AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS CHARLES V. PIPER, Consulting Editor INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY McGRAW-HILL AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS Charles V. Piper, Consulting Editor Babcock and Clausen's- GENETICS IN RELATION TO AGRICULTURE Babcock and Collins'- GENETICS LABORATORY MANUAL Shull, La Rue and Ruthven's- PRINCIPLES OF ANIMAL BIOLOGY Shull's- LABORATORY DIRECTIONS IN PRINCIPLES OF ANIMAL BIOLOGY Thatcher's- CHEMISTRY OF PLANT LIFE Hayes and Garber's- BREEDING CROP PLANTS Sharp's- AN INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Fernaid's- APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY Adams'- FARM MANAGEMENT Gardner, Bradford and Hooker's- FUNDAMENTALS OF FRUIT PRODUCTION Cruess and Christie's- LABORATORY MANUAL OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS Piper and Morse's- THE SOYBEAN C<THE BEGINNINGS OF AGRICULTURE IN AMERICA Liihnis and Fred's- TEXTBOOK OF AGRICULTURAL BACTERIOLOGY Sinnott's- BOTANY: PRINCIPLES AND PROBLEMS Thompson's-- VEGETABLE CROPS Mitchell's- TEXTBOOK OF GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY FOR COLLEGES Van Cleave's- INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY (Frontispiece'). Stages in the life cycle of Plasmodium vivax, the tertian malarial parasite of man (After Luhe~). See legend accompanying Fig. 29 for full description. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY BY HARLEY JONES VAN CLEAVE * Associate Professor of Zoology University of Illinois First Edition McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, Inc. NEW YORK: 370 SEVENTH AVENUE LONDON: 6 & 8 BOUVERIE ST., E. C. 4 1924 Copyright, 1924, by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE MAPLE PRESS COMPANY, YORK, PA. Dedicated to HERBERT VINCENT NEAL PREFACE An understanding of structure, development, and relationships of animals is essential as a basis for all lines of zoological study and investigation. In the early history of the teaching of zoology, a thorough grounding in these fundamental elements of the science was the chief objective of the introductory courses offered in colleges and universities. It was through an early training of this sort that most of the prominent general zoologists of the present and the preceding generations have passed. Whether they remained in the older fields of general zoology or entered as pioneers into virgin lines of investigation, this broad training gave to them an understanding of animals which could be gained by no other method. There is a growing practice of placing major emphasis upon biological principles in the fundamental courses in college zoology. There are many arguments in support of such training based upon principles for beginners in the science. However, in such a course students frequently have so little knowledge of animals that there is but limited opportunity for them to have either a full understanding of the principles or capacity for making applications of them. Under these conditions it becomes essential that the introductory course be supplemented by a systematic study of organisms. Even in the instances where the initial course follows essentially the old type method of instruction, the number of forms covered is inadequate and should be followed by further studies. Because of their relations to human anatomy and development and as specific material for instruction of premedical students, specialized courses in vertebrate zoology are very generally given. For students who are seeking training either as teachers or as investigators, there is fully as much need for specific courses pertaining to the invertebrates. There have been some admirable large treatises dealing with the invertebrates, and there have been several American labora- tory guides intended for such a course but there have been few books available as student textbooks. In the present work, the writer has endeavored to collate materials which will serve as a class room text and reference work at the same time. An ix X PREFACE introductory course in college zoology is assumed as a prerequisite to a course for which this book is designed as a text. More material has been included than could ordinarily be covered in a single semester. This offers the instructor greater opportunity of selection in organizing his work than is possible when only the materials for a specific course are presented. In zoology textbooks, it is frequently the custom to give a detailed description of a representative of each of the major groups. The writer has had a firm conviction that specific information of this nature is more rdadily grasped by students when they approach it through laboratory study of type forms with a mind unbiased by minute textbook descriptions. When a highly characteristic representative of a group is described in full detail in the text, the instructor has the alter- native of choosing some less characteristic or less easily available species for laboratory study or of permitting his laboratory instruction to become largely routine verification of statements set forth in the text. By avoiding duplication in the text of materials intended for laboratory approach, it has been possible to place greater emphasis upon biological principles and generalizations in the treatment of each group. A considerable number of my colleagues, and especially those in the University of Illinois, have rendered valuable assistance in reading and criticising portions of the manuscript and in offering suggestions during its preparation. It is a pleasure to acknowl- edge the very able assistance of Bernice F. Van Cleave whose criticisms of the early drafts of the manuscript and aid in reading the proofs have been of very great value. Various publishers have granted the use of cuts or the per- mission to reproduce illustrations. Henry Holt and Co. and P. Blakiston's Son and Co. have supplied cuts for a considerable number of illustrations. The John Wiley and Sons, The Com- stock Publishing Co., Gustav Fischer, and the MacMillan Co. have granted permission to redraw illustrations and in some few instances have furnished cuts. Acknowledgement of these courtesies is further made in the legends accompanying the text-figures. H. J. Van Cleave. Urbana, Illinois, November, 1923. CONTENTS Page Preface ix CHAPTER I. Introduction 1 The System of Classification 2 Primary and subdivisions 2 Basis for classification 2 Primitive vs. degenerate 3 Mutability of group concepts 3 The law of priority 3 Phylogenetic relationships 4 Geological chronology for North America 6 Reproduction in Invertebrates 7 Asexual reproduction 7 Sexual reproduction. . . . , 8 Specialization of gametes 9 Early Isolation of germ cells 10 Gametogenesis and fertilization 11 Composition and cleavage of zygote 14 Cleavage patterns 14 Blastula and gastrula 16 Mesoderm and later development 16 Parthenogenesis 17 Paedogenesis and polyembryony 17 Breeding habits *. 18 Birth habits 18 General References 19 CHAPTER II. Phylum Protozoa 20 The cell as an individual 20 Metazoan tendencies 20 Organization 21 Habitats 22 Food habits 22 Cultures 23 Reproduction 23 Endomixis 25 Colony formation 25 Subphylum Plasmodroma 26 Class 1. Mastigophora 26 Subclass Phytomastigina 27 I. Order Chrysomonadina 28 II. Order Cryptomonadina 28 III. Order Dinoflagellata 29 xi xii CONTENTS Page IV. Order Euglenoidina 29 V. Order Phytomonadina 30 Subclass Zoomastigina 30 I. Order Protomonadina 30 II. Order Polymastigina 32 III. Order Hypermastigina 33 IV. Order Distomatina 33 V. Order Cystoflagellata 34 Class 2. Rhizopoda 34 I. Order Amoebina 35 II. Order Rhizomastigina 36 III. Order Heliozoa 36 IV. Order Foraminifera 37 V. Order Radiolaria 38 VI. Order Mycetozoa 39 Class 3. Sporozoa 40 Subclass Telosporidia 41 I. Order Coccidiomorpha 41 Suborder Coccidia 41 Suborder Haemosporidia 41 II. Order Gregarinae 45 Subclass Neosporidia 45 I. Order Cnidosporidia 46 Suborder Myxosporidia 46 Suborder Microsporidia 47 Suborder Actinomyxidia 47 II. Order Sarcosporidia 47 III. Order Haplosporidia 48 Subphylum Ciliophora (Infusoria) 48 Class 1. Ciliata 48 I. Order Holotricha 50 II. Order Heterotricha 51 III. Order Oligotricha 51 IV. Order Hypotricha 51 V. Order Peritricha 52 Class 2. Suctoria 53 Interrelationships of the classes of Protozoa 53 References 54 CHAPTER III. Introduction to the Metazoa 56 A. The Mesozoa 57 B. Histological differentiation 57 Epithelial tissues. . 58 Definition and classification 58 Form vs. function 58 Ciliated and flagellated epithelium 58 Protective epithelium 59 Sensory or communicative epithelium 60 CONTENTS xiii Page Germinal epithelium 60 Connective or supporting tissue 61 Definition 61 Muscle tissue 62 Nervous tissue 63 Morphological changes in the nucleus 65 C. The organ systems 65 The digestive system 66 The circulatory system 68 The respiratory system 69 The excretory system 71 The reproductive system 71 The locomotor system 73 The nervous and sensory system 73 References 76 CHAPTER IV. Phylum Porifera 77 Class 1. Calcarea 80 Class 2. Hexactinellida 80 Class 3. Demospongia 80 References 81 CHAPTER V. The Coelenterates and Ctenophores 82 A. Phylum Coelenterate 82 Class 1. Hydrozoa 84 I. Order Leptolinae 86 II. Order Trachylinae 87 III. Order Hydrocorallina 87 IV. Order Siphonophora 88 Class 2. Scyphozoa 88 I. Order Stauromedusae 90 II. Order Peromedusae 90 III. Order Cubomedusae 90 IV. Order Discomedusae 90 Class 3. Anthozoa • 91 Subclass Zoantharia 93 I. Order Actinaria 94 II. Order Madreporaria 94 III. Order Antipatharia 94 Subclass Alcyonaria 94 I. Order Alcyonacea 94 II. Order Gorgonacea 94 III. Order Pennatulacea 95 B. Phylum Ctenophora 95 References 95 CHAPTER VI. Phylum Plathelminthes 98 Class 1. Turbellaria 99 xiv CONTENTS Page Class 2. Trematoda102 Subclass Monogenea102 Subclass Digenea104 Class 3. Cestoda106 Subclass Cestodaria107 Subclass Cestoda (s. str.)108 Class 4. Nemertinea Ill References114 CHAPTER VII. Phylum Nemathelminthes116 Class 1. Nematoda116 Class 2. Gordiacea120 Class 3. Acanthocephala121 References123 CHAPTER VIII. Phylum Trochelminthes125 Class 1. Rotifera125 Class 2. Gastrotricha129 References130 CHAPTER IX. Phylum Coelhelminthes (Annelida)131 Class 1. Chaetognathi131 Class 2. Chaetopoda133 Subclass Polychaeta135 I. Order Errantia137 II. Order Sedentaria 137 Subclass Oligochaeta138 Class 3. Hirudinea139 Class 4. Archiannelida141 Class 5. Gephyrea142 References142 CHAPTER X. Phylum Molluscoidea144 Class 1. Polyzoa144 I. Order Ectoprocta145 II. Order Endoprocta146 Class 2. Brachiopoda146 Class 3. Phoronida148 References148 CHAPTER XI. Phylum Echinoderma150 Subphylum Eleutherozoa152 Class 1. Asteroidea152 Class 2. Ophiuroidea157 Class 3. Echinoidea158 Class 4. Holothuroidea161 CONTENTS XV Subphylum Pelmatozoa 162 Class Crinoidea 163 References 165 CHAPTER XII. Phylum Mollusca 166 Class 1. Amphineura 167 I. Order Aplacophora 167 II. Order Placophora 167 Class 2. Acephala' 168 I. Order Protobranchia 178 II. Order Filibranchia . . . 178 III. Order Pseudolamellibranchia 178 IV. Order Eulamellibranchia 178 V. Order Septibranchia 174 Class 3. Scaphopoda 174 Class 4. Gasteropoda 174 Subclass Prosobranchia 177 I. Order Aspidobranchia 177 II. Order Ctenobranchiata 177 Subclass Euthyneura 177 Class 5. Cephalopoda 178 Subclass Tetrabranchia 180 Subclass Dibranchia 180 I. Order Decapoda 180 II. Order Octopoda 181 References 181 CHAPTER XIII. Phylum Arthropoda-Introduction and Class Crustacea 183 Class 1. Crustacea 185 Subclass Trilobita 188 Subclass Phyllopoda 189 I. Order Branchiopoda 190 II. Order Cladocera 191 Subclass Copepoda 192 Subclass Ostracoda 193 Subclass Cirripedia 194 Subclass Malacostraca 196 I. Order Phyllocardia , ... . 197 II. Order Schizopoda 197 III. Order Stomatopoda 197 IV. Order Decapoda 198 V. Order Amphipoda 201 VI. Order Isopoda 202 References 202 CHAPTER XIV. Phylum Arthropoda Exclusive of Crustacea and Insecta 204 Class 2. Acerata 204 Subclass Gigantostraca 204 xvi CONTENTS Page Subclass Arachnida 205 I. Order Scorpionida 206 II. Order Araneina 207 III. Order Acarina 207 IV. Other Orders of Arachnida 208 Class 3. Pycnogonida 209 Class 4. Tardigrada 210 Class 5. Onycopho ra 210 Class 6. Myrientomata 211 (The Myriapods) 212 Class 7. Diplopoda 212 Class 8. Chilopoda 212 Class 9. Symphyla 212 Class 10. Pauropoda 212 References 213 CHAPTER XV. Phylum Arthropoda (Concluded) 214 Class 12. Insecta 214 References 230 CHAPTER XVI. Phylogeny 231 References 239 Index 241 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This book deals with that portion of the field of zoology which concerns all animals other than those included in the single phylum Chordata. Its scope is thus expressed in negative terms, for all animals lacking a backbone are invertebrates. Early in the development of modern classification the term Vertebrata was introduced as the name of a phylum or branch to include the four highest classes of the Linnean system. Popu- larly, then, all animals have become recognized as either verte- brates or invertebrates. More recently, three small groups of animals, including Amphioxus, the sea-squirts, and Balano- glossus, have been shown to possess characters which seem to point to definite relationships with the Vertebrata, even though they lack a vertebral column. One of these characters is the presence of a notochord, a structure which in the embryology of the vertebrates is the forerunner of the vertebral column. As a consequence, the Leptocardii, the Tunicata, and the Enter- opneusta as prochordates have been combined with the true Vertebrata to form a phylum which bears the name Chordata. Technically, then, the terms chordate and non-chordate furnish a more sound basis for distinguishing the highest phylum of animals from all the lower phyla combined but the widespread and popular acceptance of the terms vertebrate and invertebrate have operated against the general introduction of these terms. Strictly speaking, the prochordates are invertebrates but they are not discussed in this book. In the classification here adopted, twelve non-chordate phyla are recognized, as follows: Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Ctenophora, Plathelminthes, Nemathelminthes, Trochelminthes, Coelhelminthes, Molluscoidea, Echinoderma, Mollusca, and Arthropoda. 1 2 IN VER TEBRA TE ZOOLOG Y THE SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION Primary and Subdivisions.-It should be recalled that each phylum is made up of classes, orders, families, genera, and species in descending sequence, and that each primary division is capable of still further arrangement into sub- and supergroups. Thus, when a class comprises a large number of orders, it frequently becomes convenient to combine the orders within the single class into two or more groups by uniting those orders which seem to have essential features in common into a sub- class or a superorder. Each major or primary group may thus have within it secondary groups of greater scope than the next lower primary division. Basis for Classification.-The entire system of classification of animals is based upon interpretation and judgment. There are no absolute units of measure which determine how many species or how many classes any phylum is to include. Every attempt at classification in some measure aims to express varying degrees of relationship between different organisms, and every decision regarding relationships is based upon fixed premises. Proofs of phylogenetic relationships are not procurable through direct observation but evidences are offered in the structure and development of the individual and frequently through fossil remains of extinct forms which serve as bridges or connecting links between our modern groups. Man's knowledge of all organisms is, at best, but fragmentary. A comparison even of the known facts of structure, development, and habits of two organisms involves much interpretation in determining the relative importance which is to be ascribed to each set of facts. Some structures and organs are highly variable even among the offspring of the same parents, while other characters may be relatively fixed in members of one group and highly variable in those of another. Obviously, then, all facts are not of equal significance in determining relationship and there is no arbitrary means of predicting which are of value and which are worthless in making comparisons. In common parlance, one organism is said to be higher or lower than another without any conscious analysis of how the decision has been reached. Such an expression, in order to carry weight, is reached only after numerous comparisons have been made and a decision has been reached as to what differences are essential and what incidental. INTRODUCTION 3 Primitive vs. Degenerate.-Simplicity of organization is not always a safe guide in the interpretation of relationships for sim- plicity of form and structure may be either primitive or secon- darily derived as a consequence of degeneracy. A tapeworm is simpler in many points of organization than a planarian, because the tapeworm lacks a digestive system and special sense organs, both of which are present in the planarian. Primitively, every organism must be able to digest and assimilate its own food materials. Dependence upon some other individual for perform- ing a process essential to life cannot be a primitive condition but is secondarily acquired and has been accompanied by degeneration of the digestive organs in perfectly adjusted parasites. The tapeworm is consequently degenerately and not primitively more simple than the planarian. Mutability of Group Concepts.-Throughout the entire system of classification, different premises and definitions lead to wholly divergent conclusions. A group which has been considered as a class by one zoologist may be set apart as an independent phylum by another, just because the same observed facts receive different interpretation and the same terms are defined differently. In elementary zoology courses, a rigid system of classification is frequently taught but the advanced student must sooner or later appreciate the fact that group concepts are human made devices adopted for man's convenience in his discussions of organisms which seem to be related. Shift of emphasis or new facts and new interpretations play an important part in formulating any scheme of classification for, after all, group concepts are con- structed to include organisms and are not necessarily expressions of natural laws with which the organisms must of necessity agree. The Law of Priority.-Scientific names of the larger subdivisions of the animal kingdom are subject to considerable differences in usage, for there are no fixed rules governing the acceptance or rejection of names pertaining to phyla, classes, and orders. In contrast with this, the use of names for species, genera, and families is definitely controlled by rules or laws. . An Inter- national Commission on Zoological Nomenclature was established by the International Zoological Congress (1895) to formulate a code of rules or laws governing the problems of naming animals. One of the basic principles of this code has been the Law of Priority. According to this law the valid name of a genus or of a species can be only that scientific name under which it was 4 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY first described, providing that the name is binomial and has not been used previously for some other animal. The same specific name may be used for any number of different animals belonging to different genera. The tenth edition of Linnaeus' Systema Naturae was published in 1758. Since the appearance of this work marks the first general application of binary nomenclature in zoology, this date has been accepted by the International Commission as the starting point for application of the law of priority. It frequently happens that after certain generic and specific names come into general use some one discovers that an earlier writer had applied a different binomial name to the same animal. Then the generally accepted name has to be dropped in favor of the prior name. Confusion and inconvenience frequently result from the application of this law but it seems to be the only safe means whereby scientific names may be accepted. It also frequently happens that a generic name has been used previously for some other genus of animals and in this instance only the earliest use of the name stands as valid, for the second time the name is used it is considered as a homonym. The name Trichina was applied to a parasitic worm in 1835, but in 1830 the same name had been assigned to a genus of insects. It therefore became necessary to rename the worm and even after the name Trichina came into very general and popular use the worm was renamed Trichinella. Since the name of a family is formed by adding the suffix idae to the stem of the name of the type genus, family names are also gov- erned by the same laws which govern the use of generic names. Phylogenetic Relationships.-The arrangement of animal groups in a list or in a book of necessity follows a sequence which places the lowest at one end and the highest at the other. Fre- quently, this arrangement carries with it the idea that classifica- tion intends to express a linear relationship of all forms, that each group has arisen from or has evolved from the one preceding. Such a hypothesis was held by some of the early zoologists but the more commonly accepted idea of today postulates that our present day animals are not directly related but that two groups bear closer or more distant relationship to each other chiefly through an extinct form which is an ancestor of both. Thus, for example, among the flat worms the Turbellaria are regarded as the most primitive class in the phylum Plathelminthes while the INTRODUCTION 5 Trematoda are considered as a higher class. This does not mean that trematodes had their origin from the turbellarians but prob- ably signifies that both trematodes and turbellarians had a com- mon origin through some ancestral group of past time which was neither trematode nor turbellarian. Thus, instead of a linear arrangement illustrating the modern idea of phylogenetic relationship of the animal groups, this relationship is best ex- pressed as a branching tree-like structure (Fig. 1) in which the various groups are represented by the branches. Closely related groups would be represented by a forking of a com- mon ancestral branch. One point wherein the tree comparison may not be carried too far is that many of the branches connecting modern day forms are dead or extinct. Through the field of paleontology we have an imperfect picture of these connecting branches in the records left as fossil animals-■ imperfect because there are so many groups like the naked Protozoa and the worms of which but few fossils are known. Because of the significance of these extinct animals in considering our modern fauna, attention is directed to some of the more important fossil forms throughout the body of this book. The necessity of considering our fauna as a product of the animal life of the past makes it seem advisable to include here a reference table showing the sequence of some of the more impor- tant geological periods with some of the dominant forms of life characteristic of each. THE PHYLUM PROTOZOA Fig. 1.-Phylogenetic arrangement of the classes in the phylum Protozoa. 6 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Geologic Chronology for North America (Slightly modified from Lull) Eras Major divisions Periods Dominant life Psychozoic Age of Man Coenozoic Quaternary Glacial The Age of Mammals Tertiary Late Tertiary Early Tertiary Mesozoic Late Mesozoic Epi-Mesozoic Interval Rise of Archiac Mammals Cretaceous Extreme specialization of reptiles Comanchian Early Mesozoic Jurassic Rise of birds and flying reptiles Triassic Rise of Dinosaurs Paleozoic Late Paleozoic or Carboniferous Epi-Paleozoic Interval Extinction of ancient life Permian Rise of land vertebrates, modern insects and am- monites Pennsylvanian Rise of insects and prim- itive reptiles Mississippian Rise of echinoderms and sharks Middle Paleozoic Devonian Rise of Amphibia Silurian Rise of scorpions and lung- fishes Early Paleozoic Ordovician Rise of corals, nautilids, and armored fishes Cambrian Rise of shelled animals and dominance of trilobites Late Proterozoic Algonkian Age of primitive marine invertebrates but very few fossils known Early Proterozoic Neolaurentian Archeozoic Paleolaurentian No fossils. Probably only single-celled organisms INTRODUCTION 7 REPRODUCTION IN INVERTEBRATES Many of the early naturalists believed in spontaneous genera- tion of life, that is, that non-living matter gives rise to living organisms continuously. As early as the seventeenth century Redi and some other leaders in science advanced evidences that the more complex organisms cannot originate in this manner. It is only within the past century, however, that the spontaneous generation of the lower organisms was finally discredited and disproved. That all life comes only from living things was only then established as an axiom. Power of reproducing its like is an inherent property of protoplasm which sharply differentiates it from all lifeless matter. Though all forms of life possess this power of reproduction, the detailed steps in the genesis of new individuals are far from uniform throughout the animal kingdom. Of the varied methods of reproduction encountered among ani- mals, common features permit them all to be classified as either asexual or sexual. Any reproductive process which involves the genesis of new individuals through the functioning of specialized cells, termed the gametes or germ cells, is sexual. Conversely, any reproductive process which does not involve the functioning of germ cells is asexual. Asexual Reproduction.-In the simplest forms of animal life, the body of a single individual becomes divided into two or more parts each of which by the growth processes assumes approxi- mately the size of the original organism which produced it. This kind of a reproductive process wherein no germ cell functions is termed asexual, and depends upon the power of part of an organ- ism to reproduce the whole (Figs. 2-4). If the products resulting from such a division of the body are approximately equivalent, the term fission is applied to the process. Fission is further recognized as simple or binary (Fig. 2) and multiple (Fig. 3) depending upon whether two or numerous individuals result. In binary fission, the direction of the dividing plane is frequently indicated by specifying whether the fission is longitudinal or transverse. Fission is characteristic of many Protozoa and occurs in isolated instances through many metazoan groups, but in the latter asexual reproduction through the formation of buds is more frequent. In budding (Figs. 4 and 36), a relatively small part of the body of a parent individual becomes modified as a starting point of a new individual. Only after development has gone to certain stages is the bud recognizable as similar to 8 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY the parent. Ultimately, the bud may separate from the parent and become an independent organism, or, in some instances, it remains attached permanently and successive generations retain bodily connection thereby producing a colony. Buds usually occur on the external surface of the parent indi- vidual, but in some instances groups of cells within the body become surrounded by a membrane and form what are desig- nated as gemmules or internal buds. Typically, these are highly resistant bodies which are liberated by the disintegration of the body of the dead parent, and as resting gemmules tide the species over times and conditions which are unsuited for a vegetative period. The gemmules of sponges and statoblasts of the Polyzoa are among the best examples of internal buds or gemmules. In both origin and structure, these are multicellular. Sexual Reproduction.-There are relatively few Metazoa which rely upon asexual reproduction exclusively. More frequently a Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Figs. 2-4.-Diagrams to illustrate 'the methods of asexual reproduction: 2, binary fission in Paramecium; 3, multiple fission or spore formation in a proto- zoan; 4, budding in Acanthocystis. process involving the specialization of cells for reproduction is encountered. Any cell specialized for this purpose is designated as a gamete or germ cell, and reproduction through such an agency is termed sexual reproduction. Even among the Protozoa (Fig. 5) germ cells are encountered. Despite their relative sim- plicity in organization, there are comparatively few protozoans for which a complete developmental history is known. For some of the most commonly known forms, ignorance of anything beyond an asexual multiplication has led to a widespread belief that simple division is the only means of reproduction. How- ever, in the Protozoa which have been thoroughly investigated, INTRODUCTION 9 it has been found that an asexual cycle (schizogony) is frequently followed by a sexual cycle (sporogony). Presence of a compli- cated life cycle, involving an alternation of generations, has thus been established for some single-celled creatures. (See Fig. 29.) Fig. 5.-Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg. A, adult colony, X475; B, daughter colony produced by division of one of the cells of A, X730; C-E, development of spermatozoa from a mother cell; F, spermatozoa. (From Shull, LaRue, and Ruthven after West and Goebel). Specialization of Gametes.-In its most characteristic form, sexual reproduction involves the complete fusion of two special- ized gametes to form a zygote (Fig. 6). In some instances, however, the fusing cells are termed isogametes because they seem to be alike in form and function. Though isogametes have considerable significance in hypothetical discussions of the origin and differentiation of sex cells, they are relatively infrequent in occurrence among animals. Even in some instances in which fusing gametes are indistinguishable in size the two react differ- ently to cytological stains and thus give evidence of a probable differentiation even though morphological differentiation is lacking. The gametes of most animals show two distinct lines of differ- entiation. The enlargement of the cell through accumulation of yolk or deutoplasm is characteristic of macrogametes or egg cells. In some instances, the ovum does not contain all of the stored food material but is accompanied by special storage cells as yolk cells or follicle cells. Special protective envelopes or 10 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY shells are frequently developed about the egg cell. The male germ cell or microgamete is usually very minute and represents a specialization for effective locomotion. In many kinds of animals, but a single type of germ cell is produced by any given individual. Those which produce macro- gametes or ova are designated as females while those which pro- duce microgametes or spermatozoa are called males. When both kinds of germ cells occur in the body of the same individual such a one is said to be hermaphroditic. Usually this condition involves the presence of two distinct gonads but in some molluscs there is a hermaphroditic gonad which produces both eggs and spermatozoa. Fig. 6.-Diagram of fertilization and cleavage. It is assumed that maturation of the egg has been completed before the entrance of the spermatozoon. {After Sharpe). Early Isolation of Germ Cells.-Long before germ cells become functional they are readily distinguishable from the other cells of the body. The exact point at which this differentiation of germ cells from somatic cells is accomplished has been determined for only a few animals but in these instances the cells destined to form the gametes are distinguishable at a remarkably early period in development of the young. In Ascaris megalocephala, a nematode of the horse, the first division of the fertilized egg (Fig. 7) separates two cells only one of which (s) retains all of its chromatin intact. Portions of the chromosomes in the other cell are cast off into the cytoplasm. It is only from the cell with unaltered nuclear content that the germ cells have their origin. INTRODUCTION 11 But even in this instance the separation of germ cells from somatic cells is not so direct as this narration might imply. In each of about the first five divisions of the cell with its full complement of chromatin one of the two resulting cells undergoes a chromatin diminution but at the end of the fifth or sixth cleavage the germ plasm has been isolated and in all subsequent divisions every blastomere gives rise to either somatic or germ cells. In several other instances, it has been noted that the cells which later produce the gametes are distinguishable early in embryonic life. In insect embryos, the cells from which the Fig. 7.-Two cell stage in development of the egg of Ascaris megalocephala, showing chromatin diminution in somatic cells. Germ cells are derived from blastomere marked s which retains all of its chromatin. (After Boveri). gametes are formed are distinctly larger than the somatic cells. Thus in the fly Miastor, the primordial germ cells (Fig. 8, gc) are readily distinguishable from the somatic cells (cZ) early in the cleavage of the egg. Gametogenesis and Fertilization.-Even though the cells which later go to form the gametes are early distinguishable from the somatic cells, they must pass through a complicated series of changes before they are capable of union in fertilization. These changes are collectively termed gametogenesis, or in the male, spermatogenesis and in the female, oogenesis (Fig. 9, B-D). Three periods are recognizable in gametogenesis: a multiplica- tion period wherein the relatively small number of primordial 12 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY germ cells is greatly augmented; a growth period, which involves fundamental changes in the nuclear organization of the cell and in relative size; and finally a maturation period during which the chromosomes in the gametes are reduced to one-half the number characteristic of the somatic nuclei. The chromosome number in cells which have not undergone maturation is said to be diploid because each cell contains two sets of chromosomes, one of which is derived from its male parent and the other from the female parent. Following maturation, the gametes are said to have the haploid or reduced number of chromosomes. The reduction in chromosome numbers is in preparation for fertilization or the union of two gametes to form a fertilized egg or zygote (Fig. 9). By this reduction phenomenon the ferti- lized egg, and consequently all of the cells resulting from its mitotic division, retain a con- stant number of chromosomes from generation to generation. Through fertilization a sperm cell with the haploid number of chromosome unites with an egg cell with the haploid number to form a zygote whose nuclear composition is diploid. In the maturation process, two kinds of chromosomes are usu- ally distinguishable. These are the ordinary chromosomes which are designated as the autosomes and others which differ from them both in appearance and in behavior and are termed the sex-chromosomes. In some instances, the immature germ cells of each sex have a pair of sex-chromosomes. Typically, the sex-chromosomes of the female are both alike and are called the X-chromosomes. On the other hand, in the immature germ cells of the male one of the sex-chromosomes is frequently smaller than the other Fig. 8.-Development of a centro- lecithal egg of the fly Miastor. Blastula stage showing germ cells (grc) at posterior extremity readily distin- guishable from the other blastomeres (cl). (From Shull, LaRue, and Ruthven after Hegner). INTRODUCTION 13 and is designated as the Y-chromosome. Under these conditions the autosomes of the maturing male germ cells are distributed evenly and equally among the mature cells but the sex-chromo- somes become segregated so that any individual cell in addition to its autosomes contains either an X- or a Y-chromosome, but never both. In the male, then, half of the sperm cells contain the Y-chromosome but no X, while the other half contain an X-chromosome but no Y. Every mature egg cell contains the autosomes and a single X-chromosome. Fertilization of an egg Fig. 9.- Maturation of the egg and fertilization in Ascaris. A, spermatozoon about to enter egg; B, spermatozoon inside egg; egg nucleus in anaphase of first maturation division; C, completion of first polar body; D, late anaphase in forma- tion of second polar body; E, masturation of egg completed, male and female pronuclei, each with two chromosomes, meeting; F, formation of first cleavage spindle from centrosome of spermatozoon, with two paternal and two maternal chromosomes in late prophase. (From Sharpe after Hertwig). cell by a spermatozoon containing the Y-chromosome produces a zygote from which only a male could develop but fertilization by a spermatozoon with an X-chromosome produces a zygote from which only a female could develop. The Y-chromosome may be entirely lacking in some species. Under these conditions, there are two kinds of male* sex cells formed, one with the autosomes plus an X-chromosome; the other with autosomes alone. 14 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY While the dimorphism in the germ cells is usually characteristic of the male, there are some instances recorded in which all of the male germ cells are alike, but the female germ cells show chromosome differences. Composition and Cleavage of Zygote.-Except for the possi- bility that one of the fusing germ cells may have one more chromosome than the other, the two gametes contribute equally to the chromatin content of the zygote. The cytoplasm of the zygote is that contained in the mature egg except for a practically insignificant amount brought in by the entering sperm cell. The stored food material, which provides the energy requisite to the life processes of the embryo, is furnished by the deutoplasm of the egg cell, except in those forms which have accessory yolk cells accompanying the egg and those which receive nourishment from the parent individual. The so-called middle piece of the sperm cell contains a centrosome. Barring some very unusual circumstances, this centrosome brought in by the male pronucleus forms a mitotic spindle within which the chromatin of both the male and female pronuclei becomes co-mingled. The mitotic division of the fertilized egg which ensues is followed by cleavage of the surrounding cytoplasm. Through a continued sequence of mitosis and cleavage, large numbers of cleavage cells or blastomeres are formed. Cleavage Patterns.-The relative size and arrangement of these blastomeres is greatly influenced by the amount and distribu- tion of the stored material within the egg. If the yolk is evenly distributed, the egg is said to be homolecithal and it undergoes a complete cleavage resulting in the formation of numerous cells, all of which are practically uniform in size. However, deuto- plasm is heavier than the surrounding cytoplasm, and in many instances tends to accumulate at the vegetative pole of the egg. The term telolecithal is applied to such an egg. Yolk serves as a mechanical obstruction to the paths of the cleavage planes. Consequently, if the vegetative pole is heavily yolk laden, cleav- age is restricted to a disc of cytoplasm at the animal pole. How- ever, in some telolecithal eggs, the entire cell cleaves, but, since the mitotic spindle tends to take a position in the center of the cytoplasm of the cell, spindles will be formed nearer the animal than the vegetative pole and as a consequence the resulting cells are unequal in size. The cells at the animal pole are much smaller than those at the vegetative pole. Some arthropod eggs INTRODUCTION 15 have the yolk collected in the center and are therefore said to be centrolecithal. Cleavage in such an egg is restricted to the layer of cytoplasm surrounding the yolk (Fig. 8) and is referred to as superficial cleavage. The blastomeres resulting from cleavage of the fertilized egg assume various arrangement patterns. In some groups of animals, the blastomeres fail to follow any orderliness in their formation and arrangement. Instances of this sort are desig- nated as indeterminate cleavage. This condition stands in sharp contrast with that found in some other groups, the members of which have cleavage processes so orderly that it is possible to predict with exactitude the direction which successive cleavage planes will take. Determinate cleavage, as this is called, renders it possible to trace the history of each blastomere, to follow Fig. 10.-Diagrams showing cleavage pattern in Mollusca and Annelida. a, blastomeres of Nereis {after Wilson)-, b and c, blastomeres of Crepidula. The stippled cells form the Molluscan Cross. The four unshaded cells at the pole of the embryo are termed the apical cells, while the unshaded cells radiating from these comprise the Annelidan Cross. {After Conklin). through a "cell-lineage" the succession of blastomeres, and to tell ultimately what organ or structure of the larva or adult is to be formed from any given blastomere. This recognition of a fixed arrangement of the cells is especially characteristic of anne- lids and molluscs (Fig, 10). The annelidan cross and the mollus- can cross are terms which are applied to the fixed cleavage pat- terns characteristic of these respective groups. The orderly processes which give rise to fixed relations of the cells of the embryo are carried throughout the entire life of some organisms, for scattered through the various phyla there are examples of animals which in the adult stage possess an absolutely fixed number of cells or of nuclei in all or in part of the organs of the body. Such a condition is spoken of as cell-constancy or nuclear-constancy. 16 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Blastula and Gastrula.-All eggs pass through a stage called the blastula wherein the blastomeres are usually arranged in a single layer. Typically, the cells surround a central fluid-filled cavity, but in centrolecithal eggs the fluid-filled cavity is replaced by a solid yolk mass. The cells in certain regions of the blastula multiply more rapidly than the surrounding cells. Typically, in the homolecithal egg this unequal growth causes part of the wall of the blastula to be forced within the blastula cavity as an inpocketing or invagination. This stage in development is termed a gastrula and is composed typically of an outer layer of cells, the ectoderm, and an inner layer, the entoderm, which surrounds a central cavity, the gastrula cavity or archenteron. Primitively, this archenteron is in communication with the exterior through an opening, the blastopore. A gastrula such as that just described occurs only in the homolecithal type of egg. In telolecithal eggs, with total cleavage, the small blastomeres at the animal pole multiply much more rapidly than do the heavily yolk laden vege - tative cells. As a consequence, the cells from the animal pole grow down and surround those of the vegetative pole which thereby become the entoderm while the small surface cells are recog- nizable as ectoderm. In such a gastrula, there is no archenteron within the entoderm. Gastrulation by this method is termed epibolic gastrulation. In telolecithal eggs with only partial cleavage, a modified invagination occurs through a shoving in of cells near the edge of the cleavage disc. As mentioned above, blastula formation in the centrolecithal eggs gives rise to a layer of cells arranged around the central yolk mass. In later develop- ment, each cell of this blastula undergoes a cleavage parallel to the surface of the egg. Thereby a two layered condition or a gastrula is attained and the process is spoken of as delamination. Mesoderm and Later Development.-The addition of the third body layer, the mesoderm, between the ectoderm and the ento- derm is one of the most conspicuous and most significant features in later development of all animals above the coelenterates. Development from this point onward, is subject to so many indi- vidual differences that few general statements may be made. In many of the more generalized groups, the attainment of the gastrula stage marks the beginning of an independent existence by the young for through cilia it has the power of movement and through the blastopore takes food into the archenteron where it is digested and assimilated. However, in many groups and espe- INTRODUCTION 17 cially in terrestrial and fresh-water forms, the individual is carried far past the gastrula stage while still confined within the egg membranes. In the extreme of such cases, the individual which emerges from the egg is essentially like the adult except in size and stage of development of the reproductive organs. Throughout its development, the young of such a form would be referred to as an embryo. On the other hand, if the individual produced from the egg lacks some structures characteristic of the adult and possesses others which are lost in later development, the young is ordinarily termed a larva. Many different larval forms are encountered in the various invertebrate groups but these are so numerous and have such diverse forms that descriptions of them will be given in the discussion of the groups in which each type belongs. It should be mentioned, however, that these larval stages are frequently considered as having great phylo- genetic significance. Groups having fundamentally similar larvae are usually considered as having developed from a common ancestral form, for there are many evidences supporting the law of biogenesis which states that ontogeny is a brief recapitulation of phylogeny. Parthenogenesis is sexual development without fertilization. The eggs of many kinds of animals undergo a modified type of maturation and are then capable of development without fertili- zation. It is not uncommon for parthenogenesis and true sexual reproduction to alternate in the life cycle of the same species. The parthenogenetic habit has become thoroughly established in some species of animals. Frequently, in such instances, males are extremely rare and there are some species which reproduce parthenogenetically in which males have never been observed. Paedogenesis and Polyembryony.-The gonads of some indi- viduals become functional before the body reaches adult form. In some of the dipterous insects (flies of the genus Miastor, for example) the larvae become precociously mature and as maggots produce mature eggs. These eggs undergo parthenogenetic development within the body of the larva and a new generation of larvae is produced within the body of each. This type of pre- cocious parthenogenetic development is termed paedogenesis. It has been demonstrated that in some instances a single fertilized egg may give rise to more than one individual. This condition, which has been termed polyembryony, occurs in both invertebrates and vertebrates and is especially characteristic of 18 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY some insects. This power of development of an entire individual from a portion of an embryo calls to mind the fact that experi- mentally the blastomeres of many of the marine invertebrates may be isolated and each blastomere thus separated forms a complete individual. Breeding Habits.-Regarding breeding habits, numerous different conditions exist. In the Protozoa and among many lower Metazoa, isolated gametes are set free into the surrounding medium and fertilization occurs entirely apart from the bodies of the parent individuals. Motility, at least of the male gametes, and chemical emanations from the female gamete bring the two germ cells together and thus insure fertilization. Under such conditions, the larva or young of Metazoa passes through its embryological stages until it is capable of independent mainte- nance. Among many Metazoa, this stage is reached with the gastrula for at this time the larva contains organs differentiated sufficiently to enable it to ingest and utilize food from the outside world. For its metabolism prior to this time, the embryo has been dependent upon the food substances stored within the egg. Correlated with increase in quantity of stored food material within the egg, the young of many species undergo complete development upon the materials thus furnished, as mentioned above, and never lead an independent larval existence. Frequently, the eggs are fertilized while still within the body of the female. This may involve a copulation whereby sperm cells arc deposited within the body of the female by the male through some sort of an intromittent organ, or, in some instances, as in the rotifers and leeches, sperm cells are united in groups called spermatophores which penetrate the body wall of the female. Parts of the body of the female may be modified as a seminal receptacle for receiving the sperm cells from the male, though fertilization of the eggs may be deferred for some time even several years after copulation has taken place. In hermaphrodi- tic forms, there are several distinct methods of fertilization. Reciprocal copulation whereby sperm cells from one hermaphro- ditic individual fertilize the eggs of the other, occurs in many instances. Self-fertilization is also encountered in some herma- phroditic organisms. Birth Habits.-When eggs are discharged before cleavage has begun, the species is said to be oviparous. Frequently, the egg is retained within the body of the female until the young is fully INTRODUCTION 19 formed and the larva emerges from the egg membranes before it leaves the body of the parent. This condition is designated as viviparous. Any condition intermediate between these two extremes is termed ovoviviparous. In this condition, the egg has at least started to divide before it leaves the body of the parent. In popular, and sometimes in scientific, usage the term oviparous is applied to any condition in which the female brings forth eggs, regardless of the stage of development of the contained ovum or embryo. The term ovoviviparous is in this instance restricted to that condition in which the embryo is liberated from the egg membranes just before it leaves the maternal body. General References The references here cited contain information bearing upon most of the chapters throughout this book but are not repeated at the end of individual chapters. Bronn, H. G. (various authors). 1880- . Klassen und Ordnungen des Tier-reichs. Leipzig. Delage, Y. et Herouard, E. 1896-1903. Traite de zoologie concrete. Paris, Schleicher Freres. Harmer, S. F. and Shipley, A. E. (various authors). 1891-1909. The Cambridge Natural History. London, Macmillan. Hertwig, R. (translated and edited by Kingsley, J. S.). 1912. A Manual of Zoology. N. Y., Holt. Lang, A. (translated by Bernard, H. M. and M.). 1891. Text-book of Comparative Anatomy. London, Macmillan. Lankester, Sir R. (various authors). 1909. A Treatise on Zoology. London, Black. Parker, T. J. and Haswell, W. A. 1921. A Text-book of Zoology, Vol. 1. London, Macmillan. Sedgwick A. 1898. A Student's Text-book of Zoology. London, Sonnenschein. Verrill, A. E. and Smith, S. I. 1874. Report on the Invertebrate Animals of Vineyard Sound and Adjacent Waters. Rep. Commr. Fish and Fisheries, Vol. 1. Vogt, C. und Yung, E. 1885-1888. Lehrbuch der praktischen vergleich- enden anatomie. Braunschweig. Ward, H. B. and Whipple, G. C. (various authors). 1918. Fresh-water Biology. N. Y., Wiley. von Zittel, K. A. 1900. Text-book of Palaeontology, English translation bv Eastman, C. B. London, Macmillan. CHAPTER II PHYLUM PROTOZOA The Cell as an Individual.-The Protozoa represent the simplest organization of animal protoplasm to form independent units or individuals. Though in the typical examples the individuals comprise single cells, the cytoplasm of these cells has undergone various lines of differentiation and specialization. Thus these cells are far from simple or "undifferentiated" when considered from the point of view of adaptation for numerous different functions. The chief point of distinction between the cell of a protozoan and one of a many-celled animal (metazoan) lies in the fact that in the former all of the functions of a living animal are executed by a single mass of protoplasm. Any specialization for different functions in the single cell must be restricted to specialization of a part within that cell. On the other hand, the Metazoa are composed of numerous cells, groups of which have become specialized for limited functions. Conse- quently, for the rest of the functions characteristic of living matter these cells of limited function in the Metazoa become more or less dependent upon the other cells united with them to form an aggregate termed an individual. It thus becomes obvious that differentiation in Protozoa usually involves specialization of the parts within a single cell, while in the Metazoa entire cells become specialized for limited functions. In this light it is readily understood that "undifferentiated" as applied to a protozoan cell does not imply "unorganized" for the organization found there is frequently much higher than in many kinds of metazoan cells which have undergone histological differentiation. Metazoan Tendencies.-There is no broad gap separating the simple, single-celled Protozoa on the one side from the Metazoa on the other. Many Protozoa, especially among the Mastigo- phora and Ciliata, show distinct tendencies toward specialization of cells. Frequently, the cells resulting from the division of a single one remain attached, thus forming a group which functions as a unit and is termed a colony. Within such a group only part 20 PHYLUM PROTOZOA 21 of the cells may retain the powers of reproduction while the others carry on all of the remaining functions for the colony. This marks an early separation of two kinds of cells, the germ cells as distinct from the body or somatic cells (Fig. 5). Separate germ cells or gametes occur in many different kinds of Protozoa, in fact it is not uncommon for two different kinds of gametes to make their appearance in this group as microgametes (male germ cells) and macrogametes (female germ cells), but in all these instances all of the somatic cells remain similar. Thus, there is a finely graded series of changes which connect the single-celled condi- tion and the colony bearing only one kind of somatic cells and one or more types of germ cells. Most Zoologists agree that this marks the limit of histological differentiation in the Protozoa. If histological differentiation of the somatic cells occurs, the organism is recognized as a metazoan. An inclusive definition of the Protozoa might then be given as follows: The Protozoa constitute that phylum of the Animal Kingdom which includes all single-celled animals and cell aggre- gates in which there is no histological differentiation of the somatic cells. Organization.-Because of their small size, Protozoa were entirely unknown to the early scientists. Their study dates from the introduction of the microscope. Most of the early observers maintained that Protozoa are made up of complete systems of organs such as are found in the higher animals. Dujardin denied the presence of organ systems. Definite com- parisons with single cells of the Metazoa were first made by de Bary as early as 1843 but it was left for von Siebold (1848) to describe them as unicellular. In lax usage, the term "organ" is still used in referring to those parts of the protozoan cell which have become adapted to special functions. More correct usage restricts this term to cell groups. Accepting this limitation, it becomes necessary to designate differentiated structures in Protozoa as ''cell organs" or "organ- ellae." This distinction has led to a rather common usage of terms such as cytostome (cell mouth), cytopyge (cell anus), cytopharynx (cell pharynx), in referring to the organellae of Protozoa. The classes of this phylum differ so widely in structure and degree of specialization of parts that little may be said that would apply equally to all animals included here. While most Protozoa 22 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY are small in size, the plasmodia of the Mycetozoa may cover a surface several inches in diameter. At the opposite extreme stand the Sporozoa, many of which pass through a spore stage in which the individual is less than 1 micron in diameter. These represent about the smallest cells known in the animal kingdom. The cytoplasm of a protozoan cell is usually divided into a covering ectoplasm and a more distinctly granular internal mass, the endoplasm. Within the ectoplasm, there are extreme differ- ences in organization for in some instances it is reduced to an extremely thin layer while in others it is stratified into several distinctly separable regions. In the Microsporidia, and some other forms, no differentiation of the cytoplasm into layers has been demonstrated. Habitats.-Protozoa are encountered in extremely diverse habitats. All classes, with the exception of the Sporozoa, have numerous species which occur as free-living organisms in both fresh and salt water. Soil inhabiting species are not uncommon. The parasitic habit has become the exclusive condition among the Sporozoa, but in each of the other classes the same habit is encountered to a greater or less degree. Some species have the faculty of leading either an independent or a parasitic existence, as opportunity is presented to the individual animal. Food Habits.-In food habits, the Protozoa display great diversity. Many of the chlorophyl-bearing Mastigophora are anabolic in their metabolism. Under the influence of sunlight their chlorophyl synthesizes food substances in a purely plant- like manner. These forms in which the food is built up from simple compounds by the processes of photosynthesis are designated as autophytic. Most of the Protozoa are katabolic in their metabolism and require complicated organic compounds as foods. These organic foods may be ingested as solid particles either through the action of pseudopodia as in Amoeba and other Rhizopoda or through a cytostome as in Paramecium and many other ciliates and many flagellates. In the endoplasm, these solid food particles un- dergo digestion in food vacuoles before they are assimilated. In the instances just cited the food material may be either living or dead plant or animal matter. However, in some species the predaceous habit is rather firmly fixed. Thus Didinium lives largely upon paramecia the bodies of which it ingests through a highly specialized cytostome located at the tip of a proboscis. PHYLUM PROTOZOA 23 The Suctoria through their hollow tentacles are enabled to suck out the protoplasm from other organisms and utilize it as food. Organic matter may be absorbed through the body surface in many Protozoa. This is especially true of forms which lack a cytostome. These organisms dependent upon the absorption of elaborated food stuffs may be either parasitic upon living organisms or may utilize decomposing organic matter. In the latter instance, they are said to be saprophytic. Cultures.-Under usual conditions, Protozoa are present in stream, pond, or lake water in relatively small numbers. Various factors in the environment cooperate in keeping the numbers of any given species from becoming excessive. If individuals of a given species multiply unusually, forms which feed upon this species, or depend upon it in other ways, will naturally increase, thereby tending to reduce the excessive numbers. Thus, the " balance of nature " works here even as among the higher forms of life. If food is present in excess and natural enemies are lack- ing, the balance is broken and immense numbers make their appearance. This is what happens when an infusion or culture medium, rich in food material, is allowed to stand in the labora- tory to produce a protozoan culture. Reproduction.-Various forms of reproduction are encountered in this group. The one most frequently found is that of binary Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Figs. 11-13.-Diagrams to illustrate the methods of asexual reproduction. 11, binary fission in Paramecium; 12, multiple fission or spore formation in a protozoan; 13, budding in Acanthocystis. fission. In this process, the nucleus usually undergoes an indirect division and this is followed by constriction and finally separation of the cytoplasm to form two new individuals (Fig. 11). Com- monly, structures become duplicated in the dividing individual before fission is completed. Fission not uncommonly occurs when individuals are in an inactive or encysted state. A type 24 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY of multiple fission (Fig. 12) is characteristic of some groups of Sporozoa and Mycetozoa. In this instance, the nucleus under- goes a series of divisions. Each of the nuclear masses thus formed becomes surrounded by a layer of cytoplasm and upon the rupture of the original cell wall numerous small cells called spores are liberated. In the indirect nuclear divisions mentioned above, there are frequently one or more points wherein the process differs from mitosis as it occurs in metazoan cells. When the centrosome occurs within the nuclear wall, the entire process of division may be accomplished without the disappearance of the nuclear membrane. Frequently the chromatin is present as one or more large bodies which are termed karyosomes. These constrict and divide without chromosome formation, in a manner somewhat resembling amitosis. The term promitosis has been applied to this primitive type of indirect nuclear division to distinguish it from the more elaborate mitosis. Many Protozoa have a definite life cycle more intricate than a simple succession of fission states. Frequently, this cycle involves two distinct types of adult individuals; sporonts, which give rise to gametes, and schizonts, which give rise to asexual individuals. There may thus be an alternation of generations involving two distinct types of developmental cycle; a cycle of sporogony, during which gamete formation and fertilization occurs, and one of schizogony, during which no sexual process is involved. These alternating cycles in the free-living forms are correlated with environmental conditions, especially seasonal changes, while in the parasitic species they are frequently correlated with change of host. In the malarial organisms (Fig. 29), for example, schizogony continues during development of the organism in the vertebrate host and sporogony involving the fertilization of gametes is restricted to the sojourn of the parasite in the body of the mosquito. Budding (Fig. 13) differs from fission chiefly in the relative sizes of the resulting parts. In fission, two or more approxi- mately equivalent parts result from the partition of one individ- ual. Through budding, on the other hand, the identity of a parent organism is retained for the buds arise as smaller out- growths from the body of the producing individual. Conjugation in the Protozoa involves either the temporary or permanent fusion of two or more individuals of the same species. PHYLUM PROTOZOA 25 A simple type is found in the fusion of the cytoplasm of a number of individuals to form a plasmodium as in the Mycetozoa. More frequently the nuclei are involved in either a permanent fusion resulting in true fertilization or a temporary fusion involving an exchange of nuclear material. Endomixis. An intricate process of nuclear reconstruction without the fusion of individuals occurs in some Protozoa. Details of this phenomenon, which is termed endomixis, have been observed especially in Paramecium. The micronucleus undergoes a number of divisions and some of the resulting nuclei disintegrate and are resorbed by the cytoplasm. Authorities differ as to the exact meaning or significance of endomixis though some see in it a process in some degree com- parable with parthenogenesis of the Metazoa. Colony formation frequently results from incomplete separation of cells following division. The products of rapid division may remain in union for a short time to form a temporary aggregate which ultimately separates into its individual cells, or they may remain permanently associated to form a colony. Branching or arboid colonies (Fig. 14) frequently occur in the Peritricha and in some Mastigo- phora. Highly developed colonies (Fig. 5) are common in the Mastigo- phora, especially among the Euglenoidea. Because of the similar- ity between various mastigophoran colonies and the cleavage and blastula stages in the development of Metazoa, this group has frequently been cited as the one most directly in line with metazoan phylogeny. However, some workers are inclined to the view that while colony formation is less characteristic of the Ciliata, specializations found there demand consideration in any discussion of the phylogeny of the Metazoa. The classification of Doflein has been adopted in the present work. In this system, relationships are more clearly shown than in the older systems which involve recognition of four equivalent Fig. 14.-One of the colonial Chrysomonadina, Dino[bryon sertularia Ehrenberg. A, ar- rangement of cells in tree-like colony; B, individual in its cup- like sheath. (From Shull, La Rue, and Ruthven after Kent). 