iwr „:- «?<*.< ccc >c «. <^ . isss c< ^ > rcs-fcC \ et < c«wa< c. "-- <-. - 4 , v c c < << c c c <5. c re <<"< r< < c . vec cc c V > « ^^ Vc ^5 oaac= -*v- ^c«^v Vc < "? C,«C <-^ <, S V ri:-c«r< " «'< * f'^'f ' ^ CC C « c ccc c c C CC C' C .4 bC< *^ ^ ^=^*--- (C>5 r c ^K:c "j Q"} i-/C.OO^ C00004 .t-OOOi Surgeon General's Office T^ 0 Aj^&X —oco— a>,. ° • ..-*■".'""'_> Crecacn,......... '• - " ..[.. i i •6 ON \V AN APPARENT PERTURBATION LAW OF DEFINITE PROPORTIONS OBSERVED IN THE COMPOUNDS OF ZINC AND ANTIMONY. Bt JOSIAH P. COOKE, Jr., Cambridge. [Extracted from the American Journal of Science and Arts, 2nd Series, Vol. XX, Sept. 1855 ; from a Memoir of the American Academy, New Series, vol. v, p. 337. ] NEW HAVEN, PRINTED BY EZEKIEL HAYES- . 1855, c nVo 1255 5" ON AN APPARENT PERTURBATION, &c. In a former paper in this Journal* I described two new com- pounds of zinc and antimony Sb Zns and Sb Ztia which I named respectively, Stibiotrizincyle and Stibiobizincyle, because they re- semble in their composition the metallic radicals of organic chem- istry, and because the first decomposes water rapidly at 100° C. I there stated that crystals of Sb Zns could be obtained contain- ing a much larger amount of zinc than that required by the law of definite proportions, and that this change was not accompanied by any alteration of crystalline form. A similar variation of com- position was afterwards observed in the crystals of Sb Z112, and it is the object of the present paper to describe the law of the va- riation in both cases and to explain its cause. In the course of my investigations on this subject, crystalliza- tions were made or attempted of alloys differing in composition by one half to five per cent., according to circumstances, from the alloy containing 95 per cent, of zinc to that containing 95 per cent, of antimony ; but only two crystalline forms were observed, that of Sb Z113 and that of Sb Zn2. Well defined crystals, like those described under Sb Zn2 in the former paper,f were ob- tained from the alloys between 43 and 60 per cent, of zinc; and even in alloys of a higher zinc per-centage, crystals of the same form were still seen, although they were no longer well defined. In the alloys between 20 and 33 per cent, of zinc, well defined crystals, like those described under SbZti2 in the same paper, were formed ; and finally there separated from the alloys between 33 and 42 per cent, of zinc thin metallic plates, which evidently belonged to the same crystalline form. In making the alloys from 43 to 95 per cent, of zinc, the zinc was melted first, * This Journal, voL xviii, p. 234. f Ibid. 4 J. P. Cooke on the Law of Definite Proportions and when in fusion the antimony was added. As the melt- ing point of antimony is much above that of zinc, the fluid zinc acted on the solid antimony as a solvent, dissolving the pure metal, but not the impurities, which rose to the surface forming a scum. This scum seemed to take with it some of the anti- mony and thus caused a loss, which, together with the impurity, was found by experiment to be about three per cent, of the an- timony used. This resulted in raising the per-centage of zinc in the alloy at most about eight-tenths of one per cent. The alloys below 43 per cent, of zinc were made by melting the antimony first, and then adding zinc. By this method the loss of antimony was very greatly diminished, and, counting the impurity, was found to be only about one per cent, and a half of the antimony used. In preparing the alloys this loss was always allowed for, and the crystallizations were all made as nearly as possible under the same circumstances, so that any unexpected cause of error should affect all equally. The crystals formed in the alloys were all analyzed in my laboratory under my direction and immediate supervision, and the greater part of them by myself. The rest were by my assistants, Mr. F. H. Storer, Mr. C. W. Eliot, and Mr. C. S. Homer, to whose care and accuracy I take pleasure in bearing witness. Their work is in all respects as reliable as my own. The results are collected in the following table which will explain itself. Analyses of the Crystals formed in the Alloys of Zinc and Antimony. STIBtfl TRIZIN mpo»it CYLE. STIB10B1Z1NCYLE. Composition Co on of Composition Composition of •if the Alloys the Crystals by Name of the Alloys the Crystals by Name by Synthesis. Perct Perct. Analysis. of th* Analyst. by Synthesis. Analysis. of the Analyst. Perct. Perct., c , Perct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. 0___ of Zn. of Sb. of Zn. 64 15 of Sb.! -3U"" of Zn. ,)f Sb. of Zn. ot Sb. 9994 70-40 29 60 35-77] 99-92 Cooke. 