^Ss^Sil;:-.;;^* NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM D01D7DMtD 1 NATIONAL LIBRARY MEDICINE Washington,D.C. NLM001070469 A TREATISE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE; DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF PRACTITIONERS AND STUDENTS OF MEDICINE. BY AUSTIN FLINT, M.D., LL.D., LATE PROFESSOR OF THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE AND OF CLINICAL MEDICINE IN THE BELLEVUE HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE, NEW YORK, ETC. SIXTH EDITION, REVISED AND LARGELY REWRITTEN BY THE AUTHOR. [, M.D., V ASSISTED BY WILLIAM H. WELCH, PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY IN JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY', BALTIMORE, AND j AUSTIN FLINT, M.D., LL.D., V PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE BELLEVL'E HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE, NEW YORK. l)<>Zz$- PHILADELPHIA: LEA BROTHERS & CO, 1S86. >MTS F623t 19 s:* Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1886, by LEA BROTHERS & CO., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress. All rights reserved. AVestcott & Thomson, Collins Printing .House, Stereolypers and Electrolypers, Philada. Printer, Philada. PREFACE. The Preface to the fifth edition of this treatise, Avritten in December, 1880, might Avell serve as a preface to this, the Sixth Edition, as regards the general statements of the author's aims and labors in bringing " the work, in all respects, up to the level of the present state of advancement in both the Principles and the Practice of Medicine. Time and effort have not been spared for this end." The treatise embraces in its scope, General Pathology, as Avell as Practical Medicine; and, Avhile each of these departments of knowledge Avas in no inconsiderable degree advanced by zealous Avorkers in different countries during the period betAveen the publication of the fourth edition, in 1? j CHAPTER XI. DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Suppurative Hepatitis.—Chronic Interstitial Hepatitis (Cirrhosis).—Hypertrophic Cirrhosis of the Liver .—Syphilitic Hepatitis.—Acute Yellow Atrophy of the Liver....................................593 CHAPTER XII. DISEASES OF THE LIVER (Continued). Fatty Liver.—Parenchymatous Degeneration of the Liver.—Waxy Liver.—Cancer of the Liver.—Other New Growths in the Liver.—Hydatid Tumors of the Liver.— Multilocular Echinococcus.—Other Parasites in the Liver.—Pigmentary Deposits in the Liver.—Hypertrophy and Atrophy of the Liver.—Changes in the Position and in the Shape of the Liver.—Congestion of the Liver.—Portal Thrombosis.— Adhesive and Suppurative Pylephlebitis...................610 CHAPTER XIII. DISEASES OF THE BILIARY PASSAGES.—JAUNDICE. Inflammation of the Biliary Passages.—Dilatation of the Gall-bladder; Cancer of the Gall-bladder.—Jaundice, or Icterus.—Functional Affections of the Liver.....62a CHAPTER XIV. Diseases of the Spleen.—Diseases of the Pancreas.................637 SECTION FIFTH. DISEASES AFFECTING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. CHAPTER I. DISEASES RELATING TO THE CEREBRAL AND THE SPINAL CIRCULATION. Cerebral Hyperemia — Cerebral Anaemia.—Cerebral Embolism and Thrombosis.— Thrombosis of the Cerebral Sinuses.—Capillary Embolism and Thrombosis of the Brain.—Cerebral Hemorrhage.—Topical Diagnosis of Cerebral Diseases.—Men- ingeal Hemorrhage.—Insolation, or Sunstroke.—Hyperaemia and Anaemia of the Spinal Cord and its Meninges.—Spinal Hemorrhage..............644 CHAPTER II. INFLAMMVTORY DISEASES OF THE MENINGES OF THE BRAIN AND OF THE SPINAL COED.-HYDROCEPHALUS.-HYDEORRHACHIS. Pachymeningitis and Hematoma of the Dura Mater.—Simple Acute Cerebral Men- ' iugitis: Auatomical Characters; Clinical History; Causation; Diagnosis; Prog- 690 14 CONTENTS. PAGE nosis ; Treatment. —Chronic Cerebral Meningitis.—Tuberculous Meningitis.— Acute Spinal Meningitis.—Chronic Spinal Meningitis. —Cervical Hypertrophic Meningitis.—Cerebro-spinal Meningitis: Anatomical Characters; Clinical His- tory ; Pathological Character ; Causation ; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Treatment.- Hydrocephalus.—Hydrorrhachis.—Syringo-myelus.............. CHAPTER III. INFLAMMATORY AND STRUCTURAL DISEASES OF THE BRAIN. Encephalitis.—Abscess of the Brain.—Inflammatory Softening of the Brain.—Diffuse Sclerosis of the Brain.—Cerebral Paralysis of Children.—Infantile Spastic Hemi- plegia.—Chronic Bulbar Paralysis.—Acute Bulbar Paralysis.—Intracranial Tu- mors.—Cerebral Syphilis..........................."!•"> CHAPTER IV. INFLAMMATORY AND STRUCTURAL DISEASES OF THE SPINAL COED. General Considerations relating to Inflammatory and Structural Diseases of the Spinal Cord.—Myelitis, Acute and Chronic.—Cerebro-spinal Sclerosis.—Locomotor Ataxia, or Posterior Spinal Sclerosis.—Hereditary Ataxia.—Acute Anterior Polio- myelitis.—Acute Anterior Poliomyelitis in the Adult.—Subacute and Chronic Anterior Poliomyelitis.—Progressive Muscular Atrophy.—Progressive Unilateral Facial Atrophy.—Spastic Spinal Paralysis.—Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.—Com- pression of the Spinal Cord.—Intraspinal Tumors.—Pseudo-hypertrophic (or Myo- sclerotic) Paralysis.—Scleroderma.—Myxcedema................728 CHAPTER V. FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. Coma.—Saturnine Encephalopathy.—Vertigo and Meniere's Disease.—Paralysis, Re- marks on.—Treatment of Functional Paralysis.—General Paralysis.—Hemiplegia. —Paraplegia.—Acute Ascending Paralysis.—Nervous Asthenia, or Neurasthenia. —Spinal Irritation..............................767 CHAPTER VI. DISEASES OF THE NERVES. Neuritis.—Multiple Neuritis.—Peripheral Paralysis.—Paralysis of the Third Cranial Nerve.—Paralysis of the Fourth Cranial Nerve.—Paralysis of the Fifth Cranial Nerve.—Paralysis of the Sixth Cranial Nerve.—Paralysis of the Motor Portion of the Seventh Cranial Nerve.—Paralysis of the Eighth Cranial Nerves.—Paralysis of the Ninth Cranial Nerve.—Local Paralysis of other than Cranial Nerves.—Paraly- sis of the Cervical Sympathetic Nerve.—Paralysis from Lead.—Paralysis from Arsenic, Copper, Mercury, and Phosphorus.—Neuralgia.—Trifacial Neuralgia.— Cervico-occipital Neuralgia.—Cervico-brachial Neuralgia.—Dorso-intercostal Neu- ralgia.—Lumbo-abdominal Neuralgia.—Crural Neuralgia.—Sciatic Neuralgia.— Dermalgia.—Myalgia.—Cephalalgia......................783 • CHAPTER VII. THE NEUROSES. Chorea.—Anomalous Muscular Movements.—Local Spasms.—Tremor.—Epilepsy . . . 813 CHAPTER VIII. THE NEUROSES (Continued). Hysteria.—Hystero-epilepsy.—Catalepsy.—Ecstasy.—Somnambulism.—Tetanus . . . 836 CHAPTER IX. THE NEUROSES (Concluded). Rabies.—Delirium Tremens, Alcoholism.—Hypochondriasis.—Pathophobia.....649 CONTENTS. 15 SECTION SIXTH. DISEASES AFFECTING THE GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM. CHAPTER I. CONGESTION OF THE KIDNEYS.—ACUTE AND CHRONIC BRIGHT'S DISEASE. PAGE Active Congestion of the Kidneys.—Passive Congestion of the Kidneys.—Parenchym- atous Degeneration of the Kidneys.—Fatty Degeneration of the Kidneys.—Acute Bright's Disease.—Chronic Bright's Disease...................662 CHAPTER II. ACUTE INTERSTITIAL OR SUPPURATIVE NEPHRITIS.—DISEASES OF THE URINARY PASSAGES— PERINEPHRITIC ABSCESS. Acute Interstitial or Suppurative Nephritis.—Pyelonephritis : Anatomical Charac- ters ; Clinical History; Causation; Diagnosis; Prognosis ; Treatment.—Pyelitis.— Pyonephrosis.—Hydronephrosis.—Renal Colic and Nephrolithiasis.—Perinephrit- ic Abscess..................................696 CHAPTER III. STRUCTURAL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY.—HEMATURIA.—HEMOGLOBI- NURIA.—DIABETES INSIPIDUS AND DIABETES MELLITUS— SEXUAL DIS- ORDERS. Renal Cysts.—Cystic Degeneration of the Kidneys.—Hydatids of the Kidney.—Renal Tuberculosis.—Carcinoma of the Kidney.—Movable Kidney.—Renal Haematuria.— Endemic Hematuria.—Haemoglobinuria.—Malarial Hematuria.—Chyluria.—Dia- betes Insipidus.—Diabetes Mellitus : Clinical History; Causation ; Diagnosis; Prog- nosis ; Treatment. — Involuntary Seminal Emissions. — Spermatorrhoea. — Impo- tence ....................................910 SECTION SEVENTH. FEVERS AND OTHER GENERAL DISEASES. CHAPTER I. CLASSIFICATION AND PATHOLOGY OF FEVER.—FEBRICULA.—CONTINUED FEVERS. Classification of Fevers.—The General Pathology of Fever—Febricula—Typhoid Fever: Anatomical Characters and Clinical History..............944 CHAPTER II. CONTINUED FEVERS (Continued). Causation of Tvphoid Fever; Diagnosis; Prognosis.-Typhus Fever: Anatomical Characters; Clinical-History: Causation; Diagnosis; Prognosis........963 CHAPTER III. CONTINUED FEVERS (Continued). Treatment of Typhus and Tvphoid Fevers.-Relapsing Fever: Anatomical Charac- ters- Clinical History; Causation; Diagnosis; Pro-nosis; Treatment. —Erysipe- latous Fever -Epidemic Fever characterized by Mild Erythematic Pharyngitis . 976 16 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. PERIODICAL FEVERS. PAGE Intermittent Fever: Anatomical Characters; Clinical History; Causation: Diagnosis; Prognosis; Treatment.—Pernicious Intermittent Fever............i/J" CHAPTER V. PERIODICAL FEVERS (Concluded). Simple Remittent and Typho-malarial Fever: Anatomical Characters; Clinical His- tory ; Pathological Character and Causation: Diagnosis; Prognosis; Treatment. —Pernicious Remittent Fever.—Yellow Fever: Anatomical Characters; Clinical History; Causation ; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Treatment; Prevention......1011 CHAPTER VI. ERUPTIVE FEVERS. Variola, or Smallpox : Anatomical Characters ; Clinical History; Causation ; Diag- nosis; Prognosis; Treatment.—-Varioloid, or Modified Smallpox. — Vaccinia, or Cowpox.—Varicella, or Chicken-pox.....................102-? CHAPTER VII. ERUPTIVE FEVERS (Continued). Scarlatina, or Scarlet Fever: Anatomical Characters; Clinical History; Causation; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Treatment......................1051 CHAPTER VIII. ERUPTIVE FEVERS (Continued). Rubeola, or Measles: Clinical History; Causation; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Treat- ment.— Roseola.—Rotheln—Dengue.................. . . 1065 CHAPTER IX. DIPHTHERIA.—MILK SICKNESS. Diphtheria : Anatomical Characters; Clinical History; Pathological Character; Causa- tion ; Diagnosis: Prognosis ; Treatment.—Milk Sickness............1074 CHAPTER X. ACUTE, SUBACUTE, AND CHRONIC ARTICULAR RHEUMATISM. Acute Articular Rheumatism: Clinical History; Pathological Character; Causation; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Treatment.—Subacute and Chronic Articular Rheumatism . 1092 CHAPTER XI. GOUT.—RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Gout: Anatomical Characters: Clinical History; Pathological Character; Causation ; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Treatment.—Rheumatoid Arthritis...........1106 CHAPTER XII. SCORBUTUS.—PURPURA.—HAEMOPHILIA. Scorbutus, or Scurvy: Anatomical Characters: Clinical History; Pathological Charac- ter; Causation; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Prevention; Treatment.—Purpura Sim- plex, Purpura Rheumatica, and Purpura Haemorrhagica.—Haemophilia .... 1104 THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MEDICIXE. INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. Scope of the term Medicine—Use of the term in contradistinction to Surgery and Obstet- rics—Subdivisions of the Different Departments of Medicine, or Specialties—The Gen- eral Object of this Work—Meaning of the phrase Principles and Practice of Medicine —Definition of Pathology—Division into General and Special Pathology—Nomencla- ture of Diseases—Subdivisions of General Pathology : namely, Morbid Anatomy, in- cluding Morbid Changes of the Fluids of the Body; Etiology; Symptomatology; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Prophylaxis, and Therapeutics—Relations of these Subdivis- ions to Special as well as to General Pathology—Definition of Disease—Definition of Health—Relationship of Pathology to Physiology—Progress of Pathological Knowledge. EDICINP], in the largest sense of the term, comprehends everything pertaining to the knowledge and cure of disease. In a more restricted sense the term is used in contradistinction to Surgery and Obstetrics. The latter are properly departments of Medicine in the comprehensive sense of the term, and, although they may be cultivated separately, they cannot be disconnected from principles which are common to them and to Medicine in its restricted sense. The medical profession embraces all who devote them- selves to the study and practice of medicine proper, surgery, and obstetrics, either separately or combined. The physician is a member of the profession who devotes his attention to the diseases which belong to the department of medicine proper—i. e. medicine in the restricted sense of the term. The physician may, or may not, undertake the duties whicli belong to surgery and obstetrics. In this country most physicians are, of necessity, to a greater or less extent, also surgeons and obstetricians—in other words, general practi- tioners. It is only in cities and large towns that practitioners can devote themselves exclusively or chiefly to surgery and obstetrics as separate departments of medicine. The distinction of physican, surgeon, and obstetri- cian in this country is purely conventional. The only degree conferred by our universities and medical colleges is that of Doctor of Medicine, which authorizes the practice of either or all the departments, and the same is true of licenses to practise medicine. The division of medicine into the three departments which have been named is natural, and has contributed to the knowledge acquired in each department. Subdivisions have also been found convenient and useful. The latter are commonly known as .specialties, and they who devote themselves to M 18 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. particular subdivisions are called specialists. The more important of the sub- divisions now recognized as specialties are affections of the eye and ear, of the skin, of the genito-urinary system, diseases peculiar to females, orthopaedic surgery, disorders of the mind and nervous system, diseases of the throat, nose, and larynx, and of the heart and lungs. Specialties result from an increase of knowledge rendering it difficult or impossible for one mind to com- pass all that has been ascertained in each of the three departments of medi- cine. The special cultivation of the several subdivisions of medicine leads to a further development of knowledge relating to each subdivision, and hence conduces to the progress of medicine. But as the great principles of medicine are common to medicine proper, surgery, and obstetrics, so with regard to the subdivisions: they cannot be completely isolated from the departments to which they respectively belong. A particular class of affections cannot be studied satisfactorily to the entire exclusion of others and without reference to the general laws of disease. Directing the attention exclusively to a specialty leads to the habit of attributing to it an undue relative promi- nence, and of regarding the diseases belonging to it as of paramount import- ance, when they may be secondary or merely incidental to others which, from being overlooked or not sufficiently appreciated, fail to receive appropriate treatment. It is never advisable to pursue medical studies with exclusive reference to a specialty, or to adopt one at the outset of medical practice. The object of this work is to present the outlines of Medicine proper; that is, of Medicine in contradistinction to Surgery and Obstetrics. The Princi- ples and Practice of Medicine is a title of this department considered as a province of medical teaching. This title is here adopted in preference to others, used by English and American authors, such as the Theory and Prac- tice of Physic, General and Special Pathology, Pathology and Practical Medi- cine, or the Science and Practice of Medicine. The Principles and Practice of Medicine comprehend everything pertaining directly to the knowledge and cure of those diseases which the physician is called upon to treat. The province of medical teaching thus designated properly enough embraces the prevention of disease, and it ma}* include anything which concerns the con- duct of the physician in the treatment of patients affected with disease. The study of disease as a province of scientific knowledge is called Path- ology. This province consists of two important divisions—namely, General and Sjiecial Pathology. It is desirable to have a clear understanding of the terms which distinguish these two divisions of pathology. Diseases are pre- sented in particular forms or species, constituting what are commonly known as individual diseases. The circumstances which give to the different diseases their individuality will be noticed hereafter. Now, the study of individual diseases constitutes special pathology. On the other hand, there are morbid conditions which are not peculiar to any individual disease, but are common to a greater or less number of diseases. The study of these conditions con- stitutes general pathology. Inflammation, for example, is a morbid condition which exists in a large number of individual diseases. The study of inflam- mation as a condition common to different diseases belongs to general path- ology, while the study of the individual inflammatory diseases belongs to special pathology. To take another illustration : a morbid condition which enters into a number of individual diseases is called fever. In this sense of the term fever it belongs to general pathology, but the study of the different forms of fever, or individual fevers, belongs to special pathology. The rela- tion of general to special pathology is analogous to the relation of general to special anatomy, the former describing the several tissues which enter into the composition of the different organs of the body, and the latter describing the particular organs composed of the tissues. As the number of tissues is small INTR OD UCTOR Y CHA PTER. 19 in comparison with the number of organs, so the morbid conditions belongin- to general pathology are few as compared with the great number of diseases belonging to special pathology. The province of medical teaching, entitled the Principles and Practice of Medicine, comprises both general and special pathology. The subjects which belong to the principles of medicine are derived from general pathology. The principles of medicine and general pathology are, in fact, synonymous terms, each term having the same scope of application. And, in like manner, the subjects which belong to the practice of medicine are derived from special pathology. These two terms relate to the same division of pathological knowledge, the former term being somewhat more comprehensive in its scope than the latter. The principles of medicine thus, on the one hand, and the practice of medicine on the other hand, constitute divisions which coincide with the two divisions of pathology distinguished as general and special. Moreover, these divisions are in accordance with the distinctions expressed by the terms Science and Art. " Science is knowledge reduced to principles; art is knowledge reduced to practice." The principles of medicine constitute medical science ; the practice of medicine is the exercise of medical art. The object of this work being to present the outlines of both the principles and the practice of medicine, or of both general and special pathology, or, again, of medical science and art, it will be divided into two parts corresponding to these divisions. The outlines of the Principles of Medicine, or General Path- ology, will form the First Part of the work, and the Second Part will be devoted to the Practice of Medicine, or Special Pathology. In adopting this arrangement, however, I shall not be bound by it so closely as to treat of the topics belonging to general pathology exclusively in the first part of the work. It will be more convenient to defer the consideration of some of these topics, and to treat of them incidentally in connection with individual diseases. Moreover, I shall treat of general .pathology in its relation to medicine, pass- ing over or noticing very briefly those topics which are chiefly important in a surgical point of view. Although the general principles of pathology are common to both medicine and surgery, certain topics have relations especially to either the one or the other of these departments. The terms medical path- ology and surgical pathology are used in conformity with this distinction. The subjects of General Pathology—namely, the morbid conditions common to a greater or less number of individual diseases—are to be considered under various points of view; hence this division of pathology admits of several subdivisions. One point of view relates to nomenclature, or the naming of diseases. The great desideratum in nomenclature, as applied to diseases, is that the name of each disease shall express the morbid condition involved and its situation. The names which were formerly applied to different forms of disease were frequently fanciful, and many of these are still in use, owing to the difficulty and inconvenience of displacing them after they have become established in medical literature; and in not a few instances it is by no means easy, with our existing knowledge of the essential character of morbid condi- tions, to substitute more appropriate names. Some approach, however, has been made toward a nomenclature which shall measurably secure the advan- tages derived from this source in other branches of knowledge, more espe- cially in chemistry. The existence of inflammation, which enters into so large a number of individual diseases, is expressed by the suffix ids (t'rr^) added to the anatomical name of the part affected. Thus, bronchitis, pneu- monitis, pleuritis, peritonitis, etc. are names denoting the inflammatory cha- racter of the diseases to which they refer and the particular structure which is the seat of the inflammation. The suffix rhoea (psu) denotes the existence of the morbid condition known as transudation, or flux, occurring in a situa- 20 IXTR OD ECTOR Y CIIA PTER. tion where the liquid escapes upon a mucous surface: examples are enteror- rhoea, bronchorrhcea, gastrorrhcea, cystorrhu-a, terms which have not, as yet, come sufficiently into vogue. The suffix rhagia (Jn^vop-C) expresses a flow of blood, or hemorrhage from a mucous surface : examples are metrorrhagia, gastrorrhagia, enterorrhagia, bronchorrhagia, in like manner terms which have not displaced others in common use. The suffix algia (alyoq) signifies a mor- bid condition characterized by pain without inflammation. Thus, neuralgia is a general term applied to this condition affecting any nerve or nerves ; gas- tralgia, enteralgia, pleuralgia, etc. are terms severally expressing the neur- algic character of the affection and its seat. Words ending in semia (aipa) are applied to certain morbid conditions of the blood: examples are anaemia (impoverishment of the blood), uraemia (morbid accumulations of urea in the blood), septicaemia (putrid infection of the blood), and pyaemia (purulent infection of the blood). Words ending in uria (oupov) are applied to certain morbid conditions of the urine : examples are albuminuria, haematuria, oxa- luria. The prefix hydro (udwp') denotes a dropsical affection of the part named ; as, hydrothorax, hydrocephalus, hydro-peritoneum, hydro-pericardium. The prefix pneumo (nveupa) denotes the presence of air in the part; as pneumo- thorax, pneumopericardium. The name of an inflammatory disease to which peri is prefixed signifies inflammation of the membrane investing the part inflamed, and the prefix para denotes inflammation of the neighboring con- nective tissue: examples are perihepatitis, perinephritis, parametritis, etc. The suffix pathy (izaOoq) is used to express the fact of a morbid condition of a part without indicating its character : instances are arthropathy and encepha- lopathy. A termination in oma signifies a tumor, as sarcoma, carcinoma, myxoma. It is thus seen that the effort to introduce names expressive of the charac- ter and seat of morbid conditions has, in a measure, succeeded. Further improvement in nomenclature will doubtless be made as our pathological knowledge increases. An important subdivision of General Pathology relates to the appreciable morbid changes of the solids and fluids of the body. The study of all changes appreciable by the naked eye or with the help of the microscope constitutes a branch of pathology of great importance called morbid anatomy. Morbid anatomy is not confined to the study of the changes which occur in the tis- sues or solid parts; it embraces any changes which the eye can appreciate in the fluids of the body. The latter, not less than the former, are to be distin- guished as anatomical, whereas those changes which are not visible either with the naked eye or by means of the microscope, but require for their detection processes of analysis or the employment of reagents, are usually considered as falling, not within the scope of morbid anatomy, but within the domain of animal chemistry. Morbid changes not visible or not yet ascertained with our present means of observation are distinguished afunctional, and are also said to be dynamic. Doubtless in all the so-called functional or dynamic devia- tions from health there are either molecular or cellular—that is anatomical__ changes at present inappreciable, or at all events undiscovered, which may be hereafter ascertained by continued investigation with improved means of observation. Appreciable anatomical changes are distinguished as lesions. The study of the minute anatomy of the tissues and fluids of the body with the microscope is called Histology, and the term Morbid or Pathological His- tology is sometimes used to designate that part of morbid anatomy relating to those abnormal changes which are the objects of microscopical research. The study of the origin and development of pathological processes is called Patho- genesis. Anatomical changes, or lesions, belong to general pathology in so far as IX TR OD UCTOR Y CIIA PTER. 21 they are common to a greater or less number of individual diseases. Their consideration, as involved in individual diseases, enters into special pathology, or the practice of medicine. Such is the extent as well as importance ^of morbid anatomy that it constitutes a distinct branch of medical knowledge. Ireatises are specially devoted to it; and these are to be studied, in conjunction with the examination of morbid specimens, in order to become fully and prac- tically acquainted with the various alterations in structure, form, size, etc. which are incident to disease. It is a fact, however, not to be lost sight of, that lesions do not constitute, but are the results of, disease. In other words,' they are always due to underlying morbid actions or processes which may not. be directly appreciable or well understood, but in which really consists the local disease. This fact, although obvious, is liable to be overlooked. Lesions are of course serious or otherwise according to their character, their situation, and the amount of structural change involved. In Part First will be found the outlines of general medical pathology, and in Part Second is given a con- cise account of the lesions characterizing different individual diseases. Another subdivision of General Pathology relates to the causation of dis- ease. The study of the causes of disease is called Etiology. As belonging to General Pathology, or the Principles of Medicine, this branch of medical knowledge will be considered in Part First of the work ; and the causes involved in the production of each of the individual diseases will be embraced in the account of the latter in Part Second. The great number and variety of phenomena or events to which disease gives rise constitute another subdivision of General Pathology. These phe- nomena or events are called symptoms, and their study constitutes a branch of medical knowledge called Symptomatology or Scmciulogy. Considerations relating to symptomatology, as belonging to General Pathology, will claim attention in Part First; and the symptoms of individual diseases respectively, forming, as they do, a highly important part of Special Pathology, or the Practice of Medicine, will be considered in Part Second. Closely connected with Symptomatology is another subdivision of General Pathology, called Diagnosis. Diagnosis is the discrimination of diseases from each other. General considerations relating to this branch of medical know- ledge will enter into Part First. In treating of individual diseases in Part Second the means of discriminating them will be found to possess an import- ance second only to their treatment, and to be an essential prerequisite for the latter. Another subdivision which will claim notice in both parts of this work is Prognosis, or the prediction of the termination of diseases. The prevention of disease forms a branch of medical knowledge called Prophylaxis. This belongs alike to General and Special Pathology. Lastly, the treatment of disease is called Therapeutics. General principles relating to the treatment of disease may be appropriately considered in con- nection with General Pathology. This portion of the subject is distinguished as General Therapeutics. I shall devote to it, together with prophylaxis, a chapter in Part First. It is hardly necessary to add that the treatment of individual diseases, distinguished as Special Therapeutics, is, in a practical view, the most important of the different aspects under which they are to be considered, being, in fact, the great end of both the principles and the practice of medicine. It is thus seen that the subdivisions of General Pathology, which will be taken up in the first part of this work, represent also the different points of view under which individual diseases are to be considered in the second part of the work ; that is, individual diseases, as well as the morbid conditions common to a greater or less number of diseases, are to be considered with 00 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. reference to the morbid changes, either of solids or fluids, which they may respectively involve, together with their causes, their symptoms, their dis- crimination or diagnosis, their prognosis, their prevention, and their treatment. Morbid anatomy, etiology, symptomatology, diagnosis, prognosis, prophylaxis, considered as branches of medical knowledge, belong to General Pathology, and to these may be added general therapeutics ; and, on the other hand. Special Pathology, or the Practice of Medicine, considers the truths contained in these subdivisions of General Pathology in their application to individual diseases. Pathology has been defined as the study of disease, but disease has not yet been defined. The definition of disease is confessedly difficult. It is easier to define it by negation, to say what it is not, than to give a positive defini- tion—that is, a definition based either on the nature or essence of the thing defined or on its distinctive attributes. Disease is an absence or deficiency of health, but this is only to transfer the difficulty, for the question at once arises, How is health to be defined ? And to define health is not less difficult than to define disease. If all the tissues and organs of the body have their normal integrity and properties, if the fluids of the body be in no respect abnormal, if all the functions of the organism be completely and harmoni- ously performed, health undoubtedly exists. But this perfection of health, is purely ideal; it never actually exists. An examination of the bodies of the healthiest persons would probably reveal lesions of some kind ; certain devia- tions from the normal composition of the different fluids are not inconsistent with the evidences of health in other respects; functions of different parts may be disordered to a certain extent without sufficient disturbance to consti- tute disease. Gradations of health are implied in the qualifications of this term in common use. If the term health expressed a well-defined state, it would be a pleonasm to add to the term, as is often done, the adjectives good, excellent, etc.; and, on the other hand, to speak of health as poor, bad, mis- erable, etc. would involve a solecism. In short, health and disease are so imperceptibly merged into each other that the line of demarcation cannot be drawn with precision. And this is true of other departments of knowledge. It is not easy, for example, to settle upon the characters which mark the boundaries of the animal and the vegetable kingdom. But as there is rarely any practical embarrassment in distinguishing an animal from a vegetable, so with regard to health : if an important disease of any kind exist, the fact of its existence is in most cases sufficiently obvious. If, however, it be desirable to define disease otherwise than by saying that it is the absence or deficiency of health, the definition proposed by Chomel is. perhaps, as good as any other. According to this author, disease may be defined to be a notable disorder affecting more or less of the constituent parts of the living organism as regards either their material constitution or the exercise of their functions.1 By regarding disease as the absence or deficiency of health we are led to the consideration of the relationship of pathology to physiology. Physiology studies the operations which go on in the healthy organism. The morbid conditions which are the subject of pathological study are these operations disordered or perverted. Pathology has been called morbid physiology. Both are, in fact, parts of one science, the science of life, or biology. Both are alike occupied with vital properties, actions, and processes, the difference being that physiology investigates them under the circumstances of health, 1"TJn desordre notable survenu, soit dans la disposition materielle des parties con- stituentes, du corps vivant, soit dans l'exercise des fonctions." For an enumeration of the various definitions proposed by different writers, and some excellent remarks on the subject, the same author may be consulted: Elemens de Patholoyie generate, quatrieme edition. INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. 