26 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY classes. In the remainder of this chapter, the following sub- phyla and their included classes are discussed: Subphylum Plasmodroma Class 1. Mastigophora Class 2. Rhizopoda Class 3. Sporozoa Subphylum Ciliophora Class 1. Ciliata Class 2. Suctoria SUBPHYLUM PLASMODROMA In the subphylum Plasmodroma, are assembled all Protozoa which never develop cilia while the subphylum Ciliophora includes those which have cilia at least during part of their existence. Class Mastigophora The presence of one or more flagella is practically the only character common to all Mastigophora. More than superficial examination is necessary to distinguish some Mastigophora bearing numerous flagella from ciliates and on the other hand the boundary between Mastigophora and Rhizopoda is obscured through the presence of temporary flagella on some of the Rhizopoda and of pseudopodia on some of the Mastigophora (Fig. 15). In addition to these confusing relationships with other classes of Protozoa, there are some forms which are so distinctly plant-like that they are claimed alike by zoologists and botanists. Body shape is far from constant in many forms, the degree of con- stancy depending upon the character of the body surface. In some, the pellicle is either wanting or so thin as to permit of free amoeboid movements. Limitation to change in shape is secured in some by the presence of supporting structures of organic matter such as the axostyle (Figs. 22 and 23). Each flagellum (Fig. 16) consists of a firm axial filament part of which is encased in a more fluid contractile sheath. Distally, this filament extends a short distance beyond the sheath and constitutes an "end piece." Proximally, the axial filament continues through the cytoplasm to the blepharoplast. This last named structure is similar to the basal granules of the ciliates. In fact, the entire flagellum very closely simulates the structure of an individual cilium. Among the more characteristic Masti- PHYLUM PROTOZOA 27 gophora, the flagella occur at the anterior extremity. If they are directed forward and by their movement pull the body along, they are called trachella; if they are directed backward and by their movement propel the body ahead, they are designated as pulsella. The trachella are the more common type. In many Mastigophora, flagella arising at the anterior extremity are directed backward along the side of the body as trailing flagella. These may be either free or fused with the side of the body as an undulating membrane as in the Trypanosomes (Fig. 20). Fig. 15.-Mastiyella vitrea. (After Goldschmidt). Fi g . 16 .-Isolated flagellum of Euglena showing axial filament within surrounding sheath. (After BiUschli). On the basis of relationships and general methods of metabolism, the Mastigophora may be divided into two subclasses. The distinctly plant-like forms are included within the Phytomastigina while the ones displaying more pronounced animal characters are grouped within the subclass Zoomastigina. Subclass Phytomastigina Members of this subclass have one to four flagella located at the anterior extremity. The cytoplasm is usually very finely granular, not heavily vacuolated, and without distinct boundary between ectoplasm and endoplasm. Typical members of this group possess chromatophores, frequently brown or yellow in the lower forms and green in the higher. Especially in the latter, chlorophyll is found. Contractile vacuoles are usually present in the fresh-water forms either as a simple pulsating vacuole or 28 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY as a more highly complicated system of vacuoles and reservoirs. Division is usually by longitudinal binary fission. I. Order Chrysomonadtna These are small forms of very simple structure, some with and others without a pellicle. One or two flagella are present and pseudopodia may also occur, especially as a means of securing food. Though most members of this order are autophytic, others feed upon bacteria and other unicellular plants and small Protozoa. A red eyespot is commonly located in the region of the root of the flagellum. Chromulina (Fig. 17), Chrysopyxis, Synura, and Dinobryon (Pig. 14) are characteristic genera. Fig. 17. - Chromulina Pascheri, one of the Chrysomonadina. (After Hofeneder). Fig. 18.-Chilomonas paramecium (After Dofleiri). II. Order Cryptomonadina Relatively constant body form with usually one or two chroma- tophores characterize these small flagellates. In habits, they are autophytic or saprophytic, occurring in both salt- and fresh-water and in some instances living symbiotically (genus Chrysidella) in Sarcodina. The body which bears one or two flagella usually has dorsal and ventral surfaces recognizable. At the anterior end, an oblique groove occurs on the ventral surface. In this groove or in the esophagus which communicates with it, arise the flagella. Of the several genera, Cryptomonas, Cyathomonas, and Chilomonas (Fig. 18) are characteristic. 29 PHYLUM PROTOZOA III. Order Dinoflagellata Representatives of this order usually possess a shell-like lorica covering the body. Two flagella arise near the middle of the body. Of these, one extends posteriorly as a trailing flagellum and the other encircles the body. Each of these usually occupies a groove or sulcus in the lorica known respectively as the longitu- dinal and the circular groove or annulus. The circular flagellum because of its undulating movements was mistaken for a ring of cilia by the early workers who as a consequence called the group the Cilioflagellata. The plates of which the characteristic rigid armor is made are composed of a substance closely allied to cellulose. Spikes and prolongations of this armor frequently give to the body a helmet-shape or other bizarre form. The usual method of reproduction is by binary fission, each individual receiving half of the shell and regenerating the missing half. Rapid reproduction in some instances leads to chains of associated individuals. In some in- stances, multiple fission within the shell leads to spore formation. Members of the suborder Adinida lack the furrows characteristic of the typical Dinoflagellata. In these, the flagella emerge from an aperture between the two valves of the shell. This bivalve shell is perforated with numerous pores. Proro- centrum, Exuvaella, and Haplodinium (all marine) are typical genera. The typical Dinoflagellata, which include both marine and fresh-water forms, belong to the suborder Dinifera, of which Gymno- dinium, Peridinium, Ceratium, Amphisolenia, and Pyrocystes are characteristic genera. IV. Order Euglenoidina The Euglenoidina are relatively large and have practically constant body form except for squirm- ing or wriggling movements. At the anterior extremity of the body, occurs a deep esophagus from the wall of which the one or two flagella emerge. Into this same esophagus, empties the reservoir of the vacuole system. The reservoir does not pulsate but receives its contents from the smaller contractile vacuoles which communicate with it and r'ichPOph~. orum. {After 30 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY drains through the esophagus. A red stigma frequently appears in the anterior region. Of the numerous genera Euglena, Phacus, Trachelomonas, Colacium, and Peranema (Fig. 19) stand as examples. V. Order Phytomonadina This order of Mastigophora comprises the most distinctly plant- like forms. They are probably unicellular algae which have retained throughout their existence the flagellum characteristic of their early developmental stages. In nutrition, they are exclusively autophytic. Colony formation is very common, representing various degrees of complexity. Chlamydomonas and Haematococcus are solitary forms. Spondylomorum, Gonium, Pandorina, Eudorina (Fig. 5), Platydorina, Pleodorina, and Volvox are genera in which colony formation is found. Subclass Zoomastigina The Zoomastigina include the orders of flagellates the members of which are distinctly animal in their nutrition or receive their food by absorption. I. Order Protomonadina Very small Mastigophora with one or two flagella of equal or unequal length, one of which is frequently directed backward as a trailing flagellum, are included within the confines of this order. Members of the genus Monas represent the simplest organization. The Choanoflagellates, similar in appearance to the collared epithelial cells of Porifera and frequently cited in the discussions of the origin of Porifera, belong here. One of the most important groups is that of the Trypanosomidae (Fig. 20) which contains numbers of highly important animal parasites. Dendromonas forms branching colonies and Anthophysa occurs as masses of individuals attached to a stalk. Trypanosomes occur as blood parasites in all classes of verte- brates. In many instances, they are restricted to a single host species and insofar as has been observed these are harmless to the host. Such is the condition which exists between the rat host and its normal parasite Trypanosoma lewisi. In many PHYLUM PROTOZOA 31 instances, however, trypanosomes are not restricted to a specific host but are capable of developing in the blood of various species in addition to that of the normal host. Under such conditions, if a parasite innocuous to its normal host is introduced into some unusual host where it finds conditions favorable for development, it continues to multiply practically without limit until it produces serious or even fatal pathological conditions within its new host. The various species of non-pathogenic trypanosomes have certain features in common which unite them and distinguish them from the group of pathogenic species. Because the non-pathogenic species resemble the Trypanosoma lewisi, mentioned above, the entire group is spoken of as the lewisi-group. In similar manner, the pathogenic species in general resemble Trypanosoma brucei so the assemblage is termed the brucei-group. The last named species seems to be a normal parasite of some African game ani- mals but when it is introduced into the blood of domestic animals it produces fatal results. In their transmission from host to host, trypanosomes depend upon the agency of some blood sucking animal such as a fly or leech. Tse- tse flies of the genus Glossina are the inoculators of the T. brucei which has so seriously threatened extermination of all domestic animals in certain parts of Africa. Flies of the same genus also carry T. gambiense which is responsible for a fatal human disease in Africa known commonly as sleeping sickness. Fig. 20-Trypanosoma Theileri (Bruce), from blood of a cow. (After Lahe). The spirochaets represent a group of organisms of very great importance and yet of highly problematical relationships. Some investigators have thought that they are protozoans related to the trypanosomes but in structure, in habits, and in reactions they seem to be more closely related to the bacteria. Treponema pallidum, the spirochaet which causes syphilis, is one of the most important representatives of this group. Some of the species of the genus Spiroschaudinnia produce a disease in man known as relapsing fever. 32 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY II. Order Polymastigina These small, usually parasitic forms have two to six flagella at the anterior extremity, of which at least one is a trailing flagellum frequently united with the body to form an undulating membrane. Chromatic structures of highly vari- able form, termed parabasal bodies (Figs. 21 and 22), are characteristic. Costia is parasitic on the skin of fishes, Chilomastix (Fig. 21) occurs in man and Trichomonas (Fig. 23) is parasitic in man and Fig. 21.-Chilomastix mesnili (Wenyon). A, active stage; B, encysted. (After Kofoid and Swezy). in other vertebrates. The foregoing represent the simplest organization within the order but in the family Calonymphidae are united a number of genera which have numerous nuclei, axostyles, blepharoplasts, and parabasal bodies. Calonympha and Dienympha are examples of this peculiar family. Four flagella arise from each blepharoplast. The polynuclear and general multiple structure give to the members of these genera the appearance of colonial forms which lack cell boundaries. , PHYLUM PROTOZOA 33 III. Order Hypermastigina In this order, are united a number of genera of highly compli- cated and confusing structure, members of which live exclusively as parasites in the alimentary canal of insects. A bundle of long flagella usually arises from the anterior extremity and additional bundles may occur on other parts of the body. Super- ficially, these may look much like ciliates. Lophomonas of Fig. 22. Fig. 23. Fig. 22.-Giardia microti Kofoid and Christiansen. Parabasals are two curved, dark bodies behind the axostyle. {After Kofoid and Christiansen). Fig. 2 3.-Trichomonas augusta Alexieff. {After Kofoid and Swezy). cockroaches and Trichonympha of termites are characteristic genera. IV. Order Distomatina Four to eight or more flagella, usually arranged in two groups, are found in the Distomatina. Many of the species possess two nuclei. Both free-living forms and parasites in the alimentary 34 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY canal of vertebrates are found. Hexamitus and Giardia (Fig. 22) are important genera. Giardia lives as a parasite in the intestine of man, rabbits, dogs, cats, and mice. Attachment to the epithelial cells is accomplished by means of the cup-shaped ventral surface of the parasite. It is uncertain whether a single or several species of this genus infest the various host species. Giardia is thought to be the causal agent of some dysenteric diseases though in some instances infestations by Giardia do not seem to be accom- panied by pathological conditions. V. Order Cystoflagellata Members of this order are exclusively marine. In the typical genus, Noctiluca, the body consists of a gelatinous sac, frequently more than a millimeter in diameter, with a concentration of cyto- plasm at one pole containing the nucleus and giving off the loco- motor organs. These organisms are free-floating and are highly phosphorescent. One of the most conspicuous structures is the tentacle, a cross-striated thread of protoplasm which lashes back and forth. Near the base of this tentacle, is located a single minute flagellum. In another genus (Craspedotella), the body is flattened and closely resembles a minute jelly-fish. Class Rhizopoda All rhizopods lack a true cell wall though in many instances skeletons or other protective coverings have been developed. The pseudopodia are the most characteristic feature of the rhiz- opods in spite of the extremely different appearances which these structures may present in the various orders. In most instances, pseudopodia serve both for locomotion and for the ingestion of food. The nucleus is usually single, though binucleate or multi- nucleate individuals are found frequently. The nuclei in these latter are essentially similar rather than manifesting the func- tional differentiation which is characteristic of the macro- and micronuclei of the ciliates. Binary and multiple fission and budding are all represented in the types of reproduction among the Rhizopoda and some forms pass through a definite life cycle involving a conjugation (Arcella). The relatively simple organization of the Rhizopoda has led many students to assume that only a simple cleavage of the cell is involved in the reproductive process. It is probable PHYLUM PROTOZOA 35 that simple fission is not the sole phenomenon in the ontogeny of many forms. Many important parasites, especially among the Amoebina and Mycetozoa, occur in this group. Especially, the Radiolaria (Fig. 27) and Foraminifera (Fig. 26) have been of great importance because of the part played by their shells in the formation of sedimentary rocks. I. Order Amoebina The Amoebina are naked rhizopods, that is, they possess no skeletal structures. Locomotion is accomplished either by the forward streaming of the entire cytoplasmic mass, in which case the entire body may be considered as a single pseudopodium, or through the extension of pseudopodia of various kinds. There is usually a fairly sharp differentiation of ectoplasm and endo- plasm. In most species the formation of pseudopodia is initiated by the ectoplasm. A single contractile vacuole is usually present, though marine and parasitic species usually lack the vacuole and in some other representatives more than one occurs. Binary fission involving mitotic division of the nucleus is the ordinary method of repro- duction. Multiple fission occurs in many species, usually during the encysted period. Various descriptions of conjugation in amoebae have been offered but the work has not been carried far enough to warrant generalization regarding the occurrence in the entire order. Species of this order live in greatly diversified habitats. A number inhabit fresh-water (Amoeba proteus, A. verrucosa, etc.), others live in the soil (A. terricola), and still others live as parasites in the bodies of man and of other animals (Entamoeba histolytica, E. coli, E. buccalis of man and Endamoeba blattae of cockroaches). Of the considerable number of amoeboid forms which have acquired the parasitic habit, the species infesting man are of greatest general interest. Some species, Entamoeba coli of the human intestine, for instance, are apparently harmless to the host but infection by other species of the same genus is accompanied by serious pathological conditions. Entamoeba histolytica (Fig. 24) is the causal agent of amoebic dysentery which is so prevalent in tropical and sub-tropical countries. In instances of infection by E. histolytica, lesions are formed in the rectum of the host, at first as small fluid-filled nodules containing degenerate tissue 36 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY and motile amoebae. These nodules later form ulcers which cover large areas of the intestine and even invade the liver, producing abscesses. The presence of non-pathogenic amoebae in the feces of both healthy and diseased individuals renders the specific determination of the cysts of various species in human feces of especial importance. There have been several different names applied to the pathogenic Entamoebae from the human intestine, and some workers maintain that there is more than one species. Fig. 24 .-Entamoeba histolytica Schaudinn. A, vegetative form; B, encysted. {Redrawn from Hartmann). Fig. 25.-Mastigella vitrea. (After Goldschmidt). II. Order Rhizomastigina Characteristics of both the Rhizopoda and Mastigophora are combined in the animals which belong to this order. In addition to the characteristic pseudopodia, each individual is supplied with one or two persistent flagella, thus differing from the tem- porary flagella with which the spores of some Rhizopoda are supplied. Mastigamoeba and Mastigella (Fig. 25) are typical genera. III. Order Heliozoa Arrangement of the numerous ray-like pseudopodia is respon- sible for the name sun-animalcules which is applied to these organisms. The pseudopodia are relatively fixed in position for a firm axial thread runs through the center of each. This filament PHYLUM PROTOZOA 37 is covered with a layer of cytoplasm, within which the movement of the pseudopodium is confined. Each axial filament either ends abruptly in the cytoplasm or continues through the cytoplasm until it reaches the wall of the nucleus. There is a sharp differ- entiation of ectoplasm and endoplasm. Contractile vacuoles occur in the heavily vacuolated ectoplasm. Some forms are polynucleate while others possess but a single nucleus. In many instances, the silicious skeleton is in the form of a lattice work sphere beyond which the pseudopodia extend radially. Both budding and fission occur. The bud, when liberated from the parent, may display a pair of flagella which function in the locomotion of the spore. Each spore may ultimately develop into a new individual or, as is the case in Actinosphaerium, there may be an actual fertilization preceded by a maturation process of the gametes. Actinosphaerium and Actinophrys are frequently found in mixed protozoan cultures. Acanthocystis (Fig. 13), Nuclearia, Vampyrella, Wagnerella, Raphidiophrys, and Clathrulina are also representatives of the numerous genera. IV. Order Foraminifera The Foraminifera or Thalamophora are rhizopods bearing shells of extremely diverse natures but usually closed at one pole and open at the other. In form, the shell ranges from a simple, single chamber (Monothalmia) to complex series (Fig. 26B) of spirally arranged chambers (Polythalmia). Growth of the latter is through the periodic formation of new chambers of increasing dimensions. Foramina serve to communicate between the various chambers of the shell, all of which are filled with proto- plasm. As the protoplasm increases in bulk, it protrudes beyond the limits of the old shell and a larger chamber is added to the chambers previously formed. Pseudopodia of different types protrude through either a single opening or through numerous small apertures. In some of the smaller forms, the shell is almost wholly of organic material, formed by the protoplasm. More commonly, silicious or calcareous matter is also present and frequently foreign bodies are incorporated directly into the sub- stance of the shell. Chalk deposits, the nummilitic limestones, and various other sedimentary rocks have been formed largely of the fossil shells of Foraminifera. In the suborder Monothalmia, the shells are usually relatively simple, of rounded, hemispherical, or ovoid form and composed of 38 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY chitinous or silicious matter. In the organization of the body, many of the Monothalmia are distinctly like Amoebae which have simply acquired a house. Reproduction in some of the thin- shelled forms involves a simple binary fission which also includes a division of the shell, but more frequently a portion of the proto- plasm is extruded and forms about itself a new shell. Ultimately, the cell body divides apportioning the protoplasm between the old and the new shell. A complicated life cycle has been demon- strated for Arcella. Other characteristic genera are Difflugia, Gromia, Chlamydophrys, Euglypha, and Lieberkiihnia. Members of the suborder Polythalmia (Fig. 26) are exclusively marine. The shells which are of extremely diverse types, may be either pure lime or partly of organic matter. Those of some fossiljtforms are rela- tively immense in size (Psam- monyx vulcanis, 5-6 cm.). Some idea of the rate of reproduction of these forms may be gained from the fact that chalk deposits many feet in thickness are composed almost exclusively of their shells (Biloculina). Rotalia, Polystomella, Siphogenerina, Cyclammina and Globigerina rep- resent modern genera. Fig. 26.-Shells of Foraminifera. A, Siphogenerina striatula; B, S. columnellaris, seen in longitudinal section; C, Cyclamina orbicularis, side view. (After Cushman). V. Order Radiolaria Radiolaria are frequently spherical, crown-, or disc-shaped, with numerous pseudopodia provided with axial filaments. The cytoplasm is divided into two regions; an external layer, the extracapsulum which is separated from the inner mass or central capsule by a skeletal formation called the capsular membrane. Perforations of this membrane allow the cytoplasm of the two regions to be in direct continuity. The capsular membrane is of organic matter similar to chitin but the accessory skeletal structures such as the rods and spines are usually of inorganic materials. One or many nuclei occupy the cytoplasm of the central capsule. In addition to food vacuoles, some forms con- tain unicellular algae as symbionts within the cytoplasm. Nutri- tion is distinctly holozoic. PHYLUM PROTOZOA 39 Reproduction is usually by fission which begins with the divi- sion of the nucleus. This is followed by a cleavage of the central capsule and of the capsular membrane and extracapsulum. Multiple fission in some instances gives rise to either isogametes or to micro- and macrogametes. Details of development in these instances are lacking. In some forms, it has been noted that fission proceeds so rapidly that several central capsules are contained within a single extracapsulum giving evidence of a tendency toward colony formation. Fig. 27.-Two characteristic forms of Radiolarian shells. (After Haeckel) Radiolaria, though exclusively pelagic, occur from the surface to the greatest depths, many forms being found regularly only at certain depths. Chiefly on the basis of the shape of the central capsule, and the number of perforations in the capsular membrane, several sub- orders are recognized. Acanthosphaera and Thalassicolla typify the suborder Spumellaria; Acanthometra and Sphaerocapsa are typical of the Acantharia. In Fig. 27, are shown drawings of two shells from Haeckel's classical monograph. VI. Order Mycetozoa The Mycetozoa or Myxomycetes are commonly known as the slime moulds or slime animals. The young stages are small amoeboid forms which may, by direct transformation, develop a flagellum. Transition between these two stages is accomplished very readily. Both reproduce by ordinary fission and each has the power of ingestion of solid food material and absorption of 40 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY organic fluids. The flagellate form may become a microcyst from which either the flagellate (myxoflagellate) or the amoeboid (myxamoeba) form may emerge. Recent investigations have brought forth evidence that gametes are formed with a haploid number of chromosomes. Following the fusion of two of these gametes to form a zygote, the fusion nucleus with its now diploid number of chromosomes undergoes a series of mitotic divisions which result in the forma- tion of a multinucleate body, the plasmodium. Apparently, through chemotactic response, plasmodia may be brought together and in such instances they fuse to form extremely large plasmodia which, as branching networks, cover surfaces several centimeters in extent. Color of the plasmodium varies in different species, often being characteristic for the species. Various adverse circumstances may cause the entire plas- modium to encyst. Even after several months or years the plasmodium may emerge from the cyst. Spore formation is also accompanied by encystment of either the entire plasmodium or of portions called sporangia or sporophores. Each sporan- gium is elevated from the substratum and is surrounded by a wall containing calcium carbonate and cellulose. Inside this wall (or peridium), are contained numerous uninuclear spores and a network of spirally twisted fibres called the capillitium. The encysted spores remain within the sporangium for an indefi- nite time. Rupture of the peridium releases the spores which are scattered to some distance and are frequently carried by the wind. The myxoflagellates, described earlier, emerge from these spores. After a period of reproduction, involving both the amoeboid and the flagellate forms, zygotes are formed which give rise to the plasmodia. Plasmodiophora brassicae is parasitic upon cabbage and related plants. Class Sporozoa The Sporozoa are Protozoa without locomotor structures in the adult stage. While representing great diversity of structure, habitats, and life cycle, they all agree in having the parasitic habit firmly established and in reproducing by spores which are usually enclosed in a firm shell. In some instances, especially where alternation of hosts is introduced, the spore shell may be wanting and in still other instances more than one spore may be PHYLUM PROTOZOA 41 included within a single shell. Alternation of generations is widely distributed in this group. Sporozoa are usually intra- cellular parasites, at least during the early stages in develop- ment. In most instances the spores give characters more readily available for identification than do the vegetative stages. Nutri- tion is exclusively by absorption through the body surface. Representatives of many groups ranging from Protozoa to mammals serve as hosts to sporozoan parasites. Pathological conditions in the host frequently result from infection by these parasites. Subclass Telosporidia In members of this subclass spore formation occurs only at the end of the vegetative period. Typically, the adult stage has a single nucleus but in some a multinuclear stage is found. Infec- tion of a new host is through a stage called a sporozoite which is usually an intracellular parasite. The sporozoite either develops directly into a sexual individual or first passes through an asexual multiplicative cycle. Following fertilization spores are formed which give rise to the sporozoites. I. Order Coccidiomorpha The vegetative stage of the Coccidia and the Haemosporidia is persistently intracellular and the sexual generation is also at least partially intracellular. In these points these two suborders differ from the remaining Telosporidia (the Gregarina). Suborder Coccidia The Coccidia are minute monocysted-gregarine-like Sporozoa which are permanent intracellular parasites of vertebrates, arthropods, and molluscs. Reproduction involves both schizog- ony and sporogony. Members of the genus Cyclospora are found in myriapods, Isospora in various vertebrates, Eimeria schubergii (Fig. 28) in myriapods and E. stiedae in rabbits and man. Suborder Haemosporidia The Haemosporidia live chiefly in the red blood corpuscles of vertebrates. The life cycle involves both schizogony and spor- ogony. As a typical example of the group stand the organisms (Plasmodium vivax, P. malariae, Laverania falciparum) which are 42 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY the causal agents of malaria. The amoeboid organisms of malaria, called schizonts (Fig. 29; 1-7), occur in the erythrocytes of persons afflicted with the disease. Each schizont grows until it almost fills the corpuscle (6). Then spore formation takes place Fig. 28.-Life cycle of Eimeria schubergi. Stages V to VIII, a period of schizogony; Xia and Xlla, beginning of development of male and female gametes in sporogony period of the cycle. (From Shull, La Rue, and Ruthven). and upon rupture of the corpuscle numerous spores or merozoites are liberated into the blood stream, ready, if they escape the attack of the leucocytes, to enter new erythrocytes and thus Fig. 29.--Life cycle of Plasmodium vivax, the tertian malarial parasite. Stages 1-12 and 13c-17c in human blood stream; stages 13a-14a, 136-156, and 16-27, in body of mosquito. 1, the infecting stage for man, the sporozoite; 3-7, stages in schizogony resulting in the formation of merozoites (7). 9a-12a, formation of macrogametocyte; 13a-14a, maturation of macrogamete. 96-126, formation of macrogametocyte; 136-156, maturation of the microgametes. 16, fertiliza- tion; 17, zygote or ookinete. 18-25, stages in development within cysts in stomach wall of mosquito; 26, sporozoites liberated from cysts making their way through the body fluids to the salivary glands of the mosquito (27), where they are ready to infect a man bitten by the mosquito. 13c-17c, stages in formation of merozoites from macrogametocyte which fails to leave the human body. 9a and 96-(25) are stages in sporogony. (From Liihe after combinations of drawings by Grassi and by Schaudinri). PHYLUM PROTOZOA 43 Fig 29. 44 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY continue an autoinfection through an indefinite period. The chills characteristic of the disease are coincident with the periods of sporulation. Following a series of these asexual generations, the spore upon entering a corpuscle produces a gametoblast (9a, 96). In later development, each gametoblast develops into either a single female gamete or a group of male gametes. Further develop- ment of these gametoblasts depends upon their being taken into the body of a mosquito of the genus Anopheles which secures them with the blood of a malarial patient. The mosquito is not able to transmit malaria to a new human host immediately follow- ing the introduction of the organisms into the body of the mosquito. It is only upon completion of the sexual cycle (13 to 27) of the parasite within the tissues of the insect that the bite of the mosquito may transmit the disease. In the stomach of the mosquito, each microgametoblast gives rise to a number of motile microgametes (156). Each of these upon fusion with a macrogamete (16) forms an ookinete or zygote (17). The zygote penetrates the wall of the stomach and becomes encysted (18). While in this condition sporoblasts are formed and each of these gives rise to numerous spindle-shaped sporozoites (25), These are liberated into the body cavity of the mosquito (26) and are carried by the circulatory system to various parts of the body including the salivary glands (27). From this location they are able to pass along the hypopharynx and thus are introduced into the blood stream of any human bitten by the mosquito. Several different kinds of malaria are distinguishable both from clinical evidence and from morphological and developmental differences of the causal organisms. Spring tertian or benign malaria, of which Plasmodium vivax is the cause, is characterized by the presence of a fever recurring on alternate days. The quartan type of malaria, which is caused by P. malariae, is dis- tinguished by fevers with two-day intervals between attacks. Infections of Laverania falciparum produce malignant or perni- cious malaria with daily recurrence of the fever. The haemogregarines, which occur as blood parasites especially in cold-blooded vertebrates, also belong to the Haemosporidia. Other representatives of this same suborder are: Piroplasma hominis, the causal agent of Rocky Mountain fever of man, and Babesia bovis, which produces Texas fever in cattle. Both of these organisms depend upon ticks for transmission from one 45 PHYLVM PROTOZOA host to another. In this transmission by ticks there is a peculiar circumstance in that the tick which draws the infected blood from a host of the parasite does not reinfect new vertebrate hosts directly for it feeds upon but the one individual. The haemo- gregarines infect the eggs of the tick, then when young ticks hatch from these eggs and become attached to a mammal, the bite of the tick inoculates the new host. II. Order Gregarinae The asexual stage of the Gregarinae, which is the most conspicu- ous, is never intracellular throughout its entire development as in the Coccidiomorpha. A type of linear association called a syzygy may be followed by an encysted condition as a result of which numerous gametes are formed. The gametes pair to form zygotes, each of which becomes a single spore and later gives rise to several sporozoites. Typically the gregarine body is divided into an anterior protomerite and a posterior deutomerite separated by an ectoplasmic septum. Of these only the latter bears a nucleus. Frequently, especially in the young stages, there is an outgrowth of the protomerite carrying various structures for attachment to the host. This is termed the epi- merite. Since no mouth opening is present, all food is absorbed directly through the body wall. A myoneme layer within the deeper region of the ectoplasm renders body movements possible. The Eugregarinaria are the typical gregarines which in their life cycle involve only a propagative phase. This suborder is usually subdivided into two groups, the cephaline gregarines which bear an epimerite at least in the early developmental stages, and the acephaline gregarines which never possess an epimerite. The cephaline gregarines, of which there are numerous genera and species, occur briefly in the alimentary canal of arthropods. Gregarina, Stenophora, and Leidyana are a few of the numerous genera. The acephaline gregarines are chiefly coelom parasites, either lying free in the coelom or sometimes within organs located in the coelom. Monocystis from the sperm sacs of oligochaet worms is the typical genus. Subclass Neosporidia Members of this subclass are multinuclear in their adult stage. Spore production is continued over a considerable period of time 46 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY so that in any one individual, spores in different stages of develop- ment are to be found. Spore formation is indirect for the body forms a number of sporoblast mother cells. These in turn give rise to the sporoblasts which become transformed into the spores. I. Order Cnidosporidia Neosporidia with spores possessing one or more polar capsules are designated as Cnidosporidia. The amoeboid vegetative stages are parasitic in the cavities or tissues of the host. The spores of all cnidosporidians are composed of more than one cell. In the Myxosporidia and Microsporidia each spore contains a single amoeboid body within its bivalve shell. A three-valve shell covers the Actinomyxidian spore. Polar capsules are con- tained within the spore in addition to the sporoplasm. Each capsule contains a coiled polar filament which gives it an appear- ance strikingly like the nettling cells of the coelenterates. Suborder Myxosporidia The Myxosporidia have bivalve spores which usually contain one, two, or four polar capsules in addition to the amoeboid body called the sporoplasm (Fig. 30). The polar capsules are observa- ble in fresh material without previous treatment. Two nuclei Fig. 30.-Diagrammatical front and side views of a Myxobolus spore. (After Kudo). are found in the sporoplasm. The vegetative stage (Fig. 31) occurs either as a tissue parasite or in cavities. In the cavities the tropho- zoite forms plasmodia of various shapes. The tissue-inhabiting forms are usually oval, rounded or elongate, and may be either free or encysted. Spores are formed in the endoplasm of the plasmodial trophozoite. The Myxosporidia occur chiefly in PHYLUM PROTOZOA 47 fishes, though they occasionally parasitize reptiles and amphi- bians and there have been some very questionable records of their occurrence in invertebrates. Gall-bladder, uriniferous tubules, and urinary bladder are common seats of infection by the free organ-inhabiting forms, while gills and muscles of fishes are especially favorable tissues for the encysted forms. Cysts, which may attain a diameter of several millime- ters, result from the hyper- trophy of host tissues sur- rounding what was originally a single parasite. By endoge- nous budding of this parasite, spores in all stages of their development are being produced continuously. Leptotheca, Myxidium, Myxobolus, Henneguya, and Chloromyxum are characteristic genera. Fig. 31.-Vegetative stage of a myxo- sporidian, Leptotheca olmacheri. (After Kudo). Suborder Microsporidia In the Microsporidia, each spore contains a single polar capsule which is observable only after treatment with proper reagents. The Microsporidia are parasitic chiefly in arthropods, though they occur also in amphibians, fishes, some worms, and even in gregarines and in Myxosporidia. Nearly all are cell parasites. In the amoeboid vegetative stage they undergo asexual repro- duction. Nosema (N. bombycis of the silk worm, and N. apis of the honey bee), Glugea, and Thelohania are important genera. Suborder Actinomyxidia These forms reported only as parasites in oligochaets have a plasmodial stage represented by a binucleated amoeboid form which gives rise to eight sporoblasts, each of which forms a spore having three valves and three polar capsules. II. Order Sarcosporidia Sarcosporidia occur in the muscles of various mammals. The encysted form reaches a length of several millimeters and finally becomes a mass of sickle-shaped spores in clumps separated from each other by partitions. Detailed structure of the spore is not known. The encysted forms of the genus Sarcocystis within 48 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY the muscles of mammals have long been known under the name of Miescher's corpuscles but the complete life cycle is not understood. III. Order Haplosporidia The Haplosporidia are much simpler in structure than other Neosporidia. The spores, which are without polar capsules, are single cells, each with a single nucleus. Ichthyosporidium of fishes and Coelosporidium of the Malpighian tubules of cock- roaches are characteristic genera of this order. SUBPHYLUM CILIOPHORA (INFUSORIA) The subphylum Ciliophora includes all Protozoa which possess cilia at least through part of their active life, and in typical instances the nuclear material has become separated into two specialized bodies, one controlling the generative processes (the micronucleus) and the other directing the general activity of the cell (the macronucleus). In some degenerate forms (Opalina and Ichthyophthirius) there is no distinction of micro- and macronuclei for two or more similar nuclei occur. There are two classes within this subphylum; the Ciliata, in which cilia are retained throughout life and the Suctoria, in which cilia are lost after the young individuals become attached to some object. Class Ciliata As mentioned earlier in this chapter the ciliates represent a degree of complication of parts not found elsewhere even in the differentiated metazoan cells. It has been maintained by some that the body of the ciliate with its specialization and differentia- tion of the nuclei represents a differentiation analogous to the separation of somatic and germ cells in the Metazoa. Though the Mastigophora are commonly cited as the protozoan group through which relationships with the Metazoa are traced, there is considerable evidence that this phylogenetic significance is at least shared by the Ciliata. Both free-living and parasitic forms are common. Though the cell is commonly covered by a pellicle or cell wall there are definite openings for the ingestion of food and discharge of waste. A cytostome leads through a cytopharynx down into the endoplasm and a cytopyge for the elimination of solid waste is present though usually not observable except at the time of elimination. PHYLUM PROTOZOA 49 The cytoplasm is divided into an ectoplasm and an endoplasm of which the former comprises a number of rather sharply differ- entiated regions not uniformly encountered in the various groups. The alveolar layer is the outermost and is marked by a striated appearance due to the arrangement of the alveoli of the cyto- plasm. Beneath this lies the trichocyst layer in which the spindle- shaped trichocysts are embedded with their tips at the surface ready for discharge as long stiff organs of defense. A contractile layer underlies this one. It consists of myonemes which ordi- narily run parallel to the rows of cilia. Between or external to the myonemes are found the basal granules from which the cilia take their origin as they pass between the alveoli of the alveolar layer to the outer surface. A spongy zone of ectoplasm traversed by fluid-filled spaces and channels overlies the endoplasm and with the contractile vacuoles and their associated radial canals represents an excretory layer. The endoplasm is less highly organized. It comprises a fluid cytoplasm within which are contained the nuclei and various inclusions such as food and water vacuoles, excretory granules, and sometimes symbiotic algae. The macronucleus is extremely variable in shape, while the micronucleus is usually a single rounded mass. In the Peritricha, the macronucleus is frequently a long ribbon-shaped structure and in the Heterotricha it usually assumes a distinctly beaded or moniliform condition. An exceptional distribution is found in the genus Trachelius the members of which have a single large macronucleus and thirteen micronuclei. Reproduction is by binary fission, usually in the free state but in some forms accom- panying encystment. Preparatory to fission the micronucleus divides by mitosis and the macronucleus by amitosis. Mouth and other structures are frequently duplicated in the dividing individual before fission is completed. Conjugation of varied forms occurs in this group. The old idea of conjugation as essential to prevent senescence has been shown to be unfounded. Greater details of the process of conjugation will be discussed in connection with the treatment of the various orders. . On the basis of the arrangement of the cilia, the various orders of the Ciliata are recognizable. The cilia on the body sur- face are usually in meridional or spiral arrangement and occur either in furrow-like depressions or each cilium within the center of a small depression. In Paramecium, these depressions are 50 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY hexagonal or rhombic. At the angles of these polygons and in the middle of some of the sides are located the points of the trichocysts. Each cilium is composed of a firm axial filament covered by a sheath of more fluid contractile substance. The filament takes its origin from a basal granule and in many instances minute fibrils extend inward from the basal granules to the wall of the macronucleus. Various modifications of cilia occur. Non-motile tactile bristles have the same general struc- Fig. 32.--Diagram showing wave motion of cilia. (After Verworri). ture as the typical motile cilium. In the pharynx of many ciliates, all the cilia of a row become fused to form an undulating mem- brane or several adjoining rows may fuse to form a membranelle. In the Hypotricha, tufts of cilia are fused to form brush-like structures called cirri. Unmodified cilia are arranged in rows and move in rhythmical wave-like manner (Fig. 32). I. Order Holotricha Ciliates of this order possess cilia of approximately equal length evenly distributed over the entire body surface (Para- mecium, Opalina). In some highly specialized forms the arrange- ment may be modified by the development of more conspicuous bands or groups of cilia in certain regions (Didinium). The mouth is either a terminal pore or an opening on one side of the body which is then designated as the oral surface. Among some of the parasitic representatives (Opalina) the mouth is lacking. Trichocysts, characteristic of this order, are usually lacking in other ciliates. Typically the macronucleus is spherical or ovoid with the single micronucleus occupying a recess in its margin. In the two genera Opalina and Ichthyophthirius there is no differentiation of nuclei in the resting cell but in the latter genus a micronucleus makes its appearance at the time of reproduction. In Coleps the body is covered with a series of plates. In addition to the forms mentioned above Enchelys, Lacrymaria, Trachelius, Dileptus, Chilodon, Colpoda, and Urocentrum are characteristic genera. PHYLUM PROTOZOA 51 II. Order Heterotricha Representatives of this order have conspicuously large cilia or cirri arranged in a left-handed spiral leading to the mouth. The entire body is ciliated rather uniformly in addition to the oral spiral. Spirostomum, Bursaria, Nyctotherus, Balantidium (Fig. 33), and Stentor are representative genera. III. Order Oligotricha Members of this order were originally included with the Heterotricha with which they agree in the presence of the left- handed oral spiral of cilia. However, they lack general body ciliation. Halteria, Entodinium, and Cycloposthium are genera included in this order. Fig. 33.-Balantidium minutum Schaudinn. (After Schaudinri). Fig. 34.-Neuromotor system- in Euplotes harpa, showing system of fibrils connecting the cirri. (After Prowazek). IV. Order Hypotricha Hypotricha have a flattened ventral surface upon which they usually creep. Ciliation is chiefly on the ventral surface in the form of rows and of cirri. A powerful adoral membranelle is usually present. Long, non-motile, usually sessory cilia may occur on the dorsal surface. Urostyla, Stylonichia, Kerona 52 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY (commensal on Hydra), and Euplotes are the more important genera. A system of fibrils (Fig. 34) connects the cirri and seems to act as a neuromotor system in coordinating movements. V. Order Peritricha These typically sessile forms have a clockwise adoral spiral composed of two rows of cilia. This spiral leads into a vestibule at the base of which is located the mouth and into which the contractile vacuole and the anus empty. Locomotor cilia are frequently lacking or may be represented by a single permanent or temporary ring usually at the aboral pole. Trichodina (on Hydra and planarians) and Cyclochaeta (on fishes) are examples of the non-stalked forms. Vorticella, Carchesimn, and Zootham- nium are examples of contractile stalked forms and Epistylis and Opercularia of non-contractile stalked forms. In the Peritricha, a modified form of conjugation between a microconjugant and a macrocon jugant occurs. By two or three successive divisions, some individuals produce four or eight microconjugants which after acquiring an aboral ring of cilia become free-swimming. One of these microconjugants fuses with an ordinary individual, which is the macroconjugant. In brief, the micronucleus of the microconjugant undergoes division to form eight parts of which seven degenerate and only one per- sists. Later, this one divides into two. During this same time the micronucleus of the macroconjugant has divided into four parts of which three degenerate and the remaining one redivides to form two nuclei. In both conjugants, the macronucleus has undergone disintegration. In each conjugant, one of the two pronuclei which originated from the micronucleus disappears. The remaining nucleus of the microconjugant passes over into the cytoplasm of the macroconjugant and fuses with the single nuclear mass remaining there. As a consequence, the macro- conjugant now has a fusion nucleus and the microconjugant which now has no nucleus drops off and disintegrates. The nucleus of the remaining individual divides into eight parts of which one becomes a micronucleus and the other seven macro- nuclei. Through a series of divisions of the micronucleus and fission of the cytoplasm, seven individuals ultimately result from the conjugation. PHYLUM PROTOZOA 53 Class Suctoria The Suctoria are characterized by the complete lack of cilia in the adult stage and the presence of tentacles by means of which other organisms are captured and the protoplasm drawn into the body of the suctorian. Cilia occur on the body of the free-swim- Fig. 35.-Suctoria {after various writers). A, colony of Dendrosoma; B, Rhyncheta; C, Ophryodendron; D, Tokophrya; E, ciliated young of Sphaero- phrya; F, diagram of capitate and styliform tentacles arising from ectoplasm. {From Hertwig's Manual of Zoology by Kingsley, Courtesy of Henry Holt and Co.) ming larva (Fig. 35E) but are lost when the animal assumes the adult form after becoming sessile. The tentacles are hollow, usually terminating in a sucker-like knob. The macronucleus is extremely variable in form. In some colonial representatives its branches extend throughout the branches of the colony. A micronucleus has never been demonstrated for some suctorians. Binary fission, so common in the Ciliata, is rare in the suctorians. Both external and internal buds are of common occur- rence. The embryos when liberated are furnished with bands of cilia for locomotion. Conjugation, in nature similar to that found in Ciliata, may take place either between similar in- dividuals or between a fixed individual and a free-swimming bud suggesting the condition found in the Vorticella. Podophrya, Acineta, Ephelota (Fig. 36), Tokophrya, and Dendrosoma are typical genera. Fig. 36 .-A suctorian {Ephelota biltschliana) with five daughter buds. {After Calkins). Interrelationships of the Classes of Protozoa The Protozoa represent the simplest present-day organization of animal life. It is probable, however, that there at one time 54 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY existed simpler living substance which would be considered animal in nature. This most primitive form of life was probably more homogeneous in its make up for morphological differentia- tion of the nucleus and cytoloplasm and regional differentiation of the cytoplasm such as we find in even the simplest Proto- zoa have probably resulted from long periods of progressive evolution. There are numerous evidences that plant life existed on the earth before animals came into being. The Mastigophora, through the Phytomastigina, display unquestioned relationships with the members of the Plant Kingdom. Because of this fact some biologists consider the Mastigophora as the most primitive class of the Protozoa. On the other hand, the rhizopod organization is, on the whole, less intricate than that of the Mastigophora or of any other proto- zoan. Consequently, on the criterion of simplicity of organiza- tion, some consider the Rhizopoda as the most primitive class of the phylum. It remains as a possible explanation that the Rhizopoda represent the simplifying effects of a regressive evolution. In their vegetative stages, the Sporozoa show con- vincing evidences of rhizopod affiliations through the presence of pseudopodia and in their general organization. Sporozoa probably had their rise through some ancestral form of our present day Rhizopoda. In the Ciliophora, is encountered the highest morphological and physiological differentiation found in Protozoa. Without doubt this subphylum stands at the apex of protozoan evolution. The Suctoria have been given off as a side branch from the main ciliate stem as evidenced by the fact that suctorians, in their development, pass through a ciliated larval stage. References Calkins, G. N. 1909. Protozoology. New York, Lea and Feabinger. Craig, C. F. 1911. The parasitic amoebae of man. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott. Dobell, C. G. 1921. The Intestinal Protozoa of Man. London, John Bale, Sons and Danielson. Doflein, F. 1916. Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde, Ed. 4. Jena, G. Fischer. Haeckel, E. 1862-1888. Die Radiolarien (Rhizopoda radiosa) Eine Monographic. Berlin. PHYLUM PROTOZOA 55 Kent, W. S. 1880-1882. A Manual of the Infusoria (etc.). London, D. Bogue. Leidy, J. 1879. Fresh-water Rhizopods of North America. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, Vol. 12. Minchin, E. A. 1917. An introduction to the study of the Protozoa. London, Edw. Arnold. Prowazek, S. von (various authors). 1912. Handbuch der Pathogenen Protozoen. Leipzig, J. A. Barth. CHAPTER III INTRODUCTION TO THE METAZOA In the foregoing chapter, attention has been called to the ten- dencies which some Protozoa display toward the specialization of their cells. Most of this specialization is expressed in increased complexity of intracellular organization. In some instances, however, groups of cells, termed colonies, act as the unit or indi- vidual. Within colonies some of the cells frequently become specialized as gametes for reproductive purposes but all of the somatic cells remain alike. In the Protozoa, any specialization of somatic cells affects all equally so there is no differentiation. It seems probable that the Metazoa must, at some time, have originated from protozoan ancestors but all evidences of the means of this transition have been lost and both Protozoa and Metazoa have gone far along independent lines of evolution since the Metazoa came into existence. The lack of fossil forms bridging this gap is not surprising for both the Mastigophora and the Cihata, through the ancestors of which this genesis might have taken place, have no hard parts which could be preserved as fossils. There are a few present day animals which have been termed the Mesozoa because they have been considered as intermediate between Protozoa and Metazoa but their simplicity is probably due to degeneracy as is shown in the section of this chapter devoted to the Mesozoa. Embryology frequently offers a clue to and outlines the steps in phylogeny (Recapitulation Theory). All Metazoa, in their development, typically pass through a single-celled stage-the fertilized egg. This fact readily furnishes the basis for an analogy of metazoan origin from the single-celled organisms. In the development of the fertilized egg into the adult organism, there is a time when large numbers of fundamentally similar cells (the blastomeres) are produced through the partition of the single cell. It is only in later development that these cells through histological differentiation assume different forms and come to 56 INTRODUCTION TO THE METAZOA 57 perform diverse limited functions. This subject of histological differentiation, which marks off the Metazoa from all Protozoa, is discussed in the second section of this chapter. A brief discussion of the organ systems of the invertebrates concludes the chapter. A. The Mesozoa A small group of relatively simple many-celled animals com- posed of a layer of ectoderm cells covering a single or several entoderm cells has frequently been considered as standing inter- mediate between the Protozoa and the Metazoa and has conse- quently been termed the Mesozoa. The phylogenetic significance which has thus been attached to this group is a subject regarding the tenability of which very grave doubts are justifiable, for all of the more important representatives of the group are internal parasites. It seems probable that their simplicity of organiza- tion is an accompaniment of degeneracy directly traceable to adaptation to the parasitic existence. Not even the known facts regarding the development of these forms aid in pointing out relationships with any other group of organisms. The Dicyemidae and the Heterocyemidae include species which are parasitic in cephalopods while Rhopalura which represents the Orthonectidae lives as a parasite in various invertebrate hosts. B. Histological Differentiation Differentiation of Tissues.-As emphasized in the foregoing chapter, all Metazoa differ from the Protozoa in that the cells of the former become specialized for restricted functions, that is, undergo histological differentiation. Certain groups of cells become similarly specialized for carrying out one specific function more effectively than that function may be executed by unmodi- fied protoplasm. Such a group of similarly specialized cells is termed a tissue. A tissue is made up not only of units of cyto- plasm and their contained nuclei, but frequently the cytoplasm forms substances which are essential in the effective functioning of the tissue. These substances, which are termed plasmic products, may be either inconspicuous or so prominent that the cells which produce them are obscured. Classification of Tissues.-Since the function of a tissue is one of its most important characteristics, the classification of tissues is usually built around this character. Even though differentia- 58 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY tion leads along numerous different lines in the metazoan body, the general results are so nearly uniform in different animal groups that but four classes of tissues are commonly recognized, namely; epithelium, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. Both form and structure of an organism depend upon the grouping of the component tissues. Thus both morphology and physiology go back for their final basis to the study of the several tissues and frequently to the form and structure of the individual component cells. Epithelial Tissues Definition and Classification.-Any tissue which covers a surface is called an epithelium. Phylogenetically, tissues of this class are the most primitive for the Coelenterates are essen- tially nothing but epithelial in structure. In like manner, in individual development among all the Metazoa, the first division of labor for the cells of the embryo occurs with the formation of the gastrula stage when nothing but surface coverings is present. Form vs. Function.-Varied forms of cells and sundry func- tions occur in tissues in this group. If an epithelium comprises but a single layer of cells, it is termed simple while an epithelial layer two or more cells in thickness is designated as stratified epithelium. The form of the component cells leads to the use of such descriptive terms as cuboidal, columnar, and squamose but, since function is a much more important criterion for classification, epithelia are grouped as protective, formative or glandular, ciliated, communicative or sensory, and germinal. Ciliated and Flagellated Epithelium.-Even in the gastrula stage of ontogeny some or all of the cells are frequently provided with cytoplasmic threads, the movements of which are primarily for locomotion. Ciliated or flagellated cells as a means of loco- motion are only infrequently found in adult metazoans but do occur in the flatworms (Fig. 62), the rotifers (Fig. 72), and molluscs (Fig. 91). More frequently, however, cilia and flagella on epithelia of Metazoa produce movements of the medium (Fig. 37) rather than affect locomotion. Thus in the sponges the flagellated cells of the entoderm produce the water currents which carry the food supply. The same is true of the ciliated mantle and gills of the mussels. INTRODUCTION TO THE METAZOA 59 Protective Epithelium.-Because of their location on external surfaces epithelia are frequently modified for a protective func- tion. Stiff fibrils in the cytoplasm (Fig. 38) and thickenings of the outer margin of the cell are two means whereby mechanical protection is secured. Frequently, an external epithelium may form extra-cellular materials which are deposited in a layer or in a succession of layers over the surface of the body. The cuticula characteristic of so many invertebrates is thus produced by an underlying epithelium which is frequently termed a hypodermis. Fig. 37.-Glandular and ciliated epithelium showing unicellular glands in entoderm of earthworm, Eisenia rosea. (After Schneider, courtesy of Gustav Fischer). Fig. 38.-Protective epithelium from a flatworm, Planocera folium. (After Schneider, courtesy of Gustav Fischer'). In many instances, inorganic salts are deposited in this cuticula until a shell-like armor of resistant plates is formed. « Glandular or formative epithelium represents one of the com- monest modifications of this class, of tissue. Even in the gastrula stage the entoderm of the embryo has begun to be specialized as a glandular tissue and the cytoplasm and its inclusions render the entoderm obviously different from the ectoderm. Cells scattered singly through an epithelium may become specialized as gland cells as in the case of the mucus cells (Fig. 37) of the earthworm. Frequently, these unicellular glands become enlarged and through elongation the single cells extend down into the underlying tissues much deeper than the ordinary epithelial cells which surround them. Flat surfaces or large areas of an epithelium may become differentiated for a glandular function, as in the foot of Hydra, but in most instances specialized glands require an increased sur- face for their functioning as secretory or excretory organs and consequently areas of glandular epithelium become invaginated 60 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY either as a simple tube or as a series of branched tubes and cham- bers the walls of which are composed of gland cells. A duct usually keeps such a compound gland in communication with the surface from which the gland cells were originally invaginated. Sensory or Communicative Epithelium.-Naturally, the only communication which an organism may have with the outside world is through its surfaces. Consequently, any sensory mechanism must be associated with the surface of the body and is therefore epithelial in origin. Sen- sory cells located in the epithelium have communication with nerve end- ings through which they are able to transmit stimuli to the central nervous system. Hairs or bristles on the sur- face of epithelial cells render them especially susceptible to touch stimuli so isolated cells or groups of cells thus modified form various tactile organs. An association of pigment with epithelial cells having rich nerve supply usually signifies an optic organ of some type and is designated as a retina. Balancing organs or statocysts (Fig. 39) are usually modi- fied epithelia specialized for receiving tactile stimuli through the movements of a. bodv ealled a, statolith or a.n otolith. Fig. 39.-Statocyst of Gomi onerous. (Orig.) Germinal Epithelium.-Germ cells of all Metazoa have their origin in an epithelium. In many of the groups, the presence of a germinal epithelium is readily observable. In some of the simpler Metazoa, as, for example, the coelenterates, the germ cells may arise as modifications of epithelial cells which are not even necessarily grouped to form a gonad. The gonads of many groups are bounded by an epithelium, the cells of which trans- form into the germ cells. Morphologically, the female germ cells become differentiated from ordinary epithelial cells chiefly through the addition of deutoplasm or yolk, and in many instances through acquiring additional membranes. On the other hand, the male germ cells become highly modified and undergo extensive rearrangements of their parts, chiefly as an adaptation for more effective movement. INTRODUCTION TO THE METAZOA 61 CONNECTIVE OR SUPPORTING TISSUE Definition.