33-00 67 00 35-37 64-57 Cooke. 66 50 3350 61-00 3900 *ioo-oo Cooke. do. do. 35-40 6460 + 10000 Cooke. 64-503550 53 50 4144 9994 Cooke. 32 50 67-50 34-62 6492 99-54 Storer . . . . 55-49 4442 9991 Homer. do. do. 34-61 6539 + 100-1.0 Eliot. 60-6039-40 55-00 4509 10009 Homer. 31-50 6850 33-95 6609 100 04 Storer. 586041-4O 50-39 49 29 99-68 Eliot. 29 50 70-50 3362 66 38 +too-oo Storer. 5660 43 40 49-92 50-05 99-97 Eliot. do. do. 33 62 6638 + 100 00 Storer. 5470 45-30 4826 5142 99-68 Storer. 27-50 7250 33 85 65 81 99-66 Storer. 52-70 47-30 47-47 5253 fioo-oo Cooke. 26 50 73-50 32 08 67 60 9968 Storer. 26-00 74-00 30 74 69-06 99-80 Cooke. 50-70 49-30 4689 53-11 + 10000 Cooke. 25 50 74 50 30 43 69-51 9994 Storer. do. | do. 46 45 53 55 j-100-00 Cooke. 2500 75 00 29 88 /0-20 10008 Cooke. 48-70 51-30 48-66 5134 f 100-00 Eliot. 2450 75 50 28-76 71-24 100 00 Cooke. 46-70 53 30 46-77 53-23 + 100 00 Eliot. 23-50 76 50 27-93 71-85 9978 Cooke. 44-80 55-20 44-265573 + 100-00 Eliot. 2250 77-50 2662 7327 99 89 Storer. 43-80 5620 44 04j55-96 +ioo-oo Cooke. 21-50 7850 24 83 74-74 9957 Cooke. 42-80 58-20 43-15 56-93 100 08 Cooke. 20-12 79-88 20-58 79-42 100 00 Cooke. do. j do. 43-06 56 50 99-56 Cooke. do. | do. 42-83 57 24 100 07 Cooke. * In this analysis the antimony only was determined. f In this analysis the zinc only was determined. in the Compounds of Zinc and Antimony. 5 Curve of Variation in Composition.—In order to compare to- gether the composition of the crystals and that of the alloy in which they form, I have resorted to the usual method of Analyt- ical Geometry, and in the plate illustrating this paper, the lower horizontal line is the axis of abcissas, and the vertical line at the extreme left the axis of ordinates. The first has been divided into equal parts, which denote the per cents, of zinc in the crystals and the last into parts of the same size, which stand for the per cents, of zinc in the alloys. The zinc rather than the antimony determinations have been selected for comparison, as being generally more accurate, and as hav- ing been all made in exactly the same way. The points de- termined by analysis are indicated with dots, and the double line drawn through these dots is a curve, which represents the relation of the composition of the crystals to that of the alloy in which they form. In order to make clear the connection between the two, it will be well to discuss this curve, commencing with what may be termed the two centres of crystallization, the alloys of 42-8 and 315 per cents, of zinc, and examining the effect pro- duced on the crystals by diminishing or increasing the amount of zinc in the alloy. It has already been stated that the crystals of Sb Zti3 are ob- tained in their greatest perfection from the alloy of 428 p. c. of zinc. They are then comparatively large, generally aggrega- ted, and, as the three analyses cited in the former paper prove, have the same composition as the alloy. On increasing gradually the amount of zinc in the alloy up to 487, the crystals continued to have the composition of the alloy, and the only difference, which could be observed in their character, was, that they were smaller and more frequently isolated. Between these limits, the whole mass of the alloy exhibited a strong tendency to crys- tallize, and, by pouring it, as it cooled, from one vessel to another, it could be crystallized to the last drop. The portion a, b, of the curve is therefore a straight line equally inclined to the two axes. On increasing the amount of zinc in the alloy to 50-7 p. c, the amount of zinc found in the crystals was only 46 89 p. c, and above this it was uniformly less than it was in the alloy ; but no closer relation between the two could be detected, owing un- doubtedly to the unavoidable irregularity in the crystallizations of the alloys, which contained more than 50 p. c. of zinc. This arose from a peculiar pasty condition, which the fluid mass as- sumed, at the point of crystallization, apparently caused by the separation of the excess of zinc. Definite crystals however were obtained even from the alloy of 60 p. c. of zinc, which contained 55 p. c. ; above this, the crystals became less and less abundant, and gradually faded out, although the alloy even of 86 p. c. of 6 J. P. Cooke on the Law of Definite Proportions zinc exhibited a radiated crystalline texture ; and a trace of this structure could still be discovered even in the alloy containing only 4 p. c. of antimony. It might be supposed that on return- ing to the alloy of 428 p. c. of zinc, and increasing the amount of antimony we should obtain crystals