A TEXT BOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. RICHTER. NOW READY. The Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds; OR, ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. PROF. VICTOR von RICHTER, UNIVERSITY OF BRESLAU. Authorized Translation from the Fourth German Edition, EDGAR F. SMITH, M.A., Ph.D., Translator of Richter's Inorganic Chemistry; Prof, of Chemistry in Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio; formerly in the Laboratories of the University of Pennsylvania, and Muhlenberg College ; Member of the Chemical Societies of Berlin and Paris, of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, etc. Illustrated. i2mo. 725 Pages. Cloth, $3.00. In this volume Prof, von Richter gives a full description of the Carbon De- rivatives. The treatment of the various classes of bodies is comprehensive, the most recent and interesting results of chemical research being given with special fulness. Excellent methods of preparing the most typical bodies will be found dis- tributed through the entire volume. These will enable the student to acquaint himself practically with those portions of organic work which are now receiv- ing so much attention. The reactions of the groups of compounds are com- plete, the methods of analysis described are the most modern and reliable, so that the volume may be depended on as a trustworthy laboratory guide. Numerous references to the literature of the subject will be found upon almost every page. The arrangement of types allows of the book being used by both beginners and advanced students, the more general facts being printed in large type, and may be employed for common class use. The smaller type covers the matter usually given in more advanced lectures. ff-iy Examination copies at a reduced price. Correspondence invited from teachers and professors. P. BLAKISTON, SON & CQ., Publishers, Philadelphia. A TEXT-BOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ■ BY PROF. VICTOR von RICHTER, UNIVERSITY OF BRESLAU. AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION, BY EDGAR F. SMITH, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN WITTENBERG COLLEGE, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. SECOND AMERICAN FROM THE FOURTH GERMAN EDITION. WITH EIGHTY-NINE ILLUSTRATIONS ON WOOD AND COLORED LITHOGRAPHIC PLATE OF S H A," PHILADELPHIA: P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., No. xoi2 Walnut Street. 1 885. Copyrighted, 1885, by P. Blakiston, Son & Co. PREFACE TO THE SECOND AMERICAN EDITION. The present edition is a translation of the fourth German edition. Many parts of the work have been rewritten, and new matter incorporated. The features which recommended the previous edition have been preserved, and as now pre- sented it is hoped that the work may continue to be of service to the student of chemical science. The translator would here express his obligations to Mr. Allen J. Smith, who has read the entire proof, revised the index and table of contents, as well as rendered other valuable assistance. PREFACE TO THE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. The success of Prof, von Richter’s work abroad would indicate its possession of more than ordinary merit. This we believe true, inasmuch as, in presenting his subject to the student, the author has made it a point to bring out promi- nently the relations existing between fact and theory. These, as well known, are, in most text-books upon inorganic chem- istry, considered apart, as if having little in common. The results attained by the latter method are generally unsatisfac- tory. The first course—that adopted by our author—to most minds would be the more rational. To have experiments accurately described and carefully performed, with a view of drawing conclusions from the same and proving the intimate connection between their results and the theories based upon them, is obviously preferable to their separate study, especially when they are treated in widely removed sections or chapters of the same book. Judging from the great demand for von Richter’s work, occasioning the rapid appearance of three editions, the common verdict would seem to be unanimously in favor of its inductive methods. In the third edition, of which the present is a translation, the Periodic System of the Elements, as announced by Men- delejeff and Lothar Meyer, is somewhat different, in the manner of development and presentation, from that appearing in the previous editions. This was done to give more promi- IO PREFACE TO THE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. nence to and make more general the interesting relations dis- closed by it. Persons examining this system carefully will be surprised to discover what a valuable aid it really has been, and is yet, in chemical studies. Through it we are continually arriving at new relations and facts, so that we cannot well hesitate any longer in adopting it into works of this character. It is, indeed, made the basis of the present volume. In ac- cordance with it, some change in the treatment of the metals, ordinarily arbitrarily considered, has been made. A new feature of the work, and one essentially enlarging it, is the introduction of the thermo-chemical phenomena, briefly presented in the individual groups of the elements and in separate chapters, together with the chemical affinity relations and the law of periodicity. “Hereby more importance is attributed to the principle of the greatest heat development than at present appears to belong to it, because it was desired, from didactic considerations, by the explanation of the few anomalies, to afford the student the incentive and opportunity of deductively obtaining the majority of facts from the ther- mal numbers, on the basis of a simple principle. To facilitate matters, there is appended to the volume a table containing the heat of formation of the most important compounds of the metals.” Trusting that the teachings of this work will receive a hearty welcome in this country, and that they will meet a want felt and often expressed by students and teachers, we submit the following translation of the same. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Province of Chemistry, 17. Definition of Chemistry, 19. Chemical Ele- ments, 20. Principle of Indestructibility of Matter, 20. Principle of Conservation of Energy, 21. Chemical Energy, 23. Conditions of Chemical Action, 24. Chemical Symbols and Formulas, 25. Crystallography, 28. SPECIAL PART. Classification of the Elements, 37. Hydrogen, 38. Purifying and Drying of Gases, 40. Apparatus for the Generation and Collection of Gases, 40. Condensation of Gases, 42. Group of Halogens, 46. Chlorine, 46. Bromine, 50. Iodine, 51. Fluorine, 53. General Characteristics of the Halogens, 53. Compounds of the Halogens with Hydrogen, 54. Hydrogen Chloride, 54. Acids, Bases, Salts, 57. Hydrogen Bromide, 59. Hydrogen Iodide, 60. Hydrogen Fluoride, 62. General Characteristics of the Hydrogen-Halogen Compounds, 64. Thermo-Chemistry of the Hydrogen-Halogen Com- pounds, 64. Compounds of the Halogens with Each Other, 66. Weight Proportions in the Union of the Elements, Law of Constant Pro- portions, Atomic Hypothesis, 66. Density of Bodies in State of Gas, Volume Proportions in the Union of Gases, Atomic Molecular The- ory, 70. Avogadro’s Law, 75. Status Nascens, 76. Oxygen Group, 78. Oxygen, 78. Oxidation and Reduction, 81. Ozone, 83. Isomerism and Allotropy, 86. Compounds of Oxygen with Hydrogen, 87. Water, 87. Critical Pressure, 88. Solutions, 90. Thermo-Chemistry of Solutions, 91. Dissociation, 92. Quantitative Composition of 12 CONTENTS. Water, 94. Molecular Formula of Water, Atomic Weight of Oxy- gen, 95. Hydrogen Peroxide, 97. Sulphur, 102. Molecules of the Elements, 104. Compounds of Sulphur with Hydrogen, 105. Hy- drogen-Sulphide, 105. Molecular Formula of Hydrogen-Sulphide, Atomic Weight of Sulphur, 107. Hydrogen Persulphide, 108. Com- pounds of Sulphur with the Halogens, 109. Selenium, no. Tellu- rium, in. Summary of the Elements of the Oxygen Group, 112. Thermo-Chemistry of their Hydrogen Compounds, 113. Nitrogen Group, 114. Nitrogen, 114. Atmospheric Air, 116. Measuring Gases, 120. Diffusion of Gases, 121. Compounds of Nitrogen with Hydrogen, 123. Ammonia, 123. Ammonium Salts, 127. Quantitative Composi- tion of Ammonia, Atomic Weight of Nitrogen, 127. Hydroxylamine, 128. Compounds of Nitrogen with the Halogens, 129. Phosphorus, 130. Compounds of Phosphorus with Hydrogen, 133. Compounds of Phosphorus with the Halogens, 136. Arsenic, 139. Arsine, 139. Compounds of Arsenic with the Plalogens, 142. Antimony, 143. Stibine, 143. Compounds of Antimony with the Halogens, 143. Characteristics of the Elements of the Nitrogen Group, 145. Their Thermo-Chemical Deportment, 145. Carbon Group, 146. Carbon, 146. Carbon Compounds of Hydrogen, 148. Methane, 148. Atomic Weight of Carbon, 149. Ethane, 150. Ethylene, 150. Acetylene, 151. Nature of Flame, 151. Compounds of Carbon with the Halogens, 157. Silicon, 158. Hydrogen Silicide, 159. Com- pounds of Silicon with the Halogens, 160. Hydrogen Silico-Fluo- ride, 162. Atom and Molecule, 163. Determination of Molecular Value from Chem- ical Reactions, 165. Valence of the Elements, Chemical Structure, 166. Equivalence, 168. Maximum Valence, 170. Oxygen Compounds of the Metalloids, 173. Oxygen Compounds of the Halogens, 174. Oxides of Chlorine, 175. Hypochlorous Oxide, 175. Hypochlorous Acid, 176. Chlorine Trioxide, Chlorous Acid, Chlorine Tetroxide, 176. Chloric Acid, 177. Perchloric Acid, 178. Oxides of Bro- mine, 178. Oxides of Iodine, 179. Hydrates of the Acids, 180. Thermo-Chemistry of the Oxygen Compounds of the Halogens, 181. Oxygen Compounds of the Elements of the Sulphur Group, 182. Oxygen Compounds of Sulphur, 183. Sulphur Dioxide, 183. Sul- phurous Acid, Hyposulphurous Acid, 185. Sulphur Trioxide, 186. Sul- CONTENTS. 13 phuric Acid, 187 Pyrosulphuric Acid, 191. Sulphuric Acid Chlor- anhydrides, 192. Polythionic Acids, 194. Thiosulphuric Acid, 195. Oxygen Derivatives of Selenium and Tellurium, 196. Thermo- Chemistry of the Oxides and Acids of the Sulphur Group, 197. Oxygen Compounds of the Elements of the Nitrogen Group, 198. Oxygen Derivatives of Nitrogen, 199. Nitric Acid, 199. Nitrogen Pentoxide, Nitrogen Trioxide, 202. Nitrous Acid, 203. Nitrogen Tetroxide, 204. Nitrosyl-sulphuric Acid, 205. Nitric Oxide, 207. Nitrous Oxide, 209. Hyponitrous Acid, 210. Thermo-Chemistry of the Oxides and Acids of Nitrogen, 211. Oxides of Phosphorus, 211. Hypophosphorous Acid, 212. Phosphorous Acid, 213. Phosphorus Trioxide, Pyrophosphoric Acid, 214. Metaphosphoric Acid, 215. Phosphorus Pentoxide, 216. Chlor-anhydrides of the Acids of Phos- phorus, 217. Phosphorus Compounds with Sulphur, 217. Oxides of Arsenic, 218. Arsenic Trioxide, 218. Arsenious Acid, Arsenic Acid, 219. Compounds of Arsenic with Sulphur, 220. Sulpho-Salts, 221. Oxygen Derivatives of Antimony, 221. Antimony Oxide, 221. Antimonic Acid, 222. Antimony Sulphides, 223. Thermo-Chemis- try of the Acids of the Nitrogen Group, 224. -Vanadium, Niobium, Tantalum, 224. Oxygen Compounds of the Elements of the Carbon Group, 225. Oxides of Carbon, 226. Carbon Dioxide, 226. Carbon Monoxide, 229. Compounds of Carbon with Sulphur, 231. Cyanogen Com- pounds, 232. Thermo-Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds, 233. Oxygen Compounds of Silicon, 233. Dialysis, 234. Crystalloids and Colloids, 235. Silicates, 235. Titanium, Zirconium, Thorium, 236. Boron, 237. Boron Hydride, 238. Boron Trichloride, 239. Boron Fluoride, 239. Boric Acid, 239. The Periodic System of the Elements, 240. Periodicity of Chemical Valence, 247. Periodicity of Thermo-Chem- ical Phenomena, 249. , THE METALS. Physical Properties of the Metals, 251. Atomic Volumes, 252. Specific Heat, Atomic Heat, 254. Thermal Atomic Weights, 257. Isomor- phism, 258. Chemical Properties of the Metals, 259. Alloys, 259. Halogen Compounds, 260. Oxides and Hydroxides, 261. Peroxides, 262. Salts, 263. Action of Metals on Salts and Acids, 265. Elec- trolysis of Salts, 267. Transposition of Salts, i70. Principle of the Greatest Heat-Disengagement, 271. 14 CONTENTS. Group of the Alkali Metals, 273. Thermo-Chemistry of the'Alkali Metals, 274. Potassium, 275. Potas- sium Oxide, Potassium Hydroxide, 276. Potassium Chloride, Potas- sium Bromide, Potassium Iodide, 277. Potassium Cyanide, 278. Potas- sium Chlorate, 278. Potassium Hypochlorite, 279. Potassium Sulphate, 279. Potassium Nitrate, 280. Gunpowder, 281. Potassium Carbonate, 281. Potassium Silicate, 282. Potassium Sulphides, 283. Recognition of the Potassium Compounds, 284. Rubidium, Caesium, 284. Sodium, 284. Sodium Hydroxide, 285. Sodium Chloride, 286. Sodium Sulphate, 287. Supersaturated Solutions, 288. Sodium Hyposul- phite, 289. Sodium Carbonate, 290. Sodium Nitrate, Sodium Phosphates, 292. Borax, 293. Sodium Silicate, 294. Recognition of Sodium Compounds, 294. Lithium, 294. Ammonium Com- pounds, 295. Ammonium Chloride, Ammonium Carbonate, 296. Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphide, 297. Recognition of Ammonium Compounds, 298. METALS OF GROUP II, 298. Group of the Alkaline Earths, 299. Calcium, 300. Calcium Oxide, Calcium Hydroxide, 300. Cement, 301. Calcium Chloride, 301. Calcium Fluoride, Chloride of Lime, 302. Calcium Sulphate, 303. Calcium Phosphates, 304. Calcium Carbonate, 305. Glass, 306. Calcium Sulphides, 307. Strontium, 307. Barium, 308. Barium Oxide, 308. Barium Peroxide, Barium Sulphate, 309. Recognition of the Compounds of the Alkaline Earths, 310. Magnesium Group, 310. Magnesium, 312. Magnesia, 312. Magnesium Chloride, 313. Magnesium Sulphate, Magnesium Phosphates, 314. Magnesium Carbonate, 315.- Recognition of Magnesium Compounds, 315. Beryllium, 316. Zinc, 317. Zinc Oxide, 317. Zinc Chloride, Zinc Sulphate, Zinc Sulphide, 318. Cadmium, 319. Thermo-Chemistry of the Metals of Group II, 320. Mercury, 321. Amalgams, 324. Mercurous Compounds, 324. Mercuric Compounds, 326. Copper, Silver, Gold, 328. General Characteristics, 328. Forms of . Combination, 330. Copper, 332. Metallurgy of Copper, 332. Cu- prous Compounds, 333. Cupric Compounds, 335. Copper Sulphate, 335. Alloys of Copper, 337. Silver, 337. Metallurgy, 338. Silver Oxide, 339. Silver Chloride, 341. Photography, 341. Nitrate of Silver, 342. Silvering, 343. Gold, 343. Aurous Compounds, 345. Auric Compounds, 345. CONTENTS. 15 METALS OF GROUP III, 346. Group of Earth Metals, 348. Aluminium, 348. Aluminium Chloride, 349. Aluminium Oxide, 351. Aluminates, 352. Alum, 354. Aluminium Silicates, 355. Porcelain, 355. Ultramarine, 355. Rare Earth Metals, 356. Scan- dium, 356. Yttrium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Didymium, Samarium, Ytterbium, Erbium, Terbium, 357. Gallium Group, 358. Gallium, 358. Indium, 359, Thallium, 360. Thallous Compounds, 361. Thallic Compounds, 362. Tin and Lead, 362. Tin, 364. Stannous Compounds, 365. Stannic Compounds, 366. Stannates, 367. Lead, 367. Lead Oxide, 369. Plumbic Acid, 370. Galenite, 371. Bismuth, 372. Bismuthic Acid, 373. Chromium Group, 373. Chromium, 375. Chromous Compounds, Chromic Compounds, 376. Chromates, 378. Chromium Oxy-chloride, 381. Molybdenum, 382. Tungsten, 384. Uranium, 385. Manganese, 386. Forms of Combination, 387. Manganous Compounds, 388. Man- ganic Compounds, 389. The Acids of Manganese, 391. METALS OF GROUP VIII, 392. Iron Group, 394. Iron, 395. Metallurgy of Iron, 396. Ferrous Compounds, 398. Ferric Compounds, 400. Ferric Acid Compounds, 401. Cyanogen Com- pounds, 402. Cobalt, 404. Cobalt-amine Compounds, 406. Cobalt- cyanogen Compounds, 406. Nickel, 407. Platinum Metals, 408. Ruthenium and Osmium, 410. Rhodium and Iridium, 411. Palla- dium, 411. Platinum, 413. Spectrum Analysis, 416. Periodicity of the Spectrum Lines, 421. A TEXT-BOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. INTRODUCTION. The study of Nature reveals an endless multitude of objects or bodies. That which forms the basis of the latter, strongly characterized by extent and weight, we designate substance or matter. The investigation of the internal and external structure of bodies, their classification according to conform- able or distinguishing characteristics, constitute the task of the descriptive sciences; of mineralogy, of geology, of de- scriptive botany and zoology, of anatomy, etc. A closer scrutiny of natural objects discloses the fact that they in time succumb to many more or less serious altera- tions or changes. We observe that minerals form, crystal- lize, or disintegrate and crumble to pieces; that plants and animals spring up, grow, and then fall into decay and de- composition. Such changes in the condition of bodies occur- ring with time are entitled phenomena. The investigation of these during their progressiont the determination of the laws according to which they occur, the explanation of the causes underlying them, form the task of the speculative sciences, physics and chemistry—depending upon the nature of the phenomena. Like every other classification or definition, the division of the natural sciences into speculative and descriptive is not strictly correct. It does not completely cover the nature of the phenomena. We approximate the actual facts more closely by designating the natural sciences as general and special. The general sciences, mechanics, physics, and chemistry, occupy themselves with the study of the general properties and transformations of bodies, regardless of the external form, and deal chiefly with their sub- stance only. Special branches—like botany and zoology— consider distinct 18 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. classes of bodies, first, in reference to their form (morphology, etc.), and afterwards in relation to their transformations and alterations. Physi- ology of animals and plants, and geology, investigate the physical and chemical phenomena of particular classes of bodies, and are, therefore, speculative sciences. On the other hand, chemistry is also a descriptive science, inasmuch as it considers the external properties of chemical sub- stances. Although no abrupt boundaries are presented in nature, but gradual transitions and intermediate steps throughout, two tolerably distinct classes of phenomena may be observed. Some changes in the condition of bodies are only superficial (external), and are not accompanied by material alteration in substance. Thus heat converts water into steam, which upon subsequent cooling is again condensed to water, and at lower temperatures becomes ice. In these three conditions the solid, liquid, and gaseous, the substance or the matter of water or ice is unchanged ; only the separation and the motion of the smallest particles—their states of aggregation—are different. If we rub a glass rod with a piece of cloth, the glass acquires the property of attracting light objects, e.g., particles of paper. It becomes electrified. An iron rod allowed to remain sus- pended vertically for some time slowly acquires the power of attracting small pieces of iron. Through the earth’s magnet- ism it has become magnetic. In both instances the glass and iron receive new properties; in all other respects, in their external and internal form or condition, they have suffered no perceptible alteration ; the glass is glass, and the iron re- mains iron. All such changes in the condition of bodies, unaccompanied by any real alteration in substance, are known as physical phenomena. Let us turn our attention now to the consideration of another class of phenomena. It is well known that ordinary iron undergoes a change, which we term rusting; i.e., it is trans-i formed into a brown substance which is entirely different from iron. On mixing finely divided copper filings with flowers; of sulphur (pulverulent sulphur) there results an apparently! uniform, grayish-green powder. If this be examined, how- ever, under a magnifying glass, we can very plainly distinguish the red metallic copper particles in it from the yellow of sulphur ; by treating with water, the specifically lighter sul- phur particles can easily be separated from those of the copper. Hence this powder represents nothing more than a mechanical mixture. If, however, this mixture be heated, e.g., in a glass test-tube, it will commence to glow, and on cooling, a black. INTRODUCTION' fused mass remains, which differs in all respects from copper and sulphur, and even under the strongest microscope does not reveal the slightest trace of the latter, and elutriation with water fails to effect a separation of the ingredients. By the mutual action of sulphur and copper in presence of heat, a new body with entirely different properties has been pro- duced, and is named copper sulphide. Mixtures of sulphur with iron or with other metals act in a similar manner; and the resulting bodies are known as sulphides. Such mutual action of different bodies occurs not only under the influence of heat, but frequently at ordinary tem- peratures. If, e.g., mercury and sulphur are rubbed con- tinuously in a mortar, there is produced a uniform, black compound called mercury sulphide. The action of gaseous chlorine upon various metals is quite energetic. When finely divided antimony is shaken into a flask filled with yellow chlorine gas, flame is produced ; each antimony particle burns in the chlorine with a bright white light. The product of this action of solid metallic antimony and gaseous yellow chlorine is a colorless, oily liquid, known as antimony chlo- ride. Such occurrences, therefore, in which a complete and entire alteration takes place in the bodmsentering the reaction, are termed chemical phenomena. Chemistry, then, is that de- partment of natural science which occupies itself with the study of those phenomena in nhich an alteration of substance has occurred. In the previously described experiments we observed the phenomena of chemical combination ; from two different bodies arose new homogeneous ones. Tne opposite may occur, con- sisting in the decomposition of compound bodies into two or more dissimilar ones. If red mercuric oxide be heated in a test-tube it will disappear; a gas (oxygen) is liberated, which will inflame a mere spark on wood : in addition, we find de- posited upon the upper, cooler portions of the tube, globules of mercury. From this we observe that on heating solid red mercuric oxide two different bodies arise: gaseous oxygen and liquid mercury. We conclude, then, that mercuric oxide holds in itself, or consists of, two constituents—oxygen and mercury. This conclusion, arrived at by decomposition, or analysis, may be readily verified by combination or synthesis. It is only necessary to heat mercury for some time, at a some- what lower temperature than in the preceding experiment, in an atmosphere of oxygen, to have it absorb the latter and yield the compound we first used—red mercuric oxide. The 20 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. direct decomposition of a compound body into its constituents by mere heat does not often happen. Generally, the coopera- tion of another substance is required, which will combine with one of the constituents and set the other free. In this man- ner we can, for example, effect the decomposition of the pre- viously synthesized mercury sulphide, viz. : by heating it with iron-filings; the iron unites with the sulphur of the mercury sulphide, to form iron sulphide, while the mercury is set free. If, in a similar manner, natural objects be decomposed, bodies or substances are finally reached which have, withstood all attempts to bring about their division into further constitu- ents, and which cannot be formed by the union of others. Such substances are chemical elements ; they cannot be con- verted into each other, but constitute, as it were, the limit of chemical change. Their number, at present, is about 66 ; some have been only recently discovered. To them belong all the metals, of which iron, copper, lead, silver, and gold are examples. Other elements do not possess a metallic ap- pearance, and are known as metalloids ; i.e., they are substances resembling (as regards their further indivisib'lity) the metals. It would be more correct to term them non-metals. To these belong sulphur, carbon, phosphorus, oxygen, etc. The line between metals and non-metals is not very marked. When the elements unite with each other in smaller or larger numbers they produce the compound bodies known to us. Water is a compound of two gaseous elements—hydrogen and oxygen ; common salt consists of the metal sodium and the gas chlorine. The elements make up not only our own earth, but the heavenly bodies are composed of them, at least as far as has been proved by spectrum analysis. If the quantities by weight of substances entering into a chemical change be determined, we notice that in all trans- positions, in the decomposition of a compound into its con- stituents, and in the union of the elements to form compound bodies, loss in weight never occurs. The weight of the re- sulting compounds is invariably equal to the sum of the weights of the bodies entering the reaction. Well-known, general phe- nomena apparently contradict this scientific conclusion. We observe plants springing from a small germ and constantly acquiring weight and volume. This spontaneous increase of substance, however, is only seeming. Closer inspection proves THE PRINCIPLE OF THE INDESTRUCTIBILITY OF MATTER. INTRODUCTION. conclusively that the growth of plants occurs only in conse- quence of the absorption of substance from the earth and at- mosphere. The opposite phenomenon is seen in the burning of combustible substances, where an apparent annihilation of matter takes place. But even in this, careful observation will discover that the combustion phenomena consist purely in a transformation of visible solid or liquid bodies into non-visible gases. Carbon and hydrogen, the usual constituents of com- bustible substances, e.g., a candle, combine in their combustion with the oxygen of the air and yield gaseous products—the so-called carbon dioxide and water—which diffuse themselves in the atmosphere. If these products be collected, their weight will be found not less, but indeed greater, than that of the consumed body, and this is explained by the fact that in addition to the original weight they have had the oxygen of the air added. From what has been remarked we can conclude that in chemical transpositions loss in matter does not occur, nor is there a new creation of the same observed. Compounds are formed and disappear, because they are converted into new forms, but their substance (matter), their weight, does not dis- appear, and is not produced anew. This fundamental truth is called the principle of the indestructibility of substance {matter). Lavoisier, in the eighteenth century, first established it by convincing experiments. Combined with the principle of the conservation of energy, it constitutes the firm foundation of all scientific knowledge. THE PRINCIPLE OF THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY- CHEMICAL ENERGY. Causes underlie and influence all material phenomena. The final cause of phenomena we term force, accepting for the various sorts of phenomena a variety of forces. Some of these are attraction and repulsion, light, heat, electricity, cohesion, chemical affinity. These names, however, only represent kinds of phenomena, without explaining their true nature. Of the nature of some of these forces we know, positively, that they consist of various modes of motion of portions of matter. In the case of mechanical force it is obvious that it depends solely upon the motion of masses; but other forces are nothing more than modes of motion. The phenomena of light are explained by the very rapid movements of the smallest parti- cles, and these act upon the eye through the aid of a gaseous medium—ether. The phenomena of heat are due to the less 22 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. rapid motion of weighable portions of matter which affect our sense of feeling. Accurate physical investigations have estab- lished that the different forces or modes of motion can never be destroyed, but only transferred from one body to others, and changed from one kind to another. The movements or vibrations of one variety pass into those of another. For ex- ample, a discharged bullet is heated by coming in contact with any obstruction in its course; the visible motion of the entire mass in this instance is transformed into the invisible motions of the smallest particles, and appears as heat. The heat mo- tions can, on the other hand, be again changed into mechani- cal motion (molecular motion), or into light, magnetism, or electricity. In all these transformations of the different modes of motion into one another, we observe a perfect equivalence of their quantity. If a mass motion, whose quantity is designated as mechanical work, can produce a certain degree of heat, so vice versa, the latter can perform the same mechanical work (the mechanical equivalent of heat, light, electricity). Upon this equivalence of transformation rests the principle of the conserva- tion of force or energy, according to which the various forces or motionsof matter a an neither beannihilated nor produced anew. This principle, forming one of the most important corner-stones of natural science, was first sharply defined by the speculative observations of Dr. J. R. Mayer, of Heilbronn, in 1842, and since then has been repeatedly confirmed by experiment.' The most recent advance in physics has led to the negation of the ob- jective existence of all abstract physical forces. Not considering the phenomena of electricity and those of chemical affinity—the reduc- tion of which to forms of motion is clearly foreseen, and not to be doubted—the only remaining, enigmatical force is that of attraction or gravity. To affirm the existence of gravity is nothing more than to give expression to the fact that bodies in space tend to approach each other. The supposition that the active cause of gravity existed within the bodies themselves, was long ago discarded by Newton as “ absurdumit is merely a mathematical fiction. The action of a body in a place where it does not exist, without the aid of a medium, is inconceivable. The trans- ference of the gravitation into material bodies, further contradicts the prin- ciple of conservation of energy, as gravity is neither transferred nor ex- hausted—whether it be through the approach of bodies, whereby the force always increases—or by planet movement, in which the centrifugal com- ponent is constantly overcome. Therefore, the active cause of gravity is not to be sought after in bodies themselves, but without them, and, indeed, in a substantial medium—ether—without the acceptance of which natural investigation canno.t proceed. If we desire to make a preliminary presentation upon these relations, the following would be the simplest and most probable: Space is filled INTRODUCTION. 23 by the smallest possible material particles, but as they are all alike, they do not possess gravity, and are found in constant transferable motion— ether substance. By the congress of the smallest ether particles to mass- aggregates arise the chemical elementary atoms, which constitute material bodies—substance or matter. If, now, in addition to this one mass-ag- gregate, a second appear in space, an effort to approach each other pro- duced by the action (collision) of the disturbed ether surrounding them, will appear—they possess gravity. By these suppositions the obscure ideas upon potential energy and energy of place are removed. A much clearer and more distinct presentation and confirmation of these repre- sentations, especially as regards the nature of forces, may be found in A. Secchi’s “ Die Einheit der Naturkrafte.” In the chemical union of bodies- heat is almost invariably disengaged, and as it is a mode of motion, and as motion of one kind can only be derived from another, we must conclude that bodies acting chemically, especially the elements, do pos- sess a peculiar kind of motion, which, in chemical union, is partially converted into heat motion (also into light and elec- tricity). This special motion of matter is designated chemical energy or chemical tension. And in the chemical decomposi- tion of a compound body into its constituents, heat is ab- sorbed, disappears as such, and is transformed into chemical energy. Thus, for instance, in the union of i kilogram of hydrogen with 8 kilograms of oxygen a quantity of heat is liberated which can perform a mechanical work equal to 34.462x423.5 = 14,629,000 kilogrammeters. In the decom- position, on the other hand, of 9 kilos of water into hydro- gen and oxygen, the same force or quantity of heat is neces- sary. Therefore, in the liberated hydrogen and oxygen, the same quantity of force or motion must be contained in the form of chemical energy. Chemical energy is not only a quantitative phenomenon ; it also presents qualitative differences. Although all bodies, and particularly the elements, possess it, they do not disclose it in the same way in their action upon each other. Some unite or react readily with each other; others, on the con- trary, with difficulty, or not at all. The reason for this de- portment is to us entirely unknown, but it is in all probability due to the different form and mode of motion of the smallest particles of matter. We designate it by the phrase chemical affinity, and add that bodies capable of union have affinity for each other (are related), and that by union they satisfy their affinity. This expression is incorrectly chosen, because, gen- erally, the bodies least alike chemically unite with each other most readily. 24 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The main condition in the chemical action of bodies con- sists in their immediate contact. While, in physical chang-s, the bodies act at smaller or greater distances upon each other (by aid of the ethereal fluid), in chemical alterations they act at immeasurably small distances. The indispensably intimate contact of solid bodies is difficult to attain by mechanical mixture. Thus, no action results when we rub dry tartaric acid and soda together in a mortar, but as soon as some water is added to the mixture chemical action at once sets in, accom- panied with effervescence. As shown in this case, the requi- site intimate contact is generally obtained by bringing both or one of the constituents into liquid form, either by solution in a solvent or by fusion. The early chemists expressed these conditions by the sentence : Corpora non agunt nisi fluida. Liquid and gaseous bodies are, therefore, eo ipso, adapted to chemical action. Besides intimate contact, a definite temperature and other conditions are necessary. Thus, in the preparation of gun- powder, a mixture of carbon, sulphur, and nitre, moistened with water, is strongly rubbed and worked through rollers without any chemical action occurring; but if a portion of the mixture be heated to 300° C., or an electric spark be con- ducted through it, chemical action at once takes place accom- panied by an explosion. The explanation of these phenomena is based on the fact that the very powerful cohesion of similar particles in solid bodies opposes the chemical affinity of the dissimilar particles mixed in with each other. As heat works expansively and diminishes the cohesion of the bodies, it is easily comprehended that with the increase of temperature the chemical attraction of the various substances is in condi tion to overcome the cohesive force. Light and electricity behave like heat. On the other hand, the chemical attraction between the different constituents of a compound body is sometimes so weak that the heat vibrations increasing with the temperature outweigh it so that decomposition or alteration of the compound body will result at a certain temperature. At very high temperatures almost all compounds decompose into their constituents (compare Dissociation of Water). Heat is, therefore, an important agent in chemical changes, because it induces both the phenomena of combination and decomposi- tion. Light and electricity do the same. In addition to these circumstances we should remember that both the compound bodies and elements consist of several CONDITIONS OF CHEMICAL ACTION. INTRODUCTION. 25 atoms combined with each other, and that this union must first be broken to render possible the action of other particles. Consequent upon the mutual action of all these influences follow the complicated phenomena observed in chemical changes. The qualitative phenomena of chemical energy are extremely different, and the determination of the laws con- trolling them remains for the future; in special instances ref- erence will be made to individual generalizations. The quan- titative relations, on the other hand, in the action of bodies on each other, in the combination of the elements, are thor- oughly investigated, and lead to very important laws, specu- lations, and theories, which constitute the main portion of the scientific chemistry of to-day. As briefly represented in the preceding, two different factors are to be considered in every chemical phenomenon. First, there is the material side, which finds expression in the solid weight-proportions of the reacting and resulting bodies ; secondly, a dynamical event presents itself. When hydrogen and oxygen unite chemically to produce water, there occurs, in addition, a considerable development of heat, by which the chemical energy and affinity become evident (p. 64). Although the physical cause of the latter, formerly identified with electrical differences, is as yet unex- plained, the investigations of recent date have disclosed a close relation between chemical affinity and the thermal phenomena; the greater the liberation of heat in the union of two elements or bodies, the greater is their affinity ; so that the former may serve as an approximate measure of the latter. From this follows the general proposition that the qualitative alterations occurring in the reaction of bodies invariably pursue the di- rection in which the most heat is disengaged. This fundamental propo- sition of the greatest development of heat (Bertholet) may be considered a special case of Clausius’s proposition of entropy or energy, according to which every form of energy tends to pass into heat-motion. Since, how- ever, chemical substances do not consist of free atoms, but of atomic ag- gregations (molecules) which require tearing asunder in order that their components may act upon one another, and because the stability of com- pounds, their decomposition (disgregation) by heat and solvents, do not always accord with their heat of formation, it becomes necessary to formu- late the principle mentioned above to read as follows : In chemical changes the tendency is to produce those bodies in whose formation the greatest de- velopment of heat (degradation of energy) occurs. This proposition is quite important for the illustration and explanation of chemical processes. It will be more fully developed, in its most interesting applications, under the different groups. CHEMICAL SYMBOLS AND FORMULAS. For simplicity and convenience the elements are represented by the first letters of their names, derived either from the Latin or Greek. Hydrogen is represented by the letter H, from the word hydrogenium; nitrogen by N, from nitrogen- ium. When several elements happen to have the same letter 26 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. there is added to the capital a second, small letter; thus, Na represents natrium; Ni, nickel; Hg, mercury (hydrargyrum), etc. The subjoined table comprises all the elements known at present with certainty (66), together with their chemical symbols and atomic weights. The latter have been deter- mined with more or less accuracy. The number of decimal places corresponds approximately to the accuracy of the atomic numbers; those without decimals are, therefore, less accu- rately determined: Elements. Symbol. Atomic Weight. Elements. 'o •O s in Atomic Weight. • Aluminium A1 27.O Mercury Hg 199.8 Antimony (Stibium). Sb II9.6 Molybdenum Mo 95-8 Arsenic As 74-Q Nitrogen N I4.OI Barium Ba 136.8 Nickel Ni 58.6 Berv Ilium Be 9.I Niobium Nb 94 Bismuth Bi 207 Osmium Os 195 Boron B IO.9 Oxygen O 15.96 Bromine Br 79.76 Palladium Pd 106.2 Cadmium Cd 111.9 Phosphorus P W.q6 Caesium Cs I "t2-7 Platinum Pt 194.3 Calcium Ca 3Q.Q Rhodium Rh 104 Carbon c 1r-99 Rubidium Rb 85 Cerium Ce 141 Scandium Sc 44 Cr 52.4 Sulphur S 31.08 Cu 63.2 Selenium Se 78.9 Chlorine Cl 35-37 Silver (Argentum)... Ag 107.66 Cobalt Co 58.6 Silicon Si 28 Didymium Di 142 Sodium (Natrium)... Na 22.Q9 Erbium Er 166 Strontium Sr 87-3 Fluorine El 19 Tantalum Ta 182 Gallium Ga 69.8 Tellurium Te 126 Au 196.2 Thallium T1 203.6 H 1 Thorium Th 232 In 113.4 Tin (Stannum) Sn 117.5 Iodine I 126.54 Titanium Ti 48 " Iridium Ir 192.5 Tungsten (Wolfram) W 183.6 Fe 3 3.9 Uranium Ur 239 Kalium (Potassium). K J J y 39-03 Vanadium Vd .51.2 La 138.2 Ytterbium Yb 173 Li 7 Yttrium Y . 89 Lead (Plumbum) — Pb 206.4 Zinc Zn 64.9 Mg 239 Zirconium Zr 90 Manganese Mn 54-8 The existence of some other elements, as Decipium, Holmium, Terbium, Wasium, Vesbium, Norwegium, and Thulium, is yet doubtful. INTRODUCTION. 27 Compounds produced by the union of the elements are rep- resented by placing their corresponding symbols together and designating these chemical formulas. Common salt, a com- pound of sodium and chlorine, is represented by the formula NaCl; mercuric oxide, a compound of mercury and oxygen, by HgO ; iron sulphide by FeS ; hypochlorous acid, a com- pound of chlorine, hydrogen and oxygen, by CIOH. Chemical formulas not only express the nature of the ele- ments, but also the relative proportions by weight, according to which they unite, compared with hydrogen as unity. Thus H represents i part by weight of hydrogen ; Cl, 35.37 parts by weight of chlorine ; Na, 22.99 Parts by weight of sodium. (See table, p. 26). These numbers indicate the relative weights of the atoms constituting the elements. If we seek to obtain a representation of the constitution of the elements and matter in general, two possibilities ap- pear to be foremost. Either the substance continuously fills space, or it consists of very small separated particles filling space, chemical individuals, which are termed atoms. The latter idea alone corresponds to the present state of physical and chemical investigation, so that the atomic constitution of matter only has value at present. The inductive derivation and establishment of the atomic theory will be given subse- quently (see page 66); here we will only state the following propositions: Each distinct element consists of similar atoms, of like size and similar weight, while atoms of different ele- ments possess a different weight. The absolute atomic weights are, at present, not determined with sufficient accuracy ; the relative weights are referred to the hydrogen atom, which has the smallest weight, hence is made equal to 1 (H = 1). The chemical union of the atoms produces the smallest particles of compound bodies, termed molecules, physical individuals ; these are chemically divisible. By these premises chemical formulas acquire a very precise and intuitive importance. The formula NaCl designates the union of 1 atom of sodium (Na) with 1 atom of chlorine, and indicates that in it 22.9 parts, by weight, of sodium are combined with 35.37 parts of chlorine. If several atoms of an element are present in a compound, this is denoted by numbers which are attached to the symbol of the atom : HC1 HaO IIsN CH4 Hydrochloric acid. Water. Ammonia. Methane. 28 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The formula of water (H20) means that its molecule con- sists of 2 atoms of hydrogen (2 parts by weight) and 1 atom of oxygen (O = 15.96 parts by weight). The formula of sul- phuric acid (H2S04) indicates it to be a compound consisting of 1 atom of sulphur (31.98 parts), 4 atoms of oxygen (4 X 15.96 = 63.84 parts), and 2 atoms of hydrogen (2 X 1 —2 parts), from which the composition of the acid may be at once calculated into per cent., or into any desirable quantity by weight. Atomic Composition. In per cent. Sulphur, S = 31.98, ...... 32.69 Oxygen, O4 = 63.84, ...... 65.26 Hydrogen, H2 = 2, . . . . . . 2.05 H2SO4 = 97.82 . . . . . . 100.00 The chemical union of bodies is*sho.wn by the sign 4., and the resulting products are placed to the right, following the = sign : HgS -f- Fe = FeS -f- Hg. By this* equation of chemical transposition is meant that by the union of mercury sulphide (HgS) and iron (Fe), iron sul- phide (FeS) and free mercury (Hg) are formed. At the same time such equations show the proportions by weight of the substances entering into and resulting from the reaction ; the weight of the acting substances is equal to that of those re- sulting. Therefore every chemical equation is at once an expression of the principle of the indestructibility of matter (substance). (See p. 21.) CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. Chemistry occupies itself chiefly with the investigation of the chemical alterations of bodies. Its subject is not the latter in themselves, in their external properties, but only with ref- erence to their material composition, and their genetic rela- tions to other substances. The investigation of the physical properties of the non-organized bodies constitutes the province of Mineralogy, or, if the same is not limited to naturally occurring bodies, but includes also the innumerable substances which have been prepared artificially, it becomes the province of Inorganography. Pure chemistry considers the physical INTRODUCTION. 29 properties only as far as they serve for the external character- ization and eventual recognition of the given substances and for the deduction of chemical irregularities. The most im- portant physical properties,— the state of aggregation, the temperature of fusion and boiling, the sptcific gravity, capa- city for heat, etc.—are partly treated in Physics, and in part will be considered later, in special cases. Here, therefore, the morphological characters of the solid bodies will receive only a brief consideration. The homogeneous solids exhibit either similar properties in all their parts, are amorphous, or show differences in certain definite directions, giving rise to a crystalline appearance. The cause of this deportment lies in the arrangement of the smallest particles of substance of the molecules, which in the first instance is irregular, hence cannot cause differences in any direction; while in the crystalline structure the molecules are regularly grouped according to directions of varying den- sity and coherence, which find expression in the cleavage and the optical and thermal behavior of bodies. A consequence of this regular arrangement is, in the case of undisturbed for- mation, the external limitation of bodies by planes, edges, and angles, which represent the crystal form. The number and forms of these crystal elements are very numerous, since several thousands are known. It is, however, possible to reduce the numberless varieties to a few classes or systems, by comparing their modes of formation, and by referring their principal elements—the planes—to definite axes, /.2) and hydrochloric acid in a Cl = 35-37- Cl2 = 70.7. HALOGENS. 47 flask (Fig. 36), provided with a so-called Welter’s safety-tube, to equalize the gas pressure. The escaping gaseous chlorine is washed and freed from acid that is carried along mechani- cally by passing it through water in a three-necked Woulff’s Fig. 36. bottle, and then collecting it over water. The reaction which occurs above is indicated in the following equation : MnOa + 4HCI = MnC]2 + Cl2 + 2H2Q. The manganous chloride formed dissolves in the water. The evolution of the chlorine proceeds more regularly if a mixture of manganese oxide (5 parts), sodium chloride (4 parts) and sulphuric acid (12 parts diluted with 6 of water) is employed: Mn02 + 2NaCl + 2H2S04 = MnS04 + Na2S04 + Cl2 + 2H20. Manganese dioxide. Sodium chloride. Sulphuric acid. This reaction comprises two phases: First, the sodium chloride (NaCl) is decomposed by the sulphuric acid, yielding sodium sulphate and hydro- chloric acid: * 2NaCl + H4S04 = Na2SQ4 + 2HCI. The latter acid then acts, together with a new portion of sulphuric acid, upon the manganese dioxide ; Mn02 +• H,S04 + 2HC1 = MnS04 + 2H20 -f Cl2. 48 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The second method is more advantageous for laboratory purposes ; the first, however, is preferred in practice, as it is cheaper. The resulting manganous chloride (MnCL) is converted by the Process of Weldon into manganese peroxide (see this). Technically, chlorine is also obtained by the Process of Deaccrn, by conducting HC1 mixed with air over strongly ignited porous substances (bricks) saturated with metallic salts (copper sulphate). As chlorine gas dissolves readily in cold water it is advisable to collect it over warm. It cannot be collected over mercury, as it readily com- bines with the latter. When perfectly dry chlorine is sought, conduct the liberated gas through Woulff’s bottles containing sulphuric acid, to absorb the moisture, then collect in an empty upright flask (compare Fig. 44, p. 61). As chlorine is so much heavier than air it will displace the latter. Physical Properties. — Chlorine is a yellowish-green gas (from ylwpds), with a penetrating, suffocating odor.' Its spe- cific gravity compared with hydrogen (i) is 35.37 ; with air -2C. -27 ( — 1) it is = 2.45. At 150 C., and a pressure of 4 atmospheres (at —40° C., under the ordinary pressure) it con- denses to a yellow liquid, boiling at — 33.50. To effect the condensation of chlorine take a bent glass tube (Fig. 37), introduce into the leg closed at one end some crystals of chlo- rine hydrate (Cl2 + ioH20, see below), then seal the open end. The limb containing the com- pound is placed in a water-bath ; the other is cooled in snow. Upon heating the water a little above 30° the chlorine hydrate is decomposed into water and chlorine gas, which condenses to a liquid in the covered limb. On reversing the position of the limbs and cooling the one previously warmed, the chlorine distils back and is reabsorbed by the water. Charcoal saturated with chlorine may be substituted for the chlorine hydrate. This substance takes up 200 vol- umes of chlorine, which are disengaged again on heating. One volume of water, at 20° C., absorbs 2 volumes of chlo- rine ; at 8° C., 3 volumes. The aqueous solution is known as chlorine water (aqua chlori'), and possesses almost all the prop- erties of the free gas ; it is therefore frequently employed for laboratory uses as a substitute for chlorine. The yellow, scale- Fig. 37. HALOGENS. 49 like crystals of chlorine hydrate (Cl2 + ioH20) separate when water saturated with the gas is cooled below o°. This compound is regarded as one of chlorine with water. At ordinary temperatures it decomposes into its constituent mole- cules. Chemical Properties.—Chlorine has great affinity for almost all the elements. It combines, at ordinary temperatures, with the most of them to form chlorides ; when thin sheet copper (false gold leaf), or, better, pulverized antimony or arsenic, are thrown into a vessel filled with dry chlorine, they burn with a bright light; a piece of phosphorus will also inflame in an atmosphere of the gas. Chlorine unites just as energetically with hydrogen. A mixture of equal volumes of the gases combines in direct sun- light, with violent explosion. In dispersed sunlight the action is only gradual; in the dark it does not occur. The great affinity of chlorine for hydrogen is manifested in the hydro- gen compounds; most of these are so decomposed by the chlorine that it removes the hydrogen from them, and forms hydrochloric acid. Thus water is decomposed by chlorine into hydrochloric acid and oxygen : H20 + Cl2=2HCl + 0. If a glass cylinder be filled with, and inverted over chlorine water and exposed to the sunlight, a gas will be evolved, and will collect in the upper portion of the vessel; this is oxygen. In diffused light the decomposition will not be so rapid; it is hastened by heat. Chlorine alters the hydrocarbons, in that it abstracts hydro- gen. The reaction is sometimes so violent that carbon is separated in a free condition. A piece of tissue paper satu- rated with newlv distilled turpentine oil, and introduced into a dry chlorine atmosphere, is immediately carbonized. An ignited wax candle immersed in chlorine burns with a smoky flame, with separation of carbon. The organic (containing C and H) dye-stuffs are decolorized bv moist chlorine gas. The same occurs with the dark blue solutions of indigo and litmus ; colored flowers are rapidly bleached by it. On this principle depends the application of chlorine in bleaching goods, and in destroying decaying matter and miasmata in chlorine disinfection. (See Bleaching Lime). The bleaching action of chlorine is mostly influenced by the presence of water. It probably depends on the oxidizing action of the oxygen lib- 50 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. erated by the chlorine (see above). This property free oxygen does' not possess ; it does, however, very probably belong to that which is in the act of forming,—of becoming free. We will learn, later, that many other ele- ments, at the moment of their birth (in statu nascendi), act more ener- getically than when free; the cause for this will be explained hereafter. Br = 79.76. Br2= 159.5. 2. BROMINE. Bromine, the perfect analogue of chlorine, was discovered by Balard, in 1826. It occurs in sea water as sodium bromide, accompanied by sodium chloride, but in much smaller quan- tity than the latter (especially in the water of the Dead Sea), and in many salt springs, as at Kreutznach and in Hall. When sea water or other salt water is evaporated, sodium chloride first separates; in the mother-liquor, among other soluble salts, are found sodium and magnesium bromides. Bromine is found in greatest abundance in the upper layers of the rock- salt deposits of Stassfurth, near Magdeburg, where it exists in the form of bromides together with other salts. At present, large quantities of bromine are obtained in America. The method of its preparation is similar to that employed under chlorine. A mixture of manganese dioxide and sodium bromide is warmed with sulphuric acid : Mn02 -f- 2NaBr -)- 2H2S04 = MnS04 -f- Na2S04 -)- Br2 -f- 2H20. The operation can be executed in the apparatus pictured in Fig. 38. This can also be used for many other distillations. The retort A, containingthe mixture, isheated in awater-bath ; the tube B serves to cool the vapors which are condensed by cold water or ice in the receiver C. When free chlorine is conducted into an aqueous solution of sodium bromide, bro- mine separates out. Bromine is a heavy, reddish brown liquid, of an exceed- ingly penetrating, chlorine-like odor (hence the name Bro- mine, from ftpw/joq, stench). At —7.30 it crystallizes to a yellow- green, scaly mass, having a metallic lustre, and resembling iodine. Liquid bromine at o° has the specific gravity 3.18 (water == 1) ; it is very volatile, yielding dark brown vapors at 63° C., changing, at the same time, into a yellowish-brown vapor. Its density equals 79.7 (hydrogen = 1), or 5.53 (air = 1). Bromine is more soluble in water than chlorine. Cooled below 40 C., the hydrate (Br2 -f- ioH20) crystallizes out: his is analogous to the chlorine hydrate. It is decomposed at HALOGENS. 51 moderate temperatures. Bromine dissolves with ease in alco- hol, and especially in ether, chloroform and carbon disulphide. In a chemical point of view, bromine is extremely like chlorine, combining directly with most metals to form bro- Fig. 38. mides ; but it possesses a weaker affinity than chlorine, and is liberated by the latter from its compounds: With hydrogen it only combines on warming, not in sun- light. Upon hydrocarbons it acts like chlorine, withdrawing hydrogen from them. Bromine water gives starch an orange color. KBr + Cl = KC1 + Br. 1 = 126.54. I2= 253.08. 3. IODINE. Iodine, as Well as bromine, occurs in combination with sodium, in sea water and some mineral springs, especially at Hall, in Austria, and the Adelheit Spring in Bavaria. In these springs the iodine can easily be detected directly ; in sea water it is, however, only present in such minute quan- tity-that its separation, practically, is disadvantageous. Sea algae absorb it from the water, and these are then thrown by the tide on various coasts, where they are burned, yielding an ash (known as kelp in Scotland, as varec in Normandy) which is the principal source for the manufacture of iodine. It was in this ash that the element was accidentally discovered, in 1811 ; in 1815, it was investigated by Davy and Gay-Lussac, 52 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and its elementary character established. To obtain the iodine, the ash is treated with water, the solution concentrated,.and the sodium and magnesium iodides are further worked up. Lately, iodine has been obtained from the mother-liquors of the crude Chili saltpetre. It is set free from its cofnpounds in the same manner as chlorine and bromine—by distillation with manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid. It is more con- venient, however, to pass chlorine (or, better, nitrous acid) through a solution of the salt, when all the iodine will sepa- rate : KI -f Cl = KC1 + I. The grayish-black powder thus liberated is collected on a filter, dried, and then sublimed. Iodine is a gray-black solid, subliming in large rhombic crystals, possessing strong metallic lustre. It has a peculiar odor, reminding one somewhat of that of chlorine ; it stains the skin brown, and is corrosive, although not as strongly so as bromine. Its specific gravity is 4.95. It fuses at 1130 to a dark brown liquid, and boils near 200°, passing at the same time into a dark violet vapor (hence the name Iodine, from \ atdrj 7, violet- blue'). The vapor density of iodine equals 8.7 up to 6oo° C. ( air = 1) or 126.5 (H = 1), corresponding to the molecular weight I2 = 253. Above 700° the vapor density gradually diminishes and about 1500° it is only "half the original. This is explained by the gradual decomposition (see Dissoci- ation of Water) of the normal diatomic molecule I2 into the free atoms I —j— I. In like manner the bromine molecules Br2, at high temperatures, suffer a separation into the free atoms, while the gas density of chlorine manifests only a slight change ; its molecules are, therefore, dissociated with far greater difficulty. Iodine is very slightly soluble in water, more readily in alcohol (Tinctura Iodi), very easily in ether, chloroform and carbon disulphide, the last two assuming a deep red-violet color in consequence. It affords a particularly beautiful crys- tallization, consisting of forms of the rhombic system, when it separates from a solution of glacial acetic acid. In chemical deportment iodine closely resembles bromine and chlorine ; it possesses, however, weaker affinities, and for this reason is liberated from its compounds by those elements. With the metals it usually combines only when warmed ; with hydrogen it does not combine directly, and it does not re- move it from its carbon compounds. The deep blue color it imparts to starch is characteristic of iodine. On adding starch-paste to the solution of an iodide, HALOGENS. 53 and following this with a few drops of chlorine water, the paste will immediately be colored a dark blue by the separated iodine. This reaction serves to detect the smallest quantity of it. Iodine is largely employed in medicine, photography, and in the preparation of aniline colors. FI = 19. (Fla = 38.) 4. FLUORINE. Fluorine possesses such a strong affinity for almost all sub- stances that it cannot be obtained free ; it attacks glass and even platinum vessels. Its most important compound is fluorite (calcium fluoride, CaFl2), from which its other deriva- tives are prepared ; the latter resemble those of chlorine. When silver fluoride is heated in a stream of chlorine, or cal- cium fluoride in a current of oxygen, there escapes a colorless, very strongly smelling gas, which attacks glass and all the metals. Upon conducting the same into water, oxygen is disengaged from the latter: H20 -j- Fl2 = 2HF1 -f o. This gas is probably fluorine. Its affinity for the metals and hydrogen is much greater than that of chlorine. Upon the basis of theoretical observations developed later the specific gravity of free fluorine is 19 (hydrogen = 1). These four similar elements, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine, exhibit gradual differences in their properties ; and, what is remarkable, this gradation stands in direct rela- tion to the specific gravity of the elements in the state of gas or vapor. FI Cl Br I Specific gravity 19 35*37 79-76 126.5. With the increase of specific gravity occurs a simultaneous condensation of matter, which expresses itself in the dimin- ished volatility. Fluorine is a gas; chlorine can readily be condensed to a liquid ; bromine is a liquid at ordinary tem- peratures, and iodine is a solid. Other physical properties, as seen in the following table, are also in accord with the preceding. 54 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Fluorine. Chlorine. Bromine. Iodine. Fusing point Boiling point Specific gravity in liquid or solid condition Color Colorless —33° *33 Yellow -7° +63 3*8 Brown + "3° —(-200° 4-97 Black Just such a gradation, as we have seen, is observed in the chemical affinities of these four elements for the metals and hydrogen; fluorine is the most energetic, iodine the least. Therefore, each higher element is separated from its soluble metallic and hydrogen compounds by the lower. We shall discover, later, that in the affinity-energy of the halogens for oxygen and some other metalloids, the reverse is true. COMPOUNDS OF THE HALOGENS WITH HYDROGEN. With hydrogen the halogens form compounds of an acid nature, readily soluble in water. 1. HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. The direct union of chlorine with hydrogen takes place through the agency of heat, and by the action of direct sun- light or other chemically active rays; in diffused light the action is only gradual, and does not occur at all in the dark. On introducing a flame of hydrogen ignited in the air into a cylinder filled with chlorine (Fig. 39), it will continue to burn in the latter. The opposite, the combustion of chlorine in an atmosphere of hydrogen, may be shown easily by the fol- lowing experiment (Fig. 40). An inverted cylinder is filled with hydrogen by displacement, the gas is ignited at the mouth, and a tube immediately introduced which will con- duct dry chlorine into the cylinder. The burning hydrogen will inflame the chlorine, which will continue to burn in the former. From these experiments, we perceive that combusti- bility and combustion are only relative phenomena; if hy- drogen is combustible in chlorine (or air), so, inversely, is chlorine (or air) combustible in hydrogen. By the term HC1 == 36.37. Density = 18.18. HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. 55 combustion, in chemistry, is understood every chemical union of a body with a gas, which is accompanied by the phenom- enon of light. A mixture of equal volumes of chlorine and hydrogen ex- plodes under the conditions given above for the union of the Fig. 40. Fig. 39. gases, with very great violence. The product is gaseous hy- drogen chloride. The formation of the latter compound succeeds best by allowing sulphuric acid to act upon sodium chloride, when solid sodium sulphate and hydrogen chloride gas will result. Pour over 5 parts sodium chloride, 9 parts sulphuric acid, somewhat di- luted with water (2 parts), and warm the mixture gently in a flask, A (Fig. 41). The escaping hydrogen chloride is conducted through a Woulff’s bottle containing sulphuric acid to the cylinder B (filled with pumice stone saturated with sulphuric acid), intended to free it from aTl moisture, and afterwards collected over mercury. 2NaCl -f H2SOt = Na2S04 -f 2HCI. Physical Properties.—Hydrogen chloride is a colorless gas, with a suffocating odor. In moist air it forms dense clouds. Under a pressure of 40 atmospheres at io° C., or 1 atmos- phere at — 80.3°, it condenses to a liquid, with" a specific gravity of 1.27, which does not solidify at — no° and boils at — 80.3°. The specific gravity (density) of the gas is 18.18 (H = 1), or 1.26 (air =1). Hydrogen chloride possesses an acid taste, and colors blue 56 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. litmus paper red ; it is, therefore, an acid, and has received the name hydrochloric acid gas. It dissolves very readily in water, and on that account cannot be collected over it. One volume of water at o° C. dissolves 505 volumes, and at ordi- nary temperatures about 450 volumes of the gas. This great solubility is very nicely illustrated by filling a long glass cyl- inder with the gas and then just dipping its open end beneath water; the latter rushes up into the vessel rapidly (as into a Fig. 41. vacuum), as it quickly absorbs the gas. The aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride, in ordinary language is known as muri- atic or hydrochloric acid (acidum hydrochloratum). For its preparation t-he gas is passed through a series of Woulff bot- tles (Fig. 42) containing water. The small bottle B'm which there is but little water, serves to wash the gas—free it of any mechanically admixed sulphuric acid. The same apparatus may be employed in the manufacture of chlorine water, and is generally used in the saturation of liquids with gases. A solution saturated at 150 C. contains about 40 per cent, hydrogen chloride, has a specific gravity of 1.2, and fumes in the air. On the application of heat, the gas again escapes, and the temperature of the liquid rises to iio° C., when a liquid distils over, containing about 20 per cent, of hydrogen chloride, having a specific gravity of 1.104 and almost cor- HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. 5 7 responds to the formula HC1 -f- 8H20. The composition of th*e distillate varies somewhat with the pressure. On con- ducting hydrogen chloride into hydrochloric acid cooled Fig. 42. to — 220, crystals of the formula HC1 -f- 2H20 separate ; these fuse at — 180 and then decompose. Hydrochloric acid finds an extensive industrial application, and is obtained in large quantities, as a by-product, in the soda manufacture. Chemical Properties. —Acids— Bases — Salts. — Hydrogen chloride, as well as its solution, possesses all the properties of acids, apd can well figure as a prototype of these ; it tastes intensely acid, reddens blue litmus paper, and saturates the bases (oxides and hydroxides) ; i.e., such bodies as impart a blue color to red litmus paper. If we add hydrochloric acid to a solution of a base, e.g., sodium hydroxide, until the reac- tion is neutral, we will obtain (besides .water), a neutral, solid compound—sodium chloride. NaOH- + HC1 == NaCl + HaO. Sodium hydroxide. Sodium chloride. HBr, HI, and HF1 deport themselves similarly to HC1. These halogen compounds of hydrogen are termed haloid 58 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. acids, to distinguish them from those which, in addition to hydrogen, contain oxygen, hence called oxygen acids. The latter conduct themselves like the former, and saturate bases, forming salts and water : KOH + UNO, = KNOj + H20. Potassium hydroxide. Nitric acid. Potassium nitrate. Water, In the same manner the acids act upon the basic oxides, to form salts and water: ZnO + 2IIC1 = ZnCl2 + H20. Zinc oxide. Zinc chloride. Zinc oxide. ZnO + 2HNO* = Zn(N03)2 + H20. Zinc' nitrate. Usually when acids act upon metals, the hydrogen of the former is directly displaced; salts and free hydrogen are pro- duced. Thus, by the action of hydrochloric acid upon sodium, its chloride and hydrogen result: From the examples cited it is manifest that acids are hydro- gen compounds which yield salts, by the replacement of their hydrogen by metals, by the action of metallic oxides, hydrox- ides, or free metals. The metallic oxides and hydroxides capa- ble of forming salts by the saturation of acids are called l?ases. Finally, by the term salts, we understand such compounds as are analogous'to sodium chloride, and are formed by the mutual action of bases and acids. Salts are distinguished as haloid salts dxi&oxygen salts. The first have no oxygen, and arise in the direct union of the halogens with the metals. Hydrogen chloride is a very stable compound, suffering only a partial decomposition at 1500° C. Its composition is easily established analytically by the following experiments: Pass hydrochloric acid gas over a piece of sodium, heated in a glass tube, and hydrogen will escape from the latter: HC1 + Na = NaCl + *H. If manganese peroxide, on the other hand, be heated in it, chlorine will be disengaged : Na + HC1 = NaCl + H. If the electric current be permitted to act upon an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid, the latter will be so decom- MnOj + 4HCI =' MnCl2 + 2H20 -f Cl2. HYDROGEN BROMIDE. 59 posed that chlorine separates at the electro-positive and hy- drogen at the electro-negative pole. (See p. 72.) HBr = 80.76. Density = 40.38, 2. HYDROGEN BROMIDE. Hydrogen bromide is perfectly similar to the corresponding chlorine compound. As there is but slight affinity between Br and H their direct union will only occur at a red heat or in the presence of platinum sponge. (See p. 45.) Like hy- drogen chloride, hydrogen bromide can be obtained by the action of some acids, e.g., phosphoric acid, upon bromides; sulphuric acid would not answer, as the resulting HBr is again .partly decomposed by it. Ordinarily it is prepared by the action of phosphorus tri-bromide (see Phosphorus) upon water: PBr3 + 3H20 = H3PO3 + 3HBr. Phosphorus tri-bromide. Phosphorous acid. Place some water (1 part) in a flask (Fig. 43), gradually ad- mit through the funnel, supplied with a cock, the liquid, PBr3 (3 parts), and warm gently. The escaping HBr gas is collected Fig. 43. over mercury or conducted into water. To free it perfectly from accompanying PBr3 vapors it is passed through water (the U-shaped tube in Fig. 43 contains pieces of pumice stone, which are moistened with water). Instead of employing prepared brom-phosphorus, we may let bromine vapors act upon (red) phosphorus. This may be done by pouring water 60 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. or dilute hydrobromic acid (2 parts) over the phosphorus placed in a flask. Bromine (10parts) is added gradually while cooling and heat then applied. To obtain an aqueous solution of the gas, pour 15 parts H20 over 1 part amorphous phosphorus,' and then add Br (10 parts) drop by drop. Finally the solution is heated, filtered, and distilled. From bromides (NaBr, KBr) hydrogen bromide is obtained by distillation with somewhat dilute sulphuric acid, with addition of phosphorus. Hydrogen bromide is a colorless gas, fuming strongly in the air. Under great pressure it is condensed to a liquid, boiling at — 73-3° and solidifying at — 120°. Its density is 40.38 (H = 1) or 2.79 (air = x). In water the gas is very readily soluble, its saturated solution having a specific gravity of 1.78, and containing 82 per cent. HBr; at 150 it contains 49.8 per cent., and has the specific gravity of 1.515. At 1250 C. a solution distils over contain- ing 46.8 per cent. HBr, and closely approximates the formula HBr + 5H20 ; its specific gravity is 1.47 at 140 C. On conducting HBr into a solution of the same cooled to — 200, crystals of the formula HBr + 2H2O separate and melt at — ii°. Chemically, HBr is the perfect analogue of HC1; it is, however, less stable, and suffers a partial decom- position at 8oo° C. HI = 127.54. Density = 63.7. 3. HYDROGEN IODIDE. The attraction of iodine for hydrogen is very slight. Their partial union occurs when both elements., in the form of vapor, are conducted over platinum sponge. It cannot be obtained by acting upon iodides with sulphuric acid, because the resulting hydrogen iodide decomposes more easily than the bromide. It is formed, however, similarly to the latter, by acting on phosphorus iodide with water : PI3 + 3H20 = P03H3 + 3HI; A more convenient procedure is to warm a mixture of amorphous phosphorus (i part), iodine (15 parts), and water (14 parts) ; when an analogous reaction will ensue. Or add a solution of 2 parts iodine in r part hydriodic acid, of specific gravity 1.67 (obtained by distillation, see below), drop by drop, to red phosphorus, and aid the reaction by heat. As HI dissolves readily in water, and is decomposed by mercury, we can only collect it by conducting it into a dry flask (Fig. HYDROGEN IODIDE. 61 44), where it will displace the air in consequence of its five- fold greater density. Fig. 44. ' To get an aqueous solution of HI, take more water, warm the solution, filter, and then distil. Another method for obtaining HI consists in passing hy- drogen sulphide into water having iodine dissolved in it until there is no further decomposition : H2s + h = 2HI + s. Filter off the separated sulphur and distil the liquid. Hydrogen iodide is a colorless gas; it fumes strongly in the air ; its density is 63.7 (H = 1) or 4.41 (air =1). Under a pressure of 4 atmospheres (at o°) it is condensed to a liquid which solidifies at — 550. It is easily soluble in water; the solution saturated at o° C., has a specific gravity 1.99, and fumes strongly in the air. At 1270 a solution of 1.6.7 specific gravity, and containing 57.7 per cent. HI, distils over, corre- sponding closely to the formula HI + 5H20. Hydrogen iodide is a rather unstable compound, decom- posing at 1800 into hydrogen and iodine. At high tempera- tures oxygen decomposes ifinto water and iodine : On bringing a flame near a vessel containing a mixture of HI and oxygen, violet iodine vapors will at once fill it. The same will be noticed when fuming nitric acid is dropped into a vessel containing HI; in this reaction the oxygen of the acid oxidizes the hydrogen and liberates iodine. All oxidizing bodies behave in the same way ; the hydrogen iodide abstracts 2HI + o = h2o + It. 62 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ' their oxygen and reduces them. The oxygen of the air, even at the ordinary temperature, and especially in sunlight, gradu- ally decomposes aqueous hydrogen iodide. The solution, at first colorless, becomes brown, owing to separation of iodine, which in the beginning dissolves; subsequently, however, it separates in beautiful crystals. At ordinary temperatures mercury and silver decompose HI, with separation of hydrogen : Ill + Ag = Agl + H. Chlprine and bromine liberate iodine from HI. This compound is employed as a powerful reducing agent in laboratory work. 4. HYDROGEN FLUORIDE. It is obtained, like hydrogen chloride, by decomposing fluorides with sulphuric acid. Finely pulverized fluoride is mixed with H2S04 and heat applied gently: HF1 = 20. Density = io (at ioo°) CaFl2 + H2S04 = CaS04 + 2HF1. Calcium fluoride. Calcium sulphate. The operation is executed in a lead or platinum retort, as the hydrogen fluoride attacks glass and most of the metals. (Fig. 45.) The escaping HF1 condenses in the U-shaped Fig. 45. receiver containing some water. To get perfectly anhydrous hydrogen fluoride, heat hydrogen potassium fluoride, which then decomposes according to the following equation : KFljH = KFl-f HFl.^ HYDROGEN FLUORIDE. 63 Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride is-a colorless, very mobile liquid, fuming strongly in the'air, and attracting moisture with avidity; it boils at rf- 190 C., and has a specific gravity of 0.98 at 120. To recondense the gas it must be cooled to -— 20°. The gas density of hydrogen fluoride equals 10 (hydrogen = 1) at ioo°, corresponding to the molecular formula HF1 = 20. At 30°, however, it is twice as large, equalling 20. It follows, therefore, that the molecules of the gas at the latter temperature correspond to the formula H2FI2, and consist of two chemical molecules of HF1. (Compare arsenic trioxide.) The concentrated aqueous solution fumes in the air; when heated HF1 escapes; the boiling temperature increases regu- larly until- constant at 120° C., a solution distils over, the specific gravity of which is 1.15, and its percentage of HF1 35.3. The vapors as well as the solution are poisonous, ex- tremely corrosive, and produce painful wounds Upon the skin. Hydrofluoric acid dissolves all the metals, excepting lead, gold, and platinum, to form fluorides. It decomposes all oxides, even the anhydrides of boric and silicic acids, which it dissolves to form boron and silicon fluorides. Glass, a sil- icate, is also acted upon ; hence the use of the acid for etching this substance. (Compare silicon fluoride.) To do this, coat the glass with a thick layer of wax or paraffin, draw any figure upon it with a pin, and then expose it to the action of the gaseous or liquid HF1. The exposed portions appear etched ; gaseous HF1 furnishes a dim, and liquid HF1 a smooth, trans- parent etching. Vessels of lead, platinum, or caoutchouc are employed for the preservation of hydrofluoric acid, as they are not affected by it. These halogen derivatives of hydrogen show great resem- blance to each other. At ordinary temperatures they form strongly smelling and fuming gases, which by pressure can be condensed to liquids. Their fuming in moist air is due to the fact that they are condensed by the aqueous vapor. Readily soluble in water, they are only partially expelled from their solution by boiling ; solutions of constant quantity distil over ; these may be regarded as chemical combinations of the hal- ogen hydrides with water. As acids they neutralize the bases and form haloid salts, which also can result by the direct union of the halogens with metals. 64 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The densities of the halogen hydrides exhibit a gradation similar to that of the densities of the halogens (page 53) : HF1 HC1 -HBr HI Density, 10. 18.18 40.38 63.7. The difference in chemical deportment corresponds to this gradation. Hydrogen fluoride is the most' stable, and acts most energetically; chlorine combines with hydrogen in sun- light, bromine only at a red heat, while iodine and hydrogen do not react at all. On the other hand, hydrogen iodide is decomposed at a gentle heat (r8o°), into its constituents; the more stable hydrogen bromide at 8oo°, while hydrogen chloride remains unaltered up to 1500° C. Corresponding to this we have the very energetic action of fluorine, and the tol- erably ready action of chlorine upon water, oxygen separating at the same time : H20 -f- Clj = 2HCI + O. Iodine does not act upon water. The opposite reaction occurs: oxygen decomposes hydrogen iodide into water and iodine : 2HI + O = H2Q -(- I2. Bromine occupies an intermediate position between chlorine and iodine ; in aqueous solution it decomposes water into HBr -j- O, while a concentrated solution of hydrogen bro- mide, on the contrary, is partly decomposed by oxygen into water and free bromine. From all the above it is evident that the affinity of fluorine for hydrogen is the greatest; then follow chlorine and bro- mine, and finally, as the least energetic element, we have iodine. (See p. 54.) Thermo-chemistry : A measure of the chemical affinity of the halo- gens for hydrogen, also of the chemical elements and bodies for each other, is afforded by the quantity of heat (heat modulus) disengaged or absorbed in chemical union (compare pp. 23 and 25). This is determined in heat units or calories. That amount of heat is selected as unit which will raise 1 gram of water from o° to i° C. (small calorie). The quantities of the combining elements are expressed in grams, in num- bers corresponding to their atomic weights. Hence in the union of 35.37 grams chlorine (Cl) with 1 gram hydrogen (H), 22,000 calories, and in the union of 79.7 grams bromine with 1 gram hydrogen, 8400 calories are dis- engaged while in the union of 126.5 grams iodine with 1 gram hydrogen, 6040 calories are absorbed. This may be more simply expressed accord- ing to the method of J. Thomsen, as follows: (H,C1) — -f- 22,000. (H,Br) — + 8400. (H,I) = — 6040. HYDROGEN FLUORIDE. 65 The first two reactions, in which heat is liberated, are exothermic, while the heat absorbing combination of iodine with hydrogen represents an endothermic reaction. We. must remind the reader that the observed heo.t modulus is not a direct measure of chemical affinity. The elements do not exist as free atoms, but as molecules that require a definite quantity of heat to decom- pose them into atoms. The union of chlorine with hydrogen proceeds according to the molecular equation : The heat here disengaged indicates that the affinity of 2H for 2CI is 2 X 22000 calories greater than the affinity of H for H -(- Cl for Cl. Simi- larly, the heat absorbed in the formation of hydrogen iodide, shows that the affinity of 2I for 2H is 2 X 6040 calories less than that of the atoms H and I in their molecules. The heat modulus, therefore, is only a rela- tive measure of chemical affinity. The greater the heat developed in a reaction, the more energetically and the more readily will it occur, and in general, the resulting compounds will be the more stable. In accordance with this, as we have seen, chlo- rine and hydrogen unite readily with each other, while in the union of hydrogen and iodine, where heat is absorbed, the combination occurs with difficulty, and can only be effected by the addition of energy (heat). Con- versely, hydrogen iodide is easily decomposed into its elements, while hydrogen chloride is very stable. In its entire chemical deportment, hy- drogen bromide corresponds to its heat of formation, and occupies a posi- tion intermediate between HQ and HI. In similar manner is explained how, according to the law of greatest heat development, iodine is eliminated from its compounds with hydrogen and the metals, by bromine and chlo- rine, and also bromine by chlorine. Remembering the thermal relations in the formation of water, we can explain in the same manner, the varying decomposition of the halogen hydrides by oxygen, and the reverse—that of water by the halogens. To illustrate these interesting relations, let us consider the formation of hydrogen iodide, by action of hydrogen sulphide on iodine (p. 61), corresponding to the reaction: HH + C1C1 = 2HC1. HaS -f-1* = 2III + S. Since in the production of hydrogen iodide, in the above equation, 12080 (= 2 X 6040) calories are absorbed—this reaction cannot occur of itself without added energy. It does take place in the presence of water as the heat afforded by the solution of HI in water is sufficient. In the solution of halogen hydrides, as.well as of other bodies, in water, a considerable amount of heat is set free corresponding to the symbols: (HCl,Aq) = 17,320. (HBr,Aq) = 19,940. (HI,Aq) = 19,210. The heat (38,420 C.) set free by the solution of 2HI in water, exceeds the heat of formation of 2-HI (— 12,080 C.) and the decomposition heat of H2S (—4500 C.), so that the reaction can occur even with disengagement of heat. The transposition is incomplete if the quantity of water employed be small. * * 66 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. COMPOUNDS OF THE HALOGENS WITH EACH OTHER. These compounds, resulting from the union of the halogens, like most of those of chemically similar elements, are very unstable. When chlorine is conducted over dry iodine, the latter being in excess, mono-chlor-iodine results, and when the chlo- rine is in excess, there is formed trichlor-iodine. Iodine Chloride—IC1—is a red crystalline mass, fusing at 24.70 C., and distilling a little above ioo° C. Water de- composes it easily, with formation of iodic acid,-iodine, and hydrogen chloride. Iodine Trichloride—IC13—is formed upon mixing iodic acid with concentrated hydrochloric acid, and by the action of PC15 upon I205. It crystallizes in long, yellow needles, and, when heated, suffers decomposition into IC1 and chlorine (at ordinary pressure, the dissociation commences at 250 C.); dissolves in a little water without alteration ; large quantities cause partial decomposition, with formation of iodic acid. Iodine Bromide—IBr—obtained by thedirect union of the elements, consists of iodine-like crystals, fusing at about 30°. Iodine Pentafluoride—IF1.—is produced by the action of iodine upon silver fluoride, and forms a colorless, strongly fuming liquid. WEIGHT PROPORTIONS IN THE UNION OF THE ELEMENTS. THE LAW OF CONSTANT PROPORTIONS. ATOMIC HYPOTHESIS. If in the halogen derivatives considered, as well as in all other chemical compounds, we determine the quantity of the elements (according to methods described in analytical chem- istry) we will discover that they are always combined with each other in the same proportions by weight. In every chem- ical compound the proportions by weight of the constituents con- tained in it are invariably the same. Thus chemical analysis shows the following percentage composition for the halogen derivatives of hydrogen : H S.o H = 2.7 H = 1.2 K p co FI = 95.0 Cl = 97-3 Br = 98.8 I =99.2 HF1 =100.0 HC1 =100.0 HBr =100.0 HI = 100.0 Experience has shown that hydrogen, of all the elements, enters compounds in the least quantity, therefore its quantity is WEIGHT PROPORTIONS. 67 chosen as unity, and we calculate those weights of the elements which combine with one part by weight of H. In this man- ner we find the following proportions for the halogens: H — i H = i H == i H = i FI = 19 Cl = 35.37 Br — 79.7 I =126.5 HF1 = 20 HC1 = 36.37 HBr = 80.7 HI = 127.5 Experiments have also established the remarkable fact that the same proportions of the halogens by weight are also ob- tained by the union of the same with other elements. Thus 19 parts of FI by weight combine with the following weights of the metals: 23 parts Na, 39 parts K, 32.4 parts Zn, 31.6 parts Cu, 99.9 parts Hg, and 35.37 parts Cl. 79.7 parts Br, and 126.5 Parts I combine with exactly the same quantities of these metals by weight. Let us take another example. On bringing copper into the solution of a mercuric salt the former dissolves, while Hg separates out; indeed, 31.6 parts Cu dis- place 99.9 parts Hg. If zinc be brought into the copper so- lution thus obtained, it will dissolve, while copper separates— and 32.4 parts of Zn separate 31.6 parts Cu. Furthermore, zinc displaces the hydrogen in acids ; from all of them 32.4 parts Zn separate 1 part H. In all these reactions we observe the elements appearing in the same quantities by weight. These remarkable facts are fully verified by experiments. Such facts may be formulated in a rule, and when a rule com- prises a great number of facts—true for all and expressible in numbers—we designate it a law. The facts presented above find their expression in the empirical law of constant proportions, first proposed by Dalton, and reading: The elements combine with each other in definite proportions by weight; and the proportions by weight of two elements remain the same in their'combinations with other elements. Causes underlie facts. The cause is first expressed in the form of a supposition or hypothesis, and when the latter in- cludes a long series of facts, if it is repeatedly substantiated by other phenomena and has acquired a high degree of proba- bility, it is termed a theory. If an hypothesis completely satisfies all the observations to which it refers, it becomes a fact, for the further explanation of which a new hy- pothesis may be necessary. Conversely, something which long passed as a fact or a theory may be shown to be erroneous, if not any longer con- sistent with new observations. Hypothesis and that which we designate a fact, are distinguished really by the different degree of probability only. If for example, we make a sight observation we assume the hypothesis that the same has been caused by an external process, of the reality ot 68 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. which (in distinction from subjective perceptions) we can only assure our- selves by repeated observations. The hypothesis of the revolving of the earth, which at first was only a suitable, improbable supposition, proposed for simplifying calculation, has become a fact. The combustion theory of Lavoisier met a like result. The same may be true with regard to the supposition of atoms—whether we comprehend them as material particles or as ether motion. The law of constant proportions finds its clearest explana- tion in the hypothesis of the existence of atoms. Grecian phi- losophers even conjectured that matter consisted of indivisible and very small particles—atoms (from a privative, and rotioq, division). This a priori supposition was subsequently re- peatedly announced, but Dalton (1804) first gave it an actual confirmation, in that he applied it to the explanation of the law of constant proportions. According to the atomic view, matter.consists of extremely small (although not indefinitely small) particles, atoms, which cannot be further divided, either mechanically or chemically. The atoms of different elements possess different weights; all atoms, however, of one element have the same absolute weight and are like' each other. By the aggregation of the elementary atoms arise the smallest particles of compound bodies. Upon the basis of these representations, the law of constant proportions becomes very simple ; we can comprehend that the quantities of the constituents of a compound should be constant, and that the relative quantities of the elements by weight, must be the same in all their compounds, as they express the relative weights of the atoms. As yet only the relative atomic weights of the elements have been de- termined by chemical researches; in these the hydrogen atoms, as they possess the least weight, have been taken as unity. Until now the knowl- edge of the absolute atomic weight, for chemical considerations, has been unessential. At the present time different physical phenomena permit fixing the absolute size of the atom with considerable approximate accuracy. Very different considerations lead to the same conclusion, that the atoms cannot be smaller than the fifty millionth part of a millimeter (Thomson). We can determine the diameter of the molecules more accurately with the gases. With hydrogen H2 = 4, with N2 = 3, with O2 = 7, it has been found to be the xo millionth part of a millimetre. If we grant that in the preceding halogen-hydrogen com- pounds one atom of hydrogen is .combined with every halogen atom, the conclusion follows, that the ratio found expresses the relative atomic weights of the halogens. This supposition, however, appears questionable, in view of the mor'e compli- cated proportions which occur in the union of some elements. Observation shows, to wit, that very frequently two elements ATOMS, 69 unite with each other in- not only one, but, indeed, several proportions. For example, 35.37 parts of chlorine combine not only with 31.6 parts copper and 99.9 parts mercury, but also with 63.2 parts copper and 199.8 parts mercury. One part, by weight, of hydrogen, combines with 8 parts of oxygen (more accurately 7.98) to form water, and with 16 parts oxy- gen (to form the so-called hydrogen peroxide ) ; further, with 16 and 32 parts sulphur. Oxygen forms five different com- pounds with nitrogen according to the following proportions, by weight: Nitrogen. Oxygen. Nitrous oxide, . . . 14 parts. 8 parts = = I X 8. Nitric oxide, . . . • 14 parts. 16 parts = = 2 X 8. Nitrous anhydride, . . 14 parts. 24 parts = = 3 X 8. Nitrogen dioxide, . . 14 parts. 32 parts = = 4 X 8. Nitric anhydride, . 14 parts. 40 parts .= = 5 X 8. Similar proportions are observed in the union of many- other elements. Therefore, they combine with each accord- ing to several ratios by weight. As we have noticed in the examples given, the varying quantities of one of the ele nts (calculating upon the same quantity of the other element), bear a simple ratio to each other; they are mostly multiples of the smallest quantity. These facts are enunciated in the Law of Multiple P, .portions, also proposed by Dalton (1807), which forms an essential amplification of the law of constant proportions. Based on the atomic hypothesis, these facts are explained by saying that the elements can not only unite with each other, atom for atom, but in variable numbers. This considerably complicates the problem of determining the relative atomic weights of the elements, as these are directly dependent upon the conceived number of atoms in a com- pound. If, for example, in water, one atom of hydrogen is combined with one atom of oxygen, the atomic weight of the latter would = 8 (regarding that of hydrogen as 1). It is just as likely that water consists of two atoms of H and O, or of one of H and two of O, etc.; in the first case the atomic weight of O would = 16, in the latter = 4. • Analytical results afford nothing positive for the solution of this difficulty. This was the condition in which the.question relating to the magnitude of the atomic weights existed thirty years ago. To establish these correctly, various views were allowed to prevail, none, however, with positive foundation. The question can only be solved upon a new and accurate basis: the specific gravities of the chemical compounds in a gaseous or vapor form answer well for this purpose. 70 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. DENSITY OF BODIES IN STATE OF GAS. VOLUME RATIO IN THE UNION OF GASES. ATOMIC MOLECULAR THEORY. The halogens, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine, unite with hydrogen in only one proportion. The supposition, therefore, that in the halogen-hydrogen compounds, 1 atom of H is combined with 1 atom of the halogen, is the simplest and most probable. Then their weight proportions, derived from analysis directly express their relative atomic weights. By comparing these atomic numbers (referring to H = 1) with those expressing the density in a state of gas (also referred to H = 1) the astonishing result is seen that the two series are identical. Elements. Density Air = i Density. Hydrogen = 1 Atomic Weights. Hydrogen, 0.0692 I I Fluorine, • (1-31) (19) 19 Chlorine, • 2-45 35-37 35-37 Bromine, 5-52 79-7 79-7 Iodine, 8-75 126.5 126.5 From this similarity of the atomic (combination) weights with the densities, follows the cogent conclusion that in equal volumes of these elementary gases there is contained an equal number of atoms. Indeed, if in one volume of hydrogen, for example, there are contained iooo atoms of hydrogen, which equal iooo weight units, and in a like volume of chlorine there are also present iooo atoms of chlorine, which equal iooo X 35-37 weight units, then it is evident, that the rela- tion between the atomic weights, and that between the densi- ties (the weights of like gas volumes) must be the same. 1000 X 1 iooo X 35.4 1 vol. Hydrogen. 1 vol. Chlorine. These relations can be expressed by the following rule: The atomic weights of the halogen elements are proportional or equal to their densities, if referred to the same unit. Yielding to a too hasty generalization, this was incorrectly followed for all elements. We arrive at a perfectly similar, but much more general conclusion, by the consideration of the physical properties of GAS VOLUME. 