PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY HILDEBRAND Principles of Chemistry BY JOEL H. HILDEBRAND, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry in the University of California. (PRELIMINARY EDITION) Copyright, 1917, by Joel H. Hildebrand Lederer, Street & Zeus Co., Publishers, Berkeley, California. . 1917 CONTENTS CHAPTER I. Page KINDS OF MATTER 7 The Domain of Chemistry-Properties Used to Recognize Substances- Heterogeneous Mixtures-Solutions-Compounds and Elements-Sym- bols-Classification of Elements. CHAPTER II. THE GAS LAWS AND THE KINETIC THEORY * 15 Kinetic Theory-Relation between Quantity and Pressure-Relation be- tween Pressure and Volume-Relation between Pressure and Concentration -Relation between Pressure, Mass and Speed of the Molecules-Effect of Temperature-Absolute Zero of Temperature-Effect of changing both Temperature and Pressure-Partial Pressure of different Gases in Mix- tures-Avogadro's Rule. CHAPTER III. WEIGHT RELATIONS IN CHEMICAL REACTIONS. ATOMIC THEORY 24 Law of Conservation of Mass*-Law of Simple Multiple Proportions- Atomic Theory-Atoms and Molecules, Formulas-Numerical Values of Atomic Weights - Interpretation of Formulas - Gram-Atoms and Gram-Molecules or Mois-Chemical Equations-Calculation of Weight Relations of Atomic Weights*-of Formulas. CHAPTER IV. VOLUME OF GASES. MOLECULAR WEIGHTS 31 Choice of Formulas and Corresponding Atomic Weights-Changes in Volume or Pressure in Gas Reactions-Volume of One Mol of Any Gas-Calculation of Weight of a given Volume or vice-versa-Deter- mination of Relative Weights of a Gas and Air-Determination of Molecular Weight-Direct Relation between Volumes of Gases and Weights of other Substances in Reactions-Complete Interpretation of Chemical Equations-Molecular Weights of dissolved Substances. CHAPTER V. TYPES OF CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS 39 Relation between Stability of Compounds and Metallic or Non-metallic Character of their Constituent Elements-Oxides and Sulfides-Halides -Relation of the Relative Positive and Negatiye Characters of Elements to the Reactions of their Compounds, (a) Replacement, (b) Metathesis, (c) Addition - Classification of Compounds - Acids - Bases - Salts -Anhydrides. CHAPTER VI. VALENCE. WRITING EQUATIONS ......T 49 Assignment of Valence Numbers-Elements exhibiting more than one Valence-Use of Valence in classifying Compounds-Writing Formulas with the Aid of Valence-Writing Equations-Oxidation and Reduction. CHAPTER VIL CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE 55 Names of Elements-Most positive Element named first-Binary Com- pounds designated by Suffix -ide-Compounds whose positive Element may show different Valences-Oxy-acids and Salts-Sulfo-acids and Salts -Complex Halogen Acids and Salts-Acid and Basic Salts-Partially Dehydrated Acids and their Salts . CHAPTER VIII. QUANTITATIVE RELATIONS INVOLVING SOLUTIONS OF KNOWN CONCENTRATION .. 60 Concentration in Terms of Mois per Liter-Titration*-Standardizing Solutions-The Equivalent: Normal Concentration-Summary-Ex- amples-Titration involving other Types of Reaction. CHAPTER IX. THERMO-CHEMISTRY 65 The Calorie - Experimental Determination of Heats of Reaction - Numerical Representation of Heats of Reaction-Effect of the State of the Reacting Substances-Indirect Determination of Meats of Reaction -Fuel Value of Foods. ' CHAPTER* X. - Page BEHAVIOR OF SUBSTANCES DISSOLVED IN WATER. IONIC THEORY . 71 Abnormally great Lowering of the Freezing Point-Independent Migra- tion of Ions in Electrolysis-Ions carry definite electric Charges-The Atom of Electricity-Properties of dilute aqueous Solutions of Strong Electrolytes are the Sum of independent Sets of Properties, hence independent Substances are present-Heats of Reaction in dilute Solution of Strong Electrolytes depend on reacting Ions only-Degree of Ionization of strong Electrolytes-Weak Acids and Bases are less ionized-Weak Salts-Ionization of weak polybasic Acids in Steps'- Ionization in other Solvents than Water-Ionization of fused Salts- Ionization of Water. CHAPTER XL THE SPEED OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS 81 Application of the Kinetic Theory-Effect of Temperature-Effect of Concentration-Numerical Relation between Concentration and Speed -Effect of Stirring and of Contact Surface in Reactions occurring at the Boundaries between Phases-Catalysts-Enzymes. CHAPTER XII. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. THE EFFECT OF CONCENTRATION.... 87 Reversibility of Chemical Reactions-It is possible to have all Sub- stances involved present together in Chemical Equilibrium-Effect on Equilibrium of changing Concentration-Quantitative expression of the Mass Law-Dissociation Constants of Electrolytes-Chemical Equations do not indicate Amounts present at Equilibrium. CHAPTER XIII. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. PROPERTIES WHICH MAY AFFECT CONCENTRATION 96 Volatility-Solubility-Ionization of Water-Ionization of weak Acids, Bases and Salts-Complex Ions, (a) Ammonia, (b) Cyanide, (c) Halide, (d) Oxalate-Competition between the foregoing Factors, (a) Hydro- lysis, (b) The Solution of Hydroxides, (c) of Oxides, (d) of Ampho- teric Hydroxides, (e) of Sulfides in Hydrogen Ion, (f) .of Amphoteric Sulfides, (g) of Salts of other weak Acids, (h) by forming weak Salts, (i) by forming complex Ions, (j) by forming Ions of Amphoteric Hydroxides, (k) Systematizing the Reactions of a given Ion-Miscel- laneous Transformations. CHAPTER XIV. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. THE EFFECT OF PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE 116 Effect of changing total Pressure-Effect of changing Temperature- Simultaneous Consideration of all Factors governing Reactions, (a) "Contact Process," (b) Synthesis of Ammonia, (c) Synthesis of Nitric Oxide, (d) "Cracking" of Petroleum. CHAPTER XV. OXIDATION AND REDUCTION - - 123 Writing Equations, (a) The Substances produced, (b) Assignment of Valence Numbers, (c) Change in Valences, (d) Balancing Valence Changes, (e) Final Balancing-Relative Oxidizing and Reducing Powers of Substances, (a) Metals and their Ions, (b) Solubility of Metals in Water, Acids and Alkalis, (c) General Table-Oxidizing Power and Speed of Oxidation-Substances acting both as oxidizing and reducing Agents-Solution of Insoluble Sulfides-Storage Batteries. CHAPTER XVI. THE PERIODIC SYSTEM -136 Forms of Periodic Table-Density-Melting Point-Tensile Strength- Valence-Noble and Base Metals-Metals and Non-metals-Strength of . Acids and Bases-Amphoteric Sulfides-Stability of Hydrides-Compari- son of Oxides and Hydrides-Elements that form Complex Ions'- Resemblance of first member of Group to second of succeeding Group- Radioactive Elements-Prediction of unknown Elements. CHAPTER XVII. DISPERSED SYSTEMS •.... -146 Brownian Movement-Optical Properties' of Colloidal Solutions- Absorption-Electrical Migration-Colloidal Particles-Relation between Charge and Stability, Coagulation-Emulsions-Jellies-Emulsion Col- loids-Protective Colloids-Preparation of Colloidal Solutions, (a) Dispersion Methods, (b) Condensation Methods. PREFACE. This book has been written primarily to serve as a reference book in the course in General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis in the University of California. There are, it is true, many excellent texts in existence, but whenever an instructor uses a text written by someone else he faces the dilemma that a departure from the order and manner of presentation of the printed text results in the loss of much of its value to the student as a reference book, while a close adherence to it, on the other hand, interferes with the freedom and individuality, and hence with the enthusiasm and effectiveness of the teacher. The difficulty is not altogether avoided by writing one's own book, as probably every teacher is tempted to do, for a book tends to end the period of experimentation upon the class and to substitute therefor year after year of complacent stereotyped repetition. A wise old master of the teaching art doubtless had this in mind when he replied to the question as to why he did not write a text book by saying, "I would not be such a fool, for then I could not change my mind." Now there are two facts which seem to the writer to indicate a way to avoid these difficulties. The first is that the difficulties of the student are not concerned with the simple matters of fact so much as with general principles, methods and points of view. It is comparatively easy for him to learn the properties and uses of" substances from any text-book, lecture or laboratory course, but much harder for him to learn to write equations, to use them in calculations of weight and volume, to understand and apply such principles as the Ionic Theory or the Mass Law. Repetition, thought and practice are required in such cases. The second of these facts is that writers of text-books have been in the habit of introducing the general principles in the particular connec- tions which seem best to them at the time of writing, and it is usually unsatisfactory to change the order followed by the book. The difficulty is not so much that the material is not well presented, but rather, that a topic like the Mass Law, for example, is introduced in a chapter headed sulfur, and must remain there if the illustrations are to be of any value, whereas, of course, this principle no more belongs under sulfur than it does under any other element, and the instructor using the book may wish to introduce it at some totally different place. On the other hand, the purely descriptive material could be rearranged almost ad libitum. It seems to the author, accordingly, that the ideal text-book would consist of two volumes, one of General Principles, the other of Descrip- tive Chemistry, the latter a book of moderate dimensions on the plan of Roscoe and Schorlemmer's "Treatise on Chemistry" or Abegg and Auerbach's "Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie." Since, however, the descriptive material is available in so many existing books, the limit of the author's present ambition is a presentation of the Principles of Chemistry in such a way as to allow, in its use, the maximum flexibility consistent with the subject. It is hoped that the treatment of these principles in this volume is such that the various chapters and sections can be used in connection with almost any arrangement of descriptive material. Furthermore, although a certain logical order has been followed 4 in the text, the effort has been to make the presentation of each topic such that considerable departure from the given order might be possible without loss of intelligibility. As a matter of fact, the order in which the topics are taken up in our own course does not fully correspond to that here used. Some parts of a chapter such as that on the Periodic System, for example, may well be introduced in a course much earlier than other parts, and the arrangement of paragraph headings throughout has been made with the end in view of facilitating such rearrangement. This separate treatment of Principles is, however, not only undertaken to allow flexibility but also to emphasize the Principles of Chemistry to a degree that seems justified by the present status of chemical science. The earlier history of all natural sciences is that of description and classification, and their adepts were necessarily men of well developed powers of observation and memory rather than of inference and deduc- tion. We still start the beginner in the historic way, asking him to commit to memory facts concerning the elements and their compounds. With the development of the science, however, there has arisen a con- siderable body of general principles which can serve as the basis for deduction, and the profound change in the character of chemical research during the last generation bears witness to the development of the later type of scientist, the one who seeks causes, and aims to develop means for predicting and controlling phenomena. In recognition of this change elementary texts have been "modernized" by the introduction of chapters on the Ionic Theory, Phase Rule, Chemical Equilibrium, etc., which are often intrusions foreign to the rest of the book, and so they never become part of the usable tools of the student. Although, of course, chemistry is yet far from being an exact science, we nevertheless have made far more progress in this direction than is recognized in the traditional plan of instruction, and progress in both pure science and industry is becoming constantly more dependent upon ability to predict new facts by the aid of general principles rather than upon a knowledge of existing facts. A remarkable plea for such a change in the teaching of chemistry is made by the late Professor H. LeChatelier in the preface to his book "Legons sur Carbone." The entire preface is worth reading by all teachers of chemistry. In it he says: "Pour comprendre la necessite de modifier profondement les methodes d'enseignment de la chimie, il suffit de com- parer un cours de chimie et un cours de physique .... Dans 1'enseign- ment de la physique on ne parle que des lois des phenomenes naturels. En chimie, au contraire, c'est une enumeration indefinie de petits faits particuliers: Formules de combinaisons, densites, couleurs, action de tel ou tel corps, recettes de preparation, etc L'enseignement de la chimie minerale est completement immobile depuis soixante-quinze ans." He goes on to contrast this orthodox method of presentation of chemistry with the chapter headings from the work of Lavoisier: "De la combination du calorique.-De la formation des fluides aeriformes.-Nomenclature des acides.-Quantite de chaleur degagee dans les differentes combustions.- De la fermentation putride.-Des seis neutres, etc.," all of which deal with general subjects instead of descriptions of substances. He admits of course, that it is not yet possible to consider chemistry an exact science whose presentation can be made solely on the basis of general principles, but holds, nevertheless, that the progress that has been made in this direction has been far from recognized in the traditional plan of presen- tation. It is not intended, by any means, that this volume should furnish the entire material for a course in general chemistry. It is designed distinctly 5 as a reference book rather than a text book. Our own course includes much of the traditional descriptive material, and besides, for entrance to the University course we prescribe High School chemistry, which is usually largely descriptive in nature. Our aim is, however, to develop principles rather than simply to study elements and compounds descrip- tively. The laboratory manual for our course has been written with this end in view by Professor W. C. Bray and Dr. Ludwig Rosenstein. Considerable thought has been expended in devising the exercises at the end of each chapter. The material in the text does not consist of facts to be memorized so much as of tools, to learn to use which requires a great deal of drill. These exercises constitute, therefore, an important part of the book. For whatever merit the book may possess, the author desires to make very great acknowledgements to his colleagues. Our own course has been made to a large extent in the weekly conferences of instructors, and the freedom of criticism always enjoyed in these meetings has had a very large effect in determining the contents of this volume. Especial thanks are due for the valuable criticism given by Professor G. N. Lewis, Professor W. C. Bray, Dr. W. L. Argo and Dr. G. E. Gibson, who were kind enough to read the manuscript. Joel H. Hildebrand. Berkeley, Cal., 1917. 6 CHAPTER I. KINDS OF MATTER. The Domain of Chemistry. Various aspects of the material things we see about us may attract our attention, such as the uses to which these things may be put, the beauty of form or color they may possess, or the materials out of which they are made. It is the last of these that is the concern of chemistry. Two vases may have nothing in common from an artistic standpoint, and a vase and a plate may serve entirely different purposes, and yet, from a chemical point of view, all three may be identical by reason of the material, porcelain, out of which they are made. Chemistry does not concern itself with articles or objects, as typified by such words as chair, pen, bottle, nail, wire, but rather with the substances or materials out of which these and other objects may be made, as typified by such words as wood, glass, iron, copper, clay, sugar. It is the task of the chemist to ascertain all of the qualities or properties of every kind of matter, so that the vast number of different kinds may be recognized and distinguished from each other. It is also the task of the chemist, to determine how these substances or materials may be obtained, or, when obtained, how they may be preserved. The materials out of which objects are made often do not in the free state, and the enormous quantities of it which are used for making such a multitude of things must be obtained from the various iron ores, by heating them with coke or charcoal in a blast furnace. It is of course very important to know how much coke to use with a given amount of ore, and howr much iron should be obtained from the ore, because the cost of iron is partly determined by these factors. The chemist, therefore, must be concerned not only with iron, its nature and properties, but also with the conditions necessary for getting it from its ores, and the quantities of the materials involved in the process. And then, finally, he must determine how to prevent loss of iron from rusting. The housewife, in making biscuits with the aid of baking soda and sour milk, finds that if too little soda is used the biscuits will not be "light," whereas if too much soda is used they will be yellow, and the taste will be impaired. She must therefore know, not only that when soda and sour milk are mixed they give a gas that will make the dough porous, but also the relative amounts necessary for the best results. In the processes just referred to it is obvious that new kinds of matter have been produced. The iron ore and the coke are quite evidently different stuff from iron. The sour milk loses its sour taste when mixed with sufficient soda, and a gas is evolved quite different from either of the previous materials. Any such change, in which the kind of matter is altered, is called a chemical change, or a chemical reaction. When iron is drawm into wire, or made into nails, it is still iron, and no chemical change has taken place, but when it rusts it is no longer iron but a brown powder of very different nature from iron. When marble is cut into various shapes it is still marble, whether in the form of a statute, a table top or a building block, possessing all of the characteristics by which we recognize it as marble. If, however, we heat it for a while to a high temperature it changes in appearance, losing weight, becoming the familiar substance we call quicklime. This again is a chemical reaction, 7 since a new substance is produced. Another chemical reaction takes place if we allow water to come in contact with the quicklime. The color changes from light grey to white, heat is evolved, the mass swells and falls apart to a powder, or, if water is in excess, forms a paste. The resulting material is called slaked-lime, a substance with properties different from those of marble or quicklime. Often we direct our attention, in dealing with chemical reactions, not so much to the nature of the substances involved, or to their relative amounts, as to the energy used up or liberated by the process. When oil burns it unites with something from the air, as we must infer from the necessity of an air supply, and forms gaseous products, which ordi- narily do not attract our attention except for the necessity of providing for their escape. The most important thing is the energy made available by the reaction, which we may wish to use for light, heat or power. In a dry cell zinc is used up and electrical energy is obtained. The question as to what becomes of the zinc is overshadowed by the question as to how much electrical energy should be gotten from a definite amount of zinc. We see, then, that chemistry is concerned with substances, and their properties; with the changes or reactions whereby other substances are formed; with the conditions necessary for bringing about or preventing these reactions; and with the relative amounts of matter and energy involved. Some hint may be gotten from the illustrations given above of the immense importance of chemistry to the material welfare of mankind. Great service has been rendered by those who have applied it to the satisfaction of human needs. It must not be forgotten, however, that these needs are mental and spiritual as well as material, and that to enlarge man's mental horizon is quite as worthy an endeavor as it is to increase his physical comfort. To seek out and discover Nature's mysteries is not a pursuit that requires utilitarian justification. The world owes an incalculable debt to the explorers who have led the way to new fields of thought and endeavor. It is these men who pave the way not only for the miner, the railroad builder and the farmer, but, most important of all, for others who love Nature and whose spirits are enriched by her knowl- edge. To those having this pioneer spirit chemistry offers wide uncharted realms, to explore which is among the most fascinating of pursuits. Properties Used to Recognize Substances. Many substances have characteristics so marked that there is little likelihood of their being confused with other substances. The color of copper distinguishes it from other metals. The elacticity of rubber, the taste of sugar, the odor of ether, serve to distinguish these substances, even in the absence of other tests, from those encountered in ordinary life. We constantly apply such obvious tests as those of color, luster, hardness, odor and taste. We distinguish quite readily between solids, liquids and gases. Very often, however, we need to refine our methods of observation, or to rise less obvious properties for distinguishing substances. Instead of being content with saying that lead is "heavier" than iron, we find it desirable to express this "heaviness" or density numerically by determining the weight of a unit volume, usually the number of grams per cubic centi- meter. The refractive index if a transparent body can be determined with great exactness and is a most valuable means of identification. The coefficient of expansion, the conductivity for heat or electricity, the boiling point, the melting point, the heat of fusion or of vaporization, 8 are all quantities having characteristic values for individual substances, and which may be accurately determined by appropriate methods. The chemical changes which substances may undergo offer important means of identification. Gold may be indistinguishable from certain samples of brass in appearance, but nitric acid at once differentiates them by dissolving the latter. Powdered talc and starch in a face powder might readily be differentiated by the fact that the latter will swell up and dissolve in boiling water, or that it will readily burn. Heterogeneous Mixtures. As we attempt to apply our tests to dis- tinguish substances, we notice that some materials give a rather ambiguous answer. What shall we consider to be the color, density or hardness of a piece of granite? On close examination we find it composed of several kinds of mineral, having different degrees of hardness, different colors and different properties in general. Although we might determine the density of a given piece of granite it would be folly to talk about the density of granite in general, because the constituents of granite are present in different proportion in different samples. Granite is obviously a mixture and not a pure substance, and its properties change abruptly from one small region to another. These regions within which the properties suffer no abrupt changes, in this case quartz, mica and feldspar, are called phases. A mixture containing more than one phase is called a heterogeneous mixture. Another example is muddy water. Here we cannot see the different phases quite so readily, but a microscope or a filter shows quite distinctly that two phases are present. Some alloys, like solder, appear quite uniform to the eye, as if they contained but one phase, whereas, by careful etching with acid and using a microscope with reflected light, it is evident that the alloy is heterogeneous, more than one phase being present. Evidently, then, the first step in our examination and classification of matter is to separate heterogeneous mixtures into their component homogeneous phases. This may be accomplished by purely mechanical means, which may vary with the nature of the separation. A suspended solid may be removed from a liquid by filtration. A fog (liquid particles) or a smoke (solid particles) may be removed from a gas by the same means. Two solids, may be picked apart, though such a process would often be impracticable. Where two kinds of solid particles have different densities it is sometimes possible to employ a liquid whose density is such that one solid will rise to the surface while the other stays on the bottom, as would be the case if a mixture of sand and sawdust were thrown into water. Two liquids which do not mix, like kerosene and water, are easily separated by skimming or some equivalent process. Where one is emulsified in the other, the highly dispersed globules of the one may often be brought together prior to a separation, as when butter is obtained from cream. Solutions. Having separated heterogeneous mixtures into single phases, our next step is the examination of these phases. We will find that a phase may consist of one substance, or of two or more substances, when it would be called a solution. For example, we may take sugar and water, each a pure substance, and make a solution, uniform throughout in properties. The sugar cannot be seen with a microscope or filtered out by a filter. Such a solution has the same appearance as a pure substance. It can be distinguished from a pure substance, however, by the fact that its properties depend on the relative amounts of the substances 9 from which it is made. The properties of a pure substance, are always the same at the same temperature and pressure. Pure water always has the same density provided that the pressure and temperature at which the density is measured are kept the same. Ice always melts to water at the same temperature unless a different pressure is applied to it, and even then for every pressure there is a definite melting point. Similarly occur in a free state in nature. Iron, for example, is found but rarely the boiling point of water depends only upon the barometic pressure. The properties of solutions, on the other hand, depend on the composition as well as on the temperature and pressure. The properties of a sugar solution are not implied when the temperature and pressure are stated, as is the case with pure sugar or pure water. In order to predict the Fig. 1. Hardened Steel. Fig. 2. Wrought Iron. density or sweetness of such a solution, or the temperature at which it would freeze or boil, we would have to know its composition, i. e., how much sugar there is in a given amount of water. In general, then, the properties of a solution depend not only upon the temperature and pressure, hut upon the composition as well. The term solution must not be restricted to liquid solutions, although they furnish the most familiar examples. All gases are completely miscible with each other, forming but one phase, so that every mixture of gases is a solution. Alloys of silver and gold, no matter what the relative amounts Fig. 3. Grey Cast Iron. Fig. 4. Annealed Steel. 10 of the two metals, contain but one kind of crystal, the properties of which, such as density, color, electrical conductivity, melting point, change con- tinuously with the composition. This is a solid solution, and may be contrasted with alloys of copper and silver, which contain two kinds of crystals through a certain range of composition. This could be shown, first, by the microscope, second, by the fact that alloys of these metals, though of different composition, would all begin to melt at the same temperature. This is true because a change in the proportion of the metals produces no change in the nature of the two crystals but simply in their relative amount, and the melting and boiling points of substances never depend upon how much of the substance is taken. Hardened steel is a solid solution, for though it contains carbon it shows but one kind of crystal under the microscope as shown in Fig. 1, just as does wrought iron, Fig. 2, which is nearly pure iron. Grey cast iron, however, contains graphite crystals, as shown in Fig. 3, and is obviously heterogeneous, as is annealed steel, Fig. 4, which consists of an intimate mixture of pure iron, of the kind shown in Fig. 2, with an iron carbide. Solutions and pure substances can be differentiated experimentally by changing the state of aggregation of part of the material, as by melting, crystallizing or boiling, whereupon one component usually changes in state more readily than the other, so that the new phase will be of different composition from the old and hence have different properties. Air can be shown to be a mixture of gases by liquefying it and allowing the liquid to evaporate slowly. During the process it will be found that the boiling point changes, that the color of the liquid residue changes, and that the air evaporating gradually changes in properties, as shown, for example, by the fact that the brightness with which a candle will burn in it increases gradually from the first to the last portions. If liquid air is distilled in a scientifically constructed still it is possible to separate it into two nearly pure constituents, just as water and alcohol can be separated. One of these constituents is found to be slightly lighter than air; it can be condensed to a colorless liquid boiling at -194° C; it is very inert chemically, reacting with but few other sub- stances. The name nitrogen is given to it. The other constituent is slightly heavier than air; it gives when condensed at low temperatures a blue liquid boiling at -182.5°C, and it reacts readily with many sub- stances. Ordinary combustible materials burn in it very vigorously. It is called oxygen. Compounds and Elements. Having found out how to distinguish between mixtures and pure substances, let us ask the further question: of what are pure substances made? This question may be answered by means of appropriate chemical reactions. We may determine what sub- stances may be made to unite to form the substance we are investigating, a process called synthesis, meaning putting together; or we may separate the substance into simpler constituent substances, a process called analysis, meaning taking apart. If molten lead is exposed to the air it becomes coated with a scum, and if this scum is constantly removed the lead entirely changes into another substance, called litharge, with a considerable increase in weight, indicating that something has been absorbed from the air. Of the two main constituents of the air only one, the oxygen, will transform the lead in this way. We would conclude from these facts that the familiar substance litharge is composed of lead and oxygen, or, 11 as chemists would say, is a compound of lead and oxygen. This would be the synthesis of litharge. On the other hand, we might take some litharge, put it into a crucible, heat it to a red heat, pass over it some illuminating gas, and we would find that it changed into lead, with a loss in weight. Evidently litharge contains lead plus some other constituent which has been removed by the illuminating gas. Further experiments might be performed to prove this other constituent to be oxygen. This would be the analysis of litharge, and from it, likewise, we would conclude that litharge is a compound of lead and oxygen. Again, if we pass an electric current through water, using platinum or gold electrodes to introduce the current into the water, we find that gases are given off at the electrodes and that water is used up. If we collect the gas given off at the negative electrode we find that it is very light, soap bubbles filled with it rising like balloons, and that it will burn in air with a faintly luminous very hot flame. To this gas is given the name hydrogen. The other gas is slightly heavier than air, and will not burn in air, but burning substances thrust into it will continue to burn with greatly increased vigor and brilliancy. This gas we may identify as oxygen, which we have found to be also one of the constituents of air. From this analysis of water we would conclude that water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. The analysis might be made in many other ways; and we might also synthesize water by allowing hydro- gen and oxygen to combine, which they do very readily. Now it has never been possible to resolve lead, oxygen and hydrogen into simpler substances. These substances, and all others which have never by ordinary chemical reactions* been resolved into simpler sub- stances, are called elements. There are known at the present time about eighty-three elements. They can form almost endless combinations with each other; considerably over one hundred thousand are known and new ones are constantly being prepared. Table I contains a list of the chemical elements. Many of them are well known substances. Many are rare, occurring in but small quantities. Symbols. Along with each element in the table is given a char- acteristic number, whose significance will be explained later, and also a symbol used to designate the element. It consists of the initial letter of the name, followed, where necessary to distinguish between several ele-' ments having the same initial, by a second appropriate letter. In many cases the symbol follows the Latin name of the element rather than the English name, allowing the symbols to be practically the same in all the principal languages. Thus, the symbol for iron is Fe from the Latin ferrum; that for gold is Au, from the Latin aurum, etc. Classification of the Elements. The elements may be classified in various ways, all of which might be useful for certain purposes. Some of them are solids, some liquids, and some gases, at ordinary temperature and pressure. This is, however, not a very fundamental distinction, as each element may be made to exist in any of these states by suitable alterations in temperature and pressure. A most useful classification is that furnished by the Periodic System, whereby the elements are arranged in families or groups which show similar properties. This arrangement will be used very extensively later, after we have explained the basis upon which it is made. One of the most significant of all divisions is that into metals and non-metals. The general characteristics of metals 12 and non-metals are familiar to all. Metals are characterized by an appear- ance called metallic luster, by malleability and ductility, and by relatively high conductivity for heat and electricity. These physical differences are Table I. Symbol Atomic Weight Symbol Atomic Mo Weight 96.0 Aluminum Al 27.1 Molybdenum Antimony Sb 120.2 Neodymium Nd 144.3 Argon A 39.88 Neon Ne 20.2 Arsenic As 74.96 Nickel Ni 58.68 Barium Ba 137.37 Niton (radium emanationL.Nt 222.4 Beryllium Be 9.1 Nitrogen l.N 14.01 Bismuth ....Bi 208.0 Osmium Os 190.9 Boron B 11.0 Oxygen O 16.00 Bromine Br 79.92 Palladium Pd 106.7 Cadmium Cd 112.40 Phosphorus P 31.04 Caesium ..Cs 132.81 Platinum Pt 195.2 Ca 40.07 Potassium K -39.10 c 12.005 Praseodymium Pr 140.9 Cerium Ce 140.25 Radium. Ra 226.0 Chlorine .Cl 35.46 Rhodium Rh 102.9 Chromium Cr 52.0 Rubidium Rb 85.45 Co 58.97 Ruthenium Ru 101.7 Columbium .Cb 93.5 Samarium 150.4 Copper Cu 63.57 Scandium Sc 44.1 Dysprosium Dy 162.5 Selenium Se 79.2 Erbium. Er 167.7 Silicon Si 28.3 Europium Eu 152.0 Silver Ag 107.88 Fluorine F 19.0 Sodium Na 23.00 Gadolinium. . . .Gd 157.3 Strontium Sr 87.63 Gallium Ga 69.9 Sulfur S 32.06 Germanium Ge 72.5 Tantalum Ta 181.5 Gold ....Au 197.2 Tellurium Te 127.5 Helium He 4.00 Terbium Tb 159.2 Holmium Ho 163.5 Thallium T1 204.0 Hydrogen H 1.008 Thorium Th 232.4 Indium Jn 114.8 Thulium Tm 168.5 Iodine I 126.92 Tin Sn 118.7 Iridium Jr 193.1 Titanium Ti 48 1 Iron Fe 55.84 Tungsten W 184.0 Krypton Kr 82.92 Uranium.. .U 238.2 Lanthanum La 139.0 Vanadium V 51.0 Lead Pb 207.20 Xenon Xe 130.2 Lithium Li 6.94 Ytterbium (Neoytterbium).Yb 173.5 Lutecium Lu 175.0 Yttrium Yt 88.7 Magnesium Mg 24.32 Zinc Zn 65.37 Manganese Mn 54.93 Zirconium Zr 90.6 Mercury Hg 200.6 * Certain elements decompose into others by a different type of change called radioactive, to be treated in Chapter XVI. 13 accompanied by fundamental differences in chemical behavior to be discussed later. From what has just been said it must not be supposed that the metallic state is peculiar to elements. There are many compounds which are metallic also. The further classification of compounds will, however, be deferred to a later chapter, where we will see that the metallic or non-metallic character of the component elements furnishes the basis for this classification. It must not be thought that all elements fall readily into these two classes. In fact the two classes shade into each other, as illustrated by carbon, which in the formi of graphite has some metallic luster and is a fair conductor of .electricity, or by arsenic, which has metallic luster but is very brittle. Most of our schemes of classification are arbitrary, for our own convenience, and are not due to sharp natural boundaries. Summary. The classification of materials that has been presented in this chapter may be summarized in the following table. It is not important to memorize the table, but it is important to understand the nature of the distinctions it indicates. Table II. KINDS OF MATTER. HETEROGENEOUS: Consisting of more than one phase. HOMOGENEOUS: Consisting of one phase. SOLUTIONS: Variable Composition. PURE SUBTANCES. COMPOUNDS. ELEMENTS. Metals. Non-metals. Exercises. 