, 21WA U585P NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Salmonella-, Salmonella Infections ■ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERATURE 1955 -APRILi960 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION. AND WELFARE Public Health Service h f-s j r% |||j?NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE f■ &%/ •i—asw jo Aavagn ivnoiivn snidiosw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn 3NiDia3w jo Aavaan ivnoiivn y ? V >&&j * cr V' |)NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE x xw * :m a" I V (U^c: i id *f?>X % y^ \ 1 \ i»it?^' fcr-*-. ;03w jo Aavaan ivnoiivn snioiosw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn snidiosw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn \ \J^KlK} iijii-NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE ^ i A/ J ^ |«|fa3w jo Aavaan ivnoiivn 3NiDia3w jo Aavaan ivnoiivn NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE c c ? y^ 3NOI03W jo Aavaan ivnoiivn snidiqsw ji'NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL ""3* v^ 3NOICI3W \y ?f NATIONAL Ha3w jo Aavaan ivnoiivn 3NOia3w jo Aavaan ivnoiivn 3nidio3w jo Aavaan ivnoiivn ^-©^ *A * '\t y*2' Put .»'(L l-/ea/tl) Sc=.rv\ic<£. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Reference Division SALMONELLA; SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Bibliography of Literature 195 5-April 1960 Compiled by Dorothy Bocker, M.D. Medical Officer U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Washington, D.C. May 1960 4- ufrsrp no. h$ I5U NATIONAL L'-^Y OF Vimm "^V BETHESDA 14, MD. INTRODUCTION SALMONELLAE are pathogenic to man, and, with the exception of Sal- monella typhosa, to animals as well. The incidence of infection in the form of single cases and in outbreaks is worldwide. Although preventive measures have reduced the occurrence of typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, reported cases of diseases caused by the vast number of the lesser known salmonellae have markedly increased. This may be due in part to refinements of labora- tory technic which have made diagnosis more accurate; however, greater importation of infected foodstuffs and animals and more travellers of all kinds may be of significant importance in the spread of salmonellae infections. The bibliography is designed for the use of workers in the clinical and research fields of medicine and public health. English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish references have been selected from an examination of the literature and from indexes and catalogs available in the National Library of Medicine; the time period covered is 1955-April 1960. Occa- sional brief annotations have been added to entries, which are listed under four broad headings without cross references. An asterisk indicates that the entry has not been examined. DOROTHY BOCKER, M.D. Medical Officer, National Library of Medicine. iil CONTENTS Page I. Laboratory........................................ 1 A General..................................... 1 B Types....................................... 5 C Bacteriophages: Genetics........................ 9 D Antigens.................................... 12 II. Animal Infections.................................. 16 III. Human Infections.................................. 20 IV. Epidemiology..................................... 27 V. Author Index...................................... 33 V I. LABORATORY A. General 1. American Public Health Association. Recommended methods for the microbiologi- cal examination of foods. New York, Am. P. Health Ass., 1958. 207 p. Salmonella, p. 155, 158, 159, 160, 162. 2. Bachrach, U. An improved method for the determination of lysine decarboxylase ac- tivity of salmonellae. Techn. Bull., 1959, 29: 194-195. 7 references. 24 strains of sal- monellae. 3. Baquerizo Amador, L., and RoDRfGUEz Baquerizo, 0. Procedimiento para el diag- nostic de las enterobacteriaceae. Rev. ecuat. hig., 1959, 16: 25-51. 13 references. Serum 0, 4 groups, 26 different salmonellae. Serum H, 5 groups, 20 different salmonellae. 4. Baron, L. S., Carey, W. F., and Spilman, W. M. Characteristics of a high frequency of recombination (HFR) strain of Salmonella typhosa compatible with salmonella, shigella and escherichia species. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U.S. 1959, 45: 1752-1757. 18 references. 5. Becker, M. E., and Hartsell, S. E. The synergistic action of lysozyme and trypsin in bacteriolysis. Arch. Biochem., N.Y., 1955, 55: 257-269. 14 references. Salmonellae included in tests. 6. Bercner-Rabinowitz, S. The survival of coliforms Streptococcus faecalis and Salmo- nella tennessee in the soil and climate of Israel. Appl. Microb., 1956, 4: 101-106. 7. Berry, L. J. Altitude stress; its effect on tissue citrate and salmonellosis in mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N.Y., 1957, 96: 246- 249. 8. Berry, L. J. Effect of malonate on growth rate of Salmonella typhimurium in mice. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1955, 62: 329-347. 9. Brandis, H., and Thomsen, M. Zur Kenntnis von Salm. Java. Zschr. Hyg., 1955, 141: 551-556. 33 strains. 10. Brenner, S., and Levy, P. R. Noncon- version of beta-hydroxy-pyruvic acid to serine in serine auxotrophs of Salmonella typhimu- rium. S. Afr. J. M. Sc, 1955, 20: 92. 11. Brocke, H. Eine sacharose-positive Sal- monella heidelberg. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 166: 66. A rare biochemical atypical variant. 12. Bruce, V. G., and Maale, G. Ultraviolet inactivation of synchronously dividing salmo- nella, postirradiation effects on viability. Biochim. biophys. acta, Amst., 1956, 21: 227- 233. 13. Burrows, W. Textbook of microbiology. 17th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1959. 954 p. The Salmonella group, p. 470-478, under the headings: Morphology and staining, phys- iology, toxins, immunological differentiation, antigenic structure, classification, variation, phage typing, ecology, bacteriological diag- nosis of salmonella infection, and pathogenic- ity for lower animals. Salmonella infections, p. 478-480. Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, p. 480-489. 14. Buttiaux, R., and Moriamez, J. Le milieu au selenite-vert brillant pour la re- cherche des salmonella: Ses avantages et in- convenients. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Lille, 1957, 9: 90-%. 15. Buxton, A. The in vivo sensitization of avian erythrocytes with Salmonella gallinarum polysaccharide. Immunology, 1959, 2: 203- 210. 15 references. 3 tables summarize findings. 16. Caldwell, W. Encapsulated form of Salmonella sp. type rubislaw. Related to Klelsiella type 13, and obtained from cere- brospinal fluid. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1955, 25: 218-220. 17. Cameron, J. A., Holtman, D. F., and Jeffries, C. D. The association of virulence with endotoxin in Salmonella pullorum. J. Infect. Dis., 1960, 106: 159-161. In vitro experiments with various strains of S. pul- lorum to determine the virulence of their endotoxins. 18. Carlquist, P. R. A biochemical test for separating parocolon groups. J. Bact., Bait., 1956, 71: 337-341. 10 references. Simple test to separate strains of Arizona and 6e- thesda-Ballerup groups. 19. Christian, J. H. B. The effects of wash- ing treatments on the composition of Sal- monella oranienburg. Austral. J. Biol. Sc, 1958, 11: 538-547. 1 20. Cooper, G. N. A rapid method for the identification of salmonella species. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1956, 72: 39-45. Technic. 21. Dietze, G. Die Wirkung einiger Desin- fektionsmittel gegen Salmonellen. Msh. Vet- med., 1957,12: 576-577. 22. Doering, P., and Fiutze, E. Uber die Verteilung eines bakteriellen Endotoxins im Blut (in vitro). Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1959, 132: 328-333. Endotoxin derived from S. abortus equi. 23. Doering, P,. Clemens, H., and Fritze, E. Die Verteilung eines markierten Endotoxins im Organismus. Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1959, 131: 334-345. 36 references. 24. Dotti, F., and Casetta, R. Patogeni- cita e fimbriatura in Salmonella typhimurium. Igiene mod., 1959, 52: 21-28. 25. Doty, P., Marmur, J., Eigner, J., and Schildkraut, C. Strand separation and spe- cific recombination in desoxyribonucleic acids; physical chemical studies. Proc Nat. Acad. Sc. U.S., 1960, 46: 461-476. 30 refer- ences. Hybrids from between the strands of bacteria closely related genetically. 26. Edwards, P. R., Fife, M. A., and Ewing, W. H. Newer biochemical methods in the recognition of shigellae and salmonellae. Am. J. M. Techn., 1956, 22(6a) : 28-35. Sal- monellae distinguished from E. freundii and related forms by using the ninhydrin and KCN tests. 27. Edwards, P. R., and Ewinc, W. H. Iden- tification of enterobacteriaceae. Minneapo- lis, Minn., Burgess, 1955. 179 p. Isolation of enteric bacteria, p. 1-5. The genus sal- monella, p. 16-64. 71 references. Simpli- fied salmonella diagnosis, p. 65-71. Bacterio- phage typing of Salmonella typhi, p. 73-80. Arizona group, p. 81-90. 28. Edwards, P. R., and Fife, M. A. Cyanide media in the differentiation of enteric bacteria. Appl. Microb., 1955, 4: 46-48. A large series of salmonellae tested. 29. Ewing, W. H., and Edwards, P. R. The principal divisions and groups of enterobac- teriaceae and their differentiation. Int. Bull. Bact. Nomen. Toxon., 1960, 10: 1-12. 19 ref- erences. 4 divisions. 2d division includes salmonellae; tables 4 and 5, p. 8 and 9, give details. 30. Falkow, S. Activity of lysine decar- boxylase as an aid in the identification of sal- monellae and shigellae. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1958,59: 598-600. 31. Fischer, G. W. Uber einen Indolposi- tiven Stamm von Salmonella thompson. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 166: 151-152. The first indol-positive S. thompson reported. 32. Frank, J. F., and Wricht, G. W. Sus- ceptibility of salmonella organisms to formal- dehyde fumigation. Canad. J. Comp M., 1955, 19: 71-75. S. pullorum especially susceptible. 33. Fritze, E., and Doering, P. Die Trans- port eines markierten Endotoxins im Blut. Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1959, 132: 334-336. Endotoxin derived from S. abortus equi. 34. Fromme, D., Luderitz, O., Nowotny, A., and Westphal, O. Chemische Analyse des Lipopolysaccharids aus Salmonella abortus equi. Pharm. acta helvet., 1958, 33: 391-400. 35. Furness, G. Interaction between Sal- monella typhimurium and phagocytic cells in cell culture. J. Infect. Dis., 1958, 103: 272- 277. Cells from tbe monkey and the mouse used in experiments. 36. Greenberg, B. Persistence of bacteria in the developmental stages of the housefly. I. Survival of enteric pathogens in the normal and aseptically reared host. Am. J. Trop. M. Hyg., 1959, 8: 405-411. 11 references. Sal- monellae included in study. 37. Greenberg, B. Persistence of bacteria in the developmental stages of the housefly. II. Quantitative study of the host contaminant relationship in flies breeding under natural conditions. Am. J. Trop. M. Hyg., 1959, 8: 412-416. 38. Harvey, R. W. S. Choice of a selective medium for the routine isolation of members of the salmonella group. Month. Bull. Min. Health Gr. Britain, 1956, 15: 118-124. 39. Heinrich, H. Grundriss der Bakteriolo- gie und Serologie fur medizinisch-technische assistentinnen. 3d ed. Jena, Fischer, 1959. 134 p. Salmonellen, p. 32-40. 40. Hinton, N. A. Antibiotic combinations; a study of the combined activity of strepto- mycin and chloramphenicol. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1959, 81: 819-827. 9 references. In vitro tests using E. coli and S. typhimurium. 41. Hoyt, R. E., and Pickett, M. J. Use of "rapid substrate" tablets in the recognition of enteric bacteria. /. Clin. Path., 1957, 27: 343-351. Salmonellae included among bac- teria tested. 42. Huey, C. R., and Edwards, P. R. Resist- ance of Salmonella typhimurium to tetracy- clines. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N.Y., 1958, 97: 550-551. 43. Ino, J., and Graber, C. D. Recovery of salmonella from contaminated cultures. U.S. Armed Forces M. J., 1955, 6: 586-587. 44. Irani, S. B., Ganguli, S., and Soman, S. Salmonella Cambridge in Bombay. Ind J M. Sc, 1959, 13: 767-768. ' ' 2 45. Jeynes, M. H. Growth and properties of bacterial protoplasts. Nature, Lond., 1957, 180: 867. Brief summary of experimental findings in a group of bacteria including some salmonellae. 46. Joachin, A., Mayes, 0., and Olarte, J. The sensitivity of salmonella species to syn- nematin B, chloramphenical, and tetracy- clines; a study of 110 freshly isolated strains. Antibiotics, 1959, 9: 349-352. 47. *Kampelmacher, E. H. Uber Vorkom- men und Isolierung von Salmonellen bei nor- malen Schlachtrindern den Nierderlanden. Zbl. vet. Med., 1957, 4: 198-204. Details of media used. 48. Kauffmann, F. Supplement to the Kauffmann-White scheme. Acta path. mU crob. scand., 1958, 43: 247-253. 49. Kauffmann, F., and Edwards, P. R. Re- vised, simplified Kauffmann-White scheme. Acta path, microb. scand., 1957, 41: 242-246. List of necessary 0 and H antisera; simplified table for rapid identification of salmonella types. 50. Kauffmann, F., and Petersen, A. Bio chemical group and type differentiation of enterobacteriaceae by organic acids. Acta path, microb. scand., 1956, 38: 481-491. 51. Kauffmann, F. Zur Differentialdiag- nose und Pathogenitat von Salmonella Java und Salmonella paratyphi B. Zschr. Hyg., 1955, 141: 546-550. Biochemical differentia- tion. 52. Kelly, F. C, and Hite, K. E. Microbi- ology. 2d ed. New York, Appleton, 1955. 615 p. The salmonella group, p. 384-388. Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, p. 389-392. Differential reactions of salmonella species, including antigenic formulae and biochemical reactions, Table 13, p. 386. 53. Kenner, B. A., Rockwood, S. W., and Kabler, P. W. Isolation of members of the genus salmonella by membrane filter proce- dures. AppL Microb., 1957, 5: 305-307. Table 2, p. 306: recoveries of 13 serological types. 54. Khomik, S. R., and Galaev, I. V. Bio- chemistry of amino acid metabolism in Sal- monella typhimurium (Breslau). /. Microb. Epidem. Immun., 1958, 29: 547-552. S. typhimurium decarboxylates arginine. 55. Kjeldgaard, N. O., Maal0e, O., and Schaechter, M. The transition between dif- ferent physiological states during balanced growth of Salmonella typhimurium. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1958, 19: 607-616. "* * * two of the major synthetic functions of the bacterial cell form separate systems within which different, distinct control mechanisms operate." 56. Landy, M., and Pillemor, L. Increased resistance to infection and accompanying al- teration in properdin levels following admin- istration of bacterial lipopolysaccharides. /. Exp. M., 1956, 104: 383-409. 28 references. 3 types of salmonellae included. 57. *Lehnert, E., and Thal, E. Die Erfas- sung von Dissoziationsformen von Salmonellae stammen mittels ihrer Elektrolytempfindlich- keit. Zbl. vet. Med., 1959, 6: 145-153. 58. Magasaik, B. The metabolic regulation of purine interconversions and of histidine biosynthesis. In: McElroy, W. D. and Glass, B., eds. A symposium on the chemi- cal bases of development: Sponsored by the McCollum-Pratt Institute of the Johns Hop- kins University with support from the Na- tional Science Foundation. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1958, p. 485-494. 18 references. S. typhimurium, p. 488-489. 59. *Mann, P. H. Sensitivity testing of 200 strains of salmonella to furazolidone. Poul- try Sc, 1958, 37: 1468-1469. 60. Merchant, I. A., and Packer, R. A. Veterinary bacteriology and virology. 5th ed. Ames, Iowa, The Iowa State College Press, 1956. 850 p. Salmonella, p. 341-369. 61 references. Recent changes in classifica- tion are based on antigenic structure. 61. Morgan, H. R. The salmonella. In: Dubos, R. J. ed. Bacterial and mycotic in- fections of man. 3d ed. Philadelphia, Lip- pincott, 1958, p. 375-388. 17 references. Description of laboratory studies, diagnosis, therapy, carriers, immunization and epidemi- ology. 62. Nasz, I. Experiments with filtrable forms of Salmonella enterididis var. danysz. Acta biol., 1959, 10: 215-221. 63. Niutta, R., and Giuffrida, G. L'azione del C. A. F. sulla diffusione di amino acidi liberi dalla cellula batterica di Salmonella bareilly. Riv. 1st. sieroter. ital., 1959, 34: 382-387. 6 references. Effect of chloram- phenicol on S. bareilly in vitro. 64. Ovalekar, K. I. R., and Sant, M. V. Some observations on the use of culture me- dia in isolation and identification of salmo- nellae. Indian J. M. Sc, 1959, 13: 909-914. 13 references. 26 strains identified by bio- chemical reactions. 65. Peterson, R. G., and Hartsell, S. E. The lysozyme spectrum of the gram-negative bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., 1955, 96: 75-61. Salmonella group included in tests. 66. Rappaport, F., Hirschberg, I., and Kon- forti, N. Modified tetrathionate enrichment medium for certain salmonellae. Acta med. orient., Tel-Aviv, 1956, 15: 84-87. 569563—61---2 3 67. Rogers, R. E., and Gunderson, M. F. Roasting of frozen stuffed turkeys. 1. Sur- vival of Salmonella pullorum in inoculated stuffing. Food Res., 1958, 23: 85-95. Tem- perature of 160° F. must be reached to assure destruction of S. pullorum. 68. Rosen, F. R., and Landy, M. Inactiva- tion of endotoxin by a humoral component. V. EDC activity during gram-negative infec- tion and shock. Zschr. Immunforsch., 1959, 118: 262-268. 10 references. Animal tests and clinical cases. Test negative; in 5 of the human cases the endotoxin detoxifying com- ponent was absent or greatly depressed. 69. Ruiz Reyes, G., and Suarez Puerto, A. M. Estudio sobre la incidencia y tipos de enterobacterias aisladas en la ciudad de Puebla. Communicacion del primer aislami- ento de Salmonella san juan verificado en la Repiiblica Mexicana. Medicina, Mex., 1956, 36: 226-228. 1,600 cultures. 70. Sakazaki, R., Namioka, S., and Wata- nabe, S. The occurrence and distribution of Salmonella and Arizona in Japan. Jap. J. Exp. M., 1959, 29: 15-35. 77 references. Author uses arizona not as a type of salmo- nella but as a separate group not too different from salmonella. 71. Schaecter, M., Maal0e, O., and Kjeld- gaard, N. O. Dependency on medium and temperature of cell size and chemical compo- sition during balanced growth of Salmonella typhimurium. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1958, 19: 592-606. 28 references. 72. Schafler, S., Mintzer, L., and Schafler, C. Acquisition of lactose fermenting proper- ties by salmonellae. /. Bact., Bait., 1960, 79: 203-212. 15 references. S. Stanley, S. heidelberg, S. glostrup and S. minnesota. 73. Schafler, S., and Mintzer, L. Acquisi- tion of lactose-fermenting properties of sal- monellae. Interrelationship between fermen- tation of cellulose and lactose. /. Bact., Bait., 1959, 78: 159-163. Table 1., p. 160, sum- marizes results in 56 different types of sal- monellae. 74. Schneweis, K-E. Zur Mikromorphologie glatter rauher Enterobacteriaceen-Kulturen. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1959, 176: 71-80. 14 references. Errors obtained with the use of solid media are eliminated when liquid media are used. 75. Schwarz, P., Gumhold-Josipovic, I., and Cirie, M. Ein selektiver Bleisulfitagar zur Isolierung der Salmonellen. