* jrs U 80(11 ' yx s i jk J 0 Q f/%, \ : cr§-cl '; t • :*. >\ ® 1 - !w I ? ■; , %V :"'V,.. A •• i 4-e% r^, \jf **.R i GUSTAV US STORM. • URANCIS STORM. IjW :|ttilatlclptoa flint t) t) %) v STORM BROTHERS, if1®# $$10 Manufacturers of Flint Glassware of every Description, Ms®, FLIST PMSGMPTMI HALS, etc., 3f;tncn Cologne f| |3omaire liottles. PRIVATE MOULDS PARTICULARLY ATTENDED TO. • *»# GREAT RHEUMATIC REMEDY, USED IUWABDLY, WARRANTED TO CURE RHEUMATISM & NEURALGIA. Frepared only by Dr. J. P. Fitler, one of Philadelphia’s oldest Physicians, who has made these diseases a speciality for 36 years. IS BnnCh IFsmptifo, 0t«f PUtadelp&ta^ 704 BROADWAY, N. Y., No. 1 CENTRAL PLACE, Boston, Mass. :Jhil;ulcljihia |orlt ||crlis. GEO. N. TORRENCE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF © O H K OFFICE 29 NORTH FOURTH ST., FACTORY, FRANKFORD PHILADELPHIA. No. 1349 Frankford Avenue, % f* * C or Jrnutlj Spirits, f?ye a»4 W&eai WIIilHft EXfBESSlY TQ¥ MSOICIKAt fUflfOSES. PHILADELPHIA. 58 Maiden Lane, New York. Sulphate of Quinine. Bromine. Bromide of Potash. Sulphate of Morphine. C. P. Acids. Nitrate of Silver. Glycerin. Yeratrine. Nitrate of Ammonia. Glycerin Concentrated. Strychnine. Spirits of Nitre. Glycerin, Pure Inodorous (bowers’). Sub. Nitrate of Bismuth. Acetic Acid Prussiate of Potash, Sugar of Lead. AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FINE OttEMICAiS, Samuel Campbell & Co,, TttABMACEUTISTS, No. 911 W alnut Street, FZilTID IZfiAiTi, The attention of Pharmaceutists is called to my new method of manufacturing FLUID EXTRACTS, as published in the September, (1869) and January, (1870) numbers of the American Journal of Pharmacy, as embracing an important feature and desideratum in the e itire avoidance of heat in their manipulation, yielding a perfect and one of the most reli- able products yet produced in the form of Fluid Extracts. The relative strength is the same as the Pharmacopoeia from which we will not deviate only in our mode of manipulation and in the use of GLYCERIN. We are now prepared to supply the trade with these Fluid Extracts on the most liberal terms. J’ltarmacettiical Specialties. Elixir Pyrophospate of Iron, “ Calisaya Bark, « “ with Iron, (( Citrate Iron and Quinine, “ Valerianate Ammonia, « Bromide Ammonium, “ Bromide Potassium, “ Phosphate Iron, Qunice and Strych- nia, Syrup Hypopliosphite of Lime, “ “ “ Soda, “ “ “ Iron, Muriate of Ammonia Cough Mixture, Elixir Gentian Ferrated, “ Bismuth, “ Taraxacum Compound, Wine of Pepsin, Aromatic Glycerole of Kino, “ « “ Catechu, Syrup Hydrate Chloral, “ Iodide of Calcium Compound, « Hypophosphite Potassa, “ “ Magnesia, Chafing Fowtler, Catarrhal Lozenges. KTew and uSlegant t'erfwmes FOR THE TOILET AND HANDKERCHIEF. Bouquet de Toilette, “ << Cologne, *1 « Lavender, « “ Florida, Bouquet tie Geranium, “ “ Verbena, » Neroli, “ “ Heliotrope. For Sale Wholesale and Retail, Inj Sami. Campbell & Co>> No. 911 Walnut St., Philada. A tIBEB/U DISCOUNT TO Tift TB/IBE, CAMPION BROS. & FRANKLIN, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Druggists’ Glassware, AND IMPORTERS OF Sundries and fancij (Ijoods, Nos. 722 £ 724 Market St., PHILADELPHIA. J. W. CAMPION. J. FRANKLIN. H. C. CAMPION. EDWIN CLINTON-. W. HARRISON EISENBREY. i, emi & co.f MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF BRUSHES, No. 908 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. W# E, fl© Mi itaaii 334 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, SUCCESSOR TO ED. McCLAIN. SOLE JVC^LTTJE1 AAGTTJS.EE, OP McCLAIN’S CELEBRATED COCOANUT HAIR OIL. H, C* FOSy SO» * CO., SUTHERLAND AVENUE, below Bainbridge St., Adjoining the Naval Asylum. PHILADELPHIA. CHAS> LIPPnfCOTT MAHDFACTURER OF SODA WATER APPARATUS, SODA WATEr’sYRDPS, JDICE, Etc, The popularity which the “ Keystone” has attained, is a proof of its merit, and parties before purchasing elsewhere should send for a catalogue. The Keystone unites simplicity, durability, beauty and cheapness, and draws the coldest iglass of soda water. All orders will receive prompt and immediate attention. CH AS. IilPPINCOTT, 916 Filbert Street, Pliila. W«t&$*444 At 9*0.) WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS & C4f£W6TS, OP WHITE LEAD, BED LEAD, Etc., 47 A 49 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. CELEBRATED BUTm COBBJAt, N. W. cop. 5th & Race Sts., PHILADELPHIA. IllillllSP (4ootfs.. RICHARD LEVICK, No. 708 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in EVERY DESCRIPTION OF SOFT AND HARD RUBBER GOODS, For Druggists 4 Stationers. RICHARD WILSON, Mil HOOK MKTOBl 337 <'lieHtnut Si**, PHILADELPHIA. AGENCY OF THE NATIONAL RUBBER COMPANY. XIUKPORTERS OF | hamoi'i Jjiluns, {fjlucs. AnA Twittes, S. E. cor. Sixth & Minor Sts., PHILADELPHIA. JOHN CROMPTON, Manufacturer of all kinds of Pin k Powder Boxes, 230 PHILADELPHIA. STAIN, fathers' 50rushes, Itou hum. And all Articles used by Barbers, J. HAMBLETON, S21 SPRUCE ST., PHILADELPHIA. V. HARBAUGH, FBAftHAOBUnST, No. 711 Mt. Vernon Place, CITY OF WASHINGTON, D. C., DEALER IN X>¥"ugs? Wt«4ieiaes> CHEMICALS & TOILET ARTICLES, etc. ESTABLISHED 1841. J#i©pl 0. He la §&mf ' ' S. W. Comer Third and'Plum Streets," ' ' Camden, N../., opposite Philadelphia. Laboratory—X. W. Corner 4th and Plum Streets. Sole Proprietor of Schwerin’s Annihilating Powder, Loriot’s Oriental Cement, “ Hat Poison. Otto H Boyifctlei'gi, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Snraical and OrOmjiitical Instrnments, ZFUsTIE CUTLERY, Trusses, Syringes, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Stockings for Varicose Veins, Electric Machines, Ear Trumpets, Etc. Appara* js for Local Anaesthesia and Inhalation. 64 Chatham Street, NEW YORK. GEORGE W. FENNER, 1273 BROADWAY, Corner 32d Street, NEW YORK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING AND IMPORTING ccts^ PROPRIETOR OF LUBIN’S PERFUMED FRENCH BENZINE. New Lahel. None genuine without the signature of the proprietor. CarMic Balsam of Tar ani Hoarhountl. The best remedy in the market for Coughs, Colds, etc. Camplior Ice. with Glycerine & Cocoa Batter. A COMPLETE STOCK OF Foreign anil Domestic Drugs, Chemicals, and Standard Proprietary Medicines, always on hand. CAtVXPEtf ophite jfrad ami {[etoi' ]|orIi!i, COBISTEB Second and Stevens Streets, CAMDEN, N. J. B. H. SLEEPER & GO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Druggists’ Glassware, AND IMPORTERS OF Sundries and Jjanqj (Soods, No. 631 MARKET ST., below 7th, North Side, PHILADELPHIA. RECKEFUS & GRIEB, MANUFACTURERS OF (jlioice fine |enieeliin|, 2Vo. 906 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. HALE & MANLEY, CLASS LABELS -AlsTID |tbbcrtisiu0 felitss §i0its, FOR PATENT MEDICINES. PEARL & EMBOSSED SIGNS MADE to ORDER. No. 706 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Etc. KIIBT. Mil IKIlt i CO., IMPORTERS & JORBERS IN NORTHEAST CORNER Fourth and Face Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Jacob Haehnlen, GOLDSMITH’S HALL, PHILADELPHIA, PUBLISHER OF A NEW SERIES OF STEEL PLATED pharmaceutical labels, THE MOST COMPLETE EVER USED. For particulars send for sample sheet and Price List. S. & J. R. HASTINGS, CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, DEALERS ILT Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, English and French Fancy Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushes, Etc., Nos. 519 & 521 Magazine St., For. Felicity Road, NEW ORLEANS. The Best Apparatus in the World. The Glass Cans for Syrnjs and Double Stream Draught We, RENDER THIS THE POPULAR APPARATUS. Morse’s Improved Generators, Fountains for Soda and Mineral Waters, Together with every article in the line always on hand. Send for Illustrated Price List. ANDREW J. MORSE vug Store, Situated on the corner of UNION PARK and WASHINGTON STS., is kept open ALL NIGHT, as an accommodation for the citizens of Boston. GEO, 1 BEED 1 OOi, MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF *.satr» RE£X>'S AMERICAN EltE$$IITG. A combined Blacking and Dressing for Ladies’ and Children’s Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Also, for Trunks, Leather Bags, Harnesses, and Enamelled Leather of all kinds. CEO. H. REED & CO., 568, 570 <£’ 572 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass. BROOKLYN WHITE LEAD CO., ESTABLISHED XTT 1825, MANUFACTURERS OF TRADE MARK. PURE WHITE LEAD, DRY AND GROUND IN OIL. RED LEAD LITHARGE. The Leads made by this company are ivarranled •perfectly pure, and are not excelled by any brand of Foreign or American manufacture for body, durability and economy. BUSINESS OFFICE, 89 MAIDEN LANE, N. Y. Agents in Boston—FOLSOM & DEARBORN, Wholesale Paint Dealers, 9 & 10 India Street, Boston. PntfifB Antoni OIL This Oil can be used in any Kerosene Lamp. The advantages claimed for it over other Oils, (which have been fully proved,) are these :— Perfect safety under all circumstances It will not and cannot explode. Burns longer and gives a better light. It is economical, clean and safe. Is packed in 5 gallon sealed cans. No family should be without it. ey CHABLES PRATT. OFFICE, 106 FULTON STREET, N. Y. Agents for Eastern States— FOLSOM & DEARBORN, Wholesale Paint Dealers, 9 & 10 India Street. Boston. Leach & Greene's Improved Steam Atomizer.—The best mid cheapest in use. Securely packed in box, with full direc- tions for use. Price, $1.00. We manufacture and keep iu stock a full assortment of Surgical Instru- ments. New inven- tions and improve- ments constantly added. The trade supplied on liberal terms. CAMMANN’S Improved Double Stethoscope (DISARTICULATING.) PRICE, $7.00. In addition to the manufac- ture of Surgical Instruments, we make a specialty of the manufacture of all the most approved styles of Trusses, among which are Leach’s Patent, Ball and Socket, Spiral Pad, Chase’s, French, Umbilical, and many others. In our list of Abdominal Supporters, we have the London, Boston, Fitch’s Chapin’s, Spiral, etc. Manufacturers of Elastic Hose of all varieties. Wholesale Agents for Gar- rett’s Electric Disks. All goods are warranted to be of the best quality, and the lowest price. A most excellent Truss for laboring men who are subject to heavy lifting and strain- ing. HATCHET TRUSS. UAQB A IBIBIli MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, ELASTIC HOSE, ETC, 3STo. 1 HAMILTON PLACE, OPPOSITE PARK STREET CHURCH, BOSTON, MASS. Do Your Own Printing. The reputation of the NOVELTY JOB PRINTING PRESS is thor oughly established, as meeting all the requirements of a first-class press with which to “ do your own printing,” and as being second to none for the use of general Job Printers. Many Printers are using them, and find them most admirably adapted for job work. Many young men have bought them, and are doing all the printing for the house which employs them, thereby materially adding to their salaries. Traders and Manu- facturers are finding them great aids to their business. Principals of Schools are finding them very useful assistants; and boys are finding them a never-failing source of instruction, pleasure and profit. Most lads of fourteen, with one of these presses and a few dollars’ worth of material, are perfectly capable of doing all the printing for their fathers’ business, and will be thereby gaining instruction. » Druggists’ cannot employ a more useful assistant than one of THESE PRESSES, AS ABUNDANT TESTIMONY IN POSSESSION OF THE MANUFACTU RER CLEARLY PROVES. Springfield, Mass., Jan. 16,1869. Mr. Benj. O. Woods. Dear Sir: We have used one of your Novelty Presses for the past six months, and have done all the printing required in putting up “ Hutchins’s Headache and Cathartic Pills.” We are perfectly satisfied with the press, and heartily recommend it to our brother Drug- gists as the most valuable convenience they can add to their store furni- ture. Respectfully, HUTCHINS & SON. M-A.lSr-ai’A.CTTJIlEItS OF Dye woods, Dyewood Liquors and Extracts, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Dyo.R'txiffM and Ctosmlealgf 116 MILK STREET, CORNER BATTERYMARCH STREET, BOSTON. flic ||ccl|i!itc Association RECOGNIZED THE GREAT VALUE OF c s. tr * $ m % By awarding, at their late Exhibition, a MEDAL, Of which the following is a fac-similie. GLU-ENE has now become a necessity in every Family, Counting Room and Workshop, and is universally acknowledged the best article of its kind ever offered to the public. jt mend$ svsarTmjra* Furniture, China, Glass, Crockery, Marble, Porcelain and Meerschaum Pipes. Is easily applied, and leaves no stain. The Ladies can use it to perfection, and are delighted with it. GIVE IT A TRIAL, and judge it by its merits. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE f!faa®»© Hempanfi) No. 24 WATER STREET, BOSTON, MASS. And Wholesaled by Druggists, Hardware and Fancy Goods Dealers throughout the United States, British Provinces and Canadas. RETAIL EVERYWHERE^ LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. •S* SPECIAL PAINS WILL BE TAKEN TO PERFECT GLU-ENE IN EVERY RESPECT. Vhnyep* lilsoi <& do** 41 & 43 KILBY STREET, BOSTON. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, J\. HH H) DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE, SHAW, tlVERMOSSE A IMPORTERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Jfannj |)ootts and jjruutiists’ j[rtuUs, No. 112 Washington Street, IB O S T O ILT. on. s. r. waitaANt OCULIST AlAMlST Inserted without TAIN. Treatment of Catarrh No charye for consultation. Office, No. 110 Court Street BOSTON. i, s» jomrevoN, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Ptrs?£: cottFECtlOHSfcY, 7* HANOVER STREET, BOSTON. A. A. W A XL. K B 3E*.» 322 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS., IMRORTER /ITJxi DEALER IN ARTISTS' MATERIALS, All Materials for Oil, Water Color, and Pastel Painting, Drawing, and Wax Flower Making, the best Wax in market, Decalcomania, etc., etc. Wholesale and Retail. Orders toy Mall and Express promptly attended to. Hunter’s Point Chemical Works. ESTABLISHED HIST 1858. FACTORY, Hunter’s Point, L. I. OFFICE, No. 10 Burling Slip, N. Y MAlfFAOflEilir OBffiOST. MANUFACTURES FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE, Acids, Copperas, Oil Amber, Ethers, Glauber Salts, Carbolic Acid, Tar Oil, Varnishes, Fruit Essences Con,, Essential Oils, Reagent C. R, Scale Preparations. LIQ. BISULPHITE LIME, for Brewers, Sugar Refiners and Preserving, PLUORIO ACID and Chemicals for Glass Cutters, Stainers and Engravers, Chemicals for Dyers and Calico Printers, Etc., Etc., Etc. WW&, SIB & £.11, IMPORTERS AND HIRERS OF DPUOGISTS' SUNBPIES J^ISTJD 20 Beekman Street, - New York. Proprietors of Deshler’s Fever and Ague Pills. JOHN H. BARNARD, ST. LOUIS, MO., SOLE MANUFACTURER AND FROPRIETOR OF DR. STORM’S CELEBRATED §cotrb (fcutg!) 1830. JOHN C. BAKER & CO.’S CJTBATE or A valuable medicine in cases of Constipation, Sick Headache, and for all diseases of the digestive organs. It is sparkling and colorless, infinitely more valuable than Congress water for any purpose whatever, while its freshness is guaranteed to he permanent. JOHN C. BAKER & CO., Proprietors, 7 IS Market St., Philadelphia. Sugar-coated Pills and Granules IN GREAT VARIETY. MAUUfACTOR-CRS Of STRICTLY 11 ELIABLE cuBiiBB ima. s#i? * co.f MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, lOOO MARKET STREET, 8. W. Corner loth, Thiladelplila. Ellis’ Citrate Magnesia^ So well known and appreciated throughout the United States. ELLIS’ ADHESIVE PLASTER CLOTH. SUGAR-COATED PILLS. EXTRACTS. SEND TO US AND OBTAIN OUR PRICED CATALOGUE. PHILADELPHIA. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE THE LAWS RELATING TO VENDORS OF DRUGS IN GENERAL 7 CHAPTER II. THE LAWS RELATING TO THE COMPOUNDING OF PRESCRIPTIONS AND PROPERTY THEREIN 21 CHAPTER III. THE APOTHECARY AS A MEDICAL PRACTITIONER 32 CHAPTER IV. TIIE LAWS RELATING TO THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF PATENT MEDICINES 36 CHAPTER V. THE LAWS RELATING TO CONTRACTS OF SALE IN GENERAL AND TO THE VARIOUS ARTICLES USUALLY DEALT IN BY DRUGGISTS 42 CHAPTER VI. THE INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS RELATING TO MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN DRUGS 46 CHAPTER VII REVENUE LAWS RELATING TO DISTILLED SPIRITS 51 CHAPTER VIII. THE LAW OF PARTNERSHIPS 58 CHAPTER IX. BANKRUPTCY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES 69 CHAPTER X. THE RATES OF DUTIES IMPOSED BY THE UNITED STATES ON IMPORTED ARTICLES USUALLY KEPT BY DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES 19 CHAPTER XI. THE LAWS OF COPYRIGHT, ETC 88 CUf Hi he Jttrisjfnttunct of Jjharmacg. CHAPTER I. Jhe Relating to "yendows of p^uGS. IT is proposed, in the following pages, to present, in a necessarily condensed form, a statement of those legal principles which have a special bearing upon the manufacturers, compounders, and dispensers of drugs, with some notice of the laws relating to the manufacture and sale of articles often found associated therewith. The information furnished will, it is hoped, be sufficient to enable persons following those pursuits to understand in how far their rights and liabilities are marked and peculiar. As a matter of course, the various rules of the common and statute law relating to those engaged in mercantile and other business—such, for example, as the laws applying to partnerships, agencies, and bailments—have more or less bearing upon the dealer in drugs; but limited space will prevent their consideration here, to any greater extent than will be necessary in the discussion of the particular liability of those for whom this work is intended. There appear to have been but comparatively few decisions determining the exact position of those who deal in drugs in various ways. And the statute laws of most of the States are silent upon points, legislation as to which could not fail to be beneficial. However insignificant the business may have been originally, at the present time it is one of the utmost importance. While the conduct of most employments effects only the property of individuals, the science of phar- macy, in its practical applications, bears directly upon human health and life. It deals with many substances which have the power permanently to injure one, and forcibly to take away the other. The absence of adjudication and legislation, then, is certainly not owing to a want of importance in the subject, but probably 8 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. to the fact that the rights and liabilities of persons engaged in the business ai from legal principles analogous to those which apply to other pursuits, with whi principles the legal profession is well acquainted. In the words of the old proverl “ an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure/7 and it is certainly propel that pharmaceutists should have at least a partial knowledge of their responsi-i bilities, and of the light in which they stand under the law. Such information this little treatise, necessarily abbreviated in its form, and imperfect in its execu- tion, will aim to impart. And, as it is written for men outside of the profession, the attempt will be made to maintain correctness in the statement of the laws, rather than technical nicety of language. We will first consider the legal status of vendors of drugs. In former times, a distinction was recognized between the sphere of the druggist and that of the apothecary. The former term was applied to those who simply bought and sold drugs and chemicals, without compounding or fitting them for use as medicines; while the name of apothecary was given to all those who practiced the profession of pharmacy, and by the combination and preparation of drugs and chemicals, rendered them proper to be employed in overcoming disease. The latter were, of course, regarded as being possessed of a higher degree of skill than those who simply dealt in uncompounded articles. But the custom, so general in the United States, of uniting both branches *of business in the same person, has almost annulled the importance of the distinction, and the terms will be often used, in these pages, as synonymous. We should have to go far back in the world’s history to find the first mention that is made of the employment of the apothecary. We read, in the book of Exodus, that Moses was commanded to combine the principal spices, and make thereof “ an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecaryand again, to make “ a perfume, a confection after the art of the apothecary, tempered together, pure and holy.” In later days, but while the profession of pharmacy was still in its infancy, and the number of drugs recog- nized as of use was comparatively small, the business of dispensing them was generally done by the grocers. While some of these undoubtedly took pains to become conversant with their department of the healing art, still no great amount of knowledge was considered as necessary to engage in it. But as the profession was expanded, and probably after many serious mistakes had resulted from the want of a systematic course of pharmaceutical training, the necessity of a separa- tion was recognized, and encouragements were given to the cultivation of a proper amount of information in those to whose hands the powerful agents were entrusted. At the present time, when the dispensing of drugs bears such an intimate rela- tionship to the public safety, the fact is everywhere recognized that the apothe- THE LAWS RELATING TO VENDORS OF DRUGS. 9 y’s stock in trade consists no less in the knowledge as to how he should, handle i drugs and chemicals, than in the bare ownership of them. When we come to examine the obligations under which men are placed, we ind a general principle running through all occupations and pursuits in life. That is this: the law requires from men engaged in the various departments of business the exercise of an amount of skill and carefulness proportioned to the importance of the bearing their pursuits have upon the public welfare. The liability is proportioned to the responsibility. There are, in many of the States, laws regulating the keeping on hand and sale of powder, because of the capacity it has to cause destruction, when care is not exercised. So, also, common carriers are held to a strict accountability for all accidents occurring through any negli- gence on their part, on account of the dangerous agencies that they employ. Vendors of provisions and supplies intended for household consumption, dealing as they do in substances having a most intimate connection with human life and health, have ever over their heads the liability that follows the breach of their implied warranty. To allow all those who may choose to do so to engage in business in which negligence or want of skill is certain to cause damage to others, without holding them responsible for such damage, would be to turn a flood of evil loose upon the land. While there should be as little restriction as possible placed upon the right of each and every one to engage in whatever lawful pursuit he may select, still in some cases the public welfare demands that the complete liberty of individuals shall be so limited as that it may work no evil to others. And there can be nothing more reasonable than that such qualifications shall be demanded of those who deal in dangerous articles as will prevent those articles from becoming a source of mischief and evil in the community. The statutes of some of the States require physicians, lawyers, pilots, engineers, etc., to be examined and licensed before they can be entrusted with the important affairs of their various pursuits and professions. These laws thus propose to close the door on all who do not possess the requisite qualifications. But in dealing with druggists and apothecaries, they take a different course, or rather the common law does so, since the statute laws in general have but little to say as to their status. All who choose may engage in the various pursuits of pharmacy, but they are held strictly responsible for injury caused by their ignorance or neglect in those pursuits. Thus very much the same end is reached as by the laws of prohibition. The enactment of statutes requiring that all those who undertake the compounding, dispensing, or manufacturing of drugs should be regularly examined and licensed, might be beneficial, not only to the public at large, but to the trade itself, for it would have a tendency to increase that confidence which has been somewhat shaken by the frequent mistakes made in the business. But 10 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. the best education an apprentice can receive, is the practice of the pursuit, and as long as that is done under the direct supervision of old and experienced hands, injury will seldom result. Legislation prohibiting the dispensing of drugs by any except those proved, on examination, to be well informed, would shut off the principal method of obtaining that information; but we think that the step will be eventually generally taken throughout the country, and probably no great detriment to the trade will result. From the fact that so many drugs and medicines possess the power to injure the health, and even destroy life, when improperly used, it may be implied that the law requires unusual care and skill in those who dispense them. There are comparatively few at the present day, outside of the business, who have an extensive acquaintance with their nature and properties; and when those who are ignorant in this respect enter the shop of an apothecary to purchase, they trust to his superior skill, expecting that he will select for them the .required articles, and furnish them in good condition. This confidence they have a legal right to place in him, and he is legally wrong if he abuses it; for, by opening his store and exposing his sign, he proclaims to the world that he is possessed of the requisite information, and will use that, and the necessary degree of care- fulness, in favor of all who come to him for medicine. If he has not that skill, or does not use proper care, and, from the want of either, damage follows, the law will hold him liable; for he should not have invited the public to trust to him, when he was without the qualifications which would fit him to engage in the business. No one is compelled to hold himself out to the world as being proficient in difficult branches of business; but having done so, he must take the burden with the reward—the liability with the profit. When a person employs an attorney to conduct a case in court, he has a right to expect that he will use ordinary care in the conduct of the cause; and if, through his want of such care, or of such an amount of legal knowledge as a lawyer should be possessed of, the client lose the suit, he may hold the other liable for the damages that have resulted. It will be well, in this connection, to refer to the bearing which the doctrine of implied warranty has upon the subject. In the circulars and public adver- tisements of druggists and chemists, we often read that “ all drugs are warranted sound and pure,” or words to the like effect. This express warranty, however, adds nothing to the liability of the person offering it, for the law will imply one in nearly all cases of the sale of drugs and medicines. A short time spent in examining the nature and application of the principle of warranties will show plainly why this is so. In almost all contracts of sale and purchase, in the absence of words which the THE LAWS RELATING TO VENDORS OF DRUGS. 11 law will construe as an express warranty, the rule caveat emptor applies; that is, let the buyer take care that he secure what he desires, and the value of the amount he pays. When a person purchases an article which he has an oppor- tunity to examine fully, he cannot look to the vendor if it does not prove to be what he thought it, unless a warranty has been given, or fraud has been used. Professor Parsons says, as to sales, that “ where the means of knowledge is accessible to both parties, each must judge for himself, and it is neither the duty of the vendor to communicate to the vendee any superior knowledge he may have of the value of the commodity, nor of the vendee to disclose to the vendor any facts which he may have, rendering the property more valuable than the vendor supposed.” It is the privilege of the buyer to demand a warranty, and refuse to purchase without one; and if he neglects to do this, he must bear the consequences. But this rule of law, placing the risk upon the buyer, does not apply to sales of provisions, and articles intended for immediate consumption as food. The reason for this is found in the intimate relation which those articles bear to the public safety. The man who sells them is required to take care that all those that go to the consumer shall be good and wholesome; for their whole object and use is to contribute to good health and the support of life; and if, by reason of their being tainted or imperfect, damage is done to either, the seller is liable. Another exception to the rule of caveat emptor applies to those cases where the vendor alone possesses the requisite means of information. If the circumstances are such that the purchaser is compelled to rely upon the superior knowledge of the seller, without any examination on his part of the thing offered for sale, it is held that the vendor impliedly warrants that such things sold are what the buyer might reasonably suppose them to be. We quote again from “Parsons on Contracts,” vol. 1, page 583, as follows: “A requirement that the purchaser should ‘ beware/ or should take care to ascertain for himself the quality of the thing he buys, becomes utterly unreasonable under circumstances which make such care impossible. If, therefore, the seller alone possesses the requisite knowledge, or the means of knowledge, and offers his goods for sale under cir- cumstances which compel the purchaser to rely upon the judgment and honesty of the seller, without any examination on his own part as to the quality of the thing offered, it has been held that the rule of caveat emptor does not apply, because it cannot apply, and that the seller warrants that the goods he offers for sale are, in respect to their qualities, what the purchaser may fairly understand them to be; in other words, that they are of merchantable value, and proper subjects of trade.” Within both these exceptions to the rule, placing upon the purchaser the 12 burden, it will be seen that the cases of sales by druggists and apothecaries of the goods that belong more especially to their line will fall. For, in the first place, as drugs and medicines, in their effects, have a still more powerful influence on the health and life than provisions, those dealing in them are held by the law to the same obligation to furnish only*those that are sound and competent to per- form their appropriate mission. Again, under the second exception, it is an undeniable fact that most of those who purchase drugs have but little knowledge of them, and few are able to distinguish those that are poisonous in their nature from those that are entirely harmless. In buying, they rely entirely upon the knowledge and skill of the seller; and the law requires that he shall not abuse that confidence by dealing out to them deteriorated or unsound articles. If the vendor of the various substances that are used for food, intended to be consumed by others, is an insurer of the fact that they shall be wholesome, it may be readily imagined that much the same liability will follow those who deal in substances, many of which are poisonous, and, if taken as a medicine, may impair health and destroy life. The public are more completely blindfolded in their contracts for the purchase of drugs and chemicals than in almost any other they can make; for they can, by the exercise of the various senses, generally gain some idea of the quality and properties of the articles they buy; but faith and confidence enter strongly into their dealings with the apothecary. A person may, without doubt, if he choose, purchase deteriorated or inferior drugs, just as he may any other article; but if the seller wishes to escape the implied warranty that they are sound and good, he must make it appear that the inferiority of the thing sold was expressly considered in the agreement, and understood by the vendee. If, however, drugs are purchased with the under- standing that they are to be used for some other purpose than the ordinary method in which they are employed, as, for example, in the arts, then it is pre- sumed that the law would not hasten to presume a warranty by the vendor. Under such circumstances, the grounds upon which the law implies such a warranty would not exist, as there would be nothing dangerous to life or health in the mere selling of chemicals for such use. The same general principles as to warranties have their full bearing in the dealings between the manufacturing pharmaceutist, or wholesale dealer, and the retail druggist. Although both parties may have a full knowledge of the science of pharmacy, and of the nature of drugs, still, if the stock is bought to be compounded or sold again as medicines, there is an implied warranty as to the quality, in the absence of any different understanding between vendor and vendee. In short, then, it may be laid down as a rule, that the sale of drugs for medicinal use carries with it an implied THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. THE LAWS RELATING TO VENDORS OF DRUGS. 13 engagement on the part of the seller, that they are of good quality, and proper in kind; and for any damage resulting from the breach of this engagement, the vendor will have to answer. Having thus considered the doctrine of warranties, and remembering the bear- ing which it has upon our whole subject, let us look at the amount of information which the law requires that dealers in drugs and chemicals shall possess, and the amount of carefulness that it exacts from them. There is a distinction in this respect between mere vendors of these articles, uncompounded, and apothe- caries, who, by preparing and combining them, fill prescriptions. The considera- tion of the liabilities of the latter will be deferred, and reserved for its proper place. Vendors of drugs, in the first place, should be acquainted with their nature and properties. For at least one of the parties to a transaction which puts powerful agencies in a position where they may possibly work evil, should have sufficient information to guard against it; and, as the purchaser is generally ignorant, the requisite knowledge is supposed to reside in the seller. If a druggist deliver to a person wishing a particular article, that article possessing all its natural and appropriate qualities unimpaired, he will not be liable for injury following its use—that is, in the absence of statutes forbidding the sale of poisonous substances. But if a drug, originally harmless in its nature, is liable, after a certain length of time, to contract poisonous and dangerous properties, it is the business of the apothecary to be informed of that fact. In such case, he will be answerable for any injury resulting to one who obtained it from him, supposing it to be pure and harmless. The plea of ignorance will not excuse him, for it is just upon such points that the law requires he shall be informed. If, however, the change had been produced in such a manner that no ordinary amount of information or care would have given him a knowledge of it, he would not, it is presumed, be responsible for harm that might result. For example, if an extraordinary state of the atmosphere, in a particular place, had caused a drug, originally pos- sessed of no power to damage, to absorb certain poisonous substances, and become noxious, the druggist would not, probably, be held liable for the consequences that might follow the use of it by a person who had purchased it from him. It must be expressly understood, however, that this would be true only in cases where the greatest amount of skill and care in the exercise of the profession could not have anticipated or discovered the change in the nature of the drug. For the law presumes that the apothecary is sufficiently well acquainted with the qualities of the articles in which he deals, to be able to guard against any ordinary accidents. Ignorance, when he should have been informed, and mis- 14 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. takes, where he should have exercised caution, are excuses for which the courts have but little charity. It is hardly necessary to say that the vendor of drugs will be held responsible, civilly, at least, for the mistakes of those whom he employs. He should, there- fore, take pains to entrust his business with those only who are possessed of such qualifications as will render the occurring of such mistakes unlikely. Should a clerk in a drug store, in the course of his employment, through negligence, mingle a poisonous substance with one harmless, or comparatively so, in its nature, and thereby cause injury to a purchaser, he would render his master liable for damages. A principal is liable for the torts of his agent, that are done in the natural course of the agency. If, however, the clerk should wilfully, and outside of the routine of his duties, thus intermingle the drugs, it is presumed that he alone would be liable, since a man is not usually answerable for wrongs committed by his servants, unless they have been done in the course of his busi- ness, or he has in some way contributed thereto, or afterwards ratified tnem. The employer will not be criminally responsible for the wrongs committed by those whom he employs, as a general thing. But if he has authorized or cooperated in the misdeeds of his agent, the criminal liability, as well as the civil, will attach to him. Thus it was decided, in one case cited in Blackstone’s Com- mentaries, “ that if a baker direct his servant to make bread containing a specific quantity of alum, which, when mixed with other ingredients, is innoxious, but in the execution of these orders the agent mixes up the drug in so unskilful a way that the bread becomes unwholesome, the master will be liable to be indicted.” The circumstances under which a druggist may be held criminally responsible, will be more particularly considered hereafter. Particular care should be taken that all those employed in drug establishments shall be able to read the names or labels on the bottles or vessels containing the various substances. Any error in this respect would be regarded as entirely inexcusable. This, again, is a department of knowledge of which those outside of the profession are usually ignorant, but which the law considers that those engaged in the trade possess, in a degree sufficient to render almost impossible any errors therein. Confusion in the position of the various articles should also be avoided. In one case, by a mistake of the clerk, a poisonous drug was dealt out, instead of the simple and harmless substance asked for. Upon the trial of the suit, brought for damages, it was proved that the store was dark, it being a very cloudy day, and that the two bottles stood near each other on the shelf; and, therefore, the defendant claimed that the mistaking of one for the other did not imply such negligence as should render him liable. But it was decided that THE LAWS RELATING TO VENDORS OF DRUGS. 15 the defences relied on were not sufficient to exonerate, and that the apothecary had not exercised that caution which the nature of his stock demanded. If necessary, in order to secure the safety of the public, the law will require that each bottle shall have a shelf of its own, and that a dozen lights be kept burning continually. There are, of course, accidents which no reasonable amount of human foresight can guard against. The law does not demand that the dealer in drugs shall exercise superhuman foresight, but only requires from him such a degree of prudence and caution as the character of the substances he handles renders neces- sary. If, for example, wishing to dispose of a lot of damaged drugs, he should bury them in a remote place, where no ordinary agency could disturb them, and an unusual flood should remove the earth from them so that cattle were poisoned, he would not, probably, be held liable. In this case, however, as well as in all similar ones, the liability would depend upon the care exercised, in view of the possibility that damage might result to others. And the throwing of poisonous substances into a stream, used below for various purposes, would be such an unlawful act as would make the person so doing responsible for resulting in- juries. The druggist should also exercise caution in taking the orders of buyers. He should be certain, when he delivers a drug, that he is furnishing that for which the purchaser asks. If he does so, as a matter of course, he cannot be answerable for the consequences, although the vendee intended to ask for and use an entirely different thing; for it would not be possible for the apothecary to know what the other had in his mind, different from what his language expressed. But if, through inattention, recklessness, or any other fault on his part, he mistake the purchaser’s order, he is to blame, and liable for consequential evil. For the buyer, having asked plainly for what he desired, and being ignorant as to the difference in the external appearance of the substances, uses the articles, relying upon his implied contract with the druggist that they are the same as represented. If a person asks for anything indistinctly, he should be required to repeat his desires; and if, after questioning fully, any reasonable doubt remains in the mind of the dealer as to what he wishes, nothing should be furnished him, especially when it is thought that he may be seeking for powerful chemicals. Care should also be used in the employment of the various utensils and vessels of the trade, so that the different articles be not unintentionally mixed with each other. Dispensing pharmaceutists are probably more liable to accidents of this class than those who deal in the mere naked drug, and the examination of this subject will be deferred until the compounding of prescriptions is considered. 16 Again, where labels are placed upon vessels containing medicines, as is often and very properly done, great pains should be taken to have them correct. Injury caused by error in this respect very often, if not always, comes back upon the dealer. Take, for the purpose of illustration, the following case: A person residing in a State, the laws of which require all poisons dispensed to be distinctly marked as such, wishing to use a substance of that nature, obtains it from an apothecary, who, by mistake, places the label of a harmless drug upon the bottle. The purchaser, not noticing but that it is properly marked, after using what he wishes, puts the balance away. Some time afterwards a member of the family, desiring to employ the drug indicated by the label upon the bottle containing poison, takes that in the bottle, and death results. Here, undoubtedly, the druggist is liable, civilly and criminally, for the injury has resulted as the natural consequence of his failure to do that which the law required of him. There might perhaps be more room for argument if such a case occurred in the absence of any law requiring the marking of poisons. But we think that whether any statute demanded that that should be done or not, the placing of a false label upon a bottle under such circumstances, would be putting such a trap in the way of others, that the person so doing would be held strictly responsible. A very strong reason why dealers in drugs should be well informed as to the duties of their business, and particular in the fulfilment of them, lies in the fact that for some breaches of the trust reposed in them by the public, they may be held criminally responsible. The crime of murder can seldom be laid at their door, for that, in the legal acceptation, implies and includes a malice aforethought, that apothecaries, as such, can seldom be supposed to be guilty of. But they may so carelessly dispense poisonous articles as to bring upon themselves the guilt and punishment of manslaughter. It is true that the serious accidents which too frequently occur, are the result generally of errors and mistakes; but that some of them, at least, will be regarded as crimes in the eye of the law, the following definition will show. Manslaughter is thus defined : “ The killing of a human being, while the slayer is engaged in an unlawful act, not felonious, or in doing a lawful act in an unlawful manner.” The business of selling and dis- pensing drugs is certainly a lawful one, but when so carried on as to cause the death of others, it may become a crime. In one case, in speaking of involuntary manslaughter, the following was laid down as a definition: “ It is where it plainly appears that neither death nor any great harm was intended, but death is accidentally caused by some unlawful act not amounting to felony, or an act not strictly unlawful in itself, but done in an unlawful manner, and without due caution.” Under this head it will be seen that nearly all the cases where death THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. THE LAWS RELATING TO VENDORS OF DRUGS. 17 is caused by the mistakes and errors of druggists will fall. Numerous instances might be mentioned in which, through mistake or ignorance, poisons have been administered with fatal effect, in the place of medicines much less powerful, intended to have been given. Oftentimes, as the error was most bitterly repented of, and there was none of that malicious intention that is so odious in the sight of the law, no prosecution has taken place. The apothecary is not liable criminally (as we have seen he is not civilly) in every case where a person dies in consequence of receiving the wrong drug from him. If, without any fault of his, or want of proper care, a poison should become mixed in medicine delivered, it would be a simple misadventure, exposing him to no liability. But as such mistakes can seldom occur where the appropriate skill is exercised, and care used, it may be safely laid down as true, that when death results from the use of the wrong drug, given through the error of the dealer, he is liable for manslaughter, either voluntary or involuntary, according to the grossness of the negligence or want of skill, and the accompanying cir- cumstances. The statutes of some of the States have prescribed certain rules regulating the sale of poisons within their limits; and, of course, where these laws exist, they must be strictly followed. The Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, in the year 1860, enacted a law, which is still in existence, as follows: “ No apothecary, druggist, or other person, shall sell or dispose of, by retail, any morphia, strych- nia, arsenic, prussic acid, or corrosive sublimate, except upon the prescription of a physician, or on the personal application of some respectable inhabitant, of full age, of the town or place in which such sale shall be made, and in all cases of such sale, the word ‘.poison ’ shall be carefully and legibly marked or placed upon the label, package, bottle, or other vessel or thing in which such poison is con- tained ; and when sold and disposed of otherwise than under the prescription of a physician, the apothecary, druggist, or other person selling or disposing of the same, shall note in a register, kept for that purpose, the name and residence of the person to whom such sale was made, the quantity sold, and the date of such sale; tny person offending therein shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars.” The “ Report on the Penal Code ” of that State, (Pennsylvania,) thus defines the purposes of the foregoing statute: “ To prevent mistakes in the sale of noxious drugs, to throw impediments in the way of malicious and wicked persons obtain- ing them for murderous purposes, and to facilitate the detection of such persons when their malignant purpose has been accomplished. The instances of murder by poison have recently increased to a frightful extent, both in Europe and this 18 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. country, and such legislation is demanded for the suppression of this crime. ” It is believed that most of the other States have upon their statute books laws similar in their objects, regulating the sale of poisons. But the general status of the dealer in drugs, the determination of his rights and liabilities, has been left almost entirely to the control of common law principles. Probably this is not as it should be, for were there laws clearly laid down, defining, without margin for mistake or doubt, the privileges and responsibilities of those engaged in the most important branch of business, the result could not fail to be beneficial to the public and satisfactory to the profession. As to the compensation which vendors of drugs receive, it will be necessary to say but little, as they generally hold the staff in their own hands, and have only competition to fear. But that compensation differs somewhat in its nature from the profit that those engaged in many other branches of business are supposed to make, as in it account is taken of the care and skill necessarily exercised by the druggist. When a keg of nails or a piece of cloth is sold, the price, besides the cost, usually includes a moderate advance for the investment, storing, and hand- ling ; but in the sale of drugs, the vendor should receive also some additional compensation for the knowledge he is required to possess, the strict care he is called upon to exercise, and the liability under which the law places him. When a physician or an attorney makes his charge for advice, he bears in mind the outlay of time and money he has been obliged to make in order to gain the information he imparts. So the law, in an action on a quantum meruit or vale- bant for drugs furnished, in the absence of any established price, would allow the apothecary an additional sum over and above their cost, as a compensation for the extra qualifications that arc demanded of him. The manufacturer and the wholesale dealer stand upon nearly the same footing as the retail vendor, and, therefore, the lengthy discussion of their legal position would not be advisable. Where drugs are intended for use as medicines, the maker of such drugs is under as great an obligation to exercise care and skill as the apothecary, who deals them out directly to the consumer. That there can be no distinctive difference in the responsibility of the two will be easily under- stood when we consider that it is only when the manufacturer puts into the market unhealthy or damaged articles, that he incurs liability. He may make his wares of as poor materials as he pleases, and may attach labels entirely wrong; but he breaks no law, and places himself under no liability, as long as he keeps them in a position where they can do no harm to others. When he parts with them, by contract of sale, the same implied warranty which accompanies all contracts of vendors of drugs for medicinal use, goes with them. It has become customary THE LAWS RELATING TO VENDORS OF DRUGS. 19 with manufacturers of chemicals, etc., to place a label upon the vessels or pack- ages containing their productions, giving the name of the articles, as well as their own. One object in so doing is to give purchasers confidence in the character of the wares, and often marking has this effect. The person thus labelling, in the eyes of the law, makes this statement to the public: “ I do hereby warrant that the substance herein contained is that signified by the name attached; that, it possesses all, and only, its natural and appropriate qualities, and that it has (at the time of the sale) suffered no deterioration.” For any breach of this warranty the person thus putting drugs into the market is liable. Cases have occurred, one of which will be hereafter detailed at length, in which, through the placing of the label of a harmless drug upon poison, injury was caused to the consumer. Although the article may have passed through several hands, without discovery of its nature, it has been always held that the person mislabelling was liable. For, in such a case, harm to the person using the drug would be the natural consequence, since, although the druggist who deals out such an article should know its nature, still he would be apt to be misled by the label; and the fact that he did not exercise a sufficient amount of care would not release the original wrong-doer. The person who sets in motion an agency that must inevitably work evil, should be held answerable for that evil, although others have been instrumental in enabling it to act. The fact that there is no privity of contract between the consumer, who is injured, and the person who prepares drugs, will not release the latter; for, running through every sale of the article, from the manufacturer to the final purchaser, is the same confidence and implied warranty. The liability of the dealer, of any grade, arises from the command given to him by the law, to so handle and guard the dangerous articles that he puts in circulation, that no harm can come to others, rather than from any direct contract between him and the injured person. The duties of manufacturing and preparing pharmaceutists, then, are plain and easily understood. They should be careful to use such care themselves, and to exact such attention and skill from those in their employ, that only the proper ingredients shall find their way into the various articles; that they shall be good and sound in quality; and that the articles, when ready for distribution, shall be correctly marked. If the drugs are right and proper in their nature and qualities at the time of the first sale, it will be all that will be necessary, unless deteriora- tion afterwards result from the inferior quality of the components which the manufacturer has used, or he has been negligent in putting them up. As a matter of course, where the article was what it should have been when it left 20 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. Ills hands, he cannot be held responsible for injury to it, resulting from the in- fluences of the atmosphere, etc. As to the transactions between dealers, we have already written. If a whole- sale dealer or manufacturer, in selling drugs to an apothecary or other retailer, give him a note or bill of sale describing the articles, there arises an implied warranty that the thing sold is, in its nature and qualities, what it is there described to be. The following case will illustrate this principle: “ A bill of sale was as follows: ‘ Ilenshaw & Co. bought of T. W. S. & Co. two cases indigo —$5272.35/ The article proved not to be indigo, but principally Prussian blue. There was no charge of fraud against the vendor, and the article was so prepared as to deceive skilful dealers in indigo. The question was presented as to whether the bill of sale constituted a warranty that the article was indigo. The court, after an able analysis of the cases upon this point, decided in the affirmative.”* For any breach of the warranty in this respect, the vendee may sustain an action against the person from whom he purchased. * “Parsons on Contracts,” vol. 1st, page 582, notes. CHAPTER II. The Compounding of Prescriptions ALTHOUGH, as has been stated, the business of compounding prescriptions is usually connected with that of selling simple unmixed drugs, we have thought it better to consider the rights and liabilities of those engaged in the two branches of the trade separately, in order that the distinctions that exist may be more methodically discussed and clearly understood. While all that has been laid down as to the vendor of drugs has also a full application to the com- pounding apothecary, he is required to exercise a still higher degree of skill in addition. We have seen that the law demands from men engaged in the various trades and professions, qualifications proportioned to the bearing which those occupations have on the general well-being and safety of the public. In every avocation, it requires the use of ordinary care and skill—that is, such as men of ordinary prudence and qualifications would bring to bear in that avocation. The amount, of course, varies. What would be ordinary care and skill in one pursuit, might fall far short in another. The mending of a wagon wheel would require much less than the repairing of a watch, although each is of its own kind and character. The physician, whose profession gives him such an influence on human life and health, of course, must be under a more strict responsibility than the laborer, who has only to do with inanimate substances. In the requirements of the law as to druggists and apothecaries, (technically speaking,) we may also perceive a distinction. For the amount of knowledge that would be sufficient to enable a dealer to sell bare, unmixed drugs, with safety to himself and the public, might be entirely inadequate to enable him with propriety to compound prescriptions. A dealer in cloths, although well informed as to their nature and qualities, may be entirely lacking in the ability to fit them for use as garments. The druggist should know what the various articles of his stock are; the apothecary should know how to use them. By holding himself out to the world as a compounder of medicines, then, the 22 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. dealer places himself under a greater amount of responsibility than attaches to the simple vendor of unmixed drugs. By that act he declares that he is possessed of the requisite knowledge to select, prepare, and combine the various ingredients, according to the wants of the public. In this case, as in that of the druggist, people being generally ignorant as to the nature and qualities of chemicals, trust entirely to the superior wisdom of the vendor. The law requires, therefore, that he shall be so well informed as to the duties of his profession that this confidence will not be misplaced. The apothecary, in the preparation of prescriptions, acts, in a measure, as the commissary of the physician, and his liability is somewhat similar. The latter names certain articles as appropriate in a specific case, and is liable for any damage that may result from the want of the ordinary skill of a physician. The dealer prepares them, and is also answerable for injury caused by his want of ordinary skill in so doing. Let us examine briefly some of the qualifications demanded particularly from the apothecary as a compounder of drugs and medicines. And, in the first place, he should be acquainted with the language used by physicians in prescribing. Although he may oftentimes prepare medicines from recipes of his own, or in accordance with the directions of outside parties, still a large and most important branch of his business must be the furnishing of substances compounded accord- ing to the directions of medical practitioners. It is, therefore, most important that he be able perfectly to understand and carry out their orders. As a matter of course he will be liable if he mistake in compounding a plainly written pre- scription, even though it be in terms persons outside the profession could not comprehend. It will be hardly necessary to say, therefore, that if any cast} occurs iu which doubts arise in the mind of the apothecary, as to the rendering of any words or part of a prescription, he should refuse to proceed until those doubts are removed. lie must always remember that he is the custodian of most dan- gerous agents, and is under proportionate liability for the exercise of prudence and circumspection. Some authorities have held that where the physician commits an error, in writing the prescription, the druggist is also rendered responsible by compound- ing it. But this is probably true only where the prescription, as it reads, directs the preparation of a rank and sure poison—one that it would be unsafe to take under any circumstances. The medical attendant is supposed to know the re- quit ements of each patient, and in many instances finds it necessary to order severe remedies; so that the person who prepares the prescription would not necessai il\ be put upon his guard by noticing the fact that hurtful substances were among the ingredients, unless in such quantities as to be dangerous to life. THE COMPOUNDING OP PRESCRIPTIONS. 23 To hold the compounding dealer liable under any other circumstances, would certainly not be just. Too much care cannot be exercised in the selection of the various articles ordered, and the accidents that occur testify that oftentimes far too little is called in play. Harm, caused by the wrong drugs finding their way into prescriptions, will generally return upon the apothecary. As to his liability, the various cir- cumstances of the different instances will have much to do with determining. Upon this point we quote the language of Judge Brewster, in the case of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania against Bower, who had, through carelessness, substituted a poisonous substance for one comparatively harmless, called for by the prescription. He said: “ The mixing of medicines for the relief or cure of the sick is clearly a lawful act. But the law requires that no person should attempt to deal out drugs as a matter of business or profit, Without competent knowledge or skill. So, too, he must not only possess knowledge and skill, but he should employ these attributes to the best of his ability, and failing herein, he should be held to a strict responsibility. We should deal, however, with human nature as we find it, and hold no man liable as a criminal unless he assume the duty of an employment, knowing that he is incompetent to discharge its functions, or unless, possessing the proper information, he fail to employ it. The test, therefore, lies in the word negligence. “ If a man wholly ignorant of the science of medicine and chemistry undertakes, for profit, to compound a prescription, and poisons another, he might be convicted of voluntary manslaughter. So, too, if ever so expert, he should undertake the same delicate employment, and mix the drugs in the dark, or while in a state of intoxication, and thereby cause death, this might be evidence of such gross negli- gence as would justify a jury in finding a wanton and reckless disregard of life; and here again the offence would be voluntary manslaughter. “ On the other hand, if the person compounding the prescription was a skilful druggist, and in a proper condition, but, by omitting some minor act of care, occasioned death, he would be guilty of involuntary manslaughter. And still again, if, without any fault or want of proper care, the wrong drug found its way into the medicine compounded, and death resulted, the act would be simple mis- adventure, and not indictable. ****** * * “ Did the defendant employ reasonable care in the preparation of this medicine ? This involves two points: First, his reading of the word referred to; second, his knowledge of the deadly character of the drug he used. For though he inno- cently mistook the language of the prescription, yet if the exercise of reasonable care would have warned him that he was preparing something which would inevi- THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. 24 tably kill, it would be criminal in him to go on. The inquiry, then, is not whether he put in the proper drugs, or made a mistake, for his default herein would not necessarily be crime. But the higher and truer test is the presence of reasonable care. A professional man does not insure those who deal with him against all contingencies. He simply contracts to use his skill and intelligence to the best of his ability, and with all due fidelity.” It will be understood, from the above clear exposition of the law, that the measure of criminality will be varied by the circumstances of each case, and that there may be, instances where injury or death results fi’om an improper use of drugs, in which the compounding pharmaceutist will not be liable. As wras before stated, what is required from him is the exercise of such care and skill as reasonable and ordinarily qualified men would use in the business. To proceed; let us notice the necessity, referred to in the case of vendors of drugs, for caution in the employment of the various utensils of the dispensing department. Pains should be taken that the vessels and implements be so cleansed that none of the ingredients of different prescriptions become mingled. Cases have been quite often reported, in which want of sufficient attention to this point has resulted in most serious consequences to life and health. Even where the particles clinging to the implements are not sufficient, or of a nature to positively injure, still their effect may be to neutralize the intended beneficial influence of the medicines with which they become mingled. Want of ordinary care in this respect; (and the law would imply such want of care, in almost every instance of this kind) will render the apothecary liable. But, although cases have occurred, as has been just stated, where injury has followed negligence here, it hardly seems requisite for us to do more than to refer to the necessity for caution. The pharmaceutist, again, should have a knowledge of the quantity of the various medicines proper to be given at any one time, or in any one dose. He should be informed as to the amount of any drug that can be safely administered, bearing in mind the various ages and conditions of health. For, although the apportionment of medicines according to the circumstances of the patient, may belong more properly to the physician, still there are many times when apothe- caries undertake this, and when they thus shoulder the burthen, they must bear it carefully. If the druggist doubts his ability to discriminate, it is certainly his pii\ ilege, and piobably his duty, to refuse to act—and thereby avoid responsibility. If one should undertake to furnish medicine for the cure of a child, and for that purpose should compound the same prescription that had been prepared for a man of full age, to be administered in like doses, he would undoubtedly be liable THE COMPOUNDING OF PEESCEIPTIONS. 25 for resulting injury. The above refers, of course, only to those instances in which the apothecary, for profit, takes upon himself the task of selecting medicines, without waiting for orders from others. The druggist, in compounding, should also be acquainted with the laws, or rather rules, regulating the combination of the various substances he employs. The union of a certain drug with one substance may produce a medicine that is harmless, while the use of the same with another article, may produce such a change in its nature as to cause it to become a rank poison. Upon these pecu- liarities of chemical combination, the pharmaceutist is supposed to be informed, and from the few mistakes of this class that are reported, it is presumed that they generally are so. It is particularly desirable that the apothecary, in compounding prescriptions, should be so conversant with the nature of his stock, that he may know the liability to change, in character, to which any article maybe subject. In prepar- ing medicines, he should be most careful to use the exact substances ordered, possessing only those qualities which properly and ordinarily belong to them. In this connection it may be well to consider, briefly, the position of the apothe- cary when he has innocently sold a drug that has come into his possession bear- ing a wrong label, without being aware as to the error, and injury follows its use. As we shall hereafter see, the person making, preparing, or putting up drugs, who mislabels them will be responsible for resulting damage; but will the druggist who uses and dispenses them in good faith, be under the same liability ? This is a point upon which a number of difficult questions may arise, and in the absence of decisions that would be recognized as of universal authority, we can only give views supported by what are considered as binding principles of law. The circumstances under which the error referred to can occur, may vary con- siderably. If a druggist, in preparing a medicine, should improperly use as one of its ingredients a poisonous substance, the plea that the package or vessel from which he took it bore the label of a different drug—which label was placed there by the manufacturer—would not excuse him. For, in such case he would have an opportunity to examine the ingredients, and it would undoubtedly be his duty to do so. To attempt the compounding of prescriptions without possessing suffi- cient knowledge to render an examination of their components effectual, would, as has been already stated, certainly render him liable. And, again, in thus selling drugs he deals directly with the consumer, and impliedly warrants the good quality of the substances he employs in preparing the articles sold. But questions of greater difficulty arise when we consider the liability of the 26 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. dealer who sells in unbroken packages. If a manufacturer issue sealed bottles containing or supposed to contain a certain drug, and a person ask for and obtain from the druggist into whose hands, some of them have passed, a bottle of that specific medicine by that manufacturer, it would seem that there might be room for doubt as to whether the retailer would be liable for injury resulting from the presence in it of hurtful substances or properties. For the purchaser chooses to rely upon the manufacturer, and cannot reasonably suppose that the druggist, who does not open and examine the packages, undertakes to warrant the quality of the contents. But there are those who hold different opinions; and where there are laws forbidding the sale of poisons, the apothecary would not be shielded by the fact that he sold such an article unwittingly in the original unbroken package, and upon the credit of the maker. This subject will be referred to again. Having prepared his prescriptions, the apothecary, if he place any label what- ever upon them, must be careful to use the proper one. This marking is cus- tomary, very proper, and indeed, in some cases is required by law. The same general principles as to the negligence that will render parties liable, in the other branches of the business, will also apply here. The case of Walsh vs. Lobeck, tried a short time since, although not carried into the Supreme Court of the State, (Pennsylvania,) presented rather an interesting question of fact. The defendant, an apothecary, had compounded two prescriptions for the plaintiff, and the ground of the action was, that he had put upon one bottle the label which should have been placed upon the other, through which error damage had been done to the plaintiff. The defence claimed that the evidence did not estab- lish the fact that the mistake had been made by the druggist. They proved that the bottles had been placed by the plaintiff, or his agents, in a bowl of water for some purpose, and asserted that the action of the fluid had removed the label, and that in endeavoring to replace it, the mistake had been made by the attend- ants. The jury, after having retired, sent for a bowl of water, and tried its effects upon a label; when they found that the water actually did cause it to cleave from the bottle after a short time. They returned a verdict for the de- fendant, on the ground that it had not been sufficiently proved that he was the paity at fault in marking. Had that been established, there could have been no room for doubt as to his liability. While upon the subject of the injury resulting from the incorrect labelling of drugs, it will be proper to look at the position in which the law places the manufacturing or preparing pharmaceutist, who sends forth a substance im- properly marked, and thus causes injury. In the case of Thomas vs. Winchester. THE COMPOUNDING OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 27 C. J. R uggles stated the principles of law bearing upon this point at large, and probably as they are generally recognized and acknowledged. The action was brought by Mary A. Thomas, against the defendant, to recover damages caused by his negligence in putting up and labelling a certain drug. The physician of the plaintiff prescribed a dose of dandelion, and her husband purchased what he supposed to be that substance from an apothecary; but it proved, instead, to be extract of belladonna—a deadly poison. As a consequence, the plaintiff received great injury to her health, and her life was despaired of for some time. The jar from which the medicine was taken was labelled “ dan- delion,” and marked as “ prepared by A. Gilbert.” The apothecary believed the label to be correct, and sold the article as the extract of dandelion. He had purchased it from J. S. Aspinwall, a druggist in New York, who had bought it of the defendant as the extract of dandelion, according to the purport of the label. The defendant was a dealer in vegetable extracts, used for medicinal* purposes, some of which he manufactured, and some he bought. All, however, when put up for sale, were labelled as “ prepared by A. Gilbert.” Gilbert had been previously engaged in the same business, and at the same place, upon his own account ; and although he was now merely an assistant, the jars containing the drugs were marked with his name, to give them a higher marketable value. The extract of belladonna contained in the jar that passed through the hands of Aspinwall to those of Foord, the dispensing apothecary, had not been prepared by the defendant, but was one of those that he had pur- chased from another dealer. It was proved that the labels used upon the vessels were the property of Winchester, the defendant, although they bore the name of Gilbert. The judge stated the law as follows: “ The case depends upon the first point taken by the defendant on his motion* for a non-suit, and the question is whether the defendant, being a remote vendor of the medicine, and there being no privity or connection between him and the plaintiff, the action can be maintained. “ If, in labelling a poisonous drug with the name of a harmless medicine, for public market, no duty was violated by the defendant, excepting that which he owed to Aspinwall, his immediate vendee, in virtue of his contract of sale, this action cannot be maintained. If A build a wagon and sell it to B, who sells it to C, and C hires it to D, who, in consequence of the gross negligence of A in building the wagon, is overturned and injured, D cannot recover damages against A, the builder. A’s obligation to build the wagon faithfully arises solely out of his contract with B. The public have nothing to do with it. Misfortunes to third persons, not parties to the contract, would not be a natural and necessary 28 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. consequence of the builder’s negligence; and such negligence is not an act imme- diately dangerous to human life. “ So, for the same reason, if a horse be defectively shod by a smith, and a person hiring the horse from the owner is thrown and injured in consequence of the smith’s negligence in shoeing, the smith is not liable for the injury. The smith’s duty in such case grows exclusively out of his contract with the owner of the horse; it was a duty which the smith owed to him alone, and to no one else. And although the injury to the rider may have happened in consequence of the negligence of the smith, the latter was not bound, either by his contract or by any consideration of public policy or safety, to respond for his breach of duty to any one except the person he contracted with. “But the case in hand stands on a different ground. The defendant was a dealer in poisonous drugs. Gilbert was his agent in preparing them for the market. The death, or great bodily harm, of some person was the natural and almost inevitable consequence of the sale of belladonna by means of the false label. “ Gilbert, the defendant’s agent, would have been punishable for manslaughter if Mrs. Thomas had died in consequence of taking the falsely labelled medicine. Every man who, by his culpable negligence, causes the death of another, although without intent to kill, is guilty of manslaughter. A chemist who negligently sells laudanum in a phial labelled as paregoric, and thereby causes the death of a person to whom it is administered, is guilty of manslaughter. So highly does the law value human life, that it admits of no justification whereon life has been lost, and the carelessness or negligence of one person has contributed to the death of another. And this rule applies not only where the death of one is occasioned by the negligent act of another, but where it is caused by the negligent omission of a duty of that other. Although the defendant Winchester may not be answer- able criminally for the negligence of his agent, there can be no doubt of his liability in a civil action, in which the act of the agent is to be regarded as the act of the principal. ********** In the present case, the sale of the poisonous article was made to a dealer in drugs, and not to a consumer. The injury, therefore, was not likely to fall on him or on his vendee, who was also a dealer, but much more likely to be visited on a remote purchaser, as actually happened. The defendant’s negligence put human life in imminent danger. Can it be said that there was no duty on the part of the defendant to avoid the creation of that danger by the exercise of greater caution ? Or that the exercise of that caution was a duty only to his immediate vendee, whose life was not endangered ? The defendant’s duty arose THE COMPOUNDING OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 29 out of the nature of his business, and the danger to others incident to its mis- management. “Nothing but mischief like that which actually happened coifld have been expected from sending the poison falsely labelled into the market; and the de- fendant is justly responsible for the probable consequences of the act. The duty of exercising caution in this respect did not arise out of the defendant’s contract of sale to Aspinwall. The wrong done by the defendant was in putting the poison, mislabelled, into the hands of Aspinwall, as an article of merchandise, to be sold and afterwards used as the extract of dandelion by some person then unknown. The owner of a horse and cart, who leaves them unattended in the street, is liable for any damage which may result from his negligence. The owner of a loaded gun, who puts it into the hands of a child, by whose indiscre- tion it is discharged, is liable for the damage occasioned by the discharge. The defendant’s contract of sale to Aspinwall does not excuse the wrong done to the plaintiff. It was a part of the means by which the wrong was effected. The plaintiff’s injury and their remedy would have stood on the same principle if the defendant had given the belladonna to Dr. Foord without price, or if he had put it in his shop without his knowledge, under circumstances which would have led to its sale on the faith of the label. “ In Longmeid v. Holliday, the distinction is recognized between an act of negligence imminently dangerous to the lives of others, and one that is not so.'