1. What is the distinction between the terms "object" and "sub- stance" ? 2. Name a number of properties which serve to identify and distinguish substances. 3. How could you distinguish between nickel and silver? Gold and brass? Alcohol and water? Glass and rock crystal (quartz)? Starch and talc powder? Salt and baking soda? Solid and plated silverware? Glass and diamond? Ether and chloroform? 4. Classify the following materials according to the above table, giving reasons; where you are not sure of the classification devise an experiment which would enable you to decide:-milk, bronze, illuminating- gas, glass, wheat flour, a five-cent piece, well-water, gasoline, cast iron, plaster of Paris, white lead, sugar, gold, sulfur. 5. Define, or at least use correctly in a sentence each of the following terms: phase, element, symbol, metal, substance, solution, property, com- pound, density, heat of fusion. 14 CHAPTER II. While discussing the general properties of substances it will be profitable to consider certain properties of gases, on account of the existence of important uniformities in their behavior. When solids and liquids are heated, in nearly all instances, they expand, but the rate of expansion with the temperature is a specific property of each substance. The same holds true for the compressibility of solids and liquids. How- ever, when we investigate the behavior of gases with respect to alterations in temperature and pressure, we find that the effect on the volume is almost the same no matter what gas is being examined. One does not need to know the name of the gas in order to predict how its volume will change under the influence of changing pressure or temperature. In making such predictions we may have in mind either certain formulas which express the results of experiments upon gases, or else a theory as to the nature of gases which enables us to predict the behavior actually found by experiment. This twofold approach to scientific truth has been quite general, sometimes experiment leading to the discovery of new laws to be afterward explained by a theory, sometimes theory suggesting laws whose truth must be tested experimentally. In the present instance there are advantages in approaching the problem from the theoretical standpoint, since the theory is so simple and leads so obviously to the correct mathematics, making it unnecessary to commit to memory formulas almost sure to be forgotten or misapplied. Kinetic Theory. The fundamental difference between gases on the one hand, and liquids and solids on the other, is the tendency of gases to expand indefinitely, so as to fill completely any vessel in which they are contained. If a quantity of gas is introduced into an evacuated vessel, it distributes itself almost instantly throughout the whole space at its disposal, showing a tendency to still further expansion by exerting a pressure on all parts of the walls of the vessel. If the vessel already contains one gas, and another gas is admitted, it will be found, after allowing sufficient time to elapse, that both gases are equally distributed throughout the vessel. For example, if ammonia is exposed to the air in one part of a room in which the air is perfectly still, a person in a different part of the room will soon be able to smell the ammonia. This process, whereby one substance works its way through another, is called diffusion. Now, let us ask the question, what sort of a structure must we think of a gas as possessing in order to account for these phenomena? The most satisfactory picture is that furnished by the kinetic theory, which assumes that a gas is composed of particles called molecules, whose size is very small compared with the distance between them, and that, each molecule is in rapid motion, colliding with other molecules and with the walls of the containing vessel.* It is these impacts which produce the observed pressure, a series of rapid impacts obviously having the effect THE GAS LAWS AND THE KINETIC THEORY. * An idea of the actual values calculated may be gotten from the following figures for oxygen. At one atmosphere pressure and 0°C, one cubic centimeter of oxygen contains 28 X 1018 molecules, moving with an average velocity of 0.66 kilometers per second (do about % mile per second). Each molecule travels on an average about 1000 times its own diameter before colliding with another molecule. 15 of a steady pressure. The further assumption is made that the average velocity of the molecules, and hence the pressure produced upon the walls of the vessel, depends upon the temperature, increasing as the latter increases. The molecules are in such rapid motion, and are most of the time so far apart, relatively, that their mutual attractions have very little effect. This picture of the condition of gases has proven to be of such immense service in explaining and predicting their properties that it is hardly questioned by scientists at the present time. Relation Between Quantity and Pressure When Volume and Tem- perature Are Constant. Let us see first, how, on the basis of the theory just given, we should expect changes in the amount of a gas to be related numerically to changes in pressure. Imagine a gas enclosed in a vessel provided with a cock, as represented in Fig. 5, a. The vessel is supposed to be immersed in a bath to preserve constant temperature. Fig 5 Let us have a very few molecules in the vessel, and visualize them by the dots in the figure. These molecules will all be in rapid rectilinear motion, some moving faster, some more slowly, between impacts, but with a certain average velocity depending on the temperature, producing a definite pressure on the vessel walls as they rebound from them. Suppose, now, we introduce an equal number of the same kind of mole- cules through the valve, producing the condition illustrated in Fig. 5, b. It is obvious that since the volume of the vessel remains the same, and the average speed of the molecules is kept the same by the action of the bath in maintaining constant temperature, the only effect of the doubling of the amount of gas is merely to double the number of impacts in a given time per unit of area of the vessel walls, and hence to double the pressure. Evidently we would expect any change in the number of molecules in the vessel to produce a proportional change in the pressure, and since the number of molecules depends on the amount of the gas, we can make the general deduction that when temperature and volume are kept constant the pressure of a gas is proportional to the amount present. 16 As an example of how this may be applied let us consider a tank, with an attached pressure gauge, containing any gas, and let gas escape until the pressure falls from 100 lbs. per square inch to 30 lbs. It is evident, since the pressure has fallen to 0.3 of its initial value, that there remains in the tank only 0.3 of the gas originally present. Relation Between Pressure and Volume When Temperature and Amount Are Constant. Let us imagine, next, that the gas is contained in a cylinder like that of a steam engine, with a movable piston, as in Fig. 6, so that the volume of the enclosed gas may be altered without changing the amount. If, now, the piston is pushed down from the posi- tion represented by a, in the figure, to that represented by b, where the volume is half as great, the number of impacts on a given area of the walls in a given time will be doubled. While the piston is being pushed down the molecules striking it will rebound a little faster than before, causing a slight increase in temperature,* so that we must wait a moment Fig. 6. till this temperature has been lowered to that of the bath surrounding the cylinder, when the average speed of the molecules will be the same as before the piston was pushed down. Since the number of impacts on a given area of the walls has been doubled, the pressure is likewise twice what it was before the piston was moved. Evidently if the volume were made V3 as great as at first the pressure would become three times as great, etc., so that we may conclude in general that when the temperature and amount of gas are constant the pressure is inversely proportional to the volume. As an example let us calculate the final volume when 10 liters of gas at a pressume of 76 cm. of mercury is subjected to a pressure of 19 cm. Since the pressure is decreased in the ratio 19/76, the volume will be * This effect may be noticed in the heating of the pump when a bicycle or automobile tire is pumped up. 17 increased in the same ratio, becoming 76/19 of 10 liters, the original volume, or 40 liters. Relation Between Pressure and Concentration When Temperature Is Constant. The ratio between the amount of material and the volume in which it is contained, or the amount in unit volume, is called its con- centration. Evidently it is the concentration which determines the number of impacts, and hence the pressure so long as the speed of the molecules is unaltered. If, for example, 2 gm. of a certain gas in 5 liters exerted a pressure of 2 atmospheres, then 1 gm. of the same gas at the same tem- perature in a volume of 10 1. would be only */4 as ocncentrated, and would exert only x/4 of the pressure, which would be 1/2 atmosphere. In general we may say that the pressure of a gas is proportioned to its concentration when the temperature is constant. Relation Between the Pressure, Mass and Speed of the Molecules. Although, as has been said, the pressure exerted by a gas depends upon the velocity of its molecules, it is not directly proportional to the speed, for if the speed is doubled, not only does each molecule hit the vessel walls twice as often, but also twice as hard, for the momentum of each molecule is doubled by doubling the speed. The pressure is thus propor- tional to the square of the average velocity of the molecules, and hence is proportional to their mean kinetic energy. Moreover, the momentum of each impact is proportional to the mass of the molecules. A heavy molecule would exert more pressure than would a light one moving at the same speed. In a mixture of gases the different kinds of molecules must all have the same kinetic energy, hence light molecules like those of hydrogen must move much faster than heavier ones like those of oxygen. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Effect of Temperature, Amount Constant. Let us next see how a gas would be affected by a change in the temperature. It will be simplest, first, to consider the effect of this change upon the pressure and volume separately, keeping one constant while the other is allowed to vary. We will imagine a constant weight on the piston of the cylinder containing the gas, so that the volume may vary while the pressure remains the same. We may now vary the temperature by altering that of the bath in which the cylinder is immersed. If the temperature of the gas is increased we would expect, in terms of our theory, that the molecules would gain in kinetic energy, moving faster and hitting the vessel walls and the piston both harder and more frequently, forcing the latter up- wards until the reduction in the number of impacts in a given time compensates for the greater force of each impact. It is found by experiment that this increase in volume is uniform, as expressed by the plot in Fig. 7. 18 Absolute Zero of Temperature. Similarly, if the piston is not permitted to move, so that the volume remains constant, an increase in tempera- ture would be expected to increase the kinetic energy of the molecules resulting in harder and more frequent impacts, and hence an increase in pressure. It is found that the increase in pressure with temperature is uniform, as expressed by the plot in Fig. 8, similar to the previous case. By careful measurements the increase is found to amount to 1/273 of the value of the pressure at 0°C. We are led naturally to inquire the effect of a continued decrease in temperature. Diminishing the pressure 1/273 of its value at 0°C for every degree the temperature is lowered, would give no pressure at all at -273°C, (more exactly, -273.09°C). What does this mean in terms of the kinetic theory? Since we have attributed gas pressure to the impacts of gas molecules moving with an energy depending on the temperature, when the pressure becomes zero we must conclude that the molecules are no longer in motion, and that we have reached the Absolute Zero of temperature. A lower temperature is inconceivable in terms of our theory. This remarkable conclusion is confirmed by the behavior of other properties, many of w'hich approach either zero or infinity, as the temperature approaches -273°C. It is both logical, therefore, and for many scientific purposes con- venient, to reckon temperature from the absolute zero, which is 273° below the centigrade zero. We denote absolute temperature by A. On this scale the melting point of ice, 0°C, is 4-2730A; 17°C is 273-{-17 or 290°A, and in general, letting T and t stand for temperature on the absolute and centigrade scales respectively, T = t + 273. The most convenient way of expressing the effect of temperature on the pressure is to say that when the amount and volume of a gas are kept constant, the pressure is proportional to the absolute temperature, since both depend upon the kinetic energy of the molecules. As an example let us find the final pressure produced when a tank of gas under a pressure of 10 atmospheres is cooled from 40°C to 18°C. 40°C is 313°A, and 18°C is 291 °A. Since the absolute temperature has been lowered to 291/313 of its initial value, the kinetic energy of the molecules will be lowered to 291/313 of its initial value, and hence the pressure will be lowered to the same fraction of its initial value, which is 2^1/si3 10 atmospheres or 9.3 atmospheres. When the amount of gas and the pressure are kept constant, any change in the absolute temperature, with its proportionate change in the kinetic energy of the molecules, must be compensated by a pro- portionate change in volume. Suppose, for example, that we have 250 cc. of gas at 27°C, and wish to determine at what temperature the volume will become 200 cc. The new volume will be 200/250 or 0-8 of the old volume, hence the absloute temperature will be reduced to 0.8 of its initial value, or from 300°A, to 240°A, which is -33°C. Effect of Changing Both Temperature and Pressure, Amount of Gas Constant. When any two of the factors pressure, temperature and volume are changed, the effect on the third can be calculated by separating the process into two steps similar to the above. For example, suppose we have 50.0 cc. of gas at 74 cm. pressure and 20° C, and wish to know the volume it would occupy under standard conditions, which are 1 atmosphere (76 cm. of mercury) and 0°C. If we first change the pressure to the final value, since the pressure is increased, the volume 19 will be diminished to 74/T6 of 50.0 cc. Next, keeping the pressure constant, let us change the temperature from 20°C, which is 293°A, to 0°C or 273°A. This will cause a further diminution in volume in the ratio 273/293> so that the result of both changes is 273/203X74/76X50.0 cc. or 45.3" cc. The several gas laws which we have just deduced from the kinetic theory, and which are found to be in accord with experiment, may be expressed by algebraic equations, and may be combined into one funda- mental general equation. When one has to apply the gas laws frequently it is wise to use equations, as the mathematical expression of a law makes it is easier to use. As has been said "mathematics is a substitute for thought"; it enables one to represent briefly the result of thought, so that the process may be repeated in the future without repeating the reasoning. When, however, the formula is used without the previous thought process, as when it is copied out of a textbook, there is the danger that it will be misapplied or forgotten, and even when applied correctly the process is nearly devoid of educational value. Instead of depending on the memory to retain several algebraic equations we may use the kinetic theory, a very simple conception, and by the aid of easy logic solve any problem in the gas laws, as illustrated above. The only thing that needs to be remembered is that 0°C is 273°A. Tn drawing the various conclusions given above concerning the relations between pressure, volume, amount and temperature, it must be remembered that we have assumed that the gases are sufficiently expanded that the volume occupied by the molecules themselves is negligible compared with the volume of the vessel, also that they are so far apart and moving with such high velocity that their mutual attractions can be neglected. These assumptions correspond more nearly to the truth the higher the temperature and the lower the concentration. On the other hand, as the temperature is lowered and as the concen- tration is increased, increasing deviations are to be expected from the behavior previously deduced, becoming more and more marked until the attractive forces become sufficient to cause the molecules to condense to the liquid state. The conditions under which this condensation takes place obviously depend upon the kind of molecules involved. With the gas helium, at a pressure of one atmosphere, the temperature must be lowered to 4.5°A before liquefaction takes place. Partial Pressure of Different Gases in Mixtures. The kinetic theory also enables us to predict correctly certain properties of gaseous mixtures. In the first place, we would expect the gas laws to hold for mixtures of gases as well as for pure gases, as is indeed the case. In the second place, we would expect the molecules of one species to maintain the same average kinetic energy at the same temperature regardless of the presence of any other species of molecules, and therefore the part of the pressure which is due to the impacts on the vessel walls of one species, called the partial pressure of that gas, would be the same no matter what other gases are present. This may be expressed by saying that the total pressure in a mixture of gases equals the sum of the par- tial pressures. By way of illustration, let us suppose a closed vessel containing water and carbon dioxide gas maintained at a constant temperature. Some of the carbon dioxide will dissolve in the water. Suppose now that some other gas, say nitrogen, is injected into the same vessel. How would this affect the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in the water? Without the aid of the kinetic theory one might suppose 20 that more carbon dioxide would be forced into the water, but from the molecular-kinetic standpoint we see that the number and momentum of the carbon dioxide molecules striking the water surface, upon which alone the solubility of the gas depends, is practically unaltered by the presence of the nitrogen molecules. Again, suppose we consider two vessels of equal size, one evacuated and the other containing oxygen, both kept at the same temperature. If water is introduced into the first one a little of it will vaporize, since the molecules of the liquid are in rapid motion with a velocity depending on the temperature, and certain molecules at the surface which have unusually high velocities may be able to escape the attraction of the liquid and go into the vapor phase. As the number of molecules in the vapor phase increases, there is a constantly increasing chance that some of them, moving more slowly than usual, will be caught into the liquid again, instead of rebounding at the surface. The concentration of mole- Fig.- 9. cules in the vapor state thus tends to become adjusted so that there is an equilibrium or balance between the two phases such that the number of molecules of liquid vaporizing in a given time just equals the number of molecules of water condensing in the same time. The pressure of vapor necessary for this equilibrium depends on the nature of the liquid and on the temperature, increasing as indicated by the curve in Fig. 9. It is obvious that this pressure will not depend on the extent of the liquid surface, as an increase in surface has the same effect on the number of molecules vaporizing as it has on the number condensing, so that the net effect is zero. Suppose, now, we admit water to the second vessel, containing 21 oxygen. Evidently the tendency of molecules of liquid to escape will be the same as before, but the vaporized molecules will be unable to distribute themselves so rapidly throughout the vessel since they must diffuse through oxygen molecules which collide with them and retard their progress. Hence the liquid will evaporate more slowly than in the pre- vious case, where oxygen was absent, but eventually the molecules of water vapor will be distributed throughout the vessel just as if the oxygen were absent, and the partial pressure of the water vapor will be inde- pendent of the other gas (or gases) present. Avogardo's Hypothesis. One more consequence of the kinetic theory should be given at this time, as it will play a very important part in the reasoning in Chapter III. When two different gases are at the same temperature the average kinetic energy of the two different kinds of molecules is the same. We conclude that this is true from the fact that when two different gases at the same temperature are mixed the total resulting pressure is the sum of the partial pressures each gas would have if the other were absent, hence the kinetic energy of neither is altered by the mixing, which can be the case only when they have the same kinetic energy before mixing. Let us then take, in two vessels of equal volume, such amounts of two different gases at the same temperature that their pressures will be the same. Now we have seen that the pressure of a gas depends upon the number of molecules, their kinetic energy and the volume they occupy, and upon no other factors. Since, therefore, we have chosen equal pressures, volumes and temperatures (and hence kinetic energies) the only other factor, the number of molecules in the two quantities of gas must likewise be the same. In other words, equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure, contain the same number of molecules. This was first announced by an Italian physicist, Avogardo, in 1811, and is usually called Avogardro's Rule or Hypothesis. We will use it pres- ently to measure the relative numbers of molecules involved in chemical reactions. Exercises. 1. Does the height of the mercury column of a barometer depend on the cross-section? Explain. 2. If a tank contains gas at pressure of 100 lbs. per sq. in, and gas is allowed to escape till the pressure becomes 40 lbs. per sq. in., the temperature being kept the same, what proportion of the original amount of gas remains in the tank? 3. A quantity of gas having a volume of 150 cc. and a pressure of 800 mm. is expanded, the temperature being kept the same, to a volume of 750 cc. What is the final pressure? Ans. 160 mm. 4. What volume of oxygen, measured at 20° and 1 atmosphere would be required to fill a 10 liter tank at the same temperature to a pressure of 25 atmospheres? Ans. 250 1. 5. A flask is heated to a temperature of 100° while open to the air, the barometric pressure being 755 mm. It is then closed and allowed to cool at 27°; what is the final pressure? Ans. 607 mm. 6. A quantity of gas has a volume of 60cc. at 27°C. At what temperature will its volume become 50 cc? Ans. -23°C. 7. A quantity of hydrogen measured 24.8 cc. at 18°C and 765 mm.. 22 what volume would it occupy under standard conditions? (1 atm. and 0°C.) Ans. 23.4 cc. 8. 1 liter of carbon dioxide weighs 1.96 grams under standard conditions. What weight of the gas is contained at 18°C, in a tank having a capacity of 20 liters, the pressure being 5 atmospheres? Ans. 184 gm. 9. If a 2 liter vessel containing oxygen at a pressure of 1 atmos. is connected with a 5 liter vessel containing nitrogen at a preassure of 4 atmos., what will be the partial pressure of each gas after diffusion has taken place? What will be the total pressure? Ans. Oxygen, 0.286 atm.; nitrogen, 2.857 atm.; total, 3.143 atm. 10. If a 5 liter vessel contains 12 grams of a gas at 2 atmospheres pressure, what will be the concentration if more of the same gas is pumped in till the pressure becomes 3 atmospheres, the temperature remaining the same? Ans. 3.6 gm. per 1. 11. Formulas may be derived for the gas laws by carrying out the reasoning as given, for example, on p. 8, but using the general symbols instead of numbers. Derive the relation between pressure, volume and temperature in this way using p, v, and T for the initial values, respect- ively, and p', v', and T' for the final values. Derive a similar relation between the pressure temperature and amount of gas (w) when the volume is constant. 23 CHAPTER III. WEIGHT RELATIONS IN CHEMICAL REACTIONS. ATOMIC THEORY. An examination of the amounts of material involved is fundamental to an understanding of the chemical reactions. The practical importance of this has been referred to already in Chapter I, but we shall soon see that further consideration of these relations gives rise to theories and laws which lie at the very foundation of the structure of modern chemical science. Law of the Conservation of Mass. Everyday experience teaches us that many changes in matter take place without any change in weight of the materials involved (weight being the usual measure of mass). Thus 100 pounds of ice, on melting, give 100 pounds of water; 1 pound of salt dissolved in 10 pounds of water give 11 pounds of solution; the weight of slaked lime equals the weight of quicklime from which it is made plus the weight of the water added in slaking. It is true that there is a loss in weight when quicklime is made from limestone, but that is because a gas, carbon dioxide, is given off, and if this were caught, compressed into a cylinder as is often done, and weighed, its weight would be found exactly equal to the loss in weight when the limestone changed into quicklime. Similarly, when something burns it may seem to disappear, but that is only because gases are formed which may escape notice. If a candle is allowed to bum in a closed vessel no change in weight can be detected. As a result of a vast scientific experience we may assert with great confidence that in every chemical reaction the sum of the masses of the products is the same as that of the substances taken. This is known as the Law of the Conservation of Mass, or sometimes the Indestructi- bility of Matter. It has been tested with considerable accuracy in millions of cases, and with extreme accuracy in a number of them, so that there is hardly another scientific law in which we have such confidence. - Law of Simple Multiple Proportions.* When pure substances are analyzed there is frequently found more than one compound of the same elements, the difference being due to the different proportions in which the elements are united. For example, there are three oxides of lead: litharge, used in glazing pottery, red lead, used in certain paints, and lead dioxide, which gives the brown color to the heads of certain kinds of matches, and which forms the positive plate of a lead storage battery. The proportions of lead to oxygen in these three compounds is found by analysis to be as follows: Litharge 1 part lead to 0.0772 part oxygen. Red Lead, 1 part lead to 0.1029 (=4/3X0.0772) part oxygen. Lead Dioxide, 1 part lead to 0.1542 (=2X0.0772) part oxygen. It is very striking that the proportions of oxygen in the red lead and lead dioxide are simple multiples of that in litharge, 4/3 and 2, respectively. Again, in addition to water, we know of another compound of * It is customary to consider a "Law of Definite Proportions," but since the identification of the pure substances to which alone it can be applied involves constancy of composition, as explained in Chap. I, it should be evident that this "law" is simply the definition of a pure substance. 24 hydrogen and oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, a solution of which in water is found in almost every medicine closet for use as an antiseptic, cleans- ing, or bleaching agent. This substance is unstable, and readily gives up half of the oxygen it contains, leaving water. The relative amounts of hydrogen and oxygen in water and in hydrogen peroxide are as follows: Water, 1 part hydrogen to 15.88 parts oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide, 1 part hydrogen to 31.76 parts oxygen. In proportion to the hydrogen there is just twice as much oxygen in the second compound as in the first. An almost endless number of illus- trations of this nature might be given, and we would find that whenever the same elements form more than one compound, if the weights are in the ratio a to b in one they will be in some simple multiple of this in another, such as a to 2b, a to 36, 2a to 36, 3a to 46. The same simplicity is apparent when more than two elements combine to form different compounds. This experience is summarized in the Law of Simple Multiple Proportions, which may be stated as follows: Whenever the same elements form more than one compound, their proportions in the different compounds are simple multiples of each other. The Atomic Theory. The existence of the law of simple multiple proportions suggests the question, what fundamental quality of matter is responsible for this behavior? Why is the proportion of an element in a second compound always twice, three times, etc., what it is in the first, never, for example, 1.376 times what it is in the first? This state of affairs could only well be true if each chemical element were composed of minute particles, which we call atoms, all alike for the same ele- ment, compounds being formed by simple combinations of different kinds of atoms. For example, an atom of element A, having weight a, might combine with one atom of element B, having a weight 6, to form a particle of a compound AB. It is obvious that no matter how many of these particles we take, the ratio of the weights of the elements in the compound would be a to 6. The same elements might also form a different compound by a different combination of atoms, such as by one atom of A combining with two atoms of B, to form a particle which may be designated by AB2. Evidently the ratio of weights of the elements A and B in a particle of this compound, and hence in any number of particles, would be a to 26. There is here twice as much of element B with respect to A in the second compound, AB,, as in the first, AB, in accordance with the experience summarized in the law of simple multiple proportions. If still other compounds of A with B are formed we would expect other simple combinations of atoms, like A,B, AB3, A,B3, A3B2, etc. Accordingly, if the ratio of the weights of A and B in one compound is a/b, we would expect to find in another compound some such ratio as 2a/b, a/3b, 2a/3b, ?>a/2b. There are two ways in which we may imagine matter to be con- stituted : either it is continuous, as it appears to the eye, so that we might go on subdividing it indefinitely and never reach any portion however small that could not be still further subdivided without losing its identity, or else matter may have a granular structure, so that when we have subdivided it until these ultimate grains are reached no further subdivision is possible, without fundamentally altering the nature of the material. That the latter assumption corresponds to the facts is strongly indicated by the success of the kinetic theory in explaining the physical properties of gases, and now we find that a study of chemical changes points to the same conclusion. If we add to this the evidence 25 furnished by radioactive phenomena and colloids, to be discussed in later chapters, we may well feel that the atomic structure of matter is more than a mere theory, and rather an established fact. Atoms and Molecules. Formulas. We may now consider a little more closely the molecules implied by the kinetic theory and regard them as little groups of atoms, whose kind, number and arrangement in the molecule determine the nture of the substance. Thus water, which we can easily prove to be composed of the elements of hydrogen and oxygen in the approximate weight ratio 1 to 8, consists of molecules, each com- posed of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen. We will now extend the meaning of the symbols H and O to signify not only the elements of hydrogen and oxygen respectively, as in Chap. I, but also one atom of each element. We cannot be sure without the aid of the subject treated in Chapter IV just how many atoms of each kind there are in a molecule of water, and we may make several assumptions. There may be one atom of each element in a molecule of water, indicated by the combination of the symbols of the elements H and O into the formula of the molecule of the compound HO. If this represents the molecule of water, then we piust represent that of hydrogen peroxide, which contains twice as much oxygen in proportion to the hydrogen, by the formula HO2, and the atom of oxygen must weigh 8 times as much as the atom of hydrogen. Again, the formula of water may be H.,O, indicating two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen in the molecule, in which case the molecule of hydrogen peroxide would have to be HO, or H2O2, etc., the atom of oxygen being 16 times as heavy as that of hydrogen, in order to account for the observed composition of these two substances. Still other simple assumptions with corresponding relative atomic weights might be made. As set forth in the following chapter we have satisfactory evidence that the second of the above assumptions, H,O, is the correct one, and that the relative weights of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are as 1 to 16. We have reason also to believe that the molecule of litharge contains 1 atom, each of lead and oxygen, as represented by the formula PbO, the weights being in the ratio of 207 to 16, corresponding to the ratio 1 to 0.0772 given on p. 2. Red lead, where we have 3 times this amount of lead and 4 times this amount of oxygen, would accordingly be represented by the formula Pb3O4, and lead dioxide, where the proportion of oxygen to lead is twice that in litharge, would correspond to the formula PbO.,. Numerical Values of Atomic Weights. The actual weights of the atoms are exceedingly small, compressed in our ordinary units, such as grams,* and it is far more convenient to select a much smaller weight as unit, such as the weight of one of the atoms themselves. It is purely arbi- trary what atom we choose and what number we assign to it, so long as we select corresponding values for the other atoms. Thus, knowing that the molecule of water contains 8 times as much oxygen as hydrogen, and granting that H2O is the correct formula for it, we might call O = 100, when H must be 6.25; or again, if we let O-l, then H = 0.0625; etc. The choice appeared a very simple one to most early chemists, who, finding that the atoms of hydrogen are lighter than those of any other known element, decided to call its weight 1, making O = 16, and making the weights of the atoms of other substances to be expressed by numbers greater than 1. More recently it has been found that the ratio of weights of the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen is not exactly 1 to 16, but 1 to * It would take approximately 3 X 1023 atoms of hydrogen to weigh 1 gram. 26 15.88, and that if we take O = 16 as our unit, making H = 1.0076, the atomic weights of most of the other elements come out much nearer whole numbers than if we let H = 1 and O = 15.88. This is illustrated by the following sets of values based on the two assumptions. Hydrogen 1.0076 1.000 Oxygen 16.00 15.88 Calcium 40.07 39.77 Carbon 12.01 ' 11.91 Lithium 6.94 6.89 Magnesium 24.32 24.14 Nitrogen 14.01 13.90 Phosphorus 31.04 30.81 Potassium 39.10 38.80 Sodium 23.00 22.83 Sulfur 32.06 31.76 A still greater reason for the choice of O = 16.00 lies in the fact that but few of the elements form compounds with hydrogen, while nearly all form compounds with oxygen, and hence the atomic weight ratio between an element and oxygen can be determined directly, while the atomic weight ratio between the element and hydrogen could only be indirectly determined, and would therefore be subject to more frequent change. Interpretation of Formulas. M are now prepared to interpret the notation used by chemists to indicate the composition of pure substances, though we have not yet shown that actual compounds have the composi- tion assigned to them. We find the atomic weights given with the names and symbols of the elements on p. 13, indicating the weight of each atom in terms of a unit which is 1/16 the weight of an oxygen atom. The smallest part of any compound, the molecule, is thus made up of atoms of its component elements, with corresponding weights. This molecule is indicated by a formula showing the number and kind of atoms of which it is composed. Thus the formula Fe2O3 indicates a molecule of a certain oxide of iron containing 2 atoms of the element iron, which constitute 