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 167: 38-48. 20 references. Technic in detail. 71 salmonella strains tested. 76. Servant, P., Rey, L., and BonIst-Maury, P. Contribution a l'etude des conditions de conservation de la viabilite d'une souche de bacille typhique par lypophilisation en vue de la fabrication d'un vaccin radioinactive. 1. Etude de la phase de congelation initiale. Recherches la resistance du bacille typhique a 1'exposition aux basses temperatures. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1959, 96: 755-764. Freez- ing technic described. 77. Sherwood, N. P. Typhoidlike infection from a new nonmotile gram-negative rod pathogen. /. Kansas M. Soc, 1959, 13: 546- 548. Case. Differential laboratory diag- nosis. 78. Shiga, K, Shimbayashi, K, and Yone- mura, T. A study of changes of respiration in Salmonella pullorum following subculture. Bull. Nat. Inst. Animal Health, 1958, 36: 63-74. 79. Shipolini, R., Konstantinov, G., Trefo- nowa, A., and Atanassowa, S. Apocholat- Citrat—Agar zur Isolierung von Shigella-und Salmonella-Bakterien. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1959, 174: 75-80. 80. Sieburth, J. M. Lactose urea agar; a new differential tube medium for the detec- tion of salmonella. /. Bact., Bait., 1956, 72: 278-279. 81. Skarnes, R. C, Rosen, F. S., Shear, M. J., and Landy, M. Inactivation of endo- toxin by a humoral component. II. Inter- action of endotoxin with serum and plasma. /. Exp. M., 1958, 108: 685-697. 29 refer- ences. Salmonella endotoxin included in tests. 82. Sluvko, A. L. The variation of Salmo- nella typhimurium in leucocyte cultures. /. Microb. Epidem. Immun., 1958, 29: 29-33. 83. Stellmacher, W. Uber zwei neuere Reaktionen fur Enterobakterien. Msh. Vet- med., 1959, 14: 378-381. 84. Stokes, J. L., and Bayne, H. G. The growth-factor-dependent strains of salmonel- lae. /. Bact., Bait., 1958, 76: 417-421. 24 strains of 6 types. 85. Stokes, J. L., and Bayne, H. G. Dwarf colony mutuants of salmonellae. J. Bact., Bait., 1958, 76: 136-141. 10 normal strains subject to modifications by change in nu- trients. 86. Stokes, J. L., and Bayne, H. G. Growth rates of salmonella colonies. J. Bact., Bait., 1957, 74: 200-206. 87. Stokes, J. L. Enzymatic aspects of gas formation by salmonella. /. Bact., Bait 1956, 72: 269-275. 4 88. Stokes, J. L., and Osborne, W. W. A selenite brilliant green medium for the isola- tion of salmonella. Appl. Microb., 1955, 3: 217-220. This new medium promotes growth of all types except S. pollorum. 89. Suter, E. Interaction between phago- cytes and pathogenic micro-organisms. Bact. Rev., Bait., 1956, 20: 94-132. 368 references. Review of literature from 1867. Salmonellae p. 98, 99, 109-110. 90. Suzuki, K., and Sakaguchi, G. The nu- tritional requirements of the genus salmonella. Jap. J. M. Sc. Biol., 1955, 8: 33-38. 144 strains. 91. Taylor, J. Bacterial rodenticides and infection with Salmonella enteritides. Lan- cet, Lond., 1956, 1: 630-633. 92. Taylor, W. I. A simple, rapid technic for increasing the recognition of salmonella- suspect colonies. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1958, 30: 361-363. 93. Thomas, C, and Wilson, J. B. Associ- ation of resistance to bile salts and virulence in Salmonella typhimurium strains. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N.Y., 1960, 103: 292-294. 94. Thomason, B. M., Cherry, W. B., and Edwards, P. R. Staining bacterial smears with fluorescent antibody. VI. Identification of salmonellae in fecal specimens. /. Bact., Bait., 1959, 77: 478-485. 7 references, 28 salmonella serotypes. Technic in detail. 95. Timakov, V. D. Microbial variation. London, Pergamon Press, 1959. 202 p. 22 chapters reporting the work of 17 Russian scientists. 7 of the articles deal with S. typhi or S. paratyphi in conjunction with other bac- teria. The work was done following a con- ference of the Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Science, Moscow, July 21-Aug. 7, 1948. 96. Tinelli, R., and Staub, A. M. Etude chimique des polyosides somatiques des sal- monella. III. Oxidation periodique de polyo- sides extraits de differentes salmonella. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1959, 41: 1221-1231. 20 references. 97. Watanabe, T. Cross resistance of Sal- monella typhimurium to streptomycin and kanamycin. /. Bact., Bait., 1959, 78: 148- 149. 98. Welch, H., Wricht, W. W., Reedy, R. J., and Wintermere, D. Antibiotic combina- tions; in vitro effects on selected group of bacteria. 1. Combinations of oleandomycin with 16 other antibiotics. Antibiotics An- nual, 1957/1958, p. 738-744. Salmonellae among bacteria tested. 99. Wilson, G. S., and Miles, A. A. Topley and Wilson's principles of bacteriology and immunity. 4th ed. 2 vols. London, Arnold, 1955. 2331 p. Salmonella, p. 801-856; list of serotypes p. 822-848; references, p. 848- 856; food poisoning, p. 1799-1800; animal reservoirs, p. 1800-1804. 100. Wricht, G. W., and Frank, J. F. Pene- tration of eggs by Salmonella typhimurium. Canad. J. Comp. M., 1956, 20: 453-457. Penetration rate higher in low specific gravity eggs. B. Types 101. Alin, K., and Malmborc, A-L. A new salmonella type (S. huvudsta) Acta path. microb. scand., 1956, 39: 160. [3, 10: 1, 7.] 102. Alin, K., Heilborn, V., and Heinertz, N. O. A new salmonella type Salmonella goeteborg (9, 12: c: 1, 5). Acta path. microb. scand., 1959, 46: 72. 103. Anderson, E. S. A new Vi-phage type of Salmonella typhi; with a discussion of methods of preparation of typing phages for new Vi-types. /. Gen. Microb., 1956, 14: 676-683. 14 references. 104. Anderson, E. S., and Williams, R. E. O. Bacteriophage typing of enteric pathogens and staphylococci and its use in epidemiol- ogy. /. Clin. Path., 1956, 9: 94-137. Enteric pathogens, p. 94-115. 95 references. In- cluded are 11 types of salmonellae. 105. Bhagwan, Singh, R. Salmonella types occurring in Malaya. Proc Alumni Ass., Malaya, [University of Malaya. Faculty of Medicine] 1955, 8: 243-257. 106. Bilanow, H., and Junker, A. P. New salmonella type. Salmonella lansing. /. Bact., Bait., 1960, 79: 305 [38: i-1, 5] 107. Bleloch, M., and Schrire, L. A new salmonella type; Salmonella rand (42: z: e, n, Z 15, Z 16). S. Afr. J. M. Sc, 1957, 22: 27. 108. Bohlck, I., Ein neuer Salmonellatyp: S. kiel (1, 2, 12: gp). Arch. Hyg., Munch., 1959, 143: 82-84. 109. Bokkenheuser, V., and Edwards, P. R. A new salmonella type, Salmonella springs, possessing a hitherto undescribed H antigen. /. Path. Bact., Lond., 1956, 72: 687-688. [ 40: a-z 39] 110. Bokkenheuser, V. A new salmonella type. S. Afr. J. M. Sc, 1955, 20: 5-7. S. germiston [6, 8: mt-enx.] 111. Bool, P. H., and Kampelmacher, E. H. Some data on the occurrence of salmonella in animals in Surinam. Antonie van Leeuwen- hoek, Amst., 1958, 24: 76-80. 18 types iso- lated from cattle, pigs, dogs, rats, awaris, fowl and toads. 5 112. Browning, P. M. H., Moore, J. M., and Stevenson, J. S. A new salmonella type; Salmonella glascow. /. Path. Bact., Lond., 1959, 77: 650-651. [16: b-1, 6] 113. Coleman, M. B., Wilson, M. S., and Sickinger, C. M. Serotypes of salmonella in New York state outside New York City. /. Infect. Dis., 1959,104: 207-212. 3,422 strains of salmonella, "other than S. typhosa," from human patients. 114. Collard, P., and Sen, R. Salmonellae isolated from man in Ibadan (Nigeria). West Afr. M. J., 1958, 7: 91-96. 56 serotypes. 115. Collard, P., and Sen, R. Salmonella types isolated in Ibadan, Nigeria. Tr. R. Soc Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1958, 52: 283-287. 116. Edwards, P. R., Fife, M. A., and Ram- sey, C. H. Studies of the Arizona group of enterobacteriaceae. Bact. Rev., Bait., 1959,23: 155-174. 39 references. Serologic differentiation of Arizona types. Table 5, p. 160, relationship between the O antigen of salmonella spp. and the Arizona group. Ta- ble 8, p. 163, indicates this for the H antigen. 117. Edwards, P. R., Altmann, G., Moran, A. B., and Fife, M. A. Five new Arizona serotypes isolated in Israel. (7: 29-25; 9: 22-31; 15: 24-25; 16: 29-31; 24: 24-31). Bull. Res. Counc Israel, Sect. E, 1958, 7 E: 214-216. 118. Edwards, P. R., McWhorter, A. C, and Fife, M. A. The Arizona group of en- terobacteriaceae in animals and man. Bull. World Health Org., 1956, 14: 511-528. This group closely related to salmonellae. 75 strains from patients. 119. Edwards, P. R„ McWhorter, A. C, and Fife, M. A. Occurrence of bacteria of the Arizona group in man. Canad. J. Mi- crob., 1956, 2: 281-287. 87 cultures, 50% are of 2 serotypes. 120. Edwards, P. R., Van Oye, E., and Mc- Whorter, A. C. Three new Arizona sero- types (25: 29-31; 26: 23-30; and 28: 23-28). Ann. Soc. beige med. trop., 1955, 35: 145-149. One from chameleon and two from snakes. 121. Edwards, P. R., Rutten, F. J., and Mc- Whorter, A. C. Four new salmonella types isolated in Curacao. Antonie van Leeuwen- hoek, Amst., 1955, 21: 80-82. [4225-53-4, 5, 12: g, m, s] [4624-53 and 4638-53-6, 7: u, z*<] [4626-53-28: d-1, 7] [4693-53-38: r-1, 6] 122. Felix, A. World survey of typhoid and paratyphoid—B phage types. Bull. World Health Org., 1955, 13: 109-170. 51 refer- ences. 123. Fey, H., Kaufmann, F., and Marga- dant, A. A new salmonella type; Salmo- nella zuerich 1, 9, 12: c: Z39. Acta path. microb. scand., 1957, 41: 325. 124. Floyd, T. M., and Hoogstraal, H. Isolation of salmonella from ticks in Egypt. J. Egypt. Pub. Health Ass., 1956, 31: 119- 128. 16 references. 125. Friedman, S., Wassermann, M. W., and Saphra, I. A new salmonella type; Salmo- nella blockley. /. Bact., Bait., 1955, 70: 354- 355. [6, 8: k-1.5] 126. Fukuda, T., Sasahara, T., Kitao, T., Tanigawa, H., Fukumi, H. and Murata, Y. A new salmonella type; Salmonella miya- zaki (9, 12: 1, z 13: 1, 7). Jap. J. M. Sc. Biol., 1958, 11: 13-14. 127. Ganguli, S. Salmonella serotypes in India. Ind. J. M. Res., 1958, 46: 637-642. 17 serotypes. 128. Grant, L. S. A new salmonella type; Salmonella Jamaica -9, 12: r-1, 5. West. Ind. M. J., 1958, 7(4) : 249-250. 129. GULASEKHARAM, J., VELAUDAPILLAI, T., and Nadarajah, K. N. Salmonella angoda; a new salmonella. Ind. J. M. Res., 1959, 47: 484-486. [30: k: enx.] 130. Heilborn, V., and Rutqvist, L. A new salmonella type; S. halmstad. Acta path, microb. scand., 1958, 42: 28. [3, 15: g,s,t:-] 131. Heilborn, V., and Laurell, G. New salmonella type (S. uppsala). Acta path. microb. scand., 1957, 40: 39. [4, 12, 27: b: 1,7] 132. Hirsch, W„ and Sapiro-Hirsch, R. A new salmonella type: Salmonella degania. Acta med. orient., Tel-Aviv, 1955, 14: 297. [40:z4z24] 133. Hoffmann, K., Linzenmeier, G., and Kall, W. Ein neuer Salmonella-Typ; S. frintrop. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 165: 78. From carrier working in hospital kitchen; [1,9,12: 1,5] 134. Hofmann, P., and Wolle-John, R. Salmonella os. (9, 12: a: 1, 6). Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1959,175: 479. 135. Hofmann, S., and Keisewalter, J. Ein neuer Salmonella-Typ: S. pankow (3, 15: a. 1, 5). Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1958, 170: 633-634. 136. Hofmann, S., and Henze, B. Ein neuer Salmonella-Typ: S. neukoelln. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1955, 163: 572^573. [6, 7:z28-enzl5] 137. Hofmann, S., and Pohl, G. Ein neuer Salmonella-Typ; S. kaltenhausen. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1955, 162: 543-544. [28: b-z6.] 138. Huches, K. E., and Kinc, G. J. A new salmonella serotype; Salmonella Portsmouth Month. Bull. Min. Health Gr. Britain lQSR 17: 178-179. [3, 15: 1, v-1, 6] ' 6 139. Hughes, M. H. Salmonella infections in Accra, Ghana, West Africa. Tr. R. Soc Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1958, 52: 377-382. 47 types from human sources. 140. Josland, S. W. Additional salmonella types in New Zealand. N. Zealand M. J., 1956, 55: 139-140. S. weltevreden, (3. 10: r: z6); S. dublin (1.9. 12: g, p:-); S. arechevaleta (4.5. 12: a: 1, 7) 141. Juenker, A. P., and Bilanow, H. New salmonella type; Salmonella detroit. /. Bact., Bolt., 1959, 78: 599. [42: z-l(5)] 142. Kampelmacher, E. H., Fife, M. A. and Edwards, P. R. A new salmonella type: Salmonella utrecht. Antonie van Leeuwen- hoek, Amst., 1959, 25: 285-288. [52: d: 1, 5.] 143. Kampelmacher, E. H., and Claren- burg, A. A new salmonella type (S. angola). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Amst., 1957, 23: 191-192. [lt9,12:z:z*] 144. Kauffmann, F., and Petersen, A. The biochemical group and type differentiation of enterobacteriaceae by organic acids. Acta path, microb. scand., 1956, 38: 481-491. 2,915 salmonella cultures tested. 145. Kauffmann, F., Van Oye, E., and Schoetter, M. A new salmonella type (Sal- monella djugu) from the Belgian Congo. Acta path, microb. scand., 1955, 37: 464. [6, 7: z-enx] 146. Kauffmann, F., and Van Oye, E. A new salmonella type (Salmonella korovi) from the Belgian Congo. Acta path, microb. scand., 1955, 36: 352. [38: g, m, s] 147. Kauffmann, F., Edwards, P. R., See- liger, H., and Lund, B. A new salmonella type (6, 14, 18: z 4, z 23). Acta path. microb. scand., 1955, 36: 353-354. 148. Kauffmann, F., Edwards, P. R., and McWhorter, A. C. A new salmonella type, Salmonella decatur, (6, 7: c: 1, 5). Acta path, microb. scand., 1955, 36: 568-570. 149. Kaufmann, F. On the biochemical be- havior of new salmonella species. Acta path. microb. scand., 1959, 45: 40L405. Tables, p. 402-405, chemical reactions for 30 groups. 150. Kaufmann, F. On the biochemical bt- havior of new salmonella types. Acta path. microb. scand., 1958, 43: 175-184. 151. Kaufmann, F., Heilborn, V., and Rut- qvist, L. A new salmonella type: Salmonella haelsingborg, 6, 7: m, p. t, u. Acta path. microb. scand., 1957, 41: 326. 152. Kaufmann, F., Hofmann, S., and Platz, C. Ein neuer Salmonella-Typ: S. dohlem. (48: k: e, n, zl5). Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 167: 94-95. 153. Kaufmann, F. A new salmonella O subgroup=(9), 46. Acta path, microb. scand., 1956, 38: 69-70. S. Strasbourg [=(9), 46: d: 1, 7] S. haarlem [=(9) : z: e, n, x.] 154. Labraque-Bordenave, M. Les salmo- nelloses du group C. Montpellier med., 1955, 3: 492-500. 32 references. 16 types in group C; this group common in central Eu- rope. 155. Le Minor, L., Thome, M., Perreau, P., and Charii&Marsaines, C. Un nouveau serotype de salmonella: S. farcha. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1959, 97: 107-108. [43: y: 1,2] 156. Le Minor, Le., Thome, M., Perreau, P., and Charie-Marsaines, C. Deux nouveaux serotypes de salmonella: S. millesi (40: lv: 1, 2) et S. chad (35: b: -). Ann. Inst. Pas- teur, Par., 1959, 97: 406-407. 157. Le Minor, L., Edwards, P. R., Mille, R., and Drean, D. Un nouveau serotype de salmonella: Salmonella quinhon (47: z 44). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1959, 97: 407^108. 158. Le Minor, L., Neel, R., Delage, B., and Drean, D. Un nouveau serotype de sal- monella. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1959, 96: 106-107. [1,13,23: y: 1,6] 159. Le Minor, L., Darrasse, H., and Charie-Marsaines, C. Trois nouveaux serotypes de salmonella. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1959, 96: 107-108. S. vuakam, [(9) 46: Z29: -], S. camberene, [35: z 10: 1, 5], S. yoff, 38: [7+ zs,: 1, 2] 160. Le Minor, L., and Darrasse, H. Un nouveau serotype de salmonella: S. fann. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1958, 95: 112-113. [11: 1 v: e n x] 161. Le Minor, L., Drean, D., and Le Tel- lier, H. Un nouveau serotype de salmonella; Salmonella lyon (47: k: enz 15). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1958, 95: 113-114. 162. Le Minor, L., Ravisse, P., and Drean, D. Deux noveaux serotypes de salmonella: S. gamaba (44: gms) et S. baconago (6, 7: z 36: z 42). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1958, 95: 746-747. From snakes in Brazzaville. 163. Le Minor, L., Darrasse, H., and Na- zaud, R. Un nouveau serotype de salmo- nella: S. kaolack (47: z-1, 6). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1956, 91: 400-403. 164. Le Minor, S., Le Minor, L., Kirsche, P., Baylet, R., and Samaille, J. Un nou- veau serotype de salmonella: Salmonella pi- kine; ((8) 20: r: z6). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1958, 95: 218-219. 165. Lowe, A. E. and Bokkenheuser, V. A new salmonella type: S. alexander (3, 10: z: 1, 5; 1-2). S. Afr. J. M. Sc. 1957, 22: 1-2. 7 166. Moran, A. B., and Edwards, P. R. A new salmonella type; Salmonella escanaba (6, 7: k-e, n, z 15). Int. Bull. Bact. Nomen. Toxon., 1959, 9: 113. 167. Moran, A. B., and Edwards, P. R. A new salmonella type: Salmonella hamilton (3, 15: Z 27). Cornell Vet., 1958, 49: 196- 197. 168. Neel, R., Le Minor, L., and Charie- Marsaines, C. Un nouveau serotype de sal- monella: S. spartel (21: d: 1, 5). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1959,97: 409. 169. Polanetzki, U. Uber die Ergebnisse der Typisierung seltener Salmonellen. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1958,172: 69-72. 170. Ramsey, C. H., and Edwards, P. R. Two new salmonella types: Salmonella hol- comb (6, 8: 1, v-e, n, x.) and Salmonella newrochelle (3, 10: k-1, w.) Int. Bull Bact. Nomen. Toxon., 1959, 9: 111-112. 171. Rohde, R., Bischoff, J., and Tiedje, E. Salmonella altona=(8), 20: r (i): z 6, ein neuer Salmonellatyp aus Fishmehl. Zschr. Hyg., 1958,144: 460-461. 172. Sakazaki, R., Namioka, S., and Ed- wards, P. R. A new serotype of the Arizona group. /. Bact., Bait., 1958, 75: 9-10. [10 a, 10 c: 13,15] 173. Sandbu, P. A new salmonella type: Salmonella lindern 6, 14, 24: d: e, n, x. Acta path, microb. scand., 1959, 46: 368. 174. Sapiro-Hirsch, R., Altmann, G., and Hirsch, W. A new salmonella type; Sal- monella ramat-gan 30: K: 1, 5. Israel Med. /., 1959,18:135. 175. Sapiro-Hirsch, R., and Hirsch, W. Two new salmonella types. S. uno=6, 8: Z2f>: S. hofit=39: i: 1, 5. Acta med. orient., Tel- Aviv., 1958,17: 80-81. 176. Schmid, E. E., Edwards, P. R., Mc- Whorter, A. C, and Velaudapillai, T. A. new salmonella type, Salmonella Jaffna. /. Path. Bact., Lond., 1955, 69: 337. [I, IX, XII:dz35] 177. Schmidt-Lange, W., Joest, W., and Moeller, M. S. osnabrueck, a new salmo- nella type. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1957, 167: 562-563. [11: 1 zi3, zM- e, n, x] 178. Schire, L., Kauffmann, F., and Ed- wards, P. R. A new salmonella type: Sal- monella greenside, (50: z: e, n). Acta path, microb. scand., 1957, 41: 156-158. 179. Schrire, L. A new salmonella type: Salmonella hillbrow (17: b: e, n, Zis, zie). S. Afr. J. M. Sc, 1956, 21: 11-12. 180. Seeliger, H. P. R., Seidenstucker, H., and Sulzbacher, F. Ein neuer Salmonella- Typ der B-Gruppe: S. nordenham (1, 4, 12, 27: z: e, n.) Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1958, 172: 351-352. 181. Seeliger, H. P. R., Seidenstucker, H., and Sulzbacher, F. Ein neuer Salmonella- Typ: 16: d, 1, 2 (S. oldenburg). Zschr. Hyg., 1957, 144: 116. 182. Seven new salmonella serotypes. /. R. Army M. Corps, 1959, 105: 134-135. Salm. legon [4, 12: c: 1, 5], Salm. tamale [(8), 20: Z29:-], Salm. canastel var. mono- phasic [9, 12: Z29:-], Salm. akuafo [16: y: 1, 6], Salm. ghana [21: b: 1, 6], Salm. kokomlemle [39: 1, v: e, n, x], Salm. teshie [47: 1, Z13, zes: e, n, Zi5] 183. Stevenson, J. S., and McNaught, W. Typing of salmonellae and type specific strains of E. coli. Health Bull., Edinb., 1955, 13: 45-46. 