containing an excess of antimony ; but so far is this from being true that the slightest excess of antimony entirely changes the character of the crys- tallization. On crystallizing an alloy containing 418 p. c. of zinc not a trace of any prismatic crystals could be seen, but in their place there was found a confused mass of thin metallic scales, which, as will soon be shown, are imperfect crystals of Sb Zii2. Thus it appears that although perfectly formed crystals of Sb Zns can be obtained containing 55 p. c. of zinc they can not be made to take up the slightest excess of antimony. In order to obtain crystals having the composition of Sb Zn2, that is, containing 33-5 p. c. of zinc, it is necessary to crystallize an alloy at least as low as 315 p. c. of zinc. At this point large com- pound crystals are obtained corresponding to the large crystals of Sb Zii3. 0;i increasing the amount of zinc in the alloy up to 33 p. c, the proportion of zinc in the crystals appeared to increase in the same ratio, so that the curve of Sb Zti2 is at this part a straight line parallel to the curve of Sb Zti3. It should however be noticed that the extent of this line k i is so limited that a very small error in the analyses might change very considerably its di- rection. The crystals of -Sb Zna containing an excess of zinc, are smaller and more frequently isolated than those containing exactly two equivalents. A similar fact, it will be remembered, is true of the crystals of Sb Zn3. At the alloy of 33 p. c. of zinc, the definite crystals of Sb Zns begin to disappear and are succeeded by thin metallic scales, which, as the two following facts will prove, are imperfect crystals of the same crystalline form. First, the scales from the alloy of 33 p. c. are frequently found having a definite crystal as a nucleus, when it is evident that their surfaces are extensions of the basal plane O of fig. 2 of the former memoir. Secondly, the scales twin together like the large tabular crystals of Sb Z112, forming a cellular structure, and the angle between two scales thus united, measured with an applica- tion goniometer approximately 115° 30', and was therefore equal to the basal angle of the definite crystals. These scales continue up to the alloy of 418 p. c. of zinc, becoming however constantly less abundant and less distinct. Several specimens of them were analyzed, but no regularity in their composition could be detected except that they all contained a very much larger amount of zinc than the alloys in which they formed. This irregularity and the imperfection in the crystallization seem to be caused by the interference of Sb Z113, that is, by a tendency to form Sb Zri3 which exhibits itself in a proneness of the crystals of Sb Zns to in the Compounds of Zinc and Antimony. 7 an excess of zinc. The line ki has been continued with dots in order to show that the influence of Sb Zti2 extends as far as the alloy of 42-S p. c. of zinc. On returning to the alloy of 31-5 p. c. of zinc and adding an excess of antimony it was fonnd that the crystals formed continued to have the theoretical composition of Sb Zna until the amount of zinc in the alloy had fallen to 27 p. c, so that the tendency towards the theoretical composition was so great, that in the alloys between 31*5 and 27 p. c. of zinc, crystals were formed having very nearly this composition. On still further increasing the amount of antimony in the alloy, the composition of the crystals gradually approached that of the alloy, and from the alloy of 20 2 p. c. of zinc, very imperfect crystals were obtained having almost the same composition as the menstruum. At the same time, the crystals became less and less perfect and finally disappeared altogether in the alloys below 20 p. c. of zinc. The portion of the curve k mnh, is the most important result of this investigation and therefore deserves especial notice. It has been shown that crystals of the form of Sb Zns, or at least crystalline scales of the same character, are formed in the alloys between 20 and 43 p. c. of zinc, the first per cent, corresponding to Sb Zn and the second to Sb Zns. Half way between these two points, that is the alloy of 315 p. c, is the point where crys- tals having the calculated composition of Sb Zns are first ob- tained. Were the variations in the composition of the crystals of Sb Zns exactly proportioned to the excess of zinc or of anti- mony in the alloy, as is the case with Sb Zn3, then the curve of variation would be the straight line formed by the continuation of the line a b. From this line b h the course of the curve is deflected by the force which