forma- tion of a precipitate, some chemists recommend that a fresh portion of the solution should be acidified with nitric acid. However, even leaving the fact out of consideration that nitric acid also produces precipitates in many cases—in a solution of potassio-tartrate of antimony, for instance—I prefer the use of hydrochloric acid, i. e. the complete precipitation by that acid of all that is precipitable by it, for the following reasons :—1. Metals are more readily pre- cipitated by hydrosulphuric acid from solutions acidified with hydrochloric acid, than from those acidified with nitric acid;—2. In cases where the solution contains silver, suboxide of mercury, or lead, the further analysis is materially facilitated by the total or partial precipitation of these three metals in the form of chlorides; —and 3. This latter form is the best adapted for the individual detection of these three metals when present in the same solution. Besides, the application of hydrochloric acid saves the necessity of examining whether the mercury, which may be subsequently de- tected with the other metals of the fifth group, was originally pre- sent in the form of oxide or in that of suboxide. That the lead, if present in large proportion, is obtained partly in the form of' a chloride, and partly in the precipitate produced by hydrosulphuric acid in the acid solution, can hardly be thought an objection to the application of this method, as the removal of the larger portion of the lead from the solution, effected at the commencement, will only serve to facilitate the examination for other metals of the fifth and sixth groups. As already remarked, a basic salt of teroxide of antimony may separate from potassio-tartrate of antimony, for instance, or from some other analogous compound, and precipitate along with the insoluble chloride of silver and subchloride of mercury, and the sparingly soluble chloride of lead. This precipitate, however, is readily soluble in the excess of hydrochloric acid which is sub- sequently added, and exercises therefore no influence whatever upon the further process. The application of heat to the fluid mixed with hydrochloric acid is neither necessary nor even ad- visable, since it might cause the conversion of a little of the precipitated subchloride of mercury into chloride. Should bismuth or chloride of antimony be present, the addition of the washings of the precipitate produced by hydrochloric acid THE COURSE OF ANALYSIS.—§§ 193, 194. 381 to the first filtrate will cause turbidity, if the amount of free hydro- chloric acid present is not sufficient to prevent the separation of the basic salt. This turbidity exercises, however, no influence upon the further process, since hydrosulphuric acid as readily converts these finely-divided precipitates into sulphides, as if the metals were in actual solution. In the case of alkaline solutions, the addition of hydrochloric acid must be continued until the fluid shows a strongly acid reaction. The substance which causes the alkaline reaction of the fluid com- bines with the hydrochloric acid, and the bodies originally dis- solved in that acid separate. Thus, if the alkali was present in the free state, oxide of zinc, for instance, or alumina, &c, may pre- cipitate. But these oxides redissolve in an excess of hydrochloric acid, whereas chloride of silver would not redissolve, and chloride of lead only with difficulty. If a metallic sulphur salt was the cause of the alkaline reaction, the sulphur acid, e. g., tersulphide of antimony, precipitates upon the addition of the hydrochloric acid, whilst the sulphur base, e. g., sulphide of sodium, transposes with the constituents of the hydrochloric acid, forming chloride of sodium and hydrosulphuric acid. If an alkaline carbonate, a cyanide, or the sulphide of an alkali metal was the cause of the alkaline reaction, carbonic acid, hydrocyanic acid, or hydrosul- phuric acid escapes. All these phenomena should be carefully observed by the analyst, since they not only indicate the presence of certain substances, but demonstrate also the absence of entire groups of bodies. In solutions which contain alkaline salts of antimonic, tantalic, hyponiobic, molyb- dic or tungstic acids, hydrochloric acid likewise throws down precipitates. Those yielded by antimonic, tantalic and molybdic acids, dissolve in excess (the tantalic precipitate to an opaline liquid). Hyponiobic and tungstic acids are, on the contrary, insoluble in excess of hydrochloric acid. The last two acids therefore remain with the precipitate, which may also contain chloride of silver, subchloride of mercury, chloride of lead, and silicic acid. The separation of sulphur, beginning some time subsequent to the addition of hydrochloric acid and attended by the evolution of sul- phurous acid, indicates hyposulphites. To §§ 193 and 194. To make an analysis in the shortest possible time, the experi- menter must accustom himself to carry on several processes at once, and not to stand in idleness during an operation that requires