23 and pathology under the circumstances of disease. The division is arbitrary, although sufficiently marked and appropriate. Such being the relationship of pathology to physiology, it might be expected that the former would advance in proportion to the progress of the latter. This is measurably true. While our knowledge of pathological conditions does not consist of deductions from what is known of the operations within the organ- ism in health, but is derived from the direct study of disease, every import- ant physiological discovery sheds more or less light on the department of pathology. In striving to penetrate into the nature of morbid conditions, it is evident that the chief difficulty arises from the imperfection of our knowledge of the properties, actions, and processes of health. There will be frequent occasions in the progress of this work to remark that the pathologist may expect to be better able to explain the phenomena of disease when the physiologist has succeeded in elucidating more fully the phenomena of health. In proceeding now to present the outlines of Medicine the aim of the author will be to give a truthful representation of pathological knowledge as it exists at the present moment. The progress of pathological knowledge has wrought, within late years, much change in both the principles and practice of medicine. Concerning further progress and its effects, it would be in vain to speculate; but it is not to be expected that a faithful exposition of med- icine as it exists at the present moment will serve as a lasting guide for the student and practitioner. And in the study of medicine next in importance to an acquaintance with what is actually known is a just appreciation of the limits of our present knowledge. The latter is often important as regards its bearing on the treatment of disease, and it conduces to a condition of mind most favorable for either contributing to, or keeping pace with, the continued progress of knowledge. PART I. PRINCIPLES OF MEDICINE, OR GENERAL PATHOLOGY, CHAPTER I. DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION. Local Anaemia—Hyperaemia—Hemorrhage—Thrombosis and Embolism—Dropsy. THE subjects embraced in General Pathology may be classified and con- sidered under the following headings: 1. Disturbances of the circulation. 2. Inflammation. 3. Active alterations of the tissues. 4. Passive alterations of the tissues. 5. General pathology of the blood. The disturbances of the circulation embrace local anaemia, hypersemia, hem- orrhage, thrombosis and embolism, and dropsy. Local Anaemia. Local ansemia, or ischsemia, signifies a deficiency of blood in a part. Gen- eral anaemia, or oligemia, will be considered in connection with the pathology of the blood. Local anaemia is due either to an increase of the resistance naturally offered to the flow of blood through a part or to the presence of new obstacles within or outside of the vessel. Increase of the natural resistance is caused by contraction of the arteries in consequence of direct stimulation of their muscular coat or under vaso-motor nervous influence. The pallor of the skin from the effects of cold, and that of the face at the onset of an epileptic paroxysm or in consequence of violent emotions, are examples of local anaemia in consequence of spasm of the arteries. Athe- roma, obliterating endarteritis, thrombosis, and embolism may be cited as causes of local anaemia acting within the vessels ; compression of the arteries by tumors, exudations, or bandages illustrates the effect of external agents. As will be explained in treating of embolism and thrombosis, the presence or the absence of anastomoses is of great importance in determining the degree of anamia which follows the obstruction of a blood-vessel. By collateral anae- mia is understood the diminution in the amount of blood in a part in conse- quence of its excessive accumulation in other parts. An anaemic part is generally pale, shrunken, dry, and, if exposed to the air, cool. The effects of lon^-continued and marked anannia of a part are atrophy and frequently fatty defeneration. If the anaunia be extreme, death of tissue may result. 25 26 DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION. Hypersemia. An increased amount of blood in the vessels of a part constitutes hyper- semia. Two forms of hyperemia are recognized—active or arterial, and passive or venous. Active hyperaemia is also called fluxion. The term con- gestion is generally employed as a synonym for hyperamia, although some understand by congestion only active hyperaemia. In active hyperaemia an increased amount of blood is brought to a part by the arteries. The usual cause of active hyperaemia is a relaxation of the muscular coats of the arteries of a part, so that there results a diminution of the resistance naturally offered by the arterial tonus to the circulation of the blood. This relaxation may be the result of irritation of vaso-dilator nerves (neuro-tonic congestion), or of paralysis of vaso-constrictor nerves (neuro-paralytic con- gestion), or of some influence acting directly upon the coats of the arteries. Although these three modes of production of active congestion have been proven, it is not generally easy in a given case to determine which of the three factors is involved. Collateral or compensatory hyperaemia is the transmission of an increased amount of blood to a part in consequence of local anaemia of another, usually an adjacent, part. The sudden removal of long-continued pressure upon the arteries may be a cause of active hyperamia; as, for instance, the over-dis- tension of the abdominal vessels following rapid withdrawal of large accumu- lations of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. In active hyperamia the velocity of the blood-current is usually increased. The affected part is bright red in color, swollen, and, if superficial, warmer than normal. Active hyperaemia is usually an acute, transitory condition. Passive hypersemia is due to some obstruction to the flow of blood in the veins. From the nature of the obstruction it is also called mechanical hyper- amia and venous hyperaemia, inasmuch as it is venous blood which accumu- lates in the parts. Passive hyperaemia is frequently a chronic condition. The abnormal hindrances may be either within or without the veins. Thrombi are the most frequent obstacles within the veins. General venous hyperamia follows obstruction to the flow of blood through the heart. The veins may be compressed from without by clothing, bandages, tumors, exudations, newly- formed fibrous tissue, etc. By hypostasis or hypostatic congestion is understood venous hyperamia of dependent parts of the body under the influence of gravity and of enfeebled heart's action. In most parts of the body the anastomoses between the veins are so many that a single vein, or even several, may be obstructed without serious disturbance of the circulation. Occlusion of the portal vein cannot be compensated for thus by collateral circulation. Venous hyperamia of the lower extremity also follows thrombosis of the femoral vein, inasmuch as the arrangement of the valves in the anastomosing veins does not permit the formation of a sufficient collateral circulation. In passive hyperamia the blood is dammed back upon the veins and capil- laries of the part, the velocity of the circulation is lessened, the vessels become over-distended with blood, frequently a transudation of serum and a diapedesis of red blood-corpuscles ensue, and an increased amount of lymph flows from the obstructed region. The affected part is usually bluish-red in color, swollen, frequently cedematous, and, if exposed to the air, cooler than normal. The diagnosis of hyperamia cannot always be made upon post- mortem examination, as the distribution of blood may vary greatly from that present during life. This is particularly true of active hyperaemia. HEMORRHAGE. 27 Hemorrhage. Hemorrhage is the escape of blood through the walls of the vessels or of the heart. When the extravasation is through the ruptured wall of a vessel, it is called hemorrhage by rhexis; when the red blood-corpuscles are pressed through the unruptured vascular wall, it is denominated hemorrhage by dia- P'cbsis, or simply diapedesis. When the hemorrhages are minute, they are called petechise or ecchymoses; when the blood infiltrates a circumscribed part of the tissues uniformly without tearing them, the extravasation is a hemorrhagic infarction ; when the escaped blood forms a tumor, it is called a haematoma. According to the source of the blood, hemorrhages are classified as cardiac, arterial, capillary, and venous. The causes of hemorrhage by rhexis are various, and the consideration of many of them belongs to the domain of surgery. Rupture of healthy vascular walls is usually due to traumatism or to local elevation of the blood-pressure. Newly-formed blood-vessels, such as those in granulation-tissue and in tumors, easily rupture in consequence of the imperfect development of their coats. Of the diseases which weaken the walls of the vessels and favor their rupture, the most important are aneur- ism, atheroma, ulcerative processes acting from without, infiltration of the vascular walls by new growths or inflammatory products, and fatty degen- eration. Elevation of the general blood-pressure probably never causes rupture of healthy vessels, but it may contribute to the giving way of those which are diseased. Hemorrhage by diapedesis occurs in venous hyperamia, in inflammation, in hemorrhagic infarctions, and in districts in which the circulation of blood has been temporarily arrested for many hours. In these cases it is probably due to nutritive changes in the vascular walls, which are thereby rendered more permeable. These assumed changes, however, cannot be recognized by our present means of investigation. The red blood-corpuscles pass through the walls of the veins, and especially of the capillaries, making their way through the cement-substance between the endothelial cells. Diapedesis is a passive process as far as the red corpuscles are concerned. Hemorrhages by diapedesis are generally small, but exceptionally they are considerable. It is not always possible to determine whether an extravasation is the result of rhexis or of diapedesis. Many diseases are accompanied by a hemorrhagic tendency, such as pur- pura, scurvy, phosphorus-poisoning, leucocythamia, pernicious anamia, and a number of infectious diseases, as septicamia, yellow fever, smallpox, and malignant endocarditis. The hemorrhage in many of these cases is doubt- less due to a weakened condition of the vessel-walls in consequence of the disordered composition of the blood ; but whether the blood escapes by rhexis or by diapedesis has not been established in the majority of instances. In some septic diseases attended by capillary hemorrhages, such as malignant endocarditis, hemorrhagic smallpox, and hamophilia neonatorum, blood-ves- sels plugged with colonies of micrococci have been found in the ecchymosed districts; but in many similar cases no relation could be demonstrated between the hemorrhages and the presence of bacteria. The changes which take place in a hemorrhagic extravasation lead to the o-radual absorption of most of its constituents. The fluid parts are absorbed ; The fibrin becomes granular and is taken up; the white blood-corpuscles, in part, wander into the tissues and the absorbents, but in greater part disinte- grate and are absorbed. Some of the red corpuscles are carried away by the lymphatics, others remain and undergo pigmentary transformations. The formation of pigment takes place, in great part, in wandering cells, which 28 DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION. take up the corpuscles or fragments of them. The resulting granular and crystalline hamatoidin pigment may remain in the cells or be set free. Thus. only pigment may remain to tell of the former extravasation, and even this pigment may be in time absorbed. These changes may be complicated by acute and chronic inflammatory processes. The formation of so-called apoplec- tic cysts in the brain will be described in treating of cerebral hemorrhage. Thrombosis and Embolism. A thrombus is a coagulum formed during life in the heart or in the vessels. A thrombus is designated as occluding when it completely fills the interior of the vessel, and as parietal when it only partially obstructs the vessel to the wall of which it is attached. The formation of the thrombus is the result of some change in the vas- cular walls. The normal condition of the endothelial lining of the vessels is essential to the preservation of the fluid state of the blood. Structural changes which impair the endothelium are causes of thrombosis. ^ The most important of these changes are inflammation, atheroma, calcification, degen- erations, tumors, injury, and compression of the vessels. Retardation of the circulation is a most important cause of thrombosis. It acts also by impair- ing the nutrition of the vascular endothelium. Thus are explained the thrombi formed in aneurisms and in varices. The so-called marantic throm- bi are the result of great weakening of the circulation from extreme debility and from much-enfeebled heart's action. The veins of the lower extremities and of the pelvis, the appendix of the right auricle and the apex of the right ventricle, and, in children, the cerebral sinuses, are favorite seats of marantic thrombi. They often begin to form in the pockets of the valves in the veins of the lower extremities. A thrombus usually extends at least from the point of its formation to the nearest branch given off from the vessel; it may extend farther forward and backward, and may grow into the collateral branches. A thrombus is composed of fibrin and blood-corpuscles. It is now gen- erally believed that fibrin is the result of some reaction between fibrinogen found in solution in plasmatic fluids and one or more substances produced by the destruction of protoplasmatic elements. In the mammalian blood the protoplasmatic elements which come into consideration are the leucocytes and the minute bodies known as blood-plates. According to the popular theory of Schmidt, the leucocytes play the chief role and furnish fibrino-plastin and fibrin ferment. Of these, fibrin ferment is the most important, if not the sole active element. That the blood-plates have an important share in the forma- tion of thrombi seems to be established. Thrombi vary in structure according to their formation from blood in mo- tion or at rest. Red, white, and mixed, thrombi are thus distinguished. Red thrombi are formed from blood at rest—as, for instance, in a vessel enclosed between two ligatures—and are composed of red and white corpuscles and fibrin combined in the same proportions as in a blood-clot outside of the body. Most thrombi are formed from the blood in motion. Such thrombi are gray- ish or reddish-gray in color. Zahn, who studied experimentally the produc- tion of these thrombi in the mesenteric vessels of frogs, found that they were caused by an accumulation of white blood-corpuscles, and his conclu- sions have been universally accepted. It has, however, recently been shown by those who have observed the process in the vessels of warm-blooded ani- mals that the white thrombi are produced by an accumulation of blood- plates.1 Recent white thrombi, when examined microscopically, are found to 1 Bizzozero, Lubnitzky, Eberth and Schimmelbusch, and Osier. THROMBOSIS AND EMBOLISM. 29 consist of fibrin, much granular material, and a variable number of intact red and white blood-corpuscles. The granular material, according to the older view, is the result of the disintegration of leucocytes, but according to a later view it consists of blood-plates or their fragments. It is of great practical importance to be able to distinguish between thrombi and decolorized post-mortem clots, particularly those which are found in the cavities of the heart, and which are so often erroneously assigned by the inexperienced as the cause of death. Thrombi are opaque, granular in appear- ance, distinctly stratified, and adherent to the wall of the vessels. Decolor- ized post-mortem clots consist of a lower, red cruor mass and an upper yellowish-white fibrinous material; they have a gelatinous, moist, translucent appearance, are not distinctly stratified, and are not intimately adherent to the vascular wall. A thrombus after its formation undergoes organization, softening, or calcifi- cation. The so-called organization of a thrombus results in the formation of vascularized connective tissue in the place of the thrombus. The thrombus itself breaks down and is absorbed, taking no part in the formation of the new tissue. The process of organization is essentially an obliterating endar- teritis, the new connective tissue being derived either from fixed cells in the walls of the vessel (endothelium), or from wandering cells which have escaped by emigration from the vasa vasorum or the surrounding tissues. The new blood-vessels communicate with the vasa vasorum and also with the lumen of the occluded vessel. Partly by the latter communication, but chiefly by the contraction of the new connective tissue, canals may be formed which con- nect the interior of the vessel on the peripheral side of the thrombus with that on the central side. By this so-called canalization of the thrombus, the circulation may be re-established nearly in its old channels. It is important to distinguish two kinds of softening of a thrombus. The one is simple, or bland softening ; the other is mycotic, or septic softening. In simple softening the central part of the thrombus breaks down into a grayish pulp which maybe more or less stained with altered blood-pigment, and which in its gross appearance resembles pus. This pulp consists of fatty and albu- minous granules, fatty degenerated leucocytes, and blood-pigment. This form of softening is particularly common in the globular thrombi of the heart, which are thereby made to resemble abscesses or cysts with purulent contents. In consequence of the softening, fragments of the thrombus are easily broken off, and are transported by the blood-current as emboli, which in this case are of a bland nature. Far more serious is septic softening. This occurs in infec- tious thrombi. Here the thrombus and the softened mass contain bacteria, chiefly micrococci. Portions of the thrombus or of the softened material enterino- the circulation form infectious emboli, which produce the most disas- trous results, causing, wherever they lodge, metastatic abscesses. It is these mycotic thrombi and emboli which cause the most important lesions of pvamia. . . . ... " Sometimes thrombi, particularly those in varices and in the pelvic veins. shrink and become impregnated with calcareous salts, forming concretions called phleboliths. , . . , „ , , , ., The effects and symptoms of thrombosis, in the first place, depend upon the mechanical obstruction to the circulation. The degree of this obstruction depends upon the situation and the extent of the thrombus. A parietal thrombus may produce so little obstruction as to give rise to no symptoms. Completelv-occluding thrombi produce no mechanical hindrance when lodged ' 1 vessels "provided with anastomoses which afford a sufficient collateral circu- lation Thus a thrombus in one of the vena comites of an artery forms no apparent obstacle to the circulation. On the other hand, thrombosis of the 30 DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION. portal vein (pyle-thrombosis) or of the femoral vein (phlegmasia alba dolens) is followed by well-marked symptoms of venous obstruction. These symptoms of venous thrombosis are passive hyperamia, with more or less transudation of serum, and diapedesis of red blood-corpuscles. The mechanical effects of arterial thrombi are anamia of the part supplied by the artery, and necrosis with or without hemorrhage. These effects are usually absent when the thrombus is seated in an artery the branches of which communicate freely by anastomosis. As these mechanical effects of arterial thrombi are the same as those of emboli, they will be more fully considered presently while treating of the latter. On account of their slow formation, a sufficient collateral cir- culation may be developed to render thrombi comparatively harmless in situa- tions where emboli produce their characteristic effects. Independently of their mechanical action, thrombi maybe injurious by con- taining some irritative infectious principle. Such thrombi contain micro-organ- isms and cause suppuration and sometimes necrosis in the vascular wall and surrounding tissues. An embolus is a plug of some material transported by the blood-current from one situation to another. The term embolism, is applied to the process of obstruction of a blood-vessel by an embolus and to the disturbances resulting therefrom. An embolus may consist of any substance which makes its way into the circulation. The majority of emboli are the severed fragments of thrombi. But emboli may consist also of bacteria or other parasites, of bits of a tumor, of fragments of diseased cardiac valves, of concretions of lime, of clumps of pigment, of oil-globules, or of bubbles of air. It is plain that an embolus can hardly be arrested in its course through the veins, with the exception of the vena porta, or in the cavities of the heart, since the course of the blood-current in them is from smaller to larger vessels. In rare instances, however, when there is some obstruction to the flow of blood, a venous embolus may take a retrograde course. Thus, an embolus derived from a thrombus in one of the veins of the lower extremities may lodge in one of the renal veins, its onward passage through the inferior vena cava being impeded ; as, for instance, by the obstruction to the return of blood to the heart in a severe attack of coughing (Von Recklinghausen). In general, however, embolism relates to the arteries and the vena porta, while a thrombus may be formed anywhere in the vascular tract. Disturbances of two kinds attend the lodgment of emboli. The one kind of disturbance is due to the mechanical obstruction to the circulation; the other kind of disturbance attends only infectious emboli, and is dependent upon the presence of some poisonous principles, usually bacteria, in the embolus. While all arteries of the body are open for the reception of emboli, it is noteworthy that in certain situations the obstruction of an artery by a bland embolus is absolutely harmless, whereas in other parts it is followed by cha- racteristic structural and functional changes. The main condition upon which this difference depends is the character of the arterial distribution in the vari- ous parts of the body. When an embolus lodges in an artery supplied with abundant anastomoses—for instance, a muscular artery or one of the arteries of the extremities—a collateral circulation is usually established, which pre- vents the part from suffering in its nutrition. The effect is widely different if insufficient anastomosis, or none whatever, exist between the occluded artery and other arteries. In certain organs and parts of the body the branches of the arteries do not anastomose with each other, communications existing only between the capillaries and between the veins. These arteries without anas- tomoses are called by Cohnheim terminal arteries. Such arteries are the pul- monary, the renal, the splenic, the arteries beyond the circle of Willis sup- THROMBOSIS AND EMBOLISM. 31 plying the basal region of the brain, the central artery of the retina, and the coronary arteries of the heart, The branches of the vena porta also form no anastomoses with each other. >\ hen an embolus lodges in an artery where no sufficient collateral circula- tion can be established, the part supplied by the obstructed artery is cut off from its blood-supply and dies. The mode of death is that designated as ana- mic necrosis or coagulation necrosis. The necrotic mass of tissue constitutes an embolic infarction. In some situations there is usually an extravasation of blood into the necrotic part. The infarction is then spoken of as hemorrhagic; when there is no hemorrhage the infarction is called a white or anaemic infarc- tion. The essential, because the constant, change in embolic infarctions is not the hemorrhage, but the necrosis. The coagulation necrosis of embolic infarctions is characterized by a disap- pearance of the nuclei of the cells and by a coagulation of their protoplasm into a substance resembling fibrin. The affected tissue is rendered hard in consistence. In the brain, however, there is so little protoplasm that no appreciable coagulation can take place, so that the effect of embolism of a terminal artery of the brain is softening instead of hardening of the tissues. In hemorrhagic infarctions the blood is extravasated by diapedesis. Blood is sent from the surrounding capillaries or from minute arterial twigs into the capillaries of the obstructed district, but not with sufficient force to propel the blood with normal rapidity into the veins or to nourish the part. As a result of this insufficient supply of fresh arterial blood the walls of the capillaries and small veins suffer in their nutrition and allow a diapedesis of red blood- corpuscles. Another possible source of the extravasted blood is a regurgita- tion of the blood from the veins which connect with the capillaries, the arterial supply of which is shut off. As the blood-pressure on the peripheral side of the obstruction is reduced to nothing or almost nothing, there is apparently no reason why this backward flow of blood should not take place. It has, however, been shown by experiments of Litten that a return flow of blood from the veins is not essential to the production of a hemorrhagic infarction. It is not very clear why some infarctions are hemorrhagic and others are white. Probably, as suggested by Weigert, much depends upon the charac- ter of the affected tissue. Where the tissue is lax, containing wide spaces, there is plenty of room for the infiltration of blood. Hence in the lungs infarctions are always hemorrhagic. In the kidney, on the other hand, the occurrence of coagulation necrosis renders the tissue so dense that the blood cannot penetrate into the interior of the infarction. Hence infarctions of the kidney are always white in the centre, usually with a hemorrhagic margin. The consistence of the spleen after the occurrence of coagulation necrosis is such as to admit of the infarction being either white or hemorrhagic, accord- ing to the force of the circulation. The organs in which embolic infarctions occur are the kidney, spleen, lungs, brain, heart, retina, intestine, stomach, and testicle. Emboli in branches of the portal vein do not produce infarctions, as the hepatic artery can sup- ply the lobular capillaries. Infarctions are generally wedge-shaped (not so in the brain), corresponding to the area of distribution of the obstructed artery. The base of the wedge is toward or usually at the periphery of the or->-an. A hvperamic zone containing many emigrated white blood-corpus- cles is found around the borders of the infarction. This reactive inflamma- tion results in the formation of new connective tissue, which takes the place of the infarction, many of the constituents of the latter being absorbed. The termination is in a cicatrix of fibrous tissue which contains pigment when the infarction was hemorrhagic. The special characters of embolic infarctions of 32 DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION. different organs will be considered under the diseases of these organs in Part II. of this work. The presence of disease of the arteries and an enfeebled circulation are important factors in determining the effects of an embolus. Thus, embolism of the femoral artery produces no permanent injury when the force of the circulation is normal, but it may be followed by gangrene of the lower extremities if the heart's action be feeble and the anastomosing arteries atheromatous. Embolism of the main trunk of the pulmonary artery, of certain arteries of the medulla oblongata, or of one of the coronary arteries of the heart causes sudden death. In certain situations and under certain circumstances the ischamia caused by an embolus is of short duration. Thus, a temporary loss of function disappears when the vessels beyond the seat of obstruction are filled by collateral arterial branches. In addition to their mechanical effects, infectious emboli, such as those com- ing from the cardiac valves in malignant endocarditis or from thrombi in pyaemia, produce suppurative inflammation wherever they lodge. Thus, even capillary emboli, when infectious, produce abscesses. The multiple abscesses in pyamia are for the most part of embolic origin. Fatty emboli and emboli composed of air-bubbles demand a few words of separate consideration. The source of fatty emboli is usually to be found in inflammation or trau- matism of parts rich in fat. The most important cause is fracture of the bones accompanied by extensive laceration of the marrow. The oil-globules thus set free enter the open mouths of ruptured veins, and are transported to the pulmonary capillaries, which are often thereby extensively occluded. The fat may pass through the pulmonary capillaries and lodge in the glomeruli of the kidneys, in the capillaries of the brain, and in other capillaries of the body. It has been proven by experiments that fatty embolism, even when very exten- sive, is generally innocuous. The sudden entrance of a large quantity of air into the blood-current, such as may occur by incision of the large veins near the heart, has been long known as a cause of rapid death. The fatal termination is due to the accu- mulation of the air in the right cavities of the heart, the contraction of which is unable to force the elastic air forward. The air remaining in the ri«:ht auricle and ventricle is an obstacle to the entrance of blood from the venae cava, and arrests the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Dropsy. A certain amount of serous fluid, known as the lymph, constantly transudes through the capillary walls into the tissues. When a greater quantity of this fluid transudes than can be absorbed by the lymphatics and blood-vessels the fluid accumulates in the interstitial spaces and cavities of the body. This condition is called dropsy. The term oedema is applied to the accumulation of serous fluid in the tissues, particularly in the meshes of connective tissue. Subcutaneous oedema extending over the greater part of the body receives the name of anasarca. Dropsies of the serous cavities are designated by pre- fixing hydro to the name of the cavity affected; thus, hydrothorax, hydro- pericardium, hydro-peritoneum, or ascites, and hydrocephalus. Hydrocele is a serous accumulation in the tunica vaginalis testis. The term hydrons also signifies a serous effusion, usually into a cavity. Accumulations of serous fluid in glands and canals, the outlets of which are obstructed__for example in the Fallopian tube (hydrops tuba), in the gall-bladder (hydrops cystidis DROPSY. 