2 X 56 parts by weight, together with 3 atoms of the element oxygen, which constitute 3 X 16 parts by weight. Another formula, Fe3O4, represents another oxide of iron, containing 3 atoms of iron to 4 atoms of oxygen, the weights being in the ratio 3 X 56 to 4 X 16. Na2CO3 denotes 1 molecule of sodium carbonate or "washing soda," containing 2 atoms or 2 X 23 or 46 parts of sodium, 1 atom or 12 parts of carbon, and 3 atoms or 3 X 16 or 48 parts of oxygen, the whole molecule representing 106 parts. Gram-Atoms and Gram-Molecules, or Mois. Although we reason in terms of atoms and molecules, we work with vastly larger amounts of material, and it is often convenient to give a slightly different meaning to our symbols and formulas so as to express parts by weight in terms of units actually used. Accordingly the symbol Fe is often used to denote not a single atom of iron, but 56 grams of iron, called a gram-atom of iron. Likewise the formula Fe2O3 denotes not only a single molecule of an oxide of iron, but a gram-molecule, or mol of the oxide, weighing 150 grams. Since one molecule of the oxide contains 112 parts of iron to 48 parts of oxygen, then no matter how many molecules of the oxide we take, the proportion of iron to oxygen is still 112 to 48, hence the same weight relations that apply to atoms and molecules apply to gram- 27 atoms and gram molecules. The adjective moled is used in referring to the properties of the mol. Thus we would refer to the molal weight of Fe2O3 as being 150 grams. This numerical significance of chemical formulas aids us in solving problems involving the relative weights of compounds and their com- ponent elements. Suppose that we wished to calculate the amount of litharge that might be made from 1 kilogram (1000 grams) of lead. Since one atom of lead, representing 207 parts by weight, combines with one atom of oxygen, representing 16 parts by weight to give a molecule of litharge, PbO, representing 223 parts by weight we can say that 207 parts of lead will give 223 parts of litharge, and accordingly 207 grams of lead will give 223 grams of litharge, and 1 gram of lead will give 1.0772 grams of lithargs, and 1000 grams of lead will give 1000 X 1.0772 grams of litharge, or 1077.2 grams. Chemical Equations. When a chemical reaction takes place there is a rearrangement of atoms into new groups, or molecules, forming new' substances. This is indicated by a chemical equation, in which the rearrangement is showm by the regrouping of the atomic symbols to represent the new molecular species formed. For example, the forma- tion of iron and carbon monoxide, CO, from the ore Fe2O3 by the action of carbon is represented by the equation, Fe2O3 -f- 3C - 2Fe 3CO. The following things may be noted about such an equation: First, an equation tells nothing about the conditions necessary for carrying out the reaction, and the writing of an equation does not imply that the reaction it represents w'ill actually be realized. Second, it must represent the fact that no matter disappears, by showing the same number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation, though they are arranged in different molecules. Third, it represents the relative number of molecules of each sub- stance taking part in the reaction. Fourth, it represents the relative weights of each substance, with the aid of the table of atomic weights. The above equation, then, may be read as follows: 1 molecule of ferric oxide reacts with 3 molecules (or atoms) of carbon to yield 2 molecules (or atoms) of iron and 3 molecules of carbon dioxide; also, 2 X 56 3 X 16 parts (by weight) of iron oxide react with 3 X 12 parts of carbon, to give 2X56 parts of iron and 3(12 -|- 16) parts of carbon monoxide. These parts by w'eight may be in any kind of weight unit, pounds, tons, ounces, grams, etc. In accordance with our double usage of the symbols and formulas to represent both single atoms and molecule, and also gram-atoms and gram-molecules, or moles, as ex- plained on p. 8, we often read an equation in terms of grams; hence, 160 gm. of iron oxide when reacting with 36 gm. of carbon give 112 gm. of iron and 84 gm. of carbon monoxide, which quantities represent 1 mol, 3 mols, 2 mols, and 3 mols respectively. This may be summarized briefly by w'riting under each formula in the equation its complete meaning in both of the above senses. Calculation of Weight Relations. The meaning thus attached to chemical formulas and equations makes it possible to calculate the 28 Fe2O3 + 3C = 2Fe + 3CO (1) Number of molecules 13 2 3 Weight, in terms of 1/16 the weight of an oxygen atom 160 36 112 84 (2) Number of mols 13 2 3 Weight 160 gm. 36 gm. 112 gm. 84 gm. weights of all the other substances involved in a chemical reaction from the weight given for any one of them. Suppose, for example, that it is required to find the weight of iron that should be obtained from 100 pounds of the oxide of iron considered above. From the weights implied by the formulas, as explained above, we may say, 160 parts (pounds) of Fe2O3 will give 112 parts (pounds) of iron, hence 1 part (pound) of Fe2O3 will give 112/160 parts (pounds) of iron, and 100 parts (pounds) of Fe2O3 will give 100xll2/160 parts (pounds) of iron or 70 parts (pounds) of iron. Again, suppose we wish to find the amount of coke, containing 80% carbon, the rest being ash, that is required to reduce to iron the above amount of ore. From the weights implied in the equation, we can say that 160 pounds of oxide will require 36 pounds of carbon, hence 1 pound of oxide will require 36/160 pounds of carbon, and 100 pounds of oxide will require 100 X 36/160, or 22.5 pounds of carbon. Since, further, this amount of carbon is 80% of the coke required, the amount of the latter is 100/80 of 22.5 pounds or 28.2 pounds. This connection between atomic weights, formulas and relative weights of substances may be used not only to calculate the relative weights from the formulas and atomic weights, as above, but also to calculate the atomic weights when the formulas and suitable weight relations are known, or again, to determine formulas when the other two factors are known. Calculation of Atomic Weights. As an example of the calculation of atomic weights let us suppose that we know the formula of a certain oxide of copper to be Cu2O, and find on analysis that 0.5120 gm. of it contain 0.4548 gm. of copper, and wish to calculate the atomic weight of copper. The formula tells us that 2 atoms of copper are combined with 1 atom of oxygen, hence there would be 2 gram-atoms of copper to 1 gram-atom of oxygen. Since there are, according to the analysis, 0.4548 gm. of copper to 0.0572 gm. of oxygen, there would be 16xo.4548/o gm. or 127.2 gm. of copper to 1 gram-atom (16. gm.) of oxygen. Since 172.2 gm. of copper is 2 gram-atoms, 1 gram-atom is 63.6 grams. Hence the atomic weight of copper is 63.6. Calculation of Formula. The third case consists in calculating the formula when the other two factors, atomic weight and composition, are known. Suppose that we find on analysis that a certain chloride of arsenic contains 58.68% of chlorine, and know the atomic weight of arsenic, As = 75.0, and chlorine, Cl = 35.5, and wish to determine the formula of the compound. Now the formula indicates primarily the relative number of atoms, or of gram-atoms in the molecule, or mol, respectively, so that we may proceed to determine the number of gram- atoms of one element combined with 1 gram-atom of the other. Since 58.68 gm. of chlorine would combine with 41.32 gm. of arsenic, 35.5 gm. of chlorine, 1 gram-atom would combine with 35,5x41-32/58.68 grams, or 29 25.0 grams of arsenic, which is V3 gram-atom of arsenic. We cannot have 1/3 atom of arsenic, so that we conclude, from the fact that 1 gram- atom of chlorine would combine with 1/3 gram-atom of arsenic, that 3 atoms of chlorine would combine with 1 atom of arsenic, hence the formula as AsC13 or some multiple of it, such as As2C18, As3C19, etc. To distinguish between these multiples another kind of data is necessary. This will be considered in Chapter IV. Exercises. 1. What do you understand by the law of simple multiple propor- tions ? 2. How does the atomic theory explain this law? 3. Write out in words all that the following formlas mean to you: H2O; H2O2; Ca(OH)2; FeSO4. 4. Define symbol; formula; chemical reaction; chemical equation; mol; molecule; atom. 5. How many pounds of iron are there in 100 pounds of magnetic iron ore, Fe3O4? Ans. 72.4 lbs. 6. How many grams of sodium peroxide (Na2O2) can be obtained, from 115 gm. of sodium? Ans. 195 gm. 7. When treated with hydrochloric acid, barium peroxide yields hydrogen peroxide according to the following reaction: BaO2 4- 2HC1 = H2O2 + BaCl2. How much BaO, is required to make 10 lbs. of a 5% solution of H.,Oo? Ans. 21//lbs. 8. On heating 58 gm. of silver oxide, Ag,O, it was decomposed into oxygen gas and 54 gm. of metallic silver; what is the atomic weight of silver, if that of oxygen is 16? Ans. 108. 9. How many grams are there in 1 mol of each of the following substances: Ca (OH)2; HC1; NaCl? Ans. 74 gm.; 36.5 gm.; 58.5 gm. 10. 10 gm. of limestone, CaCO3, were put into a closed vessel and heated to such a temperature that 2% of it decomposed according to the equation: CaCO3 = CaO 4~ CO2f How many grams of CO2 were produced? Ans. 0.088 gm. 11. A certain oxide of nitrogen was found by analysis to contain 74.1% of oxygen. Work out its simplest formula. 30 CHAPTER IV. VOLUME OF GASES. MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. Choice of Formulas and Corresponding Atomic Weights. In the last chapter we showed how the Atomic Theory, deduced from the Law of Conservation of Mass and the Law of Simple Multiple Proportions by weight, could be expressed in a simple and comprehensive notation by the aid of which any one of the three factors, relative weights, formula, and atomic weights could be calculated from the other two. Now the relative weights may be found by experiment, but in order to get either of the other factors one of them must be known. Although we practiced with a number of formulas to become familiar with the meaning of the notation used, we did not show that the molecules of the substances referred to actually contained the numbers of atoms of the constituent elements signified by the formulas used, e. g., FLO, Fe2O3, AsC13. To illustrate the problem we now face let us consider the formula of water. We know thus far only that the ratio of the weight of hydro- gen to that of oxygen in water is approximately 1 to 8. This we learn by the analysis of water. If, now, the formula of water is HO, the relative weights of the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen are 1 to 8. But if the molecule of water is to be represented by H2O, the relative weights of the single atoms would have to be 1 to 16. Again, if the formula is HO2, then the relative atomic weights must be 1 to 4. Evidently we must bring to bear some criterion other than those thus far considered, in order to select the correct formula and atomic weight ratio. If we try to represent the formation of water from its elements on the basis of the various assumptions as to its formula, we should have, as probable guesses, equations such as the following: H+ O = HO 2H + O = H,O H 4- 20 = HO2, etc. By suitable choice of atomic weights any of these, or others, as just explained, would conform to the experimental weight ratio. The essential point of difference lies in the number of molecules of the three substances. Now we have, from the kinetic theory, a means of measuring the relative numbers of molecules for gaseous substances. It was shown in Chapter II that, by Avogadro's Rule, at equal temperatures and pressures, equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of molecules. Accordingly, if we determine the relative volumes of the gases taking part in a chemical reaction, the temperature and the pressure being the same before and after the experiment, we may conclude that the relative numbers of molecules are in the same proportion as the volumes. If the above reac- tion is carried out at a temperature high enough to keep the water in the vapor state it will be found that 2 volumes of hydrogen and 1 volume of oxygen give two volumes of steam. Accordingly, we conclude that two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen would give two molecules of steam. Our equation must now be written so as to express these numbers of molecules. Since the oxygen in one molecule is enough to give two molecules of steam, each containing oxygen, there must be more than one atom of oxygen in its molecule, hence its formula must be not O but O2, or O4, etc. However, as we consider other 31 reactions, we never find that one molecule of oxygen gives more than two molecules of any other substances, so we assume the simplest formula, O,. This limits the above equation to the following: 2Hn + O2 = 2HnO, where n is some whole number. We still have to determine the number of atoms in the molecule of hydrogen. This is done, as in the case of oxygen, by finding the greatest number of other molecules, each containing hydrogen, that can be gotten from 1 molecule of hydrogen. This number has never been found greater than 2, but often equal to 2, hence we write H,. The union of hydrogen and chlorine to form hydrogen chloride gas may be used for illustration. Experiment shows that 1 volume of hydrogen and 1 volume of chlorine give 2 volumes of hydrogen chloride, hence 1 molecule of hydrogen and 1 molecule of chlorine give 2 molecules of hydrogen chloride, and the equation would be, H2 + Cl2 = 2HC1. Using this formula for hydrogen in our previous example, we write the equation for the formation of water 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O. Finally, knowing the relative weights by experiment, and having deduced the formulas by the aid of Avogadro's rule, we can assign values to the atomic weights. As explained before, one of these must be chosen arbitrarily, and we have seen how the number 16 has been assigned to the oxygen atom. Using this value, the weight of the oxygen molecule, O2 becomes 32. By analysis of water we find tht 32 parts of oxygen combine with 4.030 of hydrogen. The above equation shows that this represents 4 gram-atoms of hydrogen, hence 1 gram-atom of hydrogen is 1.008 gram, and this number represents the atomic weight of hydrogen. It is not long since the time when the simple way just explained for deciding upon the correct formula and atomic weight ratio w'as not understood. Many chemists as late as 1858 used HO for the formula of water, while others used H2O, and much confusion existed. Many criteria were used, other than that furnished by gas volumes, to determine the true formulas, but with only partial success. The table of atomic weights is thus the product of the thought and experimental work of a great many men. We have seen that the molecules of hydrogen, oxygen and chlorine each contain two atoms. The same is true for nitrogen, fluorine, bromine and iodine. Another variety of oxygen exists, called ozone, formed from oxygen by the silent electric discharge, with a diminution in volume in the ratio of 3 to 2, indicating that the equation must be written, 3O2 = 2O3. The molecule of ozone, therefore, contains three oxygen atoms. The molecule of phosphorus vapor at low temperatures is P4, at higher tem- perature P2, that of sulfur may be S8, S6, S2 or S, according to the temperature. When metals are vaporized their molecules seem always to consist of single atoms. The same is true of argon, and certain other gases recently discovered existing in small amounts in the atmos- phere. * Changes in Volume or Pressure in Gas Reactions. The connection we have traced between the volumes of gases in chemical reactions and the relative number of molecules may be used conversely to deduce the change of volume or pressure to be expected when reactions take place be- 32 tween substances whose formulas are known. Consider, for example, the reaction represented by the equation 2SO2 + O2 = 2SO3. If this reaction is carried out at a temperature at which all of the sub- stances represented are gaseous, then we see that three molecules have formed two. If the temperature and volume have been kept the same during the reaction, this will result in a decrease of the pressure to 2/3 of its former value. If the temperature and pressure are the same as before, then the volume will be 2/3 of its former value. It is important, whenever an equation will be used to deduce relative volumes, to use the correct formulas of the substances in the gaseous form. For example, the same weight, 28 gm., is indicated both by N2 and 2N, but the second formula is incorrect, and would lead us to expect twice the volume which would actually be involved. Volume of One Mol of Any Gas. The double meaning attached to chemical symbols and formulas was explained in Chapter II, one referring to single atoms and molecules, and furnishing a basis for reasoning, and the other referring to the gram-atom and gram-molecule or mol, and furnishing a basis for experimental work. Having determined that equal numbers of gaseous molecules are contained in equal volumes, at equal temperatures and pressures, and that the mol of all substances consists of the same number of molecules, it becomes important to ask what is the actual volume occupied by the mol of gas. This rests upon the measurement of gas densities, as illustrated by the following table: Wt. of 1 liter Vol. of 1 gm. Gm. per mol Vol. of 1 mol Gas O°C, 1 atm. O°C, 1 atm. O°C, 1 atm. h2 0.08988 11.126 1. 2.016 22.43 1. o2 1.4291 0.6998 1. 32.00 22.39 1. N2 1.2507 0.7995 1. 28.02 22.40 1. nh3 0.7621 1.3122 1. 17.03 22.35 1. These values for the volume of the mol of gas under standard conditions, as well as others that might be added, are all very close to 22.4 liters, which may therefore be selected as the molal volume of a gas under standard conditions. (This is the volume of a cube 28.2 cm. or IP/s inches on the side). We may take this volume as the basis of our working definition of molecular weight, saying that the molecular weight of a substance is the number of grams of it which occupy 22.4 liters when it is in the gaseous form and under standard conditions. Very frequently, of course, substances cannot exist in the vapor state under these conditions, so that the relation between the weight and the volume of vapor must be found^experimentally at some higher temperature, and perhaps lower pressure after which it is possible to calculate the weight that 22.4 liters of the vapor would have at 0°C and 1 atmosphere, if no condensation took place. We may illustrate by examples the various types of problems it is possible to solve with the aid of this relationship. 1. Calculation of the Weight of a Given Volume or the Volume of a Given Weight of a Gas. Example: What is the volume of 10 gm. of O2 at 127°C and 0.5 atmospheres? The answer to this is obtained by the following obvious steps. 32 gm. of O, occupy 22.4 1. at 273°A and 1 atm. 32 gm. of O2 occupy 44.8 1. at 273°A and 0.5 atm. 32 gm. of O2 occupy 400/273 X 44.8 1. at 400°A (127°C) and 0.5 atm. 33 1 gm. of O2 occupies 1/32 X400/273 X 44.8 1., at 400°A and 0.5 atm. 10 gm. of O, occupy 10/32 X 400/273 X 44.8 1. or 20.5 1. at 400°A and 0.5 atm. Example: What is the weight of 50 1. of CO2 measured at 25°C and 3 atm.? At 273° and 1 atm. 22.4 1. of CO, weigh 44 gm. At 273°A and 3 atm. 1/3 X 22.4 1. of CO, weigh 44 gm. At 298°A (25°C) and 3tm. 298/273 X 7S X 22.4 1. or 8.16 1. of CO, weigh 44 gm. At 298°A and 3 atm. 1 1. of CO, weighs ^/ gm. At 298°A and 3 atm. 50 1. of CO2 weighs 50X 44/8>10 gm- or 270 gm. 2. Determination of the Relative Weights of a Gas and Air. It is often important to know whether a gas is heavier or lighter than air. The proportion of nitrogen to oxygen in air is very nearly 4 to 1 by volume, so that in 22.4 liters of air V- of the molecules would be nitrogen, and 1/5 would be oxygen. Taking 4/- of 22.4 liters of nitrogen under standard conditions, weighing 4/- of 80 gm., and mixing it with Vs of 22.4 liters of oxygen, weighing 1/5 of 32.0 gm., we would get 22.4 1. of are weighing 28.8 gm., under standard conditions. Suppose we wish to know the relative density of the following gases with respect to aid: CO2, NH3, HC1, Cl2. We can find their molecular weights with the aid of the atomic weight table, and conclude that 22.4 1. under standard conditions would have the following weights: CO2, 44 gm.; NH3, 17 gm.; HC1, 36.5 gm.; Cl,, 70 gm.; air, 28.8 gm. This shows at once the relative weight of each with respect to the air. 3. Determination of Molecular Weight. Example: What is the molecular weight of phosphorus vapor and what is its formula, given the atomic weight, P = 31.0, and the experimental determination that a flask having a volume of 583 cc. was filled with the vapor at 310°C and a pressure of 756 mm., and that it was found on cooling to contain 1.49 gm. of phosphorus? The molecular weight is found from the number of grams occupying 22.4 1. at 273°A and 760 mm., which must therefore be calculated. Since 1.49 gm. of phosphorus vapor would occupy 583 cc. at 756 mm. and 583° A, 1.49 gm. of phosphorus vapor would occupy 755/760 X 583 cc. at 760 mm. and 583°A, 1.49 gm. of phosphorus vapor would occupy 273/583 X 756/tgo X 583 cc. at 760 mm. and 273°A, 1.49 gm. of phosphorus vapor would occupy 0.2715 1. at 760 mm. and 273°A. 22-4/0.27i5 X 1-49 gm. or 123 gm. of phosphorus vapor would occupy 22.4 1. at 760 mm. and 273°A. Since 123 gm. would occupy 22.4 1. under standard conditions, if it did not condense, 123 is approximately the molecular weight. The atomic weight being 31. there are evidently 4 atoms in the molecule, so that the formula is P4. As another example we may determine the formula of a compound, found by analysis to contain 40% of carbon, 6.67% of hydrogen, and 53.33% of oxygen; and of which 0.50 gm. gave 328 cc. of vapor at 200°C and 750 mm. We will first find the relative number of atoms of each element in the molecule of the compound. From the per cents given we may say that 34 40 gm. of carbon combine with 6.67 gm. of hydrogen and 53.33 gm. of oxygen, therefore 12 gm. of carbon combine with 12/40 of 6.67 gm. or 2 gm. of hydrogen and 12/40 of 53.33 gm. or 16 gm. of oxygen. Since 12 gm. of carbon, 2 gm. of hydrogen and 16 gm. of oxygen are 1 gram-atom of carbon, 2 gram-atoms of hydrogen, and 1 gram-atom of oxygen respect- ively, these represent the relative numbers of atoms of the three elements in the molecule. The formula might therefore be CH2O. However, the same proportions by weight would be found if the formula were C2H4O2 or C3H0O3, or any other multiple of CH2O. In order to distinguish between them we ntust therefore determine the number of grams per mol, which is numerically equal to the molecular weight. Since 0.5 gm. occupy 328 cc. at 750 mm. and 473°A (200°C), 0.5 gm. would occupy 75O/76O X 328 cc. at 760 mm. and 473° A, and 0.5 gm. would occupy 273/473 X75O/7eo X 328 cc. at 760 mm. and 273°A, or 187 cc. Now the weight of gas contained in 22.4 liters, or 22400 cc. is 1 mol, and since 187 cc. weigh 0.5 gm., 1 cc. would weigh 0.0026/ gm. and 22400 cc. would weigh 22400 X 0.00267 gm. or 60 gm. Of the various multiples of CH2O the one having a molal weight of 60 gm. is C2H4O2, hence this is the correct formula. 4. Direct Relation Between Volumes of Gases and IVeights of Other Substances in Reactions. Example: When limestone is heated to a sufficiently high temperature it decomposes as represented by the following equation: CaCO3 = CaO + CO2. Suppose we wish to calculate how many liters of CO2, measured at 20°C and 10 atmospheres pressure, should be obtained from 2 kilograms (2000 gm.) of CaCO3. It is not necessary to calculate the weight of CO2 since the equation can be interpreted so as to give directly the relation between the weight of CaCO3 and the volume of CO2. From 1 mol of CaCO3 weighing 100 gm .there can be obtained 1 mol of CO2 occupying 22.4 1. at 273°A and 1 atmosphere. Accordingly, 2000 gm. CaCO3 would give 448 1. CO2 at 273°A and 1 atm., or 293/273 X 448 1. at 293°A and 1 atm., or 1/10 X 293/273 X 448 1. or 41.7 1. of CO2 at 293°A and 10 atm. Complete Interpretation of Chemical Equations. It is possible now to summarize what has been presented in this chapter and the preceding one concerning the interpretation of chemical equations, both as to weight and volume relations, bearing in mind that a formula always signifies a certain weight of some substance, and, when the substance exists in the gaseous state, a certain volume under standard conditions. We may recall that formulas are interpreted in two ways, one referring to atoms and molecules, the other to gram-atoms and gram-molecules, or mols. This double interpretation may be illustrated by using an equation such as the following, writing under each formula • its signifi- cance in both senses. CO2(gas) + C(solid) =2CO(gas) The last row of figures is added for the sake of interest, not because it will be used in problems. The other data represent all that is necessary in order to solve any problem involving weights, or volumes of gases, provided that one knows how to apply the gas laws to get the relation between the volumes of gases at standard conditions and at other conditions. It must be noted that this generalization connecting 35 weights and volumes is possible only where gases are involved. With liquids and solids the densities of the particular substances must be determined by experiment. (1) Weights in terms of oxygen atom ==16 44 12 56 Number of molecules 112 Relative volumes . 1 0-|- 2 (2) Weight in grams 44 12 56 Number of mols 112 12 Volume at 0°C, 1 atm. 22.4 1. density cc 44 g j 12 Number of rrtolecules 6 X 1023 6 X 1023 12 X 1023 Molecular Weights of Dissolved Substances. It is frequently impos- sible to determine the molecular weight of a substance from the volume of its vapor, owing to decomposition on heating. Sugar, for example, decomposes instead of vaporizing when heated, turning first to caramel and then charring. Some other property than the density in the vapor state is therefore necessary in order to determine its molecular weight and to decide which multiple of its empirical formula, C12H22O11 is the correct one. Hydrogen peroxide, likewise, is very unstable, except when in a dilute solution, decomposing often with explosive violence when in the pure state. Analysis shows that it contains twice as much oxygen in proportion to the hydrogen as does water, hence, having decided that water is represented by the formula H,O we may conclude that hydrogen peroxide must be represented by one of the formulas HO, H2O2, H3O3, etc. These are alike in the proportion of hydrogen to oxygen, 1 to 16, but differ in the total weight of the molecule, i. e., the molecular weight. To distinguish between these possible formulas, therefore, we must find out whether the mol weighs 17 gm. or 34 gm. or 51 gm., etc. For such substances the molecular weight must be determined under conditions such that the substance does not decompose, which is the case often in dilute solutions. Among the properties of a solution which depend upon the molecular weight of the dissolved substance (called the solute) are the vapor pressure, the boiling-point and the freezing-point. To understand the nature of the effect of a solute we may apply again the kinetic theory. If we have a pure liquid in contact with its vapor in a closed vessel, we imagine that there is a constant interchange of molecules between the two phases, molecules going from the liquid into the vapor phase at the same rate that others go from the vapor phase back into the liquid. If now, keeping the temperature constant, we add to the liquid in the closed vessel some molecules of another kind which are not volatile, and so cannot escape into the vapor phase, the number of molecules capable of escaping from the solution is now less than before, resulting in a smaller pressure of vapor above the liquid. If the new rrtolecules introduced are attracted in about the same way as the molecules of solvent originally present, then we might expect that if the volatile molecules of solvent constitute, say, only 0.9 of the total number of molecules, their vapor pressure would be only 0.9 of what it is when the solvent is pure, a conclusion borne out by experiment. This may be used to determine molecular weights, for if we find that a certain number of grams of solute 36 in a certain number of mols of solvent lower the vapor pressure of the latter to, say, 0.9 of its value when the solvent is pure, then 0.9 of the total number of molecules are of the solvent and 0.1 are of the solute, from which we can calculate the number of grams per mol of solute. Example: Pure carbon disulfide, CS2, has a vapor pressure of 297 mm. at 20°C. It was found by experiment that 1.27 gm. of iodine dissolved in 38 gm. of CS2 lowered the vapor pressure of the latter to 270 mm., and we wish to know the formula of dissolved iodine, given the atomic weight, 127. Since 270 mm. is 0.909 of 297 mm., the number of mols of CS2 is now 0.909 of the total number, and the number of mols of iodine is therefore 0.091 of the total number, or 0.1 of the number of mols of CS2. One mol of CS2 weighs 76 gm., and therefore 38 gm. is 0.5 mol. Since there are 0.1 as many mols of iodine as of CS2, or 0.05 mols, then 127 gm. of iodine is 0.5 mol, and 254 gm. is 1 mol. The gram-atom of iodine being 127 gm., there are two gram-atoms per mol, and hence 2 atoms per molecule, so that the formula is I2. Instead of measuring the number of dissolved mols by the lowering of the vapor pressure of the solvent, the temperature being kept the same, we may, on the other hand, keep the pressure the same, say 1 atmosphere, and determine how much the temperature must be increased in order to make the vapor pressure of the solvent great enough to con- tinu boiling, i. e., we may measure the rise in the boiling point produced by the added solute. Although the relation between this rise and the number of mols of solute is not so obvious as that between the lowering of vapor pressure and the number of mols of solute, it is probably evident that it is only the number of added mols and not their kind that determines the rise in the boiling point, so that having determined this effect for one solute of known molecular weight, we can use it to determine the molecular weight of other solutes. Just as it is harder to vaporize the solvent from a solution than it is from the pure solvent, so it is harder to remove it by any other means, such as freezing; and just as the boiling point of a solution of a non-volatile substance is higher than that of the solvent, so the freezing point of the solution will be lower, and will depend, likewise, only on the number of mols of solute in a given amount of solution. In addition, therefore, to defining a mol experimentally as the number of grams which in the vapor state and under standard conditions, would occupy 22.4 1., we may also define a mol as the number of grams which, dissolved in a specified amount of some solvent, will cause a certain rise in the boiling point or lowering in the freezing point. For water as solvent, the rise in boiling point is 0.52° and the lowering in the freezing point is 1.86° when 1 mol of any solute is contained in 1000 gm. of water. For other concentrations . the effect is nearly proportional. These numbers have been calculated from the heats of vaporization and fusion, but the ex- planation of the method lies beyond the scope of this book. Confirmation is found in the fact that a substance like alcohol, which can exist both as vapor and in aqueous solution, gives approximately, the same molal weight by both methods. Example: It was found that a solution of 7.29 gm. of sugar in 100 gm. of water had a freezing point 0.395° lower than that of water; what is the molecular weight of the sugar? In 1000 gm of a solution of the same concentration there would be 72.9 gm. of sugar. Now, 1 mol of sugar in this amount of water would produce a lowering of 7.86°, and since 72.9 gm. produces a lowering of only 0.395°, 37 which is 0-395/i.86 or 0.213 of the lowering produced by one mol, there must be only 0.213 of a mol present. If, then, 72.9 gr. is 0.213 of a mol, 1 mol is ^2,9/o.2i3 Sm- or 342 gm. Comparing this with the empirical formula of sugar given on p. 36. C12H22O11, as determined by analysis, we see that the simplest formula is the correct one. Exercises. 1. It is found by experiment that 3 vols. of hydrogen and 1 vol. of nitrogen are produced by the decomposition of 2 vols. of ammonia. If the molecules of hydrogen and nitrogen have been determined to be H, and N2, respectively, what must be the formula of ammonia? 2. What are the relative volumes of the gases represented by the following equations: 2CO + O. = 2CO,; 2H,S + 3O2 = 2H2O + 2SO2. 3. Write equations expressing the combustion, to CO2 and H2O, of two samples of gasoline consisting supposedly of C6H14 and C8H1S respectively. (a) What volume of oxygen is required per volume of vapor, in each case? (b) What approximate volume of air? Ans. (a) 9.5; 13.5; (b) 47.5; 67.5. 4. What is the weight of 22.4 liters of each of the following gases under standard conditions: N2, CO, H2S, NH3, Hcl NO? Ans. 28 gm.; 28 gm.; 34 gm.; 17 gm.; 36.5 gm.; 30 gm. 5. Considering air to be a mixture of Vs oxygen and 4/- nitrogen, by volume, what is the weight of 22.4 liters of it? Ans. 28.8 gms. 6. Which of the gases in Question 4 are heavier and which lighter than air? 7. What is the volume of 10 grams of hydrogen (a) under stand- ard conditions; (b) at 546°C and 10 atmos.? Ans (a) 112 1.; (b) 33.6 1. 8. How many grams of oxygen are in a tank having a volume of 5 liters, the pressure being 10 atmos., and the temperature 27°C? Ans. 65 gm. 9. How many liters of CO2, measured at 77°C. and 2 atmos. could be produced from 2 kilograms of CaCO3? Ans. 287 1. 10. A bulb having a capacity of 450 cc. weighs 20.155 grams when empty. It is then filled with a certain gas at a temperature of 177°C and a pressure of one atmosphere. The weight when filled with gas is found to be 21.170 grams. What is the molecular weight of the gas? Ans. 83. 11. A certain gas is known to have a formula of the type CH, C2H2, etc. Given that 295 cc. of it weigh 0.317 grams, at 22°C and 1 atmosphere; which formula is correct? 12. What would be the relative efficiency of hydrogen, H2, and methane, CH4, in raising a balloon. Ans. 2.1 to 1. 13. Hydrogen peroxide contains 1 part by weight of hydrogen to 16 parts of oxygen, and a solution of 0.369 gm. of it in 25 gm of water had a freezing point of --0.805°. What is its formula? Ans. H,O2. 14. The vapor pressure of pure chloroform, CHC1S is 370 mm. at 40°C. What will it become is 6.40 gm. of naphthalene, C10H8, is dissolved in 239 gm. of CHC13? Ans. 361 mm. 38 CHAPTER V. TYPES OF CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS. Relation Between Stability of Compounds and Metallic or Non- Metallic Character of Their Constituent Elements. On examining the known chemical compounds containing but two elements, the binary compounds, it is found that they represent the large majority of the possible pairs of elements, so that nearly all of the elements are capable of chemical union with each other. There is, however, a great difference in the nature and stability of the compounds formed, depending on the nature of the constituent elements. For example, oxygen and fluorine form no compound, oxygen and chlorine form two unstable compounds, easily decomposed by heating, oxygen and zinc form a very stable compound. On examining a large number of binary compounds in this way we find usually that those which are most stable are composed of a metallic and a non-metallic element. In Chapter I the physical properties differentiating metals and non-metals were discussed. We will now see that these physical differences are accompanied by fundamental differences in chemical behavior. As was pointed out, there is no sharp dividing line between the metals and non-metals, but rather they grade into each other. Accordingly it is quite logical to speak of one element being more or less metallic than another, and we might make an attempt to arrange them in the order of their metallic character. It is impossible to make such an arrangement very strict, for the order would vary some- what according to the criterion chosen. This difficulty does not, however, prevent the notion of the role of metallic character in chemical combina- tion from being an exceedingly useful one. As an illustration we may give the following list which contains a few of the commoner elements, ranging from those which are extremely metallic, at the top, to the opposite ex- treme of those least mjetallic at the bottom.