. In the former case, the party guilty of negligence is liable to the party injured,, whether there be a contract between them or not; in the latter, the negligent, party is only liable to the party with whom he contracted, and on the gronndj that neg-lisence is a breach of the contract. “ The defendant, on the trial, insisted that Aspinwall and Foord were guilty of negligence in selling the article in question for what it was represented to be in the label, and that the suit, if it could be sustained at all, should have been brought against Foord. The Judge charged the jury that if they, or either of them, were guilty of negligence in selling the belladonna for dandelion, the ver- dict must be for the defendant; and left the question of their negligence to the. jury, who found on that point for the plaintiff. If the case really depended on the point thus raised, the question was properly left to the jury. But I think iti did not. The defendant, by affixing the label to the jar, represented its contents,; to be dandelion, and to have been prepared by his agent Gilberts The word prepared on the label must be understood to mean that the article was manu- factured by him, or that it had passed through some process under his hands, which would give him personal knowledge of its true name and quality, 30 THE JUEISPRUDEXCE OP PHARMACY. Whether Foord was justified in selling the article upon the faith of the defend- ant’s label, would have been an open question in an action by the plaintiffs against him, and I wish to be understood as giving no opinion upon that point. But it seems to me to be clear that the defendant cannot, in this case, set up as a defence that Foord sold the contents of the jar as and for what the defendant represented it to be. The label conveyed the idea distinctly to Foord that the contents of the jar was the extract of dandelion, and that the defendant knew it to be such. So far as the defendant is concerned, Foord was under no obligation to test the truth of the representation. The charge of the judge, in submitting to the jury the question in relation to the negligence of Foord and Aspinwall, cannot be complained of by the defendant.” To this clear exposition of the law, it is not necessary that we should add any- thing further upon the points considered. As the judge stated, the sending forth into the world of a poisonous drug, bearing the label of one that is comparatively harmless, is setting in motion an agent for evil that will hold the author answer- able, no matter whether the act be done through malice or negligence, or through how many hands the article passes before the injury result. It only remains for us, in connection with this branch of the subject, to con- sider the rights of the patient, apothecary, and physician, in prescriptions. In former times, medical practitioners generally carried tligir medicine chests with them, and dispensed drugs themselves. But at the present day, the apothecary is the storehouse keeper, upon whom the physician draws for his supplies. This arrangement is beneficial to both professions, as well as to the public, and from it arise certain implied contracts. When a physician sends a prescription to an apothecary to be compounded, there exists between them a tacit understanding or agreement that such prescrip- tion, when it is original with the practitioner sending it, sKall not be made public. In such case, it would be neither honorable nor honest for the druggist to deprive the author of the benefit of it by dispensing it indiscriminately. The knowledge that the medicine composed of the ingredients named in the physi- (Cian’s order is one that is beneficial to certain complaints, may have been obtained only after long study and patient research, and it would certainly be wrong for another person to take away the reward of such labors by throwing the remedy broadcast before the public. The originator undoubtedly has the right to do so it he choose to exercise it. But the apothecary certainly doets not obtain the same privilege by gaining the knowledge of the ingredients and proportions which he acquires in compounding the prescription. The patient certainly has the right to use the order that he has purchased from THE COMPOUNDING OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 31 his medical adviser as often as he chooses. But after the circumstances under which it was first given to him have changed, unless he obtained fresh advice, he employs the medicines named at his own risk, with regard to the consequences produced by them. And he would probably have no right to publish such pre- scription if it were original with his physician. The same may also be said of the druggist who compounds it for him. Professor Ordronaux, of “ Columbia College Law School,” has written what we believe is the only work extant that considers these points with any degree of minuteness; and to his valuable treatise we would refer those desirous of obtaining a comprehensive knowledge of the legal relations bearing upon all the various branches of the medical profession.* Upon this subject he says: “ But although, as has been already shown, the party paying for the prescription has an undoubted property in the paper, and a right to the personal use of the formula, it is clear that he acquires thereby no absolute property in the latter. That he may use it as often as he pleases, cannot be doubted, for the use is precisely what he has purchased and paid for. * * * “ Nor, again, does it follow from the right to use this latter”—the prescription —“ that he can do it in any essentially different way, as by printing or publish- ing it, for example, any more than he could private letters, without first obtain- ing permission of the author, if a letter, and by parity of reason of the physician, if a prescription.” The prescription, then, continues the property of the author, although the druggist has a copy of it in his possession. The latter has the equitable right to use it only subject to the order of the physician. But this is true only of those that are original, and does not apply to the multitude of medical recipes found in the various pharmacopoeias or dispensatories. For the physician has no greater property in the latter than has the apothecary, who can compound them as often as he chooses, and does not thereby subject himself to liability for depriving another of the fruit of his industry. * “Jurisprudence of Medicine.” By John Ordronaux, LL.B., M.D. CHAPTER III. Jhe as a JPractitioner. WHEN the apothecary engages professionally in the practice of medicine, as a matter of course, he takes upon himself new responsibilities, and stands upon very much the same legal footing with the members of the profession. There are some regular physicians who unite the sale of drugs and chemicals with their practice, but in this connection we only wish to speak of those who, being simply druggists and apothecaries, undertake the healing of the sick. The statutes of several of the States require that only those who are regularlv licensed shall engage in practice. Where such laws exist, one not being thus qualified can recover nothing for his services, however valuable they may have been. But in the absence of such requirement, we know of nothing that will prevent a patient from employing whomsoever he chooses to attend him, and from being liable to remunerate him, in case any service be rendered. The liability of an individual for malfeasance in “the healing art,” will depend very much upon the extent of the qualifications he has induced the pub- lic to believe he possesses. The regular physician who undertakes the cure of a person, and by his want of the ordinary skill belonging properly to the profes- sion, causes injury, is certainly liable to the patient. But if a person known to be entirely inexperienced, and who makes no pretensions to fitness and capacity as a medical practitioner, be employed, he cannot ordinarily be held answerable for damages resulting from wrong treatment. Says Mr. Story, in his treatise on contracts: “ If a person known not to be a physician or surgeon, and to have no peculiar knowledge or skill in the treatment of disease, be called in and afford gratuitous assistance to the best of his ability, he is not liable if he administer improper remedies. But the druggist is generally neither entirely conversant with—nor utterly ignorant upon—medical matters, and would stand between the two, in respect to his liability. He could hardly be expected to possess the experience and information of regularly educated physicians; and still, from the THE APOTHECARY AS A PRACTITIONER. 33 nature of his employment, the public would naturally look for a higher degree of skill than they could expect to find in one entirely unconnected with the healing art. If a person suffering from some complaint, should state his ailment to one whom he knew to be entirely unskilled in medicine, and that person should rec- ommend certain remedies for him, no action would lie against the person thus prescribing for any evil effects resulting from their use, in the absence of malice. The patient would have no reason to place confidence in the suggestions of an unskilled volunteer. But the case would be different, if he should enter a drug store, and stating the nature of his disease, should ask the apothecary to prepare him some medicine which would be suitable to his complaint. If the dealer, in accordance with his request, proceed to compound a dose which, from its entire unfitness for the case as stated, after being taken, work injury, he would probably be liable to an action. The patient was justified in placing some confidence in the druggist, although probably not as much as he might in a professional physi- cian. And the want of skill in prescribing, that would render the regular practitioner liable, in many cases would not be sufficiently gross to make an apothecary answerable, unless he had expressly contracted for the use of the ordinary qualities of the former. The dealer in drugs is not compelled to take upon himself the responsibility of deciding what remedies will be suitable in any particular case. And if, instead of doing so, he merely state the fact that such and sucli medicines are often used for complaints like that named by the patient, and the latter then order such remedies prepared, the apothecary will place him- self under no liability by furnishing them. When injury results from an attempt by a druggist to treat a patient’s disease, he cannot defend . himself by claiming that he acted without consideration or reward, and therefore cannot be held answerable. For, when a person undertakes a work, although he is to receive no compensation, lie is liable for gross negli- gence in its performance. And, in fact, the apothecary does receive compensa- tion in the profit he makes or is supposed to make on the drugs used in the preparation of the medicine he sells. The varying circumstances of the different cases will make a great difference in the liability imposed. If a persorf living in a place where there was no regu- lar physician, or who was unable to obtain one, should apply to a druggist to assist him, and the latter use his best skill and all his knowledge in so doing, he would not be liable, generally, for injury following his inexperience. For the employer was not induced to choose him in preference to those of known abili- ties, by his representations that he was possessed of the ordinary requirements, 34 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. but was led, in so doing, by liis own necessities. An apothecary may, however, by pretending to be competent and making such a show as to induce the public to believe that he is so, place himself under as strict a legal responsibility for neglect or malpractice, as a regular medical attendant. It would not be just that the mere fact that a person had been licensed, should render him liable to a greater extent than another who made equal pretensions to skill, but had no diploma to show. It is not always possible for the public to know at once, whether a person holding himself out as a regular practitioner, has pursued the usual course of study or not, what is required, then, from the physician in the pursuit of his calling, is the exercise of ordinary carefulness, skill, and diligence; and the apothecary who professes to stand in his place, must possess and use the same qualifications. For anything short, the law will hold him answerable. Having undertaken the care of a patient, he must not only possess ordinary skill, but must use it in favor of that patient, and if, by his inattention, the disease is allowed to overcome him, he will be liable. If, for example, an apothecary should attempt to set a broken leg, and through his incapacity to perform such an operation, or his want of attention afterwards, the joinder be crooked and imperfect, an action will lie against him for the injury. No medical attendant, of course, is expected to cure every case that comes to him, and if, notwithstanding the use of ordinary care and attention the patient die, he is not in default, where damages are recoverable, their amount will vary with the circumstances of the different cases. The sufferer is not always confined to remuneration for actual loss and pain, but may sometimes also recover what the law calls “ vindictive damages.” But where the defendant has proved that he has exercised the necessary qualifications in any degree, such verdicts should not be encouraged. The healing art is most beneficial to the public, and it is im- possible that even the most skilful and experienced men can always understand the nature and proper treatment of a disease. hen malpractice is the cause of the death of a patient, the person guilty thereof may sometimes incur the penalties of murder or manslaughter. The law upon .this point may be considered as laid down in the following words used by Judge Scott in a charge to a jury : “ If a person assume to act as a physician, however ignorant of medical science, and prescribe with an honest intention of curing the patient, but, through ignorance of the quality of the medicine pre- scribed, or of the nature of the disease, or both, the patient die in consequence of the treatment, contrary to the expectation of the party prescribing, he is not guilty of murder or manslaughter. But if the party prescribing have so much knowledge of the fatal tendency of the prescription that it may be reasonably THE APOTHECARY AS A PRACTITIONER. 35 presumed that he administered the medicine from an obstinate and wilful rash- ness, and not with an honest intention and expectation of effecting a cure, he is guilty of manslaughter at least, though he might not have intended any bodily harm to the patient.” In early times, it was held that a distinction existed between the respective liabilities of the licensed and the unlicensed practitioner. Upon this subject, Blackstone says: “ If a physician give his patient a potion or plaister to cure him, which, contrary to expectation, kills him, this is neither murder nor manslaughter, but misadventure, and he shall not be punished criminally, however liable he might formerly have been to a civil action for neglect or ignorance; but it hath been holden that if it be not a regular physician or surgeon who administers the medicine, or performs the operation, it is manslaughter at the least; yet Sir Matthew Hale very justly questions the law of this determination.” From what we have said, then, it will be understood that persons practising medicine will be held liable criminally only when their negligence or want of skill has been so gross that from it the law will imply an intention to do injury. But the civil liability will attach whenever a reasonable amount of expertness and care is not employed. CHAPTER IV. JVLEDICINES. THE manufacture and sale of the various preparations and compounds com- monly known as “patent medicines,” has, within a few years past, become quite an important branch of business in this country. Although lacking the prestige that medicines prepared for specific cases by competent parties possess, the availability of these articles, combined with cheapness, and in some cases real merit, have made them quite popular, and some of them are found upon the shelves of many of our drug stores, and have a place in mul- titudes of our family medicine closets. As to the wisdom of the popular favor which has brought into existence so many of these patent remedies, we do not propose to speak. It would be wrong to unreservedly condemn a class, in some of the species of which so much real merit lies; and it would also be wrong to blindly recommend a system which may be productive of harm. That the too common and indiscriminate use of these general remedies may become a prolific source of evil, cannot be for a moment doubted. An experienced and competent physician, after a careful examination of the condition and circumstances of his patient, may often beneficially employ power- ful drugs. But when those drugs are put into the hands of those who have but little knowledge of their own condition, to be used as their imagination and unaided judgment dictate, it certainly is not strange that injury results. Patent medicines are often purchased to avoid the expense attending the employment of professional skill and knowledge, and are used with a considerable amount of blind faith and confidence. Remembering this, it will be easy to prescribe the bounds within which the business can safely be conducted. As long as these patent remedies can be so compounded as to possess the power to benefit those who aie affected by disease, without having also the capacity to do injury when used without a great amount of judgment and caution, their production will be an advantage to the public, and no longer. We believe that this fact has been recognized and acted upon by those who have originated the most successful of 37 the remedies that have been placed before the public. Many of the ingredients they have brought into requisition, when properly prepared, are most efficacious in subduing disease, and, under ordinary circumstances, have no tendency to injure. But the profit connected with the business will induce some to engage in it who are lacking in conscientiousness, and will carelessly employ dangerous agents. It is not, however, our intention to discuss the merits of these preparations, but to consider some of the principles of law applying to their manufacture and sale. And, as these are in many respects analogous to those relating to the sale of drugs in general, we shall only devote a short space to their consideration. A distinction between the contracts of sale of ordinary drugs and of patent medicines, lies in the fact that in the case of the former, the consumer who pur- chases from the apothecary, relies upon his skill, while the buyer of the latter, although he purchase from the same apothecary, places his reliance upon the knowledge and judgment of the manufacturer. As said before, the mixing of various drugs already manufactured, or the selection and preservation of uncom- pounded drugs, requires a considerable degree of skill on the part of the druggist; but when he merely acts as the vendor of another’s preparations, sealed and stamped with the maker’s mark, we think his position is different. As the dealer, in the latter case, makes no pretence that he has examined, and no offer to warrant the articles sold, it would seem that he should not be held under as strict a liability as when he disposes of drugs and chemicals. The manufacturer, however, is held to a strict responsibility for injuries re- sulting from the proper use of his preparations. He has invited the public, by means of advertisements, etc., to invest in his medicines, and if they do so, and are damaged in health after having used them as directed, we know of no rule of law that will release the maker from responsibility. It is customary to place labels upon the vessels containing medicinal preparations, stating how they are to be used, what complaints they are intended to affect, etc. The object of these labels is as often to induce persons to purchase, as to tell them how to use the compounds after they have been purchased. They would, in general, add nothing to the warranty implied in the sale of drugs. The labels on many patent medi- cines would signify that they are a “ cure for all the ills to which the flesh is heir;” but they would probably be construed as belonging to the same class as what a learned judge called “ the babble of the auction room,” and would carry no warranty to the purchaser. There is nothing, however, to prevent the manu- facturer from warranting his wares to cure any specified disease; and when he does so, by using such language as the vendee would be justified in relying upon, PATENT MEDICINES. 38 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. he will be liable for any breach of his engagement. While it would be folly upon the part of a person to accept as truth any statement that a certain medi- cine was a cure for every complaint, still, such language may be used, or asser- tions made, as any prudent and intelligent man would have a right to believe and trust in; and in such cases the law will often imply a warranty. If directions for use accompany the medicines, the maker is not ordinarily liable, unless they are followed, and damage then result. He has the right to, and should, for his own protection, direct the manner in which the articles he manufactures shall be employed; and when those directions, plainly written or printed, are not followed, there is no reason why he should be held answerable. A person who swallows a whole box of pills, or bottle of extracts, at one dose, when the label tells him to take a much smaller quantity, has only himself to blame for consequential harm. For all injury, however, resulting from such use of patent medicines as the directions authorize, the manufacturer will be held responsible. Professing to benefit mankind, he must not lay snares in their way, and make profit by the sale of articles that have a direct tendency to injure. He should, therefore, be extremely careful as to the compounding of his preparations, and as to the language he employs in labelling them, remembering that although the use of words professing that they will cure and heal all diseases, wounds, and > ' ' ailments, may perhaps increase the sale of his commodities, it will also, in many cases, add to his liability. If, by mistake, an injurious or poisonous substance should be mingled with the ingredients of a patent medicine, and harm should follow, there can be no doubt as to the liability of the manufacturer, and in some cases he might be found guilty of manslaughter. But when we consider the questions that arise as to the responsibility of the retail dealer who merely sells these preparations, without any examination, we find much more difficulty involved. It can hardly be claimed that the apothecary stands upon the same footing, when he sells these articles, that he does in using drugs in the compounding of prescriptions. In the latter case, the medicine when completed is the work of his own proper skill, and he is bound to know that the ingredients he employs are suitable and proper. He has an opportunity, by the aid of his knowledge of drugs, to examine all he uses, and should do so, if he would be safe. Here, as we have seen, he would be liable foi mistakes, even though they resulted from the improper labelling by the manufacturer of the articles employed. But when a purchaser asks for some preparation put up by a maker of patent medicines, securely sealed, and which, therefore, the druggist has had no oppor- ‘ tunity to examine, he trusts to that manufacturer, and cannot in ordinary cases, PATENT MEDICINES. 39 we think, hold the druggist liable for injury, when a mistake has been made in the composition of the article. If he were responsible, it must be on the ground of negligence. But such negligence could only consist in his not examining particularly the articles sold, and to hold that the retail dealer is obliged to do that, would be in effect to drive these preparations entirely out of the market. For, such an examination is, in many cases, impossible. Patent medicines are usually put up in packages that are securely sealed, corked or fastened, and the opening of them would often destroy or injure them, through the agency of evaporation, etc. The law only requires from men engaged in any branch of business, ordinary care in the pursuit of that business; and we think that ordinary care in the sale of patent medicines Would fall far short of the examination of every pill in a box, or every bottle in a package. It might happen that the hurtful matter lay only in one very small portion of the article sold, where it would require the most minute and careful search to discover it. , Perhaps it might be said by some, that the simple sale of a substance contain- ing hurtful properties was an unlawful act, rendering the vendor liable for the effects thereof. But the sale itself would not be the cause of the injury to the consumer, but merely one in the chain of circumstances, through the medium of which the hurtful ‘substance was enabled to act, and might be in its nature, perfectly lawful. A man who throws poisons into a stream, the water of which is used by others below, is liable for resulting injury, for his wrongful proceed- ing is the direct cause of that injury. But the selling of the articles we are considering would be of a different character, and carry with it different obliga- tions. There might be those again who would claim that the implied warranty which attends the sale of drugs generally would also follow the sale of patent medicines by an apothecary. But we do not think that this warranty can be implied where the acts of the parties themselves directly tend to deny its existence. The pur- chaser asks for the preparation of another than the druggist, without expecting that anything shall be done to it by the latter, who, in his turn, sells it without making any profession of knowledge as to its contents. Let us suppose that a grocer, who grinds and prepares1 spices, also keeps on hand and for sale those put up by some other person; a customer asks specifically for a box of spice pre- pared by the other manufacturer, in which, by mistake, some hurtful substance has found its way. We do not think that the doctrine of implied warranty will hold here, for the purchaser chooses to take the wares of another, with their good and bad qualities, rather than those of the vendor’s own manufacture. It is probably true that in one way benefit to the public might arise from 40 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. holding the retail dealer liable for damage, in all cases where it results from the use of improper compounds. If they were thus responsible, they would probably refuse to deal in the articles until positively assured that they were of such a nature that no evil could result to the consumer; when the compounder, in his turn, would be compelled to omit, in their manufacture, any substance that could possibly harm. But in the absence of binding decisions, we think that the pur- chaser, having bought upon the credit of the manufacturer, and having a remedy against him, would be obliged to resort to him, and could not ordinarily look to the druggist. Where positive poisons were included among the ingredients of any such substance, the case might be different, but it would, be difficult to draw the line of distinction. However, as the law cannot be considered as fully settled upon these points, and as it would probably not look with favor upon measures calculated to give unbounded license to the introduction of these ready-made remedies, the safest policy for the apothecary will be to exercise extreme caution in receiving and selling them. And if he should, for the purpose of making a sale, recommend such an article, his liability might become similar to that of the person who for reward undertakes to prescribe for another. It is certain that the druggist, when he sells, must furnish the specific article asked for by the purchaser. If the latter, by way of example, should request a bottle of “Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,” and the vendor should sell him another preparation, by the use of which damage result to his health, the apothecary could not legally defend himself by proving that the article was put up and marked like Ayer’s preparations, and that he had bought it believing it to be such. He has the means, in most cases, of knowing whose medicines he deals in, and must take care that he sells none other than the article asked for. The difficulty of proving that injury has certainly resulted from the use of these specific remedies, together with the fact that many of them are harmless, will probably prevent the arising of many instances in which the liability of the retail vendor will be tested. But the discussion is at least an interest- ing one, and the principles relating to it will probably eventually be fully settled. Information upon the requirements of the revenue laws as to stamps, and the penalty for dealing in these preparations without them, is given elsewhere. It is hoped that the array of liabilities presented will not serve to discourage any of the members of the pharmaceutical profession. In ancient days, the minds of a superstitious people were wont to associate with the apothecary’s art, PATENT MEDICINES. 41 much of the mystery that hung around the “ Witch’s Cauldron ” of Shakspeare’s imagination: “ Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder’s fork, and blind worm’s sting, Lizard’s leg, and owlet’s wing— For a cliarm of double trouble, Like a hell broth boil and bubble.” And although the practical eye of the law pierces this veil, and views the business of the dealer in drugs as simply one of the practical avocations of life, it has not taken away the high degree of respect ever bestowed upon those engaged therein, who do their duty well. CHAPTER V. J^ONTRACTS OF IN jjrENERAL,. HAVING considered, at sufficient length, the peculiar liabilities of the members of the pharmaceutical profession, as dealers and compounders of drugs, if light has been shed upon the subject, the end in view in com- mencing this little treatise has been attained. But custom has associated or combined with the dealing in drugs, the manufacture or sale of certain articles, such as perfumeries, surgical instruments and appliances, corks, glass, glue, varnish, alcohol, etc., etc.; and it may be well to consider, very briefly, a few of the points that frequently arise in the course of the various contracts concern- ing them—and the principles that govern all these contracts, are the plain and well understood rules of the common law. The vending of soda water is probably more nearly allied—in the nature of the liabilities it imposes—to the drug business, than that of any of the articles named above. As it is made and sold to be at once consumed, and when im- properly prepared may have a very injurious effect upon health and the human system, the implied engagement that it is of good and proper quality always goes with it. The seller will stand upon the same legal ground, with the vendor of wines and provisions. The dealer must be careful that it contains no substances which can cause injury to him who partakes of it. There have been too many instances in which damage and even death has resulted from mistakes in the use of the Various ingredients, or flavoring extracts; and what has been already written as to the carelessness that will render a person guilty of man- slaughter, in the eyes of the law, and as to that which will make him liable for resulting injury, has its full bearing upon the vendor of soda water. As the purchaser is compelled to trust to the skill of the dealer in selecting, and to his care in combining the various component parts, the latter must possess these qualities to an extent sufficient, at least, to guard against injury. The statement of all the legal principles relating to the contracts for the sale and purchase of the articles before-mentioned as bearing some relation to the 49, CONTRACTS OF SALE, IN GENERAL. 43 business of the druggist, cannot, of course, be attempted here. And we shall merely consider briefly a few of the questions that most frequently arise in the course of these dealings. Apothecaries are generally forbidden, by the laws of the various States, to sell for use as a beverage any wines, alcohol, or spirituous liquors; but are exempted from the ordinary requirement as to license, etc., for those they keep for medi- cinal purposes. All dealers in drugs, who keep alcohol or spirits of any kind iii stock, are obliged to expose a sign stating that fact; so, at least, a recent de- cision would seem to imply. As to warranty of the title of an article sold, we would call attention to the following statement of the law. A person selling an article in his possession impliedly warrants that it is his own, and will be answerable to the purchaser, if the title proves to be in another, whether the seller knew that he was lacking in his right, or not. But if the article sold is not in the possession of the vendor, and he does not assume directly to have the title, then the purchaser must not look to him in case he be unable to obtain the article, or be deprived of it through defect of title. In such cases, he buys at his own risk. The vendor, may, however, use words of warranty which will render him liable, even though the chattel be not at the time in his possession. With reference to quality; if there be no express warranty, the law usually implies none. We have already incidentally mentioned two exceptions to this rule; one in the case of the sale of provisions, and the other where the purchaser has no means of judging as to the quality of the article bought. In contracts of this kind, the law will presume a warranty that the goods sold are what the buyer might naturally suppose them to be. We have considered the application of this rule to the sales of drugs and medicines, and need pursue it no further. But there is another exception, which is this: Where the vendor has used fraud, even though there be no express warranty, the law will imply one, no device must be resorted to for the purpose of concealing defects that the purchaser might otherwise discover. Professor Parsons lays down the law upon this point as follows: “ If a seller knows of a defect in his goods which the buyer does not know, and if he had known would not have bought the goods, and the seller is silent and only silent, his silence is nevertheless a moral fraud, and ought perhaps on moral grounds to avoid the transaction. But this moral fraud has not yet grown into a legal fraud. In cases of this kind, there may be circumstances which cause this moral fraud to be a legal fraud, and give the buyer his action on the implied warranty, or on the deceit. If the seller be not silent, but pro- 44 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. duce the sale by means of false representations, then the rule of caveat emptor does not apply, and the seller is answerable for his fraud. But the weight of authority requires that this should be active fraud. The common law does not oblige the seller to disclose all that he knows which lessens the value ctf the property he would sell. He may be silent, leaving the purchaser to inquire and examine for himself, or to require a warranty. He may be silent, and be safe; but if he be more than silent; if by acts and certainly if by words, he leads the buyer astray, inducing him to suppose that he buys with warranty, or otherwise preventing an examination or inquiry, this becomes a fraud of which the law will take cognizance. The distinction seems to be—and it is grounded upon the apparent necessity of leaving men to take some care of themselves in their business transactions—the seller may let the buyer cheat himself ad libitum, but must not actively assist him in cheating himself.” If a lot of toilet bottles, for example, be open to the examination of the buyer, so that he has the means of judging as to their condition, and the seller make no warranty, he will not be answerable for any defect. But if the vendor, in such case, had covered with paint, or in some other way, cracks in the bottles, which tended to materially lessen the value of the articles, he would be liable to the purchaser. For he has taken away from the latter the opportunity for judging as to the value of the thing bought, and is therefore considered as warranting that it is what the buyer might reasonably believe it to be. If a chattel be sold “ with all faults,” the vendor is not liable even for latent defects, unless he uses the fraud of which we have just spoken, to conceal them. Language of the vendor amounting simply to praise or commendation of his Avares, will not generally be construed as a warranty. But if he makes any dis- tinct affirmation of quality, upon which the buyer may justly and reasonably rely5 80 that such affirmation be instrumental in causing the sale, it will be re- garded as a warranty. What particular word or words be used is not important. It is the intention on the part of the vendor, as understood and relied upon by the vendee, that constitutes the liability of the former. 'lcre a note or of sale is given, there is, in general, an implied warranty that the articles sold agree with their description in such bill or note. So where goods are sold by sample, the bulk must correspond with the sample in nature and quality. The buyer has the opportunity to examine only the part that is offered as a specimen, and the seller is therefore supposed to warrant that the balance of the articles sold, are possessed of like qualities. If an express warranty has been given, the fact that the purchaser examined the substance sold, or a sample thereof, will not release the vendor from liability on such CONTRACTS OF SALE, IN GENERAL. 45 warranty. It is an additional security, which the man purchasing has been care- ful enough to obtain, and the law will not deprive him of its benefit. Where a person undertakes to furnish a thing which shall answer a specific purpose, there is an implied engagement that the article when completed shall do so. If, for example, a manufacturer of surgical instruments should contract to produce an appliance “ that shall hold broken limbs in position,” he would liable to an action for a breach of warranty, in case the article furnished fail to answer that purpose. But if, in such case, the surgeon who orders it, takes upon himself the responsibility of directing in what manner the thing shall be made, or if he order a specific article, then the manufacturer is only required to furnish the appliance directed, even though it do not answer the purpose for which the buyer intended it. In the language of Chief Justice Tindal: “ It appears to be a distinction well founded both in reason and authority, that if a party purchases an article upon his own judgment, he cannot afterwards hold the vendor responsi- ble on the ground that the article turns out to be unfit for the purpose for which it was required. But if he relies upon the judgment of the seller, and informs him of the use to which the article is to be applied, it seems to me the transac- tion carries with it an implied warranty that the thing furnished shall be fit and proper for the purposes for which it was designed.” When the warranty—either express or implied—has been broken, the vendee has generally a choice of r#medies. He may return the goods, and defend an action for the price, or sue for it, if it has been already paid. But he should do this at once, and retaining the articles, after a discovery of their inferiority, would be regarded as a confirmation of the sale. If the seller refuse to receive the goods back, the vendee may sell them, and recover from him the difference between what he receives on the sale, and the price originally paid. He should endeavor, however, to obtain the reasonable worth of the goods. If he do not choose to return the goods, and rescind the sale, he may bring his action on the warranty. In this case the value of the articles not returned would be consid- ered in estimating damages. CHAPTER VI. Jnternal Revenue j_AWS. APOTHECARIES are required, by the provisions of the internal revenue laws, to pay an annual special tax of ten dollars, in case their yearly gross receipts amount to over one thousand dollars. If their annual sales exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, they are required to pay, in addition to that special tax, one dollar for every thousand in excess of that amount. The act of Congress imposing the tax, thus determines who shall be considered as coming under its provisions: “ Every person who keeps a shop or btiilding where medicines are compounded or prepared according to prescriptions of physi- cians, or where medicines are sold, shall be regarded as an apothecary. But wholesale and retail dealers who have paid the special tax therefor shall not be required to pay a tax as apothecaries.” Then follows a clause which provides that druggists who have paid the special tax as such, shall not be required to pay as retail liquor dealers, in consequence of selling' alcohol, or “ dispensing, upon the prescriptions of physicians, the wines and spirits officinal in the United States and other national pharmacopoeias, in quantities not exceeding half a pint of either, at any one time, nor exceeding in aggregate cost value the sum of three hundred dollars per annum.” Physicians, surgeons, and dentists are required, although two or more be in partnership, to individually pay a special tax; but the payment of one such tax is sufficient for any number of members of a firm of druggists. But if the firm be changed by the taking in of new partners, or in other manner, during the year, a new special tax must be paid. The law allows a change of the place of business, without a new assessment, in case the particulars of the change be registered with the assistant assessor and collector of such new place of business. The legal representatives, or the executors or administrators of a person deceased, who before his death paid the special tax, may carry on the business without payment of anything additional. Wholesale dealers whose annual sales do not exceed fifty thousand dollars, are INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS. 47 required to pay a yearly tax of fifty dollars. In case their annual sales exceed that amount, the law requires the payment of one dollar for every thousand dol- lars of the excess, in addition. Under this head will fall “ every person who shall, for himself, or on commission, sell, or offer to sell, any goods, wares, or merchandise of foreign or domestic production, not including wines, spirits, or malt liquors, whose annual sales exceed twenty-five thousand dollars.” Wholesale dealers are also allowed to do business as apothecaries at the same place, without being required to pay any additional special tax. Retail dealers are those doing business the same as the foregoing, whose annual sales exceed one thousand dollars, but do not exceed twenty-five thousand. Their special tax amounts to ten dollars, and its payment also allows them to do busi- ness as apothecaries at. the same place. Wholesale dealers in liquors, whose annual sales do not exceed fifty thousand dollars, are required to pay one hundred dollars. If the sales exceed that amount, they must pay one dollar for every thousand over fifty, in addition. Every person who sells or offers for sale any distilled spirits, fermented liquors, or wines of any kind, whose annual sales, including sales of other merchandise, shall exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, shall be regarded as a wholesale dealer in liquors. Retail liquor dealers are to pay a special tax of twenty-five dollars. Every person who sells or offers for sale foreign or domestic spirits, wines, ale, beer, or other malt liquors, and whose annual sales, including all sales of other merchan- dise, do not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, is considered as a retail dealer in liquors. As the payment of the apothecary’s tax allows the person so paying to dispose only of such wines, liquors and spirits, as are compounded or mixed in medicines and prescriptions, it is customary for drug dealers to pay, instead, the tax imposed upon wholesale or retail liquor dealers. When they do so, they are exempted from payment of any tax as apothecaries, as the greater includes the less. A decision by Commissioner Delano, referred to before, requires all dealers engaged in any way in the sale of liquors and spirits, to expose to view a sign stating that fact. While, as we shall see, the distillation of spirits or alcoholic liquors is placed under severe restrictions, and a heavy tax, the law provides that “ no tax shall be imposed for any still, stills, or other apparatus used by druggists and chemists, for the recovery of alcohol for pharmaceutical, chemical, or scientific purposes, which has been used in those processes.” The act approved on the thirteenth of March, 1868, materially altered and THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. 48 simplified the internal revenue system. That act repealed the ad valorem and specific taxes on all manufactures, except that upon coal, gas, the various products of petroleum and bituminous substances, tobacco in its various forms, distilled spirits, and fermented liquors. To supply the place of those repealed, a tax was imposed upon sales by manufacturers, as follows: “ Every person, firm, or cor- poration who shall manufacture, by hand or machinery, any goods, wares or merchandise (breadstuffs and unmanufactured lumber excepted) not otherwise specifically taxed, and whose annual sales exceed five thousand dollars, shall pay for every additional thousand dollars in excess of five thousand dollars, two dollars. The amount of sales in excess of the rate of five thousand dollars per annum, shall be returned quarter-yearly to the assistant assessor, and the tax on the excess of five thousand dollars shall be assessed by the assessor, and paid quarter-yearly, in the months of January, April, July, and October of each year, as other taxes are assessed and paid; and the first assessment herein provided for shall be made in the month of July, 1868, for the three months then next pre- ceding. Manufacturers whose annual products exceed the sum of one thousand dollars, are also subject to a special tax of ten dollars. Under the caption of manufac- turers, the law includes all those who, by hand or machinery, make any goods, wares, or merchandise, or “ who are engaged in the manufacture or preparation for sale of any articles or compounds, or shall put up for sale in packages, with their own name and trade mark thereon, any article or compound.” Persons manufacturing above one thousand dollars’ worth in two or more places, must pay a special tax on each. If a manufacturer, who is engaged the entire year in the production of taxable articles, owing to the nature of those articles, or other causes, does not make his sales monthly, he is still entitled to the exemption of one thousand dollars per annum, if his sales during the entire year do not exceed three thousand dollars. Manufacturers are also allowed, without additional tax, to sell their goods at the place where they are made, or at the principal office, provided only samples are kept at such office. Stamp Duties. By the provisions of the revenue laws, the tax on certain articles may be paid by placing stamps upon them, which stamps arc to be cancelled or destroyed, after being once used. The following are the requirements concerning the stamping of articles usually found upon the shelves of the druggist, and will INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS. 49 give him, with what has gone before, a knowledge of the bearing that the Inter- nal Revenue Acts have upon his business. Upon “ every packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, containing any pills, powders, tinctures, troches, lozenges, sirups, cordials, bitters, anodynes, tonics, plasters, liniments, salves, ointments, pastes, drops, waters, essences, spirits, oils, or other medicinal preparations or compositions whatsoever, made and sold, or removed for consumption and sale, by any person or persons what- ever, wherein the person making or preparing the same has, or claims to have, any private formula or occult secret or art for the making or preparing the same, or has or claims to have any exclusive right or title to the making or preparing the same, or which are prepared, uttered, vended, or exposed for sale under any letters patent, or held out or recommended to the public by the makers, vendors, or proprietors thereof, as proprietary medicines, or as remedies or specifics for any disease, diseases, or affections whatever, affecting the human or animal body,” is required the payment of tax as follows: When the retail price or value of such vessel and contents shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five cents—one cent. When the retail price or value of such vessel and contents shall exceed twenty- five cents, and shall not exceed fifty cents—two cents. When the retail price or value of such vessel and contents shall exceed fifty cents, and not exceed seventy-five—three cents. When the retail price of such article shall exceed seventy-five, and shall not exceed one dollar—four cents. Where the retail price or value exceeds one dollar, for each and every fifty cents or fractional part thereof, over the sum of one dollar—an additional two cents. All perfumeries and cosmetics, put up in similar shape, are subject to the same ad volorem tax as the medical preparations noticed above. Proprietors of these articles (medicinal preparations, perfumeries, and cosmet- ics) are allowed to furnish and use private dies, without expense to the United States. When the proprietary stamps are so affixed to the vessel or package that in opening the same the stamp must be unavoidably destroyed, it is not necessary to cancel them; otherwise they should be cancelled by writing or printing upon them the initials and date. When general proprietary stamps are used, they must be so effaced. It will be sufficient, if proprietary medicines and preparations, perfumery, and cosmetics, be stamped according to their retail price or value in the vicinity of the place of manufacture, although that be less than the sum for which they are sold. And any person who offers or exposes for sale, any of these articles, will be deemed to be the manufacturer, and will be subject to the liabilities and, 50 THE JURISPRUDENCE OF PHARMACY. penalties imposed for the sale of such articles without the use of the proper stamp. When the medicines, perfumery, and cosmetics have been imported into this country, and are sold in the original and unbroken packages, in which the foreign manufacturer placed them, no penalty is incurred by the neglect to use the proper stamp. But where the packages are opened and broken, stamps should be affixed to the articles, in addition to the import duties. “All medicines, preparations, compositions, perfumery, cosmetics, cordials, and other liquors, intended for exportation, and composed wholly or in part of domestic spirits, may be manufactured in bonded warehouse, and removed with- out stamps.” Otherwise, the making, preparing, selling, or removing for sale or consump- tion, of any of the articles we have named as subject to the stamp duties, without the affixing of the appropriate stamps, subjects the person so doing to a penalty of fifty dollars for each omission. The penalty for removal of stamps from those articles is fifty dollars and the forfeiture of the article-; and for any attempt to evade this duty, the penalty is one hundred dollars, and the forfeiture of the article. It will be hardly necessary to say that the stamps used must be pro- prietary, and not ordinary legal stamps, such as are properly placed upon checks, receipts, etc. No stamp tax is imposed upon medicines sold, which are mixed or compounded according to the prescription of a physician or surgeon. Neither is any tax imposed upon any uncompounded drug or chemical. But “all medicinal arti- cles, whether simple or compounded by any rule, authority, formula published or unpublished, which are put up in a style or manner similar to that of patent or proprietary medicines in general, or advertised in newspapers or by public handbills, for popular sale and use, as having any special proprietary claim to merit, or to any peculiar advantage in mode of preparation, quality, use, or effect, whether such claim be real or pretended, are liable to the tax.” Once again, the law imposes no tax upon certain medicines often compounded by apothecaries, according to certain formulas laid down in the dispensatories, etc. Upon this point it defines as follows: “ No stamp tax shall be imposed uPon any medicine compounded according to the United States or othei national pharmacopoeia, or of which the full and proper formula is pub- lished in any of the dispensatories now or hitherto in common use among physi- cians oi apothecaries, or in any pharmaceutical journal now issued by any in- corporated college of pharmacy, unless sold or offered for sale or advertised under some other name, form, or guise than that under which they are severally denominated and kid down in such pharmacopoeias, dispensatories or journals.” CHAPTER VII. Revenue Relating to Pistilled THE act imposing taxes on spirits and alcohol is too lengthy to be inserted in these pages in full, and no attempt will be made to give more than a general outline of its provisions and requirements. For minute details, the reader is referred to the law itself, as passed July, 1868. Upon all distilled spirits is required the payment of a tax of fifty cents on each proof gallon, before it is removed from the distilling warehouse. Every pro- prietor, and every person in any way interested in any of the distilling appa- ratus, is liable for the payment of the tax, which is to be a first lien on the liquor, the distillery, the implements used, and the ground upon which the establishment is situated. Proof spirits is defined to be that alcoholic liquor which contains one-half its volume of alcohol, of a specific gravity of .7939, at 60° Fahrenheit, In all sales of spirits, a gallon is taken to be a gallon according to the foregoing standard. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has power to prescribe meters for use in any distillery, and when he does so, the owner or agent must attach such meter at his own expense. “ Distilled spirits,” in the language of the act, “ spirits, alcohol, and alcoholic spirits, within the true meaning of this act, is that substance known as ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide of ethyl, or spirits of wine, which is commonly produced by the fermentation of grain, starch, molasses, or sugar, including all dilutions and mixtures of this substance, and the tax shall attach to this substance as soon as it is in existence as such.” Every still or distilling apparatus set up must be registered with the assistant assessor of the division where situated ; its kind, cubic contents, owner, with his place of residence, and its purpose, must be stated ; under a penalty for neglect, of not less than one hundred dollars fine, and not less than one month’s imprison- ment. Notice must also be given to the assessor of the district of the owner’s name and residence, or, if a company or firm, of the name and place of residence of each member thereof, and also of the place where the business is carried on, REVENUE LAWS RELATING TO DISTILLED SPIRITS. 52 and whether it be distilling or rectifying. In case of a distiller, the notice shall also state the kind of stills, the contents and capacity thereof—in short, shall give full particulars of the minutiae of his business. The same is required of the rectifier. Every distiller shall, before commencing business, file a bond, with two sureties, at least, to be approved by the commissioner, faithfully to comply with the pro- visions of the law. Such bond must not be for less than double the amount of the tax on the spirits that can be produced in his distillery in fifteen days, and in no case can be less than five thousand dollars. The distiller must be owner in fee of the lot or tract of land on which the distillery is situated, or he must file with the assessor the written consent of the owner that the United States shall have priority of lien for taxes. If the distiller be owner, and the land be encumbered, the person having a lien thereon must give a like written consent. Where the owner of the distillery'or distilling apparatus has a term of years only in the land, his land, for its appraised amount, with two sureties, may be accepted in lieu of the written consent of the owner of the land where the still was erected, prior to July, 1868. An accurate plan of the distillery and apparatus must be made, showing every part of its construction and working. One copy of such plan must be kept dis- played in some conspicuous part of the distillery, and two copies are to be fur- nished to the assessor; every alteration to be noted and added. The assessor is also required to make a survey of the premises, to estimate the capacity of any apparatus thereon, and to forward a written report of the same to the commis- sioner ; he shall also furnish the distiller with a copy. If the commissioner is satisfied that error has occurred, he shall order another survey to be made. The process of distilling and rectifying are not both to be carried on within a distance of six hundred feet. And no still must be used in or around any dwelling house, or upon any vessel or boat, or on any premises where beer, lager beer, ale, porter, or other fermented liquors, vinegar, or ether, are manufactured or produced; or where sugar or syrups are refined, or where liquors of any description are retailed, or where any other business is carried on. Manufacturers of stills or other vessels to be used for the purpose of distilling, are required to give notice to the assessor of the district where such article is to be used, of its capacity, the time when it is to be removed, and by whom it is to be employed; and the consent of such assessor must be obtained before such vessel can be used. Every distiller is required to provide a warehouse, to be situated on the dis- tillery premises, and to be used only for the storage of distilled spirits, of his own REVENUE LAWS RELATING TO DISTILLED SPIRITS. 53 manufacture. No dwelling house is to be used for that purpose, and there must be no opening leading to the distillery, or any other room or building. Such warehouse, when approved by the commissioner, is to be regarded as a bonded warehouse of the United States, and shall be under the control of the col- lector of the district, and in charge of a store-keeper, to be appointed by the commissioner. The law also requires the erection, in a room to be used for that purpose alone, of two or more receiving cisterns, so constructed as to be entirely open to the inspection of the revenue officer; each cistern to be of sufficient capacity to hold all spirits distilled during any one day of twenty-four hours. The key of the room containing said cisterns shall be kept by the gauger assigned for that duty, and under his supervision, and in the presence of the store-keeper, the liquor shall be drawn off into casks, and removed directly to the warehouse after three days. Every person engaged in distilling or rectifying spirits must place and keep on the outside of his place of business a sign, with plain letters, not less than three inches in length, stating the nature of the business transacted therein. Such person is forbidden to erect a wall of more than five feet in height around his distillery premises, and must furnish keys of the premises to the assessor when required. Books must be kept, in which shall be entered the kind and quantity of materials purchased for the production of spirits, with other details, too numerous to enter here. On the first, eleventh, and twenty-first days of each month, or within five days thereafter, every distiller must render to the assistant assessor an account taken from his books, stating the quantity and kind of mate- rials used for the production of spirits each day, and the number of wine gallons and of proof gallons of spirits produced and placed in store-house; which account shall be verified on oath. These books are to be always open to the inspection of any revenue officer, and shall be kept for two years after they are filled up. No material is to be used, or spirit to be removed during the absence of the storekeeper, who is to have charge of the distillery, and to keep an account of the transactions carried on therein. The assessor is to estimate the quantity of spirits produced, from the amount of material consumed, and if the distiller has not made a proper return, he shall be assessed for the deficiency. Every distiller is deemed, by the provisions of the act, to commence work at noon on the third day after the approval of his bond, and to continue until he give notice to the assistant assessor. If he give such notice to the assessor, stating that he will suspend work on a certain day, the assessor must proceed on that day to fasten securely the door of the furnace or boiler, so that no fire be 54 REVENUE LAWS RELATING TO DISTILLED SPIRITS. lighted. On the distiller’s giving notice that he will resume work, the assistant assessor, at the time named, may unlock the doors as aforesaid. Distilled spirits are to be drawn from the receiving cisterns into casks, each of not less capacity than twenty gallons, wine measure; and must be marked by the gauger—who shall also prove and gauge each cask—by cutting on each cask the number of wine gallons and proof gallons of the contents thereof. After the removal of the casks to the warehouse, which shall be done immediately after marking, the gauger, in the presence of the storekeeper, must place on the head of each cask an engraved stamp, signed by the collector of the district, the store- keeper, and the gauger, indicating the number of proof gallons contained therein, the name of the distiller, the date of receipt into the warehouse, and the number of the cask. The owner or distiller must enter the spirits for deposit, on the first, eleventh and twenty-first days of each month; the entry to state the kind of spirits, the whole number of casks, the marks and numbers thereon, the num- ber of gallons, and the amount of tax thereon—all to be verified on oath. The distiller or owner must also give his bond with surety for the payment of said tax, before removal of the spirits from the warehouse. Upon application to the collector of the district, any spirits may be withdrawn from warehouse, after payment of the tax thereon. The collector having issued his order for such removal, the gauger must mark on each cask, before its with- drawal, the number of proof gallons, the name of the person by whom the tax has been paid, the date of such payment, the name of the distiller, and the name of the person to whom, and the place where it is to be delivered. This stamp is * to be erased, when the cask is emptied, by cutting or burning a cancelling line across it. The stamps used for the payment of the tax may be obtained from the collector, and bear upon their face the number of gallons on which such tax has been paid. If any distiller desires to reduce the capacity of the distillery, he shall give notice to the assessor, of the quantity of spirits he wishes thereafter to produce every twenty-four hours; and thereupon the assessor shall proceed to securely fasten a sufficient number of the tubs, to reduce the capacity to the required amount. It is also enacted that the revenue officers shall have authority to Older that the water be drawn off, and the tubs or worms cleansed, at any time when not at work. They are also vested with full power to make, at any time, complete examination of the premises, and all the apparatus, and have the right to break through doors, windows, etc., if admission cannot be otherwise gained. Ihe owners or operatives are required to furnish them every needful facility for making such examinations. If suspicious of the existence of concealed apparatus, REVENUE LAWS RELATING TO DISTILLED SPIRITS. 55 the officers may break up ground, or any part of the premises, in the search therefor. No material must be mashed, nor any still used between the hours of eleven on any Saturday night, and one on Monday morning. All distilled spirits, in casks or packages containing more than ten gallons, must be removed from the place of manufacture or preparation, between sunrise and sunset. All distilled spirits found elsewhere than in a distillery or distillery warehouse, not having been removed from thence according to the provisions of this act, are declared forfeited to the United States. In case of seizure in such case, the burden of proof is upon the person claiming the liquor, who is required to show the ab- sence of fraud. No ingredient or substance must be added to such spirits, be- fore the tax thereon is paid. The act also provides that no distillery or apparatus for distilling, seized for any violation of the law, shall be released to the claimant before judgment, ex- cept in case of distilleries, for which the special tax has been paid, producing one hundred and fifty gallons or more per day, upon the products of which distillery, fifty or more head of live stock are depending for food. Such premises may be released to the claimant, on a bond being given for their full appraised value. Kectifiers, wholesale liquor dealers, and compounders of liquors, are required to enter in a book to be kept by them, the date when, the name of the person from whom, and the place whence, any spirits are received; by whom rectified, distilled, or compounded, and when and by whom inspected; and, if in the original package, the number of gallons, wine and proof, the kind of spirit, and the stamps thereon. When such person or persons sends out any spifits, he shall make a like particular entry, including the name of the persons to whom they are to be sent. These books of entry are to be open to the inspection of any revenue officer, and are to be kept two years, at least, after being filled up. No rectifier, compounder, or liquor dealer, wholesale or retail, is allowed to pur- chase distilled spirits, in quantities greater than twenty gallons, from any other person than an authorized rectifier of distilled spirits, compounder of liquors, distiller, or wholesale liquor dealer. This, however, does not apply to judicial sales, nor to sales at public auction, by an auctioneer who has paid a special tax as such. Liquors drawn from one cask into any other, containing less than ten gallons, must be re-gauged, inspected, and marked. Upon the subject of imitation wines, champagnes, etc., the law enacts as fol- lows : “ On all wines, liquors, or compounds known or denominated as wine, and made in imitation of sparkling wine or champagne, but not made from 56 REVENUE LAWS RELATING TO DISTILLED SPIRITS. grapes grown in the United States, and on all liquors not made from grapes, currants, rhubarb, or berries grown in the United States, but produced by being rectified or mixed with distilled spirits, or by the infusion of any matter in spirits to be sold as wine, or by any other name, there shall be levied and paid a tax of six dollars per dozen bottles, each bottle containing more than one pint, and not more than one quart; or three dollars per dozen bottles, each bottle contain- ing not more than one pint; and at the same rate for any quantity of such merchandise, however the same may be put up, or whatever be the package. And any person manufacturing, compounding, or putting up such wines, shall, without previous demand, make return, under oath or affirmation to the assistant assessor, on the first and fifteenth day of each and every month, or within five days thereafter, of the entire amount of such wines manufactured and sold or put up and sold during the first fifteen days of the month, and the residue of the month, respectively, except when the wines so manufactured or put up are used exclusively by the family of the person manufacturing the same; and the tax herein imposed shall be payable at the time such return is made.” Then follow provisions for collecting, where no return is made; and the penalty for neglect- ing to make such return. Alcohol and rum, in quantities not less than two thousand gallons, may be exported with the privilege of drawback, on application to the collector of cus- toms at any port of entry. Each package so exported must contain not less than thirty gallons. The drawback allowed on alcohol and rum on which taxes have been paid already, shall include the taxes levied and paid on such articles, not, however, exceeding sixty cents per proof gallon. All forfeited spirits sold by order of court, or under process of distraint, are to be sold subject to tax; and the purchaser must at once, and before he takes possession of such spirits, pay the tax thereon. For the violation or attempt to evade any of the provisions of this act, heavy penalties are laid down. All carriers are forbidden to transport, any empty cask or package, the stamps upon which have not been effaced—also under penalty for so doing. Distillers are required to pay a special tax, as follows:—Those producing one hundred barrels (counting forty gallons proof spirits to the barrel) or less, within the year, are required to pay four hundred dollars. For each such barrel in addition to that number, they must pay four dollars. No tax, however, as we have stated, is imposed upon any still, or other apparatus used by chemists or druggists in the recovery of alcohol for pharmaceutical purposes. Rectifiers of distilled spirits, rectifying two hundred barrels or less, of distilled REVENUE LAWS RELATING TO DISTILLED SPIRITS. 