-Tissues which fill in between and connect other tissues, give support to them and to the body in general are grouped under the general category of connective or support- ing tissues. It has been shown that the individual cells in their form and function give the chief character to epithelial tissues, but in the connective tissues plasmic products are usually the most conspicuous elements. In some tissues these products are intra- cellular as in the spicules formed by mesoderm cells of the sponges. Fat or adipose tissue results from an accumulation of oil or fat droplets within the cytoplasm until they coalesce to Fig. 40.-Cartilage of an adult squid. (From Dahlgren and Reyner, courtesy of Macmillan Co.) Fig. 41.-Portion of a section of Cerebratulus marginatus, showing much branched connective tissue cells. (After Schneider, courtesy of Gustav Fischer). form a single large drop around which the cytoplasm of the cell is spread in a thin, attenuated layer. More frequently, the plasmic products are inter-cellular. In such instances, the cells of a connective tissue are embedded in a non-protoplasmic matrix, the specific nature of which may be highly variable. In its simplest condition, this matrix is com- posed of a gelatin-like mass within which the cells are embedded to form a homogeneous or gelatinous connective tissue (Fig. 40). Frequently fibrillae are formed within the gelatin (Fig. 41) giving greater firmness. Depending upon the arrangement of 62 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY these fibrillae, their composition, and composition of the matrix, several kinds of connective tissue are recognizable, as, for example; fibrous connective tissues, elastic tissue, cartilage, etc. Muscle Tissue Movement is an inherent property of all protoplasm. Even in the Protozoa, portions of the cytoplasm frequently become altered as fibers for movement more effective than that which Fig. 42.-Muscle fibers from sub-umbrella of jellyfish, Carmarina hastata. (After Schneider, courtesy of Gustav Fischer). characterizes undifferentiated, viscous protoplasm. These par- tial specializations of the protozoan cell for movement are termed myonemes. Partial differentiation of cells for contraction are not infrequent in the Metazoa. The inner margins of the ecto- derm cells of Hydra contain contractile threads within the cyto- plasm, and consequently the covering cells of the Hydra are frequently termed epithelio-muscular cells. In the nematodes, the mesoderm cells forming the inner- most layer of the body wall undergo a partial differ- entiation to form a series of longitudinal muscle fibers. The peripheral parts of these1 mesoderm cells become specialized for contraction while an undifferentiated mass of cytoplasm containing the nucleus protrudes into the body cavity. Frequently, mesenchyme cells become elongated or spindle-shaped and develop myofibrils within their cytoplasm. Such cells when grouped together form the commonest type of smooth muscle tissue. Striated muscles occur even in forms as low as the medusae (Fig. 42), where they remain on the surface of the body. They usually originate as epithelial cells. The nuclei of cells which are to form striated muscle undergo a series of divisions without sub- sequent division of the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm of the poly- nuclear cells thus formed, numerous fibrils make their appearance. The fibers are surrounded by a sarcoplasm containing the nuclei Fig. 43.- Muscle fiber from adductor muscle of mus- sel, Anodonta muta biIis. (After Schnei- der). INTRODUCTION TO THE METAZOA 63 and the whole muscle element is covered with a sheath which is termed the sarcolemma. Each fibril is composed of two different kinds of substance, one called the isotropic substance which does not stain readily, and another, the anisotropic substance which is doubly refractive and stains deeply. The two substances alternate regularly along the fibril and in adjoining fibrils they are in alignment so that in stained preparations under the micro- scope a bundle of fibrils has a cross-striped appearance. Peculiar groupings of fibrils occur in some muscle cells (Fig. 43). Nervous Tissue Irritability, or the power of reacting to stimuli, is inherent in all protoplasm but even in the single-celled Protozoa it has been shown that parts of the cytoplasm become specialized as a neuro- motor apparatus. Such specialization has been demonstrated for some of the ciliates in which it seems probable that stimulation is propagated along certain tracts or fibrils more efficiently than through undifferentiated cytoplasm. In most Metazoa, a nervous system is developed for transmitting sensory and motor impulses through the linking together of highly special- ized nerve cells or neurons. Nervous impulses are propagated through a plexus of scattered cells in the hydroid stage of the coelenterates. Characteristically, a nerve cell consists of a nucleated cell body of cytoplasm from which one or more cytoplasmic processes are given off. There is a definite polarity in nerve cells. A given fibril propagates an impulse in only one direction. When there are several cytoplasmic processes from the cell body of a neuron those which transmit the impulse inward toward the cell body are termed dendrites. Normally, but a single process carries impulses outward from the cell body and this process is called a neurite or an axon. In most of the higher Metazoa, the nerve cells are grouped into masses which are called ganglia. The neurites and dendrites form part of the fibrous portion within the ganglia and continue in groups out from the ganglia as important constituents of the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. Fig. 44.-Neuro- fibrillae in ganglion cell of a leech. (.After Apathy). 64 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY By very special histological technic the cytoplasm of a neuron and its processes is shown to contain various fibrillar structures (Fig. 44). It is thought that nerve impulses are transmitted Fig. 45.-Nerve cell from ganglion of crawfish. (After Dolley) along these fibers rather than through the general cytoplasm. In addition, much of the cytoplasm of nerve cells contains deeply staining granules or masses of questionable significance, which are termed the tigroid bodies. Frequently, a region within the cytoplasm of the cell body directly continuous with the cytoplasm of the axon is devoid of tigroid bodies. This implantation cone, as it is sometimes called, is so marked in arthropods that sections of nerve cells (Fig. 45) have the appearance of being highly vacuolated. Interspersed between the neurons and fibers of a ganglion are varying amounts of mesodermal connective tissue and a highly modified type of ectoderm cells (Fig. 46) which are called neurog- lia. The neuroglia cells of invertebrates usually have some portion of the cell body on the surface of the ganglion while a fibre-bearing, supporting portion extends between the nervous elements of the ganglion. Fig. 46.-Neu- roglia cells from nerve cord of earthworm, Eis- enia rosea. (After Schneider). INTRODUCTION TO THE METAZOA 65 In function, structure, and origin, nervous tissue and the sensory epithelium discussed earlier are intimately associated. Morphological Changes in the Nucleus In the foregoing discussion, attention has been focused upon the changes in the form and structure of the cytoplasm and of the plasmic products which are involved in histological differentia- tion. Omission of the nucleus from this discussion does not imply that it is not concerned in differentiation. There are, however, few conspicuous changes in form or appearance of the nucleus in comparison with the radical changes in the extra- nuclear portions of the cells. As the controlling center of most of the activities of the cell, doubtless the nucleus must have varying functions depending upon the line along which the cell is specialized but there are few reflections of this in the morphol- ogy of the nucleus. The nuclei in some highly active tissues become irregular or even much branched but these morphological changes seem to be correlated with rate of activity rather than with actual differentiation of the nucleus in a particular kind of tissue. C. The Organ Systems Just as the individual cells in the many-celled animals become dependent one upon another through histological differentiation so also do the individual tissues become interdependent. Few tissues function as utterly isolated units for they become com- bined in groups which are known as organs. These organs are the readily recognizable morphological units of which the meta- zoan body is composed. All of the tissues which form an organ cooperate in the performance of some function. Obviously, not all tissues in an organ function to the same extent, but usually one kind of tissue becomes the dominant or essential tissue and is aided in carrying out its functions by the other tissues of the same organ. Thus, in a digestive organ the essential process of digestion is made possible through the presence of glandular epithelia which form substances necessary for the digestion of food. The epithelia are frequently aided in this function by cooperative muscles under whose action the content of the digestive tract is kept agitated so that all of the food material comes into contact with the digestive fluids produced by the epithelia. 66 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY When identical or similar organs are grouped for the perform- ance of the same or related functions, such a complex is termed an organ system. All of the activities which characterize the living animal are so fundamentally interrelated that the numer- ous organs and tissues of the metazoan body are capable of being grouped under a relatively small number of systems. Yet these major organ groups, the systems, have their interrelations and function not as independent units but as a correlated whole- the organism or the individual. Throughout the following sections of this book constant reference is made to the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, locomotor, reproductive, and nervous systems. The organs of which each system is composed in the various phyla and classes are not necessarily identical in structure or origin for frequently the same function is carried on by conspicuously different organs in different groups. A brief discussion of the modifications of the several organ systems is given here but for a full understanding and appreciation of this discussion, the student should again read this section after having completed the laboratory study of a number of metazoan forms. The Digestive System.-The power of transforming non-living food substances into living matter or protoplasm is a distinctive property of all living organisms. This is not accomplished by a direct transmutation or by a simple act of endowing the food with life. Since living protoplasm is in a liquid or semi- liquid state the process of digestion or liquefying of food is the essential first step in the transformation of food into living matter. In some degenerate forms of animal life which have become adapted to a purely parasitic existence as, for example, the tapeworms and the Acanthocephala, food taking is restricted to the direct absorption of liquids by the cells of the body. Organs of digestion are entirely wanting in such instances for the entire digestive process is performed by the organs of the host. In some of the protozoans and in a few of the Metazoa, solid food substances are taken directly into the protoplasm of the organism. These ingested particles, though within the proto- plasm, remain foreign to it until they have undergone physical and chemical changes which render them capable of assimilation by the protoplasm. This type of digestion is termed intra- cellular digestion. Among the sponges and some of the flat- INTRODUCTION TO THE METAZOA 67 worms, in addition to the Protozoa, the entire digestive process is intracellular. Ontogenetically, the archenteron of the gastrula stage represents the first organ specialized for digestion. In many animals, the larva upon reaching the gastrula stage is an independent organism capable of self maintenance. Food taken through the blastopore of such a gastrula is rendered liquid through the action of secre- tions formed by the entoderm cells. Thus the gastrula cavity becomes a space within which intercellular digestion takes place and is termed an archenteron or primitive digestive system. Among the Metazoa, there are some animals in which the digestive system of the adult never reaches a state of complexity appreciably higher than that of the archenteron. Among the Coelenterata, the polyp of the Hydrozoa is essentially similar to the archenteron for it is a simple entodermal sac with but a single opening, the mouth. In many other coelenterates, there is a beginning of a separation of the distributive function from the central digestive cavity. Thus in the jellyfishes, the gastro- vascular system consists of a central cavity from which a periph- eral system of pouches or canals passes to the outlying parts of the body and thereby aids in the distribution of the digested food. In most of the Metazoa above the coelenterates, the blastopore of the gastrula is not retained as the mouth of the adult for the blastopore closes during development of the embryo and for a time the entodermal digestive tube is but a sac without communi- cation with the outside. Communication is later established by an infolding of the body covering at the anterior extremity to form an ectodermal antechamber to the entodermal digestive sac. Such an entodermal digestive sac with a single opening lined with ectoderm (the stomodseum) is characteristic of the Turbellaria. In the nemertines and in all organisms higher than the flatworms, there is characteristically a second ectodermal invagination to meet the entoderm. This second ectodermal invagination is normally located at the posterior extremity as a proctodaeum terminating in an anal aperture. Forms in which both stomodaeum and proctodaeum occur are said to have a complete digestive system. In its simplest condition, this consists of a continuous tube the extremities of which are ecto- dermal and the true digestive middle portion of which is formed of, or at least is lined with, entoderm. Most of the highly developed digestive systems represent only modifications of this 68 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY simple tubular condition. Different regions become modified for limited functions. With these specializations changes both in form and in structure arise and regions such as esophagus, stomach, and intestine are marked off. Jaws or organs for the comminution of food are frequently developed in the stomodaeum. Glands grow out from the walls of the tube and remain attached to the digestive tract only through ducts. Muscles, connective tissue, and vessels of the circulatory system become associated with the entodermal tube to form a more highly complicated digestive system. In some instances, the proctodaeum receives the ducts of the reproductive system and is then termed a cloaca. Circulatory System.-Whether digestion is intercellular or intracellular, the products of digestion are directly available to only part of the cells of the body while the remainder of the cells must rely upon some agency external to themselves for furnishing them with the materials essential for anabolism. In some of the simpler Metazoa, this is accomplished by direct transfer of the materials from cell to cell but in the highly complicated organisms such transfer is not possible because some cells are so far removed from the organs where digestion takes place. In such instances, a special system for the distribution of digested food has made its appearance as a specialized circulatory system. Many steps in the development of complexity of the cir- culatory system are observable in the different animal groups. It has already been pointed out that the gastrovascular system of coelenterates serves both for digestion and distribution but even in this phylum many steps in the differentiation of the two sys- tems are found. Trematodes and Turbellaria among the flat- worms also represent the condition of a combined gastrovascular system. In its simplest form, as exemplified by the hydroid polyp, this system is a simple sac or pouch, the walls of which are formed of two layers of cells, the ectoderm and the entoderm. The most distant cells of such an organism are so slightly removed from the store of digested food material that distribution is by direct transfer from cell to cell. In the medusae of the same phylum, the digestive sac is relatively small and located near the center of a much enlarged body within which transfer from cell to cell is not so readily possible. Under these conditions a distributive system arises, intimately associated with but somewhat distinct from the digestive system. The tubes or pouches of such a gastro- INTRODUCTION TO THE METAZOA 69 vascular system mark the beginnings of a separate system for circulation. Among the coelomate animals, digested food materials fre- quently pass through the wall of the digestive tract into the coelomic cavities where it becomes recognizable as the body fluid. Only in the simple coelomate animals is this fluid entirely free within the body cavities for it becomes more or less confined within a system of definite channels comprising the vessels of the circulatory system. When the fluid is continuously within vessels, the system is termed a closed system but when in any part of its course the fluid is emptied into the body cavity or into sinuses the system is designated as an open circulatory system. Muscles become associated with at least part of the vessels which then function as a pumping organ or heart. In many inverte- brates, the most conspicuous pumping organ is the vessel, or part of the vessel, which lies dorsal to the digestive tract but hearts are frequently located in other regions or the body as, for example, the gill hearts of molluscs and the modifications of the circular vessels in the annelids. In some instances, notably in the molluscs, the heart becomes differentiated into various chambers. Those which receive the blood are termed auricles and those which force the blood out into the vessels are called ventricles. The heart presents an interesting instance of independent or parallel development in invertebrates and vertebrates. A three-chambered heart is fairly common in the molluscs while the fishes have but a two- chambered heart. Respiratory System.-The energy manifested by a living organism results largely from the union of oxygen with proto- plasm and its contained food substances. Highly complicated organic compounds are oxidized or broken down into simpler waste substances thereby transforming the potential energy of the complex chemical compounds into the kinetic energy of the living organism. The term respiration is applied to the process of admission of oxygen into living protoplasm and the subsequent giving off of carbon dioxide. More strictly this process should be termed aerobic respiration for there are some organisms which obtain their energy release in the total absence of oxygen and these are said to undergo anaerobic respiration. Since aerobic respiration is by far the more common, the term respiration when not modified is usually taken to mean this type. 70 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Respiration is a process essential for the existence of every living cell, yet in the many-celled metazoans respiration as a cellular process becomes masked or lost sight of through the introduction of organs which facilitate the process for the entire organism. Since the respiratory process involves an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, any surface which serves for this exchange must be moist and delicate in order to permit a diffusion of the gases. In animals which are diploblastic, as the coe- lenterates, conditions for respiration are not essentially different from those found in the single-celled Protozoa for practically every cell has a surface exposed to the water through which the gases may diffuse. Even in some of the coelomate animals, such as the earthworms, the body surface provides an area sufficient for the respiratory exchange but in these as well as in all the higher animals the body fluid plays an important part in that it absorbs or loosely combines the gases within the body. In many animals, the body surface is unable to supply all of the cells with oxygen because of insufficiency or because of dry- ness which inhibits diffusion. Special organs for respiration have been developed in all such forms. Roughly, in inverte- brates, these modifications may be classified as gills, tracheae, lung-books, and lung sacs. Of gills, there are two distinctly different kinds, blood gills and tracheal gills. The former usually consist of portions of the body wall drawn out into thin filaments or thin lamellae the cavities of which are continuous with the body cavity and are filled with body fluids or contain blood vessels through the walls of which the respiratory exchange takes place. Tracheal gills are evaginations or invaginations of the body wall within which or around which air tubes or tracheae are distributed. Gills occur on almost any part of the body, wherever their function may be carried out. Tracheae are invaginations of the body wall to form a system of air tubes which carry atmospheric oxygen directly to all parts of the body in insects. The intimate structure of the tracheal system is discussed in greater detail in Chapter XV. In the arachnids, an invagination of the body wall leads into an organ called a lung-book, the walls of which are composed of much-folded delicate membranes through which oxygen is taken from the air-filled cavity of the lung-book and carbon dioxide is given off. INTRODUCTION TO THE METAZOA 71 In some molluscs, the cavity which ordinarily bears gills lacks these structures and has become secondarily modified as a lung sac into which atmospheric air is periodically admitted and from which the air bearing carbon dioxide is ejected. Excretory System.-As a result of katabolic processes, wastes are formed within every living cell. The carbon dioxide men- tioned above is only one of the important waste substances. Water, ammonia, urea, and other nitrogenous compounds accumu- late within the living protoplasm. Many of these wastes are soluble in water and tend to diffuse through the walls of the cells. In many of the Protozoa, contractile vacuoles facilitate the collection and elimination of these wastes. Among the coe- lenterates and the Porifera, direct diffusion through the cell surfaces into the surrounding water suffices for the elimination of these katabolic products. In the Metazoa, the first specializa- tion for their elimination is the protonephridial system of flat- worms, rotifers, and of trochophore larvae. This system consists of a series of tubules associated with flame-cells. Such a system may be provided with an enlarged excretory vesicle within which the excretory matter accumulates before it is discharged through the excretory pore. A great many of the coelomate animals have a metanephridial system which picks up excretory wastes from the coelomic cavities and from the body fluid. The unit of structure in such a system is essentially a funnel-like nephrostome which communicates with the outside by means of a tubule. The nephridia are paired organs segmentally arranged in annelids, while in the Crustacea they are considerably modified in form and are limited to one or two pairs. A group of thin-walled Malpighian tubes communicates with the intestine of insects and discharges excretory wastes from the body fluid into the digestive canal. Reproductive System.-In some Metazoa, the gonads or essential organs of reproduction are the only organs involved in the reproductive process. Thus, in the coelenterates, the germ cells are dehisced directly from the body surface or into the gastrovascular cavity. Ducts which lead from the gonads to the exterior are present in most other Metazoa. These, and other accessory organs, comprise the reproductive system. The gonads may be single, paired, or multiple. Frequently, a gonad 72 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY becomes subdivided into follicles, each of which has more or less the appearance of an independent organ. In most instances, the ducts which carry the germ cells from the ovaries and spermaries are at least in part (Fig. 47) derived as modifications of excretory ducts. Vasa deferentia of the male are usually directly continuous with the gonads while the ovi- ducts of the female have communication with the ovaries only through the body cavity. A portion of the oviduct of the female is frequently enlarged as a uterus within which the eggs are held for either a brief time or through the full period of the develop- ment of the embryos. Fig. 47.-Different relations of nephridia and sexual ducts in chaetopods {after Goodrich'). I, hypothetical primitive condition, gonoducts {g) and proto- nephridium (p) independent; II, ciliated grooves discharge into duct of protone- phridium as in Phyllodoceids and Goniads; III, ciliated grooves and metanephri- dium (n) open independently as in Dasybranchus; IV, ciliated grooves open into canal of metanephridium as in Syllids, Spionids, etc. {From Hertwig's Manual of Zoology by Kingsley, courtesy of Henry Holt and Co.) Following copulation, sperm cells are frequently stored within the body of the female in a receptaculum seminis from which they escape to fertilize the eggs which are produced over a considerable period of time. The vitellaria are also accessory glands of the female. They furnish nutritive materials and in some instances supply the substances of which the egg shell is formed. In many animals, there are no separate vitellaria and frequently in these only a portion of the ovarian cells become functional ova while others act as nurse cells or follicle cells which supply the ova with additional reserve food material. INTRODUCTION TO THE METAZOA 73 Copulatory organs are of common occurrence. An intromit- tent organ known as the cirrus is frequently characteristic of the male. This may be a modification of the terminal portion of the vas deferens or, as is often the case, may be purely accessory structures such as spicules or appendages modified to aid in the transfer of sperm. Clasping organs are especially characteristic of the males of some arthropods and in the same group ovipositors are frequent accessories of the female system. Locomotor System.-Numerous specialized structures for locomotion are encountered in the single-celled organisms. Cilia, flagella, pseudopodia, and myonemes are characteristic partial differentiations of cells for movement. The first two of these especially are carried over into the Metazoa as modifications of epithelial cells for locomotion or the production of movement. Many larval Metazoa perform locomotion by means of cilia exclu- sively but the flatworms and the rotifers represent the highest adults in which locomotion results from ciliary action. In the Metazoa, movements and locomotion more frequently result from the activity of contractile fibers which represent different degrees of specialization or differentiation of muscle cells. In some instances, there are scattered contractile elements but more commonly the contractile elements are associated to form continuous sheets or bundles of muscles. The dermomuscular sac of flatworms represents a definite stage in the development of a locomotor system. Alternate contraction and relaxation of the longitudinally and circularly directed fibers in such a sac produce successive shortenings and elongations of the body. As a consequence locomotion results. When hard skeletal parts make their appearance, groups of mus- cle cells become attached to these hard parts and with fixed points of attachment perform more effective movements. Even the setae of an earthworm serve for muscle attachment and aid in locomotion, thereby suggesting an extremely early stage in the differentiation of a locomotor skeleton. The exoskeleton of the arthropods is the most highly organized locomotor skeleton found in the invertebrates. Nervous and Sensory System.-Histological elements differ- entiated for transmission of nervous impulses assume sundry forms of organization in the metazoan body. The hydroid or polyp stage of the coelenterates is usually provided with a scattered or diffuse arrangement of nerve cells but in most of the 74 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Metazoa other than the sponges, definite nerve tracts are found. In these tracts, occur not only the cell bodies of the neurons and cytoplasmic fibers with their specializations as already described but also supporting elements of which the neuroglia cells are the most important. Usually, there is a tendency for the cell bodies of the neurons to become massed in certain parts of the nerve tracts. These regions are designated as ganglia. The nervous systems of medusae are interesting in that they exhibit a series of steps toward the centralization of the nervous system. In the hydromedusae, a nerve ring without any differ- entiation of ganglia parallels the margin of the bell. In the scyphomedusae, the nerve ring has become more specialized and shows localization of the cell bodies to form ganglia. Among metameric animals, there is a tendency for ganglion formation in each somite but this primitive scheme is in many instances altered by the fusion of two or more successive ganglia to form a single mass. This tendency is especially pronounced in the anterior region of the body where a single prominent ganglion, the brain, is located. In many of the worms, two or more lateral nerve cords pass through the body while in some of the annelids and in the arthro- pods these have been fused to form a single chain of ganglia ventral to the digestive tract. An examination of a cross-section of such a nerve cord, however, usually furnishes evidences of its double nature. That portion of the nervous system which contains the ganglia and consequently is the controlling center for directing the activ- ity of the organism, is designated as the central nervous system while from it fibers and bundles of fibers pass to the various parts of the body as a peripheral nervous system. Largely through the latter are the sense organs brought into relationship with the cen- tral nervous system. A sympathetic system in some of the higher arthropods controls the activity of some of the internal organs. As has been pointed out, there are numerous modifications of epithelial tissues for receiving stimuli and transmitting nervous impulses to the central nervous system of the invertebrates. Concerning many of these sensory organs our knowledge is but fragmentary for they are organs which have no counterpart in the human body and consequently direct knowledge of their functions is beyond the scope of human experience. In some instances, their functions may be inferred from the location and INTRODUCTION TO THE METAZOA 75 the mechanics of their structure and through the reactions of the organism when the organ in question is stimulated. Tactile organs are very commonly developed as hairs or bristles from the surfaces of epithelial cells or as in the case of bristles of arthropods they may be formed as outgrowths of specialized cells. Tactile organs may be scattered fairly uniformly over the surface of the animal but sometimes specific organs are especially adapted for receiving tactile stimuli, as, for example, the tentacles of coelenterates, worms and snails, and the antennae and palpi of insects and crustaceans. In many such instances, other sen- sory organs are associated with those of touch. Thus the olfactory organs of insects are commonly found on the antennae along with other sensory organs of uncertain function. In some instances, the antennae are provided with hairs which seem to be associated with an auditory function. Both taste and olfactory organs of the invertebrates are rather simple in their organization. They are especially developed in the insects where they frequently occur as a sac or depression within which there is a bristle or cone-like projection. Organs of sight, hearing, and balance are frequently much more highly organized than those organs previously mentioned. The association of pigment with sensory epithelial cells frequently denotes the presence of a retina or some sort of a structure for reception of light stimuli. Yet there are some organisms, such as the earthworms, which respond to light stimulation with- out having any specialized sense organs for the reception of light stimuli. Pigment spots near the bases of the tentacles in many jellyfishes are usually thought to have a light percipient function and in some instances even have lens-like bodies associated with them. In the turbellarians, there are eyes in which the sensory epithelium forming the retina has undergone considerable speciali- zation and in many of the marine annelids highly complicated optic organs are found. The highest development of an inverte- brate eye is found in cephalopods, the eyes of which very closely resemble those of vertebrates, though the two seem to have no phylogenetic relationship but apparently have arisen independently of each other. Compound eyes are highly characteristic of arthropods. A compound eye is composed of an aggregation of similar elements called ommatidia the number of which is indicated by the facets 76 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY or rounded or hexagonal markings on the surface of the eye. Each ommatidium is bounded externally by a biconvex cornea beneath which is located a fluid or a solid cone-like lens. Beneath this are one or more chitinous rods termed the rhabdomes. Pigment cells surround each ommatidium and nerve fibers pass off from the base of the rhabdomes. The term ocellus is frequently taken as synonymous with a simple eye but from point of view of structure there are two very distinctly different types of ocelli. Those of one type, exemplified by the median ocelli of insects (Fig. 48), are but little less complicated than the compound eyes while the lateral ocelli are much simpler. The simple, unpaired median eye of the lower crustaceans shows many features in com- mon with the eyes of the flat worms. Fig. 48.-Median ocellus of Acilius. (After Patten). There are numerous modifica- tions for auditory and balancing functions in invertebrates but most of these are recognizable as some sort of an otocyst or statocyst (Fig. 39), which depends upon the movement of a free or suspended body, the otolith or statolith, against the walls of the vesicle for stimulating the central nervous system and causing the organism to right itself. In some of the insects is found a highly specialized auditory organ in which a tympanum receives sound waves and transmits the stimulus through an underlying space to the nerve endings in the sensory epithelium. References Dahlgren, U. and Kepner, W. A. 1908. A text-book of the principles of animal histology. New York, Macmillan. Kellicott, W. E. 1913. A textbook of general embryology. New York, Holt. Korschelt, E. and Heider, K. 1895-1900. (English translation) Text- book of the embryology of invertebrates. London, Sonnenschein. McBride, E. W. 1914. Text-book of Embryology, Vol. 1. Invertebrata. London, Macmillan. Schneider, K. C. 1902. Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden Histologie der Tiere. Jena, Gustav Fischer. CHAPTER IV PHYLUM PORIFERA The word sponge usually calls to mind the sponges of commerce which are only one type of the skeletal remains from animals belonging to the phylum Porifera. A mass of parenchymatous tissue penetrated by numerous pores covers this framework in the living animal. Sponges vary so much in shape that little can be said regarding their form. Without exception, they are attached to some object and have lost powers of free locomotion. Cell Layers.-The bulk of the body is composed of mesoderm, the outermost layer of which is modified as a covering layer to take the place of the original ectoderm which is usually lost during development. The combined covering layer and mass of connec- tive tissue are frequently called the mesectoderm. Certain inter- nal cavities of the sponges are lined with entoderm, part of the cells of which are provided with flagella. Each flagellum is sur- rounded near its base by a prominent cup-like structure called the collar. These collared flagellate cells very closely resemble the cells of the Choanoflagellates. Upon the basis of the arrange- ment of the entoderm cells is based a system of classification of morphological types of sponge structure. Morphological Types.-Three types of sponge structure are usually recognized (Fig. 49). In the simplest sponges, of the Ascon type (A), the body is a thin-walled sac having a single large opening, the osculum, at one extremity and numerous minute incurrent pores through the body wall communicating with a central cavity. This central cavity, which is frequently called a stomach, is lined with entoderm cells, but since digestion is intracellular the cavity is not a true digestive cavity and there- fore not a stomach. Opening and closing of the pores leading into this flagellated chamber are under control of the animal. When the pores are open the action of the flagella causes water currents bearing food material to pass through the flagellated chamber and out through the osculum. During this passage, food is removed from the water and ingested by the entoderm cells. 77 78 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Leucosolenia and Olynthus are examples of this simplest type of sponge organization. The Sycon (Fig. 49, B) differs from the foregoing chiefly in the fact that the central cavity is lined with pavement epithelium and the entoderm cells have withdrawn to small radial chambers or ampullae embedded in the thickened wall. The central cavity is now a distinct cloaca with which each ampulla communi- cates by means of a small opening called the apopyle. As the name implies, the radial chambers are arranged radially about the cloaca. Alternating with the radial chambers are the incur- rent canals which pass from the exterior inward toward but not into the cloaca. Minute openings, the prosopyles, communi- cate between the incurrent canals and the adjacent ampullae thus allowing water currents bearing food material to pass Fig. 49.-Morphological types of sponges. A, Ascon type; B, Sycon type; C< Leucon type. (From Korschelt and Heider'). through the radial chambers, into the cloaca and out through the osculum. Grantia and Sycon are two typical genera whose representatives are built upon the Sycon plan. As they acquire greater bulk, some sponges reach a size wherein direct communication between the ampullae and the exte- rior and cloacal surfaces is no longer possible. Intricately branched incurrent and excurrent canals establish these surface relations for the deeply embedded ampullae (Fig. 49, C). Sponges of this character are of the Leucon type and are typified by such genera as Leucilia and Oscarella. Asexual reproduction through budding is common in sponges. By this means masses of individuals are produced thereby form- PHYLUM PORIFERA 79 ing colonies. These colonies may be either groups of distinctly separable individuals with only a common region near the base or they may be so intimately fused as to render the recognition of individuals impossible. Sponges possess great power of regeneration. In the commercial sponge fisheries, ad- vantage is taken of this fact and small fragments are "planted" and allowed to grow before harvesting. Gemmule formation is another type of repro- duction found in fresh-water sponges. Groups of cells called gemmules or internal buds become separated from the surrounding tissues by confining membranes. These gemmules are capable of withstanding desiccation and other adverse circumstances which are fatal to the living sponge and are therefore of great importance in the life cycle of sponges. Sexual Reproduction.-In regard to the sexual organs, sponges are usually hermaphroditic, but since in any individual the germ cells of the male usually mature before those of the female they Fig. 50.-Embryo of Gran- tia. Blastula stage within embryonic chamber of parent individual. (After Dendy). Fig. 51.-Skeletal structures of sponges {after Schulze and Maas). 1, spongin fiber surrounded by spongioblasts; 2-7, different types of spicules. (From Hertwig's Manual of Zoology by Kingsley, courtesy of Henry Holt and Co.) are said to be protandrous. Eggs are fertilized within the parent and there undergo segmentation (Fig. 50). Upon reaching the blastula stage, they are liberated as free-swimming larvae. Following gastrulation, the larva becomes attached to some 80 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY object, the blastopore closes and the osculum, as a new opening, breaks through the body wall at the opposite pole. Skeleton.-The skeletal structures (Fig. 51) which give the chief character to the Porifera are spicules formed by mesoderm cells called scleroblasts. In the classification of sponges, the nature and form of the skeletal structures are of great importance. Spicules may be formed of either calcareous or silicious material in a great variety of patterns. A network of a substance called spongin (Fig. 51, 1) is another type of supporting structure formed by cells called spongioblasts. This spongin, which is closely allied to silk in its chemical composition, may either appear alone or along with silicious spicules. Class Calcarea The calcareous sponges are so called because they have supporting skeletons of calcareous spicules usually tri-radiate in form. They are all shallow-water marine forms. All three types of sponge structure discussed earlier in this chapter occur in members of this class. The subclass Homocoela, of which the genus Leucosolenia is an example, includes forms of the Ascon type, while the subclass Heterocoela includes both Sycon type (genus Grantia) and Leucon type (genus Leucortis). Class Hexactinellida Sponges of this class are chiefly deep sea forms with silicious spicules, each with three rectangular axes. Euplectella, the Venus' flower basket and Hyalonema, the glass rope sponge are examples of this class. Class Demospongia In this class, are included three different conditions of skeletal structure. Some (subclass Myxospongia) lack skeletal structures entirely; others (subclass Ceratosa) have spongin fiber framework only; and still others (subclasses Monaxonida and Tetraxonida) have a framework made up of a combination of spongin fibers and silicious spicules. The Spongillidae, which include the only fresh-water sponges, belong to the Monaxonida. Spongilla, Ephydatia, and Carterius are common genera of wide distri- bution but frequently overlooked by collectors. PHYLUM PORI PERA 81 References (See references cited at close of Chapter I) Dendy, A. 1893. Observations on the Structure and Classification of the Calcarea heterocoela. Quart. Jour. Mier. Sci., 35: 159-257. Haeckel, E. 1872. Die Kalkschwamme, eine Monographie. Berlin. Moore, H. F. 1908. The Commercial Sponges and the Sponge Fisheries. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 28: 399-511. Parker, G. H. 1910. The Reactions of Sponges, with a Consideration of the Origin of the Nervous System. Jour. Exp. Zool., 8: 1-41. Wilson, H. V. 1907. On Some Phenomena of Coalescence and Regener- ation in Sponges. Jour. Exp. Zool., 5: 245-258. . 1910. Development of Sponges from Dissociated Tissue Cells. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish.,30: 1-30. CHAPTER V THE COELENTERATES AND CTENOPHORES A. PHYLUM COELENTERATA Coelenterates are radially symmetrical animals but slightly modified in fundamental structure from the typical gastrula stage which occurs in the development of all higher Metazoa. Because of their form, Cuvier included them along with the echinoderms in his type Radiata. Extreme differences in structure preclude the possibility of uniting these two groups on the basis of super- ficial agreement in disposition of their parts. The echinoderms have a true body cavity or coelom in addition to the digestive cavity. In the coelenterates, however, only one cavity is found. Phylogenetically, this single cavity represents the gas- trula cavity from which in higher forms of life both digestive cavity and body cavity arise during later development. Since, in the coelenterates, these two cavities are not differentiated, Leuckart suggested the name Coelenterata which they now bear, carrying with it the idea of lack of specialization of "coelom" from the "enteron." Morphological Types.-Body form among the coelenterates is usually referable to one of two types, the hydroid or polyp form and the mcdusoid or jellyfish form. While these two forms are clearly differentiated one from the other, in fundamental structure they are essentially alike. In each, tentacles are usually present and function in grasping food and bringing it into the mouth. These tentacles, and in some instances the body also, are supplied with nettling cells which are tubular threads coiled within a small bladder-like structure. As a means of defence or of offence, these threads are discharged from the nematocysts with a force suffi- cient to carry them even through the chitinous body covering of small crustaceans introducing into the wound an irritating fluid. By their use, some coelenterates, the Portuguese man-of-war for instance, are capable of inflicting painful injury even to man. Cell Layers.-The body wall is composed of an external layer of cells called the ectoderm and an internal layer lining the 82 THE COELENTERATES AND CTENOPHORES 83 gastrovascular cavity called the entoderm. Between these lies a non-cellular, gelatinous substance termed the mesoglea. The extent and importance of this mesoglea in the various coelen- terates varies extremely. In some instances it is a very delicate, inconspicuous layer (hydro- and scyphopolyps), while in others (medusae) it has become the most conspicuous as well as the most bulky part of the whole organism. Structures having their origin in either ectoderm or entoderm tend to pass into the mesoglea, thus rendering it more highly complicated and causing it to partake of the nature of a definite mesoderm. The extreme of this tendency is found in the Ctenophora, a group which is frequently included as a class of the Coelenterata but here recognized as an independent phylum. Modifications of the Digestive System.-In its most primitive condition, the coelenteric or gastrovascular cavity of coelenterates is a simple bag with a single opening, the mouth. This is the condition in the polyp of the Hydrozoa. In the medusae, there are frequently diverticula from the central chamber of the digestive system which provide greater space for the digestion of food and serve for the delivery of digested food material to the more distant parts of the body. In many instances, these diver- ticula have the form of definite vessels, called the radial canals, which may be united at their distal ends by a common vessel termed the circumferential canal. Further complication of the digestive system is found in the Anthozoa wherein a definite infolding of ectoderm projects for some distance from the mouth opening into the digestive chamber as an esophagus. In this same group, the cavity becomes divided by a series of partitions called mesenteries or septa which provide additional surface for the processes of digestion and assimilation of the food material. Metagenesis.-Both types of individuals described above occur in the course of the life cycle of the Hydrozoa and the Scyphozoa. An asexual hydroid generation gives rise to a sexual medusoid generation. This condition of direct alternation between two generations of different type has been termed meta- genesis. The occurrence of hydroid and medusoid forms in the developmental cycle of a single species has not been under- stood long. It is, then, not surprising that all of the earlier treatises considered the hydroid and medusoid generations, even of the same species, as belonging to distinct and independent groups of the animal kingdom. With disclosure of the fact that 84 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY campanularian hydroids give rise to Leptomedusae in the course of their reproductive cycle, it became necessary to join the two groups, and in the face of the lack of a more appropriate name the combined groups have been given the compound name Campanu- lariae-Leptomedusae. Other groups have been united in this same manner following the discovery of their true relationships. In degree of differentiation, the medusoid represents much the higher type. Structures frequently either wanting or of low organization in the hydroid individuals are well represented in the medusae even of the same species. Muscle occurs as a partial differentiation of epithelial cells in hydroids of the Hydro- zoa and Scyphozoa but sheets and bundles of muscle tissue are recognizable in the medusae. Specialized sensory organs are almost exclusively associated with the more distinctly central- ized nervous system of the medusoid forms. In these, organs of equilibrium appear in extremely diverse stages of develop- ment, representing conditions varying from simple, exposed, modified tentacles or sensory clubs to the highly complicated statocysts with accessory protective vesicles (Fig. 39). Habitat.-In habits, the coelenterates are chiefly marine, though Hydra, Protohydra, Cordylophora, and a few rare medusae occur in fresh-water habitats. Class Hydrozoa The Hydrozoa are coelenterates usually having an alternation of generations of which the hydroid is frequently the more conspicuous. The hydropolyp lacks longitudinal folds of the entoderm and the mouth opens directly into the coelenteric cavity. The hydromedusa, when present, has a smooth bell margin; the concave surface is partially enclosed by a membrane, the velum, which extends inward from the edge of the bell. The gonads are ectodermal. The Gonophore and Its Reduction.-An individual among the coelenterates which bears the gonads is termed a gonophore. Ordinarily, this is a free-living medusoid individual (Fig. 52, A) with gonads either on the manubrium or on the radial canals of the gastrovascular system. In some representatives of the class Hydrozoa, the medusoid generation is lacking. This condition is usually the result of a process which is designated as gonophore reduction. Usually, the gonophores have their origin as products of asexual reproduction from the hydroid individuals. Under THE COELENTERATES AND CTENOPHORES 85 ordinary circumstances, they undergo development to a certain stage while still attached to the hydroid and are then liberated. In some instances, however, freedom is never gained, then the gonophores remain permanently attached to the parent hydroid (Fig. 52, B-D) and organs essential to the independent existence of the gonophore fail to develop to a functional stage or degen- erate entirely. By the selection of different examples, a finely graded series of steps in the degeneration of the medusoid may be secured. A greatly reduced gonophore comprises little more than an ectodermal bag within which the germ cells are arranged about a core of entoderm called the spadix. The spadix represents the remains of a degenerated manubrium. The term sporosac is Fig. 52.-Gonophore reduction. A, free gonophore, an independent medusa; B, a medusa which remains permanently attached to hydroid colony and fails to develop either tentacles or mouth; C, still further reduction of gonophore to a simple manubrium (the spadix) surrounded by gonads; D, gonads produced around a slight entodermal rudiment of the manubrium as in Hydra. (After Kingsley). applied to such a reduced gonophore (Fig. 52, C) attached to the body of a hydroid individual. The ultimate in gonophore suppression is found in members of the genus Hydra, wherein the gonads occur in the ectoderm with practically no remnant of spadix or other medusoid remains (Fig. 52, Z>). Suppression of the Hydroid.-In contrast with the gonophore reduction discussed above, stands the suppression of the hydroid generation characteristic of representatives of the order Trachy- linae. In these, development of the medusa proceeds directly from the larva derived from the fertilized egg without the inter- vention of the polyp generation. Histological Differentiation.-As was stated in the introduc- tory discussion of the characters of the phylum, the medusa 86 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY represents a higher type of differentiation than is found in the hydroid polyp. Scattered nervous elements and sensory cells characteristic of the polyp are replaced by a centralized nerve ring with which statocysts and light-percipient organs are asso- ciated in the hydromedusa. Hertwig has called attention to the fact that no less than eight distinct lines of differentiation occur in the ectoderm cells of the hydromedusa. There are myoblasts, nerve cells, indifferent cells, sensory cells, cnidoblasts, gland cells, pigment cells, and germ cells. Since a number of these are represented by several distinct types of histological differentiation, as for example the several distinct types of sensory and gland cells, these simple diploblastic animals become more highly organized than is ordinarily understood. An investing membrane surrounds some hydroid forms (Obelia) but is wanting in others (Hydra, Tubularia). This investing membrane may be either a delicate perisarc covering all or only part of the zooid or in some instances (Hydrocorallina) part of a massive calcareous skeleton. The expansion of perisarc around a vegetative zooid is termed a hydrotheca while that around a reproductive zooid is termed a gonotheca. I. Order Leptolinae The order Leptolinae includes those Hydrozoa which have a fixed hydroid stage. Within this group two suborders are recog- nized on the basis of the presence or lack of a hydrotheca surround- ing the vegetative zooids and upon the location of the gonads when a medusoid stage is retained. The Tubulariae-Anthome- dusae have zooids without thecae. When medusae occur they are without statocysts and bear the gonads on the manubrium. The hydroid stages have commonly gone under the name of the Tubu- larian hydroids and the medusae have been known as the Antho- medusae. Members of the genera Hydra, Clava, Cordylophora, Coryne, and Tubularia lack a free-swimming medusa, and repre- sent varying degrees of gonophore suppression. The suborder Campanulariae-Leptomedusae includes the Campanularian hydroids, forms which have a perisarc surrounding the zooids, and the Leptomedusae which bear the gonads on the radial canals. Typically, an exact alternation of generations, termed metagene- sis, occurs in members of this suborder. Life History.-The life cycle of Obelia serves well to illustrate metagenesis. The hydroid colony starts as a single polyp which, THE COELENTERATES AND CTENOPHORES 87 by continued budding, produces a series of individuals alternating along a common stalk. Such a colony is attached to some object by means of a root-like structure termed the hydrorhiza. In a young colony, all of the individuals are alike and all function as vegetative zooids. Starting near the base of the colony, reproduc- tive individuals begin to make their appearance. These are sac- or vase-shaped zooids, termed gonangia, budded off in the axils between the vegetative individuals and the common stalk. Each gonangium is composed of a central core upon which buds are formed. As development proceeds these buds display medu- san characters and upon reaching full development become detached and emerge from the open end of the gonotheca as free- swimming jellyfish. The medusae produce germ cells which, upon fertilization, undergo cleavage to form a ciliated larva, termed a planula, but little higher in organization than the gastrula. After a short period of free existence the planula becomes attached to some object and transforms into a hydroid through the development of a circle of tentacles and of a hydro- rhiza. From this single zooid, an entire colony is produced through repeated budding. II. Order Trachylinae The order Trachylinae includes two suborders of hydro- medusae which develop directly from the egg without passing through a polyp stage in the life cycle. In the suborder Trachy- medusae, tentacles arise from the margin of the bell and gonads are borne on the radial canals. The suborder Narcomedusae includes hydromedusae which bear the gonads on the manubrium and have tentacles arising from the exumbrella. Trachynema, Liriope, and Campanella are examples of the Trachymedusae; Cunina and Cunocantha of the Narcomedusae. III. Order Hydrocorallina Members of the order Hydrocorallina resemble the corals in the production of massive calcareous skeletons. Two kinds of zooids are lodged in calyces of the skeletal structure. Gastro- zooids bear a mouth and tentacles. Distally the cavity of the gastrozooids communicates with a series of branching coeno- sarcal canals which ramify through the colony. Either irregu- larly scattered or arranged about the gastrozooids occur the 88 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY dactylozooids which lack a mouth and usually have knobbed tentacles supplied with nettling cells. Gonophores develop on the coenosarcal canals as rudimentary medusae. Millepora, the staghorn coral, and Stylaster of the tropical seas, are examples of this order. IV. Order Siphonophora Extreme polymorphism is found in this pelagic order of Hydro- zoa. The individuals of a colony are united by a common tube of coenosarc at one end of which usually occurs an air-filled bladder-like float called the pneumatophore (Fig. 53, A). There is a division of opinion as to medusan or polyp relations of the individuals of the siphonophore colony. Most of the individuals are so highly specialized that they perform but limited functions and other rudimentary organs that would give a clue to the type of general structure are wanting. Nectocalyces or swimming bells (B) frequently occur just below the float. The rest of the colony is composed of assemblages of feeding zooids (H), dactylozooids (F and (7), sporosacs (E), and bracts or protective zooids (Z>). Polymorphism is so great and the specialization of individuals so complete that the entire colony gives the appear- ance of a single individual with its organ systems dissected apart one from another. In the Portuguese man-of- war (Physalia) the float is greatly enlarged and the swimming individuals are lacking. F i g . 53 .-Diagram of a siphonophore j colony (Phy- sophorida). A, pneumato- phore; B, C, swimming bells; D, protective zooid; E, sporo- sac; F, G, dactylozooids; H, feeding polyp; I, nettling cells. (After Claus'). Class Scyphozoa The Scyphozoa are coelenterates having an alternation of generations of which the medusoid is the more conspicuous. The scyphopolyp or scyphostoma when present is distinguishable from the hydropolyp through the presence of four longitudinal folds of the entoderm called the taeniolae. In the development THE COELENTERATES AND CTENOPHORES 89 of the medusae, these form the gastral tentacles or phacellae. The scyphomedusa lacks a velum, has a more or less notched margin, and bears entodermal gonads. Form and structure of the medusa are more readily understood when the development has been outlined. Life History.-The medusae of Aurelia produce germ cells, which, upon fertilization, undergo cleavage and develop into a ciliated larva called a planula. After a brief free existence, the planula becomes attached to some object and transforms into an individual superficially like a Hydra, to which the names scypho- stoma (Fig. 54, A) or scyphopolyp have been applied. By a series of transverse constrictions, the scyphostoma becomes separated into a pile of saucer-like structures (Fig. 54, B) and in this stage is Fig. 54.-Larval stages in the development of Aurelia. A, scyphostoma; B strobila; C, ephyra. (Orig.)i called a strobila. As the constrictions become deeper a series of ephyrae become detached from the strobila. At the time of their liberation, each ephyra (Fig. 54, C) has eight prominent arm-like projections arranged radially about the margin of the body. Growth of the medusa from this ephyra involves a rather con- spicuous metamorphosis. The eight arms mentioned above mark off the eight radii of the mature jellyfish. The four radii passing through the angles of the mouth are known as the perradii, the other four as the interradii. Axes falling between the bases of the eight arms of the ephyra are designated as the adradii. By more rapid growth of the adradial zones the notches of these regions become filled up, thus giving the young jellyfish a slightly crenated circular outline. The marginal tentacles make their appearance in the adradial regions. 90 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY I. Order Stauromedusae The Stauromedusae are conical or vase-shaped medusae which usually lack marginal sense bodies though in some (Halycystus) there are modified tentacles which seem to serve as special sense organs. In Halycystus and Lucernaria, the margin of the umbrella is drawn out into eight arms at the tip of each of which there is a bundle of small tentacles. In these same two genera, the aboral surface is drawn out into a peduncle by means of which the medusae become attached to objects. Representa- tives of this order belonging to the family Tesseridae are free- swimming. II. Order Peromedusae The Peromedusae are free-swimming, with a cup-shaped or conical body carrying four interradial sense bodies. Pericolpa and Periphylla occur in the open seas. III. Order Cubomedusae As the name implies, the Cubomedusae are more or less cubical in form. They bear four perradial sense bodies. Members of this order, of which the genus Charybdea is an example, are chiefly tropical. IV. Order Discomedusae The Discomedusae are by far the most abundant and most widely distributed of the Scyphozoa. The medusa is usually the shape of an inverted saucer. The margin of the bell is furnished with eight or more otocysts. Members of this order range from a few inches to seven feet or more (Cyanea arctica) across the bell, while the tentacles may be more than a hundred feet in length. The eight-rayed symmetry characteristic of so many forms is carried over directly from the eight-rayed ephyra. Two suborders are recognized, chiefly on the nature of the manu- brium. Members of the suborder Semostomae have four large perradial arms surrounding the centrally located mouth. In the suborder Rhizostomae there are eight large adradial oral arms. Grooves formed by folds of these arms open as numerous suctorial mouths instead of a single mouth opening into the gastrovascular cavity. Tentacles on the margin of the bell are lacking in this suborder. THE COELENTERATES AND CTENOPHORES 91 Class Anthozoa All organisms belonging to this class conform to a polyp form of organization. The anthozoan polyp differs fundamentally from the characteristic hydrozoan polyp in the presence of an ectodermal esophagus and of longitudinal partitions called septa or mesenteries (Fig. 55) partially dividing the gastrovascular cavity. Well developed bands of muscles are found in connec- tion with the septa. The mesoglea contains numerous cells, thus having the appearance of a simple connective tissue and supplying firmness and a fleshy consistency to the body in many forms. Both solitary and colonial forms occur in this exclusively marine group of almost universally sessile organisms. Examples of the solitary forms are the sea anemones and of the colonial forms are the corals, sea pens, and sea pansies. Fig. 55.