determines the union of the ele- ments in definite proportions, and which for the want of a spe- cial term, I will call the Chemical Force. This is so strong that the curve runs parallel to the axis of ordinates through the dis- tance k m. Beyond this point, the influence of the excess of an- timony in the alloy becomes stronger than the chemical .force, and the curve gradually bends towards the line hb which it finally meets at h. In the portion hn of the curve, the analyses are best represented by the arc of a circle, of which the radius equals h e or one-half of h b, and to which the line km is tangent. In the portion n m the points determined by analysis may also be con- nected by the arc of a circle of which the radius o' n equals the dif- ference between the radius o n and twice g n, so that the two cen- tres are at the same distance from the line a h. The whole curve is evidently the result of two forces; one acting along the chord in the direction b h, a force tending to increase the amount of anti- mony in the crystals proportional to the amount in the alloy, the same force in fact, which acts undisturbed in forming the portion of the curve b a; the other the chemical force acting in the di- 8 /. P. Cooke on the Law of Definite Proportions rection of the tangent k m. It has already been stated that crys- tals having the calculated composition of SbZns are not first formed in the alloy of the same composition 33 5 p. c. of zinc, but in an alloy containing two per cent, less ; so that the line m k, in- stead of extending to e, changes from this direction at k, and after- wards runs parallel to the line b h. Unless this fact can be explain- ed by a tendency in Sb Zns to an excess of zinc caused by the in- fluence of Sb Zn3 as suggested above, the reason of this difference between Sb Zns and Sb Zri3 in this respect is not clear; but as some evidence that it is not accidental it may be stated, that the distance k c equals c i, the last point being the one, at which the tangent line m k extended meets the curve. Another remark- able fact whose bearing cannot be at present seen, but which like the last serves to corroborate the general accuracy of the result was pointed out by my colleague, Prof. Peirce, after the plate had been engraved. The distances of the three most important points of the curve of Sb Zns from the line a h, viz. k d, mf, and n g, are simple multiples of the first; ng is twice and mf three times k d. The curve has been fixed, as will be noticed from the dots, by a large number of points determined throughout the greater part of its length at every per cent., and in the portion m n at every half per cent.; they certainly coincide with the curve as closely as could possibly be expected, and the very agreement of so many different determinations by three separate analysts is a strong proof of the general correctness of the work. By making hypotheses in regard to the nature of the two forces, which have generated the curve just described, it would not be difficult to obtain for it a mathematical expression ; but as such hypotheses, in our ignorance of the nature of these forces, would be premature, I must content myself with giving its geometrical construction on a chart ruled like the plate illustrating the me- moir. Let the coordinates of any point of the curve be, x = per cent, of zinc in the crystals, and z = per cent, of zinc in the al- loy. In order to construct the curve of SbZn3, find a point (a) of which x — z = 43 p. c. (the calculated per cent, of Sb Zn3) and draw a straight line a b equally inclined to the two axes in the direction from the origin. To construct the curve of Sb Zns, produce the line a b in the opposite direction to the point x — z = 20, which will be the lowest point of the curve. Find next a point (k) of which x = 33-7 p. c. (the calculated per cent. of Sb Zns is 335) and z = 315 p. c, which is one-half of 43 + 20. Through this point draw a line m k parallel to the axis of ordinates and intersecting the line a b h at c. The line m i is the tangent, and the line b h the chord of the required arc. On the line mi take ci = ck, and i is the point at which the arc should touch the tangent. Erect a perpendicular on the tangent at the point i, take oi = \ b h, and from 0 as a centre, with a ra- in the Compounds of Zinc and Antimony. 