124 different strains of salmo- nellae included. 184. Toussaint, W., and Bokkenheuser, V. A new salmonella type. S. Afr. J. M. Sc, 1955, 20: 77-78. S. Windhoek, [45: g (t): 1,5] 185. Uetake, H., and Makino, T. Compari- son of infection types with respiratory pat- terns in salmonella. Jap. J. M. Sc. Biol., 1956, 9: 71-79. 21 references. 15 strains of salmonellae. 186. Van Oye, E., Lucasse, C, Herin, V., and Beaufort, M. Trois nouveaux serotype du groupe Salmonella isoles au Congo Beige: S. inganda (6, 7: z 10: 1, 5), S. ipeko 9, 12: c: 1, 6) et S. bolombo (3, 10: z 38: -). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1959, 96: 368-370. 187. Van Oye, E. Les salmonellae du Congo Beige. Ann. Soc. beige med. trop., 1958, 38: 225-230. 138 serotypes previously reported. Two new types: S. businga [6, 7: z: e, n, zi5] and S. kintambo [13, 23: g, m, t: -] 188. Van Oye, E., and Lucasse, C. Un nou- veau serotype du groupe salmonella isole au Congo Beige, S. businga=6, 7: z: e, n, z 15. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1957, 93: 791-792. 189. Varela, G., Alonzo, A., and Vasquez, A. Presencia de la fraccion VII de salmo- nelas en Candida albicans. Rev. Inst, salub. enferm. trop., Mix., 1959, 19: 67-68. Table p. 68, indicates the relationship. 190. Vassiliadis, P., and Maquet, R. Une nouvelle salmonella isolee au Congo Beige: S. gombe (6, 7: d: e n zi5). Ann. Inst. Pas- teur, Par., 1959, 97: 867-868. 191. Velaudapillai, T. Phage-typing of S. virchow. Zschr. Hyg., 1959, 146: 84-88. 8 192. Vink, H. H., Clarenburg, A., DeNooy, J. A., and Bekker, J. H. A new salmonella type (S. haarlem). Antonie van Leeuwen- hoek, Amst., 1955, 21: 367-368. [9, 12: e, n, x] 193. Wildfuhr, G., and Hudemann, H. Uber einen neuen Salmonellentyp 3, 15: eh: 1, 2. Zschr. Hyg., 1955, 141: 129-131. C. Bacteriophages: Genetics 194. Adams, J. N., and Luria, S. E. Trans- duction by bacteriophage PI; abnormal phage function of the transducing particles. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U.S., 1958, 44: 590-594. 18 references. 195. Adams, M. H. Bacteriophages. New York, Intersciences Publishers, 1959. 592 p. Bibliography, p. 523-567. Salmonella phage considered under lysogenization, changes in the affected host cell, transduction and pro- duction of colicins. 196. Ames, B. N., and Dubin, D. T. The role of polyamines in the neutralization of bac- teriophage deoxyribonucleic acid. /. Biol. Chem., 1960, 235: 769-775. P-22 phage from Salmonella typhimurium, p. 769-772. 197. Atkinson, N., and Bullas, L. R. Sal- monella bacteriophages. 6. Some heat-re- sistant phages. Austral. J. Exp. Biol., 1957, 35: 193-206. 14 phages from lysogenic strains of S. bovis-morbificans, S. potsdam, S. muenchen, S. blegdam and S. enteritidis. 198. Atkinson, N. Lysogenicity of lysis pat- terns in the salmonellas. 8. Bacteriophage grouping of 167 strains of S. bovis—morbifi. cans. Austral. J. Exp. Biol., 1956, 34: 349- 360. 120 strains placed in 5 groups; 47 ungrouped. 199. Atkinson, N., and Bullas, L. R. Sal- monella bacteriophages. 3. Two new bac- teriophages of S. adelaide. Austral. J. Exp. Biol., 1956, 34: 27-32. Isolated from lyso- genic strains. 200. Atkinson, N. Lysogenicity and lysis patterns in the salmonellas. 3. A bacterio- phage grouping of S. adelaide. Austral. J. Exp. Biol., 1955,33: 371-374. 201. Atkinson, N., and Klauss, C Lyso- genicity and lysis patterns in the Salmonellas. 4. Application of a bacteriophage grouping scheme to 413 strains of S. adelaide. Austral. J. Exp. Biol., 1955, 33: 375-379. 393 strains typed. 202. Banic, S. Evidence of reverse muta- tion from streptomycin resistance to sensi- tivity in Salmonella typhimurium. Schweiz Zschr. allg. Path., 1959,22: 511-514. 203. Banic, S. Transduction to penicillin and chloramphenicol resistance in Salmonella typhimurium. Genetics, 1959, 44, pt. 2: 449- 455. 204. Baron, L. S., Spilman, W. M„ and Carey, W. F. Hybridization of salmonella species by mating with Escherichia coli. Science, 1959,130: 566-567. 205. Bertani, G. Lysogeny. Advances Vi- rus Res., 1958, 5: 151-193. 121 references. Phage P 22, p. 159-165; cooperation, p. 171; transduction, p. 182-183. 206. Bertani, G. Sensitivities of different bacteriophage species to ionizing radiations. /. Bact., Bait., 1960, 79: 387-393. Table 1, p. 388, includes phage "0-1" from S. para- typhoid B. Table 2, p. 390, includes phage P 22 from S. typhimurium. 207. Boyd, J. S. K., and Bidwell, D. E. The A phages of Salmonella typhimurium; iden- tification by a standardized cross-immunity test. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1957, 16: 217- 228. 578 phages places in 12 groups. 208. Brandis, H., and Hofmann, S. Uber Anderungen im Lysotyp bei Transduction des merkmals Beweglichkeit. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1959, 176: 65-70. 12 references. 209. Brandis, H. and Storch, I. Uber die Lysotypie von Parotyhus B-Bakterien mit zusatzlichen Phagen von Scholtens. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1957, 169: 358-365. 10 references. 210. Brenner, S. Tryptophan biosynthesis in Salmonella typhimurium. Proc Nat. Acad. Sc. U.S., 1955, 41: 862-863. 10 mu- tants placed in 4 distinct groups. 211. Bulling, E. Die Bakteriophagen-Dif- ferenzierung von Salmonella typhimurium. Tierdrz. Wschr, Bed., 1960, 73: 69-72. 11 references. 298 strains. 212. Burnet, F. M., and Stanley, W. M., eds. The viruses; biochemical, biological and biophysical properties. New York, Academic Press, 1959. 3 vol. 1442 p. Vol. I. "Sal- monella typhimurium the linear order of many genes * * *," p. 134. Transduction, p. 381-382, 558. Conversions by phage in salmonella genus, p. 556. Vol. II. Salmonella phage E15, p. 218-219. Host-controlled vari- ation in S. typhimurium and S. gallinarum, p. 312. Lysogeny, occurrence, p. 323-324; conversions, p. 334. Phenotypic aspects, p. 340. Genetics, p. 340-341; temperate phages as genetic vectors, p. 345-347. 213. Callow, B. R. A new phage-typing scheme for Salmonella typhimurium. /. Hyg., Lond., 1957, 57: 346-359. 15 refer- ences. 9 214. Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. Bacterial ge- netics. Ann. Rev. Microb., 1957, 11: 391- 418. 182 references. Salmonellae, p. 397- 399,411-412,413. 215. Cefalu, M. and Del Carpio, C. Sul fe- nomena della "trasduzione genetica" in specie batteriche del genere salmonella. Riv. 1st. sieroter ital., 1955, 30: 393-404. 19 refer- ences. 216. Clowes, R. C. Nutritional studies of cysteineless mutants of Salmonella typhi- murium. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1958, 18: 140-153. 217. Clowes, R. C. Investigation of the genetics of cysteineless mutants of Salmonella typhimurium by transduction. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1958, 18: 154-172. 22 refer- ences. 218. Colobert, L. Etude de la lyse de sal- monelles pathogenes provoquee par le lyso- zyme, apres delipidation partielle de la paroi externe. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1958, 95: 156-167. 32 references. Lysozyme activated with heat, ethylene-diamintetraacetic acid or alcoyl sulfate. 219. Colobert, L. Gonflement de la paroi externe des salmonelles par l'effet du lyso- zyme. C. rend. Soc biol., 1957, 151: 1553- 1555. 220. Demerec, M. and Hartman, P. E. Complex loci in microorganisms. Ann. Rev. Microb., 1959, 13: 377-406. 190 references. Salmonella, Table I, p. 380; also under var- ious headings, p. 387-391 and p. 396-398. 221. Demerec, M., and Ozeki, H. Tests for allelism among auxotrophs of Salmonella typhimurium. Genetics, 1959, 44: 269-278. 18 references. 222. Demerec, M., Golman, I., and Lahr, E. L. Genetic recombination by transduc- tion in salmonella. Sympos. Quant. Biol. 1958,23:59-68. 223. Demerec, M. A comparative study of certain gene loci in salmonella. Sympos. Quant. Biol., 1956, 21: 113-121. 15 refer- ences. 224. Demerec, M., Blomstrand, I., and De- merec, Z. E. Evidence of complex loci in salmonella. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc U.S., 1955, 41: 359-365. 250 mutants of S. typhimu- rium. 225. Entner, N., and Engelberg, E. An ef- fect of glucose on bacteriophage synthesis in Salmonella typhimurium. Nature, Lond., 1958, 182: 1808-1809. 226. Fredericq, P. Transduction por bac- teriophage des proprietes colicinogenes chez Salmonella typhimurium. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1959, 153: 357-360. Colicinogenetic activity maintained after transduction. 227. Fukasawa, T. and Nikaido, H. Galac- tose-sensitive mutants of salmonella S. enteri- tidis used in experiments. Nature, Lond., 1959, 184: 1168-1169. 228. Fukasawa, T., and Nikaido, H. For- mation of "protoplasts" in mutant strains of salmonella induced by galactose. Nature, Lond., 1959, 183:1131-1132. 229. Fulton, M. Preservation of multiva- lent salmonella phage with chloroform. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1955,25: 1229-1230. 230. Gaebler, O. H., ed. Henry Ford Hos- pital International symposium: Enzymes, units of biological structure and function. New York, Academic Press, 1956. 624 p. Phage vectored transduction in salmonella p. 131-134; flagellar genes of salmonella, p. 168. 231. Garen, A., and Zinder, N. D. Radio- logical evidence for partial genetic homology between bacteriophage and host bacteria. Virology, 1955, 1: 347-376. 38 references. "The lytic and lysogenizing activities of a temperate bacteriophage of S. typhimurium (P22) is inactivated by ultraviolet radiation." 232. Gastaldi, C. Indagini sulla capacita ossidativa di alcune varianti di S. anatum e di S. newington mediante il metodo monomet- rico di Warburg. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1955, 34: 425-440. 19 references. Different enzymatic systems cause differing activity in each variant. 233. Golub, E. G., and Gots, J. S. Purine metabolism in bacteria. VI. Accumulations by mutants lacking adenylosuccinase. /. Bact., Bait., 1959, 78: 320-325. 20 refer- ences. 9 mutants of E. coli and S. typhimu- rium tested. 234. Gowen, J. W. Genetic effects in non- specific resistance to infectious disease. Bact. Rev., Bait., 1960, 24: 192-200. Salmonella typhimurium infection in mouse. 235. Howarth, S. Suppressor mutations in cystine-requiring mutants of Salmonella typhimurium. Genetics, 1958, 43: 404-418. 17 references. 8 suppressors isolated sepa- rately from the mutants: 5 are nonspecific. 236. Hudemann, H. Zur Bedeutung von Typhus-Vi- und Salmonella-Phagen in Lebens- mitteln. Arch. Hyg. Munch., 1959, 143: 495-500. 237. Jenkin, C. R., Palmer, D., and Bena- cerrof, B. In vitro studies of interaction between mouse peritoneal macrophages and strains of salmonella and E. coli. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1960,19 (1, pt. 1) : 244. 238. Kallincs, L. D., Laurell, A. B., and Zetterberg, G. An outbreak due to Sal- monella typhimurium in veal with special reference to phage and fermentation typing. Acta path, microb. scand., 1959, 45: 347-356. 13 references. 97% were of phage type 6. 10 239. Kerridge, D. Synthesis of flagella by amino acid-requiring mutants of Salmonella typhimurium. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1959, 21: 168-179. 18 references. 240. Kiesewalter, J. Untersuchungen fiber die Verwendbarkeit des 0-1 Phagentestes zur Salmonella-Diagnose. /. Hyg. Epidem., Praha, 1958, 2: 190-195. 241. Kristensen, M. Mutative bacterial fermentation. Acta path, microb. scand., 1955, 36: 576-580. S. typhi and S. paratyphi included in the 19 types studied. 242. Lark, K. C, Maal0e, 0., and Rostock, O. Cytological studies of nuclear division in Salmonella typhimurium. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1955,13:318-326. 243. Lederberg, J., and Ino, T. Phase var- iation in salmonella. Genetics, 1956, 41: 743-757. 35 references. Transduction in S. typhimurium, S. abony and S. heidelberg. 244. Lederberg, J. Recombination mecha- nism in bacteria. /. Cellul. Physiol., 1955, 45, Suppl. 2: 75-107. Single cell pedigrees and transduction in salmonella, p. 92-95. Sal- monella briefly mentioned on pp. 77, 79, 83, 84,85. 245. Lederberg, J., and Stocker, B. "Pheno- typic" transductions of motility in salmonella. Genetics, 1955, 40: 581. Abst. 246. Levine, M. Mutations in the temperate phage P22 and lysogeny in salmonella. Virol- ogy, 1957,3: 22-41. 247. Levine, M. The production of lysogeny for virulent bacteriophage by mixed infection. Genetics, 1955, 40: 582. Abst. 248. London, S. A. A study of bacteriophage VIII—113 specific for flagellated salmonellae. Newark., 1958. (Dissertation, University of Delaware.) Abst. in: Dissertation Abstracts, 1958,19:935-936. 249. Matney, T. S., Shankel, D. M., and Wyss, O. Delayed appearance of induced bacterial mutants. /. Bact., Bait., 1959, 78: 378-383. 5 references. Salmonella typhi- murium and Escherichia coli mutants. 250. Miyake, T. Fertility factor in Salmon- ella typhimurium. Nature, Lond., 1959, 184: 657-658. Genetic study, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. 251. Morse, M. L. Transduction and trans- formation. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1957, 68: 324-334. 21 references. Review of liter- ature. Transduction first observed in salmon- ella in 1952. 252. Nicolle, P. Les bacteriophages et la lysotypie. Rev. fr. din. biol., 1957, 9: 929- 961. 103 references. Lysotypes of: Salmo- nella typhi, p. 935-939; Salmonella paratyphi B, p. 939-941; Salmonella typhimurium p. 941-942. 253. Ozeki, H. Chromosome fragments par- ticipating in transduction in Salmonella typhimurium. Genetics, 1959, 44, pt. 2: 457- 470. 20 references. "—complete transduc- tion is the consequence of crossing over be- tween the chromosome of the recipient and a transduced fragment of donor chromosome of uniform composition—" 254. Penso, G., and Ortali, V. Controle des produits therapeutiques a base de phages. Int. Congr. Biol. Stand., Brussels, 24-30 July 1958, p. 129-138. Discussion, p. 139-142. Salmonella phage control. 255. Perdrix, J., Planchon, M., and Le Minor, L. Une variante agazogene de S. dublin dans un troupeau bovin. Rec. med. vet., Ecole d'Alfort, 1958, 134: 93-96. 256. Pickett, M. J., and Laughner, S. M. Screening for salmonella with bacteriophage. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1960, 33: 298-302. 10 references. "O-I" and "Group D" used for a rapid procedure. 257. Quadling, C. The unilinear transmis- sion of motility and its material basis in sal- monella. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1958, 18: 227-237. 13 references. M. C. (motion pro- ducing particles) provide evidence of non- genetic heterogeneity. 258. Ravin, A. W. Bacterial genetics. Ann. Rev. Microb., 1958, 12: 309-364. 237 refer- ences. A definitive review; salmonellae con- sidered under the headings: Mutation, p. 310, 311; Replication, p. 324; Transduction, p. 335, 336; Lysogenic conversion, p. 338, 339; Gene control of protein specificity, p. 351, 353. 259. Saphra, I., Curbelo, A., and Marquez, V. Consideraciones sobre genetica en salmo- nella; con motivo del segundo aislamiento de S. albany. Arch. Hosp. Univ. Habana, 1957, 9: 152-157. 260. Schneider, H. A. Nutritional and genetic factors in the natural resistance of mice to salmonella infections. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1956, 66: 337-347. 7 references. A nutritional resistance factor important for survival. 261. Scholtens, R. T. Comparison of the Felix and Callow system of phage typing of Salmonella paratyphi B with the natural sys- tem used in the Netherlands. Results of members of the first subcommittee on para- typhi B of I.C.E.P.T. Antonie van Leeuwen- hoek, Amst., 1959, 25: 403-421. 21 refer- ences. 262. Scholtens, R. T. Characterization and grouping of phage types Salmonella paratyphi B, especially of a new type "sittard", by sensi- tivity to type phages and by lysogenic prop- erties. /. Hyg., Lond., 1955, 53: 1-11. 17 references. 569563—61----3 11 263. Stadler, J., and Gowen, J. W. Radio- logical effects on resistance mechanisms of genetically differentiated strains of mice ex- posed to Salmonella typhimurium. /. Infect. Dis., 1957, 100: 284-299. 264. Starlinger, P. Uber einen Defekt des transduzierenden Salmonella-Phagen P22. Zschr. Naturforsch., 1958, 133: 489-493. 18 references. 265. Stellmacher, W. Bakteriophagen- Studien. II Einfluss von Phagen auf das Salmonella-Wachstum. Msh. Vetmed., 1959, 14: 18-24. 266. Stocker, B. A. D. Bacterial genetics and infectious disease. Am. J. Human Genet., 1959,11:354-365. 267. Stocker, B. A. D. Lysogenic conversion by the A phages of Salmonella typhimurium. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1958, 18: ix. 268. Stocker, B. A. D. Abortive transduc- tion of motility in salmonella; a nonreplicated gene transmitted through many generations to a single descendant. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1956, 15: 575-598. 17 references. Technic in detail. 269. Terada, M., Kondo, I., Kurosaka, K., and Enomoto, Y. Phage inactivating agent closely related with salmonella 0 (XII) antigen. Jap. J. Microb., 1959, 3: 145-157. 11 references. 270. Thal, E., and Kallings, L. 0. Zur Bestimmung des Genus Salmonella mit Hilfe eines Bakteriophagen. Nord. vet. med., 1955, 7:1063-1071. 271. Uetake, H., and Uchida, T. Mutants of salmonella phage E15 with abnormal con- version properties. Virology, 1959, 9: 495- 505. 16 references. 3 different phages iso- lated. 272. Vadasz, J., and Juhasz, I. Plasma globules of Salmonella enteritidis arising under the influence of penicillin and their reversion to the original bacillary forms. Nature, Lond., 1955, 176: 168-169. Changes recorded microcinematographically. 273. Velaudapillai, T. Serological grouping and thermal death points of S. virchow bac- teriophages. Zschr. Hyg., 1959, 146: 176-184. 13 references. 34 strains yielded phages in one serological group; 6 to 2 groups; 8 to 3 groups. 274. Wasserman, M. W., and Saphra, I. The use of bacteriophages in typing salmonella cultures. /. Bact., Bait., 1955, 69: 97-100. 275. Watanabe, T., and Watanabe, M. Transduction of streptomycin resistance in Salmonella typhimurium. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1959, 21: 16-29. 28 references. "Streptomycin indifference can be trans- ducted * * *" 276. Watanabe, T., and Watanabe, M. Transduction of streptomycin sensitivity into resistant mutants of Salmonella typhimurium. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1959, 21: 30-39. 277. Winkler, U. Qualitative und quantita- tive Experimente fiber Transduktion mit neu isolierten Salmonella-Phagen. Arch. Mikrob., Bed., 1959, 32: 161-186. 33 references. 278. Zinder, N. D. Bacterial transduction. /. Cellul. Physiol, 1955, 45, suppl. 2: 23-49. 19 references. Salmonella typhimurium ey- periments. D. Antigens 279. Abernathy, R. S., and Spink, W. W. Protection against brucella with heterologous endotoxins. /. Clin. Invest., 1956, 35: 687. Salmonella endotoxin gives heterologous pro- tection against brucella. 280. Aksoycan, N., and Kauffmann, F. Antigenic relationships between salmonella O group C 1 and Candida albicans. Acta path, microb. scand., 1957, 40: 345-346. 