* The "Alkali Metals," Potassium, Sodium, etc. The "Alakaline Earth Metals," Barium, Calcium, etc. Aluminum, Magnesium, Zinc. Tron, Nickel, Tin, Lead. Hydrogen. The "noble metals," Silver, Gold. Sulfur. Iodine. Chlorine. Oxygen, Fluorine. The most stable compounds are those formed between elements far apart on this list. The alkali metals unite with elements like oxygen and chlorine very eagerly, with the evolution of a great deal of heat, and these compounds require a great deal of energy for their decompo- sition.. The resulting compounds, furthermore, are very unlike their component elements. Sodium chloride, common salt, bears no resem- blance, physical or chemical, to its component elements. On the other hand, elements near together, like chlorine and oxygen, or chlorine and iodine, form compounds very similar in properties to their component * A fuller discussion of the relative metallic character of the individual elements will be found in Chapters XVI and XVII. 39 elements, and which are readily broken down. The metals form numerous compounds with each other, but -very little energy is involved in the process, usually, unless the metals are very different, like mercury and sodium, and in many cases the compounds are much like the constituent elements in character. Hydrogen is rather more like a metal, chemically, than it is like a non-metal, as it forms compounds only with the most strongly metallic metals, and these are easily decomposed, whereas it combines with the non-metals to form compounds of increasing stability as we descend the list. Since it is usually possible to regard one of the elements in a binary compound as more metallic and the other as less metallic, or more non- metallic, it is useful to be able to represent this distinction in less cum- bersome terms, which we do by calling one constituent positive and the other negative. The choice of which to consider positive, instead of being entirely arbitrary, is made to conform to the behavior of the compounds in so far as they may be decomposed by electrolysis. When an electric current is passed through a solution of a binary compound, or through the liquid formed by its fusion, it may often be shown that the more metallic constituent travels with the positive current and may often be discharged as the free element at the kathode, or negative pole, while the non-metallic constituent may travel with the negative current, and may often be discharged at the anode, or positive pole. Accordingly, it is customary to refer to the metallic constituent as the positive element in the compound, and to the other as the negative element. Thus, when a water solution of hydrogen chloride gas is electrolyzed, using inert electrodes which are not acted upon chemically, such as graphite or platinum, hydrogen gas is liberated at the negative pole, whence it is con- sidered the positive or metallic element, while chlorine gas is liberated at the positive pole, so it is considered the negative element. Similarly, aluminum oxide may be dissolved in certain fused salts and decomposed by an electric current, giving aluminum, the positive element at the negative pole, and oxygen the negative or non-metallic element at the positive pole. In writing formulas of compounds the usual practice is to put first the symbol of the metallic or positive element, e. g., CuCl2, H2O, NaCl, PbS, S2C12. Sometimes the same element may be the more negative element in one compound and the more positive in another as is the case, apparently, with sulfur in the two compounds, respectively, just given. Unfortunately this convention is transgressed in a few cases like that of ammonia, usually written NHa, where the convention would require H3N. It is interesting to note that where more than one compound of the same element exists, the physical characteristics of the compounds seem to approach those of the element which is in excess. For example, there are a number of sulfides of sodium and potassium. Those containing least sulfur, as K2S, are white in color, but the color becomes increasingly yellow as more sulfur is present, and the higher sulfides act chemically very much like pure sulfur. Again, where more than one chloride of a metal exists, as illustrated by SnCl2 and SnCl4, FeCl2 and FeCl3, PbCl2 and PbCl4, the one containing more chlorine is more volatile, which we may connect with the fact that chlorine is a gas. Oxides and Sulfides. Among the most important of all chemical compounds are the oxides, largely because we live in an atmosphere containing oxygen, so that there is great opportunity for oxides to form. All the elements form oxides, except fluorine and the rare gases of the 40 atmosphere, argon, neon, etc. Most of these oxides may be formed directly by burning the elements in the air, and this process, especially when light and heat are involved, is called combustion. Most fuels consist of carbon or hydrogen or their compounds. Coke and anthracite coal are fairly pure carbon, and burn to give carbon monoxide, CO, when the supply of air is insufficient, and to form carbon dioxide, CO2, when the air supply is sufficient. Other fuels, like gas, kerosene, gasoline, wood, contain either hydrogen or compounds of hydrogen with carbon, and, in the case of wood, oxygen. In all of these cases we have the oxidation of the hydrogen, on burning, to form water, along with the formation of CO2. Certain metals, called the base metals, oxidize quite readily. Sodium burns easily in air. Magnesium, when powdered, is an exceedingly com- bustible substance, giving off a very bright light, which makes it a useful constituent of flash-powders. We are accustomed to think of metals like zinc and aluminum as incombustible, but that is because the solid oxides formed, unlike the gaseous oxides of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, etc., coat the metal, preventing access of the oxygen to the latter. If these metals are finely divided, as in turnings, foil or powder, they burn quite readily. A still less positive metal, like iron, will not burn by itself in the air, but when in the form of wire will burn vigorously in pure oxygen and will rust in moist air forming an iron oxide, a process similar to ordinary combustion. A nobler metal like copper cannot be ignited, even in pure oxygen, but if it is kept sufficiently hot by holding it in an ordinary flame, it will gradually change to oxide. The noblest metals, like silver, gold and platinum', will not combine with oxygen directly. Their oxides must be prepared by roundabout means, and are easily decomposed. They are the metals which occur free in nature. Sulfur is an element which is capable of forming several types of compounds, as we shall see later, but we may note now that in one of these types it closely resembles oxygen. Accordingly we have sulfides analogous to oxides in nearly all cases. The following formulas may be given to show this resemblance: H2O, Cu2O, CuO, ZnO, A1,O3, CO,, SnO, SnO,, Ag,, Ag,O, Na,O2, H2S, Cu2S, CuS, ZnS, A12S2, CS2, SnS, SnS2, Ag2S, Na2S2. Nearly all the oxides and sulfides of the metals are insoluble in water and have very high melting points. Halides. Next to the oxides, probably the halides of the metals are most important. By this name we designate the binary compounds of the elements known as the halogens, i. e., fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. (The name comes from the Greek for sea-salt, sodium chloride being typical of the group). The halides of a given metal are usually all very much alike as to solubility, appearance, etc. Those of fluorine show the least resemblance to the others. Nearly all of them are easily dissolved by water, and most of them can be melted without decomposition at moderate temperatures. The Relation of the Relative Positive and Negative Characters of Elements to the Reactions of Their Compounds, (a) Replacement. The fruitfulness of the conception of the relative positive and negative char- acters of the elements is illustrated by its application in helping to determine the course of reactions. We may consider, first, reactions in which one element replaces another. What has been said regarding the relation between the stability of compounds and the positive and nega- tive character of their component elements would lead us to expect that 41 a more postive element would replace a less positive one in a compound. This is usually the case, as illustrated by the following reactions: 3Na + A1C13 = 3NaCl + Al Fe 4- CuCL = FeCl2 + Cu Cu+ HgCl2'= CuCl2 4- Hg. Similarly, a more negative element may replace a less negative one., as illustrated by the reaction Cal2 4- Cl, = CaCl2 + I2. Carbon has a much greater power to combine with oxygen than would be inferred from its non-metallic character, and does not lend itself to inclusion in the arrangement previously given. We may, however, com- pare the relative stability of various metallic oxides by considering the relative ease with which they may be reduced to metal by carbon. Aluminum oxide, A12O3, for example, is so stable that carbon is unable to remove the oxygen from it. The oxide of zinc, a less positive metal, can be so reduced, the zinc of commerce being obtained in this way. ZnO 4- C = Zn 4- CO. The oxides of iron, a still less positive metal, can be reduced more easily, as is done in the blast furnace. Fe2O3 4- 3C = 3CO 4- 2Fe. The dioxide of tin is still more easily reduced, as tin is nobler than iron. SnO2 4~ 2C = Sn 4~ 2CO. (b) M etathesis. When two compounds are brought together there occurs frequently a type of reaction known as a metathetical reaction, in which certain elements or groups of elements change places. The follow- ing equations represent reactions of this type: AgCl 4- KI = Agl 4- KC1. CaO + 2HC1 = CaCk 4- H2O. A12S3 4- 3H2O = A12O3 4- 3H2S. The important thing to note is that the more metallic element of one compound changes place with the more metallic element of the other. (In each case the positive element is written first in the formula, according to the convention stated previously). We seldom find such a reaction as AgCl 4- KI =AgK 4- C1I, (which would represent the formation of compounds containing like elements) when unlike elements have the opportunity to combine, as represented above. Of course, it may not be possible to tell whether the most stable pair of compounds would be silver chloride and potassium iodide or silver iodide and potassium chloride. This would have to be determined by experiment, or by the aid of criteria to be discussed in Chapters XII and XIII. (c) Addition. Another type of reaction between binary compounds occurring frequently where the two compounds have one element in common, consists simply of a combination to form a less simple type of compound. The most interesting of these combinations are those taking place between oxides. We may, in order to understand these combina- tions, regard the oxides as possessing a residual positive or negative nature dependent on the character and the amounts of the elements in the oxide. Thus, the more positive elements would yield more positive oxides, and vice-persa, and also, where two oxides of the same element exist, the one containing more of the highly negative element, oxygen, would be more negative. To illustrate we give a list of oxides arranged 42 according to these ideas, with the more positive oxides at the top, as we did before when considering the elements. K2O, Na2O CaO, MgO ALOS, ZnO H.,O CO., SO, so3 In accordance with this arrangement, and its governing idea, we find that the oxides far apart show great tendency towards combination. Plaster of Paris, which may be considered as a compound of CaO and SO3 is a very stable substance. Limestone, CaO'CO, (usually written CaCOg) is less stable and is broken down at a red heat into the gas CO2 and CaO, quicklime. When water, H2O, is added to quicklime, slaked lime is formed, CaO. H,O (also written Ca(OH)2), and this is broken down (into quicklime and steam) more easily than is limestone. The combination between H,O and the oxide of a still more positive metal than calcium gives, as we should expect, a more stable compound than Ca(OH)2. Illustrations might be multiplied ad libitum. Enough has been said to show what oxides might be expected to combine most readily, and to show how compounds of this sort might be classified according to the oxides of which we may consider them to be composed. As might be expected from the similarity of sulfur and oxygen compounds, many double sulfides exist, similar to the compounds between the oxides just discussed. These are numerous in the mineral world, as exemplified by 3Cu2S-Sb2S3, PbS*Sb,S3, 3Ag2S'As2S3. Many combinations of halides exist corresponding to those of oxides, though they are not so numerous or important. The chlorides of the base metals and those of the noble metals fulfill our expectations in fur- nishing compounds of this nature, some of which, like KC1 * AuC13, 2KC1 'PtCl^ are very stable. With iodides we have, similarly, 2KI 'HgL, etc. The fluorides are especially prone to form double compounds, as witnessed by HF'KF, 2HF • SiF4, BaF • SiF4. Classification of Compounds. We have seen that binary compounds may be classified very simply according to the positive and negative elements of which they are composed. In this sense we might investigate and compare the various silver compounds and their reactions, on the one hand, or the various chlorides, on the other hand. When we come to compounds containing more than two elements we have seen, further, how we may classify them according to the oxides, chlorides, sulfides, fluorides, etc., of which we may consider them composed. For many purposes this is a most useful classification. There is, however, another way in which we may regard their constitution, a way especially useful for reactions occurring in water solution. We have seen how a compound like silver sulfate, Ag2SO+, may be regarded as composed of the oxides Ag2O and SO3, as is indicated by writing the formula Ag2O • SO3. Many of its reactions could profitably be represented in this way. However, if we mix a solution of this com- pound with one of potassium chloride, KC1, instead of an interchange of K and Ag2O, we have an interchange of K and Ag, represented by the equation: 2KC1 + Ag2SO4 = K2SO4 + 2AgCl. It would evidently be more satisfactory, in this reaction, to regard silver 43 sulfate as composed of Ag and SO4. This group, SO4, is called the sulfate radical. In the reaction between calcium sulfate, CaSO4, and sodium carbonate, NaoC03, we might still use the oxide notation, writing: CaO • SO3 4- Na,O • CO2 = CaO • CO2 + Na2O • SO3. Or, we might consider the reaction to be an interchange of metals rather than an interchange of oxides, writing: CaSO4 + Na2CO3 = CaCO3 4- Na2SO4. When, however, we use calcium chloride, CaCl2, instead of CaSO4, an interchange of metals represents the only type of reaction possible, so that we must write CaCl2 4" Na2CO3 = CaCO3 4~ 2NaCl. From this and other examples that might be given, we see that the second method of considering the constitution of these compounds is much more inclusive, besides allowing us to consider both types of com- pounds as made up of the same fundamental constituents. The same applies to other double compounds, such as chlorides, as well as to oxides. If we mix solutions of Na,PtCle and KQSO4, the reaction is: Na2PtCl6 4- K2SO4 = K2PtCl6 4- Na2SO4, implying that the reaction represents an interchange between sodium and potassium and the radicals PtCl6 and SO4. If the constitution of the new compounds were that represented by 2NaCl-PtCl4 and K,O' SO3, we should be led to expect the wrong type of interchange entirely. Our conclusion must be that for some reactions one point of view is more useful, and for other reactions the other is better. Thus, when dealing with the decomposition of calcium carbonate by heat it is useful to think of it as a compound of CaO and CO2, whereas its reactions in the presence of water correspond better with the idea that it is composed of calcium and carbonate radical. Corresponding to this latter concep- tion we would classify compounds according to the constituent elements or radicals which take part in metathetical or interchange reactions.. We will proceed to do this so as to point out three very important types, i. e., acids, bases and salts. We have seen that it is usually better not to attempt to distinguish between compounds of KC1 and K2O, K2S, etc., but to consider them all as compounds of potassium, from which standpoint we would investigate the common properties of potassium compounds. Similarly we might investigate in groups, calcium compounds, lead compounds, and those of all the postive elements or metals. Then, in grouping die negative constituents, we would have, in addition to single elements, like chlorine, etc., negative groups, or radicals, containing more than one element, like sulfate radical, SO4, carbonate radical, CO3, nitrate radical, NO3, etc., and we would seek to determine what properties were common to all sulfates, carbonates, and nitrates, respectively. (It is seldom that the positive constituent consists of more than a single metallic element). The first of these classes for us to investigate is that composed of compounds in which the positive element is hydrogen. Acids. The most obvious property of many compounds in which hydrogen is the positive constituent is a sour taste. This taste we are accustomed, in everyday life, to ascribe to substances we call acids, and since only certain hydrogen compounds give such a taste, we may consider, it the property of this kind of combined hydrogen. There are a number of more or less familiar acids which we may recall and char- acterize briefly. Hydrochloric acid, HC1, is a gas when in the pure state, but it is very soluble in water, forming the solution sometimes 44 known as "muriatic acid.'' Sulfuric acid, H2SO4, is a dense syrupy liquid, in the absence of water, and has the common name of "oil of vitriol." It is manufactured and used in larger quantities than any other substance for purely chemical purposes. Nitric acid, HNO3, is a fuming corrosive liquid extensively used to dissolve the nobler metals and in the manufacture of explosives. Acetic acid HC2H3O2 (only one of the hydrogen atoms has acid properties), is the acid of vinegar. Phosphoric acid, H3PO4, is used in the phosphate drink at the soda fountain. Boric acid H3BO3, or "boracic acid," is a solid giving a solution of very faint acid properties. It finds use as a mild antiseptic. Oxalic acid, H2C2O4, a solid in the pure state, finds frequent use as a chemical reagent. The various fruit juices contain characteristic acids, such as citric acid, found in lemons, tartaric acid in grapes, malic acid in apples, etc. Whenever we have the sour taste of an acid we may notice certain other properties which are, therefore, likewise characteristic of acids. The hydrogen of an acid may be replaced by a metal, indirectly, using a suitable compound of the metal, as we shall see later, when discussing bases, and directly, using the free metal if the acid is not too weak and if the metal is a base one such as zinc or magnesium. Ordinary acids, then, if not too weak, will dissolve base metals like zinc. The following equation represents a typical reaction, zinc and sulfuric acid forming zinc sulfate and hydrogen gas: Zn -f- H2SO4 = ZnSO4 -j- H2. Again, unless an acid is extremely weak in its acid properties, when it is brought in contact with a carbonate, such as sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, "washing soda," it liberates the weak carbonic acid, H2CO3, which breaks down into water and carbon dioxide gas, producing an effervescence unless a great deal of water is present. To illustrate this, we may give the equation for the action of sulfuric acid on sodium carbonate: H2SO4 + Na2CO3 = Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2. One of the most useful ways of detecting acids, especially when they are very dilute, is by means of certain natural and artificial coloring matters called "indicators," because they indicate whether or not a solution is acid. Among these may be mentioned litmus, a plant extract giving a blue color in pure water which is changed to red by the minutest traces of acid. Another indicator, an artificial dye called methyl orange, gives a yellow solution in water, changing to orange and then red as acid is added. It takes more acid in a given amount of water to change the color of this indicator than it does to turn litmus red. Another, methyl violet, requires a still more concentrated acid to change it suc- cessively from violet, through blue, green, and yellow as more acid is added. Bases. There is another class of compounds which are capable of neutralizing or destroying the above properties shown by acids in water solution. These are all characterized by the radical OH, called hydroxyl, being compounds of this group with metals. They are called bases. Most of them are insoluble in water, or nearly so, the chief exceptions being sodium hydroxide, NaOH, sometimes called "caustic soda," potassium hydroxide, KOH, sometimes called "caustic potash," its solu- tion being known often as "lye," and barium hydroxide, Ba(OH)2. Cal- cium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2, "slaked lime," is sparingly soluble, its solution being known as "lime water." To these should be added ammo- nium hydroxide, NH4OH, formed when ammonia gas, NH3, is dissolved in water. The group NH4 acts like a metal in combination. The soluble 45 bases, especially the first two, are often called "alkalis," and their solutions "alkaline." The property fundamental to bases is their ability to neutralize acids. This reaction is an exchange such that the hydrogen of the acid arid the hydroxyl of the base unite to form water. The equations repre- senting neutralization are among the easiest to write, for we need one OH group for every hydrogen atom. The following equations show examples of neutralization: NaOH + HC1 = HOH (or H„O) + NaCl. 2KOH 4- H„SO4 = 2HoO + K2SO4. Ca(OH)2 + 2HNOo = 2H2O + Ca(NO3)„. Al (OH), 4- 3HC1 = 3H.O 4- A1C13. 2A1(OH)3 4- 3H2SO4 = 6H2O 4- A1,(SO4),. Besides the ability to neutralize acids, and their common constitu- tion as hydroxides of metals, which characterize all bases, there are certain additional important qualities of the solutions of soluble bases, or alkalis we may regard as the properties of the hydroxyl radical dissolved in water. One of these is a peculiar taste, for which we have no word as "sour" for the corresponding taste of acids. It is the taste of lime water. Again, alkaline solutions have an emulsifying action on fats, and a tendency to produce soap with grease, which gives a soapy feeling when such a solution is rubbed between the fingers. Most conclusive, however, are the colors given to indicators. When litmus has been turned red by acid the addition of alkali will restore the blue color. Similar changes are produced with the other indicators previously mentioned. A very useful indicator is phenolphthalein, which is colorless in pure water or in acid, but is turned a deep red by very dilute alkali. Still others, such as tri-nitrobenzene, require considerable amounts of alkali in order to produce a change in color. By a suitable choice of indicators it is possible to cover the entire range from- strongly acid solutions, through neutral, to strongly alkaline solutions. Salts. The result of the neutralization of acids and bases is the formation of water, together with a substance called a salt. The name is derived from the typical substance common salt, sodium chloride; and salts in general, like it, are usually solid crystalline substances at ordinary temperatures. The number of salts known is nearly equal to the product of the number of existing positive constituents of bases and the number of negative constituents of acids. The natural classi- fication of all salts is according to these constituents or radicals. Thus, we might make a study of all the salts of zinc, on the one hand, or of all sulfates, on the other. In a sense the acids are simply the salts of hydrogen, and the bases those of hydroxyl; the extremely important role played by acids and bases, however, justifies their separate classification. We see that the idea of a salt is a more general one than the idea that a substance may be made up of positive and negative oxides or halides, etc., for it includes all substances which contain decidedly positive and negative constituents. The question as to how positive and negative these constituents must be in order that the compound may be considered a salt is no more capable of an arbitrary answer than is the question as to how sour a solution of a substance must be in order that the substance may be called acid. We have all gradations between un- doubted salts like common salt, though substances of feeble salt-like nature, such as tetrachloride of tin, to sulfur or iodine chlorides, which are not usually considered as salts at all. Sharp boundaries 46 of this sort are not very frequent in nature, and we must always remember that many of our classifications are purely for the sake of convenience and not to be overworked. We may take definitions of such terms as metal, salt, acid, etc., but when we come to fit actual sub- stances to our definitions we are confronted by such problems as how good a conductor, or how malleable, etc., an element must be to be called a metal, or again, how much difference there must be in the posi- tive and negative character of the elements in a compound before we will be willing to class it as a salt. History shows must waste of paper and good temper by futile controversies of this sort. Anhydrides of Acids and Bases. From what has been said above it is evident that a base may be looked upon either as a compound of a metallic element with the hydroxyl radical, or as a compound of a metallic oxide with water. Several further examples may be given in the following equations: Na.O 4- H.O = 2NaOH CaO 4 H.O = Ca(OH). Cu(OH)„ = CuO + H4 2A1(OH)3 =A12O3 4 3H2O. On the basis of this relation between the hydroxides and the oxides the latter are often called basic anhydrides, the latter word signifying the removal of water. Similarly, acids which contain oxygen as well as rogen may be dehydrated by the removal of water, or may be formed from the non-metallic oxide and water, as the case may be. The follow- will serve as examples: H.O 42CO2 = HoCO, H.O 4 N.6„ = 2HNO3. H2O 4 so2 = h,so3 H.O 4 SO3 = H.SO4 H.O 4 P2O-, = 2HPO3 2H.O 4 P265 = H4P.O7 3H2O 4 P2O5 = 2H3PO4 The oxides from which these acids may be formed are likewise often called acid-anhydrides. The important thing to note is the similarity of the chemical behavior of the acid and basic anhydrides to that of their respective acids and bases. When acids and bases neutralize each other they produce a salt and water. Since the difference between the acid or base and its anhydride is simply water, the difference between their reactions with each other and ordinary neutralization is simply in the amount of water produced. We may write a series of reactions to illustrate this relationship: Ca(OH)2 4 H.SO3 = CaSO3 4 2H2O CaO 4 H.SO3 = CaSO3'4 H»O Ca(OH)2 4 SO2 = CaSO3 4 H2O CaO 4 SO. = CaSO3 We see here the fusion of the two ideas of the classification of a salt like CaSO3 either as composed of a positive metal and a negative acid radical or else as a compound of a positive and relatively negative oxide. We see also that a metallic oxide will neuralize an acid, or an acid anhydride will neutralize a base, hence we must expect the chemistry of the anhydrides and of their acids and bases to be very similar. 47 Exercises. 1. Make a list of the characteristics of acids and bases. 2. What is meant by each of the terms, alkali; alkaline reaction; radical; metathesis; neutralization; anhydride? 3. Determine, by subtracting H2O in proper proportion, what are the anhydrides of the following substances: HNO3; HnCO3; Fe(OH)3; Fe(OH)2; H3PO4; HPO3; H3PO3; CuOH; H2SO3. 4. From your knowledge of the metallic or non-metallic nature of the elements involved, state which constituents of the following pairs of compounds might be expected to exchange if they react with each other: (1) AgoS04 and Na2CO3; (2) CuCl2 and K2S; (3) ZnS and 2HC1; (4) Ca(OH)2 and Na2CO3; (5) Ca(OH)2 and H2SO4. 5. Which substance in each of the following pairs would decompose more easily, on heating, in the manner represented by the respective equations: (1) CuCO3 - CuO + CO2 or CaCO3 = CaO + CO2; (2) CuCO3 = CuO + CO2 or CuSO4 = CuO -|- SO3; (3) Ca(OH)2 = CaO + H2O or 2A1(OH)3 = A12O3 + 3H2O? 48 CHAPTER VI. VALENCE. WRITING EQUATIONS. For the purpose of writing formulas and equations it is very im- portant to know the number of atoms of substances that are likely to combine to form compounds, without being under the necessity of per- forming an analysis of each substance or of remembering its composition as an isolated fact. It is possible to do this by the aid of a number, or numbers, characteristic of each element, which represent rather uniformly the relative number of atoms of the different elements that may be found in a molecule. The number expressing this combining value for an element is called its valence. We will first see how the valence of an element may be determined and then see how it may be used in predicting formulas and writing equations. Assignment of Valence Numbers. If we classify the binary com- pounds of hydrogen according to the numbers of atoms of hydrogen per atom of the other element we will find them dividing into groups as follows: HC1 HBr HI HoO H2S H3N h3p H3As H4C H4Si We notice that the elements of these compounds may be divided according to their power to combine with hydrogen. One group of elements, Cl, Br, I, are able to combine atom for atom with hydrogen; another, rep- resented by O and S, have atoms which can combine with two atoms of hydrogen; still another group of atoms can combine each with three hydrogen atoms, another with four. Evidently the elements in the second, third and fourth columns have respectively 2, 3 and 4 times the combining power, measured with hydrogen, that the elements in the first group have. Moreover, we do not find elements having a smaller combining power than hydrogen. We may thus take the hydrogen atom as our unit for determining the combining value or valence. We will find, then, that we are able to measure the combining value, or valence, of any kind of atom by determining from the formulas of some of its com- pounds its power either to combine with hydrogen or to replace it in some compound such as those given in the table. Thus an atom of oxygen, O, can combine with two atoms of hydrogen, as in H2O, while an atom of calcium, Ca, can replace two atoms of hydrogen, as is seen by com- paring CaO with H2O. It is, however, important to distinguish between power to combine with hydrogen and power to replace hydrogen, for atoms that can replace hydrogen can replace each other, but as a rule cannot combine with each other, while atoms that can combine with hydrogen can also replace each other but cannot as a rule combine with each other. Calcium and oxygen are both related to two atoms of hydrogen, but in a different way, the former replacing hydrogen, the latter combining with two atoms of hydrogen. We must, therefore, dis- tinguish between two kinds of valence, as well as between different numerical values. This we will do by calling one positive and the other negative. The decision as to which shall be postive is based on the electrical behavior, to be explained more fully in Chapter X, and follows the metallic or non-metallic character of the elements discussed in 49 Chapter V, where we called the more metallic element in the compound the positive element and vice-versa. In the above compounds the hydrogen appears to be the positive constituent, so that we will call its valence 4-1. Any element, furthermore, which replaces hydrogen will be con- sidered as showing a positive valence, while any element combining with hydrogen or its equivalent will be considered as showing negative valence. Accordingly, in the above list of compounds, the valence of Cl, Br and I is considered -1, that of O and S -2, that of N, P, and As, -3. In CaO the valence of Ca is 4-2, since that of O is taken as -2, also since it appears, in comparing H2O and CaO, that one atom of calcium replaces two of hydrogen. In NaCl the valence of Na is 4-1 and that of Cl -1, as can be seen by comparing NaCl with HO, from which it may be obtained. In ALO3 the valence of Al is 3, because the valence of oxygen is -2 and three atoms represent -3, hence the two atoms of aluminum represent 4-6, each atom being -|-3. As further illustrations we may give a number of compounds, writing under each element the valence per atom, and indicating the multiple of this corresponding io the number of atoms in the molecule. The sum of the total positive and negative valence is, of course, zero. MgCl2 + 2,2(-l) SnCl4 +4,4(-l) H3BO3 3(4-1), 4-3, 3(-2) NaOH +1, -2, 4-1 Na.S 2(4-1)', -2 * PbO, +4, 2(-2) It is possible to consider the valence of the radicals discussed in Chapter V, without paying, any attention to the valence of the atoms within the radical. In H2SO4 it is obvious that the valence of the SO4 radical is -2, and in K2PtClt) that the valence of the- PtClQ radical is -2. We may, similarly, speak of the valence of the hydroxyl radical as -1, of that of the Fe(CN)6 radical in K4Fe(CN)6 as -4. Where the radical in question remains intact in a reaction, it is unnecessary to consider the valence of its component elements. Elements Exhibiting More Than One Valence. Many of the elements show more than one valence in their various compounds. Tin, for example, gives two series of compounds, the stannous compounds, in which the valence of tin is 2, and the stannic compounds in which it is 4, as exemplified by the following: Stannous SnO, +2, 2(-l) SnO 4-2, -2 SnS 4-2, -2 Sn(OH), 4-2, (-2,4-1) Stannic SnCl4 +4,4(-l) SnOo +4, 2(-2) SnS2 +4, 2(-2) Sn(OH)4 4-4, 4(-2, 4-1) In this case we have no doubt that the tin is the element that changes valence rather than the other elements present in the above compound because the other elements react in the same way in both cases. For example, upon the addition of silver nitrate solution to a solution of either of the chlorides of tin the same silver chloride precipitate is produced. We must, therefore, have the same kind of chlorine in both compounds. Again both sulfides give hydrogen sulfide when acted upon by hydro- chloric acid, as represented by the equations: SnS + 2HC1 = SnCl2 + H2S SnS2 + 4HC1 = SnCl4 + 2H2S. As contrasted with the tin compounds*we have two oxides of barium, BaO and BaO2. These appear analogous to the oxides of tin given just mentioned, and we might be inclined to say that there must be two series of barium compounds in which barium would have a valence of 2 and 4 50 respectively. However, we fail to find any other barium compounds in which the valence appears to be other than 2. Also, on investigating the chemical reactions of BaO2 we find that while it reacts to give barium compounds in which the valence of barium is evidently 2, it gives oxygen compounds quite different from the ordinary oxygen compounds. The following equations will bring out this contrast in the behaviors of SnO2 and BaO.,: SnO9 4- 4HC1 = SnCl4 + 2H.,O BaO2 + 2HC1 = BaCl2 + H2O2. There are no other barium compounds and no other hydrogen compounds in which we would be tempted to assign to those elements any but the ordinary valences, 2 and 1 respectively. We find by experiment, however, that the oxygen in these compounds, together with a few others, cannot be classed with the oxygen in most compounds. It behaves quite differ- ently, and it is therefore logical to ascribe to it a different valence. We therefore conclude that the 2 atoms of oxygen in these compounds (to all of which the term peroxide is given) have together a valence of -2. It is impossible to decide whether both of these two atoms have the same valence, -1, or different valences, like 0 and -2, whose mean is -1. For practical purposes, however, it is unnecessary to distinguish these atoms from each other, so that we may consider them both to have a valence of - 1. In all other oxygen compounds it is satisfactory to ascribe to the oxygen a valence of -2. A similar difficulty is encountered with respect to the valence of sulfur in sodium thiosulfate, Na2S2O3, the "hypo" of the photographer. Since Na and O have valences respect- ively of 1 and -2, as usual, that of the two sulfur atoms together must be -|-4. This does not necessarily mean, however, that both of these atoms have the same valence, 2, for a total of 4 would be obtained if one valence were 3 and the other 1, or if one were 5 and the other -1, etc. The probable valence, again, can be determined with any degree of certainty only by finding what kinds of compounds the two atoms of sulfur produce when thiosulfates are decomposed. Some of the elements, especially some of the non-metals, exhibit even more than two valences. In the following compounds, KC1, KC1O, KC1O2, KC1O3 and KC1O4, the potassium and the oxygen are believed to have the usual valences, 1 and -2, respectively, which indicates that the valences of the chlorine are respectively -1, 1, 3, 5 and 7. Likewise with phosphorus we have such compounds as H3P (usually written PH3, though the hydrogen is doubtless the positive element) H3PO2, H3PO3 and H3PO4. In these compounds the valences of phosphorus seem to be respectively -3, 1, 3 and 5. Use of Valence in Classifying Compounds. Where an element shows a varying valence, as in the instances just given, the determination of the valence gives a means of classifying together those compounds in which the element has the same valence, so that we may be led to anticipate similarities in. chemical behavior within the same class of compounds. In the compound NaPO3, which has no clear connection with any of the other compounds above, a simple calculation shows that the phosphorus has a valence of 5, wherefore it is to be classed with H3PO4. The same applies to an apparently different compound, Mg2P2O7 (Cf. MgCl2). On the other hand, in the compound Na4P2O5, the valence of the phosphorus places it with H3PO3. A proper understanding of the reac- tions of these different classes of conipounds is aided by considering valence. Thus PC13, where the valence is 3, yields H3PO3 with water, 51 while PC15 yields H3PO4. Again, a regard for valence makes it evident that neither P2O3 or P2O5, in reacting with water, could be expected to give a compound such as H2PO3. Writing Formulas With the Aid of Valence. It has just been shown that the valence of the elements can be determined by examining a few of the compounds of each element. Having done this, it is possible to pre- dict the formulas of other compounds. In the table below are given valences of positive and negative constituents of compounds as determined on the previous pages, together with the formulas of the compounds that mip'ht he exnected tn result from their combination Constituent Cl Br OH O S SO4 PO4 Valence -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -3 H 1 HC1 HBr HOH HoO HoS h„so4 H3PO4 Na 1 NaCl NaBr NaOH Na,O Na,S Na2SO4 Na3PO4 K 1 KC1 KBr KOH KoO K„S k2so4 K3PO4 Ca 2 CaCL CaBr2 Ca(OH)2 CaO CaS CaSO4 Ca3(PO4)2 Ba 2 BaCl2 BaBro Ba(OH)., BaO BaS BaSO4 Ba3(PO4)2 Al 3 A1CL AlBr.' A1(OH)3" A12O3 als3 A12(SO4)3 A1PO4 $n 2 SnCl2 SnBr2 Sn(OH)2 SnO SnS SnSO4 Sn3(PO4)2 Sn 4 SnCl4 SnBr4 Sn(OH)4 SnOo SnSo Sn(S04)o Sn3(PO4)4 In this table we have given a large number of compounds not pre- viously considered, solely on the basis of valences deduced from the few that have been considered. Illustrations might, of course, be multiplied indefinitely. Writing Equations. In connection with chemical equations it is important to realize that the mere writing of the equation confers no ob- ligation upon the substance involved to behave as indicated by the equation. The obligation is rather upon the one who writes the equation to endeavor to make it correspond to an actual or possible reality. A complete justification of an equation would require the experimental determination both of the substances produced, their formulas and their relative amounts. To avoid this labor and to aid in predicting possible reactions we may avail ourselves of the results of other experimenters which enable us to determine valence. We may expect that where a reaction takes place at all it will tend to produce compounds between elements or radicals having valence of different signs, and also in the proportions demanded by the numerical magnitude of the valences. It then becomes necessary to take the proper number of molecules of each substance so that there will be the same total number of atoms of each element on both sides, since it is this equality that justifies our use of the term equation. These steps will be best illustrated by examples. Let us consider, first, the reaction between aluminum and Fe3O4 to form aluminum oxide and iron. To be absolutely certain of the formula of the aluminum oxide produced we would have to determine it by analysis. We do not, however, find aluminum compounds in which the valence of aluminum is other than 3, as we see it in A1C13, which would lead us to anticipate that the oxide formed would be A12O3, which is correct. Accordingly we have Al and Fe3O4 giving A12O3 and Fe. We must next adjust the number of molecules so that there will be the same number of atoms of each element on each side of the equation. It is obvious that we must take 3Fe3O4 to get an integral number, 4, of A12O3 molecules. Adjusting the number of atoms of Al and Fe we have as the equation 3Fe3O4 + 8A1 = 9Fe + 4A12O3. 