9 dius = oi, describe the arc hi. Also from the centre o let fall a perpendicular og on the chord b h, and produce it to a point o' making o' g = og. It will intersect the arc at (n). From o' as •a centre with a radius o' n describe a second arc n m intersecting the tangent at m. Finally, draw from k, a straight line k I, paral- lel to b h, then the broken line I k mnh will be the required curve. It will be noticed that the tangent which has been drawn on the plate through the points determined by analysis is two- tenths of a per cent, in advance of the line which would corres- pond to Sb Zns. This position is essential to the equality of k c and ci, if we retain as the value of the radius of the larger arc R = \ b h. If the analyses should have given erroneously too much zinc so that the true position of the line should be at x = 33-5 per cent., then this equality would be destroyed, and the con- ditions for finding the centre o would be reduced to the coordi- nates of the point h, the length of the radius and the position of the tangent, from which by a very simple construction the curve might be drawn. It should however be remarked that the posi- tion of the tangent in advance of the line x = 33-5 is in accord- ance with the fact, already noticed, that the crystals of Sb Zris have throughout a proneness to an excess of zinc caused appa- ✓ rently by the influence of Sb Zri3 ; but it is also true that the tendency of the error in the zinc determinations is in the same direction. Before discussing the conclusions to which the facts already stated seem directly to point, it will be well to see how far the variation in composition corresponds to a variation in the proper- ties of the two compounds. Three classes of properties have been examined in this connection, viz., Specific Gravity, Crystal- line Form, and Affinity for Oxygen, which will be treated of in order. Specific Gravity.—The specific gravities of all the crystals analyzed, as well as that of the zinc and antimony used in the investigation, were taken with the greatest care. The deter- minations were made with a nicely constructed specific gravity bottle, as this method was found susceptible of greater accuracy than any other, when the temperature was observed with precis- ion. In calculating the specific gravity, the weight of the water was corrected for the temperature, so that the unit is in all -cases distilled water at 4°C. A similar correction could not be made for the temperature of the substance, as the coefficients of expan- sion of the crystals are not known. The results of the deter- mination all made by myself are collected in the following table in the column headed " Sp. Gr. by Experiment." In the column headed ■' Mean Sp. Gr. of Zinc and Antimony" are given the cal- 2 10 /. P. Cooke on the Law of Definite Proportions Specific Gravities of Crystals, fc rmed in tht Alloys of Z inc and Antimony. Composition of the Alloys. Composition of the Crystals Sp.Gr. ofCrys" tals by Experi- Mean Sp. Gr of Zinc and Expansion in Crystal- Per ct. of Zn. 1()0-00 Perct. of b. Perct.ofZn Per ct. of. b ment. Antimony. lizing. 7153 7-153 o-ooo *96-00 4-00 7069 7-134 0-065 *86-20 13-80 6898 7-086 0188 *76-30 23-70 6769 7-039 0-270 7040 29-60 6420 35-80 6699 6-982 0-283 66-50 3350 c61-00 39-00 6628 6-967 0339 6450 35 50 58-56 4144 6596 6-956 0-360 62-50 3750 5553 4447 6506 6941 0435 60 60 3940 55 00 45-00 6440 6939 0499 58-60 4140 50 39 4961 6396 6-917 0521 5660 43-40 4995 5005 6388 6915 0527 48-70 51-30 48-66 5134 6-404 6-909 0-505 4670 5330 4677 53-23 6376 6-900 0-524 4480 5520 44-26 5574 6341 6-888 0547 4280 57-20 43-09 5691 6327 6882 0-555 *4000 60-00 6-386 6-867 0481 *3500 6500 6-404 6 844 0 440 33-00 6700 35-37 64-63 6401 6-845 0-444 29-50 70-50 3362 6638 6384 6837 0453 27-50 72-50 3385 66-15 6383 6 838 0 455 2660 7350 32-08 67-92 6400 6829 0429 2600 7400 3107 68-93 6418 6 824 0-406 25-50 74-50 30-43 69-57 6428 6-822 0394 24-50 7550 28-76 71-24 6449 6-813 0-364 22-50 7750 26-62 73-38 6453 6 803 0350 21-50 7850 24-83 7517 6467 6795 0328 *1500 8500 6 564 6-748 0184 * 10-00 9000 6603 6-725 0122 *500 95-00 6-655 6 701 0-046 10000 6-677 6677 0000 ciliated specific gravities of the same crystals on the supposition that the two metals had undergone no expansion on uniting. The last column was obtained by subtracting the numbers of the former from those of the latter, and therefore shows the relative amount of expansion. On examining the table, it will be found 1st. Than the union of antimony and zinc is accompanied by ex- pansion. 2nd. That the specific gravity of the crystals varies slightly with the composition. 3d. That the two minimum spe- cific gravities correspond precisely to the composition of Sb Zns and Sb Zn3, so that the specific gravity increases and the expan- sion diminishes as you depart on either side from these two cen- tres. 4th. That the specific gravijy of Sb Zns is smaller than that of Sb Zri2. We find then that the specific gravity deter- minations confirm in general the results of the analysis pointing out the same two centres of crystallization. Crystalline Form.