57 spirits, (forty gallons to the barrel) are required to pay two hundred dollars. Fifty cents must be paid on each barrel in excess of that number. Every person who, by mixing wine, spirits, or other liquor with any materials, manufactures “ any spurious imitation or compound liquors for sale under the name of whisky, brandy, gin, rum, wine, spirits, cordials or wine bitters, or any other name, shall be regarded as a compouncrer of liquors; and shall pay twenty- five dollars special tax.” CHAPTER VIII. yHE |_aw of Partnerships. PARTNERSHIPS, or associations in business, have become so common in almost every community, that the laws regulating their internal construction and external workings have received much attention from legal scholars. While the complete and thorough knowledge of the principles involved, and of the rules established by a multitude of decisions, can only be obtained by the patient research and discriminating study belonging peculiarly to the legal pro- fession, those who are engaged' in business, and are partners themselves, may, and should, have some idea of the nature of their rights, duties, and obligations as such. We only propose in this little work, intended for one important branch of the mercantile polity, to state some of the general principles regulating trade associations, referring those in the course of whose experience in business knotty points arise to more extended treatises and to experienced counsel for full infor- mation. When two or more persons unite their labor, skill, and property, or any of them, for the purpose of transacting business, they are said to be in partnership. The articles of agreement usually drawn and signed before the commencement of active operations, should specify what each is to contribute to the common stock, whether labor or capital, and the share of the profits which each is to enjoy. But it is not necessary that the contract shall be in writing, although it is desirable that it should be so, for a partnership may be formed, and its terms decided by parol or word of mouth. And an agreement between two or more peisons to combine effects and share the profit and loss of a general or particular business, will constitute in most cases a partnership, whether such agreement be verbal or written, and under seal. Incorporated companies, however, cannot be considered as partnerships, even though created expressly for the purpose of trade. The stockholders in such companies are only liable to the extent of their interest, and it requires a special provision in the act of incorporation to render them per- sonally liable. THE LAW OF PARTNERSHIPS. 59 The same general rules of law which decide the right of persons to contract on their individual account, will apply to their partnership engagements. An infant is not bound by the contracts of trade he may enter into. But if he has, during his minority, been concerned in a partnership, he must, within a reason- able time after arriving at age, notify the public of his disaffirmance of contracts made therein, or he will be regarded as having ratified them, and be bound thereby. Parties dealing with an infant partner are held to their part of the engagement if he performs his. By the common law, and by statute, in most of the States, married women, whose husbands have deserted them, or are absent at sea, etc., are allowed to contract as single persons. But a married woman, who resides with her husband, is regarded as his agent, if she transacts business, and he uses or enjoys the profits thereof. Partnerships are either universal, general or special. The first species exists when all the capital, labor, and skill of all the parties are united. The second is where the combination extends only to general business. And the third is where the partnership is limited to some particular branch of trade. In any of these species, it is not necessary that all of the members shall bring capital into the concern. The money of one may be set off against the labor of another, and the peculiar skill of a third. But each must bring into the business something that , # is valuable. Any species of property may be held in partnership, and all that is so held, will be liable for its debts. Real estate bought with partnership funds, or brought into a firm as a part of the capital contributed, will generally be regarded and treated as personal property by the courts, until the obligation of the part- ners, as such, to outside parties, and to each other, are settled. But after such settlement is concluded, the share of each partner will be considered as real estate, and the widow will be entitled to dower therein. When men engage in trade, they subject all the property employed to liability for the payment of debts contracted in the course of that trade, but if, after a final account be taken, any property be left, it reverts to its original character as real or personal prop- erty. A new partner can never be introduced without the consent of all the members of the firm, for the partnership must always be voluntary. And one partner, by selling out his interest, will not make his vendee a member of the concern, without the consent of the others. The effect of such a sale would generally be to put an end to the partnership, and cause a settlement of its affairs; when the person to whom the share was sold would be entitled to the balance belong- 60 THE LAW OF PARTNERSHIPS. ing to the retired partner. When the members of a firm disagree as to any particular transaction, the will of the majority will govern, provided such will be not repugnant to the original contract entered into.. But, as a matter of course, all are to be consulted. No alteration of the articles of partnership can be legally made, except with the consent of all the parties, and if some of them be determined in carrying out a policy foreign to the object of those articles, there is no remedy but dissolution. In such case, the party acting in such a manner as to cause the dissolution, would be liable for damages to the others. It is very important, therefore, that the agreement be carefully entered into, and its terms accurately laid down, since each of the partners has full power to bind the firm, and the bonds which hold them together must always be, in a great degree, voluntary. The responsibility of partners to each other will depend upon their contracts between themselves; but those contracts do not measure their liability to outside parties. They will be responsible, ordinarily, for the debts of the partnership, although there be a different understanding and arrangement among themselves. The liability of persons to third parties, as partners, may be created, either by holding themselves out to the public as such, or by partaking of the net profits. By claiming to be partners, they induce others to trust to the firm; and by par- taking of the profits, they diminish the fund to which creditors must resort for the payment of their claims. But if it be agreed that a clerk shall be paid a salary proportioned to the profits made, this will not constitute him a partner, nor render him liable for the firm’s debts. For the agreement is entered into in order to stimulate the person employed to use his best ability in advancing the interests—and increasing the income—of the business, and he has nothing to do with controlling it, in any way. Each person who is really a partner, is liable for the whole amount of the debts of the firm, whatever be his proportion of interest, or the arrangement be- tween the members themselves. An exception to this rule, however, exists in the case of “ limited ” partnerships, and will be referred to hereafter. It may be agreed that one partner shall have a share of the profits made in a business, and shall not be answerable to outside parties for losses. This contract will be bind- ing upon the parties to it, but, as we have seen, will not prevent such person from being liable to third parties who deal with the firm, and are ignorant of the arrangement. While the partnership continues, one member cannot, in general, sue another at law, upon a matter which will require an examination of the accounts of the firm. But upon outside matters, not involving such consideration, actions may be THE LAW OF PARTNERSHIPS. 61 brought at any time, and after a final settlement, each partner may sue for the balance found to be due him. It was an old rule of law that a suit could not be maintained by one firm against another, when one or more individuals were members of both; but the statutes of some of the States, at least, have changed the law in this respect. Dormant and secret partners are liable when discovered. But after they cease to take a part of the profits, they are not liable for the debts subsequently con- tracted, provided those who ascertained their connection with the firm also have notice of their retirement. A nominal partner, or one who allows his name to appear, without having any actual interest in the trade, is also liable. For his supposed connection with the firm will probably induce some to give it credit. But a person who joins a partnership as a member does not assume the previous debts of the business, unless there be an express agreement that he shall do so. One who withdraws from a firm is not liable for debts afterwards contracted, if he give proper notice to customers and the public. But if he fail to give such notice, or if he still continue, notwithstanding his pretended retirement from the business, to receive a share of the profits, he will be bound. But one who is aware of the actual withdrawal of the partner cannot hold him liable, even though he has failed to properly advertise the fact. To all persons who have been in the habit of dealing with the firm, actual notice of a change therein should be given; but as to others, advertisement will, in general, be sufficient. The act of each member of a firm in transactions within the scope of the part- nership business, is the act of all, and binds all. Each one is the agent of all the rest, and has the power to dispose of the whole right and interest of all the partners in the name of the firm. He may sell the whole of the personal property, in mercantile partnerships, as if he were sole owner, and his contracts of pur- chase will also bind the rest. Even if the act be contrary to a private agreement made between the members, it will bind them all, if the other party has no knowledge of any such arrangement. But the dissenting partners have the right to notify the person with whom their associate is dealing before the arrangement with him is completed, that they do not authorize his act; and in such case they will not be liable unless they afterwards in some way ratify the transaction. In a commercial partnership, each member has a general authority to bind the rest, by signing, accepting, and endorsing negotiable paper. And even where it is agreed in the articles that no partner shall sign such paper in the name of the firm, if one does so the rest will be bound by it in the hands of bona fide holders. But where the nature of the business does not require that such acts be done, there is no such implied authority. Thus one of a firm of attorneys cannot bind 62 THE LAW OF PARTNERSHIPS. the rest by signing a note in their name, unless special license so to do be estab- lished. But while, as we have seen, each member of a commercial or mercantile firm has the right to issue their negotiable paper in the course of their ordinary busi- ness transactions, he has no right to use it for the payment of his own private debts. And if such partnership paper be received from one partner, without the knowledge and consent of the others, for a debt known by the creditor to be a private one, the firm will not be bound. In such cases, the presumption will always be against the good faith of the transaction. But where a note so given for a private debt passes into the hands of a bona fide holder, who has no notice, either actual or constructive, he can look to the firm for payment. In general, one partner has the power to sell, mortgage, or pledge the entire stock in trade, and to compound or discharge the partnership debts, without the concurrence of his fellows. And should one member borrow money on the credit of the firm, they would be responsible for it, although the borrower misappro- priated the money. The placing of this great amount of power in the hands of each, is necessary to the attainment of the ends for which these combinations of money and labor are made. But contracts, in order to bind a firm, must be made in their name, or it must appear that the debt was incurred for partner- ship purposes, or only an individual liability will follow. If it appear that the agreement was on partnership account, it will not be necessary that the names of all the partners be signed. It must be expressly understood, however, that the power of one member of a firm to bind the rest extends only to those transactions that are within the scope of the partnership business. A person who contracts with a partner upon a matter outside of the ordinary employment of the concern, will have to look to the individual with whom he deals. While it is necessary that each member of a business association shall have sufficient power to attend to all the transactions in the line of that business, still it would not be right to confer upon such mem- bers the power to bind each other, in matters outside thereof. And, as we have already seen, where the nature of the employment of a firm is not such as to requiie that negotiable paper shall be issued, endorsed, or accepted, one partner cannot bind the others by so doing. If a partner borrow money on his own private credit, the firm will not be re- sponsible to the lender for it, although it has been used in their business. But if the money in such case be obtained not expressly upon the individual credit of the partner, the firm will be liable. And if one who is a trustee use the trust funds in the business of the concern in which he is a partner, with the knowledge THE LAW OF PARTNERSHIPS. 63 and consent of the others, they will be bound. From vol. 1 of Parsons on Con- tracts, page 158, we take the following: “ If a person outside lend money to be used by the borrower in his business, the lender to receive interest, and in addition thereto a share of the profits of the business, a question may arise whether he is a lender on usury, or a partner. He would seem, indeed, to be both; only a usurer as between the lender and borrower, but a partner as to third persons; and it may depend upon the manner in which the question is presented whether the character of a usurer is to be fixed upon him. If he sues the borrower for repayment of the money, it seems to be competent for the borrower to allege in his defence the usurious character of the loan. But if a third party, who is a creditor of the borrower, upon a debt which has arisen in the business in which the money was lent to be used, sues the lender as a partner, on the ground that he took away profits to which the creditor might look for his debt, the lender will be held as such partner, and it is not competent for him to set up his contract as usurious, for he may not rest his defence upon his own wrong.” The trespasses or torts of a partner will render the firm responsible only when they are done in the ordinary course of the business, and when such business is the means of enabling the wrong to act, or furnishes the opportunity for the commission of the injurious deed. For any fraudulent misrepresentation or con- cealment by one of the partners, the firm will be liable. In any case, however, if the third party with whom the partner deals is aware that he is acting in bad faith, or exceeding the limits of his authority, such party cannot look to the partnership, but must rely upon the credit of the member with whom he con- tracts. In any legal or business matter, notice to one partner is notice to all. And a release of one partner in a joint debt is a release of all. Each one also has the right to release a partnership debt, and such act will operate against all. But a release, to have the effect to discharge all, must be under seal. And the acquit- tance of a partnership debt by one member will not be binding if it be given in consideration of the discharge of a private debt of the partner to one who has notice of the circumstances. As a rule, one partner cannot bind the others by signing a deed, unless the special and proper authority so to do be expressly given to him. It has been held, however, that where one partner signed and sealed a deed for his copart- ners, in their presence, and by their consent, they were bound thereby. And it may be considered as being the law in most of the States, that previous consent or subsequent ratification will render valid the specialty signed by one partner 64 THE LAW OF PARTNERSHIPS. for the others, even though such consent or ratification be by parole. One partner cannot submit a partnership matter to arbitration without the concurrence of his copartners. But it is believed that a different practice prevails in Kentucky and Pennsylvania. And one member of a firm cannot bind his associates by signing a guaranty of the debt of a third person in their name, or by entering into an engagement as surety for another in a matter unconnected with the ordinary business of the concern. But the acknowledgment of a joint debt by one partner, before a dissolution, will remove the bar of the statute of limitations, and prevent the same from being “outlawed.” If the firm be dissolved, however, the acknowledgment by one partner of a debt already barred by the statute, will not revive it as to his associates. As the property, of every kind, of a firm in trade, is liable in the first place for the partnership debts, the private creditor can only attach and sell on execution the share of the debtor in whatever may be the balance remaining after those debts are paid. And in serving a writ of execution for such private claim, the officer cannot, in general, take actual possession of the effects of the firm. He can only demand what the debtor had—that is, the right to have a settlement of the partnership affairs, and the balance, if any, ascertained to be his, after the payment in full of all the joint liabilities. But the practice, in some of the States, is for the officer to take all the joint property of the firm into his posses- sion, when he has the same right to demand an account and settlement. Partners will be liable to the firm for damage or loss caused by their negli- gence or misconduct, and are bound to exercise their best judgment, and the utmost good faith in all business transactions. They will also be liable for any infringement or violation of the articles of partnership, and if one partner con- duct himself in such a manner as to defeat the intention and object of the associa- tion, he will be responsible for the damage caused. Neither is it permitted for any member of a firm to carry on or engage in any other business not compatible with the best interest of the partnership. Where one partner causes a dissolution of the firm, contrary to the terms of the agreement entered into, he will be re- sponsible to the amount of the profits that would have been made, had the asso- ciation continued, provided they can be proved. LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS. In the States of Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Yoik, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, THE LAW OF PARTNERSHIPS. 65 Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and perhaps in one or two others, laws have been enacted authorizing the formation of partnerships with somewhat different rights and liabilities from those that attach at common law. These statutes differ from one another somewhat in their details, but their general provisions are as follows : There are one or more persons who are called general partners, and are liable just as are the members of ordinary business firms. They alone are allowed to attend to the public affairs of the partnership, and to sign for and bind the same. Their names, only, must appear in the firm name or style, without any addition of the term “ company.” In addition to these, there are one or more persons who are special partners, wrho contribute a certain amount of capital (which must generally be actually paid in) for the transaction of the business contemplated. The agreement must be in writing, and must specify the names of the several partners; the amount contributed by those who are only special; the intended duration of the compact, etc.; which contract, after being signed and acknowledged before a magistrate, is to be recorded, and its terms advertised. All suits at law must be brought by and against the general partners, and they are obliged to account to each other, and to the special partners, for the proper conduct of affairs. It is usually provided or stipulated that the general or special partners may, with the consent of each other, assign all their interest in the con- cern, without causing thereby a dissolution of the partnership. The special partners are only liable for partnership debts to the amount of the capital which they have brought in. It is absolutely necessary that the requirements of the statutes as to limited partnerships be exactly conformed to, and their directions followed, or all the partners, whether general or special, will become alike per- sonally liable to the full extent of the obligations of the firm. For full information as to the details of the legal provisions on the subject of limited partnership, the reader is referred to the statute books of the various States. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. If there be no specified period during which the partnership is to continue, any member thereof may withdraw at any time, and thereby cause a dissolution. And it is not even necessary that he shall give previous notice of his intention, although, as a matter of course, it would be more honorable to do so, when possible. But w'hen the articles provide that the union shall continue for a certain definite period, there seems to be some doubt as to the ability of any 66 THE LAW OF PARTNERSHIPS. partner to withdraw and -dissolve it, before the expiration of that time, without the consent of all. And a member of a firm withdrawing against the will of his associates, would certainly be liable to an action for damages. But we think that the later and more reliable decisions have established the principle that one party may assign his interest in—and thus dissolve—a partnership, before the specified time has passed. For the holding of partners in a concern, against their will, would be of very little benefit to any party, and the injured members have their right of action for breach of contract. When the time agreed upon for the duration of the partnership has expired, the firm is at once dissolved, unless a renewal be agreed upon. And when the compact is formed for a particular transaction, it is at an end as soon as that business is completed. There are. also other ways in which a partnership may be dissolved, even before the time limited has expired, and some of them will be named. The death of one partner will at once work a dissolution, unless the original articles of agreement provide for its continuance, in some manner. Thus, it may be stipulated that upon the death of a partner, his heirs, personal represen- tatives, or some other specified pei'son or persons shall take his place. But where there is no such agreement, as soon as one partner dies, the survivors be- come vested with the whole of the property of the partnership, for the purpose of settling its affairs. If they do not proceed to do so within a reasonable time, and account to the representatives of the deceased partner for the disposition of the funds, the courts will step in, and appoint a receiver, or take other measures for obtaining a settlement. The assets of the member of a firm, who is deceased, are liable for the partnership debts. But no new contracts, made otherwise than for the purpose of settling the business, entered into after the death of a partner, will bind his estate or representatives. The courts will dissolve a partnership upon the petition of a member, and proof that his interests are about to be sacrificed by the wrongful conduct of his associates, and that by such conduct the property invested is liable to be wasted. But strong evidence will be required, before the court will interfere. If there be an abandonment, on the part of some of the partners, of the original objects of the coalition, and an abuse of good faith, or if one or more of the partners be- come incapacitated, through accident, or vicious habits, so that they cannot carry on the business, the court of equity will dissolve the association, and appoint a receiver. The petitioning partner must show such grounds of complaint as will satisfy the judges that the business cannot be conducted without serious damage. In one case it was laid down as law, that “a mere temptation to abuse partner- THE LAW OF PARTNERSHIPS. 67 ship property is not sufficient to induce the court to interfere by injunction; but when a partner acts with gross impropriety or folly, and there is a strong proba- bility that the safety of the firm, and the rights of creditors, depend upon the in- terference of chancery, it forms a proper case for the protection of that jurisdic- tion to be thrown over the concern.” But, as suggested by Judge Kent, business partnerships are similar to those entered into between husband and wife, (though perhaps not as easily dissolved, at present,) in that they are “ for better or for worse,” and for trivial or tempo- rary causes, no dissolution will be decreed. But the court will sometimes, on the petition of one partner, restrain another from doing some improper and in- jurious act. The insolvency or bankruptcy, either of one member or of the whole partner- ship, will dissolve it, and the dissolution dates from the time of the act of bank- ruptcy. The same result will follow if all the interest of one partner be taken and sold on execution, and also, as has been noticed, where one partner assigns all his interest in the concern. The insanity or incapacity of one or more partners will also work a dissolution. After such dissolution of a partnership, none of the members thereof have any power to act for each other, further than may be actually necessary in settling the affairs of the firm. Either of the solvent partners may collect and settle the debts, and give discharges. When the death of a member has been the cause of dissolution, the surviving partner has the power to adjust the affairs of the former association, and suits at law must be brought against him. The courts will guard the interests of each member, and prevent fraudulent conduct on the part of any one. After allowing a reasonable time for the settle- ment, they will order that there be no further prosecution of the business, what- ever, and when necessary, will appoint a receiver. After dissolution, the former partners have no power to bind each other, by any contracts of sale or purchase, or by signing, renewing, or transferring negotiable paper. And it has been held that even where a note was endorsed before the firm was dissolved, all the partners must unite in putting it into circulation, if not done until after the dissolution, in order to bind them. As we have already mentioned, the joint creditors have the first lien upon the partnership property, and their claims are to be liquidated before there can be a division of such property, and also before the private debts can be satisfied. But, on the other hand, it is a rule of law, in many of the States, that the creditors of the firm cannot resort to the private estate of any partner, until his THE LAW OF PAKTNEKSHIPS. 68 private creditors have been paid. In a few of the States, however, there are no preferences given as to the separate property of members of a firm. Notice of the dissolution should be given to the public; for a firm would be bound by a contract subsequently made by one partner, in the name—and in the course of the ordinary business—of the former partnership, with one who was ignorant that it had ceased to exist. But when the dissolution is by operation of law, notice is not necessary. Persons who have been in the habit of dealing with the firm, should have actual information of its termination; but as to the general public advertisement in one or more of the public newspapers of the place or vicinity where the business has been conducted, will be sufficient. The question as to whether proper notice has been given, will depend much upon the circumstances of the case, and is to be decided by the jury. We have already referred to the necessity of notice in the case of the withdrawal of a partner, and it will not be necessary to say anything further upon that subject. CHAPTER IX. Bankruptcy under the of the JJnited WHILE it is hoped that very few of our readers will experience the misfortunes that lead to and attend bankruptcy and insolvency, still, a knowledge of the legal pro'visions regulating the acts of the bankrupt and his creditors, must ever be important and useful to the man of business. We have, therefore, thought best to insert a short summary of the “ Insolvent Law ” as now in force, omitting many of the details, and referring to the law itself, with the various decisions that have been rendered under it, for complete infor- mation. It will be proper for us to preface our statement of the general provisions of the “United States Bankrupt Act,” as passed in 1867, by calling attention to the fact that by an amendment, approved July 27th, 1868, it was enacted, that no discharge under proceedings commenced after the first day of January, 1869, will be granted unless the assets of such debtor shall be “ equal to fifty per centum of the claims proved against his estate, upon which he shall be liable as the principal debtor, unless the assent in writing of a majority in number and value of his creditors to whom he shall have become liable as principal debtor, and who shall have proved their claims, be filed in the case at or before the time of the hearing of the application for discharge.” To proceed to the enactments of the Act itself. The several District Courts of the United States are constituted courts of bankruptcy, and have jurisdiction, in their respective districts, of all matters and proceedings therein. The United States Circuit Courts are also vested with superintenclehce and jurisdiction, and are allowed to act as courts of equity. They have concurrent jurisdiction with the District Courts of the same district, of all suits which are brought by or against the assignee in bankruptcy, touching the property of any bankrupt. In each of the congressional districts, the judges of the District Courts are required to appoint one or more registers in bankruptcy, whose powers and duties are as follows: To make adjudication in bankruptcy; to receive the surrender 70 BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. of any insolvent person ; to administer oaths; to preside at meetings of creditor's ; to take proof of debts; to make computations of dividends, and all orders of distribution; to audit and pass the accounts of assignee; to grant protection ; to pass the last examination of a bankrupt, and, generally, to despatch such business as the district judge may direct. But no register has power to commit for contempt, or to bear a disputed adjudication; but in all matters where an issue of fact or of law is raised and contested by any party to the proceedings, it is his duty to send the same into court for decision by the judge. The fees of such registers are to be paid to them by the parties for whom the services are rendered. During the course of proceedings before the register, any party is at liberty to take the opinion of the district judge upon such points as may arise, which points are to be stated by the register in a short certificate to the judge. At any stage of the case, also, the parties concerned may state any questions, in a special case, for the opinion of the court; which opinion, when given, will be final, unless it be agreed, in such special case, that either party may appeal. All persons re- fusing to attend before a register, in obedience to a summons, or declining to testify, or swearing and affirmiifg falsely, are liable for contempt, and render themselves subject to fines and penalties. Appeals may be taken from the District to the Circuit Courts, in all cases in equity, and writs of error lie from the former to the latter, in cases at law, when the debt or damages claimed exceed five hundred dollars; and any claiming creditor or assignee who is dissatisfied with the allowance or disallowance of a claim, may appeal, by entering notice with the clerk of the District Court, within ten days. No appeal or writ of error will be granted from the Circuit Court to the Supreme Court of the U. S., unless the matter in dispute exceed the sum of two thousand dollars. Any person living within the jurisdiction of the United States, owing debts provable under this Act exceeding the amount of three hundred dollars, may apply by petition to the judge of the judicial district in which he has resided or transacted business for the six months (or longest period thereof) immediately preceding the time of filing such petition, setting forth his place of residence; his inability to pay his debts in full; his willingness to surrender all his estate for the benefit of his creditors, and his desire to obtain the benefit of the bankrupt act. Having presented such petition, and annexed a list of his debts, and inven- tory of all his estate, or property, such person will be judged a bankrupt. The schedule of debts and inventory must be verified on oath before a register in bankruptcy, the court itself, or one of the commissioners of the Circuit Court; BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. 71 and the former must contain a true statement of all the debts owed by such per- son, and to whom due, with the place of residence, if known, of each creditor. It must also define the nature of the debt, whether founded on Avritten security, or otherwise; the true cause of such indebtedness, and the place where it accrued, with a list of existing securities, if any, given for the same. The inventory should describe all the debtor’s estate, both real and personal, stating the situa- tion of the same, and if any encumbrances be thereon, their nature and amount. This inventory, as well as the schedule, may be altered at any time, so as to correspond with the facts of the case. The judge of the District Court, or any register of that court, designated by the judge, must then issue a warrant to the marshal of the district, requiring him to advertise in such newspapers as the judge may appoint, that the payment of any debts of the bankrupt to him, and the delivery of any of his property to him are forbidden by law; and also that a meeting of creditors to choose assignees, and prove debts, A\’ill be held on some specified day. At such meeting, the creditors are to choose one or more assignees of the estate of the debtor, and the choice shall be made by a majority in number and value of the creditors who shall have proved. In default of such choice, the register is to appoint, and if any assignee chosen or appointed, fail to signify, in Avriting, his acceptance, within five days, the judge or register may fill the vacancy. The judge may, in his OAvn discretion, and must, if required by any creditor, demand a bond from the assignee for the faithful discharge of his duties. As soon as such assignee is elected or appointed, the judge or register is re- quired to conA7ey to him, by an instrument under his hand, all the estate of the bankrupt, of every species, Avith all the papers relating thereto; and thereupon all property of such bankrupt becomes vested at once in him. And any attach- ment made Avithin four months of the commencement of the proceedings, is dis- solved. But the laAv alloAVS the bankrupt to retain, for his 0AA7n comfort, and the maintenance of his family, property as folloAA7s : His necessary household furniture, and such other necessaries as the assignee may designate, but altogether such property must not exceed in value the sum of five hundred dollars; also the necessary Avearing apparel of the bankrupt and his immediate family; the uniform and equipment of any person Avho is—or has been—a soldier in the militia, or in the service of the United States; such property as is exempted from attachment, seizure, or levy on execution, by the laAATs of the United States, and also such property, not included in the foregoing, as is exempted by the laws of the State in which the bankrupt is domiciled, to an amount not exceeding that alloAved by such exemption laws in force in the year 1864. 72 BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. The assignee has at once the right to sue for and recover the estate and effects of the bankrupt, and is at once substituted in his place as to all suits he may have pending. In case of the death, retirement, or removal of any assignee, suits commenced by him are to be continued by his successor. The debtor is required—at the request of the assignee—to execute all instruments that may be necessary to enable the former to come into full possession of the estate and effects of such debtor. And no person can maintain a suit against the assignee for any malfeasance, as such, without giving him twenty days’ notice, that he may have an opportunity to make amends for the same. Within six months after the assignment to him, the assignee must cause notice thereof to be recorded in the proper office in any county or place where the bank- rupt may own land. He must also publish notice of his appointment, at least once a week, for three successive weeks, in such papers as may be designated by the court. Such assignee, also, has power to sell all the unencumbered real and personal estate, on such terms as he judges to be most for the interest of the creditors, subject, however, to any order the court may make concerning such property or the sale thereof. He must also keep a regular account of all moneys that may come into his hands, and must keep such moneys, as well as all of the goods of the bankrupt, distinct and separate from his own. The court may, in case of delay from litigation or other cause, order the investment of the proceeds of the estate in proper securities. The assignee must give notice to all known creditors of meetings to be held, and of all dividends ordered, and for his services is to receive a reasonable compensation, to be decided upon by the court. All debts due from the bankrupt at the time of the adjudication, as well as those existing, but not then payable, and also all demands for goods and chattels wiongfully converted by such bankrupt, may be proved against his estate. In all cases of contingent debts or liabilities, the creditor may have his claim there- for allowed, if he prove, before the order for the final dividend be given, that such debts have become certainly due. When the bankrupt is liable for rent, the creditor may prove for such an amount as may have become due up to the time of the bankruptcy, without reference to any stated time of payment. In case mutual credits and debts exist between the bankrupt and another, the accounts shall be set off against each other, and the balance only is to be claimed or paid ; ffiut no set-off of any claim purchased or obtained by the person offering it, after the filing of the petition, will be allowed. When a creditor holds a mortgage or pledge of real or personal property, he will only be allowed to pio\e the amount of his debt over and above the value of such property. Bui BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. 73 if such creditor choose, he can release his claim upon such property to the assignee, and then be admitted to prove his whole debt. Every creditor proving his debt will be considered as waiving his right to maintain any#action or suit against the bankrupt, and all proceedings com- menced, or unsatisfied judgments already obtained, are deemed to be discharged. And if suit be commenced on a claim provable under this act, proceedings thereon may be stayed until the determination of the court in bankruptcy be ascertained. But there must be no unreasonable delay resulting therefrom. Creditors residing within the judicial district in which the proceedings in bankruptcy are pending, must prove their debts before one of the registers of the court, in such district. Non-residents are allowed to prove their claims before any register in the district in which they may reside, or before any commissioner of the Circuit Court, authorized to administer oaths in such district. In order to secure the allowance of a claim, it must be verified by a deposition on oath, acknowledged before a register or commissioner, setting forth the demand; its consideration ; that it is justly due from the bankrupt to the claimant; whether any securities are held therefor; whether any payments have been made on such claims; that the claimant has not—nor has any other person for his use-de- ceived any security or satisfaction whatever, other than that by him set forth ; that the claim was not procured for the purpose of influencing the proceedings ; and that no bargain has been entered into to sell or otherwise dispose of such claim, whereby the vote of such creditor or any other person in the proceed- ings under this act may be in any way influenced or affected. The oath or affirmation of the truth of the above facts must be made by the creditor person- ally, unless he is absent from the United States, or by some other good cause prevented, in which case it may be made by his attorney or authorized agent. The court is required, upon the application of the assignee or a creditor, to examine the bankrupt or any other person who may be abb to give evidence as to the validity of any claim made, on oath, and must reject all debts not duly proved, or when fraud, illegality, or mistake lie at their foundation. But all lawful and just claims are to be duly allowed, and a list thereof must be certi- fied by one of the registers. Any person whose claim is rejected, has the right to appeal to the Circuit Court, and must file in the clerk’s office thereof a state- ment, in writing, of his demand. Final judgment in this court is conclusive. The court may, at any time, examine the bankrupt as to all matters relating to the condition of his property, his trade, accounts, and debts. Such examination must be in writing, and be signed by the bankrupt. His wile may also be ex- amined as to the like facts, and if she refuse to attend and testify, in obedience 74 BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. to an order of the court, the bankrupt will not be discharged, unless he be able to prove that he is not able to control his wife. All creditors whose debts are duly proved and allowed, are to share in the property and estate pro rata without any preference being giv$n, except that wages due to “ any operative, clerk, or house servant, to an amount not exceed- ing fifty dollars, for labor performed within six months next preceding the ad- judication in bankruptcy, shall be entitled to priority and first paid in full.” But no debt proved by any person, liable as bail or surety for the bankrupt, will be paid, until satisfactory evidence is produced that such person has actu- ally paid the amount. At the end of three months from the time of the adjudication in bankruptcy, or as much earlier as may be directed by the court, a general meeting of the creditors will be called. At such time, the assignee is required to exhibit to the creditors true and just accounts of all his proceedings, receipts, and payments. The creditors shall then decide (but provided one half in value of such creditors do not attend, it is the duty of the assignee to determine,) whether any, and, if so, what part of the proceeds of the estate shall be divided among the creditors. If* a dividend be thus ordered, the sums must be paid to the creditors by the assignee, in such manner as the court may direct. Another meeting, with like proceedings, shall be held at the expiration of the next three months, or earlier; and at the third meeting, the final dividend will be declared, unless some suit at law be pending, or other effects come into the hands of the assignee; in which latter case, the assignee must convert such effects as he may receive into money, as soon as expedient, and the same is to be divided within two months thereafter. Such further meetings may be held, and dividends declared, as may be necessary, but after the third meeting, no further will be called unless ordered by the court. No dividend already made will be affected by the fact that debts are subsequently proved, but the creditors thus proving, will receive an amount equal to that paid to each of the other creditors, before any further dividend will be paid to the latter. Before the final dividend is declared, the assignee shall submit his account to the court, file the same, and give notice thereof to the creditors, as well as of the fact that at a time specified in such notice, he will apply for a settlement of his account and to be relieved from liability as an assignee. At such time, the court will audit and pass the accounts of the assignee, and, if correct, he will be dis- charged fiom further responsibility. It will also order a dividend of the re- maining estate and effects, or such part thereof as to it seems proper and fit. In BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. 75 this final settlement, the following claims are entitled to priority, and are to be paid in full, in the following order : “First; the fees, costs and expenses of suits and of the several proceedings in bankruptcy under the act; also expenses incurred in the custody of the property. “ Second; all debts due to the United States, and all taxes and assessments under the laws thereof. “ Third; all debts due to the State in which the proceedings in bankruptcy are pending, and all taxes and assessments made under the laws of such State. “ Fourth ; wages due to any operative, clerk, or house servant, to an amount not exceeding fifty dollars, for labor performed within six months next preced- ing the first publication of the notice of proceedings in bankruptcy. “Fifth; all debts due to any persons who, by the laws of the United States, are, or may be entitled to a preference, in like manner as if this act had not been passed ; always provided that nothing contained in this act shall interfere with the assessment and collection of taxes by the authority of the United States, or any State.” At any time after the expiration of six months from the adjudication of bank- ruptcy, (or, if no debts have been proved against the bankrupt, or, if no assets have come into the hands of the assignee, at any time within sixty days) and within one year from the said adjudication, the bankrupt may apply for a dis- charge from his debts. Notice shall then be given to all the creditors who have proved, to appear oh a certain day and show cause why the application of the bankrupt shall not be granted. But if the debtor has been guilty of any fraud or gross negligence, or has squandered or wasted any part of his estate, or has spent any part of the same in gaming, a discharge shall not be granted to him, and if granted will be void. The discharge thus given will release the bankrupt from all debts and liabili- ties, which were—or might have been—proved against his estate in bank- ruptcy. But no person who has been once discharged, and shall become a second time bankrupt, will be again released, without the consent, in writing, of three- fourths of his creditors, unless his estate is sufficient to pay seventy per centum of all the debts that may be proved against it. If, however, such bankrupt can prove that he has paid all his debts under the previous bankruptcy, or has been released therefrom, the fact that he has been previously bankrupt will not affect him. Any creditor whose debt was proved or provable against the estate, may, within two years, apply in writing to the court to set aside and annul the dis- charge, on the ground of discovered fraud. If he prove the existence of such 76 BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. fraud, the discharge will be so set aside. And in any case, debts created by the embezzlement or fraud of a bankrupt, by his defalcation as a public officer, or by any breach of trust, will not be discharged. When two or more persons, partners in trade, are adjudged bankrupt, a war- rant will issue against all the joint stock and property of the partnership, as well as the separate stock of each of the partners. The assignee is then to be chosen by the creditors of the company, and is required to keep distinct accounts of the separate and the partnership property. After deducting all the expenses incurred, from the whole amount, the net proceeds of the joint' stock will be devoted to the payment of the partnership creditors, and private effects to the payment of the claims of private creditors. Any balance remaining after the payment of one class of debts, will be placed in the fund for the liquidation of the other. Any assignment, transfer, conveyance, sale, or other disposition of property, made in contemplation of insolvency, to one who has reason to believe the act to be so done, will be void, if it take place within six months next preceding the filing of the bankrupt’s petition. The provisions regulating compulsory bankruptcy are as follows : “ Any person owing debts as aforesaid, who, after the passage of this act— shall depart from the State, district, or Territory, of which he is an inhabitant, with intent to defraud his creditors; or, being absent, shall, with such intent, remain absent, 01 shall conceal himself to avoid the service of legal process in any action for the recovery of a debt or demand provable under this act; or shall conceal or remove any of his property to avoid its being attached, taken, or sequestered on legal process; or shall make any assignment, gift, sale, convey- ance, or transfer of his estate, property, rights, or credits, either within the United States or elsewhere, with intent to delay, defraud, or hinder his creditors ; or who has been arrested and held in custody under or by virtue of mesne pro- cess of execution, issued out of any court of any State, district, or Territory v ithin which such debtor resides or has property, founded upon a demand in its nature provable against a bankrupt’s estate under this act, and for a sum ex- ceeding one hundred dollars, and such process is remaining in force and not discharged by payment, or in any other manner provided by the law of such State, district, or Territory applicable thereto, for a period of seven days; or has been actually imprisoned for more than seven days, in a civil action, founded on contract, for the sum of one hundred dollars or upwards; or who, being bankrupt or insolvent, or in contemplation of bankruptcy or insolvency, shall make any payment, gift, grant, sale, conveyance, or transfer of money, or other BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. 77 property, estate, rights, or credits, or give any warrant to confess judgment, or procure or suffer liis property to be taken on legal process, with intent to give a preference to one or more of his creditors, or to any person or persons who are or may be liable for him as endorsers, bail, sureties, or otherwise, or with the intent, by such disposition of his property, to defeat or delay the operation of this act; or who, being a banker, merchant, or trader, has fraudulently stopped or suspended, and not resumed payment of his commercial paper, within a period of fourteen days :— “ Shall be deemed to have committed an act of bankruptcy, and, subject to the conditions hereinafter prescribed, shall be adjudged a bankrupt, on the petition of one or more of his creditors, the aggregate of whose debts provable under this act amount to at least two hundred and fifty dollars, provided such petition is brought within six months after the act of bankruptcy shall have been com- mitted.” Upon the filing of the petition above-mentioned, if it appears that sufficient grounds exist therefor, the court may order the debtor to appear at a court of bankruptcy, to be held not less than five days after the service of the order, and show cause why the creditor’s petition should not be granted. It may also pre- vent by injunction any transfer of the debtor’s property ; and, when necessary, may issue a warrant for his arrest. Upon the day appointed, if the notice has been duly serve*!, or service be waived by the appearance of the debtor, the court will proceed to examine into the truth of the allegations set forth in the creditor’s petition. If such allegations are found to be true, the debtor will be adjudged a bankrupt, and the proceedings as to his property shall be the same as prescribed in cases of voluntary bankruptcy. At the first meeting of creditors, or at any such meeting, specially called foi that purpose, and of which proper notice has been given, three-fourths in value of the creditors whose claims have been proved, may determine that the estate of the bankrupt shall be settled and distribution thereof made, by one or more trustees, to be nominated by themselves; and when it is proved to the satisfac- tion of the court, that the resolution was duly passed, and that the interests of the creditors will be promoted thereby, they will confirm the same, and direct that the estate of the bankrupt be conveyed to the trustees. These trustees have the same power to dispose of and convey the property of the bankrupt, as the debtor himself had, or as the assignees would have had, if the creditors had not determined that the estate should be settled by trustees. And the proceed- ings in bankruptcy will be similar to those prescribed in cases of voluntary 78 BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. bankruptcy, and therefore it will not be necessary for us to pursue the subject further. The act also provides, that in case the bankrupt—by concealment, gaming, fraudulent transfers, or accounts, or in any other unjust manner defraud, or attempt to defraud his creditors, or other persons, he shall be pun- ished by imprisonment, for a term not exceeding three years. CHAPTER X. JlATES OF pUTIES IMPOSED BY THE JJNITED ON JmPORTED pRUGS, p’ERFUMERY, ETC., AND MOST OF THE DUTIABLE ARTICLES FOUND IN THE ESTABLISHMENTS OF yALPOTHECAF^I_ES. Absynth, 50° and under, $2.50 per gal., with 5 cents added for each additional degree. Absynth, under 50°, and costing more than $5 per gal., 50 per cent. Absynth, oil of, or wormwood, 50 per cent. Acacia, or gum arabic, 20 per cent. Acetate (or sugar) of lead, 20 cents per lb. Acetate of potasse, 75 cents per lb. Acetate of baryta, 40 cents per lb. Acetate of iron, 50 cents per lb. Acetate of strontian, 50 cents per lb. Acetate of zinc, 50 cents per lb. Acetate of lead, 20 cents per lb. Acetate of magnesia, 50 cents per lb. Acetate of soda, 50 cents per lb. Acetate of lime, 25 per cent. Acid, chromic, 15 per cent. Acid, acetic, acetous, or concentrated vinegar, or pyroligneous, exceeding spec. grav. of 1040°, 80 cents per lb. Acid, as above, not over 1040°, 25 cents per lb. Acid, benzoic, 10 per cent. Acid, boracic, 5 cents per lb. Acid, citric, 10 cents per lb. Acid, gallic, $1.50 per lb. Acid, muriatic, 10 per cent. Acid, nitric, 10 per cent. Acid, oxalic, 4 cents per lb. Acid, tannic, $2 per lb. Acid, tartaric, in crystals or powder, 20 cents per lb. Acid, sulphuric, or oil of vitriol, 1 cent per lb. Acid, all kinds used for chemical oi manufacturing purposes, not other- wise provided for, free. Acid, used in the fine arts, not other- wise provided for, 10 per cent. Adhesive plaster, salve, 40 per cent. Adianthum, 20 per cent. Alba, canella, 20 per cent. Albumen, 25 per cent. Alkanet root, 20 per cent. Aloes, 6 cents per lb. Alum, 60 cents per 100 lbs. Alum, patent, 60 cents per 100 lbs. Alum, substitute, 60 cents per 100 lbs. Alumina, sulphate of, 60 cents per 100 lbs. Aluminous cake, 60 cents per 100 lbs. Alzarine (ext. of madder) 10 per cent. Amy lie, alcohol, $2 per gal. Ammonia, 20 per cent. Ammonia, acetate of, 70 cents per lb. Ammonia, sulphate of, 20 per cent. Ammonia, salts, 10 per cent. 79 80 EATES OF DUTIES. Ammonia, carb, 20 per cent. Ammonia, refined, 20 per cent. Ammonia, muriate of, 10 per cent. Analine, dyes, $1 per lb., and 35 per cent. Angelica root, 20 per cent. Annatto, extract of, 20 per cent. Annatto seed, 20 per cent. Antimony, crude, 10 per cent. Anise seed, 5 cents per lb. Anise seed, oil of, 50 cents per lb. Anthos, oil of, 50 per cent. Aqua fortis, 10 per cent. Argentophile, 20 per cent. Argentina, 20 per cent. Argol, (crude tartar,) 6 cents per lb. Arsenic, 20 per cent. Arsenic, sulphate of, 20 per cent. Arrow root, 30 per cent. Articles in a crude state used in dyeing or tanning, not elsewhere named, free. Articles not in a crude state, used for like purposes, not otherwise named, 20 per cent. Asphaltmn, 25 per cent. Assafoetida, 20 per cent. Ava root, 20 per cent. Balm of Gilead, 40 per cent. Balsam copaiva, 20 cents per lb. Balsam, Peruvian, 50 cents per lb. Balsam of Tulu, 30 cents per lb. Balsam, medicinal, not otherwise men- tioned, 30 per cent. Balsam, all cosmetics, 50 per cent. Bark, all medicinal, 20 per cent. Barytes, sulphate of, \ cent per lb. Barytes, nitrate of, 20 per cent. Barytes and acid combined, 3 cents per lb. Bay rum, essence of, $2 per oz. Bay rum, or water, distilled from the leaf, $1.50 per gal. Bdellium, crude or refined, 20 per cent. Bay wax, 20 per cent. Benzoin, (gum,) 10 cents per lb. Benzine, refined, 40 cents per gallon. Benzoates, 30 per cent. Berlin blue, 25 per cent. Berries, used for dyeing, in a crude state, free. Berries, not elsewhere noted, 10 per cent. Bismuth, oxide of, 20 per cent. Bitumen, 20 per cent. Black glass bottles, 35 per cent. Black lead, $10 per ton. Black lead powder, 20 per cent. Blacking, 30 per cent. Bleaching powders, 30 cents per 100 lbs. Blue vitriol, 5 cents per lb. Borate of lime, 5 cents per lb. Borax, crude, 5 cents per lb. Borax, refined, 10 cents per lb. Bottles, apothecaries’, exceeding the ca- pacity of 6, and not exceeding 16 oz. each, 35 per cent. Bottles, perfumery and fancy, (cut,) not exceeding the capacity of 16 ounces, 40 per cent. Bottles containing wine and spirituous liquors, 2 cents each. Bouclio leaves, 10 cents per lb. Brazil paste, 10 per cent. Brandy, 50° and under, $3 per gal.; 6 cents for each degree over 50° to be © added. Brandy under 50°, and costing over $6 per gallon, 50 per cent.; all imitation to pay the same as if genuine. Brimstone, in rolls, $10 per ton. Brimstone, crude, $6 per ton. Brucine, 40 per cent. Burgundy pitch, 20 per cent. Burning fluid, 50 cents per gal. Calcined magnesia, 12 cents per lb. RATES OF DUTIES. 81 Calisaya bark, 20 per cent. Calomel, 30 per cent. Camomile flowers, 20 per cent. Camphor, crude, 30 cents per lb. Camphor, refined, 40 cents per lb. Canary seed, $1 per bushel. Canella, white, 20 per pent. Candles, adamantine, 5 cents per lb. Candles, wax, 8 cents per lb. Candles, spermaceti, 8 cents per lb. Candles, stearine, 5 cents per lb. Candles, paraffine, 8 cents per lb. Cantharides, 50 cents per lb. Carbonate of magnesia, 6 cents per lb. Carboys, not exceeding ten gallons, 35 per cent. Cardamon seed, 50 cents per lb. Carmine, lake, 35 per cent Carmine, dry, 25 per cent. Carmine, liquid dye, 20 per cent. Caraway, oil of, 50 cents per lb. Caraway seed, 3 cents per lb. Cassia buds, 25 cents per lb. Castor beans, 60 cents per bushel. Castor oil, $1 per gallon. Castorum, a drug, 20 per cent. Caustic, soda, 1J cents per lb. Chalk, French, 20 per cent. Chalk, white, $10 per ton. Chicory root, 4 cents per lb. Chicory, prepared, 5 cents per lb. Chincona bark, 20 per cent. Chincona root, 20 per cent. Chinese blue, 25 per cent. Chloroform, (medic.,) $1 per lb. Chloride of lime, 30 cents per 100 lbs. Chromate of potash, 3 cents per lb. Chromic acid, 15 per cent. Chromic, yellow, 25 per cent. Cicuta, 20 per cent. Cinnabar, prepared mercury, 20 per cent. Cinnamon, 30 cents per lb. Cinnamon, oil of, $2 per lb. Citrate of lime, 20 per cent. Cloves, 20 cents per lb. Clove stems, 10 cents per lb. Cobalt, 20 per cent. Cobalt, oxide of, 20 per cent. Cocculus indicus, 10 cents per lb. Cocoa, 3 cents per lb. Cocoa leaves, 2 cents per lb. Cochineal, free. Cold cream, 50 per cent. Colcother (oxide of iron,) 20 per cent. Colocynth, 10 cents per lb. Cologne, $3 per gal., and 50 per cent. Colombo root, 20 per cent. Coloquintida, 10 cents per lb. Colts foot, crude drug, 20 per cent. Combs for the hair, all 35 per cent. Contrayera root, 20 per cent. Copperas, J cent per lb. Cordials, all sweet, $2.50 per gal. Coriander seed, 3 cents per lb. Corks, and articles made thereof, 50 per cent. Cork tree, unmanufactured bark of, 30 per cent. Cosmetics, 50 per cent. Corrosive sublimate, 20 per cent. Court plaster, 35 per cent. Cream of tartar, 10 cents per lb. Cremnitz, white, 3 cents per lb. Cubebs, 10 cents per lb. Cummin seed, 5 cents per lb. Demijohns, 40 per cent. Dextrine, 20 per cent. Dentifrice, 50 per cent. Directions for patent medicines, 25 per cent. Drugs, medicinal, and chemicals not otherwise named, crude, 20 per cent. Elecampane, 20 per cent. Ethers, preparations not provided for, $1 per lb. 82 RATES OF DUTIES. Extract of belladonna, 40 per cent. Extract of campeachy wood, 10 per cent. Extract of colocynth, 40 per cent. Extract of cicutae, 40 per cent. Extract of elaterium, 40 per cent. Extract of gentian, 40 per cent. Extract of hyoscyamus, 40 per cent. Extract of indigo, 10 per cent. Extract of annux vomica, 40 per cent. Extract of madder, 10 per cent. Extract of opium, 100 per cent. Extract of rhatania, 40 per cent. Extract of rhubarb, 40 per cent. Extract of stramonium, 40 per cent. Extracts, all other medicinal, 40 per cent. Ferri, rubigo, 40 per cent. Flaxseed, 16 cents per bushel. Flaxseed, oil of, 23 cents per gallon. Flowers, crude, used in dyeing, free. Flowers, all medicinal, 20 per cent. Fox-glove, crude drug, 20 per cent. Frankincense, 20 per cent. Fol. Digitalis, 20 per cent. Fruit, ethers, $2.50 per lb. Fusil oil, $2 per gal. Galanga, 20 per cent. Gallengal, 20 per cent. Gamboge, medicinal, 10 per cent. Gelatine, 35 per cent. Gentian root, 20 per cent. Gin, 50° and under, $2.50 per gal.; 5 cents to be added for every additional degree. Gin, under 50° in strength, and costing more than $5 per gal., 50 per cent.; all imitations are to pay as genuine. Ginger root, 5 cents per lb. Ginger, essence of, 50 per cent. Glasswares of cut glass, 40 per cent. Glasswares, all others not mentioned, not cut, 35 per cent. Glycerine, 30 per cent. Gold, muriate of, 20 per cent. Gold, oxide of, 20 per cent. Gum mastic, 50 cents per lb. Gum copal and shellac, 10 cents per lb. Gum sandrac, 10 cents per lb. Hair powder, not perfumed, 50 per cent. Hartshorn, spirits of, 40 per cent. Hellebore root, 20 per cent. Hempseed oil, 23 cents per gal. Hemp, Indian, 20 per cent. Henbane, 20 per cent. Hoffman’s anodyne, 50 cents per lb. Hungary water, 50 per cent, Hydriodate of potash, 75 cents per lb. India rubber, oil cloth, or other articles manufactured wholly or in part of India rubber, not otherwise provided for, 35 per cent. Indigo, carmined, 20 per cent, Ink, and ink powder, 35 per cent. Iodine, crude, 50 cents per lb. Iodine, salts of, 15 per cent. Iodine, resublimed, 75 cents per lb. Ipecac, 50 cents per lb. Iron, sulphate of, J cent per lb. Ivory, manufactures of vegetable, 35 per cent. Kreosote, 40 per cent. Lac marine, 20 per cent. Lampblack, 20 per cent. Lancets, 35 per cent. Lapis tutia, oxide of zinc, If cents per lb. Laurel, oil of, 20 cents per lb. Lavender, essence of, 50 per cent. Lavender, dry flour, 20 per cent. Lavender, oil and water of, 50 per cent. 83 RATES OF DUTIES. Laudanum, 40 per cent. Lead, nitrate of, 3 cents per lb. Leaves, medicinal, crude, 20 per cent. Leeches, 20 per cent. Lima bark, 20 per cent. Lime, 10 per cent. Limets, oil of, 50 per cent. Linseed, 16 cents per bushel. Linseed cakes, 20 per cent. Linseed meal, 20 per cent. Linseed oil, 23 cents per gallon. Liquorice paste, 10 cents per lb. Liquorice root, 2 cents per lb. Liquorice, in rolls, 10 cents per lb. Lozenges, all medicinal, 50 per cent. Logwood, free. Lunar costic, 40 per cent. Sulphate of magnesia, 1 cent per lb. Manganese, 10 per cent. Manna, 25 cents per lb. Manufactured tobacco, not otherwise named, 50 cents per lb. Marsh mallows, 20 per cent. Matico, 20 per cent. Medicines, patent, 50 per cent. Medicinal preparations, not otherwise named, 40 per cent. Medicinal barks and roots, not other- wise named, 20 per cent. Mercury, all preparations of, 20 per cent. Mineral water, in vessels, 3 cents for each quart, and 25 per cent. Morphine, $2.50 per oz. Morphine, salts of, $2.50 per oz. Moss, Iceland, 10 per cent. Murexide, 25 per cent. Musk, prepared, 50 per cent. Musk, crude, 20 per cent. Myrrh, gum, crude or refined, 20 per cent. Naptha, 40 cents per gal. Narcotine, 40 per cent. Naples soap, 10 cents per lb., and 25 per cent. Natron, carbonate of soda, J cent per lb. Nitrate of iron, 20 per cent. Nitrate of silver, 40 per cent. Nitrate of strontium 20 per cent. Nitrate of tin, 20 per cent. Nitre, muri. tin, 20 per cent. Nitre, soda, refined and unrefined, 1 cent per lb. Nitric ether, spirits of, 50 cents per lb. Nux vomica, free. Ochres, dry, not otherwise named, 50 cents per 100 lbs. Ochres, ground in oil, $1.50 per 100 lbs. Oil, Harlsem, 50 per cent. Oil, allspice, 50 per cent. Oil of almonds, fixed or expressed, 10 cents per lb. Oil of almonds, essential, or essence of, $1.50 per lb. Oil of amber, crude, 10 cents per lb. Oil of amber, rectified, 20 cents per lb. Oil, animali, 20 per cent. Oil, bear’s, 50 per cent. Oil, bay, fixed or expressed, 20 cents per lb.' Oil, cajaput, or cajaputa, 25 cents per lb. Oil, chamomile, 50 per cent. Oil of cassia, $1 per lb. Oil of cloves, $2 per lb. Oil of eocoanuts, 10 per cent. Oil, croton, fixed or expressed, $1 per lb. Oil of citronella, 50 cents per lb. Oil of cogniacs, $4 per oz. Oil of cubebs, $1 per lb. Oil of fennel, 50 cents per lb. Oil of hartshorn, 50 per cent. 84 RATES OF DUTIES. Oil of juglandium, 50 per cent. Oil of juniper, 25 cents per lb. Oil of jasmine, 50 per cent. Oil of lavender, 50 per cent. Oil of laurel, 20 cents per lb. Oil, macassar,50 per cent. Oil of mace, 50 cents per lb. Oil of mint or minth, 50 per cent. Oil of nuts, 50 per cent. Oil, neats’ foot, 20 per cent. Oil of nutmegs, 50 per cent. Oil of oranges, 50 cents per lb. Oil of orange flower, 50 per cent. Oil, olive, in bottles or flasks, $1 per gal. Oil, olive, in casks, not salad, 25 cents per gal. Oil of palm, or palm bean, 10 per cent. Oil of poppies, 20 per cent. Oil of pimento, 50 per cent. Oil, petroleum, crude, 20 cents per gal. Oil, petroleum, refined, 40 cents per gal. Oil of rhodium, 50 per cent. Oil of roses, $1.50 per oz. Oil, rue, 50 per cent. Oil, ricini, $1 per gal. Oil of sweet marjoram, 50 per cent. Oil of sage, 50 per cent. Oil of savin, 50 per cent. Oil of sassafras, 50 per cent. Oil of spike, 50 per cent. Oil of spurge, 50 per cent. Oil of spruce, 50 per cent. Oil, seal, 10 per cent. Oil of thyme, 30 cents per lb. Oil of tuberose, 50 per cent. Oil of vanilla, 50 per cent. Oil of violets, 50 per cent. Oil of valerian, $1.50 per lb. Oil of vitriol, 1 cent per lb. Oil of bergamot, $1 per lb. Oil, illuminating, generally, 40 per cent. Opium, $2.50 per lb. Opium, extract of, and prepared, 100 per cent. Orchello, 10 per cent. Oxymuriate of lime, 20 per cent. Oxymuriate of potash, 6 cents per lb. Paint brushes, 40 per cent. Paints, water colors, 35 per cent, not water colors, generally, 25 per cent. Paints, terra umbra, 50 cents per 100 lbs. Paraffine, 10 cents per lb. Pellitory root, 20 per cent. Perfumery, 50 per cent. Perfumery, composed principally of alcohol, $3 per gal., and 50 per cent. Perfumery, bottles, uncut, not exceeding capacity of 16 ounces each, 35 per cent. Peruvian bark, 20 per cent. Phosphorus, 20 per cent. Phosphuret of lime, 20 per cent. Picrotoxine, 40 per cent. Piperine, 40 per cent. Polishing powders, 25 per cent. Polypodium, crude, 20 per cent. Poppy seed and heads, 20 per cent. Potassium, 20 per cent. Potash, acetate, iodate and iodide of, 75 cents per lb. Potash, bichromate of, 3 cents per lb. Potash, chromate of, 3 cents per lb. Potash, chlorate of, 6 cents per lb. Potash, hydriodate of, 75 cents per lb. Potash, prussiate of, red, 10 cents per lb. Potash, prussiate of, yellow, 5 cents per lb. Potash, pure, 20 per cent. Pills, powders, patent medicines, etc., 50 per cent. Prussian blue, 30 per cent. Quicksilver, 15 per cent. RATES OF DUTIES. 85 Quinine, 45 per cent. Quinine, salts of, 45 per cent. Quinine, sulphate of, 45 per cent. Quilla bark, 20 per cent. Rape seed, 1 cent per lb. Rape seed oil, 23 cents per gal. Red or crude tartar, 6 cents per lb. Red precipitate and liquor, 20 per cent. Regulus of antimony, 10 per cent. Resin of jalop, 40 per cent. Resin, nux vomica, 40 per cent. Rhubarb, 50 cents per lb. Rock moss, 10 per cent. Root, arrow, 30 per cent. Rosalio, $2.50 per gal. Rum, cherry, $2.50 per gal. Rum, oil or essence of, $2 per oz. Saffron, 10 per cent. Saffron cake, 10 per cent. Salacine, 40 per cent. Sal ammoniac, 10 per cent. Sal diuretic and succinic, 20 per cent. Salts, brown, 20 per cent. Salts, Epsom, 1 cent per lb. Salts, glauber, J cent per lb. Salts, Rochelle, 15 cents per lb. Salts, all other chemical not enumerated, 20 per cent. Saltpetre, crude, 2J cents per lb. Saltpetre, refined, 3 cents per lb. Saltpetre, partially refined, 2 cents per lb. Santonin, $5 per lb. Sarcocolla, crude, 20 per cent. Sarsaparilla, 20 per cent. Sassafras, 20 per cent. Sassafras, oil of, 50 per cent. Scammoniate, gum, 20 per cent. Scilla, 10 per cent. Seneca, 20 per cent. Senna, 20 per cent. Schellac, 10 cents per lb. Sumac, 10 per cent. Snake root, 20 per cent. Snuff, 50 cents per lb. Soap, Naples, fancy perfumed shaving and Windsor, 25 per cent. Soap, Castile, soft, and turpentine or common, 30 per cent. Soda, bi-carbonate of, If cents per lb. Soda, carbonate of, cent per lb. Soda, caustic, 1J cents per lb. Soda, ash, sal., and salts of, cent per lb. Soda, iodate of, 20 per cent. Soda, lye, and powders, 20 per cent. Soda, hydriodate, and hypo-sulphate of, 20 per cent. Spirits, lac, free. Spirits, not otherwise named, 100 per cent. Spirits of turpentine, 30 cents per gal. Sponges, 20 per cent. Salanine, 40 per cent. Stomach pumps, 35 per cent. Surgical instruments, ivory, 35 per cent. Surgical instruments, silver, 40 per cent. Surgical instruments, steel, not else- where named, 45 per cent. Styrax, 30 per cent. Strychnine, $1.50 per oz. Strontian, 20 per cent. Strontian, muriate of, 20 per cent. Sulphate of ammonia, 20 per cent. Sulphate of quinine, 45 per cent. Sulphate of rhubarb, 20 per cent. Sulphur, flour of, $20 per ton and 15 per cent. Tar, Barbadoes, crude, 20 per cent. Tartar emetic, 15 cents per lb. Tinctures, medicinal, 40 per cent. Tinctures, odoriferous, 50 per cent. Trusses, of leather and iron, 35 per cent. 86 RATES OF DUTIES. Trusses, with iron or steel springs, 45 per cent. Tubes, bone, 35 per cent. • Tubes, ivory, 35 per cent. Tubes, silver, 40 per cent. Varnishes of all kinds, 50 cents per gal. and 20 per cent, if value not over $1.50 per gal.; if over that, 50 cents per gal. and 25 per cent. Veratrine, 40 per cent. Verdigris, 6 cents per lb. Vitriol, green, J cent per lb. Vitriol, white, 20 per cent. Wines of all kinds valued over 50 cents, and not over $1 per gal., 50 cents per gal., and 25 per cent.; valued over $1 per gal., $1 per gal., and 25 per cent.; valued not over 50 cents pe/] gal., 20 cents per gal, and 25 per cent.: Provided, that no champagne or sparkling wines in bottles shall pay a less rate of duty than $6 per dozen bottles, each bottle containing more than one pint, and not more than one quart; or $6 per two dozen bottles, each containing not over one pint. Wood, quassia, crude, 20 per cent. Yellow citric acid, 10 cents per lb. Yellow spirits, 20.per cent. Yellow salt of chrome, 20 per cent. Zinc, valerianate of, 20 per cent. Drugs and chemicals not otherwise enu- merated, 20 per cent. DUTIES PAYABLE ON GLASS AND GLASSWARE. Glass, all fluted, rolled, or rough plate glass, not including crown, cylinder, or common window glass, not exceed- ing 10 by 15 inches, f- cent per square foot. Glass, same as above, over that size, but not exceeding 16 by 24, 1 cent per square foot. Glass, same as above, over 16 by 24, but not over 24 by 30, 1J cents per square foot. Glass, as above, over 24 by 30, 2 cents per square foot: Provided, that all the foregoing, weighing over one pound per square foot, shall pay an additional duty on the excess, at the same rates herein imposed. Glass, all cast polished plate glass, un- silvered, not over 10 by 15 inches, 3 cents per square foot. Glass, as above, over 10 by 15, and not over 16 by 24, 5 cents per square . foot. Glass, as above, over 16 by 24, but not over 24 by 30, 8 cents per square foot. Glass, as above, over 24 by 30, but not over 24 by 60, 25 cents per square foot. Glass, as above, over 24 by 60, 50 cents per square foot. Glasses, hour, 35 per cent. Glass shades, 35 per cent. Glass, painted, 40 per cent. Glass plates for optical instruments, 10 per cent. Glass, all cast polished plate, silvered, or looking-glass plate, not over 10 by 15 inches, 4 cents per square foot. Glass, as above, over 10 by 15, but not over 16 by 24, 6 cents per square foot. 87 RATES OF DUTIES. Glass, as above, over 16 by 24, but not over 24 by 30, 10 cents per square foot. Glass, as above, over 24 by 30, but not over 24 by 60, 35 cents per square foot. Glass, as above, over 24 by 60, 60 cents per square foot. Glass, cut, all wares of, 40 per cent. Glass, all articles not named, 35 per cent. Glass watch crystals, 40 per cent. Glass, colored or engraved, 40 per cent. Glass, printed, gilt, painted, stained, or silvered, 40 per cent. Glass, Bohemian, 40 per cent. Glass toilet bottles, cut, not exceeding capacity of 16 oz., 40 per cent Glass, and glass pebbles for spectacles, 40 per cent. Glass, porcelain, 40 per cent. Glass, window, crown and common cylinder, unpolished, not exceeding 10 by 15 inches, 1| cents per lb.; if polished, 2| cents per square foot. Glass, as above, unpolished, over 10 by 15, and not over 16 by 24, 2 cents per lb.; if polished, 4 cents per square foot. Glass, as above, unpolished, over 16 by 24, not over 24 by 30, 2 J cents per lb.; if polished, 6 cents per square foot. Glass, window, as above, unpolished, over 24 by 30 inches, 3 cents per lb. Glass, window, as above, if polished, and over 24 by 60 inches, 40 cents per square foot. Glass, window, as above, if polished, over 24 by 30, but not over 24 by 60, 20 cents per square foot. ADDENDA. Orange flowers, 10 per cent. Orange peel, 10 per cent. Orange issue peas, 40 per cent. Orange flower water, 50 per cent. Oil of bay leaves, $17.50 per lb. Oxide of bismuth, 20 per cent. Pestles and mortars, of stone, 35 pr. ct Pestles and mortars, composition, 35 pr. cent. Pestles and mortars, of marble, 50 per cent. Phosphate of lime, 20 per cent. Phosphate of soda, 20 per cent. Pomegranate peel, 10 per cent. CHAPTER XI. JDopyrights. IN order to secure the protection of the copyright laws, it is necessary for the author, designer, or proprietor of any article for which he desires a copyright, to deposit a printed copy of the title of such article in the Clerk’s office of the District Court for the district in which he resides; and also to deliver to the said Clerk, within three months thereafter, a sample of such book, or other article. He is then entitled to receive a copy of the title of his work under the seal of the Court. For recording the title, the Clerk is allowed a fee of fifty cents, and the same amount for a certified copy. The proprietor is also required to forward to the Congressional Library, at Washington, a complete sample or copy of the article, within one month after its publication. (It is understood, of course, that the copyright laws, as a rule, only extend to the labels, engravings, or other designa- tions placed upon patent or proprietary medicines.) To secure the right of maintaining actions for the infringement of a copyright, the law requires that the proprietor shall insert on the title page of every book, and on the front or face of each and every other article, such as prints, labels, or engravings, the following words: “ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year , by [the proprietor], in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of .” The insertion of such notice by one who has not secured a copyright, renders him liable to a fine of one hundred dollars; and the infringement of a copyright subjects the guilty party to a penalty of one dollar for every sheet that may be found in his possession, containing such unlawful copies, besides the forfeiture of all such sheets, and the plates on which the same may have been copied or printed. Non-residents, and those who are not citizens, are not pro- tected. Actions for forfeitures and penalties must be commenced within two years. The sole right of printing, publishing, and selling the patented articles belongs to the inventor, author, or designer, and his representatives or assigns, for the term of twenty-eight years. After that length of time, the author, etc., if living, and a citizen or resident of the United States, or his widow or children, if he be dead, may have the right continued for the further term of fourteen years, by COPYRIGHTS. 