[Nervousness] a pleurisy but may a pneumonia.  3  Blister is more slow and more permanent than rubefacient and produces more structural change. Rubefacient is more rapid and more general in active - used in congestions and nerve irritations.- Rubefacients go deeper than blister if left on for a long time Countre- irritation. - Mar. 17. 1888. Amaurosis may follow from decayed tooth. Paraplegia from renal calculus. Duodenal ulcer from a burn. It occurs through the trophic nerves. Irritation to be placed directly, over an organ as it has a relation with the surface directly over it. Port annal for the eye. Anstic's Law - first countre irritation over the root of nerve supplying the painful parts. Sets of Countre- irritants - 3. I Rubefacients - cause dermititis but with no organic change. II Epispastics - Has organic change and blisters. III Those causing structural change but no blister as Croton oil or Antimony. Seton acts in same way Issue also Caroling likewise. If you wish in affect an organ having organic change, you must cause organic change on surface For congestions and irritations rubefacients to be used : as in lungs or bowels. Peritonitis requires structural changes for countre - irritation. For Blistering - Epispastics = vesicatories. produce inflammation of skin & antpouring of serum Known as blister) Spanish Fly (Beetle) Cantharis - Cantharides Active principle is cantharides Tinct. is used internally dose gtt Overdose of the fly internally causes burning pain and soon vomiting of mucus & green specks of fly, these bloody, then shortly diarrhoea not serous than mucous and bloody, with tenesmus and small, Sometimes at once we have collapse; in a few hours a 2nd set of symptoms come on as pains in Loins, pain in bladder, & frequent desire to micturate and symptoms of cystite and even strangury. Take it off 1 or 2 hrs before it has drawn & then put on [the] poultice to draw. and erotic excitements (aphrodisiac) from small dose, from larger dose we may get swelling and sloughing of the scrotum &c, death from exhaustion with coma. death is from local action at the points of interence & escape. Treatment of poisoning - Wash out stomach and intestine with demulcent drinks but no oils & cathartics & give Opium. - or even Anaesthetics - Leeches to epigastrium. Write for plaster thus. On Adhesive plaster with a free uncovered edge. Rx Ceratum cantharidis q.s. Pimples vj x IIII urine If absorbed the cantharides may cause strangury, to avoid this only keep on the plaster a brief time (early removal), and thus also the pain suffering will be far less, - 5 or 6 hrs contact is enough followed by flaxseed or bread and milk poultice for 5 or 6 hrs more, after the blister is raised clip in with scissors and then may cover with ointment Chartula in keep in from healing use Basilicon ointment (Cerat. Resinal) For Strangury - Opium peridium & Hot bath. leeches to epigastrium For nervous irritation - In typhoid fever convulsions 3rd week by applying to Scalp. In D.T. but there is danger of scalp sore to heal in quickly use Goulards [crossed out] ointment. - Or use Simple cerate. If slow in heal use Ung Zinci or Ung Iodoform. Blister is most useful for serous inflammation than that of organs. - only in advanced stage of pneumonia, Often good in catarrhal pneumonia & capillary bronchitis. Blisters are more useful in later than in early stages of inflammation. Rubefacients - Plaster - Poultice - Liquids as liniments. Liniments - used for chronic rheumatism or after exertion, but not as efficient as they are popular. No specific action in any one liniments. May use Aqua Ammon fortior with Ol olivum, may add Ol Terebinth, and Oil of Sassafras Cantharidal collodium (Collodium cure cantharide) is too powerful for using. Turpentine stripes - In typhoid fever - In Amenorrhea with Dovers &c. Aqua Ammon under watch crystal. As Plasters Pices. Pix Burgundica - x (as Plaster [crossed out]) Mourning plaster = Emplast. Picis cum Cantharidis will blister 3 out of 6 persons - they act slowly & for days; for moral comfort: - In chronic bronchitis of old persons of service x (Pix Canadensis as Emp Picis Canaden) - In nervous pain of women for prolonged mild effect. Sinapis - mustard Is more valuable 1. Sinapis nigra = acts in 10 mins black mustard is more powerful, of equal parts with flour. 2. Sinapis alba = acts in 15 mins. white or yellow mustard. Mustard is a soothing persistent plaster - use in not too strong so as to keep it on longer. - In newspaper Mustard plaster for 1/2 hr, in blister there is more pain and harder to heal them from cantharides. - Used in intense internal irritation, no good in collapse and apoplexy and as there is no sensibility here it may be left on too long - In internal irritations the next 1 Part Black mustard & 2 parts flour. Kept on 20 mins. or Equal parts of yellow mustard & flour - mixed with water. day after after using the plaster a furious dermititis may appear by reaction. The mustard leaves of the drug strups are abominations. By diluted with flour & [crossed out] molasses it checks its rapid action Spiers. - for steady & continuous mild influence in enteritis. - may use tincture of the spiers on cloth & cover with oiled silk. Escharotics are drugs used to destroy diseased or sound tissue. Pain is the difficulty but creaine now prevents this, is in chancre before using nitric acid. Nitrate of Silver is powerful but does not go deep. Acid nitrate of mercury acts about as nitric acid, applied on splinter or glass rod, arrest their action with soapy water. Chronic acid is powerful, for epidurral growths especially, as warts venereal or not by placing a crystal on it & then wash off with H2O. Bromine is most powerful - use glass rod - acts in dead and living tissue alike, used for Hospital gangrene but is too uncontrollable for organic growths. Sulphuric acid may also be used. Corrosive sublimate - is most dangerous from its absorption. Potash or Potasse cum calce (Vienna paste) - it takes up the water, acts in the fat, oxidizes the fibres - for small masses - is too uncontrollable - punctralis deeply - used in make an issue - apply by making a hole in a piece of sticking plaster [illustration] & cover the edges with cerate oil, apply the caustic for 10 or 15 min then wash with vinegar The Vienna paste does not run as the Potassa does. Zinci Chlorid - bitter as Canquoiris paste, & making arrows in thrust around base of tumor. Acidum arseniosum - (As2 O3) bains of quack remedies. Cancer tissue is more readily destroyed than round tissue - pain is atrocious, but cocaine checks this - It may be absorbed but by using large amounts this danger is less as the tissues die so quickly. Anthhelmintres Mar 22, 1888. Worms. I Ascaridis Seat worms. II Lumbricoid - Round worms. III Taeniae - Tape worms. I. For Seat worms fist wash out the rectum by injection of salt water, and follow this by an injection of Qaussia 3ji. in Ojss boiled down to Oj. inject this each slowly and hold it as long as possible. Vinegar has also been used. Spigelia Pinkroot Ext fluid dose fzj Ext spigeliae in Sermac fl (not officinal any more) has aromatics in it, good for children. adult dose 3ss - 2 yr child fzs-j every 4 hrs till in purges. Symptoms of Overdose of Spigelia - much as a mydriatic - dilated pupil, heart acceleration, heat & dry skin, delirium. It probably contains Spigeline which is a cardiac depressant. Spigelia narcotizes the round worms hence in 1 hr afterwards follow with castor oil. Azedarach Decoction (3ij to Ojss boiled to Oj) dose tablespoonful every 2 to 3 hrs till bowels are affected. Chenopodioum - Wormseed Oil is to be used - dose in capsules or on sugar gtt x to 3 yr child every 3 hrs. Santonica Levant wormseed contains Santonica also called Santoninic acid & can form salts. Santoniates are freely soluble. Santonin is insoluble. Action - First symptom is often yellow vision (zanthopsia) due to staining the humours yellow, and urine is red looking from the santonin & its derivatives but not bloody, tremblings, vomiting but mostly not, and the symptoms are not those of gastro-enteritis it exerts its power over the nerve centres, & with loss of consciousness & dilated pupil. Summary I. Zanthopsia. 2 Tremblings and muscular (?) apathy & unconsciousness & epileptiform convulsions. 3. Collapse. Santonin has produced death - 6 grs has killed strong adult: as it is insoluble the persons have often escaped, Solubility is not wanted hence sodium cantanate is not to be used, but give the santonin itself in its crystalline form (not pulverized) Adult dose gr ij - iv Child dose gr 1/4 - 1/2 follow it in 2 hrs with castor oil with a little turpentine added to it Turpentine - doses of f3ss j always with twice its bulk of castor oil has been used for all worms. III For taenia must have the intestines empty may give as follows 1. Supper to night, bread milk & tea. 2. Medicine at 7 tomorrow morning. 3. 1 hr later (8 A.M.) coffee 4. 3 hrs later little milk toast (1/2 hr before 2nd medicine = cathartic) Pepo. Pumpkin seed, Wood mostly uses this for taenia. It must not too old. 3j - ij beaten up with sugar & aromatic oil & taken as the breakfast. at 10 A.M take tablespoonful castor oil & teaspoonful turpentine, and 1/2 hr later may eat. Be present at the delivery of the worm & if it comes down by giving a large rectal injection as of salt water to bring the head along. Aspidium - Filix Mas. Male fern Oleoresin is alone to be used It can produce fatal gastro-enteritis. -not safe to give over 3ss - j after starving &c Brayera Koosso Has Resin Koosin (Taenin) Wood never used this x (3ss powdered leaves suspended in water in the morning, or 20-40 grs Koossin. It generally purges itself - case in pregnancy.) Cathartic 2 or 3 hrs afterwards. Pomegranate Rind - Granatum Decoction of the fine twigs is better 3ij Ojss boiled to Oj. Alkaloids - Pelletierine} taenicides Isopelletierine} {more French dose of alkaloid is gr iv - vj. On animals it produces temporary motor paralysis [crossed out] of peripheral motor nerves as with curare Antacids Drugs to neutrallize acidity of primae viae. (in Stomach or Intestines with constipation or diarrhoea) In gastric acidity we have acid eructations, and may cause headache (sick) coming on with blindness & sudden dizziness & early stomach symptoms & is across the whole brow & not on our spot as in neuralgic headache; for acid sick headache Remedy is to act immediately hence use Ammonia gtt xx-xxx or Spirits or Spts. aromat. Acidity is due more to fermentation than to perverted secretion. Sodium Soda bicarbonate acts on Stomach and Urine but not on general system. Preparation - 1. - Carbonate 2. Bicarbonate is less irritant - given in soda mint. For Burns when no cuticle is Lime water not given for vomiting of acute gastritis destroyed put on a paste of the Bicarb it does good apparently by breaking up the emboli or thrombi of the burn. It dissolves uric acid hence used in gravel, but can not dissolve any formed calculus, hence to only [crossed out] make the urine alkali in Soda bicarb grx -xx t.d., but to purify the system use Potass Lime. - Calx. - 2 forms. 1. Caustic Lime. 2. Aq. Calcis. Aq calcis (lime water) prevents coagulation of milk in stomach hence good for delicate stomachs as in milk punch add tablespoonful or more. It is astringent and sedative to mucous membrane, has solvent power on mucus, used for gastric irritation especially with milk as for puerperal vomiting 1 part to 3 of milk up in 6 of milk, in small doses of the mixture at first as f3ss. In vomiting lime water alone is good. In laryngitis (early) lime water in atomizer every hour is best remedy. In children with nose stuffed shut with thick mucus it dissolves it. In Diptheria lime water has no power. x(Syrup Calcis dose fzi - ij) Liniment Calcis = Carron oil for burns. Chalk - 1. Cretae Prep. 2. Calcii. Carbon. Praecipt. Both these forms of chalk act alike. Slowly acting antacids. - well given internally as mist Cretae (gr xxx to f3j) dose is f3ss - j. - it is also feebly astringent, and as dessicants in powder form, and acts as protective, good for diarrhoeas of irritation, and also in those of relaxation. (from acidity is in Summer) In intertrigo, feet sweating &c. as dessicants & protection. (Oyster Shell in Castillon powder for summer diarrhoea) (Dose carbonate gr xx - 3j Saccharin. Prepared from coal tar, Is 250 times as much as Sugar. It escapes unchanged from the urine and makes it sweet & antiseptic. It has no physiological setron on the animal organism and does not affect the nutrition of patients. Uses. - In diabetic to sweeten the food. In obese persons. It is insoluble in water but in soluble in glycerine. Disinfectants - Mar. 24 1888. To destroy noxious miasmata. Wood divides poisons in 2 Classes. 1. Miasmata 2. Contagious. 1. Miasm is not a germ but is gaseous emanations but these can be infected as with typhoid. 2. Contagion is a germ. Filth may be in air, water, or solid. The atmosphere can only be purified by dispersion, & not by bonfires &c as any agent that will kill the germ will kill man also. Chlorinalia lime in the sick room is no good it only covers the other odor by its own. Sewerage. can only be purified by Germicides kill live germs Antiseptic kill them in embryo & prevents their development. 1 dispersion & by 2 oxidation. Solid filth - can only be deleterious if moist, - dry earth of "cat style" is good hence well to keep barrel of 1/2 plaster and 1/2 dry earth is with 1/4 part dry lime in county privy to throw down each time. Lime (Alkalin) favors oxidation by forming ozone. Lime in a privy brings up emanations of Ammonia & other poisonous matters. Mode of disposing of non - infected filth - I Dispersion II Dryness. III Lime. Cleanliness of rooms as by washing is best - dispersion You can not disinfect large masses in never or privy, hence destroy the first stool as it comes from the typhoid patient. -place the disinfectant in the [chamber] bed pan before the patient uses it. In infected filth you must use a germicide as 1 Chlorinated lime, 2 Corrosion Sublimate or 3 Acid carbolic. Chlorinated lime is the cheapest, 1 part to 100 of water destroys all forms of living organism used either in solid but [crossed out] better in liquid form, put 3iv - v in pan before defecation do not pour away the stools immediately after being discharged. In using corrosion sublimate use it 1 to 500 of the stools, always kept in solution & colored with amline or fuchsyne. Acid carbolic is effectual - 1 to 200 of the stools at least. Sweetening of Closet and Pipes - use copperas (FeSO4) To disinfect sick room - wall paper had but be taken off and the walls and floor washed with HgCl2 1 to 1000 followed by ordinary water. Bedding had best be treated by fire or by boiling. No upholstered furniture is to be in a sick room. For blankets be may use dry or better moist heat of tempt 250 F - the goods to be spread out. - May boil the clothes in salt water. Corpse of infections disease to be sealed in close coffin and buried immediately and privately: may inject in at once with corrosive sublimate to disinfect the corpse.          [crossed out] 1 O.K. Pepper. Oct 6 1887. Memb Lar - is inflam with Pseudo. memb formative in memb - Known as membranous or true Croup. It is Idiopathic or Secondary Inset put as abrupt as Cap fr Begin with slight fever increasing Cough is hoarse becoming weak & small called also Crooping Croup. Sympts of obstructive voice becomes smaller & whisping almost suppressed cough become wheezy & feeble breath more labored Angle of more play. bring Stude with wear Rest murmur. Supra - gt violet [crossed out] sinks & at bare of chest. It turns spells of Spasmodic differently in breathing for livid - childs in sweat. time about - airs of apnoea May kill in 48 hrs in 5. 6. 7 day. It may come on in perfect health but in majority of cases you may find flaks [crossed out] fancis. but rarely Albumen in urine. Diag - Dr is usually in children Progressive character of 2 O.K. If Sympts progress after using Calomel than conride Tracheotomy or Intubation Indication for Tracheotomy &c are Obstructive Spasmodic attacks &c memb. Croup. Entrance of food & liquids sometimes interferes with its use. Pepper prefers Intubation. Bronchial Tubes Bronchitis inflm of lining memb of B Tubes - acute or Ch - Prin in See - alter from pain cough. Expect & Physician Signs. Acute B 1 Of large tubes 2 " Capillar " Prim or Idiopath Branch come from common causes of Cat inflam as Irrition of vapor a particles but more common is chilling of body or exposure of relaxed body. Tremor or multiple sclerosis cease during sleep or by sitting them down - they bring excitedly by exertion. RX Hyoscine is but remedy & quick its movements of Paralysis agitans - Hyoscyamine may also be used. Cases of central Paralysis of facial nerve are partial, here its Orbicularis Palpebral In generally escapes. Convulsion - Chorea - no to & from Tremors - to & from movements by antagonistic groups of Maint of movement is less than Chorea. Wide spread tremors Cause Chronic alcoholism. Pb & As Organic lesions of Cord or Central. - Or as result of old age. Senile tremor usually begins at its head - Pathological causes. General paralysis of Insomn- Parkisons disease - - Paralysis agitans - Multiple cerebro spinal Sclerosis. Sympts of voice cough & Fever in this form. Laryngoscope can not be used in Children. If uncertain regard it as membranous. Pug. Very grave - worse when diphtheritic but very grave even when primary or idiopathic. Large percentage die with or without operation Treatment - As soon as diagnosed. Count. Irrit, mild as by Lr Iodine. gt. Atomize repeatedly but with gentleness - as with alkali or Zinc H2O - KCLO3 NH4CL - Solutn of Boronic Acid - Weak Solute of Tannic Acid Peprine with Bracia or Lactic Acid. -Solution not irritate - use them every hour. Internal - Calomel from beginning - large dose followed by another large dose until bowel move 1 or 2 time the small doses Child (5 yrs) - 5 grs followed in few hrs by 5 grs, then reduce to 1/2 gr dose at 3 hrs Alkali as KClO3 or Bicent find combined with the Calomel. Muriate of Arm may be given with KClO3 but is feeble compared with Calomel Lecture. Stelwagon - Vol 7. 1887 Macula = Primary Lesions Spot. Cloasma Papula = Pin point to Split pea Solid elevation of Slein [crossed out] Vesicle = elevation with serous or sero-purulent contents as fever blister Pusticle is advanced Stage of vesicle usually, they are filled with pus Bleb = large blister with serous or Sero-purulent contents. Wheat = as in hives- flat rounded elevation having often yellow centre as in nettle - rash. Tubercle - Very similar to papule but is despair & larger than papule. Tumor Secondary Lesions Crust - Extraneous drink Scales - Cast off masses of epithelium Excriation = Scratch mark Fissures Ulcers Scars = new growth. (cicatricial) Patch in may be uniform (of one kind) or multiform (of different kinds - bullous - Discrete = Separate Concrete = Running together Typus Circinate = when forming a circle or part of one. Serpiginous = when like a serpent. Irris - different colors Marginate when edges are sharp. Annular = round with centre clear For Hyperidrosis 1) Rx Tannic j 2) RX Alum 3j - ij to g. Alcohol Oss. Rx Ung Diachylon or Ung Acid Tannici 1 O.K. Pepper - Oct 10. 87. Cat Biurets = Biurets Cat = most common layer tubes ordinarily, capillary form in its smaller tubes. Sympts. Fever in mild cases very triffling may walk about in ordinary from 101° - 102° in [illegible] to 103° - 104° approaching limits of Pneumonia. Slughs changes in mild case [crossed out] Rest & Pulse no dysfuon to extreme in bad case. Pulse from no disturbance to frequent & small Rest & Pulse less affect than in Pneumonia Cough prominent = loud often paroxysm - painful dry in early stage with sub-sternal soreness with tearing [???tion] - increased by talking or worse as if comes on at night - Paroxysm may be exhausting if severe. Abscess of light, exhaustion from in [illegible] allows is to become more in coming as in Laryngitis. By 2 or 3 day comes on expectoration - [illegible] at first tenacious & grayish with Saline become loose yellow 2 O.K. - Oct 10 . 1887 Persons negative in all form of Bronchitis, save in severe bronchitis in feeble children when & portion of Lung collapse by plug of mucous & this may give dullness generally at periphery of Lung (wedge shaped) but not with other physical signs of Pul consolidation Pug. - Diffrs. Good in all except Cup form as to life. but guarded as to return & duration Grave in old & feeble persons. Draq. Easy Treat of acute primary Bronchitis Rest & Protection. Our evenly heated room &c & to bed if case be urgent not even in get up for calls of nature. Comp Irrit = by mustard learn or plaster or liniments or Iodine in Sternal or Inter-scapular region Inhalation if warm medicated vapor by Steam atom - as For [Corri?] of Chloroform (Antropan) Lime or Borax or NH4CL as alkali to form Secretion. Carb &c. Cream Oct 10 1887 O.K. 3 The Rx are for early stage, - when Secretion come it is not necessary to use Expect & use less Opium. Cap from is danger from Exhausn by Rest In & It's & collapse to asphyxia Seat of Cap Burn Dry cupping at roots of Lungs daily or even liver daily. Stimulating remedies here called from as An 5 gt an 2 or 3 hrs for a with Carb & sedative & Bella or Hyoscyam or Le Corrium add age to 12 & divide by age for the size of dose Strychine is best in strength Rest M + 1 is given frequent & freely with internally or hypodermically in the region. Begin with 1/4 gr repeated in 3 or 4 hrs for a few days. Alcohol must often be combined first in small doses - come well by children. [cross out] Jacket of Rare Cotton. - Fihirrous Bronchitis Membranous form must often with Diph. Rement that acute Branch is a Sympt of vile affection as Secondary forms. - Measles. - Typhoid fever - Diph - but not usually grave  Iodine as astringents Use the weak at finer until well borne Internally. 1) Allay [fr??er] 2) Cough 3) [Pr???i] Expect 4) Allay infla. Quine & Aerium 6-12 grs of [Q???] to Adult Aerium 1 grs an hr in adult For Cough. Antispasmodic & Opiate. Bellad or Hyoscyamine sometimes [crossed out] Morphine Sulp gr j Am Muriat ʒ ij Syr Ipeca fʒ iij Syr Squill fʒ vj Ext purmos fʒ vj Glycine f℥ss Aqua E.S. ed f℥iij S - fʒj h.r.n. [B????id?] of Am or [Iodine] may be substitute for its Nld4Cl if Spasmodic tendency be great. If few is sharpen use this. Rx Morphine Sulp grj Linar Aconit Rad grt XXX Am muriat gr C Lig Am Acetar q 3rd f℥ V S - fʒij h.r.n. But danger of mixing powerful & mild remedies known with use Aconit from separate bottle until tempr drops as Known by thermometer & purulent & more copious. Auscult - On both sides of chest = Bronchitis Rales = Sonorous & sit rales in large tubes with course moist ones in smaller tubes,, - becoming more abundant as expectoration increasing,, - most marked over large tubes Heard booth is In & Ex very changeable - as then swelling of memb is with the Secretion. Bunch families may even recur These physical signs increases as night comes on. Capillary form given all the Sympt more aggravated. - depending upon the the condition of the [crossed out] System or congenital anatomical changes. Fever higher. Rest disordered greatly - 50 - 60 - 80 in child = 46 - 55 on adult Dyspnea. Play of Al Pulse frequent & soon [illegible] force suffering from non-aerated blood. Cough - smothered - wheezing ineffectual Phys Signs of Cat Bronch. Bilateral - not most but at periphery in laryntritis Sub-crepitant (coarse - crackling) in with Inst & Ex ( more in Ins Chrom B {Bronchial Dilate Allied af {Emphysema pectin {Asthma 1 O.K. Pepper - Oct - 11 - 1887 Chrom - Bronch = Chronic inflam of Bronch Memb. Causes - 1) Repeated acute attacks 2) Glow operation of ordinary causes of Acute Attacks 3) Constitutional predisposition as Rheumatic or [illegible] Rickety & Scrofulous in younger persons. 4) Persons with a tendency to Chr Bronch. 5) Occupations Sympts of Chr Bronch. Often very mild as to its disturbing general health, but in other cases the general health runs to have invited it & then a break follows. Some given cases break in general health by often in less of flesh in Strength &c Cough occur in paroxysm & very annoying not occuring at any one period of the day. attended with expectant of very copious & glary it is called Bronchorrhea - or purulent & smaller or larger in amount according affecting the general health. Ex shows lencorits altered epithol & marcinus bacilli or lung shreds. Hemoptysis is rare. Ph Sign - Decllum negative &c. Sonorous & Sit Rales at lower portion part of both O.K. 2 Oct 11-1887 Residual air in ocean Tidal " Deceased. Excitmnt & Exertion increase in Dyspnea & also [crossed out] Bronchtit exaggeration This followed by weakness & bad color & flabby not necessarily thin very worst effect is upon the H's & results is dilates of R't H't with minfiensine of Tricupsid valves & following this a general venous obstruction & ascending dropsy. P Signs of vis Cmph. Inpher Chest constantly distended. Ribs raised & more horizontal - Sternal round Ant Port diam in [evacuant] Bounded - Short - Chest no movement of expansion & retraction but exaggerated movement up Percuss - Ana Resonium increased & exaggerated. It's covered - ex brat. Vocal. Fren & Reson are both decreased Rest [h???r] - Respiratory element is very weak & short. Exp element is prolonged It affects both sides Diag of Che Branch. Hist of Can. long continuance of cough - good general health remaining good not its case in Phihro Micneipe Ex of Shute Both Sides equally. - Sear change from time to time -no Sign of consolidation -Dilated Branches may suggest cavity (vomica) - no from so very little. - no Hem - or diarrhoea no laryngitis in nearly all cases. The look to its Prog - Uncertain - Recur - very good for duration of life. Asthma. Associated with Ch Bronch. It is not of Bronchial Cough. Morbid irritability in most cases of Asthma of Bronch mucous memb in different persons As Rest & Hay Asthmas in Changes of Climate Residence Temps & moisture of air in person of spasmodic tendency. Asth is an [crossed out] condit of Spasmodic dyspnoea Associated with most condit of Bronchiat muscus memb & with Spasm or parisis of muscle of Rest. Some muscle are in state of spasm as Bronch & Interental other are in state of exhaustion Lungs - Signs show remarkable fluctuations by season &c. The Chr Inflam in the tubes of low vitality already may came Sacular Dilation at roots - 2 in diameter rounded or from form - thickened walls. - In causes as much trouble as an abscess except diameter of tissue as decompressing sputa, pectin fever Phys Sign of Cavity -On one of big tubes - More common behind ever Root Deep rested percussion or tympany - Tubula colouring in Inop & Exp. Pector. [i??in]. & Sign of Cavity. 2) Mirfn dilatate like a glove. Emphysema (vesicular) is another accompaniment of Chr Bronch [crossed out] It is state of permanent over distention of air cells of the Lungs. Causes producing is General weakness of Lung tissue, & its air can not get out of Bronch tubes in Coughing hence is distend the spies & Borders of Lungs It may follow whooping C. but this passes away. Phys Sign, Progressive & Permanent Habitual abiding Dyspnea as elasticity of air cells is lost OK. H.C. Word. Oct 29 1887 Tonics - used in overcome debility if cause be removed or help life along if in can not be removed. Debility is often the result of intestinal catarrh of which diarrhea is its result [crossed out] Groups - Vegetable -Mineral = -Fungines Veg Tonics } Simple .1 Peculiar .2 Aromatics. .3 1) Have principle as stimulants to it Skin 2) Having added some other peculiar properties Exem up 1 an irritants nans & voom-Corrts 2-Inrritation of Sarh memb Indication for 1 is a loss of apetite. - After overwork. Actively of spring time. Convalescence of acute disease Quassia. Seinant Ex Certain quassia this produce convulsion movement in lower animals - gastric irritation & headache in man. Principle in men in Exh - in pill 1/2 - 1 gr. Tinct - gtr XV - XXX w XL Inf for Seativorus 1 y to 1/12 pn boiled in 1 pint. Gentian Solid Ext is 2/3 of quassia Tinct Co is most elegant of all the bitter pick 2 OK. XX with ZN804 or P.B (C2H3O2) 2. or 5 grs of improper alkaloid. In Chemis gastic calaiet with hepatic tripe as result of use of alcohol - always in pill-form. Marked uterine contractions by injecting it into bitches - for menorrhagia for cervicitis & vaginal inflam. - in [illegible] - in nasal cath - in conjunctivitis. Eupatorium (Bone - rub) Infus is with time Oy. to pint ] hon H2O on going to bid by acting as a sudorific Bark of Comus Arcuation Activity depends on presence in Chr of volatile oil. Active in common in this class. 1 Stir in gash intent memb incline for in time being not kept up long as in Simple times. Carminative of expelling in gas. Reflex peristalsis Affect in it's causing drastive arrest. Ol Caryrrh. Acts as local anasthetic -powerful poison to all tissue but this alow absorption prevents this. Cloves Ginger Pepper Cinamon Cardamom Mints - Vir " Pip OK. Ol Sassafras. -Comp In. In grap - Cheat. [h???] for liniment. Ol Savlth. Salicylate of methyl acts as Salicylic Acid. Oil Nutmeg. Feeble in local influc - & in It's - Acts specially on cerebrum [h??] capable of use as soporific [h???] in hysteria - can poison persons. - for hysterial unrest grr X-XY Oil - gr XXX-XL nutmeg. Anthemis (Chamomile) Mild Stimulant is Stone & satisfy. the meal needs. 1 oz in pint, wine place at matter. Serpentaine Weak - never used by itself Peculiar Bitter Prunus Virg - Wild cherry bark. [C????] Tannic Acid, Bill time principle, Crulkin & Amygdalin the form HCy was used in Phthisis but its action is too fugitive Syr. as vetricle is enough [wi?h] by adding morphine Eucalyptus. Local action is sleight - hence can not be used as Corut In or carminative. Absorbed run freely than the other oils. Gtt X-XX produce & single of warmth in its Stone - [S????] of calum , mulax. It's as low as 50 - more of numb. uses in [?cli?n] nerve.- abolih. of muscular nerve Cuonnous dose/ paralysis death from paralysis act by act on Spinal [en?i]. Fall of Pre by effect or It's [Su?????]. Sedal is when system but on Case & It's must. Clive from lungs & urine Und. for acts or mucous memb in Bronchitis after first stages in Asthma will it - Intern. Cath - Antiseptic Surgeon is [inp???] - Antiperiod is unreliable.  Anise Fennel Tannic Acid in Cinnamon. Ol-live dose grr - ij for Col. for Intub relax with diarrh. [sti?s] it by stimulating it [illegible] normal time in its serous diarrh. [crossed out] - Cinnamon Oil Cirr gtr ij-V - flavouring Linen - 1) Mild diarrhoea of relaxation is with H28O4 Aro & Symph. 2) Menorrhagia in fʒj is case of want of tou. Card. Tinct Co. - added to Tinct Co Tinct gent. H2804 w Aq. Req. Symph. Strong Chr. Orang P. flavouring Ol Ced. Ol-Anise - carminative Ginger Has an alcoresin beside its Ol as addition to tonic pill. as in Black pepper & Red pep. Vol oils eliminated through its Renal organ & can produce strangury. Ginger. 1 tap Inf. as murdorifin in suddenly ruptured menstrual in abdom colic. Menthol From tupentine [crossed out] for neuralgia pains Barbery. Certain berberin. 3-5 grs rest official - convulsion in lower animals in toxic doses. Columba. No Solid Ext. Exp fl - Tinct - fʒj Chirett Solid Ext gr j = 2/3 of Quas Ext Acts in Liver especially after malaria & debility following the heat of the liver Hydrastis. Golden Seal 3 Alkaline - Berber - Hydrastine - Zanthopoxis. Pure hydrastis is colorless berberine is yellow. Hydrastis 1 { has distinct power of over circulating & nervous system - - spinal convulsions as in Stiydrun death may occur for cramp of Rest m. Small doses increase the Act Pus - Large dose decrease. This depressant to It's muscle causes diastolic arrest - It [means] to act in Vm. Centre thus causing it rise of act pressure. Local paralyzant of new of sensation. Und - for mucous membs. - acts well locally - & also some in Intest. In gonorrhea after the Bi period is period - con - curtal flow Cx V mx - XX - iʒ Mills - Bleckly - Nov 19 - 1887. Gymnastics [for] Nervous Diseases. 1. Manager 2. Movements. 