time. Thus, after having procured a hydrosulphuric acid precipi- tate, instead of waiting until it is completely washed before going further the analyst may test the first drops of the filtrate with hydrosulphuric acid to make sure that the precipitation is perfect, and such being the case, he may add sulphide of ammonium to learn whether bases of Groups III. and IV. are present, and in their absence carbonate of ammonia may be employed to decide the 382 ADDITIONAL REMARKS TO §§ 193, 194. presence or absence of alkaline earths. When these experiments are finished, the filtrate will usually be ready to treat with sulphide of ammonium or carbonate of ammonia as the case may require, and the second precipitate may be brought upon a filter while the first is being washed. As soon as the first is washed sufficiently, it may be digested with sulphide of ammonium, while at the same time the second precipitate is washing. In this way, after a little practice, the analyst will learn to occupy his time fully, and will be able to accomplish double the work that would otherwise be possible. [The beginner should not fail to use the necessary means to avoid confusion. For this purpose his precipitates, solu- tions, &e., should be labelled, especially when several operations are going on side by side or when his products must stand over night. In most cases it is only necessary to write upon the paper cover of the vessel or upon a slip of gummed paper attached to its side, the marginal number of the analytical course belonging to the paragraph according to which the solution or precipitate is to be treated on resuming work. No matter how powerful may be one's memory, the habit of labelling will often save from perplexing uncertainty and effect a real economy of time.] In cases where the analyst has simply to deal with metallic oxides of the sixth group—e. g., teroxide of antimony—and of the fourth or fifth group—e. g., iron or bismuth—he need not precipi- tate the acidified solution with hydrosulphuric acid, but may, after neutralization, at once add sulphide of ammonium in excess. The sulphide of iron, &c, will in that case precipitate, whilst the anti- mony, &c, will remain in solution, from which they will, by addi- tion of an acid, at once be thrown down as tersulphide of antimony, &c. This method has the advantage that the fluid is diluted less than is the case where solution of hydrosulphuric acid is employed, and that the operation is performed more expeditiously and conve- niently than is the case where hydrosulphuric acid gas is conducted into the fluid. The beginner must bear well in mind that he is very liable to fall into error in the precipitation by hydrosulphuric acid, by employing a solution of the latter that is too weak or altogether spoiled, or by adding it in too small quantity, as well as by passing the gas into a solution that is too concentrated or con- tains too great an excess of hydrochloric or nitric acid. Suppose, for instance, that a very strongly acid solution of iron and bismuth is in hand; addition of a little solution of hydrosulphuric acid, or transmission of the gas, produces no precipitate on account of the large excess of acid. It is thence concluded that no base, pre- cipitable by hydrosulphuric acid, is present, and the analyst naturally proceeds to add sulphide of ammonium, and thus obtains sulphide of bismuth, together with the sulphide of iron. On treat- ing this precipitate with dilute hydrochloric acid, a black residue THE COURSE OF ANALYSIS.—§§ 195, 196. 383 remains which is at once mistaken for cobalt or nickel. When the beginner has thus lost his way it is very difficult to set himself right again. Acid solutions must therefore be sufficiently diluted, and it must not be neglected to warm them, as otherwise arsenic acid may be overlooked. On treating acid solutions with hydrosulphuric acid, or on acidi- fying the sulphide of ammonium in which the hydrosulphuric pre- cipitate has been digested, precipitates are often obtained which so closely resemble pure sulphur that the operator is in doubt whether to test them for metals. In such cases, the precipitate may be washed first with water, then with alcohol, and finally digested with bisulphide of carbon, which takes up sulphur, leav- ing in a pure state any metallic sulphide. The precipitate produced by hydrosulphuric acid in acid solutions may contain the Bulphides of the following rarer elements: Palladium, rhodium, osmium, ruthenium, iridium,* molybdenum, tellurium, selenium.f The following cause a separation of sulphur, by oxidizing the hydrogen of the hydrosulphuric acid, viz.: The higher oxides and chlorides of manganese and cobalt, vanadic acid (the liquid becoming blue), nitrous, sulphurous, hyposulphurous, hypo- chlorous, chlorous, bromic and iodic acids. On digesting the precipitate with sulphide of ammonium (sulphide of sodium) there pass into solution (with sulphides of antimony, arsenic, &c), the sulphides of iridium, molybdenum, tellurium, and selenium, while the sulphides of palladium, rhodium, osmium, and