52 It is always desirable to check the equation written by comparing the number of atoms of each element on each side of the equation. They should, of course, be equal. The products of the reaction between solutions of BaCl2 and A12(SO4)3 would evidently be those formed by an interchange of the positive constituents so as to form aluminum chloride and barium sulfate. From the valences of the four constituent elements and radicals we would predict the formulas of the latter to be A1C13 and BaSO4. Our equation is therefore, in part, BaCL + A12(SO4)3 = BaSO4 + A1C13. Adjusting the number of molecules of each substance so as to make the equation balance we have finally 3BaCl2 + A12(SO4)3 = 3BaSO4 + 2A1C13. When solutions of Fe(NO3)3 and Ba(OH)2 are mixed a precipitate is produced which we might expect to be formed by the inter change of the constituents of the same sign, i. e., Fe and Ba. The valence of the Fe in this compound is seen to be 3 if we compare it with HNO3. The valence of each of the other constituents is already familiar with the pre- vious pages, so that the formulas of the compoundc produced might be predicted as Fe(OH)3 and Ba(NO3)2. Adjusting the number of molecules of these four substances so as to represent no gain or loss of atoms, we write as the equation: 2Fe(NO3)3 + 3Ba(OH)2 = 2Fe(OH)3 4- 3Ba(NO3)2. Equations for the neutralization of acids and bases are very easily written by regarding the union of one H of the acid with one OH of the base. The numbers of molecules of acid and base must therefore be such that they will yield equal numbers of these constituents of water. Examples of neutralization equations illustrating this may be found on pp. Oxidation and Reduction. We have certain reactions in which there is a change of valence on the part of two or more elements. In both of the following reactions, 2SnO -j- O2 =2SnO2 and SnCl2 + Cl2 = SnCl4 the tin increases in valence, going from a compound of one class to that of another, a different reaction from those illustrated, on page -. In the first we have the addition of oxygen to the tin, wherefore we say that the tin has undergone oxidation. In the second, though no oxygen is in- volved, the same change of valence on the part of the tin takes place, so that the same name is applies to the process. The -term oxidation is applied whenever valence takes on a more positive (or less negative) value. The opposite process, the removal of oxygen or, in general, the decrease in valence, is called by the more obviously general name reduction. In the two following equations, starting with metallic tin, we evidently have oxidation of the tin likewise: Sn 4- Cl2 = SnCl2 2Sn -|- O2 = 2SnO. In order to make this accord with our definition the valence of metallic tin must be zero. It is important to remember this throughout in dealing with the free elements. When we speak of the valence of an element we must refer to its valence in a particular compound or class of compounds. Accordingly the oxygen and chlorine in the above equations are both reduced. In balancing equations involving oxidation and reduction the principle invoked is to make the total increase in valence of all the atoms oxidized 53 equal to the total decrease in valence of all the atoms reduced. Further discussion of this type of equation will be resumed later in Chapter XV. Exercises. 1. What is the probable valence of each radical and element in each of the following compounds: CuSO4; Cu(NO3)2; Pb(NO3)2; PbCO3; CrCl3; MgO; NH4C1; CuS; FeCO3; KC1O3; K2CrO4; Fe(OH)2? 2. Write the formulas of a number of the compounds that might be formed from the constituent parts of the above compounds (omitting the atoms within the radicals). 3. Explain the terms: valence, radical, oxidation, reduction. 4. Classify according to the valence of arsenic the following arsenic compounds: AsC13, As2O3, As2Or„ As2S5, NaAsS2 (consider the valence of S to be -2), H3As, H3AsO4, Ag3As. 5. Complete and balance the following incomplete equations: Fe,O3 + C = CO + Mg(OH)2 + HC1 = MgO + HNO3 = Cr(OH)3 + H„SO4 = CrCl3 4- KOH = CrCl3 + AgNOo = Al + HgCl2 = Hg + A1C13 NH4C1 + Ca(OH),= 6. In each of the following reactions determine what elements are oxidized and what reduced: 2HgCl, 4- SnCl2.= 2HgCl 4- SnCl4 2AgNO3 4- Zn = 2Ag 4- Zn (NO3) 2 Zn 4- NaOH 4- H2O = NaHZnO2 4- H2. 54 CHAPTER VIL CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE. The common names of most familiar substances, given before the development of chemistry as a science, usually give no clue to their composition. However, as the number of known substances has increased it has become necessary to use names which are based upon some system. The multiplication of terms such as "oil of vitriol" (which is not an oil), "copperas" (which contains no copper), "Glauber's salt," "cream of tartar," "muriatic acid," etc., would place an almost impossible task upon the memory if it were extended to the hundred thousand or more known substances. To avoid such a situation as is found in mineralogy, where the terms give little clue to the composition of the substance, chemists have evolved a nomenclature which is based upon the elements composing the compound. This nomenclature has the advantage of being almost inter- national, so far as the European languages are concerned. Names of the Elements. The only generalization possible in the nomenclature of the elements is in regard to* the names of the metals. The effort has been to give the Latin neuter suffix, -um, to the names of metals, as illustrated by potassium, magnesium, platinum. Where the ele- ment was commonly known before the introduction of this systematic nomenclature we may have still surviving the common name without this suffix, as with iron, silver, copper, gold. In such cases the Latin name, from which the symbol is derived, may, however, often be used to designate compounds. For example, instead of copper sulfate we may say cupric sulfate, from the Latin cuprum. The reason for this use of the Latin name will become apparent later. The group NH4, which gives compounds analogous to those of the metal potassium, is called ammonium. The Most Positive Element Named First. It is customary to give the name of the most metallic or positive element first in naming the compound (corresponding to the order used in writing the formula), as is seen in the names of aluminum oxide, sodium chloride, copper sulfide, magneisum sulfate, potassium nitrate, hydrogen fluoride, carbon dioxide, etc. Binary Compounds Designated by Suffix -Ide. When the compound consists of but two elements it is customary to suffix -ide to the name of the second or less mtaallic element in naming the compound. Thus all compounds of a single more positive element with oxygen are called oxides, thoseof chlorine are called chlorides, those of phosphorus, phos- phides, those of carbon, carbides, etc. In a few cases this suffix is used where the compound contains more than two elements because of the existence of certain groups acting much like a single element. For example, the cyanide group, CN, acts very much like the halogens, hence KCN is called potassium cyanide, by analogy with KC1, potassium chloride. Designation of Compounds Where the Positive Element May Show Different Valences. As was pointed out in the chapter on Valence, there are many elements showing more than one valence in their compounds, so that the simple naming of the constituents as above leaves an ambiguity 55 as to which of the possible compounds is meant. There are, for example, two chlorides, oxides, etc., of mercury, iron, tin, lead, copper, etc., so that it is not sufficient, in these cases, to speak of mercury chloride, iron chloride, tin oxide, copper sulfide, etc. In most cases the positive elements exhibit but two valences in their compounds, and it is possible to distin- guish their two series of compounds by the suffixes -ous and -ic to the name of the positive element, signifying the lower and higher valences respectively. Accordingly we designate HgCl as mercurous chloride and HgCl2 as mercuric chloride; As2O3 as arsenous oxide, and As2O5 as arsenic oxide. In many cases the common English name of the element does not lend itself to this usage, as with the elements iron, copper, tin, lead. In such instances the Latin name of the element is used, so that we have FeCl2, ferrous chloride, and FeCl3, ferric chloride; Cu2O, cuprous oxide, and CuO, cupric oxide; SnS, stannous sulfide, and SnS2, stannic sulfide, etc. Another way of distinguishing between different compounds of the same element is by the use of the Latin and Greek numeral prefixes to the names of the elements. These prefixes, up to six, are as follows: Latin Greek 1 Uni- Mono- 2 Bi- Di- 3 Ter- Tri- 4 Quadri- Tetra- 5 Quinque- Penta- 6 Sexa- Hexa- In addition to these we may give the Latin sesqui- meaning one and a half. By the use of these prefixes we can often designate the compound with less ambiguity than by means of the suffixes -ous and -ic, especially when more than two compounds exist. As examples of the use of these prefixes we may mention CO, carbon monoxide, and CO2, carbon dioxide; CS2, called both carbon bisulfide and carbon disulfide; PC13, phosphorus tri-chloride, and PC15, phosphorus pentachloride; Cr2O3, chromium ses- quioxide, and CrO3, chromium trioxide; Sb2S3, (di)antimony trisulfide (antimonous sulfide), and Sb2S.-„ (di-)antimony pentasulfide (antimonic sulfide). The prefix per- is used in binary compounds chiefly to denote oxides in which the oxygen is related to the oxygen in hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, with an average valence of -1. The most important besides hydrogen peroxide are barium peroxide, BaO2, and sodium peroxide, Na2O2. It is doubtless wise to use the term only with oxides of this type, though this is by no means a uniform practice. A compound like Fe3O4, which is doubtless composed of FeO, ferrous oxide, and Fe2O3, ferric oxide, may be designated as ferrous- ferric oxide, though it is usually referred to as "magnetic iron oxide." Similarly, Pb3O4 is usually known by its commercial name "red-lead." Acids consisting of hydrogen and one other element are designated by the prefix hydro- and the suffix -ic, like HO, hydrochloric acid; HN3, hydronitric acid; H2S, hydrosulfuric acid. Oxy-Acids and Salts. Certain elements capable of assuming more than one valence form two or more acids containing oxygen. In such cases the significance -ous and -ic in distinguishing higher and lower valence is similar to that used with binary compounds. We have H2SO3, sulfurous acid, and H2SO4, sulfuric acid; HCrO2, chromous acid, H2CrO4, chromic acid; H3AsO3, arsenous acid, and H3AsO4, arsenic acid; HNO2, nitrous acid and HNO3, nitric acid. When more than two oxygen acids of the same elements exist the prefixes hypo- and per- are used, as illustrated in the following table, which shows at the same time the salt 56 designations corresponding to the different types of acid, using the acids of chlorine for illustration: Acid HC1 Hydrochloric HC1O Hypochlorous HClOo Chlorous HC1O3 Chloric HC1O4 Perchloric Corresponding salt KC1 Potassium chloride KC1O Potassium hypochlorite KC1O2 Potassium chlorite KC1O3 Potassium chlorate KC1O4 Potassium perchlorate Sulfo-Acids and Salts. There are many cases where sulfur replaces oxygen in salts, though the corresponding acids are not capable of existing free. These are designated in the same way as the oxy-salts, using the prefix sulf(o)-, or sometimes thio-. We have KSbO,, potassium anti- monate, and KSbS2, potassium sulfantomonite; KSbO3, potassium anti- monate and KSbS3, potassium sulfantimonate. In the case of Na2S2O3, which seems to be sulfuric acid with one oxygen atom replaced by a sulfur atom, the name thiosulfate is given. Complex Halogen Acids and Salts. Similar to the oxy- and sulfo- acids we have others containing the halogens, like H2PtCl6, chlor-platinic acid, giving salts called chlor-platinates; H2SiF6, fluo-silicic acid (cf H2SiO3, silicic acid) ; HAu Cl, chlor-aurous acid, and HAuC14, chlor-auric acid. Acid and Basic Salts. Many acids have more than one replaceable hydrogen atom in the molecule, and many bases have more than one re- placeable hydroxyl group in the molecule. Sulfuric acid, for example, is called a diabasic acid on account of its ability to neutralize two hydroxyl groups. Similarly, H3PO4, phosphoric acid, is a tribasic acid. On the other hand, Mg(OH)2, magnesium hydroxide, is a diacid base for similar reasons. In such cases it is usually possible to have partial neutralization of either acid or base so as to give either an acid salt or a basic salt. The following equations represent the formation of such salts * NaOH 4- HoSO4 = NaHSO4 + H.O KOH + H3PO4 = KH2PO4 4- H2O 2K0H 4- H3PO4 = K2HPO4 4- H2O Mg(OH)2 4- HC1 = Mg(OH)Cl 4- H2O. The salts produced in these reactions would be called respectively: sodium acid (or hydrogen) sulfate, potassium di-hydrogen phosphate, di-potassium' hydrogen phosphate, and magnesium hydroxychloride or basic magnesium chloride. Sometimes a basic or hydroxy-salt may lose water, becoming an oxy-salt. With bismuth hydroxide, for example, Bi(OH)3, the progressive neutralization with HC1 would give first Bi(OH)2Cl, then Bi(OH)Cl2, finally BiCl3. The second of these loses water, becoming BiOCl, a well known substance called bismuth oxychloride. In naming these two kinds of basic salts chemists are not always careful to distinguish between an oxy-salt and a hydroxy-salt, but there is some justification in this for the uncertainty in many cases as to whether the water present in the precipi- tate is actually combined or not. Sometimes this oxy-group plays the part of a radical, existing through- out various metathetical reactions. The radical is then usually designated by the suffix -yl, as in BiOCl, bismuthyl chloride, CrO2Cl, chromyl chloride, UO2C12, uranyl chloride. Acid salts may likewise lose water, but the possible types of com- 57 pounds can best be understood in connection with the various types of partially dehydrated acids. Partially Dehydrated Acids and Their Salts. If an acid salt like KHSO4, potassium acid sulfate, is heated it loses water according to the equation: 2KHSO4 = H2O + K2S2O7. The same result is gotten by adding SO3 to K2SO4. With reference to its mode of formation this salt is called potassium pyro-sulfate (from the Greek pyr, meaning fire). It may also be called potassium bi-sulfate on account of the extra SO3 present. This is more evident if the formulas of both the sulfate and the bisulfate are expressed as compounds of acid and basic anhydrides, as was done in Chapter V for many salts, giving K2O • SO3, and K2 • 2SO3, respectively. There are other examples of this type. When acid is added to a chromate, as K,CrO4, instead of getting an acid salt KHCrO4, there results a bichromate, as represented by the equation: K2CrO4 + HC1 = (KC1 + KHCrO4) = KC1 + %H2O -j- ^K2Cr2O7. There is no great distinction between a bi-salt and an acid salt; in solu- tion it is generally impossible to distinguish them, so that the former name is applied somewhat indiscriminately. Thus NaHCO3, sodium acid carbonate, is often called sodium bicarbonate, though the real bicarbonate, which would beNa2C2O-„ does not exist. Similarly KHSOt may be called potassium bisulfate. Sometimes it is possib'e to have still more of the acid anhydride present, as with K2Cr3O10 and K2Cr4O]3, called potassium trichromate and tetrachromate, respectively, or in general, polychromate (from the Greek poly, meaning many). This again becomes most obvious when the formulas are written in terms of the acid and basic anhydrides, giving K2O • 3CrO3 and K2O • 4CrO3. With a tribasic acid like phosphoric acid, H3PO4, there exist several partial anhydrides, like HPO3 and H4P2O7. The relations between these acids is best brought out by the equations 3H2O + PoO, = 2H3PO4 Hod + P2O5 = 2HPO3 = 2H3PO4 - 2H„O 2H2O + 2P2O5 = H3P2O7 = 2H3PO4 - H2O. In the first, H3PO4, we have the maximum amount of water, and it is called ortho-phosphoric acid (from the Greek meaning straight, direct). The second, meta-phosphoric acid (from the Greek meaning after), may be derived by the simple abstraction of water from the ortho-acid. The third is called pyro-phosphoric acid. The application of these terms to several other acids, as in the following table, will make themselves clearer: Acids Ortho Meta Pyro Boric H3BO3 HBO„ H2B4O7 (also called tetra-) Silicic H4SiO4 H2SiO3 (Many poly- silicic acids. H2O nSiO2) Phosphorus H3PO3 (hpo.,) H4P.,Ov Stannic H4SnO4 H2SnO3 It is evident that there is no distinction between a pyro-acid and its salts and a poly-acid, and where there are several it is not customary to use the prefix pyro- with its ambiguous significance, for while there is but one pyro-phosphoric acid there are a number of poly-silicic acids which require such distinguishing terms as di-meta-silicic acids for H2Si2O5; tri-meta-silicic acid for H2Si2O7; di-ortho-silicic acid for H4Si2O6, etc. The salts are, of course, designated as for the simpler acids; thus Na2H2P2O7 is di-sodium-di-hydrogen pyro-phosphate; Na2B4O7 (borax) is sodium tetra-(or pyro) borate; K2SnO3 is potassium metastannate. 58 Exercises. 1. How should each of the following substances be named: CaH„, H2S, PbS, Ni(OH)2, Ni(OH)3, Hg2SO4) HgSO4, SbCl3, SbCl„ PbO, Pb3O4, CuCO3, H2CO3, Hg(NO3)2, Hg(OH)NO3, NH4C1, NH4OH, NH4HSO4, KHNH4PO4, SbCl3, SbCl5, SbOCl, NaCl, NaClO, A1C1S, A1(OH)3, NaH2AlO3, NaAlO2, SOo, H2SO3 (Cf. HoS04, sulfuric acid), NaHSO3, Na2S2O5, SO3, S2O3? 2. If H3AsO4 is called arsenic acid, what should each of the following be called: HAsO3, H3AsO3, H4As2O7, PbHAsO4, KAsS3? 3. If K2MnO4 is called potassium maganate, what should KMnO4 be called ? 4. If H4SnO4 is called ortho-stannic acid, what would you call each of the following: H2SnO2, NaHSnO3, NaHSnO2, Na2SnS3? 5. If KCNO is the only oxygen salt of its type, what should it be called? (CN is the "cyanide" group). What should each of the follow- ing be called: KCNS, HCNO, KCN, HCN? 6. The iron in the salts K4Fe(CN)6 and K3Fe(CN)6 is bivalent and tri valent, respectively. Which should be called potassium ferro(us) cyanide, and which ferri(c) cyanide? 59 CHAPTER VIII. QUANTITATIVE RELATIONS INVOVLING SOLUTIONS OF KNOWN CONCENTRATION. In quantitative analysis the most useful reactions are usually those occurring in solution. In such cases the quantities may be determined, not by weighing the pure substance, but by measuring the volume of the solution containing a definite amount of the substance. Thus if a large quantity of a solution of sulfuric acid is made containing, say, 60 grams per liter, the amount of the acid taking part in a certain reaction is very simply found by measuring the volume of this solution required in the reaction. For example, if 25.0 cc. of this solution were used in a certain reaction, then the actual amount of sulfuric acid used would be 0.025 of 60 gm. or 1.25 gm. Before proceeding on this basis, however, it will be profitable to pause and consider whether the amount of the dissolved substance had best be expressed in grams per liter. Concentration in Terms of Mois per Liter. As a type of the reac- tions in solution used in quantitative analysis, we will consider reactions in which acids and bases neutralize each other. It has been explained already how such equations may easily be written if we are guided by the reaction that is fundamental to all neutralization acids and bases, i. e., the formation of water from the H of the acid and the OH of the base. Such equations may then be interpreted in terms either of grams or mols, and correct calculations of weight relations may be made in either terms. It is obvious, however, that simpler numerical relations are obtained using mols rather than grams. In a large number of cases 1 mol of acid will neutralize 1 mol of base; in other cases, like the reaction between NaOH and H2SO4, 1 mol of acid neutralizes 2 mols of base. We find it advantageous, therefore to express concentration in terms of mols per liter, and to indicate this briefly by a suitable prefix to the formula of the substance. Thus 2M-H2SO4 indicates a solution containing 2 mols of sulfuric acid per liter; 0.5M-H2SO4, or % M-H2SO4 or M/2 H2SO4 all denote a solution containing 0.5 mol of sulfuric acid per liter. Similar designations are applied to solutions of bases and salts, and even to dissolved substances in general. Titration. Suppose that it were desired to determine the amount of KOH in a sample of lye solution. We would take a definite amount of the solution, say 4.52 gm, and titrate with a suitable acid of known concentration, say 0.5 M-H2SO4, measuring, by means of a buret, the volume of acid required to neutralize exactly the lye solution, a suitable indicator being used for this purpose. This process is called titration. Suppose that 45.80 cc. of the acid is used; then, since 1 liter of 0.5 M-H2SO4 contains 0.5 mol of H2SO4, 45.80 cc. will contain 0.0458 X 0.5 mol, or 0.0229 mol of HoS04. Now we see from the equation, 2KOH 4- H2SO4 = 2H2 + K2SO4, that 1 mol of H2SO4 neutralizes 2 mols of KOH, hence, 0.0229 mols of H2SO4 will neutralize 0.0458 mols of KOH. Since 1 mol of KOH is 56.1 gm., or 0.458 mols is 0.0458X56.1 gm., or 2.57 gm. Since, further, 4.52 gm. of the solution contain 2.57 gm. of KOH, 57.0% of the lye solution is KOH. 60 Standardizing Solutions. In making solutions of known concen- tration for titration it is necessary to start with some substance that can be weighed, such as benzoic acid, HC7H5O2 (only one of the hydrogen atoms has acid properties), or sodium carbonate, Na2CO3. If it were desired to make 0.05 M-H2SO4, which contains 0.05 mol or 4.9 gm. of H2SO4 per liter, we would make up a quantity of the solution a little more concentrated than 0.05 M by dissolving about 3 cc. of concentrated acid (density 1.8) in a liter of water. We would next determine accurately the concentration of acid in this solution by titrating a known weight of Na2CO3. Suppose that it takes 43.0 cc. of our solution to react with 0.248 gm. of Na2CO3, according to the equation Na2CO3 + H2SO4 = H2O + CO2 + 2NaCl. Since 1 mol of sodium carbonate reacts with 1 mol of the acid, and since 0.248 gm. of Na2CO3 is 0.00234 mol, the amount of H2SO4 is also 0.00234 mol, and as this is dissolved in 43.0 cc. the amount in one liter is ^^°^/43 X 0.00234 mols, or 0.0545 mols. This solution may be used in titrations just as it is, or the concentration may be adjusted to exactly 0.05 molal, by diluting with the right amount of water. Since 0.05 mols per liter is the same as 0.0545 mols in 1090 cc., if water is added to a liter of the 0.0545 molal solution until the volume becomes 1090 cc., then the concentration of the resulting solution is 0.05 molal, as desired. From this an alkaline solution of desired concentration may then be made up by a similar process. The Equivalent-. Normal Concentration. It is very convenient, in titration, to have various solutions of the same neutralizing power. While it is true that solutions of such acids as HC1 and HNO3 of the same molal concentration may be used interchangeably in titrating bases, solu- tions of molal HC1 and molal H2SO4, for example, could not be used indiscriminately, since 1 mol of H2SO4 has twice the power that 1 mol of HO has to neutralize alkali. Similarly, while 10 cc. of 0.1 M HC1 would neutralize 10 cc. of 0.1 M NaOH, it would neutralize only 5 cc. of 0.1 M Ba(OH)2. Since, in titrating acids and bases, we are inter- ested in the hydrogen of the acid and the hydroxyl of the base, the simplest basis for making and using such solutions is the amount of acid hydrogen and basic hydroxyl in a liter of the solution. Solutions of NaOH and Ba (OH)2 would have the same neutralizing power if equal volumes contained, not 1 mol of each, but 1 mol and % mol respectively. The amounts of acids and bases to be dissolved in equal volumes of solution are the amounts which, in the particular reactions involved, will yield 1 gram of acid hydrogen and 17 grams of basic hydroxyl, respectively. This amount is called inequivalent, and concentration expressed in equivalents is called normal concentration, and denoted by the letter N, in the same way that molal concentration is indicated by M. Thus 2N-H2SO4 denotes 2 equivalents of this acid per liter; 0.5N-KOH denotes 0.5 equivalent of KOH per liter. Obviously, whenever the acid and base contain one acid hydrogen atom and one hydroxyl group in the molecule, the mol and equivalent are the same, and so molal and normal concentrations of such acids and bases are the same. Summary. By way of summary it may be stated that any kind of problem involved in titrating acids and bases may be solved by under- standing the three following factors, utilizing them in the connection demanded by the problem: First, the number of equivalents and the number of grams per mol 61 of substance, as indicated by the formula; e. g., Ca(OH)2 denotes 1 mol, 2 equivalents, 74 gr. Second, the meaning of the symbols expressing concentration; e. g., 0.01 M-Ca(OH)2 denotes a solution of 0.01 mol (hence, by the first step, 0.02 equivalent or 0.74 gr.) of Ca(OH)2 per liter. Third, the relation between the amount of acid and base used, which is given by the equation, if amounts are expressed in mols or grams, or without the necessity of considering the equation if equivalents are used, since 1 equivalent of any acid neutralizes 1 equivalent of any base, by the definition of the term equivalent. Examples. What is (1) the molal concentration and (2) the normal concentration when 7.4 gr. of Ca(OH)2 is in two liters of solution? One mol of Ca(OH)2 is two equivalents, and weighs 74 gr., hence 7.4 gr. is 0.1 mol and 0.2 equivalent. Since this is dissolved in two liters, one liter would contain 0.05 mol or 0.1 equivalent, so that the solution would be 0.05 molal or 0.1 normal, expressed briefly as 0.05 M-Ca(OH), and 0.1 N-Ca(OH)2, respectively. How many cc. of 0.2 N-HC1 will be required to neutralize 40.0 cc. of 0.5 N-NaOH? By 0.5 N-NaOH we mean 0.5 equivalent of NaOH in 1 liter of solution, hence 40.0 cc. of it, which is 0.040 1, will contain 0.040 X 0.5 equivalent, or 0.20 equivalent of NaOH. Since one equiva- lent of any acid neutralizes one equivalent of any base, the amount of acid neutralized by 0.02 equivalent of NaOH is 0.02 equivalent. Since 0.2 N-HC1 means 0.2 equivalent of it per liter of solution, to get 0.02 equivalent we would have to take 0.1 liter or 100 cc. It was found that the acetic acid in 10 cc. of vinegar was neutralized by 14.0 cc. of 0.5 M-KOH solution; how many grams of acetic acid were in 100 cc. of the vinegar, the formula of acetic acid being HC2H3O2, and one only of the hydrogen atoms in the molecule having acid properties ? By 0.5 M-KOH we mean a solution containing 0.5 mol of KOH per liter. Since 14 cc. is 0.014 liter, this volume of solution will contain 0.014 of 0.5 mol or 0.007 mol of KOH. By writing the equation, KOH 4- HC2H3O2 = H2O + KC2H3O2, we see that 1 mol of the acid neutralizes 1 mol of the base, so that 0.007 mol of the base will be neutralized by 0.007 mol of the acid, which is the amount present in 10 cc. of vinegar. Since 1 mol of acetic acid weighs 60 gr., 0.007 mol weighs 0.42 gr. Since this amlount is contained in lOcc. of vinegar, 100 cc. would contain 4.2 gr. If 0.654 gr. of zinc is completely dissolved in 100. cc. of 0.5 M-H2SO4, what will be the concentration of the acid after the reaction in terms of (1) mols per liter, (2) equivalents per liter? The atomic weight of zinc is 65.4, so that 0.654 gr. is 0.01 gram-atom of zinc. From the equation of the reaction, Zn + H2SO4 = ZnSO4 + H2, we see that 1 gram-atom of zinc will use up 1 mol of acid, hence, 0.01 gram-atom of zinc would use up 0.01 mol of the acid. Now 1 liter of 0.5 M-H,SO4 contains 0.5 mol, and 100 cc. would contain 0.05 mol. The zinc used" up 0.01 mol of this, leaving 0.04 mol of H2SO4 in 100 cc., which corresponds to 0.4 mol per liter. Since 1 mol of H2SO4 = 2 equivalents, 0.4 mol = 0.8 equivalent and the solution may be called 0.8 normal. Titration Involving Other Types of Reaction. It will be seen from the last example above that solutions of known concentration may be used to measure amounts of material in other reactions besides those 62 where acids and bases neutralize each other. The speed with which volumes of solutions can be measured in titrations, the process called volumetric analysis, compared with that required for getting the products of reactions into weighable form, gravimetric analysis, makes the former desirable wherever speed is desired. When neutralization of acids and bases does not take place some other means of indicating the "end-point" of the reaction is necessary. Where a highly colored substance disappears in the reaction this may be used to indicate when the exact amount re- quired has been added, any excess making itself evident by reason of the color. One such substance frequently used is potassium permanganate, KMnO4, a substance with a deep purplish red color, and which is a very strong oxidizing agent. As an example of the type of reaction now being considered, let us determine how much iron is in an ore, 0.590 gr. of which, when dissolved in acid so as to give a solution containing FeSO4, required 45.0 cc. of 0.2 M-KMnO4 to change the FeSO4 to Fe2(SO4)3 according to the equation: 10 FeSO4 + 2 KMnO4 + 8 H.,SO4 = 5 Fe2(SO4)3+2 MnSO4+ K2SO4 4-8 H2O. The actual amount of KMnO4 used is evidently 0.045 of 0.5 mol, or 0.0225 mol. According to the equation 2 m'ols of KMnO4 react with 10 mols of FeSO4, so that 0.0225 mol of KMnO4 would react with 5 X 0.0225 mol, or 0.1125 mol of FeSO4. Now 0.1125 mol of FeSO4 contains 0.1125 gram-atom of iron, and since 1 gram-atom of it is 55.8 gm., 0.1125 gram- atom would weigh 0.1125-X 55.9 gm. or 0.626 gm. Since, finally, this amount of iron was found from 1.016 gm. of the ore, the iron is 61.7% of the ore. Questions. 1. Write equations expressing the neutralization of sodium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid; sodium hydroxide with sulfuric acid; calcium hydroxide with nitric acid; barium hydroxide with sulfuric acid. 2. Write under each substance involved in the above equation the number of mols, grams, and equivalents represented. 3. How many grams are there in 1 equivalent of each of the follow- ing substances: KOH; H2SO4; H,S; A1(OH)3? From your answers state how many grams of aluminum hydroxide and sulfuric acid would combine to form aluminum sulfate. 4. How many mols of sulfuric acid will be neutralized by 4 equiva- lents of sodium hydroxide? Ans. 2 mols. 5. If 0.98 gm. of sulfuric acid are in 1 liter of solution, what is (a) the molal concentration? (b) the normal concentration? Ans. (a) 0.01 M; (b) 0.02 N. 6. When 3.7 gm. of calcium hydroxide are in 5 liters of solution, what is (a) the molal concentration? (b) the normal concentration? Ans. (a) 0.01 M; (b) 0.02 N. 7. (a) How many equivalents of barium hydroxide are in 200 cc. of 0.1 normal solution? (b) How many mols? (c) How many equivalents of hydrochloric acid could this solution neutralize? (d) How many grams ? 8. If 10 cc. of a certain solution of sulfuric acid neutralized 20 cc. of a normal solution of potassium hydroxide, what was the concen- tration of the former in (a) equivalents per liter; (b) mols per liter; (c) grams per liter? Ans. (a) 2N; (b) IM; (c) 98 gm. per 1. 63 9. If 25 cc. of 0.2 normal acid neutralized some base, how many equivalents of base were there? How many grams of base were there if the base was (a) sodium hydroxide; (b) calcium hydroxide? Ans. 0.0005; (a) 0.2 gm.; (b) 0.185 gm. 10. If 10 cc. of N/5 ammonium hydroxide neutralizes 20cc. of sulfuric acid, what was the concentration of the latter. Ans. 0.1N. 11. How many cc. of 0.2 normal acid are necessary to neutralize 25cc. of 0.5 normal alkali? Ans. 62.5 cc. 12. How many grams of hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, were present in a solution, 10 cc. of which required 40.0 cc. of 0.05 KMnO4 to react according to the following equation: 5 H2O2 + 2 KMnO4+3 H,SO4 = 5 O2 + 8 H2O + K2SO4 + 2 MnSO4? Ans. 0.17 gr. 64 CHAPTER IX. THERMOCHEMISTRY. There are many chemical reactions in which our interest lies ordi- narily not in the substances produced but in the heat evolved or absorbed. The burning of fuels is a chemical reaction, but our purpose in burning them is not to produce the carbon dioxide and water that usually result. These substances we take pains to dispose of by means of chimneys and ventilation. Our purpose is rather to obtain the heat or light that accompany the reaction. In buying fuels, therefore, the important consid- eration is not the relative cost of the various available fuels but the relative cost of the heat as obtained from each. The chemist should therefore know how the heat of such a reaction may be measured and expressed. Again, in many reactions of importance a knowledge of whether heat is absorbed or evolved helps to determine the most desirable condiitons for carrying it out, as will be explained in Chapter XIV. Also in technical processes, if heat is absorbed during a reaction this may have to be considered in estimating the cost, since the heat thus absorbed may have to be supplied by means of fuel or electrical energy. The Calorie. The unit in which heat is most conveniently measured is the calorie (abbreviated cal.). This is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1°C.* Since many heats of reaction involve many thousand calories it is also customary to use a larger unit, the kilogram calorie (abbreviated Kal.). This is the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1°C. Obviously 1 Kal. = 1000 cal. Experimental Determination of Heats of Reaction. The amount of heat involved in a chemical reaction is determined in an apparatus known as a calorimeter. It consists of a vessel holding perhaps a liter of water, provided with a stirrer and a more or less delicate thermometer. This vessel must be well surrounded by some effective heat insulator so that the temperature of the water within shall be affected only to the least possible extent by the room temperature. This insulation may be fur- nished by felt, a water jacket, or, often best of all, by a vacuum jacket as in a Dewar flask. (This is the vessel that has been adapted to house- hold and picnic use and sold under such names as "Thermos," "Caloris," etc.). The reacting substances may be introduced into the calorimeter in various ways. When the heat of solution of a solid is to be measured the substance may be sealed in a thin glass bulb immersed in water in the calorimeter. After uniform temperature has been reached the bulb * In engineering practice in England and America it is customary to use the "British Thermal Unit" (B. T. U.) which is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1° Fahrenheit. 