-Section of a young sea anemone, ss, sagittal plane; tt, transverse axis; I, II, III, septa of first, second and third orders; ek, ectoderm; en, ento- derm; f, mesenterial filament; m, muscle; r, directive septa. (After Boveri, from Hertwig's Manual by Kingsley, courtesy of Henry Holt and Co.) The mouth is usually oval or slit-like and leads through an inturned tube of ectoderm, called the esophagus, into the gastro- vascular cavity. Like the mouth, this esophagus is usually compressed so that a sagittal axis is recognizable marking off a biradial symmetry. In some instances, one or two grooves run the length of the esophagus at the poles of the sagittal axis. These grooves (x, Figs. 56, 57) are termed the siphonoglyphes. The esophagus extends only part way from the oral toward the pedal surface. It is held in position by the primary septa 92 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY (Fig. 55, I), folds of ectoderm and mesoglea which extend from the body wall inward to meet the esophagus and thus at the oral extremity completely divide the gastrovascular cavity into a number of pockets or chambers. Since each chamber con- tinues beyond the body proper into a tentacle, there is usually a direct relation between the number of chambers and the number of tentacles. In addition to the primary septa, many others reach only part way toward the esophagus. These are of varying lengths and on the basis of their length and order of development are termed secondary, tertiary, and so forth (Fig. 55, II, III). The number of primary mesenteries is of considerable importance in distinguishing the various orders of the Anthozoa. In the Alcyonaria (Octocoralla), there are eight septa. In practically all representatives of this order, the muscle ridges of all septa are directed toward the same pole of the sagittal axis. Edwardsia is an exception to this rule and marks a step in transition from the Alcyonarian to the Zoantharian (Hexacorallan) type for in Edwardsia the position of the muscles on one pair of septa at one pole of the sagittal axis is reversed. The Zoantharia usually have one pair of primary septa at each pole of the sagittal axis and two lateral pairs on each side of the body. The two pairs lying in the main axis (Fig. 55, r) are called the directives. The muscle ridges on these face outward while in all the remaining pairs the ridges of one pair face each other. In development, the primary septa are the first to appear. Between these, come the secondary and later the tertiary septa. With the increase in number of septa, there is usually a corresponding increase in number of tentacles but this correlation is not absolute. In addition to the muscles, the gonads, mesenterial filaments, and acontia are important structures associated with the septa. The germ cells, which have their origin in the ectoderm, come to lie in the mesoglea near the free margin of the septa. The ruffled free margin of each septum is edged with a thickened mass of epithelial cells called the mesenterial filament, thought to be of use in holding and compressing food particles, thereby aiding in digestion. Near the pedal disc, these mesenterial filaments are frequently modified to form long thread-like organs, the acontia, which are provided with numerous nettling cells. Through the mouth or through minute pores in the body wall, the acontia are thrust to the outside of the body where they serve as efficient defensive organs. THE COELENTERATES AND CTENOPHORES 93 Sexual development involves the formation of a planula through cleavage of the fertilized egg. The planula, after a brief free-swimming life, settles down and undergoes a transforma- tion to the polyp form. Budding is of common occur- rence and gives rise either to separate individuals or to colony formation. Most Anthozoa, with exception of the Actinaria, possess some sort of skeletal structures, either as solid deposits formed by the zooids or as spicules in the colony wall. These structures are of such diverse natures in the different groups that they cannot be described here. Fig. 56.-Transverse section of Zoantharian. AB, plane of symmetry; x, siphonoglyphe. (From Hertwig's Manual by Kingsley, courtesy of Henry Holt and Co.) Subclass ZOANTHARIA Sea anemones and corals stand as examples of the Zoantharia or Hexacoralla of some authors. These forms have simple tubu- lar tentacles and numerous paired mesenteries (Fig. 56) typically occurring in multiples of six. Except for the directives (men- tioned above) the septa are arranged in pairs with the muscle bands of each pair facing one another. Edwardsia is an excep- tion with its eight mesenteries and sixteen or more tentacles. Various other modifications of the rule occur in other representa- tives of this subclass. 94 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY 1. Order Actinaria The order Actinaria includes the sea anemones which usually occur as solitary polyps, though some are colonial. Numerous tentacles and mesenteries are present but skeletal structures are wanting. Metridium is a common example as is also Sagartia. II. Order Madreporaria In arrangement of the parts of the body, the Madreporaria rather closely resemble the Actinaria but in habits they are colonial and are surrounded by a calcareous skeleton. Most of the stony corals, Astrangia, Coeloria, Favia, Madrepora, and Porites are examples of genera included here. A common coeno- sarc over the surface of the skeleton communicates between the individuals of a colony. III. Order Antipatharia These branching colonies resemble the Gorgonacea. Members of the colony are united by a hollow, branched, horny axis surrounded by an epithelial sheath which lacks spicules. The black corals Antipathes and Cirripathes are examples. Subclass Alcyonaria Eight feathered tentacles and eight single mesenteries (Fig. 57) characterize members of this subclass which are also frequently referred to under the name Octocoralla. Colonial forms, frequently with polymorph- ism of the individuals are common. Budding to form a colony is usually stoloniferous. I. Order Alcyonacea Members of this order usually have scattered calcareous spicules and lack an axial rod. Alcyonium is the typical genus. II. Order Gorgonacea The Gorgonacea are sessile forms with a horny or calcareous axial rod. The sea fans (Gorgonia) and other tree-like forms as well as the precious coral (Cor allium rubrum} belong to this order. Fig. 57.-T r a n s- verse section of an Alcyonarian. (From Hertwig's Manual by Kingsley, courtesy of Henry Holt and Co.) THE COELENTERATES AND CTENOPHORES 95 III. Order Pennatulacea Colonies with one extremity modified for burying in the sand or mud of the sea floor are included in this order. The remainder of the colony bears polyps which may be arranged over an expanded disc (Renilla) or on lateral branches like a feather (Pennatula). Dimorphism of individuals within a colony is common. B. PHYLUM CTENOPHORA The Ctenophora have very commonly been considered as a class of the Coelenterata. The absence of marginal tentacles, lack of nettling cells, centralization of the nervous mechanism, and transformation of the mesoglea into a mesoderm mark the Fig. 58.-A ctenophore, Pleurobrachia rhododactyla Agassiz. A, lateral view B, aboral view. (After L. Agassiz). chief arguments in favor of considering the ctenophores as an independent phylum. The most striking external feature is the presence on the surface of the body of eight meridional bands of swimming combs or plates (Fig. 58) each of which is composed of a linear series of short rows of cilia. Two tentacles arising in lateral ectodermal depressions or pockets are characteristic of most representatives of this phylum. At the aboral pole occurs a slight depression within which is located a single otocyst. In the transverse plane this depression is continued as two narrow ciliated areas called the polar plates. Body form is not constant throughout the group. Many indi- viduals are ovoid, others have a somewhat shortened dorsoventral axis and still others are drawn out into a narrow band. 96 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY The nettling cells characteristic of coelenterates are wanting in the ctenophores. In their place structures called adhesive cells occur upon the tentacles. The mouth leads into a tube called the stomach, but since it is ectodermal in origin it is more properly a stomodaeum. This stomach opens into an entodermal sac, the funnel. The stomach and funnel are both flattened with the broad axis of one at right angles with that of the other. From the funnel are given off laterally two perradial vessels each of which divides dichoto- mously to form the interradial vessels, four in number. By another dichotomous division these form the eight adradial ves- sels each of which communicates with one of the meridional vessels directly underlying the rows of combs. Each perradial vessel gives off a branch called the paragastric canal which runs parallel to the stomach and ends blindly. At its aboral extremity the funnel gives off a funnel vessel which, after forming two or four branches, proceeds to the aboral pole and there empties through two or more openings called the excretory pores. On the presence of or lack of tentacles, two classes are recog- nizable; the Tentaculata and the Nuda. Of these, the former includes three orders and the latter a single order, the Beroida. Members of the order Cydippida (Pleurobrachia, Hormiphora, etc.) have ovoid or pear shaped bodies bearing two tentacles arising from tentacular sacs or sheaths and into which they may be retracted. The Lobata includes those which have two large oral lobes and numerous minute lateral tentacles. In the young, two large tentacles are present but in later stages only their bases are present and these are without a sheath. Venus' Girdle (Cestus) is an example of the order Cestida members of which have the body much compressed in the vertical plane. Repre- sentatives of the order Beroida lack tentacles and the wide mouth and gullet occupy most of the animal. References (See general -references at close of Chapter 1) Agassiz, A. 1865. North American Acalephae. lllustr. Cat. Mus. Comp. ZooL, Harvard, 2. Agassiz, L. 1850. Contributions to the Natural History of the Acalephae of North America. Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., Boston, 4: 221-374. -. 1860-1862. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States. Boston. THE COELENTERATES AND CTENOPHORES 97 Chun, K. 1880. Die Ctenophoren des Golfes von Neapel und der angren- zenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, 1: 313 pp. Haeckel, E. 1879-1880. System der Medusen. I. Craspedoten, II. Acraspeda. Jena. Mayer, A. G. 1910. Medusae of the World. Carnegie Inst., Wash- ington, Publ. 109. . 1912. Ctenophores of the Atlantic Coast of North America. Carnegie Inst., Washington, Publ. 162, McMurrich, J. P. 1891. Contributions on the Morphology of the Actinozoa, III. The Phylogeny of the Actinozoa, Jour. Morph., 5: 125-164. Nutting, C. C. 1901. The Hydroids of the Woods Hole Region. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm, for 1899: 325-386. CHAPTER VI PHYLUM PLATHELMINTHES The Plathelminthes comprise a phylum of worm-like animals with bodies usually flattened, devoid of body cavity, and lacking true segmentation. The bulk of the body is composed of a mass of connective tissue termed parenchyma within which the various organs are embedded. Externally, this is covered by either a ciliated epithelium or a non-cellular cuticula. A body muscula- ture is present, the fibers of which are usually circular, longitu- dinal, and diagonal in arrangement. Frequently, in addition, fibers are also found penetrating the body from dorsal to ventral surfaces. The nervous system usually consists of two or more longitudinal strands which, near one end of the body, bear a pair of ganglia called the brain. In many instances, the longitudinal nerve trunks are connected by cross-commissures which give the system a ladder-like appearance. Typically, the digestive system is composed of an ectodermal pharynx and a mesenteron, for the proctodaeum is lacking. Exceptions to this are found in the cestodes which lack all evi- dence of a digestive system and in the nemertines which have a complete system terminating posteriorly in an anus. Excretion is by means of a system of tubules, the protonephridia, which ramify throughout the body and end in minute structures called the flame-cells. Form, habits, and details of structure differ so profoundly in the members of the various classes that few features beyond those already mentioned are held in common by all members of this phylum. Interrelationships of the Classes.-The Turbellaria represent the most generalized group of the Plathelminthes. Modifica- tions in the classes Trematoda and Cestoda represent, chiefly, adaptation to the parasitic habit. Extreme development of organs of generation and fixation (Fig. 63) and reduction of locomotor organs, sensory apparatus, and other structures charac- teristic of free-existence characterize these two parasitic groups. Development.-Some of the flatworms, especially the fresh- water Turbellaria and the monogenetic trematodes, undergo a 98 PHYLUM PLATHELMINTHES 99 direct development from the fertilized egg. More commonly a metamorphosis is involved. There are numerous different types of larvae characteristic of the various flatworm groups. Muller's larva with eight lobes, the margins of which are outlined by a continuous band of cilia, occurs in many polyclads. This seems to represent a primitive type of larva from which many others have been differentiated. The pilidium of nemertines characteristically undergoes a complicated metamorphosis during which but a portion of the larva is utilized in the transformation to the adult form while the remainder is cast off. Ciliated larvae are characteristic of many digenetic trematodes and of cestodes but in their organization these show many evi- dences of modification correlated with adaptation to the parasitic existence. The larvae of these groups will be considered in greater detail later. Relationships to Other Phyla.-Through the Ctenophora and the Turbellaria, the two phyla Coelenterata and Plathelminthes seem to have a fairly close phylogenetic relationship. Muscula- ture, nervous system, and reproductive organs which have their origin as purely epithelial structures in the lower coelenterates become associated with the mesoglea in the higher coelenterates and transform this layer into a true mesoderm in the Ctenophora. This trend of development and specialization of the mesoderm is carried still further in the highly organized parenchymatous body of the Plathelminthes. There are some organisms which show striking combinations of flatworm and ctenophore charac- teristics. Coeloplana and Ctenoplana are two such genera to which unparalleled phylogenetic significance has been attached. Each is a small creeping form with fundamental appearances and structure of a polyclad turbellarian. In addition, Coeloplana has a middorsal sensory apparatus and a pair of lateral tentacles similar to those of the ctenophores. Ctenoplana has much the same general body form but in addition to the general surface ciliation has eight rows of ciliated plates on the dorsal surface similar to the ctenophore combs. Class Turbellaria The Turbellaria range in size from minute, microscopic forms to some which attain several inches in length. The polyclads and triclads are usually distinctly flattened and in outline range 100 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY from disc-shape to lanceolate and long ribbon-like forms. Among the rhabdocoels is found even greater diversity of form. Some are spindle-shaped while others are distinctly flattened. The ecto- derm is covered with cilia (Fig. 62) which by their movement produce a smooth gliding locomotion. Currents produced by these cilia are responsible for the name of the class. Turbellaria are mostly free-living, aquatic organisms, though some have Fig. 59. Fig. 60. Fig. 61. Fig. 59-61.-General organization in the three classes of Turbellaria. 59, a Rhabdocoel; 60, a Polyclad; 60, a Tri clad. The nervous system is shown in black; digestive system in cell outlines and nuclei; 59, reproductive system closely stippled, excretory system coarsely stippled; 60 and 61, reproductive system stippled on left side of body, excretory on right. (From von Graff"). acquired the parasitic habit and others have become adapted to living in or on moist soil. The Orders.-A pharynx and blind intestine comprise the digestive tract of the turbellarians. The muscular pharynx is frequently enclosed in a pocket within the body and in feeding is thrust out like a proboscis. Upon the nature of the intestine the three orders are distin- guishable. Among the Polycladidea (Fig. 60), the mesenteron PHYLUM PLATHELMINTHES 101 consists of a central space from which numerous branches pass into the parenchyma. These branches become greatly sub- divided and frequently anastomose. In the Tricladidea, three main branches (Fig. 61) lead off from the pharynx, one directed anteriorly and two posteriorly. Each of these has numerous lateral diverticula which nearly reach the margins of the body. In the Rhabdocoelida, the mesent- eron (Fig. 59) forms a simple sac-shaped or rod- like intestine. The so-called Acoela lack a cavity in the mesenteron which has been described as a digestive parenchyma. Nervous System.-A simple, linear type of central nervous system is characteristic. In the Polycladidea, there is a considerable plexus of nerve branches with a brain near the anterior extremity and a few main trunks. The triclad central nervous system is essentially a pair of lateral nerve trunks which pass posteriorly from the brain with irregular transverse commissures. In some forms (Gunda), these connecting branches are so regular that they constitute a distinctly ladder-type of system. The rhabdocoel nervous system is distinctly similar to that of the triclad type. Highly specialized sensory organs are not common in the Turbellaria. Eyes of a simple type are usually found above the brain. In the polyclads, these occur in large numbers and may also be developed along the margins of the body. In the triclads, a single pair of eyes is usually present as is also the case with the rhabdocoels, though these last may have two pairs or even a single eye. The sense of touch is very highly developed in the Turbellaria and tentacles are frequently found but the entire body is also highly sensitive, rendered so especially by the presence of sensorv hairs. Fig. 62.-A Rhabdocoel (Microstomum) in the process of fission into six- teen zooids. Roman numer- als indicate the order of the fi s si o n planes. (After von Graff). Reproduction.-Except for some rhabdocoels, the Turbellaria are hermaphroditic. The reproductive organs differ considerably in the different orders. In most of the fresh- water forms, the eggs undergo a simple, direct development but some of the polyclads have a more complicated developmental 102 INVERTEBRA TE ZOOLOG Y cycle. The larval polyclad is called a Muller's larva. Asexual reproduction by transverse fission occurs in some rhabdocoels, frequently in the event of rapid fission, giving rise to a complex chain of individuals. Such a condition is shown in Fig. 62 in which the order of formation of the successive individuals is indicated. Class Trematoda The trematodes or flukes are exclusively parasitic, living either as ectoparasites upon or as endoparasites within the bodies of various animals. Since parasitism is an acquired and not a primitive mode of life, the bodies of all trematodes are more or less modified as a consequence of the development of the parasitic habit. Simplicity of structure in this class denotes degeneracy and not primitive simplicity. While there are no free-living forms, most trematodes in their fundamental structure present clear evidences of close relationship with the Turbellaria. They vary from less than one millimeter to several centimeters in length. A cuticula, frequently supplied with spines, covers the body surface of all adult trematodes while some larval forms (Fig. 65, A) possess a ciliated covering. The epithelium characteristic of the body covering of the Turbellaria has become profoundly modified in this group and the cells are scattered through the underlying parenchyma. Most flukes are hermaphroditic and the conspicuous repro- ductive organs are of prime importance in the classification of the group (Fig. 66, A). A few, the Schistosomes for example, are unisexual. Suckers, hooks, and spines are developed in varying combinations for securing attachment to the host. The number and arrangement of these structures are of particular significance in the grouping of the trematodes. Two subclasses, Monogenea and Digenea, are recognized. Subclass Monogenea The monogenetic trematodes are usually external body para- sites but in some instances they have migrated inward to loca- tions such as the mouth cavity, the respiratory organs, the cloaca, or the urinary bladder which are in direct communication with the body surface. The chief organ of attachment (Fig. 63) is usually located at the posterior extremity and consists of varied PHYLUM PLATHELMINTHES 103 forms of sucking discs and combinations of hooks and spines. These hermaphroditic individuals produce eggs which undergo direct development without complicated larval changes and without alternation of hosts. The young parasites may immedi- ately attach themselves to the body of the host which sheltered the parent fluke. Two orders are recognized on the basis of structure of the posterior organ of fixation. In members of the order Mono- pisthocotylea (Gyrodactylus (Fig. 63), Dactylogyrus, Ancyro- Fig. 63.-Gyrodactylus eleyans, a mono- genetic trematode. (After Lilhe). Fig. 64.-Opisthorchis felineus, a digenetic trematode. (After Stiles and Hassall). cephalus, Nitzschia), this posterior organ is a single structure provided with extremely varied combinations of hook and spines for attachment to the skin or gills of fishes. In the Polyopistho- cotylea (Microcotyle, Polystoma, Diplobothrium, etc.), each individual bears two or more posterior suckers supplemented by hooks or spines. Skin and gills of fishes and body surface, urinary bladder, and pharynx of amphibians and reptiles are the chief seats of infestation by representatives of this second order. 104 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Subclass Digenea Digenetic trematodes are usually provided with one or two suckers the anterior of which is related to the mouth opening. Conspicuous chitinous hooks, so common in the Monogenea, are lacking in the Digenea, though relatively smaller spines are of common occurrence. The ventral sucker, frequently called the acetabulum, is usually near the middle of the body though it may be shifted to the posterior extremity (Diplodiscus and others) and in some instances it is entirely wanting (Mono- stomes). Development is through a complex series of stages involving an alternation of hosts, one of which is always a mollusc. In the adult worm (Fig. 66, A), the male reproductive organs consist normally of two testes which communicate with the genital pore through the vas deferens and a cirrus. The female organs comprise an ovary of variable form from which an oviduct leads through a modified region called the ootype into the uterus. Between the ovary and the ootype the oviduct may receive two canals, one from the vitelline receptacle and the other from the Laurer's canal and the receptaculum seminis. As ova pass from the ovary down the oviduct, spermatozoa from the recepta- culum seminis and yolk and shell material from the vitelline receptacle pass with them into the ootype. Here each fertilized ovum and a number of yolk cells become surrounded by a shell to form an egg. The ootype is a modified portion of the oviduct in the region of the so-called shell gland or Mehlis' gland. The vitelline material which supplies both the yolk cells and the substance of the shell is produced in glandular bodies, the vitel- laria, usually distributed along the margins of the body and communicating with a vitelline receptacle by means of smaller tubules which combine to form two transverse ducts. Life Cycle.-As an illustration of the developmental cycle of the Digenea, that of the sheep-liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, has been chosen. The adult flukes live in the bile ducts of the sheep's liver where, by their presence and by their munching off portions of the lining of the ducts, they produce a diseased condition known as liver-rot. As eggs are discharged from the parent fluke, they pass down the bile duct into the intestine and out of the body of the host along with the feces. The embryo within the egg-shell develops into a small ciliated larva known as a miricidium (Fig. 65, A) which is released from the shell only when surrounding con- PHYLUM PLAT HELM! NT IIES 105 ditions are proper. In swampy ground or following a heavy dew or rain, this miricidium is enabled to swim in search of a suitable snail before the trematode can go further in its develop- ment. Upon coming in contact with a snail of suitable species, the miricidium makes use of a small boring spine on its anterior extremity to penetrate the soft tissues of the snail and comes to lie in the liver of the snail. Here it undergoes a transformation becoming a bag-shaped structure called a sporocyst (B). Repro- duction occurs within the sporocyst to form numerous individuals called rediae. Each redia (C) is a simply organized individual possessing a pharynx and tubular intestine in addition to a single birth pore through which young are dis- charged. Within each redia, develop either a new generation of rediae or individuals of another type termed cercariae. A cercaria (Z>) is a minute fluke which in addition to the rudimentary organs of the adult contains also a strongly developed posterior tail for locomo- tion. The cercariae leave the body of the snail and for a time are free- swimming creatures. Finally the cercaria crawls onto vegetation where after losing its tail it becomes surrounded by a calcareous cyst wall (E). In this condi- tion, it remains inactive until the plant bearing the cyst is taken into the stomach of a sheep or other suitable animal. Under the digestive action, the young fluke is liberated from the cyst and occurs free in the digestive tract. As it passes into the intestine, its chance of ever reaching maturity rests upon the discovery of the opening of the bile duct and migration through it into the liver. The successful individ- ual becomes established in the bile passages where after a few weeks of growth it has reached adult size and begins to produce eggs, thus closing the cycle. Fig. 65.-Stages in the develop- ment of the sheep liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica). A, miricidium; B, sporocyst; with rediae develop- ing internally; C, redia, with second generation of rediae and cercariae; D, free cercaria; E, encysted cercaria. (Mostly after Thomas'). 106 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY In so far as is known, a mollusc is essential for the develop- ment of all digenetic trematodes. Frequently, other hosts arc added, either as essential links in the life cycle or as facultative adaptations, until the complete developmental cycle involves a number of different species which act as host to a single parasite. Orders and Families.-The majority of the Digenea have a mouth at or near the anterior extremity surrounded by an oral sucker. These comprise the order Prosostomata. A few (order Gasterostomata, including the genus Bucephalus) have an anterior sucker which is not perforate and not associated with the mouth. In these, the mouth occurs near the middle of the body on the ventral surface. Numerous families representing a number of suborders are included in the Prosostomata of which the following are examples: Fasciola hepatica of sheep, Para- gonimus with several species from the lungs of man and other mammals, Clonorchis sinensis from the liver of man and other animals, Schistoma japonicum and other species from the blood stream of man. Class Cestoda Like the trematodes, all cestodes are parasitic but through fundamental structures show marked relationships with the less highly specialized representatives of this phylum. The only sure criterion for the separation of Cestoda from other parasitic flat worms is their entire lack of a digestive system. While the typical cestode is made up of a chain of segments or proglottids and a scolex for attachment to the host, there are some, the monozoic cestodes or Cestodaria, in which the body is composed of but a single unit. Though these latter are usually not more than a few millimeters in length the segmented forms frequently attain a length of several meters and may be divided into several thousand proglottids. The question of the orientation of the cestode body has never been decided with certainty. Many zoologists maintain that the scolex is the anterior extremity of the chain because here the chief nervous centers are found. Other investigators contend just as stolidly that since in development from the larval stage the scolex is at the posterior extremity of the larva this scolex must represent the morphological posterior extremity of the adult chain. Another question upon which there is just as radical division of opinion is that upon the determination of what constitutes an PHYLUM PLAT HELM IN THES 107 individual. Is the entire chain an individual or a colony of indi- viduals? Continuity of nervous and vascular systems through- out the chain with some modifications at the extremities not found in the individual proglottids presents evidences of unity of the entire chain. On the other hand, since the reproductive organs are about the only structures remaining in the proglottids, complete duplication of these in each proglottid gives support to the argument that each proglottid is an individual, groups of which have remained united to form a colony as a result of incom- plete separation following asexual reproduction to form the chain. That part of the strobila which is located between the scolex and the proglottids is frequently not divided into segments but as a more or less sharply defined region is termed the neck. This is the budding zone where new proglottids are being formed. Thus in age the scolex is the oldest then come the proglottids in order from the free extremity toward the neck. Few structures are evident in the neck and in the small proglottids most recently formed for there is a gradual and progressive development of the organs (organogenesis) representing all stages between the fully formed organs of the terminal proglottids and the merest traces of fundaments in the proglottids just behind the neck. The sexual organs of the terminal proglottid are the oldest and con- sequently mature first. Upon reaching full maturity, the gravid proglottids are frequently severed from the remainder of the strobila. In some forms (Ligula), there are no partitions between the proglottids but the organs are duplicated successively in an undivided body. A secondary strobilization is known to take place in some cestodes wherein the original proglottids undergo a secondary subdivision, each giving rise to a number of proglot- tids which may eventually separate as independent strobila one of which becomes modified as a pseudoscolex. Subclass Cestodaria The Cestodaria or monozoic cestodes rather closely resemble trematodes but the lack of digestive organs necessitates their inclusion as a subclass along with the true cestodes. There is no sharp differentiation between scolex and proglottids in the Ces- todaria and but one set of reproductive organs usually occurs in each individual. They occur in both marine and fresh-water hosts. Members of the genus Archigetes become mature in oligochaetes, Gyrocotyle in the spiral valve of elasmobranchs, 108 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY and Caryophyllaeus, Glaridacris, and Amphilina in the body cavity or digestive tract of fishes. The organ of attachment is variously modified. Subclass Cestoda (s. str.)1 The polyzoic cestodes include those tapeworms which have a scolex followed by a succession of organs usually divided in chain- fashion into a series of proglottids. Each proglottid is furnished with a complete set of reproductive organs (Fig. 66, B) and in some instances two sets occur in each. The male organs consist ofjrom one to more than a hundred testes embedded within the parenchyma and connected by vasa efferentia and vas deferens with the cirrus which communicates with the outside. The genital ducts of both sexes usually open in a common genital Fig. 66.-Diagrams showing the fundamental plan of organization of sexual organs in A, trematodes; B, cestodes. (Ong.) pore which is either on the lateral margin of the proglottid or on the ventral surface. When it is marginal there is no necessary- regularity in its disposition for in adjacent proglottids it may be either on the same or opposite margins. In cestodes which have two sets of genital organs, the pores occur on both lateral margins of each proglottid. The arrangement of the female organs differs greatly in the different genera. The vagina opens through the common genital 1 Sensu strictu indicates that a word is used in a limited or restricted sense. In this instance the word Cestoda is used for the entire class but in a restricted sense the same word is used to designate the true cestodes from the Cestodaria. PHYLUM PLATHELMINTHES 109 pore and in addition in some instances the uterus has an inde- pendent orifice to the exterior. A typical arrangement is as follows: The vagina, as it passes through the proglottid, bears a dilated portion for the storage of sperm cells called the recepta- culum seminis or seminal receptacle. As the duct continues beyond this receptaculum it receives two side branches, the oviduct which connects it with the ovary and the vitelline duct which communicates with the vitellaria or vitelline glands. The oviduct frequently bears a modification called the oocapt for forcing the eggs along their course. When eggs and spermatozoa meet, fertilization occurs. The fertilized eggs and the substance from the vitelline glands pass into a structure similar to the ootype of the trematodes in the region of the shell gland. Here shells are formed around the eggs which are then passed on into the uterus. In older proglottids, the uterus frequently develops egg-filled pouches which occupy practically the entire volume of the proglottid. Eggs are rarely discharged from the uterus for more frequently the entire egg-filled proglottid is liberated and carried out of the body of the host. The nervous and excretory systems extend the length of the strobila and parts in individual proglottids do not represent complete units. Ganglia located in the scolex send nerve trunks backward through the proglottids, usually as two lateral branches fairly close to the lateral margins of the body. Parallel to the longitudinal nerve trunks run the main canals of the excretory system. These in turn receive smaller canals the branches of which ramify through the parenchyma and terminate in flame-cells. Reproduction.-Several different methods of development occur in the Cestoda. Typically, the egg undergoes cleavage within the shell to form an embryo, bearing six minute hooks, called an onchosphere. The onchosphere may in some instances be provided with cilia for locomotion (Dibothriocephalus) but more frequently it is borne within embryonic membranes as an immotile body. Upon introduction into a suitable host, the onchosphere develops into a larval form differing with the various groups of the cestodes. Among the lower cestodes, this larva is a small solid body called a plerocercoid (Fig. 67, A). A larval stage called the cysticercus or bladderworm stage (C) is found among the higher cestodes. The name cysticercoid is 110 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY applied to larval forms (B) which seem to be intermediate between the plerocercoid and the cysticercus. As an illustration of cestode development the life cycle of Taenia saginata, the beef tapeworm of man, will be outlined. The mature individual of Taenia saginata occurs in the intestine of man. As the older proglottids become gravid, they become detached from the end of the chain and pass out of the body along with the feces. These isolated proglottids have indepen- dent powers of movement and may crawl away from the feces onto grass or other vegetation where they might be taken into the stomach of a grazing cow, along with the grass. In the stomach of the cow, the walls of the proglottid are digested away and the shells of the embryos open, thus liberating the onchospheres in the digestive cavity of the cow. Each oncho- sphere by the action of its hooks bores into the wall of the diges- Fig. 67.-Schematic drawings of cestode larvae. A, plerocercoid; B, cysticer- coid; C, cysticercus. (Orifif.) tive tract and may enter the blood stream by which it is carried to remote parts of the body. Especially in the muscular and connective tissues, the onchospheres come to rest and undergo a transformation to large sac-like structures, the cysticerci, each bearing an inverted scolex. Each cysticercus is surrounded by a cyst wall formed by the action of the surrounding host tissues. Here it lies without going further in its development unless introduced into the body of another animal which is suitable as a host. Cysticerci in thoroughly cooked infected beef are harmless. If beef containing the living cysticerci is eaten by man, the digestive action liberates the cysticercus from its confining cyst, the inturned scolex becomes everted and secures attachment to the lining of the alimentary canal of the new host. The scolex is not affected by the digestive processes of the host but the cyst appended to its free extremity disintegrates, leaving only the PHYLUM PLATHELMINTHES 111 scolex and neck which, through growth, produce the entire strobila. In some instances (Echinococcus, e.g.), the cysticercus under- goes an asexual reproductive cycle resulting in the formation of numerous cysticerci from a single onchosphere, each of which bears numerous scolices. In the foregoing the budding is internal but in some instances there is an external proliferation of buds or branches in irregular masses (S'parganum). Orders.-The scolex furnishes valuable characters for the recognition of the orders of Cestoda. In members of the order Pseudophyllidea, the scolex is usually provided with two longi- tudinal sucking grooves (Marsipometra, Bothriocephalus, Aboth- rium, Ligula) though in some instances these are highly modified (Bothrimonus) and occasionally are united to form an unpaired terminal adhesive organ (Cyathocephalus). The scolex in members of this order is usually unadorned except in Triaeno- phorus which bears conspicuous chitinous hooks and in the primary scolex of Haplobothrium which bears four proboscides, therein resembling the Trypanorhyncha, Members of the order Trypanorhyncha, which occur chiefly in the digestive tract of marine fishes, have a proboscis of varied form provided with four terminal, long, cylindrical proboscides covered with minute spines (Tetrahynchus). In the order Tetraphyllidea, are included cestodes with a scolex bearing four cup-like bothria or suckers and with each proglottid bearing numerous vitelline follicles (Proteocephalus, Corallobothrium). The order Cyclophyllidea includes forms having four cup-like or saucer-shaped suckers and usually a terminal organ between the suckers termed a rostellum. In this order, the vitellaria are usually posterior to the ovary and occur in a single compact mass. This order of numerous families includes most of the cestode parasites of the higher vertebrates (Taenia, Anaplocephala, Hymenolepis, Dipylidium, Davainea, and many other genera). Class Nemertinea The nemertines are usually included as a class under the Plathelminthes because of their agreement with other flatworms in: (1) structure of the nervous system, (2) presence of a pro- tonephridial excretory system, and (3) the strong development of the mesoderm which renders the body highly parenchymatous. On the other hand, they differ from other flatworms in: (1) the 112 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY specialization of a vascular system so that distribution of nourish ment is not cared for by a combined gastro-vascular system, (2) the development of an anal opening at the posterior extremity of the digestive tract, and (3) the presence of a closed sac, the proboscis sheath, which surrounds the proboscis and by some is considered as representing the beginning of a coelom. In attempting to show relationships with the coelomate animals, this last point is of considerable importance. Other workers have thought the cavities of the gonads of nemertines are really coelomic sacs. Nemertines are chiefly marine, living usually in burrows in mud or sand, and in some species attaining a length of 90 feet. Fig. 68.-Diagram of a nemertine. b, brain; c, ciliated pit; d, dorsal nerve trunk; di, dorsal blood vessel; g, gastric ceca; i, intestine; I, lateral nerve trunk; Iv, lateral blood-vessel; p, proboscis, retracted; pm, proboscis muscles; pv, proto- nephridial tube; po, its opening; ps, cavity of proboscis sheath. (After Kingsley, courtesy of Henry Holt and Co.) Some of the smaller forms inhabit fresh-water or live in moist soil. The body surface is ciliated and frequently brilliantly colored. Numerous mucus glands produce secretions which may form a tube within which the animal dwells. The body wall contains an outer circular and an inner longitudinal layer of muscles which are so effective that a worm which is 15 feet or more when fully extended may shorten to less than two feet in length. The proboscis (Fig. 68) is one of the most characteristic struc- tures of the nemertine. This is a hollow muscular tube turned into the body at the anterior extremity and when thus inverted extends far back through the body within a sac-like cavity called the proboscis sheath. By contraction of the fluid-filled sheath, the proboscis is everted and thrust out from the anterior part of the body. At the tip of the extruded proboscis, there is fre- quently a sharp-pointed stylet which, of course, is at the extreme PHYLUM PLATHELMINTHES 113 posterior end of the proboscis when it is retracted and inverted within the sheath. Retraction of the everted proboscis is accom- plished by means of a retractor muscle which runs from the tip of the proboscis to the base of the sheath. Abundant nerve supply indicates that the proboscis is highly tactile. The mouth is located at the anterior extremity of the body or just ventral to the opening of the proboscis sheath. The tubular ectodermal esophagus opens into the tubular intestine (mesen- teron) which usually has paired lateral diverticula along its course to the anus. The anus may be either at the posterior extremity or in some instances the digestive tract does not enter the tail region. Reproduction.-The sexes are usually separate. The gonads, which are lateral in position occur between the intestinal diver- ticula. Each ovary or spermary is a sac-like organ which usually opens on the dorsal surface by a pore. Both eggs and sperma- tozoa are discharged from the body through the pores and fertilization takes place outside the body of the worm. Cleavage of the fertilized egg usually results in the formation of a helmet- shaped larva known as the pilidium. Cilia occur on the lapets at the lower margins of this larva and also in a patch at the opposite pole known as the apical plate. The apical plate is the chief nervous center of the larva. Development of the adult from this larva involves a complicated metamorphosis. By the growth of two infoldings of the ectoderm, a part of the body containing the digestive system of the larva is surrounded and cut off from the remainder of the body. In later development, these ectodermal infoldings form the body wall of the adult worm and only the parts of the larva enclosed by them are utilized in the production of the young worm for the remainder of the larva is cast off during the metamorphosis. In some instances, development is direct, without involving the pilidium while in still others a reduced creeping pilidium, frequently termed Desor's larva, takes its place. Vascular System.-Typically, the vascular system has three main longitudinal trunks, two lateral and a median dorsal vessel which lies between the intestine and the proboscis sheath. Transverse loops connect the two lateral vessels. The fluid contained in this system is usually colorless. This is the first instance in the animal kingdom where the function of distribution is taken over by an independent system for in lower forms the 114 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY functions of digestion and distribution are performed by a gastrovascular system. Excretory System.-The excretory system consists of two longitudinal tubules which run parallel to the lateral vessels of the circulatory system and through their course give off small branches which terminate in flame-cells. Either a single pore or several pores communicate with the exterior. Nervous System.-The central nervous system consists of a pair of ganglia from which two lateral and one median dorsal nerve pass backward through the body. Details of structure and arrangement of the nerve trunks differ considerably in the different orders. In some instances (Protonemertini), the nervous system remains in the superficial layers of the body external to the musculature. A pair of ciliated grooves on the sides of the head, frequently called cerebral organs, are closely connected with the brain and have a sensory function. Eyes and tactile organs are usually developed. Orders^-Four orders of nemertines are usually recognized. The nerve cords in members of the order Protonemertini are outside of the muscular layers. In members of the order Mesonemertini, they are among the muscle cells, while in the Heteronemertini and Metanemertini they are embedded in the parenchyma internal to the muscular layers. In the hetero- nemertines, the muscles are arranged in three or more layers while in the other three orders two muscle layers are character- istic. Stylets at the tip of the proboscis occur only in the Metanemertini. References (See general references cited at close of Chapter I) Braun, M. 1879-1893. Trematodes. Bronn's Klassen u. Ordnungen d. Tierreichs, Vol. 4. . 1894-1900. Cestodes. ibid, Vol. 4: 927-1732. Burger, O. 1890. "Untersuchungen uber die Anatomie und Histologie der Nemertinen. Zeitschr. f. Wissensch. Zool., 1: 1-277. ■ . 1897-1907. Nemertini. Bronn's Klassen u. Ordnungen d. Tierreichs, Vol. 4, supplement. Curtis, W. C. 1902. The Life History, the Normal Fission, and the Reproductive Organs of Planaria maculata. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 30: 515-559. Cooper, A. R. 1919. North American Pseudophyllidean Cestodes from Fishes. Ill. Biol. Monogr., 4, No. 4. von Graff, L. 1882-1899. Monographic der Turbellarien. Leipzig. PH YL UM PL A THELMINTHES 115 . 1904-1908. Turbellaria. I. Abt. Acoela und Rhabdocoelida. Bronn's Klassen u. Ordnungen d. Tierreichs, Vol. 4. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1883. On the ancestral forms of chordata. Quart. Jour. Mier. Sci., 23: 349-368. . 1887. Report on the Nemertea. Report Challenger, Zool., Vol. 19. Lang, A. 1884. Die Polycladen des Golfes von Neapel. Fauna u. Flora des Golfes von Neapel., 11 Monograph. La Rue, G. R. 1914. A Revision of the Cestode Family Proteocephalidae, Illinois Biol. Monographs, Vol. 1, Nos. 1 and 2. Leuckart, R. 1863. Menschlichen Parasiten und die von ihnen her- ruhrenden Krankheiten, Leipzig. . 1879-1889. Die Parasiten des Menschen. Leipzig u. Heidel- berg. Looss, A. 1894. Die Distomen unserer fische und frosche. Biblioth. Zool., 16: 1-296. Morgan, T. H. 1898. Studies on the regeneration of Planaria maculata. Arch. f. Entw.-mech. d. Org., 7: 364-397. Pratt, H. S. 1900 and 1902. Synopsis of North American Invertebrates, XII, The Trematodes. Amer. Nat., 34: 645-662 and 36: 887-910. Ransom, B. H. 1913. Cysticercus ovis, the cause of tapeworm cysts in mutton. Jour. Agr. Research, 1: 15-58. . 1920. Synopsis of the Trematode Family Heterophyidae. Proc. U. S. Natl. Museum, 57: 327-573. Silliman, W. A. 1885. Beobachtungen uber die Siisswasser-Turbelarien Nord-Amerikas. Zeitschr. f. Wissensch. Zool., 41: 48-78. Stiles, C. W. 1898. The Flukes and Tapeworms of Cattle, Sheep, and Swine with special reference to Inspection of Meats. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. An. Ind., Bull. 19. - . 1904. Illustrated key to the trematode parasites of man. U. S. Hygienic Lab., Bull., 17. Thomas, A. P. 1883. The Life History of the Liver-Fluke (Fasciola hepatica). Quart. Jour. Mier. Sci., 23: 99-133. Ward, H. B. 1895. The parasitic worms of man and the domestic animals. Ann. Rep. Nebraska Bd. Agr., 1894: 225-348. . 1903 and 1908. Data for the determination of human entozoa. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc., 24: 103-138 and 28: 177-201. Wilhelmi, J. 1909. Die Tricladen des Golfes von Neapel. Fauna u. Flora des Golfes von Neapel, 32 Monograph. Wilson, C. B. 1900. Habits and Early Development of Cerebratuhis lacteus. Quart. Jour. Mier. Sci., 43: 97-198. CHAPTER VII PHYLUM NEMATHELMINTHES The Nemathelminthes or round worms are thread-like or cylin- drical worms which have a body cavity and lack segmentation. Since the splanchnic layer of the mesoderm is wanting, the body cavity is not a true coelom but is termed a pseudocoel. Three classes are usually recognized as belonging to this phylum, the Nematoda, the Gordiacea, and the Acanthocephala. There is considerable doubt as to the correct location of the Acantho- cephala in the system for evidences indicating flat worm relation- ships are not wanting. The three classes differ so fundamentally in structure that it seems best to offer individual treatment of the groups rather than discuss characteristics of the phylum further. Class Nematoda The nematodes or nemas, as they are frequently called, have characteristically elongated, cylindrical bodies covered by a resistant cuticula. They occupy almost every conceivable habitat capable of supporting life. Fresh-water, marine, and soil-inhabiting species are extremely numerous and as parasites both of plants and of animals they are of high importance. In length, they range from a fraction of a millimeter to more than a meter. There are no appendages and no segmentation though in some free-living forms striations, cuticular scales, or bristles may give a superficial appearance of segmentation. Histology.-In section, the body wall is seen to be composed of an external non-cellular layer, the cuticula, directly beneath which lies the subcuticula or hypoderm. A layer of partially differentiated muscular cells lines the outer wall of the body cav- ity and comprises the chief bulk of the body wall. Each of these epithelio-muscular cells has only a small portion of its bulk differ- entiated into contractile substance lying next to the subcuticula, while the remainder of the cytoplasm containing the nucleus, protrudes as a rounded mass into the body cavity. 116 PHYLUM NEMATHELMINTHES 117 This muscular layer is not a continuous lining of the body cavity for it is interrupted by slight breaks in four regions which are designated as the dorsal, ventral, and lateral lines. The fairly conspicuous thickening of the subcuticula which stands in the middle of each lateral surface is known as a lateral line. Less pronounced intrusions of the sub- cuticula occur also in the mid- dorsal and mid-ventral lines. In the lateral lines, are borne the ducts of the excretory system. Near the anterior extremity of the body, these are united and communicate with the exterior through a single excretory pore on the ventral surface of the body. Fig. 69.-The nervous system of a nematode. {After Brandes). Fig. 70. - Semi-diagrammatic drawing of a female free-living nematode. {After Jdgerski&ld). In the dorsal and ventral lines, are found the two main longitu- dinal nerve trunks (Fig. 69) which connect with a nerve ring near the anterior extremity of the body. From this same ring, are 118 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY given off a number of smaller longitudinal branches some extending forward and others a short distance backward. Digestive System.-The digestive system is practically a straight tube (Fig. 70) with a mouth at the anterior extremity and the anus on the ventral surface slightly in front of the posterior tip. The mouth is usually surrounded by lip-like organs and, in the case of parasitic forms, frequently bears chitinized structures for grappling hold of the host tissues. Behind the mouth, there frequently occurs a muscular esophagus with an especially conspicuous pharyngeal bulb. The stomach-intestine continues posteriorly from the esophagus as a usually flattened tube. In the male, the genital ducts open into the posterior region of the digestive tube which is thus transformed into a cloaca. Reproductive Organs.-The male is usually recognizable by its smaller size and frequently by the more pointed and curved posterior extremity from the cloaca of which copulatory spicules are frequently protruded. Reproductive organs in the two sexes are very simple in structure for normally they consist of a gonoduct which is directly continuous with the gonad. This tube in the male is usually single, while in the female (Fig. 70) it is frequently bifurcated with the opening of the single vagina occurring on the ventral surface of the body. In some forms, the ducts and gonads are extremely long and coiled throughout the greater part of the length of the body while in others they are a single straight rod. Method of Reproduction.-Nematodes reproduce only sexu- ally. Eggs are fertilized within the oviduct of the female and are discharged either before development has proceeded far or are retained until the young are fully developed. In some instances, the eggs are not layed but are retained in the body of the female until the young have left the egg membranes and are thus brought forth viviparously. Parthenogenesis occurs in some instances, as mentioned below. Life Cycle.-A number of extremely interesting and important facts are connected with the developmental cycle of the parasitic nematodes. Some species are parasitic throughout their entire life (Trichinella, and blood Filariae) while many are free-living for at least part of their existence (hookworms as larvae, Mermis as adults). Still others are facultative parasites living either free or parasitic as opportunities are offered. Of this last condi- PHYLUM NEMATHELMINTHES 119 tion, Angiostoma nigrovenosum serves as an excellent example. The young of this species live in mud where they undergo sexual reproduction, both males and females being found. Larvae pro- duced by these sexual individuals may continue to produce in the same manner as the parents or in case they find their way into the lungs of a frog they become established as parasites and develop only parthenogenetically. The parthenogenetic eggs pass out with the feces and in the mud again pass through the dioe- cious phase of the life cycle as free individuals. The Ascaris which occurs in the intestine of hogs is not distin- guishable from the Ascaris lumbricoides of the human. Until very recently it has been assumed that infestation by this species is by direct introduction of the young into the digestive tract of a new host individual where it becomes established immediately. Recent investigations have demonstrated that the larvae of these ascarids, when introduced into the digestive tract of a new host individual, undergo extensive migration through the organs and tissues of the body, reaching the final position only after having passed by way of the circulatory system into the lungs. Heavy infestations by these larvae cause serious pulmonary disorders as the larvae penetrate the lung tissues and travel by way of the respiratory passages into the mouth and down the digestive tract to the intestine where they reach maturity. Extensive migrations are also carried on in the body of the host by the hookworms (Ancylostoma of the old world and Necator of the new world). The adult worms, which cause very serious loss of blood and affect the entire body of the host, occur in the intestine of man where the thin-shelled eggs are produced and eliminated along with fecal matter. In the soil, the young worms hatch and feed for a while on the fecal matter. A new skin forms beneath the old one, which is finally shed, and the larva enters upon the second period of its life. After another molt, the larva is ready to infest a new host individual. This it does by either entering the body along with contaminated water or food or by active penetration of the skin. Hands and feet are the chief inroad for the larvae which attack the skin exposed to the soil and follow along hair follicles or between epidermal scales to the lymph spaces. Once in the lymph stream they are carried passively to the subclavian, thence to the heart, and on with the blood stream to the lungs. Here the larvae leave the capillaries, enter the air sacs, and wander through the bronchi, up 120 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY the trachea into the esophagus, and down through the stomach to the intestine where they become attached to the wall by means of their specially adapted sucking mouth. About seven to ten weeks from the time the larva enters the skin, eggs begin to appear in the feces indicating that the worms have reached maturity and the life cycle is thus completed. Still a different condition is found in the life cycle of Trichinella spiralis. There are two distinct stages in the parasitism by this worm, the sexually mature worm which occurs in the digestive tract and the encysted larvae in the muscles. Both sexes occur in the intestine of man and of other mammals of which the pig and rats are the most important hosts. The gravid female pierces the wall of the intestine with her posterior extremity. With the genital pore inserted in a lacteal vessel, the young are liberated and carried by the lymph and blood streams into the tissues of the host's body. It is not known to what extent this migration is active or passive. Upon reaching muscular tissue, the larvae become encysted and all further development is contingent upon the muscles containing the encysted larvae being introduced into the digestive system of some other mammal, for the larvae have no independent means of ever leaving the body of the host individual which sheltered the mature female in its intestine. The chief source of the adult worms in the human intestine is from the larvae encysted in pork, while the hog in turn receives its intestinal form through eating the viscera of other hogs in slaughter yards or from eating rats which have become infested. Blood-inhabiting nematodes such as the Filariae are often carried from one host to another through the bite of blood-sucking insects. Some species which cause elephantiasis through the occlusion of blood and lymph vessels are carried by mosquitoes. There are numerous species of free-living nematodes represent- ing many genera. In the genus Iota the body is covered with scales which give it a superficial appearance of segmentation. Tylenchus, Dorylaimus, Mermis, and Rhabditis are names of characteristic genera of free-living nematodes though species in some of these genera may be parasitic. Class Gordiacea Superficially, the Gordiacea resemble the nematodes but in finer details of structure they have little in common with them. PHYLUM NEMATHELMINTHES 121 The adults live free in the water where the females lay strings of eggs which develop into small larvae. These larvae enter the body of some insect where they undergo development to the adult body form. The "hair-snakes," so commonly found in watering troughs and in ponds and streams, are the adults of Gordiacea which have escaped from the bodies of crickets or other insects. They bear no lateral lines and the nearly cylindrical body with blunt anterior extremity and irregularly roughened cuticula serve to differentiate the Gordiacea from the nematodes. Gordius, Paragordius, and Chordodes are genera in this class. Class Acanthocephala The Acanthocephala are absolutely parasitic in habits. As adults they occur normally in the digestive tract of vertebrates. The first larval host is practically always an arthropod, though young individuals have been found frequently in other hosts which probably act as intermediate hosts. In the digestive tract of the vertebrate, the acanthocephalan has an elongated flattened body form but upon removal to water or killing fluids the liquids distend the body to cylindrical form. One of the most characteristic structures is the proboscis (Fig. 71, A) at the anterior extremity of the body bearing hooks for grappling into the host tissues. This proboscis is frequently capable of inver- sion into the anterior extremity of the body inside an organ termed the proboscis receptacle or sheath. The body wall is composed of an external layer of cuticula which overlies a syncitial mass called the subcuticula. This subcuticula forms by far the greatest bulk of the animal and is provided with a few rounded giant nuclei, finely dendritic nuclei, or numerous small nuclei. Two muscle layers, one with the fibers directed longitudinally and the other circularly, mark the internal limit of the body wall and bound the body cavity. At the anterior extremity of the body proper, two organs of variable shape and of undetermined function, the lemnisci, extend into the body cavity alongside the proboscis receptacle, apparently as continuations of the subcuticula. The central nervous system consists of a single ganglionic mass within the proboscis receptacle. In the different genera, this occupies a position varying from the posterior extremity of the receptacle to a point near the anterior end of the receptacle. 122 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Small branches are given off to the surrounding organs and usually a pair of structures called the retinacula pass through the wall of the receptacle out to the body wall. Internal Organization.-Inversion of the proboscis is accom- plished by a pair of invertor muscles which run from the tip of the Fig. 71.-Morphology of the Acanthocephala. A, general organization of male of Acanthocephalus ranae (Schr.); B, interior of caudal extremity of a young female of Neoechinorhynchus emydis, showing genital tract. (After Van Cleave'). proboscis to the base of the receptacle through which they con- tinue and pass on through the body cavity to an insertion on the body wall as the retractors of the receptacle. PHYLUM NEMATHELMINTHES 123 A sheath passes backward from the posterior extremity of the proboscis receptacle as the suspensory ligament which holds the reproductive organs in place. The male organs consist of a pair of testes and a group of cement glands which communicate with the cirrus. The cirrus is contained within an evertible structure at the posterior end of the body known as the copulatory bursa. When protruded, this is a bell-shaped structure in the center of which the cirrus is located. In the female, there is no persistent gonad. Egg masses are formed very early and after fertilization these are broken up into individual embryos each of which becomes surrounded by a series of three embryonic membranes. The hard-shelled embryos thus formed are usually ovoid or spindle-shaped in form. The embryos are held for some time within the body cavity of the female which becomes filled with them. Finally, they are dis- charged through an apparatus known as the selective apparatus (Fig. 71, B) which passes them down the uterus and out of the genital pore. All classes of vertebrates harbor these parasites. Macracan- thorhynchus hirudinaceus found in hogs is one the most commonly known species. The genera Echinorhynchus and Neoechinor- hynchus are represented by several species in American fishes. Several genera, including numerous species, infest the intestines of birds and mammals. The genus Moniliformis occurs normally in rodents but is also at least a facultative parasite of man. ' References (See general references cited at close of Chapter I) Cobb, N. A. 1914. The North American free-living fresh-water Nema- todes. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc., 33: 69-134. . 1915. Nematodes and their Relationships. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook for 1914: 457-490. Hall, M. C. 1916. Nematode Parasites of Mammals. Proc. IL S. Natl. Museum, 50: 1-258. Hamann, O. 1891 and 1895. Die Nemathelminthen. Jena. Kaiser, J. E. 1893. Die Acanthocephalen und ihre Entwickelung. Biblioth. ZooL, 7: 1-136. Looss, A. 1905 and 1911. The anatomy and life history of Agchylostoma duodenale, Dub., a monograph. Cairo. Luhe, M. 1911. Acanthocephalen. Die Siisswasserfauna Deutschlands, Heft 16. Jena. Martini, E. 1916. Die Anatomie der Oxyuris curvula. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. ZooL, 114: 137-543. 124 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY May, H. G. 1920. Contributions to the life histories of Gordius robustus Leidy and Paragordius varius (Leidy). Illinois Biol. Monogr., Vol. 5, No. 2. Montgomery, T. H., Jr. 1903. The Adult Organization of Paragordius varius. Zool. Jahrb., 18: 387-474. Ransom, B. H. and Schwartz, B. 1919. Effects of heat on Trichinae. Jour. Agr. Research, 17: 201-221. Ransom, B. H. and Foster, W. D. 1920. Observations on the Life History of Ascaris lumbricoides. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bull. 817. Stiles, C. W. 1903. Report upon the Prevalence and Geographic Distribution of Hookworm Disease (Uncinariasis or Anchylostomiasis) in the United States. U. S. Hygienic Lab. Bull. 10. Van Cleave, H. J. 1919. Acanthocephala from the Illinois River, with descriptions of species and a synopsis of the family Neoechinorhynchidae. Ill. Nat. Hist. Survey, Bull. 13: 225-257. CHAPTER VIII PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES Many of the higher invertebrates in their development pass through a larval stage known as the trochophore. In most instances where a trochophore is involved, it later by a meta- morphosis gives rise to an adult animal which in organization is fundamentally different from the simple larva. There are, however, a few organisms which in their adult state are not essentially different from the trochophore type of organization. The most characteristic of these is the group of the Rotifera. In addition to the rotifers, there is a small group of minute fresh-water organisms known as the Gastrotricha which are in some respects similar to the Rotifera. These two groups are united to form a phylum to which the name Trochelminthes is frequently applied. By some, representatives of this phylum are thought to repre- sent precociously mature larvae, or an instance of what might be termed phylopaedogenesis. Class Rotifera The Rotifera, or wheel animalcules, are microscopic animals which in fundamental structure closely resemble the trochophore. In size and superficial appearance, they might be mistaken for Protozoa and were so considered by many of the early workers. Close observation reveals in them miniature organ systems and demonstrates their true metazoan natures. Most rotifers live in fresh-water though a few dwell in seas. No body of water is too large or too small for them for tiny temporary pools frequently support a varied fauna of these minute organisms. Many are capable of withstanding desiccation and one type of eggs is highly resistant. These two facts go far toward explaining the prac- tically cosmopolitan distribution of many species for the dried individuals or eggs could be transported great distances or might even be carried by the winds. Gross Morphology.-The body, which is extremely variable in shape, usually consists of a trunk and a tail. The anterior 125 126 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY extremity of the trunk is usually modified to form a structure known as the trochal disc (Fig. 72) which is one of the most characteristic structures of the rotifers. This disc bears cilia in highly variable arrangement and is capable of retraction within the anterior region of the trunk. The mobile posterior extremity is usually recognizable as a tail with some sort of adaptation for Fig. 72.-A rotifer, Hydatina senta, viewed from ventral surface. (Ori'g.) attachment, though in many forms (Asplanchna, Pedalion, etc.) this is lacking. Individuals of some species are permanently attached. In this case (Melicerta, Floscularia), they may secrete a tube or may form a case, partly of foreign matter, within which the rotifer can withdraw when disturbed. In free-swimming forms, the trochal disc is the chief organ of locomotion though at PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES 127 times the rotifer may loop along like a leech and in some instances outgrowths from the body wall form hollow limb-like appendages (as in Pedalion) by means of which the animal skips through the water. Trochal Disc.-The plan of ciliation of the trochal disc is usually reducible to various modifications of one or two bands of cilia. In the simplest condition, a single circle of cilia edges the margin of the circular disc. Distortion of this circle at certain points results in the formation of either blunt ciliated lobes (Floscularia) or long ciliated arms (Stephanoceros) but in each of these instances the cilia are arranged in a single continu- ous row. In many instances, a second band of cilia is introduced parallel to the first and in some of these also the ciliated bands may become lobed. Almost always when two rows of cilia are present the mouth occurs between the two on the ventral surface of the disc. In Trochosphaera, which lacks a trochal disc, there is an equatorial preoral circle of cilia with a few cilia postoral in distribution. This condition, as well as the general internal organization of Trochosphaera, corresponds very closely to conditions found in the trochophore larvae of higher inverte- brates. It is because of this close agreement, that some contend that rotifers phylogenetically represent trochophore larvae which have attained full sexual development precociously. Digestive System.-The digestive system comprises a mouth located on the ventral surface of the trochal disc, an esophagus with its elaborate mastax for triturating food, a stomach and an intestine which opens near the posterior extremity through an anus. The mastax is highly characteristic of the rotifers, but is subject to considerable modifiability of form. In many instances, there are three heavily chitinized parts discernable; an incus and two mallei, but either of these elements may be wanting. By action of the muscular esophageal wall, the parts of the mastax are worked together as an effective crushing organ which reduces the food ready for digestion, when it passes on into the stomach. A pair of digestive glands is usually associated with the stomach. Both the stomach and intestine are lined with cilia. In the genus Asplanchna, the stomach ends blindly for there is no intestine. Excretory System.-Coiled nephridial tubes lying in the body cavity bear flame-cells at the ends of their lateral branches. These excretory tubules discharge their waste into the cloaca. 128 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Nervous System.-A single ganglion, usually located in the anterior dorsal region of the body, gives off nerves to the sur- rounding organs and from it a pair of lateral nerve trunks pass posteriorly to the tail. One or more simple pigment spots, and sometimes more complicated eyes, are often associated with the brain and aside from tactile hairs represent about the only development of sensory apparatus. Reproduction.-Rotifers are bisexual, though usually the male is much reduced and in some instances has never been observed. At times, the male lives as a parasite on the female. Since they have no digestive organs, many males are very short lived. In describing rotifer structure, the body of the female is considered as typical. Most rotifers are oviparous or ovoviviparous, though some (Asplanchna, Philodina) are viviparous. Partheno- genetic development as commonly found here frequently .involves two different sizes of eggs, of which the larger produce only females and the smaller only males. Insemination of the female to produce fertilized eggs seems to be accomplished by perfora- tion of the body wall at any point to introduce spermatozoa into the body cavity. Fertilized eggs thus produced differ from the parthenogenetic eggs in the possession of heavy, resistant shells, and are designated as winter eggs. Sexual Organs.-The female organs usually consist of a single ovary (two in Philodina) and a vitellarium of highly variable form, though in a few cases there are two gonads with no dis- tinction between ovary and vitellarium. In parthenogenetic development, the young are produced within the body of the female and are usually liberated by rupture of the body wall of the parent. Winter eggs are usually carried inside the body some time before they are discharged through the oviduct and then lie dormant for a period before the young are hatched. Organiza- tion of the male is frequently simple, due to the degeneration of the digestive organs which occur as degenerate strings of tissue, near the posterior region of which the male gonad is attached. A special copulatory organ in the form of a protrusible cirrus is often present. Nuclear Constancy.-For a number of rotifers, it has been shown that each organ is built of a fixed number of cells or at least contains a constant number of nuclei. An especially thorough study along this line has been published by Eric Martini for Hydatina senta, each individual of which contains a total of 959 PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES 129 nuclei distributed in fixed numbers through the various organs and tissues of the body. Class Gastrotricha Though the Gastrotricha are here included as a class along with the Rotifera under the phylum Trochelminthes, their relationships with the rotifers are far from firmly established. Some zoologists maintain that the Gastro- tricha are more directly related to the Nematoda. They are rarely more than 0.5 mm. in size and though they occur relatively frequently in protozoan and rotifer cultures, their small size and rapid movements render close examination difficult. Though widely distributed, they are restricted to fresh-water. In most instances, there is a head set off from the body proper by a slight constric- tion. The body is flattened on the ventral surface and convex on the dorsal. The ventral surface is furnished with two longi- tudinal bands of cilia near the median line, by the action of which locomotion is accom- plished. The body proper may be either smooth or covered with plates, spines, or bristles. The mouth, which is borne at the anterior extremity of the head, is usually surrounded by a circle of delicate oral bristles. In addition, there are frequently lobes on the sides of the head from which groups of sensory hairs protrude. The internal organization (Fig. 73) is rela- tively simple. The digestive tract runs as a straight tube through the axis of the body. In the body musculature, only a few longi- tudinal strands of muscle but no circular muscles have been demonstrated. The brain occupies much of the head region. The excretory organs are protonephridia. Only females are known, yet it is uncertain whether these are truly parthenogenetic or are hermaphroditic and the male gonads have never been observed. The ovary occupies the Fig. 73.-Chaeton- otus maximus, one of the Gastrotricha, in ventral view. Ex, kid- ney; M, muscles; B, brain; E, egg; O, esoph- agus; I, intestine; Ov, ovary. X400. (After Zelinka, from Ward and Whipple's Fresh-water Biology, reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) 130 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY posterior region of the body cavity and as fully formed eggs push anteriorly in the body cavity they frequently distort the shape of the gravid female. Chaetonotus and Lepidoderma are the most representative genera in the North American fauna. References (See general references cited at close of Chapter I) Harring, H. K. 1913. Synopsis of the Rotatoria. U. S. Nat. Museum, Bull. 81. Hudson, C. F. and Gossfi, P. H. 1889. The Rotifera or Wheel Animal- cules. London. Jennings, H. S. 1896. The Early Development of Asplanchna Herrickii DeGuerne. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, Vol. 30, No. 1. . 1900. Rotatoria of the United States with Especial Reference to those of the Great Lakes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 19: 67-104. Martini, E. 1912. Studien uber die Konstanz histologischer Elemente, III. Hydatina senta. Zeitschr. f. Wissensch. Zool., 102: 425-645. Shull, A. F. 1918. Effect of environment upon inherited characters in Hydatina senta. Biol. Bull., 34: 335-350. Stokes, A. C. 1887. Observations on Chaetonotus. The Microscope, 7: 1-9, 33-43. . 1896. Aquatic Microscopy for Beginners. 3d. Ed.: 178-193. CHAPTER IX PHYLUM COELHELMINTHES (ANNELIDA) The Coelhelminthes or Annelida comprise a number of worm- like forms which possess a coelom and are usually segmented. This group contains many of the forms included under the "Vermes" of Linnaeus and other early workers. It has been said frequently that the "Vermes" constituted a waste basket into which forms which could not be placed elsewhere were dumped. Much of the advance in modern classification of the animal kingdom has centered around the recognition of groups of worm-like forms bearing common characteristics and establish- ing for them rank as independent phyla and classes. Thus the Plathelminthes, Nemathelminthes, Molluscoidea, and Trochel- minthes have been removed from the old group "Vermes" and each has been elevated to the rank of an independent phylum. There yet remains an assemblage of segmented worms, arrow worms, and gephyrean worms which seem to have enough features in common to warrant their retention for the present in a single major group of the animal kingdom. These forms, which collectively are known as the Coelhelminthes, agree in possession of a coelom and in the general type of the nervous system. An excretory system is lacking in members of the class Chaetognathi and in some representatives of the other groups, but character- istically a metanephridial system is found. The Gephyrea, which lack segmentation, agree with the typical annelids in passing through a larval stage known as a trochophore. Class Chaetognathi The chaetognaths, or arrow-worms, are small forms with body shape admirably adapted for life at the surface of the ocean where they move about with great rapidity in search for food. The body is divided into three segments; head, trunk, and tail. Each of these divisions is separated from adjoining segments by a transverse septum and a longitudinal mesentery divides each coelomic cavity into a right and a left part. From the sides of 131 132 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY the head (Fig. 74) there extend a series of bristles which act as jaws in seizing prey, hence the name Chaetognathi, or bristle jaws. In preserved specimens, these jaws are frequently folded close against the sides of the head. Locomotion is accomplished by horizontal extensions of the body called fins, surrounding the tail and occurring as one or two pairs of lateral fins on the trunk. The central nervous system consists of a cerebral ganglion on the dorsal surface of the esopha- gus which is connected with a ventral ganglion near the middle of the trunk by two long esophageal connectives. A pair of eyes lie close behind the brain with which they are connected by a pair of nerves. Papillae scattered over the surface of the body probably have a tactile function. A peculiarly modified region o n the dorsal surface just behind the head has been inter- preted as olfactory. The individuals are her- maphroditic. Ovaries occur in the posterior part of the trunk cavity and communicate with the exterior through an oviduct on each side which opens laterally near the posterior extremity of the trunk segment. The testes are contained in the coelomic cavities of the tail segment. Sper- matozoa, liberated directly into the cavity, are carried out through a delicate sperm duct which is frequently dilated near its extremity to form a seminal vesicle. In development, the fertilized egg undergoes cleavage to form a typical gastrula. Two lateral folds of the entoderm extend down into the archenteron dividing this cavity into three parts. Of these, the two lateral cavities, lying between each fold and the body wall, later become the coelomic cavities, while the central space between the two folds constitutes the mesenteron. During the gastrula stage, two entoderm cells opposite the blasto- pore become recognizable as the rudiments of the gonads. By a single division, these two cells form two pairs of which the Fig. 74.-Head of Sagitta showing bristle- like jaws extended. (Orig.) PHYLUM COELHELMINTHES (ANNELIDA) 133 anterior pair later forms the female gonads and the posterior pair the male gonads. Sagitta, the arrow-worm, is the most characteristic genus of the Chaetognathi of which Spadella and Krohnia are other recognized genera. Class Chaetopoda The Chaetopoda are among the most characteristic of Coel- helminthes. Metamerism is sharply marked. The coelom is divided into successive chambers by transverse septa which correspond with the external constrictions of the body wall and even internal organs such as nervous, excretory, and circulatory systems bear the marks of metamerism. Most of the segments bear bristles or setae which, by their number and arrangement, give a basis for classification into subclasses. In the Polychaeta, the setae occur in outgrowths of the body wall called parapodia which function in locomotion. The digestive system, though a straight tube, usually shows specialization into regions. The mouth typically lies on the ventral surface very near the anterior extremity beneath the terminal somite called the prostomium. In the two subclasses, the prostomium is highly variable in degree of specialization. Among the Oligochaeta it is frequently a small, inconspicuous lobe with generalized sense organs similar to those found on other segments of the body while among the Polychaeta it more frequently bears highly specialized tactile organs and eyes. The circulatory system consists of at least two main longi- tudinal trunks, one dorsal and the other ventral, connected by lateral vessels in each segment. Frequently, additional longi- tudinal vessels occur. Some of the lateral vessels in the anterior region of the body are specialized as pumping organs or hearts. These, with the dorsal vessel, propel the blood through the system by their pulsations. The central nervous system consists of a ventral chain with a ganglion in each segment. This chain, which is really composed of two fused cords, frequently shows its double nature in its ladder-like appearance and in cross-section the arrangement of cells and fibers give still further evidence. In the anterior region of the body, the two cords separate to pass around the pharynx on the dorsal surface of which occurs the largest ganglion, called the suprapharyngeal ganglion or brain. 134 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Excretion is by means of metanephridia in the adults and protonephridia in larvae of forms which have the trochophore. Characteristically, each somite is provided with a pair of meta- nephridia the funnel or nephrostome of each of which is attached to the posterior septum while the tubule penetrates the septum and passes into the cavity of the adjacent somite before opening to the outside through the nephridiopore. Modified nephridial Fig. 75.-Different relations of nephridia and sexual ducts in chaetopods {after Goodrich'). I, hypothetical primitive condition, gonoducts and protone- phridium independent; II, ciliated grooves discharge into duct of protonephri- dium as in Phyllodoceids and Goniads; III, ciliated grooves and metanephridium open independently as in Dasybranchus; IV, ciliated grooves open into canal of metanephridium as in Syllids, Spionids, etc. {From Hertwig's Manual of Zoology by Kingsley, courtesy of Henry Holt and Co.) ducts (Fig. 75) are frequently utilized for the discharge of the germ cells. Primitively, separate ducts called ciliated grooves or coelomoducts serve for the discharge of the germ cells but these frequently become associated with the nephridia, the tubules of which then becomes the gonoducts. Embryology.-Annelid eggs undergo cleavage of determinate type which results in the formation of a definite pattern in the arrangement of the blastomeres. From polar view the cells are arranged in the form of a cross. So characteristic is this pattern (Fig. 10) that the term "annelidan cross" has been applied to PHYLUM COELHELMINTHES {ANNELIDA) 135 it. Later development results in the formation of a trochophore except in fresh-water and terrestrial forms. The structure and transformation of this larva will be described later. Asexual reproduction is not uncommon. In some forms, there is but slight specialization of the individual somites. This condition, known as homonomous metamerism, facilitates asexual repro- duction and frequently leads to the formation of a chain of individuals through the differentiation of the metameres of a single worm. Dimorphism.-Among the polychaetes, two different types of individuals are frequently encountered in the same species, the atoke or sexless and the epitoke or sexual individual. Before their relation- ships were understood, these phases have been frequently considered as distinct species and even as different genera. Some forms which reproduce only sexu- ally have immature young atokes which develop from the larva and undergo con- pi cuous changes to the epitoke form upon approach of sexual maturity. The "Heteronereis" and "Nereis" forms in species of the genus Nereis illustrate this condition well. In some instances, the atoke (Fig. 76) has the power of budding to produce sexual epitokes which become separated as free individuals. This is the condition found in the palola worm (Eunice viridis) the epitoke of which appears in extreme numbers in the tropical South Seas and is relished by the Samoans as a food. Fig. 76.-A Palola worm, Eunice viridis (Gray) show- ing differentiation of body into an enlarged atoke and a posterior epitoke. {After Woodworth). Subclass Polychaeta The sexes are separate in the polychaetes. Usually, the anterior somites are rather highly specialized to form a distinct head bearing eyes and tactile organs. The somites have outgrowths from their lateral margins which are known as parapodia and serve as rudimentary appendages. Each parapodium is sup- ported by numerous bristles or setae which are arranged in two bundles. The lobe of the parapodium surrounding the ventral bundle of setae is called the neuropodium while that surrounding 136 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY the dorsal bundle is the notopodium. In Nereis, the notopodia are supplied with numerous blood vessels and function as gills. Among other polychaetes, gills are frequently developed as long filamentous outgrowths, either along the sides of the body or restricted to certain areas. Each lobe of the parapodium frequently bears a fleshy sensory projection termed the cirrus. In some instances, dorsal scales covering the back of the worm represent modified dorsal cirri. Practically all polychaetes are marine and in development pass through the trochophore stage. In organization, the polychaetes represent a more primitive condition than the oligo- chaetes. Though the oligo- chaetes are frequently simpler in structure, their simplicity is the result of degeneracy for it seems probable that in becoming adapted to life in fresh-water or to the terres- trial existence they have de- parted from the generalized structure and mode of develop- ment which characterize the more primitive members of the class. The trochophore (Fig. 77, A) is typically pear shaped or in the form of two cones joined by their bases, one dorsal and the other ventral in position. Surface ciliation of this larva may follow any one of a number of patterns. A tuft of cilia at the apical plate and a preoral circle near the equator of the larva are the most constant, but other bands may also appear. The digestive system consists of a mesenteron which communicates with the mouth opening through an esophagus and with a terminal anus through an intestine. The region between the digestive tube and the outer body wall is filled with a gelatinous substance through which run strands of muscle and nerve and the tubules of the protonephridial system. Near the posterior Fig. 77.-The development of Poly- gordius. A, young trochophore; B, elonga- tion of posterior cone; C, D, stages in transformation of trochophore; E, anterior extremity of young Polygordius following metamorphosis. (After Fraipont). PHYLUM COELHELMINTHES {ANNELIDA) 137 extremity of the early trochophore, there usually occur a pair of cells called the teloblasts which are the forerunners of the mesoderm. As the larva elongates, these teloblasts continue to divide, forming bands of mesoderm cells on either side of the digestive tract. With the elongation of the posterior cone of the trochophore in the transformation of the larva into the adult worm these mesoderm bands become divided into primitive segments (Fig. 77, C) within which the coelomic cavities later make their appearance. The segments of the young worm thus formed are usually provided with provisional setae which are later thrown off and replaced by the permanent setae. Both free-living and sessile polychaetes are found. Modifica- tions of body form associated with these differences in habits have furnished a basis for the separation of two orders. I. Order Errantia The Errantia are free-swimming forms with a well-developed head but all the remaining segments practically homonomous and bearing parapodia of approxi- mately uniform character. The pharynx is evertible and frequently bears a pair of formidable jaws which are used in capturing prey. Nereis, the clam worm, is one of the commonest examples of this order. Aphrodita has the dorsal surface so covered with bristles as to warrant the common name sea mouse. Lepidonotus bears twelve pairs of broad overlapping scales on its back. Syllis repro- duces by means of lateral clusters of buds and Autolytus undergoes asexual reproduction through the formation of buds at the posterior extremity. Fig. 78.-Lateral view of a ser- pulid worm, Spirorbis, removed from its shell. The ovoid bodies within the club-shaped operculum are developing embryos. {After Claparkde). II. Order Sedentaria Members of the order Sedentaria are tube-dwellers. Some live in burrows in the sand (Arenicola), others form membranous tubes (Myxicola, Manyunckia), and still others live in calcified 138 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY tubes within which they withdraw (Hydroides, Spirorbis) and close the opening with a modified tentacle, the operculum. The Sedentaria lack the jaws characteristic of the free-moving Errantia and display much greater diversity in structure of the anterior and posterior regions ot the body. Numerous filamen- tous gills and tentacles frequently adorn the head and anterior body somites which usually protrude from the tube or burrow (Fig. 78) while the parts constantly encased have weakly devel- oped parapodia. Subclass Oligochaeta The oligochaetes are as characteristically terrestrial and fresh- water inhabitants as are the polychaetes marine. In many ways, they bear evidences of degeneracy as a consequence of adaptation to their environment. Pelagic larvae and parapodia are entirely lacking in all members of the subclass while gills occur in only a few forms and the sensory apparatus represents a very low stage of specialization. Setae occur in several distinct orders of arrangement. The sexes are never separate. The male and female gonads occur in different segments. In the Naididae and Aelosomatidae, asexual as well as sexual reproduction occurs. Near the anterior end of the worm, usually not far removed from the openings of the gonoducts, the body wall of a number of somites is supplied with numerous glands which in the height of sexual development forms a thickened collar-like band over the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the body known as the clitellum. This clitellum produces secretions which harden to form a capsule or cocoon for containing the eggs after they are laid. In the earthworms, fertilization is reciprocal. During copulation a spermiducal pore of each individual is opposite the opening of a receptaculum seminis of the other so that sperm cells of each individual pass into the receptaculum of the other, thereby accomplishing a cross fertilization. Various systems of subdividing the Oligochaeta have been proposed, most of which have as a basis either the habits or structural characters correlated with aquatic or terrestrial habits. Members of the order Microdrili are small oligochaetes of relatively few segments and usually aquatic in habits. Eyespots are frequently present. (Tubifex, Nais, Dero, Chaetogaster, Aelosoma, Pristina, Mesenchytraeus.) PHYLUM COELHELMINTHES {ANNELIDA) 139 In the order Megadrili are found the larger oligochaetes which are commonly known as earthworms. The bodies of these con- tain numerous segments. (Moniligaster, Perichaeta, Microsco- lex, Diplocardia, Helodrilus, Lumbricus.) Fig. 79.-Organization of a leech, Placobdella 'parasitica. I-XXVII, somites; phg, pharyngeal glands; oe, esophagus; s, atrium or spermatophore sac; v.s, seminal vesicle; t, testes; ov, ovary. Redrawn from Whitman in Ward and Whipple's Fresh-water Biology and reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) Class Hirudinea The Hirudinea or leeches are annelids with a fixed number of somites (generally 34) but superficially each somite is subdivided by constrictions (Fig. 79) into a number of annidations. The coelom is very greatly reduced but the small pouches furnish the basis for the determination of the number of somites. With 140 IN VERTEBRA TE ZOOLOG Y the exception of one genus (Acanthobdella) leeches have no setae. The posterior extremity bears a sucker on its ventral surface and usually a second sucker is developed around the mouth. Both of these are organs of attachment and in addition the oral sucker aids in the ingestion of food. In addition to a graceful undulating swimming, free in the water, leeches may also progress by fixing the anterior sucker to some object then drawing the body into a loop and fixing the posterior sucker near the same spot. Slight development of the coelom and the dorso-ventral flat- tening of the body give leeches a distinct "flatworm" appearance. Segmentation, presence of a coelom, development of a clitellum, presence of a distinctly annelid type of nervous system and general organization, however, demonstrate close relationships with the Oligochaeta. Michaelson proposes a group Clitellata to include the Oligochaeta and Hirudinea as two coordinate groups. The digestive system does not lie loosely in a spacious coelom as does that of the Chaetopoda for the coelom is largely encroached upon by a parenchyma which leaves a system of blood-filled sinuses in addition to the definite circulatory system. The terminal buccal chamber opens into a muscular pharynx which, in turn, leads by way of an esophagus into a stomach or crop. This latter may be either a straight tube or may give rise to from one to twenty pairs of lateral diverticula before emptying into the intestine. A small rectum leads to the anus on the dorsal surface near the posterior extremity. A metanephridial system similar to that found in the Oligo- chaeta serves for excretion. Usually, not more than seventeen pairs of nephridia occur for they are lacking from the somites of both extremities and from some of the clitellar somites. The central nervous system consists of a brain and a ventral chain of ganglia of which there are frequently twenty-three. Leeches are hermaphroditic. Fertilization occurs either by reciprocal copulation or through the implantation of spermato- phores on the skin. Spermatozoa escape from these and pene- trate the tissues to the ovarian sacs where fertilization occurs. Development from the egg is direct. Hirudinea get their vernacular name of blood-suckers from the fact that many species are permanent or temporary ecto- parasites on the bodies of other animals. Many species, and especially the young, are predaceous in habit, feeding upon other PHYLUM COELHELMINTHES (ANNELIDA) 141 small organisms, and resort to the parasitic habit only when opportunity is offered. Most leeches are inhabitants of fresh- water though some are marine and a few are terrestrial. Those which feed upon blood have either three jaws supplied with sharp teeth (Gnathobdellida) which lance the skin of the host or a conical proboscis evertible from the pharynx (Rhynchobdellida) for piercing. Glandular secretions from the leech hinder coagu- lation of the blood and render its wounds difficult to staunch. Two orders are commonly recognized, the Rhynchobdellida and the Gnathobdellida. Of these, the former are jawless while the latter have jaws. Species of the genus Piscicola which live on fishes, Glossiphonia, and Placobdella are characteristic of the first order while the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis, and Macrobdella which so commonly attacks bathers are examples of the Gnathobdellida. Class Archiannelida As the name signifies, the Archiannelida seem to represent a primitive type of annelid organization which may have con- siderable significance in solving the problem of the origin of the higher annelids. The body, which shows only slight indica- tion of segmentation externally, has a coelom completely divided into somites. Both parapodia and setae (Fig. 77, F) are lacking. The nervous system is distinctly more simple than that character- istic of other annelids for it remains in direct contact with the epidermis and shows no centralization to form ganglia. In the genus Protodrilus, there are two ventral nerve cords connected by transverse commissures but in Polygordius there is a single cord. Representatives of both of these genera are exclusively marine. The prostomium bears a pair of tentacles and in addi- tion to these a pair of ciliated grooves are the only structures which seem to have a sensory function. In the development of Polygordius, a typical trochophore (Fig. 77) occurs, the formation and metamorphosis of which have been worked out in great detail. Appendix to the Archiannelida Dinophilus and some other simple worm-like forms are of questionable systematic position. Some zoologists maintain that they show possible relationships with the Archiannelida while others consider them as more closely related to the Trochel- 142 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY minthes. Members of the genus Dinophilus are minute marine worms which live among seaweeds. The body consists of a head, five or six trunk segments, and a tail segment. The adult worm rather closely resembles the larva of marine polychaetes. Class Gephyrea The Gephyrea are marine worms which differ from the remain- ing annelids in the lack of segmentation, parapodia, and setae. Development involves a modified trochophore larva. The undivided coelom contains a complete digestive system the intes- tine of which extends posteriorly some distance then coils back on itself to a dorsal anal opening toward the anterior extremity of the body. The extended anterior extremity of the body is pro- vided with tentacles or a lobed tentacular fold within which the mouth is located. The entire anterior region is capable of inver- sion within the body. A single pair of nephridia comprise the excretory apparatus and serve as gonoducts. The nervous system originates in the anterior extremity as a dorsal cerebral ganglion which is joined with the ventral longitudinal nerve cord by a pair of lateral branches. The ventral nerve cord bears no ganglia but gives off lateral branches to the body wall and to the internal organs. Though the sexes are usually distinct, persistent gonads are not present. The germ cells have their origin in masses or ridges of cells in the lining of the body cavity and either undergo full development in this location or are discharged early into the coelom where development is completed. Sipunculus and Phascolosoma are characteristic genera of the Gephyrea. References (See general references cited at close of Chapter I) Claperede, E. 1868. Les Annelides Chetopods du Golfe de Naples. Ehlers, E. 1864-1868. Die Borstenwiirmer (Annelida, Chaetopoda) nach Systematischen und Anatomischen untersuchungen. Leipzig. Fraipont, J. 1887. Le genre Polygordius. Fauna u. Flora d. Golfes von Neapel, Monograph 14. Gamble, F. W. and Ashworth, J. H. 1900. The Anatomy and Classifi- cation of the Arenicolidae with some Observations on their Post-larval Stages. Quart. Jour. Mier. Sci., 43: 419-569. Gerould, J. H. 1906. The Development of Phascolosoma. Zool. Jahrb., 23: 79-162. PHYLUM COELHELMINTHES (ANNELIDA) 143 Hatschek, B. 1878. Studien uber Entwicklungsgeschichte der Anneliden. Arbeiten Zool. Inst. Wien, 1: 277-404. Hertwig, O. 1880. Die Chaetognathen, Ihre Anatomie, Systematik, und Entwicklungsgeschichte. Jena. Moore, J. P. 1901. The Hirudinea of Illinois. Bull. Ill. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 5: 479-546. . 1905. Hirudinea and Oligochaeta collected in the Great Lakes Region. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 25: 157-171. Quatrefages, A. de, 1865. Histoire naturelie des anneles marins et d'eau douce. Paris. Sedgwick, W. T. and Wilson, E. B. 1904. An Introduction to General Biology. New York, Holt. Vejdovsky, F. 1884. System und Morphologic der Oligochaeten. Prague. CHAPTER X PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDEA The phylum Molluscoidea contains three classes which agree in the possession of a ridge called the lophophore at the anterior extremity of the body bearing a crown of ciliated tentacles. The three classes; Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, and Phoronida, present so many individual peculiarities that few statements may be made that would apply equally to the organization of the members of all three classes. Consequently, the structure and character- istics of the individual classes will be discussed separately. Fig. 80.-Diagrams to show contrast in general organization in; A, an endo- proct bryozoan; B, an ectoproct bryozoan. The digestive system is shown in solid black. Compare the position of the anal opening in the two figures. (Oriff.) Class Polyzoa Individuals of the class Polyzoa (or Bryozoa) bear very close superficial resemblance to hydroid polyps from which they are readily distinguishable because the polyzoan zooids possess a complete alimentary tract terminating in an anus near the 144 PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDEA 145 anterior extremity of the body. The position of the anal opening with reference to the circle of tentacles serves as a basis for the discrimination between the two orders (Fig. 80) which show extreme differences in internal structure. In the order Ecto- procta, the anus occurs outside the tentacular ring while in the Endoproctoa it is within the circle formed by the tentacles. The lack of a coelom in the Endoprocta renders their relationship to the other Polyzoa open to question. Some investigators have considered that the Endoprocta possibly bear relationship to the Rotifera. The majority of the Polyzoa are colonial. The individuals of a colony are bound together by an organic con- necting material. The individuals are in many instances cov- ered with a gelatinous, horny, or calcified layer forming an exoskeleton. Polyzoa are most abundant in salt-water though a number of genera appear in fresh-water. I. Order Ectoprocta The Ectoprocta are colonial forms which frequently attain considerable size. Individuals of a colony are variously arranged in branching pattern (Bugula, Plumatelia), in flat mats (Crista- tella), as encrusting layers (Microporella, Cribrillina), or as solid gelatinous masses (Pectinatella), which may attain a size of a foot or more in diameter. The individual zooids uniting to form these different types of colony assume a number of dis- tinctly different shapes. The lophophore is capable of retraction within the anterior part of the zooid through the agency of special retractor muscles. In addition to the action of this introvert, the entire zooid is frequently able to withdraw into the interior of the colony. In some instances, either an operculum or a series of lobes is drawn into the aperture to close it when the zooid is retracted. Modified individuals occur in many Ectoprocta. Avicularia are modified zooids shaped much like a bird's head, the beak of which is capable of grasping objects and holding them until they disintegrate. The food fragments are then secured by the tentacles. Vibricularia, another type of modified individual, are long whip-like structures which, in their development, seem to be modified avicularia. The funiculus is a double strand of tissues which passes from the bend in the alimentary canal through the coelom to the aboral extremity of the zooid. In addition to the budding which 146 IN VERTEBRA TE ZOOLOG Y gives rise to the colony formation, sexual reproduction may also take place. Ovaries and spermaries make their appearance either in the lining of the coelom or in the tissues of the funiculus. The gonads dehisce into the coelom where fertilization takes place. In some species special chambers, called ovicells, are provided for containing the developing embryos. Following cleavage, a free-swimming larva of variable form in the different species makes its appearance. This larva undergoes a trans- formation to form a zooid from which a colony later develops by budding. Statoblasts, or internal buds, are characteristic of many fresh-water ectoprocts. These are surrounded by chambers which upon drying become filled with air and serve to float the statoblasts. In the fresh-water genera, Pectinatella and Cristatella, the free larval stage has been retained. II. Order Endoprocta In members of this order, the anal opening occurs within the circle of tentacles. With the exception of one genus, Urnatelia, the entire group is marine. The body is usually cup-shaped, enclosing at its open end a cavity called the vestibule (Fig. 80, A), which contains the mouth and the anus. The rim of this cavity bears the tentacles which are capable of being withdrawn into the vestibule. The space between the alimentary canal and the body wall is filled with a gelatinous matrix. This lack of an undisputed coelom, together with the fact that the excretory system is protonephridial, furnish ground for doubting any close relationship between the Endoprocta and the Ectoprocta. Pedicellina, Urnatelia, Loxosoma are characteristic genera. Class Brachiopoda Because of the presence of a bivalve shell, brachiopods are frequently confused with molluscs. The shell of the brachiopod is, however, composed of a dorsal and a ventral valve (Fig. 81) while the valves of the bivalve molluscs are lateral. In the brachiopods, the valves are articulated in their posterior regions and from the posterior end of the animal a stalk or peduncle for attachment is frequently developed. The valves are lined by a mantle by whose action the shell is secreted. The bristles borne in the edge of the mantle are of the same type as those found in annelids and seem to point to a relationship between brachiopods PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDEA 147 and annelids. The ventral shell in many cases bears a short beak-like projection posterior to the hinge and it is through this that the peduncle passes. The shells so closely resemble the most primitive type of oil lamp that the common name "lamp- shell" is very generally applied to shells of this group. In members of the order Inarticulata (Lingula, Crania, and Discina), the foregoing description does not apply for the two valves are similar and the hinge is wanting. In the Articulata, where a- hinge is present, the valves are not held open by an elastic hinge ligament as in the Acephala of the molluscs but both opening and closing of the valves is accomplished by muscu- lar action. Closure of the shell is by means of a pair of adductor muscles which are attached to the dorsal shell but unite to form Fig. 81.-Semidiagrammatic sagittal section of a brachiopod (Magellania lenticularis). (Redrawn from Parker and Haswell, with the permission of Mac- millan Co.) a single muscle before reaching their insertion on the ventral valve. Two pairs of divaricator muscles pass between the ventral valve and that part of the dorsal valve posterior to the hinge. By their contraction the valves are opened. From each valve a pair of muscles known as the adjustors pass to an insertion on the peduncle. It is through contraction of these last muscles that the animal is able to shift the position of the entire body. Much of the space within the shell is occupied by a pair of conspicuous, spirally coiled arms or lophophores. In the order Articulata, the dorsal valve frequently bears a calcareous loop which supports the lophophore. Each arm on its outer margin bears a longitudinal groove bordered by a row of small tentacles. 148 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Water currents produced by the cilia on the tentacles and in the groove carry food particles toward the mouth. The U-shaped digestive tract consists of a mouth opening in the middle of the lophophore, a dorsally directed gullet which empties into an expanded stomach, and from this a ventrally directed intestine which ends blindly except in members of the order Inarticulata. Cilia line the entire digestive tract. Two transverse septa divide the coelom into three somites but the shortening of the chief axis of the body has been accompanied by a coiling of the digestive tube and consequently the arrange- ment of the septa is somewhat confused and difficult to observe. The coelomic cavities extend into the arms and the mantle lobes. One or two pairs of nephridia communicate with the coelomic pouches and serve as both excretory and reproductive ducts. The gonads are borne chiefly in the coelomic cavities of the mantle. The sexes are usually separate. Brachiopods are exclusively marine. Though represented by relatively few living species, they reached an extreme state of species formation in the Silurian and Devonian periods. Tere- bratulina, Terebratula, and Waldeheimia are characteristic modern genera of the Articulata. Class Phoronida The relations of members of the single genus Phoronis have been much under discussion among zoologists. Worm-like in form, these marine organisms dwell in membranous or leathery tubes. The body is long, cylindrical, and unsegmented, at one extremity bearing numerous ciliated tentacles arranged in the form of a lophophore as characteristic of members of the phylum Molluscoidea. Both mouth and anus occur on the extremity bearing the lophophore. The larva, which is known as Actino- trocha, is a modified trochophore. References (See general references cited at the close of Chapter I) Allmann, G. J. 1856. Monograph of the Fresh-water Polyzoa. Ray Soc., London. Davenport, C. B. 1890. Cristatella: The Origin and Development of the Individual in the Colony. Bull. Mus. Comp. ZooL, Harvard, 20: 101-152. PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDEA 149 . 1893. On Urnatelia gracilis. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Har- vard, 24: 1-44. Morse, E. S. 1902. Observations on Living Brachiopods. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 5. Osburn, R. C. 1910. The Bryozoa of the Woods Hole Region. Bull. U. S. Bureau Fish., 30: 203-266. CHAPTER XI PHYLUM ECHINODERMA The Echinoderma are radially symmetrical, coelomate animals with usually a skeleton of calcareous plates and a vascular system known as the ambulacral system. AU representatives of this phylum are marine in habits. The radial symmetry is not per- fect for some structures are distinctly bilateral in their arrange- ment. In the classification of Cuvier, the echinoderms were included along with the coelenterates within the group Radiata. The superficial resemblance in arrangement of parts seems to be an adaptation to the sessile habit, developed independently in these two groups, and does not indicate any phylogenetic relation- Fig. 82.-Diagrams to represent the formation of the rudiments of the coelom and of the water-vascular system in an echinoderm as viewed from the dorsal surface. Left hydrocoel rudiment in solid black; right stippled. constriction of hydrocoel rudiments from coelom; B, left hydrocoel acquires communication with exterior through stone canal; C, left hydrocoel encircles stomodaeum and buds off rudiments of five radial canals, coelomic pouches increase in size and surround the stomach. (Orig.) ship. Radial symmetry of Coelenterata is primitive while that of the Echinoderma is only secondarily derived from a bilateral condition, as is evidenced by the marked bilaterality of the larvae. Details of the transformation from the one type of symmetry to the other will be discussed in detail. Origin of the Water-vascular System.-During early larval development, an echinoderm is distinctly bilateral in form. Radial arrangement of the parts characteristic of the adult makes its appearance only following the formation of the mesoderm. Mesothelial sacs (Fig. 82) are formed as lateral outpocketings 150 PHYLUM ECHINODERMA 151 of the entoderm just as in embryos of many other groups. Both the right and the left mesoderm pouches undergo a constriction (A) which separates each into an anterior and a posterior sac. The posterior sacs continue to increase in size and ultimately form (C) the right and left coelomic cavities. The anterior sacs are the rudiments of the water-vascular system and are termed the hydrocoel sacs. The left hydrocoel acquires communication with the body wall through a tubular outgrowth (B) which becomes the stone canal of the water-vascular system. The right hydrocoel fails to develop but remains vestigial and finally disappears. The entire water-vascular system is thus formed from the left hydrocoel. As it increases in size, it encircles the esophagus of the larva and becomes the ring canal of the vascular system. Five radial pouches extend outward from this ring canal and as they increase in length they become recognizable as the radial vessels one of which passes along each arm of the adult. The water-vascular system thus has its origin from one of the mesodermal pouches of a bilaterally symmetrical larva which in later development assumes a radial arrangement of its parts. The skeletal system is one of the most characteristic features of the echinoderms. Though details of arrangement and extent of development are highly variable, certain of the plates are fairly constant in their fundamental relations throughout a number of the classes. The skeletal plates have their origin in the mesoderm and lie near the surface of the body directly beneath the outer body covering. Spines, frequently associated with these plates, suggest the meaning of the name Echinoderma which is Latin for "spiny skin." In some instances (Echinoidea), the plates are rigidly articulated to form a continuous shell or test, unchange- able in form, within which most of the organs lie. In other classes (Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, and Crinoidea), at least some of the plates are movable and permit of some flexibility in the parts which they cover. Among the Holothuroidea, the skeletal plates are so poorly developed that their presence in the soft body wall is restricted to minute discs and anchor-shaped bodies scattered through the tissues. Orientation.-The main axis of the body extends between the oral and aboral poles. This arbitrary morphological orientation is frequently not in accord with the natural or physiological orien- tation as determined by the natural position of the body of the 152 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY living animal. In Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, and Echinoidea, the oral surface is ventral in position, while in the Crinoidea the mouth is directed upward and in the Holothuroidea the chief axis is parallel to the surface on which the animal rests. Typically, the parts of the body are arranged in radial manner about the main axis. In most echinoderms, the ambulacral system occupies certain radial regions of the body where the skeletal plates are perforated for the tube-feet. These regions are designated the ambulacral areas while the plates between the ambulacral areas constitute the interambulacral areas. Many of the echinoderms have on the oral and aboral surfaces series of plates which seem to be constant enough in their appearance in the various groups to be considered homologous. The crinoids and the extinct blastoids and cystoids are sessile. Correlated with this habit, they possess a stalk of attachment which is a prominent morphological character in these groups. Recognition of this character is expressed in the establishing of two subphyla; the Eleutherozoa which lack a stalk and the Pelmatozoa which characteristically carry a stalk. SUBPHYLUM ELEUTHEROZOA The echinoderms which are devoid of a stalk and are consequently capable of free locomotion have been assembled within the subphylum Eleutherozoa. The common starfishes (Asteroidea), the brittle stars and serpent stars (Ophiuroidea), the sea urchins and sand dollars (Echinoidea), and the sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) are the classes included within this subphylum. Class Asteroidea The Asteroidea are the common starfishes. In these, the body is composed of a central disc from which usually five arms radiate. Arms may occur in multiples of five, though a few species fail to adhere to the pentagonal form. In the metamorphosis of a six- rayed starfish (Leptasterias hexactis'), the sixth ray makes its appearance late in development subsequent to the laying down of the characteristic five -rayed condition. A sharp differentiation of arms and disc is wanting in the cushion stars. The coelomic cavity of the disc is continued into the rays and many of the viscera thus extend into the rays. The mouth occurs on the PHYLUM ECHINODERMA 153 ventral surface, in the center of a membrane called the peristome. Along the oral surface of each ray, extend the tube-feet which are confined to a depression called the ambulacral groove. Arrangement of Plates.-Each skeletal plate of the ambulacral grooves is provided with notches in the margins which articulate with other ambulacral plates. The notches in adjacent plates coincide so the opening for each ambulacrum is between two plates. The ambulacral pores thus formed are in parallel rows. Distally, each double row of ambulacral plates terminates in a single ocular plate. This is so named because of the sense organ which it bears. The rigid body of a dried or preserved specimen gives little idea of the powers of movement possessed by the arms of the living starfish. The plates are articulated and their movements are controlled by body muscles in a manner which permits of considerable flexibility and freedom of movement in the arms. Laterally, yet on the oral surface, the ambulacral plates are bordered by a row of interambulacral plates which usually bear movable spines. A series of less regularly arranged adambulacral plates edges each row of interambulacrals. The aboral surface of each arm is made up of a series of plates of considerably variable arrangement in different members of the group. The disc of the Asteroidea lacks the regularity in the arrangement of its plates so characteristic of some other classes of echinoderms. The madreporite is the only conspicuous plate which is constant in position and even this is variable in some species, for in these more than one madreporite occurs. Both the disc and the rays are typically covered with scattered spines. The areas between these spines are ciliated and bear numerous small hollow filaments, the branchiae or gills, which are direct continua- tions of the coelom. Through the thin walls of these gills the body fluids are able to carry on the respiratory process. Pedicellariae.-Surrounding the body spines and scattered over the general surface of the body, there are frequently minute pincher-like organs called pedicellariae. Each of these is a small calcareous organ at the end of a strongly muscular stalk. In various species, these differ in form though two types are commonly found. In one type, the two jaws of the pinchers are articulated at their bases with a separate small calcareous body while in another type the two jaws cross each other at their bases and continue beyond the crossing in handle-like processes where the muscles for operating the jaws are attached. Pedicellariae 154 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY serve to remove small foreign bodies from the skin of the starfish and probably also serve as protection against small organisms which might attack the body of the starfish. Plates of the Disc.-The five genital plates, which are located interradially on the dorsal surface of the disc, are perforated by the external openings of the gonoducts. The five pairs of gonads lie within the coelom at the bases of the arms. One genital plate is in most instances enlarged and perforated by numerous pores which serve for the entrance of water into the water-vascular system. In some instances, this sieve or madreporite occurs as two or more plates. Symmetry.-In the typical condition of a single madreporite, the eccentric position of this organ is the most conspicuous external evidence of deviation from the radial type of symmetry. Since a plane passing through the madreporite and through the arm on the opposite side of the disc bisects the body, the animal is in reality bilaterally symmetrical. For convenience of refer- ence, the arm opposite the madreporite is called the anterior arm or ray. This, with the two adjacent rays, constitutes the trivium while the two remaining rays, between which the madreporite is located, comprise the bivium. The digestive system opens to the exterior through the ventral mouth. Small objects are ingested through the mouth, but because of the small size of the peristome large objects cannot be taken into the body. Mussels and oysters, which serve largely as food for the starfish, are digested outside the body through the peculiar provision which admits of the starfish everting the stomach through the mouth opening. The everted stomach surrounds large food masses and, after digesting them, is again withdrawn through the mouth opening into the body. A rather conspicuous constriction divides the stomach into dorsal and ventral chambers. The mouth opens directly into the ventral or cardiac chamber of the stomach while dorsal to this lies the pyloric chamber. From the cardiac chamber, a gastric pouch extends into each ray. A pair of hepatic ceca, occupying much of the space within each ray, communicate by a common duct with the pyloric chamber near the base of each arm. An intestine of minute size leads from the pyloric chamber to the aboral surface of the disc where it either opens through an eccen- tric anus or ends blindly. Small, branched ceca are given off from the intestine in some starfishes. PHYLUM ECHINODERMA 155 The water-vascular system is a series of tubes or canals of which the main parts comprise a ring canal surrounding the esophagus and a series of radial vessels given off from this, one to each arm. The ring canal communicates with the exterior by way of a stone canal which opens through the madreporite. In many Asteroidea, there is but a single madreporite and stone canal, but in some two or more of these structures are present. This latter condition is frequently associated with the powers of asexual reproduction. Small tufts of tubules called Tiedemann's bodies, interradial in position, are connected with the ring canal. Within these organs the amoeboid lymph cells which occur in the water-vascular system are formed. In addition, long-stalked vesicles called Polian vesicles join the ring canal interradially in some forms of Asteroidea. To these, also, have been ascribed the function of lymph glands. The longitudinal canal in each arm passes along the median line of the ventral surface just outside of (that is, ventral to) the ambulacral plates. At the tip of each ray, the ambulacral canal ends in a single tactile organ. Most Asteroidea have four longitudinal rows of tube-feet in the ambulacral area of each arm but in some (Henricia, e.g.) there are but two longitudinal rows. By opposite lateral branching, canals are given off along the course of the longitudinal canal and communicate with the tube-feet. In the typical condition of four longitudinal rows of feet, the two lateral branches arising from the same level on the longitudinal canal are of unequal length. This condition usually alternates in adjacent pairs so on each side of the longitudinal canal a long and a short transverse canal alternate. Thus the tube-feet fall into two parallel rows on each side of the longitu- dinal canal. Each ambulacrum is a muscular tube which, at its inner end, bears a muscular sac called an ampulla. By contrac- tion of the walls of the ampulla, the fluid in the tube-foot is put under compression. Relaxation of the muscles in the foot per- mits the tube to elongate greatly. At the same time the hydro- static pressure causes a cup-like disc at the end of the foot to flatten and in case the disc comes in contact with some object it adheres to it. Shortening of the tube is accomplished by allowing the fluid to turn back into the ampulla. When several feet become attached to an object, by their concerted contraction they drag the whole body of the starfish along and in this manner locomotion is accomplished. 156 IN VER TEB RA TE ZOOLOG Y Blood-vascular System.-The circulatory system consists of a delicate system of vessels running parallel to the water- vascular system. Surrounding the blood-vascular system, there is a space termed the perihemal system. The Sexes and Reproduction.-Though starfishes are of separate sexes, there are no external features which distinguish Fig. 83.-Development of starfish larvae. A, early larva, oral view; B, the same, lateral view; C, more advanced larva, oral view showing extent of ciliated bands; D, bipinnaria larva; E, larva in brachiolarian stage. (Redrawn from A. Agassiz). the sexes. The gonads increase in size with the approach of the breeding season. Mature eggs are discharged directly into the water. Sperm cells, discharged by sexually mature males, are likewise set free in the water where fertilization takes place. Total, equal cleavage gives rise to a free-swimming ciliated blastula. Following gastrulation, the rounded body changes PHYLUM ECHINODERMA 157 form (Fig. 83, A-D) and becomes known as the bipinnaria with a number of ciliated lobes. In later development, the bipinnaria becomes further modified in form and is known as a brachiolarian larva (Fig. 83, E). Each of these larval forms is distinctly bilaterally symmetrical yet by an intricate metamorphosis the radial symmetry of the adult starfish is superimposed. In some asteroids, development has become modified, resulting in the elimination or reduction of the free larval stages. In some instances {Leptasterias hexactis'), the female carries the eggs and embryos in a brood pouch until the fully formed young are able to shift for themselves. Powers of regeneration are developed in an extreme degree among the Asteroidea. The nervous system consists of a circumoral nerve ring with a radial nerve extending along each ambulacral area. The system is peculiar in that it retains a superficial location in the ectoderm. Minute branches are given off to the various organs. There are no centralized ganglia in this system but experiments indicate that the nerve ring serves as a coordination center. The common starfishes belong to the genus Asterias. Cteno- discus has a pentagonal body without conspicuous arms. Solas- ter has numerous arms. Henricia is a northern genus with only two rows of feet on each ray. Class Ophiuroidea The brittle stars or serpent stars have highly flexible arms radiating from a central circular or pentagonal disc. Though superficially resembling the asteroids, they differ radically from them in details of organization. The ambulacral system is much reduced and fails to function in locomotion but serves rather as a series of tactile organs. Writhing movements of the arms produce locomotion. The ambulacral plates are withdrawn into the interior of each ray where they are fused together to form a jointed rod-like structure the units of which are called the vertebrae. Both internally and externally, each arm is composed of a large number of similar segments. In the basket stars, the arms become finely branched. The digestive system is confined to the disc and lacks an anus. Bursae are thin-walled sacs, leading inward from the ventral surface of the disc, which serve for respiration and into which the gonads open. On the oral surface of the disc, five interradial groups of plates project in toward the mouth to form the jaws which are operated 158 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY by muscles for masticating food or for selecting food particles. At the base of each jaw there are usually three plates, a large oral shield and two smaller adoral shields. One of the oral shields becomes modified to form the madreporite. Fig. 84.