< - A ■ - ' -< - ' - ■ v-x 1VL1 IL* XL 1 XL T1FP T^T ITT T^T > \ I .... '■ S ' . 0j 1 s COMPLETE LIFE BUILDING METHOD of the RALSTON HEALTH CLUB THE "GOLD-EDITION" PRESENTING THE NEW ALL-NATURE SYSTEM Issued by the RALSTON HEALTH CLUB Hopewell, New Jersey Copyright, 1924, BY RALSTON COMPANY All Rights Reserved MANUFACTURED IN U. S. A. PRICE-FOR THE INFORMATION of those who are not familiar with the work of the Ralston Health Club, we will say that this Book of COMPLETE LIFE BUILDING is its latest issue, as well as its most important publication. "While the prevailing price has been four dollars a copy; in order to reach all classes who are in need of health, the new prices are as follows: One or more copies, if bought directly from Ralston Company, Hopewell, New Jersey, each $2.00 If bought of agents or Bookstores, each .... $2.25 Dedication THIS "GOLDEN JUBILEE" EDITION OF COMPLETE 1 LIFE BUILDING IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THOSE LOYAL MEMBERS OF THE RALSTON HEALTH CLUB WHO, IN THE PAST HALF CENTURY, HAVE BEEN LOYAL TO THEMSELVES IN MATTERS OF HEALTH, AND WHO HAVE THEREBY SERVED THEIR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES BY NOT BECOMING UNNECESSARY BURDENS TO THEM. THE AUTHOR, EDMUND SHAFTESBURY. Greetings yo ALL WHO SHALL COME INTO POSSESSION OF 1 THE PRESENT VOLUME, THE AUTHOR EXTENDS THE MOST CORDIAL PERSONAL GREETINGS AND WELL WISHES FOR A LONG LIFE AND UNINTER- RUPTED PROSPERITY. PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENT "GOLD EDITION" OF THE RALSTON HEALTH CLUB NOTABLE FACTS UNPRECEDENTED PLEASURE th© Pub- lishers of this issue of the official book of the Club, make the following announcement. Having passed through many scores of editions, each being an improvement on those that preceded, the time has come when the owners of this system shall not be asked to pur- chase further new issues; although many of our Members look forward to something new as they would in buying magazines for which they pay from two dollars to five dollars a year for a lifetime. But in the study of health, when that stage has been reached where it can be proved that ill health is unnecessary, and good health is within the reach of all persons, the system that contains these blessings needs no further improvement. 1.-Being a perfected work, it is the FINAL BOOK, and celebrates the Fifty Years of the existence of the Club. 2.-The book is printed in the most easily readable type, on the best paper, and is bound in the richest cloth that money can buy. It is stamped in PURE GOLD. 3.-Based on the success of its predecessors in the use of methods that are retained herein; and adding a series of new treatments that have been proved in thousands of experiments to possess unusual value, with the encomium that they are "worth many times their weight in GOLD,"-a verdict that has been pronounced more than one hundred thousand times with refer- ence to previous issues of this work.-we are justified in calling this book the "GOLD EDITION." 5 6 Complete Life Building 4.-Its contents include facts that constitute eighty percent more new matter than is found in the regular book of General Membership; and twenty percent of this matter is newer and later in its information than that contained in the higher priced work issued some time ago. 5.-The war price of four dollars is now reduced permanently to two dollars; while the book has been greatly improved and brought to a state of perfection. 6.-The Ralston Health Club has nothing to sell, and never had; and the use of its name by various concerns is illegal, and indicates a dishonest purpose to seek public approval by using our success as a bait. True Ralstonites resent this. THE NEW POST-GRADUATE COURSE 7.-There is only one book required in the Ralston Health Club; and that is the volume now open before you. It deals with the entire study of health, including the body, its organs and functions, all its parts, its nervous system, its vitality, vigor, life and powers; and includes the physical health of the brain. Hence it is COMPLETE. 8.-But there is another realm of life. The human body was not created to eat, sleep, clothe itself, house itself, be born, struggle for existence, and die. It is a Temple. In it dwells the mind. 9.-There is no work in existence, nor any system that "min- isters to a mind diseased."-Yet if the question were to be put to you, would you be content to possess absolutely perfect health of body, and lack the full possession of the mind for which the body was created, or to reverse these conditions, you would at once prefer that the mind be sound and normal even if the body were ill. 10.-Our Members have for a long time asked for this Post- Graduate Course; and it has been in private use for many years. There is not in the whole vast realm of published books a single work of this kind. It is the first to appear. Of course there are tens of thousands of treatises on the brain and its countless maladies; but nothing on the mind as the tenant of the Temple of Life; nothing whatever on the subject of "ministering to a mind diseased." PREVENTION THAT PREVENTS In the city of Paris, France, prior to the war, if a pedestrian was hit by an automobile, the pedestrian was arrested and fined or imprisoned, if he contributed to the accident by his careless- ness. This measure, to the surprise of observers, reduced auto- mobile mishaps involving injury and death to pedestrians, fully seventy-five percent. On its face it does not seem logical, but it was in fact; and it worked. Even if it could not meet with the approval of others, was it worth while to save human life by reducing human carelessness? In the same city of Paris, prior to the war, but not since, as things are rather chaotic there now, if a driver through care- lessness injured a pedestrian, the driver was fined and impris- oned, and compelled to pay damages to the party hurt. In this same city of Paris, prior to the war, if a driver through carelessness, killed a pedestrian, he was imprisoned for a long term of years. In America if the same kind of killing occurs, the driver is fined and cautioned not to repeat the offence. In Paris, prior to the war, if a drunken driver killed a pedes- trian the driver was sentenced to life imprisonment. In America if a drunken driver kills a pedestrian, he is fined; but if he kills a second one he is sentenced to imprisonment for three years; and, after a few months, is released on account of his ill health. The result has been that in France nearly every accident from such causes was checked; it was prevention that prevented. In America these accidents are on the increase; there is not a city or locality that does not show a steady annual growth of deaths from careless drivers or drunken drivers. It is because this country does not believe in prevention; and when it is too late, it says in effect, oh, well, these people are dead, and punish- ing the offenders will not bring them back to life. But what about the victims who had as much right to live as drunken drivers and speed maniacs? In a country where personal liberty is assumed to mean the right to do as one pleases regardless of the rights of all others, the progeny of this kind of belief is the ever-increasing horde of reckless drivers who defy the law to the limit; with the result that we are confronted with two ways of going about 7 8 Complete Life Building a thing; one stops mishaps and premature deaths by shutting off the cause*; the other waits until it is too late and says, what is the use- now ? A certain city many years ago established a code of fines for cases of ill health. The sick had to pay the fines. Many million- aires have contracts with their family doctors that for every day of illness suffered by any member of the family, the doctor must pay a fine out of his annual allowance which is always generous. These contracts are well known and are invited by the doctors. In this class of erses the fines are paid by the physicians, who become unusually careful of their patients. In this city referred to, the patients themselves paid the fines; and it served to call their attention to the fact that nearly every case of sickness was preventable if they adopted a kind of pre- vention that prevented. They did. In fact they studied them- selves and the causes of illness and soon saw that every form of sickness, with very rare exceptions, was unnecessary. The time will come, so says one of the best observers of human conditions, when it will be made a criminal offence to become unnecessarily ill. This sounds harsh; so did the French edict that punished the pedestrian who got hit by an automobile; but as the trend of civilization is to lessen suffering and premature death, it is along the line of progress; and, as the French system reduced the accidents and deaths seventy-five percent, so if we can save that proportion of sufferers from ill health, we are jus- tified in the humane course to that end. Now we have seen that sick persons who through carelessness became unnecessarily ill in a certain city, were fined; that the doctors of millionaires if their patients are ill, are fined; and we nearly forgot to look at the great class of people who must be fined when relatives or friends are sick. If you are sick, who loses time and perhaps health in taking care of you ? If you are blameless, it is the misfortune of your- self and of those who must make sacrifices to look after you. If you are to blame, it is unfair to impose these burdens on others. They are penalized for your fault. The following cases are typical, and are but a few out of. countless thousands of instances where people are fined because of the unfairness of others. 1. The matinee girl, or the young lady who goes to the movies Nature's Doctors 9 afternoons, gets her soda water and ice cream on the way to the theatre, or on the home trip; and during the performance she munches candies on an empty stomach; with the result that she has no appetite for the evening meal, which she neglects or picks at; and in the course of a few days is taken sick. If her time had any value it is now a dead loss. Her mother had many other duties requiring attention, but must wait on the sick girl; her father must employ a doctor and go out perhaps a long distance for medicine; fever sets in, and a nurse is required. Here are expenses, loss of time of mother, perhaps of father, worry and a home turned into a sick house all because this girl did not care. Her mother and father have been fined for her illness. 2. A husband starts out with nd rubbers on in the morning when it is damp and threatening. His wife asks him to protect himself. He laughs and says he guesses he knows what he is about; he is supposed to have some intelligence, so he claims. The rain increases, his feet get wet, he is chilled, takes a violent cold and comes home for a long attack of pneumonia. Expensive doctors and nurses are employed; medicines bought by someone who must travel to drug stores to get them; the wife lays aside her regular work; all her enjoyment of life, all those hopes of relief from the weary burdens of daily existence are gone; she is shut in for weeks, and becomes dragged down to a bloodless face and deadened nerves, while she lives by day in the fear of death and hardly sleeps at night, until the crisis is over. Then she falls by the wayside. "Who was fined ? "Who was penalized ? Who really suffered most, the man whose obstinate perverseness exposed him to danger, or those who were compelled to make endless sacrifices because of his carelessness? This case is not only a true one, but has been repeated countless thousands of times. 3. A woman stands in a doorway saying good-bye to a friend; both women. The woman is clad in her thin dress for indoors; and it is bitter weather. The friend has on her heavy outdoor clothing, fur coat and hat as well, and enjoys the air, while the thinly clad woman shivers and her voice chatters. Her husband, not wishing to hurt the feelings of the friend who is saying good- bye many times, brings a cloak to his wife at the door; but it is too late. That night she is in a violent fever, and the doctor is working over her. Pneumonia ensues, and the symptoms are 10 Complete Life Building alarming. Distant relatives are sent for. Doctors, nurses and relatives devote themselves to her. Children are in tears as they are told she cannot live. "Who was fined? Who paid the penalty ? 4. A woman who possessed an inordinate desire to play games of chance, generally with cards, for prizes, winnings, or mere pleasure, instead of limiting her habits to social uses, ruined her vitality and her daytime value by late hours at night until her powers of resistance were so weakened that she became easy prey to disease. She did not know that any form of intensive interest in games of chance reduced the function of respiration from its normal of one hundred percent to less than one percent, as has been proved thousands of times by tests. One of the quickest and surest ways of building the health of the body, and especially the vitality of the heart, is by full, deep and habitual respiration. When this function drops below normal, the life power of the body is lessened. But when it drops to less than one percent, as in games of chance, dangers follow; the greatest of which is the weakening of the powers of resistance against disease. This is the condition that invites colds, la grippe, in- fluenza and nervous prostration. Add to these dangers the wasting of the best hours of the night, and the increased appe- tite that follows, seeking to be appeased by foods that unfit the body, nerves and brain for sound slumber, and you have one of the common 'causes of acute indigestion which sets in motion the maladies referred to above. The case we have stated is a typical one. This woman played until midnight; said she was ravenously hungry, and indulged in welsh rarebit, fried oysters and coffee. She became ill from acute indigestion, which lasted for a week; she was fortunate not to have been killed by it at the time of the first attack. After her partial recovery her heart that had always been in good condition, was affected and she died, leaving three children under the age of twelve, and two grown up daughters. The sick- ness and funeral cost the husband over two thousand dollars. It is a fact that ninety-nine cases out of every hundred of sickness are easily preventable. This is why it has been claimed by a great observer of human conditions that the time will come when unnecessary sickness will be made a crime, because it places a penalty on others who are not in any way to blame. BOOK ONE HEALTH AND LIFE IN CONFLICT WITH DISEASE AND DEATH FIRST SECTION HEALTH AND LIFE S WE PROGRESS in the work of unfolding the vital laws of life, we drift gradually to that shore where alone the secret of safety can be found. It is not disputed that thousands of men and women, as well as the young, die every year, yes, every month, by mis-using the digestive organs. It is not denied that certain food combinations bring quick death. It is a well known fact that acute indigestion is acute poisoning from gas generated from the struggle that takes place three times a day in the stom- ach ; ending, once for all, by the quick stroke at the heart. The most obvious fact in modern history is the rapid increase of diseases, and the still more rapid increase in the number of doctors and medicines, of surgeons, hospitals, instruments, nurses and the awful pageantry of endless funerals, taking from the scenes of life the very people who are needed in the world and who have a right to live. Count them! Count those of your acquaintances who have gone, too early, to their graves. Your time may be close at hand! No one knows what is to be the result of to-morrow's indiscretion at the table. Yet it is well known that there must be two causes for every disease, one of which is the presence of poison within the body. If you are able to build the needed tissue that makes all your body, with its organs, nerves, bones, flesh and brain; and if you are able to so build all this tissue that there shall remain in the body none of the enemies of life, then the FIRST CAUSE OF 13 14 Complete Life Building DISEASE cannot exist, and the second cause will be helpless; for it takes two to make a fight. We intend to prove that the first cause of all sickness and disease is from food enemies, except when there is inherited taint, and then this taint will remain dormant a lifetime in most cases unless food enemies develop it. How this first cause does its work will be shown with the utmost thoroughness in this work; and if it can be controlled we can make any person im- mune, and can cure with the special treatments that are con- tained in this volume all curable maladies, and many not sup- posed to be curable. The second cause consists of germs, where there is a second cause; and it will be learned that the air and all things carry these germs so that the battle is not with them as much as with the FIRST CAUSE; for in the absence of the latter the germs are powerless. You can never rid the world of the germs of dis- ease ; but you can rid humanity of the food enemies that cause the disease soil to grow in the body and make it a ready food for the germs. THE ROUND TABLE OF 1876 In the days of the mythical King Arthur he had a round table built with commands that it must be perfectly round so that no preference could be shown to anyone who sat at it. Before this time, all tables were square or oblong. In the year 1876, seven men who had been student friends in former times, organized what they called a round table; and took under consideration the condition of the people in matters of health. In a city of 300,000 that winter it was stated by doc- tors that 290,000 suffered from colds, lung and throat troubles, and stomach disorders, and the death rate was alarmingly high. It was also learned that this disease wave was running with about the same violence everywhere in the land. Doctors were unable to check the epidemics; their methods were weak and frail; and medicines only added more poisons to the body that was already too heavily burdened with them from false diets. At this Round Table of 1876, there sat seven very earnest Nature's Doctors 15 men; they were studious, sincere, and deeply desirous of ascer- taining the real cause of human illness. One of these men had been impressed with the oft quoted history of Louis Cornaro, the great Venetian, or Luigi as he was called in history. He was born in the year 1463; and about the year 1516 he found himself a physical wreck. He had defied all laws of health and caution, had been a gross drinker and in- discreet eater, and had caroused in many ways until he became bed-ridden. Had he not been a man of keen mind he would have died in that same year. The doctors told him his stomach was a wreck; his liver diseased beyond repair; his heart com- pletely out of order; his kidneys in the last stages of life; and his blood and skin in very mean condition, appearing in jaun- dice and irruptions. He got the idea that the human body was the result of the kind of food that was eaten; and he proceeded to restore his health solely by discarding all food that could not prove of perfectly wholesome value, depending largely on that class of eatables that, correspond as far as is possible with what are known as the TRUE FOODS of this book. The principle at stake was exactly the same. Gradually he began to build a new body; and with new tissue the diseased parts were cast away, and better flesh and organs took the places of the old parts. In the course of time he be- came perfectly well and lived to be 103 years of age, dying in 1566; the records confirm both dates; and many notables of that period knew of the remarkable transformation in the man, and urged him to publish a book on the subject which he did. It will be seen that the greatest scientific man who ever lived, and probably the greatest man in an all round sense, Thomas A. Edison, refers to this Venetian in our later Round Table. With the consideration of the prevalence of universal sickness on the one hand, and the rebuilding of a broken and wrecked body on the other, the seven men who met at the Round Table in 1876, after a careful discussion, voted to adjourn and meet again in two months, each to present his opinion of the most important thing in life for the benefit of the seeker after health. The next meeting came about as arranged, and in order to maintain the equality of the Round Table, lots were drawn to determine who should first present his views, and the order of doing so. "R"-The first man whose name was drawn laid upon the 16 Complete Life Building table, as was planned, the word that represented what in his opinion would be the most powerful aid to the recovery of health, and in the preservation of it after recovery. The word he placed there had for its initial letter, "R." Can you sur- mise what this word was? Can you think of anything that is expressed by a word beginning with the letter "R" that plays a most powerful part in the search after health ? In fact, each person was to select the thing that he considered, the most essen- tial. Now what was it? He argued for it in the most convincing manner, and almost converted to his belief the other six; and he would have done so if they had not had their own ideas of something more impor- tant. But all agreed that what he put forward was surely essen- tial to health. What was it ? "A"-The next man to be called on by lot laid upon the table a word beginning with the letter "A." This was supported by his arguments in a most able manner, and it was agreed that it was as essential as any other influence in a life of health. What was it? Think of some great thing that must be made a part of a health system. "L"-Now the third man drawn by lot was called upon and laid on the table a word beginning with the letter "L." Some- one made the remark that it looked as if a word were being spelled; and one might come out of these first letters, or initials, if they proceeded in this way. But as the drawing had been wholly by chance, and as none present had any word in mind for the group of initials, the coining of a new name was out of the question; so it seemed at first. Then no one knew what words the others had. But what health influence is expressed by a word beginning with the letter " L " ? Can you surmise ? "S"-The fourth man was now asked to lay his word on the table, and there was considerable excitement when it was found to have for its initial the letter "S." He discussed it warmly, as the others had done in defence of their individual ideas, and all agreed that it was a very essential thing in the study and practice of health. What was it? What powerful influence in the cause of health is indicated by a word beginning with the letter " S " ? Try to find it. "T"-Number five was next in order. Like all the others he supported his claims with zeal and clearness, and almost con- Nature's Doctors 17 vinced them that his was the most important. What was it? What word in health, matters begins with the letter "T"? Think it over. "0"-The sixth word was laid on the table by man number six and it began with the letter " 0. " What was it ? "N"-As soon as this seventh letter appeared as the initial of the seventh word, everybody arose and exclaimed that it was most remarkable for it spelled a name; the name R-A-L-S-T-O-N. This is the way in which the words came by lot, and their initial letters made the name that the Club now bears. It was acci- dent, or coincidence, pure and simple. Yet it closely spelled the ancestral name of the man who was destined to write the books of the Club; and here was what seemed the more wonder- ful coincidence. These seven men had desired to organize a Club and had not been able to find a name for it; so this word was adopted as the name that has gone round the world; and that has been given to 116 editions of its book. THE ROUND TABLE OF 1926 In anticipation of that meeting, and in advance of it, let us hear from our seven letter men. "R"-It is still true that my claim of the most essential thing in the cause of health is that which is represented by the word the first letter of which is "R." I am going to tell you what that word is, even if the other gentlemen will not disclose theirs. In England many years ago, two very earnest young men while at college, determined to live carefully, and by a fixed series of daily habits. They did this, and it soon spread until millions adopted the name at least. They lived by a method; and were called Methodists; John and Charles Wesley. The greatest of all historians, Macaulay, said of them: ' ' Their influence changed the face of English history." Now I believe that regularity of habits, regularity of sleeping, regularity of eating, regularity of the functions of the body, and a daily system to live by, is the most powerful influence on health that can be found. I in- tended to write the word Regularity, but I thought it rather stiff sounding, so I used the finer wrord, Regime, having the same initial letter "R." If our readers will turn to the latter part 18 Complete Life Building of this book, they will find a very large Section devoted to the famous Ralston Regime, which has been in private circulation, but never before included in any public book. It is a very delightful way in which and by which to live. So "R" could not keep his secret, and has let it out; thereby depriving you of the pleasure of surmising it. But do not forget to hunt up Ralston Regime in this book. "A"-This man has just as great a claim for priority as "R" but did not give all his reasons then. As time has passed and experience has ripened, he has had many more reasons for ad- hering to this claim for first place. He is a surgeon of the high- est rank in his profession. He says that not only what he has seen, but what many other surgeons have told him, and what he has read in reports, have proved to him the truth of the asser- tion made years ago that 999 persons out of every 1,000; or practically all human beings; are suffering from congestion of the stomach and membranes; and that their bodies are READY for sickness. By READY he says he does not mean, prepared to resist it, but READY in the same sense as land is ready for the plant when the soil is fit to receive and give growth to the plant. Practically every person's body is ready to receive the germs of disease and give growth to them. " L " is another surgeon, and stated that he wished to confirm these facts. He liked the selection of the word READY as in- dicating that the human body was a fit subject for attack. His account of his interpretation of the meaning of this word READY is as follows: The part of the body that generates the life that sustains it is all in its membranes. The central section of the system of mem- branes is the stomach which is lined with membranes, and they carry the supplies for the digestion of food. It is exceedingly important to remember this one great fact: that the membranes of the stomach are the central part of the life-generating system, on which all else depends. And their condition determines what kind of nutrition is possible for the health of the rest of the body. The stomach membranes carry life or death to all the rest of the body. Then traveling downward through the long canal and around all the organs, is a complex system of membranes that reflects the condition of the membranes of the stomach. Bright's Dis- Nature's Doctors 19 ease of the kidneys, which is generally fatal, is nothing but the disease of the membranes that surround the kidneys. Appen- dicitis, that often results in death, is due to the disease of the membrane covering it, letting in foul matter; and when appen- dicitis is followed by death it is because this decay travels to the great membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and brings on peritonitis. All membrane diseases of prominence have words ending in itis. There are lots- of them. Now traveling upward from the stomach as a center, we fol- low the canal to the throat and mouth, and find more itis mala- dies; from gastritis of the stomach, to bronchitis of the lung passages, laryngitis of the throat, pharyngitis of the cavity back of the nose and mouth, and so on until we get to meningitis, the fatal disease of the membranes of the brain. "S" at this stage, who is perhaps a very thorough searcher after the deepest causes of sickness, adds the result of his observation: Out of hundreds of thousands of autopsies, it is agreed by doctors and surgeons that there has never been an exception to the discovery of a state of CONGESTION central at the stom- ach, which has spread along the membranes. This CONGESTION is a semi-inflammation; it is blind in- flammation because it gives no distinct pain, but manifests itself in a degree of irritability that affects the nerves and thinking powers. It produces unrest and an indefinable desire for some- thing that will change the regular routine of the day. If any- thing goes wrong, there is a sudden flight into the use of relief words, without knowing why they should be necessary. In autopsies, without exception, the stomach is congested, and shows unmistakable signs of having been congested for many years, possibly all through life. There is not one exception to this condition. Then following the line of the canal, it is seen that this con- gestion or semi-inflammation, has traveled downward nearly the whole length; and upward to the lung passages, to the throat, and often to the brain. For this reason, we find an explanation of the claims of experts in insanity that some forms of mental diseases are due to congestion of the stomach which has reached the brain membranes. "T" who has had much experience in this line of investiga- 20 Complete Life Building tion says: All congestion begins in the stomach for the reason, that it cannot begin anywhere else. This is a very important fact. There are two classes of diseases; one comes from in- herited taint; the other from congestion. These are what are known as basic causes. They must exist before germs can attack the body. No germs will start sickness until they find a con- gested surface to light upon, and to start their rapid growth into what often are fatal maladies. Remove congestion and you remove diseases. Remove any form of congestion and you will never have any germs alive in your system, for they cannot live except on congested membranes when they invade the human body. This process cures all maladies, temporary or chronic, that are not the result of blood taint; and it holds in check almost all the maladies that arise from blood taint. "0" says that the study of congestion in autopsies is one of the most interesting in the effort to ascertain the cause of such a common malady as the grippe, which often runs into fatal pneumonia, and of the influenza, sore throat and common colds. The steps are as follows: 1. There is stomach congestion; it may be intensified by some recent abuse, as of eating things that are not food; then the surface of the stomach takes on an angry color; this color creeps along upward and downward, hurting the liver and organs be- low ; and in its upward course it involves not only the food pas- sage, but produces a very angry color in the throat where sore- ness follows; and this soreness travels all along the bronchial passages into the lungs; and still upward to the membranes of the brain, and headaches may follow, or the brain will take on a dizzy feeling as if it were floating. All the time this congestion, which could not start anywhere except in the stomach, is traveling its course, and there are sev- eral kinds of germs in the air waiting for the prospect of a feast; and these are: 1. La Grippe. 2. Common Cold. 3. Influenza. 4. Pneumonia; three well known kinds are waiting. 5. Diphtheria. 6. Meningitis. 7. Common sore throat; and others. Nature's Doctors 21 If there is no congestion anywhere, the germs are inhaled into the lungs and there are destroyed; having no visible means of support, and being unable to secure a livelihood, they succumb, lamenting the fate that deprived them of the congestion which is the soil on which they feed and thrive. Some of the germs get into the food and enter the stomach, where they help furnish sustenance for the body, just as big fish eat small live fish. This is the plan of nature, as a great expert on health said: either the germs will eat you or you must eat them. As in thousands of autopsies there has never been a single instance in which congestion was not present, it is now agreed by all doctors that every man, woman and child is the victim of this condition in greater or less degree. All persons have con- gestion of the stomach. If it is in mild form only, it does not spread far, and may not for years cause a cold or the grippe, or other trouble. But it makes the body READY for the germs, and sickness may fall on one without notice. Congestion not only invites germs unexpectedly, but gener- ates fatal conditions and poisons. The heart stops with a sud- denness that is alarming under its attack. A man who said he never felt better in his life, and who did not subject himself to any undue strain, fell dead in the middle of the forenoon, having no warning of the coming attack. Autopsy showed a very badly congested stomach as the only cause. Many a man is seemingly in perfect health to-day, and his summons comes in a flash. Many a woman is down without being warned by approaching symptoms. In all cases the cause that is known as the basic one is congestion of the stomach. Of thousands of cases of colitis and colonitis, or inflammation of the terminal of the alimentary canal, the only method of cure was to reduce the congestion; as the latter trouble was over- come in the stomach, the long line of congestion that had reached the whole length of the canal, was called in, or reduced in length until it soon left the terminal, and the conditions there were healed. On the other end of the line where chronic catarrh of the throat and nose persisted, and could not be cured by douches and other illogical methods, the Ralston system began by re- ducing the congested stomach's irritation, something that medi- cal men, in many cases, never thought of; as the congested 22 Complete Life Building stomach began to heal, the far end of the congested line which was at the nose and throat began to improve; this calling in of the congestion continued until it had receded at the upper end, and no more catarrh existed there, nor at the throat after a while; it all disappeared. "Why? Because you cannot have catarrh unless you have a congested membrane. Can congestion be cured? Yes. Always? Yes. Is it a permanent cure? As long as you stop abusing the stomach. How can one tell if there is congestion? By the simple fact that there is irritation of the nerves, unrest of the brain and life in the body, and feeling of pain in the stomach if you drink a glass of hot water. That will find it if the stomach is empty. But there is another way. If you catch cold, whether easily or rarely, that is the first step of congestion. With this trouble absent in the stomach, it is as impossible to catch cold, as it is to swallow the Washing- ton Monument. Do you mean to say that there is no congestion of any part of the body unless it starts in the stomach ? Yes. The proofs are so many that the subject is beyond discussion. There have been thousands of autopsies where the congestion has been confined almost wholly to the stomach; but no case where it existed in another part of the body and did not in the stomach at the same time. In the city of Washington, forty thousand persons had the grippe in the same week, and in the season ninety percent of the population had it; and if there had not been a single case of congested stomach, there would not have been a case of grippe, or cold, or pneumonia. Does it pay to fight disease at its source ? What was true of the city mentioned was true of all other cities and localities. The grippe leaves a person weak and hurt against other maladies later on. Influenza almost always does permanent injury to the heart or lungs. Why suffer from them unnecessarily? If they are unnecessary, are you not paying a fine when you endure them, and subjecting others who care for you to the payment of fines? "N" has the final word in the battle against disease and Nature's Doctors 23 sickness. He has been anxious to make known the word that begins with the letter "N" so that he can maintain his conten- tion that it is the most important influence in life and health; so he now gives the information that the word is "N"ature. In his opinion all doctors who achieve the highest success in help- ing their patients rely as much as possible on Nature. If this power is withdrawn there is no hope for the sick. He says that congestion is undoubtedly the cause of all illness except that which comes from ancestral misdeeds. This fact being universally accepted, he says that if the food of the human race were the kind that Nature has ordered, con- gestion would be impossible; and here he is right; and all learned investigators agree with him. Congestion has no other origin than the use of food contrary to the commands of Nature. Here we are getting to the pith of the truth, to the very heart of the knowledge of disease and of its remedy. It is admitted on all sides that disease cannot be acquired by any human being unless it first comes from congestion. It is admitted that congestion is the result of foods contrary to the commands of Nature. This system of Life Building will prove that when we obey the commands of Nature, in our food selection, we will forever drive away all congestion; most foods now are crimes against Nature; then they will be in accord with the plan of Nature. When the race adopts the foods of Nature, known in this work as the TRUE FOODS, then all congestion will disappear; and with it will go every itis malady, curing diseases that are apparently incurable, and setting free the people who have been in bondage all these years and all these centuries to the mistakes and errors of ignorance. "N" then seems to have sustained his contention; and it is probable that Nature must be accorded the first place in any system of cure. Here it is the climax of all knowledge and of all helpfulness. By examining the lists of foods eaten by humanity we see at once the cause of congestion; the reason why 999 persons out of every 1000 are READY soil for germs of disease, which is the same in lesser degree as being READY for the undertaker. All persons receive inspiration from the experiences of those whose judgment and success entitle them to the highest respect. 24 'Complete Life Building Thomas A. Edison, the world's greatest inventor, is a man whose mind is one of the deepest and keenest on earth; and whose opin- ions sway millions rightfully. Edison is nearly eighty years old. To quote his exact words, "My grandfather, early in his life, be- came fascinated with the story of the great Venetian, Louis Cornaro, who, when he found himself a wreck in middle life, reformed his diet, and by keeping it right, managed to live more than a hundred years. My grandfather after that ate carefully, and lived to be one hundred and four. No disease killed him. He was perfectly well up to the time that he died. He lost interest in life. The cells of which his body was com- posed were anxious to get away. So my grandfather told his children that he was going to his daughter's house to die. He went to her house; undressed; went to bed; and died. There was nothing the matter with him. He was simply tired of life. And my father died the same way. They had found that the secret of long life and perfect health lay in right eating. As for me, I eat only because I want to live. As a result, my body is not poisoned with decaying, surplus food. My arteries are as soft as a child's." The foregoing statement is taken from a published account of his family written by himself. Later on in this work we shall discuss the same principles. But what has been said shows conclusively that the only road to health is that prescribed by Nature; which, summed up, is this: stop abusing the body by transgressions of the laws of Na- ture; heal the injured parts; and keep them perfect in all the years to come; then there will be found the true enjoyment of living. Nature's Doctors 25 THE GREAT RALSTON DISCOVERIES Because we have never advertised, hut have worked out our problems in silence, we have never been given the credit for the achievements that have marked the progress of our course through the fifty years of our existence. In this, the COMPLETE WORK of the Club, it is right that we should refer to some of the leading discoveries that have been made through our efforts. With Regents at our command by the thousands, each Regent controlling a large following, it is not difficult to put in motion any great test that we choose to make. Theories have their value, and are often sure of be- lievers, if they seem to be founded in reason; but facts are of greater importance for they tell the truth. By making tests in all parts of the civilized world, not among a few score of people, but by the aid of hundreds of thousands of men and women, and continuing those tests until uniform proofs have been secured, it is possible to reach the goal of all true investigation,-FACTS. To show the value of the new knowledge attained we will men- tion some of our leading discoveries: 1. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that nine- teen cases out of every twenty of rheumatism can be cured by the omission of certain kinds of food. 2. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that nearly every case of diabetes was due to liver poisons found in drinking water that had come from surface drainage, as in rivers, lakes, ponds and similar sources; and that a cure came not from diet- ing but from using other kinds of water. 3. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that asthma originated from congestion of the stomach, and could be cured by removing this cause. 4. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that the so-called incurable hay fever and kindred maladies, were due to lack of calcium chloride in the blood; and universal cures are now in progress by the use of foods that contain these needed elements. 5. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that anemia, the forerunner of tuberculosis, was due to an unbal- anced diet; that is, foods no matter how abundant and whole- 26 Complete Life Building some that contain only a part of the daily needs of the body; and making clear the difference between plenty to eat with cer- tain elements lacking, and less to eat with all elements present. 6. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that the human hair could not grow from food that contained none of the elements that are required to make hair. This kind of test was so satisfactory that we will show how it was conducted. In thousands of cases where the hair was falling out, it was learned that the food eaten daily contained almost none of the elements that are needed to make hair grow; but when a complete food was eaten daily, the hair in every instance stopped its losses and began to grow. The same law holds true in raising wheat or anything else. If you plant wheat in land from which all wheat- making elements have been exhausted, you will not get a crop; but if in the same land you put soil elements that feed wheat, you will have success. Millions of people to-day are shampoo- ing their scalp and cleaning it uselessly, doing it more harm than good, and yet are losing their hair; while other millions are applying endless varieties of restoratives without results, when the only thing needed besides normal cleanliness is a daily diet that is completely balanced, containing among all other essen- tials the food elements that grow hair. 7. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that men- tal weakness in children, and feeble-mindedness in old age wTere due to an unbalanced diet in which the elements that sustain mental vigor were lacking; that such a diet will rob the heart of its energy, produce shattered nerves and lessen the vitality of every faculty; for all these parts must be fed with life-sustain- ing foods in order to do their work. 8. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that cancer, while based on blood taint inherited or acquired, was excited into growth by depriving the blood of its power to build true tissue; that cancer is a false tissue growth into which the taint men- tioned is drawn; and that the inability of the blood to build true tissue is due to a poison in the air entering the lungs which cripples the blood by failing to purify it as it enters the heart; and that this air-poison is caused by tobacco smoke which is in- haled; just as rubbing tobacco on a fresh scratch or raw part of the body has caused cancer to develop at such places. 9. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that the Nature's Doctors 27 ripening of the body in old age is due to the dregs left in food and liquids in cooking, whereby the distillation is boiled away and the refuse remains in the food and liquids; that the reversal of this process always results in preserving the body against the tendency to ripen and become decrepit. 10. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that the desire for stimulants was the crying out of the tortured nerves for something to satisfy their cravings; that this torture was in every instance the result of food-poisons; and when these poisons were no longer present, it was impossible to induce people to use stimulants of any kind. Thousands of cases of alcoholism have been cured permanently by this simple method. "What is prob- ably the most important section of this book is devoted to a de- scription of food poisons that are in daily use; and that section should be read and re-read many times, for it lays the founda- tion of the battle for perfect health. 11. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that the circulation of the blood depends on the stimulating power given the heart by the upper part of the spinal column, and that this power is increased by the action of stretching that part of the spinal column in an effort to raise the top of the head an inch higher than it is usually carried. Nor is there any substitute for this action. In thousands of experiments made by people who suffer from cold extremities, cold hands and feet, life and warmth have been brought to them by this seemingly simple action. But when combined with deep breathing of pure out- door air, the result is a clear complexion, natural color to the face, brighter eyes and better vision. The explanation is as easy as the action. By tracing back the nerves whose flow of vitality feeds the heart, we find these nerves leading to the upper por- tion of the spinal column. So do the nerves that control breath- ing. So do the nerves that control digestion. It is all wonderful. 12. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered through its fifty years of tests and experiments that disease is the result of constant contact with poisons; and that if these poisons can be controlled no human being will ever die of disease: That pure water is essential to health, but that most water is a poison, while pure water is the first and most important body builder. r That all the so-called foods are of two classes; unwholesome and 28 Complete Life Building wholesome; that the first class is always a poison, and the whole- some foods if deprived of their complete parts become a poison, or if improperly cooked are likewise a poison. That when air has been inhaled and has done its work and has been exhaled it is a poison and fatal to life no matter how pure it was when it entered the body, showing that a fatal poison is be- ing removed from contact with the body, That when water has been taken in the body and has done its work and is on its way out, it is a poison fatal to life, whether driven out by the kidneys or through the skin or lungs, showing that a fatal poison is being removed from contact with the body. That when food of the most wholesome kind and perfectly cooked has entered the body and has done its work, and either remains in the body as in constipation, or is on its way out, it is a poison fatal to life, showing that the body is a container of this danger or else is in constant contact with it; and Nature, the wise mother of us all, gives to this spent food a stench that compels all decent people to put it beyond the reach of the nos- trils in order that it may be beyond the reach of the body. Even the daintiest, purest, most delicate morsels of food, after diges- tion, become a horrible filth. How ? Why ? For what purpose ? Humanity lives in constant contact with poisons of every character. Our Club has proved that if these poisons can be controlled, the man or woman who controls them cannot die of disease, for there is no disease that can attack that man or that woman. CONGESTION comes from wrong foods, or false foods as they are called. Poisons come from any foods that are not properly cooked; good or bad; and from allowing them, after they have done their work, to remain in the body. Now we see the union of the first and last words of the Round Table of 1876: Regime, or Regular- ity, to begin with; and Nature to stay with. By Regime it be- comes impossible to lock up poisons in the body. More than this and best of all, when the TRUE FOOD'S are selected, the work required of Regime is very materially les- sened. In nine cases out of every ten, the TRUE POODS will of themselves take care of the poisons and keep them from accumulating. SECOND SECTION DISEASE AND DEATH AND THE RALSTON TREATMENT B^OST PERSONS who read this book will be unable to P undertake the building of a new body, on account of I organic troubles or other chronic conditions that have already secured a hold on them. When there is trouble in any one department of life, there should be concentrated attention as the first step to be taken. When such attention can be accompanied by the process of building the body anew, or when the latter step can be used as the means of cure, it will help matters very much to combine these measures with the suggestions that are now to be given. Doctors say that ninety-five men and women in every hun- dred have some organic or chronic disease, either developed, or in process of developing. In seventy percent of people the liver is hardening. The germs of tuberculosis are in the lungs of eighty-five per- cent of all men and women. Eighty persons in every hundred have weak or erratic heart action. Painless, or blind, inflammation of the stomach, which is a source of the gravest danger, is present in ninety-nine percent of all persons; only one in a hundred being free from it. Sixty percent of the people are candidates for appendicitis, requiring only acute conditions to develop the disease without warning. 29 30 Complete Life Building A high official of the United States Government recently made the following statement: 4'The medical examination required of the men drafted in the war has disclosed the surprising unfit- ness of the nation as a whole. If the strict standards of health were adhered to, it would be the hardest kind of a task to muster in even one division. It is to be hoped that hereafter the people will seek better health, if not for the purposes of war, at least to enable them to enjoy life and its blessings." As paralysis, heart failure, neurasthenia, stomach troubles and kidney diseases are almost sure to follow the use of pills, drugs and medicines, it is important that we obtain, if possible, some course of natural treatment that shall remove the dangers of disease without inviting other and more serious consequences. To start with let us adhere to the basic rule which says: "Let Nature Take Its Course if you wish a Safe and Perma- nant Cure." THE BATTLE OF LIFE-PAST AND PRESENT 1. Man did not appear on this earth first, and his food after- wards. If he had, he would have starved to death on the day of his birth. 2. His food was waiting for him when he arrived. This could not be an accident of nature; it was the result of deliberation and design by some controlling power. Can you guess what? 3. Strange to say, his food for the main part was wheat. And strange to say, wheat was the only food that grew on earth that contained all the elements needed to wholly sustain and nourish the human body. 4. Before man came, some controlling power had produced the one animal kind that furnishes the first food of life: milk. Had the cow followed instead of preceded man, he could not have raised his young after its mother had done her part; for no race has ever been reared without milk, and its products, cream and butter, all essential to the growth of the body. 5. Ere man came, some controlling power had caused the grape to grow; the fruit that best furnishes iron and vital ele- ments needed by the body. 6. There are parts of the world where wheat is not found, but in its place a number of foods combined serve to make a substi- Nature's Doctors 31 tute; but it is a peculiar fact that nowhere on earth does human- ity give promise of a high civilization except in the wheat pro- ducing countries. This grain is the whole man: brain, nerves, muscles, blood and organic life; all at their best. 7. There is no nation with a history that does not recite in its pages from the earliest dawn of its existence the story of bread making, and the story of its vineyard; and we read of the great promise to the people who were forty years in the wilderness seeking the promised land that was flowing with milk and honey. 8. Milk and bread build the body and its brain; but honey and cane sugar furnish the energy that accomplishes things in life: physical, nervous and mental power. These blessings also awaited the arrival of man. 9. It is not difficult to look back to the earliest period of human life; to that vague era of pre-historic man, or what our humorists choose to call the "cave man." He was ignorant be- cause he was inexperienced. He did not know anything about wheat, or other things that had been provided as food; so he proceeded to eat his own kind of life; and he ate it raw. His teeth were tusks; his fingers were claws; and he devoured ani- mals much as dogs do to-day, gnawing the bones clear to the marrow, and for the marrow, which was a delicate morsel for him. 10. After his evening meal, he turned over to his wife and children such portions as his bulky stomach could not hold; and as they gnawed the bones and tore the flesh with their tusks and claws, he sat on a slope of ground facing the western sky and saw the sun slowly sink to rest, while the gentle southern zephyrs fanned his heated brow, and lulled him into a contem- plative mood that looked into the far distant future. He said to himself: "I am the climax of creation; the last word in mental and physical supremacy. Ages may follow; generations may come after me; but never in all the vast passing of time shall there come on earth so noble a being as myself." 11. But how far wrong was he in his reasoning? He was ignorant of the uses of wheat, of other civilizing foods, and of the manner of living in many other respects. The ancient pre- historic being had no dentists; we have several hundred thou- sand. He had no doctors; we have two millions. He had no hos- pitals ; we have them everywhere. He had no surgeons inviting 32 Complete Life Building him to come in and be cut open; we have six hundred thousand. He had no pill boxes; to-day a trainload, carrying fifty freight cars, is required to haul to suffering humanity each twenty-four hours, the pills with which they poison their blood. He had no drugs, no medicines, no patent remedies; it takes daily five hun- dred freight cars to transport to our fellow beings these other poisons they demand. 12. He had no maladies except one; which was the stomach- ache. "We have so many maladies that a great library of thou- sands of books is required to name and describe them. In fact it takes twenty thousand words apart from those in common use to convey the meaning of the medical parlance. If you were to stand on the roof of the tallest building in any large city, and send a projectile at random a hundred feet or a hundred yards, or a mile or several miles, no matter in what direction, the chances are that your projectile would land on or in the vicinity of a drug store; and a second one so hurled might drop on the front door steps of a doctor's office. 13. Millions of dollars are spent every year in the name of modern medical science for the sole purpose of lessening human suffering. While more people to-day reach the age of ninety than ever before in known history, the average age of the others has decreased instead of having lengthened, as is claimed. The Ralston Club in the past fifty years has done most of the work in extending the span of life, and in reducing premature death; and had its influence not been at work, the average age would have been much lower than it now is. 14. It is true that many maladies take a lower toll of life than ever before; but, on the other hand, the following diseases are on the increase, and have been steadily growing into a greater menace for several generations: Insanity. Paresis. Cancer. Kidney diseases. Heart failure. Stomach troubles. Pneumonia. Neuritis. Nervous Prostration. Nature's Doctors 33 Acute Indigestion. Apoplexy. Appendicitis. Influenza or grippe. Paralysis. Hay Fever. Rheumatism. 15. Of these sixteen diseases, all except paresis, cancer and most forms of insanity can be traced directly to the kinds of food eaten by humanity. Nervous prostration is due to the noise and distractions of city life especially during the hours of supposed sleep at night, which is only a semi-sleep, during which the repair of the nerves is impossible. Cancer is now known to be derived from two sources; and these generally act together. Eighty percent of cancer comes from inherited syphilitic blood taint; twenty percent of cancer originates from the inhalation of tobacco smoke into the lungs, or from contact with tobacco in some form, with the probability that the same blood taint has come down from a past generation. Paresis of the brain follows the same taint when combined with the influence of tobacco. Insanity is generally inherited, or due to body poisons or con- gestion. 16. The other twelve diseases are all due and easily traceable to the kinds of food eaten; and they, with many more, consti- tute the basis of this present work. You will probably die of one of the following maladies; that is, assuming that you are free from the class just mentioned above: Apoplexy, due to blood pressure. Kidney disease, due to excessive eating of foods that the kid- neys cannot pass. Paralysis, due to tea drinking, or the use of medicines that deaden the nerves. Pneumonia. These are probabilities only. But as the vast majority of people who are not in the cancer class are dying of one of these four diseases, the law of chances would indicate that here you would find your fate if you do not take steps to head it off. To-day many doctors divide invalids into two classes: 1. The Cancer Class. 2. The Congested Class. 34 Complete Life Building By the Cancer Class is meant those people who inherit tainted blood, which if it does not turn in time to cancer, will show it- self in some form of blood disorder, or a malady that has its source in the misdeeds of ancestors, such as epilepsy, loco-motor ataxia, paresis and insanity. All these troubles are fully dealt with in this volume. The other class that suffer from ill health, are the victims of Congestion, which has been partly described in preceding pages, but which will be very fully discussed later on. But there is one malady that seems to be regarded as of re- cent origin, and that is neuritis; yet it is wholly due to bad ele- ments that are eaten as food or with food; principally where chemicals are employed as preservatives. We live in an age of canned goods, and must take the preservatives with the food; hence neuritis has its cause; but even then it acts on the body through the congestion that it causes. We find one malady that is apart from the others in the fact that it is not caused by congestion or inherited taint. We have referred to it as the city disease, nervous prostration, 'or neuras- thenia. Yet in treating this trouble for many years, it has been found to yield to the cure of congestion; that is, when all con- gestion has left the membranes, the distraction of city noises will have much less effect on the nerves and the brain. We like the divisions of diseases that a prominent doctor has made very recently, into the following Classes: 1. Nervous Prostration, being the same as Neurasthenia. 2. Inherited Taint; including Cancer, active or dormant; tumors, ulcers, abscesses, epilepsy, loco-motor ataxia, infantile paralysis, paresis and many forms of insanity. All these and other blood disorders have their origin in the misdeeds of ancestors. 