ruthenium remain undissolved. To § 195. When the precipitate which contains all the sulphides of metals of group VI., viz., tin, antimony, arsenic, tellurium, selenium, molybdenum, gold, platinum, and iridium, is fused with carbonate and nitrate of soda, and the fused mass is treated with cold water, as directed § 195, there pass into solution with arsenic acid, tel- luric, selenic, and molybdic acids, while iridium remains in the residue, with binox- ide of tin, antimonate of soda, gold and platinum. The mode of detecting the rarer elements in the solution and residue may be gathered from § 138. To § 196. Besides the methods described in the systematic course to dis- tinguish between cadmium, copper, lead, and bismuth, the follow- ing process will also be found to give highly satisfactory results. Add carbonate of soda to the nitric acid solution as long as a pre- * The platinum metals are not easy to precipitate completely by hydrosulpkuric acid. The gas must be passed into the solution a long time with application of a gentle heat. + Tunesten and vanadium are not found in the precipitate produced by hydrosul- phuric acid in acid solution. When the solution is first treated with sulphide of ammonium, and then with hydrochloric or other strong acid in excess, they remain undissolved (as do sulphides of nickel and cobalt), and mixed with the sulphides o' groups V. and VI. 384 ADDITIONAL REMARKS TO § 197. cipitate continues to form, then solution of cyanide of potassium in excess, and heat gently. This effects the complete separation of lead and bismuth in the form of carbonates, whilst copper and cadmium are obtained in solution in the form of cyanide of copper and potassium, and cyanide of cadmium and potassium. Lead and bismuth may now be readily separated from one another by means of sulphuric acid. The separation of the copper from the cadmium is effected by adding to the solution of the cyanides of these two metals in cyanide of potassium, hydrosulphuric acid in excess, gently heating, and then adding some more cyanide of potassium, in order to redissolve the sulphide of copper which may have pre- cipitated along with the sulphide of cadmium. A residuary yellow precipitate (sulphide of cadmium), insoluble in the cyanide of potassium, demonstrates the presence of cadmium. Filter the fluid from this precipitate, and add hydrochloric acid to the filtrate, when the formation of a black precipitate (sulphide of popper) will demonstrate the presence of copper. If the sulphides of palladium, rhodium, osmium, and ruthenium are suspected in the precipitate containing sulphide of copper, sulphide of bismuth, &c, proceed aa follows: Fuse the precipitate with hydrate and chlorate of potassa, carrying the heat finally to redness. Treat the cooled mass with water. The solution now contains osmate and ruthenate of potassa, and is colored deep yellow by the latter salt. Neutralize cautiously with nitric acid, when black oxide of ruthenium separates. Add to the filtrate more nitric acid and distil; osmic acid passes over. The residue undissolved in water is gently ignited in a stream of hydrogen gas (in which process cadmium may volatilize) and cautiously treated with dilute nitric acid which dissolves copper, lead, &c, and leaves behind rhodium and palladium. Aqua regia dissolves palladium, while rhodium remains unaffected. As to the further examination of the metals thus separated, refer to § 127. Mercury maybe looked for in a separate portion of the precipitated sulphides. To § 191. In case the solution filtered from the hydrosulphuric acid precipitate contains all the elements of groups III. and IV. we obtain, when the solution is treated with chloride and sulphide of ammonium and ammonia in excess, a precipitate in which occur. a. As sulphides: Cobalt, nickel, manganese, iron, zinc, uranium and [thallium]. 6. As oxides: Aluminum, glucinum, thorium, zirconium, yttrium, terbium, erbium, cerium, lanthanum, didymium, chromium, titanium, tantalum and niobium*. When the rarer elements are suspected, the following course of analysis is in many cases the most satisfactory : Wash and dry the precipitate, roast it in a porcelain crucible and then fuse it in a platinum crucible with bisulphate of potassa for a considerable time. Digest the cooled mass for some time in cold water and filter. The residue which may contain tantalum and niobium, as well as silica and some * A small quantity of hyponiobic acid, redissolved by hydrochloric acid in the precipitation by that reagent, may be present. THE COURSE OF ANALYSIS.—§ 197. 