-Ventral view of young ophiopluteus of Ophiotkrix fragilis. (Redrawn from MacBride, courtesy of Macmillan Co.) Development involves a bilaterally symmetrical larva (Fig. 84) known as the pluteus or, better, the ophiopluteus. Ophiura, Ophiopholus, and Amphioplus are typical genera of brittle stars. Astrophyton is the basket star with its finely divided arms. Class Echinoidea The sea urchins and sand dollars are usually globular, hemi- spherical, or disc-shaped. The shape, which is unalterable in any given species, is determined by the arrangement of the skeletal plates. These are immovably united to form a firm shell or test. Spines usually cover most of the test except at the oral and aboral poles. Surrounding the mouth, there is a circular opening where the plates are replaced by a membrane termed the peristome. Normally, the anus occurs at the pole opposite the mouth in a region called the periproct while in some instances it occurs on the margin of the disc. The skeletal plates are arranged in meridional bands part of which bear openings through which the ambulacral feet protrude and are therefore termed ambulacral areas. The non-perforated plates between two adjacent ambu- lacral areas are designated as an interambulacral area. Each ambulacral area terminates at the periproct in a single ocular plate homologous to the ocular plate at the end of each arm in the Asteroidea. A series of genital plates alternate with the ocular plates around the periproct and each marks the termination of an interambulacral area. One of the genital plates is modified to serve as a madreporite. PHYLUM ECHINODERMA 159 In its fundamental arrangement, the water-vascular system is essentially like that described for the asteroids. From the madreporite, the stone canal leads into the circumesophageal vessel. Interradially, five Polian vesicles communicate with the circular canal and a radial vessel passes along each ambulacral area on the inner surface of the test. In the ambulacral plates, there are two perforations for each tube-foot. Through one of these, the lateral branch of the radial canal passes to the tube- foot and through the other the foot is in communication with its ampulla. In many forms, the ambulacra are aided in the loco- motor process by the highly developed mobile spines which are articulated with the surface of the test and are operated by special muscles. One of the most characteristic structures of the echinoid is the Aristotle's lantern. From the oral surface of the animal, the five teeth with which this organ is supplied are visible in the center of the peristome. The main part of the lantern lies within the body cavity. The teeth are at the tips of a set of jaws which are operated by muscle bundles attached to a calcareous frame- work of intricate pattern surrounding the mouth cavity. From the aboral surface of the lantern is given off a short esophagus. This in turn leads into the stomach, a part of which is greatly dilated and flattened and extends almost around the body. The intestine bends backward in the opposite direction from that of the course of the stomach and in the case of the urchins passes to a median dorsal anus while in the sand dollars it passes along the posterior interambulacrum to an anal opening on or near the margin of the disc. The siphon occurs as a branch from the esophagus which parallels the course of the stomach for some distance then reunites with it. It seems probable that this heavily ciliated tubule may have a respiratory function and may also be of service in washing refuse from the intestine. When a sea urchin is opened for dissection by removal of the aboral wall of the test, the gonads are usually the most conspicu- ous structures first encountered. These are five large masses, interambulacral in position, connected at the aboral pole by a band of tissue termed the genital rachis. From each gonad a gonoduct passes to the opening in the adjacent genital plate. The larva (Fig. 85) which results from the cleavage and later development of the fertilized egg is termed a pluteus. Since the 160 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY term pluteus is also applied to the larva of Ophiuroidea, the name echinopluteus is frequently utilized. Respiration is performed to a considerable extent by the water- vascular system. In some echinoids, only part of the tube-feet are ambulatory while the remaining ones lack the sucking disc and seem to have chiefly respiratory and tactile functions. A pair of branched, filamentous gills occurs on the margin of the peristome opposite each interambulacral area of the sea urchin. Fig. 85.-Dorsal view of young echinopluteus of Echinus esculentus. (Red- rawn from MacBride, court- esy of MacMillan Co.) Fig. 86. - Anatomy L of keyhole urchin, Mellita pentapora. (After Coe). The siphon, as already mentioned, is also thought to aid in respiration. The nervous system is fundamentally the same type as that described for the Asteroidea, comprising a nerve ring from which five primary branches are given off. In addition to pedicellariae, there are small organs known as sphaeridia scattered over the body surface of many species. These are thought to function as organs of equilibrium. Specially modified tube-feet on the peristome are associated with the sense of taste. Arbacia, Strongylocentrotus, and Toxopneustes are genera of the common sea urchins and representative of the order Cidaridea. The tropical genus Clypeaster includes some of the largest urchins. This, with the sand dollar (Echinarachnius) and the keyhole urchin (Mellita) (Fig. 86) represents the order Clypeastroidea. Members of the order Spatangoidea, of which Spatangus is an example, are usually more or less heart shaped. PHYLUM ECHINODERMA 161 There are several groups of echinoids which are known only from fossil remains. Class Holothuroidea The sea cucumbers are elongated echinoderms lacking a definite skeleton, with a mouth at one extremity surrounded by a circle of branched tentacles (Fig. 87), and an anus at the opposite extremity. Since the mouth end goes forward in locomotion, it is frequently called the anterior extremity in the holothurians. Typically, the body is five-sided and on each side bears a double row of tube-feet. In some species, the three sides constituting the ventral surface have the tube-feet more highly developed than they are on the two dorsal ambulacral areas. Some few forms have feet irregu- larly scattered over the body surface while some burrowing species lack feet. The body wall is highly muscular. The alternate use of longitudinal and circular muscles enables the cucumber to creep like a worm. Though there is no continuous skeleton, the body wall is rather firm. This is due in large meas- ure to the presence of microscopic calcareous plates embedded in the tissues. The form of the plates is highly variable in different species and they serve as important features in classification. In some species, a calcareous ring of ten plates surrounds the esophagus and serves as a support for the tentacles. In a few forms, Psolus for example, the body is encased in hard scales or plates. The ring canal of the ambulacral system is located around the esophagus just behind the tentacles. From the ring canal the radial canals pass to the posterior extremity of the body. In the Fig. 87.-Anatomy of a holothurian, Thyone. (After Coe). 162 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY first part of their course, they run anteriorly and give off branches to the oral tentacles which are in reality highly modified tube-feet. One or more Polian vesicles are frequently present. The stone canal, instead of opening to the exterior, bears one or more madreporites which open into the coelom. As in other echino- derms the water-vascular system is rather closely paralleled by a blood-vascular system the vessels of which form extensive anastomoses on the alimentary canal. The nervous system is of the type previously described for other echinoderms but the quick responses given by the holothurians seem to indicate that the nervous and sensory organs are more highly developed than in other members of the phylum. The digestive canal is held in definite position by mesenteries. The esophagus passes into a stomach which is followed by a tubu- lar intestine. The main course of this tube is, in most species, posterior in the median dorsal interradius, then anterior in the left ventral interradius, and finally posterior in the right dorsal interradius to the cloaca. From the walls of the cloaca, there are usually a pair of minutely branched respiratory trees which, by the muscular action of the cloaca, are filled with water and serve as respiratory organs. A single genital pore occurs in the anterior region of the body. This is the opening of the single, much branched gonad. In development of the embyro, a larval form known as an auricularia is produced. Sea cucumbers have marked powers of regenera- tion. Individuals may automatically eject much of the internal organs and yet be able to regenerate them. Synapta (without radial canals and ambulacra), Thyone, Cucumaria, and Stychopus are American genera. SUBPHYLUM PELMATOZOA The Pelmatozoa are echinoderms which, during the whole or at least the early stages of their existence, are fixed by a jointed, flexible stalk, or are attached by the dorsal or aboral surface of the body. The principle organs are enclosed in a cup-shaped or spherical test, called the calyx, the walls of which contain a system of calcareous plates and ambulacral or food grooves leading to the mouth. The crinoids are the only living examples of this group which also includes the extinct Cystoidea and Blastoidea. 163 PHYLUM ECHINODERMA Class Crinoidea The crinoids or sea lilies are usually provided with a long stalk or column at one end of which is attached the calyx with its movable arms. In numerous forms, lateral projections called cirri are borne along the stalk. In those instances where the stalk is lacking, the cirri are frequently attached directly to the base of the calyx. Occasionally, there are free-swimming crinoids but in their development these pass through a fixed stage (Fig. 88), thus giving evidence that the free condition is not primitive in members of this class. Of present-day forms, most are restricted to the greater depths of the ocean. Though distinctly local in their distribution, they occur in great numbers as must have also been the case in past geologi- cal times when they were abundant enough to form beds of rock of con- siderable thickness. The joints of the stems are very conspicuous in many limestone deposits. The calyx is usually a globular or cup-shaped capsule which holds the more important internal organs. This cup is formed of two or more circles of plates. The ring of plates next to the point of attachment to the stalk or column and extending upward to the projections of the arms comprises the base of the calyx, within which there may be either a single circle of plates called the basals or two circles. In this last instance, the plates next to the stalk are termed the infrabasals while the others are called the basals. A series of plates designated as the radials follows the cycle of basal plates. An arm has its origin with each radial plate. The arms are formed of a series of plates continuous with the radials and may be either simple or branched. In some of the more highly organized fossil forms, and in all of the recent cri- noids, the arms are furnished with pinnules alternating on oppo- site sides. In these, the gonads are borne. Arms and pinnules Fig. 88.-Fixed larva of a crinoid, Antedon rosacea. (After Carpenter). 164 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY are traversed on the ventral surface by an ambulacral groove at the bottom of which there is a tubular extension of the coelom. That part of the calyx which lies between the bases of the arms may be either in the form of a membrane with thin calcareous ossicles embedded in it or in the form of a series of plates making a continuous disc. In or near the center of this area, the mouth opening (Fig. 89) is plainly discernible, while in an eccentric interradial position the anus usually occurs. The grooves mentioned in the description of the arms continue across the oral disc to the mouth opening. In the case of distinctly dicho- tomously branched arms, there may be but a single groove across the disc to represent each pair of arm branches. The grooves are ciliated and serve as channels along which food particles are borne to the mouth opening. Ambulacra line the margin of the groove along each arm but they lack suckers and ampullae and function as tactile organs. The nervous and circulatory systems follow the course of the ambulacral system in much the same manner as already described for other echinoderms. In its normal position, the crinoid directs the oral surface and tentacles upward. Its position is thus the reverse of that normally assumed by the echinoids, asteroids, and ophiuroids. The full course of development is known for but a single species, Antedon rosacea. The germ cells are dehisced from the pinnules of the arms to the outside of which the eggs become attached. Fertilization of the heavily yolk-laden eggs is followed by cleavage resulting in the formation of a free-swimming ciliated larva, in which there is no communication between the mouth and the stomach. In this respect, the larva resembles that of some of the highly modified larvae of echinoderm groups rather than the typi- cal free-living echinoderm pluteus, auricularian, or bipinnarian. Calcareous plates begin to make their appearance early in the development of the larva. After a few days of free-swimming existence, the larva becomes fixed (Fig. 88) and undergoes a complicated series of changes which lead to the differentiation Fig. 89.-Oral area of crinoid (Antedon), showing by dotted lines . the course of the intestine from mouth (m) to anus (a); g, ciliated grooves leading from arms to mouth. (After King- sley in Hertwig's Manual, court- esy of Henry Holt and Co.) PHYLUM ECHINODERMA 165 of calyx and stalk. The larva in this condition is said to be in the "Pentacrinus stage." In later development, there is consider- able resorption of skeletal plates characteristic of the larva. Ultimately, the animal becomes detachable from the stalk and becomes capable of independent movement. Antedon, Rhizocrinus, Pentacrinus, and Metacrinus are names among the present day genera. References (See general references at close of Chapter I) Agassiz, A. 1872-1874. Revision of the Echini. Illustr. Cat. Mus. Comp. ZooL, Harvard, No. 7. . 1877. North American Starfishes. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, Vol. 5, No. 1. Clark, H. L. 1901. Synopsis of North American Invertebrates, XV. The Holothuroidea. Amer. Nat., 35. . 1904. The Echinoderms of the Woods Hole Region. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm, for 1902. Coe, W. R. 1912. Echinoderms of Connecticut. Conn. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, Bull. 19. Fisher, W. K. 1906. The Starfishes of the Hawaiian Islands. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., for 1903: 987-1130. Mead, A. D. 1900. The Natural History of the Starfish. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., Vol. 19. CHAPTER XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA The phylum Mollusca includes essentially bilaterally symmet- rical, unsegmented Metazoa in which the coelom has been reduced by invasion of connective tissue and of musculature until only the pericardial cavity and the lumen of the gonads represent its remains. The typical bilateral symmetry is frequently lost or obscured through secondary coiling or torsion of parts of the body. Head, visceral mass, foot, mantle, and shell are characteristic structures but in many instances one or more of these are lacking and all are subject to great variability in the various groups. A modified trochophore, termed the veliger, is a larval form common to all of the major groups of molluscs though in the modified development of some forms it has been suppressed. A larval organ, known as the shell gland, is typical though not always retained. Reproduction is exclu- sively sexual. The usual means of locomotion is by crawling on an unpaired foot. Powers of locomotion are lost in some sessile forms and in still others swimming is made possible through modifications of various structures. The mantle, when present, secretes the shell and bounds a cavity which may either contain the gills or function directly as a lung. The central nervous system is typically composed of three pairs of ganglia of which each pair is associated with a special sensory organ. The cerebral ganglia communicate with the eyes, the pedal ganglia with the statocysts, and the visceral ganglia with the osphradia or olfactory organs. The Mollusca have continued as important and conspicuous components through all the geological periods in which animal remains have been found. In detail of structure, the members of the various classes differ so greatly that morphology will be discussed separately under the headings for the individual classes. 166 PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 167 Class Amphineura The Amphineura seem to represent the most primitive group of the Mollusca. All representatives of this class are marine. The oval or flattened body, which is bilaterally symmetrical, may or may not have a differentiated head. The nervous system consists of a pair of cerebral ganglia connected by a circum- esophageal ring, and four longitudinal nerve cords which pass, two laterally and two ventrally, through the body. There is no centralization of the nerve cells in these cords to form ganglia. In many instances, the longitudinal cords are connected by numerous cross commissures. Typically, the dorsal surface of the body is provided, in the chitons, with a series of eight trans- verse plates or shells, though in the Aplacophora these are want- ing and skeletal structures are restricted to calcareous spicules. I. Order Aplacophora These worm-like forms without shells occur at fairly great depths of the ocean where they burrow in the mud or sand or are associated with various colonial coelenterates. The mantle covers the body completely and bears calcareous spicules instead of producing a definite shell. The foot is lacking and in its place there occurs a longitudinal, ventral ciliated groove. The evidence seems to indicate that this is a degenerate rather than a primitive type of amphineuran. There are only a few genera of which Chaetoderma, Neomenia, and Dondersia are characteristic. II. Order Placophora The chitons are the typical representatives of the order Placophora. They are strictly marine, living at all depths but occurring in special abundance in shallow water where they move freely over the rocks by the action of their powerful foot. The head region is not sharply set off. There are no tentacles and usu- ally no eyes. The eight transverse plates with which the dorsal surface is covered overlap like the tiles on a roof. The plates are so articulated that the animal may roll into a ball. Sometimes, they are completely covered by the mantle but more commonly the mantle only partially covers the plates and extends beyond them along the sides of the body where it is covered with spines. Mantle folds on the ventral surface produce a 168 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY series of small gills or ctenidia. Nerves penetrate the skeletal plates and in the outer, less dense layer of each plate there are frequently small sense organs called aesthetes and in some instances eyes. The mouth and anus are located near the anterior and posterior extremities of the body on the ventral surface. The internal organs are disposed bilaterally along the median plane marked off by the oral-anal axis. Chiton, Cryp- tochyton, Amicula, and Trachydermon are characteristic genera. Class Acephala The Acephala have a shell composed of two lateral valves. Typically the hinge of these valves is dorsal though its position is modified in many instances. On the valves, are usually found conspicuous concentric lines, known as the lines of growth. The umbo, a slight prominence on the dorsal surface around which the lines of growth are distributed, is the oldest part of the shell. An elastic hinge ligament tends to hold the margins opposite the hinge gaping open. The valves of the shell are closed only by the contraction of adductor muscles which extend from one valve to the other through the body. Immediately within the protective shell, lie the right and left lobes of the mantle, secretions from which form the shell. Structure of the Shell.-The shell is covered externally by a thin, organic cuticula. The main bulk of the shell is composed of calcium carbonate. In some species, the innermost layer of the shell is composed of thin layers arranged parallel to the surface. These lamellae are minute enough to diffract the light and thereby produce an iridescence. The nacre, or mother-of-pearl, as this layer is termed, occurs in many fresh-water mussels and is especially conspicuous in the pearl oyster (Meleagrina). One type of pearls is formed by the deposition of nacre about foreign objects which have been introduced between the shell and the mantle. Many of the Acephala have a non-iridescent, porcela- neous lining of the shells. A short distance from the margin of the shell the mantle is joined to it by a line of muscle fibers called the mantle muscle. The line on the shell formed by the attach- ment of this muscle is termed the pallial line. The Siphons.-When the shell is nearly closed, the margins of the two mantle lobes are pressed together tightly except in the posterior region. Here the mantle lobes remain lightly separated to form two openings termed the siphons. Of these, the ventral PHYLUM MOLLUSC A 169 or inhalant siphon is for the inflow of fresh water into the mantle chamber and over the gills, while the dorsal or exhalant siphon discharges water from the mantle cavity and carries the feces along with the water. The margins of the mantle adjacent to the siphons are, in some instances, fused together thus leaving the siphons as permanent openings. The mantle in the region of the siphons frequently elongates and produces a siphon tube which projects beyond the shell. Both siphons may be united in a single tube or there may be two tubes entirely or only partially separated. The Gills and Palpi.-The mantle lobes overlie the gills which are typically paired structures on each side of the body. In the most primitive Acephala the gills are feather-like structures similar to those found in the Gasteropoda. Gills of all of the higher Acephala are derivable from this simple condition. As the flattened filaments elongate, the distal ends of the filaments become recurved and thus each filament becomes V-shaped. In the Filibranchia, the gill filaments may be either independent or united by interlocking cilia while in the Eulamellibranchia the walls of adjoining filaments become grown together to form a continuous sheet. Cilia covering these gills bring water currents through the siphon into the mantle chamber thereby making respiration possible and at the same time bringing into the mantle cavity microorganisms and other organic matter which finally enter the mouth and serve as food. A pair of small flap-like structures, the labial palpi, surround the mouth opening and aid in the selection of food. The Foot.-The foot is highly characteristic in the Acephala though in some instances, as in the oyster, it has become degenerate. It is, typically, a hatchet-shaped muscular organ which, by pro- trusion through the gaping valves of the shell, becomes fixed in the sand or mud, then by contraction of the muscles the animal is drawn a slight distance forward. Posterior to the foot, there frequently occurs a byssus gland, secretions from which form heavy silken threads by means of which permanent or temporary attachment is accomplished. The Visceral Mass is a softer body, lying dorsal to the foot, within which various organs are located. As the name indicates, there is no head in the Acephala. The digestive system has its beginning in a mouth at the anterior extremity of the body, 170 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY located between the small leaf-like labial palpi. In the visceral mass, the digestive tube makes a number of coils and in most Acephala terminates in a rectum which passes through the peri- cardium and also through the ventricle. Gonads and liver occupy most of the visceral mass surrounding the alimentary canal. A gelatinous rod, called the crystalline style, frequently occurs in the stomach. Recent investigations seem to indicate that this organ aids in separating food from foreign particles and probably contains a store of enzymes for use in the digestive processes. Circulatory System.-The heart, which lies in the dorsal part of the visceral mass, is surrounded by a pericardium and consists of a single ventricle and two auricles. A system of arteries carries the blood from the heart to the tissues where they frequently terminate in sinuses. The veins which return the blood to the heart pass first through the excretory organ and then through the gills. Separate vessels supply the mantle with blood and return the blood directly to the heart without passing through the excretory organ or gills. Excretory Organs.-The pair of nephridia characteristic of Acephala are frequently called the organs of Bojanus after their discoverer. They lie immediately below the pericardium. Each nephridium is a wide tube, bent upon itself, one end of which opens into the pericardial cavity and the other, non-glandular in structure, serves as a urinary bladder with its opening usually on a minute papilla into the inner cavity of the gill chamber. Another gland of excretory function, called Keber's organ, lies anterior to the pericardium into which it discharges. Nervous System.-A pair of cerebro-pleural ganglia is located one on each side of the mouth near the base of the labial palpus. A transverse supraesophageal commissure connects this pair of ganglia. Two nerve cords originate in each cerebro-pleural gang- lion, and connect this ganglion with the two other nerve centers on each side of the body. One of these passes ventrally to communicate with the pedal ganglion, embedded in the muscles of the foot, and the other passes posteriorly to a region ventral to the posterior adductor where the parietal and visceral ganglia of the more primitive molluscs have become fused to form a single posterior ganglion. Sense Organs.-There are but few highly specialized sensory organs. Statocysts are frequently found near the pedal ganglia PHYLUM MOLLUSC A 171 though they seem to have nerve connections with the cerebro- pleural ganglia. Patches of sensory epithelium called osphradia, and thought to have olfactory functions, are located near the base of the gills. The labial palpi and the edges of the mantle are highly sensory. The small projections from that part of the mantle which forms the siphons are especially sensitive to touch. Eyes (Fig. 90) are distributed over the margins of the mantle in some forms such as the scallops. Reproduction.-Most of the Acephala are dioecious. In many of the marine forms the gonads discharge their germ cells Fig. 90.-A section through an eye from the mantle margin of Pecten. (Slightly modified from Patten). directly into the water where they undergo fertilization and pass through cleavage and early larval development to form free- swimming larvae. In the fresh-water mussels, however, the eggs after discharge from the ovary are passed into brood pouches or marsupia located within the gills. Either in the marsupia, or enroute to them, sperm cells, brought in with the water currents by way of the siphon, fertilize the eggs. Each egg undergoes cleavage to form a larva known as a glochidium (Fig. 91, A-D). This larval form is provided with a thin bivalve shell operated by a single adductor muscle. Other soft parts within 172 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY the shell are not clearly organized except for the presence in some species of a "larval thread" of uncertain significance and of minute sensory hairs. The glochidia, when discharged from the gills of the mother, are unable to continue development inde- pendently. Almost without exception the larval mussel must exist for some time as a parasite (Fig. 91, E) on the gills or fins of a fish. During this parasitic existence the glochidia undergo a metamorphosis and finally leave the host (Fig. 91, F) as juvenile mussels. Glochidia are frequently referred to as "hooked" or Fig. 91.-Development of fresh-water mussels. A, axe-head type of hookless glochidium of Proptera alata, anterior end view; B, lateral view of same; C, hookless glochidium (Ligumia subrostrata) posterior end view; D, lateral view of same; E, glochidium of Actinonais carinata encysted in gill of rock-bass; F, young mussel, same species as C, one week after close of parasitic life, showing lines of growth beyond glochidial shell and protruded foot with its cilia. (.After Lefevre and Curtis'). 11 hookless." In the hooked forms, the ventral margin of each shell bears a hinged book. Glochidia of this type usually become attached to fins or scales of fishes (as in Lasmigona and Strophi- tus). Valves of the "hookless" glochidia are sometimes provided with small non-jointed spines (Fig. 91, A) as in the axe-head type or may be entirely devoid of spines (Fig. 91, C and Z>). Most of the hookless glochidia become attached to the gills of fish hosts. The finger-nail shells are hermaphroditic and differ from the other fresh-water Eulamellibranchia in that the young are born alive and do not pass through a larval stage outside the body of the parent. In the classification here adopted, the number and arrange- ment of the gills and of the adductor muscles serve as the chief PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 173 characters for the recognition of orders. Some students of the Mollusca and paleontologists more frequently utilize a system of classification based largely upon hinge structure. I. Order Protobranchia In members of this order, the gills are a single pair of plume-like structures each bearing two rows of flattened gill filaments. The foot has a flattened ventral surface which is used in locomo- tion. Yoldia, Nucula, Leda, and Solenomya are genera included in this order of marine Acephala. II. Order Filibranchia The gills of the filibranchs are plate-like and formed of V-shaped filaments which are either independent or united by interlocking cilia. The anterior adductor is frequently rudimentary or even lacking. This order is distinctly marine. Mytilus, Modiola, Area, Anomia, and Trigonia are characteristic genera. III. Order Pseudolamellibranchia Members of this order have but one adductor muscle. The gills are plaited in vertical folds with either ciliary or vascular junctions between the filaments. The oysters (Ostraeidae) are usually permanently attached by the right valve. The pearl oysters (Meleagrina) are included here as are also the scallops (Pecten). IV. Order Eulamellibranchia In the Eulamellibranchia, the two adductors are of approxi- mately equal development. The lamelliform gills have the fila- ments united by vascular j unctions forming a basket-like structure. The fresh-water mussels (Unio, Anodonta, Lampsilis, Quadrula, Symphonota), comprising scores of genera and hundreds of species, belong here. The giant Tridacna of tropical seas has a shell which reaches as much as four feet in diameter and weighs several hundred pounds. Shaerium, Pisidium, and Musculium are minute fresh-water forms, commonly called finger-nail shells, in which the young undergo complete development within the brood sacs of their hermaphroditic parents. The clams (Mya, Venus, Ensatella), the heart shells (Cardium) and the ship worms (Teredo) are important marine representatives. The 174 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY shipworms are of especial importance because of the damage they cause by their boring habits in the destruction of piling and wooden ships. Members of the genus Pholas even burrow into rocks. V. Order Septibranchia In members of this order, the gills are restricted to a horizontal partition within the mantle cavity. Slits in this partition offer communication between branchial and cloacal chambers. (Sile- nia, Cuspidaria.) Class Scaphopoda An external tubular shell, open at both ends and more or less curved, covers the body of the scaphopods. The shape of the shell is responsible for the common name "tooth shell" so fre- quently applied to members of this class. Jaws and radula are present but in the paired liver and general arrangement of the nervous system the Scaphopoda resemble the Acephala. Gills are wanting and the rudimentary heart possesses only a ventricle. The foot which is rather long and conical, extends from the larger opening of the shell and bears two lateral lobes. Dentalium is a modern genus of this class all members of which are marine. Class Gasteropoda The snails, limpets, slugs, and sea hares are examples of the Gasteropoda. Representatives of this class usually have head, visceral mass, foot, and mantle though in some instances one or more of these may be wanting. A shell, when present, is composed of a single piece. In some snails, either a limy or a horny disc called the operculum, serves for closing the opening when the animal is withdrawn into the shell but is not considered as comparable to a second valve. The foot is usually flattened so that it presents a large ventral surface upon which the animal crawls. The head, which is located anterior to the foot, bears hollow tentacles, eyes either at the base or tips of the tentacles, and a mouth. The mantle covers the dorsal surface of the body and bounds a spacious mantle cavity which contains the gills in the water-breathing forms. A siphon, through which water enters and leaves the branchial chamber, is frequently formed by an outgrowth from the edge of the mantle. The shape of the PHYLUM MOLLUSC A 175 shell is often greatly influenced by the presence of the siphon. In the pulmonate snails, the mantle cavity is largely replaced by a highly vascular sac or lung into which air is admitted through a single opening, the spiracle. The visceral mass lies dorsal to the foot. With increase in its size, it frequently assumes a spiral form and the mantle, which is carried with it, continues to secrete a shell at the free margin. As a result, the shell assumes a spiral form. The shell may be either simple cone-shaped or anything between this and a highly complex spiral. In the spiral type of shell, the coiled chamber usually surrounds a calcareous pillar which marks the axis of the shell and is termed the columella. In any given species, the coiling of the shell about the columella is normally in a fixed direction. Most coiled shells when held with the apex point- ing upward and the aperture facing the observer have the aperture on the right side and are therefore said to be dextral. Some snails are characteristically sinistral. Fig. 92.-Diagrams to show shifting of organs in the development of the streptoneurous condition of gasteropods. All diagrams as though viewed from dorsal surface. A, an orthoneurous gasteropod with posterior anus, and gills, ganglia, and auricles arranged in perfect bilateral symmetry; B, hypothetical intermediate condition in torsion; C, streptoneurous condition with gill, auricle, and parietal ganglion of original left side now on right side of body. (After Lans'). Since growth takes place through the addition of new shell material by the mantle around the aperture, each whorl is successively larger than the preceding. When a siphon is present, the aperture is drawn into an elongated process for containing it. The nervous system consists of two cerebral ganglia, the pairs of pedal and visceral ganglia, and two or three additional pairs all of which are united by commissures. The cerebro-visceral commissures may be either parallel (Fig. 92, A) (orthoneurous) 176 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY or crossed (Fig. 92, C) (streptoneurous) as a result of torsion within the body of the animal. Alimentary canal, nephridia, gills, circulatory and nervous systems are all affected in their arrangement by this torsion which is usually toward the right side. The anus may open into the mantle cavity either on the right side or in extreme instances may occupy a location near the head. In this latter instance, gills, nephridia, and other organs which belong primitively on the left side of the body become shifted in position to the right and vice versa. The alimentary canal has, at its anterior extremity, a muscular region which forms a conspicuous protrusible proboscis. The pharynx contains an organ variously termed the radula, odonto- phore, or lingual ribbon, the surface of which bears sharp teeth which are used in rasping off food particles. This radula is subject to numerous modifications, and differences in it are considered of great significance in the classification of gasteropods. Esophagus, stomach, and intestine are but slightly marked off from each other in the convolutions within the visceral mass. As mentioned above, the anus, which finds its normal position at the posterior extremity, may occur either on the right side or near the anterior margin of the visceral mass. Sense Organs.-The tentacles are the most conspicuous sensory organs. The eyes may be either at the bases of or at the tips of the tentacles but in some forms they are borne at the tips of a second pair of tentacles. Torsion of Body.-Modifications of the body correlated with torsion (Fig. 92) have in some instances resulted in loss of gill, nephridium, and osphradium of the primitively left side. As in the other Mollusca, the number of auricles is directly correlated with the number of respiratory organs, consequently with the loss of one gill the heart comprises but a single auricle and a single ventricle. When the lungs or gills are located in the front of the heart (Prosobranchia and Pulmonata), the auricles are anterior to the ventricle but when placed behind the heart (Opisthobranchia and Pteropoda), the auricle is posterior to the ventricle. Reproduction.-The gonad is always single. In some instances the sexes are separate while in others the gonad is hermaphro- ditic. The course of development is fairly uniform throughout the group, involving the presence of a veliger larva. In ter- restrial and fresh-water forms, the veliger stage is passed within PHYLUM MOLLUSC A 177 the egg shell and not as a free larval stage. Some gasteropods are viviparous. Subclass Prosobranchia In the Prosobranchia or Streptoneura, are included those gasteropods which have the cerebro-visceral commissures of the nervous system crossed or twisted into the form of a figure eight (Fig. 92, C). The sexes are separate. A shell is almost always present and is usually provided with an operculum. I. Order Aspidobranchia The order Aspidobranchia includes prosobranchs with but little concentration of the nervous system. The limpets (sub- order Docoglossa) include marine forms with a non-spiral shell and bearing either a single true ctenidium or a secondarily developed pallial gill beneath the mantle margin or with both true and secondary gills. Patella and Acmaea are representa- tive genera. The abalones (Haliotis) and the genera Fissurella and Trochus exemplify the suborder Rhipidoglossa in which both limpet-like and spiral shells occur. II. Order Ctenobranchiata This order includes large numbers of marine, fresh-water, and terrestrial Streptoneura with the shell usually coiled in a more or less elevated spiral. The heart has but one auricle. Due to torsion, the primitively right gill is shifted to the left side of the body. Both shelled and naked forms are included within this order. The members of the suborder Heteropoda are free- swimming and pelagic marine molluscs in which the foot is modified to form a vertical fin. Carinaria with its delicate, glassy shell and Atlanta are examples. In the suborder Platypoda the foot is flattened ventrally. Littorina, Crepidula, Natica, Strombus, Pleurocera, Murex, and Terebra are examples of this highly diversified suborder. Subclass Euthyneura The cerebro-visceral commissures are not crossed in the members of this subclass but form a simple loop. The indi- viduals are hermaphroditic. The shell, which is typically spiral or flattened, is frequently vestigial or wanting. In the order 178 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Opisthobranchia, are included marine forms of which the Tecti- branchs (Aplysiidae or sea hares and Pteropods) and Nudi- branchs are examples. The order Pulmonata comprises chiefly terrestrial and fresh- water forms. The walls of the mantle cavity are modified to form a lung into which air is taken in respiration. Most of the aquatic forms depend upon periodic visits to the surface of the water for renewing the oxygen supply in the lung, though in some instances the lung has become adapted secondarily for water respiration. Physa, Lymnaea, Planorbis, and the limpet- shaped Ancylus are fresh-water pulmonates. The slugs (Limax, Arion, and Agriolimax) and many land snails (Polygyra, Helix, Pupa, Bulimulus) are also pulmonate Euthyneura. Class Cephalopoda The cephalophods are the most highly organized molluscs. In habits, they are exclusively marine. Among present-day forms, they include the squids (Fig. 93, A), cuttlefishes, devil- fishes (Fig. 93, B), and Nautilus. In most instances (except in Nautilus), a head is well defined. The characteristic arms which surround the mouth and the funnel-shaped siphon are modifications of the foot. The siphon is a highly muscular organ through which water is ejected from the mantle cavity. The force of the ejected stream of water, directed backward, drives the animal ahead and thus aids in locomotion. A fleshy mantle encloses a cavity which contains the gills and also serves as a covering for the most of the other viscera. When a shell is present, it is frequently internal as the cuttlebone of Sepia. A pair of eyes, on the sides of the head beneath the bases of the tentacles, very closely resemble the eyes of vertebrates. In finer structure and origin, the cephalopod and vertebrate eyes are widely different for despite their superficial resemblances the two seem to have had entirely independent origin. The cornea of the cephalopod eye is perforated and thereby allows water to enter the anterior chamber while it is not perforated in the vertebrate eye. The arrangement of the sensory cells, the retina, is just the reverse in the two types of eye. The vertebrate retina is said to be inverted, for light passing through the eye strikes the sensory cells of the retina on the same end that bears attachment to the nerve endings. In contrast with this, the direct retina of the cephalopod eye is so organized PHYLUM MOLLUSC A 179 that the light passing through the eye falls upon the free ends of the sensory cells. In Nautilus, much simpler eyes are found for lens, vitreous body, cornea, and iris are wanting. The sexes are separate. The spermatophores of the male are frequently stored in arms which become more or less modified. In most instances, this modification involves only sufficient change to adapt the arms as accessory copulatory organs but in a few genera the entire arm bearing the spermatophores becomes severed from the body of the male and acquires independent powers Fig. 93.-Cephalopods. A, ventral view of a squid, Loligo opalescens; B, dorsal view of Polypus bimaculatus. (After Berry). of locomotion. When first observed, these worm-like castaway- arms were thought to be entire organisms and were described under the name Hectocotylus before their relationship to the cephalopod body was understood. The term hectocotylization is used to indicate this type of spermatophore transfer through the agency of dissevered tentacles. Largely on the basis of the number of gills, two subclasses of cephalopods are recognized, the Tetrabranchia with four gills and the Dibranchia with two. 180 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Subclass Tetrabranchia The genus Nautilus contains the only living representatives of the Tetrabranchia. A well-developed, chambered shell within which the animal lives, the presence of four gills, four auricles, and four nephridia, a divided siphon and many tentacles without hooks or suckers, characterize the living examples of this subclass. In past geological ages, numerous tetrabranchs flourished, the fossil shells of which show many interesting evolutionary ten- dencies in development. But little is known of the habits and development of Nautilus, for though the empty shells are cast ashore in quantities in the Pacific and Indian oceans the animal is rarely found alive. Subclass Dibranchia In this subclass, are included those cephalopods having two branched gills in the mantle cavity, two nephridia, two auricles, highly organized eyes, and eight or ten arms bearing suckers or hooks. On the basis of the num- ber of arms, two orders are recog- nized, namely, Octopoda and Decapoda. An ink sac (Fig. 94) is usually present. Shells may be either present or wanting. The powerful, muscular arms are used both in swimming and in the capture of prey. A constriction separates the head from the body proper and marks the anterior boundary of the mantle. At this level, on the ventral surface occurs the respiratory opening. I. Order Decapoda As the name implies, the Deca- poda have ten appendages, the arms, but two of these are frequent- ly longer than the rest and are modified as tentacles. These tentacles, which bear suckers only on the enlarged tips, are capable of retraction within special pouches. Along the sides of the usually cylindrical body are Fig. 94.-Diagram of median sec- tion of Sepia. {From Lang). PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 181 borne longitudinal lateral fins. Some sort of a shell is usually present, in the form of an internal, coiled, chambered shell as in Spirula, as a long horny pen of purely organic matter as in the squids (Loligo), or as a highly calcareous plate known as the "cuttlebone" of the cuttlefish (Sepia, Fig. 94). The pigment sepia is also derived from the cuttlefish for the ink sac which is characteristic of the Decapoda stores quantities of this pigment. When the animal is disturbed, clouds of this ink are shot from the mantle cavity through the siphon and serve as an effective cover under which the cuttlefish moves off to safety. Two kinds of hearts are present. The systemic heart is of typical molluscan type with its single ventricle and two auricles corresponding to the number of gills and receiving blood from them, but in addition to this heart there is a branchial heart at the base of each ctenidium which forces the blood through the gills. The heavily yolk-laden telolecithal eggs undergo partial dis- coidal cleavage. The organs of the young cephalopod are formed from the blastoderm; first as flattened projections, but as these grow the young animal becomes recognizable, at first appended to the bulky yolk sac by the head end. II. Order Octopoda The devilfishes (Octopus) and Argonauta are included within the order of eight-armed cephalopods. The arms are usually more or less webbed together at their bases and equal in size. In the Argonauts, the female is provided with a thin, single- chambered shell but the male Argonauts and all other repre- sentatives of the order typically lack a shell. The body is usually sac-shaped, in contrast with the more frequently cylin- drical body of the decapods. The coelom is very greatly reduced. References (See general references cited at the close of Chapter I) Baker, F. C. 1898 and 1902. Mollusca of the Chicago Area. Chicago Acad. Sci., Nat. Hist. Survey Bull. 3. ■ . 1916. The Relation of Mollusks to Fish in Oneida Lake. New York St. Coll. Forestry, Tech. Publ., 4. Berry, S. S. 1912. A Revision of the Cephalopods of Western North America. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 30: 267-336. Coker, R. E., Shira, A. F., Clark, H. W., and Howard, A. D. 1921. Natural History and Propagation of Fresh-water Mussels. Bull. U. S. Bureau Fish., 37: 77-181. 182 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Drew, G. A. 1911 and 1919. Sexual activities of the Squid, Loligo Pealii (Les). Jour. Morphol., 22: 327-359 and 32: 379-435. Kellogg, J. L. 1900. Observations on the Life History of the common clam, Mya arenaria. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm, for 1899: 193-202. . 1915. Ciliary mechanisms of Lamellibranchs. Jour. Morphol., 26: 625-702. Lefever, G. and Curtis, W. C. 1912. Studies on the reproduction and artificial propagation of fresh-water mussels. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 30: 105-301. Ortmann, A. E. 1911. A Monograph of the Najades of Pennsylvania. Mem. Carnegie Museum, 4, No. 6. Pillsbury, H. A. 1885- . Manual of Conchology, second series. Philadelphia. Simpson, G. B. 1901. Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra albolarbis and Limax maximus and embryology of Limax maximus. Bull. N. Y. State Museum, 8. Tryon, G. W. 1882-1884. Structural and Systematic Conchology. Philadelphia. CHAPTER XIII PHYLUM ARTHROPODA INTRODUCTION AND CLASS CRUSTACEA In many respects, the arthropods represent the highest development found in the non-chordate animals. In earlier chapters, it has been shown that the bodies of the higher seg- mented worms are composed of a linear repetition of similar rings or somites. The somites of these -worms often bear appen- dages, called parapodia, but these in their highest development are mere flap-like folds of the body wall and are never jointed. The tendency toward specialization of appendages has been carried much further in the arthropods for here they have become more highly organized and they are definitely articulated. Metamerism of the body also finds higher expression in the arthropods, for in most arthropods the segments of the body have undergone greater specialization and more distinct regional differentiation than is encountered in any annelids. Since the segments of the worms show so little differentiation the metamer- ism of the worms is said to be homonomous while that of the arthropods is very distinctly heteronomous. In most instances at least head and trunk regions are recognizable and in many cases three body divisions are distinctly set off as head, thorax, and abdomen. The body covering or integument of arthropods is composed of a chitinous material overlying the hypodermis. To permit of movement of the body, joints occur in this otherwise unwieldy exoskeleton. These joints are termed sutures and skeletal areas bounded by sutures are designated as sclerites. Inorganic substances, especially lime, are frequently added to the chitin thus giving the skeleton additional strength and thereby afford- ing greater protection to the underlying parts. The skeletal plates are more or less telescoped at the more prominent joints so the body surface presents an uninterrupted armor. With age, the chitinous covering increases in thickness and becomes an effective barrier to further growth of the parts 183 184 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY which it encases. Growth is then rendered possible only by periodic shedding of the cuticula in a process known as molting or ecdysis. Immediately following the ecdysis, the body cover- ing is extremely soft and pliable and during this period there is rapid increase in size. Frequency of ecdysis varies greatly in different groups of the arthropods but it is of much more frequent occurrence in early stages of development. In the insects, attainment of the adult form marks the last ecdysis through which the individual passes, except in the mayflies which molt once after the wings become functional. Number of Segments.-In the fundamental structural plan of an arthropod, each segment bears a pair of appendages. Fusion of segments and degeneration of appendages on some segments frequently obscure this plan, but even in such instances evidences of the primitive condition are often still observable in the embryo for the vestiges of appendages occur here even though they may be entirely wanting in the adult. Characteristic Organ Systems.-The chief organ of the circulatory system (a dorsal vessel or a heart) lies dorsal to the digestive canal. The circulatory system is of the open type for the body fluid is not restricted to vessels throughout its course but is frequently spilled into sinuses or lacunae. These sinuses are so prominent that they are frequently mistaken for a coelom though they more correctly represent a haemocoel. The central nervous system consists of a ladder-like chain of ganglia (Fig. 123) and a brain or supraesophageal ganglion of which all but the brain is ventral to the digestive tract. Various modifications for respiration and excretion are found but these will be discussed under the several classes. Development is always sexual but modified types of sexual development are found in the establishment of parthenogenetic and pedogenetic habits in some groups. Polyembryony has been demonstrated in some insects. Hermaphroditism is rare. The centrolecithal egg undergoes partial, superficial cleavage in most instances. So many different larval stages are involved in the various groups of arthropods that the developmental cycle will be considered separately for the individual classes of the phylum. Classes.-There is much disagreement regarding the number of classes into which the Arthropoda should be divided. Even a conservative judgment would demand that the Crustacea, the Acerata, the Onycophora, the Diplopoda, the Chilopoda, the PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 185 Symphyla, the Myrientomata, and the Insecta be recognized as classes. Some writers maintain that in addition to these, several other groups such as the Pyconogonida, the Tardigrada, the Linguatulida, and the Pauropoda, should be admitted to the rank of classes. Class Crustacea The cuticula of most crustaceans has become hardened through the addition of carbonate and phosphate of lime to the organic chitinous skeleton. Members of this class are typically aquatic though some (the sowbugs and land crabs) have become modified for terrestrial existence. A carapace is very frequently present. This has its origin as a fold at the head end and grows backward as a continuous shield protecting the underlying parts and obscuring the external evidences of segmentation of the parts covered. In some instances, the entire body is enclosed in this shell-like carapace (Fig. 99) which gives to these crustaceans a con- fusing external resemblance to molluscs. More frequently, the head and all or part of the thorax are covered by the carapace. Appendages.-All of the present-day crustaceans have two pairs of antennae though the trilobites (Fig. 96), all of which are extinct, have but a single pair. The appendages are typically Y-shaped and are said to be of the biramous or schizopodal type. The stem of the Y, which provides attachment with the body wall, is called the protopodite and is composed of two segments, namely, a proximal coxopodite and a distal basipodite. Distally, the basipodite characteristically bears two branches of which the one nearer the median line of the body is termed the endopo- dite and the other the exopodite. Many of the crustacean appendages have become modified so that the biramous con- dition is not observable as, for example, the walking legs of the crawfish and lobster in which the protopodite bears but a single series of segments to form the leg. A study of the larvae of the lobsters (Fig. 95) gives proof that the distal part of the leg is the endopodite, for in larval lobsters the thoracic legs are distinctly biramous and it is only in later development that the exopodite of these appendages disappears. There are no free larval stages in the crawfishes for the entire development is com- pleted within the egg but since other structures of the crawfish homologize so directly with those of the lobster, the leg of the crawfish is likewise considered as being composed of a protopodite and an endopodite. 186 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY While the schizopodal or biramous appendages are character- istic of most crustaceans, there are some in which a more primitive type of appendage is found. In the Phyllopoda, there are leaf- like feet on the thorax (Fig. 97) though the antennae are bira- mous. The phyllopod appendages bear a number of lateral processes called endites projecting from a central axis of podo- meres or foot segments. This type of appendage seems to be more generalized than the biramous type and the latter may have originated as a modification of the foliaceous type. The number of body segments is highly variable. The anterior five somites are fused with the prostomium to form the head. This may be united with some or all of the thorax to form a cephalo-thorax. The abdominal feomites are highly variable in number. Respiratory and Excretory Organs.-Respiration is usually through gills, though in some instances there are no modified structures for respiration because the entire body surface func- tions in this capacity directly. The gills are very frequently borne within a gill chamber formed by the walls of the carapace and the body wall. Special organs of excretion are the green glands and the so-called shell glands which open on the bases of the second antennae and the second maxillae respectively. These two organs occur together in the larvae but in adult crustaceans one or the other fails to develop. They agree in fundamental structure. Each consists of a terminal vesicle which communicates with an external pore by a slender, greatly coiled tubule. The digestive canal is largely ectodermal and is consequently lined with chitin. The stomodaeum includes not only the pharynx but also a dilated portion, modified for grinding, which is called the stomach. Much of the intestine is proctodaeum. The mesenteron is a relatively short region into which a paired digestive gland, the hepato-pancreas, empties. Sensory Organs.-Both antennae and antennules are tactile organs, innervated from the brain, but in some instances the antennae are the chief locomotor organs. Otocysts are found only in the Malacostraca where they occupy a position in the protopodite of the antennules (Decapoda) or on the last abdominal appendages (Schizopoda). Paired compound eyes are charac- teristic of many crustaceans but there are some blind forms. An unpaired X-shaped "naupli'us eye" occurs in the larvae of PHYLUM ARTHROPOD A 187 most crustaceans and is retained as the optic organ in the adults of the lower Crustacea. Development.-The Crustacea typically pass through one or more larval stages before reaching adult organization. When direct development occurs, it has either resulted from a sup- pression of larval stages or these stages have been passed before the embryo leaves the egg. The nauplius is one of the most important as well as most characteristic larval stages of Crustacea for it is almost universal among the lower orders. This larva is composed of three segments bearing three pairs of appendages. The foremost of these appendages are simple and later develop into the antennules while the second and third are biramous and in later development form the antennae and mandibles respec- tively. There is a single unpaired eye. In a characteristic instance, as in the development of Cyclops, the nauplius after its first molt becomes a metanauplius bearing the rudiments of three pairs of appendages in addition to those found in the nauplius. These additional rudiments represent the two pairs of maxillae and one pair of maxillipeds. A pair of very rudimentary thoracic appendages also make their appearance on the metanauplius. In each of three successive molts, the Cyclops larva acquires an additional pair of these stump-like rudiments of the thoracic legs, so with the close of the larval period there are four pairs of the thoracic rudiments, and following a final larval molt the larva has practically attained the adult form. Among the copepods, the nauplius and metanauplius stages are passed within the egg membranes and the larva at hatching is termed a copepodid because of its fairly close resemblance to the general organization of the free-living copepod. The zoea (Fig. 93, B) is characteristic of the Malacostraca where it is usually the first larval stage but in a few instances it is pre- ceded by a nauplius. It consists of a cephalothorax bearing biramous appendages and an abdomen without appendages. The head bears a pair of lateral compound eyes. Typically, the zoea by several molts transforms into a mysis stage (Fig. 95, A), in which even the posterior thoracic appendages are biramous and are of use in swimming. In later development, the exopodite of these biramous thoracic appendages disappears and leaves the unbranched walking legs of the adult. 188 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY In the Brachyura (crabs), the thoracic appendages of the zoea, which are later destined to become the walking legs, develop in the free-swimming larva as only bud-like rudiments and never acquire the biramous condition characteristic of the mysis larva. Thus in the crabs the mysis stage has been eliminated and the zoea in passing to the adult condition transforms through a more advanced type of larva (Fig. 103) which is termed the megalops. Six subclasses of the Crustacea are here considered: the Trilo- bita which are represented by fossil remains only, the Phyllopoda, the Copepoda, the Ostracoda, the Cirripedia which are exclu- sively marine, and the Malacostraca. Fig. 95.-Typical stages in the development of the lobster. A, first swimming stage or mysis; B, second larval stage, with abdominal appendages; C, fourth larval stage showing loss of exopodites from walking legs. (After Herrick). Subclass Trilobita The trilobites are of importance because they represent a primitive type of crustacean which has not persisted to recent times but occurred in abundance during Cambrian times when the oldest fossil-bearing rocks were formed, reached an extreme development in the Silurian and disappeared in the Permian. In habits, they were exclusively marine. Their remains are among the most popularly known fossils. The body contains a variable number of somites (Fig. 96) which are grouped into head, thorax, and abdomen. Each segment bears & pair of PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 189 jointed appendages. The head bears five pairs all of which are biramous except the antennules and they are simple. A pair of compound eyes usually occurs on the head. A pair of longitudinal grooves separates the body into a central axis and two lateral pleural lobes. This "trilobed" condition of the body suggests the origin of the group name. About 2,000 species have been described. Proetus, Asaphus, Dalmanites, Triarthrus (Fig. 96), Harpes, Ctenocephalus, Para- doxides, and Homalonotus are examples of the 200 or more described genera. Fig. 96.-A trilobite, Triarthrus Becki. A, dorsal; B, ventral aspect. (After Beecher, from ZitteW). Subclass Phyllopoda Of the present-day Crustacea, the Phyllopoda are the most primitive. The name intimates one of the outstanding characters of the group, the presence of leaf-like appendages. Fresh-water, marine, and brackish-water forms are included within the con- fines of this group the members of which have little more than the leaf-like appendages as a common characteristic. In the two orders, Branchiopoda and Cladocera, members of the former have numerous segments, very distinctly marked, while members of the latter order have few somites and these are frequently not clearly defined. Even within each order, body form and struc- ture are subject to great variation. There is usually a pair of conspicuous eyes and frequently in addition there is a small median eye. In some instances, the paired eyes, distinct in the young, fuse to form a single eye but even then two optic nerves 190 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY are retained so the double nature of the eye is still observable. The sexes are distinct though males are much less numerous than females. Members of the two orders Branchiopoda and Cladocera are separable on the basis of the number of trunk appendages. In the former, there are ten or more pairs of trunk appendages while in the Cladocera the appendages of this region do not exceed six pairs. I. Order Branchiopoda With the exception of one genus, Artemia, the Branchiopoda are exclusively fresh-water phyllopods which occur in all parts of the world. Eubranchipus (the fairy shrimp, Fig. 97), Apus, and Estheria represent three distinctly different types of struc- ture within this order. In habits, all of these are peculiar in that they are restricted to small pools and especially the temporary pools which are formed by spring rains and disappear during the Fig. 97.