3. Congestion diseases, which include all those long lists of maladies that keep printers busy publishing them, and medical schools active in describing them, Here is the BATTLE GROUND of LIFE and DEATH. In a nutshell of statement, if you escape chronic, congestion in its intensified form, you will avoid most if not all diseases that have their origin in inherited taint. And congestion is con- trolled by what you eat. You can eat to rid yourself of it; or to invite it. THIRD SECTION HOW LIFE IS BUILT WILL NOW leave the dry studies that are pre- seated in the preceding pages of this book, and Q come t° simple facts that the most recent dis- coveries have brought to light. These will prove interesting, as well as important. The first American medical scientist to win the Nobel prize of forty thousand dollars, achieved his triumph because of his dis- covery of the process of life and death within the human body, which process he was able to carry on outside the body in the creation, maintenance and deathless renewal of tissue such as the human body is built of. For many years, and especially in the last five or six years, many scientific men have been experimenting along the same lines, and the results all tend to one triumph, which is the solv- ing in part of the great riddle of life and death in the body. To-day, in the very year that you are reading this page, life and death activities are being carried on in the great institutes that the multimillionaires of the world have endowed for the purpose. The knowledge of things is being, revolutionized. We stand on the threshold of a new era. In entering upon the explanation of the facts which, if applied to your own life, would so change you that you would regard the result as a miracle performed in an age of miraculous prog- 35 36 Complete Life Building ress, we fear that the subject will, to some extent, seem so deep that you will not grasp its meaning. But we will proceed without the use of scientific language, and with the simplest words suited to the everyday minds. In many of our descriptions we step aside from the usual medical terms, and adopt those that are popular instead. If, therefore, the same words that occur in official reports are not repeated here, you will understand that the change is made so that millions of people who have not been educated up to medical terms will know just what we mean. The most important of recent discoveries is the fact that each part of the human body does its own work in its own way, to a large degree independent of every other part. The following experiments were conducted in various institutes, and by the most advanced of scientific discoverers. In each experiment they had two things: 1. Food in the form of blood that had been built out of the fourteen elements under the GREAT LAW OF LAWS which we have described in the following Section of this book. 2. Some part of a vital organ, or separate portion of the body. When we say that food was given to such part, we refer always to blood containing the fourteen elements. On the same principle a mother who is nursing a child may give to the child her own blood in the form of milk; and milk is one step in the making of blood; and such milk may be the product of perfect food selection as already described. The child so fed would be immune against every form of sickness and distress, as has been proved in thousands of cases. FIRST EXPERIMENT. "Beginning of Life" Life begins in a single cell. By feeding this cell at the temperature of the human body, it is made to absorb the food offered it, and to grow. Its growth takes place by wrapping itself about a tiny portion of the food, absorbing it, and then splitting itself into halves; each half be- ing a new cell. Each one. of these new cells proceeds in the same way; one cell becomes two; two become four; four become eight; eight become sixteen; and so on until in about twenty such generations there will be a million cells grown from one. Nature's Doctors 37 All these generations cannot be bom in one minute. It is in this way that every part of the human body is being built every second of time. It is also in this way that disease takes rapid possession of the body, for most diseases spring from germ cells. SECOND EXPERIMENT. "Making Bones" Two pieces of a bone taken from an animal that had recently died, were made the subject of tests in growth. The first piece was laid away in cold storage where it would not decay; and there it was kept for months. The second piece was placed at once on the slide of a micro- scope and was fed with fresh blood, while the warmth of the human body, nearly one hundred degrees, was maintained stead- ily. It was a piece of a live bone. Instead of absorbing from the blood all the contents of the latter, it chose such parts as were required to make bone; and nothing else. Live bone is composed of live cells; the interior is different from the shell or surface of the bone; but the process of selection went on to suit the demands of each part. The food on which the bone fed was blood taken from a man who himself had been fed on all the fourteen elements required to make perfect blood. As long as such food was given to the bone it continued the work of creating bone cells by which it added to itself. Blood taken from another man whose food had been perfect except that it lacked the elements that make bone, was fed to this piece of bone; and it refused to take any part of it; it simply stopped growing, and would soon have died had not the former food been given it. There are millions of children suffering from rickets, or from curvature of the spine, or from bow-legs or other form of weak or soft bones, or similar deficiencies, that might be easily cured, as many thousands have been cured, by feeding them with a perfect food under the GREAT LAW OF LAWS. In continuing this experiment with the piece of fresh bone, after the perfect food had been again given it and it had again begun to grow vigorously, the following articles were added in turn to the perfect blood: Lard in very small proportion; pas- 38 Complete Life Building try; tomato; fried potato; fresh, bread; and vinegar; in every instance, when such addition was made, even the smallest frac- tion of a drop, the bone stopped growing and would have suf- fered death. The final part of this experiment consisted in breathing a very small bit of tobacco smoke upon the bone: it not only stopped growing, but actually died; nothing that could be done had the power to revive it. The second part of the same experiment was made with the mate to this piece of bone; the piece that was laid away in cold storage where it would not decay. It remained there for six months. When taken out and brought at once to the tempera- ture of the body, and given pure food as in the case of the piece just described, it showed the same signs of life as did the fresh piece; it grew as well, thrived and added to itself, just the same; and suffered from the setbacks and final death just as did its mate. The main value in this second part of the experi- ment is to establish the fact that the bone, as long as it does not begin to decay, has locked up in its cells the life-building power that is possessed in the living man or woman. Given the food that contains the bone-making elements, it will go on making bone material, whether in a living body, or outside of it. The things in food that will cause a setback to the piece of bone will, it has been proved, do the same injury in life itself; hence we find one of the prevailing causes of disease: the lack of all the fourteen elements in the food we eat. If a man is shot through the heart, the blood will stop circu- lating, and its contents cannot then be carried to the various parts of the body; but his bones are all alive, and will remain alive until they die of starvation. If the food could be carried to them, every bone in his body would not only live, but would keep on growing as fast as they required new growth to renew them; and this process would continue until the decay that was being set up in the other parts of the body had overwhelmed them. It has been proved that the bones will, if supplied with food, live on and on indefinitely, unless clogged by foreign material, which means by matter contained in the blood that is not one of the fourteen elements. The ripening and hardening of the bones Nature's Doctors 39 which attend old age, and indeed mark it, are due to the pres- ence of unnecessary material in the food. THIRD EXPERIMENT. "Making Skin" Two pieces of live skin were obtained. One was put in cold storage for six months. The other was placed upon the slide of the microscope as soon as it was taken from the body. Like bone, skin is made up of countless cells, like the cells of vegetation. Plant life and animal life have the same basis or beginning in cells. The skin, while made of such cells, requires the most intricate weaving to produce its several layers, its pores, its pumping en- gines which enable- it to carry on perspiration, and its shell or cuticle for final protection at the surface: a most wonderful elaboration of growth. But each skin-cell is charged with the impulse to produce all these results. Bone is made of some elements that must be in the blood and must come from the food we eat; skin is made of other elements, unlike those that make bone, but just as necessary. Thus the ele- ments in food that will make bones will not make skin; and the elements that make skin will not make bone. When this piece of live- skin was fed to the food that sustained it, it began to make new cells; but they were skin-cells; not bone cells. The piece of skin had selected exactly what elements it needed, and had left the rest, some of them possibly for making bones. What was most extraordinary, the food selected was woven at once by the skin into additional skin; and so it grew. This growing piece of skin was checked and setback when lard, tomato, fried food, pastry, fresh bread, vinegar or any similar non-food material was added; and it died at once when the slightest breath of tobacco fumes was exhaled over it. The second half of this experiment was made with the mate to this piece of skin, the part that had been placed for six months in cold storage to keep it from decay. It was given warmth and food, and grew in the same manner as did its mate; and was set back by non-food material, and killed by tobacco smoke. If a man is shot through the heart, the blood will stop circu- 40 Complete Life Building lating, and its contents will not be carried to the various parts of the body, but his bones are all alive and his skin is all alive; and they will remain alive until they die of starvation. If food and warmth could be conveyed to them they would not only live, but would continue to grow indefinitely as long as demand could be made upon them for growth. There are two causes of skin diseases: 1. The lack of food elements required to build the skin, is the first cause and a common one; for it means that foreign material is sure to be present which will lead to defects of many kinds. 2. But the most common cause of skin troubles is the presence in the food of elements not required to build any part of the body. They seek to find lodgment in the channels of escape, which are the pores, and here they set up irritations such as boils, abscesses, carbuncles, hives, and countless skin sores and maladies; depending on the kind of foreign material that is added to the food from day to day. An excess of a needed ele- ment will also cause troubles in this class; as when pork fat is eaten, and boils follow; the carbon in pork fat is needed, but can be better secured in cream or butter, which will not produce boils. It has been amply proved that the use of only the proper ele- ments and in the proper proportion, will lead to the making of a perfect skin, but also to the making of a perfect COM- PLEXION. The woman of bad complexion is daily putting into the stom- ach material in food or drink, as tea and coffee under the latter head, that poison the skin-making cells and lead to imperfect structure. For nearly fifty years we have proved, as a fact and never as a mere theory, that the finest complexions can be ob- tained from perfect food selection under the GREAT LAW OF LAWS. FOURTH EXPERIMENT. "Scalp and Hair Growth" Since the last edition of this work was published, a number of notable experiments have been made with pieces of scalp. Two pieces were taken, as in the case of the bones and skin. One piece was put in cold storage; the other was at once used, and was given warmth and food containing the elements that Nature's Doctors 41 produce scalp and hair. When such food was continued the cells of the scalp not only produced more cells of its kind but also cells of hair, which grew rapidly. When food was given it from a man whose diet was devoid of the needed hair-making elements, the scalp went on growing, but produced only scalp which was BALD. The hair that had grown became weak in the course of time, and fell out. On restoring food that contained the hair-making material, the bald scalp began, after a length of time, to produce hair. It is needless to say that the non-foods referred to under the Second and Third Experiments, led to similar disasters in this ease. There are many instances among people who live on the plainer foods which invariably contain hair-making material in abundance, who have died, and whose bodies have been exhumed months and years after, and a long growth of hair has been found upon them. The body of one woman is on exhibition showing ten feet of hair length much of which was grown after death; and men with long beards have likewise been taken from their graves who died beardless. The important fact is that the various parts of the body do not die until such parts are denied food material and warmth needed to maintain growth. As hair does not require warmth in order to grow, it goes on adding to its length in the cold ground after death, and until the last available material is be- yond its reach. Another wonderful fact is that, in the grave, the flesh and skin are taken possession of by bacteria of decay, that undoubtedly pass and repass many times throughout the whole mass, and thus convey to the scalp the hair-making mate- rial on which the hair grows. On no other theory can we ac- count for the well-proved fact that the hair does in fact grow after death. Based on this experiment, many persons have been taking ad- vantage of the new knowledge by adopting a perfect food selec- tion consisting of the fourteen elements called for under the GREAT LAW OF LAWS, lacking none and adding none not needed; with the result that all parts of the body are being built in perfection. This is the new method of living. 42 Complete Life Building FIFTH EXPERIMENT. "Stomach, Kidneys, Liver, Lungs" On each of four different slides, was placed a part of some organ; on one, a piece of stomach; on another, a piece of kid- ney ; on a third, a piece of liver; on the fourth a piece of lung mass. The same food was given to all of them; that is, each had a portion of blood from the same person taken at the same time, so there.could be no difference in the food. The piece of stomach selected for its growth such parts of the food as were required by it, and it proceeded to build more of its kind. The kidney built only kidney material, which was unlike the others, showing that it made its selection from the food supplied, and that there must be contained in each cell an intelligence created to do this choosing. The piece of liver selected its own kind, and built nothing but liver. The lungs kept within their own demands. Prior to this most wonderful and amazing experiment, scien- tists would have asserted that the tissue of any organ would have built merely a general mass of tissue, having no separate character; merely a collection of cells. It was believed that out- side the living body the tissue would have lost its individual nature. But it was remembered that the rose bush will select from the earth the material to make roses; and from the same earth the onion will select material to make the onion; the apple tree the material to make the apple; and so on, each kind cling- ing to its own mission. To see tissue wholly separated from its place in a living or- ganism, lying on a slide with no connection with any form of life except itself,-to see such tissue working diligently to make more of its special kind under these circumstances was indeed amazing. SIXTH EXPERIMENT. "Making Brains" The brain is a great nervous center. In the act of thinking it throbs, and with each thought there is a fluid that rushes over its surface. This fact has been known for many years. Nature's Doctors 43 Each brain section is an engine that, like the heart, carries on its action when in use, at which time it vibrates and throbs. For fifty years scientific writers on diet, as well as physicians, have discussed the question of brain foods, and it has been thought by some that foods containing phosphorus in combina- tion should be eaten. The reason for this supposition rests in the fact that has been well proved that brain workers show great waste of this element after great mental strain. Thus on Mondays, after important sermons on the Sundays preceding, preachers do in fact eliminate unusual quantities of this ele- ment. So tests have shown thqt any great mental effort has been followed by the same waste of phosphorus, whether in stu- dents, lawyers after trials, or any class of mental workers. Coupled with this well-known fact, was the other fact that these men who used the. brain so severely, craved certain kinds of food, such as salmon, trout, and meats rich in the element. Putting these two facts together, it was assumed that brain foods must contain phosphorus; and the result was that there was offered for sale what were known as "brain foods." The next step was to make the claim that the brain was given life and power in unusual degree by such a diet. All these questions may be considered settled in the light of the following experiment. A section of brain was1 placed on the slide and fed with warmth and blood containing all fourteen elements required under the GREAT LAW OF LAWS. For a while it did nothing. It was supposed that it had got past the stage of building more- of its own tissue. After wait- ing patiently, it showed signs of life. Soon it absorbed a very small part of the food offered it. It made cell after cell from this food, and it was found that the tissue thus built was exactly like its own,-brain fibre. In the course of time it made what was a large part, as compared with the piece that was first at work; and the newly made part joined in the work of building brain tissue. Several pieces of brain had been put away in cold storage; all were in time used; some after many months of inactivity. Under the GREAT LAW OF LAWS, there are fourteen ele- ments required by the human body as food. In a number of tests, the following results were attained: 44 ^Complete Life Building When blood was used as food for the piece of brain, that had one element lacking, no matter what, the brain refused to build tissue. The increase of phosphorus in food combination seemed to paralyze the piece that was building brain tissue; the lack of it stopped the building. The presence of calcium-chloride gave the building process the greatest energy. The lack of it caused paralysis. The final conclusion reached was that the brain is built of all the fourteen elements; and this seems to be the only part of the body that requires all fourteen. Now arises' the question, if there are special elements needed to make skin, and others to make the nails and hair, and others to make the organs, why should all these elements be needed for the brain tissue? The answer seems to be this: The brain is the collective sum of all the body and all its parts; it is the great nerve center; it surely controls the distribution of the food elements throughout the whole body. We know that, without the brain, digestion and circulation are impossible; and we know that each food element, in order to do its part, must reach its zone of usefulness through the processes of digestion and circulation. Therefore there is but one perfect brain food: It is the complete food that is made up of the fourteen ele- ments required to build a perfect body under the GREAT LAW OF LAWS. It is now a proved fact that insanity may be caused by a lack of any one of these fourteen elements; and in some cases by using more than the fourteen in food selection. In concluding our discussion of this experiment, we will say that no evidence was obtained showing the process of thought in the small section used; but in previous years, many experi- ments had been made by opening the skull and watching the action of the brain during all forms of mental activity, and excitement. A gray fluid flows over the convolutions, and be- comes excessive when the thought is intense or over-active. Thus fluid is taken from the blood in' its circulation. Persons who are mentally excited show a decided increase in the circulation and heart-beats. Dull minds have as a rule a very sluggish circulation. The brain of man acts just like the brain of the animal. Nature's Doctors 45 Except for the vast advance in development of this organ, which is shown by the deeper and more intricate convolutions, there is not the slightest difference between the brain of man and of the brute or beast. And the action of thought is the same in man and in the animal. In the brain of man there is not the least indication of the presence of the MIND. We must look elsewhere for this sub- lime gift,-the MIND. As far as man is concerned, his brain is merely a far ad- vanced and vastly improved organ of thought made and em- ployed exactly like the brain of the animal. SEVENTH EXPERIMENT. "Making the Heart Beat" If a man is shot through the brain, the injury to the nervous center will cause death; which fact shows that the brain and its various forms of life control the living organism called the human body. But any section of that brain, removed and fed with warmth and proper food, will start life anew. If a man drowns, nothing has been done to hurt any part of the body except to deprive the blood of the oxygen that is needed to purify it before it enters the heart for the purpose of being circulated, so that it may carry food to all parts of the body. The body is fully alive when a man is pronounced dead from drowning. Every organ is capable of performing its work; skin, stomach, liver, kidneys, heart, brain. Years ago we suggested that the failure to revive a person who was supposed to be dead from drowning was due to the fact that the body was not given the high degree of heat required to set it going again. In the various experiments already described, it was clearly stated that warmth of nearly one hundred degrees was needed to cause a piece of bone or skin, or organ, to begin a new life. Where this suggestion has been applied to persons drawn from the water, the work of resuscitation has been successful; and it is safe to say that several hundred persons are now living be- cause of this fact. Let us follow this simple law of creation: Fragments of heart were placed on slides and fed with blood ; but not one of them started action. 46 Complete Life Building Then one of these fragments was given the required degree of warmth, which is that of the active human body, or nearly one hundred degrees, and it began to build new cells just like the heart; while all the other pieces that were not given this warmth, remained apparently dead. But these, when made warm, all began to build new cells. Here we find why there are so many failures in the efforts to revive persons who are apparently dead: the one thing lacking is the warmth. In the experiment with the pieces of heart, when all had sufficient warmth, they not only began to build more heart tis- sue, but all began to contract and expand, just like whole hearts in living bodies. One fragment was' smaller than the others, and it beat and pulsated regularly, but with greater speed than the larger fragments; the former having 120 pulsations to the minute, while the others had 92 and one as low as 70 beats. Of course the warmth given the parts was only an incident; the really essential requirement being the right kind of food. This consisted of blood taken from one who had been fed for weeks on a perfect food composed only of the fourteen elements. When the tiniest bit of some non-food element was added, al- though in a perfect combination, it stopped the growth at once. Thus lard, or tomato, or pastry, or anything fried, or fresh bread, would prove injurious, showing that such foods are not intended for the human body. While the heart pieces were beating, the slightest breath of tobacco smoke on the part resulted in the instant stopping of the heart pulsation, and the cessation of the growth of new tissue. Cancer, which is now acknowledged to be erratic tissue growth due to interference with the oxygen in the blood by any air poison, was several times set up by the action of tobacco smoke on the pulsing pieces of heart tissue in these experiments. The fumes were so light as to be thinner than the thinnest vapor and were administered from the distance of four feet, and wholly free from exhalations from the lungs or other poisons; they were mixed with the purest air at full heat; yet the tissue curled up and began to be woven in erratic fibres such as are found in cancer. Recently the claim that tobacco juice and smoke are antiseptic has been fully exploded as false; these agencies injure the good tissue, and affect the insect life of visible size; but are wholly Nature's Doctors 47 useless and powerless over bacteria of disease; yet are destruc- tive of life cells in healthy growth. In thousands of tests it has been shown that tobacco smoke and juice have no effect what- ever on germs of disease, but kill the healthy cells and tissue required to fight disease. This accounts for the common fact that smokers are more liable to sickness and epidemics than non-smokers; and tobacco chewers invariably have diseased livers and bad stomachs. The smoker's throat cancer is a well-known malady; as is the tobacco heart. The heart is the toughest and most vital organ in the whole body. In nine cases out of every ten where examinations have been made soon after death, there is life in that organ, and it can be set to beating again in the manner stated in these experi- ments. One lesson of vital worth is here taught; the heart beats of its own power, independent of any aid from the general body, and its energy and vigor are so great that nothing short of monstrous abuse can stop it. No sensible person should have a weak heart; and only lack of knowledge or judgment can stand in the way of a complete cure of heart weakness. In the above experiment with the pieces of heart, the pulsa- tion continued for three days; then the tissue seemed to weary, and the smaller fragment dropped in its rate of action to ninety heart-beats a minute, while the larger fragment dropped to forty. Examination showed that, as the new tissue formed, some of the old died and gave out a poison known to doctors as toxin. This poison was removed by a special washing, and new blood was introduced for food, as the heart-material no doubt was about exhausted in the three days of feeding to the tissue- growth. Exactly the same conditions take place in the living body. Old cells break down and become a source of danger by their poison; and the same blood will not always serve as food. As soon as the fragments were washed and given new food, they again became vigorous; as the doctor in charge at the Insti- tute said, ' ' they were pulsating at a furious rate. ' ' While they were beating, they were rapidly growing in size, until the two fragments came together, whereupon they united and became a single organ. The two hearts that had been beating at different rates of speed now assumed a modified rate and pulsated as one 48 Complete Life Building heart. Another specimen of heart-fragment lived for 103 days, beating regularly all the time, and was accidentally destroyed. Deaths from heart failure, as in acute indigestion which stops the action of the heart, and from the poisons of the many non- foods eaten, should not be taken as final without an effort to set the heart going again; a result that has actually been attained in the light of new knowledge. The body should be put in a bath tub filled full of warm water of 100 degrees temperature, and artificial respiration resorted to. Do this before turning the body over to the embalmer; when of course it will be too late. SUMMARY OF THE EXPERIMENTS If a piece of any part of the human body that has been laid away in cold storage for months and then given warmth and per- fect food, will live again, as has been amply proved, then it is certain that the same part of the human body in that organism when alive and given perfect food will live on indefinitely. And what a part will do, the whole body will surely do. All that is required is perfect food. Therefore the person who knows what is perfect food, and who makes use of it in supplying the needs of the body, is to be regarded as the Representative of AN ULTIMATE CIVILIZATION. By this is meant that some day the average intelligence of the human race will he increased five thousand percent beyond what it is now, and it will be made as apparent as the sun in the sky that sickness and disease are the results of putting into the human body the things that cannot enter into the structure of the body; that gold cannot be made out of dirt, nor health out of poison; that germ maladies are nature's efforts to drive out the unfit things that are being put into the body; and that pain, suffering, the torturing afflictions, and premature death are bar- barisms of the most barbaric character due to the lowest grade of civilization that could possibly exist under modem conditions. FOURTH SECTION THE GREAT LAW OF LAWS 100 PERCENT RIGHT ^^^^^HE HUMAN BODY is built of material like any con- structed thing. There are about ninety well recog- 1 P nized elements in the earth; some are good for mak- ing houses that are not good for making the human body. But what you intend to build should be made of the kind of material that is required to build it. If you wish to make a gold ring, you select gold. If it is to be a platinum ornament, you select platinum. If you give an order to a con- tractor to erect for you a house of brick, you would expect him to use brick. Long before man ever knew there were elements in nature, the human body was built by the Creator of the following natural materials: 1. Oxygen. 2. Hydrogen. 3. Nitrogen. 4. Carbon. 5. Calcium. 6. Phosphorus. 7. Sulphur. 8. Sodium. 9. Chlorine. 10. Fluorine. 11. Iron. 12. Potassium. 13. Magnesium. 14. Silicon. 49 50 Complete Life Building The Creator knew what was wanted better than man. Any attempt to add to these elements, or to take from them is a challenge at the Maker and is followed by severe penalties known as sickness. If man had never changed the plan of mak- ing his own body he would never have been sick, and disease would have been unknown. Every infringement on the wise plan of creation is penalized. Ill health, therefore, is the pun- ishment inflicted on man for challenging the plan and purpose of the Creator in making the human body. We stand ready to prove that as soon as man comes back to the plan and purpose of the Creator in the construction of his body, he will reach perfect health, and in that respect he will attain one hundred percent of civilization. But man was not made of the fourteen RAW elements. They were woven into combinations suited for the purposes of food. To show how close we are to the fatal poisons that surround us, let us examine into these elements and their combinations: OXYGEN.-This most essential product of the earth is a .deadly poison and therefore could not be taken as food in its raw state; so it is combined in many forms in order to rid itself of its dangers. In air it is mixed with nitrogen principally. In water it has hydrogen as its assistant. And it is mixed with many of the foods and drinks that enter the body. Nitrogen alone is not only a fatal poison, but holds in its power some of the most violent and dangerous forces; yet it weaves the tissue of the human form. Hydrogen likewise has its many kinds of danger when used alone. CARBON.-This is the fuel of the body, as nitrogen is the material from which tissue and flesh are woven; yet carbon by itself is a fatal poison. When utilized in the making of proper food it breaks down and becomes a most violent and dangerous gas, seeking always other affiliations. But if you put these four elements together in their composite form you get the basis and beginning of all kinds of life in both the animal and vegetable kingdoms; albumen and protoplasm. This basis is the one ulti- mate object of digestion of food, and the beginning of the mak- ing of pure blood, requiring very little of other elements to com- plete the work. Spent carbon and oxygen in the exhalations of the human body, or in the exhausts of an engine, or used-up gas, or other form, are deadly enemies of life. Nature's Doctors 51 IRON.-Because the blood needs this element, many doctors have ordered its use as a medicine, forgetting that when taken as a mineral it is dangerous. To make the value seem more real, tests following, the use of iron have shown an increase of the red coloring matter in the blood; but science now knows that this coloring is a stain and is not a part of the blood structure, just as the glow of health on the cheeks, of the girls who walk back and forth on Chestnut Street, in Philadelphia, is the prod- uct of the drug store and not of nature. Iron in order to be safe must be grown in some plant, and exist in cell-formation in vegetation, fruit, cereal, or flesh of beef which- is composed always of vegetable-cells. Iron as a mineral is a destroyer of lung tissue; and its use has brought on many thousands of cases of tuberculosis. To secure it in its cell-form, the most direct way is in the use of underdone beef, retaining the red color; or in the flesh of a sound potato, eating only the skin and the part close to the skin; or in raw milk whole, eaten but not drank; or buttermilk; or raw eggs whipped up in raw milk eaten but not drank; or the royal juice of red or blue grapes, which is the juice pressed from the skin and that part that lies between the pulp and the. skin; or the royal flesh of red apples, being that part that is closest to the skin of the apple; or in whole wheat, oat meal, com meal, red salmon, and some other foods in less quantities. CALCIUM.-This element is perhaps the most needed food of the body, as the heart action, and brain action, as well as the flow of nerve force all depend on calcium. It is found in very small quantities in all the foods that contain iron noted above. It combines with chlorine, another absolutely necessary element, in the form known as calcium chloride, and in this combination it is one of the only four foods that can be taken without vege- table cell growth: Bicarbonate of Soda, Acid Phosphate, Sodium Chloride and Calcium Chloride being the four combinations re- ferred to as foods that need not always appear in cell growth in order to be useful. COMMON SALT.-This is known above as Sodium Chloride, and contains the much needed chlorine, which is difficult to secure in any other form. Common salt stands out as the one greatest food that need not be grown into vegetable cells in order to be safe to eat. Sodium however is one of the most violent of 52 Complete Life Building poisons; and chlorine is so dangerous as an element that it has to be handled with the greatest care: yet it is known as a set- tled fact that if common salt is not eaten, and none of the other salts are taken in its place, death would follow in four or five weeks. Fortunately there are many other salts that are found in vegetables and especially in beef that take the place of the common kind. Certain tribes live wholly without common salt, but are hunters and eat flesh and fish, as well as roots and cereals rich in other salts. So important is this study that we have de- voted another part of the book to its consideration. BAKING POWDER.-Following the recent statements con- cerning foods that can be eaten when not in the form of cell growth, we find that baking powder is necessarily composed of such foods when it is safe to take at all. But most baking pow- ders now on the market are real poisons. They eat the lining from the stomach, or damage it until congestion and inflamma- tion follow. More than one hundred million pounds of baking powders are used in the United States every year; and of this vast tonnage less than one million pounds can be said to be free from dangerous poisons. The severest of these powders are those that contain aluminium, which is the disguised name for alum; and those that contain ammonium, another disguise for ammonia. Appendicitis can be traced to these poisons. The safe formula is given here: For making 100 pounds of baking powder, use 56 pounds of granular phosphate, 25% pounds of granular bicarbonate of soda, and 18% pounds of super-dried starch. Calcium is a part of the phosphate, which is also known as acid phosphate. For one pound, or two, or five, or ten, your druggist will make the exact proportions based on the above formula. In addition to the calcium thus obtained, the careful and cautious use of common salt will give the body the much-needed chlorine. Health requires living vitality; and this living vitality is based on both calcium and chlorine, which furnish the spark of life. THE RIGHT FOODS are those that are required by the body as absolutely necessary to its construction; in a pure state; and properly prepared or cooked. The absence of any one needed element in the food will surely cause disease, often fatal, and always serious and alarming. The presence of any element in addition to those needed will Nature's Doctors 53 in some way injure the body; hence we have two minor laws as follows: 1. The LAW of OVER-BALANCE. 2. The LAW of UNDER-BALANCE. There is an over-balance when there are more than fourteen elements. There is an under-balance where there are less than fourteen elements. We have seen that either condition will produce disease. But an over-balance may occur when there are all fourteen elements and no more, but when one element is far in excess of the proportion required by the body. And an under-balance may occur when one needed element is seriously lacking in its proportionate amount, although present. In this section of our work we cannot take up the many cases that afford illustrations of the wonders of this law and of the wise provisions of the Creator in the growth of food with which to sustain life. One example will serve as well as a hundred. We take RICE as the subject of this example because it is used more than any other one article of food throughout the world. First we will refer to the widely prevalent malady known as BERIBERI.-This has slain many millions because its origin and nature have been persistently misunderstood. It is gen- erally fatal unless checked in the early stages. The blood dries up; the feet become paralyzed; and the whole body is stricken. It has never been known except among rice-eating nations. RICE.-This valuable food is in its natural state surrounded by a skin called the pericarp, which may be white, yellow, red, or very dark. Or the skin may be of two or more of these colors. This skin clings closely to the rice grain and is a part of it. On the outside of this skin is the husk. Rice is said to be " cured when the husk is removed; and to be "polished" when both the husk and the skin are removed. The two most common facts in certain phases of Oriental life were for many years: first, the almost universal use of rice as food; second, the epidemic disease of beriberi, regarded then as incurable. For many years experts who studied the disease of- fered theory after theory, and all were wrong. An accident in 1897 brought to light both the cause and the remedy. In the 54 Complete Life Building great island of Java the beriberi epidemic raged unchecked from 1882 to 1897, fifteen years. The famous Dutch physician, Eijkman, who was stationed at Java, had his attention called to the sickness and deaths among poultry from a malady that had the same symptoms as beriberi. Upon asking for information among the domestics attached to the hospital he learned that some days before the outbreak, the poultry had been fed some "polished" rice that had been left over in the kitchen. The physician, thinking he saw the solution of the question, obtained from other rice, the husks and skin surfaces, and fed them at once to such of the poultry as survived, although they were badly stricken. To his surprise and satisfaction, they all got well very quickly. Polished rice given to birds will cause neuritis, in a form known as polyneuritis. But if the outer coating of rice be given them, immediate relief follows.' The next step was to prove that whole rice will cure this disease, which polished rice will cause. The outer coating of rice must contain something intended by nature for the benefit of life; and the practice of polishing it must be a crime against the health of man. Yet in America, there is hardly any rice sold except the polished kind. To add to its danger, it is covered with parafine to produce a higher polish. It then sells for eighty percent more than the less at- tractive kind, and is wholly an unfit food. By this example we have shown that one of the most impor- tant and valuable articles of food, rice, may by being under- balanced cause disease; and that the very disease so caused may be cured by feeding the discarded husk of the rice. In the Malay peninsular in 1910, Doctors Fraser and Stanton found the natives suffering from an epidemic of beriberi due to having been fed polished rice. The only medicine given them was natural rice, with the skin on, and this medicine brought about a cure in every instance where it was given before death had claimed its victims. Surely this is a better medicine than drugs. In the Philippines in 1910, Major Chamberlain of the U. S. Army Medical Corps had among the native Scouts about 600 cases of beriberi caused by eating American prepared polished rice. The diet included among other things twenty ounces daily of polished rice. For this he substituted sixteen ounces of un- Nature's Doctors 55 polished rice. No medicine was required. At the end of the year 1910, the cases of beriberi were reduced to 50; in 1911, there were only three; in 1912, there were but two; and in 1913, not one. A few years later polished rice was used for food by some families, who became victims of the disease; several losing their lives before the remedy was applied. Polished rice is a wholly unbalanced food, containing almost nothing beyond one element, and this is supposed to hold a poi- son, for which nature provided an antidote in the contents of the skin on the rice. This fact does not warrant people in re- fusing to eat rice if they can get it in the form nearer to nature; while, to be sure, the white portion is a poison, the whole rice in its combination consists of all the elements needed by the human body, to which is added an antidote for the poisonous interior of the grain. It is all wonderful. What is true of rice is true in part if not in whole of many other kinds of food. We made the assertion that under-balanced food will cause disease. We have made good this claim in this instance; and more than that we have shown that an under- balanced food has destroyed the lives of millions of human be- ings in the past. Our position is this: THE GREAT LAW OF LAWS is the supreme law of life, and must be obeyed. Withdraw one of the fourteen elements of food, and you may slay millions. Restore the lost element, and you have the per- fect medicine by which this dread and awful malady may be cured. Since writing this bit of history, our attention has been called to official reports to the effect that beriberi has recently been fully cured by nothing more than the rejected husks of rice; while the most highly endorsed medicines in the form of drugs have ail proved useless. Let us go along further. Pellagra.-This disease prevails in the South, especially in re- gions where a full variety of food cannot be obtained. A work published by Dr. Goldberger, of the U. S. Public Health Service, has proved with certainty that this very troublesome malady is due to lack of all the needed elements in the food. He calls it a deficiency disease, which means the same thing. Rickets.-This trouble comes to many children; it is a soften- 56 Complete Life Building ing or underdevelopment of the bones. For generations the remedy was sought in medicines, but without success. It is now known to be due to lack of some of the fourteen elements: when these are all present in the food, the cure is assured. This fact is not by any means a new one; it was established long ago, and is now understood by all doctors. What concerns us is the proof that a complete food selection will cure disease. Loss of Hair.-But here we have a new remedy for a very old trouble. Millions of people are bald-headed; and other millions are suffering the humiliation of losing their hair in part. About forty years ago the Ralston Health Club began to suspect that the loss of hair was due to the lack of all the body elements in the food; but not until the past five years have we given the matter a full test. We are now able to assert that loss of hair may be prevented by including in the diet the elements that build hair. When we come to think of it, the truth is so clearly ap- parent that the wonder is it was not discovered two thousand years ago. The logic is simple: Hair requires certain material which must be in the blood, and which the blood must deposit in the scalp as it circulates in that part of the body. As the blood derives its material from the food eaten, this element must be eaten if nutrition for the hair is sought. It is a matter of fact that nearly all the food of modern times is lacking in this mate- rial; hence the loss of hair in some cases, and total baldness in others. People who have carefully selected foods containing all the fourteen elements have found a steady improvement in the growth and vitality of the hair. Wrinkled Skin.-There are mechanical causes for deep wrin- kles on the face; and there is also a food deficiency cause in many cases. The skin is made from certain elements; if they are lacking in the food, the skin is bound to show depressions or valleys. Proof of this fact is sustained by experiments going on for many years in which certain persons have never failed to include all food elements in their diet, and, although very old, they show no wrinkles on their faces. A fact of this kind means something; it cannot be argued out of existence. Calcium.-The real life of the body, and of its brain and its nervous system depend on calcium. A great physician who was also a great chemist, was once asked what in his opinion stood Nature's Doctors 57 nearest the life of the body; and his reply was Calcium. It is the cause of the heart-beat; when it is not present in proper pro- portion in the daily food, the heart is weak. It also enables cuts and wounds to heal; where there is lack of calcium, the cut will never heal. Nose bleed is often due to lack of this element. All blood losses are assisted in efforts to stop them by this element; and in tuberculosis it is useful especially where there are hemor- rhages. When the nerves, the brain, and the vitality are de- pressed, the use of calcium foods will cause an immediate revival. Hay Fever.-The Ralston Health Club has discovered that victims of hay fever, rose cold and similar maladies, lack cal- cium chloride; or the combination of calcium and chlorine in their food. As a result many cures of this disease have been taking place in the last year, although it has long been regarded as incurable. But the cures are facts. How to get calcium in the body is the question. It is not easily introduced in the food; but there are foods that contain calcium fluorine; and there is common salt that contains chlorine; from these two it is possible to build the needed calcium chloride that is the cure for hay fever. More will be said about this in a later page. Salt.-Some persons claim that they do not need salt. This food consists of sodium and chlorine, and is known to the chem- ist as sodium chloride. Digestion is impossible without hydro- chloric acid; which is made of hydrogen, the water element, and of chlorine; these constitute what is known as the gastric juice, which carries on the work of digestion. As salt is the only food that contains chlorine, it follows that if you do not eat salt, you cannot digest your food; and this is the fact. Salt, therefore, furnishes more than one value to life; it gives us the gastric juice; it brings chlorine into the blood; and it enables the cal- cium there to combine and produce calcium chloride, the cure for hay fever. So impressive has become the importance of cal- cium chloride as the cure for hay fever, that one of the most reliable chemical laboratories in America has begun to make it and place it on sale. But the better way is to secure it in food selection. The best single food for this purpose is found in baked potatoes, W'ell salted to meet the taste, and covered with heavy cream from raw milk, eating the skins of the potatoes: for the full food value is found in the skins and in the potato within a half inch of the skin. This means that the thickness of the half 58 Complete Life Building inch next to the skin, with the latter, contain the full food value of the potato. It is not wise to over-salt the food in order to get the required amount of salt; the better plan is to eat as many potatoes as you can at one meal and salt them to taste. In the skins of the potatoes and in the cream, you will secure an abun- dance of calcium; while you will find the needed chlorine in the salt. Nature will do the rest when they enter the stomach. To quote the words of a well-known scientific writer: "These ele- ments separate and make new formations; from the material they furnish the finished product; but how we do not know. ' ' If we attempt to use the foods of nature contrary to her plan, she offers us deadly poisons. One illustration of this fact is seen in the use of rice. Salt is made of sodium, a very violent poison; and of the still more poisonous gas, chlorine; yet in combination it is not only harmless when taken only as the taste demands, but is necessary. Potatoes.-Here is another food that stands at the head of body-building material, yet when wrongly used is a poison. We have seen that rice when stripped of its skin is the cause of one of the most fearful diseases known; yet that the skin is a cure of that very malady. The only food value in a potato is the skin itself, and the part of potato that lies under the skin for about a half inch to an inch, depending on the size of the tuber. Yet during* the great war when food was scarce and the government was urging peo- ple to plant potatoes even in their flower gardens, cooks were peeling and throwing away the only parts that had any value, and were retaining and cooking the part that was a direct poi- son. In consequence of the unusually large use of this kind of food, humanity suffered from an epidemic that had been hitherto unknown: the "flu" or new form of influenza, which left in its wake many millions of victims that have not yet recovered their full health, and most of whom never will. Potatoes fried or boiled, eaten in the quantity that prevailed during the war, will again cause the "flu" and will also be re- sponsible for the grippe and other deficiency maladies. Rice eaten without the skin is without the slightest doubt the slayer of millions; but eaten with the skin it is an ideal food when taken with salt and light cream from raw milk. There is no better food. Nature's Doctors 59 A half truth is dangerous and often fatal to life. The gov- ernment during the war when food was scarce cited the case of persons who had lived on nothing but potatoes all their lives, and of one well authenticated case of a woman who lived for more than one hundred years and had never eaten any other food but potatoes. It so happened that investigation was possi- ble in her case. She lived all the time in the country where she had clean raw milk: at least raw milk whether it was clean or not; of the cleanliness we cannot vouch except by inference. But her potato diet of three meals a day consisted of the whole potato, and they were in the latter years of her life, the best of all varieties, Irish Cobblers. But she ate SKINS and all! She never fried or boiled them: always baked them. And she ate them salted, and with plenty of cream from raw milk, for she knew nothing of the deadening of milk by sterilizing. Here is a food that contains all the fourteen elements required to build life; and in the exact proportion: Potatoes with the skins on, and never in any form except baked, salted to taste; and with plenty of cream from raw milk. Such a diet will pro- long life indefinitely, will drive out disease, and will increase the vitality of the whole system. It is a complete food in every respect. Nor is it tiresome. No fully balanced food is ever tiresome. This diet is the first and safest change in the life of the infant that is being weaned; with the exception that for one year the outer film should be scraped off; but this does not diminish the food value of the baked potato. The cream also should be quite thin, but as fresh as possible. It is the one dependable article of food for this purpose. Oat Meal.-This cereal is the best of all foods in the cereal class for the human body. But like rice it must be understood and used carefully. When cooked less than three hours, oat meal is a direct poison, especially for the liver. It does not change its character unless it has three hours of disintegration by being cooked; then it is an entirely different thing. The best of all ways to cook it is in the fireless cooker; start it on the regular stove, transfer it to the fireless, and cook it all night. In the morning toast it for a few minutes on the regular stove. Eat it with salt and cream; or with sugar and cream. We know of men of the greatest virility both of brain and body who 60 Complete Life Building have had nothing else for their breakfasts for forty years. With the cream it contains all fourteen elements in perfect combina- tion and will prolong life indefinitely. If a person were in ill health, and wished to diet on the one- food plan which means only one kind of food at each meal, here are both breakfast and supper: the former of oat meal and cream; the latter of the baked potatoes and cream. Two meals are thus provided; and at one-tenth the cost of the worthless kinds now served. More than that you will get to like them. We are not asking you to adopt these ideas; our only purpose now is to show you what is meant by 100 Percent Right in Food Selection. The Creator has made the human body in His own way, and Nature proves that when man undertakes to alter the plan that has been established there is an endless array of penalties; as may be seen from the vast libraries of books on diseases, the ever increasing hordes of doctors, the setting up of drug stores on every corner, the growing demand for hospitals, the train loads of medicines that daily sweep through the land, and the accumulation of surgical instruments which now are so numerous that if piled up in one place they would make a mountain from which you could behold more than four hundred square miles of land. If the food that is daily fed to the human body were to con- tain all the fourteen elements in their proper combinations, and no other elements, the following results would be attained: 1. You could not make the body sick by any means you could devise. 2. A body that is built of these fourteen elements is perfectly immune against all disease, no matter how virulent, and no mat- ter what the exposure. It is simply impossible for disease to secure a foothold for there is no soil in which its germs can take growth. In all germ maladies two things are required: germs and soil. No germs can grow without the soil; and there is no germ soil in any of the fourteen elements. We live in an age in which the BRAIN controls humanity, and furnishes all the errors from which come sickness and every form of misfortune. We are now on the threshold of a new age in which the MIND is to control; and that will bring the 100 Percent of Civilization Nature's Doctors 61 towards which all life tends, or else living is in vain. The mind does the right thing always; the brain never does. As proof of this fact let us see if you can grasp this proposition: Furnishing the body with the exact food material which it requires, is the right thing: furnishing it with something else is the wrong thing. Can you grasp it? HUMANITY IS JUST WAKING UP Nature did the best she could, and mankind has been trying to find out what nature intended as food. If man lived on the earth a hundred thousand years ago, and it is claimed that he was here long before that time, he had many a stomach ache in his experiments with eatables. The first generation had no one to tell them the difference between toadstools and mushrooms, and similar differences in other lines of things; so they were compelled to test them for themselves. But even at this time the procession of tests has not reached a final distinction between toadstools and mushrooms; for one of the greatest living authorities on mushrooms recently died from eating toadstools. The same kind of experimenting has been going on for more than one hundred thousand years; and millions of people have laid down their lives in the effort to ascertain the difference between what can be safely eaten and what is dangerous. They to-day have got as far as tomatoes; a so-called food that contains no food elements, but that is good for the scurvy, although there are many of the true foods that are better for that blood dis- order. Oxalic acid in water is also good for the scurvy, but it kills the rest of the body. Tomatoes contain oxalic acid. Perfect health has never been found in any foreign nation; and some part of the reason may be learned from the following things they devour with delight: 1. Seaweed is eaten in Japan. 2. Candied grasshoppers are eaten in Japan. 3. Powdered deer horns are eaten in China. 4. Rats and mice are eaten in China. 5. Dogs and cats are eaten in China, and of late years in many other countries, and in our own land in sausage meat. 62 Complete Life Building 6. Horse flesh is eaten in France and other European coun- tries. 7. Fried rhinoceros hide is eaten in Africa. 8. Pickled pigs feet are eaten in many countries. 9. Moldy cheese ready for the moving picture camera, is eaten in England. 10. Snails and frogs' legs are eaten in France, and elsewhere. 11. Grasshoppers, fried and made into meal, furnish the staple food of its class in Arabia. 12. Snakes and lizards are eaten by the North American Indians. 13. Octopus is eaten by the people of Naples. 14. Wood grubs are eaten by the Maoris of New Zealand. 15. The eggs of the Volga sturgeon are eaten as caviar by the Russians. 16. Human flesh was eaten by the Fiji Islanders. 17. Sweetbreads, roes, brains and kidneys are generally eaten to-day. 18. Oysters, clams, lobsters, crabs, terrapin, mussels and shrimps are all scavengers of the sea, and contain poisons that have caused more deaths than any other line of foods. Oysters consist of two parts, the soft and the hard; the former is liver and the latter muscle fibre. The liver contains glycogen, and the fibrous part has no food value. They are not a true food. Clams are like oysters in their composition, but harder to digest. Lobsters, no matter how fresh, poison some persons, and in many other instances they set up a skin irruption. Crabs and terrapin are bedded in filth and putrid matter on which they feed. Mussels are poisonous and have caused many deaths. Shrimps are of the same class but milder in character. Intelligence is the fruit of the brain; and may be wrong and yet intelligent. The dog and horse are intelligent. They have no guiding rule to tell them when they are right or wrong. The banker and broker may be highly intelligent; yet may be wrong when they devote themselves so severely to finance that they fall dead in their chairs from heart disease, as thousands Nature's Doctors 63 of them do. Doctors say tnere are countless cases of ruined heart action, following the awful strain of the struggle for wealth. Such a manner of living is not right. People who dwell in cities are certainly intelligent; yet they are wrong when they select as a place of abode a crowded local- ity where the dust of the streets, laden with the pulverized filth of animal excretions, floats in at the windows and falls on tables, dishes, foods, clothing, beds and carpets, only to be inhaled and re-inhaled into the lungs; where pure air is never possible; and where the distracting noises of the night permit only a semi- sleep that invites nervous breakdown. Such a manner of living is not right; but it is highly intelligent. The people who eat those things that are not suited to the body are intelligent; but they are wrong. They cannot see that the body requires for its building and repair the same food ele- ments that make the body; not the things that cannot enter into any part of its life. Intelligence may begin with the lowest form of animal existence and climb to the dizzy heights of human genius; but at its best, in its noblest grandeur, it is far below that divine quality, the MIND. At the risk of tiring you, let us say that the test is this: Whatever is absolutely RIGHT is the work and gift of the mind. All else is the work of the intelligence, ranging from the worm in the mud, or the cave man gnawing a bone, up to the broker who gasps for his breath as his heart breaks down, or the doctor who builds up his practice by telling his patients to eat what they like. INSTINCT WAS ONCE ACTIVE TO AID HUMANITY It has been claimed that only the animal kingdom receives help from Nature through instinct. But we see in a number of ways the assistance of this power in human life. BLEEDING. PHYSICKING. FASTING. Doctors were once called leeches. A leech was employed to suck the blood from a sick person. It is an aquatic worm, known as a blood-sucker. Any dictionary to-day gives as one of the 64 Complete Life Building definitions of leech, a doctor, as well as a blood-sucker. What taught people to draw blood in order to relieve sickness? In- stinct. The theory was that sickness came from the presence of poisons in the system; and this theory proved correct; but in taking bad blood, good blood was drawn also, and this left the patient weak, and tended to bring on death by lowering the power of resistance. But it showed the purpose to rid the body of its poisons. Doctors were once called lances. A lancet was a steel instru- ment made to take the place of the leech; and instinct impelled its use for the same reason. To-day doctors are called physicians. A physician is one who physics. Instinct taught the race that the poisons were in the blood and also in the intestinal canal; so the effort has been made of late years to drive them out by laxatives and purges. It is all the same battle against the presence of poisons in the body. A leech was a poison remover. A lance was a poison remover. A physician was a poison remover. A faster was a poison remover. Fasting is older in practice than leeching, lancing or physick- ing; and was taught in all religions from the beginning. It is a slow way of getting rid of the locked-up poisons of the body. It will thus be seen that the great curative methods of the world for thousands of years have been directed against the poi- sons that have been brought into the body by what enters the mouth; foods and other things being guilty of producing the cause of sickness and the support of doctors. This being the case it would seem to be the part of wisdom to lessen the kinds of food that are most to blame. It all comes down to the law of right; of being one hundred percent right; which means taking into the body as food only the things that contain the needed elements; the FOURTEEN ELEMENTS; and to use them in balanced form. This is possi- ble at all times; and it is to teach these truths that the Ralston Health Club comes into your life at this time. DO YOU KNOW that if you eat only the fourteen elements in balanced form, you will never have to drive poisons from the body; and the absence of poisons will keep out the soil in which the germs of disease find harbor and on which they thrive? FIFTH SECTION BUILDING THE BODY d^L^&HREE THINGS are sought by the Ralston Health I Club in its efforts to make surgery unnecessary. In I @ the first place, there must be a method whereby the poisons in the body may be drawn off before they set up weakness or disease. In the second place, there must be found the exact foods that are required to sustain per- fect life in all the various parts of the system. In the third place, the means of repairing injury already done must be found and applied. Where damage has already been done to any organ, that organ now is weak, and some form of disease has begun to enter it. The steps that a malady take are often sheathed and hidden un- til the disease is beyond repair. This is seen in Bright's disease, also in consumption, and often in strain on the arteries of the heart, and sometimes in diabetes; and yet, in the early stages of all these maladies, there is abundant hope of cure. Consumption and diabetes can be overcome in nine cases out of every ten, if the methods of this book are adopted. There are two kinds of life in the body: 1. The general life of the whole body. 2. The separate lives of the parts within that make up the whole body. The stopping of one of these parts will bring death to the whole body while, in fact, it should not be regarded as dead, for only one part has stopped its work, and that part should be made to renew it again. 65 66 Complete Life Building Life renewal begins with mouth digestion. Out of more than one hundred thousand experiments made under all conditions, it has been found sufficient to merely chew the food enough to thoroughly mix it with the saliva. If this mixing can be done in a second of time, so that every particle of the food is touched by the saliva, that is long enough. Some persons are able to give the food one turn in the mouth and thereby bring it into contact with the saliva, and so eat rapidly; but it is never wise to swallow any food without first allowing the saliva to touch it. The following rules will help understand this law: Rule 1.-It is not necessary to chew food very long, if it is chewed thoroughly. Rule 2.-All solid food should be taken into the mouth in very small lots. Rule 3.-All solid food should either be chewed or turned over in the mouth until every part of it has been brought into contact with saliva. It is then ready to be swallowed. Rule 4.-All liquid food should also be turned over in the mouth for the purpose of mixing with the saliva. Rule 5.-Liquids that are not food drive the saliva back through the glands and prevent its mingling with food in the mouth; therefore no food should be washed down into the stom- ach by water, tea, coffee, beer, liquor, wine or other non-food liquid, as none of these are foods. Rule 6.-Milk, cream, soups, broths, simple gravies, and the like, are foods, and may be eaten with solids provided they are kept in the mouth long enough to enable the saliva to mix all through them. Rule 7.-Food, whether solid or liquid, that is swallowed into the stomach without mixing with the saliva of the mouth, lacks the first essential of digestion, which is freedom from fermenta- tion. Rule 8.-The powerful antiseptic value of saliva destroys all germs in bad food, and all poisons that arise from ferment. As proof of this law, persons seated at the same table with those who are killed by ptomain poison from partly spoiled fish or meats, are saved from death by reason of the fact that they sali- vate their food thoroughly, while the victims are of the class known as "bolters of food," or those who swallow without chew- Nature's Doctors 67 ing, or who wash their food down with water, tea, coffee, beer, wine or liquor. Thousands die every year from ptomain poisoning; and other thousands who eat the same kind of food, but salivate it, are not even made sick. Rule 9.-The purest food will ferment in the stomach if not first salivated at the mouth. Rule 10.-Gas in the stomach of grown persons, eructations, ferment of food all through the tract, flatulence, "rolling" of the bowels, and similar disturbances are due to the decay of the food after it has been swallowed; and the best food will so decay instead of digesting if it is not salivated; while, on the other hand, salivation at the mouth will make such troubles impossible. Rule 11.-The drinking of water during meals is a help to digestion if the water is taken in small quantities, and is not mixed with food in the mouth. Mixing with food in the stomach during and after a meal is helpful. Cold water should be taken slowly and sparingly, but as often as desired. All babies and young children should be given cold water, even ice water if relished, but in sips. It has been proved that small quantities of cold water given to very young babies, if given on the end of a spoon, will relieve them and assist in in- ducing sleep. This practice has been of the greatest help to tired mothers who formerly were compelled to stay awake nights to comfort crying children. Most babies cry because of thirst. Rule 12.-Hasty swallowing of good food brings on ferment in the stomach; and hasty swallowing of bad food increases the danger of immediate distress and sickness, sometimes quickly bringing on acute indigestion and death. Rule 13.-The saliva of the mouth furnishes the first cells of life-builders; and the gastric juice of the stomach furnishes the second set of life-building cells. Rule 14.-The gastric juice will not flow in abundance to the stomach unless the palate stimulates such action. There is always some slight flow of gastric juice, but not a nor- mal or healthy flow, unless the palate originates it. The question may be asked, how can the palate which is at the mouth affect the stomach juices? The answer is plain. The digestive tract acts as a whole. There have been many proofs of the fact that the palate really controls the stomach. One of the old theories 68 Complete Life Building that was believed by every physician for generations has re- cently been exploded. It was always supposed that the presence of food in the stomach excited the flow of gastric juice; but this is now known not to be true. Rule 15.-The contents of the stomach have nothing to do with the flow of gastric juice into that organ. Food in the stomach will not invite the digestive fluids. Ex- periments by the thousands have been made to prove this fact, some by direct observation during operations when the interior action of the stomach was seen, and others by indirect but equally effective means. It was formerly believed that the pres- ence of food in the stomach, by touching its walls, would set up the same kind of excitement that food in the mouth does, and would therefore draw forth the juices. But the reverse is true. Rule 16.