385 undissolved oxides of iron and chromium, is fused with hydrate and a little nitrate of soda, and digested in soda-lye. Chromate and silicate of soda are dissolved, while tantalate and hyponiobate of soda (which are insoluble in soda-lye) remain with oxide of iron. After removing the excess of soda-lye the residue is treated repeatedly with a very dilute solution of carbonate of soda in which the hyponio- bate of soda dissolves much more easily than the tantalate. Test further accord- ing to § 107, 11 and 12. The solution which contains all the other elements of groups III. and IV. is first treated with hydrosulphuric acid to reduce sesquioxide of iron, then largely diluted and heated for a long time to boiling, a current of carbonic acid being at the same time passed through it. Any precipitate thus produced is to be examined for titanic acid ; it may also possibly contain some zirconia. The filtrate is concentrated by evaporation with addition of nitric acid and precipi- tated with ammonia: the washed precipitate is dissolved in hydrochloric acid and again precipitated with ammonia. In this manner zinc, manganese, nickel, cobalt [and thallium]* are obtained almost completely in solution while the earths and other oxides remain in the precipitate. The latter is again dissolved in hydrochloric acid and treated cold with excess of concentrated solution of potassa. Chromium, alumina and glucina pass into the solution, while the other earths remain with the oxides of iron and uranium. On diluting the alkaline solution and boiling it for some time the glucina and oxide of chromium are thrown down while alumina remains dissolved and may be precipitated by means of chloride of ammonium. The precipitate is fused with carbonate and nitrate of soda, and chromic acid and glucina are separated as directed § 106 for the separation of alumina and chromic acid. The precipitate which consists of the sesquioxides of iron and uranium and the earths insoluble in potassa, may also under some circumstances, viz. in presence of yttria and oxide of cerium, contain glucina and alumina. [It may likewise consist in part or entirely of alumina and magnesia which are sometimes thrown down together by ammonia in a combination which requires a large excess of chloride of ammonium to prevent its formation, and which is quite insoluble in potassa. Before examining for rare earths resolve this precipitate if possible by repeatedly dissolv- ing in hydrochloric acid and precipitating in presence of chloride of ammonium. If it remain undiminished by this treatment, and if no magnesia be found in the solu- tions after precipitating by ammonia, proceed as follows] The precipitate is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and the excess of acid is mostly removed by evaporation. To the cold solution carbonate of baryta is added and the mixture is allowed to stand 4 to 6 hours. The precipitate thus formed, contains the sesquioxides of iron and uranium, and any alumina that escaped previous precipitation, after dissolving in hydrochloric ncid, the uranium is removed from the iron and alumina by an excess of carbonate of ammonia. The liquid filtered from the precipitate by carbonate of baryta is freed from baryta by a slight excess of sulphuric acid, brought to a small bulk by evaporation, exactly or at least very nearly neutralized by means of potassa (the reaction should be acid rather than alkaline), and crystals of neutral sulphate of potassa are added, after * [In the solution thallium may be detected by the yellow precipitate it yields with iodide of potassium, or by the reaction with bichloride of platinum (confirm by the flame test and spectroscope). It may be separated from all the other bases of the fourth group by boiling the solution with carbonate of soda (if ammonia salts are present until these'are decomposed and ammonia completely dissipated) carbonate of thallium remains in the solution especially while hot, and all the other bases are converted into insoluble carbonates or oxides.] 25 386 ADDITIONAL REMARKS, ETC., TO §§ 198-201, 206. which the liquid is boiled a short time and then left at rest for 12 hours. Any pre- cipitate is filtered off and washed with a solution of sulphate of potassa. The filtrate contains that portion of the glucina which may have escaped solution by potassa, also yttria (together with erbia and terbia). These substances are pre- cipitated by ammonia, and may then be easily separated by treating with a concen- trated warm solution of oxalic acid, in which the glucina is soluble, whilst the oxalates of yttria and of erbia and terbia are left undissolved. Now boil the precipitate of the double sulphates of zirconia, &c, and potassa repeatedly in water, with addition of some hydrochloric acid, which will dissolve the thoria and the oxides op cerium, lanthanum and didymium, leaving the sulphate of zirconia and potassa undissolved. The thoria and the oxides of cerium, Pi Or Fresenius, Remigius, Manual of qualitative chemical analysis, HMD Bluncat 2001-168 Cleaning: The outer cover and top edge were surface cleaned with a soft brush. Extreme grime on the covers was cleaned using grated vinyl eraser (Staedtler). The top edge and foredge of the text block were cleaned using grated eraser crumbs. Mold on the back flyleaf and paste down was reduced using a soft brush and grated eraser crumbs and was then deactivated using ethyl alcohol (Fischer Scientific). Treatment carried out by Rachel-Ray Cleveland, HMD Paper Conservator, 11/2001.