71 gases or vapors. The similar deportment of the same under pressure (law of Mariotte and Boyle), their similar expansi- bility by heat (law of Charles and Dalton, ordinarily the law of Gay-Lussac), only appear comprehensible by the following suppositions. The gases consist of small portions of matter, which are separated by equal distances, very great in pro- portion to the particles (the distances of the centres are equal and suffer equal alterations.) It immediately follows from this, that equal numbers of particles are contained in equal volumes of all gases (under like temperature and pressure). The kinetic gas theory, based on the same supposition, explains the similar deportment of gases by the equal kinetic energy of the smallest gaseous particles. From the proposition, that in equal volumes an equal num- ber of particles is present, it follows directly that their relative weights are proportional to the volume weights or gas densities, and that by the determination of the latter, the first are also given. In what ratio these smallest particles (called mole- cules) stand to the chemically smallest particles (atoms), re- mains, first of all, undetermined, and can only be obtained by a comparison of the volume ratios according to which the bodies combine (p. 70). It is, however, even now seen that, at least in the case of compound bodies, the smallest gas par- ticles must be sums of atoms, as the same consist of combina- tions of atoms. It follows, from the equality of the atomic weights and the densities, that the halogens must combine with hydrogen in equal volumes, since 1 part of H by weight combines with 35.37 parts of chlorine by weight, etc., and the weights of equal gas volumes stand in the same ratio. Further: 1 part H and 35.37 parts chlorine yield 36.37 parts HC1; one volume of the latter weighs, however, 18.1 (H = 1, p. 77); conse- quently, 36.3 parts HC1 occupy 2 volumes. Therefore, equal volumes of H and Cl yield a double volume of HC1, or, as ordinarily expressed, 1 volume H and 1 volume Cl yield 2 volumes HC1. In a similar manner it may be deduced that 1 volume H and 1 volume Br vapor yield 2 volumes HBr ; that 1 volume H and 1 volume I vapor yield 2 volumes HI. These conclusions are confirmed by the following experiments: i. The concentrated aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid is decom- posed by the action of the galvanic current, and the chlorine and hydrogen collected; these gases separate at opposite poles. The electrolysis may be made in an ordinary voltameter (Fig. 46). Hofmann’s apparatus is better 72 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. adapted to this purpose (Fig. 47). Two glass cylinders, provided at the top with stop-cocks, are connected at the lower end with each other and with a funnel tube; the latter serves to till the apparatus with liquid; and also by further additions, to press out the gases collected in the tubes. The platinum electrodes are fused into the lower part of both tubes. In another form of Hofmann’s apparatus (Fig. 48) the electrodes are introduced by means of caoutchouc corks. When the separating gases (in this case the chlo- rine) attack the platinum, carbon electrodes are substituted for the latter. To electrolyze hydrogen chloride, fill the ap- paratus with concentrated hydrochloric acid, which is mixed with ten volumes of a saturated salt solution ; close the upper cocks, and connect the electrodes with the poles of the battery. Gases separate in both tubes, and in equal volumes ; that separated at the positive pole may be proved to be chlorine; the other combustible gas is hy- drogeti. This experiment shows that hydrogen chloride decomposes into equal volumes of chlorine and hydrogen. The opposite—the production of HC1 by the union of equal volumes of H and Cl—is shown in the next ex- periment : Fig. 46. Fig. 47- 2. Fill a cylindrical glass tube, provided with stop-cocks at both ends (Fig. 49), with equal volumes of chlorine and hydrogen. This is most GAS VOLUME, 73 conveniently done by conducting the gaseous mixture obtained by the elec- trolysis of HC1 into the dry tube. (The tube should be filled in the. dark, as the gases combine in daylight.) When the tube is filled with the mix- ture, sunlight or magnesium light is brought to bear upon it, when chemical union ensues. On immersing the lower end of the tube in water, and opening the lower cock, the water will rapidly fill the tube, as the hydrogen chloride that was produced dissolves; all hydrogen and all chlorine have disappeared. 3. A modification of this experiment teaches us another important fact whjch has reference to the ratio of the volume of the hydrogen chloride to the volumes of its constituents. If the tube filled with equal volumes of Cl and H be opened, under Hg, after the explosion, no diminu- tion in volume will be detected, although the mixture of Cl and H has been changed to hydro- gen chloride. It follows from this that a mixture of equal volumes of Cl and H affords the same volume of HC1, or, as ordinarily expressed, one vol- FiG.48. Fig. 49. time of Cl and one volume of H yield two volumes of hydrogen chlo- ride. The following experiment confirms this conclusion: Into a bent tube (Fig. 50), filled with Hg, conduct dry HC1 and then introduce in the bend of the upper part a little piece of metallic sodium. On heating the latter with a lamp, the FIC1 is decompos-ed, the Cl combines with the Na to form sodium chloride, while hydrogen is set free. Upon measuring the residual hydrogen it will be found that its volume is exactly the half of the 74 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. volume of HC1 originally introduced. In the same manner may be shown the fact that in two volumes of HBr and HI there is con- tained in each one volume of H. It follows further from the densities of bro- mine and iodine vapors, that the quantities of these elements in gas form com- bining with one volume of hydrogen also occupy one volume. Hence, one vol- ume of hydrogen and one volume of bromine vapor yield two volumes of HBr, and one volume of hydrogen and one volume of iodine vapor two volumes of HI. 111G~ 5°~ The volume ratios in the chemical union of gases were first investigated by Humboldt and Gay-Lussac (1805-1808). The latter derived the two following empirical laws by experiment: (1) Gases unite according to simple volume ratios; (2) The volume of the resulting body bears a simple ratio to the volumes of the constituents. Comparing this fact announced by Gay-Lussac, that in the chemical union of gases simple volume ratios do occur, with that discovered by Dal- ton (p. 67), that the quantities by weight of the combining elements also bear a simple ratio, and granting the atomic constitution of matter, it fol- lows that the number of smallest gas particles (molecules) contained in equal volumes of different gases must bear a simple ratio to each other: the simplest supposition, however, would be that this number of molecules in equal volumes of all gases is the same. These important conclusions were deduced by Avogadro in 1811, and by Ampere in 1814. As deduced on page 71, and confirmed by the described experiments, the quantities of the halogen-hydrogen com- pounds by weight, expressed by the chemical formulas, HC1, HBr, HI, occupy a volume twice as large as one part by weight of H, or 35.37 parts Cl, 79.7 parts bromine, 126.5 parts iodine. While the gas densities of the elements are equal to their atomic weights (p. 70) those of the compound bodies, consequently amount to half that expressed by their formulas. From this it would follow that in equal volumes of compound bodies only half as many atoms or particles are present as in an equal volume of an elementary form of matter. In fact, one volume of H, containing n atoms of H, combines with one volume of chlorine, which, too, contains n atoms of Cl. n parts HC1 result, which fill two volumes; there- fore, there are only \ parts of HC1 contained in one volume of HC1: ATOMS AND MOLECULES. 75 nH + nCl = nHCl. I vol. I vol. 2 vols. This conclusion contradicts the general postulate (p. 71), derived from the physical properties, viz., that all gases, both simple and compound, contain the same number of gaseous particles in equal volumes. This contradiction, which for a long time prevented the adoption of the atomic volume theory in chemical science, is now easily solved by the following supposition of Avogadro, announced in 1811. It is necessary to distinguish two different kinds of particles: molecules and atoms. The smallest discrete particles in gases are not atoms, but molecules, which consist of several atoms. That the mole- cules of compounds consist of atoms, is obvious, since, indeed, the same represent aggregates of atoms; but the elements also form molecules in a free condition, which are composed of several, generally, of two atoms. The previously deduced rule (p. 70), that in equal gas volumes of the. halogen elements there is contained an equal number of atoms must be formu- lated somewhat as follows: In equal volumes of all gases is found an equal number of molecules (law of Avogadro). The process of the combination of hydrogen with chlorine (and the other halogens) must be conceived therefore to be somewhat like the following : 1 molecule of H, containing 2 atoms of H, acts upon 1 molecule Cl, also composed of two atoms of Cl, and there result 2 molecules of HC1: Hi, 4- Cl> = 2HC1. We can now understand that hydrogen chloride contains just as many molecules in an equal volume as H and Cl. This is apparent from the following representation : nll2 nCl2 nllCl nllCl In a similar manner 2 volumes H (containing 2n molecules) give with 1 volume oxygen (containing n molecules), 2 vol- umes aqueous vapor; consequently, 2n molecules of water. In 2n molecules of the latter (H20) there are contained 2n atoms of O ; therefore in n molecules of oxygen, 2n atoms of oxygen—or one oxygen molecule consists 0/2 atoms. i volume. i volume. 2 volumes. 76 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. nH2 n02 Yield nH20 nH20 nH2 i vol. 2 Vols. 2 vols. In the same way it may be shown that the nitrogen mole- cule consists of 2 atoms of nitrogen (N2), the phosphorus molecule, of 4 atoms of phosphorus (P4), etc., etc. This peculiar result, following from the law of Avogadro, that the molecules of the elements consist of several atoms, etc., is shown by many other circumstances founded on facts. For example, by the existence of the allotropic modifications of the elements (compare ozone), by the chemical reactions (compare hydrogen peroxide), and by the remarkable action of the elements in the moment of their liberation. Upon p. 50 we said that the oxygen separated from water by chlorine acted much more energetically than free oxygen. Other elements, especially hydrogen, behave similarly in the moment of formation—in statu nascendi. As viewed by the atomic molecular theory, this may be very easily explained. The free elements (their molecules) are compounds of similar atoms whose chemical affinity has always been partially satis- fied. In the moment of their separation from compounds free atoms appear, which, before they combine to molecules, must act more energetically. All that has been developed in the preceding statements may be summarized in the following sentences: All bodies are composed of elementary atoms. The latter unite to pro- duce the molecules of the simple and compound bodies. Molecules are the smallest discrete particles existing in a free state. ’ The same number of molecules is contained in equal volumes of all gaseous and vapor-forming bodies. Therefore, the gas densities bear the same ratio to each other as the mole- cular weights. The density is generally compared with that of hydrogen = 1, therefore, the gas densities (the specific gravities of gases) of all bodies are one-half, their molecular weights. The atomic weights are compared with H — 1, ATOMS AND MOLECULES. 77 therefore, the densities of the elements whose molecules con- sist of two atoms, are equal to the atomic weights : Atoms. Molecules. Density. H _ j H2 2 I Cl = 35-37 Cl, = 70.74 35-37 Br = 79-7 Br2 = 159-4 79-7 I = 126.5 I2 = 253 126.5 HC1 = 36.37 18.18 HBr = 80.7 40.3 HI = 127-5 63-7 O = I5-96 o2 = 31.92 15.96 H20 = 17.9 8.9 N = 14 N2 = 28 14 nh3 = 17 8-5 P = 3i P4 = 124 62 ph3 = 34 ‘7 A simpler deduction, that the molecules of the elements consist of two or more atoms, is the following: We proceed from the law of Avogadro, that an equal number of molecules is contained in equal volumes of all gases or vapors. This law, or better, hypothesis, cannot be proven mathe- matically, as was attempted; just as little as any other fundamental hy- pothesis*—but it possesses, as basis of the entire recent kinetic theory of gases, a high degree of probability. It necessarily follows from this law that the molecular weights of all bodies are proportional to the gas densities. Referred to hydrogen as unit, the empirical gas densities of HC1 = 18.18, of HBr = 40.3, of HI == 63.7, etc. Analysis shows, how- ever, that 35-37 parts of Cl are in union with 1 part II in HC1, 79.7 bro- mine in HBr, 126.5 iodine in HI. As the weight of one atom of H is made equal to 1, and 35.37 parts of chlorine are combined with it, the weight of a molecule of hydrogen chloride, consisting of at least one atom of H and one atom of Cl, must equal 36.37 ; it is, therefore, twice as much as its density, 18.18. Hence the molecular weights of all other bodies, as they bear the same ratio as the densities, must also be twice as large (referred to H as unit) as the latter. The hydrogen molecule is = 2, and consists of two atoms,as its atomic weight equals 1. The chlorine molecule weighs 70.74 units, and consists of two atoms (CI2), if we suppose that the atomic weight= 35.37. Its atomic weight could, however, be only the half (or another sub-multiple) of 35.37; then its molecule would consist of four chlorine atoms (Cl* = 70.74 when Cl is made equal to 17.6), and the for- mula of hydrogen chloride would be IICI2. From the densities of the elements in gas form we only ascertain their molecular weights. Their atomic weights are derived from the molecular weights of their compounds, as we regard the smallest quantity of the element which analysis discloses * A mathematical proof is only possible upon the basis of another, more general, quantitative hypothesis (or of an axiom), which then on its side is not to be adduced. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. in the molecule of any compound as the atomic weight. Thus, in the mole- cule of any compound of chlorine there are never less than 35.37 parts by weight of Cl. That the maximum values thus derived have not been found too high, but correspond to the actual relative atomic weights, follows from the agreement of these numbers with the atomic numbers obtained from the specific heat of the elements. The complete certainty of their correctness we reach by the law of periodicity, which is formed from these numbers. Taking one atom of hydrogen as the unit of weight and volume, then two parts by weight of H, or one molecule (H,2), would occupy two volumes. We say, therefore, although in- correctly, that the molecules fill two volumes, and designate the molecular formulas double volume formulas. The volume of molecules and atoms is, however, unknown to us; we only know that in equal gas volumes there is contained an equal number of molecules. These convincing suppositions and conclusions deduced from these actual relations, form the atomic molecular doctrine, which is the foundation of the chemistry of to-day. As this doctrine completely explains the quantitative phenomena arising in the action of the chemical elements upon each other, and as it has been repeatedly confirmed by entirely op- posite phenomena, it is only proper and correct that it be designated a theory (p. 67). In this group are included the elements oxygen, sulphur, selenium, and tellurium. They are perfectly analogous in their chemical deportment. They unite with two atoms of hydrogen. OXYGEN GROUP. o .= 15.96. 02 = 31.9. x. OXYGEN. Oxygen (oxygenium) is the most widely distributed element in nature. It is found free in the air ; in combination it exists in water. It is an important constituent of most of the min- eral and organic substances. It was discovered, almost simultaneously, by Priestley, in England, 1774, and Scheele, in Sweden, 1775. Lavoisier, in France, 1774-1781, first explained the important role attached to oxygen in processes of combustion, of respiration, and of oxidation. oxygen. 79 Preparation.—Heat red mercuric oxide, a compound of mercury with oxygen, in a small glass retort; in this way the oxide is decomposed into mercury and gaseous oxygen: Hg0=Hg + 0. The following method is, commonly pursued in the chemi- cal laboratory: Potassium chlorate, a compound of potassium, Fig. 51. chlorine and oxygen, is heated in a glass retort (Fig. 51) or flask, and thus decomposed into solid potassium chloride and oxygen: KCIO3 = KC1 + 3O * The evolution of the gas proceeds more regularly and re- quires a less elevated temperature if the pulverized chlorate be mixed with ferric oxide or manganese peroxide. The liberated oxygen is collected over water. Very pure oxygen may also be obtained by heating potas- sium dichromate with sulphuric acid : K2Cr207 + 4H2S04 = Cr2(S04)s + K2S04 + 4H20 + 3O. Besides these, many other methods may be employed for the preparation of the gas: e.g., the ignition of manganese * The chemical equations used here and previously are only intended to represent the manner of the reaction, and to express the accompanying relative quantities by weight. It should not be forgotten that free atoms do not exist, but that they always occur combined in molecules. Molecu- larly written the equation would be: 2 KCIO3 = 2 KC1 + 3 O2. 80 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and barium peroxides; the decomposition of sulphuric acid at a high heat; the boiling of a solution of bleaching lime with a cobalt salt, etc. These methods, applied technically, will be considered more fully later. Properties.—Oxygen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas, which is condensed to a transparent liquid, of specific gravity 0.978, at —130°, under a pressure of 470 atmospheres. Its density equals 15.96 (H = 1), or 1.1060 (air =). One litre of oxygen at o° C., and 760 mm. pressure, weighs 1.4296 grams, (15.96 times more than one litre of hydrogen). It is only slightly soluble in water; 100 volumes of the latter dis- solve 4.1 volumes of the gas at o°, and 2.9 volumes at 150. It is more readily dissolved by absolute alcohol (28 volumes in 100 volumes). Oxygen combines with all the elements excepting fluorine. With most of them it unites directly, accompanied by the evo- lution of light and heat. The combustion of bodies which burn in the air depends On their union with oxygen, which is present in the same to the amount of 23 per cent. The phe- nomena of the respiration of animals are also influenced by the contact of the oxygen of the air—hence the earlier desig- nations of oxygen as inflammable air, and vital air. In pure oxygen the phenomena of combustion proceed more energeti- cally. Ignited charcoal or an ignited sliver inflame immedi- ately in the gas, and burn with a bright light. This test serves for the recognition of pure oxygen. Sulphur and phosphorus ignited in the air burn in it with an intense light (Fig. 52). Fig. 52. Fig. 53. Even iron is able to burn in the gas. To execute this experi- ment, take a steel watch spring, previously ignited, attach a match to the end, ignite the same, and then introduce the spring into a vessel filled with oxygen gas (Fig. 53). At once the match inflames and ignites the iron, which burns with an OXYGEN. 81 exceedingly intense light and emits sparks. (To protect the vessel from the fusing globules of iron oxide, cover the bottom with a lajcr of sand.) Iron will burn in any flame if a cur- rent of oxygen be conducted into the same. Oxygen combines with hydrogen to form water. The union occurs at a red heat, by the electric spark or by the action of platinum sponge (p. 45). Hydrogen burns in oxygen with a flame; vice versa, oxygen must also burn in hydrogen; this may be demonstrated in the same manner as indicated under hydrogen chloride (p. 54). A mixture of hydrogen and oxy- gen detonates violently; most strongly if the proportions are 1 volume of oxygen and 2 volumes of hydrogen ;• such a mix- ture is known as oxy-hydrogen gas. The explosibility may be shown in a harmless way by the following experiment: Fill a narrow-necked flask of 4-6 ounces, over water, 2/i with hydro- Fig. 54. gen, and oxygen ; close the opening with a cork, then wrap the flask up in a towel, remove the cork and bring a flame near the opening. A violent explosion ensues, generally with complete breaking of the flask. The oxy-hydrogen flame is only faintly luminous; it pos- sesses, however, a very high temperature, answering, therefore, for the melting of the most difficultly fusible substances, e.g., platinum. To get a continuous oxy-hydrogen flame, efflux tubes of peculiar construction are employed (Fig. 54); through the outer tube, W, hydrogen is brought from a gasometer; oxygen is conveyed through the inner A, and the mixture ig- nited at a. Such a flame impinging on a piece of burnt lime makes the latter glow and emit an extremely bright light— Drummond's LimeLight. The union of oxygen with other substances, is termed oxida- tion. This term, as well as the name oxygenium (from and yes-wzto), or acid producer, arises from the fact that acids 82 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. are sometimes formed in oxidation. This the combustion ex- periments, previously mentioned, prove. If the vessels, for instance, in which carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus were burned, be shaken up with water, the latter will give an acid taste, and redden blue litmus paper. It was formerly thought that the formation of acids is always conditioned by oxygen. We have, however, already noticed that the haloid acids HC1, HBr, and HI, contain no oxygen. Some of the ele- ments yield acids by their union with oxygen, or more cor- rectly oxides, which form acids with water. Most of these are the metalloids. Thus the following corresponding acids are derived from the acid-forming oxides of sulphur and phos- phorus : Sulphur trioxide. S03 + H20 = h2so4 Sulphuric acid. p2o6 + h2o = 2HPO3 Phosphorus pentoxide. Metaphosphoric acid. With oxygen the metals usually yield oxides, which form hydroxides (hydrates) or bases with water: Pot. oxide. K20 + HaO = 2KOH Potas. hydroxide. CaO + H20 = Ca (OH), Calcium oxide. Calc, hydroxide. The salts are produced by the alternating action of acids and bases (see p. 58). Thirdly, there exist the so-called indifferent oxides, which yield neither acids nor bases, with water, e.g., N20 NO Ba02 Nitrous oxide. Nitric oxide. Barium peroxide. Oxidation is not only induced by free oxygen or bodies rich in it, but, frequently, also, by the halogens ; in the latter case the halogens first decompose the water with the elimination of oxygen, which then oxidizes further (compare p. 49). The opposite of oxidation, the removal of oxygen, is called reduction. Hydrogen (in statu nascendi), and substances giv- ing it off easily (as HI), have a reducing action. Most of the metallic oxides are reduced at a red heat, by hydrogen, e.g. : • CuO + Ha = Cu + II20. Copper oxide. Copper. OZONE. 83 OZONE, Og.. Ozone, discovered in 1840, by Scbonbein, is a peculiar modification of oxygen, characterized by a remarkable odor and great ability to react, therefore it is called active oxygen. It is obtained from oxygen in various ways; it is almost always produced when this gas is liberated, or when it takes part in a reaction; thus, in the decomposition of peroxides by con- centrated sulphuric acid, in the electrolysis of water (at the positive pole), in the slow oxidation of moist phosphorus, in the combustion of hydrocarbons, and in the action of* the so-called silent discharge in an atmosphere of oxygen or fir. In none of these instances is all the oxygen ever converted into ozone; only a small portion—in most favorable conditions 5-6 per cent, this change. The following methods serve for the preparation of ozone: I. Bring several pieces of stick phosphorus into a spacious flask, cover them about half with water, and allow them to stand for some hours. Or conduct oxygen over pieces of phosphorus placed in a glass tube and Fig. 55. moistened with water. Ozone is also formed abundantly when a potas- sium bichromate solution is substituted for water. 2. Pass the electric spark from an electrical machine or a Ruhmkorfif coil through air or oxygen. The silent discharge from a powerful induc- tion current is better.- For this purpose we can employ a Siemen’s induc- tion tube (Fig. 55) which consists of a glass tube covered without with tin foil, in the interior of which is a smaller tube coated upon its inner side. The oxygen circidates between the two tubes; the two coatings are in connection with the induction spiral, or the poles of a Iloltz electric machine. 84 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 3. Gradually add barium peroxide in small portions (or potassium per- manganate) to cold sulphuric acid: Ba02 + H2S04 ;= BaSQ4 -f H20 + O. The.escaping oxygen is tolerably rich in ozone, and is collected over water. Ozone possesses a highly penetrating, chlorine-like odor (phosphorus odor), which by prolonged respiration produces bad results. In a long layer, ozone shows a bluish color. Ozonized air, subjected to powerful pressure (150 atmospheres) at*avery low temperature, yields drops of an indigo-blue color; these appear to be pure ozone. Ozone is rather stable at the or- dinary temperature ; when heated to 300° C., it reverts to ordi- nary oxygen. It is somewhat soluble in pure water ; the larger portion of it is, however, converted by the water into oxygen, without formation of hydrogen peroxide. Unlike ordinary oxy- gen, ozone, especially in a moist state, oxidizes strongly at ordinary temperatures. Phosphorus, sulphur, and arsenic are converted into phosphoric, sulphuric, and arsenic acids ; ammo- nia is changed to nitrous and nitric acid ; silver and lead are converted into the corresponding peroxides ; therefore paper moistened with a lead salt is colored brown. Iodine is sepa- rated from potassium iodide by it: 2Ki 4- h2o + o = 2KOH + i2. It also oxidizes all organic substances, like caoutchouc; therefore the apparatus used in its preparation must not be constructed of the latter. Solutions of dye stuffs, like-indigo and litmus, are decolorized. Very characteristic for ozone is its ability to turn an alcoholic solution of guaiacum tincture blue. For the detection of ozone the ordinary potassium iodide starch paper (Schonbein) may be used. This is prepared by immersing white tissue paper in a starch solution mixed with potassium iodide. The iodine which the ozone liberates from the potassium iodide blues the starch paper. The quantity of ozone may be approximately determined from' the rapidity and the intensity of the coloration; the reactive power is, however, very much influenced by aqueous vapor. Thallous hydrate is a-more reliable reagent for ozone than the potassium-iodide paper. Guaiacum tincture and paper saturated with a lead acetate solution may also be used to detect ozone; the first acquires a blue color, the second is browned. Other substances also blue potassium iodized starch and guaiacum, eg., chlorine, bromine, niti'ogen dioxide, etc., etc. To distinguish ozone from these, proceed as follows ( Houzeau): Take two strips of violet litmus paper, one of which is saturated with KI, and expose it to the action of the gas; when O3 is present OZONE. 85 potassium hydroxide will be formed from the KI, and color the violet lit- mus blue. The second paper serves to show the absence of ammonia. The preceding reactions of ozone are all produced by hydrogen peroxide, although less rapidly. The only test answering for the distinction of very slight quantities of ozone from hydrogen peroxide, is the blackening of a bright strip of silver by ozone. Ozone is formed from pure oxygen, and is nothing more than the latter condensed. The molecules consist of 3 atoms of O: 3 Vols. oxygen. 302 yield 2 vols. ozone. 2O3. This is proved by the following experiments: In ozonizing oxygen its volume diminishes ; upon heating (whereby ozone is again changed to oxygen), the original volume is reproduced ; when ozonized oxygen is brought in contact with oil of tur- pentine or cinnamon, all the ozone is. absorbed and the vol- ume of the gas is diminished. Comparing this diminution, corresponding to the ozone volume, with the expansion which an equal volume of ozonized oxygen suffers after the applica- tion of heat, we will find that the first is twice as large as the latter; this indicates that 1 volume of ozone yields 1 y2 vol- umes of oxygen. From this it follows that the specific gravity of ozone must be times greater than-that of ordinary oxy- gen, and that if the molecule of O consists of 2 atoms, the molecule of ozone must contain 3 atoms. This conclusion is confirmed by the specific gravity of ozone derived experiment- ally from the velocity of diffusion. The density of ozone is found to be 24 (H =z 1); the molecular weight of it, therefore, is 24 x 2 = 48, a number almost equal to the trebled at- omic weight of oxygen (3 X 15.97 — 47-9)- The molecular formula of ozone is, therefore, 03. A diminution in the volume of the gas does not occur in the action of ozone upon oxidizable bodies like KI and Hg, although all the ozone disappears. It would appear from this, that in oxidizing, ozone only acts with one atom of oxygen, while the other two atoms form free oxygen, which occupies the same volume as the ozone : O3 2KI — 02 -j- K20 I2. I vol. I vol. As a consequence of this behavior, ozone is also called oxid- ized oxygen ; i.e., free, oxygen (02), which has combined with an additional oxygen atom. 86 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. We observe, therefore, that the elementary substance oxygen occurs in free'condition in two different forms—allotropic modifications—ordinary oxygen (02) and ozone (03). We will learn later that very frequently substances of the same elementary composition possess different physical and chemical properties ; such bodies are called isomerides and the phenom- enon isomerism. The isomerism of the elements is known as allotropy ; this is accounted for (as in the case of oxygen and sulphur) by the different number of atoms in the molecule. The phenomena of isomerism constitute an important argu- ment for the atomic constitution of matter. If in the chem- ical union of two bodies the particles of matter would entirely permeate and blend into each other, the existence of isomeric bodies would scarcely be comprehensible. We can therefore only suppose a co-stratification of the atoms, and must con- sider isomerism as only a varied arrangement of the same. Special allotropy verifies the conclusion drawn from the gas density that the molecules of the elements are composed of atoms. We have already seen that ozone is absorbed, not only by turpentine and cinnamon oil, but also by other ethereal oils. These bodies are, however, only very slowly oxidized; the ozone is contained in them in a peculiar, combined condition. In this form it acts upon some bodies like free ozone ; in other instances, the oxidizing action is only rendered possible by peculiar substances which carry the ozone. Spongy pla- tinum, ferrous sulphate, and the blood corpuscles are examples of this class. Thus, old turpentine oil, containing absorbed ozone, only acts on paper saturated with starch and potassium iodide, if a few drops of a ferrous sulphate solution have been added to it. . Since ozone is formed when electricity acts upon air, and indeed, probably, in all oxidation and combustion processes; and, further, potassium iodide starch paper is blued when ex- posed to the air ; it was believed that ozone was a constant constituent of atmospheric air (i-io milligrams in ioo litres of air); according to recent investigations it is, however, prob- able that the imagined ozone reactions are frequently produced by hydrogen peroxide, which is very similar to ozone in re- action (p. 85), and is almost constantly in the air (Schone). Antozone, which was regarded as a third peculiar modifi- cation of oxygen, has been proved to be hydrogen peroxide. 87 WATER. COMPOUNDS OF OXYGEN WITH HYDROGEN. H20 = 17.97. Density = 8.98. 1. WATER. Water, the product of the union of hydrogen with oxygen (p. 81), is produced in many chemical processes, e.g., in the formation of salts from bases and acids (p. 58). Cavendish was the first (1781) to confirm the formation of water by the combustion of hydrogen. * Lavoisier first (1783) determined its quantitative composition. Later (1805) Gay- Lussac showed that it was produced by the union of two volumes of hydrogen with one volume of oxygen. Physical Properties.—It is obtained chemically pure by the distillation of naturally occurring water, which always contains other matter dissolved in it. It appears in all three states of aggregation; in the liquid, gaseous (steam), and solid (ice, snow). When water is cooled it contracts and attains its great- est density at -f- 40 C., the maximum contraction. The weight of a cubic centimeter of such water is taken as the unit of weight (= i gram). By further cooling the water expands— the opposite of most other bodies; its volume becomes greater, while.the specific gravity decreases. The following table gives the volume and specific gravity of wat6r for different temperatures (according to Kopp): Temperature. Volume. Specific Gravity. o° 1.00012 O.99988 2° 1.00003 O.99997 4° * I.OOOOO I.OOOOO 6° I.OOOO3 0.99997 8° . I.OOOI I 0.99989 IO° I.OOO25 0.99975 12° I.OOO44 0.99956 i4° 1.00068 0.99932 16° • • I.OOO97 0.99903 18° I.OOI3I 0.99869 20° I.OO169 0.99831 22° 1.002X2 0.99789 240 I.OO259 0.99742 By cooling water solidifies to ice. The solidification-tem- perature of water, or more correctly the fusing point of ice, is taken as the zero of Celsius’s and Reaumur’s thermometric 88 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. scales. We can, however, reduce still water considerably be- low the o° point without its freezing, whilst the fusing point of ice, like all other solid bodies, is constant (at a definite pressure). Critical Pressure.—Carnelley has recently made the interesting obser- vation of the dependence of the fusibility of bodies upon pressure. Just as there exists a definite temperature, for every gas (the critical tempera- ture, p. 42) beyond which it cannot be condensed, so is there a minimum pressure below which solid bodies are no longer fusible, but vaporize without fusion. If ice be placed in a vessel that is exhausted under an air-pump, it will be discovered that under a pressure of 4.6 mm. it ceases to melt", but vaporizes directly. The critical pressure of ice is, therefore, 4.6 mm. This deportment is better observed in the case of mercuric chloride, HgCl2, whose critical temperature lies near 420 mm. It was known long ago that some bodies (like arsenic) were at once vaporized w'hen heated in the air or in a vacuum, and that they could only be melted in sealed tubes : their critical pressure, therefore, lies above 760 m. It has only recently been established that fusibility is universally influenced by pressure. Ill the conversion of water into ice, a considerable expan- sion occurs: ioo vols. H20 at o° yield 107 vols. ice; the specific gravity of the latter is, therefore, 0.93. Ice crystal- lizes in hexagonal forms, as may be distinctly observed in snow-flakes. Different bodies require different quantities of heat to bring them to the same temperature. The heat capacity of water is greater than that of all other liquid or solid bodies. It is customary to take the quantity of heat necessary to raise one part by weight of H20 from o° C., to i° C., as the unit of heat, or calorie. In the passage of a liquid to the solid state heat is always set free, while, on the other hand, in the fusion of the solid heat is absorbed. The latent heat of water equals 79 calories; that means, that for the fusion of one part of ice bv weight, a quantity of heat is required which is capable of raising one part H20 from o° to 790 C. Water boils upon the application of heat, and is converted into steam. The boiling temperature, like that of all other liquids, depends on the pressure; it is also influenced by the substances dissolved in it, although the temperature of the vapors is constant (at a given pressure). The temperature of the steam escaping from water at the ordinary pressure of 760 mm. is = ioo° of the thermometric scale of Celsius (=8o° Reaumur). WATER. 89 One volume of water, at ioo° C., yields 1696 volumes of vapor of the same temperature. The specific gravity of steam __ 17.97 __ g or = o.622(air = 1). One 2 14-43 litre of aqueous vapor weighs 0.8064 grams (at o°). The vaporization of water, and of other liquids, occurs not only at the boiling point, but also at lower temperatures. The tension of the vapors is measured by the height of the mercurial column, which holds it in eqnilibrio. The following table gives the tension of aqueous vapor for various temperatures: Temperature. Tension. Temperature. Tension. —20° C. 0.93 mm. 40° C. 54 9 mm. —io° C. 2.09 mm. 6o° C. 148.8 mm * o° C. 4.0 mm. 8o° C. 354.6 mm. + io° C. 9.1 mm. 1 oo° C. 760.0 mm. 20° C. 17.4 mm. 120° C. 1491.0 mm. Moist gases, therefore, occupy a larger volume than those which are dry. The above table will answer to reduce the observed volume of a moist gas to its volume when dry, by deducting from the observed atmospheric pressure the tension of steam (in mm.) corresponding to the given tem- perature. (Compare p. 120.) A definite quantity of heat, requisite for the conversion of a liquid into a vapor, is applied to internal and external work; therefore, it disappears as heat, or becomes latent. The latent heat of the evaporation of water equals 536.5 heat units at ioo° C.; i e., for the conversion of one part of water of ioo° C., into vapor of the same temperature, a quantity of heat will be absorbed capable of raising 536.5 parts of H20 from o° to i° will be absorbed. In consequence of the evaporation of water, the gases sep- arating from an aqueous solution are always moist. To dry the same, conduct them over such substances as will be able to take up the moisture, e.g., calcium chloride, stick potash, sulphuric acid, phosphorus anhydride (compare page 40). Many solids abstract moisture from the air without chemically uniting with it; to dry these let them stand in an enclosed space over sulphuric acid (dessicators). The Natural Waters.—As water dissolves many solid, liquid, and gaseous compounds, all naturally occurring waters contain 90 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. foreign admixtures. The purest natural water is rain and snow water ; it contains upwards of 3 per cent, by volume of gases (oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide), and traces of solids (the ammonium salts of nitrous and nitric acids). If water that has been standing exposed to the air be heated, the dis- solved gases escape in bubbles. River and spring waters contain, on an average, from 1 to 20 parts of solid constituents in 10,000 parts. Water having much lime and gypsum present in it, is ordinarily known as hard, in distinction from soft water, which contains less lime (see Cal- cium Carbonate). On boiling lime waters, most of the impurity deposits out. Spring water generally contains in addition larger quantities of carbon dioxide, which impart a refreshing and enlivening taste to it. Spring waters holding considerable quantities of solid constituents, or exhibiting special healing properties, are called mineral waters. These are distinguished as saline waters (containing sodium chloride), sulphur waters (hydrogen sulphide), acidulated waters (saturated with carbon dioxide), chalybeate waters (containing iron), and others. Sea water contains about 3.5 per cent, of salts, of which 2.7 per cent, are sodium chloride. To purify the natural waters they are filtered (for the re- moval of mechanical admixtures), and for chemical purposes, distilled (distilled water) in apparatus of varying form. .Solutions.—The phenomena appearing in the dissolving of substances indicate that solutions are not mere mechanical mixtures. In every solution alterations occur in the tempera- ture of the liquid. The solubility of solid and liquid sub-* stances increases usually with the temperature, while that of gases diminishes. The quantity of dissolved gas is frequently proportional to the pressure ; other gases, on the contrary, which are readily soluble in water, such as the halogen-hydro- gen compounds, are exceptions to this rule. Heat does not completely expel them from their solution ; they distil over as liquids of definite composition (compare pp. 56 and 63). When they dissolve, a large quantity of heat is liberated, just as in the case of chemical compounds. Further, a contraction is always perceived in the solution of solids and liquids; the volume of the solution is less than the sum of the volumes of the con- stituents. These phenomena point to the acceptance of a cer- tain affinity between the dissolving bodies. Therefore, solu- tions, like alloys, are designated undetermined compounds, in contrast to the determined compounds, which are combined according to constant atomic weight ratios. This view is also WATER. 91 confirmed by the fact that frequently definite compounds con- taining water do exist in solution. Such compounds often separate, unaltered, when their solutions are evaporated; the water present in them is known as water of crystallization. It is, however, impossible to draw a sharp line between deter- mined and undetermined compounds, between chemical and physical attraction. The thermal phenomena, which appear when solution occurs, bear a close relation to chemical affinity. The halogen hydrides, easily soluble in water, disengage large quantities of heat in their solution, corresponding to the symbols: (HC1, aq.) = 17320; (HBr, aq.) = 19940; (HI, aq.) = 19200. This liberation of heat is explained by the production of the hydrates HC1 -)- 8H20, HBr -f- 5H20, HI -f- 5H20, which distil over unaltered (p. 61). The slightly soluble, so-called permanent, gases do not form such hydrates, and when they dissolve disengage but little heat. The liquid and solid bodies exhibit a like deportment. Those forming hydrates liberate heat, while the non hydrate-forming solid bodies absorb heat in their solution, which at the same time is employed to liquefy them (latent heat of fusion). Thus, in the solution of the halogen compounds of po- tassium the following quantities of heat are absorbed: (KC1, aq.) = — 4400; (KBr, aq.) = — 5080; (-KI, aq.) = 5100. The freezing mixtures, to be described later, depend upon such an ab- sorption of heat. Chemical Properties of Water.—Water is a neutral substance, i.e., it possesses neither acid nor basic properties. As we have already observed (p. 82), it forms bases with basic oxides and acids with acid-forming oxides. Despite the fact that the affinity of hydrogen for oxygen is so great, water may, however, be decomposed by many sub- stances. At ordinary temperatures, metals like K, Na, and Ca, decompose it,with liberation of hydrogen: 2H20 + K2 = 2K0H + h2. Other metals do not decompose it, except at elevated tem- peratures. Steam conducted over ignited iron gives its oxygen to the latter, forming ferroso-ferric oxide, while hydrogen is set free: 3Fe + 4H20 = Fe304 -f 4H2. Chlorine decomposes water in the sunlight; the decompo- 92 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. sition is more rapid when the vapors are conducted through heated tubes: H20 + Cl, = 2HC1 + o. The electric current separates acidulated water* into its con- stituents, oxygen and hydrogen ; the first collecting at the positive, and the latter at the negative pole. The oxygen thus obtained contains ozone. The deportment of water at high temperature is very in- teresting. On pouring molten platinum into cold water, bub- Fig. 56 bles of oxy-hydrogen gas escape. A similar decomposition of water occurs when it is led through porcelain tubes raised to a white heat. From the observations of Sainte-Claire Deville, it was found that the decomposition of H20 begins at 1200° C., and that it increases, with a rising temperature, and is complete at 2500° C. Such a partial decomposition increasing with the temperature is known as dissociation. The following experi- ment illustrates this: Pass aqueous vapor through a porous clay tube, a, puttied into a wider non-permeable porcelain tube heated to a white heat in an oven (Fig. 56). The water suffers partial decomposition, the lighter hydrogen, which passes through into the porcelain tube more rapidly than the oxygen, escapes through the gas tube b. The oxygen escapes mainly through the inner tube at a. A part of the same dif- fuses simultaneously with the hydrogen and reunites with the latter. To avoid this, conduct a stream of carbon dioxide * Pure water appears not to be decomposed by the galvanic current. WATER. 93 through the wider porcelain tube; this will carry out the hy- drogen with it. The carbon dioxide will be absorbed by the alkali solution in the collecting vessel, and oxy-hydrogen gas be found in the cylinder. The quantity of the gas increases with the temperature. A platinum tube may be advantageously substituted for the porous clay tube, because only hydrogen will pass through it (p. 43). Many other compounds, like ozone, ammonium chloride, phosphorus pentachloride, carbon dioxide, etc., suffer a similar partial decomposition when heated; they are decomposed into simpler molecules. The explanation of the dissociation phenomena is found in the kinetic theory of gases and heat. According to it, not only the gas molecules have a direct oscillating movement, inasmuch as they rebound from each other, like elastic balls, but even the atoms in the molecule possess heat vibrations. The velocity of the oscillations of molecules and atoms in- creases with augmented temperature ; it is, therefore, understood that by a determined energy of the oscillations the chemical affinity is overcome and the united atoms are separated from each other. Further, as a conse- quence of irregular collision, the molecules do not all possess the same velocity at a given temperature ; some move more rapidly, others slower; the former are warmer than the latter. Only the sum of the existing forces of all the molecules is a constant quantity at every temperature. The more highly heated molecules, whose number increases with the tempera- ture, yield, therefore, to the decomposition. From this we discover that the dissociation is gradual and increases with the temperature. The law of dissociation is expressed by the curve of probability. Dissociation, i. e., the partial decomposition, increasing with the temperature, explains many chemical processes that before appeared very obscure, e.g., the mass action in reversed chemical reactions. We have already said that iron raised to a red heat decomposed water with the separation of hydrogen and the production of ferrous-ferric oxide. On conducting H over ignited iron oxides the opposite process occurs; the oxygen compound of the iron is reduced and water is formed: Fe304 -f 4H2 = 3Fe + 4HaO. In the first instance the excess of water acts Some of its molecules are dissociated ; oxygen combines with iron, while the liberated H is carried away by the excess of steam. In the second case, we can suppose that some of the hydrogen molecules are dissociated, the free hydrogen atoms withdraw oxygen from the iron oxide and form water with it, which is removed by the excess of hydrogen, and thus prevented from acting on the reduced iron. In the action of the bodies in an enclosed space at a given temperature there must occur a state of equilibrium, in which Fe,04, Fe, H20 and H2 occur simultaneously. Such a state occurs in every dissocia- tion. 94 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. THE QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION OF {WATER. The composition of water by weight is best determined by a synthesis of the same; this may be done by reducing cupric oxide with hydrogen: Cupric oxide. CuO 4- H2 = Cu + H20. Copper. Heat a weighed portion of cupric oxide (containing a defi- nite amount of oxygen), in a stream of pure, dry hydrogen, and weigh the quantity of H20 obtained. The operation can Fig. 57. be executed in the apparatus represented in Fig. 57. The H generated in the flask A is washed in B and then dried in the tubes C, D, and E, which contain substances that will absorb water. The bulb tube F, of difficultly fusible glass, contains a weighed amount of cupric oxide, and is heated with a lamp. The water which forms, collects in the bulb G, and is com- pletely absorbed in the tube H. Hydrogen is led over the cupric oxide until it is reduced to red metallic copper, then allowed to cool, when F is weighed alone and G and H to- gether. The loss in weight of the quantity of oxy- gen which has combined with hydrogen to produce water. The increase in weight of G and H gives the quantity of water that was formed. The difference shows the amount of H WATER. 95 in water. Thus we ascertain that in 100 parts of water, by weight, there are: 11.136 Parts Hydrogen. 88.864 “ Oxygen. 100.00 “ Water. Or, i part hydrogen and 7.98 parts oxygen yield 8.98 parts water. THE MOLECULAR FORMULA OF WATER. ATOMIC WEIGHT OF OXYGEN. If the molecule of water (like HC1) contains i atom H and i atom oxygen, then its chemical formula would be HO, and the atomic weight of oxygen would be = 7.98. Such a sup- position has, however, not been proved by any facts. It would be just as likely that the formula H02 might be ascribed to the water molecule; then, the atomic weight of oxygen would be 3.99. According to the formula H20, the atomic weight of O would be 15.96, etc. (see p.69). The’analytical data give no decision. For the determination of the actual atomic weight of oxygen, and, therefore, also the number of atoms in the molecule, we must direct our attention to the views presented on pages 69-78. In equal volumes of the gases (or vapors) there is an equal number of molecules. The molecular weights, therefore, are proportional to the gas densities, and are equal to double that of the densities referred to H =1. The density of steam is 8.98 (H = 1); the weight of the water molecule is therefore 17.96. Analysis, however, shows that in 17.96 parts water 2 parts by weight are hydrogen (= 2 atoms) and 15.96 parts oxygen by weight. According to this, the molecule of water contains not more nor less than 2 atoms of hydrogen. That the 15.96 parts of oxygen combined with the latter correspond to one atom (that the atomic weight does not ■ equal the half, in which case the molecular formula of water would be H202), follows from the fact that the analysis of none of the innumerable oxygen derivatives has shown less than 15.96 parts oxygen in the molecule (see p. 77). The molecular for- mula of water, therefore, is H20 = 17.96. The gas density of oxygen is 15.96, the molecular weight 31.92, therefore the oxygen molecule consists of 2 atoms, 02 = 31.92. After having thus derived the molecular formula of water, and the atomic weight of oxygen, we deduce the following conclusions: (1) 15.96 parts of O by weight, occupy the same volume as 96 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. i part of H by weight; since 15.96 parts of the former unite with 2 parts of the latter in the production of water, 1 volume of O must combine with 2 volumes of H. (2) In equal volumes we have an equal number of molecules ; n molecules of oxygen (02) unite therefore with 2 //molecules of hydrogen (H2) ; the same yield 2 n molecules of water ; con- sequently 2 volumes of aqueous vapor: 2 Vols. 2nH2 + n02 = 2nH20. I vol. 2 Vols. According to the above, 2 volumes of hydrogen and 1 volume of oxygen condense in their union to 2 volumes of aqueous vapor. The same result follows from the gas density of water. As 1 volume of steam weighs 8.98, and 2 parts of hydrogen by weight unite with 15.96 parts of oxygen by weight to form 17.96 parts of water; then, the latter, in the form of vapor, must occupy two volumes. Conversely from these volume ratios it is shown that the molecule of oxygen con- sists of two atoms (compare P- 75)- These conclusions are con- firmed by the following experi- ments : 1. When water is decomposed by the electric current in a voltameter, or, more suitably, in Hofmann’s apparatus (Fig. 48, p. 73), it will be found that the vol- ume of the separated hydrogen is double that of the oxygen. This can also be proved synthetically. Introduce 1 vol- ume of oxygen and 2 volumes of hydro- gen into an eudiometer tube filled with mercury (see Air), and let the electric spark pass through the mixture. This will unite the two gases, a small quan tity of water forming at the same time; all the gas has disappeared, and the tube fills perfectly with mercury. In place of the eudiometer the following apparatus (Fig. 58) may be advan- tageously employed in this experiment (and also in many others). It con- sists of a U-shaped glass tube, one limb of which, open above, is provided below with an exit tube. The other limb really represents an eudiometer; it is divided into cubic centimeters, having two platinum wires fused into the upper end, and provided with a stop-cock to let out the gases and thus test them. Fill the tube to the stop-cock with mercury, and run into the Fig. 58. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. 97 eudiometer limb 1 volume O and 2 volumes H. The side exit tube serves to run out the mercury to the same level in both tubes, so that the gases are always measured under the same atmospheric pressure, and thus their volumes are easily compared. 2. To determine the volume of the formed water existing as aqueous vapor it is only necessary, after th,e explosion, to convert it by heat into steam. The subjoined apparatus, will answer for this purpose (Fig. 59). Fig. s9. This is essentially the same as that pictured in Fig. 58, with the eudiometer limb closed above and surrounded by a wider tube. Through the latter conduct the vapors of some liquid boiling above ioo° C (aniline). These, then, pass through the envelope B, and are again condensed in the spiral tube C. The quantities of H and O used are heated to the same tempera- ture, their volume noted, the explosion produced, and the volume of the resulting aqueous vapor determined. From this it is found that the volume of hydrogen is % of the volume of the gas mixture; and 3 volumes of oxv-hydrogen gas yield 2 volumes of aqueous vapor. The composition of water by weight may be easily deduced, knowing the specific gravities of hydrogen and oxygen and the ratios in which they unite by volume: 1 volume of oxygen equals 15.96 parts by weight. 2 volumes of hydrogen equal 2 parts by weight. The resulting H20 equals 17.96 parts by weight. 17.96 parts water, therefpre, contain 15.96 parts oxygen and 2 parts hydrogen, or, in 100 parts there are 88.86 parts oxygen and 11.14 parts hydrogen. 2. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. In addition to water, oxygen forms another compound with hydrogen, known as hydrogen peroxide. It is produced by H202 = 33.92. 98 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the action of dilute acids upon certain peroxides, such as those of potassium, calcium and barium. It is most conveniently obtained by the action of hydrochloric acid upon barium peroxide : Barium peroxide. Ba02 + 2HC1 = BaCl2 + H202. Barium chloride. Barium peroxide made to a paste with a little water (better the hydrate —see Barium) is introduced gradually, in small quantities, into coid hy- drochloric acid, diluted with three volumes of water. Hydrogen peroxide and barium chloride result; both are soluble in water. To remove the second from the solution, add to the latter a solution of silver sulphate as long as a precipitate is formed. Two insoluble compounds, barium sul- phate and silver chloride, are produced by this reagent: Remove the precipitate by filtration and concentrate the aqueous solution under the air pump. It now contains only hydrogen peroxide. BaCl2 + Ag2S04 = BaS04 + 2AgCl. In making the peroxide, carbon dioxide may be allowed to act on barium peroxide suspended in water: Ba02 -f C02 + H20 = BaC03 + H202. The insoluble barium carbonate is filtered off and the filtrate concentrated. Hydrogen peroxide is most practically obtained by adding moist barium hydrated peroxide (see Barium) to cold dilute sulphuric acid. The reaction occurs according to the follow- ing equation : When the acid is almost neutralized, filter the solution, and from the filtrate carefully precipitate the slight quantity of free sulphuric acid with a dilute barium hydrate solution, then concentrate the liquid under the air-pump. Dry commercial hydrate of the peroxide of barium is not applicable for the above. A dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide is very readily prepared, if sodium peroxide (obtainable by fusing sodium in the air) is added to dilute tartaric acid. Ba02 -(- H2S04 = BaS04 -f- H202. Besides these, other methods exist for preparing hydrogen peroxide (in small quantity) ; all are dependent upon the decomposition of metallic peroxides. If phosphorus, covered with water, be allowed to oxidize (p. 82) in the air, hydrogen peroxide will be found in the water, and the surrounding air will contain ozone. Or, if a flask filled with air, be shaken with zinc and water or dilute sulphuric acid, hydrogen peroxide will be HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. 99 produced. It is destroyed again by the prolonged action of the zinc. Cop- per, lead, and other heavy metals do the same w hen agitated with more or less dilute sulphuric acid, and we find the same result by the oxidation of many organic substances, e.g., pyrogallic acid and tannin on exposure to the air. The explanation offered for this formation of hydrogen peroxide (and ozone) is, that in the oxidations, the oxygen molecules are torn asunder, and the nascent oxygen atoms oxidize the water to a slight degree to hy- drogen peroxide, and oxygen to ozone. The rare occurrence of ozone is due either to its difficult formation, or to the fact that it is readily decom- posed by the reacting bodies (zinc, etc.) This is also the case with hy- drogen peroxide. The appearance of hydrogen peroxide in the oxidation of phosphorus, seems to prove that it can be formed by the oxidation of water. This seems to be confirmed by its production on shaking tur- pentine oil with water and air, or if ozone be conducted into ether, and the ozonized product shaken with water (water is not directly oxidized by ozone). It appears probable, however, that in some oxidation reactions, the formation of the hydrogen peroxide is a consequence of the reduction of oxygen (Traube). It may, for example, be assumed that when zinc is shaken with air and water (or dilute sulphuric acid), the latter is decom- posed in such a manner that the hydroxyl group combines with the zinc to hydroxide, and the liberated hydrogen then yields hydrogen peroxide wdth oxygen : Zn + 2OHH + O2 =Zn(OII)2 + H202. A confirmation of this supposition is found in the electrolysis of water, where we discover H2O2 appearing at the negative pole (where hydrogen is found) if air or oxygen be conducted through the solution. It is veri- fied, too, in the production of H2O2 upon shaking palladium hydride with water and air: 2Pd2H + Oj = 4Pd + H202. In ail these examples we can explain the formation of the peroxide by the action of nascent hydrogen upon oxygen. It is easily understood why there is no, or very little, peroxide found in the energetic evolution of hydrogen. Thus it arises in almost all slow oxidations in which ozone is produced at the same time. Hydrogen peroxide, concentrated as much as possible under the air pump, is a colorless, syrupy liquid, with a specific gravity of 1.45, and does not solidify at —30° C.; from very dilute solutions, pure water freezes out. It possesses a bitter, astringent taste, is miscible in all proportions with water, and vaporizes in vacuo. Very dilute aqueous solutions can be boiled without decomposing the peroxide; a portion of it distils over with the water. In concentrated solutions, hydrogen peroxide is very un- stable, and easily decomposed with liberation of oxygen; in more dilute acidulated solutions it may be preserved longer. Decomposition occurs, even at ordinary temperatures; by INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. heating the point of explosion can be reached. In conse- quence of this ready decomposition, hydrogen peroxide oxid- izes powerfully, since oxygen appears (p, 76) in statu nascendi. It converts selenium, chromium, and arsenic into their cor- responding acids: sulphides are changed to sulphates (PbS to PbS04) ; from lead acetate solutions the peroxide is precipi- tated, but is again decolorized by the. excess of peroxide. Organic dyestuffs are decolorized and decomposed. From hydrogen sulphide, sulphur, from hydrogen chloride and iodide, chlorine and iodine are set free: h.2o2 + 2HI = 2H2o + I2. Thus hydrogen peroxide acts in a manner analogous to ozone ; in both there exists a slightly bound atom of oxygen, which can readily be transferred to other bodies. Hydrogen peroxide acts very slowly upon a neutral potas- sium iodide solution, while ozone separates iodine at once ; but if platinum-black, ferrous sulphate, or blood corpuscles (see p. 86) be added to the solution, iodine immediately sepa- rates out, and colors added starch-paste deep blue. In all these cases the action of hydrogen peroxide is oxid- izing. Some substances, on the other hand, are reduced by oxygen separating at the same time; this is true of certain unstable oxides, peroxides, and the highest oxidations of some metals, like Mn207, and Cr03. Thus, argentic, mercuric, and gold oxides are reduced to a metallic state with an energetic evolution of oxygen : Ag20 “t" H202 — 2Ag -(- H20 -)- 02. Lead peroxide is changed to lead oxide : Pb02 + H202 = PbO + H20 + 02 In presence of acids, the solution of potassium permanganate is decolorized and changed to a manganous salt (p. 101). In the same way chromic acid and its salts are altered to-chromic oxide: 2Cr03 + 3H202 — Cr203 -f- “I- 3^2- Ozone and hydrogen peroxide decompose themselves into water and oxygen : o3 -f- h202 — 02 —H,0 -j- o2. Chlorine, in aqueous solution is oxidized to hypochlorous acid by hydrogen peroxide, but again reduced by an excess of the latter: ClOIi + H2Q2 = C1H + . H20 + 02. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. All these reactions are generally explained by supposing that the oxygen atoms (also those of other elements), possess a certain affinity for each other; this is saturated, by their union to molecules. Those present in other compounds, and not firmly bound, therefore separate and unite with each other, and form free oxygen molecules—OO. The conclusion de- rived from the gas density, viz., that the molecules of the free elements consist of two or more atoms, is corroborated by these reactions. The readiness with which ozone and hydrogen peroxide react, is explained by their thermo-chemical behavior. In the production of ozone from oxygen, and of hydrogen peroxide from water and oxygen, heat is absorbed: conversely, equal thermal values are disengaged in their decomposition. Both compounds are, consequently, endothermic (see p. 65), therefore, little stable ; the one oxygen atom in them is very reactive. The produc- tion of both substances, according to the above symbols, can only be effected by the addition of external energy. In case of ozone this may be accom- plished by electricity, with hydrogen peroxide (in its production from water; this only occurs in small quantity) by the heat, which becomes free in the chief reaction. (02,0) = — 32,400; (H20,0) = — 23,070; Finally, hydrogen peroxide may be decomposed into water and oxygen'by many bodies, especially when the latter exist in a divided condition, and they themselves are not in the least altered. Gold, platinum, silver, manganese peroxide, carbon and others, act in this way. Such reactions, in which the reacting substances undergo no perceptible changes, are designated catalytic. In many cases these may be explained by the previous formation of intermediate products, which subsequently react upon each other. Thus, we can suppose that in the action of sdver and gold upon H2O2 oxides at first result, but are afterwards reduced in the manner mentioned above, by the hydrogen peroxide. REACTIONS FOR THE DETECTION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. H20., decomposes potassium iodide very slowly; in the presence of iron sulphate, however, iodine separates at once, and is recognized by the blue color it yields with starch paste. In the same way guaiacum tincture, in the presence of ferrous sulphate, is immediately colored blue, and an indigo solution is decolorized. The most characteristic test for the perox- ide is the following: Introduce some H2O2 into a chromic acid solution, add a little ether and shake thoroughly; the supernatant ethereal layer will be colored blue (compare Chromic acid). A solution of titanic acid in sulphuric acid (diluted strongly with water), is also a delicate reagent; traces of it afford an orange yellow color with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is determined quantitatively by oxidation with potas- sium permanganate (see Manganese). The latter is added to ths solution, acidified with sulphuric acid until a permanent coloration occurs. The reaction proceeds according to the equation : 2Mn04K 4- 3S04H2 -f 5H2Q2 = 2S04Mn + SQ4K2 + 8H2Q + 502. 102 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Or the liquid to be examined frain water) for hydrogen peroxide is shaken in a stoppered glass with a five per cent, solution of potassium iodide and some starch paste, allowed to stand several hours, and the iodine which sepa- rates is then determined colorimetrically (Schone). Hydrogen peroxide occurs in slight quantity in the air and is detected in almost all rain water and in snow—but not in natural dew and frost. Its quantity varies from 0.05 to 1 milligram in a litre of rain. Its forma- tion in the air is probably induced by the action of ozone upon ammonia, whereby ammonium nitrite, hydrogen peroxide and oxygen result (Carius). Analysis shows that H202 consists of 1 part hydrogen and 15.96 parts of oxygen; its simplest formula would therefore be HO. The difficult volatility of the compound, and also the reactions already described, cause us to believe that the molecule of hydrogen peroxide is more complicated, and is expressed by H202. It is supposed that the peroxide is composed of two groups of OH, called hydroxyl; these are combined with each other. S = 31.98. S2 = 63.9 (above 1000° C.). 2. SULPHUR. Sulphur is distributed throughout nature, both free and in a combined state. In volcanic regions, like Sicily, it occurs free, and there it forms vast deposits, mixed with gypsum, calcite and marl. Its compounds with the metals are known as blendes or glances. In combination with oxygen and calcium, it forms calcium sulphate, the widely distributed gypsum. It is also present in many organic substances. To obtain sulphur the natural product in Sicily is arranged in heaps, covered with earth and then melted, or it is distilled from earthen retorts. To further purify this crude commercial product it is redistilled (in the manufactory) from cast-iron retorts, and when in a molten condition is run into cylin- drical forms—stick sulphur. If the sulphur vapors are rapidly cooled during distillation (which occurs by conducting them into a stone chamber through which cold air circulates), they condense to a fine yellow powder, known as flowers of sulphur (Flores sulphuris). Sulphur may be obtained by heating the well-known pyrites (FeS2). Free sulphur exists in several allotropic modifications (see page 86). i. Ordinary octahedral or rhombic sulphur exists in nature in beautiful, well-crystallized rhombic octahedra (Figs. 21 and 22, p. 35). It is pale yellow, hard and very brittle; on rubbing, •it becomes negatively electrified. Specific gravity of this SULPHUR. 103 variety equals 2.05. It is difficultly soluble in alcohol and ether ; more readily soluble in hydrocarbons and ethereal oils. The best solvents are sulphur monochloride (S2C12) and carbon disulphide (CS2) ; 100 parts of the latter at 220 C., dissolve 46 pai;ts of sulphur. By slow evaporation of the solutions sulphur crystallizes in transparent, lustrous, rhombic octahe- dra, like those occurring in nature. Sulphur fuses at 1x1.5° C* (1130 C.), to a yellow, mobile liquid, which upon further heating becomes dark and thick, and at‘2500 C., is so viscid that it cannot be poured from the vessel holding it. Above 300° C., it again becomes a thin liquid, boils at 440° C., and is converted into an orange-yellow vapor. 2. The prismatic or monoclinic sulphur is obtained from the rhombic when the latter is heated to its point of fusion ; on cooling it generally assumes the monoclinic form (rhombic crystals separate at 90° from sulphur that has been heated beyond the point of fusion). The monoclinic crystals are best obtained as follows : Fuse sulphur in a clay crucible, allow it to cool slowly until a crust appears on the surface; break this open near the side and pour out the portion yet in a liquid state. The walls of the crucible will be covered with long, somewhat curved, transparent, brownish-yellow needles, or prisms of the monoclinic system. The same are obtained when a solution of sulphur in carbon disulphide is heated to ioo° C. in a sealed tube, and then gradually allowed to cool; monoclinic crystals at first separate, and later, at low temper- atures, rhombic octahedra. The monoclinic crystals separated from the solution are almost colorless and perfectly trans- parent. Prismatic or octahedral crystals may be obtained from a supersaturated benzene solution of sulphur, by adding small fragments of the correspond- ing crystals to the solution. This form of sulphur has a specific gravity of 1.96 and fuses at 1200. It is soluble in the same solvents as the rhombic variety. It is very unstable; the transparent prisms and needles become opaque and pale yellow at ordinary tempera- tures, and specifically heavier (heat is evolved), and pass over into an aggregate of rhombic octahedra retaining the external prismatic form. Stick sulphur deports itself similarly; the freshly moulded sticks are composed of monoclinic prisms, but in time their specific gravity changes and they are converted into the rhombic modification. 3. Soft, plastic sulphur appears to consist of two modifica- tions. It is obtained when sulphur heated above 230° is poured INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. in a thin stream into water; it then forms a soft, fusible mass, of a yellowish-brown color, and its specific gravity equals 1.96. In few days it hardens, and is converted into the rhombic variety. At 950 the conversion is instantaneous and accom- panied by the evolution of considerable heat. It is only.partly soluble in carbon disulphide, leaving an amorphous powder undissolved—amorphous insoluble sulphur. It is also produced when light acts upon dissolved or fused sulphur, and in the decomposition of the halogen-sulphur compounds by H20. Flowers of sulphur are for the most part insoluble in carbon disulphide. ioo° C. will convert the amorphous insoluble sulphur into the ordinary variety. On adding hydrochloric acid to polysulphide solutions of potassium or calcium, sulphur separates as a fine, white pow- der, known as milk mof sulphur (Lac sulphuris) : K2S5 + 2HC1 = 2-KC1 + H2S +4S. This is amorphous, soluble in carbon disulphide, and gradually passes into the rhombic form. The existence of these various modifications of sulphur, like ozone, may be attributed to the presence of a varying number of atoms in the molecules. This supposition is confirmed by the deportment of sulphur vapor. The density of the latter at 500° C. has been found to equal 96 (H = 1). The vapor density steadily diminishes with increase of temperature from 700° C. onward and becomes constant at iooo° C. and equals 32 ; the molecular weight, therefore, is 64. Since the atomic weight of S (as we will see) = 32, it follows that at iooo0 C., the molecules of S consist of two atoms (S2 = 64 = 32 X 2). At 500°, however, where the vapor density = 96, and the molecular weight 192, the molecule consists of six atoms(S8=6 X 32 = 192). According to this the hexatomic sulphur molecules dissociate (see p. 92), on further heating, and fall into normal diatomic molecules; the dissociation begins at 700° and is complete at iooo° C. Since, therefore, the sulphur molecules in vapor form consist of two atoms at very high temperatures and of six atoms at lower, we may assume that the molecules in the liquid and solid condition are more complicated, and that the various allotropic modifi- cations are influenced by the number of atoms contained in the molecules. Other solid metalloids, eg., selenium, phos- phorus, arsenic, carbon and silicon, occur in different modifi- HYDROGEN SULPHIDE. 105 cations. As yet we have no means of ascertaining the molec- ular size of the elements in liquid and solid conditions ; there is much, however, favoring the idea that when free they con- sist of complex atomic groups. Chemical Properties.—In its chemical behavior sulphur is very similar to oxygen, and its compounds have the same constitution as the corresponding oxides. It unites directly with most of the elements. When heated to 260° in the air, it ignites and burns with a pale bluish flame, giving sulphur dioxide (S02). This union with oxygen occurs gradually even at lower temperatures; in the dark it. is accompanied by a white phosphorescent flame. Nearly all the metals combine with it to form sulphides. By rubbing mercury, flowers of sulphur and water together, we obtain black mercury sulphide. A moist mixture of iron filings and sulphur glows after a time. Cu and Fe burn in sulphur vapor. The sulphides are analo- gous to the oxides, exhibit similar reactions, and in the main possess a similar composition, as may be seen from the fol- lowing formulas: H20, Water. KOH, Potassium hydrate. BaO, Barium oxide. CO2, Carbon dioxide. C03K2, Potassium carbonate. H2S, Hydrogen sulphide. KSH, Potassium sulphydrate. BaS, Barium sulphide. CS2, Carbon disulphide. CS3K2, Potassium sulpho-carbonate. COMPOUNDS OF SULPHUR WITH HYDROGEN. H2S = 33.98. Density = 16.99. X. HYDROGEN SULPHIDE. In nature hydrogen sulphide occurs principally in volcanic gases and in the so-called sulphur waters. It is always pro- duced in the decomposition of organic substances containing sulphur, and in the reduction of alkaline sulphates by decom- posing carbon compounds. It may be formed directly from its constituents, although insmallquantity, if hydrogen gas be con- ducted through boiling sulphur, or if sulphur vapors, together with hydrogen, be conducted over porous substances (pumice stone, bricks) heated to 500° C. Many sulphides are reduced upon ignition in a stream of hydrogen, with separation of hy- drogen sulphide : Ag2S + H2 — 2Ag H2S. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. For its production acids are allowed to act upon sulphides. Ordinarily iron sulphide and diluted sulphuric acid are em- ployed : the action occurs at ordinary temperatures: The operation is performed either in Kipp’s apparatus (p. 40) or in the one pictured in Fig. 30. Hydrogen sulphide thus obtained contains admixed hydro- gen, in consequence of metallic iron existing in the sulphide. The pure gas is obtained by heating antimony sulphide with hydrochloric acid : FeS + H.2S04 = FeS04 + H2S. Sb2S3 + 6HC1 = 2SbCl3 + 3H2S. Properties.—Hydrogen sulphide is a colorless gas, having an odor similar to that of rotten eggs ; inhaled in large quan- tities it has a stupefying effect, and is very poisonous. At medium temperatures it condenses under a pressure of 14 atmospheres (under ordinary pressure at —740) to a colorless liquid of specific gravity 0.9, which at —85° C. solidifies to a white crystalline mass. Its density equals 16.99 (H = 1) or 1.177 (air = 1). Water dissolves 3-4 times its volume of gas; the solution possesses all the properties of gaseous hydrogen sulphide and is therefore called hydrogen sulphide water. Ignited in the air the gas burns with a blue flame, water and sulphur dioxide resulting : h2s + 30 = h20 + so2. With insufficient air access, or when the flune is cooled by the introduction of a cold body, only hydrogen burns and sulphur separates out in a free condition. In aqueous solution hydrogen sulphide is decomposed by the oxygen of the air at ordinary temperatures, sulphur separating as a fine powder: H,S + O = H20 + S. For this reason hydrogen sulphide becomes turbid upon exposure to the air. The halogens behave like oxygen ; the hydrides of the halo- gens are formed with separation of sulphur: II2S + I, = 2HI + s. This reaction serves for the production of hydrogen iodide (p. 61). » As hydrogen sulphide has a great affinity for oxygen, it withdraws the latter from many of its compounds, and it therefore acts as a reducing agent (p. 82). Thus chromic, man- HYDROGEN SULPHIDE. 107 ganic and nitric acids are reduced to lower stages of oxidation. On pouring fuming nitric acid into a vessel filled with dry gas, the mixture will ignite with a slight explosion. Hydrogen sulphide possesses weak acid properties, reddens blue litmus paper, forms salt-like compounds with bases, and is, therefore, termed hydrosulphuric acid. Nearly all the metals liberate hydrogen from it, yielding metallic sulphides : Pb -f H2S = PbS + H2. With the oxides and hydroxides of the metals H2S yields sulphides and sulphydrates : KOH -J- H2S = KSH -f~ H20, Potassium hydrosulphide. CaO + H2S = CaS + H20. Sulphides, therefore, like the compounds of the halogens with the metals, may be viewed as the salts of hydrosulphuric acid. The sulphides of almost all the heavy metals are insol- uble in water and dilute acids; therefore they are precipitated by H2S from solutions of metallic salts : Potassium sulphide. CuS04 + H2S = CuS + h.2so4. The precipitates thus obtained are variously colored (copper sulphide, black; cadmium sulphide, yellow; antimony sul- phide, orange), and answer for the characterization and recog- nition of the corresponding metals. Paper saturated with a lead solution is at once blackened by H2S, lead sulphide being formed—a delicate test for H2S. MOLECULAR FORMULA OF HYDROGEN SULPHIDE. ATOMIC WEIGHT OF SULPHUR. The analysis of hydrogen sulphide shows that it consists of one part hy- drogen and sixteen (more accurately 15.98) parts sulphur. If the mole- cular formula of hydrogen sulphide were HS, the atomic weight of sul- phur would be sixteen (compare p. 95). The great analogy of the sulphur compounds with those of oxygen (p. 105), permits us to accept formulas for the former similar to those of the latter. The molecular formula of hydrogen sulphide would, therefore, be H*S = 34, and the atomic weight of sulphur would equal 32. Hence the gas density of hydrogen sulphide must be 3g* == 17 (H = 1), or 1.177 (air 2=* 1); this is confirmed by direct experiment. Conversely it follows from the gas density that the molecular weight of hydrogen sulphide = 34. Since the analysis of 34 parts of hy- drogen sulphide shows the presence of two parts of hydrogen, the molecule of H,2S contains two hydrogen atoms. It then follows that the 32 parts of sulphur combined with the latter, correspond to one atom of sulphur, 108 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. because less than 32 parts of this element have never been found in the molecule of any compound in which sulphur occurs (p. 95). From the molecular formula H2S, we further conclude that the hy- drogen contained in one volume of hydrogen sulphide would occupy in a free condition, the same volume as the latter. nH2S contains nH, This conclusion is verified experimentally as follows : In a bent glass tube filled with mercury (Fig. 60), introduce dry hydrogen sulphide gas; then in the bent portion place a piece of tin, which is heated by a lamp. The sulphur of the II2S, com- bines with the metal to form scdid tin sulphide, while hy- drogen is set free: its volume is exactly equal to the volume of the employed hydrogen sul- phide. The quantity of sul- phur, 32 parts, in vapor form, at 1000° C., when the density is 32 (p. 104) combined with hydrogen (2 parts) would equal exactly half the volume of the hydrogen ; at 500° C., however, when the vapor density is three times as great, it will equal ]/& volume of the hydrogen. 1 volume H2S, therefore, consists of 1 volume H and >4 volume sulphur vapor (at 500°), or as ordinarily expressed : 2 volumes H2S consists of 2 volumes II and volume sulphur vapor. Written molecularly, we have: I vol. I vol. Fig. 6o. At 5oo°C. : S6 + 6H2 = 6H2S. i vol. 6 vols. 6 vols. At iooo0 C., however : S2 -(- 2ll2 = 2H2S. I vol. 2 vols. 2 vols. Just as hydrogen peroxide H202 is formed by (p. 98) the action of acids upon some peroxide, so may hydrogen per- sulphide be obtained from metallic persulphides. Calcium persulphide is most suitable, and when its aqueous solution is poured into dilute hydrochloric acid, 2. HYDROGEN PERSULPHIDE. CaSs 2HC1 = CaCl2 + H2S2, a yellow, oily, disagreeable liquid, insoluble in water, sepa- rates. It decomposes gradually at medium temperatures, more rapidly on warming, into hydrogen sulphide and sulphur : It is generally supposed that the resulting hydrogen persulphide is con- stituted analogous to the peroxide and consists of hydrogen disulphide, containing an excess of dissolved sulphur. As the calcium persulphide used is a mixture of CaS2, CaSs, and H2S2 = H2S -f s. SULPHUR. CaS5, it is probable that the oily liquid is a mixture of H2S2, H2S3 and H2S5. We must at least conclude that H2S3 is present in it, because it unites with strychnine to form a crystalline compound. • * COMPOUNDS OF SULPHUR WITH THE HALOGENS. Sulphur and chlorine unite to form three compounds: SC12, SC14, and S2C12. It is only the latter that meets with any practical appli- cation. Sulphur Dichloride—SC12—is produced when S2C12 is saturated with chlorine in the cold : The excess of chlorine is removed by conducting a stream of C02 through it. It is a dark red-colored liquid, with a specific gravity of 1.62; boils at 64° C., with partial decomposition into S2C12 and Cl2; the dissociation, commences at ordinary temperatures. Sulphur Tetrachloride—SC14—only exists at temperatures below o° C. It is formed by saturating SC12 with Cl at —30° C., and readily decomposes S2ci2 -)- Cl, — 2SCl2. Fig. 6i. into SC12 and Cl2; the dissociation commences at —20° C., and is complete at + 6°. It yields crystalline compounds with some chlorides, e.g., SnCl4, AsC13, SbCl3. The most stable of the sulphur chlorides is Sulphur Mono-chloride—S2C12—which is formed when chlorine is conducted over molten sulphur. (Fig. 61.) It distils INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. over and condenses in the receiver E; the product is redistilled, to obtain it pure. Sulphur mono chloride is a reddish-yellow liquid with a sharp odor, provoking tears, having a specific gravity of 1.68, and boiling at 1390 C. Its vapor density equals 67 (H = 1) corresponding to the molecular formula S2C12 — 134.7. It fumes strongly in the air, and is decomposed by water into sulphur dioxide, sulphur and hydrochloric acid : 2S2ci2 + 2H20 = S02 + 4HC1 + 3S. Sulphur mono-chloride dissolves sulphur readily and serves in the vulcanization of caoutchouc. Bromine forms analogous compounds with S. S2Br2 is a red liquid, boiling at i90°-209° C. When gently heated, iodine unites with S to form S2I2. Se = 78.9. Se2 = 157.9 (at 1400° C.). 3. SELENIUM. This element is not very abundant in nature, and is only found in small quantities, principally in certain iron pyrites (in Sweden and Bohemia). Upon roasting this ore of iron, for the preparation of sulphuric acid, selenium settles out in the chimney dust or in the deposit of the lead chambers (compare Sulphuric Acid), and was found there by Berzelius, in the year 1817. Like sulphur, selenium forms different allotropic modifica- tions. Amorphous selenium, obtained by the reduction of selenium dioxide (Se02) by means of sulphur dioxide (S02), is a reddish-brown powder, soluble in carbon disulphide, with a specific gravity 4.26. Selenium crystallizes from carbon disulphide in brownish-red crystals. The solution of potassium selenide is brown-red, and when it is exposed to the air, black leaf-like crystals of selenium separate. These are isomorphous with sulphur. Upon suddenly cooling fused selenium it soli- difies to an amorphous, glassy, black mass, which is soluble in carbon disulphide and has a specific gravity of 4.28. When selenium (amorphous) is heated to 970 C., its temperature sud- denly rises above 200° C. ; it is converted into a crystalline, dark gray mass with a specific gravity 4.8. It possesses metal- lic lustre, conducts electricity, and is insoluble in carbon disulphide. The crystalline, insoluble modification is obtained by slowly cooling the molten selenium. Selenium melts at 2170, and boils about 700°, passing into a dark yellow vapor. The vapor density diminishes regularly TELLURIUM. 111 with increasing temperature (similar to sulphur), and becomes constant at 1400° C. It then equals 79 ; the molecular weight is, therefore, 158, i.e. the molecule of selenium at 1400° C. consists of two atoms (2 X 78.9 = 157.9.) Selenium is a perfect analogue of sulphur. In the air it burns with a reddish-blue flame, forming Se02 and emits a peculiar odor resembling rotten horse-radish. It dissolves with a green color in concentrated sulphuric acid, and forms selenious acid. Hydrogen Selenide.—H2Se—produced like hydrogen sul- phide, is a colorless, disagreeably smelling gas with poisonous action. In the air the aqueous solution becomes turbid and free selenium separates. With chlorine selenium forms SeCl4, and Se2Cl4 perfectly analogous to the sulphur compounds. SeCl4 is a solid and sublimes without decompo- sition. 4. TELLURIUM. Tellurium is of rare occurrence, either native or in combina- tion with metals. It is associated with gold and silver in sylvanite, and with silver and lead in altaite. It is found prin- cipally in Transylvania, Hungary, California, Virginia, Bolivia and Brazil. The tellurium precipitated by sulphurous acid from a solu- tion of tellurous acid (see this) is a black powder of specific gravity 5.928. The physical properties of tellurium indicate it to be a metal. It is silver white, of a perfect metallic lustre, and conducts electricity and heat. It crystallizes in rhombohedra, having a specific gravity 6.25. It fuses at 500° and vaporizes in a stream of hydrogen.. When heated in the air it burns, with a bluish-gray flame, to tellurium dioxide (Te02). The vapor density of tellurium at 1380° C., has been dis- covered to be about 126, corresponding to the molecular formula Te2. Hydrogen Telluride, H2Te, is a colorless, very poisonous gas, with disagreeable odor. Twochlorides—TeGl2and TeCl4 —and two bromides—TeBr2 and TeBr4—have been formed. Te = 126.8 * * The atomic weight of tellurium, formerly taken as 128, has been deter- mined to be 126.8. The law of periodicity, to be presented later, seems to show with considerable certainty that the true weight will yet be found to be lower, some less than that of iodine—126.5. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. SUMMARY OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE OXYGEN GROUP. The elements oxygen, sulphur, selenium and tellurium form a natural group of chemically similar bodies. The similarity of the last three is especially marked, while oxygen, possessing the lowest atomic weight, stands somewhat apart. Among the halogens, fluorine exhibits a similar deportment; it departs somewhat from its analogues, chlorine, bromine and iodine. Like the latter, the elements of the oxygen group present a gradation in their properties corresponding to their atomic weights: O. S. Se. Te. Atomic weights, 15.96 31.98 78.9 126. With the increase in the atomic weight*there occurs a simul- taneous condensation of substance, the volatility diminishes, while the specific gravity, and the points of fusion and boiling increase, as may be seen in the following table: Oxygen. Sulphur. Selenium. Tellurium. Specific gravity Melting point Boiling point Gas density 15.96 I.95-2.07 hi. 50 440° 32 4* w io 2 8-1 0 0 : 00 6.2 500° White heat. 126 Oxygen is a difficultly coercible gas, while the others are solids at ordinary temperatures. We must, however, bear in mind that sulphur, selenium and tellurium in a free state are probably composed of larger complex atomic groups (see P- 104). ... . . . Further, with rising atomic weight the metalloidal passes into a more metallic character. Tellurium exhibits the phys- ical properties of a metal; even selenium possesses metallic properties in its crystalline modification. In chemical deport- ment, however, the metalloidal character shows scarcely any alteration. All four elements unite directly, at elevated tem- peratures, with two atoms of hydrogen, to form volatile gaseous compounds having an acid nature ; only the oxygen derivative —water—is liquid at ordinary temperatures and shows a neu- tral reaction. The hydrogen compounds are decomposed into their elements at a red heat. The affinity of hydrogen for oxygen is greatest; therefore, the aqueous solutions of H2S, H2Se and H2Te are decompos'ed by the air. OXYGEN GROUP. 113 Thermal Relations.—A measure for the chemical affinity of the ele- ments of the oxygen group is afforded, as in the case of the halogens (p. 64), by their heat of formation. By the union of 2 grams of hydrogen with 15.96 grams of oxygen to steam of ioo° (H2,0—vapor), 57200 ca- lories are disengaged. Since in the condensation of steam to water of ioo° 9635 additional (= 17.96 X 536.5) calories become free (latent heat of evaporation, p. 89I, and 17.96 calories by the cooling of water for every degree C., then, in the production of 1 molecular weight of water of o° from its elements, there are disengaged, all told, 68630 calories.* The heat disengagement is less in the formation of hydrogen'sulphide, while in case of hydrogen selenide heat is even absorbed, corresponding to the symbols: (H2,0 — vapor) = 57200 (H2,S) = 4500 (H2,Se) = — 5400. These numbers, as in the case of the halogen hydrides, explain the unequal power of combination of the elements of this group with hydrogen, and the stability of their compounds a.t a red heat accords with it. The fact already mentioned, that H2S, H2Se, and H2Te are decomposed by oxygen, with the formation of water and elimination of the elements, and the fact that the free elements (S, Se) do not act upon water, are explained by the proposition of the greatest development of heat. What is more striking is the behavior of the elements already mentioned, and their hy- drides, towards the metals, but this is fully demonstrated by their thermal relations; this will be more fully shown under the different groups of the elements. . We see, consequently, that here, as with the halogens, the chemical affinity of the homologous elements for hydrogen diminishes successively with increasing atomic weight (decrease of negative charac- ter). It must, however, be borne in mind, that the heat modulus repre- sents no direct measure of the chemical affinity. If, for example, water be produced corresponding to the molecular equation 2H2 + o2=2H2o, the hydrogen and oxygen molecules must first be broken up into individual atoms, to do which a definite quantity of heat is necessary (heat of decom- position). The directly observed heat disengagement of 57200 calories only indicates that the affinity of hydrogen to oxygen (2H,0) is greater than the affinity of the elementary molecules; Or, conversely, the content of energy of the hydrogen molecules is less than that of the hydrogen-oxygen molecules. As the solid sulphur molecules consist of a greater number of atoms, it is probable their heat of decomposition is greater than that of the diatomic oxygen molecules, so that the heat of formation of 2H to S certainly is more than 4500 calories. The decomposition of molecules, accompanied by the absorption of heat, shows that definite thermal conditions are neces- sary to induce and carry through every reaction ; that, for example, sulphur and hydrogen only unite when raised to a high heat; their union, even then, is only partial. That heat is absorbed in the breaking of the molecules, follows, among others, from the fact that, in the process of combustion in nitric oxide (NO) more heat will be set free than in oxygen (02). The energy- content of NO is greater than that of 02. All the affinity masses derived 2(H2,0) = 2(H,H) + (0,0) + 2. 57200. * 68360 calories, according to Thomsen. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 114 from thermal data are, therefore, only relative; it is only recently that it has become possible to determine the heat of dissociation of the hydrogen molecules (H,H) = 128000, and that of carbon (see carbon dioxide). NITROGEN GROUP. Here belong nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth. The latter possesses a decidedly metallic character. These elements, bismuth excepted, form gaseous derivatives with three atoms of hydrogen. N — 14.01. N2 = 28.02. 1. NITROGEN. Nitrogen exists free in the air, of which it constitutes f and oxygen the remaining In combination, it is chiefly found in the ammonium and nitric acid compounds, as well as in many organic substances of the animal kingdom. To isolate nitrogen from the air, the latter must be deprived of its second constituent. This is effected by such bodies as are capable of absorb- ing oxygen without acting upon the nitro- gen. This is most readily brought about by the combustion of phosphorus. Several pieces of the latter are placed in a dish swim- ming on water, then ignited, and a glass bell jar placed over them (Fig. 62). In a short time, when all the oxygen is absorbed from the air, the phosphorus will cease burning; the phos- phorus pentoxide produced dissolves in water, and the residual gas consists of almost pure N: its volume will equal four-fifths of the air taken. Another procedure consists in conducting air through a red-hot tube filled with copper turnings; the copper unites with the oxygen and pure nitrogen escapes. At ordinary temperatures the removal of O from the air may be accomplished by the action of phosphorus, a solution of pyro- gallic acid, and other substances. A very convenient course for the direct preparation of Fig. 62. NITROGEN. 