281. Baker, E. E., and Whiteside, E. Sero- logic studies of Salmonella typhosa, 207. Ty 2 antigens tested with S. schottmiilleri serum (XII antibody), S. haarlem serum (IX anti- body) . Fed. Proc, Bait., 1960, 19 (1, pt. 1): 207. 282. Barbesier, J. Sur une variete de Salmo- nella pullorum. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Algerie, 1957, 35: 382-390. 283. Baron, L. S., Formal, S. B., and Wash- ington, O. Somatic antigen addition in sal- monella by bacteriophage. Virology, 1957, 3: 417-425. 284. Bo, G., and Nava, G. C. Sulla com- posizione chimica degli antigeni delle Salmo- nelle. VI. Tentativi di frazionamento dell' antigene somatico della Salmonella newing- ton nei suoi due fattori antigenici. Boll 1st. sieroter, milan., 1959, 38: 21-28. 285. Bo, G., and Nava, G. C. Composizione chimica dell' antigene O delle Salmonelle adelaide, inverness, rio grande, weslaco. Boll. 1st. sieroter, milan., 1957, 36: 556-563. 12 references. Carbohydrate factors differed but protein factors did not. 286. Bruner, D. W. The preparation and use of polyvalent salmonella antiserum. Cor- nell Vet., 1957, 47: 491-497. 287. Carey, W. F., and Baron, L. S. Com- parative immunologic studies of cell struc- tures isolated from Salmonella typhosa. J. Immun., 1959, 83: 517-520. 14 references! The lipopolysaccharide endotoxin is primarily located in the cell wall. 12 288. Castermans, A. Activites antigeniques des salmonelles lysees par les actinomycetes ou l'actinomycetine. Rev. beige path., 1956, 25: 5-46. 73 references. Comparison of bacteriolysis in S. typhimurium and S. ty- phosa. 289. Collard, P., Sen, R., and Montefiore, D. The distribution of salmonella agglutinins in sera of healthy adults at Ibadan. /. Hyg., Lond., 1959, 57: 427-434. 20 references. Isolation of salmonellae from clinical cases and carriers. 290. Compagnucci, M., Ferlazzo, A., and Francesconi, G. Ricerche sui tranqulanti. 1. Influenza del meprobamato sulla produzione delle agglutinine anti S. typhimurium. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1959, 35: 313-315. 291. Costa, G. A., and Villela, G. G. Oxi- dation of 1-glutamic acid in relation to anti- genic composition of Salmonella typhi. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, N.Y., 1959, 100: 714-716. V and W variants of S. typhi are related to enzymatic activity. 292. D'Allesandro, G., and Comes, R. II potere immunizzante degli antigeni 0, H, Vi della S. typhi e dell' antigene H della S. minnesota studiato attraverso il saggio bat- teriemico nel tropolino. Riv. 1st. sieroter. ital, 1957, 34: 330-342. 19 references. 293. Davarpanah, C, and Staub, A. M. Etude immunochimique sur les salmonelles. III. Hemagglutinines et precipitines de quel- ques serums anti-S. gallinarum et anti-S. typhi. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1956, 91: 564-573. Sheep erythrocytes sensitized by 4 salmonella polysaccharides. 294. Defranceschi, A., Bo, G., and Nava, G. C Sulla composizione chimica degli anti- geni delle salmonelle. 1. Composizione chimica dell' antigene O delle Salmonelle cerro e Senegal. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1955, 34: 703-711. 12 references. 295. De Gregorio, P., and Forte, A. Sulla constituzione antigene delle forme L. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1958, 37: 131-134. Anti-L forms agglutinins in rabbits after inoculating with S. hvittingfoos L- forms. 296. De Gregorio, P. Fissazione di antigeni sulla superficie cellulare. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1955, 34: 118-122. Antigen O of S. typhosa and antigen Vi of S. ballerup used in tests. 297. Edsall, G., Carlson, M. C, Formal, S. B., and Benenson, A. S. Laboratory tests of typhoid vaccines. Bull World Health Org., 1959, 20: 1017-1032. Studies in Yugo- slavia and Croatia. 298. Edwards, P. R., and Fife, M. A. Oc- currence of induced antigens in salmonellae isolated from man. /. Bad., Bait., 1957, 74: 108. 299. Edwards, P. R., Davis, B. R., and Cherry, W. B. Transfer of antigens by phage lysates with particular reference to the 1, w antigens of salmonella. /. Bact., Bait., 1955, 70: 279-284. 9 references. 300. Fari, A. Contribution a l'etude de Taction des antibiotiques sur l'immunite. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1959, Suppl. 5. 87 p. 392 references. Antibiotherapie et im- munite acquire, p. 57-60. Vaccination spe- cifiques et antibiotherapie, p. 61-70. 301. Ferlazzo, A., Alosi, C, and Lombardo, G. Ricerche sui tranquillanti. II. Compor- tamento delle proteine seriche in conigli trattati con meprobamato e immunizzati con vaccino S. typhimurium. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1959, 35: 315-318. 302. Fichera, G. Azione immunizzante della endotossina glucidolipidica della S. typhimu- rium nell'infezione omologa sperimentale per os del topolino. Riv. 1st. sieroter. ital, 1958, 33: 360-368. 303. Flamm, H., and Kunz, C. Aufspaltbar- keit des Salmonella-Antigen. VII. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 166: 424. The complex nature of antigen VII demonstrated. 304. Foder, A. R. Antigenic heterogeneity in bacteriophage. /. Immun., 1957, 79: 227- 233. Salmonella phage PB bas multiple an- tigenicity. 305. Furness, G., and Ferreira, I. The role of macrophages in natural immunity to sal- monellae. /. Infect. Dis., 1959, 104: 203-206. 306. Fluorescent antibody methods. Lab- orat. Digest, 1960, 23: 13-14. Abstract of a pamphlet distributed by Scientific Products Division of the American Hospital Supply Corporation, 1210 Leon Place, Evanston, 111. 307. Gelzer, J., and Suter, E. The effect of antibody on intracellular parasitism of Sal- monella typhimurium in mononuclear phago- cytes in vitro; prolonged survival of infected monocytes in presence of antibody. /. Exp. M., 1959, 110: 715-729. 41 references. 308. Gorshina, L. V. Experimental study of the composition of the Vi antigens of the Escherichea coli and strains of Salmonella typhosa by the method of gel diffusion. /. Microb. Epidem. Immun., 1959, 30: 96-101. 309. Gwatkin, R., and Grinewitsch, C. Sal- monellosis. III. Blood cultures and aggluti- nation tests on chickens infected by mouth with Salmonella typhimurium. Canad. J. Comp. M., 1955, 19: 174-176. 310. Halliday, R. The production of anti- bodies by young rats. Proc. R. Soc, Ser. B., Biol. Sc, 1957, 147: 926. S. pullorum used in tests. 13 311. Harada, K. Studies on directed varia- tion of Salmonella 0-34 by bacteriophage. 1. Antigenic transformation by bacterial autol- ysate and antiserum. Jap. J. Microb., 1959, 3: 53-60. 18 references. 3 kinds of antigenic transformation occurred in the strains of sub- groups Ei and E2 due to the autolysate of S. newington. 312. Harada, K. Studies on directed varia- tion of Salmonella 0-34 by bacteriophage. 2. Antigen-transforming agent in bacteria of group E3. Jap. J. Microb., 1959, 3: 61-69. 16 references. Tests disclosed the phage itself is the transforming agent. 313. Harris, M. E., and Williams, J. E. The hemagglutinating properties of Salmonella typhimurium. Am. J. Vet. M., 1957, 18: 432- 436. 314. Hughes, M. H. Enteric fevers and nor- mal agglutinins in the Gold Coast. /. Hyg., Lond., 1955, 53: 368-378. 315. Iseki, S., Omuki, E., and Kashiwagi, K. Relationship between somatic antigen and blood group substance especially B substance of bacterium. Gunma J. M. Sc, 1958, 7(1) : 7-12. E. coli, Arizona and S. milwaukee have a common antigen to which A and B blood group substances are probably related. 316. Kampelmacher, E. H. On antigenic O-relationships between the groups Salmo- nella arizona, escherichia and shigella. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Amst., 1959, 25: 289-324. 9 tables. Cross agglutination studies and absorption tests determined re- lationship. 317. *Katsuno, M., and Fujita, J. Studies on the pullorum disease. On the fluctuation of agglutinin titre of the fowl. Tohoku J. Agr.Res., 1957,7: 257-272 318. *Katsuno, M., and Fujita, J. Studies on the pullorum disease. Tohoku J. Agr. Res., 1956, 6:31-34. 319. Knapp, W. Die diagnostische Bedeutung der antigenen Bezeiehungen zwischen Past. pseudotuberculosis und der Salmonella- Gruppe. Zbl Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1955, 164: 57-59. 320. Kohler, H., and Massimann, W. Zur Differenzierung der Salmonellenantigene. Schweiz. Zschr. allg. Path., 1955, 18: 996- 1000. 321. Kolmar, D. Untersuchungen fiber die negative Phase bei protraheirter Antigen- zufiihr durch Adsorbatvaccine an Salmonel- len-infizierten Mausen. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 165: 530-549. Mouse tests dis- closed a negative phase in the course of im- munization against S. typhimurium. 322. Landy, M., Gaines, S., and Spring, H. Studies on intracerebral typhoid infection in mice. I. Characteristics of the infection. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1957, 38: 15-24. 323. Landy, M., Gaines, S., and Spring, H. Studies on intracerebral typhoid infection in mice. II. Immunological factors concerned in protection. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1957, 38: 25-34. 324. Landy, M., and Johnson, A. G. Stud- ies on the O antigen of Salmonella typhosa. IV. Endotoxic properties of the purified anti- gen. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, N.Y., 1955, 90: 57-62. 325. Lieberman, R., Earle, H., Ikari, N., and McCullough, N. B. Immunity afforded by specifically absorbed, unabsorbed and combinations of salmonella antisera. /. Im- mun., 1959, 82: 52-61. Experiments with S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis. 326. Lipp, R. Uber den Nachweis der Wir- kung von Typhus-Impfstoffen und-Sera durch Blutkultur im Mauserversuch. Zschr. Im- munforsch, 1957, 114: 235-243. 12 refer- ences. 327. Loddo, B. Ricerche sulle correlazioni antropozoonotiche nelle salmonellosi. Riv. ital. igiene., 1957, 17: 338-347. 472 goats, 142 sheep, and 12 oxen tested; agglutinins against salmonella present in all. 328. Mason, R. J. A. Effect of anticomple- ment on resistance of mice to infection with Salmonella typhimurium. Ames, 1958. (Dis- sertation, State University of Iowa) Abst. in: Dissertation Abstracts, 1959, 19: 1520. 329. Mitsuhashi, S., Kawakami, Y., Yama- guchi, Y., and Nagai, M. A comparative study of living and killed vaccines against the infection of mice with S. enteritides. Jap. J. Exp. M., 1958, 28: 249-258. 22 references. 330. Nava, G. C, and Bo, G. Sulla compo- sizione chimica degli antigeni delle salmo- nelle. V. Composizione chimica degli anti- geni somatici dell Salmonelle aberdeen, luciana, veneziana, gaminara e memphis. Riv. ital. igiene., 1958, 18: 200-208. 331. Nava, G. C, Defranceschi, A., and Bo, G. Sulla composizione chimica degli antigeni delle salmonella. IV. Composizione chimica dell' antigene O delle Salmonelle adelaide, inverness, rio grande, weslaco. Nuovi ann. igiene microb., 1957, 8: 544. 332. Neter, E., Drislane, A. M., Harris, A. H., and Gorzynski, E. A. Study on anti- bodies against enteric pathogens in human gamma globulin. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1959, 49: 1050-1059. 29 references. 333. Neter, E., and Dunphy, D. The dura- tion of the hemagglutinin response in the serum of children with shigellosis and salmo- nellosis. Pediatrics, 1957, 20: 78-86. 13 references. 18 cases. 14 334. Neter, E., Gorzynski, E. A., Gino, R. M., Westphal, 0., and Luderitz, 0. The enterobacterial hemaglutination test and its diagnostic potentialities. Canad. J. Microb., 1956, 2: 232-244. 27 references. Salmo- nella test in detail. 335. Neter, E., Westphal, 0., Luderitz, O., and Gorzynski, E. A. The bacterial hema- glutination test for the demonstration of anti- bodies to enterobacteriaceae. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1956, 66: 141-156. S. typhimu- rium infection. Table 6, p. 153, lists specific reactions found in a family of eight. 336. N£vot, A. Le diagnostic bacteriolo- gique en pratique medicale. 2d ed. Paris, Masson, 1958. 477 p. Genre salmonella, p. 185-214. Antigenes des salmonelles: ex- trait d'un tableau de Kauffmann et White, table IV, p. 190-191. Preparation a un serum mixte; 0 et H, p. 212-214. 337. Nicolle, P., and Diverneau, G. Sur une lysotypie complementaire des bacilles typhiques Vi positifs non lysotypables par la methode de Craigie et Felix. C. rend. Acad. sc, 1959, 249: 1958-1970. 338. Petrosian, E. A., and Zvenigorodskaia, V. P. A study of the antigens of enteric organisms. 1. Immunochemical study of the Vi antigen of typhoid bacilli. /. Microb. Epidem. Immun., 1957, 28: 1167-1171. 339. Raettig, H. Provokation einer Infek- tion durch Schutzimpfung. II. Unspezifische Provokation wahrend der experimentellen Epidemie S. typhimurium. Zbl Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1959, 175: 236-244. 9 references. Mice infected with S. typhimurium vaccinated with inactivated S. enteritidis showed an in- creased mortality. 340. Raettig, H. Provokation einer Infek- tion durch Schutzimpfung. III. 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Lebensm., 1957, 8: 244-246. 2.71% of 184 horses infected with 5 types. 425. Meynell, G. G., and Meynell, E. W. The growth of micro-organisms in vivo with particular reference to the relation between dose and latent period. /. Hyg., Lond., 1958, 56: 323-346. 5 strains of salmonellae used. 426. Meynell, G. G. The applicability of the hypothesis of independent action to fatal infections in mice given Salmonella typhi- murium by mouth. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1957, 16: 396-404. 427. Meynell, G. G. Some factors affecting the resistance of mice to oral infection by Salm. typhi-murium. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1955, 48: 916-918. 428. Mille, R., Le Minor, L., and Capponi, M. Nouvelle contribution a l'etude des sal- monella du Centre et du Sud Viet-Nam. Recherches chez les lizards. Bull. Soc. path. exot., Par, 1958, 51: 198-203. 40% of 609 lizards infected with 15 types. 429. Miller, C. P. Protective action of the normal microflora against enteric infection; an experimental study in the mouse. Univ. Michigan M. Bull, 1959, 25: 272-279. In- hibition of multiplication of injected Sal- monella enteritidis occurs in the colon of the normal mouse. 430. Miller, C. P., Bohnhoff, M., and Rif- kin, D. Experimental study of increased susceptibility to salmonella infection follow- ing antibiotic therapy. Science, 1957, 125: 749. 431. Monteverde, J. J. Salmonelosis en roe- dores debida a Salmonella enteritidis var. danysz. Rev. med. vet., B. Aires, 1956, 38: 145-157. 432. Monteverde, J. J. Salmonelosis en roe- dores debida a Salmonella enteritides var. danysz. Rev. med. vet., B. Aires, 1957, 39: 15-20. 433. Moore, B. Observations pointing to the conjunctiva as the portal of entry in sal- monella infection of guinea pigs. J. Hyg., Lond., 1957, 55: 414-433. 434. *Moran, A. B. Salmonella in animals; a report for 1957. Avian Dis., 1959, 3: 85-88. 435. Morel, P. Infection du lapin par Sal- monella pullorum. Rec med. vet. Ecole d'Alfort, 1958, 134: 281-283. 436. Mortelmans, J. 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Poultry Sc, 1957, 36: 1065-1070. 443. Rutqvist, L., and Thal, E. Salmonella isolated from animals and animal products in Sweden during 1956-1957. Nord. vet. med., 1958, 10: 234-244. 9,651 bacteriologi- cal examinations disclosed 703 strains of salmonellae belonging to 49 serotypes. 444. * Salisbury, R. M. Salmonella infec- tions in animals and birds in New Zealand. N. Zealand Vet. J., 1958, 6: 76-86. 445. Schebitz, H., and Hansen, H. J. Uber eine durch Salmonella abortus equi verur- sachte Epididymitis infectiosa beim Esel- hengst. Deut. tierdrztl. Wschr., 1959, 66: 212-216. 446. Schewe, E. Effects of modified host metabolism and altered defense mechanisms on survival time and pathogen counts in tis- sues and total body of mice infected intra- venously with Salmonella typhimurium. /. Infect. Dis., 1958, 102: 275-293. 447. Schildmeyer. Anwendung und Wer- kung von Terramycin in der Behandlung der weissen Kuchenruhr. Tierdrztl Umsch., 1955, 10: 405-406. 448. Schneider, P. A. A propos d'une recrudescence des salmonellosis animales. Salmonellose chez un lievre et chez une buse. Schweiz. Arch. Tierh., 1956, 98: 351-357. 449. Shaffer, M. F., Milner, K. C, Clem- mer, D. I., and Bridges, J. F. Bacteriologic study of experimental salmonella infections in chicks. /. Infec. Dis., 1957, 100: 17-31. 31 references. 14 strains used in experi- ments. 19 450. Shearer, G. C. An outbreak of abor- tion in ewes due to Salmonella dublin. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1957, 69: 693-695. 451. Smith, H. W. The isolation of sal- monellae from the mesenteric lymph nodes and faeces of pigs, cattle, sheep, dogs and cats, and from other organs of poultry. /. Hyg., Lond., 1959, 57: 266-273. 16 ref- erences. 17 serotypes of S. typhimurium, S. anatum and S. cholerae-suis found in pigs, dogs, and cats. 452. Smith, W. W., Alderman, I. M., and Gillespie, R. E. Resistance to experimental infection and mobilization of granulocytes in irradiated mice treated with bacterial endo- toxin. Am. J. Physiol, 1958, 192: 263-267. 18 references. S. typhosa endotoxin. 453. Stewart, T. A note on the incidence of salmonella infection in healthy cattle. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1957, 69: 94-95. 454. Strauch, D., and Munker, W. Bac- teriologische Wasseruntersuchungen in einem oberhessischen Fluss im Zusammenhang mit in diesem Flusstal aufgetretenen Salmo- nellen-Infektionen bei Haustieren. Munch tierdrztl Wschr., 1956, 69: 205-208. 5 strains of salmonellae found. 455. Sutmoiller, P., and Kampelmacher, E. H. The occurrence of salmonella among animals in Aruba (Netherlands Antilles) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Amst., 1957, 23: 207-217. Ill HUMAN 464. Allegra, G., and Niutta, R. Ascesso solitario del fegato da Salmonella bareilly. Policlinico, sez. prat., 1957, 64: 1879-1882. 465. Anders, W., Linder, F., and Stephan, W. Die chirurgische Sanierung des Typhus- bazillen-Dauerausscheiders. Bericht fiber 102 operierte Falle. Deut. med. Wschr., 1955, 80: 1637-1641. 785 registered carriers in West Berlin. 466. Anderson, T. R., and Zimmerman, L. E. Relapsing fever in Korea. A clinicopatho- logic study of eleven fatal cases with special attention to association with salmonella in- fections. Am. J. Path., 1955, 31: 1082-1102. 35 references. Louse-borne relapsing fever closely associated with salmonella septicemia. 467. Andreyenko, L. M., and Kamalian, L. A. Isolation of Salmonella mission in acute intestinal illnesses in man and its characteristics. /. Microb. Epidem. Immun., 1959, 30: 128-129. 10 sporadic cases. 456. Tanaka, N., Nishimura, T., and Yoshiyuki, T. Histochemical studies on the cellular distribution of endotoxin of Sal- monella enteritidis in mouse tissue. Jap. J. Microb., 1959, 3: 191-199. 10 references. 457. Thal, E., Rutqvist, L., and Holmqvist, H. Salmonella isolated from animals in Sweden during the years 1949-1956. AW. vet. med., 1957, 9: 822-830. 1,468 infected with salmonella of 805 types. 458. Truscott, R. B. Salmonella moscow isolated from ducks in Ontario. Canad. J. Comp. M., 1956, 20: 345-346. Furazolidon useful in controlling infection. 459. Velho, E. L. Contribution a l'etude de l'ecologie des "Salmonella" des farines de poisson, en Angola. Bull Off. inter, epizoot., 1958, 50: 330-336. 