3. Electrical. In [crossed out] movements we have active and passive - or semi active and semipassive or duplicated active Swedish movements. Zander method, is where these is & stram apparatus, are of limited use only. Resistance apparatus are useful in more cases - elastic tube &c. Respiratory gymnastics: As in Blakey's book - taking a full respiration as each movement. Begin with light dumb-bells or no weights at all. 1 - Dumb-bells above the head, taking a deep inspiration & lower hands laterally and expire while raising them. 2. Put 1 foot forwards, throwing dumb bells back & chests forward & taking in 3. Hand against [illegible] through dumb-bell against its into of other shoulder. 4. Dumb-bells behind neck & go down. Place patient on back then let him raise with its foot or the body. In Hemiplegia (central) make a quick movement with round limb & quickly follow with same movement of palsied limb. Paralyses and atrophics & Choreas are benefited by movements. In choreas get them to come after you as you perform movements for them. Habit choreas are most difficult to cure. Movements are good for certain forms of insanity as melancholia  OK. Pepper - Feb 9 . 1888 1) Small Pox. As Sp from of about 20 days high contag & epidermic - witness anatomical line, characterized by striking & peculiar erupt & powerfully influenced by vaccination: 3 ft in open space Thrown up Carried. From Body - by stomach - by Rest tract or may be swallowed. - can be carried by fomites. It spares no sex nor age. Complication - Nephritis - Endocarditis & Myocarditis - Extensive of erupts to mucous surface as Laryngitis pustular -Bronchitis. Blood - crasis dissolved in bad cases - It's form has not been isolated Incubate maximum 2 wks: no matter how long. vaccinate 1 or 2 days after exposure [pro??] will check it or modify it. Invasion - Abrupt with chill & violent headache, frightful backache & intense pains in limbs - with pre-emptive stage is also marked by vomiting loss of Apet. fever, 102° - 103° - 104° flushed face, rapid full putin - lasts for 3 days. Stage of Eruption Papule disaile exposed parts first, or face neck rounded hard - short - like - of red color - 3 days Vesicular Stage - Seem form at summit & become a vesicle & umbilicated. It is a cellular structure, none the general symph subside fever goes down, headache & backache Pustula Stage - 3 end oz 6 th day the consists - become turbid & purulent - It is [illegible] neon. OK. Pepper - Feb 9. 1888 2. Myocardit disper to Cardia collapse. or weaker - Deaftness - Perforate of humor & blindness. Segmt - Disfiguration by reticulated cicatrices - Scarcely ever airy pitting in Varioloid. Convulsion is usually prompt rapid & complete. In stage of duricate a cure by disease may occur - 1 gal a day. - Spe 1.001 - Limpid Diagnosis - Shrend green in fore-eruptic stage - or on history of exposure & no vaccination. & pain & fever. Erupt in 3rd day of sickness. - Measle & Typhus fevers measle. Cath Sympts - Cough & no marked pain & drowsy & heavy. - flat macul, eriseints - disappearing on pressure genera of upon go down in S.P.  day from - maturation five the purtial vomiting here less its umbilicatis [crossed out] to in about 3 days the partial become shriveled grm the absorption of the [mater] Decication - 3 days. Desquamation - 3 days. &c. [Pri??] for depends upon amt of blood press. Second from depends upon the amount of eruption. - ends by lyin by 17th day. Kinds of eruption. -Discrete. -Confluent. Varieties Mild Very. Ordinary Gram from amt of pain a well as amt of eruption Malig - Black - Blood disintegrate- bloody liquid in Incubation = 2 wks. Invasion & per. eruption Stage. 3 days = Primary from Eruption {Papula 3 { Vesicular. 3 { Pustula. 3 = 2nd form. { Desricate 3 { Desquam 3 vesicle - general prostrate - Here from membranes. - & death from Pap in Push stage invariable Varioloid - Stage of invasion may be intense - eruption & relief of sympts pap variable & [crossed out] but now the secondary fevers more or very stright when the tendency is to purtulation or & a loctn occur - incubate come is 10-14 days. May be discrete (more likely the mall-pox) or confluent. Complicate - Very intense secondary fever. Extreme in mucous passages. - Endocarditis will be valuable murmur. OK. Mood - Feb 9. 1888 1 It's odor is objectional. %. Iodol - I used in H2O - No odor acts as Iodoform - Poisoning also possible - & fatty degree. acts by its - decomposition products - as Iodoform. Iodol is decomposed more slowly than Iodorm. Is more apt to - cake than Iodoform. I used as Iodoform - In tuberculous ulcers of Larynx. &c. - High Cort: In chronic Sypt - grs 30-60. -N.S. Cod - Liver - Oil. Biliary acids - Iodine - &c. Sodium in not its active principle but has no one active principle In health in lower Animals - cause accumulate of fat but if given too freely it disturbs digest & ceases to accumulate fat. Increases Red Crops. & diminishes amt of fibre. It's case of absorption & oxidation [crossed out] makes it valuable - It also acts as alternative Mrs- In tendency to emaciation but depends upon it cause as in tumor it will only retard it, but if more generalized as in Phthisis especially in the condition of depravity preceding the Phthisis. by its apparently causeless - continually catching cold - Cod - L. Oil - Whiskey & avoidance of cough mixtures. - If organic changes be present we can protect life by Cod - L.O. - Whiskey & fresh air. In Scrofulous of great service combined by Lactic - [phosphate] if Liver in Gland swelling &c. (standard remedy.) Wood Feb 9 - 1888 2 OK fatal gastro - enteritis. In urine. urea differs. - amt of urine differs as when purging or not. Wns- In Gout in large dose will cut short suspend paroxysm. - in other subjects with acute gout but not in asthenia - as it causes recedent or internal gout by the blood going in - Dangerous in acute gout in large doses & recurs soon. In chronic gout by small amt - 10 gtr t.d. within diarrhoea limit with K1 often good. Poison - Tan acid - Opii & as gast - enter Amtal. Woods Mezerum. Sarsaparilla some good in chronic syphilis - Zyphnar decoct alternated with Symph Sarap Co. - Sarap Ex fl with Iodine is but now. Symph Co - as vetricle [illegible] In chronic rheumat if with Sypt turs. In Skin disease. In neuralgia attended with loss of tone In these condition it is not a specific but builds up nutrition. But given in soft capsules holding ʒj - or pinch of dry salt - In whiskey & water - In ale - In emulsion with oil of bitter almonds. Dose. Tendency to diarrhoea is correct irrita. At night in weak stomach Digest of patient is the measure of the amount. Phosphates. Phosphatic acid is stomachic tonic for dyspepsia as Horsfords acid phosphate and does not affect on system. Herd of Cows in meadow born calves rachitic - In dogs of keeping phosphates from its food. In many children with ill teeth from a deficiency in phosphates as is case in such nurse as in Wood's child . can increase the amt in the milk of such nurse - They are largely eliminated from munt of Intest. To be given in Solution - with 50% Cod - L. Oil in Rachitic child. Colchicum Colchicine urine alone to be used 10 gtr = no Sympts usually - or inlist disturbance 40 gtr - purgin - serous - pain & large. Larger - Vomiting - purging - pain is very great - pector falls to collapse with cramps. Rapidity of death not depending upon size of dose. - acts - but little in It's or h system - but kills by producing - OK, Pepper Feb 13. 1888. 1 Treatment - no specific for the poison. - Only assist patient - Adapt the nourishment in state of patient as in diet & stimuli. May control the fever but do not injure the heart nor nervous system. Primary fever does not often give hyperpyrexia. In Secondary fever about 9th day the fever (surgical) may be very high. - Sedative as Opiate to allay irritation. Mild derivatives as diuretics or gentle laxatives do not attack with powerful antipyretics. no effusive of cold water except in pre-eruptive stage. Inunction for its cuticle as in Scarlet fever, Ung tets Vesicle appear Cath - 3 Typhoid. Measles Influenza. Skin 2- Scarlet Small Pox and the burst on liquid [emmulsion] Stimulants when indicated. Sedative for the pain & irritation as Opii per Olimet & Rective in small doses - or Bromides of Chloral or Canrub Ind. To prevent pitting - Make inflam milder, if only 12 pustule opi then cautiously & touch with GNO3, if mercurous exclude light keep cuticle soft & prevent it thick crust - Ung Hydray & Ung Petroleum while face shield. Sat Sol is Gutter - P in Chloroform. Stimulant in typhoid form as Serpentine & Am Carb &c Mortality is small except in old & weak. Typhus. T. abdominalis = Typhoid T. cerebro. spinal = Spotted fever. C.C. meningitis. T. recurrence. = Relapsing fever. OK. Pepper Feb 10, 1888 2 Fever runs high & stays steady (high of cout from) Skin acid & burning both. - color mordex. 100-135 Breath & Pulse much disorders corresponding to amt of free Pulse is weak & collapse easily & soon small - Hypostab congestion of base of lung bilinal is soon developed (blood logged) not skull & imperfect. No digest sympt - no distraction no pain - bowels costive or quiet. Tongue is heavily coated, thirst & may keep his apetite Urine intensely febrile On 3rd day eruption in single crop, - the amt of eruption bears a proportion to the seriousness of the disease no [chan] in your numerous small rounded, mulberry red maculabrary elevated, not coalesce disappear on Prm at first. this become petechial (blood effused) - The darker the eruption & the sooner so - the more danger lasts until case of disease & the slowly fail. Tendency in sedulation Bed room are very common in very five days Duration - about 10 - 12 et day. Often ends by crise or purging or urine or sweating Complicate but few. Segmts. as parotitis - bed sores Weakness of legs as [approastion] paralysis, or Weakin of Brain. Mortality. - great - 50 - 33- 25% -Typhoid state is common in this class - typhous symptoms. Typhus Fever. As Spe fever, contag. end & epid without [anation] lesion save that of the blood, running course of about 12-14 day, will high pyrxie marked typhoid sympt & characteristic eruptn. -ending often by crisis Due to specific poison. One of the most contag ranking with S Pox & Measles in this respect. Poison communicated by formile to carried to great distances. Crowding & full & destitute favors this poison greatly - It seems to be an animal poisons - In crowded parts & spips. & rages violently. All ages & both sexes equally. Protact strongly against 2nd attack. Blood is liquid in dead body. lining of all stained. tissue disposed in putrefy & Spt soft & enlarged as in all from. Omit abrupt after incubar of not more than 9 or 10 days but may be short. Chill usually high from immediate, debility headache & backache & stricken down immediately. Appearance -dull expression. face dearly flushed uniformly, eye is injected & pupil contracted (firmly) but dry. No Sympt - Dull despressing quickly in Strip, often Deli of action w violent type, - May not [crossed out] sleep even if in sleep & Coma vigil most marked in this disease. Slips down in [burst], longer trem but, retent of urine, tendon twitch Benzoin acid and to make urine acid as ammoniacal w phosphate & for action on the mucous membrane. Wood. Mar 8 - 1888. OK. Expectorants. - To. influ pul turn when desired. Atomizers. - perfect edges - mouth from well in - breath deep & slower. - Artery as tann acid or slow for relaxation, Mur Ann as stimulant, Limi nalis for irrit of Laryn & is serotin in commencement of acute laryngitis. Agents' acting on Nemtrea. & on muscular from Strychnine acts in the nerve cents - not in acute but in chronic Bronch of old people. with or without asthmatic, in Emphysema with expectoration Narcotics - to relieve cough but remember it is necessary to cough to relieve lung of [crossed out] secretion, but more useful in irritation cough with but little secretion expectoration much check secretion as Morphia - Hyoscyamine to gtr X-XV does not check secretion. Be careful in using Morphia in early bronchitis. Chloroform. - as relief of incurable condition as fibroid phthisis as whiskey glycerin & chloroform & good use in ordinary bronchit Morphia gr 1/25 - 1/30. Alteration Arsenic - for chronic bronchial [crossed out] as in fibroid phthisis & turphets with no tendency to breaking down. Pot Iodid. - good for sypt of lung - good in chronic bronchitis of asthma as in enlargement as gr V t.d H2S. - Injection into Peculiar CO3 saturated with H2S - It did not act on the tubercle bacillus. - not much good - but does good in those cases with catarrhal processes or as outcome of Cathr. pneumonia it lesser secretion in 24 hrs. It is specific - Useful for pulmonary catarrhs. - In respiratory chambers as at S springs. - Mill given as S nate in CO2 per stomach - f3ij as 2 or 3 hr. - per chu Asth with B colant & Bronchorrhea. Sets - 1. Sedation 2. Stimulant. Sedation in 1st stages of Bronchitis when memb is dry & congt is tight. Tartar emetic - most powerful - 1/6 gr [illegible] 15 min until vomits & the keep quiet. - not in children. Ipecacuanha. - Syrup is generally good enough Pot Cit - must give in full dose - for adult f℥j in first 24 hrs as in brown cold lemon juice 2 oz. Syrup Ipecac Stirs Expect. Senega. - Traditionaly Syrup. -less good for advanced Squit - Syrup Bronchitis but have no definite influence. contain active acid Symp Squill not to be give with Am cart. -but for Scectosa. - it does not decomp NH4 Cl. Am Muriate. Best remedy of chr Bron except & from volatile oils - may in some cases use in before [illegible] is established. - they act fugitive - acts for 2 [illegible] hence do not use it Kangan system. Dose gr V-X. - Very disagreeable - In capsules followed by drink of water. gr 4-5 Ext Gly is each dose. - glycerine. Spr M to tablespoonful. Syrup of Vol oil of Garlic. - allium - Oil is not used - Oil of Eucalyptus - always given in capsules act for chr Bronch m X - 40-60 m daily. Turbine is very useful for advanced Dose m r-x use 3 hrs - may be mild Ol Crucaly hh. -In capusle Oil of Lardeluouse mr-x in capusle in 3 hrs. Balsm Tolu - Vesicle only Bal Peru both contain benzoic acid - both in m.g In trusting wounds. Benzoic Acid is Put fm hom showing. - has urine odor - [crossed out] Germ/Benzor in Ch B - escape other urine - converted into tuppure acid in Kidneys not in blood OK. Pepper. - Mar 12. 1888. These must be a disturbance of the mans economy at the time of attack. What constitutes this tendency to convulsion? [crossed out] Unstable equilibrium & impaired vitality of motor areas of cerebro-spinal axis, in may be inherited or acquired Causes. - Reflex Irritation of dentition especially in child [with] of neurotic parents, or splinter, or irritant creation, adherent prepuce, intestinal worm or hardened faeces, by bilium attack in some persons, in some cases a few days previous those is lithemic condition very common, from menstrual disorders, exhaustion, exposure, mental stue by lowering vitality. Epilepsy is the predisposition and inquires an exciting cause to develop the convulsion. Diag. - Can not make from 1st attack in child from eclampsia. but the more trivial the cause the more likely it is epilepsy. nocturnal form is often overlooked but look for sore longer or awake with a bruised feeling. Petit mal- from syncope in weak purous called weak or fainting spells steady for cause of anaum or cardiac failure or no cause, therapeutic best is most important by removing the anaum & cardiac failure. Convul Fever Maum in Org Brights - Examine the urine. From Hysterical Convulsion - Hysterical temperament & History, attacks brought on by distinct cause - Consciousness more or less - in falling falls on soft spot. trace of coordination in the movements. expression is ecstatic or wraps or sensuous, therap list, Zone of ovaries irritation or spinal anemia Hist of Sypt: some Org dis of Brain - Tumor involving a motor area cause 'epileptiform' attacks but in intervals passive sign or choked dirty descending neuritis, headache, - the attacks are spasmodic more than epileptic. - and may not low consciousness - History of Syph. Prog. Difficult - Very bad Many cases are singularly controlable & some cured. - If habit be established difficult to cure & frequency & degree. In incipiency with good health it is hopeful but anxious. Treat. Remove predisposing cause first, - Hygiene - mental & physical exercise of proper amount. Most important is to increase its no time to sign and not to check its convulsion alone by drugs Remove cause of reflex irritation and mal assimilation with improper digest & dirt, bowels, urine, Drugs. nutrient N tonic as Cod L. Oil As. Fr. Fn. Aq. An. Ana & debil - [p???] [ton?] & meli Cod L. oil - Fr - As. If irritate to present?- Eg No3 - ZNval - Chl of An or Soda Antispasmodic - Bromide as but Anaf. Bell - Con & Cause & Value a compaint [inert]. Must chang prep of Bromide or suspend administrative - must not depress system by Bornid or cause irritation - Adult do Pot Br gr XV t.d 15 begin increased or combine with NaBr a NH4 Br - if this depress combine Ar & Cod L oil, - If too large dose are to be used give them up & build up system. [Illustration] Wood. Mar 29. 1888. 1 An Cl C = Anodal closing contraction An O C = " opening " K Cl C = Kathodoe closing " K Cl O = " opening " An Cl C < K Cl C An O C > K Cl C An Cl C < K Cl C When 2 substance are brought in contact a galvanic current is generated - It requires contact to generate galvanism. C = Current strength C = e (electro molu force) R (Resistence) e is independant of size of plates. e varies with different substance best is Z & Carbon. R - is under (i-r) & external (er) R= ir = er hence C = C/ir + er (Owens Law) Supp er = 1000 ir C = e/ir + 1000 ir [p????] has more resistance [crossed out] the [illegible] 1000 to overcome ext resist multipy Electi mot force by multiplying number of contacts (more cells). In Arsenic or in caulis Ext resist is our little increase size of Plates. - hence 100 er = ir c= er + 100 ir Int resist reduced by bringing plates near & enlarge plates to have large mass of fluid & of good character of conduction. Measures (resist) of electricity. - volt resist of resistance is - Opium hence C 2 V/U = Ampere but this is too large hence milliampere is now resist of current strength. In organism - a current breaks up into rub currents - [illustration] & each strength is inversely proportional to the resistance If plate be used i milliampere } Mullin 4 Sq inch } method. There is really only one kind of current but 2 as to method of generation, 1 Primary current is bad term. better called chemical current or continued.- Induced or faradic battery, by passing [Ch???] current on Inner coil, or outer coil an induced current is generated. - Current of 1st (inner) coil & current of 2nd coil - made out at making & breaking of inner coil. Soft iron is 1st coil become magnate & attracts its tongue. The currents run in opposite direction & to & for currents - in outer [crossed out] coil & hence no + or - pole. In inner coil do not get both currents as the induced current goes into the bottom In contract occurs with chemical current at closing & opening of the current. By very closely interrupted current as in ordinary dynamo the same effects can be produced as with galvanic current. no differences between different currents. To apply to a nerve - [crossed out] having one sore spot [illustration] wet skin with salt water, to put a large flat [pull] at a distant point. To influence whole new - use 2 ball poles [illustration] Motor point is point of instance of the N . the muscle - bulb pole over in & large pole or other side of limb. Wood. Mar - 31 - 1888 6. Anoder = + Pole Cartride = - Pole An Cl C: K Cl C = K O C = < > An Cl C < K Cl C } muscles normal. An O C > K O C } An Cl C = K Cl C } muscle in first stage An O C = K O C } of degeneration. An Cl C > K Cl C } muscle in more advanced An O C < K O C } stage of degenera. Uses of Electricity. - 1) Diag. 2) Prog. & 3) Treat. 1. Diagnosis. Nervous [crossed out] palsies with 1) organic or 2) hysterical it reacts but is insensible Palsies 1) centric ([crossed out] all above trophu cells of cord) or 2) peripheral : no rapid wasting of lesion of brain but from inaction; rapid wasting if of cells [crossed out] or nerve & show reaction of degeneration. Degree of contraction varies as to position of poles. - at first as in equal - the equal & finally reversal of original formula : by to by fails to respond to any current & now muscle is dead. not over motor points. Changes to faradic current precedes the other changes; - first list to rapid faradic current but to slow current & finally to no faradic current. - may thus diagnose peripheral from central facial palsy or deltoid mostly peripheral. - in [crossed out] children most palsy are ant polio myelitis. - fishing on Sunday monoplegia from Syphilis (something worse). Treat. - In paralysis, can only restore muscle to normal power and perhaps stimulat or but can not affect or centre. 2 factor of Central. Center Periph. normal contract 10 x 10 = 100 clot " 0 (Drain) x 10 = 0 After time [cross out] but the 10 has degree to 2oz 2 x 2 = 4 2 x 10 = 20 but can not get any farther than 20 If traumatic deltoid. - -If triple cells be partly gone the heavily go again after building them up. When use Electric in Palsy; - In Hemiplegia recent does no good as M is not - degenerated, & not to be used until all irritation is passed. Wait 4 weeks or longer - In Deltoid palsy not to be used too early. fomentation & leeches & then 1 or 2 wks. In Polio-myelitis - no inflam. in - ordinary cases but some have inflam use it at once What currents to use? Beneficial power is in proportion to amount of contraction. - Rule Use current produces most contraction with least pain. Time of Senses - Most daily from 3 to 5 min at first on 1 muscle increased gradually to 10 mins. - 1 pole to motor point For Sensory disease. - If from inflam Elect is n.g. only good for neuralgia or rheumatic neuritis (not too early) but use for - 15 -30 min. after a time as in sciatica (tentative) will do good if it relieves pain for the time being, if in other case the Chem current do no good by faradic. In [subacutic] rheumatism after good. In periph & hysterical loss of sensation often does good but not of centric cause. use dry brush [illustration] fails to obey Opi law from point & goes off as little boil. Farad of M erup. does no good but great harm - can not affect spinal cord- 1 Wood - [crossed out] April 3, 1888 Arnica: Tinct - for wounded feeling Item - Witch hazel now used at present - only good for its rubbing in applying there. Arnica can produce irritation & eczema - internaly gartient irrital & collapse. Ichthyol Distil of forrit fish 2 fore - I. Ammonia Sulph I. Potass Sulph. Has 10 Y o S - can freely penetrate the skin. Uses for sufla of not chrome type with enlargement - in Procion very good, in Eczema, in speoius, in glandular enlargements, soft lipomas, Of little or no value internally. In erysipelas value by HgCl2 follow by water, & the equal parts of Ointment & covered with batting. - Both mix well with fatty substances 5 to 15% - In erysipelas 50% 20% for joints Somewhat irritant. Demulcents. Gum Arabic - of but little use - Flaxseed - In making tea hot H2O gets out the oil which is laxative, - Used in inflammation of Gastro-intest tract, [crossed out] - In quick urinary no good - for H2O - h.g. for Rest. Ulcuers fulva - good. Sassafras pills much used as sedation for conjunctivitis. Licorice = Ext glycerrity - has glycerrizzin. - used in cough mixture for taste & action on glands. Compd Lic parlv is excellent laxative Poultices - Means of applying warmth or cold with moisture 2 Wood. April 3. 1888. Post - month memb is hard white & shrivelled, & gast-ent, if the death be late fatty deg especially in Kidney. Loss of Conscious dr to direct action on Cortex of Brain. In full dose It's & Resp at same time - Defining poison to all higher tissue Resp Cunt & Spinal cent mo acted on the It's muscle. Uses - only [crossed out] locally. - It is local anesthetic as in exercise vomiting from nervous sensibility dose gtr ij - iij - In lientui diarrhoea is but remedy. Useful adjeivant in all diar if no inflam be purent - especially for N diarrhoea. In Antispetic surgery - Wood does not believe in spray. f℥j externaly her caused death - watch the urine carefully for its first little smokiness Absorbed as corbolar in intest & also the. - Sulphate - disappeared from urine, parts destroyed, & parts - eliminated & Sulphto carbolar partly as Glycouronic acid Antidote is Soluble necphaleay or late as Mq84 or Nay 804 or H2804 dir - In joints Hydrochinon also in urine [crossed out] Smoky color not dur to Blood coloring matter. In lungs - Prendo memb in the bronchial tube. From apoplexy. - Odor. White color -urine - not hemiplegic. Convulsion are spinal In full doses paral vero-moti center Item perit Purmmoy & Center hence increases Refes at first. Flaxseed is good. Slippen elv is good. Bread & milk. Over-use as in felon as in defenses the part. Stimulating poultices contain a stimulating agent - as Excrement of napoleon's Surgeon, better is yeast poultice by mixing with equal parts of flaxseed & Indian meal - to clean out. Fatty Substances as vetricle for ointments - 3. 1 Lard & Olive Oil. Lanolin - (cholestasis & cholestin fat) 2. Vasellum is mineral is perfectly bland & [crossed out] protects - Is not as readily absorbed as in a true fat hence not used for Hq. Lanolin prepared from Suct (to keep wool of sheep soft). does not go back again on it skin non irritant - vetricle for [In???] in act [illegible] Skin. Antipyretic To depress bodily temper in fever. [crossed out] Carb. Acid is not used as antipyretic but acts like Salicylin but is the most dangerous antipyretic. -Only used as disinfection, stands next to alcohol in causing death fʒj to f℥ss. Sympt, Local irrit, burning pain, ringing, giddin & must disturbance. Large dose - May falls early, use course & covered with sweat gasping irregular Resp. in 3 min. In small dose death in 1-7 hrs. nausea but vary vomit, collapse mental spatty or deliuim replaced by comes, -Resp irregular from ouret death by failure of resp., - sense of dysp if liver, long motion power, ruin at first yellow becoming perish to black. -Some cases have Hemoglobin. 1 Wood. April 7. 1888. Sal Acid Compds. Formed from Carb Acid - is not officinal - Absorbed as salicylate in intestines as Na salt in blood. Sal acid soluble in ether & can not be formd as such from the blood except in blood of asphyxia. Eliminate is very rapid in - 25. 8 mins, - & lasts for 8 hrs after - last dose, - and has tendency to accumulate as for 1 wk. It is local irritant as in the stomach & at point of escape as loosened urine & even resp. pressive or hacenalinia hence hesitate in using it in acute Brigtn 10-20 gr no sympts. Larger dose - Is cinchonism fullness, tinnites aurium (1st evidence of phys action), 2) urine becomes greenish cause unknown but may be indicare or pyrocalichin by partial distinction of Sal acid. In excr as Sect acid in urine & as Salicyluric acid. May dilate pupil, dyspnoa is very constant, put form put increased the diminished, rate increase, its delirum been coma & death from asphyxia of Resp cent. Acts badly especially on Dumt. ands & apt to cause delirium may last for long time & may be with hallucinations Fox dose - Same Sympts In mammal. Circulation - Used dose not at all depressant & may increase Wood. April 7 - 1888 2. f℥j has take life & stimuli & urine. May be given in capsule mx - 4 to 6 a day Salicin. Breaks up in Sal Acid and in urine is forward as Salicyluric acid. It is less irritant & better taste It is broken up ony partg & slowly in Sal acid hence not much used. Salol. 1 At of H of Acid Sal is replaced by Phenol (acid carb). Is ready for from irritant prepertin - much like oil of gaul - the not of bad taste. As Salol in stomach but by pancreatic juice is broken up into Sal acid & phenge without gash intent irritation. But in larger dose urine becomes blackish from Salicyluric acid & its Carbolic compounds. Salol } 36% Carb acid } 64% Sal acid It has distinct antirheumatic power but is less prompt & less efficient - good for subacute rheu & neurage & m rheumat - dose 45 grs -Salol appear as Salurin acid in 1/2 hr but if it lies in Stomach for cancer or weaken of walls of Stomach. Naphthol - salol. 1 H replaced by Beta naphthol. - In intestine is resolved [with] Sal acid & Beta naphthol. Venesection In acute serous infl diseae as Pneum of strong robust adults bleeding from arm may do good.- In acute serous inflam as in all fibrinous pleurisy at first use the wet cup (deplitis) & not dry cup (for pneum or pulmon congest as counte irrit) In peritonitis - leeches 100 A In Exhaustion with right sided heart failure as in Pneumonia or advanced brights. & mistake not Pneum for meningitis acts press by v.m. stimulate & Hs (?) Toxic [d???] - Card failure by direct action, press low by act on v.m syst as well as heart. Sense of weakness & depression in full doses by acting on N syst, Use of M power & depress of reflexes. & marked cutaneous anaesthesia Resp. at first hurried (Skin) late it is slow & shallow. 30 to 60 grs cause fall of tempt in 1/2 - 1 hr & with sweating & is more certain then quinine but also fails, can arrest its sweating by Atrop & Agarcin but tempt still falls; do not depress tempr of normal man but prevents it under exercise. Not used any more to lower bodily tempr. Most powerful agent for Rheumatism (Senator) - by increasing Nitrogen elimination in almost all forms is useful & not only in acute & even good also in Gout (especially irregular) Tart & act in Stou an again it. In acute [Rheum] - 1st Day [crossed out] 45-60 grs 2nd day 30 grs now in 3rd, 4th begin again. May give in capsules on full stomach but its acid form is worst belt use salts. Sal of Cod " " [An???] " " methy 90% in Ol Saul. Sal Soda ʒj = Sal Ammon - prepared item Take Sal ʒj acid & Symp and encrease Stronger fʒj Amm iiss acid draught may give this in milk. Ol Sarrh = All sympts of Sal a pour 1 Wood. April 12 - 1888. Antipyrene. Crept - Sol in nalis. Acts. Little tinnit & [no??] of quartered & tendency to wound - [l???]. Larger dose - In weakness to little lessening of pure fever and rate In death in normal man. In animals. - Lay dose cause convulsion with paralysis - serous dir of cramp asphyxia but of paralytic asphyxia. Convulsion said to be cerebral Motion M. - Slight influence in advanced poisoning but never any complete loss of power. Sens M. - Paralyzes sensation at point of injection Spinal Action depress M or 8 part Depress Muscle a little. Small does unaffect [bluoed-p??] Large " increase " " Lox " depress " " Said to act powerfully on muscle of vessels - said to be haemostatic greater than Lr Ch Fr. Rapidly absorbed & eliminated as antipyrene. If take for long time palor with bluish tink by altering the Haemoglobin into metahaemoglobin [crossed out] Chiefly as antipyretic In normal more gets uncertainly use of tempt at stage of convulsion. In fevered man 20-30 grs tempt falls in 1/2 hr & down by 1 hr - 1° C 2° & continue for 4 to 8 hrs as nature of disease, with for sweating & may be with collapse, can arrest sweating by atropic & agararin & yeh. tempt falls - hence not result of the sweating, nor is it any effect of blood pressure. Cause of fall of tempt is dire to decrease of heat production by acting on nerve center controlly thermogenetic function of the body. Urea eliminate is lessened in fever - checks nutrition fever proven. Uses, - In fever it is very certain it makes firm more comfortable in pneumonia, typhoid & but not so good for the patient as cold bath For pain. Especially of use is those of M origin of that store kind. In locomoti - atexi cri good. In Rheumatic not as good for Boils as Morphine does not form habit nor does its derasy seculi as Morphia. Is said to take away the Labor pain & not interfere with contraction. In convulsion disorders - As in Strychnic, or Epilepsy 1 out of 50. Occasionally acts very unfavorably as rapid cyanosis collapse, loss of consciousness & for sweating. Give 10 or 1/2 to meti result or 30 grs even taken. [crosed out] May keep back measles. Antifebrinis - Same effect both some tender to sleep. - more powerful - gr 10-20. On general system - less is known these of Antipy. - cyanosis also from methameq. - loss of reflex. does not lessen no. of corpuscles. Parado-phenol - mephalic in urine - Some say it change other not. Use - In fever - In pain - In epilepsy.   [Nervousness] a pleurisy but may a pneumonia.  3  Blister is more slow and more permanent than rubefacient and produces more structural change. Rubefacient is more rapid and more general in active - used in congestions and nerve irritations.- Rubefacients go deeper than blister if left on for a long time Countre- irritation. - Mar. 17. 1888. Amaurosis may follow from decayed tooth. Paraplegia from renal calculus. Duodenal ulcer from a burn. It occurs through the trophic nerves. Irritation to be placed directly, over an organ as it has a relation with the surface directly over it. Port annal for the eye. Anstic's Law - first countre irritation over the root of nerve supplying the painful parts. Sets of Countre- irritants - 3. I Rubefacients - cause dermititis but with no organic change. II Epispastics - Has organic change and blisters. III Those causing structural change but no blister as Croton oil or Antimony. Seton acts in same way Issue also Caroling likewise. If you wish in affect an organ having organic change, you must cause organic change on surface For congestions and irritations rubefacients to be used : as in lungs or bowels. Peritonitis requires structural changes for countre - irritation. For Blistering - Epispastics = vesicatories. produce inflammation of skin & antpouring of serum Known as blister) Spanish Fly (Beetle) Cantharis - Cantharides Active principle is cantharides Tinct. is used internally dose gtt Overdose of the fly internally causes burning pain and soon vomiting of mucus & green specks of fly, these bloody, then shortly diarrhoea not serous than mucous and bloody, with tenesmus and small, Sometimes at once we have collapse; in a few hours a 2nd set of symptoms come on as pains in Loins, pain in bladder, & frequent desire to micturate and symptoms of cystite and even strangury. Take it off 1 or 2 hrs before it has drawn & then put on [the] poultice to draw. and erotic excitements (aphrodisiac) from small dose, from larger dose we may get swelling and sloughing of the scrotum &c, death from exhaustion with coma. death is from local action at the points of interence & escape. Treatment of poisoning - Wash out stomach and intestine with demulcent drinks but no oils & cathartics & give Opium. - or even Anaesthetics - Leeches to epigastrium. Write for plaster thus. On Adhesive plaster with a free uncovered edge. Rx Ceratum cantharidis q.s. Pimples vj x IIII urine If absorbed the cantharides may cause strangury, to avoid this only keep on the plaster a brief time (early removal), and thus also the pain suffering will be far less, - 5 or 6 hrs contact is enough followed by flaxseed or bread and milk poultice for 5 or 6 hrs more, after the blister is raised clip in with scissors and then may cover with ointment Chartula in keep in from healing use Basilicon ointment (Cerat. Resinal) For Strangury - Opium peridium & Hot bath. leeches to epigastrium For nervous irritation - In typhoid fever convulsions 3rd week by applying to Scalp. In D.T. but there is danger of scalp sore to heal in quickly use Goulards [crossed out] ointment. - Or use Simple cerate. If slow in heal use Ung Zinci or Ung Iodoform. Blister is most useful for serous inflammation than that of organs. - only in advanced stage of pneumonia, Often good in catarrhal pneumonia & capillary bronchitis. Blisters are more useful in later than in early stages of inflammation. Rubefacients - Plaster - Poultice - Liquids as liniments. Liniments - used for chronic rheumatism or after exertion, but not as efficient as they are popular. No specific action in any one liniments. May use Aqua Ammon fortior with Ol olivum, may add Ol Terebinth, and Oil of Sassafras Cantharidal collodium (Collodium cure cantharide) is too powerful for using. Turpentine stripes - In typhoid fever - In Amenorrhea with Dovers &c. Aqua Ammon under watch crystal. As Plasters Pices. Pix Burgundica - x (as Plaster [crossed out]) Mourning plaster = Emplast. Picis cum Cantharidis will blister 3 out of 6 persons - they act slowly & for days; for moral comfort: - In chronic bronchitis of old persons of service x (Pix Canadensis as Emp Picis Canaden) - In nervous pain of women for prolonged mild effect. Sinapis - mustard Is more valuable 1. Sinapis nigra = acts in 10 mins black mustard is more powerful, of equal parts with flour. 2. Sinapis alba = acts in 15 mins. white or yellow mustard. Mustard is a soothing persistent plaster - use in not too strong so as to keep it on longer. - In newspaper Mustard plaster for 1/2 hr, in blister there is more pain and harder to heal them from cantharides. - Used in intense internal irritation, no good in collapse and apoplexy and as there is no sensibility here it may be left on too long - In internal irritations the next 1 Part Black mustard & 2 parts flour. Kept on 20 mins. or Equal parts of yellow mustard & flour - mixed with water. day after after using the plaster a furious dermititis may appear by reaction. The mustard leaves of the drug strups are abominations. By diluted with flour & [crossed out] molasses it checks its rapid action Spiers. - for steady & continuous mild influence in enteritis. - may use tincture of the spiers on cloth & cover with oiled silk. Escharotics are drugs used to destroy diseased or sound tissue. Pain is the difficulty but creaine now prevents this, is in chancre before using nitric acid. Nitrate of Silver is powerful but does not go deep. Acid nitrate of mercury acts about as nitric acid, applied on splinter or glass rod, arrest their action with soapy water. Chronic acid is powerful, for epidurral growths especially, as warts venereal or not by placing a crystal on it & then wash off with H2O. Bromine is most powerful - use glass rod - acts in dead and living tissue alike, used for Hospital gangrene but is too uncontrollable for organic growths. Sulphuric acid may also be used. Corrosive sublimate - is most dangerous from its absorption. Potash or Potasse cum calce (Vienna paste) - it takes up the water, acts in the fat, oxidizes the fibres - for small masses - is too uncontrollable - punctralis deeply - used in make an issue - apply by making a hole in a piece of sticking plaster [illustration] & cover the edges with cerate oil, apply the caustic for 10 or 15 min then wash with vinegar The Vienna paste does not run as the Potassa does. Zinci Chlorid - bitter as Canquoiris paste, & making arrows in thrust around base of tumor. Acidum arseniosum - (As2 O3) bains of quack remedies. Cancer tissue is more readily destroyed than round tissue - pain is atrocious, but cocaine checks this - It may be absorbed but by using large amounts this danger is less as the tissues die so quickly. Anthhelmintres Mar 22, 1888. Worms. I Ascaridis Seat worms. II Lumbricoid - Round worms. III Taeniae - Tape worms. I. For Seat worms fist wash out the rectum by injection of salt water, and follow this by an injection of Qaussia 3ji. in Ojss boiled down to Oj. inject this each slowly and hold it as long as possible. Vinegar has also been used. Spigelia Pinkroot Ext fluid dose fzj Ext spigeliae in Sermac fl (not officinal any more) has aromatics in it, good for children. adult dose 3ss - 2 yr child fzs-j every 4 hrs till in purges. Symptoms of Overdose of Spigelia - much as a mydriatic - dilated pupil, heart acceleration, heat & dry skin, delirium. It probably contains Spigeline which is a cardiac depressant. Spigelia narcotizes the round worms hence in 1 hr afterwards follow with castor oil. Azedarach Decoction (3ij to Ojss boiled to Oj) dose tablespoonful every 2 to 3 hrs till bowels are affected. Chenopodioum - Wormseed Oil is to be used - dose in capsules or on sugar gtt x to 3 yr child every 3 hrs. Santonica Levant wormseed contains Santonica also called Santoninic acid & can form salts. Santoniates are freely soluble. Santonin is insoluble. Action - First symptom is often yellow vision (zanthopsia) due to staining the humours yellow, and urine is red looking from the santonin & its derivatives but not bloody, tremblings, vomiting but mostly not, and the symptoms are not those of gastro-enteritis it exerts its power over the nerve centres, & with loss of consciousness & dilated pupil. Summary I. Zanthopsia. 2 Tremblings and muscular (?) apathy & unconsciousness & epileptiform convulsions. 3. Collapse. Santonin has produced death - 6 grs has killed strong adult: as it is insoluble the persons have often escaped, Solubility is not wanted hence sodium cantanate is not to be used, but give the santonin itself in its crystalline form (not pulverized) Adult dose gr ij - iv Child dose gr 1/4 - 1/2 follow it in 2 hrs with castor oil with a little turpentine added to it Turpentine - doses of f3ss j always with twice its bulk of castor oil has been used for all worms. III For taenia must have the intestines empty may give as follows 1. Supper to night, bread milk & tea. 2. Medicine at 7 tomorrow morning. 3. 1 hr later (8 A.M.) coffee 4. 3 hrs later little milk toast (1/2 hr before 2nd medicine = cathartic) Pepo. Pumpkin seed, Wood mostly uses this for taenia. It must not too old. 3j - ij beaten up with sugar & aromatic oil & taken as the breakfast. at 10 A.M take tablespoonful castor oil & teaspoonful turpentine, and 1/2 hr later may eat. Be present at the delivery of the worm & if it comes down by giving a large rectal injection as of salt water to bring the head along. Aspidium - Filix Mas. Male fern Oleoresin is alone to be used It can produce fatal gastro-enteritis. -not safe to give over 3ss - j after starving &c Brayera Koosso Has Resin Koosin (Taenin) Wood never used this x (3ss powdered leaves suspended in water in the morning, or 20-40 grs Koossin. It generally purges itself - case in pregnancy.) Cathartic 2 or 3 hrs afterwards. Pomegranate Rind - Granatum Decoction of the fine twigs is better 3ij Ojss boiled to Oj. Alkaloids - Pelletierine} taenicides Isopelletierine} {more French dose of alkaloid is gr iv - vj. On animals it produces temporary motor paralysis [crossed out] of peripheral motor nerves as with curare Antacids Drugs to neutrallize acidity of primae viae. (in Stomach or Intestines with constipation or diarrhoea) In gastric acidity we have acid eructations, and may cause headache (sick) coming on with blindness & sudden dizziness & early stomach symptoms & is across the whole brow & not on our spot as in neuralgic headache; for acid sick headache Remedy is to act immediately hence use Ammonia gtt xx-xxx or Spirits or Spts. aromat. Acidity is due more to fermentation than to perverted secretion. Sodium Soda bicarbonate acts on Stomach and Urine but not on general system. Preparation - 1. - Carbonate 2. Bicarbonate is less irritant - given in soda mint. For Burns when no cuticle is Lime water not given for vomiting of acute gastritis destroyed put on a paste of the Bicarb it does good apparently by breaking up the emboli or thrombi of the burn. It dissolves uric acid hence used in gravel, but can not dissolve any formed calculus, hence to only [crossed out] make the urine alkali in Soda bicarb grx -xx t.d., but to purify the system use Potass Lime. - Calx. - 2 forms. 1. Caustic Lime. 2. Aq. Calcis. Aq calcis (lime water) prevents coagulation of milk in stomach hence good for delicate stomachs as in milk punch add tablespoonful or more. It is astringent and sedative to mucous membrane, has solvent power on mucus, used for gastric irritation especially with milk as for puerperal vomiting 1 part to 3 of milk up in 6 of milk, in small doses of the mixture at first as f3ss. In vomiting lime water alone is good. In laryngitis (early) lime water in atomizer every hour is best remedy. In children with nose stuffed shut with thick mucus it dissolves it. In Diptheria lime water has no power. x(Syrup Calcis dose fzi - ij) Liniment Calcis = Carron oil for burns. Chalk - 1. Cretae Prep. 2. Calcii. Carbon. Praecipt. Both these forms of chalk act alike. Slowly acting antacids. - well given internally as mist Cretae (gr xxx to f3j) dose is f3ss - j. - it is also feebly astringent, and as dessicants in powder form, and acts as protective, good for diarrhoeas of irritation, and also in those of relaxation. (from acidity is in Summer) In intertrigo, feet sweating &c. as dessicants & protection. (Oyster Shell in Castillon powder for summer diarrhoea) (Dose carbonate gr xx - 3j Saccharin. Prepared from coal tar, Is 250 times as much as Sugar. It escapes unchanged from the urine and makes it sweet & antiseptic. It has no physiological setron on the animal organism and does not affect the nutrition of patients. Uses. - In diabetic to sweeten the food. In obese persons. It is insoluble in water but in soluble in glycerine. Disinfectants - Mar. 24 1888. To destroy noxious miasmata. Wood divides poisons in 2 Classes. 1. Miasmata 2. Contagious. 1. Miasm is not a germ but is gaseous emanations but these can be infected as with typhoid. 2. Contagion is a germ. Filth may be in air, water, or solid. The atmosphere can only be purified by dispersion, & not by bonfires &c as any agent that will kill the germ will kill man also. Chlorinalia lime in the sick room is no good it only covers the other odor by its own. Sewerage. can only be purified by Germicides kill live germs Antiseptic kill them in embryo & prevents their development. 1 dispersion & by 2 oxidation. Solid filth - can only be deleterious if moist, - dry earth of "cat style" is good hence well to keep barrel of 1/2 plaster and 1/2 dry earth is with 1/4 part dry lime in county privy to throw down each time. Lime (Alkalin) favors oxidation by forming ozone. Lime in a privy brings up emanations of Ammonia & other poisonous matters. Mode of disposing of non - infected filth - I Dispersion II Dryness. III Lime. Cleanliness of rooms as by washing is best - dispersion You can not disinfect large masses in never or privy, hence destroy the first stool as it comes from the typhoid patient. -place the disinfectant in the [chamber] bed pan before the patient uses it. In infected filth you must use a germicide as 1 Chlorinated lime, 2 Corrosion Sublimate or 3 Acid carbolic. Chlorinated lime is the cheapest, 1 part to 100 of water destroys all forms of living organism used either in solid but [crossed out] better in liquid form, put 3iv - v in pan before defecation do not pour away the stools immediately after being discharged. In using corrosion sublimate use it 1 to 500 of the stools, always kept in solution & colored with amline or fuchsyne. Acid carbolic is effectual - 1 to 200 of the stools at least. Sweetening of Closet and Pipes - use copperas (FeSO4) To disinfect sick room - wall paper had but be taken off and the walls and floor washed with HgCl2 1 to 1000 followed by ordinary water. Bedding had best be treated by fire or by boiling. No upholstered furniture is to be in a sick room. For blankets be may use dry or better moist heat of tempt 250 F - the goods to be spread out. - May boil the clothes in salt water. Corpse of infections disease to be sealed in close coffin and buried immediately and privately: may inject in at once with corrosive sublimate to disinfect the corpse.          [crossed out] 1 O.K. Pepper. Oct 6 1887. Memb Lar - is inflam with Pseudo. memb formative in memb - Known as membranous or true Croup. It is Idiopathic or Secondary Inset put as abrupt as Cap fr Begin with slight fever increasing Cough is hoarse becoming weak & small called also Crooping Croup. Sympts of obstructive voice becomes smaller & whisping almost suppressed cough become wheezy & feeble breath more labored Angle of more play. bring Stude with wear Rest murmur. Supra - gt violet [crossed out] sinks & at bare of chest. It turns spells of Spasmodic differently in breathing for livid - childs in sweat. time about - airs of apnoea May kill in 48 hrs in 5. 6. 7 day. It may come on in perfect health but in majority of cases you may find flaks [crossed out] fancis. but rarely Albumen in urine. Diag - Dr is usually in children Progressive character of 2 O.K. If Sympts progress after using Calomel than conride Tracheotomy or Intubation Indication for Tracheotomy &c are Obstructive Spasmodic attacks &c memb. Croup. Entrance of food & liquids sometimes interferes with its use. Pepper prefers Intubation. Bronchial Tubes Bronchitis inflm of lining memb of B Tubes - acute or Ch - Prin in See - alter from pain cough. Expect & Physician Signs. Acute B 1 Of large tubes 2 " Capillar " Prim or Idiopath Branch come from common causes of Cat inflam as Irrition of vapor a particles but more common is chilling of body or exposure of relaxed body. Tremor or multiple sclerosis cease during sleep or by sitting them down - they bring excitedly by exertion. RX Hyoscine is but remedy & quick its movements of Paralysis agitans - Hyoscyamine may also be used. Cases of central Paralysis of facial nerve are partial, here its Orbicularis Palpebral In generally escapes. Convulsion - Chorea - no to & from Tremors - to & from movements by antagonistic groups of Maint of movement is less than Chorea. Wide spread tremors Cause Chronic alcoholism. Pb & As Organic lesions of Cord or Central. - Or as result of old age. Senile tremor usually begins at its head - Pathological causes. General paralysis of Insomn- Parkisons disease - - Paralysis agitans - Multiple cerebro spinal Sclerosis. Sympts of voice cough & Fever in this form. Laryngoscope can not be used in Children. If uncertain regard it as membranous. Pug. Very grave - worse when diphtheritic but very grave even when primary or idiopathic. Large percentage die with or without operation Treatment - As soon as diagnosed. Count. Irrit, mild as by Lr Iodine. gt. Atomize repeatedly but with gentleness - as with alkali or Zinc H2O - KCLO3 NH4CL - Solutn of Boronic Acid - Weak Solute of Tannic Acid Peprine with Bracia or Lactic Acid. -Solution not irritate - use them every hour. Internal - Calomel from beginning - large dose followed by another large dose until bowel move 1 or 2 time the small doses Child (5 yrs) - 5 grs followed in few hrs by 5 grs, then reduce to 1/2 gr dose at 3 hrs Alkali as KClO3 or Bicent find combined with the Calomel. Muriate of Arm may be given with KClO3 but is feeble compared with Calomel Lecture. Stelwagon - Vol 7. 1887 Macula = Primary Lesions Spot. Cloasma Papula = Pin point to Split pea Solid elevation of Slein [crossed out] Vesicle = elevation with serous or sero-purulent contents as fever blister Pusticle is advanced Stage of vesicle usually, they are filled with pus Bleb = large blister with serous or Sero-purulent contents. Wheat = as in hives- flat rounded elevation having often yellow centre as in nettle - rash. Tubercle - Very similar to papule but is despair & larger than papule. Tumor Secondary Lesions Crust - Extraneous drink Scales - Cast off masses of epithelium Excriation = Scratch mark Fissures Ulcers Scars = new growth. (cicatricial) Patch in may be uniform (of one kind) or multiform (of different kinds - bullous - Discrete = Separate Concrete = Running together Typus Circinate = when forming a circle or part of one. Serpiginous = when like a serpent. Irris - different colors Marginate when edges are sharp. Annular = round with centre clear For Hyperidrosis 1) Rx Tannic j 2) RX Alum 3j - ij to g. Alcohol Oss. Rx Ung Diachylon or Ung Acid Tannici 1 O.K. Pepper - Oct 10. 87. Cat Biurets = Biurets Cat = most common layer tubes ordinarily, capillary form in its smaller tubes. Sympts. Fever in mild cases very triffling may walk about in ordinary from 101° - 102° in [illegible] to 103° - 104° approaching limits of Pneumonia. Slughs changes in mild case [crossed out] Rest & Pulse no dysfuon to extreme in bad case. Pulse from no disturbance to frequent & small Rest & Pulse less affect than in Pneumonia Cough prominent = loud often paroxysm - painful dry in early stage with sub-sternal soreness with tearing [???tion] - increased by talking or worse as if comes on at night - Paroxysm may be exhausting if severe. Abscess of light, exhaustion from in [illegible] allows is to become more in coming as in Laryngitis. By 2 or 3 day comes on expectoration - [illegible] at first tenacious & grayish with Saline become loose yellow 2 O.K. - Oct 10 . 1887 Persons negative in all form of Bronchitis, save in severe bronchitis in feeble children when & portion of Lung collapse by plug of mucous & this may give dullness generally at periphery of Lung (wedge shaped) but not with other physical signs of Pul consolidation Pug. - Diffrs. Good in all except Cup form as to life. but guarded as to return & duration Grave in old & feeble persons. Draq. Easy Treat of acute primary Bronchitis Rest & Protection. Our evenly heated room &c & to bed if case be urgent not even in get up for calls of nature. Comp Irrit = by mustard learn or plaster or liniments or Iodine in Sternal or Inter-scapular region Inhalation if warm medicated vapor by Steam atom - as For [Corri?] of Chloroform (Antropan) Lime or Borax or NH4CL as alkali to form Secretion. Carb &c. Cream Oct 10 1887 O.K. 3 The Rx are for early stage, - when Secretion come it is not necessary to use Expect & use less Opium. Cap from is danger from Exhausn by Rest In & It's & collapse to asphyxia Seat of Cap Burn Dry cupping at roots of Lungs daily or even liver daily. Stimulating remedies here called from as An 5 gt an 2 or 3 hrs for a with Carb & sedative & Bella or Hyoscyam or Le Corrium add age to 12 & divide by age for the size of dose Strychine is best in strength Rest M + 1 is given frequent & freely with internally or hypodermically in the region. Begin with 1/4 gr repeated in 3 or 4 hrs for a few days. Alcohol must often be combined first in small doses - come well by children. [cross out] Jacket of Rare Cotton. - Fihirrous Bronchitis Membranous form must often with Diph. Rement that acute Branch is a Sympt of vile affection as Secondary forms. - Measles. - Typhoid fever - Diph - but not usually grave  Iodine as astringents Use the weak at finer until well borne Internally. 1) Allay [fr??er] 2) Cough 3) [Pr???i] Expect 4) Allay infla. Quine & Aerium 6-12 grs of [Q???] to Adult Aerium 1 grs an hr in adult For Cough. Antispasmodic & Opiate. Bellad or Hyoscyamine sometimes [crossed out] Morphine Sulp gr j Am Muriat ʒ ij Syr Ipeca fʒ iij Syr Squill fʒ vj Ext purmos fʒ vj Glycine f℥ss Aqua E.S. ed f℥iij S - fʒj h.r.n. [B????id?] of Am or [Iodine] may be substitute for its Nld4Cl if Spasmodic tendency be great. If few is sharpen use this. Rx Morphine Sulp grj Linar Aconit Rad grt XXX Am muriat gr C Lig Am Acetar q 3rd f℥ V S - fʒij h.r.n. But danger of mixing powerful & mild remedies known with use Aconit from separate bottle until tempr drops as Known by thermometer & purulent & more copious. Auscult - On both sides of chest = Bronchitis Rales = Sonorous & sit rales in large tubes with course moist ones in smaller tubes,, - becoming more abundant as expectoration increasing,, - most marked over large tubes Heard booth is In & Ex very changeable - as then swelling of memb is with the Secretion. Bunch families may even recur These physical signs increases as night comes on. Capillary form given all the Sympt more aggravated. - depending upon the the condition of the [crossed out] System or congenital anatomical changes. Fever higher. Rest disordered greatly - 50 - 60 - 80 in child = 46 - 55 on adult Dyspnea. Play of Al Pulse frequent & soon [illegible] force suffering from non-aerated blood. Cough - smothered - wheezing ineffectual Phys Signs of Cat Bronch. Bilateral - not most but at periphery in laryntritis Sub-crepitant (coarse - crackling) in with Inst & Ex ( more in Ins Chrom B {Bronchial Dilate Allied af {Emphysema pectin {Asthma 1 O.K. Pepper - Oct - 11 - 1887 Chrom - Bronch = Chronic inflam of Bronch Memb. Causes - 1) Repeated acute attacks 2) Glow operation of ordinary causes of Acute Attacks 3) Constitutional predisposition as Rheumatic or [illegible] Rickety & Scrofulous in younger persons. 4) Persons with a tendency to Chr Bronch. 5) Occupations Sympts of Chr Bronch. Often very mild as to its disturbing general health, but in other cases the general health runs to have invited it & then a break follows. Some given cases break in general health by often in less of flesh in Strength &c Cough occur in paroxysm & very annoying not occuring at any one period of the day. attended with expectant of very copious & glary it is called Bronchorrhea - or purulent & smaller or larger in amount according affecting the general health. Ex shows lencorits altered epithol & marcinus bacilli or lung shreds. Hemoptysis is rare. Ph Sign - Decllum negative &c. Sonorous & Sit Rales at lower portion part of both O.K. 2 Oct 11-1887 Residual air in ocean Tidal " Deceased. Excitmnt & Exertion increase in Dyspnea & also [crossed out] Bronchtit exaggeration This followed by weakness & bad color & flabby not necessarily thin very worst effect is upon the H's & results is dilates of R't H't with minfiensine of Tricupsid valves & following this a general venous obstruction & ascending dropsy. P Signs of vis Cmph. Inpher Chest constantly distended. Ribs raised & more horizontal - Sternal round Ant Port diam in [evacuant] Bounded - Short - Chest no movement of expansion & retraction but exaggerated movement up Percuss - Ana Resonium increased & exaggerated. It's covered - ex brat. Vocal. Fren & Reson are both decreased Rest [h???r] - Respiratory element is very weak & short. Exp element is prolonged It affects both sides Diag of Che Branch. Hist of Can. long continuance of cough - good general health remaining good not its case in Phihro Micneipe Ex of Shute Both Sides equally. - Sear change from time to time -no Sign of consolidation -Dilated Branches may suggest cavity (vomica) - no from so very little. - no Hem - or diarrhoea no laryngitis in nearly all cases. The look to its Prog - Uncertain - Recur - very good for duration of life. Asthma. Associated with Ch Bronch. It is not of Bronchial Cough. Morbid irritability in most cases of Asthma of Bronch mucous memb in different persons As Rest & Hay Asthmas in Changes of Climate Residence Temps & moisture of air in person of spasmodic tendency. Asth is an [crossed out] condit of Spasmodic dyspnoea Associated with most condit of Bronchiat muscus memb & with Spasm or parisis of muscle of Rest. Some muscle are in state of spasm as Bronch & Interental other are in state of exhaustion Lungs - Signs show remarkable fluctuations by season &c. The Chr Inflam in the tubes of low vitality already may came Sacular Dilation at roots - 2 in diameter rounded or from form - thickened walls. - In causes as much trouble as an abscess except diameter of tissue as decompressing sputa, pectin fever Phys Sign of Cavity -On one of big tubes - More common behind ever Root Deep rested percussion or tympany - Tubula colouring in Inop & Exp. Pector. [i??in]. & Sign of Cavity. 2) Mirfn dilatate like a glove. Emphysema (vesicular) is another accompaniment of Chr Bronch [crossed out] It is state of permanent over distention of air cells of the Lungs. Causes producing is General weakness of Lung tissue, & its air can not get out of Bronch tubes in Coughing hence is distend the spies & Borders of Lungs It may follow whooping C. but this passes away. Phys Sign, Progressive & Permanent Habitual abiding Dyspnea as elasticity of air cells is lost OK. H.C. Word. Oct 29 1887 Tonics - used in overcome debility if cause be removed or help life along if in can not be removed. Debility is often the result of intestinal catarrh of which diarrhea is its result [crossed out] Groups - Vegetable -Mineral = -Fungines Veg Tonics } Simple .1 Peculiar .2 Aromatics. .3 1) Have principle as stimulants to it Skin 2) Having added some other peculiar properties Exem up 1 an irritants nans & voom-Corrts 2-Inrritation of Sarh memb Indication for 1 is a loss of apetite. - After overwork. Actively of spring time. Convalescence of acute disease Quassia. Seinant Ex Certain quassia this produce convulsion movement in lower animals - gastric irritation & headache in man. Principle in men in Exh - in pill 1/2 - 1 gr. Tinct - gtr XV - XXX w XL Inf for Seativorus 1 y to 1/12 pn boiled in 1 pint. Gentian Solid Ext is 2/3 of quassia Tinct Co is most elegant of all the bitter pick 2 OK. XX with ZN804 or P.B (C2H3O2) 2. or 5 grs of improper alkaloid. In Chemis gastic calaiet with hepatic tripe as result of use of alcohol - always in pill-form. Marked uterine contractions by injecting it into bitches - for menorrhagia for cervicitis & vaginal inflam. - in [illegible] - in nasal cath - in conjunctivitis. Eupatorium (Bone - rub) Infus is with time Oy. to pint ] hon H2O on going to bid by acting as a sudorific Bark of Comus Arcuation Activity depends on presence in Chr of volatile oil. Active in common in this class. 1 Stir in gash intent memb incline for in time being not kept up long as in Simple times. Carminative of expelling in gas. Reflex peristalsis Affect in it's causing drastive arrest. Ol Caryrrh. Acts as local anasthetic -powerful poison to all tissue but this alow absorption prevents this. Cloves Ginger Pepper Cinamon Cardamom Mints - Vir " Pip OK. Ol Sassafras. -Comp In. In grap - Cheat. [h???] for liniment. Ol Savlth. Salicylate of methyl acts as Salicylic Acid. Oil Nutmeg. Feeble in local influc - & in It's - Acts specially on cerebrum [h??] capable of use as soporific [h???] in hysteria - can poison persons. - for hysterial unrest grr X-XY Oil - gr XXX-XL nutmeg. Anthemis (Chamomile) Mild Stimulant is Stone & satisfy. the meal needs. 1 oz in pint, wine place at matter. Serpentaine Weak - never used by itself Peculiar Bitter Prunus Virg - Wild cherry bark. [C????] Tannic Acid, Bill time principle, Crulkin & Amygdalin the form HCy was used in Phthisis but its action is too fugitive Syr. as vetricle is enough [wi?h] by adding morphine Eucalyptus. Local action is sleight - hence can not be used as Corut In or carminative. Absorbed run freely than the other oils. Gtt X-XX produce & single of warmth in its Stone - [S????] of calum , mulax. It's as low as 50 - more of numb. uses in [?cli?n] nerve.- abolih. of muscular nerve Cuonnous dose/ paralysis death from paralysis act by act on Spinal [en?i]. Fall of Pre by effect or It's [Su?????]. Sedal is when system but on Case & It's must. Clive from lungs & urine Und. for acts or mucous memb in Bronchitis after first stages in Asthma will it - Intern. Cath - Antiseptic Surgeon is [inp???] - Antiperiod is unreliable.  Anise Fennel Tannic Acid in Cinnamon. Ol-live dose grr - ij for Col. for Intub relax with diarrh. [sti?s] it by stimulating it [illegible] normal time in its serous diarrh. [crossed out] - Cinnamon Oil Cirr gtr ij-V - flavouring Linen - 1) Mild diarrhoea of relaxation is with H28O4 Aro & Symph. 2) Menorrhagia in fʒj is case of want of tou. Card. Tinct Co. - added to Tinct Co Tinct gent. H2804 w Aq. Req. Symph. Strong Chr. Orang P. flavouring Ol Ced. Ol-Anise - carminative Ginger Has an alcoresin beside its Ol as addition to tonic pill. as in Black pepper & Red pep. Vol oils eliminated through its Renal organ & can produce strangury. Ginger. 1 tap Inf. as murdorifin in suddenly ruptured menstrual in abdom colic. Menthol From tupentine [crossed out] for neuralgia pains Barbery. Certain berberin. 3-5 grs rest official - convulsion in lower animals in toxic doses. Columba. No Solid Ext. Exp fl - Tinct - fʒj Chirett Solid Ext gr j = 2/3 of Quas Ext Acts in Liver especially after malaria & debility following the heat of the liver Hydrastis. Golden Seal 3 Alkaline - Berber - Hydrastine - Zanthopoxis. Pure hydrastis is colorless berberine is yellow. Hydrastis 1 { has distinct power of over circulating & nervous system - - spinal convulsions as in Stiydrun death may occur for cramp of Rest m. Small doses increase the Act Pus - Large dose decrease. This depressant to It's muscle causes diastolic arrest - It [means] to act in Vm. Centre thus causing it rise of act pressure. Local paralyzant of new of sensation. Und - for mucous membs. - acts well locally - & also some in Intest. In gonorrhea after the Bi period is period - con - curtal flow Cx V mx - XX - iʒ Mills - Bleckly - Nov 19 - 1887. Gymnastics [for] Nervous Diseases. 1. Manager 2. Movements. 