115 nitrogen is the following: Heat ammonium nitrite in a small glass retort; this decomposes the salt directly into water and nitrogen: NH4N02 = N2 + 2H20: In place of ammonium nitrite a mixture of potassium nitrite (KN02) and ammonium chloride (NH4CI) may be used; upon warming, these salts yield, by double decomposition, potassium chloride and ammonium nitrite (KN02-f-NH4C1 = NH4N02 -f- KC1), which latter decomposes further. As potassium nitrite usually contains free alkali, some potassium bichromate is added to combine the same. Practically, the solution consists of 1 part potassium nitrite, 1 part ammonium chloride, and 1 part potassium bi- chromate, in 3 parts water, and is then boiled ; to free the liberated nitrogen from every trace of oxygen the gas is conducted over ignited copper. The action of chlorine upon aqueous ammonia produces nitrogen. The chlorine combines with the Hof the ammonia, forming HC1, which unites with the excess of NH3 to produce ammonium chloride. The nitrogen that was in combination with the hydrogen is set free. The following equations express the reactions: Ammonium nitrite. and 2NH3 + 3C12 = N2 + 6HC1, 6HC1 -f 6NH3 = 6NH4C1. Ammonium chloride. The apparatus pictured in Fig. 36, page 47, will serve to carry out the experiment. The disengaged chlorine is con- ducted through a Woulff wash bottle containing ammonia water, the free nitrogen being collected over water. In this experiment the greatest care should be exercised that an excess of chlorine is not conducted into the solution, because its action upon the ammonium chloride will cause the formation of an exceedingly explosive body (nitrogen chloride, NC13), separating in oily drops. Properties.—Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas, which condenses at —130° and a pressure of 280 atmospheres. Its density = 14,01 (H = r) or 0.9701 (air= 1). Water dis- solves about 2 per cent, by volume. In its chemical deport- ment it is extremely inert, combining directly with only a few elements, and entering chemical reaction but slowly. It does not support combustion or respiration; a burning candle is ex- tinguished, and animals are suffocated by it. This is not due to the activity of the N, but to absence of O—a substance which cannot be dispensed with in combustion and respiration. The presence of N in the air moderates the strong oxidizing property of the pure oxygen. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The air, or the envelope encircling the earth, consists prin- cipally of a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen ; it always con- tains, in addition, slight and variable quantities of aqueous vapor, carbon dioxide and traces of other substances, as accidental constituents. The pressure exerted by the air is measured by a column of mercury which holds it in a state of equilibrium ; the height of the barometric, column at the sea level and o° C. equals, upon an average, 760 millimeters. As 1 c.c. of mercury weighs 13.596 grams, 76 c.c. will equal 1 °33- 7 grams, and the last number would indicate the pressure which the column of air exercises upon one square centimeter of the earth’s surface. 1 c.c. air weighs (at o° C. and 760 mm. pressure) 0.0012926 grams; 1000 c.c., therefore, or one litre, would weigh 1.2926 grams. As one litre of H..O weighs 1000 grams, air is conse- quently 773 times lighter than it. Air is 14.43 t'mes heavier than hydrogen. The specific gravities of the gases and vapors were formerly referred to air (= 1) ; compared with H = 1, they are, therefore, 14.43 times greater than before. Remarks.—From these data, with the aid of the specific gravity derived from the molecular weights, the absolute weight of definite volumes of all gases may be readily determined, a problem frequently presented for solu- tion in practice. One litre of air weighs 1.293 grains, one litre of hydrogen 0.08958 grams. To ascertain the weight of a litre of. any other gas or vapor, its specific gravity referred to air=r 1 must be multiplied by 1.2926, or if compared with H = 1 by the factor 0.08958. History.—In ancient times air, like fire and water, was regarded as an element. In the beginning of the seventeenth century it became known that by combustion and respiration in an enclosed space a portion of the air disappeared, and that the part remaining was no longer suitable for the sup- port of the above processes; hence this was called destroyed air ; and the first, fire air. In the second half of the eighteenth century Scheele, in Sweden, and Priestly, in England, found that when a certain amount of gas, set free by heating mercuric oxide (oxygen), was added to the so-called destroyed air (nitrogen) a mixture resulted possessing all the properties of atmos- pheric air. Although both constituents of air were thus separately ob- tained and air regenerated by their mixture, yet at that time views regard- ing the nature of both ingredients and the nature of combustion and oxidation processes prevailed which were perfectly false in every respect. It was believed that combustion and oxidation were destructive processes; that the combustible and oxidizable bodies enclosed within themselves a peculiar substance called phlogiston. The latter was said to escape as fire and heat (phlogiston theory of Stahl, 1723), in the processes of combustion and reduction. These erroneous opinions were explained and corrected by Lavoisier (in 1774) by the following celebrated experiment bearing upon the composition of the air: A glass sphere, provided with a long, twice bent neck (Fig. 63), was filled with a weighed quantity of mercury. THE ATMOSPHERE. THE ATMOSPHERE. 117 The open end of the neck dipped into a mercury trough, ft S, and was closed completely by a glass bell jar. Then the balloon A was heated for some days at a temperature near the boiling point of mercury. By this means the mercury absorbed the oxygen of the air contained in A and the bell jar ft, forming mercuric oxide. In the course of several days, during which no additional decrease in the volume of air was observable on the application of heat, the experiment was interrupted, and the volume of residual gas in A and P measured. Upon comparing this with the volume before the ex- periment, it was dis- covered that £ volume of the air had disap- peared and combined with the mercury to red mercuric oxide. Lavoisier now strongly ignited the resulting mercuric oxide, and obtained a volume of oxygen equal to that withdrawn from the'air during the experiment. By mixing this with the residual volume of N the original volume of air was again recov- ered. Thus it was de- monstrated that air consists of | volumes N and volume O gas. The elementary character of nitrogen was first established by Lavoisier in 1787. It was called azote (from life and a privative!, by him. The symbol Az, derived from azote, is used in France and England for nitrogen. The name nitrogenium (from which the symbol N) was given to nitrogen be- cause it was a constituent of saltpetre (nitrum). Lavoisier made use of the above experiment for another important de- duction. As he determined the weight, both of the employed mercury and the resulting mercuric oxide, he discovered that the increase in weight was exactly equal to that of the oxygen withdrawn from the air, and by heating the mercuric oxide the same weight of oxygen was again separated. Thus was it demonstrated that the process of oxidation was the union of two bodies (not a decomposition)rand that the weight of a compound body equals the sum of the weights of its constituents; the principle of the inde- structibility of matter. ' • Fig. 63. Quantitative Composition of Air.—Its composition is ex- pressed by the quantity of oxygen and nitrogen contained in it, as its remaining admixtures are more or less accidental and variable. Boussingault and Dumas determined the accurate weight composition of the air by the following experiment: A large balloon, V, with a capacity of about 20 litres (Fig. 64), is connected with a porcelain tube, a b, filled with me- tallic copper. Balloon and tubes, dlosed by stop-cocks, are previously emptied and weighed apart. The bent tubes, A, B, 118 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and C, contain KOH and sulphuric acid, and serve to free the air undergoing analysis from aqueous vapor, carbon di- oxide, and other impurities. The porcelain tube, filled with copper is heated to a red heat, and by carefully opening the stop cocks u, r, and / a slow current of air is allowed to enter the empty balloon V The impurities are given up in the bent tubes, and all the oxygen absorbed by the ignited Cu, forming cupric oxide, so that only pure nitrogen enters V. Now close Fig. -64. the cocks and weigh the balloon and porcelain tube. The increase in weight of the latter represents the quantity of oxygen in the air; the increase in V the quantity of nitrogen. In this manner Dumas and Boussingault found that in 100 parts by weight of air there are contained : Nitrogen 76.99 parts by weight. Oxygen 23.01 “ “ “ 100.00 “ “ “ As we know the specific gravity of nitrogen (14.01) and of oxygen (15.96), we can readily calculate the volume composi- tion of air from that in parts by weight. We thus discover : Oxygen : 20.78 parts by volume. Nitrogen * 7922 “ “ “ Air 100.00 “ “ “ Calculating upon these numbers, we obtain 14 415 (H — 1,0 — 15.96) as the specific gravity of air. THE ATMOSPHERE. 119 The volume composition of air may be directly found by means of the absorptiometer. The latter is a tube carefully graduated, and sealed at one end. This is filled with mer- cury, and air allowed to enter ; the volume of the latter is determined by reading off the divisions on the tube. Now in- troduce into the tube, through the mercury, a platinum wire having a ball of phosphorus at- tached to the end (Fig. 65), (or a ball of coke saturated with an alkaline solution of pyrogallic acid). The phosphorus absorbs the oxygen of the air, and only nitrogen remains, the volume of which is read off by the gradua- tion. The eudiometric method affords greater accuracy. It is depend- ent upon the combustion of the oxygen with hydrogen in an eudiometer. The latter is an absorptiometer, having two platinum wires fused,in its upper end (Fig. 66). Air and hydrogen are introduced into the eudiometer, and the electric spark then passed through the wires (Fig. 67). All the oxygen in the air combines with a portion of the hydrogen to form water. On cooling, the aqueous vapor condenses and a contraction in volume occurs. Assuming that we had taken 100 volumes of air and 50 vol- umes of hydrogen, and that the residual volume of gas, after allowing for all corrections (p. 120), equalled 87.15 ; then of the original 150 volumes of mixed gas, 62.85 volumes disappeared in the formation of water. As the latter results from the union of 1 volume of oxygen and 2 volumes of hydrogen, the 100 volumes of air employed in the analysis therefore contained _6_2 j_5 — 20.95 volumes of oxygen. From this air con- sists of Fig. 65. 79.05 volumes nitrogen. 20.95 “ oxygen. ioo.oo “ air. As the above numbers have been obtained in numerous analyses, and as they clearly approximate those derived from the weight analysis of air, it was thought that the latter at all 120 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. times and in all places—on the earth’s surface and in the highest regions—contained like relative amounts of oxygen and nitro- gen. Recent researches show, however, variations in volume, ranging from 20.47 to 21.01 per cent. (v. Jolly), and it seems that in the higher regions there is less oxygen than near the surface. Measuring Gases.—The volume of gases is influenced by pressure, temperature, and the moisture contained in them. The volume of dry gases, at 760 mm. barometric pressure and o° C., is accepted as the normal volume. If a gas has been measured under any other conditions, it must be reduced to the Fig. 66. normal volume. According to the law of Boyle and Mariotte, the volumes of the gases are inversely proportional to the press- ure; therefore, if the volume of the gas at pressure h, has been Vh found equal to V, its volume at 760 mm. equals ?- — According to Gay-Lussac’s law, all gases expand in propor- tion to the temperature. Their coefficient of expansion is = 0.003665 ; i. e., one volume of gas at o° occupies at i° the volume 1.003665. If Vt represents the observed gas volume at $°, Vo, however, its volume at o°, then Vt Vo = *, I -l~ 0.003665.$ and, considering the pressure, ' Vth Vu = • . 760(1 -{- 0.003665.$) * Vo=V— T70.o.oo366.<, consequently Vo -j- V0. 0.00366.< = Vt, and Vo (1 + 0.00366./) = vr THE ATMOSPHERE. 121 Further, the gas volume is enlarged by moisture, as the tension of the aqueous vapor opposes the atmospheric pressure. The moisture may be removed by introducing into the gas a ball of coke saturated with sul- phuric acid, which dries it. It is more convenient, however, to make the correction of the gas volume in the following manner: Water is brought in contact with the gas to be measured, in order to perfectly saturate it with aqueous vapor ; the gas is then measured and its normal volume cal- culated by the above formula, after deducting from the observed pressure h the number of millimeters corresponding to the tension of the aqueous vapor for the given temperature (p. 89). From the great constancy of its composition air was sup- posed to be a chemical compound, consisting of nitrogen and oxygen. This supposition is, however, opposed by the follow- ing circumstances. All chemical compounds contain their constituents in atomic quantities, which is not the case with air. In the mixing of nitrogen and oxygen to form air there is neither disengagement or absorption of heat, which is always observed in chemical compounds. Further, the air absorbed by water or other solvents possesses a composition different from the atmospheric ; this is due to the unequal solubilities of nitrogen and oxygen in water. The air expelled from water upon application of heat consists of 34.9 volumes of oxygen and 65.1 volumes nitrogen. (Bunsen). These facts indicate that air is not a chemical compound, but a mechanical mix- ture of its two constituents. . The great constancy in composition of the air depends on the mutual diffusion of the gases. As the gas molecules- possess a direct progressive movement, they distribute themselves, without limitation, into space, and intermingle regularly with each other. The velocity of the diffusion of gases is approximately inversely proportional to the square root of their densities—the law of the diffusion of gases. The density of hydrogen = i; the density of oxygen — 16; therefore, hydrogen diffuses 4 times more rapidly than oxygen. .The unequal diffusion of gases may be perceived if they are allowed to pass through very narrow 'apertures, or through porous partitions. The following experiment very clearly illustrates this : In the open end of an unglazed clay cylinder (as used in galvanic elements) there is puttied a glass tube about one meter long, its open end terminating in a dish containing water (Fig. 68); the cylinder and tube are filled with air. Over the porous cylinder is placed a wider vessel filled with hydrogen. The latter presses almost four times faster into the cylinder than the air escapes from it; the air in the tube and cylinder is displaced and rises in the water in bubbles: When the separation of gas ceases tube and cylinder are almost fdled with pure hydrogen. On removing the larger hydrogen vessel the gas will escape much more rapidly into the external air than the latter can enter the cylinder; the internal pressure will there- fore be less than the external, and water ascends in the glass tube. In addition to N and O, air constantly contains aqueous vapor and carbon dioxide in very small quantities. The pres- 122 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ence of the former can readily be recognized by the fact that cold bodies are covered with dew in moist air. Its quantity' depends on the temperature and corresponds to the vapor tension of water (see p. 89). 1 cubic meter of air perfectly saturated with aqueous vapor contains 22.5 grams water at 250 C. ; on cooling to o° 1 7.1 grams of these separate as rain. Generally the- air contains only 50-70 per cent, of the quantity of vapor necessary for complete saturation. The amount of moisture in it is either de- termined according to phys- ical methods (hygrometer), or directly by weighing. To this end a definite quantity of air is conducted through a tube filled with calcium chloride or sulphuric acid, and its increase in weight determined. To detect the carbon di- oxide in the air, conduct a portion of the latter through solutions of barium or cal- cium hydrates, and a tur- bidity wfll ensue. To de- termine its quantity, pass a definite and previously dried amount of air through a weighed potassium hydrate tube, and ascertain the increase in weight of the latter. 10,000 parts of atmospheric air contain, ordina- rily, from 2.9-3.0 parts carbon dioxide. Besides the four ingredients just mentioned, air usually contains small quantities of ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and ammonium salts (ammonium nitrite). Finally, air contains microscopic germs of lower organisms; they are generally found in the lower air strata, and their presence influences the processes of the decay and fermentation of organic substances. Fig. 68. AMMONIA. 123 COMPOUNDS OF NITROGEN WITH HYDROGEN. NH3 = 17.01. Density = 8.5. AMMONIA. Ammonia occurs in the air in combination with some acids, in natural waters and in the earth, but always in small quanti- ties. The formation of ammonia by the direct union of nitro- gen and hydrogen occurs under the influence of the silent electric discharge. Its compounds are frequently produced under the most varying conditions. Thus ammonium nitrate is formed by the action of the electric spark upon moist air: N, f O + 2H20 == NH4N03 • Ammonium nitrate. Small quantities of ammonium nitrite result by the evapora- tion of water in the air: n2 + 211,0 = nh4no, • Am. nitrite. The same salt is formed in every combustion in the air; .by the rusting of iron and in the electrolysis of water. The white Fig. 69. vapors which moist phosphorus forms in the air, consist of am- monium nitrite. Further, ammonium salts are produced in the 124 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. solution of many metals in nitric acid, in consequence of a reduction of the acid by the liberated hydrogen : HN03 + 4H2 = 3H20 + NH3. Ammonia is produced in large quantities in the decomposi- tion and dry distillation of nitrogenous organic substances. Even as late as the last century the bulk of the ammonium chloride (the most important salt technically), was obtained by the distillation of camel’s dung (in Egypt in the.oasis of Jupiter Ammon—hence the name Sal ammoniacumJ. In the preparation of illuminating gas by the distillation of coal, am- monia appears as a by-product and may be obtained by combining it with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. This method is used almost exclusively*at present for its production. To prepare ammonia heat a mixture of ammonium chloride and slaked lime in a glass or iron flask: 2NH4C1 + Ca(OH)2 = CaCl2 -f 2H20 + 2NII3. Ammonium chloride,- Calcium hydrate. The disengaged ammonia gas is collected over mercury, as it is readily soluble in water (Fig. 69). For perfect drying con- duct it through a vessel filled with burnt lime (CaO). Calcium chloride is not applicable for this purpose, as it combines with the gas. Inconsequence of its levity, ammonia, like hydrogen, niay be collected by displacing the air in in- verted vessels. Ph) sical Properties. —Am- monia is a colorless gas with a suffocating characteristic odor. Its density is 8.5 (H = 1), or 0.589 (air = 1). Under a pressure of 6.5 at- mospheres (at io° C.), or by cooling to — 40° C., it condenses to a colorless, mobile liquid with a specific gravity of 0.613 at °°> and solidifies at — 8o°. Fig. 70. Ammonia gas may be condensed, just like chlorine. Take ammonium silver chloride (AgC1.2NHs), obtained by conducting ammonia over silver chloride,and enclose it in a tube with a knee-shaped bend (Fig. 70). The limb containing the compound is now heated in a water-bath, while the other limb is cooled. The compound is decomposed into silver chloride and ammonia, which condenses in the cooled limb. AMMONIA. 125 Ammonia gas dissolves very readily in water, with the libera- tion of heat. One part of water at o° and 760 mm. pressure absorbs 1050 volumes (= 0..877 parts by weight) ; at 150, 730 volumes of ammonia. When a long glass tube, closed at one end and filled with ammonia, has its open end placed in water, the latter rushes up into the tube as it would into a vacuum; a piece of ice melts rapidly in the gas. The aqueous solution possesses all the properties of the free gas, and is called Liquor ammonii caustici. The greater the ammonia content the less will the specific gravity of the solution be. The solution saturated at 140 contains about 30 per cent. NH;}, and has a specific gravity of 0.897. All the gas escapes on the application of heat. When the condensed liquid ammonia evaporates it absorbs a great amount of heat and answers, therefore, for the production artificially of cold and ice in Carre’s apparatus. The simplest form of the latter is repre- sented in Fig. 71. The iron cyl- is filled about half with a concentrated aqueous ammonia solution, and is connected, by means of the tubes from b, with the conical vessel F, in the middle of which is the empty cylindrical space E. The entire internal space of A and F is hermetically shut off. A is heated upon a charcoal fire until the thermometer a, in it, indicates 130° C., while F is cooled with water. In this way the gaseous ammonia is ex- pelled from the aqueous solution in A, passes through b, in which most of the water runs back, and condenses to a liquid in B, of the receiver F. The cylinder A is removed from the fire, cooled with water and the vessel D constructed of thin sheet-metal and filled with water, placed in the cavity E, which is surrounded with a poor conductor, e. g., felt. The ammonia condensed in B evaporates, and is reabsorbed by the water' in A. By this evaporation a large quantity of heat, withdrawn from F and its surroundings, becomes latent; the water in D freezes.. The method of Carr6 for the artificial production of ice has acquired great application in the arts; recently, however, it has been more and more replaced by the method of Windhausen. The latter depends upon the expansion of compressed air. Fig. 71. Chemical Properties.—A red heat and continued action of the electric spark decompose ammonia into nitrogen and hy- drogen. On conducting ammonia gas over heated sodium or 126 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. potassium, the nitrogen combines with these metals and hydro- gen escapes: Ammonia will not burn in the air; in oxygen, however, it burns with a yellow flame: NHB + 3K = NK3 + 3H. 2NH3 + 30 = N2 4- 3H20; ammonium nitrite and nitrogen dioxide are formed simulta- neously. When a mixture of ammonia and oxygen is ignited it burns with explosion. To show the combustion of NH3 in O, proceed as follows: A glass tube, through which ammonia' is conducted, is brought into a vessel with oxygen, bringing the opening of the latter near a flame at the moment of the introduction of the glass tube. In- con- tact with oxygen, the am- monia gas ignites and con- tinues to burn in it. The following experi- ment (of Kraut) shows the combustion of ammonia very conveniently. Place a somewhat concentrated am- monia solution in a beaker glass; heat over a lamp, until there is an abundant disengagement of gas, and then run in oxygen gas, by means of a tube dipping into the liquid. Upon ap- proaching the mixture with a flame, it ignites with a slight explosion. The ignition may be induced without a flame, by sinking a glowing platinum spiral into the mixture (Fig. 72) ; we then have a' number of slight explosions. The glass is filled at the same time with white vapors of ammonium nitrite (NH4N02); later, when oxygen predominates, red vapors of nitrogen dioxide (N02) and nitrous acid appear. If chlorine gas be conducted into the vessel with ammonia, it immediately ignites and continues to burn in the latter, with the production of white fumes of ammonium chloride (NH4C1). The chlorine combines with the hydrogen of the ammonia, Fig. 72. AMMONIA. 127 with separation of nitrogen, and yields hydrochloric acid, which unites to form ammonium chloride with the excess of ammonia. NH3 + 3C1 = 3HCI + N, and 3NII3 + 3HCI = 3NH4C1. In gaseous form, as well as in solution, ammonia possesses strong basic properties; it blues red litmus paper, neutralizes acids, forming salt-like compounds with them, which are very similar to the salts of the alkalies—sodium and potassium. The fol- lowing illustrates the similarity: NH3 + HC1 = NH4C1 KC1 Ammonium chloride. Potassium chloride. 2NH3 + H2S04 = (NH4)2S04 K2S04 Am. sulphate. Potassium sulphate. NHS + H,S == NH4SH KSH. Am. sulphydrate. Potassium sulphydrate. In these ammonia derivatives NH4 plays the role of the metal potassium. Hence the group (NH4) has been designated Ammonium and its compounds, ammonium salts. The latter, when acted on by strong bases, yield ammonium gas : 2NH1C1 + CaO = 2NH3 + CaCl2 + H20. The metallic character of the ammonium group is confirmed by the existence of the ammonium amalgam and likewise by its entire deportment in compounds. Therefore, the ammonium derivatives will be considered with the metals. QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION OF AMMONIA. ATOMIC WEIGHT OF NITROGEN. The quantitative analysis of ammonia shows that it consists of 1 part hydrogen and 4.67 parts nitrogen; hence we con- clude that the atomic weight of N is a multiple of the last number. (See p. 69.) H = 1 N = 4.67 NH = 5.67 2II = 2 N = 9-34 NH2 = 11.34 3H = 3 N == 14.01 NH, = 17.01 As the density of ammonia equals 8.5 (H = 1) its molecular weight would almost = 17. In 17.01 parts of ammonia there are 3 parts, and, therefore, 3 atoms of hydrogen. That the # 128 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 14.01 parts nitrogen united with them correspond to one atom of N is a consequence, as never less than 14.01 parts of N are present in the molecular weight of any nitrogen derivative. The density of nitrogen equals 14.01, and its molecular weight 28.02; therefore, the molecule of N consists of two atoms (N2). This is also concluded from the volume ratios occurring in the formation of ammonia. (See below.) From the molecular formulas NH3 and N2 follows, further, that 1 volume N and 3 volumes H form 2 volumes ammonia|gas, or that 2 volumes NH3 decompose into 3 volumes H2 and 1 volume N2, corresponding to the molecular equation: N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3. 1 vol. 3 vols. 2 vols. The following experiments prove these conclusions: 1. Decompose an aqueous' ammonia solution, mixed with sulphuric acid to increase its power of conductivity, in a Hof- mann’s apparatus (Fig. 47), by the galvanic current. Hydro- gen will separate at the negative .and nitrogen at the positive pole; the former will have three times the volume of the latter. 2. The electric (induction) sparks are permitted to strike through dry ammonia gas enclosed in an eudiometer, or the apparatus represented in Fig. 58. In this way the ammonia is decomposed into nitrogen and hydrogen, whose volume is twice as large as that of the ammonia employed. That 3 vols. H are present in the mixture for every vol. N is easily shown by the volumetric method, by burning the H with oxygen (p. 119). The volume ratios in the formation of ammonia confirm the conclusion drawn from the density of nitrogen (see above), that the molecule of the latter consists of two atoms. In two volumes of ammonia there are 2n molecules of NH3, therefore, in atoms of N. The nitrogen contained in these 2 volumes of NH3 occupies 1 volume in a free condition, and this contains n molecules and therefore in atoms of N. HYDROXYL AMINE. This compound, very analogous to ammonia, was discovered (by Lossen) in the reduction of ethyl nitrate by zinc and hy- drochloric acid. It is produced, too, by the action of tin upon dilute nitric acid, and by tin and hydrochloric acid upon all the oxygen compounds of nitrogen. In all these reactions it is the hydrogen eliminated by the tin which, in statu nascendi, reduces the nitric acid : NHsO = NHaOH. HN03 + 3H2 = H3NO + H20. NITROGEN. 129 To prepare hydroxylamine treat ethyl nitrate (120 gr.) with granulated tin (400 gr.) and hydrochloric acid (800-1000 c.c. of specific gravity 1.19, mixed with three times its volume of water) until solution is obtained. The strongly concentrated liquid is cooled and supersaturated with soda, the acidulated with hydrochloric acid aijd then evaporated to dry- ness. Hot alcohol will extract hydroxylamine hydrochloride, NH3O.HCI, from the residue. Hydroxylamine is very similar to ammonia, and like it unites directly with acids to form salts : On adding to the aqueous solution of the sulphate of hydroxyl- amine sufficient barium hydrate to remove all the sulphuric acid, an aqueous solution of the base is obtained, which, like the ammonia solution, possesses strong basic properties, and blues red litmus paper. The solution is, however, very un- stable, and readily decomposes into water, ammonia, and nitrogen : H3NO 4- HCl = HjNO.HCl. 3NH3O = NH3 + 3H20 + N2. Upon the application of heat a portion of the hydroxylamine will be carried over undecomposed along with the steam, but most of it is broken up. The hydroxylamine solution mani- fests a reducing action ; it precipitates metallic silver from silver nitrate, white mercurous chloride, HgCl, from mercuric chloride, HgCl2, and cuprous oxide from cupric salts. Owing to its great similarity to ammonia and its various reactions, it is supposed that hydroxylamine represents ammonia in which 1 H is replaced by the hydroxyl group OH ; there- fore the name hydroxylamine: nh3o = nh2oh. COMPOUNDS OF NITROGEN WITH THE HALOGENS. NITROGEN CHLORIDE. As we have seen, nitrogen is liberated when chlorine acts upon an excess of ammonia (p. 126); when, however, the chlorine is in excess, it acts upon the previously formed ammo- nium chloride, to produce nitrogen chloride: NCI,. NII4C1 -f 3C12 = NC13 + 4IICI. For the preparation of a small quantity of nitrogen chlo- ride, dip a flask filled with chlorine, open end down, into an 130 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. aqueous ammonium chloride solution, warmed to 30°. The chlorine is absorbed, and heavy oil drops separate, which are best collected in a small leaden dish. Nitrogen chloride is an oily, yellow liquid, with a disagree- able odor; its specific gravity equals 1.65. Of all chemical compounds this is the most dangerous, as it decomposes by the slightest contact with many substances, and frequently too without any perceptible external cause. Its decomposition is accompanied by an extremely violent report. The formation and explosibility of nitrogen chloride may be illustrated in a harmless way as follows : Decompose a saturated ammonium chlo- ride solution with the electric current. Nitrogen chloride rising in small drops from the liquid will separate at the positive pole. Upon covering the surface of the solution with a thin layer of turpentine oil, each drop will explode as it comes in contact with the latter. Nitrogen Iodide. Upon saturating finely divided iodine powder with ammonium hydrate, or upon pouring an alcoholic solution of iodine into ammonium hydrate, a brownish-black substance is obtained, which is extremely explosive. Its ex- plosibility may be shown without danger in the following manner: The precipitate is collected on a filter, washed with water, the filter opened out and torn into small pieces, which are then allowed to dry; upon the slightest disturbance these pieces explode with a violent noise. The iodide has the composition NHI2 or NIS according to the method by which it was prepared; it is regarded as ammonia in which the hydro- gen is partly or entirely replaced by iodine. 2. PHOSPHORUS. This element does not occur free in nature, because of its very great affinity for oxygen. The phosphates, especially calcium phosphate, are widely distributed. By the disintegra- tion of the minerals containing phosphates the latter pass into the soil, are absorbed by plants, and remain in their ash. In the animal kingdom calcium phosphate occurs in the bones. Brand and Kunkel, in Hamburg (1669), first obtained phosphorus by the ignition of evaporated urine. In 1769, Scheele, in Sweden, showed that it could be obtained from bones. Its name is derived from its power of giving light in the dark—2. Nitrogen affords similar com- pounds—(CH3)2N-NH2 and (CH3)NH-NH2, derived from diamine (N2H4 = H2N-NH2) which is not known in a free condition. The solid arsine, As4H2, is obtained by the action of nascent hydrogen upon arsenic compounds in the presence of nitric acid. It forms a reddish- brown powder, which decomposes when heated. 142 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. COMPOUNDS OF ARSENIC WITH THE HALOGENS. These are perfectly analogous to the corresponding phos- phorus compounds, and are the result of the direct union of their constituents. The iodide is the only known representa- tive of the compounds with the formula AsX5 (see p. 136). The metallic character of arsenic is shown by the fact that arsenic chloride, like other metallic chlorides, may be obtained by the action of hydrochloric acid upon the oxide; Arsenic Chloride is evolved when a. solution of As203 is boiled with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Arsenic Tri-chloride—AsC13. A colorless, oily liquid, fuming' in the air, and having a specific gravity of 2.2. It solidifies at —30° and boils at 1340. The vapor density equals 90.50 (H = 1), corresponding to the molecular formula AsC13 — 181.0. The chloride dissolves in a small quantity of water withput change, while much water converts it into oxide and hydrochloric acid: As203 + 6HC1 = 2AsC13 + 3H20. Arsenic Tribromide, AsBr3, is a white crystalline mass, fusing at 20°, and boiling at 220° C. The Tri-iodide, Asl3, forms red crystals; the Trifluoride, AsF13, is a liquid fuming strongly in the air. It results in the distillation of AsC13 or As203 with calcium fluoride ahd sulphuric acid. Arsenic pentaiodide, Asl5, melts at 70°, and is very soluble in water and alcohol. 2AsC13 + 3H20 = As2©3 + 6HC1: 4. ANTIMONY. Sb = 119.6. The metallic character exhibited by arsenic, becomes more distinct with antimony, which at the same time retains its complete analogy to the metalloidal elements, arsenic and phosphorus. Antimony is a perfect metal so far as its physical properties are concerned. It (Stibium) occurs in nature chiefly in union with sulphur, as stibnite, Sb2S3, and with sulphur and metals in many ores. It is almost always accompanied by arsenic. To prepare anti- mony, stibnite is roasted in a furnace, i.e , heated with air access, whereby the sulphur burns, and antimony trioxide remains: Sb2S, + 90 = Sb2Os + 3S02. ANTIMONY. The residual oxide is ignited together with carbon, which reduces it to metal (general procedure for the separation of metals). Antimony may also be obtained by heating its sul- phide with iron, which combines with the sulphur : Sb2S3 + 3Fe = 2Sb + 3FeS. The resulting commercial crude antimony is further purified in the laboratory by fusing it with nitre, whereby the admixed arsenic, sulphur, and lead are removed. Chemically pure anti- mony is obtained by reducing the pure oxide. It is a silver-white, and very brilliant metal, of leafy crystal- line structure; specific gravity 6.715. Like arsenic it crystal- lizes in rhombohedra, is very brittle, and may be easily broken. It fuses at 430°, and distils at a white heat. It is not altered in the air at ordinary temperatures; but when heated it burns with a blue flame, yielding white vapors of antimonic oxide, Sb2Os. Like phosphorus and arsenic it combines directly with the halogens; powdered antimony inflames in chlorine gas. It is insoluble in hydrochloric acid; nitric acid oxidizes it to antimonic oxide. Hydrogen Antimonide—Stibine—(SbH3) is produced like arsine, and is very similar to the latter. It is always obtained mixed with hydrogen. It is a colorless gas of pecu- liar odor, and when ignited, burns with a greenish-white flame, disseminating white vapors of antimonic oxide. A red heat decomposes it into antimony and hydrogen. In Marsh’s ap- paratus (Fig. 75, p. 141) it affords an antimony mirror and spots. The mirror is distinguished from that of arsenic by its black color, lack of lustre, its insolubility in 'a solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaCIO) and by its slight volatility in a current of hydrogen. When a solution of SbCl3 is decomposed by the galvanic current, metal- lic antimony separates and is strongly impregnated with hydrogen. It seems to form a sort of alloy with the latter. The same product is more readily obtained if antimony be made the negative electrode in the gal- vanic decomposition of water. When antimony in this condition is heated (or on breaking the rod) the hydrogen is separated with explosion (com- pare palladium hydride). COMPOUNDS OF ANTIMONY WITH THE HALOGENS. . Antimonous Chloride—Trichloride—SbCl3, results from the action of chlorine upon the metal or its sulphide; better 144 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. by the solution of the oxide or sulphide in strong hydrochloric acid : Sb2S3 + 6HC1 = 2SbCl3 + 3lI2S. This solution is evaporated to dryness and the residue dis- tilled. It is a colorless, crystalline, soft mass (Butyrum Antimonii), fusing at 730 and boiling at 2230. Its vapor density equals 112.8 (H = 1), corresponding to the molecular formula, SbCl3 = 225.7. In the air it attracts water and deliquesces. It dissolves unchanged in water acidified with hydrochloric acid. Much water decomposes it; the solution becomes tur- bid and a white powder—powder of algaroth—separates SbCl3 + H20 = SbOCl + 2HC1. The composition of this powder varies with the conditions under which it is formed, but generally corresponds to the formula 2 (SbOCl.). Sb203. Pure Antimony Oxychloride, SbQCl, obtained by heating SbCl3 with alcohol, occurs in colorless crystals and is further decomposed by water. While the metallic chlorides are not decomposed by water at ordinary temperatures, the ready decomposition of the halogen derivatives of antimony, shows that this element yet possesses a partial metalloid al character. Antimonic Chloride—Pentachloride—SbCl5, results from the action of an excess of chlorine upon antimony or the tri- chloride. It is a yellowish liquid which fumes in the air, becomes crystalline when cold, fuses at — 6°, and crystallizes in three different forms. Heat partially decomposes it, like PCI5, into SbCl3 and Cla: . SbCl5 = SbCl3 + Cl,. Water converts it into pyroantimonic acid (H4Sb20T), and hydrochloric acid. Antimony Tribromide—SbBr3—is a white, crystalline substance, fusing at 940 and distilling at 270°. The Tri- iodide, Sbl3, is a red compound, crystallizing in three distinct forms. X. vol. I vol. 1 vol. • In the group of nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, and anti- mony, we must also include Bismuth—Bi = 207 ; it forms similarly constituted compounds, e. g., BiCl3, Bils, BiOCl. Its metallic character, however, considerably exceeds its metal- loidal. Thus, it does not unite with hydrogen, and the oxide ELEMENTS OF THE NITROGEN GROUP. 145 (Bi203), similar in constitution to the acid-forming As203, pos- sesses only basic characters. We will, therefore, consider bis- muth and its derivatives with the metals. TABULATION OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE NITROGEN GROUP. The elements belonging here—nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth—present similar graded differences in their physical and chemical properties, just like the elements of the chlorine and oxygen group, and this gradation is inti- mately connected with the atomic weights. As the latter increase the substance condenses, the fusibility and volatility decrease, and the metallic character becomes more prominent: N. P. As. Sb. Atomic weight 14.OI 30.96 74-9 II9.6 Specific gravity 1.8-2.1 47-5-7 ' 67 Fusion point 44° red-white heat Vapor density O.972 4-32 10.3 Excepting bismuth, which is perfectly metallic in its nature, the elements of this group form gaseous compounds with three atoms of hydrogen. Ammonia (NH3) possesses strongly basic properties, and combines with all acids to yield ammonium salts; phosphine (PH3) combines with HBr and HI to form salt-like compounds. AsH3 and SbH3 no longer show basic properties. Arsenic and antimony, as well as the two preceding elements, combine with the hydrocarbons (e. g, CH3 and C2H5) and form compounds that are analogous in constitution and similar in character to the hydrides. These compounds [As (CH3)3 and Sb (CH3)3] will be described in Organic Chemistry; they possess basic properties and yield salts corresponding to the ammonium salts. The oxygen derivatives of these elements exhibit a similar gradation. With increase of atomic weight, corresponding to the addition of metallic character, the oxides that form strong acids in the lower series acquire a more basic nature. The thermal xelations of the elements of the nitrogen group are as yet ■but little investigated. In the production of one molecular weight of ammonia gas from hydrogen and nitrogen (HsN—gas) 11,890 calories are set free ; and yet the union occurs almost solely in an indirect way. This is probably explained by the fac* that the decomposition of ammonia (by INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. heat and electricity) is more easily brought about than the disgregation of the hydrogen and nitrogen molecules (compare p. 113). It appears (as in the group of the halogens and of oxygen) that the heat disengagement grows gradually less in the formation of PH3, AsH3 and SbH3. The in- creasing decomposability argues in favor of this view. On the other hand, in the formation of the chlorides with increase of atomic weights and metallic character the heat disengagement successively increases, corre- sponding to the symbols: (N,C13) = — 38,100 (P,C13) = 75.300 (As,C13) = 71,400 (sb, eg = 91,400 (P,C15) = 104,990 (P,CI3,0) = 142,600 (Sb, Cl5) = 104,000. The great instability of nitrogen chloride finds explanation in the re- markable heat absorption taking place in its formation. Less heat is produced in the formation of the iodides of the metals than with their chlorides. This is true also of phosphorus : (P.C1S) = (P,Brs) = 42,600 (P,I3) = 10,900. CARBON GROUP. The two non-metals, carbon and silicon, and the metal, tin, belong to this group. These unite with four atoms of hydro- gen or four of the-halogens. 1. CARBON. Carbon occurs free in nature as the diamond and graphite. It constitutes the most important ingredient of all the so-called organic substances originating from the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and is especially contained in the fossilized products arising from, the slow decomposition of vegetable matter—in turf, in brown coal, bituminous coal, and in anthracite. In combination with hydrogen it forms the so-called mineral oils —petroleum and asphaltum. It occurs, further, as carbon di- oxide (C0.2) in the air; and in the form of carbonates (marble, calcite, dolomite) comprises many minerals and entire rock formations. It is found in different allotropic modifications when free; these may be referred to the three principal varieties—dia- mond, graphite, and amorphous carbon. In all these forms it is a solid, even at the highest temperatures; non-fusible and non-volatile. This deportment can only be explained by the supposition that its free molecules are composed of a large number of carbon atoms combined with each other. (See p. 104.) All the modifications of carbon are quite stable, but not very reactive. When burned all yield carbon dioxide. c = 11.97 CARBON. 147 1. The diamond occurs in alluvial soils in certain districts (in India, Brazil, and South Africa); less frequently in micaceous schist. It has great lustre, strong power of refraction, and the greatest hardness of all substances. It crystallizes in forms of the regular system, that are mostly rhombic dodecahedra, rarely octahedra. Ordinarily, it is perfectly color- less and transparent; sometimes, however, it is colored by impurities. Its specific gravity equals 3.5. It does not soften any unless exposed to the most intense heat—between the poles of a powerful galvanic battery. It is then converted into a graphitic mass. When heated in oxygen gas it burns to carbon dioxide. It is scarcely attacked at all when acted upon by a mixture of nitric acid and potassium chlorate. 2. Graphite is characterized by its oxidation to graphitic acid when it is heated with a mixture of potassium chlorate and nitric acid. Like amor- phous carbon, it is oxidized to mellitic acid by an alkaline solution of po- tassium permanganate, or when it is made the positive electrode in the electrolysis of alkaline solutions. Native graphite is found in the oldest rock formations, and of especially good quality at Altai in Siberia. It occurs, too, in considerable quantities at many places in the United States. It is occasionally found crystallized in six-sided forms, but usually as an amorphous, grayish-black, glistening, soft mass, used in the manufacture of lead pencils. The specific gravity is 2.25. It conducts heat and electricity well. When away from air-contact it is not altered even at the highest temperatures. It usually burns when heated in an atmosphere of oxygen, but with more difficulty than the diamond, forming carbon dioxide, and leaving about 2-5 per cent, of ash. To purify the poorer and more im- pure kinds of graphite, the latter is pulverized and heated with a mixture of KClOj and H2S04; the product is washed with water, and the residue ignited (Brody’s Graphite). Graphite may be obtained artificially by fusing amorphous carbon ydth iron; when the latter cools, a portion of the dissolved carbon separates in hexagonal shining leaflets. 3. Amorphous Carbon is produced by the carbonization of organic (containing carbon) substances, and is found in a fossilized state. Nitric acid and potassium chlorate convert it in the cold into brown substances soluble in water. The purest amorphous carbon is soot which is obtained by the imperfect combustion of resins and oils (like turpentine) rich in carbon. Gas Carbon, called metallic carbon, deposits in the manufacture of gas in the retorts, and is very hard, possessing metallic lustre, and con- ducting electricity well; hence its use in galvanic batteries. Coke, resulting from the ignition of bituminous coal, forms a sintered mass, conducting heat and electricity well. Charcoal is very porous, and can absorb many gases and vapors; 1 volume of it condenses 90 volumes NHS, 55 volumes H2S, and 9 volumes O2. At ioo°, and under the air pump, the absorbed gases are again liberated. Charcoal will also take up many odorous substances and decaying matter; hence is employed as a disinfectant. Animal Char- coalis obtained by the carbonization of animal matter (bones, blood, etc.), and possesses the power of removing many coloring substances from their solutions; hence it serves in the laboratory and in commerce for the de- colorizatkm of dark solutions. All these varieties o£ carbon contain smaller or larger quantities of ni- trogen, hydrogen, and mineral substances, which remain as ash after com- bustion. Hydrochloric acid will withdraw almost all the mineral con- stituents. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The fossil coal varieties, bituminous coal, lignite and turf,’ are the pro- ducts of a peculiar slow decay of wood fibre, which gradually separates oxygen and hydrogen, and enriches itself in carbon. Fossil coal, con- tains 90 per cent., and brown coal 70 per cent., of carbon. The fossil coal richest in carbon, the last product of the alteration, is anthracite. This has lost all its organic structure, and contains 96-98 per cent, of carbon. COMPOUNDS OF CARBON WITH HYDROGEN. With hydrogen, carbon forms an unlimited number of com- pounds, into which all other elements, especially oxygen and nitrogen, can enter. These derivatives of carbon have been termed organic compounds, because they were formerly ob- tained exclusively from vegetable and animal organisms, and the idea was entertained that they were produced by the in- fluence of forces other than those forming the mineral sub- stances. At present, most carbon derivatives are prepared ar- tificially'from the elements by simple synthetic methods; we are aware that they do not differ essentially from mineral sub- stances. Hence the description of the carbon compounds must be arranged in the general system of chemical bodies. This, however, is not readily executed without sacrificing the review of a defunct system. The derivatives of carbon are so numerous, and possess so many peculiarities, that it appears necessary, from a practical stand-point, to treat them apart from the other compounds, in'a separate portion of chemistry, which we, pursuing the old custom, term organic chemistry. We then designate the chemistry of all other bodies as Inorganic Chemistry. .Only the simplest carbon-compounds will be con- sidered here. It is only under the influence of the electric arc that the direct union of carbon and hydrogen may be effected; the product is acetylene (C2H2). All other hydrocarbons are ob- tained indirectly in various ways. Methane—Marsh Gas—CH4.—This simplest hydrocar- bon, containing but one atom of carbon, is formed in the decay of organic matter under water (in swamps and coal mines), and escapes in large quantities in many regions of the earth (thus at Baku, on the Caspian Sea). It maybe obtained synthetically by conducting vapors of carbon disulphide and hydrogen sulphide over ignited copper filings: CS2 + 2ll2s + 8Cu = 4Cu.2S + CH4. METHANE. 149 For its- preparation, heat a mixture of sodium acetate with sodium hydrate: C2H3Na02 + NaOH = CHt + Na2-C03. Methane is a colorless, odorless gas, insoluble in water; it can be condensed by pressure and cold. When ignited it burns with a faintly luminous flame. It affords a violently explosive mixture (fire-damp of the miners) with two volumes of oxygen (or ten volumes of air). CH4 202 — C02 -f- -eH20. I vol. 2 vols. I vol. 2 vols. The quantitative analysis of methane shows that for every 1 part of hydrogen in it there are 2.9 parts carbon. Were the formula CH (analogous to hydrochloric acid) then the atomic weight of carbon would be 2.9. If it corresponded to the formula of water (H20) then carbon would equal 5.98, etc. (see p. 95): MOLECULAR FORMULA OF METHANE. ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CARBON. H = i C = 2.99 CH = 3.99 2II = 2 C = 5.98 CH2 = 7.98 3H = 3 C = 8.97 CH3 = 11.97 4II = 4 C = n.97 CH4 = 15.97 . In this case the analysis yields (as in former instances) no Conclusive answer. We derive the molecular weight of methane, according to Avogadro’s law, from the density. The latter equals 7.98 (H = 1) hence the molecular weight is 15.97. In 15.97 parts by weight of methane there are 4 parts by weight, hence 4 atoms, of hydrogen, and 11.97 parts carbon. The atomic weight of C is, then, presuming that only 1 atom of it is present in methane, 11.97. 4 atoms hydrogen H4 = 4 1 atom carbon C = 11.97 Methane.molecule CH4 = 15.97 That the atomic weight of carbon is really 11.97, is proven by the fact that of all its innumerable derivatives,'not one con- tains less than 11.97 parts, by weight, of this element. It follows, with certainty, from the periodic system of elements (p. 77). From the formula CH4 it follows that in 1 volume of methane there are 2 volumes of hydrogen (CH4 contains 2H2). This is I vol. 2 vols. 150 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. proved indirectly by the combustion of methane with oxygen in an eudiometer (see p. 119). Four atoms of hydrogen yield two molecules of H20 ; 1 atom of C yields 1 molecule of CO*. Hence the volume relation in the combustion of CH4 in oxygen is expressed by the equation : I vol. CH4 -f- *202 = C02 -f- 2H20. 2 vols. I vol. 2 vols. In two volumes of aqueous vapor there are 2 volumes of hydrogen ; hence in one volume of CH4, there are 2 volumes of H2. The result of the eudiometric analysis confirms these conclusions. Ethane—C2H6, is formed when hydrogen in statu nascendi acts upon ethyl chloride: C2H5C1 + 2H = C2H6 + HC1. Or by the action of potassium or sodium upon methyl iodide: 2CH3I + Na2 = C2H6 + 2NaI. This is a colorless gas, insoluble in water, and when ignited it burns with a feebly luminous flame. Its density equals 14.97 (H = 1) or 1.037 (air =1) corresponding to the molecular formula C2H6 = 29.94. Besides methane (CH4) and ethane (C2H6) there exists a long series of hydrocarbons of the general formula CnH2n+2* (e.g., C3H8, C4H10, C5H,2 etc.), in which each member from the preceding and next following by 1 C and 2 H (CH2). Bodies belonging to such a series greatly alike in their chem- ical behavior are termed homo/ogues. In addition to this series of saturated hydrocarbons others exist, with less hydro- gen, and by the addition of the latter, pass into the saturated, and may, therefore, be termed unsaturated. ■ The first unsatu- rated series is composed according to the formula CnH2„, the second according to CnH2n_2, etc. The lowest member of the series CnH2n is ethylene (see Chemical Structure, p. 169). Ethylene—C2H4, is formed in the destructive distillation of wood, bituminous coal, and many carbon compounds, hence is contained in illuminating gas. It is most easily obtained by the action of sulphuric acid upon alcohol, whereby the acid withdraws H20 from the latter: c2H6o - H20 = c2h4. Alcohol. Ethylene. It is a colorless gas, of weak, ethereal odor, and condenses at — iio° to a liquid.. Its density equals 13.97 (H = 1) or 0.969 (air = 1), corresponding to the molecular formula C2H4 = 27.94. It burns with a bright, luminous flame, decom- posing first into marsh gas and free carbon : THE NATURE OF FLAME. 15 I c2h4 = ch4 + c. The CH4 then burns and heats the particles of carbon in the flame to incandescence; these are then consumed to carbon dioxide (C02). The unsaturated compound, ethylene, unites directly with two atoms of chlorine and bromine : C2H4 + Cl, = c2h4gi2. The resulting compounds, C2H4C12 and C2H4Br2, are oily liquids; hence the name olefiant gas, for ethylene. The lowest member of the second unsaturated series is C 2H2. Acetylene—C2H2—is produced in the dry distillation of many carbon compounds, and is present in coal gas, to which it imparts a peculiar penetrating odor. Its density = 12.97 (H =1) corresponding to the formula CaH2 25.94. It combines directly with 2 and 4 atoms, of chlorine and bromine. The three hydrocarbons considered above, methane (CH4), ethylene (C2H4), and in slight amount acetylene (C2H2), con- stitute, together with H and carbonous oxide (CO), ordinary illuminating gas, which is produced in the dry distillation of bituminous coal, lignite, or wood. The illuminating power is influenced by its quantity of ethylene and acetylene (and their homologues.) We are aware that every chemical union which occurs in a gaseous medium, and is accompanied by the evolution of light is designated combustion. * We observe herein, that some bodies, like sulphur and phosphorus, yield a flame when burned in the air or in other gas; such substances are converted into gases or vapors at the temperature of combustion. Carbon burns without a flame, becomes incandescent, because it is non-volatile. The carbon compounds, wood, bituminous coal, and tallow, are, indeed, not volatile, but burn with a THE NATURE OF FLAME. 152 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. flame because under the influence of heat they develop com- bustible gases. Flame is, therefore, nothing more than a com- bustible gas heated to incandescence. We have observed, too, that the combustibility is only a relative phenomenon ; if hy- drogen burns in oxygen and chlorine, oxygen and chlorine, conversely, will burn in hydrogen (p. 54). Illuminating gas burns in the air, therefore air (its oxygen) burns in the former. This may be demonstrated in the same manner as in the case of chlorine and hydrogen. The relative combustibility and the so-called return of the flame may be very plainly illustrated by means of the following contrivance. An ordi- nary lamp-chimney (Fig. 76) is closed at its lower end with a cork, through which two tubes enter ; the narrow tube, a, somewhat contracted at its end, is connected with a gas stop-cock; the other tube, b (best a cork borer), is about 5 mm. wide, and communicates with the air. The gas issu- ing from the tube a is ignited, and the chimney is then dropped over the not too large flame; it continues to burn along quietly, as sufficient air enters through the wide tube b. Upon increasing the supply of gas, the flame becomes larger, the globe fills with illuminating gas, while the air is crowded out. The gas flame is. extin- guished, and an air-flame appears upon the wider tube, b, as the entering air continues to burn, in the atmosphere of illuminating gas. The excess of the latter escaping from the upper portion of the globe may be ignited, and we then have a gas-flame above, while within the globe we have an air-flame. On again lessening the gas flow the air-flame will distribute itself, extend to the exit of the tube a, and then the gas- flame will appear upon the latter, while the flame above the globe is ex- tinguished. In this manner, we may repeat the return process of flames at will. That the air actually burns in the air-flame may be plainly proved if we introduce a small gas-flame from c, through the wide me- tallic tube b; the little flame will continue to burn in the air-flame, but will be extinguished if it be introduced higher up into the atmosphere of illuminating gas. Fig. 76. We say ordinarily that only those bodies are combustible which, because of their power to unite with oxygen, burn in ;tn atmosphere of this gas or in air. If we imagine, however, an atmosphere of hydrogen, or illuminating gas, then bodies rich in oxygen must be combustible in these. In fact, nitrates, THE NATURE OF FLAME.’ 153 chlorates, etc., burn in an atmosphere of illuminating gas with‘the production of an oxygen flame. This maybe de- monstrated as follows: An Argand-lamp chipmey (Fig. 77) is closed at its lower end by a cork, bearing- a gas-conducting tube.. The gas which escapes through the opening of the sheet covering, a, is ignited. Then the substance (potassium or ba- rium chlorate, etc.) is introduced into the flame on an iron spoon provided with a long handle, heated to the temperature of Fig. 77. decomposition (disengagement of oxygen), and the spoon then plunged through the opening into the gas atmosphere. The substance burns with a brilliant light, as the resulting oxygen flame is brightly colored by the vaporizing and reduced me- tallic salts. The brilliancy or luminosity of a flame is influenced by the nature of the substances contained in it, also by its temperature and density. Incandescent gases shine very faintly per se; this is especially true when they are diluted. Thus hydrogen, am- monia, and methane burn with a pale flame. Even sulphur burns in the air with a flame slightly luminous. If, on the contrary, sulphur or phosphine be permitted to burn in oxygen, or 154 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. arsenic and antimony in chlorine gas, an intense display of light follows. This depends on the fact that the flame is not diluted by the nitrogen of the air, is therefore more condensed, develops a higher temperature, and thre combustion products (S02, P205, PC13) or the evaporating substances are not imme- diately gasified. That the density of the flame of gases exer- cises a great influence upon the luminosity is proved by the fact that hydrogen, compressed into a smaller space with oxy- gen burns writh intense light display.' A slightly luminous flame may be rendered intense by intro- ducing solid particles into it. For example, if hydrogen be passed through liquid chromium oxychloride (Cr02Cl2) it burns with a bright luminous flame, because the volatile Cr02Cl2 in it is changed by the oxygen of the flame into solid, Jion-volatile chromium oxide, Cr203, whose particles are heated to incandesence by the hydro- gen flame. The illuminating pow’ej of the various hydrocarbons and carbon compounds is similarly explained. Marsh gas, CH4, and ethane, C2H6, afford a pale flame, because they burn directly to aqueous vapor and carbon dioxide. Ethylene, on the contrary, burns with a bright luminous flame, because, by the temperature of combustion, it de- composes first into CH4, and carbon, whose parti- cles glow in the flame. (See p. 151). Let us consider the flame of an ordinary stearin candle: On approaching the wick wuth a flame the stearin melts, is drawn up by the fibres and con- verted into gaseous hydrocarbons, which ignite, and by their chemical union with the oxygen of the air, produce the flame. The unaltered gases exist in the inner non-volatile zone a (Fig. 78); theycapnot burn because of lack of air access. If the lower end of a thin glass tube be inserted here the gases wall rise in it, and may be ignited at the upper end. There is a partial combustion of the gases in the middle, luminous part,/-, e, g; ethylene, C2H4, breaks up into CH4 and C: the first burns completely, while the C is heated to a white heat, because there is not sufficient oxygen present for its combustion. The presence of carbon particles in the luminous part may be easily proved by placing a glass rod or a wire net in it; it will at once be coated with soot. In the outer, very feebly luminous and almost invisible mantle, b, c, d, of the flame, which is completely surrounded by Fig. 78. THE NATURE OF FLAME. air, occurs the perfect combustion of all the carbon to carbon dioxide. An entirely identical structure is possessed by the ordinary illuminating gas flame. By bringing as much air or oxygen into it as is necessary for the perfect combustion of all the carbon, none of the latter separates (see below), and there is produced a faintly lumi- nous but very hot flame. Upon this principle is based the construction of the Bunsen burner, the flame of which is employed in laboratories for heating and ignition. Fig. 79 represents a form of the same. The upper end, c, is screwed into the lower portion, and in the figure is only separated for the sake of explanation. The gas enters through the narrow opening, a, from the side gas tube, and mingles with air in the tube c, which enters through the openings of the ring, b. In this way we obtain a flame that is but faintly luminous, although afford- ing an intense heat. On closing the openings in b the air is cut off, and the gas burns at the upper end of the tube e, with a bright strongly smoking flame. The non-luminous flame contains an excess of oxygen, and hence oxidizes—oxidizing flame. It is employed to effect oxidation reactions. The luminous flame, on the other hand, is'reducing in its action, and is designated the reduction flame, because the glowing carbon in it abstracts oxygen from many substances. The construction and application of the ordinary and the gas blowpipes depend upon the same occurrences; they are, however, replaced at present by gas lamps. Fig. 79. The non-luminosity of the Bunsen burner flame, due to addition of air, depends on a more complete combustion of the separated carbon or of the yet undecomposed hydrocarbons. The flame, in consequence, is smaller, more intense, and the combustion extends itself even to the inner cone of the flame. It is more difficult to render the flame non-luminous by pure oxygen, because it is then not diluted by nitrogen, and is, therefore, much smaller, the temperature much higher, and the flame gases are more con- densed. Another variety of non-luminosity of hydrocarbon flames-is induced by the admixture of inactive gases, like nitrogen and carbon dioxide. By this means the flame is enlarged and the combustion, as in the luminous flame, 156 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. takes place only in the outer cone. In consequence of the dilution there are present fewer combustible particles in an equal space, and these can be more completely consumed by the oxygen of the air, which enters more readily ; further, the temperature is lowered, and probably does not acquire the decomposition temperature of ethylene (C2H4) in the adjoining cone, which is being continually renewed. The simple extension of an illumin- ating flame upon a plate, will render it non luminous, because then the air comes in contact with a larger flame surface. On heating a gas made non-luminous by the admixture of nitrogen, and then letting it burn, its flame becomes luminous because the increased temperature can induce the de- composition of ethylene. In rendering flame non-luminous by carbon dioxide, we must also con- sider that the same is converted, by the particles of carbon, into carbon monoxide: C02 + C =’ 2CO. Indeed, but a few per cent, of C02 in a gas-flame suffices to consider- ably diminish its luminosity, I vol. c2h4 4- co, = ch4 + 2C0, I vol. I VoL 2 vols. while the presence of nitrogen is far less detrimental. Every substance requires a definite temperature for its igni- tion—temperature of ignition. When a substance is once ignited it generally burns further, because additional particles Fig. 8i. Fig. 8o. are raised to the temperature of ignition by the heat of com- bustion. By rapid cooling (e.g., by the introduction of a piece of metal into a small flame) every flame may be extin- CARBON WITH THE HALOGENS. guished. By holding a metallic net over the opening of a gas lamp, from which gas issues, and igniting the same above the wire (Fig. 80), the latter, being a good conductor of heat, cools the flame so much that it is incapable of igniting the gas below the gauze. Upon this phenomenon depends the construction of Davy’s safety lamp, which is used in coal mines, to avoid ignition of the fire-damp. (Fig. 81.) It is an ordinary oil lamp surrounded and shut off from the air by a metallic wire gauze. On bringing a lighted lamp of this sort into an explo- sive mixture, or into a combustible gas (e. g., in a large jar, in which ether is present), the gas penetrating into the lamp will burn, but the combustion will not extend to the external gases. 157 COMPOUNDS OF CARBON WITH THE HALOGENS. Carbon does not combine directly with the halogens; the compounds result, however, by the action of the halogens upon the hydrocarbons. We have seen that chlorine and bromine act upon water, ammonia, H2S, PHS, etc., in such manner as to unite with the hydrogen to form hydrogen chloride, etc., while the other element is either set free or is also combined with the chlorine. Chlorine and bromine act similarly upon the hydro- carbons ; here hydrogen is displaced, atom after atom, by chlo- rine, forming HC1 and chlorine derivatives: CH4 + Cl2 = CH3C1 + HC1 CH4 + 2C12 = CH2C12 4. 2HCI CH4 + 3C12 = CHClg + 3HCI, etc. Such a process is termed substitution, and the products substitu- tion products. In this way we obtain from methane, CH4, the products, CHgCl, CH2C12, CHC13 (o + o<; = OCK \H CIO—OH. The salts of perchloric acid are called perchlorates; those of chloric acid, chlorates ; those of chlorous acid, chlorites ; and those of hypochlorous acid, hypochlorites. Hypochlorous Oxide—0,0—Hypochlorous anhydride, is produced by conducting dry chlorine gas, in the cold, over precipitated and dried mercuric oxide : HgO + 2C12 = HgCl2 +C120. The disengaged gas is condensed in a bent glass tube, cooled by a freezing mixture. Hypochlorous oxide is a reddish-brown liquid, resembling chlorine. It boils at -f-200, and passes into a yellow vapor. The vapor density is 43.3 (H = 1), corresponding to the formula, C120 = 86.7. This oxide is very unstable, and in the INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. course of a few hours decomposes, yielding chlorine and oxy- gen. It has strong oxidizing and bleaching properties. It dissolves in water to hypochlorous acid : Hydrochloric acid decomposes it into water and chlorine: C120 + H20 = 2HOCI. C120 + 2HC1 = H.p + 2C12. Hypochlorous Acid—HCIO—is only known in aqueous solution. It is obtained by conducting chlorine into water in which there is suspended freshly precipitated mercuric oxide ; the solution cannot be distilled. The concentrated solution is yellow in color, and is decomposed by light. It oxidizes and bleaches energetically. The bleaching action of this acid, due to the separation of oxygen in statu nascendi, is twice as great as that of free chlorine, as is evident from the following equations: Cl, + H20 = 2IIC1 + O 2C1QH = 2HC1 + 02. The acid itself is very feeble and incapable of decomposing carbonates. Its salts (Bleaching powder, see Chloride of Lime) are formed by the action of chlorine, in the cold, upon strong bases: 2NaOH + Cl2 = NaCl + NaOCl + H20. Upon heating their solutions with dilute nitric acid the free acid distils over. On shaking the aqueous solution of hypochlorous acid with mercury, there is produced a white precipitate of HgO, HgCh, soluble in hydro- chloric acid (salts of hypochlorous acid form HgO). This behavior serves to distinguish hypochlorous acid from chlorine, which under like circum- stances forms Hg2Cl2, insoluble in hydrochloric acid (Reaction of Wolter). Chlorine Trioxide—C1203—Chlorous anhydride. This results from the deoxidation of chloric acid, as e.g., when -a mixture of KC10S, nitric acid and reducing substances- like arsenic trioxide is warmed : 2HCIO3 — C1203 -f- H20 + 02; a yellowish-green gas escapes, which can be condensed at —20°. Chlorine trioxide is a reddish-brown liquid, boiling about o° and decomposing rapidly. Its vapors, when heated to 50°, explode with violence. The oxide is soluble in water, forming chlorous acid C102H or CIO.OH, unknown in a free condition. With alkalies it yields salts called chlorites. Chlorine Tetroxide—Cl204—is the mixed anhydride of CHLORIC ACID. 177 chloric and chlorous acid, as water and the alkalies decompose it into these two acids: CIO }° + H*° = clo-OH + cio2.OH It is formed when sulphuric acid acts upon potassium chlo- rate (KC103); a dark yellow gas escapes, upon the application of heat and at —20° condenses to a reddish-yellow liquid, boiling at -f- 90. The oxide is an energetic oxidizing agent, very unstable, and, in daylight, readily decomposes, with violent explosion. Hence, we must avoid mixing sulphuric acid with potassium chlorate. The formation of the oxide can be effected in a perfectly harmless way, and its powerful oxidizing action be illustrated, by throwing some potassium chlorate and a few pieces of yellow phosphorus into water, contained in a measuring glass, then allowing sulphuric acid to touch the bottom of the tube, drop by drop, by means of a pipette. By the action of the disengaged tetroxide the phos- phorus will burn under water with a brilliant light. When concentrated sulphuric acid is added 'to a mixture of potassium chlorate and sugar, a violent combustion occurs. Chlorous acid. Chloric acid. The vapor density of the oxide is 33 (H = 1); the gaseous molecules, therefore, possess the formula C102 (= 67.3). It is very probable, that the molecules have a double formula, C1204, at a lower temperature; this is confirmed by the manner in which water decomposes the oxide, and by its perfect analogy to nitrogen tetroxide, whose N204 molecules have been proved to dissociate into N02. Chloric Acid—HC103, or C102.0H—is obtained by de- composing an aqueous solution of barium chlorate with sul- phuric acid : (C103)2Ba + S04H2 = BaS04 + 2HCIO3. Barium chlorate. Barium sulphate. The barium sulphate separates as a white insoluble powder, and can then be filtered off from the aqueous solution of the acid. This is concentrated, under an air-pump, until the specific gravity becomes 1.28, and it then contains about 40 per cent of chloric acid; it is oily and, when heated to 40°, decomposes into chlorine, oxygen, and perchloric acid,HC104. The concentrated aqueous solution oxidizes strongly; sulphur, phosphorus, alcohol, and paper, are inflamed by it. Hydro- chloric acid eliminates chlorine from the acid and its salts: HClOg + 5HC1 = 3H20 + 3C12. 178 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The chlorates are produced, together with chlorides, by the action of chlorine, in the presence of heat, upon many bases (compare Potassium chlorate): Perchloric Acid—HC104, or C10g.0H. This is the most stable of all the oxygen derivatives of chlorine. As previously stated, it is produced by the decomposition of chloric acid, but is more easily obtained from its salts. Upon heating potassium chlorate to fusion, oxygen escapes, and potassium perchlorate results: 6KOH + 3C12 '= 5KCI + KCIO3 -f 3H20. 2KCIO3 = KC104 + KC1 + Oa. Upon warming the perchlorate with four parts sulphuric acid, perchloric acid distils over: 2C104K + H2S04 = K2S04 + 2HC104. The pure acid is a mobile, colorless liquid, fuming strongly in the air; its specific gravity is 1.78 at 150. It boils at iio°. It cannot be preserved, since after a few days it decomposes with violent explosion. It also explodes in contact with phos- phorus, paper, carbon, and other organic substances. It pro- duces painful wounds when brought in contact with the skin. It dissolves in water with hissing, and with one molecule of the solvent forms the crystalline hydrate HC104 + H20, fusing at 50°; the crystals fume in the air and gradually deliquesce. The second hydrate—HC104 + 2H20:—is a thick, oily liquid, resembling sulphuric acid, and boils unchanged at 208°. It may also be obtained by evaporating the aqueous solutions of perchloric and chloric acids. When the crystalline hydrate is distilled it breaks up into anhydrous perchloric acid and the second hydrate: 2C104H.H.20 = 4- C104H.2H20. Bromine yields the following oxygen compounds: HBrO Hypobromous acid. HBrOg Bromic acid. HBr04 Perbromic acid. The corresponding anhydrides are not known. The acids are perfectly analogous to. the corresponding chlorine com- pounds. Hypobromous Acid—HBrO—is formed when bromine water acts upon mercuric oxide; the aqueous solution can be BROMIC ACID IODIC ACID. 179 distilled in vacuo, and posssesses all the properties of hypo- chlorous acid. Bromic Acid—BrOaH. Bromates are formed by the action of bromine, in the heat, upon the aqueous solution of the alkalies or of barium hydrate; an aqueous solution of the acid can be obtained from the barium salt by decomposing the latter with sulphuric acid. A more practical method of getting the free acid is to let bromine act upon silver bromate or oxi- dize bromine with hypochlorous acid : The aqueous solution may be concentrated in vacuo until its content reaches 50.6 per cent. BrOsH and then closely cor- responds to the formula BrOsH -f 7H20. When heated it breaks up into bromine, oxygen, and water. Perbromic Acid—Br04H—is said to be formed in the action of bromine vapor upon perchloric acid: 5C120 + Br2 + H20 = 2Br03H + ioCl. and is perfectly similar to the latter. C104H + Br = Br04H + Cl. Iodine forms the following anhydrides and acids: I205 HI03 — Iodic Acid. (I207) HIOt — Periodic Acid. Iodic Acid—HI03. Its salts (iodates) are formed in the same manner as those of chloric and bromic acids, by dissolv- ing iodine in a hot solution of potassium or sodium hydrate: The free acid can be obtained by the oxidation of iodine with strong nitric acid, or by means of chlorine; further, by the action of iodine upon chloric or bromic acids, whereby the iodine directly eliminates the chlorine and bromine: 6KOH + 3la = SKI + IKOa + 3H20. 2HCIO3 + J2 = 2HIO3 + Cl2. Upon evaporating the aqueous solution the free iodic acid crys- tallizes in colorless rhombic tablets of specific gravity 4.63. The solution possesses strong oxidizing properties. When iodic acid is heated to 170° it decomposes into water and iodic an- hydride: 2HIO3 = I20 i + H20. It is decomposed, similarly to chloric acid, by hydrochloric acid: 180 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Reagents, like H2S, S02 and HI, reduce it to iodine. Periodic acid sustains similar decompositions. Iodic Anhydride—I2Os—is a white crystalline powder, which dissolves in water to form iodic acid. It decomposes at 300° into iodine and oxygen. Periodic Acid—HI04—is produced by the action of io- dine upon perchloric acid: 2l03II + ioIICl = I, + SC12 + 6H20. 2lIC104 + I2 = 2HI04 + Cl2 Upon the evaporation of the aqueous solution, the acid crys- tallizes out with two molecules of water (HI04, 2H20—com- pare below). In the air, the crystals deliquesce, fuse at 130°, and at a higher temperature decompose into water and pe- riodic anhydride, the latter at once breaking up into oxygen and iodic anhydride: 2(HI04 + 2H2o) = i205 + o2 + 5h2o. The existence of the hydrates of periodic and perchloric acids, as well as of many others (See Sulphuric and Nitric acids), which we .once re- garded as molecular compounds (p. 171), is interpreted at present by the acceptance of hydroxyl groitps, directly combined with the element of higher equivalence: VII C104H -f- H„0 = C102(0H)3— trihydrate or tryhydric acid. VII CIO.H -|- 2H,0 = CIO (OH)5— pentahydrate or pentahydric acid. VII C104H -f- 3H20 = Cl (OH)7— heptahydrate or heptahydric acid. The extreme hydrates, Cl(OH)7and 1(011)7, in which all seven affinities of the halogen atom are attached to hydroxyl groups, are not known, but probably exist in aqueous solution. As they give up water, and one atom of O becomes simultaneously united with two bonds to the halogen, they yield the lower hydrates—even to the monohydrate C1030H. Perchloric acid continues monobasic in the polyhydrates, since but one hydrogen atom is replaced by metals : CI06H5 + KOH = C10iK 4- 3H20. On the other hand, periodic acid (IOsOH) is not only monobasic, but as a pentahydrate (IO(OH)5) can, like the polybasic acids, furnish also poly- metallic salts, as: VII f (OH)3 10 \ (ONa)2 VII / (OH), IO \ (OAg)3 VII IO(O.Na)5 VII 10(OAg)5. Salts also exist which are derived from condensed polyiodic acids, as: OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF THE HALOGENS. 181 /(0H)4 X(OH)4. —Diperiodic acid, etc. (Compare disulphuric, dichromic acid, etc.) The existence of such salts plainly indicates that the hydrates of acids must be looked upon as hydroxyl compounds, and that iodine and the halogens are, in fact, heptads in their highest combinations. The oxygen compounds of the halogens in some respects display a character exactly opposite to the hydrogen deriva- tives. While the affinity of the halogens for hydrogen di- minishes with increasing atomic weight from FI to I (see page 64), the affinity for oxygen is the exact reverse. Fluorine is not capable of combining with oxygen ; the chlorine and bro- mine compounds are very unstable, and are generally not known in free condition ; the iodine derivatives, on the con- trary, are the most stable. In accord with this is the fact that in the higher oxygen compounds chlorine and bromine are set free by iodine, while in the hydrogen and metallic compounds of the halogens the direct reverse is the case, viz., that iodine and bromine are replaced by chlorine. Further, the oxygen compounds exhibit the remarkable pe- culiarity that their stability increases with the addition of oxy- gen. The lowest acids, HCIO, HBrO, HC102, are very un- stable, even in their salts; they possess a very slight acid char- acter, and are, too, separated from their salts by carbon di- oxide. The most energetic and most stable are the highest acids, HC104, HBr03, HIOs, in which the higher valence of the halogens appears. The corresponding oxygen compounds of the sulphur and nitrogen groups are perfectly similar—a property scarcely to be connected with the supposition of a chain-like grouping of the oxygen atoms (according to the constant atomicity theory, See p. 171). The peculiar behavior of the oxygen compounds of the ha- logens, their variable stability and decomposition, and their modes of formation, find a clearer explanation in their thermo- chemical relations. All oxide compounds of chlorine and bromine are endothermic, i.e., heat is rendered latent in their production from the elements (compare p. 65). They do not result, therefore, by direct union of the elements; further, they are not very stable, decompose readily with elimination of oxygen, and then oxidize strongly. The heat, appearing 182 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. in the formation of chlorine monoxide, and of the hypothetical pentoxides, C1205 and Br2Os (in their production from the elements and solution in water), corresponds to the symbols: (C12,0 — gas) = — 18,040; (CI2,05,Aq.) = —20,480. (Br2,05,Aq.) = — 43,500. In the formation of iodine pentoxide and iodic acid heat is liberated: (I2,°6) = + 44,86o; (I.O..H) = + 57,880. This explains its stability in comparison with the chlorine and bromine compounds, and also the direct production of iodic acid by the oxidation of iodine. When the pentoxides are compared with each other, it is seen that the most heat is rendered latent in the formation of bromine pentoxide, Br205 —the affinity of bromine for oxygen, consequently, is the lowest, that of iodine the greatest. This is also evident from the heat of formation of the acids, in dilute aqueous solution, or of the potassium salts in solid condition: (Cl,03,H,Aq.) = 23,940; (Br,03,H,Aq.) =_• 12,420; (I,03,H,Aq.) = 55,710; (C1,03,K) = 94,600; (Br,Os,K) = 87,600; (I,03,K) = 128,400. We now understand why chlorine and bromine are separated from chloric and bromic acids by iodine, with formation of iodic acid, while bromine does not act upon chloric acid. Later, in the groups of sulphur and of phosphorus, we will observe that the middle members, selenium and arsenic, show a less liberation of heat in their oxygen compounds—their affinity, therefore, is slighter than that of their analogues. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE SULPHUR GROUP. The elements sulphur, selenium, and tellurium combine with two atoms of H, and also yield oxygen acids, which contain 2 H atoms: In these acids i and 2 atoms of H can be replaced by metals; hence they are dibasic. By the replacement of 1 atom of H we get the so-called acid or primary salts, while the neutral or secondary salts are obtained by the replacement of both hy- drogen atoms: HaS (so2h2) h2so3 h2so4. S04KH SOtKr Acid potassium sulphate. Neutral potassium sulphate. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF SULPHUR. 183 I. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF SULPHUR. Hyposulphurous acid. (so2h.2) so, S03H, Sulphurous anhydride. so, Sulphurous acid. so4h2 Sulphuric anhydride. Sulphuric acid. In addition to these compounds there are others of more complicated nature. They will be studied later. The structure of the former may be expressed by the follow- ing formulas: IV O = S = O IV OH O = S< X)H* Sulphur dioxide. Sulphurous acid. VI O = S = O & vi OH O = S< roH Sulphur trioxide. Sulphuric acid. Sulphur Dioxide, S02, or sulphurous anhydride, is formed by burning sulphur or sulphides in the air: S + 02 = S02. I vol. I vol. The combustion may also be effected by the action of me- tallic oxides (copper oxide, manganese peroxide) which give up their oxygen quite readily. It is most conveniently pre- pared for laboratories by heating sulphuric acid with mercury or copper: 2H2SQ4 + Cu = CuS04 + S02 + 2HaO. The acid is similarly decomposed by heating it with carbon. Copper sulphate. 2S04H2 -f C = 2S02 + C02 + 2H20. By this method we get a mixture of carbon and sulphur diox- ides, which are separated with difficulty. Owing to its solu- bility in water, sulphur dioxide must be collected over mercury. * The structure of sulphurous acid must probably be expressed by the IV formula, H — SO2 — OH, according to which 1 atom of H is connected with sulphur, but the other is contained as hydroxyl. This appears from the carbon derivatives of sulphurous acid. Probably both structural cases exist in compounds as two isomeric series of neutral ethers of the acid are known. 184 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. It is a colorless gas, with a suffocating odor. Its density is 31.9 (H = I), corresponding to the molecular formula S02= 63.9. It condenses at —i5°,or at ordinary temperatures under a pressure of two atmospheres, to a colorless liquid, of specific gravity 1.45, which crystallizes at — 76° and boils at — io°. Upon evaporation the liquid sulphur dioxide absorbs much heat; so that if some of the liquid is poured upon mercury, in a clay crucible and the evaporation accelerated by blowing air upon it, the metal will solidify. Water dissolves 50 volumes of sulphur dioxide gas with liberation of heat.* The gas is again set free upon application of heat. The solution shows all the chemical properties of the free gas. Sulphur dioxide has great affinity for oxygen. The gases combine when dry; if their mixture be conducted over feebly heated platinum sponge* sulphur trioxide results : 2 vols. I vol. 2S02 + 02 = 2SO3. In aqueous solution the dioxide slowly absorbs O from the air, and becomes sulphuric acid: so2 + h2o + o = h2so4. Aqueous sulphur dioxide is converted more rapidly into sul- phuric acid by the action of Cl, Br, and I; SOsH2 + H20 + Cl2 = S04H2 + 2HC1. Here the decomposition of a molecule of water is effected in consequence of the affinity of the halogen for hydrogen and of sulphurous acid for oxygen. On adding sulphurous acid to a dark-colored iodine solution the latter is decolorized. Similarly, sulphurous anhydride and its solution withdraw oxygen from many compounds rich jn that element; hence it deoxidizes strongly and passes over into sulphuric acid. Thus chromic acid is reduced to oxide, and the red solution of per- manganic acid is decolorized with formation of manganous salts. Many organic coloring substances, like those of flowers, are decolorized by it. This property is what leads to its application in the bleaching of wools and silks, which are strongly attacked by the ordinary chlorine bleaching agents, (p. 49.) The dioxide may be deoxidized; thus by H2S sulphur is sep- arated out by strong reducing agents: S02 + 2H2S = 2ll20 + 3S. * Instead of platinum sponge, platinized asbestos may be applied; this is obtained by immersing asbestos in a platinic chloride solution, then in ammonium chloride, and afterwards drying and igniting. HYPOSULPHUROUS ACID. 185 If, however, both gases are strongly diluted by other neutral gases, the action is but very slow. A mixture of equal volumes of S02 and CI2 unites in direct sunlight to thionyl chloride, S02C12. (P. 193.) When sulphur dioxide acts upon warmed phosphoric chloride, the products are phosphorus oxychloride, and the compound SOCb: Chlorthionyl—SOCl2—may be viewed as sulphur dioxide in which one atom of O is replaced by two atoms of chlorine. It is a colorless liquid with a sharp odor, and boils at 78°. Water decomposes it into hydrogen chloride and sulphurous acid : so2 + PC15 = POCl3 +. S0C12. SOCl2 + 2H20 = S02 4- H20 + 2HC1. Sulphurous Acid—H2S03—is not known in free condi- tion, but is probably present in the aqueous solution of. S02. On cooling the concentrated solution to o°, colorless cubical crystals separate, which have the composition (SO,2 -f- *5H20) or (S03H2 + i4H20). If the aqueous solution is allowed to stand for some time, especially in sunlight, sulphur separates with formation of sulphuric acid: 3so2 + 2ii2o = 2so4h2 + s. Sulphurous acid is dibasic and forms two series of salts; the primary (KHS03) and secondary (K2S03). Sulphites.—These are obtained by saturating solutions of bases with S02. When sulphurous acid is separated out from its salts by stronger acids it decomposes into its anhydride and water: Na2S03 -f 2HCI = 2NaCl + SO, + H20. Pyrosulphuroua Acid, S205H2, bears the same relation to sul- phurous acid, as pyrosulphuric acid S2OtH2 to sulphuric acid (p. 191). The acid is only known in its potassium salt—S2Q5K2 (see Potassium sul- phite). Hyposulphurous Acid—H2S02 or S204H2. On adding zinc to the aqueous solution of sulphurous acid the metal dissolves without liberation of hydrogen. A yellow solution is obtained, which decolorizes indigo and litmus solutions energetically. Schiitzenberger has shown that this prop- erty is due to the hyposulphurous acid contained in the solution, formed there by the action of the H set free by the zinc upon a second molecule of SO3H2: H2S03 4- Zn = S03Zn + If2, and H2SOs + H2 = S02H2 4- HjO. The pure aqueous solution is obtained by the decomposition of its salts. 186 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Its solution has an orange-yellow color, reduces powerfully, bleaches and soon decomposes with separation of sulphur. The bleaching action of this lowest oxygen compound of sulphur reminds us of a similar behavior of the lower oxygen derivatives of chlorine and bromine. The salts are more stable than the acid. The sodium salt is obtained by the action of zinc filings upon a concentrated solution of primary sodium sulphite. Its composition is not established with certainty; it corresponds to either the formula S02HNa or S204Na2. The salt solutions abstract oxygen very rapidly from the air and change to sulphites. Two peculiar oxides of sulphur, which, however, do not afford any cor- responding acids and salts, but resemble the peroxides more, are sulphur sesquioxide and sulphur heptoxide. Sulphur Sesquioxide—S203. Is obtained by the solution of flowers of sulphur in anhydrous sulphuric anhydride; it separates out in blue drops, which solidify to a mass resembling malachite. It decomposes grad- ually, more rapidly on warming, into S02 and sulphur. It is very violently broken up by water, with formation of sulphur, S02,S04H2 and polythionic acids. It dissolves with a blue color in concentrated sulphuric acid. Sulphur Heptoxide—S2Ot—is produced by the action of a silent elec- tric discharge of great tension upon a mixture of S02 and oxygen. It sepa- rates, in oily drops, which solidify to a crystalline mass at o°. Upon standing but especially upon warming, it gradually decomposes into S03 and oxygen: s2o7 =2SOs + o. It fumes strongly in the air, and with water decomposes into sulphuric acid and oxygen: Its solution in concentrated sulphuric acid is tolerably stable. It ap- pears, also, in the electrolysis of sulphuric acid, and upon the addition of H202 to strongly cooled sulphuric acid. S2Ot + 2HjO = 2S04H2 +o. Sulphur Trioxide—S03—or sulphuric anhydride, is pro- duced, as previously described, by the union of S02 and oxygen, aided by platinum black; or when S02 and air are conducted over ignited oxide of iron (Wohler). It is most conveniently obtained by heating fuming (Nordhausen) sul- phuric acid (p. 191) ; the escaping white fumes are condensed in a chilled receiver. Sulphur trioxide exists in two different (polymeric) modifications. In the one form obtained by cool- ing the vapors, there is produced a white, asbestos-like mass which, after fusion, crystallizes in long, colorless prisms; it melts at 160 and boils at about 46°. The vapor density agrees with formula SOs. By keeping it below 250 it passes in another so-called solid modification, which does not fuse until above 50°, and passes into the liquid variety. SULPHURIC ACID. According to later investigations of Weber neither modification is the pure anhydride, but contains water. He obtained the pure anhydride by subjecting the asbestos-like variety to repeated and careful distillations in a closed tube. It is a readily mobile liquid, of specific gravity 1.940 at 16°, but solidifies to long, transparent, needles, resembling saltpetre. The crystals fuse at 14.8° and boil at 46.2°. By the addition of a small quan- tity of moisture the transparent crystals pass into the asbestos-like needles of the ordinary anhydride. Sulphuric oxide fumes strongly in the air, and attracts mois- ture with avidity. When thrown on water it dissolves with hissing, to form sulphuric acid (S03 H20 = H2S04). When the vapors are led through heated tubes they are decomposed into S02 and oxygen. This acid has long been known and is extensively applied in technology, etc. Besides the reactions already mentioned, it arises in the oxidation of sulphur by nitric acid. It was ob- tained formerly by heating ferrous sulphate (FeS04); at pres- ent, however, it is almost exclusively manufactured in large quantities, after the so-called English lead chamber process. This method is based upon the conversion of S02 into S04FI2. Sulphur or pyrite (FeS„), is roasted in ovens, and the disen- gaged S02 immediately conducted, together with air, into a series of large leaden chambers in which it is frequently brought in contact with nitric acid and steam. By the combined action of these substances (sulphur dioxide, nitric acid, oxygen of the air and water) sulphuric acid is formed in the chambers and collects upon the floor of the same. SULPHURIC ACID—H2S04. The lead chamber process is very complicated, being influenced by the quantity of the reacting substances and the temperature, and as yet is not fully explained. It is most simply represented as follows : in the presence of water, the nitric acid oxidizes the SO2 to sulphuric acid, and the former is reduced to nitrogen oxide or nitrogen dioxide: The oxygen of the air (which entered the chambers simultaneously with the S02) and the steam convert the NO again into nitric acid: 3S02 -(- 2HNO3 + 2H2Q = 3H2S04 + 2NO. 2NO + 30 + H20 = 2HNO3, and this converts a fresh portion of S02 into sulphuric acid. Or, the nitric oxide forms N203and N02 by union with oxygen, and these, in the presence of steam, oxidize sulphur dioxide to sulphuric acid: S03 + H20 -f N2O3 = S04H2 + 2NO and so2 + H20 -f no2 = so4h2 + NO. The regenerated nitric oxide is again subjected to the same transforma- tions. In this manner apparently one and the same quantity of nitric acid, 188 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. by sufficient air access and water, changes an unlimited amount of S02 into sulphuric acid ; the nitrogen oxide (and other oxides of nitrogen) acts, as it were, as a carrier of oxygen. In fact, in this process, in addition to the NO, small quantities of N20 and N are formed from the nitric acid, and these not being oxidized by the air, escape, with excess of the latter from the chambers. For the continuation of the process, the regular ad- dition of a definite amount of nitric acid is acquired. In practice, the active nitrogen oxides (N203 and N02) are carried along and withdrawn from the action by means of the escaping nitrogen and excess of air. To avoid any further loss of nitric acid by this means, the escaping Fir,. 