460. Vella, E. E. Salmonellosis in lizards of Ghana. /. R. Army M. Corps., 1958, 104: 236-237. 40 of 183 examined positive for salmonella. 461. Wilson, A. N., and Baade, R. Sal- monellosis traced to sea gulls in Ketchikan. Alaska M., 1959, 1: 18-19. 462. Wilson, J. E. The use of furazolidone in the treatment of day-old chicks with S. pullorum, S. gallinarum, S. typhimurium and S. thompson. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1955, 67: 849-853. 463. Zimmermann, H. Zur Infektion mit S. cholerae suis (var. Kunzendorf) bei Farm- nerzen. Mschr. vet. Med., 1959, 18: 564- 565. 13 references. INFECTIONS 468. Aufdemaur, M. Enterocolitis Breslau (Salmonella typhi murium) mit tbdlichem Ausgang. Gastroenterologia, Basel, 1957, 87: 158-171. Three fatal cases. 469. Bader, R-E. Die Salmonellosen. In: Grumbach, A. and Kikuth, W. Infections- krankheiten des Menschen und ihre Erreger. Stuttgart, Thieme, 1958. Bd. 1, p. 586-620. Gastroenteritis, septicemia, local suppurative processes; diagnosis, therapy, prevention. 470. Balows, A. Unusual salmonella infec- tions. /. Kentucky M. Ass., 1958, 56: 770-773. 471. Becker-Meyer, M. Die klinische Bedeu- tung von Salmonella Java und ihre Abgren- zung gegen Salmonella paratyphi B. Deut. Gesundhwes., 1956, 11: 881-883. 472. Bergter, K. Zum Problem der Salmo- nellenausscheider-Behandlung. Arztl. Wschr., 1955, 10: 279-282. 23 references. 29 car- riers; treatment. 20 473. Black, P. H., Kunz, L. J., and Swartz, M. N. Salmonellosis. A review of some unusual aspects. N. England J. M., 1960, 262: 811-817. 43 references. "* * * official reports do not reflect the true incidence of the disease in this country * * *" 474. Black, P. H., Kunz, L. J., and Swartz, M. N. Salmonellosis: A review of some un- usual aspects. N. England J. M., 1960, 262: 864-869. 19 references. Meningitis; post- gastrectomy enteritis; "appendicitis"; liver disease. 475. Bobra, S. T. Chronic empyema due to Salmonella oranienburg; complication of an old chest wound. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1958, 78: 599-602. 476. Bottiger, L. E., and Logerlof, B. Un- usual fever case; chronic salmonella infection with fatal outcome. Acta med. scand., 1959, 165: 131-135. 12 references. S. typhimurium bacteremia. 477. Boggian, B. Bonifica di portatori fecali cronici di salmonelle. (Proposta di un nuovo metodo.) Gior. mal. infett., 1957, 9: 115-116. 478. Boyle, M. H. Salmonella dublin septi- caemia. Lancet, Lond., 1958, 2: 1102-1103. 479. Burkhardt, F. Dauerausscheidung von Salmonella virchow. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 166: 421^123. 16 references. 2 cases. Adult male still a carrier after 2 years. An infant, a carrier for 3 months. 480. Carrion-Colichon Arbulu, H., and Berrocal Soto, A. La salmonelosis en el Peru y la complicacion secundaria de la bar- tonelosis humana o enfermedad de Carrion. Rev. cubana pediat., 1958, 30: 623-638. 481. Case 44012. Case records of the Massa- chusetts General Hospital. N. England J. M., 1958, 258: 42-45. Osteomyelitis of the 8th and 9th thoracic vertebras due to S. typhimu- rium. 482. Case 411. Case records of the Massa- chusetts General Hospital. Am. Practitioner, 1958, 9: 1295-1300. S. saint paul infection in a 64-year-old woman, asymptomatic after treatment; relapse 1 month later. 483. Chambon, L., Bres, P., and Dela- housse, J. Salmonella derby a Saigon. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1955, 48: 10-12. Non- febrile diarrhea in infant. 484. Chambon, L. Isolement de Salmonella bovis morbificans a Saigon. Bull. Soc path. exot., Par., 1955,48: 12-14. 485. Cheever, F. S. The acute diarrheal diseases of bacterial origin. Bull N. York Acad. M., 1955, 31: 611-626. 14 references. 7 salmonella strains most frequently isolated, p. 622. 486. Choremis, K., Yannakos, D., and Banta, C. 2 Falle von ausgedehnter Osteo- myelitis bei Sichelzellanamie. Helvet. paediat. acta, 1955, 10: 478-483. Typhoid-paratyphoid osteomyelitis complication. 487. Clyde, W. A. Salmonellosis in infants and children; a study of 100 cases. Pediatrics, 1957, 19: 175-183. 16 references. Compari- son of findings with those reported in litera- ture. 488. Conroy, J. V. Acute ileitis with ulcera- tion and perforation due to paratyphoid fever; report of 85 cases. Mil M., 1957, 120: 79-92. 19 references. 489. Cooper, G. N., and Wilson, M. M. Hu- man salmonellosis in Victoria. Med. J. Aus- tralia, 1957, 44: 829-832. 1,250 strains iso- lated, 1951-1957. S. typhimurium, 80%; next in order of importance, S. bovis morbifi- cans, S. adelaide, and S. newport. 490. Cordaro, S., and Fichera, G. Valore della sternomielocoltura e dell' emocoltura nella diagnosi batteriologica delle infezioni da salmonelle e da brucelle. Acta med. ital. mal. infett., 1955, 10: 309-311. 22 references. 491. Corpe, R. F., and Cope, J. A. Broncho- genic cystic disease complicated by unsus- pected cholerae suis (salmonella) and aspergillus infestation. Am. Rev. Tuberc, 1956, 74: 92-98. 10 references. 492. Cuadra, M. Salmonellosis complica- tion in human bartonellosis. Texas Rep. Biol. M., 1956, 14: 97-113. 493. Dack, G. M. Current status of therapy in microbic food poisoning. /. Am. M. Ass., 1960, 172: 929-932. Special report to the Council on Drugs. Salmonella infections, p. 931-932. 494. Daniel, R. Necrotic jejunitis due to infection by Salmonella cholerae-suis. Med. J. Australia, 1957, 44: 292-293. 495. De Blasi, R., and Gabbrielll, G. Un quinquennio di tentativi di bonifica di porta- tori fecali cronici di salmonelle. Gior. mal. infett., 1956,8: 1-9. 496. Decker, J. P., and Clancy, C. F. Salmonella endocarditis, report of 3 cases, including 1 of mural endocarditis. Bull Ayer Clin. Laborat., 1959, 4: 1-15. 33 ref- erences. 3 fatal cases due to S. choleraesuis. 497. Delahousse, J. Lapeyssonnie, L., and Blache, R. Septicemics et septicopyothe- mies a salmonelles rares observees au Nord Viet-Nam. Med. trop., Marseille, 1955, 15: 668-677. 17 cases. 498. De La Torre, J. A. and Olarte, J. Synematin B in the treatment of salmonella enteritis in infants. Antibotic M., 1959, 6: 724-730. 10 patients, 1 died, 2 unaffected. 21 499. De La Torre, J. A., Villalpando, E. E., Esparza, H., and Olarte, J. Unilateral renal vein thrombosis in an infant with sepsis due to Salmonella choleraesuis; nephrectomy with recovery. /. Pediat., S. Louis, 1958,52: 206-211. 500. Demanet, J. C. A propos d'un cas de pleuresie purulente et de pericardite a Sal- monella typhimurium (bacille d' Aertrycke). Acta din. belg., 1957, 12: 516-523. 501. Deparis, M., and Monigand, G. Toxi- infections a salmonella et intoxications stapylococciques d'origine alimentaire. Sem. hop. Paris, 1955, 31: 956-968. 49 references. 502. Donald, G., McKendrick, W., and Med- lock, J. M. Tetracycline in the treatment of sonne dysentery and salmonella enteritis. Pub. Health, Lond., 1958, 72: 25-27. 503. Dossena, G. and Scarpioni, L. Su di un caso di osteomielite da S. bareilly. Boll 1st. sieroter. Milan., 1958, 37: 457-460. 504. Ederer, B. Septisches Krankheitsbild bei einer Infektion mit Gartnerbakterien. Med. Klin. Bed., 1956, 51: 2165-2167. Sal- monella enteritidis septicemia in adult. 505. Eisenberg, G. M., Brodsky, L., Weiss, W., and Flippen, H. F. Clinical and micro- biologic aspects of salmonellosis. Am. J. M. Sc, 1958, 235: 497-508. 12 references. Re- view of 75 cases. 506. Eisenberg, G. M., Palazzola, A. J., and Flippen, H. F. Clinical and microbiologic aspects of salmonellosis; a study of 95 cases in adults and children. N. England J. M., 1955, 578: 90-94. 8 deaths caused by 7 dif- ferent strains of salmonellae. 507. Eliakim, M. Electrocardiographic signs of pericarditis in typhoid fever. Am. J. M. Sc, 1960, 239: 492-497. 12 references. Case in detail. 508. Ellenbogen, N. C, Raim, J., and Gross- man, L. Salmonella sp. (type montevideo) osteomyelitis. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1955, 90: 275-279. 509. Finger, D., and Wood, W. B., Jr. The apparent activation of salmonella enteritis by oxytetracycline. Am. J. Med., 1955, 18: 839- 841. 510. Finland, M., Jones, W. F., Jr., and Barnes, M. W. Occurrence of serious bac- terial infections since introduction of anti- bacterial agents. /. Am. M. Ass., 1959, 70: 2188-2197. A comprehensive survey not list- ing salmonellae specifically, but detailing the serious infections caused by the group of gram-negative bacilli. 511. Fischer, G. W., and Hermann, G. Uber eine chronische Salmonella-infektion der Lunge. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1957, 99: 7-9, passim. 512. Fitzgerald, J., Snyder, M. J., and Singleton, R. T. An unusual case of Sal- monella choleraesuis meningitis; cure follow- ing surgical excision of an infected subarach- noid cyst. Ann. Int. M., 1959, 50: 1045-1050. 13 references. 513. Flippen, H. F., and Eisenberg, G. M. Current problems in Salmonellosis. Am. J. M. Sc, 1960, 239: 278-286. 13 references. Table, p. 280, shows increase of salmonella infections, other than typhoid or paratyphoid, over the past few years. 514. Flippen, H. F., and Eisenberg, G. M. Antimicrobial therapy in medical practice. Philadelphia, Davis, 1955. 284 p. Salmonel- losis p. 156-161. Table 10. Antigenic sero- group and incidence of Salmonellae at the Philadelphia General Hospital (Blockley Di- vision), 1949-1953, p. 165. 515. Foltz, E. E., Harding, H. B., and Der- rick, J. Gastroenteritis caused by Sal- monella litchfield. Q. Bull Northwest. Univ. M. School, 1955, 29: 215-218. 2 cases. 516. Fortin, J. A l'etude des paralysis oculo, motorices dans les salmonellosis. Paris, Edi- tions A. G. E. M. P. 1955. 24 p. Review of literature; case. 517. Frequency of carriers of salmonellae, shigellae, and pathogenic coliform organisms in normal children under 5 years. Month. Bull. Min. Health Gr. Britain, 1959; 18: 86- 91. 8,748 tests; 8 types of salmonellae iso- lated ; carrier rate "about 2 per 1,000." 518. Gadeholt, H. Prostatitis typhosa chronic. AW. med., 1958, 59: 473. English summary. Case. Medication useless; opera- tion cured condition. 519. Gartner, H. Uber zwei Krankheitsfalle mit Nachweis von Salmonella bovis morbifi- cans im Sputum. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 166: 326-327. 520. Gay, K., and Grant, L. S. Paratyphoid C osteomyelitis. West Ind. M. J., 1956, 5: 284-288. Complication, sickle cell crisis. 521. Geraci, J. E. The antibiotic therapy of bacterial endocarditis. Therapeutic data on 172 patients seen from 1951 through 1957. Additional observations on short-term therapy (2 weeks) for penicillin-sensitive strepto- coccal endocarditis. Med. Clin. N. America, July 1958, p. 1101-1140. 42 references. Bacterial endocarditis, including salmonellae, p. 1125-1140. 522. Gezon, H. M. Salmonellosis. D.M. July 1959. 46 p. 81 references. 17 types of infection, diagnosis, therapy, epidemiology. 523. Gilmore, L. K. Salmonella osteomye- litis complicating sicklecell anemia. Clin. Proc. Child. Hosp., Wash., 1959, 15: 299-305. 27 references. S. schottmfiller and S. typhi- murium. 22 524. Giraud, G., Latour, H., Levy, A., Rou- JON, J., and Barjon, P. Osteo-arthrite verte- brale a Salmonella Stanley. Evolution pseu- dopottique prolongee depuis trente ans. Montpellier med., 1955, 48: 491^493. 525. Goldenberg, I. S. Sickle-cell anemia, Salmonellae enteritidis, osteomyelitis, and re- mote postoperative wound abscess; report of a case. Surgery, 1955, 38: 758-763. 526. Greenspan, R. H., and Feinberg, S. B. Salmonella bacteremia; a case with miliary lung lesions and spondylitis. Radiology, 1957, 68: 860-862. Bilateral hematogenous dissemination during S. tennessee septicemia. 527. Hakim, A. C. Perforacion intestinal en la fiebre tifoidea consideraciones clinico- quinirgicas. Rev. san. mil, Mex., 1959, 58: 5-18. 24 references. Personal cases and re- view of reported cases. 528. Henderson, N. D., Garlock, F. C, and Olson, B. A. Treatment of acute typhoid with synnematin B. Report of a case. /. Am. M. Ass., 1959, 169: 1991-1994. S. typhi was cultured from blood and feces; no response to usual antibiotics; rapid improve- ment with synnematin B therapy. 529. Hendricks, R. G., and Collard, P. Salmonella osteitis in Nigerian children. Lancet, Lond., 1960, 1: 80-82. 18 refer- ences. 13 cases, 7 of which complicated by salmonella infection. 8 strains of salmonel- lae isolated. 530. Herbsman, H., Tanaka, A. M., and Stuckey, J. H. The first case report of an echinococcus liver cyst infected with Sal- monella saint paul. Ann. Surg., 1959, 149: 565-571. 13 references. Case of a young man who had no contact with animals except on a farm in early childhood. 531. Hobbs, F. B. Tracing a typhoid car- rier by means of sewer swabs. Lancet, Lond., 1956, 1: 855-856. Carrier traced by this unusual method. 532. Hook, E. W., Campbell, C. G., Weens, H. S., and Cooper, G. R. Salmonella osteomyelitis in patients with sickle-cell anemia. N. England J. M., 1957, 257: 403- 407. 533. Hsu, H-C, and Cheng, C. Clinical analysis of Salmonella choleraesuis infection. Chinese J. Int. M., 1957, 5: 618-621. 534. Huber, P. Abzedierende eitrige Stru- mitis verursacht durch Salmonella cholerae- suis. Ther. Umschau., Bern, 1958, 15: 39. 535. Huet, M. Quatorze cas de salmonel- lose a Salmonella tunis. Arch. Inst. Pasteur, Tunis, 1958, 35: 49-53. 3 fatal cases. 536. Hughes, J. G., and Carroll, D. S. Salmonella osteomyelitis complicating sickle cell disease. Pediatrics, 1957, 19: 184-191. 537. Humbert, R. Diagnosis and treatment of salmonella carriers: Observations on 100 patients. German M. Month., 1959, 4: 193- 197. This is the English edition of Deut. med. Wschr. 538. Ismancoen. Neonatal gastroenteritis due to pathogenic Escherichia coli and/or Salmonella worthington. /. Trop. Pediat., 1957, 3: 13-16. 539. Jackson, D. C. Salmonella osteomye- litis in infancy with a case due to Salmonella newport infection. Med. J. Australia, 1958, 2: 160-162. 540. Jarniou, A. P., and Moreau, A. Les localisations pleurales dues a Salmonella cholerae suis (variete Kunzendorf). Sem. hop. Paris, 1957, 33: 2810-2813. 541. Jarniou, A. P., and Moreau, A. £tude de localisations pleuropulmonaires graves rencontrees au cours de certains salmonel- loses. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1956, 72: 494-515. 7 cases. 542. Joest, W. Vorkommen von Salmonel- len und Bewertung der Diagnostik. Oeff. Gesundhdienst, 1957, 19: 136-167. Author says it is not justified to classify all salmo- nella infections except typhoid and paraty- phoid as food poisoning. 543. Juenker, A. P. Infections with mul- tiple types of Salmonellae. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1957, 27: 646-651. 6 references. 13 multiple infections demonstrated in feces of 75 persons with salmonella infections. 544. Jung, A., and Nesseler, H. Abces chronique du poumon a bacille paratyphique C, Salmonella bovis morbificans; lobectomie en periode evolutive; guerison. Presse med., 1957, 65: 1540-1542. 545. Kaffka, A. Salmonella cholerae suis var. kunzendorf als Erreger einer primaren chirurgischen Erkrankung. Zbl Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1955, 163: 226-228. 546. Kleinmaier, H., and Schafer, E. Beitrag zur Pathogenicitatsfrage der Bethes- da-Ballerup-Stamme. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 165: 97-107. 7 references. Serotype 1 c; (13) 18, 19 could be demon- strated in both sick and healthy persons. Assumption of unlimited pathogenicity is not valid. 547. Kohn, A. Uber drei Erkrankungsfalle durch Salmonella cholerae suis. Mschr. Kinderh., 1959, 107: 322-327. 548. Krag, D., and Shean, D. B. Serious human infections due to bacilli of the Arizona group. California M., 1959, 90: 230-233. 549. Krauter, S. Darminfektionen durch seltene Salmonellen (S. Bareilly). Wien. med. Wschr., 1958, 108: 820-822. 23 550. Krauter, S., Herold, H., and Pranka, G. Titerhohe und Immunglobuline bei anti- biotisch behandelten Salmonelloses Wien. med. Wschr., 1957, 107: 667-670. 551. Kronenberger, F. L., and Smith, H. G. Unusual occurrence of acid-fast "saprophyte" and Salm. typhi-murium in association with pulmonary lesion. Brit. J. Dis. Chest, 1956, 50: 225-232. 13 references. 552. Kumate, J., Lazaro Benavides, V., P£rez, J. L., Crillos, 0. T., and Carrillo, J. Plasma cholinesterase in infections due- to enterobacteriaceae. /. Infect. Dis., 1956, 98: 1-9. 21 references. S. derby and S. typhi- murium, as well as S. typhi and S. paratyphi A. in the group of bacteria tested. 553. Lambotte-Legrand, J., and Lambotte- Legrand, C Notes complementaires sur la drepanocytose (sicklemie). III. Les salmo- nelloses dans l'anemie drepanocytaire et microdrepanocytaire. Ann. Soc beige med. trop., 1958, 38: 535-545. 554. Laylee, A. M. Human infection with Salmonella choleraesuis. Brit. M. J., 1957, 1: 1284-1285. 2 cases; first, septicemia and osteomyelitis; second, empyema. 555. Lipp, R. Bakteriamie bei Salmonella- Schwarzengrund-Infektion. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Ref., 1957, 169: 568-569. Blood cultures established the diagnosis. 556. Loock, K. H. Salmonellenuntersu- chungen bei Galle- und Leberkranken. Arztl. Wschr., 1959, 14: 618-619. 13 references. 7 of 116 patients with gall bladder or liver disease, had salmonella infections. 557. Lu, S-T. Salmonella infections. Chi- nese M. J., 1955, 73: 412-424. 33 references. 177 cases, 69 typhoid. 558. Lundstrom, R. Skin infection with Salmonella rostock in a newborn infant. Acta paediat., Upps., 1955, 44: 584-587. S. rostock isolated from feces of both mother and child. 559. Mage, J., and Martin, P. Abces epi- dural par osteomyelite occipitale, unique manifestation d'une infection a paratyphique B. Acta neur. psychiat. belg., 1958, 58: 861-867. 560. Maier, L. Uber Salmonellosen im Kindesalter. Kinderdrztl. Prax., 1957, 25: 159-164. 18 references. 48 cases of salmo- nella infections in 1 year in Hamburg. 561. Mannweiler, E. Tetracyclin Wirkung auf Salmonellen. Zschr. Immunforsch., 1958, 115:38-55. 562. Mannweiler, E., and Humbert, R. Durch Enteritiserreger der Salmonella- Gruppe hervorgerufene Bakteriamien. Deut. med. Wschr., 1957, 82: 2215-2218, passim. 153 cases. 563. Martin, W. J., Spittel, J. A., Mor- lock, C. G., and Baggenstoss, A. H. Severe liver disease complicated by bacteremia due to gram-negative bacilli. A.M.A. Arch. Int. M., 1956, 98: 8-15. Salmonellae isolated, species undetermined. 564. Massa, A. Clinical trial of furazoli- done in treatment of diarrhoea. Brit. M. J., 1959, 2: 1063-1065. 12 of 47 cases due to S. antum, S. derby, S. newport and S. typhi- murium. 565. Mayfield, D. R. Necrotic jejunitis due to infection by Salmonella choleraesuis. Med. J. Australia, 1957, 44: 392-393. 566. Meyer, M., Spossig, M., and Kost, E. Enteritiskrankung durch Salmonella haifa. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1955, 162: 541-542. 2 cases, 1 died. Infection may have been caused by eating unwashed grapes. 567. Molese, A., Tedeschi, G., and Vin- giani, A. Epatite cronica paralitiasica con ittero febrile da Salmonella paratyphi A, grave insufficienza epatica, ascite ed idro- torace; rilievi e considerazioni. Acta med. ital. mal. infett., 1957, 12: 211-218. 568. Montero RoDRfQUEZ, A. El empleo del chloramfenicol a dosis bajas en las salmonellosis. Rev. espah. pediat., 1959, 15: 249-263. 569. Mountford, P. F. Salmonella typhi- murium osteomyelitis; report of a case. N. Zealand M. J., 1958, 47: 166-167. 