HEAD QUARTERS, Department East Term., Knoxville, Oct. 1, 1863. ©vpwfeatwtt of tlw Jlqmtmeut. General Orders No. . I. That .Regimental Surgeons may be the better enabled to discharge the very important duty of keeping the Army free from any sick that would impede its movements, General Hospitals will be organized throughout this Department as exigency may demand. II. Regimental Surgeons are enjoined to give attention to General Orders, Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, No. 44, par. Y.: “ Regimental Medical Officers, when in charge of patients brought to General Hospitals, or in the vicinity of the same, will turn them over to the Surgeons in charge, and return without delay to their Regimental duties.â€~ III. Each Hospital shall be under the control of a Sur- geon in charge, or Senior Asst., who shall be responsible for all administration. Each Hospital will be arranged by Divisions, Divisions by Wards, Wards by Beds. The Surgeon in charge, or Senior Asst., shall be sup- ported by one Asst. Surgeon to every eighty Beds; One Apothecary, or Prescriptionist, to every one hun- dred and fifty Beds; One Steward. One Asst. Steward, to every one hun- dred and fifty Beds; One Matron. One Asst. Matron, to every eighty Beds; One Ward-Master. One Asst. Ward-Master, to every eighty Beds; One Orderly; One Nuise to every ten Beds; Two Matron’s Maids to every eighty Beds; 2 One Laundress. One Asst. Laundress, to every twen- ty Beds; One Cook. One Asst. Cook, to every thirty Beds; Two Wood Choppers to every live Cooks ; One Ambulance, two Horses with Harness, and one Dri- ver to every one hundred and fifty Beds ; One two-horse Wagon, with Harness, to each Ambulance. IV. Other Nurses, or Attendants, as ma}' be found to be necessary to the proper care and attention of the sick and wounded in Hospital, will be obtained, by requisition made by the Surgeon in charge, or the Senior Asst., with the ap- proval of the Commanding General, on the Quarter Master; or by solicited detail. V. Hospital .Records shall be completed each night, and a Tabular Report furnished to the Surgeon of the Post by each Surgeon in charge, or Senior Asst., of name, rank, Com- pany, Regiment, of each admission, transfer, desertion, dis- charge, furlough, return to duty, and death, occurring during the twenty-four hours preceding (j o’clock, P. AL, each day. And these Reports, or their duplicate, shall be transmitted, by the Post Surgeon, to the office of the Medical Director of the Department, on the last day of each and every week. Hospital Records will be constructed from the Reports of the Asst. Surgeons, Steward and Ward-Master. VI. Medical Officers and attaches of Hospitals, are enjoined especially to observe and perform the duties requir- ed by General Regulations. Each Asst. Surgeon will report, to the office of the Hos- pital, with such details or remarks as may be suggested, each death, transfer, furlough, and return to duty, occurring amongst the patients under his charge, during the twenty- four hours preceding 6 o’clock, P. M., each day. Each Asst. Steward shall report to the Steward, and ho to the office of the Hospital—their reports condensed—the occurrences and condition of the Steward’s charge, during the twenty-four hours preceding 6 o’clock, P. M,, each day. Each Nurse will report to the Asst. Ward-Afasterhaving charge of the Ward the Nurse is serving, each bed in his care vacated, and why; and each Asst. Ward Master, will report to the Ward-Master, and he to the office of the Hospit- al—their reports condensed—the occurrences and condition of the Vhurd Master’s charge, during the twenty-four hours preceding 6 o’clock, P. At., each day. The Ward-Alaster will assign each Asst. Ward-Master his particular Ward or Wards. And each Asst. Ward-Alaster will have immediate control of the Nurses having care of Beds and patients in the Wards assigned: to him. 3 The Matron will co-operate, and immediately correspond with the Steward and Ward-Master, in exercising a superin- tendence over the entire domestic economy of the Hospital. The Matron will assign each Asst. Matron her particular Ward or Wards, and define her duties. And each Asst. Mat- ron will have immediate control of, and direct, the two Maids placed in her service by the Matron. The Laundress, under the superintendence of the Mat- ron, will have immediate control and direction of the Asst. Laundresses. The Hospital Orderly will obey the special orders of the Surgeon and Asst. Surgeons. In the discharge of general duties, the Hospital Orderly will receive all calls at the door, and, courteously, learn the object of the visitation, and will, as far as may be, accomplish it without trouble to other Offi- cers. Thus, if a patient presents, the Orderly will notify the Ward-Master; or if a friend wishes to see a patient to whom a visitor may be admitted, the Orderly will reter to the Re- cords, or to the Ward-Master, and find the Ward, and Bed, occupied by the patient, and conduct the visitor to him. The Orderly will, except the matter be very urgent, detain in the Reception Room visitors who ask for the Surgeon, or an Asst. Surgeon, during the hours of regular visitation through the Wards. The Surgeon in charge, or Senior Asst., must make monthly reports of the sick and wounded, to the office of the Medical Director of the Department; and quarterly reports of the sick and wounded to the office of the Surgeon General. The Surgeon in charge, or Senior Asst., must make, monthly, to the office of the Medical Director of the Depart- ment, a Statement of the Hospital Fund. Stewards must take receipts, in duplicate, for all dis- bursements of moneys, and one of such duplicate will be forwarded as vouchers, with the Monthly Statement of the Hospital Fund, to the office of the Medical Director. By order of Maj. Gen. S. JONES. FRAEK. A. RAMSEY, Sargeon, and Medical Director, Dept. E. Term.