33 fellea)—are to be distinguished from real dropsical effusions, although the appearance of the fluids may be similar. A distinction may be made between transudations and exudations, the term transudation being confined to dropsical effusions, while exudation is applied to inflammatory products. The two terms are, however, often used synony- mously. J J Dropsies may be divided into three classes—inflammatory, mechanical, and cachectic or hydrsemic. Inflammatory dropsy is due to a moderate degree of inflammatory altera- tion in the coats of the blood-vessels. The so-called collateral adema, often found in the neighborhood of inflammatory infiltrations and of tumors', is an inflammatory oedema. Of the same nature are most cases of oedema glottidis. of hydrocele, and of internal hydrocephalus. Mechanical dropsy is the result of some obstruction to the current of blood in the veins. Mechanical dropsies may be general or local. The dropsy is general when, in consequence of disease of the heart or of the lungs, the return flow of blood from the vena cava is impeded. The most frequent of the mechanical causes of general dropsy is valvular disease of the heart. General dropsy is characterized by anasarca and transudation into the serous cavities. Examples of local dropsies due to mechanical causes are the hydro- peritoneum resulting from obstruction of the vena porta, as by thrombosis or by cirrhosis of the liver, and the oedema of one of the extremities in conse- quence of thrombosis or compression of its veins. It might be supposed that obstacles to the flow of lymph in the lymphatic vessels would cause an abnormal accumulation of lymph in the tissues and serous sacs. But it has been found that not only the peripheral lymphatics, but even the thoracic duct, may be completely occluded without producing local or general dropsy. The lymph does not accumulate -under these cir- cumstances, because relief is afforded by collateral lymphatic channels, and because the blood-vessels act as absorbents when the lymphatics are occluded. Hydremic or cachectic dropsy is the result of an impoverished and abnor- mally watery state of the blood. This state of the blood, which is called hydramia, appears, however, to be the indirect and not the immediate cause of the dropsy. The experiments of Cohnheim and Lichtheim have shown that when the vascular walls are healthy, artificial hydramia, produced by the injection of large quantities of dilute solution of common salt into the blood-vessels of animals, causes no increased transudation in the situations in which dropsy occurs in man. It is believed that the hydramia acts in the causation of dropsy by inducing in the vascular walls some change which renders them more permeable. The most important cause of hydramic dropsy is Bright's disease. This form of dropsy, generally in a lesser degree, may attend many other cachectic conditions, such as tuberculosis, cancer, malarial cachexia, and chronic dysentery. Cachectic dropsy is prone to appear in dependent parts of the body, and where the connective tissue is particularly lax in texture, as in the eyelids and about the genitals. Dropsical effusions are generally clear, transparent, colorless or slightly yellow, and alkaline in reaction. They may be stained by an admixture of blood or of biliary coloring matter. They contain the same salts as the plasma of the blood, and in about the same proportions. The amount of albumen varies between 0.4 and 5 per cent., being less than that present in the blood-plasma. Under like conditions the percentage of albumen varies with the situation of the transudation in the following order: tunica vaginalis testis pleura, pericardium, peritoneum, subcutaneous tissue, subarachnoid space's the percentage being highest in hydrocele and lowest in subarachnoid oedema. Of the different forms of dropsy, the amount of albumen is greatest 3 34 INFLAMMA TION. in the inflammatory variety and lowest in cachectic dropsy. Dropsical effu- sions differ from inflammatory exudations in the smaller amount of albumen present, in the paucity of cells, and in the absence or small quantity of fibrin present. Most transudations contain fibrinogen ; hence dropsical transuda- tions often coagulate spontaneously when withdrawn from the body, in case fibrin ferment by the disintegration of cells or by admixture with blood is set free. Examined microscopically, serous transudations are found to contain a few leucocytes, and also red blood-corpuscles, the latter sometimes in abun- dance. In rare instances transudations in the pleural and in the peritoneal cavities have been rendered milky in appearance by an admixture of chyle derived from the chyle-vessels, particularly the thoracic duct, in consequence of their occlusion or rupture. Such a transudation is called hydrops chy- losus. CHAPTER II. INFLAMMATION. A CCORDING to the classical definition of inflammation, a part is acutely XjL inflamed when it is hot, red, swollen, and painful. But this enumeration of the four cardinal symptoms (calor, rubor, tumor, dolor) gives no informa- tion as to the pathological nature of the process. No topic in medicine has been the subject of so much research and speculation as the nature of inflam- mation, but even at the present time it is impossible to give a complete and correct definition of inflammation from a pathological or an etiological stand- point. From the earliest times two opposing theories regarding the process of inflammation have been held. According to the one, the essential phe- nomena in inflammation are referable to the blood and to the blood-vessels; according to the other, the essential changes are in the solid tissues outside of the blood-vessels. A great advocate of the former theory was John Hunter. Recently it has been developed especially by Cohnheim. Virchow, on the other hand, rejecting the Hunterian doctrine, maintained that the primary and chief effect of an inflammatory irritant is the excitation of the cells of a part to increased functional and nutritive activity, and that hyperamia and fluid exudation from the blood are secondary to this excitation. When Vir- chow made his researches on inflammation, nothing was generally known concerning the emigration of white blood-corpuscles or their wandering powers ; and he naturally concluded, in the application of the law omnis cellula e cellula that all cell-elements present in inflammatory exudation were produced by proliferation from the pre-existing fixed cells, most frequently from the con- nective-tissue cells. The discovery by Recklinghausen, in 1863. of the exist- ence of wandering cells, resembling pus-cells, in the tissues, rendered doubt- ful the interpretation which Virchow has given to many of his observations. A new era was introduced in the history of inflammation by Cohnheim's dis- covery, in 1867, of the emigration of white blood-corpuscles from the vessels and by his studies of the inflammatory process on living froirs. It is true that as long ago as 1846, Waller, an English observer, saw the passage of white blood-corpuscles through the unruptured vessel-walls, but this isolated observation had remained fruitless, and had fallen into oblivion when Cohn- heim repeated the discovery. INFLAMMATION. 35 The phenomena of inflammation were observed first by Cohnheim micro- scopically upon the mesentery and tongue of the curarized frog. The first effect of the application of an inflammatory irritant (the mere exposure of the mesentery to the air suffices) is a dilatation of the arteries, then of the veins, and, last of all, of the capillaries. At the same time the velocity of the blood-current is increased. After a variable time the blood begins to flow less rapidly, although the calibre of the vessels remains unchanged. In some of the capillaries it may come to complete stagnation, or stasis, but this is not essential or usual except when the action of the irritant is intense. As the rapidity of the blood-current lessens, the white blood-corpuscles accumulate along the inner surface of the veins, where they remain nearly stationary. The remarkable phenomenon of emigration now takes place. A portion of a white blood-corpuscle soon appears upon the outer surface of a vein or a capillary, as a bud-like process connected by a delicate thread of protoplasm with the remnant of the corpuscle inside. As the outer portion of the cell increases in size the inner diminishes, until, finally, the entire corpuscle lies free outside of the vessel. The corpuscle passes through the cement-sub- stance between the endothelial cells lining the vessel. It is not decided whether the corpuscles make their way through the vascular walls by their active amoeboid movements, as the name emigration would imply, or whether they are pressed through by a process of filtration. Outside of the ves- sels they assume amoeboid movements and change their shape and place. While the inner surface of the veins becomes plastered, as it were, with stationary white blood-corpuscles, the current of red blood-corpuscles con- tinues unabated in the central part. White blood-corpuscles migrate from the veins and the capillaries, but not from the arteries. Red blood-corpuscles also pass through the capillary walls by the passive process of diapedesis. Their number is not usually great, but exceptionally it may be so considerable as to give a hemorrhagic character to the exudation. Coincidently with the processes of emigration and of diapedesis the fluid constituents of the blood filter through the walls of the vessels. This fluid exudation resembles in its composition the plasma of the blood, but it contains less albumen. It con- tains the fibrin-generators, and in most places finds the conditions necessary for the spontaneous coagulation of fibrin. A fibrinous effusion is, in the vast majority of cases, an inflammatory exudation. In simple inflammations of mucous membranes and in suppurative inflammations (abscesses) no fibrin is formed. By a process of reasoning which cannot be entered into here Cohnheim concludes that these various phenomena of inflammation can be explained only upon the assumption that the effect of the inflammatory irri- tant is to produce a molecular alteration in the walls of the vessels, which increases their permeability to the fluid and corpuscular elements of the blood and increases the friction between the blood and the vessel-wall. While the accuracy of Cohnheim's observations of the process of inflamma- tion in frogs has been established, and their applicability to the same process in man has been recognized, there has been much controversy as to the part taken by the fixed cells outside of the vessels in the inflammatory process. Do they produce pus-cells, as Virchow taught? It is maintained by Cohn- heim that the sole origin of pus-cells is to be found in emigration of the white blood-corpuscles, and that the fixed cells in inflammation either remain unchanged or degenerate, or proliferate and produce other cells of their kind (regenerative process), but never give rise to pus-cells. On the other hand, Strieker and his school hold to the original doctrine of Virchow, that all varie- ties of fixed cells—connective-tissue cells, epithelial cells, nerve-cells, muscle- ce]js__proliferate in inflammation and produce pus-cells. The difficulty in determining these points at issue lies chiefly in the fact that it has not yet 3fi INFLAMMATION. been found possible to observe satisfactorily the process of change in the living fixed cells during inflammation ; so that we are compelled to infer the nature of the process from a study of the phases, the interpretation of which is often various and open to fallacies. Especially is this true of the attempt to interpret the significance of phases apparently transitional between one form of cell and another, and to judge of the origin of a cell from its form. Hence the evidence that fixed cells produce pus-cells is of a different nature and less convincing than the proof that pus-cells come from emigrated white blood-corpuscles. It is impossible to describe here the many experiments and observations made with reference to the settlement of this question. It must suffice to state that the weight of evidence is decidedly in favor of the view that fixed cells do not remain passive in inflamed parts, but that they become amoeboid, proliferate, and produce young cells. Unless we arbitrarily lestrict our definition of pus, these young cells are to be regarded as pus-cells, which may therefore be derived from either emigrated white blood-corpuscles or from fixed cells. The dominating elements in acute inflammation, how- ever, are the emigration of white blood-corpuscles and the exudation of the fluid constituents of the blood in consequence of as yet undefined changes in the vascular walls. As is evident from the foregoing description, the products of inflammation are fibrin, serum, pus-cells, and red blood-corpuscles. In inflammation of mucous membranes an increased secretion of mucus may take place. Exu- dations are classified as fibrinous, serous, purulent, hemorrhagic, and mucous, according to the relative proportion of the inflammatory products which they contain. Fibrinous exudation is best illustrated by the acute inflammations of serous membranes, where the fibrin is deposited as a layer upon the serous surfaces. These fibrinous layers can be readily stripped off, and are some- times called false membranes or coagulable lymph. More or less white and red corpuscles are present in the meshes of the fibrin, and in the interior of the serous sac is a variable amount of fluid containing also fibrin and exuded cell-elements. Fibrinous exudation may be present also in inflammation of the solid tissues, in the air-cells of the lung, and upon mucous membranes. Fibrinous exudation upon mucous surfaces is called croupous or diphtheritic in accordance with a distinction to be explained hereafter. Serous exudations bear considerable resemblance to transudations, but they are generally richer in albumen and in cells. The main distinction, however, is that they appear with the signs of inflammation. The exudation in so-called collateral oedema (which is really inflammatory) is generally serous; likewise the exudation in the early stage of many inflammations of mucous membranes. Inflamma- tory affections of the skin are accompanied often by the formation of vesicles containing serous exudation. Although pus-cells are present in all inflam- matory exudations, it is only when they are sufficiently abundant to render it opaque that the exudation is said to be purulent. Pus consists of a fluid part (liquor puris) and of cells. Pus-cells are round, membraneless, and con- tain usually two or three nuclei enclosed in a cell-body of protoplasm in which as a rule, molecules of fat are present. Pus-cells belong to the widely-dis- tributed group of cells known variously as leucocytes, lymphoid cells wander- ing cells, embryonic cells, and small, round, indifferent cells. Their origin from emigrated white blood-corpuscles has been described. It is believed that pus- cells increase in number by division. Inflammations producing pus are sup- purative. The pus may be exuded upon free surfaces; it may infiltrate the tissues (purulent infiltration), or it may be contained in cavities produced by the breaking down of tissue. Such cavities containing pus are called abscesses It is probable that suppurative inflammations are due to the action of bacteria When the exuded red blood-corpuscles are sufficiently abundant to give a red IN FLA MM A TION. 37 color to the exudation, the inflammation is said to be hemorrhagic. According to Cohnheim, hemorrhagic exudations are referable to an intense action of the inflammatory irritant upon the vascular walls. Tuberculous, cancerous, vari- olous, and scorbutic inflammations of serous membranes are liable to be hem- orrhagic. The source of the hemorrhage may be from rupture of the vessels or from diapedesis. As has already been mentioned, the terms croupous and diphtheritic are applied to fibrinous exudations upon mucous membranes. Unlike the inflam- mations of serous membranes, the ordinary inflammations of mucous mem- branes are not accompanied by a fibrinous exudation. The term catarrhal is sometimes applied to these simple inflammations of mucous membranes characterized by an exudation of serum, mucus, and some pus-cells. According to the careful investigations of Weigert, fibrin is present in the inflammations of mucous membranes only when the epithelial covering is partly or wholly destroyed. The epithelium may be destroyed from various causes, among the most important of which is coagulation necrosis. The necrosis may extend deeper than the epithelium into the subjacent tissues. When only the epithelium is destroyed, the fibrinous exudation lies upon the membrana propria of the mucous membrane, from which it can be readily stripped off' without loss of substance. This form of exudation is called croupous. When the primary necrosis involves the tissue-cells as well as the epithelium, the fibrinous exudation extends from the surface into the tissue of the mucous membrane and cannot be removed without loss of substance. This second form of exudation is denominated diphtheritic. It is to be observed that croupous and diphtheritic exudations require destruc- tion of the epithelium only in one place, and that they may extend thence over the surface of the surrounding intact epithelium. The fibrin in croupous and diphtheritic inflammations is derived partly from the blood, partly from metamorphosis of the epithelial and other cells, and perhaps partly from fibrinoid degeneration of the intercellular substance (Neumann). (Further details concerning these varieties of inflammation will be found in Part II. of this work, in connection with croup and diphtheria.) It is to be noted that the terms croupous inflammation and diphtheritic inflammation are used in a purely anatomical sense, without reference to the diseases called croup and diphtheria. The term parenchymatous inflammation was introduced by Virchow to indicate the origin of the inflammatory process in the parenchymatous cells of an organ. These—for example, the hepatic cells—under the influence of an irritant swell up, become more granular than normal, proliferate or more frequently undergo fatty degeneration, and perhaps return to their healthy condition. The propriety of regarding these changes as inflammatory is at least doubtful. Most of them are also embraced under the names albuminous or parenchymatous degeneration. Many writers, however, still make use of the expression parenchymatous inflammation, especially with reference to the kidney, liver, and spinal cord. The terminations of inflammation may be various. A complete restoration of an inflamed part to its normal condition is called resolution. This, as a rule, occurs only in the milder grades of inflammation. The fluid part of the exudation can be readily absorbed ; emigrated white blood-corpuscles may re-enter the blood-vessels or may wander into the lymphatics, or they, as well as red blood-corpuscles and fibrin, may undergo fatty degeneration and then be absorbed. The formation of new connective tissue, or the organization of the exudation, as it is called, is a frequent termination of some forms of inflam- mation, particularly of the fibrinous exudation on serous membranes. Such organizing exudations are sometimes called plastic or adhesive. Fibrinous 38 ACTIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES. exudations in the bronchi are sometimes called plastic (plastic bronchitis), although no connective tissue is formed. It is certain that the fibrin is absorbed, taking no active part in the development of new tissue. The new connective-tissue cells may spring from emigrated white blood-corpuscles or from the pre-existing connective-tissue cells (including endothelial cells). The new tissue is at first very rich in capillaries, derived from the old capillaries, and in cells. Subsequently it becomes more fibrous, less vascular, and it con- tracts. Considerable accumulations of pus cannot be absorbed, but when not evacuated they either remain without changing their consistence or become inspissated. Such dried masses of pus may undergo cheesy and calcareous transformations, and, becoming encapsulated, remain innocuous. Chronic inflammations may be secondary to the acute or subacute from their origin. In the latter case they may be unattended by any free exudation. Chronic inflammation most frequently results in the formation of new con- nective tissue. CHAPTER III. ACTIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES. Pathological New Formations—Eegeneration—Hypertrophy—Tumors— Carcinoma. Pathological New Formations. THE active alterations of the tissues embrace the pathological new forma- tions. These will be grouped under the headings regeneration, hyper- trophy, and tumors. The pathological new formations are the result of increased activity of cells which are incited to abnormal growth and proliferation. The usual process of cell-proliferation is that known as indirect cell-division. This is character- ized by so-called nuclear figures, which follow each other in definite order (karyomitosis). These figures are produced by peculiar arrangements of little threads of nuclear substance which can be colored by various staining dyes while the substance between the threads remains unstained. Thus are formed the so-called coil, wreath, star, aquatorial plate, and spindle figures. Out of the mother nucleus are produced two daughter nuclei. This is accompanied by division of the cell-body, each segment surrounding one of the nuclei. (For the details of this process of cell-division, as well as of other possible modes of cell-production, works on normal histology may be consulted.) The doctrine of the so-called specialization of cells bears upon pathological new growths. Embryological researches have shown that, after the formation of the three blastodermic layers, the cells in each produce only certain kinds of cells and tissues—that, for instance, connective tissue and muscle can spring only from the middle blastodermic layer, and epithelium only from the external and internal blastodermic layers (part of the genito-urinary epithelium possibly excepted). There is much which supports the view that under pathological conditions definite cells can be reproduced only by their kind__ that, for example, new epithelial cells are always the offspring of pre-existino- epithelium, and cannot be developed out of connective-tissue cells or white blood-corpuscles. This view is best established for epithelial and nervous tis- REGENERATION 39 sue. Connective-tissue cells, however, can be produced apparently by emi- grated white blood-corpuscles as well as by pre-existing connective-tissue cells. Regeneration. The subject of the regeneration of tissues after their destruction by wounds and pathological processes is treated of in extenso in works on surgical pathol- ogy and will be considered here only in outline. Some structures are repro- duced with great ease, as, for example, connective tissue and epithelium ; others with more difficulty, as muscular tissue and peripheral nerve-fibres;' and, finally, others not at all, such as the central nervous system and the parencli3*uia of most organs. Fibrillated connective tissue is present in nearly all pathological formations. It may be produced slowly out of the pre-existing connective tissue or it may be formed out of germinal or granulation-tissue, as it is called. This granula- tion-tissue is composed chiefly of cells with scanty and ill-defined intercellular substance and with blood-vessels without compact walls. The cells are of various shapes—round, epithelioid, fusiform, and branched. The granulation- cells may be derived from emigrated white blood-corpuscles or from prolif- erated connective-tissue cells. The round cells become epithelioid and spindle- shaped, and finally assume the various forms characteristic of connective-tissue cells ; the intercellular substance increases in amount, probably at the expense of the cells, and becomes distinctly fibrillated, and the cells which constitute the embryonic walls of the capillaries change into flat endothelial cells. The fully-formed fibrous tissue is not so rich as the granulation-tissue in cells and blood-vessels, some of which, therefore, are destroyed in the process of devel- opment. New-formed blood-vessels are produced by solid protoplasmatic offshoots from the walls of pre-existing capillaries. These offshoots unite with other similar offshoots and with the walls of existing capillaries. These prolongations, at first solid, subsequently become hollowed out in their centre, the cavity thus formed communicating with the lumen of the capillary vessels and receiving blood from them. At the same time nuclei develop, and the protoplasm divides around the nuclei into cells which now represent the endothelium of the newly-formed capillaries. By additions to their coats of connective tissue and of smooth muscular fibres, and by widening of their lumina, these capilla- ries may change into arteries and veins. Among the circumstances under which connective tissue and blood-vessels are formed in the manner described may be mentioned the repair of wounds, the healing of ulcers, and the development of adhesions after inflammation of serous membranes. The regenerative changes frequently proceed side by side with inflammatory alterations, from which they cannot usually be clearly separated. Epithelium is endowed with an especially active power of regeneration. It has been experimentally demonstrated1 that incised wounds of the cornea may be completely filled by newly-developed epithelial cells within twenty- four hours. Nearly all recent observations go to prove that the new epithe- lium is always the offspring of the pre-existing epithelial cells. IJeireneration of striated muscular fibres occurs after their degeneration in fevers, particularly typhoid fever, and in some other diseases, and sometimes after their destruction by wounds, especially subcutaneous wounds. Defects in muscular tissue, produced by wounds, however, are more frequently filled by cicatricial connective tissue. It is probable that the new muscular tissue is produced only from the old muscular tissue by proliferation of the muscle- 1 Yon Wyss, Yirchovfs Archie, Bd. 69, 1877. 40 ACTIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES. corpuscles. Smooth muscular tissue can be produced apparently either from pre-existing smooth muscle-fibre cells or from connective-tissue cells. The investigations concerning the regeneration of peripheral nerve-fibres have been many, but have not led to entire unanimity of opinion. Section of periph- eral nerve-fibres is followed by their rapid degeneration, extending from the point of section to their peripheral terminations. The degenerated peripheral nerve-fibres are replaced by new axis-cylinders, which grow probably from the intact axis-cylinders in the central portion of the nerve. These axis-cylinders subsequently become invested with myeline and tubular sheaths. Notwith- standing some apparently confirmatory observations, there is no conclusive evidence that nerve-elements are regenerated in the central nervous system of the adult. This is certainly true as regards the reproduction of gan- glion-cells. The consideration of the reproduction of bone and of cartilage, belonging almost exclusively to surgery, cannot be entered into here. Hypertrophy. The term hypertrophy is applied to enlargement of a part from an increase of its normal constituents, the structure and arrangement remaining essentially unaltered. Parts which become enlarged in consequence of a deposit of materials foreign to their normal composition, or from a disproportionate excess of certain of their normal constituents, are not, properly speaking, hypertrophied. Two forms of hypertrophy have been distinguished—namely, simple, or true hypertrophy, and numerical hypertrophy, or hyperplasia. In simple hypertrophy there is an increase in the size of the anatomical elements, but not in their number; in hyperplasia the number of these elements is augmented. It is not usually practicable to carry out this distinction, as the two forms of hypertrophy are frequently combined. Hypertrophy may pro- ceed from a diminution of the disintegration or waste naturally incident to the life and activity of cells, while the process of assimilation continues in normal force; but it more frequently results from an excess of appropria- tion, by the part, of nutritive supplies. This excess of nutriment is gener- ally consequent upon exaggerated and prolonged increase of the function of the part. The most frequent examples of hypertrophy are the physiological hypertrophy of the voluntary muscles following persistent exercise, and the pathological hypertrophy of the heart when it is called upon to overcome abnormal obstacles to the circulation, such as are presented by valvular lesions. Hypertrophy of the muscular tunic of the bladder in cases of long-continued urethral obstruction also illustrates the production of this lesion by prolonged increase of function. Hypertrophy of one of the kidneys usually ensues when the function of the other is either lost or greatly impaired. This is found to be the result of the removal of one of the kidneys in an inferior animal: under these circum- stances the task of excreting the urine falls upon a single organ, its func- tional activity is doubled, and, as a result, the organ becomes enlarged The examples of hypertrophy which have been cited are conservative lesions and conduce to the welfare of the body. Microscopical examination in muscular and in glandular hypertrophies reveals an increase in the number and usually in the size, of the muscular fibres and of the epithelial cells' The increase in amount of the connective tissue of a part which is for a lono- time hyperamic, especially when the hyperamia is due to inflammation, may be referred partially to the augmented supply of nutriment, and thus is to be considered as hypertrophic. TUMORS. 