1 B. T. U. = cals. In very accurate work it is necessary to specify the temperature of the water, for the amount of heat required to produce the same elevation in temprature is not the same at all temperatures. We thus have the "zero calorie," the "15° calorie" and the "mean calorie," which is the average value between 0° and 100°C. It is possible also to express the quantity of heat in terms of other energy units, since the relation between these different kinds of energy is known. A unit frequently used is the joule, which is 107 ergs, or 1 volt-colounb, or 1/4 cal. 65 is broken and the solid allowed to dissolve. If the reaction is one like the precipitation of an insoluble substance from dilute solutions, or the neutralization of an acid by a base one liquid may be enclosed in a thin glass vessel or in one with a valve, and immersed in the other liquid. The liquids may then be mixed at the proper time. If the reaction is one taking place at a high temperature, it may be carried on within a "bomb" immersed in the water of the calorimeter. A small weighed portion of the material under investigation is placed within this bomb which is then closed and filled, through a tube in the top, with oxygen under high pressure. It is then placed in the calorimeter and when uniform tempera- ture is attained the combustion is brought about by means of an electrical connection through the lid of the bomb. The amount of heat liberated by the reaction is measured by the rise in temperature of the calorimeter contents and the heat capacity of the latter. If water alone were involved the number of calories liberated would be found simply by multiplying the rise in temperature by the weight of the water. Various other substances are present, however, such as the stirrer, the containing vessel, the thermometer, etc., so that their power of absorbing heat compared with that of water must be measured or calculated and added to the weight of the water as the "water equivalent" of the calorimeter. This may be measured by allowing a reaction evolving a known amount of heat to take place in the calori- meter, or else calculated, by knowing the heat capacities or specific heats, together with the weights of the various substances in the calorimeter. The Numerical Representation of Heats of Reaction. In expressing the results of thermochemical measurements it is usual to include in the equation the number of calories evolved or absorbed. The amounts of substances represented by the equation are understood to be expressed in mols. Thus the equation, C 4- O2 = CO2 4- 96500 cal., indicates that when 1 mol (12 gm.) of carbon burns with 1 mol of oxygen to form 1 mol (44 gm.) of carbon dioxide, 96500 cal. of heat are evolved. This amount of heat is also called the "heat of formation" of carbon dioxide from its elements. Similarly, the equation, N2 + O2 = 2NO - 43200 cal. means that when 1 mol (28 gm.) of nitrogen reacts with 1 mol (16 gm.) of oxygen to form 2 mols (30 gm.) of nitric oxide, 43200 cal. of heat are absorbed. This reaction might equally well be written N2 4- O2 4- 43200 cal. = 2NO. The ordinary rules of algebra apply to the sign of the heat if the number is thus transposed. Either w^ay of writing the equation signifies that nitro- gen, oxygen and heat are all used up in the formation of nitric oxide. The term exothermic is often applied to reactions which evolve heat and endothermic to those which absorb heat. It may be mentioned that the former predominate in reactions occurring at ordinary temperatures and the latter in those occurring at very high temperatures, in the electric furnace. Effect of the State of the Reacting Substances. The heat of a reac- tion depends upon the temperature at which it is carried out and upon the state of the substances involved. For example, in the union of hydrogen and oxygen to form wrater, it makes a difference whether the water produced is at a temperature at which it is liquid or vapor. Since 66 the condensation of steam to liquid takes place with the evolution of heat it is evident that where the final product is liquid the heat of formation will be greater than when it is a gas. To make this clear we will need to specify in the equation the state of the substance, which we would do in this case as follows: 2H2 + O2 =2H2O( gas) + 67800 cal., or =2H2O (liq.) +6840 cal. Or, again, we might find it desirable to express the states of all substances in the equation where ambiguity might otherwise arise, as in the equation, Hg(liq.) + Cl2(gas) =HgCl2(solid) + 53300 cal. It makes a difference also whether or not a substance is in solution, and what its concentration in the solution is. We might, therefore, have an equation like the following: NaOH(0.1 molal) + HC1 (0.1 molal )= H„O + NaCl (0.05 molal) + 13700 cal. Where the concentration is small and does not need to be specified exactly it may suffice to use the abbreviation aq. after the formula of the dissolved substance, which signifies the presence of a large amount of water. (From the Latin aqua, water.). In a gaseous reaction, in which the number of molecules of gaseous substances changes, the heat will be somewhat different if the reaction is carried out in a closed vessel, so that the volume remains constant, from what it will be if the reaction is carried out so as to keep the pressure constant. Since a gas does work in expanding against an ex- ternal pressure, heat must be absorbed during the expansion in order to maintain the original molecular velocity and hence the original pressure. This behavior finds illustration in the fact that a ball thrown against a yielding surface rebounds with less speed than when thrown against a rigid surface. The heat of a chemical reaction at constant pressure will therefore be greater or less than that of the same reaction at constant volume according as the number of gaseous molecules decreases or increases during the reaction. The difference can be calculated from the work of expansion, a change of volume of a liter against a pressure of one atmosphere being equal to 24.2 cal. In the reaction 2CO + O2 = 2CO2 + 135000 cal. (constant volume, 20°C.) all of the substances being gases, there is a decrease in the number of mols from 3 to 2. If, therefore, this reaction were allowed to take place so that the pressure remained constant, which would require a decrease in the volume, work would be done on the reacting mixture by the atmos- phere, which would appear as additional heat of reaction. The amount of this additional heat can be calculated as follows. The volume of one mol of gas at 20°C (293°A) is 293/273 X 22.4 1, or 24 1. Since the work done when the volume changes by 1 liter against a pressure of 1 atmosphere it may be taken as 24.2 cal., the heat evolved in this reaction when it takes place at constant pressure is greater by 24 X 24.2 cal. or 580 cal. than it is at constant volume. Indirect Determination of Heats of Reaction. In many cases the heat of a reaction cannot be determined directly on account of the diffi- culty of carrying out the reaction in a calorimeter. In such cases it is usually possible to determine it indirectly. Moreover, even though the reactions may be easily carried out in the calorimeter it is unnecessary to measure the heats of all, since some may be calculated from others. To do this we use a well-founded law stating that all heats of reaction depend only on the state of the initial or final substances and not upon 67 the steps into which the reaction may be divided. For example, ZnSO4 might be formed from its elements in either of the following ways: First Way. Zn 4-%O2 = ZnO 4-85 Kal. S 4- O2 = SO2 4- 70 Kal. SO2 4- %O2 = SO3 4- 22 Kal. ZnO 4- SO3 = ZnSO4 4" 53 Kal. Total: Zn 4- S 4" 2O2 = ZnSO4 4~ 230 Kal. Second Way. Zn 4~ S = ZnS 4~ 40 Kal. ZnS 4- 2O2 = ZnSO4 4- 190 Kal. Total: Zn 4-S 4- 2O2 = ZnSO4 4- 230 Kal. The total result in either case is the formation of ZnS.O4, from Zn, S, and 2O2 with the evolution of heat. Our law tells us that the total heat liberated is the same in either case, as shown by the above figures. As a consequence of this, thermochemical equations may be added or subtracted like any algebraic equation. Suppose that the following heats of reaction have been measured: C + O2 = CO2 + 96.5 Kal, and (1) 2CO + O2 = 2CO2 + 135.0 Kal, (2) and we wish to learn the heat of the reaction 2C + O2 = 2CO. All that is necessary is to eliminate CO2 from equations (1) and (2) by multiplying (1) by two and subtracting (2) from it, obtaining 2C - 2CO + O2 = 58 Kal, or, transposing, 2C + O2 = 2CO + 58 Kal. If, on the other hand, we eliminate O2 by subtracting (1) from (2), we obtain the equation for a different reaction, 2CO= C + CO2 + 38.5 Kal, which, since it usually reacts in the reverse direction, we may prefer to write C 4- CO2 = 2CO - 38.5 Kal. Again, it is not possible to synthesize H2O2 aq. from its elements in the calorimeter, but the heat that would be evolved if the reaction were possible may be calculated from the following: H2O2 aq. = HoO + k2O2 + aq. 4- 23.0 Kal. H2 + %O2 = H2O + 68.4 Kal. Subtracting the first from the second'to eliminate H2O we obtain H2 -f- z^O2 - H2O, aq. =-%O2 - aq.- 45.4 Kal. or, transposing to make the signs positive, H2 4- O2 4- aq. = H2O2 aq.- 45.4 Kal. From this we learn that H2O2 is an enthodermic compound, formed from its elements by the absorption of heat. Fuel Value of Foods. The heat evolved by the combustion of dry food materials in a calorimeter bomb serves for an approximate valuation of their ability to furnish the heat and muscular energy needed by the body. Accordingly the amount of food materials needed per day can be estimated roughly by the aid of a knowledge of the fuel values of the foods. 68 An average adult needs from 2000 to 3500 cal. per day, according to the amount of muscular activity. This makes it possible, for example, to calculate roughly the quantity of food needed and the relative costs of different foods, which aids in reducing costs of food in the home and in institutions, and furnishes a valuable means of determining the least weight of food necessary for a camping or exploring expedition. It may be of interest to have the few figures given in the following table: Approximate number Foods- cal. per pound. Starchy foods, cereals, flour, rice, beans, etc 1650 Sugar 1860 Fats and oils 3650 Cheese 2000 Chocolate 2850 Milk, evaporated, unsweetened 800 Milk, condensed, sweetened 1500 Dried fruit 1300 Fish 1000 Meat 1600 Exercises. 1. What is the distinction between heat and temperature? 2. Calculate the heat of the reaction CaO A CO2='CaCO3 from the following: COo A Ca(OH), = CaCO3 A H2O A 30.5 Kal, CaO A H2O = Ca(OH)2 A 11.5 Kal. Ans. 42.0 Kal. 3. Calculate the heat of the reaction Zn -p Cl2 A aq. = ZnCl2aq. from the following determinations: Zn A 2HC1 aq.= ZnCl2 aq. A Ho A 36 Kal, H, ACl2=2HCl(gas)A44 Kal, HCl(gas) A aq. = HC1 aq. A 17 Kal. 4. (a) Calculate the heat of the reaction N2 A 3H2 = 2NH3 from the following: 4NH3 A 3Oo = 2N2 A 6H2O(liq.) A 364 Kal, H2 A %O2 = H2O(liq.) A 68.4 Kal. Ans. 23.2 Kal. (b) The above figures are for constant pressure; would the heat of formation of NH3 be greater or less at constant volume? 5. Given that C A O2 = CO2 A 96.5 Kal, and that anthracite coal, considered as 95% carbon costs $10 per ton (=1000 kg.), determine the cost of 1000 Kal. from the burning of this coal. Ans. 0.13 cents. 6. Considering "water gas" to consist of CO and H2 only as indicated by the equation of its formation, C A H2O = CO a h2, and given the heats of combustion of CO and H2, i. e, CO A %O2 = CO2 A 68.0 Kal, H2 A %O2 = H2O A 68.5 Kal, calculate the cost of 1000 Kal. from this gas if it costs 90 cents per 1000 cu. ft. (=28300 1.) when measured at 20°C and 1 atm. pressure. Ans. 1.12 cents. 7. If kerosene were pure C10H22, whose heat of combusion is 1626 69 Kal., and costs 15 cents per gallon (3.781.) and has a density of 0.79 gm. per cc., calculate the cost of 1000 Kal. obtained by burning kerosene. Ans. 0.44 cents. 8. From the table on p. 69 make out a "grub-list" for two men on a ten-day walking tour, endeavoring to get the minimum weight consistent with variety and palatibility. 70 CHAPTER X. BEHAVIOR OF SUBSTANCES DISSOLVED IN WATER. IONIC THEORY. Such a large proportion of the reactions with which we concern ourselves take place in water solution that the behavior of substances dissolved in water is a subject of great importance. We will consider a number of the properties and reactions of substances in aqueous solution, and see what conclusions may be drawn as to the nature of these solutions. Abnormally Great Lowering of the Freezing Point. It has been pointed out in Chapter III that the molecular weight of substances may be determined by two essentially different methods. One depends upon the property of a mol of any substance in the gaseous form to occupy 22.4 liters at 0°C and 1 atmosphere. The other depends upon the ability of 1 mol of any substance, when dissolved in a given amount of a certain solvent, to exert the same effect upon the escaping tendency of the solvent, as measured by the freezing point, boiling point or vapor pressure. For example, we may define a mol, experimentally, as the number of grams of substance which, in the vapor state at 0°C and 1 atmosphere, will occupy 22.4 1., or else as the number of grams which, dissolved in 1000 gr. of water, will lower the freezing point of the water 1.86°. If we determine the effect of various substances on the freezing point of water we find that a large number of substances show concordant behavior. Other substances, including acids, bases and salts, show an abnormally great lowering of the freezing point. This is illustrated in the following table: Freezing points of 0.1 Substance molal solution. Sugar 0.188 Glycerine 0.186 Alcohol 0.184 NaCl 0.348 HC1 0.356 KNO3 0.330 BaCE 0.478 Na2SO4 0.459 It will be seen that the first three substances in the table behave as would be expected, but that the others give an abnormally great lowering of the freezing point. There are two ways of accounting for this abnorm- ality. Either the law of the uniform molal lowering does not hold uniformly, or else acids, bases and salts dissociate into two or more independent parts when dissolved in water. If this law still holds, then 1 mol of NaCl, HC1, or KNO3, when dissolved in a large quantity of water, seems to yield nearly two mols of dissolved substances, while 1 mol of BaCl2 or of Na2SO4 seems to yield nearly 3 mols of dissolved substances. Now we have, with some substances, examples of an abnormally great molal volume when in the vapor state. When 1 mol of NH4C1 is vaporized at 1 atmosphere and 35O°C, instead of occupying a volume 623/273 X 22.4 liters, or 51.2 liters, it occupies twice that volume. In this case it is possible to show that the vapor contains HC1 and NH3, uncombined, so that dissociation of the ammonium chloride molecule into two other molecules has actually taken place. Before abandoning, there- 71 fore, the similar conclusion in connection with the effect of dissolved substances on the freezing point of the solvent, let us see whether there are any other phenomena which indicate that acids, bases and salts are dissociated into simpler parts when dissolved in water. If such dissociation occurs what can be the nature of these resultant mols? Does a solution of NaCl contain sodium and chlorine? The properties of elementary sodium and chlorine are evidently not those of a solution of sodium chloride, sodium being a metal that reacts violently with water, and chlorine being a very corrosive poisonous substance whose aqueous solution has a green color. When the dissociation theory was first advanced, some chemists made such objections with much effect. Let us, however, consider some oher properties of these solutions to see if we can deduce a more plausible idea of the nature of the products of the dissociation indicated by freezing point lowering. Independent Migration of Ions in Electrolysis. It has been found that all dissolved substances that give the abnormal effect on the freezing point of water also give solutions which conduct the electric current, depositing materials at the electrodes, or else dissolving the electrodes. On account of this behavior they are called electrolytes. Those conducting very well, the strong acids and alkalis, and most salts, are called strong electrolytes. The only satisfactory way to account for this conducting power is to assume that the solution contains charged substances which travel towards the positive and negative poles respectively; and that on their arrival at the electrodes their charges are neutralized, so that uncharged substances are there deposited. It is indeed possible to detect this migration experimentally. If, for example, we have a U-tube contain- ing, say, dilute copper sulfate in the bottom with dilute potassium nitrate carefully superimposed, as shown in Fig. 10a, and allow an electric current to pass through the solution for a time, we will find that the blue color characteristic of copper salts travels towards the negative pole, while the sulfate radical travels towards the positive pole, as might be shown by testing layers of solution with a solution of barium chloride. The state of affairs after the passage of current is depicted in the figure at b. Whenever electrolysis takes place it is possible to show such independent migration of the two parts of the salt, acid or base by appropriate experi- ments similar to the above. The Dissolved Ions Carry Definite Electric Charges. The salt, acid or base is thus found to consist of two parts, one of which travels to the negative pole, or kathode, the other to the positive pole or anode. On account of their migration these parts are called ions, from the Greek word meaning to go. The ion which travels toward the kathode is called the kation, the one traveling towards the anode, the anion. On account of this migration in electrolysis we are led to conclude that the products of dissociation are charged electrically, the kation being positive and the anion negative. The difficulty of imagining such substances in solution as sodium and chlorine is overcome by this discovery of positively charged sodium, called sodium ion, a totally different substance, and negatively charged chlorine ion, a substance quite different from free chlorine. The ions must not be confused, therefore, with the uncharged metals or non-metals, or radicals, which are quite different substances, as seen by their fundamfentally different properties. Thus copper ion, a greenish-blue substance existing only in solution, giving precipitates with dilute sodium hydroxide or carbonate, etc., is as different from copper, a reddish, rather heavy metal, as both are from the third substance, copper bromide, a brown salt. 72 Fig. 10 We can prove further that copper ion and copper differ by a positive charge by actually changing one into the other by adding or removing the charge. If the blue solution of a copper salt is electrolyzed, copper deposits on the cathode, where the positive charge on the copper ion is neutralized. Again, if copper is made the anode ,or positive pole, in a solution of a salt such as sodium chloride or sulfate, the postive charge sent to the anode changes the copper to copper ion which goes into solution giving it a blue color. The amount of the charge on the various ions is not always the same, but a simple and important relationship exists between the charge and the amount of substance. To deposit one gram-atom of any univa- lent substance, like hydrogen, sodium, silver, chlorine, etc., requires 96540 coulombs of electricity.* The importance of this quantity is therefore very great, and it is called a -faraday of electricity. For exmple, since 108 gm. of silver equal a gram-atom, to deposit 1 gm. would require of 96540 coulombs, and to deposit 5 gm. would require 5/10s of 96540 coulombs or 4470 coulombs. If this were done by a current of two amperes (2 coulombs per second) the time required would be 2235 seconds, or 37 minutes,, 35 seconds. However, to deposit 63.6 grams of copper, from ordinary copper salts, 64.5 grams of zinc, etc., requires twice as much electricity, or two faradays. Similarly, certain other ions require three * A coulomb is the amount of electricity carried by a current of one ampere in 1 second; e. g., 10 amperes flowing for 1 minute would amount to 600 coulombs, and if 1000 coulombs are delivered in 50 minutes, the current strength is 20 amperes. 73 faradays per gram-ion. We will therefore indicate in the formula of the ion the amount of electricity carried by it, and designate the foregoing ions by the following formulas: H+, Cl-, Ag+, Cu++, Zn++, where the number of charges written indicates the number of faradays of electricity per gram-atom, and the sign indicates whether the charge is positive or negative. Since we start with an uncharged salt, the total charges on the ions produced when it dissolves in water must add up to zero. CuSO4 = Cu++ 4- SO4" HC1 = H+ 4- Cl- KC1 = K+ 4- Cl- KOH = K+ 4- OH- KoSO4 = 2K+4- SO4-- Cu (NO3) 2 = Cu++ 4- 2NO3- In general the metal constituent of a salt or base and the hydrogen of acids yield the kations, or positive ions, while the remaining portion of the compound, the hydroxyl (OH) of bases or the "acid radical'' of acids and salts yield the anions or negative ions. The signs of the electric charges correspond to and justify the differentiation into positive and negative constituents made in Chapter VI in assigning algebraic signs to valences. The valence must be identical both as to magnitude and sign with the charge on the ion. Hydrogen in practically all of its com- pounds has a valence of -Ch and when these compounds dissociate on dissolving in water they yield hydrogen ion with one positive charge, H+. Chlorine in the metallic chlorides has a valence of -1, both from the point of view of its relation to hydrochloric acid, HC1, and also from the formula of chloride ion, Cl-. In A1C13 aluminum is considered trivalent, either from the fact that it has replaced 3 hydrogen atoms, or from the formula of the ion AF++ which results on dissolving the chloride in water. The formulas of the two ions formed from any electrolyte on disso- ciation and the formula of the undissociated substance are connected so that any two of them will serve to predict the third. Thus, knowing the formula of sulfuric acid, H2SO4, and that of hydrogen ion, H+, we can determine the formula of the sulfate ion by writing the equation for the dissociation, remembering that the total amount of positive and negative electricity in the solution must be the same, since the pure sub- stances which form the ions on dissolving are uncharged. Taking away two positive hydrogen ions from H2SO4 would leave therefore SO4--. Knowing, now, the formula of sulfate ion, and given that of another sulfate, like ferric sulfate, Fe(SO4)3, we get Fe2(SO4)3 = 2Fe+++ 4- 3SO4--. Again, if we know the following ionic formulas, K+, Ca++, Fe+++, SO4--, PO4---, by remembering that the solid compounds formed from them would be uncharged, we can write the formulas of the compounds of these ions, i. e., K„SO4, K3PO4, CaSO4, Ca3(PO4)2, Fe0(S04)3 and FePO4. The Atom of Electricity. We see that the amount of electricity com- bined with any gram-atom in an ion is always some simple multiple of the faraday. Furthermore, we have different ions of the same element, in some cases, in which the number of faradays per gram-atom in one is a simple multiple of what is in the other. This is exemplified by Fe++ and Fe+++, Hg+ and Hg++, Sn++ and Sn++++, Cu+ and Cu++. The two ions of each metal are radically different substances. We thus have a law corresponding to the law of simple multiple proportions by weight, as 74 explained in Chapter III, and just as that law led logically to the atomic theory, so the similar law of simple multiple proportions of electricity per gram-atom of substance leads logically to an atomic theory for elec- tricity, a theory which has been abundantly confirmed by independent evidence. We way thus regard the number of plus or minus signs written in the formulas of ions as indicating the number of atoms of electricity, positive or negative, in a single ion. We will find later in Chapter XVI, on the Electron, that there seems to be but one kind of electricity, negative electricity, involved in these changes, and that a positive electric charge on an atom is the result of the removal of negative electricity. At present it seems that we must regard an ion like chloride ion as a com- pound of a chlorine atom with an atom of (negative) electricity, called an electron, and a positive ion like that of silver as the result of removing an atom of electricity, an electron, from an atom of silver. An atom of metallic silver is therefore regarded as a combination of electrons with an equivalent amount of positive electricity. In fact it is these electrons, free to move through the metal, that are supposed to explain the electric conductivity of metallic silver. As confirmation we may mention that metals which are good conductors, in which the electrons are held loosely, are the ones in general which are most easily changed to positive ions in solution. If we adopt the symbol (-) to denote the electron we may represent by equations such as the following what is supposed to happen when ions change into elements or into other ions, etc.: Cu = Cu++2 (-) Cl2-p2(-)=2Cl- Fe+++ + (-)= Fe++ 2OH- = 2(-)4-H2O + %O2. Having presented evidence that electrolytes are dissociated into charged ions in dilute aqueous solution, and having found how their formulas should be written in order to express their electrical behavior, let us examine other properties of these solutions to see whether there is general confirmation of the conclusions thus far reached. The Properties of Dilute Aqueous Solutions of Strong Electrolytes are the Sum of Independent Sets of Properties, Hence Independent Sub- stances Are Present. It is found that all of the properties of dilute solutions of strong electrolytes are the sum of independent sets of prop- erties belonging to the different kinds of ion present. For example, the colors of salts of a colored with a colorless constituent may be different when the salts are in the solid state, but the color becomes the same when the substance is dissolved in a large amount of water. Solid CuCl2, CuBr2 and Cu(NO3)2 are colored green, brown and blue, respectively, but in dilute aqueous solution all assume the same greenish blue color. Since we recognize substances by their properties we conclude that we have the same substance. Again, the electrical conductivity, refractive index, density, etc., of these solutions depend only on the ions present, and not upon the substances giving the ions. If, say, 0.1 mol of NaCl and 0.1 mol of KNO3 are dissolved together in a liter of water, the properties of the solution are the same as if the solution were made from. 0.1 mol of KC1 and 0.1 mol of NaNO3 dissolved in the same amount of water. Most striking of all, perhaps, are the chemical reactions. It is not possible to predict the properties of gaseous HC1 from the properties of hydrogen and those of chlorine, but it is possible to predict the properties of a dilute aqueous solution of HC1 from the properties of all other acids, 75 on the one hand, and those of all soluble chlorides on the other hand. The hydrogen ion in this solution reacts in the same way and has the same properties as the hydrogen ion obtained from any other acid, as explained in Chapter V. It affects indicators in the same way, it reacts with carbonates, dissolves zinc, tastes sour, just as it always does unless the other ion present exerts some complicating effect on these tests. The chloride ion gives precipitates with the same reagents, such as AgNO3 or HgNO3 solutions, as are obtained from all other chloride electrolytes. Knowing the properties of chloride ion, as obtained from som'e chloride, and knowing the properties of some kation, say barium ion, it is possible to predict the properties of dilute solutions of barium chloride, without the aid of direct experiment. This makes it possible to simplify enormously the labor of learning the chemical reactions of electrolytes upon each other. It is necessary only to know the reactions given by the important ions in order to predict the reactions of the enormous number of electrolytes which might be obtained oy combinations of these ions. Instead of remembering the action of a large number of sulfates individually upon all soluble barium salts it suffices to remember that barium ion, Ba++, reacts with sulfate ion, SO4-", to give a very soluble white precipitate of barium sulfate, BaSO4. Such generaliza- tions cannot be made with any degree of assurance with substances that are un-ionized. Alcohol and phenol (carbolic acid) both contain the hydroxyl radical (OH), their formulas being C2H5OH and C6H5OH respectively, but these are not appreciably ionized, and when dissolved in water react very differently, having no set of properties in common. Again, it is not correct to conclude that silver nitrate is a "test for chlorine" as is sometimes stated. A substance like chloroform, CHC13, will give no such test unless it is heated with silver nitrate for a long time. A solution of potassium chlorate gives no precipitate with silver ion, Ag+, because, although it contains chlorine, it yields no chloride ion, Cl-, but, instead, chlorate ion, C1O3~. The value of the ionic theory is very great in reducing equations to their simplest terms and focusing the attention on the essential reaction taking place. Heats of Reaction in Dilute Solutions of Strong Electrolytes Depend on the Reacting Ions Only. Heats of reaction between ions in dilute solution are independent of the nature of any other ions present. This is not true for substances not in solution. Solid NaOH and solid KOH do not give the same heat of neutralization with concentrated sulfuric or nitric acid, but when both acid and base are dilute, the amount of heat liberated is always the same, 13700 calories per equivalent. Since the heat liberated is the same the reaction liberating it is likely to be the same, and the ionic theory indicates that this should be the case. Instead of writing NaOH + HC1 = H2O and BaCl2, and KOH 4- HNO3 = H2O + KNO3, for the reaction in dilute solution, which would lead us to expect different heats of reaction, we should, according to previous evidence, write, Na+ 4- OH- 4- H+ 4- Cl" = H2O 4" Na+ 4- Cl- 4- 13,700 cal., and K+ 4- OH- 4- H+ 4- NO3- = H2O 4- K+ 4- NO3- 4- 13,700 cal. The ionic form of the equations indicates that nothing happens to anything except H+ and OH-, which unite to form H2O; the other ions, being unaffected, may be cancelled from the equation, leaving simply 76 as the fundamental and only reaction in both cases. The same would apply to precipitations. Any soluble barium salt would give the same heat effect per mol with any soluble sulfate, since, no matter what other ions are present in the solution, the essential reaction is Ba++ -f- SO4" = BaS04 -|- 5600 cal. If, however, Ba(OH)2 and H2SO4 solutions were used the heat of reac- tion would, of course, be no longer the same as above, for then we would have occurring simultaneously two independent reactions, each with its own heat effect, and the ionic equation Ba++ + 2OH- -ff 2H+ +SO4~ = BaSO4 + 2H2O + 2 X 13700 cal. + 5600 cal. shows that nothing should be cancelled out. The Degree of Ionization of Strong Electrolytes.. We have seen the evidence that the substances we call strong electrolytes are highly ionized in aqueous solution, and we may ask the question how completely does this dissociation take place? The following table shows the fraction of the solute ionized (the "degree of ionization") according to the evidence of conductivity and freezing point. In calculating from electrical con- ductivity the idea used is to compare the actual conductivity with that calculated on the assumption of complete ionization. We have not space to go into the explanation of this method. In interpreting the freezing point measurements the idea is to compare the actual lowering with that which would be expected if no ionization took place, and to calculate the increase in the number of mols due to dissociation from the abnormality in the freezing point lowering. It will be seen that the degree of ioniza- tion calculated by these two methods is fairly concordant. The differences are probably due, in part to the fact that the law for the freezing point lowering is not an exact law and, in part, to ambiguity as to just how far apart the ions must be before they are to be considered dissociated. Some molecules pass for dissociated according to one method which do not according to the other. For all practical qualitative purposes in predicting the results of chemical reactions, as will be done in later chapters, it suffices to Consider these substances as completely ionized. H+ + OH- = H2O + 13,700 cal. Fraction ionized in 0.05 molal solution. By freezing point By electrical Substance. lowering. conductivity. HC1 0.93 0.94 HNO3 91 .94 NaCl 89 .88 KNO3 84 .88 Na2SO4 74 .70 CaCl2 1 .82 .76 Weak Acids and Bases Are Less Ionized Than Strong Acids and Bases in Solutions of the same Concentration. There are some acids and bases which show the properties of hydrogen and hydroxide ions, respectively, to a much less extent than do strong acids and bases in solutions of the same concentration. Solutions of HC1, HNO3, and H2SO4, at the same concentration, say 0.01 normal, would have about the same sour taste, but 0.01 normal acetic acid, HC2H3O2, would not taste nearly so sour. The first three acids would show almost identical colors 77 with an indicator like methyl violet, sensitive to that degree of acidity, but it would require approximately normal acetic acid to show the same color. The same weakness on the part of acetic acid is shown in power to conduct current. While, therefore, the properties of acetic acid indicate that it yields hydrogen ion in water, they also indicate that only a little of the hydrogen of the acid is ionized. Again, while the effect of acetic acid on the freezing point of water is greater than that of an un-ionized substance like sugar, it is not double the latter as is approxi- mately the case with an acid like hydrochloric acid. Its heat of neutrali- zation is no longer 13700 cal., as with a strong acid, but has a different value and includes the heat of dissociation of the acid during its neutraliza- tiqn. There are a number of such weak acids, including carbonic acid, H2CO3, boric acid, H3BO3, hydrogen sulfide (hydrosulfuric acid), H2S, silicic acid, H2SiO;( (also many poly-sicilic acids), nitrous acid, HNO,, arsenous acid, H3AsO3, arsenic acid, H3AsO4 phosphorous acid, H3PO8, hypophosphorous acid, H3PO2, hypochlorous acid, HC1O, etc. They vary in strength considerably, as indicated by the figures in the table on p. 79 giving the "degree of ionization" or fraction ionized in 0.1 normal solution. The most important weak base ordinarily encountered is ammonium hydroxide, NH4OH. It is this quality which makes it useful in cleansing, for while it does not yield enough free hydroxide ion to be injurious in washing, yet, if the little it does yield is used up, more can dissociate, the undissociated portion acting as a sort of reserve for hydroxide ion. Weak Salts. Most salts are highly ionized when in solution, even though they be salts of weak acids or bases like sodium acetate or ammonium chloride. There are, however, a few exceptions, including lead acetate, Pb(C2H3O2)2, the halides of cadmium, CdCl2, CdBr2 and Cdl2, mercuric chloride, HgCl,, mercuric cyanide, Hg(CN)2, and ferric sulfocyanate, Fe(CNS)3. These salts are poor electrolytes, and their reactions in solution show the presence of relatively few ions. For example, all ordinary soluble chlorides give a precipitate of lead chloride, PbCl2, on the addition of lead ion to their solutions. With mercuric chloride, however, no precipitate is obtained, indicating that there is less chloride ion in a concentrated solution of mercuric chloride than in a saturated solution of the rather insoluble lead chloride. If, however, silver ion is taken, a precipitate is formed, for silver chloride, AgCl, is much less soluble than lead chloride, and HgCl2 yields enough chloride ion to precipitate it. Ionisation of Weak Poly basic Acids in Steps. It is found that the two or more hydrogen atoms in the molecule of a polybasic acid like H,CO3, or H2S or H3PO4, tend to dissociate with unequal readiness into ions. While the first hydrogen atom of H2CO3 is but slightly ionized, it is possible to neutralize it with OH" forming water and HCO3", before the neutralization of the second hydrogen atom, in the HCO3", begins. This explains the ease with which it is possible to form acid salts in such cases. The first atom of hydrogen in H3PO4 ionizes readily, corresponding to a moderately strong acid, the second ionizes from H2PO4~ with much less ease, so that the ion H2PO4~ is a rather weak acid, while the third is hard to neutralize, HPO4"~ being a very weak acid. Conversely, when hydrogen ion, H+, is added to an ion like PO4 it is taken up very com- pletely at first until it is converted into HPO4~~, then less completely until H2PO4~ is formed, and then only a little to form H3PO4. It takes, 78 likewise, a smaller concentration of H+ to change CO3 to HCO3' than it does to change HCO3~ to H,CO3. Fraction ionized in 0.1 Weak Electrolytes. Molal solution. Acetic acid, HC2H3O2 - 0.013 Carbonic acid, H2CO3 0.0017 Dihydrogen phosphate ion, H2PO4' 0.0014 Hydrogen sulfide, H2S 0.001 Hydrocyanic acid, HCN 0.0001 Acid carbonate ion, HCO3~ 0.00002 Monohydrogen phosphate ion, HPO4" 0.000002 Ammonium, hydroxide, NH4OH 0.017 Cadmium iodide, Cdl2 0.10 Mercuric chloride, HgCl2 0.00006 Ionization in Other Solvents Than Water. Water is the chief solvent in which we are interested, but there are others which can dissolve elec- trolytes with ionization. The most important of these are liquid ammonia and the alcohols. Ionization in all other solvents that have been investi- gated is less than in water, and seems to be roughly proportioned to the dielectric constant of the liquid. The following values for the dielectric constants for several liquids are of interest in this connection: Water 80 Methyl (wood) alcohol 31 Ethyl alcohol 26 Acetone 22 Ammonia 16 Chloroform 5 Ether 4 Ionization of Fused Salts. Fused salts appear to be highly ionized, conducting the electric current very rapidly. Those most highly ionized are probably those in which there is the greatest difference in metallic character between the two constituent parts. On account of this high conductivity many substances are obtained industrially by the electrolysis of fused salts rather than of aqueous solutions. This is the case especially with metals like sodium, calcium and aluminum, where, instead of the desired metal, the hydrogen from the water would be deposited at the cathode. Sodium is obtained by the electrolysis of fused NaOH, steam and oxygen being produced at the anode. Calcium is obtained, along with chlorine gas, by the electrolysis of fused calcium chloride. Aluminum, used at the present time in such large amounts, is obtained by the elec- trolysis of A12O3 dissolved in fused cryolite, Na3AlFG. Ionization of Water. Water itself is very slightly ionized. The purest water that can be prepared has a very slight conductivity due to H+ and OH-. Knowing the conductivity of these ions in more concen- trated solution, as we do from measurements with acids and bases, it is possible to calculate the concentration of these ions in water to be approximately 10'7 molal at ordinary temperatures. This corresponds to 0.1 milligram of H+ and 1.7 milligram of OH' per ton of water. Other methods of measurement confirm these figures. Exercises. 