-That which pleases or displeases the palate of the mouth will aid or hinder digestion at. the stomach. Some great experiments have been made to- prove this rule. The number of stomachs that have been operated upon are in the thousands. The operation seems to be safe- at all times, as we have never heard of any result that was not satisfactory, and lives have been saved in this way when there was no other source of help. The- Pawlow experiments are briefly stated as follows, although they are now known to all the world: 1. Every effort was made to cause gastric juice to flow into stomachs that had been cut open and exposed to view; the in- terior walls were, scraped, then they wrere excited by the action of a feather, then by the introduction of rough sand and finally by putting tempting food within. In every instance the stomach remained dry. 2. Bread placed in the stomach remained for hours unacted upon. The coagulated whites of eggs were undigested. The un- cooked white of eggs passed through the porous walls of the stomach, but this was done by absorption, as no gastric juices appeared. Raw meat, after a long period, started a very slight flow, but not enough to act upon the meat. 3. In order to test the law of digestion, all these foods were left in the stomach, and then an opening was cut into the throat below the place where the swallowing occurs. Through this Nature's Doctors 69 opening any food that was swallowed was caught and brought out into a pan, so that it did not pass into the stomach. 4. The most dainty and tempting, yet wholesome food, was given into the mouth, and eagerly swallowed, then taken from the gullet, and none of it entered the stomach. This same food was again eaten and swallowed time after time. The eating and swallowing were natural. Not a morsel reached the stomach, yet the gastric juice poured into that organ in enormous quantities. 5. The saliva was collected from the mouth after each act of swallowing; and the gastric juice was collected from the stom- ach; these were used as insolvents on other food that was not then at hand, and they were found sufficient to digest several large meals. 6. Food that remained in the stomach stagnated there up to the time that the palate was excited. When the palate was ex- cited by the action of pleasing food eagerly swallowed, the stom- ach, although receiving none of the food, became flooded with gastric juice, and this juice together with the saliva, when taken away to some other scene, had the power to digest food in a plate. Rzde 17.-The eager desire for the food increases the flow of gastric juice to the stomach and aids its power of digestion. Rule 18.-Hunger so far aids digestion that the stomach acts easily on foods that ordinarily would cause indigestion. Rule 19.-Starvation intensifies the eagerness of the stomach for food, and the gastric juices are able to digest things that are absolutely dangerous under other conditions. In starvation the first touch of food to the mouth and palate results in a flood of saliva, and in an inrush of gastric juice at the stomach; and the life-cells in both these fluids act quickly and thoroughly, turning almost worthless sfuff into food. Grass, wood, leather and weeds have been digested by starving bodies. The main lesson from Rule 19 is that fasting leads to an appetite, and this custom has been in use for thousands of years. We do not teach fasting except when a person wishes to under- take the course of discarding the old body, and building up a wholly new body; and then it must be done by common sense methods and not at haphazard, for fasting leads to great dan- 70 Complete Life Building gers in after life. The principle, however, is a great one. It brings on semi-starvation, and thus creates an intensely strong and valuable appetite. Rule 20.-The action of any pleasing matter upon the palate causes gastric juice to flow into an empty stomach. The walls of the stomach, when empty, sometimes come to- gether. As has been stated, this organ is the only part of the body that will digest itself. It is not true that the stomach will actually destroy its own walls by digesting them; although there are cases where this has partly occurred; but it is true that the walls of the stomach will do each other a great injury, slowly but surely, by the presence of gastric juice in an empty stom- ach. These walls are nothing but tripe. Put a piece of tripe raw or cooked into the stomach, and, if the gastric juice is in- vited in, this tripe will be digested like any meat. Rule 21.-The habit of chewing when the stomach is empty tends to set up a process of digestion which congests the walls of the stomach, and results in weak stomach, and forms of gastritis. If you chew gum or tobacco or other thing, causing a flow of saliva in the mouth, at the same time you are causing, in the same act, a flood of gastric juice to the stomach. If the latter is empty, then there is nothing digestible but its own walls, and these are acted upon by the powerful solvent fluids in the gas- tric juice. The walls become inflamed and very red. Their irritation is not healed for some time after. Food will not be well digested by an inflamed stomach. Rule 22.-The same chewing that will inflame an empty stomach will aid digestion when the stomach contains food. If you are a gum-chewer and must chew gum, chew it when there is food in your stomach; but never when that organ is empty. If you must smoke, then do so when there is food in your stom- ach; for smoking on an empty stomach excites the flow of gas- tric juice, that tends to digest the walls of the stomach and to set up inflammation thereby. It is true that the man who is a slave of the pipe or cigar, gets from smoking some aid to digestion. Rule 23.-When a hearty meal has been eaten it should end with the holding in the mouth of some greatly liked dainty Nature's Doctors 71 which by exciting the palate, will maintain a constant flow of gastric juice in the stomach. This Rule has been employed in the cure of indigestion to such an extent that some such thing as a raisin, a piece of candy, a candy-mint, or anything that is greatly enjoyed has been used to stimulate digestion with regularity, and some of the most obstinate cases have yielded in this way. One man who was exceedingly fond of olives, held half an olive in his mouth for an hour after each meal; another a bit of very hard candy; another a piece of flavored chewing gum, which he was ashamed to chew, as he was a judge and presided at court; an- other a piece of candied ginger. Rule 24.-Foods that do not please the palate should not be eaten. The reverse of this rule is not true as we shall see. But it is always true that a person should never eat what is not relished. The only exception is the eating of plain, wholesome food by one who has abused the stomach, and who seeks and craves unfit foods only. Sick stomachs have a depraved taste, and morbid palates demand only morbid foods. Thus an inflamed stomach and disordered liver rebel against milk, which is the most natural of all foods. Rule 25.-All things that please the palate are not good to be eaten. While you should seek such foods as are pleasant to eat, you should not eat everything that pleases you. In the first place it is hard to satisfy an inflamed stomach. Until that organ is in good health, you cannot tell exactly what you do like, for there are scores of things that tickle the palate, yet that would kill you if you were to eat them. Rule 26.-The nearer the body comes to perfect health, the more the stomach and palate will crave simple, plain and whole- some foods. Rule 27.-If there is an intense craving for anything that is hurtful, the better way is to hold it in the mouth after eating a meal of wholesome food, but avoid swallowing any of it. SIXTH SECTION LIFE ENEMIES ^^^>VERYTHING that lives in a physical sense, comes to 11 that change that is known as death, although nothing actually dies. The human body matures and takes on age, in its progress to the end. Despite all the efforts of man, the body sooner or later is dissolved, and its material returns back to earth from which it came. We have shown in the earlier part of this book that life con- sists of cells. No matter how complicated may be the organism that is built by the union of the cells, it is always an accumula- tion of such parts. The hardest bone is merely a mass of cells taking shape. The same is true of every organ, and of each detail of the body. Every time the blood courses through the system it leaves countless millions of new cells that are employed in maintaining the repair and growth of the body. In the meanwhile the activi- ties of life within the body have caused countless millions of old cells to spend themselves. The new become old in a short time. The result is that the blood soon finds itself confronted by dead cells in all directions. Rule 28.-Every dead cell is as much a poison for its size, as is every dead carcass. The TRUE FOODS make less poison. We bury our dead. If we did not, they would quickly be- come a menace to all life. From fields of unburied dead in times of war, there arise pestilence and foul diseases. Yet there are at this moment within your body more millions of dead carcasses 72 Nature's Doctors 73 to the cubic inch than your mind can conceive of; and they are accumulating all the time. Compared with their size, they give forth the same stench, and the same degree of putrid dangers as those that are rising from the unburied dead on the battle- field. In the latter case, the dead are in the open where there is more freedom and more opportunity for change; while the car- casses within the human body are confined in close places, and their toxins are more active. Rule 29.-Dead tissue within the body is the first enemy of life. By tissue is meant the masses of cells that are formed con- stantly in the process of living. When two or more cells unite, they are called tissue in animal life, and humanity is a part of the animal kingdom. It is necessary that new tissue be formed every minute of the day and night; and it cannot be formed unless the tissue that is already at hand shall break down to make way for it. This breaking down is the natural method by which life is carried on. If you could see your body, as with the all-embracing eye of some powerful instrument strong enough to detect so small a thing as a cell, you would behold every part of yourself dissolving, crumbling to small particles, melting from living tissue to dead cells; and this change would never cease nor even take a minute's rest; nor would any part of the body be exempt from it. At the same time you would see new cells springing forth from the swift current of the blood and taking the places of those that were breaking down. But you would not see the dead cells pass- ing out. They would be there awaiting means of getting away; and for every minute they waited, a cloud of vapor would go forth from them, filled with what is called toxin or tissue-poison. Rule 30.-Nature creates germs to destroy the dead. If there are unburied bodies on the battle-field, they will be- come sources of rank poisoning; and thereupon nature will send special germs whose duty it is to eat up the rotting flesh. In some places, birds that are called vultures devour the flesh in a short time; but in most places there are no eaters except the germs known as bacteria. The same rule holds true in disposing of the dead tissue in the human body. If it cannot be thrown off by the usual processes germs will come in and do the work. But germs, having started 74 Complete Life Building to destroy the dead tissue, will not stop there, but will involve the live tissue as well. This is the source of disease. Huie 31.-Disease is the activity of special germs that are created to destroy dead tissue. Death, therefore, is merely a change; and destruction comes after death. The man who dies and is buried is not dead except in a general sense; but he will sooner or later become dissolved when the parts of his body shall have been torn asunder, sepa- rated from each other, and scattered. Each cell is eaten up by some disease germ. Bule 32.-For every kind of dead tissue there is a kind of disease germ that nature has created to destroy it. New diseases are constantly being discovered in the human race. The same fact has astounded orchardists and gardeners; the old experts among them state that they can remember when there were not half as many fruit and flower pests and diseases as there are to-day. This increase is due to the discovery and development of many new varieties and more sensitive qualities which invite new enemies. Humanity is not confining itself to the simple foods that it once depended upon. The sea-scaven- gers, such as lobsters, crabs, terrapin, and the like, are but one example of the more general use of different foods from what was employed in the olden times; and dead tissue varies its character with the kind of food that is taken into the body. LAW:-Proper habits of life will prevent the develop- ment of poisons within the body. Bule 33.-The first habit is that which selects true food for the diet. Bule 34.-The second habit is that which limits the daily quan- tity of food to the actual needs of the body. Bule 35.-The third habit is that which carries off the tissue as fast as it breaks down. Bule 36.-As there can be left in the body no cause for the generating of poison, disease is impossible if the habits are correct. No matter how much you may expose yourself to the dangers of contagion you will be wholly safe, wholly immune, and there is no power that can bring sickness to you under these circumstances. Nature's Doctors 75 LAW:-Every disease has two causes. Rule 37.-The first cause of disease, known as the basis, is the presence in the body of dead tissue, or cells that have broken down and become poisons. Rule 38.-The second cause of disease is the attack made by special germs that are created to destroy and remove the dead tissue. When these germs do not perform this duty there is great danger of paralysis; and infant paralysis has its origin right here. Other maladies arise in place of paralysis; such as nerv- ous prostration which is a slow form of paralysis; or other nervous distempers. This means that if you fill your body with dead tissue, and avoid contact with disease through the germs that come to save you if possible, you are likely to suffer from something more horrible. Rule 39.-Food that is foreign to the needs of the body is the second enemy of life. Some day, when civilization has risen one notch higher in in- telligence, humanity will cease eating things that are not useful in building the body. There are fourteen things needed, not fifteen; yet people eat scores of things that can never become blood. On what principle a man will eat oxalic acid, when the blood rebels against it, is not known except that this is not an era of intelligent civilization. The same criticism applies to many other things that cause misery and suffering, and still are eaten. LAW:-Things that are wholesome in one form may become violent poisons in another form. People often wonder why one kind of food will hurt them when it is composed of the very best things that nature offers for human food. The answer to the query is found in the basic law that is taught in philosophy, which points out the process whereby all elements were derived from a single form of mat- ter; that what is poison such as arsenic, lead, prussic acid, car- bolic acid, and all else, are merely combinations of the same simple and innocent first atom. So elements were made. But elements, by special arrangement of their proportions, change from good foods to instant poisons. Oxygen is the most 76 Complete Life Building needed of all the elements. Carbon is the first great food. The two together are very helpful, unless they unite in the propor- tion of one-third carbon and two-thirds oxygen, in a chemical sense. They then become humanity's bitter and relentless foe. "With what eyes of wonderment chemists have looked at the two most valuable parts of human food, oxygen and carbon, and beheld their lurking dangers as they combine in this deadly manner, yet see their benefits to life in other combinations! The same law holds true in countless things that are useful to the health; their usefulness changing to danger when united in different ways. LAW:-Foods that do not digest together generate a deadly poison in the body. Rule 40.-Carbon poison is the third enemy of life. Rule 41.-While foods that are not salivated at the mouth set up poisoning in the stomach, the greater danger comes from foods that do not digest together after they reach the stomach. This is undoubtedly the most important of all the rules that have thus far been given in this work. It is, of course, true that the accumulation of dead cells all through the body must of necessity invite some form of disease, and there is generally more opportunity for escape from a fatal termination of an attack. On the other hand, when poison is generated in the stomach, it brings a pressure on the heart that instantly stops its action, snuffing out in a few minutes lives that are wholly free from disease. Three strong, healthy men in one family died in one year from eating meals that contained food that could only be digested at different periods of time, thereby set- ting up this deadly poison. These attacks come by thousands. In a town of small population we know of eighteen such deaths in three years. Doctors call it acute indigestion. Many escape by a close call. Rule 42.-Every food has its digestive time. Rule 43.-The stomach will not begin to act upon a class of food until it has completed the digestion of the class that pre- cedes it in point of digestive time. This seems like a complicated rule as it is first read, but the meaning is clear. Take for example a meal in which there are rice and chicken. Distress either blind or acute will follow; and, Nature's Doctors 77 whether felt or not in a direct way, great nervousness and flatu- lence attend the stomach and organs for hours. Yet if the meal consisted wholly of chicken it would have been digested without trouble; or, if it consisted wholly of rice, the result would have been the same. "While we do not advise it, except as an experiment, a man could sit down to a chicken dinner and eat nothing but chicken, well cooked and seasoned, and never feel distress from it, pro- vided his system were in good condition at the time. Such an experiment has been made quite often. Under the LAW, the eating of both rice and chicken at the same meal will result in the formation of poison in the stomach. Let us see why. In the first place they do not digest together. Under Rule 43, it is stated that the stomach will not begin to act on one class of food while another is being digested; it will com- plete one class first. This fact is one of the most important in the whole study of health. It was never known until recently. It has always been taught that some foods digest easier and more quickly than others; but it was supposed that foods of slow digestion were carried along with foods of quick digestion, both side by side and were acted upon together, the slow class coming out of the stomach at a later period of time. Since surgery and other tests have brought the facts to light, exactly as they exist, it is now known that the gastric juice will act only on the class of food that is most easily digested, and the other class will be compelled to wait. While waiting the danger occurs. Rule 44.-Foods that remain in the stomach when not acted upon by the gastric juice, quickly generate poison. Such foods are said to stagnate. They take on this dangerous condition when there is no gastric juice in the stomach, as when the mouth does not salivate food or the palate is not pleased; and this stagnation will occur even when the food is all of one class. But, assuming that the food is salivated and the palate pleased, the more serious danger arises when two different classes of food are allowed to enter the stomach at the same meal. We may take the simple case of rice and chicken, although there are hundreds of others that teach the same lesson. Some years ago a man asked us why he always had distress after eating rice with 78 Complete Life Building chicken when rice alone, or chicken without rice, never hurt him. The answer was plain. The rice was acted on by the stom- ach in less than an hour, while the chicken had to wait in the stomach until the rice had passed out. But the stomach carries on quick decay when its contents are not being acted on by the gastric juice. It was like eating chicken that had spoiled be- fore it was swallowed. Food rots in the stomach. The only prevention of rotting is digestion; and if digestion is held up there is no other course than to rot; and this means the formation of the deadly poison. LAW:-All foods belong to some digestive time class. Rule 45.-The shortest time in which foods may be digested is known as the FIVE MINUTE PERIOD; and the following foods, or their equivalent, are included in the FIVE MINUTE CLASS 1. White of raw egg; passes into the blood, without digestion. 2. Yolk of raw egg. 3. Beef juice. 4. Clear soup, or bouillon. 5. Butter. 6. Sugar. 7. Honey free from comb. The great advantage of the foods of the FIVE MINUTE CLASS is in the fact that they may be combined with the foods of almost any other class; for they digest so easily that they do not delay materially the action of the stomach on the foods that require more time. They are out of the way before ferment can be started among the others; whereas, in the case of foods of the longer periods, time enough elapses to set up the poison that destroys the health. Rule 46.-The second time class of foods is known as those of the ONE HOUR PERIOD; and the following foods are included therein. Owing to their great number, and to assist in finding them, they are presented in alphabetical order. Nature's Doctors 79 ONE HOUR CLASS All the following foods are digested in ONE HOUR or less: 1. Almonds, roasted, and ground into fine meal. 2. Apples, sweet or mild, when perfectly ripe and mellow. 3. Arrowroot well cooked. 4. Asparagus, avoiding the fibrous parts. 5. Barley, well cooked; only the pearl barley is good. 6. Beef; if lean and cooked rare. 7. Beets, if new and tender. Avoid all vegetable fibers. 8. Bread, when not new. The whiter the flour the less value it has. 9. Buttermilk; it digests in twenty minutes or less. It is the best medical food in the world, as it makes new blood quickly and repairs diseased organs. 10. Buttered toast, if buttered just at time of eating. 11. Cake, when old and plain. 12. Celery, either raw or cooked. 13. Cherries, when perfectly ripe, mellow and sweet. 14. Chestnuts, boiled and eaten hot. 15. Chicken broth. 16. Chocolate, if absolutely pure, which is rare. 17. Cocoa, if pure. 18. Corn; green com is meant; but it must be thoroughly chewed. 19. Corn meal; if cooked three hours or more. 20. Corn starch. 21. Crackers of the bready kind; not crisp crackers. 22. Cream. 23. Cream cheese, when home-made. 24. Dates. Sterilize them by steaming twenty minutes. 25. Double-bake bread; bread sliced, and baked in oven again. 26. Egg yolks; cooked yolks only, either hard or soft. 27. Figs. Sterilize them by steaming twenty minutes. 28. Flour from whole wheat, with bran removed. 29. Hominy; if cooked three hours. 30. Junket; generally twenty minutes or less. 31. Lamb; if young and not cooked hard. 32. Lettuce. 33. Maple sugar and syrup. 80 Complete Life Building 34. Macaroni. 35. Milk toast. 36. Milk; condensed, raw, or cooked; the raw being1 the best. 37. Moss; Iceland, Irish, or sea moss. 38. Old bread, white or whole wheat. 39. Olives. 40. Onions, if boiled. 41. Oysters; raw, or stewed; not fried. 42. Peas; if green, young and tender. 43. Prunes; if well cooked. 44. Potatoes; white; if baked and mealy. 45. Potatoes; white; boiled and mealy. 46. Potatoes; mashed; if made from mealy boiled white kind. 47. Raisins, raw or cooked. 48. Natural rice if cooked so as to be light and feathery. 5Vhite rice is not half as nutritive as "natural rice." 49. Sago. 50. Spinach in milk or cream. 51. Squash. 52. Tapioca. Avoid pearl tapioca. 53. Vermicelli. Here are fifty-three different articles or kinds of food that are digested completely by the stomach in one hour or less. Slight variations will change the time of digestibility; as, for instance, if apples are not so mellow that they naturally burst their tiny fruit-cells, they require several hours to be digested, and but a small part of the apple can then be fully acted on by the stomach. In the case of beets, age makes a great difference, for the fibre in the beet becomes tough. There is no form of barley now that is useful as food, unless the broth made in Scotland be taken as an example, except what is called pearl barley. That is the starch center of the barley berry, and is very easily digested, and is nutritious, although an unbalanced food like white-bread. Beef becomes harder to digest in proportion as it is cooked. It is at its best as food when merely heated through by a very hot fire. The outer edge may require four or five hours to digest while the interior will digest in much less than an hour. Buttermilk is usually digested in less than twenty minutes. Chocolate is not obtained in a pure state. One test of im- Nature's Doctors 81 purity is to place it in a closed drawer for a day or two; then open the drawer slightly and notice the odor; if it is a bit dis- agreeable, bitter, or peculiar, the chocolate is "made," and is not natural. Some kinds are built of earth, some of ochre col- ored with black walnut juice, which is a poison, and some of anything that will pass as a close imitation when sweetened. Three hundred samples were sent to us from as many different places and all were rank adulterations. Cocoa is likewise imi- tated, but not to the extent of chocolate. Cocoa-shells are pure and make a valuable drink with milk. Cake can be made in a way that it can be eaten in the place of bread, and be as safe and wholesome. Dates, figs and raisins possess, pound for pound, fully as much meat value as beef or other flesh. In countries where dates, figs and raisons are eaten freely, no meat is desired or required, and there was never a case of appendicitis or stomach trouble; and rheumatism is wholly unknown. Old bread made from white flour is digested in less than an hour; but new bread requires more time, as it generates carbon poison, and is raised by gas from yeast or baking powder. Junket is useful only for a very delicate stomach, as is moss; both being easily absorbed in a very short time and yielding but slight food value. Potatoes that are soggy are hurtful; they should be cooked in a way that will keep them mealy and light. Green skin potatoes are a poison. Pearl tapioca is made from waxy and old potatoes, and is merely an imitation of tapioca. CAUTIONS ABOUT THE USE OF FOODS AND FRUITS 1. As a rule all foods that will digest in one hour or less will mix when taken together; or any two of them, or more, when taken at the same meal. But under some conditions certain of these foods do not mingle well when combined. Milk and meat were not intended to go together. Fruits and meat do not har- monize. Acid fruits and milk are not best together. But all very ripe and mellow fruits go well with milk. 2. Fruits that are eaten for the vitamins should follow a meal, as should most fruits. When intended as blood cleansers, they may precede a meal. Baked sweet apples if mellow before they are 82 Complete Life Building baked, blend well with milk, and for persons of sedentary habits this combination makes an ideal breakfast every alternate morn- ing. All other native juicy fruits should be eaten a full hour before any meal. 3. The food-fruits, like dates, figs and raisins, mix well with all the one hour foods, excepting, in some instances, meats and vegetables. 4. Meats and green vegetables go well together; and this com- bination is to be preferred. Vegetables and the regular foods, like bread and cereals, do not blend perfectly. 5. Any person suffering from congestion of the stomach or digestive organs will not easily digest milk. Old people, for this reason, believe that milk hurts them; but, as soon as the congestion is removed, the conditions favor the use of milk. 6. The best combinations of the ONE HOUR FOODS are as follows: Any product of any cereal with any other product of any cereal, as bread, corn meal, hominy, macaroni, pearl barley, arrowroot, coarse tapioca, corn starch, almonds, chestnuts, pota- toes, and all starchy foods in the one hour class. Dates, figs and raisins are best when eaten with any of the foregoing cereal foods, except potatoes. Asparagus, beets, celery, lettuce, spinach, squash and onions are best when eaten at the same meal with soups, broths and meats; excluding all other foods at the same meal. In summer time, if you wish to keep the blood cool, you may make a meal occasionally of the foregoing vegetables alone, omitting the meats. This has been done frequently with great success. As it is an unbalanced diet, it should not be used often, as neuralgia will follow. CAUTION as to FRUITS.-Remember that the best of ap- ples, oranges, bananas and other juice fruits will generally in- crease the inflammation of a congested system, and set up uric acid poisons in the body. To a person in good health, these fruits would prove a blessing; but they cannot be assimilated by a congested system. NEURALGIA is the first indication that fruits are setting up dangerous conditions. Then RHEUMA- TISM may follow. HEADACHES can often be traced to the eating of fruits. Study these things constantly. Find out what hurts you and what helps you. Nature's Doctors 83 Rule 47.-The next class of foods are called those of the TWO HOUR PERIOD; and the following are included therein: TWO HOUR CLASS 1. Artichoke. 2. Beans, when green and tender. 3. Buckwheat. 4. Bread that is new. 5. Capon. 6. Chicken. 7. Carrots. 8. Codfish. 9. Carp. 10. Cream cheese; meaning the factory kind. 11. Graham-flour bread. 12. Haddock. 13. Halibut. 14. Herring, fresh. 15. Lentils. 16. Mackerel, fresh. 17. Nuts; including herein only filberts, pistachio, pignolia and hazel-nuts. 18. Oatmeal. 19. Oat groats. 20. Oysters, fancy roast. 21. Pancakes. 22. Parsnips. 23. Pigeon, young. 24. Potatoes, not too new; meaning young white potatoes. 25. Rye. 26. Smelt. 27. Sole. 28. Salsify. 29. Tomatoes. 30. Trout. 31. Turbot. 32. Turkey. 33. Veal. Here are thirty-three different foods that are digested in about two hours. They belong to the TWO HOUR PERIOD. Not 84 Complete Life Building all of them are perfect food; but, being in use, we have included them, as some people can eat all kinds without harm. Those people who suffer from rheumatism must let tomatoes alone, as oxalic acid is very abundant in them and quickly sets up this painful disease; as will also pieplant, rhubarb, or any fruit that is acid, cranberries, pickles, vinegar, and similar articles. In the use of fish it is important that it be fresh, and per- fectly so, for the least taint is likely to set up ptomain poisoning which comes so quickly and with such deadly effect that there is no time to fight for life. Thousands die every year of this poisoning, and chiefly from eating fish, sea food, or meats that are not in the best condition. Veal is also a problem; if taken from very young calves it is never good food; and if not kept fresh it very speedily becomes a poison. Oysters when raw and clean are good food for some persons; but cooking them changes their value, especially if they are cooked enough to coagulate them. When fried they are very hard to digest and set up trouble. HOME MADE JELLIES, canned fruits and dried fruits be- long to the two hour class unless they are products of fruit that was not fully ripe when put up, in which case they are not good to eat as food. All fruit, however, even if good, must be used subject to the CAUTION given under the ONE HOUR CLASS of foods in this section. Rule 48.-Foods that require THREE HOURS TO DIGEST are referred to as belonging to the THREE HOUR PERIOD. The following are included: THREE HOUR CLASS 1. Beef, crisp lean, and all fat. 2. Beets, if old. 3. Cauliflower. 4. Cabbage. 5. Corn, canned. 6. Flounder. 7. Ham, boiled. 8. Herring, salted or smoked. 9. Liver. Nature's Doctors 85 10. Lobster. 11. Mutton. 12. Nuts; but including only pecans and hickory nuts. 13. Oyster plant. 14. Peas, dried, or split. 15. Potatoes, sweet, and yams; not white potatoes. 16. Salmon. 17. Spinach cooked with fat meat. 18. Venison. Here are eighteen articles of food that belong to the THREE HOUR PERIOD. Some of them are not suitable to the best health, and all of them require a patient and strong stomach to digest them. They do not build new body tissue very fast, and it is supposed that they tax the vitality in the effort to digest them. On the other hand, they serve to give staying power to a person who is to work hard and long and who wishes to have food in his stomach as long as possible. They sometimes set up poisons in the blood and organs. If you take junket, it digests so quickly and easily that it has no staying power; and in about half an hour you will be very hungry again. If you eat foods of the three hour period, you will not suffer from a long absence of food from the stomach, and this will be an advantage to a strong person who has hard work to do. Rule 49.-Woods that require FOUR HOURS TO DIGEST are referred to as belonging to the FOUR HOUR PERIOD. They include the following familiar articles of diet: 1. Bacon. 2. Brown bread. 3. Beans that are old, including baked beans. 4. Crabs. 5. Ducks. 6. Doughnuts; also crullers and fried pies and fritters 7. Lard. 8. Meats, cooked hard; also re-cooked meats; also pork. 9. Oysters, fried. FOUR HOUR CLASS 86 Complete Life Building 10. Onions, fried. 11. Peanuts and English walnuts. 12. Potatoes, fried hard, but not chips. 13. Turnips, and old or woody vegetables. The four hour class looks formidable, and it is a terror to many stomachs. It slays its thousands every year, or rather every week, which is nearer the truth. Still there are some people who can keep fairly well for some years and eat these things. Rule 50.-Foods that require FIVE HOURS to digest are re- ferred to as belonging to the FIVE HOUR PERIOD. They in- clude the following well known articles: FIVE HOUR CLASS 1. Barley bread and whole barley. 2. Cheese; meaning the ordinary American and foreign kinds. 3. Clams. 4. Eggs, fried. 5. Ham, fried. 6. Nuts that are very oily. 7. Pork, cooked crisp. 8. Goose. 9. Saratoga chips; or thin fried potatoes, if crisp. 10. Pastry, piecrust and patties. 11. Shrimps. 12. Suet. 13. Mincemeat. 14. Fruit puddings and fruit cakes. 15. Rich sauces, dressings and gravies. NUTS: CAUTION: For chestnuts and almonds, see the ONE HOUR CLASS. Other NUTS are mentioned in the other classes. Peanuts and peanut butter, although having some food value, cause congestion of the stomach and hurt the liver. The oily nuts, like black walnuts, cream nuts, Brazil nuts, etc., are unfit for food, although having value in case of starvation. Rule 51.-Foods, or so-called foods, and other things that are eaten, that pass through the system unchanged by the process of digestion, are referred to as belonging to the NEVER PERIOD, and they include the following among many others: Nature's Doctors 87 THE NEVER CLASS I. Apples, when not mellowed by nature; either raw or cooked. 2. Bran, whether in graham flour or otherwise. 3. Cranberries in any form. 4. Catsup. 5. Cocoanut, raw or cooked. 6. Cucumbers, radishes and the like. 7. Currants, dried. 8. Crisp parts of meat, pastry and potatoes where nothing is left but the crisp portion. 9. Gelatine. 10. Hulls, as the outer layers of cereals. 11. Peppers, also black pepper and red pepper. 12. Pickles, and all pickled goods. 13. Radishes. 14. Rind of lemon. 15. Rind of orange. 16. Spices of all kinds. 17. Tendons, muscles and cartilage that are ground fine in sausages. 18. Unripe parts of fruit. 19. Various ingredients that are included in French and other foreign cooking. The members of the "NEVER CLASS" may go through the body and do no direct harm at times, depending on the condi- tions met with. If there is vitality present, and no serious amount of taint, cucumbers, radishes, pickles, and similar in- digestible articles may merely force their way through and bring no danger; but the same person on some other day with slightly different conditions of the body, may be killed by any one of these things. Radishes have slain many strong, healthy men and women; yet ordinarily they are safe, but never useful. Apples, when each fruit cell within is not ripened and burst open by natural mellowing, bring rheumatism, neuralgia, in- digestion and other distempers to the body; yet, on the other hand, when nature has burst the tiny fruit cells and released 88 Complete Life Building the juices, apples are the most advantageous of all the distilled fruits in nature. Cooking will not aid nature in opening the cells; the ripening process must take place itself. Bran is the outer hull of wheat. It is often ground into what is called graham flour; and its sharpness and indigestibility- killed the man who invented it, and after whom it was named. There is always good lurking between two extremes. Whole wheat flour without the bran is the one greatest food in the world; yet, with the bran it is dangerous. For this reason all persons should avoid breakfast foods, as they are made from mill sweepings of bran and other coarse stuff ground fine, but still as sharp as needle points against the stomach and intes- tines. Fine grinding makes them sharper and more dangerous. Cranberries themselves are wholly indigestible; but they have some value because of the sugar that is cooked with them; still they set up rheumatic conditions in the blood, like any sour fruit. Catsup, relishes, chowchow, spices, and the long train of un- natural things that are used to stimulate a false appetite in a morbid stomach, are useless from every standpoint, and some- times lead quickly on to appendicitis, as they inflame the intes- tines and destroy its membrane. The stomach when healthy is a healthy animal; and no healthy animal will eat these strange things that human ingenuity, working in a bad cause, has concocted. Currants, if made from small grapes, would be very useful; but those that are known as the Corinth berry, and that come from that locality, after being dried and sweetened, or in their natural state, are poisons, and pass through the human body unchanged. They lack value, and are also a source of danger. On the other hand, raisins that come from grapes, such as are used everywhere, are very valuable. Dried currants do much harm to the stomach, while raisins do much good. You can find many black varieties of berries on plants, even in this country, which could be made into currants; and would pass for the usual dried currants; but, being poisonous on the plants before they are picked, they are equally poisonous afterwards. Gelatine formerly had food value, although but slight. Today the glue-made gelatine will not mix with the gastric juice of the stomach, and it often remains for a day or more in that organ. Orange and lemon rind enter largely into modern cooking; Nature's Doctors 89 but they are useless and dangerous. They increase the doctor's bill. Sausages are made from everything that cannot be served or sold in any other way. Being ground fine, they look all right; and, being nicely flavored, they taste wonderfully good; but it is the after reckoning that must furnish food for reflection. If you will take a few pounds of sawdust, fry it to a crisp in the pan, season it well, and eat it with sugar and milk, or with cream, you will pronounce the food-imitation a success if you do not know from what it is made. You can take straw, corn stalks, and dried splinters, make them crisp by proper cooking, and sell them for a new breakfast food, costing you about a cent a hundred boxes, outside of the labor, and selling for ten dollars a hundred boxes, and you will have in your grasp a modern form of enterprise that out-sellers Sellers, for there's millions in it. Rule 52.-Adulterations constitute the fourth enemy of life. These might be said to come under Rule 39 which says that food that is foreign to the body is the second enemy; but there is a difference between foreign food and adulterated food. The body requires fourteen different kinds of elements, and these are all found in a single food such as whole wheat flour with the bran removed, or eggs, or milk, or beef that has been lightly cooked, any one of which will maintain life indefinitely. The fourteen needs are also found in combinations of two or more kinds of food; while, in some cases, it may be necessary for a person to eat several kinds in order to secure nutrition for the body. The whole object of eating is to furnish the system with these fourteen needed elements. If only thirteen are eaten, sickness will follow. If fifteen are eaten, then the extra element is foreign to the body, and must be driven off and out at the expense of loss of vitality and often of health. Now, as a matter of fact, people eat many more than the needed fourteen elements; for they do not know what is food and what is not food, except in the sim- plest forms. For this very reason, this book is a necessity in every house at the present day, as will be seen. In addition to the foreign material present in badly selected foods, the manufacturers of preparations called foods, add imi- 90 Complete Life Building tations that are actual poisons. On the one hand we see that dried currants which are eaten as food, contain material that is foreign to the body. We also find in tomatoes a large propor- tion of oxalic acid which is foreign to the body. These are but two samples of foods that contain matter that the system is compelled to throw off in order to free itself from danger. Coffee and tea both contain such extra matter. Now all these things can remain pure and yet do harm because they contain foreign elements. But when tea and coffee are adulterated, the dangers increase. Chocolate is the worst adulterated article on the market to- day. It is almost impossible to obtain it in a pure state, al- though those who make it and those who sell it, are ready to swear it is pure. Next to chocolate comes baking powder; this alone is the cause of more organic disease than any other thing, for all peo- ple make bread and cake from baking powder. The claims of purity are strong, but the facts belie these claims. Candies are adulterated from the simple white kinds to the more elaborate sorts; the sugar from which they are made is not pure; and "mineral sugar," called saccharine, is added to white clay to give the needed sweetness. A little of this "min- eral sugar" will not do harm, and is useful in case of diabetes; but its continued use, and presence in large quantities, as in most candies and syrups, soon weakens the body, for it is for- eign to human life and cannot enter into the making of tissue. Coloring matter is also present in candies and fruit syrups, in many poisonous forms. Fruit syrups, fruit juices, soda-fountain drinks, canned goods, and preserves of all kinds, are adulterated to-day to an extent that makes them distinct dangers of a most grave char- acter. They should be avoided. The same is true of most ice creams; but not all. White flour besides being chemically "bleached" is given weight by the addition of finely powdered white earth in which alum is liberally distributed to make it bake readily. This is the most serious menace of the present day, as bread is the staff of life, so-called. Drugs and medicines are so much adulterated that they have lost their efficiency to a great extent, which may be a blessing Nature's Doctors 91 in disguise. Beers contain, as shown by actual analysis, as many as 123 adulterants, culminating in arsenic and other vio- lent poisons that kill slowly. Kidney diseases are sure to follow. Out of over two thousand deaths from Bright's disease, where the malady came on without warning and was at the incurable stage when discovered, all but three were directly due to beer and liquor drinking; and in the three cases the victims were users of canned goods to a large extent. Wines and liquors to-day are hopelessly adulterated; and yet those who offer them for sale are ready to make any kind of oath that they are strictly pure. Cigarettes, and even the wrappers or papers in which they are made, and which can be bought separately, are treated to a habit-forming drug that makes a slave of the user; some of the worst "fiends" having been started in their downward course by this snare. The eternal desire to make money by weakening and ruining the human race is so dominant to-day that there seems to be little chance of saving the next generation. Legislation is not easily secured; prosecutions are not pushed with sincerity; juries are the weakest part of the whole American system; and punishment rarely follows. For every criminal who is checked in this deluge of murder, a hundred others rise to take his place. The ac- quittal of the beef trust shows how little can be expected from American juries. Rule 53.-Preservatives constitute the fifth enemy of life. In addition to the floods of adulterations that enter into al- most everything that is intended for the human stomach, there are scores of different kinds of chemicals that are added to meats, foods, drinks, and other things, in order to keep them from decay, in the first instance; and in order to make decayed goods salable in the second instance. Thus if rotten tomatoes are to be canned, or put into catsup, they are sweetened by benzoate of soda. This chemical is not a dangerous poison; but its continued use breaks down tissue in the body. Ride 54.-Whatever will destroy the germs of decay in food, will destroy the life-making cells in the human body. By tests made by the United States Government in order to please adulterators and preservative-users, it was found that ben- 92 Complete Life Building zoate of soda will not kill a man, nor will it make him sick, unless used in too great proportion; but it will stop the forma- tion of life-building tissue, without which he cannot build a vigorous body, nor repair the waste and loss that occur in daily life. A preservative is a chemical poison, having a slow and steady power to check growth of decay in foods, and likewise to check growth of tissue in the body; for tissue grows on the same prin- ciple that decay thrives; both having the same original cell as the basis of development. All meats are embalmed; all canned goods are subjected to similar treatment; most package goods are likewise "saved"; and there is a never-ending flow of foreign material into the things that humanity must eat. If you could go into any fruit- canning establishment and witness what is going on, you could never again eat such fruits. Women who work in tomato can- ning factories are always cured for life from eating canned tomatoes. In factories where corn, beans and other things are canned, there is the sickening stench of partly rotten foods; and these foods would be rejected were it not for the fact that benzoate of soda is used to cover up the decay. In the absence of that chemical, the goods would "speak for themselves," and the factories would be compelled to use only fresh foods, or to better look after those in hand. In summing up this section of the present book, we will review THE FIVE ENEMIES OF HUMAN LIFE 1. Dead Tissue within the Body. (Rule 29.) 2. Food that is Foreign to the Body. (Rule 39.) 3. Carbon Poison from Indigestion. (Rule 40.) 4. Adulterations. (Rule 52.) 5. Preservatives. (Rule 53.) SEVENTH SECTION FACTS ABOUT FOOD THE LAWS AND RULES set forth in this book Vy/BlX are the result of vast numbers of experiments and AFNw. tests made under all conditions and for all classes of people and all states of health. They keep on prov- ing their reliability the more they are tried, and they do not at any time show error or inaccuracy. They are the only complete sets of rules and laws of health that can be found to- day that furnish a safe guide to follow. Do not allow yourself to be caught by the theory of some so- called "expert"; especially a physician who calls himself an ' ' expert on foods ' '; for there are no medical food experts living to-day whose teachings are an all-round guide to the public. They have their fads, and push them at any cost to violent ex- tremes. The Ralston Health Club has no fads, and is world- wide in its influence for doing good. It seeks the plain facts, and the living truths; nothing else. Learn to exercise your good native common sense. Some people believe one thing to-day, and to-morrow they are completely turned around, as some other belief has captured them. Such people must either develop a mental backbone, or else stop reading and listening; they are straws that are blown about by every gust no matter how slight. They swallow all they hear and read, and can be made to believe that the sun sets in the east or rises in the west. 93 94 Complete Life Building Do not join the ranks of "easy believers" in every notion that you read or hear. Some doctors seek popularity by telling their patients to eat what they want, when they want, and as much as they want. That kind of advice pleases the patients, and so the doctors gain the good opinion of their patrons. That kind of advice increases sickness, and so adds a new source of income to the doctors. "What's the use?" asks a well-known physician. "I have been trying to tell my patients that all diseases have their be- ginnings in wrong habits of eating, and I am not so popular as I would be if I told them to eat what they like. In any event they will eat what they like, so what's the use of telling them the truth?" In a great medical convention recently held in this country, the question was put, What proportion of the people are free from stomach trouble? The medical men knew what they were talking about because they came from the midst of their own patients from all over the land; and it was the final opinion that ninety-five men and women in every hundred were victims of errors in eating; or, in other words, in the United States alone, there are nearly ninety-five million sufferers from stomach troubles. Yet medical "experts" tell the people to eat what they want, as much as they want, and when they want it, regardless of every rule of life and law of common sense. The true physicians do not give this vicious advice. YOUR family physician is honest. He will tell you that all sickness, all maladies, all diseases, begin in wrong food selection, or in wrong methods of eating; no matter what direct cause may spring the trap. The house that is rotted in its foundations may not topple over until the wind strikes it, or the rains undermine it, or its own weight crushes it; but the first cause is in the house itself. Had such first cause not existed, the outside agencies could not have wrecked it. So the human body is a temple, the material of which may be sound or unsound, if sound, no disease can harm it; if unsound, it becomes prey to every approaching danger, and the enemy that first seizes it generally controls its condition. Nature's Doctors 95 In the last ten years doctors have increased, diseases have in- creased, surgeons have increased, operations have increased,- all, all ten times faster than the population has increased. Dur- ing this period, the people have been more and more reckless in their habits of eating; and every honest doctor who is not afraid to speak the truth states frankly that the fearful increase in sickness is due to the errors of eating. Rule 55.-The human body cannot be anything else than what it eats. When you build a house, you put certain material in it; and the house is the result of what enters into its construction. You cannot build of mud-blocks and expect a marble mansion. The same fact is true of the human body: it is the result of the mate- rial that enters into its construction. Exactly what goes in at the stomach comes forth in the character of the flesh and bones. Rule 56.-The person who is swayed by the reckless statements of self-styled experts on food will always be at sea in a rudder- less boat. If you have faith in the rules and laws of this book, cling to them against the wild contradictions of doctors who seek fame and money by their sensational claims and opinions. A great doctor recently said: "Eat a heavy meal just before going to bed every night." The next day another great doctor said, "If you eat a heavy meal just before going to bed at night, you will have sallow faces, dead eyes, and great hollows under them." You should sail in a boat that has a destination, that is con- trolled in its direction by a rudder, and that proceeds on its course in a way that commands the confidence of those who are aboard. For this reason, you should accept the rules and laws of this book against all other opinions. Our whole work for a lifetime has been devoted to this ONE CAUSE, to know the facts on this ONE SUBJECT, and we have greater opportunity for ascertaining the full truth than any individual on earth. This statement is not made in a spirit of boasting; but with a desire to bring all thinking people into a realization of the dan- ger of following sensational leaders in so important a matter as the health and life of the body. The Second Life Enemy, as stated heretofore, refers to things that are called food, but that are not. In this place we will pre- sent a brief list of the more common: 96 Complete Life Building SO-CALLED FOODS THAT ARE NOT FOODS 1. The foreign matter in all unripe fruits. 2. All forms of TEA. Tea at all times is a poison. 3. That part of COFFEE that is developed by too much boiling. The only safe part of coffee is that which is set free into the water in the first few minutes of boiling. 4. Rinds of lemons and oranges. All cook books include many things that make use of such rinds. They are dangerous poisons. 5. Bran, or the outer hull of wheat. Also the outer hull of rice, and other grains; the least hurtful being that of oats. 6. Chocolate and cocoa contain much foreign matter. 7. Tomatoes are not food. They also contain oxalic acid, a poison. 8. Pieplant, or rhubarb, and other weeds that are eaten. 9. Dried currants. They are poison berries, and not of the raisin class, which is always beneficial. 10. Pearl tapioca. The regular tapioca is good food; the pearl is bad. 11. Potatoes that have green skins. The sun has changed the character of the "greened" potato. 12. Potatoes that have grown waxy; they cease to be true food, as new chemical changes have been set up. 13. The outer layers of ripe beans and ripe peas. 14. Clams, lobsters, crabs, terrapin. 15. Peppers and pepper; spices, cinnamon, ginger, citron and other things used in cooking. Ginger and black pepper used sparingly are not hurtful, although non-food in fact. 16. Sweet potatoes and yams contain parts that are not food. 17. Cranberries. Gooseberries. Native currants. Tart apples. 18. Lard and crisp fats. 19. Graphite used in making hotel gravies. 20. Catsup. Chowchow. Pickles. Table sauces. Cucumbers. 21. Radishes. Strawberries. Vinegar. 22. Tendons and muscles in sausage. 23. Viscera or entrails, sweetbreads, kidneys, brains, hearts and hoofs, including hoof-made gelatin, and gelatin made from glue elements. These things appear in sausage form, and in Nature's Doctors 97 gelatins; and should be avoided as the worst of enemies, for they contain the dead within the dead. 24. Corn-stalk juice, such as is found to-day in glucose, syrups, candies and very largely in fruit juices, canned fruits, and the like. This stalk juice destroys the kidneys in time. 25. Corn-stalks themselves. They are not food, but are found in many breakfast foods, and specialties, crisp or otherwise. Sawdust, by being disguised, is capable of being passed as break- fast food. 26. Straw and coarse reeds, ground into breakfast foods and camouflaged by crisp cookery. 27. Clay, white earth, lime, and similar minerals that are em- ployed in candy and bread making. Many people eat clay but it has no food value of any kind, and lowers the vitality. 28. Foreign ingredients that enter largely into fancy cook- ing. Nearly all French and Oriental cooking is poisonous. 29. Cocoanut when imported is not easily digested. The list given shows what efforts are made to achieve variety in eating regardless of the question of what value the things are that enter into so many dishes. Nature shows that she uses fourteen elements in making and sustaining the human body; that she will not accept fifteen or more; for which reason, all elements in excess of the fourteen are certain to be rejected by the body. The process of rejection and ejection causes loss of vitality, in addition to keeping out the desired class of foods that are needed. More than this, the foreign matter sets up a false standard of relish, so that the taste of a person is perverted and wholesome things are scoffed at. Compare these so-called foods with those of the better lists, and make your selection. At the same time, do not think that all the non-foods are poisons. Tomatoes, which contain the basis of rheumatism, may be eaten for years without causing this malady in a person who is not subject to such trouble. Gooseberries are the national fruit of England where rheumatism flourishes, and there are people there and in America who can eat gooseberries for a long time without getting the gout or rheumatism. Yet tomatoes, goose- berries, pieplant, tart apples, native currants, vinegar and similar things of the sour class cause nearly all the rheumatism in the world. The enemies of life may be overcome by food selection. One 98 Complete Life Building class of enemies includes the non-foods of the list just given herein. The two remaining classes are those that include adulterations and preservatives. These are so slyly put in things that you would be surprised to know how often you take these poisons in your system. Read again the accounts given under Rules 52 and 53 in the earlier part of this book. You could prove your good citizenship by personally holding your law-makers responsible for two achievements: 1. The discovery of adulterations and the use of preservatives in foods through legislative investigation. Insist that the law- makers who represent your district in your State and in Con- gress, fight for a law that will maintain chemical analyses of all things you wish examined, and without cost to the public, so that you may know what is safe to eat. 2. The punishment by imprisonment of all persons who, through love of money, adulterate foods; and the punishment under the capital crimes law, of all persons who deliberately cause deaths by the use of poisons in food. One hundred thou- sand children died last year because food-makers sought to make money by adulterating the necessaries of life. See that your foods are constantly and honestly analyzed at public expense. See that your criminals are punished severely enough to check this evil. DRINKS The only natural drink is water. The ideal drink furnished by nature is rain water that has fallen into sandy earth, and there been filtered. Rain water is the distillation of the ordinary waters on the earth. Only the pure parts are made into rain; just as man distills water, and then filters it through sand; but man-made distillation is not aerated, or mixed with enough air after being distilled; and the sand is not of sufficient bulk to give full balance of water. Yet man has it in his power to accomplish these imitations of nature. Nature's Doctors 99 On the other hand, the usual DRINKS of humanity are as follows: 1. Coffee. 2. Tea. 3. Chocolate. 4. Cocoa. 5. Bran Lemonade. 6. Malted Milk. 7. Buttermilk. Rule 57.-Any drinks that contain alcohol prevent the food from making normal tissue. TEA is a direct poison. It is wholly foreign to the human body. It weakens every organ, and acts directly on the bladder, making it very difficult to retain the water there. Iced Tea, as the Chief Chemist of the United States Government stated, is "slow suicide." Tea drinking undermines the brain forces, ruins the memory, causes loss of faculties long before age has come on, and makes a person desperately nervous, and subject to gloomy moods by night and day. Its end is paralysis. Rule 58.-Malted Milk is a food of high value, made from con- densed milk and barley malt. COFFEE is not a food drink, but a pleasing stimulant, free from injury to persons whose hearts are strong, but dangerous to weak hearts. It contains a poison that is not brought into it until it has boiled for some minutes. To avoid this poison, the more experienced people make drip coffee by which the hot water drips through the ground berry. Then the percolating system is used as the next step between drip and boiled coffee. But where the coffee is allowed to boil for several minutes, the poison in it is set free and then the trouble begins. It stops digestion for an hour or more, adds to the danger of carbon poison, and does general harm to all the organs. SOME WOMEN keep the coffee pot on the stove and add water to the grounds from time to time, drinking from this wicked brew, and their husbands pay the doctors' bills. SOME WOMEN are so ignorant that they even allow the tea- pot to stand on the stove all day long, adding water as needed, and sipping from the awful brew. If a million dollars were offered for a well woman who thus displayed this degree of 100 Complete Life Building ignorance unparalleled in modern times, they could not find one. Medicine bottles fill the back yard, and pill-boxes pile up in the house. In the first place, water that has been boiled for some time is a poison and the surest cause of old age. In the second place, tea and coffee are in themselves poisons, the only escape being in the quick cooking of coffee and the discarding of the grounds at once. In the third place, there are no saving merits to tea; it is bad first, last and always. Coffee is good in its early boiling only; after that it is one of the worst enemies of the health. The other drinks have been discussed in the earlier pages of this book. Bran Lemonade is a brain-refresher and nerve- builder, and may be flavored by grape juice, currant juice, peach juice, or blackberry juice, always to the advantage of the health and blood. Buttermilk is a direct tissue-builder of the highest possible value. As all foods turn to liquid in the stom- ach, it does not matter whether they are solid or not when eaten. WATER is the typical drink to relieve thirst, and there is nothing that will perform this duty so effectively as water. As it does not contain food for the stomach to act upon, it is not affected by the rules, of eating. It used to be believed that water-drinking during a meal was bad; it is bad only when it takes the place of saliva, as when food is washed into the stomach by any liquid. This is so vicious a habit that it seems strange that it should still survive. It is perfectly proper and good for digestion to drink slowly 'between swallows, if the mouth is entirely empty. Drinking before a meal, and after a meal, is also helpful. The very best time is to drink freely before eating. Water should be free from mineral matter, as this brings on the disease known as old age. Spring water is filtered rain water, and rain water is aerated distilled water. Here we find the ideal drinking water for health and long life. When there are present together in the stomach foods that belong to different digestive-time classes, that food which is most easily digested will receive the whole attention of the stom- ach ; and, at the same time, the other food will undergo ferment which takes place very rapidly in the body under the conditions named. This ferment gives rise to the violent poison. As more than half of all the ills of life come from the uneven digestibility of foods in the stomach, it is very important that Nature's Doctors 101 humanity should at once begin the study of the remedy. The cause is known. The prevention of this cause is better than the cure, for the cure often is too late in reaching the victim. The Five-Minute Class.-This includes foods that slip through the membranes of the mouth, throat and stomach, and enter at once, or almost at once, into the river of blood that courses through the body. The Five Minute Foods are Raw White of Eggs, Raw Yolk of Egg, Beef Juice, Clear Soup, Butter, Sugar and Honey. Rule 59.-Foods of the Five Minute Class should not be eaten separately where they are intended to be combined with other foods. If the white of a raw egg is to be eaten, it is far better that it be taken by itself on an empty stomach; and the same is true of the raw yolk. Beef juice and clear soup are much better alone than with any other food. Butter, sugar and honey are intended to be used in combina- tion with other foods, and for this reason should not be eaten alone. Rule 60.-Food classes that are close to each other in time of digesting blend together in a healthy stomach. Nature allows an hour of grace so that foods will not set up poisons in the system on slight provocation. In exceedingly strong stomachs her allowance is even more liberal. The forma- tion of gas, or the rolling sound, or a blind pain in the region of the stomach, will indicate the fact if there is danger from the formation of poison. There should never be gas, or "wind" in the body; and never an eructation at the throat, nor a sound of rumbling thunder subdued, in the bowels. Some of the established results are given here as the climax of many years of experiments along this line. 1. If the white of egg, or the yolk, is not relished alone when raw, it may ally itself to a number of foods in the ONE HOUR CLASS, milk being the most natural, as it is composed of ex- actly the same elements as the raw egg. 2. Beef Juice is better when taken alone, but it may be united with any of the ONE HOUR CLASS of foods that can well be eaten with it; bread being the most suitable of that class. 3. There are many foods of the ONE HOUR CLASS that can 102 Complete Life Building be eaten with butter; and some that are good with sugar, or honey. 4. All the foods that are contained in the FIVE MINUTE CLASS and the ONE HOUR CLASS should always be kept in mind; they really constitute the ONE HOUR CLASS, as that embraces everything that is digested in one hour or less. It must be remembered that foods that are easily digested in the stomach are still undergoing a secondary and even third and fourth forms of digestion all the way along the tract of the digestive canal, of which the stomach is merely a part. Meats eaten after the middle of the day are sure to tax the system of a nervous person; and it is always the nervous person who loses sleep at night. Rule 61.