3. Electrical. In [crossed out] movements we have active and passive - or semi active and semipassive or duplicated active Swedish movements. Zander method, is where these is & stram apparatus, are of limited use only. Resistance apparatus are useful in more cases - elastic tube &c. Respiratory gymnastics: As in Blakey's book - taking a full respiration as each movement. Begin with light dumb-bells or no weights at all. 1 - Dumb-bells above the head, taking a deep inspiration & lower hands laterally and expire while raising them. 2. Put 1 foot forwards, throwing dumb bells back & chests forward & taking in 3. Hand against [illegible] through dumb-bell against its into of other shoulder. 4. Dumb-bells behind neck & go down. Place patient on back then let him raise with its foot or the body. In Hemiplegia (central) make a quick movement with round limb & quickly follow with same movement of palsied limb. Paralyses and atrophics & Choreas are benefited by movements. In choreas get them to come after you as you perform movements for them. Habit choreas are most difficult to cure. Movements are good for certain forms of insanity as melancholia  OK. Pepper - Feb 9 . 1888 1) Small Pox. As Sp from of about 20 days high contag & epidermic - witness anatomical line, characterized by striking & peculiar erupt & powerfully influenced by vaccination: 3 ft in open space Thrown up Carried. From Body - by stomach - by Rest tract or may be swallowed. - can be carried by fomites. It spares no sex nor age. Complication - Nephritis - Endocarditis & Myocarditis - Extensive of erupts to mucous surface as Laryngitis pustular -Bronchitis. Blood - crasis dissolved in bad cases - It's form has not been isolated Incubate maximum 2 wks: no matter how long. vaccinate 1 or 2 days after exposure [pro??] will check it or modify it. Invasion - Abrupt with chill & violent headache, frightful backache & intense pains in limbs - with pre-emptive stage is also marked by vomiting loss of Apet. fever, 102° - 103° - 104° flushed face, rapid full putin - lasts for 3 days. Stage of Eruption Papule disaile exposed parts first, or face neck rounded hard - short - like - of red color - 3 days Vesicular Stage - Seem form at summit & become a vesicle & umbilicated. It is a cellular structure, none the general symph subside fever goes down, headache & backache Pustula Stage - 3 end oz 6 th day the consists - become turbid & purulent - It is [illegible] neon. OK. Pepper - Feb 9. 1888 2. Myocardit disper to Cardia collapse. or weaker - Deaftness - Perforate of humor & blindness. Segmt - Disfiguration by reticulated cicatrices - Scarcely ever airy pitting in Varioloid. Convulsion is usually prompt rapid & complete. In stage of duricate a cure by disease may occur - 1 gal a day. - Spe 1.001 - Limpid Diagnosis - Shrend green in fore-eruptic stage - or on history of exposure & no vaccination. & pain & fever. Erupt in 3rd day of sickness. - Measle & Typhus fevers measle. Cath Sympts - Cough & no marked pain & drowsy & heavy. - flat macul, eriseints - disappearing on pressure genera of upon go down in S.P.  day from - maturation five the purtial vomiting here less its umbilicatis [crossed out] to in about 3 days the partial become shriveled grm the absorption of the [mater] Decication - 3 days. Desquamation - 3 days. &c. [Pri??] for depends upon amt of blood press. Second from depends upon the amount of eruption. - ends by lyin by 17th day. Kinds of eruption. -Discrete. -Confluent. Varieties Mild Very. Ordinary Gram from amt of pain a well as amt of eruption Malig - Black - Blood disintegrate- bloody liquid in Incubation = 2 wks. Invasion & per. eruption Stage. 3 days = Primary from Eruption {Papula 3 { Vesicular. 3 { Pustula. 3 = 2nd form. { Desricate 3 { Desquam 3 vesicle - general prostrate - Here from membranes. - & death from Pap in Push stage invariable Varioloid - Stage of invasion may be intense - eruption & relief of sympts pap variable & [crossed out] but now the secondary fevers more or very stright when the tendency is to purtulation or & a loctn occur - incubate come is 10-14 days. May be discrete (more likely the mall-pox) or confluent. Complicate - Very intense secondary fever. Extreme in mucous passages. - Endocarditis will be valuable murmur. OK. Mood - Feb 9. 1888 1 It's odor is objectional. %. Iodol - I used in H2O - No odor acts as Iodoform - Poisoning also possible - & fatty degree. acts by its - decomposition products - as Iodoform. Iodol is decomposed more slowly than Iodorm. Is more apt to - cake than Iodoform. I used as Iodoform - In tuberculous ulcers of Larynx. &c. - High Cort: In chronic Sypt - grs 30-60. -N.S. Cod - Liver - Oil. Biliary acids - Iodine - &c. Sodium in not its active principle but has no one active principle In health in lower Animals - cause accumulate of fat but if given too freely it disturbs digest & ceases to accumulate fat. Increases Red Crops. & diminishes amt of fibre. It's case of absorption & oxidation [crossed out] makes it valuable - It also acts as alternative Mrs- In tendency to emaciation but depends upon it cause as in tumor it will only retard it, but if more generalized as in Phthisis especially in the condition of depravity preceding the Phthisis. by its apparently causeless - continually catching cold - Cod - L. Oil - Whiskey & avoidance of cough mixtures. - If organic changes be present we can protect life by Cod - L.O. - Whiskey & fresh air. In Scrofulous of great service combined by Lactic - [phosphate] if Liver in Gland swelling &c. (standard remedy.) Wood Feb 9 - 1888 2 OK fatal gastro - enteritis. In urine. urea differs. - amt of urine differs as when purging or not. Wns- In Gout in large dose will cut short suspend paroxysm. - in other subjects with acute gout but not in asthenia - as it causes recedent or internal gout by the blood going in - Dangerous in acute gout in large doses & recurs soon. In chronic gout by small amt - 10 gtr t.d. within diarrhoea limit with K1 often good. Poison - Tan acid - Opii & as gast - enter Amtal. Woods Mezerum. Sarsaparilla some good in chronic syphilis - Zyphnar decoct alternated with Symph Sarap Co. - Sarap Ex fl with Iodine is but now. Symph Co - as vetricle [illegible] In chronic rheumat if with Sypt turs. In Skin disease. In neuralgia attended with loss of tone In these condition it is not a specific but builds up nutrition. But given in soft capsules holding ʒj - or pinch of dry salt - In whiskey & water - In ale - In emulsion with oil of bitter almonds. Dose. Tendency to diarrhoea is correct irrita. At night in weak stomach Digest of patient is the measure of the amount. Phosphates. Phosphatic acid is stomachic tonic for dyspepsia as Horsfords acid phosphate and does not affect on system. Herd of Cows in meadow born calves rachitic - In dogs of keeping phosphates from its food. In many children with ill teeth from a deficiency in phosphates as is case in such nurse as in Wood's child . can increase the amt in the milk of such nurse - They are largely eliminated from munt of Intest. To be given in Solution - with 50% Cod - L. Oil in Rachitic child. Colchicum Colchicine urine alone to be used 10 gtr = no Sympts usually - or inlist disturbance 40 gtr - purgin - serous - pain & large. Larger - Vomiting - purging - pain is very great - pector falls to collapse with cramps. Rapidity of death not depending upon size of dose. - acts - but little in It's or h system - but kills by producing - OK, Pepper Feb 13. 1888. 1 Treatment - no specific for the poison. - Only assist patient - Adapt the nourishment in state of patient as in diet & stimuli. May control the fever but do not injure the heart nor nervous system. Primary fever does not often give hyperpyrexia. In Secondary fever about 9th day the fever (surgical) may be very high. - Sedative as Opiate to allay irritation. Mild derivatives as diuretics or gentle laxatives do not attack with powerful antipyretics. no effusive of cold water except in pre-eruptive stage. Inunction for its cuticle as in Scarlet fever, Ung tets Vesicle appear Cath - 3 Typhoid. Measles Influenza. Skin 2- Scarlet Small Pox and the burst on liquid [emmulsion] Stimulants when indicated. Sedative for the pain & irritation as Opii per Olimet & Rective in small doses - or Bromides of Chloral or Canrub Ind. To prevent pitting - Make inflam milder, if only 12 pustule opi then cautiously & touch with GNO3, if mercurous exclude light keep cuticle soft & prevent it thick crust - Ung Hydray & Ung Petroleum while face shield. Sat Sol is Gutter - P in Chloroform. Stimulant in typhoid form as Serpentine & Am Carb &c Mortality is small except in old & weak. Typhus. T. abdominalis = Typhoid T. cerebro. spinal = Spotted fever. C.C. meningitis. T. recurrence. = Relapsing fever. OK. Pepper Feb 10, 1888 2 Fever runs high & stays steady (high of cout from) Skin acid & burning both. - color mordex. 100-135 Breath & Pulse much disorders corresponding to amt of free Pulse is weak & collapse easily & soon small - Hypostab congestion of base of lung bilinal is soon developed (blood logged) not skull & imperfect. No digest sympt - no distraction no pain - bowels costive or quiet. Tongue is heavily coated, thirst & may keep his apetite Urine intensely febrile On 3rd day eruption in single crop, - the amt of eruption bears a proportion to the seriousness of the disease no [chan] in your numerous small rounded, mulberry red maculabrary elevated, not coalesce disappear on Prm at first. this become petechial (blood effused) - The darker the eruption & the sooner so - the more danger lasts until case of disease & the slowly fail. Tendency in sedulation Bed room are very common in very five days Duration - about 10 - 12 et day. Often ends by crise or purging or urine or sweating Complicate but few. Segmts. as parotitis - bed sores Weakness of legs as [approastion] paralysis, or Weakin of Brain. Mortality. - great - 50 - 33- 25% -Typhoid state is common in this class - typhous symptoms. Typhus Fever. As Spe fever, contag. end & epid without [anation] lesion save that of the blood, running course of about 12-14 day, will high pyrxie marked typhoid sympt & characteristic eruptn. -ending often by crisis Due to specific poison. One of the most contag ranking with S Pox & Measles in this respect. Poison communicated by formile to carried to great distances. Crowding & full & destitute favors this poison greatly - It seems to be an animal poisons - In crowded parts & spips. & rages violently. All ages & both sexes equally. Protact strongly against 2nd attack. Blood is liquid in dead body. lining of all stained. tissue disposed in putrefy & Spt soft & enlarged as in all from. Omit abrupt after incubar of not more than 9 or 10 days but may be short. Chill usually high from immediate, debility headache & backache & stricken down immediately. Appearance -dull expression. face dearly flushed uniformly, eye is injected & pupil contracted (firmly) but dry. No Sympt - Dull despressing quickly in Strip, often Deli of action w violent type, - May not [crossed out] sleep even if in sleep & Coma vigil most marked in this disease. Slips down in [burst], longer trem but, retent of urine, tendon twitch Benzoin acid and to make urine acid as ammoniacal w phosphate & for action on the mucous membrane. Wood. Mar 8 - 1888. OK. Expectorants. - To. influ pul turn when desired. Atomizers. - perfect edges - mouth from well in - breath deep & slower. - Artery as tann acid or slow for relaxation, Mur Ann as stimulant, Limi nalis for irrit of Laryn & is serotin in commencement of acute laryngitis. Agents' acting on Nemtrea. & on muscular from Strychnine acts in the nerve cents - not in acute but in chronic Bronch of old people. with or without asthmatic, in Emphysema with expectoration Narcotics - to relieve cough but remember it is necessary to cough to relieve lung of [crossed out] secretion, but more useful in irritation cough with but little secretion expectoration much check secretion as Morphia - Hyoscyamine to gtr X-XV does not check secretion. Be careful in using Morphia in early bronchitis. Chloroform. - as relief of incurable condition as fibroid phthisis as whiskey glycerin & chloroform & good use in ordinary bronchit Morphia gr 1/25 - 1/30. Alteration Arsenic - for chronic bronchial [crossed out] as in fibroid phthisis & turphets with no tendency to breaking down. Pot Iodid. - good for sypt of lung - good in chronic bronchitis of asthma as in enlargement as gr V t.d H2S. - Injection into Peculiar CO3 saturated with H2S - It did not act on the tubercle bacillus. - not much good - but does good in those cases with catarrhal processes or as outcome of Cathr. pneumonia it lesser secretion in 24 hrs. It is specific - Useful for pulmonary catarrhs. - In respiratory chambers as at S springs. - Mill given as S nate in CO2 per stomach - f3ij as 2 or 3 hr. - per chu Asth with B colant & Bronchorrhea. Sets - 1. Sedation 2. Stimulant. Sedation in 1st stages of Bronchitis when memb is dry & congt is tight. Tartar emetic - most powerful - 1/6 gr [illegible] 15 min until vomits & the keep quiet. - not in children. Ipecacuanha. - Syrup is generally good enough Pot Cit - must give in full dose - for adult f℥j in first 24 hrs as in brown cold lemon juice 2 oz. Syrup Ipecac Stirs Expect. Senega. - Traditionaly Syrup. -less good for advanced Squit - Syrup Bronchitis but have no definite influence. contain active acid Symp Squill not to be give with Am cart. -but for Scectosa. - it does not decomp NH4 Cl. Am Muriate. Best remedy of chr Bron except & from volatile oils - may in some cases use in before [illegible] is established. - they act fugitive - acts for 2 [illegible] hence do not use it Kangan system. Dose gr V-X. - Very disagreeable - In capsules followed by drink of water. gr 4-5 Ext Gly is each dose. - glycerine. Spr M to tablespoonful. Syrup of Vol oil of Garlic. - allium - Oil is not used - Oil of Eucalyptus - always given in capsules act for chr Bronch m X - 40-60 m daily. Turbine is very useful for advanced Dose m r-x use 3 hrs - may be mild Ol Crucaly hh. -In capusle Oil of Lardeluouse mr-x in capusle in 3 hrs. Balsm Tolu - Vesicle only Bal Peru both contain benzoic acid - both in m.g In trusting wounds. Benzoic Acid is Put fm hom showing. - has urine odor - [crossed out] Germ/Benzor in Ch B - escape other urine - converted into tuppure acid in Kidneys not in blood OK. Pepper. - Mar 12. 1888. These must be a disturbance of the mans economy at the time of attack. What constitutes this tendency to convulsion? [crossed out] Unstable equilibrium & impaired vitality of motor areas of cerebro-spinal axis, in may be inherited or acquired Causes. - Reflex Irritation of dentition especially in child [with] of neurotic parents, or splinter, or irritant creation, adherent prepuce, intestinal worm or hardened faeces, by bilium attack in some persons, in some cases a few days previous those is lithemic condition very common, from menstrual disorders, exhaustion, exposure, mental stue by lowering vitality. Epilepsy is the predisposition and inquires an exciting cause to develop the convulsion. Diag. - Can not make from 1st attack in child from eclampsia. but the more trivial the cause the more likely it is epilepsy. nocturnal form is often overlooked but look for sore longer or awake with a bruised feeling. Petit mal- from syncope in weak purous called weak or fainting spells steady for cause of anaum or cardiac failure or no cause, therapeutic best is most important by removing the anaum & cardiac failure. Convul Fever Maum in Org Brights - Examine the urine. From Hysterical Convulsion - Hysterical temperament & History, attacks brought on by distinct cause - Consciousness more or less - in falling falls on soft spot. trace of coordination in the movements. expression is ecstatic or wraps or sensuous, therap list, Zone of ovaries irritation or spinal anemia Hist of Sypt: some Org dis of Brain - Tumor involving a motor area cause 'epileptiform' attacks but in intervals passive sign or choked dirty descending neuritis, headache, - the attacks are spasmodic more than epileptic. - and may not low consciousness - History of Syph. Prog. Difficult - Very bad Many cases are singularly controlable & some cured. - If habit be established difficult to cure & frequency & degree. In incipiency with good health it is hopeful but anxious. Treat. Remove predisposing cause first, - Hygiene - mental & physical exercise of proper amount. Most important is to increase its no time to sign and not to check its convulsion alone by drugs Remove cause of reflex irritation and mal assimilation with improper digest & dirt, bowels, urine, Drugs. nutrient N tonic as Cod L. Oil As. Fr. Fn. Aq. An. Ana & debil - [p???] [ton?] & meli Cod L. oil - Fr - As. If irritate to present?- Eg No3 - ZNval - Chl of An or Soda Antispasmodic - Bromide as but Anaf. Bell - Con & Cause & Value a compaint [inert]. Must chang prep of Bromide or suspend administrative - must not depress system by Bornid or cause irritation - Adult do Pot Br gr XV t.d 15 begin increased or combine with NaBr a NH4 Br - if this depress combine Ar & Cod L oil, - If too large dose are to be used give them up & build up system. [Illustration] Wood. Mar 29. 1888. 1 An Cl C = Anodal closing contraction An O C = " opening " K Cl C = Kathodoe closing " K Cl O = " opening " An Cl C < K Cl C An O C > K Cl C An Cl C < K Cl C When 2 substance are brought in contact a galvanic current is generated - It requires contact to generate galvanism. C = Current strength C = e (electro molu force) R (Resistence) e is independant of size of plates. e varies with different substance best is Z & Carbon. R - is under (i-r) & external (er) R= ir = er hence C = C/ir + er (Owens Law) Supp er = 1000 ir C = e/ir + 1000 ir [p????] has more resistance [crossed out] the [illegible] 1000 to overcome ext resist multipy Electi mot force by multiplying number of contacts (more cells). In Arsenic or in caulis Ext resist is our little increase size of Plates. - hence 100 er = ir c= er + 100 ir Int resist reduced by bringing plates near & enlarge plates to have large mass of fluid & of good character of conduction. Measures (resist) of electricity. - volt resist of resistance is - Opium hence C 2 V/U = Ampere but this is too large hence milliampere is now resist of current strength. In organism - a current breaks up into rub currents - [illustration] & each strength is inversely proportional to the resistance If plate be used i milliampere } Mullin 4 Sq inch } method. There is really only one kind of current but 2 as to method of generation, 1 Primary current is bad term. better called chemical current or continued.- Induced or faradic battery, by passing [Ch???] current on Inner coil, or outer coil an induced current is generated. - Current of 1st (inner) coil & current of 2nd coil - made out at making & breaking of inner coil. Soft iron is 1st coil become magnate & attracts its tongue. The currents run in opposite direction & to & for currents - in outer [crossed out] coil & hence no + or - pole. In inner coil do not get both currents as the induced current goes into the bottom In contract occurs with chemical current at closing & opening of the current. By very closely interrupted current as in ordinary dynamo the same effects can be produced as with galvanic current. no differences between different currents. To apply to a nerve - [crossed out] having one sore spot [illustration] wet skin with salt water, to put a large flat [pull] at a distant point. To influence whole new - use 2 ball poles [illustration] Motor point is point of instance of the N . the muscle - bulb pole over in & large pole or other side of limb. Wood. Mar - 31 - 1888 6. Anoder = + Pole Cartride = - Pole An Cl C: K Cl C = K O C = < > An Cl C < K Cl C } muscles normal. An O C > K O C } An Cl C = K Cl C } muscle in first stage An O C = K O C } of degeneration. An Cl C > K Cl C } muscle in more advanced An O C < K O C } stage of degenera. Uses of Electricity. - 1) Diag. 2) Prog. & 3) Treat. 1. Diagnosis. Nervous [crossed out] palsies with 1) organic or 2) hysterical it reacts but is insensible Palsies 1) centric ([crossed out] all above trophu cells of cord) or 2) peripheral : no rapid wasting of lesion of brain but from inaction; rapid wasting if of cells [crossed out] or nerve & show reaction of degeneration. Degree of contraction varies as to position of poles. - at first as in equal - the equal & finally reversal of original formula : by to by fails to respond to any current & now muscle is dead. not over motor points. Changes to faradic current precedes the other changes; - first list to rapid faradic current but to slow current & finally to no faradic current. - may thus diagnose peripheral from central facial palsy or deltoid mostly peripheral. - in [crossed out] children most palsy are ant polio myelitis. - fishing on Sunday monoplegia from Syphilis (something worse). Treat. - In paralysis, can only restore muscle to normal power and perhaps stimulat or but can not affect or centre. 2 factor of Central. Center Periph. normal contract 10 x 10 = 100 clot " 0 (Drain) x 10 = 0 After time [cross out] but the 10 has degree to 2oz 2 x 2 = 4 2 x 10 = 20 but can not get any farther than 20 If traumatic deltoid. - -If triple cells be partly gone the heavily go again after building them up. When use Electric in Palsy; - In Hemiplegia recent does no good as M is not - degenerated, & not to be used until all irritation is passed. Wait 4 weeks or longer - In Deltoid palsy not to be used too early. fomentation & leeches & then 1 or 2 wks. In Polio-myelitis - no inflam. in - ordinary cases but some have inflam use it at once What currents to use? Beneficial power is in proportion to amount of contraction. - Rule Use current produces most contraction with least pain. Time of Senses - Most daily from 3 to 5 min at first on 1 muscle increased gradually to 10 mins. - 1 pole to motor point For Sensory disease. - If from inflam Elect is n.g. only good for neuralgia or rheumatic neuritis (not too early) but use for - 15 -30 min. after a time as in sciatica (tentative) will do good if it relieves pain for the time being, if in other case the Chem current do no good by faradic. In [subacutic] rheumatism after good. In periph & hysterical loss of sensation often does good but not of centric cause. use dry brush [illustration] fails to obey Opi law from point & goes off as little boil. Farad of M erup. does no good but great harm - can not affect spinal cord- 1 Wood - [crossed out] April 3, 1888 Arnica: Tinct - for wounded feeling Item - Witch hazel now used at present - only good for its rubbing in applying there. Arnica can produce irritation & eczema - internaly gartient irrital & collapse. Ichthyol Distil of forrit fish 2 fore - I. Ammonia Sulph I. Potass Sulph. Has 10 Y o S - can freely penetrate the skin. Uses for sufla of not chrome type with enlargement - in Procion very good, in Eczema, in speoius, in glandular enlargements, soft lipomas, Of little or no value internally. In erysipelas value by HgCl2 follow by water, & the equal parts of Ointment & covered with batting. - Both mix well with fatty substances 5 to 15% - In erysipelas 50% 20% for joints Somewhat irritant. Demulcents. Gum Arabic - of but little use - Flaxseed - In making tea hot H2O gets out the oil which is laxative, - Used in inflammation of Gastro-intest tract, [crossed out] - In quick urinary no good - for H2O - h.g. for Rest. Ulcuers fulva - good. Sassafras pills much used as sedation for conjunctivitis. Licorice = Ext glycerrity - has glycerrizzin. - used in cough mixture for taste & action on glands. Compd Lic parlv is excellent laxative Poultices - Means of applying warmth or cold with moisture 2 Wood. April 3. 1888. Post - month memb is hard white & shrivelled, & gast-ent, if the death be late fatty deg especially in Kidney. Loss of Conscious dr to direct action on Cortex of Brain. In full dose It's & Resp at same time - Defining poison to all higher tissue Resp Cunt & Spinal cent mo acted on the It's muscle. Uses - only [crossed out] locally. - It is local anesthetic as in exercise vomiting from nervous sensibility dose gtr ij - iij - In lientui diarrhoea is but remedy. Useful adjeivant in all diar if no inflam be purent - especially for N diarrhoea. In Antispetic surgery - Wood does not believe in spray. f℥j externaly her caused death - watch the urine carefully for its first little smokiness Absorbed as corbolar in intest & also the. - Sulphate - disappeared from urine, parts destroyed, & parts - eliminated & Sulphto carbolar partly as Glycouronic acid Antidote is Soluble necphaleay or late as Mq84 or Nay 804 or H2804 dir - In joints Hydrochinon also in urine [crossed out] Smoky color not dur to Blood coloring matter. In lungs - Prendo memb in the bronchial tube. From apoplexy. - Odor. White color -urine - not hemiplegic. Convulsion are spinal In full doses paral vero-moti center Item perit Purmmoy & Center hence increases Refes at first. Flaxseed is good. Slippen elv is good. Bread & milk. Over-use as in felon as in defenses the part. Stimulating poultices contain a stimulating agent - as Excrement of napoleon's Surgeon, better is yeast poultice by mixing with equal parts of flaxseed & Indian meal - to clean out. Fatty Substances as vetricle for ointments - 3. 1 Lard & Olive Oil. Lanolin - (cholestasis & cholestin fat) 2. Vasellum is mineral is perfectly bland & [crossed out] protects - Is not as readily absorbed as in a true fat hence not used for Hq. Lanolin prepared from Suct (to keep wool of sheep soft). does not go back again on it skin non irritant - vetricle for [In???] in act [illegible] Skin. Antipyretic To depress bodily temper in fever. [crossed out] Carb. Acid is not used as antipyretic but acts like Salicylin but is the most dangerous antipyretic. -Only used as disinfection, stands next to alcohol in causing death fʒj to f℥ss. Sympt, Local irrit, burning pain, ringing, giddin & must disturbance. Large dose - May falls early, use course & covered with sweat gasping irregular Resp. in 3 min. In small dose death in 1-7 hrs. nausea but vary vomit, collapse mental spatty or deliuim replaced by comes, -Resp irregular from ouret death by failure of resp., - sense of dysp if liver, long motion power, ruin at first yellow becoming perish to black. -Some cases have Hemoglobin. 1 Wood. April 7. 1888. Sal Acid Compds. Formed from Carb Acid - is not officinal - Absorbed as salicylate in intestines as Na salt in blood. Sal acid soluble in ether & can not be formd as such from the blood except in blood of asphyxia. Eliminate is very rapid in - 25. 8 mins, - & lasts for 8 hrs after - last dose, - and has tendency to accumulate as for 1 wk. It is local irritant as in the stomach & at point of escape as loosened urine & even resp. pressive or hacenalinia hence hesitate in using it in acute Brigtn 10-20 gr no sympts. Larger dose - Is cinchonism fullness, tinnites aurium (1st evidence of phys action), 2) urine becomes greenish cause unknown but may be indicare or pyrocalichin by partial distinction of Sal acid. In excr as Sect acid in urine & as Salicyluric acid. May dilate pupil, dyspnoa is very constant, put form put increased the diminished, rate increase, its delirum been coma & death from asphyxia of Resp cent. Acts badly especially on Dumt. ands & apt to cause delirium may last for long time & may be with hallucinations Fox dose - Same Sympts In mammal. Circulation - Used dose not at all depressant & may increase Wood. April 7 - 1888 2. f℥j has take life & stimuli & urine. May be given in capsule mx - 4 to 6 a day Salicin. Breaks up in Sal Acid and in urine is forward as Salicyluric acid. It is less irritant & better taste It is broken up ony partg & slowly in Sal acid hence not much used. Salol. 1 At of H of Acid Sal is replaced by Phenol (acid carb). Is ready for from irritant prepertin - much like oil of gaul - the not of bad taste. As Salol in stomach but by pancreatic juice is broken up into Sal acid & phenge without gash intent irritation. But in larger dose urine becomes blackish from Salicyluric acid & its Carbolic compounds. Salol } 36% Carb acid } 64% Sal acid It has distinct antirheumatic power but is less prompt & less efficient - good for subacute rheu & neurage & m rheumat - dose 45 grs -Salol appear as Salurin acid in 1/2 hr but if it lies in Stomach for cancer or weaken of walls of Stomach. Naphthol - salol. 1 H replaced by Beta naphthol. - In intestine is resolved [with] Sal acid & Beta naphthol. Venesection In acute serous infl diseae as Pneum of strong robust adults bleeding from arm may do good.- In acute serous inflam as in all fibrinous pleurisy at first use the wet cup (deplitis) & not dry cup (for pneum or pulmon congest as counte irrit) In peritonitis - leeches 100 A In Exhaustion with right sided heart failure as in Pneumonia or advanced brights. & mistake not Pneum for meningitis acts press by v.m. stimulate & Hs (?) Toxic [d???] - Card failure by direct action, press low by act on v.m syst as well as heart. Sense of weakness & depression in full doses by acting on N syst, Use of M power & depress of reflexes. & marked cutaneous anaesthesia Resp. at first hurried (Skin) late it is slow & shallow. 30 to 60 grs cause fall of tempt in 1/2 - 1 hr & with sweating & is more certain then quinine but also fails, can arrest its sweating by Atrop & Agarcin but tempt still falls; do not depress tempr of normal man but prevents it under exercise. Not used any more to lower bodily tempr. Most powerful agent for Rheumatism (Senator) - by increasing Nitrogen elimination in almost all forms is useful & not only in acute & even good also in Gout (especially irregular) Tart & act in Stou an again it. In acute [Rheum] - 1st Day [crossed out] 45-60 grs 2nd day 30 grs now in 3rd, 4th begin again. May give in capsules on full stomach but its acid form is worst belt use salts. Sal of Cod " " [An???] " " methy 90% in Ol Saul. Sal Soda ʒj = Sal Ammon - prepared item Take Sal ʒj acid & Symp and encrease Stronger fʒj Amm iiss acid draught may give this in milk. Ol Sarrh = All sympts of Sal a pour 1 Wood. April 12 - 1888. Antipyrene. Crept - Sol in nalis. Acts. Little tinnit & [no??] of quartered & tendency to wound - [l???]. Larger dose - In weakness to little lessening of pure fever and rate In death in normal man. In animals. - Lay dose cause convulsion with paralysis - serous dir of cramp asphyxia but of paralytic asphyxia. Convulsion said to be cerebral Motion M. - Slight influence in advanced poisoning but never any complete loss of power. Sens M. - Paralyzes sensation at point of injection Spinal Action depress M or 8 part Depress Muscle a little. Small does unaffect [bluoed-p??] Large " increase " " Lox " depress " " Said to act powerfully on muscle of vessels - said to be haemostatic greater than Lr Ch Fr. Rapidly absorbed & eliminated as antipyrene. If take for long time palor with bluish tink by altering the Haemoglobin into metahaemoglobin [crossed out] Chiefly as antipyretic In normal more gets uncertainly use of tempt at stage of convulsion. In fevered man 20-30 grs tempt falls in 1/2 hr & down by 1 hr - 1° C 2° & continue for 4 to 8 hrs as nature of disease, with for sweating & may be with collapse, can arrest sweating by atropic & agararin & yeh. tempt falls - hence not result of the sweating, nor is it any effect of blood pressure. Cause of fall of tempt is dire to decrease of heat production by acting on nerve center controlly thermogenetic function of the body. Urea eliminate is lessened in fever - checks nutrition fever proven. Uses, - In fever it is very certain it makes firm more comfortable in pneumonia, typhoid & but not so good for the patient as cold bath For pain. Especially of use is those of M origin of that store kind. In locomoti - atexi cri good. In Rheumatic not as good for Boils as Morphine does not form habit nor does its derasy seculi as Morphia. Is said to take away the Labor pain & not interfere with contraction. In convulsion disorders - As in Strychnic, or Epilepsy 1 out of 50. Occasionally acts very unfavorably as rapid cyanosis collapse, loss of consciousness & for sweating. Give 10 or 1/2 to meti result or 30 grs even taken. [crosed out] May keep back measles. Antifebrinis - Same effect both some tender to sleep. - more powerful - gr 10-20. On general system - less is known these of Antipy. - cyanosis also from methameq. - loss of reflex. does not lessen no. of corpuscles. Parado-phenol - mephalic in urine - Some say it change other not. Use - In fever - In pain - In epilepsy.   [Nervousness] a pleurisy but may a pneumonia.  3  Blister is more slow and more permanent than rubefacient and produces more structural change. Rubefacient is more rapid and more general in active - used in congestions and nerve irritations.- Rubefacients go deeper than blister if left on for a long time Countre- irritation. - Mar. 17. 1888. Amaurosis may follow from decayed tooth. Paraplegia from renal calculus. Duodenal ulcer from a burn. It occurs through the trophic nerves. Irritation to be placed directly, over an organ as it has a relation with the surface directly over it. Port annal for the eye. Anstic's Law - first countre irritation over the root of nerve supplying the painful parts. Sets of Countre- irritants - 3. I Rubefacients - cause dermititis but with no organic change. II Epispastics - Has organic change and blisters. III Those causing structural change but no blister as Croton oil or Antimony. Seton acts in same way Issue also Caroling likewise. If you wish in affect an organ having organic change, you must cause organic change on surface For congestions and irritations rubefacients to be used : as in lungs or bowels. Peritonitis requires structural changes for countre - irritation. For Blistering - Epispastics = vesicatories. produce inflammation of skin & antpouring of serum Known as blister) Spanish Fly (Beetle) Cantharis - Cantharides Active principle is cantharides Tinct. is used internally dose gtt Overdose of the fly internally causes burning pain and soon vomiting of mucus & green specks of fly, these bloody, then shortly diarrhoea not serous than mucous and bloody, with tenesmus and small, Sometimes at once we have collapse; in a few hours a 2nd set of symptoms come on as pains in Loins, pain in bladder, & frequent desire to micturate and symptoms of cystite and even strangury. Take it off 1 or 2 hrs before it has drawn & then put on [the] poultice to draw. and erotic excitements (aphrodisiac) from small dose, from larger dose we may get swelling and sloughing of the scrotum &c, death from exhaustion with coma. death is from local action at the points of interence & escape. Treatment of poisoning - Wash out stomach and intestine with demulcent drinks but no oils & cathartics & give Opium. - or even Anaesthetics - Leeches to epigastrium. Write for plaster thus. On Adhesive plaster with a free uncovered edge. Rx Ceratum cantharidis q.s. Pimples vj x IIII urine If absorbed the cantharides may cause strangury, to avoid this only keep on the plaster a brief time (early removal), and thus also the pain suffering will be far less, - 5 or 6 hrs contact is enough followed by flaxseed or bread and milk poultice for 5 or 6 hrs more, after the blister is raised clip in with scissors and then may cover with ointment Chartula in keep in from healing use Basilicon ointment (Cerat. Resinal) For Strangury - Opium peridium & Hot bath. leeches to epigastrium For nervous irritation - In typhoid fever convulsions 3rd week by applying to Scalp. In D.T. but there is danger of scalp sore to heal in quickly use Goulards [crossed out] ointment. - Or use Simple cerate. If slow in heal use Ung Zinci or Ung Iodoform. Blister is most useful for serous inflammation than that of organs. - only in advanced stage of pneumonia, Often good in catarrhal pneumonia & capillary bronchitis. Blisters are more useful in later than in early stages of inflammation. Rubefacients - Plaster - Poultice - Liquids as liniments. Liniments - used for chronic rheumatism or after exertion, but not as efficient as they are popular. No specific action in any one liniments. May use Aqua Ammon fortior with Ol olivum, may add Ol Terebinth, and Oil of Sassafras Cantharidal collodium (Collodium cure cantharide) is too powerful for using. Turpentine stripes - In typhoid fever - In Amenorrhea with Dovers &c. Aqua Ammon under watch crystal. As Plasters Pices. Pix Burgundica - x (as Plaster [crossed out]) Mourning plaster = Emplast. Picis cum Cantharidis will blister 3 out of 6 persons - they act slowly & for days; for moral comfort: - In chronic bronchitis of old persons of service x (Pix Canadensis as Emp Picis Canaden) - In nervous pain of women for prolonged mild effect. Sinapis - mustard Is more valuable 1. Sinapis nigra = acts in 10 mins black mustard is more powerful, of equal parts with flour. 2. Sinapis alba = acts in 15 mins. white or yellow mustard. Mustard is a soothing persistent plaster - use in not too strong so as to keep it on longer. - In newspaper Mustard plaster for 1/2 hr, in blister there is more pain and harder to heal them from cantharides. - Used in intense internal irritation, no good in collapse and apoplexy and as there is no sensibility here it may be left on too long - In internal irritations the next 1 Part Black mustard & 2 parts flour. Kept on 20 mins. or Equal parts of yellow mustard & flour - mixed with water. day after after using the plaster a furious dermititis may appear by reaction. The mustard leaves of the drug strups are abominations. By diluted with flour & [crossed out] molasses it checks its rapid action Spiers. - for steady & continuous mild influence in enteritis. - may use tincture of the spiers on cloth & cover with oiled silk. Escharotics are drugs used to destroy diseased or sound tissue. Pain is the difficulty but creaine now prevents this, is in chancre before using nitric acid. Nitrate of Silver is powerful but does not go deep. Acid nitrate of mercury acts about as nitric acid, applied on splinter or glass rod, arrest their action with soapy water. Chronic acid is powerful, for epidurral growths especially, as warts venereal or not by placing a crystal on it & then wash off with H2O. Bromine is most powerful - use glass rod - acts in dead and living tissue alike, used for Hospital gangrene but is too uncontrollable for organic growths. Sulphuric acid may also be used. Corrosive sublimate - is most dangerous from its absorption. Potash or Potasse cum calce (Vienna paste) - it takes up the water, acts in the fat, oxidizes the fibres - for small masses - is too uncontrollable - punctralis deeply - used in make an issue - apply by making a hole in a piece of sticking plaster [illustration] & cover the edges with cerate oil, apply the caustic for 10 or 15 min then wash with vinegar The Vienna paste does not run as the Potassa does. Zinci Chlorid - bitter as Canquoiris paste, & making arrows in thrust around base of tumor. Acidum arseniosum - (As2 O3) bains of quack remedies. Cancer tissue is more readily destroyed than round tissue - pain is atrocious, but cocaine checks this - It may be absorbed but by using large amounts this danger is less as the tissues die so quickly. Anthhelmintres Mar 22, 1888. Worms. I Ascaridis Seat worms. II Lumbricoid - Round worms. III Taeniae - Tape worms. I. For Seat worms fist wash out the rectum by injection of salt water, and follow this by an injection of Qaussia 3ji. in Ojss boiled down to Oj. inject this each slowly and hold it as long as possible. Vinegar has also been used. Spigelia Pinkroot Ext fluid dose fzj Ext spigeliae in Sermac fl (not officinal any more) has aromatics in it, good for children. adult dose 3ss - 2 yr child fzs-j every 4 hrs till in purges. Symptoms of Overdose of Spigelia - much as a mydriatic - dilated pupil, heart acceleration, heat & dry skin, delirium. It probably contains Spigeline which is a cardiac depressant. Spigelia narcotizes the round worms hence in 1 hr afterwards follow with castor oil. Azedarach Decoction (3ij to Ojss boiled to Oj) dose tablespoonful every 2 to 3 hrs till bowels are affected. Chenopodioum - Wormseed Oil is to be used - dose in capsules or on sugar gtt x to 3 yr child every 3 hrs. Santonica Levant wormseed contains Santonica also called Santoninic acid & can form salts. Santoniates are freely soluble. Santonin is insoluble. Action - First symptom is often yellow vision (zanthopsia) due to staining the humours yellow, and urine is red looking from the santonin & its derivatives but not bloody, tremblings, vomiting but mostly not, and the symptoms are not those of gastro-enteritis it exerts its power over the nerve centres, & with loss of consciousness & dilated pupil. Summary I. Zanthopsia. 2 Tremblings and muscular (?) apathy & unconsciousness & epileptiform convulsions. 3. Collapse. Santonin has produced death - 6 grs has killed strong adult: as it is insoluble the persons have often escaped, Solubility is not wanted hence sodium cantanate is not to be used, but give the santonin itself in its crystalline form (not pulverized) Adult dose gr ij - iv Child dose gr 1/4 - 1/2 follow it in 2 hrs with castor oil with a little turpentine added to it Turpentine - doses of f3ss j always with twice its bulk of castor oil has been used for all worms. III For taenia must have the intestines empty may give as follows 1. Supper to night, bread milk & tea. 2. Medicine at 7 tomorrow morning. 3. 1 hr later (8 A.M.) coffee 4. 3 hrs later little milk toast (1/2 hr before 2nd medicine = cathartic) Pepo. Pumpkin seed, Wood mostly uses this for taenia. It must not too old. 3j - ij beaten up with sugar & aromatic oil & taken as the breakfast. at 10 A.M take tablespoonful castor oil & teaspoonful turpentine, and 1/2 hr later may eat. Be present at the delivery of the worm & if it comes down by giving a large rectal injection as of salt water to bring the head along. Aspidium - Filix Mas. Male fern Oleoresin is alone to be used It can produce fatal gastro-enteritis. -not safe to give over 3ss - j after starving &c Brayera Koosso Has Resin Koosin (Taenin) Wood never used this x (3ss powdered leaves suspended in water in the morning, or 20-40 grs Koossin. It generally purges itself - case in pregnancy.) Cathartic 2 or 3 hrs afterwards. Pomegranate Rind - Granatum Decoction of the fine twigs is better 3ij Ojss boiled to Oj. Alkaloids - Pelletierine} taenicides Isopelletierine} {more French dose of alkaloid is gr iv - vj. On animals it produces temporary motor paralysis [crossed out] of peripheral motor nerves as with curare Antacids Drugs to neutrallize acidity of primae viae. (in Stomach or Intestines with constipation or diarrhoea) In gastric acidity we have acid eructations, and may cause headache (sick) coming on with blindness & sudden dizziness & early stomach symptoms & is across the whole brow & not on our spot as in neuralgic headache; for acid sick headache Remedy is to act immediately hence use Ammonia gtt xx-xxx or Spirits or Spts. aromat. Acidity is due more to fermentation than to perverted secretion. Sodium Soda bicarbonate acts on Stomach and Urine but not on general system. Preparation - 1. - Carbonate 2. Bicarbonate is less irritant - given in soda mint. For Burns when no cuticle is Lime water not given for vomiting of acute gastritis destroyed put on a paste of the Bicarb it does good apparently by breaking up the emboli or thrombi of the burn. It dissolves uric acid hence used in gravel, but can not dissolve any formed calculus, hence to only [crossed out] make the urine alkali in Soda bicarb grx -xx t.d., but to purify the system use Potass Lime. - Calx. - 2 forms. 1. Caustic Lime. 2. Aq. Calcis. Aq calcis (lime water) prevents coagulation of milk in stomach hence good for delicate stomachs as in milk punch add tablespoonful or more. It is astringent and sedative to mucous membrane, has solvent power on mucus, used for gastric irritation especially with milk as for puerperal vomiting 1 part to 3 of milk up in 6 of milk, in small doses of the mixture at first as f3ss. In vomiting lime water alone is good. In laryngitis (early) lime water in atomizer every hour is best remedy. In children with nose stuffed shut with thick mucus it dissolves it. In Diptheria lime water has no power. x(Syrup Calcis dose fzi - ij) Liniment Calcis = Carron oil for burns. Chalk - 1. Cretae Prep. 2. Calcii. Carbon. Praecipt. Both these forms of chalk act alike. Slowly acting antacids. - well given internally as mist Cretae (gr xxx to f3j) dose is f3ss - j. - it is also feebly astringent, and as dessicants in powder form, and acts as protective, good for diarrhoeas of irritation, and also in those of relaxation. (from acidity is in Summer) In intertrigo, feet sweating &c. as dessicants & protection. (Oyster Shell in Castillon powder for summer diarrhoea) (Dose carbonate gr xx - 3j Saccharin. Prepared from coal tar, Is 250 times as much as Sugar. It escapes unchanged from the urine and makes it sweet & antiseptic. It has no physiological setron on the animal organism and does not affect the nutrition of patients. Uses. - In diabetic to sweeten the food. In obese persons. It is insoluble in water but in soluble in glycerine. Disinfectants - Mar. 24 1888. To destroy noxious miasmata. Wood divides poisons in 2 Classes. 1. Miasmata 2. Contagious. 1. Miasm is not a germ but is gaseous emanations but these can be infected as with typhoid. 2. Contagion is a germ. Filth may be in air, water, or solid. The atmosphere can only be purified by dispersion, & not by bonfires &c as any agent that will kill the germ will kill man also. Chlorinalia lime in the sick room is no good it only covers the other odor by its own. Sewerage. can only be purified by Germicides kill live germs Antiseptic kill them in embryo & prevents their development. 1 dispersion & by 2 oxidation. Solid filth - can only be deleterious if moist, - dry earth of "cat style" is good hence well to keep barrel of 1/2 plaster and 1/2 dry earth is with 1/4 part dry lime in county privy to throw down each time. Lime (Alkalin) favors oxidation by forming ozone. Lime in a privy brings up emanations of Ammonia & other poisonous matters. Mode of disposing of non - infected filth - I Dispersion II Dryness. III Lime. Cleanliness of rooms as by washing is best - dispersion You can not disinfect large masses in never or privy, hence destroy the first stool as it comes from the typhoid patient. -place the disinfectant in the [chamber] bed pan before the patient uses it. In infected filth you must use a germicide as 1 Chlorinated lime, 2 Corrosion Sublimate or 3 Acid carbolic. Chlorinated lime is the cheapest, 1 part to 100 of water destroys all forms of living organism used either in solid but [crossed out] better in liquid form, put 3iv - v in pan before defecation do not pour away the stools immediately after being discharged. In using corrosion sublimate use it 1 to 500 of the stools, always kept in solution & colored with amline or fuchsyne. Acid carbolic is effectual - 1 to 200 of the stools at least. Sweetening of Closet and Pipes - use copperas (FeSO4) To disinfect sick room - wall paper had but be taken off and the walls and floor washed with HgCl2 1 to 1000 followed by ordinary water. Bedding had best be treated by fire or by boiling. No upholstered furniture is to be in a sick room. For blankets be may use dry or better moist heat of tempt 250 F - the goods to be spread out. - May boil the clothes in salt water. Corpse of infections disease to be sealed in close coffin and buried immediately and privately: may inject in at once with corrosive sublimate to disinfect the corpse.          [crossed out] 1 O.K. Pepper. Oct 6 1887. Memb Lar - is inflam with Pseudo. memb formative in memb - Known as membranous or true Croup. It is Idiopathic or Secondary Inset put as abrupt as Cap fr Begin with slight fever increasing Cough is hoarse becoming weak & small called also Crooping Croup. Sympts of obstructive voice becomes smaller & whisping almost suppressed cough become wheezy & feeble breath more labored Angle of more play. bring Stude with wear Rest murmur. Supra - gt violet [crossed out] sinks & at bare of chest. It turns spells of Spasmodic differently in breathing for livid - childs in sweat. time about - airs of apnoea May kill in 48 hrs in 5. 6. 7 day. It may come on in perfect health but in majority of cases you may find flaks [crossed out] fancis. but rarely Albumen in urine. Diag - Dr is usually in children Progressive character of 2 O.K. If Sympts progress after using Calomel than conride Tracheotomy or Intubation Indication for Tracheotomy &c are Obstructive Spasmodic attacks &c memb. Croup. Entrance of food & liquids sometimes interferes with its use. Pepper prefers Intubation. Bronchial Tubes Bronchitis inflm of lining memb of B Tubes - acute or Ch - Prin in See - alter from pain cough. Expect & Physician Signs. Acute B 1 Of large tubes 2 " Capillar " Prim or Idiopath Branch come from common causes of Cat inflam as Irrition of vapor a particles but more common is chilling of body or exposure of relaxed body. Tremor or multiple sclerosis cease during sleep or by sitting them down - they bring excitedly by exertion. RX Hyoscine is but remedy & quick its movements of Paralysis agitans - Hyoscyamine may also be used. Cases of central Paralysis of facial nerve are partial, here its Orbicularis Palpebral In generally escapes. Convulsion - Chorea - no to & from Tremors - to & from movements by antagonistic groups of Maint of movement is less than Chorea. Wide spread tremors Cause Chronic alcoholism. Pb & As Organic lesions of Cord or Central. - Or as result of old age. Senile tremor usually begins at its head - Pathological causes. General paralysis of Insomn- Parkisons disease - - Paralysis agitans - Multiple cerebro spinal Sclerosis. Sympts of voice cough & Fever in this form. Laryngoscope can not be used in Children. If uncertain regard it as membranous. Pug. Very grave - worse when diphtheritic but very grave even when primary or idiopathic. Large percentage die with or without operation Treatment - As soon as diagnosed. Count. Irrit, mild as by Lr Iodine. gt. Atomize repeatedly but with gentleness - as with alkali or Zinc H2O - KCLO3 NH4CL - Solutn of Boronic Acid - Weak Solute of Tannic Acid Peprine with Bracia or Lactic Acid. -Solution not irritate - use them every hour. Internal - Calomel from beginning - large dose followed by another large dose until bowel move 1 or 2 time the small doses Child (5 yrs) - 5 grs followed in few hrs by 5 grs, then reduce to 1/2 gr dose at 3 hrs Alkali as KClO3 or Bicent find combined with the Calomel. Muriate of Arm may be given with KClO3 but is feeble compared with Calomel Lecture. Stelwagon - Vol 7. 1887 Macula = Primary Lesions Spot. Cloasma Papula = Pin point to Split pea Solid elevation of Slein [crossed out] Vesicle = elevation with serous or sero-purulent contents as fever blister Pusticle is advanced Stage of vesicle usually, they are filled with pus Bleb = large blister with serous or Sero-purulent contents. Wheat = as in hives- flat rounded elevation having often yellow centre as in nettle - rash. Tubercle - Very similar to papule but is despair & larger than papule. Tumor Secondary Lesions Crust - Extraneous drink Scales - Cast off masses of epithelium Excriation = Scratch mark Fissures Ulcers Scars = new growth. (cicatricial) Patch in may be uniform (of one kind) or multiform (of different kinds - bullous - Discrete = Separate Concrete = Running together Typus Circinate = when forming a circle or part of one. Serpiginous = when like a serpent. Irris - different colors Marginate when edges are sharp. Annular = round with centre clear For Hyperidrosis 1) Rx Tannic j 2) RX Alum 3j - ij to g. Alcohol Oss. Rx Ung Diachylon or Ung Acid Tannici 1 O.K. Pepper - Oct 10. 87. Cat Biurets = Biurets Cat = most common layer tubes ordinarily, capillary form in its smaller tubes. Sympts. Fever in mild cases very triffling may walk about in ordinary from 101° - 102° in [illegible] to 103° - 104° approaching limits of Pneumonia. Slughs changes in mild case [crossed out] Rest & Pulse no dysfuon to extreme in bad case. Pulse from no disturbance to frequent & small Rest & Pulse less affect than in Pneumonia Cough prominent = loud often paroxysm - painful dry in early stage with sub-sternal soreness with tearing [???tion] - increased by talking or worse as if comes on at night - Paroxysm may be exhausting if severe. Abscess of light, exhaustion from in [illegible] allows is to become more in coming as in Laryngitis. By 2 or 3 day comes on expectoration - [illegible] at first tenacious & grayish with Saline become loose yellow 2 O.K. - Oct 10 . 1887 Persons negative in all form of Bronchitis, save in severe bronchitis in feeble children when & portion of Lung collapse by plug of mucous & this may give dullness generally at periphery of Lung (wedge shaped) but not with other physical signs of Pul consolidation Pug. - Diffrs. Good in all except Cup form as to life. but guarded as to return & duration Grave in old & feeble persons. Draq. Easy Treat of acute primary Bronchitis Rest & Protection. Our evenly heated room &c & to bed if case be urgent not even in get up for calls of nature. Comp Irrit = by mustard learn or plaster or liniments or Iodine in Sternal or Inter-scapular region Inhalation if warm medicated vapor by Steam atom - as For [Corri?] of Chloroform (Antropan) Lime or Borax or NH4CL as alkali to form Secretion. Carb &c. Cream Oct 10 1887 O.K. 3 The Rx are for early stage, - when Secretion come it is not necessary to use Expect & use less Opium. Cap from is danger from Exhausn by Rest In & It's & collapse to asphyxia Seat of Cap Burn Dry cupping at roots of Lungs daily or even liver daily. Stimulating remedies here called from as An 5 gt an 2 or 3 hrs for a with Carb & sedative & Bella or Hyoscyam or Le Corrium add age to 12 & divide by age for the size of dose Strychine is best in strength Rest M + 1 is given frequent & freely with internally or hypodermically in the region. Begin with 1/4 gr repeated in 3 or 4 hrs for a few days. Alcohol must often be combined first in small doses - come well by children. [cross out] Jacket of Rare Cotton. - Fihirrous Bronchitis Membranous form must often with Diph. Rement that acute Branch is a Sympt of vile affection as Secondary forms. - Measles. - Typhoid fever - Diph - but not usually grave  Iodine as astringents Use the weak at finer until well borne Internally. 1) Allay [fr??er] 2) Cough 3) [Pr???i] Expect 4) Allay infla. Quine & Aerium 6-12 grs of [Q???] to Adult Aerium 1 grs an hr in adult For Cough. Antispasmodic & Opiate. Bellad or Hyoscyamine sometimes [crossed out] Morphine Sulp gr j Am Muriat ʒ ij Syr Ipeca fʒ iij Syr Squill fʒ vj Ext purmos fʒ vj Glycine f℥ss Aqua E.S. ed f℥iij S - fʒj h.r.n. [B????id?] of Am or [Iodine] may be substitute for its Nld4Cl if Spasmodic tendency be great. If few is sharpen use this. Rx Morphine Sulp grj Linar Aconit Rad grt XXX Am muriat gr C Lig Am Acetar q 3rd f℥ V S - fʒij h.r.n. But danger of mixing powerful & mild remedies known with use Aconit from separate bottle until tempr drops as Known by thermometer & purulent & more copious. Auscult - On both sides of chest = Bronchitis Rales = Sonorous & sit rales in large tubes with course moist ones in smaller tubes,, - becoming more abundant as expectoration increasing,, - most marked over large tubes Heard booth is In & Ex very changeable - as then swelling of memb is with the Secretion. Bunch families may even recur These physical signs increases as night comes on. Capillary form given all the Sympt more aggravated. - depending upon the the condition of the [crossed out] System or congenital anatomical changes. Fever higher. Rest disordered greatly - 50 - 60 - 80 in child = 46 - 55 on adult Dyspnea. Play of Al Pulse frequent & soon [illegible] force suffering from non-aerated blood. Cough - smothered - wheezing ineffectual Phys Signs of Cat Bronch. Bilateral - not most but at periphery in laryntritis Sub-crepitant (coarse - crackling) in with Inst & Ex ( more in Ins Chrom B {Bronchial Dilate Allied af {Emphysema pectin {Asthma 1 O.K. Pepper - Oct - 11 - 1887 Chrom - Bronch = Chronic inflam of Bronch Memb. Causes - 1) Repeated acute attacks 2) Glow operation of ordinary causes of Acute Attacks 3) Constitutional predisposition as Rheumatic or [illegible] Rickety & Scrofulous in younger persons. 4) Persons with a tendency to Chr Bronch. 5) Occupations Sympts of Chr Bronch. Often very mild as to its disturbing general health, but in other cases the general health runs to have invited it & then a break follows. Some given cases break in general health by often in less of flesh in Strength &c Cough occur in paroxysm & very annoying not occuring at any one period of the day. attended with expectant of very copious & glary it is called Bronchorrhea - or purulent & smaller or larger in amount according affecting the general health. Ex shows lencorits altered epithol & marcinus bacilli or lung shreds. Hemoptysis is rare. Ph Sign - Decllum negative &c. Sonorous & Sit Rales at lower portion part of both O.K. 2 Oct 11-1887 Residual air in ocean Tidal " Deceased. Excitmnt & Exertion increase in Dyspnea & also [crossed out] Bronchtit exaggeration This followed by weakness & bad color & flabby not necessarily thin very worst effect is upon the H's & results is dilates of R't H't with minfiensine of Tricupsid valves & following this a general venous obstruction & ascending dropsy. P Signs of vis Cmph. Inpher Chest constantly distended. Ribs raised & more horizontal - Sternal round Ant Port diam in [evacuant] Bounded - Short - Chest no movement of expansion & retraction but exaggerated movement up Percuss - Ana Resonium increased & exaggerated. It's covered - ex brat. Vocal. Fren & Reson are both decreased Rest [h???r] - Respiratory element is very weak & short. Exp element is prolonged It affects both sides Diag of Che Branch. Hist of Can. long continuance of cough - good general health remaining good not its case in Phihro Micneipe Ex of Shute Both Sides equally. - Sear change from time to time -no Sign of consolidation -Dilated Branches may suggest cavity (vomica) - no from so very little. - no Hem - or diarrhoea no laryngitis in nearly all cases. The look to its Prog - Uncertain - Recur - very good for duration of life. Asthma. Associated with Ch Bronch. It is not of Bronchial Cough. Morbid irritability in most cases of Asthma of Bronch mucous memb in different persons As Rest & Hay Asthmas in Changes of Climate Residence Temps & moisture of air in person of spasmodic tendency. Asth is an [crossed out] condit of Spasmodic dyspnoea Associated with most condit of Bronchiat muscus memb & with Spasm or parisis of muscle of Rest. Some muscle are in state of spasm as Bronch & Interental other are in state of exhaustion Lungs - Signs show remarkable fluctuations by season &c. The Chr Inflam in the tubes of low vitality already may came Sacular Dilation at roots - 2 in diameter rounded or from form - thickened walls. - In causes as much trouble as an abscess except diameter of tissue as decompressing sputa, pectin fever Phys Sign of Cavity -On one of big tubes - More common behind ever Root Deep rested percussion or tympany - Tubula colouring in Inop & Exp. Pector. [i??in]. & Sign of Cavity. 2) Mirfn dilatate like a glove. Emphysema (vesicular) is another accompaniment of Chr Bronch [crossed out] It is state of permanent over distention of air cells of the Lungs. Causes producing is General weakness of Lung tissue, & its air can not get out of Bronch tubes in Coughing hence is distend the spies & Borders of Lungs It may follow whooping C. but this passes away. Phys Sign, Progressive & Permanent Habitual abiding Dyspnea as elasticity of air cells is lost OK. H.C. Word. Oct 29 1887 Tonics - used in overcome debility if cause be removed or help life along if in can not be removed. Debility is often the result of intestinal catarrh of which diarrhea is its result [crossed out] Groups - Vegetable -Mineral = -Fungines Veg Tonics } Simple .1 Peculiar .2 Aromatics. .3 1) Have principle as stimulants to it Skin 2) Having added some other peculiar properties Exem up 1 an irritants nans & voom-Corrts 2-Inrritation of Sarh memb Indication for 1 is a loss of apetite. - After overwork. Actively of spring time. Convalescence of acute disease Quassia. Seinant Ex Certain quassia this produce convulsion movement in lower animals - gastric irritation & headache in man. Principle in men in Exh - in pill 1/2 - 1 gr. Tinct - gtr XV - XXX w XL Inf for Seativorus 1 y to 1/12 pn boiled in 1 pint. Gentian Solid Ext is 2/3 of quassia Tinct Co is most elegant of all the bitter pick 2 OK. XX with ZN804 or P.B (C2H3O2) 2. or 5 grs of improper alkaloid. In Chemis gastic calaiet with hepatic tripe as result of use of alcohol - always in pill-form. Marked uterine contractions by injecting it into bitches - for menorrhagia for cervicitis & vaginal inflam. - in [illegible] - in nasal cath - in conjunctivitis. Eupatorium (Bone - rub) Infus is with time Oy. to pint ] hon H2O on going to bid by acting as a sudorific Bark of Comus Arcuation Activity depends on presence in Chr of volatile oil. Active in common in this class. 1 Stir in gash intent memb incline for in time being not kept up long as in Simple times. Carminative of expelling in gas. Reflex peristalsis Affect in it's causing drastive arrest. Ol Caryrrh. Acts as local anasthetic -powerful poison to all tissue but this alow absorption prevents this. Cloves Ginger Pepper Cinamon Cardamom Mints - Vir " Pip OK. Ol Sassafras. -Comp In. In grap - Cheat. [h???] for liniment. Ol Savlth. Salicylate of methyl acts as Salicylic Acid. Oil Nutmeg. Feeble in local influc - & in It's - Acts specially on cerebrum [h??] capable of use as soporific [h???] in hysteria - can poison persons. - for hysterial unrest grr X-XY Oil - gr XXX-XL nutmeg. Anthemis (Chamomile) Mild Stimulant is Stone & satisfy. the meal needs. 1 oz in pint, wine place at matter. Serpentaine Weak - never used by itself Peculiar Bitter Prunus Virg - Wild cherry bark. [C????] Tannic Acid, Bill time principle, Crulkin & Amygdalin the form HCy was used in Phthisis but its action is too fugitive Syr. as vetricle is enough [wi?h] by adding morphine Eucalyptus. Local action is sleight - hence can not be used as Corut In or carminative. Absorbed run freely than the other oils. Gtt X-XX produce & single of warmth in its Stone - [S????] of calum , mulax. It's as low as 50 - more of numb. uses in [?cli?n] nerve.- abolih. of muscular nerve Cuonnous dose/ paralysis death from paralysis act by act on Spinal [en?i]. Fall of Pre by effect or It's [Su?????]. Sedal is when system but on Case & It's must. Clive from lungs & urine Und. for acts or mucous memb in Bronchitis after first stages in Asthma will it - Intern. Cath - Antiseptic Surgeon is [inp???] - Antiperiod is unreliable.  Anise Fennel Tannic Acid in Cinnamon. Ol-live dose grr - ij for Col. for Intub relax with diarrh. [sti?s] it by stimulating it [illegible] normal time in its serous diarrh. [crossed out] - Cinnamon Oil Cirr gtr ij-V - flavouring Linen - 1) Mild diarrhoea of relaxation is with H28O4 Aro & Symph. 2) Menorrhagia in fʒj is case of want of tou. Card. Tinct Co. - added to Tinct Co Tinct gent. H2804 w Aq. Req. Symph. Strong Chr. Orang P. flavouring Ol Ced. Ol-Anise - carminative Ginger Has an alcoresin beside its Ol as addition to tonic pill. as in Black pepper & Red pep. Vol oils eliminated through its Renal organ & can produce strangury. Ginger. 1 tap Inf. as murdorifin in suddenly ruptured menstrual in abdom colic. Menthol From tupentine [crossed out] for neuralgia pains Barbery. Certain berberin. 3-5 grs rest official - convulsion in lower animals in toxic doses. Columba. No Solid Ext. Exp fl - Tinct - fʒj Chirett Solid Ext gr j = 2/3 of Quas Ext Acts in Liver especially after malaria & debility following the heat of the liver Hydrastis. Golden Seal 3 Alkaline - Berber - Hydrastine - Zanthopoxis. Pure hydrastis is colorless berberine is yellow. Hydrastis 1 { has distinct power of over circulating & nervous system - - spinal convulsions as in Stiydrun death may occur for cramp of Rest m. Small doses increase the Act Pus - Large dose decrease. This depressant to It's muscle causes diastolic arrest - It [means] to act in Vm. Centre thus causing it rise of act pressure. Local paralyzant of new of sensation. Und - for mucous membs. - acts well locally - & also some in Intest. In gonorrhea after the Bi period is period - con - curtal flow Cx V mx - XX - iʒ Mills - Bleckly - Nov 19 - 1887. Gymnastics [for] Nervous Diseases. 1. Manager 2. Movements. 