-Eubranchipus vernalis in normal position for swimming. {After Packard, from Kingsley's Hertwig, with permission of Henry Holt and Co.) summer. In these temporary pools, they appear in very great numbers in early spring, then after a few days or weeks they disappear entirely. An examination of the mud after the pool has dried up reveals large numbers of the eggs which are capable of withstanding desiccation. In fact, the eggs of some forms refuse to develop if they are returned to water immediately and develop normally only after being dried out. From the egg, is derived a larva in the nauplius or metanauplius stage. Many phyllopods swim upon the back with the ventral surface upper- most. This is especially characteristic (Fig. 97) of Eubranchipus. Eubranchipus and the brine-shrimp Artemia are examples of the suborder Anostraca, the members of which have no carapace and bear stalked eyes. The members of suborder Nostraca, PHYLUM ARTHROPOD A 191 of which Apus and Lepiclurus are examples, include branchiopods with a shield-shaped carapace covering part of the trunk and with sessile eyes. In the suborder Conchostraca, are grouped forms which have a bivalve carapace enclosing the entire animal. Estheria, Limnadia, and Limnetus with their strikingly mollus- can appearances are examples of this suborder. II. Order Cladocera The Cladocera are small phyllopods, rarely more than three millimeters in length, with a distinct head and usually with a carapace covering the trunk and legs. In a few instances (Leptodora and Polyphemus), the carapace is greatly reduced and serves only as a brood sac leaving the trunk and legs entirely free. The head holds a median compound eye which has usually resulted from the fusion of two lateral eyes and is capable of rotation within a capsule. The antennules are sensory but the second antennae are modified as swimming organs and constitute the chief organs for locomotion. In addition, the head bears a pair of mandibles and a pair of greatly reduced maxillae. A dorsal heart, just back of the head, is the only circulatory organ, for vessels are wanting. An ostium on each side of the heart allows the blood to enter and contraction of the heart forces the blood through a single anterior opening. There are no specialized organs for respiration. That portion of the body within the shell is divisible into two regions, one, the body proper which is not sharply segmented but bears six pairs of foliaceous appendages, and the other, an unsegmented post-abdomen. The trunk appendages function chiefly in creating water currents through the space within the shell. Most Cladocera react positively to weak light and negatively to strong light but these reactions may be reversed by other stimuli acting as controlling factors in their behaviour. Thus, in cold water, Cladocera may respond positively to a light stimulus which would repel the same individuals living at a higher temperature. Reproduction is largely parthenogenetic. The eggs are stored, frequently in considerable numbers, in a brood case formed within the dorsal portion of the carapace. Here they undergo full development without ever having a free larval stage. Under ordinary circumstances, all of the parthenogenetic eggs produce 192 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY females. However, when unfavorable conditions arise, not all of the parthenogenetically developed individuals are females but some males are hatched from parthenogenetic eggs. In the sexual cycle which follows, each female produces only one or two large thick-shelled eggs. These are true sexual eggs which require fertilization before development is initiated. The fer- tilized eggs pass into a brood sac, the walls or portions of the walls of which become modified as an enclosing envelope (ephippium) within which the resting eggs lie until the return of conditions favorable for their development. The Cladocera, along with some other crustaceans, have great value in that they are important as food for many aquatic animals, especially fish, while they in turn utilize the smaller algae which are abundant under conditions in which they are found. Daphnia and Bosmina are characteristic shelled forms while Leptodora and Polyphemus have greatly reduced shells. Subclass Copepoda Copepods inhabit both fresh- and salt-water. Some forms have become so highly modified through adaptation to the para- sitic habit that they are only with difficulty recognizable as arthro- pods. In the free-living forms, the body is usually elongated and distinctly segmented. The appendages are characteristically biramous though some have become so modified that they have lost their biramous nature. Six pairs of appendages are borne on the head and four or five on the anterior region of the trunk while the posterior region of the trunk lacks appendages. The last abdominal segment is forked. The unpaired nauplius eye is characteristic of copepods and prompted the application of the name Cyclops to one genus. In many instances, the eggs when discharged from the female are surrounded by a gelatinous substance and remain attached to the body as prominent egg-sacs. Conspicuous egg-sacs are highly characteristic of the female Cyclops. Larvae hatching from the eggs are in the nauplius stage. Copepods occur in such abundance and are important food items for such numbers of different animals that they have considerable economic importance. Many fishes feed almost exclusively upon small crustaceans of which the copepods are the most numerous. Even some whales subsist largely upon copepod diet. PHYLUM ARTHROPOD A 193 Parasitic Copepods.-In the foregoing, only the free-living copepods have been considered. There are immense numbers of copepods which dwell as parasites upon other animals. Fishes are especially prominent hosts of these parasites which are popularly known as fish-lice. Both the body and gills are sub- ject to attack. Some of these parasitic copepods (e.g., the genus Argulus (Fig. 98) of the order Branchiura) have a pair of com- pound eyes, fully developed swimming feet, and a modification of the first maxillipeds to form a pair of sucking discs for securing attachment to the host. These Argulids are not permanent parasites for especially at the breeding season they leave the body of the host and swim free in the water. In contrast with these, stand some other parasitic copepods the bodies of which have become so greatly reduced as an adaptation to the parasitic habit that they are more like a simple worm in appearance than like an arthropod. It is only through the unaltered larval stages, the nauplius and the metanauplius, that the affinities of these degenerate adults are recognizable. There are a number of families displaying an extensive array of bizarre body forms. In many instances, all of the appendages excepting those modified for attachment to the host have degener- ated. Lernaeopoda, Ergasilus, Lernaeocera, Calegus, and Pen- nella are characteristic genera of parasitic copepods while Cyclops, Diaptomus and Pontilla are free-living. Subclass Ostracoda Ostracoda are abundant in various fresh- and salt-water habitats. The entire animal is enclosed within a bivalve shell (Fig. 99) but when the valves open the appendages protrude. Segmentation of the body is very indistinct or wanting. The head region bears two pairs of antennae, both used in swimming, the mandibles, and two pairs of maxillae. Ordinarily, the trunk region bears but two pairs of legs. Fig. 98.-Dorsal view of a female parasitic copepod, Argulus versicolor. (After Wilson). 194 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Most ostracods are omnivorous. Both parthenogenetic and true sexual reproduction occur. The eggs produce nauplii which undergo a number of molts before reaching the mature form. Cypris is free-swimming while Candona is of a burrowing habit. In the marine forms (Cypridinidae), a heart is present but in fresh-water ostracods there is no heart. Fig. 99.--General anatomy of an ostracod, Cypris virens Jurine. (After Vavra). (Reprinted by permission from Ward and Whipple's Fresh-waterBioloyy, published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) Subclass Cirripedia Most Crustacea are free-moving animals except the parasitic forms and the members of the entire group known as the Cirripedia or barnacles. Not only are the barnacles sessile but as a consequence of this habit they show very marked degenera- tion of many structures. Adaptation to the sessile life also helps to explain the fact that hermaphroditism, which is so uncommon in Arthropods, is the usual condition among the Cirripedia. Though occasionally males are found they are usually small, degenerate forms known as complemental males which very frequently live within the shell of the female, at times as parasites. The body is enclosed in a membranous mantle which, in most instances, is encased in calcareous plates. It is not surprising PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 195 that until less than a century ago barnacles were thought to be molluscs. In development, the Cirripedia hatch from the egg as a naup- lius. Because of its resemblance to the ostracod, Cypris, a second larval stage with a bivalve shell, is termed the cypris stage. The free-swimming larva comes into contact with some object to which it becomes attached. The first antennae, with their associated cement glands, aid in the fixation. Calcified plates usually make their appearance in the mantle folds and form a protective shell surrounding the animal. Within this shell, the body of the barnacle is peculiarly oriented for, as is sometimes Fig. 100.-Barnacle. said, the barnacle stands on its head and kicks food into its mouth. Water currents bearing food to the mouth are set up by the beating of the usually six pairs of plume-like biramous appendages of the trunk. The mouth is surrounded by a pair of mandibles and two pairs of maxillae. The goose barnacles (Lepas anatiferd) have the region of attachment (Fig. 100) drawn out into a characteristically elongated stalk. A mediaeval myth maintains that the goose develops from these goose barnacles. The neckless barnacles, (Balanus for example), which encrust rocks and other submerged objects, have a flattened base of attachment from which the 196 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY skeletal plates arise directly. Barnacles are exclusively marine and choose stones, wood, animals, plants, in short any object as a place for attachment. When they become attached to the bodies of other animals, it is a very common thing for them to become dependent upon the animal which offers shelter and as a consequence there is here shown in great detail the development of the parasitic habit. Various species become more or less dependent upon whales and sharks while Sacculina becomes attached to the abdomen of decapod crabs and undergoes a para- sitic degeneration rarely equaled. All traces of appendages and of digestive organs are lost, and, as the name implies, Sacculina becomes a mere sac-like structure with a root-like system penetrating the body of the host for absorbing food. The relationships of this degenerate form are shown only through the larval stages which are fully characteristic of the barnacles. Fig. 101.-Male of the genus Nebalia. (After Claus). Subclass Malacostraca The Malacostraca are frequently spoken of as the higher Crustacea. Lobsters, crawfishes, crabs, shrimps, prawns, sow- bugs, scuds, and sandfleas are common names of some represen- tatives of this subclass. The body segments, so highly variable in number in members of the foregoing groups, are in the Mala- costraca almost rigidly limited to twenty or twenty-one. Usually the head consists of a prostomium and five additional somites, the thorax of eight, and the abdomen of seven of which the last (the telson) bears no appendages. PHYLUM ARTHROPOD A 197 The antennal glands are the typical excretory organs of adults though larvae and some Isopoda have a shell gland communi- cating with the second maxillae for excretion. The genital opening of the male is characteristically upon the coxopodite of the eighth thoracic appendage and of the female on the sixth. Within the Malacostraca, a considerable number of orders are recognized but for the purposes of this text attention is limited to but six of them. I. Order Phyllocardia A few marine species belonging to the genus Nebalia (Fig. 101) show unusual combinations of phyllopodan and mala- costracan characters. In number of somites and in location of the genital openings, they agree with the higher Crustacea yet the thoracic appendages are leaf-like. II. Order Schizopoda These small, mostly marine Malacostraca with compound eyes on movable stalks bear a delicate carapace covering the cephalo- thorax. The eight appendages of the thorax are biramous swimming organs with both exopodite and endopodite and in one family (Mysididae) bear gills projecting freely into the water. A post-abdominal somite bears appendages which with the telson form a caudal fin. The use of this fin causes the animal to swim backward as do crawfishes and lobsters. This order includes a number of pelagic marine forms and the family Mysididae, some species of which inhabit fresh-water. Mysis relicta occurs in the Great Lakes at considerable depths and is identical with speci- mens found in similar lakes of northern Europe. III. Order Stomatopoda In the Stomatopoda, the posterior three thoracic segments bear complete biramous appendages which are used in swimming while of the five anterior to these all but the first bear appendages modi- fied as prehensile maxillipeds. The terminal segment of these prehensile appendages folds into a groove of the preceding seg- ment as a knife blade folds into its handle. The carapace is short for at least the posterior four segments of the thorax are not included within it. Antennules and stalked eyes are borne on two movable, independent somites at the 198 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY anterior extremity of the head. Gills are borne on the abdominal appendages. These are chiefly burrowing forms living in mud. Squilla (Fig. 102), Gonodactylus, Chloridella, are characteristic genera. IV. Order Decapoda The lobsters, crawfishes, shrimps, and crabs agree with the Schizopoda in having a carapace covering the entire cephalo- thorax. The head bears stalked eyes, antennules, antennae, mandibles, and two pairs of maxillae. Of the thoracic appendages, the anterior three pairs are modified as maxillipeds while the remain- ing five pairs are locomotor and lack an exopodite. All of the walking legs bear either pinchers or claws. The first pair of walking legs, which are known as the chelipeds, bear extremely strong pinchers termed the chelae. One jaw of the pinchers is the movable distal segment of the endopodite called the "finger" while the other jaw is an immovable outgrowth from the next to the last segment to form the "thumb." The Decapoda have marked powers of regeneration. If an appendage is removed, a new one begins to develop beneath the old shell but does not become evident externally until the shell is shed at the next molt. Injury is frequent in nature and consequently the claws are rarely of equal size. An injured claw is autoto- mously broken off by the animal at a special joint where there is but little tissue exposed to heal over. Abdominal Appendages.-Most of the abdominal segments bear small biramous appendages termed swimmerets except in the crabs (Fig. 103) which have a rudimentary abdomen. The appendages of the sixth abdominal somite are enlarged and with the telson form a powerful tail fin. In the males, the first and second abdominal appendages are highly modified as a copulatory organ for the transfer of sperm. In the females, Fig. 102.-Squilla alba. (From Bigelow). PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 199 the swimmerets serve as a place for the attachment of the eggs during development. Respiration.-Gills are borne on the basal joints of certain of the maxillipeds and legs and on the body wall. These are usually contained within a branchial chamber formed by the overhanging lateral folds of the carapace. A process of the second maxilla becomes modified as a gill-bailer the action of which pumps water through the gill chamber. The gill chamber retains water thus keeping the gills moist and permitting decapods Fig. 103.-The rock crab, Cancer irroratus. A, adult male, about one fourth size; B, larve in zoea stage; C, larva in megalops stage. (After Rathbun). to remain out of water for some time without injury to the gills. In some crabs, the branchial chamber has become modified as a lung in correlation with terrestrial habits. The circulatory system is of the open type. The heart lies within a pericardial sinus in the dorsal region of the thorax. Five arteries arise from the heart. Three of these pass ante- riorly to the organs of the head and thorax, one passes along the median dorsal line of the abdomen, and the last is directed ven- trally either from the posterior boundary of the heart or as a branch from the posterior vessel soon after the latter leaves the heart. Blood is received into the heart from the pericardial sinus through openings in the heart wall called ostia. The capillaries of the arteries allow the blood to pass into a large sternal sinus. In the thorax, offshoots from the sternal sinus pass into each gill as an afferent branchial vessel or vein. Within the branches of the gills, each afferent vein communicates with an efferent branchial vein from which the blood is returned to the peri- cardial sinus. Digestive System.-From the mouth opening between the mandibles on the ventral surface of the head, the digestive 200 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY system passes as a short tube, the esophagus, into a spacious chamber termed the stomach. The latter is divided into two regions; a large anterior sac, the cardiac chamber, which bears a chitinous organ for grinding food, and a smaller posterior pyloric chamber. The intestine, which proceeds from the pyloric chamber, receives the ducts from the two lateral hepato- pancreases. On the wall of the cardiac chamber, there are frequently hard, rounded masses of lime, the gastroliths. Excretory Organs.-Within the head, near the base of each antenna, lie the excretory organs, the green glands. Each discharges to the exterior by a pore located on the base of the antenna. The central nervous system consists of a ventral chain of gang- lia the number and disposition of which are correlated with the extent of the development of the abdomen. A brain, near the anterior extremity of the body, communicates with the ventral chain of ganglia by means of a pair of circumesophageal connec- tives. Six thoracic and six abdominal ganglia comprise the chain, except in the Brachyura which have a rudimentary abdomen and here the entire ventral chain becomes fused to form a single ganglionic mass. Reproduction.-The gonads frequently consist of two lateral and a single median lobe from which a pair of ducts lead to the genital openings on the ventral surface of certain walking legs. The eggs undergo superficial cleavage and give rise to either a larva or to a young adult the larval stages of which are all passed through while yet in the egg. Considering the relative uni- formity in structure of the adult decapods, there is a surprisingly great number of larval forms. Typically, the larva which leaves the egg is a zoea. From this develops a mysis stage (Fig. 95, A) with even the thoracic appendages biramous. In later develop- ment, the exopodites of these biramous thoracic appendages disappear (Fig. 95, C) leaving the unbranched walking legs of the adult. In the Brachyura (crabs), the thoracic appendages of the zoea, which are later destined to become the walking legs, develop in the free-swimming larva as rudimentary bud- like appendages only (Fig. 103) and never acquire the biramous condition characteristic of the mysis. Thus in the crabs the mysis stage has been eliminated and the zoea in passing to the adult form involves a more advanced type of larva which has been called the megalops (C). Some of the prawns have the PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 201 zoea preceded by a nauplius and metanauplius and thus show unique combinations of larvae of both the lower and the higher crustaceans. Typical Genera.-Two suborders are the Macroura and the Brachyura. The former include the lobsters (Homarus), various species and genera of shrimps (Crago, Peneus), the hermit crabs (Eupagurus and others which live in snail shells), some shrimps which occur in both fresh- and salt-water (Palaemon and Palaemonetes) as well as the crawfishes (Cambarus of North America and Potamobius of Europe and the Pacific coast of North America). Examples of the Brachyura are the edible crabs (Cancer, Callinectes, Carcinus), the fiddler crabs (Gelasi- mus) with marked asymmetry in size of the chelae, the spider crabs (Libinia, Macrocheira) with extremely long legs. V. Order Amphipoda Almost all of the Amphipoda are aquatic. Characteristically, the body is compressed laterally. The common name of beach fleas or sand fleas is due to the leaping movements with which they spring into the air when out of the water. The head bears six pairs of appendages. There are seven segments in the thorax. Fig 104.-An amphipod, Orchestia palustris. {After Kunkel). The first of these bears a pair of small appendages which function as maxillipeds. In the anterior region of the thorax, the sides of the body are frequently prolonged ventrally by epimeral plates which are borne upon the legs and serve to enclose the gills or gill sacs. In the same region, scales from the two sides of the body fre- quently enclose a brood pouch ventral to the ventral body wall. Within this pouch, eggs and the young are carried.' The abdominal appendages are of two types. On the anterior three somites of the abdomen, are borne biramous feet with many joints and numerous hairs. Posterior to these the appen- 202 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY dages are biramous but the branches are not segmented and form springing organs. Gammarus and Hyallela are common fresh- water genera while Orchestia (Fig. 104) and Caprella are marine. VI. Order Isopoda A dorso-ventral flattening of the body is characteristic of most isopods. The first thoracic segment is coalesced with the head. Though the body superficially shows sharp marks of segmentation, there is a tendency for the abdominal somites to fuse. All of the abdominal appendages are similar and usually biramous. Gills are borne on the ventral side of the abdomen and in the terrestrial species are capa- ble of utilizing moist air for respiration. A brood sac is borne ventral to the thorax as in the amphipods. Isopods, or sowbugs or pill bugs as they are called popularly, are found in both fresh-water (Asellus, Fig. 105) and salt-water (Idotea) habitats and a number of genera are terrestrial (Porcellio, Oniscus). In these last, the head bears but a single pair of antennae. Very great degeneracy has accompanied the acquisition of the parasitic habit in a number of forms. Fig. 105.-A fresh-water i s o p o d„ Asellus communis. {After Kunkel). References (See general references cited at close of Chapter I) Birge, E. A. 1895. Plankton Studies on Lake Mendota, I. Vertical Distribution of the Pelagic Crustacea during July, 1894. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci., Arts, and Lett., 10: 421-484. Birge, E. A. and Juday, C. 1912. A limnological Study of the Finger Lakes of New York. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish, 32: 527-609. Brooks, W. K. and Herrick, F. H. 1892. The Embryology and Meta- morphosis of the Macroura. Proc. U. S. Natl. Acad., 5: 325-576. Churchill, E. P., Jr. 1919. Life History of the Blue Crab. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 36: 93-128. Claus, C. 1863. Die freilebended Copepoden. Leipzig. - . 1876. Untersuchungen zur Erforschung der genealogischen Grundlage des Crustaceensystems. Wien. . 1879-1895. Numerous articles in Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien. PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 203 Darwin, C. 1851-1853. A monograph of the sub class Cirripedia. Ray Soc., London. Grenacher, A. 1897. Untersuchung liber das Sehorgan der Arthropoden. Gottingen. Herrick, F. H. 1911. Natural History of the American Lobster. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 29: 149-408. Herrick, C. L. and Turner, C. H. 1895. Synopsis of the Entomostraca of Minnesota. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Minnesota, Zool. Series, 2. Huxley, T. H. 1901. An Introduction to the Study of Zoology, illus- trated by the Crayfish. New York. Kunkel, B. W. 1918. The Arthrostraca of Connecticut. Conn. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, Bull. 26. Marsh, C. D. 1907. Revision of the North American species of Diapto- mus. Tran's. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, 15: 381-488. . 1910. A Revision of the North American Species of Cyclops. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, 16: 1067-1134. Ortmann, A. E. 1906. The Crawfishes of the State of Pennsylvania. Mem. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburg, 2: 343-523. Packard, A. S. 1883. A monograph of the Phyllopod Crustacea of North America, with remarks on the Phyllocardia. Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey. Patten, W. 1887. Eyes of Molluscs and Arthropods. Jour. Morph., 1: 67-92. . 1887a. Studies on the eyes of Arthropods. Jour. Morph., 1: 193-226 and 2: 97-190. Rathbun, Mary J. 1917. The Grapsoid Crabs of America. U. S. Natl. Mus., Bull. 97. Rathbun, R. 1893. Natural History of Economic Crustaceans of the United States. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm, for 1889: 763-830. Richardson, Harriet. 1905. A Monograph of the Isopods of North America. U. S. Natl. Mus., Bull. 54. Sharpe, R. W. 1897. Contributions to a knowledge of the North Amer- ican fresh water Ostracoda. Bull. Ill. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 4: 414-484. Wilson, C. B. 1902 to date. Numerous articles on parasitic copepods in Proceedings U. S. National Museum. CHAPTER XIV PHYLUM ARTHROPODA (EXCLUSIVE OF CRUSTACEA AND INSECTA) Class 2 Acerata The horse-shoe crabs, spiders, scorpions, mites, a number of degenerate forms, and some important extinct animals which are known only from fossil remains, are grouped as a class to which the name Acerata is applied. This name signifies the lack of antennae common to all of the members of the class. The body usually consists of a cephalothorax and abdomen, though in the mites the setwo divisions are not separated. Six pairs of appen- dages upon the cephalothorax are arranged about the mouth. The bases of one or more pairs of these appendages are modified to serve as mandibles. The abdomen is composed of a variable number of somites which, in the embryo, bear appendages but these are lost or highly modified in the adult, except in the Xiphosura. Many modifications of the respiratory organs are found in this group. Gills occur on the abdomen of some but correlated with the air-dwelling habit the gills become drawn into the body where they are found as lung books which open to the exterior through narrow slits. In some instances, the lung books are replaced by tracheae which penetrate to all parts of the body as in the insects. The basal segment of the abdomen bears the genital opening. In development, there is no metamorphosis. Subclass Gigantostraca The extinct eurypterids and the horse-shoe crabs appear strikingly like Crustacea. In details of organization and in development, however, they show an intimate relationship with scorpions and other Acerata and are consequently recognized as constituting a subclass to which the name Gigantostraca has been applied. 204 PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 205 Of the six pairs of cephalothoracic appendages, the first are preoral and the remaining five pairs, which are for walking, have their bases modified as masticating organs. In addition to a pair of lateral compound eyes, the cephalothorax bears a pair of median ocelli. Members of the order Eurypterida have a small cephalothorax and a large twelve jointed abdomen. These forms flourished during past geological ages and in structure seem to be inter- mediate between the scorpions and the members of the order Xiphosura, of which Limulus, the horse- shoe crab, is the only living example. In Limulus, the telson is long and spike-like. The abdomen bears six pairs of appendages of which the first forms a broad, flat operculum which overlaps the following five pairs of plate- like appendages, each of which bears a gill. Upon hatching from the egg, the young Limulus is said to be in the Trilobite stage (Fig. 106) because of its resemblance to the organisms of that group. Subclass Arachnida Scorpions, spiders, mites, harvest-men, and some less commonly known Acerata are grouped under a common subclass Arachnida. Most of these are air-breathing forms in which the cephalothorax bears one pair of pedipalps lateral to or imme- diately posterior to the mouth and a pair of preoral appendages termed the chelicerae. In addition to these appendages, four pairs of walking legs are just as characteristic of the arachnids as three pairs are for the insects. As an exception to the foregoing, it should be noted that as a rule young mites have but three pairs of legs (Fig. 108, C) and in some gall mites only two pairs of legs are found. True jaws are entirely lacking. Few arachnids swallow solid objects. The chelicerae and pedipalps are frequently modified for crushing the prey and in some instances the bases of some of the walking legs serve the same function. Usually, only the body juices of the victim are taken into the stomach and this is accom- plished by action of a muscular sucking stomach. Fig. 106.-Ventral view of trilobite larva of Limulus polyphemus. (After Kingsley). 206 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Some species of arachnids are eyeless but more commonly there are from two to twelve simple eyes. Body form and struc- ture are so highly variable in the members of this subclass that they will be discussed under the more important orders individually. I. Order Scorpionida Scorpions are tropical and subtropical in their distribution, occurring in the United States only in the southern part. Some look much like crustaceans for in addition to the four pairs of walking legs there are a pair of large chelate pedipalps which are easily mistaken for legs. The chelicerae also bear chelae. Post- erior to the cephalothorax, which bears the appendages, is the abdomen. This is conspicuously divided into two regions. Seven broad somites continue backward from the cephalothorax as the preabdomen and these are followed by a series of six somites of smaller size which] constitute the post- abdomen. The terminal somite of the postabdomen bears a sharp spine known as the sting with which a pair of poison glands are associated. This serves as an effective organ for killing insects upon which the scorpions feed and produces wounds painful even to man. Lung books occur in the last four somites of the preabdomen on the ventral wall of which they open as paired spiracles. From three to six pairs of eyes are commonly borne on the cephalothorax. A pair of comb- like organs of undetermined function (Fig. 107), referred to as the pectines, occur on the ventral wall of the second preabdominal somite. Fig. 107.--A scorpion (Pandinus) from ventral surface. (From Ver- sluys and Damoil). Buthus, Uroplectus, Pandinus (Fig. 107), and Centrums are characteristic genera. PHYLUM ARTHROPOD A 207 II. Order Araneina Spiders are the most popularly known representatives of the arachnids and comprise the order Araneina. The body is divided by a deep constriction between the cephalothorax and abdomen. The four prominent pairs of legs serve not only for walking and jumping but the posterior pair also aid in the formation of the characteristic silken webs. Except in members of one family, the abdomen is sac-like, unsegmented, and joined to the cephalo- thorax by a narrow stalk. At the caudal end, the abdomen bears a small conical portion which represents a greatly reduced postabdomen. Spinning organs are located on the ventral surface near the caudal extremity of the abdomen and consist, usually, of three pairs of spinnerets. These are finger-like in form and are thought to represent rudiments of two pairs of abdominal appendages. Spinning tubes are distributed over the terminal portion of each spinneret and through these the fluid is expelled, which, upon con- tact with the air, hardens to form silk. An additional spinning organ known as the cribellum occurs in some spiders. This consists of a median ventral sieve-like plate anterior to the spinnerets bearing very numerous spinning tubes. The tarantulas (Eurypelma) and the orb weavers (many genera in the subfamily Araneinae) are among the extremely numerous representatives of this order. III. Order Acarina The mites and ticks have a broad, unsegmented abdomen which is not constricted at its union with the cephalothorax. As a consequence the entire body appears sac-like, though in some instances cephalothorax and abdomen are distinguishable. The part usually termed the abdomen includes two somites which in reality belong to the thorax. Frequently, the segments bearing the chelicerae and pedipalps are more or less distinct from the rest of the body and are then designated as a beak or rostrum. Though the typical number of legs is four pairs, the newly hatched young usually have but three pairs (Fig. 108, C) and in one family (Eriophyidae) only two pairs are present in the adults. The Acarina are of great biological importance. As parasites of man and of other animals they have great economic significance, and particularly the ticks, as carriers of disease-producing organ- 208 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY isms, have received considerable attention. The southern cattle tick, Boophilus annulatus (Fig. 108), is the carrier of the organism (a protozoan, Babesia) which causes Texas fever or tick fever in cattle. The cattle industry in the South is greatly hampered by outbreaks of this disease. Through misunderstanding of Fig. 108.-Acarina. Boophilus annulatus, the tick which carries Texas fever A, female; B, male; C, young with only three pairs of legs. (After Banks). the status of the generic name Boophilus this tick has been referred to frequently in literature under the name Magaropus. The itch mites (Sarcopies scabei, Fig. 109) burrow within the skin of man and produce a disease known as the itch. Mites of poultry and of other birds and of mammals also belong to the Acarina. The water mites (Hydrachnida) usually live as free adults in water though the larvae are frequently encoun- tered as parasites on molluscs, insects, and other animals. IV. Other Orders of Arachnida There are a considerable number of small, though very sharply marked, groups of arach- nids members of which fail to come within the foregoing descriptions of the larger groups. These are frequently recognized as comprising several independent orders. Chief of these are the Pseudoscorpionida, the Solpugida, the Phalangida, and the Linguatulida. The Pseudoscorpions resemble the scorpions except that there is no differentiation of pre- and post-abdomen and that there is no sting. The chelicerae function as spinning organs. Chelifer is a common genus. Fig. 109.-An itch mi.t e, Sarcoptes hum an i s . (After Banks). PHYLUM ARTHROPOD A 209 The Solpugida are comparatively rare. The head bears a pair of extremely large chelicerae which serve for crushing the prey, and long leg-like pedipalps which seem to function chiefly as feelers. The first thoracic segment is fused with the head but the remaining three are free. The genus Eremobates is represented by several species in the southern United States. The Phalangida are commonly called the harvest-men or daddy-long-legs. As the latter name implies, the legs are inordi- nately long. Respiration is by means of tracheae. They feed largely on mites. The Linguatulida or Pentastomida are arachnids, the bodies of which have been so much modified in adaptation to the parasitic habit that the adults are distinctly worm-like. It is only through Fig. 110.-A male pycnogonid, Nymphon stroemii, c, chelicerae; o, ovigerous legs; p, pedipalpi; r, rostrum. (After Kingsley, from Hertwig's Manual of Zoology, by Kingsley, courtesy Henry Holt and Co.) the larval stages that arachnidan relationships are evident for the larva bears two pairs of legs. All but the hooks of these legs become lost in metamorphosis and these are retained near the anterior extremity as organs of fixation. Numerous genera have been differentiated among these highly modified arachnids. Lungs, respiratory passages, and digestive system are usual seats of infestation. Pentastoma, Porocephalus, Armillifer, and Linguatula are characteristic genera. Class 3 Pycnogonida The pycnogonids are small, exclusively marine arthropods which cling to sea weeds and hydroids and at times are dredged in great numbers from deep waters. The body consists of a cephalothorax and vestigial abdomen. The cephalothorax usually bears a terminal suctorial proboscis and seven pairs of 210 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY jointed appendages. The appendages next to the proboscis bear chelae. Four pairs of appendages are usually used in walking. The third pair of appendages are in some species modi- fied in the male for holding the eggs and are termed the ovigerous appendages. Reproductive organs open on the second segment of certain of the legs. Though the abdomen is reduced to a mere vestige, without appendages and unsegmented, it contains two pairs of ganglia. The pycnogonids rather closely resemble the spiders but the presence of seven pairs of appendages is a character not encoun- tered in the Arachnida. There is considerable question as to the proper place to include the members of this aberrant group. Nymphon (Fig. 110) is a characteristic genus. Class 4 Tardigrada The water-bears or tardigrades are microscopic organisms living in both fresh- and salt-water. The body is provided with four pairs of unsegmented appendages each of which bears terminal claws. The number and form of these claws differ in the various genera. Neither antennae nor mouth parts are found on the head. Thus far neither respiratory nor circulatory organs have been demonstrated. A single gonad opens into the cloaca. The nervous system consists of a brain, a subesophageal ganglion, and a ventral chain of four ganglia. There is a possibility that the tardigrades may belong to the annelid group though the internal organization seems to indicate degenerate arthropod relationships. Macrobitus is the name of one genus. Class 5 Onycophora The genus Peripatus, and several other genera closely allied to it, present such a mixture of annelidan and arthropodan characters that much significance is usually attached to these forms as a possible connecting link between the worms and the arthropods. The various species, which have been encountered in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Central and South America, and the West Indies, comprise several genera which together seem to warrant their being grouped as an independent class. PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 211 The body is worm-like or caterpillar-like in form, without exter- nal marks of segmentation but with numerous paired legs the num- ber of which varies in different species. Though these legs have a ringed appearance, they are not distinctly jointed, and in this respect they seem to be intermediate between the parapodia of worms and the jointed legs of arthropods. The metameric arrangement of the legs is paralleled by some features of the internal organization. Near each pair of legs, the ventral nerve cords bear a slight enlargement though ganglia are not differen- tiated. The base of each leg carries a nephridial opening. Thus the nephridia are also metameric in their arrangement. The head bears three pairs of appendages. At the anterior extremity, it bears a pair of ringed antennae and behind these a pair of oral papillae. Two pairs of hooked plates within the mouth cavity have been regarded as mandibles. Spiracles in longitudinal rows, or scattered, communicate internally with respiratory tubes which are in the form of tracheae. The genital ducts, which are modified nephridia, open just anterior to the anus. The Onycophora are viviparous. In habits, they are nocturnal, living during the day under bark and in decaying wood. Class 6 Myrientomata The minute arthropods included within the single order Protura are recognized by some as comprising an independent class to which the name Myrientomata has been applied. The representatives of this class are somewhat similar to the Thy- sanura in body form but antennae and cerci are both lacking. The thorax bears three pairs of legs and on the abdomen there are the vestiges of three pairs of appendages. Most of the described species live in humus. The group has been so recently established and the species have been so little studied that relationships to other arthropods have not been well established. THE MYRIAPODS In the older literature, a number of tracheate arthropods with numerous legs were considered as a single class under the name Myriapoda. These forms present so many differences in struc- ture that at least four distinct classes are now recognized under the names; Diplopoda (Class 7), Chilopoda (Class 8), Symphyla (Class 9), and Pauropoda (Class 10.) 212 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY The Chilopoda show many evidences of close relationship with the insects while members of the genus Scolopendrella, which represent the Symphyla, show remarkable combinations of diplopodan and insectan characters. Except for the eleven or twelve pairs of legs, Scolopendrella very closely resembles the insects belonging to the order Thysanura. The Pauropods are minute forms usually under one millimeter in length (Fig. Ill) bearing nine pairs of functional legs. Class 7 Diplopoda The thousand-legs or millipeds are terres- trial arthropods with the body consisting of two regions, head and trunk. The cylindri- cal body is composed of numerous segments each of which seems to bear two pairs of short legs which are inserted near the median line of the body. The apparent doubling in number of appendages on each somite, which is so uncommon in arthropods, seems to be explained on the grounds that each seeming segment is, in reality, a double somite for on the ventral surface the double nature of the skeletal plates is evident. Some few of the segments, especially near the anterior extremity, remain simple and bear but a single pair of legs each. The distinct head bears a pair of short antennae, usually lateral groups of ocelli, and the mouth parts. The latter comprise an unpaired upper lip, a pair of mandibles, and one or two additional pairs of jaws. Most millipeds are harmless and of little importance for they feed largely upon decaying vegetable matter. Julus, Glomeris, Polyxenus, and Spirobolus are commonly encountered genera. Class 8 Chilopoda The centipeds are terrestrial tracheate arthropods with only two body regions in which each of the flattened trunk somites bears but a single pair of legs. On the first trunk somite these are modified as poison jaws bearing ducts of poison glands. The legs are lateral in position and are not borne near the median ventral line as in the diplopods. Fig. 111.-Pauropus huxleyi. (After Ken- yon). PHYLUM ARTHROPOD A 213 The antennae are long and many-jointed. The head also bears a pair of mandibles and two pairs of maxillae. The common house centiped, Scutigera forceps, is a representative of this class. Lithobius, Geophilus, and Scolopendra are other genera. References (See general references at close of Chapter I) Banks, N. 1904. A Treatise on the Acarina, or Mites. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 28: 1-114. . 1908. A Revision of the Ixodidae, or Ticks, of the United States. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bureau Entomol., Technical Ser., 15. Comstock, J. H. 1912. The Spider Book. Garden City, N. Y., Double- day Page. Hunter, W. D. and Hooker, W. A. 1907. Information concerning the North American Fever Tick. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bureau Entomol., Bull. 72. Kingsley, J. S. 1892-3. The Embryology of Limulus. Jour. MorphoL, 7: 35-68; 8: 195-268. Montgomery, T. H. Jr. 1909. On the Spinnerets, Cribellum, Colulus, Tracheae, and Lung-books of Araneads. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., May, 1909: 299-320. Nuttall, G. H. F. Numerous papers on the morphology, classification, and biology of ticks. Parasitology, Cambridge, England. Packard, A. S. 1880. The Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology of Limulus polyphemus. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., for 1880. Patten, W. 1893. On the Morphology and Physiology of the Brain and Sense Organs of Limulus. Quart. Jour. Mier. Sci., 35: 1-96. . 1912. The evolution of the vertebrates and their kin. Phila- delphia, Blakiston. Stiles, C. W. 1910. The Taxonomic Value of the Microscopic Structures of the Stigmal Plates in the Tick Genus Dermacentor. U. S. Hygienic Lab. Bull. 62. CHAPTER XV PHYLUM ARTHROPODA (CONCLUDED) Class 11 Insecta The members of this class are air-breathing arthropods with distinct head, thorax, and abdomen, except in some larvae and in some modified adults. They have a single pair of antennae, three pairs of thoracic legs, and usually one or two pairs of wings in the adult stage. The opening of the reproductive organs is near the caudal extremity of the body. As chiefly terrestrial animals, insects have become adapted to the greatest variety of conditions and have been so successful that they outnumber all other animals both in species and in individuals. Practically every possible relationship of organic beings is found in a list of the habits of insects. Both as predators and as parasites upon plants and upon other animals and in their relations to the spread of disease, they occupy a position of economic importance not excelled by any other animal group. Types of Metamorphosis.-Most insects in their development pass through conspicuous changes in form between the time that the individual leaves the egg and when it reaches full maturity. In these changes, which are collectively known as metamorphosis, the young lacks some structures or organs characteristic of the adult. These are attained only in later development, and frequently some structures or organs of the young are distinctive and become lost during later development. Numerous gradations occur between the condition in which the young is but slightly different from the adult and that in which it bears practically no resemblance to the adult to which it later transforms. As a consequence, several different types of meta- morphosis are recognizable. Insects which undergo a complete metamorphosis, that is, those which involve profound changes in form (Fig. 112) and have a pupal stage which is usually inactive, are said to be holometabolous or are referred to as the Holo- metabola. Egg, larva, pupa, and imago are all distinguishable in the Holometabola. The organs of one stage in development are 214 PHYLUM ARTHROPOD A 215 not necessarily carried over directly into the following stage. Many of the larval organs disappear as a result of phagocytic or chemical action and through histogenesis new organs of the adult are formed. In the Holometabola, wings and legs of the adult do not develop externally on the larva but develop inter- nally as imaginal buds (Fig. 126) which emerge and become free only later in development. The Heterometabola include those insects which transform without a true pupal period. The stages between the egg and the imago fairly closely resemble the general bodily structure of the imago (Fig. 113) and are termed nymphs. The lack of Fig. 112.-Development of a holometabolous insect. A, larva; B, puparium; C, imago of fly (Phormia regina). (From Folsom's Entomlogy, courtesy of P. Blakiston's Son and Co). functional wings usually differentiates the nymph from the adult but external wing-pads from which the wings later develop are characteristic of many nymphs. The Thysanura and Collembola are wingless and throughout life essentially retain the forms they have at hatching. There are some changes, but these are so inconspicuous that many are inclined to refer to the insects of these two orders as the Ametabola. Appendages of the Head.-The head of an insect bears a single pair of antennae, the eyes, and the mouth parts (Fig. 114). These last comprise an unpaired labrum or upper lip, a pair of mandibles, the hypopharynx, the maxillae, and the labium. The labium, or lower lip, is in reality a second pair of maxillae of which at least the basal portions are fused along the median line. Both the maxillae and the labium are composed of several 216 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY distinct sclerites and bear palpi, designated respectively as maxillary and labial palpi. All of the appendages of the head are articulated with immovable parts forming the head capsule. Modifications of Mouth Parts.-The mouth parts are subject to numerous modifications of form and function. As described above they are suited for holding and chewing food, but in many groups only liquid food is taken and in these groups some of the mouth parts are modified to form a sucking tube. The most significant of these suctorial modifications are found in the Hemiptera, the Lepidoptera, the Diptera, and the Hymenoptera. The jointed beak of the Hemiptera consists of a trough-like labium partially covered above at its base by the labrum. Fig. 113.-Development of a heterometabolous insect. Six successive instars of the squash bug, Anasa tristis. A to E, nymphs; F, adult or imago. (From Folsom's Entomology Courtesy of P. Blakistons' Son and Co.) Within this trough the elongated maxillae and mandibles are ensheathed. The long, coiled proboscis of the Lepidoptera is formed of parts of the maxillae while the labrum, mandibles, and labium are greatly reduced or wanting. The female mosquito has a piercing type of mouth parts. The labrum and epipharynx are fused and with the hypopharynx form the food channel. The linear mandibles and maxillae are used in puncturing the skin of the victim, while the labium forms a sheath for the other mouth parts. Suctorial and mandibulate functions are both performed by the mouth parts of the honeybee. The mandibles are used for PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 217 cutting, crushing, and other purposes as in strictly mandibulate types. The maxillae and the labial palpi are folded to form a sheath within which an elongated portion of the labium serves as a lapping tongue. Sclerites and Sutures of the Head.-A considerable number of sclerites are fused to form the head capsule. In many instances, the sutures separating the sclerites are visible and both sutures and sclerites bear definite names. In the generalized insects, as, for example, in the Orthoptera, the epicranial suture (Fig. Fig. 114. Fig. 115. Fig. 116. Figs. 114-116.-Morphology of an insect head. 114, frontal aspect of cock- roach head; 115, lateral aspect; 116,caudal aspect. from Comstock with permission). 114) is one of the best and most constant landmarks. This suture originates at the margin of the occipital opening (through which the viscera of the head and thorax are continuous) and extends as a median suture over the dorsal surface of the head. At its ventral extremity, the epicranial suture bifurcates, and thus its form is that of an inverted Y. Between the arms of the Y, there is an unpaired sclerite, called the front, which in most insects bears the median ocellus. An additional unpaired sclerite ventral to the front is the clypeus. On its ventral border the clypeus is articulated with the labrum or upper lip. The several paired sclerites of the head, including the lateral surfaces (Fig. 115) and the parts dorsal to the arms of the epi- cranial suture, constitute what is termed the epicranium. The vertex is just dorsal to the front. It is between the compound eyes, and usually bears the paired ocelli. The occiput extends between the vertex and the occipital foramen mentioned above. The genae and the postgenae form the lateral portions or cheeks of the epicranium. A chitinous supporting structure called the tentorium (Fig. 116) is found within the head. This usually 218 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY consists of a central plate from which two or three pairs of arms pass to the exoskeleton of the head. Sensory Organs.-Both simple (Fig. 117) and compound eyes are found in the insects. Compound eyes occur on the sides of the head in most adult insects except some generalized and some parasitic forms. Practically all insects which have a complete metamorphosis (the Holometabola) have simple eyes in the larval stages. Aside from the eyes, other sensory organs in insects show remarkable lack of uniformity in location upon the body and in localization and organization. Even the antennae, which are popularly thought of as tactile, have in some species of insects no less than seven different types of microscopic sensory organs. Most of these are probably tactile, auditory, and olfactory though frequently it has been necessary to assume functions upon the basis of structure and position and by interpretation of the reactions of the insect rather than to determine them by actual de- monstration. Hairs of gradu- ated lengths upon the feathery antennae of mosquitoes and moths vibrate in response to sound waves through a range which in the mosquito coincides with the pitch of the mosquito hum. Another type of auditory organ, of widely different structure and location, is the tympanal organ which consists of a drum-like membrane for the reception of sound waves. In the common grasshoppers, this tympanal organ is located on each side of the first abdominal somite while in katydids a similarly constructed organ is found on the second joint of each front leg. End organs of taste and smell are usually located on the maxil- lary palpi, the epipharynx, the hypopharynx, and the labial palpi but they are not restricted to any given organ or appendage. Tactile organs and sensory structures of undetermined func- tions occur as modifications of the body covering over most of the surface of an insect. F i g . 117 .-Median ocellus of a beetle, Acilius. (After Patten). PHYLUM ARTHROPOD A 219 Somites of the Head.-As in the other arthropods, paired appendages are considered as a criterion for the determination of the number of somites in the head. There are evidences that the eyes, antennae, mandibles, maxillae, and labium are borne on distinct segments. Beyond this, study of early embryological stages furnishes evidence that one or two additional pairs of appendages start to form in the embryo but never become func- tional, or are at most rudimentary in the adult. Traces of these embryonic appendages are between the fundaments of the eyes and antennae and between the mandibular and maxillary somites. Thus in position these correspond to the first antennae and to a pair of the maxillae of the crawfish and may be homologized with them. It thus seems probable that the head of an insect has resulted from the fusion of seven original somites only five of which have retained their appendages or their rudiments in the adult insect. The Thorax.-The thorax is the region which bears the legs and wings when they are present in the nymphs and adult insects. It is composed of three more or less firmly united segments. In order, backward from the head, these are; prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax. In many insects, the last two bear wings. Each somite is composed of several sclerite groups which, accord- ing to their location, are recognized as comprising the parts of the tergum (dorsal wall), sternum (ventral wall), and pleura (lateral walls). The Legs.-Each leg is articulated to the wall of the thorax partly by means of small articular sclerites in the region of articu- lation of the sternum and pleuron. Five divisions or regions are recognizable in each leg. From articulation outward these are; coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and tarsus. In most insects, each region is but a single segment except the tarsus which commonly has five segments. Correlated with highly variable modifications in function the legs display numerous modifications in form. The Wings.-In many of the winged insects the mesothorax and the metathorax each bears a pair of wings but in instances of only one pair of wings these are usually borne upon the meso- thorax. Rudiments of the second pair of wings are frequently present as halteres or balancing organs upon the metathorax. Some striking modifications of the primitively membranous wings occur. In beetles, the mesothoracic wings are thickened, horny structures, the elytra, modified for the protection of the 220 INVERTEBRA TE ZOOLOGY metathoracic wings and the dorsal surface of the body. In some of the bugs, the bases of the front wings (hemelytra) are horny while the tips are membranous. In Orthoptera, the entire front wings are somewhat thickened and are designated as tegmina. Structure and Origin of the Wings.-Typically, the wings of insects are two pairs of membranous appendages which develop as sac-like folds of the body-wall. In fully developed wings, this sac-like nature is obscured because the two walls of the sac become so closely applied that they appear as a single membrane, and a very delicate one at that. A framework upon which this membrane is supported is composed of hollow tubes or veins which originate as modified tracheae of the respiratory system. In Fig 118. Figs. 118-120.-Insect wing venation. 118, hypothetical primitive type of wing venation with cross veins added; 119, fore wing of Hyptia showing great reduction in number of veins; 120, fore wing of a mayfly showing great increase in number of veins. (Redrawn from Comstock with permission). Fig 119. Fig 120. the early stages of development, the tracheae are accompanied by nerves and blood-filled outgrowths of the body cavity. The pattern which this framework assumes is spoken of as the wing venation. In most groups, this pattern shows remarkable con- stancy among the members of the same species. Between genera and the larger groups there is usually considerable variation in the details of arrangement of the veins. It seems, however, that the wings of all insects are directly homologous and that their principal individual veins are likewise homologous. Comparisons of PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 221 numerous wings and the study of the arrangement of the tracheae before the wings reach their functional form have led to the formu- lation of a hypothetical plan of primitive venation (Fig. 118) from which all wing patterns are derivable, though all of the homol- ogies are not readily observable by the beginner in this study. Plan of Wing Venation.-In the plan of primitive venation (Fig. 118), eight principal veins are present and most of these may be branched. Beginning with the anterior margin when the wings are at right angles to the body these veins are: costa, subcosta, radius, media, cubitus, first anal, second anal, and third anal. Changes from the hypothetical type occur either by the addition of new veins or branches (Fig. 120) or through the Fig. 121.--Extremity of abdomen of a grasshopper, Melanoplus clifferentialis; A, male; B, female. The terga and sterna are numbered, c, cercus; d, dorsal valves of ovipositor; e, egg guide; p, podical plate; s, spiracle; s.p., suranal plate; v, ventral valves of ovipositor. (From Folsom's Entomology'). « reduction in the number of veins (Fig. 119) through atrophy or through coalescence of two or more veins. Cross veins fre- quently connect two of the longitudinal veins. The Abdomen and Its Appendages.-The abdomen bears a highly variable number of segments in the various groups of insects. A study of insect embryology shows that the abdomen consists normally of eleven segments, but in later development adjacent segments may coalesce and in some adults they are telescoped one within another. The wall of each segment is composed of a tergum and a sternum united by a pair of pleural membranes. The segments are typically without appendages and are approximately similar except near the caudal extremity where certain segments are more or less modified. In the Thysanura, rudimentary abdominal limbs occur and in the embryos of some other insects each segment may bear a rudimentary appendages. Those of the first seven abdominal segments are usually lost during early embryonic life, while the last two 222 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY or three pairs frequently persist to form the genitalia-the genital claspers of the males and the ovipositors of the females (Fig. 121). A true ovipositor consists of three pairs of valves, called gono- pophyses, arranged as a dorsal and a ventral pair surrounding an inner pair. The inner valves form a channel through which the eggs are conveyed. There is strong evidence that these three pairs of gonopophyses re- present the paired appendages of the eighth, ninth, and tenth abdominal somites and are seri- ally homologous with the thoracic legs. In the Hymenoptera, the ovipositor is modified as a sting- ing organ and has poison glands associated with it. The inner pair of gonopophyses of the males are modified as an intromittent organ or cirrus while the other two pairs of gono- pophyses are frequently modified as clasping organs which func- tion in copulation. Through many groups the external geni- talia show remarkable constancy of form within each species. In many instances, the forms grouped together as single species by early writers are at present being separated into several clearly distinct species chiefly on the basis of characters furnished by a study of the male genitalia. The last (eleventh) abdominal somite in many insects bears a pair of caudal appen- dages known as cerci. Both in form and in function these are highly variable. The Respiratory System.-The internal organization of insects is essentially like that of the other arthropods already described. Fig. 122.-Tracheal system of an insect, a, antenna; b, brain; I, leg; n, nerve cord; p, palous; s, spiracle; st, spiracular branch; t, main tracheal trunk; v, ventral branch; v.s., visceral branch. {From Folsom's Entomology, after Kolbe). PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 223 The respiratory system offers one of the most conspicuous points of difference from most other arthropodan groups. This is a system of air tubes, called tracheae and tracheoles, which carries air to all parts of the body (Fig. 122). This system is in com- munication with the outside air through openings in the body wall, termed spiracles, of which there are normally ten pairs arranged, as a rule, two pairs on the thorax and eight on the abdomen. Opening and closing of the spiracles for the admission or expulsion of air are under control of the insect. From each spiracle, a short trachea commonly leads to a main tracheal trunk of which there is one on each side of the body. Branches from these two main trunks penetrate between even the minutest parts of the body. Tracheae arise as invaginations of the body wall and con- sequently the infolded chitinous covering of the body continues within the tracheae as a chitinous internal lining of the tubes. Within the tracheae the chitin is not disposed in a uniform layer but assumes the form of a coiled spiral thread lining the inner wall of the tracheal vessel. Small tubes lacking the spiral chitinous threads form the most minute subdivisions of the tracheal system and are designated as tracheoles. Tracheae in some insects may become modified as enlarged sacs which serve as air reservoirs. Modifications of the Respiratory System.-Of the typical respiratory system with spiracles communicating directly between the tracheae and the outside air, there are many modifi- cations. In the Collembola, and in many aquatic larvae, there are no specialized organs for respiration for that function is per- formed directly through the skin. Gills occur in many aquatic nymphs and larvae. These are of two distinct types, tracheal gills and blood gills. In the former, lateral or caudal evagina- tions of the body wall are furnished with numerous tracheae which are continuous with the vessels of the tracheal system within the body and conditions suitable for a respiratory exchange are thus provided. Even a portion of the digestive tract may be appro- priated as a respiratory organ, as in the rectal tracheal gills of the dragonfly nymphs. Blood gills are usually thread-like evaginations from the body wall of aquatic insects. The spaces within these gills are in direct communication with the fluid- filled body cavity and through the delicate walls of the gills a respiratory exchange is made possible without requiring the presence of tracheal tubes. A few insects, especially larvae, live 224 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY under conditions which exclude the presence of oxygen. This is especially true of some larvae living in very deep water. Under these conditions, anaerobic respiration is carried on. The central nervous system consists of a brain or supraeso- phageal ganglion and a longitudinal nerve chain ventral to the digestive tract as in all of the Arthropoda. Typically each thoracic and abdominal somite is supplied with a ganglion (Fig. 123, A). It is, however, a very common thing for the nerve Fig. 123.--Different degrees of concentration of the ventral cord of Arthropods (from Gegenbauer). A, termite (after Lespes); B, water beetle (after Blanchard); C. fly (after Blanchard)-, D, Scorpion-spider (after Blanchard), a, abdomen; p2, g3, ganglia of ventral cord; gi, infraesophageal ganglion; gs, supraesophageal ganglion; o, eye; p'p", walking feet; tr, lung books; 1, chelicerae; 2, pedipalpi. (From Hertwig's Manual of Zoology by Kingsley, courtesy Henry Holt and Co.) chain to undergo concentration as a result of which the ganglia in adjoining somites fuse (B and C). The extent of such longi- tudinal condensation of the nervous system varies greatly in different arthropods and even shows remarkable changes during the life of a single individual. Thus, in the honeybee, the larva has a distinctly metameric nerve chain through the thorax and abdomen but when the adult stage is reached the thoracic ganglia have been reduced to two and the abdominal to five. A sympathetic nervous system may include a ventral trunk associated with the central nervous system and some very delicate branches near the dorsal part of the body. Branches PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 225 from this sympathetic system pass chiefly to the dorsal vessel and the tracheal system. Embryology.