-The character of a meal should be determined by the use to be made of it. This rule means that you should eat for a purpose. If there is to be a hard day's work of mind or muscles, there should be fuel in the stomach BEFORE the work is to be done, not after- wards. Therefore this class of eaters should get a good break- fast. If you cannot find an appetite for breakfast, it is due to the fact that your system is still struggling with an incautious or too heavy supper of the evening before. Omit one evening meal, and note how quickly your breakfast appetite will come to you, how speedily your morning headaches will disappear, and how soon that bad taste in the mouth vanishes. The person who says he has no appetite in the morning is like the boy whose hunger utterly failed him after his Christmas dinner; he was already over-loaded. Many persons get up in the morning with their bodies clogged with the food of the heavy eating of the preceding evening. People who are thin, or cold, or who have poor blood, should eat for growth of extra tissue; and this requires a heavy evening meal, but not a meal of heavy foods. Bulk counts more in value than solidity of matter. You can produce any result you wish, by eating in a certain way; and there are many different results that different people need. Rule 62.-Foods that require a long time to digest are suited to people whose habits require long staying powers in their supply of nutrition. It has been found that laborers who eat nothing but baked Nature's Doctors 103 beans at a meal, either in the morning or at noon, will have more endurance and power than if they had eaten foods that digest more speedily. Also a meal of nothing but brown bread will give the same results. But both these foods, or either of them, if eaten by a person of sedentary habits, will result in nervousness, for the system does not demand long time foods and is burdened in disposing of them. Rule 63.-Persons who wish to rest their nerves and minds, and not indulge in hard mental or physical work, should eat only the foods of the ONE HOUR CLASS. Rule 64.-Persons who wish quiet nerves and yet who desire sustenance for activities, should eat foods of the TWO HOUR CLASS. Rule 65.-Foods should be selected in advance of the uses for which they are eaten; not after such uses. Eat ahead, is the meaning. If you need staying powers for a hard day's work, do not eat the staying foods AFTER the work is done. Yet most people do this on the theory that they need to repair the damaged system. This is like hitching the horse to the back of the wagon. All persons who have given the mat- ter a thorough test, time after time, and under all conditions have come to agree that the food must be taken ahead of the use to which it is to be put. If you are to drive a horse on a long journey, you will feed him for it before he starts; and if on a fast journey, you will give him a larger proportion of oats for that purpose. When he has a period of rest before him, he is fed for the rest, and not for hard work; or else he would be sick. Rule 66.-Persons who seek perfect health should avoid all foods of the THIRD HOUR, FOURTH HOUR, FIFTH HOUR, and NEVER CLASS. This does not mean that all such foods are useless. They merely do some degree of harm when eaten by those who wish to secure the best health. Rule 67.-If a meal is made up of foods in the TWO HOUR CLASS, it should exclude all other foods except those of the FIVE MINUTE CLASS. The reason for admitting the FIVE MINUTE foods with those of the TWO HOUR CLASS is plain; they are so quickly 104 Complete Life Building digested that they do not hold back the digestion of the other foods more than five minutes, and this is not long enough to start ferment. It is in this rule of nature that her plans are seen at their best. It is pleasant to get away from these barbarous combinations that have done so much injury to the people as a race as well as individuals. A simple life would consist of a simple diet to begin with; and in it can be found real happiness. The twelve course meal is as wicked as anything that can be conceived by human in- genuity. The fewer the courses at the same meal, the more intelligent the mind that creates it. Rule 68.-As variety of food is lessened at the same meal, health is gained and preserved. Rule 69.-Cures that medicines have utterly failed to accom- plish have been effected by one-food meals. This may be called the golden rule of common sense as well as of health and longevity. Rule 70.-Variety of meals is far better than variety in a meal. You need not adopt the one-food meals if you do not wish to do so; but the greatest geniuses and hardest mental workers of the world have often done so; not always. A famous President of the United States ate for his midday meal only one food; the same every day for many years; and he was robust and vig- orous. A Pope who lived to be more than ninety in fine health ate the same single food for his breakfast for half his life time; no variety at that meal, and no variety in his breakfasts. Suppose you like a dozen or twenty kinds of food, and wish to adopt the one-food meals, you could have only one kind of food at each meal, but no two meals need be alike until the dozen or twenty different kinds have been used. This is variety of meals, but not variety in a meal. The result is sure to prove so pleasing to you that you will become fascinated by it; and think how much labor can be saved the cook by such a method. The writer of this page has for over thirty years had nearly all his breakfasts of oatmeal and cream only. This is a one-food diet in the meal, and for the breakfasts as well; and it has proved the best that could be desired. Nature's Doctors 105 FACTS ABOUT WHOLE WHEAT No subject of food has received more publicity in recent times than that of bread from white flour. It is a peculiar fact that a theory may be right in itself and wrong in its uses. Here are the true aspects of the case in re- gard to wheat flour: 1. The whole wheat contains all the needed elements of the human body. 2. These elements are in right proportion for building a per- fect body. 3. No other single kind of food is thus endowed. Milk is next in value for these qualities, but is of greater importance because of other virtues, and yet is not concentrated enough to become the sole food of an adult, nor of a young person after infancy. 4. In addition to all the needed elements, whole wheat con- tains in its husk a mass of wholly indigestible and dangerous material. This is not only injurious to the health but soon de- stroys the tone of the stomach and intestinal canal. BREAD, to be palatable, must be light; that is, porous. There has never been made a light loaf of bread from whole wheat, nor from wheat which has been deprived of the rough husk material. Improve it all you may, still it is impossible to produce a porous loaf. TOAST is essential to any high grade diet, yet there has never been made a palatable slice of toast from whole wheat flour. But if whole wheat can be produced that has nothing more in its composition than what is useful as food, then these objec- tions will be at once removed. But in America they have not been removed. Yet refined flour, white and light, capable of making the ideal loaf, is almost nothing but starch. It is the most unbalanced food in existence that holds a place of its importance. It is the most common cause of constipation. Life cannot be prolonged by its use alone for more than a few months; and tests upon animals show that death results in a few weeks when nothing but white flour products are fed to them. While milk is too diluted to be useful as a single article of diet, yet a strong man can live for years on nothing 106 Complete Life Building but cow's milk; but only a few months on white bread. On the other hand he can live a lifetime on white bread and bran water as a drink, and even gain in health and strength by this restoration of the missing parts of whole wheat. We have seen that polished rice from which the skin has been removed is not only an unbalanced food but is the cause of fatal epidemics, which can be wholly and quickly cured by nothing more than the restoration of the skin that has been removed in the process of polishing. But we cannot cure the evils resulting from white flour diet by restoring the bran, for the reason that bran contains dan- gerous and injurious material too harsh for the human system; material that is used to scour big horses and other animals when a rough laxative is required. This difficulty is overcome by the use of bran water. Any Ralstonite of fifty years ago, or of any era since then, will recall that bran water has been constantly recommended as a drink and a food. It is made from any clean bran, by add- ing water and draining it off through cheese cloth; thereby securing the mineral salts of the bran, and keeping out the rough portions of this husk. Let it get cold, and add the juice of a lemon to a quart of this water; drink slowly during meals, or at any time when feeling the need of a stimulant. As a mid-meal lunch it is useful if followed by a small piece of Ralston Caramel which we have described under the head of SUGAR. To solve the problem of making a light or porous loaf and yet retain the mineral elements of whole wheat, some great bakeries have invented a process that uses flour to which have been added these elements freed from the bran. If this is done honestly, it is accomplished by using the vegetable cell struc- tures contained in bran that hold the missing parts in actual cell growth as they were taken from the wheat grain. But if done dishonestly, the lacking elements have been added in the form of minerals that have not passed through the growth that builds them into cells from the vegetable kingdom; and as such they are not good food. Bran however is all vegetation, all cell structures ready for food, and needs only to have the harsh husk dangers removed, Nature's Doctors 107 which is done by adding water and draining it through cloth. There is another solution of this problem. Oatmeal contains a husk or bran surface that is much less rough than wheat; by using a fireless cooker and cooking oat- meal for several hours, it is harmless to all stomachs. But whole wheat should cook for twelve hours in a fireless cooker, after which it is freed from its danger; the husks having been softened and rendered safe to eat. Whole wheat pudding is thus made. After being cooked all night as we have described, let it be dried and toasted in the morning over a hot fire, until it is almost solid, which can be done in a double boiler; then eaten with sugar and milk, or salt and milk. Experiments show that this food known as whole wheat pudding will sustain life and strength indefinitely, and help to bring a weak body into vigor and power. Oatmeal pudding can be made in the same way. Oatmeal water has been in use for hundreds of years and is made in the manner just described for making bran water. All these things are wholesome and health-giving. They supply the complete needs of the body. FACTS ABOUT POTATOES POTATOES, under the plan of living in the Ralston Health Club, form the chief article of food; for which reason the new- est and the oldest facts should be understood. These facts, as suggested, are not all new, but some of them are given to the public in this book for the first time. There are three varieties of claims respecting any food: Science. Theory. Proof. Science tells us many things about what we eat, the truth of which goes no further than the chemical department, and would be valuable if man were an engine of mere mechanism. Thus the calories that would run machinery might kill a human being. Thus science tells us that wheel grease or soap grease contains 108 Complete Life Building all the calories and all the vitamines needed to sustain life; but science does not tell us these things will not suit the human machine. Theory is the basis of all the teachings now in vogue regarding health from the standpoint of the educated man who does not apply his knowledge to life itself. For example, theory tells us that iron will make red corpuscles in the blood: and gloats with satisfaction when a dose of iron does in fact show an in- crease in the red blood color; but theory does not stop to ascer- tain that there is a difference between staining the corpuscles red, and making them red in fact. Because of this lack of knowledge many persons have lost their lives from tuberculosis which follows the taking of iron as medicine. PROOF is the application of knowledge to the use of foods by trying them as food, and watching the results; not in a few thousand cases, nor through a dozen years; but in hundreds of thousands of cases through two generations. This method of securing proof is the mission and purpose of the Ralston Health Club. Not science alone; nor theory alone; but the facts them- selves. Thus the same calories and vitamines that are contained in wagon grease and soap grease, are found in other things that are suited to the human body. Thus iron which, as a medicine, causes loss of lung vitality, is found in vegetable cells, in organic form, not in chemical form, and such organic life will blend perfectly with the blood and make new life which strengthens the lungs as well as all the body. It was the Ralston Health Club that discovered that nothing is food that has not been organized in growing life of some kind. Even the flesh of animals is composed of organized life. By the means of PROOF just described, we have established the following facts about POTATOES. 1. Potatoes are the chief food of humanity in this part of the world. 2. The practice of sterilizing potatoes to prevent them from sprouting destroys most of the high food value. 3. The principal value of the potato is close to and in the skin; the next grade of nutrition is that near the skin; yet during the war, when the Government was urging people to plant potatoes everywhere, cooks were peeling them with thick parings which were thrown away, with the result that more than ninety percent Nature's Doctors 109 of the food value was wholly lost; and this at a time when semi- starvation reduced human vitality to such a low ebb that the great epidemic slew hundreds of thousands, and ruined for life the vitality of millions of others. 4. A new potato possesses no food value whatever until the skin is developed. The test is to try to slide the thumb over the skin; if it slips away, the potato is unripe. As acute indiges- tion and quick death have followed the eating of new potatoes, it is wise to adopt this test before buying or using them. Even then when too new, it should not be given to young children. The best time to dig a potato crop is when the plants have not only faded and withered, but have actually crumbled away. The potatoes go on growing after the plants seem dead. 5. So important is the potato as the chief article of food that there should be a nation-wide course of instruction in the prac- tice of keeping them from sprouting without sterilizing them. Of course coldstorage will do this safely, but few persons have such advantages. But it is possible to keep the right variety of potato twelve months without sprouting. 6. When a potato has sprouted the value has been lost to some extent. A waxy potato is useless and dangerous; so is one that is wrinkled and withered; these enter into the making of what is known as pearl tapioca, which causes disease. The flake or coarse tapioca is a very good food. 7. We have for forty years tried and tested every variety of potato, and have found but one, the Cobbler, that contains full food value when a year old, that remains solid, and holds its new potato flavor. By learning how to keep this variety free from sprouting, man will have acquired a needed food for his body. As new potatoes from the South are in the market three months before they are ready in the North, it may require only nine months of time to keep the latter crops from sprouting, and the problem is simplified to this extent. ■8. There is only one way to cook a potato. BAKE IT. Boiled, fried, or mashed potatoes have but little food value. This value being in the skin and close to the skin, is nearly all lost when not baked; the center of the potato by itself is a poi- son ; like rice; but, like rice, when combined with the whole sur- face, is a food of the highest value. Look in the Index at the end of this book for RICE, and read all that is said about it. 110 Complete Life Building 9. The baked potato should be cut up into small parts so that the skin is mixed thoroughly with the rest; then it should be SALTED to taste; but plenty of salt is required in order to produce the stomach fluid which is absolutely necessary to di- gestion. Then cream or whole milk should be poured plentifully over the mixture, according to the taste of the person eating it. The potato thus prepared is palatable in the highest degree; in fact there is no food that holds the same rank with it for the pleasure it gives the palate. 10. Baked potatoes with the underskin, eaten with salt and cream or milk, is a complete food; this means that it will sup- port all the life and all the functions of the body indefinitely, bringing health, freedom from disease, freedom from constipa- tion, the arch enemy of the body, and growth and development to all parts of the body. Tests have been made showing this one article to be the best mono-diet known; for further informa- tion as to mono-diet consult the Index for One-Food Meals. Other tests have been made that prove that humanity can live on this alone and thrive in perfect health; but we are not suggest- ing that anyone do this. Nature intends variety, and we must find it; but the best variety is composed of perfect foods alone, of which the potato in the form stated is one leading example. 11. A potato that has been exposed to the sun forms a green color on the skin, and the whole potato is a poison; it is best to throw it away. Also one that has a slight rotten spot on it should be wholly discarded. 12. It is necessary to maintain the daily motion of the intes- tinal canal; and this is accomplished by having a certain amount of bulk in the food that is eaten. This proportion of bulk is found in the potato, and in a better form than in any other kind of food. 13. Civilization is that stage in human life where no food is eaten that is not a body-builder; and where all the necessary kinds of food are eaten to make all parts of the body. Potatoes with salt and cream contain all these needed elements with none that are useless. 14. This book has for its mission the furnishing of a moun- tain of proofs that sickness, old age, decrepitude, and all dis- comforts, cravings and vicious habits are the result of poisons admitted to the body by the use of non-food elements or such Nature's Doctors 111 elements as are of no use in body-building; and one of these proofs is found in the exclusive use of baked potatoes with their underskins, taken with salt and cream; as an experiment only; not for a day, but for ten years with no other food, and no drink but pure water. Do not for a moment imagine that we are recommending this mono-diet. It was an experiment made by a number of people in order to determine whether or not life could be maintained on such a diet; made in the interest of science, with the result that every one of the experimenters not only kept in perfect health of mind and body, but overcame every form of disease and threatened organic trouble until they were immune. They proved that sickness, premature death, ripening of the faculties, and every kind of physical suffering were due to the eating of the non-food elements that enter largely in the diet of most families everywhere. Civilization rises above errors. The human race is not civilized while it grovels in errors. The gravest of all errors is that which is born of ignorance, stupidity and indifference, whereby the system is constantly fed things that do not build the body; it is the gravest because the long train of sickness and suffering follows in its wake. If the world were to overcome half its errors, it would be half civil- ized. If it were to overcome ninety percent of its' errors it would be ninety percent civilized. In the matter of body building, if humanity were to adopt as a food system only those elements that are needed to build the body, then the people would be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CIVILIZED. FACTS ABOUT MILK Much is being preached to-day about the value of milk, most of which is taught blindly. Life begins and ends generally on this food. No known substitute has been found, and in the nature of things it is certain that nothing can take its place. But while milk will support life almost indefinitely, cheese will destroy it. Millions of babies have died from drinking milk instead of eating it; and having to battle with the cheese lumps 112 Complete Life Building that have been formed in the stomach and intestines, with colic as the attendant evil. It has always been known that ordinary cheese is indigestible. We advocated for some time the use of cottage cheese, as a mild compromise between the real article and milk; but tests made very recently have proved that even cottage cheese is almost useless as food, and that it contains a poison that sets up what is known as toxic dangers in the system. Some persons of robust health are able to dispose of this mild form; but others suffer by its use. In all cases whether eaten by the sick or the well, it is not worthy a place in any diet. If you take a pail of milk and place rennet in it, you will make curd and whey; the former being removed as the basis of cheese. Rennet is the stomach of a calf. Your own stomach not only is capable of making cheese, but does so in fact whenever you drink milk; and you have a ball of indigestible cheese wait- ing there for something to take place. What takes place de- pends on the weakness or strength of your heart. If you dis- pose of this lump the toxic dangers then follow all along the intestinal canal. Why drink milk? Health writers, and all doctors say drink from one to four quarts of milk daily. This is wicked advice. Drink none at all. EAT milk. Do you recall the time when long nippled bottles were handed to babies? The opening at the end of the nipple allowed the fluid to come out freely. The long nipple sent the milk into the throat. The result was for many generations an enormous infant death rate. No baby can drink milk and be safe. Colic and distress are the fruits of that habit. So some inventive mind suggested the practice of eating milk. The nipple was given a smaller opening; and its length was re- duced so that the fluid entered the mouth at the front instead of at the throat; and the milk flowed only fast enough to allow it to be mixed with the saliva. It had to pass the whole length of the mouth, and it was thus thoroughly salivated. The result was the prevention of colic if the bottle and milk were clean or free from dirt germs. Infantile mortality began to lessen. Was it worth while? Here is one illustration of the difference be- tween drinking and eating milk. EAT milk. Nature's Doctors 113 If you sip milk slowly, salivating every mouthful before you swallow it, you EAT it. If you dump it into the stomach as a mass to be made into cheese, and to set up toxic poisoning and intestinal indigestion, you are drinking it. A better way to eat milk is to toast old bread until it is dry, and break it into small bits; drop these from time to time in milk, and take each bit by itself into the mouth, and swallow slowly. In this way you can daily devour all the milk that your system requires. Added to this practice is the use of milk on baked potatoes, rice, wheat pudding, hominy, oatmeal and corn- meal; using it in abundance. These are all ideal foods, and build a perfect body. FACTS ABOUT MEAT There are many diverse opinions on the subject of meat eat- ing. On the one hand we have the advocates for a strictly vegetable diet; on the other hand, the use of meat in modera- tion is recommended. For some reason or other nearly all doctors, before they as- certain what is really the matter with patients, start the treat- ment by ordering them to stop eating meat; to discard all kinds of flesh; and in many cases they are told to eat fish, eggs, milk, cream, butter, and cheese. All these are products of the animal kingdom. To make oneself a strict vegetarian, it is necessary to live like grain and plant-eating animals. But such animals are created by nature to digest nothing but their kinds of food; while the human body is made for both animal and vegetable products; for flesh, fish, fowl and the like. In fact the young babe is not given the digestive fluids that can dispose of any product of the vegetable kingdom; these would kill it in a day. The grains or cereals furnish starch as their chief material for the support of life, and yet it is a fact that infants are not given the stomach fluids that will act on starch; generally they should be a year old before such foods are used. Hence the child is dependent on the animal kingdom in order to get a foothold on the world. Humanity must have existed for thousands of years on the animal kingdom before it was possible to till the land to raise 114 Complete Life Building grains and other forms of food. Fruits and grasses were inci- dents only, and were useful principally in the tropics, promot- ing laziness, and yielding no promise of civilization. It will never be possible for the race to exist without milk, cream and butter; all produced from the beef animals, and to some extent from others. There is no fat equal to butter; no appeal to the palate equal to cream; no food basis equal to milk. These ensure the use of beef animals as long as humanity dwells on this globe. The crankiest kind of a crank is that person who seeks for the sake of being a vegetarian in the fullest sense to avoid all products of the animal kingdom. Such a person suffers from anemia, no matter what effect it may have on the general ap- pearance; and anemia is followed or attended by weak heart action, fainting, spells of semi-consciousness, loss of sleep, and finally by mental breakdown and unfitness for life generally. In the meantime all that portion of the human body that is built by nature for the digestion of animal products is left to idleness which means atrophy. The next class of vegetarians includes people who are willing to eat certain things if they are not asked to eat flesh. They take eggs, milk, cream, butter, cheese and fish; but avoid the fibre of meat. If they can maintain a balanced food they are able to keep in health. But to too many persons eggs are poison- ous; this fact can be ascertained by a blood test which any doc- tor can make. Other persons drink milk and so suffer from cheese balls in the stomach, and from toxic poisoning. Others eat cheese itself, and continue to suffer from indigestion and toxic troubles, as well as intestinal difficulties. Fish rarely is a substitute for meat, and is always an unbalanced food, the near- est useful kind being red salmon. There is no vegetable oil that can take the place of butter from milk; and most of these vegetable substitutes are poisons, like cotton seed butter. Even olive oil when pure, which is al- most never in this country, sets up serious disturbances with people who are not born to its use. But what we understand as meat is the flesh or fibre, or tissue, of the animal. Beef and mutton are the only two real meats that are suited to human life, and that are free from the gen- eral objections of animal foods. All products from swine are Nature's Doctors 115 direct poisons. Poultry, birds, and fowl generally, even if com- ing from clean feeding which is rare, have less food value than common white bread. Their fats and mineral salts are their chief qualities. The only real meats, therefore, are mutton and beef. Lamb is too young to have developed true food value; and the same is true of veal. The wool, skins and meat of sheep all combine to make it a highly valuable animal. Beef produces the much needed hides, and has a value therein that cannot be denied. From beef animals come butter, cream and the ever needed milk. These two classes of animals must always serve the- race until the world shall be worn out. Mutton should not be cooked until all its juices are burned up; but is not best rare-; while all beef should be cooked and eaten rare. Otherwise both kinds of meat will give only the fibre or tissue as food, and this is not highly valuable. Many kinds of fish are useful; the red salmon being the best body builder; and the tuna fish having no food value at all, as it is only doctored fibre. Poultry meat is the result of filthy feeding as often as of clean eating; as hens are natural scavengers, preferring bugs, insects and offal when left to their choice-; and their flesh is not whole- some for the human race, when so fed. Tumors, boils, carbuncles and abscesses all have their origin in the eating of flesh of bird, poultry or animal other than sheep or beef; the basis of such maladies being the soil from flesh in which the specific germs of the disease find lodgment. Thus boils come from outside germs on the skin that meet the soil from eating swine meat; such germs generally, in the first boil, being rubbed under the skin by the clothing. Inherited blood taint may be the basis of abscesses. FACTS ABOUT SUGAR Cane sugar is intended by nature to become a food for humanity. This is not true of beet sugar, nor of maple sugar, both of which are irritants to the stomach. Unrefined or brown sugar of the cane is not only a food, being 116 Complete Life Building rich in carbon, but also contains a considerable amount of other matter that helps build the body; besides which it is a laxative; while white sugar is constipating, and therefore injurious. Why man ever came to refine sugar and remove from it its chief value is hard to determine. We know that he had good reason for refining the flour of wheat, as the whole flour will not make bread that is palatable, nor produce a light loaf. But when he took from brown sugar the material that gives it the brown color, he also took away its delicious flavor, its great food value, and its medicinal qualities. Brown sugar is the dried out portion of molasses; and every doctor knows- that molasses- makes the most wholesome candy, and is the most natural of all laxatives. White sugar does not make a healthful candy, and its relation to the unrefined kind may be seen by the fact that it quickly constipates the bowels. If it does this there is some deficiency in its make-up, which is absent in brown sugar. Sugar and molasses are force-producers; one ounce of sugar gives more energy than a pound of beef. If you add a little sugar to an ordinary meal, you increase the force making power of that meal thirty percent. Some persons believe in eating sugar on rice, wheat pudding, oatmeal, hominy and cornmeal; but we prefer salt on these; and sugar in the form of candy after a meal; and for the following reason: It has been proved many times that the presence of food in the stomach will not of itself attract the gastric juice and thus begin digestion; but that when there is food in the stomach if something is in the mouth that pleases the palate, the gastric juice will be drawn at once into the stomach, and digestion will be increased in proportion to the pleasure given by what is in the mouth. This is why mints and candy are used to follow a banquet or formal dinner; or salted almonds are given as the final attraction. Following this great law of nature it is an act of wisdom as well as of health to place a piece of candy in the mouth after rising from the table; a piece that will remain there for a min- ute or more, the longer the better. This brings us to the new recipe for making Ralston Caramels. We append this recipe because there are few or no pure candies on the market. Sub- stitutes are numerous, to say nothing of many adulterations. Nature's Doctors 117 SACCHARIN.-This is a dreg from coal tar; it is white and has a sweetness 300 times greater than that of white sugar. Doctors and food experts say it is not a poison; but admit that its continued use will eat away the lining of the stomach, which will heal and be well again if this coal tar product be withdrawn for a few months; and providing that no other irritant in the meanwhile shall enter the stomach. Owing to its intense sweet- ness and its low price, it is used in adulterating almost all soda water fruit syrups; almost all ice cream; practically all store candies; much cake from bakeries; juices of canned fruits; and other things that enter the human stomach. Better discard all these things. Buy sugar and molasses, and make your own. RALSTON CARAMELS Get a very large kettle, a very long spoon, and also a smaller kettle, the latter about six quarts in size. Also five or six low pans of tin. In the big kettle, which should hold easily the following con- tents, and not be more than one-fourth full, place: One quart of molasses, dark or light. One quart of sweet milk, that is new milk. Six pounds of brown sugar. Put over a very hot fire and stir all the time. When it begins to boil add one half pound of butter. When it has boiled ten minutes, add one pound of pure chocolate. When it has boiled five minutes more, add one-fourth pint of peanut butter. This is not a good food but has its uses as a flavoring agency. Cook till it is done. Have the pans ready to pour the candy in. Learn when to take it off; if it is removed too soon, it will be sticky and interfere with conversation if a room full of guests try to eat it at the same time. It is very easy to determine when it is ready. If it gets too well done it will have a burnt and smoky taste, and not chew like gum. The smaller kettle should be filled two-thirds full of water as cold as you have, with a lump of ice added if you can find it. When the candy begins to thicken and not rise in the kettle, 118 Complete Life Building dip out a small portion in the large spoon; let it drop at once in the cold water to see if it will crackle when pressed by the fingers into a thin mass under the water. Keep doing this until the thin edges are brittle and break in trying to bend them. Now pour in the tin pans and place anywhere to cool. If the caramel is a success it will be easily broken by a hammer and yet will have the finest chewing qualities. The advantages of this food as a digestive influence after a meal are as follows: It will cause a strong flow of gastric juice to the stomach. It will aid digestion. The milk will yield its mineral salts to the uses of the body. The sugar and molasses will prove a mild and natural laxa- tive and thus overcome the tendency to constipation, the great poison enemy of life. The sugar, butter and chocolate will give fuel force to the body. When this caramel is cooling it can be cut into small squares, and wrapped, each piece separately, in wax paper; and in this way it can be carried with you. Many persons have a headache between meals; one square of this caramel will, if held in the mouth and not chewed, stop such headache by supplying the needed stimulant to the blood. GLUCOSE is another substitute for sugar and is much used in the making of candies. It has almost no sweetness, and is not assimilated by the blood, but passes through the body un- changed. It taxes the kidneys and has been the cause of Bright's Disease by being used in beer, canned goods, syrups and confectionery. Millions of pounds are devoured every year by the people of this country in the above articles. It is made from the juice of the cornstalk, and, like many so-called corn products, has none of the corn grain in it. Owing to the destructive character of the gastric juice it is wrong to eat candy on an empty stomach; for this excites the flow of the juice when there is nothing in the stomach on which it can act. Always eat candy after a meal when it can aid di- gestion; or hold a piece in the mouth to melt there and be ab- sorbed by the throat glands into the circulation without chewing, as the latter action sets in motion the flow of gastric juice. Tobacco should never be chewed on an empty stomach for the Nature's Doctors 119 same reason, and for others also; nor on any other kind of a stomach. Gum chewing on an empty stomach is one of the pro- lific causes of what is known as dry stomach; it uses up the gastric juice when it is not needed and leaves none when it is demanded. Following a meal it aids digestion if the chewer does not view herself in the mirror while manipulating the face muscles. VALUE OF ICE WATER By countless tests and experiments among hundreds of thou- sands of people, certain facts have been proved, some of which revolutionize the popular belief in many things. We will men- tion some of them: 1. HOT WATER does injury to the mouth, the food passage, the palate, and the stomach. Yet for a generation or more, the people have been told to drink hot water. They like their drinks very hot; but it is easily proved that any hot fluid does harm to the tissues. 2. When a person is suffering from unusual cold and is chilled, there is then an excuse for giving him something hot to drink; but in normal cases it is much better to avoid a hot fluid, by which we mean one that is on the verge of scalding. What is known as a hot drink is generally one that is very warm; and this is beneficial. 3. When you are very thirsty the saliva in the back of your mouth is thick, ropy and sticky. A hot drink will not cut this and dissolve it unless it is hot enough to scald, in which case it is decidedly harmful. 4. But ice cold water taken in sips against this sticky mass, quickly sets it free. More than this it invites a healthy saliva which has been absent or dried up. On the other hand hot drinks keep all saliva from entering the mouth. 5. No sensation of relief can be greater than that which fol- lows the sipping of ice water under the conditions above stated. 6. Animals, especially cats and dogs, often have this ropy, sticky, thick mass at the back of the mouth. Warm water, or even cool water, will not cut it out; hence they are especially grateful for a small quantity of ice cold water. 120 Complete Life Building 7. Many years ago a baby was crying daily, and could not be quieted. It kept up the crying for hours at a time. It had no physical trouble, as a very thorough examination proved. A doctor, following the teachings of his profession, was about to administer an opiate, which meant unnatural sleep. By acci- dent we learned of the case and examined the baby's mouth. At the back of the tongue was this sticky, thick, ropy mucus in a dry state. It could not do otherwise than cause a distressing discomfort to the infant. We gave it ice water on the tip of a spoon; not enough to enter the stomach, but sufficient to reach the back of the mouth. The relief was instant. Ever after, when the baby cried, ice water was given it; and it grew into a patient, wholesome child, much the better for its ice cold drink. It was six months old when it had its first ice water. It soon learned to ask for it instead of being put to the incon- venience of actually crying. This fact was published far and wide, and we have the pleasure of knowing that countless thou- sands have benefited by it. 8. It has been discovered that this thick, ropy, sticky mucus of dried saliva at the back of the mouth is a dangerous soil for disease. The new practice of cutting out the tonsils to get rid of mucus poisons can be avoided in many instances by the use of ice water sipped after meals, or at any time of the day or night. This does not mean to pour a flood of chilled water into the stomach. Sip enough to reach the back of the mouth. 9. Yet, speaking of the stomach, it was learned some time ago that ice water drank in small quantities, not sipped merely, will cure severe cases of indigestion. This is accounted for on two grounds: First, it has been found that what pleases the saliva sends gastric juice into the stomach through the walls of the latter organ, which are porous. Sipping and drinking ice water after a meal, thus helps digestion. But a stranger law comes into play. Peculiar as it seems, the presence of ice water in the mouth, draws healthful saliva there; and in the stomach, it arouses the action or churning motion of that organ, which is stagnated during indigestion. 10. The saliva is controlled by very sensitive nerves that run to the stomach. "What pleases the palate where the saliva gathers, will always arouse the flow of gastric juice into the stomach. When the palate is gratified, it sends by its nerves Nature's Doctors 121 a thrill of gratification to the stomach; but it also brings into the palate a new flow of saliva. For this reason ice water causes the saliva to come to the mouth, while hot water or even warm or cool water will drive it away. 11. It is a well-known law that food in the mouth must be mixed with saliva before it can be digested in the stomach; for which reason it is harmful to wash down food with any liquid. Any liquid not ice cold will drive away the saliva. On the other hand it has been proved many times by long continued experiments that if a person will take a mouthful of food and retain it in the mouth long enough to mix it with saliva, then swallow it, and before the next mouthful, take a sip of ice water, both mastication and digestion will proceed to the best advantage. FACTS ABOUT SALT One of the most dangerous foes of health is the man who tells you that a certain person did so and so and always had perfect freedom from sickness. Now and then we hear a man say that his grandmother had never touched salt and lived to be a hun- dred in consequence. It is true that some persons advocate the omission of salt from the daily food; citing the fact that a certain tribe never ate salt and were quite all right. But investigation shows that the tribe lived on meat obtained from hunting; and all meat holds an abundance of salt. Then when salt is mentioned, the kind in mind is always what is known as common or table salt; not one person in a thousand knows that there are many kinds of salt besides that which is seen on the table. Here are some of them, and they are found in many of the foods that are eaten daily: Chloride of sodium. Chloride of potassium. Carbonate of soda. Carbonate of potassium. Carbonate of magnesium. Sulphate of sodium. 122 Complete Life Building Sulphate of potassium. Sulphate of magnesium. Phosphate of sodium. Phosphate of potassium. Phosphate of magnesium. Phosphate of calcium. Salts of iron. Salts of organic acids. These salts serve a variety of purposes and without them life would be impossible. The composition of the blood depends on them. They prevent the disorganization and decay of the tis- sues. They enter into the structure of parts of the body. When taken in excess they do injury, such as causing irrita- tion of the stomach and membranes, breaking up the blood struc- ture, leading to skin troubles and dyspepsia. Lime salts and phosphates when taken in water or food in large quantities tend to cause the deposit of gallstones and calculi, especially stones in the bladder. Some of the common salts can be omitted continually with- out danger if the others are supplied in reasonable abundance; but the omission of most of the salts will ruin the health of man or animal and bring death in a short time; or if the salt starvation, as it is called, is not complete, the health will be af- fected, appetite will fail, food cannot be digested, the muscles will become flabby, the mind stupid and dull, the skin dry and abnormal in its structure, and the hair will be very thin. In animals salt starvation ends in death in about six weeks. Children whose daily food contains less salt than is required, will have bone deformities, known as rhachitis, or rickets. COMMON SALT, known as chloride of sodium, or sodium chloride, is by far the most valuable of the salts. For many centuries it has been venerated and worshipped in the East, and has been a symbol of wisdom and hospitality. Homer called it "divine." It is the chief salt in the formation of the blood, and enters in the making of all the tissues and secretions of the body. It is needed in the formation of the gastric juice with- out which digestion could not take place. It stimulates the action of the kidneys and tends to keep them in health. By creating some thirst it attracts the use of water as a drink, and Nature's Doctors 123 this is required in order that the blood may flow freely and the heart do its work. By furnishing the chlorine for hydrochloric acid, it renders the most important aid to digestion; but in addition it stimu- lates the flow of this secretion into the stomach, which explains why salted water taken after the stomach is full and stagnant will set in motion the process of digestion. Also it makes use- ful the eating of salted nuts after a full meal. It has been proved over and over again in countless tests that the absence of salt from the diet completely stops the production of gastric juice in the stomach, leading to dry stomach from which acute indigestion may quickly follow. The only three cases we have heard of where salt has been omitted in the diet, have proved to be cases of persons who eat heavily of meat, especially beef and mutton which are rich in salts; or milk which also contains this necessary article. A person who omitted salt from his food and ate neither meat nor milk would die in a few weeks. The same fact holds true with animals; those that feed on flesh do not require salt; those who feed on grass must have it added to their food in order to secure health and growth. The craving for salt is instinctive among men as well as among animals who do not feed on meat. Stanley in his ''Dark- est Africa" records the fact that the non-meat-eating savages travel many hundreds of miles under great difficulties to obtain even a small supply of common salt, or sodium chloride, the kind we see on the table. The rule for using common salt should be this: Flavor food to taste, not over-doing it, but taking enough to satisfy the palate, and so take it at each meal. If slightly too much is eaten, the kidneys will throw off the excess. That we are always on the borderland of fatal danger is seen from an examination of THE POISON SIDE OF COMMON SALT As has been stated this is composed of two elements: Sodium and Chlorine. Sodium is a lustrous, grayish white metal. It is a violent poison. When water touches it, the action is violent and ex- 124 Complete Life Building tremely severe. In experiments students are warned to handle it only with forceps, and never with the fingers; and, to avoid contact with water, to carry it in bottles with kerosene oil. The other element of common table salt is Chlorine; which furnishes the spark of life, aided by calcium, and is necessary to the action of the heart, brain, nervous system and organs. Chlorine is a gas of a light yellow color, of suffocating odor. It is by itself very poisonous, and quickly kills all kinds of life. When salt is taken with the food it separates in the blood, and its Chlorine is mixed with the chief water element, hydro- gen, thus maintaining safety in life by the wise caution of nature. FACTS ABOUT FRUIT The knowledge of the uses and value of fruit has been revolu- tionized in late years; and what was considered as wisdom in this line a short time ago is now regarded as contrary to the truth. Too much dependence was placed on theory. For in- stance the old adage that fruit in the morning was golden, at noon was silver, and at night was lead, has been discarded. What we know now has come about by the use of experiments, not one or a few, nor those made in isolated parts of the land, but general, widely tried tests of what fruit really does to the human body. For a clear understanding of the subject, let us first make two classes of fruits: 1. The food class. 2. The juice class. In the Food Class we find the following; 1. Best of all: DATES. 2. Next best: RAISIN,S. 3. FIGS. 4. Skins of SWEET GRAPES. 5. Skins of baked, ripe sweet apples. 6. Bananas. These are really vegetables, but are generally called fruit. In the Juice Class we have the following: Nature's Doctors 125 7. Oranges when fully ripe and sweet. 8. The royal juice of grapes. 9. The royal flesh of apples fully ripe. 10. Peaches. 11. Plums. 12. Pears. 13. Cherries when fully ripe and sweet. 14. Raspberries. 15. Blackberries. WHEN AND HOW TO EAT FRUIT DATES.-These are almost life supporting. After a meal, and as soon as possible, they should be eaten by putting one in the mouth, allowing the stone to come free and be discarded, then leaving the flesh of the date to melt in the mouth. The longer it remains there, the better it is for the digestion of the food in the stomach, on the principle that digestion is not car- ried on principally by the stimulating action of the food in the stomach, but because of the pleasure afforded the palate at the mouth. In the middle of the forenoon if you feel depressed, eat a few dates in the following manner; eat slowly all you desire except one, and allow that one to melt in the mouth in the manner stated. But do not take dates too near to the time of the noon meal, as you may weaken your appetite. In the middle of the afternoon if again you feel depressed physically, take dates in the manner already described for the forenoon. As no person should go to sleep at night on an empty stomach, unless the evening meal has been taken too close to the time of retiring, it is wise to take three or four dates just as you get into bed; eating all but one and allowing the last one to remain in the mouth to melt away. This is one of the best cures for sleeplessness unless too heavy an evening meal has been eaten. RAISINS.-These are almost a perfect food; not quite as val- uable as dates; and not so useful for the special periods of eating. Try always to secure the seeded raisins; never the seedless kinds. Also avoid sultanas and currants, both of which are valueless as food. 126 Complete Life Building Raisins when allowed to melt in the mouth after a meal will help digestion. If taken on an empty stomach it is well to see that they are cleaned, as they are not as free from dirt as a rule as dates. FIGS.-These should be eaten skins and all, and in the same manner as dates; but should be chewed as long as possible and into fine bits. GRAPES.-The native grape of our country is rich in iron and in food minerals if used as food. A grape has four parts: the skin; the royal juice which is found close under the skin; the pulp; and the seeds. It is the skin that contains the iron and other values. This can be eaten at any time of the day or night, but must be chewed into a very fine mass. It is of great value when made into a preserve or grape butter, to be used in winter or other times. It is a mistake to discard the skin when eating fresh grapes. The royal juice is the free fluid that is under skin that flows away when the skin is broken. For centuries in Europe what is known as royal wine has been made from this free juice, obtained by allowing the weight of a mass of grapes to force it out without pressing. The wine so made was saved for royalty and noble families; and the juice of the pulp was made into wine for sale and export. With the skins and the royal juice we have all that is fit for the human stomach as far as the grape is concerned. We come now to the unfit parts. The pulp of the grape is a poison, but of very slight danger. In the raisin this poison is neutralized by the process of drying, especially the artificial method of dipping them in boiling lye of wood ashes and quick lime. People who eat fresh grapes swallow this pulp, with the seeds, and eject the skins; thus reversing the intended uses of nature. The pulp should never be swallowed, nor used to make jelly or preserves; it serves to produce wune of the sour kind. Grape juice is unfit to use when the pulp is employed as part of its supply. You may say this is a waste of much of the grape; yet it is not very much; and what has been good for royalty for centuries is none too good for the people of to-day. APPLES.-Like the grape the apple has its iron and mineral producing part, its royal part, and its poison part. Nature's Doctors 127 Many persons eat the skin of an apple. It is all right to do this, but the better way is to secure sweet and fully ripe apples; bake them in the usual manner; and eat the skin with cream or rich milk, including the royal flesh. Here you secure the iron and mineral values. There is a super-flavored portion of a really ripe apple wThich lies close to the skin. It is about a half inch to an inch in thickness depending on the size of the apple. You can find it by studying and tasting the apple itself. Chew the skin to a very fine mass in the mouth, including the royal flesh which we have just described. When you have eaten further into the apple, you will note a decided change in the flavor and the character of the fruit. It suddenly becomes more acid; this part and the section sur- rounding the core are a poison. For many years the medical conventions have discussed the apple, and have reported their many experiences among their patients; about half of the doctors declaring that their patients are poisoned by apples, and the other half that they are bene- fited by them. But where only the skin and the royal flesh have been eaten, the results have been uniform; only benefit has ensued. But the apple must be ripe and mellow. If ripe and not mellow, cooking will not produce the food value, for cooking only separates the fruit cells into a soft mass; it does not cause them to burst open and discharge their contents. This point is so important that we advise you to study and master it. An un-mellowed apple, or the poison part of a mellow one, may cause neuritis, neuralgia, rheumatism, heart pains, and organic troubles. BANANAS.-These vegetable fruit products should be eaten only when dead ripe. When not fully ripe they have been used effectively as a remedy for constipation if taken two hours be- fore breakfast mornings; but their violence as a purgative is dangerous, and we do not advise their use for such purpose. It is best to eat bananas as an after-meal dish; and sliced in cream or rich milk. Eaten very slowly they assist digestion wonderfully. If gulped down they are useless. Baked sweet apples should also be eaten like bananas; that is after a meal, in cream or rich milk, and very slowly. 128 Complete Life Building ORANGES.-This is the first and best of the juice fruits. Only fully ripe oranges are valuable; and these should be sweet. The peel of the orange or the lemon is a poison. The custom of using it grated in cooking, or making it a part of a marmalade, is the cause of much organic trouble. It is true that the English people are very fond of their marmalade; but we have never yet seen or heard of a marmalade eater who was not a patron of patent medicines, drug stores and doctors. Gooseberries are the national hymn of England; and so rheu- matism is the national malady. It may take that nation an- other century to learn the fact that they cannot put poisons and acids in their blood and get health as the result. They are slow to learn because they do not wish to be convinced. In the use of oranges a revolution in knowledge has come about. They were a first course at breakfast or some other meal. No fruit should be a first course. The only value in an orange is its action on food that is in the stomach; and as a first course it leaves the stomach as fast as it enters, so that it could not have any value unless it fol- lowed other eating. Therefore it should be a last course. No juice fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach, unless the royal juice of a grape be so considered. In eating an orange, first discard the peel, and separate the sections; cut these in parts, and thoroughly chew each part, swallowing them when made into a fine mass. GRAPES.-We have already discussed this fruit. No matter for what purpose you use grapes, always discard the pulp and the seeds. APPLES.-Like grapes we have referred to the royal part; and need here only say that whatever use you make of grapes, always discard the core and the flesh between the core and that known as the royal flesh. You may say this is a waste; but it really is a money saver. It costs more to rid the body of its poisons than it does to throw them away in the first place. PEACHES.-These are good food either raw or cooked in any way, and especially when preserved. But the skins are not useful except in jelly. They should never be eaten on an empty stomach; and only following a meal. Nature's Doctors 129 PLUMS.-These have but slight value; they are very acid at their best. Prunes are kinds of plums, and have only slight food value. PEARS.-These should never be eaten except after a meal. They move the kidneys, sometimes too violently; for which pur- pose they have served as a natural diuretic. They have this medicinal value. CHERRIES.-If sweet and fully ripe and eaten after a meal, they serve as valuable food. Raspberries and cream with sugar, or blackberries in like manner, are very valuable if taken at the end of a meal. They make also useful preserves; it is best to keep them as near as possible to their natural state when putting them up for the winter; for which reason the jam and the jelly are not as good as the preserves. Grapefruit has no food value; and does great harm in time to the liver. Lemons likewise have no value except where the liver is in- active; in which case they should be eaten undiluted one hour before breakfast, followed by about an hour's active walking in the open air, as briskly as possible. One lemon each morn- ing and the walk as stated will cure inactive liver in seven days. But this is not for the food value of the lemon. If a person were to adopt only the TRUE FOODS, there would be no need for the lemon. The walk is always a blessing. It is an old saying that what is good for one person is not always good for another. It will be noticed before this book is ended that this saying applies only to poisons; and never to the TRUE FOODS. Then we come to the fact that what may be a true food, may also become a poison if slightly varied. Thus polished rice is a poison, but whole rice is one of the most valuable of the true foods. The same is true of refined corn, or refined white flour, of the interior of potatoes alone, and of many fruits. The vitality of the human body depends on the mutual action of two opposing influences; acids and alkalis. Out of every hundred persons, ninety are fully charged with acids; and out of this ninety, fully fifty are more than fully charged, but in varying and differing degrees. Hence arise the basis of the 130 Complete Life Building claim that no two persons are alike; and that what is good for one may be bad for another. If a person has too much acid in his system, the eating of an apple even of the royal flesh of the apple, will upset him; the first effect being some form of kidney trouble, or neuralgic pain, or rheumatism. This is tree also of any fruit; and more espe- cially of tomatoes, cranberries, pie plant, gooseberries, currants, and other things whether fruits or not. Acid oranges are very bad in such cases. But the most common offender is the apple and tomato. Tests have been made in thousands of cases with such persons and with such things; and it has been proved that rheumatism can be made to come or go at will, in small or large degree of pain and swelling, in exact proportion to the eating of any one of the above articles, and the lesson to be learned is to study yourself under the conditions named. On the other hand a person whose system does not contain too much acid is able to eat tomatoes without injury; or apples, pie plant, acid oranges or other things in that line. It all de- pends on how much natural acid you have in the blood to be- gin with. But the fact remains that most persons have all the acid they can carry safely. LARD, NEW BREAD AND PASTRY It has been said by one of the wise men of modem times that in the art and science of cookery, the three greatest enemies of the human health are: 1. The Frying Pan. 2. Pastry. 3. New Bread. Some years ago the Chief Chemist of the U. S. Government said that in his opinion the three greatest enemies were: 1, The frying pan; 2, Yeast; 3, Pastry. But included in yeast he mentioned baking powder. NEW BREAD.-While on this subject let us say a word or two about the methods employed in raising bread and in mak- Nature's Doctors 131 ing cake. Baking powder is used for both bread and cake mak- ing. Yeast is used chiefly for bread making. YEAST.