41 Tumors. Tumors constitute pre-eminently the pathological new growths. The bound- aries of the conception attached to the term tumor cannot be easily defined. Tumor literally means swelling, but not every morbid swelling is a tumor in the technical sense. Particularly to be separated from real tumors are swell- ings due to inflammatory processes, to ©edematous infiltration, and also, though less easily distinguished, those consequent upon hypertrophy. Tumors are composed of anatomical elements similar to those present normally in the body. The terms homologous and heterologous no longer indicate the presence or absence of elements wholly foreign to the normal organism ; but morbid growths are now called homologous when their structure is similar to that of the parts in which they are developed—for example, a fatty tumor in adipose tissue ; while the term heterologous is applied to growths differing in structure from the parts in which they are seated—for instance, epithelial tumors in connective tissue. Tumors are classified and named according to the physiological type of tissue of which they are composed. This basis of classification, proposed by Johannes Midler, has been firmly established by the exhaustive researches of Virchow. We thus distinguish tumors formed after the type of connective tissue in its manifold forms, of epithelium, of muscular tissue, of nervous tissue, and of blood-vessels. Mixed tumors are those in which two or more forms of tumor are combined. Cysts occupy a special place among the tumors. Many are to be classed rather among the passive than the active alterations of the tissues. Three forms of cysts may be distinguished: first, those due to dilatation of pre- existing cavities by liquid accumulations (such are the retention-cysts); second, those resulting from the formation of a pathological cavity by the softening and breaking down of tissue ; and third, those actually of new formation, as the dermoid cysts. An important clinical division of tumors is into benign and mcdiguant. The signs of malignancy are the invasion of the surrounding tissues, the property of local recurrence, the formation of metastases, and the develop- ment of cachexia. Benign tumors displace, compress, and perhaps lead to atrophy of, the tissues in their neighborhood, whereas those tumors which grow into and invade the surrounding tissues are generally malignant. Tumors which return in loco after their removal are frequently, although not neces- sarily, malignant. Another evidence of malignancy is the development in various parts of the body of secondary or metastatic tumors of the same structure as the primary growth. The metastases are due to the transporta- tion by the blood- or lymph-current of cells from a primary or secondary tumor. The cachexia is the sequel of the tumor, and not a primary dys- crasia. With one exception, it has not been found possible to determine anatomical criteria of malignancy in a tumor. The exception is carcinoma, which is always malignant. From this statement it is not to be inferred that recovery may not take place after complete removal of the tumor. Some forms of sarcoma may prove equally malignant, but malignancy is not a necessary attribute of sarcoma as it is of carcinoma. Of other tumors, a considerable number prove, under exceptional circumstances, malignant. We possess very little positive information as to the causation of tumors. The question has been much discussed as to the local or the dyscrasic origin of tumors, particularly of malignant tumors, but it now seems to be settled in favor of their local origin. Transmission by inheritance has been shown to be a predisposing influence in the development of some tumors, particularly carcinoma. Local irritation, such as results from injuries, has been often 42 ACTIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES. adduced as a cause of the growth of tumors; but this influence of patho- logical and of physiological irritation has been doubtless exaggerated, and at the most can be regarded only as an exciting cause. Cohnheim has advanced the hypothesis that all true tumors (he separates from these a group denomi- nated' infectious tumors, to be mentioned presently) are the result of some abnormality in embryonic development. According to this theory of the embryonic'origin of tumors, the germs of the tumor, perhaps consisting of misplaced embryonic cells,'are brought by the individual into the world. They may remain dormant for a variable length of time, and then, under the influence of some exciting cause, possibly an injury, may begin to grow. The limits of this work will not permit a consideration of the ingenious arguments by which this hypothesis is supported. There is a class of tumors for which the name infectious has been proposed, which are closely allied to inflammatory new formations, and, in fact, are classified among them by some writers. They are formed after the type of lymphatic or of granulation tissue. It is important to distinguish the infec- tious tumors from other tumors. They will receive separate consideration in the following chapter. Of the other tumors space will permit hardly more than a mere enumeration. Carcinoma, however, will be considered somewhat more in detail, on account of its frequency and importance. Tumors in structure analogous to some of the different forms of connective tissue: . . 1. After the type of embryonic connective tissue—sarcoma.^ Of all varieties of tumor, sarcoma and carcinoma are undoubtedly the most important. Sar- comata are composed mostly of cells, and are classified according to the form of cell which predominates. An important general division is into small-celled and large-celled sarcomata, of which the former are usually the more malig- nant. The three leading varieties of sarcoma are—first, round-celled ; second, spindle-celled; and third, giant-celled or myeloid sarcoma. The cells are separated from each other by a small amount of intercellular substance or stroma, which may be formless or fibrillated. In most of the so-called alveo- lar sarcomata the cells in the apparent alveoli are not in immediate contact, as in carcinoma, but are separated by a scanty amount of intercellular substance. Where this is not the case the propriety of calling the tumor sarcoma, and not carcinoma, is questionable. Sarcoma is very often combined with other forms of tumor, as in osteo-sarcoma, myxo-sarcoma, glio-sarcoma, etc. Melano-sarcoma is characterized by the presence of black pigment-granules in the cells. Its most frequent point of departure is the choroid coat of the eye and the integument. As sarcoma springs from the universally dis- tributed connective tissue, there is hardly any part of the body from which it may not take its origin. The giant-celled and the ossifying sarcomata generally spring from bone or periosteum. It has already been mentioned that sarcoma embraces both benign and malignant growths. The smaller the size and the larger the number of the cells of the tumor, the more malignant and rapidly growing is it as a rule. Hence the round-celled sarcomata and the melano-sarcomata are the varieties most to be feared. 2. After the type of mucoid tissue—myxoma. Myxomata present more or less of a translucent, gelatinous appearance. They spring from connective tissue. They have been observed as multiple tumors growing from the inter- stitial tissue of the nerves (constituting a variety of false neuromata), but they are generally local. They are benign as a rule. Metastases have been observed. 3. After the type of lymphatic tissue—lymphoma, lymph-adenoma, lympho- sarcoma. Most of the new growths which have been embraced under these TUMORS. 43 names are either hyperplasia, as is the case with the so-called lymphomata of leucocythamia and pseudo-leucocythamia, or else they belong to the group of infectious tumors. Genuine tumors, composed of lymphatic tissue, do, however, occur. 4. After the type of neuroglia—glioma. The gliomata are confined to the brain, spinal cord, and retina. The most typical gliomata are composed of peculiar branched cells, called spider-cells and brush-cells, similar to those present in the normal neuroglia or connective tissue of the central nervous system. They are often combined with sarcomatous tissue (glio-sarcomata). They frequently appear in the brain, more as infiltrations than as tumors. They do not occasion metastases, but are often the cause of death from their localization in important parts. 5. After the type of fibrillated connective tissue—fibroma. 6. After the type of adipose tissue—lipoma. 7. After the type of cartilage—enchoudroma. S. After the type of bone—osteoma. 9. After the type of blood-vessels—angioma. The last five varieties of tumor have clinically, as a rule, a purely local importance. Enchondroma may exceptionally become generalized, and the same is true, in a less degree, of the other forms, except angioma, which never gives rise to metastases. Certain tumors of peculiar and variable character occurring on the dura mater, pia mater, and serous surfaces, more rarely elsewhere, originate from endothelial cells. They are therefore called endotheliomata. Tumors composed of muscular tissue—my am at a : 1. After the type of striated muscle—rhabdomyoma or myoma striocellu- lare. Tumors composed of striated muscle-cells are very rare, and are gen- erally congenital. They have been found in the kidneys, testicle, parotid gland, and other parts. 2. After the type of smooth muscle—leiomyoma or myoma hrvicelhdare. The most frequent seat is the uterus, where, combined with more or less fibrous tissue, the myomata constitute the so-called uterine fibroids. Tumors composed of nervous tissue—neuromata : It is customary to call all tumors growing from the nerve-trunks neuro- mata. It is therefore necessary to distinguish between true and false neuro- mata. Tumors composed actually of newly-formed nerve-fibres occur, but they are rare, the majority of the so-called neuromata being myxomata and fibromata. According to Klebs, glioma develops from nerve-elements. Tumors the most important constituent of which is epithelium—papilloma, adenoma, carcinoma including epithelioma : A papilloma is composed of papilla-, often very large and irregular in shape, which consist, like normal papilla, of vascularized connective tissue covered with epithelium of variable thickness. This tumor is due sometimes apparently to hypertrophy of the papilla in consequence of chronic inflam- mation. The soft papillomata of the bladder, rectum, and uterus constitute the most important forms, and often occasion considerable hemorrhage. An adenoma is composed of glandular tissue, in which the type of the gland can be easily recognized. It always develops from a pre-existing eland. The acini, tubules, or follicles of an adenoma are not completely filled with the epithelial elements, but preserve a lumen. This fact, toge- ther with the distinctly-preserved glandular type, distinguishes adenoma from carcinoma. As important examples of this variety of tumor may be cited adenoma of the breast, of the uterus, of the rectum, and of the ovary. The large multilocular ovarian cysts are to be ranked among the adenomata. 44 ACTIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES. Carcinoma. Pathologists now agree in making the criterion of carcinoma, or cancer (the two terms are interchangeable), a definite anatomical structure, and no longer call a tumor cancer simply because it possesses the signs of malignancy which have been enumerated. Other tumors, as well as cancer, may assume a malig- nant course. The essential feature of carcinoma is, not the presence of any particular form of cell, for specific cancer-cells do not exist, but the arrange- ment of the cells in spaces called alveoli, which lie imbedded in vascular con- nective tissue called stroma. The name alveolus, as here applied, is some- what misleading, as the spaces may be of any shape or size, and always communicate with each other. Thus, upon section, the cancerous alveoli appear broad or narrow, round or elongated or branching, and contain from three or four to several hundred cells. The cells within these alveoli are sometimes called the cancer-cells in distinction from the cells in the interven- ing stroma. These cancer-cells may be of the most variable size and shape; they are at least larger than white blood-corpuscles, and in a general way may be said to resemble epithelial cells in shape. This resemblance is some- times close, at other times remote. In their relation to each other, however, the resemblance to epithelium is exact. The cancer-cells in an alveolus lie in close proximity to each other, not separated by any intercellular substance, or at least by no more than a scanty cement-substance like that between epithe- lial cells. If the cells be brushed or shaken out of an alveolus, this space is found to be empty. All of the tissue between the alveoli forms the stroma, which consists of fibrillated connective tissue, usually very vascular and at times very rich in cells. An old and still employed classification of cancers is into scirrhous, encephaloid or medullary, and colloid cancer. This subdi- vision, not being based upon essential anatomical differences, is not very sat- isfactory. The terms scirrhous and encephaloid refer to the consistence of the tumor. A scirrhus is a hard cancer in which the fibrous stroma predom- inates ; encephaloid or medullary cancer is soft in consequence of the small amount of stroma and excess of cancer-cells. There is no essential structural difference between the two forms. The encephaloid cancer is naturally the more rapid in its growth and the more malignant. A more satisfactory classification of cancers is into (1) flat-celled or squam- ous epithelioma; (2) cylindrical-celled epithelioma; (3) carcinoma simplex; (4) colloid carcinoma; and (5) melanotic carcinoma. Flat-celled epithelioma occurs in the skin and in mucous membranes cov- ered by squamous epithelioma. It is particularly liable to occur where the skin becomes continuous with mucous membrane, as in the lips, eyelids, vulva, and glans penis. Frequently in this form of cancer some of the flat epithelial cells contained in the alveoli undergo the metamorphosis into kera- tin, as occurs normally with the epidermal cells, and these horny cells become compacted together into little balls called epithelial or cancroid pearls. Skin cancers, although malignant, are less likely to produce metastases than most other forms of cancer, and when early and completely removed recovery is often permanent. Cylindrical-celled epithelioma occurs in mucous membranes covered by cylin- drical epithelium—namely, in the stomach, intestine, and corpus uteri. It is often difficult to distinguish between these tumors and adenomata occurring in the same situations. The distinction is to be based on the preservation of the normal gland-type in adenoma, while the glandular arrangement is irreg- ular and not typical in carcinoma. The term epithelioma in the restricted sense is confined to the two preced- ing forms of cancer, while the name carcinoma simplex is used to designate CARCINOMA. 45 the ordinary cancers, in which the cells are not distinctly flat or cylindrical, but rather resemble glandular epithelial cells. Most of the so-called scir- rhous and encephaloid cancers belong to this group. In colloid cancer the alveoli contain partly cells and partly a translucent, gelatinous material which is thought to be derived by colloid metamorphosis from the cancer-cells. The alveolar structure of colloid cancer being gener- ally evident to the naked eye, this variety has received also the name alveolar cancer, although, strictly speaking, every cancer is alveolar. The nature of colloid cancer, and even the propriety of classifying it with other forms of cancer, have not been established. It grows most frequently from the abdominal viscera or peritoneum, and is less likely to produce metastases than other forms of cancer. In melanotic carcinoma black or brown pigment is present in the tumor. Most of the tumors which have been described as melanotic cancers are in reality melanotic sarcomata. A subject which has been discussed of late years more than any other per- taining to the pathology of carcinoma relates to the origin of cancer-cells. It has been the teaching of Virchow, in accord with his scheme of pathogenesis, that cancer-cells develop out of connective-tissue cells. On the other hand, the belief has gained ground, chiefly through the researches of Thiersch and of Waldeyer, that cancer-cells not only resemble epithelial cells in shape and in relation to each other, but that they are actually the offspring of epithelial cells. It is Waldeyer's view that all varieties of cancer are of epithelial ori- gin, and are therefore, strictly speaking, epitheliomata. The epithelial origin of the flat-celled and of the cylindrical-celled cancers has been established beyond doubt; but the epithelial derivation of the great majority of the other forms of cancer, in which the cells less perfectly preserve the type of epithelium, has been rendered extremely probable. Nevertheless, there are exceptionally tumors which in structure must be ranked as cancers, but in which the cells not only have not been proven to spring from epithelium, but are almost certainly derived from connective-tissue cells (including endothe- lium). As our means of determining the genesis of cells are so imperfect, it seems best for the present not to introduce the epithelial origin of the cells as an element in our definition of cancer, but to rely solely upon the alveolar structure above described, and to do this notwithstanding the belief that the great majority of cancers are of epithelial origin. In their growth the cancer-cells push their way especially into lymph- vessels and lymph-spaces, so that oftentimes the alveoli are dilated lymph- spaces. The metastatic or secondary growths which are such a frequent accompaniment of cancer preserve, with very few exceptions, the type of the primary growth. The material, doubtless consisting of cells from the pri- mary tumor, which causes the metastases, is transported especially by the lymphatic vessels, so that the neighboring lymphatic glands are early involved. The metastases may also occur through the blood-vessels, as is the rule with sarcoma. Carcinoma is purely local in its origin and is not preceded by any dyscra- sia. The cancerous cachexia follows the development of the primary and secondary growths. As cancer most frequently develops after forty years of age. the time of life becomes an important factor in the differential diagnosis. Nevertheless, cancer may occur early in life. In fact, cancer of the kidney is more frequent in children than in old persons. On account of the frequency of cancer of the breast and of the uterus, females are more subject to cancer than males. Carcinoma may grow from any organ possessing epithelium. Primary can- cers of bone, lymphatic glands, serous membranes, and other parts devoid of 46 ACTIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES. epithelium, are certainly very rare. A frequent metamorphosis in cancers is fatty degeneration with disintegration of the cell-elements. In this way ulcerations are produced. By combined fatty degeneration and increase of the fibrous stroma a cancerous tumor may be much reduced in size and activity, but it is doubtful whether recovery ever takes place in this way. CHAPTER IV. ACTIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES (Continued). Infectious Tumors—Syphilis—Leprosy—Glanders—Actinomycosis—Tubercle—Scrofula. Infectious Tumors. THE infectious tumors may be regarded as inflammatory new formations due to the presence of certain specific viruses, which, so far as known, are vegetable parasites. These tumors, which are not to be confounded with genuine tumors, have many common characteristics. They are composed chiefly of a lowly-organized tissue resembling granulation-tissue. Hence Virchow called these tumors granulomata. The vascular supply of these new growths is generally very imperfect, so that they are liable to degenerate and die. They occur in the form of multiple nodules, often widely distrib- uted over the body. With the nodules are often combined diffuse growths of the same tissue, as well as ordinary inflammatory changes. The presence of a specific virus is proven by the inoculability of these tumors in animals which are susceptible to the disease. This specific virus has, in all cases as yet known (with the exception of actinomycosis), been found to be some form of bacteria. The infectious tumors are the nodular masses produced by syphilis, lep- rosy, glanders, actinomycosis, and tuberculosis. Of these diseases, the only one of which a full consideration falls within the scope of this work is tuber- culosis. Syphilis is attended by many inflammatory lesions which do not differ anatomically from ordinary inflammations. The syphiloma or gumma, however, presents certain structural peculiarities. A gumma is a nodule, usually larger than a tubercle, composed at first almost wholly of lymphoid cells. Subse- quently, the centre of the nodule undergoes a peculiar hard, caseous meta- morphosis. Around this caseous centre is usually a zone of dense fibrous tissue, and in the periphery of the nodule, as well as in the surrounding tis- sue, are accumulated round and fusiform cells. Blood-vessels are present in gummata. Gummata may be found in the liver, membranes of the brain, heart, testicle, bone, skin, and other parts. They often in part disappear spontaneously or under appropriate treatment. In 1884, Lustgarten, in AVeigert's laboratory, discovered in syphilitic prod- ucts a bacillus which is probably to be regarded as the specific virus of the disease, although further observations are necessary before a positive opinion can be formed. The syphilis bacilli very closely resemble in appearance the tubercle bacilli. They are of about the same size and shape as the tubercle bacilli, and they often appear as somewhat curved or bent rods. The ends of the bacilli are slightly thickened. They may contain clear, oval odisten- TUBERCLE. 47 ing spots, which are probably spores. The bacilli are found in the interior of cells, either singly or in groups. They occur, as a rule, in very scanty numbers, and long search is often required to discover them.1 According to Lustgarten, they are constantly present in syphilitic products, but all observ- ers have not been so fortunate in finding them. They have not as yet been cultivated outside of the body. The lesions of Leprosy occur most frequently in the skin and in the nerve-trunks, but they may be found in various mucous membranes and in the viscera. The most characteristic of these lesions are nodules made up mostly of lymphoid and epithelioid cells. The lesions of leprosy contain characteristic bacilli, often in enormous numbers. These bacilli, which are doubtless the cause of the disease, may be found free or enclosed in cells. They are found especially in large spheroidal or irregular clumps. The bacilli lepra are slender, often pointed rods, 4-6 p in length. They form spores. They are best stained by the same method as that employed for tubercle bacilli, but, unlike the latter organisms, they are also colored by the ordinary staining processes for bacteria. Cultivation and inoculation experi- ments with the leprosy bacilli are as yet imperfect. Glanders is a contagious disease of horses which may be transmitted to man. The nodules of glanders are most frequently found in the nose of the horse, but in this animal as well as in man the nodules may be found in the skin, the mucous membranes, and the viscera. The nodules usually suppu- rate, and extensive ulcerations often take place. Small bacilli, not unlike those of tuberculosis, but nevertheless distinguishable from them, are found in the lesions of glanders. These bacilli can be cultivated outside of the body in blood-serum, and the disease can be readily produced by the inocula- tion of the pure cultures. The evidence that these bacilli are the cause of glanders is therefore conclusive. Actinomycosis is a disease produced by a peculiar vegetable parasite called actinomycis, or ray-fungus. The disease affects cattle, swine, and human beings. It has been most frequently observed in the jaws of cattle, but it may also affect the lungs, intestinal tract, and other parts. The disease is characterized by new growths of granulation-tissue, which often contain foci of suppuration, and which may in some places be transformed into fibrous tissue. The new growths are frequently extensive, and they were formerly mistaken in many cases for sarcomata. The parasite occurs in the granulation-tissue and in the pus in the form of ray like masses, often visible to the naked eye as little yellowish or whitish specks. According to Bostrom, actinomycis belongs to the highly-developed forms of schizomycetes; others regard it as a fungus. Inoculation and cultivation experiments have yielded positive results. Tubercle. Tuberculosis is a disease produced by infection with a specific vegetable parasite known as the bacillus tuberculosis. This organism, the discovery of which by Koch was announced in 1882, is a slender rod 2 to 5 p. long (one- quarter to one-half the diameter of a human red blood-corpuscle). It often appears bent or slightly curved. Its most characteristic physical property is its behavior toward staining agents. While, on the one hand, it stains with more 1 The syphilis bacilli may be stained by the following process (De Giacomi's): The preparation is first stained for twenty-four hours with fuchsin ; it is then washed for a few seconds in distilled water to which a few drops of liquor ferri chloridi are added ; it is then decolorized for a few seconds in concentrated liquor ferri chloridi, after which it is treated as usual, with alcohol, xylol or oil of cloves, and Canada balsam. 48 ACTIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES. difficulty than most bacteria, on the other hand, after it has been stained by the proper methods, it retains the staining dye after treatment by acids and other agents which extract the color from other bacteria.1 The bacillus tuberculosis can be cultivated outside of the body in sterilized gelatinized blood-serum. The organism develops in these cultures very slowly, and most favorably at about the temperature of the human body. It does not grow at a temperature less than 30° C. (86° F.). The bacillus multiplies by transverse division. Within the body it develops oval spores, of which from two to six may be present in a single rod. Tubercle bacilli containing spores may preserve their vitality at least for many months in the dry state outside of the body, but under ordi- nary circumstances they cannot multiply out of the body, as they do not find the proper conditions of temperature. The tubercle bacillus is therefore to be regarded as a genuine parasite requiring for its growth and multiplication conditions found naturally only in the animal body. It need hardly be said that the discovery of the bacillus tuberculosis has greatly elucidated the pathology of the tuberculous processes. In the pres- ence of this organism we possess a certain proof of the tuberculous nature of a given lesion. Infection by the tubercle bacillus may take place through the respiratory tract, the digestive tract, wounds of the skin, or the genito-urinary passages. The poison is most frequently absorbed by the respiratory tract. Of the lesions produced by the invasion of tubercle bacilli, the most cha- racteristic, anatomically, are little nodules called miliary tubercles. When young, and before they have undergone degeneration, these tubercles are gray and translucent in color, somewhat smaller than a millet-seed in size, and hard in consistence. Examined microscopically, undegenerated miliary tubercles are found composed of a reticulated basement-substance and epi- thelioid cells, giant-cells, and lymphoid cells. In the centre of a typical tubercle are one or more giant-cells surrounded by a zone of epithelioid cells, while the lymphoid cells are most abundant in the periphery of the nodule. In some instances a tubercle is made up wholly of epithelioid cells; in other cases scarcely any but lymphoid cells may be found. It has been held that the first step in the formation of a tubercle is the accumulation of lymphoid cells, which change into epithelioid cells, and these into giant-cells. The in- vestigations of Baumgarten, however, have rendered it probable that the first effect of the lodgment of the tubercle bacillus is a proliferation of the fixed cells of a part (epithelial cells, connective-tissue cells), resulting in the pro- duction of epithelioid cells. The lymphoid cells are emigrated white blood- corpuscles, which infiltrate the primary nodule of epithelioid cells. The tubercle giant-cells are large cells containing many nuclei, which are usually arranged in the form of a more or less complete ring in the periphery of the cell. Tubercle giant-cells are produced by repeated division of the nuclei of epithelioid cells, the cell-body not taking part in the division, in conse- quence of impairment of its structure by the presence of bacilli (Weigert). Tubercles are devoid of newly-formed blood-vessels, and the old vessels soon become impervious. Partly in consequence of this lack of vascular supply, but chiefly by the action of the tubercle bacilli, miliary tubercles do not long remain in the con- dition which has been described. The cells in the central part of the tubercle soon lose their nuclei, and their protoplasm is converted into a hyaline mass or breaks down into a granular detritus. These changes, which are due to coagulation necrosis, are embraced under the names hyaline degeneration and cheesy degeneration. The majority of miliary tubercles found at autopsies 1 As already remarked, the bacillus of leprosy stains under the same conditions as the bacillus tuberculosis. TUBERCLE. 