1. How would you define acid, base, salt, in terms of the ionic theory? 2. Summarize in writing the evidence in favor of the theory of electrolytic dissociation. 3. State in writing all the evidence you have learned, showing that 79 a solution of acetic acid is much less ionized than one of hydrochloric acid of the same concentration. 4. Divide the following substances into two lists, one for those slightly ionized in water, the other for those highly ionized: ammonium hydroxide, ammonium chloride, hydrochloric acid, sodium acetate, car- bonic acid, sodium chloride, mercuric chloride. 5. Write the formula's of all the salts that can be formed from the following ions: Ca++, Mg++, Fe+++, Al+++, SO4_", Cl-. 6. What are the properties of H2 and H+? How might each one be converted into the other? 7. What are the properties of the following substances: Cu; Cu'+; Ag; Ag+; Cl2; Cl"? 8. Describe some of the properties of the dilute aqueous solutions of the following: HC1; KNO3; H2SO4; Na2SO4; KC1; CuCl2; CuSO4. 9. How does the evidence obtained from the heat of neutralization support the ionic theory? 10. Write the principal reaction occurring when (a) NaCl dissolves in water; (b) a solution of sodium sulfate is evaporated; (c) when concentrated HCl-solution is warmed. 11. In writing the following equations represent all substances by formulas indicating that they are mainly ionized or un-ionized, as the case may be: a solution of acetic acid is neutralized by one of sodium hydroxide; silver nitrate and potassium chloride solutions are mixed, giving a precipitate of silver chloride; dilute hydrochloric acid acts on a solution of sodium carbonate giving CO2 gas, water and sodium chloride solution; zinc is put into a solution of copper sulfate, giving a precipitate of metallic copper; concentrated sulfuric acid acts on solid sodium chloride, giving hydrogen chloride gas and solid sodium sulfate; mercuric chloride solution is treated with hydrogen sulfide gas, giving a precipitate of mercuric sulfide, etc. 12. What is the concentration of OH~ in (a) equivalents per liter, and (b) grams per liter, when 1.48 gm. of Ca(OH)2 is dissolved in 500 cc. ? Ans. (a) 0.08 N; (b) 1.36 gm. per 1. 13. What is the valence of each element in the following substances: Cu++, Ag+, OH", Al (OH) 3, Cl2, C1-, HgCl2, H2S, NH4+, H2O? 14. Define or explain the following terms: ion, electrolyte, degree of ionization, faraday, electron. 15. What is the degree of ionization of a weak monacid base if the concentration of the OH" in a 0.5 normal solution is 0.002 normal? Ans. 0.004. 16. (a) What is the concentration of H+ in a 2 normal solution of acetic acid if it is 0.006 ionized? (b) What is the concentration of Ac-? (c) Of the un-ionized HAc? Ans. (a) 0.012N; (b) 0.012N; (c) 1.988N. 17. How many (a) faradays, (b) coulombs are required to deposit 1 gram of each of the following ions at the appropriate electrode; and (c) how long will it take using a current of 2 amperes: (1) H+, (2) Ni++, (3) CD, (4) Al-? Ans. (a) (1) 1.00, (2) 0.340, (3) 0.0282, (4) 0.112 faradays; (b) (1) 96540, (2) 3280, (3) 2720, (4) 10700 coulombs; (c) (1) 26 h. 49 min., (2) 54 min. 40 sec., (3) 45 min. 20 sec., (4) 2 h. 58 min. 20 sec. 80 CHAPTER XI. THE SPEED OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS. The previous chapters have been taken up with various aspects of the nature and composition of substances and with the representation of substances and their reactions by means of formulas and equations. We are now ready to inquire into the means of controlling chemical reactions, so as to realize desirable possibilities or prevent undesirable ones. There are two factors involved in this control, the direction and the speed. For example at high temperatures the following reaction takes place readily: 2NH3 = N2 4- 3H2. The theory to be developed in Chapter XV shows that it should be possible to reverse this reaction at low temperatures and make ammonia from its elements. We find by experiment, however, that the reaction proceeds so slowly at low temperatures as to be utterly useless as a means of making ammonia, and that we must seek some means for its acceler- ation in order to make it of any practical use. The means of altering the direction of a reaction will be discussed in the following chapters, this one being devoted to the question of speed in reactions, where the direction is already assured. Sometimes we may wish to increase the speed of a reaction, as in the cooking of food, and sometimes we may wish to retard an undesirable reaction, such as the rusting of iron or the decay of wood. How may this be done? Application of the Kinetic Theory. We have seen, in connection with the behavior of gases and solutions, Chapters II and IV, how fruitful is the kinetic theory of matter. We may apply it with equal success to the question of the means for controlling the speed of chemical reactions. In order for reactions between different substances to take place their molecules must come together, or collide. We should therefore expect any means of increasing the number (and perhaps the force) of these collisions to be effective in increasing the speed. What means are available for changing the number and speed of these collisions? Effect of Temperature. Since the kinetic theory connects the tem- perature of any body with the velocity of the molecules composing it, one way indicated for increasing the number and also the force of the molecular collisions is to increase the temperature. We find, as a matter of fact, that the effect of increasing the temperature is always to increase the reaction velocity. For reactions occurring within a single phase, e. g., between dissolved or gaseous substances, it is found that the effect of increasing the temperature 10° is usually to increase the speed between two and three times. Where the reaction occurs at the boundary line between two phases, as in dissolving a solid, the effect of temperature is usually somewhat less. Chemists constantly make use of the accelerating effect of higher temperature in chemical reactions, and we see it constantly in everyday life. The reactions responsible for the growth of plants, for the decay of dead animal and plant substances, for the souring of milk, are all greatly influenced by the temperature, so that the importance of warmth for growth and of cold storage for preservation is well known to all. The housewife sets her bread to rise in a warm place to hasten the 81 fermentation which produces the carbon dioxide. Those who have lived or camped at high altitudes know of the difficulty of cooking certain foods at the lower temperature at which water boils under such condi- tions. The difficulty is sometimes solved by means of "pressure cookers," which hold the steam under pressure allowing a higher temperature to be reached. Such an apparatus may also be used at ordinary altitudes, resulting in a great saving of fuel when cooking such things as beans or the tougher cuts of meat, for it requires scarcely any more fuel to maintain a temperature of 120° than it does to maintain one of 100°, while a reaction that requires 5 hours at the latter temperature might be completed in less than 1 hour at the former. In such processes as extracting glue, gelatin and fats "superheated steam" is used with similar effect. The speed of cooking such a thing as a potato is also increased by cutting it into small pieces, so that all parts of it are quickly brought to the temperature of the boiling water in which it is immersed. The process of hardening steel is an interesting case of retarding a reaction by lowering the temperature. Above 725° a steel containing 0.9% carbon consists of a hard, tough variety of iron holding the carbon in solid solution, but below that temperature it tends to change into a heterogeneous mixture of soft iron (like wrought iron) and a hard, brittle iron carbide, Fe3C, known as cementite. However, this transition requires an appreciable time, and if the steel, heated above 725°, is suddenly cooled by quenching in water, so that low temperatures are quickly reached, the tough solid solution may be gotten at ordinary temperatures, where the velocity of the change is practically negligible. A solution which required 10 seconds for transition to the variety stable at ordinary temperatures at 720° would require 300,000 billion years at 20° if the reaction velocity were halved for every 10° fall in temperature. Hardened steel is thus an unstable substance at ordinary temperatures but we can keep it almost indefinitely by reason of the extreme slowness of its change into the stable variety. If we cool the steel slowly, i. e., anneal it, or if we allow the hardened steel to get too warm for a while, as by too rapid grinding or cutting with a tool, it changes into the stable soft mixture, losing its "temper." Many chemical substances are similarly unstable al ordinary tem- peratures, existing only because the speed at which they decompose is small. In this class are included ozone, O3, hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, nitric oxide, NO, and all explosives. Nitric oxide is stable in the true sense only at the temperature of a very hot electric arc and it is gotten at ordinary temperatures by a process of rapid cooling similar in principle to the hardening of steel. Spontaneous combustion is the result of the preliminary slow oxida- tion which many combustible substances undergo in contact with air. Ordinarily the heat of these reactions is liberated so slowly that it has time to be conducted away, so that no perceptible rise in temperature of the oxidizing material takes place. When, however, the material is a poor conductor of heat, like oil-soaked cotton waste, and is in large quantities, so that the heat produced is partly retained, then the rise in temperature causes an increase in the rate of oxidation, with a further gradual rise in temperature, until the temperature of ordinary rapid com- bustion is attained, and the material bursts into flames. Effect of Concentration. Another means of increasing the number of favorable collisions between molecules is to increase the concentration of the reacting substances. The more concentrated a reacting substance 82 is the more chances there are of its molecules colliding with those of other substances, hence an increase in the concentration of each kind of reacting molecule should increase the speed of reaction. If, for example, two molecules have to collide in order to bring about a certain reaction, then doubling the concentration of either should double the speed of reaction, and doubling the concentration of both should quadruple the speed. Of course, as the reacting substances are used up, the speed diminishes. Numerical Relation Between Concentration and Speed. If cn c2, c;>, etc., denote the concentrations of the reacting molecules then the velocity of the reaction, v, as measured by the rate of disappearance of one of the substances or the formation of another is proportional to, or equal to a constant times, the product of the concentration of the reacting molecules, i. e., v = kc1c2c3 .... The so-called "order" of the reaction is the number of reacting molecules which determine its speed. If there is only one kind of molecule reacting, two of which have to collide to react, then c1 = c2, and v = kcx2. This would be called a reaction of the second order, or a bimolecular reaction. In a reaction like 2Fe+++ -|- Sn++= 2Fe++-J-Sn++++, if we let ct denote the concentration of ferric ion, Fe+++, and c2, denote that of the stannous ion, Sn++, we have as the expression for the velocity v = kc^c,. This would be a reaction of the third order, or a trimolecular reaction. When the reaction appears to take place between several molecules we usually find it taking place in stages, since the chances of a large number of molecules colliding simultaneously are vastly less than for a few molecules. Thus, the equation for the burning of acetylene, 2C2H2 + 5O2 = 4CO2 + 2H2O, appears to depend on the collision of seven molecules, which would make it a reaction of the seventh order, but measurement shows it to be of the second order. Evidently there oq,cur simultaneous reactions, a slower one, probably. C2H2 + O2 = 2CO + H2, which determines the speed of the total reaction, and probably two more rapid reactions, 2CO + O2 = 2CO2, and 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O. Measurements of the. rate at which the speed falls off, enable us to determine the order of the reaction and hence, often, to determine what steps occur in complicated reactions. Effect of Stirring and of Contact Surface in Reactions Occurring at the Boundaries Between Phases. If a reaction occurs at the boundary between phases, as in the solution of a solid in a liquid, it is evident that stirring would have great effect in bringing fresh reacting molecules to the surface of contact, also in removing the products of reaction from the scene of action. The natural tendency of the molecules to diffuse can thus be greatly aided. Contact between the materials in the two phases can be likewise aided by having the contact surface large. For this reason powdered sugar will dissolve more rapidly than granulated or lump sugar. We may summarize and illustrate the foregoing by stating the con- ditions for the rapid solution of a metal in acid as follows: high tem- perature, concentrated acid (unless the salt produced would be thereby rendered insoluble, preventing its diffusion away from the surface of the metal), the use of a strong acid like hydrochloric acid giving a high concentration of hydrogen ion, instead of a weak acid like acetic acid, giving a small concentration of hydrogen ion (assuming that the metal 83 is a base metal which will be dissolved by hydrogen ion), stirring the solution, and using the metal in rather finely divided condition rather than in large pieces. An undesirable reaction may, of course, be hindered by the converse of the above means. Effect of Catalysts. Many reactions can be accelerated or retarded by the presence of substances which are not themselves permanently used up by the reaction, and which need be present only in small amount to affect the speed for a large amount of reacting mixture. Such substances are called catalysts. One class of catalysts acts by furnishing a surface at which the reacting molecules are condensed and concentrated, causing them to come into more intimate contact. Platinum and palladium act in this way for a number of gas reactions. Hydrogen and oxygen scarcely react at all at ordinary temperatures, but platinum and palladium have the power to absorb these gases, especially the hydrogen, and allow them to react with each other. Under suitable conditions the heat produced by this union may be sufficient to raise the temperature of the metal to a point where it can ignite the remaining gas mixture. Some gas and cigar lighters are constructed on this principle, and when the platinum or palladium is held in the stream of gas mixed with air, or in the escaping vapors of wood alcohol from a wick, the gas or vapor is ignited by the heat generated at first in the catalyst. Platinum finds extensive use in the "contact process" for the manufacture of sulfuric acid. As will be explained in Chapter XIV, the reaction, 2SO2 + O2 = 2SO3 (sulfuric acid is obtained by dissolving SO3 in water) occurs in the desired direction only at lower temperatures, where the reaction proceeds too slowly to be of use. When, however, the gases are passed over platinum at about 500°C they react readily, so that the process has supplanted the older "lead-chamber process" to a considerable extent. When platinum is used to catalyze reactions its effectiveness may be increased by increasing the surface as much as possible, since the reactions occur at the surface of the metal. This is particularly important on account of the high cost of platinum. The usual form in which it is used is "platinized asbestos," made by wetting asbestos fiber with a solution of a platinum salt and then heating it so as to decompose the salt and yield finely divided metallic platinum. The union of nitrogen and hydrogen directly to give ammonia, referred to at the beginning of this chapter, is brought about by the aid of a similar catalyst, uranium, to whose aid we owe this important means for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and its application as fertilizer. Hydrogen peroxide is a very unstable substance, tending to decompose giving oxygen and water. This decomposition is aided by the presence of finely divided solids, such as manganese dioxide, MnO2. This oxide likewise catalyzes other reactions where oxygen is evolved, notably 2KC1O3 = 2KC1 + 3O2. In making oxygen by heating potassium chlorate it is customary to add powdered manganese dioxide so that the oxygen will be evolved more smoothly and at a lower temperature. To prevent the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, besides keeping it dilute and cool, as the kinetic theory would require, a negative or retarding catalyst is frequently added in the form of acetanilid C6H5NHOC2H3. Many catalysts evidently act as "carriers," by the formation of an intermediate product which then decomposes readily. Such a catalyst 84 is NO in the "lead-chamber process" for the manufacture of sulfuric acid. The reaction, SO2 4" H2O 4* //2O2 = H2SO4, does not occur with sufficient speed, but since the reaction NO + %O2 = NO2 occurs readily in both directions, the oxides of nitrogen make the oxygen available in the following way, SO2 + H2O + NO2 = H2SO4 + NO. The NO2 is regenerated as shown above, so that a little of it suffices for the manufacture of an almost indefinite quantity of sulfuric acid. An interesting reaction is the "inversion" of cane sugar, which con- sists in its splitting up, with the addition of a molecule of water, into two molecules of simpler sugars, fructose and glucose, containing the same atoms, but in different arrangement. The reaction is C12H22OU 4- H2O = C6H12O6(glucose)+ C6H12O8(fructose). The resulting mixture of sugars is often called invert sugar. This reaction is catalyzed by the hydrogen ion of acids, the speed of inversion being proportional to the concentration of hydrogen ion, which doubtless forms an intermediate product. Since the resulting invert sugar does not easily crystallize, and is, moreover, less sweet than the equivalent amount of cane sugar, it is important in the refining of sugar, to avoid all acidity of the sugar solutions. When stewed fruit is sweetened the effect of the sugar will be greater if the fruit is first allowed to cool, retarding the inversion of the sugar by the acid of the fruit. The altered taste of lemonade that has stood for some hours is due to this inversion of its sugar. It is of interest to note that the sugar in honey is invert sugar. The inversion doubtless takes place in the body of the bee when it is gathered, and prevents subsequent crystallization in the comb. By a process analogous to the inversion of sugar, starch may be made to take up water becoming transformed into a mixture of various sugars to which is given the commercial name "glucose." Large quantities of syrup and sugar are made from corn-starch by digestion with acid which acts as the catalyst. Water is a catalyst for many reactions. Absolutely dry CO will not burn. Dry AgNO3 and HC1 dissolved in ether form no precipitate of AgCl. When ordinary NH4C1 is heated it sublimes, dissociating into NH3 and HC1 gases. If, however, the salt is quite dry it vaporizes without dissociation. Enzymes. An important class of catalysts, known as enzymes, are produced by living organisms and catalyze many reactions. The ptyalin of saliva, whose function is to convert starch into sugar, the diastase of malt, which has a similar action, and the zymase of the yeast plant, which converts certain sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide, are examples of important enzymes. Similar bodies are thought to play fundamental roles in the processes of growth and nutrition of plants and animals. Exercises. 1. Define catalyst. 2. Divide the catalysts mentioned in the text into surface catalysts and dissolved catalysts. 3. What effect may a double boiler have on the speed of cooking food? 85 4. What means could you employ for rapidly washing photographic prints free from the "hypo" of the fixing bath? 5. How might you alter the time required for developing a photo- graphic negative? 6. How might you endeavor to increase the speed of the reaction: BrO3~ + 61- + 6H+ = 3H2O + Br- + 3I2 ? What effect would acetic acid have upon the speed as compared with hydrochloric acid of the same concentration? 7. The organism existing in "mother of vinegar" converts alcohol into acetic acid by the reaction C2H5OH 4- O2 = C2H4O2 +h2o. By what means could the manufacture of vinegar be hastened? 86 CHAPTER XII. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. THE EFFECT OF CONCENTRATION. Reversibility of Chemical Reactions. The problem of the control of chemical reactions involves not only the speed, as discussed in Chapter XI, but also the.fact that most reactions are reversible. We have, there- fore, two problems as distinct from each other as are the speed and desti- nation of a train. To reach a desired destination it is not sufficient to get on a fast train, the train must also move in the right direction. With chemical reactions, similarly, the conditions accelerating the reaction often alter the direction at the same time. For example, the velocity of formation of SO3 from SO2 and O2 increases with the temperature, but the velocity of decomposition of SO3 back into SO2 and O2 is likewise increased thereby, and more rapidly than the velocity of its formation, so that SO3 becomes increasingly unstable at higher temperatures. We will therefore turn our attention to the problem of the direction of chemical reactions, assuming that all the time necessary for them to take place is allowed. We will finally, in Chapter XIV, consider both effects together. Most chemical reactions are reversible, that is, the products of a reaction may usually be made to react with each other to produce the original substances by suitable choice of conditions. Many examples of this may be given. A liquid may be made to evaporate by raising the temperature or by reducing the pressure, and its vapor, conversely, may be recondensed to liquid by lowering the temperature or increasing the pressure. Solids may be liquified by increasing the temperature and liquids may be solidified by lowering the temperature. Gases may either be dissolved in liquids or driven out of solution by suitable changes in pressure or temperature. The naturally occurring mineral, gypsum, CaSO4 • 2H2O, may be deprived of part of its water by moderate heating, giving plaster of Paris, which is approximately CaSO2 • J^H2O. When this is mixed with water the original dihydrate is re-formed, which causes the plaster to "set," due to the interlocking of the growing crystals of CaSO4 • 2H2O. Nitric oxide, NO, is decomposed by gentle heating into nitrogen and oxygen, and yet, at the high temperature of the electric arc a considerable amount of nitric oxide may be formed from the nitrogen and oxygen of air. Oxygen, O2, is changed into ozone, O3, by the silent electric discharge, and then gradually reverts to oxygen again. When a lead storage battery is discharged the lead dioxide of the positive plate, the lead of the negative plate, and the sulfuric acid in the solution react as follows: PbO2 4- Pb + 4H+ 4- 2SO4" = 2PbSO4 + 2H2O, and when the battery is recharged the reverse reaction takes place, cor- responding to the equation as read from right to left. When water charged with carbon dioxide passes over limestone rock the following reaction occurs: CaCO3 + H2O 4- CO2 = Ca++ 4- 2HCO3-. The calcium ion dissolved in the water produces what is called "hard water." and interferes with the cleansing power of soap by precipitating insoluble calcium soap. When this water is boiled, however, the CO2 is driven off and the calcium carbonate is re-precipitated, corresponding to the equation as read from right to left. When steam is passed through 87 a tube containing iron filings or nails, heated to dull redness, the following reaction occurs: 3Fe + 4H,O = Fe3O4 + 4H2. When hydrogen is passed over the iron oxide, Fe3O4, under similar con- ditions, some of it is changed to steam with the reduction of the oxide to iron, exactly the reverse of the above. Illustrations of reversibility might be multiplied ad libitum. The experimental proof of reversibility consists simply in mixing each set of substances, as indicated by the two sides of the equation, and seeking conditions under which the other set will be formed. The disappearance of any of the substances taken or the appearance of any of the products is usually sufficient proof that a reaction has taken place. What particular substance to test for is determined by the ease and decisiveness of the available tests. Thus the oxidation of mercury, . represented by the equation 2Hg + O2 = 2HgO, could be proven if conditions could be found under which mercury in contact with oxygen would increase in weight. A change in appearance corresponding to the red color of the oxide, or a decrease in the amount of the gaseous oxygen would suffice equally well. The reverse reaction, the dissociation of mercuric oxide into mercury and oxygen, could be proven by taking the red mercuric oxide and discovering conditions of pressure and temperature under which there could be detected either the appearance of mercury or oxygen, or else a loss in weight. It is Possible to Have All of the Substances Involved in Reversible Reactions Present Together in Chemical Equilibrium with Each Other. Instead of passing steam over heated iron in a tube, as in the experiment described above, we might simply heat them together in a closed vessel. We would expect, as before, the formation of some hydrogen and iron oxide, corresponding to the equation as read from left to right. Likewise, if we heat hydrogen and iron oxide together at the same temperature and in a similar vessel, we would expect the formation of iron and steam, corresponding to the equation as read from right to left. If we allow sufficient time for reaction in both cases how will the final state of affairs in one vessel compare with that in the other? It is obviously absurd to expect either reaction to go to completion, just as it would be absurd to expect a ball placed on a certain table to roll all the way from a to b when we have previously found that, when placed at b it rolls towards a. Obviously there must be some intermediate position on the table at which it tends to come to rest no matter at which end it is started. Again, if it is found that one body becomes cooler when brought into a certain room, and another becomes warmer when brought into the same room, it is evident that each body will come eventually to the same temperature, that of the room, which must lie somewhere between the initial tempera- tures of the two bodies. By the same kind of reasoning, it should make no difference whether we start with 3Fe-|- 4H2O, or with Fe3O4 -j- 4H2, if we heat them to a temperature at which they are able to react, in identical vessels, we will eventually get a mixture of all four substances in chemical equilibrium. The term equilibrium signifies an adjustment of the amounts of the reacting substances, such that there is no further tendency to react, just as in mechanical equilibrium we have an adjustment of forces such that no further action takes place. This adjustment of the amounts of substances in chemical equilibrium may be thought of as the result of an adjustment between chemical forces. Just as a balance loaded with certain weights will finally come to rest, provided that the balance is free to 88 swing, at a position dependent only upon the weights on the pans and not upon the direction in which an original displacement took place, so in a reversible chemical reaction the final equilibrium between the amounts of the reacting substances, provided that they are free to react (suitable temperature, catalyst, etc.), will depend only on the relative amounts of the substances present, and not upon which particula rset of substances, as represented by the two sides of the equation, is chosen. (There is, of course, no oscillation in reaching chemical equilibrium comparable to that of a balance in coming to rest.) From a kinetic standpoint chemical equilibrium must be regarded as the result of two opposite reactions proceeding with equal speed. When, for example, we start with iron and steam, at a sufficiently high tempera- ture, they react with a velocity depending on the concentration of steam molecules and on the surface of the iron. As these are used up the reac- tion gradually becomes slower. At the same time, as more hydrogen and iron oxide are produced, they begin to react with each other to regenerate the oxide and steam with an increasing velocity until the rate of one reaction just equals that of the other. This conception of equilibrium was used in connection with simpler phenomena in Chapter II, (p. 15) and has an important bearing on what is here to follow. The Effect on Chemical Equilibrium of Changing the Concentration of the Reacting Substances. If a little weight is added to or taken from one pan of a balance in equilibrium the pointer swings a little to one side or the other until a new position of equilibrium is reached. Similarly, when a chemical equilibrium exists it is possible to disturb it by any means which changes the relative speeds of the two opposing reactions. These rates may be affected by changing the temperature, or the total pressure on the reacting system, or the concentration of the substances involved. The discussion of the effect of changing the temperature or total pressure will be taken up in Chapter XIV; and we will turn our attention first to changes in concentration. If we recall the kinetic conception of chemical equilibrium we will see that if we increase the concentration of one of the reacting substances there are then more molecules of that substance present in a given space, so that their ability to find and react with other molecules is increased. This will cause a temporary gain in the rate of the reaction using up this kind of molecule, until more of the products of its reaction, represented on the other side of the equation, are produced, so as to equalize again the rates of the two reactions. The net result is that the reaction proceeds to some extent in the direction which will use up the substance whose concentration is thus increased. For illustration let us consider a closed vessel containing SO3, SO2 and O2 in chemical equilibrium to attain which requires a sufficiently high temperature and perhaps a catalyst. When equilibrium is attained we must imagine that the two reactions, rep- resented by the equation 2SO2 + O2 = 2SO3, read in both directions, are taking place with equal velocities, with a net result of no change in the relative amounts of the three gases present. Suppose, now, that more oxygen is introduced into the vessel. The increased number of oxygen molecules will render it easier for them to collide with sulfur dioxide molecules, resulting in a more rapid formation of sulfur trroxide molecules. As the number of the latter increase their own speed of decomposition will increase until the two reactions again take place at equal rates. The net effect of this increase in the amount of oxygen is to cause more of it to be used up, with a decrease in the amount of sulfur dioxide and an 89 increase in the amount of sulfur trioxide. The effect of adding or removing any of the three substances present can be predicted on the above basis. From a technical point of view, in making sulfur trioxide, the im- portant thing is to use up the sulfur dioxide as completely as possible, since the latter costs money whereas the supply of oxygen is free. To accomplish this the kinetic theory indicates that it is desirable to have the oxygen in excess, since otherwise considerable sulfur dioxide would remain uncombined when equilibrium has been reached. In general, after equilibrium has been reached, the effect of any change in the concentration of the reacting substances is to cause that reaction to take place which neutralizes the effect of the change; that is, if the concentration of any substance is increased, that reaction tends to take place which uses up that substance, and where the concentration of any substance is decreased, that reaction tends to take place which will replace that substance. This conclusion is a special case of a more general one, called the Theorem of Le Chotelier, which states that when equili- brium has been reached a change in any of the factors affecting equilibrium tends to make that reaction take place which will neutralize the effect of the change. The discussion of other factors will be taken up in Chapter XIV. The conclusion, in so far as concentration alone is concerned, is called the "Law of Mass Action," or the "Mass Law," which is slightly misleading, since it is not the masses of the substances present, but their concentrations, or masses per unit volume, which determine equilibrium. This point was discussed in Chapter II, where it was shown that the depth of the water in equilibrium with its vapor, or the extent of the surface between the two phases has no effect upon the equilibrium. On the other hand, a change in the concentration of the vapor, as by changing its volume, or in the concentration of the liquid, as by adding some other substance to it, would cause some reaction to take place. Likewise, in the equilibrium discussed above, between iron, its oxide, steam and hydrogen, the relative amounts of the solids has no more effect than would the addition of more salt to a saturated salt solution. The reaction takes place where the three phases, the two solids and the gas phase, are in contact, and its rate does not depend on the excess of either solid. These same conclusions apply to reactions occurring in solution, including those between ionized substances. For example, that the reaction HC2H8O2 = H+ + C2H3O2 - will take place as read from left to right may be shown by taking pure acetic acid (which is un-ionized, as shown by its being a non-conductor) and dissolving it in water, when the solution will have the properties of hydrogen ion. That the reaction will also take place as read from right to left may be shown by mixing a solution of a strong acid, like hydro- chloric acid, giving a large concentration of hydrogen ion, with one of sodium acetate, which gives a large concentration of acetate ion, when we find that hydrogen ion disappears partly from the solution, also that acetic acid appears, as is evident by its odor. It makes no difference therefore, whether we start with a mol of acetic acid in a liter of water, or with a mol each of hydrogen and acetate ions in a liter of water, the final state of affairs is the same, which is that we will have present about 0.01 mol of each of the two ions and 0.99 mol of the undissociated molecule. If, subsequently, we add another mol of acetate ion (in solution with, say, 90 sodium ion, which affects none of the substances present) some of the acetate ion will be able to use up more of the hydrogen ion, becoming acetic acid, resulting in a considerable decrease in the acidity (hydrogen ion concentration) of the solution. In like manner, solutions of the weak base ammonium hydroxide, NH4OH, are much less alkaline in the presence of any substance which dissolves to yield an excess of ammonium ion, NH4+. When experiment shows that one set of substances react almost com- pletely to give certain products, then it must be evident that these products themselves, when mixed under the same conditions, will give but little of the original substances at equilibrium. When, for example, we have found that carbonic acid is extremely weak, dissociating but slightly accord- ing to the equation: H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3-; then we should be able to conclude at once that when the ions are mixed, as in mixing hydrochloric acid and sodium acid carbonate solutions, they will unite almost completely to form carbonic acid. Quantitative Expression of the Mass Law. In the above discussion of the effect of concentration on chemical equilibrium we have been con- tent with predicting the direction of the effect of altering concentration, the qualitative effect, without inquiring how much a given equilibrium would be disturbed by a certain change in concentration of one or more of the reacting substances. This would be called the quantitative effect. While the qualitative prediction suffices in most cases, it is nevertheless often desirable to make a quantitative prediction. This is possible by com- bining the quantitative expression for the speed of a chemical reaction, given in Chapter XI, with the idea introduced in this chapter, that at equilibrium the two opposite reactions are proceeding with equal velocity. For the sulfur trioxide reaction discussed above we would have for the velocity of formation v4 = kxc2So2 ' c01>, where kt is a constant Similarly, for the decomposition of the trioxide back into the dioxide and oxygen we would have for the velocity v2 = k2c2So3, at equilibrium the two velocities are equal, so that k1c2So2 ' co2 = k2c2So3- Since kx and k2 are constants their quotient is a constant, K, so that we may write C SO2Co2 = K. c2so3 By means of this expression we are able to make qualitative as well as quantitative predictions. Since K is constant at a given temperature, the values of the three concentrations must always adjust themselves accordingly. For example, suppose that it were found by measurement, at a certain temperature, that when equilibrium was reached the concen- trations were as follows: SO2, 3 mols per liter, O2, 1 mol per liter, SO3, 2 mols per liter. By substituting these values in the above expression we obtain for the value of the constant K, 2.25. From this we can calculate another set of equilibrium concentrations. Thus, if the concentration of O2 were 5 mols per liter, and that of SO3 2 mols per liter, we would have c2so2 X 5 = 2.25 4 from which we would find the concentration of SO2 in equilibrium with sulfur trioxide and oxygen at the new concentrations to be 1.34 mols per liter. 