-It is a well known fact that bread made from yeast is not as wholesome as that made from pure-food baking pow- der. All books on feeding pets and other animals where bread is eaten, say emphatically never to feed new bread, and espe- cially when made from yeast. One of the most deadly poisons is generated by the yeast in bread dough. It takes days for all this yeast poison to pass out of the loaf. Patients who have been convalescing from sickness have been killed by being given yeast made bread. The practice of eating yeast to cure boils may be beneficial on the ground that one poison is cured by another poison; but an eighth of a cake is as efficient as a half or a whole one, and much less dangerous. But a person who eats the TRUE FOODS can never become the victim of a boil, carbuncle, tumor, abscess, or cancer. Hence why pay so much for so little value as is contained in a yeast cake, the profit on which is enormous? The best bread is made from what we call pure-food baking powder which costs about a cent a pound to make, but which is sold for about fifteen cents per pound against the price of forty or fifty cents per pound for the impure kinds; thus showing that the purest in nature is always the cheapest. This pure-food baking powder contains nothing but Starch, Bicarbonate of Soda, and Calcium Acid Phosphate: all among the most needed of natural food elements; and no other baking powder is safe to use. Beware of the word aluminium on the cover of a can of baking powder; it is a trick word to conceal the word alum, and at the same time to conform to the U. S. law to print the names of the ingredients on the package. Alum is a very serious poison when it gets into the stomach. Bread if home made should be raised with the pure-food bak- ing powder which is for sale by thousands of stores, and is com- ing into general use. Then it should be two or three days old before it is eaten. But most bread that is made by bakers to- day is free from the yeast poison, and is fully as good as home made bread; especially the kinds on sale by the well known chain stores in cities and towns. This too should be two or three days old when used. Three day old bread made at home or bought at the stores, 132 Complete Life Building should be converted into a digestible food by being toasted brown, and buttered while hot. If not intended to be eaten buttered, omit the latter, and break the bread into toast cubes, and cover with cream and sugar to taste. A very small bit of sugar will increase the digestibility of the bread, add to the flavor, and bring the cream up to the standard required by humanity; but may be omitted if not desired. The FRYING PAN is an enemy to health for several reasons. In the first place all fried surfaces, or those that come in con- tact with the pan itself, are indigestible; and that which is in- digestible is not food, nor can it be made into food. In addi- tion to having no value, it piles up a mass of poisonous debris in the system that breeds disease. As an example, some of this debris finds its way to the scalp, and destroys the hair; it also gets into the skin and injures the complexion; and it weakens the value of the blood, thereby doing harm to every organ. But the part played by lard in frying food is likewise a source of ill health in very great degree. LARD is not only made from certain parts of swine meat, but can be extracted from almost any part of the lean portions of the hog. This means that when you eat lean ham, lean pork, or any other part, you are getting some lard into the system. Cooking the raw fat develops the lard most readily. The gastric juice in the stomach that is essential to all di- gestion, WILL NOT MIX WITH LARD. While fats are required by the body, nature produces them in whole milk, also in cream, and also in butter: these fats are not only digested easily but they are all the best kinds of food. They make the best blood and furnish life energy to the system. Next in value in the fats, are those from steer meat, or young beef; then beef of any age; then young mutton; and finally old mutton; all these are digestible and food producers. MINERAL OIL that is recommended by the syndicate articles of doctors in the employ of the oil companies, but under the guise of helping the sick, will not mix with any fluid of the body; but will lower the vitality to the point at times of causing severe chills. Heart failure is one of the results of using this poison. The vegetable oils as a rule, notably cotton seed oil, butter from cotton seed oil, lard from the same, are all direct poisons Nature's Doctors 133 and harmful, for the main reason that the gastric juice will not mingle with them, nor will the blood adopt them. Olive oil may be absorbed by a race of people bom to its use; but very few others are able to use it safely, as it soon deranges the whole digestive system. Even when tolerated, it requires hours and sometimes days to digest it. LARD is both palatable and much relished, as is all pork flesh. It enters into many uses in frying, and in pastry. But the fact remains that the gastric juice refuses to mix with it, and the lard does not at any stage become assimilated into the blood; yet the blood carries it along as it does many other poisons. Tests made of the perspiration at the pores of the skin show that lard is thrown off with the exuding sweat; even the odor and grease of the lard can be gathered at the pores, showing that it has been carried by the blood without being made a part of it. The tax on the kidneys is enormous when lard is eaten, or when the fat of pork in connection with the lean, is eaten. When a person is subject to kidney troubles, it is common to note a swelling or puffing under the eyes, especially mornings following the use of ham, or pork, the day before. Such per- sons may on some mornings have a very great fullness under the eyes, depending on the amount of ham or pork that was eaten the day before. Some persons have doubted this fact; but have been induced to make observations on the following basis: if they have eaten no product of swine for ten days, the puffiness under the eyes will disappear; if they indulge on the eleventh day in such food as ham or pork, the puffing of the face under the eyes will be seen very distinctly on the following morning. Then if they omit this kind of food for a few days there will be no swelling under the eyes; but it will return again when pork, lard or ham is eaten. By these tests, made many times, it is easy to convince doubters. Most doctors ascribe Bright's disease of the kidneys to the use of beer or alcohol; but it can be traced to indulgence in lard or pork in cases where the victims have never tasted beer or alcoholic drinks. We have seen that acid fruits and acids of any kind, such as vinegar, cranberries, pie plant, gooseberries and other things, if eaten by a person whose system is fully acid, or over-acid, will 134 Complete Life Building result in rheumatism, neuralgia, pleurisy and similar maladies. Let a person whose system is over-acid eat any of the above things and in connection with them, eat any product of swine, and the result is GOUT. This beautiful combination is most frequent in England where the gooseberry is the national flower as well as food, and the wonderful ham is the national meat. But the kidneys must be given their shock, which is done twenty times a day in England by indulgence in beer that often on an average. The total result is puffed eyes, foul kidneys, super- acid blood, and lard deposits in parts of the body where the circulation is the least, as at the feet. We refer to pork and ham as forms of lard, because they contain fat in their lean parts, and all swine fat is capable of being made into lard. We have also shown that lard does not mingle with the blood as a part of it, but is carried by it to the pores of the skin and there lodged or deposited waiting to be thrown off or forced off. When it is not easily driven from the skin it remains and de- cays, causing all kinds of skin irruptions, and finally produces boils and carbuncles when the specific germ is found to set up its colony in the decayed mass. For this reason it is common to refer to boils and carbuncles as "lard flowers," or "pork blossoms. ' ' It is rather a pitiable arraignment of civilization, this diet of poisons! PASTRY to the adult taste is like rich cake to the infant palate. The case of the four girls at a boarding school who received a very fine fruit cake from home, and who ate it one evening with the result that all four were dead the next day, was inves- tigated by the authorities in the hope of finding something else the cause, as cake had only resulted in sick headaches and stom- ach troubles in former experiences. But this cake contained nothing but the usual ingredients, aided by the usual rich spices, dried currants, citron and some grated orange peel mixed with cocoanut fibre. All spices are indigestible. All citron is in- digestible. All cocoanut is indigestible. All dried currants are indigestible. All orange peel is indigestible. Eggs cooked into cake are indigestible as are also the flour ingredients. In fact the whole cake was a dangerous conglomeration. Nature's Doctors 135 But it pleased the palate. When it was going down to the stomach it tasted about as inviting as anything humanly constructed could have tasted. Then the stomach replied. In an orphan home the head housekeeper visited the depart- ment of the small children, and gave orders that they should not be restricted in what they wished to eat. The order was: "Let them have all they want and what they want. The appe- tite should be the judge. Nature made the appetite and she made also the foods." The order was obeyed. On the table were placed the following articles: Bread, toast, milk, cream, sugar, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, meat stew,- and fruit cake. The children were told to eat what they wished and in the order they desired. The first course was fruit cake; the second course was fruit cake; the third course was fruit cake; then came the call for the doctor. In the investigation that followed the housekeeper tried to disclaim her order to permit the children to choose their own foods, eat what they wished and all they wished. But the proof was too certain. Fourteen newly made graves gave her something to think about; and the agonies of sick children echoed in her ears. That housekeeper is the type of the person who believes that the taste should govern our food selection. It is certainly a mystery why nature should invite humanity to always prefer the things that hurt. But they do. What was true of the fatal fruit cake, is true now and al- ways concerning the craving for pastry. It is delicious to the taste. It is made of refined flour, which is a poison; and of LARD which is not acted upon by the gastric juice of the stomach. But it tastes nice. It is inviting as far as the throat; beyond that zone there is no sense of enjoyment. The things that we most prefer and that hurt, afford no pleasure below the throat. The throat, then, does all the craving. Strong men and lofty minded women are ruled by that narrow piece of membrane known as the throat; and they call it the demand of nature. The brain is not consulted. The intelligence is not consulted. It is the throat that is the master engineer of the whole body. The matinee girls who load up with impure chocolates within an hour or so of their evening meal, and then go home with a 136 Complete Life Building sickly appetite and pose as delicate eaters because they are not hungry, are ruled by that narrow stretch of lining in the rear of their mouths; and know nothing of the guiding help of the brain or its intelligence. They eat what they like and when they like. It is on this principle that pastry rules the cravings of millions of people. Pastry has never yet furnished one particle of food to the body; but on the other hand it has wrought havoc with the stomach, with the blood and with every organ. As a test of the delicious taste of things fried in lard, the following experiment was made some years ago and has been heretofore published in several books: A lot of ordinary sawdust was cooked in the frying pan, with lard. It was seasoned with salt and pepper, and then served at breakfast to a party of men and women who had been used to the good things of the table. Without exception they declared it most appetizing. No more harm came from it than from the usual indulgence in fried things; and it was a week afterward that the guests learned the facts. Of course the stomach had a fight to dispose of this sawdust; but so has it after every meal in which lard is eaten. The doc- tor may not be needed at once, but he is waiting around the corner, biding his time. FACTS ABOUT TEA AND OTHER DRINKS Nothing could be more shameful than an unwarranted at- tempt to deprive the people of their favorite beverage. Tea fills in many an aching void. It soothes; it quiets the nerves; it lessens the acuteness of unrest; it reduces the vitality of pain; it checks the flow of animal energy in the muscles by throttling down the nervous intensity; it puts to sleep the nerves themselves; it stops the heart from its over-active beat- ing; it says to the stomach, rest in semi-digestive mood for a while; it deadens the nerve centres; it gives to all organs a fairly reasonable imitation of what paralysis is like, without in fact bringing on paralysis for some years to come. These are the good qualities of tea. If it has any bad qualities, they consist of two main things: Nature's Doctors 137 1. This habit of quieting the nerves spreads to all the parts of the body that depend on the nerves for their life. 2. The demands of the body for nerve-quieting tea increase as the years go by until it requires much more tea in later years than formerly. One Hundred Percent of Civilization means that nothing shall enter the human body that is not needed to build it. Tea contains no food element whatever. But it does contain elements that are poisons to the body; notably the element that deadens the nerves. Hence it is in two ways the enemy of one hundred percent of civilization. The lat- ter says, what is the use of taking in things that have no part in building life; and for a greater reason, what is the use of taking in needless things that are affirmatively poisonous? A very logical inquiry. In addition to the poisoning element that deadens the nerves, there are other elements that poison the blood without deaden- ing the nerves. If a baby cries because of pain, three courses are afforded the loving mother from which to choose: she can hit the baby over the head hard enough to put it to sleep for a long time; she can give it some drug to quiet its nerves; or she can study the cause of the pain and remove the cause. She generally selects the middle course; and in her ignorance she is contented for she does not know that every dose of nerve-quieting drug is paving the foundation of future paralysis. It is civilization not to take into the body something that is not needed to build its life; it is civilization to omit the things also that do actual harm; but it is quite a drop toward bar- barism to admit needless stuff, and to admit dangerous stuff, while at the same time laying the corner stone of paralysis by admitting nerve-quieters. Tea enjoys the pleasant status of being a slow poisoner. To be sure the U. S. Government in a Bulletin denounced iced tea as slow suicide. But one cup does no perceptible harm; in fact the injury is such a small fraction of one percent of real danger that it cannot be measured. Yet the heart and vital centers have been hurt that fraction of one percent, and will never again all through life be just as sound again. It requires years before the heart gets leaky, the liver stale, the kidneys sluggish, 138 Complete Life Building the lungs weak and the stomach flabby; but they get there just the same. The BLADDER is about the first organ to furnish evidence of the value of quieting the nerves. The contents of the bladder are held in place by a certain valve that opens only when the will of the mind orders; although some young folks have not the power to control it especially in sleep. This valve is depend- ent on the energy of the nerves to hold it shut. After years of having the nerves quieted by tea drinking, they are no longer able to keep the bladder valve shut tight. It opens and the water of the bladder drips out and saturates the clothing. Have you ever entered the room of a house where the tea drinking women, and the tea drinking old men are assembled; and have you noticed as you come in from outdoors, the close and deadening smell of dripped urine? Even the young folks afford this odor if they are tea drinkers and have had their nerves quieted to that extent. There is not an old codger living to-day who does not wear clothing saturated with this odor if he has been a tea drinker; and there is not an old man tea drinker with a sound bladder valve. The tea drinking women overload themselves with perfumes to conceal the real state of their bladder troubles; but the concealment is never complete. Tea given as a beverage to children in their early years, as is the custom in many countries, results in permanent bladder leakage at night, and often during their active hours; and these victims are doctored by other drugs for other causes, and so do not become normal. The deadening of the nerves, under the claim of quieting them, results in real nerve quietude in the course of time. Paralysis is one of the three leading methods by which people die when they have no chronic illness. 1. Pneumonia. 2. Paralysis. 3. Apoplexy. Paralysis may attack the body in whole or in part; or it may attack the brain. PARESIS, or paralysis of the brain, never had its origin in tea drinking; it follows syphilis, acquired or inherited, and is always hastened by the craving for cigarettes. Nature's Doctors 139 But the heart action is lowered to such an extent by tea drink- ing that the victim falls easy prey to that malady. So also all the nerve centers are made feeble by tea drinking. Out of one thousand cases of paralysis of the body, it was found that nine hundred and ninety were of persons who were tea drinkers. Every person who goes into the water at the public bathing places is warned not to do so within an hour or two after eat- ing; the reason being that paralysis has followed bathing too soon after eating; but in every case without an exception it has been found, if investigated for the purpose, that the paralytic was a tea drinker. In fact we are sure that a non-tea drinker could enter the water at any time without harm. One doctor in a large city had in one month eleven cases of paralysis following a bath too soon after the evening meal, or after a late night meal; and in every case he ascertained that the victim was a tea drinker. In a town of six thousand people, in one year there were seventeen cases of paralysis; and in every case the victim was a tea drinker. A very peculiar affair came to the attention of a physician of our acquaintance: eight men were camping out in very cold weather; and had occasion to do some laundry work in a brook nearby; all of the men rolled up their sleeves and plunged their hands and arms in the ice cold water. One man fell over with a short gasp, paralyzed. It is a fact that has been verified in the most careful inquiry, that this man was the only tea drinker in the party; and had brought his tea along to the camp; while the others brought coffee. The explanation is: this man had so deadened his nerves by the frequent use of tea that they were not able to withstand the shock of the sudden exposure to the cold water; it was the last spark of vitality in the nerve centers that went out. COFFEE The greatest living man at the time of this writing, when his achievements are considered, is Thomas A. Edison, now nearly eighty. Among other things he says that he expects to live to be ninety, possibly more; his arteries are as flexible as those of a child. He cuts out booze, he says, and tobacco and tea; but 140 Complete Life Building drinks coffee, taking care to have it diluted with hot milk, like the French half and half, or cafe au lait. This milk is one of the true foods: coffee is much less injurious than tea, if diluted with a true food. Its injury is so slight that it may be over- come by outdoor life and activity in the fresh air; and it leaves no after effect like tea. But strong coffee, even if cooked but a short time, is a de- cided poison. Long cooked coffee is also a poison. Re-cooked coffee is the worst form of this drink. The prac- tice of leaving the grounds in the coffee pot and adding more coffee from time to time is one of the climacteric forms of ignorance in an age of barbarism. COCOA with milk is a good drink, if pure. CHOCOLATE, even the best brands, is not usually found pure, and is not a true food, although in an emergency a starv- ing person can live on it, but in a state of growing weakness, and for only a limited time. It gradually leads to enlargement of the liver. But cocoa with milk seems to be free from this dangerous tendency. Charged drinks, soda waters, and gas waters contain carbonic acid, one of the deadliest of poisons; but the acid that is in a glass of such a drink has but slight effect, for the reason that it passes off in the effervescence; and the only damage it does is to dry up the walls of the stomach and make digestion difficult. But the continued use of such drinks will lower the vitality of the lungs by drying up the natural mucus and exposing the tissue to the inroads of germs. Experts in tuberculosis have made the statement that this malady is often, but not always, started by soda water drink- ing. They have many thousands of cases to sustain the charge; and in addition they point out the fact that the chief work of the lungs is to throw out of the blood the carbonic acid; and this is a well known function of exhaling, as every outgoing breath is laden with a dangerous quantity of this deadly acid. Why, then, take in the same acid in the form of a drink? This is the argument, but the proof is seep, largely in the great num- ber of victims of tuberculosis among the drinkers of soda water and gas waters, or charged waters, all of which contain car- bonic acid, the poison that the lungs throw off. Nature's Doctors 141 FADS AND FANCIES There are many new ideas born every year; and some last for quite a while. Let us see what they are; at least the more prominent of them. VITAMINS, or vitamines as originally called, are intangible vital qualities in foods and things that are like food. Our book of this Club has referred to them when highly useful as life- building foods as distinguished from life sustaining foods. Thus pasteurized or sterilized milk is life sustaining, but not life building; raw milk is the latter, and may be said to contain more vitamins. On the other hand there are many things that contain vita- mins that are not good food: thus tomatoes hold the anti-scurvy qualities, but contain a poison known as oxalic acid that renders them unfit as food, and it is known that they cause more rheu- matism than any other agency. Wheel grease, axle grease and soap grease are richer in vita- mins by actual tests than any other class of foods; but they are not suited to the stomach of civilization. Yet the inhabitants of the Arctic zone devour them with the same relish that you eat your favorite dish. The germs of diphtheria, of typhoid, or small pox and other diseases are very highly charged with vitamins; so is the sewer- age of a great city which fattens our finest oysters; but people are not inclined to eat germs or sewerage. The lesson to be learned is this: It is not everything that contains vitamins that is suited to our table or yours; although foods that lack life-building qualities are not the best. Some vitaminous foods are very valuable; others are poisons. The valuable kinds should not be blamed because their pets turn up in bad society. Quite a number of years ago the world was flooded with in- formation concerning the importance of calories. But the idea lost its grip on the public mind and has since gone to sleep in the same grave that is being dug for vitamins, which will join its noble ancestors in the coming on of time. A calory is the measure or standard for learning the heat production of food. Thus kerosene oil has nearly one hundred 142 Complete Life Building percent of calories, which gives it a high food value except that the human stomach will not digest it. The rule of measure- ment is this: the amount of heat necessary to raise the tempera- ture of two quarts of water one degree of the ordinary ther- mometer, is one calory. Out West when coal is high and corn is cheap, the farmers burn the ear corn as fuel. The same corn in the human body or in any animal that cares for it, will burn chemically and turn itself into heat. This is true of grains, fats and other things. Fat meats and oils make twice as many calories per ounce as the grains. That is why the people of the far North eat blub- ber and whale oil; they require more heat than we do, and they would freeze on a diet of our grains, potatoes and lean meats. An ounce of sugar contains one hundred calories; while an ounce of bacon contains two hundred calories. An egg contains one hundred calories. A baked potato has one hundred; a slice of bread one hundred; an ounce of milk only twenty. Three ounces of lean beef or lamb will have about one hundred calo- ries, and this is an ordinary helping of meat. A small chop has the same number, except pork chops which contain more per ounce even if lean. Two medium slices of buttered toast have two hundred to three hundred calories. A cup of coffee with plenty of cream has from two hundred to three hundred calories. An ordinary dish of oatmeal with cream and sugar contains from four hundred to five hundred calories. A half pound of candy has eight hundred calories. Many a matinee girl eats this amount during the afternoon; and then poses as delicate when she lacks appetite for her evening meal. She is pitied, and her fond parents think of putting her under the doctor's care. Eight hundred calories! The average man needs just about eight hundred calories at each of his principal meals, breakfast and noon; but only about six hundred for the evening meal. Yet he does not need them in such concentrated form as the matinee girl's afternoon feast; nor all of the sugar and starch kind. He requires what are called protein foods, with starches, sugars and fats. A hard working man needs one thousand calories at each Nature's Doctors 143 meal. Some need thirteen hundred, or thirty-nine hundred each working day. The average woman who does not perform much physical labor, needs about six hundred three times a day; a total of eighteen hundred each day. If she works hard, she needs about twenty-five hundred a day. It must be remembered that the man or woman who is getting stout is eating too many calories daily; for these are the cause of increasing the fat in the body. Eat less of this class of food, if you wish to reduce your weight; and walk or work more. Every hour of strenuous physical activity throws off nearly three hundred calories. We have mentioned some of the better foods that contain calories; but have neglected to include others that are unfit for the human body, such as vegetable oils, lard, fat pork, crisp foods, and a score or more of indigestible articles, all of which contain these things in as liberal quantity as do cream and butter. In some restaurants the menu cards tell the calories of each order of food; but such measurements are worse than useless. Buckwheat cakes and corn bread are both rich in this quality; but both are low grade foods for the present race of people. They furnish heat, but set up irritation of the skin and blood. Buckwheat is not a staying food; and refined corn meal is an irritant. The meal from the whole corn grain, including the germ, is not obtainable to-day. If it were, we should have an ideal food for winter weather, but too heating for summer. But the presence of calories in great number does not of itself make the food valuable for our climate. Axle grease is exceedingly rich in calories and even more so in vitamins; a barrel of it in the polar regions would be the most welcome of all gifts, and it is true that the inhabitants there have eaten worse things than wragon grease. But such food would kill others. There are three kinds of calories; and three kinds of vita- mins; some foods that contain calories, possess no vitamins whatever; but the reverse is not true. We find calories in three classes of food: those that build the body, those that give it im- mediate energy, and those that store away energy. These three classes include: 144 Complete Life Building 1. Foods and so-called foods that are chemically related to the body, but that are not assimilated by the body. 2. Foods that are suited to the needs of life, that build new life, and that heal a body that is in imperfect health; because, in addition to being chemically fit, they are naturally fit also. It will thus be seen that what chemistry says is food, is not always suited to the body. The Ralston Health Club depends on the results of actual tests, rather than the claims of the chemist; but does not oppose the latter as far as the true foods are concerned. The word vitamins was made up out of two ideas by a Pole named Casimir Funk. The first part, as is seen at a glance, relates to the life value; and the second part to the chemical value. When the two combine, we have what we term the TRUE FOODS; and as they play the most important part in this book, we need not enter into a dry technical discussion of them, as this would weary the reader. AUTO-SUGGESTION.-In the agony of a need of curative help the masses of semi-intelligent people and some who are intelligent bought a book containing a list of cases where mar- vels of cure were effected by suggestion; sometimes self-sug- gestion; but in most cases inspired by others. As far as any real results were achieved they followed the teachings of the great system which has been brought into a practical method of use in a book now quite well known under the name of "Other Mind." The basis of cure is an appeal to the imagination as stronger than the will power; but imagination will not build a marble mansion out of common bricks, nor a well body out of food poi- sons. Faith systems of cure have sense enough to order the use of proper foods and habits. We kept track in many ways of the results of auto-suggestion, and curative suggestion, and in no instance were permanent benefits secured unless the diet laid the foundation of a better body. Any person who wishes to do so may begin by reforming the diet according to the teachings of this Club; then may add all kinds of suggestion as an aid to the quick disappearance of dis- ease, and we believe that marvels and miracles will happen in the most astounding manner; but omit the improvement in the diet, and all else will fail utterly. Nature's Doctors 145 Special Exercises.-Why exercise and scatter the blood through the body when it is carrying a load of poisons? Is it not much more sensible to build pure blood and send that to all parts for the benefit of the general health? Therefore when exercises are advertised for the cure of disease, it is better first to lay the foundation for good health by attention to the mate- rial on which a perfect body is built; for the kind of material employed in making the human body determines the kind of health it will possess. THE SPARK OF LIFE.-At the top of the spine in the back of the neck is a small world of life, tiny but great in power. From this seat of vital force there emanate three sets of wires in the form of nerves and these nerves or electrical wires that run: TO THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS AND CONTROL THEM. TO THE HEART AND CONTROL THE CIRCULATION. TO THE STOMACH AND ALL DIGESTIVE ORGANS AND CONTROL THEM. The diet of this spark of life is calcium and chlorine. Any scientific expert in this line of study, and most doctors, will tell you that without these two elements the heart cannot beat, the lungs cannot breathe and the digestive tract cannot convert food into blood. Therefore we call calcium and chlorine the foods of the spark of life. Some experts insist that chlorine alone has this honor of being the source of life. A blow on this part of the spine will cause diabetes; and the connection between the top of the spine and the abdominal con- tents seems remote. A violent bending of the same part of the spine will at once stop the heart from beating. Pressure will cause the lungs to cease breathing. Stretching normally up- ward in the effort to add an inch to the height of the body, so that the top section of the spine, which is the base of the brain, is given the stimulus of the pull upward, will increase the power of the heart-beats and send new warmth to the extremi- ties; by which method the circulation of the blood has been carried to the feet and hands and given them a natural tem- perature, not only once but in many experiments. 146 Complete Life Building Here we have the marvel of life. After you have eaten a hearty meal, if a blow is given to this part of the spine, digestion will cease at once and not be re- sumed for some time. But if instead of the blow, your brain sends to this spark of life some unpleasant news that affects it like a physical blow, but by the mental blow in fact, digestion will at once cease; and everybody knows that bad news stops digestion. Bad news enters through the major brain, and is transferred to the spinal section. Not only does it interfere with digestion, but it also depresses the heart, and checks the lung action; showing the triple connection between these func- tions and the spark of life. A person may be hungry and not be able to eat because of lack of appetite. Many a person who is hungry and who has a fine appetite, has lost it by hearing bad news just before a meal. Digestion must be sustained by a real appetite in order to do its best. It is said that the mind controls the health; but the fact is that the mind controls the spinal section which holds the spark of life; and the latter controls the health; for that which directs the functions of digestion, respiration and circulation, really directs the whole machinery of life. Worry is nearly always unnecessary; yet it has killed health, body and mind. We cite the case of diabetes because cause and effect are most easily connected. This almost incurable malady has three causes: 1. A physical blow on the top of the spine. 2. Worry. 3. Drinking water from surface sources, as rivers, ponds, lakes and brooks. A specialist in diabetes stated that, of every hundred cases that came under his observation, sixty-five percent or more had their origin in worry; five were due to physical injury to the top of the spine; and thirty came from some unknown cause. As worry is a disease of the mind it follows that the mind must communicate with the spinal section containing the spark of life, and this section must disturb the digestive functions of the abdomen in a manner that causes diabetes. Worry is a mental disease that can be gradually overcome by the acquisition of good physical health; for the poisons that Nature's Doctors 147 we are fighting in this Club affect the brain and the mind. MENTAL POISONING.-Doctors who make a study of the insane patients in asylums as well as in their private practice, agree that what is known as TOXIC POISONING in the ali- mentary canal may cause insanity; and they have issued state- ments of cases that are known to have arisen from this source. Their treatment consists in prescribing only food that is abso- lutely pure, and they insist that such food shall be perfectly balanced; that is, contain all the fourteen needed elements of the body. The absence of even one needed element makes a cure impossible. Says a leading alienist, or insanity expert: ''It is too well known that this malady is steadily increasing; and I do not hesitate to say that much of it is due to toxic poi- soning from improper diet." You cannot carry these poisons in the system and put them into circulation in the blood with- out saturating the brain with them; for the whole flow of blood of the entire body passes into and through the brain and washes that organ with its evil fluid. Therefore if you wish a sound mind, get a sound body by securing a completely balanced diet of the fourteen food elements. THE IMAGINATION.-This quality is more powerful than the will; for the latter makes up its mind to do a certain thing whether it believes it can do it or not; while the imagination believes that it can do it; and what a person fully believes con- trols him. This quality is in and of the mind. Now it is well proved that the mind controls the spark of life. If therefore the imagination becomes strong enough to sway the mind it will reach out and sway the spark of life, through which it will sway the whole body; and by this means a person who has an overpowering belief in any method of attaining health will reach the realization of his belief. This explains why certain great influences have produced seeming miracles. But our advice is to adopt two courses: 1. Build a perfect body by perfect foods. 2. Turn the mind around until it faces the rising sun of a bright, optimistic, beautiful day. 148 Complete Life Building FACTS THAT ARE NEW Countless experiments are going on in all parts of the ac- tively progressing world, with the purpose in view of avoiding sickness and prolonging life. New knowledge is therefore to be expected. When we say that some facts are new, we mean new to humanity. The Western Hemisphere was called the new world although it was as old as the old world when it was discovered. Things that are partly old and partly new, are regarded in the latter class if their uses are of greater value to humanity than ever before under some recently made discovery. But we do not teach ideas that are new when the proof of their truthfulness has not been well established. Thus it is being claimed by many reputable investigators that the vitality of a plant or animal is a tangible ether mass. We do not teach this, for we do not know that it is true. We did teach thirty- five years ago that there were two atmospheres; one inside of the other; and that the interior one was what is now called the ether, which fills all space and connects the sun and planets with each other. Wireless telegraphy makes use of this interior atmosphere, and its existence is universally acknowledged. The body of a dying person has been weighed just before death and just after; and an appreciable difference has been found in the weight. This experiment has been made many times; and so important has it seemed that scientists insisted on placing scales under the cot of a dying person and observ- ing the instant drop in the weight just at that second of time when the physician noted the actual passing out of the life. Other experiments have been made to the effect that some- thing semi-tangible passes out and floats away. While these claims seem well proved, the conclusion insisted upon that life is a vital mass of ether substance is not sustained. It may be true or it may be mere guesswork. But, to speak in more ready language, every human being is subject to two tides of vitality in every twenty-four hours. 1. The FIRST TIDE begins feebly at midnight and increases gradually up to mid-day, or twelve o'clock noon. It is known as the ELIMINATING TIDE. 2. The SECOND TIDE begins feebly at noon and increases Nature's Doctors 149 gradually up to mid-night. It is known as the ACCUMULAT- ING TIDE. These two tides have been recently discovered, but their ex- istence and operation are fully proved, and they verify the many hundreds of well known facts in the life and health of the body. The names will seem misleading when we say that elimina- tion creates vitality and accumulation destroys vitality. This is due to the fact that the act of living is the act of transform- ing nutrition into life; and this can be done only by eliminat- ing the source of nutrition, which is food, by changing it into vital energy; just as the fuel put into a furnace by being con- sumed is turned into power that moves great engines and machinery. The fuel spends itself, and by so doing generates energy. The more vitality it creates, the more waste material it eliminates. Two simple tests have been made thousands of times, always with the same result: 1. Persons who eat heartily at morning and less heartily at noon, and lightly at evening, all other things being equal, never accumulate fat or become over-stout. They eliminate all they eat. 2. Persons who eat lightly at morning, and heartily at noon, and heavily at the evening meal, all other things being equal, invariably accumulate flesh and add weight to excess. They accumulate what they eat. Persons who omit their morning meals are always in bad health to begin with, or they would not make this omission. By eating at noon and night enough to satisfy their hunger, they add weight and become flabby. Persons who eat heartily mornings and a proper meal at noons and omit the evening meals, become thin very soon. The reason is plain: they eliminate all they eat. If any meal is to be omitted it should never be the morning meal, always that of the evening, if one seeks to avoid becoming fat; on the con- trary, by omitting breakfast and eating heartily at noon and evening, the natural result must be increase of weight; and facts prove this to be the case. Sleep or profound rest taken for any period long or short before the noon meal, occurs during the eliminating period, and 150 Complete Life Building is sure to calm the nervous system and prepare the way for digesting a good meal at noon time. But if the sleep or profound rest occurs soon after the noon meal, it takes place in the accumulating period, and tends to make the body sluggish, and assists in adding weight. There have been thousands of tests of this fact, and it has been abun- dantly proved; and it is a very easy thing for any person to prove who is so situated that sleep can be sought soon after the noon meal. If you have done hours of hard work with the brain or body prior to the noon meal, and should go tired to the table, the food becomes a poison, even the best of things. Five minutes or more of perfect rest in a reclining position, will counteract this poison. The reason will be stated later on in its proper place. Hard physical activity of an exhausting character after a heavy meal will completely stop digestion. Bad news also will do the same thing because the nervous shock from bad news prevents the flow of gastric juice to the stomach. If you have eaten heavily, instead of working it off by severe physical ef- fort as in a brisk walk, it is better to rest half an hour and then take a gentle walk. Digestion is largely a nervous energy at work in the stomach; and when the tax is heavy on the nervous system, the brain is agitated and slightly inflamed. For this reason it is not possi- ble to sleep for several hours or possibly all night after a hearty meal. The light supper is by far the best. Muscle making foods, such as meats, cheese, old peas, beans and the like will over-excite the system all night if eaten late in the day; the muscles will twitch, the nerves will jump, and the brain will be afire with irritation. For this reason the evening meal should be not only a light one, but should not contain any muscle mak- ing foods. The vitality of the body travels. If the stomach is empty and has been empty for hours, when you retire at night, the vitality will have traveled to the brain; and this vitality will keep you awake. For this reason it is wicked to send children to bed without their suppers; and it is much better to give them a bite on retiring if they really want it. Grown up persons who fail to sleep at nights, will generally Nature's Doctors 151 cure the trouble by eating something just as they get into bed. Here are some of the parts of the body to which the vitality travels: 1. When the stomach is empty, as has just been stated, the vitality will travel to the brain if the muscles are at rest; which accounts for the reason why a person cannot go to sleep ordi- narily on an empty stomach. 2. When the body is at rest and the stomach has some trifling bit of wholesome food to digest, the vitality will leave the brain and go to the stomach; which accounts for the fact that sleep is invited by this experiment. 3. When the stomach is full, and the brain is severely taxed with some deep problem or hard mental labor, the vitality will travel to the brain, and the food will not be digested. 4. When the stomach is full, and the muscles are severely taxed with hard physical labor, the vitality will travel to the muscles and the food will not be digested. The best mental labor is done in the morning on an empty stomach; and the best physical labor is done on a light meal, or when the stomach is empty. Soldiers who have been regularly and properly fed, fight better on an empty stomach if they are not weak from loss of food. It is claimed that Napoleon re- versed this rule, as he began his battles as soon as possible after his soldiers had eaten; but before a battle he gave orders for light rations* His motto was that his men should be well shod and well fed at all times, which was a very good one. But nevertheless it is a provable fact that a fully fed soldier can neither march nor fight at his best; but this means immediately after a full meal. GROWTH TAKES PLACE ONLY DURING SLEEP, No one grows when awake. The baby that remains wakeful day after day never adds an ounce of weight. If it sleeps only eight hours in twenty-four it merely repairs what it loses in the involuntary processes of life within its body. For every hour more than eight daily, it grows, and adds to its weight. The very new infant needs about twenty-two hours daily; later on, twenty; and still later on, eighteen hours. This time is reduced gradually as it grows, until at the age of ten it needs about ten hours; at the age of 152 Complete Life Building fourteen nine hours; at the age of eighteen eight and a half hours; and after twenty-one, only eight hours until he is sixty years old; assuming the health is normal. The principle is this: At any age a period of eight hours' sleep will merely repair normal waste following normal activity and the average amount of food of a wholesome and nutritious character. Therefore in order to carry on growth or increase of weight, it is necessary to sleep more than eight hours. This explains why when some persons eat lightly they still go on gaining in weight ; they are sleeping more than eight hours. Now comes the influence of the accumulating tide which be- gins at noon and ends at midnight; any excess of sleep during this accumulating period will quickly add to the weight. By actual test made in many thousands of cases, the best method for reducing the weight, is to eat seventy-five percent of the daily food during the eliminating tide or before noon; the re- maining twenty-five percent during the accumulating tide, or better between late afternoon and midnight; omit all sleep up to eleven o'clock or twelve, and take only six or seven hours' sleep, and all after midnight. There have been many thousands of cases of excessive fat that have not yielded to the usual treatment prescribed by physi- cians which is to eat less and exercise more; which have been cured by sleeping less, and eating very little between noon and midnight. On the other hand there have been many thousands of other cases where thin persons have been unable to gain in weight despite the most careful adherence to the rules laid down for that purpose; who have accomplished the desired result by re- versing the above methods. They should get nine hours' sleep, of which four hours should occur before midnight. They should eat less muscle-making food and more of the fuel kind; and their chief eating should occur afternoons and evenings, which is during the accumulating tide. The TWIN SECRETS OF LIFE are summed up as follows: 1. Study and re-study and even memorize this group of FACTS THAT ARE NEW. 2. Turn to the great chapter on the TRUE FOODS and make the knowledge of them your perpetual guide. EIGHTH SECTION A NEW BODY COMES the great inquiry, what shall we do with nJP the body that lacks perfect health? What shall we kl do with the temple that holds more bad material - than good in its composition? The medicine that we take adds nothing; most of it drives away, by a rough process, a portion of the accumulated decay that floods all the organs and tissue. Five hundred years ago, the doctor said: " You must get rid of a lot of bad blood and matter in your body; and then it is time to use better material to take the place of what you drive off." The theory was perfect. The same theory prevailed five thousand years ago. We sum it up and see that it looks right: 1. Get rid of the bad. 2. Re-build with the good. If you were to live ten thousand years* hence, that theory could not be improved upon. First get rid of the bad; then build with the good material. In the whole history of medicine the one effort has been made to get rid of the bad. As the bad circulated largely in the blood, they bled the patient. George Washington was bled to death by doctors, and under a method that was centuries old. It shows how close we stand to the barbaric past. They bled the sick with lances. Then they bled them with leeches; and 153 154 Complete Life Building these blood-sucking1 worms were cultivated and sold to doctors in great numbers all through the civilized world. If you pick up a book of the old times, you will see the doctors called leeches. To "send for the leech" meant to send for the doctor. By the blood-letting method a large part of the blood was let out of the body; and as far as it contained bad matter, that too went out; but the same proportion of bad matter remained in the body, which could not be let out as the patient would die from lack of blood. This barbaric practice in time yielded to the rising sun of better sense. It was finally agreed that there was much bad matter that could be forced out through the skin; so sweating was resorted to, and soaking of the feet accomplished a part of the same end. It was also known that the digestive tract contained a great accumulation of poisonous matter; and this could be physicked out by physics; and the doctors were ever afterward called physickers, or physicians; and are so called even unto this day. The double method has never prevailed in fact; for, as soon as the bad matter was got out, or as much of it as was possible to get out, the same bad habits of eating were retained. Of what use is it to remove the decay from a temple and bring in more decay? It is only when a patient is convalescent that care is taken in the selection of food; after that stage is passed it is understood that no care is necessary. For this half-used method the world has paid the penalty of being constantly physicked. Ninety million people in this country last year took physic. The pill habit is everywhere prevalent. Look in your daily papers and read the advertisements telling of the merits of endless kinds of physic. Where is the good old castor oil of our youth? What millions yearly use its offspring, castoria, a household word ? What millions use another remedy for clogged systems? What millions use still another purgative? What other millions use the pills that work while you sleep? What other millions use the fig preparations to loosen the bowels ? What other millions use this, that or the other ? Why, in a city of less than five hundred thousand people a WHOLE CAR-LOAD of physicking medicine enters EVERY WEEK IN THE YEAR, year in and year out! And this is true in the same ratio all over the country. Wliy are these physicking medicines taken? Nature's Doctors 155 To drive out of the body the material that should never have been put in it. In every million dollars that is spent for food, there is a value of nine hundred thousand dollars that must be physicked out of the body to ward off sickness. Surely we do not live in an age of intelligent civilization, when nine dollars in every ten must be physicked out after it has been eaten. This practice is universal. As a doctor recently said: "I have practiced my profession for forty-seven years. In that time the people have put unfit food into their bodies and physicked and sweated them out; then more unfit food has been put in, and driven out; then more in, and out; in and out; in and out; in and out; and this see-saw game of life has been the steady occupation of the human race." If you are sick and send for a doctor the first thing he does is to "clean you out." This he does by medicines that act on the bowels and on the skin; he physicks and sweats you. Both these methods are weakening. They both take a lot of the good with the bad, and you need all the good you can get. Physick- ing is only a slight improvement on bleeding. But what is the remedy? If once you were really cleaned out, the thing to do is to avoid getting filled up again with dead tissue and poison mat- ter. But until you can get cleaned out, it is useless to talk of that. Yet the sweating and physicking do not clean you out in the one way that is needed; for your organs, your blood, your tissue, your bones, your skin, your nerves, are all clogged with dead tissue; and the plan of emptying your bowels does not reach the main zone of the trouble. Nor will sweating. There is but one true way and it is as old as humanity itself. Some hasty readers may believe, because we mention a fact, that we advocate it. You must read far enough to find out the difference between a statement of history and a recommen- dation of the thing referred to. For thousands of years the practice of fasting has been employed as the only possible way of cleaning out the poisons of the body and its organs and tissue. This method is probably as near to nature as anything can be. It reaches every part, large and small, near and far, in the whole body, while physicking and sweating reach certain avenues only. In fasting, all parts give up some portions of themselves, and the broken down parts are first disposed of and 156 Complete Life Building cast off. No decay or poison is omitted. All must go. When the fasting is continued beyond the poison stage, the main strength of the body must go; and that is where fasting begins to do harm. Nature never intended it to be used to tear down good structure. So necessary has this method of cleaning out the system been to the life and safety of the body itself, and so reluctant have people been to practice it, that every religion on earth from the beginning of records and long before, in all probability, has incorporated in its requirements the practice of fasting. Read the commands of any sect you please, in this or any age where religion was supreme master of the lives of the people, and you will find fasting taught and made imperative. No theology has existed without it. There are several kinds of fasting. One method includes many weeks. Another method includes many days. Another method includes one day in every week. Then a set of leaders advises the omission of the supper all the time in order to prepare the body for a breakfast appetite. Still another set of leaders advises the omission of every breakfast in order to clean out the body before the noon meal is taken. Others advise the omission of the noon meal on the theory that two meals a day are enough. Here are the results that have been secured by thousands of experiments covering many years: 1. The fast that requires weeks of denial of food ruins the body, mind and vitality; and there is never a case of complete recovery from it. If the purpose is to subdue the energies of a resistant follower, the plan is perfect. Earthly hopes recede and the hereafter is the only solace to the long-term faster. This is rebellion against the laws of nature. During the period of development and ripening in this world, every human being must be loyal to the great mother that has bestowed life. The human body is a temple that cannot be maltreated in the hope of rewards hereafter. There is no more reason for torturing the beautiful child than there is for torturing the useful and noble manhood and womanhood that unfolds its character on this planet. Nature's Doctors 157 2. The fasting that embraces a period of many days is wrong when it reaches that dividing line where the poisons have been thrown out of the body, and the main structure is being torn down. The purpose of fasting ends when it ceases to be a cleanser. 3. The plan of fasting one day in every week, by wholly omitting all food, is sure to ruin the mind and nerves. All fasting is useless unless it is followed by the process of re- building a new body of new and better material. One fasting is enough; for, after that is over, the cleansed body should be rebuilt in such a way that no more cleansing is necessary. This failure to build anew with perfect material is the ONE GREAT ERROR of all time. Why should you clean a house if you are to bring back the dirt as soon as the cleaning is done? Why fast, if you are to go along in the old ruts, and eat the very things that you are trying to get out of the body? Why take physic and drive off the poisons, if you are to keep on eating the very things that produce the poisons? 4. The omission of all the suppers is an equal error. It im- plies that the poisons are to be driven out by fasting, with no regard for the kind of food that is to follow. Omitting one supper is the cure for a failing appetite in the morning; for no person is healthy who lacks a morning appetite. The word breakfast came from two w'ords, break fast, and the fast broken was the long interval between the supper and the meal of the following morning; generally twelve hours or more. The per- son who has no appetite for breakfast, gets very hungry towards evening and overeats at a time when the least eating is neces- sary. What you take into your stomach at the evening meal, may still be there ah the morning; or, if not in the stomach it- self, may be sluggishly moving along the digestive tract, in which case it is impossible to eat a proper breakfast. The cure of this abnormal and morbid condition is not the omission of the evening meal, but changing its foods to those that digest quickly, and all in harmony, w'ith the quantity reduced. There is no greater folly than the eating of long-time foods in the evening; let them all be of the ONE-HOUR CLASS; one kind of food only at each meal, and not too much of that. You will find that this method will fully take the place of the evening fasting, for it is a cleaning process equal to the best fast. 158 Complete Life Building 5. The plan of omitting the breakfast, which prevailed some years ago, killed the inventor of it, and ruined all persons who adopted it. It sought to turn the laws of eating upside down ; to omit the power-supply of the day, which should precede the day's energies; and to bulge into bigness the clogging meal, which is the heavy dinner at the end of the afternoon or early in the evening. If you cannot eat more than one meal in a day, let it be the meal that gives the power to work on; which is the breakfast. Napoleon used to give his soldiers a full meal before a battle; the old theory was: feed them after the battle, as there will not be so many to feed, and hungry soldiers fight more savagely. Theories are not so safe as facts. Napoleon learned that food gave strength on which to march and to fight, and he won his battles until his own body was wrecked by an incurable disease that made his campaigns too arduous for him to combat the growing power of his enemies. Most doctors say: eat to repair the waste. The fact is, the waste does not need repairing, for that means the clogging of the system. Activi- ties carry off the dead tissue; rest piles them up and makes fasting and physicking necessary. No repairs are required un- til the dead material has been removed. The reasons for eating are: 1. In the morning eat to supply the fighting strength for the battle of the first half of the day. Life's duties and activities are the battle. 2. At noon eat to supply the fighting strength for the battle of the last half of the day. 3. At the evening meal eat ONLY to supply the strength to carry on the involuntary functions of the organs until the next morning: circulation, respiration, the engines of the skin- pores, the waves of intestinal motion, the beating of the heart, the work of the kidneys, of the liver and other parts; these are to be given their power by the evening meal; and there is no other energy needed unless you are a night-worker. Never think of repairing waste tissue during rest. You cannot repair a clogged body. Use the material that you eat, after you eat it, and do not imagine that you can use it before you eat it. You will not have a clogged system if you eat to give strength to the activi- ties that are to follow. Nature's Doctors 159 HOW TO BUILD A NEW BODY There are two steps to be taken in building an entirely new body: 1. Get rid of the old material. 2. Use nothing but good material ever after. In the past, the many methods of getting rid of the old mate- rial were only half-way means; but, even then, they were not followed by the use. of perfect material. No attention was paid to the kinds of food that were eaten. People physicked and sweated out of their bodies ninety-five' percent of all the food they put in. And now the cry is, fast' and starve, in order to get rid of the bad; but no thought is given to what kind of food is to follow when the bad is out. Take your own body for instance: It is necessarily filled with broken down tissue; every organ, bone, nerve, muscle, and cubic inch of flesh is the storehouse of waste matter. It could not be otherwise, for change is going on every second and change means the tearing down of the life that has been built up. If you have never built a new body, you have that task to perform. If you perform that task, you will then possess a new body, but you will not retain it unless you supply it with mate- rial that is free from the imperfections of the past. Rule 71.-The best goal of earthly life is a perfect body. Rule 72.-The quickest way for a person who is not well to secure good health is by building a new body. Rule 73.-Health that seems perfect is not perfect until the body is built anew. Rule 74.-Immunity from sickness, disease and contagion can be secured only by building a new body. Rule 75.-The human body that has not been built new is the seat of disease-breeding soil, and' it is only a question of time when disease or contagion will enter it. Rule, 76.-When the body is built new, all disease-breeding soil is* removed ana should remain away forever. Rule 77.-The first step in building a new body is taken when a fast is employed to drive out all the waste soil that is present in the body. 160 Complete Life Building Rule 78.-The fast should be just long enough to get rid of the broken, down tissue, and no longer. Rule 79.-The second step in building a new body is taken when all congested tissue is healed. Rule 80.-The third step in building a new body is taken when the repair of the wasted parts is made by the introduc- tion of perfect material. Rule 81.-The fourth and final step in building a new body is taken when a permanent diet is established that will not per- mit any of the Enemies of Life to secure a new hold on the system. THE FIRST STEP OMIT THREE MEALS.-These three meals are to he suc- cessive; and all on one day. Drink nothing but water, and all you want of that. The last meal before the fast is to be at about six o'clock in the evening. After that meal, eat nothing that night, and nothing the next day or night; so that you may be sure of thirty-six hours of no eating. The first meal to be eaten is on the morning following the day of fast, and not earlier than six or seven o'clock. SLEEP ALL YOU CAN.-It is better to begin-the fast after supper on a Saturday evening, so that you can get sleep on Sunday during the day, for a few hours at least, as well as at night. EXERCISE WHEN NOT SLEEPING.-Assuming that you are able to take some exercise, such as standing, walking, or other action, while not sleeping, it is best to adopt this prac- tice to the fullest extent of your strength. If you are weak, move about but little. But if you are strong, make your body as active as possible. THE SECOND STEP HEALING THE CONGESTED TISSUE.-There can be no broken down matter in the body unless it is attended by some degree of congestion; for, wherever that dead matter touches, it poisons the parts. When you remove it, the parts are left still congested but free from their life long enemy. The work of healing those congested surfaces is the step now to be taken. Pure albumin is the only direct and instant healer of congested Nature's Doctors 161 tissue. The only form of pure albumin is found in the white of an egg. This will heal a sore throat, sore stomach, sore intes- tines, sore lungs, sore breathing-passages, and all inward sore- ness in the body. Such soreness is often without pain. Whether you think you possess it or not, the method is the same: FIRST NEW MEAL.-On the morning after the day of fast- ing, drink cool water freely; then take into the mouth the white of a raw egg, holding the white in the mouth and throat as long as possible. Then very slowly drink a little cool water. Wait three or four minutes, and take another, white of an egg in the same way. Again wait three or four minutes and take the white of a third egg in the same way. Repeat until the whites of five raw eggs have been taken. Do not throw the yolks away. Cook them hard, and keep them for future use. They are splendid tissue builders. During the forenoon drink as much water as you crave. SECOND NEW MEAL.-At noon of the same day, drink some water. Then take a whole raw egg beaten or whipped in a third of a glass of new milk that has not been boiled or steril- ized. Swallow each mouthful very slowly, until this has been all taken. Rest five minutes; drink water; then take a second raw egg beaten in a third of a glass of new milk. Rest five minutes; drink; and take a third of a glass of new milk. Dur- ing the afternoon drink as much water as you crave. THIRD NEW MEAL.-At about six o'clock in the after- noon, repeat the noon meal in exactly the same way prescribed above. During the evening drink as much water as you desire. This first day after fasting consists of healing foods. CAUTION.-If your stomach is badly congested the use of healing foods may produce temporary ill-feeling, and possibly dizziness or unpleasant sensations. This is overcome by drink- ing water freely just before taking the raw eggs. THE THIRD STEP REPAIRING THE WASTED PARTS.-The second day after the fast is to consist of new material that is specially de- signed to carry on a system of repair in a perfect manner. This requires some good round steak that is lean, sweet and fresh. 162 Complete Life Building FOURTH NEW MEAL.-This is the breakfast on the second day after the fast. Take, on the day before, a few pounds of lean round steak, and put them in a glass jar, adding a cupful of cold water for every pound of meat. This will be put in the glass jar. Now set the jar in a kettle of water on the back of the stove where it will slowly heat but not boil. Let it remain for an hour or two. Then strain the contents of the jar, and press the meat in a lemon squeezer to get all the juice out. Be- fore it begins to heat, add some bay leaves to flavor it. When ready to use, add plenty of salt, and the least bit of pepper. For the Fourth New Meal which will be the breakfast on the second day after the fast day, heat this beef tea, but not hot enough to reach the boiling point. Have some bld bread that is two or more days old; toast this to a light brown, cut in small cubes, and drop in a big bowl of the beef tea, having the latter hot and well seasoned. Eat slowly, turning over the bread and the beef tea in the mouth. FIFTH NEW MEAL.-On the noon of the second day after the day of fasting, repeat the Fourth New Meal; wait ten minutes; then repeat the Second New Meal, which was the dinner of the first day after the fast. SIXTH NEW MEAL.-This is the evening meal of the sec- ond day after the day of fasting. Repeat the Fourth New Meal. SEVENTH NEW MEAL.-This is the breakfast of the third day after the day of fasting. Get a pound or two of fresh round steak. With a sharp knife scrape across the grain until all the pulp is removed from the fibres. Put this about a third of an inch thick on a large slice of old bread; then add salt to taste, and the least bit of black pepper. Put in a hot oven until it is hot but not changed in color. Eat slowly. EIGHTH NEW MEAL.-This is the dinner of the third day after the day of fasting. Repeat the Fourth New Meal; wait ten minutes; then repeat the Seventh New Meal. NINTH NEW MEAL.-This is the supper of the third day after the day of fasting. Repeat the Eighth New Meal. THE FOURTH STEP THE PERMANENT MEALS.-On the morning of the fourth day after the day of fasting, begin the regular and permanent Nature's Doctors 163 meals. They should for one month be based solely on the foods in the ONE HOUR CLASS which have been elaborately de- scribed in a previous Section of this book. At the end of the month, it will then be allowable to add any two foods from the TWO HOUR CLASS, always remembering to adhere at the same time to those of the ONE HOUR CLASS. Your future eating is to be confined wholly to the TRUE FOODS. Do not blend in the same meal the foods that do not digest at about the same time. The test is in the disposition of the stomach and intestines to collect gas or wind, which is the same thing. That is always an indication of danger. Take the warning and act upon it. Adopt also, as far as possible, the great principle of one-food at a meal. We know that you cannot do this when someone else cooks the meals. Huie 82.-Variations in the foods of the- ONE HOUR CLASS and TWO HOUR CLASS may be found and used to advantage. Thus we know of strong men who make a whole meal of noth- ing but shredded wheat and cream; and of others who find strength in puffed rice and also in puffed wheat. Unpolished rice is coming into the market; and when it does, it will be a blessing to humanity; for ordinary rice is a weak and unbal- anced food unless eaten with plenty of milk. Insist on getting unpolished rice. If your dealers do not carry it, apply through the Parcels Post for it in the great cities; but keep asking for it until you get it. Then that kind of rice that is almost the sole food of the warlike Japs, will prove one of the best forms of food that you can find. Rule 83.-Steps that are revolutionary in eating can be taken gradually and bring about the results desired. If you are ordering your meals by the card, you are at liberty to order what you wish and as much as you wish. Thus we know of reporters who will order two dishes of oatmeal at a restaurant, and nothing else. We know of others who make arrangements to get double-size dishes of one kind of food, in- stead of ordering a number of things. In a hotel where you pay for a number of courses, you do not feel like omitting many; it seems bad business policy to pay for a thing that you do not eat. In such case you have no way out of the difficulty. 