89 complying with the regulations prescribed for obtaining the original copyright; and also advertising a copy of the record of the renewal in one or more news- papers printed in the United States. Copyrights may be assigned by writing proved and acknowledged, in the like manner with deeds, in the same State where the assignment is made. Such assignment must be recorded in the office where the original copyright is regis- tered, within sixty days, otherwise it will be void as against subsequent pur- chasers or mortgagees without notice. It has occurred to the publishers that a list of such books as meet the many wants of the drug trade (Chemistry, Phar- macy, 5Iateria Medica, etc. would be a desirable addition to the valuable information already given, and to further this end we append such that from their high order and accepted worth we particularly recommend, and in order to make it of still greater use, we add the names of the publishers, with the prices at which they will be furnished by your nearest bookseller, or will be forwarded, prepaid, by the respective publishers, on receipt of the price stated. THE UNITED STATES DISPENSATORY. By Geo. B. Wood, M. I)., and Franklin Baclie, M. D. Thir- teenth Edition. Revised and Enlarged. 8vo., Sheep, $10.00. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia. PHARMACOPCEIA OP THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Fourth Decennial Revision. Published by authority of the National Convention for Re- vising the Pharmacopoeia, held at Washington. 12mn. Cloth. $1.00. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia. A COMPEND OP MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. By John C. Riley, A. M„ M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the National College, etc. 8vo. Extra Cloth. $3.00. J. B. I.ippincott & Co., Philadelphia. THE STUDENT’S PRACTICAL CHEM- ISTRY. By Professors Morton and Leeds. Profusely Illus- trated. 12mo. Tinted Paper. Extra Cloth. $2.00. J. B. Lippincott and Co., Philadelphia. A TREATISE ON THE PRACTICE OP MEDICINE. By George B. Wood, M. 1)., etc. Sixth Edi- tion. 2 vols. Thick 8vo. Cloth, $3.00. Sheep, $10.00. .7. B. Lippincott & Co.. Philadelphia. A TREATISE ON THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY, OR MATERIA MEDICA. By George B. Wood, M. D., etc. Third Edition. 8vo. Cloth, $9.00. Sheep, $10.00. J. B. I.ippincott & Co., Philadelphia. 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Fifth American, from the Fifth and Revised London Edi- tion. With numerous Illustrations. In one neat volume, Royal 12mo., Extra Cloth. $2.25. Just Issued. H. C. Lea, 706 and 708 Sansom St. Philadelphia. A TREATISE ON PHARMACY. By Edward Parrish, Professor of Materia Medica in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Designed as a Text Book for the Student, and as a Guide for the Physician and Pharmaceu- tist. With many Formulas and Prescriptions. Third Edi- tion, greatly improved. In one hands.ome octavo volume, of 850 pages, with several hundred Illustrations. Extra Cloth. $5.00. II. C. Lea, 706 and 708 Sansom St., Phila- delphia. A MANUAL OF ELEMENTARY CHEM- ISTRY; Theoretical and Practical. By George Fownes, Ph. D. With one hundred and ninety-seven Illustrations. A new American, from the Tenth and Revised London Edition. Edited by Robert Bridges, M. D. In one large Royal 12mo. volume, of about 850 pp. Extra Cloth, $2.75. Leather, $3.25. Just ready. H. C. Lea, 706 and 708 San- som St., Philadelphia. THERAPEUTICS AND MATERIA MED- ICA; a Systematic Treatise on the Action and Uses of Medicinal Agents, including their Description and History. By Alfred Stille, M. D., professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania. Third Edi- tion, revised and Enlarged. In two large and handsome octavo volumes of about 1700 pages. Extra Cloth, $10.00. Leather, $12.00. Just issued. II. C. Lea, 706 and 708 San- som St., Philadelphia. A UNIVERSAL FORMULARY; Containing the Methods of Preparing and Administering Officinal and other Medicines. The whole adapted to Physicians and Pharmaceutists. By Robert Griffith, M. D. Second Edi- tion, thoroughly revised with numerous additions, by Robert P. Thomas, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. In one large and handsome octavo volume, of 650 pages, double columns. Extra Cloth, $1.00. Leather, $5.00. H. C. Lea, 706 and 708 Sansom St., Philadelphia. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEU- TICS. By Jonathan Pereira, M. D., F. R. S. and L. S. Being an Abridgment of the late Dr. Pereira’s Elements of Materia Medica, arranged in conformity with the British Pharmacopoeia, and adapted to the use of Medical Practi- tioners, Chemists and Druggists, Medical and Pharmaceu- tical Students, etc. By F. J. Fane, M. D., Senior Physi- cian to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, and London Editor of the British Pharmacopoeia; asssisted by Robert Bentley, 51. R. C. S., Professor of Materia Medica and Botany to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; and by Robert Warington, F. R. S., Chemical Operator to the Society of Apothecaries. With numerous additions and references to The United States Pharmacopoeia, by Horatio C. Wood, M. D., Professor of Botany in the University of Pennsyl- vania. In one large and handsome octavo volume of 1010 closely printed pages, with 236 Illustrations. Extra Cloth, $7.00. Leather, raised bands, $8.00. Lately published. H C Lea, 706 and 708 Sansom St., Philadelphia. THE MEDICAL FORMULARY. By Benjamin Ellis, M. D.: being a Collection of Prescriptions derived from’ the writings and practice of many of the most emi- nent physicians of America and Europe. Together with the usual Dietetic Preparations and Antidotes for Poisons. The whole accompanied with a few brief Pharmaceutic and Medical Observations. Twelfth Edition, carefully revised and much improved by Albert II. Smith, M. D. In one volume, 8vo.. of 376 pages. Extra Clotb, $3.00. Now Ready. II. C. Lea, 706 and 708 Sansom St., Philadelphia. A CLASSIFIED REGISTER OF THE DRCTC; TRADE OF THE Waite# Stateiu CONTAINING A COMPLETE LIST OF ALL THE HOUSES DEALING IN DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUPES, PAINTS AND OILS, GLASS, PERFUMERY, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TOILET SOAPS, DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES, ETC., ETC. PHILADELPHIA EVANS, STODDART & CO., PUBLISHERS, 74QSANSOM STREET. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by W. B. EVANS & C 0., Tn the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PREFACE. IT has been many months since we issued our Prospectus, and sent out our canvassers on this work. We promised a complete Register of the Drug Trade of this country. We have had the cities canvassed by competent agents, and a business card returned from each house to avoid errors in classifying and to insure correct- ness in spelling the names of firms or individuals. Our lists from the country towns have been corrected by the most prominent resi- dent druggists, so that our subscribers can rely upon their correctness up to the present time. In some of the smaller towns and villages, where we found no regular druggist, we have given the country stores where a small assortment of drugs and patent medicines are usually kept on hand; these can be distinguished by the letters C. S. or G. S. being affixed. Our subscription list increased so rapidly that we concluded to stereotype our work before printing, so as to be able to supply all demands for future editions. We shall be thankful to receive notices of changes in name or style of firms, that we may insure correctness in our list. To the numerous gentlemen in the trade, who have rendered us so much assistance and information, we desire to return our most sincere thanks. We hope and believe that the Legal Directory and Register will meet the wants of the trade— in every branch. It has been carefully written and compiled by able, competent hands, and no expense spared to insure correctness. In the manufacture of the book, also, we have endeavored to include all that our taste and experience could obtain to make the volume handsome and attractive, as well as useful. 93 95 INDEX. 1. Alabama page 97 2. Arkansas . « 101 3. California u 103 4. Connecticut « 108 5. Delaware « 113 6. District of Columbia « 115 7. Florida « 116 8. Georgia « 117 9. Illinois « 121 10. Indiana « 144 11. Iowa « 157 12. Kansas « 168 13. Kentucky « 171 14. Louisiana « 177 15. Maine « 180 16. Maryland « l§6 17. Massachusetts « 196 18. Michigan « 208 19. Minnesota « 218 20. Mississippi « 221 21. Missouri « 224 22. Nebraska « 238 23. New Hampshire « 239 24. New Jersey « 242 25. New York « 249 26. North Carolina « 281 27. Ohio « 287 28. Oregon « 285 29. Pennsylvania « 305 30. Rhode Island « 333 31. South Carolina « 334 32. Tennessee « 336 33. Texas « 340 34. Vermont »< 343 35. Virginia « 347 36. West Virginia « 352 37. Wisconsin « 355 Territories « 363 A CLASSIFIED REGISTER US8 ill IIXIITf§ OF THE ABBBJEVIATIOJS^S.—C. S., Country Store; G. S., General Stock; W., Wholesale; B., Betail; W. & B., Wholesale and Betail; St., Street; Are., Avemie. ALABAMA. ABBEVILLE, Henry Co. Kimbrough & Co. ANDALUSIA, Covington Co. Jones, Josiah. ATHENS, Limestone Co. HOFFMAN, J. R. & CO. Sowell, J. F. & Co. AUBURN, Lee Co. Braggaw, R. H. Harper, S. T. Read & Drake. Stewart & Dixon. AUTAUGAVILLE, Autauga Co. Davis, B. F. & Co. BENTON, Lowndes Co. Winnemore, S. BLOUNT SPRINGS, Blount Co. Foust, S. & Son, G. S. BLOUNTVILLE, Blount Co. Montgomery, R. B. & Son, G. S. BRIDGEVILLE, Pickens Co. Bridges, W. B. & Co., G. S. BRUNDIDGE, Pike Co. Carlton, S. M. Duberry & McEacliem. CAHABA, Dallas Co. Jacobson, M. CAMDEN, Wilcox Co. Jones & Benson. CARROLLTON, Pickens Co. Willett & Hill. CENTREVILLE, Bibb Co. Crawford, James W. CLAYTON, Barbour Co. McNeill & Wise. Warren, Dr. M. COLUMBIA, Henry Co. Biggers, M. L. & Co. I COURTLAND, Lawrence Co. Pipper, J. & Co. CROPWELL, St. Clair Co. Smith, William T. DADEVILLE, Tallapoosa Co. Staton, Daniel H. DAYTON, Marengo Co. Sayre, George. DECATUR, Morgan Co. BANKS, J. T. Cross, Drs. & Johnston. Falk, L. M., G. S. Scott & Co. DEMOPOLIS, Marengo Co. Abernathy, L. R. Hall, J. Y. 97 98 ALAB AM A.—Continued. ECHO, Dale Co. Snellings, Dr. H. ELBA, Coffee Co. Blue, J. P. Moore, Dr. John G. Rushing, F. M. ELYTON, Jefferson Co. Hawkins, Nathaniel. Smith, Joseph R. ENON, Bullock Co. Oliver, Wesley A., G. S. EUFAULA, Barbour Co. Besson, W. E. Smith, Milton. WEEDON & DENT, Wholesale and Retail EUTAW, Green Co. Merriwether & Coleman. Pierce, Thomas W. EVERGREEN, Conecuh Co. Kelly, W. D. F. Watkins, C. W. FLORENCE, Lauderdale Co. Milner, Joseph. Smith & Burtwell. FORT DEPOSIT, Lowndes Co. Stubbs, John. FOSTERS, Tuscaloosa Co. Foster, D. L. GADSDEN, Baine Co. Bevans, Joseph & Co. Edmundson & Ewing. Howell & Nowlin. GAINSVILLE, Sumter Co. Gill, William H. McMahon, Dr. Nevill, William H. GLENVILLE, Barbour Co. Ryan, John, G. S. GREENSBORO, Hale Co. Atkins, Joseph. Hatch, C. W. Stollenwerck, A. GREENVILLE, Butler Co. Caldwell, H. M. DUNKLIN, JAMES H. & CO. Greenville.—Continued. Wright, W. A. & Co. Hamilton, Cook & Co., G. S. Mallet & Thigpen, G. S. Strouse, II. A A. & Co., G. S. Weil, J. & H. & Co., G. S. GUNTERSVILLE, Marshall Co. Lusk, L. D. & Co. HAW RIDGE, Dale Co. Lee, W. S. HAYNEVILLE, Lowndes Co. Haigler, Dr. W. H. HOLLY GROVE, Walker Co. King, William R., G. S. HUNTSVILLE, Madison Co. Alban, J. P. CARTER, JAMES E. & Co. Cooper, J. L. Newman & Wilson. Rison & Neal. Spottswood, J. C. JACKSONVILLE, Calhoun Co. Francis, James C. & M. W. Nesbet, Vandiver & Co. LAFAYETTE, Chambers Co. Brown, W. T. Ison, John F. LAWRENCEVILLE, Henry Co. Bowen, 0. B. LEBANON, De Kalb Co. Clayton, S. S., G. S. Starling, J. A. & Co., G. S. LEIGHTON, Colbert Co. Carter, J. W. & Co., G. S. Madding, J. A. & Co., G. S. LEIGHTON, Franklin Co. Carter, J. W. & Co. LINDEN, Marengo Co. Hobbs, L. W. LIVINGSTON, Sumter Co. Scruggs, J. L. LOACHAPOKA, Lee Co. Bloodworth, W. W. Green, J. M. 99 ALABAMA.—Continued. LOUINA, Randolph Co. Hiflin, Dr. W. L. LOUISVILLE, Barbour Co. Fenn, C. W. & Co., G. S. McKenzie & Son, G. S. MeKINLEY, Marengo Co. King, Dr. MACON STATION, Hale Co. Collins, C. W. & Brother, G. S. MADISON STATION, Madison Co. Sullivan, G. R. & Co. 'MANTUA, Greene Co. Lavender, William P. & Co., G. S. MARION JUNCTION, Dallas Co. Fort & Boswell, G. S. MARION, Perry Co. Goddin, A. ette. Yollmer & Colder, 406 East Market. WILLIAMS, W. W., 103 Third St. Woodbury, C. L. 146 East Chestnut. Zansinger, G. A. 356 East Jefferson. Paints, Oils, and Glass. Brenner, Chas. C. & Co., 75 West Market. Higgens & Co., 67 Third St. Kern, F. & Co., Jefferson N.W. cor. Clay. Marcus, Herman, 73 East Market. Peaslee, Gaulbert & Co., 139 West Main. Waters & Fox, 355 & 357 West Main. Patent Medicines. Bull, John, 40 Fifth St. Graves & Son, Twenty-fifth & Chestnut. Lovet, D., 343 West Green. Ruddle, James & Co., 41 Bullitt. Wintersmith, C. H., 272 West Main. Perfumery Manufacturers. Barnum & Starbird, 73 Fourth St. 175 KENTUCKY.—Continued. MADISONVILLE, Hopkins Co. Barnes & Cossil. Holeman & Nisbit. RORER & KING. Rose, J. B. MANCHESTER, Clay Co. White, Hugh L. MARION, Crittenden Co. Wager, Warren. Woods & Cameron. MAXVILLE, Washington Co. Perkins, Jacob. MAYFIELD, Graves Co. Green, P. J. Hurt, J. R. & Co. Landrum & Grenshaw. MAY’S LICK, Mason Co. Arthur & Taylor. Wheatley & Yancey. MAYSVILLE, Mason Co. Blatterman, Geo. W. & Co. WOOD, JAMES J. & BRO. MIDWAY, Woodford Co. Sutton, John. MILLERSBURG, Bourbon Co. Hitt, A. J. MILL SPRING, Wayne Co. Lanier, L. A. G. S. MILTON, Trimble Co. Ely, J. R. MONTICELLO, Wayne Co. Huffaker, Henry. G. S. MOOREFIELD, Nicholas Co. Howe, H. W. & Co. G. S. Tribley & Potts. MORGANFIELD, Union Co. Berry, J. G. Evans & Cromwell. MORGANTOWN, Butler Co. Taylor, S. W. MORTONSVILLE, Woodford Co. Wilson, B. & Son. G. S. MOUNT STERLING, Montgomery Co. Breen & Young. Fizer, S. S. Harrow & Debord. MOUNT VERNON, Rock Castle Co Weber, Wm. M. MUNFORDSVILLE, Hart Co. Brown, John T. S. MURRAY, Callaway Co. Wear & Meloane. G. S. NEW CASTLE, Henry Co. Caplinger & White. Ellis, J. P. & Son. NEW LIBERTY, Owen Co. Martin & Loon. NEWPORT, Campbell Co. Boppard, Adolph. Feth, Joseph. Locke, F. J. Mohn, John, Stone, L. P. Youngblood, J. R. NICHOLASVILLE, Jessamine Co. Noland, S. Richardson Bros. Sparks, Jos. S. OWENSBORO, Daviess Co. COLEMAN, J. W. & CO. W. & R. Conway & Gilmour. Courtney, W. T. Ellingswood, J. Ford, T. L. & Co. OWENTON, Owen Co. Blanton & Hearn. Jillason, A. OWINGSVILLE, Bath Co. Connor, Geo. W. Williamson Brothers. PADUCAH, McCracken Co. Bell, William A. Enders & Wells. Katchell, C. P. Kinkead & Son. Shelby & Gibson. Soule, Nelson. Sweatman, Y. O. & Co. Yeeser, David. PAINTSVILLE, Johnson Co. Huff & Turner. 176 KENTUCKY.—Continued. PARIS, Bourbon Co. McKim & Chambers. PAXTON & BARNES, DRS. Watson & Clarke. PARKERSVILLE, Lyon Co. McNary, R. B. PETERSBURG, Boone Co. Snyder, J. & Co. PLEASUREVILLE, Henry Co. Pardo, P. B. POPLAR PLAINS, Fleming Co. Plummer & Darnall. PORT ROYAL, Henry Co. Pollard & Son. PRINCETON, Caldwell Co. Barkley, D. M. & Co. Barnes, J. C. Reynolds & Davidge. RICHMOND, Madison Co. Miller, J. F. Smith, J. D. Yantes, W. A. ROCHESTER, Butler Co. Poole, D. & Co. G. S. RUSSELLVILLE, Logan Co. Cardwell, W. J. Fall, J. S. Perry, James M. SACRAMENTO, McLean Co. Medley & Noe. SALVISA, Mercer Co. McAfee & Graham. SALYERSVILLE, Magoffin Co. Patrick & Iloger. G. S. SCOTTVILLE, Allen Co. Hendricks, W. R. & Brother. Walker, Dr. A. S. SHARPSBURGH, Bath Co. Boyd, A. Groves, John E. SHELBYVILLE, Shelby Co. Ellingwood, P. & S. II. Owen & Beckham. Robb & Hope. SIMPSONVILLE, Shelby Co. McDowell, W. A. SLAUGHTERSVILLE, Webster Co. Coffman, B. F. G. S. SMITHLAND, Livingston Co. Grayatt, Alfred A. SOMERSET, Pulaski Co. Richardson & Adams. SONORA, Hardin Co. Shelbourne, Joseph E. SOUTH CARROLLTON, Muhlenburg Co. Morehead, C. L. G. S. Rothrock, Hugh D. G. S. SPRINGFIELD, Washington Co. Green & Mudd. SPRINGPORT, Henry Co. Montgomery, M. S. G. S. ST. ELMO, Christian Co. Leavell & Hopkins. G. S. Poore, Thomas. G. S. ST. MARY’S DEPOT, Marion Co. Smith & Hagan. G. S. STAMPING GROUND, Scott Co. Gatewood, Lewis. STANFORD, Lincoln Co. Dunn, Severance & Co. Tablot, P. M. STEPHENSBURG, Hardin Co. Gardner, Abraham S. G. S. TAYLORSVILLE, Spencer Co. Froman, W. T. THREE SPRINGS, Hart Co. Altsheler & Snoddy. G. S. TILTON, Fleming Co. Soulsey, J. E. & Son. G. S. UNION, Boone Co. Blanton & Burgett. UNIONTOWN, Union Co. Ellis, C. H. 177 KENTUCKY.—Continued. VANCEBURG, Lewis Co. Smally, Andrew. VERSAILLES, Woodford Co. Ballard, J. W. Peebles, D. WACO, Madison Co. Griggs, J. S. & L. T. G. S. WADESBORO, Callaway Co. Irwin, II. D. & Co. G. S. WALNUT GROVE, Caldwell Co. Mott, J. D. & J. B. WARSAW, Gallatin Co. Kirby, R. & Co. Peak, H. C. WHITLEY C. H., Whitley Co. Robbins, E. WILLIAMSTOWN,. Grant Co. McGinnis, John T. WINCHESTER, Clarke Co. Herndon, J. P. Phillips, B. F. WOODBURN, Warren Co. Robb, J. W. WOODVILLE, Ballard Co. Shivie, Dr. YELLOW CREEK, Knox Co. Colson, John C. G. 8. LOUISIANA. ALEXANDRIA, Rapides Parish. JOHNSON, S. K. St. John, Henry. Tait & Delaney. ALGIERS, Orleans Parish. Brockman, E. H. A. Johnson, Dr. L. Lorio, R., Jr. ARCADIA, Bienville Parish. Glover, B. Warren. AMITE CITY, Tangipahoe Parish. Bradford, Dr. Lemon, J. J. BASTROP, Morehouse Parish. Buckingham, E. F. Taylor, R. B. BATON ROUGE, East Baton Rouge Parish. Bogle, William. Brooks, F. M. Day, R. D. Jastremiski, J. & Brother. Waddill, G. D. BAYOU GOULA, Iberville Parish. Cropper, N. BAYOU SARA, West Feliciana Parish Mumford Bros. G. S. CARROLLTON, Jefferson Parish. La Newville, J. A. Tebo, L. C. CHENEYVILLE, Rapides Parish. Marshall, F. W. CLINTON, East Feliciana Parish. McCarstle, C. Monahan, J. P. Sadler, W. COLLINGSBURG, Bossier Parish. Sentell, N. W. & Co. G. S. COLUMBIA, Caldwell Parish. Meredith, Dr. C. C. CONVENT, St. James Parish. Lafitte, Mrs. Damare & Sons. COUSHATTE CHUTE, Natchitoches Parish Mclnness, D. F. COVINGTON, St. Tammany Parish. Davidson, Charles. DELHI, Carroll Parish. Bruiubi, J. McD. 178 LOUISIANA.—Continued. DONALDSONVILLE, Ascension Parish. Claverie, J. J. Risbisky, A. T. FARMERSVILLE, Union Parish. Darby, W. A. FLOYD, Carroll Parish. Herring & Cheatham. FRANKLIN, St. Mary’s Parish. Parrett, Placide. Walker & Bronson. G. S. GRAND AVENUE, Natchitoches Parish. Cooley, S. M. GREENSBURG, St. Helena Parish. Hyde, C. H. HARRISONBURG, Catahoola Parish. Harris & Prichard. HOMER, Claiborne Parish. Davis, S. W. Smith, Jesse. HOUMA, Terrebonne Parish. Gagne, Joseph A. JACKSON, East Feliciana Parish. Austin, William A. JEFFERSON CITY, Jefferson Parish. Mattingly, G. J. Thomas, Francis. LAKE PROVIDENCE, Carroll Parish. Bernard, Dr. S. P. MANSFIELD, Desoto Parish. Bradford, James. Gibbs, R. T. Walker, J. F., Jr. Yates, C. F. Paints. MANSURA, Avoyelles Parish. Desfosse, Jules. MARKSVILLE, Avoyelles Parish. Griffin, Dr. J. E. MILLIKEN’S BEND, Madison Parish Graves, J. R. MINDEN, Claiborne Parish. Hamilton & Tompkins. Loy, J. C. & Co. MONROE, Washita Parish. Fillriol & McFee. Lignoski, R. B. & Co. MOUNT LEBANON, Bienville Parish. Ardis, C. N. NAPOLEONVILLE, . Assumption Parish. Gonax, - J. NATCHITOCHES, Natchitoches Parish. Breda, Phillip. Capmartin, O. Lacoste, Timothy. Simmons, P. A. NEW IBERIA, St. Martin’s Parish. Lee, James, A. Schreiner, Jacob. NEW ORLEANS, Orleans Parish. Druggists. Albrecht, .T., 494 Chartres. Ammon, Otto, 11 Peters. Baehler, F. A., 380 Royal. Bairnsfather, George, 372 Common. Ball, Lyons & Co., 42 Camp, cor. Gravier. Bernard, P. L., St. Louis & Rampart. Bogel, William, St. Charles bet. Josephine and St. Andrew. Bokenia, R. J., 174 Poydras. Booth, Mrs. John, St. Charles & Girod. Boyeson, T. F., Felicity & Magnolia. Brand, E., Magazine & St. Andrew. Carson, William, 302 Carondelet. Castle, Louis, 30 Bourbon. Cathala, Justin, Kerlerec. Clavel, Felix, Dauphin & St. Peter. Comick, J. W., 888 Magazine. Copdeville, August, 48 Mandeville. Curtius, H., 240 Carondelet. Cusaclis, P., 231 Royal. Czarnowski, John, 205£ Poydras. Dannis, J. L., Magnolia & Clara. Davieson, Thomas, 407 Decatur. De Benneville, J. De Casteman, L., 105 Royal De Castle, L., 105 Royal. De Cochran, L. H., 58 Louisa. Deloche, L., Dumaine & Bourbon. Duconge, E. P., 133 Custom House. Espinolas, C., 199 Chartres. Finlay, T. K. & Bro., 186 Camp. Fleming, John, Magazine & Natchez. Patent Medicines. Fleming, W. T., Washington & St. Charles. Flemmish, C., 412 Dryads. Florat, J. A., 293 Rampart. Fourcade, St. Cyr. 313 Bienville. Frederickson & Harte, 139 Canal. Frey, John, Claiborne & Annette. 179 LOUISIANA.-Continued. New Orleans.—Continued. Druggists. Fritz, Charles, 434 Dryads. Gamotis, L., 163 Hospital. Gaudez, Eugene, 136 Conti. Goldman, Adolph, 152 Elysian Fields. Goule, J., 45 Petars. Gourdon, Jules, 121 Esplanade. • Griffo, A., 285 Royal. Grossart, J., 46 Gasquet. Gurgielewiez, Gaiennie & Annunciation. Harrison, J. S., 31 Canal. Harrison, William C., 361 Magazine. Hart, E. J. & Co., 73, 75, & 77 Tchoupitoulas. HASTINGS. S. & J. R., 519 & 521 Maga- zine, cor. Felicity. Hathorn & Pierson, 95 Gravier. Heartherton, T. M., 48 Soraparu. Herber, J., 165 Canal. Heyveart, C. M., 428 Custom House. Homburg, Henry, 184 Orleans. Higlit, G. D., 31 Canal. Huberwald, Julius, 215 Canal. Huberwold, Rudolph, 289 Gravier. Hurlbut, J. P., Common & Bolivar. Jarger, F., Denis cor. First. Jurgielewiez, W. L., 61 Annunciation. Keaton, W. E. F., 342 Liberty. Kelley, W. J., 23 Claiborne. Keppler, C. L., 121 Perdido. Keppler, Louis, Liberty & St. Andrew. Kirkham, Edward, 223 Tchoupitoulas. Klebes, T. A., Magazine near Milan, (Jeffer- son City.) Knoblauch, F., 941 Tchoupitoulas. Lallmant, E., 7 Claiborne. Laplace, B., 381 Decatur. Larrieu, E. A., 71 St. Bernard Ave. Lavigne, Jean, 219 Chartres. Le Grix, N., 193 St. Phillip. Leroy, G., 707 Tchoupitoulas. Liclitenheld, A., 356 Carondelet. Linck, C., 198 Rampart. Llado, Joseph, 219 Chartres. Lockwood, J. E., 266 St. Charles. Loeber, Herman, 225 Bienville. Loester, Ernest, 365 Canal. Lyons, James, 324 Felicity. Majean, Maral, 193 Bourbon. Martin, Marcus, 147 Chartres. Mattingly, J. G., Magazine near Napoleon Ave., (Jefferson City.) Mayer, A., 248 Camp. Menages, Henry, BayOu Road cor. Johnston. Mercier, Armand, 220 Girod. Meyer, G., 116 Prytania. Meyer, Julius, 134 Rampart. Monteuse, Edward, 58 Chartres. Mougin, E, E., 27 Dauphin. Morrison, G. M., 5 Magazine Nadal, M. A., 27 Tchoupitoulas. Opperman, Frank, 47 Marigney. Peres, D., Liberty bet. Lafayette & Poydras. Druggists.—Continued. Pfeffarle, James, 882 Magazine. 1 Pickles & Alberts, 219 Tchoupitoulas. Pietrasanta, Henry, Dauphin & St. Peter. | Pope, John H., 244 Jackson. 1 Reed, A. F., 245 Poydras. Richard, Leonce, 189 Conti. Robin, Oscar, 48 Royal. ' Ross, J. L., Dryads & Caliope. Rothery, D., 345 Thalia. Royer, F. T., 4 Annunciation. Russeau, A., Dromaine cor. Miro. Sauter, E., 613 Magazine. Schert, F. E., 447 Tchoupitoulas. Schreiner, A., 298 Decatur. Schreiner, A., Jr., 837 Magazine. Schumacher, F., Dauphin & Clouet, Schwab, A., 127 & 129 Chartres. Shearer, W. B., (Ag’t) Camp & Girod. Shelley, A., 201 Poydras. I Steenson, John, Esplanade & Roclieblave. Terry, Mrs. S. A., 140 Basin. Turner, James, 625 Magazine. Turney, R., 771 Tchoupitoulas. i Vogel, J. M., Claiborne & Bayou Road. Von Goliren, L. H., Louisa & Dauphin. Werckmuller, C. II., 138 Poydras. ; Wheelock, Finlay & Co., Magazine & Gravier. Wunderlich, E. G., 396 Dryads. Paints, Oils, etc. i Breen & Carroll, 146 Camp St. ! Bull, George, 279 Camp St. Bleloek & Co., Magazine & Lafayette. Felen, P., 15 Royal. Fix, Louis, 43 Elysian Fields. Kearney, Blois & Co., 62 Magazine. Lacour & Patterson, 134 Camp. Mollier, L., 124 Felicity Roads. Page & Co., 98 Camp. Todd, Samuel M., 76 Magazine. Wheelahn, M., 105 Canal. Winacke, W. E., 14 Exchange Place. Perfumery, etc. Angelloz, J., 71 Chartres. Aug6, J., 132 Canal. Bermil, J. G. & Co., 12-1 Canal. Bouvier, Nicholas, 43 St. Anne. Doussan, A., 101 Chartres. Levy & Bompet, 25 Chartres. Lion & Pinsard, 153 Canal. Hastings, S. & J. R., 519 & 521 Magazine Saron, Felix, 14 Barrone & 230 Canal. Soda and Mineral Waters. Hill, W. T., 175 Girod. Pablo & Co., 270 & 272 Royal. Waterman, T. S., 56, 58, & 60 Basin St. NEW ROAD, Point Coupee Parish. Sampson, Clement. 180 LOUISIAN A.—Continued. OPELOUSAS, St. Landry Parish. Mayo, C. Posey, John. PINEVILLE, Rapides Parish. Swartzenbach, John. G. S. PLAQUEMINE, Iberville Parish. Delavelade, J. M. Kearny, R. A. RINGOLD, Bienville Parish. Booth, James B. SHREVEPORT, Caddo Parish. Hyams & Kennedy. Kyes, P. II. & Co. Morris, Thomas H. White & Co. SPARTA, Bienville Parish. Webb, Isaac P. SPRINGVILLE, Natchitoches Parish. Galiagan, O. P ST. MARTINSVILLE, St. Martin’s Parish. Duchamp, E. & Son. TANGIPAHOA, St, Helena Parish. Kennon, C. E. THIBODEAUX, Laforche Parish. FLEETWOOD, J. H. St. Martin, A. L. Thibodeaux, J. T. Thibodeaux.—Continued. Paints, etc. Hoffman, H. Perin, A. TRENTON, Washita Parish. Flournoy & Millsapo. G. S. Moore, Jethro. TRINITY, Catahoula Parish. Spann, W. D. TURCAND, St. James Parish. Damavre, J. L. VERMILLION VILLE, Lafayette Parish. Roy, P. B. & Co. G. S. Trahan & Rose. VIDALIA, Concordia Parish. Gibson, Andrew J. G. S. WASHINGTON, St. Landry Parish. Cooke, Thomas A. Thoms, R. W. WATER PROOF, Tensas Parish. Martin, J. & Co. WINFIELD, Winn Parish. Bernstein & Co. G. S. MAINE. ABBOTT, Piscataquis Co. Monroe, James A. C. S. ADDISON, Washington Co. Gage, Wm. R. & Co. C. S. Nash, Jared C. & Co. C. S. ALBION, Kennebec Co. Chalmers, Stilman. C. S. ALFRED, York Co. Bradbury, M. W. G. S. ANDOVER, Oxford Co. Leavitt & French. C. S. ANSON, Somerset Co. Bodfish, Frank. Stewart, M. C. S. ATHENS, Somerset Co. Tuttle, J. B. Ware, J. & G. H. C. S. AUBURN, Androscoggin Co. Robinson & Beede. Wiggin, D. W. & Co. AUGUSTA, Kennebec Co. DANA, ALFRED C. Fuller, Eben & Son. Johnson, J. S. & F. E. 181 MAINE.—Continued. Augusta.—Continued. Kinsman, F. W. Partridge, Charles K. Simmons, William C. Titcomb & Dorr. BANGOR, Penobscot Co. Alden, Warren L. & Co. Blood & Rowe. BRADBURY, BENJAMIN F. Dakin & Son. Harlow, N. S. Ingraham, J. S. Johnson, Isaac S. & Co. Mfrs. Pat. Med. Mann, Wm. Patten, John F. & Co. BATH, Sagadahoc Co. Anderson, Samuel & Son. Dinsmore, James M. Hyde & Gay. Sawyer, Stephen C. Paints, etc. BELFAST, Waldo Co. Faunce, Daniel & Co. C. S. Gillum, Samuel B. Paints, etc. Howes, S. A. & Co. Paints, etc. Moody, Richard. Poor, Wm. O. & Son. Woods, Matthews & Baker. G. S. BELGRADE, Kennebec Co. Caswell & Co. C. S. Eldred & Stewart. C. S. BETHEL, Oxford Co. Hall, Henry B. Wiley, Goodwin R. BIDDEFORD, York Co. Bacon, Dr. Alvin. BERRY & DUDLEY. Bryant, Warren C. Paints. Smith, D. Stevens, G. S. & Son. Warren, Francis G. BINGHAM, Somerset Co. Colby, Joel. C. S. Smith, Benjamin. C. S. BLUE HILL, Hancock Co. Chase, M. K. C. S. Stevens, John. C. S. BOOTH BAY, Lincoln Co. Boynton, Elton H. Reed, Benjamin. C. S. BOWDOINHAM, Sagadahoc Co. Cheney, A. H. BREWER, Penobscot Co. Connor, Francis A. Curtis, George, Jr. BRIDGETON, Cumberland Co. Davis, A. & Co. G. S. Gibbs, Rufus & Sons. C. S. Stone, Dixey & Son. C. S. BRISTOL, Lincoln Co. Blaney, Arnold. G. S. Thorpe, J. & E. G. S. BRUNSWICK, Cumberland Co. Allen, Calvin. Baker, Charles S. Ellis, Asher. Haley, John R. BUCKFIELD, Oxford Co. Wilson, A. D. BUCKSPORT, Hancock Co. Fifield, Clara M. Hill, N. F. & Bro. Paints, etc. Parker, Edwin H. Stover & Co. BUXTON, York Co. Lord, A. K. P. G. S. Milliken, Loring J. G. S. CALAIS, Washington Co. Deming & Sons. C. S. Horton, Thomas W. McAllister, E. H. Pike, Charles R. C. S. Sawyer, Albert H. C. S. STILES & STODDARD. CAMDEN, Knox Co. Fletcher, Edwin C. Rawson, Mrs. L. H. J. CANAAN, Somerset Co. Gerrish, S. S. CANTON, Oxford Co. Coolidge, C. A. CASTINE, Hancock Co. Hooper, Joshua. Perkins & Co. C. S. CHERRYFIELD, Washington Co. Nash, Arthur R. COLUMBIA FALLS, Washington Co. Crandon, Jos. & Son. C. S. Wilson, Thomas. C. S. 182 CORINNA, Penobscot Co. Folsom, Edwin. CORINTH, Penobscot Co. Dexter, II. K. & Co. C. S. Nichols, Humphrey. C. S. CORNISH, York Co. Pike, William B. f CUTLER, Washington Co. Stevens, Moses B. C. S. Wilder, Isaac. C. S. DAMARISCOTTA, Lincoln Co. Berry, George W. Snow, Asa H. DEER ISLE, Hancock Co. Johnson, John P. C. S. Warren & Tolman. C. S. DENNYSVILLE, Washington Co. Allen, T. W. & Son. DEXTER, Penobscot Co. Barron & Springall. Clough & Sawyer. Robinson, A. M. DIXFIELD, Oxford Co. Stanley & Co. C. S. Winslow, W. H. C. S. ' DOVER, Piscataquis Co. Thompson & Kittredge. EAST MACHIAS, Washington Co. Carey, Charles. C. S. Harris, Austin. C. S. Keith & Chase. C. S. EASTPORT, Washington Co. Byram, Mary L. Shedd, Edward E. Wadsworth, E. H. & Co. ELLSWORTH, Hancock Co. Norris, L. E. Wiggin, S. D. FAIRFIELD, Somerset Co. Evans, Eugene II. Hudson, Mrs. F. A. FARMINGTON, Franklin Co. Howes & Tarbox. C. S. Pillsbury, L. N. C. S. Tuck, C. D. Apothecary. MAINE.—Continued. FORT FAIRFIELD, Aroostook Co. Hacker, Isaac. C. S. FOXCROFT, Piscataquis Co. Yauglxan, Mrs. B. B. FRANKLIN, Hancock Co. Blaisdell, James M. G. S. FRIENDSHIP, Knox Co. Davis, James. C. S. FRYEBURG, Oxford Co. Hutchins, H. D. E. G. S. Lamson, D. L. GARDINER, Kennebec Co. COOKE, LORENZO D. Harden, Charles H. Jackson, James A. Plimpton, A. F. White, Charles A. & James D. Paints and Oils. Dingley Bros. Tibbetts & Landis. GORHAM, Cumberland Co. Keen, A. T. GOULDSBOROUGH, Hancock Co. Hutchins, S. B. C. S. Stevens, Curtis. C. S. GREENVILLE, Piscataquis Co. Eveleth, John H. C. S. Sanders, D. T. & Co. C. S. GUILFORD, Piscataquis Co. Hayden, Henry. Mudgett, Simeon. HALLOWELL, Kennebec Co. Ballard, W. R. Fuller, Hiram & Son. Glue Manufacturers Hawes, J. Q. A. Page, S. HAMPDEN, Penobscot Co. Rogers, F. G. HARPSWELL, Cumberland Co. Lawson, Joseph F. C. S. Lubec, Joseph. C. S. HARRINGTON, Washington Co. Nash, S. W. C. S. HARRISON, Cumberland Co. Sampson, T. R. & Co. C. S. 183 MAINE.—Continued. HARTLAND, Somerset Co. Miller, A. S. HEBRON, Oxford Co. Marshall, Isaac W. C. S. HOULTON, Aroostook Co. Burnham, John E. French, 0. F. & Co. Frisbee, II. T. C. S. Woodbury, E. C. S. JEFFERSON, Lincoln Co. Kennedy, Alden. C. S. Weeks, George. C. S. KENDALL’S MILLS, Somerset Co. Hudson, Mrs. Tracey Ann. Lowe, Edward C. KENNEBUNK, York Co. Richards, Lemuel. KENNEBUNK PORT, York Co. Miller, Charles E. Richards, Dr. L. Wallingford, George W. KITTERY, York Co. Trefetlien, James O. LEWISTON, Androscoggin Co. Barbour, Horace. Cofren, J. W. Cook, ,T. G. & Co. GARCELON, G. W. Wakefield Bros. LIMERICK, York Co. Mitchell & Cole. C. S. LINCOLN, Penobscot Co. Gates & Butterfield. C. S. Pike, E. B. LINCOLNVILLE, Waldo Co. Froliock & Jones. C. S. LISBON, Androscoggin Co. Avery, S. W. Iordan Bros. C. S. LIVERMORE, Androscoggin Co. Bigelow, W. II. LIVERMORE FALLS, Androscoggin Co. Cofren, H. G. Record, Alvin. LOVELL, Oxford Co. Steames, Caleb & Co. C. S. LUBEC, Washington Co. Hunter, William H. C. S. Staples, Samuel & Son. C. S. MACHIAS, Washington Co. Crane, R. T. Longfellow, Clark. Murray & Hunter. MECHANIC FALLS, Androscoggin Co. Hall, Jason. Holt, T. C. Robinson, Milton. MILLBRIDGE, Washington Co. Googins, George. MILO, Piscataquis Co. Owen, W. H. MINOT, Androscoggin Co. Clark, Walter. MONMOUTH, Kennebec Co. Watts & Andrews. MONSON, Piscataquis Co. Patten, S. A. MONTICELLO, Aroostook Co. Hussey, H. O. C. S. MOUNT DESERT, Hancock Co. Kimball, Daniel. C. S. Whiting, S. K. & Co. C. S. MOUNT VERNON, Kennebec Co. Hopkins, Calvin. C. S. NEW CASTLE, Lincoln Co. Carney, F. L. & C. II. C. S. Clifford, J. D. C. S. NEW GLOUCESTER, Cumberland Co. Gross, Sewall. C. S. Keith & Martin. C. S. NEWPORT, Penobscot Co. Brown, C. C. Church, J. S. NEW PORTLAND, Somerset Co. Hodsdon, Elijah. NEW SHARON, Franklin Co. Bolan, Wallace. 184 MAI NE.—Continued. NORRIDGEWOCK, Somerset Co. Tenkins, W. L. C. S. Sawyer, John H. & Son. C. S. NORWAY, Oxford Co. Noyes, Oscar A. OLDTOWN, Penobscot Co. Folsom & Co. Richardson, J. T. ORLAND, Hancock Co. Jordan, Andrew Y. ORONO, Penobscot Co. Libby, Samuel. ORRINGTON, Penobscot Co. Currier, Micajah. G. S. Wheelden, E. & L. G. S PARIS, Oxford Co. Sawyer, D. B. PARKMAN, Piscataquis Co. Stevens, A. J. W. * PATTEN, Penobscot Co. Frye, Jerome. C. S. Gardiner & Coburn. C. S. PEMBROKE, Washington Co. Rogers, Dr. J. C. Wilder, Eben’r & Son. C. S. PENOBSCOT, Hancock Co. Varnum, Josiah. C. S. PHILLIPS, Franklin Co. Wheeler, G. W. G. S. PITTSFIELD, Somerset Co. Church, J. S. Davis, J. H. Paints, etc. Manson, J. C. Lanscey & Jenkins. C. S. PITTSTON, Kennebec Co. Hanley & Young. C. S. PORTLAND, Cumberland Co. Burgess, Fobes & Co. CORRY, CHARLES F. Chapman, E. Crosman & Co. •Cummings, Henry T. Dana & Knight. Drinkwater, D. G. Paints, etc. Fickett, George L. Fickett, J. B. & Co. Paints, etc. Portland.—Continued. Gilkey, Charles W. & Co. Gilson, L. C. Greenleaf, C. B. Hay, Henry II. (Agt.) Loring, Thomas G. Lunt, J. R & Co. Luscomb, George E. Paints, etc. Mark, C. H. Mason, Edward. Montgomery, John A. Perkins, J. W. & Co. Paints, etc. Phillips, W. F. & Co. Rolfe, Samuel. Schloterbeck & Co. Shattuch, L. H. Stanwood, E. L. & Co. Sweetser, Francis. Thayer, J. H. J. Turner & Smith. Whipple, W. W. & Co. Whitney, C. C. (Agt.) Paints, etc. Whittier, Moses S. Wildrage, John T. Wood, Nathan. Pat. Med. PRESQUE ISLE, Aroostook Co. Ryan, W. H. PRINCETON, Washington Co. Spooner & Breck. READFIELD, Kennebec Co. Lambert & Packard. C. S. Poole & Parsons. C. S. RICHMOND, Sagadahoc Co. Folsom, H. M. Lamson, E. D. RIPLEY, Somerset Co. Todd, S. A. ROCKLAND, Knox Co. Druggists. Benson, Seth E. Cooke, Fuller G. FESSENDEN, CALEB P. Merrill, Edward. Robbins, Levi M. Paints and Oils. Burpee, N. A. & S. JL Cobb, Wight & Norton. ROCKPORT, Knox Co. Champney, A. D. Eaton, Hosea B. SACCARAPPA, Cumberland Co. Sturgis, E. H. Turner, Samuel. 185 MAINE.—Continued. SACO, York Co. Berry, John A. Bryant, Geo. F. Paints, etc. Dennett, Charles H. Grant, Joseph P. Libby, Stephen C. Mitchell, S. S. Sawyer, Augustus. SANFORD, York Co. Crocker, A. & Co. Rollins, G. A. & Co. SEARSPORT, Waldo Co. Kenny, Aaron P. Smith, H. D. SEDGWICK, Hancock Co. Herrick & Bryant. C. S. Sargent, W. G. & Son. C. S. SKOWHEGAN, Somerset Co. Bixby & Phillips. Dyer & Cushing. Fuller, William H. Russell, John. SOLON, Somerset Co. Buswel l, Turner & Co. Coolidge, Edmund. C. S. SOUTH BERWICK, York Co. Hanson, Nicholas, .Tr. Mclntire, E. R. Paints, etc. Sanborn, Dr. Caleb. Botanic Med. SOUTHPORT, Lincoln Co. Cameron & Orne. C. S. Marr, Thomas & N. C. S. SPRINGFIELD, Penobscot Co. Butterfield, Jas. & Son. C. S. ST. ALBANS, Somerset Co. Allen & Ryerson. Parsons, C. A. ST. GEORGE, Knox Co. Fish, Joseph. G. S. Hart, Stephen G. G. S. STANDISH, Cumberland Co. Philbrook & Emery. G. S. STOCKTON, Waldo Co. Roberts & Hitchborn. G. S. Stowers & Son. G. S.' THOMASTON, Knox Co. Cook, Wincliell M. Dillingham, Edward L. & Co. C. S. Rice, Abner. Robinson, George I TURNER, Androscoggin Co. Bradford, Hiram. C. S. Teague & Bonney. C. S. UNION, Knox Co. Green, J. S. UNITY, Waldo Co. Harmon, Josiah. C. S. VASSALBORO, Kennebec Co. Prescott & Nichols. C. S. Roberts, E. J. VINALHAVEN, Knox Co. Lane, Timothy & Son. C. S. ! Vinal, David. C. S. l ’ WALDOBORO, Lincoln Co. Benner, Edward R. & Co. Gay, Charles & Co. Reed, Wilt & Co. C. S. WARREN, Knox Co. Smith, Edwin, Jr. C. S. ! Wetherbee, W. H. C. S. 186 MARYLAND. ABINGDON, Harford Co. McGonegal, Daniel. G. S. Snow, C. H. & Co. G. S. ANNAPOLIS, Anne Arundel Co. Goodman, Wm. Ii. PINKARD, DR. II. M. Stansbury, Rebecca. • AQUASCO, Prince George’s Co. Thomas, ,T. C. & G. W. C. S. BACON QUARTER, Somerset Co. Taylor, John B. G. S. BAKERSVILLE, Washington Co. Wilson, Isaac. G. S. BALTIMORE. Alcohol. Jones, Isaac S. & Co., 34 S. Calvert St. Macneal & Beacliam, 34 S. Calvert St. West, Christopher & Sons, 113 W. Lombard. Artists’ Materials. Dodge, George R. & Co., 42 W. Baltimore St. Kellinger & Co., 7 N. Charles St. King, William & Bro., 2 N. Liberty St. Miuifle, Wm. & Son, 114 W. Baltimore St. Rodenmoyer, John, 51 N. Paca St. Botanical Medicines. Cox, Mrs. M., 158 E. Baltimore St. Gouley, Lewis, Jr., 60 W. Baltimore St. Brush Manufacturers. Albaugh, Wm. A., N. E. cor. Sharp & Pratt. Chipman, George & Co., cor. Calvert & Lom- bard Sts. Johns, William H. & Co., 13 S. Sharp St. Johnson, Wm. R., 38 S. Charles St. Megraw, W. A. & Co., 222 W. Pratt St. Mortimer & Mowbray, 8 S. Charles St. Whitson, John, 148 N. Gay St. Chemicals. Baker Bros. & Co., 32 & 34 S. Charles St. Baker, Richard J. & Co., 36 & 38 S. Charles. Bailey, James, 70 S. Calvert St. Baltimore Chrome Works. Office : N.W. cor. Charles & Lexington Sts. Carr, Boykin & Co., 29 Hanover St. Chesapeake Chemical Works, (Slingluff, Wil- son & Co.) OfSce: 13 N. Howard St. Davison, Symington & Co. (Acids), 104 W. Lombard St. Harrison Bros. & Whelan, cor. Boston and Patuxent Sts. Liebig, Gustav. A., 7 Philpot St. Lorentz & Rittler, (Acids) Leadenhail and West Sts. Pitts, Charles F. & Sons, 116 W. Lombard St. Sheets, M. L., 280 Franklin St. Smith, Amor & Sons, Fort Ave. & Locust Pt. Stevenson, JamesS., Jr., Mulberry & Paca Sts. Stewart & Reay, Hanover & Camden Sts. Thompson & Block, 26 Hanover St. Corks. Chestnut, S. & Co., 38 S. Calvert St. Conestogo Cork Co., 56 Light St. (Burrough Bros., Agts.) Druggists, Wholesale. Baily, James, 70 S. Calvert St. Baker, Richard J. & Co., 36 & 38 S. Charles. Brown, William H. & Bro., 25 S. Sharp St. Burrough Bros., 54 & 56 Light St. Canby, Gilpin & Co., N. W. cor. Light and Lombard Sts. Carr, Boykin & Co., 29 Hanover St. Coleman & Rogers, 173 W. Baltimore St. Davis & Miller, 12 N. Howard St. Foutz, David E., 114 & 116 Franklin St. Frey, E. & S., 314 W. Baltimore St. Johnson. Geo. W. & Co., 2 S. Howard St. King, Solomon, 1 S. Calvert St. Senft, Louis & Co., 22 N. Howard St. Smith & Laupheimer, 177 W. Pratt St. Stockdale, Smith & Co., 399 W. Baltimore St. Thomson & Block, 26 Hanover St. Trull, John B. & Co., 38 S. Charles St. Vogeler, August & Co., 6 S. Liberty St. Wade, D. & Co. 3 N. Liberty St. Druggists, Retail. Andrews <& Thompson, 5 W. Baltimore St. Bagley, Dr. Jos. H., Baltimore & Ann Sts. Baxley, J. Brown, Howard & Franklin Sts. Baxley, ,T. Brown & Co., Franklin & Calvert. Beam, Isaac R., N.W. cor. Charles & Read. Beecher, W.W. &Co., cor. Park & Lexington. Bennett, Dr. W. II., cor. Druid Hill Ave. and Townsend St. Benson, P.V., S. E. cor. Hollins & Oregon Sts. Bolton, Dr. J. II., N. E. cor. Bond & Gay Sts. Boucsein. Lewis, S. E. cor. Pratt & Eden Sts. Bowers, James W.,705 W. Baltimore St. Brack, CharlesE., N.W. cor. Ensor & Forrest. Brown & Burkhard, S. E. cor. Lexington and Schroeder Sts. Caldwell, A. & Co., N. E. cor. Baltimore and Calhoun Sts. Carter & Bro., 199 Bank St. Caspari, Charles & William, 44 N. Gay St. Caspari, Wm., cor. Biddle & Penna. Ave. Christ, John, 39 Burke St., Canton. Clarke & Baldus, S. W. cor. Eager & Eden Clarke, S. A., 106 Greenmount Ave. 187 MARYLAND.—Continued. Baltimore.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Coieman & Rogers, 173 W. Baltimore St. Cunningham, Geo. W., 139 E. Pratt St. Dannettel, Geo. F., 78 N. Schroeder St. Davenport, B. H. R., cor. Mulberry & Schroe- der Sts. Deninger, Clias. J. B., S. E. cor. McElderry and Eden Sts. Dietfenbach & Moore, cor. Barre & Fremont. Donavin, Dr. Matthew W., S. E. cor. Lee and Sharp Sts. Duhurst, Chas. H., 27 W. Pratt St. Duke, A. W., 178 E. Eager St. Dunn, James F., N. W. cor. Hoffman and Eutaw Sts. Dusliane, John T., 559 W. Fayette St. Eareckson, Dr. Edwin, Baltimore & High Sts. Eichelberger, Edward C., 188 Franklin St. Elliott, Henry A. & Bros., 286 Lexington St. Ely, William T., S. E. cor. Calvert & Sara- toga Sts. Epple, William, N. W. cor. Light & Mont- gomery Sts. Esclibacli, Joseph, 336 Aisquith St. Esslinger, Edward, 204 Harrison St. Evans & Bro., S. E. cor. Ann & Aliceanna. Falilen, Julius C., N. E. cor. Howard and Saratoga Sts. Fechtig, Geo. F., cor. Fayette &] Central Av, Fooks, F. E., 173 E. Baltimore St. Frames, Geo. A., N. E. cor. Monument and Aisquith Sts. Frames, J. P. & Co., S. E. cor. Gay and Ais- quith Sts. German, John W., cor. Monument & Bond. Gosman & Co., 191 Madison Ave. Gosman, Adam J., N. E. cor. Baltimore and Gay Sts. Gosnell, Charles A., 173 Penna Ave. Graul, Frederick, 172 William St. Greentree, Hiram, 647 Penna Ave. Grice, J. Perkins, cor. Baltimore & Broadway. Gross, John I. Jr., N. E. cor. Caroline and Orleans Sts. Hance, Seth S., 108 W. Baltimore St. Hancock, John F., cor. Baltimore & Caroline. Harrison, F. A., N. W. cor. Aisquith & Chew'. Harper, Dr. Isaac S., 40 N. Fremont St. Hasenbalg, Harman, 177 S. Broadway. Hassencamp, Ferdinand, 73 Hanover St. Hoffman, John V., 97£ Lexington St. Horn, Louis C., cor. Chatsworth & Mulberry. Horn. Philip C. & Bro., cor. Baltimore and Pine Sts. Hughes, George W., 190 Penna. Ave. Jefferson, John B. H., 96 S. Broadwray. Jennings, N. Hyson & Co., 90 N. Charles St. Kennard, James B., cor. Dolphin and Druid Hill Ave. Kirby, T. Edward, cor. Washington and Gough St. Kloman,"Edw'ard F., S. E. cor. Pratt & Paca, Koecliling, Henry M., 95 S. Broadway. Baltimore.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Lampanius, Charles A., (Agt.) S. W. cor. Druid Hill Ave. & Dolphin St.' Laroque, Emile, 20 W. Baltimore St. Lautenbach, Robert, cor. Eutaw & Saratoga. Lemmon, J. H., 659 W. Baltimore St. Lieberman, John, 285 N. Central Ave. Lorey, Julius W., N. E. cor. Fawn & Exeter. Marion, A. N. & Co., 166 Madison Ave. McCormick, H. Clay, 106 Greenmount Ave. McDaniel & Leamy, cor. Charles and Mul- berry Sts. McGee, Dr. Thos. C., N. E. cor. Park Ave. and Dolphin St. Metzger, Franklin, cor. Gay & Exeter Sts. Mittnacht, Henry, 288 Penna Ave. Monsarratt, Oscar, 113 S. Broadway. Moore & Dieffenbach, cor. Hanover & Hill Sts. Moore, J. Faris, S. W. cor. Howard & Madi- son Sts. Newman, Thos., cor. Lombard & Oregon Sts. Noelle, Charles & Son, 118 S. Broadway. Osborn, Dr. Win. H., cor. Greene & Balti- more Sts. Otto, Frederick A., 192 Linden Ave. Perkins, Douglas, 120 N. Greene St. Perkins, E. H., S. W. cor. Baltimore and Greene Sts. Perkins, J. F. & Bro., cor. Greene & Frank- lin Sts. Perkins, J. II. & Co., 136 N. Howard St. Potts, J. Newport, 253 N. Fremont. Pritcham, L. S. & Co., 80 Thames St. Pue, Charles R., Baltimore & Strieker Sts. Reifsnider, Wm. E., Baltimore & Republican. Richter, Adolph, cor. Broadway & Mullikin. Roberts, Jos., cor. Harvord & Greenmount Avs. Rogers, Philip, 58 Mosher St. Robinson, Nicholas N., 412 E. Baltimore St. Russell, E. Walton, N. E. cor. Baltimore and Eutaw Sts. Russell, Eugene J., cor.Canton Ave. & Ann St. Russell, Wm. L., S. W. cor. Caroline and Orleans Sts. Sappington & Bellerman, 107 S. Paca St. Sappington, Dr. Richard, 132 N. Gay St. Sauer, Francis A., 58 Aisquith St. Scliad, Frederick, S. E. cor. Bond & Can- ton Ave. Schmidt, Christian, 218 S. Broadway. Schraut, Augustus, 362 Light St. Schulte, Christian M.,Jr., Canton Ave. and Wolfe St. Schwartz & Co., N. E. cor. Canton & Elliott. | Schwartze, John, Biddle & Druid Hill Ave. Scott, Francis P., N.E. cor. Pratt & High Sts. Seelback, Wm., 669 W. Baltimore St. Senft, Louis & Co., 22 N. Howard St. Sharp & Dolime, S. W. cor. Pratt & Howard. Skinner, Joseph G., 98 N. Charles St. Smith, Edward A., 194 Penna. Ave. Smith, J. Jacob, cor. Lexington & Eutaw Sts. Sohl, John, N. E. cor. Charles & Montgomery. 188 MARY LAND.—Continued. Baltimore.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Stehl, John & Son., 17 Brown St. Stehl, Justus, 240 N. Gay St. Stephens, Dr. Charles II., 417 W. Fayette St. Stevenson, Jas. S., Jr., N. E. cor. Paca and Mulberry Sts. Stewart & Reay, S. E. cor. Hanover & Cam- den Sts. Tilyard, Charles S., 131 Pearl St. Tucker, Geo. W., Greene near Franklin St. Warlitz, Gustavus, cor. Canton Ave. Boston and Chester Sts. Waterhouse, Wm. E., 336 Penna Ave. Watts, Henry R., 19 Aisquith St. Webb, John A. & Co., 210 Madison Ave. Welch, Benjamin T., 63 S. Broadway. Wheeden, Thomas J., S. W. cor. Lombard and Chester Sts. White, Alphonso A., 410 Lexington St. Whittle, Thomas S., Monument & Ensor Sts. Wiseman, Mrs. Ann, 577 W. Baltimore St. Wolf, Dr. Jos. A., Saratoga & Chatsworth Sts. Wright, Mrs. James B., cor. Hoffman and Eutaw Sts. Wroth, Edward \V., 79 W. Biddle St. Druggists’ Glassware. Baker Bros. & Co., 32 & 34 S. Charles St. Druggists’ Sundries. Lilly & Brother, 24 S. Sharp St. Dye Woods & Dye Stuffs. Baker, Richard J. & Co., 36 & 38 S. Charles St. Fiorillo, Otto, 340 W. Baltimore St. Heald, John H. & Co., 2 Block St. Glass Manufacturers. BAKER BROS. & CO., 32 & 34 S. Charles. Baltimore Glass Works, E. end of Hughes St. De Cou & Jolliffe, (Agts.) 44 S. Charles St. Edwards, R., Jr. & Co., (Agts.) Over 31 S. Charles St. Glue Manufacturers. Bullock, John & Son, Washington Road. Coulson Bros. & Co., Office : 7 S. Liberty St. Homoeopathic Medicines. Boericke, Francis E., 19 N. Eutaw St. India Rubber Goods. Corbett, Emanuel, 93 W. Baltimore St. Corbett, Isaac, 93 W. Baltimore St. Maxwell, Wm. G., 219 W. Baltimore St. Paints, Oils, etc. Andre, Chris. & Son. 308 Light St. Applegarth, Lawson J. & Co., Ft. of Cross St. Baker Bros. & Co., 32 & 34 S. Charles St. Baltimore.—Continued. Paints, Oils, etc. Bolton Bros. 82 & 84 W. Pratt St. Bolton. Hugh & Co., 81 & 83 McElderry’s Wharf. Bowen, Jesse N., 194 E. Baltimore St. Budeke & Grotliaus, Broadway & Eastern Ave. Chappell & Leary (Manfr’s.) 100 W. Lombard. Collinson, J. C., 230 Lexington St. Davis & Miller, 12 N. Howard St. Davison, Wm. & Co., 104 W. Lombard St. Dodge, Geo. R. & Co., 42 W. Baltimore St. Fusselbaugh, Wm. H. B., 168 N. Gay St. Hanline, Mauritz, 207 S. Bond St. Heinz, Charles, 175 Hollins St. Hirshberg, N. H. & Co., Pratt & Hanover Sts. Hirsliberg, Nathan J., 31 Ensor St. Holthaus, F. T., 10 W. Baltimore St. Holtliaus, F. T. & Son, 41 S. Gay St. Holthaus, John IT., cor. Thames & Broadway. Hulls, John, 128 N. Gay St. Jackel, John J., 272 S. Charles St. Keilholtz, Otis, S. E. cor. Franklin & Greene. Kellinger & Co., 7 N. Charles St. King, Wm. & Bro., 2 N. Liberty St. King, Wm. H., 52 Light St. Loane Bros., cor. Pratt & Bowly’s Wharf. Murphy & Bro., 166 E. Baltimore St. Ridgely, Tyson & Co., (charcoal for chemists) 59 S. Gay St. Seim, Emory & Swindell, 112 W. Lombard St. Smith, Wm. H„ 38 Hughes St. Vanlill, W. T., 732 W. Baltimore St. Waltham, C- S., 62 N. Eutaw St. Watson, Alex. D., 173 W. Pratt St. Welch, John, 130 Thames St. Wheeler, James & Sons, 88 Richmond St. Wright, William, 25 Penna Ave. Young, George W., 172 Light St. Wharf. Patent Medicines. Aitken, A. & Co., N. Gay St. Brunner, Henry, 76 S. Eutaw St. Caufman, Dr. J. H., 4 Bouldin Alley. Clements, P. P. & Co., 61 Exchange Place. Cox, Mrs. M., 158 E. Baltimore St. Dougherty, Geo. W. & Bro., W. Balti more St. Fonerdon, Clarence A., Hanover St. Foutz, David E., 114 & 116 Franklin St. Gouley, Louis, Jr., 60 W. Baltimore St. ITance, Seth S., 108 W. Baltimore St. Johnson, Stephen E., Calvert & Baltimore Sts. Matthai, Christian E., Baltimore & Ann Sts. Pamphilon, Mrs. M., 113 L. Greene St. Powell, Geo. (Agt.) 11 N. Holliday St. Powell, R. S., 78 S. Howard St. Stonebraker, Henry, 84 Camden St. Stowell, Wm. J., 237 E. Pratt St. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, etc. Bastien, Madame E., 75 N. Charles St. Dietz, Lawrence & Co., 308 W. Baltimore St. 189 MARYLAND i.—Continued. Baltimore.—Continued. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, etc. Goldstein, William, 66 S. Sharp St. Haney, James, 141 W. Baltimore St. Johnson, W. R., 38 S. Charles St. Swayne, B. B., 37 N. Charles St. Toldridge, Mrs. E., 191 W. Baltimore St. Surgical Instruments. Arnold, Francis, 15 S. Sharp St. Daily, William F., 234 W. Baltimore St. Friese, John, 142 W. Fayette St. Jackson, Samuel & Co., 194 W. Baltimore St. Johnson, John N., 15 S. Sharp St. Scales. Marden, Jesse, S. E. cor. Charles & Balder- ston St. Murdoch, Richard, 74 S. Charles St. Trusses. Marsh, S. & Co., 3 N. Holliday St. White Lead & Varnish Manufacturers. Chappell & Leary, 100 W. Lombard St. King, Wm. H. & Co., 52 Light St. Davison, Wm. & Co., 104 W. Lombard St. BARREN CREEK SPRINGS, Somerset Co. Taylor, Thomas B. C. S. BARTON, Alleghany Co. Combs, John S. G. S. Shephard, L. M. G. S. . BATTLE CREEK, Calvert Co. Dorsey, Alexander. G. S. BAY HUNDRED, Talbot Co. Harrison, Benjamin F. C. S. BAY VIEW, Cecil Co. Reed & Bro. G. S. BEAVER CREEK, Washington Co. Hoffman & Brother. BEAVER DAM, Queen Anne Co. Beatty, Dr. L. II. BEL AIR, Harford Co. Bouldin, R. R. Richardson, E. H. BENOVOLA, Washington Co. Moran & James. C. S. BERLIN, Frederick Co. Werner, Charles F. G. S. BERLIN, Worcester Co. Derrickson, J. C. Packard, C. S. & Co. Parker, James A. BETHLEHEM, Caroline Co. Hignutt, Wm. T. G. S. BISHOP’S HEAD, Dorchester Co. Courcey, Jacob. G. S. BLACK ROCK, Baltimore Co. Storm, Henry. G. 8. BLADENSBURG, Prince George’s Co. Barron, Daniel. C. S. BLOOMINGTON, Alleghany Co. Brydon, W. A. & Co. G. S. BOONSBORO, Washington Co. Carpenter, Samuel F. Mumma, Samuel. Wade, Alexander. BRANDYWI1SE, Prince George’s Co. Early, Wm. H. C. S. BRICK MEETING HOUSE, Cecil Co Chandlee, E. G. & Son. C. S. BROAD CREEK, Talbot Co. Grace, Skinner. C. S. BROAD RUN, Frederick Co. Grove, Daniel. G. S. BRYANTOWN, Charles Co. Edelin, E. Y. Mudd, George D. Mudd, Samuel A. BUCKEYSTOWN, Frederick Co. I Hammond, W. G. S. 1 BURKETTSVILLE, Frederick Co. Heigbtman, Thomas. G. S. Weiner, Michael & Son. G. S. BURNETTVILLE, Somerset Co. Colburn, Joseph & Co. C. S. Miles, Southey, F. C. S. BURRSVILLE, Caroline Co. Porter, F. A. G. S. BUTLER P. O., Baltimore Co. Gill, George W. G. S. 190 MARYLAND.—Continued. CABIN CREEK, Dorchester Co. Baber & Andrews. G. S. Dean & Wright. G. S. CAMBRIDGE, Dorchester Co. Burnett, S. G. A. Paints, etc. Burton, Theopliilus. Foble, William. Paints, etc. Redhead, E. Paints, etc. Thomas, William. CATOCTIN FURNACE, Frederick Co. Kunkel, J. B. G. S. CATONSVILLE, Baltimore Co. Gerry, Dr. N. W. CAVETOWN, Washington Co. Brown, George J. C. S. CECILTON, Cecil Co. Benson, James A. & Son. C. S. Ford, George A. C. S. CEDAR MILLS, Dorchester Co. Stewart, Alfred. G. S. CENTREVILLE, Charles Co. Tennison, F. J. G. S. CENTREVILLE, Queen Anne Co. Emory, John K. B. McKenney, Wm. & Co. C. S. Wooters, John A. CENTREVILLE, Somerset Co. Miles, S. F. & Co. C. S. CHAPTICO, St. Mary’s Co. Burroughs, & Knight. G. S. CHARLESTOWN, Cecil Co. Richardson, Wm. T. C. S. CHESAPEAKE CITY, Cecil Co. Hopper, Thomas B. Mears, J. W. Paints. CHESTERTOWN, Kent Co. STAM, JOHN L. & SON. Wickes, Thomas W. Paints & Glass. Bordly, John. Eliason, T. AV & Son. Hynson, Thomas B. Vickers, AVilliam A. Wickes, Thomas S. CHESTERVILLE, Kent Co. Catlin & Starkey Gooding, A. L. CHROME HILL, Harford Co. Clark, Matthew. Paints. Hayward, Thomas B. CHURCH CREEK, Dorchester Co. Linthicum & Dixon. G. S. Richardson, Matthew. G. S. CHURCH HILL, Queen Anne Co. Cook, B. E. Todd, W. T. & Co. C. S. CHURCHVILLE, Harford Co. Hanson, F. B. & Co. C. S. CLARKSVILLE, Howard Co. Kessler & Canby. G. S. CLEARSPRING, Washington Co. , Doyle & Kerchner. Johnson, J. Kerchner, N. J. Longsdorf, A. J. Roland, D. Sponsler & Brother. CLERMONT MILLS, (Jarretsville P. O.,) Harford Co. Glenn, Thomas. C. S. COCKEYSVILLE, Baltimore Co. Cockey, J. F., Jr. G. S. COLLINGTON, Prince George’s Co. Hardisty, J. T. & R. C. S. COOKSVILLE, Howard Co. Sheets, Caleb. C. S. CREAGERSTOWN, Frederick Co. Harris & Bro. G. S. CRISFIELD, Somerset Co. Goodsue, M. Lawson, Dixon & Co. CRUMPTON, Queen Anne Co. Catlin & Starkey. G. S. Harrison & Bro. C. S. CUMBERLAND, Alleghany Co. CAMPBELL, J. B. H. & BRO. Craigen, I. S. & Co. De Lacy, Dr. E. Le Fevre, H. & Co. Shriver, C. C. & Co. 191 MARYLAND.—Continued. CUNNINGHAM’S CROSS ROADS, Washington Co. Cearfoss, Daniel. G. S. DAMASCUS, Montgomery Co. Williams & Hurley. G. S. DAME’S QUARTER, Somerset Co. White, Henry P. G. S. DARLINGTON, Harford Co. Silver, Philip W. C. S. Warfield, O. M. G. S. DARNESTOWN, Montgomery Co. Griffith & Windsor. G. S. DAVIDSONVILLE, Anne Arundel Co. Mills, E. & Co. G. S. Talbott, Thomas. G. S. DEAL’S ISLAND, Somerset Co. Parks, Jacob. G. S. Webster, Silas T. G. S. White, William S. G. S. DENTON, Caroline Co. Stevens, Charles. DONCASTER, Charles Co. Skinner, Thomas. G. S. DOWNSVILLE, Washington Co. Downs, Charles. G. S. Long & Downs. G. S. DUBLIN, Harford Co. Silver, Henry A. C. S. EAST NEWMARKET, Dorchester Co. Houston, H. W. Manning, George W. EASTON, Talbot Co. Bateman & Trippe. DAWSON & BRO. Henry & Goldsborough. ECKHART MINES, Alleghany Co. Parker, Wm. G. S. Parker, Wm. Jr., & Bro. G. S. ELK RIDGE LANDING, Howard Co Henry, R. J. Rhodes, Geo. A. C. S. ELKTON, Cecil Co. Frazer, J. H. Forman, Dr. E. K. Mitchell, H. II. Wallace, Dr. Joseph. ELLICOTT CITY, Howard Co. Martin, Dr. I. J. EMMETTSBURG, Frederick Co. Elder, J. Gelwicks, Stagle & Son. Paints, etc. Molter & Son. C. S. Zeck, Detrick. C. S. FALLSTON, Harford Co. Moore & Hollingsworth. G. S. FEDERALSBURG, Caroline Co. Charles & Elliot. G. S. Neal, W. D. Wright, Davis & Co. G. S. FINKSBURG, Carroll Co. Stockdale, Geo. W. G. S. Trine & Lester. G. S. FORESTVILLE, Prince George’s Co. Calvert, Wm. FORK TOWN, Wicomico Co. Dasliiell, Levin M. G. S. FOUNTAIN GREEN, Harford Co. Dean, Nathan, Jr. C. S. FREDERICK, Frederick Co. Holbrook & Walters. Schaeffer, D. K. SCHLEY, FAIRFAX, M. D. Schull & Keyser. Tyler, Dr. Bradley R. Williamson & Beckenbaugh. Paints, etc. Debring, H. F. Johnson, W. F. McGill, R. H. FRIENDSHIP, Anne Arundel Co. Jacobs, E. FRIZELLBURG, Carroll Co Reese, Unger. G. S. FROSTBURG, Alleghany Co. Bounds & Clary. G. S. Russell, John E. G. S. Standish, J. M. & Co. G. S. FUNKSTOWN, Washington Co. | Hamilton & Keller. G. S. Knode, Simeon. G. S. GADD’S FERRY, (Taylor’s Island P. O.,) Dorchester Co. Dunnock. L. T. G. S 192 MARYLAND. —Continued. GALENA, Kent Co. Benny, Samuel P. Ireland, Joseph P. GALESTOWN, Dorchester Co. Riop, F. A. GERMANTOWN, Montgomery Co. Dorsey & Williams. G. S. GOVANSTOWN, Baltimore Co. Gallagher, J. G. S. GRACEHAM, Frederick Co. Alcock, John D. G. S. GREAT MILLS, St. Mary’s Co. Allston, John J. C. S. Spencer, Thomas 0. C. S. GREENSBOROUGH, Caroline Co. Lobstein, John E. Massey, Wm. B. & Son. C. S. Satterfield & Moore. C. S. GUILFORD, Howard Co. Penny, H. A. C. S. HAGERSTOWN, Washington Co. Aughinbaugh, D. C. BELL, II. Smith & Byers. Tobey & Bro. HANESVILLE, Kent Co. Vannot, Augustus. HAINES’ CROSS ROADS, Harford Co, Haines, David. C. S. HALLTOWN, Caroline Co. Smith, James W. G. S. Walters, John S. G. S. HAMPSTEAD, Carroll Co. Murray & Richards. G. S. HANCOCK, Washington Co. Delaplane, James B. Hughes, Dr. HAVRE DE GRACE, Harford Co. Hopkins, II. H. & Bro. King, Wm. G. McComb, A. P. G. S. SADLER, THOS., JR. Spencer & Wright. C. S. HENDERSON, Caroline Co. Wilson & Clough. G. S. HEREFORD, Baltimore Co. Toft, Thomas. C. S. HILLSBORO, Caroline Co. Duffey, Hugh. Hackell, Thomas. HOOD’S MILLS, Carroll Co. Matthews, William. G. S. HOOPER’S ISLAND, Dorchester Co. Tyler, Solomon F. C. S. HUNTINGTOWN, Calvert Co. Norfolk, J. J. G. S. HYATTSTOWN, Montgomery Co. Price & Gardner. G. S. HYATTSVILLE, Prince George’s Co. Guy, Turner & Harvey. G. S. IJAMSVILLE, Frederick Co. Sellman, B. F. G. S. INDIAN SPRING, Washington Co. Haines, B. J. & Co. G. 3% Roach, Robert S. G. S. JEFFERSON, Frederick Co. Steiner, Francis J. G. S. JERUSALEM MILLS, Harford Co. Lee, David. C. S. JOHNSON’S CROSS ROADS, Dorchester Co. Wilson, M. H. C. G. S. JOHNSON’S STORE, Anne Arundel Co. Chestnut, Jared. C. S. Johnson, Allison. C. S. JONESTOWN, Howard Co. Davis, Gaither. G. S. JOPPA CROSS ROADS, Harford Co. Rouse, C. C. C. S. KEEDYSVILLE, Washington Co. Baker, E. & Son. C. S. Wyand, Frederick. C. S. KENNEDYVILLE, Kent Co. Warren, Charles. 193 MARYLAND.—Continued. KINGSTON, Somerset Co. Greene, M. L. G. S. Long, Edward M. G. S. KNOXVILLE, Frederick Co. Garrott & Miller. G. S. LAKESVILLE, Dorchester Co. Insley, L. A. C. S. LAPHAM’S CROSS ROADS, Washington Co. Tabler, A. J. P. G. S. LAUREL, Prince George’s Co. Saddler, R. H. Warfield, W. H. G. S. LAYTONVILLE, Montgomery Co. Mobley & Co. G. S. LEITERSBURG, Washington Co. Ground, Josephus. G. S. Stoner, Cyrus. G. S. Zigler & Co. G. S. LEONARDTOWN, St. Mary’s Co. Carberry, James A. G. S. Hooper, William E. G. S. LIBERTY, Frederick Co. Sappington, Dr. S. LOWER MARLBORO, Calvert Co. Dalrymplo, John. G. S. LOWER TRAPPE, Somerset Co. Lankford, Benjamin. C. S. MANCHESTER, Carroll Co. Crouse, Geo. & Son. G. S. MANTUA MILLS, Baltimore Co. Ebaugh & Hays. G. S. MARION STATION, Somerset Co. Colbourn, Jos. & Co. G. S. Roach, William H. G. S. MARY DELL, Caroline Co. Janvier, Charles. MASSEY’S CROSS ROADS, Kent Co Boyer, S. W. G. S. Sparks & Walls. G. S. MECHANICSTOWN, Frederick Co. Garmand, James A. G. S. Zimmerman, G. M. MECHANICSVILLE, Montgomery Co Wyatt, Geo. W. MICHAELSVILLE, Harford Co. Michael, J. J. G. S. MIDDLETOWN, Frederick Co. Chamberlain, J. Paints. Cunningham, W. W. MILLERSVILLE, Frederick Co. Miller, J. W. MILLINGTON, Kent Co. Boyer, Matthew Y. MILTON, Dorchester Co. Woolford, John S. B. & Co. C. S. MONKTON, Baltimore* Co. Miller, Samuel. C. S. MT. PLEASANT, Washington Co. Fahrney & Co. MT. VERNON, Baltimore Co. Carroll, David. G. S. NANTICOKE POINT, Somerset Co. Turner, John & Son. G. S. Willing, John W. & Co. G. S. NEWARK, Worcester Co. Jones, Whittington. G. S. Purnell & Bowen. G. S. NEWBURG, Charles Co. Higgs, Wm. G. S. NEW MARKET, Frederick Co. Wood, J. W. NEWPORT, Charles Co. Latimer & Sons. G. S. NEWTOWN, Worcester Co. Lloyd, C. C. Truitt, J. O. NEW WINDSOR, Carroll Co. Reindollar, T. B. Stouffer, Daniel. G. S. NORTH EAST, Cecil Co. Beatty, William. Thomas, L. Wesley. NOTTINGHAM, Prince George’s Co Gibbons, H. S. C. S. 194 MARYLAND.—Continued. OAKLAND, Alleghany Co. Totten & Brown. G. S. OWING’S MILLS, Baltimore Co. Harman, John H. G. S. Morrow, John. G. S. PATUXENT, Anne Arundel Co. Anderson, Wm. C. S. PERRYMANSVILLE, Harford Co. Michael, Wm. B. C. S. PETERSVILLE, Frederick Co. Brashears, C. H. & Bro. G. S. Cramer & Colliflower. G. S. PITT’S CREEK. (Newton P. O.,) Worcester Co. Feddiman, Levin. G. S. PLUM POINT, Calvert Co. Wilson, Samuel. G. S. POINT OF ROCKS, Frederick Co. Williams & Stoutsenberger. G. S. Yalton, William F. G. S. POMONKY, Charles Co. Tubman, R. T. G. S. POOLESVILLE, Montgomery Co. Hall, Thos. R. C. S. Pool & Hays. G. S. POPLAR SPRING, Howard Co. Bennett, John A. G. S. PORT DEPOSIT, Cecil Co. Anderson, George. Jamar, C. L. PORT TOBACCO, Charles Co. Diggs, Dr. R. Neal, Dr. B. PRESTON, Caroline Co. Willis, F. A. & Co. PRICE’S CROSS ROADS, Harford Co, Price* W. J. C. S. PRINCE FREDERICK, Calvert Co. Bowen, P. G. S. PRINCESS ANNE, Somerset Co. Fisher, William H. Stewart, William. QUANTICO, Wicomico Co. Crawford & Bounds. G. S. QUEENSTOWN, Queen Anne Co. Davidson & Co. G. S. De Rochburne, Geo. C. S. Mitchell & Davidson. G. S. QUEPONCO, Worcester Co. Bowen, Charles L. G. S. RIDGE, St. Mary’s Co. Tennison, A. C. C. S. RIDGELY, Caroline Co. Salisbury, Jame? K. G. S. RINGGOLD, Washington Co. Hildebrand & Hoffhind. RISING SUN, Cecil Co. Harry, Samuel M. Kirk, L. R. ROCHEVILLE, (Anamesic District,) Somerset Co. Roche, William H. C. S. ROCKVILLE, Montgomery Co. Thomas, S. W. ROYAL OAK, Talbot Co. Benson, Edward J. G. S. Robson, J. S. C. S. SABILLASVILLE, Frederick Co. Crawford, Lewis. G. S. Williar, David F. G. S. SALISBURY, Wicomico Co. Brohawn, John & Co. G. S. HUMPHREYS, E. W. Jackson, E. E. & Co. G. S. Parker, Samuel Q. G. S. Parker, B. & Bro. G. S. Tilgliman & Humphreys. G. S. SAM’S CREEK, Carroll Co. Engel, D. C. S. SANDY HOOK, Washington Co. Mortimer, Henry. G. S. Norman, John j. G. S. SANDY SPRING, Montgomery Co. Gilpin & Bently. G. S. SARAH FURNACE, Harford Co. Searff, Joshua IT. G. S. 195 MARYLAND.—Continued. SAVAGE, Howard Co. Baldwin, W. H & Co. G. S. Fisher, Nimrod. G. S. SHARPSBURG, Washington Co. Biggs, Dr. A. A. SHEPPARDSVILLE, Wicomico Co. Sheppard, Benjamin. G. S. SILVER RUN, Carroll Co. Scholl, Geo. W. C. S. SIMPSONVILLE, Howard Co. Ware, Thomas. G. S. SMITHSBURG, Washington Co. Bell, R. Bishop, Dr. Elijah. SNOW HILL, Worcester Co. Cottingham, Peter D. Richardson, G. S. & Co. G. S. ST. MICHAEL’S, Talbot Co. Davis, George M. Mitchell, A. B. STILL POND, Kent Co. Covington, George W. C. S. Kelley, John. C. S. SUNDERLANDVILLE, Calvert Co. Griffith & Co. G. S. SWITZER’S BRIDGE, Anne Arundel Co. Shipley, Richard A. C. S. SYKESVILLE, Carroll Co. Zimmerman, Schultz. G. S. TANEYTOWN, Carroll Co. McKillip, John. G. S. TAYLOR’S ISLAND, Dorchester Co Travers, S. M. & Co. G. S. TOBACCO STICK, Dorchester Co. Harrington, Peter & John E. C. S. TOWSONTOWN, Baltimore Co. Willis, Richard. TRACY’S LANDING, Anne Arundel Co. Davis, B. Weens, S. H. TRAPPE, Talbot Co. Hemp, Robert H. TRIMBLEVILLE, Talbot Co. Rowins, J. T. & Co. C. S. TURNER’S CREEK, Kent Co. Jones, George W. G. S. TYASKIN, Wicomico Co. Ryall, George. G. S. UNIONVILLE. Frederick Co. Brenerson, Charles W. Paints. Sappington, G. R. & Son. UPPER MARLBORO, Prince George’s Co. Harper, James. VIENNA, Dorchester Co. Higgins, Thomas. C. S. WARWICK, Cecil Co. Hyman, N. F. WATERBURY, Anne Arundel Co. Baldwin & Co. G. S. WESTMINSTER, Carroll Co. HUBER, A. H. Wilmer, John W. WHITE HAVEN, Wicomico Co. Robertson, George W. G. S. WILLIAMSPORT, Washington Co. Farron, Joseph H. Porterfield, C. T. Stern, William & Co. WILSON’S LANDING, Kent Co. Wilson, Alexander. G. S. WINFIELD, Carroll Co. Crawford, Dr. J. P. WOODSBORO, Frederick Co. Binely, Jacob M. G. S. Dorcas, David F. G. S. Fogle, David. G. S. WOODSTOCK, Howard Co. Cleary, William. G. S. WYE NECK, Queen Anne Co. Dodd, Thomas. C. S. 196 MASSACHUSETTS. ABINGTON, Plymouth Co. Dyer, N. N. Estes, Joseph J. Nash, Sylvanus. Sprague, Elbridge. ADAMS, Berkshire Co. Adams.—North. Burlingame & Darbys. Clark & Olds. Norman, Edward. Pettis, N. C. & Co. Rice, Geo. L. & Bro. Adams.—South. Burlingame, Anthony & Co. DUNHAM, GEORGE. Wilkinson & Mole. AMESBURY, Essex Co. Merrill, F. W. Nason, Jonathan & Son. AMHERST, Hampshire Co. Barrows & Hubbard. Duell, Charles. Orr, Samuel K. ANDOVER, Essex Co. Brown, J. J. Parker, George H. Swift, Jonathan. ARLINGTON, Middlesex Co. Dodge, Davis. Fowle, Samuel A. Russell, Stewart & Co. Drug Mill. ASHFIELD, Franklin Co. Branson, A. E. C. S. Crafts, A. W. C. S. ATHOL, Worcester Co. Harris, John S. Williams, John II. ATTLEBORO, Bristol Co. Keller, C. AUBURN, Worcester Co. Lawrence, J. E. BARNSTABLE, Barnstable Co. Doane, George W. Hinckley, O. M. Jagger, S. & Co. BARRE, Worcester Co. Shattuck, H. J. BEDFORD, Middlesex Co. Stearns, E. W. BEVERLY, Essex Co. Prince, Asa. Endicott, R. R. Woodbury, Charles. BLACKSTONE, Worcester Co. Smith & Tatlock. Stockbridge, Horatio. BOLTON, Worcester Co. Bigelow, W. H. BOSTON. ABBREVIATIONS.— B. M., Boston Hiffhlands; X!. B, East Boston; S. B., South Boston. BOSTON COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION. Composed of Dealers in Paints and Drugs. OFFICERS FOR 1870. President.—Charles Richardson. Vice Presidents.—Charles Smith, John A. Bird. Secretary.—E. S. Wait. Treasurer.—Edward T. Woodward. Board of Managers.—J. H. Chadwick, H. G. Crowell, Charles E. Folsom, Henry R. Merrill, J.W. Colburn, Nathaniel J. Rust, John Briggs. Alcohol. Mills, D. T. & Co., 13 Central Wharf. Mills, W. R., 46 India St. Tracey, John & Co., 85 Broad St. Apothecaries. Adams, A. L., cor. Meridian & Lexington Sts. E. B. Alden, E. A., 26 Guild R. cor. Dudley. B.H. Allen, W. M., 1152 Tremont St. Almy, Sylvester, 64 Tremont St. Appleton, G. H., cor. Meridian & Princeton Sts. E. B. Atkinson, Wm. D., Tremont, cor. Boylston St. Babo, L., 12 Boylston St. Bachelder, S. F., 1179 Federal St. S. B. Badger, Wm. F., 1388 Tremont St. B. II. Barrett & Co., 55 Green St. Bartlett, G. R., 295 Bennington St. E. B. Bartlett, W. H. L., 147 Leverett St. Beach, E. Claud, cor. Hudson & Oak Sts. Bispham, H. C., cor. Fourth and D Sts. Blasland, Thomas, Broadway and D St. S. B. Bolmnann & Heubach, 1100 Tremont St. B.H. Boston Dispensary, cor. Ash & Bennet Sts. Boyden, Ashel, cor. Joy & Myrtle Sts. Brian, James J. O., cor. Kneeland & Hudson. Brooks, George P., 744 Federal St. S. B. Brown, Edwin A. B., 519 Tremont St. 197 MASSACHUSETTS.—Continued. Boston.—Continued. Apothecaries. Brown, Joseph T. & Co., 292 Washington St. Bushee, J. A., 21 Maverick Square. E. B. Campbell, Isaac T., 153 Broadway. S. B. Canning, Henry, 135 Cambridge St. Caraway, P. C., 147 Hampden St. Carleton, Judson, 494 Tremont St. Chamberlain, E. C., 84 Trenton St. E. B. Choate, Henry A., under Revere House, Bos. Church, Francis T., cor. Court & Howard St. Clock, Frank B., cor. Cambridge & Temple. Cobb, Geo. W ., Meridian cor. London St. E.B. Colby, M. D., 18 Maverick Square. E. B. Colton, George, 165 Cambridge St. Colton, James B., Tremont cor. Springfield. CORDWELL, GEORGE B., 1856 Washing- ton St. B. H. Cox, Lucien A., 29 Blossom St. Crosby, B. E., 75 Beach St. Darling, Dr. I., 175 North St. Dean, Edward, 1179 Federal St. S. B. Deering, John P., 57 Causeway St. Dodge, George S., 156 Endicot St. Dow, W. W., 116 Pleasant St. Duncan, J. E. & Co., 93 Green St. Dyer, J. Howes, 238 Shawmut Ave. Eaton, Charles I., 1233 Washington St. Farnham, John C., 525 Washington St. Fenelon, J. J. & M. F., 206 Cambridge St., and 282 Broad St. Ferguson, D., 2 Broadway. S. B. Folger, W. S., 723 Tremont St. Fowle, Henry D., cor. Prince and Salem Sts. Foy, Frank E., 103 Broadway. S. B. French, Charles, 367 Hanover St. Frothingliam, D. D., 131 Leverett St. Fuller, S. H., Upliams, cor. Dorchester Dist. Gardner, B. W., 62 Chamber St. Gilman, J. T., 171 North St. Gleeson, James A., cor. Harrison Ave. & Har- vard St. Gleeson, M. H., 1121 Washington St. Gleeson, Thomas J., 1608 Washington St. Goddard, Edward, 149 Hamden St. B. IT. Gordon, R. K., cor. Dudley & Warren. B.H. Graves & Newcomb, 95 Cambridge St. Grover, E. II., cor. Fourth and B Sts. S. B. Hammond, T. Dalton, cor. Essex & South Sts. Harding, L. P., 817 Washington St. Hardy, W. G., cor. Broadway & K St., and P & Fourth Sts. S. B. Harris, Theodore S., 130 Tremont St. Henchman, Daniel, 67 Cambridge St. Hollis, J. O., 43 Salem St. Hollis, Thomas, 23 Union St. Hovey,Charles H., Warren & Walnut Av. B.H. Howard, Wm. P., 396 Hanover St. Hutchins, George F., 816 Shawmut Ave. B.H. Jenkins, Luther L., 119 Leverett St. Jenks, Thomas L., 75 & 79 Merrimac St. Kenney, W. P., 194 Hanover St. Kent, Robert R. & Co., cor. Maverick Square and Meridian St. E. B. Boston.—Continued. Apothecaries. Kidder, D. B., 28 Maverick Square. E. B. Knight, Henry T.. 80 Merrimac St. Lamberton, J. F. & Co., cor. Eustis & Dear- born Sts. B. H. Lincoln, Henry W., cor. Chestnut & Charles. Littlefield, Alvah, cor. Beach & Lincoln Sts. Marshall, J. H., 1191 Washington St. Melvin & Badger, 43 Temple Place. Metcalf, Theo. & Co., 39 Tremont St. Morris, P., cor. Federal & Purchase St. Neilson, Herbert, 1661 Washington St. Newcomb & Brown, 21 Beacon St. Nims, Ormand F., 80 Cambridge St. Noble, S. J., cor. Carver & Elliott Sts. Nowell, Wm. F., 192 Merrimac St. NOYES, CHAS. D. V. & CO., 1191 Wash- ington St. O’Brien, .Tames J., Kneeland & Hudson Sts. Page, W.W., cor. Tremont & Warrenton Sts. Parker, Joseph L., 232 Tremont St. Parmenter, G. W., 270 Hanover St. Pattee, A. F., M. D., 165 Shawmut Ave. Patten, I. Bartlett, 27 Harrison Ave. Percival, J. P. T., 68 Washington cor. State St. Perry, I., 33 Boylston St. Perry, E. Howland, 745 Washington St. Pierce, William C., 1153 Tremont St. B. H. Powers, J. P., 1110 Tremont St. B. H. Randall, Chas. L. & Co., under Norfolk House. B. H. Restieaux, Thomas, 29 Tremont St. Richmond, W. B., 72 Church St. Ricker, George D., 178 Salem St. Roche, Frank, 194 Harrison Ave. Rogers, Charles F., 86 Hanover St. Russell, E., 1981 Washington St. B. H. Sanborn, J., Hancock St. Dorchester Dist. Savorey, G. T., cor. Sewall & Causeway Sts. Sewall, David J., 1257 Washington St. Sheppard, S. A. D. & Co., cor. Washington and Dover Sts. Skinner, Edwin M., 287 Tremont St. Smalley, Elijah, 170 Harrison Ave. Smith, Theophilus, 97 Court & Hanover St. Smith, Timothy IL, 82 Salem St. Snow, Dr. J.W., 113 Portland cor. Merrimac. Souther, Emery, cor. Green & Lyman Sts. Southworth, A. C., Walnut St. Dorchester Dis. Stebbins, E. S., 1 & 2 Charlestown St. Stone, Dr. V. R., cor. North & Lewis Sts. Sullivan & Lotz, cor. Tremont & Beacon St. Tappen, C. E. & Co., 649 Tremont St. Thayer, Eli, 105 Salem St. Tompkins, Orlando, 271 Washington St. Tower, Levi, Jr., 1501 Washington St. Tufts, J. W. & Co., 138 Hanover St. cor. Union. Underwood, C. G., cor. Maverick Square and Lewis St. E. B. Vose, Robert, Jr., cor. Warren & Harvard Sts. Dorchester Dist. Warren, George, 1805 Washington St. B. H, Whetherbee, Frank M., 425 Washington St. 198 MASSACHUSETTS.—Continued. Boston.—Continued. Apothecaries. White, Henry, Eliot Sq.cor. Highland St. B.H. While, John, 38 Leverett St. White, John IL, cor. Essex & Kingston St. While, Joseph F., 48 Sudbury St. Wilbor, Albert G., 547 Washington St. Wilbor, Alexander B., 166 Court St. Willson, J. W. F., Broadway cor. Dorchester St. S. B. Wilson, Wm. J., 1336 Tremont St. B. H. Winslow, E. C., 21 Pleasant St. Woodman, D. S., Central Square cor. Benning- ton St E. B. Woodman A Stowell, 823 Washington St. WOODS. BENJ. O., 351 Federal St. Woodward. J. B. & Co., 160 Hanover St. Woodward, W. Elliott, 258 Dudley St. B.H. Wright, Wm. R., cor. West Cedar & Revere. Young, P. Ambrose, 697 Washington St. Artists’ Materials. Crowell Bros. & Co., 92 Sudbury St. FROST & ADAMS, 35 Cornhill. Hastings, F. C. & Co., 54 Cornhill. WALKER, A. A., 322 Washington St. Wheeler, Ashael, 67 Water St. Bluing Manufacturers. Brown, B. F., 133 Fulton St. Hartshorn. E.. 18 Blackston St. SAWYER, H. (Crystal), 20 N. Market St, Botanic Druggists. (Wholesale.) CHENEY, MYRICK & HOBBS, 15 Union St. Sweet, George W., 106 Hanover St. Wilson, B. O. & G. C., 18 & 20 Central St. Botanic Druggists. (Retail.) Ricker, O. P. & Co., 654 Washington St. Sweet, George W., 106 Hanover St. Nims, O. F., 80 Cambridge St. Brush Manufacturers. Averill A Hunting, 80 Water St. Burton, Fellows & Co., 21 Exchange St, Canning, John F. & Co., 88 Sudbury St. Eastham & Morris, 167 Summer St. Murphy, Leaven & Co., 28 Exchange St. Packard & Burrell. 33 Exchange St. Sherriff & Co., 22 Exchange St. SHAW, LIVERMORE & CO., 112 Wash- ington St. White, D. & Son. 27 Exchange St. Worcester & Austin, 86 Chardon St, Chalk Manufacturers. Hasse & Pratt, Maverick St. E. B. Stickney, J. W. & Co., 64 Broad St. Chemicals. Babcock. James F., 8 Boylston St, Boston Chemical Works, 21 Central St. B oston.—Conti nued. Chemicals. Boston Drug Mills, 90 North St. BOSTON DYE-WOOD & CHEMICAL CO., 116 Milk St. Cochrane, A. & Co., 19 Broad St. Freeman, Wm. F. Co., 11 India St. Hobbs, Pope & Co., 221 State St. Hodges, Coolidge & Co., 26 Broad St. New England Chemical Co., 82 Milk St. Nichols, James R. & Co., 150 Congress St. Pettes, G. W. & Co., 126 Milk St. Suffolk Chemical Co., 32 N. Market St. Winslow, W. H. & Co., 147 Milk St. Chemical Apparatus. Chamberlain, H. B. & W. O., 310 Washing ton St. Sprague, A. W. (Nitro Oxide), 138 Lincoln. Chemical Manufacturers. BOSTON DYE-WOOD & CHEMICAL CO., 116 Milk St. Nichols, James R. & Co., 150 Congress St. Slade, D. & L., 21 India St. Chemists. Atwood, Charles H., 14 Central Wharf. Babcock, James F., 8 Boylston St. Hayes, A. A., (Analytical) 20 State St. Jackson, Charles T. (Analytical), 41 Somerset. Confectioners. CHASE & CO., 114 Congress St. Copeland, Charles, 4 Tremont Row. Fobes, Hayward & Co., 96 Sudbury St. Jessope, J. H., 10 Tremont St. Johnston, J. S., Jr. 7 Hanover St. SCIIRAFFT, WM. F., 11 Elm St. Seiberlich, L., 37 Union St. Southmayd & Co., cor. Tremont & Bromfield. Wright & Moody, 75 Court St. Corks. Beeching, R. & Co., 80 Blackston St. Conroy, E., 65 Sudbury St. Holmes & Co., 109 Blackston St. Munroe & Harrington, 71 Sudbury St. McQuade, H., 70 Sudbury St. Druggists, Wholesale. Bird, J. A. & W. & Co., 211 State St. Bragdon. Tavener & Co., 8 India St. Burr & Perry, 26 Tremont St. Carter & Wiley, 138 Washington St. Cheney, Myrick & Hobbs, 15 Union St. Conant. B. W. & Co.. 23 Central Wharf. Cutler Bros. & Co., 109, 111 & 113 Broad St. Dexter Bros., 55 Broad St. Fowle, Seth W. & Son, 1 Milton St. Gilman Bros., 109 Milk St. Henshaw, Brigham & Co., 154 State St. Hollis, Thomas, 23 Union St. 199 MASSACHUSETTS.—Continued. Boston.—Continued. Druggists, Wholesale. Howe & French, 69 & 71 Blackston St. King, E. & F. & Co., 26 India St. Merrill Bros., 215 State St. Poor, Town A Co., 30 India St. Richardson, C. & Co., 61 Broad St. Rogers, Charles F., 86 Hanover St. Rust Bros. A Bird, 43 Hanover St. THAYER, BABSON & CO., 41 Kilby St. Weeks & Potter, 170 Washington St. Wheeler, Lewis & Co., 3 Custom House St. Drug Brokers. Cushing, Porter & Cades, 161 Milk St. French, C. E., 11 Central Wharf. Fowler, M. Field, 144 State St. Hovey, A. W., 5 Lewis Wharf. Mansfield, Ira K., 34 India St. Silsbee & Fowler, 26 Broad St. Swain, Paul M., 47 Broad St. Drug Mills. Boston Drug Mills, 90 Nor h St. Holmes A Blanchard, 6 Haymarket Square. Druggists’ Glassware. Burr & Perry (Nursing Bottles), Laforms & Burr, Agts., 26 Tremont St. Chamberlain, H. B. A W. O., 310 Washing- ton St. Massachusetts Glass Co., 29 Kilby St. New England Glass Co., 45 Batterymarch St. Stamford, John W.. 36 Washington St. THAYER, BABSON & CO., 43 Kilby St. Druggists’ Printing Presses. WOODS, BENJ. O., 351 Federal St. Druggists’ Sundries. Ives, D. P. & Co., 47 Milk St. Keeler, F. M. & Co., 47 Summer St. Kelley & Edmunds, 156 Washington St. Levin, J. F. A Co., 11 Bromfield St. SHAW, LIVERMORE & CO., 112 Wash- ington St. Dye Stuffs, Drugs, etc. Bangs, Wm. A. & Co., 89 Water St. Boston Drug Mills, 90 North St. BOSTON DYE-WOOD & CHEMICAL CO., 116 Milk St. Cochrane, A. & Co., 19 Broad St. Cutler, A. L. & Co., 147 Milk St. Folsom A Dearborn, 10 India St. Folsom, Pope & Co., 63 Broad St. Freeman, W. F. & Co., 11 India St. Hannewell. J. W. & Co.,7 A 8 Commercial Whf. Hodges A Richardson, 26 Broad St. Howe, Manley, 260 Broadway. Pettes. George W., 126 Milk St. Rice, Edward E. A Co., 108 Milk St. Richardson, Charles A Co., 61 Broad St. Boston.