-The fertilized egg nucleus of insects undergoes several divisions and many of the resulting nuclei migrate from the yolk mass to the superficial layer of the cytoplasm. The layer of cytoplasm containing these nuclei undergoes cleavage and there is thus formed a layer of cells surrounding a central yolk mass (Fig. 8). This is essentially a blastula stage in develop- ment and the cell layer is frequently termed the blastoderm. Those nuclei which remain within the yolk become surrounded by cytoplasm and are designated as the yolk cells. The blastoderm becomes thickened in one region and forms the germ band from which the ventral surface of the embryo later develops. The course of this devel- opment follows two different paths in different insect groups. These are known as the overgrown and the invaginated types of development. The former of these involves much the less complicated narration. The germ band (Fig. 124) sinks below the surface of the surrounding blastoderm to form a groove. As this groove deepens, the walls of the blastoderm fold up over the germ band. When the folds of the blastoderm meet, they fuse and the double wall thus formed encloses a cavity known as the amniotic cavity which lies between the germ band and the before mentioned double wall. The outer layer of cells, which comprises the outer margin of the double wall, is termed the serosa and is directly con- tinuous with the blastoderm surrounding the yolk. The inner cell layer, which lines the amniotic cavity, is termed the amnion. The cells of the germ band comprise a layer of ectoderm adjacent to the amniotic cavity and underlying this ectoderm is a mass of cells which represent both the entoderm and the mesoderm of the embryo. The surface of this germ band, which represents the ventral surface of the developing insect, becomes traversed by a series of transverse grooves to form the primitive segments of the Fig. 124.-Two diagrammatic sagittal sections to show over- grown type of insect develop- ment. A, amniotic folds start- ing to cover the germ band (cross lined); B, amniotic folds com- pleted. (From Korschelt and H eider). 226 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY embryo. Upon these primitive segments, paired outgrowths occur. These are the fundaments of the legs and other appen- dages. At first these appendages are all similar in appearance but as development proceeds some of them become suppressed while the remaining ones begin to take on different forms depending upon the kind of appendage each is to form in the adult animal. Lateral and dorsal parts of the insect body result from the growth and extension of the germ band after the ventral structures have been laid down. A much more complicated condition exists when the germ band undergoes invagination. In such an instance, the germ band Fig. 125.-Diagrammatic median sections to illustrate development of a Libellulid egg. A, development of germ band; B, invagination of germ band; C, development of amniotic fold; D, closure of opening into amniotic cavity and development of rudiments of appendages; E, migration of embryo from amniotic cavity back to surface of egg. (From Korschelt and H eider after Brandt}. makes its appearance (Fig. 125, A) on the posterior ventral surface of the egg. One end of the germ band sinks into the underlying portion of the egg and, submerged within the egg, begins to grow forward (B) toward the anterior pole of the egg, carrying with it the blastoderm which was attached to the posterior margin of the band. Practically all of the germ band thus invaginates. The cavity formed within the egg by this invagination is the amniotic cavity, one wall of which is composed of the cells of the germ band and the other of the blastoderm cells. PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 227 The amniotic cavity is then cut off from the exterior. The invagination which has brought the germ band to lie within the amniotic cavity has seriously altered the orientation of the germ band with reference to other parts of the egg. The ventral surface of the embryo, which originated on the ventral external surface of the egg, has by invagination come to be directed toward the dorsal side of the egg. While in this position (O' and D), the embryonic appendages make their appearance. Soon afterward the embryo is everted from the amniotic cavity and again comes to lie (E) on the surface of the egg with its parts coinciding with the original orientation of the egg. In the embryological development of most of the Orthoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Hymenoptera, the over- Fig. 126.-Development and transformation of imaginal discs in head and thorax of A, larva; and B-D, pupa of a fly (Musca). Wing rudiments are omit- ted. (From Korschelt and Heider after VanRees, in part after Kovalevsky). grown or superficial type of germ band occurs. The invaginated or immersed type of germ band is found in some of the Odonata, Coleoptera, Thysanoptera, and Hemiptera. Transitional con- ditions, which seem to be intermediate between these two types, are found in some of the Coleoptera and of the Orthoptera. Internal Metamorphosis and the Imaginal Discs.-In both types of metamorphosis, an insect undergoes radical changes in its internal organization before reaching the adult stage. Even organs which are found alike in the larval and adult stages do not pass over directly from one stage to the next but through the processes of histolysis the tissues of one stage disappear and entirely new tissues are formed through the processes known as histogenesis. In the Holometabola, where entirely new struc- tures such as wings and legs become functional for the first time with attainment of the adult form still more profound internal 228 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY changes accompany metamorphosis. During the larval and pupal stages, rudiments of the legs, wings, and head appendages make their appearance as internal buds. These imaginal discs, as they are called, are, throughout their early development, enclosed within internal sacs (Fig. 126, A). The hypoderm of the body wall invaginates to form these sacs and the rudiment of the appendage which each of these sacs contains lies thus within a cavity entirely surrounded by hypoderm. Only in later develop- ment (Fig. 126, C and D) do the sacs open and allow the develop- ing appendages to extend freely beyond the body surface. The development and transformation of the imaginal discs of the head and thorax of a fly are shown in Figure 126. In the classification of Linnaeus, there were but seven orders of insects recognized. These have, in recent times, been sub- divided and new orders have been added until today there are more than twenty well-defined orders of the Insecta. In the accompanying table, these orders are listed and some of the characters which are usually considered of importance are furnished for each. The Importance of Insects.-Insects have such significance in their relations to human welfare that it is difficult to give even a faint idea of their importance without going into extensive details for volumes have been written upon this phase of the subject. The honeybees, the silk worms, and the various insects which pollinate flowers are so widely and so popularly known that their importance need not be discussed here. As pests, the Hemiptera occupy a place of extreme significance, with the chinch bug (Blissus leucopterus) as a menace to grain farming and the hundreds of species of scale insects which attack trees and shrubs as outstanding examples. Among the Diptera, numerous disease-carrying flies and mosquitoes, the Hessian fly which destroys growing grain, and warbles and bots which attack domestic animals demand attention. The gipsy moth in its ravages upon shade trees, the coddling moth in its molesta- tion of the apple industry, and the numerous cutworms are examples of important Lepidoptera. Extensive damage to cotton crops through the boll-weevil and much of the injury by wood-boring and leaf-eating insects are attributable to species of the Coleoptera. Predaceous insects such as the coccinelid beetles, the dragon- flies, and the Neuroptera aid materially in checking the damage wrought by other insects. Likewise, the Hymenop- PHYLUM ARTHROPOD A 229 The Orders of Insects A Table Showing Some of the More Important Characters Order Examples Metamorphosis Mouthparts Wings Genera Common names Mesothoracic Metathoracic Thysanura Lepisma silver-fish ametabolous mandibulate wanting wanting Collembola Sminthurus snow-fleas ametabolous' mandibulate wanting wanting Orthoptera Blatta Melanoplus cockroaches, grass- hoppers earwig heterometabolous mandibulate tegmina (leathery) membranous folded Dermaptera.... Forficula heterometabolous mandibulate elytra or wanting membranous Plecoptera Pteronarcys stonefly heterometabolous mandibulate membranous membranous (larger) Isoptera Termes white ants heterometabolous mandibulate membranous membranous Embioptera.... Embia embiids heterometabolous mandibulate membranous or membranous Corrodentia.... Psocus book-lice heterometabolous mandibulate wanting membranous or membranous Mallophaga.... Menopon bird-lice heterometabolous mandibulate wanting wanting wanting Odonata Anax, Lestes dragon flies heterometabolous mandibulate membranous membranous Ephemerida.... Hexagenia mayflies heterometabolous atrophied in adult membranous membranous (smaller) Thysanoptera.. Hemiptera Thrips Anasa, Aphis thrips squash bug, plant-lice heterometabolous heterometabolous suctorial suctorial narrow, fringed with hair or wanting hemelytra or mem- similar membranous or Anoplura Pediculus sucking lice heterometabolous suctorial bran ous or wanting wanting wanting wanting Coleoptera Phyllophaga beetles holometabolous mandibulate elytra membranous Neuroptera. . . . Corydalus Dobson fly holometabolous mandibulate membranous membranous Trichoptera.... Molanna caddice flies holometabolous suctorial or rudi- membranous membranous Hymenoptera.. Apis, Lasius bees, ants holometabolous mentary in adult mandibulate and membr nous membranous Strepsiptera.... Xenos twisted-wings holometabolous suctorial mandibulate rudimentary or membranous Mecoptera Panorpa scorpion flies holometabolous mandibulate, usual- wanting membranous or membranous Lepidoptera.... Cecropia, Pieris Ctenocephalus moths and butterflies holometabolous ly at end of beak suctorial wanting membranous membranous Siphonaptera... fleas holometabolous suctorial wanting wanting Diptera Musca, Anophelese flies and mosquitoes holometabolous suctorial membranous wanting (halteres) 230 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY tera and the Diptera include many useful species in that they are frequently parasitic upon and cause the death of destructive insects. The illustrations cited here are only a start in the enumeration of the economically significant representatives of the class Insecta. References (See general references at close of Chapter I) Comstock, J. H. 1920. An Introduction to Entomology. Second Edition. Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock Publ. Co. Comstock, J. H. and A. B. 1915. A Manual of the Study of Insects. Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock Publ. Co. Folsom, J. W. 1922. Entomology with special reference to its Ecological Aspects. Third Edition. Philadelphia, Blakiston. Herms, W. B. 1915. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. New York, Macmillan. Herrick, G. W. 1914. Insects Injurious to the Household and Annoying to Man. New York, Macmillan. Kellogg, V. L. 1908. American Insects. New York, Holt. Lutz, F. E. 1921. Field Book of Insects. New York, Putnam. MacGillivray, A. D. 1923. External Insect-Anatomy, Urbana, Ill., Scarab Co. Needham, J. G. and Lloyde, J. F. 1916. The Life of Inland Waters. Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock Publ. Co. Osborn, H. 1896. Insects Affecting Domestic Animals. U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. of Entomol., Bull. 5 (n. s.). Pierce, W. D. 1921. Sanitary Entomology. Boston, Gorham Press. Riley, W. A. and Johannsen, O. A. 1915. Handbook of Medical Ento- mology. Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock Publ. Co. Sanderson, E. D. and Peairs, L. M. 1921. Insect Pests of Farm, Garden, and Orchard. New York, Wiley and Sons. Snodgrass, R. E. 1910. Anatomy of the Honeybee. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Entomol., Tech. Series, No. 18. Wheeler, W. M. 1893. A Contribution to Insect Embryology. Jour. Morphol., 8: 1-160. CHAPTER XVI PHYLOGENY The phylogenetic relationships of organisms and the origin of species have long been topics of more than ordinary interest to the scientists. In one of the most generally maintained of the early conceptions all relationship was denied because it was thought that each species represented an independent, super- natural creation. Such was the belief of even so recent a scien- tist as Linnaeus whose systematic arrangement and classification of plant and animal forms furnish one of the best keys to an interpretation of the relationships of many groups. The natural origin of species from preexisting forms of life was first given strong support through the careful observations and generaliza- tions of Charles Darwin whose book on "The Origin of Species" (1859) has probably been more discussed than any other scientific work. With the establishing of a belief in blood relationship between the various animals a new interest in the tracing out of that relationship became awakened. At the present time there is much ground for lack of agreement concerning how species have come into existence but among scientists there is no longer any doubt but that species, genera, and even phyla have moved in a continuous procession since the inception of life upon this planet. Even a cursory survey of the evidences from paleontology reminds one of the facts that there are no indications of vertebrates existing upon the earth prior to the lower Cambrian period of the earth's history and that in general the faunas of successive periods and eras show advance- ment beyond yet undeniable relationships with the preexisting life. It is not the purpose of this chapter to prove the ideas of continuity, development, and differentiation of living organisms for this is now accepted by those who take the trouble to examine the evidences as little less than axiomatic. Nor yet is it the intention to speculate upon the methods or processes whereby these changes in the fauna and the creation of different types have come -about. Even best informed scientists there is yet lack of unanimity of upon these subjects. 231 232 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Any attempt at classification in some measure endeavors to convey a concept of relationships. Groupings or separations are based upon an evaluation of the presence or the lack of common characteristics. In most instances, the possession of fundamental characters of like nature is considered as indicative of common origin. As pointed out in Chapter I, the student is apt to con- sider phylogenetic relationships from an erroneous point of view, assuming that such kinship is traced between the representatives of present-day groups when as a matter of fact all of our existing organisms have undergone some degree of differentiation since their origin. It is only through common ancestry that these lines of kinship are traced. Sources of Evidences of Relationships.-Obviously, then, relationships are not observable directly, but frequently may be deduced from evidences gathered from one or more of the fields of paleontology, embryology, and comparative anatomy. Even these available sources in many instances give incomplete and inconclusive evidence of an organism's past history. Present-day organisms are but points in the lines of evolutionary progress. The source and the termination of any such line are but rarely discovered. Through the study of paleontology and embryology we gain a glimpse here and there of portions of the path which various organisms have followed in reaching their present posi- tion in the lines of evolutionary progression. Paleontology.-In determining a broad outline of the course of phylogeny among the invertebrates the science of paleontology offers but fragmentary and woefully incomplete data concerning the ancestral forms. The Cambrian period has disclosed repre- sentatives of most of the important invertebrate phyla, yet as Schuchert has said, more fundamental evolution had taken place up to this time than subsequently. Studies of the rocks of the preceding periods have revealed rare and imperfect and almost indecipherable evidences of a marine fauna including Protozoa and marine worms. Careful studies by Walcott and others have furnished evidences that practically all of the important invertebrate phyla were represented in the fauna of pre-Cambrian times. However, the pre-Cambrian rocks have undergone metamorphosis under the action of heat and pressure until their contained fossil remains have become concealed or even destroyed. PHYLOGENY 233 Because of the incompleteness of our knowledge of pre-Cam- brian life, the evidences of phylogeny of the lower forms must be sought elsewhere than in the fossil remains. In individual development, there is furnished a clue to racial history. Law of Biogenesis or Recapitulation Theory.-Since the days of von Baer, it has been commonly observed that individuals which are markedly different in appearance as adults have stages in their development when the embryos have much the same appearance. Structures common in the embryos may have entirely different fates in the adults. The works of Haeckel did much to popularize this observation. So generally did the princi- ple seem possible of application that it became expressed as a law-the law of biogenesis-which states that ontogeny is a brief recapitulation of phylogeny. Thus, since the course of individual development more or less faithfully repeats racial history, those characters which make their appearance early in the course of embryology represent a heritage from distant ancestors of the race. The more distant the ancestor the more numerous the offspring and consequently the more kinds of animals which would display these ancestral characters in the course of their development. Such ancestral characters, appearing early in development, have been desig- nated as palingenetic. In contrast with them, the coenogenetic characters which appear relatively late in development are more nearly specific and are found in much smaller groups of individuals. There are many instances in which individual development has become so highly modified that the operation of the biogenetic law seems to be invalidated. In some instances the processes of ontogeny become so much shortened that whole chapters in the racial history are deleted in the course of individual genesis. These and other facts have led some investigators to discredit the law entirely. It seems probable, however, that in many instances valuable light is thrown upon racial history through the study of embryology. Gastraea Theory.-Since a gastrula stage occurs in the onto- geny of practically all of the Metazoa, Haeckel propounded a theory which endeavored to establish a blood relationship among all Metazoa through an ancestral form to which he applied the name of the Gastraea. The Gastraea he considered as a hypo- thetical form which in its adult organization displayed the 234 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY characters of the embryonic gastrula. Though our present-day Coelenterata are said to stand on a level of the gastrula in funda- mental structure, the Gastraea must not be confused with the members of this phylum which have undergone great differentia- tion and progressive evolution. Without discrediting the Gastraea theory in the least, it represents but a step in the right direction, for do not the various gastrulae in turn originate from a single-celled condition-the fertilized egg? Thus all animal forms may be traced along their phylogenetic paths to a common ancestry in the one-celled organisms. Even Haeckel recognized this fact at the time when he propounded his Gastraea theory. The highways between the single-celled condition and our highly diversified Metazoa have not all been surveyed. Only here and there are there indications of the routes which have been taken. Some forms seem to have gone on an independent track early in the course of evolution. Others seem to have traveled long distances together before the ancestral stock became diversified to form various ones of our present-day animals. Some groups, such as the Vertebrata, the Echinoderma, and the Nematoda, seem to have left no conclusive evidence regarding their relation- ships to any other animal groups. Speculation plays a large part in attempting to decipher the faint lines which are directed toward but never lead to any of the usual roads of descent. In the following section attention will be directed to some of the probable ancestral lines of the various Metazoa. Metazoan Tendencies in the Protozoa.-In Chapter II, it has been pointed out that within the Protozoa are found many indications of tendencies toward metazoan conditions. Chief among these are colony formation and isolation of germplasm from the soma. Much has been made of the parallel between the blastula stage in the embryology of the Metazoa and the spherical arrangement of the cells in colonies such as Volvox. By one or several paths of descent, the ancestors of our present - day Protozoa have probably been the direct or indirect source of all the remaining phyla. Porifera.-While the Porifera are usually accorded a position as the lowest phylum of the Metazoa, there are numerous reasons for assuming that the simplicity of sponges is attributable, at least in part, to degeneracy or to regressive evolution. The collared entoderm cells of the Porifera are the exact counter- PHYLOGENY 235 parts of the bodies of Choanoflagellates. Proterospongia is a unique form which might resemble the ancestors of the Porifera and in an unusual manner stands intermediate between the Choanoflagellates and the sponges. This is a colony of Choano- flagellates the individual cells of which are embedded in a matrix containing some wandering amoeboid cells comparable to the mesoderm cells of the Porifera. Coelenterata and Ctenophora.-It seems probable that a primitive gastrula of the nature of Haeckel's hypothetical Gastraea must have had its origin from a spherical protozoan colony by more rapid growth at one pole which resulted in an invagination to form the gastrula cavity. The planula, some modification of which occurs in the larval development of all coelenterates and of the ctenophores, is but a slightly modified gastrula. As MacBride has so well pointed out, a planula- like ancestor probably gave origin to the members of these two phyla. Plathelminthes.-In an earlier chapter it has been stated that Coeloplana and Ctenoplana are modern genera which stand intermediate between the flatworms and the ctenophores and display an odd combination of characters some of which had come to be considered as diagnostic for one or the other of the two phyla. It is probable that through some form similar to these the flatworms have arisen from a ctenophore-like stock. Nemathelminthes.-Regarding the origin and relationships of the Nemathelminthes practically nothing is known. They stand as peculiarly isolated forms whose history has never been deciphered. The method of mesoderm formation seems to preclude any close relationships with the annelid worms. There has been no well-founded theory advanced as to their origin or relationships. The numerous suggestions which have been offered are based upon very minor details. The Trochophore.-In the Plathelminthes, Coelhelminthes, Molluscoidea, Trochelminthes, and Mollusca there occur larvae which represent only minor modifications of the trochophore. Thus a direct relationship among these forms is traceable through the larvae. In fundamental structure the trochophore has been likened to the ctenophores. It has already been shown that the Plathelminthes are readily derivable from the ctenophore organization. The metamerism, so characteristic of the Anne- lida; has been explained on various grounds. Beginnings of 236 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY metamerism are readily observable in the flat worms. Regular arrangement of the lateral diverticula from the digestive tract and orderly disposition of the gonads between these diverticula indicate preparations for a segmentation of the body before the septa make their appearance as in the annelids. Echinoderma.-The echinoderms offer but few clews to an explanation of their origin. Their radial symmetry is not primitive and, since the larvae are bilaterally symmetrical throughout, it seems probable that the members of this group have evolved from a bilaterally symmetrical coelomate ancestor. MacBride has emphasized the fact that echinoderm larvae represent a primitive type not directly related to the trochophore. Echinoderm larvae show more resemblance to the tornaria larva of Balanoglossus than to any of the lower Metazoa. In some instances this fact has been utilized in tracing a possible ancestry of the vertebrates through a line which passes back through the Enteropneusta (Balanoglossus) to a primitive type from which the echinoderms and the Enteropneusta have arisen. Arthropoda.-The arthropods have many points in their morphology which are likewise shared by the annelids. Even the parapodia of the annelids are not so markedly different from the foliaceous appendages of the lower Crustacea. The Onyco- phora (Peripatus) were for a long time considered as worms but closer investigation revealed characters which have been looked upon as diagnostic of the Arthropoda. Standing as they do, mid- way between the arthropods and the annelids, the Onycophora show a transition from one group to the other which may well be taken as indicative of a worm-like ancestry for the arthropods. In this phylum there arises an interesting conflict between the evidences presented by embryology and morphology. On the basis of morphological study the arthropods seem to have their closest affinities with the elongate annelid-like forms but in development all of the lower Crustacea pass through a character- istic larval form known as the nauplius. This larval form is very short and bears but three pairs of appendages. There is no conclusive method of weighing the relative merits of the two lines of evidence. It seems, however, that the nauplius might be an adaptation to a free-swimming existence and thus may have undergone changes a full record of which have not been retained in the much shortened history of the race which is pre- sented by ontogeny. Some who see in the nauplius a significant PHYLOGENY 237 ancestral form have considered the nauplius as a modified troch- ophore not fundamentally different in structure from some of our present-day rotifers. The swimming appendages of rotifers like Pedalion are thought by some to represent incipient arthropod appendages. Ancestry of the Vertebrates.-Some of the most widespread interest in the blood relationships of animals centers around the question of the origin of the Chordata. Even though the verte- brates seem to have made their appearance at a time when a fairly complete picture of the fauna is observable through the fossil remains, there is little light thrown upon the origin of the ' vertebrates through the study of paleontology. Fossils of some of the heavily armored fishes, the Ostracoderms, closely resemble the fossil arachnids known as the Merostomata and our modern Limulus which some one has called a "living fossil." However, the study of comparative anatomy seems to indicate that the vertebrates must have had a simpler beginning than this would indicate. The three subphyla of the Prochordata, represented by Amphio- xus (or Branchiostoma), Balanoglossus, and the tunicates, have characters which permit them to be classified with the Chordata, yet in most instances display a low type of general organization which seems to relate them to the non-chordate forms. Each of these groups has been considered as a possible ancestral stock from which the true vertebrates have had their origin. Since these forms lie outside the scope of this textbook their relation- ships to the problem of vertebrate phylogeny will not be considered in detail but attention will be directed to some of the inverte- brate groups through which the ancestry of the vertebrates has been derived by various investigators. As has been pointed out in an earlier discussion, the Metazoa in general, including the Vertebrata, develop from a single cell, the zygote. Thus a possible ancestral history of the verte- brates leads back to the single-celled organisms. However, this relationship is so distant that many attempts have been made to find satisfactory evidences of vertebrate geneology through the higher groups of the invertebrates. Early metamer- ism of the vertebrate embryos indicates that some segmented organism gave rise to the vertebrate line but further than this the evidences are capable of broadly divergent interpretations. In consequence, numerous theories have been advanced. Space 238 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY does not permit a detailed account of all of these but some of the more important ones have been chosen for discussion. The coelenterates, the nemertines, the annelids, and various arthro- pods have been championed as the possible origin of the verte- brate series. Annelid Theory.-The metameric condition of annelids, the relation of their nephridia to the coelom, and the fundamental relationships of vascular and nervous systems to the digestive tract, closely resemble the conditions found in the lower verte- brates and in vertebrate embryos. Semper and other investiga- tors have shown that by inverting the position of the body of an annelid the fundamental systems are brought into almost complete harmony with their arrangement in the vertebrates. Such a shift in the orientation of the body is not at all uncommon in various animal groups. Many of the crustaceans and molluscs move with their ventral surface in a dorsal position. Even the notochord, which is distinctive for the Chordata, has a counter- part in the bundles of supporting fibers which accompany the annelidan nerve chain. Recent publications of Delsman have awakened a new interest in the annelid theory of vertebrate origin. Nemertine Theory.-Hubrecht has maintained that the nemer- tines stand in the direct line of ancestry of the vertebrates. One of the chief arguments in favor of this theory is the possible homology between the proboscis sheath of the nemertine and the notochord of the chordate. The lateral nerve cords of the nemertine could assume a dorsal position as in the chordates without a complete change in the orientation of the body such as is necessitated in the annelid theory. Arachnid Theory.-Patten has seen in the arachnids, especially in forms like the scorpions and Limulus, many points of structure in direct harmony with vertebrate organization. Through comparisons of these arachnids with fish-like Ostracoderms he has built up an elaborate theory showing a possible origin of the vertebrates from arachnidan ancestry. Conclusion.-Each of the numerous theories, of which the foregoing are characteristic examples, is based upon a group of facts derived from studies in comparative anatomy and embry- ology. Yet no one theory depicts a satisfying genealogy of the vertebrate group. At most the various hypotheses furnish ground for a belief in kinship between the vertebrate and the PHYLOGENY 239 invertebrate. Kinship or common origin would explain most of the facts which have been arrayed as a proof or demonstration of vertebrate origin from the invertebrates. Similarity in structure and development and even homologies between the members of two animal groups do not prove that one has originated from the other. At most they point to a common heritage. Our various theories demonstrate undis- puted interrelationships between the chordate phylum and the non-chordates but the key to the ancestry of the vertebrates lies hidden, possibly lost, in some form of past ages which has been an ancestor alike to the vertebrates and the higher inverte- brates and through which both of these groups have inherited the characters which they hold in common. A search for this ancestral form among the highly differentiated animal forms of today is little short of hopeless. References Delsman, H. C. 1922. The ancestry of vertebrates as a means of under- standing the principle features of their structure and development. Weltevreden (Java). Gaskell, W. H. 1908. The Origin of the Vertebrates. London, Long- mans-Green. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1883. On the ancestral form of the Chordata. Quart. Jour. Mier. Sci., N. S., 23: 349-368. Lull, R. S. 1917. Organic Evolution. New York, Macmillan. MacBride, E. W. 1914. Text-book of Embryology. Vol. 1, Inverte- brata. London, Macmillan. Osborn, H. F. 1917. The Origin and Evolution of Life. New York, Scribners. Patten, W. 1912. The Evolution of the Vertebrates and their Kin. Philadelphia, Blakiston. Semper, C. 1875. Die Stammesverwandtschaft der Wirbelthiere und Wirbellosen. Arbeit. Zool. Zoot. Inst. Wurzburg, 2: 25-76. Walcott, C. D. 1899. Pre-Cambrian Fossiliferous Formations. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Apr. 6, 1899: 199-244. Wilder, H. H. 1909. History of the Human Body. New York, Holt. INDEX A Abalone, 177 Abdomen, 183, 198, 201, 207, 209, 214, 221 Abdominal appendages of Insecta, 221 Abothrium, 111 Acantharia, 39 Acanthobdella, 140 Acanthocephala, 121 Acanthocephalus, 122 Acanthocystis, 37 Acanthometra, 39 Acanthosphaera, 39 Acarina, 207 Acephala, 168 Acephaline gregarines, 41 Acerata, 184, 204 Acetabulum, 104 Acineta, 53 Acmaea, 177 Acoela, 101 Acontia, 92 Actinaria, 93, 94 Actinomyxidia, 46, 47 Actinophrys, 37 Actinosphaerium, 37 Actinotrocha, 148 Adductor muscles of Acephala, 168 Brachiopoda, 147 Adhesive cells, 95 Adinida, 29 Adjustor muscles, 147 Adoral shields, 158 Adradii, 89 Aeolosoma, 138 Aeolosomatidae, 138 Aerobic respiration, 69 Agriolimax, 178 Alcyonacea, 94 Alcyonaria, 92, 94 ? Alcyonium, 94 Alternation of generations, 9 Coelenterata, 83 Protozoa, 24 Alveolar layer of cytoplasm, 49 Ambulacral area, 152, 158 Ametabola, 215 Armenia, 168 Amnion, 225 Amoeba proteus, 35 terricola, 35 verrucosa, 35 Amoebina, 35 Amphilina, 108 Amphineura, 167 Amphioplus, 158 Amphipoda, 201 Amphisolenia, 29 Ampullae, 78, 155 Anaerobic respiration, 69, 224 Anal veins, 221 Anaplocephala, 111 Ancestry of vertebrates, 237 Ancylostoma, 119 Ancylus, 178 Ancyrocephalus, 103 Angiostoma nigrovenosum, 119 Anisotropic, 63 Annelida, 131 Annelidan cross, 15, 134 Annelid Theory, 238 Annulations of leeches, 139 Annulus, 29 Anodonta, 173 Anomia, 173 Anopheles, 44 Anostraca, 190 Antedon, 165 Antedon rosacea, 164 life cycle, 164 Antennae, 185, 186 Antennal gland, 197 241 242 INDEX Antennules, 186, 191 Anthophysa, 30 Anthozoa, 91 Antipatharia, 94 Antipathes, 94 Aphrodita, 137 Apical plate, 136 Aplacophora, 167 Aplysiidae, 178 Apopyle, 78 Appendages, 185 biramous, 185, 192, 197, 198 crustacean, 185 foliaceous, 186 insectan, 214, 219, 221 phyllopodan, 186, 189, 197 polychaet, 135 rotifer, 127 schizopodal, 185 Apus, 190, 191 Arachnid theory, 238 Arachnida, 205 Araneina, 207 Araneinae, 207 Arbacia, 160 Area. 173 Arcella, 34, 38 Archenteron, 16, 67 Archiannelida, 141 Archigetes, 107 Arenicola, 137 Argonauta, 181 Argulids, 193 Argulus, 193 Arion, 178 Aristotle's lantern, 159 Armillifer, 209 Arrow-worms, 131 Artemia, 190 Arthropoda, 183, 184 classes of, 184 phylogeny of, 236 Articular sclerites, 219 Articulata, 147 Articulation, 183 Asaphus, 189 Ascaris, 119 germ cells, 10 lumbricoides, 119 Ascon, 77 Asellus, 202 Asexual reproduction, 7 Aspidobranchia, 177 Asplanchna, 126, 127, 128 Assimilation, 65 Asterias, 157 Asteroidea, 151, 152 Astrangia, 94 Astrophy ton, 158 Atlanta, 177 Atoke, 135 Aurelia, life history, 89 Auricles, 69, 170 Autoinfection, 44 Autolytus, 137 Autophytic, 22, 28 Autosomes, 12 Autotomy, 198 Avicularia, 145 Axon, 63 Axostyles, 26 B Babesia, 208 bovis, 44 Balantidium, 51 Barnacles, 194, 195 de Bary, 21 Basal granules, 26, 49 Basals, 163 Basipodite, 185 Basis for classification, 2 Basket stars, 158 Beach fleas, 201 Beak, 207 Beroida, 96 Biloculina, 38 Biogenesis, law of, 233 Bipinnaria, 157 Biramous appendages, 185 Bivium, 154 Bladderworm, 109 Blastoderm, 181, 225 Blastoidea, 152, 162 Blastomeres, 14 Blastula, 16 Blepharoplast, 26 INDEX 243 Blood gills, 70, 223 Blood-suckers, 140 Bojanus, organs of, 170 Boophilus annulatus, 208 Bosmina, 192 Bothrimonus, 111 Bothriocephalus, 111 Brachiolaria, 157 Brachiopoda, 144, 146 Brachyura, 188 Bracts, 88 Brain, 74 Branchiae, 153 Branchial chamber, 174, 199 Branchial vessel, 199 Branchiopoda, 189, 190 Branchiura, 193 Breeding habits, 18 Bristle jaws, 132 Brittle stars, 157 Brood sac, 191, 202 Bryozoa, 144 Bucephalus, 106 Budding, 24 internal, 8 lateral, 137 Bugula, 145 Bulimulus, 178 Bursae, 158 Bursaria, 51 Buthus, 206 Byssus gland, 169 C Calcarea, 80 Calegus, 193 Callinectes, 201 Calonympha, 32 Calonymphidae, 32 Calyx, 162, 163 Cambarus, 201 Campanella, 87 Campanulariae-Leptomedusae, 86 Cancer, 201 Candona, 194 Capillitium, 40 Caprella, 202 Capsular membrane, 38 Carapace, 185, 198 Carchesium, 52 Carcinus, 201 Cardiac chamber, 154, 200 Cardium, 173 Carterius, 80 Cartilage, 61, 62 Caryophyllaeus, 108 Cattle tick, 208 Cell as an individual, 20 Cell-constancy, 15 Cell-lineage, 15 Cell organs, 21 Centipeds, 212 Central axis, 189 Central nervous system, 63, 74, 101, 114, 117, 121, 128, 132, 133, 141, 157, 160, 166, 170, 175, 177, 200, 211, 224 Centrolecithal, 15, 184 Centrosome, 14 Centrums, 206 Cephaline gregarines, 45 Cephalopoda, 178 Cephalothorax, 186, 198, 209 Ceratium, 29 Ceratosa, 80 Cercariae, 105 Cerebral ganglia, 166 Cerebro-pleural ganglion, 170 Cestida, 96 Cestoda, 98, 106 individual, 107 monozoic, 106, 107 orientation, 106 polyzoic, 108 Cestodaria, 106, 107 Cestus, 96 Chaetoderma, 167 Chaetogaster, 138 Chaetognathi, 131 Chaetonotus, 129, 130 Chaetopoda, 133 Chalk, 37, 38 Charybdea, 90 Chelae, 198, 206, 210 Chelicerae, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209 Chelifer, 208 Cheliped, 198 Chills in malaria, 44 244 INDEX Chilodon, 50 Chilomastix, 32 Chilomonas, 28 Chilopoda, 184, 212 Chitons, 167, 168 Chlamydomonas, 30 Chlamydophrys, 38 Chloridella, 198 Chloromyxum, 47 Chlorophyll, 27 Choanoflagellates, 30, 77, 235 Chordata, 1 Chordodes, 121 Chromatophores, 27, 28 Chromosomes, 12 autosomes, 12 X-, 12 Y-, 13 Chromulina, 28 Chronology, geologic, 6 Chrysidella, 28 Chrysomonadina, 28 Chrysopyxis, 28 Cidaridea, 160 Cilia, 48, 73 modifications, 50 movement, 50 structure, 50 Ciliata, 48 Ciliated grooves, 134 Cilioflagellata, 29 Ciliophora, 48 Circulatory system, 68 closed, 69 open, 69, 184, 199 Circumferential Cirri of ciliates, 50 Cirri of crinoids, 163 Cirripathes, 94 Cirripedia, 188, 194 Cirrus, 73, 128, 136, 222 Cladocera, 189, 190, 191, 192 Clams, 173 Clam worm, 137 Clasping organs, 73 Classification, basis of, 2 linear arrangement, 4 system of, 2 tree-like arrangement, 5 Clathrulina, 37 Clava, 86 Cleavage, determinate, 15 indeterminate, 15 partial, 14, 15 patterns, 14 superficial, 15 total, 14 Clitellata, 140 Clitellum, 138 Cloaca, 68, 78, 162 Clonorchis, 106 Clypeaster, 160 Clypeastroidea, 160 Cnidosporidia, 46 Coccidia, 41 Coccidiomorpha, 41 Cocoon, 138 Coelenterata, 82 phylogeny of, 235 Coelenteric cavity, 83 Coelhelminthes, 131 Coelomoducts, 134 Coeloplana, 99 Coeloria, 94 Coelosporidium, 48 Coenogenetic, 233 Colacium, 30 Coleps, 50 Collared flagellate cells, 77 Collembola, 215 Colony, 20 formation, 25 Colpoda, 50 Columella, 175 Combs, 95 Commission on Nomenclature, 3 Comparative anatomy, 232 Complemental males, 194 Compound eyes, 75, 186, 187, 191, 218 Conchostraca, 191 Congress, International Zoological, 3 Conjugation, 24 in Peritricha, 52 Connective tissue, 61 Constancy, cell-, 15, 128 nuclear-, 15, 128 Contractile layer of cytoplasm, 49 INDEX 245 Contractile vacuole, 27 Copepoda, 187, 188 parasitic, 193 Copepodid, 187 Copulation, 18 reciprocal, 18 Copulatory organs, 73 Corallium rubrum, 94 Corallobothrium, 111 Corals, 91, 93, 94, Cordylophora, 84 Coryne, 86 Costa, 221 Costia, 32 Coxa, 219 Coxopodite, 185 Crabs, 196, 198 Crago, 201 Crania, 147 Craspedotella, 34 Crawfish, 185, 196, 198 Crepidula, 177 Cribellum, 207 Cribrillina, 145 Crinoidea, 151 Crinoids, 162 Cristatella, 145 Crustacea, 183, 184 Cryptochiton, 168 Cryptomonadina, 28 Cryptomonas, 28 Crystalline style, 170 Ctenidia, 168 Ctenobranchiata, 177 Ctenocephalus, 189 Ctenodiscus, 157 Ctenophora, 95 phylogeny of, 235 Ctenoplana, 99 Cubitus, 221 Cubomedusae, 90 Cucumaria, 162 Cultures, 23 Cunina, 87 Cunocantha, 87 Cuspidaria, 174 Cuticula, 59, 98, 116, 121 Cuttlebone, 178 Cuttlefish, 178, 181 Cuvier, 82, 150 Cyanea arctica, 90 Cyathocephalus, 111 Cyathomonas, 28 Cyclammina, 38 Cyclochaeta, 52 Cyclophyllidea, 111 Cycloposthium, 51 Cyclops, 187, 192, 193 Cyclospora, 41 Cydippida, 96 Cypridinidae, 194 Cypris, 194 Cypris stage of Cirripedia, 195 Cysticercoid, 109 Cysticercus, 109 Cystoflagellata, 34 Cystoidea, 152, 162 Cytopharynx, 21, 48 Cytoplasm, 22 regional differentiation, 49 Cytopyge, 21, 48 Cytostome, 21, 48 D Dactylogyrus, 103 Dactylozooids, 88 Daddy-long-legs, 209 Dalmanites, 189 Daphnia, 192 Darwin, 231 Davainea, 111 Decapoda, 180 Degeneracy, 3 Delamination, 16 Delsman, 238 Demospongia, 80 Dendrites, 63 Dendromonas, 30 Dendrosoma, 53 Dentalium, 174 Dermomuscular sac, 73 Dero, 138 Desor's larva, 113 Determinate cleavage, 15 Deutomerite, 45 Deutoplasm, 9 Devilfishes, 178, 181 246 INDEX Diaptomus, 193 Dibothriocephalus, 109 Dibranchia, 179, 180 Dicyemidae, 57 Didinium, 22, 50 Dienympha, 32 Differentiation, histological, 20, 56, 57 Differentiation, regional, 183 Difflugia, 38 Digenea, 104 Digenetic trematodes, 104 Digestion, 65 Digestive parenchyma, 101 Digestive system, 65 Dileptus, 50 Dimorphism in germ cells, 14 Dinifera, 29 Dinobryon, 28 Dinoflagellata, 29 Dinophilus, 141 Diplobothrium, 103 Diplocardia, 139 Diplodiscus, 104 Diplopoda, 184, 212 Dipylidium, 111 Directives, 92 Disc, 153 Discina, 147 Discoidal cleavage, 181 Discomedusae, 90 Distomatina, 33 Divaricator muscles, 147 Docoglossa, 177 Doflein, 25 Dondersia, 167 Dorsal line, 117 Dorsal vessel, 133, 184 Dorylaimus, 120 Dujardin, 21 Dysentery, 34 amoebic, 35 E Ecdysis, 184 Echinarachnius, 160 Echinococcus, 111 Echinoderma, 150, 236 orientation, 151 Echinoidea, 151, 158 Echinopluteus, 160 Echinorhynchus, 123 Ectoderm, 16 Ectoplasm, 22, 27 Ectoprocta, 145 Edwardsia, 92, 93 Egg, 72, 79, 101, 103, 104, 107, 113, 119, 128, 130, 132, 156, 171, 181 184, 214 Egg masses of Acanthocephala, 123 Egg sacs, 192 Eimeria, 41 schubergii, 41 stiedae, 41 Elastic tissue, 62 Eleutherozoa, 152 Elytra, 219 Embryo, 17 Embryology, 232 Enchelys, 50 Endamoeba blattae, 35 Endites, 186 Endomixis, 25 Endoplasm, 22, 27, 49 Endopodite, 185 Endoprocta, 145, 146 Energy release in respiration, 69 Ensatella, 173 Entamoeba buccalis, 35 coli, 35 histolytica, 35, 36 Enteropneusta, 1, 236 Entoderm, 16 Entodinium, 51 Enzymes, 170 Ephelota, 53 Ephippium, 192 Ephydatia, 80 Ephyra, 89 Epicranial suture, 217 Epicranium, 217 Epimeral plates, 201 Epimerite, 45 Epistylis, 52 Epitheliomuscular cells, 62, 116 Epithelium, 58 ciliated, 58 germinal, 60 INDEX 247 Epithelium, glandular, 59 protective, 59 sensory, 60 Epitoke, 135 Ergasilus, 193 Eremobates, 209 Eriophyidae, 207 Errantia, 137 Esophagus, 68, 83, 91, 113, 118, 176, 200 Estheria, 190, 191 Eubranchipus, 190 Eudorina, 30 elegans, 9 Euglena, 30 Euglenoidina, 29 Euglypha, 38 Eulamellibranchia, 172, 173 Eunice viridis, 135 Eupagurus, 201 Euplectella, 80 Euplotes, 52 neuro motor system, 51 Eurypelma, 207 Eurypterida, 205 Eurypterids, 204 Euthyneura, 177 Excretory layer of cytoplasm, 49 Excretory system, 71, 98, 109, 114, 117, 127, 134, 140, 170, 186 Excretory vesicle, 71 Exopodite, 185 Exoskeleton, 73, 183 Extracapsulum, 38 Exuvaella, 29 Eyes, 101, 128, 132, 135, 166, 168, 171, 176, 187, 218 Eyespots, 28 F Fairy shrimp, 190 Fasciola hepatica, 104, 106 Fat tissue, 61 Favia, 94 Femur, 219 Fertilization, 11 cross, 138 reciprocal, 138 self, 18 Fibrous connective tissue, 62 Fiddler crabs, 201 Filariae, 118 blood inhabiting, 120 Filibranchia, 173 Finger, 198 Finger-nail shells, 173 Fish-lice, 193 Fission, 7, 24, 101 binary, 7, 23 multiple, 7, 23 simple, 7, 23 Fissurella, 177 Flagella, 26, 73 pulsella, 27 trachella, 27 trailing, 27 Flagellated chambers, 77 Flame cells, 71, 98 Floscularia, 126, 127 Follicle cells, 72 Foot of Mollusca, 166, 174 Foraminifera, 35, 37 Free-living nematodes, 120 Front, 217 Funiculus, 145 Funnel of Ctenophora, 96 Funnel vessel, 96 G Gall mites, 205 Gametes, specialization of, 9 Gametoblast, 44 Gametogenesis, 11 Gammarus, 202 Ganglia, 63, 74 Gasteropoda, 174 . Gasterostomata, 106 Gastraea theory, 233 Gastral tentacles, 89 Gastroliths, 200 Gastrotricha, 125, 129 Gastrovascular system, 67, 68, 83 Gastrozooids, 87 Gastrula, 16 Gelasimus, 201 Gemmules, 8 Porifera, 79 248 INDEX Genae, 217 Generations, alteration of, 9 in Coelenterata, 83 in Protozoa, 24 Genital claspers, 222 Genital plates, 154, 158 Genital pore, 108, 162 Genital rachis, 159 Genitalia, 222 Geologic chronology, 6 Geophilus, 213 Gephyrea, 142 Germ band, 225 Germ cells, 8, 9, 10 Ascaris, 10 chromatin diminution, 11 isolation of, 10 Miastor, 11 primordial, 11 Germ plasm, 11 Germinal epithelium, 60 Giant nuclei, 121 Giardia, 33, 34 Gigantostraca, 204 Gill bailer, 199 Gill hearts, 69 Gill sacs, 201 Gills, 70, 136, 138, 156, 160, 169, 204, 223 Glands, 68 Glandular epithelium, 59 Glaridacris, 108 Glass rope sponge, 80 Globigerina, 38 Glochidium, 171 axehead type, 172 hooked, 172 hookless, 172. Glomeris, 212 Glossina, 31 Glossiphonia, 141 Glugea, 47 Gnathobdellida, 141 Gonads, 60, 72, 170 Gonangia, 87 Gonium, 30 Gonodactylus, 198 Gonoducts, 134, 159 Gonophore reduction, 84 Gonopophyses, 222 Gonotheca, 86 Gordiacea, 120 Gordius, 121 Gorgonacea, 94 Gorgonia, 94 Grantia, 78, 80 Green gland, 186, 200 Gregarina, 41, 45 Gromia, 38 Group concepts, mutability of, 3 Gunda, 101 Gymnodinium, 29 Gyrocotyle, 107 Gyrodactylus, 103 H Haeckel, 233 Haematococcus, 30 Haemoceol, 184 Haemogregarines, 44 Haemosporidia, 41 Hair snakes, 121 Haliotis, 177 Halteres, 219 Halteria, 51 Halycystus, 90 Haplobothrium, 111 Haplodinium, 29 Haplosporidia, 48 Harpes, 189 Harvest men, 205 Head, 131, 135, 138, 166, 174, 180, 183, 219 Head capsule, 216, 217 Heart, 133, 170, 184, 191 Heart shells, 173 Hectocotylization, 179 Hectocotylus, 179 Heliozoa, 36 Helix, 178 Helodrilus, 139 Hemelytra, 220 Henneguya, 47 Henricia, 155, 157 Hepatopancreas, 200 Hermaphroditic gonad, 10, 176 Hermaphroditism, 10, 184, 194 INDEX 249 Hermit crab, 201 Heterocoela, 80 Heterocyemidae, 57 Heterometabola, 214, 215 Hetero nemertini, 114 Heteronereis, 135 Heteropoda, 177 Heterotricha, 51 Hexactinellida, 80 Hexacoralla, 92, 93 Hexamitus, 34 Hinge ligament, 168 Hirudinea, 139 Hirudo medicinalis, 141 Histogenesis, 215, 227 Histological differentiation, 20, 56, 57, 85 Histolysis, 227 Holometabola, 214, 215 Holothuroidea, 151, 161 Holotricha, 50 Homalonotus, 189 Homarus, 201 Homocoela, 80 Homogeneous connective tissue, 61 Homolecithal, 14 Homonomous metamerism, 135 Hookworms, 118, 119 Ancylostoma, 119 development, 119 Necator, 119 Hormiphora, 96 Horse-shoe crabs, 204, 205 Hubrecht, 238 Hyallela, 202 Hyalonema, 80 Hydatina senta, 126 nuclear-constancy in, 128 Hydra, 84 ciliates commensal on, 52 Hydrachnida, 208 Hydrocoel sacs, 151 Hydrocorallina, 86, 87 Hydroid, 82 Hydroides, 138 Hydromedusa, 84 Hydropolyp, 84 Hydrorhiza, 87 Hydrotheca, 86 Hydro zo a, 84 Hymenolepis, 111 Hypermastigina, 33 Hypodermis, 59, 116, 183 Hypopharynx, 216 Hypotricha, 51 I Ichthyophthirius, 48, 50 Ichthyosporidium, 48 Idotea, 202 Imaginal buds, 215, 227,'228 Imago, 214 Implantation cone, 64 Inarticulata, 147 Incurrent pores, 77, 78 Incus, 127 Indeterminate cleavage, 15 Individual, the cell as an, 20 Infrabasals, 163 Ink sac, 180 Insecta, 184, 214 importance of, 228 orders of, 229 Integument, 183 Interambulacrum, 153, 158 Internal buds, 8 International commission on nomen- clature, 3 Interradial vessels, 96 Interradii, 89 Intestine, 68 Intromittent organ, 73 Invaginated development, 225, 226, 227 Invertebrates, 1 lodinophilous vacuole, 46 Iota, 120 Irritability, 63 Isogametes, 9 Isopoda, 202 Isospora, 41 Isotropic, 63 Itch, 208 mites, 208 J Julus, 212 250 INDEX K Karyosomes, 24 Keber's organ, 170 Kerona, 51 Keyhole urchin, 160 Kinetic energy, 69 Krohnia, 133 L Labial palpi, 169, 216 Labium, 215 Labrum, 215 Lacrymaria, 50 Lacunae, 184 Lamp shells, 147 Lampsilis, 173 Land crabs, 185 Land snails, 178 Larva, 17, 214 Lasmigona, 172 Lateral lines, 117 Laurer's canal, 104 Laverania falciparum, 41, 44 Law of Priority, 3 Leda, 173 Leeches, 139 Leidyana, 45 Lemnisci, 121 Lepas anatifera, 195 Lepidoderma, 130 Lepidonotus, 137 Lepidurus, 191 Leptasterias hexactis, 152 Leptocardii, 1 Leptodora, 191 Leptolinae, 86 Leptotheca, 47 Lernaeocera, 193 Lernaeopoda, 193 Leucilia, 78 Leuckart, 82 Leucon type, 78, 80 Leucortis, 80 Leucosolenia, 78, 80 Libinia, 201 Lieberkuhnia, 38 Ligula, 107, 111 Limax, 178 Limnadia, 191 Limnetus, 191 Limpets, 174, 177 Limulus, 205 Linear arrangement in classifica- tion, 5 Lines of growth, 168 Lingual ribbon, 176 Linguatula, 209 Linguatulida, 185, 208, 209 Lingula, 147 Linnaeus, 4, 131, 231 Liriope, 87 Lithobius, 213 Littorina, 177 Liver, 170 Liver-rot, 104 Lobata, 96 Lobster, 185, 196, 198, 201 Locomotor skeleton, 73 Locomotor system, 73 Loligo, 181 Lophomonas, 33 Lophophore, 144, 147, 148 Loxosoma, 146 Lucernaria, 90 Lumbricus, 139 Lung, 199 Lung-books, 70, 204, 206 Lung sacs, 70 Lymnaea, 178 M Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus, 123 Macrobdella, 141 Macrobitus, 210 Macrocheira, 201 Macroconjugant, 52 Macrogametes, 9, 21 Macronucleus, 48, 49 Macroura, 201 Madrepora, 94 Madreporaria, 94 Madreporite, 153, 154, 158 Magellania, 147 Malacostraca, 187, 188, 196 INDEX 251 Malaria, benign, 44 malignant, 44 pernicious, 44 quartan, 44 spring tertian, 44 Malarial organism, 24, 42 Mallei, 127 Malpighian tubes, 71 Mandibles, 191, 215 Mantle of Brachiopoda, 146 Cirripedia, 194 Mollusca, 166, 168, 174 Manubrium, 85 Manyunckia, 137 Margaropus, 208 Marsipometra, 111 Marsupia, 171 Martini, 128 Mastax, 127 Mastigamoeba, 36 Mastigella vitrea, 36 Mastigophora, 26 Maxillae, 191, 215 Maxillary papi, 216 Media, 221 Medusoid, 82 Megalops, 188, 200 Mehlis' gland, 104 Meleagrina, 168, 173 Melicerta, 126 Mellita, 160 Membranelie, 50, 51 Meridional vessels, 96 Mermis, 118, 120 Merozoites, 42 Mesectoderm, 77 Mesenchytraeus, 138 Mesenterial filaments, 92 Mesenteries, 83, 162 Mesenteron, 113, 186 Mesoderm, 16 bands, 137 Mesoglea, 83 Mesonemertini, 114 Mesothorax, 219 Mesozoa, 56, 57 Metacrinus, 165 Metagenesis, 83, 86 Metamerism, 133, 183 Metamerism, heteronomous, 183 homonomous, 135, 183 Metamorphosis, 99, 113, 136, 157, 172, 187, 200, 214 complete, 214 incomplete, 214 Metanauplius, 187, 190, 193 Metanemertini, 114 Metanephridial system, 71, 134, 140 Metathorax, 219 Metazoa, 20, 56 Metazoan tendencies, 20 Metridium, 94 Miastor, primordial cells in, 11 paedogenesis in, 17 Michaelson, 140 Microcon jugant, 52 Microcotyle, 103 Microcyst, 40 Microdrili, 138 Microgametes, 10, 21 Microgametoblast, 44 Micronucleus, 48, 49 Microporella, 145 Microscolex, 139 Microsporidia, 46, 47 Microstomum, 101 Miescher's corpuscles, 48 Millepora, 88 Milliped, 212 Miricidium, 104 Mites, 204, 205, 207, 208 Modiola, 173 Mollusca, 166 Molluscan cross, 15 Molluscoidea, 144 Molting, 184 Mother-of-pearl, 168 Monas, 30 Monaxonida, 80 Moniliformis, 123 Moniligaster, 139 Monocystis, 45 Monogenea, 102 Monogenetic trematodes, 102 Monopisthocotylea, 103 Monostomes, 104 Monothalmia, 37 Mouth parts of insects, 215 252 INDEX Mouth parts of insects, Hemiptera, 216 honeybee, 216 Lepidoptera, 216 mandibulate or biting, 215, 216 mosquito, 216 Muller's larva, 99, 102 Murex, 177 Muscle tissue, 62 smooth, 62 striated, 62 Musculium, 173 Mussels, fresh-water, 168 development, 171 Mya, 173 Mycetozoa, 35, 39 Myonemes, 45, 49, 62, 73 Myriapods, 212 Myrientomata, 184, 211 Mysididae, 197 Mysis, 187, 200 relicta, 197 Mytilus, 173 Myxamoeba, 40 Myxicola, 137 Myxidium, 47 Myxobolus, 47 Myxoflagellate, 40 Myxospongia, 80 Myxosporidia, 46 N Nacre, 168 Naididae, 138 Nais, 138 Narcomedusae, 87 Natica, 177 Nauplius, 187, 190, 193, 195, 201 eye, 186, 192 Nautilus, 178, 180 Nebalia, 197 Necator, 119 Neck, 107 Nectocalyces, 88 Nemas, 116 Nemathelminthes, 116, 235 Nematocysts, 82 Nematodes, 116 development, 188, ff free-living, 120 Nemertinea, 111 Nemertine theory, 238. Nemertines, 111 Neoechinorhynchus, 123 emydis, 122 Neomenia, 167 Neosporidia, 45 Nephridiopore, 134 Nephrostome, 71, 134 Nereis, 135, 137 Nerve ring, 74, 157 Nervous system, 73, 74, 95, 101, 107, 114, 117, 121, 128, 133, 157, 160, 166, 167, 170, 175, 200, 224 condensation of, 224 sympathetic, 74, 224 Nervous tissue, 63 Nettling cells, 82 Neurite, 63 Neuroglia, 64, 74 Neuromotor system in Euplotes, 51 Neuron, 63 Neuropodium, 135 Nitzschia, 103 Noctiluca, 34 Nomenclature, international com- mission on, 3 Non-chordate, 1 phyla, 1 Nosema, 47 apis, 47 bombycis, 47 Nostraca, 190 Notochord, 1 Notopodium, 136 Nuclear-constancy, 15, 128 Nuclearia, 37 Nucleus, giant, 121 in differentiation, 65 Nuda, 96 Nudibranchs, 178 Nurse cells, 72 Nyctotherus, 51 Nymph, 215 Nymphon, 209, 210 O Obelia, life history, 86 Occiput, 217 INDEX 253 Ocellus, 76, 205, 218 Octocoralla, 92, 94 Octopoda, 180, 181 Octopus, 181 Ocular plates, 153, 158 Odontophore, 176 Olfactory organs, 75, 132, 166, 171, 218 Oligochaeta, 138 Oligotricha, 51 Olynthus, 78 Ommatidia, 75 Onchosphere, 109 Oniscus, 202 Onycophora, 184, 210, 236 Oocapt, 109 Oogenesis, 11 Ookinete, 44 Ootype, 104 Opalina, 48, 50 Opercularia, 52 Operculum, 145, 174 Ophiopholus, 158 Ophiopluteus, 158 Ophiura, 158 Ophiuroidea, 151, 157 Ophryodendron, 53 Opisthobranchia, 176, 178 Oral shields, 158 Orb weavers, 207 Orchestia, 201, 202 Organ systems,'65 Organellae, 21 Organogenesis, 107 Organs, 65 Orientation of cestode body, 106 echinoderm classes, 151 Origin of species, 231 Orthonectidae, 57 Oscarella, 78 Osculum, 77 Osphradia, 166 Ostium, 191, 199 Ostracoda, 188 Ostraeidae, 173 Otocyst (see statocyst), 76, 95 of Schizopoda, 186 Otolith, 60 Ovaries, 72, 109 Overgrown development, 225, 227 Oviducts, 72 Ovigerous legs, 210 Oviparous, 18 Ovipositors, 73, 222 Ovoviviparous, 19 Oysters, 173 P Paedogenesis, 17, 184 Palaemon, 201 Palaemonetes, 201 Paleontology, 232 Palingenetic, 233 Pallial line, 168 Palola worm, 135 Pandinus, 206 Pandorina, 30 Parabasal bodies, 32, 33 Paradoxides, 189 Paragastric canals, 96 Paragonimus, 106 Paragordius, 121 Paramecium, 49, 50 Parapodia, 133, 135 Parasitic copepods, 193 Parasitic habits, 23 Parenchyma, 98 digestive, 101 Parent, 24 Parietal ganglion, 170 Parthenogenesis, 17, 184 Patella, 177 Pauropoda, 185, 212 Pearls, 168 Pecten, 173 Pectinatella, 145 Pectines, 206 Pedal ganglia, 166, 170 Pedalion, 126, 127 Pedicellariae, 153 Pedicellina, 146 Pedipalpi, 205, 206, 207, 209 Peduncle, 146, 147 Pellicle, 26, 4.8 Peneus, 201 Pennatula, 95 Pennatulacea, 95 254 INDEX Pennella, 193 Pentacrinus, 165 stage of crinoids, 165 Pentastoma, 209 Pentastomida, 209 Peranema, 30 Pericardial sinus, 199 Pericardium, 170 Perichaeta, 139 Pericolpa, 90 Peridinium, 29 Peridium, 40 Perihemal system, 156 Peripatus, 210, 236 Peripheral nervous system, 74, 224 Periphylla, 90 Periproct, 158 Perisarc, 86 Peristome, 154, 158 Peritricha, 52 Peromedusae, 90 Perradial vessels, 96 Perradii, 89 Phacellae, 89 Phacus, 30 Phalangidae, 208, 209 Phascolosoma, 142 Philodina, 128 Pholas, 174 Phoronida*, 144, 148 Phoronis, 148 Phyllocardia, 197 Phyllopoda, 188, 189 Phylogenetic relationships, 2, 4, 231 Phylogeny, 231 Phylopaedogenesis, 125 Physa, 178 Physalia, 88 Phytomastigina, 27 Phytomonadina, 30 Pilidium, 99, 113 Pill bugs, 202 Pinnules, 163 Piroplasma hominis, 44 Piscicola, 141 Pisidium, 173 Placobdella, 141 Placophora, 167 Planorbis, 178 Planula, 87, 89 Plasmic products, 57, 61 Plasmodiophora brassicae, 40 Plasmodium, 40 malariae, 41, 44 vivax, 41, 44 Plasmodroma, 26 Plathelminthes, 98 development, 98 interrelationships, 98 phylogeny, 235 relationships to other phyla, 99 Platydorina, 30 Platypoda, 177 Pleodorina, 30 Plerocercoid, 109 Pleura, 219, 221 Pleural lobes, 189 Pleurobrachia, 96 Pleurocera, 177 Plumatelia, 145 Pluteus, 158, 159, 160 Pneumatophore, 88 Podomeres, 186 Podophrya, 53 Poison glands, 206, 222 Polar capsules, 46, 47 Polar filament, 46 Polar plates, 95 Polian vesicle, 155, 159, 162 Polychaeta, 133, 135 Polycladidea, 100 Polyembryony, 17, 184 Polygordius, 141 development, 136 Polygyra, 178 Polymastigina, 32 Polymorphism, 88 Polyphemus, 191 Polyopisthocotylea, 103 Polystoma, 103 Polystomella, 38 Polythalmia, 37, 38 Polyxenus, 212 Polyzoa, 144 Pontilla, 193 Porcellio, 202 Porifera, 77 morphological types, 77 INDEX 255 Porifera, phylogeny, 234 Porites, 94 Porocepbahis, 209 Portuguese man-of-war, 82, 88 Post-abdomen, 191, 206, 207, 208 Posterior ganglion, 170 Postgenae, 217 Potamobius, 201 Potential energy, 69 Prawns, 196 Preabdomen, 206 Precambrian fossils, 232 Predaceous habit, 22 Primitive segments, 137, 225 Primitive vs. degenerate, 3 Priority, law of, 3 Pristina, 138 Proboscis, Acanthocephala, 121 Gasteropoda, 176 Nemertinea, 112 Proboscis receptacle, 121 Proboscis sheath, 112 Prochordates, 1 Proctodaeum, 67, 186 Proetus, 189 Proglottids, 106 Proliferation, 111 Promitosis, 24 Pronucleus, 14 Prorocentrum, 29 Prosobranchia, 176, 177 Prosopyles, 78 Prostomata, 106 Prostomium, 133, 186, 196 Protandrous, 79 Proteocephalus, 111 Proterospongia, 235] Prothorax, 219 Protobranchia, 173 Protodrilus, 141 Protohydra, 84 Protomerite, 45 Proto monadina, 30 Protonemertini, 114 Protonephridial system, 71, 98 Protozoa, 20 colony formation, 25 classification, 25 cultures, 23 Protozoa, definition, 21 food habits, 22 habitats, 22 interrelationships, 52 metazoan tendencies, 20 organization, 21 reproduction, 23 Provisional setae, 137 Psammonyx vulcanis, 38 Pseudocoel, 116 Pseudolamellibranchia, 173 Pseudophyllidea, 111 Psuedopodia, 34, 73 Pseudoscolex, 107 Pseudoscorpionida, 208 Psolus, 161 Pteropoda, 176 ,178 Pulmonata, 176, 178 Pulsella, 27 Pupa, Insecta, 214 Mollusca, 178 Pycnogonida, 185, 209 Pyloric chamber, 154, 200 Pyrocystes, 29 Q Quadrula, 173 R Radial chambers, 78 Radials, 163 Radial symmetry, 82, 150 Radial vessels, 151 j Radiata, 82, 150 Radiolaria, 35, 38] Radius, 221 Radula, 176 Raphidiophrys, 37, Reactions of Cladocera, 191 Recapitulation theory, 56, 233 Receptaculum seminis, 72, 104, 109, 138 Reciprocal fertilization, 138 Rectal gills, 223 Rectum, 170 Rediae, 105 256 INDEX Regeneration, in Crustacea, 198 in Holothuroidea, 162 in Porifera, 79 Relapsing fever, 31 Relationships, phylogenetic, 2, 4 Renilla, 95 Reproduction, 7 asexual, 7 sexual, 7, 8 Reproductive system, 71 Respiration, 69 Respiratory system, 69 Respiratory trees, 162 Retina, 75 direct, 178 inverted, 178 Rhabditis, 120 Rhabdocoelida, 101 Rhabdomes, 75 Rhipidoglossa, 177 Rhizocrinus, 165 Rhizomastigina, 36 Rhizostomae, 90 Rhopalura, 57 Rhyncheta, 53 Rhynchobdellida, 141 Ring canal, 151 Rocky Mountain fever, 44 Rostellum, 111 Rostrum, 207 Rotalia, 38 Rotifera, 125 S Sacculina, 196 Sagartia, 94 Sagitta, 132, 133 Sand dollars, 158, 160 Sandfleas, 196, 201 Saprophytic habit, 23, 28 Sarcocystis, 47 Sarcolemma, 63 Sarcoplasm, 62 Sarcoptes scabei, 208 Sarcosporidia, 47 Scallops, 171, 173 Scaphopoda, 174 Schistosoma japonicum, 106 Schistosomes, 102 Schizogony, 9, 24, 41 Schizonts, 24 Schizopoda, 197 Sclerites, 163, 217 Scleroblasts, 80 Scolex, 106, 110 Scolopendra, 213 Scolopendrella, 213 Scorpionida, 206 Scorpions, 204, 206 Scuds, 196 Scutigera forceps, 213 Scyphopolyp, 89 Scyphostoma, 88, 89 Scyphozoa, 88 Sea anemones, 91, 93 Sea cucumbers, 161 Sea fans, 94 Sea hares, 174, 178 Sea lilies, 163 Sea mouse, 137 Sea pansies, 91 Sea pens, 91 Sea urchins, 158 Sedentaria, 137 Selective apparatus, 123 Self fertilization, 18 Seminal receptacle, 18, 109 Semostomae, 90 Sepia, 178, 181 Septa, 83 primary, 91 secondary, 92 tertiary, 92 Septibranchia, 174 Serosa, 225 Serpent stars, 157 Setae, 133 provisional, 137 Sex-chromosomes, 12 Sexual reproduction, 7 Sheep-liver fluke, 104 Shell of Brachiopoda, 146 Mollusca, 166 Shell gland, 104, 166, 186, 197 Shipworms, 173 Shrimps, 196, 198, 201 von Siebold, 21 INDEX 257 Silenia, 174 Silk, 207 Sinuses, 184 Siphogenerina, 38 Siphon, 168, 178 exhalant, 169 inhalant, 169 tube, 169 Siphon of Echinoidea, 159 Siphonoglyphes, 91 Siphonophora, 88 Sipunculus, 142 Sleeping sickness, 31 Slime animals, 39 Slime moulds, 39 Slugs, 174, 178 Snails, 174 Solaster, 157 Solenomya, 173 Solpugida, 208, 209 Sow bugs, 185, 196, 202 Spadella, 133 Spadix, 85 Sparganum, 111 Spatangoidea, 160 Spatangus, 160 Spermaries, 72 Spermatophores, 18, 179 Spermiducal pore, 138 Sphaerium, 173 Sphaerocapsa, 39 Spider crabs, 201 Spiders, 204, 205, 207 Spinnerets, 207 Spinning organs, 207, 208 Spinning tubes, 207 Spiracle, 175, 206, 211 Spirobolus, 212 Spirochaets, 31 Spirorbis, 137, 138 Spiroschaudinnia, 31 Spirostomum, 51 Spirula, 181 Spondylomorum, 30 Spongilla, 80 Spongillidae, 80 Spongin, 80 Spongioblasts, 80 Spontaneous generation, 7 Sporangia, 40 Sporoblasts, 44 Sporocyst, 105 Sporogony, 9, 24, 41 Sporonts, 24 Sporophores, 40 Sporoplasm, 46 Sporosac, 85 Sporozoa, 40 Sporozoite, 41 Springing organ, 202 Spumellaria, 39 Squid, 178, 181 Squilla, 198 Staghorn coral, 88 Starfishes, 152 Statoblasts, 8, 146 Statocyst (see otocyst), 60, 76, 84, 166, 170 Statolith, 60 Stauromedusae, 90 Stenophora, 45 Stentor, 51 Stephanoceros, 127 Sternal sinus, 199 Sternum, 219, 221 Stigma, 30 Sting, 206, 222 Stomach, 68 Stomatopoda, 197 Stomodaeum, 67 Crustacea, 186 Ctenophora, 96 Stone canal, 151, 159, 162 Streptoneura, 177 Streptoneurous, 176, 177 Strobila, 89 Strobilization, 107 Strombus, 177 Strongylocentrotus, 160 Strophitus, 172 Stychopus, 162 Stylaster, 88 Stylet, 112 Stylonichia, 51 Subcosta, 221 Subcuticula, 116, 121 Suckers, 102, 140 Sucking discs, 103 258 INDEX Sue tori a, 53 Sulcus, 29 Sun animalcules, 36 Supporting tissue, 61 Sutures, 183, 217 Swimmerets, 198 Sycon, 78, 80 Sycon type, 78 Syllis, 137 Symbiotic, 28, 38 Sympathetic nervous system, 74, 224 Symphonota, 173 Symphyla, 184, 212 Synapta, 162 Synura, 28 Syphilis, 31 System of classification, 2 Systema Naturae, 4 Syzygy, 45 T Tactile organs, 60, 75, 218 Taenia, 111 saginata, 110 Taeniolae, 88 Tail fin, 198 Tapeworm, 110 Tarantulas, 207 Tardigrada, 185, 210 Tarsus, 219 Taste organs, 75 Tectibranchs, 178 Tegmina, 220 ■ Teloblasts, 137 Telolecithal, 14 Telosporidia, 41 Telson, 196, 198 Tentacles, 138, 176 Tentaculata, 96 Tentorium, 217 Terebra, 177 Terebratula, 148 Terebratulina, 148 Teredo, 173 Tergum, 219, 221 Tesseridae, 90 Test, 158, 162 Tetrabranchia, 179, 180 Tetraphyllidea, 111 Tetrarhynchus, 111 Tetraxonida, 80 Texas fever, 44, 208 Thalamophora, 37 Thalassicolla, 39 Thelohania, 47 Thorax, 219 Thousand-leg, 212 Thumb, 198 Thyone, 162 Thysanura, 215 Tibia, 219 Tick fever, 208 Ticks, 207 disease carriers, 44 Tiedemann's bodies, 155 Tigroid bodies, 64 Tissues, 57 classification of, 57 Tokophrya, 53 Tooth shells, 174 Torsion in gasteropods, 176 Toxopneustes, 160 Tracheae, 70, 204, 211, 223 origin of, 223 Tracheal gills, 70, 223 Trachelius, 49, 50 Trachella, 27 Trachelomonas, 30 Tracheoles, 223 Trachydermon, 168 Trachylinae, 85, 87 Trachymedusae, 87 Trachynema, 87 Trailing flagella, 27 Trematoda, 98, 102 Treponema pallidum, 31 Triarthrus, 189 Trichinella, 118, 120 Trichocyst layer, 49, 50 Trichodina, 52 Trichomonas, 32, 33 Trichonympha, 33 Tricladidea, 101 Tridacna, 173 Trigonia, 173 Trilobita, 188 Trilobite larva of Limulus, 205 INDEX 259 Trilobites, 185 Trivium, 154 Trochal disc, 126, 127 Trochanter, 219 Trochelminthes, 125 Trochophore, 125, 134, 136, 148, 235 Trochosphaera, 127 Trochus, 177 Trophozoite, 46 Trunk, 183 Trypanorhyncha, 111 Trypanosoma brucei, 31 gambiense, 31 lewisi, 30 Trypanosomes, 27 Trypanosomidae, 30 Tse-tse fly, 31 Tubifex, 138 Tubularia, 86 Tubulariae-Anthomedusae, 86 Tunicata, 1 Turbellaria, 98, 99 Tylenchus, 120 Tympanum, 76 U Umbo, 168 Undulating membrane, 27, 50 Unio, 173 Urnatella, 146 Urocentrum, 50 Uroplectus, 206 Urostyla, 51 Uterus, 72, 104, 123 V Vacuole, contractile, 27 Vagina, 108 Valves, brachiopod, 146 mollusc, 168 Vampyrella, 37 Vasa deferentia, 72 Veliger, 166, 176 Velum, 84 Venation, 220 hypothetical, 221 Ventral line, 117 Ventral sucker, 104 Ventricles, 69, 170 Venus, 173 Venus, flowerbasket, 80 girdle, 96 Vertebrae, 158 Vertebrata, 1 Vertex, 217 Vestibule, 146 Vibracularia, 145 Visceral ganglion, 166, 170 Visceral mass, 166, 169, 174, 175 Vitellaria, 72, 104, 109, 128 Vitelline duct, 109 Vitelline receptacle, 104 Viviparous, 19 Volvox, 30 Vorticella, 52 W Wagnerella, 37 Waldeheimia, 148 Water-bears, 210 Water-vascular system, 150 Wheel animalcules, 125 Wing pads, 215 Wings, 214, 219 origin of, 220 venation of, 220 Winter eggs, 128 Worms, arrow, 131 flat, 98 round, 116 segmented, 131 X X-chromosomes, 12 Xiphosura, 204, 205 Y Y-chromosomes, 13 Yoldia, 173 Yolk cells, 225 Z Zoantharia, 92, 93 Zoea, 187, 200 Zoological Congress, International, 3 Zoomastigina, 27, 30 Zoothamnium, 52 Zygote, 9 cleavage of, 14 composition of, 14