164 Complete Life Building In a boarding house, unless you can make some arrangement with the lady who controls the table, it is probable that you have no means of escape from the many kinds of food that are hurtful. The scant quantities at best, arouse in you a degree of hunger that will not permit you to select your food; you are glad to get something to eat. In your home, if you employ a cook, you cannot very well lighten her burdens by a simple diet. If your wife cooks for you, she will not be pleased to be told that her mixtures are not the best for health. Most men find it harder to convert their wives to plain cooking and simple eating, than to revolutionize a paid cook. If you are a woman, and cook for your husband, or employ a woman to do that work, your husband will not like any curtailment in his eating; he prefers variety to health. It may happen that both husband and wife are converted to the truth at about the same time, in which case they may pull together in saving ninety percent of the labor of house-keeping and ninety percent of the cost of living. But heaven has not yet come on earth, and the proba- bility is that you will be compelled to work out your health and safety without the aid of any member of your household. In your honest desire to get well and to stay well, in your fight against the encroachments of disease which you know very well will soon fell you, in your effort to bring your habits closer to the intentions of nature and the purposes of the Cre- ator, in the midst of your progress towards the only sensible solution of the fearful problems of life and death at the present day, you will be called a crank. Those who do not say so out loud will think it. There has never been a revolution that brought untold blessings to humanity, but the common herd heaped abuse on the heads of the men and women who moved steadily onward to the new plane of existence. The common herd is not found in any one class; it is as often present in the gilded youth, the idle rich, and the thoughtless upper ranks, as in any other part of the human family. In taking the step that shall cause you to select your foods properly you will have on your side the following influences: 1. The laws of Nature. 2. The commands of the Creator. 3. The dictates of common sense. Nature's Doctors 165 4. The exact needs of the human body. 5. The attainment of perfect health. 6. A life of real enjoyment. 7. The mastery of old age when that comes, as come it must; all free from the loss of a single faculty; hale, hearty, and use- ful for many years beyond the span of life allotted to others. 8. A feeling of security against all manner of sickness. 9. Your own conscience. 10. Superior mental and physical powers. Here are TEN influences that will be found on your side, working with you, helping you, if you have the courage to stand up for what is right. ."What are the influences that are to be counted against you in your fight for perfect health? Let us take an inventory: 1. The shiftless cook who does not want to be told anything new. 2. The indifferent housekeeper who has been brought up in the old ruts, like the Chinese, and who is insulted at the suggestion of making a change in her methods. 3. The unthinking, thoughtless, don't care classes, who prefer to suffer and drug themselves, instead of making an effort to get well and stay well. 4. The doctors, surgeons, hospitals, druggists, medicine makers, undertakers and grave diggers, will have their income lessened by a general uprising of humanity on the side of better health. Here are ten influences in your favor; and four against you. "Which side do you prefer? Are the TEN aids stronger in your life than the four opponents? If so, then, can you stand the quiet scoffs of the class that is associated with your four enemies ? Having chosen your company, the next thing to do is to go quietly about making the reform as far as you yourself will be involved. If you are in earnest, others will see it, inquire the cause, and join you very soon. That is the way all great move- ments have proceeded. Quiet streams, or those that make the least noise, are the deeper ones and bear greater burdens easily. You have no need of attracting attention to yourself. There will always be ways and means of accomplishing easily the things that you make up your mind to achieve. 166 Complete Life Building If you cannot find the one-food diet that you prefer, lessen the variety at each meal to a few foods, always avoiding the things that you know are not the best for you. At a hotel in Boston several persons were eating only the plainer foods, and seemed to enjoy them; and another person who had witnessed them for several meals, approached one of the party and said: "Pardon me, but may I inquire if you are Ralstonites?" The answer was in the affirmative, and a friendship followed that was pleasing to all. The same thing has occurred many times among passengers in crossing the ocean; the manner of selecting food at the table was noticeable only to Ralstonites; all others seeing nothing unusual. Do not try to make converts to the rules of common sense by arbitrary arguments; but rather look at the matter from the standpoint of the opposing party, and gradually bring about a change of opinion by gentle methods. At home do not set up a new regime in a sudden manner, as that only serves to antagonize your family. The better way is to omit the foods that you know you should not eat, and to eat more of the kinds that are suited to you. By this method you will, little by little, drift towards the one-food method. You will not find things at home convenient for the adoption of any new plan of eating or cooking. Rather than call for sweeping changes, it is better to accept things as you find them, and swing them gradually around to your methods. By using judgment you will be able to bring about a complete revolution in the community in which you live. THE NEW BODY When you have built a new body, keep it new. Do not let it get old. Experiments have been made for nearly fifty years for the purpose of acquiring new knowledge along this line. We know that the child needs more of certain minerals than the adult who has attained his growth; by more we mean a greater proportion in the same quantity of food. In this book there are One Hundred Rules which we have scattered along its pages as they apply to the teachings therein. As far as you are interested in these Rules it is a good idea to Nature's Doctors 167 memorize them for ready application in your own life. A few more will finish the code: Rule 84.-In the absence of mineral matter the body would be like jelly-fish. Rule 85.-The growing child is large or small in body accord- ing as the supply of mineral matter is great or little in the food. Rule 86.-The size of the child at birth depends on the growth of the bones prior to that event; and the growth of bones de- pends on the amount of mineral matter in the diet of the mother. Rule 87.-Stunted children have lacked a sufficient supply of mineral matter in the first year or more of life. Rule 88.-Rickets and similar bone diseases are caused by the lack of mineral matter in the diet of the child that has begun to grow to normal or average size. Rule 89.-Where babes and young children have been given food that contained an unusually large proportion of mineral matter, the body has grown of unusual size; as size is merely bigness of bone structure. Rule 90.-When growth of the body is attained at the end of youth, the supply of mineral matter should be at once les- sened. Some persons go on growing until they are thirty or forty years of age. Rule 91.-There comes a time when the body will cease to add to its size, and its excess of mineral matter then begins to clog the arteries. Rule 92.-Mineral matter when it clogs the arteries, becomes a distinct barrier to the operations of life. Rule 93.-Stony deposits in the body not only cause pain, but lead to breakdown. Rule 94.-The veins and blood vessels of the heart, as well as its arteries, become in time coated with a thin deposit of limo and other mineral matter, which prevents the repair of the tissue, and results in a thinness of the parts that may at any time give way. It is in this manner that sudden death from heart disease often occurs. Rule 95.-The blood passages leading to the brain are like- wise clogged and made thin and brittle; and give way easily under any strain or pressure in the circulation; causing death from apoplexy more readily. Rule 96.-All through the finer veins of the brain itself this 168 Complete Life Building mineral clogging and coating is taking place, hardening the tissue and lessening the flexibility of that organ. Memory is impaired, the power to think is weakened, and new ideas are never received. All beliefs except those of earlier years, are either denied or else enter only at the shallow parts of the brain. Rule 97.-The fine microscopic glands under the skin, millions upon millions in number, are also clogged and stiffened with this excess of mineral matter, and the skin takes on the hue of age, while its flexibility and softness are decreased. Wrinkles come naturally into the face, and on the hands. Rule 98.-By the same clogging which enters into all tissue and membranes, the stomach hardens and is no longer able to digest animal fats. Rule 99.-The nerves and ganglia, or storage centers of vital- ity, are deprived of their flexibility, and cannot vibrate the feelings and powers of life as well as formerly. Rule 100.-When the supply of mineral matter is reduced to equal the demands of the body for bone repairs; when the foods are selected and prepared to meet the needs of life; and when the methods of living are simple, reasonable and in harmony with the plain laws of nature; then old age as a period of decrepitude, weakness, helplessness and loss of faculties, is an ABSOLUTE IMPOSSIBILITY. The foregoing rules tell their own story. Countless experi- ments involving more than two hundred thousand cases, con- tinued through many years, confirm each and every one of these rules. It is true that some scientists claim to have discovered the germ that causes old age; but the destruction of that germ does not take the coating off the tissue or out of the veins, nor prevent the hardening of the arteries. On the other hand, the simple process of lessening the amount of mineral matter in the food does in fact overcome the old age tendency. 1. Old beef, old mutton, old fowl, and old fish; meaning the meat from animals and fish that have lived to grow to maturity, are one of the causes of old age deposits in the body. The rea- son is plain. When animal life is growing, all the mineral mat- ter goes to make bones, and we do not eat the bones. When growth has been attained, the mineral matter then lodges in the tissue, and that is what we eat. Hence we store an excess of mineral matter from matured animal life, into our own bodies. Nature's Doctors 169 We transfer the fault from one life to another, which is our own. 2. Hard water is the most prolific cause of old age deposits. Any person who has seen the lining of a kettle in which hard water has been boiled, knows what is meant. 3. Mineral matter from baking powders, and from food adul- terations and preservatives, cause old age deposits. 4. Mineral matter from medicines, either in the form of pow- der, pills or liquid, are a prolific cause of old age deposits. 5. Soups, broths, boiled dinners, boiled water, tea and coffee, are all prolific causes of old age deposits. 6. Vegetables and roots that have matured are also causes of old age deposits. The remedy is to be found in the following methods: 1. All meats, fowl and fish you eat should be from unmatured life. Veal, steer, chicken, half grown fish and game or fowl, lamb, and similar kinds are free from mineral matter, as they have not yet achieved their growth and become charged with such deposits. 2. Secure either distilled water, rain water, fresh spring water, or any very soft water to drink. 3. Let all medicines alone as much as possible; few if any are necessary. 4. Select your foods so as to avoid those that are charged with adulterations and preservatives. Avoid baking powder cooking. 5. Eat only those vegetables that are young. 6. Stop using long boiled water, especially in drinks and food. 7. Make use of old age SOLVENTS, or things that dissolve the mineral matter in the body. Nature will not do for man what he can do for himself. He must find out for himself what to do. When he is helpless, instinct saves him; after that he is the maker of his own life and safety. But nature has set up laws and processes that man is to learn how to use. The most wonderful of all laws next to gravity, is that of distillation. It is intended to separate the good from the bad. Distillation occurs in four forms: Vapor, Steam, Fruits, and Young Vegetables. Vapor is the pure part of the ocean or other body of water that rises to the clouds, and is discharged to the earth again in the form of rain; the latter being the pure part of the water. 170 Complete Life Building Steam is the same thing as vapor, except that it is given into the hands of man to aid him. Man, by boiling any kind of water, no matter how bad, is able to set free the pure part in the form of steam, often by double distillation; then to con- dense the steam into water, and use it. What do you think of the prevailing custom of using the part that remains? Every part of steam that escapes from boiling water contains the pure portion of the water. The minerals, the poisons, and the dregs are in the part that remains after the steam has taken the good away. Many cooks let the kettle boil or simmer indefinitely so as to keep hot water at hand. They use the dregs in tea, in coffee, and in other ways. If at any time hot water is needed, the only sensible method is to put on fresh water, bring it to a boil, and then use it at once. Many women allow tea and coffee to cook or simmer all day long, adding more as they need it; and thus they are drinking dregs all the time. The worst habit of all is to cook meats and bones into soups. We called at a house some time ago in the morning, again at noon, and again late in the afternoon; and each time we saw a kettle of soup cooking in which a soup bone was confined. The woman had all day long been adding water as it boiled away, and kept the bone cooking in order to get the good of it. What she had was the condensed dregs of a great quantity of water, every particle of the pure portion of which had gone off in steam. This woman was aged beyond her years, looking twenty years older than she was. Some persons make beef tea by long boiling or simmering. Some cook boiled dinners by the same method. While the lid remains on the kettle, the vapor escapes all the time, and reduces the quantity of water as is well known. Men and women grow old faster than their years, when they take the dregs of boiled water in their systems. Families that use this form of cooking show their premature age. The vapor or steam of water, condensed and made palatable, is a solvent of old age deposits in the body. There is no reason why it should not be adopted as a drink. All mellow and sweet fruits that are juicy, are natural sol- vents of old age deposits. The strained juice of very sweet and mellow apples is excellent and effective if taken fresh made daily. But all fruits that are fully ripe serve the same pur- pose ; for nature distils her fluid in her fruits. BOOK TWO 1. THE TRUE FOODS 2. "ALL NATURE" CURES 3. RALSTON REGIME NINTH SECTION WHAT TRUE FOODS DO THE FIRST TIME in the history of health re- '■^4^ search we present a list of the foods that exactly build the body in all its needs; that repair the waste per- fectly; and replace the damaged parts with sound and whole structure. The cause of ninety-nine percent of all the ills of humanity is the poison set up by so-called foods that are not foods at all, or are part foods and part foreign matter; or a great excess of one kind. When the world ceases to use these things, then it is logical to assume that ninety-nine percent of all the ills of the world will disappear. And this assumption is correct. But it is impossible to stop using the things that have been called food unless we find the other things that are known to be true food. And this has now been done. In another chap- ter you will be given a full description and list of all the true foods that are suited to your needs. It is our purpose in this place to show the value and usefulness of such foods. If you will try to have patience while we state a few prin- ciples, you will the better appreciate what is further said: 1. When a person eats only the true foods the revolution in the health of the body is so marvelous and complete that it seems difficult to understand. 171 172 Complete Life Building 2. When most of the foods eaten are the true foods, nature takes care of the rest and throws them off as slight poisons; thus giving to every one a good margin of safety against abuse. It is very rare that sickness ensues. 3. It has been proved thousands of times that when a person eats true foods as just stated, with some of the false foods, it is possible to cure chronic maladies, but the cure is much slower than if all the diet were to consist of the true foods. This mar- gin of safety, therefore, which nature provides against a certain amount of abuse, is even curative. 4. Any person who has recovered from an acute illness, who begins on nothing but true foods, rebuilds a new and perfect body; and this being so, it follows, as has been abundantly proved, that a well person will gradually rebuild a new and per- fect body by gradually changing from the false foods to the true. 5. When more than half of the foods are false, and less than half are true, there is a struggle between sickness and health that fluctuates with the influence of other causes, such as pure air, hard work, and other helps to throw off the poisons; but there is also a resort to pills, drugs, medicines, doctors, stimu- lants, nerve-easers, and other barbarisms, all of which disap- pear when the balance comes again in favor of the true foods. 6. If less than half of the foods taken are true foods, the nerves suffer constant poisoning which results in great unrest and irritability at times, especially if anything goes wrong or depresses. Insanity has been traced often to the excess of false foods that cause nerve irritability; for this erratic action al- ways precedes one form of insanity. In fact, excessive irrita- bility long continued has but one end, which is mental break- down and loss of control of oneself; and the false foods are always setting up this irritability. 7. Cravings of all kinds are due to the poisons of false food in the system. Remove the false foods and you remove all cravings. The only notable exception is the craving for ciga- rettes and for drugs that attends every victim of syphilis either inherited as a blood taint, or acquired by criminal act, or as a result of such act. But even this craving is lessened and overcome when true foods are adopted wholly in place of the false foods. 8. When the proportion of false foods is fully three-fourths Nature's Doctors 173 of all that is eaten by a person, such person is an invalid, with either chronic or acute disease. Influenza, the grippe, heavy colds, headaches, neuritis, rheumatism, dropsy, neuralgia, threats of impending collapse, liver disorders, kidneys troubles, heart weakness, lung dangers or something else, will be the fruit of such poisons. 9. The first thing the doctor does is to cut out the bad diet. If the victim tries to doctor himself, he will spend much of his income on drugs, pills and medicines, and at the same time he will not know enough to make his food sensible. He goes along in his ignorance burning up what vitality he did possess, until the undertaker has charge of him. If he calls in a doctor, he will be compelled to bring an end to his false eating until the doctor tells him to go it again; and either he has learned a lesson, or has not. Probably not. He belongs to the almost universal class who never had a sick day in his life, if his state- ment is to be believed; but who is abnormally and morbidly out of condition. 10. Many people do not know what the doctor knows, that no sick person ever got well by the use of medicines. All the latter can do is to bridge over one poison by another. Neu- trality follows, as one enemy wipes out the other enemy. A king was threatened by a foreign foe on the north, and by an- other foreign foe on the south; he saved himself by bringing the two enemies together; they annihilated each other, while his army rested. When the good doctor has accomplished this in the sick man, he always says, and you have heard him many times say, "Now Nature will do the rest." The false foods bring in the poisons; the doctor attacks them with his pet poisons: they are annihilated; and Nature does the rest. But she will not do the rest unless the patient stops filling up again on the poisons of the false foods. 11. There is no cure to-day for tuberculosis except the true foods. There is no cure for diabetes except the true foods. There is no cure for kidney troubles except the true foods. The same is true in stomach, heart, liver, nervous, mental and all blood maladies. 12. A man is shot through the brain and dies. If a portion of his lungs be taken from the body and placed in cold storage for months, and then given body warmth and fed with blood 174 Complete Life Building made by the true foods, the lungs will begin to take on life again as far as it is possible for a piece to do so. Each cell of the tissue will build a new cell; and each new one will carry on the same work. 13. If from the same man a part of the kidney be taken and used at once or after it has been in cold storage for any length of time not too great, if it be given blood fed on the true foods, it will not only build new kidney structure of a perfect kind, but will also take on the functions of the kidney as far as the small piece can do so. It grows, throbs and lives as it would have done if it had remained in its place in the live body of the man. 14. The cells of a piece of bone fed in the same manner began to build new bone material. They did not make kidney or lung material; they obeyed the secret law of Nature that each part looks after the making of its own kind. If only a general mass of cells are present they will make nothing but cells; but when these cells belong to some organ, they build that organ. 15. In making skin the same law held good. A piece of new skin, or of a part that had been kept in cold storage six months, did exactly the work expected; its cells drew nutrition from the blood and more skin was the result. It did not make bone, it did not make kidney, it did not make lungs; it made only skin. "Why? Because the cells of the original piece of skin were charged by Nature with the duty of making more of it- self. In performing this duty, it did not bungle the work. All the intricate system of pumps, lace tissue, engines to drive off the excretions, all were perfectly made. A piece of scalp sim- ilarly treated and fed, set up the task of weaving more scalp. But scalp cells would not make hair cells; yet the latter, if alive, would make more of their own kind. 16. It is strange that a piece of liver wholly separated for months from the body, will when given blood that was fed on the true foods, proceed to build more new tissue that belongs only to the liver; and the strangest part of it all is that such new piece will, as far as it is constructed, try to carry on the functions of its kind. 17. But the surprise of all things in these experiments is that a piece of still heart that has been kept for months in cold storage, will begin to BEAT when given warmth and Nature's Doctors 175 blood fed on the true foods. It is only a piece, bear in mind. What is there in this bit of heart that orders it to start beating ? Other parts of the body showed the operation of the same law; each part making more of its own kind. But when any of the false foods were given, then the part DIED. Fried foods, pastry, pickles, cranberries, Saratoga chips, breakfast food crisps, sausages, lard, pork, ham, tea, coffee, chocolate, lobster, bacon, Boston baked beans, cucumbers, rad- ishes, tomatoes, new bread, marmalade, dried currants, citron, spices, rinds of oranges or lemons, bran hulls, pieplant, pearl tapioca, crabs, terrapin, oysters, sweet potatoes, gooseberries, catsup, gelatin, viscera, coconut, com stalk juice and similar lines of poison foods whether alone or in combination, caused instant death to the cell growth; and human life is wholly made up of cell growth as far as the body, brain, nerves and organs are concerned. So the voice of civilization says: If these things will kill, why eat them? On the other hand, if the TRUE FOODS will add new life to old life, why not adopt them as your regular basis of health? The only value that can be placed on the foregoing experi- ments is to show that only pure blood can start life anew in these parts of the body. If such parts can be made to grow into a healthy structure when they are separated from a complete organism like the body of man, why should they not go on with the same good work when the man is alive and they are all in place ? This in- quiry was answered by many thousands of experiments, and the answer was always the same: The true foods made new and perfect growth; the false foods injured the various parts of the body and caused sickness and disease. It is only very recently that governments have discovered that all sickness and disease, with few exceptions, can be traced to wrong foods or lack of right foods. Certain troubles are known to be due to shortage of some, needed food elements. Beri-beri is one of the shortage diseases; and is so deadly when it runs in epidemic form that whole nations become af- flicted ; yet there is no known cure for it but to supply the food elements that are lacking; and this supply always, in every case, 176 Complete Life Building without a single exception, brings about a cure, and a complete cure. Pellagra for years defied all government efforts to find its cause; and you will see in the reports many theories as to what gave rise to this epidemic. Now it is known to a certainty that shortage of needed food elements is its only cause; and when a complete supply is given the patient, the cure is sure and perfect. Rickets which has prevailed for generations among children, leading to deformities through softening of the bones, was easily proved to be due to shortage of some food elements. Medicines never helped it. No wisdom of a Solomon in the medical pro- fession could effect a cure until tests showed decisively that lack of certain food elements was the sole cause, and the supply of a complete or what we call a true food was the only cure. Blood disorders of all kinds are due to the same foundation cause except in venereal foulness. Scurvy is known to-day as the result of nothing more or less than lack of proper food; in fact that much about it has been known for generations. Rheumatism is due in ninety-five cases out of a hundred to certain false foods; in a few eases it is due to diseased tonsils, bad teeth or growths in the throat or nose, but these instances are not many, and all such lesser causes were themselves due to wrong foods in the beginning. No tonsils are unhealthy or abnormal unless they have been made so by a false diet. You may select, if you will at random, ten thousand cases of rheu- matism from the mildest to the most painful; and you can shut your eyes to all of them as individuals; then prescribe for them a year of the true foods; and any case you do not cure in that way will be very exceptional. To show what we mean, in the course of a certain period of time, one after another there came to our attention one hundred requests to help people who were suffering from chronic rheumatism. In ease number one we sent a list of the true foods and told the patient to eat only that diet for one year; we did not ask for details; we just shut our eyes as it were and hit blindly; but we asked for reports from month to month; the victim began to get better in a few weeks and was all well long before the year was gone. Each one of the hundred cases we treated in the same way; our pur- pose being to try out our claim that the true foods will effect a cure. In not a single case did the malady last more than ten Nature's Doctors 177 weeks. But we have known for many years that rheumatism is caused by certain foods, and can be cured by a change in the diet. When all the elements required by the body are present in the daily food, except the one required by the hair, all the rest of the body will be well except the hair; that will slowly begin to fall out, or get thin and lose its vitality. By denying the body certain bone making foods and at the same time* supplying the hair making element, you can cause rickets while you are actually helping the hair to grow; but by reversing the foods, you can cure the rickets but weaken the growth of hair. By supplying ALL the needed elements you can grow hair abundantly and prevent the rickets, and every- thing else will be prevented that is called disease. The skin can be woven of nearly all its elements, but it will not be a perfect skin; just as the carpet weaver, by omitting one or more of his threads will produce a defective carpet. There is a difference between the use of false foods and the lack of true foods. If you possess the latter but mix them with too great a proportion of the false foods, you will weave skin dis- ease, of which there are many kinds. A familiar illustration is the disorder known as the hives, or skin blotches that are very unpleasant; strawberries are a false food; no matter how much of the true foods you eat, if you indulge in too many straw- berries, you may have the hives, because they are a poison. When you omit this fruit for a few days, the hives will dis- appear ; when you again eat this fruit, the hives will come; thus you may play hide and seek with strawberries and find the hives popping in and out. The same is true of other false foods. Pork, lard, or any swine product may give you visitors known as boils and carbuncles. But let us look at the difference between the use of false foods and the lack of true kinds. If you have all the food sup- ply your body requires except one or more of the elements needed to weave perfect skin, you will find yourself wrinkled many years in advance of old age; because some of the threads required to weave the skin have been omitted in the food. When you eat the true foods, your skin will be complete; it will not wrinkle easily, unless you squint your face as does the sea captain when he is guiding his ship through the raging 178 Complete Life Building gales. Skin is leather and it may be given almost any kind of a finish that the machine is set to execute. The habit of wrin- kling the face constantly is not a nice one; but apart from that it will wrinkle of itself if certain food elements are lacking. On one occasion we saw some young folks in their teens whose faces were old because of their many wrinkles. On several other occasions we met persons in the twenties, and some in the thirties, who had the faces of aged people. These phenomena were so interesting that we took the time to investigate their diet; and the result was the same in every case: They were omitting in their foods every day some of the elements needed to make perfect skin. CRAVINGS furnish a still more interesting line of study. There are all kinds of cravings. Those of the prospective mother are for certain things to eat in nine cases out of ten; and an examination of the diet always shows what food elements are lacking. Supply these, and you will bring an end to the spe- cial desires. False foods set up inflammation of the stomach and alimen- tary canal; the true foods cure this inflammation. But it is this irritated condition that causes the craving for narcotics and stimulants; not only alcoholic, but all other kinds including tea and coffee, drugs, tobacco and other things which are not only wholly devoid of food values, but are deeper enemies of life than the things they are employed to offset. We have seen and known of many thousands of cases where the TRUE FOODS have fully combated this inflammation, and have always driven out the CRAVINGS. Most people are desirous of overcoming such evil habits; they are willing to be cured in a natural way; but they positively refuse to let go the narcotics and stimulants while they remain victims of the false foods that keep the in- flammation acute and active. And we do not blame them. THE ANGELIC WIFE who has taken to herself a husband of docile temper, of gentle speech and loving manner, finds the road to his heart in cooking him a good meal. She gives him corn crisps, Saratoga chips, fried bacon, pastry, new bread, doughnuts, fried eggs and ham, and like things, and they please his palate while they are passing it. Not one of these and other similar foods can be properly digested. They lie in his stom- ach where they set up torments; they produce a progeny of Nature's Doctors 179 small but acutely active fiends that eat and tear and rasp the delicately sensitive lining of the stomach, from which organ they climb up into his throat and head and brain. There is no irritation so hard to control as that which follows blind indi- gestion, which is not located in the stomach so much as in the general nervous system. Profanity is one of its first offspring. Suppressed profanity is the polite form of outwardly trying to look and speak kindly to the wife when she asks: "Did my love like his dinner? "Would he like such a dinner every day?" What he says inwardly depends on how long he has been married. The irritated brain cannot always frame a gentle answer; a quick retort follows; and the first quarrel has been inaugurated, due to blind indigestion. This is the cause of ninety-nine per- cent of all domestic friction. What is known as incompatibility of temperament is nothing more than the uncovering of the real self through the acid test of blind indigestion. We have seen a man eat a dinner of lard products, fried stuff, pastry and other false foods, and have heard him indulge in pro- fanity all the afternoon following the meal; while the same man, when he had a dinner of digestible foods, would be good natured and gentle the remainder of the day. We saw another man who had eaten an indigestible dinner of false foods, abuse his fellow beings, kick a dog, and pound a boy; the same man on occasions following a properly prepared meal, was of exactly the opposite disposition. He admitted his bad temper and in- ability to control it when he had indigestion. From a perfectly sane mind his irritability produced one that in time became in- sane. And here is one of the frequent causes of mental break- down. They say that a drop of water falling constantly on one spot on the head will cause insanity. They say that think- ing of one subject too much, will do the same thing. But it is known that constantly recurring indigestion, due to eating false foods, or any foods that are wrongly cooked, is the cause of many suicides through intensified irritability; and the man or woman who slays self is always insane. The TRUE FOODS prevent these disasters. If you have any love for humanity, if you wish to make im- possible the desire for self-destruction, if you wish to help that man rise out of his hell who is broken by temptations and crav- 180 Complete Life Building ings that he cannot control, if you wish to bring hopefulness into sad and despondent lives, then talk and teach and preach the new doctrine of the TRUE FOODS to every one and every- where so that their use may become universal. No man can be religious with an inflamed stomach. No man can be moral with an inflamed stomach. No man can be a loving husband or father with an inflamed stomach. No man can see clearly, think clearly or act clearly with an inflamed stomach. No man can possess pure blood, healthy organs or a sound body with an inflamed stomach. No man with an in- flamed stomach can control his passions, his feelings, his crav- ings, his temptations or his habits. It is one of the few maladies that are spreading their dangers, while science is lessening the majority of the others. The remedy is simple; it consists in being One Hundred Per- cent Right in Food Selection, by using the TRUE FOODS. But as the human mind is not by any means One Hundred Percent Civilized it is not yet able to grasp this great fact. Let us hope, however, that with YOU it is different. The fact that YOU have carefully read these pages thus far, in- dicates that YOU are to become one of the great foundation units of a better civilization. The brain is a much more delicate organ than is supposed. The process of thinking depends on the fluids that flow through the meninges or linings that surround the brain. Perfect think- ing is perfect civilization. But perfect thinking is impossible unless the meninges or brain membranes are perfectly normal, or free from all congestion. As almost every stomach is con- gested, and as such congestion travels fast to the passages lead- ing to the brain, it is always true that every irritating meal produces an abnormal condition of the brain membranes. False foods and poisons from bad cooking make perfect thinking im- possible; and these influences in excess lead to temporary in- sanity which is the next step beyond irritability. Hence there can never be perfect brain action until the diet consists solely of the TRUE FOODS; and there can never be perfect civiliza- tion until there is perfect brain action. When the process of thinking is defective or erratic all human conduct is defective and erratic; and the world is full of the consequences of this lack of normal brain health. TENTH SECTION "ALL NATURE'' CURES gj^^ATURE IS THE LIVING PULSE of the Creator throbbing in the plant kingdom of this earth out ilSw which has emerged the higher kingdom of which man is the head. Until man came into control of some of the vital energies of the plant kingdom, the responsibility was solely with the Creator. Since man was per- mitted to rule life below him, the responsibility has been shifted, and the results do not as yet reach the same standard of value that they will some day, or that they would have done had his authority been delayed a few thousand centuries. Man's failure to know Nature, and his interference with her plans, is the sole cause of all the sickness in the world, with its train of disasters longer and wider than the tail of the giant comet. By that failure man has fed his body with poisons; and to-day more than ninety percent of all his food is poison. His attempt to drive out these evils has reached no higher level than the introduction of poison pills to physic out the danger; the use of poison medicines to counteract one poison by another; the employment of the knife to cut out localized poisons; and sometimes a resort to the practice of fasting in the hope that the poisons will leave by the wasting away of the body and its contents. But all methods tend to one and the same end. A ray of light heralded the dawn of a new morning sometime ago when a great doctor, after driving out poisons from the sys- tem of his most noted patient, said, "Now you are as clean as 181 182 Complete Life Building medicines can make you. Let Nature do the rest." Since then all doctors have said the same thing, "Let Nature do the rest." They are saying it to-day. And what is more important every intelligent doctor keeps on hand lists of the foods that will give Nature the chance to do the rest. Then when the patient is well, he starts all over again filling up his body with the same kinds of food that are ninety percent unfit for him. It is like removing the soil from a very dirty car- pet with a vacuum cleaner and when the carpet is in good con- dition, emptying the dirt back on it. The Ralston Method is this: Let Nature do it all; and when the body is cleaned let Nature keep on doing it all. Are you able to grasp the fact that human life, barring acci- dent, can be prolonged indefinitely by the use of the TRUE FOODS? Let us go on with this work and see where it leads. There are TWO CLASSES of Ralstonites: CLASS ONE:-Those who are well and wish to remain well. CLASS TWO:-Those who are not well, but who wish to get well and enter CLASS ONE. For both these classes, and especially the second, this Section of the present book is a giant fund of knowledge, all compre- hensive in its helpfulness, and a never-failing Guide as long as life shall last. We will list the maladies that command attention: ACUTE INDIGESTION.-This quickly acting danger slays its thousands every year. It is so clearly the result of gases freed by poisons in the stomach that the cause and cure are self- evident. Adopt the TRUE FOODS. ALCOHOLISM.-The majority of men who suffer from this disease are sincerely desirous of finding a cure for it. Let us first ascertain the CAUSE of alcoholism: It has been proved to be a craving set up by the congestion of the lining of the stomach and of the membrane lining the alimentary canal. This congestion, while subsequently due to the inflammatory action of the alco- hol itself, had its origin in a diet consisting of some of the fol- lowing foods, though not necessarily all of them or any great number of them. Any one such article would do its evil work; Pork, lard, bacon, sausage, cheese, crullers, doughnuts, pastry, Nature's Doctors 183 new bread, corn crisps, breakfast food crisps, fried potatoes, chips, fried ham, fried meats of any kind, fried fish, fried oys- ters, fried egg plant, fried eggs, tea, baked beans, mincemeat, clams, lobster, suet, goose, turnips, cabbage, radishes, cranberries, peppers, cucumbers, pickles, vinegar, catsup, peanuts, peanut butter, spices, fruit cake, dried currants, gelatine and coconut. The test is this: If a person has an actual craving for alco- holic drink, he is suffering from congestion as stated. Any one of the foods or articles in the above list will keep alive the fire of that congestion. To effect a cure, ALL the foregoing things should be avoided. There are the TRUE FOODS LEFT from which a selection can be made; and their use tends to cure the congestion. When that has disappeared, all craving will cease, and the sufferer will not under any temptation touch liquor. This is no idle dream; but a fact that has been proved in fifty years of tests. APOPLEXY.-In addition to any of the foods or articles mentioned in the list under Alcoholism, avoid coffee if you are subject to dizziness and fullness of blood. The TRUE FOODS all tend to effect a cure in cases that are curable; while they will always prevent an attack. This whole book of Life Build- ing shows the kind of way to live to avoid this danger. APPENDICITIS.-The intestines are lined by a membrane the surface of which covers the interior; and a part of this sur- face covers the opening to a small worm shaped appendage at the lower right side of the abdomen. This appendage has no use, and is a needless source of danger, unless it serves as a warning to humanity to use judgment and good sense in food selection. It is almost always preceded by constipation; and there is a general understanding among doctors that if the latter trouble can be averted, the more acute disaster can be avoided. More cases of appendicitis occur among travelers, and persons who board at hotels than among those who live at home; show- ing that the use of hotel cooking and foods may have something to do with the cause. It is also known that many of the pre- vailing kinds of baking powder tend to eat the lining from the interior of the intestines; and this exposes the opening to the appendix. The contents of the bowels get in and as there is no circulation there, the result is mortification and subsequent peritonitis, which is generally fatal. Preservatives in food eat 184 Complete Life Building off the lining; and the harsh action of Constipation is still more severe. The cure is to be found in avoiding these dangers, and in using only the TRUE FOODS. ASTHMA.-This very painful malady is the result in many cases of years of suffering from hay fever or rose cold; but may arise from a congested condition of the bronchial passages, and hence has its origin in the stomach. The lower throat and air passages to the lungs are lined with a very delicate covering under which are the most sensitive nerves. Injury to this covering such as occurs when congestion is present, exposes the nerves to irritation from the air that passes through them, and violent paroxysms follow. For immediate relief any reliable antiseptic salve should be placed on the back of the tongue and inhaled until it melts, while hot camphorated lard oil should be rubbed into the flesh on the outside. Raw whites of eggs held in the back of the mouth and inhaled very slowly to pre- vent them from getting into the lungs, but to allow the albumen to be absorbed by the injured membranes, tends to heal them. It will always be seen that a person who is subject to asthma will suffer more after a meal that sets up indigestion. Some of the best medical experts in this malady assert that all cases of asthma arise from a congested stomach. This arises from foods that irritate, and this irritation spreads both upward and downward. What is a slightly inflamed stomach travels into the food passage, and involves the breathing tubes, eventually reaching the throat. There is reason to believe that the founda- tion for all forms of sore throat and of colds, grippe and in- fluenza, has exactly this origin and the damaged surface of the membrane becomes a fertile soil for the invasion of germs. A famous doctor once said, "All colds start with an inflamed stomach." Of course the first cause is wrong foods; and hence the permanent cure must be the true foods. For the foods that cause asthma, see the discussion of PRO- FANITY later on in this Section. BLOOD PRESSURE.-Almost all doctors advise their patients to have their blood pressure tested, at five dollars or more per test. Almost all persons who have occasion to consult doctors, are wise to the need of having their blood pressure tested. So common is this desire of late that country doctors Nature's Doctors 185 who have no apparatus with which to make such test, will go through the pretence so well that their patrons will not know the difference until they have the real thing done in the city. So many thousands of innocent sufferers are told they have high pressure when in fact they have low. High blood pressure may be the sign of heart disease; or of kidney disease; or of hardening of the arteries. In the first two classes of causes it may occur in youth or middle life; but in hardening of the arteries, it rarely occurs before advanced life or late in middle life. As a general rule it adds the figure one to the age of the person. Thus if the patient is twenty, the normal pressure should be 120. If sixty, then the normal may be 160. But this rule is not fixed. Most doctors regard the normal condition as between 120 to 130 for everybody under fifty years of age. The test is made by ascertaining the resistance of the blood vessels against a column of mercury; if this column is 130 millimeters high, the blood pressure that resists it is said to be 130. If a person not yet in middle life was found to have 160 resistance, the indication would be very dangerous; whereas one who was fifty or sixty years old might have such pressure and yet be in perfect health. The sudden ending of life through high pressure is always to be feared. Anger, or unusual exertion, or a very heavy meal may bring the climax most unexpectedly. "Wherever a weak blood vessel is over-strained it may burst; if in the eye it will cause blindness; if in the brain, it may result in paralysis,, or apoplexy. The warning consists, when it comes at all, in a feeling of dizziness, and often in falling, or a tendency to fall. The treatment aims to avert the fatal attack. Avoid constipa- tion as this trouble almost always precedes the acute danger. Avoid also eating a heavy meal; better five meals a day that are light than one that is heavy. All meats, all soups, all broths made of meat should be omitted. Milk should be sipped, and bread toasted dipped in it. With the exceptions stated, depend solely on the TRUE FOODS. The tendency to high blood pressure may be reduced, and a cure finally reached in this way. 186 Complete Life Building BRIGHT'S DISEASE CAUSE.-It is very rare that a person under forty years of age is subject to this malady. It attacks those who are over forty, and is almost always incurable when advanced. It gives little or no warning. The first thing the victim knows is that the eyes are fast giving out, and then he is told he has less than six months to live. There are three kinds of Bright's disease: 1. The inflammatory disease. 2. The gouty affection. 3. The waxy condition. The latter is due to venereal diseases and is never curable. The gouty affection attends the presence of uric acid in the blood, and has its origin in the same cause as rheumatism, which see. In the kidneys, as in the liver, there is a change of tissue to a leathery growth which refuses to carry on the duties of the organ, and death ensues from gout or from urine poisoning. The inflammatory condition of Bright's disease is curable in the first stage; and there need never be a failure to effect such a cure. But in the advanced stage, there is a breaking down of the heart, the blood vessels and various organs; then no hope remains. CURE.-The first thing that an expert asks of a patient is if he is addicted to the use of beer, wine or liquor; for alcohol is the surest enemy of the kidneys and liver. But there are kinds of Bright's disease that may or may not be caused by alcohol. An excess of meat-eating may contribute to the danger. In countries where the people never eat meat, there has never been a case of Bright's disease. Tea, coffee, charged waters, soda waters, and all alcoholic drinks are hurtful. All patent medi- cines do harm. Despite the claims of advertisements, there is no medicine that will decrease the malady. The only cures ever effected have come from dieting. The direct action of this disease is the accumulation of urine in the blood which goes to the brain, heart and all parts. The skin must be kept open. Perspiration is an advantage and necessary. This is secured by wearing porous under-clothing, heavier than is ordinarily needed. A hot water bath every night is important. The lungs carry off a great deal of the urine; and deep breathing is an aid in this respect. Any per- Nature's Doctors 187 son who so desires, can easily double the volume of respiration as a habit. Of course, it is not natural for all urine to pass out through the lungs and skin, although part of it escapes in those channels even when the health is perfect. The kidneys are made to do that work. Under the experiments such as are referred to in an early Section of this book, a piece of kidney cut out and placed on a slide at once; or, after being in cold storage for any length of time, no matter how long; will, when freed from' its poisons and given perfect food, begin to grow healthy tissue and perform the function for which it was created. In desperate cases of Bright's disease, resort at once to but- termilk, distilled water, and the escape of the urine through the lungs and skin, as already stated. Take no other food than buttermilk, and take all you can get into the stomach, always slowly. Put double work on the skin and lungs. Some cases have pulled through in this way. But if you have this malady and do escape death, adhere to the ONE-HOUR FOODS after you are well, for you may not retain your health long if you are again careless. It is better to prevent this malady than to try to cure it; so if you have fear of it, adopt the ONE-HOUR and TWO-HOUR FOODS now; and let tea, coffee, beer, wine and liquor alone. BOILS AND CARBUNCLES These afflictions are caused by outside germs or bacteria that are pressed into the skin where they take root and spread rap- idly. But when they once secure fertile ground in the blood they spread to other parts of the body. This fertile blood is almost always the result of some part of pork or swine meat or products therefrom, such as lard, ham, bacon, and sausage. In a series of investigations of more than two hundred thou- sand cases of boils and carbuncles, there was not a single case where the victim had not eaten liberally something produced from swine. This fact warrants the conclusion that there is connection between this class of food and the maladies. But only one part of the trouble comes from such food; it furnishes the soil in which the germs take root and thrive. The germs themselves are very numerous and omnipresent. They are found on the skin of the body, and millions of people 188 Complete Life Building carry them, there who never have boils. They are also found on underclothing that has been worn longer than it should be; and on dirty clothes in general. They float on the dust in the air, but are ever seeking lodgment on the skin of the body. Yet they rarely get under the skin. They must be pushed under, or rubbed in, and there must be a slight break or scratch on the skin to enable them to be pushed under the surface. At the back of the neck the collar, or the coat itself may rub the germs in. This accounts for the fact that nine boils or carbuncles out of every ten occur at the back of the neck, which is a most dangerous place owing to its nearness to the brain. Several strange boil afflictions have oc- curred at the ears, and have been caused by the habit of insert- ing roughly some small thing into the ear to remove the wax, resulting in a slight wound of the skin in the ear passage and the development of the dangerous boil there. Men who row boats are subject to abrasion of the flesh by the friction on the seat of the body where boils appear. Those who wear collars that have rough starched edges, as when the collars are old, are subject to boils at the neck; while oarsmen have them at the seat. The wearing of tight belts has caused many boils on the waist line. When the use of suspenders was abandoned for the summer belts to hold up the trousers, then boils became much more numerous at the waist. There are three stages of the boils or carbuncles: 1. When it is a small pimple and you think it may or may not be a boil. 2. When it is big enough to lance. 3. When it has formed the core. In this last stage it sends its germs through the blood to form other boils. And you must not let it get to the third stage. Be sure to lance it as soon as you know it is a boil. Treat the opening with strong antiseptic. But best of all take advantage of the pimple stage; for then every coming boil can be conquered. All you have to do is to open the pimple, which is a very trifling matter, and put on any good antiseptic salve, or liquid. Follow this up until the pimple has wholly subsided. Proper food, constant cleanliness of the skin, clean clothing, Nature's Doctors 189 and the avoidance of injuring or rubbing hard against any part of the skin will serve to overcome this trouble. CATARRH.-This is an accumulation of the dead material in the body that results from eating improper foods. It has been thoroughly proved that catarrh is impossible when only the TRUE FOODS are eaten. A wrong diet may not contain actual poisons but may bring into the body much material that cannot be assimilated into the blood and tissue and cannot be readily thrown off through the lungs, skin, kidneys and canal. Its easiest way of escape is through the open mesh of the mem- branes, and clogging them it becomes catarrh. The remedy is simple and permanent; the TRUE FOODS. CANCER AND TOBACCO Probably the most dangerous, the most filthy, and the most painful of all lingering maladies is CANCER. There is very little hope of finding a cure. Some facts have been established concerning its origin, and yet there is much to be learned be- fore a definite claim can be made in this regard. At one time it seemed that proofs were near at hand that would establish it as one of the germ diseases, due to bacteria. But such proofs were never found. On the contrary it is probable that no bac- teria are involved in its origin. Flesh is built by a weaving process. The tissue that makes flesh is intricately woven by the food cells of the blood. As each new weaving takes place the old tissue must be disposed of; and this is called breaking down. The debris thus thrown into the flesh must be gathered up and carried away by the blood in its circulation. In any plant the intelligence that weaves the fibre is born in each new cell; and it must be an exact mission that is granted it. The cells of the rose bush will build the rose; of the apple tree will build the apple; of the human body will build human flesh. Black, impure blood rushes through the body on the way to the heart; but just before it enters the heart, the fresh air that has been inhaled into the lungs purifies the blood and changes its color into a healthy red. It is the oxygen in the fresh air 190 Complete Life Building that makes this change. But if the inhaled breath does not con- tain oxygen, the black blood will smother the heart and cause it to stop beating; death will follow. Tests have been made whereby this needed oxygen in the air is partly weakened but not wholly overcome. The most famil- iar test is that of breathing thin smoke of tobacco on the air that enters the lungs; the result being that the blood is partly de- prived of its power to weave perfect flesh. In examining the tissue of a cancerous sore, the first thing that attracts attention is the imperfect weaving of the tissue; and that which is imperfect in its weaving is also imperfect in its breaking down. If it cannot be taken away by the blood, some of it remains to form a permanent sore. Every one of these conditions follows the injury to the oxygen in the air caused by breathing tobacco smoke into it. In a room where a person is smoking, it is impossible to inhale air that has not had its oxygen contaminated by the invisible but actively pres- ent tobacco smoke. Take a cubic foot of air from the atmosphere out of doors; and take another cubic foot of air from a room that seems well ventilated but in which some one is or has been smoking. Here you have two cubic feet of air; they are easily analyzed; and the person who seeks to argue down a proposition, is confronted by the results of these tests. They speak for themselves. If he wishes, he can make himself believe that the analyses are untruthful, that the chemist is unreliable, that chemistry is a lost science, and that air fouled with tobacco smoke is as fresh and pure as air that is fresh and pure. But the fact remains that air inhaled with the thinnest or the thickest fumes of tobacco will NOT WEAVE PERFECT FLESH; and imperfectly woven flesh is cancer. Then arises the question: Why do not more people have cancer ? The answer is plain: More people do have cancer. In the last two generations the increase of deaths from can- cer is thirty-two percent; a fearful rate of progress. In the last ten years, it has been fourteen percent; a still faster rate of increase; fourteen percent in ten years against thirty-two percent in two generations. Instead of any increase there should have been a marked decrease, as there has been in all other Nature's Doctors 191 maladies except a very few, notably those of paresis of the brain and paralysis. Mathematics now have a value. At a meeting of cancer experts, the President said, "If the present rate of in- crease goes on, every man and woman will die of cancer in the not distant future." Another expert of international reputation stated that he esti- mated that 80,000 men had died of smoker's cancer of the throat during his life. There is no doubt that there is such a kind of cancer. Another expert said that his observations indicated that 85,000 persons had died of cancer caused by contact of tobacco with some cut, wound or abrasion of the body; in a period of sixty years. THE CONCLUSIVE PROOF has come from the following experiment, somewhat after the character of those referred in the Third Section of this book: Tissue growth was being watched under a glass, and was proceeding perfectly when the thinnest film of tobacco smoke was carried to it through a tube of abso- lutely pure air to avoid any other contamination. The tissue growth at once became erratic, and was woven into the same abnormal condition that constitutes cancer. This condition is described on the preceding page, 190. COLDS and SORE THROAT.-Use the same treatment that is given for Consumption, including all kindred troubles. CONGESTION.-This whole book is built on the natural cure of this universal evil. CONSTIPATION.-It has been proved that the use of the True Foods will effect a complete cure of this trouble. COLD SORES OF THE LIPS.-These are due to lack of perfect cleanliness of the teeth. Use an antiseptic wash with a good brush three times a day, and they will not come. CRAMPS and NUMBNESS.-These are due to impure foods, or poisons in medicines or pills. The kind of chocolate that is used in making candy and in other things, is a very common cause. CONSUMPTION, TUBERCULOSIS, and ANEMIA.-Here are a few definitions: 1. Consumption is a popular name applied to tuberculosis of the lungs. 2. Anemia is the first result of lack of repair of the tissue and nerves of the body. 192 Complete Life Building 3. Lack of repair is due to lack of sound slumber, attended by lack of nutrition from proper foods. 4. Lack of sound slumber preventing lack of repair may show itself more decidedly in neurasthenia than in anemia, in which case the latter will follow the former. The order generally is: Lack of repair; Anemia; Neurasthenia; Tuberculosis. It is a well-known fact that Consumption must be combatted by a very abundant daily nutrition; with as much fresh, pure air as possible; and with no unnecessary breakdown of the tissue through too much exercise or activity. ANEMIA is called the low nutrition disease; but it involves also the problem of repair. It has been established of late that REPAIR OCCURS ONLY DURING SOUND SLUMBER. In the city the noises that are going on all night, while not keeping the mind conscious, permit only a semi-sleep. Slumber is fitful, and never deep. The cure is to invite the sleep habit by obtaining after any one meal of the day a few minutes or more of slumber in a very quiet room. NEURASTHENIA, or Nervous Prostration, has been cured by the patient going into the country, and adopting a brief sleep after some meal in the day time, with plenty at night; and always with the use of the True Foods. TUBERCULOSIS requires this method of repair as the foundation process. The habit of seeking pure air by sleeping out of doors at night, and living out by day, has not brought about the results sought, although the principle is right. The one thing lacking is the increase of the lung capacity. This cannot come about by natural habits of breathing when a person is in an abnormal condition. The cure that has never failed with us is known as DOUBLE-RANGE RESPIRATION The first fact is that all men and women use less than a half- range respiration; that is, they breathe into the lungs in each act not half as much air as the lungs require for their perfect health; and this refers only to the automatic breathing, directing itself when left to itself. If you are interested intensely in anything, you cease breathing to such an extent that there is no visible evidence of respiration going on. This causes headaches. Nature's Doctors 193 You are not conscious of the breathing action, as nature looks after it subject to the state of your vitality, and to your atten- tion being diverted. Tests made of women at theatres during the period of suspense in a drama, show that about one percent of the normal range is employed. Discouragement and melan- choly stop the breathing almost entirely. People who droop and fade away through grief, do so because their vital energies that depend on their respiration are not being renewed. On the other hand, when good news comes and the prospects are bright, the breathing automatically, or naturally, takes on a great in- crease; so we say that when the good wife has before her the prospect of a pleasing journey, or trip abroad, her health begins to pick up to such an extent that she soon does not need the journey, but must have it because she must not be deceived by false promises. But the fact is that pleasing anticipations increase the breath- ing, while reverses and a sombre look ahead in one's affairs decrease it; and with it comes and goes the vital life that builds or destroys health. Thousands of men die every year of pneu- monia because of discouragement. PNEUMONIA IS IMPOSSIBLE when the Double-Range Respiration is fully established, so that it can be called into use on brief notice. Can Consumption be cured by Double-Range Respiration? Yes, with never a failure if Repair is sought in the manner stated, and if Nutrition is secured through the use of the True Foods. In about fifty years of our existence, we have cured more than nine hundred thousand cases of Consumption by this triple method. But without Double-Range Respiration no cure has ever been complete. 