84. brown gases are conducted through the so-called Gay-Lussac tower. This is constructed from lead sheets, and filled with pieces of coke, over which con- centrated sulphuric acid constantly trickles. The acid completely absorbs the nitrogen oxides N203 and N02, with formation of nitrosylsulphuric acid (see p. 2051. The nitrogen oxides can be regained from the acid— the so-called nitroso-acids—collected at the bottom of the tower, and made useful in the production of sulphuric acid in the chambers. This is effected at present, in the so-called Glover tower, which is constructed of lead plates and fire-proof bricks, and inserted between the sulphur ovens and lead chambers. In this the nitroso-acid (diluted with the previously ob- tained chamber acid) is allowed to run over fire-brick, while the hot gases of combustion from the sulphur ovens stream against it. This cools the hot gases to the required •temperature (70-80°), water evaporates from the chamber acid, and, at the same .time, the nitrogen oxides are set free (see p. 207), and carried into the lead chambers. Hence, the Glover tower SULPHURIC ACID. 189 serves, not only for complete utilization of the nitrogen oxides, but also for the concentration of the chamber acid. The chamber process may be illustrated by the following laboratory ex- periment: A large, glass flask (Fig. 84) A replaces the lead chamber; in its neck are introduced, by means of a cork, several glass tubes, which serve to introduce the various gases. In «,S02 is developed by heating a a mixture of H2S04 and Hg or copper strips. The flask b contains some dilute nitric acid and copper turnings, from which NO is evolved. Water is boiled in c to afford steam. Air enters through d while the ex- cess of gases escapes through e. By the meeting of NO with the air, red fumes of nitrogen dioxide (N02) and nitrogen trioxide (N203) arise, and these in presence of water change the sulphur dioxide to sulphuric acid (P- i87)- The regenerated nitric oxide yields NOa with the oxygen of the air, and converts another portion of SO,2 into sulphuric acid. In time aqueous sul- phuric acid collects upon the bottom of the vessel. If, at first, only S02, NO and air enter without the steam, we get (by aid of the moisture of the air) the compound S02 j (the so-called nitrosulphonic acid) which covers the walls of the vessel with a white crystalline sublimate (comp. p. 206). These crystals, known as lead-chamber crystals, are also formed in the technical manufacture of sulphuric acid, when an insufficient quan- tity of steam is conducted into the chambers. Water decomposes them into sulphuric acid and nitrogen oxides. The acid collecting in the chambers (chamber acid) pos- sesses, when the operation has been properly conducted, the specific gravity 1.5 (50° according to Beaume) ; it contains about 60 per cent. H2S04 and 40 percent. H20. For concen- tration the chamber acid is first heated in open pans until the specific gravity reaches 1.72 (6o° Beaume). The lead vats are strongly attacked by further evaporation, hence the acid is finally heated in glass vessels, or, better, platinum retorts, un- til the residual liquid has acquired the specific gravity, 1.83 (65.5° Beaume). It is now entered upon trade under the name crude sulphuric acid (Acidum sulphuricum cruduni). It still contains about 8 per cent, water and traces of lead and arsenic. By further concentration we can obtain 95-96 per cent. H2S04 (extra concentrated acid). By the distillation of the crude English acid an aqueous so- lution at first distils over (*/$ distillate), but at 330° we obtain almost pure H2S04 {Acidum sulphuricutn or destillatum). This has the specific gravity 1.854 at o° or 1.842 at 120, and contains about 1.5 per cent, water. On cooling this to—350 white crystals separate, which, after repeated recrystallization fuse at + 10.50 ; this is the anhydrous acid, H2S04. When this is heated, white fumes of S03 escape at 40° ; the liquid begins to boil at 290°, and at 330° the acid, with 1.5 per cent. H20, again distils over. 190 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. From these data it is obvious that sulphuric acid, even at a gentle heat, sustains a partial decomposition (dissociation) into S03 and H20,which again unite to form sulphuric acid when they cool. The dissociation is com- plete at a boiling temperature, as seen from the vapor density, which has been found to be 24.5. The normal vapor density, corresponding to the molecular formula H2S04 =98, must be equal to 49 (9/); the empirical formula, found to be half as large, is explained by the decomposition of the molecule of H2S04 into the molecules SOs and II20, so4h2 = SOs 4t h2o. Concentrated sulphuric acid is a thick, oily liquid. On cooling a sulphuric acid containing about 15 percent, water to o°, large six-sided prisms of the hydrate S04H2 + H20 sepa- rate ; these fuse at T- 8.5°, and give up water at 205°. The second hydrate, S04H2 + 2H20, corresponding to the maximum contraction, has the specific gravity 1.63, and yields water at 1950. The concentrated acid possesses an extremely great affinity for water, and absorbs aqueous vapor energetically, hence is applied in the drying of gases and in dessicators. It unites with water with the evolution of considerable heat, and, for this reason, it is practically recommended, in mixing the acid, to pour the latter in a thin stream into the water, and not the reverse, as otherwise explosive phenomena occur. In mixing sulphuric acid with water, a contraction of the mixture takes place ; its maximum corresponds to the hydrate S04H2 + 2H20. 1 volume. 1 volume. i volume. The existence of the hydrates of sulphuric acid is explained, as in the case of periodic acid, by the supposition of hydroxyl groups : S04H„ -4- 2H..O = S(OH). Hexahydroxyl sulphuric acid. SO;H; + H20 = S(OH)J Tetra “ SQ4H2 = S02(0H)2 Normal sulphuric acid. The tetra- as well as the hexahydroxylsulphuric acid yield only salts of the normal dibasic acid, when they are acted upon by bases. Salts, in which several H atoms are replaced by metals, are not known. The affinity of sulphuric acid for water is so great that the former withdraws the hydrogen and oxygen from many sub- stances, with the production of water. In addition to carbon, many organic compounds contain hydrogen and oxygen in the proportion in which these elements yield water. The with- drawal of H and O from such substances leaves the carbon. This explains the charring action of H2S04 upon wood, sugar, and paper. When sulphuric acid acts upon alcohol (C2H60), ethylene, C2H4 (p. 150), results. By conducting H2S04 over red hot porous bodies, it is de- composed into sulphur dioxide, water, and oxygen : PYROSULPHURIC OR DISULPHURIC ACID. I9I H2S04 = SO, + HaO + o. This decomposition affords us a method for manufacturing oxygen technically ; the sulphur dioxide is absorbed by water and afterwards converted into H2S04. When heated with S, P, C, and some metals (Hg, Cu), the acid is reduced to di- oxide (p. 183). Nearly all the metals are dissolved by it, forming salts ; only lead, platinum, and a few others are scarcely attacked at all. It is a very strong acid, and, when heated, expels most other acids from their salts; upon this depends its application in the manufacture of hydrochloric and nitric acids. The barium salt (BaSQ4) is characterized by its insolubility in water and acids; therefore, sulphuric acid added to solutions of barium compounds produces a white pulverulent precipitate, which serves to detect small quantities of the acid. Pyrosulphuric, or Disulphuric Acid—H2S2Ot.—On withdrawing one molecule of water from two molecules of the acid there results the compound S207H2, whose formation and structure may be represented by the following formula: so,<°S _ so,/°H /on-".0 - /" 5U«\OH su!\OH As this contains two hydroxyl groups it is a dibasic acid; yet its manner of formation shows that it possesses an anhy- dride character. Later, we will observe that almost all poly- basic acids, like phosphoric acid, PO(OH)3, silicic acid, SiO (OH)2, and chromic acid, Cr02 (OH)2, are capable, by the con- densation and the elimination of several molecules of water, of forming like derivatives, which bear the name Poly- or Pyro- acids. The disulphuric acid is contained in the so-called fuming ox Nordhausen sulphuric acid (Acidum sulphuricum fumans), which is obtained by heating dehydrated ferrous sulphate— green vitriol (FeS04). It is a thick, oily, strongly-fuming liquid, of specific gravity 1.85-1.9. When it is cooled, large colorless crystals of H2S207 separate; these fuse at 350. Heat breaks it up into sulphuric acid and sulphur trioxide, which volatilizes: Conversely, disulphuric acid may be obtained by dissolving S03 in sulphuric acid. The production of fuming sulphuric acid also depends on this, as it may be regarded as a solution of S03 (or S207H2) in excess of sulphuric acid. S207H, = S04H2 + S03. 192 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Technically, fuming sulphuric acid is obtained from pyrites (FeS?)— (at present only in Bohemia). The decomposition of the pyrites in the air affords ferrous sulphate and ferric oxide. The first can be dissolved out with water. The solution is evaporated, and the residue roasted in a reverberatory furnace, whereby the ferrous salt is changed to ferric salts. The latter are then distilled from earthen retorts, when sulphuric acid and the trioxide pass over and are collected in the receivers: Fe2(S04)S = FeA + JSO3 Ft‘2°3 + S03 + S04H2- The residue, consisting of red ferric oxide, finds application as colco- thar (caput mortuum) in polishing and as a paint. Of late, solid, fuming sulphuric acid, S207H2, has been prepared accord- ing to Winkler’s method. The mixture of S02 + O, obtained by heating English sulphuric acid (p. 190) and absorbing the steam produced at the same time by sulphuric acid in a coke tower, is conducted over ignited platinized asbestos (p. 184) and the resulting S03 collected in concentrated sulphuric acid. Disulphuric acid yields sulphuric acid with water. Its salts may be obtained by heating the primary salts of the latter acid : Primary pot. sulphate. 2S04HK = h2o + K2§2Ot. Pot. disulphate, By the application of more heat, the disulphates decompose into SOs, and sulphates: = S04K2 + S03; hence these reactions may serve for the formation of S03. Sulphuric Acid Chlor anhydrides.—Under the name of halogen anhydrides we understand the derivatives resulting from the replacement of OH in hydroxides by halogens. Conversely, the chlor-anhydrides, by the action of water, pass into the corresponding acids: OH S°2 {Cl + 2H*° = s + 2 HC1- \)H The ordinary method for the preparation of the chloranhydrides consists in permitting PC15 to act on the acids. Sulphuric acid has two hydroxyl groups; therefore it can furnish two chloranhydrides. The /Cl first, SO/ — Sulphuryl Hydroxy-chloride or Chlorsulphonic Acid—results when 1 molecule of PC15 acts upon I molcule of H2S04:— Cl s°2 { QH + PCI5 = S02 + POCl3 + HC1. \>H PYROSULPHURYL CHLORIDE. 193 The resulting POCl3 acts upon two additional molecules S04H2, with formation of metaphosphoric, hydrochloric, and chlorsulphonic acids. It is formed, too, by the direct union of S03 with HC1. The most prac- tical method for its formation consists in conducting chlorine gas through S04H2 (15 parts), and gradually adding PC13(7 parts). Or, HC1 gas is led into solid fuming sulphuric acid (S207II2), as long as absorption occurs, and then it is distilled (Otto). Chlorsulphonic acid is a colorless, strongly fuming liquid of specific gravity 1.776 at 180, and bails at 1550. Its vapors possess the normal density at a temperature a little beyond the boiling point, but at 180° sustain dissociation, which is complete at 440°, and corresponds to the equation: 2S03C1H = S03 -f HaO -)- SOa + Cl*. (Cl The salt S02 < results from the union of SC3 with KC1. The second chloranhydride, S02C12, or Sulphuryl-chloride'* forms when PC15 acts upon SOa; by heating S03HC1 to i8o° : 2 S03HC1 = S02C12 -)- S04II2; and also by the direct union of S02 with Cl2 in sunlight, or when these gases are conducted into camphor. A colorless, suffocating, strongly fuming liquid, of specific gravity 1.708 at o°, results. It boils at 70°. Water decomposes it energetically into.sulphuric and hydrochloric acids (also the case with chlorsulphonic acid). A little water will first change it to chlorsulphonic acid; S°2\C1 + H2° = S°2 \0H + HC1- Its vapor density is normal at 184°; at higher temperatures it gradually diminishes, and at 440° corresponds to the decomposition equation: so2ci2^so2 + ci2. Pyrosulphuryi Chloride, S2()5CI2, is the chloranhydride of pyrosul- phuric acid. It is obtained by several reactions, chiefly, however, by the action of PC15 or P205 upon chlorsulphonic acid : /cl 2S°/oH H*° = S 2/° s°,\Ci It is a thick liquid, fuming in the air; has a sp. gr. = 1.858 at o°, and, when perfectly pure, boils at 153°. At 183-210° it shows a normal den- sity ; it is dissociated at higher temperatures, and this is complete at 440°, corresponding to the equation; s,o5ci2 = so3 + so2 + Cl2. It dissolves gradually in water, without hissing, and decomposes into S04H2 and HC1; it at first yields chlorsulphonic acid with a little water. Thionyl chloride—SOCl2—(p. 185), may be regarded as a chloranhy- dride of sulphurous acid. * The group SO2 combined with 2OH in 1I2S04, is known as Sulphuryl. 194 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Amid Derivatives of Sulphuric Acid. When NH3 acts on S03, the compound S032NH3 arises, which is to be regarded as ammonium sulphaminate —SO,/ q \2{ j B *s a white powder, which may be crys- allized from water; its solution is not precipitated by barium salts. When ammonia acts upon S02 q the ammonium salt of disulphimid /SO O H acid, HN/s()2’oh, forms; this is tribasic, as all three H-atoms can be replaced by metals. By this name (from 6eh>v, sulphur) is understood the complex acids of sulphur, containing two or more atoms of the latter. The following are known : POLYTHIONIC ACIDS. S2OsH2 — Thiosulphuric acid. S206H2 — Dithionic acid. S306H2 — Tri “ “ S406H2 — Tetra “ “ S506H2 — Penta “ “ The general chemical character of these acids is represented simply and distinctly in the following structural formulas. We suppose that they contain one or two univalent groups, S03H, VI or —S02 OH, in which one affinity of sulphur is unsaturated. This group is known as the sulpho group; it is also present in organic sulpho-acids, and corresponds to the acid-forming carbon group, COOH, called carboxyl. From this group (written in another form) are derived the above-observed acids: H.SOa.OH ho.so2.oh 0/so2.oh u\so2.oh The following structural formulas express the polythionic acids: Sulphurous acid. Sulphuric acid. Disulphuric acid. S/“,H Thiosulphuric acid. HS.SO.H \oh + N<°> = 2SO>(oh° + ”>°- S0<<0H + 5o>° = SO. It is produced together with phosphorous and phosphoric acids, by the slow oxidation of moist phosphorus in the air. It is separated from these acids by means of its difficultly soluble sodium salt, P206Na2Il2 + 6H20; by precipitating the solution of the latter with a soluble lead salt we get insoluble P2OfiPb2. Its silver salt is more easily obtained by oxidizing phosphorus in the presence of silver nitrate. The free acid from the lead or silver salt is rather stable in a dilute solution and below 30°, may be concentrated to a syrup. At higher temperatures, more readily in the presence of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, the acid decomposes into phos- phoric and phosphorus acids. It is not a reducing agent, but is oxidized by potassium permanganate to phosphoric acid. Metaphosphoric Acid—HPOa or P020H—results upon heating the ortho- or pyro-acid to 400°. It can be more con- veniently obtained by dissolving the pentoxide in cold water: P2Os -f H20 = 2HPO3. It is a glassy, transparent mass (Acidum phosphoricum gla- ciate), which fuses on heating, and volatilizes at higher tem- peratures, without suffering any change. It deliquesces in the air, and dissolves with ease in water. (The commercial glassy phosphoric acid contains sodium and .magnesium phos- phate, and dissolves with-difficulty in water.) The solution INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. coagulates albumen ; this is a characteristic method of distin- guishing the meta- from the ortho- and pyro- acids. In aqueous solution, the acid changes gradually, by boiling rapidly, into the ortho- acid : It is a monobasic acid. Its salts, the metaphosphates, are readily obtained by the ignition of the primary salts of the ortho- acid: hpo3 + h2o = h3po4. NaH2P04 = NaP03 -f H20. When the aqueous solutions of these salts are boiled, they are converted into the ortho-primary salts. With silver nitrate the soluble metaphosphates give a white precipitate, AgPOj. In addition to the ordinary salts of metaphosphoric acid, various modifi- cations of the same exist; these are derived from the polymeric meta- acids, H2P206, H3P30g, H4P4012, etc. These acids arise from the corres- ponding polyphosphoric acids, which are obtained by the union of n molecules of the ortho-acid, with the separation of n — i molecules of water (p. 191), just as the meta-acid is formed'from the ortho-. They are all changed to primary ortho-pjrosphates by boiling their solutions. Phosphorus Pentoxide—P205, or Phosphoric anhydride, is obtained by burning phosphorus in a current of oxygen or dry air. Fig. 86. The following procedure serves for the preparation of it. (Fig. 86.) A piece of P, placed in an iron dish attached to the glass tube a b, is burned . in the gas balloon A. The necessary amount of air is drawn through the COMPOUNDS OF PHOSPHORUS WITH SULPHUR. 217 vessel by means of an aspirator. It is first passed through the bent tube containing pieces of pumice-stone, moistened with sulphuric acid, in order to dry it perfectly. After the phosphorus has been consumed, fresh pieces of it are introduced into the little dish through a b, and the upper end of the tube closed with a cork. The P205 formed collects partly in A and partly in the receiver. Phosphorus pentoxide is a white voluminous, flocculent mass. It attracts moisture energetically and deliquesces in the air. It dissolves in cold water with hissing and yields metaphosphoric acid. Owing to its great affinity for water it serves as an agent for drying gases, and also for the withdrawal of water from many substances. Chlor-Anhydrides of the Acids of Phosphorus.—The halogen derivatives of P, considered on page 136, may be viewed as the halogen anhydrides of phosphorous and phosphoric acids (p. 192). The compounds PCI3, PBr3, and PI3, are derived from phosphorous acid, because they yield the latter acid with water: The compounds POCl3, POBr,, are the halogen anhydrides of phos- phoric acid: PC13 + 3H2O = H3PO3 + 3HC1. POCl3 + 3H2O = PO (OH), + 3HCI; while PC15 and PBr5 correspond to the normal hydroxide, P(OH)5, which has not been obtained in a free condition. The compound PSCI3 is analogous to the oxychloride POCI3. It is obtained by the action of PCI. upon hydrogen sulphide and some metallic sulphides : PCI. + H2S = PSCI3 + 2HC1. This reaction is very similar to that occurring in the formation of phos- phorus oxychloride. Phosphorus sulphochloride—PSCI3—is a colorless liquid, fuming in the air and boiling at 1240. Water decomposes it into phosphoric and hydrochloric acids and hydrogen sulphide. COMPOUNDS OF PHOSPHORUS WITH SULPHUR. With sulphur phosphorus affords a number of compounds which are obtained by direct fusion of P with S. As the union of ordinary P with S usually occurs with violent explosion, red phosphorus should be employed in preparing these com- pounds. The compounds P2S3 and P2S5, analogous in constitution to P203 and P205, are solid crystalline substances, melting at higher temperatures and subliming without decomposition; P2S5 boils at 530°. Water changes them to hydrogen sulphide and the corresponding acids, phosphorous, and phosphoric. They combine with metallic sulphides to PS4K3) INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. which possess a constitution analogous to that of the salts of phosphoric acid (see sulpho-salts of arsenic). At ordinary temperatures, P2S and P4S are liquids, which inflame readily in the air. Besides the preceding, we have other phosphorus derivatives which contain N. These have been little studied, and at present offer little interest. Such compounds are PN2H (phospham), PNO, PNCI2. The so-called amid derivatives, POCI2NH2, and PO| NH2)s, are produced by allowing ammonia to act upon POCl3. In these chlorine is replaced by the amido-group NH2. 3. OXYGEN DERIVATIVES OF ARSENIC. Arsenic trioxide. AS2O3 As03II3 Arsenious acid. Arsenic pentoxide. As205 As04H3 Arsenic acid. Arsenic Trioxide, As203, or Arsenious anhydride, occurs in nature as arsenic “bloom.” It is produced by the burning of arsenic in oxygen or in the air, and by the oxidation of the metal with dilute nitric acid. It is*obtained metallurgically on a large scale as a by-product in the roasting of ores con- taining arsenic. The trioxide thus fprmed volatilizes and is collected in walled chambers, in which it condenses, in the form of a white- powder (white arsenic, poison flour). To render it pure, it is again sublimed in iron cylinders, and ob- tained in form of a transparent, amorphous, glassy mass (ar- senic glass), the specific gravity of which equals 3.78. Upon preservation, this variety gradually becomes non-transparent and porcelaneous, acquires a crystalline structure, and its spe- cific gravity decreases to 3.69. Upon dissolving this oxide in hot hydrochloric acid, it crystallizes on cooling, in shining, regular octahedra. At the same time, the interesting phe- nomenon is observed, that when the solution of the glassy va- riety crystallizes it phosphoresces strongly in the dark, while the porcelaneous does not exhibit this property. Arsenic tri- oxide crystallizes in similar forms of the regular system, when its vapors are rapidly cooled, but upon cooling slowly, it as- sumes the shape of rhombic prisms ; therefore, it is dimor- phous. When heated in the air, it sublimes above 218°, with- out fusing; upon higher pressure, however (in sealed tubes), it melts to a liquid which solidifies to a glassy mass. The vapors of As203 have the vapor density 198 (H = 1). Correspond- ing to formula As203 (=197.7), the vapor density should be — 98.8. ARSENIOUS ACID—ARSENIC ACID. 219 The vapor density determined experimentally is just twice as great, there- fore the gas molecules of the trioxide possess the double formula As406. We have already noticed that the molecule of free arsenic consists of four atoms (As4): this complex arsenic group consequently is retained in the trioxide ; while in arsine (AsH3) and arsenious chloride (AsC13) the mole- cules contain but 1 atom of arsenic. The trioxide dissolves with difficulty in water; the solution possesses a sweetish, unpleasant metallic taste, exhibits but feeble acid reaction, and is extremely poisonous. The oxide is Very soluble in acids, and probably forms salts with them ; at least, on boiling a solution of As203 in strong hydrochloric acid, arsenious chloride, AsC13, volatilizes. From this and its feeble acid nature we perceive an indication of the basic character of the trioxide corresponding to the already partially metallic nature of arsenic (see p. 145)- Nascent hydrogen converts the trioxide into arsine (AsH:f) ; but when heated with charcoal it is reduced to the metallic state. Upon heating As203 in a narrow glass tube with C, the reduced arsenic deposits as a metallic mirror on the sides. Oxidizing agents convert it into arsenic acid. Arsenious Acid—H3As03, corresponding to As203, is not known in a free condition. It probably exists in the aqueous solution, but the anhydride separates out upon evaporation, In its salts (arsenites) it is tribasic and usually affords tertiary derivatives: AgjAsOj, Mg3(As03)?, The alkali salts, soluble in water, absorb oxygen from the air and serve as powerful reducing agents, they themselves becoming arseniates. Other salts exist which are derived from the meta-arsenious acid, HAsOr Arsenic Acid—H3As04—is obtained by the oxidation of arsenic or its trioxide with concentrated nitric acid or by means of chlorine. Upon evaporating the solution rhombic crystals of the formula H3As04-|- y2 H20 separate out; these deliquesce on exposure. They melt at ioo°, lose their water of crystal- lization and yield orthoarsenic acid H3As04, which heated to 140-180° passes into pyroarsenic acid—H4As207: 2HsAsO = As207H4 -f- H20. At 2oo° this again loses water and becomes Meta-arsenic acid—HAs03. With water the last two acids become ortho- again ; hence the latter is perfectly analogous to phosphoric acid. • INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 220 At a red heat the meta-arsenic acid loses all its water and becomes Arsenic Pentoxide—As205, a white, glassy mass. Very strong ignition breaks this up into As203 and02; in contact with water it gradually changes to arsenic acid. Orthoarsenic acid is readily soluble, and is a strong tribasic acid. Its salts—the. arseniates—are very similar to the phos- phates and are isomorphous with them. With the soluble salts silver nitrate gives a reddish-brown precipitate of tri- silver-arseniate, Ag3As04. COMPOUNDS OF ARSENIC WITH SULPHUR. Like phosphorus, arsenic, upon fusion with sulphur, yields several compounds. The metallic nature of arsenic is seen in these derivatives, because they, according to the common method of forming the metallic sulphides, can be obtained by the action of hydrogen sulphide upon the oxygen deriva- tives of arsenic: As203 “I- 3H2S — As2S3 -f" 3H2O. Arsenic Trisulphide—As2S3—is precipitated from solu- tions of arsenious acid or its salts by hydrogen sulphide, as a lemon-yellow amorphous powder. It may also be obtained from arsenic acid solutions, but then it contains admixed S, as the acid is first reduced to arsenious acid and then pre- cipitated : This compound is readily prepared by fusing As203 with sulphur. It occurs as auripigment in nature in the form of a brilliant, leafy, crystalline mass of gold-yellow color, and the specific gravity 3:4. On fusing artificially prepared arsenic trisulphide it solidifies to a similar yellow mass, the specific gravity of which equals, however, 2.7. In water and acids the trisulphide is insoluble, but dissolves readily in ammonium hydrate and the alkalies. Arsenic Pentasulphide—As2S5—separates as a bright yellow powder from the solution of sodium sulpharseniate, Na3AsS4 (see below), upon the addition of acids. The Arsenic Disulphide—As2S2—also exists. It occurs in nature as Realgar, forming beautiful, ruby-red crystals, of specific gravity 3.5. It is applied as a pigment. It is pre- pared artificially by fusing As with S. As205 4" 2HsS = As203 -)- 2H2O + 2S'. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF ANTIMONY. 221 Arsenic Sulpho-Salts.—Owing to the similarity of sulphur to oxygen we may anticipate for arsenic (as also for other elements) the existence of sulphur acids corresponding to the oxygen acids, e. g., sulpharsenious acid, H3AsS3, and sulpharsenic acid, H3AsS+. However, these acids are un- known in a free state, although their salts, known as sulphur- or sulpho- salts, are found, and they correspond perfectly with the oxygen salts. Just as the latter arise by the union of metallic oxides with acid oxides, so the sulpho-salts are formed by the combination of alkaline sulphides with those sulphur derivatives corresponding to the acid oxides (acid sulphides): As2S3 -{- 3K2S = 2K3AsS3 Tripotassium sulpharsenite. As2S5 + 3K2S = 2K3AsS4 For the preparation of these siilpho-salts, arsenic sulphide is dissolved in the aqueous solution of potassium or sodium sulphide, or hydrogen sul- phide is conducted through the alkaline solution of the oxygen salts; Tripotassium sulpharseniate. The sulpho-salts of the alkalies and ammonium are easily soluble in water, and when the solution is evaporated they generally separate in crystals. Acids decompose them, arsenic sulphide separating out and hydrogen sul- phide becoming free: K3As04 + 4H2S = KsAsS4 + 4H2O. 2K3AsS4 + 6HC1 = As2S6 -f 6KC1 -f 3H2S. Antimony, carbon, tin, gold, platinum and some other metals form sulpho- salts similar to those of arsenic- (and of phosphorus). 4. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF ANTIMONY. The oxygen derivatives of antimony are analogous in con- stitution to those of arsenic: Sb203 and Sb205. The metallic nature of antimony, which we observed appearing in the halogen derivatives shows itself quite distinctly here. The lowest oxygen compound does not possess acid, but basic properties almost solely; it forms salts with acids only, hence is'called Antimony oxide. The normal hydrate H3Sb03, cor- responding to arsenious acid, H;!As03, is not known. An hydrate, Sb02H or SbO.OH, analogous to meta-arsenious acid, does exist; it deports itself like a base. The higher oxidation product, the pentoxide, Sb205, on the contrary, has an acid nature and yields salts with the bases. The hydrate, Sb04H3, or ortho-antimonic acid, and its salts, have not been obtained. The known salts are«derived from pyro-antimonic acid, H4Sb207, and meta-arrtimonic acid, HSbO.,; these exist in a free condition. Antimony Oxide—Sb203—is obtained by burning the metal in the air, or by oxidizing it with dilute HNQ3. By 222' INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. sublimation it may be obtained in two different crystal sys- tems, in regular octahedra and in rhombic prisms. Arsenic trioxide also crystallizes in the same forms; therefore the two compounds are isomorphous. On adding sodium carbonate to the solution of the trichloride a white precipitate of anti- mony hydrate or antimonious acid, HSb02, separates out: 2SbCl3 + 3Na.2C03 -f H20 = 2SbO.OH.-f 6NaCl + 3C02. The hydrate is changed to oxide by boiling. The latter and the hydrate dissolve in sodium and potassium hydrate, and, very probably, form salts (NaSbO,) which decompose upon evaporating the solution. In this behavior the acid nature of antimony hydrate is also seen; therefore it has received the name of antimonious*acid. The oxide forms salts with acids, which are derived either from the normal hydrate, H3Sb03, or from the hydrate, HSb02 = SbO.OH. In the salts of the first kind we have 3 hvdrogen atoms of the hydrate replaced by acid radicals, or, what is the same, a trivalent antimony atom displacing 3 hy- drogen atoms of the acids: Sb03(N02)3 or (N03)3Sb. In the second variety of antimony salts derived from the hydrate, SbO.OH, hydrogen is replaced by a monovalent acid residue, or the hydrogen of the acid is substituted by the monovalent group, SbO, known as antimonyl: Antimony nitrate. SbO.O.NO* or N03.SbO. Antimonyl nitrate." Of these salts may be mentioned the following: Antimony Sulphate—(S04lsSb2—which separates when a solution of the oxide in sulphuric acid is cooled. Antimonyl Sulphate—SOp SbO)2—is formed when antimony oxide is dissolved in somewhat dilute sulphuric acid, and crystallizes in fine needles on cooling. Water decomposes both, forming basic’salts; hence the basic nature of antimony oxide is slight. Antimonic Acid—HSbO,—or, more correctly, Meta-anti- monic acid, is obtained upon warming antimony with concen- trated nitric acid, and is a white powder, almost insoluble in water and in nitric acid, but reddens blue litmus paper. It is a weak monobasic acid, the salts of which are mostly in- soluble. If antimony pentachloride be mixed with much water Py- roantimonic Acid, H4Sb.20., separates as a white powder. COMPOUNDS OF ANTIMONY WITH SULPHUR. 223 Its salts are produced by fusing antimonic acid or meta-anti- moniates with potassium or sodium hydrates: Hydrochloric acid precipitates pyroantimonic acid from the solutions of these salts. By gentle ignition the meta- and pyro-acids yield Anti- mony Pentoxide, Sb205, a yellow, amorphous mass, soluble in hydrochloric acid. By heating the oxygen compounds for some time with air access they are .converted into the oxide, Sb2Oi} which can be viewed as antimonyl antimoniate (Sb03. SbO), or as a mixed anhydride g^Q2 j O. It is a white pow- der, becoming yellow when heated, and is non-volatile. •2KSb03 + 2KOH = K4Sb207 + • H20. COMPOUNDS OF ANTIMONY WITH SULPHUR. * These are perfectly analogous to the S compounds of ar- senic, and form sulphosalts with alkaline.sulphides, correspond- ing to the oxygen salts. Acids precipitate antimony sulphide from the sulphosalts. . Antimony Trisulphide—Sb2S3—is found in nature as stibnite, in radiating crystalline masses of dark-gray color and metallic lustre; specific gravity = 4.7. When heated it melts and sublimes. The artificial sulphide obtained by precipi- tating a solution of the oxide with hydrogen sulphide, is an amorphous red powder. When fused, it solidifies to a mass exactly like stibnite. The sulphide dissolves in concentrated ‘HC1, upon warming, to form antimony trichloride. . The compound, Sb2S20, occurring in nature as red stibnite, can be artificially prepared, and serves as a beautiful red color, under the name of antwiony cinnabar. Kermes mineral, -em- ployed in medicine, is obtained by boiling antimony sulphide with a sodium carbonate solution, and is a mixture of Sb2S3 and Sb203. Antimony Pentasulphide—Sb2S5—or gold sulphur (sul- phur auratum) is precipitated by H2S from acid solutions of antimonic acid; it is more conveniently obtained by the pre- cipitation of sodium sulphantimoniate, Na3SbS4, with hydro- chloric acid: 2Na3SbS4 + 6HC1 = Sb2S5 -f 6NaCl + 3H2S. It is an orange-red powder, like the trisulphide; it decom- poses on being heated into Sb2S3 and S2. It dissolves to anti- 224 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. mony trichloride in strong hydrochloric acid, with separation of sulphur and hydrogen sulphide. •Sodium Sulphantimoniate — Na3SbS4 (Schlippe’s salt), re- sults from boiling pulverized Sb2S3 with sulphur and sodium hydrate. Upon concentrating the solution it crystallizes in large yellow tetrahedra, containing 9 molecules H20 (SbS4- Na3 + 9H20) ; exposed to the air it becomes covered with a brown layer of Sb2S5. It serves principally for the prepara- tion of the officinal gold sulphur. The affinity of the elements of the nitrogen group for hydrogen dimin- ishes with increase of atomic weight, corresponds to the addition of metallic character, while the affinity for chlorine, concluded from the ther- mo-chemical relations, generally increases (compare p. 145). However, the heat disengagement in the formation of AsCU is somewhat less than that in the case of PC13, which would afford a partial explanation for the non-existence of the compounds AsX5 (see p. 142). The slight affinity of arsenic is seen more distinctly in the oxygen compounds, because, as in the case of the halogen and oxygen groups (pp. 181 and 197), the arsenic corresponding to'bromine and selenium — Br = 79.7 Se = 79 As = 75. shows a less heat disengagement.in the formation of its compounds: (N,04,H,,Aq.) = • 117,400 (P,04,Hs,Aq.) = 305.300 (As,04,H3,Aq.) = 215,200 (N2,05,Aq.) = 29,800 (P2A) = 363.8oo (As2,05) = 219,400 Phosphoric acid is, therefore, more stable and more energetic than nitric and arsenic acids; nitric acid oxidizes phosphorus and arsenic to phos- phoric and arsenic acids. The latter acid is readily reduced to arsenious acid. VANADIUM. NIOBIUM. TANTALUM. Vd = 51.2 • Nb = 94 Ta = 182 The three rare elements, vanadium, niobium and tantalum, are closely related to the Phosphorus group. They yield derivatives very much like those of P; but possess a more metallic character, and do not combine with hydrogen. They exhibit many characteristics similar to those of chromium, iron and tungsten, with which they are frequently associated in their nat-. urally occurring compounds (compare the Periodic System of the ele- ments). Vanadium occurs in nature principally in the form of salts of vanadic acid (vanadium lead ore) and in some iron ores. It is very difficult to pre- pare it in a pure state; it is a grayish-white,-metallic, lustrous powder, of specific gravity 5.5. It is difficultly fusible, and does not change in the air. When heated, it burns to Vd205. Vanadium Trichloride—VdCl3—forms red plates, which readily deli- quesce in the air; it is not volatile. OXYGEN DERIVATIVES OF THE CARBON GROUP. 225 Vanadium Oxychloride—VdOCl3—results on heating a mixture of Vd203 and C in chlorine gas. It is a lemon-yellow liquid, of specific gravity 1.84, and boils at 120°. It fumes strongly in the air and decom- poses with water (analogous to phosphorus oxychloride) into vanadic acid and hydrochloric acid. Its vapor density equals 86 (VdOCl., = 173.2). Vanadium Oxide—Vd203—is a black powder obtained by heating Vd205 in hydrogen. It combines with O, to form Vd205. Vanadium Pentoxide—Vd205—or vanadic anhydride, is a brown mass obtained by fusing the naturally occurring vanadates with nitre, etc. It is soluble in the alkalies, and forms salts of Vanadic, H3Vd04, and Metavanadic acids, HVd03 with the metals. All these compounds are similar in constitution to those of P. In addition to these, vanadium forms other compounds, constituted like those of sulphur and chromium In this class belong VdCl2 (dichloride), the tetrachloride, VdCl4, vanadious oxide, VdO, vanadium dioxide, Vd02, and VdOCl2. The tetrachloride, VdCl4, is a red-brown liquid, boiling at 1540; its vapor density equals 96 (VdCl4 = 192.6/. Niobium and tantalum are not known in a free state. The chlorides, NbCl5 and TaCl5, are volatile and are decomposed by water. The oxides, Nb205 and Ta2Os, form salts of niobic (II3Nb04) and tantalic (II3Ta04) acids with bases. OXYGEN DERIVATIVES OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE CARBON GROUP. According to analogy to the hydroxyl derivatives of the elements of the three first groups: we may conclude the existence, for the tetravalent elements— carbon, silicon and'tin, of the following normal hydroxides, corresponding to the halogen compounds, CCl4,SiCl4, and SnCl4: C103,0H S02(0H)2 PO(OH)3, C(OH)4, Normal Carbonic acid. IV Si(OH)4, Normal Silicic acid. IV Sn(OFI)4. Normal Stannic acid. These normal hydrates or acids have but little stability, and mostly exist only in some derivatives. By the separation of a molecule of water, they pass into CO3H2 SiOgHj SnOjH* or IV CO(OH)2 Carbonic acid. IV SiO(OH)2 IV SnO(OH)2. Stannic acid. These hydroxyl derivatives deport themselves toward the normal just as the meta-acids of the elements of the N group do' to the ortho-acids (see p. 198). They constitute the ordinary acids of. the tetravalent elements, carbon, silicon and tin, and as they contain 2 hydroxyl groups, are dibasic. Silicic acid. 226 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Carbon is the lowest member of this group, with the least atomic weight. Among the elements of the other three groups corresponding to it, are : nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine: Fluorine and oxygen do not afford any oxygen acids. The normal nitrogen acid, NO(OH)3, is very unstable, and passes into the meta-acid, HN03. The normal carbonic acid (C(OH)4) corresponds to this, but it is not capable of existing. Indeed, the meta- or ordinary carbonic acid, H2C03, is also very un- stable and at once decomposes, when separated from its salts, into water and carbon dioxide, C02. Even silicic and stannic acids break up readily into water and their oxides: C = 11.96, N = 14.01, O = 15.96, FI = 19. Carbon dioxide. C02 Si02 Silicon dioxide. Stannic oxide. Sn02 Carbon Dioxide—C02—or carbonic anhydride (generally called carbonic acid). It is produced when carbon or its compounds are burned in air or oxygen. It is found free in the air (in 100 volumes, upon average, 0.05 volumes C02), in many mineral springs (acid springs), and escapes in large quantities from the earth in many volcanic districts. It is prepared on a large scale by burning coke ; in the laboratory it may be most conveniently obtained by the decomposition of calcium carbonate (marble or chalk) with dilute hydro- chloric acid : 1. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF CARBON. CaC03 + 2MC1 = CaCl2 + COa + II20. Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas, of sweetish odor and taste. Its gas density equals 1.527 (air = x), or 21.94(1! = 1), corresponding to the -molecular formula, C02 = 43.89. Owing to its weight, the gas may be collected by air displace- ment, and may be poured from one vessel into another filled with air. Under a pressure of 36 atmospheres (at o° C.), car- bon dioxide condenses to a mobile, colorless liquid, not mis- cible with water, and boiling at —88°. The specific gravity of the liquid carbon dioxide is 0.99 at —io°, at o°, 0.94. Hence, it expands more strongly than any gases, although the coefficient of expansion of liquids is usually less than that of gases. Similar deportment is also observed in the case of other bodies compressible to liquids by great pressure. Calcium carbonate. Calcium chloride. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF CARBON. 227 Above 32.50 carbon dioxide cannot be condensed to a liquid by any pressure, although it may be reduced to a smaller volume than that which the liquid C02 would equal. In the same way all other coercible gases show a critical point in temperature at which they are no longer able to be condensed to liquids (p. 42). Liquid carbon dioxide sometimes occurs in minerals like quartz, enclosed in small cavities. It is distinguished from other enclosed liquids (e. g., water) in that it is gasified on heating the mineral above 32.50. When liquid carbon dioxide is exposed to the air so much heat is absorbed by the evaporation of a portion of it that the remainder solidifies to a white, snow like mass. Solid carbon dioxide is a bad conductor of heat and evaporates but slowly. It can, therefore, although its temperature is —78°, be taken up in the hand and even introduced into the mouth without danger, as it is always encircled by a gaseous layer, and thus not in immediate contact with the skin; upon pressing it hard, however, between the fingers it causes a painful blister. By the evaporation of solid carbon dioxide under the air-pump, its temperature is lowered to —130° C. (compare p. 209). Water dissolves its volume of the gas at 140 ; at o° it takes up 1.79 vols. This proportion remains constant for every pres- sure, i.e., at every pressure the same volume of gas is absorbed. As gases are condensed in proportion to the pressure, the quantity of absorbed gas is also proportional to the former. Hence 1 volume H20 absorbs, at 140 and two atmospheres, 2 volumes, at 3 atmospheres 3 volumes, etc., of carbon dioxide —measured at ordinary pressure. The gas absorbed at higher pressure escapes with effervescence of the liquid when the pressure is diminished ; upon this depends the sparkling of soda water and champagne, which are saturated with CO,2 under high pressure. Every naturally occurring water, espe- cially spring water, holds C02 in solution, which imparts to it a refreshing taste. As the product of a complete combustion carbon dioxide is not combustible, and is unable to support the combustion of most bodies,.a glimmering chip is immediately extinguished in it. In a similar manner it is non-respirable. Although it is not poisonous, in the true sense of the word, yet the admix- ture of a few per cent, of C02 to the air makes it suffocating, as it retards the separation of the same gas from the lungs. It is decomposed by continued action of the electric sparks into carbonous oxide (CO) and oxygen ; upon heating to 1300° it suffers a partial decomposition (dissociation) into 228 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. CO and O. It is also decomposed when conducted over heated K or Na, with separation of carbon ; the potassium combines with oxygen to form potassium dioxide : C02 + 2K2 = C + 2K20, which forms potassium carbonate (K2C03), with excess of C0.2. The composition of carbon dioxide is readily determined by burning a weighed quantity of pure carbon (diamond or graphite) in a current of oxygen, and ascertaining the weight of the resulting gas. From the formula C0.2 it follows that in one volume it contains an equal volume of O. We may satisfy ourselves of this by burning C in a definite volume of O ; after cooling, there is obtained an equal volume of carbon dioxide: . c + o2 = co2. The experiment is most practically executed by aid of the apparatus of Hofmann pictured in Fig. 87. The spherical shaped expansion of the eudiometer limb of the U tube is closed by means of a glass stopper, through which two copper wires pass. The one wire bears a combustion spoon at its end, upon which lies the carbon to be burned, while the other wire termin- ates in a thin piece of platinum, which is in contact with the carbon. For the per- formance of the experiment, the air is ex- pelled from the globe limb by means of a rapid current of oxygen, the stopper placed in air-tight, the mercury level noted, and the copper wires connected with the poles of an induction current from 3-4 Bunsen ele- ments, which induces the burning of the carbon. As the volume of the enclosed gas is greatly expanded by the heat developed, it is advisable, in order to avoid the jumping out of the stopper, to previously reduce the pressure of the gas about two-thirds, by run- ning out mercury. A practical modification of this apparatus consists in having the usual cylindrical eudi- ometer limb provided with two side tubes, in which carbon electrodes can be inserted. This same apparatus can also be I vol. I vol. Fig. 87. CARBON MONOXIDE. 229 employed for the illustration of the volume relations observed in the combustion of sulphur and other bodies. The Physiological Importance of Carbon Dioxide.—The gas is present in the atmosphere, and is inhaled by the plants. The chlorophyl grains in the green parts of the plant decompose carbon dioxide in sunlight, with a partial separation of oxygen ; by the mutual action of water and ammonia the innumerable carbon compounds peculiar to plants are formed fr.oni the residue. The respiration and life process of animals are essentially the reverse of the above. These absorb the oxygen of the air through the lungs; and, influenced by the blood corpuscles, it oxidizes the substances present in the blood, and in this manner shapes the life process. The final products of the oxidation are carbon dioxide and water, which are exhaled. The absorption of O by animals, and its separation by plants, as also the reverse course of C02, are about alike, so that the quantities of O and C02 in the air show no appreciable alteration. In dry condition, carbon dioxide, like all anhydrides, ex- hibits neither basic nor acid reaction. In aqueous solution' it colors blue litmus paper a faint red ; upon drying the latter the red disappears, in consequence of the evaporation of the carbon dioxide. We may then regard it as probable that free carbonic acid, H2co3, is contained in the aqueous solution, but this readily decomposes into the dioxide, C02, and water. The salts of carbonic acid are produced by the action of carbon dioxide upon the bases: 2K0H + c°2 = C03K2 -f H20. Potassium carbonate. Carbon dioxide is, therefore, easily absorbed by potassium and sodium hydrate. On conducting it through a solution of calcium or barium hydrate, a. white precipitate of barium or calcium carbonate, CaCO,, is produced. Carbonic acid is dibasic, forming primary (acid) and sec- ondary (neutral) salts, C03HK and C03K2, called carbonates. As the acidity of carbonic acid is only slight, the secondary salts, obtained from strong bases, exhibit a basic reaction. Most acids expel the weak carbonic acid from its salts, with decomposition into carbon dioxide and water. Carbon Monoxide—CO—is produced in the imperfect combustion of carbon by insufficient access of air, and when carbon dioxide is conducted over red-hot coals: C02+ C = 2CO. The forms of apparatus described, p. 228, serve for the demonstration of this volume relation. Zinc dust reacts like carbon: C02 -j- Zn = ZnO -j- CO. 230 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. When carbon dioxide is conducted through a glass tube, containing zinc dust heated to a faint red heat, almost pure carbon monoxide escapes. A more convenient procedure consists in heating pulverized magnesium carbonate and zinc-dust in a glass retort, when CO, containing C02, is eliminated ; subsequently the former alone escapes. The monoxide is produced, further, by igniting carbon with different metallic oxides, e.g., zinc oxide : ZnO + C = Zn + CO. For its preparation, oxalic acid is warmed with sul- phuric acid : the latter withdraws water from the former, and the residue breaks up into carbon dioxide and monoxide : . c2o4h2 = C02 + CO + II20. The disengaged mixture of gases is conducted through an aqueous solution of sodium hydrate, by which the C02 is ab- sorbed, the monoxide passing through unaltered. Pure mon- oxide may be prepared by heating yellow prussiate of potas- sium (see Iron) with 9 parts H2S04. The resulting gas is colorless and odorless, and can only be condensed with diffi- culty. Its specific gravity is 13.96 (H = 1), corresponding to the molecular formula, CO = 27.93. It is almost insoluble in water; but is dissolved readily by an ammoniacal solution of cuprous chloride (CuCl). When ignited, it burns in the air, with a faintly luminous flame, to carbon dioxide. With air or oxygen, it affords an explosive mixture: 2C0 -f- 02 = 2CO2. 2 vols. i vol. 2 vols. In consequence of its oxidation, it is capable of reducing most metallic oxides at a red heat: CuO -f~ CO = Cu -f- CO2. Burning bodies are extinguished by it. When inhaled, it acts very poisonously,even in slight quantity, as it expels the oxygen of the blood. The carbon vapor, developed in heated ovens closed too soon, is carbon monoxide. As an unsaturated compound, this oxide, like ethylene, unites directly with 2 atoms of chlorine, to yield carbon oxychloride, or phosgene gas, COCl2: I vol. • CO + Cl2 = COCI2. I vol. I vol. This is obtained by bringing together equal volumes of CO and Cl2 in direct sunlight, or, better, by conducting CO into SbCl5. It is a colorless, suffocating gas, of specific gravity 49.3 (H = 1), agreeing with the molecular formula COCl2 = CARBON DISULPHIDE. 231 98.6. Water decomposes it into hydrogen chloride and car- bon dioxide : COCli + H2O =• C02 + 2HCI. ‘COMPOUNDS OF CARBON WITH SULPHUR. Carbon Disulphide—CS2—is formed, like the dioxide, by the direct union of carbon and sulphur; if vapors of the latter are led over ignited carbon the escaping disulphide vapors are condensed in a cooled receiver. It is a colorless, mobile liquid, of characteristic odor, solidifies at —:i 160, and refracts light strongly. Its specific gravity equals 1.29 at o°. It is very volatile, boils at 470, and burns with a blue flame, to carbon dioxide and sulphurous acid. When a mixture of carbon disulphide vapors and oxygen is ignited, .a violent ex- plosion ensues: CS2 + 3O2 = C02 + 2SO2. 1 vol. 3 vols. 1 vol. 2 vols. In nitrous oxide, the vapors burn with a bright, blinding flame. On blowing a strong current of air upon carbon di- sulphide in a porcelain capsule (which conducts heat poorly), so much heat is absorbed by the evaporation, that the residual liquid solidifies to a white, snow-like mass. Carbon disulphide is insoluble in water; but mixes, in every proportion, with alcohol and ether. It dissolves iodine with a violet-red color, and serves as an excellent solvent for sulphur, phosphorus, caoutchouc, and the iatty oils. On conducting the CS2 vapors over heated zinc-dust, all the sulphur unites with the zinc, forming zinc sulphide, while the carbon separates as soot, Carbon disulphide may be viewed as the anhydride ofi sul- phocarbonic acid—H2CS3. The salts of this acid are obtained by the solution of CS2 in alkaline sulphides (see Sulpho-salts, ’221): CS2 + K2S = K2CS3. On adding hydrochloric acid to the solutions of these salts the sulphocarbonic acid separates as a reddish-brown oil. This decomposes readily. The sulphur compound corresponding to CO is not known*: there exists, however, one containing both oxygen and sulphur —Carbon oxysulphide, COS.' It is produced (in small * Upon standing in sunlight CS2 is said to break up into S and CS—a chestnut-brown powder of specific gravity 1.66. 232 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. quantity) when a mixture of sulphur vapors and carbon mon- oxide gas is passed through red hot tubes and by heating carbon disulphide with sulphuric oxide: CS2 + 3SO3 = COS + 4SO2. It is most readily obtained from potassium sulphocyanide— CN.SK (see Organic Chemistry) by the action of dilute sul- phuric acid. It is a colorless gas, with an odor reminding one of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide. It is present in some sulphur springs. It is very readily inflammable and burns with a blue flame: 2 vols. 2C0S 4- = 2C02 + 2SOr 3 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. It is decomposed at a red heat into CO and sulphur. It is soluble in an equal volume of water, decomposing gradually into the dioxide and hydrogen sulphide: COS + H20 = CO* -f SH*. CYANOGEN COMPOUNDS. Of the innumerable compounds of C treated in organic chemistry, we will here mention only those of cyanogen, as they are of importance in inorganic chemistry. Nitrogenous carbon compounds heated with potassium hydrate yield potassium cyanide—CNK—which with iron forms the so-ca'lled yellow prussiate of potassium, K4Fe (CN)6. All the other cyanogen derivatives may be prepared from these two compounds. They all contain the group CN, called cyanogen. In it we have a trivalent nitrogen atom combined with.a tetravalent carbon atom; the fourth affinity of the latter III IV is not saturated : N=C—: it is similar, therefore, to the groups OH, NH2. CH3, and is a monovalent radical. In chemical behavior the cyanogen group is very similar to the halogens chlorine and bromine; with the metals it forms metallic cyanides (KCN, AgCN) very similar to the haloid salts. Hydrogen cyanide is evolved when the cyanides are heated with sulphuric acid : 2KCN + H2S04 = KaS04 + ' 2IICN. Hydrogen Cyanide, HCN, is a colorless, mobile liquid, of peculiar odor, and boiling at 270. It is an acid, forming salts with metals and bases, and is known as Hydrocyanic or Prussic acid. Both it and its salts are very powerful poisons. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF SILICON. 233 If the CN group is separated from its salts it doubles itself, yielding dicyanogen or free cyanogen, C2N2 (N=C—C=N), because like the ether monovalent- groups (as CH3, see p. 168), it cannot exist in a free condition. The heat occurring in the formation of the simplest carbon compounds above cited corresponds with the symbols : (0,0) = 28,590. (C0,0) = 68,370. (C,02) = 96,900. (C,0,S) = 1400. (C.S,) =—12,600. (C,N,H) =•—28,300. (C,H4) = 21,700. (C2,H4) =— 2700. (C2,H2) =—48,300. (CO,CL2) = 4300. (C02,Aq.) = 5880. If an element combine with another according to multiple proportions, there usually occurs, in the union of the first atom, a greater disengage- ment of heat than with the following atom (compare nitrogen oxides, p. 211). The numbers above, on the contrary, show that the union of the second atom of oxygen with carbon (CO,Oi sets free 68,370 calories; that of the first atom (C,0), however, only 28,590 calories. This can only be explained by the fact that, for the vaporization and disaggregation of the solid carbon molecules, heat is necessary. If we assume that the direct union of the first atom, also disengaged 68,370 calories, it would follow from this that, in the dissociation of 12 parts carbon by weight into gaseous free atoms, 39,780 (= 68,370 — 28,590) calories were absorbed. This would explain the heat absorption in the production of CS2, CNH, C II2, while otherwise heat is invariably disengaged in every direct chemi- cal union. Comparing the elements of the carbon group with each other, we dis- c this, also, has been established by recent researches, which place it at 126.8 (p. in.) There is, there- fore, no doubt that the atomic weight of osmium (found 195) will also prove to be somewhat less. This is only the. more likely, because it has been shown that the atomic weight of iridium, which was formerly given as 197,'is really 192.7. Hence, the periodic system offers a control for the numbers of the atomic weight, while formerly they appeared to be ir- regular, and, at the same time, accidental. Further, upon the basis of the periodic system, the existence of new, not yet known, elements may be ascertained, which correspond to yet unoc- cupied, free places or gaps in the table. In fact, two such gaps have been filled up by the discovery of gallium (Ga =69.8) and scandium (Sc = 44 ; their properties have shown themselves to be perfectly accordant with those deduced from the periodic system. At present, only two of the ele- ments of the first four periods are wanting (see p. 241) : the first homologue of manganese (with atomic weight of about 100), and the lowest homo- logue of tin (atomic weight about 73). The series 5 and 6 are very in- complete ; the elements, terbium, samarium and erbium, little investigated as yet, will probably find positions in them. It may be, however, that the two series will together form a. single period of somewhat varying character. The entire character of a given element is determined to a very high degree by the law of periodicity; hence, all physi- cal and chemical properties of the same are influenced by its position in the system. These relations we will examine more closely in the individual groups of the elements, and here con- fine ourselves to a notice of some general relations, and the connection of atomic weight with the chemical valence of the elements and the thermo-chemical phenomena. The relation of metalloids to metals is shown with great clearness in the periodic system. The first members of all •periods (on the left side) consist of electro-positive metals, form- ing the strongest bases, the alkalies—Cs, Rb, K, Na, Li, and metals of the alkaline earths—Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, and Be. The basic character diminishes successively, in the following het- erologous members, and gradually passes over into the electro- negative, acid-forming character of the metalloids, FI, Cl, Br, I. Here is observed that, in the periods following each other, with higher atomic weights, the basic metallic character con- stantly exceeds the metalloidal. The first period comprises five metalloids (B, C, N, O, FI), the second only four (Si, P, S, Cl), the fourth and fifth periods each only three (or two) metal- 246 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. loids (As, Se, Br, and Sb, Te, I), which, at the same time, be- come less negative. With the metalloidal nature is combined the power of forming volatile hydrogen compounds. Similar volatile derivatives are also afforded by the metalloids with the monovalent hydrocarbon groups (as CH3, C2H5, C3H7, etc.), which resemble hydrogen in many respects. Such me- tallo-organic compounds, in which the elements show the same valence as in the hydrogen compounds, are also produced by the metals adjacent to the metalloids : II III IV III II I Mg(CH3)2, A1(CH3)3, Si(CH3)t, P(CH3)„ S(CHs)2, C1CH3. Their stability gradually diminishes with the increasing basic nature of the metals; hence, in the three large periods, this power extends only to Zn, Cd, and Hg. * In consequence of the opposite (metalloidal and metallic) character of the two ends of the periods, there are in the table representing the double periodicity of the great periods (pp. 243 and 244) two sub-groups each, with, the seven vertical groups; on the left with the more positive, basic, and on the right with themore negative, metalloidal elements. Thus in group VI, in addition to O and S (belonging to the small periods) stands the more basic sub group Cr, Mo, W, and the metalloids Se and Te; in group II stand the strong basic metals Ca, Sr, Ba, and the less basic heavy metals, Zn, Cd, Hg. The elements of group VIII form the gradual transition from the latter to the former. The fundamental deduction necessarily resulting from the law of periodicity is, that the various elementary atoms must be aggregations or condensations of one and the same primor- dial substance, a necessary correlative postulate of the recog- nized unity of all forces. Then only can we comprehend that the properties of the elements are functions of the atomic weight. It was once believed that this primordial substance was hydrogen (hypothesis of Prout), because it seemed that the numbers representing the atomic weights were all whole numbers (multiples of the hydrogen atom = i). The most accurate determinations, made with exceeding care by Stas, prove that this is not correct in all instances. It is however, noteworthy that of the 18-20 elements whose atomic weights have been carefully established, ten (Li, K, Na, C, O, S, N, etc., — p. 26), so nearly approach whole numbers, that a complete coincidence is not unlikely. It is possible that these elements represent multiples of the hydrogen atom. We can PERIODIC SYSTEM. 24 7 only expect to. arrive at' the underlying law when the atomic numbers of a majority of the elements have been determined with equal accuracy. . . Periodicity of Chemical Valence.—Group I of the table comprises the monovalent metals, group II the divalent. In group III is the trivalent metalloid, boron, and the trivalent metals Al, Sc, Y, and Ga, In, Tl. In the tetravalent carbon group the valence arrives at its maximum; from here it gradually decreases with increasing atomic weight; the nitrogen group is trivalent, the oxygen group is divalent, that of the halogens monovalent. This valence is derived from the compounds with hydrogen and hydrocarbons (compare p. 246), or where such do not exist, as in the case of boron and many metals, from the halogen compounds: IV III II 1 CH4 NH3 OH2 F1H 1 11 hi iv hi 11 1 LiCl BeCl2 BC13 CC14 NC13 OCI2 Fl2 NaCl MgCl2 AfCi3 SiCl4 PC13 . SC12 Cl2. The elements of the first 4 groups are not capable of yield- ing higher compounds with the halogens. On the other hand, as we have seen, the higher analogues of nitrogen and other metalloids can unite with a larger number of halogen atoms (see p. 167). The higher valence of these elements is more manifest in the'more stable oxygen compounds. On bringing together the highest oxides of the seven groups capable of forming salts (salt-building oxides), we get this series : I II III IV V VI VII.. Li20 BeO B203 CO2 N205 S03 I207. The elements of the first four groups in their oxygen com- pounds exhibit consequently the same valence as in the compounds with hydrogen (or hydrocarbon radicals) and the halogens ; in the last three series, however, there is noticed a constant increase of valence for oxygen. Besides these highest oxides, remarkable for their greater stability, the elements of the last three groups afford lower oxides, returning in this manner to the hydrogen valence: Ill IV V p2o3 so2 i2o5. ii hi SC12 C1203. ci2o. PHs SH2 C1H. 248 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The hydroxyl compounds of the elements of. the 7 groups are analogous to the oxides in constitution. They afford the following series, expressing the maximum valence (compare p. 171): I II III IV V VI VII Na(OH) • Mg(OH)2 Al(OH)3 Si(OH)4 P(OH)5 S(OH)6 Cl(OH)7 The hydroxyl compounds of the elements of the first 4 groups exist in free condition, excepting that of carbon, C(OH)4, which is only represented in its derivatives. The" strong basic character of the hydrates of group I (NaOH) diminishes, step by step, in the succeeding groups, down to the weak acid hydrate, Si(OH)4. The hydrates of the last three groups are of acid nature, and mostly unstable or not known. By elim- ination of 1, 2 and 3 molecules H20, they yield the ordinary highest acids : PO(OH)3 IV S02(OH)2 QOjOH The non-saturated hydroxides behave in the same way: Phosphoric acid. Sulphuric acid. Perchloric acid. Ill IV V P(OH)3 S(OH)4 C1(0H)5 II * III S(OH)2 C1(0H)s Cl(OH) Sulphurous acid, SO(OH)2 (p. 185), is derived from the hydrate, S(OH)4; chloric acid, C102,0H, from the hydrate, Cl(OH)5; and chlorous acid,’ CIO,OH, from the hydrate, Cl(OH)3. The hydrates, P(OH)s, S(OH)2 and ClOH, are very unstable, and the first two appear to pass readily into H2PO,OH and HSO.OH (compare p. 185). It has been shown already in the case of periodic, sulphuric and nitric acids, how the so-called hydrates with water of crystallization (regarded as molecular compounds) are ex- plained by the acceptance of the existence of such hydroxyl derivatives. The same may be done for many salts with water of crystallization. Thus, we see, and in the following pages will find it more extensively developed, that the relations of valence of the elements have their complete expression in the periodic system, are regulated by it, and hence we must conclude that, in fact, the valence is not only a property attaching to the elements per se, but is influenced also by the nature of the combining elements: the hydrogen valence is constant, the PERIODIC SYSTEM. 249 valence to oxygen and halogens, on the contrary, varies accord- ing to definite rules. Valence, therefore, is a relative func- tion of the elements (p. 170). Periodicity of Thermo-Chemical Phenomena. We observed in the case of the elements of the chlorine and sulphur group, that, in their hydrogen compounds the heat liberation decreased successively with increas- ing atomic weight (pp. 64 and 113), while there is generally an increase in their oxygen derivatives (pp. 174 and 182). Similar relations exhibit them- selves with the halogen, oxygen, and sulphur compounds of the metals, as will be more fully exemplified later with the individual groups. Here it is sufficient to call attention to the relations in the heterologous series. In the formation of the hydrogen compounds of the elements of the first two periods, the following quantities of heat are set free according to present data: (C,H4) (N,H3) (O.H,) (F1,H) 21.7 II-9 57-2 — (Si,H4) (P,H3) (S,H2) (C1,H) 33.2 11.6 4.5 22.0* In the halogen compounds the heat modulus is more regular : (Li,Cl) (Be,Cl2) (B,C13) (C,C14) (N,C13) (0,C12) (FI,Cl) 93.8 — 104 28.3 —38.1 —18 — (Na,Cl) (Mg,Cl2) (A1C13) (SiCl4) (P,C13) (S,C12) (Cl,Cl) 97.7 151.0 160.9 157.6 75.3 — — With the bromides, it is less throughout, and the least with the iodides. Consequently, a maximum appears to lie in the middle of the periods. However, on calculating the heat modulus, which corresponds to one equivalent of the elements (united with one equivalent of chlorine), we obtain numbers that diminish successively and correspond to the decrease of the basic metallic character of the elements: (Na,Cl) j'AlAj Si,Cl (Cl,Cl). 97-7 75-5 53-6 394 25.1 Perfectly similar relations are furnished by the oxides: (Na20) (Mg,0) (A1203) (Si,02) (P205) (S,03) (C1207). (100.2) 145.8 388.8 219 363 104 Calculated upon one equivalent, the heat modulus is: 5o.i 72.9 64.6 54-7 36-3 17-3 — * The numbers given here for the heat intensity, as well as those fol- lowing, indicate so-called great calories, which contain 1000 ordinary or small calories; therefore, to convert them into the latter, multiply them by iooo. 250 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. That the heat disengaged in sodium oxide is less than in magnesium oxide, depends partly upon the solubility of the first, as this property is also to be included as a thermal function. A like diminution of the heat modulus is also seen with the heterologous elements in their compounds of similar type: (Mn, ClJ (Fe, Cl,) (Co, Cl,) (Ni, Cl2) (Cu, Cl2) (Zn, Cl2) 111.9 82 76.4 74.5 51.6 97.2 (Mn, O) (Fe, O) (Co, O) (Ni, O) (Cu, O) (Zn, O) 94.7 68.2 63.4 60.8 37.1 85.4 The following series are also noteworthy : (Ag.Cl) (Gd, Cl,) (In, Cl,) (Sn, Cl4) (Sb, Cl,) (Te, Cl,) 29.3 93.2 127.2 87 (Ag20) (Cd,0) (In2, O,) (SnfO,) (Sb2> O,) (Te, O) 5.9 65.6 133.5 THE METALS. Although there is no sharp line of demarcation between metals and non-metals, yet these two classes of bodies form a distinct contradiction in their entire deportment, as may be plainly seen in the periodic system of elements. In physical respects the character of metals is determined by their ex- ternal appearance and by their ability to conduct heat and electricity; chemically, it shows itself chiefly in the basicity of the oxygen compounds; yet we see that with the increase of the number of the oxygen atoms, the basic character gradu- ally diminishes and becomes acidic. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE METALS. At ordinary temperatures all the metals excepting mercury are solid, slightly volatile bodies. They are opaque, and only a few, like gold, permit the passage of light to a limited extent when beaten into thin leaflets. In compact mass they exhibit metallic lustre and mostly possess a whitish-gray color; gold and copper are, however, brilliantly colored. In powder form almost all the metals are black. Most of them crystal- lize in the forms of the.regular system; only a few, showing a metalloidal character, are not regular. Thus antimony and bismuth crystallize in the hexagonal system, and tin is quad- ratic. The specific gravities of the metals vary greatly—from 0.59 to 22.4 as seen from the following arrangement: Lithium, 0.59 Potassium, 0.86 Sodium, 0.97 Rubidium, 1.52 Calcium, 1.58 Magnesium, 1.75 Aluminium, 2.56 Barium, 3.75 Arsenic, 5,67 Antimony, 6.7 Zinc, 7.1 Tin, 7.3 Iron, 7.8 Cobalt, 8.5 Cadmium, 8.6 Copper, 8.8 Bismuth, 9.8 Silver, 10.5 Lead, 11.4 Palladium, 11.5 Thallium, 11.8 Mercury, 13.59 Gold, 19.3 Platinum, 21.5 Iridium, 22.4 Osmium, 22.4 In general the specific gravities of the metals, and also those of the metalloids, increase with the atomic weights; they stand more especially in sharp periodic dependence with reference 252 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, to the latter. The first members of all periods possess low specific gravities; the latter grow gradually until the middle of the period, when the maximum is attained, and then they again decrease (p. 242). These relations show themselves more fully if, instead of the specific gravity, we compare the specific volumes or atomic volumes; i.e., the quotients from the atomic weights (A) and specific gravities (d): A _ = specific volume. These quotients express the relative volumes of the atoms (in solid or liquid state). Thus the atomic volume of lithium (o.») — ”-9» that of potassium = 45.4; i.e., the potas- sium atom occupies a space 3.8 times larger than that of the lithium atom. The periodic alterations of the atomic vol- umes are set opposite to those of the specific gravities, as the former are obtained by the division of the atomic weights by the specific gravities. Therefore, the atomic volumes decrease gradually, commencing with the first members of the periods (Li, Na, K, Rb),attain a minimum in the middle of the periods, and then increase again up to the last members (Cl, Br, I). On the other hand, we find that with the homologous elements (the vertical series) an increase in the atomic volumes almost invariably occurs as the atomic weights increase. Since in the three large periods the alterations of the atomic volumes (as well as of all other physical properties) indicate a simple periodicity (not double like the valence), they are expressed in the following tables by progressive series (page 242) : ATOMIC VOLUMES OF THE ELEMENTS. Li Be B C* N Of FI 11.9 5.7 4.1 3.6 — i7 — Na Mg A1 Si PS C1+ 23.7 1.3.8 10.7 11.2 13.5 15.7 25.6 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga — As Se Br 45.425.4 9.3 7.7 6.9 7.2 7.0 6.7 7.2 9.1 11.6 — 13-2 17.2 26.9 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo — Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I . 56.1 34.9 — 21.7 15.0 11.1 —8.4 8.6 9.2 10.2 12.9 15.3 16.1 18.2 20.3 25.6 Cs Ba La Ce Di — 36.5 22 21 21 * As diamond. f Liquid. ATOMIC VOLUME OF THE ELEMENTS. 253 Yb — Ta W — Os Ir Pt Au Hg T1 Pb Bi — — 16.9 9.6 — 8.3 8.7 9.I 10.2 I4.7 17.1 l8.1 21.1 Th — Ur 21 13 It is exceedingly noteworthy, that the elements standing at the beginning and end of the periods (on one side the alkalies, Li, Na, K, Rb, and the alkaline earth metals, Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, on the other, the halogens and the elements of the oxygen group), possess the greatest chemical energy, and there is scarcely a doubt that an intimate relation exists between chemical energy and atomic volume. We can suppose that the specifically light elements, with large atomic volumes, execute larger chemical oscillations, hence act together more readily and energetically. The fact that greater quantities of heat are eliminated in energetic reactions would harmonize with this idea. And further, it may be deduced from this, that the expres- sions of chemical valence between the elements of greater but opposite oscillations (the alkalies and halogens) are the simplest, and that they be- have toward each other as monads. The metals whose specific gravity is less than 5 are termed light, the rest heavy. The former usually possess a greater chemical energy, therefore oxidize more easily and form strong basic oxides ; their compounds dissolve readily. On the whole, the heavy metals possess a varying deportment. They are less energetic, less basic, and yield insoluble oxygen and sulphur derivatives; their naturally occurring compounds, as a general thing, have metallic lustre, and are termed ores. Most metals are very malleable and tenacious, hence can be beaten into thin plates and leaves and drawn out into wires; gold and silver are the most malleable. A few, like antimony, bismuth, and tin, possess a metalloidal character, are brittle, and may be pulverized. Heat will fuse all metals, although some require the high temperature of the oxy-hydrogen Jlame. The fusing points of the most important of them are the following: Mercury, - —390 •Rubidium, -I-380 Potassium, 62° Sodium, 970 Tin, 228° Bismuth, 270° Cadmium, 3150 Lead, 3340 Zinc, 423° Aluminium, 75°° Silver, 954° Gold, io35° Copper, 1054° Cast Iron, 1150° Wrought Iron, 1500° Palladium, 1500° Platinum, 1780° Iridium, 1950° A greater volatility also corresponds with the greater fusi- bility. Mercury boils at 360°; potassium and sodium about 254 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 440°; cadmium at 86o°; zinc towards iooo0, and the diffi- cultly fusible metals may also be volatilized by the galvanic current. All these physical properties bear a periodic dependence upon the atomic weights, as will be more plainly indicated in the individual groups. Of all physical properties of the elements, from a chemical standpoint, their heat capacity is the most important, as it can serve for the determination of the atomic weights. To heat one and the same quantity, by weight, of the (different metals or substances to one and the same temperature, would require very different amounts of heat. This is evident from the fol- lowing experiments. If we add to i kilogram of H20 at o° 1 kilogram of H,20 at ioo°, the temperature of the mixture of 2 kilograms of water is 50°. The quantity of heat necessary to raise 1 part, by weight, of H20, i°, is almost the same for all temperatures from o-ioo° ; this is designated the heat unit or calorie. On bringing to 1 kilogram H20 at o° 1 kilogram Hg at ioo°, the temperature of the water and of the mercury after their compensation, will equal only 3.20. Consequently, the mercury has cooled about 96.8° (from xoo to 3.20), and given off 3.2 calories. The quantities of heat, contained in equal parts, by weight, of water and mercury, therefore, are as 96.8 to 3.2, i.e., the specific heat of mercury (that of water being made = 1) is = 0.0332. On comparing the specific heats of solid elements found in this way with their atomic weights, we discover that these are inversely proportional to the latter, and hence the product of the specific heat and atomic weight for all solid elements (few excepted) is a constant quantity. This fact was first discovered by Dulong and Petit (1819), and formulated in the following law : The solid elements possess the same atomic heat. In the subjoined table are presented the specific heats of the elements in solid condition (as far as they have been de- termined). W represents the specific heat, A the atomic weight, and the product, Wx the atomic heat: SPECIFIC HEAT—ATOMIC HEAT. SPECIFIC HEAT. 255 Elements. W A W X A Hydrogen* 5,880 I , 5-9 Lithium ...Li 0,941 7.6 6.6 Beryllium ...Be 0,408 9.1 3-8 Boron (amorphous).... ...B 0,254 IO.9 2.8 Graphite 5 c 0,174 1 12 2.1 Diamond j OT43 ;12 i-7 Sodium 0,293 23 6-7 Magnesium ...Mg 0,245 23.9 5-9 Aluminium ...Al 0,202 27.3 5-5 Silicon (cryst.) ...Si 0,165 28 4.6 Phosphorus (yellow).. ...P 0,189 31 5-9 Sulphur (rhombic) ...S 0,178 32 5-7 Potassium ..K 0,166 39 6-5 Calcium *. ...Ca 0,170 39-9 6.8 Chromium ...Cr 0,100 524 5-2 Manganese ...Mn 0,122 54-8 6-7 Iron ...Fe o,x 12 55-9 6-3 Cobalt ...Co 0,107 58.6 ‘ 6.3 Nickel ...Ni 0,108 58.6 6.4 Copper ...Cu 0,093 63.2 5-9 Zinc 0,093 64.9 6.1 Gallium ...Ga 0,079 69.8 5-5 Arsenic (cryst.) 0,082 74-9 6.2 Selenium (cryst.) 0,080 78.9 6.4 Bromine (solid) ...Br 0,084 79-7 6-7 Zirconium ...Zr 0,066 90 6.0 Molybdenum ...Mo ; 0,072 95-8 6.9 Ruthenium ...Ru 0,061 103 6-3 Rhodigm ...Rh 0,058 104 6.0 Palladium ...Pd 0,059 106.2 6-3 Silver •••Ag 0,056 107.6 6.0 Cadmium ...Cd 0,054 xi 1.9 6.0 Indium 0,057 1134 6,5 Tin 0,054 II7-5 6.5 Antimony ...Sb 0,052 119.6 6.2 Tellurium ...Te 0,047 126 6.0 Iodine ...I 0,054 126.5 6.8 Lanthanum ...La 0,045 139 6.2 Cerium ...Ce 0,045 140 6.2 Didymium ...Di 0,045 142 6-5 Tungsten ...W 0,033 184 6.1 Osmium ...Os 0,031 195 6.2 Iridium ...Ir 0,032 192.5 6-3 Platinum ..Pt 0,032 194-3 6.4 Gold ...Au 0,032 196.2 6.4 Mercury (solid) -Hg 0,032 200 6.4 Thallium ...Tl 0,033 203.6 6.8 Lead ...Pb 0,051 206.4 6-5 Bismuth ..Bi 0,030 207 6-5 Thorium ..Th 0,027 232 6.4 Uranium ..Ur 0,027 240 6.6 * As Palladium hydride. 256 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. From the table, it is evident that the atomic heats of most of the elements lie between 5.0 and 6.8, and equal, upon an average, 6.4. It is only in the case of a few elements that the atomic heat is somewhat less (S, P, Si, Al), or considerably less (C, B, Be), than the mean. They are such as have low atomic weight, a metalloidal character, and occupy the middle of the two small periods. These variations bear distinct periodic dependence to the atomic weights: Li Be B C N 0 FI 6.6 3-8 2.8 1.9 — — — Na Mg A1 Si P s Cl 6.7 5.9 5-5 4.6 00 10 5-7 — The variations from the mean are in part explained by the fact that most of the elements, in their different modifications (crystalline, amorphous, malleable), possess a somewhat dif- ferent heat capacity, as observed with carbon. The influence of temperature is, however, more important. The figures in the table mostly indicate the heat capacities at medium tem- peratures. It was known before that these show a slight in- crease with the temperature, but it is only recently, that H. E. Weber has proved that the increase is very considerable for the elements, C, B and Si, which, at medium tempera- tures, possess a remarkably low atomic heat; that, beyond a definite temperature, the atomic heat becomes tolerably con- stant, and then almost agrees with the law of Dulong and Petit. According to Nilson, beryllium shows a similar deport- ment : W A ... W X A Diamond, graphite, above 6oo°... 0.459 II.97 5-4 Boron, above 6oo° 0.5 IO.Q 5-5 Silicon, above 200° 0.203 28 5-6 Beryllium at 2570 0.58 9.I 5-2 It is probable that there is a definite temperature for all elements, at which their heat capacities can be compared with accuracy. From this close agreement of the found atomic heat of the metals with the mean, it follows, without doubt, that there does occur a regularity, and we must conclude that the slight SPECIFIC HEAT. 257 variations, apart from the inaccuracy of the observations, are influenced by secondary causes. Hence, the specific heat may serve for the derivation of the atomic weight of the elements ; the atomic weight is equal to the constant quantity, 6.4 divided by the found specific heat: A = -i TV The atomic weights derived from the specific heat—the so- called thermal atomic weights, agree in almost all instances with those obtained from the vapor density of the free elements or their volatile compounds. Where no volatile compounds of an element are known, the specific heat is the only certain means of fixing the actual atomic weight. The equivalent weight 37.8 (InCl) of indium is fixed with great accuracy by analysis ; it is, however, unknown whether the atomic weight is double or triple that quantity. The specific heat of indium is 0.0569, from which the atomic weight would be A* — 112,5—a number closely approaching the trebled equivalent weight of indium 113.4 (= 37.8 X 3). From this it follows that the true atomic weight of indium is 113.4 and that indium is trivalent (InCl3). In their solid compounds the elements retain the specific heat attaching to them in their free,solid state; hence the molecular heat is nearly equal to the sum of the atomic heats of the elements constituting the molecules —law of Neuman and H. Kopp. Hence the atomic heat of elements not known in solid condition may be derived from the molecular heat of their compounds. In this manner the following atomic heats are found: For nitrogen, 5.0; for chlorine, 5.9; for oxygen, 4; for fluorine, 5; for hy- drogen, 2.3. In the free gaseous state the elements usually have a slighter atomic heat, as seen from the following table: A w* A X W Oxygen 15.96 0.156 2-5 Hydrogen 1 2.405 2.4 Nitrogen H 0.172 2.4 Chlorine 35-37 0.093 3-3 The law that the atoms in solid condition possess the same thermal’capacity (A. W= A.' IV.'), finds an interesting analogy and exemplification in the results derived from the * By constant volume. 258 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. kinetic gas theory, and in the proposition of Avogadro, that the molecules in gas condition, at like temperatures have sim- ilar a degree of motion (Tf. v. — M'. 7/.) and that the latter experiences like increases. The molecules are the smallest parti- cles for gases, and the atoms the smallest parts of the solid, which possesses the same heat energy. The velocity of their heat motion, both for the molecules and the atoms is, there- fore, greater the smaller their masses. ISOMORPHISM. As indicated in the preceding pages, the atomic weights of the elements may be derived directly from the heat capacity of solids, while from the gas density of the volatile compounds we get the molecular weights, and from the latter, indirectly, ascertain the atomic weights (compare p. 77). A third, although less general and certain means of determining the atomic and molecular weights is afforded by isomorphism. By this is understood the phenomenon observed by Mitscherlich (1819), that bodies chemically similar possess the same or almost the same crystal form. An essential mark of isomor- phous bodies is their ability to crystallize together—to form so-called isomorphous mixtures. Conversely from the isomorphism of two compounds may be concluded an anal- ogous chemical composition, a similar number of atoms in the molecule. This would lead us to accept as relative atomic weights, those quantities of the elements which replace each other in isomorphous compounds. For example, the metals calcium, strontium, and barium do not afford volatile derivatives. Their atomic weights could not be deduced from their thermal capacity, and it was the isomorphism of many of their compounds with those of magnesium that determined the same; the quantities of these elements, replacing 24 parts by weight of magnesium (1 atom), were accepted as the true atomic weights. In the present state of chemistry we attach but secondary importance to isomorphism as a method of determining atomic weights. The phenomena of pleomorphism, according to which one and the same substance frequently possesses several crystalline forms, teach.us that the latter are not only depend- ent upon the chemical molecules, but that these (according to yet unknown laws) may unite to more complicated crystal molecules. Hence, isomorphism affords a means for determ- ining the molecular value of solid substances. On the other hand we know of many cases where com- CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE METALS. 259 pounds chemically dissimilar possess a similar isomorphous crystalline form. Thus, dimorphous calcium carbonate (CaC03), as calcite is isomorphous with sodium nitrate (NOsNa), while as aragonite it is isomorphous with potassium nitrate (KN03). Consequently, isomorphism is only to be applied with care in chemical conclusions. Yet it is generally seen that bodies chemically similar have like crystalline forms, especially if the similarity of the elements be taken into con- sideration according to groups, as expressed in the periodic system. Thus, the isomorphism of the sodium compounds with the silver and cuprous derivatives, of the permanganates with the perchlorates (C104K), of the chromates with the sulphates (S04Na2), confirms the relations presented in the periodic system. Details upon this will be noticed in the consideration of the individual groups. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE METALS. As a usual thing the metals combine, without difficulty, with the metalloids, and with them yield well-characterized com- pounds the properties of which are essentially different from the elements composing them. The greater the chemical dif- ference of two bodies (metals and non-metals, bases and acids) the more energetic, in general, is their tendency to unite, and the more different and more stable the resulting products. As we have seen, the analogous metalloids (the groups of chlo- rine, of sulphur) form derivatives with each other that are not very characteristic. In the same manner when fused together the metals form indefinite metal-like compounds, known as alloys. Alloys, for the solid condition, are essentially the same as solutions for the liquid. Solutions and alloys constitute the transition from mechanical mixtures to the real chemical compounds. In both instances the constituents possess but a slight affinity for each other, and, therefore, unite in almost all proportions to the so-called undetermined compounds (see p. 90). We, however, know that definite compounds frequently exist in solutions; thus in an aqueous solution of sulphuric acid there is present the hvdrate H2S04,2H20; in aqueous nitric acid the hydrate HNO,,H20. And in the solutions of the salts crystallizing with water of crystallization there are definite compounds with water (e.g., Na2S04, ioH20 ; CoC12,6H20) at certain temperatures. Similarly constituted combinations 260 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. appear to be present, also, in the alloys; they often separate in crystalline form after fusion, and represent compouncs with definite atomic relations. Antimony and tin form a crystal- line compound of the composition Sb2Sn3. The crystalline form is always influenced by definite chemical compounds. This double character of the alloys manifests itself in their properties. In many respects they show the average deport- ment of the metals from which they arise. By combining the various metals we can procure alloys of the desired properties ; on this is founded the technical application of the same. Thus, to gold and silver, which are very soft in a pure condition, we can impart a greater hardness by alloying them with cop- per ; and the latter, again, may be rendered harder by fusion with zinc. The character of a chemical compound is exhib- ited in other properties of the alloys. Their temperature of fusion is generally not the mean of the metals constituting them, but always lies lower. An alloy of 8 parts lead, 15 Bi, 4 Sn and 3 Cd melts at 65°, although each of the single metals fuses above 200°. Mercury is able to dissolve almost all metals, forming alloys known as amalgams, which can crystallize. In chemical re- spects hydrogen is a metal, but most of the metals do not com- bine with it, probably because of its volatility. Palladium, potassium and sodium furnish the compounds Pd2H, K2H and Na2H, which deport themselves as alloys, while copper yields a pulverulent compound (CuH). That antimony yields a gaseous product (SbHs), is due to its pronounced metalloidal character. The ability of individual metals of the platinum and iron group to permit the passage of hydrogen at a red heat depends, probably, upon a chemical attraction ; hydro- gen first dissolves and is then evaporated again. Halogen Compounds.—The metals unite directly with the halogens to form salt-like compounds, which are not decom- posed by water at ordinary temperatures, and, in general, are very stable ; on the other hand, the halogen compounds of the metalloids (excepting those of carbon) are easily broken up by water. These compounds are also produced by the action of the haloid acids upon the free metals, their oxides, hydroxides, and carbonates, whereby they plainly characterize themselves as salts of the haloid acids. A third procedure for the forma- tion of chlorides and bromides, essentially analogous to the OXIDES AND HYDROXIDES—HYDRATES. 261 first, rests upon the simultaneous action of carbon arid chlo- rine, or bromine upon the oxides (see Chloride of Aluminium and Silicon). The following types of halogen derivatives exist and show the different valences of the metals : I II III IV V VI KC1 ZnCl2 InCl3 SnCl4 TaCl5 WC16. The higher valence of the elements is more manifest in their more stable oxygen compounds. OXIDES AND HYDROXIDES—HYDRATES. The affinity of the metals for oxygen varies. Some of them oxidize in moist air and decompose water, even at ordinary temperatures. Such are the so-called alkalies and alkaline earths (the potassium and calcium groups). Their oxides dis- solve readily in water and form strong basic hydroxides or hydrates (KOH, Ca(OH)2), which are usually not decomposed by ignition. Other metals (the so-called heavy metals) oxi- dize and decompose water only at higher temperatures; their oxides are insoluble in water, generally afford no hydrates, as the latter upon heating readily decompose into oxides (anhy- drides) and water: Zn(OH)2 = ZnO + H20. They are of a less basic nature, and their soluble salts usually exhibit acid reaction. Some metals, finally, as gold and platinum (the noble metals), are incapable of combining directly with oxygen. Their oxides, obtained in another way, decompose readily under the influence of heat into metal and oxygen. The universal method for the preparation of insol- uble oxides and hydroxides of the heavy metals depends upon the precipitation of the solutions of their salts by alkaline bases: CuS04 4- 2K0H = K2S04 + Cu(OH)3. The different valence of the metals is most clearly seen in their oxygen derivatives, that form salts. We have the following eight forms or types of the highest salt producing oxides (see p. 247), corresponding to the eight groups of the periodic system of the elements: I II III IV . V VI VII VIII K2O MgO AI2O3 Sn02 Bi205 CrOs (Mri207) 0s04. These correspond to the hydroxides or hydrates :— 262 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1 11 in IV v VI VII KOFI, Mg(OH)2 Al(OH), Sn(OFI)4 Bi(OH)5 Cr(OH)6 Mn(OII)r The oxides and hydrates of the first two forms possess a strong basic character and furnish salts with acids. In the oxides and hydrates of the succeeding forms there is shown an acid-like character together with the predominating basic character. Hence they dissolve in alkalies and form salt-like derivatives with bases, in which hydrogen is replaced by metals, e.g., Al( ONal3. These higher (normal) hydrates are not very stable, give up water and pass into metahydrates, which retain the acid character. Thus, from Al(OH)3 is derived AlO.OH, which yields salt-like compounds, eg., A10,OK; from Sn,OH)4 are derived stannic acid, SnO(OH)2, and its salts, as SnOgKj. Finally, the oxides of the last three groups are only of an acid nature, and afford salts with bases. Their corresponding highest hydrates are very unstable or do not exist; inasmuch as they yield the ordinary acids (p. 248) by the elimination of one, two and three molecules of water: Bi03H Cr04H2 VII Mn04H Bismuthic acid. Chromic acid. Permanganic acid. hno3 so4h2 cio4h. Like the metalloids, the metals of the last four series form lower oxides and hydrates (p. 247) in which they exhibit a lower valence: Nitric acid. Sulphuric acid. Perchloric acid. Sn(OH)2, hi Bi(OH)3, IV Mo(om4, Mn(OH), These lower oxides have a basic character, and it is the more pro- nounced the further removed they are from the limiting form. In their whole deportment they resemble the corresponding combination forms of the metals of the first three groups. The metals of the first two groups have higher oxygen com- pounds, called peroxides, eg., Na202, Ba02. These do not form corresponding salts, and readily lose an atom of oxygen. By the action of dilute acids hydrogen peroxide is produced : Ba02 + 2IIC1 = BaCl2 + H2Q2. In consequence of this reaction, it is very probable that in the peroxides, the oxygen atoms are arranged in a chain-like manner as in hydrogen peroxide: Na—0\ Na—O/ Ba/°\ \/ When concentrated acid acts upon them, oxygen is evolved, SALTS. 263 and salts of the lower oxides result; heated with hydrochloric acid, chlorine is generated: BaO, + 4HC1 = BaCIj + 2H„0 + CL. Ordinarily, all higher oxides which are not able to form salts and which evolve chlorine with hydrochloric acid are termed peroxides, e.g., PbOa, lead peroxide, and Mn02, manganese peroxide. However, these latter compounds do not possess the structure of true peroxides. Lead dfoxide, IV PbOs, is wholly analogous to tin didxide, SnO?, and is capable of combining with bases ; therefore we must grant in it a direct union of the two oxygen atoms with tetravalent lead. So manganese is probably tetravalent in manganese peroxide. The difference between these oxygen compounds and the true peroxides is shown’ by their inability to form hydrogen peroxide. Finally, some monovalent metals are capable of forming oxides containing four atoms of metal, e.g., K40, Ag40 ; these compounds are termed quadrant oxides or suboxides. Salts.—By the action of bases upon acids, salts and water result. These are also produced by the direct union of basic with acid oxides : Na20 -f S03 = Na2S04; and by the action of metals upon the acids. Hence the salts are usually viewed as acids in which hydrogen is replaced by metals. Upon inquiring, however, into the composition of salts we discQver them so constituted that a divalent oxygen atom connects the metal with the acid radical (p. 174): NaOH *+ N03H = NOgNa + H20. K—O—H K—O—N02 Potassium Hydroxide Potassium nitrate H—O—N02 Nitric acid, rl he salts, therefore, according as it is more practicable, can be regarded as acid derivatives, and also as derived from the basic hydroxides by replacement of hydrogen. As we have seen, the polybasic acids yield the primary, sec- ondary, tertiary, etc., salts by the replacement of one. or several hydrogen atoms. In the same manner primary, secondary, etc., salts are derived from polyvalent metals (or the polyacid, polyhydric bases) : hi roH Bi \ OH (no, m/OH Bi—NOs \no3 ni r no3 Bi \ N03 i no3 Primary bismuth nitrate. - Secondary bismuth nitrate. Tertiary bismuth nitrate. 264 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Such salts in which not all the hydroxyl groups of the poly- acid hydroxide are replaced by acid residues are called basic: Pb/0H p l no3 v / OH Zn\Cl Basic lead nitrate. Basic zinc chloride. Besides these basic salts there exist some of another form. We saw that the polybasic acids can combine to poly- or anhy- dro-acids; similarly, the polyhydric bases form polyhydrates: /OH Cu/ >° Cu< X)H .OH Pb< P> pb)° xOH from which basic salts are obtained (see copper and lead) by replacement of hydroxides by acid residues. By the replacement of the hydrogen atoms in the polyhydric acids or bases by various radicals we get the so-called mixed or double salts: /K so4/ Cu so4/ /K SO/ \ A1 so* fK POJ nh4 - (H Pot. am. phosphate. Pot. copper sulphate. Pot. aluminfum sulphate. /C1 Pb< \co3 Pb\Cl f NOs CrJ NOs (Clt The halogen double salts are usually viewed as molecular compounds: MgCl2.KCl AuC18.KC1 PtCl4.2KCl. If, however, the fluorides of boron and silicon, BF13.KF1, SiFl4.2KFI, are derived from peculiarly constituted atomic acids, HBF14, H2SiFl6, then a peculiar union of atoms maybe regarded as existing in the metallic double chlorides, which are often very-similar and isomorphous. ACTION OF METALS UPON SALTS AND ACIDS. 