—Continued. Dye Stuffs, Drugs, etc. THAYER, BABSON & CO., 43 Kilby St. Wadsworth, Howland A Co., 34 India St. Whitney, D. R. & Co., 110 Milk St. Williams & Co., 5 Chatham St. Winslow, W. H. A Co., 147 Milk St. Dye-wood, Liquors, etc. BOSTON DYE-WOOD & CHEMICAL CO., 116 Milk St. Freeman, Wm. F. & Co., 11 India St. Emery and Emery Cloth. KING, D. WEBSTER & CO., 51 Kilby St. Elastic Stockings. LEACH & GREENE, 1 Hamilton Place. Glass Manufacturers. Bay State Glass Co., 54 Kilby St. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co., 26 Federal St. Callender, J. B., 55 Kilby St. Cape Cod Glass Co., 102 Milk St. COOK, J. M. (Stained Glass), 131 Congress. Massachusetts Glass Co., 29 Kilby St. Mt. Washington Glass Works, 61 Milk St. Portland Glass Co., 73 Congress St. New England Glass Co., 45 Batterymarch St. Suffolk Glass Co., 78 Water St. Union Glass Co., 115 Milk St. Glue Manufacturers. Baeder, Adamson & Co., 100 Milk St. Essex, Glue Co., 17 Merchants’ Row. KING, D. WEBSTER & CO., 51 Kilby St, Upton, George, 56 Kilby St. Homoeopathic Medicine. Clapp, Otis, 3 Beacon St. Peabody, N. C., 56 Beach St. India Rubber Goods. Clapp, Evans & Co., 37 Milk St. Haskins Perforated Rubber Co., 68 Congress. Hall, Henry A., 35 Milk St. SHAW, LIVERMORE & CO., 112 Wash- ington St, Medicine Chests. Folsome, James, 269 Commercial St. Oculist and Aurist. WHITMAN, E. F., 110 Court St. Paints, Oils, etc., Wholesale. Bird, J. A. & W. & Co., 211 State St. Brainard, Baker & Burgess, 22 Broad St. Briggs A Robinson, 33 Batterymarch St. Carpenter, Woodward A Morton, 107 & 109 State St. Cutler, A. L. & Co., 147 Milk St. Dexter Bros., 55 Broad St. 200 MASSACHUSETTS. 1.—Continued. Boston.—Continued. Paints, Oils, etc., Wholesale. Field, Haven & Co., 132 Milk St. FOLSOM & DEARBORN, 10 India St. GILMAN, POPE & CO., 63 & 65 Broad St. Henshaw, Brigham & Co., 154 State St. KTNG, D. AVEBSTER & CO., 51 Kilby St. King, E. & F. & Co., 26 & 27 India St. Merrill Bros., 213 & 215 State St. Poor, Town & Co., 29 & 30 India St. Richardson, C. & Co., 61 Broad St. Wadsworth, Howland & Co., 34 India St. Wheeler, Ashael, 67 Water St. AVoods, Henry, Son & Co., 45 Broad St. Patent Medicines. Burr & Perry, 26 Tremont St. Brown, John I. & Son (Lozenges), 14 Essex. Clapp, George P., 3 Cambridge St. GOODWIN, GEO. C. & CO., 38 Hanover. TURNER & CO., Neuralgia Pills, Loraine’s Vegetable Cathartic Pills, 120 Tremont St. Perfumery Manufacturers. Atwood, Charles II., 14 Central Wharf. Barney, George T. & Co., 68 Congress St. Bogle, William, 202 Washington St. Burnett, Joseph & Co., 27 Central St. Clifford, F. S., 33 Boylston St. Hartshorn, Edward, 18 Blackston St. SHAW, LIVERMORE & CO., 112 Wash- ington St. Suffolk Chemical Co., 32 N. Market St. Plate Glass. COOK, JAMES M., 131 Congress St. Hills, Turner & Harmon, 39 Elm St. Lambert Bros., 10 Merchants’ Row. Page, Harding & Co., 191 State St. Potash, Pearlash, etc. CHESSMAN, W. H., 9 Central St. Dyer & Co., 88 Commercial St. Stearns, Simon & Son, 100 Commercial St. Soda Water Apparatus. Dows, G. D. & Co., 55 Sudbyiry St. MORSE, A. J. & SON, 126 Congress St. Puffer, A. D., 48 Portland St. Tufts, James W. & Co., 33 Bowker St. Saltpetre. HENSHAW, BRIGHAM CO., 154 State St. Sand Paper. KING, D. WEBSTER & CO., 51 Kilby St. AVasliburn, B. D., 137 Congress St. Scales, Weights and Measures. Fairbanks, Brown & Co., 118 Milk St. Howe’s Standard Scales, 131 Federal St. Howard E. & Co., 114 Tremont St. (Preston, AV, B., 20 Faneuil Hall Square. Boston.— Continued. Soaps, Toilet. Boston Indexical Soap Co., 51 Chardon St. SHAW, LIVERMORE & CO., 112 Wash- ington St. Suffolk Chemical Co., 32 N. Market St. Supporters. Bonsall, William R., 33 Tremont St. LEACH & GREENE, 1 Hamilton Place. White & Co., 99 Court St. Wilson, N. (Spinal), 228 Washington St. Surgical and Dental Instruments. Codman & Shurtleff, 13 & 15 Tremont St. LEACH & GREENE, 1 Hamilton Place. White Samuel S., 16 Tremont Row. Truss Manufacturers. Bartlett & Butman, 163 AVasliington St. Bonsall, Wm. R., 33 Tremont St. Codman & Shurtleff, 13 Tremont St. LEACH & GREENE, 1 Hamilton Place. Lotz, Dr. George, 33 Tremont St. Metropolitan Truss Co., 99 Court St. White & Co., 99 Court St. BOSTON SUBURBS. Cambridge.—Apothecaries. Appleton, H. K., Jr., 77 Cambridge St. E. C. Bailey, A. E., North Cambridge. Gould & Thayer, 94 Cambridge St. E. C. Hubbard, John H., Old Cambridge. .Tones, Mark, 35 Gore St. E. C. Nason, James B., North Cambridge. Ramsey, A. H., 1 Brattle St. Old Cambr’ge. Stevens, Chas. E., 127 Bridge St. E. C. Studley & Buswell, 154 Cambridge St. E. C. Cambridgeport.—Apothecaries. Bayley, A. R., 3 Hyde’s Block. Webber, Oliver II., Main St. cor. Essex. Weston & Co., Cambridge St. cor. Prospect. Woodward & Andros, 609 Main St. Charlestown, Mass.—Apothecaries. Adams, Wm. W., 10 Main St. Bond, Wm. L., 343 Main St. Cheever, John, 236 Main St. Dodge, Levi G., 536 Main St. Downs, II. P. & Co., 574 Main St. Faulkner, A. D., Bunkerhill St. cor. Elm. Harris, J. A., 13 Main St. Holden, Wm., 196 Main St. Hovey, AVm., 148 Main St. Kettell, George P., Main St. ' McLeod, Angus, Main cor. Winthrop St. Melzar, Augustus P., 171 Bunkerhill St. Morse, Wm. B., 119 Main St. Stacy, B. F., 51 Vine St. Stowell & Co., 48 Main St. Tower, AValter S., 1 Waverly House. 201 M ASS ACHU SETTS.—Continued. BRIDGEWATER, Plymouth Co. Crapo, H. H. Crocker, B. T. BRIGHTON, Middlesex Co. Leach & Harris. Milner, J. II. Warren, George W. BROOKFIELD, Worcester Co. Carpenter, C. B. BROOKLINE, Norfolk Co. Bird, George W. Currier, Warren G. CAMBRIDGE, Middlesex Co. Hubbard, John H. Ramsay, A. II. CAMBRIDGEPORT, Middlesex Co. Bayley, A. R. Orne, Joel S. Southworth, George M. Thayer, Henry & Co. Chemists, etc. Woodward, James B. CANTON, Norfolk Co. Brooks, William W. CHARLESTOWN, Middlesex Co. Adams, W. W. Bond, William L. Cheever, Dr. John. Bot. Med. Dodge, Levi G. Downes, II. P. & Co. Faulkner, W. D. Gibbs, William H. Harris, J. A. Holden & Co. Hovey, William. Hussey, B. S. Paints. Kettell, George P. McLeod, A. Melzer, A. P. Morse, W. B. Stacy, Benjamin F. STOW ELL & CO. Toppan, Nathaniel B. Tower, Walter S. CHELSEA, Suffolk Co. Buck, John. Davis, Aaron S. Freeman & Ilsley. Martin, A. C. Miller, Lyman M. Sullivan, John A. White, J. & W. CHESTER, Hampden Co Lucas, H. S. CHICOPEE, Hampden Co. Johnson, W. W. Kent, M. A. & H. K. Lyon, James L. Paige, E. T. Smith, Warren. CLINTON, Worcester Co. Boynton, Lyman W. & Co. Burdett, A. A. White, Daniel A. COHASSET, Norfolk Co. Ellms, Edward E. G. S. Stetson, Morgan B. & Co. G. S. COLERAIN, Franklin Co. ! . Smith, Dr. Horace. CONCORD, Middlesex Co. Barrett, Edward S. Paints. Reynolds, Joseph. DALTON, Berkshire Co. Clark, E. & Son. G. S. DANVERS, Essex Co. Merrill, L. & Son. Newhall, B. E. .Paints, etc. DARMOUTH, Bristol Co. Sherman, J. C. S. Slocum, J. H. C. S. DEDHAM, Norfolk Co. Marsh, George. Smith, Henry. DEERFIELD, Franklin Co. Ware, Edwin. C. S. DORCHESTER, Norfolk Co. Sanborn, J., Jr. Southworth, A. C. DOUGLASS, Worcester Co. Hill, Aaron M. DUXBURY, Plymouth Co. Wadsworth, Henry. EAST BRIDGEWATER, Plymouth Co. Conant, John A. C. S Nutter, I. N. & E. W. C. S. EAST CAMBRIDGE, Middlesex Co. Appleton, H. K.,,Tr. Bay State Glass Co. Gould & Thayer. ! Studley, Joseph. 202 MASSACHUSETTS.—Continued. EAST HAMPTON, Hampshire Co. Fay, C. R. & Co. EASTON, Bristol Co. Thompson, A. W. EDGARTOWN, Dukes Co. Dunham, Charles F. Paints, etc. Pierce, John. ENFIELD, Hampshire Co Winslow, Joseph M. ESSEX, Essex Co. Cogswell, Geo. W. C. S. Richardson, J. M. C. S. FAIRHAVEN, Bristol Co. Church, James T. Richmond, H. W. FALL RIVER, Bristol Co. Baker, Charles A. & Co. Bennett, William G. Bowen, Abraham. Pat. Med. Brown, Phillip S. . • Chase, J. E. & Son. Chase & Gronard. Paints. Gibbs, R. M. Haskell, John. Paints. Mitchell, J. L. Pollard, P. W. Remington, Robert K. Southwortli, John. Paints. Whittaker, J. W FALMOUTH, Barnstable Co. Everett, James R. FITCHBURG, Worcester Co. Choate, John. Green, H. G. & Co. Howard, John C. Lane, Mrs. J. B. Macurda, W. A. & Co. FOXBORO, Norfolk Co. Perry, Jonathan P. Paints. Phelps, Eli. FRAMINGHAM, Middlesex Co. Thompson, William A. FRANKLIN, Norfolk Co. Nolan, W. B. GARDNER, Worcester Co. Emerson, Dr. James E. GEORGETOWN, Essex Co. Bateman, L. H. Boynton, Wm. & Son. C. S. GLOUCESTER, Essex Co. Druggists. Bergenren, F. W. A. Price, A. E. Wetherill, M. L. Paints, etc. Cook, E. L. & Co. Griffin, Bowker & Co. Lane, Albert. TARR & WONSON. GRAFTON, Worcester Co. White, David. GREAT BARRINGTON, Berkshire Co. Morgan & Pixley. Parks, William H. Whiting, Frederick T. GREENFIELD, Franklin Co. HOVEY, DANIEL. Ilovey, Geo. H. Howland & Lowell. • GROTON, Middlesex Co. Brock, J. C. GROVELAND, Essex Co. Atwood, Moses P. 7 • HANCOCK, Berkshire Co. Lapliam, W. H. C. S. HANOVER, Plymouth Co. Wilder, Isaac M. HARVARD, Worcester Co. Bacon, J. Willard. Glue Mfr. Wheeler, Thomas B. C. S. HARWICH, Barnstable Co. Robbins, A. O. HATFIELD, Hampshire Co. Fitch Bros. & Doane. C. S. HAVERHILL, Essex Co. EMERSON & HOWE. Fellows, W. M. & Co. Frothingham & Howe. Kimball, Geo. A. Noyes, James & Co. Paints, etc. Sawyer, B. A. Swan, Frank C. 203 MASSACHUSETTS.—Continued. HINGHAM, Plymouth Co. Hunt, Lewis. HINSDALE, Berkshire Co. Bowen & Converse. C. S. Taylor, A. E. C. S. HOLLISTON, Middlesex Co. Andrews, T. E. Colburn, Edwin C. C. S. HOLYOKE, Hampden Co. Bassett, A. G. Browning Bros. Goodall, F. P. MORRILL, J. E. HOPKINTON, Middlesex Co. Woodbury, J. A. HUBBARDSTON, Worcester Co. Woodward, Lyman. C. S. HUDSON, Middlesex Co. Safford, W. A. HUNTINGTON, Hampshire Co. Munson, E. G. & H. W. C. S. IPSWICH, Essex Co. Geyer, Andrew. KINGSTON, Plymouth Co. Cobb, Philander. C. S. Hunt & Sampson. C. S. LANCASTER, Worcester Co. Wilder, Solon. C. S. LANESBORO, Berkshire Co. Thompson, Dr. Page & Harding. Glass Mfrs. LAWRENCE, Essex Co. Baldwin. M. Paints. Barton, Henry & Co. Dye Stuffs, etc. Brigham, W. C. Chickering, George E. Clark, Charles. Crawford, John W. Crockett, L. H. Killpatrick. J. F. ORDWAY, AARON. Talbot, George F. Whitney, H. M. Wood, James R. LEE, Berkshire Co. Callender, Geo. E. & Bro. Pease, Frank M. LENOX, Berkshire Co. Lenox Plate Glass Works. Peck, George O. G. S. LEOMINSTER, Worcester Co Fuller & Jacobs, Wheelock & Whittier. LEXINGTON, Middlesex Co. Babcock, A. G. & Son. LOWELL, Middlesex Co. Allen, H. W. & Co. Ayer, J. C. & Co. Bailey, F. & E. Butler, F. H. & Co. Carlton & Hovey. - Coburn, C. B. & Co. Paints, Oils, etc. TVw,s. A. W. Duncan, W. W. French, Wm. H. Hayes, Joseph R. TToyt, Eli W. Kendall, Jonathan. Paints, etc. KIMBALL, C. R. Lane, Mrs. L. C. Plunkett, Joseph. Talbot, C. P. & Co. Taylor & Barker. Thompson, M. E. LYNN, Essex Co. Druggists. Brown, Charles W. Bulfinch, Jeremiah. Hodges, C. A. Holder & Co. - Ladd, Wm. M. Lummus, Thomas J. Pettigrew, O. J. Proctor, Benjamin. Snow & Messenger. Tapley & Warren. Paints, Glass, etc. Chase, Jacob. Chase, Phillip. Hutchinson, W. H. Luscomb & Nourse. Russell, John P. Glue Manufactory. Butman, M. C. & Co. Botanic Medicines. Greenleaf, Mrs. C. MALDEN, Middlesex Co. j Cox, William N. Josselvn, C. B. Woods, Samuel H. 204 MASSACHUSETTS.—Continued. MANCHESTER, Essex Co. Lee, Andrew. Lee & Co. MANSFIELD, Bristol Co. Borden, Charles F. MARBLEHEAD, Essex Co. Brown, Thomas. Glue Mfr. Cloutman, Peter D. Paints, etc. Goodwin, William. Graves, Frank. MARLBORO, Middlesex Co. Burditt, W. D. Hunter, C. D. Marshall, Frank A. MATTAPOISETT, Plymouth Co. Sparrow, William E. MEDFORD, Middlesex Co. Hooper Brothers. Tufts, James W. MEDWAY, Norfolk Co. Tourtellotte, J. W. & P. MELROSE, Middlesex Co. Knights, E. R. MENDON, Worcester Co. Metcalf, John G. METHRIEN, Essex Co. Harris, S. H.,Jr. MIDDLEBORO, Plymouth Co. Pearce, Peter H. & Co. C. S. Shaw, George H. Paints, etc. Shaw, Jacob B. & J. MIDDLETON, Essex Co. Merriam, F. P. & Co. C. S. Merriam, W. A. C. S. MILFORD, Worcester Co. Bailey, Thomas B. Morgan, II. E. Parker, W. M. Russell, Dwight. Wilson, L. J. MILLBURY, Worcester Co. Sears, N. H. MILTON, Norfolk Co. Nye, F. W. K. NANTUCKET, Nantucket Co. .Tagger, Charles H. Mitchell, Edward. NATICK, Middlesex Co. Cummings, F. E. Mansfield, T. H. NEW BEDFORD, Bristol Co. Druggists. Blake, James E. Bunker, Elihu. Cadwell, Wm. P. S. Chisholm, E. H. Church, C. H. Clark, J. Lang. Cornish, A. Holmes, Alexander R. Otis, Thomas. Pease, William A. THORNTON, E., Jr. Paints, etc. Gifford, O. E. Humphrey, Kirby & Co. Maxfield, William. Perry, John H. & Co. NEWBURYPORT, Essex Co. Drugs, etc. Caldwell, Wm. W. Dickens, Job T. HODGE, CHARLES M. Smith, Samuel A. Paints, Oils, etc. Blake & Noyes. Burrill, John. Creasy, Joseph B. Coker, S. Cutter, E. P. Hamilton, Thomas. Pearson, Augustus. Woods, Aaron D. NEW SALEM, Franklin Co. Wiley, Moses. C. S. NEWTON CORNER, Middlesex Co. Billings, E. T. Lowe, Charles H. NEWTON LOWER FALLS, Middlesex Co. Perkins, George T. NEWTON UPPER FALLS, Middlesex Co. Collins, E. Glue. Collins, Frederick A. Glue. Webster, J. F. 205 MASSACHUSETTS.—Continued. NEWTONVILLE, Middlesex Co. Williams, Dr. NORTHHAMPTON, Hampshire Co Clark & Parsons. Edwards, Oscar. Kingsley, Charles B. Parsons, S. C. NORTHBRIDGE, Worcester Co. Dudley, P. W. & Co. C. S. NORTH BRIDGEWATER, Plymouth Co. Bixby, C. C. & Co. Cobb, Tyler. Goldthwaite, E. Whipple, J. J. & Co. NORTH BROOKFIELD, Worcester Co. Deland, Benjamin. NORTON, Bristol Co. Lincoln, Elijah. C. S. Rogerson, John R. G. S. OAKHAM, Worcester Co. Prouty, Alanson. C. S. ORANGE, Franklin Co. Andrews, R. Barton, Dr. Edward. ORLEANS, Barnstable Co. Seabury, B. F. OXFORD, Worcester Co. Rawson, Charles T. PALMER, Hampden Co. Holbrook, William. Wood & Allen. PEABODY, Essex Co. Essex Glue Co. Glue. Grosvenor, Daniel P.,Jr. Meacom, G. E. Sweetser, Mrs. T. A. Upton & Walker. Glue Mfrs. PEMBROKE, Plymouth Co. Bryant, Wm. H. H. C. S. PITTSFIELD, Berkshire Co. Holland, John ivf. & Sons. Paints, etc. Manning, M. S. Spaulding, W. A. Whelden, Charles M. PLYMOUTH, Plymouth Co. Ellis, George F. Hubbard, Benjamin. Lucas, Isaac J. Paints, etc. Morse, C. S. Warren, Winslow. PLYMPTON, Plymouth Co. Parker, Zaclieus. C. S. PRINCETON, Worcester Co. Gregory, D. H. & Co. C. S. PROVINCETOWN, Barnstable Co. Baxter, J. B. Crocker, John M. Hough, H. H. Paine, Stephen A. Stone, Jeremiah. QUINCY, Norfolk Co. Johnson, C. C. Patlee, Dr. W. S. Yeazie, John H. RANDOLPH, Norfolk Co. Porter, Franklin, Jr. READING, Middlesex Co. Willis, W. H. REHOBOTH, Bristol Co. Marvel, John C. & Son. C. S. ROCKPORT, Essex Co. Blatchford, Eben. ROXBURY, Norfolk Co. Allen, William M. Babbit, W. C. Coxwell, George B. Cutler, G. E. & Co. Kennedy, Donald. Pierce, W. C. Warren, George. White, Henry. Woodward, W. E. SALEM, Essex Co. Drugs & Medicines. Barton, Gardner. Brooks, William A. Chamberlain, Joseph W. Emerton, James. Farrington, George P. Pinkham, Charles H. PRATT, HENRY J. & CO. Manufacturers of Rodelle Powders. Price, C. H. & J. Webb, Benjamin, Jr. 206 MASSACHUSETTS.—Continued. Paint, Glass, Varnishes, etc. Adams, Richardson & Co. Brown, Charles E. Felt, John G. Henderson, Daniel. Pulsifer, E. B. Simonds, S. C. & E. A. Stedman & Glover. Manufacturers. Anderson, John M. Glues. Derby Manufacturing Co. Fish Oil3. Flint & Goldthwait. Essences. Griffin, Ilosea B. Fish Oils. Robertson, S. W. Soaps. Whipple, Stephen & Bro. Gum Copal. Winn, Silas B. Mineral Waters & Soda. Fancy Goods. Skerry, Henry F.. & Son. SALISBURY, Essex Co. Bartlett, David L. Pettengill, Joseph. SAVOY, Berkshire Co. Read, William. C. S. SAXONVILLE, Middlesex Co. Clements, S. H. SHARON, Norfolk Co. Turner, Calvin. C. S. SHEFFIELD, Berkshire Co. Bidwell, Marshall S., Jr. SHELBURNE FALLS, Franklin Co Baker, Edwin. SHERBORN, Middlesex Co. Clark, Charles A. G. S. Clark, George. C. S. SHIRLEY, Middlesex Co. Gardner, Jerome & Co. C. S SOMERVILLE, Middlesex Co. Crane, Charles H. Weston, W. H. SOUTHAMPTON, Hampshire Co. Judd, R. G. SOUTHBRIDGE, Worcester Co. Hartwell, Geo. II. SOUTHWICK, Hampden Co. ShurtlilT, Carmi. C. S. SPENCER, Worcester Co. Grout, John N. & Son. C. S. Sumner, L. F. SPRINGFIELD, Hampden Co. Alden & Brewster. Bigelow, E. Brewer, Henry & James. Burdett, C. 0. & Co. Dickinson, F. S. Hill & Lyon. HOOKER, JOHN. Hutchins, Hezekiah & Son. Pill Mfrs. Merritt & Hall. Stebbins, E. C. Walker, Timothy M. & Co. Paints, etc. Warner, David. Paints, etc. Webber, J. T. & Co. STERLING, Worcester Co. Smith, J. S. C. S. STOCKBRIDGE, Berkshire Co. Clarke, William B. STONEHAM, Middlesex Co. Durkee, T. G. Goodnow, J. F. STOUGHTON, Norfolk Co. Wilkins, H. E. SUDBURY, Middlesex Co. Burbeck & Willis. C. S. SUTTON, Worcester Co. Hill, W. R. C. S. SWAMPSCOTT, Essex Co. Chase, W. B. TAUNTON, Bristol Co. Barker, A. J. Dunbar, Samuel 0. French, John T. R. Pa’s Oils. Glues, etc Hanson, J. B. & Co. Ivers, C. F. & Co. MONROE, CHARLES E. Nixon, Thomas J. Paints, etc. Willard, A. L. Willard & Lane. Wood, Cornelius. Paints, etc. TEMPLETON, Worcester Co. Dudley & Blodgett. C. S. Leland, F. C. S. ’ * TISBURY, Dukes Co. Johnson, John G. Leach, Wm. 207 MASSACHUSETTS I.—Continued. TOWNSEND, Middlesex Co. Osgood, Charles. C. S. Taylor, Wm. P. C. S. TRURO, Barnstable Co. Paine, Samuel C. UPTON, Worcester Co. Forbush, H. & Co. C. S. UXBRIDGE, Worcester Co. Mellor, G. K. WAKEFIELD, Middlesex Co. Boardman, E. E. Mansfield, J. D. WALPOLE, Norfolk Co. Craig, E. C. & Co. C. S. Wilmarth & Boyden. C. S. WALTHAM, Middlesex Co. Emmons, S. B. Lewis, Dr. Jarvis. Moore, Horatio. Chemicals. Rogers, George H. WARE, Hampshire Co. Pepper, John H. & Co. WAREHAM, Plymouth Co. Gibbs, Alvin. C. S. Murdock, C. E. Paints, etc. Thompson, Edmund N. C. S. WATERTOWN, Middlesex Co. Sullivan, J. A. WEBSTER, Worcester Co. Bigelow, E. N. Eddy, L. R. WELLFLEET, Barnstable Co. Stone, Thomas N. Wiley, Freeman & Co. Paints. WENHAM, Essex Co. Johnson, Benjamin F. WESTBORO, Worcester Co. Dyer, G. H. & Co. Henry, S. G. & Co. WESTFIELD, Hampden Co. Andrews, Dr. George. Colton, John W. * Holland, Henry. WESTMINSTER, Worcester Co. Eames & Giles. C. S. WEST NEWTON, Middlesex Co. Snow, Isaac, Jr. WESTPORT, Bristol Co. Anthony, J. L. C. S. Cory, Alexander H. C. S. Winchester & White. C. S. WEST ROXBURY, Norfolk Co. Barrett, George N. WEST TISBURY, Dukes Co. Cleveland, D. A. WEYMOUTH, Norfolk Co. Ambler, Francis. Brown, Lorenzo. White, Amos S. & Co. WHATELY, Franklin Co. Belden, Elihu. Paint Mfr. WILLIAMSTOWN, Berkshire Co Smith, N. F. WINCHENDON, Worcester Co. Barbour, C. J. WINCHESTER, Middlesex Co. Brown, George P. WOBURN, Middlesex Co. Grosvenor, J. M. & Co. Trull, Elbridge. WORCESTER, Worcester Co. Buffington, E. D. Bush, William & Co. Clarke, George H. Dickey, Frank A. Dinsmore, Silas. Fairbanks & Piper. GREEN, JAMES & CO. Green, M. B. & Co. Harlan, Fairbanks & Co. McConnell, M. S. Marble, Jerome & Co. Scott, N. R. Scott, David & Co. Skinner, P. G. & Co. Spurr, George R. Weatherbee, E. D. Paints, etc. Bowker, C. A. Drury, M. L. Howe, G. S. & A. J. White, J. C. & Co. Truss Manufacturer. Cutting, N. H. YARMOUTH, Barnstable Co. Hale, John. 208 MICHIGAN. ADDISON, Lenawee Co. Smith Bros. G. S. ADRIAN, Lenawee Co. Bidwell & Harn. Hart & Day. Meinderman, L. B. Purington, H. M. Pat. Med. Reed & Cook. Thomas, C. K. Vanderburgh & Co. ALASKA, Kent Co. Wooding. & Look. ALBION, Calhoun Co. Austin & Johnson. Ree, W. T. Williams & O’Donoghue. ALLEGAN, Allegan Co. Calkins, A. R. Crane, D. M. & Brother. Dunning, Henry M. Snedaker, J. W. ALLEN’S PRAIRIE, Hillsdale Co. Shaw, E. M. ALMA, Gratiot Co. Yerrington, A. ALMONT, Lapeer Co. Price & Briggs. Walker, A. D. ALPENA, Alpena Co. Bostwick, J. T. Whitney, C. C. ANN ARBOR, Washtenaw Co. Chester, E. & Co. Colgrove & Son. Eherbacli, C. & Co. Ellis. R. W. & Co. GRENVILLE, GEORGE. Hutzel & Co. Paints, etc. Schlack, Ernest. Glue Mfrs. AUGUSTA, Kalamazoo Co. Dean, J. A. & Co. Lane, J. W. AUSAUBLE, Josco Co. Lee, William 6. AUSTERLITZ, Kent Co. Bush, D. C. Bryant, Thomas. BANGOR, Bay Co. Benson, Henry. G. 9. BATTLE CREEK, Calhoun Co. Amberg & Helmer. Andrus & Grandin. Bathrick, Moulton & Co. Holton, L. H. Wardell, John M. BAY CITY, Bay Co. Gillett, J. P. Goodale, H. A. Jolly & Shepler. Street, J. F. & Co. Thomas, J. R. Wallace, W. H. Walthausen, F. T. BEDFORD, Calhoun Co. Watson & Atkinson. BELLEVILLE, Wayne Co. Cody, Timothy M. G. S. BELLEVUE, Eaton Co. Taylor, John K. BENTON’S HARBOR, Berrien Co. Gates & Bell. Riford, Seth. BERLIN, Ottawa Co. McCulloch, Robert B. BERRIEN SPRINGS, Berrien Co. Kepliart & Son. BIG RAPIDS, Mecosta Co. Perry, Joseph W. BIRMINGHAM, Oakland Co. Lee, George L. BLISSFIELD, Lenawee Co. Baker & Wyman. Bartholomew, A. C. Clarke, William A. BRADY, Kalamazoo Co. Long, John. REEDSVIJjLE, Van Buren Co. Larue & Baker. BRIDGEPORT CENTRE, Saginaw Co Jackson, Lyman. G. S. 209 MICHIGAN.—Continued. BRIDGEVILLE, Gratiot Co. Wellings, James II. & Brother. BRIGHTON, Livingston Co. Lee, James B. & Co. BROCKWAY, St. Clair Co. Gowan, William. BRONSON, Branch Co. Clark, Milo. Rose, L. A. & Co. BUCHANAN, Berrien Co. Dodd, Bro. & Co. Pat. Med. Dodd & Drummond. Osborne, William. Smith & Myers. BURR OAK, St. Joseph Co. Grove & Mills. Phelps, John H. BYRON, Shiawassee Co. Sleith, James. CALUMET, Houghton Co. Osborne, R. H. Smith & Harris. G. S. CAMDEN, Hillsdale Co. Caugh, James. Caugh & Whaley. CARO, Tuscola Co. Summers, H. A. CARSON CITY, Montcalm Co. Proctor, Alonzo. CASSOPOLIS, Cass Co. Morley, A. B. Tompkins & Kelsey. CEDAR SPRINGS, Emmet Co. Russell, Henry C. CENTREVILLE, St. Joseph Co. Keech, George, Jr. Talbot, John W. C. S. CHARLOTTE, Eaton Co. Collins, Geo. Y. & Bro. Fleming & Ganong. Harrington & Yom Horn. CHELSEA, Washtenaw Co. Hurd & Winans. Noyes & Glazier. Tompkins, Daniel F. CHESANING, Saginaw Co. Niver, W. H.,Jr. Qnaokenbush, W. CLARKSBURG, Marquette Co. Smith & Treat. CLARKSTON, Oakland Co. Ross & Clark. Smith & Peters. CLAYTON, Lenawee Co. Chase, D. C. CLINTON, Lenawee Co. Brush, John. G. S. Colton, Arthur B. & Co. G. S. CLIO, Genesee Co. Frost & Son. McCollough & Rogers. Salisbury & Reardon. COLD WATER, Branch Co. Chapman, William. Clark, E. R. & Co. Culver, A. & Son. Darrance & Knapp. Townsend, II. B. COLON, St. Joseph Co. Reynolds, D. C. COMMERCE, Oakland Co. Clark, Henry II. G. S. CONCORD, Jackson Co. Morrill, J. M. Sexton & Pratt. CONSTANTINE, St. Joseph Co Cond, C. W. Hazlett & Young. Hill, N. COOPERSVILLE, Ottawa Co. Brace, E. G. S. CORUNNA, Shiawassee Co. Goodell, Geo. W. & Co. Moore & Pond. CROTON, Newaygo Co. Butler, John. | Fisk. P. L. Hillard, James M. Terry, Thomas G. Whitney, David H. 210 MICHIGAN.—Continued. CRYSTAL P. O., Montcalm Co. Morgride, William. DANSVILLE, Ingham Co. Webb, Thomas I. Weston, D. T. DAVISBURG, Oakland Co. Fenwick, W. E. Phipps, John. DAVISVILLE, Sanilac Co. McCreedie, Edwin R. G. S. Moss, Truman. G. S. DAYTON, Berrien Co. Neal, W. A. Phillips, J. M. DECATUR, Van Buren Co. Abbott Bros. G. S. Browning, Thomas. Leavens, I). W. G. S. DEERFIELD, Lenawee Co. Brooks, William. G. S. Cannon, B. G. S. DELHI, Ingham Co. Elmer & Baker. G. S. DETROIT, Wayne Co. Wholesale Druggists. Eaton, Theodore H. & Son. Farrand, Sheeley & Co. Hinchman, T. H. & Son. Humphrey, Hanning & Co. Johnston, William. W. & R. Swift, H. F. & Bro. Retail Druggists. Ballery, Glass & Co. Biddle, Hiram S. Bisbee, John B. Chapman, J. R. & Co. Crowley, John J. Drexal, Mrs. Fletcher, F. E. Griffith, J. H. Griffiths, T. H. Haight, Henry. Harvey, John. Hill, John. v Hudson, C. W. Jackson, Isaac P. Kilton, E. Lawrence, F. & Co. Lodge, Edwin A. Homoeopathic. Monaghan, N. Moser, Theodore. Pickets, J. Pollock, Samuel. Detroit.—Continued. Ronnefeldt, Theodore. Scherer, J. C. Sickler, B. E. Smith, E. J. Stearns, Frederick. Supple, W. It. Sutton & Co. Vernor, James. Wallace, E. D. & Co. Waterman, James. Watson, S. C. Wheeler, George M. Druggists’ Sundries. Leightner, Edward L. Paints, Oils, etc. Boydell, John. Dean, Brow & Co. Godfrey, J. & Co. Reynolds & Hess. Wetmore, E. A. Worcester, Liable & Standish. Wright, William & Co. Glass. Michigan Glass Company. Perry, O. H. & Co. Whittemore, T. E. Manufacturing Chemists. Parke, Jennings & Co. Perfumery, etc. Clay, William. Densham, Thomas. Miles & Hyde. Seeley, J. M. & Co. Varnish and Glue. Berry Bros. White Lead. Detroit White Lead Co. • Worcester, Liable & Standish. DEWITT, Clinton Co. Bates, A. P. Topping, G. W. DEXTER, Washtenaw Co. Keal, W. J. McGraw & Kingsbury. DOUGLASS, Allegan Co. Collier, Thomas. DOWAGIAC, Cass Co. Hollister & Terry. Huntington, Asa. Sherwood, C. L. 211 MICHIGAN.—Continued. DUNDEE, Monroe Co. Jackson & Son. Wilcox & Archibald. DUPLAIN, Clinton Co. Pearl, O. M. G. S. EAGLE RIVER, Keweenaw Co. Austrian & Hart. G. S. Struckmyer & Co. G. S. EASTMANVILLE, Ottawa Co. Wagner, Thayer & Eastman. G. S. EAST SAGINAW, Saginaw Co. Bissell, A. G. Dunk, A. A. Melchers, Henry. Moore, V. K. Simoneau, L. Wadsworth, O. H. WOOD, A. B. EATON RAPIDS, Eaton Co. Gillespie, G. A. Smith, J. E. EDWARDSBURGH, Cass Co. Bugbee, Israel G. • ERIE, Monroe Co. Dusea, Victor A. ESCANABA, Delta Co. Royce, C. C. FAIRFIELD, Lenawee Co. Alger, 0. H. G. S. FARMINGTON, Oakland Co. Woodman, Eli. FENTONVILLE, Genesee Co. Dunlap & Miles. Helm, M. A, Smith & Davis. Trump & Willmot. FLAT ROCK, Wayne Co. Near, Dr. J. L. FLINT, Genesee Co. Bishop, Giles. Clark, W. & J. B. Cummings, W. C. Fobes, Ingersoll & Co. Mason, E. M. MASON, CHARLES A. & CO. Willett, John. FLUSHING, Genesee Co. Talbot, N. FORT GRATIOT, St. Clair Co. Brown, N. F. FOWLERVILLE, Livingston Co. Spencer, W. C. FRANKFORT, Benzie Co. Collins, J. B. G. S. FRANKLIN, Oakland Co. Grace, T. G. S. GAIN’S STATION, Genesee Co. Cogshall, B. GALESBURG, Kalamazoo Co. Beckwith, E. Burdick Bros. GIRARD, Branch Co. Williams, J. B. GLEN ARBOR, Leelenaw Co. Rossman, A. W. G. S. GOODRICH, Genesee Co. Campbell, Daniel W. Putnam, William H., Jr. GRAND BLANC, Genesee Co. Gibson, C. D. W. G. S. GRAND HAVEN, Ottawa Co. Gale, S. Griffin, A. & Co. Vandeveere, A. & Co. GRAND LEDGE, Eaton Co. Babcock & Carr. Johnston, T. GRAND RAPIDS, Kent Co. Escott, E. B. Escott, Henry. Gallup, James. STEVENS & LACEY. Powers, E. K. Mfr. Mineral Water. Putnam, Lemuel 1). Shepard, Charles N. Stekatee & Kimm. Thum, William. Wilson & Harvey. GRANDVILLE, Kent Co. Day, Levi. Dunham, A. J. 212 GRASS LAKE, Jackson Co. Johnson, D. W. C. Walker & Bro. GREENBUSH, Clinton Co. Willing, J. S. & Brother. GREENLAND, Oontonagon Co. Vail, Dr. Welch, D. F. & Co. G. S. GREENVILLE, Montcalm Co. Fuller, J. M. & Co. Pettee & Shearer, HADLEY, Lapeer Co. Kelley & Hutton, G. S. HANCOCK, Houghton Co. Condon, Close & Haywood. G. S. North & Briggs. G. S. HART, Oceana Co. Chadwick. M. R. Flood, J. K. & Co. HASTINGS, Barry Co. Ackley, I£. D. Burton, C. S. Main Bros. Roberts, J. P. & Co. HICKORY CORNERS, Barry Co. Bush, C. C. & Bro. HILLSDALE, Hillsdale Co. Allen, A. C. Brant, J. W. Farnum, H. T. French & Son. Simpson, ,T. R. Skinner, E. N. Whelen & Keating. HOLLAND, Ottawa Co. Coatswortli, I. Doesburg, J. O. Ledeboer & Van Patten. Walsh, Heber. HOLLY, Oakland Co. Collier & Cummings. Johnson & Collier. Wickins, HOMER, Calhoun Co. Hatch & Elston. HOUGHTON, Houghton Co. Pope, Graham. Smith, Thomas. MICHIGAN.—Continued. HOWELL, Livingston Co. Kenyon, W. W. McPherson & Browning. Vandeusen & Young. HUBBARDSTON, Ionia Co. Pennington, John. Wheeler, C. F. & H. HUDSON, Lenawee Co. Boies, J. K. & Co. Chapman, Dunks & Co. Mfrs. Pat. Med. Hall & Son. Maxsons & Putman. Montgomery & Pease. Powers, J. S. IDA, Monroe Co. Roucli, H. H. IONIA, Ionia Co. Hutchins & Cutler. McMullen, George & Co. Nichols, G. W. Sibley, F. C. ISHPEMING, Marquette Co. Nelson, R. & Co. G. S. t Ropes, Julius. ITHACA, Gratriot Co. Fox, H. B. Hall, O. S. Scott & Brother. JACKSON, Jackson Co. Beebe, Charles E. & Co. Brown, S. R. Holland, S. & Son. Landon Brothers. Smith & Calvert. Quire, A. Webb, Charles E. & Bro. Wood, W. H. JONESVILLE, Hillsdale Co. Gardner, G. M. & Co. Varnum, R. S. KALAMAZOO, Kalamazoo Co. Babcock, T. J. Clapham, J. P. Coleman, Francis. Cornell, H. A. DeArcambal, Charles B. Hollister, Geo. E. Paints. JOHNSTON & SHELDON. Krymer, W. Roberts & Hillhouse. 213 MICHIGAN.—Continued. KALAMO, Eaton Co. Wilson, J. T. G. S. KINNEYVILLE, Ingham Co. Howland, J. E. G. S. LAINSBURGH, Shiawassee Co. Patridge, H. S. Sals, Simeon. LAKE PORT, St, Clair Co. McDonalds, Caldwell & Co. G. S. LAKEVILLE, Oakland Co. Price & Hagerman. G. S. LAMBERTVILLE, Monroe Co. Taylor, David J. G. S. LAMONT, Ottawa Co. Scott & Walling. LANSING, Ingham Co. Brisbin & Connelly. Cowley & Chamberlain. Earl & Ranney. Hart, A. N. & Son. Paints, etc. Holmes, T. S. Newbro & Barker. Thayer, A. R. Turner, Charles. WELLS, FRANK. LAPEER, Lapeer Co. Jackson, Wm. A. LAWRENCE, Van Buren Co. Fisk, & Barrows. Rowe S. LAWTON, Van Buren Co. Munger & Bro. Smith, George P. LEELAND, Leelenaw Co. Barton, Campbell & Co. G. S. LEONIDAS, St. Joseph Co. Bamabee & Sanford. G. S. House, P. D. & A. G. G. 8. LESLIE, Ingham Co. Dowse, J. B. Tompkins, Wm. C. LEXINGTON, Sanilac Co. Anderson, W. W. McGill, A. D. Simons, William. LINDEN, Genesee Co. Brown, Charles. Harris, S. D. LISBON, Kent Co. Koon, E. C. & S. J. LITCHFIED, Hillsdale Co. Skidmore, A. F. Thornton, E. & Co. Paints. LOWELL, Kent Co. Fort, Edwin M. Pat. Med. Hine, Charles R. Hunt & Hunter. Stephenson & Brother. Truss Mfrs. LUDINGTON, Mason Co. Alexander, H. F. Doty, Dr. E. Johnson & Ely. LYONS, Ionia Co. Hutchinson & Spalding. Kelly & Yorce. MACKINAC, Mackinac Co. Bailey, J. R. G. S. MANCHESTER, Washtenaw Co. Bessac, W. H. & Son. Yan Dyne, Lynch & Co. MANISTEE, Manistee Co. Willard, Hall & Co. MAPLE RAPIDS, Clinton Co. Cressinger, B. MARATHON, Lapeer Co. Congdon, L. H. MARINE CITY, St. Clair Co. Backus, J. W. Clough, A. B. MARQUETTE, Marquette Co. Crowley, John. Stafford, H. H. & Co, MARSHALL, Calhoun Co. Bailey & Church. Ellston, W. H. Gallup, B. A. Hyde, A. O. Moore, William F. Schuyler, A. D. Sweet, Wm. A. Paints. MARTIN, Allegan Co. Putman, F. C. 214 MICHI GAN.—Continued. MARYSVILLE, St. Clair Co. Mills, N. B. G. 8. Williams, M. G. S. MASON, Ingham Co. Cook, E. & F. E. Halsted, D. W. Williams, Henry M. MATTAWAN, Van Buren Co. Moore & Wilder. MAY P. O., Tuscola Co. Shepard, H. MEMPHIS, St. Clair Co. Perkins, G. L. MENDON, St. Joseph Co. Beall & Hadden. Des Voigne, L. A. MENOMONEE, Menomonee Co. Shepard, Miles. MIDDLEVILLE, Barry Co. Emery, J. F. MIDLAND CITY, Midland Co. Hines & Bro. Whiteliouse, James H. MILFORD, Oakland Co. Hewett, John S. Jackson, Isaac P. Morrison, Daniel. MONROE, Monroe Co. Dorsch & Weiss. Sacket, S. M. Schaefer, R. Sheldon, J. T. Uhl, C. F. & Co. MORENCI, Lenawee Co. Todd & Beach. MOSCOW, Hillsdale Co. Harris, William. G. S. MOUNT CLEMENS, Macomb Co. Babcock, H. W. Hall & Snook. MOUNT MORRIS, Genesee Co. Fuller, W. S. Scully, W. MOUNT PLEASANT, Isabella Co. Worden, Dr. MUSKEGON, Muskegon Co. Linaburg, H. M. & Co. Odell, W. P. Sibley, William A. Wagner, Samuel H. NAPOLEON, Jackson Co. Manley, A. C. NASHVILLE, Barry Co. Halbert, D. & Co. Thomas, Dr. NEGAUNEE, Marquette Co. Carter, Samuel Jr. Cyr, L. D. & Co. NEWAYGO, Newaygo Co. Raider, J. F. A. Soper, D. E. NEW BALTIMORE, Macomb Co. Buffum, B. F. NEW BALTIMORE STATION, Macomb Co. Bennett, Adam. NEW BUFFALO, Berrien Co. Weed, E. D. & Co. NILES, Berrien Co. Finley & Calkins. Gould, L. K. & C. H. Larrimore & Dean. Richardson, J. H. Woodruff, Lloyd O. NORTH ADAMS, Hillsdale Co. Morehouse, C. G. G. S. Wilber, John & Son. G. S. NORTH NEWBERG, Shiawassee Co. Simonson, John L. G. S. NORTHVILLE, Wayne Co. Donaldson, J. P. OAKVILLE, Monroe Co. Newcomb, Silas A. OKEMOS, Ingham Co. Smiley, James F. OLIVET, Eaton Co. Andrews & Seeley. 215 MICHIGAN.—Continued. ONTONAGON, Ontonagon Co. Ellis, Edwin. ORTONVILLE, Oakland Co. Drummond, F. P. OSSEO, Hillsdale Co. Phillips Bros. OTSEGO, Allegan Co. Foster, A. R. Kent, Andrew J. * Steadman, D. C. OVID, Clinton Co. Farmer, Charles. OWOSSO, Shiawassee Co. Hoyt & Davis. Langenbayer, J. F. Parkhill, Charles P. OXFORD, Oakland Co. Bennet & Co. G. S. PALO, Ionia Co. Halbert, Asa E. PARKVILLE, St. Joseph Co. Ulrich, I. F. & Son. G. S. PARMA, Jackson Co. Landon Brothers. Stimpson, Thomas J. & Co. PARSH ALL VILLE, Livingston Co Griswold & Norbet. G. S. PAW PAW, Van Buren Co. Harrison & Wheaton. Kilburn & Hudson. Longwell, G. W. & Co. McFarlan, J. W. PENT WATER, Oceana Co. Dundass, R. E. & Co. Gray, J. G. PETERSBURG, Monroe Co. Dunham, E. & Co. G. S. PEW AMO, Ionia Co. Mattison, R. G. PINCKNEY, Livingston Co. Hicox, Charles F. PINE RUN, Genesee Co. Frost, E. K. & Son. PLAINFIELD, Kent Co. Burch, D. W. C. PLAINVILLE, Allegan Co. Brigham, Ebenezer. Crispe & Cox. Daniels, C. J. Paints and Glass. PLYMOUTH, Wayne Co. Coleman, A. B. Frisbee & Steele. POKAGON, Cass Co. Wells, Charles P. PONTIAC, Oakland Co. Hovey, A. W. .Tenks, L. D. & Co. Parker, Abiram. Wells & Co. PORT AUSTIN, Huron Co. Richards, B. PORT HOPE, Huron Co. Lutwytche, John D. PORT HURON, St. Clair Co. Herzog, H. Kibbee, J. Parker, J. G. Wasted, William. PORTLAND, Ionia Co. Cutcheon, L. M Root, William. PORT SANILAC, Sanilac Co. Coppernoll, Samuel. PORTSMOUTH, Bay Co. Gillett, J. P. Taylor, J. E. & Co. POTTERSBURG, St. Clair Co Avery & Son. G. S. POTTERSVILLE, Eaton Co. Potter, J. W. & Co. G. S. PRAIRIEVILLE, Barry Co. Brown, Coombs & Co. G. S. Sackett, James W. QUINCY, Branch Co. Bennett & Sheldon. Broughton, E. L. 216 MICHIGAN, '.—Continued. READING, Hillsdale Co. Dodge & Doty. Strong & Bates. RIDGEWAY, Lenawee Co. Loree, D. W. ROCHESTER, Oakland Co. Hudson, Mrs. J. K. Lambertson & Brother. ROCKFORD, Kent Co. Blakely, Russell L. Hartman, C. S. ROCKLAND, Ontonagon Co. Osborn, R. H. ROMEO, Macomb Co. Durand & Mussey. Holland & Reade. SAGINAW CITY, Saginaw Co. Mayer, F. W. Moll, William. Penoyer & St. John. Plessner, Paul. Ringler, Eugene. smith, jay. SALINE, Washtenaw Co. Humphreys & Clark. Mason, M. & Son. SAND BEACH, Huron Co. Irvin, R. W. G. S. SARANAC, Kalamazoo Co. McGregor & Peters. Spencer, E. & F. H. SAUGATUCK, Allegan Co. Tanner, L. O. & Co. SCHOOLCRAFT, Kalamazoo Co. Hatch & Miller. James, George R. SEBEWAING, Huron Co. Keeler, Dr. J. H. SHEPARDVILLE, Clinton Co. Arnold, H. T. Shepard, Wm. & Geo. & Co. G. S. SMYRNA, Ionia Co. Moe, Brothers. SOUTH HAVEN, Van Buren Co. Lyle & Dyckman. Moon & Clark. Moulton, A. Thompson & Howard. SOUTH LYONS, Oakland Co. | Borden, Charles. G. S. SOUTH SAGINAW, Saginaw Co. ; Hubbard & Randall. SOUTH WRIGHT, Hillsdale Cc. Clark & Colby. G. S. SPRING LAKE, Ottawa Co. Cleveland, Henry W. Perham, L. 0. ST. CLAIR, St. Clair Co. Brown & Cornell. Chamberlain, J. D. Jenks & Stowell. Loucks, J. W. Jr. ST. CHARLES, Saginaw Co. Case, H. & R. S. G. S. Kimberly, Charles S. G. S. ST. JOHNS, Clinton Co. Burdick & Wait. Hunt, Geo. R. & Bro. Smith, H. C. & Co. ST. JOSEPH, Berrien Co. Bills & Webster. Crane, C. H. & Co. Palmer, E. C. Poget, Charles. Springstern, B. M. ST. LOUIS, Gratiot Co. Bradley, J. Tuger, John. STANTON, Montcalm Co. Wilkinson, W. G. STOCKBRIDGE, Ingham Co. Forbes, H. N. G. S. STURGIS, St. Joseph Co. Church, H. S. Davis, J. R. Willets & Collins. TECUMSEH, Lenawee Co. Fisher & Baker. Gould & Waldo. Wright, Moses. TEKONSHA, Calhoun Co. Main, H. A. 217 MICHIGAN '.—Continued. THREE OAKS, Berrien Co. Churchill, Owen. THREE RIVERS, St. Joseph Co. Hall, Henry & Co. REED & CUSHMAN. Stevens, L. S. Wing & Majors. TRAVERSE CITY, Grand Traverse Co. Hubbell, L. W. & Co. TRENTON, Wayne Co. Clee & Sanders. G. S. Park, William. G. S. UNION CITY, Branch Co. Ewers, H. F. & Co. Spencer, J. & Son. UNIONVILLE P. O., Tuscola Co Marvin & Holmes. G. S. UTICA, Macomb Co. Andrus, William W. Summers & Leach. V AND ALIA, Cass Co. Coffin, G. A. VASSAR, Tuscola Co. Johnson, James. VERMONTVILLE, Eaton Co. Barber & Martin. G. S. Kincaid, R. & Son. G. S. VERNON, Shiawassee Co. Holley, D. C. WALLED LAKE, Oakland Co. Brown, Benjamin. G. S. Howard & Weaver. G. S. WATERFORD, Oakland Co. Brownson, R. II. WATERVLIET, Berrien Co. Allen, W. W. G. S. WATROUSVILLE, Tuscola Co. Fralick, J. B. WAYLAND, Allegan Co. Ball, James. WAYNE, Wayne Co. Morrison, T. WENONA, Bay Co. Davis, John. Shanahan, W. S. & Co. Strong, C. A. & Bro. WESTPHALIA, Clinton Co. Dellenbaugh, Dr. Charles C. Platte, Joseph. G. S. WHITEHALL, Muskegon Co. Ruggles, E. M. Shackelton & Mizner. Smith, W. B. Wheeler, Dr. J. A. WHITE PIGEON, St. Joseph Co. Stone & Brown. WHITE ROCK, Huron Co. Munford, R G. S. WILLIAMSTOWN, Ingham Co. Ravenaugh, John. Thayer, A. R. WYANDOTTE, Wayne Co. Thomas, C. W. YPSILANTI, Washtenaw Co. Kingsburg, C. C. Samson, E. Smith, Frank. Tripp & Frost. Van Tuyle, Henry. 218 MINNESOTA. ALBERT LEA, Freeborn Co. Wedge & Blackman. ALEXANDRIA, Douglass Co. Cowan, T. F. G. S. Miller & Brown, G. S. ANOKA, Anoka Co. Couchman, James J. C. S. Sheldon, S. B. & Co. G. S. Tickner & Co. AUSTIN, Mower Co. Clemmar, J. J. & G. G. Dorr, E. E. BELLE PLAINE, Scott Co. Sprague, J. M. & Co. BLUE EARTH CITY, Faribault Co. Anderson Bros. G. S. Schuler & Thurston. BROWNSVILLE, Houston Co. Brehme, F. Smith, J. H. CALEDONIA, Houston Co. O’Conner, J. Sprague, A. D. G. S. CANNON FALLS, Goodhue Co. Barlow & Van Campen. G. S. Schofield, W. H. & J. L. CARVER, Carver Co. Dutoid, George & Co. Griffen, William. CHASKA, Carver Co. Bennett, John. Warner, L. G. S. CHATFIELD, Fillmore Co. Barnard, F. G. Edwards, W. R. CLEAR WATER, Wright Co. Ferte, I. E. COLD SPRING, Stearns Co. Buss, Charles. G. S. Mourin, M. & P. G. S. CONCORD, Dodge Co. Avery, W. G. G. S. CROW WING, Crow Wing Co. Peake, F. W. & Co. G. S. DUNDAS, Rice Co. Drought & Hutchinson. G. S. ELLIOTA, Fillmore Co. Blake, John. G. S. ELYSIAN, Le Sueur Co. Lange, August. H. G. S. EYOTA, Olmstead Co. Bolton, T. G. FAIRMOUNT, Martin Co. Chub, O. R. FARIBAULT, Rice Co. Cooley, D. & Co. Sayre, T. B. Stevens, W. H. & Co. Wheeler, J. B. FARMINGTON, Dakota Co. Dodge, L P. Fluke & Thurston. FILLMORE, Fillmore Co. Cortis, Dr. Henry. Dane & Co. FORESTVILLE, Fillmore Co. Meiglien, F. & D. R. C. S. FREEBORN, Freeborn Co. Borck, G. W. GARDEN CITY, Blue Earth Co. Welcome, S. C. Williams & Bro. G. S. GRANGER, Fillmore Co. Barnard, Howe, St. John & Co. G. S. GREENLEAF, Meeker Co. Parker, E. E. & Co. • HAMILTON, Fillmore Co. Booth, N. R. G. S. 219 MINNESOTA.—Continued. HASTINGS, Dakota Co. Finch & Langley. Henriques, D. M. Marvin, R. J. Thorne, Dr. W. Weems, Mrs. HENDERSON, Sibley Co. Baumgarten, William. Seignurette, H. HIGH FOREST, Olmstead Co. Grant, A. G. S. HOKAH, Houston Co. Gregory, George. HOUSTON, Houston Co. Abramson, Isaac & Co. G. S. HUTCHINSON, McLeod Co. Sumner, W. L. G. S. JACKSON, Jackson Co. Foster, R. R. JORDAN CITY, Scott Co. Strait, H. B. & W. W. G. S. KASSON, Dodge Co. Wilson, J. B. KENYON, Goodhue Co. Brown, S. L. LA CRESENT, Goodhue Co. Minshall, Thomas. LAKE CITY, Wabasha Co. Gibbs, Thomas. Gurnsey & Megrath. Harley, Joseph. Paints. LE ROY, Mower Co. Gilson, W. A. G. S. LE SUEUR, Le Sueur Co. Bowman, W. A. & Co. Mickstroth & Son. LITTLE FALLS, Morrison Co. Tanner, Briggs & Co. MANKATO, Blue Earth Co. CONDIT & AUSTIN. Frisbie & Shepard. Warner Brothers. MANTORVILLE, Dodge Co. Grinnell & Wilbur. Miller, R. B. G. S. MARINE, Washington Co. Judd, G. B. G. S. Walker & Judd. G. S. MARION, Olmstead Co. Fawcett & Root. G. S. MEDFORD, Steele Co. Bailey & Bryant. G. S. MINNEAPOLIS, Hennepin Co. Biglow, E. B. & Co. GRAY BROTHERS. Haines, H. C. Huhn, George & Co. Lyman & Tucker. Murison, James & Co. Savory & Johnson. Slemmons, S. A. MONTICELLO, Wright Co. Adams, S. E. Barker, A. F. Paints. MORRISTOWN, Rice Co. Adams, S. E. G. S. NEWBURG P. O., Fillmore Co. Harvey, H. G. S. % NEW LONDON, Monongalia Co. Adams & Lyle. G. S. NEW ULM, Brown Co. Benke, H. & Bro. G. S. Crone, Theodore. G. S. Weschke, C. & Co. NORTHFIELD, Rice Co. Conver & Miner. LATHROP, EBENEZER. Skinner & Lockwood. G. S. Thorson, H. G. S. Wyer, Conver & Miner. ORONOCO, Olmstead Co. Bascombe, D. J. G. S. OSSEO, Le Sueur Co. Crockett, Nathaniel. G. S. OWATONNA, Steele Co. Bixby, L. Harsha & Donaldson. Hubbard, N. PLAINVILLE, Wabasha Co. ; Felton, A. Y. 220 MINNESOTA.—Continued. PRESTON, Fillmore Co. Tibbetts, James P. Weiser, Albert. RED WING, Goodhue Co. Hawley, A. B. Jones & Cole. Wyer J. S. REED’S LANDING, Wabasha Co. Cady & Young. Miller, Wm. H. & Co. ROCHESTER, Olmstead Co. Anderson, 0. W. Blood & Culver. Daniels, S. H. Poole & Geisinger. UPMAN, H. B. RUSHFORD, Fillmore Co. Keirland & Son. Weed, Henry. SAUK CENTRE, Stearns Co. Finch & Dutton. SAUK RAPIDS, Benton Co. Mayo, L. SHAKOPEE, Scott Co. Hall, Edward. Howe, D. L. Morren, L. B. & Co. SOUTH BEND, Blue Earth Co. Christophenson, George. SPRING VALLEY, Fillmore Co. Williams, J. H. ST. ANTHONY, Hennepin Co. Hemiup & Southworth. Johnson, A. E. Southwmrth, E. Talbert, White & Co. ST. CHARLES, Winona Co. Guthrie, Johnson & Smith. Hill, H. W. Langdon, H. S. ST. CLOUD, Stearns Co. Allen & Russell. Marlatt, S. Nolton, W. E. Paints. Schulten, C. Ticknor, Tolman & Co. ST. PAUL, Ramsey Co. Allen, J. P. Biggs, E. H. Hand, R. T. Jenks & Gordon. Miller, William H. NOYES BROTHERS. Wholesale. Reiger, Paul. Robinson, H. W. Rose, Anson H. Sweeney, R. O. & Co. ST. PETER, Nicollett Co. Blackiston, John. PAUL, B. F. Shaw, D. J. STILLWATER, Washington Co. CRANDALL, H. M. Kauffman, H. TAYLOR’S PALLS, Chisago Co. Murdock, Mrs. H. TROY, Winona Co. Campbell, M. G. S. WABASHA, Wabasha Co. Stauff, C. Stone & Whitmore. WASECA, Waseca Co. Latham, E. P. Strong & Wilsey. WASIOGA, Dodge Co. Miller, William. WATERTOWN, Carver Co. Lyman & Tucker. WATERVILLE, Le Sueur Co. Rogers, L. Z. G. S. WILTON, Waseca Co. Kinyon, S. S. Johnston, J. W. & Co. G. S. WINNEBAGO CITY, Faribault Co. Farley, C. J. WINONA, Winona Co. Benson & Pratt. Jackson, H. W. & Co. Pelzer, Edward. Slorali, J. C. & Co. WEDEL, DR. H. R. Wickersliam, Samuel N. 221 MISSISSIPPI. ABERDEEN, Monroe Co. Eckford & Dortch. Elkin & McAllister. Shell, Crawford & Co- BALDWIN, Lee Co. Sevien, B. B. BATESVILLE, Panoli Co. Martin, William & Co. BENTON, Yazoo Co. Green, J. R. & Co. DEPOT, Hinds Co. Cocke, John W. Agt. BOONEVILLE, Tishemingo Co. Saunders & Co. BRANDON, Rankin Co. Batte, William H. Thornton, William M. BROOKHAVEN, Lawrence Co. Martin & Hoskins. BUENA VISTA, Chickasaw Co. Holliman & Knowles. BYHALIA, Marshall Co. Horne, J. B. CAMDEN, Madison Co. Maxwell, W. L. CANTON, Madison Co. Cassell & Baughn. MOSBY, W. J. & Co. CARROLLTON, Carroll Co. Estes & Matthews. Saunders, J. 0. & Co. Stansbury, Dr. M. W. CARTHAGE, Leake Co. Howard, Hector H. Plunkett, Joseph L. Smyth & Ward. CHULAHOMA, Marshall Co. Jeffreys, O. M. G. S. Reid, R. H. CLINTON, Hinds Co. Rice & Passmore. COFFEEVILLE, Yalabusha Co. Kennedy, J. A. P. COLDWATER STATION, De Soto Co. Thornton, T. J. & Co. COLUMBUS, Lowndes Co. Blair & Bro. GOODRICH & STREET. Hatch, M. W. Taylor & Co. CORINTH, Tishemingo Co. Boroum & Young. Saunders, M. M. & Bro. CRYSTAL SPRINGS, Copiah Co. Herrington, H. J. & Co. DE KALB, Kemper Co. McLanahan, G. Y. DUCK HILL, Hill Co. Trotter & Simmons. ENTERPRISE, Clark Co. Shaw & Sailer. Winn, J. W. & Co. FAYETTE, Jefferson Co. Armistead, J. R. & Co. Richardson, R. E. FOREST, Scott Co. Davis, Stephen. Lowry, W. W. FRIAR’S POINT, Coahoma Co. Wainwright & Simmons. FULTON, Itawamba Co. Davis, N. & Co. GOODMAN, Holmes Co. Foster & Portwood. GREENVILLE, Washington Co. Finley, Mrs. A. B. Griffin, J. L. GRENADA, Yalabusha Co. Hughes, J. E. HANDSBORO, Harrison Co. McCullen, W. 222 MISSISSIPPI.—Continued. HERNANDO, De Soto Co. Raines, William N. Temple, Robert. HICKORY STATION, Newton Co. Longmire, E. HILLSBORO, Scott Co. Barber, J. W. HOLLY SPRINGS, Marshall Co. A they, C. J. Butler, J. F. & Co. OLIVER, B. P. & CO. Willis, P. A. HOUSTON, Chickasaw Co. Walker, James. IUKA, Tishemingo Co. Marshall, R. T. Agt. Simmons, M. A. JACKSON, Hinds Co. Ash, Matthew F. Asher, Gus. BUCK & BAILEY. KOSCIUSKO, Attala Co. Atkins, J. K. & Co. Comfort, D. B. Mier & Massey. LAKE, Scott Co. Palmer, B. B. Riley, J. L. LEXINGTON, Holmes Co. Jones, B. H. McCain & Gwin. LIBERTY, Amite Co. Carroll & Lee. McWhinney, John. MACON, Noxubee Co. Dent, H. & Co. McLelland, George. Sample, Dr. MAGNOLIA, Pike Co. Goetting, Henry. G. S. McNair, E. & Co. G. S. Nash, Dr. J. A. MARION STATION, Lauderdale Co. Edwards, A. C Latham & Terry. MAYHEW, Lowndes Co. Saxon & Hannah. MERIDIAN, Lauderdale Co. Bennett & Peck. Reid & Lewis. Sinclair & Smith. MONTICELLO, Lawrence Co. Westerfields & Bloom. MORTON, Scott Co. Moore, Robert. NATCHEZ, Adams Co. Drugs and Apothecaries. Fox, William H. & Co. McGRAW, P. H. Mallery, C. Morton, Kitchen & Co. Murphy, John. Smith & Profiter. Paints, Oil and Glass. Dixon, Robert. McKee, Robert. Wells, John. NEWPORT, Attala Co. Albin, Robert. NEW PROSPECT, Winston Co. Brown, R. D. & Son. NEWTON STATION, Newton Co Puckett & Griffith. OKOLONA, Chickasaw Co. Cain, John S. Knox, J. H. OSYKA, Pike Co. Longmire, D. II. OXFORD, Lafayette Co. Gabbart, L. W. Isom, Thomas D. Roberts & Doyle. PAULDING, Jasper Co. Lambeth, J. T. PHILADELPHIA, Neshoba Co. Wilson & Cooksey. PITTSBORO, Calhoun Co. Dorroh, John. 223 MISSISSIPPI.—Continued. PLENITUDE, Pontotoc Co. Harris, Dr. PONTOTOC, Pontotoc Co. Bolton, E. C. PORT GIBSON, Claiborne Co. Hastings, R. M. & Co. Haug, George W. Shrieve, Charles. RAYMOND, Hinds Co. Bogle, Joseph. Latimer, George. Marshall, Samuel G. RIENZI, Tishemingo Co. Gordon, Henderson & Young. RIPLEY, Tippah Co. Murry & Alexander. RODNEY, Jefferson Co. Limerick, J. A. & Co. Agts. SARDIS, Panola Co. Blaun, S. R. Bonner, F. M. D. Kinchlow, D. A. SAREPTA, Calhoun Co. Lewelling, Joseph. SCOOBA, Kemper Co. Wood, H. Jr. SENATOBIA, De Soto Co. Salmon, James M. SHANNON, Lee Co. McCowan, J. S. & Co. Townsend, John H. SHUBUTA, Clark Co. Hawley, J. B. & Co. Hudson, J. L. & Co. SHUFORDSVILLE, Coahoma Co Stewart, W. W. STARKSVILLE, Oktibbeha Co. Duguercon, F. H. Rogers & Pearson. , SUMMIT, Pike Co. Moore, Dr. W. W. Quinn, A. B. & Co. Shirley, N. TIBBY STATION, Lowndes Co. Goodloe, T. H. & Co. TUPELO, Lee Co. Scott, J. W. UNION CHURCH, Jefferson Co. Bowen, Henry P. UTICA, Hinds Co. Jones & Bro. VAIDEN, Carroll Co. Hartson, S. J. & Co. Hemphill & Portwood. Sproles, S. R. VERONA, Lee Co. Rogers, James W. Smith, H. H. VICKSBURG, Warren Co. Cooke, B. H. Creecy & Harrison. GRAY & BIRCHETT. Hardaway & Co. Hicks & Co. O’Leary, R. Nyestrand, C. Peters, C. W. VINTON, Lowndes Co. Trotter, W. E. G. S. WATER VALLEY, Yallabusha Co. Davidson. G. W. G. S. Rogers, D. F. & Co. G. S. WEST POINT, Lowndes Co. Dugan & Mosely. Sherrill, W. E. White, T. C. & W. C. G. S. WHITEFIELD, Oktibbeha Co. Barnes, Dr. WINONA, Carroll Co. Holman, ,T. W. & Co. Moore & Turner. Ward & Davis. WOODVILLE, Wilkinson Co. Robinson & Cresswell. Yerry, J. R. YAZOO CITY, Yazoo Co. Cook, P. B. Dyer, Charles C. Kid & Gad berry. 224 MISSOURI. ALANTHUS GROVE, Gentry Co. Dunn & Kay. ALBANY, Gentry Co. Albin & Co. Porter, W. C. Griffith & Peery. ALEXANDRIA, Clark Co. Baxter, William H. Hagan & Brown. ALLENDALE, Worth Co. Cunningham, C. M. Tilton, Calvin. ALPHA, Grundy Co. Bergen, S. ALTENBURG, Perry Co. Buenger, E. E. ALTOVISTA, Daviess Co. Scott, Dr. APPLETON, Cape Girardeau Co. Biehle, Maurus. G. S. Tackey, A. & Co. G. S. ARCADIA, Iron Co. Eisner, Charles S. G. S. ARLINGTON, Phelps Co. Stearns, John A. ARROW ROCK, Saline Co. Mitchell, W. R. Powell & Wilhelm. ASHLAND, Boone Co. Bass, Pierce & Co. G. S. Christian, P. T. G. S. ASHLEY, Pike Co. Bowen & Arnold. G. S. Orr, Robert S. Warden, D. S. ATHENS, Clark Co. Northrop, Stephen. Scott, D. M. S. ATLANTA, Macon Co. Evans & Tate. Lyda & Babcock. AUBURN, Lincoln Co. Block & Hamilton. G. S. Reid & Alexander. G. S. AUGUSTA, St. Charles Co. Bennefield, Louis. AVILLA, Jasper Co. Horton, T. W. Jones, William. BEAUFORT, Franklin Co. Kleinbacker, Henry. G. S. BENTON, Scott Co. Anderson, J. T. & Co. G. S. BETHANY, Harrison Co. Bryant & Fuller. Dougherty, H. D. Fallis, William. BIG RIVER, St. Francois Co. McDaniel, John. G. S. BIG RIVER, Jefferson Co. Norwin, W. H. G. S. BLOOMFIELD, Stoddard Co. Leach, Mrs. M. S. Ringer, Lewis M. BLUE SPRING, Jackson Co. Giles, Records & Co. G. S. BLUFF SPRINGS, Laclede Co. Phillips, G. W. G. S. BOLES, Franklin Co. Davis, J. B. & Son. G. S. BOLIVAR, Polk Co. Buslinell, Charles A. Hendricks, James S. Lovelace, William. BONFIELD’S STATION, St. Louis Co Halliburton, William H. G. S. BOONSBORO, Howard Co. Stephens, Thomas L. BOONVILLE, Cooper Co. HOWARD, R. H. & SON. Roescliel, E. Shakespeare, A. B. 225 MISSOURI.—Continued. BOSTON, Andrew Co. Carples, Charles. BOURBON, Crawford Co. Deffaback, William. BOWLING GREEN, Pike Co. Wise & Rodgers. BRECKINRIDGE, Caldwell Co. Gregg & Welch. Havens, E. O. West, S. B. BRIDGETON, St. Louis Co. Collins, W. II. & Son. G. S. Martin, S. II. G. S. BROOKFIELD, Linn Co. Roberts & Son. Snow, W. T. BROWNINGTON, Henry Co. Hopkins, A. B. & Co. BROWNSVILLE, Saline Co. Fuldt & Brother. Harper, J. R. Smith, D. L. & Co. BRUNSWICK, Chariton Co. Douglass, James M. Drake, A. G. Plunkett, J. T. & Co. BUCKLIN, Linn Co. Rogers, A. G. Wyatt, J. II. BUFFALO, Dallas Co. Slavens, Z. L. BUNCETON, Cooper Co. Stephens, John H. & Co. BURLINGTON, Boone Co. Hickman, Thaddeus. G. S. Houston, J. M. BUTLER, Bates Co. Pyle & Wilson. CAHOKA, Clark Co. Jordan, John. G. S. CAINSVILLE, Harrison Co. Hall, John. CALHOUN, Henry Co. Finks, James E. & Co. CALIFORNIA, Moniteau Co. Gray, J. P. H. Russell & Hill. CALLAO, Macon Co. Davis, Wright & Co. Owens, Thomas F. CALVY, Franklin Co. Frost & Weisly. G. S. Roberts, E. J. G. S. CAMBRIDGE, Saline Co. Franklin, P. H. & Co. Lacy, W. A. CAMDEN, Ray Co. Foster, Dr. James W. CAMERON, Clinton Co. Conway, H. F. G. S. Hollington, William. Stephens, C. J. G. S. CANTON, Lewis Co. Graves & Heaton. McKim, James. CAPE GIRARDEAU, Cape Girardeau Co. Buehrman & Brother. Igel, Richard L. Reed, Carey R. WILSON & CO. CARONDELET, St. Louis Co. Reber, Van Buren S. Starklaff & Hoffmeister. Zeller, Francis. CARROLLTON, Carroll Co. Hazen & Leclair. Smith & Leftwich. Tull, W. A. CARTHAGE, Jasper Co. Wilson & Collier. Young & Coffee. CARUTHERSVILLE, Pemiscot Co. Bracken, Thomas J. CASSVILLE, Barry Co. Crisswell, William J. McConnell, W. S. CASTLE ROCK, Osage Co. Lambert, L. A. CATAWISSA, Franklin Co. Whitsett, James. G. S. 226 MISSOURI.—Continued. CENTRALIA, Boone Co. Kimbrough & Co. G. S. Stevens, J. II. CHAMOIS, Osage Co. Roark, W. M. Lewds, & Bauer. Wagner, J. P. & G. P. CHARLESTON, Mississippi Co. Vernon & Goodin. CHILLICOTHE, Livingston Co. Baalis, Davis. Boyce & Krellan. Dorsey & Co. Green, Dr. U. T. Poindexter & Barney. Rice, Torrey & Co. YATES & DILLIN. CLARENCE, Shelby Co. Lodge, W. S. CLARKSVILLE, Pike Co. Hemphill, J. W. Pharr & Carlisle. CLARKTON, Dunklin Co. Albert, E. P. Skaggs, R. M. & J. R. White, E. C. & Co. G. S. CLINTON, Henry Co. Fulkerson & Allen. Thornton & Stone. Williams & Estes. Zener Bros. COLUMBIA, Boone Co. Gilman & Dorsey. Herndon, E. W. Hubbell Brothers. Victor, Samuel. COMMERCE, Scott Co. Dewint, F. Moore, Joseph. CONCORD, Callaway Co. McFarland, William. COOPER HILL, Osage Co. Dallmeyer & Co. G. S. COTTLEVILLE, St. Charles Co. Valentine, Frederick. G. S. DADEVILLE, Dade Co. King & Carlock. DALTON, Chariton Co. Boelime, T. DANVILLE, Montgomery Co. Hill, G. H. DARKSVILLE, Randolph Co. Terrill, Robert. DE KALB, Buchanan Co. Oliver, William R. G. S. DE SOTO, Jefferson Co. Hamel, Gustavus. DE WITT, Carroll Co. Kerby, John R. DOVER, La Fayette Co. Kincannon & Carter. Meng, S. T. DRESDEN, Pettis Co. Brown & Stafford. EAGLEVILLE, Harrison Co. Lockwood & Downing. Skinner, H. J. EDINA, Knox Co. Agnew, Samuel H. Brown, Edward J. EDINBURGH, Grundy Co. Johnson, T. G. ELDORADO, Clark Co. Roland, Oscar. Scott, Dr. Matthew7. ELSTON STATION, Cole Co. Elston, G. & Co. FAIR GROVE, Greene Co. Caldwell, W. C. Webster, D. H. FALMOUTH, Lincoln Co. DawTson, Wigginton. G. S. Sieton, John A. G. S. FARMERSVILLE, Livingston Co. Bathurst, Dr. R. A. FARMINGTON, St. Francois Co. Parkliurst, A. Williams, Thomas. 227 FAYETTE, Howard Co. Dudgeon & Gaines. Henderson, J. FAYETTEVILLE, Johnson Co. O’Rear, William C. FILLMORE, Andrew Co. McLaughlin, M. M. FLORIDA, Monroe Co. Yawter, A. F. FLORISANT, St. Louis Co. Morton, F. FOREST CITY, Holt Co. Archer & Joy. FORSYTH, Taney Co. Callaway, N. M. • FOUR MILE, Dunklin Co. Turnbaugh, T. B. FRANKFORD, Pike Co. Gentle, William. FREDERICKTOWN, Madison Co. Goff, William. Gosney & Nifong. FULTON, Calaway Co. Harris & Herndon Howard, Drs. T. IT. & J. II. Tucker, William B. GALBRAITH’S STORE, Henry Co. Mundy, J. M. GALLATIN, Daviess Co. Gilland, C. C. Johnston, David T. Williams, John B. GAYOSO, Pemiscot Co. White, Dr. W. R. GENTRYVILLE, Gentry Co. Barnett & Graham. Denham, Thomas. Walker, Charles. GERMANTOWN, Henry Co. Thornton, S. MISSOURI.—Continued. GLASGOW, Howard Co. Digges, Thomas G. Hawkins, J. W. HENDERSON, O. & SON. Roper, J. GLENWOOD, Schuyler Co. Burton & Wyatt. Bussey & Co. Glaze, Crawford & Dye. GOODLAND, Knox Co. Sides, M. A. GOSHEN CITY, Mercer Co. Puitt, Elisha. Scott, Charles. GRAHAM, Nodaway Co. Broma, J. M. GRANBY, Newton Co. Bellew & Co. Wood, H. & Co. GRANT CITY, Worth Co. Houser & France. GRANT’S HILL, Worth Co. Bram, Frederick A. GRANVILLE, Monroe Co. Withers, G. R. GRAY’S SUMMIT, Franklin Co. Hunthausen, Robert. G. S. Ming, James M. G. S. GREEN CASTLE, Sullivan Co. Shearer, Dr. W. W. GREENFIELD, Dade Co. Bowles, Dr. S. B. GREEN VIEW, Lafayette Co. Boughton, Dr. GREENWOOD, Jackson Co. Price, R. W. HAINSVILLE, Clinton Co. Barrett & Green. Bernard & Fitzgerald. HALLSVILLE, Boone Co. Stephens, A. R. 228 MISSOURI.—Continued. HAMILTON, Caldwell Co. Ervine & Kelso. McAdoo, J. Williams, R. A. HANNIBAL, Marion Co. Brittingliam & Bro. BROWN, JAMES B. Carstarphen & Co. Cheever, Joseph A. & Bro. Johnson & McDonald. Orynski & Co. Russ, A. Russ, J. HARDIN, Ray Co. Trigg & Gardner. HARRISONVILLE, Cass Co. Barritt, W. II. Houston & Craig. HARTVILLE, Wright Co. Robertson, J. P. G. S. Steele, E. C. HERMANN, Gasconade Co. Feldman, John. Kemp, Ferd. Nasse, August. HIBERNIA, Callaway Co. Samuels & Chappell. G. S. HICKORY HILL, Cole Co. Jordan, Dr. HOLDEN, Johnson Co. Collier, C. J. Davis, E. S. & Co. Hulet, A. A. Wheeler, M. W. HOLSTEIN, Warren Co. Ruge Bros. G. S. HUMANSVILLE, Polk Co. Botton & Wooldridge. HUMBOLT, Pulaski Co. West, T. C. HUNNEWELL, Shelby Co. Davis & Yancey. Spencer, J. A. HUNTINGDALE, Henry Co. Swindle, J. B. & Son. G. S. HUNTSVILLE, Randolph Co. Taylor & Wisdom. INDEPENDENCE, Jackson Co. Beckham, James H. BROWN, J. T. & BROTHER. Morrison, J. H. Peacock, Charles G. Peacock & Pendleton. INDEX, Cass Co. Holcomb, E. A. IRONDALE, Washington Co. Poston, H. W. IRONTON, Iron Co. Goulding, . Griffith, N. C. JACKSON, Cape Girardeau Co. Welling & Priest. G. S. Williams & Tobler. G. S. JACKSONVILLE, Randolph Co. Petty & Jones. JAMESPORT, Daviess Co. Murray, M. JEFFERSON CITY, Cole Co. Berri, Mrs. A. Mathews, T. . Replo, Mrs. Helena. Riddles & Boyer. Thomson & Parsons. WINSTON, G. B. & B. W. JONESBURG, Montgomery Co. Davis, John. KANSAS CITY Jackson Co. Boarman, J. G. Brackett Bros. Bruenert & Woclier. Gaines, F. P. Hoelke, H. & E. Holnfan & Dickinson. Kniffin & Clark. Lowell & Fritzlui. MORGAN, W. H. & CO. Newlon, W. R. Reeve & Son. Saalborn, L. C. KENNETT, Dunklin Co. Covington & White. KEYTESVILLE, Chariton Co. Bateman, J. T. & Co. KIDDER, Caldwell Co. Norton, P. Worth. W. R. 229 MISSOURI.—Continued. KINGSTON, Caldwell Co.1 Cook, A. G. Johnston, Thomas W. Smith, N. M. KINGSVILLE, Johnson Co. King, Benjamin. KIRKSVILLE, Adair Co. Burton, J. Richter & Brown. Willard, A. P. KNOBNOSTER, Johnson Co. Cordell, J. R. Reed, II. W. & Co. Ward, M. G. KNOXVILLE, Ray Co. Tiffen, J. & Co. LACLEDE, Linn Co. Mitchell & Lamme. LA GRANGE, Lewis Co. Hardesty, F. S. Hudson, L. O. Towles, A. L. LAKE CREEK, Benton Co. Heimsoth, H. D. G. S. Hoitzen, P. E. G. S. LAMAR, Barton Co. Cunningham, C. G. & Co. De Long & Co. LANCASTER, Schuyler Co. Bruce, M. R. Jones & Gray. Potter & Wilcox. LA PLATA, Macon Co. Keith, E. Sharp, G. N. & Brother. LATHROP, Clinton Co. Earl, E. J. Smith, Thomas K. LEBANON, Laclede Co. Mathews & Ellis. Searle & Kelley. LEE’S SUMMIT, Jackson Co. Miller, Henry C. Moore, C. O. & Co. LEESVILLE, Henry Co. Lee, W. E. LEXINGTON, Lafayette Co. Alexander, G. C. Chapman, M. Gosewich, Theodore. Pernier, A. TEYIS, D. W. B. Waddell, McClausland & Co. G. S. LIBERTY, Clay Co. Allen, T. T. Hall, William A. Morton, W. A. LINDLEY, Grundy Co. Cook & Humphries. G. S. Kimlin, Dr. T. J. LINN CREEK, Camden Co. Landsdown, W. J. LINN, Osage Co. Gregory, Charles. G. 8. LINNEUS, Linn Co. Cochran & Winters. Perkins, E. F. LITTLE BLACK, Ripley Co. Conley, A. B. LONE JACK, Jackson Co. Baily, O. Brown, O. O. G. S. LONGWOOD, Pettis Co. Orear.D. H. Wayland, J. H. LOUISIANA, Pike Co. Armstrong, J. L. Birch, Weston F. & CO. Hind, Robert. McELWEE, J. J. & Co. LOUISVILLE, Lincoln Co. Salmon & Dollins. MACON CITY, Macon Co. Bearce & Fields. Berry, W. R. Demont, A. Tinsley, H. A. KNIGHT, A. L. & Co. MADISON, Monroe Co. Sparks & Armstrong. MADISONVILLE, Ralls Co. Dooley, John D. MARBLE HILL, Bollinger Co Dickman & Rider. 230 MISSOURI.- Continued. MARIONVILLE, Lawrence Co. McNatt, J. C. MARSHALL, Saline Co. Doak, H. D. Sappington & Chastain. Strieker, Isaac O. G. S. MARSHFIELD, Webster Co. Calloway, Newton. Leslie & Son. G. S. MARTINSBURG, Audrian Co. Dodson, S. M. & Co. MARYVILLE, Nodaway Co. Ellis, Mulholland & Co. Orear & Son. MAYSVILLE, De Kalb Co. Doherty, H. D. MAYVIEW, Lafayette Co. Bouton, Dr. MEADVILLE, Linn Co. Thompson, J. M, MEDOC, Jasper Co. Donohue, Thomas. MEMPHIS, Scotland Co. Craig & McArthur. Huff, P. T. Murphy & Parrish. MEXICO, Audrian Co. Llewellen & Co. Morris, P. M. Reed, John W. MIAMI, Saline Co. Brown & Edmunds. Dunlap, John N. Merton, Henry. MIDDLE GROVE, Monroe Co. Hocker & Brother. MIDDLETOWN, Montgomery Co. Hocka ’ay, Samuel H. MILAN, Sullivan Co. Dewitt, Dr. J. Nelson, J. E. Shearer, W. W. Ward & McClenehan. MILLVILLE, Ray Co. Quarles, Dr. MINE SHIBOLETH, Washington Co. Latty, John & James. G. S. MIRABILE, Caldwell Co. Black, O. H. MISSOURI CITY, Clay Co. Clmnsler, G. A. Dimmett. B. M. Harrison, G. F. MOBERLY, Randolph Co. Tannahill, Dr. Weatherford & Buchanan. MONROE CITY, Monroe Co. Asburg, Grady & Co. Wood, B. O. MONTGOMERY CITY. Montgomery Co. Redington & Carson. MONTICELLO, Lewis Co. Adams, R. L. & Co. MOORESVILLE, Livingston Co. Moore, William B. G. S. * MORLEY, Scott Co. Hughes & Frazier. MORRISTOWN, Cass Co. Jannary & Feeley. MOUNT VERNON, Lawrence Co. Kelton, Thomas W. Pharris, A. L. Sloan, Daniel. NEOSHO, Newton Co. Price, T. P. Ulman & Maas. G. S. NEVADA CITY, Vernon Co. Adrain, George S. & Co. NEWARK, Knox Co. Morris, George G. Towson, Alexander. Whiting, Anderson. NEW BLOOMFIELD, Calaway Co. Tureman, R. W. G. S. NEW CAMBRIA, Macon Co. Williams, John T. 231 MISSOURI.—Continued. NEW FLORENCE, Montgomery Co. Davis & Ford. NEW FRANKFORT, Saline Co. Herman, A. Jones, W. J. NEW HARMONY, Pike Co. Braunsteller, D. P. NEW LONDON, Ralls Co. Curd, J. W. NEW MADRID, New Madrid Co. Waters & Latham. NEW MARKET, Platte Co. Armstrong & Tufts. G. S. NEWTONIA, Newton Co. Tatum, D. S. G. S. NEWTON, Putnam Co. Guyman & Brother. NINEVEH, Lincoln Co. Wells, Joseph S. G. S. NORBORNE, Carroll Co. Brown & Gardner. NOVELTY, Knox Co. Doop, Calvin. O’FALLON, St. Charles Co. Krekel, Nicholas. G. S. Williams, W. C. OAK HILL, Gasconade Co. Alansford, Dr. W. H. OLD MINES, Washington Co. Ijong, William. G. S. White, Thomas S. G. S. OLD MONROE, Lincoln Co. Hemmersmeier, Henry. G. S. OREGON, Holt Co. Savdle & Reed. Yanderland, John. OSBORN, De Kalb Co. Nicholson, R. W. OSCEOLA, St. Clair Co. Bartlett, E. P. & Co. Monroe, George S. OTTERVILLE, Cooper Co. Bolinger, Joseph. OZARK, Christian Co. Bertier & Lawing. Robertson, Dr. J. L. PACIFIC, Franklin Co. Lesaubrier, L. & ,T. PALMYRA, Marion Co. Hind & Ford. Jackson & Payne. Shannon, John. Sprague & Jamison. Wishart, George P. PAPINSVILLE, Bates Co. Tutt, H. C. PARIS, Monroe Co. Long, H. P. Mappin, William T. Weer & Gannaway. PARKVILLE, Platte Co. Ringo, J. W. Spencer & Wood. PATTON, Bollinger Co. Delassus, C. T. G. S. PATTONSBURG, Daviess Co. Harris, David G. PAYNESVILLE, Pike Co. Stewart & Warner. PERRYVILLE, Perry Co. Burgee, Rice & Co. G. S. Shelby, Dr. Reuben. Weber, Charles A. & Co. PHELPS CITY, Atchison Co. Tagman, A. A. PILOT KNOB, Iron Co. Haller, N. H. PINEVILLE, McDonald Co. Chenowith, A. W. PISGAH, Cooper Co. Thomas, J. B. PLATTE CITY, Platte Co. Smith, G. W. & Co. Tibbs, A. S. 232 MISSOURI.—Continued. PLATTSBURG, Clinton Co. Evans, William. Forsee, M. & Co. Harrington, James, F. Moore, George. G. S. Riley, George R. PLEASANT GAP, Bates Co. Whipple, Henry. PLEASANT HILL, Cass Co. Dunn, James Jr. Kerr & Rice. Mackay, J. B. Roebuck & Mouser. PLEASANT MOUNT, Miller Co. Hargate, R. M. PLEASANT VIEW, Ray Co. Fowler & Buchanan. G. S. POINT PLEASANT, New Madrid Co. Evans, W. E. POPLAR BLUEP, Butler Co. Poplin & Howell. PORTLAND, Callaway Co. McCall, Wm. S. POTOSI, Washington Co. O’Mara, Daniel. Warring, Robert P. PRINCETON, Mercer Co. Brown, Horace. Fullerton, F. M. PROVIDENCE, Boone Co. Carr, Dr. F. Riggs, Turner S. QUEEN CITY, Schuyler Co. Casebolt, Wm. T. QUINCY, Hickory Co. Swissgood, William S. RAVENNA, Mercer Co. Brownlee, J. L. READSVILLE, Callaway Co. Wheeler & Brown. G. S. RENICK, Randolph Co. Davis & Hance. G. S. Sears, Powell & Co. G. S. RICHMOND, Ray Co. Jacobs, M. C. Mosby, W. W. Taylor & Donaldson. ROANOKE, Randolph Co. Brunett, E. Guerin & Bagby. Harvey, W. C. ROCHEPORT, Boone Co. Dimitt & Hill. ROCHESTER, Andrew Co. Tooley, L. P. & Co. Ruby, M. G. ROCKPORT, Atchison Co. Buckham, Shelters & Co. Horne, Dr. J. T. & Co. ROLLA, Phelps Co. French, J. S. & George. Wilson, L. A. ROSCO, St. Clair Co. Pingry & Chaney. RUSHVILLE, Buchanan Co. Sample, A. J. RUSSELLVILLE, Cole Co. Martin, Dr. J. B. SALEM, Dent Co. Arnot & McMurtry. SALISBURY, Chariton Co. Madison. E. A. & Co. Tindall, William H. SANTA EE, Monroe Co. Marmaduke, H. N. SARCOXIE, Jasper Co. Brown, W. H. D. Dodson, D. T. Wilson, John E. SAVANNAH, Andrew Co. Dobbins, H. H. & Bro. Halloway & Crosby. McCandless, Robert. McCandliss, R. R. Wakefield, M. F. SEDALIA, Pettis Co. BARD, W. E. & CO. Hogue, John H. Mason, Edward. Reynolds, Thomas C. 233 MISSOURI.—Continued. SHELBINA, Shelby Co. Downing & Moss. Ford & Henninger. SHELBYVILLE, Shelby Co Bell, Dr. James, Shackford, C. M. SMITH CITY, Pettis Co. Overstreet, W. C. SPENCERSBURG, Pike Co. Keithly, Joseph. SPRINGFIELD, Green Co. Carson, J. L. Milner & Co. Porter, W. G. & Co. Smith & Ferguson. Ullman, Ludwig. SPRING HILL, Livingston Co. Dewey, S. J. ST. CATHARINE, Linn Co. Crampton, Thomas & Sons. ST. CHARLES, St. Charles Co. Gate, Frederick. Meyer, H. D. Rives, T. L. ROGERS & ALLISON. ST. CLAIR, Franklin Co. Bergen, L. ST. FRANCISVILLE, Clark Co. Roseberry, R. H. ST. FRANCISVILLE, Stoddard Co. Fetrick, Daniel. ST. GENEVIEVE, St. Genevieve Co Guibourd & Harris. ST. JAMES, Phelps Co. Shule, A. & Co. Smith, H. B. ST. JOSEPH, Buchanan Co. Retail Druggists. Brady & Brother. Bugge, A. V. Elfred & Young. Garlich, H. M. Lindsay & Brother. Notson & Brokaw. Penick, T. R. Scheibe, Frederick. St. Joseph.—Continued. Schmitz, Joseph. Sherwood, C. L. Striblin, William S. Stuppy, G. B. & Brother. Teale, G. M. & Co. Wholesale Druggists. Penick & Loving. W. & R. RIDDLE, HARDY & CO. Smith, Thomas R. W. & R. Paints, Oils, etc. Hays, S. Homoeopathic Pharmacy. Hall, Dr. ST. LOUIS, St. Louis Co. Artists’ Material. Doellner, Henry, 209 Cliestnnt St. Pettes & Loathe, 404 N. Fourth St. Lohman, Charles, 116 S. Fourth St. Brushes. Costello, J. S., 1005 N. Fifth St, Cupples, Samuel, 110 1ST. Second St. Eichberger, John, 1832 S. Seventh St. Foley, William H., 1418 Carr St. Fuestel, J. H., 1109 Washington Ave. Schachtsiek, Henry, 3315 N. Eleventli St. Schnell, John C. & Co., 1333 & 1335 S. Fifth. Schumann, John, 706 Franklin Ave. Stein, William, 715 S. Main St. Wengler& Lange, 122 N. Main St. Western Brush Factory, (Joseph Laitner, Prop’r,) 1412 & 1414 S. Seventh St. Willard, Henry, 2109 N. Thirteenth St. Bottle Manufacturers. Stamm, Herman, 111 S. Second St. Stamm, Phillip, 729 S. Seventh St. Tierney, John R., 718 O’Fallon St. Bitters Manufacturers. Catawba Bitters, (Adolf Elilert, Prop’r,) 114 and 116 N. Third St. Eich & Graf, 1325 & 1327 S. Seventh St. Haase, August., 323 S. Thir.d St. Ihmsin, H., (Old Tonic Bitters,) 1408 N. Sixth St. Roots Bitters, (J. W. Beardsley, Agt.,) 412 Green St. Wiggans, Charles P. & Bro., 824 N. Fourth. Comb Manufacturers. Bastel, P., 820 Julia St. Engelkraut, Anthony, 1113 Mallinckrodt St. Schalanski, Wenzel, 1620 Fulton St. Corks. Burnside, James, 20 S. Third St. Fuller, Charles C., 217 Washington Ave. Herman, C. F. & Co., 125 Market St. 234 MISSOURI.—Continued. St. Louis.—Continued. Castor Oil. Adams, W. F., Alley, bet. Tenth & Eleventh and Gratiot & Papin. Brown & Hale, 210 & 212 Washington Ave. Fuller, Charles C., 217 Washington Ave. Chemical Works. American Chemical Works, (S. IIirsch,Prop’r,) 111 Pine St. Chappell, W. H.. Fourteenth & Austin Sts. FRENCH CHEM’L WKS, (SALING COHEN, Prop’r,) 214 N. Second St. Mallinckrodt, G. & Co., Mallinckrodt St. bet. Main & Second St. Metropolitan Chemical Works, (Lewis & Co., Prop’rs,) 118 N. Second St. Page & Krausse, 408 and 410 Almond and 411 and 413 Poplar Sts. Sander, Enno, 209 to 213 Myrtle St. Druggists, Wholesale. Brown, Weber & Co., 10 & 12 N. Second St. Crawford, William H., 1038 Broadway. Harless, A. & Co., 710 Broadway. Mellier, A. A., GOO N. Main St. Merrell, Jacob S., 511 & 513 St. Charles St. Meyer Brothers & Co., 6 & 8 N. Second St. Pike, E. C. & Co., 520 & 528 N. Second St. Richardson, James & Co., 704 & 700 N. Main. Sasted & Hausen, 008 N. Main St. Wetzell, Z. F. & Co., 104 & 100 N. Main St. Druggists, Wholesale & Retail Crawford, William H., 1038 Broadway. Kalb, Theodore, GOO S. Second St. Lips, Charles L., 300 S. Second St. Leitch, A., 300 N. Fourth St. MAGUIRE, J. & C., S.W. cor. Second and Olive Sts. Merrell, Jacob S., 509 & 511 St. Charles St. Milliamson, E. J., N. W. cor. Broadway and Wash Sts. Druggists, Manufacturers. Coyle, Amos, 421 N. Third St. Ferriss, F. II. & Co., 510 St. Charles St. Hall, John, Magazine bet. Garrison Ave. and Webster St. Merrell, Jacob S., 511 & 513 St. Charles St. Krieter, Peter, 112 S. Ninth St. Rogers, Murray N., 1700 Decatur St. Druggists, Retail. Alexander, Maurice W., S. E. cor. Fourth and Market St. Atkinson, Robert C., 508 Leflingwell Ave. Bang, Charles, 1429 Franklin Ave. Barnard, John II., S. E. cor. Fourth & Green. Barnard & Co., N. E. cor. Eleventh & Mor- gan Sts. Boehm, Solomon, 800 Morgan St. Brown, Samuel 1L, 1501 Olive St. St. Louis.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Bentinck & Co., N. W. cor. Tenth & Wash. Buenger, Herman W., 2201 Franklin Ave. Castle, Edmond S., 2929 Choteau Ave. Catlin, T. &E., S. E. cor. Sixth & St. Charles. Chamberlain, L. C., 2000 N. Ninth St. Cherat, C. R., 203 N. Twelfth St. Coleman, John R., N.W. cor. Ninth & Green. Connors, James F. & Co., 720 Franklin Ave. Crawford, Wm. H., 721 Washington Ave. Crawley, Francis X., 2231 Carr St. D’Amour, Otto, 1751 Broadway, cor. Cham- bers St. Diers, Henry, cor. Fifth & Biddle Sts. Dimmitt, M. & Bro., 022 Olive St. Drechsler, William, 1027 Market St. Duenkelberg & Co., 2001 Morgan St. Dodier Drug Store, (H. W. Barker, Agt.,) Fourteenth and Dodier Sts. Eells, Franklin, 2000 Clark Ave. Fasoed, Ernest, S. E. cor. Seventh and Wash- ington Ave. Foerg, Henry, 318 S. Seventh St. Francis & Bro.. 931 N. Fourth St. Frielingsdorf, C., 2130 Carondelet Ave. Furguson, J. G. B., 1242 Broadway. Gempps, H. C., 1434 Carondelet Ave. Godron, A., 700 Choteau Ave. Godron, Otto, 1401 Market St. Goehricli, Charles, S. E. cor. Sixteenth and Carr Sts. Good, J. M„ 2130 Clark Ave. Groves, J. N. & Co., S. W. cor. Twelfth and Olive Sts. Habicht, Charles & Co., S.W. cor. Fourth and Walnut, & N. E. cor. Second & Walnut. Hamilton & Lyons, N. E. cor. Fifth & Wash- ington Ave. Ilarske, W. P., 1027 Decatur St. Heckelmann, John A., 501 N. Third St. Heinig, F. W., S. W. cor. Twelfth & Emmet. Ilelwig, W., 2812 Manchester Road. Hendel, S. D., GOO Market St. Heyer, O. W., N.W. cor. Fifth & Franklin. Hill, John G., 1433 Cass Ave. Hollister, Arthur T., 1400 Market St. Hoyer, Oswald, 2401 Franklin Ave. lluffell, Louis, 2025 N. Ninth St. Jones & Sibley, S.W. cor. Fifth & Market. Jones, C. K. & Co., 1500 Olive St. Kirchner, Henry, 1331 N. Market St. Kirkbride, Joseph C., 2000 Olive St. Ivlipstein, Christian, 1037 Franklin Ave. Koch, Herman, 2400 Broadway. Kohler, Henry L., 1800 S. Eighth St. Ivovacs, Martin, 1821 Franklin Ave. Leitch, Alexander, N. W. cor. Seventh and Olive Sts. Leitch, A., 300 N. Fourth St. Lewellen, R., S.W. cor. Ninth & Biddle Sts. Lips, Charles L., 300 S. Second St. Luties, H. C., 30G N. Fifth St. Mack, John P., 1800 Carondelet Ave. 235 MISSOURI.—Continued. St. Louis.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Mack & Hargesheimer, 811 Market St. Maguire, J. & C., S. W. cor. Olive & Second. Mann, John J., S. W. cor. Broadway & Mound St., and Cass Ave. & Fifteenth St. Massot, Eugene L., N. E. cor. Fourth and Spruce Sts. Mastbrook, Alex., N. E. cor. Sixth & Poplar. Mattfeld, Louis, 1538 Carondelet Ave. Maurer, August., 1310 Biddle St. McBride, James, N. W. cor. O’Fallon & Tenth Sts., & 1229 N. Fifth St. Metzger, John F., 1128 S. Fourth St. Molls, Francis, 736 S. Fourth St. Nemours, John P., S. E. cor. Fifteenth and . Carr Sts. Newbert, Charles, 1209 S. Fifth St. O’Gallagher, James, 2325 Broadway. Ohm & Dornin, 3237 Broadway. Pauley, Ferdinand, S. E. cor. Fourteenth and Monroe Sts. Pauley & Bro., 3306 Easton Ave. Plas, George, cor. Linn & Lafayette Ave. Pole, T. W., 3201 Clark Ave. Primm & Marthaler, 524 Washington Ave. Raband, E. F., 1801 Buel St. Reiss, Charles, 3021 Carondelet Ave. Roepke, William, N. E. cor. Thirteenth and Franklin Ave. Rohlfing, Chas. G., S. E. cor. Eighth & Bid- dle Sts. Schlosstein, Adolph, 2412 Carondelet Ave. Schrader, Edward, N. W. cor. Sixth & Mor- gan St. Sehroeder, Christopher, 1401 Market St. Schaefer, Christopher, 1552 Choteau Ave. Schuricht, Frederick W., 1411 S. Seventh St. Sennewald, Ferdinand W., S. E. cor. Third and Market St. Sheudal, Ernest, 400 S. Fourteenth St. Shuh, Charles, 2102 Carondelet Ave. Stark, Charles C., 2309 Choteau Ave. Stelzleni, Otto, 3210 Broadway. Stephan, B., Marine St. S. E. cor. Carondelet. Swander, E. R., N.W. cor. Tenth & Cass Av. Temm, Herman H., cor. Franklin & Jefferson A vs., & S. E. cor. Biddle & Seventeenth. Treutler, Alban, S. E. cor. Thirteenth and Biddle Sts. Ulich, Frederick A., 1107 Franklin Ave. Wall, Otto A., 1403 Carondelet Ave. Wideman & Bro., Gravois Road, near Buena Vista St. Williamson, E. J., N. W. cor. Broadway and Wash St. Wilms, Frederick, Thirteenth & Wash Sts. Witte & Muehl, 4028 Broadway. Wurmb, Theobald P., 3701 N. Tenth St. Druggists’ Sundries. Dimmitt, Hale & Co., 204 N. Second St. Sasted & Hanson, 608 N. Main St. St. Louis.—Continued. Dye Stuffs. Diers, Henry, Fifth & Biddle Sts. Francis & Bro., S. W. cor. Fourth & Wash. Yoight, Edward & Co., 323 N. Main St. Wetzell, Z. F. & Co., 104 & 106 N.Main St Glass Manufacturers. Chase, B. F. & Co., 608 N. Main St. Missouri Glass Co., 106, 108, 110 Market St. ST. LOUIS GLASS WORKS, (J. K. Cum- mings, Prop’r,) 2301 to 2315 Broadway. Glass Dealers. (Window.) Boucher & Wolkewitz, 704 & 706 N. Second. Brown, Weber & Co., 10 & 12 N. Second St. Dell, John & Co., 416 & 418 N. Second St. Drey & Kahn, 316 N. Second St. Mellier, A. A., 600 N. Main St. Pettes & Leathe, 404 N. Fourth St. Pittsburg Window Glass, (P. J. Overacre, Agt.,) 118 N. Second St. SCHERRER, JOHN J., Ill N. Second. Yoight, Edward & Co., 104 & 106 N. Main. Wliitelaw, George P., 617 N. Second St. Glass Signs and Labels* Buckley, J., 706 S. Seventh St. Bugel, Max A., 20 S. Second St. Liemke, Herman, 14 & 16 S. Fourth St. Weymuth & Weisbergen, 210 N. Third St. Glue Manufacturers. Rock Spring Glue Factory, (Fremuth & Wol- ter, Prop’rs,) Manchester Rd. & Sarpy Av. Tamm & Ringhoff, Manchester Rd. n. Sarpy. Glycerine Manufacturers. Schaeffer, N., Depot, 325 N. Second St. Homoeopathic Medicines. Luyties, H. C. G., 306 N. Fifth St. Munson, John W., N. E. cor. Fifth and St. Charles Sts. Isinglass. Fuller, Charles D., 217 Washington Ave. MEDICAL PURVEYING DEPOT U. S. A., 612, 614 & 616 N. Second St. Oil Dealers. Brown & Hale, 210 & 212 Washington Ave. Butcher & Co., 420 N. Commercial St. Donovan & Feil’erlick, 115 N. Second St. Dreyset, M. C., 22 S. Main St. PULLER, CHAS. C., 217 Washington Av. Gillum, H. H., 512 N. Second St. Haslet, H. K. & Co., 911 N. Levee. Lloyd, Picton & Co., 110 S. Commercial St. More & Co., 802 N. Second St. Newman, H. H. & Co., 602 N. Second St. Partridge, George & Co., 712 N. Main St. Whitelaw, George P. & Co., 617 N. Second. 236 MISSOURI.—Continued. St. Louis.—Continued. Paint Manufacturers. Central White Lead & Color Manufacturing Co., 512 N. Second St. Harris Paint Works, (P. B. Price, Supt.,) 901 N. Main St. St. Louis Enamel Paint Co., (Vane, Calvert & Vane,) 309 St. Charles St. Paints and Oils. Brown & Hale, 710 & 712 Washington Ave. Missouri Oil, Paint & Lead Co., N. E. cor. Tenth & Walnut Sts. Paints, Oils, and Glass. Boucher & Wolkewitz, 704 & 706 N. Second. Gempps, Henry C., 1434 Carondelet Ave. Kalb, Theodore, 600 S. Second St. Lips, Charles P., 300 S. Second St. Mellier, A. A., 600 N. Main St. Platt & Thornburg, 620 Franklin Ave. Sinclair, Allen, 1015 Salisbury St. Voight, Edward & Co., 323 N. Main St. Wetzell, Z. F. & Co., 104 & 106 N. Main St. Wliitelaw, George P. & Co., 617 N. Second. Patent Medicines. Blood, John H., cor. Third & Chestnut Sts. Collins Brothers, 423 & 425 N. Second St. Coyle, Amos, 421 N. Third St. Easterly, E., 511 Chestnut St. Harter & Co., 926 N. Sixth St. Higgs, William, County Rd. cor. Spring Ave. Maguire, J. &C., S. W. cor. Second & Olive. McLean, J. H., 314 Chestnut St. Perfumery and Toilet Articles. Alexander, M. W., S. E. cor. Fourth & Market. Boileau, E. & Bro., (Manufacturer) 308 & 310 S. Second St. Brown, Weber & Co., 10 & 12 N. Second St. Crawford, W. & Co., cor. Carr & Broadway. Habicht, Charles & Co., S. W. cor. Fourth & Walnut, & N. E. cor. Second & Walnut. Maguire, J. & C., S. W. cor. Second & Olive. Rubber Goods. Norton, H. G., 400 N. Fourth St. Thompson, George B., 400 N. Fourth St. Surgical Instrument Manufacturers. Leslie, A. M., 319 N. Fifth St. Spackler, H. & Co., 106 N. Seventh St. Werber, P., 9 N. Third St. Soaps, Fancy. Anheuser & Eisenliardt, 14 S. Second St. Schoenherr, Adelbert, 2517 Carondelet Ave. Scales, Weights and Measures. Fairbanks, Greenleaf & Co., 302 & 304 Wash- ington Ave. St. Louis.—Continued. Soda Fountains. ANDERSON, C. W., 319 Olive St. Lippincott, S. S., N. W. cor. Eighth and St. Charles Sts. Soda Water Manufacturers. Beck, Christopher, 510 Marion St. Grone, H. & Co., 13 S. Eleventh St. Lippincott, N. W. cor. Eighth & St. Charles. Sander, Enno, 216 & 218 Myrtle St. Seegers, .T. B. & Co., Clark Ave. bet. Fif- teenth & Sixteenth Sts. Schlieper, C. W., 925 N. Eighth St. Voelker, Gottfried, 1310 Jackson St. Trusses. Alexander, M.W., S. E. cor. Fourth & Market. Brunner, Joseph, 216 Myrtle St. Leslie, A. M. & Co., 319 N. Fifth St. Schleiffarth, Charles, 325 Market St. Werber, P., 9 N. Third St. Twines and Cordage. Cupples, Samuel, 108 & 110 N. Second St. McClean, C. & W., 11 Market St. Schmieding, D’Oench & Co., 15 S. Main St. Varnishes. Boucher & Wolkewitz, 704 & 706 N. Second. Brown & Ilale, 210 & 212 Washington Ave. Lips, Charles L., 300 S. Second St. Platt & Thornburg, 620 Franklin Ave. Robbins, A. & Co., (Manufacturers) 1299 Aus- tin St. Wliitelaw, George P. & Co., 617 N. Second. White Lead Manufacturers. Collier White Lead & Oil Co., 1011 Clark Av. CENTRAL WHITE LEAD & COLOE MF’G. CO., 512 N. Second St. Mound City White Lead, Color & Putty Works, 704 & 706 N. Second St. St. Louis Lead & Oil Co., Cass Ave. & Second. Southern White Lead & Color Works, Main and Lombard Sts. ST. MARY’S, St. Genevieve Co. Bogy, Leon. STANTON, Franklin Co. Bennet, F. & J. G. S. STEELVILLE, Crawford Co. Gibson, Alexander. STEPHENS’ STORE, Callaway Co. Stephens, Thomas L. STEWARTSVILLE, De Kalb Co. Chrisman, Joseph. Culbertson, A. J. & Co. 237 MISSOURI.