'With it, there can be no failure. The Fownes case was one that attracted national attention; a man who had but half of one lung left when we came to his assist- ance; and his long life afterwards bore testimony, as did his many words, to the power of Double-Range Respiration. DOUBLE-RANGE RESPIRATION COST $6,000,00. This is not the same as deep breathing. The latter has been taught and published for half a century, but lacks the one great essential of success; and this essential was locked up as a secret in the methods of a great teacher of the singing and speaking 194 Complete Life Building voice who secured such remarkable results that his services were sought far and wide. The most famous singers, actors and ora- tors patronized him, and secured the desired benefits without learning the extraordinary secret of his success. Voices in grand opera acquired a range, a purity, and a fulness never before known. Thousands of pupils among the lesser and greater ranks of speakers and singers came to him. In all his career he concealed the secret by clothing it in a multitude of ideas, until no one knew which one was paramount. He finally sold it to one of his patrons, and here it is. Before we make it known, we must impress on our followers the fact that RANGE of respiration means the quantity of air that is taken into the lungs in each act of breathing; and this definition has been understood for fifty years if not for cen- turies. In the expression, Double-Range, the meaning is re- versed ; and it means the quantity of air that is exhaled on each expiration. The positive cure of consumption, and the guaran- teed prevention of pneumonia, depend not on how much air you inhale, but on how much you exhale. Why? Because consumption begins at the apex of each division of the lungs; the air here stays stagnant for years, hardly moving at all; and when the respiration is at low ebb, it rots and be- comes a poison. You cannot inhale into the apex. The only way in which you can move the air there is by exhaling, or breathing out with all the effort possible; for it is the force of expelled air that reaches the apex and that empties its cells. There are many varieties of deep breathing; each teacher has some special kind; but not one of them includes this secret. We have seen deep breathing taught for fifty years, and by thou- sands of teachers; but never once in that time have we seen this secret taught; nor have we ever known a teacher who knew that the air at the apex of each lung division was stale and could not be moved out by any form of deep breathing. The slogan has been always: "Fill your lungs full; increase your range of respiration." The truth is: "Empty your lungs completely and get out all the dead air." The second part of the secret is: When the lungs are empty, the spring action of the breathing muscle, called the diaphragm, will, by its rebounding, INHALE NATURALLY A FULL Nature's Doctors 195 RANGE OF AIR. It will be natural; because it is done by the impulse of the diaphragm, and not by your sucking air in by the artificial method taught by all kinds of teachers. Here is the Double-Range Respiration. Any person who employs it cannot become a victim of pneu- monia, for the reason that that malady begins by lodging in the dead air of each apex. Any person who employs it cannot take in the germs of tuber- culosis, or consumption, for the reason that they have no place in which to find lodgment. Any person who employs it cannot have catarrh of the bron- chial tubes or throat or nose, because two trains cannot pass on the same track; meaning that when full range pure air has the right of way from the nostrils to the lungs, going and com- ing, there is no room for catarrh. The membranes are kept absolutely fresh and clean. ANEMIA is fully and quickly cured by Double-Range Res- piration, with the True Foods, and sound slumber for repair- ing lost tissue of flesh and nerves. LIFE AND DEATH STRUGGLES sometimes are necessary to save one from premature fatal collapse; and such struggles are made successfully by making use of Double-Range Respira- tion and the True Foods. Probably millions of men and women, of young men and young women, and of children have gone down to the grave many years ahead of their time, who could have lived to a good old age had they been able to make use of this means of help. THE DOUBLE-RANGE RESPIRATION METHOD. Let us learn it in all its exactness and accuracy. The wrong method of inhaling is to expand the upper chest; the right way is to expand the line of the chest in the region of the diaphragm, or breathing organ. This may be found by passing the hand along the lower edges of the ribs where they join the abdomen. On every rebound for an inhalation, keep your mind on this line, and see that it alone expands. The general method taught of exhaling is to drop the chest as the air goes out; the reverse is the right way. Keep the chest in its normal position. Never let it drop. But with the 196 Complete Life Building force of the hands placed flat on the front walls of the abdomen below the ribs, push gently but steadily in as the breath is going out, until the front wall of the abdomen is in and under the ribs as far as you can push it. In order to move the stale air in the apexes of the tops of the lungs, hold the breath as you are trying to exhale. This forces the lower air into the tops, and dislodges the dead air there. Then release the breath and let it all out. The quantity of air that comes in by the natural rebound of the diaphragm will de- pend on the quantity that goes out in the manner stated. Persons of weak lungs and consumptives who are feeble, may perform all these movements with the utmost gentleness, and strength will begin to come as they are adopted with great fre- quency; but they need never tire a person. LA GRIPPE may be fully controlled by the use of Double- Range Respiration if one will rest during the day, sleep as much as possible, and take liquid food selected from the True Foods; or milk, raw eggs, soups, broths, juice of very ripe sweet oranges iced, and juice of pineapple in which cubes of old bread toasted have been soaked. DANDRUFF, Loss of Hair, Scalp Diseases. When the foods are true, with all elements, and the scalp is washed with a very mild soap, these troubles all disappear. THE EYESIGHT 1. The eyes follow, or really keep pace with the health; in fact with the condition of the blood. So well known is this fact that any doctor is able, by looking into the eye, to determine not only the impurity of the blood, but the presence of organic disease. The BASIS, therefore, of eye-health is secured by the GREAT LAW OF LAWS: One Hundred Percent RIGHT in Food Selection. 2. There are many small lines of advice as to the care of the eyes, which, while all valuable, need not be repeated here; the most notable of them being: Never use the eyes to read when facing the light; never use them on moving cars; never use them on a stomach long empty; never use them in a dim light, as in twilight or gloomy places; never use them when the lids itch or burn. Nature's Doctors 197 3. GERMS that float from the dust of the air and lodge on the lids set up granulation not only of the lids, but of the eye- ball itself, and even penetrate into the contents of the eye. As long as there are germs there must be antiseptics. The following eye-wash can be made at home for a trifling cost: HOME EYE-WASH Get sixteen grains of sulphate of zinc; and 160 grains of powdered alum. Put these in one quart of distilled water. You can make this yourself; the total cost is or should be less than twenty cents. It will last a family for several years. When the eyes are tired, or when the lids bum or itch, close them tightly, and rub a few drops of this wash along and well into the edges of the lids. Keep the lids closed for a minute or more. Repeat until all redness or itching is gone. This wash will prevent styes and various forms of disease due to bad food selection and air- dust germs which are sure to lodge on the lids and eventually get into the eyes. There are thousands of Ralston families where this wash has been in use for many years, and there has never been any eye-trouble. 4. FAILING SIGHT.-This is due to several causes: Wrong Food Selection which makes bad blood; organic trouble; a tooth the root of which is decayed and which is poisoning the blood; misuse as stated in paragraph 2, herein; and a change in the shape of the eye-ball. 5. When glasses are made necessary by the last-named cause, the change in the shape of the eye-ball, as in old age or pre- mature alteration in the eye, the remedy is in the following restoration of the shape of the ball, which has been accomplished thousands of times by the movements of the muscles. The original rotundity may be restored. Learn to raise the eyes; then lower them; and to hold them level. Without raising or lowering the head, look up at the ceiling; down at the floor; and in front on a level with the face. Learn next to look far to the right; then far to the left. By combining these two series of positions you can make nine in all. RALSTON EYE MOVEMENTS 198 Nature's Doctors 199 The action of the eyes is as follows: In the central position look front level; front as high as pos- sible without raising the head; front as low as possible without lowering the head. Repeat until you have done these three movements each ten times, or thirty in all; which will complete the front positions; or central positions, which are the same. Make the first movements very gently. Then take the level movements; without raising the head or raising or lowering the eyes, look to the center; then to the right; then to the left each ten times, or thirty in all. Next come the diagonal movements which are: Up to the right and down to the left, stopping for the middle position; each ten times; then up to the left and down to the right, stopping at the center, each ten times. The purpose is to pull the eye muscles in all ways, and there- by pull the eyeball itself into its original or natural shape of greater rotundity. That this has been successful can be seen from thousands of reports of men and women of various ages from the twenties to the seventies, the typical expressions in which are as follows: "By persistent practice I have restored the shape of the eyes which had begun to flatten; and now I do not need glasses. ' ' "I have discarded my glasses as my sight is now normal." "I have thrown away my glasses. Do not think I shall ever have to wear them again." "After practicing the eye movements for several weeks I found that my eye-glasses were too strong; and after a few more weeks of practice, the weaker glasses were too strong. Now I get along with none. It is a great blessing and comfort not to wear glasses." "I now have the sight of youth." If these reports had come from a few hundred persons we might have regarded the recovery of normal sight as due to the imagination; but the real reason is that these movements pull the eyeballs into their original shape. When the True Foods are eaten, the movements help wonderfully to clear vision. THE HEARING becomes impaired from the collection of wax in the ears which should be relieved by the use of sweet oil and an ear spoon, such as can be bought at any drug store. Stagnation of the ear nerves may be overcome by the action of hand mas- 200 Complete Life Building sage. This is performed by placing the flat of the hands on the temples and moving the skin up and down one hundred times without allowing the hands to slip over the skin. Repeat at the back of the ears with the hands on the scalp. Then above the ears in the same way; each one hundred times. Finally place the tips of the fingers below the ears and repeat the same motion. When these precautions are taken, and True Foods eaten, the hearing never becomes impaired even in extreme old age. A man or woman can live a hundred years with all faculties in perfect condition if the health is cared for. DIABETES.-This malady is due to shock, injury at the base of the brain, worry, prolonged disappointment, and surface water used for drinking and cooking purposes. It has been the custom of doctors to starve their patients to death; but we find that if the True Foods are eaten, and if distilled water is used for drink- ing and cooking purposes, the majority of cases can be cured, and all can be prevented except those that are due to injury. Many cases of diabetes have been completely cured by merely changing the drinking water; avoiding water from lakes, rivers, brooks, ponds, and from all surface sources. Many spring waters are good. DIPHTHERIA.-This malady can be combated and a fatal termination averted by the prompt use of serum injections which all doctors now employ. FATTY DEGENERATION.-This may occur in the liver, in the heart, or in other parts of the body; and is cured very easily, but slowly, by the use of the True Foods. GALL STONES.-These come from hard water and from foods or drinks that are not suited to the needs of the body; but largely from tomatoes, old meats, such as an excess of old beef, or mutton, pastry, lard, fried things and acids, notably vine- gar, sour apples, cranberries, and all acid fruits. Skim milk slowly dissolves these stones, if the diet is freed from the abuses just mentioned. HAY FEVER-ROSE COLD.-These kindred maladies are supposed to be incurable. They are said to be caused by pollen on weeds and flowers; but can we say that the match that sets off the fuse to a bomb is the cause of the explosion? If the fuse were not there, and if the bomb were not there, the match would not of itself have blown up the building. Nor would Nature's Doctors 201 pollen, or rag weed, or any flower bring on an attack of hay fever if some preceding causes were not present. There are two such causes: 1. Congestion of the liver and stomach. 2. Lack of calcium chloride in the blood. The congestion can be surely cured by using the TRUE FOODS. But it is not easy to put into the blood the needed Calcium Chloride in the form of organized vegetable cells. Yet we know that salt never is organized in vegetable cells and that it is needed daily; we refer to common table salt, known as sodium chloride. Here we have part of the food elements required to overcome hay fever. The calcium is present in many of the TRUE FOODS. However a direct help must be found, and we come upon one of the very few exceptions to the rule that all food should be organized in life cells. We therefore present the following prescription for THE CURE OF HAY FEVER AND ROSE COLD 50 grains calcium chloride, dry. 500 cubic centimeters of distilled water. Take one teaspoonful in water half an hour after each meal, or three times daily. Begin at once, and con- tinue every day in the year. HEADACHES.-This is the most common of the maladies that are in evidence. It is as old as the race. Some men have it, and most women. The latter go about with cloths on tho heads or at their temples, suffering; and have never been told that headaches come from very simple causes, as follows: The most common cause is an empty stomach. Ralstonism has probably cured hundreds of thousands of cases by insisting on five meals a day, or even six, all light. Take a substantial and wholesome breakfast; then in two hours a lunch; after this the dinner, light but wholesome; then a mid-afternoon lunch; after this the supper; and, if need be, a light lunch before re- tiring. Ninety-nine out of every hundred are "empty stomach headaches." It seems simple enough. Try it. Let tea alone. A person who is subject to headaches can never be relieved as long as this poison is used. If you drink 202 Complete Life Building coffee, never take it alone, but only in very small quantity after eating, not during the meal. HEART FAILURE.-When this organ ceases to beat the life of the body goes out no matter how well it may be. Some- times so slight a cause as the poison gas from indigestion may bring the fatal end in a few seconds. The first caution, there- fore, is to be directed to the diet. HARDENING OF THE ARTERIES.-This is the ripening of the body; in some cases it begins when the boy or girl is in the teens, more often in the twenties, still more often in the thirties, forties and fifties, up to the years of extreme old age. We have seen old children, and young mature people. The first cause of ripening is the accumulation of material in the body that is not food. The tea drinker ages twenty to thirty percent faster than would be the case otherwise. People who eat long-cooked broths, soups and other food, show old age long before those who avoid the dregs of cooking. The habit of adding water to the grounds in the coffee-pot or teapot and re- heating the mixture, adds old age conditions. The first step to take is to adopt the True Foods; then drink distilled water freely every day; and add the juices of very ripe juice-fruits, all of which are solvents of old age material, and overcome hardening of the arteries, if you take once every morning and once every evening the OUTWARD WATER CURE. This Cure is most helpful in the following maladies: Appendicitis. Hardening of the Arteries. Fatty Degeneration of any Organ. High Blood Pressure. Kidney Poisoning. Intestinal Poisoning. Indigestion. Congestion of the Abdominal Membranes. Sluggish Liver. Gall Stones. Nervous Breakdown. Poor Circulation. Skin Troubles. Nature's Doctors 203 The OUTWARD WATER CURE has two parts; the first of which is known as THE MAGNETIC BATH. The purpose of this bath is to create a vast fund of personal electricity and magnetism in the entire body. In using it, there should be a number of ZONES. The head from the top of the neck should be kept cool all the time by a very little cool water rubbed over the scalp occasionally. The FIRST ZONE is that from the top of the neck to the lower ribs, including the neck and upper torso or chest region. Step in an empty bath tub with the waste open so that water may run out as used. Get a sixteen quart pail and fill it with water from the hot and cold faucets until its temperature is about 98 degrees. Have a large silk sponge, five, six or seven inches in diameter. Wet the sponge, soap it with some pure soap, dip it in the water, and wash the FIRST ZONE; then rinse it with clean water; and wipe it dry with a hot towel. The SECOND ZONE includes the lower half of the torso, down as far as the top of the hips. When the upper part of the torso is dry, treat the lower part in the same manner. The THIRD ZONE includes the rest of the body from the top of the hips to the feet. When the second is very dry, treat the third in like manner. In time you will notice a very fine glow filling the first zone when the second is wet; and filling this when the third is wet; always depending on having each preceding one perfectly dry. This is MAGNETISM, and it will grow from day to day until the flow is strong and invigorating, and should follow about two or three hours after a meal of the True Foods. THE OUTWARD WATER CURE This is a long, tedious, but life-saving bath, based on recent discoveries. Its purpose is to draw out of the body from far within the poisons and defunct material that do harm by their presence. There are doctors who prescribe eight hours under water in a tub, for this purpose; but of course only occasion- ally. This has proved more harmful than the cure effected. There are other doctors who prescribe an hour or more under a shower bath with water flowing steadily over the body. This 204 Complete Life Building is not safe for it lacks the essential value of an active body. The swimmer who moves through the water for hours at a time, is active. An inactive body in water suffers from the inward soaking through the pores, when the end sought is the reverse, or the outward drawing of poisons and defunct material. The only part that should be subjected to this treatment is the poison section known as the abdomen. It extends from the lowest rib around the trunk, as far down as the top of the hips; and this section may be given half an hour of continual spong- ing with the big silk sponge, pressing in with each application of water, so that the bowels are kneaded, allowing the abdominal wall to push the pressure back again by distending. This bath may be taken once in the morning and again in the evening. APPENDICITIS in its incipient form, also as a chronic con- dition has been completely overcome by this OUTWARD WATER CURE; and we have a large number of reports that operations have been avoided thereby. INDIGESTION, both of the stomach and intestines, has been completely cured in the same manner. But it is very helpful in all the cases we have enumerated in a preceding page. INFLUENZA is allied with colds, la grippe and similar con- ditions; and all yield to the treatment described for la grippe which makes use of Double-Range Respiration; day rest, day sleep if possible, as well as night sleep; and liquid food selected from the True Foods; or milk, raw eggs, soups, broths, juice of very ripe sweet oranges iced, and juice of pineapple in which cubes of old bread toasted have been soaked. INSANITY The only known cure for this malady, where it has already dethroned the reason, is found in the first Six Sections of the Post-Graduate Course of the Ralston Health Club, known as BRAIN TESTS. The subject is so extensive that it would bur- den this book beyond its usefulness to add it here, and would increase the cost unnecessarily. But all forms of insanity are not curable. INCIPIENT INSANITY can always be cured and complete healing follow by the first Six Sections of the Course in Brain Tests. Nature's Doctors 205 THREATENED MENTAL BREAKDOWN SLIPPING MEMORY, ERRATIC PROCESSES OF THINKING, and every form of weakness or lack of power in this organ, are thoroughly healed by the Sections mentioned; and we know positively that there is no other hope of cure ever offered humanity. "CAN'ST THOU MINISTER TO A MIND DISEASED?" Nothing can be more terrible than mind disease. It is never physical and is not cured by physical methods such as may reach the body and the brain. The first indications that this subtle, secretly-working malady is invading the mind is the FEAR OF SOME PORTENDING TROUBLE, accompanied by a vague unrest and discontent. WORRY often precedes this condition, but generally follows it. The evil influence of WORRY is far more potent than is supposed; doctors know that it causes the majority of cases of fatal diabetes. If it can do this, what can it not do? Mental Disease also appears in MELANCHOLY, leading to obsessions; and ninety percent of humanity is said to suffer from these ghastly visitations.-The breaking up of the faculties is due more to the mind's disease than to that of the body. A mind that is as CLEAR AS CRYSTAL accompanying a SOUND JUDGMENT in all matters great and small is a grander blessing than mere health of body; and the attainment of such a blessing is the main work of the Post Graduate Course of the Ralston Health Club, issued in a volume much larger than this book of Life Building, under the general title of "BRAIN TESTS."* INSOMNIA.-This is inability to sleep nights. It has three forms: Mental activity. Nervous activity. Physical activity. In the first form you go to bed thinking, and keep on thinking clear into the night, often till morning. * "BRAIN TESTS," a complete system of vast scope, teaching perfect Mental Health; published privately by Ralston Company, Hopewell, New Jersey, price ten dollars; free to Progressive Ralstonites under plan stated in final pages of this book, 206 Complete Life Building In the second form you are all afire in your nerves. In the third form your muscles are restless, twitching and seeking vent for their energies all night long. This last-named trouble is due wholly to the eating of too much nitrogenous food after the noon meal. The duty of nitrogenous food is to make muscles and furnish the machinery of the body. Common sense tells us that such food is required before the day's work; never after it. There is no such thing as repairing muscular loss by rest, or after it occurs. Muscles build themselves by use, never by rest. If you carry your arm in a sling for a period, it will lose all its mus- cular tissue. When you lie in bed for days your muscles grow flabby. The following foods should not be eaten later than the noon hour if you are troubled with insomnia: Avoid all meats; all rich fish like salmon; all old peas and beans, all shelled beans; all fibrous vegetables, all vegetables cooked with meat, pork or fat; all new bread, rolls and biscuits cooked the same day; all fried cakes and other food; and everything in the Three Hour, Four Hour, Five Hour and Never Classes. IRRITABILITY.-This is a warning symptom of a wrong condition in the body; just as neuralgia is another warning symptom of something else that is wrong and that needs atten- tion. It has been said that 999 persons in every thousand suffer from congestion without knowing it; and Nature seeks to give notice of this condition by what we call irritability. Unless congestion gets a hold of the membrane of the stomach and of the connecting membranes, no disease or malady can follow. This fact should be remembered every day of the year. The cause of congestion is material that is not needed by the body or the abusive manner of cooking what is needed. Fried foods and pastry always set up congestion. Its presence is never known at first except by the irritated condition of the nerves. Look at the list of foods that cause PROFANITY under that subject in this Section; any one of those foods is able to set up congestion and result in irritability, the forerunner of profanity and the craving for alcohol and other stimulants. Normally the system rejects all stimulants. One of the natural ends of the victim of alcoholism is insanity; and every expert knows that Nature's Doctors 207 irritability is the forerunner of the most violent forms of in- sanity when it has gone unchecked to its climax. No one pre- tends to deny that delirium tremens is the final curtain of al- coholism, and it is an abject and degrading form of insanity. Like the spokes that radiate from the hub of a wheel, all these methods of wrecking human life and its hopes have their be- ginning in a congested stomach, and the cause of that trouble is in the things that enter the mouth on their way to the stomach; things that are poisonous to the body. The man who can conquer himself is greater than he who can conquer or rule a city. Here is the opportunity for testing self control. Study yourself to ascertain whether or not you are irritable, whether you desire at times to use language that is profane or rough; if so, conquer the trouble by removing the cause. KIDNEY TROUBLES BRIGHT'S DISEASE More than fifty million people in America have chronic Bright's Disease in a mild and curable form. Of this number five million may neglect the trouble and die in agony sooner or later. The others may drag along, most of them under the care of doctors, and keep alive for many years; probably staying on earth half of the time otherwise allotted them. There is but one basic cause for kidney diseases; and that is eating more of the muscle-making foods than these organs can dispose of. When this fact is learned and listened to, there is hope for all sufferers who have not yet reached the fatal stage of the malady. TOO MUCH MUSCLE-MAKING FOOD. The kidneys of a person who does not use the body physically very much each day, will not dispose of more than three ounces of muscle-making food every twenty-four hours. But if a person gives the body much outdoor air, much ac- tivity, yet is not a hard worker, then the kidneys will dispose of six ounces, of this class of food. The hard working man, especially if out of doors to a large extent, may eat twelve ounces of this kind of food. While whole wheat, whole rice, cream, milk and butter con- tain some of the muscle-making food value, it is never possible 208 Complete Life Building to take them to excess so as to injure the kidneys. We, there- fore, omit them in this classification. The most common of the MUSCLE-MAKING FOODS ARE: 1. Meat of all kinds, and in all conditions, fresh, salted, smoked and otherwise prepared, cooked or un-cooked. They are the most dangerous enemies of the kidneys, for the reason that they are the stored up poisons of the animals from which they are taken. Every ounce of meat, therefore, puts the kidneys to double tax to dispose of the poisons contained in it. 2. Cheese. This includes all kinds of cheese made from the curd of milk. It is a concentrated muscle-making food, unbal- anced by the other parts of the milk. In the form of whole milk, it is never a danger to the kidneys. 3. Old beans. While not containing locked up animal poisons like meat, beans do in fact carry a greater proportion of muscle- making food; for which reason they furnish a long stand-by for laborers. Pound for pound they are only half the tax on the kidneys that meats are, and are to be preferred; but sedentary persons should eat but few of them at a meal, and never after midday. 4. Old peas. What is true of beans is likewise true of peas. 5. Eggs. The yolks when boiled hard for an hour or more are digestible, and one or two eggs a day can be passed by the kidneys if the whites are not cooked. When the latter are coagulated even in the slightest degree, the kidneys will not pass them. If you are an egg eater, we advise boiling them for one hour or longer; some persons boil them for three hours; then wholly discard the whites and eat from one to three a day de- pending on your physical activity; but on the same day eat no more muscle-making food. 6. Oat Meal. One dish of oat meal cooked all night, or not less than three hours in the day time, contains half the muscle- making food needed by the average person of active life; and in much better form. It also contains practically all the food elements required to build a perfect body. When oat meal is eaten, no meat, egg, cheese, beans or peas should be taken at the same meal. When meat is eaten, no oat meal, cheese, egg, peas or beans should be taken at the same meal. And so on through the list. Never double a muscle- making food; never eat two kinds of this food at the same meal. Nature's Doctors 209 The worst barbarism is that of baked beans, pork, and brown bread as a repast. No wonder the old timers of Boston died early. No wonder they all had kidney complications while they lived. And it is no wonder that fifty million inhabitants of our fair land are to-day suffering from some form of kidney malady; mostly from incipient Bright's Disease. Nature has been kind in such cases. She has given her victims a chance to escape death if they will adopt her teachings. She has given them a covering of the body called the SKIN, and has installed in that covering count- less millions of little engines which are able to pump out of the blood the poisons that the kidneys are not able to throw off. If you keep the pores of the skin open by one very thorough daily bath, you will never die of kidney disease. But the skin clogs itself so completely in every twenty-four hours that it ceases to be of service to the kidneys. Some eollege students in the hazing days varnished the skin of one of their fellow students; and in twenty minutes he died in great agony. In another college where they had not heard of this case, students covered one of their fellow students with sticking plaster; he lived for two hours; and died after great suffering. These cases indicate that a dirty hide may permit enough of its functions to take place to avoid death, but not enough to be of help to the kidneys. LIVER TROUBLES are cured by the use of the True Foods, and by the daily adoption of Double-Range Respiration, aided by the Outward Water Cure; all of which agencies act directly on this organ. LOCKJAW, or Tetanus, is due to the lodgment of poison matter under the skin, generally at some thick part. The wound should never be allowed to cover over as long as danger exists; and powerful antiseptics should be applied. Rusty nails pene- trating the feet are the common cause. MALARIA.-This is a mosquito disease; and has been over- come wherever stagnant water has all been subjected to crude oil. NEURALGIA.-This is a warning issued by Nature that you are in some way abusing your body or its vitality. The usual forms of abuse are: 210 Complete Life Building Lack of Sleep. Stomach too Long Empty. Indigestion. Improper Foods. Not Sufficient Nourishment in the Foods Eaten. Eye Strain. Toothache. The cure is apparent if the cause is known. NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and NEURASTHENIA.-See the treatment given under the head of Anemia and Consumption. Also adopt Double-Range Res- piration; day sleep; and the non-irritating foods which are known as the True Foods. NEURITIS.-This is called the new or modern disease. It is perhaps the most painful and cruel of all maladies, for the reason that it is torture of the nerves themselves. It is gener- ally fatal. It has come into existence as the partner of general food adulteration. All flour, all meats and all canned goods of every kind are adulterated with chemicals that irritate the nerves and destroy their fiber. People who are so situated that they must depend on canned goods and canned fruits are fast becom- ing victims of this modern torture; while, on the other hand, those who live in the country where vegetables are canned with- out chemicals, and where fruits are put up in their natural state, never suffer from neuritis. An expert in this malady said that there were no cases of this disease except in the cities. PARALYSIS.-This differs from neuritis in that the latter is the dying of the nerves themselves; while the former is the dying of one or more nerve-centers, or the sudden slumber of such nerve centers. Occasionally they wake. In the kind of influenza that prevailed when the Government, during the world war, asked people to eat all the tomatoes they could, and forego all the real food they could, the lungs became paralyzed because their nerve centers stopped functioning; with the result that the victim suffocated and died from lack of respiration. In acute indigestion the poison gas distends the stomach and pushes its walls against the heart, at the same time injuring the vitality of the latter by the poison of the gas, so that the heart is tem- porarily paralyzed. It stops, and rarely ever starts again. Then there is the funeral. Nature's Doctors 211 Then there is chronic paralysis of the bladder valve, due wholly and always to tea drinking. All tea drinkers are drippers of drops of urine; and old people lose so much daily that the odor fills the house. Tea quiets the nerves. So do many drugs. The nerves that are quieted by a poison are partly killed. The United States Government in one of its Bulletins makes the statement that "the drinking of iced tea is slow suicide." Likewise the drink- ing of tea or any nerve-quieter is slow paralysis. Doctors who specialize in this malady say that "ninety percent of all para- lytics are tea drinkers." In one ward in one city during a period of ten years, 418 persons died from paralysis, and in- vestigation proved that every one of them without exception was a tea drinker. All the widely advertised drugs, pills and medicines of today are guilty of the crime of causing either neuritis or paralysis. They also cause great irritation of the nerves, and this invites the other habit, tea drinking. Many persons bring their over-heated, unbathed bodies into railroad cars, and at once open the windows at their seats, not stopping to think that the cold blasts of air strike the frail woman or child in the seat next behind, and endanger life through pneumonia or paralysis. Many deaths have been directly traced to this practice. One railroad conductor re- ported in his experience of forty years, twenty-four cases of paralytic shock as having occurred on trains in his charge, all due to the opening of car windows. PARESIS.-This is often called softening of the brain, but incorrectly. It is a form of paralysis due to alcoholism, or to inherited syphilitic taint. It cannot be cured. PILES.-These are caused by the liver, but there are causes that precede liver trouble. Thus thousands of people have piles only during the strawberry season; this is due to an acid poison that follows through the liver into the intestines. On the other hand there are certain kinds of pills used as a laxative that re- sult in piles while giving only temporary relief from constipa- tion. Some medicines do the same thing. The process is very easy to understand. Piles are attended by the protruding of the end of the alimentary canal. When in health it is tense and vigorous; when paralyzed in part by drugs or acids in 212 Complete Life Building fruits, it ceases to hold its tense nature and becomes flabby, so that it cannot hold itself in place. Bleeding piles as well as protruding piles may be overcome by holding a piece of ice as large as a pullet's egg, against the place. Wrap the ice in cloth, and have several thicknesses of cloth on the outside to assist in keeping it against the intestine. This method has prevented many cases from being taken to the hospital where an operation had been ordered by doctors. PROFANITY is a universal disease of the nerves, involving the brain, the mind and the vital centers. It is known as the "CONGESTION MALADY." It is of two classes: 1. Habit. 2. The shrieking of the nerves suffering from blind conges- tion and the more intense forms of irritability due to indigestion. When it is a habit, it is a parrot-like repetition of what has been uttered by others. Almost any group of boys whose par- ents are profane may be heard speaking unconsciously the words of the most abhorrent oaths. This is a common event in city and town. With this class of cases we have nothing to do. It serves to furnish the complete vocabulary for those who have dire need of bad words to relieve their feelings and torment. THE PROFANITY DIET.--This consists of the fol- lowing: Bacon, cheese, pork, lard, sausage, doughnuts, crullers, pastry, fried ham, fried meats of any kind, fried fish) fried potatoes, crisps, chips, new bread, corn flakes, fried egg plant, fried eggs, Saratoga potatoes, tea, coffee, baked beans, old beans, old peas, sweet pota- toes, yams, marmalade, fried oysters, mincemeat, clams, lobster, suet, goose, turnips, cabbage, radishes, cran- berries, cucumbers, peppers, pickles, vinegar, catsup, peanuts, peanut butter, spices, dried currants, fruit cake, gelatine, coconut, pickled meats, salted meats, smoked meats, smoked fish, pickled fish, old or fibrous vege- tables, crisp surfaces of meats or other food, the choco- late in common use, candies not home made, gravies, dressings, sauces, fancy breads, cakes, oily nuts, and in fact all nuts except almonds and chestnuts. Nature's Doctors 213 RHEUMATISM.-As used by people in general the term rheumatism embraces many different kinds of affliction, that apparently are all along the same line. Neuralgia is often con- founded with this malady. It is useless to split hairs in defin- ing the results of a group of causes all of which may be brought to an end by proper eating, or other preventive measures. It is a poison disease. Even so small a thing as an unhealthy tonsil may set up enough poison in the system to establish chronic rheumatic con- ditions. If you suspect that as a cause, let your doctor inspect your tonsils; and if they are diseased, have them cut out. There is no danger in the operation. Poison from decayed teeth has been known to set up this malady. But ninety-nine cases out of every hundred are due solely to a wrong diet. There are fourteen elements required by the human body to sustain its life, every one of which must be taken in constantly. When some of these are lacking, neuralgia follows; the absence of a certain quantity of bone material re- sults in the rickets. On the other hand if you eat fifteen elements instead of the fourteen, you may have some form of rheumatism. The fact is that all rheumatic people, with rare exceptions, are eating, not fourteen or fifteen, but a daily average of more than forty elements, or twenty-six more than the body requires or can take care of. STOMACH TROUBLES.-Almost every man or woman, who does not live up to the doctrines of the Ralston Health Club, has some form of stomach trouble. The cure is embraced in the general work of this book, and requires the mastery of the principles set forth herein. It is in the stomach that the first fires of sickness have their origin; that organ becomes congested or sore. It is said that practically every stomach that has been examined in autopsies has shown this congested or sore condition. The inflammation slowly, steadily spreads in all directions; to the liver, to the kid- neys, to the abdominal contents, to the heart, to the lungs, and eventually up the passages to the throat; and wherever it goes the functions become abnormal. Various kinds of catarrh follow. The stomach becomes catarrhal. 214 Complete Life Building Such a stomach is an unfit organ for the digestion of food. It also becomes sore and inflamed; and as such is not a fit organ to carry on digestion. There is no known cure for these mala- dies except to cease abusing the stomach by improper foods and improper cooking. Medicines only increase the trouble. Use the True Foods and get well. SYPHILIS This brings us to the unpleasant part of our work; the dis- cussion of what is undoubtedly the most horrible and most filthy of all human diseases. We would omit it if it were not for the fact that a large train of maladies have their origin in this disease. When we stop to think of the many afflictions that can be traced to this cause, we realize how important it is to under- stand its nature so that prevention may be taught where cure is hopeless. Take any one of fifty known modern diseases, paresis for example, or any other, and study its relation to syphilis, and you will understand the sway which this fearful scourge has on mankind to-day. Paresis is paralysis of the brain, and its victims are taken out of the world long before their life should end; and this malady can be directly traced to syphilis in eighty-three cases out of every one hundred; with probably the other seventeen influenced by the trouble. Spe- cialists in infantile paralysis assert that this affliction is charged to that cause; but it probably requires not only such origin but a wicked diet for children to account for it; in other words, both syphilis and a bad diet combine to produce infantile paralysis. Locomotor-ataxia is undoubtedly due to inherited syphilis; so is epilepsy, which seems to be on the increase, as there are over half a million patients in this country suffering from that malady. Had there never been any syphilis there never would have been any epilepsy, nor locomotor-ataxia, nor paresis in all probability. Yet these troubles are but the beginning of the train that follows this one horror. A medical congress declared that this scourge alone stood responsible for ninety-eight percent of all inherited diseases. It is a terrible arraignment. What is more feared than cancer? Yet if there had never been any syphilis Nature's Doctors 215 there would never have been any cancer. The latter comes both directly and remotely from the former. This most horrible and filthy venereal disease arises from direct contamination with a person who is suffering from it in an early stage; or else is inherited from one who had it and who transmitted it at birth; the father or mother being the victims; or else it came from a grandparent through a parent, or still further back, as the iniquities of the fathers are visited upon the children of the third and the fourth generations. Locomotor-ataxia, paresis and epilepsy generally come from one generation back; cancer from the second, third or fourth generation back. Ulcers, tumors, skin diseases and similar troubles are all due to syphilitic blood inherited from parent or grandparent. You can see now why we are compelled to discuss this malady; to omit it would be to omit the discussion of many diseases. It eats the blood by slow degrees; it bursts out on the body in cancerous sores; it rots away the soft bones; the nose cartilage decays under the skin; the larynx suffers likewise in the throat; and the whole being is submerged in a sea of semi-ulcerous affliction. This is the direct stage. It takes time to develop these re- sults, and while they are in process the victim marries and off- spring are born. The danger to the world is not from the direct stage; but from the offspring, and the children and grandchildren of the latter. The malady in the direct stage was an epidemic through- out all Europe in the fifteenth century, chiefly between the years 1450 and 1500; it is claimed that all the children born in that period and for another half century following, were diseased. But in the sixteenth century the use of mercury had reduced the first awful results in large degree without lessening the in- herited taint. It is this taint that has come down in the blood that brings so many diseases to the race to-day. In six generations it runs its course except that it leaves its cancerous danger in ever lessening degree, but still to be feared. A man who has led a clean life, whose parents both led clean lives, and whose grandparents all led clean lives, and whose great-grandparents all led clean lives, that is free from the 216 Complete Life Building direct stage, is sure to be free from inherited taint, and would not fall victim to cancer if a more remote taint existed, not even if he used tobacco; but history shows that such a man could not be induced to use tobacco. In other words where the generations number four, all having lived clean lives, there would be a complete hatred for tobacco in this generation. Hence cancer could not be possible. Yet it is a well known fact to doctors that cigarette smokers possess more than fifty percent of syphilic taint and blood poison; most of them exceeding even sixty percent of this malig- nant inheritance. Here is a typical report: A leading specialist in the treatment of this disease said, "I made tests in one month of 168 men and women. Of this number, 139 were tainted with a very high percentage of the diseases and were unfit to marry or associate with the opposite sex; and of this group of 139 so afflicted, every one was a slave to the cigarette habit. The remaining twenty-nine were not only free from the taint in serious form, but every one of them was free from the cigarette habit; yet of the latter number, seven smoked cigars or pipes." Another expert said, "I have met thousands of patients, many of them among the social and wealthy classes, and I have never seen a man or woman who smoked cigarettes who was not tainted in excessive degree with syphilis either inherited or acquired; and I have never seen a man or woman who was afflicted with this repulsive disease who did not readily take up the cigarette habit. They crave tobacco, and must have it in almost continuous use, and cigarettes are the only way they can thus be served." The declaration of a very prominent expert is worth remembering: "When I see a man who is prom- inent in the business world, or in some other walk of life, smok- ing cigarettes, I know that he is carrying in his blood the sins of parents or grandparents, for which he is not to blame; but I should abhor the prospect of having him wed a daughter of mine. When I see a woman who is prominent in the social set, or who stands high in some profession, smoking cigarettes, I know that she is carrying in her blood sixty percent or more of malignant cancerous or ulcerous taint inherited from parents or grandparents for which she is not to blame; but I should abhor the prospect of having her wed any decent male friend Nature's Doctors 217 or relative of mine. There is not living to-day any woman who smokes cigarettes who has blood fit for marriage or association with the opposite sex. These may seem strong words, but they can be proved to be true." There are whole nations who are victims of syphilis inherited or acquired; and they are likewise addicted to the cigarette habit, man, woman and child, without exception; one hundred percent syphilitic, and one hundred percent cigarette slaves. There are certain peoples who have never been willing to take up the cigarette habit, and to this day not one of them is syphilitic; these facts are within easy proof. Private statistics show that four times as many young men as young women are syphilitic; and show at the same time that four times as many young men as young women, when sub- jected to the temptation to smoke cigarettes, become slaves to this tobacco habit of intensive smoking. When you find a young man or man who is not addicted to the cigarette habit, after being given the opportunity to acquire it, you can rest assured that he is clean in blood, and free from syphilis. No other test is really necessary. It may seem strange that this habit should be allied to the most horrible and most malignant of all filthy diseases; but facts are facts; the two go together; the fearful unrest, and the nervous craving, eating into mind and body, when once it meets the soothing poison of the cigarette, must ever after cling to that poison, just as the alcoholic slave must have alcohol, and the drug fiend must have the drugs that still the rasping torment of brain and blood. CONSTITUTIONAL "SYMPTOMS OF DANGER" We do not believe that a well person should seek symptoms of sickness. But all incurable diseases are, at a certain time in life, curable; and their attacks may be wholly overcome if met with resistance before it is too late. In the history of every hopeless case, there has always been a period of escape that has been neglected. 1. PULSE.-The heart-beats may be counted at the wrist and other parts of the body, and indicate the condition of the circulation. The action of the heart itself, and the health of 218 Complete Life Building its valves may be easily determined by instruments that mag- nify to the ear the sounds within. In like manner, the health of the lungs and of the air-passages may be ascertained. 2. TEMPERATURE.-The heat and fever of the body may be learned by thermometers placed in various parts of the body, and in the mouth; as well as by the hand of the physician who is experienced. 3. THE COATED TONGUE.-This old form of evidence of the state of the liver and stomach, and even of the other organs, is still one of the most reliable methods of giving warning. It is a safe rule to say that no person should neglect a coated tongue. It should be clean at all times, and clean clear through to the throat. Take danger by the forelock and drive away the enemy that is lurking within the organic life of the body. 4. THE EYE-BALL.-The white of the eye should be clean and clear. If it is muddy, find the cause and cure it. Neglect is dangerous. The pupil of the eye, which is the center through which the light passes, holds the secret of sanity and insanity in many cases, and of the nervous troubles that are brewing in the life of the individual. 5. INSIDE THE EYE.-Such a malady as Bright's disease, which when advanced is incurable, first shows itself in the in- terior of the eye, and it does not require very expert knowledge to behold the presence of the most dreaded of all dangers next to cancer. There are many instances -where the approach of this terrible enemy has been discovered before the malady had reached the incurable stage; and perfect health has been there- by attained. Surely no man or woman can be blamed for hunt- ing for these opportunities of self-preservation. 6. The CIRCULATION of the blood comes nearest to the surface and vision under the finger nails than at any other part of the body. It is as though the nails were panes of glass over the blood. 7. "When the blood is pure and the heart healthy, the nails are pink in color and this hue is even, not changed in parts. 8. When a deep tinge of purple appears at the base of the nails it is sure evidence that the heart is affected; and this fact is made more important when the skin within the hand is pur- ple-shaded. No time should be lost in seeking a cure for the impending danger. ELEVENTH SECTION THE TRUE FOODS SAVING LED UP in the preceding pages of this book to the consideration of the foods that make a per- fect body, we now purpose to list and describe them, after which we shall apply their uses in the great task ahead. This group of eatables does not look large nor seem tempting. But when we feed the most valuable horse, whose money price is half a million dollars, we do not give him a diet of unlimited variety. The doctor who is charged with the duty of keeping him in perfect health, knows that a few things are best, whereas a great number of different things would ruin the animal. Of course man is not of the same class as the horse; some men are more intelligent, some are less; but it is a fact that man could live better on a half dozen kinds of food than on a hundred. We now present three lists of TRUE FOODS: 1. The TRUE FOODS of ultimate civilization. 2. The TRUE FOODS as we find them. 3. The CURATIVE POWER of TRUE FOODS. What is meant b/ ultimate civilization is that stage in the development of human intelligence when man will insist on the conditions that are within his grasp to-day, but which he lacks the mental interest to obtain. These blessings are not out of reach; in fact they are close at hand; but no one seems to care whether or not they are secured; so they are lost by default. 219 220 Complete Life Building THE TRUE FOODS OF ULTIMATE CIVILIZATION 1. Whole wheat flour with the germ retained, and the rough coats of the outer bran removed. 2. White corn meal with the germ retained. 3. White flour free from bleach and lime. 4. Eggs from hens fed only with pure food. 5. Flake tapioca. 6. Whole rice. 7. Raw milk absolutely clean; and cream and butter from same. 8. Distilled water aerated. 9. Canned vegetables known to be free from dangerous preservatives. The above are not all the TRUE FOODS. They are those that are not obtained to-day in their best form for yielding good health and long life. No mental state of indifference is so marked as that which will permit six billions of dollars a year to be wasted in this nation alone by loss of time, ill health, drugs, doctors, nurses, hospitals and operations, when the sum of money paid out in the last two years for football tickets, over one hundred million dollars in two seasons of a few weeks each, to witness a sport, would be more than sufficient to secure all the above nine bless- ings permanently for the entire nation. Just think of the kind of brain, the kind of mind, the kind of so-called intelligence that will throw away six thousand million dollars every year, and accept with indifference the suffering, the loss of loved ones and premature deaths everywhere, that could have been averted by the expenditure of the price of football tickets for two brief seasons! But humanity is humanity. It does no good to persist in this line of discussion. As long as humanity is humanity so long will men and women continue to endure agonizing pain and bury their dead in untimely graves, instead of doing the simplest thing to pre- vent these disasters. But the time will come when men and women who have useless millions of money will make it do the work of ultimate civilization. We will briefly refer to the nine items of the TRUE FOODS Nature's Doctors 221 that are to-day within the reach of the people, but which they will not accept: 1. WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR.-The white part of the wheat grain makes a bread that will rise and that will make toast, which are the two great essentials of bread; but it is a badly unbalanced food which, by actual tests, if fed alone to animals will produce death in a short time. It is the cause of constipa- tion which itself is the cause of poisons of the most serious nature in the human body. On the other hand, the so-called whole wheat flour contains the rough hulls of the grain, and sets up congestion throughout the entire alimentary canal, do- ing even more harm than the white flour bread. Millers will not retain the germ of the wheat grain for the reason that it causes the flour to spoil too soon; and thus they discard the most vitalizing agency in the wheat. There is no flour on sale to-day that meets the requirements of Nature. The remedy is the small mill in every section of the land; and a mill capable of removing the rough husks while retaining the value of the bran and the germ. We know of no such mills in America. Before the recent war they were in use in Europe, and were called the Schweitzer process mills; and it was said there was one in almost every family. We do not know where they can be obtained, nor the address of the makers. But about twenty-five years ago the U. S. Government issued a bulletin fully describing them; and their use was advocated by Dr. Harvey Wiley, of Washington, D. C., when Chief United States Chemist. It was proved that the flour made in that way could support life indefinitely, as well as such animals that would have died from the use of the white flour now in use in America. The bread so made had a better flavor than thc.t now eaten here, and contained the value and power of meat, eggs and milk. Let some wealthy person investigate this matter, and see that the right kind of flour mill is constructed; this could be housed in a small building. The use of gasoline and oil engines is now so common that the expense would be very slight; and one such mill would serve as many families as cared to patronize it. Freshly ground wheat flour has a flavor that is very attractive; then the assurance of purity is worth something. But first ascertain the kind of mill needed. A visit to Paris, France, 222 Complete Life Building might yield this information for prior to the war, many thous- ands of such mills were in use there. 2. WHOLE CORN MEAL.-The corn meal that the public now buys has the germ removed. When the germ is retained, the meal spoils in a few weeks. But the germ is large and valuable, holding more real vitality than the rest of the grain. It has to be sacrificed so that the worthless part of the meal may be kept for sale. The remedy is to grind often and supply the demand of a few families once a month or oftener. 3. PURE WHITE FLOUR.-Some of the States have re- cently legislated against bleaching flour. This crime is how- ever permitted by the Government in order not to interfere with business activities. When all politicians are driven out of office; when it shall be a law that no officeholder shall be re-elected to any office after one term; then there will be legis- lation in favor of the health of the people instead of the health of the pocketbook. It is the hope of being re-elected that changes would-be statesmen into dishonest politicians. Ask a Senator what he is in office for; and he will tell you, if he speaks the truth, "for re-election." Ask any Representative what he is in office for; and he will tell you, if he speaks the truth, "for re-election." All their speeches, all their deeds, their whole conduct and their activities, are focused on the one end, "re-election." Thus the honest man of worthy ambitions, is compelled to become one hundred percent dishonest in order to lay plans, pull wires and follow only one inspired hope, "re- election." The American people are eating bleached flour; and much of the flour contains lime ground as fine as the finest flour; it is very beautiful; a work of art; but a deadly imposition con- cocted in the interests of unearned dividends. Set up a small mill, if you are able to do so, and thus over- come the three great stumbling blocks to the highest form of health; the same mill can give you the whole wheat flour, and the com meal. The bright inventor who will create the right kind of a mill, which need not be large, might become a mil- lionaire by his invention. 4. EGGS FROM CLEANLY FED HENS.-The hen is a natural scavenger, preferring worms, bugs, spiders and filth to clean food. But we have seen and have kept hens that were Nature's Doctors 223 fed only as the owner chose to feed them, and the eggs from such feeding are quite different in taste and quality from those fed by the hens themselves. Many persons know they are poi- soned by eggs, whether the latter are cooked or raw. Blood tests show this fact, and doctors have ordered such patients to omit this kind of food from their diet. It is probably true that eggs from hens that feed themselves as scavengers, are poison- ous to all persons; and it is probably true that eggs from hens fed with only clean food are never a poison to any one. If you establish a flour and meal mill, you will have on hand a goodly amount of grain feed for a large poultry colony. Thus you will secure four results in one line of activity. 5. FLAKE TAPIOCA.-This is a very light and easily di- gested food, which should always be eaten with cream. Sago is also recommended for a light food. Both these articles are going out of use to make way for "pearl tapioca" which is a spurious food, being made from old and abandoned waxy pota- toes, wholly unfit for the stomach. The starch from the pota- toes is cooked and when solid is molded into small pellets. The profit of making them is great; but the retail stores reap a large gain from selling them. For this reason the dealers are eager to handle them in place of pure food; as they are eager to sell tuna fish in place of salmon. It is the old story of sacrificing health on the altar of the pocketbook. 6. WHOLE RICE.-This grain is one of the most important of all the products of the earth as a food for humanity; but when deprived of its coat or covering, it is one of the most poisonous when eaten by itself. We do not know where you can buy whole rice; but it is for sale in many places in Amer- ica. Avoid polished rice. Avoid unpolished rice as such, for it still is the inside of the grain only. Brown rice is the right kind. Any wholesale grocery, or any large mailing house may give you the information necessary to lead you to it. But it is worth getting even at an advanced cost. 7. RAW CLEAN MILK.-As has been stated the habit of sterilizing milk changes it from a life building food to a mere life sustaining food. It is better to do this than to use it in an unclean condition. But if you set up a flour mill somewhere, it may be possible to have as adjuncts to that enterprise a poul- 224 Complete Life Building try yard and a dairy farm of a few acres. This is getting in close touch with Nature; but the idea is delightful even if vi- sionary. There are whole peoples who find happiness and health by such methods. Butter and cream are necessary. 8. DISTILLED WATER AERATED.-Well water is likely to hurry old age ripening on account of its excess of mineral matter. All other water is surface water except springs. Un- der the head of Diabetes you will read of the damage done by surface water. Rain water is distilled by rising vapors, and is aerated by falling through the air to the ground. It is Nature's greatest blessing; but is not palatable because it picks up dirt from the air, which gives it a bad taste and odor. Man has for some time imitated this plan of Nature by distilling water; but like his efforts to get whole wheat flour, he has stopped on the wrong side of success. Distilled water is a poison until it is aerated; after which it is an improvement on the best rain water ever produced. We do not know where there are any water stills for sale; but they are easily made. The same kind of a still that will make whiskey will serve to distill water. Some day there will be a surplus of whiskey stills lying about; for some day the American people will wake up to the fact that the very exist- ence of our national life depends on obedience to the laws; and a widespread disregard for the laws means national suicide and the death of true liberty. That brand of freedom which is known as personal liberty always encroaches on the rights of the people as a whole, and sounds the death knell of genuine freedom. If you construct the flour mill suggested herein, it will be a very easy matter to add a water still; and the product can be aerated by dropping it from an elevation of eight feet or more, from one receptacle into another. 9. CANNED VEGETABLES.-All canned goods now on sale in the stores are adulterated with preservatives that tend to cause neuritis. All canned goods made at home by the boil- ing method alone, are free from such dangers. Canned vege- tables are very necessary to the health in the season when the fresh kinds are not to be had. If you are not able to can them in your own house, why not arrange for the flour mill company to do the work? They will have the heat and conveniences. Nature's Doctors 225 HEALTH COMMUNITIES In that far away era when the world will witness the dawn of an ultimate civilization, when ordinary common sense will take a higher rank in public attention than frivolities, the es- tablishment of Health Communities will become universal. People who dwell in cities will either drift into the country, or will have business connections with those who are of the country; and then there will be nothing difficult in setting up a mill where every one can secure milk, flour, meal, eggs and distilled water in absolute purity. By so doing they will have obtained the greatest of all foods in their best quality; and thus have laid the foundation of per- fect health and an indefinite prolongation of life on earth. Fed with such high grade foods, aided by distilled aerated water, the body will not ripen into age. But this change for the best will not occur in your lifetime nor ours. The very small number of people who are inter- ested in such undertakings will never start anything worth while. A hundred thousand persons every year take fake courses of instruction by mail in health betterment, who are too lazy mentally to move in the right direction. As this period of the world's history will not witness the advance towards the true foods of ultimate civilization, we are compelled to do the next best thing, and take THE TRUE FOODS AS WE FIND THEM. By so doing, instead of throwing up our hands in despair, wTe try to accommodate our battle for perfect health to the con- ditions that confront us. HERE ARE THE TRUE FOODS AS WE FIND THEM 1. WHEAT PUDDING. 2. RAW WHEAT VEGETABLE CELLS. 3. BREAD. 4. OATMEAL. 5. RAW OAT VEGETABLE CELLS. 6. WHITE MEAL. 7. MILK. 226 Complete Life Building 8. CREAM; also ice cream only when home made. 9. BUTTER. 10. BUTTERMILK. 11. HOMINY. 12. FLAKE TAPIOCA. 13. BAKED WHITE POTATOES, with skins when young. 14. BAKED SWEET APPLES. 15. RAW WHITES OF EGGS. 16. POWDERED YOLKS OF EGGS. 17. BEEF; always rare. 18. MUTTON; and old lamb. 19. RED SALMON, fresh if possible; otherwise canned. 20. FISH, fresh only. 21. RICE. 22. LETTUCE. 23. ASPARAGUS. 24. CELERY. 25. SPINACH, only when young and tender. 26. BEETS, very young. 27. CARROTS, very young. 28. GREEN PEAS, very young; or limas. 29. STRING BEANS, fresh or canned. 30. SUGAR CORN. 31. ONIONS BOILED. 32. ORANGES, red, deeply colored, sweet and very ripe. 33. PINEAPPLE JUICE. 34. CHERRIES, red or black, and fully ripe. 35. PEACHES, red and very mellow. 36. GRAPES, red or black, royal juice only. 37. RAISINS. 38. DATES. 39. FIGS. 40. SUGAR. 41. MOLASSES. 42. HONEY. It will be seen that all the foods of ultimate civilization are included in the list just given, for they belong there. The only reason for discussing them separately is that they are not to be had to-day in their best condition; they can be improved; and Nature's Doctors 227 for that reason they should receive special attention. But we must do the best we can with what we have. Where the uses and value of the foods have just been con- sidered they need not be repeated as we go on. So we will ex- plain the facts that pertain to the others only. A FIRELESS COOKER.-Not merely as a cooker which is really important, but also to save the cost of fuel in these al- most fuelless times, every wide awake family should have a fireless cooker. We do not know where they can be bought. We never have anything for sale, nor are we agents for the sale of anything. But as fireless cookers are getting as abun- dant as stoves, they can be found in any one of thousands of stores. 1. WHEAT PUDDING.