570. Naumann, P., and Rohrs, H. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Salmonella-Doppelin- fektion. Zschr. Hyg., 1958, 145: 103-110. Case: S. Typhimurium isolated from urine, S. blockley from stools. 571. Neiman, N., Pierson, M., and Gins- bourger, N. Syndrome de Fiessinger-Leroy- Reiter determine par le bacille de Gaertner chez le nourrisson. Rev. med. Nancy, 1959, 84: 302-305. 572. Newell, K. W. The investigation and control of salmonellosis. Bull World Health Org., 1959, 21: 279-297.. 51 references. Incidence, methods of spread, susceptibility, control. 573. Olitsky, I., Rosenthal, M. H., and Copeland, J. R. Family infection with multiple salmonella types including two Ha S-negative variants. /. Bact., Bait., 1956, 72: 569-570. Case with multiple infection. Members of family carriers of Salmonellae bareilly, muenchenoregon, and montevideo; in addition 2 members also carriers of S. typhosa and S. senftenberg. 24 574. Pan American Sanitary Bureau. Seminarios sobre diarreas infantiles. San- tiago, Chile, 5-10 noviembre, 1956. Tehua- can, Mexico, 29 de julio- 3 de agosto, 1956. Washington, D.C., Of. san. panam., 1958, 139 p. Shigella, salmonella, and E. coli etiologic agents. Diagnosis, treatment, prevention. 575. Patrizio, R. J., and Muncy, P. A. Carcinoma of the rectum as a focus of Sal- monella bareilly infection. Report of a case. /. Internal. Coll. Surg., 1956, 26: 359-360. 10 references. The neoplasm found on in- vestigation of the intestinal infection. 576. Petersen, K. F. Mehrfachinfektionen mit pathogen Darmbakterien. Zschr. Hyg., 1959, 146; 13-18. 24 references. 8 cases of multiple infection, 4 involving sal- monellae. 2 cases of mixed S. paratyphi B, and S. enteritidis; 1 case of S. paratyphi B, S. mission and S. orion; 1 case of shigella and S. panama. 577. Phillips, W. P. Salmonella infections; medical aspects. R. Soc. Health J., Lond., 1956, 76: 649-653. 578. Polanetzki, U., and Brandis, H. Uber Infektionen durch Salmonella cholerae suis. Med. Mschr., 1955, 9: 665-667. 3 cases, each preceded by a long illness which caused diminished resistance. 579. Poole, P. M., and Ardley, J. Descrip- tion of 20 cases of Salmonella enteritidis infection. Month. Bull Min. Health Gr. Britain, 1958, 17: 147-154. 580. Rabe, E. F. Present-day problems in salmonellosis. Pennsylvania M. J., 1958, 61: 209-214. 19 references. 44 cases. Table 1, p. 210, summary of clinical and etiologic data. Table 5, p. 213, therapeutic results. 581. Rabe, E. F. The treatment of sal- monellosis with massive doses of penicillin compared with other methods of therapy. Pediatrics, 1955, 16: 590-598. 27 hospital cases; emphasis on therapy and prevention of carrier state. 582. Ralston, E. L. Osteomyelitis of the spine due to Salmonella cholerae suis. /. Bone Surg., 1955, 37a: 580-584. 583. Ranc, A. Infectiones humaines a Sal- monella cholerae suis (variete diphasique) du Cambodge. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1955, 48:625-629. 4 cases, 3 with suppurat- ing lesions. 584. Rich, M., and St. Mary, E. Sal- monella subacute bacterial endocarditis. Ann. Int. A/., 1956, 44: 162-166. 20 ref- erences. Case: S. choleraesuis von Kunzen- dorf; patient survived; of 24 previously re- ported cases only 2 survived. 585. Richter, K. H., Gebhardt, H., and Knorr, M. Ein Fall von Salmonella-heidel- berg-Meningitis. Kinderdrztl Prax., 1958, 26: 393-394. Month-old baby treated with chloramphenicol; survived. 586. Roberts, A. R., and Hilburc, L. E. Sickle-cell disease with salmonella osteo- myelitis. /. Pediat., S. Louis, 1958, 52: 170-175. 29 references. 4 cases. Infected by S. bredeney, S. oranienburg, S. ty- phimurium and S. infantis. 587. Roberts, D. W. T., and Baron, L. S. Typhoid fever with vulvovaginitis. Lancet, Lond., 1958, 1: 1043-1044. 2 cases. 588. Rosove, L. Chronic subphrenic ab- scess due to Salmonella oranienburg infec- tion; case report and review of literature. Ann. Int. M., 1957, 46: 169-179. Post- operative osteomyelitis which followed an acute enterocolitis. 589. Ruiz L6pez, A., Bustelo, E. V., Gord6n De CamIn, D. L., and Ansiaume, E. M. Tratornos digestivo-nutritivos por salmonel- lias en el nifio; contribucion al estudio de la infeccion hidrica en Mendoza. Acta pediat. espan., 1958, 16: 150-154. Salmonellae new- port, typhimurium, bradeney, muenster, give, anatum and video were isolated. 590. Saliceti, E., and Du Pasquier, P. Diagnostic bacteriologique des affections humaines a enterobacteries. /. med. Bor- deaux, 1959, 136: 1207-1228. Detailed de- scriptions. 591. Sanguinetti, M. C. A case of sickle- cell disease complicated by salmonella osteo- myelitis. Canad. J. M. Techn., 1957, 19: 24-25. 592. Saphra, I. Antibiotic treatment of enteral or parenteral salmonella infections. Antibiotic M„ 1956, 3: 437^438. Different therapy needed in gastrointestinal infections, and in bacteremia causing pneumonia, men- ingitis, etc. 593. Schafer, W. Uber die Dauer der Infektiositat von Salmonelloses Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1958, 172: 272-281. Post- infection carriers. 3 successive weekly ex- aminations of feces must be negative; if not, patient is registered as long-term carrier. 1.1% of 313 patients, carriers. 594. Schmidt-Lange, W., Moeller, M., Lederbogen, K, and Bausch, F. Noch un- bekannte Salmonella verursacht tbdliche Darminfektion. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1955, 164: 523-524. A new type (S. blockley) isolated from a fatal case. 595. Schneierson, S. S., and Bryer, M. S. Furazolidone (furozone) in the treatment of salmonella infections. /. Mount Sinai Hosp., N. York, 1959, 26: 525-531. 25 596. Schrire, I. The convalescent excreter of salmonellae. Lancet, Lond., 1960, 1: 56- 57. 7 references. 597. Silver. H. K., Simon, J. L., and Clem- ent, D. H. Salmonella osteomyelitis and abnormal hemoglobin disease. Pediatrics, 1957, 20: 439-447. 19 references. 2 cases: first case, splenectomy, wound abscess, S. en- teritidis; second case, S. typhimurium, osteo- myelitis. 598. Simon, S. D., and Silver, C. M. Sal- monella osteomyelitis; report of 3 cases, 1 with fatal outcome and autopsy. /. Intcrnat. Coll. Surg., 1957, 28: 197-205. 599. Spittel, J. A., Martin, W. J., and Nichols, D. R. Bacteremia owing to gram- negative bacilli, experiences in the treatment of 137 patients in a 15-vear period. Ann. Int. M., 1956, 44: 302-315. 22 references. Salmonellae among bacteria studied. 600. Stein, H., and Shaff, G. Antibiotics in the treatment of shigella and salmonella enteritis. S. Afr. M. J., 1958, 32: 1161-1164. 31 patients with salmonella infections treated with chloramphenicol; 23 recovered, 2 re- lapsed, 6 died. 601. Stenstrom, R. Spondylitis caused by Salmonella typhimurium. Acta radiol, Stockh., 1958, 49: 355-359. Case. Review of cases previously reported. 602. Story, P., and Hanbury, W. J. Mor- phological changes in Salmonella typhimu- rium infections. /. Path. Bact., Lond., 1957, 73: 443-450. 26 references. 4 cases, post mortem findings. 603. Streitfei.d, M. M., Saslaw, M. S., and Lawson, R. B. Chloramphenicol-tetracycline treatment of salmonellosis in children; strip gradients and replica strip-gradient tech- niques as guides to therapy. A.M.A. J. Dis. Child., 1957, 94: 155-168. 29 references. 29 cases. 604. Stutz, L. Uber einen Lungenabszess mit S. kottbus und S. newport. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1959, 175: 476-478. 9 references. 605. Stutz, L. Ein Fall von septischer S. cholerae suis var. kunzendorf-Infektion. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt Orig., 1958, 171: 373-375. 14 references. 606. Talbot, J. M., and Hunt, J. A. Infec- tion of bone and joint by salmonellae. Brit. M. ]., 1957, 2: 1095-1096. 2 cases; first case S. cholerae suis var. kunzendorf infection; the second, S. typhimurium infection. 607. Ten Eyck, F. W., and Wellman, W. E. Salmonellosis associated with abdominal aneurysm and edema of lower extremities. Case report. Postgrad. M., 1959, 26: 334- 339. 25 references. 608. Thiodet, J., Fourrier, A., and Arroyo, H. Complications cardiovasrulaires de la fievre typhoide et perturbations du meta- bolisme cellulaire. Press med., 1959, 67: 1305-1308. Therapy must include potassium. 609. Thomas Mair, E. M. Enteritis from tortoises. Month. Bull. Min. Health, Gr. Britain, 1957, 16: 29-31. A family of 5 chil- dren infected by a pet tortoise. Cause, an atypical member of the arizona group. 610. Thomson, S. The numbers of patho- genic bacilli in faeces in intestinal diseases. /. Hyg., Lond., 1955, 53: 217-224. 20 cases of salmonella infections; S. typhimurium 16, S. thompson, 2, S. bovismorbificans, 2. 611. Thurman, W. G., and Platou, R. V. Some experiences with kanamycin in the treatment of salmonella and shigella infec- tions. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1958, 76: 230-234. 43 cases. 612. Twining McMath, W. F., and Hussain, K. K. A preliminary clinical trial of humy- cin in salmonellosis. Pub. Health, Lond., 1959,73:328-331. 6 references. 613. Urteaga, B., arid Payne, E. H. Treat- ment of the acute febrile phase of Carrion's disease with chloramphenicol. Am. J. Trop. M. Hyg., 1955, 4: 506-511. 19 patients; of these 3 had coexisting salmonella infections. 614. Utian, H. L. Salmonella dublin, a case complicated by a right subdural effusion. S. Afr. M. J., 1957, 31: 577-579. 615. Valledor, T., Borbolla, L., Guerra Chabau, A., and Prieto, E. Meningitis a Salmonella minnesota. Reporte de un caso. Rev. cubana pediat., 1956, 28: 611-618. 616. Vece, A. Considerazioni su alcuni casi di meningite de salmonelle. Pediatria, Nap., 1956, 64: 65-78. 16 references. Review of literature. 7 personal cases. 617. Waddell, W. R., and Kunz, J. Asso- ciation of salmonella enteritis with operations on the stomach. N. England J. M., 1956, 255: 559. 9 cases. Salmonellae involved: san diego, panama, arizona, typhimurium, muenchen-oregon, newport, new brunswick, and enteritidis. 618. Waisbren, B. A. The treatment of bacterial infections with the combination of antibiotics and gamma globulin. Antibiotics, 1957, 7: 322-333. Case of salmonella infec- tion, p. 326-328. 619. Watson, K. C. Salmonella meningi- tis. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1958, 33: 171-175. 26 620. Weiss, W., Eisenberg, G. M., and Flip- pen, H. F. Salmonella pleuropulmonary disease. Am. J. M. Sc, 1957, 233: 487-496. 10 references. Clinical bacteriologic and serologic findings in 4 cases. This type of infection is uncommon and not always accompanied or preceded by enteritis. 621. Wildftjhr, G. Zur serologischen Dif- ferenzierung von Salmonellatypen bei Mi- schinfektionen. Zschr. Hyg., 1956, 143: 181-187. 622. Winkle, S., and Rohde, R. Die Bedeutung von Mischinfektionen durch mehrere Salmonella-Typen ffir Diagnostik und Epidemiologie. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1958, 173: 153-157. 623. Wofford, J. D., Wallace, C. E., and Allison, F., Jr. Typhoid fever complicated 627. Arbuzova, V. A. Some epidemiological features of contemporary breslau salmonel- losis [S. typhimurium infection]. /. Microb. Epidem. Immun., 1958, 29: 33-37. 628. Bate, J. G., and James, U. Salmonella typhimurium infection dust-borne in a chil- dren's ward. Lancet, Lond., 1958, 2: 713- 715. 7 outbreaks in less than 1 year; source, dust bag of a vacuum floor polisher. 629. Bengtsson, E., Hedlund, P., Nisell, A., and Nordenstam, H. An epidemic due to Salmonella typhimurium (breslau) occurring in Sweden in 1953, with special reference to clinical complications, bacteriology, serology, antibiotic treatment, and morbid anatomy Acta med., scand., 1955, 153: 1-20. A de. finitive article. 630. Bennett, I. L., Jr., and Hook, E. W. Some aspects of salmonellosis. Ann. Rev. M., 1959, 10: 1-20. 253 references. Epidemiol- ogy; animal reservoirs; carriers; modes of transmission; types of human infections. 631. Bischoff, J. Das Vorkommen von Sal- monellabakterien in Eierzeugnissen und ihre Abtotung durch Pasteurisierung. Bed. tierdrztl Wschr., 1959, 72: 129-130. 36 strains isolated in 82,594 tests. 632. Black, P. H., Kunz, L. J., and Swartz, M. N. Salmonellosis; a review of some un- usual aspects. N. England J. M., 1960, 262: 921-926. 24 references. Unusual epidemio- logic aspects. Included are double infections, unusual sources of infection, and hospital infections. 633. Blaxland, J. D., Sojka, W. J., and Smither, A. M. A study of Salm. pullorum and Salm. gallinarum strains isolated from field outbreaks of disease. /. Comp. Path., 1956, 66: 270-277. 24 references. by intestinal perforation and myocarditis. Ann. Int. M.. I960, 52: 259-267. 624. Womack, A. M. Acute urinary infec- tion due to Salmonella typhimurium in a patient receiving steroid therapy. Month. Bull Min. Health Gr. Britain, 1959, 18: 184-187. 625. Zai, M., and Hacgerty, J. Neonatal meningitis. N. England J. M., 1958, 259: 314-320. 26 of 83 patients infected with gram-negative bacilli; included were S. enteritidis and S. choleraesuis. 626. Zak, F. G, Strauss, L., and Saphra, I. Rupture of diseased large arteries in the course of enterobacterial (salmonella) infec- tions. N. England, J. M., 1958, 258: 824- 828. 11 autopsies. Salmonellae typhimu- rium, cholerae suis, newport and oranienburg isolated. 634. Blum, H., and Pulver, W. Uber Enter- ritis-Breslau-Epidemien mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der 1956 im Kantonsspital Luzern hospitalisierten Kranken. Schweiz med. Wschr., 1957, 87: 477-482. 45 cases caused by S. typhimurium; 5 deaths. 635. Bokkenheuser, C, and Greenberc, M. A review of salmonellosis in South Africa. 5. Afr. M. J., 1959, 33: 702-706. 80 references. Table I, p. 703-704, lists all types of sal- monellae isolated. 636. Bokkenheuser, V. Salmonella and shi- gella infections in Africa. 5. Afr. M. J., 1959, 33: 36-37. 12 references. In 1957, 59 dif- ferent kinds of salmonella isolated. 637. Boyd, J. M. An outbreak of Salmo- nellosis newport in Fife. Health Bull, Edinb., 1958, 16: 31-36. 638. Brodhace, H. Bericht fiber eine Salmo- nella typhimurium (Enteritis-Breslau) Epi- demie. Praxis, 1957, 46: 1-4. 219 cases, 5 died. 639. Brown, W. G., Martin, G. K, and Tay- lor, A. W. An outbreak of food poisoning in an urban hospital. Canad. J. Pub. Health, 1958, 49: 95-100. S. typhimurium infection in 89 persons on hospital staff. 640. *Bundesst, R. R. Das Vorkommen von Salmonellosen in den Jahren 1954 bis 1958 in Osterreich. Mitt ost. San. Verw., 1959, 60: 99-104. 641. Buxton, A. Public health aspects of salmonellosis in animals. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1957, 69: 105-109. 87 references. IV EPIDEMIOLOGY 27 642. Callis, L. M. Epidemiologia de la fiebre tifoidea en Barcelona. Rev. san., Madr., 1958, 32: 381-425. Endemic; 7,160 cases in 40 years. Only 3,000 of population of 1,500,000 have been vaccinated. 643. Capponi, M., and Sureau, P. Enquete sur les enterobacteries des viandes de boucherie de dalat (Centre-Vietnam) ; isole- ment de Salmonella budapest. Bull Soc. path, exot., Par., 1955, 48: 607-610. 644. Caruana, M., and Huet, M. Epidemies d'enterites a Salmonella reading dans une pouponniere. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis, 1955, 32: 317-330. Hospital outbreak. 645. Collard, P., and Sen, R. Salmonellae isolated at Ibadan. Second report; strains isolated during 1957. West Afr. M. J., 1959, 8: 114-116. 31 strains isolated from patients and carriers. 646. Courter, R. D. La infeccion Salmo- nella dublin en Estados Unidos. Bol. Of. san. panamer., Wash., 1960, 48: 57-58. 647. * Darrasse, H. Aspects epidemiolog- iques des salmonelloses. Bull nat. med., Dakar, 1957,5: 279-285. 648. Dauer, C. C, and Davids, D. J. 1958 summary of disease outbreaks. Pub. Health Rep., 1959, 74: 715-720. Salmonellosis, p. 715-716. In table 2, p. 217, 27 outbreaks and 1,043 cases reported. 649. Dauer, C. C. 1957 summary of disease outbreaks. Pub. Health Rep., 1958, 73: 681- 686. Salmonellosis, p. 684-685. In table 2, p. 683, 30 outbreaks and 1,607 cases reported. 650. Dauer, C. C, and Sylvester, G. 1956 summary of disease outbreaks. Pub. Health Rep., 1957, 72: 735-742. Salmonellosis, p. 737-738. In table 2, p. 739, 23 outbreaks, 1,999 cases reported. 651. Decker, E. H., Devine, J. V., and Cohen, J. R. Salmonella as a hospital in- fection. Hospitals, 1959, 33 (19): 59-64. 652. De La Cruz, E. Epidemiologia de la salmonellosis in Costa Rico. 1. Salmonel- losis en porcinos. Rev. biol. trop., San Jose, 1958, 6: 27-35. 23 references. 22 strains; 8 serotypes. 653. Denison, G. A. Contamination of school water supply with sludge from the septic tank. /. M. Ass. Alabama, 1959, 29: 199-202. Prompt and effective means taken to stem a threatened epidemic in a school and community. 654. Dochkin, I. I. Outbreaks of influenzal illnesses caused by Salmonella virchow. /. Microb. Epidem. Immun., 1959, 30(4): 131- 132. 29 hospital patients. 655. Drachman, R. H., Petersen, N. J., Boring, J. R., and Payne, F. J. Widespread Salmonella reading infection of undetermined origin. Pub. Health Rep., 1958, 73: 885-894. 23 references. 325 acute sporadic cases and 3 outbreaks in United States. Tables sum- marize findings. 656. Drager, H. Entstehung und Verhiitung von Lebensmittelvergiftungen durch Salmo- nellabakterien. Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1958. 98 p. 54 references. Infections in man, ani- mal, and animal feed. 657. Edwards, P. R. Salmonellosis; obser- vations on incidence and control. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1958, 70: 598-613. 160 ref- erences. Review of literature. Animal car- riers; infected food. 658. Edwards, P. R. Animal diseases and public health. Salmonellosis; incidence and control. Pub. Health Rep., 1958, 73: 368- 370. Dogs, cats, rodents, snakes, tortoises, flies and ticks may be vectors. "* * * birds probably constitute the largest single reser- voir in animals." 659. Edwards, P. R. Salmonella and salmo- nellosis. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1956, 66: 44-53. 99 references. Main sources, animal reservoirs and human carriers. 660. Erber, M. Salmonellosis on the east coast of Sumatra, 1948-1952. Docum. med. geogr. trop., 1955, 7: 83-91. 31 references. 661. Faucon, R., and Ralaimihoatra. Iso lement de Salmonella muenchen pour la pre- miere fois chez l'homme a Madagascar. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Madagascar, 1958, 26: 171-174. 662. Felix, A. Phage typing of Salmonella typhimurium: its place in epidemiological and epizootiological investigations. /. Gen. Microb., Lond., 1956, 14: 208-222. 45 ref- erences. 663. Ferrari, M. Su due episodi tossinfet- tivi da ingestione di gelati contaminati da salmonella e da stafilococco. Ig. sanit. publ, 1959,15: 201-212. 664. Forster, F. M. C, and Laver, J. C. Con- trol of an epidemic of acute infective enteritis of the newborn. M. J. Australia, 1956, 1: 57-59. S. typhimurium. 665. Freedman, B. Sanitarians handbook; theory and administrative practice. New Or- leans, Peerless Publishing Company, 1957. 1083 p. Food-borne salmonella infections, p. 531-534. Salmonellae also considered under rat control, milk and water sanitation, the home and school, etc. 666. Friday, F. M. An investigation of the serological response to salmonella and shi- gella infection of children. M. J. Australia, 1955, 2: 122-125. 