265 We have seen that the metals by solution in acids are able to form salts. In this case the hydrogen is directly replaced by the metal and separated in free condition (providing in the moment of its formation it does not act upon the acid : ACTION OF METALS UPON SALTS AND ACIDS. Zn + S04H2 = ZnS04 + H2. The metals deport themselves in the same manner with the salts. Zinc introduced into a solution of copper sulphate is dissolved to sulphate and metallic-copper deposits : Herein is shown the perfect analogy between acids and salts. In chemical nature hydrogen is a metal. Hence the acids may be viewed as hydrogen salts: hydrogen sulphate for sul- phuric acid, hydrogen nitrate for nitric acid, etc. The similarity of salts and acids shows itself, too, in their acidity. All sol- uble salts of the metals, whose hydrates are weak bases, exhibit acid reaction, and color blue litmus paper red. Only the salts of the strong basic metals, like potassium and calcium, show a neutral or basic reaction—providing the base, is stronger than the acid. • . 6 The displacement of metals from their salts by others, was formerly regarded as exclusively influenced by their electrical deportment. Indeed the more electro-positive, basic metals replace the electro-negative, less basic. In the following series each metal throws out from solution those preceding it: Au, Pt, Ag, Hg, Cu, Pb, Sn (Fe, Zn). Iron and zinc pre- cipitate almost all the heavy metals from solutions of their salts. The strofigly positive potassium is able to displace all other metals. This is very evident from the action of molten potassium upon the haloid salts—a reaction which frequently serves for the separation of the metals in a free condition : Zn CuS04 = ZnS04 -(- Cu. AlCla + 3K = A1 -f 3KCI. In its electrical deportment hydrogen stands near zinc; like the latter, it must, therefore, displace all more negative metals. If this does not happen, the cause must be sought in its vola- tility , in fact, we know that hydrogen, under pressure, is ca- pable of separating gold, silver, and some other metals from their salt solutions. Formerly great importance was attributed to the electrical behavior of the elements, and all were arranged in an electro-chemical series, in which 266 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. oxygen figured as the most negative and potassium as the most positive member, () ...... -f- K. 1 he opinion prevailed that the chemical affinity of the elements depended upon their electrical differences, and that chemi- cal union occurred because the opposite electricities'united—electro-chem- ical theory of Berzelius. Now, however, we know that in the expression of chemical affinity only secondary importance is attached to the electrical deportment of bodies. Although the affinity, in general, corresponds to the electrical difference, yet this does not always occur. Thus, the strongly negative chlorine expels bromine and iodine from their hydrogen," and nearly all their metallic compounds; however, chlorine and bromine are conversely displaced by iodine from their oxygen compounds (C103H and C104H) (p. 179). Similarly, lead separates tin from its chloride, SnCl4, while, on the other hand, tin throws out lead from the solution of its oxides in alkalies. At present, it is established that the mutual deportment of the metals is dependent upon and regulated by their thermo-chemical relations. A metal displaces another from its oxygen salts, as well as from its oxides, sulphides, or halogen compounds, if the heat of formation of the resulting bodies is greater than the ones acting; this agrees with the principle of greatest heat development. Thus, copper displaces silver from its sulphate, because the heat of formation of the copper sulphate (in aqueous solution) is about 33,57° calories greater than that of silver sulphate. Sulphuric acid dissolves most metals with liberation of hydrogen, because their heat of formation, (S,04,H2) = 192,900 (S,04,II2,Aq.) = 210,760 is less than that of the most sulphates. The heat of formation of lead sulphate (Pb,S,04) equals 213,500; therefore, lead would be dissolved by dilute sulphuric acid, did not the insolubility of lead sulphate in the-dilute acid prevent it from so doing. Concentrated sulphuric acid on the other hand does dissolve lead, because lead sulphate is soluble in it. For the same reason, potassium displaces almost all the other metals; on the other hand, potassium is separated by sodium amalgam, with formation of po- tassium amalgam, as the heat of formation of the latter is much greater than that of sodium amalgam, and therefore, in the equation, the heat modulus upon the right side overbalances. (Berthelot.) . Although the affinity relations dependent upon the quantity of heat frequently correspond with the electrical differences of the free elements, this is so influenced that the electro-motive energy is induced by the heat, and is proportional to the same (see p. 269). The heat of formation of the compounds constitutes the primary cause of their chemical transpo- sition; it varies in the different compounds for the same element, and thus explains the opposing deportment of the elements. Chlorine dis- places iodine in iodides, not because it is more strongly electro-negative, but because the heat of formation of the chlorides is greater than that'of the iodides. Conversely, chlprine is eliminated from chloric acid by iodine, because the heat of formation of the iodic acid is the greater (compare p. 182). H2S and I, are similarly transposed, in the presence of water, into HI and sulphur, while iodine is separated from concentrated hydriodic acid by boiling with sulphur (p. 65). (K,CI) + (Na,Hg) = (Na,Cl) + (K,Hg) ELECTROLYSIS OF SALTS. 2 67 ELECTROLYSIS OF SALTS. On subjecting a salt in a fused or dissolved condition to the action of an electric current, it is decomposed, so that the metal separates upon the negative pole and the acid group or halogen upon the positive : + — NaCl Na + Cl. The oxygen salts behave in the same way; the metal upon the negative pole, the acid residue upon the positive: 4- _ CuS04 = Cu + S04. As the liberated acid residue cannot exist in a free condition, a secondary reaction occurs, by which it generally, especially in the electrolysis of aqueous solutions, breaks up into oxygen and an acid oxide, which with the water of the solution again forms the acid: so4 + h2o so4h2 + o. Thus, in the electrolysis of salts, the metal and oxygen separate out—the first at the negative, the latter at the posi- tive pole. That the decomposition, indeed, occurs in the manner indicated is confirmed by the fact that free acid arises at the positive pole. All neutral salts are similarly decomposed. If, however, the metal contained in the salt acts upon water when free, manifestly a secondary reaction must occur at the negative pole. The real electrolytic decomposition of potassium sulphate would then take place according to the following equation : + — so4K2 = k2 + (SO3 + O). The separated potassium decomposes the water with forma- tion of potassium hydrate and the disengagement of hydro- gen : . ■ K + HOH = KOH '+ H. Therefore, hydrogen and potassium hydrate occur as definite decomposition products, at the negative pole; at the positive, however, we have oxygen and sulphuric acid. On coloring the liquid exposed to the electrolysis with a little violet syrup, that part at the -f- pole will become red, owing to the acid formed, while that at the — pole will have a green color from the base. That the electrolytic decomposition of potassium sulphate and similar salts proceeds in the manner given, may 268 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. be proved experimentally by using mercury as negative elec- trode ; then the separated potassium will combine with the mercury and form an amalgam, which will act gradually upon the water. • It was formerly believed that the alkali salts were directly decomposed by electrolysis into metallic and acid oxides, which yielded the hydrates (KOH and S04H2) with water; the appearance of H and O was attributed to the simultaneous electrolytic decomposition of water (a view which was set aside by the behavior of the other salts). With this erroneous idea as a basis, all salts were held to be binary compounds of the metallic oxides (bases) with acid oxides (acids), e.g., K20.S03 = K2S04, K20.N205 = 2KNOs—dualistic theory of Berzelius. The acids and bases were also thought to be binary compounds of a metallic oxide or acid anhydride with water: The acid oxides or anhydrides were termed acids and the true acids hydrates. K20.H20 = 2KOH, so3.h2o = H2SOt. Other compounds are decomposed in the same way as the salts. Thus, molten caustic potash, KOH, breaks up into K and OH ; the first separates in metallic form upon the nega- tive pole (and gradually acts upon KOH with hydrogen dis- engagement), while at the positive pole water and oxygen ap- pear—produced by decomposition-of the hydrogen peroxide formed at first: (0H)2 = H20 + o. It is, therefore, probable that the water is also decomposed in an analogous manner : 2H0H = H2 + 02H2; the .peroxide produced at first breaks up, however, for the most part, into water and oxygen. Considering the quantities which are deposited from various compounds, by the same electric current, we will discover that a like number of valences are invariably dissolved in like time, i.e., equivalent quantities are separated according to the idea of the valence theory (p. i68.)(The law of Faraday and Becquerel). Thus in the simultaneous decomposition of hydrochloric acid, water and ammonia (pp. 71,96,127),equal volumes of hydrogen (= 1 part) are liberated, while at the positive pole 1 volume of chlorine (=35.5 parts), fz volume of oxygen (= 7.98 parts) and volume of nitrogen (= 4.67 parts) appear. The quantities decomposed by electrolysis, therefore, bear the ratio: H„0 H,N HQ, -J—. > . 2 3 ELECTROLYSIS OF SALTS. 269 In the same way, equal quantities of chlorine are set free from all metallic chlorides (and other salts, as the chlorine atoms are alike in all), while the quantities of the precipitated metals agree with their chemical activities. The quantities of the dif- ferent salts, decomposed by electrolysis, stand in the following relation : AgNOs, CllC1»> SbClj Fe2Clg SnCl4 HgCl2 Hg2(NQ3)2 2 2 3 6 4*2' 2" Therefore, 31.6 parts Cu are deposited for the 35.37 parts Cl in cupric chloride (Cu"Cl2), but from cuprous chloride (Cu'Cl) we obtain 63.2 parts Cu; fronq mercuric chloride ■( big, Cl2) we obtain 99.9 parts Hg, and from mercurous nitrate (Hg'NOs) 199.8 parts Hg, etc. The quantities of the metals existing in the different states of oxidation, and which are equivalent to each other, vary and correspond to their chemical affinity. Tike valences are dissolved in equal periods of time. „ As the quantity of heat liberated in the union of like valences (in KC1, CuCl, AgN03, etc.), and that necessary for the decomposition are very different, and since Faraday’s law calls for the solution of like valences in equal periods by the same current—the performance of a different amount of work—there must occur, in consequence of the law of the conservation of energy (if the electric current does indeed do the electrolytic work), an unequal distribution of the energy of the current upon the different electro- lytes. The manner of this distribution is not known. Faraday thought it probably took place in such a manner that the greater consumption of energy by the electrolytes was compensated by their resistance, which consequently, is so much less. The relation of the electro-motive force of a galvanic cell to the chemical transposition occurring within it is equally obscure. Disregarding the elec- tric contact theory, the source of the former (with the principle of the conservation of energy as basis i can only be found in the loss of chemical energy (heat disengagement), which corresponds to the change taking place within the galvanic element. Following the experiments of Joule and others, W. Thomson assumed that the energy, developed by a cell, was proportional or equal to (providing no secondary actions occurred)-the heat modulus of the chemical reaction producing it. Thus, the effective- ness of a Daniell element (combination of zinc and dilute sulphuric, acid or zinc sulphate and copper in a solution of copper sulphate) depended on the replacement of Cit in CuS04, replaced by Zn—a reaction in which 50.1 calories are developed. Further, the action of a Bunsen cell (zinc and carbon in a solution of potassium bichromate arid sulphuric acid) was supposed to be due to the formation of zinc and chromium sulphates, in which instance 99.8 calories are set free. In all such constant batteries J. Thomson and others concluded that the electro-motive force is equal or proportional to the energy developed in the chemical reaction. Accord- ing to a later theory of Helmholtz, and the determinations made by F. Braun, chemical energy cannot be completely, but only partly, trans- formed into electric energy, just as heat cannot be perfectly changed to 270 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. mechanical work. Hence, the electro-motive force of an element is usually less, but should be greater than the heat energy corresponding to the chemical transposition. In the latter cases, we must renounce any relation of the electro-motive force to the heat modulus, in case these, as is probably true, cannot be explained by secondary chemical reactions which have gone unconsidered heretofore. When two salts in solution or fusion come together, a chem- ical action will frequently occur. Berthollet endeavored (close of preceding century) to explain the resulting phenomena by referring them to pure physical causes, and excluded every special chemical affinity. In the opinion of Berthollet, four salts always arise in the solution of two. For example, on mixing solutions of copper sulphate and sodium chloride, there exist in solution copper sulphate, sodium sulphate, copper chloride, and sodium chlo- ride : 2C11SO4 + yield CuS04 -f- Na2S04 + CuCl2 -f 2NaCl. That copper chloride is really present in the solution together with the sulphate, follows, from the fact that the blue color of the latter acquires a greenish color, peculiar to the copper chloride, by the addition of sodium chloride; other phenomena are not noticeable at first. Suppose one of the four salts formed in the solution is insoluble or volatile, the reaction will occur somewhat differently. Upon adding barium chloride to the copper sulphate solution four salts will be formed at the beginning just as in the first case. The barium sulphate produced separates, however, in consequence of its insolubility, the equilibrium of the four salts will be disturbed, and new quantities of CuS04 and BaCl2 act upon each other until the transposition is complete: CuS04 + BaCl2 = BaS04 + CuCla. The chemical transposition may, therefore, be explained by the insolubility of the barium sulphate. On adding HC1, or soluble chlorides to the solution of a sdver salt all the silver is precipitated as chloride, because the latter is insoluble. Take another example. On adding sulphuric acid to a solution of potassium nitrate there is apparently no percept- ible alteration. We may suppose that the four compounds, KN03,K2S04,H2S04 and HN()3, are present in the solution. Upon warming the latter volatile nitric acid will evaporate, and, in proportion to its separation, new quantities of potas- TRANSPOSITION OF SALTS. 271 sium nitrate afid hydrogen sulphate will act upon each other until the transposition is complete: 2KNOs + H2S04 = K,S04 + 2HNO3. The decomposition of potassium nitrate by sulphuric acid, therefore, is the consequence of the volatility of the nitric acid. Sulphuric acid decomposes sodium thloride in the cold, because hydrogen chloride is volatile. Carbonates are even decomposed by very weak acids, because the carbonic acid, H2C03, at once separates gaseous carbon dioxide, C02. In many instances the chemical transpositions may’be ex- plained by such physical causes, and there-is no doubt that an important role attaches to them. It is, however, not justifi- able to ignore any special chemical affinity between the various substances, as did Berthollet. 1 he reactions are determined by the chemical affinity and are independent of all physical causes. This is seen in the solutions of salts. Mix, e.g., ferric chloride with potassium acetate, and there is obtained a dark red solution, in consequence of the formation of iron acetate. Although an insoluble salt is not produced here, yet the re- arrangement of the two salts, evident from the optical proper- ties of the solution, is a perfect one; only iron acetate and potassium chloride are present in the solution: Fe2Cl6 + 6C12H302K = (C2H302)6Fe2 + 6KC1. Pot. acetate. The transposition is determined by the strong affinity of potassium for chlorine and by the weak basic nature of ferric oxide. If the difference between the affinities of the bases and salts is not so great, then four salts can exist in solution; their quantity, however, will be proportional to the different affinities and determined by the equilibrium of all the forces of attraction. Thus four salts are present in the previously mentioned solution of copper sulphate and sodium chloride, the quantities of copper chloride and sodium sulphate are’ however, much greater than those of copper sulphate and sodium chloride (proved by the optical properties of the solu- tion), because the- affinity of sulphuric acid for sodium is greater than the same for copper. The phenomena recorded above are the subject of contro- versy and many investigations at the present time. Generally the chemical transpositions of salts with salts or with acids (hydrogen salts) and bases, are determined and governed by the tendency (bestreben) toward the greatest heat disengagement. 272 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. This is true, too, of other chemical reactions (the precipita- tion of metals from their salts by other metals, the action of metals upon acids and water, the alternating deportment of metalloids, etc.). In most cases the reaction corresponding to a chemical equation is easier and more complete, the more the sum of the heats of formation of the resulting bodies exceeds that of those reacting (the chemical energy of the first is less than that of the latter). The reverse of the reac- tion can only succeed by the consumption of energy and requires addition of heat or electricity. This is of practical importance (see Magnesium Chloride) in the review of the details of chemical reactions. In the action of salts and acids these relations are, however, complicated because many reactions, especially in aqueous solution, occur accompanied by a direct absorption of heat. The aim of thermo-chem- istry, in accord with the efforts of Berthelot, is to classify such reactions under the principle of the greatest heat disen- gagement, and declare its exceptions due to the influence of secondary causes. This would bring into-consideration the formation of acid and double salts, the influence of the heat of solution, the decomposition of salts by solvents, etc., etc. In this manner very many of the apparent exceptions have been satisfactorily accounted for. It would, however, seem that the principle of the greatest heat disengagement is constantly conditioned by another, that besides the heat modulus the stability of the bodies must be regularly taken into considera- tion—in such a manner that the formation of the more stable bodies is given the preference even if they possess a less heat of formation. The more stable the compounds, the lower the temperature, the better do the reactions conform with the principle of Berthelot; the disagreements become more evi- dent when the compounds approach the state of dissociation (by heat or solution). In the latter case considerable influence falls to the mass of the reacting bodies, as has already been formulated in the theory of mass action by Berthelot and Saint Gilles, and in the affinity theory of Guldberg-Waage. The principle of the greatest heat disengagement, therefore, constitutes a special case of a more general principle, which Braun proposes to designate as the principle of the greatest work-power. ALKALI METALS. 273 GROUP OF THE ALKALI METALS. Potassium, 39-°3 Rubidium, 85.2 Caesium, 132.7 Lithium, 7.- Sodium, 22.99 (Ammonium),. The metals of this group are decidedly the most pronounced in metallo basic character, and this constitutes a visible con- trast with the elements of the chlorine group, the most ener- getic among'the metalloids. This contradictory chaiacter of both groups is seen, too, in their monovalence : in their com- binations with each other, they saturate their affinity by single atoms. The more distinct the chemical character of two elements and the more unlike they are, the simpler and the more definite will the expressions of valence in general be between them. The alkali metals in physical and chemical properties exhibit great similarity. They oxidize readily in the air, decompose water violently, even in the cold, with the formation of-strong basic hydroxides, which dissolve readily in water and are called alkalies (caustic potash, caustic soda),—hence the name alkali metal. They are not decomposed by ignition. Their chemical energy increases with increasing atomic weight (more correctly atomic; volume, p. 252), sodium is • more energetic than lithium, potassium more than sodium, and rubidium more than potassium. Caesium is not known in a free con- dition, but, judging from its compounds, it possesses a more basic character than rubidium. We saw in other analogous groups (of chlorine, oxygen, phosphorus, carbon), that the metalloidal, negative character diminishes, and the basic in- creases with the increasing atomic weight. The atomic weights increase simultaneously with the specific gravities ; but as the increase of the former is greater than that of the latter, the atomic volumes (the quotients — — p.252), are always the greater. The increasing fusibility and volatility correspond to the increase of the atomic volumes ; rubidium distils at a red heat, while lithium only volatilizes ■witfi difficulty: Li Na K Rb Cs Atomic weight’. 7 23 39 85 132 Specific gravity °-59 O.97 0.86 I.52 (2-4) Atomic volume 11 -9 23-7 45-4 56.1 Fusion temperature i8o° 95.6° 62 50 38-5° 274 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Although all the alkali metals exhibit a great similarity in their chemical deportment, we discover more marked relations be- tween potassium, rubidium and caesium upon the one hand, and lithium and sodium on the other, which accords with their position in the periodic system of the elements. Especially is this noticed in the salts. The first three metals form diffi- cultly soluble tartrates and chlorplatinates (see Platinum). Their carbonates deliquesce in the air, while those of sodium and lithium are stable under similar circumstances ; the last is, iudeed, tolerably insoluble in water. The phosphates de- port themselves similarly ; lithium phosphate is very difficultly soluble. It must be remarked that th.e normal carbonates and phosphates of all other metals are insoluble. In lithium, then, which possesses the lowest atomic weight, it would seem the alkaline character has not yet reached expression, and it in many respects, approaches the elements of the second group, especially magnesium, just as beryllium approaches aluminium ; this is indicated by the position of the elements in the table, p. 244. The elements of the two small periods are, indeed, similar, but not completely analogous, while the homology of the three great periods finds expression in K, Rb, Cs. The affinity relations of the alkalies are expressed and explained by their thermo-chemical relations. Generally the heat liberation is greater as the atomic, weights increase : thus, e.g., in the formation of the chlorides and hydrates (the numbers represent large calories, p. 249). (Li,Cl) = 93.8 (Li,Cl,Aq.) = 102.2 (Li,0,H,Aq.) = 117.4 (Na,Cl) = 97.7 (Na,Cl,Aq.) = 91.5 (Na,0,H,Aq.) = 111.8 (K,C1) = 105.6 (K,Cl,Aq.) = ioi.i (K,0,H,Aq.) = 116.4 (Na2,0) = 100.2 (Na2,0,Aq.) = 155.2 (Na,0,H) = 102.0 (K2,0.) = 97.1 (K2,0,Aq.) = 164.5 (K.O.H) , = 103.9 The position of lithium in the periodic system explains the varying, de- portment of its’compounds, which frequently show a greater heat disen- gagement than those of sodium. Again, it is very probable that a constant increase in the heat modulus occurs with the true homologues of potassium —rubidium and caesium. On the basis of the principle of the greatest evolution of heat, the num- bers above would explain why sodium and lithium are displaced from their chlorides, etc., by potassium. It separates most other metals because the heat of formation of the potassium compounds is generally much greater (see p. 266). On comparing the heat of formation of water (H2O = 68,600 calories), we immediately perceive why it is so readily decomposed by the alkali metals. All metals, disengaging "more than 68,600 calories in the formation of their oxides, Me20, or their hydroxides, MeOH, decompose water, and the energy will be greater, the greater the difference of heat. The insolubility of the oxides constitutes an obstacle POTASSIUM. 275 to the action ; this however, may be removed (see Aluminium) by addi- tion of neutral solvents. Conversely, all oxides, affording'less heat in their formation, are reduced by hydrogen. POTASSIUM. In nature, potassium is found principally in silicates, viz. : leldspar and mica. By the disintegration of these frequently occurrmg minerals, potassium passes into the soil, and is ab- sorbed by plants; the ashes of the latter consist chiefly of dif- ferent potassium salts. The chloride* and sulphate are also ound in sea water, and in large deposits in Stassfurt, at Magde- burg, and in Galicia, where they were left by the evaporation of the water of inclosed seas. Metallic potassium was first ob- tained by Davy, in the year 1807, by the decomposition of the hydroxide, by means of a-strong; galvanic current. At present it is prepared by igniting an intimate mixture of carbon and potassium carbonate: K = 39-03. K2COs -f- 2C = 2K -)- 3CO. Such a mixture may be made by the carbonization of organic potassium salts, e.g., crude tartar. It is then ignited to white heat, in an iron retort, and the escaping potassium vapors col- lected in receivers of peculiar construction, filled with rock-oil. The latter, an hydrocarbon, serves as the best means of pre- serving potassium, which would otherwise oxidize in the air and decompose other liquids. In a fresh section, potassium shows a silver white color and brilliant metallic lustre. At or- dinary temperature it is soft, like wax, and may be easily cut. It crystallizes in octahedra, and has a specific gravity = 0.86. It melts at 62-5°C., and, when raised to a red heat, is con- vened into a greenish vapor. It oxidizes in the air, and becomes dull in color; heated, it burns with a violet flame. It decom- poses water energetically, with formation of potassium hydrate and the liberation of hydrogen. If a piece of the metal be thrown upon water, it will swim on the surface with a rotary motion ; so much heat is disengaged by the reaction that the generated hydrogen and the potassium inflame. Finally a slight explosion usually results, whereby pieces of potassium are tossed here and there 5 it is advisable, therefore, to execute the experiment in a tall, beaker glass, covered with a glass plate. Potassium combines directly and very ‘energetically with the halogens. 276 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. On conducting hydrogen over metallic potassium heated to 300°-400°, potassium hydride, K2H, results. This is a metallic, shining, brittle com- pound, which, upon stronger heating (410°), more readily in vacuo, is again decomposed. Exposed to air, it ignites spontaneously. The sodium hydride, Na2H, obtained in the same way, does not possess this latter property. Potassium forms three oxygen compounds, of which only the following yields corresponding salts. Potassium Oxide—K20—results from the oxidation of thin pieces of metallic potassium in dry air, and by heating potassium peroxide with metallic potassium. It is a white powder, fusing at a red heat, and evaporating at higher temperatures. It unites with water, with evolution of much heat, and the formation of potassium hydroxide. When heated in a stream of hydrogen it yields the hydrate, and metallic potassium is separated : This peculiar behavior is explained by the heat of formation of KOH (103.9 C.) being greater than that of K20 (97.1) '; hence the reaction occurs according to the preceding equation and heat is disengaged. Conversely, KOH cannot, therefore, be decomposed by potassium with the production of K..O (Beketoff). K20 + H = • KOII + K. Potassium peroxide, KO2 or K204, and potassium suboxide, K40, are very unstable, and readily pass into potassium oxide. The first is formed together with potassium oxide, by the combustion of potassium in dry air or oxygen, and is a yellow mass. The suboxide has a violet color, due to the oxidation of potassium vapors. Potassium Hydroxide, or Caustic Potash—KOH—is obtained by the action of potassium or its oxide upon water. For its preparation, potassium carbonate is decomposed .by calcium hydrate (slaked lime): K2COs + Ca(OII)2 = CaC03 -f 2KOH. The solution of i part potassium carbonate in 10-12 parts water is boiled with t part slaked lime in an iron pot, until a filtered portion does not effervesce when hydrochloric acid is added ; i.e:, when there is no longer any carbonic acid present. On standing a while, the insoluble calcium carbonate subsides, and the liquid becomes clear. The solution of potas- sium hydrate is then poured off, evaporated, the residue melted in a silver dish (which it does not attack), and poured into moulds. The caustic potash, prepared in this way, is not entirely pure, but contains potassium chloride.and other salts. To obtain a product that is chemically pure, fuse potassium nitrate with copper filings, and treat the fusion with water. POTASSIUM CHLORIDE—POTASSIUM IODIDE. 277 Potassium hydroxide forms a white, crystalline mass that fuses rather easily, and volatilizes undecomposed at a very high tem- perature. Exposed to the air it deliquesces, as it absorbs water and carbon dioxide and changes into carbonate. It is very soluble in alcohol, and especially in water. The solution pos- sesses a strong alkaline reaction, saponifies the fats, and has a corrosive action upon the skin and organic tissues; hence it cannot be filtered through paper. At low temperatures the hydrate KOH + 2H20 crystallizes out from concentrated so- lutions. The haloid salts of potassium are obtained by the direct union of the halogens with potassium, and by the saturation of the hydroxide or carbonate with haloid acids. They are readily soluble in water, have a salty taste, and crystallize in cubes. When heated they melt, and are somewhat volatile. Potassium Chloride—KC1—occurs in Stassfurt in large deposits, as sylvite, and combined with magnesium chloride exists as carnallite (MgCl2, KC1 + 6H20). The latter salt serves as the chief source for the preparation of potassium chloride,which meets with varied application in the arts, and also for the preparation of potassium carbonate. The chloride crystallizes in vitreous cubes, of specific gravity 1.84. It melts at 7340, and volatilizes at a strong red heat. 100 parts water dissolve 30 parts of the salt at o°, and 59 parts at ioo°. • Potassium Bromide—KBr—is generally obtained by warming a solution of potassium' hydroxide with bromine, when the. bromate is also produced: 6KOH +. 3Br2 == 5K.Br + ICBrO •+ 3H..O. The solution is evaporated to dryness, mixed with charcoal, and ignited, which reduces the bromate to bromide: KBrOs + 3C = 3CO + KBr. It is readily soluble in water and alcohol; forms cubes of sp. gr. 2.4, and melts at 699°. Potassium Iodide—KI—may be prepared like the pre- ceding. It is usually obtained according to the following method: Iodine and iron filings are rubbed together under water, and potassium carbonate added to the solution of the iron iodide ; this will precipitate ferrous-ferric oxide ; carbon dioxide escapes, and potassium iodide will be found in the solution. It forms large white crystals, fuses at 634°, and is tolerably volatile. Its specific gravity equals 2.9. At medium 278 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. temperatures it dissolves in 0.7 parts water, and 40 parts of al- cohol. The aqueous solution dissolves iodine in large quan- tity. Many metallic insoluble iodides dissolve in it without difficulty, forming double iodides, e.g.,Hg\v 2KI. The iodide is employed in medicin'e and photography. Potassium Fluoride—KF1, is obtained by dissolving the carbonate in aqueous hydrofluoric acid. It crystallizes in cubes at ordinary tempera- tures, with 2H20, but above 350 does not contain water of crystalliza- tion. It is very soluble in water. The aqueous solution attacks glass. It is greatly inclined to combine with other fluorides: KF1. HF1; BF13. KF1. On adding hydrofluosilicic acid to the solution of potassium salts, a gelati- nous precipitate of potassium silicofluoride is thrown down; this is very difficultly soluble in water. • ’ Potassium Cyanide—KCN.—This salt can be produced by saturating potassium hydrate with hydrocyanic acid, and by heating yellow prussiate of potash (see Iron). It forms a white, easily fusible mass, which deliquesces in the air. The solution may be easily decomposed. It crystallizes in cubes, has an alkaline reaction, smells like prussic acid, as this is set free by the carbon dioxide of the air. By fusion potassium cyanide reduces many oxides, and hence is employed in re- duction processes. It is just as poisonous as prussic acid. It is applied in many ways, especially in photography and for galvanic silvering and gilding. Potassium Chlorate—KC103. • The following reaction occurs when chlorine gas is conducted through a hot concen- trated potassium hydroxide solution: 6KOH + 3C12 = 5KC1 + KCIO3 + 3HaO. When the solution cools, the difficultly soluble potassium chlorate separates out. It is generally made, in trade, by the action of chlorine upon a mixture of calcium hydrate and po- tassium chloride.- The reaction occurs in two phases; first, calcium chlorate is formed : 6Ca(OH), + 6C12 = sCaCla + Ca(C103)2 + 6H20; this then reacts with the potassium chloride : Ca(C103)2 + 2KC1 = 2KCIO3 + CaCl2. Potassium chlorate crystallizes from the hot solution in shining tables of the monoclinic system, which are difficultly soluble in water (too parts at ordinary temperature dissolve 6 parts of the salt). Its taste is cooling and astringent. When POTASSIUM HYPOCHLORITE—POTASSIUM SULPHATE. 279 heated it melts (at 359°) giving up a portion of its oxygen, and changes to the Perchlorate—KC104—which on further heat- ing decomposes into oxygen and potassium chloride (see p. 178). As it gives up oxygen readily, it serves as a strong oxi- dizing agent. With hydrochloric acid it liberates chlorine: Mixed with sulphur, or certain sulphides, it explodes on heating and when struck a sharp blow. The igniting ma- terial upon the so-called Swedish (parlor) matches consists of antimony sulphide and potassium chlorate ;• when this is rubbed upon the friction surface coated with red phosphorus it ignites. Potassium Hypochlorite — KCIO—is formed when chlorine is permitted to act upon a cold solution of potassium hydrate: KC103 + 6HC1 = KC1 4- 3H20 + 3(4. 2K0H 4- ' Cl. = KC1 4- KC10 + H..O. It only exists in aqueous solutions; when the latter is evap- orated the salt is decomposed into chloride and chlorate: 3CIOK = 2KC1 + C103K. The solution has an odor resembling that of chlorine, and bleaches strongly, especially upon the addition of acids. The bleaching solutions occurring in trade (Eau de Ja'velle) are prepared by the action of chlorine upon solutions of sodium and potassium carbonate ; they also contain free hypochlorous acid: The oxy salts of bromine and iodine are perfectly analogous to those of chlorine. Potassium Bromate—KBr03—and Potassium Iodate—KI03 —are prepared by the action of bromine or iodine upon hot potassium hydroxide ; the second is also produced by the action of iodine upon po- tassium chlorate, when the chlorine is directly replaced (p. 182). If chlo- rine be passed through a hot solution of potassium iodate in potassium hydrate—the periodate of potassium, KI04, arises; it is difficultly soluble and when heated decomposes into O and KI03, which then breaks up into potassium iodide and oxygen. Besides the normal periodates, KI04, NaI04, other salts exist which are derived from the highest hydroxyl compound, I(OH)7, and its anhydro-de- rivatives (p. 180). These salts are very numerous, and are in part mono- periodates, IO(OH)5, and I02(0H)3 and partly polyperiodates, produced by the condensation of several molecules of the highest hydrates, eg., I203(0H)8 and I205(0H)4. Potassium Sulphate—K2S04—is formed in the action of sulphuric acid upon potassium chloride, and as a by- product in many technical operations. It crystallizes without water, in small rhombic prisms,, having a bitter, salty taste, 280 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and dissolves in 10 parts H20 of ordinary temperature. It is employed principally for the preparation of potassium car- bonate, according to the method of Le Blanc. (See Soda.) The acid or prittiary salt—-HKS04—crystallizes in large rhombic tables, and is very readily soluble in water. It fuses about 20Q0, loses water, and is converted into potassium pyrosulphate—K,2S207 (p. 192)—which at 6oo° yields K2S04 and S03. The salts of sulphurous acid—the primary, S03KH, and the secondary sulphites, S03K2—are produced when SO2 comes in contact with a potas- sium carbonate solution ; they are very soluble and crystallize with diffi- culty. The first salt shows an acid, the second an alkaline reaction. If sulphur dioxide be passed into a solution of pptassium carbonate until effervescence ceaseS and then cooled, the pyrosulphite—K2S2Os—corre- sponding to the pyrosulphite, will crystallize out. Potassium Nitrate, Saltpetre, KN03, does not occur anywhere in large quantities, but is widely distributed in the upper strata of the earth and is found as an efflorescence on the soil in some regions of the hot zone (in Egypt and East India). It is produced whenever nitrogenous organic substances decay in the presence of potassium carbonate—conditions which are present in almost every soil. The intentional introduction of these is the basis of the artificial nitre production in the so- called saltpetre plantations. Manures and various animal offals are mixed with wood ashes (potassium ‘carbonate) and lime, arranged in porous layers, and submitted to the action of the air for two or three years, when nitrates are produced from the slow oxidation of the nitrogen. The heaps are then treated with water and potassium carbonate added to the solution, which contains potassium, calcium, and magne'sium nitrates, to convert the last two salts into potassium nitrate: Ca(N03)2 + K2C03 = CaC03 + 2KN03. The precipitate of calcium and magnesium carbonate is filtered off and the solution evaporated. The procedure was formerly employed, universally in the manufacture of potas- sium nitrate. At present, however, almost all of it is ob- tained by the decomposition of the sodium salt, occurring in large deposits in Chili, by means of potassium carbonate or chloride : NaNOa + KC1 = • NaCl + KNOa, Warm saturated solutions of sodium nitrate, and potassium chloride are mixed and boiled, when sodium chloride, the POTASSIUM NITRITE—POTASSIUM CARBONATE. 281 least soluble in hot water, separates. On cooling the solution potassium nitrate, the least soluble in cold water, crystallizes out; sodium chloride is about equally soluble in hot and cold water, for which reason the portion not separated by boiling remains in solution. Potassium saltpetre crystallizes without water of crystalliza- tion in large six-sided rhombic prisms. It is far more soluble in hot than in cold water; ioo parts of water dissolve 244 parts at ioo°, but at o° only 13 parts. It possesses a cooling taste, fuses at 338°, and decomposes when further heated into oxygen and potassium nitrite, KN02. Heated with carbon it yields potassium carbonate: 4KN03 + 5C = 2K2COs + 3co2 + 2N2. Its principal use is in the manufacture of gunpowder. This a granular mixture of potassium nitrate, sulphur, and charcoal. The relative quanti- ties of these constituents are somewhat different in the various kinds of powder (sporting, blasting, and cannon). Upon an avenfge, the powder consists of 75 per cent. KN03, 12 per cent, sulphur, and 13 per cent, carbon, which closely corresponds to the atomic composition 2KN03 —|— S —(— 3C. When the powder burns its decomposition is approximately expressed by the following equation : 2kno3 + s + 3c = k2s +■. 3co2 + N2. The effectiveness of the powder, therefore, depends upon the disengage- ment of carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas, the volume of which is almost 1000 times as great as that of the decomposed powder. Potassium Nitrite, KN02, is obtained by fusing salt- petre with lead, which withdraws one atom of oxygen from the former. A white, fusible mass results ; this deliquesces in the air. The potassium salts of phosphoric acid: K:i P04, K2HP04, and KH2P04, meet with no practical application, they are readily soluble in water and crystallize poorly; therefore, the sodium salts are generally used. The borates, B02K and B407K2 + 5H O (see Borax), crystallize with difficulty. Potassium Carbonate—K2COs—ordinarily known as potashes, is a principal ingredient of plant ashes. The field plants absorb potassium salts from the earth; these are then transformed in them into salts of organic acids. When the plants are burned the organic acids are destroyed and potas- sium carbonate remains. The ashes are lixiviated with hot water, the filtrate evaporated and the residue ignited. The crude potashes thus obtained contain, besides the carbonate, 282 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. also chloride, sulphate, and other salts. To purify them, treat with a little water, which will dissolve the easily soluble car- bonate, leaving nearly all of the other ingredients behind. In this way we obtain pure potashes. This method of getting potashes from plant ashes was formerly pursued extensively in America, Hungary, and Russia; it is not much used at pres- ent, because potassium carbonate is, upon the one hand, replaced by the cheaper sodium carbonate in practice ; on the other hand, the immense deposits in Stassfurt and Galicia afford an inexhaustible supply of potassium salts. Consider- able quantities of potassium carbonate, used at present almost entirely for the production of Bohemian or crystal glass, have been recently obtained from Stassfurt, according to the meth- ods employed in the preparation of sodium carbonate from the chloride. (See Soda.) Chemically pure potassium car- bonate is obtained most conveniently by the ignition of cream of tartar or by heating the primary carbonate. The commercial carbonate is a white, deliquescent powder melting at 830-°, and vaporizing at a red heat. It crystallizes from concentrated aqueous solutions with molecules of water, in monoclinic prisms; at ioo° it loses molecule water. The solution has a caustic taste and shows an alkaline reaction. When C02 is conducted through the liquid it is absorbed and primary potassiutn carbonate is produced : C03K2 -f H20 + CO2 = 2KHCO3. This salt, ordinarily called bi-carboriate, crystallizes in mono- clinic prisms, free from water. It dissolves in 3-4 parts water and exhibits a neutral reaction. Heated to 8o°, it decom- poses into K2C03,C02 and water. The decomposition of the dry salt does not begin until about no°, while the aqueous solution decomposes even on evaporation. Potassium Silicate, water-glass, does not possess a con- stant composition and cannot be obtained crystallized. It is produced by solution of silicic acid or amorphous silicon dioxide in potassium hydrate, or by the fusion of silica with potassium hydrate or carbonate. The concentrated solution dries when exposed, to a glassy, afterwards opaque, mass which when reduced to a powder will dissolve in boiling water. Potassium (and also sodium) water-glass has an ex- tended application, especially in cotton printing, for the fixing of colors (stereochromy), in rendering combustible material fireproof, in soap boiling, etc. SULPHUR COMPOUNDS. 283 Potassium Hydrosulphide, KSH, is obtained when potassium hydrate is saturated with hydrogen sulphide: SULPHUR COMPOUNDS OF POTASSIUM. Evaporated in vacuo it crystallizes in colorless rhombohedra, of the formula, 2KSH -f- H20, which deliquesce in the air. At 200°, it loses its water of crystallization, and at a higher temperature fuses to a yellowish liquid, which solidifies to a reddish mass. Like the hydroxide, it has an alkaline reaction. On adding an equivalent quantity of potassium hydroxide to the sulphydrate solution, we get potassium sulphide: KOH + H,S = KSH + H,0. KSH + KOH = K2S + H20. Potassium Sulphide, K2S, is usually obtained by fusing potassium sulphate with carbon : K2S04 -f 2C = KjS 4- 2CCV When fused, it solidifies to a red crystalline mass. It crys- tallizes from concentrated aqueous solutions with 5 molecules of H2Q, in colorless prisms, which deliquesce in the air. The solution absorbs oxygen from the latter, and is decomposed into potassium hyposulphite and caustic potash : 3k2s + H2Q + 20, = k2s2o3 + 2KOH. Potassium hydrosulphide and sulphide precipitate insoluble sulphides from the solutions of many metallic salts. They are decomposed by acids with liberation of hydrogen sulphide. When the aqueous solution of the sulphide is boiled with sulphur the poly sulphides, K2S3, K2S4 and K2S5, are formed, which after fusion solidify to yellowish-brown masses. The aqueous solutions of the polysulphides are decomposed by acids, with disengagement of H2S and separation of sulphur (milk of sulphur). The so-called liver of sulphur (Hepar sul- phuris), a liver-brown mass, used in medicine, is obtained by the fusion of potassium carbonate with sulphur, and consists of a mixture of potassium polysulphides with potassium sul- phate. The aqueous solution of the potassium, as well as that of the sodium sulphide, dissolves some metallic sulphides and forms sulpho-salts with them (p. 221). When dry ammonia is conducted over heated potassium, potassamide (NH2K) results. ' This is a dark-blue liquid which solidifies to a yellowish-brown mass. Water decomposes it 284 INORGANIC. CHEMISTRY. into potassium hydroxide and ammonia. When potassamide is ignited away from the air, it loses ammonia, and leaves •behind potassium triamide, NK3, a blackish compound which is spontaneously inflammable. Recognition of the Potassium Compounds.—Almost all the potassium compounds are easily soluble in water, with the exception of a few, which, therefore, serve for the charac- terization and separation of potassium. Tartaric acid added to the solution of a potassium salt gives a crystalline precipitate of acid potassium tartrate. Platinic chloride (PtCl4) produces in potassium solutions, a yellow, crystalline precipitate of PtCl4. 2KCI. Potassium compounds introduced into the flame of an alcohol or gas lamp impart to the same a violet color- ation. The spectrum of the flame is characterized by two bright lines, one red and one violet (see Spectrum Analysis). RUBIDIUM AND CESIUM. Rubidium and Caesium are the perfect analogues of potassium (p. 274). They were discovered by means of the spectroscope, by Bunsen and Kirch- hoff, in i860. Although only occurring in small quantities they are yet very widely distributed, and frequently accompany potassium in mineral springs, salt, and plant ashes. The mineral lepidolite contains 0.5 per cent, of rubidium; upwards of 30 per cent, of caesium oxide is present in the very rare pollucite, a silicate of aluminium and caesium. The spectrum of rubidium is marked by two red and two violet lines; caesium by two dis- tinct blue lines ; hence, the names of these elements. Rubidium and caesium form double chlorides (PtCl4. 2RbCl) with pla- tinum chloride, and they are more insoluble than the double platinum salt of potassium, hence may answer for the separation of these elements from potassium. Rubidium and caesium may be obtained free by decomposing their fused chlorides with the electric current. Rubidium is also prepared by igniting its carbonate with charcoal. Metallic rubidium has a silver- white color, with a somewhat yellowish tinge; its vapor is greenish-blue. Caesium has only been obtained alloyed with mercury. Rb r= 85.2. Cs =132.7. SODIUM. Na = 22.9. Sodium is widely distributed in nature, especially as chloride in sea water and as rock-salt; and is also found in silicates. The metal was obtained in 1807, by Davy, by the action of SODIUM OXIDE—SODIUM HYDRATE. 285 a strong electric current upon fused sodium hydroxide. At present, like potassipm, it is obtained upon a large scale by igniting a mixture of sodium carbonate and carbon in an iron retort: Na2COs -)- 2C = 2Na 3CQ. The liberated sodium vapors are condensed on flat iron receiv- ers of peculiar construction, and the liquefied sodium collected under rock-oil. Sodium in external properties, is very similar to potassium. It melts at 95.6°, distils at a red heat, and is converted into a colorless vapor, which burns with a bright yellow flame in the air. It oxidizes readily on exposure, and decomposes water even in the cold, although less energetically than potassium. A piece of sodium thrown upon water swims about upon the surface with a rotatory movement,'the disengaged hydrogen, however, not igniting. If we prevent the motion, by confining the metal to one place, the heat liberated by the reaction attains the ignition temperature of hydrogen, and a flame follows. Sodium Oxide,—Na20, and suboxide, Na40, are very similar to the corresponding potassium compounds; the peroxide is somewhat different. It is obtained by burning sodium in a stream of oxygen. Its formula is Na202. When heated it absorbs iodine vapors, forming the compound, Na2OI2 (Na202 + I2 = Na2OI2 + O), soluble in water, but decomposed by acids into free iodine and sodium salt. This compound, like some others, seems to indicate that sodium has several valences. Upon heating sodium oxide it is decomposed by hydrogen, with separa- tion of metallic sodium and formation of sodium hydroxide : Na20 -f- H = NaOH -f- Na. This is explained by the fact that the heat of formation of NaOH is greater than that of Na20 (p. 274). Carbon monoxide decomposes sodium monoxide in a similar manner, when the latter is heated 10290-310° : 2Na20 CO = Na2C03 Na2 This reaction occurs because the heat of formation of sodium carbonate (271.2 C.) is greater than that of 2Na20(2 . 100.2 C.) and CO(30.i C.). Na2G combines with CO2 about 400° with production of light and yields C03Na.2(Na20, C02 = 74.1 C.). Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Hydrate, or Caustic Soda, NAOH, like .potassium hydroxide, is formed by boiling a so- lution of sodium carbonate with calcium hydrate: At present it is directly produced in the soda manufacture by adding a little more carbon to the fusion (see Soda), or by Na2C03 + Ca(OH)2 = CaC03 + 2NaQH. 286 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. igniting sodium carbonate (Lowig) with ferric oxide, which affords a compound of Fe203,Na20, which warm water decom- poses into ferric oxide and sodium hydrate. The sodium hydroxide which solidifies after fusion is a white, radiating, crystalline mass, and resembles caustic potash very much. It attracts water from the air, becomes moist, and coats itself by carbon dioxide absorption with a white layer of sodium carbonate (caustic potash deliquesces perfectly, because the resulting carbonate is also deliquescent). The aqueous solu- tion, called sodium hydrate, resembles that of potassium. Crystals of NaOH -f- 3*^H20 separate at o° from the con- centrated solution; they melt at 6°. . Sodium Chloride—NaCl—is abundant in nature. It is found almost everywhere in the earth and in natural waters; in sea-water it averages 2.7-3.2 per cent. As rock-salt it forms large deposits in many districts—at Stassfurt and Wielizca in Galicia. In warm climates, on the coasts of the Mediterranean sea, sodium chlo- ride is gotten from the sea, according to the following procedure. At high tide, sea-water is allowed to flow into wide, flat basins (salt gardens), in which it evaporates under the sun’s heat; the working is limited, there- fore, to summer time. After sufficient concentration, pure sodium chloride first separates, and this is collected by itself. Later, there crystallizes a mixture of sodium chloride and magnesium sulphate; finally potassium chloride, magnesium chloride and some other salts appear (among them potassium iodide and bromide), the separation of which constitutes a particular industrial branch in some regions. In cold climates, as in Nor- way and at the. White Sea, the cold of winter is employed for the produc- tion of salt. In the freezing of sea-water, as well as of other solutions, almost pure ice separates at first; the enriched sodium chloride solution is then concentrated in the usual way. The rock-salt is either mined in shafts ; or where the strata are not so large and are admixed with other varieties of rock, a lixiviation process is employed. Borings are-made in the earth and water run into them, or into any openings already formed. When the water has saturated itself with sodium chloride, it is pumped to the surface and the brine then further worked up. In many regions, especially in Reichenhall, in Bavaria, more or less saturated natural salt or brine springs flow from the earth. The concentration of the non-saturated brine occurs at first in the so-called “graduation” houses. These are long wooden frames filled with fagots, and on letting the salt water run upon them it will be dis- tributed and evaporated by the fall; the concentrated brine collects in the basin below, and is then evaporated over a free fire. Sodium chloride crystallizes from water in transparent cubes, which arrange themselves by slow cooling in hollow, four-sided pyramids. It melts at 772° and volatilizes at a white heat. It is only slightly more soluble in hot than in Glauber’s salt. 287 •cold water; 100 parts at o° dissolve 36 parts salt; at ioo°, 39 parts. The saturated solution, therefore, contains 26 per cent, sodium chloride. The specific gravity of the crystals equals 2.13. If the saturated solution be cooled below io°, large monocljnic tables (NaCl + 2H20) separate; these lose water at o° and become cubes. The ordinary sodium chloride usually contains a slight admixture of magnesium salts, in consequence of which it gradually deliquesces in the air; the perfectly pure salt is not hygroscopic. When heated the crystals crackle, as water that has been mechanically enclosed escapes. Sodium Bromide and iodide crystallize at ordinary temperatures with 2 molecules of H20, which they lose again at 30°; above 30° they separate in anhydrous cubes. Sodium bromide fuses at 708° and the iodide at 628° ; the former is difficultly soluble in alcohol and the latter is very soluble. Sodium Chlorate (NaC10s) and perchlorate (NaC104) are consid- erably more soluble in water than the corresponding potassium salts. Sodium Iodate—NaI03—is obtained the same as the potassium salt, and crystallizes at ordinary temperatures with 3 molecules of H20 in silky needles. If chlorine gas be conducted through the warmed solution of sodium iodate in sodium hydrate, the periodate IO | |qpj^2 (see P- 180) crystallizes out on' cooling This becomes the normal salt (NaI04 -j- 3H2O) when dissolved in nitric acid. Sodium Sulphate—Na2S04—crystallizes at ordinary tem- peratures with 10 molecules of water of crystallization, and is then known as Glauber’s salt (Sal mirabile Glauberi). It occurs in many mineral waters, and in large deposits, with or without water of crystallization, in Spain. It is a by-product in the manufacture of sodium chloride from sea-water and brine. It is produced in large quantities by heating salt with sulphuric acid : and is used in making soda (sodium carbonate). Or it may be prepared by the method of Hargreaves, by conducting S02, air and steam over strongly ignited sodium chloride : 2NaCl + H2S04 = Na2S04 + 2HCI, 2NaCl -+-• S02 + O + H20 = S04Na2 -f 2HCI. In modern times the sulphate has been obtained by a transpo- sition of sodium chloride with magnesium sulphate at a winter temperature—a procedure which is prosecuted chiefly in Stass- furt, where immense quantities of magnesium sulphate exist: aNaCl + S04Mg = MgCl2 -f- S04Na2. Sodium sulphate crystallizes at ordinary temperatures with io molecules of H20, in large, colorless, monoclinic prisms, 288 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. which crumble in the air and fall into a white powder. When the salt is heated to 330, it fuses in its own water of crystal- lization; by further increase of temperature it gradually loses this, becomes solid, and again fuses at a red heat. The solu- bility of Glauber’s salt (Na2S04 +10 H20) shows the follow- ing interesting deportment: 100 parts of water dissolve, at o°, 12 parts; at 180, 48 parts; at 25°, 100 parts; at 30°, 200 parts; at 330, 327 parts of the hydrous salt. At the last temperature the solubility is greatest; by further increase of heat, it gradually diminishes; at 50°, 100 parts water dissolve only 263 parts; at ioo°, 238 parts of the salt. While, ordi- narily, the solubility increases with temperature, Glauber’s, salt exhibits a varying deportment. This is explained in that the hydrate, Na2S04 + ioH20, in aqueous solution, above the temperature of 330, decomposes into water and the salt, Na2S04 -|- H20, which is less soluble in water. The decomposition does not occur at once, but only gradually, with increasing temperature, for which reason the quantity of the salt dissolved gradually grows less. Here we have an example of dissocia- tion taking place in aqueous solution (p. 190). The solution, saturated at 330, becomes turbid upon heating, and a portion of the dissolved salt separates in anhydrous, small, rhombic octahedra. The following interesting deportment in the solution of Glauber’s salt may also be noticed. When the solution, saturated at 330, is allowed to cool to the ordinary temperature, and even lower, not the slightest sepa- ration of crystals occurs, although the salt is vastly more insoluble at lower temperatures than at 330. Many other salts form similar supersaturated solutions, although they are less striking than that of Glauber’s salt. The supersaturated solution of the latter may be agitated and twirled about without crystallization setting in. If, however, a glass rod, or some other solid body, be introduced into the solution, it will solidify suddenly to a crystalline mass. The particles of dust floating about in the air will have a like effect; therefore, to preserve the supersaturated solution, the vessel containing it should be kept well corked. By accurately made investiga- tions, it has been determined that the crystallization of the supersaturated Glauber’s salt solution is only induced by contact with already formed crys- tals. These must then be present everywhere in the atmosphere, because only solids which have been exposed to the air, and have not been care- fully cleansed afterward, bring about the crystallization. Hence, the for- mation of a crystal of Glauber’s salt is always dependent upon the pre- vious existence of a similar crystal—just as the production of cells is only caused by cells. In the crystallization of a supersaturated Glauber’s salt solution, consid- erable heat is disengaged, and the mass increases in temperature. This is because the latent heat of all substances in the liquid condition is greater than in the solid. At io°, occasionally, and of their own accord, trans- parent crystals, Na2So4 -)- 7H.2O, separate from the supersaturated solu- SODIUM HYPOSULPHITE. 289 tions. Exposed to the air and in'contact with solid bodies, these crystals are changed to anhydrous sodium sulphate and Glauber’s salt. This salt is employed in medicine as a purgative, and finds extended application in the manufacture of glass and the prep- aration of soda. The primary or acid sodium sulphate —NaHS04—is obtained by the action of sulphuric acid upon the neutral salt or upon sodium chloride : NaCl + H2S04 = NaHS04 + HC1. At ordinary temperatures, it crystallizes with one molecule of water, and is perfectly analogous to the potassium salt. The sodium salts of sulphurous acid are obtained by conducting sul- phur dioxide into solutions of sodium hydroxide or carbonate. The sec- ondary sulphite, crystallizes with 7 molecules of H20 at ordinary temperatures; in the presence of sodium hydroxide, or by warming the solution, it separates in the anhydrous state. The primary sulphite— NaHSOs—gives up sulphur dioxide in the air, and is oxidized to sodium sulphate. Sodium Hyposulphite—Na2S203—is prepared by boiling the aqueous solution of neutral sodium sulphite with flowers of sulphur: Na2SOs + S = Na2S!iQ3. It crystallizes with five molecules of H20, in large mono- clinic prisms, dissolves very readily in water, and is somewhat deliquescent in the air. At 56°, it melts in its water of crys- tallization loses all water at ioo°, and decomposes by further heating into Na2S04 and Na2S5. When the dry salt is heated in the air, the polysulphide burns with a blue flame. Acids decompose the aqueous solution with separation of sulphur and evolution of sulphur dioxide : S203Na2 + 2HC1 = 2NaCl + S02 + S + H20. Like the sulphate, it readily affords supersaturated solutions. The hyposulphite is used as a reducing agent; chlorine, bro- mine and iodine are converted by it into the corresponding halogen salts: 2S2OsNa2 -f- I2 = S406Na,2 -f 2NaI Sodium tetrathionate. An iodine solution is instantaneously decolorized by sodium hyposulphite. Chlorine behaves differently; sulphuric acid and sodium chloride are produced. Upon this reaction rests the application of sodium hyposulphite as an antichlor in chlorine bleaching, to remove the excess of the chlorine,- 290 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. which has a destructive action upon the fibre. In consequence of its property of dissolving the halogen silver derivatives, it is employed in photography. Sodium Carbonate (Soda)—Na2COs.—This, technically, very important salt occurs frequently in nature. In some dis- tricts, as in Hungary and in Africa, it disintegrates from the soil, and occurs also in the so-called sodium seas (in Egypt, and upon the coast of the Caspian Sea). It is contained in the ashes of many sea-plants, chiefly the algae, etc. These assimi- late the sodium salts of the earth, while the land-plants absorb the potassium salts, and for this reason contain potashes in their ash.. The ash of the sea-plants, called varec in Normandy, kelp in England, formerly served as the principal material for the preparation of soda. At present it is, however, almost ex- clusively made in large quantities from sodium chloride, ac- cording to a method devised in 1808 by Leblanc. According to this method, the sodium choride is converted, by warming with sulphuric acid, into sodium sulphate (p. 287). When the latter is dry, it is mixed with charcoal and chalk, and ignited in a reverberatory furnace. Two principal phases may be distinguished in this reaction. First, the carbon re- duces the sodium sulphate : Na2S04 + 2C = Na2S + 2C02. The sodium sulphide then acts upon the calcium carbonate to form calcium sulphide and sodium carbonate: Na2S + CaC03 = CaS + Na2C03. At the same time, the high temperature converts a portion of the calcium carbonate into calcium oxide and carbon diox- ide, which is reduced by the ignited carbon to the monoxide ; the appearance of the latter, which burns with a bluish flame, indicates the end of the action. The chief products in the soda fusion are, then, sodium carbonate, calcium sulphide and oxide; in addition, different other sulphur salts are formed in smaller quantity. The fusion is lixiviated with cold water; the sodium carbonate dissolves, and there remains behind an in- soluble compound of calcium sulphide with oxide, CaO, 2CaS, the soda residue. By the evaporation of the solution and the ignition of the residue, we get the commercial or crude calcined soda, containing different admixtures, among them sodium hydroxide. The latter is formed by the action of excess of carbon upon sodium carbonate : Na2C03 + C = Na40 + 2CO. SODIUM CARBONATE. 291 By purposely adding more carbon to the fusion, sodium hydroxide may be obtained, together with the carbonate. To purify the crude soda it is recrystallized from water; large, transparent crystals, Na2C03 +10 H20, crystallized soda, sep- arate out; the sodium hydroxide remains dissolved. Considerable quantities of soda are obtained at present from cryolite, a compound of aluminium fluoride with sodium fluoride (A1F13, 3 NaFl), which occurs in great deposits in Iceland. The pulverized mineral is ignited w ith burned lime; insoluble calcium fluoride and a very soluble compound of aluminium oxide with sodium oxide, called sodium aluminate (see Aluminium) are produced : 2(A1F13, 3NaFl)' + 6CaO = 6CaFl2 + A1203, 3Na20. The mass is treated with water and carbon dioxide conducted into the solution, which causes the precipitation of aluminium oxide, and sodium carbonate dissolves: A1203, 3Na20 + 3H20 + 3C02 = Al2(OH)6 + 3Na2C03. Latterly, a third procedure has appeared. It depends upon the double decomposition of a solution of sodium chloride with primary ammonium carbonate, by heat, under high pressure : NaCl + C03(NII4)H •== NaHCOs + NH4C1. This difficultly soluble primary sodium carbonate separates from solution, and is converted by heat into the secondary carbonate. The ammonium chloride remains dissolved, and afterwards is converted again into car- bonate by aid of calcium carbonate. In this way, one and the same quantity of ammonium carbonate will suffice for the conversion of an indefinite quan- tity of sodium chloride into soda. The technical difficulties which at first opposed the extension of this process, so simple in chemical respects, are now mostly removed, and we can expect that the so-called ammonia process for the soda manufacture will replace that of Leblanc at least partially. At ordinary temperatures sodium carbonate crystallizes with io molecules of H20,(Na2C03 + ioH20) in large mono- clinic crystals, which crumble upon exposure and become a white powder. It melts at 50° in its water of crystallization, and upon additional application of heat a pulverulent hydrate —Na2C03 + 2H20—separates, which in dry air has 1 molecule of H20, and at ioo° loses all of this. At 3o°-5o° rhombic prisms of the composition C03Na2 -f 7H20, crystallize from the aqueous solution. The anhydrous salt absorbs water from the air but does not deliquesce. It melts at a red heat and volatilizes somewhat at a very high temperature. 100 parts H20 dissolve 15 parts at o°, and at 38°, 138 parts of the dry salt. At more- elevated temperatures the solubility is less, owing, as in the case of the sulphate, to the formation of less soluble lower hydrates. Sodium carbonate has a strong alkaline reaction ; acids liberate carbon dioxide from it. 292 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Primary Sodium Carbonate—ordinary Bicarbonate of Soda—Natrium Bicarbonicum—NaHC03—is produced by the action of carbon dioxide upon the hydrous secondary car- bonate : It crystallizes without water, in small monoclinic tables; it dissolves, however, at ordinary temperatures in io-ii parts water, and possesses feeble alkaline reaction. By heating and boiling the solution it passes into the secondary carbonate with disengagement of ' carb m dioxide. By rapid evaporation small monoclinic prisms of the so-called sodium sesquicar- bonate—C308Na4 + 3H20 or Na4H2(C03)3 4- 2H20, separate; this also deposits in the sodium seas of Hungary and Egypt. It is called Trona or Urao. Sodium Nitrate—NaNOs—Chili saltpetre, is found in immense deposits in Peru. It crystallizes in rhombohedra •very similar to cubes, hence designated cubic saltpetre. It fuses about 318°. In water it is somewhat more easily soluble than potassium saltpetre. In the air it attracts moisture, hence it is not adapted to the manufacture of gunpowder. In other respects it is'perfectly similar to potassium nitrate. It is largely used in the manufacture of nitric acid, and especially in preparing potassium saltpetre (p. 280). Sodium Phosphates. The sodium salts of phosphoric acid are less soluble and crystallize better than those of potassium. The tri-sodium phosphate—Na3P04—is made by saturating 1 molecule of phosphoric acid with 3 molecules NaOH, and crystallizes in six-sided prisms with 12 molecules of H20. It has a strong alkaline reaction, absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, and is converted into the secondary salt. Di-sodium Phosphate—Na2HP04—is the most stable of the sodium phosphates, and hence, is generally employed in laboratories (.Natrium phosphoricuni). It may be obtained by saturating phosphoric acid with sodium hydrate to feeble alkaline reaction, or may be prepared on a large scale by de- composing bone ashes (tricalcium phosphate) with an equiva- lent amount of sulphuric acid. It crystallizes at. ordinary temperatures with i2H20 in large monoclinic prisms which effloresce rapidly upon exposure. It separates from solutions with a temperature above 30° in ndh-efflorescing crystals con- taining 7 mols. H20. It is soluble in 4-5 parts water, and shows a feeble alkaline reaction. The solution absorbs large quantities of carbon dioxide, without suffering any alteration. When heated the salt loses water, melts about 300° and be- Na2C03 + C02 + H20 = 2NaHC03. SODIUM BORATE. 293 comes Sodium Pyrohosphate—Na4P207—which crystallizes with io molecules of H20, and upon boiling with nitric acid passes into primary sodium phosphate. The primary ox monosodium phosphate—NaH2P04, crystallizes with i molecule of H20, and exhibits an acid reaction. At ioo° it loses its water of crystallization, and at 200° becomes Na2H2P207, disodium pyrophosphate, which at 240° forms sodium metaphosphate—NaP03: «. H2Na2P20T = 2NaP03 + H20. We get various modifications of the metaphosphate, accord- ing to the conditions of fusing and'cooling; they are probably polymerides, corresponding to the formulas Na2P206, Na3P309 etc. Upon heating sodium metaphosphate with metallic ox- ides the latter dissolve, and salts of orthophosphoric acid are formed, e. g.: NaP03 + CaO •= NaCaP04. In this manner, characteristic colored glasses (phosphorus beads) are obtained with various metals. In blowpipe analysis this behavior serves for the detection of the respective metals. The salts of arsenic acid are perfectly analogous.to those of phosphoric acid. Of the antimoniates may be mentioned the disodium pyroantimoniate, Na2H2Sb207 -f- 6H20, which is insoluble in cold water, and is therefore precipitated from the soluble sodium salts on the addition of dipotassium pyroantimoniate. • Sodium Borate. The normal salts of boric acid, B(OH)s, and metaboric acid, BO.OH (see p. 239), are not very stable. The ordinary alkaline borates are derived from tetraboric acid, (H2B407), which results from the condensation of 4 molecules of the normal boric acid: 4B(OH)3 - 5h2o = h2b4o7. The most important of the salts is borax, which crystallizes at ordinary temperatures with io molecules of H20 in large monoclinic prisms, Na2B407 + ioH,20. Borax occurs naturally in some lakes of Thibet, whence it was formerly imported under the name of tinkal. At present, it is prepared artificially by boiling or fusing boric acid with sodium carbonate. At or- dinary temperatures, the crystals dissolve in 14 parts water; at ioo° in one-half part; and the solution has a feeble alkaline reaction. When heated to 70° rhombohedra crystallize from the solution, and have the composition Na2B407 + SH,0, for- merly known as octahedral borax. Both salts puff up when 294 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. heated, lose water, and yield a white, porous mass (burned borax), which fuses at a red heat to a transparent vitreous mass (Na2Bt07). In fusion this dissolves many metallic oxides, form- ing transparent glasses (borax beads), which frequently possess characteristic colors; thus copper salts give a blue, chromic oxide, a green glass. Therefore, borax may be employed in blowpipe tests for the detection of certain metals. Upon this property of dissolving metallic oxides depends the application of borax for the fusion and soldering of metals. Sodium Silicate—sodium water glass—is analogous to the potassium salt, and is most readily obtained by fusing quartz with sodium sulphate and charcoal. The sulphur compounds of sodium are also analagous to those of potassium. Recognition of Sodium Compounds.—Almost all the sodium salts are easily soluble in water, sodium pyroantimoniate —H2Na2Sb207—excepted ; tbis is precipitated from solutions of sodium salts by potassium pyroantimoniate, and can serve for the detection of sodium. Sodium compounds, exposed in a colorless flame, impart to the latter an intense yellow. The spectrum of the sodium flame is characterized by a very bright yellow line, which, when more strongly magnified, splits into two lines. LITHIUM. Lithium only occurs in nature in small quantities, but is tolerably widely disseminated, and is found in some mineral springs and in the ashes of many plants, notably in that of tobacco and the beet. As compound silicate, it occurs in lepidolite or lithia mica; as phosphate (with iron and man- ganese) in triphylite. The metal is separated from the chloride by means of the electric current, and is silver-white in color, decomposing water at ordinary temperatures. Its specific gravity is 0.59. It is the lightest of all the metals, and swims upon naphtha. It melts at 180°, and burns with an intense white light. The lithium salts are very similar to the salts of sodium, but closely approach those of magnesium (p. 274). Lithium Chloride—LiCl—crystallizes, at ordinary tem- peratures, in anhydrous, regular octahedra; below io°, how- ever, it has two molecules of H20, and deliquesces in the air. Li = 7- AMMONIUM COMPOUNDS. 295 Lithium Phosphate—Li3P04 + H20—and Lithium Carbonate—Li2C03—are difficultly soluble in water; there- fore they are precipitated from solutions of lithium salts by sodium phosphate or carbonate. By strong ignition the carbon- ate loses carbon dioxide. So far as these two salts are concerned, lithium approaches the metals of the calcium group (p. 274). Its compounds color the flame a beautiful red; the spectrum shows an intense red line. AMMONIUM COMPOUNDS. Upon page 12 7 we observed that ammonia combines directly with the acids to form salt-like compounds, which are analo- gous to the metallic salts, especially those of potassium. The monovalent group, NH4, playing the role of metal in these deri- vatives, is called ammonium, and the derivatives of ammonia, ammonium The metallic character of the group NH4 is confirmed by the existence of ammonium amalgam, which, as regards its external appearance, is very similar to the sodium and potassium amalgams. Ammonium amalgam may be prepared by letting the electric current act upon ammonium chloride, NH4C1, viz., by immersing the negative platinum electrode into a depression in the ammonium chloride, which is filled with mercury. Then as in the case of the decomposition of potassium or sodium chloride, a metal—ammonium—sepa- rates on the negative pole, and combines to an amalgam with mercury. The amalgam may also be obtained if sodium amalgam be covered with a concentrated solution of ammonium chloride: (Hg + Na) and NH4C1 yield (Hg + NH4) and NaCl. Ammonium amalgam forms a very voluminous mass with a metallic appearance. It is very unstable, and decomposes rapidly into mercury, ammonia, and hydrogen. On dissolving in water ammonia yields a strong alkaline solu- tion ; -no proofs, however, exist which would lead us to accept the existence of ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) in the solu- tion. On the other hand, there are organic derivatives of ammonium hydrate, in which the hydrogen of the ammonium is replaced by hydrocarbon residues; e.g., tetramethyl ammo- nium hydroxide—N(CH3)4OH. These are thick liquids, of strong basic reaction and, in all respects, are very similar, to potassium and sodium hydroxides. Sodium amalgam. Ammonium amalgam. 296 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Ammonium Chloride—NH4C1—is sometimes found in volcanic districts, and was formerly obtained by the dry dis- tillation of camel’s dung (Sal ammonia cum). At present it is prepared almost exclusively by saturating the ammonia water from gas works with hydrochloric acid. The solution is evap- orated to dryness, and the residue heated in iron vessels, when the-ammonium chloride sublimes as a compact, fibrous mass. It dissolves in 2.7 parts of cold, and one part of boiling water, and crystallizes from the solution in small, feather-like, grouped octahedra or cubes, of sharp, salty taste. When heated, ammonium chloride sublimes without melting; at the same time a dissociation into NH3 and HCl’is sustained, but these products recombine again to ammonium chloride, on cooling. The dissociation is complete at 350°, and the vapor density then equals 13.3 (H = 1) corresponding to that of a mixture of similar molecules, of NH3 (8.5) and HC1 (18.2). A like decomposition is sustained by the ammonium chloride when its solution is boiled; ammonia escapes and the solution contains some free hydrochloric acid. Ammonium Sulphate—(NH4)2S04—is obtained by sat- urating the ammonia water from gas works with sulphuric acid. It crystallizes without water in rhombic prisms, and is soluble in two parts of cold and one part of hot water. It fuses at 140°, and by further heating decomposes into ammonia, nitrogen, water, and ammonium sulphite. Ammonium Nitrate—NH4N03—is isomorphous with potassium nitrate and deliquesces in the air. When heated it melts, and then decomposes into hyponitrous oxide and water (p. 209).. . Ammonium Nitrite—NH4N02—is present in minute quantities in the air, and results from the action of the electric spark upon the latter when moist, and also in the oxidation of phosphorus. It may be obtained by the saturation of aqueous ammonia with nitrous acid—in a perfectly pure condition, by the decomposition of silver or lead nitrite by ammonium chlo- ride. Heat decomposes it into nitrogen and water (p. 115). Ammonium Carbonate.—The ?ieutral or secondary salt (NH4)2C03, separates as a crystalline powder, when ammo- nia gas is conducted through a concentrated solution of the so- called sesquicarbonate. It parts with ammonia in the air and becomes the primary or acid salt, NH4HCOs, which when ■heated to 58°, decomposes into carbon dioxide, ammonia, and water. The common, commercial, so-called sesquicarbonate of am- AMMONIUM HYDROSULPHIDE. 297 tnonium, (C02)2(NH3)3H20, which can be regarded as a com- pound of primary ammonium carbonate with ammonium carba- mate, C03(NH4) H + NH2C02 NH4 (see Organic Chemistry), arises in the decay of many nitrogenous carbon compounds, e.g., the urine, and was formerly prepared by the dry distillation of bones, horn, and other animal substances. At present it is ob- tained by heating a mixture of ammonium chloride, or sulphate, with calcium carbonate. It then sublimes as a white, transpar- ent hard mass, which gives off ammonia and carbon dioxide in the air, falling into a white powder of primary ammonium car- bonate. The latter, obtained by the efflorescence of the first two salts, or by saturating ammonium hydrate with carbon di- oxide, is a white, odorless powder, more insoluble in water. In aqueous solution it gradually loses carbon dioxide and is changed to the secondary carbonate. Ammonium Phosphates.—The most important of these is the secondary ammonium sodium phosphate, P04( NH4) NaH + 4H20, ordinarily termed salt of phosphorus. It is found in guano and decaying urine. It can be obtained by the crystallization of a mixture of di-sodium' phosphate and ammonium chloride: Na2HP04 + NH4C1 = NH4NaHP04 + NaCl. It consists of large, transparent, monoclinic crystals. When heated it fuses, giving up water and ammonia and forms a transparent glass of sodium metaphosphate, NaPOs (p. 293). It serves in blow-pipe tests for the detection of various metals. The tertiary ammonium phosphate—(NH4)3P04—separates upon mixing concentrated solutions of phosphoric acid and ammonia. Upon drying, it loses ammonia and passes into the secondary salt, (NH4)2HP04, which changes to the primary salt, PG4(NH4)H2, when its solution is boiled. Ammonium Sulphide—(NH4)2S—results upon mixing 1 volume H2S with 2 volumes NH3at —180. It is a white crys- talline mass, decomposing, at ordinary temperatures, into NH4HS and NH3. It is obtained in aqueous solution by the saturation of an ammonium hydrosulphide solution with ammo- nia ; and also seems to dissociate into its constituents. Ammonium Hydrosulphide — NH4SH—is produced upon conducting hydrogen sulphide into an alcoholic ammonia solution. It is obtained in aqueous solution by saturating aqueous ammonia with hydrogen sulphide. At first the solu- tion is colorless, but becomes yellow on standing in contact 298 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. with the air, owing to the formation of ammonium polysul- phides—(NH4)2Sn. The so-called yellow ammonium sulphide is more simply obtained by the solution of sulphur in the color- less hydrosulphide. Both solutions are often employed in laboratories for analytical purposes. Recognition of Ammonium Compounds.—All am- monium salts are volatile and decompose upon heating. The alkalies and other bases liberate ammonia from them, which is recognized by its odor and the blue color it imparts to red litmus paper. Platinum chloride produces a yellow crystalline precipitate of ammonio-platinum chloride, PtCl4,2NH4C1, in solutions of ammonium chloride. Tartaric acid precipitates primary ammonium tartrate. The heat of formation of the most important ammonium compounds corresponds to the following symbols : (N,H3) = 11.9 (N,H4,C1) = 75-8 (NH4,€l,Aq.)= — 3.8 (N2,H8)S,04)= 282.1 (NHjAq.) = 8.4 N,H4,Br) = '65.3 (NH4,Br,Aq.)=— 4.3 (N,H4,N,Os) = 88.1 (N,H8,S,H) s= 39.0 (N,H4,I) = 49.3 (NH4,l,Aq.) =— 3.5 (N,H4,N,02) = 64.9 METALS OF THE SECOND GROUP. Ca 39.9. Sr 87.3. Ba 136.8. Be 9.0. Mg 23.9. Zn 64.9. Cd 111.9. Hg 199.8. The second group of the periodic system (see table, p. 244) comprises chiefly the divalent metals, which form compounds of the type MeX2, and in their entire deportment exhibit many analogies. Their special relations and analogies are more closely regulated by the law of periodicity. Beryllium and magnesium belong to the two small periods whose members are similar but do not show complete analogy. Beryllium exhibits many variations from magnesium, and in many properties ap- proaches aluminium ; just as lithium attaches itself to magne- sium (p. 274). The metals, calcium, strontium, and barium, constitute the second members of the three great periods, are among themselves perfectly homologous (p. 241), and in accord with their strong basic character, -attach themselves to the alkali metals K, Rb, and Cs. Zinc, cadmium, and mercury, which correspond to them and constitute the second sub- group, really belong to the right, negative sides of the three great periods. They fall in with the heavy metals, are much less basic, and resemble the alkaline earth metals only in their GROUP OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS. 299 combination types. In consequence of the double periodicity of the three great periods both sub-groups (Ca, Sr, Ba, and Zn, Cd, Hg) exhibit many analogies to magnesium and beryllium. GROUP OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS. Calcium. Strontium. Barium. The metals of this group are termed alkaline earth metals, because their oxides attach themselves in their properties, on the one side to the oxides of the alkalies, upon the other to the real earths (alumina, etc.) They show the same gradation in properties as the elements of the potassium group, and, as regards their atomic weight, bear the same relation to each other. With increase in atomic weight, their chemical energy and basicity become greater. Barium decomposes water en- ergetically, and oxidizes more readily than strontium and cal- cium. In accord with this, we find barium hydroxide a stronger base; it dissolves rather readily in water,-does not decompose upon ignition, and absorbs carbon dioxide rapidly from the air. Barium carbonate is also very stable, fuses at a white heat, and only disengages a little carbon dioxide. Calcium hydroxide, on the other hand, is much more difficultly soluble, in water, and when ignited breaks up into water and calcium oxide ; the carbonate also yields carbon dioxide when simi- larly treated. In its entire character, strontium stands between barium and calcium. All these affinity relations find full ex- pression in the heat of formation of the corresponding com- pounds. While the alkaline earth metals are similar to the alkalies in their free condition and in their hydrates, they essentially distinguish themselves from them by the insolubility of their carbonates and phosphates, and still more by their sulphates. Barium sulphate is almost insoluble* in water and acids, while that of calcium dissolves in 400 parts water ; strontium sul- phate occupies an intermediate position. Ca = 39.9. Sr = 87.3. Ba = 136.8. The metals of this group do not form volatile compounds and their spe- cific heats have not yet been determined. As the determination of the va- por densities of the elements or their volatile compounds, and the ascer- tainment of the specific heat of the metals, afford the only two direct means for the derivation of the true atomic weights, it was allowable to make the atomic weights of the calcium group equal to their equivalent weights I (Ca = 19-9, CaCl). But the great analogy of their compounds to those 300 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. of the metals of the magnesium group, their isomorphism for instance, argues with great probability for the divalence of the metals of the group, and that the present accepted double atomic weights are correct (compare p. 258). For calcium, this conclusion has already been confirmed by the experimental determination of its thermal capacity. CALCIUM. Calcium belongs to the class of elements most widely dis- tributed upon the earth’s surface. As calcium carbonate (lime- stone, marble, chalk) and the sulphate (gypsum, alabaster), it represents immense deposits in all stratified formations. As phosphate, it constitutes phosphorite, as fluoride, jluorite, both of which are abundant. As silicate, it is found in most of the oldest crystalline rocks. The metal is obtained by the electrolysis of the fused chlo- ride; further, by heating calcium iodide with sodium, or cal- cium chloride with sodium and zinc. Although the affinity of calcium for oxyge’n is less than that of the alkalies, yet the oxide (also BaO and SrO) cannot be reduced to metal by ig- nition with carbon, iron, or sodium—due, probably to the non-fusibility of the oxide. Calcium is a yellow, shining metal, of specific gravity 1.55- 1.6. In dry air it is tolerably stable, in moist it covers itself with a layer of hydrate. It decomposes water with consider- able energy. It fuses at a red heat, and in the air burns with a brilliant yellow light. _ Calcium Oxide—Lime—CaO—may be obtained pure by igniting the nitrate or carbonate. It is prepared on a large scale by burning the ordinary limestone or marble (CaC03) in lime-kilns. It is a grayish-white mass, which does not fuse at the highest temperatures. The oxy-hydrogen flame thrown upon a piece of lime causes it to emit an extremely intense white light (Drummond’s Lime Light). In the air lime at- tracts m'oisture and C02, becoming calcium carbonate; burned lime unites with water with evolution of much heat, breaking up into a white voluminous powder of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2—slaked lime. Ca = 39.9. When limestone contains large quantities of alumina, magnesium car- bonate, or other constituents, the lime from it slakes with difficulty, and is known as poor lime, to distinguish it from pure fat or rich lime, which is readily converted into a powder with water. Calcium Hydroxide—Ca(OH)2—slaked lime—is a white, CALCIUM PEROXIDE—CALCIUM CHLORIDE. 301 porous powder, forming a thick paste, milk of lime, with water. It dissolves with difficulty in cold water (1 part in 760 parts), but with still more difficulty in warm water; the solution saturated in the cold (lime water) becomes cloudy upon warm- ing. It has a strong alkaline reaction. In the air it attracts carbon dioxide and forms calcium carbonate. At a red heat it decomposes into oxide and water.. Slaked lime is employed in the preparation of ordinary mor- tar, a mixture of calcium hydroxide, water, and sand. The hardening Qf the mortar in the air depends mainly upon the fact that the calcium hydroxide combines with the C02 of the air to form the carbonate, and at the same time acts upon the silicic acid of the sand forming a calcium silicate, which, in time, imparts durability to the mortar. Hydraulic mortar, or cement, is produced by gently igniting a mixture of limestone or chalk with aluminium silicate (clay) and quartz powder. On stirring the powdered, burnt mass with water it soon hardens, and is not dissolved by water. Some naturally.occurring limestones, containing upwards of 20 per cent, clay, yield hydraulic cements, without any admixtures after burning. Their composition varies, and also the pro- cess of their hardening; it however depends principally upon the formation of calcium and aluminium silicates. Calcium Peroxide—Ca02—is precipitated as a hydrate in crystalline leaflets, if lime water be added to a solution of barium peroxide in dilute hydrochloric acid; it is very unstable. It contains 8H20, which it gradually loses in dry air. Th.e halogen derivatives of calcium, like those of other metals, are prepared by the solution of the oxide or carbonate in the haloid acids. They are formed by the direct union of calcium with the halogens; calcium burns in the vapors of chlorine, bromine, and iodine. Technically, calcium chloride is often obtained as a by-product, eg., in the preparation of ammonia. Calcium Chloride—CaCl2—crystallizes from aqueous so- lution with 6 molecules of H20, in large, six-sided prisms, which deliquesce in the air. In vacuo it loses 4 molecules H20. When heated, it melts in its water of crystallization, loses water, but it is only after it has been exposed above 200° that it becomes anhydrous; then it is a white, porous mass. The dry salt fuses at 7190, and 'solidifies to a crystalline mass, which attracts water energetically, and may be employed in 302 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the drying of gases and liquids. The dry calcium chloride also absorbs ammonia, forming the compound CaCl2.8NH3. The crystallized hydrous salt dissolves in water with reduction of temperature; by mixing with snow or ice the tempera- ture is lowered to —48°. Upon fusing the dry chloride in air it will partially decompose into the oxide and hydrogen chloride. Calcium bromide and iodide are very similar to the chlo- ride. Calcium Fluoride—CaFl2—occurs in nature as fluorite, in large cubes or octahedra, or even in compact masses. It is often discolored by impurities. It is found, in sparing quanti- ties, in the ashes of plants, bones, and the enamel of the teeth. A soluble fluoride added to the solution of calcium chloride throws down insoluble calcium fluoride as a white voluminous precipitate. The fluoride is perfectly insoluble in water, and is only de- composed by strong'acids. It fuses easily at a red heat, serv- ing, therefore, as a flux in the smelting of ores. When heated it phosphoresces. Calcium Hypochlorite—Ca(C10)2—is not known in a pure condi tion. The so-called bleaching lime or chloride of lime, obtained by conducting chlorine, at ordinary temperatures, over slaked lime, contains calcium hypochlorite as active prin- ciple. According to analogy to the action of chlorine upon potas- sium, or sodium hydrate, the reaction in the case of calcium hydrate may be expressed by the following equation : This would incline us to regard chloride of lime as a mixture of calcium hypochlorite and water. In accordance with the equation, the completely chlorinated chloride of lime must contain 48.9 per cent, chlorine, which is never the case, because a portion of the calcium hydroxide invariably remains unaltered. Calcium chloride does not exist free in bleaching lime, because it is not withdrawn from the latter by alcohol, and nearly all the chlorine of the bleaching lime can be expelled by carbon dioxide. It is therefore probable that the compound, /Cl ... Ca (Odling and Lunge), is present in bleaching lime: \OCl 2Ca(OH)2 + 2C12 = Ca(OCl)2 + CaCl2 + 2H20. Ca(OCl)2 + CaCl2 = 2^a\^oCl’ CALCIUM SULPHATE. 303 Chloride of lime is a white, porous powder with an odor re- sembling that of chlorine. The aqueous solution has a strong alkaline reaction, and bleaches. It decomposes in the air as the carbon dioxide of the latter liberates hypochlorous acid. Even in closed vessels it gradually breaks up, with elimination of oxygen ; the decomposition is hastened by sunlight and heat, and may occur with explosion. Hence chloride of lime should be preserved in loosely closed vessels, in a cool dark place. Dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid expel chlorine from chloride ot lime \ the quantity liberated is just twice that which the hypochlorite eventually found in it contains: Ca(C10)2 + 4HC1 = CaCl2 + 2H20 +' 2C12. When sulphuric acid acts, the calcium chloride present par- ticipates in the reaction : Ca(C10)2 -f- CaCl2 -(- 2H2S04 = 2CaS04 -f- 2C12 -f- 2H20 The application of chloride of lime for the production of chlorine in chlorine bleaching and disinfection is based on this deportment. The quantity of chlorine set free by acids from the chloride of lime represents its quantity of so-called active chlorine; good chloride of lime should contain at least 25 per cent. Calcium chlorate and chloride are produced when the aqueous solution of chloride of lime is boiled : On this is based the application of chloride of lime for the production of potassium chlorate (KC103) by a transposition of calcium chlorate with potassium chloride. When a small quantity of cobaltic oxide is added to the solution of bleaching lime, and heat applied, a regular stream of oxygen is disengaged ; this is an advantageous method of preparing oxygen. Other oxides, like those of manganese, copper, and iron, behave similarly. In this reaction there occurs, apparently, a contact action of the oxides. The reaction is explained, doubtless, in the same way as the action of hydrogen peroxide upon cer- tain oxides (see p. ioo). The feebly combined oxygen atom in cobaltic oxide unites with the oxygen of the calcium hypochlorite to form free oxygen: 3Ca(C10)2 = (C103)2Ca -f- 2CaCl2. Ca(C10)2 + 2Co2Os = CaCl2 + 202 + 4C0O. Cobaltic oxide. Cobaltous oxide. The resulting cobaltous oxide is again converted by the chloride of lime into cobaltic oxide, which acts upon a fresh quantity of bleaching lime. Calcium Sulphate—CaS04—is very abundant in nature. 