wm^i '&*.* :<;í.'*:«i m: NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland /? V. HARVARB IWYMSHY. Jifcritrjj of % $Bto$s. Ptòkal (Mlege. RULES AND REGULATIONS. , I 1. Students attending any of the Lectures in the Massachusetts Medicai College may take books from the Library during the course, by depositing Five Dollars with the Dean; and the Students of any of the Medicai Professors may have the same privilege on the same terms throughout the year. 2. The Library shall be open on the afternoon of every Saturday, from 3 to 4 o'clock, for the delivery and return of books. 3. Three volumes may be taken at a time, and | kupt 4 weeks, or r" ned sooner if dcsiied.— J Tw vntv-five cents week will be charged for | each volume that is ept beyond that time; and | wb< n a fine is incurred, it must be paid before jj any m-'>re books cau be taken out. !| 4. Ali the books must be rcturned on or be- for■• the lasi Wednesday in February, and on or i i before the last Wednesday in August. prepara- tory to the semi-annual examinaiíõds of the Library. 5. If a volume be lost, or injured, the price of the book, or the amount necessary to repair the injury, as the case may be, will be dedueted from the sum deposited; otherwise the whole amount will be returne^ +o the depositor, when he ceases to use the Library. í** h L? B* ■ wÈÊm JyM WfV- BIwí mm™ í&Sk &b3KÍ i ?í v*i.r ^PS&E ^$m rtVa*í ara » 'ttAltó