49 present three zones—namely, a central caseous necrotic mass, a middle zone of epithelioid cells associated often with giant-cells, and a peripheral zone of lymphoid cells. Miliary tubercles may increase in size by peripheral growth, but large tuberculous nodules are generally formed by the coalescence of a number of miliary tubercles. Miliary tubercles are not the sole tuberculous products. The tubercle bacilli may cause the diffuse growth of a tissue identical in structure with that of miliary tubercles ; that is, composed of a basement-substance contain- ing epithelioid, giant, and lymphoid cells. This diffuse tubercle-tissue also undergoes cheesy degeneration. Such diffuse tuberculous masses are some- times called infiltrated tubercle. Ordinary inflammation—that is, inflammation with the production of fibrin, serum, and pus—is also often associated with tuberculous lesions, and is prob- ably to be regarded as a direct effect of the action of the tubercle bacilli. The minute structure of the tuberculous lesions varies considerably with the character of the tissue in which they occur. Peculiarities of structure due to this cause will be' considered in Part II. of this work in connection with the tuberculous diseases of special organs, so far as these diseases fall within the scope of a work on practical medicine. Tubercle bacilli are found in all tuberculous lesions. They are generally less abundant in the caseous than in the cellular parts of the tubercle. In the caseous wall of phthisical cavities communicating with the external air, tuber- cle bacilli, however, are exceptionally abundant, Giant-cells are favorite seats of the bacillus. Tuberculosis may be local or general. Thus the disease may be localized in the skin (lupus), in the lymphatic glands, in the joints, in the lungs, in the kidneys, etc. The tubercle bacilli are frequently conveyed by the lymphatic current. When large quantities of the bacilli rapidly gain access to the gen- eral blood-current, as when tuberculous masses grow into the pulmonary veins or the thoracic duct, an eruption of miliary tubercles occurs throughout most of the organs of the body, constituting the disease called acute miliary tuber- culosis. The infectious nature of the tuberculous products is proven, not only by their diffusion throughout the body in the manner described, but also by their inoculability in animals. That the infectious agent consists of the bacilli is proven by the fact that inoculation of pure cultures of the bacilli, which after a certain number of generations contain nothing else which was present in the original tuberculous material, no less surely produces artificial tuberculosis in animals. That the bacilli constitute the essential or specific cause of tubercu- losis is proven by the facts that inoculation by no other substance than tuber- culous material is capable of producing tuberculosis in animals, and that these organisms are constantly present in tuberculous lesions.l 1 The observers who believe that they have produced tuberculosis in animals by inocula- tion with indifferent substances have mistaken the nodules which form around foreign particles for genuine tubercles. These nodules differ from tubercles in the absence of infectious properties, in the absence of tubercle bacilli, and in the absence of cheesy degeneration. Another source of error has been a lack of proper precautions in exclud- ing unforeseen infection with the tuberculous virus. Tuberculous caseous material and tuberculous pus may prove infectious even when tliev are free from bacilli. The substance then contains the spores of the bacilli. These spores we are unable at present to recognize, but their existence is demonstrated by the subsequent development of bacilli in the substance and in the tubercles produced by its inoculation. Anv other assumption would lead to the unwarranted doctrine of spon- taneous generation of the bacilli. 4 50 PASSIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES. Scrofula. The term scrofula is of very old date, and is used with a rather compre- hensive and indefinite latitude of signification. It is applied to a diathesis or constitutional condition observed especially in young persons who are the off- spring of tuberculous parents or who are in bad hygienic surroundings. Scrofulous persons are liable to inflammations, particularly of the mucous membranes, lymphatic glands, skin, and periosteum. These inflammations are of a chronic character; the exudations have a tendency to cheesy degenera- tion rather than to resolution or organization. The inflammatory products are rich in cells, many of which are larger than those usually present in inflam- mation. The lymphatic glands, especially those of the neck, enlarge, often coalesce with each other, and undergo cheesy metamorphosis. The name scrofula was adopted with reference to these glandular swellings in the neck. The various affections attributed to scrofula often disappear as the individual grows older and the hygienic surroundings are improved. There is an inti- mate relation between scrofula and tuberculosis. The cheesy deposits in scrofulous lymphatic glands are generally tuberculous. Many writers do not recognize the existence of scrofula as a special cachexia independent of tuberculosis. CHAPTER V. PASSIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES. Atrophy—Necrosis—Parenchymatous Degeneration—Cloudy Swelling—Fatty Metamor- phosis—Mucoid and Colloid Degeneration—Amyloid or Waxy Degeneration—Hyaline Degeneration—Calcareous Degeneration—Pigmentation. THE passive alterations of the tissues will be considered under the heads atrophy, necrosis, degenerations, and infiltrations. Atrophy. The term atrophy expresses a condition the reverse of hypertrophy. In atrophy the histological elements of a part diminish in size or in number without undergoing further change of structure. Diminution of volume and of weight characterizes atrophy, unless a deposit of fat or of some other sub- stance compensates for the loss of material. An atrophic organ is generally dry, firm, and anamic. Atrophy may be a physiological process, as is the case with the normal involution of the thymus gland and of the fem'ale genital organs. Senile atrophy is perhaps also to be included among the physiological atrophies, although pathological causes are often present, An insufficient sup- ply of nutriment is a most efficient cause of atrophy both local and general Examples of local atrophy due to this cause are the wasting of the "hepatic parenchyma in cirrhosis of the liver and the atrophy of parts subjected to pressure (compression atrophy). A general atrophy, although in unequal degree, of the organs and tissues of the body is the result of insufficient sup- ply of food and of malassimilation. Functional inactivity is another cause of atrophy. This atrophy may be in part explained by the diminished blood- NECROSIS. 51 supply which is known to attend suspended function. As examples of this functional atrophy may be cited the wasting of the muscles in paralysis, of the bone in ankylosis, and of the intestine below a preternatural anus. The withdrawal of nervous influence may be a cause of atrophy. A rapid atrophy of the voluntary muscles follows degeneration and atrophy of the multipolar ganglion-cells in the anterior horns of the spinal cord, or lesions suspending the functions of the peripheral nerves which connect the muscles with these ganglion-cells. So rapidly does this atrophy progress that it cannot be attrib- uted merely to loss of function. It seems necessary to assign a trophic or nutritive function to these ganglion-cells. Examples of this'neurotrophic atrophy are progressive muscular atrophy, infantile spinal paralysis, and per- ipheral palsies. The microscopical examination of atrophied parts reveals a diminution in number or in size of the cells, usually both. A division into simple atrophy, in which there is only a diminution in size, and numerical atrophy, or aplasia, in which there is diminution in number of cells, is not of practical import- ance. ^ In the atrophy of adipose-tissue cells Flemming observed an infiltra- tion of the cells with serum and an increase in the number of nuclei. This so-called atrophic proliferation shows that increase in nuclei is not sufficient evidence of an active proliferation process. In the neurotrophic muscular atrophies there is also an increase in number of the muscle-corpuscles and an increase of the interstitial tissue. In atrophy of the heart a deposit of brownish pigment usually occurs in the atrophic muscular fibres, hence the name brown atrophy. In atrophy of the kidney, and sometimes in muscular atrophy, especially in pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis, an excessive deposit of fat occurs about the kidney and between the muscle-fibres. Necrosis. The death of any part of the body is called necrosis. Necrosis of external parts of the body, attended by shrinkage and mummification of the tissues, is called dry gangrene. Necrosis accompanied by putrefaction of the dead tissues is called moist gangrene. The putrefaction is due to the action of a ferment generated by certain bacteria. Simple necrosis, with softening and liquefaction of the tissues, is called colliquative necrosis. Necrosis with coag- ulation of the dead tissues is called coagulation necrosis. The causes of necrosis are manifold, but they may be grouped under two headings—-first, agencies which directly destroy the vitality of the cells; second, arrest of the circulation. Frequently the two classes of causes are combined in their action. The agencies which cause disintegration of the cells may be classified as mechanical, chemical, and thermic. There is also to be included, the action of certain specific poisons, such as those of snake-bites and of various micro- organisms. The causes which arrest the circulation may act primarily on the arteries, veins, or capillaries. Obstructions in the arteries lead to necrosis in situations where no sufficient collateral circulation can be established, as in the kidneys, the spleen, some parts of the brain, etc. (See Embolism and Thrombosis.') Venous obstruction can hardly lead to necrosis, on account of the relief afforded by abundant collateral channels. If all the veins of a part be occluded when arterial is combined with venous obstruction, necrosis fol- lows as in strangulated hernia and in the constriction of a part by a tight bandage. Obstructions in the capillaries attended by necrosis are generally due to agencies which in addition impair the life of the tissue-cells. The -ran-n-ene of the extremities which follows the prolonged ingestion of ergot 52 PASSIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES. is usually attributed to the contraction of the small arteries induced by this substance. The endemic occurrence of ergotism from eating diseased grain seems to have disappeared. Under pathological conditions the resistant power of the body may be so diminished that comparatively slight causes suffice to produce necrosis. Thus, in feeble, bed-ridden persons moderate pressure and uncleanliness often pro- duce necrosis in the form of bed-sores (decubitus). These bed-sores may occur in a very short time, even in twenty-four hours, after injuries and dis- eases involving the gray matter of the spinal cord. This acute necrosis is attributed to neuropathic disturbance. Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the resistant power of the tissues is greatly weakened, and in which gangrene is not infrequent. Senile gangrene is usually the result of the obstruction of arteries which are already extensively atheromatous, so that a collateral circulation can with difficulty be established. The appearance of necrotic parts varies with the form of necrosis. Necrosed bone and tendon may preserve their normal appearances. In dry gangrene, which is represented by certain forms of senile gangrene and of gan- grene following frost-bites, the dead tissues are dry, shrivelled, and dark in color. In moist gangrene the affected part is humid, of a dark color from diffusion of blood-pigment, of a penetrating odor, and it contains various new gaseous and chemical substances. Of the latter, some are crystalline, such as leucin, tyrosin, hamatoidin, fatty acids, and triple phosphates. Bacteria of different forms are found in great abundance. Moist gangrene is usually met with only in parts of the body exposed to the air, as the extremities, the lungs, and the uterus. Gangrene in internal organs may, however, occur by the transportation thither of the bacteria of putrefaction, as by means of emboli detached from putrid thrombi. Colliquative necrosis is illustrated by anamic necrosis of the brain, in which the affected part is soft, sometimes almost liquid, inconsistence, and contains fragments of disintegrated brain-substance. The liquefaction is probably due to the absence of coagulable material in the brain. Essential for the production of coagulation necrosis are—-first, that the tissue contain a sufficient amount of coagulable substance ; second, that the dead tis- sues shall be richly permeated by lymphatic fluid ; and third, that fermentative or other chemical agents hostile to coagulation shall be absent. The coagu- lable substance in the tissues is protoplasm and possibly other albuminous substances. That the dead tissues shall be pervaded by lymph requires that they shall be more or less completely surrounded by living tissues. Agents which antagonize coagulation are the bacteria which cause suppuration and decomposition, and the epithelium covering mucous membranes. The chemical process of coagulation is to be regarded as a combination of the fibrinogen contained in lymphatic and other plasmatic fluids, with certain substances (fibrin ferment and fibrino-plastin ?) furnished by the death of protoplasm. In the coagulation of fibrin in the blood and in inflammatory exudations the fibrin ferment is furnished by the destruction of leucocytes. In the coagulation necrosis of tissues the tissue-cells furnish certain constit- uents of fibrin, and are themselves directly transformed into fibrin or a sub- stance resembling it. Coagulation necrosis may affect entire organs or parts of organs or indi- vidual cells. It occurs in a great variety of lesions, the most important of which are infarctions, atheroma of vessels, tubercular cheesy foci, tumors, typhoid fever, relapsing fever, diphtheria, smallpox, and the waxy degenera- tion of muscles. The most characteristic microscopical change in a part which is the seat of coagulation necrosis is the loss of nuclei in the cells. The cell-protoplasm FATTY METAMORPHOSIS. 53 often presents a hyaline, homogeneous appearance, and it may be distorted in shape. Subsequently there is usually granular disintegration of the affected tissue. The gross and microscopical appearances and the chemical processes are not the same in all of the different forms of coagulation necrosis, but it is impossible to enter here further into histological details, some of which will be referred to in appropriate places in the following part of this work. Some pathologists include many of the changes which have been described as belonging to coagulation necrosis under the name of hyaline degeneration, which will be described subsequently. Parenchymatous Degeneration—Cloudy Swelling. The names parenchymatous degeneration or inflammation, albuminous infil- tration, granular degeneration, and cloudy swelling are used as synonyms for the same metamorphosis. This change consists in the appearance in cells, and sometimes in intercellular substance, of abundant albuminous granules. Espe- cially subject to this alteration are the muscular fibres and the parenchyma- tous cells of the glandular organs, particularly the renal epithelium, the hepat- ic cells, and the peptic cells. The affected parts appear swollen, opaque as if boiled, and the normal markings, as of the hepatic acini and of the renal stria, appear obscured. The microscopical examination shows the cells swoll- en and filled with fine granules, which dissolve in acetic acid and in potash, but are insoluble in ether. In the kidney the epithelium of the convoluted tubes, and in the liver the hepatic cells, are normally so granular that the macroscopical appearances are more conclusive as to the existence of this change than the microscopical. The muscular fibres of the heart are liable to this change. They then contain albuminous molecules which obscure the normal striation. The cells in inflamed parts undergo parenchymatous degen- eration. The most important causes of cloudy swelling are infectious diseases, such as typhus and typhoid fever, pyamia, puerperal fever, diphtheria, and poison- ing with phosphorus, arsenic, or the mineral acids. Cloudy swelling has been developed within six hours after extensive burns (E. Wagner). The view of Liebermeister, that it is solely the influence of high temperature in general diseases which causes this metamorphosis, has been abundantly dis- proves Cloudy swelling is sometimes followed by fatty degeneration. If its causes disappear, there is usually a return to the normal condition. Par- enchymatous degeneration undoubtedly impairs the function of the affected parts. Fatty Metamorphosis. It is customary to distinguish between fatty infiltration and fatty degenera- tion of cells In fatty infiltration or fatty growth the fat has been believed to come from without the cells, and to infiltrate them in the form of large drops and in fatty degeneration to be derived by direct metamorphosis from the cell-substance, and to appear in the form of molecules. But these dis- tinctions cannot be maintained. Thus, in so-called fatty infiltration, while the fat may be derived from without, it is equally certain that it may be pro- duced directly from the protoplasm of the cells. Thus, no one would con- *idPr the drops of oil so frequently found in growing cartilage-cells as evidence of fatty defeneration; still, the fat here can hardly be formed ntbprwise than from the substance of the cells. Again, there can be no nmer example of fatty infiltration than the absorption of fat by the intes- tinal epithelium, in which, however, the fat appears in the form of fine 54 PASSIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES granules. Most writers consider the fatty liver resulting from poisoning by phosphorus as an instance of fatty degeneration, although here the fat appears in large drops. The chief distinction between fatty infiltration and fatty degeneration—to continue to use the old terms—is more chemical than morphological. In fatty infiltration of a cell the protoplasm is displaced by the fat, but does not suffer materially in its integrity except by a slow process of atrophy from compres- sion ; if the fat be derived from the albuminous constituents of the cell, these are, in great part at least, renewed. In fatty degeneration, on the other hand, the cell-substance is directly converted into fat, and is not at all, or only insufficiently, regenerated. Hence fatty degeneration is also called fatty atrophy. A considerable degree of fatty infiltration may exist without inter- fering materially with the function of the affected cells, although in extreme degrees this must suffer. But fatty degeneration is a much more destructive process, and interferes to a much greater extent with the function of the cells. It is not always possible to draw a sharp line of distinction between fatty infiltration and fatty degeneration. The problems involved are certainly more complex than was formerly believed. In determining the nature of the process it is of the greatest importance to take cognizance of the cause. The accumulation of fat in the organism is the result of its incomplete oxidation. The causes of fatty metamorphosis, therefore, are—-first, excessive supply or excessive formation of fat; and second, diminished oxidation of the fat. Too abundant ingestion of rich food, especially of fat and of carbohydrates, leads to obesity or the excessive accumulation of fat in its natural depots. Constitutional peculiarities, often hereditary, the nature of which is not understood, favor the development of corpulence. An excessive formation of fat seems to be sometimes the result of increased nutritive activity, as in growing cells. The causes leading to diminished oxidation of the fat may be general or local. The general causes are—first, interference with the absorption of oxygen in consequence of disease of the respiratory organs; second, diminution of the hamoglobin of the blood; and third, agencies which check the normal oxidizing processes. Diseases of the respiratory organs in themselves rarely, if ever, lead to fatty metamorphosis, but they increase the efficiency of other causes. The various agencies which diminish the number or impair the quality of the red blood-corpiiscles, these being the carriers of oxygen, are important causes of fatty degeneration. In&this group of causes are to be reckoned progressive pernicious anamia, icterus gravis, and other diseases attended by profound anamia, as leucocythamia, chlorosis, chronic pulmonary tuberculosis, and in less degree other chronic cachexia. Phosphorus and some other poisons lead to destruction of the red blood-corpuscles and consequent fatty metamorphoses. There is some reason to believe that an insufficient supply of oxygen favors rapid tissue-meta- morphosis, with the formation of fat. Especially in phosphorus-poisonine does there seem to be an excessive formation of fat as well as diminished oxidation. The use of alcohol favors the accumulation of fat by diminish- ing its normal oxidation. The parts which are most subject to fatty defen- eration from general causes are the liver, the kidneys, the muscles, especially the cardiac muscle, and the coats of the small arteries. Local fatty degeneration can be attributed generally to an insufficient sup- ply of oxygenated blood. It is to be remembered that complete cessation of the Wood-current leads to necrosis, and not to fatty degeneration. In cir- rhotic livers the hepatic cells are often fatty from the interference with the circulation through the organ. Pus-cells are usually fatty from imperfect nutrition. For the same reason other inflammatory exudations undergo fatty AMYLOID OR WAXY DEGENERATION. 55 degeneration. The opaque ring so often observed in the outer margin of the cornea of old people, called arcus senilis, is due to fatty degeneration of the corneal corpuscles. A fatty organ is generally anamic, of a }*ellowish color, and of diminished consistence. In fatty degeneration of muscles the fibres contain a large num- ber of molecules and small drops of oil. The stria are obscured, and may dis- appear. In the fatty infiltration of muscles the fat is deposited always in large drops in the cells of the interstitial tissue, and not in the muscular fibres. In fatty degeneration the cell may be completely destroyed, leaving only a fatty detritus. The description of the gross and microscopical appearances in the fatty metamorphosis of different organs belongs to Part II. of this work, where, especially, the sections devoted to fatty heart and to fatty liver may be consulted. Mucoid and Colloid Degenerations. M~ucoid degeneration consists in the transformation of the albuminous con- stituents of cells or of intercellular substance into mucin, which gives the tissues a gelatinous, translucent appearance. Mucin is an albuminoid sub- stance devoid of sulphur, held in solution only by an alkali, and therefore pre- cipitated by acetic acid, in an excess of which it is insoluble. It is normally secreted by epithelial cells of mucous membranes and of certain glands, and it is widely distributed in the embryonic tissues. Mucoid degeneration may affect either cells or intercellular substance. It occurs occasionally in car- tilage, the marrow of bone, and especially in tumors. In the myxomata the intercellular tissue is composed chiefly of a substance containing mucin. The colloid metamorphosis is allied to the mucoid. It affects chiefly cells. The colloid material appears in the form of drops, either free or within cells, and it may appear more diffusely. It is of firmer consistence than mucin, contains sulphur, and is not precipitated by acetic acid. In its gelatinous, homogeneous appearance it resembles mucin. The colloid material accumu- lates in great amount in the follicles of the thyroid gland in goitre. The col- loid change may also affect the cells in tumors. The causes of these metamorphoses are not understood. Amyloid or Waxy Degeneration. The degeneration called waxy, amyloid, or lardaceous is characterized by the appearance, especially in the walls of the vessels, but also elsewhere, of a homogeneous, firm, inelastic, translucent substance similar in its composition to the albuminous matters, but more resistant to putrefaction and to the action of the "-astric juice. The most important property of this new substance is its reaction with certain coloring agents, which are therefore employed for its detection. Treated with iodine, it is stained mahogany-brown ; with iodine and sulphuric acid, often blue ; and with methyl-violet, red. The substance was called amyloid from its supposed resemblance to starch, but it is now known to be'a nitrogenous substance. For detecting the amyloid degeneration with the naked eye, a solution of iodine alone (diluted Lugol's solution) is most The waxy degeneration may be local, but it generally affects a number of organs. The parts most frequently involved are the spleen, liver, kidneys, lymphatic glands, and the intestinal mucous membrane. Other parts may be fleeted as the large vessels, the heart-muscle, the suprarenal capsules, and tl e small vessels in most organs. If the degeneration be well marked, the 56 PASSIVE ALTERATIONS OF THE TISSUES. affected part presents a characteristic translucent, grayish appearance, and is usually more or less swollen and hard in consistence. The waxy material is exceptionally deposited in large nodules, constituting the waxy tumors. Waxy degeneration has been observed as a purely local change in tracheoma- tous granulations of the conjunctiva, and rarely in other parts. As a rule, the degeneration appears first in the walls of the small arteries and about the capillaries; thence it may extend to the surrounding tissue, which in some cases appears to be primarily involved. It has usually been held that a waxy degeneration may invade cells, connective tissue, and, in fact, nearly all the histological elements. It appears, however, to be confined to the basement- substance between the cells. The so-called structureless membranes, such as the membrana propria of the uriniferous tubules, may undergo the change. The waxy substance is often deposited in irregular clumps. The cells are compressed and atrophied. The vascular walls become converted into a hya- line, swollen mass which encroaches upon the lumen. The endothelium is for a long time preserved, and the circulation continues until the vessel is nearly obliterated. The anatomical peculiarities presented in the amyloid degener- ation of different organs will be described in Part II. The causes of waxy degeneration are chronic suppurations, particularly of bone, and certain cachexia, especially the syphilitic, the tuberculous, and, in a less degree, the cancerous, the gouty, and the malarial. In rare instances no apparent cause can be assigned. The degeneration may be developed within a few months from the onset of suppurative processes. It appears, as a rule, first in the spleen. It is difficult to tell exactly what symptoms are referable to waxy degeneration, as it is associated with severe wasting dis- eases. In the kidneys it seems to be always associated with more or less change in the interstitial tissue and in the epithelium. Waxy degeneration of the intestines leads to chronic diarrhoea. The source of the waxy material, whether from the blood or from the albu- minous substances in the tissues, is not known. There appear in various parts of the body, both normally and patho- logically, spherical or irregular masses which usually present a concentric arrangement, and which are called corpora amylacea. They often assume a blue color when treated with iodine or with iodine and sulphuric acid. They are not known to have any relation to waxy degeneration. So far as ascer- tained, they have no pathological importance. They occur especially in the prostate gland and in the central nervous system, in the latter being par- ticularly abundant in chronic inflammatory processes. - Hyaline Degeneration. Hyaline degeneration is the transformation of the tissues into a homo- geneous, translucent, glistening material which stains deeply with eosin and carmine and is unaffected by acids. This substance, which much resembles the amyloid^ material, is distinguished from it by the absence of the iodine reaction. Von Recklinghausen attributes hyaline degeneration to the forma- tion in the cells and the deposit in the tissues of a substance which he calls hyalin. This hyaline transformation is not unusual in the walls of small blood-vessels. According to Von Recklinghausen, hyaline degeneration plays an important role in many pathological processes. Changes which others attribute to colloid metamorphosis, to coagulation necrosis, or to fibrinoid degeneration, he refers to the development of hyalin. Hyalin may occur in the form of thrombi in the vessels. PIGMENT A TION. 57 Calcareous Degeneration. An infiltration of the tissues with the phosphate and carbonate of lime, mingled usually with traces of the same magnesia salts, constitutes what is called calcareous degeneration, calcification, or cretefaction. This change is not to be confounded with ossification, although the latter term is often applied to it erroneously. In ossification there is a formation of true bone. In calci- fication the salts of lime are deposited at first in the form of irregularly scat- tered granules which appear dark by transmitted and bright by reflected light, Large calcareous masses may be formed by increase in number and size of the granules. Calcified tissues are recognized by their hard, sometimes stony, consistence, and by the solubility of the earthy salts in strong acids, usually with the evolution of bubbles of gas. The salts are deposited both in the intercellular substance and in the cells. Virchow has described, under the designation lime metastases, the deposit of the salts of lime in various parts of the body, particularly in the arteries, lungs, and stomach, in cases of extensive caries and of cancerous disease of bone. This calcification he attributes to the presence in the blood of an absolute excess of lime salts derived by absorption from the diseased bone. With the exception of these cases, to which Virchow has called attention, it does not appear that calcareous degeneration can be referred to an abnormal quantity of lime in the blood. In the vast majority of cases of calcification the lime is deposited in tissues previously diseased. Especially prone to calcification are tissues which have undergone fatty degeneration or coagulation