304 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In an anhydrous condition it forms the mineral anhydrite, crystallizing in forms of the rhombic system. With two mole- cules of water it occurs as gypsum, in large monoclinic crystals or in granular, crystalline masses (Alabaster, etc.). It also separates as a fine crystalline powder, CaS04 -(-2H20, when soluble calcium salts are precipitated with sulphuric acid. Calcium sulphate is difficultly soluble in water ; i part at average temperatures dissolves in 400 parts H20. When heated to no0 gypsum loses all its water, and becomes burnt gypsum, which, pulverized and mixed with water, forms a paste which hardens to a solid mass in a short time. The hardening is de- pendent upon the reunion of anhydrous calcium sulphate with 2 molecules of H20. On this depends the use of burned gyp- sum for the production of moulds, figures, etc. In case gypsum has been too intensely heated (dead-burnt gypsum) it wilt no longer harden with water; the naturally occurring anhydrite behaves in the same manner. Calcium Nitrate—Ca (N03)2—is produced by the decay of nitrogenous organic substances in the presence of lime, therefore, it is frequently found as an efflorescence upon walls (in cattle stables). It crystallizes from water in monoclinic prisms, having four molecules of water; the anhydrous’ salt deliquesces in the air. By the action of potassium carbonate or chloride, calcium nitrate may be transposed into potassium nitrate (p. 280). Calcium Phosphates. The tertiary phosphate—Ca3 (P04)2—is found in slight quantities in most of the mountain rocks. * In combination with calcium fluoride, it crystallizes as apatite. As phosphorite, it forms compact masses, more or less intimately mixed with other constituents, and occurs in immense deposits in Spain, France, Germany, and Russia. When these minerals disintegrate the calcium phosphate passes into the soil, and is absorbed by the plants. In the latter, it accumulates chiefly in the seeds and grains. In the animal kingdom, it is principally found in the bones, the ashes of which contain upwards of 85 per »cent. calcium phosphate. Tertiary calcium phosphate is perfectly insoluble in water. If disodium phosphate be added to the aqueous solution of a cal- cium salt, and then ammonium hydrate, it will separate as a gelatinous precipitate, which, after drying, becomes a white amorphous powder. It is very readily soluble in acids, even acetic. • The secondary calcium phosphate—P04CaH -(- 2H20—is sometimes present in guano, in the form of small, shining CALCIUM CARBONATE. 305 prisms, and separates as an amorphous precipitate, if disodium phosphate be added to a solution of calcium chloride mixed with some acetic acid. When ignited, it passes into calcium pyrophosphate, P207Ca2. The priynary phosphate—Ca(H2P04)2—is produced by the action of sulphuric or hydrochloric acid upon the first two phosphates. It is readily soluble in water, and deliquesces in the air. Heated to 200°, it decomposes into pyrophosphate, metaphosphcrric acid and water : 2Ca(H2P04)2 = Ca2P207 + 2HPO3 + 3H20. When intensely ignited, pure calcium metaphosphate re- mains (p. 131). Calcium phosphate is present in all plants. Its presence in the soil is therefore, an indispensable condition for its fertility. When there is a scarcity of phosphoric acid it must be added. To this end, bone meal and pulverized phosphorite were formerly employed. Since, however, the phosphoric acid is contained in these substances as tri-calcium phosphate, which is not easily absorbed by the plants, the primary phosphate is exten- sively employed at present as a fertilizer, or, better, the mixture resulting from the action of sulphuric acid upon the tertiary salt. Superphosphate is the name applied to the resulting mass. Calcium Carbonate—CaC03—is very widely distributed in nature. It crystallizes in two crystallographic systems, hence is dimorphous. In rhombic crystals, with the specific gravity 3.0, it forms aragonite. In hexagonal rhombohedra, with specific gravity 2.7, it occurs as calcite. Iceland spar, employed for optical purposes, is perfectly pure, transparent calcite. The common calcite, which constitutes immense mountain chains, is an amorphous or indistinct crystalline stratum, and is usually mixed with other constituents, as clay. When the limestone is granular and crystalline, it is termed marble. Dolpmite also constitutes large layers, and is a com- pound of calcium and magnesium carbonates, with generally an excess of the former. Chalk is very pure amorphous calcium carbonate, consisting of the shells of microscopic sea animals. Calcium carbonate is, further, a regular constituent of all plants and animals; the shells of eggs, of mussels, even corals and pearls, consist chiefly of it. A soluble carbonate, added to the aqueous solution of a cal- cium salt, precipitates calcium carbonate as a white, amorphous powder, which soon becomes crystalline. In the cold, it as- sumes the form of calcite ; upon boiling the liquid, it gener- ally changes into aragonite crystals. 306 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The carbonate is almost insoluble in pure water ; but dis- solves somewhat in water containing carbon dioxide, as it very probably is changed to the primary carbonate—Ca(HC03)2. For this reason, we find calcium carbonate dissolved in all natural waters. When the solution stands exposed, or if it be heated, carbon dioxide escapes, and the secondary carbonate again separates out. The formation of lime scales, thermal tufts, stalactites, boiler scales and similar deposits are due to this. Calcium carbonate, like all carbonates, is decomposed by acids, with evolution of carbon dioxide. At a red heat, it decomposes into CaO and C02. Calcium Silicate—CaSi03—occurs as white, crystalline wollastonite. It is also a constituent of most natural silicates and of the artificial silicate fusions of glass. Glass.—The silicates of potassium and sodium are readily fusible and soluble in water. The silicates of calcium and the other alkaline earths are insoluble, very difficulty fusible, and generally crystallize when they cool. If, however, the two silicates be fused together, an amorphous, transparent mass, of average fusibility, results; it is only slightly attacked by water and acids—it is glass. To prepare the latter, a mixture of sand, lime, and soda, or potash, is heated to fusion in a muffle furnace. Instead of the carbonates of potassium and sodium a mixture of sul- phates with charcoal can be employed; the carbon reduces the sul- phates to sulphides, which form silicates when fused with silicon di- oxide. The following are the varieties of glass : Soda glass—a mixture of sodium and calcium silicates—fuses readily, and is employed for window-panes and ordinary glass vessels. Potash or Bohemian Glass, also called Crown Glass,, consists of calcium and po- tassium silicates, is not very fusible, is harder, and withstands the action of water and acids better than soda glass; it is, therefore, employed in the manufacture of chemical glassware. Glass Crystal or Flint Glass is composed of potassium and lead silicates. It is not as hard, fuses with tolerable readiness, refracts light strongly, and when polished, acquires a clear lustre. On this account it is employed for optical purposes (for lenses, prisms) and is used in ornamental glass- ware. Strass,—a lead glass containing boron trioxide, is used to imitate precious stones. The opaque varieties of enamel consist of lead glass and in the fused glass are insoluble admixtures, as tin dioxide and calcium phosphate. Ordinary window glass is obtained by the fusion of rather impure mate- rials; in consequence of the presence of ferrous oxide it is ordinarily col- ored green. To remove this coloration, manganese peroxide, MnCb is added to the fusion. It oxidizes a portion of the ferrous to ferric oxide, the silicate of which is colored slightly yellow, while manganese forms a violet silicate. These colors, violet and green, almost neutralize each other as complementaries. The colored glasses contain silicates of colored me- tallic oxides; chromic and cupric oxides color green; cobaltic, blue ; cuprous oxide, a ruby red, etc. STRONTIUM. 307 The sulphur compounds of calcium are very much like those of the alkalies. Calcium Sulphide—CaS—is most readily obtained by heating the sulphate with carbon, and is a whitish- yellow mass. When it is dissolved in water we get Calcium Hydrosulphide—Ca(SH)2—which decomposes on boiling the aqueous solution. When calcium oxide is ignited with sulphur in a" closed crucible a yellowish-gray mass is obtained, which consists of calcium polysulphides and sulphate. Milk of lime boiled with sulphur yields a deep, yellow solution of cal- cium polysulphides. When the solutions of the latter are acted upon by acids, finely divided sulphur—milk of sulphur —is precipitated and H2S set free. If the reverse occur, viz., the addition of a solution of polysulphides to an excess of dilute acids, hydrogen persulphide will separate (p. 108). STRONTIUM. This element is rather rare in nature, and is principally found in strontianite (strontium carbonate) and celestite (strontium sulphate). Its compounds are very Similar to those of calcium. The metal is obtained by the electrolysis of fused strontium chloride. It has a brass-yellow color, and a specific gravity, 2.5. It oxidizes in the air and burns with a bright light when heated. It decomposes water at the ordinary temperatures. Of the compounds of strontium we may mention the fol- lowing : Strontium Oxide—SrO—is most readily obtained by igniting the nitrate. It unites with water, with strong evolu- tion of heat, forming Strontium Hydrate—Sr(OH)2— which is more readily soluble in water than is calcium hydrate. It crystallizes from aqueous solution with 8 molecules of H20. When ignited it decomposes into SrO and H20, but with more difficulty than calcium hydrate. Strontium Chloride—SrCl2»+ 6H20—crystallizes from water in hexagonal tables, which deliquesce in the air; it is somewhat soluble in alcohol. • Strontium Sulphate—SrS04—is much more difficultly soluble in water than calcium sulphate, but is not as insoluble as barium sulphate. Strontium Nitrate—Sr(N03)2—is obtained by dissolving the carbonate in nitric acid, and is readily soluble in water. It crystallizes from warm solutions in anhydrous octahedra, Sr =87.3. 308 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. but from cold, with 4 molecules H20, in monoclinic prisms. Mixed with combustible substances it colors the flame a beau- tiful carmine red, and for this reason is employed in pyrotechny. Strontium Carbonate—SrC03—is precipitated from aqueous solutions of strontium salts by soluble carbonates,-as an amorphous, insoluble power. When ignited it breaks up into SrO and C02. This decomposition does not, however, occur as easily as with calcium carbonate. Ba= 136.8. BARIUM. Barium occurs in nature in large masses, as heavy spar (or barium sulphate), and as witherite (barium carbonate). All its compounds are distinguished by their high specific gravity, hence the name barium, from fiapbs, heavy. In accordance with its general character barium is a stronger basic metal than either strontium or calcium (p. 299). The barium salts are either prepared from the natural with- erite, by dissolving it in acids, or from heavy spar. The latter is almost insoluble in all acids; to obtain the other compounds from it, it must first be converted into sulphide. For this purpose a mixture of barium sulphate and carbon is heated to redness, whereby the sulphate is reduced to sulphide, which is soluble in water and readily transposed by acids. Metallic barium was first obtained by the electrolysis of the fused chloride. The following method*is more convenient: Sodium amalgam is added to a hot saturated barium chloride solution ; the sodium displaces the barium, which forms an alloy with the mercury. The resulting liquid barium amalgam is kneaded with water, to remove all the sodium, and then heated in a stream of hydrogen, to volatilize the mercury. Barium is a bright yellow metal, of specific gravity 3.6.' It fuses at a red heat, but does not vaporize. It is rapidly oxi- dized in the air; like sodiun\ it decomposes water very ener- getically, even at ordinary temperatures. Barium Oxide—BaO—:is obtained by the ignition of barium nitrate. It is a gray, amorphous mass, of specific gravity 5.5, and fusible in the oxy-hydrogen flame. With water it yields the hydroxide, with evolution of much heat. Barium Hydroxide—Ba(OH)2—is precipitated from con- centrated solutions of barium salts by potassium or sodium hydrate, not, however, by ammonium hydrate. At ordinary BARIUM. 309 temperatures it dissolves in 20 parts, upon boiling, in 3 parts water. From aqueous solution it crystallizes with 8 molecules of H20 in four-sided prisms or leaflets. The solution—called Baryta water—is strongly alkalitte and is very similar to the alkalies. When exposed to the air it absorbs carbon dioxide and becomes turbid, with separation of barium carbonate. At a red heat it fuses without decomposition like the caustic alkalies, and solidifies to a crystalline mass. Barium Peroxide—Ba02—is produced when barium oxide is heated in a stream of air or oxygen, and always con- tains oxide. To purify it, the commercial peroxide is rubbed together with water and added to very dilute hydrochloric acid, until the latter is almost saturated. An excess of baryta water is added to the solution, containing barium chloride and hydrogen peroxide, when hxdrated bariutn peroxide—Ba02 8H20—separates in shining scales, which, upon warming, readily lose water and break up into a white powder consist- ing of barium peroxide. The latter is a compact gray mass when obtained directly from the oxide. The peroxide dissolves in dilute acids, with production of hydrogen peroxide. Concentrated sulphuric acid sets free ozonized oxygen from it. When strongly ignited (above 400°) it decomposes into barium oxide and oxygen. Barium Chloride—BaCl2—crystallizes from aqueous solu- tion, with two molecules of H20, in large, rhombic tables, which are stable in the air. It dissolves readily in water, and is poisonous, like all soluble barium salts. Barium Nitrate—Ba(N03)2—crystallizes in anhydrous, shining octahedra, of the regular system, soluble in 12 parts of cold and 3 parts of hot wrater. It is employed as a green fire in pyroteehny. Barium Sulphate—BaS04—is found in nature as heavy spar, in rhombic prisms, with a specific gravity of 4.6. It is obtained artificially by the precipitation of barium salts with sul- phuric acid in the form of a white, amorphous powder, almost insoluble in water and acids. Under the name of permanent white, it is used as a paint, as a substitute for poisonous white lead, from which it is also distinguished by its unalterability. Barium Carbonate—BaCOs—as witherite, occurs in shining, rhombic crystals, and is precipitated from barium solutions by soluble carbonates, as a white, amorphous powder. It fuses at a white heat, and loses some carbon dioxide. Barium Sulphide—BaS—is obtained by igniting the sul- 310 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. phate with carbon. It dissolves in water, with decomposition into hydroxide and hydrosulphide. RECOGNITION OF THE COMPOUNDS OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS. The carbonates and phosphates of this group are insoluble in water; hence are precipitated from the aqueous solutions of their salts upon the addition of soluble carbonates and phos- phates (of the alkalies). The sulphates are also insoluble in acids (only calcium sulphate is somewhat soluble); for this reason they are thrown down from acid solutions by soluble sulphates or free sulphuric acid; the precipitation is complete, even with calcium, if alcohol be added to the solution. The hydrates of the alkaline earths, which are more or less soluble in water, are only precipitated by sodium or potassium hydrate from concentrated solutions. In solutions of barium salts hydro- fluosilicic acid produces a crystalline precipitate of barium silico- fluoride, BaSiFl6. The flame colorations produced by the volatile compounds are very characteristic; calcium salts impart a reddish-yellow color; strontium, an intense crimson; barium, a yellowish- green. The spectra correspond to these flame colors. The spectrum of calcium exhibits several yellow and orange lines, and in addition, a green and a violet line (see the spectrum table); that of strontium contains, besides several red lines, an orange and a blue, which are less distinct but very charac- teristic. Finally, the barium spectrum consists of several orange, yellow, and green lines, of which a bright green is particularly prominent. METALS OF THE MAGNESIUM GROUP. Jn this group are usually included beryllium, magnesium, zinc, and cadmium. However, these metals do not exhibit complete analogy, as is clearly seen in the periodic system (p. 298). Beryllium shows the greatest variations. It approaches aluminium, while magnesium resembles not only zinc and cad- mium, but also the alkaline earth metals, calcium, strontium, and barium. Its similarity to the latter is expressed by the basic nature of its oxide, whereas it resembles zinc and cadmium mainly in isomorphism of compounds. Beryllium and magnesium bear the same relation to Ca, Sr, and Ba, as lithium and sodium bear to the metals of the potas- sium group. METALS OF THE MAGNESIUM GROUP. 311 The alkaline character of the alkaline earth-metals gradually diminishes from barium to calcium, and becomes almost nothing in magnesium and beryllium, which possess the lowest atomic weights (see p. 298). Magnesium and beryllium are scarcely capable of decomposing water, even at boiling temperatures. Their oxides and hydroxides are almost insoluble in it; the hydroxides decompose, on gentle ignition, into oxides and water. Their carbonates are very unstable ; their chlorides, too, suff a partial decomposition into oxide and hydrogen chloride, even on drying. The solubility of the sulphates of magnesium and beryllium further distinguishes them from the metals of the alkaline earth group. The specific properties of beryllium and magnesium are maintained in zinc and cadmium, which constitute a natural group with the former. Zinc and cadmium do not decompose water at a boiling heat; their hydroxides are insoluble in it, and are not very stable; their carbonates and chlorides easily un- dergo decomposition ; their sulphates are readily soluble in water. The similarity is further expressed by the isomorphism of most of their compounds. Thus, magnesium and «inc sul- phates crystallize with 7 molecules of H20, in perfectly simi- lar forms. If the solution of a mixture of both salts be allowed to crystallize, we get crystals with variable quantities of zinc and magnesium : the formation of such isomorphous mixtures in ad libitum proportions, is a characteristic indication of the isomorphism of compounds chemically similar. The difference between beryllium and magnesium upon the one side, and zinc and cadmium on the other, is shown dis- tinctly in their specific gravities. While the first two elements possess a low specific gravity (Be—2.1, Mg—1.75), zinc and cadmium (with specific gravities 7.2 and 8.6) belong to the so-called heavy metals (see p. 253). The difference in specific gravity determines, also, many differences in chemical character. The light metals (especially the alkalies and alkaline earths) form rather unstable sulphides, readily soluble in water, while the sulphides of zinc and cad- mium, like those of all heavy metals, are insoluble in water, and, usually, in acids; in these respects, magnesium and be- ryllium behave like the alkalies, while zinc and cadmium are precipitated by hydrogen sulphide or alkaline sulphides as sulphides from solutions of their salts. Further, the oxides of the light metals are very stable, and are only reduced by car- bon if they are readily fusible (like potassium and sodium oxides); the heavy metals, on the other hand, are easily sepa- 312 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. rated from their oxides by carbon. Zinc and cadmium oxides are reduced by carbon, while those of magnesium and beryl- lium are not altered. All these affinity relations are more clearly expressed and explained in their thermo-chemical re- lations (p. 320.). MAGNESIUM. ■ Magnesium is abundant in nature, and almost always accom- panies calcium in its compounds. As carbonate, it occurs in compact masses, as magnesite, etc. Dolomite, which forms entire mountains, is an isomorphous mixture of calcium and magnesium carbonates. Magnesium is also present in most of the natural silicates ; its soluble salts are contained in almost all natural waters. Metallic magnesium may be obtained by the electrolysis of the chloride, or by heating the same with sodium. It is pre- pared, on a large scale, by heating the double chloride of magnesium and sodium with metallic sodium : Mg = 23.9. The fusion is treated with water, and the residual magnesium purified by distillation. Magnesium is a brightly shining, almost silver-white metal, of specific gravity 1.75. It is tenacious and ductile, and when heated may be converted into wire, and rolled out into thin ribbons. It fuses at a dull, and distils at a bright red heat. At ordinary temperatures, it scarcely oxidizes in the air; it burns when heated, with an extremely intense white light, owing to the glowing non-volatile magnesium oxide. Magnesium light is rich in chemically active rays, and, for this reason, it is em- ployed for photographing in dark chambers. Its alloy with zinc is generally employed as a substitute for pure magnesium, as it burns with an almost equally bright light. Boiling water is very slowly decomposed by magnesium. It dissolves easily in dilute acids, forming salts; the alkalies do not attack it. Magnesium Oxide—MgO—or magnesia, formed by the combustion of magnesium, is ordinarily obtained by the ig- nition of the hydrate or the carbonate (magnesia usta). It is a white, very voluminous, amorphous powder, which finds ap- plication in medicine. The feebly ignited magnesia combines with water, with slight generation of heat, to produce mag- nesium hydrate. MgCl2.NaCl -f 2Na = 3NaCl -f Mg. MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE—MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE. 313 Magnesium Hydroxide—Mg(HO)2—is precipitated from solutions of magnesium salts by potassium or sodium hydrate as a gelatinous mass. Dried at ioo° it is a white amorphous powder. It is almost insoluble in water and alkalies; moist litmus paper is, however, colored blue. Ammonium salts dis- solve it quite easily, forming soluble double salts. Magnesium hydroxide attracts carbon dioxide from the air and forms mag- nesium carbonate. It yields the oxide and water when gently ignited. Magnesium Chloride—MgCl2—is present in traces in many mineral springs. It may be obtained by the solution of the carbonate or oxide in hydrochloric acid ; in large quanti- ties it is obtained as a by-product in the technical production of potassium chloride. When its solution is evaporated the salt crystallizes out with six molecules of H20 in deliquescent crystals, isomorphous with calcium chloride. When these are heated they give up water, and there occurs at the same time a partial decomposition of the chloride into oxide and hydro- gen chloride: MgCl2 + H20 = MgO -f 2HCI. As magnesium chloride is produced in large quantities in various tech- nical processes, repeated efforts have been made to utilize the above reaction for the preparation of hydrochloric acid, by conducting steam over heated magnesium chloride. However, the thermal relations of the re- action indicate that this could only be accomplished with difficulty. From the chemical affinities coming into play, the reaction pursues an opposite course, as the magnesium oxide is readily decomposed by hydrochloric acid into magnesium chloride and water: MgO + 2HC1 = MgCl2 + H20. This is because the heat of formation of MgCh (T51.0C.) and steam (58.0) is greater than that of MgO (145.8) and 2HCI 144.0). The decomposi- tion is even easier in the presence of water, as is evident from the thermal numbers. The reverse reaction is, therefore, endothermic, requires the addition of chemical energy in the form of heat, and like all similar reac- tions is incomplete. To get anhydrous magnesium chloride ammonium chloride is added to the solution of the former. The double salt, MgCl2,NH4Cl -f 6H20 is formed. When this is heated it first loses water, and at 460° throws off ammonium chloride, leav- ing anhydrous magnesium chloride. This is a leafy, crystal- line mass, which fuses at 708°, and distils undecomposed at a red heat; it is very deliquescent in the air. Double salts, similar to the above, are also formed from po- tassium and calcium chloride. The potassium double salt —MgCl2,KCl -f 6H20—occurs in considerable deposits as carnallite at Stassfurt. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Magnesium Sulphate—MgS04—is found in sea-water and in many mineral springs. With more or less water it is kieserite, which abounds extensively at Stassfurt. At ordinary temperatures it crystallizes with 7 molecules H,20—MgS04-f 7H20—in four-sided rhombic prisms, readily soluble in water (at o° in 2 parts water). It has a bitter, salt-like taste, and serves as an aperient. It crystallizes with 6 molecules of H20 from solutions heated to 70° ; at o°, however, it has 12 mole- cules. When heated to 150° these hydrates lose all their water of crystallization, excepting one molecule, which escapes above 2000. One molecule of water, in magnesium sulphate is, therefore, more closely combined than the rest. Many other salts containing water deport themselves similarly. The more intimately combined water is termed Water of Constitution. Magnesium sulphate forms double salts with potassium and ammonium sulphates, which crystallize with 6 molecules of H20 in monoclinic prisms, e.g. : The sulphates of zinc and several other metals, e.g., iron, cobalt, and nickel, in their divalent forms, are very similar to magnesium sulphate. Their sulphates crystallize with 7 molecules of H20, are isomorphous, and con- tain 1 molecule of intimately combined water. They form double salts with potassium and ammonium sulphates; these crystallize with 6H20, and are isomorphous; eg. : MgS04,K2S04 + 6H20. ZnS04 + 7H20 ZnS04.K2S04 -f 6H20. FeSOt + 7H20 FeS04.K2S04 + 6H20. The constitution of these double salts may be viewed in the same way as that of potassium-sodium sulphate, or of mixed salts of polybasic acids. We may suppose that in the given instance the divalent metal unites two molecules of sulphuric acid : /K so4 /Mg + 6H20. S04 \k Magnesium Phosphates. — The tertiary phosphate (P04)2Mgs, accompanies the tertiary calcium phosphates in small quantities in bones and in plant ashes. The secondary phosphate, MgHP04 +7H.20, is precipitated from the soluble magnesium salts, by disodium phosphate (Na2HP04) as a salt difficultly soluble in water. If ammonium salts be present, the precipitated double salt will be magnesium ammonium phos- phate, MgNH4P04 4- 6H20, insoluble in water. The latter is RECOGNITION OF MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS. 315 found in guano, forms in the decay of urine, and is sometimes the ’cause of the formation of calculi. The primary salt, H4Mg(P04)2, has not been obtained. The magnesium salts of arsenic acid, H3As04, are very sim- ilar to those of phosphoric acid. Magnesium-ammonium .arseniate (MgNH4As04 -f 6H20) is likewise almost insoluble in water. Magnesium Carbonate, MgCOa, occurs in nature as magnesium spar, crystallized in rhombohedra (isomorphous with calcite), in compact masses as magnesite. Combined with calcium carbonate, it forms dolomite, to which, when pure, is ascribed the formula, CaC03,MgC03; however, it usually contains an excess of calcium carbonate. On adding sodium or potassium carbonate to the aqueous solution of a magnesium salt, some carbon dioxide escapes, and a white pre- cipitate forms, which consists of a mixture of magnesium car- bonate and hydroxide. If the precipitate be dried at low temperature, we obtain a white, voluminous powder, whose composition generally corresponds to the formula Mg(OH)2, 4C03Mg -f 4H20. This salt is employed under the name Magnesia alba in medicine. If it be suspended in water, and carbon dioxide passed through it, the salt will dissolve, and upon standing exposed to the air, crystals of neutral carbonate, MgC03 -(- 3H20, separate. When these are boiled with water they give up carbon dioxide and are again converted into the basic carbonate. The natu- rally occurring magnesite sustains no change when boiled. Magnesium carbonate yields isomorphous double salts, with potassium and ammonium carbonate; e.g., MgC03,K2C03 -f 4h2o. Of the silicates of magnesium, we may mention olivine (Mg2Si04), serpentine (Mg3Si207 -f 2H20), talc (Si5014Mg4), sepiolite (Si308Mg2 -f 2H20), or meerschaum. The mixed sili- cates of magnesium and calcium are very numerous; to these belong asbestos, the augites and hornblendes. Recognition of Magnesium Compounds.—The fixed alkaline hydrates precipitate magnesium hydroxide from mag- nesium salts; the carbonates throw down basic magnesium car- bonate. The precipitates are insoluble in pure water and the alkalies, but dissolve readily in solutions of ammonium salts. In the presence of the latter, neither the alkaline hydrates nor car- bonates cause precipitation. In presence of ammonium salts, 316 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. disodium phosphate precipitates magnesium-ammonium phos- phate, MgNH4P04 -f 6H30, insoluble in water. BERYLLIUM. Be = 9.1. Among the metals of the second group beryllium occupies a position similar to that of lithium in the first group ; in both elements, which have the lowest atomic weight in their group, the specific group character is considerably diminished, or does not find expression. As lithium attaches itself in many respects to magnesium, so does beryllium approach alum- inium. Like, the latter, it is scarcely at all attacked by nitric acid, but dissolves easily in sodium or potassium hydrate, with elimination of hydro- gen. Like aluminium oxide, that of beryllium dissolves in the alkalies, and is almost invariably accompanied by the former in its natural com- pounds. Beryllium sulphate, like that of aluminium, forms a difficultly soluble double salt with potassium sulphate. However, beryllium, in most of its compounds, stands nearer to magnesium than to aluminium. Beryllium is not very abundant in nature and is found principally in beryl, a double silicate of aluminium and beryllium—Al2Be3(SiOs)6. Emerald has the same composition, and is only colored green by a slight amount of chronfium oxide. Metallic beryllium is obtained by the ignition of the chloride with sodium, and is a white ductile metal, of specific gravity 1.64. Its specific heat equals 0.4084; the atomic heat is, therefore, 3.8 (p. 255). It does not decompose water, even upon boiling. It does not oxidize in the air at ordinary temperatures. When finely divided it will burn in the air with a bright light when heated. In a compact mass (like magnesium), it does not do this. It is readily dissolved by dilute hydrochloric and sulphuric acids; also by potassium and sodium hydrates. Beryllium Chloride—BeCl2—is obtained, like aluminium chloride, by the ignition of a mixture of beryllium oxide and carbon in a stream of chlorine. It sublimes in shining needles, which deliquesce in the air It crystallizes from aqueous solution with four molecules of H2O; upon dry- ing it suffers a decomposition, similar that of magnesium chloride. The salts of beryllium have a sweet" taste, hence it has been called glucinum. Ammonium hydrate precipitates a white, gelatinous beryllium hydrate, Be(OH)2, from solutions of the soluble salts. T his dissolves readily in sodium and potassium hydrate, but on boiling, separates again from solution. When heatfcd, the hydroxide breaks up into water and beryllium oxide, BeO, which is a white, amorphous powder, of specific gravity 3.06. Its specific heat equals 0.2471. Beryilium Sulphate—BeS04—crystallizes from water at various temperatures, with four or seven molecules of H2O, of which one is rather closely combined. It crystallizes with magnesium sulphate in an isomor- phoue mixture. The double salt, S04Be, S04K.2, -J- does not dis- solve readily in water; in this respect it resembles the alums. ZINC HYDROXIDE ZINC OXIDE. 317 Zn = 64.9. ZINC. The natural compounds of the heavy metals have generally a high specific gravity, frequently possess metallic lustre, usu- ally occur in the older crystalline rocks in veins, and are termed ores. The most important zinc ores are the carbonate—ZnC03 —the silicate, and sphalerite or blende, ZnS. The principal sources of these ores are in Silesia, England, Belgium, Poland, and the United States. To get the metal the carbonate or sulphide is converted into oxide by roasting in the air; the pro- duct is then mixed with carbon and ignited in cylindrical clay tubes. In this manner the oxide is reduced: ZnO + C = Zn -f GO, and the liberated zinc distilled off. The receivers contain the fused, compact zinc and a gray, pulverulent mass, called zinc dust, which consists of a mixture of zinc oxide with finely divided metal. This material is used in laboratories as a strong re- ducing agent. Metallic zinc has a bluish-white color, and exhibits rough, crystalline fracture ; its specific gravity equals 7-7.2. At ordi- nary temperatures it is brittle and can be pulverized; at 100- 150° it is malleable and can be rolled into thin leaves and drawn out into wire. At 200° it becomes brittle again and may be easily broken. It fuses at 4120 and distils about iooo°. It becomes coated with a thin layer of basic carbonate in moist air. Heated in the air it burns to zinc oxide with a very intense, bluish-white light. Compact zinc will only de- compose water at a red heat; zinc dust, however, acts at ordi- nary temperatures. Zinc is readily soluble in dilute acids, and dissolves with liberation of hydrogen in potassium or sodium hydrate, as well as in ammonia, when the solutions are boiled. Owing to its slight alteration in the air zinc meets with ex- tensive application as sheet-zinc for coating statues and in architectural adornment, and in galvanizing sheet-iron. It also forms an important constituent of many valuable alloys, such as brass and argentan (see these). Zinc Hydroxide—Zn(OH)2—is precipitated as a white amorphous powder, from aqueous solution, by alkalies, and is soluble in excess of the reagent. When heated it decomposes into water and zinc oxide. Zinc Oxide—ZnO—is usually prepared by igniting the 318 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. precipitated basic carbonate, and as zinc white, is employed as a stable white paint. The oxide obtained by burning the metal is a white, voluminous, flocculent mass, called flores Zinci or Lana philosophica. When zinc oxide is heated it ac- quires a yellow color, which disappears on cooling. Zinc oxide occurs in nature as zincite, colored by im- purities. Zinc Chloride—ZnCl2—anhydrous, is obtained by heat- ing zinc in a stream of chlorine, by the evaporation of the solution of zinc in hydrochloric acid, and by the distillation of zinc sulphate with calcium chloride. It forms a white, deliquescent mass, which fuses when heated and distils about 68o°. When the aqueous solution of zinc chloride is evapor- ated it partially decomposes (like magnesium chloride) into zinc oxide and hydrochloric acid. When the concentrated zinc chloride is mixed with zinc oxide, a plastic mass is ob- tained, which hardens rapidly; a mixture of magnesium chlo- ride and oxide does the same. In both instances the harden- ing depends upon the formation of basic oxy-chloride, e.g., ZnClOH. Zinc chloride forms deliquescent double salts with the alkaline chlorides, e.g., ZnCl2,2KCl. With ammonia it yields various compounds, of which ZnCl2,NH3 is charac- terized by great stability. Zinc Sulphate—ZnS04—is obtained by dissolving zinc in sulphuric acid. It is prepared upon a large scale by a gentle roasting of zinc blende (ZnS); the zinc sulphate is extracted by water. It crystallizes at ordinary temperatures from aque • ous solutions with 7 molecules of H20 (zinc or white vitriol) in rhombic crystals, resembling those of magnesium sulphate. It affords double salts with the alkaline sulphates; these con- tain 6 molecules of water (p. 304). Zinc Carbonate—ZnC03—occurs native as smithsonite in hexagonal crystals. Sodium carbonate precipitates basic carbonates of varying composition, from solutions of zinc salts. Zinc Sulphide —ZnS—is zinc blende, usually colored brown by ferric oxide or other admixtures. Ammonium sulphide pre- cipitates it as a white compound, from zinc solutions. Although fused zinc reacts with difficulty with sulphur, zinc dust combines with the latter in powdered form quite readily, and if the mix- ture be heated or struck with a hammer the union is accompanied by an explosion. Zinc sulphide is insoluble in water, but is readily dissolved by dilute acids, excepting acetic ; therefore it may be precipitated by hydrogen sulphide from zinc acetate CADMIUM. 319 solutions. This reaction serves to separate zinc from other metals. Zinc Silicate—Zn2Si04 4- H20—occurs in rhombohedral crystals as calamine. CADMIUM. Cadmium very often accompanies zinc in its ores. As much as 5 per cent, of this metal is present in the Silesian zinc ores; it was first discovered in these in 1819. Being more volatile than zinc, in obtaining the latter it distils off first, and may be easily separated from the first portions of the distillate. It is a white, tenacious, and rather soft metal, of specific gravity 8.6. It fuses at 3150, and boils at 770°. It does not alter much in the air. Heated, it burns with the separation of a brown smoke of cadmium oxide. It is diffi- cultly soluble in dilute hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, but dissolves readily in nitric. Zinc throws out the metal from solutions of the soluble cadmium salts. Cd — 111.9. St. Claire Deville found the specific gravity of cadmium vapors (at 1040°) to be3.9 (air = -i) or 56 (H = 1). Therefore, the molecular weight of cadmium is 112. Since the atomic weight of cadmium (determined from its specific heat) is also 112, it follows that the gas molecule of cad- mium consists of but one atom. We know that the molecules of other ele- ments in the gaseous state are composed of two or more atoms (02,N2,P4,S6)- Cadmium, therefore, forms an exception to this rule. This is also true of mercury, and perhaps, too, of other divalent metals, such as zinc. These relations remind us of the behavior of the hydrocarbon residues (radicals); while the divalent or tetravalent groups, e.g., ethylene C2H4 and acety- lene C2H2, exist in free condition, the monavalent groups (as CHS,CN) cannot appear free, but double themselves, when separated from their compounds. Of the cadmium compounds may be mentioned : Cadmium Hydroxide—Cd(OH)2—is precipitated as a white powder, from the soluble cadmium salts, by the alkalies; it is insoluble in sodium and potassium hydrates, but dissolves readily in ammonium hydrate. Cadmium Oxide—CdO—is prepared by igniting the nitrate. It is a brownish-black powder, consisting of micro- scopic octahedra. Cadmium Chloride—CdCl.2—crystallizes from aqueous solution, with two molecules of H20, and may be dried with- out decomposition. The anhydrous salt melts at 5410 and sublimes in scales. 320 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Cadmium Iodide—Cdl2—is obtained by the direct action of iodine upon metallic cadmium in the presence of water. It crystallizes from the latter in hexagonal tables. It is used in photography. Cadmium Sulphate—CdS04—crystallizes from water, not like the sulphates of zinc and magnesium, with 7 mole- cules of H20, but with 8/3H20; the crystals effloresce in the air. It, however, forms double salts with the sulphates of the alkali metals, e.g., CdS04K2S04 -f 6H20; these are perfectly analogous to those of zinc and magnesium, and isomorphous with them (p. 314). Cadmium Sulphide—CdS—occurs native as greenockite, in yellow hexagonal prisms, hydrogen sulphide precipitates it from cadmium salt solutions as a yellow powder, insoluble in dilute acids. It is employed as a pigment. Almost all the alloys of cadmium have a low fusion tem- perature. Freshly prepared cadmium amalgam is a white plastic mass, which soon becomes hard. It is used in filling teeth. The chemical energy of cadmium is less than that of zinc; this is evi- dent from the fact that the former may be displaced from its salts by the latter. We saw that, with the elements of the groups of potassium and calcium, the chemical energy increases inversely with the increasing atomic weight; caesium is more energetic than rubidium, barium more than calcium. It is worthy of remark that nearly all of the more electro- negative elements belonging to the second sub-groups of the seven main groups of the periodic system exhibit a diminution in chemical energy with rising atomic weight similar to that shown by the members of the magnesium group; copper displaces silver; phosphorus is more energetic than arsenic and antimony; sulphur more energetic than selenium and silver; chlorine sets free or displaces bromine and iodine. These relations of affinity find full expression in the thermo-chemical phenomena in which are clearly shown the double periodicity of the great periods and the relations of the two sub-groups, Ca, Sr, Ba and Zn, Cd, Hg, to magnesium. The basic character increasing from Mg to Ba corre- sponds to the increase in heat developed by the formation of their com- pounds, e.g., the chlorides, hydroxides, and sulphydrates. (Mg,Cl2) = 151.0. (Ca,Cl2) = 170.2. (Sr,Cl2) = 184.5. (Ba,Cl2) = 194.5. fMg,0,H20) — 148.9. ?Ca,0,Aq.) 2= 149.4. (Sr,0,Aq) = 157.7. (Ba,0,Aq.) = 158.2. (Mg,S,Aq ) = (Ca,S,Aq.) = 98.3. (Sr,S,Aq.) = 106.6. (Ba,S,Aq.) = X07.1. That the increase with the hydrates is so slight is explained, probably by the decreasing solubility of the same from Ba to Mg, inasmuch as an evo- lution of heat (heat of precipitation) corresponds to the difficult solubility. MERCURY. 321 The heat of formation of the carbonates (from the metallic oxides and car- bon dioxide) must also be introduced here: (Ca0,C02) = 42.5 (Sr0,C02) = 53.2 (BaO,C02) = 55:9. These seem to indicate that calcium carbonate is less stable and more easily decomposed than barium carbonate (p. 299). The series Mg, Zn, Cd, Hg deports itself differently. In this the heat disengagement becomes successively less and corresponds with the dimin- ishing basicity. (Mg,Cl„) = 151.0. (Zn,CL) = 97.2. (CdCL) = 93.2. (Hg,Cl2) = 63.1. (Mg,0) = 145-0. (Zn,0) = 86.4. (Cd,0) = 66.4. (Hg,0) = 30.6. (Mg,S) = (Zn,S) = 41 3. (Cd,S) == 33.9. (Hg,S) = 16.8. Comparing these numbers with the quantity of heat which is disen- gaged in the formation of aqueous hydrochloric acid (H,Cl,Aq. = 39.3), we find explained the behavior of the metals towards this acid. All metals liberating a greater quantity of heat than 39-3 C. in the formation of their chlorides (calculated for 1 equivalent of metal) are in condition to decom- pose the dilute acid. Most of the metals belong to this class; mercury, copper, silver, gold, lead, thallium, and some others, set free a less amount of heat, and hence are not able to decompose dilute hydrochloric acid (see p. 265). The slight quantity of heat developed in the formation of hydrogen sulphide (S,H2 = 4.5) indicates that the same is readily decomposed by all the metals. In the same way, by adding the heat of solution (S,H2,Aq. = 9.2), we can easily ascertain which metals are precipitated by hydrogen sulphide from their chlorides, etc. If in the thermo-chemical equation, the sum of the heat developed upon the right side is greater*than that upon the left, the reaction will occur (precipitation of metallic sulphides) ; in the opposite case the sulphide is decomposed by the dilute hydrochloric acid. (Me, Cl2.Aq.) -f (S,H2Aq.) = (Me, S) + 2(H, Cl, Aq.), The magnitude of the atomic weight of Mercury would place the latter in the group of zinc and cadmium. The relationship of these three heavy metals is observed in many similarities of the free elements and of their compounds (p. 322). Occupying a similar position in the three great periods (241) they are distinguished among the heterologous members in a physical point of view by their ready fusibility and volatility, which nearly reach a maximum in them. In the homologous series, Zn, Cd, Hg, these properties, like the specific gravities, increase with rising atomic weight (just as with the metals of the potassium group, p. 273). 322 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Zn Cd Hg Atomic weight 64.9 111.9 199.8 Fusing point 412° 315° —40° Boiling point 940° 765° 360° Specific gravity 7-1 8.6 13.6 The gradation in the heat of formation of their compounds (p. 321) clearly indicates that mercury must be arranged in a group with cadmium and zinc. Like zinc and cadmium, it yields compounds of the form, HgX2, in which it appears divalent. These derivatives are, in many respects, similar to the corresponding compounds of zinc and cadmium. Thus, mercuric sulphate affords double salts with the alkaline sulphates, which crystallize with six molecules of H20 (S04Hg, S04K2 + 6H20), and are isomorphous with the double sulphates of the magnesium group (p. 314). The similarity, however, limits itself to few compounds. Since the properties of each group sustain a slight change in virtue of the increasing atomic weight, we are not- surprised to observe this to be very evident in the case of Hg (with- the high atomic weight 199), especially as the middle (transition) member of the third great period is not known (p. 241). Mercury differs es- sentially from zinc and cadmium in that, in addition to the 11 compounds of the form HgX2 (mercuric compounds), it is also capable 0 Hg/ Hg — Cl I Hg — Cl Hg - N03 I Hg - N03 Hg\ I >s HgX An experimental decision upon the above has not yet been given (p. 325). Mercurous oxide. Chloride. Nitrate. Sulphide. MERCURY. Hg = 199.8. Mercury (Hydrargyrum) occurs in nature principally as Cin- nabar, more rarely native in the form of little drops scattered through rocks. Its most important localities are Almaden in Spain, New Almaden in California, Idria in Illyria, Mexico, Peru, China, and Japan. The metallurgical separation of mercury is very simple. Cinnabar is roasted in reverberatory furnaces, whereby the sulphur burns to dioxide, and the mercury vapors are con- densed in large chambers. Or, it is distilled with lime or iron from iron retorts. Commercial mercury usually contains a slight quantity of other metals dissolved-in it. For its purifi- cation, it is poured in a thin stream into a deep layer of sul- phuric or dilute nitric acid, by which the accompanying tin and lead are more easily dissolved than the mercury. The metal is finally distilled out of a small glass retort and pressed through chamois skin. This is the only metal which is liquid at ordinary tempera- tures. At o° its specific gravity equals 13.59; it solidifies at —40°, and crystallizes in regular octahedra ; it evaporates somewhat at medium temperatures, and boils at 360°. Its vapors are very poisonous. The specific gravity of the vapor of mer- cury is 99.9 (H = 1) or 6.91 (air =1). Therefore, the molec- ular weight of the metal is 199.8, and as its atomic weight is also 199.8, the molecule, like that of cadmium, is composed of only one atom. At ordinary temperatures, mercury is not altered by exposure to the air; near the boiling point, however, 324 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. it gradually oxidizes to red mercuric oxide. Hydrochloric and cold sulphuric acids do not act upon it; hot sulphuric acid converts it into mercury sulphate, with evolution of sulphur dioxide. Even dilute nitric acid will readily dissolve it. It combines with the halogens and sulphur at ordinary tempera- tures. Mercury dissolves almost all metals (not iron) forming amal- gams. It unites with potassium and sodium upon gentle warming, with production of heat and light. When the quan- tity of potassium and sodium exceeds 3 per cent., the alloy is solid and crystalline ; by less amount it remains liquid. Tin amalgam is employed for coating mirrors. Mercury forms two series of compounds, mercurous and mer- curic. The first are analogous to the cuprous, and have the form, HgX. In them mercury appears to be monovalent; we, how- ever, do not know, whether their molecules are not to be ex- pressed by the double formula Hg2X2 (p. 323). In many re- spects the ous compounds are similar to the cuprous and silver derivatives. The halogen compounds are insoluble, and darken on exposure to light. In the ic derivatives—HgX2—mercury is divalent, and is very much like zinc and cadmium. The ic compounds almost always form, if the substance reacting with the mercury is in excess; when the opposite is the case, mercurous salts result. The ic derivatives, by the addition of mercury, pass into the ous, e.g., Hg(NOs)2 4- Hg — Hg/N03)2. Oxidizing agents con- vert the ous into the ic compounds; the latter are, on the other hand, converted by reducing substances into the first. The heat of formation of some of the mercuric compounds corresponds to the symbols: (Hg,0) = 30.6 (Hg,Cl2) = 63.1 (Hg,I2) = 34-3 (Hg,S) = 16.8. That of the corresponding mercurous salts; (Hg2,0) = 42-2 (Hg,Cl) 41.2 (Hg,I) = 24.2 (Hg2,S) = - MERCUROUS COMPOUNDS. Mercurous Chloride—HgCl or Hg2Cl2—calomel, is an amorphous white precipitate, produced by the addition of hydrochloric acid or soluble chlorides to the solution of mer- curous salts. It is generally formed by the sublimation of 325 MERCURY. HgCl2 with mercury; or a mixture of HgS04, mercury and sodium chloride is sublimed : » HgS04 + 2NaCl -f- Hg = Na2S04 + Hg2Cl2. It then forms a radiating, crystalline mass (quadratic prisms) of specific gravity 7.2. Calomel is insoluble in water and dilute acids ; it gradually decomposes when exposed to the light, with separation of mercury. When heated, it sublimes without fusing. By the action of strong acids it is converted into mercuric salts and free mercury. When ammonium hydrate is poured over calomel, it blackens (hence the name calomel, from xakoiieXaq), and reacts according to the equa- tion : Hg2Cl2 + 2NH3 = NH4C1 -f NH2Hg2Cl. The compound NH2Hg2Cl is viewed as ammonium chloride, in which 2H are replaced by Hg2, The vapor density of calomel vapors at 440° is 117.6 (H = 1), the molecular weight, therefore, 235.2, and corresponds to the formula HgCl (235.2). It appears, however, that its vapors consist of a mixture of mer- cury and mercuric chloride. Such a mixture must have the same density as HgCl: HgCl + HgCl = Hg + HgCl2. x vol. I vol. I vol. I vol. The question, whether the mercurous compounds contain one or two atoms of mercury, whether, for example, the formula Hg2Cl2 or HgCl properly belongs to calomel, is, therefore, not decided by the determina- tion of its vapor density. Mercurous Iodide—Hgl or Hg2I2—is prepared by rub- bing together 8 parts of mercury with 5 parts I, or by precipi- tating mercurous nitrate with potassium iodide. It is a greenish powder, insoluble in water and alcohol. Light changes it to Hgl2 and Hg. Mercurous Oxide—Hg20—is black in color, and is formed by the action of potassium or sodium hydrate upon mercurous salts. In the light or at ioo°, it decomposes into HgO and Hg. Mercurous Nitrate—HgN03 or Hg2(N03)2—is produced by allowing somewhat dilute nitric acid to act upon excess of mercury in the cold. It crystallizes with 1 molecule H20 in large monoclinic tables. It dissolves readily in water acidu- lated with nitric acid ; pure water decomposes it into the acid salt which passes into solution, and the basic salt—Hg , which separates as a yellow powder. The nitric acid solution of mercurous nitrate oxidizes when 326 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. exposed to the air, and gradually becomes mercuric nitrate; this be prevented by adding metallic mercury to the so- lution, whereby the resultant ic salt is again changed to the ous state : Mercurous Sulphate—Hg2(S04)—results when an excess of mercury is heated gently with sulphuric acid ; it separates as a crystalline precipitate, difficultly soluble in water, if sulphuric acid be added to a mercurous nitrate solution. It fuses upon application of heat, and decomposes into S20, 02, and Hg. Mercurous Sulphide—Hg2S—is precipitated by potas- sium hydrosulphide, as a black compound, from the dilute so- lution of mercurous nitrate. When gently warmed, it decom- poses into HgS and mercury. Hg(N03)2 + Hg = Hg2(N03)2. MERCURIC COMPOUNDS. Mercuric Chloride—HgCl2—Corrosive sublimate—is produced when mercuric oxide is dissolved in HC1, or metallic mercury in aqua regia. It is obtained on a large scale by the sublimation of a mixture of mercuric sulphate with sodium chloride: It crystallizes from water in fine rhombic prisms, and dissolves at medium temperatures in 15 parts, at ioo°, in 2 parts water; it is still more soluble in alcohol. Its specific gravity is 5.4. It fuses at 288°, and boils about 300°. Its critical pressure is about 420 M111, (p. 88). The vapor density is 135.2 (H= 1), corresponding to the molecular formula HgCl2 (= 270.5): HgSO, + 2NaCl = HgCl2 + Na2S04. Hg + Cl, = HgCl2. Reducing substances, like S02 and SnCl2, change it to in- soluble mercurous chloride: I vol. I vol. I vol. 2HgCl2 + S02 + 2H20 = Hg2Cl2 + H2SOi + 2HCI. Stannous chloride first precipitates mercurous chloride: 2HgCl2 -(- SnCl2 = Hg2Cl2 -f- SnCl4, which is afterwards re- duced, by excess of the first, to metallic mercury: Hg2Cl2 + SnCla = 2Hg + SnClr Mercuric chloride is greatly inclined to form double salts with metallic chlorides, e.g., HgCl2 KC1 + H20. When am- monium hydrate is added to its solution, a heavy white pre- MERCURY. 327 cipitate, called white precipitate, NH2HgCl, is thrown down. This compound is regarded as a derivative of ammonium chlo- ride, in which two atoms of H are replaced by a divalent mercury atom, and it has been called Mercur-ammonium Chloride. It forms the compound NH2HgClNH4Cl with ammonium chloride; the structure of this is expressed by the formula: „ /NH„C1 HS\NH3C1. Similar mercur-ammonium derivatives are numerous. Mercuric Iodide—Hgl2—is formed by the direct union of mercury with iodine. When potassium iodide is added to a solution of mercuric chloride, Hgl2 separates as a yellow pre- cipitate, which immediately becomes red. Hgl2 is readily sol- uble in HgCl2 and KI solutions ; it crystallizes from alcohol in bright red quadratic octahedra. Upon warming Hgl2 to 150°, it suddenly becomes yellow, fuses and sublimes in yel- low, shining, rhombic needles. On touching these with some solid, they become red, with separation of heat, and are changed into an aggregate of quadratic octahedra. Mercuric iodide is therefore dimorphous. Mercuric Oxide—HgO—is obtained by the prolonged heating of metallic mercury near the boiling point in the air, or by the ignition of mercurous or mercuric nitrate. It forms a red, crystalline powder, of specific gravity 11.2. When sodium hydrate is added to a solution of mercuric chloride, mercuric oxide separates as a yellow, amorphous precipitate. Both modifications become black when heated, but change to a yellowish-red on cooling. Mercuric oxide breaks up into mercury and oxygen about 400°. Mercuric oxide combines directly with ammonia, to form the compound 2HgO.NH3, which explodes with violence when heated. Mercuric Nitrate—Hg(N03)2. It is difficult to obtain this salt pure, because it is inclined to form basic compounds. A solution of it may be made by dissolving mercury or mer- curic oxide in an excess of hot nitric acid. On diluting the solution with water the basic salt, Hg(N03)2,2Hg0,H20, sepa- rates, and this may be converted into pure mercuric oxide by boiling with water. Mercuric Sulphate—HgS04—is produced by digesting mercury or its oxide with an excess of concentrated sulphuric acid. It forms a white, crystalline insoluble mass, which be- comes yellow on heating. It yields the hydrate HgS04 H20 328 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. with a little water, but much of the latter decomposes it into sulphuric acid and the yellow insoluble basic salt, HgS04.2HgO ( Turpetum miner ale, Turpeth mineral). Mercuric sulphate forms double salts with the alkaline sul- phates, e.g., HgSQ4, K2S04 -f- 6H20; these are isomorphous with the corresponding double salts of the magnesium group (P- 3i4)- Mercuric Sulphide—HgS—occurs in nature as cinnabar, in radiating crystalline masses, or in hexagonal prisms of red color. It is obtained by rubbing together mercury and flow- ers of sulphur with water, or it is produced as a black amorphous mass by the precipitation of a solution of a mercuric Salt with hydrogen sulphide. If the black sulphide be heated with exclusion of air it sublimes as a dark red mass of radiating crystalline structure, and is perfectly similar to natural cinna- bar. A similar conversion of the black modification into the red is effected by continued heating of the same to 50° with a solution of potassium or ammonium sulphide. The red mercury sulphide thus obtained is employed as artificial cinna- bar in painting. The mercury compounds can be readily recognized by the following reactions. On fusion with dry sodium carbonate, mercury escapes, and (if the operation be executed in a small tube) condenses upon the side in metallic drops. Tin, copper and zinc throw out metallic mercury from its solutions. If a pure piece of sheet copper be dipped into the same, mercury is deposited as a gray coating, which on being rubbed acquires a metallic lustre. The mercurous compounds are distin- guished from the mercuric by their precipitation by hydro- chloric acid. COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD. As regards their atomic weights, copper, silver, and gold, bear the same relation to the alkali group, especially to sodium, as zinc, cadmium, and mercury bear to magnesium: Na = 23 Cu = 63.2 Ag = 107.6 Au = 196.2 Mg = 23.9 Zn = 64.9 Cd =111.9 Hg = 199.8 They occupy an entirely analogous position in the three great periods of the periodic system of the elements (p. 244), and constitute the transition from the elements of group VIII, espe- COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD. 329 cially from nickel, palladiurp, and platinum, to the less basic elements of group II—zinc, cadmium, and mercury : Ni = 58.6 Pd = 106.2 Pt = 194.3 Cu = 63.2 Ag == 107.6 Au = 196.2 Zn = 64.9 Cd =111.9 Hg = 199.8 This intermediate position of the three elements about to be discussed is clearly shown in their entire physical deportment. While the elements of group VIII, with the last members, Ni, Pd, and Pt, fuse with difficulty and do not volatilize, Cu, Ag, Au, in point of fusion and volatility, constitute the transition to the readily fusible and volatile elements, Zn, Cd, and Hg. They take an intermediate position, too, with reference to their coefficients of expansion, their atomic volumes, and other physical properties. It is noteworthy that the ability to conduct heat and electricity attains its maximum in Cu, Ag, and Au. Not only are the properties of the free elements determined by the position of the latter in the periodic system, but those of their derivatives, and especially such as depend upon the valence of the elements, are influenced to a marked degree by the above relation. In consequence of the double periodicity of the great periods, Cu, Ag, and Au attach themselves to group I, and especially to sodium, just as the elements imme- diately following, Zn, Cd, and Hg, arrange themselves with group II and magnesium. Hence we find Cu, Ag, and Au, like Na, yielding compounds of the form MeX, in which they appear monovalent. Some of these are isomorphous; thus NaCl, CuCl, and AgCl crystallize in forms of the regular sys- tem. Silver sulphate, Ag3S04, is isomorphous with sodium sulphate, S04Na2; and the same is true of other salts of these two metals. Cu and Ag, like the alkalies, afford • so-called sub- or quadrant oxides, Na40, Cu40, Ag40. •But we may say that the similarity of Cu, Ag, and Au to Na is confined to these few external properties. Just as the heavy metals, Zn, Cd, and Hg differ in many properties from the light metal magnesium (p. 311), so do the metals Cu, Ag, and Au, possessing a high specific gravity distinguish themselves in a still higher degree from the light metal sodium. They possess all the properties belonging to the heavy metals, which are mainly char- acterized by the insolubility of the oxides, sulphides, and many salts. This character which separates them from sodium is ex- plained by the fact that they really belong to the three great periods, and are classified with the alkali metals in but few 330 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. properties. Gold, with the high atomic weight, 196.2, corres- ponds in this respect to mercury (p. 322), but is very variable. I In the compounds constituted according to the form, MeX, in which Cu, Ag, and Au appear monovalent, they exhibit great similarity as regards their physical and chemical properties. The chlorides, CuCl, AgCl, and AuCl, are colorless and inso- luble in water; soluble, however, in hydrochloric acid, am- monia, the alkaline hyposulphites, etc., and furnish perfectly similar double compounds. While silver only enters com- I pounds of the form AgX, copper and gold are capable of yielding another form; copper forms, besides cuprous, 1 11 . CuX, also cupric, CuX2, derivatives, in which it appears to be divalent. The latter are much more stable than the former, and embrace the most usual copper salts. Gold, however, besides 1 111 furnishing ous, AuX, compounds, has ic derivatives, AuXs, in which it appears trivalent. While Cu and Au, in their ous forms, are analogous to silver (and in less degree, Na), the cupnV derivatives show a great resemblance to the compounds of the metals of the magnesium group, and other metals in their divalent combinations. Thus, the sulphates of zinc, magnesium, cupric oxide (CuO), ferrous oxide (FeO), nickelous oxide (NiO), cobaltous oxide (CoO), and manganous oxide (MnO), are - similarly constituted, resemble each other, are isomorphous, and form entirely anal- ogous double salts (p. 314) with the alkaline sulphates. In II the same way the carbonates (MeCOs), the chlorates and bro- 11 mates (MeCl206 + 6H20) and others, are similarly constituted and isomorphous. In its ic derivatives, gold exhibits some III similarity to the aluminium compounds (A1XS), to those of III indium (InX3) and other metals, in their trivalent combina- tions. Here we see, as already observed with mercury (p. 322), that the similarity of the cottipounds of the metals is in- fluenced by the similarity of forms or types, according to which they are composed, i.e., by the valence of the metals. If a metal form several series'of compounds of different types, each series is usually more or less similar to the compounds of other metals of like type. In this manner is shown the re- semblance of the compounds of the following types : COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD. 331 Na20 Sodium oxide. Ag20 Silver oxide. Cu20 Cuprous oxide. Au20 Aurous oxide. ti2o Thallous oxide. MgO Magnesium oxide. ZnO Zinc oxide. CuO Cupric oxide. FeO HgO Ferrous oxide. Mercuric oxide. ai2o3 Aluminium oxide. Fe203 Ferric oxide. Au203 Auric oxide. Ti2o3 Thallic oxide. The character of their derivatives varying with the degree of combination or valence, becomes quite marked with chromium, manganese, and iron, as we shall later see. The heavy metals also exhibit a strong, positive basic character in their mono- valent combinations. Thus silver oxide (Ag20) and thallous oxide (T120) are strong bases, forming neutral reacting salts with acids, and even cuprous and aurous oxides are more strongly basic than their higher forms of oxidation. The metalloidal character of the metals, and the acid nature of their oxides begin to appear in their trivalent combinations. Thus in the hydroxyl derivatives of aluminium, indium, and gold, Al(OH)3, In(OH)s, Au(OH)3, hydrogen may be replaced by the alkalies. Their higher forms of oxidation show, like those of the metalloids, a pronounced acid-like character (as Pb02, Pt02, Cr03, Fe03) which is only lessened by a high atomic weight of the metal (as in Pb02 and Pt02). The character of the compound is influenced in a less, if not an -unimportant degree, by the position of the elements in the periodic system. Hence the properties of the metallic compounds are not only influenced by the nature of the metals, but to a high degree by the combination forms. These forms of the elements, and par- ticularly those of the metals, are regulated, however, if not entirely, yet to a considerable degree, by the periodic system, as previously observed (see p. 247). This connection of Cu, Ag, and Au in an analogous group, expresses itself too, in the heat resulting from the formation of their compounds of the form MeX: (Na, Cl) = 97.6 (Na2, O) == 100.2 (Na2. S) = 88.0 (Cu, Cl) = 32.8 (Cu2, O) = 40.8 (Cu2, S) = 20.2. (Ag, Cl) = 29.3 (Ag,,0) = 5.9 (Ag2, S) = 5.3. (Au, Cl) = 5.8 (Au2, O) = - (Au2, S) = Consequently relations occur here perfectly similar to those of the ele- ments of the zinc group (p. 320), and perfectly analogous conclusions as regards the affinity relations may be deduced from them. Thus, for example, copper is able to decompose concentrated but not dilute hydro- chloric acid. The heat of formation of some cupric compounds equals ; (Cu, O) = 37.1 (Cu, Cl2) == 51.6 (Cu, Cl2, Aq.) = 62.7 (Cu, S, OJ = 182. 332 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. COPPER. Native copper is found in large quantities in America, China, Japan, also in Sweden and in the Urals. It frequently occurs crystallized in cubes and octahedra. The most important and most widely distributed of its ores are : cuprite (Cu20), mal- achite and azurite (basic carbonates), chalcocite (Cu2S), and especially chalcopyrite or speckled copper ore (CuFeS2). Cu = 63.2. Metallurgy of Copper.—The extraction of copper from its oxygen ores is very simple : metallic copper is melted out when the ores are ignited along with charcoal. The sulphur ores are more difficult to work. The divided material is first roasted in the air, by which means copper sul- phide is partly converted into oxide. The mass is afterward ignited with sand, silica fluxes, and carbon, when iron sulphide is converted into oxide and passes into the slag. By several repetitions of this process we get the so-called copper stone—a mixture of cupric sulphide with oxide. This is repeatedly roasted and heated, and metallic copper obtained by the action of the cupric oxide upon the sulphide: 2CuO -f- CuS = 3CU -(- S02. The copper obtained in this way is fused again with charcoal, to free it from the oxide. To obtain chemically pure copper, the pure oxide is heated in a stream of hydrogen, or the solution of copper sulphate is decomposed by electrolysis. Metallic copper possesses a characteristic red color, and trans- mits a green light in thin leaflets. It is rather soft and ductile, and possesses a specific gravity 8.9. It fuses about 1054°, and vapor- izes in the oxy-hydrogen flame. It remains unaltered in dry air ; in moist, it is gradually coated with a green layer of copper carbonate. When heated, it oxidizes to black cupric oxide. Copper is not changed by dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acids ; if it be moistened with these, and exposed to the air, it absorbs oxygen, and gradually dissolves. It is similarly dis- solved by ammonium hydrate. Concentrated sulphuric acid converts it into copper sulphate, with evolution of sulphur dioxide. It dissolves in dilute nitric acid in the cold, with evolution of nitric oxide. Zinc, iron and also phosphorus precipitate metallic copper from the aqueous solutions of its salts. Copper forms two series of compounds, known as cuprous and cupnV. In the ic compounds, copper is divalent: CuO CuCl2 Cu(OH)a S04Cu. COPPER. 333 These are more stable than the ous derivatives; the ordinary copper salts belong to them. In many respects they resemble the compounds of other dyad metals, especially those of the mag- nesium group, and ous compounds of iron (FeO), manganese (MnO), cobalt and nickel (see p. 330). The cuprous compounds are, on the other hand, very un- stable, absorb oxygen from the air, and pass into cupric deriv- atives. They show some similarity to the mercurous deriva- tives (p. 324), and possess an analogous composition : CuCl Cul Cu20 Cu2S. Oxygen salts of cuprous oxide are not known. From the formulas given above, copper, like silver, is monovalent in its ous compounds. It is, however, questionable, whether these formulas ex- press the real molecular values. It is ordinarily assumed that the cuprous derivatives, like those of mercury in its ous state (p. 325), correspond to the doubled formulas, and that the copper atom is divalent, and forms a divalent group composed of two copper atoms, as may be seen from the following formulas: CuCl Cu2Cl2 or | CuCl CuN Cu„0 or | No Cu/ The vapor density of cuprous chloride corresponds to the formula Cu2Cl2 (compare p. 340), and, therefore, rather favors the above opinion. Cuprous Chloride. Cuprous Oxide. Cuprous Oxide—Cu20—occurs as cuprite crystallized in regular octahedra. It is obtained artificially by boiling a so- lution of copper sulphate and grape sugar with potassium hy- drate, when it separates as a crystalline, bright red powder. It does not change in the air, and is readily soluble in ammo- nium hydrate. The solution absorbs oxygen, and while form- ing cupric oxide acquires a blue color. By the action of sul- phuric and other oxygen acids, it forms cupric salts, the half of the copper separating as metal: CUPROUS COMPOUNDS. Cu20 -f SQ4H2 = CuS04 + Cu + H20. The hydrate, Cu2(OH)2, is precipitated by the alkalies as a yellow powder from hydrochloric acid solutions of Cu2Cl2. It oxidizes in the air to cupric hydrate. Cuprous Chloride—CuCl or Cu2Cl2—is produced by the combustion of metallic copper in chlorine gas (together with CuCl2), upon conducting HC1 over copper at a low, red 334 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. heat, by boiling the solution of cupric chloride with copper (CuCl2 4 Cu = Cu2Cl2), and by the action of many reducing substances upon cupric chloride. It is most conveniently made by passing sulphur dioxide through a concentrated solu- tion of copper sulphate and sodium chloride, when it separates as a white, shining powder, consisting of small tetrahedra. It fuses at 430°, and distils about iooo° ; its vapor density cor- responds to the formula Cu2C12. In the air, it rapidly be- comes green, owing to oxygen absorption, and the formation /Cl of basic cupric chloride, Cu/ Qjq- Cuprous chloride is readily soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid and in ammonium hydrate ; both solutions possess the characteristic property of absorbing carbon monoxide. Cuprous Iodide—Cul or Cu2I2—is precipitated from soluble cupric salts by potassium iodide: CuS04 + 2KI = Cul + K2S04 + I. By extracting the co-precipitated iodine by means of ether it is obtained as a gray powder, insoluble in acids. Cuprous Sulphide—Cu2S—occurs as chalcocite crystal- lized in rhombic forms. It is produced by burning copper in vapor of sulphur, and by heating cupric sulphide in a current of hydrogen; after fusion it solidifies in crystals of the regular system. Combined with silver sulphide it constitutes the Cu ) mineral j- S or Cu2S.Ag2S, isomorphous with chalcocite. Copper Hydride—CuH or Cu,H2—belongs to the deriva- tives of monovalent copper. If a solution of copper sulphate be digested with hypophosphorous acid, the hydride separates as a yellow amorphous precipitate which soon acquires a brown color. At 6o° it decomposes into copper and hydrogen. With hydrochloric acid it forms cuprous chloride: Cull + HC1 = CuCl + Ha. Copper suboxide, Cu40, or quadrantoxide, corresponds to potassium suboxide. On adding an alkaline stannous chloride solution to one of copper sulphate there separates, at first, cupric hydroxide, which is further reduced to cuprous hydroxide, and then to suboxide. The latter is an olive-green powder, which oxidizes readily and is decomposed by H2S04 into CuS04 and 3CU. CUPRIC COMPOUNDS. 335 CUPRIC COMPOUNDS. The cupric salts, when hydrous, are generally colored blue or green ; when dry they are colorless. Cupric Hydrate—Cu(OH)2—separates as a voluminous bluish precipitate when sodium or potassium hydrate is added to soluble copper salts. When heated, even under water, it loses water, and is changed to black cupric oxide. Cupric Oxide—CuO—is usually obtained by the ignition of copper turnings in the air, or by heating cupric nitrate. It forms a black amorphous powder, which, at higher tempera- tures, settles together and acquires a metallic lustre. By heat- ing with organic substances their carbon is converted into carbon dioxide, and the hydrogen into water, the cupric salt being reduced to metal; upon this rests the application of cupric oxide in the analysis of such compounds. Copper oxide and hydroxide dissolve in ammonium hydrate with dark blue color. The solution possesses the power of dissolving wood fibre (cotton-wool, linen, filter-paper, etc.)— Schweizer's reagent. * Cupric Chloride—CuCl2—is formed by the solution of cupric oxide or carbonate in hydrochloric acid. It crystallizes from aqueous solution, with 2 molecules of water, in. bright green rhombic needles, and is readily soluble in water and alcohol. When heated, it parts with its water, becoming an- hydrous chloride, which at a red heat is decomposed into chlorine and cuprous chloride. It yields beautifully crystallized double salts with potassium and ammonium chlorides. Cupric bromide is like the chloride; the iodide is not known, since in its formation it at once breaks up into cuprous iodide and iodine. Copper Sulphate—CuS04+5H20—cupric sulphate, cop- per vitriol—may be obtained by the solution of copper in concentrated sulphuric acid. It is produced on a large scale by roasting chalcocite. It forms large blue crystals of the triclinic system, which effloresce somewhat upon exposure. At ioo° the salt loses 4 molecules of water; the fifth separates above 200°. The anhydrous sulphate is colorless, absorbs water very energetically, and returns to the blue hydrous com- pound. Although copper sulphate only crystallizes with 5 molecules of H20, it is capable, like the sulphates of the magnesium group, of forming double salts with potassium and ammonium sulphates, which crystallize with 6H20, and are isomorphous with the double salts of the metals of the magnesium group. 336 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Copper sulphate is employed in electro-plating. When its so- lution is decomposed by the galvanic current copper separates at the negative pole, and deposits in a regular layer upon the conducting objects connected with the electrode. Ammonium hydrate added to a copper sulphate solution in sufficient quantity to dissolve the cupric hydrate produced at first, changes the color of the liquid to a dark blue. From this solution alcohol precipitates a dark-blue crystalline mass with the composition CuS04, 4NH,"-}- H20. Heated to 150° this compound loses water and 2 molecules of NH3, and be- comes CuS04.2NH3. It is supposed that these compounds are ammonium salts in which a part of the hydrogen is replaced by copper; they have been designated cuprammonium com- pounds, e.g. : /NH SO/ >Cu xnh/ The other soluble copper salts afford similar compounds with ammonium hydrate. Cupric Nitrate — Cu(N03)2—crystallizes with three or six molecules of water, has a dark-blue color and is readily soluble in water and alcohol. Heat converts it into cupric oxide. Copper Carbonates. The neutral salt (CuC03) is not known. When sodium carbonate is added to a warm solution of a copper salt the basic carbonate, CuCCh.CufOHT, or rn/O.Cu.OH . T. CO/q qjj, separates as a green precipitate. It occurs in nature as ?nalachite, which is especially abundant in Siberia. Another basic salt—2C03Cu.Cu(0H)2—is the beautiful blue azurite. Copper Arsenite—(As03)2Cu—separates as a beautiful bright green precipitate, upon the addition of sodium arsenite to a copper solution. It was formerly employed as a pigment, under the name of Scheele's green, but at present, owing to its poisonous character, it has been replaced by other green colors (Guignet’s green and aniline green). Cupric Sulphide—CuS—is a black compound, precipi- tated from copper solutions by hydrogen sulphide. It is in- soluble in dilute acids. When moist, it slowly oxidizes in the air to cupric sulphate. Heated in a stream of hydrogen, it forms cuprous sulphide, Cu2S. Cuprammonium sulphate. SILVER. 337 Alloys of Copper. Pure copper is very ductile, and may be readily rolled, and drawn out into a fine wire. It cannot be well poured into moulds, because it contracts unequally upon cooling and does not fill out the moulds. For such pur- poses,. alloys of copper are employed, which, in addition, possess other technically valuable properties. The most im- portant copper alloys are: Brass, consisting of two to three parts copper and one part zinc. It has a yellow color, and is considerably harder than pure copper. Ordinarily, one to two per cent, of lead are added to the brass, which facilitates its working upon the turning-lathe. Tombac contains 15 per cent, zinc, and has a gold-like color. The alloy of 1 part zinc and 5.5 parts copper answers for the manufacture of spurious gold leaf. The alloys of copper with tin are called bronzes. Most of the modern bronzes also contain zinc and lead; those from Japan, gold and silver. The cannon bronze contains 90 per cent, copper and 10 per cent, tin; bell metal has 20-25 per cent, of tin. Argentan is an alloy of copper, zinc, and nickel (see latter). The so-called Talmi gold consists of 90-95 per cent. Cu and 5-10 per cent, aluminium. The German copper coins consist of 95 per cent. Cu, 4 per cent. Sn, and 1 per cent. Zn. Recognition of Copper Compounds.—Most copper compounds containing water have a blue or green color. With the exception of copper sulphide they all dissolve in ammonium hydrate, with a blue color. When a pure piece of iron is in- troduced into a copper solution, it becomes covered with a red layer of metallic copper. Volatile copper compounds tinge the flame blue or green. The spectrum of such a flame is char- acterized by several blue and green lines. SILVER. Silver occurs native. Its most important ores are Ag2S and various compounds with sulphur, arsenic, antimony, copper and other metals. Of rarer occurrence are combinations with chlorine (hornsilver, AgCl), bromine, and iodine. Slight quantities of silver sulphide are present in almost every galenite (PbS). The principal localities for silver ores are Ag = 107.66. 338 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. America (Chili, Mexico, California), Saxony (Freiberg), Hun- gary, the Altai and Nertschinsk. Metallurgy of Silver.—The separation of the metal from its ores is rather complicated and variously effected ; its elaborate description belongs to the province of metallurgy. At present, the ores containing silver and copper are, in Saxony and the Hartz, roasted in a divided state and fused with slags rich in silicic acid. In this way, as with copper, there is ob- tained a copper stone consisting of iron, copper and silver sulphides. This is then oxidized in a furnace; from the resulting mixture of ferric and cupric oxides and silver sulphate (S04Ag2), the latter is extracted by water. The silver is precipitated from this aqueous solution by copper. Formerly, in Saxony, the separation of the silver was executed accord- ing to the so-called amalgamation process. According to this the mix- ture of sulphides is roasted with sodium chloride, whereby silver chloride is produced. The divided material is then mixed with iron scraps and water in rotating vessels. The iron causes the precipitation of the metallic silver from its chloride : 2AgCl -J- Fe = FeClj -{- 2Ag. To free the metal from various impurities it is dissolved in mercury and the liquid amalgam ignited; mercury distils off and silver remains. Owing to scarcity of combustible material, the conversion of silver ores into silver chloride is executed, in Mexico and Peru, by mixing the ores with podium chloride and copper sulphate in the presence of water. In this way cuprous chloride is produced, which is transposed, with silver sulphide, into silver chloride and cuprous sulphide : 2CuCl -f" Ag2S — Cu.2S 2AgCl. To get silver from galenite, proceed as follows: First, metallic lead is obtained. In this way all the silver in the ore passes into the lead and may be obtained with profit from the latter, even if it does not constitute more than per cent, of it. To this end, the metallic lead is fused and allowed to cool slowly; pure lead first crystallizes out, which can be re- moved by sieves, while a readily fusible alloy of lead with more silver remains behind. This method of Pattison’s is repeated until the residual liquid lead contains 1 per cent, of silver. The lead, rich in silver, is sub- jected to cupellation : it is fused in a reverberatory furnace with air access. The bottom of the oven consists of some porous substance. In this process the lead is changed to readily fusible oxide, which partly flows out of side openings from the hearth, or is, in part, absorbed by the porous bed; the unoxidized silver remains in the cupel in metallic condition. The ordinarily occurring silver (work silver) is not pure, but invariably contains copper and traces of other metals in greater or less quantity. To prepare chemically pure metal, the work silver is dissolved in nitric acid, and from the solu- tion of the nitrates thus obtained, hydrochloric acid precipi- tates the silver as chloride : AgNOs + HC1 = AgCl + HNOs. SILVER. 339 The latter is reduced by various methods; either by fusion with sodium carbonate, or by the action of zinc or iron in the presence of water: 2AgCl -(- Zn = ZnCl2 -)- 2Ag. Silver is a pure white, brilliant metal, of specific gravity 10.5. It is tolerably soft and ve*ry ductile, and can be drawn out to a fine wire. It crystallizes in regular octahedra. It fuses about 9540, and is converted into a greenish vapor in the oxy-hydrogen flame. Silver is not oxidized by oxygen ; by the action of ozone it is covered with a very thin layer of silver peroxide. When in molten condition, silver absorbs 22 volumes of oxygen without combining chemically with it; the absorbed gas escapes again when the metal cools. Silver unites directly with the halogens; by the action of hydrochloric acid it becomes coated with an insoluble layer of silver chloride. Boiled with strong sulphuric acid, it dis- solves to sulphate: 2Ag 4- 2H2SOi = Ag2S04 + S02 + 2H20. The best solvent of silver is nitric acid, which even in a di- lute state and unaided by heat, converts it into nitrate. As silver is rather soft, it is usually employed in the arts alloyed with copper, whereby it acquires a greater hardness. Most silver coins consist of 90 per cent, silver and 10 percent, copper; the English shillings contain 92.5 per cent, silver. Oxygen forms three compounds with silver, but only the oxide affords corresponding salts. Silver Oxide—Ag20—is thrown out of silver nitrate solu- tion by sodium or potassium hydrate as a dark-brown amor- phous precipitate. It is somewhat soluble in water, and blues red litmus paper. In this, and in the neutral reaction of the nitrate, the strong, basic, alkaline nature of silver and its oxide exhibits itself; the soluble salts of nearly all of the other heavy metals show an acid reaction. When heated to 250°, the oxide decomposes into metal and oxygen ; at ioo° it js reduced by hydrogen. The hydrated oxide is not known ; the moist oxide reacts, however, very much like the hydroxides. On dissolving precipitated silver oxide in ammonium hydrate, black crystals (Ag20. 2NH3) separate when the solution evapo- rates and when dry these explode upon the slightest disturbance. (Fulminating silver). 340 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Silver Suboxide—Ag40—corresponding to potassium suboxide, is produced by heating silver citrate in a current of hydrogen, and is a black, very unstable powder, which decomposes readily into silver oxide and silver. Silver Peroxide—AgO or Ag202—is formed by passing ozone over silver or its oxide, or by the decomposition of the nitrate by the electric current. It consists of black, shining octahedra, and at ioo° decomposes into Ag20 and oxygen. The salt-like compounds of silver correspond to the oxide Ag20, and are all constituted according to the form AgX, hence are termed argentic. They are analogous to the cuprous and mercurous derivatives, and show a great resemblance to the former in physical and chemical qualities. It would, therefore, be more correct to designate them argentowr. Com- pounds of the divalent form AgX2, are not known for silver. If, however, the mercurous and cuprous compounds are expressed by double formulas (p. 333): CuCl I CuCl Cu\ I o Cu/ HgCl I HgCl Hg\ I o Hg/ and which view is supported by their chemical deportment, those of silver might be represented by analogous formulas: AgCl I AgCl Ag\ I o Ag/ AgNOj I AgNOg. Then the silver atom would be divalent and a complete parallelism would be established with copper. The chemical formulas of solid bodies do not generally designate their true molecular values as in the case of gases, but only their simplest atomic composition. It is very probable that even the simplest chemical compounds, e.g., KC1 and AgCl, consist in their solid condition (as crystal molecules, p. 104) of complex molecules corres- ponding to the formulas (KCl)n (AgCl)m. An argument supporting this view is afforded by the existence of different modifications of chloride and bromide of silver ; these differ from each other in their external prop- erties, and in their different susceptibilities to light. The doubling of form- ulas, as shown above with Cu2Cl2, Hg2Cl2 etc., is mainly due to the ten- dency to deduce all the compounds of an element from a constant value, according to the doctrine of constant valence. This is, however, impos- sible (p. 172). According to present notions of valence, and as it is pre- sented in the periodic system, compounds (MeCl, MeCl2, MeCl3, etc.) are constituted according to definite forms or types that may materially determine their properties (p. 330). So far as the similarity of metallic compounds is concerned, it is of secondary importance whether the quantities correspond- ing to the simple formulas, in the solid or gaseous state, do unite to larger, complex molecules (compare HgCl, Cu2Cl2 — BC13, A1(CH3)3 and A12C16, GaCl3 and Ga2Cl6 — SnCl3 Sn2Cl4, PbCl2, etc.). In case of the sesqui- oxides M203 it is also immaterial whether they are derived from supposed trivalent elements (as A1203, Ga2Os, ln203), or from those that are tetravalent (as Fe203, Cr2Q3, Mn2Os). The same may be remarked of the metallic compounds Me304 = (MeOO)2.Me (see Spinels). The use of simple or of double formulas for the metallic compounds is therefore of no special importance. SILVER. 341 Silver Chloride—AgCl—exists in nature as hornsilver. When hydrochloric acid is added to solutions of silver salts, a white, curdy precipitate separates; the same fuses at 4510 to a yellow liquid, which solidifies to a horn-like mass. The chlo- ride is insoluble in dilute acids ; it dissolves somewhat in sodium chloride, readily in ammonium hydrate, potassium cyanide, and sodium hyposulphite. It crystallizes from ammoniacal so- lutions in large, regular octahedra. Dry silver chloride absorbs 10 per cent, of ammonia gas, forming a white compound—• 2AgCl3NH,—with it, which at 38° gives up its ammonia. Silver Bromide—AgBr—is precipitated from silver salts by hydrobromic acid or soluble bromides. It has a bright yellow color, and dissolves with more difficulty than the chlo- ride in ammonium hydrate; in other respects it is perfectly similar to the latter. Heated in chlorine gas it is converted into chloride. Silver Iodide—Agl—is distinguished from the chloride and bromide by its yellow color, its insolubility in ammonia, and its hexagonal crystals. It dissolves readily in hydriodic acid, to Agl. HI, which, upon evaporation of the solution, separates in shining scales. Heated in chlorine or bromine gas, it is converted into chloride or bromide; conversely, chloride and bromide of silver are converted into silver iodides by the action of hydriodic acid. These opposite reactions are explained by the principle of the greatest evolution of heat. Chlorine and bromine expel iodine from all iodides because the heat of formation of the latter is less than that of the bro- mides and chlorides (p. 266). Again, hydriodic acid (gaseous or in aqueous solution) converts silver chloride into the iodide according to the equation: AgCl + HI = Agl + HC1, because the heat modulus of the reaction is positive (for gaseous HI and HC1 -|- 12.5 C., for the solution -)- 10.6 C. See the Table at close of book.) Sunlight, and also other chemically active ray§ (magnesium light, phosphorus light) color silver chloride, bromide, and iodide, at first violet, then dark black, whereby they are prob- ably converted into compounds of the form Ag2X. In such an altered condition they are capable of fixing finely divided silver; on this depends their application in photography: In photographic work a negative is first prepared. A glass plate is cov- ered with collodion (a solution of pyroxylin in an ethereal solution of alco- hol) holding in solution halogen salts of potassium or cadmium. After the evaporation of the ether the glass plate is covered by a dry collodion layer containing the haloid salts. The plate is now immersed in a solution 342 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. of silver nitrate, whereby haloid salts of silver are precipitated upon the surface. The plate thus prepared is exposed to light in the camera obscura, and, after the action, dipped into a solution of pyrogallic acid or ferrous sulphate. These reducing, substances separate metallic silver in a finely divided state, which is precipitated upon the places where the light has acted. The plate is now introduced into a solution of potassium cyanide, which dissolves the silver salts not affected by the light, while the metallic unaltered silver remains. The negative thus formed is covered at the places upon which the light shone, by a dark layer of silver, while the places corresponding to shadows of the received image are transparent. The copying of the glass negative on paper is executed in a similar manner. Silver Cyanide—AgCN—is precipitated from silver solu- tions by potassium cyanide or aqueous hydrocyanic acid, as a white, curdy mass, not affected by light. It dissolves readily in ammonium hydrate and potassium cyanide, forming with the latter the crystalline compound AgCN,KCN. The solu- tion in potassium cyanide is employed in the electro silver-plat- ing of metals. Silver Nitrate—AgNOa, is obtained by dissolving pure silver in somewhat dilute nitric acid, and crystallizes from its aqueous solution in large rhombic tables, isomorphous with potassium saltpetre. At ordinary temperatures it is soluble in one-half part water or in four parts alcohol; the solution having a neutral reaction. It fuses at 218°, and solidifies to a crystal- line mass. When perfectly pure it is not affected by light, but it usually turns black in sunlight with separation of metallic silver. Organic substances also reduce it to metal. Silver nitrate is employed in the cauterization of wounds (Lunar caustic). By dissolving work silver in nitric acid a mixture of silver and copper nitrates is obtained. To separate the silver salt from such a mixture it is heated to redness, the copper thus converted into oxide and the unaltered silver nitrate extracted with water. Silver Nitrite—AgN02—is precipitated from concentrated silver nitrate solutions by potassium nitrite. It crystallizes in needles, difficultly soluble in water, and decomposing above 90°. Silver Sulphate—Ag2S04—is obtained by the solution of silver in hot sulphuric acid, and crystallizes in small rhombic prisms which are difficultly soluble in water. It is isomorphous with anhydrous sodium sulphate. Silver Sulphite, Ag2S03, is precipitated as a white, curdy mass, if sul- phurous acid be added to the solution of the nitrate. It blackens in the light and decomposes at ioo°. Silver Sulphide, Ag2S, occurs in regular octahedra, as argentite. Hydrogen sulphide precipitates it as a black amor- GOLD 343 phous sulphide from silver solutions. By careful ignition in the air it is oxidized to silver sulphate. It is insoluble in water and ammonium hydrate and dissolves with difficulty in nitric acid. Silvering.