—It has already been stated that only two crystalline forms can be obtained from the alloys of zinc and an- timony, that of Sb Zti3 and that of Sb Zns. A large number of * Alloys not crystallized, in the Compounds of Zinc and Antimony. 11 crystals of SbZns from different alloys, and therefore containing different proportions of zinc, were carefully measured for the pur- pose of ascertaining whether the angle was at all affected by the va- riation of composition. Fortunately four different crystallizations afforded excellent crystals, the angles of which could be measured to a minute. The crystals contained respectively 43-15, 44-14, 4690 and 5500 per cents, of zinc, and on all these by repeated measurements the angles were found to be identical with those given under figs. 1 and 2. Crystals from many of the other alloys were also measured, but on account of the imperfections of their surfaces the angles could not be determined within five or ten minutes. In all these cases however the values of the angles given above were included within the limits of uncertainty. The faces of the crystals of Sb Zns are not generally so per- fect as those of Sb Z113, nor is their tabular form so well adapted for measurement; moreover variations in some of the angles have been noticed in crystals from the same crystallization amounting even to ten minutes. The angle 0 on 1 however ap- peared to be very constant for in all cases where it could be accu- rately measured the same value was obtained. As none of the crystals of Sb Zns, containing an excess of antimony, could be measured wilh precision, no constant variation of angle could be detected and on the other hand it could not be proved to be inva- riable. Affinity for Oxygen.—The affinity of the crystals of Sb Zn3, of different compositions, for oxygen, may be estimated by com- paring the amounts of hydrogen gas evolved in a given time on boiling alloys of the same composition with water. The results of such experiments were given in the former memoir in a table, a mere glance at which will discover the two following facts— 1st, That up to 40 per cent no great increase in the amount of hydiogen evolved is obtained by increasing the amount of zinc in the alloy. 2nd, That at the alloy containing 42 per cent, of zinc there is an immense maximum confined at most between two per cent on either side. General Conclusions.—Before stating the conclusions to which as I think the facts now established directly point, it will be well to consider the only two admitted principles of chemical science which could possibly be brought forward to explain similar varia- tions. They are, first, that of impurities in crystals; second, that of isomorphous mixtures. It will not be difficult to show that the variations in composition of Sb Zns and SbZii3 cannot be caused by either of these principles. It is a well known fact that crystals frequently take up impuri- ties which are either dissolved or mechanically suspended in the 12 /. P. Cooke on the Law of Definite Proportions me/istruum in which they form, and it might be supposed at first sight that the excess of zinc or antimony in Sb Zti3 or Sb Zt)2, bore the same relation to their crystals that the sand does to the rhombohedron of calcite from Fontainebleau, or oxyd of iron and chlorite to-crystals of quartz; but, in the first place, in all cases where a considerable amount of impurity is present the crystals are either imperfect or else the angle is considerably changed at times even as much as two or three degrees; and secondly, as such impurities are merely mechanical, the amount in the crystals would in all probability be proportional to the amount present in the menstruum at the time of their formation. Now in the crystals of Sb Zn 3, from the alloy of 60 p. c. of zinc, there is present at) excess of zinc amounting to 15 p. c. and nevertheless the crystals are as perfect as, and their angles identical with, those obtained from the alloy of 43 per cent. In the crystals of Sb Zn 3 the excess of zinc is to a certain limit directly proportional to the excess in the alloy, but in those of SbZns the excess of anti- mony is far from obeying this rule ; and were the excess in both cases a mechanical mixture the variation in both eases would un- doubtedly follow the same law: again, the crystals of SbZns, take up an excess of zinc but do not take up an excess of anti- mony, while those of Sb Zns crystallize with