55 of 96 cases admitted to hospital for gastroenteritis; etiologic agent, S. typhimurium. 28 667. Fritsch, H. Uber eine Epidemie durch Salmonelleninfektion (S. newport) im Kin- desalter. Mschr. Kinderh., 1955, 103: 339- 342. Hospital epidemic, 34 cases. Source diaper washing machine. 668. Fromme, W. Zur Epidemiologic der Salmonelleninfektion. Erg. Mikrob. Immun- forsch., 1959, 32: 161-195. 211 references. Review of literature. Occurrence of salmonel- lae in water, birds, other animals, animal feeds, man. Increase of bacteria in high water and floods. 669. Fu, J-S., Lin, C-C, Chow, P-C, Ch'en, Y-L., Kan, C-J., and Ch'ui, C-C. A pre- liminary report on Salmonella cholerae-suis infection in Chengtu. Chinese J. Int. M., 1957, 5: 618-621. 670. Ganguli, S., and Arogyadoss, S. Sal- monella morehead in Madras. Ind. J. M. Res., 1956, 44: 181-184. 671. Gartner, H., and Bohlck, I. Epidemio' logische Beobachtungen fiber das Auftreten von Salmonella Java und Untersuchungen an 23 Stammen. Arch. Hyg., Munch., 1958, 142: 415-419. 672. Gayler, G. E., MacCready, R. A. Rear- don, J. P., and McKernan, B. F. An out- break of salmonellosis traced to watermelon. Pub. Health Rep., 1955, 70: 311-313. 17 primary and 2 secondary cases in 5 family groups, 1 death. S. miami recovered. 673. Grant, J., and Norton, P. An outbreak of enteritis due to a salmonella organism closely resembling Salm. paratyphi B. Month. Bull. Min. Health Gr. Britain, 1955, 14: 79-89. 43 cases and 56 carriers. 674. Guerro Iturbe, A. Salmonelosis datos geograficos del pueblo de Suchil. Durango, Mexico, 1955. (Thesis, Universidad de Mex- ico) 38 p. 9 references. 20 cases; clinical history, diagnosis, treatment, diet, prophy- laxis. 4 different types of S. fever reported from the state of Durango differentiated by laboratory findings. 675. GULASEKHARAM, J., VELAUDAPILLAI, T., and Niles, G. R. The isolation of salmonella organisms from fresh fish sold in a Colombo fish market. /. Hyg., Lond., 1956, 54: 581- 584. 676. Handloser, H. M. Epidemiologische Beobachtungen bei einer Masseninfektion durch S. blockley. Arch. Hyg., Munch., 1956, 140: 569-580. 28 references. 561 cases; probable source pork from pigs fed on in- fected imported fish meal. 677. Henze, B. Hausinfektionen mit Salmo- nellen und Shigellen in den Berliner Kran- kenanstalten. Oeff. Gesundhdienst., 1957/58, 19: 289-291. Carriers among hospital per- sonnel. 678. Hobbs, B. C, and Wilson, J. G. Con- tamination of wholesale meat supplies with salmonellae and heat-resistant Clostridium welchii. Month. Bull. Min. Health Gr. Brit- ain. 1959, 18: 198-206. 15 references. Table 2, p. 201, lists salmonella serotypes isolated. 679. Hofmann, P., and Wolle-John, R. Gehauftes Vorkommen von Salmonella saint paul. Zbl Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1955, 162: 357-359. 47 persons infected but only 8 showed clinical signs. 680. Horowitz, A. United States-Mexico Border Public Health Association. Confer- ence report. Pub. Health Rep., 1960, 75: 171-178. Increases in outbreaks of S. oran- ienburg, S. chester, and S. blockley infections. 681. Huet, M. Une nouvelle salmonella pathogene pour l'homme, Salmonella tunis; a propos de 50 observations. Bull. Acad. nat. med., Par., 1958, 142: 729-732. 682. Huet, M., Caruana, M., and Thonier, J. Infections humaines dues a Salmonella brandenburg. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis, 1957, 34: 87-94. 683. Ippen, R., and Stoll, L. Salmonellaen- zootie bei asiatischen Steinbbcken. Msh. Vetmed., 1959, 14: 284-286. 684. Jellard, C. H., Jolly, H., and Brown, R. N. An outbreak of S. bovis-morbificans infection in a children's ward. Lancet, Lond., 1959, 1: 390-392. Infant admitted to hospital; her brother a carrier. Outbreak due to inadequate sterilization of diapers. 685. Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Zoonoses. Second report W.H.O. Tech- nical Report Series. 1959, 169: 1-84. 11 countries represented. Salmonellosis one of diseases considered; incidence, animal reser- voirs, diagnosis, spread, and vaccines. 686. Kanton, E .T. Zum Nachweis von Sal- monellen in Eierprodukten und anderen Le- bensmitteln. Mitt. Lebensmitteluntersuch., Bern, 1959, 50: 145-158. 687. Karpinski, W. Bericht fiber eine En- teritis—Epidemie durch Salmonella leoben bei Sauglingen. Mschr. Kinderh., 1956, 104: 454-457. 33 cases. 688. Kiesew alter, J. Uber den derzeitigen Stand der Salmonellosen in der D.D.R. Zschr. ges. inn. Med., 1959, 14: 150-157. 11 references. 162 cases, of which 91 infected by the rarer types of salmonellae. 689. Kniewallner, K. Uber das Vorkom- men von Salmonellen in Osterreich. Wien tierdrztl Mschr., 1958, 45: 710-716. 33% of healthy beef cattle showed infections of mes- enteric, and 82% of hepatic, lymph nodes. 29 690. Kost, E. Uber das Auftreten seltener Salmonellentypen in unserem Raum; ein Beitrag zur Infektionsquellen forschung. Zschr. Hyg., 1957, 3: 391-396. 691. Kovacs, N. Salmonellae in desiccated coconut, egg pulp, fertilizer, meat meal and mesenteric glands; preliminary report. Med. J. Australia, 1959, 1: 557-559. 18 references. 692. Kunz, L. J., and Ouchterlony, T. J. Salmonellosis originating in a hospital; a newly recognized source of infection. N. England, J.M., 1955, 253: 761-763. Patients receiving formula by stomach tube. S. oranienburg and S. senftenberg isolated from formula. 693. Leeder, F. S. Epidemic of Salmonella panama infections in infants. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1956, 66: 54-60. 694. Lehmann, J. Welche Schutzmassnah- men fur die Bevblkerung miissen von Kei- mausscheidern der enteritischen Salmonello- sen gefordet werden? Zschr. drtzl. Fortbild., 1957, 51: 159-164. 1,046 cases. 695. Leopold, P-G. Zur Klinik und Epide- miologic von S. heidelberg. Zschr. ges inn. Med., 1959, 14: 619-632. 276 cases in Leip- zig area. Table, p. 620, lists types found an- nually 1955-1958. 696. Levine, M., Enright, J. R., and Ching, G. Salmonellosis and shigellosis on Oahu. Hawaii M. J., 1957, 17: 133-139. Less than 1% of 1,746 persons harboring salmonellae were infected by S. typhosa or S. paratyphosa. 697. Linz, R. Remarques sur des salmonella isolees dans un hopital de Bruxelles. Ann. Soc Sc med. natur., Bruxelles, 1958, 11: 177-180. 698. McAnulty, E. Salmonella in Uganda. Nature, 1958, 181: 576-577. 10 references. 1,615 zebu cattle tested at the Kampala abat- toir; 20% infected. 699. McCoy, J. H. Recent advances in the epidemiology of salmonellosis in man and animals. Sanitarian, 1959, 68: 117-125, passim. Incidence in England and Wales has risen since 1940 in spite of "blocking many routes." 700. MacCready, R. A., Reardon, J. P., and Saphra, I. Salmonellosis in Massachusetts; a 16-year experience. N. England J. M., 1957, 256: 1121-1128. 34 references. 701. McCullough, N. B. Foods in the epi- demiology of salmonellosis. /. Am. Diet. Ass., 1958, 34: 254-257. List of foodstuffs and type of salmonella previously reported in literature. 702. McDonach, V. P., and Smith, H. G. The significance of the abattoir in salmonella infection in Bradford. /. Hyg., Lond., 1958, 56: 271-279. 12 references. 6 serotypes and some Salm. typhimurium phage types isolated, 1954-1956. 703. McGregor, A., Fairlamb, A. H., and Hutchison, A. A family infection due to Salmonella abony. Med. Officer, 1959, 102: 329-330. 12 references. 704. Mackel, D. C, Payne, F. J., and Pirkle, C. I. Outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by S. typhimurium acquired from tur- keys. Pub. Health Rep., 1959, 74: 746-748. 705. Mackey, J. P. Salmonellosis in Dar Es Salaam. East Afr. M.J. 1955, 32: 1-6. Area heavily endemic. Two outbreaks; sal- monellae isolated from man, dog, hen, lizard, cockroach, centipede. 706. Marcuse, K., Henze, B., and Pohle, H. D. Das Vorkommen von Salmonellen in West-Berlin. 1. Enteritiskeime in den Jah- ren 1948-1954. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1957, 169: 493-515. 707. Mathur, T. N. An outbreak of food poisoning in a family due to Salmonella weltevreden. Indian J. Med. Res., 1959, 47: 367-370. 708. May, J. M. The ecology of human dis- ease. New York, M.D. Publications, 1958. 325 p. Salmonellosis, p. 171-188. 709. Meyer, R. Uber einige Eigenschaften des Substrats, das den Salmonellenquotienten als Absterbequotienten in Grundwasser bedingt. Arch. Hyg. Munch., 1959, 145: 334- 347. 9 references. 710. Meyer-Oschatz, W. Uber die Haufigkeit und Verbreitung der Salmonellen in Deutsch- land. /. Hyg. Epidem., Praha, 1957, 1: 190- 204. 3,577 cases 1952-1956. 711. Miller, F. M., and Freedman, B. An epidemic of enteritis laid to cross-connection. Pub. Health Rep., 1958, 73: 658-661. Salmo- nellae infantis, panama, and oranienburg, etiologic agents. 712. Milner, K. C, Jellison, W. L., and Smith, B. The role of lice in transmission of Salmonella. /. Infect. Dis., 1957, 101: 181-192. Report of research, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton, Montana. 713. Munckow, S. "Eis am Stiel" als Ursache einer Salmonellen-Epidemie. Deut. Gesundhwes., 1956, 11: 1341-1347. 42 ref- erences. Cause, "popsicles" sold by street peddler. 30 714. Murray, J. O., and Walker, J. H. C. An outbreak of enteritis (Salmonella heidel- berg) in a maternity unit. Med. Officer, 1958, 100: 221-222. 29 mothers and 34 babies; 31% of 226 contacts positive. Car- rier state lasted from 2-10 months. 715. Naumann, G. Derzeitige Salmonellen- bcfunde in Bezirk Leipzig und ihre epi- demiologische Bedeutung. Zbl. ges. Hyg., 1956, 2: 421-426. An increase of salmonella infections in 1955 over 1954. 716. Nehaul, B. B. G. Salmonella and shigella in British Guiana. /. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1958, 61: 48-50. S. saint paul caused outbreak in a children's hospital. 717. Newell, K. W., McClarin, R., Mur- doch, C. R., MacDonald, W. N., and Hutch- inson, H. L. Salmonellosis in Northern Ire- land, with special reference to pigs and salmonella-contaminated pig meal. /. Hyg., Lond., 1959,57: 92-105. 718. Pantaleon, J., Porporis, J., Barret, J., and Bouton, P. Recherches sur les salmo- nelles des viandes. Bull Acad. vet. France, 1958, 31: 129-138. 719. Parr, L. W. Bacteria of medical impor- tance, p. 672-783. Salmonella, p. 724-736. Bacterial food poisoning, p. 784-787. In: Simmons, J. S., and Gentzkow, C. J. eds. Medical and public health laboratory meth- ods. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1955. 1191 p. 720. Popp, L. Vorfluter; ein reichhaltiges salmonellen Reservoir. Zbl. Bakt., I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 66: 90-99. 26 types of groups B, C, D, and E found in receiving waters due to inlet sewage. 721. Primavesi, K. A. Uber einer durch Sal monella heidelberg hervorgerufene Kranken- hausepidemie. Med. Klin., Bed., 1956, 51: 1103-1104. Hospital epidemic, 69 cases; 135 infected but with no clinical signs. 722. *Rao, S. B. V. Isolation of Salmonella Iitchfield from an outbreak in chicks in the Indian Union. Indiun J. Vet. Sc, 1956, 26: 131-134. 723. Reploh, H., and Gangel, G. Hygie- nische und bodenmikrobiologische Untersuch- ungen auf den Landbehandlungsflachen der Stadt Bielefeld. Arch. Hyg., Munch., 1958, 142: 594-608. Brief English summary does not coincide with author's data given on p. 596-599. 724. Richter, J., and Pohlig, W. Zur Epi- demiologic seltener Salmonellen. Oeff. Ge- sundhdienst, 1957/58, 19: 12-20. 3 epi- demics. 725. Richter, J. Salmonellen im Vorfluter; ein ortliches Abwasserproblem. Stddtehy- giene, 1956, 7: 101-102. 726. Rindge, M. E., and Brunell, R. W. An outbreak of food-borne disease due to Salmonella oranienburg. Connecticut M., 1955,19:20-24. 91 cases. 727. Rohde, R., and Bischoff, J. Die epi- demiologische Bedeutung salmonellainfizierter Tierfuttermittel (insbesondere Knochenschrot und Fischmehl) als Quelle verschiedener Lebensmittelvergiftungen. Ubersichtsreferat und eigene Experimente. Zbl Bakt. I. Abt. Ref., 1956, 159: 145-164. 23 references. 728. Rohde, R. Uber das Auftreten Salmo- nella montevideo-bedingter Hausendemien in Hamburger Kinderkliniken. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1956, 166: 67-72. Spread from original institution to others to which chil- dren were sent. Author suggests that the development of a specific bacteriophage in a patient might be cause of difficulty in iso- lating the organism. 729. Roth, W. Eine Epidemie von Salmo- nella typhimurium. Vjschr. schweiz. Sani- tdtsoff., 1959,36: 33-40. 730. Rubenstein, A. D., and Fowler, R. N. Salmonellosis of the newborn with transmis- sion by delivery room resuscitators. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1955, 45: 1109-1114. 3 out- breaks. 731. Rutten, F. J. La salmonelosis en Curagao durante el perfodo 1948-1954. Bol Of. san. panamer., Wash., 1957, 43: 424-432. "Frequency of infectious diseases in a com- munity becomes evident only after the intro- duction of technical improvements in lab- oratory methods." 732. San Juan, F. Estudo crftico das salmo- nelloses. Hospital, Rio, 1956, 49: 639-658. 33 references. Review of literature. 41 cases. 733. Saphra, I., and Winter, J. W. Clinical manifestations of salmonellosis in man. An evaluation of 7,779 human infections iden- tified at the New York Salmonella Center. N. England J. M., 1957, 256: 1,128-1,134. S. typhosa not included in study. Intensive laboratory testing and listing of clinical signs and carriers are needed for selection of therapy and for epidemiologic information. 734. Schafer, W., Martin, H., and Haas, F. Darminfektionen durch salmonellenver- seuchte Eikonserven. Med. Klin., Bed., 1956, 51: 1254-1257. Group infections from S. thompson in Chinese preserved eggs. 735. Schmidt, B., and Lenk, V. Zur Epi- demiologic und Lysotypie von Salm. typhi bei Dauerausscheidern. Zbl. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig., 1959, 112: 81-88. Phage types of carriers the same as those isolated in a 1945-1946 epidemic. 31 736. Schmidt, B., and Lenk, V. Uber eine bei einer Enteritis-Epidemie isolierte Misch- kultur von S. paratyphi B und S. Java und ihre Lysotvpen. Zbl Bakt. I. Abt. Orig.. 1957, 169: 366-372.. 737. Sedlak, J. Zur Problematik der Sal- monellosen in der C.S.R. Zschr. Hyg., 1959, 5: 91-102. 2,511 infections, Czechoslovakia. 738. Seeliger, H. P. R. Salmonellosa in Deutchland (1953-1955). Arch. Hyg., Munch.. 1956, 144: 499-528. 141 references. Data from 89 laboratories situated in the German Federal Republic and West Berlin. Distribution, frequency, epidemiology, and prevention in man and animals. 739. Seidel, G. Bemerkungen fiber den heu- tigen Stand der Frage der Pathogenitat der Salmonellen. Zschr. drztl Fortbild., 1957, 51: 155-158. Increasing frequency makes a campaign against these infections urgent. 740. Shamholtz, M. I. Typhoid fever out- break among migrant workers, Winchester, Virginia, 1959. Virginia M. J., 1960, 87: 100-101. 1,100 workers travelling north from Florida, their last job in Pennsylvania before coming to Virginia, were joined by some workers there, one of whom probably was a carrier. 741. Sinios, A., Tiling, E., and Hanisch, R. Klinik, Pathologie und Epidemiologic der Infektion mit Salmonella montevideo. Deut. med. Wschr., 1957, 82: 1329-1333. 100 ba- bies, 9 died. Carriers are more frequent than in typhoid fever. 742. Szanton, V. L. Epidemic salmonello- sis; a 30-month study of 80 cases of Salmo- nella oranienburg infection. Pediatrics, 1957, 20: 795-808. 12 references. 46 newborn infants, 1 died. 34 contacts became carriers. 743. Taylor, W. I., Silliker, J. H., and Andrews, H. P. Isolation of salmonellae from food samples. 1. Factor affecting the choice of media for the detection and enu- meration of salmonella. Appl. Microb., 1958, 6: 189-193. Review of established methods; detailed account of new, quicker method. 744. Utojo, R. P. Buffaloes, cows and hogs in Indonesia as salmonella carriers. Bull Off. inter, epizoot., 1959, 51: 912-913. 745. Van Oye, E. Les salmonellosis humains au Congo Beige et au Ruanda-Urundi; sta- tistique sur 1,000 cas. Acta trop., Basel, 1959, 16: 158-165. Table 1, p. 160-162, lists 106 strains isolated. 746. Van Oye, E., and Deom, J. Les sal- monelloses chez les oiseux de bassecour au Congo Beige et au Ruanda-Urundi. Bull. Off. inter, epizoot., 1958, 50: 337-345. 23 references. Types found in ducks, 21; fowl, 14; pigeons, 24; turkeys, 3. 747. Van Oye, E. Les salmonellae du Congo Beige. Ann. Soc. beige, med. trop., 1956, 36: 299-306. Catle, pigs, possibly house lizards, sources of human infections. 748. Van Oye, E. Les salmonellae du Congo Helge, troisieme rapport. Ann. Soc. belg. med. trop., 1955, 35: 229-243. Animals and humans sources of 26 types isolated. 749. Varela, G, and Akle Delgadillo, J. Salmonelas y shigelas aisladas in 1954 de casos de enteritis agudas, occurridos en Ciu- dad Juarez, Mexico. Rev. Inst, salub. enferm. trop., Mex., 1955, 15: 1-4. 50 cases of sal- monella infections caused by 10 types of organisms. 750. Verge, J., Paraf, A., and Petiot, M. P. Salmonellose bovine provoquee par Sal- monella bovis morbificans. Considerations sur l'epidemiologie et la pathogenie des sal- monellosis. Rev. immun., Par., 1956, 20: 19-26. 4 months after epidemic some cows still carriers. 751. Walker, J. H. C. Organic fertilizers as a source of salmonella infection. Lancet, Lond., 1957, 2: 283-284. 34 types isolated from 123 samples. 752. Watson, W. A. Salmonella dublin in- fection in a lambing flock. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1960, 72: 62-65. 16 references. Infection originated in beef herd, 1957; appeared in sheep, 1958; epidemiologic study 1959. 753. Watt, J., Wegman, M. E., Brown, O. W., Schliessmann, D. J., Maupin, E., and Hemphill, E. C. Salmonellosis in a pre- mature nursery unaccompanied by diarrheal disease. Pediatrics, 1958, 22: 689-705. Caused by transfer of S. tennessee carriers from one nursery to a "clean" nursery. 754. Winkle, S., Rohde, R., and Bischoff, J. Kritische Stellungnahme zu einem Gut- achter gegen den Erlass der 'Verordnung zum Schutze gegen Infektion" durch Erreger der Salmonellagruppe in Eiproduction. Munch, med. Wschr., 1957, 99: 768-771. Author presents ideas in an unusual manner. 1. Statement of usually accepted fact. 2. Answer in criticism. 755. Wright, H. A., Norval, J., and Orr, A. Salmonella thompson gastroenteritis; report of two outbreaks. Brit. M. J., 1957, 2: 69- 71. 