necrosis. Thus, Litten observed calcareous particles in renal epithelial cells, in which coagulation necrosis had developed, in twenty-four hours after temporary ligation of the renal artery. We find calcific deposits in cheesy masses, in old inflammatory products, in desiccated pus, in tumors, and in and about parasites. Of great practical importance is the calcification of the cardiac valves in chronic endocarditis and of the arteries, either with or without inflammatory changes. Calci- fication of the internal and middle coats of the arteries belongs among the usual changes in old age. What is usually called calcification of cartilage is ossification or a change "preparatory to ossification. Calcification may be a conservative process, as when it checks the growth of tumors, or it may be detrimental, as when it affects the arteries or cardiac valves. Pigmentation. Abnormal pigment in the body may be derived from the coloring matter of the blood, or it may be elaborated by the protoplasm of cells, or it may be introduced from outside of the body. The hamoglobin of extravasated red blood-corpuscles may be converted into yellow or brown pigment-granules, or into red rhombic crystals called hamatoidin or bilirubin. The crystalline hamatoidin differs from the gran- ular pigment in the absence of iron. According to Langhans, the transfor- mation into hamatoidin occurs, not from diffused blood-coloring matter, but from red blood-corpuscles or their fragments which have been taken up by cells especially leucocytes. The yellowish-brown pigment-granules in the blood and in various organs in the melanamia of severe malarial intoxication are derived from the destruction of red blood-corpuscles. The pigment found in melanotic tumors, in freckles, in chloasma, in the skin and certain mucous membranes in Addison's disease, and that present in atrophied muscle (brown atrophy), is produced in the interior of cells— whether from blood-coloring matter or not is uncertain. Fatty molecules are 58 GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. sometimes deeply stained with yellow or brown pigment, the source of which is not known (lipochrome). Examples of pigment introduced from without are the black particles of carbon always found in the lungs of adults, inhaled iron particles, pigment in the skin and lymphatic glands resulting from tattooing, and particles of silver deposited in the tissues after the prolonged use of nitrate of silver. Melanin is a name which is applied to most of the black pigments found in the body, without regard to their origin. CHAPTER VI. GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. Plethora—Anaemia—Hydremia—Anhydraemia— Hyperiuosis—Hypinosis—Leucocytosis —Alterations in the Gases of the Blood—Increase of Oxygen—Effects of Breathing Compressed Air—Deficiency of Oxygen—Apncea—Changes in the Albumen, Fat, and Inorganic Salts. THE morbid conditions to be now considered embrace alterations in the quantity or in the quality of the entire mass of the blood. The means for regulating the composition of the blood in health are such that the mass of the blood is easily kept within physiological limits, notwithstanding changes in diet and in physical surroundings. Disturbances of this physiological reg- ulation are generally referable to morbid processes in the solids, and hence the changes embraced in the general pathology of the blood are not inde- pendent affections of the blood itself, as they were regarded by the humoral pathologists, but they result usually from disease of the solid tissues, includ- ing the blood-forming organs. There are some alterations of the blood in which this connection has not been traced, and without doubt morbific agents may exercise their injurious influence primarily upon the blood as well as upon other tissues; for the blood'is sometimes, although not very appropri- ately, regarded as a tissue with cells and fluid intercellular substance. The so-called dyscrasise depend upon anomalies in the composition of the blood of a chronic nature, and usually, if not always, are secondary to diseases of the solid parts. The physiological relations of the blood to the solid parts are so intimate and important as to render it intelligible that morbid altera- tions in its composition lead secondarily to changes in the solids, as well as that diseases of the solids affect the composition of the blood. Alterations in the blood may affect, severally or combined, the corpuscular elements, the water, the organic ingredients of the plasma—namely, albumen and fibrin-generators, the gases, and the inorganic salts. Morbid conditions of the blood, due to the introduction of substances not entering into its nor- mal composition, are also to be included in the consideration of its general pathology. Plethora. Plethora signifies an increase either in the total amount of the blood or in the number of the red blood-corpuscles beyond the healthy limit. The former PLETHORA. 59 of these conditions constitutes polyaemia, the latter polycythsemia. Individuals with a certain group of symptoms have, since remote times, been designated as plethoric, upon the assumption that the symptoms were due to an excess of blood. The symptoms referred to are abnormal redness of the face and mucous membranes ; fulness of the pulse ; increase of the heart's impulse, with tend- ency to palpitations; a sensation of warmth and of fulness, especially in the head and chest; and sometimes epistaxis and hemorrhages from different mucous membranes. Constitutional tendency, overfeeding, idleness and lux- urious habits, and the arrest of periodical or habitual hemorrhages, are the leading causes assigned for this condition of supposed plethora. Bloodlet- ting, reduced diet, and increased exercise often relieve the symptoms. While the symptoms and the means of relief certainly suggest an excess of blood, yet an increase in the amount of blood or of red blood-corpuscles in this condition has not been proven, and recent experiments on animals render improbable the existence of a permanent polyamia, Temporary plethora may be produced by transfusion of blood from one ani- mal into another of the same species. In this way the amount of blood in a dog may be doubled without evident discomfort to the animal after the injec- tion, and with only a brief rise in the blood-pressure during the operation. It is thus shown that the blood-vessels are capable of holding much more than the normal amount of blood. It is an interesting fact, however, that the transfusion of this large amount impairs so much the elasticity of the vessels that they cannot at once accommodate themselves even to the normal quan- tity of blood, and the animal dies upon the immediate withdrawal of a quan- tity of blood even less than that injected. Within a few hours after the transfusion the quantity of blood-plasma is considerably lessened, and after two or three days it returns to the normal amount. This reduction is effected chiefly by increase in the urinary secretion. The excess in red blood-corpus- cles persists somewhat longer. A true polycythamia exists. But in a few days, at the most in from two to four weeks, the number of red blood-corpus- cles is also reduced to the normal quantity. This destruction of red blood- corpuscles is indicated by increased excretion of urea. If blood be injected equal in amount to 150 per cent, of the total quantity of blood in the animal, death ensues with symptoms of exhaustion, vomiting, and hamaturia. If the blood of one species of animal be injected into that of another species, the effects are entirely different. If by transfusion of lamb's blood into the veins of a dog the quantity be increased only one-fifth, the death of the dog ensues, as a rule, on the first or second day. Even half of that quantity produces severe symptoms, especially hamoglobinuria and a general tendency to hemorrhages. The injurious effects of the transfusion of for- eign blood may be explained, in part, by the fact that the serum of the blood of& certain species dissolves the red corpuscles of other species. It has been discovered by Kohler1 that the injection into the jugular vein of a small quantity of serum rendered rich in fibrin ferment by spontaneous coagulation of the blood, and subsequently straining through linen, causes often although not invariably, the rapid death of the animal from coagula- tion of the blood in the right cavities of the heart, the pulmonary artery, and its branches. The transfusion of blood which has been defibnnated by stirring does not produce these harmful effects. It is apparent that these experiments on animals throw much doubt upon the existence of true plethora in man, without absolutely disproving the possibility of its occurrence as a permanent condition. There is certainly no nroof that the symptoms hitherto embraced under the name plethora depend upon either polyamia or polycythamia. It has been suggested that their 1 Ueber Thrombose u. Transfusion, Dorpat, 1877. 60 GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. cause is to be found in impaired function of the vaso-motor nerves, the regu- lators of the circulation. Ansemia. Local anamia or ischamia dependent upon local disturbances of the circu- lation has been already described (vide p. 25). Under the name general anamia are included diminution in the mass of blood, or oligsemia ; diminu- tion in the number of red blood-corpuscles, or ejUgocythsemia ; and diminution in the amount of hamoglobin in the red blood-blood corpuscles, or achroio- cyfhsemia. In many cases of anamia some of the red corpuscles are much reduced in size. These small corpuscles are called microcytes.1 These micro- cytes are regarded by some as red blood-corpuscles in process of formation, by others as atrophied or degenerated red corpuscles. Hydrsemia, or diminu- tion of the solid ingredients of the plasma, especially the albumen, is also an element in most forms of anamia. But the essential element in anamia is diminution in the hamoglobin of the blood. It is to this loss of the color- ing matter of the blood that the most obvious and characteristic symptom of anamia-—namely, the pallor—is due. It was formerly believed that the quantity of hamoglobin in the blood is directly proportional to the number of red blood-corpuscles, but recent observations have shown that red blood- corpuscles in disease vary in the percentage of hamoglobin which they con- tain, so that reduction in the amount of hamoglobin in the blood does not necessarily involve a corresponding diminution in the number of red cor- puscles. Still, a greater or less loss of red blood-corpuscles is an almost constant change in anamia, and the cases are exceptional in which the extent of this loss is not an approximately correct index of the degree of anamia. In anamia, therefore, we may have changes in the quality as well as in the quantity of red blood-corpuscles. On the one hand, the amount of hamo- globin in individual corpuscles may be diminished, or, on the other hand, it may be increased. The normal amount of hamoglobin (oxyliamoglobin) in the blood is estimated at from 12 to 14 per cent. The amount may be reduced in anamia even as low as to 2 per cent. Cases of chlorosis have been observed with the normal number of red corpuscles and with less than half the proper amount of hamoglobin (achroiocythamia). Instances of oligocythemia have been recorded in which the hamoglobin was not reduced in proportion to the number of red blood-corpuscles. In such cases the con- dition of the blood is better than would be indicated by simply counting the number of red blood-corpuscles. In health the number of red blood-corpuscles in a cubic millimeter of blood is estimated at from four and a half to five millions. This number in anamia is often reduced one-half, and in extreme anamia it may fall even below half a million. The average diameter of the human red blood-corpuscles in health is between seven and eight micromillimeters. There are in health some cor- puscles smaller and some larger than the average. In anamia there is often a large number of corpuscles, called microcytes, whose size is between two and six micromillimeters, and on the other hand there may be some corpuscles measuring twelve to fifteen micromillimeters in diameter (megalocytes). The large corpuscles are found especially, although not exclusively, in pernicious anamia. The shape of the corpuscles in anamia may also deviate from that of the normal biconcave discs with round contours. The name poikiloajfosis is used to designate the condition of blood in which the corpuscles present manifold variations of shape. Nucleated red blood-corpuscles are sometimes found in the blood in anamia. The total volume of blood is not necessarily reduced in anamia out of 1 Some understand by microcytes only small, spherical red blood-corpuscles. AN.EMIA. 61 proportion to the loss of weight of the body, except in the case of acute anamia immediately following hemorrhage. It may, however, be dispropor- tionately lessened. Thus in two cases of pernicious anamia reported by Quincke the quantity of blood was estimated to be from 4 to 5 per cent, of the weight of the body, instead of 8 per cent., the normal proportion. If the anamia be severe and chronic, secondary changes are produced in the organs and tissues of the body. Of these changes none is more import- ant or more characteristic than fatty degeneration of the heart, as has been emphasized especially by Ponfick. Fatty degeneration of the walls of the vessels, of the liver, the kidneys, and sometimes of the voluntary muscles, may also be induced, but in less degree. Ecchymoses and a hemorrhagic diathesis may be the result of profound anamia. Atrophy of different organs of the body is a natural result of long-continued anamia. The nervous cen- tres suffer the least in their nutrition. An interesting change in the marrow of the bones has been observed in profound chronic anamia, and is probably to be regarded as secondary. This change consists in the appearance of red in the place of the yellow medulla which is normally present in the long bones of adults. The fat disappears, the number of medullary cells is greatly increased, and a considerable number of nucleated red blood-corpuscles make their appearance. This alteration is a return of the yellow marrow to the condition it presents in foetal and infantile life. Some think that this change in the osseous medulla has to do with the regeneration of red blood-corpuscles. Although it has long been known that if the cause of anamia be removed the red corpuscles are renewed in a comparatively short time, we possess little positive knowledge as to the mode of regeneration. Experiment and patho- logical observation point especially to the spleen and marrow of the bones, perhaps also to the lymphatic glands, as organs in which red as well as white blood-corpuscles may be formed. There are three leading views as to the new formation of human red blood-corpuscles in the adult. According to one view (Hayem's), they are formed from little bodies identical with the blood-plates of Bizzozero, and called by Hayem hamatoblasts, which are found in the circulating blood; according to a second view (Neumann's), they are formed in the marrow of the bones from leucocytes by a transforma- tion of the protoplasm into hamoglobin and a subsequent disappearance of the nucleus ; according to another view (Bizzozero's), they are formed in the marrow of the bones by indirect division of nucleated red blood-corpuscles. According to the two last views, which are more probable than the first, nucleated red blood-corpuscles represent the young or embryonic blood- corpuscles. Anamia may be divided into an acute and a chronic form. The best exam- ple of acute anamia is that produced by copious hemorrhages. This also affords the purest example of oligamia. A considerable amount of blood—in dogs over one-quarter of the entire mass—may be withdrawn from healthy indi- viduals without permanent damage. The loss of one-half of the entire vol- ume of blood is usually fatal. Females, as a rule, are more tolerant of loss of blood than males. Infants are especially susceptible to the evil effects of the withdrawal of blood. A large quantity of blood—in dogs over a quarter of the whole volume—may be removed without more than a temporary low- ering of the blood-pressure. Under the influence of the vaso-motor nerves, which are affected by anamia as by an irritant, the vessels adapt themselves within very wide limits to varying amounts of blood without permanent alter- ation of the blood-pressure. In healthy individuals a very considerable loss of blood is repaired within a short time, at the most in three or four weeks. The blood is very soon restored to its normal volume by the absorption of 62 GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. water. As the red blood-corpuscles and the albumen are not so easily renewed, the specific gravity of the blood is now diminished. A condition of hydramia has replaced the oligamia. The white blood-corpuscles are sooner restored than the red. In proportion to their number, there are fewer white than red corpuscles lost by hemorrhage. The former are of less weight, more viscid, and do not so readily escape from the vessels. Then the lymph, the flow of which is increased by severe hemorrhages, constantly brings new leucocytes to the blood, so that soon after a considerable hemorrhage the num- ber of white corpuscles, in proportion to the red, is increased. A temporary relative leucocytosis is thus produced. The food restores to the blood its normal amount of albumen. The red-blood-corpuscles are also regenerated, although more slowly. The symptoms of acute anamia are of course grave in proportion to the amount of blood lost. They are weakness, pallor, coldness of the surface, feeble and rapid pulse, dimness of vision, dyspnoea, muscular spasms, espe- cially in the calves of the legs, and, if the loss of blood be sufficient, uncon- sciousness and epileptiform convulsions from anamia of the brain. Death results from hemorrhage, not in consequence of the loss of red blood-corpus- cles or of any particular constituent of the blood, but from the diminution in the total volume of blood. To this diminished volume the heart and the blood-vessels cannot at once adjust themselves. The symptoms are more marked when the hemorrhage occurs in persons previously healthy than in those already enfeebled. The immediate treatment consists in means to arrest the hemorrhage, in maintenance of the recumbent posture with the head lower than the feet, and in the administration of stimulants. If transfusion be necessary, the same purpose is accomplished by the infusion of dilute solu- tion of common salt (0.6 per cent.) as by transfusion of blood, and the for- mer procedure is simpler and less dangerous than the latter. The most important causes of chronic anamia are the following : 1, repeated hemorrhages, as menorrhagia, or hamatemesis ; 2, the loss of essential constit- uents of the plasma, particularly albumen, as in chronic albuminuria, pro- longed lactation, chronic dysentery and diarrhoea, or prolonged suppurations ; 3, defective supply of nutriment (anamia of inanition); 4, affections occa- sioning indigestion and vomiting, as chronic gastritis, or ulcer of the stomach ; 5, chronic wasting diseases, particularly tuberculosis and cancer; 6, the poi- sons of chronic infectious diseases, as malaria, or syphilis; 7, certain mineral poisons, especially lead and mercury. Anamia more acute in its development may attend acute infectious diseases, as yellow fever, typhoid fever, and the entrance into the blood of poisons which rapidly destroy the red corpuscles, as phosphorus and the biliary salts. There is,' further, an important class of anamias for which, with our present knowledge, no cause can be assigned. This class embraces leucocythamia, pseudo-leucocythamia, Addison's disease, chlorosis, and pernicious anamia. Profound and often fatal anamia, without apparent cause or obvious structural changes in the body, exclusive of those which may be secondary to the anamia, is known as primary, idiopathic, essential, or pernicious anamia. The most reasonable hypothesis as to these anamias without known cause is that they depend upon disturbances in the blood-forming organs, which may be embraced under the generic name hama- topoietic system. As these forms of anamia constitute, for the most part, well-defined diseases, susceptible usually of diagnosis, it will be convenient to treat of them in Part II. of this work under the heading " Diseases of the Hamatopoietic System," although, as has already been stated, our knowledge of the formation of blood-corpuscles after birth is incomplete. As is evident from the enumeration of its causes, symptomatic anamia is incident to a variety of diseases, in connection with which it will hereafter HYDREMIA. 63 be referred to. It is proper here to mention the common and most diagnostic symptoms, although they may be modified by the primary disease. Such symptoms are pallor of the face and mucous membranes, impairment of mus- cular and mental energy, functional disorders of the nervous system, especi- ally neuralgia and so-called spinal irritation, coldness of the surface, dyspnoea on exertion, impaired digestion, palpitation of the heart, a pulse either small or full, but compressible. It is important to note that in persons who have an unusual vascularity of the face anamia may exist not only without notable pallor, but even with a rosy complexion. Of special importance in the diag- nosis of anamia is the presence of certain physical signs. There is often present in anamia a soft bellows murmur accompanying the first sound of the heart, and heard most distinctly at the base of the heart and in the larger arteries, the carotid, the subclavian, etc. To constitute evidence of anamia there must be wanting the signs of organic lesion of the heart and large ves- sels. In conjunction with this murmur a continuous humming sound, some- times musical, is heard when the stethoscope is applied over the veins of the neck. This sound, due to the movement of blood in the veins, is called the venous hum, or, after the French, bruit de diable. These murmurs are dis- tinguished from those denoting lesions, as inorganic, hamic, or anamic mur- murs. The arterial murmur is present in only a certain proportion of cases, but the venous hum may be heard almost invariably. Symptomatic anamia is sometimes amenable to treatment, at other times not, according to the nature of the primary disease. It may be noted that anamia is not incompatible with embonpoint. The first indication is to ascer- tain and remove if possible the cause or causes on which the anamia depends. The most important measures in restoring the quality and quantity of red globules are—-first, a nutritious alimentation, into which meat should enter largely ; second, iron as a special remedy, the effect of which in increasing the amount of hamoglobin and the number of corpuscles is often remark- able; third, other tonics, as arsenic, quinine, strychnine, and stimulants to render the digestive functions more active ; and fourth, a regimen calculated to increase the energy of the assimilative functions, consisting in exercise in the open air, change of climate, recreation, etc. Hydraemia. By hydraemia is understood a relative or an absolute increase in the amount of water in the blood in proportion to the solid ingredients. It is the dimi- nution in the amount of albumen which forms the chief element in hydramia. Less emphasis is laid in this connection upon the loss of blood-corpuscles, although, as has been mentioned already, anamia and hydramia are usually associated. The salts and extractive matters of the blood are left out of con- sideration. Hydramia is essentially hypalbuminosis, relative or absolute. There are three possible forms of hydramia : in the first, the amount of water is normal, but the solids are diminished ; in the second, the solids are normal in quantity, but the amount of water is increased ; in the third, the amount of solids is diminished, and that of the water is increased. In the third form the highest degree of hydramia is reached. The various causes of anamia, involving loss of the solid constituents of the blood, are also causes of hydramia. The most extreme hydramia is that produced in many cases of chronic nephritis or Bright's disease, in which there is not only a continual drain of albumen from the blood, but the excretion of water by the kidneys is lessened. The conditions are here present for the production of the third form of hydramia. In Bright's disease the specific gravity of the blood-serum has been known to sink from 1030 to 1013, the percentage 64 GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. of albumen from 8 to 4, corresponding to an increase in the amount of water from 90 to 95 per cent. General oedema has long been considered to be a most characteristic symp- tom of hydramia. The abundant serous transudations in various parts of the body in Bright's disease have been referred directly to the extreme hydramia of this disease. It was naturally supposed that the less concen- trated the plasma, the more readily it would transude through the walls of the vessels. The experiments of Cohnheim and Lichtheim,1 however, have demonstrated that hydramia, even when present in a degree never met with in man, is not a direct cause of general oedema, but that this oedema follow^ only when the nutrition of the vascular walls is impaired and they are thereby rendered more permeable. Inasmuch, however, as the hydramia favors this weakening of the vessel-walls, it still must be considered an important indi- rect cause of dropsy. Anhydraemia. A too concentrated state of the blood in consequence of an absolute increase in its solid constituents is not a recognized pathological condition. We know nothing of absolute hyperalbuminosis as a morbid state of the blood. Anhydrsemia, or a thickened condition of the blood from loss of water, is familiar to us in man only as a change resulting from excessive serous discharges from the intestine, particularly as a result of cholera. In cholera the blood may become so concentrated as to flow with difficulty and to present an almost tarry consistence. As there is an effort to repair the loss of water by absorption, the organs and tissues become shrunken and dry, the secretions are diminished or checked, the circulation is slow, the blood- pressure is reduced, and the pulse becomes feeble or imperceptible. The appearance of the salts of potassium in the plasma indicates that red blood- corpuscles are destroyed. If reaction ensue after the choleraic discharges cease, the blood is rapidly restored to its normal percentage of water by the absorption of fluids taken into the system. Hyperinosis; Hypinosis. An abnormal increase in the amount of fibrin in the blood constitutes hyperinosis; an abnormal diminution of the fibrin is called hypinosis. In former times, when venesection was more frequently practised, physicians paid much attention to the amount of fibrin in the blood, to the rapidity with which it coagulates, and to the appearance of the coagulum. It is now recog- nized that many fallacies existed in the former methods of analysis, and that estimates of the fibrin do not have the diagnostic value formerly attributed to them. The statements formerly made as to increase or diminution of fibrin in the blood were based upon the amount of coagulum formed after death or in blood withdrawn by venesection, or upon the rapidity with which coagula- tion occurred. Fibrin, however, does not exist preformed in the blood. ^The quantity of fibrin which coagulates from the blood is believed to depend less upon the amount of fibrin-forming substance in the blood than upon the pres- ence or absence of conditions which favor or impede the coagulation. Imperfect coagulation of the blood, or hypinosis in the old sense, has been observed in some acute infectious diseases, in acute icterus, in death from asphyxia, and in death from certain poisons, such as sulphuretted hydrogen and hydrocyanic acid. Increase of fibrin, or hyperinosis, occurs in inflam- mations, in pneumonia, in acute rheumatism, and in erysipelas. 1 Virchow's Archiv, Bd. 69, p. 106. ALTERATIONS IN THE GASES OF THE BLOOD. 