—Continued. STOCKTON, Cedar Co. Mace, C. H. G. S. Boulton, S. L. STURGEON, Boone Co. Cross & Lockridge. » Harris, Mj H. SYRACUSE, Morgan Co. Hubbard, W. T. TIPTON, Maniteau Co. Brent, & Henry. Maclay & Co. TRENTON, Grundy Co. Featherston, R. N. Harris, J. E. Shipley & Smith. TROY, Lincoln Co. East, Samuel T. TRUXTON, Lincoln Co. Johnson & Falconer. Lemmon, Dr. J. W. UNION, Franklin Co. Crowe, Samuel J. UNIONVILLE, Putnam Co. Hart, J. G. Lavenburg, J. UTICA, Livingston Co. West, J. M. VERONA, Lawrence Co. Browning & Munday. VERSAILLES, Morgan Co. Reed, W. C. VICTORIA, Jefferson Co. Elders, George & Son. VIRGIL CITY, Cedar Co. Kimball & Barton. WALNUT GROVE, Greene Co. Denby, William. WARREN, Marion Co. Rhodes, Samuel T. WARRENSBURG, Johnson Co. Gilbert, A. W. & Brother. Miller & Matthews. W arrensburg.—Continued. Robie & Blodgett. Sperling, William. Stepper, George. WARRENTON, Warren Co. Jones, William A. WARSAW, Benton Co. Ramsey, E. W. Sill, R. F. & Co. WASHBURN, Barry Co. Phillips & Leg. WASHINGTON, Franklin Co. Fischer, Herman. Munch, L. WAVERLY, Lafayette Co. Fletcher, Thomas J. Tucker & Palmore. WAYNESVILLE, Pulaski Co. Tyre & Colley. WELLINGTON, Lafayette Co. Ardinger & Son. G. S. WELLSVILLE, Montgomery Co Scharlach, Rudolph. WENTZVILLE, St. Charles Co. Snyder, A. W. WESTON, Platte Co. Ellipit, R. F. Parr, J. C. WESTPORT, Jackson Co. Boggs, J. O. Hinds, J. K. WILLIAMSBURG, Callaway Co Scholl, C. R. WINDSOR, Henry Co. Pomeroy, W. B. WITTENBURG, Perry Co. Leuders, W. A. WRIGHT CITY, Warren Co. Martin, J. T. 238 NEBRASKA. ARAGO, Richardson Co. Burchurd, F. W. BEATRICE, Gage Co. Ilinkle, G. W. BELLEVUE, Sarpy Co. Chaffee, H. II. BLAIR, Washington Co. Post, J. II. BROWNVILLE, Nemaha Co. Lett & Cowles. McCreery & Nickle. Reiker, E. COLUMBUS, Platte Co. Bonesteel, Dr. Stillman, C. B. DAKOTA CITY, Dakota Co. Ayers, M. O. DECATUR, Burt Co. Ira, G. W. FALLS CITY, Richardson Co. Ilolt & Scott. G. S. FREMONT, Dodge Co. Mangeman, O. & E. GRAND ISLAND, Hall Co. Platt, W. H. KEARNY, CITY, Kearny Co. Michael, A. G. S. LINCOLN, Lancaster Co. Leighton & Brown. Tingley, D. W. NEBRASKA CITY, Otoe Co. Dickey, R. A. & Co. Henninger, P. T. Kellyman, A. Nebraska City.—Continued. Price & Beach. Reed Bros. Stafford, Robert. # OMAHA, Douglas Co. Brady, IT. B. Paints & Oils. Dorst, Bernard & Co. Engleman, C. G. Goodman, C. F. ITartwig, Otto A. & Cc. Hellfreich, Otto. Ish, J. K. Martin, Thomas. Moody & Blair. Sutphen, John & D. C. Wolcott & Co. Oils, Glass, etc. PAWNEE CITY, Pawnee Co. Rice, Augustus & Brother. PERU, Nemaha Co. Patterson, John. Sanders Jr Randall. PLATTSMOUTH, Cass Co. Hinchman, J. M. Johnson, O. F. ROCK BLUFF, Cass Co. Reed, F. B. RULO, Richardson Co. Pattison & Harris. SALEM, Richardson Co. Brooke, John R. TABLE ROCK, Pawnee Co. Gandy, James L. TECUMSEH, Johnson Co. Ward, S. L. F. WEEPING WATER, Cass Co. Thomas, Dr. James W. WEST POINT, Cuming Co. Meyer, John. G. S. Neligh, Douglass Co. G. S. 239 NEW HAMPSHIRE. ALLENSTOWN, Merrimack Co. Batclielder, Daniel. C. S. ALSTEAD, Cheshire Co. Vilas, Cyrus K. ALTON, Belknap Co. Perkins Bros. AMHERST, Hillstforo Co. Moulton, J. W. ANDOVER, Merrimack Co. Cole, Cyrus W. C. 8. Weymouth, II. A. ANTRIM, Hillsboro Co. Woodbury, J. B. C. S. BRADFORD, Merrimack Co. * Nichols, Charles R. BRENTWOOD, Rockingham Co. Wood, E. B. C. S. BRISTOL, Grafton Co. Foster, Edwin S. Taylor, Cyrus & Son. C. S. CAMPTON, Grafton Co. Smith, William A. CANAAN, Grafton Co. Perley & Bradbury. C. S. Sanborn & Barney. C. S. CHARLESTOWN, Sullivan Co. Metcalf & Hamlin. C. S. White, Josiah. C. S. CLAIRMONT, Sullivan Co. Brooks, Levi. Brown, II. H. Ladd, Wm. M. COLEBROOK, Coos Co. Joyslin, Wm. & Co. Merrill & Williams. C. S. COLUMBIA, Coos Co. Snow, Dr. Lewis. CONCORD, Merrimack Co. Eastman, C. S. & Co. Martin, C. H. & Co. Rollins & Co. Underhill & Kittredge. DOVER, Strafford Co. Bedell, Joseph. Paints. Clark, B. W. Folsom, George L. “ Lothrop, D.,«Tr. & Co. Lothrop & Pinkham. Rackley, B. F. Smith, Henry. Smith, Thomas L. Tnfts, Charles A. Vickery, W. H. Wingate, Jeremiah. DURHAM, Strafford Co. Frost, G. & W. P. C. S. ENFIELD, Grafton Co. Chandler, E. C. Dustin, Z. H. Paints & Oils. EPPING, Rockingham Co. Lawrence, Edward A. EXETER, Rockingham Co. Dearborn, Geo. Lane, G. E. Merrill, Charles A. FARMINGTON, Strafford Co. Parker, David T. FISHERVILLE, Merrimack Co Rollins, John S. & Co. FITZWILLIAM, Cheshire Co. Batcheller, P. S. & S. Cummings, Silas. FRANCONIA, Grafton Co. Parker, E. B. & Son. C. S. FRANKLIN, Merrimack Co. Brockway, H. W. Geyer, Dexter D. GRAFTON, Grafton Co. Kimball, Cromwell. GREAT FALLS Strafford Co. Jones, C. M. & Co. Lothrop, Daniel & Co. Moore, Geo. Nason, Wm. W. HAMPTON, Rockingham Co. Green, J. W. Lane, Geo. W. & Co. C. S. 240 NEW HAMPSHIRE.—Continued. HANOVER, Grafton Co. Downing, L. B. HAVERHILL, Grafton Co. Merrill, Henry. HILLSBORO, Hillsboro Co. Wason, Eugene. HINSDALE, Cheshire Co. 'Holland & Wellman. HOLDERNESS, Grafton Co. Tollinsby, Cutting. HOLLIS, Hillsboro Co. Trow, Wm. A. C. S. HOOSET, Merrimack Co. McAfee, S. D. & Co. C. S. KEENE, Cheshire Co. Brown, George F. Paints. Gilman, O. Hills, Chauncy. Howard, A. C. & Co. Knowlton, W. II. & Co. Paints, etc. LACONIA, Belknap Co. Mallard, George F. Odlin, Joseph E. LAKE VILLAGE, Belknap Co. Dexter & Hunt. Odell, Joseph L. LANCASTER, Coos Co. Roby, C. W. Savage, Edward. LEBANON, Grafton Co. Perley, I. M. LISBON, Grafton Co. Cummings, C. S. Whitcher & Co. C. S. LITTLETON, Grafton Co. Watson, Henry L. MANCHESTER, Hillsboro Co. Campbell, Zebulon F. Carr, Samuel S. Conner & Pearson. Hanson, John R. Kellogg. E. M. Littlefield & Hayes. Lord, Charles F. Murray, S. F. & Co. Perry, A. F. Tibbetts Brothers. Weeks, B. R. & Co. MARLOW, Cheshire Co. Farley, L. P. MASON VILLAGE, Hillsboro Co. Stowell, Dr. MEREDITH, Belknap Co. Burleigh, George M. Wiggin, Charles S. MERRIMACK, Hillsboro Co. Anderson, Samufcl C. C. S. MILFORD, Hillsboro Co. Eldridge, Hezekiah. * MILTON, Strafford Co. Fox, Asa & Son. C. S. Simes, Bray W. ' C. S. NASHUA, Hillsboro Co. Currier, Geo. W. Gibby, Thomas H. Russell, E. S. & Co. White, J. W. NEW BOSTON, Hillsboro Co. Philbrick, L. E. NEW LONDON, Merrimack Co. Greenwood & Burpee. C. S. NEW MARKET, Rockingham Co. Dearborn, Geo. L. Green & Wiggin. NEWPORT, Sullivan Co. Howe, David W. Kelly, John C. NEWTON, Rockingham Co. Gale, Jonathan G. NORTHFIELD, Merrimack Co. Fames & Kelsea. NORTHWOOD, Rockingham Co. Kimball, H. E. & Bro. C. S. OSSIPPEE, Carroll Co. Brown, Jacob F. C. S. Grant, Nathaniel. C. S. PETERBORO, Hillsboro Co. Miller, John R. PITTSFIELD, Merrimack Co. Mack, Wm. A. Tilton, Newell G. 241 PLYMOUTH, Grafton Co. Mason & Fox. C. S. Russell, Webster & Bell. C. S. PORTSMOUTH, Rockingham Co. Bailey, John H. Paints, Oils, etc. Hill, Misses. Kimball, David & Co. Preston, W. R. Thatcher, Joseph H. ROCHESTER, Strafford Co. Farrington, Walter F. Hanson, Dominicus. RUMNEY, Grafton Co. Quincy & Ward. C. S. RYE, Rockingham Co. Parsons, Thomas J. C. S. SALEM, Rockingham Co. Taylor, Hill & Co. C. S. SALISBURY, Rockingham Co. Gookin & Dunlap. C. S. SALMON FALLS, Strafford Co. Young, Moses. SANBORNTON BRIDGE, Belknap Co. Ames & Kelser. SANDWICH, Carroll Co. Fellows, C. C. SEABROCK, Rockingham Co. Philbrick, John. C. S. Sanborn, William. C. S. STRAFFORD, Strafford Co. Peavey, Geo. C. C. S. SUNAPEE, Sullivan Co. Russell, Wm. C. S. NEW HAMPSHIRE.—Continued. SUNCOOK, Merrimack Co. Hildreth & Kunnell. Potter, G. & A. SWANZEY, Cheshire Co. Aldrich, Paul F., Jr. C. S. THORNTON, Grafton Co. Emmons, E. C. S. TROY, Cheshire Co. Kimball, E. P. & Co. C. S. WALPOLE, Cheshire Co. Davis, Charles D. Lovejoy, J. W. WARNER, Merrimack Co. Robertson, John E. & Co. C. S. Thompson, R. & Co. C. S. WARREN, Grafton Co. Prescott, George W. G. S. WEARE, Hillsboro Co. Hoag, Israel. C. S. Simons, Geo. C. S. WHITEFIELD, Coos Co. Gove, George S. WILMOT, Merrimack Co. Greely, J. H. & Co. C. S. Rowe, R. M. C. S. WILTON, Hillsboro Co. Newman, Frank H. Trevett, Henry. WINCHESTER, Cheshire Co. Pierce, Hosea & Co. WOLFBOROUGH, Carroll Co. Parker, H. R. 242 NEW JERSEY. ABSECOM, Atlantic Co. Wright & Frames. ALLENTOWN, Monmouth Co. Yanderbeck, J. C. ALLOWAYSTOWN, Salem Co. Yarrow, Dr. Thomas J. ANDOVER, Sussex Co. Miller, John. ATLANTIC CITY, Atlantic Co. Reed, Edward S. BARNEGAT, Ocean Co. Bennett, Dr. Edmund. BASS RIVER, Burlington Co. French, Levi. C. S. BAYONNE CITY, Hudson Co. Ansart, R. A. Bartlett White Lead & Zinc Co. White, T. & S. C. Sulphur Works. BEATYESTOWN, Warren Co. Fisher & Miller. G. S. BEEMERVILLE, Sussex Co. Dunning, G. L. & Son. C. S. BELLEVILLE, Essex Co. Ackerman, William M. G. S. Eastwood, John. Chemicals. BELVIDERE, Warren Co. Kern, J. T. Smith, A. G. BENNETT’S MILLS, Ocean Co. Applegate, Charles H. G. S. BERGEN, Hudson Co. Gardner, Robert W. Hommel, P. Lennon & Puckridge. Paints, etc. Nott, Charles.' Wells, E. S. BERLIN, Camden Co. Johnson, S. H. BEVERLY, Burlington Co. Bryan, John W. Nichol, Abel H. Tompkins, Israel C. BLOOMFIELD, Essex Co. White, Wm. H. BOONTON, Morris Co. Davis, Samuel. Grimes, M. L. BOEDENTOWN, Burlington Co. Hankins, Bunting. Hyatt, P. F. STOKES, WHITALL. Stratton, James. BOTJNDBROOK, Somerset Co. Clickner, Abram. Paints, etc. Morey, Robert H. BRANCHVILLE, Sussex Co. Roe, William .T. & Co. C. S. Struble & Gastin. C. S. BRIDGEPORT, Gloucester Co. Lawrence, J. B. C. S. Sweetin, John. C. S. BRIDGETON, Cumberland Co. Bodine, F. & J.. Glass Mfrs. Brewster, Edwin. Dare, Franklin. Kennedy, Edward. Robeson & Whitaker. Scull, D. & Son. Paints, etc. Woodruff & Ware. Paints, etc. BURLINGTON, Burlington Co. Allinson, Wm. J. Hays, Addis. Smith, Charles P. VANDERGIFT, J. A. CALDWELL, Essex Co. Harrison, Marcus. G. S. CAMDEN, Camden Co. Armstrong, James A. Brown, A. P. Browning & Brothers. Dye Stuffs, etc. Birdsall, Dr. S. CAMDEN WHITE LEAD & COLOR WORKS. DE LACOUR, JOSEPH C. Goldsmith, Martin. Keffer & Co. Glass Mfrs. Mecray, Alexander M. Phillips, Moro. Mfg. Chemist. Potts & Klett. Chemical Works. Pratt, L. M. Ringel, Simeon T. Taylor, R. G. Test, Richard W. THOMAN, F. G. 243 NEW JERSEY.—Continued. CAPE ISLAND, Cape May Co. Kennedy, James S. Marcy & Mecray. Owens, J. A. Paints, etc. CAPE MAY C. H., Cape May Co. Downs, J. M. CEDARVILLE, Cumberland Co. Bateman, Eli B. Bateman, Ephraim. CENTRE HILL, Hudson Co. Zoeller, A. CHAPEL HILL, Monmouth Co. Watrous, A. C. G. S. CHATHAM, Morris Co. McDougal, W. R. C. S. Minton, Mahlon. C. S. Minton & Price. C. S. CHESTER, Morris Co. Woodhull, Caleb G. C. S. CLARKSVILLE, Hunterdon Co. Emery & Bird. G. S. Wells & Fulper. G. S. CLAYTON, Gloucester Co. Chase, Dr. McPherson, Andrew G. CLINTON, Hunterdon Co. Baker, Wm. H. COLUMBUS, Burlington Co. Haines, A. C. Stewart, J. K. CRANBERRY, Middlesex Co. Walker, James. CROSS KEYS, Camden Co. Hurff, Hiram. C. S. DAYTON, Middlesex Co. Schenck & Yandevere. C. S. DECKERTOWN, Sussex Co. North, J. E. Whittaker & Heater. C. S. * DELANCO, Burlington Co. De Knight, W. II. C. S. Dobbins, M. C. S. DELAWARE STATION, Warren Co. Prall & Wyckoff. C. S. Burt, John. C. S. DOVER, Morris Co. Goodale & Yought. DRAKESVILLE, Morris Co. Biggs, Albert R. G. S. Wolfe, F. Y. & Brother. C. S. EATONTOWN, Monmouth Co. Hunt, Sylvester H. EGG HARBOR CITY, Atlantic Co. Maas, Christopher. Malzi, J. ' ELIZABETH, Union Co. Cory, M. F. Paints. Howland, John H. Wheldon, Charles M. & Co. Whitehead & Hooker. ELIZABETHPORT, Union Co, Frohwin, Richard. Kellam, Eli. Paints, etc. Neil, Geo. Paints, etc. Oliver, William M. ENGLEWOOD, Bergen Co. Clark, W. A. C. S. ENGLISH’S CREEK, Atlantic Co. Doughty, Richard. C. S. Scull, Joseph. C. S. FARMINGDALE, Monmouth Co. Yannote, Grandin. G. S. Winsor & Co. C. S. FLEMINGTON, Hunterdon Co. Decker, . HIGGINS, JOSEPH II. FORKED RIVER, Ocean Co. Holmes, Joseph. C. S. Parker, D. S. FORT LEE, Bergen Co. Annette, Robert. C. S. O’Neil, M. G. S. FRANKLIN FURNACE, Sussex Co. Brown, John H. C. S. FREEHOLD, Monmouth Co. Conover & Wolverton. Mulholland, Thomas. Sarsaparilla Mfr. Walker, Ansel. 244 NEW JERSEY.—Continued. FRENCHTOWN, Hunterdon Co. Rice & Williams. GEORGETOWN, Burlington Co. Frazier, N. W. & Son. C. S. GLASSBORO, Gloucester Co. Hance, Edmund. Moore Brothers. Glass Mfrs. Warwick’ & Stanger. Glass Mfrs. Whitney Bros. Glass Mfrs. GLOUCESTER, Camden Co. Nesbit, Charles W. Tomlinson, Edward. HACKENSACK, Bergen Co. Adams, H. W. Berry, Abraham H. HACKETTSTOWN, Warren Co. Crane & Sutphin. Rea & Day. HADDONFIELD, Camden Co. Braddock, Isaac H. Wilson & Potter. HAINESBURGH, Warren Co. Andress, J. Jr. G. S. HAMBURG, Sussex Co. Carpenter, Alex. C. S. Edsall, R. E. & Co. C. S. HAMILTON SQUARE, Mercer Co. Smith & Read. C. S. HAMMONTON, Atlantic Co. Fay, Cyrus J. & Sons. HARMONY, Warren Co. Miller, Wm. M. C. S. HARRISON, Hudson Co. Chapel, Sanford W. HIGHTSTOWN, Mercer Co. Exton, Dr. James A. Holcomb, Mrs. Ella W. Wilson, Thomas. HOBOKEN, Hudson Co. Am Ende, Charles G. Fehr, Julius. Foss, George. Heyden, Charles F Hill, Herman H. Schaubut, J. Semrad, A. HOPE, Warren Co. Berry & Albertson. C. S. Swayze, James A. C. S. HOPEWELL, Mercer Co. Blackwell, J. V. & Co. G. S. Stout & Son. G. S. HUDSON CITY, Hudson Co. Began, Ernest. Drion, Charles. Eck, Stephen. Paints & Oils. Hornblower, J. Mara, Thomas W. Tripp, John W. JAMESBURGH, Middlesex Co. Magee & Buckelew. G. S. Van Artsdalen, George. G. S. JERSEY CITY, Hudson Co. Druggists. Brooks, Dr. George L. Cadmus, W. J. Cunningham, M. G. De Motte & White. Doyle & McKechnie. Hillier, R. & Sons. Drugs & Mill. Holt, H. D. Inwright, John. King, William. Kirsten, Adolph. Lillis, Thomas M. Longstaff, Mrs. Jane. Merchant, D. MERCEIN & ABERNETIIY. Mercein, James R. Moore, Joseph E. Pfachier, L. Rodman, Frederick W. Roth, Raymond. Stone, Charles. Van Buskirk, Jacob A. Whitehead, Augustus B. Glass Works. Goessling & Co. Paints. Cronham & Wetterson. Ingwersen, August. Patent Medicines. Brown, Oliver P. KEYPORT, Monmouth Co. Arrowsmith, J. E. Frismuth, William D. Hawkliurst & Frismuth. McKircey, E. B. LAFAYETTE, Hudson Co. Storms. Frederick. 245 NEW JERSEY.-Continued. LAMBERTSVILLE, Hunterdon Co. Moore, Charles F. Robbins, Dr. J. V. LEBANON, Hunterdon Co. Clark, J. S. & J. N. C. S. Shurts, Samuel J. G. S. LEED’S POINT, Atlantic Co. Clement, C. A. C. S. LEESBURG, Cumberland Co. Carlisle, Charles G. C. S. LEONARDVILLE, Monmouth Co. Leonard, Thomas. G. S. LODI, Bergen Co. Rennie, Robert. Lodi Chemical Works. Van Reyenden, C. C. S. LONG BRANCH, Monmouth Co. Chattle, Thomas G. Green, Dr. J. O. Scriven, Z. W. MADISON, Morris Co. Muchmore, W. F. MANALPAN, Monmouth Co. Conover, David G. C..S. MARTINSVILLE, Somerset Co. Munday, Azariah C. G. S. Waldron, C. L. G. S. MATTAWAN, Monmouth Co. Bell, George W. MAY’S LANDING, Atlantic Co. Ingersoll, D. B. MECHANICSVILLE, Monmouth Co Maps, Mrs. Sarah. MEDFORD, Burlington Co. Braddock, J. B. C. S. Lewis, Daniel B. C. S. Stokes, Isaac W. Wilkins & Christopher. C. S. METEDECONK, Ocean Co. Havens, J. G. W. & H. E. G. S. METUCHEN, Middlesex Co. Hunt, Ezra M. MIDDLETOWN, Monmouth Co- Taylor, Samuel J. G. S. MILFORD, Hunterdon Co. Sproul, Jonathan. Warford & Co. C. S. MILLVILLE, Cumberland Co. Evans, Sharp & Co. Glass Mfrs. Lndlam, P. G. Scull, John H. Paints, etc. Whit-all, Tatum & Co. Glass Mfrs. Wright, John A. MONT CLAIR, Essex Co. Betezler, J. Hayden, John H. Paints & Oils. MOORESTOWN, Burlington Co. Stratton, Elword. MORRISTOWN, Morris Co. Becker, H. H. Carr & Allen. Paints, etc. DALRYMPLE, C. H. Douglas, James. Hamilton, William H. Paints, etc. Thatcher, John. Paints. MOUNT HOLLY, Burlington Co. Coppuck, Peter V. & Son. Ewan, Benjamin. Haines, A. R. WHITE, A. S. MOUNT ROSE, Mercer Co. Leigh & Savage. C. S. MULLICA HILL, Gloucester Co. Knight, Charles. C. S. Stratton Brothers. C. S. MUSCONETCONG P. O., Warren Co, Shimer, Robert A. C. S. NAVASINK, Monmouth Co. Mount, Joseph G. G. S. NEWARK, Essex Co. Botanic Medicines. Lowerre, Thomas W. Chemical Manufacturers. Clough, William T. Passaic Chemical Works. Coles, D. B. & Son. Condict & Hanson. Druggists. Badger, Charles W. & Co. Baldwin, Lorenzo. Bell, W. F. Brandt, Albert. Brown, Jacob E. Connover, William A. 246 NEW JERSEY.—Continued. N ewark.—Continued. Dreher, Ernest. Duneker, John. Garrigan, P. J. Kinsey, Oliver B. Lee, John B. Littell, William M. Mercer, W. T. Nichols & Townley. Osborne, J. W. & Co. Saunier, Peter P. & Co. Southard, L. Stanford, William H. Stickney, Charles W. Stobel, John F. Tichenor, H. H. Tinder, William. Van Gieson, T. W. Yan Patten, P. S. Glue. Johnston, James. Williams, Samuel. Paints. Baldwin, Israel. Ball, Nathaniel C. Davis, Robert O. Gerth, Julius. Getchens, A. C. Hockinjos, J. Jacob. Price, A. M. & A. S. Rice, Joseph W. & Co. Sheldon, David. Patent Medicines. Davis, Aaron. Varnish Manufacturers. Banister, William H. Bigelow, Moses & Son. Fitzgerald, John D. Kissam & Gundaker. Murphy & Co. Price, David & Co. Price, Bond & Co. Price, Thompson & Co. Price, Tillou & Co. Reid, John J. Robertson, Elias C. Shipman, C. H. & Bro. Smith, Samuel P. & Sons. Steffens, Solomon. NEW BRUNSWICK, Middlesex Co. Wholesale Druggists. RUST & SON, WILLIAM. Van Pelt, R. G. & Co. Retail Druggists. Eastburn, R. Hives, G. C. Kammerer, N. New Brunswick.—Continued. Kempton, George. Meeker, J. W. Stevens, David. Wells, C. C. Paints, etc. Hoagland, Thomas. Johnson, John & Son. Nevins & Clickener. Priestley, L. Y. Pelle & Brown. Pette & Hartough. NEWFOUNDLAND, Morris Co. Brown, John P. & Co. NEWTON, Sussex Co. Dunning, G. B. Fellows, A. F. Nelden, C. R. Smith, George L. STUART, j. R. & CO. ORANGE, Essex Co. Birdsall, R. F. Paints. Pierson, Samuel D. & Co. Paints. Smith, Benjamin E. Timbrook, A. & Co. PATERSON, Passaic Co. Borden, L. H. Gledhill, Robert. Halstead, William M. Harper, James. KENT, DR. RIDLEY. Mackintosh, Dr. J. H. Morse, L. A. Moss, Dr. M. Quinn, Dr. J. Smith & Brock. Taylor, Alexander A. Teal, Dr. J. R. Van Den Bylardt, Dr. J. E. Paints. Garrison, Robert B. Shonock, John D. Watson, P. PEMBERTON, Burlington Co. Egbert, John C. PENNINGTON, Mercer Co. Martin, R. T. PENN’S GROVE, Salem Co. Johnson, M. Shivers, Benjamin. G. S. PERTH AMBOY, Middlesex Co. Ev&ns, Jacob. G. S. Golding, John G. 247 NEW JERSEY.—Continued. PETERSBURG, Cape May Co. Yangilder, Thaddeus. G. S. PETER’S VALLEY, Sussex Co. Stoll, Anthony S. G. S. Stoll, Robert. G. S. PHILLIPSBURG, Warren Co. Teel & Brother. PITTS GROVE, Salem Co. Wood, Charles. C. S. PITTSTOWN, Hunterdon Co. Stryker, Wm. M. G. S. PITTSTOWN, Salem Co. Jones, Joseph. C. S. PLAINFIELD, Union Co. Craig, ,T. AY. & L. Giles, Martin. Paints, etc. Marlowe & Reynolds. Shaw & Thorn. Stillman, Charles H. A'oorhes, W. H. PLEASANT MILLS, Atlantic Co. Stille, Dr. Samuel. PLEASANT RUN, Hunterdon Co. Dailey & Thatcher. C. S. PORT ELIZABETH, Cumberland Co Sharp, T. M. PORT MURRAY, Warren Co. Bryan, J. M. PORT ORAM, Morris Co. Oram, Hance & Co. C. S. PRINCETON, Mercer Co. Hankins, W. L. Marsh, Crowell. Priest, Joseph. QUAKERTOWN, Hunterdon Co. Green, Andrew J. C. S. Yail, J. H. C. S. RAHWAY, Union Co. Brown, A. E. & Son. Coles, D. & F. Silvers, E. B. Watson, Amos C. RANCOCAS, Burlington Co. Woolman, Dr. G. S. RARITAN, Somerset Co. Davis, John Y. Edwards, J. F. READINGTON, Hunterdon Co. Schomp, J. Y. C. S. Stout, Abraham B. C. S. RED BANK, Monmouth Co. Borden, James M. Chadwick, Francis T. ROCKAWAY, Morris Co. Stickle, Jacob P. SALEM, Salem Co. Bassett, Joseph. Hall, Pancoast & Craven. Glass Mfrs. Holz, Clark & Taylor. Glass Mfrs. Mulford, J. C. LIPPINCOTT, JOSEPH R. SCHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN, Morris Co. Delliker, Wm. G. S. Dufford, Phillip. G. S. SCOTCH PLAINS, Union Co. Baker, James A. C. S. Coriel, A. S. & Co. C. S. SHARPSTOWN, Salem Co. . Wood, J. H. C. S. SMITH’S LANDING, Atlantic Co, Adams, Jesse. C. S. Ryon, Pardon & Son. C. S. SMITHVILLE, Burlington Co. Gaskill, Benjamin. C. S. SMITHVILLE, Monmouth Co. Smith, Wm. M. G. S. SOMERVILLE, Somerset Co. Barcalow, J. C. Case & Gulick. Paints, etc. Vredenburgh, L. R. SOUTH AMBOY, Middlesex Co. Jacques, G. W. Whalen, William. SOUTH ORANGE, Essex Co. Lum, Charles E. 248 NEW JERSEY.—Continued. SOUTH RIVER, Middlesex Co. Martin, Charles H. SPARTA, Sussex Co. Boss, Joseph C. STOCKTON, Hunterdon Co. Dyer & Meginnis. G. S. Hoppock, W. L. & S. C. G. S. SWEDESBORO, Gloucester Co. Walmsley, James. TANSBORO, Camden Co. Bodine & Adams. Glass Mfrs. Hay & Co. Glass Mfrs. Sickler, William T. C. S. TINTON FALLS, Monmouth Co. Holmes, Daniel A. G. S. TITUSVILLE, Mercer Co. Lowe, John N. TOM’S RIVER, Ocean Co. Gillett & Barnard. TRENTON, Mercer Co. Anistake, J. Barth, Henry C. Byram, A. J. & Co. Chumar, Henry B. De Cou, James. Green, William. Houston, Joseph R. James, Jacob B. James & Dunham. Phillips, Daniel. Read, E. H. Rickey, John & Randall. Thomas & Margerum. Pat. Med. VAN SYCKEL, C. B. Wood, Zimri. Woolverton, J. R. TUCKERTON, Burlington Co. Page, Thomas. UNION HILL, Hudson Co. Altenus, Charles. Klussman & Schmidt. • VERNON, Sussex Co. Denton, R S. Jr. C. S. VINCENTOWN, Burlington Co. Horner, Jacob H. VINELAND, Cumberland Co. Bidwell & Co. Elton, J. R. WASHINGTON, Warren Co. Seip, W. H. WATERFORD, Camden Co. Neipling, Louis L. C. S. Richards, Samuel. Glass Works. WERTSVILLE, Hunterdon Co. Manners, Jacob S. & Son. C. S. WESTFIELD, Union Co. Downer, E. Kinch, F. A. Miller, John. Essential Oils. WEST HOBOKEN, Hudson Co. Scott, W. & J. WILLIAMSTOWN, Camden Co. Bodine, Thomas & Co. Glass Mfrs. Sickles, Paul H. Store. WINSLOW, Camden Co. Hay & Co. Glass Mfrs. WOODBRIDGE, Middlesex Co. Freeman, Samuel E. WOODBURY, Gloucester Co. Carter, Benjamin F. WOODSTOWN, Salem Co. Borton, Omar. 249 NEW YORK. ADAMS, Jefferson Co. Buckley, L. Grenell & Witliington. Kneeland, F. J. Wait, F. Son & Allen. C. S. ADAMS CENTRE, Jefferson Co. Potter, C. D. ADDISON, Steuben Co. Lewis, E. H. Wagner, F. R. AFTON, Chenango Co. Humphrey & Angel. Shay, E. M. AKRON, Erie Co. Magoffin, Wm. T. ALABAMA, Genesee Co. Bateman, S. C. ALBANY, Albany Co. BULLOCK, J. H. & CO., 128 S. Pearl St. Burrows, William G. & Co., 87 S, Pearl St. Clement & Rice, Broadway cor. Clinton Ave. Collins & Kirk, 797 Broadwa3r. Cutler, John N., 560 Broadway. Dickerman, E. A., 197 Green St. Dickerman, Wm. D., 198 S. Pearl St. Dairs & Burgess, 5 Beaver Block. Ferguson, Dr. John, 871 Madison Ave. Fonda & Bagley, 70 & 72 State St. Griffen, Aaron, 61 Congress St. Huested, A. B., 77 Eagle St. Humphrey, J. R., 39 Washington Ave. Keyser, William H., 635 Broadway. Macomber, M. W. & Co., 352 Broadway. McClure, A. & Co., 74 & 76 State St. McMurdy, R. S., 494 Broadway. Murphy, P. M., 442 Broadway. Nellegar, J., State St. cor. N. Pearl St. Northrop, , 51 Second St. Spiegle, M., Westerlo cor. S. Pearl St. Sautter & Gans, 53 S. Pearl St. Smith, Charles II., 246 Washington Ave. Springhart, Carl, 224 S. Pearl St. Swarthout, Ferris, 148 S. Pearl St. Taylor, William, 35 S. Pearl St. Townsend, John De P., Eagle St. cor. Mai' den Lane. Turner Brothers, 262 S. Pearl St. Van Loon, Charles, 39 Green St. ALBION, Orleans Co. Barnett & Curtis. Carpenter & Barrel! Frye, D. W. Randall, J. W. Sweet & Salisbury. ALEXANDER, Genesee Co. Mooers, A. T. ALEXANDER BAY, Jefferson Co, Cornwell & Walton. G. S. Sisson & Fox. G. S. ALMOND, Alleghany Co. Dixon, Ira W. AMENIA, Duchess Co. Chapman & Bartlett. Paints, etc. Taylor, Henry J. & Co. G. S. AMSTERDAM, Montgomery Co. Bassett, John J. Putnam, Dr. A. Sturtevant, J. W. Wendell, Harmon. ANDOVER, Alleghany Co. Baker, T. & F. J. Benton, H. P. & Co. McClary, D. ANGELICA, Alleghany Co. Brown, J. T. Royce, T. A. ANGOLA, Erie Co. Oatman, Le Roy. ANTWERP, Jefferson Co. Coolidge & Derby. Williams, Rensselaer. APALACHIN, Tioga Co. Beach, Dr. Judson. ARCADE, Wyoming Co. Gibson, J. II. ARCADIA, Wayne Co. Horton, James. ARGOSVILLE, Schoharie Co. Collins, S. S. ARGYLE, Washington Co. McNeill, Dr. J. S. ASTORIA, Queens Co. Byer, W. M. Muchmore, W. Fletcher. Simpson, John. Paints. ATHENS, Greene Co. Lape, F. R. 250 NEW YORK.—Continued. ATTICA, Wyoming Co. Champlin, W. B. Dorrance, G. & Co. Potter, M. E. Rogers, R. J AUBURN, Cayuga Co. Drugs. Elliott, J. L. Osborn, Joseph. STEEL, RICHARD & CO. Sutton, W. J. Tnf't T Walley, m’. L. & Co. Paints, etc. Burt, Joshua. Kennedy, T. ,T. Steel, Richard & Co. Patent Medicines. Fosgate, B. Taft, G. T. AURORA, Cayuga Co. Salisbury & McDowell. AVOCA, Steuben Co. Hess, H. Paterson & Co. AVON, Livingston Co. Nisbet, Dr. Wm. BABYLON, Suffolk Co. Robbins, Carl & Co. C. S. BAINBRIDGE, Chenango Co. Hoag, Philo. Yale, J. BALDWINSVILLE, Onondaga Co. Fancher & Hamill. Suydam, Samuel C. Thompson, E. R. & Co. BALLSTON, Saratoga Co. Ball, William G. Westcott, John H. Williams, M. C. BARNES’S CORNERS, Lewis Co. Fawdrey, Dr. BARRYVILLE, Sullivan Co. Dabron, A. BATAVIA, Genesee Co. Fellows, 0. & H. W. Hall & Waite. Seaver, David. Tyron & Main. BATCHELLERVILLE, Saratoga Co. Colson, H. R. G. S. BATH, Steuben Co. Hess, Martha T. Yelie, J. W. Wheeler, L. J. BELFAST, Alleghany Co. Saunders & Co. BELLEVILLE, Jefferson Co. Walrath, II. G. BELMONT, Alleghany Co. Lamphier & Fuller. Norton, J. S. BERGEN, Genesee Co. Fisher, A. S. BERLIN, Rensselaer Co. Whitford & Gifford. C. S. BERNHARD’S BAY, Oswego Co. | Stephens, Crandall & Co. Glass Mfrs. BINGHAMPTON, Broome Co. Brownell & Stocking. Chubbuck, D. J. H. Ford, Dr. E. J. Gillespie & Emmons. Maybury. Piercy, L. W. Smith, Henry A. Smith & Dwyer. BLAUVELTVILLE, Rockland Co. Bolils & Co. C. S. Raab, John. C. S. BLOOMINGBURG, Sullivan Co. Curry & Teft. BLOOMING GROVE, Orange Co. Mix, Philander. BLOOMVILLE, Delaware Co. Dales, George. Pat. Med. Forman, Stephen. BOONVILLE, Oneida Co. Dodge, C. & Son. Lewis, J. M. Tharratt & Bass. BRANCH PORT, Yates Co. Garniey, James H. 251 NEW YORK.—Continued. BRASHER FALLS, St. Lawrence Co. Rose, W. B. & I. II. BREWERTON, Onondaga Co. Waterbury, D. H. BREWSTER’S STATION, Putnam Co. Gannung, W. T. BROADALBIN, Fulton Co. Blair, David. G. S. Knapp & Bradford. BROCKPORT, Monroe Co. Cox & Collins. Tozier & Haight. BROCTON, Chautauqua Co. Mericle, A. J. BROOKLYN, Kings Co. Botanic Medicines. Trampton, Charles, 42 Hamilton Ave. Van Brackle, Eliza, 136 Fourth St. Chemical Color Manufacturers. Benedict & Alophe, Washington n. Milton. Hainemann & Steiner, Gold cor. Tillary St. Chemical Works. Baker, H. J. & Bro., Gowanus Canal n. First. Binns, George, Cypress Hills Road. Jackson, Henry, 102 Raymond St. Kalbfleisch, M. & Sons, Metropolitan Ave. n. Newtown Creek. Mahoney, John, Fifth cor. Union Ave. Metz, A. & Son, India n. Union Ave. Pfizer, C. & Co., Harrison Ave. cor. Bartlett. Sprague & Close, Flushing Ave. cor. Carlton. Walker, G. & Co., Delaware n. Richards. Chemists. Birdsall, Charles M., 244 Bedford Ave. Casamajor, Paul, 240 Franklin Ave. Kneuper, George, 454 Grand St. Kraft, Charles H., Flushing Av. n. Walworth. Sands, A. B., 99 Main St. Druggists, Retail. Alsbach, Emil, 66 Grand St. Apel, A. F., Seventeenth cor. Fifth Ave. Aspinall & Crawford, Gates Ave. cor. Down ing St. Barbarrow, S. M., 98 Flatbush Ave. Baker, E. C., cor. Bridge & Prospect Sts. Barget, William, 149 Ewen St. Barker, William, 144 Broadway. Barnaby, A., De Kalb Ave. cor. Nostrand. Bassett, F. M., Atlantic cor. Court St. Battelle, W. IL, Bridge cor. High St. Beley, Alfred, Myrtle Ave. cor. Adelphi St. Beley & Boeman, Broadway n. Fourth St. Bell, A. W., 927 Fulton Ave. Brooklyn.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Bellingham, John, Gold cor. Prospect St. Bellingham, J. H., Main cor. York St. Bosch, Frederick, 173 Evven St. Boswell, H. C., Jr., 124 Grand St. Boswell & Co., Broadway cor. Lawton St. Boyd, Eliza O., Third Ave. cor. Sixteenth. Breitung, Otto, Graham Ave. cor. Meserole St. Brewer, Walter, 1302 Atlantic Ave. Bries, Andrew, 124 Leonard St. Briggs, B. M., Myrtle Ave. cor. Bridge St. Buckley, Edward, Third Ave. cor. 17tli St. Buckley & Bergin, Fifth Ave. cor. Third. Bushe, N. J., Bridge cor. John St. Cahn, Samuel, Fulton Ave. cor. Adelphi St. Cammus, H. A., Van Brunt cor. Sullivan St. Campbell, Joseph, 60 Hamilton Ave. Carpenter, S. D., Van Brunt n. King St. Cartissoz & Maury, Myrtle Ave. n. Broadway. Case, Augustus R., Ewen cor. N. Second St. Chadwick, A. B., Court cor. President St. Cliumar & Son, 216 Court St. Clark, Charles E., Myrtle Ave. cor. Classon. ! Close, George C., 106 Fulton St. Conway, John F., Myrtle Ave. cor. Bedford. Cook, Charles D., De Kalb Ave. cor. Cler- mont Ave. Darling, N. B., 484 Atlantic St. j Davies & Lees, 260 Fulton St. ' Day, C. E., Broadway cor. Gates Ave. Day cock, W. H., Bedford Ave. cor. Quincy. Dennin, Charles, 322 Court St. Destleliarst, Augustus, 125 N. Sixth St. Dickinson, H. IL, 129 Atlantic & 46 Mon- tague. Douglas, W. IL, 2 Fulton Ave. Douglass, H., 62 Wythe Ave. Eaton, Ak., 57 Henry St. Fielder, Wm. R., 73 Broadway. Forest, Margaret, Smith cor. E. Baltic St. Foy, Edward W. & Co., 621 Court St. Franck, Herrman F., 36 Myrtle Ave. Fritsch & Koehler, Wythe Ave. cor. Rodney. Frost & Scranton, 251 Fulton Ave. Frost & Whitlock, 20 Fulton Ave. Gaden, Theodore, 196 & 362 Court St. i Giebner, Alfred J., 116 Willoughby St. j Godfrey, Thomas C., Third Ave. cor. 21st. Goodell, George S., Fulton Ave. cor. Ormand Place. Gore, W. L., 1119 Fulton Ave. Graw, C. C., Van Brunt, cor. Tremont St. Green, Chas. G., 339 Carlton & 156 Atlantic. Gross Bros., 372 Grand & Grand cor. Seventh. Grove, John G., 67 Atlantic. Guignon,C. A. & Co., Eleventh cor. S. Fourth. Gurney A Estes, 140 York St. Haerter, Louis, 262 Myrtle Ave. Hatch, William, 542 Atlantic Ave. Hazard, C. G. C., Myrtle Ave. cor. Oxford. Heydenrich Bros., 169 Atlantic. Hermance, Martin, 103 Fulton Ave. i Herx, Francis T., 116 Ewen St. 252 NEW YORK.—Continued. Brooklyn—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Hogan, P. F., Hamilton Ave. cor. Clinton. Holmes, Thomas, Broadway cor Eighth. Horton, John, 891 Atlantic Ave. Hughes, John M., De Kalb Ave. cor. Carlton. Hughes, Thomas B., Columbia cor. Sackett. Hupfeld, Julius, 95 S. Fourth St. Ireland, W. B., 409 Gates Ave. Irish, George N., 31 Fulton & 109 Fulton Ave. Irish, Lucius B., 31 Fulton & 191 Court.. Irish, P. E., 88 Fulton. Jausen, B., 49 Fourth St. Jensen, Albert L., 581 Columbia. Johnson, S. E., 329 Fulton. Jones, Thomas, Fulton Ave. cor. Classon. Juell, Samuel, Graham Ave. n. Frost St. Julius, Charles, 125 Johnson St. Jung, George F., 100 Graham Ave. Kane, James M., Graham Ave. cor. Frost St. Ketclxum, Abram V., Court opp. Warren. Kimball, John W., Fifth Ave. cor. Ninth. King, Benjamin W., 67 Nassau St. King, D. B. & Co., 450 Columbia. Koehler, George, Grand St. Krantz, Theodore, 76 Hamilton Ave. Krieger, Philip, Broadway n. Gerry. La Barte, Joseph M., 2003 Fulton Ave. Lahey, Thomas M., Bergen cor. Smith St. Lawrence, E. V., 422 Atlantic Ave. Lawrence, Gilbert B., 170 Grand St. Lehn, Louis, 149 Atlantic. Lehn & Althaus, 292 Fulton. Lewis, Thomas, 113 Myrtle Ave. Little, N. S., 190 Grand St. Livingston, B. & B., 244 Grand St. Livingston &Wenzell,Broadway cor. Division. Macdonald, J. & W., 114 Myrtle Ave. Manning, C. P. & G., Fulton Ave. cor. Gold. Manning, J. G., 186 Clinton. Manson, Wm., 57 Myrtle Ave. Marsh, Alfred, 358 Atlantic. Marsh, Charles, 699 Myrtle Ave. Marvin, A. J., Park Ave. cor. N. Oxford. McCosker, T., 215 Fourth. Meyer, L. H., Fifth Ave. n. Nineteenth St. Miller, Emil, 96 Broadway. Miner, John, Flushing Ave. cor. Classon Av. Minner, Max., 333 Grand St. Minto, E. A., 61 N. Sixth St. Mitchell, J. S., 995 Fulton Ave. Morrison, Wm., Hoyt cor. Douglass. Moorhead, John, 76 Flatbush Ave. Muller, H. A., 472 Columbia. Newman, G. A., Myrtle Ave. cor. Clermont. Nicholson, James, Atlantic cor. Clermont Av. Niebrugge, J. A., Bedford Ave. cor. De Kalb. Norfolk, G. IL, 75 Fulton. Nowill, J. D., 36 Grand St. Noxon, J. O., 261 Washington. O’Dowd, Charles, 31 Grand St. Ollif, James H., Fulton Ave. cor.Vanderbilt. O’Reilly, Hugh, York cor. Bridge St. Owens, R. J., Myrtle Ave. cor. Spencer. Brooklyn.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Parker, Herschel, 281 Fulton Ave. Peduzzi, George S., Fulton Ave. cor. Elliott Place. Peer & Co., Franklin n. Greenpoint Ave. Peer, Dr. W. H., cor. Meserole & Union Av. Pendleton, H. N. & Co., Clymer & Division. Philips, George S., Johnson cor. Carll. Price & Co., Franklin cor. Kent Ave. Pyle, Cyrus, Pierrepont cor. Fulton, Greene Ave. cor. Cumberland, and Columbia cor. Carroll. Rass, Francis, 98 Fulton cor. Henry. Reed, George, Smith cor. Dean. Richard, Theodore, 255 Atlantic. Ritter, Lorenz, 298 S. Fourth St. Rowlandson & Heinrich, Flushing Ave. cor. Broadway. Rulon, Edward, 470 Grand St. Russell, John, 89 Duffield St. Rutherford, R. G., 178 Myrtle Ave. Sheets, Levi D., 548 Myrtle Ave. Schmidt, Theodore, Leonard cor. Meserole. Schneider, Fred., 52 N. Sixth St. Scliwarzenbach, J., Third Ave. n. 19th St. Scott, Thomas, 229 Court St. Skeeton, Payson C., 1208 Atlantic Ave. Smith, L. H., 134 Court St. Stevens & Lewis, 198 Fulton Ave. Stevens & Vanduzer, 77 Sands St. Tapken, Theodore, Franklin n. India. Tartus, A. J., 48 Broadway. Thayer, R. H., 35 Atlantic. Theall, Elisha, 50 Hudson Ave. Thorp, W. R., 20 Wythe Ave. Ubert, Julius C., Division Ave. cor. Lee. Ultz, Anthony, 151 Johnson St. Valentine & Co., Broadway n. Lawton. Van Lillienschiold & Co.,Union Ave. n. Kent. Walldorf, Henry, 317 Grand St. Watson, W. J., 72 Division Ave. Webber Bros., 17 Court St. Weber, August., 2323 Fulton Ave. Welch, T. E., Smith n. Sackett St. Welty, George W., Court cor. Church. Wendler, Robert, 390 Atlantic. Wilhelm, Robert, 182 Johnson St. Williams, Francis, 141 Concord. Wilson, II. M., Myrtle Ave., cor. Yates Ave. Willson, J. H., 247 Court cor. Sackett St. Winter & Baker, Union n. Freeman, Frank- lin n. Milton, and Fourth n. Meserole. Worthington, John, 150 Fulton. Wright, Chauncey M., 495 Columbia. Wuest, Carl, Flushing Ave. cor. Whipple, and 30 Ewen St. Wynn, Wm. & Co., 150 Fulton Ave. Young & Husted, Myrtle Ave. cor. Kent Av. Dye Stuffs. Ilarway, James L. & Co., Foot of Green St. Leeds Manufacturing Co., 57 First. Manchester Mfg. Co., Van Colt Av. n. Orchard. 253 NEW YORK.—Continued. Brooklyn.—Continued. Glass Manufacturers. Dorflinger, C. & Co., Commercial n. Union. Flatau, Lewis, 1285 Fulton Ave. Fowler, Crampton & Co., 124 Plymouth St. Ilagerty, B. B., Centre cor. Smith St. Joseph, W., Gerry cor. Throop Ave. Leach, Schneider & Seltier, Kent cor. Morton. Thiery & Co., Dele van cor. Brunt Sts. Thill & Wapler, Kent Ave. cor. Taylor. Paints, Oils, etc. Albohn, Philip, 95 Meserole St. Averill Chemical Paint Co., Van Brunt cor. Seabring. Avila, Edward C., 175 Bridge St. Barry, Tobey & Co., Gates Ave. n. Nostrand. Bauchman, Thomas, 92 Myrtle Ave. Baxter, Bell & Co., 75 Jay St. Beaver, Robert, 38 Grand St. Boughton, T. D. & Co., Commerce cor. De- levan. Boylan, James J., 7 De Kalb Ave. Browd & McLean, 236 Grand St. Cahill, Wm., 244 Henry St. Clark, R. W., 415 Atlantic. Coleman, W. P., Franklin n. Kent Ave. Coles, Anthon, Conover n. Wolcott. Cook, William, 286 Atlantic. Hobbs, Bligh & Hebbard, 133 Plymouth St. Holmes, John B., 8 Tiffany Place. Hunerhoff, Conrad, Franklin n. Huron. Jessup & Childs, 5 Summit St. Lett, Catharine, 128 Meserole St. Maujer, Daniel, 116 Grand St. Miles, Peter, Fifth Ave. n. Twentieth St. Norpel, John, 348 Atlantic. Northridge, W. J., 267 Adams, and Adams cor. Myrtle Ave. Pool & Bergen, 62 & 64 Fulton Ave. Prince, John D. & Sons, 37 Fulton. Brooklyn.—Continued. Paints, Oils, etc. Quirk, Wm., 193 Hudson Ave. Randolph, John & Co., 277 Court St. Raynalds, C. T. & Co., 157 Plymouth St. Richardson, S. B., 182 Fulton Ave. Roth, Andrew, Myrtle Ave. n. Spencer. Sheffield, Wm. E., 68 Myrtle Ave. Smith, John T., Third Ave. n. Nineteenth. Waldron, H. & Co., 187 Water St. Whitlock & Keenan, 435 Fulton St. Patent Medicines. Curtis, J. & Sons, Third Ave. cor. Hoyt. Dailey, Henry, 8 President St. Milne, George P., 217 Fulton. Riley, C. W., 175 Fulton. Williams, W. T., 99 Catharine St. Woods, H. M., 7 Dunham Place. Wright, J. A., 778 Myrtle Ave. Surgical Instruments. Haslem, Fred., Pulaski cor. Marcey Ave. Heckler, James, 27 Henry St. Varnish Manufacturers. Casey, John, Commerce cor. Richards. Gardner, Wm., “ “ “ Moller & Shuman, Graham Ave. n. Skillmar. Parks & Gillespy, Sixth n. N. Eighth St. White Lead Manufacturers. Anderson, Douglas & Pierce, 93 Furman St. Atlantic White Lead Co., Marshall n. Gold. Bell, Charles A., Hicks cor. Nelson St. Brooklyn White Lead Co., 91 Front St. Colgate, Robert & Co., Marshall n. Gold St. Hall, Bradley & Co., 156 Front St. Holmes & Breinig, 8 Tiffany Place. Union White Lead Co., Front cor. Bridge St. Webb, McLoughlin & Co., Kent Av. n. Bush. 254 BROWNVILLE, Jefferson Co. Gibbs & Steele. Lord, Albert E. BUFFALO, Erie Co. Druggists. Anthony, A. C. & Co. Bovson, Otto. Champlin, Oliver H. P. & Co. Crumb, W. R Davis, Dr. Epenetus H. Diehl, John P. Ehrnpforth, Charles G. Francis, J. E. Gregory, W. L. Harries, Edward & Co. Harvey, Charles. .Tenner, Richard. King, William, Jr. Lyman, C. M. McGray, G. W. Marvin, Charles E. & Co. Park, William. PEABODY, WILLIAM II. Reynolds, A. & Co. Rieffenstahl, Julius. Rodenbach & Davis. Smith, William H. Smith & Dickey. Spencer & Bullymore. Stoddard, G. N. Waters, G. S. Wiggins, D. B. Witkowskie, Lewis AY. Wright, Dr. Rogers. Paints, Oils, etc. Becker, P. & Co. Chretian, Charles. Dudley & Co. Pease, F. S. Post & Yiergiver. Glue Manufacturer. Evans, Richard. Botanic Medicines. Greenman, E. M. Sabin, William A. Patent Medicines. RANSOM, D. & CO BURLINGTON FLATS, Otsego Co Robinson, S. S. & Son. BUTTERNUTS, Otsego Co. Lillie, George W. CAIRO, Greene Co. King, Levi. Noble, George H. NEW YORK.—Continued. CALEDONIA, Livingston Co. Place, Robert M. CAMBRIDGE, Washington Co. Ackley, Henry. Crocker, B. P. Paints, etc. Robertson, W. P. CAMDEN, Oneida Co. Peck, J. M. Stone & Smith. CAMILLUS, Onondaga Co. Patton, James. Safford, C. S. CAMPBELLTOWN, Steuben Co. Shannon, James. CANAJOHARIE, Montgomery Co. Hodge & Stafford. Settle, Andrew P. CANANDAIGUA, Ontario Co. Newman, A. S. Paul, A. Duncan. Pierson & Benham. Tillottson, S. D. CANASERAGA, Alleghany Co. Battin, Francis B. Niles, Charles E. CANASTOTA, Madison Co. Lewis & Coman. Perry, G. O. CANDOR, Tioga Co. Coryell, E. C. Jennings, Edwin. Robinson & Miller. CANISTEO, Steuben Co. Riddell, Geo. & Co. CANTERBURY, Orange Co. Hazen, P. P. CANTON, St. Lawrence Co. Conkey & Sherman. Cook & Tanner. Smith, Harry. CAPE VINCENT, Jefferson Co. Bushnell & Kelsey. Webb, W. H. & Son. CARTHAGE, Jefferson Co. Frederick, C. L. & Co. Merrill Brothers. Rulison, C. M. & Co. 255 NEW YORK.—Continued. CASTILE, Wyoming Co. Wing & Bush. CASTLETON, Rensselaer Co. Schermerhorn & Son. CATSKILL, Greene Co. Horton & Smith. Vincent, G. E. Wey & Du Bois. CATTARAUGUS, Cattaraugus Co. De Nike, F. L. CAYUGA, Cayuga Co. Barrett, John, Jr. CAZENOVIA, Madison Co. Curtiss, John A. Fairchild, John. Ford, Alvin. CERES, Alleghany Co. Carter & Roberts. C. S. CHAMPLAIN, Clinton Co. Gilbert, John F. Moore, Benjamin C. CHARLESTON, Montgomery Co. Davis, Abram J. C. S. CHARLOTTE, Monroe Co. Jones, Ambrose. CHARLOTTEVILLE, Schoharie Co. Lamont, William. CHASEVILLE, Otsego Co. Wilson, S. B. C. S. CHATEAUGAY, Franklin Co. Cooke, Geo. L. Fisk, P. B. CHATHAM, Columbia Co. Ray, David. CHATHAM FOUR CORNERS, Columbia Co. Barnes, W. H. & Co. Best, Mrs. J. L. Maxon, Dr. F. CHERRY CREEK, Chautauqua Co. Bly, Edwin. Wheeler, John H. CHESTER, Orange Co. Smith & Thompson. CHESTERTOWN, Warren Co. Mallery, Nelson B. CHITTENANGO, Madison Co. Harbottle, C. V. Teller, Isaac T. CINCINNATUS, Cortland Co. Holmes & Barnes. CLARENCE, Erie Co. Eshleman, John. C. S. Yan Tine, H. K. & Co. G. S. CLARENDON, Orleans Co. Copeland & Martin. G. S. Martin & Salisbery. G. S. CLAVERACK, Columbia Co. VanWyck, S. M. C. S. CLAYTON, Jefferson Co. Ellis, Amos. Johnston, N. B. CLAYVILLE, Oneida Co. Jones, J. E. CLEVELAND, Oswego Co. Allen, V. A. Caswell & Co. Glass Works. CLIFTON SPRINGS, Ontario Co. Briggs & McBride. CLINTON, Oneida Co. Powell, 0. C. Thomas, H. E. Willard, Jesse. CLYDE, Wayne Co. Green, Jeremiah. Ostrander, A. H. Smith, Chester. Southwick, Read & Co. Glass Works. CLYMER, Chautauqua Co. Moses, Chauncey B. COBLESKILL, Schoharie Co. Dillenbeck, Jonas. COEYMANS, Albany Co. Miller & Co. 256 NEW YORK.—Continued. COCHOCTON, Steuben Co. Gilbert, W. A. Wygant, Hiram. COHOES Albany Co. Hemstreet, James. Silliman, Horace B. Ten Eyck & Brown. COLD SPRING, Putnam Co. Boyd, Charles. Ellis, John A. Paints, etc. Smith, Mrs. Robert. COLTON, St. Lawrence Co. Ansted & Hepburn. CONSTABLEVILLE, Lewis Co. Runge, Dr. Rudolph. C.OOKSBURGH, Albany Co. Plank, John A. COOPERSTOWN, Otsego Co. * Coffin, E. S. Paints. Jarvis, A. A. & Co. Roof, Clarence M. COPENHAGEN, Lewis Co. Isdell & Noyes. Raymond, L. J. & Son. CORBETTSVILLE, Broome Co. Bayliss, J. & Co. G. S. CORNING, Steuben Co. Dickinson, W. S. Havens & Jones. Paints, etc. Terbell, W. D. & Co. CORNWALL, Orange Co. Hazen, P. P. CORTLAND, Cortland Co. Bradford, G. W. Pomeroy, Dr. T. C. Sager & Dalton. Smith, Abner L. COXSACKIE, Greene Co. Brown & Wing. Collier, A. Y. D. Mackey & Wing. ClRESCENT, Saratoga Co. Philo, N. F. CUBA, Alleghany Co. Allen, S. Hallock, Nash & Co. Osborne, W. O. Reynolds, Dr. C. J. DANSVILLE, Livingston Co. Kenny & Nelson. Niles, C. E. Perrine, F. M. & Co. Robins, J. J. DAYSVILLE, Oswego Co. Schermerhorn, J. DELHI, Delaware Co. Calhoun, John & Son. Fitch, B. & Co. Howard, Calvin & Son. Jacobs, Ferris. Mann, D. H. DELPHI, Onondaga Co. Cook, I. C. & Son. Walley, Stephen S. DEPOSIT, Delaware Co. Clark & Brown. DE RUYTER, Madison Co. Harhottle & Wolmarth. Mudge, Charles. DEXTERVILLE, Chautauqua Co. Jones & Allen. G. S. DOBB’S PERRY, Westchester Co. Harbeck, L. DOWNSVILLE, Delaware Co. Barber, R. F. DRYDEN, Tompkins Co. Chadwick, H. DUNDEE, Yates Co. Backman, J. Beam & Noble. DUNKIRK, Chautauqua Co. Monroe, Orrin. Smith, H. M. T. Williams, J. T. DURHAM, Greene Co. Cowles, Jonathan B. Mudge, R. V. Pierce, Wm. Paints. 257 NEW YORK.—Continued. DURHAMVILLE, Oneida Co. Case, M. L. Fox & Co. Glass Mfr’s. EARLVILLE, Chenango & Madison Cos. Colton, C. L. EAST AURORA, Erie Co. Havens, J. H. & Co. EAST BLOOMFIELD, Ontario Co. Bradley, Orrin L. EAST CHATHAM, Columbia Co. Jones, H. D. Melius, C. H. EAST MELROSE, Westchester Co. Dubois, Koerst. Shuman, Jacob. EAST NEW YORK, Kings Co. Beckert, Charles. Furgang, Albert. EAST PEMBROKE, Genesee Co. Parmley, Dr. EAST RANDOLPH, Cattaraugus Co, Holt, H. II. & Son. Hurd, Jonathan C. EAST SANDY CREEK. Oswego Co. Mann, D. L. & Co. EATON, Madison Co. Billings, E. C. EDDYVILLE, Cattaraugus Co. Butterfield Brothers. ELBRIDGE, Onondaga Co. Brown, W. S. & Co. Monroe, Nathan. ELLENVILLE, Ulster Co. Bartlett & Wood. Corbin, Isaac. ELLICOTTVILLE, Cattaraugus Co. Stewart, Dr. E. S. ELLINGTON, Chautauqua Co. Maynard, A. M. P. ELLISBURG, Jefferson Co. Hopkinson & Wade. C. S. ELMIRA, Chemung Co. Everett, J. L. Flood, Thomas S. Frasier, F. A. Gregg, Wm. H. & Co. Hamlin & Dunn. Ingraham & Perry. Kellogg & Converse. Mead, John T. Mersel Brothers. Ogden, William. Owen & Morse. PERRY, JOHN K. . ESPERANCE, Schoharie Co. Briggs, George. EVANS, Erie Co. Goodman, C. F. EVANS’ MILLS, Jefferson Co. Casse, Wm. M. Paints, etc. EABIUS, Onondaga Co. Thayer, Ur. Wm. D. FACTORYVILLE, Richmond Co. Burger & Son. Macrea, William H. FAIRPORT, Monroe Co. Clapp, Otis. Morey & Hodskin. FARMERS’ VILLAGE, Seneca Co. Compton & Hill. Gardiner, Charles H. FAYETTEVILLE, Onondaga Co. Bartlett & Eaton. Markham, F. II. FINDLEY’S LAKE, Chautauqua Co. Gray & Willard. FISHKILL, Dutchess Co. Van Voorhies, S. L. FISHKILL LANDING, Dutchess Co. Leach, Daniel, Paints, etc. Mapes, Stephen. Moitli, A. T. FLUSHING, Queens Co. Burne, P. T. CORSE, F. A. Coutant & Whitson 258 NEW YORK.—Continued. Flushing.—Continued. Paints, etc. Clement & Bloodgood. Gosling, Thomas. Sanders & Cheeseman. FONDA, Montgomery Co. Hoag & Van Henson. FORDHAM, Westchester Co. ITorsfield, Israel. Hupfeld, J. W. , FORRESTVILLE, Chautauqua Co. Merritt, John D. FORT ANN, Washington Co. Clements, Isaac & Son. C. S. Hall & Finch. C. S. FORT COVINGTON, Franklin Co. Cogndon, II. C. Gillis, W. Parker, John S. FORT EDWARD, Washington Co. Campbell, J. M. Clark, Jones. Davis, Francis B. Stone, V. S. Paints, etc. Wliitehouse, W. J. & Co. t FORT PLAIN, Montgomery Co. Becker, D. E. Gregory & Co. FRANKFORT, Herkimer Co. Nolton & Borden. FRANKLIN, Delaware Co. Chamberlin Brothers. Sullard & Parsons. FRANKLIN VILLE, Cattaraugus Co. Ely & Smith. FREDONIA, Chautauqua Co. Gifford Brothers. Maynard, J. D. FREEPORT, Queens Co. Benedict, Dr. J. M. FRIENDSHIP, Alleghany Co. Higgins A Lewis. Scott, Wm. H. G. S. Willard, E. H. FULTON, Oswego Co. Bradway, Hiram & Co. Patterson, G. H. & W. D. Paints. Shaw, William B. FULTONVILLE, Montgomery Co. Wilson & Peek. GALWAY, Saratoga C_>. Brockett & Cook. C. S. GANSEVOORT, Saratoga Co. Tice, William. C. S. GARRATTSVILLE, Otsego Co. Mather, J. F. Wheeler, John P. Gr. S. GENESEO, Livingston Co. Burt, F. N. & Co. Spring, John D. Walker, W. R. GENEVA, Ontario Co. Grieves, J. R. & Co. Lum, D. L. & Son. MAYNARD & LANING. Smith, William N. Wilson, Matthew. Paints, etc. Fairfax, G. Paints, etc. GHENT, Columbia Co. Harris, W. D. GILBOA, Schoharie Co. Hassard. James M. Turck, II. N. C. S. GLEN AUBREY, Broome Co. Riley, Wm. II. Store. GLEN COVE, Queens Co. Rowland, Platt. GLENN’S FALLS, Warren Co. Haviland & Ferris. Hopkins & Peck. Pettit & Fennel. GLOVERSVILLE, Fulton Co. Hays & Brower. Glue Factory. Hutchinson, J. C. Miller, J. A. Sexton, J. K. & S. GORHAM, Ontario Co. Cook, George B. 259 NEW YORK.—Continued. GOSHEN, Orange Co. Dikeman, Edward. Horton & Co. Jackson Brothers. GOUVERNEUR, St. Lawrence Co. Yan Namee, Gilbert L. Whitney, William. GOWANDA, Cattaraugus Co. Henry, Elisha W. Johnson, D. C. C. Botanic Medicine. Shugert, J. S. GRAHAMSVILLE, Sullivan Co. La Morce, Dr. J. L. GRANVILLE, Washington Co. Clark, Merrett W. GREEN BUSH, Rensselaer Co. Miller, James II. GREENE, Chenango Co. Kinney & Johnson. Holcomb, B. F. , Wood, M. M. GREENPORT, Suffolk Co. Brown, D. F. Corwin, Geo. H. & Co. GREENWICH, Washington Co. Gray & Robodean. Moore, Charles H. GREENWOOD, Steuben Co. Brundage & Richardson. GROTON, Tompkins Co. Allen, Dexter. Rhodes Brothers. GUILFORD, Chenango Co. Beebe, Daniel. HAMILTON, Madison Co. Benedict & Banning. Bonney & Welton. Hartshorn, II. P. HAMMONDSPORT, Steuben Co. Thorp, James S. Tobias, O. D. HARFORD, Cortland Co. Knapp, Dr. J. H. HARPERSPIELD, Delaware Co. Hubbard & Harper. C. S. HARPERSVILLE, Broome Co. Bristol, James. Guy, Ezekiel. Guy, Timothy. Stow, Jejjemiali. HAVANA, Schuyler Co. Compton, A. J. & Co. Hinman, George T. HAVERSTRAW, Rockland Co. Allen, Stephen W. Blauvelt, S. C. Chambrie, H. G. House, Henry. Speck, Otto. HEMLOCK LAKE, Livingston Co. Gilbert & Fox. Yan Fossen, T. J. HEMPSTEAD, Queens Co. Powell & AVillets. Rushmore, Benjamin F. HERKIMER, Herkimer Co. Fox, Charles J. /Paints. Palmer, C. W.,Jr. HERMON, St. Lawrence Co. Matteson, W. W. Seymour & Conant. HIGHLAND, Ulster Co. Heston & Deyo. HIMRODS, Yates Co. Covert & Chubb. HINSDALE, Cattaraugus Co. Salisbury, John II. HOLLEY, Orleans Co. Bishop, Mrs. L. A. Nicholson, F. P. HOMER, Cortland Co. Head, A. L. Monger, J. H. Watson, John. HONEOYE PALLS, Monroe Co. Allen, A. C. & Son. HOOSICK PALLS, Rensselear Co. Fowler, H. W. Peters, W. F. HOPKINTON, St. Lawrence Co. Chittenden, K. S. & V. A. C. S. Kellogg & Wells. C. S. 260 HORNELLSVILLE, Steuben Co. Bachman, J. W. Baldwin, Charles E. Sawyer, II. C. HORSEHEADS, Chemung Co. Davis, Mrs. II. E. Talmage, S. A. HOWELL’S DEPOT, Orange Co. Putney, Dr. J. E. . HUBBARDSVILLE, Madison Co. Nash, Clark R. C. S. HUDSON, Columbia Co. Druggists. Baringer, Henry, 108 Warren St. Best, Henry, 351 Warren St. Hinsdale, C. W. & Co., 305 Warren St. Rossman & Me Kinsley, 329 Warren St. Rossman & Yager, 202 Warren St. Storrs, George, 150 Warren St. Tiffanv & Whiting, 323 Warren St. WAR'DLE, JOHN K.,1 Warren St. Paints, Varnishes, etc. Baker & Malcher, 133 Union St. Burdwin, John T., 75 Warren St. Little, George L., 171 Warren St. Tobey, S. W. & Co., 297£ Warren St. HUNTINGTON, Suffolk Co. Furnell, Henry T. Rogers, George. HYDE PARK, Dutchess Co. La Mont, Dr. Austin. ILION, Herkimer Co. Delano, E. & Co. Ogden & Maben. IRVING, Chautauqua Co. Stone, Nathaniel. ITHACA, Tompkins Co. Curran, Obadiah B. Gauntlett & Brooks. Mandeville & Tolfree. Schuyler & Curtis. White & Burdick. JAMAICA, Queens Co. Peck, George L. JAMESTOWN, Chautauqua Co. BURTCH, C. C. Hazeltine, Charles. Lakin, E. L. NEW YORK?.—Continued. J amesto wn.—Continued. Ormes, Shedd & Co. Whitney, William H. Barrows, R. J. Paints, etc. JEFFERSONVILLE, Sullivan Co. Robinson & Bennett. JOHNSBURG, Warren Co. Noble, David. JOHNSTOWN, Fulton Co. Bates, J. C. & Co. Smith, Charles M. Smith, Robert. JORDAN, Onondaga Co. Howe, A. B. Tucker, Charles H. JUNIUS, Seneca Co. Beal & Hoffman. C. S. KEESEVILLE, Essex Co. Mbuld, Willis. KENNEDY, Chautauqua Co. Smith, Sumner. KINDERHOOK, Columbia Co. Flagler, L. B. Van Alstyne, F. B. KING’S FERRY, Cayuga Co. Clark, Philo. King, C. A. KINGSTON, Ulster Co. Buddington, C. W. Curtis, N. & J. A. Du Bois, Dr. J. W. Jansen, P. E. Masten, Charles J. VAN DEUSEN BROTHERS. KNOWLESVILLE, Orleans Co. Hall, E. D. Smith & Frost. G. S. LA FARGEVILLE, Jefferson Co. Buslmell, Clark B. Marshall, G. H. LAKE RIDGE, Tompkins Co. Perry, F. A. & Co. G. S. LANSINGBURGH, Rensselaer Co, Adams, James H. BALL, THOMAS. Halstead, C. M. Snyder, A. C. 261 NEW YORK.—Continued. LAURENS, Otsego Co. Drew, H. N. & Co. C. S. Gurney & Tucker. C. S. Strong & Dean. C. S. LAWRENCEVILLE. St. Lawrence Co. Dana, Ferris & Co. G. S. LEATHERVILLE, Montgomery Co. Bowdin, John. C. S. LEBANON SPRINGS, Columbia Co. Gay & Carpenter. C. S. LE ROY, Genesee Co. Barber, John G. Hooker & Beckwith. Wells & Kneeland. LEWISTON, Niagara Co. Cornell, James H. Walker, Charles M. LEYDEN, Lewis Co. Jenks, H. P. LIMA, Livingston Co. Salmon, Edward. LISLE, Broome Co. Bradford & Rorabach. G. S. LITTLE FALLS, Herkimer Co. Babcock, Lintner & Co. Girvan, G. F. Hamm, A. Smith, Charles. Yost, John H. & Co. LITTLE VALLEY, Cattaraugus Co. Whitney, L. S. LIVERPOOL, Onondaga Co. Smith, J. P. LIVONIA STATION, Livingston Co Barton, II. A. LOCKPORT, Niagara Co. Boughton, Henry. Chadwick, II. .T. Ferguson. A. R. Hines & Young. Jones & Bryant. Otis, Isaac & Co. Patterson & Hartwell. RALSTON, A. Wilbur, Joshua. LODI, Seneca Co. Galloup, L. C. LONG ISLAND CITY, Queens Co. Feuchtwanger, L. & J. W. Chemicals. Hall, Bradley & Co. Varnish. White, Henry L. LOWVILLE, Lewis Co. Burdick. C. W. & Co. Bush, Horace. Stanford & Lampher. LUZERNE, Warren Co. Miller, George Y. LYONS, Wayne Co. Cowles, A. J. Dillenbeck, M. H. Huff & Johnson. McGRAWVILLE, Cortland Co. Hamilton & Chaffee. Jones & Warner. Salisbury, E. A. Warren & Jones. McLEAN, Tompkins Co. Marsh, C. H. MACEDON, Wayne Co. Burr, H. N. MADRID, St. Lawrence Co. Hepburn, A. T. Lockwood, E. L. MALONE, Franklin Co. Amsden, W. F. Bailey, H. D. Heath & Breed. Hunt, Noel J. MAMARONECK, Westchester Co. Hoffman, Joseph. MANLIUS, Onondaga Co. Nims, Horace. MANNSVILLE, Jefferson Co. Merriam, S. A. Tefft, A. W. MARATHON, Cortland Co. Reed & Adams. Swift, G. L. & Co. MARCELLUS, Onondaga Co. Decondre, Thomas & Co. 262 NEW YORK.—Continued. MANILLA, Erie Co. Tabor, Hiram. MARION, Wayne Co. Russell, Allen 8. Vanderveer & Winslow. MARLBOROUGH, Ulster Co. Greaves, Joseph. Dye Stuff. Ilasbrouck, Dr. 8. E. MARTINSBURGH, Lewis Co. Locklin, G. W. MASSENA, St. Lawrence Co. Taylor, E. F. MATTEAWAN, Dutchess Co. Wilson, Dr. II. C. MAYVILLE, Chautauqua Co. Curtiss, R. J. Gifford, Henry. MECHANICSVILLE, Saratoga Co Richards, W. H. MECKLENBURG, Schuyler Co. Truman & Grant. MEDINA, Orleans Co. Clark, Herbert. Harlow, 0. M. Healey, E. P. & Son. MELROSE, Westchester Co. Eckel, J. B. MEXICO, Oswego Co. Huntington & Rickard. Taylor & Rulison. MIDDLEBURGH, Schoharie Co. Neville, Jacob. MIDDLEPORT, Niagara Co. Taylor & Brother. MIDDLETOWN, Orange Co. Bull, Albert & Co. Pucker & Mills. Johnson. J. D. KING, J. T. McManagle & Rogers. Starr, Levi. Paints, etc. MILANVILLE, Dutchess Co. Herrick, Walter. MILLERTON, Dutchess Co. Caulkins, J. G. Dutchess Co. Metallic Paint Co. MILL PORT, Chemung Co. Hoke, George E. MILTON, Ulster Co. Dickey, R. 8. MINA, Chautauqua Co. Gray & Willard. MOHAWK, Herkimer Co. Cunningham Brothers. Myers & Bellinger. MONROE, Orange Co. Boyd, J. C. Essray & Brown. Mapes, Henry & Co. MONTEREY, Schuyler Co. Humiston & Westfield. G. 8. Webber, Oscar. MONTGOMERY, Orange Co. Eager, George, Jr. Smith, Bradner. MONTICELLO, Sullivan Co. McCabe, Bartholomew. Royce, Seth H. Thornton, Charles S. MOOERS, Clinton Co. De Forris, Chas. S. MORAVIA, Cayuga Co. Alley, H. H. MORICHES, Suffolk Co. Jarvis, Dr. E. P. MORLEY, St. Lawrence Co. Livingston & Whitney. G. S. MORRIS, Otsego Co. Wing, Wm. R. B. MORRISANIA, Westchester Co. Denicke, Henry W. McKay, George J. Monaghan, Henry P. MORRISVILLE, Madison Co. Meade & Chapin. MOTT HAVEN, Westchester Co. Milligan, C. T. 263 NEW YORK.—Continued. MOUNT KISCO, Westchester Co. Ware, Charles. MOUNT MORRIS, Livingston Co. Millard, II. AV. Yoemans, James. MOUNT UPTON, Chenango Co. Ives, Lyman D. Smith, B. F. MOUNT VERNON, Westchester Co Elting, S. F. Hart, Jackson. Miller, D. Phibbs, F. L. AAYiss, F. AV. Glue Factory. MUNNSVILLE, Madison Co. Smith, A. N. NANUET, Rockland Co. Demerest, D. P. & Son. C. S. NAPANOCK, Ulster Co. Bardon, Levi. NAPLES, Ontario Co. Levalley, E. S. & Son. NARROWSBURGH, Sullivan Co. Murray, C. C. C. S. NEWARK, Wayne Co. Kenyon, M. M. AYhiting, AVilliam H. NEW BERLIN, Chenango Co. Blossom, Edward E. NEW BREMEN, Lewis Co. Mann, John F. C. S. Kenaux, Joseph. C. S. NEW BRIGHTON, Richmond Co. Burgess, George. Wedenburgh, AVilliam. NEWBURGH, Orange Co. Birch & McCollough. Chapman, Isaac C. & Co. Doderer, William. Gorham, John R. Hunter & Gridley. •Tones, Dr. AVilliam. ATerritt, Theodore. PECK BROTHERS. Post Dr. E. R. Newburgh.-*-Continued. Sease, George. Van Dyke, Dr. David. Wiggins, L. Y. & Brother. Wurts, Dr. J. D. Paints. Beggs & Moore. Farrington, D. & Bro. Gibson & Brooks. Ward, Leonard & Co. NEW HAMPTON, Orange Co. Lewis, O. NEW PALTZ, Ulster Co. Van Wagenen, E. NEWPORT, Herkimer Co. Hoag, Horace Spencer, O. & Son. NEW ROCHELLE, Westchester Co. Welling, S. G. NEWTOWN, Queens Co. . Hambert, Dr. W. H. NEW WOODSTOCK, Madison Co. Adams, C. W. NEW YORK CITY. Alcohol. Cuthbert & Cunningham, 38 Burling Slip. Webb, J. A., 229 & 230 AVest St. Botanic Druggists. Coolidse & Adams, 108 John St. Peek, W. H. & Co., 98 John St. Brushes. Adams, J. J. & Co., 75 Beekman St. | Berrien, Daniel, 228 Pearl St. Bradley & Smith, 251 Pearl St. I Burtnett, W. B., 57 Fulton St. FLORENCE MFR. CO., GEORGE A SCOTT (Agt.!„ 28 Warren St. Furnalds. Champion & Co., 257 Pearl St. I Martin, James M. C., 115 Fulton St. | Rosenthal, H., 231 Pearl St. j Wood, E. & C., 299 Pearl St. AVollen, Charles II., 230 Pearl St. Chemists, Manufacturing. Binns, George. 7 Gold St. Cassebeer, George A., 191 Bowery. Dickinson & Lathrop, 71 Maiden Lane. Edrehi, I. D., 50 New Bowery, i Fries, Alexander & Bro., 26 West Broadwa'f. j Gantz, George F. & Co., 136 & 138 Cedar St. ! Hurtt, F. W., 76 William St. ! Jacoby, George & Co., 72 AVilliam St. 264 NEW YORK.—Continued. New York City.—Continued. Chemists, Manufacturing. Kalbfleisch’s, Martin,Sons, 55 Fulton St. Keith, B. & Co., 41 Liberty St. Lauer Chemical Mfg. Co., 65 Pine St. Meilor A Rittenhouse, 90 William St. Pfizer, Charles A Co., 17 Beekman St. Powers & Weightman, 60 Cedar St. SQUIRE, ALFRED L., 10 Burling Slip. Stearns, Farr & Co., 69 William St. Taylor, J. Munroe, 112 Liberty St. White, Charles T., 29 Liberty, and 54 Maiden Lane. Corks. Barton, James, 429 Pearl St. Davis, Leifchild, 208 Division St. Douglas, Harold, White n. Centre St. Empire Cork Co., 41 Fulton St. Haskell, Samuel, 18 & 20 Platt St. Llado, F. & Co., 132 A 134 Maiden Lane. Lowerre, James, 163 Water St. Mauri Brothers, 249 Pearl St. McHUGH. JOHN A CO., 69 Fulton St. NEW YORK CORK CUTTING CO., Office, 43 Fulton St., Factory, 40 Colum- bia St., Brooklyn. King, Wm. A Co., 209 Pearl St. Payne, John A Son, 51 Fulton St. Schlumpf, A ,138 Fulton St. Smith, Hayward, 194 Water St. Sparkman, James T., 235 Pearl A 120 John. Taylor, John F., 300 Pearl St. TRUSLOW, NOSTRAND & CO., 219 Pearl A 6 Platt Sts. Drug Brokers. Beyerbach A Schultz, 22 Liberty St. Bronson, Thomas A., 42 Cedar St. Buswell A St. John, 70 William St. Chrisfield, Wm. A Son, 52 Cedar St. Daniel A McCotter, 58 Cedar St. Downer A Coffin, 44 Cedar St. Gridley A Coffin, 78 William St. Gulager, Frank, 90 William St. Haydock A Stabler, 78 William St. Herbert, J. C., 42 Cedar St. Holme A Clark, 381 West St. Hornby, A., 52 Dey St. Longhurst, James S., 54 Cedar St. Siller, H. C., 72 William St. Sprague A Close, 36 Platt St. Tyler, II. E., 12 Gold St. Taft, Lee A Co., 62 William St. Wells A Angell, 34 Platt St. Druggists, Wholesale. Aspinwall, James S., 86 William St. Asson, Thomas M., 12 Cortlandt St. Barkley, Wm. A Co., 34 Cortlandt St. Beckwith, J. T. A Co., 252 Greenwich St. Carle A Strong, 153 Water St. Coolidge A Adams, 108 John St. Corl'ies A Morgan, 198 Greenwich St. New York City.—Continued. Druggists, Wholesale. Crawford, G. & S., 119 Fulton & 42 Ann Sts. Crisscy, W. V. & Co., 266 Greenwich St. Day, Hoagland & Stiger, 54 Cortlandt St. Dickinson A Lathrop, 71 Maiden Lane. Dudley & Stafford, 69 Beekman St. Durkee, E. R. & Co., 135 Water St. Eimer A Amend, 205 & 207 Third Ave. Folsom, Henry F., 8 Coenties Slip. FRAZER & LEE, 20 Beekman St. Gantz, George F. & Co., 136 Cedar St. Haight, ,T. T., 102 William St. Hall & Blauvelt, 50 Cortlandt St. Hall & Ruckel, 218 Greenwich St. Hallett, Seaver & Burbank, 149 Chambers and 131 Reade Sts. Hayunga, George A., 485 Greenwich St. Hind, Nauman & Murphy, 81 Barclay St. Horner A Mulford, 88 William St. Hostetter, Coffin & Co., 85 Liberty St. Hoyt & Blanchard, 203 Fulton St. Ilurlburt A Edsall, 78 William St. Isaas, A. & Co., 58 Cedar St. Jadwin, O. H. & Co., 53 Cortlandt St. Keith, B. A Co., 41 Liberty St. Langman, Fred., 10 Burling Slip. Lanman & Kemp, 19 Old Slip. Lazell, Marsh & Gardner, 10 Gold St. Leman, W. & A., 63 Beaver St. Leroy, Louis & Walsh, 21 E. Sixteenth St. Lyon, Henry, 31 Cedar St. McKeachnie & Conklin, 90 William St. McKesson & Robbins, 91 & 93 Fulton St. Minor, C. S., 152 Greenwich St. Morgan & Allen, 46 Clift St. MORGAN & RISLEY, 81 Warren St. Nott. Hiram, 28 A 30 Fulton St. Palanca, Ramon, 107 Pearl St. Pinchot, Bruen & Hobart, 214 Fulton St. Quackinbush’s. B. Sons, 703 Greenwich St. Robinson, R. W. A Son, 182, 184 and 186 Greenwich St. Rudolphy, John, 176 Wrilliam St. Sands, A. B. & Co., 141 William St. Seabury & Porter, 20 Liberty St. Sommer, William, 46 Beekman St. Soutliwick, Geo. Wm., 58 A 60 Yesey St. SCHIEFFELIN, W. H. & CO., 170 Wil- liam St. Senderling, T. M., 71 Wall St. TARRANT & CO., 278 Greenwich St. Thayer, Wm. W., 319 Pearl St. Townsend & Plumer, 193 Greenwich St. Trippe, Joseph E. & Sons, 71 Warren St. Truex, Edward H., 3 Platt St. Underhill & Miller, 183 Water St. Van Duzer, S. R. & Co., 35 Barclay St., and 40 Park Place. Ward, Southerland & Co., 130 William St. Waterbury, A. G., 145 Water St. Wells, James C. & Co., 139 William St. Wheeler, Patterson & Co., 159 William St. Withers, Russell, 365 Bleecker St. 265 NEW YORK.—Continued. New York City.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Aitken, John, Jr., 281 Hudson St. Alexander, O., 874 Third Ave. Alexander & Vandermissen, 1386 Third Ave. Allen, James M., 278 Pearl St. Altona, Carl R., 283 Third Ave. American & German Pharmacy, 421 Pearl St. Andrus, Geo. N., 278 Eighth Ave. Armstrong, Charles II., 584 Grand St. Asson, Thomas M., 12 Cortlandt St. Atwood, H. W., 846 Broadway. Ayres, Benjamin, 353 Grand St. Ayres & Co., 22 Greenwich Ave. Paeon. James, 537 Sixth Ave. Bail, Peter, 74 First Ave. Bailey, Thomas, 9 Bible House. Baker, Albert M., 301 W. Eleventh St. Balluff & Ramspurger, 655 Sixth Ave. Balser, Gustav., 137 Avenue B. Bartnett, Eugene, 377 Canal St. Beach, James G., 533 Hudson St. Becker, Wm. L., 234 Spring St. Becker & Sellheim, 135 Clinton & 165 Riv- ington Sts. Belknap & Pratt, 501 Eighth Ave. Bender, A. H„ 2334 Third Ave. Benjamin, S. T., 712 Eighth Ave. Bernett, Wm. H., 31 Hester St. Biscliof, A. S., 34 First Ave. Black, Wm., 928 Third Ave. Brandner, A. II., 505 Pearl St. Breakell, J. B., 238 Ninth Ave. Breves, Otto, 19 Rivington St. Brilles, David, 52 Avenue D. Brimelow, Thomas, 450 Third Ave. Brown, A. K., 46 Third Ave. Browne,Valentine, 582 Ninth Ave. Brunswig, Louis, 287|- Bowery. Buchbinder, B., 56 Avenue B. Burghoff, Fred., 77 Avenue B. Busse, Wm., 33 Clinton St. Buttles, W. R., Jr., 132 First Ave. Button, J. M., 337 Sixth Ave. Cahn, A., 127 Bowery. Caldwell, George W., 579 Ninth Ave. Campbell, Samuel, 361 Eighth Ave. Carey, T. W., 167 Third Ave. Cassebeer, George A., 191 Bowery. Cassebeer, Henry A., 57 Fourth Ave. Caswell, Hazard & Co., Broadway cor. West Twenty-fourth, & 672 Sixth Ave. Ceritzen, Herman, 97 Third Ave. Chabada, Charles A.. 181 Avenue A. Chambers, Thomas, 576 Hudson St. Chambers & Day, 137 Fourth Ave. cor. 13th. Coddington, J. & I., 17 Union Square. Cole, David Z., 114 Ninth Ave. Codege Pharmacy, 303 Fourth Ave. (jondie, James, 198 Ninth Ave. Coney & Ditman, 10 Astor House. Conklin, A. M., 1275 Broadway. Conway & Co., 43 E. Broadway. Corindt, Charles T., 508 Eighth Ave. New York City.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Cox, Charles B., 27 Abingdon Square. Crawford, J. G., 286 Seventh Ave. Crounse, D., 601 Tenth Ave. Cunz, Charles, 827 Sixth Ave. Curtis & Rich, 236 Greenwich St. Cypert, John, 695 Third Ave. Dakin, A. W., 81 Bleecker St. Dally, William, 2162 Third Ave. Dame, Moses, 455 Fourth Ave. Darbey, William J., 1055 Third Ave. Davies, Thomas E., 543 Third Ave. Davis, A., 96 Third Ave. Davis, Adelaide, 104 Third Ave. Davis, B., 466 Grand St. Delavergne, George W., 374 Sixth Ave. Delluc & Co., 635 Broadway. Dempwolff, Carl, Allen St. Denison, E., 403 Hudson St. Devlin, John, 309 Avenue A. Dibblee, H. E., 46 Greenwich St. Diecks, C., 291 Sixth Ave. and 263 Stanton. Diedel, II., 375 Third Ave. Dieterich, August., 744 Tenth Ave. Diller, L. Y., 421 Fourth Ave. Dodd, John B., 108 Fourth Ave. Doetsclnnann, J., 515 Ninth Ave. Doherty, Hugh, 239 Avenue A. Drandorf, Julius, 18 Avenue A. Drischler, F., 775 Ninth Ave. Drummond, Samuel, 48 Mott St. Dung, A. & Son, 61 Bowery. Dunn, A. G., 488 Third Ave. Dyer, Benjamin W., 460 Fourth Ave. Eager, Peter, 120 Hudson St. Eayres, F. S., 656 Greenwich St. Ebeling, John, 227 Avenue A. Eberhardt, John II., 54 Canal St. Elders, Ernest J., 134 Greenwich St. Elders, Meno, 70 Avenue A. Elders, William, 98 Essex. Ehrmann, F., 38 Sixth Ave. Eimer & Amend, 205 Third Ave. Eisenlord Bros., 157 Seventh Ave. Ellert, Theodore, 83 Forsyth St. Elz, F. C. & Co., 135 E. Houston St. Fassin, Charles, 40 Grand St. FENNER, GEO. W., 1273 Broadway. Festner, B., 541-Second and 1126 Third Avs. Fielding, Thomas J., 294 Tenth Ave. Fisher, J. M., 422 Seventh Ave. Fisher, William, 327 Bleecker St. Fitz, Charles, 67 Forsyth St. Flint, Edward, Eighth & 407 Ninth Avs. Flint, F. E., 603 Second Ave. Fougera, E., 30 N. William St. Fowler, George H., 2374 Third Ave. Fowler, John M., 612 Tenth & 469 Ninth Avs. Freeman, W. B., 226 Ninth Ave. Frees, J. B., 179 Sixth Ave. Freygang, Gustav., 131 W. Broadway. Friderica. F. W., 40 Stanton St, Fritsch, Gerhart, 665 Eleventh Ave. 266 NEW YORK.—Continued. New York City.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Frohwein, M., 268 Rivington St. Frohwein, Theohold, 218 Stanton St. Frost, Allen J., 190 Varick St. Frost, Clayton W., 200 Avenue B. Gabauden, Josephine, 925 Broadway. Galloway, Robert, 468 Second Ave. Gartz, Adolphus, 505 Ninth Ave. Gartz, Herman, 321 Broome St. Gebliard, William, 3 Second Ave. Gebhardi, Charles, 39 Lewis St. Gelhaar, Phillip, 739 Seventh Ave. Gerhards, Charles, 1012 Second Ave. Geritzen, Herman, 105 Third & 163 First A vs. Gibbs, Isaac II., 1915 Third Ave. Giles, Wm. M., 189 Sixth Ave. Glesby, S. A., 230 Greenwich St. Goecke, Augustus, 562 Eleventh Ave. Goetting, George, 720 & 2002 Third Ave. Golichowski, Joseph, 59 First Ave. Goodrich, M. E., 475 Sixth Ave. Gorringe, W. E., 26 Cherry St. Gould, James, 1438 Third Ave. Greene, F., 97 Park St. Griffiths, John M., 374 Grand St. Groll, Charles, 343 E. Tenth St. Guden, William, 179 Avenue B. Hammann, V., 13 Seventh Ave. Hammer, B., 27 Canal St. Hammond, Samuel C., 753 Greenwich St. Hayunga, George A., 485 Greenwich St. Haran, B., 97 Bayard St. Harris, L., 182 Christopher St. Hasse, Lewis H., 44 Avenue A. Hatch, I. S., 250 Fourth Ave. Hays, David, 207 Division St. Ilebberling, Godfrey, 695 Seventh Ave. Heerbrandt, Gus.. 113 Roosevelt St. HEGEMAN & CO.,203, 399, 511,756 Broad- way, & Fourth Ave. cor. E. Seventeenth.. Ilelmbold, H. T., 594 Broadway. Hemken, Otto, 94 Greenwich St. Hepburn, N. J., 51 Eighth Ave. Heyl, Adolf, 787 Eighth Ave. Higgins, James S., 206 De Lancey St. Hilgenbockea, William, 109 Avenue B. Hill & Higgins, 40 Catharine St., 426 E. Hous- ton St., 21 Avenue D., 68 Avenue C., & 177 Allen St. Hoadley, L. A., 91 Eighth Ave. Hobart, Gideon D., 262 Eighth Ave. Hoffman, Fred., 64 Sixth Ave. Hollander, A., 47 Third Ave. Hohnthal, C. F. L., 857 Third Ave. Ilohnholz, D., 163 Avenue A. Homann, R., 63 Division St. Hooper, George L., 104 Sixth Ave. Hooper, Samuel, 571 Third Ave. Horack, Charles, 137 Norfolk St. Houghton, C. F., 15 Hudson St. Housman, Charles H., 68 William St. Housman, E. E., 204 Broome St. Howard, R. P., 15 Hudson St. New York City.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Howell, Wm. S., 149 Spring St. Hudnut, Alex., 218 Broadway. Hunter, James M., 369 Broome St. Hunter, Wm. C., 255 Sixth Ave. Hutchings, Charles S., 132 W. Broadway. Ihlefeld, Conrad, 095 Eighth Ave. Imhof, Henry, 6 Carmine St. Irish, P. E., 5 Third Ave. & 1211 Broadway. Irwin, James II., 193 Broome St. Jackson, P., 510 Grand St. & 262 Third Ave. Jennings, Geo. W., 302 W. Fourth St. Jewett, Levi, 686 Hudson St. Jones, John, 594 Sixth Ave. .Turisch, C. & G. Braun, 21 E. Houston St. Keating, John L., 208 Varick St. Kimmel, Henry, 61 Avenue A. Kip, John G., 1514 Third Ave. Kleemann, C., 197 Lexington Ave. Klippert, Charles H., 2264 Third Ave. Knapp, P. B. & Co., 362 Hudson St. Knight, Walter, 390 Ninth Ave. Knox, Thomas C., 58 Carmine St. Koechling Bros., 482 W. Twenty-second. Koellner, Joseph, 445 Second Ave. Krehbiel, Gus., 243 E. Houston St. Kres, Oscar, 781 Seventh Ave. Krowlpt'eiffer, G. F., & Son, 393 Grand St. Kunkler, Charles L., 764 Eighth Ave. Kunze, Richard E., 606 Third Ave. Lange, II., 754 Third Ave. Langworthy, Robert, 106 Bleecker St. Leggett, M. S.. 120 Avenue C. Lewis, Wm. II., 527 Greenwich St. Lindsey, Wm. F., 163 First Ave. Lins, Henry, 345 Second Ave. Little & Putnam, 294 Ninth Ave. Logue, D. C., 303 Hudson St. Loines, Wm. IL, 451 Sixth Ave. Loughlin, M. J., 586 Eleventh Ave. Louis, Theodore, 112 Avenue A. Ludwig, Charles A., 157 Greenwich St. Lunitz, E. & Co., 50 Centre St. Lustig, David, 657 Second Ave. Maclaury, James, 124 Cherry St. Magnus, Louis, 67 Eldridge St. Mancha, J. S., 36 Broome St. Mann, Ferdinand, 94 Eighth Ave. Manss, George K., 923 Second Ave. Marsh, Charles A., 2306 Third Ave. Marsh, Edward T. T., 213 Monroe St. Marsh, Samuel, 941 Broadway. Martin, Benjamin, 446 E. Houston St. Mason, Alfred, 259 Eighth Ave. Matthew & Lange, 266 Grand St. Maurer, Dr. J., 377 Greenwich St. McIntosh, J. M., 43 Sixth Ave. McIntyre, Ewen, 874 Broadway. Menzies, Alex., 637 Eighth Ave. Mettenheimer, Wm., 780 Third Ave. Metz, Herman H., 297 E. Houston St. Michel, Fred. L., 182 Canal St. Micliaelis, Charles II., 22 Jackson St. 267 NEW YORK.—Continued. New York City.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Middleton & Hatch, 59 Macdougal St. MILHAUS, J. SONS, 183 Broadway. Miller, J. M., 259 First Ave. Miller, F. & Co., 239 First Ave. Minor, Cyrus S., 152 Greenwich St. Mitchell, II. W., 350 E. Twenty-third St. Mitchell & Wieland, 641 Eighth Ave. Mittendorf, Wm. F., 268 Fourth Ave. Molwitz, E., 954 Sixth Ave. Mohvitz, II. E., 792 Second Ave. Monell, Charles E., 2 First Ave. Morrison, Joseph V., 61 W. Houston St. Moreton, Henry, 153 Grand St. Muehlhause, Fred. II., 146 Delancey St. Muller, Gustav., 272 Seventh Ave. Murrell, James J., 488 Hudson St. Nash, J. E. & Co., 11 Third Ave. Naumann, Fred., 205 William & 50 Centre Sts. Neergaard, Wm., 1183 Broadway. Nockin. A. J., 232 Eighth Ave. Nolan, L. F. J., 349 Cherry St. Nott, Hiram, 30 Fulton St. Nowill, W. D., 51 Laurens St. New York Pharmacy, 108 Varick St. O’Brien, T. J., 976 Sixth Ave. O’Callaghan, J. F., 42 Madison St. O’Dowd, James, 59 Washington Sq. S. Olliffe, Wm. J., 6 Bowery. Olivet, Ferdinand, 99 Lewis St. Ottiwell, D. J., 246 Broome St. Otto, Anton, 339 Tenth Ave. Overton, T. F., Eighth Ave. cor. W. 54tli St. Owen, George H., 125 Mulberry St. Paepke, Herman, 211 Sixth Ave. Parkin, Wm. B. & Co., 421 Eighth Ave. Passmore, Edwin C., 596 Third Ave. Passmore, P. J., 542 Grand St. Patterson, George, 427 Greenwich St. Peixotto, M. L. M., 686 Sixth Ave. Perkins & Ganong, 427 & 429 Canal St. Petrie, John, Jr., 337 Ninth Ave. Pfaff, Edward, 570 Eighth Ave. Pfingsten, Gustav., 900 Second Ave. Philippe, Eugene, 423 Second Ave. Porter, George G., 138 Sixth Ave. Price, Daniel, 6 & 8 Whitehall St. Proben, Charles A., 183 Hester St. Pruner, Joseph, 613 Ninth Ave. Puchta, Charles, 246 Delancey St. Quackenbush’s. B. Sons, 703 Greenwich St. Quee, James, 624 Hudson St. R ldloff, Wilhelm, 394 Seventh Ave. Reccius, A., 53 Avenue C. Reineck, P. H., 162 Avenue A. Reinhold & Kuhles, 1642 Third Ave. Reinold, B. II., 639 Third Ave. Reymond, J. P., 750 Sixth Ave. Richtner, Charles E., 562 Eleventh Ave. Riederer, M. A., 69 Rivington St. Riegel, L., 144 W. Broadway. Biker, Wm. B., 353 Sixth Ave. Risley, C. F., 839 Eighth Ave. New York City.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Ritter, Thomas, 24 Old Slip. Rogers. Arthur, 281 Bleecker & 198 Spring Sts. Rohdenburg, Chris., 805 First Ave. Roseman, Charles, 74 Stanton St. Rosenberger, George, 788 Tenth Ave. Rosenmiller, L. A., 172 Eighth Ave. Rothenhausler, Fred., 45 Allen St. Rowe, A. A., 321 Tenth Ave. Ruden, Alex., 302 W. Fourth St. Ruprecht, L.. 23 Avenue B. RUSHTON & CO., 11 Barclay St. Rushton, J. C., 1117 Broadway. Salembier, J. A., 430 Hudson St. Sands, J. M., 163 Avenue C. Sands, George G., 769 Sixth Ave. Sands, R. A., 188 Bowery. Sawin. Wm. E.f Jr. & Co., 680 Eighth Ave. Sayre, T. H., 812 Sixth Ave. Scheffer, Charles, 231 Grand St. # Schell, C. C., 3 Prince St. Scliillberg, Fred., 93 Bowery. Schlimbacli, Charles, 122 Seventh St. Schmelz, H., 7 Greenwich Ave. Schmid, Henry, 154 Third Ave. Schoenrock, Ferdinand, Allen St. Schreiber, Gus. A., 1532 Third Ave. Schussler, A.. 196 Grand St. Schweitzer, Henry, 537 Ninth Ave. Schwenzner, G., 798 Eighth Ave. Scruton, Wm., 56 Market St. Scofield, J. S., 122 Bleecker St. Seay, Wm., 1101 Second Ave. Seger, S., 54 Jackson St. Seltzer, Isaac M., 403 Hudson St. Seward, D. W., Third Ave. cor. E. 71st St. Shaffer & Brother, 40 Carmine St. Shaw, Joseph G. & Co., 166 Eighth and 816 Third Avs. Shedden, J. W., 363 Bowery. Sheffield, J. W., 130 Franklin St. Shiels, George E., 896 Broadway. Sidley & Campbell, 868 Eighth Ave. Smith, C. J., 976 Second Ave. Smith, John, 86 Centre St. Smith, John B., 186 Grand St. Smith, S. A. & C. C., 930 Eighth Ave. Smith & Co., 47 Cherry St. Smyth, Charles, 171 First Ave. Solito, G. & Son, 297 Fourth Ave. Somerville, Wm. M., 209 Bleecker St. Spangenberg, F., 1165 Broadway. Spangenberg & Boettcher, 508 Third Ave. Speidel, E., 108 Spring St. Spies, O., 185 Orchard S.t. Staebler, Richard, 914 Third Ave. Starr, Thomas, 313 Ninth Ave. Starr & Templer, 402 Fourth St. Steele, Albert F., 479 Second Ave. Stewart, Wm. S., 2294 Third Ave. Stoddard, F., 274 Tenth Ave. Strauss, E. G., 344 Third Ave. Stock, Henry, 349 Seventh A ve. 268 NEW YORK.—Continued. New York City.—Continued. Druggists, Retail. Stoff, Louis, 583 Tenth Ave. Stringer, John, 343 Fourth Ave. Stuart, C. J., 19 Sullivan St. Swoboda, Charles, 424 Sixth Ave. Taylor, Robert, 27 Abingdon Square. Theall, E. L., 47 Rutgers St. Thoelen, A., 72 Delancey Place. Thomas, Lewis C., 502 Grand St. Thompson & Billard, 1371 Third Ave. Thorne, C. B., 154 Ninth Ave. Thum, George, 402 Broome St. Thurman, W. M., 428 Canal St. Tomlinson, Charles G., 797 Eighth Ave. Toussaint, Fred., Essex St. Travis, M. V. B., 650 Sixth Ave. Troell, William, 360 E. Houston St. Turba, Charles W., 969 Third Ave. Tutliill, Silas Y. & Co., 869 Eighth Ave. Udet, Augjist., 780 Third Ave. Upham, Selah B., 991 Eighth Ave. Utley, E. O., 142 Eighth Ave. Vanderemde, R., 323 Bowery. Vandersmith, E. W., 117 Fourth Ave. Vanekeuren, C., 448 Eighth Ave. Wade, Dr. C. II., 108 Ninth Ave. Walling & Mielke, 30 Second Ave. Walsh, Saussol & Leroy, 21 E. Sixteenth St. Wanier, G. S., 407 Eighth Ave. Washburn & Son, 2047 Third Ave. Watson, H. J., 136 Bowery. Weaber, W. II., 493 Tenth Ave. Weber, Edmund, 18 Bayard St. Weber, Ferdinand, 512 Sixth St. Wedel, August., 149 First Ave. Wedemeyer & Otto, 1010 Third Ave., 157 Prince & 263 William Sts. Weinman, O. C., 173 Seventh Ave. Weisman, A. & Son, 257 Broome St. Weltewitz, William, 97 First Ave. Wenck, George J., 381 Sixth Ave. Wenzel, William, 866 Sixth Ave. Werner, Fred. G., 439 Ninth Ave. West, John, 317 First Ave. Wheeler, George H., 112 Cherry St. White, P. A., fool’d,) 102 Gold St. Whitehorne, Thomas, 120 Water St. Wile, William C., 110 Prince St. Wisnowski, John, 723 Ninth Ave. Wood, James, Third Ave. N. E. cor. 121st St. Wood, William S., 242 Grand St. Woodman & Gassin, 171 Bleecker St. Wuersten, G., 1436 Third Ave. Wurts, M., 624 Spring St. Zakrzewski, Otto, 623 Second Ave. Zeller, J., 51 Division St. Zink, Ludwig, 154 Ludlow St. Zitz, F. J., 1240 Broadway. Druggists’ Glassware. Allen, Henry, 258 Pearl St. Aslmry, Francis B., 167 William St. Benjamin, E., 10 Barclay St. New York City.—Continued. Druggists’ Glassware. Danforth, Stephen, 60 Barclay St. Hagerty Bros. & Co, 10 Platt St. Hale, Fred., 61 Ann St. Haslam, Edward, 9 Gold St. Leineke, Wm. H., 298 Pearl St. Mandelbaum, Simon. 50 Barclay St. Neidlinger Bros., 100 William St. Neidlinger, John, 54 Yesey St. Quinlan, Jeremiah, 136 & 138 William St. Storm, Christian, 152 William St. Stutts & Osborne, 46 Murray St. Vomhofe, Wm., 179 William St. Walton, W. N., 244 Pearl St. Whitall, Tatum & Co., 7 College Place. Witte, E. L. & W. H., 4 Liberty St. Witte, Herman, 4 Liberty St. Druggists’ Labels. FOUST & AVERILL, 23 Platt St. Druggists’ Sundries. Allen, .Tames M., 276 Pearl St. Arnold & McNary, 45 Park Place. Breithaupt & Wilson, 46 Park Place. Brinckerlioff, V. W., 1 College Place. Dusenbury, G. M. & Co., 203 Pearl St. Faulkner, Charles S., 40 Barclay St. Haviland, Henry, 23 John St. Horsey’s, Joseph Son, 21 Platt St. Kuhn, Gus. & Co., 7 Murray St. Levy, Henry & Bro., 49 Maiden Lane. Mandelbaum, Simon, 50 Barclay St. Norton, H. G. & Co., 26 & 28 Park St. Paturel, F. & Co., 56 Duane St. Sackett, James, H., 80 Cedar St. SCHIEFFELIN, W. H. & CO., 170 Wil- liam St. Schuyler, Hartley & Graham, 19 Maiden La. Spiltoir, F. E., 186 William St. Street & Carrington, 24 Barclay St. Tomes, Melvain & Co., 6 Maiden Lane. Travers, J. P. & Son, 46 Beekman St. Waddell, R. J. & Co., 165 William St. Wadleigh, George A., 19 Maiden Lane. Wallace & Fitch, 83 & 85 Worth St. “Waters & Ricksecker, 28 Beekman St. Witte, E. L. & W. H., 4 Liberty St. Young, Richard D., 164 Fulton St. Druggists’ Tinware. Ilsley, S. A., 173 Pearl St. Watt, James S. & Co., 55 Ann St. Drug Mills. Allen, Wm. II., 77 Mott St. Crampton Bros., 84 Front St. Hillier, R. & Son, 58 Cedar St. Drugs, Importers of. Aspinwall, James S., 86 William St. Bull, B. W. & Co., 44 Cedar St. Cromwell, Wm. A., 42 Barclay St. 269 NEW YORK.—Continued. New York City.