—When silver contains more than 15 per cent, copper it has a yellowish color. To impart a pure white color to objects made of such silver they are heated to redness with access of air. The copper is thus superficially oxidized, and may be removed by dilute sulphuric acid. The surface of pure silver is then polished. The silvering of metals and alloys (new silver, argentan) is executed in a dry or wet way. In the first, the objects to be silvered are coated with liquid silver amalgam, with a brush,and then heated in an oven; the mer- cury is volatilized, and the silver surface then polished. At present, the galvanic process has almost completely superseded the other processes. It depends on the electrolysis of the solution of the double cyanide of silver and potassium, whereby the silver is thrown out upon the electro-negative pole and deposits upon the metallic surface in connection with that electrode. To silver glass, cover it with a mixture of an ammoniacal silver solution, with reducing organic substances like aldehyde, lactic, and tartaric acids. Under definite conditions, the reduced silver deposits upon the'glass as a regular metallic mirror. Recognition of Silver Compounds. — Hydrochloric acid throws down a white, curdy precipitate of silver chloride, which dissolves readily in ammonium hydrate. Zinc, iron, copper, and mercury throw out metallic silver from solutions of silver salts, and from insoluble compounds, like the chlo- ride. GOLD. Au = 196.2 Gold (aururn) usually occurs in the native state, and is found disseminated in veins in some of the oldest rocks. Gold sands are formed by the breaking and disintegration of these. It is found, in slight quantity, in the sand of almost every river. Combined with tellurium it forms sylvanite, found in Tran- sylvania and California. It is present, in minute quantity, in the most varieties of pyrites, and in many lead ores. For the separation of the gold grains the sand or pulverized rocks are washed with running water, which removes the lighter particles and leaves the specifically heavier gold. The metals usually accompanying gold are silver and cop- per. To remove these, the gold is boiled with nitric or con- 344 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. centrated sulphuric acid. The removal of the silver by the latter acid is only complete if that metal predominates; in the reverse case a portion of it will remain with the gold. There- fore, to separate pure gold from alloys poor in silver they must first be fused with about three-fourths their weight of the latter metal. Gold may be separated from copper and lead by cu- pellation (p. 338). Pure gold is rather soft (almost like lead) and has a specific gravity 19.32. It is the most ductile of all metals, and may be drawn out into extremely fine wire and beaten into thin leaves, which transmit green light. About 1035° it melts to a greenish liquid. It is not altered by oxygen, even upon ig- nition; acids do not attack it. It is only in a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids (aqua regia) which yields free chlo- rine, that it dissolves to gold chloride, AuCls. Free chlorine produces the same. Most metals, and many reducing agents (ferrous sulphate, oxalic acid) precipitate gold from its solu- tions as a dark-brown powder. As gold is very soft it wears away rapidly, and is, therefore, in its practical applications, usually alloyed with silver or cop- per, which have greater hardness. The alloys with copper have a reddish color, those with silver are paler than pure gold. The German, French, and English gold coins contain 90 per cent, gold and 10 per cent, copper. A 14-karat gold is generally employed for ornamental objects; this contains about 58.3 per cent, pure gold (24 karats representing pure gold). Gold, according to its atomic weight, belongs to the group of copper and silver; and, upon the other hand, forms the transition from platinum to mercury. Its character is deter- mined to a high degree by these double relations (p. 329). Like the other elements of high atomic weight, mercury, thallium, lead, and bismuth, belonging to the same series of the periodic system, it varies considerably in character from its lower ana- logues. Gold, like silver and copper, yields compounds of the Form AuX—aurous, analogous to the cuprous and argentous. Be- sides, it has those of the form AuX3, auric derivatives, in which it is trivalent. These show the typical character of the tri- valent combination form, which expresses itself in the acidity of the hydroxides (p. 331) ; auric hydroxide, Au(OH)s, unites almost solely with bases. On the other hand, they show many similarities to the highest combination forms of the metals GOLD. 345 with high atomic weight: platinum (PtX4), mercury (HgX2), thallium (T1X3), and lead (PbX4) (p. 358). AUROUS COMPOUNDS. Aurous Chloride—AuCl—is produced by heating auric chloride, AuC13, to 180°, and forms a white powder insoluble in water. When ignited, it decomposes into gold and chlo- rine ; boiled with water it decomposes into the trichloride and gold. _ . Aurous Iodide—Aul—separates as a yellow powder, if potassium iodide be added to a solution of auric chloride : When heated it breaks up into gold and iodine. , When auric oxide or sulphide is dissolved in potassium cyanide, large colorless prisms of the double cyanide, AuCN. KCN, crystallize out upon evaporation. The galvanic current and many metals precipitate gold from this compound ; hence it serves for electrolytic gilding, which, at present, has almost entirely superseded the gilding in the dry way (see P- 343)- Aurous Oxide—Au20—is formed by the action of potas- sium hydrate upon aurous chloride. It is a dark violet powder which at 250° decomposes into gold and oxygen. It is changed to AuC13 and gold by the action of hydrochloric acid. Only a few double salts of the oxygen derivatives of mono- valent gold are known. AuC13 + 3KI = Aul + I2 + 3KC]. Auric Chloride—AuC13—results by the solution of gold in aqua regia, .and by the action of chlorine upon the metal. When the solution is evaporated the chloride is obtained as a reddish-brown, crystalline mass, which rapidly deliquesces in the air. It dissolves readily in alcohol and ether. Gold chloride forms beautifully crystallized double salts with many metallic chlorides, e.g., AuC13,KC1 + 2^H20 and AuC13,NH’C1 4- H20. When auric chloride is heated with magnesium oxide a brown precipitate is obtained, from which all the magnesia is removed by concentrated nitric acid, leaving Auric Oxide (Au203). This is a brown powder which decomposes, near 250°, into gold and oxygen. If the AURIC COMPOUNDS. 346 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. precipitate containing the magnesia be treated, not with con- centrated, but with dilute nitric acid, Auric Hydrate— Au(OH)3—remains as a yellowish-red powder. Both the oxide and hydroxide are insoluble in water and acids; they possess, however, acid properties, and dissolve in alkalies. Therefore the hydroxide is also called auric acid. Its salts, the aurates, are constituted according to the formula MeAu02, and are derived from the meta-acid, HAu02 = HO.AuO. . Potassium Aurate—KAu02 + 3H20—crystallizes in bright yellow needles, from a potassium hydrate solution of auric oxide. These are readily soluble in water ; the solution reacts alkaline. The corresponding aurates are precipitated from this solution by many metallic salts, e.g. : KAu02 + AgN03 = AgAu02 + KN03. The precipitate produced by magnesia in a solution of auric chloride (see above) consists of magnesium aurate (Au02)2Mg. Oxygen salts of auric oxide are not known. Auric Sulphide—Au2S3—is precipitated as a blackish- brown compound, from gold solutions, by hydrogen sulphide. It dissolves in alkaline sulphides with formation of sulpho-salts. Stannous chloride (SnCl2) added to an auric chloride solu- tion produces, under certain conditions, a purple-brown pre- cipitate, purple of Cassius, which is employed in glass and porcelain painting. It probably consists of a mixture of aurous stagnate and stannous oxide. On pouring ammonium hydrate over auric oxide a brown compound is produced —fulminatinggold. When this is dried and heated or struck a blow, it explodes very violently. METALS OF GROUP III. The triatomic elements, affording derivatives mainly of the form MeX3, belong to group III of the periodic system (P- 243): Sc = 44 Y = 89 La = 138 Yb = 173 B = 10.9 A1 = 27 o° Ga —69.8 In = 113.4 Tl= 203.6 These bear the same relations to each other as do the ele- ments of group II ‘(p- 298). Boron has the lowest atomic weight, and the basic, metallic character in it is reduced very- much or does not appear at all. In its exclusively acidic METALS OF GROUP III. 347 hydroxide, B(OH)3, it approaches the metalloids, and is there- fore treated with them (p. 237). Aluminium is a perfect metal; its hydrate, Al(OH)3, exhibits a predominating basic character, and yields salts with acids. Its relations to boron are like those of silicon to carbon, or of magnesium to beryllium. The connection of aluminium and boron to the same group plainly shows itself in the entire character of the free elements, and in their compounds. Thus aluminium and boron are not dissolved by nitric acid, but by boiling alkalies: \\ + 3KOH = Al(OK), + 3H There is only a gradual difference between th'eir hydrates. Boron hydroxide, B(OH)3, not only acts as a feeble acid, but we also find that aluminium hydroxide manifests an acidic character, inasmuch as it is capable (p. 33 £) of forming metallic salts with strong bases (chiefly the alkalies); but owing to the higher atomic weight of aluminium the basic character exceeds the acidic. The similarity is also shown by the existence of perfectly analogous compounds; thus, e.g., the chlorides BC13 and AICI3 can unite with PC15 and POCl3. lanthanum, and ytterbium attach them- selves to aluminium as the first sub-group. These constitute the third members of the great periods, and hence exhibit a pronounced basic character. As light metals, they are very similar to aluminium in their compounds, so that they all are embraced in one group, which (corresponding to the earthy nature of their oxides) is designated the Group of Earth Metals. Cerium and didymium bear a peculiar relation to lanthanum; their atomic weights are nearly alike and their properties very similar. Their apparently abnormal existence is explained by the fact that the 5th period (series 7 and 8), which is very incomplete, shows a somewhat varying function in its intermediate members (p. 245). The metals, erbium, terbium, thulium, and decipium, of recent discovery and but little characterized, may probably also be included in the same period. The second sub-group, -is more distinctly characterized and accurately investigated; it consists of the heavy metals, gallium, indium, and thallium. These belong to the right side of the great periods, possess, therefore, a less basic character, and bear the same relation to each other as Zn, Cd, and Hg. Aluminium was formerly classed together with chromium, iron, manga- nese, cobalt, and nickel, in one group, because they all afford sesquioxides, 348 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Me203, whose salts are very much alike. Another fact which was thought to give weight to this classification was the existence of the similarly con- stituted alums: (S04)3A12S04K2 + 24H20 (S04)3Fe2S04K2 +. 24H20. In its entire behavior, aluminium is, however, very essentially distin- guished from the other metals here mentioned—by the acid nature of its hydrate, AhOH)s—and by its inability to form higher or lower combina- tion forms, while the others yield basic monoxides, Met), and acid-forming trioxides (Cr03, Fe03, Mn03l. Here, again, the similarity of the sesqui- oxide compounds, Me203, like those of the monoxide derivatives, is to be regarded as mainly influenced by the similarity of the combination forms (p. 330)., Potassium aluminium sulphate. Potassium iron alum. At present aluminium is assumed to be trivalentand this fact apparently contradicts the circumstance that not the simple formulas, A1C13, AlBr3, but the double ones, A12C16. Al2Br6, fall to its halogen derivatives (the result of vapor density determinations). On the other hand, however, the so-called metallo-organic compounds of aluminium exist, whose molecules are con- stituted according to the formulas, A1(CH3)3, A’l(C2H5)3; these undoubt- edly prove the trivalence of aluminium, because the compounds with hydro- carbon groups (like those with hydrogen) afford the surest guide for the deduction of the valence (p. 246). The existence of the molecules, A12Q16, Al2,Br6, etc., does not prove anything against its being a triad, but must be explained by a polymerization of the simple chemical molecules, A1C13, AlBr3. We find the same to be the case with arsenious oxide, As203, and antimony trioxide, Sb203, whose molecules in vapor form correspond with the doubled formulas, As4Oe (= As203,As,203) and Sb406; and with stannous chloride, whose molecule in vapor form at low temperature is Sn2Cl4, but higher it becomes SnCl2, or with gallium chloride that possesses the formulas, GaCl3 and Ga2Cl6 (p. 340). GROUP OF THE EARTH METALS. ALUMINIUM. This is one of the most widely distributed elements. As oxide, it crystallizes as ruby, sapphire, and corundum ; less pure as emery. It is commonly found as aluminium silicate (clay, kaolin), and in combination with other silicates, as feld- spar, mica, and also in most crystalline rocks. It occurs, too, united with fluorine and sodium, as cryolite, in large deposits, in Iceland. Metallic aluminium is obtained by igniting the chloride, or better, the double chloride of sodium-and aluminium with me- tallic sodium: A1 = 27.0. AlCl3.NaCl + 3Na = A1 + 4NaCl. ALUMINIUM. 349 It is a silver white metal of strong lustre, is very ductile, and may be drawn out into fine wire and beaten into thin leaflets. Its specific gravity is 2.583; it belongs, consequently, to the light metals and possesses, therefore, all the properties opposed to those of the heavy metals (see p. 311). It fuses at a red heat but will not vaporize. It changes very little in the air at ordinary temperatures, and even when heated. If, however, thin leaves be heated in a stream of oxygen they will burn with a bright light. Nitric acid does not affect aluminium ; sulphuric acid only dissolves it on boiling, while it is readily soluble, even in the cold, in hydrochloric acid. It dissolves in potassium and sodium hydrate, with evolution of H, and forms aluminates: M + 3KOH = K3AIO3 + 3H Owing to its stability in ai.r and beautiful lustre, aluminium is sometimes employed for vessels and ornaments. The alloy of copper with 10-12 per cent, aluminium is distinguished by its great hardness and durability. It may be poured into moulds, and possesses a gold like color and lustre. Under the name'of aluminium bronze, it is used for the composition of various articles, as watches, spoons, etc. Aluminium affords compounds of the form A1X3, or A1.2X6 (p. 348) exclusively. Its salts, soluble in water, have an acid re- action, and a sweet, astringent taste. The heat of formation of some of the aluminium compounds equals : (A1„C16) =321.8. (A1„Br#) == 239.3. (A12,T6) = 140.6. (Al2,Cl6,Aq.)= 475.5. (Al2,Br6,Aq.) == 4099. (Al2,I6,Aq.) =318.6. (A12A,3H20) = 388.8. The heat evolved in the formation of a quantity of aluminium hydrate, corresponding to one atom of oxygen, is 129.6; since that of water is' far less (H2,0 = 69.0), it must be decomposed by aluminium, with liberation of hydrogen (p.274). If this does not transpire under ordinary conditions, the reason must be sought for in the insolubility of aluminium hydrate. Indeed the reaction occurs if aluminium chloride, or another salt, in which the aluminium oxide is soluble, be added to the water. Conversely, the high heat of formation of aluminium oxide explains why it is not reduced by carbon. Aluminium Chloride, A1C13, or A12C16, is produced by the action of chlorine upon heated aluminium : also by heating a mixture of aluminium oxide and carbon, in a current of chlorine : A1A + 3C + 6C1. = A12C1„ + 3CO. 350 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Chlorine and carbon do not act separately upon the oxide ; by their mutual action, however, the reaction occurs in conse- quence of the affinity of carbon for oxygen, and of chlorine for aluminium. The oxides of boron and silicon show a simi- lar deportment. Aluminium chloride may be obtained in white, hexagonal leaflets by sublimation. It sublimes readily, but will only fuse when subjected to high pressure. Its vapor density is 133.2 (H = i),from which we derive the molecular formula, A12C16 = 266 (p. 348). The’specific heat of free aluminium indicates that its atomic weight is very nearly 27.0. Aluminium chloride absorbs moisture from the air, and deli- quesces. It crystallizes from concentrated hydrochloric acid solution, with 6 molecules of water. On evaporating the aque- ous solution, the chloride decomposes into aluminium oxide and hydrogen chloride: It forms double chlorides with many metallic chlorides, viz. : AlClg.NaCl, AICI3.KCI. The solutions of these may be evapo- rated to dryness without decomposition. It also unites with many halogen derivatives of the metalloids : A12C16 + 3H20 = A1203 + 6HC1. Aluminium Bromide—Al2Br6—is obtained like the chloride, and con- sists of shining leaflets which fuse at 90° and boil at 265-270°. Its vapor density is 267 4 (H = 1), corresponding to the formula Al2Br6. It behaves like the chloride. Aluminium Iodide—A12I6—is formed on heating aluminium filings with iodine. It is a. white, crystalline mass, fusing at 185°, and boiling about 400°. It is best prepared by covering sheet aluminium with carbon disulphide, and then adding the calculated amount of iodine gradually, letting the whole stand' for some time, and then distilling off the CS2. The reaction occurring between aluminium iodide and oxygen is interesting. If the vapor of the former be mixed with the latter, and then brought in contact with a flame, of if acted upon by an electric spark, a violent detonation will ensue; aluminium oxide and iodine result: AlClg.PClg, A1C13.P0C13, aici3.sci4. This deportment is due to the great difference in the heats of formation of the aluminium oxide (about 380 C.), and the iodide (140.6 C.). The chlo ride and bromide are similarly decomposed, but with less violence. Aluminium Fluoride—A1P’13 or A12F16—obtained by conducting hy- drogen fluoride over heated aluminium oxide or hydroxide, sublimes at a red heat in colorless rhombohedVa. It is insoluble in water, unaltered by acids, and is very stable. It yields insoluble double fluorides with'alkaline fluorides. The'compound—A1F1S. 3NaFl—occurs in Greenland, in large deposits, as Cryolite, and is employed m the soda manufacture (p. 291). A12I6 + 30 — Al20g -(- 61. ALUMINIUM. 351 Aluminium Oxide—A1203—is found crystallized in hex- agonal prisms in nature, as ruby, sapphire, and corundum, colored by other admixtures. Impure corundum, containing aluminium and iron oxides, is called emery, and serves for polishing glass. -The specific gravity of these minerals is 3.9 ; their hardness is only a little below that of the diamond. Arti- ficial aluminium oxide may be obtained by igniting the hydrate, and is a white amorphous powder, which fuses to a transparent glass in the oxy-hydrogen flame. A mixture of aluminium fluoride, and boron trioxide, heated to a white heat has the boron fluoride volatilized, and crystallized aluminium oxide remains: A12F16 -j- B203 — A1203 -T 2BF13. The crystallized or strongly ignited aluminium oxide is almost insoluble in acids;-to. decompose it, it is fused with caustic alkalies or with primary, potassium sulphate—HKSOr Aluminium Hydrates—The normal hydrate, Al(OH)3 or Al2(OH)6, occurs in nature as- hydrargillite. The hydrate, Al202(OH)2, is diaspore. Bauxite is a mixture of the hydrate, A120(0H)4, with ferric oxide. The normal hydrate is artifi- cially obtained as a white voluminous precipitate, by adding ammonium hydrate or an alkaline carbonate (in latter case carbon dioxide escapes, p. 353) to a soluble aluminium salt. Freshly precipitated, it dissolves in acids and in potassium and sodium hydrates. By long standing under water, or after dry- ing, it is, without any alteration in composition, difficultly soluble in acids. When carefully heated, the. normal hydrate first passes into AlO.OH. The freshly precipitated hydroxide dissolves readily in a solution of aluminium chloride or acetate. On dialyzing (p. 234) this solution the aluminium salt or crystalloid diffuses, and in the dialyzer remains the pure aqueous solution of the hydrate. This has a faint alkaline reaction and is coagulated by slight quantities of acid, alkalies, and many salts; the soluble hydrate passes into the insoluble gelatinous modification. Gelatinous aluminium hydroxide possesses the property of precipitating many dyestuffs from their solutions, forming colored insoluble compounds (lakes) with them. On this is based the application of aluminium hydrox- ide as a mordant in dyeing. The acetate is generally used for this purpose. Goods saturated with this salt are heated with steam, which causes the de- composition of the weak acetate; acetic acid escapes, while the separated aluminium hydroxide sets itself upon the fibre of the material. If the latter now be introduced into the solution of coloring matter the latter is fixed by the aluminium hydroxide upon the fibre. At present, sodium aluminate is employed instead of the acetate. Aluminium hydrate has a feeble acid character, and can form salt-like compounds with strong bases. On carefully 352 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. evaporating its solution in sodium or potassium hydrate,'or upon addition of alcohol, white amorphous compounds of KA102, NaA102 and (NaO)3Al are obtained. The potassium compound can be obtained in crystalline form. These deriva- tives, known as aluminates, are not very stable, and are even decomposed by carbon dioxide, with elimination of aluminium hydroxide: The aluminium hydrate obtained in this manner, in distinction from that precipitated from acid aluminium solutions by the alkalies, is not gelatinous, and is more difficultly soluble in acids, especially acetic. It comprises the ordinary alumina of commerce. On adding calcium chloride, strontium chloride, or barium chloride to the solution of potassium or sodium aluminate, white insoluble aluminates are precipitated : 2A102Na -)- C02 = A12Os C03Na2. Similar aluminates frequently occur as crystallized minerals, in nature. Thus the spinels consist chiefly of magnesium Ru- minate, chrysoberyl is beryllium aluminate, AlO.OX-n ’ . . . . . A10.0\7 AlO O// 6 ’ ga‘inite 1S zmc aluminate, Q^>Zn. Nearly all these minerals, commonly called spinels, crystal- lize in regular octahedrons, like the corresponding chromium compounds (see these) ; the exceptions are chrysoberyl, crys- tallizing in the rhombic system, and hausmannite, Mn304, in the' quadratic system. 2A102Na + CaCl2 = (A102)2Ca + 2NaCl. Technically, alumina is obtained from cryolite, bauxite and other min- erals containing aluminium. The pulverized bauxite is heated with dry sodium carbonate in furnaces, and the resulting sodium aluminate extracted with water. From the clear solution carbon dioxide precipitates the hy- drate, while sodium carbonate remains dissolved, and is afterward recov- ered. The dried aluminium hydrate occurs as a white powder in trade. The gelatinous, readily soluble (colloidal) aluminium hydrate (see above) precipitated from acid-solutions by alkalies, has lately been pre- pared upon a large scale, according to the method of Lowig, by treating the sodium aluminate solution with milk of lime ; calcium aluminate precip- itates, while sodium hydrate remains in solution ; The calcium aluminate is dissolved in hydrochloric acid : 2A102Na 4- Ca(OH)2 = (A102)2Ca + aNaOH. (A102)2Ca + 8HC1 = 2AICI3 + CaCl2 -f 4H20, and .to the solution now containing the alumina as chloride the correspond- ALUMINIUM. 353 ing amount of calcium aluminate added, and aluminium hydrate is precip- itated : According to this procedure, the sodium hydrate formed in the first re- action is obtained together with the alumina. On conducting carbon dioxide into a solution of alkaline, carbonates, and adding a solution of an alkaline aluminate at the same time, white aluminium-alkali carbonates are precipitated: 2A1C13 + 3(A102)2Ca = 4A1203 + 3CaCl2. The caustic alkali that is formed in this way is converted again into bicar- bonate by carbon dioxide. In a dry state the precipitates are white, chalk- like masses which .at 90° contain five molecules of water: A1203,K20,2C02 -(- 5H20. Their may be expressed by the formula: A1203,K20 + C03NaH = A1203,K20,2C02 + aNaOH. Al/ \C0. \Vk X0K Ala(OK)2(COs)2 or They dissolve readily in dilute acids, even acetic, with evolution of carbon dioxide, and are suitable for the preparation of pure alumina mordants and antiseptic solutions (Lowig). The basic character of aluminium hydroxide exceeds the acid; but it is so feeble that it is not capable of forming salts with weak acids, as carbon dioxide, sulphurous acid, and hydrogen sulphide. When sodium carbonate is added to solutions of aluminium salts, aluminium hydroxide is precipi- tated, while carbon dioxide is set free: A12C16 + 3Na2C03 + 3H20 = Al2(OH)6 + 6NaCl + 3C02. The alkaline sulphide^behave similarly: A12C16 + 3(NH4)2S + 6H20 = Al2(OH)6 + 6NH4C1 + 3H2S. Aluminium Sulphate—A12(S04)3—crystallizes from aque- ous solution with 16 molecules of H20 in thin leaflets with pearly lustre. These dissolve readily in water; when heated, they melt and lose all their water of crystallization. The sul- phate is obtained by dissolving the hydroxide in sulphuric acid,’ or by the decomposition of pure clay with the same acid; the residual silicic acid-is removed by filtration, and the solution of the sulphate evaporated. When a quantity of ammonium hydrate, insufficient for complete precipitation, is added to the sulphate, basic, sulphates separate out. Salts similar to the latter are also found in nature; thus,aluminite, used to prepare alum, has the composition : A1»\Sf}i + or (A1<*0)2S02 + 9H20. 354 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Aluminium sulphate can combine with the alkaline sulphates and affords double salts, termed alums, e.g., potassium alum: (S04)3A12.S0;K2 -f- 24H20 or (S04)2A1K -f- I2H20. Their constitution is expressed by the following formula: O S-\ VI /S04K • n4c5>AL< + 24H20 °*S// 2\SOjk or 04S^m Qn/A1 SO*\ + I2H„0. K In this compound the potassium may be replaced by sodium, ammonium, rubidium, caesium, and also by thallium. Iron, chromium, and manganese afford like derivatives: Fe2(S04)s.K2S04 + 24H20 M»2(S04)3. Na2S04 + 24H20. All these alums crystallize in regular octahedra or cubes, and can form ismorphous mixtures. Potassium iron alum. Sodium manganese alum. The most important of them is Potassium Aluminium Sul- phate, or ordinary alum, A1K(S04)2 + i2H20. It crystal- lizes from water in large, transparent octahedra, soluble in 8 parts water of ordinary temperature, or in part boiling water. The solution has an acid reaction and a sweetish, astringent taste. When placed over sulphuric acid, alum loses 9 (or 18) molecules of H20. When heated it melts in its water of crystallization, loses all the latter and becomes a white, voluminous mass—burnt alum. Upon adding a little sodium or potassium carbonate to a hot alum solution the hydrate first produced dissolves, and when the liquid cools, the alum crystallizes out in cubes, as cubical alum. The addi- tion of more sodium carbonate causes the precipitation of the basic salt—A1K(S04)2.A1(0H)3. Alunite, found in large quan- tities near Rome and in Hungary, has a similar composition (S04)2(A10)3K + 3h2o. Commercial alum is obtained according to various methods: I. From alunite, by heating and extracting with hot water. In this way alum dissolves while the hydrate remains; from such solutions the former crystallizes in combinations of the octahedron with cube faces—Roman alum. 2. The most common source of alum was formerly alum shale, a clay containing pyrite and peat. This is roasted and after moistening with water is ex- posed for a long time to the action of the air. By this means FeS2 is converted into FeS04 and free sulphuric acid, which, acting upon the clay, forms aluminium sulphate. The mass is extracted with water, potassium sulphate added, and the whole permitted to crystallize. 3. At present clay is treated directly with sulphuric acid, and to the solution of aluminium sulphate potassium or ammonium sulphate is added. 4. Bauxite and cryolite are admirable material for the preparation of alum. The work- ALUMINIUM. 355 ing of cryolite for alumina and soda is described on p. 291, and that of bauxite, p. 352. Ammonium Alum—(S04)2A1NH4 + i2H20—crystallizes like potassium alum, in large crystals, and at present, owing to its cheapness, is applied almost exclusively for technical pur- poses. Sodium alum is much more soluble, and crystallizes with difficulty. As the alum employed in dyeing must con- tain no iron, we understand why this salt is not applicable. At present the alum is being more and more supplanted by aluminium sulphate and sodium aluminate in all practical operations, because these chemicals can be procured perfectly free from iron. Aluminium Phosphate—A1P04 + 4H20—is thrown out of aluminium solutions by sodium phosphate, as a white gelati- nous precipitate; this is readily soluble in acids, acetic ex- cepted. Aluminium Silicates.—The most important of the alu- minium double silicates, so widely distributed in nature, are: lecuite, (SiOs)2AlK, albite or soda feldspar, Si308AlNa, ordi- nary feldspar—orthoclase—AlKSisOg—and the various micas, which, with quartz, compose granite. When these disintegrate under the influence of water and the carbon dioxideof the air, alkaline silicates are dissolved and .carried away by water, while the insoluble aluminium silicate, clay, remains. Perfectly pure clay is white, and is called kaolin, or porcelain clay; its composition mostly corresponds to the formula, Al2(Si03)3 A1205H4, or Si209Al2H4. When clay is mixed with water a tough kneadable mass is obtained. By drying and burning, it be- comes compact and hard, and is the more fire-proof, the purer the clay. On this depends the use of clay for the manufacture of earthenware, from the red brick to porcelain. To produce porcelain a very fine mixture of kaolin, feldspar and quartz is employed. On strong ignition, the feldspar fuses, fills the pores of the clay and thus furnishes a fused transparent mass—porcelain. When it is not so strongly ignited, it remains porous—faience—serving for finer clay vessels. To render these impervious to water, they are covered with glazing. This consists of various readily fusible silicates. Rough earthenware ves- sels are constructed from impure clay, and they are usually glazed by throwing salt into the ovens at the time of burning. The hot steam de- composes the salt into hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, which forms an easily fusible silicate on the surface of the clay. Ultramarine.—The rare mineral Lapis lazuli, which was formerly employed as a very valuable blue color under the name of Ultramarine, is a compound of aluminium sodium 356 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. silicate with sodium polysulphides.- At present ultramarine is prepared artificially, in large quantities, by heating a mixture of clay, dry soda (or sodium sulphate), sulphur and wood away from air. Green ultramarine is the product. This is then washed with water, dried, mixed with powdered sulphur and gently heated with air contact until the desired blue color has appeared—blue ultramarine. The cause of the blue coloration is generally assumed to be due to the existence of a complicated sulphur compound, whose nature is not yet explained. On pouring hydrochloric acid over the blue pro- duct, the color disappears with liberation of sulphur and hy- drogen sulphide—this would point to the existence of a poly- sulphide. Violet and red ultramarines are prepared at present by conducting dry hydrogen chloride gas and air over com- mon ultramarine at 100-150°. RARE METALS. Li some very rare minerals, like cerite, gadolinite, euxenite and orthite, occurring principally in Sweden and Greenland, is found a series of metals which, in their entire deportment, closely resemble aluminium (p. 347). These are yttrium, cerium, lanthanum, didymium, and the more recent scandium, ytterbium,-erbium, terbium, thulium, and samarium (decipium). These generally form difficultly soluble oxalates, and are, therefore, pre- cipitated from solution by oxalic acid. They also afford difficultly soluble sulphates and double sulphates, of which the potassium double salts are constituted, according to the formula, Me2(S04)3,3K2S04. The different decomposability of their nitrates upon application of heat affords an excel- lent means for their isolation and separation. Lanthanum, cerium and didymium have been most accurately investi- gated. Their atomic weights have deduced from the specific heats of the free metals, and are consequently approximately correct. That of yttrium (89) appears, from the isomorphism of its sulphate with that of didymium, to be positively established. Erbia, formerly regarded as an elementary sub- stance, consists, according to Nilson and Cleve, of the earths of six dif- ferent metals : scandium, ytterbium, thulium, erbium, terbium, and a metal designated X. Only the first two are as yet accurately characterized, and scandia is especially interesting, because the metal scandium contained in it', with the atomic weight 44, fills out a gap existing in the first large period. It coincides in all its properties with those deduced theoretically from the periodic system for the element ekaboron (compare Gallium). Scandium—Sc = 44—contained in euxenite and gadolinite, has not yet been obtained in a free condition. Its oxide, Sc203, is obtained by igniting the hydrate or nitrate, and is a white, infusible powder (like mag- nesia and oxide of beryllium). Its specific gravity equals 3.86; the spe- cific heat 0.1530. The hydrate, Sc(OH)3, is precipitated as a gelatinous mass front its salts by the alkalies, and is insoluble in an excess of the latter. The nitrate crystallizes in little prisms, and is decomposed with RARE METALS. 357 difficulty by heat. The potassium double sulphate ', Sc2(S04)3,3K2S04, is soluble in warm water, b.ut not in a solution of potassium sulphate. The chloride affords a characteristic spark spectrum. Yttrium — Y = 89, has long been known in its compounds, but has never been investigated in a pure condition. Its chief source is gadolinite (upwards of 35 per cent.). Its potassium double sulphate is soluble in a potassium sulphate solution, and in this manner it can be readily separated from cerium, lanthanum, and didymium. Its nitrate is much more diffi- cult to decompose than those of scandium and ytterbium. The chloride, YClj -f- 7H2O, forms large prisms, and gives a spark spectrum. Lanthanum—La=i38.2—separated- from its chloride by electrolysis, resembles iron as regards color and lustre, oxidizes in the air, and burns in a flame with a bright light. Its specific gravity equals 6.16, the spe- cific heat 0.0448. The hydrate, La(OH)a, is precipitated as a gelatinous mass, and reacts alkaline. Cerium—Ce == 141-—occurs in cerite per cent.), and is also ob- tained by the electrolysis of the chloride. It is very similar to lanthanum, but at ordinary temperatures is more stable than the latter; burns much more readily, so that broken-off particles of it inflame of their own accord. The specific gravity of the fused metal is 6.72, the specific heat 0.0448. Besides the salts of the sesquioxide, Ce203, it forms some from the dioxide, Ce02. The first are colorless, while the latter are colored yellow or brown ; red ceric hydrate, Ce(OH)4, is precipitated from the first, on addition of hypochlorites. A little aqueous hydrofluoric acid will convert the ceric hydrate into cerium tetrafluofide. These compounds indicate that cerium is tetravalent and that it probably belongs to the fourth group of the pe- riodic system (p. 244). Didymium—Di = 142 or 145.2—in free condition resembles lan- thanum, but shows a somewhat yellowish.color ; it oxidizes in the air and burns in the flaifte with a brilliant light. Its specific gravity is 6.54, the specific heat 0.Q456. Didymium oxide, Di203, is a white powder. Its salts are rose-red, or violet in color. Besides these sesquioxide deriva- tives there is a didymium pentoxide, Di2Os -|- 3ll20, which in all proba- bility places didymium in Group V of the periodic system. The three metals, didymium, cerium, and lanthanum, as chlorides, yield spark spectra. Didymium is distinguished by the ability of its salts, in solid or dissolved form, to absorb definite light rays, yielding a very characteristic absorption spectrum. Samarium—Sm— 150 (Sm2Os)—occurs in orthite, thorite, and samar- skite. It is very similar to didymium and is characterized by an absorp- tion and spark spectrum. Ytterbium—Yb = 173.—Its oxide, Yb203, is obtained from the so- called erbium earth (from euxenite and gadolinite) by repeated partial heating of the mixed nitrates, whereby the scandium nitrate is the first to decompose. It is a white infusible powder, of specific gravity 9.17; its specific heat is 0.0646. The salts of ytterbium are colorless, and show no absorption spectrum. Erbium—Er= 166.—Erbium oxide, Er203, is red in color. Its salts, like those of didymium, yield an absorption spectrum. Terbium—Tr = 150.— Terbium oxide, Tr203, occurs in large amount in samarskite. It has an orange-yellow color, resembles the oxide of erbium, but does not show an absorption spectrum. 358 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. GALLIUM GROUP. The three heavy metals, gallium, indium, and thallium, bear the same relations to aluminium that we see exhibited by Cu, Ag and Au to sodium, Na and Zn, Cd and Hg to magnesium. Cu 63.2 Zn 64.9 Ga 69.8 As 75-o Ag 107.6 Cd 111.9 In "3 4 Sn 117.0 Sb 119.0 Au 196 2 Hg 199.8 T1 203.6 Pb 206.0 Bi 207.0 They constitute the corresponding members of the three great periods; and as second sub-group attach themselves to aluminium, while cerite metals form the first, more basic group (p. 347)- The entire character of the three elements under consideration is influenced by this position in the periodic system, because regular relations appear in all directions, as may be observed, for example, in the specific gravities, fusing points, and other physical properties in the free metals. Ga In T1 Atomic weight 69.8 ”34 203.6 Specific gravity 5-9 74 11.8 Fusing point 3°° 176° 290° Belonging to group III of the periodic system, Ga, In, and T1 yield compounds of the trivalent form, and these are anal- ogous to those of aluminium in many respects. Thallium, like other elements with high atomic weight (Au, Hg, Pb), exhibits great variations from the group properties (p. 322). It yields, for example, not only derivatives of the form T1X3, but also those of T1X. If we include thallium as a member of the last great period (Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi) we will discover that, as in case of the other metals of this series, a remarkable regularity underlies all its forms of com- binations—the highest as well as the lowest. PtCl2 AuCl HgCl T1C1 PbCl2 BiCl3 PtCl4 AuC13 HgCl2 TIClj PbCl4 BiX5. 1. GALLIUM. Ga = 69.8. Gallium was discovered in zinc blende from Pierrefitte, in 1875, by Lecoq de Boisbaudran, by means of the spectroscope. As early as the year 1870, Mendelejeff, taking the table of the periodic system devised by him as INDIUM. 359 basis, predicted the existence of a metal (standing between aluminium and indium, with an atomic weight of nearly 69), which he named Eka- aluminium. Its properties were necessarily deduced from its position in the periodic system. All the properties of gallium known at that time agreed with those of eka-aluminium, and it seemed very probable that this element, which had been theoretically established, was in reality gallium. This is now confirmed by the fact that the atomic weight, determined by experiment, agrees with that deduced theoretically. As yet gallium has only been found in very small quantity, and is but imperfectly investigated. It is characterized by a spectrum consisting of two violet lines. Separated by electrolysis from ammoniacal solution of its sulphate, it is a white, hard metal, of specific gravity 5.9, with a fusing point 30°. It is only superficially oxidized in the air, not altered by water, and is not volatile up to a red heat. Like aluminium, it is scarcely at- tacked by nitric acid, but dissolves readily in hydrochloric acid. Gallium Oxide—Ga203—is obtained by igniting the nitrate. It is a white mass which sublimes when heated in a current of hydrogen. The hydroxide—Ga(OH)3—is thrown out of solutions of its salts by the alkalies as a white flocculent precipitate, readily soluble-in an excess of the precipitant, but rather difficultly soluble in ammonium hydrate. Gallium Chloride—GaCl3—is produced on heating gallium in a cur- rent of chlorine ga$; it forms CQlorless crystals that fuse at 750, sublime about 6o° and boil at 215-220°. Its vapor density at 440°-corresponds to the formula GaClg, at 270° very closely to Ga2Cl6. The chloride fumes in the air, like aluminium chloride, deliquesces and decomposes in the evaporation of its aqueous solution. Gallium Nitrate—Ga (NOs)3, and Gallium Sulphate, Ga2(S04)3— are crystalline and very deliquescent. The latter forms a double salt with ammonium sulphate—similar to the alums : Hydrogen sulphide only precipitates gallium from acetate solutions. (S04)3 Ga2. S04(NH4)2 + 24H20. 2. INDIUM. Owing to its resemblance to zinc, indium was regarded as a" divalent metal, and its compounds composed according to the formula, In X2; this fixed its atomic weight at 75.6. The specific heat, however, made the atomic weight one and a half times as large (p. 257). Hence it is trivalent and its derivatives are constituted according to the form, InX3. It belongs to the group of aluminium, and, in its derivatives, manifests some similar- ity to this metal. It was discovered, in 1863, by Reich and Richter, by the aid of spec- trum analysis. Its spectrum is characterized by a very bright indigo blue line, hence its name. It only occurs in very minute quantities in some zinc blendes from Freiberg and the Hartz. It is a silver-white, soft and tenacious metal, of specific gravity, 7.42. It fuses at 176° and distils at a white heat. At ordinary temperatures it is not altered in the air; heated, it burns with a blue flame to indium oxide. It is difficultly soluble in hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, but dissolves readily in nitric.acid. In = 113.4. 360 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Indium Chloride—InCl3—results from the action of chlorine on metallic indium, or upon an ignited mixture of indium oxide, and carbon. It sublimes in white, shining leaflets, which deliquesce in the air. Its vapor density corresponds to the formula InCl3. It does, not decompose when its aqueous solution is evaporated. • Indium Oxide—ln203—is a yellow powder resulting from the ignition of the hydroxide. Indium Hydroxide—In(OH)3—is precipitated as a gelatinous mass, by alkalies, from indium solutions. It is soluble in sodium and potas- sium hydrates. Indium Nitrate—In(N03l3—crystallizes with three molecules of wa- ter, in white deliquescent needles. Indium Sulphate— In2(S04)3—remains on evaporating a solution of indium in sulphuric acid as a gelatinous mass, with three molecules of water. It forms an alum with ammonium sulphate. Indium Sulphide—In2S3—is precipitated by hydrogen sulphide as a yellow-colored compound from indium solutions. 3. THALLIUM. T1 = 203 6. Thallium is rather widely distributed in nature, but in very small quantity. The very rare mineral crookesite contains 17 per cent, of the metal, together with copper, selenium and silver. It is often found with potassium in sylvite and carnal- lite, in mineral springs, and in some varieties of pyrite and zincblendes. When These pyrites are roasted for the produc- tion of sulphuric acid, according to the chamber process, the thallium deposits as soot in the chimney and in the chamber sludge, and was discovered in the latter, in 1863, almost si- multaneously, by Crookes and Lamy, by means of the spec- troscope. To get the thallium, the chimney-dust is boiled with water or sulphuric acid, and thallous chloride precipitated from the solution by hydrochloric acid. The chloride is then converted into sulphate, and the metal separated from the latter by means of zinc or the electric current. Thallium is a white metal, as soft as sodium, and has the specific gravity 11.8. It fuses at 290°, and distils at a white heat. It oxidizes very rapidly in moist air. It does not decompose water at ordinary tempera- tures. It is, therefore, best preserved under water in a closed vessel. By air access it gradually dissolves in the water, form- ing thallium hydroxide and carbonate. Heated in the air it burns with a beautiful green flame whose spectrum shows a very intense green line, hence the name thallium from green. Thallium dissolves readily in sulphuric and nitric acids, THALLIUM. 361 but is only slightly attacked by hydrochloric acid, owing to the insolubility of thallous chloride. Thallium forms two series of compounds: thallous— 1 m T1X and thallic—T1X3. The first are very similar to the compounds of the alkalies (and also those of silver). The solubility of the hydroxide and carbonate in water shows this; their solutions have an alkaline reaction. Again, many thal- lous salts are isomorphous with those of potassium, and afford similar double salts. In the insolubility of its sulphur and halogen compounds, monovalent thallium approaches silver and lead. In its compounds of the form T1X3 thallium is trivalent, like aluminium, but otherwise shows scarcely any similarity to-the latter. The heat of formation of some of the thallous compounds is: (T1,0) = 42.2 (T1,C1) = 48.5 (Tl,Br) = 41.2 (T1,I) = 30 ' (T1,0,H) = 56-9 (.T12,S,04) = 210.9 (T1,N,03) = 58 1. The heat of solution of all these compounds is negative. From the numbers cited above we can understand the deportment of thallium toward water and the acids. The heat of formation of the ic compounds in aqueous solution equals (Tl,Cl3Aq.) = 89.0 (Tl.Br3.Aq.) = 56.1 (Tl.I3.Aq.) = 10.5 (T12,03)3H20) = 86.9. THALLOUS COMPOUNDS. , Thallous Oxide—T120—is formed by the oxidation of thallium in the air, or by heating the hydroxide to xoo°. It is a black powder which dissolves in water with formation of the hydroxide. Thallous Hydroxide—Tl(OH)—may be prepared by decomposing thallium sulphate with an equivalent amount of barium hydrate, and crystallizes with one molecule of water in yellowish prisms. It dissolves readily in water and alcohol, affording strong alkaline solutions. Thallous Chloride—T1C1—is thrown down from solu- tions of thallous salts by hydrochloric acid as a white, curdy precipitate, which is very difficultly soluble in water. It sep- arates in small crystals from the hot solution. It fuses at 4270, and boils about 715°. Like potassium chloride, it affords an insoluble salt with platinic chloride—PtCl4,2TlCl. Thallous bromide forms a white, and thallous iodide a yellow precipi- tate. 362 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Thallous Sulphate—T12S04—crystallizes in rhombic prisms, isomorphous "with potassium sulphate. It dissolves in 20 parts of water at ordinary temperatures. It affords double salts with the sulphates of the metals of the magnesium group, of ferrous oxide, of cupric oxide, etc. (p. 314), e.g., MgS04Tl2S04 + 6H20; these are perfectly similar and anal- ogous to the corresponding double salts of potassium and ammonium. It affords thallium alum with the sulphates of the sesquioxides of the iron group, e.g., A1T1(S04)2 + i2H20 ; these are similar to potassium alum—A1K(S04)2 -j- i2H20. Thallous Carbonate—T12C03—is obtained from the oxide by the absorption of C02; it crystallizes in needles, which dissolve at ordinary temperatures in 20 parts of water. The solution has an'alkaline reaction. Thallous Sulphide—T12S—is precipitated from thallous salts by hydrogen sulphide as a black compound, insoluble in water. THALLIC COMPOUNDS. Thallic Chloride—T1C13—is produced by the action of chlorine upon T1 or T1C1 in water, and is very soluble in water. It decomposes at ioo° into T1C1 and Cl2. The alkalies precipi- tate from its solutions thallic hydrate, TIO.OH, a brown powder, which, at ioo°, passes into thallic oxide, ti2o3. Further heating decomposes the latter into thallous oxide and oxygen. The oxide and hydroxide are soluble in hydrochloric, nitric, and sulphuric acids, forming ThNOj^.Tl^SOJj/TlClg. On conducting chlorine through a solution of thallic hy- droxide in potassium hydrate, it assumes an intense violet color, due probably to the formation.of the potassium salt of thallic acid, the composition of which is yet unknown. The thallium compounds are poisonous. They are employed in making thallium glass, which refracts light more strongly than lead glass. The spectrum of the thallium flame shows a very bright green line. Tin and lead, with silicon and carbon, constitute a group, in which the transition from metalloidal to metallic character finds full expression ; it accords with the increasing atomic weights: C = 11.9, Si= 28, — = 73, Sn = 117.5, Pb= 206.4. The differences between these elements are quite gradual; TIN AND LEAD. 363 TIN AND LEAD. the noticeably greater difference between metalloidal silicon and metallic tin is explained by the fact that the member cor- responding to arsenic of the nitrogen group, is not known (p. 162). Its atomic weight would be near 73. Tin, like carbon and silicon, is tetravalent, and yields per- fectly analogous compounds, e.g , SnCl4,Sn02. The hydrates Sn(OH)4and SnO(OH)2, correspond to tin dioxide; only the second forms salts (p. 225). Stannic acid is, however, a weak acid ; its alkali salts react alkaline, and are not very stable. It also has a basic character, hence affords salts with acids. Therefore, stannic acid anhydride is called stannic oxide, and stannic acid, stannic hydroxide. The metallic salts of stannic acid (like Sn03Na2) are called stannates; those with acids are stannic salts. Tin also affords compounds of the form SnX2 (correspond- ing to CO), in which it figures as a dyad. The monoxide, called stannous oxide, possesses a decided basic character, and only yields salts with acids—stannous or stanno-salts. A further advance in metallo-.basic character is exhibited by lead, which, like tin, forms two series of compounds of the forms PbX4 and PbX2. While with tin the compounds SnX4 are more stable than those of the form SnX2, the derivatives of lead are almost t xclusively of the form PbX2; in these the metal acts as a dyad. The tetravalence of lead is limited almost entirely to its metallo-organic compounds (as Pb(CH3)4,Pb(C2H5)4—p. 246), and lead dioxide Pb02. The latter does not form correspond- ing salts with the acids, but parts with one atom of oxygen with formation of salts of the monoxide, PbO. When heated with hydrochloric acid, it liberates chlorine; hence behaves like the peroxides, and is commonly called lead peroxide (p. 263). A distinct graduation shows itself in the series, Si02,Sn02, Pb02. The stability and acidity grow successively less, yet lead dioxide preserves the acidic character and forms salts with the alkalies (as Pb03K2) which are very similar to the salts of stannic acid; therefore lead dioxide, Pb02, is to be regarded as the anhydride of a plumbic acid, H2Pb03. That tin and lead belong to one group follows also from the heat of formation of their compounds: (Sn,Cl2) = 80.8 (Sn,0) = 68.0 (Sn,Cl4) = 127.0 (Sn,02) = 136.0 (Pb,Cl2) = 82.7 (Pb,Oj = 50.3 (Pb,Cl4) = (Pb,02) = 74.0 These numbers explain why, for example, tin is thrown out of solutions of stannic chloride (as well as from other salts) by lead, and conversely why tin precipitates lead, from alkaline solutions of lead oxide (p. 262). 364 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Sn =: 117-5- I. TIN. Tin occurs in nature principally as dioxide (Cassiterite— tin stone) in England (Cornwall), Saxony, and India. To prepare the metal the oxide is roasted, lixiviated, and heated in a furnace with charcoal: Sn02 + 2C = Sn -|- 2CO. Thus obtained, it usually contains iron, arsenic, and other metals; to purify it the metal is fused at a low temperature, when the pure tin flows away, leaving the other metals. The tin obtained in the Indian isles (Malacca) is almost chemically pure, while that of England contains traces of arsenic and copper.' Tin is an almost silver-white, strongly lustrous metal, with a specific gravity of 7.3. It possesses a crystalline structure ; and when a rod of it is bent it emits a peculiar sound (tin cry), due to the friction of the crystals. Upon etching a smooth surface of tin with hydrochloric acid, its crystalline structure is recognized by the appearance of remarkable striations. At low temperatures perfectly pure compact tin passes gradually into an aggregate of small quadratic crystals. The metal is tolerably soft, and very ductile, and may be rolled out into thin leaves. It becomes brittle at 200°, and may then be powdered. It fuses at 228°, and distils at a white heat (about 1700°); it burns with an intense white light when heated in the air, and forms tin dioxide. It does not oxidize in the air at ordinary temperatures, and withstands the action of many bodies, hence is employed in tinning copper and iron vessels for household use. The most interesting of the tin alloys, besides bronze and soft solder, is britannia metal. It contains 9 parts tin and 1 part antimony, and frequently, also 2-3 per cent, zinc and 1 per cent, copper. Tin dissolves in hot hydrochloric acid, to stannous chloride, with evolution of hydrogen gas :' Concentrated sulphuric acid, when heated, dissolves tin, with formation'of stannous sulphate. Somewhat dilute nitric acid oxidizes it to metastannic acid ; while anhydrous nitric acid, HN03, does not change it. It dis- solves when boiled with potassium or sodium hydrates, forming stannates: Sn -f 2HC1 = SnCl2 + 2H. Sn -f 2KOH +. H20 Sn03K2 + 2H2. TIN. 365 There are two series of tin compounds : the stannous, and stannic or compounds of stannic acid (p. 363). STANNOUS COMPOUNDS. Tin Dichloride—Stannous chloride, SnCl2—results when tin dissolves in concentrated hydrochloric acid. When its solution is evaporated it crystallizes with two molecules of water (SnCl, + 2H20) which it loses at ioo° C. It is used in dyeing, as a mordant, under the name of Tin Salt. The an- hydrous chloride, obtained by heating the metal in dry hydro- chloric acid gas, fuses at 250° and distils without decomposition about 620°. Its vapor density at 600-700° agrees with the formula Sn2Cl4; at 900° with SnCl2. Stannous chloride dissolves readily in water. Its'solution is strongly reducing, and absorbs oxygen from air with the sepa- ration of basic stannous chloride : 3SnCl2 + O + Ha0 =± aSn/gj + SnCl4. In the presence of hydrochloric acid, only stannic chloride is produced. Stannous chloride precipitates mercurous chlo- ride and metallic mercury from solutions-of mercuric chloride (p. 326). It unites with chlorine to form stannic chloride, and with many chlorides to yield double salts, e.g. : Tin Monoxide—SnO, or Stannous oxide—is obtained by heatihg its hydrate, Sn02H2, in an atmosphere of carbon di- oxide ; it is a blackish-brown powder, which burns when heated in the air, and becomes stannic oxide. Sodium car- bonate added to a solution of stannolis chloride precipitates white Stannous Hydroxide—stanno-hydrate—Sn(OH)2: SnCl2.2KCI and SnCl2.2NH4Cl. SnCl2 + C03Na2 + H20 = Sn(OH)2 +' 2NaCl -f CC2. It is insoluble in ammonium hydrate, but is readily dissolved by potassium hydrate. Upon slow evaporation of the alkaline solution, dark crystals of SnO separate; but, on boiling the solution, the hydrate decomposes into potassium stannate, K2SnOs, which remains dissolved, and metallic tin. The hydroxide affords salts by its solution in acids. Stannous chloride—SnCl2—or stanno-sulphate—SnS04—is formed when tin is warmed with concentrated hydrochloric or sulphuric 366 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. acid. The sulphate separates in small, granular crystals, when its solution is evaporated. Tin Monosulphide—Stannous sulphide—SnS—is pre- cipitated from stannous solutions by hvdrogen sulphide', as a dark-brown amorphous precipitate. Obtained by fusing tin and sulphur together, it is a lead-gray crystalline mass. It dissolves in concentrated hydrochloric acid, with liberation of H2S, and forms stannous chloride. It is insoluble in alkaline sulphides, but, if sulphur be and the solution bailed, it will dissolve as a sulpho-stannate (p. 367). SnS + S -f K2S = KjSnSs. STANNIC COMPOUNDS. Tin Tetrachloride—Stannic chloride — SnCl4—is pro- duced by the action of chlorine upon heated tin or stannous chloride—SnCl2. It is a colorless liquid (Spiritus fumans Libavii), fuming strongly in nooist air, of specific gravity 2.27, and boiling at 1140 ; its vapor density equals 129 (H = 1), corresponding to the molecular formula, SnCl4 = 258.9. It attracts moisture from the air and is converted into a crystal- line mass (Butter of Tin), SnCl4 -+- 3H2Q, readily soluble in water. Boiling decomposes the solution inJ:o metastannic acid (H2Sn03) and hydrochloric acid : SnCl* + 3H20 = H2SnOs + 4HCI. Stannic chloride possesses a salt-like nature, and.combines with metallic chlorides to the so-called double salts, e.g., SnCl4. 2KCI and SnCl4.2NH4Cl; the latter compound is known as pink salt in calico printing. It also yields crystalline double salts with chlorides of the metalloids, e.g.,. SnCl4. PC15 and SnCl4.2SC14. Tin Bromide—SnBr4—forms a white, crystalline mass that melts at 30° and boils at 200°. Tin Iodide—Snl4—consists of orange-red octahedra, fusing at 146° and boiling at 2950. It may be obtained by heating tin with iodine to 50°. Tin Fluoride—SnFl4—is only known in combination with metallic fluorides (e.g., K2SnFl6), which are very similar to and generally isomor- phous with the salts of hydrofluosilicic acid (SiFl6K2). Tin Dioxide— Stannic oxide—Sn02—is found in nature, as tin stone, in quadratic crystals or thick brown masses, of specific- gravity 6.8. It is prepared, artificially, by heating tin in the air, and it then forms a white, amorphous powder. It may be obtained' crystallized, by conducting vapors of the LEAD. 367 tetrachloride and water through a tube heated to redness. The dioxide is infusible, and not soluble in acids or alkalies. When fused with sodium and potassium hydrate it yields stannates soluble in water. On adding ammonium hydrate to the aqueous solution of tin tetrachloride or hydrochloric acid to the solution of potas- sium stannate (Sn03K2), a white precipitate of stannic acid will separate. This dissolves readily in concentrated nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and the alkalies. If preserved under water, or in vacuo, it becomes insoluble in acids and sodium hydrate. Both modifications appear to have the same compo- sition, H2Sn03, and the cause of the isomerism is not yet ex- plained. The insoluble modification is commonly called metastannic acid. It is also obtained as a white powder by digesting .tin with dilute nitric acid. On adding sodium hydrate to the insoluble stannic acid it is converted into sodium metastannate, insoluble in sodium hydrate, but readily dissolved by pure water. The salts of stannic oxide with acids, e.g., the sulphate, are not very stable, and washing with warm water decomposes them. The metal salts of stannic acid are more stable. The most important of these is sodium stannate—Na2Sn03 + 3H20—which is employed in calico printing, under the name of preparing salts. It is produced upon a large scale by fusing tin stone with sodium hydrate. On evaporating the solution, it crystallizes in large, transpar- ent, hexagonal crystals, containing three molecules of water. Tin Disulphide—Stannic sulphide—SnS2—is precipitated as an amorphous, yellow powder by H2S from stannic solu- tions. If a mixture of tin-filings, sulphur, and ammonium chloride be heated it is obtained in form of a brilliant crystal- line mass, consisting of gold-yellow scales. It is then called mosaic gold, and is applied in bronzing. Concentrated hydro- chloric acid dissolves the precipitated disulphide, forming stannic chloride ; nitric acid converts it into metastannic acid. The sulphides and hydrosulphides of the alkalies dissolve in tin disulphide forming sulphostannates (see p. 221). Sodium sulphostannate, SnS3Na2 + 2H20, crystallizes in colorless oc- tahedra. Acids decompose the sulphostannates with the sepa- ration of tin disulphide. Pb = 206.4. 2. LEAD. Lead (.Plumbum) is found in nature principally as Galenite —PbS. The other more widely distributed lead ores are 368 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Cerussite—PbCOs—Crocoisite (PbCr04) and Wulfenite (Mo04 Pb). Galenite is the chief source of lead ; the process of its separation is very simple. The galenite is first roasted in the air and then strongly ignited away from it. In the roasting, a portion of the lead sulphide is oxidized to pxide and sul- phate : and PbS + 30 = PbO + S02 PbS + 04 = PbS04. Upon ignition, these two substances react with the lead sul- phide according to the follQwing equations: and 2PbO + -PbS = 3Pb + S02 S04Pb -f PbS =5= 2Pb + 2S02. Metallic lead has a bluish-white color, is very soft, and tol- erably ductile. A freshly cut surface has a bright lustre, but on exposure to air becomes dull- by oxidation. Its specific gravity is 11.37. It fuses at 3250, and distils at a white heat (about 1700°). It burns to lead oxide when heated in the air. In contact with air and water lead oxidizes to lead hydrox- idej Pb(OH)2, which is somewhat soluble in water. If, how- ever, the water contain carbonic acid and mineral salts—even in slight quantity, as in natural waters—no lead goes into so- lution, but it is covered with an insoluble layer of lead carbonate and sulphate. When much carbon dioxide is present the car- bonate is somewhat soluble in the water. This behavior is very important for practical purposes,, as lead pipes are frequently employed in conducting water. Sulphuric .and hydrochloric acid have little effect on the metal, owing to the insolubility of its sulphate and chloride; yet, if the lead be in the form of powder both acids will dis- solve it. It forms lead nitrate with dilute nitric acid. Zinc, tin, and iron precipitate it, as metal, from its solution; a strip of zinc immersed in a. dilute solution of lead acetate is covered with an arborescent mass, consisting of shining crystalline leaflets (lead tree). Alloys.—An alloy of equal parts lead and tin fuses at 1860, and is used for soldering (soft solder). An alloy of 4-5 parts of lead and 1 part of antimony is very hard, and answers for the manufacture of type (hard lead or type-metal). The usual lead compounds are constituted according to the type PbX2, and are called plumbic (p.363). They show a LEAD. 369 slight similarity to the stannous derivatives. Many of the lead salts are isomorphous with those of barium ; the sulphates of both metals are insoluble. The heat of formation of some of the lead compounds equals: (Pb,Cl2) = 82.7 (Pb,Br2) = 64.4 (Pb,I2) — 39-6 (Pb,0) = 50.3. (Pb,S) = 20.4 (Pb,S,04) = 216.2 (Pb,N2,Og\ = 105.5 If we include the heat of solution with the above numbers, they will af- ford us an explanation for the deportment of lead toward acids, as well as for the various transpositions of its compounds. Lead Oxide—PbO—is produced when lead is heated in air. After fusion it solidifies to a reddish-yellow mass of rhombic scales (litharge). When lead is carefully roasted, or the hydrate or nitrate ignited, we obtain a yellow amorphous powder called massicot. Lead oxide has strong basic prop- erties; it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, and imparts an alkaline reaction to water as it dissolves as hydrate. Like other strong bases it saponifies fats. It dissolves in hot po- tassium hydrate, and on cooling crystallizes from solution in rhombic prisms. Lead Hydroxide—Pb(OH)2.—Alkalies throw it out of lead solutions as a white, voluminous precipitate. It imparts an alkaline reaction to water, as it is somewhat soluble, and absorbs carbon dioxide with formation of lead carbonate. When heated to 130° it decomposes into lead oxide and water. If lead or the amorphous oxide be heated to 300-400°, for some time, in the air, it will absorb oxygen and be con- verted into a bright red powder, called red lead, or minium. Its composition corresponds to the formula, Pb304; it is con- sidered a compound of PbO with lead peroxide (Pb304 = 2PbO + Pb02). When minium is treated with somewhat dilute nitric acid, lead nitrate passes into solution, while a dark- brown amorphous powder—lead peroxide, Pb02—remains. This oxide is more conveniently obtained by adding bleach- ing lime (and milk of lime) to a concentrated lead chloride solution (in calcium chloride): 2PbCl2 + Ca (0C1)2 + 2H20 = 2Pb02 + CaCl2 + 4HCI. Or chlorine is conducted into a mixture of lead chloride (2 mols.) and lime hydrate (3 mols.) with water. 370 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Lead peroxide dissolves in cold hydrochloric acid to a reddish-yellow liquid containing lead tetrachloride, PbCl4. The latter also results from the action of chlorine gas on a mixture of lead chloride with hydrochloric acid. The tetra- chloride cannot be obtained free, because its solution readily decomposes into PbCl2 and chlorine. Oxygen is disengaged when sulphuric acid acts upon it, and lead sulphate (PbS04) formed. When dry sulphur dioxide is conducted over it, glowing sets in and lead sulphate results: Pb02 + SO, = PbS04. When ignited Pb02 breaks up into PbO and oxygen. As previously mentioned fp. 363), lead dioxide, like that of tin, has an acid nature. When warmed with potassium hydrate, it dissolves, and on cooling, large crystals of potassium plumbate—K2Pb03+3H20—separate out; these are perfectly analogous to potassium stannate—K2SnOs-(- 3H20. An alkaline lead oxide solution added to a solution of potassium plumbate produces a yellow precipitate (Pb304-|-H20), which loses water upon gentle warming, and is converted into red lead. Therefore, the latter must be considered as the lead salt of a normal plumbic acid, Pb (OH )4, which corresponds to stannic, Sn(OH)4, and silicic, SqOH )4, acids : Another oxide—Pb203—which is precipitated as a reddish-yellow powder on the addition of sodium hypochlorite to an alkaline lead solu- tion, is very probably the lead salt of metaplumbic acid : Pb203 = PbPb03. Nitric acid decomposes it into lead nitrate and peroxide. It dissolves in hydrochloric acid without liberation of chlorine ; this gas escapes, however when the solution is heated. Pb304 = Pb2PbO+. Lead Chloride—PbCl2—separates as a white precipitate, when hydrochloric acid is added to the solution of a lead salt. It is almost insoluble in cold water; from hot water, of which it requires 30 parts for solution, it crystallizes in white, shining needles. It melts about 500° and solidifies to a horn-like mass. It is volatile at a white heat; its vapor density corresponds to the formula PbCl2. Lead Iodide—Pbl2—is thrown down as a yellow precipi- tate from lead solutions by potassium iodide; it crystallizes from a hot solution in shining, yellow leaflets, melting at 383°. Lead Nitrate—Pb(N03)2, obtained by the solution of lead in nitric acid, crystallizes in regular octahedra (isomorphous with barium nitrate) and dissolves in 8 parts water. It melts at a red heat, and is decomposed into PbO, N02 and oxygen. When boiled with lead oxide and water, it is converted into the basic nitrate, which separates in white needles. LEAD. 371 Lead Sulphate—PbS04, occurs in nature as Anglesite, in rhombic crystals, isomorphous with barium sulphate. It is precipitated from lead solutions as a white crystalline mass by sulphuric acid. It dissolves with difficulty in water, more readily in concentrated sulphuric acid. When ignited with carbon, it is decomposed according to the following equa- tion : Lead Carbonate—PbC03, occurs as Cerussite in nature. It is precipitated by ammonium caibonate from lead nitrate so- lutions. Potassium and sodium carbonates precipitate basic carbonates, the composition of which varies with the temper- ature and concentration of the solution. A similar basic salt, whose composition agrees best with the formula : PbS04 + 2C = PbS + 2C02. co/?bOH 2PbC03,Pb(0H)2 = 3>Pb CO / UUs\PbOH, is prepared on a large scale by the action of carbon dioxide upon lead acetate. It bears the name of white lead. White lead was formerly manufactured by what is known as the Dutch process. Rolled lead sheets were moistened in earthenware pots, with acetic acid, and then covered with manure and permitted to stand undisturbed for some time. In this way, the action of the acetic acid and air upon the lead produced a basic acetate, which the C02, evolved from the decaying manure, converted into basic lead carbonate. At present it is prepared by dissolving litharge in acetic acid, and transferring the resulting basic acetate into a carbonate by conducting carbon dioxide into it. White lead is employed for the manufacture of white oil colors. As it is poisonous, and blackened by the hydrogen sulphide of the air (formation of lead sulphide), it is being replaced more and more by zinc white and permanent white (BaSOj. Lead Sulphide—PbS—occurs crystallized in metallic, shining cubes and octahedra. Hydrogen sulphide precipi- tates it as an amorphous black powder. It is insoluble in di- lute acids. The lead compounds are very poisonous. The soluble salts have a sweetish, astringent taste. They are readily recognized by the following reactions : sulphuric acid precipitates white lead sulphate, which is blackened by hydrogen sulphide ; po- tassium iodide precipitates yellow lead iodide. 3 72 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. BISMUTH. Bi = 207. Bismuth constitutes a natural group with antimony, arsenic, phosphorus and nitrogen, and, like these, affords compounds of the forms BiX3 and BiX5. We observed that, with increase of atomic weight, the metalloidal character of the lower mem- bers becomes more metallic (see p. 145) ; the acid nature of the oxides passes into a basic. Antimony oxide (Sb2Os) is a base, while the higher oxide, Sb2Os, represents an acid anhy- dride. In bismuth, the metallic nature attains its full value. This is manifest in its inability to unite with hydrogen. Bis- muth trioxide is a base, and the pentoxide possesses a very feeble acid character, yielding indefinite compounds with the alkalies ; it behaves more like a metallic peroxide, and in its properties exhibits great similarity to lead peroxide. Bismuth usually occurs native, and in combination with sul- phur, as bismuthinite. To obtain the metal, the sulphide is roasted in the air, and the resulting oxide reduced with char- coal. Bismuth is a reddish-white metal, of specific gravity 9.9. It is brittle and may be easily pulverized. It crystallizes in rhombohedra. It fuses at 267° and distils at a white heat (about 1300°). It does not change in the air at ordinary tem- peratures. When heated it burns to bismuth oxide—Bi203. It is insoluble in hydrochloric acid, but dissolves in boiling sul- phuric acid with formation of sulphate of bismuth, and the evolution of sulphur dioxide. Nitric acid dissolves it readily in the cold. Water decomposes bismuth solutions in the same manner as those of antimony; insoluble basic salts are precipitated but these are not dissolved by tartaric acid. Bismuthous Chloride—BiCl3—arises from the action of chlorine upon heated bismuth, and by the solution of the metal in aqua regia. It is a soft white mass which fuses at 230° and boils about 4350. It deliquesces in the air. Water renders its solution turbid, a white, crystalline precipitate of Bismuth Oxychloride—BiOCl—separating at the same time: Bids + H20 = BiOCl + 2HC1. The metalloidal character of bismuth is indicated by this reaction. . CHROMIUM GROUP. 373 The compounds BiBr3 and Bil3 are very similar to bismuth chloride. All three combine with many metallic haloid salts to form double halogen derivatives. Halogen derivatives of pentavalent bismuth are unknown. Bismuth Oxide—Bi2Os—prepared by burning bismuth or heating the nitrate, is a yellow powder, insoluble in water and the alkalies. Normal bismuth hydroxide—Bi(OH)3—is not known in a free state. Potassium hydrate added to a bismuth solution precipitates a white amorphous metahydrate—BiO.OH. Chlorine conducted through a concentrated potassium hydrate solution in which bismuth oxide is suspended pre- cipitates red bismuthic acid (Bi03H or Bi2H407), which when gently heated becomes Bi2Os, bismuthic oxide. Strong ignition converts the latter into Bi203 and 02: hydrochloric acid dissolves it to bismuth chloride, with liberation of chlorine. Bismuth Nitrate—Bi(N08)3—is obtained by the solution of bismuth in nitric acid, and crystallizes with 5 molecules of H20 in large, transparent tables. In a little water it dissolves with- out any change; much water renders it turbid, owing to the fN°3 (NO, precipitation of white, curdy basic salts: Bi < N03and Bi -< OH. (OH (OH The precipitate is employed in medicine under the name of Magisterium bismuthi {subnitrate). Bismuth Sulphate—Bi2(S04)3—is formed when bismuth dissolves in sulphuric acid. It crystallizes in delicate needles. Bismuth Sulphide — Bi2S3 — occurring as bismuthinite, is thrown down as a black precipitate from bismuth solutions by hydrogen sulphide. Unlike antimony and arsenic sulphides, it does not form sulpho-salts. The alloys of bismuth are nearly all readily fusible. An alloy of 4 parts Bi, 1 part Cd, 1 part Sn and 2 parts Pb, fuses at 65° (Wood’s metal). The alloy of 2 parts bismuth, 1 part lead and 1 part tin (Rose’s metal) fuses at 940. CHROMIUM GROUP. We observed that a group of more metallic analogous ele- ments attached itself to the metalloidal elements, carbon, silicon and tin (p. 236); and further that there was an analo- gous group of metallic elements corresponding to the metal- 374 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. loidal group of phosphorus (p. 224). We now meet a group of metals, consisting of chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, and probably uranium, that bears a like relation to the ele- ments of the sulphur group (see Periodic System of the Ele- ments). The resemblance of these elements to sulphur and its analogues is plainly manifest in their highest oxygen deriv- atives (see also manganese). As the elements of the sulphur group in their highest oxygen compounds-are hexavalent, so chromium, molybdenum, tungsten and uranium form acid oxides—Cr03, Mo03, W03, Ur03. Many of the salts corre- sponding to these are very similar to and isomorphous with the salts of sulphuric acid. Sodium chromate, like sodium sulphate, crystallizes with 10 molecules of water; the potas- sium salts of both groups form isomorphous mixtures; their magnesium salts, as well as that of tungstic acid, have the same constitution : MgS04 7H2Q and MgCr04 -f* 7H20. Corresponding to the acid oxides are the chlorine derivatives: S02C12, Cr02Cl2, Mo02C12, MoOC14, WOCl4 and WCI6, which are perfectly analogous, so far as chemical deportment is concerned. Besides these highest oxides the elements of the sulphur group form the less acid oxides : IV so2, IV Se02 and IV Te02. Of these the last approaches the bases. Their analogues in the chromium group: Cr02, Mo02, W02, in which the elements appear tetravalent, possess an undetermined, neither acid nor basic, character. The most important basic oxide of chromium is its sesqui- oxide. This affords salts with the acids, and they are per- fectly similar to those of the sesquioxides of iron (Fe203), manganese (Mn203), and aluminium (A1203) (p. 331). Since the vapor density of ferric chloride declares its formula to be Fe2Cl6, we assume that in their sesquioxide compounds Cr, Mn, and Fe are tetravalent, and that these contain a hexavalent group consisting of two atoms of metal: IV IV =Cr — Cr= IV IV CI3Cr — CrCl3 etc. We can, however, conceive these derivatives, as well as those of alumi- nium, as derived from trivalent metallic atoms, and then make use of the simple, instead of the double formulas (CrX3 and FeX3). (Compare pp. 340 and 348.) CHROMIUM. 375 Finally, compounds of chromium, CrX2, are known in which the metal figures as a dyad. These so-called chro- mous compounds are very much like (p. 330) the derivatives of the metals of the magnesium group, especially the ferrous salts (FeX2). They are very unstable, and are oxidized by the air into chromic compounds. Salts of molybdenum and tungsten, corresponding to the states of lowest oxidation, are not known, because these metals occur as hexads in most of their derivatives. Uranium, which has the highest atomic weight of the group, shows some varia- tions from its analogues; these are explained, as in similar cases by its high atomic weight. i. CHROMIUM. Chromium is found principally as chromite in nature. This is a combination of chromic oxide with ferrous oxide— Cr203FeO—and occurs in North America, Sweden, Hungary, and in large quantities in the Urals. Crocoisite, or lead chromate (PbCr04), is not met with so frequently. Chromic iron is used almost exclusively for the preparation of all other chromium derivatives, as it is first converted into potassium chromate (see this) by fusion with potassium carbonate and nitrate. Metallic chromium may be isolated by the very strong igni- tion of the oxide with charcoal. It is more conveniently obtained by igniting a mixture of chromium chloride, potas- sium chloride or sodium chloride with zinc, in a closed cru- cible. The separated chromium dissolves in the molten zinc, and when the latter is dissolved in nitric acid the chromium remains behind as a gray, metallic, crystalline powder, of spe- cific gravity 6.8. It is very hard (cuts glass), and fuses with difficulty. When heated in the air it slowly oxidizes to chro- mic oxide; ignited in oxygen it burns with a bright light. It dissolves readily in hydrochloric and warm dilute sulphuric acid, with elimination of hydrogen; it is not altered by nitric acid. Three series of chromium compounds are known ; chromous —CrX2, chromic—Cr2X6, and the derivatives of chromic acid, called chromates. All chromium compounds are brightly col- ored, hence, the name chromium (from xpibtia, color). Cr = 52.4. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. CHROMOUS COMPOUNDS. These are very unstable, and by oxidation pass readily into ic com- pounds. Like ferrous salts, they are produced by the reduction of the higher oxides. The following may be mentioned : Chromous Chloride, CrCl2. This is obtained by heating chromic chloride, Cr2Cl6 in a stream of hydrogen. It is a white crystalline powder, dissolving in water with a blue color; the solution attracts oxygen with avidity, and becomes green col- ored. The alkalies precipitate yellow chromous hydrate, Cr(OH)2, from it. This is readily oxidized. When heated it parts with hydrogen and water and becomes chromic oxide : 2Cr(OH)2 = Cr203 + H2 + H20. Chromic Chloride—Cr2Cl6, like A12C16, isobtained by igni- tion of the oxide and charcoal in a current of chlorine. When raised to a redheat in this condition it sublimes in shiningviolet leaflets, which are transformed into chromic oxide by ignition in the air. Pure chromic chloride only dissolves in water after long-continued boiling; if, however, it contains traces of CrCl2, it dissolves readily at ordinary temperatures. Green crystals of Cr2Cl6 -f i2H20 separate from the green solution on evap- oration ; these deliquesce in the air. The same crystals may- be obtained from solutions of chromic hydrate, Cr2(OH)6, in hydrochloric acid. When they are dried intermediate oxy- chlorides, Cr2Cl4(OH)2 and Cr2Cl2(OH)4, and at lastCr2(OH)6 result. Chromic Hydrate—Cr2(OH)6 or (CrOH)3. It is precipi- tated by ammonium hydrate from chromic solutions as a volumi- nous, bright brown, hydrous mass. The green precipitates pro- duced by sodium and potassium hydroxides, contain alkali that can not be removed even by boiling water. They dissolve readily with an emerald green color, in an excess of KOH or NaOH (slightly in ammonia), but are reprecipitated upon boiling their solutions. When it is heated to 200° in a current of hy- drogen, the product is the hydroxide,CrO.OH, which is a grayish-blue powder, insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid. When chromium hydroxide is ignited, it becomes chromic oxide. Chromic Oxide—Cr203—is a green, amorphous powder. It is also formed by the ignition of chromium trioxide: CHROMIC COMPOUNDS. 2Cr03 = Cr203 -f 3O. or of ammonium bichromate :— (NH4)2Cr20T = Cr203 + 4H20 + N2. CHROMIUM. 3 77 It may be obtained in black, hexagonal crystals, by conduct- ing the vapors of the oxychloride through a tube heated to redness: 2Cr02Cl2 — Cr203._-f- 2C12 -(- O. Ignited chromic oxide is insoluble in acids. When fused with silicates, it colors them emerald green, and serves, therefore, to color glass and porcelain. Guignef s green is a beautifully green-colored chromium hydroxide, which is applied as a paint. It is obtained by ig- niting a mixture of one part potassium bichromate with three parts boric acid ; after treating the mass with water, which dissolves potassium borate, there remains a green powder, the composition of which corresponds to the formula: Cr20(0H), =• Cr203.2H20. The predominating properties of chromic oxide are basic, as it readily affords salts with acids; yet its basic nature, like that of all sesquioxides, is but slight, so that it does not afford salts with weak acids (p. 378). In addition to all this it possesses a slightly acidic character, and metallic salts are derived from it, generally from the hydrate, CrO.OH, which are analogous to the aluminates (p. 351). Salts, like (CrO.O)2Mg and (CrO.O)2Zn, can be obtained crystallized in regular octahedra by fusing chromic oxide with metallic ox- ides and boron .trioxide (as flux). Chromic iron is such a salt: Cr203,Fe0 = (CrO.O)2,Fe. Chromium Sulphate—Cr2(S04)3—is obtained by dis- solving the hydroxide in concentrated sulphuric acid. The so- lution, green at first, becomes violet on standing, and deposits a violet-colored crystalline mass. This may be purified by solution in water and precipitation by alcohol: This salt crystallizes from very dilute alcohol in bluish-violet octahedfa containing 15 molecules of water. If the aqueous solution of the violet salt be heated, it assumes a green color, because the salt breaks up into free acid and a basic salt which, upon evapo- ration, separates as a green amorphous mass, soluble in alco- hol. When the green solution stands, it reverts to the viplet of the neutral salt. The other chromic salts, the nitrate and the alum, behave in a similar manner. 378 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Chromium sulphate forms double salts with the alkaline sul- phates—the chromium alums (p. 354). Potassium Chromium Alum—Cr2(S04)3K2S0424H20 —crystallizes in large, dark violet octahedra. It may be most conveniently prepared by acting upon a solution of potassium bichromate mixed with sulphuric acid, with sulphur dioxide: K2CrA + H2S04 + 3S02 = Cr2(S04)3‘.K2S04 + H20. At 8o° the .violet solution of the salt becomes green, and on evaporation affords an amorphous green mass. As chromium hydroxide possesses only a slightly basic nature, salts with weak acids, like C02, S02,H2S (see Aluminium, p. 353) do not exist. Therefore, the alkaline carbonates and sulphides precipitate chromium hydroxide from solutions of chromium salts: Cr2(S04)3 + 3Na2C03 + 3H20 = Cr2(OH)6 + 3Na2S04 + 3C02 and Cr2(S04)3 + 3(NH4)2S + 6H20 = Cr2(OH)6 + 3(NH4)2S04 + 3H2S. Ammonium sulphide produces a black precipitate—CrS— in solutions of chromous salts. DERIVATIVES OF CHROMIC ACID. In its highest oxygen derivative, Cr03, chromium possesses a complete metalloidal, acid-forming character. Chromic acid, H2Cr04, is perfectly analogous to sulphuric acid, H2S04, but has not been obtained free, since when liberated from its salts it at once breaks up into the oxide-and water: H2Cr04 = CrOs + H20. The chromates are often isomorphous with the sulphates (p. 374). Polychromates also exist, and are derived from polychromic acids produced by the condensation of several molecules of the normal acid (see Disulphuric acid, p. 191): Potassium chromate. K2Cr04, Potassium bichromate. K2Cr207, Potassium trichromate. K2Cr3O10, etc. The constitution of these salts is expressed by the following formulas: CHROMIUM. 379 /OK Cr02( >° 0rO2< X)K /OK CrO/ >° Cr02<( >o CrO,< xOK CrO LrU!\OK The free polychromic acids are not known, because as soon as they are separated from their salts, they immediately break up into the acid oxide and water: H2Cr3O10 = 3Cr03 + Ha0. The polychromates are frequently, but incorrectly, called acid salts; true acid or primary salts, in which only one H atom is replaced by metal (Cr04KH), are unknown for chromic acid. The salts of normal chromic acid are mostly yellow-colored, while the polychromates are red. The latter are produced from the former by the action of acids: Conversely, by the action of the alkalies, the polychromates pass into the normal salts: 2K2Cr04 + 2HNO3 = K2Cr207 + 2KNOs + H20. K,Cr207 + 2K0H = 2K2Cr04 + H20. Their formation may also be as follows: The chromic acid liberated from its salts by stronger acids breaks up into water and the acid oxide, which combines with the* excess of the normal chromate: Cr04K2 CrOs = K2Cr207. When there is an excess of acid the anhydride (Cr03) is set free. Chromium Trioxide-j—acid Anhydride—Cr03. It consists of long, red, rhombic needles or prisms, obtained by adding.sulphuric acid to a concentrated potassium bichromate solution. The crystals deliquesce in the air and are readily soluble in water. When .heated, they blacken, melt, and at about 250° decompose into chromic oxide and oxygen : 2Cr03 = Cr2Os + 3O. Chromium trioxide is a powerful oxidizing agent, and de- stroys organic matter; hence its solution cannot be filtered through paper. When alcohol is poured on the crystals, de- tonation takes place, the alcohol burns, and green chjomic oxide remains. By the action of acids, e.g., sulphuric, the trioxide deports itself like a peroxide; oxygen escapes and a INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. chromic salt results. When heated with concentrated hydro- chloric acid chlorine is evolved : 2Cr03 + 12HCI = Cr2Cl6 + 6H,0. + 3Clr Reducing substances, like sulphurous acid and hydrogen sul- phide, convert chromic acid into oxide :— 2Cr03 + 3H2S = Cr203 + 3H20 -f 3S. Chromate of Potassium—K2Cr04—is obtained by add- ing potassium hydrate to potassium bichromate. It forms yellow rhombic crystals, isomorphous with potassium sulphate (K2S04); isomorphous mixtures crystallize out from the solu- tion of the two salts. Bichromate of Potassium—K2Cr207—called acid potas- sium chromate, is manufactured on a large scale, and bears the name red chromate of potash in commerce. It is obtained by igniting pulverized chromite, Cr2OsFeO, with potashes and nitre, whereby potassium chromate and ferric oxide are formed. The fusion is treated with water, and the resulting solution of potassium chromate, K2Cr04, mixed with acetic or nitric acid (see p. 379), when potassium bichromate crystallizes from the concentrated solution. 2Cr03 -f- 3S02 -|- 311,0 — Cr203 -f" 3S04H2. In practice the above method is advantageously replaced by the following: The pulverized chromite is ignited, together with lime, in furnaces allowing air access. Caloium chromate (CaCr04) (together with ferric oxide) is produced. This dissolves in dilute sulphuric acid to bichromate, CaCr207; the latter is converted by potassium carbonate into potassium bichromate. Bichromate of potassium crystallizes in large, red, triclinic prisms, soluble at ordinary temperatures, in 10 parts of water. When heated, the salt fuses without change ; at a very high heat it decomposes into potassium chromate, chromic oxide and oxygen: When the salt is warmed with sulphuric acid, oxygen escapes and potassium chromium alum is produced : 2K2Cr207 = 2K2Cr04 -f Cr203 -f 03. K2Cr207 + 4H2S04 = Cr2(S04)3.K2S04 + 4H20 + 3O. This reaction answers for the preparation of perfectly pure oxygen. Further, the mixture is made uSe of in laboratories, as an oxidizing agent. Chromate of Sodium —Na2Cr04 + ioH20—forms deli- quescent crystals, and is analogous to Glauber’s salt (Na2S04 + ioH20). Barium and Strontium Chromates—BaCrG4 CHROMIUM. 381 and SrCr04—are almost insoluble in water. Calcium Chro- mate—CaCr04—is difficultly soluble m water, and crystal- lizes like gypsum with two molecules of water. The magnesium salt, MgCr04 7H20, dissolves readily and corresponds to Epsom Salt. The chromates of the heavy metals are insoluble in water, and are obtained by transposition. Chromate of Lead—PbCr04— is obtained by the pre- cipitation of soluble lead salts with potassium chromate. It is a yellow amorphous powder which serves as a yellow paint. When heated it melts undecomposed, and solidifies to a brown, radiating, crystalline mass. It oxidizes and easily decomposes all the carbon compounds, and is therefore used in their analysis. In nature lead chromate exists as crocoisite. The oxide, C1O2, called peroxide, may be obtained by the careful igni- tion of chromium trioxide, and is, most likely, a salt-like compound : Cr203.Cr03 or CrO.CrO,. 'Its hydrate is precipitated from chromium solu- tions upon the addition of potassium chromate. On warming the peroxide with hydrochloric acid, chlorine is evolved. Chromic Acid Chloranhydrides.—Chromic acid forms chloranhydrides similar to those of sulphuric acid (p. 192). Corresponding to S02C12, we have chromyl chloride, Cr02Cl2; and for the first sulphuric acid chloranhydride, S02 j is the salt, Cr02 j : vi /Cl Cr°2\Cl vi /Cl Cr°2\OK VI /OK Cr02\OK, Chromyl Chloride — Cr02Cl2 — Chromium oxychloride, is produced by heating a mixture of potassium bichromate and sodium chloride with sulphuric acid; it distils over as a dark red liquid, of specific gravity 1.92, and fumes strongly in the air. It boils at 1160; its vapor density equals 77 (H = 1), corresponding-to the molecular formula Cr02Cl2= 154. Chro- myl chloride has a strong oxidizing action. With water it is decomposed according to the following equation : Cr02Cl2 + H20 = Cr03 + 2HCI. If potassium bichromate be heated with concentrated hy- drochloric acid, the salt, Cr02 j , called potassium chloro- chromate crystallizes from the solution oa cooling. Heated 382 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. to ioo° it gives up chlorine. It is decomposed by water into potassium chloride and chromium trioxide. The chromium compounds can be readily recognized by their color. The following reaction is very characteristic for chromic acid: On adding hydrogen peroxide to a solution of chromium trioxide, or the acidified solution of a chromate, the red liquid is colored blue. The nature of the compound causing this coloration is not known; it is usually assumed to be a higher oxide of chromium. On shaking the blue solution with ether, the latter withdraws the blue compound and is beautifully colored in consequence. The ethereal solution is somewhat more stable than the aqueous. Both are gradually decolorized, with liberation of oxygen. 2. MOLYBDENUM. Molybdenum occurs, rather rarely in nature; usually as molybdenite (MoS2) and wulfenite (Mo04Pb).' Free molybdenum is obtained as a silver-white metal, of specific gravity 8.6, by igniting the chlorides or oxides in a stream of hydrogen. It is very hard, and fuses at a higher temperature than platinum. When heated in the air it oxidizes to molyb- denum trioxide. It is soluble in concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids. It is also converted by the latter into insoluble MoOa. Like chromium, molybdenum affords compounds of the forms MoX2, MoX4 and MoX8; besides which derivatives are known in which it appears to act as a pentad and also as a triad. Molybdenum Dichloride—MoCI2—resulting from the trichloride, MoC)3,when heated in a stream of carbon dioxide (together with MoC14 ', is a bright yellow, non-volatile powder. It is converted by potassium hydrate into the hydrate, Mo(OH)2, a black powder. .Molybdenum Trichloride— MoC13 or Mo2CI8—produced by gentle heating (at 250°) of MoC15 in a current of H or C02, is a reddish-brown powder, which, when strongly ignited, yields a dark-blue vapor. It dis- solves with a beautiful blue color in concentrated sulphuric acid, upon heat- ing, with an emerald green color. Potassium hydrate converts it into the hydrate, Mo^OH)3 or Mo2iOH)6, which forms salts with acids. The ignition of the hydrate affords the black oxide, Mo203. Strong heating of the trichloride in a current of C02 leaves MOCl2 and it sublimes. Molybdenum Tetrachloride—MoC14—is a brown, crystalline pow- der, which appears to break up by evaporation into MoCl5 and MoC13. It yields a hydrate with ammonium hydrate, forming salts with acids.. The brown solution of the salts readily assumes a blue color by oxidation in the air. The igni.ion of the hydrate leaves-the dioxide, M0O2, which is converted by nitric acid into the trioxide, MoOs. Molybdenum disulphide, M0S2, is produced by the ignition of the trisulphide, MoS3, away from air. Mo = 95.8. MOLYBDENUM. 383 It is a shining black powder, which occurs native as molybdenite, in hexagonal, graphite-like crystals, with a specific gravity of 4.5. Molybdenum Pentachlcride—MoC15—is prepared by heating MoS2 or molybdenum in dry chlorine gas. It is a metallic, shining, black, crystal- line mass, fusing at 1940 and distilling at 268° ; its vapor density equals 136, corresponding to the molecular formula ’MoC15 = 272.6. It fumes and deliquesces in the air, and dissolves in water with hissing. Its aqueous solution has a brown color. It dissolves in absolute alcohol and ether with a dark-gneen color. The kexachloride, MoC16, is not known, but the oxychlorides?MoOC14, and Mo02C12, are. The first results from the ignition of Mo02 and carbon in a stream' of chlorine, and is a green crystalline mass subliming under ioo° and yielding a dark-red vapor. Bromine forms perfectly analagous compounds with molybdenum. Molybdenum Trioxide— MoOa results on roasting metallic molyb- denum or the sulphide in the air. It is a white, amorphous mass, which turns yellow on heating; it fuses at a red heat and then sublimes. It is insoluble in water and acids ; but dissolves readily in the alkalies and ammonium hydrate. When fused with the alkaline hydrates or carbon- ates, salts are produced, partly derived from the normal acid, H2Mo04, and partly from the polyacids, and correspond to the polychromates: The ammonium salt—(NH^)2Mo04—is obtained by dissolving the trioxide in concentrated ammonfum hydrate. In the laboratory it serves as a reagent for phosphoric acid. Alcohol causes it to separate out of its solution in crystals; upon evaporation, however, the salt (NH416Mo}024-(- 4H2O crystallizes out. Both salts are decomposed by heat, leaving molybdenum trioxide. Hydrochloric acid added to a concentrated solution of a molybdate precipitates molybdic acid— H2Mo04. It is a white, crystalline compound, readily dissolved by an excess of acid. Zinc added to this solution causes it to become blue and then green (formation of sesquioxide), in conse- quence of the formation of lower oxides (like Mo308 =-2Mo03, M0O2), and finally brownish-red and yellow, when a suboxide, Mo5Ot = 2Mo203, MoO, is produced. Potassium permanganate converts all these lower oxides into molybdic acid. Molybdic acid can also form polyacids with phosphoric and arsenic acids, e.g., H3P04.iiMoQ3. These complex phosphomolybdic acids are distinguished by the fact that they form salts insoluble in dilute acids with the metals of the-potassium group, with ammonia and with organic bases. On adding a solution containing phosphoric (or arsenic) acid to the nitric acid solution of ammonium molybdate, there is produced a yellow crystalline precipitate.of arrtmonium phospho-molybdate—(NH4)3 P04. iiMo03 -)- 6H20. This reaction serves for the detection and sepa- ration of phosphoric aoid. Molybdenum Trisulphide—MoS3— is thrown down as a brown precipitate from acidulated molybdenum solutions by hydrogen sulphide. It dissolves in alkaline sulphides forming sulpho-salts. Ignited away from air it is converted into molybdenum disulphide, MoS2, which occurs native as molybdenite. K2Mo04, K2Mo207, K2Mo3O10, Na2Mo4013, K6Mo7024, etc. 384 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 3. TUNGSTEN. Tungsten is found in nature in the tungstates: as wolframite, FeW04, as scheelite, CaW04, and as stolzite, PbW04. The metal is obtained, like molybdenum, by the ignition of the oxides or chlorides in a stream of hydrogen, in the form of a black powder, or in steel-gray crystalline leaflets, having a sp. gr. 19.1. It is very hard and difficultly fusible. It becomes trioxide when ignited in the air. Tungsten forms the following chlorides; WC12, WC14, WC15 and WC16. The Dichloride—WC12—arises by strong ignition of WC16 and WC14 in a current of carbon dioxide, and is a bright gray, non-volatile mass. The Tetrachloride—WC14—obtained by gentle ignition of WC16 and \VC15, in a current of hydrogen or carbon dioxide, is grayish-brown and upon sublimation decomposes into WC12 and volatile WC15. It forms a brown oxide (W02) with w'ater. The Pentachloride—WC15—is obtained by the distillation' of WC16 in a current of hydrogen or carbon dioxide, and consists of shining, black, needle-Like crystals It fuses at 248° and boils at 2750, forming a dark brown vapor, with the density 180 (WC15 = 360.4). It affords an olive-green solution and a blue oxide, W205, with water. It dissolves with a deep blue color in carbon disulphide. ’ Tungsten Hexachloride—WC16—is produced when the metal or a mixture of wollramite with carbon is heated in a current of chlorine. It forms a dark violet, crystalline mass, fusing at 2750 and boiling at 346°. The vapor density equals 198 (WC16 = 395.8). It dissolves in carbon disulphide with a reddish-brown color; it forms W03 with water. The Oxychloride—WC140— consists of red crystals, fusing at 210° and boiling at 2270; its vapor density equals 170 (WC140 = 341). The Dioxychloride—WC1202—sublimes in bright yellow, shining leaflets. Tungsten Trioxide—WOs—is thrown out of the hot solution of tung- states by nitric acid, as a yellow precipitate insoluble in acids, but dissolv- ing readily in potassium and sodium hydrates. Tungstic acid, WO(OH)4, is, however, precipitated from the cold solution, but on standing over sul- phuric acid it becomes W02(OH)2 and at ioo° passes into ditungstic acid, W207H2 = W2C>5(OH)2. When tungstic acid is reduced in hydrochloric acid solution by zinc it first becomes blue (formation of W2051 and then brown, when the salt of the dioxide, is- formed. Potassium permanganate oxidizes this to tungstic acid. The salts of tungstic acid are perfectly analpgous 30 the molybdates and are derived from the normal acid or the polyacids. The normal sodium salt, Na2W04 -)- 2H20, and the so-called meta-tungstate of sodium, Na2W4013 ioII20, are applied practically. Materials saturated with their solutions do not burst into a flame, but smoulder away slowly. The reduction of the tungstates (by fusion tin, etc.) affords pecu- liar compounds, e.g., K2W309 or K2W4012; these have various colors, possess metallic lustre, and are applied as tungsten bronzes. Tungstic acid also combines with phosphoric and arsenic acids, forming derivatives analogous to those of molybdic acid with the same acids. The metal is used in the manufacture of tungsten steel: a slight quan- tity of it increases the hardness of the latter very considerably. W =.183.6. URANIUM. 