32 AUTHOR INDEX1 Abernathy, R. S., 279 Adams, J. N., 194 Adams, M. H., 195 Akiba, T., 364 Akiyama, T., 365 Akle Delgadillo, J., 749 Aksoycan, N., 280 Alderman, I. M., 452 Alin, K, 101,102,369 Allegra, G., 464 Allison, F., Jr., 623 Alonzo, A., 189 Alosi, C, 301 Altmann, G., 117,174 American Public Health Association, 1 Ames, B. N., 196 Anders, W., 465 Anderson, A. S., 370 Anderson, E. S., 103,104 Anderson, T. R., 466 Andrews, H. P., 743 Andreyenko, L. M., 467 Ansiaume, E. M., 589 Arbuzova, V. A., 627 Ardley, J., 579 Arogyadoss, S., 670 Arroyo, H., 608 Atanassowa, S., 79 Atkinson, N., 197, 198,199, 200, 201 Aufdemaur, M., 468 Axelrod, A. E., 398 Baade, R., 461 Bachrach, U., 2 Bader, R-E., 469 Baggenstoss, A. H., 563 Baker, E. E., 281 Balows, A., 470 Banic, S., 202, 203 Banta, C, 486 Baquerizo Amador, L., 3 Barbesier, J., 282 Barjon, P., 524 Barnes, M. W., 510 Baron, L. S., 4, 204, 283, 287, 587 Barret, J., 718 Bate, J. G., 628 Bauer, H., 370 Bausch, F., 594 Baylet, R., 164,418 Bayne, H. G., 84, 85, 86 Beaufort, M., 186 Becker, M. E., 5 Becker-Meyer, M., 471 Bekker, J. H., 192 Benacerrof, B., 237, 371 Benenson, A. S., 297 Bengtsson, E., 629 Bennett, I. L., Jr., 630 Bergner-Rabinowitz, S., 6 Bergter, K., 472 Berrocal Soto, A., 480 Berry, L. J., 7, 8 Bertani, G., 205, 206 Bhagwan Singh, R., 105 Bidwell, D. E., 207 Bilanow, H., 106,141 Biozzi, G., 371 Bischoff, J., 171,631,727, 754 Blache, R., 497 Black, P. H., 473,474,632 Bladel, B., 397 Blaxland, J. D., 372, 633 Bleloch, M., 107 Blomstrand, I., 224 Blum, H., 634 Bo, G., 284, 285,294,330,331 Bobra, S. T., 475 Bohlck, I., 108,671 Bottiger, L. E., 476 Bovre, K., 373 Boggian, B., 477 Bohnhoff, M., 430 Bokkenheuser, V., 109,110,165,184,635, 636 Bonet-Maury, P., 76 Bool, P. H., Ill Borbolla, L„ 615 Boring, J. R., 655 Bouton, P., 718 Boen, S. T., 374,375 Boyd, J. M., 637 Boyd, J. S. K., 207 Boyer, C. I., Jr., 376, 377 Boyer, F., 386 Boyle, M. H., 478 Brandis, H., 9,208,209,578 Brenner, S., 10, 210 Bres, P., 483 Briceno Iragorry, L., 378 Bridges, J. F., 449 Brobst, D., 379 Brocke, H., 11 Brodhage, H., 638 Brodsky, L., 505 Brown, C. M., 380 Brown, J. A., 376 Brown, O. W., 753 Brown, R. N., 684 i Numbers refer to items in bibliography. 33 Brown, W. G, 639 Browning, P. M. H., 112 Bruce, V. G., 12 Brunell, R. W., 726 Bruner, D. W., 286, 376 Brunner, L., 381 Bryer, M. S., 595 Bullas, L. R., 197, 199 Bulling, E., 211 Bundesst, R. R., 640 Burkhardt, F., 479 Burnet, F. M., 212 Burrous, J. W., 363 Burrows, W., 13 Bustelo, E. V., 589 Buttiaux, R., 14 Buxton, A., 15, 382,641 Caldwell, W., 16 Callahan, W. S., 383 Callis, L. M., 642 Callow, B. R., 213 Cameron, J. A., 17, 384, 414 Campbell, C. G., 532 Capponi, M., 428, 643 Caraway, C. T., 385 Carey, W. F., 4, 204, 287 Carlquist, P. R., 18 Carlson, M. C, 297 Carrillo, J., 552 Carrion-Clichon Arbulu, H., 480 Carroll, D. S., 536 Caruana, M., 644, 682 Casetta, R., 24 Castermans, A., 288 Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., 214 Cefalu, M., 215 Chabbert, Y., 377 Chambon, L., 483, 484 Charie-Marsaines, C, 155, 156,159, 168 Chedid, L. 386, Cheever, F. S., 485 Ch'en, Y-L., 669 Cheng, C, 533 Cherry, W. B., 94, 299 Ching, G., 696 Choremis, K., 486 Chow, P-C, 669 Christian, J. H. B., 19 Ch'ui, C-C, 669 Cirie, M., 75 Clancy, C. F., 496 Clarenburg, A., 143, 192, 387 Clemens, H., 23 Clement, D. H., 597 Clemmer, D. I., 388, 449 Clowes, R. C, 216, 217 Clyde, W. A., 487 Cohen, J. R., 651 Coleman, M. B., 113 Collard, P., 114, 115, 289, 389, 390, 391, 529, 645 Colobert, L., 218, 219 Comes, R., 292 Compagnucci, M., 290 Conroy, J. V., 488 Cook, C, 438 Cooper, G. N., 20, 489 Cooper, G. R., 532 Cope, J. A., 491 Copeland, J. R., 573 Cordaro, S., 490 Corpe, R. F., 491 Costa, G. A., 291 Courter, R. D., 646 Crillos, O. T., 552 Crowther, R. W., 392 Cuadra, M., 492 Curbelo, A., 259 Dack, G. M., 493 D'Allesandro, G., 292 Daniel, R., 494 Darrasse, H., 159, 160, 163, 647 Datta, N., 354 Dauer, C. C, 648,649,650 Davarpanah,C, 293, 358 Davids, D. J., 648 Davis, B. R., 299 De Blasi, R., 495 Decker, E. H., 651 Decker, J. P., 496 Defranceschi, A., 294, 331 De Gregorio, P., 295, 296 De La Cruz, E., 652 Delage, B., 158 Delahousse, J., 483, 497 De La Torre, J. A., 498, 499 Del Carpio, C, 215 Delgado, V., 378 Demanet, J. C, 500 Demerec, M., 220,221, 222, 223, 224 Demerec, Z. E., 224 Denison, G. A., 653 DeNooy, J. A., 192 Deom, J., 746 Deparis, M., 501 Derrick, J., 515 Devine, J. V., 651 Dietze, G., 21 Diverneau, G., 337 Dochkin, 1.1., 654 Doering, P., 22, 23, 33 Donald, G, 502 Dooley, E. S., 393, 394 Dossena, G., 503 Dotti, F., 24 Doty, F., 25 Doyle, L. P., 412 Drachman, R. H., 655 Drager, H., 656 Drean, D., 157, 158, 161, 162 Drislane, A. M., 332 Dubin, D. T., 196 Dubos, R. J., 61 Dunphy, D., 333 Du Pasquier, P., 590 Earle, H., 325 Ederer, B., 504 Edsall, G., 297 Edwards, P. R., 26, 27, 28, 29, 42, 49, 94, 109, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 142, 147, 148, 157, 166, 167, 170, 172, 176, 178, 298, 299, 349, 423,657, 658, 659 Eigner, J., 25 34 Eisenberg, G. M., 505, 506, 513, 514, 620 Eliakim, M., 507 Ellenbogen, N. C, 508 Engelberg, E., 225 Enomoto, Y., 269 Enright, J. R., 696 Entner, N., 225 Erber, M., 660 Esparza, H., 499 Ewing, W. H., 26, 27, 29 Fairlamb, A. H., 703 Falkow, S., 30 Fari, A., 300 Faucon, R., 661 Feinberg, S. B., 526 Felix, A., 122, 662 Ferlazzo, A., 290, 301 Ferrari, M., 663 Ferreira, I., 305 Fey, H., 123 Fichera, G, 302, 490 Fife, M. A., 26, 28, 116, 117, 118, 119, 142, 298, 423 Finger, D., 509 Finland, M., 510 Fischer, G. W., 31, 511 Fishman, M., 395 Fitzgerald, J., 512 Flamm, H., 303 Flippen, H. F., 505, 506, 513, 514, 620 Floyd, T. M., 124 Foder, A. R., 304 Foltz, E. E., 515 Formal, S. B., 283, 297 Forster, F. M. C, 664 Forte, A., 295 Fortin, J., 516 Fourrier, A., 608 Fowler, R. N., 730 Francesconi, G., 290 Frank, J. F., 32,100 Fredericq, P., 226 Freedman, B., 665, 711 Friday, F. M., 666 Friedman, S., 125 Fritsch, H., 667 Fritze, E., 22, 23, 33 Froehner, H., 3% Fromme, D., 34 Fromme, W., 668 Fu, J-S., 669 Fujita, J., 317,318 Fukasawa, T., 227, 228 Fukuda, T., 126 Fukumi, H., 126 Fulton, M., 229, 397 Furness, G., 35,305, 398 Gabbrielli, G., 495 Gadeholt, H., 518 Gaebler, O. H., 230 Gangel, G., 723 Gartner, H., 519,671 Gaines, S., 322, 323 Galaev, I. V., 54 Galton, M. M., 399 Ganguli, S., 44, 127, 670 Garen, A., 231 Garlock, F. C, 528 Gan-en, H. W., 408 Gastaldi, C, 232 Gay, K., 520 Gayler, G. E., 672 Gebhardt, H., 585 Gelzer, J., 307 Gentzkow, C. J., 719 Geraci, J. E., 521 Gezon, H. M., 379, 522 Gilfillan, R. F., 400,401 Gillespie, R. E., 452 Gilmore, L. K, 523 Gino, R. M., 334 Ginsbourger, N., 571 Giraud, G., 524 Gitter, M., 402 Giuffrida, G., 63 Glass, B., 58 Goldenberg, I. S., 525 Golman, I., 222 Golub, E. G., 233 Goode, G., 342 Gordon, R. F., 403 Gordon De Camin, D. L., 589 Gorshina, L. V., 308 Gorzynski, E. A., 332, 334, 335 Gots, J. S., 233 Gowen, J. W., 234, 263, 355,374,375 Graber, C. D., 43 Gradinger, J., 420 Grant, J., 673 Grant, L. S., 128, 520 Greenberg, B., 36, 37 Greenberg, J., 379 Greenberg, M., 635 Greenspan, R. H., 526 Grinewitsch, C, 309 Grossman, L., 508 Grosz, H. J., 404 Griittner, F., 396 Grumbach, A., 469 Guerra Chabau, A., 615 Guerro Iturbe, A., 674 Gulasekharam, J., 129, 675 Gumhold-Josipovic, I., 75 Gunderson, M. F., 67 Gwatkin, R., 309 Haas, F., 734 Haas, R., 405 Haggerty, J., 625 Haire, W. C, 399 Hakim, A. C, 527 Halliday, R., 310 Hanbury, W. J., 602 Handloser, H. M., 676 Hanisch, R., 741 Hansen, H. J., 445 Hanson, L. E., 442 Harada, K., 311, 312 Harding, H. B., 515 Hardy, A. V., 399 Harris, A. H., 332 Harris, M. E., 313 Hartman, P. E., 220 Hartsell, S. E., 5, 65 35 Harvey, R. W. S., 38 Hauser, G. H., 385 Hauser, K. W., 406 Heather, C. D., 407 Hedlund, P., 629 Heilborn, V., 102, 130,131,151 Heinertz, N. O., 102 Heinrich, H., 39 Hemphill, E. C, 753 Henderson, N. D., 528 Hendricks, R. G., 529 Henze, B., 136, 677, 706 Herbsman, H., 530 Herin, V., 186 Hermann, G., 511 Herold, H., 550 Hilburg, L. E., 586 Hill, C. H., 408 Hinton, N. A., 40 Hirsch, W., 132,174, 175 Hirschberg, I., 66 Hite, K. E., 52 Hobbs, B. C, 678 Hobbs, F. B., 531 Hobson, D., 409, 410 Hoffmann, K., 133 Hofmann, P., 134, 679 Hofmann, S., 135,136, 137,152, 208 Holmqvist, H., 457 Holpern, B. N., 371 Holtman, D. F, 17, 393, 394, 400, 401,414 Hoogstraal, H., 124 Hook, E. W., 532, 630 Horowitz, A., 680 Howarth, S., 235 Hoyer, B. H., 342 Hoyt, R. E., 41 Hsu, H.-C, 533 Huber, P., 534 Hudemann, H., 193, 236 Hudson, C. B„ 411 Huet, M., 535, 644, 681, 682 Huey, C. R., 42 Hughes, J. G., 536 Hughes, K. E., 138 Hughes, M. H., 139,314 Humbert, R., 537,562 Hunt, J. A., 606 Hurst, H. L., 412 Hussain, K. K, 612 Hutchison, A., 703 Hutchinson, H. L., 717 Huygelen, C, 437 Ikari, N., 325 Innes, J. R. M., 413 Ino, J., 43 Ino, T., 243 Ippen, R., 683 Irani, S. B., 44 Iseki, S., 315 Ismangoen, 538 Jackson, D. C, 539 James, U., 628 Jarniou, A. P., 540, 541 Jeffries, C. D., 17, 394, 414 Jellard, C. H., 684 Jellison, W. L., 712 Jenkin, C. R., 237, 415 Jeynes, M. H., 45 Joachin, A., 46 Joest, W., 177,542 Johnson, A. G., 324 Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Zoonoses, 685 Jolly, H., 684 Jones, W. F., Jr., 510 Josland, S. W., 140 Juenker, A. P., 141,543 Juhasz, I., 272 Jung, A., 544 Junker, A. P., 106 Kabler, P. W., 53 Kaffka, A., 545 Kaji, T., 417 Kail, W., 133 Kallings, L. O., 238,270 Kamalian, L. A., 467 Kampelmacher, E. H., 47, 111, 142, 143, 316, 387,455 Kan, C-J, 669 Kanton, E. T., 686 Karpinski, W., 687 Kashiagi, K., 315 Katsuno, M., 317,318 Kauffmann, F., 48, 49, 50, 51, 144, 145, 146, 147,148, 178, 280 Kaufmann, F., 123,149,150,151,152,153 Kauter, E., 416 Kawakami Y., 329, 417 Keisewalter, J., 135, 240 Kelly, F.C., 52 Kenner, B. A., 53 Kerridge, D., 239 Khomik, S. R., 54 Kiesewalter, J., 240, 688 Kikuth, W., 469 King, G. J., 138 Kirsche, P., 164,418 Kitao, T., 126 Kjeldgaard, N. O., 55,71 Klauss, C, 201 Kleinmaier, H., 546 Klotz, G., 419 Knapp, W., 319 Kniewallner, K., 689 Knorr, M., 585 Kohn, A., 547 Kost, E., 566,690 Kohler, H„ 320 Kolmar, D., 321 Kondo, I., 269 Konforti, N., 66 Konstantinow, G., 79 Kovacs, N., 691 Krag, D., 548 Krauter, S., 549,550 Kristensen, M., 241 Kronenberger, F. L., 551 Kubin, G., 420 Kumate, J., 552 Kunz, C, 303 Kunz, J., 617 36 Kunz, L. J., 473, 474,632, 692 Kurosaka, K., 269 Labraque-Bordenave, M., 154 Lahr, E. L., 222 Lambotte-Legrand, C, 553 Lambotte-Legrand, J., 553 Landy, M., 56,68, 81,322,323,324 Lapeyssonnie, L., 497 Lark, K.C., 242 Larson, C. L., 342 Latour, H., 524 Laughner, S. M., 256 Laurell,A.B.,238 UurelL G, 131 Laver, J. C, 664 Lawson, R. B., 603 Laylee,A.M.,554 Lazaro Benavides, V.,55^ Lederberg, J., 243,244, 245 Lederbogen, K., 594 Lee, P. E., 421, 422 Leeder,F.S.,693 Lehmann, J., 694 L?C£ U 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161 162, 163, 164, 168, 255, 423, 428 Le Minor, S., 164 Lenk,V.,735,736 Leopold, P-G., 695 Lesko, M., 397 LeTellier,H.,161 Levine, M., 246, 247, 696 Levy, A., 524 Levy, P. R., 10 Lewis, A. L., 399 Lieberman, R., 325 Lin, C-C, 669 Linder, F., 465 Linke, H., 424 Linz,R.,697 Linzenmeier, G, 133 Lipp, R., 326,555 Loddo, B., 327 Logerlof, B., 476 Lok,B.,387 Lombardo, G., 301 London, S. A., 248 Loock,K.H.,556 Lowe, A. F., 165 Lu,S-T.,557 Lucasse, C, 186,188 Luderitz, 0., 34, 334,335, 356 Lund, B., 147 Lundstrom, R., 558 Luria, S. E., 194,363 Maale, G., 12 Maal0e,O.,55,71,242 McAnulty, E., 698 McClarin, R., 717 McCoy, J. H., 699 MacCready, R. A., 672, 700 McCullough, N. B., 325, 701 McDonagh, V. P., 702 MacDonald,W. N.,717 McElroy, W. D., 58 McGregory, A., 703 Mackel, D. C, 399, 704 McKendrick, W., 502 McKernan, B. F., 672 Mackerras, I. M., 421 Mackey, J. P., 705 McNaught, W., 183 McWhorter, A. C, 118, 119, 120 176 Magasaik, B., 58 Mage, J., 559 Maier, L., 560 Makino, T., 185 Malmborg, A-L., 101 Mann, P. H., 59 Mannweiler, E., 561,562 Maquet, R., 190 Marcuse, K., 706 Margadant, A., 123 Marmur, J., 25 Marquez, V., 259 Martin, G. K., 639 Martin, H., 734 Martin, P., 559 Martin, W. J., 563, 599 Mason, R. J. A., 328 Massa, A., 564 Massimann, W., 320 Mathur, T. N., 707 Matney, T. S., 249 Matumoto, M., 417 Maupin, E., 753 May, J. M., 708 Mayes, O., 46 Mayfield, D. R., 565 Medlock, J. M., 502 Merchant, I. A., 60 Meyer, M., 566 Meyer, R., 709 Meyer-Oschatz, W., 710 Meynell, E. W., 425 Meynell, G. G., 425, 426, 427 Miles, A. A., 99 Mille, R., 157, 428 Miller, C. P., 429, 430 Miller, F. M., 711 Milner, K. C, 342, 343,449, 712 Mintzer, L., 72, 73 Mitsushashi, S., 329 Miyake, T„ 250 Moeller, M., 177, 594 Molese, A., 567 Monigand, G., 501 Montefiore, D., 289 Montero Rodriquez, A., 568 Monteverde, J. J., 431, 432 Moore, B., 433 Moore, J. M., 112 Moran, A. B., 117,166,167, 434 Moreau, A., 540, 541 Morel, P., 435 Morgan, H. R., 61 Moriamez, J., 14 Morlock, C. G., 563 Morse, M. L., 251 Mortelmans, J., 436, 437 Mountford, P. F., 569 Munchow, S., 713 Mfinker, W., 454 Muncy, P. A., 575 Murata, Y., 126 Murdock, C. R., 717 Murray, J. 0., 714 Nadarajah, K. N., 129 Nagai, M., 329 Nakagawa, T., 364 Nakano, M., 365 Namioka, S., 70, 172 Nasz, I., 62 Naumann, G, 715 Naumann, P., 570 Nava, G. C, 284, 285, 294, 329, 330, 331 Nazaud R., 163 Neel, R., 158, 168 Nehaul B. B. G, 716 Neiman, N., 571 Nelson, C. B., 370 Nesseler, H., 544 Neter, E., 332, 333, 334, 335 Nevot, A., 336 Newell, K. W., 572, 717 Nichols, D. R., 599 Nicolle, P., 252, 337 Nikaido, H., 227, 228 Niles, G. R., 675 Nisell, A., 629 Nishimura, T., 456 Niutta, R., 63, 464 Nobles, B., 407 Nordenstam, H., 629 Norton, J., 404 Norton, P., 673 Norval, J., 755 Nowotny, A., 34 Olarte, J., 46, 498, 499 Olitsky, I., 573 Olson, B. A., 528 Omuki, E., 315 Orr, A., 755 Ortali, V., 254 Osborne, W. W., 88 Ouchterlony, T. J., 692 Ovalekar, K. I. R., 64 Ozeki, H., 221, 253 Packer, R. A., 60 Palazzola, A. J., 506 Palmer, D., 237 Pan American Sanitary Bureau, 574 Pantaleon, J., 718 Paraf, A., 750 Parker, M. T., 380 Parr, L. W., 719 Paterson, J. S., 438 Pathak, R. C, 439 Patrizio, R. J., 575 Payne, E. H., 613 Payne, F. J., 655, 704 Penso, G., 254 Perdrix, J., 255 Perez, J. L., 552 Perreau, P., 155,156 Perrine, T. D., 342, 343 Petersen, A., 50, 144 Petersen, K. F., 405, 576 Petersen, N. J., 655 Peterson, R. G., 65 Petiot, M. P., 750 Petrosian, E. A., 338 Phillips, W. P., 577 Pickett, M. J., 41, 256 Pierson, M., 571 Pillemor, L., 56 Pinckers, F., 437 Pirkle, C. I., 704 Planchon, M., 255 Platou, R.V.,611 Platz, C, 152 Pbhlig, W., 724 Pohl, G., 137 Pohle, H. D., 706 Polanetzki, U., 169, 578 Poole, P. M., 579 Popp, L., 720 Porporis, J., 718 Pranka, G, 550 Prieto, E., 615 Primavesi, K. A., 721 Pulver, W., 634 Quadling, C, 257 Rabe, E. F., 580, 581 Raettig, H., 339, 340, 341 Raim, J., 508 Ralaimihoatra, 661 Ralston, E. L., 582 Ramsey, C. H., 116, 170, 349 Ranc, A., 583 Rao, S. B. V., 722 Rappaport, F., 66 Rasch, K, 440 Ravin, A. W., 258 Ravisse, P., 162 Reardon, J. P., 672, 700 Reedy, R. J., 98 Reiter, R., 441 Reploh, H., 723 Rey, L., 76 Rhoades, H. E., 442 Ribi, E., 342,343 Rich, M., 584 Richter, J., 724, 725 Richter, K. H., 585 Rifkin, D., 430 Rindge, M. E„ 726 Roberts, A. R., 586 Roberts, D. W. T., 587 Roberts, N. C, 385 Rockwood, S. W., 53 Rodrfquez Baquerizo, O., 3 Rogers, R. E., 67 Rohde, R., 171,344, 345, 622, 727, 728, 754 Rohrs, H., 570 Rosen, F. R., 68 Rosen, F. S., 81 Rosenthal, M. H., 573 Rosove, L., 588 Ross, M. A., 413 Ross, R. T., 400, 401 Rostock, O., 242 Roth, W., 729 Roujon, J., 524 38 Rowley, D., 346, 415 Rubenstein, A.D., 730 Ruiz Lopez, A., 589 Ruiz Reyes, G., 69 Rutqvist, L., 130, 151, 443,457 Rutten, F. J., 121,731 Sacquet, E., 347 St. Mary, E., 584 Saito, K., 365 Sakaguchi, G., 90 Sakazaki, R., 70,172 Saliceti, E., 590 Salisbury, R. M., 444 Salmon, J., 348 Samaille, J., 164 San Juan, F., 732 Sandbu, P., 173, 373 Sanguinetti, M. C, 591 Sant, M. V., 64 Saphra, I., 125, 259, 274, 366, 592, 626, 733 Sapiro-Hirsch, R., 132, 174,175 Sasahara, T., 126 Saslaw, M. S., 603 Scarpioni, L., 503 Schaechter, M., 55,71 Schafer, W., 593, 734 Schafler, C, 72 Schafler, S., 72,73 Schafer, E., 546 Schebitz, H., 445 Schewe, E., 446 Schildkraut, C, 25 Schildmeyer, 447 Schimizu, T., 417 Schliessmann, D. J., 753 Schmid, E. E., 176 Schmidt, B., 735, 736 Schmidt-Lange, W., 177,594 Schneider, H. A., 260 Schneider, P. A., 448 Schneierson, S. S., 595 Schneweis, K-E., 74 Schoetter, M., 145 Scholtens, R. T., 261, 262 Schrire, L., 107,178,179,596 Schubert, J. H., 349 Schwarz, P., 75 Scott, A. E., 385 Sedlak, J., 737 Seeliger, H., 147 Seeliger, H. P. R., 180,181, 738 Seidel, G., 739 Seidenstficker, H., 180, 181 Sen, R., 114,115, 289, 389, 390, 391, 645 Servant, P., 76 Shaff, G., 600 Shaffer, M. F., 449 Shamholtz, M. I., 740 Shankel, D. M., 249 Shean, D. B., 548 Shear, M. J., 81 Shearer, G. C, 450 Sherwood, N. P., 77 Shiga, K., 78 Shimbayashi, K., 78 Shipolini, R., 79 Shirlaw, J. F., 350 Sickinger, C. M., 113 Sieburth, J. M., 80, 351 Silliker, J. H., 352, 743 Silver, C. M., 598 Silver, H. K., 597 Silverman, M. S., 395 Simmons, J. S., 719 Simon, J. L., 597 Simon, S. D., 598 Singh, C. M., 439 Singleton, R. T., 512 Sinios, A., 741 Skarnes, R. C, 81 Sluvko, A. L., 82 Smith, B., 712 Smith, H. G., 551, 702 Smith, H. W., 353,451 Smith, W. W., 452 Smither, A. M., 372, 633 Snyder, M. J., 512 Sojka, W. J., 372, 633 Soman, S., 44 Spicer, C. C, 354 Spilman, W. M., 4, 204 Spink, W. W., 279 Spittel, J. A., 563, 599 Spossig, M., 566 Spring, H., 322, 323 Stadler, J., 263, 355 Stanley, W. M., 212 Starlinger, P., 264 Staub, A. M., 96, 293, 356, 357, 358 Stein, H., 600 Stellmacher, W., 83, 265, 359 Stenstrom, R., 601 Stephan, W., 465 Stevenson, J. S., 112, 183 Stewart, T., 453 Stocker, B., 245 Stocker, B. A. D., 266, 267, 268 Stokes, J. L., 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 Stoll, L., 683 Storch, I., 209 Story, P., 602 Strauch, D., 454 Strauss, L., 626 Streitfeld, M. M., 603 Stuckey, J. H., 530 Stutz, L., 604, 605 Suarez Puerto, A. M., 69 Sugimura, K., 417 Sugiyama, T., 365 Sulzbacher, F., 180, 181 Sureau, P., 643 Suter, E., 89, 307 Sutmoller, P., 455 Suzuki, K, 90 Swartz, M. N., 473, 474, 632 Sylvester, G., 650 Szanton, V. L., 742 Talbot, J. M., 606 Tanaka, A. M., 530 Tanaka, N., 456 Tanigawa, H., 126 Tauber, O. E., 374, 375 Taylor, A. W., 639 39 Taylor, J., 91 Taylor, W. I., 92, 352, 743 Tedeschi, G., 567 Ten Eyck, F. W., 607 Terada, M., 269 Thai, E., 57, 270, 443, 457 Thiodet, J., 608 Thomas, C, 93 Thomas Mair, E. M., 609 Thomason, B. M., 94 Thome, M., 155, 156 Thomsen, M., 9 Thomson, S., 610 Thonier, J.. 682 Thurman,W. G.,611 Tiedje, E., 171, 345 Tiling, E., 741 Timakov, V. D., 95 Tinelli, R., 96, 356, 357 Toba, A., 360 Tolnai, G., 361 Torlone, V., 362 Toussaint, W., 184 Trefonowa, A., 79 Truscott, R. B., 458 Tucker, J. F., 403 Tudor, D. C, 411 Twining McMath, W. F., 612 Uchida, T., 271 Uetake, H., 185, 271, 363, 364 Ugueto, C, 378 Urteaga, B., 613 Ushiba, D., 365 Utian, H. L., 614 Utojo, R. P., 744 Vadasz, J., 271 Valledor, T., 615 Van Oye E., 120, 145, 146, 186, 187, 188, 745, 746, 747,748 Varela, G., 189, 749 Vasquez, A., 189 Vassiliadis, P., 190 Velaudapillai, T., 129, 176,191, 273,675 Velho, E. L., 459 Vella, E. E., 460 Verge, J., 750 Villalpando, E. E., 499 Villela, G. G, 291 Vingiani, A., 567 Vink, H. H., 192 Waddell, W. R., 617 Waisbren, B. A., 618 Walker, J. H. C, 714, 751 Wallace, C. E., 623 Washington, O., 283 Wasserman, M. W., 125, 274 Watanabe, M., 275, 276 Watanabe, S., 70 Watanabe, T., 97, 275, 276 Watson, K. C, 619 Watson, W. A., 752 Watt, J., 753 Weens, H. S., 532 Wegman, M. E., 753 Weil, A. J., 366 Weiss, W., 505, 620 Welch, H., 98 Wellman, W. E., 607 Westphal, O., 34, 334, 335, 356 Whiteside, E., 281 Wildfiihr, G., 193, 621 Williams, J. E., 313 Williams, R. E. O., 104 Wilson, A. N„ 461 Wilson, C, 413 Wilson, G. S., 99 Wilson, J. B., 93 Wilson, J. E., 462 Wilson, J. G., 678 Wilson, M. M., 489 Wilson, M. S., 113 Winkle, S., 622, 754 Winkler, U., 277 Winter, J. W., 733 Wintermere, D., 98 Wofford, J. D., 623 Wolle-John, R., 134, 679 Womack, A. M., 624 Wood, W. B., Jr., 509 Wright, G. W., 32,100 Wright, H. A., 755 Wright, W. W., 98 Wyss, O., 249 Yamaguchi, Y., 329 Yannakos, D., 486 Yonemura, T., 78 Yoshiyuki, T., 456 Zai, M., 625 Zak, F. G., 626 Zetterberg, G., 238 Zimmermann, H., 463 Zimmerman, L. E., 466 Zinder, N. D., 231,278, 367,368 Zvenigorodskaia, V. P., 338 40 U. S. 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