—Continued. Drugs, Importers of. Dinsmore & Brownell, 52 Cedar St. Dix & Morris, 48 Cedar St. Dodge & Olcott, 88 William St. Durkee, E. R. & Co., 135 Water St. FOUGERA, E., 30 N. William St. Fowler, Crampton & Co., 142 Front St Hartung, Joseph, 5 Gold St. Haskell, Samuel, 18 & 20 Platt St. Haviland, Henry, 23 John St. Horsey’s, Joseph Son, 21 Platt St. Karstens, H. H., 79 & 81 William St. Lamson, John S., 77 Maiden Lane. Lawrence, E. N. & J. B., 172 Pearl St. Mayer Brothers & Co., 47 Cedar St. McKesson & Robbins, 91 Fulton & 82 Ann. Merrick, T. B. & Co., 25 & 27 Cedar St. Reed & Co., 54 Cedar St. Rudkin, Wm., 74 William St. Rudolphy, John, 176 William St. Schering & Glatz, 47 Maiden Lane. SCHIEFFELIN, W. H. & CO., 170 and 172 William St. Sterry, F. W. & Co., 24 Cedar St. Taft & Tyler, 54 Cedar St. Ward, Southerland & Co., 130 William St. Weaver & Sterry, 16 Platt St. Witte, M. C. G. & Co., 94 John St. Dye Stuffs. Bloomfield, J.’c. & Co., 11 Dey St. Bredt, Fred. & Co., 178 Fulton St. Clendinen, Alex., 112 Front St. Gifford, Sherman & Innis, 120 William St. Halsey, Wm. & Co., 182 Water St. Harway, James L. & Co., 161 Front St. Morgan, James L. & Co., 47 Fulton St. Rumpff & Lutz, 42 Beaver St. Stamford Manufacturing Co., 157 Maiden La. Glass Manufacturers. Almy, H. S. & G. W., 46 Vesey St. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co., 20 Murray and 23 Park Place. Corning Flint Glass Co., 43 Barclay St. Day, Robert B., 5 College Place. Demuth, Wm. A., 16 N. William St. Dorflinger Glass Co., 6 Murray St. Dunham, Jacob K., 279 Greenwich St. Fowler, Crampton & Co., 142 Front St. Gibney & Goble, 50 Vesey St. Goldberg, M. & Son, 282| Eighth Ave. .Jarves, Deming, 20 College Place. Laselle, George S., 54 Barclay St. Leach & McHugh, 223 Greenwich St. Morton, Joseph, 231 Greenwich & 6tli Ave. Neidlinger Brothers, 100 William St. Nichols, J. J., 20 Murray St. Portland Glass Co., 55 Murray St. Richards, Samuel, 213 Pearl St. Richmond Bros., 52 Vesey St. Roosevelt & Son, 94 Maiden Lane,& 216 Pearl. Schuster. John, 381 Pearl St. New York City.—Continued. Glass Manufacturers. Sharp, H. E., 147 E. Twenty-second St. Slane, P. F., 45 Murray St. Thompson, John, 55 Murray St. Walton, Wm. N., 244 Pearl St. Whit-all, Tatum & Co., 7 College Place. Wright, James T., 225 Greenwich St. Zschoch, Theodore, 116 John St. Glass. (Window.) Avery & Penabert, 89 Prince & 130 Mercer. Ayres, Phinny, 424 Broome St. Bache, Simon & Co., 19 Barclay & 24 Park PI. Baker, H. J. & Bro., 215 Pearl St. Battan, Downing & Co., 466 Canal St. Bendit, L. A. & Drey, 55 Warren St. Cohn, M. J., 55 Maiden Lane. Cowen, N., 207 Canal St. Crow & Powell, 378 Canal St. Dickie, Edward P. & Co., 65 Warren St. Downing, A. C. & Co., 57 Beekman St. Fleislimann & Co., 38 Warren St. Griswold, M. W. & Co., 249 Pearl St. Harris, Levy, 101 Cedar St. Hartwig & Ernst, 256 Pearl St. Heroy & Marrenner, 90 & 92 Beekman St. Heye, Palmer & Ries, 39 Broad St. Holbrook, E. F. & Bros., 89 Beekman and 53 Cliff St. Jacob, Morris, 121 Third Ave. Norton, Wesley, 60 Barclay St. Pabst & Esch, 11 Murray St. Platt & Boyd, 79 & 81 Murray St. Poillan, John H., 68 Murray St. Prentiss, Jones & Ward, 48 Cliff St. Schanck, D. S. & Sons, 27 Chambers and 3 Reade Sts. Windmuller, L. & Roelker, 20 Reade St. Glue Manufacturers. Baeder, Adamson & Co., 67 Beekman St. Cooper, Peter, 17 Burling Slip. Hewitt, C. B., 48 Beekman St. Kesler & Delaney, 335 Pearl St. Mangels, Behr & Co., 307 Pearl St. Marcus Bros. & Co., 186 Pearl St. Mayer Bros. & Co., 47 Cedar St. Milligan & Higgins, 31? Pearl St. Waddell, R. J. & Co., 65 William St. Weise, Fred. W., 208 Broadway. Glycerine Manufacturers. Hurtt, F. W., 76 William St. Pokorny, Louis, 7 Burling Slip. Homoeopathic Medicines. Boericke & Tafel, 145 Grand St. Humphrey’s Homoeopathic Medical Co.. 562 Broadway. Hurlburt, Charles T., 898 Broadway. Smith, H. M. & Bro., 105 Fourth Ave. Sommer, Wm., 46 Beekman St. Stursberg, Charles, 365 Broome St. 270 New York City.—Continued. India Rubber Goods. Badger, F. O. & Co., 299 Broadway. Benedict, Torrey & Twomblv, 9 Park Place. Black, Robert T., 63 Reade St. Breeden & Southwick, 44 Park Place and 39 Barclay St. Brinckerlioff, George E., 139 Fulton St. Ilodgman, Daniel, 27 Maiden Lane. Ilodgman, A. D. & C. A., 201 Broadway. India Rubber Comb Co., 44 Clilf St. Newbrough Hard Rubber Co., 13 Murray St. Norton, H. G. & Co., 26 Park Place. Novelty Rubber Co., 50 Franklin St, Remsen, Samuel S., 69 Maiden Lane. Medicine Chests. Nott, Hiram, 28 & 30 Fulton St. Mineral Waters. CONGRESS & EMPIRE SPRING CO., 94 Chambers St, Bolen & Byrne, 229 E. Twenty-eighth St. Smith, Hanbury & Hazard, 35 Union Square. Paint Manufacturers. Amery, W. B., 34 Burling Slip. Anderson, Pierce & Co., 174 Fulton St. Belknap’s, E. S. Sons, 8 Gold St. Bidwell, Daniel, 254 Pearl St. Brackenbush & Worms, 41 Ann St. Budd, J. J., 149 Bank St. Burnham & Bates, 309 E. Twenty-second St. Christal & Struthers, 266 Pearl St. Devoe, F. W. & Co., 117 Fulton St. Dorris, J. O. Sons, 339 Greenwich St. Douglas, Hugh, 211 Centre St. Flynn, James W., 334 Delancey St. Gardener, George N., 52 South St. Granniss, Charles B., 29 Cedar St. Hainemann & Steiner, 89 Fulton St. Hollingsworth, Edmund, 35 Dey St. Jessup & Childs, 127 Maiden Lane. Learned, F. S., 142 Maiden Lane. Leggett, F. W. & G. F. & Co., 301 Pearl St. Lehigh Metallic Paint Works, 165 Pearl St. Masury & Wliiton, 111 Fulton St. Metzler, Charles, 304 Pearl St. Raynolds, C. T. & Co., 106 Fulton St. Reynolds & Co., 227 Pearl St. Ripley & Bro., 64 Cortlandt St. Seckelman, Charles, 83 Avenue C. Sharpe, Robert 1)., 165 Pearl St. Smith, Spelman & Parsons, 359 W. Sixteenth. Tripple, James M., 56 Vesey St. Walter & Fielding, 242 Pearl fit. Weddle, Thomas & Co., 99 Maiden Lane. Wilkeson, Samuel & Co., 207 W. 32nd St. Paints, Oils, etc. (Wholesale.) Andoe, Wm. A., 181 Pearl St. Baxter, Bell & Co., 222 Pearl St. Edwards, Giles & Co., 113 Maiden Lane. Ellery & McCartin, 596 Grand St. NEW YORK.—Continued. New York City.—Continued. Paints, Oils, etc. (Wholesale.) Kohnstamm, H., 100 Chambers St. Lyle, Jabez M., 81 Maiden Lane. Mandeville, J. I., 218 Pearl St. Manning & Squier, 118 Liberty St. Close, Wm. J., 5 Chatham Square. Durlach & Oettinger, 208 Pearl St. Salomon, Louis A., 2£ Cedar St. Schoonmaker, Samuel A., 189 Chatham St. Sloan, D. & Co., 18 Murray St. Smith, J. Lee & Co., 276 Pearl St. Tieman, D. F. & Co., 16 Park Place. Todd, George W., 64 Dey St. Van de veil ter, John & Son, 232 Greenwich St. Waddell, It. J., 165 William St. Weddle, Thomas & Co., 99 Maiden Lane. Welles & Breinig, 166 Chambers St. Wicks &Elmendorf, 161 William St. Wix, Henry, 26 Liberty St. Patent Medicines. Allen, George W., 12 Gold St, Anderson & Howell, 400 Canal St. Bach & Nostrand, 41 Fulton St. Baker, J. S., 294 Canal St. Ball, J. & Co., 91 Liberty St. Barnes & Co., 208 Broadway. Boker’s Bitters, 66 Liberty St. Bond, George R., 196 Elm St. Bryan & Co., 737 Broadway. , Carey, D. G. & Co., 172 Washington St. Costar & Co., 13 Howard St. Coward, Mary, 126 Canal St. Crittenden, Charles N., 7 Sixth Ave. . Curtis, J. & Sons, 215 Fulton St. Curtis & Brown, 215 Fulton St. Dailey, Henry, Jr., 43 Cortlandt St. DINSMORE, JAMES P., 36 Dey St. Eaton, Ward, 161 Hudson St. Edey, M. C. & Co., 55 Liberty St. Elias, Israel, 76 Murray St. Ferrett, E., 372 Pearl St. Fisher, John M., 422 Seventh Ave. Fiske, David H., 47 Dey St. Fitler, Joseph P., 704 Broadway. • Flanders, A. H., 737 Broadway & 376 2nd Av. Folsom, H. F., 6 Coenties Slip. Graefenberg Co., 139 William St. Great American Sanitary Co., 750 Broadway. Hager, Henry G., 282 Ninth Ave. Henry, John F., 8 College Place. Hibbard, Rufus F., 142 Fulton St. Holloway’s Pills, 80 Maiden Lane. Howland, J. T., 85 Liberty St. Hull, C. E. & Co., 17 Cedar St, Hyatt, Wm. H., 246 Grand St. Jenkins, Robert H., 47 Dey St. Kidder & Wetherell, 104 William St. Knowles, Levi, 260 Grand St, Lane & Co., 52 South St. Matthews, A. I. & Co., 12 Gold St. Moses, Job, 18 Cortlandt St. Moses, O. G., 18 Cortlandt St. 271 NEW YORK.—Continued. New York City.—Continued. Patent Medicines. Norton, Gerrit, 10 Ann St. Norton & Andrews, 548 Greenwich St. Pringle, David, 80 Maiden Lane. Rad way & Co., 87 Maiden Lane. Ruckel, A Hendel, 58 Barclay St. Scott, Platt & Co., 1211 Broadway. Scovill, A. L. & Co., 7 Rose St. Shields, Peter, 175 Elm St. Skidmore, Edwin. 636 W. 52d St. Stolpp, M. L., 186 Seventh Ave. Taber, Robert II., 195 Fulton St. Tobias, Samuel I., 10 Park Place. Tufts, Grosvenor A Co.. 26 Maiden Lane. Warner, L. W. & Co., 67 Murray St. Wells, F. C. & Co., 192 Fulton St. Winchester, J. & Co., 36 John St. Wolcott, R. L., 181 Chatham St. Zoeger, Herman, 382 Broome St. Perfumers. (Mfrs. & Imp’rs.) Aalholm & Hoffman. 97 William St. Barclay, George C., 374 Pearl St. Cohn, Samuel, 38 White St. Cornwell & Sherman, 42 Franklin St. Douglas, ,T. IT. A Co.. 2584 Washington St. Edrehi, Isaac D.,-50 New Bowery. Garigan, B., 340 E. Twenty-thir.d St. Gouraud, T. Felix, 48 Bond St. Greey & Co., 38 Vesey St. Grodee, H. & Co., 52 E. Twelfth St. Hall, B. M., 599 Broadway. Halsey, George W., 93 White St. Hart, Henry, 163 E. Twenty-fourth St. Hobbs, Richard M., 36 Maiden Lane. Irvine, John, 288 Greenwich St. Kuhn, Gustave & Co., 7 Murray St. Laird, George W., 5 Gold St. Lee & Munson, 544 Broadway. Legrange A Co., 48 Cortlandt 8t. Marwedel, Wm., 25 Murray St. Maury, Antoine A Co., 335 Broadway. Phalon A Son, 517 Broadway A 132 Mercer. Rehme A Rro., 162 Delancey St. Schultze, Otto, 353 Bowery. Spencer, T. P. A Co., 299 Broadway. Strouse, Felix B., 594 Broadway. Young, R. D., 164 Fulton St. Scales, "Weights and Measures. Avers, Isaac, 83 Fulton St. Becker A Sons, 18 Exchange Place. Brvden A Robidonx. 195 Water St. Chatillon, John. 91 Cliff St. Davenport A Worthington, 1 Barclay St. Ellison A Co., 3 Park Place. Fairbanks A Co., 252 Broadway. Gruber, John P., 2 Mott St. Kissam A Underwood, 221 Greenwich St. Leonard, G. W., 32 Cortlandt St. Morton, Thomas, 4 Park Place. Rowe, John, 15 Dey St. New York City.—Continued. Soap Mfrs., Fancy & Toilet. Brown, David S., .Tr., 195 Chrystie St. Brown, Nephew & Co., 24 Chrystie St. Colgate & Co., 55 John St. Constantine, A. A., 43 Ann St. Danforth Bros., 40 Murray St. Griswold, D. D., 18 Gansevoort St. Hilliard & Adams’ Mfg. Co., 168 Fulton St. Koth, Christian, 43 Carmine St. McKeone, Vanliaagen & Co., 28 Barclay St. Martine, Theodore, 74 Robinson St. Oakley, Jesse & Co., 56 Murray St. Peck, Alfred P., 6 State St. Pinner, Wm. H., 142 W. Seventeenth St. •Salmon, H. H., 13 Moore St. Vroom, J. B., 94 Jolm-St. Soda Water Apparatus. Bigelow Manufacturing Co., 309 Broadway. Gee, Wm., Franklin n. Elm St. Healy & Scripture, 56 Liberty St. Matthews, John, First Ave. bet. 26th A 27th. Patterson A Co., 400 Grand St. Surgical & Dental Instruments. Harrow & Co., 1227 Broadway. Ford, Wm. F., 150 William St. Hernstein, Albert L., 52 Maiden Lane. Hirsh, John, 127 Worth St. Mcllroy, Thomas, 145 Perry St. Mimmo, Edward B., 154 Bieecker St. OTTO & REYNDERS, 64 Chatham St. Poeter, Aug., 45 Ann St. Schmidt, Philip, 37 Greene St. Shepard & Dudley, 150 W illiam St. Tiemann, George A Co., 67 Chatham St. Truss Makers. Benjamin, J. R., 24 Barclay St. Diefendorf, J. J., Church n. Cortlandt St. Dike, Solon, 4744 Broadway. Elastic Truss Co., 683 Broadway. Glover, John J., 10 Ann St, Heynen, H. W., 329 Canal St. Hildreth, J. T., 609 Broadway. Hubbard, N. W., 571 Broadway Marsh & Co., 2 Vesey St. Pomeroy, W. & Co., 544 Broadway. Rainbow, J. C., 658 Broadway. Riggs, J. O., 2 Barclay St. Seeley, I. B., 3 Ann St. Sheldon, De Les. D., 710 Broadway. Sherman, J. A., 697 Broadway. Wentzel, Carl, 141 Third Ave. Varnish Makers. Assman & Co., 260 Pearl St. Baker, Cary A Phillips, 118 Maiden Lane. Blodgett. W. T., 252 Pearl St, Brooks, T. B„ 73 Gold St. Brooks & Fitzgerald, West cor. W. Twelfth, 272 NEW YORK.—Continued. New York City.—Continued. Varnish Makers. Caiman, Emil & Co., 295| Pearl St. Cohn, J., 207 Pearl St. Degolyer & Bro., 77 Cedar St. Fenton, Charles, 241 Sixth Ave. Griswold, M. W. & Co., 249 Pearl St. Haas, Pike & Co., 290 Pearl St. Hotopp & Co., 462 Canal St. Isaacs, I. A. & S., 512 W. Fourteenth St. Louis, A. H., 143 Maiden Lane. Louis, Henry, 378 Pearl St. Maclay, A., 77 Cedar St. Mandel, A. G. & Co., 242 Pearl St. Marx & Rawolle, 179 William St. Mayer & Loewenstein, 80 Beekman St. Minett & Co., 60 Pearl St. Moller & Schumann, 337 Pearl St. Parker & Gillespie, 228 Pearl St. Reed, Charles C. & Co., 189 Chatham St. Rushmore, Cornell & Co., 221 Pearl St. Smith, Edward & Co., 161 William St. Smith, Samuel P., 105 Maiden Lane. Smith, Baldwin & Co., 110 John St. Smith’s, S. P. Son, 202 Pearl St. Valentine & Co., 88 Chambers St. Wood, George L., 214 Pearl St. New York City.—Continued. White Lead Manufacturers. Anderson, Pierce & Co., 174 Fulton St. Atwood, Thomas S., 12 Pitt St. Bartlett -White Lead & Zinc Co., 40 Broadway. Battelle & Renwick, 163 Front St. Bell & Abraham, 159 Front St. Boylan & Tuers, 81 Maiden Lane. Brooklyn White Lead Co., 89 Maiden Lane. Burnham & Bates, 309 E. Twenty-second St. Colgate, Robert & Co., 287 Pearl St. Devoe, F. W. & Co., 117 Fulton St. Douglas, Hugh, 211 Centre St. Hall, Bradley & Co., 181 Water St. Hobbs, Bligh & Hebberd, 115 Fulton St. Jewett, John & Sons, 182 Front St. Learned, F. S., 142 Maiden Lane. Leggett, F. W. & G. F. & Co., 301 Pearl St. Masury & Whiton, 111 Fulton St. National White Lead & Zinc Works, 226 Pearl. Raynolds, C. T. & Co., 106 Fulton St. Reynolds & Co., 227 Pearl & 451 West Sts. Ripley & Brother, 64 Cortlandt St. Salem White Lead Co., 129 Maiden Lane. Union White Lead Co., 26 Burling Slip. Webb, McLoughlin & Co., 60 Beekman St. Whiting, J. C., 193 Pearl St. 273 NEW YORK.—Continued. NIAGARA FALLS, Niagara Co. Russell & Griffiths. NICHOLVILLE, St. Lawrence Co. Smith, Ira II. & Co. NINEVEH, Broome Co. Stowe, Robert. NORFOLK, St. Lawrence Co. Wight, C. E. NORTHAMPTON, Fulton Co. Conkling, R. L. NORTH COLLINS, Erie Co. Stickney, R. W. NORTH EAST, Dutchess Co. Calkins, John G. NORTH LANSING, Tompkins Co. Beardsley, R. C. S. NORTH LAWRENCE, St. Lawrence Co. Haskins & Co. NORTHVILLE, Fulton Co. Eglin, Henry. NORWICH, Chenango Co. Fisher & Mitchell. Miller, T. D. Mitchell, John. NUNDA, Livingston Co. Coon & Robinson. Thomas & Willet. NYACK, Rockland Co. Blauvelt, Susan B. Moeller, P. OAKFIELD, Genesee Co. Stedman, Irving J. OGDENSBURGH, St. Lawrence Co Barlow, J. R. Brownlow & Ravmond. BRIDGES, E. H. Diffenbacher & Davison. Lamphear, B. O. Pope, S. G. Paints, etc. Sprague, J. C. OLEAN, Cattaraugus Co. Blakeslee, M. A. & H. C. Brunson, C. P. OLIVE, Ulster Co. Hull, A. C. OLMSTEDVILLE, Essex Co McGinn, Charles. ONEIDA, Madison Co. Bentley & Dyer. Case, L. Stone & Schuyler. ONEONTA, Otsego Co. Ford & Bixby. ORIENT, Suffolk Co. Young, J. B. & Co. OSWEGO, Oswego Co. Druggists. Austin, Dr. James. Beckwith, J. A. Bickford, James Jr. BUTLER, CHARLES H. & CO. Kingston, S. T. Mead & Failing. Northrup, D. B. Roche & Austin. Williams, E. Paints, etc. Farrell, L. F. Farrell, E. OTISVILLE, Orange Co. Cook, Dr. A. Plumh, Mrs. OTTO, Cattaraugus Co. Goldsborough, Levi. Pool, Simeon V. Wibur, Chauncey. OVID, Seneca Co. Brokaw, G. R. Dunnett, David. OWEGO, Tioga Co. Elliott, Henry W. Frank, John. Lincoln & Napier. ' Penney, H. D. & Son. Platt & Hull. OXBOW, Jefferson Co. Fell, Hiram A. OXFORD, Chenango Co. Cady & Hamilton. Farnham & Hamilton. Van Wagnew, W. H. 274 NEW YORK.—Continued. OYSTER BAY, Queens Co. Dickinson, Geo. E. PAINTED POST, Steuben Co. Orcut & Bennett. Terry, Dr. M. PALMYRA, Wayne Co. Pettit, C. P. & Co. Sylvester, Oakes. PANAMA, Chautauqua Co. Randall, Lorenzo C. PARISH, Oswego Co. Taylor, J. J. PARISHVILLE, St. Lawrence Co. Parker, Martin T. PATCHOGUE, Suffolk Co. Preston, W. S. Rice, Oliver. PATTERSON, Putnam Co. Humphrey, Dr. D. S. PEARSALL’S CORNERS, Queens Co Pearsall, W. & Son. C. S. PEEKSKILL, Westchester Co. Gregory, J. B. Mead, Seth H. Raymond, G. W. Siliick & Lane. PENN YAN, Yates Co. Quackenbush, W. W. Wheeler, J. PERRY, Wyoming Co. Chapin & Olin. PERU, Clinton Co. Elmore, Franklin. G. S. PETERBORO, Madison Co. Douglass, A. S. & N. L. PHELPS, Ontario Co. Moser, C. P. Smith, William A. PHILADELPHIA, Jefferson Co. Aldrich, M. E. Isdell, Joseph B. Wait, John. PHCENIX, Oswego Co. Conger & Powell. Dingraan, E. & Co. PIERMONT, Rockland Co. Haring & De Clark. C. S. Monroe, C. H. PIERREPONT, St. Lawrence Co. Fuller, Isaiah S. PIKE, Wyoming Co. Blodgett, Horace. Thompson, A. C. PINE BUSH, Orange Co. Woodruff, W. F. PINE PLAINS, Dutchess Co. Chase & Dibbls. PITCHER, Chenango Co. Lyon, E. C. PITTSFORD, Monroe Co. Birdsall, Sutton. PLATTSBURGH, Clinton Co. Balch & Danis. Cady, H. W. & Co. Morrison, James E. Pattison, A. F. PLYMOUTH, Chenango Co. Powell, W. D. G. S. PORTAGEVILLE, Wyoming Co. Gordon, R PORT BYRON, Cayuga Co. Hart, J. H. & Co. PORT CHESTER, Westchester Co. Bowron, Josiah F. Sniflin, Sylvanus S. PORT EWEN, Ulster Co. Hasbrouck, Dr. Josiah. PORT HENRY, Essex Co. Stevenson, Robert R, Warner, R. E. PORT JEFFERSON, Suffolk Co. Sweezey & Lee. PORT JERVIS, Orange Co. Cook, George S. Hardenburgh, Charles. 275 NEW YORK.—Continued. Port Jervis.—Continued. Lea, George. McDougall, James A. Poutncy, Brox & Co. Glass. Hunt, J. S. Walsh, Thomas. PORT LEYDEN, Lewis Co. Douglas, D. D. PORT RICHMOND, Richmond Co. Gale, G. S. Rowe, A. PORTVILLE, Cattaraugus Co. Smith, Lemuel. POTSDAM, St. Lawrence Co. Brown & Wing. Collins, M. F. Dillingham, G. W. Peck, C. M. Thatcher, H. D. POUGHKEEPSIE, Dutchess Co. Adriance, W. Paints. Baker, C. & C. A. Deyo, E. Farnum, Morgan L. Gifford, Sherman & Innis. Dye Stuffs. Howard, P. M. Palmer & Deyo. Van Valkenburg & Brown Varrick & Gerard. Wood & Tittamer. PRATTSBURGH, Steuben Co. Hayes, George E. Warffeld & Co. PREBLE, Cortland Co. Spore, A. C. & Co. PULASKI, Oswego Co. Fuller, George W. Meacham, D. B. & Son. RANDOLPH, Cattaraugus Co. Giles, William, (Estate of.) Main, U. S. RAYMERTOWN, Rensselaer Co. Lyddon, Amos. RED CREEK, Wayne Co. Becker & Hall. RED HOOK, Dutchess Co. Bates, John. REDWOOD, Jefferson Co. Catlin & Donald. RHINEBECK, Dutchess Co. Baker, Dr. Benjamin N. Lansing, Benjamin. Van Vliet, Isaac F. RICHFIELD SPRINGS, Otsego Co. Getman & Brouner. RICHMOND VILLAGE, Richmond Co. King, C. H. RIPLEY, Chautauqua Co. Shaw, S. H. RIVERHEAD, Suffolk Co. Benjamin, M. E. Edwards, J. M. ROCHESTER, Monroe Co. Druggists. Aman, Henry. Cooper, J. & ,T. Crandall, W. B. Curran & Goler. Hartman, William A. Kreuser, Charles. Lane, Paine & Co. Lindenfeld, N. Manuel, Gustavus. Morse & Chambers. NEWMAN, SIDNEY A. Osborn, N. Post, Jacob K. & Co. Rowley & Davis. Stoddard & Wetmore. Smith, M. M. Weigel, M. Paints, Oils, etc. Barnard, Henry. Huntington, M. & E. Luitweiler, J. G. Osgood & Farley. Reynolds, M. F. & Co. Robbins, Johnson I. & Son. Stuart & Co. Perfumery Manufacturers. Geare, Charles W. Mitchell, F. B. Vosburgh, N. O. & Co. Woodworth, C. B. & Son. Wright, Alfred. Glue Manufacturers. Loder & Chapin. Truss Manufacturer. Hart Silas. 276 NEW YORK.—Continued. Rochester.—Continued. Patent Medicine Manufacturers. Draper & Co. Gardner, N. H. Alcohol Distillers, etc. Spencer, S. M. & Co. RODMAN, Jefferson Co. Hanford & Lyon. C. S. ROME, Oneida Co. Bissell, G. N. & Son. Orton, J. M. & Son. Russ & Tibbetts. Paint. Slingerland, T. B. Pat. Med. Wardwell, E. H. RONDOUT, Ulster Co. Deyo, Richard. Grimes, James. Huhne, Dr. Augustus. Knapp, E. W. Van Dusen Brothers. Wales, John. ROSE, Wayne Co. Wright, Chas. S. C. S. ROSSVILLE, Richmond Co. Laforge, S. J. C. S. ROUSE’S POINT, Clinton Co. Dodge, D. G. Wagner, John H. ROXBURY, Delaware Co. Newkirk, Jacob. RUSHFORD, Alleghany Co. Stacy & Keys. White & Elmer. RUSHVILLE, Yates Co. Catlin & Wisewdll. Jones, S. J. RUSSELL, St. Lawrence Co. North, Edwin D. SACKETT’S HARBOR, Jefferson Co, Camp. Walter B. & Co. Kimball, Daniel 8. SAG HARBOR, Suffolk Co. Buck, William. Lobstein, J. F. D. Miles, E. SALAMANCA, Cattaraugus Co. Patton & Co. Smith, J. B. Wright, James. SALEM, Washington Co. Alien, Charles H. McFarland, William. SAND BANK, Oswego Co. Fuller, Aaron. Holton, Le G. SANDY CREEK, Oswego Co. Douglass & Kenyon. SANDY HILL, Washington Co. Skinner & McFarland. Teller, M. S. SARANAC, Clinton Co. Haynes, S. SARATOGA SPRINGS, Saratoga Co. Fish, George H. & Son. FISH & CO. Hill, F. T. & Co. Walcott & Mingay. SAUGERTIES, Ulster Co. De Witt, Dr. W. C. Van Buskirk, W. E. Van Dusen, Charles L. SAVANNAH, Wayne Co. Benedict, Nathan. Campbell, Hamilton. SCHAGTICOKE, Rensselaer Co. Hayden, Thomas. Richards, John D. SCHENECTADY, Schenectady Co. Freeman, E. L. & Co. Paints, etc. Snell, David H. Steinifuchrer, E. TRUAX, ANDREW & CO. SCHUYLER’S LAKE, Otsego Co. Anstick & Mitchell. C. S. Soutliworth & Sutherland. G. S. SCHUYLERVILLE, Saratoga Co. Howland, Smith B. Lawrence, S. R. SCIO, Alleghany Co. Hughes, John C. 277 NEW YORK.—Continued. SCIOTA, Clinton Co. Pike, Angell & Co. C. S. SCOTTSVILLE, Monroe Co. Achard, Charles L. SCRIBA, Oswego Co. Snyder, George W. SENECA FALLS, Seneca Co. DAVIS, G. W. & SON. Guion, George M. Ruggles & Rivenburg. Sharp, Thomas B. & Son. Van Kleeck, P. Paints, etc. Langworthey & Burt. Failing, A. & Sons. SETAUKET, Suffolk Co. Jayne, Carlton & Son. C. S. Jones Brothers. C. S. SHARON SPRINGS, Schoharie Co. Dockstater, Jacob A. Greene, J. SHAWANGUNK, Ulster Co. Perrine, Alfred. SHELDRAKE, Seneca Co. Covert, John J. & Co. G. S. SHERBURNE, Chenango Co. Easton & Cole. Fuller, Thomas A. Whitford, Archibald. SHERMAN, Chautauqua Co. Fenner, Byron. Thompson, C. C. SHOKAN, Ulster Co. Dart, Isaac C. SIDNEY PLAINS, Delaware Co. Haring, John P. SINCLAIRVILLE, Chautauqua Co, Beck, John. Henderson, W. W. Taylor, William H. Paints, etc. SING SING, Westchester Co. Bostwick, Lawrence P. Jones, W. H. & Brothers. Washburn, Elias. SKANEATELES, Onondaga Co. Campbell, Dr. G. F. Stocking, E. B. SLATERVILLE, Tompkins Co. Bull, H. W. SMITHVILLE, Jefferson Co. Lord, L. D. SMYRNA, Chenango Co. Comstock, Abel. Lawrence, Dr. G. E. SODUS, Wayne Co. Green & Winchester. Woodworth & Tillotson. SOUTH BUTLER, Wayne Co. Wadsworth, D. H. & L. H. SOUTH HARTFORD, Washington Co. Ward, Wm. H. C. S. SOUTH WALES, Erie Co. Warner, David S. G. S. SPENCER, Tioga Co. Fisher, C. J. SPENCERPORT, Monroe Co. Cole & Davis. Davis, E. H. SPRINGFIELD, Otsego Co. Lay, Z. E. C. S. SPRING MILLS, Alleghany Co. Horton, J. G. SPRING VALLEY, Rockland Co. Blauvelt, A. D. & J. D. SPRINGVILLE, Erie Co. Albro & Forman. Hall, Morris L. ST. JOHNSVILLE, Montgomery Co. Raynor, George C. Vedder, Schuyler. STAFFORD, Genesee Co. Crocker, G. & S. STAMFORD, Delaware Co. Hamilton, 0. J. 278 NEW YORK.—Continued. STAPLETON, Richmond Co. Feeny, James. Feldman, Dr. M. McKenzie, William. Paints. STERLING VALLEY, Cayuga Co. Hunter, James C. & Co. G. S. STOCKPORT, Columbia Co. Van Rensselaer, Vroman. G. S. STOCKTON, Chautauqua Co. Winsor, C. STONE RIDGE, Ulster Co. Lounsbery, Dr. Levi. STORMVILLE, Dutchess Co. Horton, Charles W. C. S. SUSPENSION BRIDGE, Niagara Co. Cutler, O. W. SYRACUSE, Onondaga Co. Druggists. Backus, Martin. Barnum, S. B. (Agt.) Bausinger, M. Brace, C. Derby, D. Dillaye, F. C. Ellsner, L. Heyne, O. Hubbard, C. Kelly. S. H. KENYON, POTTER & CO. Koch, Charles. Lehnen, N. Lunn & Fargo. Marsh, L. W. Moore, J. B. Plumb, J. S. & Co. Snow, C. W. & Co. Tobey, W. B. & Son. Welch, A. Paints. Baum grass Brothers. Baker, John. Beer, William. Pholeus & Brother. Seager, William S. Patent Medicines. Corbin, Zenas. Berning, Sanborn. Perfumery. Paine, R., Jr. TABERG, Oneida Co. Nelson & Douglas. TARRYTOWN, Westchester Co. Best, John. Rumsey & Barnes. THERESA, Jefferson Co. Hannahs, L. & Co. Morrow & Parker. TICONDEROGA, Essex Co. Field, Hiram & Co. Pond, A. M. TOMPKINSVILLE, Richmond Co. Bassett, J. W. Jex, Xavier. TONAWANDA, Erie Co. Nice & Hinkey. Paints, etc. Roberts, H. C. TOTTENVILLE, Richmond Co. Andrews & Martin. TRENTON, Oneida Co. Gillette & Birdseys. TRIANGLE, Broome Co. Slater & Holcomb. TROUT RIVER, Franklin Co. Martin, Augustus. TROY, Rensselaer Co. De Golyer & Bro. Varnish Mfr. Drake, Rutger L. Gleason, S. O. HAWLEY & CO. Holcomb & Dater. Jones, J. W. Knowlson, A. M. & Co. Lester, Felix E. Ostrom, J. L. Peabody, S. J. Robinson & Church. Sawyer, Andrew W. Sheldon, H. C. Stoddard & Burton. Thompson, J. L. Sons & Co. Wallace & Vaughan. Wilson, M. M. TRUMANSBURG, Tompkins Co. Van Dyne, John. Wicks, S. R. TRUXTON, Cortland Co. Arnold, George H. TULLY, Onondaga Co. Gardner, G. W. Wright, John W. & Son. 279 NEW YORK.—Continued TURIN, Lewis Co. Budd, Charles D. Holden, E. B. TUSCARORA, Livingston Co. Petrie, William & Son. G. S. Post & Van Arsdale. G. S. TYRONE, Schuyler Co. Arnold, ,T. W. (Agt.) UNADILLA, Otsego Co. Halsey & Slade. Odell, E. Sweet, Joseph. UNION, Broome Co. Whitney, W. W. Witlierill & Adams. UNION SPRINGS, Cayuga Co. Rodgers & Parry. UNION VILLE, Orange Co. Whitaker, J. L. UTICA, Oneida Co. Druggists. Blaikie, William. Butler & Hamilton. Comstock Brothers. Knowlson, T. C. B. Lalor Brothers. Manahan, Thomas. RAY, BENJAMIN F. Sawens, W. & Co. Webb, N. S. & Co. Williamson, C. H. & Co. Patent Medicine and Perfumery. Cline, W. & B. Paints, etc. Newell, Norman C. & Son. Wiseman, Zimmerman & Co. VALATIE, Columbia Co. Miller. James. Van Slyck, Harrison. VANDERBILT’S LANDING, Richmond Co. Jacobs, B. T. VARYSBURGH, Wyoming Co. Watson, John. VENICE CENTRE, Cayuga Co. Thompson, Alfred B. C. S. VERNON, Oneida Co. Ethridge & Phister. VICTOR, Ontario Co. Heath, David. WADDINGTON, St. Lawrence Co. Dewey & Fulton. WALDEN, Orange Co. Saxe & Newkirk. WALTON, Delaware Co. Guild & Childs. Phelps, C. H. & Co. WAPPINGER’S FALLS, Dutchess Co, Roy & Son. WARSAW, Wyoming Co. Buxton & Lewis. McClure, Jas. O. WARWICK, Orange Co. Bradner, William B. Van Saun, S. 8. WASHINGTONVILLE, Orange Co. Mix, Philander. WATERFORD, Saratoga Co. Higgins, John. Waterman, George S. WATERLOO, Seneca Co. Botsford & Moore. Deyoe, G. C. Paints. Smith, R. G. Wells & Branch. WATERTOWN, Jefferson Co. CAMP & MASSEY. Kellogg & Conger. Lewis, B. & Co. Peck, Theodore A. Smith, N. M. Staples, O. G. Pat. Med. WATERVILLE, Oneida Co. Bissell, Wm. J. & Co. WATKINS, Schuyler Co. Phiney & Russell. Stevens, Dr. Thompson & Jackson. WAVERLY, Tioga Co. Bennett, Morris. Slaughter & Hayes. Waldo & Tracy. 280 NEW YORK.—Continued. WAYLAND, Steuben Co. Morehouse, George W. WEBSTER, Monroe Co. Gibbons, James R. WEEDSPORT, Cayuga Co. Beach & Brother. Burrill & Sprague. Spangler & McMaster. WELLSVILLE, Alleghany Co. Hall, Edwin B. Macken & Brother. WEST BANGOR, Franklin Co. Lawrence, N. C. & Co. C. S. WEST BLOOMFIELD, Ontario Co. Bayless, II. E. WEST CHAZY, Clinton Co. Honsinger, Dr. W. S. WEST FARMS, Westchester Co. W ebb, Henry E. Wells, James L. WESTFIELD, Chautauqua Co. Towle, John H. Walker, W. H. WEST HEBRON, Washington Co. Madison, J. K. WESTMORELAND, Oneida Co. Beckwith, E. WESTPORT, Essex Co. Nichols, Wm. O. WEST TROY, Albany Co. Coons, Conrad. Glass, J. E. Hutchinson, G. IT. Tucker, Charles E. Tucker, William. WEST WINDFIELD, Herkimer Co. Joslyn, Henry W. WHITEHALL, Washington Co. Broughton, Janies R. Corbett & Eddy. Long, A. J. Manville & Weidman. WHITE PLAINS, Westchester Co. Peck, Levi S. Van Dusen, Seymour. Wiggins, John. WHITE’S CORNERS, Erie Co. Schmidt, George A. WHITESTONE, Queens Co. Ballard, James. WHITESVILLE, Alleghany Co. Horton, J. G. WHITNEY’S POINT, Broome Co. Daniels, G. H. Hemmingway, H. & Son. Pratt, Orlo J. WILLETT, Cortland Co. Dyer, John S. & Son. C. S. WILLIAMSTOWN, Oswego Co. Burton, E. & Son. WILSON, Niagara Co. Johnson & Seeley. WOLCOTT, Wayne Co. Curtis, A. L. WOODHULL, Steuben Co. McCaig, J. E. Warner, Stebbins. WURTSBORO, Sullivan Co. Edsall. H. M. Phillips, C. W. WYOMING, Wyoming Co. Cushing Brothers. YONKERS, Westchester Co. McLain, John. Paints. Reeves, Gabriel P. Topliss, Robert J. Weiderholt, Chas. Glue Mfr. 281 NORTH CAROLINA. ASHVILLE, Buncombe Co. Aston, E. J. Hilliard & Weaver. Jones, John. BAKERSVILLE, Mitchell Co. McKinney, William M. G. S. Penlan & Young. G. S. BATTLEBORO, Edgecombe Co. Powell, Jesse IT. G. S. Taylor, J. F. G. S. BEAUFORT, Carteret Co. Davis, Allen. Duncan, Thomas G. S. & Turp. Distillery. MARTIN, L. W. Ramsey, Isaac & Son. G. S. & Turp. Dist’ly. BETHANIA, Forsyth Co. Conrad, Calvin. G. S. Lash, J. G. & T. B. G. S. BIG LICK, Stanley Co. Harkey Heilig. G. S. BLACK CREEK, Wilson Co. Holt, J. S. G. S. Wroodward, S. & Co. G. S. BOON’S CROSS ROADS, Northampton Co. Grant, William & Co. G. S. BOONVILLE, Yadkin Co. Jones & Williams. G. S. BRIDGEWATER, Burke Co. McDonald, J. & Son. G. S. BRINKLEYVILLE, Halifax Co. Hunter & Sons. G. S. BURNSVILLE, Yancey Co. Whittington, Dr. Benjamin. BUSHY FORK, Person Co. Bradsher, W. A. G. S. CANE CREEK, Chatham Co. Stafford, Thomas. G. S. CARTER’S MILL, Moore Co. Carter, S. M. G. S. CARTHAGE, Moore Co. Shaw, Dr. John. CASTALIA, Nash Co. Harrison, John A. G. S. CENTRE BLUFF, Pitt Co. Peebles, John. G. S. CHAPEL HILL, Orange Co. Carr, Freeland & Co. G. S. Long & McAuley. G. S. Mallett, Win. P. CHARLOTTE, Mecklenburgh Co. Kilgore & Cureton. McADIN, J. H. Scarr, Francis. Smith & Brein. Wilson & Block. CHINQUEPIN, Duplin Co. Hinson & Brown. G. S. CLINTON, Sampson Co. Hill & Evans. Johnson, A. J. & Son. G. S. COMPANY SHOPS, Alamance Co. Callum, N. H. & Co. CONCORD, Cabarras Co. Gibson, J. P. & Brother. Reed, Joel. COTTON GROVE, Davidson Co. Miller, John. G. S. CRABTREE, Haywood Co. Hill, W. C. G. S. CUNNINGHAM’S STORE, Person Co. Cunningham, John W. G. S. CURRITUCK C. H., Currituck Co. Simmons, E. G. S. DALLAS C. H., Gaston Co. Froneberger, Jacob & Co. G. S. DANBURY, Stokes Co. McConless, Dr. W. W. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, Mecklenburgh Co. Helper & Sloan. G. S. DAVIS CROSS ROADS, Franklin Co. Davis, Wm. K. G. S. 282 NORTH CAROLINA.—Continued. DEEP WELL, Iredell Co. Hargrave & Seigle. G. S. DEMOCRAT, Buncombe Co. Yancey, John & Son. G. S. DOBSON, Surry Co. Waugh, H. M. G. S. DUNNSVILLE, Wake Co. Dunn, Peterson. G. S. DURHAM, Orange Co. Carr & Cheek. G. S. Haliburton, W. & D. G. S EAGLE’S MILLS, Iredell Co. Cooper, J. N. G. S. EAGLE ROCK, Wake Co. Ellis, R. B. EAST BEND, Yadkin Co. Martin, D. A. & Co. G. S. Poindexter, R. C. G. S. EDENTON, Chowan Co. Bond, A. H. G. S. Bond, H. A. G. S. Roberts, T. L. ELIZABETH CITY, Pasquotank Co. Etheridge, J. Q. ELKIN, Surry Co. Ford & Sons. G. S. ENFIELD, Halifax Co. Collins & McGuigan. EVERETTSVILLE, Wayne Co. Smith, Daniel E. FALKLAND, Pitt Co. Mayo, P. H. FAYETTEVILLE, Cumberland Co. Hinsdale, Samuel J. Horne, H. R. SMITH, JAMES N. FLAT SWAMP, Martin Co. Roberson, Henry B. G. S. FORESTVILLE, Wake Co. Allen, D. W. G. S. Crensbaw, John W. G. S. Dunn, J. R. & P. A. G. S. FRANKLINTON, Franklin Co. Henley, J. A. G. S. Moss & Bullock. FRIENDSHIP, Guilford Co. Lindsay, A. H. G. S. GAREYSBURG, Northampton Co. Brittle, E. W. G. S. GATESVILLE, Gates Co. Willey, Ilenry & Co. GIBSON’S STORE, Richmond Co. Gibson, N. H. G. S. GIBSONVILLE, Guilford Co. Smith & Eysley. Store. GOLD HILL, Rowan Co. Mooney, E. & Son. G. S. GOLDSBORO, Wayne Co. Hunter, J. M. Finlayson, Dr. W. H. GRAHAM, Alamance Co. Bason & Son. G. S. Scott, J. S. & Co. G. S. GRASSY CREEK, Ashe Co. Greer, J. F. G. S. GREENSBORO, Guilford Co. Glenn, R. W. PORTER & ECKEL. GREENVILLE, Pitt Co. Brown, Jesse. HALIFAX C. H., Halifax Co. McMahon, M. & Co. G. S. HARLOW’S CREEK, Cateret Co. Bell, Rufus. G. S. HENDERSON, Granville Co. Cheatham, Andrews & Co. Rowland, A. W. HENDERSONVILLE, Henderson Co. McMinn. George W. & Co. G. S. Ripley, J. W. & Co. G. S. HERTFORD, Perquimons Co. Smith, Dr. .T. F. Thach, B. W. & Co. G. S. 283 NORTH CAROLINA.—Continued. HICKORY STATION, Catawba Co. Marshall, G. G. S. Shuford, A. L. G. S. HIGH POINT, Guilford Co. King, Dr. E. B. Perry, S. G. S. HILLSBORO, Orange Co. Webb & Whitted. HOOKERTON, Greene Co. Masters, Joseph. JACKSON, Northampton Co. Calvert, Samuel. G. S. Stevenson, Amos H. & Co. G. S. JAMESTOWN, Guilford Co. Benbow, D. C. G. S. Johnston, J. H. G. S. JEFFERSON, Ashe Co. Thomas, W. P. G. S. Waugh & Co. G. S. JONESBORO, Moore Co. Kelly, Absalom. G. S. Mclvers & Bro. Turpentine. KENANSVILLE, Duplin Co. Kelly, I. B. G. S. Kenan, W. R. G. S. KERNERSVILLE, Forsyth Co. Kerner, Elias. Lindsay, W. J. KINSTON, Lenoir Co. Dunn, Walter, Jr. Pollock, John. LAKE LANDING, Hyde Co. Watson, D. M. LAWSONVILLE, Rockingham Co. Motley, Bailey & Co. LEE’S MILLS, Washington Co. Downing, Henry. G. S. LEESVILLE, Robeson Co. Pittman, H. G. G. S. LENOIR, Caldwell Co. Harper, G. W. & F. G. S. Wallace & Gilbert. C. S. LEXINGTON, Davidson Co. Payne, R. L. LINCOLNTON, Lincoln Co. Lawing & Hears. Rudisell, J. C. LITTLE’S MILLS, Richmond Co Little, Le Grand & Bradley. G. S. LONGSTREET, Moore Co. Slieplierd, J. L. LOUISBURG, Franklin Co. Clifton, B. P. LUMBERTON, Robeson Co. Norment, R. M. MAGNOLIA, Duplin Co. Murphy, Dr. C. T. MARLBORO, Pitt Co. Thompson, Henry W. & Co. G. S. MARSHALL, Madison Co. Barnard, H. A. & Co. G. S. MARTHA’S VINEYARD, Chatham Co. Cross, Williamson. G. S. MEBANESVILLE, Alamance Co. Mebane, Dr. B. §. MERRY HILL, Bertie Co. Danston, H. V. MILL LANDING, Bertie Co. Holly & Bailey. G. S. MILTON, Caswell Co. Newbill, R. A. MONROE, Union Co. Bailey, J. L. McLaughlin, Samuel C. MOORESBURG, Cleveland Co. Beam, D. & Co. MOUNTAIN ISLAND, Gaston Co. Holland, Dr. Tate, Thomas R. G. S. MOUNT AIRY, Surry Co. Brower & Gilmer. G. S. Brower & Ranley. G. S. 284 NORTH CAROLINA.—Continued. MOUNT OLIVE, Wayne Co. Bridges, G. W. & Co. Kornegay, L. W. G. S. MOUNT PLEASANT, Cabarras Co. Cook & Kinley. G. S. Ilarkey, J. M. & Co. G. S. MUD LICK, Chatham Co. Albright, W. G. MURFREESBORO, Hertford Co. Lewter, Dr. Vaughan, Uriah. G. S. NASHVILLE, Nash Co. Harper, W. J. B. G. S. * NEWBERN, Craven Co. Berry, R. Duffy, F. S. Duffy, R. N. Gooding, Jacob. Jr. PRIMROSE, DR, R. 8. & CO. Watkins, J. L. NEWTON, Catawba Co. Abernethy, Dr. T. M. NORTH FORK, Ashe Co. Worth, David. G. S. NUT BUSH, Warren Co. Bullock, J. II. & Son. G. $. OLD RICHMOND, Forsyth Co. Bitting, B. L. G. S. OXFORD, Granville Co. Beasley & Grandy. Mitchell, R. ,T. Osborn, A. F. PATTERSON, Caldwell Co. Patterson, R. L. & Co. G. S. PITTSBOROUGH, Chatham Co. Poe & Hanks. PLYMOUTH, Washington Co. Ward & Walker. POLLOCKSVILLE, Jones Co. Barnes, R. RALEIGH, Wake Co. Pescud, Lee & Co. Utley, William. Turp. Distillery. WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. REIDSVILLE, Rockingham Co. Linsday,’W. & Co. G. S. Richardson, R. P. G. S. RING WOOD, Halifax Co. Johnson, B. G. S. ROCKINGHAM, Richmond Co. Leak, J. W. & W. C. G. S. ROCKY MOUNT, Edgecombe Co. Battle & Arrington. G. S. Thorpe, H. R. ROLESVILLE, Wake Co. Fowler, Joseph. G. S. ROSENDALE, Bladen Co. McDougal, G. C. Distillery & G. S. ROXBORO, Person Co. Norwood & Long. G. 8. Wright, Samuel W. RUTHERFORDTON, Rutherford Co. j Craton, J. M. Rucker & Twitty. SALEM, Forsyth Co. Schaffner, S. F. SALISBURY, Rowan Co. Ennis, J. H. SAWYER’S CREEK, Camden Co. Ferbee, E. G. 8. SCUPERNONG, Washington Co. Alexander, S. M. G. 8. SHELBY, Cleveland Co. Fulenwider, Wells & Webb. G. S. SMITHFIELD C. H., Johnson Co. Marley & Barnet. SMITHVILLE C. H., Brunswick Co, Priolean & Co. G. S. Westcott, John L. G. S. SNOW HILL, Greene Co. Jones, W. J. SPARTA, Edgecombe Co. Moore, E. L. & Brother. G. S. Vines, John A. G. S. 285 NORTH CAROLINA.—Continued. STATESVILLE, Iredell Co. Douthet, H. J. STONY LANDING, Gates Co. Cross & Eure. G. S. STONY RIDGE, Surry Co. Lehman & Butner. G. S. SWAN QUARTER, Hyde Co. Benson, Reuben. G. S. Blackwell, E. L. G. S. TARBOROUGH, Edgecombe Co. Howard, William. McNair, A. H. TRENTON, Jones Co. Hart, Dr. Titus. WADESBORO, Anson Co. Ashe & Coppedge. WAKEFIELD, Wake Co. Timberlake & Wigges. G. S. WARRENTON, Warren Co. Bellamy, Thomas M. Sledge, George R. G. S. WARSAW, Duplin Co. Morrissey, D. G. G. S. WASHINGTON, Beaufort Co. Brown, C. M. & Co. Carmer, Joseph R, H. Agent. Washington.—Continued. j Gallagher, Frederick. Williams, J. D. & Co. WEBSTER, Jackson Co. Sensabaugh, L. F. WELDON, Halifax Co. Davis & Leary. Evans, J. T. G. S. Gooche, J. T. G. S. WILLIAMSTON, Martin Co. Carstarphen, W. H. G. S. Hassell, C. B. G. S. WILMINGTON, New Hanover Co. Freeman, W. E. Hancock & Daggett. Paints & Oils. Lippitt, J. W. & Co. McLIN, HENRY. Mebane, J. A. Robbins, M. Patent Medicines. Willis Henry. WILSON, Wilson Co. Rountree, Charles J. Walton & Wills. WINDSOR, Bertie Co. Roscoe, J. P. & Co. G. S. Wilson, Dr. T. YADKINVILLE, Yadkin Co. | Marler & Wilson. G. S. OREGON. ALBANY, Linn Co. Hill, R. C. & Son. Settlemeyer & Co. Wakefield, D. W. ALT HOUSE, Josephine Co. Evans, William M. G. S. AMITY, Yam Hill Co. Embree, Dr. T. V. B. Lovelady, T. B. ASTORIA, Clatsop Co. Lowell, D. M. Summers & Ellis. G. S. Van Dusen & Brown. G. S, BROWNSVILLE, Linn Co. Cooley & Wasliburne. G. S. BUENA VISTA, Polk Co. Lee, W. C. CANYON CITY, Grant Co. Fearing & Co. G. S. Hassenpflag, F. CANYONVILLE, Douglas Co Colrig, Dr. W. L. CORVALLIS, Benton Co. Biddle, B. R. Graham, T. Souther & Allen. 286 OREGON.—Continued. DALLAS, Polk Co. Brown, W. C. G. S. Nichols, B. F. DALLAS, Wascoe Co. Brook, M. D. Savage, W. S. Paints, etc. Waldron, H. J. & Co. DAYTON, Yam Hill Co. Brown & Son. G. S. Taylor, Chris. G. S. EMPIRE CITY, Coos Co. Watson, D. EUGENE CITY, Lane Co. Ellsworth & Bellshaw. Patterson & Spencer. HARRISBURG, Linn Co. Levy Bros. G. S. Rampy, R. A. Smith, Brasfield & Co. G. S. HILLSBORO, Washington Co. Boyce, Joseph & Co. INDEPENDENCE, Polk Co. Davidson, J. E. JACKSONVILLE, Jackson Co. Davis, L. T. Greenman, E. H. Sutton & Co. JEFFERSON, Marion Co. Beach, W. W. LAFAYETTE, Yam Hill Co. Watts, John W. Westerfield, A. B. LA GRANDE, Union Co. Huley, Deal & Co. LEBANON, Linn Co. O’Dell, G. McMinnville, Yam mu Co. Johnson & Yergain. OREGON CITY, Clackamas Co. Bell & Parker. Fleming, J. PEORIA, Linn Co. Smith, W. H. PORTLAND, Multnomah Co. Hartlieb, H. HODGE, CALEF & CO. Wholesale. Kallenberg, A. H. Smith & Davis. Wholesale. Skidmore, S. G. Weatherford & Co. Wholesale Paints. Woodward & Quivey. ROSEBURG, Douglas Co. Hamilton, Dr. S. Hoover, G. W. SALEM, Marion Co. Eades, George A. & Co. Helm, A. C. SCIO, Linn Co. Hendry & Mason. SILVERTON, Marion Co. Davenport & Wolfard. G. S. Hayes, John C. ST. HELENS, Columbia Co. Giltner, B. F. & Co. G. S. Kinsey, Dr. S. SUCKER CREEK, Josephine Co. Sawyer, Samuel A. G. S. SUSANVILLE, Grant Co. Blake, J. H. G. S. UMATILLA, Umatilla Co. Taft, Dr. J. C. UNIONTOWN, Union Co. Prainard, Dr. A. C. WALDO, Josephine Co. Mclllwain, A. G. S. 287 OHIO. ABERDEEN, Brown Co. Murray, Martin. ADA, Hardin Co. Chesney, J. B. ADAMSVILLE, Muskingum Co. Baker, P. A. ADELPHI, Ross Co. Patterson, Dr. A. J. AKRON, Summit Co. Armstrong, A. M. Byrider, Wm. C. Beebe & Elkins. Heifer, G. & I). Knowlton, J. A. Sechrist, George & Co. Steinbacher, E. & Co. WEIMER, GEORGE. ALBANY, (Lee P. O.,) Athens Co. Townsend, William H. & Co. ALLENVILLE, Vinton Co. Clark, H. ALLIANCE, Stark Co. Barr, Peter II. Long, G. S. White Lead. ANDOVER, Ashtabula Co. Birch, A. L. ANNA, Shelby Co. Thirkeld & Bro. G. S. ANTWERP, Paulding Co. McDonald, A. APPLE CREEK, Wayne Co. Langell, D. ARCADIA, Hancock Co. Priest, Jonathan. ARCANUM, Darke Co. Battern, James. Smith, A. F. ARCHIBALD, Fulton Co. Hubbard, Stewrart. ASHLAND, Ashland Co. Foltz & Barron. Nelson & Gates. Pancoast & Son. ASHTABULA, Ashtabula Co. HENDRY & KING. Swift, Charles E. Willard, George. G. S. ATHENS, Athens Co. Green, L. W. ; Perkins, John. ATTICA, Seneca Co. Royce, H. ATWATER, Portage Co. Hough, J. J. & Co. AUGUSTA, Carroll Co. McLean, Alexander. BAINBRIDGE, Ross Co. Magoffin, Wm. Robins, Charles. BALTIMORE, Eairfleld Co. Brock & Gerhart. BARNESVILLE, Belmont Co Githens, G. W. Judkins & Harlan. Plumly & Ely. Williams, Eaton & Judkins. BASIL, Fairfield Co. Mason & Stover. Mayne, W. F. BATAVIA, Clermont Co. Sprague, A. J. BEALLSVILLE, Monroe Co. Githens, P. D. McCullough, J. G. BEAVER DAM, Allen Co. Cunningham, Eli B. BEDFORD, Cuyahoga Co. Tarbell, Leverett. BELL AIR, Belmont Co. Barnes, Faupel & Co. Glass Mfr’s. Blackston & Banners, noover & McGregor. McGregor & Hooper. BELLE CENTRE, Logan Co. Bennett, J. Q. A. 288 OHIO.—Continued. BELLEFONTAINE, Logan Co. Case, F. S. Doro, Peter & Son. James & McCall ey. Shaw & Murdock. BELLEVILLE, Richland Co. Matson, D. Potts, J. C. Whitcomb, N. D. BELLEVUE, Huron Co- Dimick, W. B. Goodson & Greene. BELMONT, Belmont Co. Miller, A. P. BELMORE, Putnam Co. Van Dorn, A. R. BELPRE, Washington Co. Johnson, Charles H. BEREA, Cuyahoga Co. Kennedy & Noble. Parker, Henry. BERLIN, Holmes Co. Pomerine, P. P. Yoder, Dr. BETHEL, Clermont Co. Griffith, R. M. BEVERLY, Washington Co. Clark, A. S. Parker, J. BIRMINGHAM, Erie Co. Fuller, S. M. BLANCHESTER, Clinton Co. Baldwin, F. M. BLOOMINGBURG, Fayette Co. Stewart & Wilson. BLOOMINGTON, Clinton Co. Chitty, C. II. BLUFFTON, Allen Co. Yoder, S. S. & Co. BOLIVAR, Tuscarawas Co. McMurray, W. H. BOWLING GREEN, Wood Co. Rogers & Manville BRADFORD STATION, Miami Co. Lowers, J. & Son. BRIDGEPORT, Belmont Co. Rowles, T. C. West & Mitchell. BRIDGEPORT, Wayne Co. Sommers & Spangler. BRYAN, Williams Co. Carter, Frank M. Coney & Snyder. Long Bros. BUCYRUS, Crawford Co. Cuykendell & Robinson. Fulton, C. & Son. JOHNSON, R. T. CADIZ, Harrison Co. Beal, John. Brown, Samuel. McBean, John. Sharp & Spencer. Wartman, J. D. CALEDONIA, Marion Co. Devon, Samuel W. Weeks, O. W. CAMBRIDGE, Guernsey Co. Hucliison, A. J. Ogier, Peter. Scott, W. H. CAMDEN, Preble Co. Bohn, John H. CANAL DOVER, Tuscarawas Co. Rickert, William & Son. Scott & Crites. CANAL FULTON, Stark Co. Sollan & Zeller. CANAL LEWISVILLE, Coshocton Co. Lamberson, Samuel. G. S. CANAL WINCHESTER, Franklin Co. Starr, A. CANFIELD, Mahoning Co. Caldwell, James M. & Co. CANTON, Stark Co. Druggists. Cool & Buchanan. Durbin, Jesse. 289 OHIO.—Continued. Canton.—Continued. Druggists. GEIGER, C. J. Neigh, . Weigant, E. Paints and Hardware. Correll & Son. Lawrence & Myers. ; Raynolds & Saxton. Sherrick & Miller. Snyder, C. C. CARDINGTON, Morrow Co. Albech, W. H. Merritt & Mooney. CAREY, Wyandotte Co. Harpster & Brayton. CARLISLE, (Berne P. O.,) Noble Co. Ford, H. T. CARROLLTON, Carroll Co. Sterling Bros. Tripp & Co. CEDARVILLE, Greene Co. Stewart & Wallace. CELINA, Mercer Co. Hammond, John N. Hight, Jacob. Taylor & Bailey. CENTREVILLE, Belmont Co. Wilson, William. CENTREVILLE, Clinton Co. Channel, John H. CHAGRIN FALLS, Cuyahoga Co. Frazer, A. & Son. Waldron, W. C. CHANDLERSVILLE, Muskingum Co Hunter, Robert. CHARDON, Geauga Co. Cook, Alpheus. Hollis & Parsons. CHARLESTOWN, Portage Co. Heath, Nehemiah. CHATHAM CENTRE, Medina Co. Packard, F. CHESTERFIELD, Morgan Co. Branson, S. Henstus, J. CHESTERVILLE, Morrow Co. Wood, J. Y. CHILLICOTHE, Ross Co. Allston & Davis. Lansing, Robert H. Lewis, N. & Gramm. Nipgen, John A. Snyder, J. G. Paints, etc. SPROAT, AMASA D. CINCINNATI, Hamilton Co. Acid Manufacturers. Grasselli, Eugene, 368 E. Front St. Marsh & Harwood, 309 & 311 Hamilton Rd. Alcohol, Pure Spirits. Bartlett, R. & Co., 17 Walnut St. Hobson & Ware, 49 E. Second St. Jones, Jos., S. E. cor. Front & Vine Sts. Todd, John & Co., 52 E. Second St. Waddux, Hobart & Co., Pearl St. bet. Walnut and Main Sts. Brush Manufacturers. Braun, John, 648 Vine St. Bromwell, William & Co., 181 Walnut St. Buchmann, John, 542 Central Ave. Claassen, C. & W., 578 Main St. Craig, R. S. & Co., 211 Walnut St. Dallmann, IL, 520 Main St. English, C. L., 129 W. Second St. Metzeler, Paul, 4 Jane bet. Hamilton Road & Walnut St. Wagner, Anthony, 8 Sherman Alley. Waters, Chas. H. & Co., 4 Main St. Gow, Walter & Co., 63 Walnut St. Chemists (Analytical). Baum, H. C., N. E. cor. Sixth & Mound Sts. Berghausen, Edward & Co., 10 Court House Building; Main St. Gordon, 0. F., N. E. cor. Central Ave. & Eighth Sts. Gordon, W. J. M., 50 Pearl St., and Fifth and Eggleston Ave. Sadd, G. F. & Co., 13 W. Third St. Chemical Laboratories. Baum, John C. & Son., E. S. Plum N. o' Findlay. Fries, A. & Bros., Second St. bet. Sycamore & Broadway. Gordon, W. J. M., Fifth & Eggleston Ave. & 50 W. Plum St. Grasselli, E., 368 E. Front St. Marsh & Harwood, 309 & 311 Hamilton Road. Cork Manufacturers. Waffenschmidt, Geo., S. W. cor. Court and Walnut Sts. Watson, G. C., 65 Walnut St. 290 OHIO.—Continued. Cincinnati.—Continued. Drug Mills. Merrell, Wm. S. & Co., 112 W. Third St. Gordon, W. J. M., 50 W. Pearl St., and Fifth and Eggleston Ave. Overdick, C., Home and Fifth Sts. Shroyer, J. C., Central Ave. ab. Dayton St. Druggists, Wholesale. Allen & Co., S. W. cor. Fifth and Main Sts. Arons, C. & Minn, 32 Sycamore St. Drug Brokers. Burdsal, Jas. S. & Co., N. W. cor. Front and Main Sts. Garret & Langebeck, S. E. cor. Pearl and Broadway. Gordon, O. F., N. E. cor. Eighth & Central Av. Greene, Caleb B., 24 E. Pearl St. Hamilton, W. C. & Co., 52 W. Second St. Hill, H. H., S. E. cor. Fifth and Race Sts. Nulsen, C. A. & Co., 217 Walnut St. Keeshan, John, N.W. cor. Sixth and Walnut. Merriam, A. B., N. E. cor. Fourth and Main. Merrell, Wm. S. & Co., U2 W. Third St. Me&ell, H. M. & Co., N. W. cor. Court and Plum Sts. Macready, R. & Co., N. E. cor. Walnut and Second Sts. Suire, F. E. & Co., N.W. cor. Fourth & Vine. Vogeler, Wagner & Co., S. E. cor. Sixth and Main Sts. Druggists & Apothecaries, Retail. Adderley, W. IT. & Co., N. E. cor. Sixth and Mound Sts. Avard, F. A., N. E. cor. Seventh and Elm. Bergliausen, Edward, 10 Court House Build- ing, Main St. Bode, C. H., N. W. cor. Linn & Hopkins Sts. Boettger, Wm. Sr., S.W. cor. Vine and Find- lay Sts. Brodbeck, Alex., Junction of Vine & Auburn. Brodhagen, Otto, S. E. cor. Central Ave. and Wade St. Brown, J. A., 436 W. Fifth St. Burdsal, Samuel, 409 Main St. Cady, O. E., N. W. cor. Montgomery Road and McMillan St. Crowtlier, E. W., N. E. oor. Fifth and Main. Crowther, F. A., N. E. cor. Seventh and Mound Sts. Daniels, Henry G., N. W. cor. John & Clark. Decker, G., N. W. cor. Race and Liberty Sts. Debolt, J. IT., 1214 E. Front St. Eckel, IT., 128 Hamilton Road. Eger, George, 877 Central Ave. Egner, F., S. W. cor. Court and Vine Sts. Eisenlohr, R. F., 490 Main St. Enslin, A.. N. E. cor., Main and Orchard Sts. Fennel, Adolphus, N. E. cor. Eighth & Vine. Foertmeyer, ‘A. W., S.W. cor. Sixth and Cen- tral Ave. Foertmeyer, Chas. H., S. E. cor. Fifth & Mill. Cincinnati.—Continued. Druggists & Apothecaries, Retail. Fratz, John G., S. E. cor. George and Bay- miller Sts. Fratz, Paul C., N.W. cor. Richmond and Bay- miller Sts. Fritsch, IT., cor. Denman & Liberty Sts. Gerhard, E. R., N. W. cor. Cutter & Clinton. Gers, Henry, N. W. cor. Wade & Baymiller. Glascoe, James, Junction of Fifth and Front. Gordon, 0. F., N. E. cor. Eighth and Cen- tral Ave. Greve, T. L. A., S. E. cor. Sixth & John Sts. Harrison, J. M. & Co., 54£ W. Front St. Hasbrouck, Wm. L., N. E. cor. York and Baymiller Sts. Hayden, S. L., N. E. cor. Sixth & Freeman. Heinemann, Otto, N. E. cor. Linn & Laurel. Ilelman, C. M., N. E. cor. Findlay and Bay- miller Sts. Henkel, August, 134 Harrison Ave. Hill, A. C., S. W. cor. Third and Smith Sts. Hill, H. IT., S. E. cor. Fifth and Race Sts. Hoeveler, Joseph, N. E. cor. Sixth and Cen- tral Ave. ITottendorf, Aug., S. W. cor. Baymiller and Central Ave. Hovekamp, John J., N. W. cor. Baymiller and Laurel Sts. Jessop, C., 801 E. Front St. Johnston, A. M., S. E. cor. Ninth & Elm Sts. Judge, J. F., N. W. cor. Court & Cutter Sts. Kampfmueller, Chas., S. W. cor. Central Ave. and Everett Sts. Karrmann, Wm., N. W. cor. Liberty and Freeman Sts. Kaufman, Jos., N. E. cor. Pearl & Walnut Sts. Keeslian & Ashfield, S. W. cor. Central Ave. and Eighth St. Keeshan, John, N. W. cor. Walnut & Sixth. Keeshan, cor. Third and Broadway. Kinzbach, Frederick, 515 Vine St. Kistner, Edward, 76 Hamilton Road. Klayer, Wm. IT., N. W. cor. Clinton & John. Kloefiler, George H., S. W. cor. Cutter and Wade Sts. Koerbitz, E., S. W. cor. Vine and Green Sts. Lippert, Otto, 1009 Central Ave. Luken, J. H., N. E. cor. Sixth and Elm Sts. Manfred, Henry, N. E. cor. Richmond and Cutter Sts. Molitor, Adolphus. 632 Main St. Muehlberg, Wm., N. E. cor. Elder & Race Sts. Mueller. C. IT., S. W. cor. Fifteenth & Race Sts. Parr, Michael, 550 W. Fifth St. Paulsen, August., S. E.cor. Eighth & Lock Sts. Ratliff, ,T. M. & Bro., N. W. cor. Seventh and Linn Sts. Rauclifuss, Otto, N. W. cor. Fourteenth and Vine Sts. Reinlein, Paul, N. W. cor. Eighth & Freeman. Reum, H. F., S. E. cor. Fifth and Broadway. Robinson. H. C., Cincinnati Hospital. Roemer, Daniel, 93 Martin St. 291 O HIO.—Continued. Cincinnati.—Continued. Druggists & Apothecaries, Retail. Roeslein, John, Junction Second and East Front Sts. Rose & Runkle, 34 Walnut St. Rumfield, II. S., S. W. cor. Third & Elm Sts. Salpius, August, 440 Walnut St. Sander, A., 1323 E. Front St. Schaefer, A., S. E. cor. Richmond & Mound. Schmidter, F. X., N. E. cor. Freeman and Everett Sts. Scott, John, X. W. cor. Seventh & Broadway. Seubert, Max. J., 885 Vine St. Spamer, Hugo, 426 Vine St. Schmidt, ., N. W. cor. Seventh and Main. Steinecke, H. G. & Co., X. W. cor. Third and Mill Sts. Stephan, August, N. W. cor. Gest & Freeman. Stephan, Frederick, X. W. cor. Front & Elm. Stumpe, August, 839 Central Ave. Suire, F. E. & Co., X. W. cor. Fourth and Vine Sts. Taxis, Otto, 76 Broadway. Thieme, Chas., S. W. cor. Elm & Fifteenth. Tilly, Wm., S. W. cor. Spring & Abigail Sts. Untersinger, John J., 636 Race St. Van Loon & Lowry, Fifth E. McMillan St. Vogel, E., S. E. cor. Sycamore & Franklin St. Waffenschmidt, George, S. W. cor. Court and Walnut Sts. Waffenschmidt, Henry, X. W. cor. Twelfth and Elm Sts. Weatherhead & Co., S. W. cor. Sixth & Vine. Wells, J. D., X. E. cor. Fourth & Central Ave. Wilson, H. T., 353 Central Ave. Walker, Myron S., S. E. cor. Central Ave. and Fifth St. Wilson, Israel, 337 Main St. Wittstein, Chas., 512 Main St. Yorston, Matthew M., 419 Central Ave.'' Glass Manufacturers. Coulter, Wm. & Son, 104 E. Second St. Hemingray, R. & Co., 68 Walnut St. Glue Manufacturers. Cooper, Stephens & Co., Camp Washington. James, David A. & Co., 33 Main St. Homoeopathic Medicines. Smith & Worthington, 21 W. Fourth St. India Rubber Goods. Bart & Hickcox, 49 W. Fourth St. Paints & Oils. Cox, William R. & Co., 173 Race St. Hoffman & Moser, 61 Main St. Meldrum, G. & Co., 23 W. Fourth St. Patent & Family Medicines. Kerr & Loring, 139 W. Fourth St. Scovill, A. L. & Co., 12 W. Eighth St. Sturr, W. G., 72 Carr St. Cincinnati.—Continued. Patent & Family Medicines. Tilghman, Thomas E., 509 W. Eighth St. U. S. Proprietary Medicine Co., 56 and 58 E. Third St. Perfumery. David, Henry, 11 W. Sixth St. bet. Main and Walnut Sts. Palmer, Solon, 36 W. Fourth St. Park, John D., X. E. cor. Fourth & Walnut. Soda Water Fountains. Anderson, C. W. & Co., S. E. cor. Richmond and McLain Ave. Hull, Bryant & Co., 186 West Fourth St. Surgical & Dental Instruments. Rees, Wm. Z., 71 W. Sixth St. Sherwood, II. R., 25 Broadway. Woclier, Louis, 318 Main St. Woclier, Max., 105 W. Sixth St. Trusses, Braces, etc. Forsberg, Dr. A. O., 5 E. Fourth St. Marsh, S. X. ; Corliss & Co., 3 W. Fourth St. Rees, Wm. Z., 71 W. Sixth St. Woclier, Louis, 318 Main St. Wocher, Max., 105 W. Sixth St. Varnish. Brooks, Fred. F. & Co., 134 W. Second St. Duerr, F. J., (Agt.) 122 W. Second St. Meldrum, Sage & Co., 23 W. Fourth St. Moore & Albrecht, 59 Vine St. Xoeiver, Gebbe & Helmig, 172 W. Liberty St. Pfuff, John & Co., 608 Central Ave. Queen City Yarnish Co., 134 W. Second St. Rothier, J. A. & Co., 20 E. Third St. White Lead Manufacturers. Eagle White Lead Co., 20, 22 & 24 Spring St. Eckstein, Hills & Co., 171 Race St. Goshorn Bros., 272 & 274 Broadway. Hoffman & Mosher, 61 Main St. CIRCLEVILLE, Pickaway Co. Ballard, W. W. Evans & Kimmel. FICKARDT, GEO. II. & CO. Olds, Chester A. CLARINGTON, Monroe Co. Morrill, Jacob T. CLARKSFIELD, Huron Co. White, H. E. CLARKSVILLE, Clinton Co. Garland, T. J. 292 OHIO.—Continued. CLEVELAND, Cuyahoga Co. Chemicals. Cleveland Chemical Works, Newburgh Road. Cleveland Restoring Acid Works, Newburgh Road. Grasseli, E., Newburgh Road. Druggists & Apothecaries. Abt, E. E. & Co., 401 Pearl St. Baier, Jacob F., 283 St. Clair St. Benedict & Shay, 180 Pearl St. Benton, Myers & Canfield, 116 Superior St. BOCK, A. W., cor. Ontario & Prospect Sts. Busch, H. C., 154 Scoville Ave. Clapener, Mrs. Harriet, 637 St. Clair St. Chardler & Hart, 22 Fairfield St. Churchill, L. P., 126 Ontario St. Clark, G. W., 119 Superior St. Classen, Edward, 304 Woodland Ave. Fenton, C. F., 158 River St. Field, I. W., 321 St. Clair St. Field, W. C., 346 Woodland Ave. Gaylord, H. C., Monument Park & Superior St. Glinis, G. W., 147 Franklin St. Hart, L. W., Merchant’s Ave. & University Heights. Hartness & Huling, Monument Park and Ontario St. Henscli & Co., 46 Monument Park. Hessler, E. M., 146 Ontario St. Hill, F. H., 158 Brownell St. Keegan, J. D. & Co., cor. Ontario & Prospect. Krebs, Herman, 534 Columbus St. Kubs, William, 327 Pearl St. Lohman, O. F., 230 Lorain St. MACKENZIE, C. S., 173 Superior St. Magill Brothers, Euclid Ave. & Erie St. Mairs, J. M., 3 Euclid Ave. Mayell, Alfred, 64 Euclid Ave. Mueller, Theo. J., 72 Woodland Ave. Palmer, E. A. & S. B., cor. Prospect & Erie. Peck, J. H. & Co., 319 Superior St. Ramney, W. J., cor. Detroit & Pearl Sts. Rounds & Presley, 139 & 141 Detroit St. Sacrider, E. W., 223 Superior St. Shyllander, J. A., 497 Lorain St. Smithwright, L., 135 Woodland Ave. Spenzer, P. J., 55 Garden St. Strong & Armstrong, 199 Superior St. Vaupel, Moore & Co., cor. Monument Park & Superior St. Vogt, J. ,T. & Co., 32 Monument Park. Weichsel, F., 390 Pearl St. Wenham, A. J., 28 Merwin St. Glass Manufacturers. Leffingwell & Co., 82 Bank St. Glue Manufacturers. Smith, George, Lake Shore near Detroit St. Homoeopathic Medicines. Witte & Co., 17 Monument Square. Cleveland.—Continued. India Rubber Goods. Peck & Mills, 141 Superior St. Paints, Oils, etc. Aylard, W. II., 72 Michigan St. Dunham, T. & Co., 118 Superior St. Patent Medicines. Kingsley, Horace B., 45 Bolivar St. Norris, G. G., 81 Michigan St. Varnishes. Forest City Varnish Co., 126 Superior St. Kingsley, George H., 103 Independence St. Truman, Dunham & Co., 118 Superior St. White Lead. Morley, J. H. & Co., 28 Champlain St. CLINTON, Wayne Co. Turner, John. CLYDE, Sandusky Co. Luse, ,T. W. \ Mead & Mead. Rabe, H. H. Mead, E. H. & Co. Smith, J. W. COAL RUN, Washington Co. Mclntire, W. F. COLEBURG, Trumbull Co. Powers, M. & Son. G. S. COLLEGE CORNER, Butler Co. McCristy & Weidner. COLUMBIANA, Columbiana Co. Icenliour & Co. Lamb, William. Metzger, M. COLUMBUS, Franklin Co. Braun, Bruck & Co. Cook, John R. Deiss, Daniel. Denig, John M. Huston & Gardner. JONES, R. & SON. Marple & Rittson. Matt, Joseph. Powell, John. Roberts, John S. Samuels, S. E. & Co. Schneller, A. J. Thrall & Roby. COLUMBUS GROVE, Putnam Co. Sprague, J. B. 293 O HIO.—Continued. CONNEAUT, Ashtabula Co. Gansevoort, Conrad. COOLVILLE, Athens Co. Harman & Frame. COSHOCTON, Coshocton Co. Anderson, J. Lee, S. II. McNaughton, M. W. & Co. Wilkin, A. J. COVINGTON, Miami Co. Harrison & Latchford. Worley & Fahnestock. CRESTLINE, Crawford Co. Barnett, W. W. Covert, S. P. Jenner, A. E. CROTON, Licking Co. Rose & Son. CUMBERLAND, Guernsey Co. McClelland, J. F. CUMMINSVILLE, Hamilton Co. Armstrong, L. L. Van Wick, A. CUYAHOGA FALLS, Summit Co. Gaylord, H. B. Heath, T. S. & Co. Shumway, D. & H. L. Sill, H. A. DALLAS, Darke Co. Hager, D. S. DALTON, Wayne Co. Otis, E. D. Wertz, W. II. II. DAYTON, Montgomery Co. Abby, .Tames. Carnell, H. D. Crawford & Kline. Crook, Oliver & Co. Pat. Med. DIXON & DIETRICH. Drug Mills and Mfr’s of Putty. Dover, Thomas. Frizell, ,T. S. Grulic, Joseph. Gump, William E. Pat. Med. Kelso & Bennett. Luce & White. Manning & Wittich. Murray, Dr. D. M. Schuster, John. Smith, Dr. E. Dayton.—Continued. Sprague, F. Glue Mfr. Stoddart & Co. Varnish, Paint, Glass, etc. Thresher, E. & Co. W. Oils & Varnish. Tower Varnish Co. Weekley, Ed. S. Zeller, Abia. DEERSVILLE, Harrison Co. Simmons, Dr. R. H. DEFIANCE, Defiance Co. Beckel, George M. Buffington, J. P. & Co. Colby, Jonas. DE GRAFF, Logan Co. Carson & Wilson. Gale & Joson. Weller, A. DELAWARE, Delaware Co. Besse, Henry. Cornell, Henry. Dickenson, B. & Son. Howe Brothers. Ranney, Isaac. Varnish, etc. Starr, Nathan W. Storr, N. W. DELPHOS, Van Wert Co. Evans & Whitlington. Hunt, J. W. Mount & Walsh. Shenk, S. F. & Co. Walsh & Hunt. DELTA, Fulton Co. Bishop & Hanbeil. Briggs, Franklin. DOYLESTOWN, Wayne Co. Hamsher & Ross. DRESDEN, Muskingum Co. Adams, Samuel & Son. Dorsey, T. B. DUBLIN, Franklin Co. Evans, G. & E. P. DUNKIRK, Hardin Co. Gale, F. P. EAST CLEVELAND, Cuyahoga Co. Field, W. C. EAST LIVERPOOL, Columbiana Co. Gardner, J. W. Orr, William B. & Son. Thompson, W. L. 294 OHIO.—Continued. EAST PALESTINE, Columbiana Co. Haverstadt, David W. Hart, Hilton. Sheels, P. F. & T. EAST RUSHVILLE, Fairfield Co. King & Whitesel. EAST SPRINGFIELD, Jefferson Co. Baird, R. EAST TOLEDO, Lucas Co. Lewis Brothers. EATON, Preble Co. Brookins, J. P. & Son. Chambers, Jacob. Cleveland, Wm. A. Farr & Bro. Hubbell, S. H. ECKMANSVILLE, Adams Co. Morrison, John & Son. G. S. EDGERTOWN, Williams Co. Cameron & Allen. Thomas, E. D. Townsend, J. ELMORE, Ottawa Co. Ellerkin, J. P. Gibbs & Waters. Jaeger, F. & Son. Luckey, Dr. Meyers, L. B. ELYRIA, Lorain Co. Manville, Jerome. Parks, W. H. Wooster, W. F. ETNA, Licking Co. Elliott, C. H. G. S. EUCLID, Cuyahoga Co. Gardner, Horace. FAIRFIELD, Greene Co. Wilson & Wolf. FAIRVIEW, Guernsey Co. McPherson & Dunham. FAYETTEVILLE, Brown Co. Hall & Kelly. FELICITY, Clermont Co. Simmons & Knowles. FINCASTLE, Brown Co. Carey, Dr. Stephen E. FINDLAY, Hancock Co. Frey & Ellinger. Hubert, S. & J. M. & Co. Miller, W. S. & Co. FLUSHING, Belmont Co. Kirk & Judkins. Webster, J. Y. FOREST, Hardin Co. Moore & Stanett. FORT RECOVERY, Mercer Co. Campbell, Isaac M. Cronig, J. Mulligan, Dixon. FOSTORIA, Seneca Co. Grapes & Co. Heslieiser & Myers. Schuyler, J. F. FRANKFORT, Ross Co. Evans & Wiley. Fulton, Robert. FRANKLIN, Warren Co. Earhart & Denise. Wright, William. FRANKLIN SQUARE, Columbiana Co. Derodes & Son. FREDERICKSBURGH, Wayne Co. Franks, S. C. FREDERICKTOWN, Knox Co. Hosach, C. & Co. FREEPORT, Harrison Co. Black, Dr. H. C. FREEPORT, Wood Co. Beymer, A. S. FREMONT, Sandusky Co. BUCKLAND, S. & SON. Heffner, J. R. & Co. Lauman, J. T. & Co. McCulloch, C. R. Reif & Brother. GALION, Crawford Co. Hackadorn & Son. Hartman, A. H. Sponhauser & Co. 295 OHIO.—Continued. GALLIPOLIS, Gallia Co. Bailey & Hayward. Maquet, L. P. Rathburn & Droillard. SANNS, J. & P. A. GARRETTSVILLE, Portage Co. Hyde, H. L. Lee, E. B. GENEVA, Ashtabula Co. Cook, L. J. & Co. Foster & Brother. Seymour, S. & Son. GEORGETOWN, Brown Co. Hannah, Wm. H. Heun, Edward. GERMANTOWN, Montgomery Co. Roseberry, J. A. Zeller, W. S. & Co. GILEAD, Wood Co. Gardner, A. J. & Co. GRANVILLE, Licking Co. Prichard Brothers. GREENFIELD, Highland Co. Crispin, W. F. Jackson, J. E. Squire, Nelson. Strain, John C. GREEN SPRINGS, Seneca Co. Finch, Dr. Stephen T. & Son. GREENVILLE, Darke Co. Emerick, D. L. Robinson & Deeker. Schible A Kipp. GUYSVILLE, Athens Co. Stewart, D. B. G. S. HAMILTON, Butler Co. Beeler, J. L. & S. Brack, John. Jacobs, Peter. Markt, Constantine. Martindale, Frank. Puthoff, F. H. Schwab, Peter. HAMMONDSVILLE, Jefferson Co. Johnson, James. HANOVERTON, Columbiana Co. Heston, Joseph. Jackson, James & Co. Straughn, Edward. HARMAR, Washington Co. Hart, Seth. Rea & Davis. HARRISON, Hamilton Co. Dair, William. Thomas, C. G. HARRISVILLE, Harrison Co. Wilkins, Dr. A. B. HARVEYSBURGH, Warren Co Hudson, M. M. HEBRON, Licking Co. Millhouse, W. P. HICKSVILLE, Defiance Co. Rakestraw, B. M. HIGGINSPORT, Brown Co. Love, Dr. W. HILLSBORO, Highland Co. Brown, James J. GUTHRIE, D. S. Smith, W. R. HOLMESVILLE, Holmes Co. Meredith, D. W. HOPEDALE, Harrison Co. Patterson, H. E. HUBBARD, Trumbull Co. Stevenson, Dr. G. R. Stuart, Dr. R. H. HUDSON, Summit Co. Berbower, A. E. & Co. Bently & Baldwin. Wheedon, John B. HUNTSVILLE, Logan Co. Deway, S. S. IRONTON, Lawrence Co. Bartram & Co. Hempstead & Wright. JACKSON, Jackson Co. Clevers, T. R. & Co. Miller, Dr. O. C. Monaghan, I. T. JACOBSBURGH, Belmont Co. Dolbeare, Doctor. JAMESTOWN, Greene Co. Marshall, Samuel. 296 OHIO.—Continued. JEFFERSON, Ashtabula Co. Allen, William R. . Hawley, A. Tuttle, T. A. JEFFERSONVILLE, Fayette Co. Marshall, O. W. JEWETT, Harrison Co. Booth, Dr. JOHNSTOWN, Licking Co. Duke, George. JOHNSVILLE, Montgomery Co. Buell, James K. KALIDA, Putnam Co. Lee & Brother. Lee & Parker. KELLOGGSVILLE, Ashtabula Co. Holbrook, S. G. KENT, Portage Co. Day, Williams & Co. Glass Works. Deuble & Holden. Shively, John W. KENTON, Hardin Co. McCoy & Cory. Rogers & Chesney. Snodgrass, W. W. & S. K. KILLBUCK, Holmes Co. Riggs, J. L. KINGSVILLE, Ashtabula Co. Parshall, J. H. Whitney & Chase. KIRTLAND, Lake Co. Williams, Seth. LAFAYETTE,(Herring, P.O.,) Allen Co, Umbaugh, J. W. LAGRANGE, Lorain Co. Bartholomew, H. Merriam, E. D. LAMARTINE, Carroll Co. Tope, H. G. & Co. LANCASTER, Fairfield Co. Beck, George G. Davidson, Andrew. Hunter, H. B. Mueller, Theodore. SIFFORD, D. & SON. Slocum & White. LAUREL, Clermont Co. South, Stephen B. LEBANON, Warren Co. Cretors, George, Paints. Drake, Isaac L. Glenny, Wesley. McGowan, John. Sunderland, William H. LEESBURG, Highland Co. Elwood, E. & Co. Grove, George. LEESVILLE, Carroll Co. Stephenson, John H. LEETONA, Columbiana Co. Greenawalt & Fellnagle. LEIPSIC, Putnam Co. Zimmerman, J. D. LEWISBURGH, Preble Co. McCrillers & Kiser. LEXINGTON, Richland Co. George, William. LIMA, Allen Co. Foy, W. B. & J. E. Marmon, James T. Wheeler, A. F. LIMA, Mahoning Co. Hahn, N. LITCHFIELD, Medina Co. Smith, Austin E. LIVERPOOL, Medina Co. Jones, Dr. G. J. LODI, Medina Co. Hoag, Dr. M. Reynolds, H. C. & B. F. LOGAN, Hocking Co. Crooks, James W. Harrington, F. Little, David. Remple, Ferdinand F. LONDON, Madison Co. Houston, J. T. Smith, Auburn. LONDONDERRY, Ross Co. Francis, W. & J. 297 OHIO.—Continued. LOUDONVILLE, Ashland Co. Fuller, Amos. Stockman, H. F. LOUISVILLE, Stark Co. Sliillinger, Dr. J. & Son. LOVELAND, Clermont Co. Schuster, J. J. LOWELL, Washington Co. Buchanan & Reed. LOWELLVILLE, Mahoning Co. Carden, J. S. & Co. LOYDSVILLE, Belmont Co. Jones, Y. H. LUCASVILLE, Scioto Co. Warwick, B. B. & Son. LYNCHBURG, Highland Co. Archer, Thomas D. Fulton, S. Q. McARTHUR, Vinton Co. Sisson, George W. Strong, Mrs. L. McCONNELLSVILLE, Morgan Co Alexander, John. Robertson, Charles. Spague, Samuel. MADISON, Lake Co. Kellogg, John. Kellogg, H. E. MALTA, Morgan Co. Woods, A. J. & Co. MALVERN, Carroll Co. Murdock, J. G. & Co. MANSFIELD, Richland Co. Bigelow, Perkins. Finfrock & Walter. Mercer, William B. MONTAGUE, & ALLEN. Wholesale. White & French. MANTUA, Portage Co. Hays, O. P. MARIETTA, Washington Co. BUELL & BROTHER. Wholesale. Curtis, R. L. Pearce & Triem. MARION, Marion Co. Leonard, J. E. Peters, Harvey. Sharpless, P. O. MARLBOROUGH, Stark Co. Campbell, F. L. MARSEILLES, Wyandotte Co. Gates, C. W. Kemp, G. W. MARSHALLVILLE, Wayne Co. Cunningham, A. S. Plunder, L. P. & Co. MARSHFIELD, Athens Co. Townsend, W. H. & Co. MARTIN’S FERRY, Belmont Co. Douglas, John. Weirich, Israel. MARTINSVILLE, Clinton Co. Walker, H. MARYSVILLE, Union Co. FIELD, J. W. McFadden, H. # MASON, Warren Co. Marshall, A. G. MASILLON, Stark Co. Demuth, G. W. & Co. Kachler, Edward. Watson, Joseph. MAUMEE CITY, Lucas Co. Eberly, B. C. Taylor, A. J. MAYSVILLE, Columbiana Co. Battin, B. E. MECHANICSBURG, Champaign Co Jones & Taylor. MEDINA, Medina Co. McDowell, R. M. & Bro. Smith, S. J. Tiffanny, H. B. & Co. MELMORE, Seneca Co. Benham, A. MENTOR, Lake Co. Radcliffe, Robert. 298 OHIO.—Continued. MIAMISBURG, Montgomery Co. Beyer, George L. Bohn, M. G. MIDDLEBURY, Summit Co. Jewett & Inman. MIDDLEPORT, Meigs Co. Hastinger, William. Hugg, Phineas & Son. Lasher, Wm. V. Waterman & Mercer. MIDDLETOWN, Butler Co. Johnson, C. B. & Co. Mitchell, William. MILAN, Erie Co. Mowry, A. J. Stewart, Morgan. MILFORD, Clermont Co. Wallace, James B. MILFORD CENTRE, Union Co. Piper, William L. MILLERSBURG, Holmes Co. Crump, Dr. Pomerine, Joel. Raiff, Jacob R. Saunders, E. Yergin, R. W. MILLWOOD, Knox Co. McMahan, William T. MILNERSVILLE, Guernsey Co. Boyd & Johnstone. MINERVA, Stark Co. Hoops, Marshall. Kurtz & West. MONROEVILLE, Huron Co. Drake, F. H. & Son. Martin, S. B. MOOREFIELD, Harrison Co. Lee & Co. MORGAN, Ashtabula Co. Thompson & Latimer. MORRISTOWN, Belmont Co. Fisher, J. V. Hoge, A. J. MORROW, Warren Co. Ilarner, George W. Mounts, Dr. J. L. MOSCOW, Clermont Co. Lemar, Jared. MT. BLANCHARD, Hancock Co. Greer, Henry. MT. EATON, Wayne Co. Roth, C. 'Westcott, J. B. MT. GILEAD, Morrow Co. Albach & Chase. Briggs & Sorley. Wieland, John. MT. HOPE, Holmes Co. McKain, D. MT. LIBERTY, Knox Co. Baclius, D. M. Patterson, H. H. MT. PLEASANT, Jefferson Co. Alexander, A. J. & Bro. Fogle, G. T. MT. STERLING, Madison Co. McClintock, S. MT. VERNON, Knox Co. Green, Israel. Russell, W. B. Ward, T. Wing, E. D. & W. C. Woodward & Scribner. NAPOLEON, Henry Co. Humph ery, D. J. Sauer, John C. NASHVILLE, Holmes Co. Ferrell, Charles. NAVARRE, Stark Co. Garver, Alexander. NELSONVILLE, Athens Co. Scott, John W. NEVADA, Wyandot Co. Nicholas, L. & Co. NEWARK, Licking Co. Burkhard, M. W. & Son. Collins & Thurston. 299 OHIO.—Continued. N ewark.—Continued. Fullerton & Speer. Williams, E.,Jr. WILSON, DR. JOHN N. NEW ATHENS, Harrison Co. Morgan, J. NEW BOSTON, Clermont Co. Blyth, Dr. Ferree, George. NEW BREMEN, Anglaize Co. Eckermyer, William. Meyers, G. S. NEWBURG, Cuyahoga Co. Averill, Browning & Co. Paints, etc. Bemen, Julius. Crays, J. Hughes, M. R. & Co. NEW CARLISLE, Clark Co. Reyburn, J. C. & Co. NEWCOMERSTOWN, Tuscarawas Co. Brown, Andrew. Scott, Dr. NEW CONCORD, Muskingum Co. McCrea, Walter. NEW GARDEN, Columbiana Co. Dennis, Robert. NEW HOLLAND, Pickaway Co. Marks, M. W. NEW LEXINGTON, Perry Co. Braddock, M. J. Diller, Samuel. NEW LISBON, Columbiana Co. Bourn, R. R. Hamilton, M. N. Hamilton & Hostetter. Marquis, David. Nace, George S. . NEW LONDON, Huron Co. Starbird, B. F. & Co. NEW MADISON, Darke Co. Le Fevre, II. J. NEW MARKET, Harrison Co. Beadle, William. NEW MARKET, Highland Co. Moon, J. F. NEW METAMORIS, Washington Co. Andreas, E. Richardson, Samuel. NEW MIDDLETOWN, Mahoning Co Smith, G. J. NEW PARIS, Preble Co. Richey, S. W. NEW PHILADELPHIA, Tuscarawas Co. Loutzenheiser, J. D. O’Donnell & Miller. Smith, John I. NEW RICHMOND, Clermont Co. Jenks, Dr. Henry. Moss, William H. Stinclifield, D. L. NEWTON, Union Co. Wall, J. H. NEWTON FALLS, Trumbull Co. Soule, Lyman T. NEW VIENNA, Clinton Co. Bowers, Charles C. NILES, Trumbull Co. Leslie, J. W. NORTH FAIRFIELD, Huron Co. Andrews, S. Chapman & Tompkins. NORTH JACKSON, Mahoning Co. Osborne & Jones. NORTH LEWISBURG, Champaign Co. Horsington, Frederick. NORTON, Delaware Co. Wintermute, J. F. G. S. NORWALK, Huron Co. Benedict & Burton. Dewey, John F. Little, Wm. R. & Son. WOOSTER & PATRICK. Wooster, Theodore S. OBERLIN, Lorain Co. Gardner, J. M. & Co. Henry, H. L. 300 OHIO.—Continued. ORANGEVILLE, Trumbull Co. Reno, J. L. ORRVILLE, Wayne Co. Miller, A. C. Moncrief, D. L. OSBORNE, Greene Co. Hoover & Baggott. Searl, E. F. OTTAWA, Putnam Co. Kelley & Houck. Shoup, Samuel. OWENSVILLE, Clermont Co. Blythe, B. OXFORD, Butler Co. Gillard, W. H. Rickey, S. C. PAINESVILLE, Lake Co. Brooks & Son. Paints. Lee, N. O. McBride, A. D. & Co. Parmley, D. C. & Bro. PATERSON, Hardin Co. Phillips, M. PENDLETON, Putnam Co. Wischterman, Isaac. PENFIELD, Lorain Co. Smith, II. S. G. S. PERRYSBURG, Wood Co. Cliampney, H. R. Peck & Hamilton. PERRYVILLE, Carroll Co. Tope, H. G. & Co. PETERSBURGH, Mahoning Co. King, M. & B. PETTYSVILLE, Fulton Co. Fenton, T. D. & Bro. PIERPONT, Ashtabula Co. Stevens, W. H. PIKETON, Pike Co. Dailey, John. PIONEER, Williams Co. Urabenhaur, H. C. & Co. PIQUA, Miami Co. Brandriff, Raper. Cass, John. MAY, HENRY & BROTHER. PLEASANT VALLEY, Madison Co. McCloud & Bro. PLYMOUTH, Richland Co. Austin & Getmare. Delamater, John. Gelman, A. PLYMOUTH, Washington Co. Howland & Hanson. POLAND, Mahoning Co. May, Daniel. Wonsenter, G. POMEROY, Meigs Co. Jones, J. H. Reed, D. Seebohm, A. W. PORT JEFFERSON, Shelby Co. Ogden, J. C. PORTLAND, Jackson Co. Griffiths & Jones. PORTSMOUTH, Scioto Co. Beard & Noel. Kautzlebein, JI. Miller, A. D. REED, ENOS & BRO. Ricker & Jones. Spry, D. R. PORT WASHINGTON, Tuscarawas Co. Cornet, L. N. PUTNAM, Muskingum Co. Shaw, Joseph. QUINCY, Logan Co. Brown, R. D. & Co. RACINE, Meigs Co. Sibley, Benjamin E. RAINSBOROUGH, Highland Co. Garrett & Troth. RAPIDS P. O., Portage Co. Wilcox, S. K. 301 OHIO.—Continued. RAVENNA, Portage Co. Beldings & Armstrong. Poe & Brother. Waterman, Harvey. REPUBLIC, Seneca Co. Cliumasero, G. M. REYNOLDSBURGH, Franklin Co. Schoonover, J. H. RICHFIELD, Summit Co. Emmons, O. Hall, Thomas W. RICHMOND, Jefferson Co. Pyle, S. P. RICHWOOD, Union Co. Court & Wood. Stevenson, Dr. A. G. RIPLEY, Brown Co. Fulton, Robert. McConaughey, D. M. & W. H. Maddox, William. ROCHESTER, Stark Co. Deeper, James L. ROME, Richland Co. Allen, J. W. ROSCOE, Coshocton Co. Adams, J. M. Burns, Joseph. RUSHSYLVANIA, Logan Co. Doran, Isaac A. RUSSELLVILLE, Brown Co. Cardwell, W. J. Salisbury, J. N. RUTLAND, Meigs Co. Barrett, S. H. SABINA, Clinton Co. Dakin, W. H, SALEM, Columbiana Co. Ball & Trimble. Hardman, S. D. Lease, E. A. & Co. SALEM, Washington Co. Hardy, Dr. Winehurst, Dr. G. S. SALINEVILLE, Columbiana Co. Bright, L. McGonegall, R. SANDUSKY, Erie Co. Emrich & Bro. Fay & Arnold. GRAHAM, J. A. Holland & Bauman. Paints. Lange, T. R. Pape, Dr. E. F. Porter, Henry. Paints. Powell, F. B. SARDIS, Monroe Co. Schaub, J. G. SCIO P. O., Harrison Co. Beadle, William. Kennedy & Brother. SENECAVILLE, Guernsey Co. Hill, John. SEVILLE, Medina Co. Andrews & Durand. Dorsey, J. & Co. Young, H. H. SHANE’S CROSSINGS, Mercer Co Pampell, Godfrey B. SHANESVILLE, Tuscarawas Co. Selden, 0. G. & Son. SHELBY, Richland Co. Bloom, S. S. & Co. Kerr & Marvin. Melclieimer & Kendal. SHREVE, Wayne Co. Turner, J. H. SIDNEY, Shelby Co. Frazer, J. F. Pomeroy, C. T. Rauth & Wirth. SINKING SPRINGS, Highland Co. Leighton, C. SMITHEIELD, Jefferson Co. Jones & Bates. SLOAN’S STATION, Jefferson Co. Stewart, J. F. SOMERSET, Perry Co. Moeller, Ferdinand J. Ream & Lenhart. Skinner & Mathews 302 OHIO.—Continued. SOUTH CHARLESTON, Clarke Co. Hudson, W. J. Shepard, G. C. SPARTA, Morrow Co. Chase, Obadiah. Willis, Joseph A. SPENCERVILLE, Allen Co. Meeker, N. A. SPRINGFIELD, Clarke Co. Casper, Thomas J. Flerer & Mulford. Hedges, W. N. LUDLOW, CHARLES. McGrew, Thos. F.,Jr. & Co. Ridenour, Coblintz & Co. Smith, W. T. Squires, J. R. SPRING VALLEY, Greene Co. Sands, Jonah. ST. CLAIRSVILLE, Belmont Co. Lewis, T. N. Patterson, Isaac H. West, Henry & Son. ST. MARY’S, Anglaize Co. Doll, W. H. (Agent.) Fritsch, Charles. ST. PARIS, Champaign Co. Hopkins & Bro. STEUBENVILLE, Jefferson Co. Burgoyn, W. R. Johnston, Thomas,Jr. McGregor, W. D. MILLER, M. L. & CO. Morrison, R. D. & Son. Zink, W. R. STOCKPORT, Morgan Co. Roberts, Jason. STRASBURGH, Tuscarawas Co. Garver, P. A. STRYKER, Williams Co. Stubbs, N. B. & Co. SUMMERFIELD, Noble Co. Dew & Chaney. SUNBURY, Delaware Co. McKinnely, Charles G. SYLVANIA, Lucas Co. Green, J. Moore, W. D. SYRACUSE, Meigs Co. Barton, T. H. TARLTON, Pickaway Co. Baker, G. R. & Bro. , Foust & Heller. THURMAN, Gallia Co. Williams, W. L. TIFFIN, Seneca Co. Berger, Frederick. Paints, etc. Hershiser & Myers. Lame, A. B. Marquardt, J. F. Naylor, John M. & Co. Paints & Oils. St. John, I. L. Spindlar, H. C. Paints. TIPPECANOE CITY, Miami Co. Galloway, S. & Co. TOLEDO, Lucas Co. Bailey, A. W. DANIELS, THOMAS. Fella, John B. & Co. Heath, C. R. & Co. Hensler, William. Hohley, C. & Co. Hollister & Wilbur. Lawton, William E. Lewis, Brothers. Mery, Jacob F. Miner, D. H. Mulford, L. E. Reno & Espy. Roller, I. L. Schroeder, F. Warren, G. W. West & Truax. West & Van Stone. Feunberg, G. TONTOGANY, Wood Co. Black, L. Skinner, C. L. TROY, Miami Co. Coleman & Co. Cottingham & Coleman. Holden, E. Rhinehart, E. F. UHRICKSVILLE, Tuscarawas Co. Alexander, W. W. Kirk & Bro. Thompson, Samuel. UNIONVILLE, Lake Co. Van Epts, David. UPPER SANDUSKY, Wyandotte Co. Bilhart, A. Smith, Josiah. White, J. N. 303 OHIO.—Continued. URBANA, Champaign Co. Carter & Anderson. Fisler & Chance. Kauffman & Nelson. UTICA, Licking Co. Kirkpatrick, W. VAN BUREN, Hancock Co. White, Joseph. VANLUE, Hancock Co. Wilson, W. P. VAN WERT, Van Wert Co. Linn, A. P. Longworth & Co. McGovern & Holbrock. Melslieimer, C. A. VERMILLION, Erie Co. Wines, John. VERSAILLES, Darke Co. Gee & Johnstone. Kusnick, Dr. F. Smith, F. B. WADSWORTH, Medina Co. Curtis, William P. Ross & Wall. WAKEMAN, Huron Co. Vanfleet Bros. WAPAKONETA, Anglaize Co. Eckermyer, William. Fritsch, F. Meyers. Edward. Rail, G. S. WARREN. Trumbull Co. Allison & Woodward. Hapgood & Stratton. Smith, E. A. WARRENTON, Jefferson Co. Yost, E. B. WASHINGTON, Guernsey Co. Eaton, James H. Endly, Jacob. Patterson, Andrew. WASHINGTON C. H., Fayette Co. Cleaveland, J. W. & W. P. Coffman, H. C. Harlow, William A. Koffman, Henry C. WASHINGTONVILLE, Columbiana Co. Greemwalt & Stellnagle. WATKINS, Union Co. Thompson, R. W. & Co. G. S. WAUSEON, Fulton Co. Ford, M. D. Mason & Masters Reed & Hollister. WAVERLY, Pike Co. Allen, E. R. Blaser, Dr. C. WAYNESBURG, Stark Co. Scott, Edward. Williams, R. G. & Co. WAYNESVILLE, Warren Co. Doll, A. Printz, E. R. WELLINGTON, Lorain Co. Elliott, H. Houghton, J. W. & Co. Wooster, J. F. WELLSVILLE, Columbiana Co. Bright, William M. Hamilton, William H. Hammond, J. W. McCarroll, S. McKinsey, M. K. Noble, A. Silver, D. S. Wells, H. C. WEST ALEXANDRIA, Preble Co Chamberlain, H. H. Davis & Son. Reese, M. & Co. WESTBORO, Clinton Co. Moon, S. B. & D. H. WESTERVILLE, Franklin Co. Dixon, Henry. Guerin & Son. Guitner, H. WEST JEFFERSON, Madison Co Bliss, C. F. WEST LEBANON, Wayne Co. Walker, A. C. WEST LIBERTY, Logan Co. Garwood, D. H. & Co. Kurfust, Henry J. Leonard. B. B. Miller, 6. S. & Co. WEST MILTON, Miami Co. Neal, T. 304 OHIO.—Continued. WESTON, Williams Co. Cameron & Allen. WESTON, Wood Co. Banger, E. WEST SALEM, Wayne Co. Gable & Starbaugh. Palmer, D. & Co. Parsons & Mitchell. WEST UNION, Adams Co. Bennett, C. L. Eyler, Joseph. Satterfield, Charles. WEST UNITY, Williams Co. baily, Letcher & Co. McGrew, W. H.,Jr. WEST ZANESVILLE, Muskingum Co, Dugan, Daniel. G. S. Maher, William T. G. S. Worrell, L. II. G. S. WHEELERSBURG, Scioto Co. Skelton, J. WILKESVILLE, Vinton Co. Cline, W. C. WILLIAMSBURG, Clermont Co. Walker, A. S. Warden, F. A. WILLOUGHBY, Lake Co. Bates, R. C. Burr & Bates. WILLSHIRE, Van Wert Co. Vance, Charles. WILMINGTON, Clinton Co. Brown & Brother. Martin, A. J. Moore, J. M. WINCHESTER, Adams Co. Doyle, James & Son. WINCHESTER, Preble Co. Hoover, James L. WINESBURGH, Holmes Co. Peters, Charles. Smith, Christian. Mfr. Glue, etc. WOODSFIELD, Monroe Co. Judkins, J. T. Sinclair, Weston T. WOODSTOCK, Champaign Co. Crawford, J. S. Goney, J. F. WOODVILLE, Sandusky Co. Bush, H. C. & Co. WOOSTER, Wayne Co. Eckles, Wallace & Co. Guthrie, James W. Howard, Harvey. Snodgrass & Son. Zimmermann, John & Co. WORTHINGTON, Franklin Co. Snow, T. H. XENIA, Greene Co. Kelso, S. M. Fleming, E. C. Johnson, R. H. & Co. McClellan & Pollock. Pollock & Wallace. Swayne, Dr. Joshua R. YELLOW SPRINGS, Greene Co. Hurst, T. C. & Bro. Ridgway, Charles. YOUNGSTOWN, Mahoning Co. Cunningham, J. S. Fowler, D. H. Kelty, J. W. & Co. McCurdy, John. McEwen, T. R. & Co. Manning, McKeon & Co. Matthews, William. Metz & Neal. Shook, J. W. & Co. Whelan, W. J. YOUNGSVILLE, Adams Co. Miller, S. ZALESKI, Vinton Co. Wagner, Ernest. ZANESFIELD, Logan Co. Robb & Finley. Timmons & Wilson. ZANESVILLE, Muskingum Co. Bailey, F. P. Bick, William. Glue Mfr. Blocksom Brothers. Carter, J. W. Glass Mfr. Cary, II. G. O. GRAHAM, WM. A. & CO. Kearns, Herdman & Gorsuch. Glass Mfr. McCarty, H. C. 305 PENNSYLVANIA. AARONSBURGH, Centre Co. Dasher, E. J. flftisser, P. T. ABBOTTSTOWN, Adams Co. Gochenain, . Jorday, George H. ACADEMIA, Juniata Co. Sterrett, J. P. ADAMSTOWN, Lancaster Co. Musser, John. G. S. ALBION, Erie Co. Davenport, L. D. ALEXANDRIA, Huntingdon Co. Hayett, George W. Porter, Calvin. ALLEGHENY CITY, Allegheny Co (See also Pittsburg.) Druggists. Alii, C. L., Taylor Ave. & Palo Alto St. Bauman, C. F., 107 Ohio St. Brill, William H., 77 Federal St. Brundt, Henry. Davis, Wallace W., 77 Ohio St. Druit, S. II., 194 Federal St. Duff, William, 274 Beaver Ave. Eggers, F. H., 172 Ohio St. Hamilton Brothers, 186 Beaver Ave. Hani & Myers, Ohio & Chestnut Sts. Ilazlett Dr., Lacock & Anderson Sts. Johnston & West, 115 Beaver Ave. Xredel & Seidle, Chestnut & Liberty Sts. Lutz, H. S., 287 Western Ave. Means, W. J., 75 Ohio St. Mercer & Stutz, 162 Ohio St. Neely, J. F., 371 Rebecca St. Park, Joseph, Federal & North Ave. REED BROTHERS, 145 Federal St. Schwartz, Henry P. & Co., 113 Federal St. Sheih, W. H. Snodgrass, R. M. Snodgrass, W. I., 63 Federal St. Thorn, E. C., N.W. cor. Market House. Weinerman, August, 214 Ohio St. WThite, L. S. & Co., 187 Federal St. Zwinger, J. August, East & Third Sts. ALLEN, Cumberland Co. Diviney, D. L. Lenher, J. ALLENSVILLE, Mifflin Co. Metz, J. K. ALLENTOWN, Lehigh Co. Barnes, W. E. & Son. Barneman & Fegley. Fegley, Dr. Klump & Weber. Kramer, M. ,T. Lawall & Balliet. Lawall & Martin. Moser, J. B. Schmidt, L. & Co. ALTOONA, Blair Co. KESSLEB, G. W. Patton, W. P & Co. Sellers, S. M. Taylor, E. L. Paints, etc. Fries, S. F. Roush. A. ANNVILLE, Lebanon Co. Fahnestock & Grumbein. Fritz, Jonathan L. ANTESTOWN, Blair Co. Clark, Rowen. ANTRIM, (Greencastle P. O.,) Franklin Co. Carl, William M. APOLLO, Armstrong Co. Cochran, William S. & T. C. Townsend, L. AVray, Wr. H. ARSENAL P. O., Allegheny Co Covert, J. J. Falconer, A. Gardner, G. W. Irwin, James & Co. Chemicals. Lange, K. F. ASHLAND, Schuylkill Co. Barnard, C. H. Delkar, F. C. MAIZE, H. D. Marshall, Mrs. S. A. Paints, Oils, etc. Buck, Peter. Garret & Levy. ASTON, Delaware Co. Brown, Thomas J. ATHENS, Bradford Co. Perkins, George A. 306 PENNSYLVANIA.