3. Electrical. In [crossed out] movements we have active and passive - or semi active and semipassive or duplicated active Swedish movements. Zander method, is where these is & stram apparatus, are of limited use only. Resistance apparatus are useful in more cases - elastic tube &c. Respiratory gymnastics: As in Blakey's book - taking a full respiration as each movement. Begin with light dumb-bells or no weights at all. 1 - Dumb-bells above the head, taking a deep inspiration & lower hands laterally and expire while raising them. 2. Put 1 foot forwards, throwing dumb bells back & chests forward & taking in 3. Hand against [illegible] through dumb-bell against its into of other shoulder. 4. Dumb-bells behind neck & go down. Place patient on back then let him raise with its foot or the body. In Hemiplegia (central) make a quick movement with round limb & quickly follow with same movement of palsied limb. Paralyses and atrophics & Choreas are benefited by movements. In choreas get them to come after you as you perform movements for them. Habit choreas are most difficult to cure. Movements are good for certain forms of insanity as melancholia  OK. Pepper - Feb 9 . 1888 1) Small Pox. As Sp from of about 20 days high contag & epidermic - witness anatomical line, characterized by striking & peculiar erupt & powerfully influenced by vaccination: 3 ft in open space Thrown up Carried. From Body - by stomach - by Rest tract or may be swallowed. - can be carried by fomites. It spares no sex nor age. Complication - Nephritis - Endocarditis & Myocarditis - Extensive of erupts to mucous surface as Laryngitis pustular -Bronchitis. Blood - crasis dissolved in bad cases - It's form has not been isolated Incubate maximum 2 wks: no matter how long. vaccinate 1 or 2 days after exposure [pro??] will check it or modify it. Invasion - Abrupt with chill & violent headache, frightful backache & intense pains in limbs - with pre-emptive stage is also marked by vomiting loss of Apet. fever, 102° - 103° - 104° flushed face, rapid full putin - lasts for 3 days. Stage of Eruption Papule disaile exposed parts first, or face neck rounded hard - short - like - of red color - 3 days Vesicular Stage - Seem form at summit & become a vesicle & umbilicated. It is a cellular structure, none the general symph subside fever goes down, headache & backache Pustula Stage - 3 end oz 6 th day the consists - become turbid & purulent - It is [illegible] neon. OK. Pepper - Feb 9. 1888 2. Myocardit disper to Cardia collapse. or weaker - Deaftness - Perforate of humor & blindness. Segmt - Disfiguration by reticulated cicatrices - Scarcely ever airy pitting in Varioloid. Convulsion is usually prompt rapid & complete. In stage of duricate a cure by disease may occur - 1 gal a day. - Spe 1.001 - Limpid Diagnosis - Shrend green in fore-eruptic stage - or on history of exposure & no vaccination. & pain & fever. Erupt in 3rd day of sickness. - Measle & Typhus fevers measle. Cath Sympts - Cough & no marked pain & drowsy & heavy. - flat macul, eriseints - disappearing on pressure genera of upon go down in S.P.  day from - maturation five the purtial vomiting here less its umbilicatis [crossed out] to in about 3 days the partial become shriveled grm the absorption of the [mater] Decication - 3 days. Desquamation - 3 days. &c. [Pri??] for depends upon amt of blood press. Second from depends upon the amount of eruption. - ends by lyin by 17th day. Kinds of eruption. -Discrete. -Confluent. Varieties Mild Very. Ordinary Gram from amt of pain a well as amt of eruption Malig - Black - Blood disintegrate- bloody liquid in Incubation = 2 wks. Invasion & per. eruption Stage. 3 days = Primary from Eruption {Papula 3 { Vesicular. 3 { Pustula. 3 = 2nd form. { Desricate 3 { Desquam 3 vesicle - general prostrate - Here from membranes. - & death from Pap in Push stage invariable Varioloid - Stage of invasion may be intense - eruption & relief of sympts pap variable & [crossed out] but now the secondary fevers more or very stright when the tendency is to purtulation or & a loctn occur - incubate come is 10-14 days. May be discrete (more likely the mall-pox) or confluent. Complicate - Very intense secondary fever. Extreme in mucous passages. - Endocarditis will be valuable murmur. OK. Mood - Feb 9. 1888 1 It's odor is objectional. %. Iodol - I used in H2O - No odor acts as Iodoform - Poisoning also possible - & fatty degree. acts by its - decomposition products - as Iodoform. Iodol is decomposed more slowly than Iodorm. Is more apt to - cake than Iodoform. I used as Iodoform - In tuberculous ulcers of Larynx. &c. - High Cort: In chronic Sypt - grs 30-60. -N.S. Cod - Liver - Oil. Biliary acids - Iodine - &c. Sodium in not its active principle but has no one active principle In health in lower Animals - cause accumulate of fat but if given too freely it disturbs digest & ceases to accumulate fat. Increases Red Crops. & diminishes amt of fibre. It's case of absorption & oxidation [crossed out] makes it valuable - It also acts as alternative Mrs- In tendency to emaciation but depends upon it cause as in tumor it will only retard it, but if more generalized as in Phthisis especially in the condition of depravity preceding the Phthisis. by its apparently causeless - continually catching cold - Cod - L. Oil - Whiskey & avoidance of cough mixtures. - If organic changes be present we can protect life by Cod - L.O. - Whiskey & fresh air. In Scrofulous of great service combined by Lactic - [phosphate] if Liver in Gland swelling &c. (standard remedy.) Wood Feb 9 - 1888 2 OK fatal gastro - enteritis. In urine. urea differs. - amt of urine differs as when purging or not. Wns- In Gout in large dose will cut short suspend paroxysm. - in other subjects with acute gout but not in asthenia - as it causes recedent or internal gout by the blood going in - Dangerous in acute gout in large doses & recurs soon. In chronic gout by small amt - 10 gtr t.d. within diarrhoea limit with K1 often good. Poison - Tan acid - Opii & as gast - enter Amtal. Woods Mezerum. Sarsaparilla some good in chronic syphilis - Zyphnar decoct alternated with Symph Sarap Co. - Sarap Ex fl with Iodine is but now. Symph Co - as vetricle [illegible] In chronic rheumat if with Sypt turs. In Skin disease. In neuralgia attended with loss of tone In these condition it is not a specific but builds up nutrition. But given in soft capsules holding ʒj - or pinch of dry salt - In whiskey & water - In ale - In emulsion with oil of bitter almonds. Dose. Tendency to diarrhoea is correct irrita. At night in weak stomach Digest of patient is the measure of the amount. Phosphates. Phosphatic acid is stomachic tonic for dyspepsia as Horsfords acid phosphate and does not affect on system. Herd of Cows in meadow born calves rachitic - In dogs of keeping phosphates from its food. In many children with ill teeth from a deficiency in phosphates as is case in such nurse as in Wood's child . can increase the amt in the milk of such nurse - They are largely eliminated from munt of Intest. To be given in Solution - with 50% Cod - L. Oil in Rachitic child. Colchicum Colchicine urine alone to be used 10 gtr = no Sympts usually - or inlist disturbance 40 gtr - purgin - serous - pain & large. Larger - Vomiting - purging - pain is very great - pector falls to collapse with cramps. Rapidity of death not depending upon size of dose. - acts - but little in It's or h system - but kills by producing - OK, Pepper Feb 13. 1888. 1 Treatment - no specific for the poison. - Only assist patient - Adapt the nourishment in state of patient as in diet & stimuli. May control the fever but do not injure the heart nor nervous system. Primary fever does not often give hyperpyrexia. In Secondary fever about 9th day the fever (surgical) may be very high. - Sedative as Opiate to allay irritation. Mild derivatives as diuretics or gentle laxatives do not attack with powerful antipyretics. no effusive of cold water except in pre-eruptive stage. Inunction for its cuticle as in Scarlet fever, Ung tets Vesicle appear Cath - 3 Typhoid. Measles Influenza. Skin 2- Scarlet Small Pox and the burst on liquid [emmulsion] Stimulants when indicated. Sedative for the pain & irritation as Opii per Olimet & Rective in small doses - or Bromides of Chloral or Canrub Ind. To prevent pitting - Make inflam milder, if only 12 pustule opi then cautiously & touch with GNO3, if mercurous exclude light keep cuticle soft & prevent it thick crust - Ung Hydray & Ung Petroleum while face shield. Sat Sol is Gutter - P in Chloroform. Stimulant in typhoid form as Serpentine & Am Carb &c Mortality is small except in old & weak. Typhus. T. abdominalis = Typhoid T. cerebro. spinal = Spotted fever. C.C. meningitis. T. recurrence. = Relapsing fever. OK. Pepper Feb 10, 1888 2 Fever runs high & stays steady (high of cout from) Skin acid & burning both. - color mordex. 100-135 Breath & Pulse much disorders corresponding to amt of free Pulse is weak & collapse easily & soon small - Hypostab congestion of base of lung bilinal is soon developed (blood logged) not skull & imperfect. No digest sympt - no distraction no pain - bowels costive or quiet. Tongue is heavily coated, thirst & may keep his apetite Urine intensely febrile On 3rd day eruption in single crop, - the amt of eruption bears a proportion to the seriousness of the disease no [chan] in your numerous small rounded, mulberry red maculabrary elevated, not coalesce disappear on Prm at first. this become petechial (blood effused) - The darker the eruption & the sooner so - the more danger lasts until case of disease & the slowly fail. Tendency in sedulation Bed room are very common in very five days Duration - about 10 - 12 et day. Often ends by crise or purging or urine or sweating Complicate but few. Segmts. as parotitis - bed sores Weakness of legs as [approastion] paralysis, or Weakin of Brain. Mortality. - great - 50 - 33- 25% -Typhoid state is common in this class - typhous symptoms. Typhus Fever. As Spe fever, contag. end & epid without [anation] lesion save that of the blood, running course of about 12-14 day, will high pyrxie marked typhoid sympt & characteristic eruptn. -ending often by crisis Due to specific poison. One of the most contag ranking with S Pox & Measles in this respect. Poison communicated by formile to carried to great distances. Crowding & full & destitute favors this poison greatly - It seems to be an animal poisons - In crowded parts & spips. & rages violently. All ages & both sexes equally. Protact strongly against 2nd attack. Blood is liquid in dead body. lining of all stained. tissue disposed in putrefy & Spt soft & enlarged as in all from. Omit abrupt after incubar of not more than 9 or 10 days but may be short. Chill usually high from immediate, debility headache & backache & stricken down immediately. Appearance -dull expression. face dearly flushed uniformly, eye is injected & pupil contracted (firmly) but dry. No Sympt - Dull despressing quickly in Strip, often Deli of action w violent type, - May not [crossed out] sleep even if in sleep & Coma vigil most marked in this disease. Slips down in [burst], longer trem but, retent of urine, tendon twitch Benzoin acid and to make urine acid as ammoniacal w phosphate & for action on the mucous membrane. Wood. Mar 8 - 1888. OK. Expectorants. - To. influ pul turn when desired. Atomizers. - perfect edges - mouth from well in - breath deep & slower. - Artery as tann acid or slow for relaxation, Mur Ann as stimulant, Limi nalis for irrit of Laryn & is serotin in commencement of acute laryngitis. Agents' acting on Nemtrea. & on muscular from Strychnine acts in the nerve cents - not in acute but in chronic Bronch of old people. with or without asthmatic, in Emphysema with expectoration Narcotics - to relieve cough but remember it is necessary to cough to relieve lung of [crossed out] secretion, but more useful in irritation cough with but little secretion expectoration much check secretion as Morphia - Hyoscyamine to gtr X-XV does not check secretion. Be careful in using Morphia in early bronchitis. Chloroform. - as relief of incurable condition as fibroid phthisis as whiskey glycerin & chloroform & good use in ordinary bronchit Morphia gr 1/25 - 1/30. Alteration Arsenic - for chronic bronchial [crossed out] as in fibroid phthisis & turphets with no tendency to breaking down. Pot Iodid. - good for sypt of lung - good in chronic bronchitis of asthma as in enlargement as gr V t.d H2S. - Injection into Peculiar CO3 saturated with H2S - It did not act on the tubercle bacillus. - not much good - but does good in those cases with catarrhal processes or as outcome of Cathr. pneumonia it lesser secretion in 24 hrs. It is specific - Useful for pulmonary catarrhs. - In respiratory chambers as at S springs. - Mill given as S nate in CO2 per stomach - f3ij as 2 or 3 hr. - per chu Asth with B colant & Bronchorrhea. Sets - 1. Sedation 2. Stimulant. Sedation in 1st stages of Bronchitis when memb is dry & congt is tight. Tartar emetic - most powerful - 1/6 gr [illegible] 15 min until vomits & the keep quiet. - not in children. Ipecacuanha. - Syrup is generally good enough Pot Cit - must give in full dose - for adult f℥j in first 24 hrs as in brown cold lemon juice 2 oz. Syrup Ipecac Stirs Expect. Senega. - Traditionaly Syrup. -less good for advanced Squit - Syrup Bronchitis but have no definite influence. contain active acid Symp Squill not to be give with Am cart. -but for Scectosa. - it does not decomp NH4 Cl. Am Muriate. Best remedy of chr Bron except & from volatile oils - may in some cases use in before [illegible] is established. - they act fugitive - acts for 2 [illegible] hence do not use it Kangan system. Dose gr V-X. - Very disagreeable - In capsules followed by drink of water. gr 4-5 Ext Gly is each dose. - glycerine. Spr M to tablespoonful. Syrup of Vol oil of Garlic. - allium - Oil is not used - Oil of Eucalyptus - always given in capsules act for chr Bronch m X - 40-60 m daily. Turbine is very useful for advanced Dose m r-x use 3 hrs - may be mild Ol Crucaly hh. -In capusle Oil of Lardeluouse mr-x in capusle in 3 hrs. Balsm Tolu - Vesicle only Bal Peru both contain benzoic acid - both in m.g In trusting wounds. Benzoic Acid is Put fm hom showing. - has urine odor - [crossed out] Germ/Benzor in Ch B - escape other urine - converted into tuppure acid in Kidneys not in blood OK. Pepper. - Mar 12. 1888. These must be a disturbance of the mans economy at the time of attack. What constitutes this tendency to convulsion? [crossed out] Unstable equilibrium & impaired vitality of motor areas of cerebro-spinal axis, in may be inherited or acquired Causes. - Reflex Irritation of dentition especially in child [with] of neurotic parents, or splinter, or irritant creation, adherent prepuce, intestinal worm or hardened faeces, by bilium attack in some persons, in some cases a few days previous those is lithemic condition very common, from menstrual disorders, exhaustion, exposure, mental stue by lowering vitality. Epilepsy is the predisposition and inquires an exciting cause to develop the convulsion. Diag. - Can not make from 1st attack in child from eclampsia. but the more trivial the cause the more likely it is epilepsy. nocturnal form is often overlooked but look for sore longer or awake with a bruised feeling. Petit mal- from syncope in weak purous called weak or fainting spells steady for cause of anaum or cardiac failure or no cause, therapeutic best is most important by removing the anaum & cardiac failure. Convul Fever Maum in Org Brights - Examine the urine. From Hysterical Convulsion - Hysterical temperament & History, attacks brought on by distinct cause - Consciousness more or less - in falling falls on soft spot. trace of coordination in the movements. expression is ecstatic or wraps or sensuous, therap list, Zone of ovaries irritation or spinal anemia Hist of Sypt: some Org dis of Brain - Tumor involving a motor area cause 'epileptiform' attacks but in intervals passive sign or choked dirty descending neuritis, headache, - the attacks are spasmodic more than epileptic. - and may not low consciousness - History of Syph. Prog. Difficult - Very bad Many cases are singularly controlable & some cured. - If habit be established difficult to cure & frequency & degree. In incipiency with good health it is hopeful but anxious. Treat. Remove predisposing cause first, - Hygiene - mental & physical exercise of proper amount. Most important is to increase its no time to sign and not to check its convulsion alone by drugs Remove cause of reflex irritation and mal assimilation with improper digest & dirt, bowels, urine, Drugs. nutrient N tonic as Cod L. Oil As. Fr. Fn. Aq. An. Ana & debil - [p???] [ton?] & meli Cod L. oil - Fr - As. If irritate to present?- Eg No3 - ZNval - Chl of An or Soda Antispasmodic - Bromide as but Anaf. Bell - Con & Cause & Value a compaint [inert]. Must chang prep of Bromide or suspend administrative - must not depress system by Bornid or cause irritation - Adult do Pot Br gr XV t.d 15 begin increased or combine with NaBr a NH4 Br - if this depress combine Ar & Cod L oil, - If too large dose are to be used give them up & build up system. [Illustration] Wood. Mar 29. 1888. 1 An Cl C = Anodal closing contraction An O C = " opening " K Cl C = Kathodoe closing " K Cl O = " opening " An Cl C < K Cl C An O C > K Cl C An Cl C < K Cl C When 2 substance are brought in contact a galvanic current is generated - It requires contact to generate galvanism. C = Current strength C = e (electro molu force) R (Resistence) e is independant of size of plates. e varies with different substance best is Z & Carbon. R - is under (i-r) & external (er) R= ir = er hence C = C/ir + er (Owens Law) Supp er = 1000 ir C = e/ir + 1000 ir [p????] has more resistance [crossed out] the [illegible] 1000 to overcome ext resist multipy Electi mot force by multiplying number of contacts (more cells). In Arsenic or in caulis Ext resist is our little increase size of Plates. - hence 100 er = ir c= er + 100 ir Int resist reduced by bringing plates near & enlarge plates to have large mass of fluid & of good character of conduction. Measures (resist) of electricity. - volt resist of resistance is - Opium hence C 2 V/U = Ampere but this is too large hence milliampere is now resist of current strength. In organism - a current breaks up into rub currents - [illustration] & each strength is inversely proportional to the resistance If plate be used i milliampere } Mullin 4 Sq inch } method. There is really only one kind of current but 2 as to method of generation, 1 Primary current is bad term. better called chemical current or continued.- Induced or faradic battery, by passing [Ch???] current on Inner coil, or outer coil an induced current is generated. - Current of 1st (inner) coil & current of 2nd coil - made out at making & breaking of inner coil. Soft iron is 1st coil become magnate & attracts its tongue. The currents run in opposite direction & to & for currents - in outer [crossed out] coil & hence no + or - pole. In inner coil do not get both currents as the induced current goes into the bottom In contract occurs with chemical current at closing & opening of the current. By very closely interrupted current as in ordinary dynamo the same effects can be produced as with galvanic current. no differences between different currents. To apply to a nerve - [crossed out] having one sore spot [illustration] wet skin with salt water, to put a large flat [pull] at a distant point. To influence whole new - use 2 ball poles [illustration] Motor point is point of instance of the N . the muscle - bulb pole over in & large pole or other side of limb. Wood. Mar - 31 - 1888 6. Anoder = + Pole Cartride = - Pole An Cl C: K Cl C = K O C = < > An Cl C < K Cl C } muscles normal. An O C > K O C } An Cl C = K Cl C } muscle in first stage An O C = K O C } of degeneration. An Cl C > K Cl C } muscle in more advanced An O C < K O C } stage of degenera. Uses of Electricity. - 1) Diag. 2) Prog. & 3) Treat. 1. Diagnosis. Nervous [crossed out] palsies with 1) organic or 2) hysterical it reacts but is insensible Palsies 1) centric ([crossed out] all above trophu cells of cord) or 2) peripheral : no rapid wasting of lesion of brain but from inaction; rapid wasting if of cells [crossed out] or nerve & show reaction of degeneration. Degree of contraction varies as to position of poles. - at first as in equal - the equal & finally reversal of original formula : by to by fails to respond to any current & now muscle is dead. not over motor points. Changes to faradic current precedes the other changes; - first list to rapid faradic current but to slow current & finally to no faradic current. - may thus diagnose peripheral from central facial palsy or deltoid mostly peripheral. - in [crossed out] children most palsy are ant polio myelitis. - fishing on Sunday monoplegia from Syphilis (something worse). Treat. - In paralysis, can only restore muscle to normal power and perhaps stimulat or but can not affect or centre. 2 factor of Central. Center Periph. normal contract 10 x 10 = 100 clot " 0 (Drain) x 10 = 0 After time [cross out] but the 10 has degree to 2oz 2 x 2 = 4 2 x 10 = 20 but can not get any farther than 20 If traumatic deltoid. - -If triple cells be partly gone the heavily go again after building them up. When use Electric in Palsy; - In Hemiplegia recent does no good as M is not - degenerated, & not to be used until all irritation is passed. Wait 4 weeks or longer - In Deltoid palsy not to be used too early. fomentation & leeches & then 1 or 2 wks. In Polio-myelitis - no inflam. in - ordinary cases but some have inflam use it at once What currents to use? Beneficial power is in proportion to amount of contraction. - Rule Use current produces most contraction with least pain. Time of Senses - Most daily from 3 to 5 min at first on 1 muscle increased gradually to 10 mins. - 1 pole to motor point For Sensory disease. - If from inflam Elect is n.g. only good for neuralgia or rheumatic neuritis (not too early) but use for - 15 -30 min. after a time as in sciatica (tentative) will do good if it relieves pain for the time being, if in other case the Chem current do no good by faradic. In [subacutic] rheumatism after good. In periph & hysterical loss of sensation often does good but not of centric cause. use dry brush [illustration] fails to obey Opi law from point & goes off as little boil. Farad of M erup. does no good but great harm - can not affect spinal cord- 1 Wood - [crossed out] April 3, 1888 Arnica: Tinct - for wounded feeling Item - Witch hazel now used at present - only good for its rubbing in applying there. Arnica can produce irritation & eczema - internaly gartient irrital & collapse. Ichthyol Distil of forrit fish 2 fore - I. Ammonia Sulph I. Potass Sulph. Has 10 Y o S - can freely penetrate the skin. Uses for sufla of not chrome type with enlargement - in Procion very good, in Eczema, in speoius, in glandular enlargements, soft lipomas, Of little or no value internally. In erysipelas value by HgCl2 follow by water, & the equal parts of Ointment & covered with batting. - Both mix well with fatty substances 5 to 15% - In erysipelas 50% 20% for joints Somewhat irritant. Demulcents. Gum Arabic - of but little use - Flaxseed - In making tea hot H2O gets out the oil which is laxative, - Used in inflammation of Gastro-intest tract, [crossed out] - In quick urinary no good - for H2O - h.g. for Rest. Ulcuers fulva - good. Sassafras pills much used as sedation for conjunctivitis. Licorice = Ext glycerrity - has glycerrizzin. - used in cough mixture for taste & action on glands. Compd Lic parlv is excellent laxative Poultices - Means of applying warmth or cold with moisture 2 Wood. April 3. 1888. Post - month memb is hard white & shrivelled, & gast-ent, if the death be late fatty deg especially in Kidney. Loss of Conscious dr to direct action on Cortex of Brain. In full dose It's & Resp at same time - Defining poison to all higher tissue Resp Cunt & Spinal cent mo acted on the It's muscle. Uses - only [crossed out] locally. - It is local anesthetic as in exercise vomiting from nervous sensibility dose gtr ij - iij - In lientui diarrhoea is but remedy. Useful adjeivant in all diar if no inflam be purent - especially for N diarrhoea. In Antispetic surgery - Wood does not believe in spray. f℥j externaly her caused death - watch the urine carefully for its first little smokiness Absorbed as corbolar in intest & also the. - Sulphate - disappeared from urine, parts destroyed, & parts - eliminated & Sulphto carbolar partly as Glycouronic acid Antidote is Soluble necphaleay or late as Mq84 or Nay 804 or H2804 dir - In joints Hydrochinon also in urine [crossed out] Smoky color not dur to Blood coloring matter. In lungs - Prendo memb in the bronchial tube. From apoplexy. - Odor. White color -urine - not hemiplegic. Convulsion are spinal In full doses paral vero-moti center Item perit Purmmoy & Center hence increases Refes at first. Flaxseed is good. Slippen elv is good. Bread & milk. Over-use as in felon as in defenses the part. Stimulating poultices contain a stimulating agent - as Excrement of napoleon's Surgeon, better is yeast poultice by mixing with equal parts of flaxseed & Indian meal - to clean out. Fatty Substances as vetricle for ointments - 3. 1 Lard & Olive Oil. Lanolin - (cholestasis & cholestin fat) 2. Vasellum is mineral is perfectly bland & [crossed out] protects - Is not as readily absorbed as in a true fat hence not used for Hq. Lanolin prepared from Suct (to keep wool of sheep soft). does not go back again on it skin non irritant - vetricle for [In???] in act [illegible] Skin. Antipyretic To depress bodily temper in fever. [crossed out] Carb. Acid is not used as antipyretic but acts like Salicylin but is the most dangerous antipyretic. -Only used as disinfection, stands next to alcohol in causing death fʒj to f℥ss. Sympt, Local irrit, burning pain, ringing, giddin & must disturbance. Large dose - May falls early, use course & covered with sweat gasping irregular Resp. in 3 min. In small dose death in 1-7 hrs. nausea but vary vomit, collapse mental spatty or deliuim replaced by comes, -Resp irregular from ouret death by failure of resp., - sense of dysp if liver, long motion power, ruin at first yellow becoming perish to black. -Some cases have Hemoglobin. 1 Wood. April 7. 1888. Sal Acid Compds. Formed from Carb Acid - is not officinal - Absorbed as salicylate in intestines as Na salt in blood. Sal acid soluble in ether & can not be formd as such from the blood except in blood of asphyxia. Eliminate is very rapid in - 25. 8 mins, - & lasts for 8 hrs after - last dose, - and has tendency to accumulate as for 1 wk. It is local irritant as in the stomach & at point of escape as loosened urine & even resp. pressive or hacenalinia hence hesitate in using it in acute Brigtn 10-20 gr no sympts. Larger dose - Is cinchonism fullness, tinnites aurium (1st evidence of phys action), 2) urine becomes greenish cause unknown but may be indicare or pyrocalichin by partial distinction of Sal acid. In excr as Sect acid in urine & as Salicyluric acid. May dilate pupil, dyspnoa is very constant, put form put increased the diminished, rate increase, its delirum been coma & death from asphyxia of Resp cent. Acts badly especially on Dumt. ands & apt to cause delirium may last for long time & may be with hallucinations Fox dose - Same Sympts In mammal. Circulation - Used dose not at all depressant & may increase Wood. April 7 - 1888 2. f℥j has take life & stimuli & urine. May be given in capsule mx - 4 to 6 a day Salicin. Breaks up in Sal Acid and in urine is forward as Salicyluric acid. It is less irritant & better taste It is broken up ony partg & slowly in Sal acid hence not much used. Salol. 1 At of H of Acid Sal is replaced by Phenol (acid carb). Is ready for from irritant prepertin - much like oil of gaul - the not of bad taste. As Salol in stomach but by pancreatic juice is broken up into Sal acid & phenge without gash intent irritation. But in larger dose urine becomes blackish from Salicyluric acid & its Carbolic compounds. Salol } 36% Carb acid } 64% Sal acid It has distinct antirheumatic power but is less prompt & less efficient - good for subacute rheu & neurage & m rheumat - dose 45 grs -Salol appear as Salurin acid in 1/2 hr but if it lies in Stomach for cancer or weaken of walls of Stomach. Naphthol - salol. 1 H replaced by Beta naphthol. - In intestine is resolved [with] Sal acid & Beta naphthol. Venesection In acute serous infl diseae as Pneum of strong robust adults bleeding from arm may do good.- In acute serous inflam as in all fibrinous pleurisy at first use the wet cup (deplitis) & not dry cup (for pneum or pulmon congest as counte irrit) In peritonitis - leeches 100 A In Exhaustion with right sided heart failure as in Pneumonia or advanced brights. & mistake not Pneum for meningitis acts press by v.m. stimulate & Hs (?) Toxic [d???] - Card failure by direct action, press low by act on v.m syst as well as heart. Sense of weakness & depression in full doses by acting on N syst, Use of M power & depress of reflexes. & marked cutaneous anaesthesia Resp. at first hurried (Skin) late it is slow & shallow. 30 to 60 grs cause fall of tempt in 1/2 - 1 hr & with sweating & is more certain then quinine but also fails, can arrest its sweating by Atrop & Agarcin but tempt still falls; do not depress tempr of normal man but prevents it under exercise. Not used any more to lower bodily tempr. Most powerful agent for Rheumatism (Senator) - by increasing Nitrogen elimination in almost all forms is useful & not only in acute & even good also in Gout (especially irregular) Tart & act in Stou an again it. In acute [Rheum] - 1st Day [crossed out] 45-60 grs 2nd day 30 grs now in 3rd, 4th begin again. May give in capsules on full stomach but its acid form is worst belt use salts. Sal of Cod " " [An???] " " methy 90% in Ol Saul. Sal Soda ʒj = Sal Ammon - prepared item Take Sal ʒj acid & Symp and encrease Stronger fʒj Amm iiss acid draught may give this in milk. Ol Sarrh = All sympts of Sal a pour 1 Wood. April 12 - 1888. Antipyrene. Crept - Sol in nalis. Acts. Little tinnit & [no??] of quartered & tendency to wound - [l???]. Larger dose - In weakness to little lessening of pure fever and rate In death in normal man. In animals. - Lay dose cause convulsion with paralysis - serous dir of cramp asphyxia but of paralytic asphyxia. Convulsion said to be cerebral Motion M. - Slight influence in advanced poisoning but never any complete loss of power. Sens M. - Paralyzes sensation at point of injection Spinal Action depress M or 8 part Depress Muscle a little. Small does unaffect [bluoed-p??] Large " increase " " Lox " depress " " Said to act powerfully on muscle of vessels - said to be haemostatic greater than Lr Ch Fr. Rapidly absorbed & eliminated as antipyrene. If take for long time palor with bluish tink by altering the Haemoglobin into metahaemoglobin [crossed out] Chiefly as antipyretic In normal more gets uncertainly use of tempt at stage of convulsion. In fevered man 20-30 grs tempt falls in 1/2 hr & down by 1 hr - 1° C 2° & continue for 4 to 8 hrs as nature of disease, with for sweating & may be with collapse, can arrest sweating by atropic & agararin & yeh. tempt falls - hence not result of the sweating, nor is it any effect of blood pressure. Cause of fall of tempt is dire to decrease of heat production by acting on nerve center controlly thermogenetic function of the body. Urea eliminate is lessened in fever - checks nutrition fever proven. Uses, - In fever it is very certain it makes firm more comfortable in pneumonia, typhoid & but not so good for the patient as cold bath For pain. Especially of use is those of M origin of that store kind. In locomoti - atexi cri good. In Rheumatic not as good for Boils as Morphine does not form habit nor does its derasy seculi as Morphia. Is said to take away the Labor pain & not interfere with contraction. In convulsion disorders - As in Strychnic, or Epilepsy 1 out of 50. Occasionally acts very unfavorably as rapid cyanosis collapse, loss of consciousness & for sweating. Give 10 or 1/2 to meti result or 30 grs even taken. [crosed out] May keep back measles. Antifebrinis - Same effect both some tender to sleep. - more powerful - gr 10-20. On general system - less is known these of Antipy. - cyanosis also from methameq. - loss of reflex. does not lessen no. of corpuscles. Parado-phenol - mephalic in urine - Some say it change other not. Use - In fever - In pain - In epilepsy.   [Nervousness] a pleurisy but may a pneumonia.  3  Blister is more slow and more permanent than rubefacient and produces more structural change. Rubefacient is more rapid and more general in active - used in congestions and nerve irritations.- Rubefacients go deeper than blister if left on for a long time Countre- irritation. - Mar. 17. 1888. Amaurosis may follow from decayed tooth. Paraplegia from renal calculus. Duodenal ulcer from a burn. It occurs through the trophic nerves. Irritation to be placed directly, over an organ as it has a relation with the surface directly over it. Port annal for the eye. Anstic's Law - first countre irritation over the root of nerve supplying the painful parts. Sets of Countre- irritants - 3. I Rubefacients - cause dermititis but with no organic change. II Epispastics - Has organic change and blisters. III Those causing structural change but no blister as Croton oil or Antimony. Seton acts in same way Issue also Caroling likewise. If you wish in affect an organ having organic change, you must cause organic change on surface For congestions and irritations rubefacients to be used : as in lungs or bowels. Peritonitis requires structural changes for countre - irritation. For Blistering - Epispastics = vesicatories. produce inflammation of skin & antpouring of serum Known as blister) Spanish Fly (Beetle) Cantharis - Cantharides Active principle is cantharides Tinct. is used internally dose gtt Overdose of the fly internally causes burning pain and soon vomiting of mucus & green specks of fly, these bloody, then shortly diarrhoea not serous than mucous and bloody, with tenesmus and small, Sometimes at once we have collapse; in a few hours a 2nd set of symptoms come on as pains in Loins, pain in bladder, & frequent desire to micturate and symptoms of cystite and even strangury. Take it off 1 or 2 hrs before it has drawn & then put on [the] poultice to draw. and erotic excitements (aphrodisiac) from small dose, from larger dose we may get swelling and sloughing of the scrotum &c, death from exhaustion with coma. death is from local action at the points of interence & escape. Treatment of poisoning - Wash out stomach and intestine with demulcent drinks but no oils & cathartics & give Opium. - or even Anaesthetics - Leeches to epigastrium. Write for plaster thus. On Adhesive plaster with a free uncovered edge. Rx Ceratum cantharidis q.s. Pimples vj x IIII urine If absorbed the cantharides may cause strangury, to avoid this only keep on the plaster a brief time (early removal), and thus also the pain suffering will be far less, - 5 or 6 hrs contact is enough followed by flaxseed or bread and milk poultice for 5 or 6 hrs more, after the blister is raised clip in with scissors and then may cover with ointment Chartula in keep in from healing use Basilicon ointment (Cerat. Resinal) For Strangury - Opium peridium & Hot bath. leeches to epigastrium For nervous irritation - In typhoid fever convulsions 3rd week by applying to Scalp. In D.T. but there is danger of scalp sore to heal in quickly use Goulards [crossed out] ointment. - Or use Simple cerate. If slow in heal use Ung Zinci or Ung Iodoform. Blister is most useful for serous inflammation than that of organs. - only in advanced stage of pneumonia, Often good in catarrhal pneumonia & capillary bronchitis. Blisters are more useful in later than in early stages of inflammation. Rubefacients - Plaster - Poultice - Liquids as liniments. Liniments - used for chronic rheumatism or after exertion, but not as efficient as they are popular. No specific action in any one liniments. May use Aqua Ammon fortior with Ol olivum, may add Ol Terebinth, and Oil of Sassafras Cantharidal collodium (Collodium cure cantharide) is too powerful for using. Turpentine stripes - In typhoid fever - In Amenorrhea with Dovers &c. Aqua Ammon under watch crystal. As Plasters Pices. Pix Burgundica - x (as Plaster [crossed out]) Mourning plaster = Emplast. Picis cum Cantharidis will blister 3 out of 6 persons - they act slowly & for days; for moral comfort: - In chronic bronchitis of old persons of service x (Pix Canadensis as Emp Picis Canaden) - In nervous pain of women for prolonged mild effect. Sinapis - mustard Is more valuable 1. Sinapis nigra = acts in 10 mins black mustard is more powerful, of equal parts with flour. 2. Sinapis alba = acts in 15 mins. white or yellow mustard. Mustard is a soothing persistent plaster - use in not too strong so as to keep it on longer. - In newspaper Mustard plaster for 1/2 hr, in blister there is more pain and harder to heal them from cantharides. - Used in intense internal irritation, no good in collapse and apoplexy and as there is no sensibility here it may be left on too long - In internal irritations the next 1 Part Black mustard & 2 parts flour. Kept on 20 mins. or Equal parts of yellow mustard & flour - mixed with water. day after after using the plaster a furious dermititis may appear by reaction. The mustard leaves of the drug strups are abominations. By diluted with flour & [crossed out] molasses it checks its rapid action Spiers. - for steady & continuous mild influence in enteritis. - may use tincture of the spiers on cloth & cover with oiled silk. Escharotics are drugs used to destroy diseased or sound tissue. Pain is the difficulty but creaine now prevents this, is in chancre before using nitric acid. Nitrate of Silver is powerful but does not go deep. Acid nitrate of mercury acts about as nitric acid, applied on splinter or glass rod, arrest their action with soapy water. Chronic acid is powerful, for epidurral growths especially, as warts venereal or not by placing a crystal on it & then wash off with H2O. Bromine is most powerful - use glass rod - acts in dead and living tissue alike, used for Hospital gangrene but is too uncontrollable for organic growths. Sulphuric acid may also be used. Corrosive sublimate - is most dangerous from its absorption. Potash or Potasse cum calce (Vienna paste) - it takes up the water, acts in the fat, oxidizes the fibres - for small masses - is too uncontrollable - punctralis deeply - used in make an issue - apply by making a hole in a piece of sticking plaster [illustration] & cover the edges with cerate oil, apply the caustic for 10 or 15 min then wash with vinegar The Vienna paste does not run as the Potassa does. Zinci Chlorid - bitter as Canquoiris paste, & making arrows in thrust around base of tumor. Acidum arseniosum - (As2 O3) bains of quack remedies. Cancer tissue is more readily destroyed than round tissue - pain is atrocious, but cocaine checks this - It may be absorbed but by using large amounts this danger is less as the tissues die so quickly. Anthhelmintres Mar 22, 1888. Worms. I Ascaridis Seat worms. II Lumbricoid - Round worms. III Taeniae - Tape worms. I. For Seat worms fist wash out the rectum by injection of salt water, and follow this by an injection of Qaussia 3ji. in Ojss boiled down to Oj. inject this each slowly and hold it as long as possible. Vinegar has also been used. Spigelia Pinkroot Ext fluid dose fzj Ext spigeliae in Sermac fl (not officinal any more) has aromatics in it, good for children. adult dose 3ss - 2 yr child fzs-j every 4 hrs till in purges. Symptoms of Overdose of Spigelia - much as a mydriatic - dilated pupil, heart acceleration, heat & dry skin, delirium. It probably contains Spigeline which is a cardiac depressant. Spigelia narcotizes the round worms hence in 1 hr afterwards follow with castor oil. Azedarach Decoction (3ij to Ojss boiled to Oj) dose tablespoonful every 2 to 3 hrs till bowels are affected. Chenopodioum - Wormseed Oil is to be used - dose in capsules or on sugar gtt x to 3 yr child every 3 hrs. Santonica Levant wormseed contains Santonica also called Santoninic acid & can form salts. Santoniates are freely soluble. Santonin is insoluble. Action - First symptom is often yellow vision (zanthopsia) due to staining the humours yellow, and urine is red looking from the santonin & its derivatives but not bloody, tremblings, vomiting but mostly not, and the symptoms are not those of gastro-enteritis it exerts its power over the nerve centres, & with loss of consciousness & dilated pupil. Summary I. Zanthopsia. 2 Tremblings and muscular (?) apathy & unconsciousness & epileptiform convulsions. 3. Collapse. Santonin has produced death - 6 grs has killed strong adult: as it is insoluble the persons have often escaped, Solubility is not wanted hence sodium cantanate is not to be used, but give the santonin itself in its crystalline form (not pulverized) Adult dose gr ij - iv Child dose gr 1/4 - 1/2 follow it in 2 hrs with castor oil with a little turpentine added to it Turpentine - doses of f3ss j always with twice its bulk of castor oil has been used for all worms. III For taenia must have the intestines empty may give as follows 1. Supper to night, bread milk & tea. 2. Medicine at 7 tomorrow morning. 3. 1 hr later (8 A.M.) coffee 4. 3 hrs later little milk toast (1/2 hr before 2nd medicine = cathartic) Pepo. Pumpkin seed, Wood mostly uses this for taenia. It must not too old. 3j - ij beaten up with sugar & aromatic oil & taken as the breakfast. at 10 A.M take tablespoonful castor oil & teaspoonful turpentine, and 1/2 hr later may eat. Be present at the delivery of the worm & if it comes down by giving a large rectal injection as of salt water to bring the head along. Aspidium - Filix Mas. Male fern Oleoresin is alone to be used It can produce fatal gastro-enteritis. -not safe to give over 3ss - j after starving &c Brayera Koosso Has Resin Koosin (Taenin) Wood never used this x (3ss powdered leaves suspended in water in the morning, or 20-40 grs Koossin. It generally purges itself - case in pregnancy.) Cathartic 2 or 3 hrs afterwards. Pomegranate Rind - Granatum Decoction of the fine twigs is better 3ij Ojss boiled to Oj. Alkaloids - Pelletierine} taenicides Isopelletierine} {more French dose of alkaloid is gr iv - vj. On animals it produces temporary motor paralysis [crossed out] of peripheral motor nerves as with curare Antacids Drugs to neutrallize acidity of primae viae. (in Stomach or Intestines with constipation or diarrhoea) In gastric acidity we have acid eructations, and may cause headache (sick) coming on with blindness & sudden dizziness & early stomach symptoms & is across the whole brow & not on our spot as in neuralgic headache; for acid sick headache Remedy is to act immediately hence use Ammonia gtt xx-xxx or Spirits or Spts. aromat. Acidity is due more to fermentation than to perverted secretion. Sodium Soda bicarbonate acts on Stomach and Urine but not on general system. Preparation - 1. - Carbonate 2. Bicarbonate is less irritant - given in soda mint. For Burns when no cuticle is Lime water not given for vomiting of acute gastritis destroyed put on a paste of the Bicarb it does good apparently by breaking up the emboli or thrombi of the burn. It dissolves uric acid hence used in gravel, but can not dissolve any formed calculus, hence to only [crossed out] make the urine alkali in Soda bicarb grx -xx t.d., but to purify the system use Potass Lime. - Calx. - 2 forms. 1. Caustic Lime. 2. Aq. Calcis. Aq calcis (lime water) prevents coagulation of milk in stomach hence good for delicate stomachs as in milk punch add tablespoonful or more. It is astringent and sedative to mucous membrane, has solvent power on mucus, used for gastric irritation especially with milk as for puerperal vomiting 1 part to 3 of milk up in 6 of milk, in small doses of the mixture at first as f3ss. In vomiting lime water alone is good. In laryngitis (early) lime water in atomizer every hour is best remedy. In children with nose stuffed shut with thick mucus it dissolves it. In Diptheria lime water has no power. x(Syrup Calcis dose fzi - ij) Liniment Calcis = Carron oil for burns. Chalk - 1. Cretae Prep. 2. Calcii. Carbon. Praecipt. Both these forms of chalk act alike. Slowly acting antacids. - well given internally as mist Cretae (gr xxx to f3j) dose is f3ss - j. - it is also feebly astringent, and as dessicants in powder form, and acts as protective, good for diarrhoeas of irritation, and also in those of relaxation. (from acidity is in Summer) In intertrigo, feet sweating &c. as dessicants & protection. (Oyster Shell in Castillon powder for summer diarrhoea) (Dose carbonate gr xx - 3j Saccharin. Prepared from coal tar, Is 250 times as much as Sugar. It escapes unchanged from the urine and makes it sweet & antiseptic. It has no physiological setron on the animal organism and does not affect the nutrition of patients. Uses. - In diabetic to sweeten the food. In obese persons. It is insoluble in water but in soluble in glycerine. Disinfectants - Mar. 24 1888. To destroy noxious miasmata. Wood divides poisons in 2 Classes. 1. Miasmata 2. Contagious. 1. Miasm is not a germ but is gaseous emanations but these can be infected as with typhoid. 2. Contagion is a germ. Filth may be in air, water, or solid. The atmosphere can only be purified by dispersion, & not by bonfires &c as any agent that will kill the germ will kill man also. Chlorinalia lime in the sick room is no good it only covers the other odor by its own. Sewerage. can only be purified by Germicides kill live germs Antiseptic kill them in embryo & prevents their development. 1 dispersion & by 2 oxidation. Solid filth - can only be deleterious if moist, - dry earth of "cat style" is good hence well to keep barrel of 1/2 plaster and 1/2 dry earth is with 1/4 part dry lime in county privy to throw down each time. Lime (Alkalin) favors oxidation by forming ozone. Lime in a privy brings up emanations of Ammonia & other poisonous matters. Mode of disposing of non - infected filth - I Dispersion II Dryness. III Lime. Cleanliness of rooms as by washing is best - dispersion You can not disinfect large masses in never or privy, hence destroy the first stool as it comes from the typhoid patient. -place the disinfectant in the [chamber] bed pan before the patient uses it. In infected filth you must use a germicide as 1 Chlorinated lime, 2 Corrosion Sublimate or 3 Acid carbolic. Chlorinated lime is the cheapest, 1 part to 100 of water destroys all forms of living organism used either in solid but [crossed out] better in liquid form, put 3iv - v in pan before defecation do not pour away the stools immediately after being discharged. In using corrosion sublimate use it 1 to 500 of the stools, always kept in solution & colored with amline or fuchsyne. Acid carbolic is effectual - 1 to 200 of the stools at least. Sweetening of Closet and Pipes - use copperas (FeSO4) To disinfect sick room - wall paper had but be taken off and the walls and floor washed with HgCl2 1 to 1000 followed by ordinary water. Bedding had best be treated by fire or by boiling. No upholstered furniture is to be in a sick room. For blankets be may use dry or better moist heat of tempt 250 F - the goods to be spread out. - May boil the clothes in salt water. Corpse of infections disease to be sealed in close coffin and buried immediately and privately: may inject in at once with corrosive sublimate to disinfect the corpse.          [crossed out] 1 O.K. Pepper. Oct 6 1887. Memb Lar - is inflam with Pseudo. memb formative in memb - Known as membranous or true Croup. It is Idiopathic or Secondary Inset put as abrupt as Cap fr Begin with slight fever increasing Cough is hoarse becoming weak & small called also Crooping Croup. Sympts of obstructive voice becomes smaller & whisping almost suppressed cough become wheezy & feeble breath more labored Angle of more play. bring Stude with wear Rest murmur. Supra - gt violet [crossed out] sinks & at bare of chest. It turns spells of Spasmodic differently in breathing for livid - childs in sweat. time about - airs of apnoea May kill in 48 hrs in 5. 6. 7 day. It may come on in perfect health but in majority of cases you may find flaks [crossed out] fancis. but rarely Albumen in urine. Diag - Dr is usually in children Progressive character of 2 O.K. If Sympts progress after using Calomel than conride Tracheotomy or Intubation Indication for Tracheotomy &c are Obstructive Spasmodic attacks &c memb. Croup. Entrance of food & liquids sometimes interferes with its use. Pepper prefers Intubation. Bronchial Tubes Bronchitis inflm of lining memb of B Tubes - acute or Ch - Prin in See - alter from pain cough. Expect & Physician Signs. Acute B 1 Of large tubes 2 " Capillar " Prim or Idiopath Branch come from common causes of Cat inflam as Irrition of vapor a particles but more common is chilling of body or exposure of relaxed body. Tremor or multiple sclerosis cease during sleep or by sitting them down - they bring excitedly by exertion. RX Hyoscine is but remedy & quick its movements of Paralysis agitans - Hyoscyamine may also be used. Cases of central Paralysis of facial nerve are partial, here its Orbicularis Palpebral In generally escapes. Convulsion - Chorea - no to & from Tremors - to & from movements by antagonistic groups of Maint of movement is less than Chorea. Wide spread tremors Cause Chronic alcoholism. Pb & As Organic lesions of Cord or Central. - Or as result of old age. Senile tremor usually begins at its head - Pathological causes. General paralysis of Insomn- Parkisons disease - - Paralysis agitans - Multiple cerebro spinal Sclerosis. Sympts of voice cough & Fever in this form. Laryngoscope can not be used in Children. If uncertain regard it as membranous. Pug. Very grave - worse when diphtheritic but very grave even when primary or idiopathic. Large percentage die with or without operation Treatment - As soon as diagnosed. Count. Irrit, mild as by Lr Iodine. gt. Atomize repeatedly but with gentleness - as with alkali or Zinc H2O - KCLO3 NH4CL - Solutn of Boronic Acid - Weak Solute of Tannic Acid Peprine with Bracia or Lactic Acid. -Solution not irritate - use them every hour. Internal - Calomel from beginning - large dose followed by another large dose until bowel move 1 or 2 time the small doses Child (5 yrs) - 5 grs followed in few hrs by 5 grs, then reduce to 1/2 gr dose at 3 hrs Alkali as KClO3 or Bicent find combined with the Calomel. Muriate of Arm may be given with KClO3 but is feeble compared with Calomel Lecture. Stelwagon - Vol 7. 1887 Macula = Primary Lesions Spot. Cloasma Papula = Pin point to Split pea Solid elevation of Slein [crossed out] Vesicle = elevation with serous or sero-purulent contents as fever blister Pusticle is advanced Stage of vesicle usually, they are filled with pus Bleb = large blister with serous or Sero-purulent contents. Wheat = as in hives- flat rounded elevation having often yellow centre as in nettle - rash. Tubercle - Very similar to papule but is despair & larger than papule. Tumor Secondary Lesions Crust - Extraneous drink Scales - Cast off masses of epithelium Excriation = Scratch mark Fissures Ulcers Scars = new growth. (cicatricial) Patch in may be uniform (of one kind) or multiform (of different kinds - bullous - Discrete = Separate Concrete = Running together Typus Circinate = when forming a circle or part of one. Serpiginous = when like a serpent. Irris - different colors Marginate when edges are sharp. Annular = round with centre clear For Hyperidrosis 1) Rx Tannic j 2) RX Alum 3j - ij to g. Alcohol Oss. Rx Ung Diachylon or Ung Acid Tannici 1 O.K. Pepper - Oct 10. 87. Cat Biurets = Biurets Cat = most common layer tubes ordinarily, capillary form in its smaller tubes. Sympts. Fever in mild cases very triffling may walk about in ordinary from 101° - 102° in [illegible] to 103° - 104° approaching limits of Pneumonia. Slughs changes in mild case [crossed out] Rest & Pulse no dysfuon to extreme in bad case. Pulse from no disturbance to frequent & small Rest & Pulse less affect than in Pneumonia Cough prominent = loud often paroxysm - painful dry in early stage with sub-sternal soreness with tearing [???tion] - increased by talking or worse as if comes on at night - Paroxysm may be exhausting if severe. Abscess of light, exhaustion from in [illegible] allows is to become more in coming as in Laryngitis. By 2 or 3 day comes on expectoration - [illegible] at first tenacious & grayish with Saline become loose yellow 2 O.K. - Oct 10 . 1887 Persons negative in all form of Bronchitis, save in severe bronchitis in feeble children when & portion of Lung collapse by plug of mucous & this may give dullness generally at periphery of Lung (wedge shaped) but not with other physical signs of Pul consolidation Pug. - Diffrs. Good in all except Cup form as to life. but guarded as to return & duration Grave in old & feeble persons. Draq. Easy Treat of acute primary Bronchitis Rest & Protection. Our evenly heated room &c & to bed if case be urgent not even in get up for calls of nature. Comp Irrit = by mustard learn or plaster or liniments or Iodine in Sternal or Inter-scapular region Inhalation if warm medicated vapor by Steam atom - as For [Corri?] of Chloroform (Antropan) Lime or Borax or NH4CL as alkali to form Secretion. Carb &c. Cream Oct 10 1887 O.K. 3 The Rx are for early stage, - when Secretion come it is not necessary to use Expect & use less Opium. Cap from is danger from Exhausn by Rest In & It's & collapse to asphyxia Seat of Cap Burn Dry cupping at roots of Lungs daily or even liver daily. Stimulating remedies here called from as An 5 gt an 2 or 3 hrs for a with Carb & sedative & Bella or Hyoscyam or Le Corrium add age to 12 & divide by age for the size of dose Strychine is best in strength Rest M + 1 is given frequent & freely with internally or hypodermically in the region. Begin with 1/4 gr repeated in 3 or 4 hrs for a few days. Alcohol must often be combined first in small doses - come well by children. [cross out] Jacket of Rare Cotton. - Fihirrous Bronchitis Membranous form must often with Diph. Rement that acute Branch is a Sympt of vile affection as Secondary forms. - Measles. - Typhoid fever - Diph - but not usually grave  Iodine as astringents Use the weak at finer until well borne Internally. 1) Allay [fr??er] 2) Cough 3) [Pr???i] Expect 4) Allay infla. Quine & Aerium 6-12 grs of [Q???] to Adult Aerium 1 grs an hr in adult For Cough. Antispasmodic & Opiate. Bellad or Hyoscyamine sometimes [crossed out] Morphine Sulp gr j Am Muriat ʒ ij Syr Ipeca fʒ iij Syr Squill fʒ vj Ext purmos fʒ vj Glycine f℥ss Aqua E.S. ed f℥iij S - fʒj h.r.n. [B????id?] of Am or [Iodine] may be substitute for its Nld4Cl if Spasmodic tendency be great. If few is sharpen use this. Rx Morphine Sulp grj Linar Aconit Rad grt XXX Am muriat gr C Lig Am Acetar q 3rd f℥ V S - fʒij h.r.n. But danger of mixing powerful & mild remedies known with use Aconit from separate bottle until tempr drops as Known by thermometer & purulent & more copious. Auscult - On both sides of chest = Bronchitis Rales = Sonorous & sit rales in large tubes with course moist ones in smaller tubes,, - becoming more abundant as expectoration increasing,, - most marked over large tubes Heard booth is In & Ex very changeable - as then swelling of memb is with the Secretion. Bunch families may even recur These physical signs increases as night comes on. Capillary form given all the Sympt more aggravated. - depending upon the the condition of the [crossed out] System or congenital anatomical changes. Fever higher. Rest disordered greatly - 50 - 60 - 80 in child = 46 - 55 on adult Dyspnea. Play of Al Pulse frequent & soon [illegible] force suffering from non-aerated blood. Cough - smothered - wheezing ineffectual Phys Signs of Cat Bronch. Bilateral - not most but at periphery in laryntritis Sub-crepitant (coarse - crackling) in with Inst & Ex ( more in Ins Chrom B {Bronchial Dilate Allied af {Emphysema pectin {Asthma 1 O.K. Pepper - Oct - 11 - 1887 Chrom - Bronch = Chronic inflam of Bronch Memb. Causes - 1) Repeated acute attacks 2) Glow operation of ordinary causes of Acute Attacks 3) Constitutional predisposition as Rheumatic or [illegible] Rickety & Scrofulous in younger persons. 4) Persons with a tendency to Chr Bronch. 5) Occupations Sympts of Chr Bronch. Often very mild as to its disturbing general health, but in other cases the general health runs to have invited it & then a break follows. Some given cases break in general health by often in less of flesh in Strength &c Cough occur in paroxysm & very annoying not occuring at any one period of the day. attended with expectant of very copious & glary it is called Bronchorrhea - or purulent & smaller or larger in amount according affecting the general health. Ex shows lencorits altered epithol & marcinus bacilli or lung shreds. Hemoptysis is rare. Ph Sign - Decllum negative &c. Sonorous & Sit Rales at lower portion part of both O.K. 2 Oct 11-1887 Residual air in ocean Tidal " Deceased. Excitmnt & Exertion increase in Dyspnea & also [crossed out] Bronchtit exaggeration This followed by weakness & bad color & flabby not necessarily thin very worst effect is upon the H's & results is dilates of R't H't with minfiensine of Tricupsid valves & following this a general venous obstruction & ascending dropsy. P Signs of vis Cmph. Inpher Chest constantly distended. Ribs raised & more horizontal - Sternal round Ant Port diam in [evacuant] Bounded - Short - Chest no movement of expansion & retraction but exaggerated movement up Percuss - Ana Resonium increased & exaggerated. It's covered - ex brat. Vocal. Fren & Reson are both decreased Rest [h???r] - Respiratory element is very weak & short. Exp element is prolonged It affects both sides Diag of Che Branch. Hist of Can. long continuance of cough - good general health remaining good not its case in Phihro Micneipe Ex of Shute Both Sides equally. - Sear change from time to time -no Sign of consolidation -Dilated Branches may suggest cavity (vomica) - no from so very little. - no Hem - or diarrhoea no laryngitis in nearly all cases. The look to its Prog - Uncertain - Recur - very good for duration of life. Asthma. Associated with Ch Bronch. It is not of Bronchial Cough. Morbid irritability in most cases of Asthma of Bronch mucous memb in different persons As Rest & Hay Asthmas in Changes of Climate Residence Temps & moisture of air in person of spasmodic tendency. Asth is an [crossed out] condit of Spasmodic dyspnoea Associated with most condit of Bronchiat muscus memb & with Spasm or parisis of muscle of Rest. Some muscle are in state of spasm as Bronch & Interental other are in state of exhaustion Lungs - Signs show remarkable fluctuations by season &c. The Chr Inflam in the tubes of low vitality already may came Sacular Dilation at roots - 2 in diameter rounded or from form - thickened walls. - In causes as much trouble as an abscess except diameter of tissue as decompressing sputa, pectin fever Phys Sign of Cavity -On one of big tubes - More common behind ever Root Deep rested percussion or tympany - Tubula colouring in Inop & Exp. Pector. [i??in]. & Sign of Cavity. 2) Mirfn dilatate like a glove. Emphysema (vesicular) is another accompaniment of Chr Bronch [crossed out] It is state of permanent over distention of air cells of the Lungs. Causes producing is General weakness of Lung tissue, & its air can not get out of Bronch tubes in Coughing hence is distend the spies & Borders of Lungs It may follow whooping C. but this passes away. Phys Sign, Progressive & Permanent Habitual abiding Dyspnea as elasticity of air cells is lost OK. H.C. Word. Oct 29 1887 Tonics - used in overcome debility if cause be removed or help life along if in can not be removed. Debility is often the result of intestinal catarrh of which diarrhea is its result [crossed out] Groups - Vegetable -Mineral = -Fungines Veg Tonics } Simple .1 Peculiar .2 Aromatics. .3 1) Have principle as stimulants to it Skin 2) Having added some other peculiar properties Exem up 1 an irritants nans & voom-Corrts 2-Inrritation of Sarh memb Indication for 1 is a loss of apetite. - After overwork. Actively of spring time. Convalescence of acute disease Quassia. Seinant Ex Certain quassia this produce convulsion movement in lower animals - gastric irritation & headache in man. Principle in men in Exh - in pill 1/2 - 1 gr. Tinct - gtr XV - XXX w XL Inf for Seativorus 1 y to 1/12 pn boiled in 1 pint. Gentian Solid Ext is 2/3 of quassia Tinct Co is most elegant of all the bitter pick 2 OK. XX with ZN804 or P.B (C2H3O2) 2. or 5 grs of improper alkaloid. In Chemis gastic calaiet with hepatic tripe as result of use of alcohol - always in pill-form. Marked uterine contractions by injecting it into bitches - for menorrhagia for cervicitis & vaginal inflam. - in [illegible] - in nasal cath - in conjunctivitis. Eupatorium (Bone - rub) Infus is with time Oy. to pint ] hon H2O on going to bid by acting as a sudorific Bark of Comus Arcuation Activity depends on presence in Chr of volatile oil. Active in common in this class. 1 Stir in gash intent memb incline for in time being not kept up long as in Simple times. Carminative of expelling in gas. Reflex peristalsis Affect in it's causing drastive arrest. Ol Caryrrh. Acts as local anasthetic -powerful poison to all tissue but this alow absorption prevents this. Cloves Ginger Pepper Cinamon Cardamom Mints - Vir " Pip OK. Ol Sassafras. -Comp In. In grap - Cheat. [h???] for liniment. Ol Savlth. Salicylate of methyl acts as Salicylic Acid. Oil Nutmeg. Feeble in local influc - & in It's - Acts specially on cerebrum [h??] capable of use as soporific [h???] in hysteria - can poison persons. - for hysterial unrest grr X-XY Oil - gr XXX-XL nutmeg. Anthemis (Chamomile) Mild Stimulant is Stone & satisfy. the meal needs. 1 oz in pint, wine place at matter. Serpentaine Weak - never used by itself Peculiar Bitter Prunus Virg - Wild cherry bark. [C????] Tannic Acid, Bill time principle, Crulkin & Amygdalin the form HCy was used in Phthisis but its action is too fugitive Syr. as vetricle is enough [wi?h] by adding morphine Eucalyptus. Local action is sleight - hence can not be used as Corut In or carminative. Absorbed run freely than the other oils. Gtt X-XX produce & single of warmth in its Stone - [S????] of calum , mulax. It's as low as 50 - more of numb. uses in [?cli?n] nerve.- abolih. of muscular nerve Cuonnous dose/ paralysis death from paralysis act by act on Spinal [en?i]. Fall of Pre by effect or It's [Su?????]. Sedal is when system but on Case & It's must. Clive from lungs & urine Und. for acts or mucous memb in Bronchitis after first stages in Asthma will it - Intern. Cath - Antiseptic Surgeon is [inp???] - Antiperiod is unreliable.  Anise Fennel Tannic Acid in Cinnamon. Ol-live dose grr - ij for Col. for Intub relax with diarrh. [sti?s] it by stimulating it [illegible] normal time in its serous diarrh. [crossed out] - Cinnamon Oil Cirr gtr ij-V - flavouring Linen - 1) Mild diarrhoea of relaxation is with H28O4 Aro & Symph. 2) Menorrhagia in fʒj is case of want of tou. Card. Tinct Co. - added to Tinct Co Tinct gent. H2804 w Aq. Req. Symph. Strong Chr. Orang P. flavouring Ol Ced. Ol-Anise - carminative Ginger Has an alcoresin beside its Ol as addition to tonic pill. as in Black pepper & Red pep. Vol oils eliminated through its Renal organ & can produce strangury. Ginger. 1 tap Inf. as murdorifin in suddenly ruptured menstrual in abdom colic. Menthol From tupentine [crossed out] for neuralgia pains Barbery. Certain berberin. 3-5 grs rest official - convulsion in lower animals in toxic doses. Columba. No Solid Ext. Exp fl - Tinct - fʒj Chirett Solid Ext gr j = 2/3 of Quas Ext Acts in Liver especially after malaria & debility following the heat of the liver Hydrastis. Golden Seal 3 Alkaline - Berber - Hydrastine - Zanthopoxis. Pure hydrastis is colorless berberine is yellow. Hydrastis 1 { has distinct power of over circulating & nervous system - - spinal convulsions as in Stiydrun death may occur for cramp of Rest m. Small doses increase the Act Pus - Large dose decrease. This depressant to It's muscle causes diastolic arrest - It [means] to act in Vm. Centre thus causing it rise of act pressure. Local paralyzant of new of sensation. Und - for mucous membs. - acts well locally - & also some in Intest. In gonorrhea after the Bi period is period - con - curtal flow Cx V mx - XX - iʒ Mills - Bleckly - Nov 19 - 1887. Gymnastics [for] Nervous Diseases. 1. Manager 2. Movements. 