65 The so-called buffy coat, or crust a infiammatoria, is due to the slow coagula- tion of the fibrin, so that the red corpuscles have time to sink and leave the upper layers of the coagulum uncolored. This appearance in blood removed by venesection is not characteristic of inflammation and has no diagnostic value. Leucocytosis. According to the nomenclature proposed by Virchow, a temporary increase in the number of white corpuscles in the blood is called leueoeytosis ; a perma- nent and usually much greater increase constitutes the disease called leucocy- thsemia or leukaemia. The number of white corpuscles in the blood is subject to much greater variation, within normal limits, than is that of the red cor- puscles. The proportion is usually estimated as 1 white to 050-500 red. Leucocytosis, indicated by a moderate increase in the number of white cor- puscles, has been observed, as a physiological condition, during digestion and in pregnancy. Leucocytosis is present in inflammations attended with pro- fuse suppuration. It is also observed in fevers. A relative, and sometimes an absolute, leucocytosis is often present in anamic conditions, as already men- tioned. The increase in white corpuscles in these conditions rarely approaches in degree that found in the disease leucocythamia, in which the proportion of white to red may be as 1 to 10, 1 to 3, and even in one case 3 white were present to 2 red. In leucocythamia the number of red corpuscles is dimin- ished, and the symptoms are mainly those of anamia. This disease will be considered in Part II. of this work, in the section treating of diseases of the hamatopoietic system. Alterations in the Gases of the Blood. The gases contained in the blood are oxygen, carbonic acid, and nitrogen. The oxygen is, for the most part, in unstable combination with hamoglobin in the form of oxyhamoglobin. There may be also a small amount of oxy- gen simply dissolved or absorbed in the plasma. The oxygen may be easily driven out of the blood by certain other gases, as carbonic oxide, or by a vacuum. Carbonic acid gas exists in the plasma and in the red corpuscles of the blood only in combination with alkalies or alkaline salts; none is held in simple solution (P. Bert). Nitrogen is simply absorbed. Of course, the stable combinations of these gases in the blood do not here enter into con- sideration. Probably the only influence which can increase the quantity of oxygen in the blood sufficiently to give rise to morbid symptoms is the inhalation of compressed air; and" here the evil effects are due less to the increased quan- tity than to the increased tension of the oxygen in the blood.1 Death in compressed air may result as well from excess of carbonic acid in the blood as from excess of oxygen. The effects of changes in the barometric pressure have been ably studied by Paul Bert,'2 who investigated the influence of com- pressed and of rarefied air upon men and animals. He found that evil effects are felt under a pressure of six atmospheres; that in animals convulsions appear when the pressure reaches twenty atmospheres; and that death rapidly ensues when the pressure equals twenty-five atmospheres. As the hamo'-lobin in normal arterial blood is nearly or quite saturated with oxy- »T v Liebi"- (Munchmer cirztl. Iifrlliyenzbl., No. 19, 1879) explains the injurious influence of compressed air by the mechanical hindrance which it offers to expira- * La Pression barometrique, etc., Paris, 187S. QQ GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. gen (Herter), it is mainly the dissolved oxygen of the plasma which is aug- mented by inhaling compressed air. According to Bert, death ensues when the proportion of oxygen in the arterial blood is augmented one-third. Under the influence of" this superoxygenation of the blood the oxidation of the tissues is diminished, the production of carbonic acid, the excretion of urea, and the destruction of sugar in the blood are lessened, and as a result the temperature is lowered. The study of the effects of high atmospheric pressure upon man has acquired especial interest in consequence of the extensive use made of coin- pressed air in engineering operations. In diving-bells, in mines in which compressed air is used to keep water from flowing into the shafts, in the cais- sons employed in the sinking of piers, men are subjected to the influence of compressed air, but the degree of compression rarely suffices in itself to pro- duce grave symptoms. Some inconvenience may be felt from pain in the ears and sometimes in the frontal and maxillary sinuses. There is, however, danger in passing rapidly from highly-compressed air into the normal atmo- sphere if the stay in the former have been long. A number of fatal accidents have occurred from ignorance or negligence in this respect. Hoppe-Seyler, and subsequently Bert, found that if the pressure have been considerable and it be too rapidly removed, nitrogen is set free in the blood in the form of gas- eous bubbles, which, collecting in the right side of the heart, stop the circu- lation and cause sudden death. Nitrogen is absorbed by the blood in accord- ance with Dalton's law for the absorption of gases by fluids, and consequently accumulates in the blood in considerable quantity in compressed air. There have been observed occasionally to follow the removal of the pressure certain symptoms, to which A. H. Smith1 has given the name of the caisson disease, and the explanation of which is not established. The most frequent and important of these symptoms are pain in one or more of the extremities, and sometimes in the trunk, epigastric pain and vomiting, paralysis more or less complete, general or local, most frequently confined to the lower half of the body, headache, and vertigo. According to Smith, the duration of the cais- son disease varies from three or four hours to six or eight days. The paral- ysis may disappear within twelve hours or may continue for weeks. Death occurs only in cases which are severe from the first. Smith refers the symp- toms, at least in severe cases, to congestion of the brain and spinal cord. It is, however, not improbable that at least some of the symptoms may be due to the liberation of bubbles of nitrogen in moderate amount or in situations not immediately endangering life. Morphine, atropine, and especially ergot, were found useful in relieving the pain. The main reliance, when the symp- toms are urgent, and especially when life is endangered soon after removal of the pressure, is return to compressed air. Bert has proposed the inhala- tion of oxygen to displace the free nitrogen from the blood by diffusion. Air compressed not more than from one to five atmospheres has been employed as a therapeutical agent, chiefly in certain pulmonary disorders. The influence of moderately-compressed air is to diminish the number of pul- sations of the heart and to increase the capacity of the lumrs by compression of the intestinal gases. According to Bert, the maximum of oxidation takes place under a pressure of three atmospheres. A condition attributed to excess of oxygen in the blood is a temporary cessation of the respiratory acts which is observed to follow violent and full inspirations, and which has been studied chiefly by physiologists on animals the condition being induced by vigorous artificial respiration". To the cessa- tion of breathing as thus produced the term apncea is limited by some Her- man writers; but this term, as usually applied, embraces the various condi- 1 The Effects of High Atmospheric Pressure, Brooklyn, 1873. ALTERATIOXS IX THE GASES OF THE BLOOD. 67 tions which occasion dyspnoea. In the latter comprehensive sense, inclusive of serious disturbances of hamatosis, whether accompanied or not by a sense of the want of breath, or dyspnoea, the term will be used in this work. Deficiency of oxygen in the blood is of much greater pathological import- ance than its increase. If the quantity of oxygen in the blood be greatly diminished, there follows a group of symptoms to which the names suffoca- tion, asphyxia, and cyanosis are applied. Causes which reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood sufficiently to produce suffocative symptoms are—1, diminution in the supply of oxygen to the pulmonary capillaries, as from breathing in rarefied air and in small closed spaces; also from obstruction or compression of the air-passages, as in croup ; from diseases which lessen the respiratory surface of the lungs or interfere with their function, as pneumo- nia, phthisis, pneumothorax, asthma, oedema; from interference with the respiratory centre, as in certain affections of the central nervous system and in narcotic poisoning; 2, obstruction to the circulation in the lungs, as from embolism of the pulmonary artery and in valvular lesions of the heart; 3, diminution in the amount of hamoglobin in the blood, such as results from profuse hemorrhages; 4, displacement of oxygen from its combination with hamoglobin by other gases which enter into a firmer combination, as carbonic oxide, from which many intentional and accidental cases of poisoning have resulted (nitric oxide also displaces the oxygen, but being irrespirable need not here be considered) ; 5, rapid reduction of oxyhamoglobin by gases which seize the oxygen, such as sulphuretted hydrogen, and probably also phosphuretted, arseniuretted, and antimoniuretted hydrogen, which further decompose the blood. Mention here should also be made of the asphyxia of new-born children (asphyxia neonatorum), which is due to separation of the placenta or to closure of the umbilical vessels before birth. After death from rapidly-produced suffocation the blood is of a dark color, and usually, although not always, fluid or imperfectly coagulated; the right cavities of the heart are, as a rule, distended with blood, the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea is congested; and ecchyinoses are frequently present beneath the pleura and pericardium. In consequence of the fluid condition of the blood there is hypostatic congestion of most organs, and unusually marked livid spots (Jivores mortis) on the most dependent parts of the surface of the body. Chemical analysis of the blood just before death shows the oxygen to be nearly or entirely absent and the carbonic acid to be more or less increased in amount. After poisoning by carbonic oxide, the blood is bright red instead of dark, unless this gas has been partly or wholly con- verted into carbonic acid. The symptoms of suffocation are, at first, dyspnoea, as indicated by increase in the rapidity or in the depth of the respiratory movements, or in both; convulsions, which are usually absent when the suffocation is not rapidly induced, and which even in rapid suffocation may fail, as in drowning; low- ering of the temperature; elevation of the blood-pressure ; at first slowing of the pulse from irritation of the vagi, then increased rapidity from paral- ysis • dilatation of the pupils ; protrusion of the eyeballs (exophthalmos), and a dark blue, so-called cyanotic hue of the surface of the body. At a late stage these symptoms may become considerably modified. This is the asphyctic stage proper. In it the color becomes less dark, the dyspnoea is lessened or disappears, the pulse is small and frequent, reflex excitability is lessened and finally unconsciousness, anasthesia, and death follow. Sugar may appear in the urine in cases of suffocation. The symptoms which have been enumerated are modified in individual cases, especially by the rapidity with which the oxyiren in the blood is lessened in amount, Dyspnoea, with more or less marked suffocative symptoms, is an important element in many 68 GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. diseases which will be considered in Part II. of this work. There has been much dispute as to whether the symptoms of suffocation, particularly dysp- noea, are due to the loss of oxygen in the blood or to the excess of carbonic acid. It is now quite certain that in rapid suffocation the dyspnoea is due chiefly to the diminished quantity of oxygen. It is possible to produce all of the symptoms of asphyxia in animals by lessening the amount of oxygen without increasing the amount of carbonic acid in the blood (Pfliiger), and although a large accumulation of carbonic acid in the blood also causes dysp- noea, the amount of this gas found in the blood in most cases of asphyxia is not sufficient to explain the symptoms. The treatment consists in removal of the cause, if possible, and in efforts to increase the quantity of oxygen in the blood. This increase is best effected by the employment of artificial respiration and by the inhalation of oxygen. In poisoning by carbonic oxide the transfusion of blood has proved successful. Special therapeutical indica- tions will be considered in the second part of this work. Although, as has been mentioned, in most cases of suffocation there is an excessive amount of carbonic acid in the blood, this excess does not usually suffice to produce dyspnoea. It is, however, possible to produce this symptom by inhaling air containing a large quantity of carbonic acid, even if there be no diminution of oxygen. The asphyxia is developed more slowly than when resulting from lack of oxygen. The experiments of Raoult1 have shown that the presence of carbonic acid in the inspired air diminishes the quantity of carbonic acid produced in the body, and especially the amount of the oxygen consumed. The experiments of Friedliinder and Herter2 upon animals demon- strate that if the quantity of oxygen be normal, inhalation of air containing an excess, but less than 20 per cent., of carbonic acid produces symptoms of irritation, such as increased frequency of respiration and increased blood- pressure, but no really poisonous effects ; but if the amount of carbonic acid be increased to about 30 per cent., symptoms of depression follow, the breath- ing becomes slower and weaker, the blood-pressure sinks, voluntary and reflex movements are weakened and finally abolished, the temperature falls, and the animal dies in the course of a few hours. If the quantity of carbonic acid be increased to the maximum, the symptoms of depression follow very rap- idly, and death occurs frequently within half an hour. According to Bert, symptoms of carbonic-acid poisoning do not appear until all of the alkali in the blood has been saturated with carbonic acid and the gas begins to be dis- solved in the plasma. Changes in the Albumen, Fat, and Inorganic Salts of the Blood. These changes can be dismissed with a few words. Enough has already been said in connection with hydramia and anhydramia concerning altera- tions in the quantity of albumen. Fat is probably always present in the blood-plasma in health. Its average amount is estimated at 2 to 3 parts per 1000, but the quantity varies considerably within normal limits. The amount of fat in the blood is increased during the digestion of fatty substances, when the blood may acquire a milky or chylous appearance from the molecules of fat. In diabetes the blood often has a slightly milky appearance from an increased amount of fat. This condition of the blood is called lipsemia. It is said that in certain diseases of the liver, in phthisis, and in chronic alcohol- ismus there is increased amount of fat in the blood. This chylous condi- tion of the blood is, of course, not to be confounded with the entrance of 1 Comptes rendus. t. 82, p. 1101. 2 Zeitschr.f. Physiol. Chemie, Bd. 2, p. 99, 1878. GLYCOH^EMIA. 69 oil-drops into the blood after fractures and in certain morbid conditions. This tatty embolism has already been described. (See Embolism and Thrombosis) Ue are riot able to assign any pathological importance to a chylous condition of the blood.1 J Although the inorganic salts are present only in small amount in the blood j1""?3^0 1U0°' °f Which ab°Ut one-half is chloride of sodium), they undoubtedly have an important part in the vital processes. The effects of their withdrawal from the food are described in works on physiology and can hardly claim pathological importance. Some writers have attributed the symptoms of scorbutus to a deficiency of alkaline carbonates or to a lack of potash salts in the blood, but we possess no very satisfactory chemical analy- sis of the blood of scorbutic individuals. There seems to be no diminution in the chlorides of the blood in pneumonia and in the fevers, notwithstand- ing sometimes an entire absence of chlorides in the urine in these affections. The diseases rachitis and osteomalacia are supposed by many to depend upon an insufficient amount of the salts of lime in the blood. According to C. Schmidt, there is a definite relation between the quantity of albumen and that of salts in the blood, diminution in the albumen being attended by increase in the salts. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD (Concluded). Glycohsemia—Acetonsemia—Uraemia—-Ammoniaemia—Uricaemia or Lithaemia—Cholaemia —Cholesteraemia—Melausemia—Septicaemia—Pyaemia. Glycohaemia. GLYCOHSEMIA signifies the presence of sugar in the blood. A small amount of grape-sugar exists normally in the plasma of the blood. This normal amount is estimated at from 1 to 2£ parts per 1000. The quantity of sugar is about the same in venous and in arterial blood, and does not seem to be essentially influenced by the diet, beyond the fact that sugar is absorbed from the inte'stine by the portal vein. If the quantity of sugar in the blood exceed a certain amount (2\—3 parts per 1000, according to Bernard), sugar appears in the urine, constituting the condition called glycosuria. Many physiologists indeed believe that a trace of sugar is present in the normal urine, the quantity being so small as to be unrecognizable by the ordinary tests. Glycosuria may be a temporary con- dition in health and in disease, or it may be long continued. Prolonged gly- cosuria is attended by a group of characteristic symptoms, and is called dia- betes mellifus, a disease which will be considered in Part II. of this work. Certain considerations pertaining to the pathogeny of glycohamia as a morbid state find their place appropriately under the general pathology of the blood. The amount of sugar in the blood of diabetic individuals may be 9 parts to 1000 of serum (Hoppe-Seyler). There has been found in 1 Sanders and Hamilton {Edin. Med. Journal, vol. ii. p. 47, 1879), however, consider lipaunia and the resulting fatty emboli as the cause of the dyspnoea and other symptoms of diabetic coma. 70 GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. diabetes increased decomposition of the nitrogenous constituents of the body, as indicated by an excess in the excretion of urea out of proportion even to the large amount of ingesta. Quincke found an increased amount of iron in various organs of the body, indicating increased destruction of red blood- corpuscles. In the milder cases of diabetes the sugar may be made to disap- pear from the urine by withholding saccharine and amylaceous articles of food; in the more severe cases the sugar remains, although in diminished amount, during a diet of strictly animal food. Permanent glycosuria may ap- pear as a symptom of certain affections of the central nervous system, particu- larly tumors and hemorrhages involving the medulla oblongata. With this occa- sional exception there are found in diabetes mellitus no pathological changes to which the increase of sugar in the blood can be referred with any certainty. There are many theories as to the nature of diabetes mellitus, but none has yet obtained general acceptance. Most of these theories are little more than conjectures based chiefly on physiological experiments, the results of many of which are still in controversy, or, with our present knowledge, neither admit of interpretation nor shed much light upon diabetes as it occurs in man. A temporary glycosuria can be produced in animals in a great variety of ways, of which the longest known and most celebrated is puncture of the floor of the fourth ventricle, the piqure of Bernard. This is thought to cause vaso-motor paralysis of the blood-vessels of the liver, and to hasten thereby the circulation through the organ. Among other methods of producing glycosuria experimentally, may be mentioned injuries of various parts of the brain and of the spinal cord, destruction of sympa- thetic ganglia or division of sympathetic nerves in different situations, irrita- tion of the depressor nerve, poisoning with curare, carbonic oxide, and most narcotics, injection of large quantities of solutions of common salt into the blood, and, in cats, simple fixation and tracheotomy. There are two possibilities as to the accumulation of sugar in the blood. One is that there is increased access of sugar to the blood; the other, that there is diminished consumption of sugar in the system. An increased amount of sugar has been supposed to come from different sources—from the liver, from the intestine, from the muscles, or from the tissues in general. The theory of the hepatogenous origin of diabetes mellitus is the one which has been most widely accepted since the researches of Bernard upon the gly- cogenic function of the liver. There are two modifications of the theory that in diabetes an increased quantity of sugar passes from the liver into the blood. In order to understand these two forms of the hepatogenous theory, it is necessary to know that it is thought not only that glycogen is formed out of sugar, but that it is also converted into sugar. According to one view, in diabetes the production of sugar in the liver is abnormally great. This may be clue to increased formation of glycogen or of sugar-ferment, or it may be the result of too rapid passage of glycogen from the hepatic cells into the blood, where it is converted into sugar. Pavy supposes that the liver produces sugar in diabetes, but not in health. Another form of the hepatogenous theory is that the sugar which is brought to the liver by the portal vein, whether in normal or in abnormal quantity, is not converted into glycogen, but passes unchanged through the liver into the hepatic vein. According to the former view, there is an increase of the sugar-forming func- tion of the liver; according to the latter, its glycogen-forming function is interfered with. Many of the advocates of each view hold that the primary change is increased rapidity of the portal circulation in the liver. This assumption is based upon experiments intended to show that temporary glycosuria is produced in animals by paralytic distension of the blood-ves- sels of the liver. The theory that diabetes depends upon an increased nro- GLYCOHuEMIA. 71 duction of sugar in the liver is founded on the doctrine that the formation of sugar from glycogen is a normal function of the liver. This theory has been opposed by investigations which have resulted in a denial of the existence of a sugar-forming function in the liver.1 In favor of the theory that diabetes mellitus is due to the non-conversion .of sugar into glycogen in the liver, the following experiments have been adduced: If sugar be injected into the jugular or the crural vein of an animal, it soon appears in the urine, whereas a larger amount may be injected into the mesenteric vein without causing glycosuria. Cases are reported in which the ingestion of sugar or of amylaceous substances has. induced glycosuria in cirrhosis of the liver, a disease in which a considerable part of the hepatic parenchyma is destroyed and the portal circulation is obstructed. Bernard produced glycosuria by feeding with sugar and amyla- ceous substances animals in which the portal vein was closed. On the other hand, it has been shown that puncture of the fourth ventricle does not cause glycosuria if the animal has been poisoned with arsenic or phosphorus, sub- stances which induce fatty metamorphosis of the liver. The theory of Huppert is perhaps the best presentation of the view that diabetes mellitus depends upon diminished oxidation of the sugar. The researches of Pettenkofer and Yoit regarding the nutritive changed in a dia- betic patient led them to advocate this theory. According to these investi- gators, diabetes mellitus is due to a general disturbance of nutrition, in consequence of which the albuminous constituents of the body undergo abnormally rapid metamorphosis. Proof of this they find in the amount of urea excreted, which exceeds that produced from the ingesta. Hence diabetic individuals rapidly emaciate. Sugar, like urea, they consider to be a normal product of the decomposition of albuminous substances. In health this sugar is rapidly oxidized. In diabetes it is claimed that less oxygen is absorbed than normal, notwithstanding the increased amount of oxidizable substances in the blood. This diminution in the absorption of oxygen is attributed to destruction of red blood-corpuscles, or to their abnormal constitution in conse- quence of their participation in the general malnutrition of the body. Inas- much as the sugar produced in increased amount by metamorphosis of albu- men does not find the proper quantity of oxygen for its combustion, it accumu- lates in the blood and causes abnormal glycohamia. The observations of Quincke2 are not in harmony with Pettenkofer and Yoit's explanation of the diminished absorption of oxygen. Quincke found not only no reduction in the amount of hamoglobin in the blood in diabetes, but in one case even an actual increase. The diminished consumption of the sugar in diabetes has been attributed also to a reduction of the alkalinity of the blood, and to the absence of some ferment which is supposed under normal conditions to disin- tegrate the sugar. Dickinson3 believes that diabetes mellitus is always the result of changes in the central nervous system. The most important of these changes he con- siders to be dilatation of the arteries and of the perivascular spaces, and minute hemorrhages with disintegration of nerve-elements. Changes similar to those described by Dickinson, however, have been found in other diseases, and are not constant in diabetes. While it is true, as has been mentioned, that in certain cases of diabetes mellitus marked changes have been found in the brain, especially in the pons and medulla oblongata, there is not sufficient evidence for believing that all cases of diabetes are of nervous origin. 1 Abeles, CE*tr. med. Juhrb., 1875, p. 269; Von Mering, Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys., 1877, p. 379; Bleile, ibid., 1879, p. 59. 2 Virchow7s Archiv, Bd. 54, p. 542. 3Med Timt-s and Gaz., March 9, 1870, and Treatise on Diabetes, 1875. 72 GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. It can serve no useful purpose to describe other theories which have been proposed or to attempt to criticise further those which have been cited. They all rest upon too uncertain a foundation. Until we have more positive know- ledge as to the source of sugar in the healthy organism, and as to its meta- morphoses, we cannot hope for any satisfactory explanation of the abnormal accumulation of sugar in the blood and in the urine in diabetes mellitus. The transient appearance of a small quantity of sugar in the urine in vari- ous diseases has no more pathological importance than the occasional appear- ance of a trace of albumen. Acetonaemia. Attention was first called to acetonamia by the recognition, in the urine and in the expired air of diabetic patients, of some substance which imparts an aromatic, fruity, chloroform-like odor resembling that of acetone. Ace- tone, or some substance yielding acetone, was proven to be frequently present in the urine in cases of diabetic coma. The theory of poisoning of the blood by acetone was constructed to explain these cases of coma. In many of the cases there was found in the urine a substance which imparted to it a bur- gundy-red color upon the addition of a solution of ferric chloride (Gerhardt's reaction). This reaction was considered proof of the presence of acetone or of an acetone-yielding substance. There is no proof that acetonamia is a condition of any pathological import- ance. The usual tests for the recognition of acetone in the urine are not very satisfactory. As to the occurrence of acetone in the urine, however, in a variety of conditions, there can be no doubt. It is even claimed by Von Jaksch that acetone is a normal product of tissue-metamorphosis, and that a minute quantity is constantly present in the urine. Pathological acetonuria he finds in fevers, diabetes, cancer, and various diseases of thegastro-intestinal tract. The substance which responds to the ferric-chloride test is not acetone, but it is probably diacetic acid. There is no proof that acetone, diacetic acid, or ethyl-diacetate possesses toxic properties in the human organism. The coma and other disturbances attributed to them may occur without their presence, and, on the other hand, acetonuria and diaceturia may exist without any characteristic symptoms. Uraemia. By uraemia is understood the accumulation in the blood of excrementitious substances of the urine. The term is usually applied to a group of symp- toms which appear when the function of the kidneys is interrupted or much impaired. The most important of the uramic symptoms are coma and epi- leptiform convulsions, preceded often by headache, vomiting, and diarrhoea. The convulsions usually precede the coma, but either may appear alone. Amaurosis, dyspnoea, and maniacal delirium are also to be included anion-*' the occasional manifestations of uramia. In the majority of cases uramia is the result of some form of acute or chronic diffuse inflammation of the kidneys (Bright's disease). It may attend any disease in which the excretion of urine is more or less completely suspended, as double hydronephrosis stricture of the urethra, cystitis, etc. In uramia, as a rule, the quantity of urine, and especially the quantity of urea excreted, are diminished, the urine is albuminous and contains casts, and dropsy is present or it has preceded the attack. There are, however, exceptions, especially as regards the quantity of urine and the presence of dropsy. We Cannot account for the fact that in one case uramia appears, and in another it fails, although the conditions are URAEMIA. 73 apparently the same in both. Notwithstanding much research, no thoroughly sat 1 si act ory explanation of the uramic phenomena has yet been reached. lhe oldest and still most prevalent theory is that uramia is due to the accumulation of urea in the blood. The arguments which have been adduced in support of this view are that urea, introduced into the blood of animals, produces symptoms similar to those of uramia in man, and that in uramia urea is in excess in the blood. In opposition to this view, however, the majority of experimenters agree that the injection even of large quantities of urea into the blood of healthy animals is harmless.1 Urea may be fed freely to dogs without injurious effects if the animals be allowed to drink water. Inasmuch as urea is rapidly eliminated by healthy kidneys, these experiments do not prove that urea is innocuous when its excretion from the body is checked. In order to determine the effects of urea under conditions in which it cannot so readily be eliminated, it has been injected into the blood of ani- mals whose kidneys have been removed. Uramic symptoms develop in nephrotomized animals which survive the operation, in every case sooner or later. That the appearance of these symptoms is hastened by the injection of urea has not been established. Voit found that symptoms resembling those of uramia are produced if the rapid elimination of urea fed to dogs be prevented by withholding water. The same effects were observed after feed- ing in the same way some other substances, such as benzoate of soda. Voit, therefore, does not attribute specific poisonous properties to urea, but thinks that uramic symptoms appear when the accumulation in the blood of a variety of substances, including urea, uric acid, potash salts, creatinin, and extractive matters, becomes so great that the products of tissue-metamorphosis cannot be carried off. These waste products collect not only in the blood, but in the tissues, and here check that interchange between the tissue-elements and the nutritive fluids which is essential to the proper performance of cell-function. The results hitherto obtained by experimentation with urea cannot serve as a basis of support for the doctrine that urea is the sole poisonous agent in uramia. The blood of uramic individuals has been analyzed with the view of deter- mining the injurious ingredients. The blood of animals in which the kidneys have been extirpated or the ureters tied has been found to contain urea in ten- fold its normal amount if the animals survive the operation from two to four days. These experiments show that urea is not formed exclusively in the kidneys, but that it is produced elsewhere and conveyed to these organs by the blood. Normal blood contains 0.01 to 0.08 per cent, of urea. The quan- tity of urea has been found much increased in the blood of uramic patients. Bartels mentions a case in which 0.8 per cent, of urea was found. Hoppe- Seyler found 0.127 per cent. These amounts are larger than have usually been found in uramia. But other excrementitiotis substances as well as urea are present in excess. A notable increase of extractive matters (0.86 per cent., Unppe-Seyler) has been found, the importance of which is not to be under- estimated because they have hitherto defied chemical analysis. There is one factor which disturbs the certainty with which urea accumulates in the blood when the function of the kidneys is suspended—namely, the vicarious elimina- tion of urea by other organs. Urea may be excreted vicariously by the stomach, intestine, and skin. It has also been found in larger percentage in ^eltz and Hitter found that when urea in large doses produced convulsions it was always contaminated with ammonium salts. It never produced convulsions when pure (Cmnpt. rend as, t. 86, No. 15, 1878). Picard recentlv finds, in opposition to most observers, that the rapid injection of concentrated solutions of urea into the jugular vein of dogs produces uraemic symptoms with fatal termination. He does not attribute the symptoms to the direct action of the urea but to suspension of the renal excretion {Gaz. med. dt Paris, 1879, No. 5). 