385 4. URANIUM. In nature it occurs chiefly as uraninite, a compound of uranic and qranous oxides—U02, 2U03 = U308. The metal is obtained by heating uranous chloride with sodium. It has a steel-gray color and a specific gravity of 18.7. When heated in the air it burns to uranous-uranic oxide. Its specific heat equals 0.0267, and its atomic volume is therefore 6.6. There are two serie? of uranium com- pounds. In the one, the metal is a tetrad UX4; these uranous or urano- compounds are very unstable, and pass readily into the uranic or deriva- tives of hexavalent uranium. Uranous oxide is of a basic nature, and only forms salts with acids. The compounds of hexavalent uranium are called the uranic com- pounds. U03 and U02<0H)2 have a predominant basic character, but are also capable of forming salts with bases which are called uranates. In the salts derived from acids, e.g., U02' N03)2 and U02S04, the group UO,2 plays the role of a metal; it is called tiranyl, and its salts are termed uranyl salts. They may also be regarded as basic salts. Ur or U = 239. URANOUS COMPOUNDS. Uranous Chloride—UC14—is obtained by heating metallic uranium in a stream of chlorine, or uranous oxide in hydrochloric acid. It con- sists of dark green octahedra with metallic lustre. It volatilizes at a red heat, forming a red vapor, whose density agrees with the formula UC14. It deliquesces in the air, and dissolves with hissing in water. Uranous hydroxide remains when the solution is evaporated. Uranous Oxide—U02—is formed when the other oxides are heated in a current of hydrogen. It Is a'black .powder, which becomes uranous- uranic oxide, U02.2U03, when heated in the air. Uranous oxide dissolves with a green color in hydrochloric and con- centrated sulphuric acids. Uranous sulphate, U(S0412 + 8H20, consists of green crystals. From the salts the alkalies precipitate the voluminous, bright green uranous hydroxide, U(OH)4, which becomes brown on ex- posure. Uranium Hexachloride—UC16—has not been obtained, but the oxy- chloride, U02C12 (Uranyl chloride), exists; it is obtained by heating U02 in dry chlorine gas, or by the evaporation of uranyl nitrate with hydro- chloric acid. It is a yellow crystalline mass, deliquescing in the air. Uranic Oxide, U03, or Uranyl oxide, U02 O—is a yellow powder, and is obtained by heating uranyl nitrate to 250°. When warmed with nitric acid it becomes uranyl hydrate or tiranic acid, UO^(OiI)2, which is also yellow-colored. Uranyl nitrate—U02(N03)2—results from the solution of uranous or uranic oxide, or more simply of uraninite in nitric acid, It crystallizes with six molecules of water, in large, greenish-yellow prisms, which are HEXAVALENT URANIUM COMPOUNDS 386 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. readily soluble in water and alcohol. On adding sulphuric acid to the solution, Uranyl sulphate—UCUjSO* 6H20—crystallizes out, on evap- oration, in lemon yellow needles. If sodium or potassium hydrate be added to the solutions of uranyl salts, yellow precipitates of the uranates—U2O.K2 and U207Na2—are obtained. These are soluble in acids. In commerce the sodium salt is known as uranium yellow, and is employed for the yellow coloration of glass (ura- nium glass) and porcelain. The uranates can be obtained in crystalline form, by igniting uranyl chloride with alkali chlorides in the presence of ammonium chloride. Zinc and sulphuric acid reduce uranic to uranous compounds. The so-called uranic-uranous oxide, which constitutes uraninite, and is formed by the ignition of the other oxides in the air, must be viewed as • VI IV uranous uranate—2U0S.U02 = (U02,02)2 U. Many uranium salts exhibit magnificent fluorescence. The oxide colors glass fluxes a Beautiful greenish-yellow (uranium glass). Uranous oxide —U02—imparts a beautiful blp.ck color to glass and porcelain. Besides these compounds, in which uranium appears to be tetravaJent and hexavalent, it also affords a pentachloride, UC15, like molybdenum and tungsten. The same results on conducting chlorine gas over a moderately heated mixture of carbon with one of the uranium oxides. It consists of dark needles, which, in direct light, are metallic green, but in transmitted, ruby red. It deliquesces in the air to a yellowish-green liquid ; upon heat- ing it is dissociated into UC14 and Cl (at i2O0-235°). There is also a tetroxide, U04, which, like the trioxide, U03, yields salts with the bases. MANGANESE. According to its atomic quantity, manganese bears the same relation to the elements of the chlorine group as chromium to the elements of the sulphur group. The relationship mani- fests itself distinctly in the higher states of oxidation. Per- manganic oxide, Mn207, and acid, HMn04, are perfectly anal- ogous to C1207 (or I207) and HC104. The permanganates and the perchlorates are very similar, and for the most part are isomorpliQus. The manganese in them appears to be hep- tavalent, like the halogens in their highest state of oxidation. The similarity of manganese to the halogens is restricted to this one point of resemblance. In the rest of its derivatives, manganese shows great resemblance to the elements standing in the same horizontal series of the periodic system, viz., with iron and chromium (p. 347). . Like these two elements, it forms three series of compounds. Mn = 54.8 (55.0). MANGANESE. 1. In the manganous derivatives—MnX2—the metal is di- valent. These salts are the more stable, and comprise the most common manganese compounds. They resemble and are usually isomorphous with the ous salts of iron and chro- mium, and the salts of metals of the magnesium group. 2. The manganic compounds—Mn2X6—are similar to and isomorphous with the ferric, chromic and aluminium deriva- tives; they are, however, less stable, and easily reduced to the manganous state. Their composition is due to the tetravalent nature of manganese (p. 374). 3. The derivatives of manganic acid—H2Mn04 = Mn02 (OH)2, in which manganese is hexavalent—are analogous to those of ferric (H2Fe04) and chromic (H2Cr04), and, of course, to those of sulphuric acid (H2S04). Consequently, in manganese we plainly observe how the similarity of the elements in their compounds is influenced by the valence (see p. 330). In its ous condition, manganese, like the elements of the magnesium group, has a rather strong basic character, which diminishes considerably in the ic state. Hexavalent manganese has a metalloidal acidic character,.and, in manganic acid, approaches sulphur. By the further addition of oxygen, manganese finally (in permanganic acid) acquires the metalloidal character of the halogens. We have already noticed that many other metals, especially chromium and iron, exhibit a similar behavior. Osmium tetroxide, 0s04, wholly resembles the halogens. On the other hand, the metalloidal and the weak basic metals acquire a strong basic, alkaline character, by the addition of hydrogen, or hydro- carbon groups (CH3,C2H5b The groups, NH4 (ammonium), Pi CH3)4 (tetramethylphosphonium), S(C2H5)3 (triethylsulphine), Sn(C2H-)3 (tin tri- ethyl), etc., are of metallic nature, because their hydroxides, P(CH3'4.OH, S(C2H5)3.OH, Sn(C2H5)3.OH, are perfectly similar to the hydroxides (KOH,NaOH) of the alkali metals. Manganese is widely distributed in nature. It is found na- tive in meteorites. Its most important ores are pyrolusite, Mn02, hausmannite, Mn304, braunite,Mn203, manganite, Mn203.H20, and rhodochroisite, MnCOa. Metallic manganese is obtained by igniting tlie oxides with charcoal. It has a grayish-white color, is very hard, and dif- ficultly fusible: specific gravity 7.2. It oxidizes readily in moist air. It decomposes water on boiling, and, when dis- solved in acids, forms manganous salts. 388 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The heat of formation of the most important manganese compounds corresponds to the symbols : (Mn,0,H20) = 94.7 (Mn,Cl2) = 111.9 (Mn,Cl2,Aq.) — 128.0 (Mn,02,H20) = 116.2 (Mn,S,04) = 249.8 (Mn,04,K) = 194.8 MANGANOUS COMPOUNDS. Manganous Oxide—MnO—results from ignition of the carbonate, with exclusion of air, and by heating all manganese oxides in hydrogen. It is a greenish, amorphous powder, which, in the air, readily oxidizes to Mns04. Manganous Hydroxide—Mn(OH)2—is a voluminous,’ reddish-white precipitate, formed by the alkalies in manganous solutions. When exposed to the air, it oxidizes quickly to manganic hydrate, Mn2(OH)6. Manganous salts usually have a pale, reddish color, and are formed by the solution of manganese or manganic oxides in acids. Manganous Chloride—MnCl2—crystallizes with four molecules of water in reddish tables. On drying, it is decom- posed with separation of hydrochloric acid. Anhydrous manganous chloride is prepared by igniting the double salt MnCl22NH4Cl + H20 (see Magnesium Chloride) or by heat- ing manganese oxides in hydrochloric acid gas; it is a crys- talline, reddish mass, which deliquesces in the air. Manganous Sulphate—MnS04—crystallizes below + 6° with 7 molecules of H20 (like magnesium and ferrous sul- phates), and at ordinary temperatures with 5H20 (like copper sulphate) ; the last molecule of water does not escape until 2oo°. It forms double salts with the alkaline sulphates, e.g., MnS04. K2S04 + 6H20. Manganous Carbonate—MnC03—exists in nature as rhodochroisite, and is precipitated by alkaline carbonates from manganous solutions, as a white powder, which. turns brown on exposure. Manganous Sulphide—MnS—is found in nature as ala- bandite or manganese blende. Alkaline sulphides precipitate a flesh-colored sulphide from manganese solutions. It be- comes brown in the air. MANGANESE. 389 Manganic Oxide—Mn203, manganese sesquioxide—is a black powder produced by the ignition of the ‘manganese oxides in a current of oxygen gas. It occurs as Braunite in dark-brown quadratic crystals. Manganic Hydroxide—Mn2(OH6) or Mn(OJI)3, man- ganic hydrate—is precipitated by ammonium hydrate from manganous solutions containing ammonium chloride as a dark- brown mass. It dissolves in cold hydrochloric acid to a dark- brown liquid, containing, in all probability, manganic chlo- ride, MnCl, or Mn2Cl6. When this is heated it decomposes into MnCl2 and chlorine. Manganite, occurring in iron-black crystals, is the hydrox- ide. Mn202(0H)2 or MnO.OH. Manganous-manganic Oxide—Mn304 = Mn0,Mn203. It constitutes the mineral hausmannite, crystallized in dark- gray quadratic octahedra, and is obtained as a reddish-brown powder by the ignition of all other manganese oxides in the air. It reacts with hydrochloric acid, according to the equa- tion : MANGANIC COMPOUNDS. Mn304 + 8HC1 = 3MnCl2 + 4H20 + Cl2. Since manganic oxide is quadratic jn its crystallization, while all other sesquioxides (like corundum and hematite) are rhombohedral, and since the first is decomposed by dilute nitric and sulphuric acids into M11O2 and a-manganous salt, it has been generally supposed that manganic oxide is not a sesquioxide, but rather a’compound of the dioxide with manganous oxide: IV /°\ Mn04. MnO = MnO< >Mn. xv Hausmannite is quadratic, while other metallic oxides (the spinels, p. 352 and p. 377, and magnetite,.Fe304) are isometric; therefore the former is not considered a compound of manganese sesquioxide and protoxide: MnO.CX Mn,Oo.MnO = . )Mn, MnO.O/ but as manganous oxide and the dioxide : IV o Mru ' MnO,.2MnO = MnO<; \0. \0.Mn/ This is shown by its behavior toward dilute nitric and sulphuric acids, which decompose it into manganese dioxide, and two molecules of man- ganous oxide. Chrysoberyl, unlike other spinels, is trimetric, and other re- actions clearly prove (chiefly their deportment with concentrated sulphuric 390 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY acid) that manganic and mangano-manganic oxides are to be regarded as sesquioxide derivatives. Manganic oxide, like the other sesquioxides, is a very feeble base, which does not afford salts with dilute or weak acids, and by separation of oxygen reverts to the manganous condition. Its salts are very unstable. Manganic Sulphate—Mn2(S04)3—is obtained by the so- lution of manganic oxide, hydroxide, or better, manganous- manganic oxide in concentrated sulphuric acid. When the last oxide is employed manganous sulphate also results. The. best procedure is to heat the hydrate of manganese dioxide (see below) with concentrated sulphuric acid to 1680, when the sulphate will separate as an amorphous, dark-green powder. It dissolves with a dark-red color in a little water. It forms alums, with potassium and ammonium sulphates—e.g., Mn2(S04)3,K2S04 + 24H20. Much water will decompose these with exhaustion of manganic hydroxide. Manganese Dioxide—Mn02—peroxide. This is the min- eral pyrolusite, occurring in dark-gray radiating masses, or in almost black, rhombic prisms, which possess metallic lustre. When gently heated it is converted into oxide, by strong igni- tion into manganous-manganic oxide : 3Mn0.2 ;= Mn304 -f- 20. It is used for making oxygen. Manganous oxide results at a white heat. Chlorine escapes when it is warmed with hydro- chloric acid: Mn02 ■+ 4HCI = MnCl2 -f 2H20 + Cl2. The dioxide may be obtained artificially by heating mangan- ous nitrate to 150-160°. Its hydrates—Mn02,H20 and Mn02, 2.H20—are produced on adding a hypochlorite to the solution of a manganous salt, or if chlorine be conducted through a solu- tion of manganese containing sodium carbonate, or by adding KMn04 to a boiling solution of a manganous salt. The pre- cipitated dioxide dissolves in cold hydrochloric acid, without liberating chlorine, as MnCl4 is probably formed; when heat is applied it breaks up into MnCl2atid Cl2. This deportment would indicate that manganese is. tetravalent in the dioxide. Manganese dioxide also unites with bases, affording the so- called manganites, e.g., Mn205Ba and Mn206Kg. MANGANESE. 391 Manganese peroxide (also Mn203 and Mn304), serves chiefly for the manufacture of chlorine gas, and it is, therefore, important from a technical point to estimate the quantity of chlorine which a given dioxide of manga- nese is able to set free. This is done by boiling the oxide with hydro- chloric acid, conducting the liberated chlorine into a potassium iodide solution, and determining the separated equivalent amount of iodine by means of sodium hyposulphite. Or the oxide is heated in a flask with oxalic and sulphuric acids, when the oxalic acid is oxidized to carbon dioxide, and from the quantity of this set free we can calculate the quan- tity of active or available oxygen in the manganese oxide". In the preparation of chlorine the manganese is found in the residue as manganous chloride. With the relatively high value of pyrolusite, it is important for trade that the peroxide be recovered from the residue. This regeneration is at present largely executed by the method proposed by Weldon, according to which the manganous chloride, containing excess of hydrochloric acid, is neutralized with lime, the clear liquid brought into a high iron cylinder (the oxidizer), milk of lime added and air forced in. The mixture becomes warm, and so-called calcium manganite, Mn03Ca = MnC>2 CaO, is precipitated as a black mud : MnCl2 -j- 2CaO -f- O = Mn03Ca -)- CaCl2. The calcium chloride solution is run off, and the residual calcium man- ganite employed for the preparation of when it conducts itself as a mixture of MnC>2 T CaO. When oxygen compounds of manganese are heated in the air in contact with potassium hydrate, or, better, with oxi- dizing substances, like nitre or potassium chlorate, a dark green amorphous mass is produced, which dissolves in cold water, with a dark green color. When this solution is evapo- rated under the air-pump, dark green metallic rhombic prisms of potassium manganate—K2Mn04—crystallize out. This salt is isomorphous with potassium sulphate and chromate. It suffers no change by solution in potassium or sodium hydrate, but is decomposed by water, brown hydrated manganese dioxide separating, and the green solution of the manganate changing into a dark red solution of the permanganate, KMn04: COMPOUNDS OF MANGANIC AND PERMANGANIC ACID. 3K2Mn04 + 3H20 = 2KMn04 +• Mn02.H20 + 4KOH. A similar conversion of the green manganate into red per- manganate occurs more rapidly under the influence of acids: 3lC2Mn04 -f 4HNO3 = 2KMn04 -f Mn02 + 4KNO3 + 2H20. Owing to this ready alteration in color the solution of the manganate is called chameleon mineral. 392 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Potassium Permanganate—KMnO-4—is best prepared by conducting C02 into the manganate solution until the green color has passed into a red. When the solution is con- centrated the salt crystallizes in dark-red. rhombic prisms isomorphous with potassium perchlorate,KC104. It is soluble in twelve parts of water at ordinary temperatures. The permanganate solution is a strong oxidizing agent, con- verting lower, oxygen compounds into higher, and in doing this it is reduced to a colorless manganous salt. When a permanganate solution is added to an acidulated ferrous solu- tion, the former is decolorized, and there results a faintly yellow-colored solution of ferrit and manganous salts: 2KMn04 -f- ioFeS04 -f- 8H2S04 = 2MnS04 -(- 5Fe2(S04)3 -j- 8H20 + K2S04. Hence the solution of this salt serves for the volumetric estimation of ferrous salts. In the same manner, the permanganate oxidizes and de- stroys many organic substances, therefore its solution cannot be filtered through paper'; it serves as a disinfectant. The permanganate is also reduced by hydrogen peroxide (p. ioi) ; the reaction proceeds according to the following equation: Mn207K20 -j- 5B2O2 — 2MnO -j- K20 -)- 5H20 5O2» the formation of oxides requires the presence of acids (sul- phuric-acid) for the completion of the reaction. The remaining permanganates are similar to and isomorph- ous with the perchlorates. The sodium salt is very soluble in water, and does not crystallize well. Very cold sulphuric acid added to dry permanganate causes the separation of Manganese Heptoxide—Mn207— an oily, dark-colored liquid. By careful warming it is con- verted into dark violet vapors, which explode when heated rapidly. Manganese heptoxide has a violent oxidizing action ; paper, alcohol and other organic matter are inflamed by mere contact with it. METALS OF GROUP VIII. Of the known elements, those standing in the eighth column of the periodic system remain for consideration (p. 244). METALS OF GROUP VIII. 393 Fe = 55.9 Co — 58.6 Ni = . 58.6 Ru i= 103.0 Rh •= 104.0 Pd == 106.2 Os = 195.0* Ir == 192.5 Pt = 194.3 These elements are the middle members of the three great periods, and they have no analogues in the two short periods (pages 241, 243). As regards both atomic weights and physical and chemical deportment, these elements constitute a transition from the preceding members of the'great periods (Mn and Cr, Mo, W) to the next following members (Cu, Ag, Au, and Zn, Cd, Ag, p. 252). The elements standing side by side* (heterologous) and belonging to the same periods are very similar in their physical properties, and show, e.g., very close specific gravi- ties. They are, therefore, usually arranged in groups, and distinguished as, (1) the iron group (Fe, Co, Ni), with the specific gravity 7.8-8.6; (2) the group of the light platinum metals (Ru, Rh, Pd), with the specific gravity 11.8-12.1, and (3) the group of the heavy platinum metals (Os, ir, Rt), with the specific gravity 21.1-22.4. On the other hand, the homologous elements (Fe,* Ru, Os; Co, Rh, Ir; and Ni, Pd, Pt ) show a like similarity in their chem- ical properties, as do the other homologous groups, and there- fore may be considered in such groups. This resemblance shows itself chiefly in their combination forms, and, of course, too, in the properties of the- compounds (p. 330). We know that the metals of group VI.-(chromium, molybdenum, tung- sten) and of group VII. (manganese) form the highest oxides (Me03 and Me207) having an acidic nature. In the adjacent elements of group VIII. (iron, ruthenium, and osmium) we find salts: Fe04K2, Ru04K2, Os04K2, derived from the unstable trioxides FeOs, RuOs and OsOs. This acid-forming function disappears in the following mem- bers, Co, Rh, Ir, and Ni, Pd, Pt; their chemical valence dimin- ishes rapidly and they attach themselves to Cu, Ag and Au. Consequently the whole physical and chemical deportment * As already mentioned (p. 245), osmium, from its position in the periodic system, must have a lower atomic weight than that determined experimentally (heretofore 198: recently 195'. But as it shows the same relation in its whole deportment to Ir and Pt as Ru to Rh and Pd and Fe to Co and Ni, it is extremely probable that its atomic weight is not correctly determined, and that- it will show itself somewhat less than that of iridium (192.5). 394 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. of the 9 elements about to be considered is governed by their position in the periodic system. As mentioned on pp. 242, 247 and at other places, the valences of the elements in their highest salt-forming oxides present themselves as periodic functions of the atomic weights. A similar dependence is also seen in the lowest salt-forming oxides, and may be observed in the following tabula- tion of both classes of oxides of the middle members of the gn at periods: V V2°5 VI Cr03 VII Mn207 VI Fe03 IV Co203 ii II CuO ii III IV III ii ii ii ii NiO i ZnO Ga203 II v2o3 CrO MnO FeO CoO Cu20 . — V VI • VI IV IV Nb,(X Mo03 RuOg Rh203 ii I ii m Sn02 l 0 III II II IT PdO Ag20 CdO ln203 II (Nb203) MoO — . RuO RhO SnO V VI VI IV IV III ii hi IV Ta205 wo3 — 0s03 Ir02 Pt02 Au203 HgO ti2o3 Pb02 hi II II ii II i I I ii (Ta20)3 (WO) — OsO IrO PtO Au20 Hg20 T120 PbO. METALS OF THE IRON GROUP. The metals of this group, iron, cobalt and nickel, form a gradual transition from manganese to copper. Their magnetic properties distinguish them from the other elements. Iron forms three series of compounds after the forms, Fe03,Fe203 and FeO. In its highest combinations iron has an acidie character, and the derivatives of ferric acid (H2Fe04) are perfectly similar to those of chromic and man- ganic acids (p. 387); they are, however, less stable than the latter. Their analogues with cobalt and nickel are not known. The ferric compounds—Fe2X6—containing the hexavalent VI group Fe2 (p. 374) are much like the alumihium, chromic and manganic derivatives. They are generally isomorphous with them. They are characterized among iron salts by their relative stability. The highest oxides of cobalt are far less stable, and only a few double salts of this form are known, while the higher salts with nickel are unknown. Again, iron, cobalt, and nickel afford ous compounds, (FeX2,CoX2,NiX2) in which they appear to be dyads. They resemble the compounds of chromium, manganese, and copper of the same form, and those of the magnesium metals. The ferrous salts are not as stable as the ferric; they are readily oxidized to the latter. The cobaltous and nickelous compounds are quite stable, IRON. 395 and in this respect these metals ally themselves with copper and zinc. 1. IRON. This metal, of such great practical importance, is very widely distributed in nature. It is found native on the earth’s surface almost exclusively in meteorites; it is, however, present in great masses in other worlds which (like the sun) are sur- rounded by an atmosphere of hydrogen. The most important iron ores are: magnetite (Fe304), hematite (Fe203), brown iron ore and limonite (hydrates of the oxide) and siderite (FeC03). These ores constitute almost the sole material for the manufacture of iron; the sulphur ores, like pyrite, are less adapted to this end. In commerce there are three varieties of iron: cast-iron, steel, and wrought-iron. Their chief chemical difference is in the variable quantity of carbon contained in them. Cast iron contains 3-6 per cent, carbon, in part chemically combined, and in part mechanically mixed in the form of gra- phite. When molten cast-iron is cooled rapidly it yields the so-called white iron, in which the greater portion of the carbon is chemically combined with the iron. R.has a whitish color, exhibits a granular crystalline structure upon fracture, and is very hard and brittle. Its specific gravity is 7.1. It fuses to a pasty mass about 1200° and is on this account not suited for castings. The chemically combined carbon in it can easily be removed by oxidation, and, therefore it is adapted for the manufacture of steel or wrought iron. When molten cast-iron is allowed to cool slowly, the greater part of the carbon in it separates in the form of small leaflets of graphite. The gray cast-iron produced in this way has a darker gray color, is not so hard and brittle, fuses more readily (about .1150°) than white cast-iron, and serves for the manu- facture of castings. Neither variety can be forged or welded, on account of its brittleness. Steel contains 0.8-1.8 per cent, of carbon, all of which is chemically combined with the iron. It has a steel-gray color, and a fine-grained structure; its specific gravity equals 7.6-8.0. It is more difficultly fusible (about 1400°) then cast-iron, but easier than wrought-iron. When molten steel is rapidly cooled, it becomes very hard and brittle. In this process more car- bon is chemically combined. If cooled slowly, it is soft and Fe = 55-9- 396 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. malleable, and may be forged and welded. Welding becomes more and more difficult with the addition of carbon. Wrought-iron contains the least amount of carbon, 0.2- 0.6 per cent. It possesses a bright-gray color, has a specific gravity of 7.6, is rather soft and tough, and, at a red heat, may be readily forged, rolled, and .welded. The rolled iron possesses a fibrous texture, while the forged is fine-grained ; the former is more compact and tenacious. Wrought-iron fuses at a bright white heat (1500°). Metallurgy of Iron.—-The extraction of iron from its oxygen ores is based upon the reduction of the same by carbon at a red heat. In the oldest method, the ores were heated wdth carbon in wind furnaces; in this way the excess of air consumed the greater portion of the carbon, and the product was an iron poor in carbon, wrought-iron, a spongy mass, wdiich was then forged under the hammer. The present methods were adopted since the beginning of the previous century. According to these cast-iron is first prepared from the ores, and this afterwards converted into steel or wrought-irPn. The smelting of the ores is executed in large, walled blast furnaces, that permit the process to proceed without interruption. The furnaces are filled from openings above, wnth alternating layers of coal, broken ore and-fluxes containing silica and lime ; the latter facilitate the melting together of the reduced iron. The air necessary for the process is blown into the contracted portion of the furnace by means of a blast engine. The combustion of the coal affords carbon monoxide, which reduces the iron oxides to metal: Fe2©3 +.3 CO = 2Fe -f 3C02. As the reduced iron sinks in the furnace it comes in contact w ith the coal, takes up carbon and forms cast-iron, wdiich fuses as it sinks lower and flows into the hearth of the furnace. Protracted and strong heating converts the chemically united carbon into the graphitic form, and thus accelerates the formation of the gray cast-iron. The earthy impurities of the ores combine with the fluxes to a readily fusible slag, w'hich envelops the fused iron and protects it from oxidation. To convert the cast iron thus produced into steel or wrought-iron, carbon must be withdrawn from it. In making the the cast- iron is fu*sed in open hearths (refining process), or in reverberatory furnaces wfith air access, and the mass stirred thoroughly until it has become semi-pasty (puddling process). In this way almost all the carbon is burned to carbon monoxide and the otlier admixtures, like silicon, sulphur, and phosphorus, present in small quantities, are oxidized. The wfrought-iron is then w'orked up by rolling, or under the iron hammers (bar-iron). Steel was formerly manufactured from wrought-iron (not cast-iron), by cementation. The iron bars, mixed wdth fine charcoal, were exposed to a red heat, when the iron took up carbon from the surface. The bars were then reforged, again heated with fine charcoal, and the process repeated until the mass became as homogeneous as possible (cementation steel). A more uniform steel is obtained if it be fused in crucibles (cast-steel). IRON. 397 At present, steel is chiefly prepared directly from cast-iron, by the method invented by Bessemer, somewhere in 1850. Itconsists in blowing air, under high pressure, into the molten iron, until the necessary amount of carbon has been consumed (Bessemer steel). Puddle steel is obtained from cast-iron by the puddling process, and is not so fully decarbonized. Uchatius steel is prepared by fusing cast-iron together with some iron ore and pyrolusite. The various and more recent processes’ for manufacturing steel and wrought-iron, the knowledge that their difference is mainly in hardness, and that the so-called Bessemer steel is not tempered, have led to the introduc- tion of a new division and nomenclature for these substances (which are difficultly fusible and malleable compared with cast-iron). We now distin- guish : (1) Weld iron as a non-fused, non-tempered mass, formerly wrought- iron; (2) weld steel, not fused, tempered, formerly puddle steel; (3) ingot iron, fused, not tempered, form'erly Bessemer steel; (4) ingot steel, has been fused and tempered. Ordinary iron, even the purest wire, always contains foreign ingredients, principally carbon and manganese, and minute quantities of silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, nitrogen, nickel, cobalt, titanium and others. 'The quantity of manganese is purposely increased (to 30 per cent), as by this means the iron acquires valuable technical properties; it becomes more com- pact and solid. When iron, containing carbon, is dissolved in hydrochloric acid the chemically combined carbon unites with hydrogen,forming hydro-carbons, while the mechanically admixed graphite remains behind. The whole quantity of carbon is determined by the solution of the iron in bromine or cupric chloride, when all the carbon remains behind. To prepare chemically pure iron, heat the pure oxide or the oxalate in a current of hydrogen : the iron then remains as a fine black powder. If the reduc- tion occurs at a red heat, the powder glows in the air, and burns (pyrophoric iron). The strongly ignited powder is not inflammable. Iron obtained by the electrolysis of ferrous sul- phate contains some hydrogen. Chemically pure iron has a grayish-white color, is tolerably soft, and changes but slowly in the air. Its specific gravity is 7.78. It melts in an oxy-hydrogen flame at i8oo°. Ordinary iron justs rapidly in moist air, as it covers itself with a thin layer of ferric hydrate. When ignited in the air it is coated with a layer of ferrous-ferric oxide (Fe304) which is readily detached. It burns with an intense light in oxygen. Fe203 + 3H2 = 2Fe + 3H20; 398 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In contact with a magnet iron becomes magnetic; steel alone retains the magnetism, while cast-iron and wrought-iron soon lose the property after the removal of the magnet. Iron decomposes water at a red heat, with the formation of ferrous-ferric oxide, and the liberation of hydrogen : The metal dissolves without trouble in hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, with evolution of hydrogen ; the latter has a peculiar odor, due to hydrocarbons that are liberated at the same time. Iron dissolves in nitric acid with separation of nitric oxide. On dipping iron into concentrated nitric acid, and then washing it with water, it is no longer soluble in the acid (passive iron) ; this phenomenon is probably due to the production of ferrous oxide upon its surface. 3Fe + 4H20 = Fe364 + 4H2.. These are produced by the solution of iron in acids, and may also be obtained by the reduction of ferric salts : FERROUS COMPOUNDS. In the hydrous state they are usually of a green.color-; in the air they oxidize to ferric salts: Fe2Cl6 + Zn = 2FeCl2 +* ZnCl2. Ferrous Chloride — FeCl2— crystallizes from hydro- chloric acid solutions in green monoclinic prisms, with four molecules of water. These deliquesce in the air and oxi- dize. When dried they sustain a partial decomposition. The anhydrous salt is formed by conducting hydrogen chlo- ride over heated iron. It is a white mass, which fuses on application of heat and sublimes at a red heat in white, six- sided leaflets. It forms double salts with the alkaline chlorides, e.g.: 2FeO -j- O = Fe203. FeCl2.2KCl + 2H20. Ferrous Iodide—Fel2—is obtained by warming iron with, iodine and water. It crystallizes with four molecules of water. Ferrous Oxide—FeO—is a black powder, resulting from the reduction of ferric oxide by carbon monoxide. When warmed it oxidizes readily. Ferrous Hydroxide—Fe(OH)2—is thrown out of ferrous solutions by the alkalies, as a greenish- white precipitate. Exposed to the air, it oxidizes, becoming IRON. 399 green at first, then reddish-brown. It is somewhat soluble in water, and has an alkaline reaction. Ferrous Sulphate—FeS04—crystallizes with 7 molecules of H20 in large, greenish, monoclinic prisms, and is generally called green vitriol. The crystals effloresce somewhat in dry air. They oxidize in moist air, and become coated with a brown layer of basic ferric sulphate. At ioo° they lose 6 molecules of H20, and change to a white powder. The last molecule of water escapes at 300°. Therefore, ferrous sulphate behaves just like the sulphates of the metals of the magnesium group. Like them, it unites with alkaline sulphates to double sulphates, which contain six molecules of water, e.g., S04Fe,S04K2 + 6H20. These are more stable than ferrous sulphate, and oxidize very slowly in the air. Ferrous sulphate is obtained by dissolving irqn in dilute sulphuric acid ; or from pyrites (FeS2). When the latter are roasted they lose one molecule. of sulphur, and are converted into ferrous sulphide (FeS), which, in the presence of water, absorbs oxygen from the air, and is converted into sulphate, which may then be extracted by water. Iron vitriol has an extended practical application ; among other uses, it is employed in the preparation of ink, and in dyeing. When heated it decomposes according to the following equation: 2FeS04 = Fe203 + S03 + S02. On this is based the production of fuming Nordhausen sul- phuric acid (p. 192), and of colcothar. Ferrous Carbonate—FeC03—exists in nature as. siderite, crystallized in yellow-colored r-hombohedra, isomorphous with calcite and smithsonite. Sodium carbonate added to ferrous solutions precipitates a white voluminous carbonate, which rapidly oxidizes in the air to ferric hydrate. Ferrous car- bonate is somewhat soluble in water containing carbon diox- ide, hence present in many natural waters.' Ferrous Phosphate—Fe3(P04)2+ 8H20—occurs crystal- lized in bluish monoclinic prisms as Vivianite. Precipitated by sodium phosphate from ferrous solutions, it is a white amorphous powder, which oxidizes in the air. Ferrous Sulphide—FeS—is a dark-gray, metallic mass, obtained by fusing together iron and sulphur. It is made use of in laboratories for the preparation of hydrogen sulphide. If an intimate mixture of iron filings and sulphur be mois- tened with water, the union will occur even at ordinary tern- 400 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. peratures. Black ferrous sulphide is precipitated from ferrous solutions by alkaline sulphides. When the moist sulphide is exposed to the air it oxidizes to ferrous sulphate. The alka- line sulphides also precipitate ferrous sulphide from ferric salts, but the latter first suffer reduction: and Fe2Ci6 + (nh4)2S = 2FeCl2 + 2NH4C1 + S, FeCl2 -f (XH4)2S = FeS 4- 2NH4C1. FERRIC COMPOUNDS. Ferric Oxide—Sesquioxide of Iron—Fe203—exists in na- ture, in compact mass as hematite, and as iron mica, in dark gray metallic rhombic prisms. It may be prepared by heating the iron oxygen compounds in the air, and is obtained on a large scale by the ignition of green vitriol. It is then a dark- red powder {colcothar or caput mortuum) used as a paint and for polishing glass. Ferric Hydroxide—Fe2(OH)6—is precipitated by al- kalies from ferric solutions as a voluminous, reddish-brown mass. On boiling, it becomes more compact, gives up water and is converted into the hydrate, Fe20(OH)4. Many iron ores, like bog-iron ore, Fe20(0H)4, pyrosiderite, Fe202(OH)2 (isomorphous with diaspore), and brown hematite Fe403(0H)6, are derived in a similar manner. Freshly precipitated ferric hydrate is soluble in a solution of ferric chloride or acetate. When such a solution is sub- jected to dialysis, the iron salt diffuses, and there remains a pure aqueous solution of ferric hydroxide. All of the latter is precipitated as a jelly from such a solution upon the addition of a little alkali or acid. Ferrous-Ferric Oxide—Fe304 = FeO.Fe203—occurs in nature crystallized in black regular octahedra—magnetite. It is abundant in Sweden, Norway, and the Urals. It maybe ob- tained artificially by conducting steam over ignited iron (p. 398). Magnetite constitutes the natural magnets. Ferric hydroxide, like other sesquioxides, is a feeble base, and does not yield salts with weak acids, like carbonic or sulphurous (p. 353). Ferric salts arise by the solution of ferric oxide in acids, or by the oxidation of ferrous salts in the. presence of free acids (best by chloric or nitric acids) : 2FeS04 + H2S04 + O = Fe2(S04)3 + H20. IRON. 401 They generally have a yellow-brown color, and are converted by reduction into ferrous salts: Fe2Cl6 -f H2S = 2FeCl2 -f 2HCI -f S. Ferric Chloride—Fe2Cl6.—It is obtained in aqueous so lution by conducting chlorine into a solution of ferrous chlo ride : 2FeCl2 + Cl, = Fe2Cl6. The hydrate—Fe2Cl6 + 6H20—remains upon evaporation. It is a yellow crystalline mass, readily soluble in water, alco- hol, and ether. It is partially decomposed when heated; hy- drogen chloride escapes, and a mixture of chloride and oxide remains. Anhydrous ferric chloride is produced by heating iron in a current of chlorine gas ; it sublimes in brownish-green, metal- lic, shining, six-sided prisms and scales, which deliquesce in the air. The specific gravity of their vapor is 161.5 (H = 1) corresponding to the molecular formula Fe2Cl6 = 323. Ferric Sulphate—Fe2(S04\—is obtained by dissolving the oxide in sulphuric acid. When its solution is evaporated, it remains as a white mass, which gradually dissolves in water, with a reddish brown color. It forms alums (p. 348) with alkaline sulphates, e.g. : Fe2(S04)3, K2S04 + 24H20. Potassium Iron Alum. Ferric Phosphate—Fe2(P04)2—is a white precipitate, thrown out of ferric solutions by sodium phosphate. It is in- soluble in water and acetic acid. Ferric Sulphide—FeS2—occurs in nature as pyrites, crys- tallized in yellow, metallic, shining, regular cubes or octahe- dra. It is employed in the manufacture of sulphuric acid and green vitriol. The artificial sulphide can be prepared in many ways. COMPOUNDS OF FERRIC ACID. On fusing iron filings with nitre, or by conducting chlorine into potassium hydrate, in which ferric hydroxide is suspen- ded, Potassium Ferrate, K2Fe04, is produced, and crystallizes from the alkaline solution in dark-red prisms. This salt is iso- morphous with potassium chromate and sulphate. It dissolves quite easily in water; but the dark-red liquid soon decom- poses with separation of ferric hydroxide and oxygen. The free 402 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. acid is not known, as it immediately breaks up when liberated from its salts. CYANOGEN DERIVATIVES OF IRON. Iron unites with the cyanogen group to form compounds which are very characteristic, and important in a commercial sense. When potassium cyanide is added to aqueous solutions of the ferrous or ferric salts, the cyan ides, Fe(CN)2and Fe2(CN)6, are thrown down as white precipitates, but decompose rapidly in the air. They dissolve in an excess of potassium cyanide to form thedoublecyanides,Fe(CN)2-4KCN and Fe2(CN)6.6KCN. When acids are added to these solutions the hydrogen com- pounds, H4FeCy6* (= FeCy2-4HCy) and Fe2Cy12H6(= Fe2Cy6. 6HCy) separate. These are of acid nature, and form salts by exchanging their hydrogen for metals. The iron and the cyanogen group in these salts and the free acids cannot be detected by the usual reagents (e.g., iron is not precipitated by the alkalies). It is supposed that compound groups of peculiar structure are present in these double cyanides, and that they conduct them- selves like the halogens. The group, FeCv6, in the ous com- pounds is called ferrocyanogeti, that of Fe2Cy12 in the ic,ferri- cyanogcn. The ferro- behave toward the ferri-compounds the same as the ferrous toward the ferric salts; oxidizing agents convert the former into the latter, and reducing agents trans- form the latter into the former: 2FeCy6K4 -f Cl2 = K6Fe2Cy12 -f 2KCI and Fe2Cyi2K« + 2KOH -j- H2 = 2K4FeCy6 + 2H20 Cobalt, manganese, chromium and the platinum metals afford similar cyanides. Pjotassium Ferrocyanide—Yellow Prussiate of Potash— K4FeCy6, is produced by the action of potassium cyanide upon iron compounds, or upon free iron (in which case the oxygen of the air or of water takes part). It is prepared commercially by igniting carbonized nitrogenous animal mat- ter (blood, horns, hoofs, leather offal, etc.) with potashes and iron. In this operation, the carbon and nitrogen of the organic matter combine with the potassium of the potashes to form potassium cyanide, while the sulphur present forms iron sul- phide with the iron. (By means of alcohol, potassium cyanide * The cyanogen group, CN, is usually designated by the letters Cy. IRON. 403 can be extracted from the fusion.) Upon treating the fusion with water, the potassium cyanide and iron sulphide react upon each other, and ferrocyanide of potassium results and is purified by recrystallization : FeS + 6KCy = K4FeCy6 + K2S. It crystallizes from water in large, yellow, monoclinic prisms, having three molecules of water, and soluble in 3-4 parts H20. The crystals lose all their water at ioo°, and are converted into a white powder. At a red heat the ferrocyanide breaks up into potassium cyanide, nitrogen, and iron carbide (FeC2). When the salt is warmed with dilute sulphuric acid, half of the cyanogen escapes as hydrogen cyanide; concen- trated sulphuric acid decomposes it, according to the following equation : K4FeCy6 + 6H2S04 + 6H20 = FeS04 + 2K2S04 + 3S04(NH4)2 + 6CO. When strong hydrochloric acid is added to a concentrated solution of potassium ferrocyanide hydrogen ferrocyanide, H4FeCy6, separates as a white crystalline powder, which soon turns blue in the air. It has the nature of an acid. Its salts with the alkali and alkali ne earth metals are very soluble in water. The sodium salt crystallizes with difficulty. The salts of the heavy metals are insoluble, and are obtained by double decom- position. When potassium ferrocyanide is added to the solu- tion of a ferric salt a dark blue cyanide (FeCy6)3(Fe2)2, called Prussian Blue is precipitated : This is the ferric salt of hydroferrocyanic acid ; and if po- tassium or sodium hydrate is poured over it, it is converted into ferrocyanide of potassium and ferric hydroxide: 3K4FeCy6 + 2Fe2C16 = (FeCy6)3(Fe2)2 + 12KCI. VI VI (FeCy6’>3(Fe2)2 + 12KOH = 3K4FeCy6 + 2Fe2(OH)6. Potassium ferrocyanide produces a reddish-brown precipi- tate of FeCy6Cu2 in copper solutions. Oxidizing agents convert the ferro- into potassium ferri- cyanide—K6Fe2Cy12—redprussiateof potash. This conversion is most conveniently effected by conducting chlorine into the solution of the yellow prussiate : 2K4l'eCy6 -f- CI2 — K6Fe2Cyj2 -j- 2KCI INORGANIC CHEMISTRV. The ferrocyanogen group, FeCy6, is then changed to the ferri-, Fe2Cy12. The red prussiate crystallizes from water in red rhombic prisms. The free hydro-ferricyanic acid, H6Fe2Cy12, is precip- itated upon the addition of concentrated hydrochloric acid. It is rather unstable. With ferrous solutions potassium ferricyanide affords a dark- blue precipitate, Fe3Fe2Cy12, very similar to Prussian Blue, and called Turnbull's Blue : This blue is the ferrous salt of hydroferricyanic acid. Al- kalies convert it into ferricyanide of potassium and ferrous hydroxide: K6Fe2Cyi2 + 3FeS04 = Fe2Cy12Fe3 + 3^2S04. Fe2Cy12Fe3 + 6KOH = Fe2Cy,2K6 -f- 3Fe(OH)2* Potassium ferricyanide does not cause precipitation in fer- ric solutions. Ferrocyanide yields Prussian blue, while it forms a bluish-white precipitate in ferrous solutions. By these reactions, ferric salts may be readily distinguished from the ferrous. Potassium sulphocyanide (CNSK) produces a dark-red coloration in ferric solutions, while it leaves the ferrous unaltered. 3. COBALT. Co= 58.6. Occurs in nature as smaltite (CoAs2) and cobaltite (CoAs2. CoS2). The metal is obtained by the ignition of cobaltous oxide with carbon, or in a current of hydrogen. It has a red- dish-white color and strong lustre, is very tenacious, and diffi- cultly fusible. Its specific gravity is 8.9. It is attracted by magnets, but to a less degree than iron. It is not altered by the air or water. It is only slightly attacked by hydrochloric and sulphuric acids; nitric acid dissolves it readily, forming cobaltous nitrate. The predominating compounds have the form CoX2, and are called cobaltous. They are very stable, and generally iso- morphous with the ferrous salts. The hydrous cobaltous com- pounds have a reddish color, the anhydrous are blue. * According to recent investigations it appears that Turnbull’s blue and VI ( Fe Prussian blue possess the same composition (FeCy6)2 -J 2. The simpler relations are retained here. '■ COBALT. 405 COBALTOUS COMPOUNDS. Cobaltous Chloride—CoCl2—is obtained by the solution of cobaltous oxide in hydrochloric acid, and crystallizes with 6H20 in red monoclinic prisms. When heated, it loses water, and becomes anhydrous and blue in color. Characters made with this solution upon paper are almost invisible, but when warmed they become distinct and blue (sympathetic ink). Cobaltous Hydroxide—Co(OH)2—is a reddish precipi- tate produced by the alkalies in hot, cobaltous solutions. When exposed to the air, it browns by oxidation. Basic salts are precipitated from cold solutions. When heated out of air contact, the hydroxide passes into green cobaltous oxide, CoO. Cobaltous Sulphate—S04Co -f 7H20—crystallizes in dark red monoclinic prisms; the hydrated sulphate, CoS04 -f 6H20, separates from hot solutions. It is isomorphous with ferrous sulphate, and yields double salts with alkaline sulphates. Cobaltous Nitrate—Co(N03)2 + 6H20—forms red deli- quescent prisms. Cobaltous Sulphide—CoS—is a black precipitate, pro- duced in neutral cobalt solutions by alkaline sulphides. It is insoluble in dilute acids. Cobalt Silicates.—When glass is fused with a cobalt compound it is colored a dark blue, and when reduced to a powder is used as a paint, under the name of smalt. Smalt is prepared commercially by fusing cobalt ores with potashes and quartz. The cobalt forms a silicate (smalt) with the Si02 and potassium, while the other metals accompanying it in its ores, such as Bi, As, and especially nickel, are thrown out as a speiss. This is called speiss-cobalt and serves for the preparation of nickel. On igniting cobalt oxide, Co203, with alumina, a dark-blue mass is produced—cobalt ultratnarine or Thenard's Blue. When zinc oxide and cobalt oxide are ignited a green color— green cinnabar or Rimnan's Green—is obtained. COBALTIC COMPOUNDS. Cobaltic Oxide—Co203—is left as a black powder on the ignition of cobaltous nitrate. It becomes cobaltous-cobaltic oxide, Co304, at a red heat, and cobaltous oxide at a white heat. The hydroxide—Co2(OH)6—separates as a dark-brown powder, if chlorine be passed through an alkaline solution containing a cobaltous salt. A cobaltous salt is produced, and hydrogen set free, when 406 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. sulphuric acid acts upon the oxide or the hydroxide. Chlorine is generated when it is heated with hydrochloric acid : Co2Os -f* 6HC1 = 2CoC12 + 3H20 -f- Cl,. The cobaltic hydroxide dissolves in dilute, cold hydrochloric acid, with scarcely any liberation of chlorine; the solution probably contains Co2Cl6, which decomposes into 2CoC12 and Cl2 on evaporation. Cobaltous-Cobaltic Oxide—Co304 = Co203CoO—cor- responding to magnetite, Fe304, is formed upon the ignition of the oxygen cobalt derivatives, and is a black powder. Only a few salts of cobalt in the ic state are known. The most interesting of these is potassio-cobaltic nitrite. When potassium nitrite, KN02, is added to a cobaltous solu- tion acidified with acetic acid, nitrogen is set free, and in course of time Co2(N02)6.6KN02 + nH20, the double salt, separates as a yellow crystalline powder. This reaction is very characteristic for cobalt, and serves to separate it from nickel. Ammonio-Cobalt Compounds.—Cobalt is capable of forming a series of peculiar compounds with ammonia, in which the metal appears in its highest state of oxidation; the structure of these derivatives has not yet been explained. On adding ammonium hydrate to a cobaltous chlo- ride solution, the precipHate first formed dissolves in the excess of the re- agent, and when this liquid is permitted to stand exposed to the air, the color, which is brown at first, gradually passes into red. On adding con- centrated hydrochloric acid to this solution, a brick-red, crystalline powder, of the composition — Co2Cl6 ioNH3 2H20—called roseocobaltic chloride —is precipitated. If, however, the red solution be boiled with hydrochloric acid, a red powder—purpureocobaltic chloride, Co2C16.ioNH3—separates out. If the ammoniacal red solution contain much ammonium chloride, hydrochloric acid will precipitate a yellowish-brown compound—luteo- cobaltic chloride, Co2Cl6 I2NH3. The other salts of cobalt, such as the sulphate and nitrate, yield similar compounds, e.g., Co2{ N03'6. ioNH3, roseocobaltic nitrate. Cyanogen Cobalt Compounds.—In solutions of cobaltous salts, po- tassium cyargde produces a bright brown precipitate of cobalto-cyanide Co(CN)2, soluble in an excess of the reagent The solution absorbs oxygen from the air, and is converted into potassium cobalticyanidc, KBCo2(CN)i2, corresponding to potassium ferricyanide. When the solu- tion is evaporated the cobalticyanide crystallizes in colorless rhombic prisms, very soluble in water. Sulphuric acid precipitates hydrogen co- balticyanide, H6Co2(CN)i2, from the concentrated solution. This acid crystallizes in needles. NICKEL. 407 3. NICKEL. Nickel exists in native condition in meteorites; its most important ores are Niccolite—NiAs—and Gersdorffite, NiS2. NiAs, (constituted like cobaltite). It is always accompanied in its ores by cobalt, and vice versa, cobalt usually by nickel. The isolation of the latter from its ores and from speiss cobalt (p. 405) is very complicated. Nickel usually appears in com- merce in cubical forms, which in addition to the chief ingre- dient always contain some copper, bismuth, and other metals. Chemically pure nickel is procured by igniting the oxalate or carbonate in a current of hydrogen. Nickel is almost silver- white in color and is very lustrous, and very tenacious. Its specific gravity is 9.1, and that of the fused variety 8.8. It fuses at a somewhat lower temperature than iron, and like it is attracted by the magnet. It is not altered in the air; it dis- solves with difficulty in hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, but readily in nitric acid. Its derivatives are almost exclusively of the ous form NiX2; nickelic oxide behaves like a peroxide, and does not afford corresponding salts. Nickelous Hydroxide—Ni(OH)2—is a bright-green pre- cipitate produced by alkalies in nickelous solutions. It dis- solves in ammonium hydrate, with a blue color. When heated it passes into gray nickelous oxide, NiO. Nickelous Chloride—NiCl2 + 6H20—consists of green, monoclinic prisms. When heated they lose water and become yellow. Nickelous Cyanide—Ni(CN)2—is precipitated by potas- sium cyanide as a green colored mass from nickel solutions. It is soluble in excess of the precipitant. The double cyanide, NiCy2 2KCy -f H20, crystallizes from the solution. This salt is read- ily decomposed by acids. Cyanogen compounds of nickel, con- stituted like those of iron and cobalt, are not known. Nickelous Sulphate—NiS04+7H20—appears in green, rhombic prisms, isomorphous with the sulphates of the magne- sium group, and forms analogous double salts. Nickelous Sulphide—NiS—is precipitated, black in color, by alkaline sulphides from nickel solutions. Nickelic Oxide—Ni2Os—and Hydroxide—Ni2(OH)6— are perfectly similar to the corresponding cobalt salts ; when warmed with hydrochloric acid they liberate chlorine. Nickel is used for certain alloys. Argentan consists, ordin- arily, of 50 per cent, copper, 25 per cent..nickel and 25 per Ni = 58.6. 408 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. cent. zinc. The German nickel coins consist of 75 per cent. Cu and 25 per cent. Ni. The alloy will be whiter in color and harder, and also receive a higher polish in proportion to the amount of nickel that it contains. At present, cast-iron ware is coated with a layer of nickel to prevent it from rusting and to impart to it a beautiful white surface. This is accom- plished in an electrolytic manner, or by boiling the iron ware in a solution of zinc chloride and nickel sulphate. In the electrolytic method the solution of the double sul- phate of nickel and ammonium is employed ; the positive electrode consists of a pure nickel plate, while the object to be coated is attached to the negative electrode. GROUP OF THE PLATINUM METALS. Besides platinum, this group comprises palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium and iridium—the constant companions of the first in its ores. On page 393 we observed that these metals are divided into two groups ; the group of light platinum metals, and the group of heavy platinum metals which have higher atomic weights and specific gravities: Ru, 103. Rh, 104. Pd, 106.2 Os, 195* Ir, 192.5 Pt, 194.3 Sp. gr. “ 12.26 “ 12.1 “ 11.8 “ 22.4 “ 22.38 “ 21.4 The relations of the metals of this group to each other are perfectly similar to those of the iron group ; and they show in their physical and chemical properties a great resemblance to the corresponding members of the iron group. Osmium and ruthenium, like iron, have a gray color, are very difficultly fusible and readily oxidized in the air. Palladium and platinum, on the other hand, have an almost silver-white color like nickel, are more fusible, and are not oxidized by oxygen. In chemical respects osmium and ruthenium, like iron, also show a metalloidal nature, inasmuch as their highest oxygen compounds form acids. Their derivatives show a complete parallelism with those of iron. II Ill IV VI OsO Os203 0s02 (OsOs) Osmous Osmic Osmium Osmic oxide. oxide. dioxide. trioxide. RuO Ru20, Ru02 (Ru03) Ruthenous Ruthenic Ruthenium Ruthenium oxide. oxide. dioxide. trioxide. * See note (page 393). PLATINUM. 409 The acid oxides 0s03 and Ru03 are unknown, but the cor- responding acids,- H20s04 (osmic acid) and H2Ru04 (ruthenic acid), and their salts have been obtained. Besides the deriva- tives already mentioned we find that osmium and ruthenium are capable of still higher oxidation, yielding 0s04, per-osmic oxide, and Ru04, per-ruthenic oxide—which is not the case with iron; in these compounds the metals appear-to be octads, yet these oxides do not afford corresponding acids or salts. Rhodium and iridium, like cobalt, do not yield acid-like derivatives. Their salts correspond to the forms: II RhO Ill Rh2o3 IV Rh02. Rhodous oxide. Rhodic oxide. Rhodium dioxide. The rhodic compounds are the more stable. Palladium and platinum, finally, are relatively of more basic nature, as their ous derivatives, PdX2 and PtX2, are pro- portionally more stable than the ic forms, PdX4 and PtX4. Palladium also forms a lower oxide, palladium suboxide, Pd20, in which it approaches silver. The platinum metals are found in nature almost exclusively in the so-called platinum ore, which usually occurs in small metallic grains in accumulated sands of a few regions (in California, Australia, the Island of Sumatra, and especially in the Urals). The platinum ore, like that of gold, is obtained by the elutriation of the platiniferous sand with water whereby the lighter particles are carried away. Platinum ore usually contains 50-80 per cent platinum, besides palladium (to 2 per cent.), iridium (to 7 per cent.), osmium (1 per cent.), and ruthenium per cent.), and different other metals, as gold, copper, and iron. The separation of the platinum metals is generally executed in the following manner: The gold is first removed by dilute aqua regia. Then the ore is treated with concentrated aqua regia, when platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, and a portion of iridium are dissolved. Metallic grains or leaflets, an alloy of osmium and iridium—platinum residues—remain. Ammonium chloride is then added to the solution and plati- num and iridium precipitated as double salts. When the pre- cipitate is ignited a spongy mass of iridium-bearing plati- num (platinum sponge) is obtained, which is applied directly 410 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. in the manufacture of platinum vessels. The filtered solution from the insoluble chlorides contains palladium, rhodium, and ruthenium, which are thrown down as a metallic powder by iron ; their further separation is then effected in various ways. Formerly spongy platinum was employed almost exclusively for the manufacture of platinum objects; it was pressed into moulds, then ignited and hammered out. Now the fusibility of Pt in the oxy-hydrogen flame is resorted to, and the fused metal run into moulds. Platinum containing both iridium and rhodium may be fused directly out of the platinum-ore by means of the oxy- hydrogen blowpipe. The greater portion of the osmium and ruthenium is consumed in this operation. The presence of iridium and rhodium makes platinum harder and less readily attacked by many reagents. RUTHENIUM AND OSMIUM. Ru = 103.6. Os = 195.* Ruthenium has a steel-gray color; it is very hard, brittle, and difficultly fusible (about 1800°). When pulverized and ignited in the air it oxidizes to RuO and Ru2Og. It is insoluble in acids, and only slowly dissolved by aqua regia. When fused with potassium hydroxide and nitrate, it forms potassium rutheniate, K2Ru04. Ruthenium heated in chlorine gas yields ruthenium dichloride, RuC12, a black powder, insoluble in acids. The sesquichloride, Ru2C16, is obtained by the solution of Ru2 OH)g in hydrochloric acid, and is a yellow, crystal- line mass, which deliquesces in the air. It yields crystalline double chlo- rides with potassium and ammonium chlorides, eg., Ru2Clg.'KCl. The tetrachloride, RuC14, is only known in double salts. Ruthenious oxide, RuO, the sesquioxide, Ru208, and dioxide, Ru02, are black powders, in- soluble in acids, and are obtained when ruthenium is roasted in the air. The hydroxides, Ru2(OH)6 and Ru(OH)4, are produced by the action of the alkalies upon the corresponding chlorides, and are very readily soluble in acids. Ruthenic acid, II2Ru04, is not known in a free condi- tion. Its potassium salt, K2Ru04, is formed by fusing the metal with po- tassium hydroxide and nitre. It dissolves in water with an orange-yellow color. When chlorine is conducted through the solution ruthenium tetrox- ide, Ru04. separates as a gold-yellow crystalline mass. It fuses at 40°, boils about ioo°, and yields a yellow vapor, the odor of which is similar to nitrogen dioxide, N()2. It decomposes with explosion at 108°. Water breaks it up with formation of Ru2(OHl6. It dissolves to Ru04K2 in con- centrated potassium hydrate. When less chlorine is introduced into the solution of RuC>4K2, greenish-black crystals separate out, which are isomor- phous with potassium permanganate, and appear to be Ru04K. * Compare note (p. 393). The atomic weight of osmium, ascertained from the vapor density of the tetroxide, 0s04, is 193. RHODIUM AND IRIDIUM—PALLADIUM. 411 Osmium is very much like the preceding. It is not even fusible in the oxyhydrogen flame ; it only sinters together. According to Violle it fuses at 2500°. Reduced to a fine powder it will burn when ignited in the air to 0s04. Nitric acid and aqua regia convert it into the same oxide. The compounds, OsCl2 and OsO, Os2Cl6 and 0s203,0s02 and OsCl4, are very simi- lar to the corresponding ruthenium derivatives. By fusion with potassium hydroxide and nitre we get potassium osmate—K20s04—which crystallizes from aqueous solution with 2H20 in dark-violet octahedra. The most staTle and a very characteristic derivative of osmium is the tetroxide, 0s04, which is produced by igniting the metal in the air, or by the action of chlorine on osmium in the presence of water. It crystallizes in large col- orless prisms, which fuse below ioo° and distil at a somewhat higher tem- perature. It has a very sharp, piercing odor, similar to that of sulphur chloride. Reducing and organic substances precipitate pulverulent osmium from it. This is the basis of its application in microscopy. Os04 and Ru04 do not afford corresponding salts. RHODIUM AND IRIDIUM. These metals are lighter in color and are more easily fusible than ruthe- nium and osmium. (Iridium fuses at 19500.) When pure they are not attacked by acids or aqua regia; but when alloyed with platinum they dis- solve in the latter. Rhodium forms three oxides: RhO, Rh203 and Rh02, of which the second forms salts with acids. Rh02 results when rhodium is heated with nitre. Of the chlorides only Rh2Cl6 is known. It results when the metal is heated in chlorine gas. It is a brownish-red mass. It forms readily crystallizing, re'd-colored double salts with alkaline chlorides. Iridium has perfectly analogous derivatives : IrO, lr203, Ir02 and IrCl2, IraCl6, IrCl4. The sesquichloride, Ir2Cl6, formed by heating Ir in chlo- rine, is an olive-green, crystalline mass, insoluble in water and acids. It affords double salts with the alkaline chlorides, e.g., Ir2Cl6, 6KC1 -j- 6II20, which crystallizes from water in green crystals. They are also produced by the action of S02 upon the double salts of IrCl4. Iridium Tetrachloride—IrCl4—is produced in the solution of iridium or its oxide in aqua regia, and remains, on evaporation, as a black mass, readily soluble in water (with red color). When alkaline chlorides are added to the solution double chlorides are precipitated, eg., IrCl4.2NH4Cl, isomorphous with the double chlorides of platinum. When a solution of IrCl4 is boiled with KOII, IrvOH)4 will be precipitated. Rh = 104. Ir = 192.5. PALLADIUM. Pd == 106.2. Palladium, in addition to occurring in platinum ores, is found alloyed with gold (Brazil), and in some selenium ores (Hartz); it has a silver-white color, and is somewhat more 412 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. fusible (about 1500°) than platinum. When finely divided it dissolves in boiling concentrated hydrochloric, sulphuric, and nitric acids. When ignited in the air it at first becomes dull by oxidation, but at a higher temperature the surface again assumes a metallic appearance. Palladium absorbs hydrogen gas (occlusion) to a much greater extent than platinum or silver. Freshly ignited pal- ladium leaf absorbs upwards of 370 volumes of hydrogen at ordinary temperatures, and about 650 volumes at 90-100° C. A greater absorption may be effected at ordinary temperatures in the following manner: Water is decomposed by the electric current, palladium foil being used as negative electrode. The liberated hydrogen is then taken up by the palladium (to 960 volumes); the metal expands its volume), becomes specifically lighter, but re- tains its metallic appearance entire. According to the inves- tigations of Debray, the compound Pd.2H is produced, which contains dissolved hydrogen, and deports itself similarly to an alloy (compare p. 45). Palladium charged with hydrogen usually remains unaltered in the air, and in a vacuum ; it, how- ever, sometimes becomes heated in the air, as the hydrogen is oxidized to water. The same occurs when palladium hydride is heated to ioo°; in vacuo, all the hydrogen escapes as gas. Palladium hydride is a strong reducing agent, like nascent hydrogen. Ferric salts are reduced to the ferrous state ; chlo- rine and iodine in aqueous solution are converted into hydro- chloric and hydriodic acids. Palladium black absorbs hydrogen more energetically than the compact variety (at ioo° upwards of 980 volumes). This substance is obtained by the reduction or electrolysis of pal- ladic chloride. If palladium sponge be heated in the air until the white metallic color becomes black, in consequence of the superficial oxidation, it will absorb hydrogen very energetically at ordinary temperatures, and partially oxidize it to water. When palladium-sheet or sponge is introduced into the flame of a spirit-lamp, it is covered with smoke; this is due to the fact that the metal withdraws the hydrogen of the hydrocarbons, and carbon is set free. There are two series of palladium compounds: the palla- dious, PdX2, and palladic, PdX4. The first are well character- ized and are distinguished by their stability. Palladious Chloride—PdCl2—remains as a brown, deli- quescent mass, on evaporating the solution of palladium in PLATINUM. 413 aqua regia. It yields easily soluble crystalline double salts, with alkaline chlorides, e.g, PdCl2,2KCl. Palladious Iodide—Pdl2—is precipitated from palla- dium solutions by potassium iodide as a black mass, insoluble in water. Palladious Oxide—PdO—is a black residue left upon careful ignition of the nitrate. It is difficultly soluble in acids. When heated, it loses oxygen, and forms palladium suboxide, Pd20. When palladium is dissolved in sulphuric or nitric acids, the corresponding salts are produced. The sulphate, PdS04 + 2H20, is composed of brown crys- tals, readily soluble in water. Much of the latter decomposes it. Palladic Chloride—PdCl4—is formed when the metal is dissolved in aqua regia. It decomposes, on evaporation, into PdCl2 and Cl2. When potassium or ammonium chloride is added to its solution, red-colored, difficultly soluble double chlorides crystallize out; they are analogous to the corres- ponding salts of platinum. PLATINUM. Pt= 194-3-* The separation of platinum from the ore was described on page 409. The metal has a grayish-white color, and a spe- cific gravity of 21.4. It is very tough and malleable, and may be drawn out into very fine wire and rolled into foil. It becomes soft without melting at an intense heat. It fuses in the oxy-hy- drogen flame (about 1770°—Violle), and is somewhat volatile. On fusion, it absorbs oxygen, which it gives up again on cooling (like silver). At ordinary temperatures, it also condenses oxy- gen upon its surface, especially when in a finely divided state, as platinum black or sponge. The first is obtained, if reducing substances, like zinc, be added to solutions of platinic chloride or upon boiling the solution with sugar and sodium carbonate ; it absorbs as much as 250 volumes of oxygen. Platinum sponge is obtained by the ignition of PtCl42NH4Cl. The production of various reactions is due to this power of platinum to condense oxygen; thus hydrogen will inflame in the air, if it be con- * Until recently, the atomic weight of platinum was considered 196.7. According to the periodic system, it ought to be less than that of gold (196.2). The latest investigations in this direction confirm this view. 414 INORGANIC CHEMISTRV. ducted upon platinum sponge; sulphur dioxide combines with O at ioo° to form the trioxide. At a red heat platinum per- mits free passage to hydrogen, while it is not permeable by oxygen and other gases (pp. 93 and 260). Platinum is not attacked by acids; it is only soluble in liquids generating free chlorine, e.g., aqua regia. In conse- quence of this resistance to acids, and its unalterability upon ignition, this metal answers as an undecomposable material for the production of chemical crucibles, dishes, wire, etc. The usual presence of iridium in ordinary platinum increases its durability. The alkaline hydroxides, sulphides, and cyanides attack it strongly at a red heat. It forms readily fusible alloys with phosphorus, arsenic, and many heavy metals, especially lead, it also reduces many heavy metals from their platinum salts. Therefore such substances must not be ignited in platinum crucibles, etc. Platinum, like palladium, affordspiatinous, PtX2,andplatinic, PtX4, derivatives ; in the first it is more basic, in the latter more acidic. Platinic Chloride—PtCl4—is obtained by the solution of platinum in aqua regia, and when the solution is evaporated, remains as a red-brown crystalline mass, very deliquescent in the air. It forms characteristic double chlorides, PtCl4.2KCl, with ammonium and potassium chloride. These are difficultly soluble in water; hence, on mixing the solutions, they imme- diately separate out as a crystalline yellow powder. Ignition completely decomposes the ammonium salt, leaving spongy platinum. Platinum chloride affords similar insoluble double chlorides with those of rubidium, caesium, and thallium, while that with sodium is very soluble in water. At 200°, PtCl4 breaks up into PtCl2 and Cl2. On adding NaOH to platinic chloride and then supersatu- rating with acetic acid, there separates a reddish-brown pre- cipitate of platinic hydroxide, Pt(OH)4. This dissolves readily in acids (excepting acetic), with formation of salts. The oxygen salts, as Pt(S04)2, are very unstable. The hydrox- ide has also an acidic character {platinic acid), and dissolves in alkalies, yielding salts with them. These, also, result on fusing platinum with potassium and sodium hydroxide. The barium salt, Pt j Q^qT2 + 3H20, is precipitated from platinic chloride, by barium hydrate, as a yellow, crystalline com- PLATINUM. 415 pound. The acidic nature of its hydrate allies platinum to gold. If hvdrogen sulphide, be conducted through platinic solutions, black platinum disulphide, PtS2, is precipitated'; it is soluble in alkaline sulphides, with formation of sulpho-salts. Platinous Chloride—PtCl2—is a green powder, insoluble in water, remaining after heating PtCl4 to 200°. It affords double salts with alkaline chlorides, e.g., PtCl2,2NaCl. When digested with potassium hydroxide it yields the hydroxide, Pt(OH)2. . Cyanogen Compounds.—Like iron and cobalt, plati- num affords double cyanides corresponding to the ferrocyan- ides. When platinous chloride is dissolved in potassium cyanide platinum-potassium cyanide, K2PtCy4 + 3H20, crystal- lizes on evaporation in large prisms exhibiting magnificent dichroism; in transmitted light they are yellow and in reflected light blue. This salt must be viewed as the potassium com- pound of hydro-platino-cyanic acid, H2PtCy4. When separated from its salts it crystallizes in gold-yellow needles. Its salts with heavy metals are obtained by double decomposition, and all show a beautiful play of colors. Platinum-Ammonium Compounds.—There is a whole series of these, which must be viewed as platinum bases and their salts. They are constituted according to the following empirical formulas: Pt(NH3)2X2, Pt(NH3)2X4, Pt(NH3)4X2, Pt(NH3)4X4, in which X indicates various acid residues, or halogen atoms. They arise by the action of ammonium hydrate upon platinous chloride. The bases are obtained by substituting hydroxyl groups for the acid radicals, e.g., Pt(NH3)4(OH)2. They resemble alkaline hydroxides in their chemical properties. The other platinum metals afford similar amine derivatives. The nature and chemical constitution of these interesting compounds is, however, not fully explained. 416 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS.* We observed that various substances, when introduced into a non-luminous flame, imparted to it a characteristic colora- tion. Thus, the sodium compounds color it yellow; the po- tassium, violet; thallium, green ; etc. The decomposition of the light thus obtained, and, indeed, of every light, by means of a prism and the study of the resulting spectrum form the basis of spectrum analysis, established in 1859 by Kirchhofif and Bunsen. Its important applications and universal use constitute one of the gieatest of scientific achievements of all ages. As we well know, every substance, solid or liquid, heated to white heat (e.g., molten platinum ; lime heated in the oxy- hydrogen flame; the ordinary flame containing glowing par- ticles of carbon ;) emits rays of every refrangibility; and hence, furnishes a continuous spectrum, which brings to view all the colors of the rainbow, from red to violet, if the light be con- ducted through a prism. Glowing gases and vapors, on the contrary, whose molecules can execute unobstructed oscilla- tions, emit light of definite refrangibility, and, therefore, af- ford spectra, consisting of single, bright lines. Thus, the spectrum of the yellow sodium flame is recognized as composed of one very bright yellow line, which by increased magnify- ing power is shown to consist of two lines lying very near each other. This reaction is so very delicate, that of a milligram of sodium may be detected by it. The violet po- tassium light affords a spectrum, consisting of a red and a blue line. The crimson strontium light shows in the spectrum several distinct red lines and a blue line. (See the spectrum plate.) Each of these lines corresponds to a definite coefficient of refraction, and therefore occupies a definite relative position in the spectrum. If substances affording different colors be introduced into a flame, the most intense color generally obscures the others ; in the spectrum, however, each individual substance shows its peculiar bright lines, which appear simultaneously or succeed each other, according to the volatility of the various sub- stances. The spectrum apparatus or spectroscope, figured in Fig. 89, serves for the observation of the spectra. * A more exhaustive, concise, and distinct presentation of the spectrum phenomena maybe found in Herman W. Vogel’s “ Practische Spec ral- analyse irdischer Stoffe,” 1882. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 417 In the middle of the apparatus is a flint-glass prism P. At the further end of the tube A is a movable vertical slit, in front of which is placed the light to be investigated. The en- tering light rays are directed by a collecting lens into the tube A, upon the prism, and the refracted rays (the spectrum) are observed by the telescope B. The tube C is employed to ascertain the relative position of the spectrum lines. This is provided at its outer end with a transparent horizontal scale. Fir. 89. When a luminous flame is placed before the scale its divisions are reflected from the prism surface and thrown into the tele- scope B. We then see the spectrum to be studied and the scale divisions in B at the same time, and can readily deter- mine the relative position of the lines of the spectrum. To study two spectra at the same time, and compare them, a three- sided, right-angled glass prism is attached in front of one-half (the lower or upper) of the slit of the tube A; this directs the rays of a light placed at the side (/, Fig. 89) through A upon the prism P. By means of B, two horizontal spectra will be observed, one above the other, and between are the bright divisions of the scale. Adjustment of the Spectroscope.—To observe the spectra in the appa- ratus described, it is necessary to first adjust the same correctly. The tube A contains, besides the slit, also a lens (Collimator Lens), which serves to 418 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. render parallel the bunch of rays proceeding from the slit; hence, the latter must be accurately placed in the focus of the lens. This is best accom- plished as follows: The telescope (JS) is drawn out and adjusted for some distant object, that it may be adapted for the reception of parallel rays; it is then replaced in the stand, pointed toward the slit, illuminated by a sodium chloride flame, and the slit then removed far enough to appear perfectly distinct in the telescope. To have the spectrum lines sharply defined, the slit must be made quite narrow; for feebly luminous lines it must, however, be widened. The horizontal black lines that appear in the spectrum arise from dust particles adhering to the slit. The proper position of the tube with the slit with respect to the prism is usually fixed by the frame on which they rest. It must be so adjusted that the refracted rays pass through the prism as symmetrically as possible, i.e., in the minimum of their deviation, otherwise the spectrum will be less distinct and (owing to unequal refraction) will appear distorted. The symmetrical passage of the spectrum rays is approximately attained when the intermed- iate green rays pass through the prism symmetrically. Such a position must, therefore, be given the prism, with reference to the tube carrying the slit, that the middle green rays (line E of the sun spectrum) pass through it in the minimum of their deviation. It is then only necessary to so arrange the telescope that the green rays lie in the middle of the field of vision. The determination of the position of the lines of the spectra is usually effected by means of a scale (see above). This arrangement is such (according to Bunsen) that the yellow sodium line coincides with the line 50 of the scale; then the red potassium line ( 187.6 186.9 CaBr2 MgBr2 MnBr2 AlBr3 141.2 165.7 165.0 105.1 Cal2 Mgl., Mnl.) 107.6 135-3 134-6 75-7 CaG2H2 MgG2H2 aio3h3 214.7 217.2 2Q6.Q 217.8 CaSoHo MgSoH., MnS, nHoO 46-3 H5-3 114.8 CaS04 MgS04 A1qS3012 3I9*9 302.2 323.0 878.9 CaN2Oe MgN208 MnN2Oe 203.2 206.3 147-5 A1C1S‘ I2Q.6 204. Q All, 70.3 159-3 MnO, H.,0 94-7 ZnS, nHoO 4i-5 JVlnS04 249.8 263.5 ZnN2O0 132.3 97.2 90.9 Znl2 49*2 60.5 Z11O, H.,0 82.6 CdS, nHjO 33-9 ZnS04 230.0 248.4 CdN2Os 115.8 CdCl." 96.2 CdBr» 73-9 74-3 Cdl.> 44-9 43-9 H20 (liquid) 68 3 FeS, nHaO 23.7 CdS04 221.1 231.8 FeN206 CoN208 ii9-5 FeCI2 99-9 FeBr3 78.0 Fel2 47.6 FeO, H..O 68.2 CoS, nH20 21.7 b eS04 235.6 H4-3 CoCI2 NiClo CoBro 72.9 Col2 42-5 FeoOs. 3 H .,0 191.1 NiS, nH20 19-3 CoS04 230.4 NiN206 113-2 Wo 93:7 NiBr2 FeBr3 71.8 Nil2 41.4 CdO, HoO 65.6 Ti.,S 21.6 NiS04 229.3 hdjo3 49.1 FeClg CoO, HoO 63-4 PbS 20.4 ii2so4 221.0 212.7 PbN208 TINOa HN03 105.5 97-9 SnCl2 HOI 80.8 8l . I 39-3 SnBr2 TIBr' 41.4 ... Snl2 Til 40.1 NiO, H20 SnO, H20 60.8 68.1 CuS CuoS IO.O 20.2 H-.>S04 PbS04 216.2 210.7 58.1 41-5 48 . I 127.2 HBr 28.3 Pblo 39-6 Sn(J2, H2U H2O “(vapor) 133-5 HgS 16.8 H2S04 192.9 198.3 CuN2C)8 82.2 T1C1 PbBr2 64.4 54-4 HgTo 34-3 58 O Ag-,S 5-3 CuS04 182.5 HgN03 38.9 PbCl2 HgCl 82.7 75-9 HgBr HgBr2 34-1 Hgl 24.2 PbO AS203 50-3 147.0 H-.y 4-5 9.2 Ag2S04 167.2 162.7 HgN208 AgN03 28.7 41.2 5° *5 (Jill 154.6 KoS 102.4f K„C03 HgCl.j 59-8 CuBr 24.9 Cub, rioO 42.2 39-2 113.2 z79.5|2oo.o 32.8 CuBr2 32-5 20.4 Agl 13-8 HgO 30.6 Na2S (88.4) 103.9 N a2CC3 271 .O 276.5 CuCl2 SbCl3' 62.7 SbBr3 HI I3-1 HgoO 42.2 LioS 115.2 BaC03 281.3 AgBr 27.7 ills 10.5 Cud 37-1 BaS (99-o) IO7. I SrC03 279.6 BiCl3 90.6 TlBra AsBr, 56.1 12.6 CuoO 40.8 SrS (99-2) I06.6 CaC03 26^.2 AgCl Aul —5-5 TloOa, 3H2d 86.0 CaS (92.0) 98-3 MnC03 209.2 AsC13 71-4 HBr 8.4 HI —6.0 PdO, H.,0 22.7 MgS (79-6) (no) CdC03 179.9 TiCl3 89.0 AuBr -0.1 PtI, AgoO 5-9 A12S3 (124.4) PbC03 168.2 HOI" AuCl 22.0 AuBr3 PtBr2 8.8 5-o Au203, 3H.2O —13.2 Ag2CC>3 W.3 5*8 LioO I166.5 22.8 27.2 (99.1)* PtCl2 KoO 164.5 NaaO (100.2 155.2 BaO 130.4 158.2 SrO 130.9 H57-7 CaO i3i-7 1149•4 * According to Beketoff. f According to Sabatier, Heat of Formation of the Most Important Compounds of the Metals (according to f. Thomsen). In usual state of aggregation (columns a), and in dilute aqueous solution (columns b). INDEX. A, Absorptiometer, 119 Acetylene, 151 Acid radicals, 175 Acids, 57, 82, 174 Active oxygen, 83 chlorine, 303 Affinity, chemical, 23 Agate, 235 Alabandite, 388 Algaroth, 144 •Alkali earths, 299 metals, 273 Allotropy, 86 Alloys, 259 Alum, 354, 390 burned, 354 cubic, 354 Roman, 354 ’ . shales, 354 Alumina, 352 Aluminates, 352 Aluminite, 353 Aluminium, 348 . bronze, 349 chloride, 349 oxide, 351 sulphate, 353 Alunite, 354 Amalgams, 260 Ammonia, 123 thermo-chemistry, 145 Ammonium, 127 chloride, 296 compounds, 295 • salts, 127 Anatase, 236 Anglesite, 371 Anhydrides of acids, 173 Anhydrite, 304 Anhydro-acids, 191, 212, 235 Animal charcoal, 147 Anthracite, 148 Antimony, 142 butter, 144 chloride, 143 hydride, 143 oxide, 221 sulphides, 223 Antimonic acid, 222 Antimonyl, 222 Apatite, 304 Apparatus of Carrd, 125 Marsh, 140 Aqua regia, 202, 345 Argentan, 337, 407 Arseniates, 220' Arsenic, 139 ' acid, 219 chloride, 142 sulphides, 220 sulpho-salts, 221 Arsenious oxide, 218 Arsenites, 219 ' Arsine, 139 Asbestos, 315 Atmosphere, 116 Atomic compounds, 171 heat, 254 volume, 252 weights, 26, 164 thermal, 257 Atomicity. (See Valence,) Atoms, 68, 75, 163 Aurates, 346 Auric acid, 346 Auric compounds, 345 Auripigment, 220 Aurous compounds, 345' Avogadro, law of, 75 Azote, 117 Azurite, 336 B. Barium, 308 chromates, 380 peroxide, 309 426 INDEX. Barium sulphate, 309 Baryta water, 309 Bases, 57, 82 * Basicity of acids, 174, 214 Bauxite, 351 Bell metal, 337 Beryllium, 316 Bessemer steel, 397 Bismuth, 144, 372 Bismuthic acid, 373 Bismuthinite, 372 Bleaching, 49, 185 Bleaching lime, 302 Blue, Prussian, 403 Boiler incrustation, 306 Boracite, 238 Borax, 293 Boron, 237 fluoride, 239 Brass, 337 Braunite, 387 Bromic acid, 179 Bromine, 50 hydrate, 50 hydride, 59 Bronze, 337 • Brown coal, 148 Burned alum, 354 C. Cadmium, 319 Caesium, 284 Calamine, 319 Calcite, 305 Calcium, 300 carbonate, -305 manganite, 391 oxide, 300 silicate, 306 sulphate,-303 sulphides, 307 Calomel, 324 Calorie, 64, 88 Caput mortuum, 192, 400 Carbon, 146 chlorides, 157 dioxides, 226 disulphide, 231 gas, 147 group,147 monoxide, 229 oxychloride, 230 Carbonates, 229 Carbonic acid, 229 Carry’s apparatus, 125 Carnallite, 277 Cast iron, 395 steel, 396 Cassiterite—Tin stone, 364 Catalysis, 101 Caustic potash,.276 soda, 285 Celsius’s thermometer, 87 Cement, 301 Cepientation steel, 396 Cerite, 357 Cerium, 357 Cerussite, 368, 371 Chalcedony, 235 Chalk, 305 Chamber acid, 189 Charcoal, 147 animal, 147 Chemical affinity, 23 elements, 20 energy, 23 equations, 28 formulas and symbols, 25 structure, 169 Chemistry, definition of, 19 Chili, saltpetre, 292 Chloranhydrides, 192 Chloric acid, 177 Chlorides of sulphur, 109 Chlorine, 46 . gas, 48 hydrates, 48 oxides, 174 • water, 48 Chloroform, 157 Chlorous acid, 176 Chlorthionyl, 185 Chromates, 378 Chromic acid, 379 Chromite, 380 Chromium alum, 378 group, 373, 375 oxychloride, 381 yellow, 381 Chrysoberyl, 352 Cinnabar, 328 green, 405 Coal, anthracite, 148 bituminous, 148 brown’ 148 INDEX. 427 Cobalt, 404 cyanides, 406 rose, 406 ultramarine, 405 Cobaltic compounds, 405 Cobaltite, 404 Cobaltous compounds, 405 Coke, 147 Colcothar, 192, 400 Colloids, 235 Combination, types of, 247,322, 329, 340, 374, 387 Compounds, atomic, 171 determined, 90 endothermic, 65 exothermic, 65 molecular, 171 Condensation of gases, 42 Conservation of energy, 21 Constant proportions, law of, 67 Copper, 332 alloys, 337 hydride, 334 vitriol, 335 Corrosive sublimate, 326 Corundum, 351 Critical pressure, 88 temperature, 227 Crocoisite, 368, 375 Cryolite, 291, 352 Crystal combinations, 31 Crystallization, water of, 91 Crystallography, 28 Crystalloids, 235 Cubical alum, 354 Cupellation, 338 Cuprammonium compounds, 336 Cupric compounds, 335 Cuprite, 333 Cuprous compounds, 333 Cyanogen, 232 compounds, 232, 278, 342, 402 D. Davy’s lamp, 157 'Decipium (Samarium), 357 Dialysis, 234 Diamond, 147 Dicyanogen, 233 Didymium, 357 Diffusion of gases, 121 Disodium phosphate, 292 Dissociation, 92, 104, 137, 190, 204 Disulphuric acid, 191 Dithionic acid, 195 Dcebereiner’s lamp, 45 Drummond’s light, 81 E. Earth metals, 348 Earths, alkaline, 299 rare, 356 Ekaboron, 356 Eka-aluminium, 359 Electrolysis of salts, 267 Elements, 20 classification of, 37 heterologous, 242 homologous, 241 Emery, 351 Energy, conservation of, 21 degradation of, 25 entropy of, 25 Epsom salt, 314 Equivalence, 168 of transformation, 22 Equivalent weights, 168 Erbia, 356 Erbium, 357 Ethane, 150 Ethylene, 150 Eudiometer, 119 Euxenite, 356 F. Feldspar, 348, 355 Ferric acid, 401 compounds, 401 Ferricyanogen, 402 Ferrocy anogen ,• 402 Ferrous compounds, 398 Flame, 151 Bunsen, 155 illuminating power of, 153 non-luminosity of, 155 oxidizing, 155 reduction, 155 Flint glass, 306 Flores zinci, 318 Fluorine, 53 428 INDEX. Fluorite, 362 Fulminating gold, 346 silver, 339 G. . Gadolinite, 356 Gahnite, 352 Galenite, 337, 367 Gallium, 358 group, 358 Gas densities, 70 laughing, 209 volume, 71 Gases, condensation of, 42 diffusion of, 121 kinetic theory of, 71 . measuring of, 120 Gersdorffite, 407 Glass, 306 Glauber’s salt, 287 Glover’s tower, 188 Glucinum, 316 Gold, 343 purple, 346 fulminating, 346 sulphide, 346 Granite, 355 Graphite, 147 Greenockite, 320 Guignet’s green, 336, 377 Gypsum, 304 * H. Halogen compounds of metals, 260 hydrides, 54 Halogens, 46 Haloid acids, 57 salts, 57 Hausmannite, 387, 389 Heat, atomic, 254 latent, 88 modulus, 64 of solution, 91 specific, 254 unit of,-88 Hematite, 395, 400 Ilomologues, 150 Hornsilver, 337, 341 Hydrargylite, 351 Hydrates, 82, 180, 261 Hydrates of acids, 190 Hydrobromic acid, 59 Hydrocarbons, 148 Hydrochloric acid, 54 Hydrocyanic acid, 232 Hydrofluoric acid, 62 Hydrogen, 38 chloride, 54 cyanide, 232 fluoride, 62 iodide, 60 peroxide, 97 persulphide, 108 sulphide, 105 Hydroxides, 82, 180/261 Hydroxylamine, 128 Hypobromous acid, 178 Hypochlorites, 176 Hypochlorous acid, 176 Hyponitrous acid, 210 Hypophosphites, 212 Hypophosphorous acid, 212 Hyposulphites, 186 Hyposulphurous acid, 185 I. Ice machine of Carre, 125 Indium, 359 Iodic acid, 179 Iodine, 51 Iodine chloride, 66 Iridium, 409, 411 Iron, 395 alum, 401 cast, 395 fused, 397 group, 394 pyrite, 40 x pyrophoric, 397 vitriol, 399 wrought, 396 Isomerism, 86 Isomorphism, 258 K. Kaolin, 348, 355 Kelp, 51 Kermes mineral, 223 Kieserite, 314 - INDEX. 429 ■L. . Lanthanum, 347, 337 Lapis lazuli, 355 Laughing gas, 209 Lead, 362, 367 alloys, 368 chamber crystals, 189 oxide, 369 peroxide, 369 sulphate, 371 sulphide, 371 tree, 368 white, 371 Lime, 300 chloride of, 301 stone, 305 water, 301 Litharge, 369 Lithium, 294 Lunar caustic, 342 Luteocobaltic chloride, 406 M. Magisterium bismuthi, 373 Magnesia, 312 • Magnesite, 315 Magnesium, 312 group, 310 Magnetite, 400 Malachite, 336 Manganese, 386 Manganic acid, 387 salts, 391 Manganite, 389 Marble, 305 Marsh gas, 148 Marsh’s apparatus, 140 Massicot, 369 Maximum valence, 170 Meerschaum, 315 Mercuric compounds, 326 Mercurous compoifnds, 324 Mercury, 321, 323 Meta-acids, 1*98 Meta-antimonic acid, 222 Metahydrates, 262 Metalloids, 20, 37 Metals, 251 Metaphosphoric acid, 215 Metastannic acid, 367 Methane, 148 Mineral waters, 90 Molecular theory, 75 compounds, 171 Molecule, 74, 75, 163 Molecules of elements, 75, 85, 104, 132 Molybdenite, 382, 383 Molybdenum, 382 Molybdic acid, 383 Mortar, 301 Mosaic gold, 367 Multiple proportions, 69 N. Nickel, 407 plating, 408 Niobium, 224 Nitrates, 199 Nitric acid, 199 anhydride, 202 fuming, 201 oxide, 207 • Nitrogen, 114 chloride, 129 iodide, 130 pentoxide, 202 tetroxide, 204 ! Nitrosulphonic acid, 205 Nitrosylchloride, 202 Nitrosylsulphuric acid, 205 Nitrous acid, 203 Nordhausen sulphuric acid, 191 .O. Olefiant gas, 150 Olivine, 315 Opal, 235 Organic chemistry, 148 Ores, 317 Orthite, 356 Ortho-acids, 198 nitrioacid, 199 phosphoric acid, 214 Orthoclase, 355 Osmium, 408, 410 Oxidation, 81 Oxides, 261 acid-forming, 82 basic, 82 430 INDEX. Oxygen, 78 Oxyhydrogen flame, 81 Ozone, 83 P. Palladium, 408, 411 hydride, 46, 412 Passive iron, 398 Pattison’s method, 338 Pentathionic acid, 196 Perchloric acid,' 178 Periodates, 180 Periodic acid, 180 Periodic system, 240 Periodicity of spectral lines, 415 thermo-chemical phenom ena, 249 . valence, 247 Permanent white, 309 Permanganic acid, 386, 391 Peroxides, 262 Phlogiston, 116 Phosgene, 230 Phospham, 218 Phosphates, 212 Phosphine, 133 Phosphites, 212. Phosphonium, 135 iodide, 135 Phosphoric acid, 214 Phosphorite, 304 Phosphorous acid, 213 Phosphorus, 130 bromides, 138 chlorides, 136 iodides, 138 • oxychloride, 137 pentoxide, 212, 216 sulphides, 217 Photography, 341 Pink salt, 366 Platinum, 413 bases, 415 metals, 408 * ores, 409 sponge, 45,409, 413 Plumbic acid, 370 Polyacids, 191, 235 silicic acid, 235 thionic acid, 194 Porcelain, 355 Potashes, 281 . Potassium, 275 amide, 283 aurate, 346 bromide, 277 chloride, 277 cyanide, 278 fluoride, 278 hydrate, 276 iodide, 277 manganate, 391 nitrate (saltpetre), 280 oxide, 276. plumbate, 370 Prussiate of potash, yellow, 402 red, 403 Puddle process, 396 Puddle steel, 397 Purpureocobaltic chloride, 406 Pyrites, 187, 401 Pyroacids, 191, 235 Pyrolusite, 387, 390 Pyrophosphoric acid, 214 Pyrosulphuric acid, 191 Q- Quadrant oxides, 263 Quartz, 233 Quicksilver, 323 R. Radicals, 175 Rare metals, 356 Realgar, 220 Reaumur’s.thermometer, 87 Red chromate of potash, 380 Red lead, 369 Reduction, 82 Respiration, 229 Rhodium, 411 Rhodochroisite,*387, 388 Rock salt,- 286- Roseo-cobaltic chloride, 406 Rpse’s metal, 373 Rubidium, 284 Ruby, 348 Ruthenium, 408,410 Rutile, 236 Roman alum, 354 INDEX. 431 S. Safety lamp, 157 Saltpetre, 280 Salt producers, 46 springs, 286 Salts, 58,82, 175, 264 basic, 264 double, 264 Samarium, 357 Sapphire, 348 Sassolite, 239 Scandium, 356 Scheele’s green, 336 Scheelite, 384 Schlippe’s salt, 224 Schweizer’s reagent, 335 Sea water, 92 Selenic acid, 196- Selenium, no Silica, 233 Silicates, 235 Silicic acid, 234 Silicon, 158 chloride, 160 chloroform, 160 dioxide, 233 disulphide, 231 fluoride, 161 hydride, 159 Silver, 337 cyanide, 342 nitrate, 342 oxides, 339 Silvering, 343 Slags, 396 Smalt, 405 Smaltite, 404 Smithsonite, 318 Soda, 290 caustic, 285 Sodium, 284 carbonate, 290 chloride, 286 hydroxide, 285 hyposulphite, 289 iodate, 287 nitrate, 292 silicate, 294 sulphate, 287 oxide, 28.5 phosphates, 292 Soft solder, 368 Solutions, 90 supersaturated, 288 thermo-chemistry of, 91 Specific gravity of gases, 43, 70 metals, 251 heat, 254 volume, 252 Spectrum analysis, 416 Spinels, 352, 389 Stalactites, 306 Stannates, 363 Stannic compounds, 366 Stannous compounds, 365 Stassfurt salts, 275 Status nascens, 50, 76 Steel, 395 Bessemer, 397 cast, 396 ingot, 397 weld, 397 Stibine, 143 Stibnite, 142 Stolzite, 384 Stone coal-, 148 Strass, 306 Strontianite, 307 Strontium, 307 Structure, chemical, 169 Substitution, 157 Sulphates, 182 Sulphides, 107 Sulphites, 185 Sulp'ho-stannates, 366 Sulphur, 102 chlorides, 109 dioxide, 183 heptoxide, 186 liver, 283 milk, 104, 307 sesquioxide, 186 trioxide, 186 Sulphur auratum, 223 Sulphuretted hydrogen, 105 Sulphuric acid, 187 anhydride, 186 English, 189 fuming, 191 Sulphurods acid, 185 Sulphuryl, 193 chloride, 193 Supersaturated solutions, 288 Sylvanite, 343 432 INDEX. Sylvite, 277 Sympathetic ink, 405 T. Talmi gold, 337 Tantalum, 224 Telluric acid, 197 Telluride, hydrogen, 111 Tellurium, ill Tension of vapors, 89 Terbium, 357 Tetrathionic acid, 195 Thallic acid, 362 Thallium, 360 glass, 362 Thenard’s blue, 405 Thermo-chemistry, elements of, 25, 64, 91, TOI, 113, .145. 158, 181, 211, 224, 233, 249, 266, 274, 32O, 331. 349. 361.363. 369 Thionyl chloride, 185, 193 Thiosulphuric acid, 195 Thorium, 237 Thulium, 26, 347 Tin, 364 and lead, 362 salt, 365 stone, 364 Tinkal, 293 Titanium, 236 Tombac, 337 Trithionic acid, 195 Tungsten, 374, 384 steel, 384 Tungstic acid, 384 Turnbull’s blue, 404 Turpeth mineral, 328 Type metal, 368 U. Ultramarine, 355 Uranates, 386 Uranium, 374, 385- Uranium yellow, 386 glass, 386 Uranyl, 385 V. Valence, 166 Vanadium, 224 Vapor density, 70 Varec, 51 Vitriol, iron, 399 Vitriol, oil of (See Sulphuric acid), .>87 . Vivianite, 399 W. Water, 87 glass, 282, 294 hard and soft, 90 mineral, 90 natural, 89 of constitution, 314 of crystallization, 91 Weld iron, 397 steel, 397 White iron, 395 lead, 371 Woifram (Tungsten), 384 Wollastonite, 306 Wood’s metal, 373 Wrought iron, 396 Wtilfenite, 368 Y. Yellow prussiate of potash, 402 Ytterbium,'357 Yttrium, 357 Z. Zinc, 317 blende, 318 dust, 317 sulphate, 318 white, 317 Zircon, 237 Zirconium, 237 Catalogue No. 5. A CATALOGUE OF General and Scientific Books AND TEXT-BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., September, 1885. Booksellers, Publishers and Importers of Scientific and Medical Books, 1012 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. PAGE CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 3 TECHNOLOGICAL AND MANUFACTURERS’ BOOKS, ETC., . 5 PHARMACY AND BOTANY, 6 PHYSIOLOGY, 9 THE MICROSCOPE, 10 DYSPEPSIA, HEALTH, HAY FEVER, HEADACHES, ETC., . 11 MISCELLANEOUS, 12 HOSPITALS AND MANUALS OF NURSING, .... 14 HYGIENE THE CARE OF CHILDREN, 16 HEALTH RESORTS 16 P. 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