—Continued. ATTLEBOROUGH, Bucks Co. Winstead, P. BAILEYVILLE, Centre Co. McDonald, S. & G. BAINBRIDGE, Lancaster Co. Heckenberger, Samuel. BARRE TOWNSHIP, Huntingdon Co, Miller & Duff. Wilson, J. F. BATH, Northampton Co. Kern, George P. BEAVER, Beaver Co. Andriesson, Hugo. McKinney, D. Moore, John. BEAVER FALLS, Beaver Co. Augur, A. E. BEAVERTOWN, Snyder Co. Haughmut, Joseph. BECHTELSVILLE, Berks Co. Bruner, Frank R. BEDFORD, Bedford Co. Harry, Dr. B. F. HECKERMAN, H. & SON. Hartley & Metzger. Paints, Oils, etc. Lynch, T. M. “ “ “ BEECH CREEK, Clinton Co. Rathrop, W. P. BELLEFONTE, Centre Co. Green, E. P. WILSON, F. S. Zeller & Jarrett. Paints, Oils, etc. Harris, J. & I. Irwin & Wilson. BELLE VERNON, Fayette Co. Byers, R. C. & Son. BELLEVILLE, Mifflin Co. Gibbony, A. G. & Co. BERLIN, Somerset Co. Heffley, Daniel. Ivnepper, Dr. Frederick. BERWICK, Columbia Co. Dodson, Josiah B. BETHANY, Wayne Co. Webb, Burns & Co. BETHLEHEM, Northampton Co. Meyers, Edward T. RAU, SIMON & CO. Seiger, Wm. S. Selfridge, M. M. & Co. Shoemaker, C. E. Jacoby, Cyrus. BIRDSBOROUGH, Berks Co. Bunn, B. F. BLAIRSVILLE, Indiana Co. Chapman, John J. Shepley, H. P. BLAKELEY, Luzerne Co. Kelly, L. BLOODY RUN, Bedford Co. Masters, F. M. BLOOMSBURGH, Columbia Co. Forester, Charles. Glue Mfr. Hendershot, N. J. Lutz, E. P. MOYER BROTHERS. Runyan & Warden. Paints, etc. BLOSSBURG, Tioga Co. Bacon, M. S. Beldin, J. L. Davidson, James. Hinct, Ely & Co. Glass Mfrs. BOLIVAR, Westmoreland Co. Robeson, J. BOSSARDVILLE, Monroe Co. Abrahams, L. BOYERSTOWN, Berks Co. Stauffer & Fink. BRADDOCK’S FIELDS, Allegheny Co. Lynn, William J. Schooley, J. D. BRADFORD, McKean Co. Osgood, E. O. BRADY’S P. O., Indiana Co. Thompson, J. K. BRIDGEPORT, Montgomery Co. Holstein, Charles E. 307 PENNSYLVANIA.—Continued. BRIDGEVILLE, Allegheny Co. Hays, George S. Sparr, Jesse. BRIDGEWATER, Beaver Co. Barnes & Brother. Smith, Mrs. R. BRISTOL, Bucks Co. HOGUET, L. A. Pursell, Dr. H. Wevill, C. H. BROOKVILLE, Jefferson Co. Blood, Kennedy L. Dowling, . McKnight, W. J. & Brother. BROWNSVILLE, Fayette Co. Armstrong, J. D. Barkley, J. B. Hubbs, A. J. Jackson, Isaac. Robinson, H. W. Wallace, John Jr. Wells, G. W. Glass Mfr. BUCKINGHAM, Bucks Co. Foulke, Joseph. BUFFALO, Armstrong Co. Graff & Firth. G. S. BURGETTSTOWN, Washington Co. Bradly, Thomas W. Donnan, William. BURLINGTON, Bradford Co. Tracy, G. P. BURNT CABINS, Fulton Co. Hunter, Joseph II. BUTLER, Butler Co. Berg, H. C. Jr. & Co. Dief'enbaucher, S. R. & Co. Graham & Husleton. Neyman, A. M. Redick, J. C. & Co. CALIFORNIA, Washington Co. Fry, Solomon. CALLENSBURGH, Clarion Co. Meals, S. D. Shields, J. P. CANNONSBURGH, Washington Co Barnett, William G. Coleman, H. Cannonsburgh.—Continued. Dickson, J. G. Stewart, W. B. Weaver, John. CANTON, Bradford Co. Colwell & Whitman. CARBONDALE, Luzerne Co. Jadwin Brothers. RAYNOR, SAMUEL E. CARLISLE, Cumberland Co. Cornman, Daniel. Cornman & Worthington. Haverstick & Brother. Horn, W. T. Ralston, David R. SAXTON, H. & CO. Paints, Oils, etc. Schaubia, A. & Co. Pat. Med., etc. CARROLL, Clinton Co. Eberstaller, Joseph. CASHTOWN, Adams Co. Stern, William. CASSVILLE, Huntingdon Co. Guss, Isaac. CATASAUQUA, Lehigh Co. Lawall, J. S. CATAWISSA, Columbia Co. John, W. E. CENTRALIA, Columbia Co. Mellick, W. D. CENTRE HALL, Centre Co. Neff, P. D. Smith, Peter. CENTRE SQUARE, Montgomery Co, Seiple, S. C. CENTREVILLE, Bucks Co. Foulk, Joseph. CENTREVILLE, (Kersey P. O.,) Elk Co. Shaw, W. W. CHAMBERSBURGH, Franklin Co. Cressler, Charles H. Miller, A. G. NIXON, J. T. 308 PENNSYLVANIA.—Continued. CHARLESTON, Mercer Co. Ormsby, 0. H. CHESTER, Delaware Co. BICKLEY, M. H. Forster, Benjamin. Holt, Joseph. Howarth PORT ALLEGHENY, McKean Co. Goltry & Hogarth. PORT CARBON, Schuylkill Co. Brown, George W. Schissler, J. L. PORT CLINTON, Schuylkill Co. Nice, Dr. George W. PORT MATILDA, Centre Co. Foust, J. POTTSTOWN, Montgomery Co. Cunningham, John M. Van Buskirk & Sellers. Withers, M. A. POTTSVILLE, Schuylkill Co. Apothecaries. HUGHES, ,T. C. Kennedy, George W. Kienzle & Mills. Glue Mfr’s. Rebenan, Herman. Robinson, William H. Sanderson, Fitzallen. Saylor, Mrs. C. Paints, Oils, etc. Bright & Co. Esterly, D. L. Myers & Sebum. Thompson, L. C. & Co. PRICETOWN, Berks Co. Bernhard, Henry H. PROSPERITY, Washington Co. Carey, Dr. E. IT. PUNXUTAWNEY, Jefferson Co. Reese, John R. QUAKERTOWN, Bucks Co. Green, J. B. Thomas, Dr. Joseph. READING, Berks Co. Auge, W. A. Bergner. W. H. Birch & Harvey. Pat. Med. Birch, IT. & Bros. Clemson, C. E. Collins, Dr. S. Pat. Med. Hoffman. James M. TTollenbaoh, S. W. Paints, etc. Hunter, R. P. Pat. Med. Jaeger, Samuel T. Perfumery. Levan, Daniel. Glue. Light, A. IT. Lingle. R. D. McCURDY A DURHAM. Maguire, William. Price, John. Raser, John H. Stevens, S. S. Ziegler, Dr. P. M. 329 PENNSYLVANIA.—Continued. REEDSVILLE, Mifflin Co. Kohler, F. S. RENO, Venango Co. Porterfield, L. M. & Co. RENOVA, Clinton Co. Dwyer, Anthony. Swain, E. T. ROCHESTER, Beaver Co. Burchling, William. Hannen, J. H. Shallenberger, A. T. & Co. Pat. Med. ROCKPORT, Carbon Co. Ziegenfuss, A. A. ROCK SPRING, Centre Co. McDonald, S. & G. ROME, Bradford Co. Ridgway, L. A. ROUSEVILLE, Venango Co. Chamberlain, A. R. & Co. SAEGERSVILLE. Lehigh Co. Miller, Dr. Aaron. SAFE HARBOR, Lancaster Co. Hess, J. M. SALEM CROSS ROADS, Westmoreland Co. Hugus, William. Zimmerman, Z. SALISBURY, Lancaster Co. Houston, John. SALTSBURG, Indiana Co. McCrea, R. R. Robinson, J. S. & Son. SANDY LAKE, Mercer Co. Brown, A. Giebner, E. X. SCHELLSBURG, Bedford Co. Early, Dr. John C. Marbourg, Dr. F. M. SCHUYLKILL HAVEN, Schuylkill Co Cox, H. N. Kohler, Dr. John G. SCHWENKSVILLE, Montgomery Co. Beclitel, Dr. Joseph Y. SCRANTON, Luzerne Co. Brooks, C. P. Cuthbert, M. Fuller, L. S. & E. C. Lobeck, H. F. Matthews Bros. Matthews & Decker. Phelps, J. H. Pollock, Allen. Schmidt, C. SELIN’S GROVE, Snyder Co. Bowes, R. L. Shindle & Wagonseller. SENECA, Venango Co. Diyen, Dr. A. H. SEVEN VALLEY, York Co. Weiser, Dr. H. K. SEWICKLEYVILLE, Allegheny Co. Miller & McCready. Woods, William. SHAEFEERSTOWN, Lebanon Co. Zerbe, Dr. Jonathan. SHAMBURG, Venango Co. McCormick & Nicholson. SHAMOKIN, Northumberland Co. Kutzner, William R. SHARON, Mercer Co. Irvine, J. M. & Co. James & Barber. Love, B. & Co. Yiall & Carne. Watson & Weaver. SHARPSBURG, Allegheny Co. Kreddler & Co. SHARPSVILLE FURNACE, Mercer Co. Beabout & Ormsby. SHAVER’S CREEK, Huntingdon Co Orladey, Dr. Henry. SHEAKLEYVILLE, Mercer Co. Morrison, L. & Co. SHENANDOAH, Schuylkill Co. Kern, Dr. F. G. Reagan, G. L. 330 PENNS YL VANIA.—Conti nued. SHERIDAN, Lebanon Co. Smith, Dr. Seth K. SHICKSHINNEY, Luzerne Co. Wilson & Coulter. SHIPPENSBURG, Cumberland Co. Altick, J. C. Gribble & Matthews. Hayes, Robert C. Keiler, B. K. SHIREMANTOWN, Cumberland Co. Mosser, Dr. Martin B. SHIRLEYSBURG, Huntingdon Co. McNite, William P. SHOEMAKERTOWN, Montgomery Co. Grimball, Dr. L. M. SHREWSBURY, York Co. Gerry, Dr. James. Winemuller, William. SIDDONSBURG, York Co. Wingert, G. W. SLATINGTON, Lehigh Co. Weygandt, John S. SMITHPORT, McKean Co. Armstrong & McCoy. SNYDERSVILLE, Monroe Co. Levering, Dr. Abraham. SOMERFIELD, Somerset Co. Fichtner, B. A. SOMERSET, Somerset Co. Beuford, George W. & Co. Bowman & Groff. SOUTH BUFFALO, Armstrong Co. Simpkins, E. SPARTA, Washington Co. Blackley, Dr. S. L. SPRING, Crawford Co. La Fevre & Booth. SPRINGDALE, Allegheny Co. Mahaffey, Dr. J. A. ST. CLAIR, Schuylkill Co. Bauer, William. Davis, Henry B. Irwin, R. H. ST. MARY’S, Elk Co. Beiberger, Jacob. Reynolds & Garner. STERLINGVILLE, Wyoming Co. Roberts & Gay. STEWARTSTOWN, Allegheny Co, Fulton, J. H. STONEY FORK, Tioga Co. Horton, H. W. & Co. STOYESTOWN, Somerset Co. Patterson, Dr. Robert H. STRASBURG, Lancaster Co. Weaver, Dr. J. G. STROUDSBURG, Monroe Co. Detrick, C. S. & Co. Dreher & Brother. Hollingshead, William. SUGAR GROVE, Warren Co. Phillips, J. SUMMIT HILL, Carbon Co. Old, Mrs. J. G. SUNBURY, Northumberland Co. Bennett, W. A. Bright, George. Markle, J. G. & Co. Mosser, J. B. SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT, Susquehanna Co. Lea, Henry. TAMAQUA, Schuylkill Co. Baur, Mrs. C. Fry & Stidfold. Paints, etc. SHINDEL & BOND. TARENTUM, Allegheny Co. Clark, James. Humes, J. F. & R. D. TAYLORSTOWN, Washington Co. Crawford, Dr. J. TAYLORSVILLE, Bucks Co. Agnew, Dr. John P. 331 PENNSYLVANIA.—Continued. TEMPERANCEVILLE, Allegheny Co, Fahnestock, Albree & Co. Glass Mfr’s. Taylor, W. C. TIDIOUTE, Warren Co. Acomb, J. L. Bolard, J. N. TIOGA, Tioga Co. Borden, H. H. Tuller, Philo. TIONESTA, Forrest Co. Knox, D. S. Pearson, Dr. B. TITUSVILLE, Crawford Co. ABBOTT & ALLEN. McDonald, M. A. Ralph, Epraim. Paints, etc. Talamo, A. Paints, etc. Thompson, E. K. White, Henry & Co. TO WAND A, Bradford Co. Brown, F. W. Porter, H. C. Porter & Kirby. TRAPPE, Montgomery Co. Royer & Brother. C. S. TREMONT, Schuylkill Co. Bailey, H. T. Schultz, J. H. TREVORTON, Northumberland Co. Newbaker, Dr. J. B. TROY, Bradford Co. Ballard, F. L. Reddington, R. F. TUNKHANNOCK, Wyoming Co. Smith, John V. Wright, C. J. TURBOTVILLE, Northumberland Co Horner, Dr. E. H. Trevor, Dr. George. TURTLE CREEK, Allegheny Co. Matlack, John. TYRONE, Blair Co. Berlin, Samuel. Rollman & Kepner. UNION MILLS, Erie Co. Flower, William S. Hume, N. T. UNIONTOWN, Fayette Co. Bowie, Lucien B. Campbell & Ewdng. Huston, William A Co. Modise, H. J. A. UNION TOWNSHIP, (Belleville P.O.,) Mifflin Co. Gibboney, Dr. A. G. UNIONVILLE, Butler Co. McCandless, Dr. Jonah. UNIONVILLE, Centre Co. Martin, S. A. VENANGO, Crawford Co. Harris, J. C. VENANGO CITY, Venango Co. Phillips, Van Arsdale & Co. Say & Co. WALNUT P. O., Juniata Co. Sterritt, Dr. J. P. WARREN, Warren Co. Hazletine & Co. Stranahan, Dr. Wells, J. T. & Co. WASHINGTON, Washington Co. Le Moyne, Dr. F. J. Rickey, A. D. & Co. Templeton, J. & S. Vowell, J. B. Wilson, John R. WASHINGTONVILLE, Montour Co. Moody, Dr. A. WATERFORD, Erie Co. Bowman & Austin. Sleeper, E. B. WATSONTOWN, Northumberland Co. Gosh & Hallopeter. WATTSBURG, Erie Co. Allen, D. B. Smith, W. B. WAVERLY, Luzerne Co. Bedford, Andrew. WAYMART, Wayne Co. West, Francis. & Co. 332 PENNSYLVANIA.—Continued. WAYNESBOROUGH, Franklin Co. Anderson, James B. Bonebrake, A. S. Fourtliman, F. Stoner, II. X. WAYNESBURG, (Honeybrook P. O.,) Chester Co. Campbell. Charles H. Livingood, Dr. James H. WAYNESBURG, Greene Co. Braden. D. W. Creig, Samuel. Harvey, Miss M. A. Ross, T. W. WELLSBOROUGH, Tioga Co. Hastings, IT. S. & Co. Williams, P. R. & Co. WEST ALEXANDER, Washington Co. Ely & Pollock. Gilfillan, William M. WESTCHESTER, Chester Co. Crowell, Charles M. Evans, Joseph S. Kelling, Charles L. Pearce, T. & T. J. Rorer, J. T. Sergeant & Aitken. Sketch, J. Thatcher, Jesse P. WEST EARL, Lancaster Co. Hurst, W. W. WEST FAIRFIELD, Westmoreland Co. Taylor, James. WESTFIELD, Tioga Co. McNaugliton, Daniel. Scoville, F. C. WEST MIDDLESEX, Mercer Co. Miles & Suits. WEST MIDDLETOWN, Washington Co. Dodd, Dr. G. W. WEST NEWTON, Westmoreland Co, Hasson, H. P. Leiglity, Ely C. WEST PITTSBURG, Allegheny Co. Koch & Appel. * WHITE HAVEN, Luzerne Co. Dean, David. Smith, Theodore. WILKESBARRE, Luzerne Co. Barber, P. M. & Co. Crissey, Charles II. Good, Thomas J. Leach, George W. Paints, etc. Lehman, C. A. Paints, etc. LEWIS, ,T. L. Peacock, Lafferty & Co. Stabell, J. B. Tener, Richard,.Ir. Tuck, Seth. WILKINSBURG, Allegheny Co. Johnson, D. L. Riggs, C. C. WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co. Bentley, P. W. Finney, Rittenhouse & Co. Ilagenbuch, George M. Huber & Vanderslice. Kortelbein, George. Paints LOGAN, WILLIAM F. Moore, W. C. Nicholas, J. T. & Son. Weise & Duble. WOMELSDORF, Berks Co. Livingood, L. A. WOODBURY, Bedford Co. Smith, William R. WRIGHTSVILLE, York Co. Leber, Jacob G. YORK, York Co. Beck, C. R. & Co. Dale & Hart. Hay, Jacob. Iloke, Martin. Morris, Charles A. & Co. Neff, George W. Oswald, Solomon & Son. Shearer, N. H. & Co. YOUNGSVILLE, Warren Co. Blodget, A. C. ZELIENOPLE, Butler Co. Lusk, J. S. & A. 333 RHODE ISLAND. BRISTOL, Bristol Co. Bedell, N. C. Briggs, Lemuel W. Buffington, William N. Drury, Samuel S. West, M. G. CENTRAL FALLS, Providence Co Carpenter, Albert P. COVENTRY, Kent Co. Horton, B. H. C. S. Matteson & Co. G. S. EAST GREENWICH, Kent Co. Congdon, Albert J. Congdon, James L. FOSTER, Providence Co. Arnold, Mowry P. GLOUCESTER, Providence Co. Keach, Horace W. C. S. Steere, Silas. C. S. HOPE VALLEY, Washington Co. Clarke, Elisha P. Green & Champlin. HOPKINTON, Washington Co. Barber, T. A. JOHNSTON, Providence Co. Hughes, Thomas H. Chemicals. Kelly, James. KINGSTON, Washington Co. Nichols, John T. C. S. LITTLE COMPTON, Newport Co. Seabury, Benjamin. G. S. LONSDALE, Providence Co. Bourne, B. C. S. Clark, Preston H. C. S. MANVILLE, Providence Co. Yose, Alanson. C. S. NEWPORT, Newport Co. Allen, W. 8. N. Caswell, Hazard & Co. Cotton, W. H. Green. Geo. W. & Co. Paints, etc. Irish, E. B. Botanic Medicines. N ewport.—Continued. Spencer, Abiel. Taylor, Robert J. OLNEYVILLE, Providence Co. Snow, H. P. PAWTUCKET, Providence Co. Darling, L. B. Glue. Davis, Charles E. Gaylord, William A. Johnson, B. R. Neuman, John. Paints. Turner, William A. ■ PHCENIX, Kent Co. Capwell & Arnold. PROVIDENCE. Anthony, J. B. Baleli, J. & Sons. Beede, C. Berg, A. J. BRANDING, WILLTAM B. Wholesale Bruce, Daniel Jr. Burrington, H. H. Calder, A L. Calder, E. A. Calder, G. S. Chace, J. H. Chambers, Calder & Co. Clarke, William E. Corlies, Platt & Metcalfe. Crary Brothers. Davis, G. W. & Son. Eddy, Thomas W. & Son. Emerson & Co. Fenner, Albert. Green, A. J. Green, William H., Jr. Hopkins Brothers. Johnston, Oliver & Co. Lester Brothers. Mason, Norman N. Mason, Dawley & Wheaton. Mason, A. R. Norton, Charles. Nott, Jacob, Jr. Packard, James A. Peckham, George A. Pettis, W. J. Phillips, F. J. Reynolds, William K. Rider, William B. Ross, C. A. Sheldon, P. & Co. Smith, A. J. Smith, Byron. Smith, Ferdinand. Snow, Claflin & Co. Snow & Lewis. 334 RHODE ISLAND.—Continued. Providence.—Continued. Sumner, E. P. Sumner, Ossian & Son. Sweet, J. B. & S. S. Townsend, John A. Wood & Hinds. Drug Mill. Place, William & Co. Botanic Medicines. Handy, Wescott. Stone, William. Chemicals. Shepherd, Thomas P. & Co. Paints. Arnold, W. S. & Son. Boon, Rice & Co. Lawson, Miles B. & Co. Martin & Grant. Najac, Lewis. Parker & Co. Perkins & Hornby. Phillips, Nathaniel. Shaw, Allen. Webster, Prentice & Co. USQUEBAUGH, Washington Co. Anthony, E. WAKEFIELD, Washington Co. Wright & Clark. WARREN, Bristol Co. Brown, George H. & Co. Bullock, Otis. Cole, L. & Co. Paints. Saunders, E. WESTERLY, Washington Co. CHAMPLIN, E. G. & Co. Collins, A. B. Knowles & Langworthy. Thompson, Benjamin F. WICKFORD, Washington Co. Church, A. WOONSOCKET, Providence Co. ARNOLD, SETH. Cooke, R. O. Hamant, G. R. Mellor, Godfrey K. Smith, George'W. & Co. Paints, etc. Thurston, Dr. W. T. WYOMING, Washington Co. Green & Champlin. SOUTH CAROLINA. ABBEVILLE C. H., Abbeville Co. Lee, J. J. Norwood, Dupree & Co. Penny, W. T. AIKEN, Barnwell Co. ITarbers, W. H. Wood & Co. ANDERSON, Anderson Co. Harden, W. II. Walter & Baker. BEAUFORT, Beaufort Co. Nichols, E. G. Stewart & Co. BENNETTSVILLE, Marlborough Co Breeden & Co. G. S. Murchison, William. G. S. BISHOPSVILLE, Sumter Co. Dennis, Robert E. CAMDEN, Kershaw Co. Collier, Frederick J. Hodgson & Dunlap. Zemp, F. L. CHARLESTON, Charleston Co. Druggists and Apothecaries. Aimar, G. W., cor. King & Vanderharst Sts. Baer, Dr. H., 131 Meeting St. Barbot, A. O., 48 Broad St. Blackman, Joseph, 17 Broad St. Burnham, E. S., 421 King St. Caulier, George, cor. Meeting & Society Sts. Cohen, P. M., 306 King St. Collins, M. H. & Co., 601 King St I Dowie & Moise. Wholesale, cor. Meeting and Hasel Sts. Eckel, A. W. & Co., 231 King St. Gibson, William A., cor. King & Spring Sts. Goodrich, Wineman & Co. Wholesale. 23 Hayne St. Graman & Scliwocke, cor. King & Mary Sts. Greenland, M., cor. Calhoun & Middle Sts. Hertz, T. E., 73 King St. ' Kellers, E. H., 85 Broad St. 335 SOUTH CAROLINA.—Continued. Charleston.—Continued. Linn, W. T., cor. Coming & Cannon Sts. Little & Co., 277 King St. Little, W. T., 614 King St. Luhn, G. T., cor. King & John Sts. Michaelis, C. O., 550 King St. Panknin, C. F., 123 Meeting St. Prince, George, 380 King St. Raoul & Lynch, cor. King & Market Sts. Skrine, William A., 260 King St. Stroub, G. W., 50 Coming St. TROTT, W. G., cor. King & Broad Sts. Paints & Oils. Beamish, T. A. & Co., 101 Market St. Bird, William M. & Co., 203 East Bay St. Douglass & Miller, 50 East Bay St. Harrison, J. W. & Son, 62 Queen St. Holmes & Colder, 205 East Bay St. Seymour & Silcox, 79 Coming St. Stiles & Jennings, 101 East Bay St. Weiskoff, L., 329 King St. CHERAW, Chesterfield Co. McLean, J. K. Wilson, J. J. CHESTER C. H., Chester Co. BABCOK & STRINGFELLOW. Davega, A. II. CLINTON, Laurens Co. Craig, Dr. J. T. COLUMBIA, Richland Co. Berry, A. J. Brown, James. Paints, etc. Fisher & Heinitsh. Geiger & McGregor. JACKSON, E. E. Miot, Charles II. DARLINGTON, Darlington Co. Hart, Parker & Selby. DUE WEST, Abbeville Co. Hawthorne, A. C. EDGEFIELD, Edgefield Co. Carville, Thomas W. Penn, G. L. Teague & Caville. FLORENCE, Darlington Co. Ellis, J. J. Washington, W. A. GEORGE’S STATION, Carleton Co. Dukes, J. A. GEORGETOWN, Georgetown Co. Anderson, J. It. Bailey, T. P. GRAHAMVILLE, Beaufort Co. Seabrook, B. W. GREENVILLE, Greenville Co. Harrison & Marshall. Long, It. D. Walter, F. A. GREENWOOD, Abbeville Co. Calhoun, E. It. Reynolds, B.,Jr. G. S. KINGSTREE, Williamsburgh Co. Brockington, James S. Staggers, J. M. LANCASTER C. H., Lancaster Co. Strait & Davis. LAURENS C. H., Laurens Co. Gallington, S. D. Henry, Dr. J. H. LEAVENWORTH, Darlington Co. Wilson & Griffin. G. S. LYNCHBURGH, Sumter Co. Freison, Dr. A. H. MANNING, Clarendon Co. Barfield, William A. McKagen, George P. MARION C. H., Marion Co. McMillan, W. C. MAYESVILLE, Sumter Co. Mayes, R. P. & Co. NEWBERRY C. H., Newberry Co. Gouin, Theodore. Pratt & Pliant. NEW MARKET, Abbeville Co. Coleman, T. L. & Co. G. S. NINETY-SIX, Abbeville Co. Limbecker, Dr. W. A. ORANGEBURG C.H., Orangeburg Co. Dukes & Shuler. Oliveros, E. J. PENDLETON, Anderson Co. Sharp & Mays. 336 SOUTH CAROLINA.—Continued. RIDGE SPRINGS, Edgefield Co. Carville Brothers. G. S. ROCK HILL, York Co. Barr, Dr. Edwards, J. B. & Co. SPARTANBURGH, Spartanburgh Co. Flemming, Dr. C. E. Heinitsh, II. E. SUMTER, Sumter Co. Anderson, A. & Co. De Lorn, J. F. W. TIMMONSVILLE, Darlington Co. Byrd, J. UNIONVILLE, Union Co. Gibbes & Thompson. WALHALLA, Pickens Co. Bell, George W. Norman, A. E. WILLIAMSTOWN, Anderson Co Crymes, Thomas. G. S. Epting & Hamilton. WINNSBORO, Fairfield Co. Kitchen, McMaster & Brice. Ladd Brothers & Co. YORKVILLE, York Co. Allison & Bratton. Kuy Kendal & Tomlinson. TENNESSEE. ALEXANDRIA, De Kalb Co. Edwards & McClellan. G. S. Everett, Dr. T. F. ASHLAND, Wayne Co. Smith, T. C. ATHENS, McMinn Co. Alexander, Dr. William W. Atlee, John H. May, M. R. BELFAST, Marshall Co. Williams, Robert. G. S. BELL’S DEPOT, Haywood Co. Van & White. BENTON, Polk Co. Hancock & Coleman. G. S. BLOUNTSVILLE C. H., Sullivan Co Cate & Taylor. BOLIVAR, Hardeman Co. Lorwell, J. H. O’Hara, Charles M. BRISTOL, Sullivan Co. Ensor, David J. Pepper & Brother. BROWNSVILLE, Haywood Co. Cooper, T. W. Cowen, Webb & Co. Harris & Co. Perry & Potter. CAGEVILLE, Haywood Co. Harris, Dr. J. CAMDEN, Benton Co. Travis, R. B. Whitfield, Frank. CEDAR CREEK, Greene Co. Bell, B. F. CENTREVILLE, Hickman Co. Moore, S. B. Ward, J. C. CHARLESTON, Bradley Co. Bazemore & Cleveland. McWerter, Samuel II. CHATTANOOGA, Hamilton Co. Block, M. & Co. Kennedy & Clippenger. McCorkle, D. V. WIGHT & PEABODY. CLARKSBURG, Carroll Co. Law, Henry. McCall, II. 337 TENNESSEE.—Continued. CLARKSVILLE, Montgomery Co. Byers & Brother. Lurton Brothers. Stewart, Samuel B. CLEVELAND, Bradley Co. Craigmiles & Traynor. CLIFTON, Wayne Co. Montague, AY. Y. Rickets, I. R. Wolfe, AY. & AY. CLINTON, Anderson Co. Coward, Thomas J. COLLIERSVILLE, Shelby Co. Parish, C. A. COLUMBIA, Maury Co. McKinney & Smith. Rains, Thomas B. Titcomb & AVilliams. COMO, Henry Co. Matthewson, J. P. COOKSVILLE, Putnam Co. McClain, L. R. CORNERSVILLE, Giles Co. Sumter, Mrs. S. A. COVINGTON, Tipton Co. Hall, W. M. Hill, J. B. Mills, J. B. DANDRIDGE, Jefferson Co. Cawood & Cline. DECATUR, Meigs Co. Housley, J. M. & Co. G. S. Jackson, A. G. & Co. G. S. DECATURVILLE, Decatur Co. Jones, T. AY. McMillen & Rogers. DECHERD, Franklin Co. Payne & Anderson. DENMARK, Madison Co. Alexander & Bryan. Neely, Dr. M. 8. Newbern, Thomas. Tyson, A. Snyder. DOVER, Stewart Co. Tayel, P. F. DRESDEN, Weakley Co. Edwards & Scott. Parker, J. G. & Co. DURHAMVILLE, Lauderdale Co, Walker & Johnson. DYERSBURG, Dyer Co. Richardson, Dr. S. Walker, W. W. Webb, Child & Co. G. S. EDGEFIELD, Davidson Co. Gray & Thompson. Matthews, J. B. ELIZABETHTOWN, Carter Co. Hyder & Singleton. ELKTON, Giles Co. Beatty & Bowers. ERIN’S STATION, Stewart Co. Charlton, W. C. FAYETTEVILLE, Lincoln Co. Diemer & Miles. Smith & Blake. FRANKLIN, Williamson Co. Clouster, W. G. & Co. Elbeck, F. C. Montgomery, . GAINSBORO, Jackson Co. Cardwell, S. II. GALLATIN, Sumner Co. Schell, Augustus & Brother. Schrode, Isaac Y. Tomkins & Blakemore. GREENVILLE, Greene Co. Galbraith, J. A. Smith, E. B. & Co. HARTSVILLE, Sumner Co. Gwin & Emerson. Haggard, W. D. Thomason, J. G. HUMBOLDT, Gibson Co. Fox & Brother. Scott, McKniglit & Co. HUNTINGDON, Carroll Co. Ramsey, J. S. 338 TENNESSEE.—Continued. JACK’S CREEK, Henderson Co. Thompson, Dr. R. D. JACKSON, Madison Co. Bond & Pvbass. Neely, M.'C. Newton, J. F. Polk, C. P. JONESBORO, Washington Co. Bovell & Mathes. Dilworth, James A. Dilwortli, O. F. KENTON STATION, Obion Co. Powell, R. W. & Co. KINGSTON, Roane Co. Denning Brothers. KNOXVILLE, Knox Co. Chamberlain & Albers. Allison & French. Oldham & Hunter. Mitchell, S. D. & Co. SANFORD, E. J. & CO. LAGRANGE, Fayette Co. Adams & Tombs. Morton & Chaus. LEBANON, Wilson Co. Britton & Neal. Cook, D. Jr. & Brother. LEXINGTON, Henderson Co. Fielder, John S. LINDEN, Perry Co. Cole, Asbury. LIVINGSTON, Overton Co. Graham, David. McKENZIE STATION, Carroll Co. Caldwell, Wells & Co. Gwinn, R. D. McLEMORESVILLE, Carroll Co. Boyd, John H. Given, R. D. McLaren, James B. McMinnville, Warren Co. Martin, G. W. Ritchie, J. B. & Co. MADISONVILLE, Monroe Co. Bicknell, William N. Henly, George W. Upton, Joseph. MANCHESTER, Coffee Co. Ferrell, T. S. Rhodes, Dr. J. E. Vincent, Dr. A. F. MASON DEPOT, Tipton Co. Reid & Field. Walls, W. H. MEMPHIS, Shelby Co. Baker, C. B., Main N. W. cor. South St. Battier. Robert, 56 Main St. CHANDLER & CO., 246 Main St. Elliott, ,T. C., 161 Beal St. Goodyear & Falls, 281 Main St. Griswold & Co., 428 Main St. Hoerner, Theodore, 56 Beal St. Johnson, G. D., 153 Main St. Jones, G. W. & Co., 257 Main St. Knox & Brother, Clielcy between Greenlaw and Suffraus Sts. Mansfield & Higbee, 301 Main St. Miner, C. F., Raleigh Road cor. Alabama St. Morrison, A. B. 192 Main St. Potter, W. C., 335 Main St. Quinby, S. J., 92 South St. Renkert, Andrew, 120 Main St. Rose, M., 97 Main St. Seabrook, W. H., 167 Main St. Sharp & Butt. 69 Adams St. Smith, J. A. J., 225 Main St. Steele, F., 107 Beal St. Steever, H. C., cor. Madison & Second Sts. Taylor & Weller, 176 Poplar St. Thompson, J. N., 72 Vance St. Tozer, C. C., 120 Beal St. Vigils, F. W., 187 Poplar St. Walter, Joseph & Co., 184 Main St. Ward, C. C. & Bro., N. W. cor. Main and Adams Sts. Ware, W., Charleston Ave. Wilkerson,* W. N. & Co., 340 Main St. MIFFLIN, Henderson Co. Brown & Cook. MILAN, Gibson Co. Leutre, P. Jordan & Brother. MOUNT ZION, Tipton Co. Sherwood, J. R. MURFREESBORO, Rutherford Co. McDermott, John. NELSON, JOSEPH W. Wendel, R. S. & Wm. NASHVILLE, Davidson Co. Berry, Demoville & Wharton. Carothers, Robert. Cotton, M. C. I Demoville & Co. 339 • TENNESSEE—Continued. N ashville.—Continued. Dortch, N. F. Ewin, Pendleton & Co. Greenhalge, F. W. Haley, Robert H. Harwell, J. R. Hendershott, G. W. & Co. Hodges & Richards. Jenkins, R. P. Kinckade, Handley & Co. Kline, W. D. Leickhardt, William II. Lillard, B. Bitterer & Cabler. Moore, R. E. Pulliam & McCullough. Seiferle, George. Smith, C. W. Wharton, J. C. & Co. NEW PROVIDENCE, Montgomery Co. Gupton, A. J. PARIS, Henry Co. Caldwell, S. H. PENSON STATION, Madison Co. McCoy & McKnight. PULASKI, Giles Co. Mason, C. T. PURDY, McNairy Co. Bell & Turner. Kendall, W. C. RANDOLPH, Tipton Co. Carson, William. RICEVILLE, McMinn Co. D’Arm and, G. W. RIPLEY, Lauderdale Co. Gray, J. E. Lackey, Dr. James A. ROGERSVILLE, Hawkins Co. Mitchell, II. W. Mitchell, R. P. RUTHERFORD STATION, Gibson Co Keyser, J. E. SALISBURY, Hardeman Co. Bostwick & Harris. SAVANNAH, Hardin Co. Eccles & Henkle. SHELBYVILLE, Bedford Co. Evans & Shepherd. Roane, T. J. White, R. C. SOMERVILLE, Fayette Co. Thomas & Roberts. SPARTA, White Co. De Lavergne & Dewese. SPRINGFIELD, Robertson Co. Eckles, Isham A. Tanner, R. L. SPRING HILL, Maury Co. Bond, W. M. STANTON DEPOT, Haywood Co, Cloxton, Dr. SULPHUR SPRINGS, Rhea Co. Abernethy & Son. SWEET WATER, Monroe Co. Bogart, F. McKenzie, William G. TRENTON, Gibson Co. GRIGSBY BROTHERS. Johnson & Brother. Hicks, A. G. TREZEVANT, Carroll Co. Nowlin, George W. & Bro. TROY, Obion Co. Moffatt & Sons. TULLAHOMA, Coffee Co. Crane, W. M. Williams, B. F. & Brother. UNION CITY, Obion Co. Blanton & Moss. Thompson, J. & Co. UNIONVILLE, Bedford Co. Clay, J. M. & W. F. Dugan, B. F. WAVERLY, Humphreys Co. Gould, P. F. WHITEVILLE, Hardeman Co. Norment, S. J. (Agt.) Williamson, T. O. & Co. WINCHESTER, Franklin Co. Hutchens, . WOODBURY, Cannon Co. Vance & Hawkins. 340 TEXAS. AIKEN’S GROVE, Red River Co. Aikin & Connor. G. S. ANDERSON, Grimes Co. Buchanan, Dr. John. Dickson Brothers. AUGUSTA, Houston Co. Wright, C. F. AUSTIN, Travis Co. ALEXANDER & SON. Baker & Raymond. Duffau & Thompson. Haynie, S. G. Townsend, B. R. & Co. BASTROP, Bastrop Co. Erhard, 'C. Sayers, D. BEAUMONT, Jefferson Co. Herring, T. F. & Co. BELLVILLE, Austin Co. Springfield, William. BELMONT, Gonzales Co. Miller, Frank & Co. G. S. BELTON, Bell Co. Embree & Miller. Maguire, J. & J. W. BONHAM, Fannin Co. Allen & Alexander. Smith, J. C. BOSTON, Bowie Co. Johnson, L. F. BRENHAM, Washington Co. Wilkes & Co. BROWNSVILLE, Cameron Co. Putegnat, J. L. Smith, G. S. Webber & Muller. BRYAN, Brazos Co. Downward, Dr. II. T. Mitchell, J. P. Wilson, A. H. BUENA VISTA, Shelby Co. Smith, W. P. BURNAM, Ellis Co. Beauchamp, J. D. & Bro. BURNET, Burnet Co. Pearson, William. CAMERON, Milam Co. Moore, I. B. CANTON, Vanzandt Co. McCarty, Thompson. CARREZO, Zapata Co. Redmond, Henry. G. S. CENTREVILLE, Leon Co. Curtis, Alfred A. CHAPEL HILL, Washington Co. Rogers, W. P. CLARKSVILLE, Red River Co. Lane, Robert G. CLEBURNE, Johnson Co. Darcy, S. J. • CLINTON, De Witt Co. Kilgore, J. T. G. S. COLUMBIA, Brazoria Co. Weems & Weems. COLUMBUS, Colorado Co. Bell, C. H. Brooks, ,T. R. Moore, R. D. & Co. CONCRETE, De Witt Co. Shannon & Co. COPANO, Refugio Co. Beaumont, Jefferson. CORPUS CHRISTI, Nueces Co. De Ryee, Wm. Gussett, N. G. S. Headen, M. & Son. G. S. CORSICANA, Nevarro Co. Baker & Pleasants. • COVINGTON, Hill Co. Gatcliings, J. J. G. S. 341 TEXAS.—Continued. » CROCKET, Houston Co. Murchison & Arledge. Rainey, Dr. Frank. DALLAS, Dallas Co. Cochran, A. M. Peak, Jefferson. Pryor, Dr. C. R. DANGERFIELD, Titus Co. Cook, D. A. EAGLE PASS, Maverick Co. Dresch, L. Julius. G. S. Koenig, Wm. Stone, William. G. S. FAIRFIELD, Freestone Co. Sneed & Mclnnis. Starley, S. F. & Son. FAYETTEVILLE, Fayette Co. Zimmerman, R. J. FQRT WORTH, Tarrant Co. Sealey & Dorsey. FREDERICSBURGH, Gillespie Co. Mueller, Ottocar. GALVESTON, Galveston Co. Aschoff, H. C. L. Barstow & Morris. GEORGE, R. F. Goodall, J. J. Schott, J. J. Veers, II. Webb, J. H. & Co. GEORGETOWN, Williamson Co. Anderson, W. J. Ewbank & Knight. G. S. GILMER, Upshur Co. McCallin, Henry. GOLIAD, Goliad Co. Clark, John A. GONZALES, Gonzales Co. Bratton & Co. Eastland, M. Law, John V. Walker, Thomas S. HALLETTSVILLE, Lavacea Co. Bennett, M. B. HARRISBURGH, Harris Co. Cluff, P. P. HELENA, Karnes Co. Bailey, Thomas K. HEMPSTEAD, Austin Co. Kemper, Stone & Co. Nooner & Young. HENDERSON, Rusk Co. McBride, James. Mos3 & Co. HILLSBORO, Hill Co. Thomason, J. P. & Co. G. S. Yeal & Warren. G. S. HOMER, Angelina Co. Stegall, H. L. HONEY GROVE, Eannin Co. Daily, George A. HOUSTON, Harris Co. Conliff, J. C. & Co. COTTER, R. & CO. Elliott, W. H. Erlenmeyer, E. Hill, J. W. McGregor, D. & Co. Paints. Massie, Dr. E. L. Schmidt, E. F. HUNTSVILLE, Walker Co. Howell, A. W. Oliphint & Smith. INDEPENDENCE, Washington Co. Davis, G. B. McKniglit, John. INDIANOLA, Calhoun Co. Lewis, D. JACKSONVILLE, Cherokee Co. Middleton, A. K. JASPER, Jasper Co. Forwood & Henderson. JEFFERSON, Marion Co. Boney & Brooks. Hooks, W. F. & Brother. Preston & Rooks. Sedbury, W. J. Taylor, E. W. KAUFMAN, Kaufman Co. Burton, J. J. & Co. LA GRANGE, Fayette Co. Farley, John W. & Co. Myerberg, J. 342 TEXAS.—Continued. LARISSA, Cherokee Co. Shamblin, John A. LEWISVILLE, Denton Co. Kealy, Thomas. LIBERTY, Liberty Co. Rigsby, A. J. & Co. Rives, S. H. LIVINGSTON, Polk Co. McClenalian, T. W. LOCKHART, Caldwell Co. Heppenstall, E. LYNN FLAT, Nacogdoches Co. Murphy, Thomas J..& Co. McKinney, coiiin Co. Foote & Herndon. MADISONVILLE, Madison Co. Westmoreland, R. C. & F. J. MARLIN, Falls Co. Scogin, B. T. MARSHALL, Harrison Co. Phillips & Garrett. Sears, Dr. Addison. Stewart, S. J. MILAM, Sabine Co. Maund, AY. L. MILFORD, Ellis Co. Smithson, Dr. MONTGOMERY, Montgomery Co. McKenzie, John. MOSCOW, Polk Co. Parsons, E. B. MOUNT PLEASANT, Titus Co. Adams, S. P. MOUNT VERNON, Titus Co. Rutherford, J. R. NACOGDOCHES, Nacogdoches Co. Dumas, Charles E. & Co. NAVASOTA, Grimes Co. Freeman, P. E. NEW BRAUNFELS, Comal Co. Forcke, Augustus. Koester & Tolle. Reszczinski, J. Voelcker, J. & Co. OWENSVILLE, Robertson Co. Calvert, A. PALESTINE, Anderson Co. Link & Silliman. Still, A. J. PARIS, Lamar Co. Poindexter, J. J. PITTSBURGH, Upshur Co. Stamps, G. W. PORT LAVACCA, Calhoun Co. Ileaton, John E. PRAIRIE LEA, Caldwell Co. Barbee, Dr. J. G. QUITMAN, Wood Co. Hart, V. T. & Co. Pabst, Oscar. RICHMOND, Port Bend Co. Chambers, Mrs. S. A. ROUND TOP, Fayette Co. Schtollman, L. RUSK, Cherokee Co. Frazer & Bonnor. SALADO, Bell Co. Armstrong, D. H. SAN ANTONIO, Bexar Co. Dries, Adolph. Kalteyer, F. Lindmiller & Co. Nette, August. Yelle, August. Weisselberg, Dr. SAN MARCOS, Hays Co. Woods & Daniels. SAN SABA, San Saba Co. Rogan, J. C. SEGUIN, Guadalupe Co. Taylor & Shelby. G. S. 343 TEXAS.—Continued. SHERMAN, Grayson Co. Brook, John. Stinson & Staple. ST. MARY’S, Refugio Co. Nott, R. A. SPRING BRANCH, Harris Co. Jansen, Robert. SPRINGFIELD, Limestone Co. Long, Reuben. STEPHENSVILLE, Erath Co. Shelton, James A. SULPHUR SPRINGS, Hopkins Co. Buss, J. H. Connolly, M. A. T. Robertson, Robert P. TYLER, Smith Co. McFarland, J. M. & Co. Park, E. W. VICTORIA, Victoria Co. Gaylord & Parker. Heberer, George. WACO, McLennan Co. Eastland & Co. Howe, S. D. Mullens, J. H. Reviere, J. M. Sears, J. E. WASHINGTON, Washington Co Clark, J. T. & Brother. Wyatt, J. J. WAXAHACHIE, Ellis Co. Briggs, W. T. & Co. Wheatley, John R. WEATHERFORD, Parker Co. Desmeth, H. Gant, A. B. Henry, J. H. • WOODVILLE, Tyler Co. McCullar, C. YORKTOWN, De Witt Co. Eckhardt, C. & Son. G. S. VERMONT. ALBURGH, Grand Isle Co. Gordon, Benjamin. G. S. Sowels & Kinsman. C. S. ARLINGTON, Bennington Co. Hard, R. T. & Co. G. S. BAKERSFIELD, Franklin Co. Dean & Co. C. S. Woodward & Perkins. C. S. BARNET, Caledonia Co. Noyes, P. J. Weeks, William A. BARRE, Washington Co. Bigelow, A. E. Wood, Stillman. BARTON, Orleans Co. Joslyn, Wm. & Sons. Wilson, Lucius D. BELLOWS FALLS, Windham Co. Johnson & Babbitt. Woods, O. F. BENNINGTON, Bennington Co. Adams, E. Mfrs. of Ochre. Dewey, C. E. “ “ Godfrey, Samuel D. “ “ Koon, Hiram & Son. Lyons, L. Mfrs. of Ochre. Potter, H. J. Scott, M. K. SHURTLIFF, JOHN T. BENSON, Rutland Co. Walker, Franklin W. G. S. BETHEL, Windsor Co. Graham, G. E. C. S. Sylvester & Sturtevant. - C. S. BRADFORD, Orange Co. Day, H. E. Doty, C. C. & Co. BRANDON, Rutland Co. Case, C. L. Forbes, Robert & Co. BRATTLEBORO, Windham Co. Clark & Willard. Thorn, Isaac N. 344 VERMONT.—Continued. BRISTOL, Addison Co. Hazeltine, Levi. BURLINGTON, Chittenden Co. Henry & Co. Wholesale. Roby, J. W. Root, William. SPEAR, A. C. & Co. Vincent & Taft. CABOT, Washington Co. Fletcher, William H. CAMBRIDGE, Lamoille Co. Brush & Pease. CASTLETON, Rutland Co. Nortlirup & Son. CHELSEA, Orange Co. Bagley & Son. Botanic Medicines. Hatch, S. W. Paints, etc. Hood, Amos R. CHESTER, Windsor Co. Hadley, Mrs. C. F. Moore, Isaac N. Saunders & Parmenter. C. S. CONCORD, Essex Co. Blood, 0. S. Cutting, . DANBY, Rutland Co. Holton, P. C. S. Pierce, William. C. S. DANVILLE, Caledonia Co. Ayers, R. M. Durant, J. S. Woodward, Calvin. DERBY, Orleans Co. Butler, Thomas. Foster & Cheney. Hubbard, Benjamin F. DOVER, Windham Co. Sherman & Gould. C. S. ENOSBURG, Franklin Co. Darrar, A. J. Hutchinson, W. R. FAIRFAX, Franklin Co. Evans, M. A. FAIRFIELD, Franklin Co. Soule, A. G. C. S. FAIRHAVEN, Rutland Co. Kellogg, A. L. & Co. GEORGIA, Franklin Co. Bliss, C. V. C. S. GLOVER, Orleans Co. Randall, E. 0. C. S. Whittlesey, D. C. S. GRAFTON, Windham Co. Barrett, G. M. C. S. GRAND ISLE, Grand Isle Co. Brown, Abel. G. S. Griswold & Wilcox. C. S. GREENSBORO, Orleans Co. Babbitt, A. C.. C. S. GROTON, Caledonia Co. Mason, George. GUILDHALL, Essex Co. Hubbard, George. C. S. HARDWICK, Caledonia Co. Ward, Jonathan. HARTFORD, Windsor Co. Fenno, G. B. French, Moses. G. S. HIGHGATE, Franklin Co. Baxter, Henry. HYDE PARK, Lamoille Co. Noyes, L. H. C. S. IRASBURG, Orleans Co. Worthington, J. D. ISLAND POND, Essex Co. Robinson, D. A. JOHNSON, Lamoille Co. Holmes, D. G. LONDONDERRY, Windham Co. Arnold, David. C. S. Wait & Wood. C. S. LUDLOW, Windsor Co. Coolidge, . Graves & Thomas. Paints & Oils. Sherman Brothers. 345 VERMONT.—Continued. LUNENBURG, Essex Co. Darling, J. G. & Co. C. 8. Powers & Blandin. C. S. LYNDON, Caledonia Co. Bronwell, H. M. Johonott, S. R. McGaffey, William H. C. S MANCHESTER, Bennington Co. Orvis, L. C. MIDDLEBURY, Addison Co. Russell, W. P. MIDDLETOWN, Rutland Co. Vail, M. E. & Son. C. S. MILTON, Chittenden Co. Bullock, 0. W. C. S. Whitney, E. L. MONTGOMERY, Franklin Co. Martin, L. W. C. S. MONTPELIER, Washington Co. Babcock, ,T. V. & Co. BIXBY & CO. Redfield & Crooks. MORRISTOWN, Lamoille Co. Gates, A. 0. NEWBURY, Orange Co. Deming, II. II. C. S. Keyes, F. & II. T. & Co. NEWFANE, Windham Co. Sherman, Oscar L. C. S. NEWPORT, Orleans Co. Green, James Y. Hall, J. R. NORTHFIELD, Washington Co. Nichols & Williams. Porter, Dr. Edwin. ORWELL, Addison Co. Wright, E. M. & Co. C. S. PAWLET, Rutland Co. Bromley, D. H. & A. L. C. S. PEACHAM, Caledonia Co. Cowles, J. O. McClary, Ira L. C. S. POULTNEY, Rutland Co. Clark, Jonas. POWNAL, Bennington Co. Parker, A. G. 0. S. Potter & Son. C. S. Whipple, Marcus. C. S. RANDOLPH, Orange Co. Morton, R. G. Tewksbury, A. W. & Sons. C. S. READING, Windsor Co. Buck, Rufus. C. S. RICHFORD, Franklin Co. Smith, Richard. RICHMOND, Chittenden Co. Root, William. Sayles, Brothers & Co. C. S. ROCHESTER, Windsor Co. Trask & Tupper. C. S. RUPERT, Bennington Co. Guild, Joseph H. RUTLAND, Rutland Co. Allen & Higgins. Fenn. Francis & Co. GRAVES, GEORGE E. Lewis & Fox. Paul & Co. Pond, E. A. SHARON, Windsor Co. Walbridge, Josiah. C. S. Wiley, A. M. & Son. C. S. SHELDON, Franklin Co. Peasley, M. P. & Co. SOUTH ROYALTON, Windsor Co. Maxham, E. A. Moore, D. C. & Co. SPRINGFIELD, Windsor Co. Burke & Tenny. C. S. Chase Brothers. ST. ALBANS, Franklin Co. Brainard, R. Butcher, Luther L. & Sons. Green & Nichols. Weeks & Plant. ST. JOHNSBURY, Caledonia Co. Bingham. John C. Randall, S. & Son. 346 VERMONT.—Continued. STOCKBRIDGE, Windsor Co. Gay & Co. C. S. Morgan, H. D. C. S. STOWE, Lamoille Co. Barnes, T. F. Barrows, Albert. SUNDERLAND, Bennington Co. Bradley, G. W. C. S. SUTTON, Caledonia Co. Bradley, George L. C. S. SWANTON, Franklin Co. Morrill, D. J. TINMOUTH, Rutland Co. Rice, Levi, Jr. C. S. TOWNSEND, Windham Co. Clark, Charles & Son. TUNBRIDGE, Orange Co. Jones, James M. C. S. King, Aaron N. & Son. C. S. VERGENNES, Addison Co. Ilickok, Julius S. Ingham, H. A. Patent Medicines. Young, John E. VERNON, Windham Co. Priest, Barber & Co. C. S. Whitehead, Addison. C. S. WAITSFIELD, Washington Co. Boyce, J. C. S. Campbell, H. S. C. S. WALLINGFORD, Rutland Co. Edgerton, G. H. Martindale, Edwin. C. S. WATERBURY, Washington Co. Blakely & Frink. WELLS, Rutland Co. Hall, Wm. H. & Co. C. S. WELLS RIVER, Orange Co. Deming, F. C. S. WEST FAIRLEE, Orange Co. Eastman, J. G. C. S. WESTON, Windsor Co. Edwards, M. & Co. Martin, John P. WHITINGHAM, Windham Co. Stetson, Norris L. C. S. WILLIAMSTOWN, Orange Co. Ainsworth & Lynde. C. S. WILLISTON, Chittenden Co. Morton, Henry. C. S. Wright, S. & Co. C. S. WILMINGTON, Windham Co. Haskell Brothers. WINDHAM, Windham Co. Harris, Wm. & Son. C. S. WINDSOR, Windsor Co. Paine, M. K. WINOOSKI FALLS, Chittenden Co. Dike & Taber. Storrs, C. F. & Co. WOODSTOCK, Windsor Co. Chapman, Charles. Sturdevant, Edward. 347 VIRGINIA. ABINGDON, Washington Co. Hickman, R. M. Smith, H. Roy & Co. ALEXANDRIA, Alexandria Co. COOK & CREIGHTON. English, Paul & Co. G. S. Entwisle. James. Jr. Gibson, Dr. William. .Tanney & Co. Leadbeater, Edward S. & Co. Milburn, W. L. Pierpoint, John R. Stabler, R. H. Warfield & Hall. ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, Montgomery Co. Kendrick, S. M. & Co. G. S. AMELIA C. H., Amelia Co. Webster, Booth & Adams. APPOMATTOX C. H., Appomattox Co. Johns & Co. G. S. Ragland & Trent. G. S. BALLSVILLE, Powhatan Co. Hatcher, Dr. W. B. BERRYVILLE, Clarke Co. Helvestine, W. R. Lippett & Annan. BIG LICET, Roanoke Co. Fergusson & Gamble. G. S. Terry & Trout. G. S. BIG STONE GAP, Lee Co. Richmond, William. G. S. BLACKSBURGH, Montgomery Co. Black, Harvey. Jackson, Thomas T. BOYDTON, Mecklenburg Co. McCasey, J. N. BRISTOL, Washington Co. Pepper & Brothers. BURGISS’ STORE, Northumberland Co, Burgiss, Samuel B. G. S. Burgess, Rice & Co. G. S. CARTERSVILLE, Cumberland Co. Brown, G. M. CHARLOTTE C. H., Charlotte Co. Brown, C. M. G. S. Flourney, P. H. & Son. CHARLOTTESVILLE, Albemarle Co. Benson, Charles P. McINTIRE, GEORGE M. Michie, Dr. Theodore A. Poindexter, James T. Watson, W. A. Wills, F. M. CHRISTIANBURG, Montgomery Co. Edie, Joseph S. Waddell & Co. CULPEPPER C. H., Culpepper Co. Gorrill, Joseph B. McMurran, Dr. E. M. CUMBERLAND C. H., Cumberland Co. Johnson, E. S. G. S. CURDSVILLE, Buckingham Co. Crute, Garrett & Co. G. S. DANVILLE, Pittsylvania Co. Cole, H. W. JONES, P. R. Wiseman, Henry A. DAVIS’ MILL, Bedford Co. Hurt, John F. & Co. G. S. DRAPER’S VALLEY, Pulaski Co. Stevens & Colfee. G. S. FALKLAND, Nottaway Co. Powell & Bridgeforth. G. S. FALMOUTH, Stafford Co. Ficklin, J. B. G. S. FARMVILLE, Prince Edward Co. Smith & Leach. Spencer & White. Venable, N. E. FINCASTLE, Botetourt Co. Jankins, W. H. & Co. FLINT HILL, Rappahannock Co. Jett, John. 348 VIRGINIA.—Continued. FREDERICKSBURG, Spottsylvania Co. Cooke, Roy & Welford. Hall’s, John B. Sons. JOHNSTON & CO. Jones, C. A. FRIENDSHIP, Smyth Co. Pruner & Co. G. S. FRONT ROYAL, Warren Co. ihown, Dr. Anderton. Turner, Dr. James H. GARLAND’S STORE, Amherst Co. Garland, Nathaniel. G. S. GLADE HILL, Franklin Co. Brown, John S. G. S. GOGGENSVILLE, Franklin Co. Callaway & Willis. G. S. GORDONSVILLE, Orange Co. Bear, B. G.- S. Snead, Littleton W. G. S. GREAT BRIDGE, Norfolk Co. Tatum, John P. Wilson, George A. G. S. GUILFORD, Accomac Co. Dickerson, Thomas. G. S. HALIFAX C. H., Halifax Co. Easley, James S. G. S. Wade, N. L. G. S. HAMPTON, Elizabeth City Co. Hull, H., Jr, McDevit & Wood. HANSONVILLE, Russell Co. Hanson, Aldertson & Co. G. S. HARRISONBURG, Rockingham Co. Gordon & Williams. Ott, L. H. Shacklett, Henry. HAWKINSTOWN, Shenandoah Co. Maphis & Maphis. G. S. HEATHSVILLE, Northumberland Co, Starke, L. B. HICKSFORD, Greenville Co. Smith, Dr. John A. HIGH VIEW, Frederick Co. Capper, M. G. S. HILLSVILLE, Carroll Co. Johnson & Early. G. S. Wilkinson, Anderson & Co. G. S. HUGHESVILLE, Loudon Co. Hage, Jesse. G. S. Hughes, Thomas. G. S. ISLE OF WIGHT, Isle of Wight Co. Cox, James H. G. S. Hall, George II. G. S. JEFFRIES’ STORE, Charlotte Co. Jeffries, E. T. G. S. JONESVILLE, Lee Co. Dougherty & Beaty. G. S. Richmond & Bro. G. S. KEYSVILLE, Charlotte Co. Priddy, John D. & Brother. KILMARNOCK, Lancaster Co. Brent, William IT., Jr. G. S. Chase, William T. G. S. KING AND QUEEN C. H., King and Queen Co. Bird, William B. G. S. LACEY’S SPRINGS, Rockingham Co. Sprinkle & Martz. G. S. LANCASTER C. H., Lancaster Co. Sullivan, J. L. & Bro. G. S. LAUREL MILLS, Rappahannock Co. Smith, William & Son. G. S. LAWRENCEVILLE, Brunswick Co. Smith, Dr. Thomas A. LEBANON, Russell Co. Alderson & Kernan. G. S. Aston, A. W. G. S. Bruce & Co. G. S. LEEDSTOWN, Westmoreland Co. Massey, Thomas H. G. S. LEESBURG, Loudon Co. Mott, A. R. LEXINGTON, Rockbridge Co. Gorrell, B. H. Graham, Archibald. McCrum, T. J. 349 VIRGINIA.—Continued. LIBERTY C. H., Bedford Co. Smith, J. Irwin. LIBERTY EURNACE, Shenandoah Co. Miller, George. G. S. LIBERTY HILL, Tazewell Co. Barnes, Robert & Co. G. S. Higginbotham, S. W. & Co. G. S. LITTLE PLYMOUTH, King and Queen Co. Courtney & Spencer. G. S. Spencer & Hart. G. S. LIVELY OAK, Lancaster Co. Burgess, B. G. G. S. LLOYD’S, Essex Co. Sale & Saunders. G. S. LOCUST MOUNT, Accomac Co. Bell, George W. & Stokely. G. S. Bunting, Thomas C. G. S. LOUISA C. H., Louisa Co. Pinkard, R. O LOUISVILLE, Brunswick Co Meredith, D. W. & T. H. G. S. LUNENBURG C. H., Lunenburg Co, Cardozo, Samuel F. G. S. Jackson, E. B. G. S. Woodson & Allen. G. S. LURAY C. H., Page Co. Grayson, B. F. & Co. G. S. Jones & Taylor. Miller & Brumback. LYNCHBURG, Campbell Co. Faulkner & Craigliill. Fleet, C. B. & Co. Seay, John H. Strother, William A. THOMPSON, J. H. MADISON C. H., Madison Co. Jones, Walker. MANCHESTER, Chesterfield Co. Weiseger & Archer. MARION, Smyth Co. Sheffey, J. P. Watson, M. P. MARTINSVILLE, Henry Co. Lavender, J. B. G. S. Putzell, S. & Son. G. S. MECHANICSBURG, Bland Co. Wohlford, Thomas & Co. G. S. MECHUM’S RIVER, Albemarle Co. Clark, George P. G. S. MERRY POINT, Lancaster Co. Woodford, Thomas E. G. S. MIDDLEBURG, Loudon Co. Adams, George W. G. S. Brown, E. C. & Co. G. S. MIDDLESEX, Accomac Co. Ames, R. T. G. S. MODEST TOWN, Accomac Co. Northam, J. W. ■& Son. G. S. MONTEREY, Highland Co. Chew, William M. & Co. .G. S. MOORE’S STATION, Shenandoah Co, Wunder & Wiseman. G. 3. MOUNT AIRY, Wythe Co. Bowyer, H. Q. A. Clark, H. MT. JACKSON, Shenandoah Co. Timberlake & Lacey. G. S. Witz, Isaac & Brother. G. S. • NEWBERN, Pulaski Co. Dobbins, Gordon. G. S. Jordan, William J. G. S. NEW GARDEN, Russell Co. Aston, II. D. G. S. Lockhart & Kendrick. G. S. NEW HOPE, Augusta Co. Stout, J. M. & Brother. G. S. NEW MARKET, Shenandoah Co. Henkle & Co. C. S. Little, W. W. & Co. G. S. Zirkle, John D. C. S. NEWPORT, Giles Co. Mason, Jones & Miller. G. S. NEWS TOWN, Accomac Co. Burdick, John A. G. S. 350 VIRGINIA.—Continued. NOREOLK, Norfolk Co. Archer, Smith & Co. Belote, John. Btirrows, J. W. Cannon, Dr. Church & Belote. Paints, etc. Cowdery, G. AV. Gatch, B. AV. Lawrence & Baker. Richardson, Benjamin. Ritter, P. H. Santos, M. A. & C. A. Seal & Newton. Taylor, William A. Toy, Thomas D. Wood, E. NORWOOD, Nelson Co. Stratton, Paul. G. S. OLD POINT COMFORT, Elizabeth City Co. Kimberly, W. H. G. S. ORANCOCK, Accomac Co. Bagwell & Leatherberry. ORANGE C. H., Orange Co. Taliaferro, H. D. & Son. PAINESVILLE, Amelia Co. Whitworth, T. E. G. S. PARIS, Fauquier Co. Rogers, AV. AV. G. S. PATRICK C. H., Patrick Co. Noel & Penn. G. S. PATTONSBURG, Botetourt Co. • Bunting, J. PETERSBURG, Dinwiddie Co. Alfriend & Woodward. French & Camp. Goodwin, ,T. W. Hare, O. P. Jordan & Carr. Rives & Proctor. Snyder, Samuel AV. SPOTSAVOOD, AVILLIAM F. Traylor, James G. PIEDMONT STATION, Fauquier Co, Ward, F. G. G. S. PITTSYLVANIA C. H., Pittsylvania Co. Martin, R. W. POPLAR HILL, Giles Co. Cecil, D. R. & Son. G. S. PORTSMOUTH, Norfolk Co. Durr, F. & Co. Maupin, E. AV. & Co. Wilson & Brother. PRINCESS ANNE C. H., Princess Anne Co. Brown, J. W. G. S. PROSPECT DEPOT, Prince Edward Co. Gills & Co. G. S. Venable, James. G. S. PUNGOTEAGUE, Aecomac Co. Heath & Nock. G. S. Walker, H. G. S. PURCELLVILLE, Loudon Co. Purcell, E. R. G. S. RED BANK, Aceomac Co. Johnson, J. R. & Son. Lewis, William. RED OAK, Charlotte Co. Jeffery, A. G. G. S. REED ISLAND, Pulaski Co. Stephens & Colfer. G. S. REXBURG, Essex Co. Motley & Ronzie. G. S. RICHLANDS, Tazewell Co. Gillespie & Matney. G. S. RICHMOND, Henrico Co. Druggists. Blair, J., 835 Broad St. Blamire, Joseph A., 21st & Main Sts. Bodeker, A. & Brother, 1536 Main St. Camm, William, 1414 Franklin St. Carey & Brother, Leigh & Brook Ave. Denson, James F., 6 West Broad St. Dove, Samuel E., 1324 Main St. Dupuy, P. E., 427 Broad St. Farrar, S. W., 25th & Leigh Sts. Farrar, W. F., Lester & Nicholson Sts. Fisher, J. C., 10 East Broad St. Fisher, J. R., 201 East Canal St. Frayser, ,T. AV., 1715 Franklin St. Gibbs, AV. IT., Main cor. Pine St. Harrison, H. AV., 715 Main St. Kindervater & Bock, 504 Broad St. Lecky, R., 231 Seventeenth St. 1 McPhail, B. G., Seventeenth & Main St. 351 VIRGINIA.—Continued. Richmond.—Continued. Meade & Baker, 919 Main St. Nolting, A. W. Jr., 1722 Main St. Powers. R. W., 1305 Main St. PURCFLL, LADD & CO., 1216 Main St. Richardson, W. F., Seventeenth & Clay Sts. Rison, John W., 223 Main St. Robins, Albert H., 523 Seaond St. Saunders, T. M., 110 West Marshall St. Scott, A. A., Broad & Twenty-fifth Sts. Scott, William H., 1619 Franklin St. Strecker, O. A., 1559 Main St. Thomas, L. B. & Co., 214 Broad St. Wagner, L., 600 Broad St. Wood, J. B. & Sons, 900 Main St. & 500 Marshall St. Paints, Oils, etc. ITirshberg, N. II., 407 Broad St. Wendenburg, Robert, 808 Main St. RIPPON, Clarke Co. Williams, F. P. & Co. G. S. ROCKBRIDGE BATHS, Rockbridge Co. Anderson, A. W. G. S. Anderson & Bryan. G. S. ROCKY MOUNT, Franklin Co. Calloway & Willis. G. S. Etting & Cabel. G. S. ROSE HILL, Lee Co. Bales, Robert M. G. S. Dohorty & Co. G. S. Richmond Co. G. S. SALEM, Fauquier Co. Foster, Thomas R. G. S. SALEM, Roanoke Co. Landon & Armstrong. Nowlen, S. H. SAVAGEVILLE, Accomac Co. Savage, George. G. S. SCOTTSVILLE, Albemarle Co. Cocke & Brother. Lindsay & Jeffries. SEA VIEW, Northampton Co. Nottingham & Co. G. S. SEVEN MILE FORD, Smyth Co. Jackson, M. C. S. SEVILLE, Madison Co. Stevens Hugh N. G. S. SHADY GROVE, Franklin Co. Smith & Co. G. S. SHARON, Bland Co. Hicks, J. M. & Brother. G. S. SHOULDER’S HILL, Nansemond Co Wilson, A. W. G. S. SMITHFIELD, Isle of Wight Co. Chambers, C. C. SNICKERSVILLE, Loudon Co. Silcott, M. & Co. C. S. SNOWVILLE, Pulaski Co. Dobbins, Gordon. G. S. SPRING HILL, King and Queen Co Wright & Lipscomb. G. S. STAFFORDSVILLE, Giles Co. Johnston, M. S. & Co. G. S. Stafford & Brooks. G. S. STANARDSVILLE, Greene Co. Hume & Simms. STAUNTON, Augusta Co. Eichelberger & Fultz. Link, F. H. TROUT, P. H. Young & Reese. STEVENSVILLE, King & Queen Co Gresham & Bagley. G. S. STIDLEY’S SCHOOL HOUSE, Shenandoah Co. Fraul & Lacey. G. S. STRAUSBURG, Shenandoah Co. Keister, A. G. S. Zea, Perky & Co. G. S. SUFFOLK, Nansemond Co. Webb, Joseph P. SURRY POINT, Norfolk Co. Thomas, J. W. Jr. TAPPAHANNOCK, Essex Co. McDaniel, J. W. TEMPLEMAN’S CROSS ROADS, Westmoreland Co. ITealy, Samuel S. & Co. G. S. 352 VIRGINIA.—Continued. THE PLAINS, Fauquier Co. Carter & Turner. G. S. TURKEY COVE, Lee Co. Richmond, Jonathan. G. S. TYE RIVER STATION, Nelson Co. Taliaferro & Loring. G. S. UNION HALL, Franklin Co. English, Stephen. G. S. Turner, G. A. & C. M. G. S. UNIVERSITY, Albemarle Co. Mitchie, T. A. VIENNA, Fairfax Co. Bowman, J. B. G. S. WADESVILLE, Clarke Co. Wade, Daniel. G. S. WARRENTON, Fauquier Co. Phillips & Read. Stephens & Jeffries. Withers, John B. & Co. Withers & Hamme. WASHINGTON C. H., Rappahannock Co Wayman & Templeton. WATERLOO, Fauquier Co. Schwab, Anton. G. S. WAYNESBOROUGH, Augusta Co. Fry, Hugh. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Giles Co. Eggleson, W. G. S. WHITMELL, Pittsylvania Co. Pritchett, A. G. & Co. G. S. WILLIAMSBURGH, James City Co. Camm, Charles. WINCHESTER, Frederick Co. Bushnell, George E. Flinn, Dr. V. H. Hartman & Bowley. Miller, George F. WINDSOR, Isle of Wight Co. Ashburne, A. H. & Co. G. S WINDSOR SHADES, New Kent Co. Ball, E. G. S. WOODSTOCK, Shenandoah Co. Schmidt, B. WYTHEVILLE, Wythe Co. Gleaves, Dr. S'. C. Haller, A. S. Noel, J. C. & Co. WEST VIRGINIA. ALPINE STATION, Morgan Co. Bridge & Henderson. BARBOURSVILLE, Cabell Co. Bright, R. D. BELLEVILLE, Wood Co. Cooper, W. A. BERKELEY SPRINGS, Morgan Co, Hunter, J. II. & Co. BETHANY, Brooke Co. Campbell, Dr. A. C. Blackman, Dudson. G. S. BLACKSVILLE, Monongalia Co. Lantz, William. G. S. Tygard & Sedgwick. G. S. BRANDONVILLE, Preston Co. Frankliouse, D. G. S. Hagans, H. C. & Co. G. S. BUCKHANNON C. H., Upshur Co. Newton G. A. CALHOUN, Barbour Co. Howell, John. G. S. CAMERON, Marshall Co. Steger, Dr. S. B. CAPON BRIDGE, Hampshire Co. Cooper, Samuel. G. S. CASSVILLE, Monongalia Co. Lemley, L. J. & Brother. G. S. 353 WEST VIRGINIA.—Continued. CENTREVILLE, Monroe Co. Hinton & Co. G. S. Maddy, John. G. S. CHARLESTON, Kanawha Co. Cunningham & Reimer. Dunbar, William S. Laidley, R. Q. McRoberts, George M. Rogers, J. H. CHARLESTOWN, Jefferson Co. Aisquith & Brother. Campbell & Co. CLARKSBURG, Harrison Co. Carr, Dr. J. L. Finnell, R. D. CLIFTON, Mason Co. Downing, A. D. & Co. COALS MOUTH, Kanawha Co. Lee, R. H. CORNWALLIS, Ritchie Co. Taylor & Hitchcock. G. S. COTTAGEVILLE, Jackson Co. Rhodes, D. D. G. S. DALLAS, Marshall Co. Marshman, T. F. ELK, Barbour Co. Crim & Hall. G. S. EVANSVILLE, Preston Co. Tutt & Feltner. C. S. FAIRMOUNT, Marion Co. Comerford, M. M. Turney, G. L. FAIR VIEW C. H., Hancock Co. Yant, Daniel II. FISH CREEK, Marshall Co. Hornbrook & Reynolds. G. S. GLENVILLE, Gilmer Co. Eagan, C. W. GRAFTON, Taylor Co. Thayer, A. H. GUYANDOTTE, Cabell Co. Ilysell, J. H. HARPER’S FERRY, Jefferson Co. Bellar, C. E. Le Joie, Dr. P. HARRISVILLE, Ritchie C. H. P. O., Ritchie Co. Hall, M. S. Rymer, Wm. H. HILLSDALE, Monroe Co. Parker, A. K. & Co. G. S. JOHNSON’S CROSS ROADS, Kanawha Co. Johnson, James M. G. S. KABELTOWN, Jefferson Co. Walraven, J. W. G. S. KINGWOOD C. H., Preston Co. McGrew, W. C. G. S. LEWISBTJRGH, Greenbrier Co. Sydenstricker, O. P. LIMESTONE, Marshall Co. Hatcher, A. P. MALDEN, Kanawha Co. Winkler & Romer. MANNINGTON, Marion Co. Newson, G. A. Youst, P. D. MARTINSBURG, Berkeley Co. Baker, J. L. W. Dorsey, William. Robinson, H. C. MILL POINT, Pocahontas Co. McNeil, Isaac. G. S. MORGANTOWN, Monongalia Co. Brock, Hugh W. Hanway & Lorenz. McLane & Brock. MOUNDSVILLE, Marshall Co. Bruce, George W. Ney/J. W. Thomas, Dr. MOUTH OF BIRCH, Braxton Co. Fox, Camden & Co. G. S. NEWBURG, Preston Co. Allen, L. S. G. S. Smoot, James R. G. S. 354 WEST VIRGINIA.—Continued. NEW CREEK, Hampshire Co. Trout & Davis. NEW CUMBERLAND, Hancock Co. Chapman, B. W. NEW MARTINSVILLE C. H., Wetzel Co. Clark, J. G. S. Priest, J. B. G. S. PARKERSBURG, Wood Co. Amiss & Jones. Franz, H. MURDOCH, J. N. Shrewsbury, C. M. Stephenson & Wade. PAW PAW, Morgan Co. McKaig & Co. G. S. PENNSBORO, Ritchie Co. Bradford & Kimball. C. S. Kuykendall, S. E. G. S. PHILIPPI, Brandon Co. Grant, James A. PIEDMONT, Hampshire Co. Bell, Joseph V. Davis, H. G. & Co. G. S. Thrasher, W. A. G. S. POINT PLEASANT, Mason Co. Barbee, A. R. Hooff, James H. Miles, Benjamin L. Shaw, Dr. Samuel G. PORTER’S FALLS, Wetzel Co. Morgan & Brother. C. S. RATHBONE, Wirt Co. Cox & Brother. RAVENSWOOD, Jackson Co. Hoyt, Dr. B. H. Lemley, T. H. B. RIDGEVILLE, Hampshire Co. Trout, Henry. G. S. ROMNEY, Hampshire Co. McDowell, W. H. RUFFNER’S LANDING, Putnam Co. Ruffner, B. F. G. S. SHEPHERDSTOWN, Jefferson Co. Billings, Henry M. SINKS GROVE, Monroe Co. Smith, A. J. SPENCER, Roan Co. Hovey, J. E. STUMPTOWN, Gilmer Co. Stump, L. & Co. G. S. TAY’S VALLEY, Putnam Co. Handley, Alexander W. G. S. TROY, Gilmer Co. Stinbeck & Co. G. S. UNGER’S STORE, Morgan Co. Unger, Washington. G. S. UNION, Monroe Co. Hinton, Bailey & Co. G. S. Johnston, Eggleston & Mason. G. S. Shanklin, Clark & Co. G. S. WELLSBURG, Brooks Co. Kirker, A. P. Shiver & Frost. WEST COLUMBIA, Mason Co. Ellis, J. M. & Co. WESTON, Lewis Co. Camden & Ralston. Pinkney, T. A. WEST UNION, Doddridge Co. Cheuvront, Joseph. G. S. Hurt, L. C. • WHEELING, Ohio Co. Booking, E. Brentlinger & Derry. BRICE, S. L. Finney, T. J. Laughlin, Smith & Co. List & Hubbard. Logan, List & Co. McCabe, Buslifield & Kraft. McLain Brothers. Reed & Kraft. Roberts, George. Paints. Robinson, William II. Paints, etc. Scliuchardt, G. Silvey, J. H. & Co. Sweeny, Bell & Co. Glass Mfrs. Whitehead, Daniel. Paints. WIRT C. H., Wirt Co. Vernon & Co. WORTHINGTON, Marion Co. Ogden, P. B. 355 WISCONSIN. ADDISON, Washington Co. Schantz, Adam. G. S. AHNAPEE, Kewaunee Co. Swartz, F. ALBANY, Green Co. Winston & Hudson. ALBION, Dane Co. Burdick & Davis. G. S. ALDERLY, Dodge Co. Jerenson, J. G. S. ALLEN’S GROVE, Walworth Co. Teal, E. P. G. S. Woodward, A. & M. ALMA, Buffalo Co. Crowley & Co. AMHERST, Portage Co. Guernsey, A. H. G. S. ANNATON, Grant Co. Clayton & Woodward. G. S. APPLETON, Outagamie Co. Adkin, C. G. G. S. Benoit & Montgomery. Bordley, W. J. SUTHERLAND, DR. J. ARCADE, Adams Co. Wrock, William. G. S. ARENA, Iowa Co. Jones, William H. ARGYLE, Lafayette Co. Pullen, L. F. G. S. Thurston & Wright. AUGUSTA, Eau Claire Co. Bolton & Victory. Livermore, J. & Co. G. S. AVOCA, Iowa Co. Ingram, J. O. BANGOR, La Crosse Co. Waterman, J. & Co. BARRABOO, Sauk Co. Mills, B. F. Orvis, Lang & Camp. BAYFIELD, La Pointe Co. Yaughn, S. S. 6. S. BEAVER DAM, Dodge Co. Griffiths, W. C. Moore & Martin. Weed, A. G. BEETOWN, Grant Co. Millard, F. R. G. S. Nichols, J. BELLEVILLE. Dane Co. Osborne, E. H. BELMONT, Lafayette Co. Brown & Law. Stansmore, John. BELOIT, Rock Co. Collins, C. F. G. FENTON, F. S. & CO. Gregory, D. W. Sims, C. F. & Son. Waterman & Gordon. Paints, etc. Winslow & Rosenburg. BERLIN, Green Lake Co. BURR, E. S. & D. R. Dodson, N. M. BLACK EARTH, Dane Co. Speers & Rice. BLACK RIVER FALLS, Jaekson Co. Cole, J. W. & Co. Porter, W. B. Werner, F. BLANCHARDSVILLE, Lafayette Co. Blanchard, A. & Co. G. S. BOSCOBEL, Grant Co. Peterson, Peter. BRANDON, Fond du Lac Co. Dodson, B. F. Morris, George. BRODHEAD, Green Co. Clark & Walling. Nanscawen & Son. Taylor & Hutchinson. BROTHERTOWN, Calumet Co. Ball, W. & Bro. G. S. 356 WISCONSIN.—Continued. BURLINGTON, Racine Co. Cooper & Merrick. Wood, C. W. & Co. CAMBRIA, Columbia Co. Jones, G. O. Reese, Richard. CAMBRIDGE, Dane Co. Dundas, J. C. Slagg, Thomas. CASSVILLE, Grant Co. Kraft, Dr. A. CEDARBURG, Ozaukee Co. Borner, Fred. G. S. Scliroeder, Jurgen. G. S. CENTRALIA, Wood Co. Whitney, G. W. CENTREVILLE, Manitowoc Co. Bode & Matthews. G. S. Leisen, Jacob. G. S. CHILTON, Calumet Co. Mahoney, William. CHIPPEWA FALLS, Chippewa Co Fales & Hinckley. CLARK’S MILLS P. O., Manitowoc Co. Clark, S. S. G. S. CLINTON, Rock Co. Covert & Hollister. G. S. CLYDE, Iowa Co. Kinsey, James. G. S. COLUMBUS, Columbia Co. Huggins, Frank. Sw’artout, John. Williams, John. CONCORD, JefFerson Co. Schwarz, M. G. S. DANE P. O., Dane Co. Martin, Louis. G. S. DARIEN, Wolworth Co. Williams, D. DARLINGTON, Lafayette Co. Otis, D. B. & Co. Smith & Eden. Suddeth H. H. Dispensary. DARTFORD, Green Lake Co. Locke, Edwin P. DEL AVAN, Walworth Co. BRIGGS, DR. G. H. Camp, J. H. Larrabee & Co. DELTON, Sauk Co. Huntingdon, L. DE PERE, Brown Co. Merrill, E. C. & Co. G. S. Smith, Benjamin F. G. S. DIAMOND BLUFF, Pierce Co. Hardy, D. S. DODGEVILLE, Iowa Co. Bishop, W. A. Burrall & Cutler. Roberts, James. DURAND, Pepin Co. Crocker, Walter. Smith, J. C. Topping, D. C. EAGLE, Waukesha Co. Kline Brothers. EAST TROY, Walworth Co. Gristo Brothers. EAU CLAIRE, Eau Claire Co. Alexander, Dr. Barnes & French. Ketcliam, D. H. EDGERTON, Rock Co. Craft, M. J. Stillman, H. W. ELKHORN, Walworth Co. Bennett, S. F. Ferris, G. W. & J. L. Humphrey, B. B. Shepard, Oliver W. Paints, etc. ELLSWORTH, Pierce Co. Woodworth, D. W. & Co. ELROY, JUNEAU Co. Hart, E. G. S. ERFORD P. O., Jefferson Co. Schriber, A. G. S. 357 WISCONSIN.—Continued. EUREKA, Winnebago Co. Lawrence, Dr. Amos. Rounds, L. & Son. G. S. Trow & Wait. G. S. EVANSVILLE, Rock Co. Christ, Gabriel. Evans & Smith. Lucas & Palmer. FOND DU LAC, Fond Du Lac Co. Curran, D. R. HUBER, J. C. Kalk & Kent. Krembs, M. Marshall, Charles II. Pat. Med. Minor, Jay. Wright, T. S. FORT ATKINSON, Jefferson Co. White & Sheldon. FORT HOWARD, Brown Co. Harris & Co. FOUNTAIN CITY, Buffalo Co. Guillemine, A. * Terkenburg, Henry. FOX LAKE, Dodge Co. Iberson & Wilmarth. FRIENDSHIP, Adams Co. Webster, S. E. GENEVA, Walworth Co. Curtis & McDonald. Hammersley, W. H. GENOA, Walworth Co. Benson, Potter & Co. G. S. GEORGETOWN, Grant Co. Forbush & Dingley. GIBBSVILLE, Sheboygan Co. Gibbs, B. L. & Son. G. S. GLENBEULAH, Sheboygan Co. Dreher, Carl. GOOLE, Vernon Co. Cooper, John C. G. S. GRAND RAPIDS, Wood Co. Philleo, H. B. Witter, George F. GREEK BAY, Brown Co. King & Morris. Monnier, C. S. Robinson & Brother. HALE’S CORNERS, Milwaukee Co, Smith, James G. S. HANCOCK, Waushara Co. Miner, S. HARTFORD, Washington Co. Nanscawen, L. Y. HARTLAND, Waukesha Co. Lyman, H. J. G. S. HAZEL GREEN, Grant Co. Chandler & York. HELENVILLE, Jefferson Co. Bullwinkle, Ortgus. G. S. Weber, Martin. G. S. HIGHLAND, Iowa Co. David, J. W. HORICON, Dodge Co. Haycock, R. Messer & Randall. HORTONVILLE, Outagamie Co. Ware, C. H. G. S. Woodward, D. E. G. S. HUDSON, St. Croix Co. Boyden & Martin. Jagger, H. B. HUSTISFORD, Dodge Co. Rex, Frederick. IRONTON, Sauk Co. Keith & Paddock. G. S. Teal, C. JACKSON, Washington Co. Frank, John G. G. S. JANESVILLE, Rock Co. Colwell, C. B. CURTIS & CROFT. Hackley, L. E. Palmer, Andrew & Son. Roberts, A. J. Sherwood, F. Z. Williams, 0. 358 WISCONSIN.-Continued. JEFFERSON, Jefferson Co. Berger, Joseph. Johnson, Philip. McCullough, J. R. McGuire, Dr. Francis. JUDA, Green Co. Bishop, W. A. Dudgeon, C. W. Dyer & Willoughby. JUNEAU, Dodge Co. Merto Brothers. KASSON, Dodge Co. Wheeler, William. KENOSHA, Kenosha Co. Clark, H. E. ROBINSON, FREDERICK. Starkweather, J. B. KEWAUNEE, Kewaunee Co. Hitchcock, W. D. & Co. G. S. KILBOURN CITY, Columbia Co. Jenkins, George W. Woodruff, C. D. KINGSTON, Green Lake Co. Wilkins, Cilmer. LA CROSSE, La Crosse Co. McCullough, McCord & co. Martindale, C. K. Runkle & Hyerdahl. Weston & Douglass. LAKE MILLS, Jefferson Co. Howe, B. LAMARTINE, Fond Du Lac Co. Brown, Dr. LANCASTER, Grant Co. Baxter, W. H. Jones, James A. LA POINTE, La Pointe Co. Switz, Henry. G. S. LEEDS, Columbia Co. Squires, L. LODI, Columbia Co. Bartholomew, W. M. McCloud, James. LOGANVILLE, Sauk Co. Newell, Phelps & Co. G. S. LONE ROCK, Richland Co. Burnham, A. G. Eldred, R. S. LOWEL, Dodge Co. Brown, Dr. J. K. LYNXVILLE, Crawford Co. Hopkins, L. D. LYONS, Walworth Co. Brown & Merriam. G. S. MADISON, Dane Co. Dunning & Sumner. Findlay, Alexander. Fisher, Dr. F. Pardee, Arthur A. THOMPSON & REGAN. Wilson, J. T. MANITOWOC, Manitowoc Co. Bacon, O. R. & Co. Leubner, E. Merklin, . Robinson, T. & J. MAPLETON, Waukesha Co. Houser, A. G. S. MARKESAN, Green Lake Co. Larke, Thomas. Sweet, A. W. MARQUETTE, Green Lake Co. Wilde & McClurg. MARRINETTE, Oetono Co. Sherman, J. J. MAUSTON, Juneau Co. Leonard, E. W. & Co. Peaniman, C. G. & Co. MAYVILLE, Dodge Co. Sauhering, Rudolph. MAZO MANIE, Dane Co. Jones, Jonathan. Senea, Alfred. MEEME, Manitowoc Co. Herr, Michael. G. S. Waltenbach, A. G. S. MEN ASH A, Winnebago Co. Bates, A. E. Bliedon, Charles. Lincoln, A. N. 359 WISCONSIN.—Continued MENEKAUNE, Oconto Co. Hall, J. C. MENOMONIE, Dunn Co. Hull, David S. MEQUON, Ozaukee Co. Harnig, Charles. G. S. Zimmerman, William. G. S. MERTON, Waukesha Co. Weil, Adolph. G. S. MILFORD, Jefferson Co. Willard, Trank & Co. G. S. MILTON, Rock Co. Haven, H. M. MILWAUKEE, Milwaukee Co. Apothecaries. Alcott, J. M., 408 East Water St. Anneke, C., 192 Reed St. Battell, Wm. T., 201 West WTaterSt. Baumbacli, Charles, 487 East Water St Cook, B. F. & Co., 202 Spring St. Dohmen, Peter C., 188 Reed St. Drake Brothers, 255 South Water St. Fess, Henry, 107 Wisconsin St. Foote, A. E. & H. W., Ill Spring St. Goetz, Frederick, 294 Third St. Kalcklioff, Ferd., 312 Chestnut St. Kieslich, Frank, cor. Walnut & Fond du Lac. Kirst & Gerhardy, 268 West Water St. Lake, W. W., 318 Spring St. Loehr, Albert, 600 Third St. Lotz & Trott, 366 Third St. Mever, Louis, 519 Twelfth St. MORTON, I. N., 400 East Water St. Orton, Charles H., 137 Clinton St. Ritmeier, , 328 Grove St. Scliellenbeck, Anton, 164 Reed St. Schorse, William, 622 Third St. Spindler, Fred., 946 Winnebago St. Swift, George A., 867 East Water St. Tesch, John & Co., 15 Spring St. Thiele, Otto, 287 Third St. Vertessy, John, 411 Chestnut St. Widula, C., 630 Chestnut St. Wiese, Rudolph, 623 East Water St. Woodruff, A. H., 85 Wisconsin St. Wholesale Druggists. Bosworth, H. & Son, 339 East Water St! Dohmen, Schmitt & Co., 267 & 269 East Water. Drake Brothers, 255 South Water St. Green & Button, 297 & 299 East Water St. MORTON, I. N., 112 Wisconsin St. Rice & Rising, 290 East Water St. Swift, George W., 367 East Water St. Tesch, John N., 15 Spring St. Kalekhoff Brothers, Clinton St. Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Patton, J. E. & Co. MINERAL POINT, Iowa Co. Moffit, J. B. & C. R. Pulford, R. D. • MONROE, Green Co. Bradshaw & Adams. Eilert, J. K. & Co. Titus & Humphrey. Treat & Fillebrown. MONTEREY, Waukesha Co. Beaman, H. C. G. S. MONTICELLO, Green Co. Bradshaw, H. N. MORRISTOWN, Brown Co. Falck, Philip. G. S. MOUNT HOPE, Grant Co. Nathan, Oswald & Co. G. S. MOUNT STERLING, Crawford Co. Cook & Hagerty, G. S. Corfe & Sherwood. MOUNT VERNON, Dane Co. Donald, W. J. MUKWONAGO, Waukesha Co. Collins, D. W. P. Youman, J. MUSCODA, Grant Co. Jameson & Holford. Tyler, A. R. NECEDAH, Juneau Co. Canfield, F. A. NEENAH, Winnebago Co. Kimberly & Henry. Marsh, Edward P. Mills & Gleason. NEILSVILLE, Clark Co. Adams, George O. NELSON, Buffalo Co. Geibel, E. G. S. NESHOTO, Manitowoc Co. Smith, Isaac. G. S. NEW HOLSTEIN, Calumet Co. Moeller, Adolphus. G. S. Puchner, Rudolph. G. S. 360 WISCONSIN.—Continued. NEW LISBON, Juneau Co. Heath, & Olcott Little, E. G. NEW LONDON, Waupacca Co. Dickenson, Perley & Son. Jillson, H. K. NEW RICHMOND, St. Croix Co. Gibson & Walton. OAK CREEK, Milwaukee Co. Hobart, A. P. G. S. OAKFIELD, Fond Du Lac Co. Moore & Pritchard. OAK GROVE, Dodge Co. Currie, John. G. S. OCONOMOWOC, Waukesha Co. Ackley, W. H. Hartwell & McArthur. Moulton Bros. OCONTO, Oconto Co. Adams, J. M. Coleman, S. A. OMRO, Winnebago Co. Manning, L. 0. E. Shaffer, George W. Simmonds & Clark. OREGON, Dane Co. Howe, C. M. & Co. ORION, Richland Co. Dawson, W. H. OSHKOSH, Winnebago Co. Caswell, John M. Guenther, Richard. Griffiths, P. A. Noyes & Beals. Williams, M. J. WILLIAMS, W. L. OTSEGO, Columbia Co. Pulver, W. A. OXFORD, Marquette Co. Abbott, Frank. Stillman, J. F. PALMYRA, Jefferson Co. Benedict, B. N. Sherman Brothers. PARDEEVILLE, Columbia Co. Leroy, Dr. F. L. PATCH GROVE, Grant Co. Cory, J. B. PEPIN, Pepin Co. Montgomery & Axtell. PERRY, Dane Co. Daly, 0. B. G. S. PESHTIGO, Oconto Co. Nichols, Dr. Theron. PINE RIVER, Waushara Co. Jewell, Dr. B. D. PIPERSVILLE, Jefferson Co. Piper, J. & Son. G. S. PLAINFIELD, Waushara Co. Munson, M. G. S. PLATTEVILLE, Grant Co. Drinkall, T. 0. Munger, John F. & Co. Wright & Hooper. PLOVER, Portage Co. McDill, A. & T. Rogers, J. D. PORTAGE CITY, Columbia Co. GRAHAM, JOHN. Waterhouse & Waters. PORTLAND, Jefferson Co. Soper, D. F. PORT WASHINGTON, Ozaukee Co. Audier, M. Scholl, John T. Young, N. POTOSI, Grant Co. Seaton & Rockwell. POYNETT, Columbia Co. Russell, Dr. E. F. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, Crawford Co. Brower, Thomas L. Telmont, John. Wright, N. A. PRAIRIE DU SAC, Sauk Co. Cummings, Dr. A. P. PRESCOTT, Pierce Co. Brill & Welch. McCray, Carlos. 361 WISCONSIN.—Continued. PRINCETON, Green Lake Co. Wilde & McClurg. RACINE, Racine Co. Burch & Bruce. Paints, etc. Bronard & Heyer. Paints, etc. Harbridge, F. Co. Langlois & Robilard. Paints, etc. Smeiding, II & W. STONE, H. & SON. Workman, H. M. & Co. RANDOLPH STATION, Dodge Co. Lightner, J. S. RED RIVER, Kewanee Co. Muller, P. G. S. REEDSBURG, Sauk Co. Ramsey, Samuel. RICHFIELD, Washington Co. Mann, Edward. G. S. RICHLAND CENTRE, Richland Co. Burnham, F. IT. Downs, D. L. & Co. RICHWOOD, Dodge Co. Smith, C. J. G. S. RIPON, Fond du Lac Co. Cooper, Isaac. Dafrees & Aiken. Phelps, B. H. & Co. Shepard, N. Paints. Sherwood & Marshall. RIVER FALLS, Pierce Co. Davis, C. E. ROCHESTER, Racine Co. Jackson & Co. G. S. ROSENDALE, Fond du Lac Co. Bowe, A. H. Hall, Dr. S. SCHLEISIN GERVILLE, Washington Co. Freyburg, Dr. SCOTT, Sheboygan Co. Seaman & Bro. G. S. SENECA, Crawford Co. Smethurst & Son. G. S. SEXTONVILLE, Richland Co. McCollum, Asa. SHARON, Walworth Co. Horn, George & Co. Morris, D. G. Treat & Yates. SHAW AN AW, Shawanaw Co. Burrows, Charles. McCord, W. E. Upliam, Charles M. SHEBOYGAN, Sheboygan Co. Blackstock & Muth. Breitzmann, Julius. Lentz, F. G. Reichel & Co. Paints, etc. ST. SURE & BLISS. SHEBOYGAN FALLS, Sheboygan Co. Roberts, M. P. Shephard & Clark. Spencer, G. R. SHOPIERE, Rock Co. Holmes & Co. G. S. SHULLSBURG, Lafayette Co. Douglass & Law. Fox, M. A. SPARTA, Monroe Co. Humphrey, S. J. Newton, O. J. Palmer & Gage. SPRINGVILLE, Adams Co. More, A. L. G. S. SPRINGVILLE, Vernon Co. Beauffleur, P. G. S. ST. CROIX, Polk Co. Lacy, P. B. G. S. Thompson, James. G. S. STEPHENSVILLE, Outagamie Co. Grunert, Charles. G. S. STEVEN’S POINT, Portage Co. McCulloch, II. Wines & Bro. STEWART P. O., Green Co. Crowell, A. G. S. STOCKBRIDGE, Calumet Co. Stickle, George W. STOUGHTON, Dane Co. Boyce & Melendy. Falk & Brother. 362 WISCONSIN.—Continued. STURGEON BAY, Door Co. McKinney, John. SUN PRAIRIE, Dane Co. Cross, G. S. Watts, I. SUPERIOR, Douglas Co. Hohly, Dr. TOMAH, Monroe Co. Griggs, L. S. Richards & Gunn. Runkel & Winship. G. S. TOWERVILLE, Crawford Co. Lester & Tower. G. S. TWIN GROVE, Green Co. Walker, E. L. G. S. TWO RIVERS, Manitowoc Co. Oswald, John. UNION, Rock Co. Smith, Jesse. G. S. VICTORY, Vernon Co. Spencer, R. P. & Son. G. S. VIROQUA, Vernon Co. Nichols, M. C. WAITESVILLE, Jefferson Co. Harrison, C. G. S. WARNER’S LANDING, Vernon Co. Buchanan, Thomas. G. S. WASHINGTON HARBOR, Door Co. Rannsey, W. P. & D. E. G. S. WATERLOO, Jefferson Co. Dutclier & Falenger. Mead, C. B. & Co. WATERTOWN, Jefferson Co. Fountain, W. C. JOHNSON, E. Montgomery & Co. Schubert, Joseph. Schultz, L. A .T. II. Straw & Murphy. Paints, etc. Volckman, W. & Co. Paints, etc. Walther & Wiesemann. Paints, etc. Weber, Jacob. WAUKAN, Winnebago Co. Garbeck, R. Wilson, Oscar. WAUKESHA, Waukesha Co. Gilman, J. W. Jackson, Calvin. White, Ira M. WAUPACCA, Waupacca Co. Bailey, A. Chesley, J. A. Smith, Gorge W. Wheeler, F. F. & Co. WAUPUN, Fond Du Lac Co. Preston, J. V. Wells, R. W. WAUTOMA, Waushara Co. Lockerby, David & Co. WEST BEND, Washington Co. Keller, Charles. Wolfrein, Frederick. WESTFORD, Dodge Co. Leghtner, J. S. WEST GRANVILLE, Milwaukee Co. Wambold, E. & Bro. G. S. WEST MILTON, Rock Co. Brown, Oliver II. WEST SALEM, La Crosse Co. Brown & McDaniels. WEYAUWEGA, Waupacca Co. Cornwell, S. & Co. Post, L. L. Potter & Howe. WHITE WATER, Walworth Co. Day & O’Conner. Deichmann, John. Van Valkenburg, H. P. WINCHESTER, Winnebago Co. Clark, J. M. WINNECONNE, Winnebago Co. Curtis & Co. WONEWOC, Juneau Co. Matteson, T. E. WOODSTOCK, Richland Co. Hawkins, R. C. G. S. Walser, H. T. & Son. G. S. YORK, Green Co. Crowell, Allen. 363 ARIZONA TERRITORY. AUBREY CITY. Martin & Co. G. S. FORT MOHAVE, Mohave Co. Davis, A. E. G. S. HARDYSVILLE, Mohave Co. Ravenna, M. G. S. LA PAZ. Ravend, Emanuel. G. S. PRESCOTT. Campbell & Buffum. G. S. Gray & Co. G. S. Kendall & Mitchell. WICKENBERG, Tavafoi Co. Hayden & Co. G. S. Manassan & Goldwater. G. S. COLORADO TERRITORY. BLACK HAWK, Gilpin Co. Orahood, Harper M. Reid, Dr. J. H. BOULDER CITY, Boulder Co. Oldham, H. G. S. Tourtellot & Squires. G. S. BURLINGTON, Boulder Co. Street & Terrell. COLORADO CITY, El Paso Co. Gehrung, Emile. G. S. Hunt, J. G. S. CONEJOS, Conejos Co. Meyer, F. & Co. G. S. DENVER CITY, Arapahoe Co. Brocker, F. A. Cheeseman, Walter S. Helrich, Curtis & Co. Reithmann, J. J. & Co. Robinson, W. D. Paints, etc. Steinhauer & Walbach. FIELD’S RANCH, Pueblo Co. Field, Benjamin B. G. S. FORT GARLAND, Costilla Co. Meyer, F. W. & Co. G. S. FORT LYON, Pueblo Co. Thatcher, J. A. & Co. G. S. FORT MORGAN. Bough ton, M. V. Sutler & G. S. GEORGETOWN, Clear Creek Co Markley, John. Wright, Ensign S. GOLDEN CITY, Jefferson Co. Anderson, Joseph. Kelly, James. . MOUNTAIN CITY, Gilpin Co. Best, John. Ellis, W. T. Fonda & Turnald. Massard, Charles. NEVADA CITY, Gilpin Co. Haswell, William. Sweetzer, Charles H. PUEBLO, Pueblo Co. Thombs, Dr. P. R. TRINIDAD, Las Animas Co. Beslioar, Michael. Lines, J. F. DAKOTA TERRITORY. ELK POINT, Union Co. Morris, E. G. S. FORT SANDERS. Steele, Alexander & Co. G. S. VERMILLION, Clay Co. Harthorn & Bro. G. S. McHenry, James. G. S. YANKTON, Yankton Co. Bramble, 0. E, Van Yelsor & Evans. 364 IDAHO TERRITORY. BOISE CITY, Ada Co. Crawford, Slocum & Co. Miller, C. S. & Co. G. S. CENTREVILLE, Boise Co. Ridge, S. G. S. IDAHO CITY, Boise Co. Belknap, H. D. Chipman, M. Vantine & Co. G. S. LEWISTON, Nez Perces Co. Auker & Son. G. S. Bacon & Thompson. G. S. Gage, James. Store. PIONEER CITY, Boise Co. Canada, J. M. G. S. Danskin Bros. G. S. Madigan & Cannady. G. S. PLACERVILLE, Boise Co. Blake, H. G. & Co. G. S. Lynch & Miner. G. S. Raisten, J. II. RUBY CITY, Owyhee Co. Durell & Moore. G. S. Herman & Co. G. S. SILVER CITY, Owyhee Co. Ewing, T. & Co. G. S. Smith & Woodson. MONTANA TERRITORY. BLACKFOOT CITY, Deer Lodge Co. Birdseye, D. N. G. S. Higgins, W. W. G. S. Newell, O. H. G. S. BOZEMAN CITY, Gallatin Co. Black, L. M. G* S. Hoffman, C. W. G. S. Lamme, A. & Co. G. S. DEER LODGE, Deer Lodge Co. Bowie, C. Deer Lodge.—Continued. Keysser, Louis. Pemberton & Co. G. S. HELENA, Edgerton Co. Hale, R. S. Parcliin & Paynter. Weir & Pope. VIRGINIA CITY, Madison Co, Daems, L. Hale, R. S. NEVADA TERRITORY. AURORA, Esmeralda Co. Green, A. A. AUSTIN, Lander Co. Breen, Jesse. Green, Theodore. BELMONT, Nye Co. Alexander, G. R. Crowell, B. W. CARSON CITY, Ormsby Co. Warner & Co. CRYSTAL PEAK, Washoe Co. Weed, G. A. & Co DAYTON, Lyon Co. Harnard, W. Y. Meyer, M. G. S. GOLD HILL, Story Co. Denny, C. W. & Co. Jones, John, Jr. HAMILTON, Lander Co. Armitage, Joseph. RENO, Washoe Co. Hammer, Charles. Fergus, Howell & Co. G. S. 365 NE V ADA.—Continued. SILVER CITY, Lyon Co. Fergus, Howell & Co. G. S. VIRGINIA CITY, Storey Co. Armitage, Joseph. Cole, A. M. Ebert, J. & Co. Paints, etc. Frederick, Joseph. Virginia City.—Continued. Kirk, H. C. & Co. Livermore, Charles. Morrill, G. P. WASHOE CITY, Washoe Co. Hamner, W. B. Wood & Co. NEW MEXICO TERRITORY. ALBUQUERQUE, Bernalillo Co. De Leon, Dr. C. C. AROYO HONDO, Taos Co. Lacome, August. G. S. BARCLAY’S EORT, Mora Co. Kroenig, Wm. G. S. BELEN, Valencia Co. Huning, L. & H. G. S. BERNALILLO, Bernalillo Co. Perea, Jose L. G. S. DONA ANA, Dona Ana Co. Fredenthal, J. & Co. G. S. FORT CRAIG, Socorro Co. Wardwell, W. V. B. G. S. FORT SELDEN, Dona Ana Co. Blake & Co. G. S. FORT UNION, San Miguel Co. Moore, W. H. & Co. G. S. FORT WINGATE. Waters, John L. G. S. LAS CRUCES, Dona Ana Co. Armijo, Nestor. G. S. Tully & Ochoa. G. S. LAS VEGAS, San Miguel Co. Brunswick & Hecht. G. S. Las Vegas.—Continued. Dold, Andres & Co. G. S. Knauer, F. G. S. LIMITAR, Socorro Co. Montoya, Juan. G. S. Vigil, Manuel. G. S. LOS LUNAS, Valencia Co. I Franz, E. D. G. S. j Luna, Antonio, Jose & Co. G. S. MAXWELL’S RANCH, Mora Co. Maxwell, L. B. G. S. MESILLA, Dona Ana Co. j Bull, Thomas J. G. S. j Reynolds & Griggs. G. S. MORA, Mora Co. ; Birnbaum, H. G. S. Metzger, Frank. G. S. St. Vrain, Ceran. G. S. PERALTA, Valencia Co. I Lewis & Bro. G. S. Otero Antonio, Jose. G. S. Otero Manuel, Antonio. G. S. RANCHOS, Bernalillo Co. Armijo, Juan C. G. S. • Trissari, Mariano. G. S. SANTA EE, Santa Fe Co. ! Krummeck', Jacob. Martin, George T. Speigleberg Bros. G. S. ! Stemberger, Dr. A. 366 UTAH TERRITORY. CORINNE, Box Elder Co. Gregory & Wilcox. Hurlburt, Frank. Walker, McNutt & Co. ECHO CITY, Summit Co. Beckwith, A. C. & Co. G. S. Poole, William C. OGDEN, Weber Co. Godbe & Co. PROVO CITY, Utah Co. Roberts, D. C. SALT LAKE CITY, Great Salt Lake Co Bauman, J. & Co. Clinton, J. Godbe, W. 8. Kimball & Lawrence. G. S. Walker Brothers. G. S. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. ARCADA, Mason Co. Smith & Swain. G. S. CALQUATO, Lewis Co. Browning, John I. G. S. CASCADES, Skamania Co. Bradford, A. G. G. S. FORT VANCOUVER. Crawford & Co. G. S. Wintler, M. G. S. FREEPORT, Cowlitz Co. Ostrander, Dr. MUKILTEO, Snohomish Co. Frost & Fowler. G. S. OLYMPIA, Thurston Co. Turner, G. G. Willard, Dr. PORT TOWNSEND, Jefferson Co. Bartlirup, G. Hill, N. SEATTLE, King Co. Atkins & Sawdey. G. 8. Hinds, Stone & Co. G. S. Williamson, J. G. S. STEILACOM, Pierce Co. Huggins & Co. G. S. Latlium, John. VANCOUVER. Wall, Dr. David. WALLA WALLA, Walla Walla Co. Baker, D. 8. G. S. Coleman, F. W. Stevens, W. G. S. WYOMING TERRITORY. ATLANTIC CITY, Sweet Water Co, Poole & Co. BEAR RIVER CITY. Gregory, James R. CHEYENNE, Laramie Co. Adams & Glover. Corbett, W. F. Paints, etc. Cheyenne.—Continued. Hurlbut Brothers. Poole, T. W. & Co. LARAMIE CITY, Laramie Co. Finfrock, J. H. Rogers, L. M. SHERMAN, Albany Co. Wattles, A. B. A g@f^ tv* Is blade when first used and retains its color, flows freely from the pen, and will not corrode; warranted to give a 'perfect and en- during copy, is highly endorsed by leading Professors of Penmanship, and is used in the principal Panics, Railroad Offices, Commercial Col- leges, Schools, and large establishments of the country. It is the result of eight years experimenting. Many object to the light greenish color of Arnold’s and other popu- lar Writing Fluids, which turn black only after having been written some hours. To a person of imperfect sight a plain black ink is far preferable—others again object to keeping two kinds of ink, one for their books and another for copying purposes. This article possesses the great advantage of being a beautiful color when first used, and copying handsomely without blotting or smearing. Compare the price with other first class Inks. WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. 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