an excess of either, —facts which are as inconsistent with the idea of mechanical impurity as the last: finally the form of the curve of Sb Z112 of itself alone proves that the excess of antimony in the crystals is not in the condition of mechanical impurity; for in that case the variation of composition would not be influenced, as the curve shows that it is, by the chemical force. A theory that the variation in composition resulted from the mixture of two or more isomorphous compounds would be even less tenable than the one just discussed. For in the first place it would be necessary to assume the existence of two other com- pounds of zinc and antimony isomorphous with SbZri2 and of one other, if not more, isomorphous with SbZns. Not only would such an assumption be contrary to all the analogies of chem- istry and therefore require strong evidence to sustain it; but in the second place it can almost be demonstrated that no such com- pounds exist. The crystals having the calculated composition of either SbZn3 or Sb Zns are marked as has been shown by stri- king peculiarities, and with one possible exception similar pecu- liarities were not observed throughout the whole series of crystals which have been examined. The crystals containing 50 per ct. of zinc and of the composition of Sb Zii4 were found to have a slightly smaller sp. gr., than those just above or just below them, but the difference is so small that it may he accidental, and as the crystals exhibited none of the other peculiarities, which charac- terize crystals having the calculated composition of SbZn3 or in the Compounds of Zinc and Antimony. 13 Sb Zns, I could not attach sufficient weight to the one circum- stance to feel authorized in admitting a third compound of zinc and antimony. Admitting however the existence of Sb Zih yet, as exactly the same angle has been observed in crystals con- taining 55 percent, as on those containing 43 per cent of zinc, it would be necessary in order to explain the variation in compo- sition by the principle of isomorphous mixtures, to assume the existence of still a third compound isomorphous with Sb Z113, and containing more zinc than Sb Ziu, which would increase greatly the improbability of the theory in question. Again, the only probable compound of zinc and antimony containing less zinc than Sb Zns would be Sb Zn ; and it will be remembered that the crystals of Sb Zns which contained the largest excess of antimony corresponded very nearly to this compound. In like manner the crystals of Sb Zns which contained the largest ex- cess of zinc corresponded very nearly to SbZti3. If then the excess of antimony or zinc in the crystals of Sb Zns, arises from a mixture of isomorphous compounds, it must be that SbZii3, Sb Zns and Sb Zn are isomorphous. That the first two are not isomorphous may be seen by turning back to the description of their crystalline form ; and that there is no crystalline compound SbZn is sufficiently proved by the fact that the crystals of SbZns, which correspond most closely to it, are so very imperfect that they would hardly be recognized as crystals did they not form the lower limit of a series. Several other facts pointing in the same direction might be added, but sufficient it is thought has been said to show that the variations of composition described in this paper can not be explained either by mechanical impurities in the crys- tals or by the mixture of isomorphous compounds. In the absence of any known principle of chemical science by which the remarkable variations of composition, that have been demonstrated in this memoir, can be explained, the conclusion is almost forced upon us that zinc and antimony are capable of uni- ting and producing definite crystalline forms in other proportions than those of their chemical equivalents : in other words, that the law of definite proportions is not so absolute as has been hitherto supposed. The explanation then of the variation of composition which I would offer is : that it is due to an actual perturbation of the law of definite proportions produced by the influence of mass. I suppose for example that in the crystals of Sb Zns, containing 55 per cent, of zinc, the zinc and antimony are united in exactly the same way as in those containing 43 per cent., or in other words, just as if the equivalent of zinc were increased to 5257, that of antimony remaining the same. In supportof this position I would offer two considerations. The first is that if the varia- tion is not caused by mechanical impurities or by the mixture of isomorphous compounds, we can conceive of no other explana- 14 /. P. Cooke on the Law of Definite Proportions tion for the phenomenon than the one offered. This of course is merely negative evidence ; for although science as yet presents us with no principle for explaining variations of composition other than those which have been discussed, and although we can con- ceive of none others, it does not follow that others may not exist or may not hereafter be discovered ; but, nevertheless, this consid- eration is important inasmuch as it meets an obvious objection, which would be urged against any new doctrine, which conflicts with a generally received canon of chemical philosophy. The second consideration has the character of demonstration. It is that the curve of variation is evidently generated by a second force counteracting directly the chemical force. This second force, as has been shown, is exerted by the excess of one or the other element present in the menstruum, and it may therefore be appropriately termed the force of mass. While the chemical force tends to make the curve a straight line parallel to the axis of ordinates, the force of mass would reduce it to a straight line making an angle of 45° with the axis; under the influence of both these forces it follows the arc of a circle between the two. Now I urge that the character of this curve proves that the chem- ical force has been directly influenced by what we have called, the force of mass, in the same way that the irregularities of the or- bits of the planets prove that the force of gravitation exerted by the sun has been disturbed in its action by the influence of the other members of the system. As the details in the form of the curve have been fully discussed in the previous part of the me- moir, it does not seem to be necessary to dwell upon this argu- ment, and I would therefore without further comment offer the curve as it has been laid down on the plate as the proof of the validity of the explanation of the variation in composition here advanced. It is worthy of remark that while the curve of variation may be said almost to demonstrate that the law of definite proportions may be disturbed in its action, it also most clearly sustains the in- tegrity of the law itself; for, as may be seen on inspection, the chemical force is sufficiently strong to retain the curve of Sb Zns parallel to the axis of ordinates through a variation in the men- struum of nearly five per cent., and it is only when the excess of antimony present in the alloy exceeds six per cent, that the force- which it exerts becomes strong enough to disturb the action of the law. What the nature of the disturbing force is must be for the present a matter of theory. 1 am inclined to think that it is a phase of the chemical force itself, in the same way that the per- turbations in the motions of the planets are a secondary result of the force of gravitation. Accepting the view of the subject, which has been offered, it will be obvious that the very large extent of the variation in the in the Compounds of Zinc and Antimony. 15 compounds of zinc and antimony is due to the very weak affinity between these elements. Were the chemical force stronger in proportion to the disturbing force the variation would be lessened ; were it weaker, the variation would be increased. This is illus- trated in the difference between the curve of Sb Zns and that of Sb Zns. It is evident from the action of chemical agents on the two compounds, that one equivalent of antimony and two of zinc are united by a stronger force than one equivalent of anti- mony and three of zinc, and we find that the crystals of Sb Zns retain the calculated composition under a considerable variation iti the composition of the menstruum, while the composition of those of Sb Zn3 varies with the slightest increase of the amount of zinc in the alloy. To what extent this perturbation of the law of definite pro- portions prevails among chemical compounds it must remain for future investigation to determine. There are however a number of facts which tend to prove that it is very general whenever chemical affinity is weak. Four of these I will cite as being re- markably analogous to the facts under discussion. 1. Rieffel, to whose investigation of the compounds of tin and copper we have already referred, says, after the paragraph quoted in the introduction to this memoir, " Les aiguilles de CuSns4 sont plus grosses que celles de CuSii4 8". " On croit, sans oser Vafijirmer, qu'elles sont, par compensation, en nombre moindre, et que des differences analogues ont lieu dans les autres CuSnqo a mesure que

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