3. Electrical. In [crossed out] movements we have active and passive - or semi active and semipassive or duplicated active Swedish movements. Zander method, is where these is & stram apparatus, are of limited use only. Resistance apparatus are useful in more cases - elastic tube &c. Respiratory gymnastics: As in Blakey's book - taking a full respiration as each movement. Begin with light dumb-bells or no weights at all. 1 - Dumb-bells above the head, taking a deep inspiration & lower hands laterally and expire while raising them. 2. Put 1 foot forwards, throwing dumb bells back & chests forward & taking in 3. Hand against [illegible] through dumb-bell against its into of other shoulder. 4. Dumb-bells behind neck & go down. Place patient on back then let him raise with its foot or the body. In Hemiplegia (central) make a quick movement with round limb & quickly follow with same movement of palsied limb. Paralyses and atrophics & Choreas are benefited by movements. In choreas get them to come after you as you perform movements for them. Habit choreas are most difficult to cure. Movements are good for certain forms of insanity as melancholia  OK. Pepper - Feb 9 . 1888 1) Small Pox. As Sp from of about 20 days high contag & epidermic - witness anatomical line, characterized by striking & peculiar erupt & powerfully influenced by vaccination: 3 ft in open space Thrown up Carried. From Body - by stomach - by Rest tract or may be swallowed. - can be carried by fomites. It spares no sex nor age. Complication - Nephritis - Endocarditis & Myocarditis - Extensive of erupts to mucous surface as Laryngitis pustular -Bronchitis. Blood - crasis dissolved in bad cases - It's form has not been isolated Incubate maximum 2 wks: no matter how long. vaccinate 1 or 2 days after exposure [pro??] will check it or modify it. Invasion - Abrupt with chill & violent headache, frightful backache & intense pains in limbs - with pre-emptive stage is also marked by vomiting loss of Apet. fever, 102° - 103° - 104° flushed face, rapid full putin - lasts for 3 days. Stage of Eruption Papule disaile exposed parts first, or face neck rounded hard - short - like - of red color - 3 days Vesicular Stage - Seem form at summit & become a vesicle & umbilicated. It is a cellular structure, none the general symph subside fever goes down, headache & backache Pustula Stage - 3 end oz 6 th day the consists - become turbid & purulent - It is [illegible] neon. OK. Pepper - Feb 9. 1888 2. Myocardit disper to Cardia collapse. or weaker - Deaftness - Perforate of humor & blindness. Segmt - Disfiguration by reticulated cicatrices - Scarcely ever airy pitting in Varioloid. Convulsion is usually prompt rapid & complete. In stage of duricate a cure by disease may occur - 1 gal a day. - Spe 1.001 - Limpid Diagnosis - Shrend green in fore-eruptic stage - or on history of exposure & no vaccination. & pain & fever. Erupt in 3rd day of sickness. - Measle & Typhus fevers measle. Cath Sympts - Cough & no marked pain & drowsy & heavy. - flat macul, eriseints - disappearing on pressure genera of upon go down in S.P.  day from - maturation five the purtial vomiting here less its umbilicatis [crossed out] to in about 3 days the partial become shriveled grm the absorption of the [mater] Decication - 3 days. Desquamation - 3 days. &c. [Pri??] for depends upon amt of blood press. Second from depends upon the amount of eruption. - ends by lyin by 17th day. Kinds of eruption. -Discrete. -Confluent. Varieties Mild Very. Ordinary Gram from amt of pain a well as amt of eruption Malig - Black - Blood disintegrate- bloody liquid in Incubation = 2 wks. Invasion & per. eruption Stage. 3 days = Primary from Eruption {Papula 3 { Vesicular. 3 { Pustula. 3 = 2nd form. { Desricate 3 { Desquam 3 vesicle - general prostrate - Here from membranes. - & death from Pap in Push stage invariable Varioloid - Stage of invasion may be intense - eruption & relief of sympts pap variable & [crossed out] but now the secondary fevers more or very stright when the tendency is to purtulation or & a loctn occur - incubate come is 10-14 days. May be discrete (more likely the mall-pox) or confluent. Complicate - Very intense secondary fever. Extreme in mucous passages. - Endocarditis will be valuable murmur. OK. Mood - Feb 9. 1888 1 It's odor is objectional. %. Iodol - I used in H2O - No odor acts as Iodoform - Poisoning also possible - & fatty degree. acts by its - decomposition products - as Iodoform. Iodol is decomposed more slowly than Iodorm. Is more apt to - cake than Iodoform. I used as Iodoform - In tuberculous ulcers of Larynx. &c. - High Cort: In chronic Sypt - grs 30-60. -N.S. Cod - Liver - Oil. Biliary acids - Iodine - &c. Sodium in not its active principle but has no one active principle In health in lower Animals - cause accumulate of fat but if given too freely it disturbs digest & ceases to accumulate fat. Increases Red Crops. & diminishes amt of fibre. It's case of absorption & oxidation [crossed out] makes it valuable - It also acts as alternative Mrs- In tendency to emaciation but depends upon it cause as in tumor it will only retard it, but if more generalized as in Phthisis especially in the condition of depravity preceding the Phthisis. by its apparently causeless - continually catching cold - Cod - L. Oil - Whiskey & avoidance of cough mixtures. - If organic changes be present we can protect life by Cod - L.O. - Whiskey & fresh air. In Scrofulous of great service combined by Lactic - [phosphate] if Liver in Gland swelling &c. (standard remedy.) Wood Feb 9 - 1888 2 OK fatal gastro - enteritis. In urine. urea differs. - amt of urine differs as when purging or not. Wns- In Gout in large dose will cut short suspend paroxysm. - in other subjects with acute gout but not in asthenia - as it causes recedent or internal gout by the blood going in - Dangerous in acute gout in large doses & recurs soon. In chronic gout by small amt - 10 gtr t.d. within diarrhoea limit with K1 often good. Poison - Tan acid - Opii & as gast - enter Amtal. Woods Mezerum. Sarsaparilla some good in chronic syphilis - Zyphnar decoct alternated with Symph Sarap Co. - Sarap Ex fl with Iodine is but now. Symph Co - as vetricle [illegible] In chronic rheumat if with Sypt turs. In Skin disease. In neuralgia attended with loss of tone In these condition it is not a specific but builds up nutrition. But given in soft capsules holding ʒj - or pinch of dry salt - In whiskey & water - In ale - In emulsion with oil of bitter almonds. Dose. Tendency to diarrhoea is correct irrita. At night in weak stomach Digest of patient is the measure of the amount. Phosphates. Phosphatic acid is stomachic tonic for dyspepsia as Horsfords acid phosphate and does not affect on system. Herd of Cows in meadow born calves rachitic - In dogs of keeping phosphates from its food. In many children with ill teeth from a deficiency in phosphates as is case in such nurse as in Wood's child . can increase the amt in the milk of such nurse - They are largely eliminated from munt of Intest. To be given in Solution - with 50% Cod - L. Oil in Rachitic child. Colchicum Colchicine urine alone to be used 10 gtr = no Sympts usually - or inlist disturbance 40 gtr - purgin - serous - pain & large. Larger - Vomiting - purging - pain is very great - pector falls to collapse with cramps. Rapidity of death not depending upon size of dose. - acts - but little in It's or h system - but kills by producing - OK, Pepper Feb 13. 1888. 1 Treatment - no specific for the poison. - Only assist patient - Adapt the nourishment in state of patient as in diet & stimuli. May control the fever but do not injure the heart nor nervous system. Primary fever does not often give hyperpyrexia. In Secondary fever about 9th day the fever (surgical) may be very high. - Sedative as Opiate to allay irritation. Mild derivatives as diuretics or gentle laxatives do not attack with powerful antipyretics. no effusive of cold water except in pre-eruptive stage. Inunction for its cuticle as in Scarlet fever, Ung tets Vesicle appear Cath - 3 Typhoid. Measles Influenza. Skin 2- Scarlet Small Pox and the burst on liquid [emmulsion] Stimulants when indicated. Sedative for the pain & irritation as Opii per Olimet & Rective in small doses - or Bromides of Chloral or Canrub Ind. To prevent pitting - Make inflam milder, if only 12 pustule opi then cautiously & touch with GNO3, if mercurous exclude light keep cuticle soft & prevent it thick crust - Ung Hydray & Ung Petroleum while face shield. Sat Sol is Gutter - P in Chloroform. Stimulant in typhoid form as Serpentine & Am Carb &c Mortality is small except in old & weak. Typhus. T. abdominalis = Typhoid T. cerebro. spinal = Spotted fever. C.C. meningitis. T. recurrence. = Relapsing fever. OK. Pepper Feb 10, 1888 2 Fever runs high & stays steady (high of cout from) Skin acid & burning both. - color mordex. 100-135 Breath & Pulse much disorders corresponding to amt of free Pulse is weak & collapse easily & soon small - Hypostab congestion of base of lung bilinal is soon developed (blood logged) not skull & imperfect. No digest sympt - no distraction no pain - bowels costive or quiet. Tongue is heavily coated, thirst & may keep his apetite Urine intensely febrile On 3rd day eruption in single crop, - the amt of eruption bears a proportion to the seriousness of the disease no [chan] in your numerous small rounded, mulberry red maculabrary elevated, not coalesce disappear on Prm at first. this become petechial (blood effused) - The darker the eruption & the sooner so - the more danger lasts until case of disease & the slowly fail. Tendency in sedulation Bed room are very common in very five days Duration - about 10 - 12 et day. Often ends by crise or purging or urine or sweating Complicate but few. Segmts. as parotitis - bed sores Weakness of legs as [approastion] paralysis, or Weakin of Brain. Mortality. - great - 50 - 33- 25% -Typhoid state is common in this class - typhous symptoms. Typhus Fever. As Spe fever, contag. end & epid without [anation] lesion save that of the blood, running course of about 12-14 day, will high pyrxie marked typhoid sympt & characteristic eruptn. -ending often by crisis Due to specific poison. One of the most contag ranking with S Pox & Measles in this respect. Poison communicated by formile to carried to great distances. Crowding & full & destitute favors this poison greatly - It seems to be an animal poisons - In crowded parts & spips. & rages violently. All ages & both sexes equally. Protact strongly against 2nd attack. Blood is liquid in dead body. lining of all stained. tissue disposed in putrefy & Spt soft & enlarged as in all from. Omit abrupt after incubar of not more than 9 or 10 days but may be short. Chill usually high from immediate, debility headache & backache & stricken down immediately. Appearance -dull expression. face dearly flushed uniformly, eye is injected & pupil contracted (firmly) but dry. No Sympt - Dull despressing quickly in Strip, often Deli of action w violent type, - May not [crossed out] sleep even if in sleep & Coma vigil most marked in this disease. Slips down in [burst], longer trem but, retent of urine, tendon twitch Benzoin acid and to make urine acid as ammoniacal w phosphate & for action on the mucous membrane. Wood. Mar 8 - 1888. OK. Expectorants. - To. influ pul turn when desired. Atomizers. - perfect edges - mouth from well in - breath deep & slower. - Artery as tann acid or slow for relaxation, Mur Ann as stimulant, Limi nalis for irrit of Laryn & is serotin in commencement of acute laryngitis. Agents' acting on Nemtrea. & on muscular from Strychnine acts in the nerve cents - not in acute but in chronic Bronch of old people. with or without asthmatic, in Emphysema with expectoration Narcotics - to relieve cough but remember it is necessary to cough to relieve lung of [crossed out] secretion, but more useful in irritation cough with but little secretion expectoration much check secretion as Morphia - Hyoscyamine to gtr X-XV does not check secretion. Be careful in using Morphia in early bronchitis. Chloroform. - as relief of incurable condition as fibroid phthisis as whiskey glycerin & chloroform & good use in ordinary bronchit Morphia gr 1/25 - 1/30. Alteration Arsenic - for chronic bronchial [crossed out] as in fibroid phthisis & turphets with no tendency to breaking down. Pot Iodid. - good for sypt of lung - good in chronic bronchitis of asthma as in enlargement as gr V t.d H2S. - Injection into Peculiar CO3 saturated with H2S - It did not act on the tubercle bacillus. - not much good - but does good in those cases with catarrhal processes or as outcome of Cathr. pneumonia it lesser secretion in 24 hrs. It is specific - Useful for pulmonary catarrhs. - In respiratory chambers as at S springs. - Mill given as S nate in CO2 per stomach - f3ij as 2 or 3 hr. - per chu Asth with B colant & Bronchorrhea. Sets - 1. Sedation 2. Stimulant. Sedation in 1st stages of Bronchitis when memb is dry & congt is tight. Tartar emetic - most powerful - 1/6 gr [illegible] 15 min until vomits & the keep quiet. - not in children. Ipecacuanha. - Syrup is generally good enough Pot Cit - must give in full dose - for adult f℥j in first 24 hrs as in brown cold lemon juice 2 oz. Syrup Ipecac Stirs Expect. Senega. - Traditionaly Syrup. -less good for advanced Squit - Syrup Bronchitis but have no definite influence. contain active acid Symp Squill not to be give with Am cart. -but for Scectosa. - it does not decomp NH4 Cl. Am Muriate. Best remedy of chr Bron except & from volatile oils - may in some cases use in before [illegible] is established. - they act fugitive - acts for 2 [illegible] hence do not use it Kangan system. Dose gr V-X. - Very disagreeable - In capsules followed by drink of water. gr 4-5 Ext Gly is each dose. - glycerine. Spr M to tablespoonful. Syrup of Vol oil of Garlic. - allium - Oil is not used - Oil of Eucalyptus - always given in capsules act for chr Bronch m X - 40-60 m daily. Turbine is very useful for advanced Dose m r-x use 3 hrs - may be mild Ol Crucaly hh. -In capusle Oil of Lardeluouse mr-x in capusle in 3 hrs. Balsm Tolu - Vesicle only Bal Peru both contain benzoic acid - both in m.g In trusting wounds. Benzoic Acid is Put fm hom showing. - has urine odor - [crossed out] Germ/Benzor in Ch B - escape other urine - converted into tuppure acid in Kidneys not in blood OK. Pepper. - Mar 12. 1888. These must be a disturbance of the mans economy at the time of attack. What constitutes this tendency to convulsion? [crossed out] Unstable equilibrium & impaired vitality of motor areas of cerebro-spinal axis, in may be inherited or acquired Causes. - Reflex Irritation of dentition especially in child [with] of neurotic parents, or splinter, or irritant creation, adherent prepuce, intestinal worm or hardened faeces, by bilium attack in some persons, in some cases a few days previous those is lithemic condition very common, from menstrual disorders, exhaustion, exposure, mental stue by lowering vitality. Epilepsy is the predisposition and inquires an exciting cause to develop the convulsion. Diag. - Can not make from 1st attack in child from eclampsia. but the more trivial the cause the more likely it is epilepsy. nocturnal form is often overlooked but look for sore longer or awake with a bruised feeling. Petit mal- from syncope in weak purous called weak or fainting spells steady for cause of anaum or cardiac failure or no cause, therapeutic best is most important by removing the anaum & cardiac failure. Convul Fever Maum in Org Brights - Examine the urine. From Hysterical Convulsion - Hysterical temperament & History, attacks brought on by distinct cause - Consciousness more or less - in falling falls on soft spot. trace of coordination in the movements. expression is ecstatic or wraps or sensuous, therap list, Zone of ovaries irritation or spinal anemia Hist of Sypt: some Org dis of Brain - Tumor involving a motor area cause 'epileptiform' attacks but in intervals passive sign or choked dirty descending neuritis, headache, - the attacks are spasmodic more than epileptic. - and may not low consciousness - History of Syph. Prog. Difficult - Very bad Many cases are singularly controlable & some cured. - If habit be established difficult to cure & frequency & degree. In incipiency with good health it is hopeful but anxious. Treat. Remove predisposing cause first, - Hygiene - mental & physical exercise of proper amount. Most important is to increase its no time to sign and not to check its convulsion alone by drugs Remove cause of reflex irritation and mal assimilation with improper digest & dirt, bowels, urine, Drugs. nutrient N tonic as Cod L. Oil As. Fr. Fn. Aq. An. Ana & debil - [p???] [ton?] & meli Cod L. oil - Fr - As. If irritate to present?- Eg No3 - ZNval - Chl of An or Soda Antispasmodic - Bromide as but Anaf. Bell - Con & Cause & Value a compaint [inert]. Must chang prep of Bromide or suspend administrative - must not depress system by Bornid or cause irritation - Adult do Pot Br gr XV t.d 15 begin increased or combine with NaBr a NH4 Br - if this depress combine Ar & Cod L oil, - If too large dose are to be used give them up & build up system. [Illustration] Wood. Mar 29. 1888. 1 An Cl C = Anodal closing contraction An O C = " opening " K Cl C = Kathodoe closing " K Cl O = " opening " An Cl C < K Cl C An O C > K Cl C An Cl C < K Cl C When 2 substance are brought in contact a galvanic current is generated - It requires contact to generate galvanism. C = Current strength C = e (electro molu force) R (Resistence) e is independant of size of plates. e varies with different substance best is Z & Carbon. R - is under (i-r) & external (er) R= ir = er hence C = C/ir + er (Owens Law) Supp er = 1000 ir C = e/ir + 1000 ir [p????] has more resistance [crossed out] the [illegible] 1000 to overcome ext resist multipy Electi mot force by multiplying number of contacts (more cells). In Arsenic or in caulis Ext resist is our little increase size of Plates. - hence 100 er = ir c= er + 100 ir Int resist reduced by bringing plates near & enlarge plates to have large mass of fluid & of good character of conduction. Measures (resist) of electricity. - volt resist of resistance is - Opium hence C 2 V/U = Ampere but this is too large hence milliampere is now resist of current strength. In organism - a current breaks up into rub currents - [illustration] & each strength is inversely proportional to the resistance If plate be used i milliampere } Mullin 4 Sq inch } method. There is really only one kind of current but 2 as to method of generation, 1 Primary current is bad term. better called chemical current or continued.- Induced or faradic battery, by passing [Ch???] current on Inner coil, or outer coil an induced current is generated. - Current of 1st (inner) coil & current of 2nd coil - made out at making & breaking of inner coil. Soft iron is 1st coil become magnate & attracts its tongue. The currents run in opposite direction & to & for currents - in outer [crossed out] coil & hence no + or - pole. In inner coil do not get both currents as the induced current goes into the bottom In contract occurs with chemical current at closing & opening of the current. By very closely interrupted current as in ordinary dynamo the same effects can be produced as with galvanic current. no differences between different currents. To apply to a nerve - [crossed out] having one sore spot [illustration] wet skin with salt water, to put a large flat [pull] at a distant point. To influence whole new - use 2 ball poles [illustration] Motor point is point of instance of the N . the muscle - bulb pole over in & large pole or other side of limb. Wood. Mar - 31 - 1888 6. Anoder = + Pole Cartride = - Pole An Cl C: K Cl C = K O C = < > An Cl C < K Cl C } muscles normal. An O C > K O C } An Cl C = K Cl C } muscle in first stage An O C = K O C } of degeneration. An Cl C > K Cl C } muscle in more advanced An O C < K O C } stage of degenera. Uses of Electricity. - 1) Diag. 2) Prog. & 3) Treat. 1. Diagnosis. Nervous [crossed out] palsies with 1) organic or 2) hysterical it reacts but is insensible Palsies 1) centric ([crossed out] all above trophu cells of cord) or 2) peripheral : no rapid wasting of lesion of brain but from inaction; rapid wasting if of cells [crossed out] or nerve & show reaction of degeneration. Degree of contraction varies as to position of poles. - at first as in equal - the equal & finally reversal of original formula : by to by fails to respond to any current & now muscle is dead. not over motor points. Changes to faradic current precedes the other changes; - first list to rapid faradic current but to slow current & finally to no faradic current. - may thus diagnose peripheral from central facial palsy or deltoid mostly peripheral. - in [crossed out] children most palsy are ant polio myelitis. - fishing on Sunday monoplegia from Syphilis (something worse). Treat. - In paralysis, can only restore muscle to normal power and perhaps stimulat or but can not affect or centre. 2 factor of Central. Center Periph. normal contract 10 x 10 = 100 clot " 0 (Drain) x 10 = 0 After time [cross out] but the 10 has degree to 2oz 2 x 2 = 4 2 x 10 = 20 but can not get any farther than 20 If traumatic deltoid. - -If triple cells be partly gone the heavily go again after building them up. When use Electric in Palsy; - In Hemiplegia recent does no good as M is not - degenerated, & not to be used until all irritation is passed. Wait 4 weeks or longer - In Deltoid palsy not to be used too early. fomentation & leeches & then 1 or 2 wks. In Polio-myelitis - no inflam. in - ordinary cases but some have inflam use it at once What currents to use? Beneficial power is in proportion to amount of contraction. - Rule Use current produces most contraction with least pain. Time of Senses - Most daily from 3 to 5 min at first on 1 muscle increased gradually to 10 mins. - 1 pole to motor point For Sensory disease. - If from inflam Elect is n.g. only good for neuralgia or rheumatic neuritis (not too early) but use for - 15 -30 min. after a time as in sciatica (tentative) will do good if it relieves pain for the time being, if in other case the Chem current do no good by faradic. In [subacutic] rheumatism after good. In periph & hysterical loss of sensation often does good but not of centric cause. use dry brush [illustration] fails to obey Opi law from point & goes off as little boil. Farad of M erup. does no good but great harm - can not affect spinal cord- 1 Wood - [crossed out] April 3, 1888 Arnica: Tinct - for wounded feeling Item - Witch hazel now used at present - only good for its rubbing in applying there. Arnica can produce irritation & eczema - internaly gartient irrital & collapse. Ichthyol Distil of forrit fish 2 fore - I. Ammonia Sulph I. Potass Sulph. Has 10 Y o S - can freely penetrate the skin. Uses for sufla of not chrome type with enlargement - in Procion very good, in Eczema, in speoius, in glandular enlargements, soft lipomas, Of little or no value internally. In erysipelas value by HgCl2 follow by water, & the equal parts of Ointment & covered with batting. - Both mix well with fatty substances 5 to 15% - In erysipelas 50% 20% for joints Somewhat irritant. Demulcents. Gum Arabic - of but little use - Flaxseed - In making tea hot H2O gets out the oil which is laxative, - Used in inflammation of Gastro-intest tract, [crossed out] - In quick urinary no good - for H2O - h.g. for Rest. Ulcuers fulva - good. Sassafras pills much used as sedation for conjunctivitis. Licorice = Ext glycerrity - has glycerrizzin. - used in cough mixture for taste & action on glands. Compd Lic parlv is excellent laxative Poultices - Means of applying warmth or cold with moisture 2 Wood. April 3. 1888. Post - month memb is hard white & shrivelled, & gast-ent, if the death be late fatty deg especially in Kidney. Loss of Conscious dr to direct action on Cortex of Brain. In full dose It's & Resp at same time - Defining poison to all higher tissue Resp Cunt & Spinal cent mo acted on the It's muscle. Uses - only [crossed out] locally. - It is local anesthetic as in exercise vomiting from nervous sensibility dose gtr ij - iij - In lientui diarrhoea is but remedy. Useful adjeivant in all diar if no inflam be purent - especially for N diarrhoea. In Antispetic surgery - Wood does not believe in spray. f℥j externaly her caused death - watch the urine carefully for its first little smokiness Absorbed as corbolar in intest & also the. - Sulphate - disappeared from urine, parts destroyed, & parts - eliminated & Sulphto carbolar partly as Glycouronic acid Antidote is Soluble necphaleay or late as Mq84 or Nay 804 or H2804 dir - In joints Hydrochinon also in urine [crossed out] Smoky color not dur to Blood coloring matter. In lungs - Prendo memb in the bronchial tube. From apoplexy. - Odor. White color -urine - not hemiplegic. Convulsion are spinal In full doses paral vero-moti center Item perit Purmmoy & Center hence increases Refes at first. Flaxseed is good. Slippen elv is good. Bread & milk. Over-use as in felon as in defenses the part. Stimulating poultices contain a stimulating agent - as Excrement of napoleon's Surgeon, better is yeast poultice by mixing with equal parts of flaxseed & Indian meal - to clean out. Fatty Substances as vetricle for ointments - 3. 1 Lard & Olive Oil. Lanolin - (cholestasis & cholestin fat) 2. Vasellum is mineral is perfectly bland & [crossed out] protects - Is not as readily absorbed as in a true fat hence not used for Hq. Lanolin prepared from Suct (to keep wool of sheep soft). does not go back again on it skin non irritant - vetricle for [In???] in act [illegible] Skin. Antipyretic To depress bodily temper in fever. [crossed out] Carb. Acid is not used as antipyretic but acts like Salicylin but is the most dangerous antipyretic. -Only used as disinfection, stands next to alcohol in causing death fʒj to f℥ss. Sympt, Local irrit, burning pain, ringing, giddin & must disturbance. Large dose - May falls early, use course & covered with sweat gasping irregular Resp. in 3 min. In small dose death in 1-7 hrs. nausea but vary vomit, collapse mental spatty or deliuim replaced by comes, -Resp irregular from ouret death by failure of resp., - sense of dysp if liver, long motion power, ruin at first yellow becoming perish to black. -Some cases have Hemoglobin. 1 Wood. April 7. 1888. Sal Acid Compds. Formed from Carb Acid - is not officinal - Absorbed as salicylate in intestines as Na salt in blood. Sal acid soluble in ether & can not be formd as such from the blood except in blood of asphyxia. Eliminate is very rapid in - 25. 8 mins, - & lasts for 8 hrs after - last dose, - and has tendency to accumulate as for 1 wk. It is local irritant as in the stomach & at point of escape as loosened urine & even resp. pressive or hacenalinia hence hesitate in using it in acute Brigtn 10-20 gr no sympts. Larger dose - Is cinchonism fullness, tinnites aurium (1st evidence of phys action), 2) urine becomes greenish cause unknown but may be indicare or pyrocalichin by partial distinction of Sal acid. In excr as Sect acid in urine & as Salicyluric acid. May dilate pupil, dyspnoa is very constant, put form put increased the diminished, rate increase, its delirum been coma & death from asphyxia of Resp cent. Acts badly especially on Dumt. ands & apt to cause delirium may last for long time & may be with hallucinations Fox dose - Same Sympts In mammal. Circulation - Used dose not at all depressant & may increase Wood. April 7 - 1888 2. f℥j has take life & stimuli & urine. May be given in capsule mx - 4 to 6 a day Salicin. Breaks up in Sal Acid and in urine is forward as Salicyluric acid. It is less irritant & better taste It is broken up ony partg & slowly in Sal acid hence not much used. Salol. 1 At of H of Acid Sal is replaced by Phenol (acid carb). Is ready for from irritant prepertin - much like oil of gaul - the not of bad taste. As Salol in stomach but by pancreatic juice is broken up into Sal acid & phenge without gash intent irritation. But in larger dose urine becomes blackish from Salicyluric acid & its Carbolic compounds. Salol } 36% Carb acid } 64% Sal acid It has distinct antirheumatic power but is less prompt & less efficient - good for subacute rheu & neurage & m rheumat - dose 45 grs -Salol appear as Salurin acid in 1/2 hr but if it lies in Stomach for cancer or weaken of walls of Stomach. Naphthol - salol. 1 H replaced by Beta naphthol. - In intestine is resolved [with] Sal acid & Beta naphthol. Venesection In acute serous infl diseae as Pneum of strong robust adults bleeding from arm may do good.- In acute serous inflam as in all fibrinous pleurisy at first use the wet cup (deplitis) & not dry cup (for pneum or pulmon congest as counte irrit) In peritonitis - leeches 100 A In Exhaustion with right sided heart failure as in Pneumonia or advanced brights. & mistake not Pneum for meningitis acts press by v.m. stimulate & Hs (?) Toxic [d???] - Card failure by direct action, press low by act on v.m syst as well as heart. Sense of weakness & depression in full doses by acting on N syst, Use of M power & depress of reflexes. & marked cutaneous anaesthesia Resp. at first hurried (Skin) late it is slow & shallow. 30 to 60 grs cause fall of tempt in 1/2 - 1 hr & with sweating & is more certain then quinine but also fails, can arrest its sweating by Atrop & Agarcin but tempt still falls; do not depress tempr of normal man but prevents it under exercise. Not used any more to lower bodily tempr. Most powerful agent for Rheumatism (Senator) - by increasing Nitrogen elimination in almost all forms is useful & not only in acute & even good also in Gout (especially irregular) Tart & act in Stou an again it. In acute [Rheum] - 1st Day [crossed out] 45-60 grs 2nd day 30 grs now in 3rd, 4th begin again. May give in capsules on full stomach but its acid form is worst belt use salts. Sal of Cod " " [An???] " " methy 90% in Ol Saul. Sal Soda ʒj = Sal Ammon - prepared item Take Sal ʒj acid & Symp and encrease Stronger fʒj Amm iiss acid draught may give this in milk. Ol Sarrh = All sympts of Sal a pour 1 Wood. April 12 - 1888. Antipyrene. Crept - Sol in nalis. Acts. Little tinnit & [no??] of quartered & tendency to wound - [l???]. Larger dose - In weakness to little lessening of pure fever and rate In death in normal man. In animals. - Lay dose cause convulsion with paralysis - serous dir of cramp asphyxia but of paralytic asphyxia. Convulsion said to be cerebral Motion M. - Slight influence in advanced poisoning but never any complete loss of power. Sens M. - Paralyzes sensation at point of injection Spinal Action depress M or 8 part Depress Muscle a little. Small does unaffect [bluoed-p??] Large " increase " " Lox " depress " " Said to act powerfully on muscle of vessels - said to be haemostatic greater than Lr Ch Fr. Rapidly absorbed & eliminated as antipyrene. If take for long time palor with bluish tink by altering the Haemoglobin into metahaemoglobin [crossed out] Chiefly as antipyretic In normal more gets uncertainly use of tempt at stage of convulsion. In fevered man 20-30 grs tempt falls in 1/2 hr & down by 1 hr - 1° C 2° & continue for 4 to 8 hrs as nature of disease, with for sweating & may be with collapse, can arrest sweating by atropic & agararin & yeh. tempt falls - hence not result of the sweating, nor is it any effect of blood pressure. Cause of fall of tempt is dire to decrease of heat production by acting on nerve center controlly thermogenetic function of the body. Urea eliminate is lessened in fever - checks nutrition fever proven. Uses, - In fever it is very certain it makes firm more comfortable in pneumonia, typhoid & but not so good for the patient as cold bath For pain. Especially of use is those of M origin of that store kind. In locomoti - atexi cri good. In Rheumatic not as good for Boils as Morphine does not form habit nor does its derasy seculi as Morphia. Is said to take away the Labor pain & not interfere with contraction. In convulsion disorders - As in Strychnic, or Epilepsy 1 out of 50. Occasionally acts very unfavorably as rapid cyanosis collapse, loss of consciousness & for sweating. Give 10 or 1/2 to meti result or 30 grs even taken. [crosed out] May keep back measles. Antifebrinis - Same effect both some tender to sleep. - more powerful - gr 10-20. On general system - less is known these of Antipy. - cyanosis also from methameq. - loss of reflex. does not lessen no. of corpuscles. Parado-phenol - mephalic in urine - Some say it change other not. Use - In fever - In pain - In epilepsy.