74 GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. dropsical effusions than in the blood. In the stomach and intestine urea is readily converted into carbonate of ammonia. Urea has repeatedly been observed in uramia as a crystalline deposit upon the skin. The bile has also been found to contain an abnormal amount of urea. While urea has been found in excess in uramic blood, there have been also cases of uramia in which the amount of urea in the blood has been slightly, if at all, increased. In one case Jacobsen1 found the quantity of urea too small to admit of quantitative estimation. On the other hand, a large quan- tity of urea has been found in the blood without the coincidence of uramic symptoms. Unless in these analyses there has been some error, it seems quite certain that there are cases of uramia in which the symptoms are not due to the retention of urea in the blood. A theory of uramia elaborated by Frerichs with great skill, which obtained at one time considerable credence, is now generally discredited, at least as regards its applicability to most cases. This theory is that uramic symptoms are due to the presence in the blood of carbonate of ammonia produced by decomposition from the urea. There is no evidence for Frerichs's assumption that urea is decomposed into carbonate of ammonia in the blood. This decom- position, however, takes place in the stomach and intestine, carbonate of ammonia having been recognized often in the vomit of uramic patients. There is no doubt that carbonate of ammonia may be absorbed by the blood from the intestine, and that in certain cases, which are rarer than was once supposed, it may be detected in the breath. It is true that the injection of carbonate of ammonia into the blood of animals produces more marked symp- toms than does the introduction of urea. The most constant of these symp- toms are convulsions, followed often by coma, with infrequency of the pulse and respiration. But while carbonate of ammonia always produces one and the same group of symptoms, mainly those of irritation, on the other hand the manifestations of uramia are various, and only in a certain proportion of cases are they analogous to those produced by the ammonia salt. Carbonate of ammonia has been detected in small quantity in the blood in uramia, but it has also been found to be absent in many cases. Traube referred the uramic phenomena to cerebral oedema and consequent cerebral anamia. The oedema he attributed to hydramia and high arterial pressure—conditions which are often, but not invariably, present in uramia. (Edema and anamia of the brain are found when no uramic symptoms have been manifested during life, and they are by no means constantly present after death from uramia. (Edema of the brain may often be regarded with more propriety as the result rather than as the cause of convulsions. It is held by some writers that uramia is not always produced in the same way, but that in different cases the causes are different, Bartels was an emi- nent advocate of this eclectic view. Jaccoud attempts even to diagnosticate between uramia due to toxamia and that due to oedema of the brain. But no essential differences have been detected, as regards symptoms, between cases of uramia in which the blood was loaded with urea and those in which no excess could be determined ; between those in which carbonate of ammonia was found in the blood and those in which it was absent; or between cases accompanied with hydramia and those without this pathological condition. It is only established with regard to the cause of uramia that this condi- tion is the result of an abatement of the function of the kidneys and that this abatement is followed by an accumulation of excrementitious substances in the body. It is inconceivable that the accumulation in the blood and tissues of waste products should not have an injurious effect. Perhaps the followin*" explanation of the uramic phenomena is most in harmony with clinical and 1 Ziemssen's Cyclopaedia of the Pmctice of Medicine, Eng. trans., vol. xv. p. 130. URIC.EMIA—LITH.EMIA. 75 experimental observations : The uramic symptoms are the result of the reten- tion in the system of excrementitious materials. It is the entire mass of waste products, and not any single element, which is the source of trouble. The nature of these waste materials is very imperfectly known. They probably consist mainly of nitrogenous substances in different conditions of the meta- morphosis of which urea is the final stage. The non-elimination of the excre- tory products causes an incomplete metamorphosis of the waste nitrogenous elements.^ ^ These are retained, not only in the blood, but finally in the tissues. The nutritive processes are thereby disturbed. As the uramic symptoms are chiefly of nervous origin, it is necessary to emphasize especially the disturb- ance of nutrition of the nervous system. Ammoniaemia. The occasional absorption of carbonate of ammonia produced from urea excreted by the intestine has been mentioned already. Whether the amount of carbonate of ammonia which thus gains access to the blood ever suffices to produce poisonous symptoms is uncertain. There is, at least, not sufficient ground for believing that uramia is, in reality, ammoniamia. An ammoniacal state of the blood has also been referred to the absorption of carbonate of ammonia formed in decomposed urine in cases of retention of urine and of cystitis, from stricture of the urethra, enlarged prostate, paralysis of the bladder, pyelitis, etc. Musculus succeeded in isolating from the urine, in a car-e of cystitis, a ferment capable in a short time of transforming urea into carbonate of ammonia. Pasteur and Joubert found this ferment only when bacteria were present, and they believe that it is produced by these organisms. Leube and Graser have isolated no less than five different forms of bacteria, some from ammoniacal urine and others from the air, which are capable of transforming urea into carbonate of ammonia. The organisms which cause ammoniacal decomposition of the urine gain access to the urine from outside of the body, chiefly by catheterization. Some writers have considered ammoni- amia as the cause of the symptoms often observed in the late stages of cystitis and of pyelitis. These symptoms are irregular chills, fever, dryness of the mucous membranes exposed to the air, vomiting, diarrhoea, delirium, somno- lence, and coma. Ammoniacal exhalations from the lungs and the skin are sometimes observed. As suggested by Rosenstein,1 these symptoms are rather those of septic infection than of ammoniamia. They do not at all resemble the symptoms induced in animals by the injection of carbonate of ammonia. Convulsions are among the most constant and prominent effects of poisoning with carbonate of ammonia, but they are absent in this so-called ammoniamia. Uricaemia—Lithaemia. Uric acid exists in minute quantity in the blood in health. Its abnormal accumulation constitutes the condition to which, in the first edition of this work (1866), was applied the name uricamia. Subsequently the name lithamia was applied to it by Murchison. Garrod has shown that an abnor- mally large quantity of uric acid is present in the blood in gout,2 It may also exist in increased amount in chronic lead-poisoning, leucocythamia, and some other conditions. The exact form in which uric acid exists in the blood is not known, but it is probably the neutral urate of soda. The acid urate of soda is much less soluble than the neutral salt. The accumulation of uric acid in the blood is a constant attendant of gout, and is regarded by Garrod 1 "Ueber Ammonifpmia," Deutsche Zeitse.hr. f. Prac. Med., No. 20, 1874. 2 Garrod On the Nuture and Trry causes; that is, acting in conjunction with the constitutional tendency. Thus, in a person predisposed to phthisis the development of this disease may be greatly promoted by unfavorable hygienic circumstances, such as sedentary habits, deficient ventilation, and inadequate alimentation. These co-operating causes, in conjunction with an existing predisposition, may serve to develop the disease when, without their aid, the predisposition might not have been sufficient. There is reason to believe that persons with a feeble predisposition to this disease often escape if they be exempt from the opera- tion of co-operating causes. The latter, moreover, are to a greater or less extent controllable, while the predisposition, especially if it be congenital, is beyond control. Diseases thus are preventable, notwithstanding a predis- 88 THE CAUSES OF DISEASE, OR ETIOLOGY. position to them, in so far as they depend on the union of co-operating causes. Herein lies a truth of great practical importance. Diseases which originate from special causes often appear to require for their production co-operating causes. Facts seem to show, for example, that yellow fever, periodical fevers, and epidemic cholera, which undoubtedly involve the agency of special causes, would in many cases not have occurred had not other than the special causes contributed to their production. By eradicating, as far as possible, all unfavorable hygienic influences, special causes may be rendered, to a great extent or perhaps completely, inopera- tive. The special causes we may not be able to remove; but co-operating causes are to a great extent within our control, and by removing the latter the diseases are rendered preventable. A constitutional predisposition to a particular form of disease constitutes what is called a diathesis. A diathesis, therefore, may be either congenital or acquired; and the diseases which are considered as generally, if not always, involving a constitutional predisposition, or diathesis, are sometimes distinguished as diathetic diseases. A cachexia or dyscrasia involves a diath- esis, and sometimes more. These terms denote not merely a constitutional predisposition to disease, but that condition of the system which exists when the disease is actually developed. A person born with a tendency to phthisis, for example, has the phthisical diathesis, and this diathesis event- uates in the tuberculous cachexia when the person becomes affected with phthisis. The term vulnerability has been of late applied to a condition of the system favorable for the morbific operation of any causes, either ordinary or specific. The sense of this term differs from that of predisposition, the latter denoting a tendency to a particular form of disease, whereas vulnerability denotes a susceptibility to all morbific agencies. Vulnerability thus, in contradistinc- tion to predisposition, does not determine the nature of the diseases produced by different causes. The term vulnerability, in fact, means neither more nor less than a general susceptibility to the causes of disease. Our present knowledge, for the most part, of the special or specific causes of disease is based on logical inference rather than on demonstration ; but certain conclusions respecting their origin and diffusion may be logically determined. One of these conclusions is that some morbific agents (miasms) emanate from the soil. This may be inferred with respect to the special causes giving rise to diseases called endemic. Endemic diseases are those which prevail within circumscribed territorial limits; that is, their prevalence does not extend beyond sectional boundaries. Now, this fact is sufficient for the inference that the source of the causative miasms is in the soil, because, of the elements which enter into climatic influences, those pecu- liar to any particular district are terrestrial. Again, in the diseases called epidemic—namely, those which prevail successively or simultaneously, at variable intervals, in different and often widespread territorial districts—the morbific agents, whatever may be their source, must be transported through the atmosphere or brought in some way from situations more or less distant. The causes of epidemic disease are migratory. In some instances they trav- erse successively almost every portion of the habitable globe. This is true of epidemic bronchitis, or influenza, and of epidemic cholera. It is altogether improbable that the special causes in these and other epidemics originate in the different sections of country over which their prevalence extends. Dis- eases are said to be pandemic when they are spread simultaneously over a whole country or population. The special causes which give rise to conta- gious diseases are derived from the bodies of those affected with these dis- eases ; and with respect to certain of these diseases it is probable that the PARASITES. 89 special causes are exclusively thus derived. It may fairly be doubted whether smallpox ever originates from any other source, notwithstanding the occur- rence of cases in which it cannot be traced to contagion. Yet the first case of smallpox which ever existed must, of course, have been an exception to this law, and it is possible that there are still occasional exceptions. Diseases are communicated not only by coming into contact with, or in proximity to, patients, but by means of what are called fomites. This term is applied to inanimate substances, such as clothing or articles of merchandise, to which contagious matter has adhered. In this way certain diseases, such as smallpox and scarlatina, may be disseminated at points far distant from the source of their special causes. The term fomites is generally restricted to the transmission of the matter of contagion. But it is certain that other special causes of disease may be transmitted in the same way. Facts, for example, show that the special cause of yellow fever is capable of transportation. And if this be true, it is correct to say. that a disease may be portable although not communicable. Parasites. The study of parasites has acquired great interest and prominence since it has been proven that many and important diseases are of parasitic origin. It has long been a logical inference that the infectious diseases are caused by the invasion of micro-organisms. The hypothesis of a living contagion was most skilfully advocated upon a priori grounds by Sir Henry Holland, Henle, and J. K. Mitchell. Only upon this hypothesis can be satisfactorily explained such characteristic features of infectious diseases as the period of incubation, the development of the disease from the reception of an infinitesimal quantity of virus, and the almost limitless multiplication of the virus, so that the mi- nute quantity received by a single individual, by its proliferation, may suffice to infect an entire community. It was once urged against the theory of animate contagion that the causation of infectious diseases might be explained by the action of chemical ferments; but this argument has turned to the advantage of the germ doctrine, since it has been proven that the ferments either are, or are produced by, living organisms. The purely deductive argument as to the causation of infectious diseases by living germs has been supported during the last twenty, and especially during the last ten, years by a mass of trustworthy observations and experi- ments which render the doctrine of a living contagium no longer a theory, but an established fact for a number of infectious diseases. Upon this basis of facts the argument by analogy becomes of great force in support of the germ- origin of other infectious diseases in which causative organisms have not yet been discovered. What is necessary in order to prove that a given disease is caused by a special micro-organism ? This proof is absolute and complete when for a given disease three conditions are fulfilled: first, the determination of the constant presence of a special micro-organism associated with the lesions of the disease ; second, the isolation of this organism by a series of pure cultures; and third, the production of the disease by the inoculation of the isolated organism. This rigid proof has been fulfilled for splenic fever, tuberculosis, glanders, erysipelas, and a number of diseases of inferior animals. Hardly less com- plete is the proof that the spirochatte Obermeieri is the cause of relapsing fever. Here the organism is of a peculiar character, is constantly present in the blood in the paroxysms of the disease, and the inoculation of blood containing the parasite causes the disease. Inasmuch as one or both of the last two condi- tions of the absolute proof cannot always be fulfilled—since it is not possible 90 THE CAUSES OF DISEASE, OR ETIOLOGY. in all cases to find a suitable medium for the cultivation of suspected organ- isms, and inoculation experiments upon animals yield negative results when the animals are not susceptible to the disease—the question arises as to the value to be attached to the mere presence of micro-organisms in the lesions of a given disease. The answer is, that when a special form of micro-organism is constantly found associated with the lesions of a disease in situations where foreign organisms do not normally occur, there can be very little doubt that the organism is the cause of the disease. In opposition to this view it has been and is still urged that the organism is the result, and not the cause, of the disease—that the disease simply affords suitable conditions for the lodg- ment and growth of the organism. This argument was not without some plausibility in the early period of bacterial investigation, but the force of the argument has been greatly impaired by the failure to establish its correctness in any single instance; while, on the other hand, whenever it has been pos- sible to cultivate and inoculate a special form of micro-organism constantly associated with the lesions of a disease in situations where foreign organisms do not occur, the suspected organism has been proven to be the cause of the disease. Thus, it is reasonably certain that the bacteria which are found con- stantly in the internal lesions of typhoid fever are the cause of this disease, although no animal may be found in whom it it possible to produce this dis- ease experimentally. Especial caution is required in drawing conclusions from the presence of organisms upon surfaces in communication with the exterior of the body, as upon the various mucous membranes; for upon many of these surfaces bacte- ria are normally present in large number. But even here, when it can be established, as in the case of the bacterium of Asiatic cholera, that an organ- ism with distinctive characters is constantly associated with the lesions of a disease, and is never found in the body except in connection with that dis- ease, it may be assumed that this organism is the cause of the disease. Bacteria.—The living organisms which have thus far been proven to be the causes of infectious diseases belong for the most part to the class of schizomycetes or bacteria. The term bacteria is used, although not with etymological correctness, to include the whole class of organisms more scien- tifically designated as schizomycetes (fissure-fungi). It is not necessary to suppose that all infectious diseases are due to bacteria; it may be that other organisms, such as some of the Protozoa, are concerned in the causation of certain diseases. The bacteria are simple, microscopic, vegetable cells, usually very minute, composed of protoplasm and perhaps an enveloping membrane. In shape the bacteria are round, rod-like, or spiral. They occur singly, in pairs, in chains, or in clumps. Clumps of bacteria imbedded in a gelatinous substance are called colonies or zooglcea, and they present an extremely characteristic appear- ance. Bacteria multiply, often with great rapidity, by transverse division or by the formation of spores. The spores are vastly more resistant to destruc- tive influences than the bacteria themselves. Both bacteria and spores are destroyed by steam at a temperature of 100° C. (212° F.). It is not possible at present to make any satisfactory classification of bac- teria. For purposes of description Cohn's classification is convenient viz.: first, round bacteria, called sph aero-bacteria or micrococci; second, short rod- shaped bacteria, called micro-bacteria ; third, longer rod-shaped bacteria called desmo-bacteria or bacilli; and fourth, spiral bacteria, called spirilla and spirochata. These four classes may be reduced to three by eliminating the term micro-bacteria, and calling, as is now customary, all rod-shaped bacteria whether long or short, bacilli. In order to determine the species of a particular kind of bacterium it is PARASITES. 91 necessary to know not only its form, but the manner and conditions of its growth and its physiological properties. Nothing could be more erroneous than to suppose that because two bacteria resemble each other, or are even identical in form, they are therefore of the same species. One of these bac- teria may be perfectly harmless and the other a deadly poison. The criteria which are usually employed, as far as possible, in determining the characters of any form of bacterium are—its morphology, the peculiarities of its growth in different culture-media, such as nutrient gelatin, agar-agar, blood-serum, steamed potato, bouillon, and its physiological properties, such as presence or absence of injurious effects by inoculation in animals, and presence or absence of fermentative changes by inoculation in suitable fluids. According to their biological properties bacteria are described as chromog- enous, or color-producing ; zymogeuous, or fermentative ; and pathogenic, or disease-producing. The only kinds of bacteria which will be considered in this work are the pathogenic, and of these only such as are concerned in the causation of diseases in human beings. Some of these bacteria will be fur- ther considered in Part II. of this work in connection with the diseases in which they are found. The Micrococcus gonorrhoeae, sometimes called gonococcus, is constantly present in gonorrhoeal secretions, whether derived from the urethra, vagina, uterus, or conjunctiva. Usually two micrococci are closely joined together, forming a diplococcus. The diplococcus may resemble a single biscuit-shaped micrococcus of large size. The gonorrhoeal micrococci may be found between the cells, but their most characteristic morphological property is their appear- ance in the interior of pus and epithelial cells. According to Bunim, the gonococcus grows slowly at a temperature of 30° to 34° C. upon gelatinized blood-serum. He succeeded in producing gonorrhoea by inoculation of the urethra with a pure culture of the organism. Further inoculation and culti- vation experiments are needed, although there can be little doubt that the organism is the cause of gonorrhoea. The micrococci of pus occur singly or in irregular clusters called staphy- lococci or in chains called streptococci. A variety of species have been dis- tinguished, chiefly by the appearances of their cultures. The forms most frequently found in the pus of acute abscesses are the Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus and the Staphylococcus pyogenes (dims. Next in frequency is the Strep- tococcus pyogenes. No less than nine different species of micrococci in pus have been distinguished. Frequently, two or more forms of micrococci are associated in the same abscess. The streptococci seem to occur especially with the more severe phlegmonous inflammations, such as those with an ery- sipelatous tendency. The micrococci of pus can be cultivated in gelatin and in ao-ar-agar. By the inoculation of some of the pure cultures in animals and in human beings abscesses have been produced. The micrococcus of erysipelas is a streptococcus which can be-cultivated in nutrient gelatin. Inoculation of its pure cultures in man and in animals causes erysipelas. According to Passet, a streptococcus found in abscesses cannot be distinguished from that of erysipelas. The micrococci of osteomyelitis seem to be identical with the staphylococci and the streptococci of ordinary abscesses. As has already been mentioned (p. 81), the same is true of the micrococci found in pyamic abscesses. In fetid pus, bacilli are usually found as well as micrococci. In malignant endocarditis, micrococci apparently identical with Staphylococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus pyogenes are found. In many infectious diseases, such as scarlatina, variola, morbilli, diphtheria, typhoid fever, and acute yellow atrophy of the liver, micrococci are found occasionally, but not constantly. There is no evidence that these micrococci 92 THE CAUSES OF DISEASE, OR ETIOLOGY. are the cause of the diseases. These septic micrococci, when they occur in the internal organs, are probably the result of a secondary or mixed infection which seems to be common in this class of diseases. The bacillus anthracis occurs in the form of immobile rods 5 to 20 p long and 1 p broad, with flattened ends, and often arranged in chains. Within the body the rods multiply solely by transverse division, but outside of the body they may grow into long threads in which glistening spores are developed. The spores are very much more resistant to destructive agents than the bacilli. The bacilli and spores are incapable of development at a temperature below 15° C. (;V.»° F.) or above 43° C. (110° F.). They require oxygen for their growth. The bacilli anthracis are constantly found in the body in splenic fever. They can be readily cultivated outside of the body in nutrient gelatin and in various other media. Inoculation of the pure cul- tures in animals susceptible to splenic fever always produces the disease. By cultivation of the bacilli of splenic fever at a temperature of 42° to 43° C. (107.5° to 109.5° F.), their virulence may be weakened or entirely destroyed, although the organisms still retain their normal appearance and capacity of development. The bacillus of typhoid fever is a short, thick bacillus with rounded ends. It is found in colonies in the intestinal lesions, the swollen mesenteric glands, the spleen, and sometimes in other organs. It can be readily cultivated in nutrient gelatin, agar-agar, blood-serum, and on potatoes. This organism will be fully considered in the article on Typhoid Fever. The bacillus of malignant oedema resembles the bacillus anthracis, but can be distinguished from it by its mobility and by slight differences of form. Its spores are widely distributed, occurring in earth, hay-dust, and putrefying fluids. It has been found in a few instances in man as the cause of a fatal inflammatory oedema. This bacillus can be cultivated in gelatin, blood-serum, agar-agar, and in potatoes under circumstances where the entrance of oxygen is excluded. Inoculation of the cultures in animals causes the characteristic disease. The growth of the organism is attended by the development of gas and fetid substances, which probably poison the system. The bacillus of rhinoscleroma is a short bacillus constantly found in the peculiar hard growths of this disease, which has been observed especially in South-eastern Europe. Cultivation and inoculation of the bacillus have not yet succeeded. The so-called bacilli of croupous pneumonia are elliptical bacteria which were first described by Friedliinder as micrococci. A characteristic but not peculiar feature of these bacilli is the presence around them of a gelat- inous capsule which can be stained by certain aniline dyes. These bacilli are frequently but not constantly present in the exudation of lobar pneu- monia. They grow in gelatin-cultures in masses compared in shape to a nail. Pneumonia, usually of the lobular variety, has been produced in animals by inhalation of the organisms and by inoculation in the pleura and lungs. The inoculation experiments, however, are not very conclusive. In view of this fact, and in view of the inconstancy in the presence of these bacilli, there is much doubt as to the etiological significance of the organisms described by Friedliinder. The micrococcus of sputum septicaemia (Sternberg) and other forms of bacteria have also been assigned as the cause of pneumonia. Under the heading of Infectious Tumors (p. 42) mention has already been made of the bacilli of tuberculosis, of leprosy, of syphilis, and of (/landers. The tubercle bacilli will be also considered in connection with Pulmonary Phthisis. The bacilli of cholera, which by some are considered to be spirilla or vibrios, will be described in connection with Asiatic cholera in Part II. The spirocheete Obermeieri is a spiral bacterium 16 to 40 p. long. It is PARASITES. 93 constantly present in the blood during the attacks of relapsing fever, and is absent in the intervals. In the fresh blood it is in rapid motion. The inocu- lation of blood containing the organism produces relapsing fever. The spirochate has not been satisfactorily cultivated. (For further details see the article on Relapsing Fever in Part II.) The peculiar organisms found in actinomycosis have already been described (p. 47). Mention has also been made of the bodies found by Laveran, and by Marchiafava and Celli, in the blood of malarial patients, which will be further considered in the article on Intermittent Fever. There are various possibilities as to the mode of action of bacteria in the system, but we possess very little positive information upon the subject. It has been suggested that pathogenic bacteria may produce their injurious effects by withdrawing nutriment from the cells and tissues of the body, by acting as ferments which cause abnormal metabolism and produce noxious substances (ptomaines), and by acting as chemical or as mechanical irritants. Fungi.—Mould-fungi belonging to the common species, mucor, aspergillus, and penicillium, are not infrequently found growing in necrotic tissues ex- posed to the air. The spores of certain varieties of mucor and of aspergillus when injected into the blood of animals are capable of growing in certain organs into mycelium, but the development never reaches the stage of fructi- fication. No instances are known of a similar invasion of the human body with the mould-fungi. In a number of diseases of the skin, fungi have been discovered which constitute an essential pathological element in these affec- tions. These fungi are Achorion Schoenleinii in favus, Tricophyton tonsurans in herpes tonsurans, and Microsporon furfur in pityriasis versicolor. The botanical position of these fungi is not known. The fungus found in aphtha or thrush is called Oidium albicans, but there is doubt as to its being a true oidium. The yeast-fungi, called saccharomyces, are often found in the fermenting contents of the stomach in various diseases of this organ. These fungi are concerned in alcoholic fermentation. Animal Parasites.—The animal parasites belong to the three divisions Protozoa, Arthropoda, and Vermes. 1. The Protozoa are the most lowly organized members of the animal kingdom. The Infusoria, which form a class of Protozoa, have been observed frequently in the contents of the intestine, especially in cholera and in inflam- matory conditions of the mucous membrane. It has not been proven that they are in any way associated with.the cause of disease. The Infusoria most frequently found are Cercomouas intestinalis} Trichomonas vaginalis, and Paramacium coli. Amoebae have been found occasionally in the intestinal contents in dysentery. The Psorospermiae, which have been found in the liver, in pleuritic exudations, and in the intestinal mucous membrane, are usually classified among the Protozoa, but tb