-Get whole wheat with all the bran in. It is better to deal with some flouring mill as near at hand as possible, so that you may feel sure the flour has not been limed; and whole wheat flour is not likely to be bleached. Take a coarse sieve and sift this flour so that the coarse bran will not come through. Then take the coarse bran and use a mortar and pestles, or any pounding outfit such as all cooks pos- sess. Pound the coarse bran until all the flour contents are free; then sift this, saving the finer part, and giving the coarser result to the poultry. The flour thus retained is to be cooked and treated exactly as you would oatmeal; cooking it in the afternoon or evening, placing it in the fireless cooker, letting it cook all night, and in the morning toasting it to almost a brown by stirring it over a hot stove for a few minutes; and serving it hot with sugar and cream. It is delicious if well toasted, and most health in- spiring. Next best to Wheat Pudding is shredded wheat eaten with rich milk or cream, and no sugar. 2. RAW WHEAT VEGETABLE CELLS.-The word vegetable is employed here to indicate that this food contains all its minerals in the form of cells- that have been grown by plant impulses, to distinguish it from minerals that are given in the form of drugs and medicines that have had no vegetable organic life. Thus iron in vegetable cells is very necessary to humanity; but as a mineral only it will cause tuberculosis of the lungs. RAW FOODS.-There was a fad in vogue some years ago 228 Complete Life Building in which the eating of cereal grains in a raw state was advo- cated. All fads, no matter how silly they really are in their entirety, generally contain one or more points of value. It is true that whole wheat grains, whole rice grains and whole oats have very important elements that are assimilated if eaten raw; but no human being is able to properly masticate them; and so the fad fell through. The item of value however may be se- cured by a treatment that has been tested and found good in many hospitals. Take any quantity you wish of bran; pour cold water on it and let it stand for an hour; then strain it through one thick- ness of cheesecloth and discard the part that remains in the cloth. The water should be in bulk the same as the bran; quart for quart. When cold, for every quart of contents remaining, press into it the juice of two good sized lemons. See if the flavor appeals to you without sweetening; if not, add as much sugar as you would in making lemonade. Drink it when ice cold; sipping slowly. By taking a glass daily of this drink you can use white flour bread, as the lost minerals are restored. 3. BREAD has been well discussed in various parts of this book; but it is best eaten when three days old, and toasted on both sides. If you take the raw wheat vegetable cells you can have white bread always. 4. OATMEAL.-This is prepared and cooked in the same manner as Wheat Pudding which we have just described. 5. RAW OAT VEGETABLE CELLS.-Follow the same method with ordinary oatmeal that is stated above for RAW WHEAT. 6. WHITE MEAL.-The white variety of corn is less oily and more easily digested than the yellow kind; although in very cold weather the latter is more warming. The difference, however, is slight. 7. MILK.-As we have explained in previous pages, milk should never be drank; always eat it. This means mix it with toasted bread, or cereals, potatoes, or other things. 8. CREAM.-What is true of milk is also true of cream. 9. BUTTER.-Avoid imitations of this food; especially those that come from the vegetable kingdom, as it is well known that all vegetable fats are useless as food. Even olive oil is merely a lubricant. The world needs more cows; and every farmer Nature's Doctors 229 and dairy man should make it a rule never to kill a heifer that is in good health, nor a cow until she is too old to breed good stock. This should be the written or un-written law. 10. BUTTERMILK.-This is probably the best of all foods because it contains in less bulky form nearly all the value of milk. 11. HOMINY.-This is the coarse kind. Avoid the grits. 12. FLAKE TAPIOCA.-This has been discussed in a previous page of this Section. 13. BAKED WHITE POTATOES.-Have them of good quality, the Cobblers being the best the year round. Have them mealy. Bake until cooked through. Peel the light flakey skin from the bark; do not disturb the latter. The skin is thinner than tissue paper. Remember that the good of the potato is in the bark, and directly under it; and that the center is of almost no food value. Cut the good portion into bits, salt to suit the taste, and add cream if you can get it; otherwise milk. Here is a perfect food when so combined, that will sup- port life indefinitely. 14. BAKED SWEET APPLES.-Find apples that are fully ripe and very mellow; no other kind will do. Bake in oven and dress occasionally with brown sugar to make a syrup. When done, allow to cool; serve with cream and the syrup that was made in the baking; and avoid the inside third. This means to eat the skin and the royal flesh. The latter is that portion of the apple that is located between the skin and the core section. You will find a line of demarcation showing where the core section begins; all within it is a poison. It is generally two inches in diameter in an average sized apple. 15. RAW WHITES OF EGGS.-This part of an egg is wholly indigestible and worthless as food unless it has been cooked about four hours. But when raw it is almost blood; being the next step to it. It is never digested, as it will be absorbed by the glands of the throat, or picked up by the walls of the stomach before there is time for the action of the gas- tric juice, which makes it of the highest value as a food. More than this it heals a congested throat, or stomach, and is a well known aid in a case of poisoned stomach. When the latter organ is dry, that is, lacking its digestive fluids, the whites of eggs will nourish the body for a long time. 230 Complete Life Building 16. POWDERED YOLKS OF EGGS.-The interior of an egg seems to be a wholly different kind of food from the white. The yolk should be cooked for one hour in boiling water; then allowed to get cold; and, when it is to be used, it should be grated and spread on toasted bread, with some black pepper and salt to taste. 17. BEEF.-This and mutton are the only two meats that can be called life-builders. Other kinds sustain life, but do not advance its health or vital energy. Beef and mutton do both. Beef should never have the red or pink color cooked out of it; the nearer to a raw condition the greater its food value. One very good way to feed it to a person who is suffering from anaemia is to chop it when raw, spread it on toast, add black pepper and salt to taste; then set it in a very hot oven for a quick heating of the surface of the meat. This is a splendid dish, and much liked. 18. MUTTON.-This should be used as a roast, but not cooked rare, nor yet too well done. A light suggestion of pink color should remain. 19. RED SALMON.-This fish is suited to a healthy stom- ach, and is highly stimulating. It is better when fresh; but in a canned state it should be used once every three days through- out the year, but in small quantities. It has too much power- making energy for an ordinary person to be eaten too freely. Often and very little at a time is the rule. We speak of the canned salmon because we know it is hardly possible to find the fresh kind; at least not often. 20. FISH.-Fresh fish is wholesome and should be used boiled if possible; otherwise baked, but not fried. 21. RICE.-This has been discussed in several parts of this book. We strongly advise you to look in the Index and seek all references to this food, as it is the key to many health questions. 22. LETTUCE.-Eat this leaf raw. Wash it well, as it car- ries germs of typhoid and other maladies. 23. ASPARAGUS.-This vegetable is, next to lettuce, the most valuable in its medical qualities of all foods. Eat it daily in small quantities during the season when it is fresh; and can all you are able to find in a state fit to be put up for winter use. Nature's Doctors 231 24. CELERY.-This should be eaten raw if liked; but when cooked it is best in a puree with milk. 25. SPINACH.-Here we have the king of cooked leaves as food. It should be young and tender, and thoroughly cooked, then chopped fine and eaten with butter and salt, with some black pepper for flavoring it. It contains some iron and min- erals in minute quantities; and is also slightly laxative. It also stimulates a natural action of the intestinal canal apart from relieving constipation. 26. BEETS should be eaten when very young, fresh or canned. 27. CARROTS should be eaten when very young, fresh or canned. 28. GREEN PEAS are valuable when quite small, but are to be avoided by all persons except laborers otherwise. 29. STRING BEANS if of the green flesh round podded varieties, are very valuable all seasons of the year. Avoid the other kinds. It has taken thirty years of experiment to pro- duce a variety of string beans that contain their food in their flesh, or the part that surrounds the beans. The beans them- selves do not have much value; and the old kinds that had an indigestible stringy shell, were an inferior food. 30. SUGAR CORN in season, and some tender varieties canned will be found a pleasant change of importance. When eaten on the ear, use plenty of butter and salt. 31. ONIONS.-These should be boiled and never cooked in any other way. They may be dressed in milk or butter with salt and black pepper added. 32. ORANGES.-There are yellow and there are red oranges; and there are sweet and there are sour oranges. Only the deeply colored sweet varieties are good; the others may set up rheumatism, piles or gastric troubles. The old idea of eat- ing an orange was on an empty stomach, or just before a meal, or as the first course. But the leading hotels have caught the idea that they serve to aid digestion, and should follow a meal. Since vitamins were discovered, it has been learned that red sweet oranges are rich in this value, and all vitamin values are best to mix into the food in the stomach; so if eaten in advance their juice has long been absent, and their value cannot be 232 Complete Life Building fully obtained. The juice of a sweet orange sipped during and after a meal is very helpful in many ways. 33. PINEAPPLE JUICE.-Besides being an aid to driving germs from a sore throat, this juice if mixed with sugar will reduce congestion of the throat and stomach. Never eat any of the fiber. 34. CHERRIES.-The body needs iron, and red or black cherries contain this in a most wholesome form, if very ripe and mellow. 35. PEACHES should be deeply colored and mellow. 36. GRAPES.-Like cherries these should be deeply colored, and only the Royal Flesh used when taken raw; or the skins and Royal Flesh when made into preserves, or grape butter. This Royal Flesh is that part of the flesh and juice that is found between the skin and the pulp. It is obtained by allow- ing the fruit to be pressed enough to draw out all the contents ^without bringing force against the pulp. Like the core section of an apple, the pulp is a poison. It costs more to use only a part of such fruit and discard the rest; but sickness costs even more. 37. RAISINS.-Only the large varieties are to be used. The small kinds and currants should be avoided. Raisins are good raw or cooked. 38. DATES.-These are a highly important food, and should be eaten raw when wanted, or cooked with rice, whole wheat pudding, or other thing. 39. FIGS.-These may be eaten like dates. 40. SUGAR.-Either white or brown sugar may be used, the brown being better. 41. MOLASSES, either dark or of medium color, should be used when possible. 42. HONEY is the only animal sweet that Nature furnishes, and is highly useful in a raw state. It has the advantage over sugar and molasses in that it holds its vegetable cells in animal form as originally taken from the plant world. No real animal structure exists, however, in honey. Its other advantage is that it is not sterilized by heat or cooking, and it brings us that closer to Nature. It should follow a meal by being eaten spread on small squares of bread after the rest of the meal has ended, Nature's Doctors 233 but as a part of it. Do not use the comb, as it will gum up your insides. THE TRUE FOODS MUST BE BALANCED Everything that is a true food is not necessarily life sus- taining when taken alone; although some are complete in them- selves. To animals that live in the fields, Nature gives grass which is a complete food for that kind of life. So whole wheat, and oats, with possibly one or two other things, will sustain human life, because they contain all the needed elements of the body. It cannot be said that these things have come about by accident; they prove clearly the presence of a directing power that is wise and efficient. The following TRUE FOODS alone or in the simple com- binations will give complete sustenance; and if you are inter- ested in one-food meals, they may be so used. This does not mean that one food for all the meals is to be used, like grass all the time for cattle and animals that live in the fields all sea- son through; but that at any one meal you may, if you wish, use only one of the following plans: Wheat Pudding. Raw wheat vegetable cells. See the description in the pre- ceding pages for this and other articles. While this one article would keep a strong man alive, it is not recommended alone even at one meal. It is given here, like several others, because it is a completely balanced food. White bread alone will not do. Eat with it either potatoes, or meat, fish, salmon, or eggs; and the bread needs butter or fruit, such as is made in the form of butter or preserves. Oatmeal is a perfect food if cooked three hours or all night in a fireless cooker. Raw oat vegetable cells. The remarks concerning wheat vege- table cells above apply here. White meal. This is better than white bread, but should be balanced in the same way as stated above. Milk. This alone, if rich, will sustain life, but being bulky needs bread, meal or potatoes to go with it. Milk should never be drank, but sipped slowly, or mixed with bread, meal or potatoes. 234 Complete Life Building Hominy. Do not use pearl hominy; get the large flake size, known in some stores as samp. What is said of white bread applies here; but it is a fact that milk and hominy, if the milk is rich, make one of the best evening meals in warm weather, with no other food added. This is a fine example of a one-food meal. Milk, cream, butter, honey, fruit preserves, sugar, molasses, dates, raisins and figs may always be added, one or more of them at least, to any one-food meal and not change it from being that kind of a meal. Thus bread and grape butter, with a glass of rich milk, make a perfect one-food meal for evening. Here we have given two such meals for the close of the day. You can invent many more. Flake Tapioca. This is rather a delicacy. Do not use pearl tapioca, as it is made of old waxy potatoes pressed into molds, and is a source of congestion, differing wholly from the flake kind, which is very helpful. But being an unbalanced food, flake tapioca must be eaten with cream, and some other food added, especially potatoes, using the flesh close under and adhering to the skin of the tuber, with cream also. Here we have a third evening one-food meal. You will notice that we call it a one- food meal when there are two or more articles that are exactly alike, or nearly so. For a powerful breakfast when the day's work is to be strenuous, oatmeal and whole wheat, with milk or cream, and nothing added, would suffice; but such a meal in the evening would result in sleeplessness. Potatoes. There is but one perfect way to cook these tubers; that is to bake them. If a person is young, or if an adult has a delicate stomach, it is not best to eat the skin; but the only really valuable part of the potato is close to the skin; and this is best for all stomachs, no matter how delicate. If we had our way we would use only the proportion of one half of the potato; that is half way between the center and the skin; tak- ing the skin half, and keeping all the flesh that clings to the skin. As the diameter is much greater in that half, it re- sults in really using about eighty percent of the whole flesh of the potato. Only a small part is lost; but this part is guilty of many things; notably of causing gall stones and calcareous deposits in other places. The flesh that lies close under the skin is as near a perfect food as one can find, if eaten with salt and cream. It will support life for years, almost in- Nature's Doctors 235 definitely. You may not know it, but it is a fact that in some hospitals where epidemics have brought many sufferers, they make a soup largely of nothing but the skins of potatoes; and find it healing. Baked sweet apples. These with cream, eating only the same proportion of the apple that we have suggested for the potato, including the skins unless the stomach is very delicate, make a first course for an evening meal; but is unbalanced, and re- quires some of the foods we have mentioned, or headaches will follow; and neuralgia is the penalty of too much fruit, with too little of the substantial food, as a basis. Raw whites of eggs. When you cook the white of an egg you destroy its food value and furnish an irritant that causes congestion. This is a hard verdict but it is a true one. The white will not digest in the stomach in the sense that the gastric juice does not act upon it; but as it is the nearest step to pure blood, this is an advantage. People who, under the advice of doctors, drink fresh blood at a slaughter house, as many consumptives have done, do not have to digest it; it en- ters the circulation through the pores of the stomach, and the white of an egg does likewise. Or, better still, it will enter the circulation through the glands of the mouth if held there and not swallowed. It heals congested membranes when raw; and causes them when coagulated by heat. Powdered yolks of eggs. These are high class food if the egg is cooked as stated in a preceding page. They will balance any food that is lacking in complete nutrition. Thus powdered egg yolk spread on bread, or flaked tapioca, or meal of corn, will make a fully nutritious meal; and for this use it has no equal. Beef, mutton, and old lamb not aged enough to bear the hon- ored title of mutton, if cooked sufficiently but not too much, furnish all the meat a person needs; although the yolks of eggs prepared as stated are much better and yield twenty times more nutrition, lacking only the mineral salts that are difficult to obtain except in beef and mutton. These salts often fill the gap between life and death in the effort to cure anemia and neurasthenia. Beef should hardly be cooked at all. No meat should be cooked until all the juices have been dried up. Beef is good roasted or boiled while mutton is best boiled, and is 236 Complete Life Building very palatable that way. These meats will balance any incom- plete food, and stand second to egg yolks in this value. Red salmon. The pink is not good, and the cheap grades of the red are but little better. The steaks in cans are generally fine if put up by a reliable concern. Red salmon has the ad- vantage of being very concentrated, and but a small piece is required at a meal. A can of steak salmon is enough for twelve persons, if the can is of the usual large size. Eaten in the afternoon or evening meal, it will keep you awake most of the night. It is decidedly a noon food. Fish. While salmon steaks are very good in cans, all other fish should be fresh, except perhaps codfish. As there is one best way of cooking a potato, so there is one best way of cook- ing fresh fish; and that is boiling it. Fried fish will cause congestion, and boiled fish will help to cure this trouble. Rice. This is an unbalanced food unless the whole rice is obtained, and we do not know where you can get that. But the whole subject is so important that we advise you to look in the Index at the end of this book and find the subject Rice, and read everything you can find on the question. It is now of historic value. All the vegetables listed under the TRUE FOODS are un- balanced, and require meats or fish and egg yolk with them at the same meal. It is pleasant to have at least one vegetable at dinner; but the fate of those misguided vegetarians who have come to believe that a vegetable diet consists only of vegetables, and who do not know that the vegetable kingdom includes the grains and cereals as well as the fruits, is a lesson to every- body who wishes to escape neuralgia, headaches, anemia and neurasthenia as results of an unbalanced diet. Young shelled beans are more than a vegetable; they are semi-grains, as are young peas; but old beans and old peas cause congestion. Young beets, young carrots and young spin- ach are good food; but when old cause congestion. The same is true of sugar corn, the young Golden Bantam being the best, as Cobbler potatoes are the best of the tubers. Sweet po- tatoes and yams cause congestion. Boiled onions agree with certain persons; but no delicate stomach should entertain them. As a rule they are a valuable food. Raw onions are very hurtful. Nature's Doctors 237 Raisins, dates, figs and grape butter are a group of food fruits; not complete enough to make a meal by themselves; but very valuable when taken at evening meals with some of the foods we have suggested. All the other fruits are known as the juice group, and serve to give vitality and pure blood if taken as the last course of a meal. The great mistake of taking fruit as the first course was discovered by many experiments carried through years of in- vestigation. Grape fruit, the abnormal orange, causes conges- tion. English marmalade, made to rid the land of orange peel and lemon peel, is one of the most injurious of the Profane foods, and accounts for the excessively irritable nature of the natives of that country. All that has been said under the title of Fruits in this book should be read with great care. There are fruits and sweets that should not be eaten too heartily at any time, and not too frequently on an empty stomach. In addition to the TRUE FOODS, certain game and fowl serve as a variety and change for a holiday, and do not result in harm to a normal stomach. Poultry that have been fed on clean food, make the best of these additional meats. THE ONE FOOD MEALS The nearer you get to only one food or one kind of food at each meal, the sooner you will get well, and the easier you will find it to keep well. Before we take up this subject, let us look for a moment at the difference between summer and win- ter foods. WINTER DIET.-Many of the things that are best in warm weather will fail to heat the body when the cold season comes; and you will have cold hands, cold feet, and a cold body in consequence. No winter diet is satisfactory as a body warmer unless it includes corn meal. This was the main food of the early settlers; in fact almost all they could get to eat for years. But once a day for corn meal food in cold weather will suffice. The com meal can be boiled and eaten as a pudding with cream and sugar on cold days, and with milk and salt on warmer winter days. It can be put in pans and when stiff may be sliced and the slices baked in an oven, and eaten with 238 Complete Life Building butter; avoiding frying and securing the same results. Corn bread is also very good. When this food is eaten in any form, all the other foods can be used in variety in the coldest weather. In winter eat more butter, more cream, more dates, more figs, more hominy, more egg yolks, more red salmon, and more home made candy, than in summer. These foods are heating. If eaten as freely in warm weather as in cold you will be very uncomfortable. By regulating the kind of food you can be too hot in summer and too cold in winter; or you can be com- fortable in both seasons. Most persons suffer unnecessarily in this way, when they could avoid all unpleasant feeling. SUMMER DIET.-A low diet, or unbalanced food, will cause neuralgia, or headaches; otherwise the warm weather eating could be confined to a few of the cooling articles. These are, in the first place, vegetables; but taken alone they would cause headaches. Whites of eggs are cooling; the yolks are heating. Fresh fish, not salmon, is cooling; salmon is heating. Oatmeal, and wheat products are the same every day in the year; neither heating nor cooling. The same is true of rice, tapioca, pota- toes, beef, mutton, and except in the hottest weather, of hominy which should be a dish all the year round. If you find that your summer diet is causing headaches or neuralgia, go back in part at least to the winter diet just stated. Remember that there are many articles in the TRUE FOODS that are intended only as extras; not being a complete food they should not be depended on solely to keep you in health. These extras are all valuable as such; and include the vegetables and fruits. Without them life would be rather one-sided as far as the diet is concerned. ONE FOOD MEALS were originated to cleanse out the sys- tem and re-build a body that had been abused by congestion. They need not be followed if not attractive. By one food is meant one kind of food, not one article. Baked potatoes and cream, or with milk instead, make a de- lightful one food meal; and might be tried for one of the eve- ning meals; just one only; eating all you wish; but eating the potatoes close to the skin, or with the skin excepting the outer thin shell. You will feel like a new person the next morning compared with having a clogged intestinal canal from eating and stuffing a meal of the profanity foods. Nature's Doctors 239 But baked sweet apples with cream and sugar, and nothing else for the evening meal, will cause a headache; yet taken for breakfast with a dish of oatmeal, the effect will be very pleas- ant; or taken for supper with a dish of rice and cream, or hominy and cream, will be delightful; and as these foods are practically all alike they stand as making a one food meal. Many of the ablest men living have eaten for their break- fasts for most of their lives only a large serving of oatmeal, with sugar and cream in winter, and salt and rich milk in summer. This is one food not only at one meal, but at every meal of the year and for half a life time of years. The great President, Roosevelt, ate for his noon meal for many years during his strenuous service at the White House nothing but a bowl of bread and milk; this was another one food meal, not for one meal, but for all the midday meals for many years. The greatest merchants and financiers have adopted the one food meals as far as possible to save their health and protect their energies. They thereby have clearer brains. Do you know that it costs vitality to digest any of the profanity foods? And it clouds the mental powers to fight them and their poisons out of the system. Rice with egg yolk might suffice as a near one food meal; it is very nourishing. Rice with sugar and cream is a good evening meal one day in a week in any season except winter. Fish and potatoes make a good noon meal; of course adding one or more vegetables. But it is advisable to have at least one of the following foods at any meal, if you wish to avoid headaches and neuralgia: Wheat; Oatmeal; Corn Meal; Hominy; Rice; Baked Potatoes. Here are six staple foods; one at least should be present as a basis for what other foods you have at each and every meal, any day of the year. All the other things are aids only. CONGESTION OF THE STOMACH-THE BATTLE GROUND OF LIFE AND DEATH Take away this one condition and life can be prolonged in- definitely. 240 Complete Life Building Congestion is painless. When it reaches a certain intensity it becomes inflammation which is very painful. Congestion is a lesion or injury to the delicate porous lining of the stomach. This lining extends upward to the throat and mouth, as well as the nose; then downward from the throat into the lungs, involving even the sack that encloses the entire lung chamber; and it reaches also the sack that encloses the heart. From the stomach it follows the alimentary canal through all the intestines; involving every organ on the way. As soon as congestion begins in the stomach its tendency is to spread in each direction from that organ. As it is kept ac- tive there it reaches farther along the canal to all other parts; but when it is lessened in the stomach it draws in the injury elsewhere by a receding movement of the latter. It has its origin by abuse in eating or drinking. When this abuse is continually repeated the influence is felt in every part of the body where there is a membranous lining. Further repetition of the injury results in a chronic condition that con- verts the natural and wholesome mucus that lubricates all mem- branes, into a thick germ-laden mass known as catarrh. It is in this way that catarrh of the stomach originates. As con- gestion keeps on traveling to the extremes of the membranous canal, we have catarrh of the throat, or the bronchial passages, and of the nose. In the stomach this catarrh is gastritis; in the lung passages it is bronchitis; in the throat it is laryngitis, and pharyngitis; in the nose it is plain catarrh. What is called a "frog in the throat" is due to stomach congestion. Down below the stomach this injury runs along the canal, and the liver becomes diseased; then Bright's Disease of the kidneys may follow. Bowel movements become sluggish or ex- cessive, in one extreme or the other, when the intestines are congested; and constipation results. There never was a case of constipation that was not cured by conquering congestion of the stomach. Catarrh dwells all along the intestinal canal; until some day it eats off the thin and delicate surface of the canal near the right lower side, and makes an opening into the appendix where foul matter collects and decays, giving rise to appendicitis; another "itis." All kinds of "itis" are caused by congestion. Nature's Doctors 241 In an aggravated and acute form involving the great membrane covering of the bowels it becomes peritonitis; and is generally fatal; although the latter malady may arise from a wound. The one great universal cause of sickness and disease is con- gestion. The worst condition is constipation. Here we have cause and effect. To repeat what has been said before and should be said a million times again: 1. There are but two causes of sickness and disease: inherited syphilitic taint; and congestion of the stomach. 2. The guilty party in the inherited taint may be as remote as six generations; but it leaves a long train of maladies for the generations that follow. 3. Congestion arouses that inherited taint, which might other- wise have remained dormant through life. 4. In curing congestion, that taint is lessened if not too deeply seated; and there are many thousands of cases where the taint has been fully eradicated by the method of overcoming con- gestion. 5. This brings the human race to-day face to face with prac- tically but a single foe: CONGESTION OF THE STOMACH. 6. It is caused, and is also increased by use of the false foods and drinks. 7. It is lessened and ultimately cured by use of the TRUE FOODS and drinks. Here are some examples of the apparently trivial causes of congestion of the stomach; and please remember that it is pain- less at all times, and is known by its progeny of results. The best proof that no congestion exists is found in the fact that a cold is absolutely impossible; that is, you cannot possibly catch cold no matter what the exposure. By cold we mean sore throat, coughing, sneezing, catarrhal running of the nose or pharynx, and such conditions as are commonly known under the name of a cold, including the grippe and influenza, which are only enlargements of the familiar affliction. Very simple things set up congestion in the stomach. Bran will do it; whole wheat bread will do it; oatmeal cooked a short time will do it. Graham bread was so named after its inventor, a man by name of Graham. He announced it as the 242 Complete Life Building cure all of those evils that come from white flour. He died of catarrh of the stomach caused by Graham bread; and he was not an old man at the time. If you cook oatmeal three hours, or better still all night in a fireless cooker, it will not cause congestion, but will tend to cure it if eaten with cream and without sugar; but the same oatmeal cooked the shorter length of time stated on the pack- ages, will set up congestion. Bran cooked in the manner sug- gested under the TRUE FOODS in a previous Section of this book will not cause the trouble; as its sharp hulls are sifted out; even long cooking will render them harmless. Bran is given to horses and cows to scour them, that is, to irritate the intestinal canal until the bowels move rather freely if not vio- lently. Surely such food is not fit for the human stomach. A baked potato, selecting the part closest to the skin, will tend to heal and cure congestion; the skin of an old potato may cause it in slight degree; of a new potato that is ripe, it will do no harm and is a high grade food. But if you cut away the outer part of a potato to the depth of a third or quarter of an inch, as is done by careless cooks, the starchy parts remain- ing, no matter how cooked, will cause congestion. The part that is discarded will cure congestion. Here is an object lesson in economy and in food value. Mashed potatoes thus prepared from the interior will produce this trouble. So will mashed soggy potatoes; and also under-done potatoes. Now if you fry this food in large pieces or thick slices, the harm is still greater; and when fried thin, much greater yet; while Saratoga chips will, if persisted in, cause gastritis and even acute indigestion and death. All lard and all fat from swine cause congestion for the very plain reason that the gastric juice of the stomach will not mix with swine fat, especially in the form of lard. Bacon always leaves injury, despite the fact that it is an appetizer. A whole stomach needs no appetizer. Pastry even clogs the pores of the stomach with an irritant mass of dough. Any crisp meat surface will do injury; and crisp food surface of any kind. New bread and hot bread, new cake and most puddings cause congestion. Every article mentioned under the title of PROFANITY in the Curative Section of this book sets up congestion. It is Nature's Doctors 243 not necessary for us to repeat that long list here. Look at your Index at the end of this book and find the page on which those foods are discussed. You will then know what to avoid. From what has already been stated, it can be seen that all the vital organs are encased in membranes or coverings. These membranes have delicate inner linings, which are porous, and it is through these pores that a lubricating and vitalizing mucus is constantly flowing, without which all life in the body would cease. The brain, which is the seat of intelligence and of control over the faculties and powers of the body, is encased in mem- branes which are known as meninges. These meninges throw through their pores a continual stream of mucus highly charged with electrical acids, by which thought is possible. When the brain is actively thinking or studying, this mucus becomes very active and abundant; in sleep it almost ceases. No mucus can be more healthful than the membranes that secrete it. Con- gestion from the stomach travels rapidly to these meninges. The latest statements on the subject of insanity from experts who are known as alienists, are to the effect that a congested stomach interferes with the normal action of the brain; and that chronic congestion induces insanity. The reason is easy to see. Nothing more quickly and more violently congests the stom- ach than alcohol; from a normal gray color when in perfect health, the lining of the stomach becomes a vivid red, changing under the influence of more alcohol to a malignant purple. This excessive congestion travels rapidly to the meninges of the brain, and renders thought incoherent, and action erratic. Such a brain that would kill when thus congested, is too often directing some motor vehicle, too often maiming children, too often taking human life; and the laws permit these atrocious crimes by their leniency and the grotesquely inadequate sen- tences of chicken-hearted judges; while there is a growing dis- trust of course of justice and a profound contempt for the ad- ministration of the law. We cite this as one of thousands of consequences of abuse of the temple of life, the human body. Whatever seriously congests the stomach, whether food or drink, medicines or drugs, directly or indirectly congests the meninges of the brain, and deprives the man or woman of the 244 Complete Life Building highest value in life, the perfect functioning of the brain and the faculties. From every standpoint, whether of health or of safety to self and others, of moral or immoral habits, of irri- tability or gentleness, attractiveness or repulsiveness, success or failure, happiness or misery, life or premature death, the whole story of human suffering and human emancipation is written in the one word: CONGESTION. TESTS SHOULD BE MADE IN BRAIN HEALTH For years there have been tests of some of the functions of the human body; that of the kidneys is perhaps the most com- mon. Blood tests show the quality of life in that fluid, make known certain diseases both inherited and acquired, and even tell the story of benefit or harm coming from any kind of food that is eaten. These all serve useful purposef Of late it has become a very common practice to make tests to measure the BLOOD PRESSURE of a person of almost any age above that of youth, with the result that approaching organic diseases have been avoided by changing the diet. But TESTS OF BRAIN HEALTH are vastly more import- ant, but have not been made because they cannot be undertaken by the use of instruments. As there are many mental examina- tions in vogue today to determine the actual value of mind and brain of men and women who seek the most lucrative positions in lines of employment; so there are MENTAL TESTS that dis- close to a certainty to what extent a person's brain is off the normal condition. And now it is provable that a person's suc- cess or failure in life, is exactly due and chargeable to the health, normal or abnormal, of the meninges or brain linings that control all thought, all judgment, all plans, all decisions and all operations of existence. Your attention is called to what is said on the preceding page of the cause of abnormal mental health. Turn back one page, and read every word many times. If you cannot comprehend the full import of that account, you may be sure that your mind and judgment are clouded nearly one hundred percent by congested membranes. But if you do see clearly the meaning of what is said, then you are ready for the extended and elaborate tests that may be provided for you under the plan stated in the final pages of this book. Nature's Doctors 245 RALSTON HEALTH CLUB BUSINESS DEPARTMENT The following RULES have been made for the benefit of our patrons: RULE 1.-"RALSTONITE IN GOOD STANDING."-Any person who owns for his or her exclusive use this Book of Com- plete Life Building will be recognized as a Ralstonite in Good Standing if the following conditions are observed: One.-This system must be employed as the chief guide to health. Two.-There must be a whole-hearted loyalty to the principles of good health as taught herein. Three.-Our Club name must be protected from misuse by unscrupulous and dishonest concerns who claim to make authorized Ralston foods and other goods; when, in fact, we have nothing for sale and have never given permission to use our name. A loyal Ralstonite will not buy or have on hand such contraband goods. RULE 2.-"PROGRESSIVE RALSTONITES."-Any per- son who owns and keeps this Book of Complete Life Building for his or her exclusive use, and who decides to become a Ral- stonite in Good Standing, is permitted to advance Degrees of Honor as a Progressive Ralstonite. These Degrees of Honor are being established to enable us to confer proper rank on every Member who desires to cooperate with us in the spread of the doctrines of good health. RULE 3.-The First step to be taken is to copy and send to the Ralston Health Club, Hopewell, New Jersey, the following Application: ' ' I have decided to become as far as possible, a Ralstonite in Good Standing, and I will remain loyal to the principles of good health, and to the Club." RULE 4.-The Second Step to be taken is to copy and send us the following Application: "To the Ralston Health Club, Hopewell, New Jersey: I have decided to become a Progressive Ralstonite, and de- sire to be accorded the rank of Honor, at the rate of One Degree for each new Member whom I shall induce to be- come a Ralstonite in Good Standing." 246 Complete Life Building RULE 5-At the FIFTH DEGREE OF HONOR, every Progressive Ralstonite will receive, as a present from the Club, the most important and most helpful training system ever issued, known as "BRAIN TESTS," the price of which is ten dollars. This present is awarded on condition that it is applied for in ten days after this page is brought to your attention, or you are aware of the offer. Otherwise the price will be as usual, ten dollars. The five copies of Complete Life Building that you receive, may be sold by you at a profit, or given away. If sold, you are allowed such time as you desire to dispose of them. If money order for the ten dollars is mailed in ten days, you will receive at once five copies of Complete Life Building, and the present of "BRAIN TESTS." RULE 6.-HIGHER DEGREES.-For each new Member after the Fifth, that you induce to become a Ralstonite in Good Standing, you will be advanced one additional Degree of Honor. This is not at all difficult. It is a matter of common knowledge that, as soon as it is known that these books can be procured without waiting, they are in very strong demand. One person states that this book has saved his life, and almost everybody wants to buy a copy right away. Of these new patrons, nine out of every ten decides to become a Ralstonite in Good Standing, and you receive the credit with hardly any effort at all. In one small town, a woman who was dying, was saved by Complete Life Building; and THREE HUNDRED others bought copies of the book. Why not get the credit if your influence does good work like this? RULE 7.-ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS.-There is no limit to the Degrees that you may reach; but by starting a community in the general use of this book, it is easy to reach one hundred. A minister did this in one evening by proving to his congre- gation that his life had been saved by this system. He took one hundred orders for the book after the regular services. All the money that we have received has been devoted by us to the cause of spreading the work of this book in saving life and restoring health. WE WISH TO KNOW HOW BEST TO DO THIS. Any Progressive Ralstonite of the 100th Degree who will submit the most effective plan that will accomplish this great purpose, in a highly successful manner, will be awarded our highest HONOR, One Thousand Dollars in Gold. Nature's Doctors 247 POST-GRADUATE COURSE OF THE RALSTON HEALTH CLUB WE SHOULD BE REMISS in our duty if we were to omit a post-graduate course in this great sys- tem of health training. There are two kinds of health; that of the body, and that of the mind. If you were compelled to choose between the two, which would you prefer; to be weak in body, or weak-minded? There are more diseases of the body than can be listed and described in the largest library of a private residence; and there are endless indications and symptoms of mental disturb- ances and pending troubles of brain and mind that are breed- ing dangers never before regarded as possible. THE "POST-GRADUATE COURSE" is published in a volume much larger than the book of Complete Life Building, and is entitled A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF BRAIN TESTS / TO DETERMINE THE PLACE OF EVERY HUMAN BEING IN THE SCALE OF CIVILIZATION This is published privately. As no person possesses perfectly normal mental health, it is important to find the defects and remove the cause. This is done by TESTS that involve every phase of human activities and experiences in the enactment of life itself; making it the whole story of existence passing in review before the brain of the student and reader; and ren- dering to humanity a service never before equaled. So large a work and so vast a theme require a great volume of instruc- tion and training that is worth an immense fortune to every man and woman in the benefits obtained. 248 Complete Life Building Death is to be preferred to mental weakness or a fading mind. The brain function is all that makes life worth living. It is suffering daily from lesions that cause' it to err in every department; in judgment; in mental poise; in the grasp of the many problems of living; and in every form of asso- ciation with others in the business, professional or social world; and in countless mental twists that bring distress, disappoint- ments and failure in the struggle of existence. This "Post-Graduate Course'' of the Ralston Health Club first finds the state or condition of these functions; then applies the curative processes; bringing the brain into PERFECT HEALTH, just as the body is made perfect in its physical health by the Book of Complete Life Building. Thus the two systems work together, establishing permanently: PERFECT HEALTH OF THE BODY. PERFECT HEALTH OF THE BRAIN. This is the only system ever devised for acquiring complete brain health. There is help for everybody. This system has been taught privately to some of the most successful business men, bankers, professional men and the most brilliant women in America; all have been benefitted; all have praised it, and pronounced it exceedingly interesting and valuable; and some have several times repeated the course. It is now published complete in one large volume, ready for everybody. It proves that life is worth living only in proportion as the brain approaches its intended normal function; that very few human beings have a reasonable percentage of normal health in this function; and that those who do acquire it are the only real men and women of civilization. PRICE.-This testing and training system, if its teachings and instruction were put into the form of a correspondence course would easily sell for one hundred dollars. In actual benefits it brings a value that cannot be reckoned in money; certainly not in thousands of dollars, for perfect mental health is beyond money value. In view of these facts, we consider the sum of ten dollars as a merely nominal price. We know that you would not part with it for ten dollars. Send money order for this sum to Ralston Company, Hopewell* New Jersey. Nature's Doctors 249 AGENTS AND OTHERS HAVE been requested to permit others to act 38 Agents for the distribution of this Book of Life Building. It has never been our purpose c ® to ask any Ralstonite to become an Agent; and it is only when the request comes to us that we seek to arrange some plan whereby these books may be dis- tributed among the many thousands of applicants who are con- stantly seeking copies. The methods herein stated are those that have been suggested to us by people who have given the matter careful thought; always from among our own Members: THE ACCOMMODATION PLAN FOR ACCOMMODATION.-It must be borne in mind that the news of this most remarkable system is spreading in all directions, and that new seekers after health become urgent and impatient at the delay required to find our address, to buy a money order, to send it to us, and to wait for the return of the mail with the welcome copy of the book. Therefore it has been the most pleasing experience of our Members that when they secure from five to ten copies to have on hand for immediate delivery, they are thanked over and over again by the recpients; and they soon learn that others hear that they have a few copies on hand, and call for them. This is the ACCOMMODATION PLAN: keeping on hand from five to ten copies to have ready for immediate delivery as demanded. Any person, whether a Member or not, who wishes copies in lots of five or more at one time, may buy them of us at two dollars a copy; and we will pay the cost of mailing or expressing them. AGENCIES SUPPLY AGENTS.-In distinction from those who keep on hand a number of these books as an accommodation to their friends and acquaintances, there are others who carry in their homes or places of business a regular supply in order to meet 250 Complete Life Building the demands of the general public. In most instances this sup- ply consists of several dozen books. We sell them for twenty- one dollars a dozen; and we pay the cost of sending them. It is a common experience that where one of these books is owned by a person, the benefits derived from its system soon become known far and wide. Many others will desire the book. If they are compelled to send for it, and to wait the great length of time required to get it when they live a long distance away, they lose their interest. In one village a woman was saved from the fate that befalls so many women, and her only help came from this book; others heard of the case, and sought copies; they banded together and purchased eighteen copies at the price of two dollars each. In a city a similar experience in a different kind of malady resulted in a regular stampede for the book. The point is this: let it become known that you own Complete Life Building and you will be asked where the book can be obtained; and, if you can supply copies at once, you will soon dispose of a goodly number without effort. We advise every man or woman who wishes to become a Supply Agent to start by buying one dozen copies, which will cost only twenty-one dollars; and they may be sold for the usual retail price of $2.25 each. A very generous person might sell them at cost for the purpose of helping the greatest cause of its kind ever known. WHOLESALE AGENTS WHOLESALE AGENTS.-Also Free Distributors.-Persons of small means are timid in the use of it, not knowing that it will soon become a very important investment. It is there- fore left to others who do things in a big way to become Whole- sale Agents. No person is refused this privilege. Women as often as men become such Agents. The distinction should be understood, and it is this: A person who buys the book in lots of five, ten or more, for the accommodation of friends and ac- quaintances, is not an Agent at all; but when the books are bought in lots of not less than a dozen for general sale as de- manded by the public, the person handling them in that way is known as a Supply Agent. The Wholesale Agent must pur- chase them in lots of not less than One Hundred at a time; Nature's Doctors 251 and because of this number and the fact that the cost of send- ing is lessened per copy, we make a strictly Wholesale Price of one hundred and fifty dollars; and, as in all cases, we pay the cost of sending them to anyone anywhere. The Wholesale Agent may sell to stores, book dealers, the trade, or to individuals. As all stores and dealers pay two dollars a copy, such Agent is enabled to sell them at that price and yet make thirty-three percent on the cost to him. But to do this he must obtain them in lots of not less than one hundred copies at one time; otherwise he will have to pay two dollars per copy, FREE DISTRIBUTORS A Free Distributor is a man or woman of ample means and ample generosity combined, who believes that the spread of the grand teachings of this book of Complete Life Building will become the best charity in the world, inasmuch as it will give to humanity the power of health, and the birth of a new hope with which to equip them and lead them on to victory in the battle of existence. The best way to help others is to show them how to help themselves. The price of this book to a Free Distributor is two dollars per copy in lots of less than one hundred at a time; or one hundred and fifty dollars per one hundred copies if ordered for one shipment. There will be no deviation from this price. Department Stores and other business houses are beginning to carry a supply of these books. When they order in lots of one hundred at a time, they are allowed the Wholesale price of one hundred and fifty dollars. If YOU wish to have this book on sale in any store in your town or city, you can do the store owner and the public a great service by creating an in- terest in the work, and arranging for a window display, with suitable placards of announcement and description. This method has been adopted with remarkable success. Try it in your town or city. The TEN DAY OFFER of one hundred dollars' worth of the great volumes of "BRAIN TESTS," described on the next page, will apply also to Free Distributors. 252 Complete Life Building FORMS TO BE USED THE ACCOMMODATION PLAN.-" To Ralston Company, Hopewell, New Jersey: I wish to keep on hand in my home or place of business, copies of Complete Life Building, for which purpose I enclose herewith money order for copies at the rate of two dollars each." SUPPLY AGENTS.-If you wish to do more than to keep on hand a few copies for the accommodation of inquirers, and yet do not wish to embark in the work as a business, but only for the pleasure of helping others, we suggest the plan of Sup- ply Agents, and that you copy the following FORM:-"To Ralston Company, Hopewell, New Jersey: I understand that if I obtain copies of Complete Life Building in dozen lots or more to dispose of as a Supply Agent, I may buy them at the rate of twenty-one dollars a dozen; and I herewith enclose dollars for dozens." WHOLESALE AGENTS.-This bigger plan is explained on the preceding page, and will enable you to deal with the gen- eral public, with book-sellers, with stores, with department houses, or in any way your own business keenness may indicate as the wisest course to adopt. Copy the following FORM: "To Ralston Company, Hopewell, New Jersey: I enclose bank draft for one hundred and fifty dollars for one hundred copies in one shipment of Complete Life Building. I understand that if less than this quantity is ordered, the price will be two dollars per copy." If ordered in TEN DAYS after receiving this book, I am to be entitled to a BONUS OF TEN FREE copies of the great Post-Graduate Course, entitled, "BRAIN TESTS," valued at One Hundred Dollars. FREE DISTRIBUTORS.-If you wish to help others, whether as individuals, or as societies, schools, libraries, lodges or other organizations, or in the form of beautiful PRESENTS to friends or even to strangers, here is the finest opportunity ever offered. Copy this FORM:-"To Ralston Company, Hope- well, New Jersey: I enclose bank draft for one hundred and fifty dollars for one hundred copies of Complete Life Building for free distribution." (Attach full address to whatever FORM you use. The FORM must be copied; if removed from the book it will be invalid.) TEN DAYS the OWNER OF THIS BOOK:- w |'« WE ASSERT, and stand ready to prove, that this Book of Complete Life Building is the most valuable work of its kind ever issued; and it is claimed by those who are in a position to know that it is the greatest work ever produced by human agency, judged by its power to do good in the world. Its great mission is to save humanity from a vast amount of needless suffering, on the one hand; and on the other to bring to everybody a new life of sunshine and happiness. In view of this fact, and in accord with the wishes of our many Members, we have established Degrees of Honor for Pro- gressive Ralstonites. This means that every person who has a genuine and abiding desire to do some .real good in the world by bringing the blessings of perfect health to others, is a Pro- gressive Ralstonite to the extent that others are brought into the knowledge of this system, as stated on page 245. A Degree of Honor is conferred at the rate of one degree for each new Member who becomes a Ralstonite in Good Stand- ing, referred to on same page. You cannot easily help others unless you have on hand at least five copies of this book of Complete Life Building. You will find that, while many persons will order the book for themselves when given our address, and will remit the price without your aid, you will be able to obtain a hundred new Members if you can make immediate delivery of the books. Our TEN DAY OFFER is this: If within ten days after you see this page, you send ten dollars for five copies of this book, we will include at once the great volume of "BRAIN TESTS" valued at another ten dollars. You can then have all the time you wish to secure the new Members for the five books and you will own the "Post-Graduate Course" for your personal use; a double advantage with a great saving of money. If you wait beyond ten days, the larger work will cost you the regular price of ten dollars; or, instead, you can send for ten copies of Complete Life Building and apply for the "Post- Graduate Course" as a present. This plan will not make the Joss of time a serious one. Remit by Money Order to RALSTON COMPANY, Hopewell, New Jersey. INDEX Acute Indigestion 182 Adulterations 87 Air when Poison 28 Alcoholism Caused 182 All Nature Cures 181 Almonds, Digestion of 79 Anemia and Congestion 25 Anemia 191, 192, 195 Angelic Wife 178 Appendicitis 202, 204 Appendicitis Prevented 183 Apples, Digestion of 79 Apples, Facts about 126 Apples, When not Mellow 87 Arrowroot 79 Arteries, Hardening of 202 Artichokes 83 Asparagus, Digestion of 79 Asthma and Congestion 25 Asthma Cured 184 Auto-Suggestion Failures 144 Bacon 86 Baking Powder Formula 52 Bananas, Facts about 127 Barley Bread 86 Barley, Pearl 79 Bathing, when Magnetic 203 Beans, Dried 85 Beans, Green 83 Beef, Digestion of 79 Beef Juice 78 Beets, Digestion of 79 Beets, Old 84 Beginning of Life 36 Beriberi from Rice 53 Bleeding 63 Blood Pressure Cured 184 Boils and Carbuncles 187 Bones, Making of 37 Brain Irritability 180 Brain of Man and Animal.... 43 Brains, Making of 42 Bran 87 Bread, Digestion of 79 Bread, New 83 Brown Bread 85 Bright's Disease 186 Buckwheat 83 Building a New Body 159 Building the Body 65 Butter, Digestion of 78 Buttermilk 79 Cabbage 84 Cake 79 Calcium Chloride 208 Calcium 51 Calcium Discussed 57 Calories, Facts about 141 Cancer and Tobacco 189 Cancer, Erratic Growth 46 Canc'er of Throat 47 Cancer When Inherited 26 Candies and Chocolates 90 Canned Vegetables 224 Capon 83 Carbon 50 Carbuncles and Boils 187 Card Playing Women 10 Careless Sickness 9 Caramels, Ralston 117 Carp .... 83 Carrots 83 Catarrh Cured 189 Catsup 87 Cauliflower 84 Cautions as to Food 81 Cave Man, Climax of Life.... 31 Celery, Raw or Cooked 79 Cheese, Ordinary 86 Cherries, Digestion of 79 Chestnuts 79 Chewing Food 66 Chewing on Empty Stomach... 70 Chicken 83 Chicken Broth 79 Chocolate and Cramps 197 Chocolate, Digestion of 79 Chlorine in Salt 52 Circulation of Blood 27 Clams 86 Coconut 87 Cocoa, Digestion of 79 Codfish 83 Coffee, Facts about 139 Coffee, How Made 99 Colds and Sore Throat 191 Cold Sores 196 Colitis and Colonitis 21 Common Sense 293 Congestion, Cause of 191 Congestion Discussed 19 Congestion of Stomach 239 Congestion, the Enemy 243 Constipation Cured 191 Consumption 191, 192 Controlling Poisons 28 Cornaro, Louis 15 Corn Canned 84 Corn, Green 79 Corn-Stalk Foods 97 Corn Meal 79 Corn Starch 79 Crabs 85 Crackers 79 Cramps 191 Cranberries 87 Cravings and Diet 178 Craving, Intense 71 253 254 Index Creator and Human Body 60 Cream, Digestion of 79 Cream Cheese 83 Crime to be Sick 8 Crisp Meats and Foods 87 Cucumbers and Radishes 87 Currants, Dried 87 Dangerous Symptoms 218 Dandruff and Loss of Hair 196 Dates, Digestion of 79 Dead Tissue 72 Diabetes Discussed 200 Diabetes and Water 25 Diet for Summer 238 Diet for Winter 237 Diphtheria Cured 200 Disease and Death 29 Diseases from False Foods.... 180 Disease, Two Causes of 75 Distillation 170 Docile Temper Ruined 180 Double-baked Bread 79 Double-Range Respiration 192 Doughnuts and Fritters 86 Drinks as Food 98 Ducks 85 Edison and Cornaro 24 Eggs, Cleanly 222 Eggs, Fried 70 Egg, Raw Yolk of 78 Egg, White of 78 Egg Yolk Cooked 79 Empty Stomach, Chewing on.. 70 Enemies of Life 72 English Walnuts 86 Epidemics of 1876 14 Epidemics of Grippe 22 Eyeball Symptoms 218 Eye-Curative Movements 199 Eyesight and Health 197 Eye-Wash Home Made 197 Fads and Fancies 141 Fasting for Health 160 Fatty Degeneration 200 Feeble-Minded Age 26 Figs, Sterilized 79 Fines for Ill-Health 8 Fireless Cooker 227 First Bread Making 31 First Cause of Sickness 14 First Renewal of Life 66 First Vineyards 31 Fish Must be Fresh 83 Five Hour Class 85 Five Minute Class 78 Flounder 84 Flour with Bran Out 79 Food Becomes Poison 28 Foods Discussed 81 Food Facts 93 Foods Not Digested Together.. 76 Foods, Supposed 96 Foods That are Not 96 Foods that are Vicious 179 Four Hour Class 85 Fourteen Elements 49 Fruits and Cautions 82 Fruits, Facts About 124 Fruit Puddings and Cakes 86 Fruit Syrups 90 Frying Pan Dangers 132 Gall Stones 200 Gas on Stomach 67 Gastric Juice 67 Gelatine 87 General Life 65 Germs Wait for Congestion.... 21 Glucose 118 Goose 86 Gouty Affection 186 Government Tests 29 Grapes, Facts about 126 Graham Bread 83 Grippe 196 Growth in Sleep Only 151 Growth of Hair 40 Habits of Life 74 Haddock 83 Hair Growth 40 Hair Loss and Dandruff 196 Hair Loss and Foods 56 Halibut 83 Ham Boiled 85 Ham, Fried 86 Hardening of Arteries 202 Hay Fever and Calcium 57 Hay Fever and Congestion.... 25 Hay Fever and Rose Cold. .200, 201 Headaches Prevented 201 Health Communities 225 Hearing When Failing 199 Heart-Beat, Making 45 Heart Failure 48 Heart Weakness 202 Herring, Fresh 83 Herring, Smoked, etc 85 Hominy, Digestion of 78 Honey, How Used 232 How Life is Built 35 Human Body, The 49 Human Hair and Foods 26 Hunger and Starvation 69 Husband Careless 9 Tee Water, Value of 121 Increase of Disease 14 Indigestion, Acute 182 Indigestion Cured 202 Influenza Prevented 204 Infringement Penalized 50 Initials and Round Table 16 Index 255 Insanity Prevented 204 Insomnia Cured 205 Intelligence of Brain 62 Iron 51 Irritability 206 Jellies Home Made 83 Junket 79 Kidneys, Growth of 42 Kidney Trouble 207 Knowledge Revolutionized 35 Lamb 79 Lard as Food 86 Lard, Facts about 130 LAW OF LAWS 55 Leeches and Lances 64 Lentils 83 Lettuce 79 Life and Death Battle 34 Life Enemies 72 Liquid Foods 66 Liver as Food 85 Liver, Diet for 209 Liver, Growth of 42 Liver Influences 209 Lobster 85 Lockjaw 209 Long Time Foods 102 Lungs, Growth of 42 Macaroni 80 Mackerel, Fresh 83 Magnetic Bath 203 Making Bones 37 Making Brains 42 Making Skin 39 Maladies Increasing 32 Malaria 209 Maple Sugar and Syrup 79 Matinee Girl's Sickness 8 Meats, Facts about 113 Meats, Cooked Hard 86 Membranes of Brain 180 Mental Poisoning 146 Methods of Methodists 17 Milk and Bread First Used.... 31 Milk, Facts about Ill Milk, Kinds of 80 Milk, Raw and Clean 223 Milk Toast 80 Mincemeat 86 Mineral Oil Dangers 132 Moss, Kinds of 80 Muscle Making Foods 208 Mutton 85 Needs of Body, Fourteen 49 Nervous Prostration 192, 210 Neurasthenia 192 Neuritis 210 Neuralgia 209 New Body, After Building.,.. 166 New Body, How Built 153 New Knowledge 147 Never Class Discussed 87 Never Class Foods 87 Numbness and Cramps 191 Nuts, Caution 86 Nuts, Limited 83 Nuts, Pecan and Hickory 85 Nuts, Oily Kinds 86 Oat Groats 83 Oat Meal 59 Oat Meal Discussed 83 Old Age Solvents 169 Olives 80 One Hundred Percent 49 One Hour Class 79 Onions, Boiled 80 Onions, Fried . 86 One-Food Meals 237, 238 Oranges, Facts about 128 Oriental Diet 53 Oriental Foods Bad 61 Outward Water Cure 202 Over-balance of Foods 53 Oxygen 50 Oyster Plant 85 Oysters, Fancy Roast 83 Oysters, Fried 86 Oysters, Raw 80 Palate Pleased 68 Pancakes 83 Paris Law 7 Paralysis, General 210 Paresis 211 Parsnips 83 Parts of the Body 36 Past Life Battles 30 Pastry and Patties 86 Pastry, Facts about 134 Peanuts 86 Pearl Tapioca 81 Peas, Dried 85 Peas, Green 80 Pellagra and Food 55 Peppers and Pickles 87 Pigeon, Young 83 Piles Cured 211 Pneumonia Prevented 191 Poison Removers 64 Pork Cooked Crisp 86 Potatoes as Food 58 Potatoes, Facts about 107 Potatoes, Fried 86 Potatoes, When Best 107 Potatoes, White 80 Potatoes, Old 83 Powdered Egg Yolks 230 Prehistoric Food 31 Preservatives 91 Prevention That Prevents 7 Primitive Evening Meal 31 256 Index Primitive Malady 32 Profanity a Food Malady 212 Profanity Diet 212 Progressive Ralstonites 245 Prunes, Cooked 80 Pudding of Wheat 227 Radishes 87 Raisins 80 Ralston Discoveries 25 Raw Foods Limited 227, 264 Rheumatism and Food 25 Rheumatism Cured 213 Rice and Beriberi 53 Rice, Natural 80 Rice, Whole 223 Rickets and Food 56 Right Foods 52 Ripening of Body 27 Rolling of Bowels 67 Rose Cold and Hay Fever 200 Round Table of 1876 14 Round Table of 1926 17 Rules of Life 66 Rye 83 Saccharin 117 Sago 80 Saliva, Antiseptic 66 Salmon 85 Salmon, Red 230 Salsify 83 Salt as Food 57 Salt, Common 51 Salt, Facts about 121 Salt, Many Kinds 121 Salt, When Poison 122 Saratoga Chips 86 Sauces and Gravies 86 Scalp Diseases 196 Scalp Growth 40 Seaweed as Food 61 Second Cause of Illness 14 Secret of Safety 14 •Sickness When Impossible. ... 60 Sight Failing 199 Sixteen Diseases 33 Shampooing the Scalp 26 Shrimps 86 Skin, Making of 39 Skin Wrinkles 56 Smelt 83 Smoker's Cancer 47 Sodium in Salt 52 Sole 83 Solid Food Chewing 66 Sore Throat and Colds 191 Soup and Bouillon 78 Spark of Life 145 Spinach 80 Spinach with Fat 85 Stimulants, Desire for 27 Stomach Congestion 213, 239 Stomach, Growth of 42 Stomach Troubles 213 Suet 86 Sugar, Digestion of 78 Sugar, Facts about 115 Summer Diet 238 Sweet Potatoes and Yams 85 Symptoms of Danger 218 Syphilitic Afflictions 214 Tapioca, Flake 223 Tapioca, Not Pearl 80 Tea and Paralysis 210 Tea, Facts about 136 Tests of Brain Health 244 Three Hour Class 84 Tides of Human Life 148 Times of Digestion 76 Toast Buttered 79 Tobacco and Cancer 189 Tobacco, Not Antiseptic 46 Tobacco and Syphilis 214 Tomatoes 83 Trout 83 True Food Benefits 171 True Foods Balanced 233 True Foods of To-day 219 True Foods Listed 220 Tuberculosis 191 Tumors and Abscesses 115 Turkey 83 Turnips 86 Two Causes of Disease 75 Two Hour Period 83 Two Kinds of Life 65 Ultimate Civilization 48 Under-balance in Foods 53 Variety of Meals 104 Veal 83 Vegetables 82 Vegetables Canned 224 Vegetarians 114 Venereal Taint and Cancer.... 189 Venison 85 Vermicelli 80 Vitamins, Facts about 143 Water Cure, Outward 202 Water, Distilled 224 Water When Poison 28 Water, Value of 100 Wheat, Facts about 105 Wheat Pudding 227 White Flour 222 Wholesome Food Poisons 75 Whole Wheat Flour 221 Winter Diet 237 Worry 205 Wrinkled Skin and Foods 56 Yeast, Facts about 131 Yeast, When Hurtful 131