91 It is also the custom to denote concentrations by the formula of the substance enclosed in brackets or parenthesis. Using this notation we would write the above expression (SO2)2(O2) =K, (SO3)2 which has exactly the same significance as before when c was used to denote concentration. It may be worth while to give examples of the equilibrium equation for several other reactions. Reaction. Equilibrium equation. (NO)2 N2 +O2 = 2NO = K (N2)(O2) (NH3)2 N2 + 3H. = 2NH3 = K (N2)(H2)3 (CO)2 CO, + C( solid )=2CO = K (CO2) (Since carbon is solid its concentration is constant and need not be expressed in the equilibrium equation. (H2O)' (H2O) Fe3O4(solid)+ 4H2 = 3Fe (solid)+4H,O = K or = K (H2)4 (H2) (H+) (C2H3O2~) H+ + C2H3O2- = HC2H3O, = K (HC2H3O2) (H+)(HCO3") H+ + HCO3- = H2CO3 = K (H2CO3) (H+)(CO3") H+ + CO3 -- = HCO3- = K (HCO3-) Since the partial pressure of a gas is proportional to the number of molecules in a given space, and hence to the concentration, it is possible, where gases are concerned, to write partial pressure instead of concen- trations and have constant a similar function of partial pressures. This constant is not necessarily the same as that where concentrations are used, so that we will express it as Kp. We would write, accordingly, P2no P2nhs = Kp, = Kp, etc. Pn2 ' Po2 Pn2 ' P3h2 Dissociation Constants of Electrolytes. The equilibrium constants for the dissociation of an electrolyte, as with acetic and carbonic acids above, are often called dissociation constants or ionization constants, and express the strength of an acid or base in the most general way. It is evident that 92 the stronger the electrolyte the larger are the concentrations written in the numerator of the fraction, hence the larger the dissociation constant. Instead of stating the degree of dissociation for an electrolyte at a certain concentration, as was done in Chapter X, p. 16, it is more satisfactory to give the dissociation constant, from, which the degree of dissociation at any concentration may be calculated. The following values for certain familiar substances may be given: Dissociation constant Substance. Reaction. at room temperature. Acetic acid ...,HC2H3O2 = H+ 4- C2H3O2- 1.8 X 10-5 Dihydrogen phosphate ion... ...h,po4-=H+ + hpo4- - 2 X IO'7 Carbonic acid .. .H2CO3 = H+ HCO3- 3 X IO"7 Hydrogen sulfide ...H2S = H+ + HS- io-7 Hydrocyanic acid _HCN = H+'+ CN- io-9 Bicarbonate ion ...,hco3-=h+ + co3-- 4 X 10-11 Hydrosulfide ion ...HS- = H+ + S" 10-15 Ammonium hydroxide ...NH4OH = NH4+ + OH- 2.3 X 10-5 The concentration of hydrogen ion in a solution of acetic acid, for example, may be calculated from the dissociation constant of the acid as follows. If the acid alone is present in the solution the hydrogen ion and the acetate ion are at the same concentration, hence (H+)=(C2H3O2_)• Suppose that the total concentration of acetic acid is 0.1 molal. The amount ionizing is so slight that the un-ionized acid may be considered as 0.1 molal without appreciable error, i. e., (HC2H3O2)=0.1. Substi- tuting these values in the equilibrium equation, we obtain, (H+)2 =1.8X 10-5, and hence (H+)=0.0013. 0.1 Again, suppose that 0.05 molal acetate ion is present in the same solution, then (C2H3O2-)= 0.05, (HC2H3O2)= 0.1, and (H+)= 0.000036. It will be observed that the acidity of this solution is vastly less than that of the former. Strong electrolytes do not obey the Mass Law, for reasons which there is not space here to discuss, so that calculations such as the above cannot be made with them. However, little is lost on this account, as they may be considered as completely dissociated, with sufficient accuracy for most purposes. Chemical Equations Do Not Indicate Amounts Present at Equilibrium. It must be remembered, as was pointed out in Chapter III, that a chemical equation does not indicate that the reaction it represents will actually take place, and says nothing about the necessary conditions. When we write the equation 2SO2 + O2 = 2SO3 we should not read it "sulfur dioxide reacts with oxygen, etc.," but rather, if sulfur dioxide and oxygen can be made to react to form sulfur trioxide, they will do so in certain proportions by weight (expressed in mols or grams) and volume (if the temperature is such that they are in the gaseous state). As a matter of fact, in order to convert 1 mol of sulfur dioxide into sulfur trioxide in any reasonable time several things are necessary which are not indicated by the equation. The proper temperature is required; a catalyst must be used; and an excess of both sulfur dioxide and oxygen must be present. In reactions which do not naturally run to completion, but which reach equilibrium with consider- 93 able amounts of all the substances still present, an excess of one or more of the reacting substances must be taken in order to get the desired amount of product, and this excess is in no way indicated by the equation, nor does the presence of this excess change the proportions in which the substances react. We may illustrate this important point by imagining a Western celebration in which a large number of cowboys are to ride wild horses. Now in order to have fifty mounted cowboys it would be necessary to have more than fifty cowboys and fifty horses present, for, we will assume cowboys are constantly being unhorsed. It might be necessary to have, say, seventy cowboys in order to have all the horses mounted most of the time. This does not affect the fundamental reversible reaction which is Man 4~ Horse = Mounted horseman. If the men are in excess of the horses we will not have two men trying to ride one horse, nor, if the horses are in excess, will one man try to ride two horses. After equilibrium has been reached, in which there are, on the average, a certain number of each of the three varieties represented by the equation, if more men arrive, the reaction corresponding to the equation as read from left to right will take place in a few more cases, shifting the equilibrium so as to use up riderless horses, while if some of the unmounted men leave for the nearest saloon, the net result will be that the reaction as read from right to left will take place until a new condition of equilibrium is reached. Again, starting with sixty horses, in order to get fifty mounted horsemen, it might be necessary to have several hundred men, if bank-clerks were substituted for cow- boys. In analogous fashion, it would require more than 1 mol of H2S in order to precipitate 1 mol of Cd" as CdS by the reaction Cd++ + H2S = CdS + 2H+. Though the amounts reacting do so in the proportion indicated by the equation, an excess of both Cd++ and H2S have to be present in order to make these amounts react. If, instead of Cd++ we take Zn++, we find that a still larger excess of H2S must be present in order to produce 1 mol of sulfide. In either case, after equilibrium has been reached, it may be shifted so as to dissolve sulfide either by the addition of more H+ or by the removal of H,S, as by boiling the mixture; or it might, on the otljer hand, be shifted so as to precipitate more of the Cd++ if H2S were added at a greater partial pressure (or concentration) or if H+ were removed, as by the addition of OH- or C2H3O2~. Exercises. 1. Describe experiments which would prove whether or not the following reactions can be made to take place in both directions: 2BaO(solid)4- Oo - 2BaCC(solid) ; H„S + S (liquid )== H,S; Mg++ + 2NH4OH = Mg(OH)2 (precipitate) 4- 2NHf; 2CrO4-(yellow)+ 2H+ = H2O + Cr 2O7"(red) ; NH4+ 4- ci- 4- H2O = NH4OH 4- H+ + ci-. 2. Hard water may be softened by means of an insoluble substance called by the commercial name, "permutite," Na(H6AlSiO7), which ex- changes the calcium (or magnesium) ion in the water for sodium ion as follows: Ca++ 4- 2Na (H„AlSiO7) (solid )= 2Na+ 4- Ca (H6AlSiO7) 2 (solid). Can you suggest a way of restoring the sodium permutite after it has all been changed to calcium or magnesium permutite? 94 3. Describe in words the effect of adding solid sodium acetate to a solution of acetic acid, and write an equation for the reaction. 4. The precipitation of manganese ion as manganese sulfide, accord- ing to the equation, Mn++ + H2S(gas)= MnS + 2H+, is never complete. How would you make the amount precipitated as great as possible? How would you redissolve all of the precipitate? 5. Write equations showing what happens when (a) 2 mols of hydrogen are mixed with 4 mols of oxygen and an electric spark passed; (b) dilute solutions containing respectively 1 mol of hydrochloric acid and 2 mols of sodium acetate are mixed; 6. (a) Which solution tastes more sour, vinegar or plain soda water? (b) Which, then, of the two following reactions takes place more completely, as read from left to right: HC2H3O2 = H+ + C2H3O2-, or H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3-? (c) Which of the following reactions would yield the greater concentration of OH-, C2H302_+Ho0 = HC9H3O2-|-OH-, or HCO3- + H2O = H2CO3 + OH-? 7. Using the equilibrium constants given on page 12 calculate the (H+) for acids and the (OH-) for bases when the substance is present in 0.05 molal solution. 95 CHAPTER XIII. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. PROPERTIES WHICH MAY AFFECT CONCENTRATION. We have seen, in Chapter XII, that it is possible to control reactions which come to equilibrium by changing the concentrations of the reacting substances. A reaction may be made more complete by using the reacting substances at greater concentration or by removing one or more of the products of the reaction. We may now ask the question, in what ways may substances be added to or taken away from reacting mixtures, and what properties of substances determine whether a reaction proceeds more completely in one direction or another? The ability to answer these questions enables one to predict and control reactions in a large number of cases without previous experiment. It is important that the amount of experimental material to be memorized should be the minimum necessary to deal with the vast number of reactions likely to be encount- ered. How this material may be arranged and applied will be shown in the following pages. Volatility. One of the properties of substances that may be utilized in bringing about reactions is volatility. If a certain reacting mixture is in an enclosed space, equilibrium may be reached long before all of the desired products are obtained, but if one. of the substances produced is volatile, at the temperature of the reaction, it may be allowed to escape, or be pumped off, and its removal will allow more of it to be formed, according to the principle set forth in the last chapter. If this removal is continued it may be possible to make the reaction go to completion. For example, if solutions of sodium chloride and sulfuric acid are mixed there is only a small tendency to form hydrochloric acid, since the latter is a little stronger than the former. However, since hydrogen chloride, in the absence of water, is a gas, it is possible to produce it by the reaction between solid sodium chloride and concentrated sulfuric acid, as follows: NaCl + H2SO4 = NaHSO4 + HC1. If this were done in a closed vessel equilibrium would be reached before much of the salt and sulfuric acid had reacted in this way, but if the vessel is open, so that the HC1 gas can escape, then it can all be removed, and the reaction may go to completion. Further heating, if enough salt is present, will give neutral sodium sulfate, NaoSO4, the second step being NaCl 4- NaHSO4 = Na2SO4'+ HC1. The more volatile acid is thus driven out of its salt by the less volatile one. This principle is used in the manufacture of hydrochloric acid, the gas being caught and dissolved in water. A number of other acids are obtained commercially from their salts by heating them with sulfuric acid in the same way, among them nitric acid, HNO3, from the naturally occurring NaNO3; hydrofluoric acid, H2F2, from fluorspar, CaF2; acetic acid from calcium acetate,* etc. Sodium sulfate, on the other hand, may be changed to sodium phosphate by using P2O5, which is less volatile than SO3, the reaction being, * When wood is distilled the acetic acid is separated from the wood alcohol, acetone, etc., occurring in the distillate by using slaked lime, Ca(OH)„, in order to convert it into the non-volatile calcium acetate. 96 3Na2SO4 + P2O3 = 2Na3PO4 + 3SO3. This is a case where it may be more satisfactory to consider the salts as combinations of the metallic and non-metallic oxides, as explained in Chapter V, writing the equation 3Na2O • SO3 + P2O5 =(Na2O)3 • P2O5 + 3SO3. Again, since SiO2 is still less volatile than P2O5, a phosphate may be changed to a silicate by heating it to a sufficiently high temperature with SiO2, as follows: (Na2O)3 • P2O5 + 3SiO2 = 3Na2O • SiO2 + P2O5. In solution, where the difference in volatility of the above substances would not be evident, the reverse changes would only take place, since silicic, phosphoric and sulfuric acids are successively stronger, as will be explained presently. It is well to remember that ammonium salts are easily volatilized and that many chlorides are rather volatile, especially HgCl2, FeCl3, A1C13, SbCl3, SbCl5, AsC13, SnCl4. Solubility. The solubility of substances has an important bearing on the course of reactions. When a rather insoluble salt is put into water a little of it dissolves, for almost no salts are so insoluble that the amount going into solution cannot be measured. The small quantity which does dissolve will be ionized, since nearly all salts are ionized in so far as they will go into solution. The equation expressing the reaction when such a salt is put into water should express this ionization, as exemplified by the following: BaSO4(solid)= Ba++ + SO4" AgCl(solid)=Ag+ + Cl- CaCO3 (solid)== Ca++ CO3-- PbCrO4(solid)= Pb++ + CrO4" When the solution is saturated there will be equilibrium between the solid salt, represented on the left side of each equation, and its ions in solution, represented on the right. The observed fact that all the above salts are only very slightly soluble means that the solutions will contain but very little of their ions. It also enables us to predict that if we mix the ions of any of the salts at any considerable concentration they will react almost completely to form a precipitate (from a Latin word meaning to throw down) of the corresponding salt. A knowledge of the solubilities of salts, therefore, enables us to tell what ions will precipitate each other from solution. No matter what other ions are present, no matter from what compounds they are obtained, in any appreciable concentration, Ba++ and SO4"~ will always form a precipitate of BaSO4. Moreover, if it is desired to remove Ba++ from solution most completely, our knowledge of equi- librium indicates that we should add an excess of SO4~~. This effect is constantly sought in quantitative analysis. Conversely, if we wish to dissolve a precipitate we must endeavor to remove from the solution one of its ions. This removal, in the case of ions, is not so simple as is the removal of a gas, but requires a knowledge of other combinations the ion is capable of forming, as will be discussed later. Which of the two salts of a common ion will be precipitated depends on their relative solubility and the relative concentrations of the ions in question. If a mixture of chloride and iodide ions is added to a solution of silver ion, silver iodide, yellow, is formed instead of silver chloride, white. This shows that Agl is less soluble than AgCl, or, in other words, 97 I" removes Ag+ from solution more completely than does Cl" at the same concentration. This would also enable us to predict that if we start with AgCl we might bring about the following transformation quite readily: AgCl + I- = AgI + Cl-, whereas the reverse reaction could only be brought about by keeping the concentration of T very small and that of Cl" very large as would be the case in continual washing of the Agl precipitate on a filter with a solution of Cl". If, subsequently, we find that Ag2CO3, silver carbonate, is readily transposed into AgCl by allowing Cl- to act upon it, then we know that Ag2CO3 is more soluble than either of the others, or, in other words, carbonate ion, CO3~_, removes Ag+ from solution less completely than either Cl- or I-, and without trying it, we could predict with assurance that the following reaction would take place very readily as read from left to right, but not in the reverse direction: Ag2CO3 + 2l" = 2AgI + CO3" Again, on finding by experiment that Agl is readily changed into Ag2S by SH_, we could conclude that both of the other precipitates could be transposed into Ag2S still more easily. It will be seen that with the aid of the ideas of equilibrium we are able to predict a large number of reactions on the basis of a few well chosen experiments, and thus utilize our experimental knowledge to the best advantage. The same considerations apply to insoluble acids and bases. Mag- nesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, when put into water dissolves slightly forming its ions as follows: Mg(OH)2 = Mg++ + 2OH-. Therefore if solutions of, say, magnesium chloride and sodium hydroxide are mixed, a precipitate of Mg(OH)2 will be formed. A knowledge of the solubilities of salts, acids and bases in water is evidently extremely important in enabling one to predict and control reactions. This subject will be taken up more fully in Chapter XVII, but some useful generalizations may be given at this time. As far as the relation between solubility and other properties is con- cerned, we may note that, other things being equal, the higher the melting point of the compound the less soluble it will be, not only in water, but in any solvent. Also, where the melting points are approximately the same, the compounds most soluble in water will be those in which there is the greatest difference in the positive and negative character of the con- stituent parts (see Chapter V), so that the salts of a metal like silver will be less soluble than those of a metal like potassium. These rough conclusions are illustrated by the values in the following table: . Solubility at 20°, in mols per 1000 grams of Substance. Melting point. solution. CaCl2: 6H0O 30° 1.9 H3BO3 185° 0.077 AgNO3 218° 4.3 NaNO3 333° 5.5 AgCl 455° 0.00001 KC1 722° 3.3 BaCOs 795° 0.0001 Ag2S 830° 0.00001 PbSO4 1100° 0.00015 CaF2 1400° 0.0002 CaSiO3 1510° BaSO4 1580° 0.00001 98 A number of statements may be made regarding the compounds of particular ions such as the following; where it must be understood that only the commoner ones are considered: All nitrates are soluble. All acetates are soluble (AgC2H3O2 only moderately). All chlorides are soluble, except AgCl, HgCl, PbCl2 (the last is spar- ingly soluble in cold water, moderately soluble in hot. All sulfates are soluble, except BaSO4, PbSO4. (CaSO4 and AgSO4 are sparingly soluble). All carbonates and phosphates are insoluble, except those of sodium, potassium and ammonium. (Many acid phosphates are soluble, e. g. Mg(H2PO4)2, Ca(H2PO4)2 and Ba(H2PO4)2.) All hydroxides are insoluble, except NaOH, KOH, NH4OH and Ba(OH)2; Ca(OH)2 is sparingly soluble. All sulfides are insoluble, except those of sodium, potassium and ammonium. Those of magnesium, calcium, barium and aluminum are not precipitated from solution because they are decomposed by water. All salts of sodium, ammonium and potassium are soluble, except K2PtCl6, (NH4)2PtCl6, K3Co(NO2)6, Na4Sb2O7. All silver salts are insoluble, except AgNO3, AgC2H3O2, Ag2SO4 (the last two are only moderately soluble). It is upon the basis of solubilities that different ions present in the same solution may be separated. Suppose, for example, that a solution contained the nitrates of silver, barium, zinc and potassium. The addition of chloride ion, using, say a solution of ammonium chloride, would pre- cipitate the silver ion as AgCl, which could be filtered out. The addition, then, of sulfate ion, as by using ammonium sulfate solution, would pre- cipitate the barium ion as BaSO4. After this is filtered out, the zinc ion could be precipitated as sulfide, using ammonium sulfide. The excess of ammonium salts in the solution could finally be removed by evaporating the solution to dryness and heating the residue, which would volatilize the ammonium salts leaving only the potassium salts. Ionization of Water. It was shown in Chapter X that water is an extremely weak electrolyte, dissociating to a minute extent as follows: H2O = H+ + OH-. In pure water we have (H+)=(OH~)= IO-7 mols per liter. This is very slight indeed, but we shall see that it is very important. If an excess of either of the ions H+ or OH' is added to water, as in dissolving an acid or base in it, the result is a diminution in the concentration of the other. If, for example, 0.001 M HC1 is present, the concentration of the hydrogen ion is increased 10,000 times, which will cause that of the hydroxide ion to decrease 10,000 times, becoming 10'11. The concentration of H+ and OH- in a solution may be estimated approximately by the aid of indicators (see Chap. V, p. 45). The fol- lowing table gives the concentrations of H+ and OH' between normal H+ and normal OH', together with the corresponding colors shown by several of the common indicators: Acid Concentr. of H+ 1 0.1 0.01 IO'3 IO'4 IO'5 IO-6 Concentr. of OH- IO"14 10~13 IO-12 10'11 10"10 IO'9 IO'8 Methyl violet yellow green blue violet Methyl orange red orange yellow 99 "Neutral Point" Alkaline Concentr. of H+ IO"7 IO"8 IO'9 IO"10 IO'11 IO-12 IO'13 IO"14 Concentr. of OH"' IO"7 IO-6 IO"5 IO"4 IO"3 0.01 0.1 1 Litmus red purple blue Phenolphthalein colorless violet colorless Tri-nitrobenzene colorless orange We may conclude, from the slightness of this ionization, that the reverse reaction will take place almost completely, so that whenever an acid and a base are mixed they will react almost completely to form water, leaving the other ions in solution, unless they happen to form an insoluble substance. We must therefore regard neutralization of acids and bases as taking place because of the fact that water is almost entirely undisso- ciated. We will return later to this topic in connection with the neutral- ization of weak acids and bases. Ionization of Weak Acids, Bases and Salts. The fact that many acids, bases and salts are but slightly ionized, as set forth in Chapter X, furnishes other reasons to expect certain reactions to take place, for the principles of equilibrium tell us that in such cases the corresponding ions will unite, when brought together, to an extent depending on the ionization of the substance. For example, because we know that acetic acid is weak, that is, but slightly ionized, we know that when hydrochloric acid, which gives a high concentration of H+, is mixed with sodium acetate, which gives a high concentration of C2H3O2~, these ions will combine till one or both is almost used up. Although sodium acetate is not a base, but a salt, we see that it has the effect of neutralizing high acidity. Similarly, because NH4OH is a weak base it can be prepared from any ammonium salt by the action of any strong base, since NH4+ and OH- unite rather completely. This property is used as a test for NH4+ and also in the manufacture of NH3. Considerable ammonia is given off when coal is distilled, as in making gas and coke. This is extracted from the gas by washing in sulfuric acid, forming (NH4)2SO4. When this salt is acted upon by slaked lime, Ca(OH)2, which gives a sufficiently high concentration of OH", there is set free NH4OH, which breaks up at the temperature applied into NH3 gas and H2O. It is evident, in general, that weak acids should be liberated from their salts in solution by the action of stronger acids, and that weak bases should be liberated in like manner by strong bases. An important application of this principle is in making "super- phosphate" for fertilizer. Tri-calcium phosphate (normal calcium phos- phate), Ca3(PO4)2 occurs in bones and mineral deposits, but is so insoluble that even though finely ground it does not furnish plants at all freely with the phosphate necessary for their growth. Accordingly the more soluble di-calcium phosphate is produced by the action of concen- trated sulfuric acid, as represented by the equation Ca3(PO4)2 + H2SO4 = 2CaHPO4 4- CaSO4. Where the ions of several weak acids are competing for an insufficient amount of hydrogen ion, it is evident that the weakest acid will be formed first, the next weakest second, etc. In a mixture of C2H3O,~ and CO3"", the values on page 77, Chap. X, or page 93, Chap. XII, make it evident that if H+ is added to the solution gradually, the first reaction to take place will be H+ + CO3" = HCO3- followed by H+ + HCO3" = H2CO3, followed by H+ + C2H3Oo" = HC2H.,O.,. 100 Complex Ions. As a rule the positive ions in solution are very simple, consisting nearly always only of a metallic atom, with its ionic charge or charges. There are, however, some cases where these simple ions can unite with other ions or neutral molecules and still remain in solution as a more complex ion. They may best be considered in groups, accord- ing to the substances which are prone to form them. a. Ammonia complexes. A solution of ammonia in water yields all of the substances denoted in the equation NH3 + H2O = NH4OH = NH4+ +OH-. Ordinarily, when this solution is added to one containing an ion of a heavy metal there is enough OH" present to precipitate the metallic hydroxide. If, however, more of the ammonia solution is added, the concentration of NH3 will increase faster than that of OH", and there results, in the case of certain metallic ions, notably Cu++, Ni++, Cd++, Zn++, Ag+, Cu+, a solution which contains a complex positive ion containing both metal and ammonia. With the divalent cations the complex ions seem all to contain 4NH3, while those of the mono-valent, ions contain 2NH3, so that the formulas are as follows: Cu(NH3)4++, Ni(NH3)4++, CdNH3)4++, Ag(NH3)2+, Cu(NH3)2++. Since the NH3 is a neutral molecule its presence does not alter the original ionic charge. In the cases of copper and nickel these ammonia complexes are a deep blue in color, furnishing rather delicate tests for the presence of these metals. On account of this behavior the effect of an excess of ammonia is always to use up most of the free ions of these metals, with corresponding effects upon other equilibria, as will be explained later. b. Cyanide complexes. Cyanide ion has the power to form com- plexes with a large number of metallic ions. In this case the metals are contained in the cation, as illustrated by the equation for the formation of the silver cvanide complex ion: Ag+ + 2CN" = Ag(CN)2". (When Ag+ is present in any considerable amount AgCN is first precipi- tated, dissolving in excess of CN".) Among these complexes may be mentioned the following: Cu(CN)2", Zn(CN)4"", Au(CN)2", Au(CN)4", Pt(CN)4"", Pt(CN)6", Fe(CN)6"" Fe(CN)6-, Ni(CN)4-, Co(CN)e~", Co(CN)6-. c. Complex halides. Many metallic ions, especially those of the noble metals, have a tendency to form complex halides. This is particu- larly strong in the case of gold, platinum and the other "platinum metals," as shown in the following: AuC12", AuC14", PtCl6"~. d. Complex oxalates. Certain metallic ions form complex oxalates with oxalate ion, C2O4"~, as exemplified by Fe(C2O4)3 . Competition Between the Foregoing Factors. We have seen in a few instances how reactions are determined by competition between the various ions of weak acids, or the relative solubilities of various salts of the same ion. We are now prepared to discuss competition between the different factors, volatility, solubility, ionization of water, weak acids, bases and salts, complex ions, and to consider general examples of controlling reactions. a. Hydrolysis. When the salt of a weak acid is dissolved in water we have present in the solution an ion that has a great tendency to com- bine with hydrogen ion. Now water, though it is such a weak electrolyte, does yield some hydrogen ion. Consequently, there is a slight formation 101 of the weak acid with a resulting decrease in the concentration of the hydrogen ion and a corresponding increase in the concentration of the hydroxide ion. To say this concretely, let us consider a solution of sodium acetate, which gives a large concentration of Na+ and C2H3O2~. Now, since the water yields a trace of H+ and OH", and since HC2H3O2 is a weak acid, there will be some union of H+ and C2H3O2" to form the acid, liberating an excess of OH", so that the solution will be slightly alkaline. This may be expressed by an equation as follows: C2H3O2- + H2O = HC2H3O2 + OH- It will be observed that this reaction is the reverse of the neutralization of acetic acid with a strong base, and since the latter reaction is nearly complete, of course the former can take place but slightly under similar conditions. In writing the equation we show the net effect of what has happened, as expressed previously in words. We must guard against the error of thinking that the formulas on the right hand side of the equation tell what is in the solution after equilibrium is reached. The solution still contains mostly C2H3O2" and H2O, which fact is expressed by saying that the above substances react only slightly before equilibrium is reached, not by writing their formulas on both sides of the equation. Moreover, we should not write water as ionized in a single equation like this, for the bulk of it is un-ionized. As a matter of fact, there are two simultaneous reactions occuring, as follows: C2H3O2" + H+= HC2H3O2, and H,O = H+ + OH". The sum of these two give the former. Obviously there is a competition between C2H3O2" and OH" for the H+, as might be represented in this way: HC2H3O2 = C2H3O2- + H+ + OH" H2O. That the OH" should get or keep most of the H+ is to be expected from the fact that water is vastly less ionized than is acetic acid. It is this disparity between the ionization of the two substances that enables C2H3O2~ to set free but a slight amount of OH~ from water, on the one hand, and which causes neutralization of HC2H3O2 by OH" to be nearly complete, on the other hand. If, instead of an acetate, we dissolve in the water the salt of some weaker acid, like sodium phenolate, NaOC0Hr„ (the "phenol sodique" of the drug store) we have in phenolate ion, OCGH5", one which will unite with the hydrogen ion of water more completely than will acetate ion, forming HOCGH5, the acid known as phenol, or carbolic acid, and setting free from the water more OH" than in the case of sodium acetate. The competition for H+ is here between OH" and OC6H5", and though the latter gets but little of it, since carbolic acid is much more ionized than water, it nevertheless gets more than does acetate ion. We may express this competition in the same manner as before, HOC6H5 = OC6H5- + H+ + • OH" h2o. The net result we may write, as before, 102 OC6H5- + H2O = HOC6H5 + OH-. The discussion shows why "phenol sodique" can be used as a mild anti- septic. Its solution always contains free carbolic acid, which is an antiseptic, and though its concentration is small, if it is used up more can be formed from the above equilibrium to replace it. A process such as this is called "hydrolysis," the idea underlying the name being that a salt is split up by water into free acid and base. We see that salts of weak acids always hydrolize in aqueous solution on account of the possibility of forming the free weak acid. Of course, the ions giving weak bases also take part in hydrolysis. All ammonium salts are hydrolyzed, on account of the formation of the weak base, ammonium hydroxide, as illustrated by the equation: NH4+ + H2O = NH4OH + H+ where the solution becomes slightly acid. If the salt is one of both , a weak acid and a weak base, like ammonium acetate, NH4C2H3O2, both of its ions take part in hydrolysis, as shown by the equation: NH4+ + C2H3O2- + h2o = NH4OH +HC2H3O2. In a case like this the acidity or alkalinity of the resulting solution depends upon whether the acid or the base is weaker. In this case they are of almost identical strength, as may be seen from the values on page 16, Chap. X, so that the solution is almost neutral, though it does contain more NH4OH than a solution of NH4C1, and more free HC2H3O2 than one of NaC2H3O2, since both of the ions present aid in splitting up the water. Hydrolysis plays an important part in many reactions, a few examples of which will be given. It is desirable that solutions to be used for household cleaning should have a slight alkaline reaction, since this aids in emulsifying grease and removing dirt, and also tends to soften hard water, as explained later. It is not desirable, however, to use a strong base like sodium hydroxide, because this gives too great a concentration of OH-, which has injurious effects on the hands and on some fabrics, unless used in very dilute solution, where the slight amount of OH- would soon be used up. What is wanted is a solution containing but little free OH-, but which is able to yield more should this be used up. Such is the case with ammonia, so that it finds large use in the home. We see also that salts of weak acids fulfill these conditions, and several of them find extensive application as cleansing agents. Sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, is the salt of a very weak acid, and its solutions give a very marked alkaline reaction, as follows: CO3" + H2O = HCO3- + OH-. On this account it is extensively known and used as "washing soda." There are two sodium carbonates, this one and NaHCO3, sodium acid carbonate. The solution of the latter also undergoes hydrolysis, HCO3- 4- H2O = H2CO3 + OH-. However, since H2CO3 is considerably more dissociated than HCO3-, according to the figures given on page 77, Chap. X, the former will be formed from HCO3- and H+ less completely than the latter will be from CO3-- and H+. Hence the solution of Na2CO3 is much more alkaline than one of NaHCO3, and is used as "washing soda," while the latter is used only where a much less alkaline reaction is desired, as for internal use. The NaHCO3, on the other hand, is "baking soda," because it can yield much more CO2 for the same weight both of itself and acid. Borax, sodium borate, is the salt of the very weak boric acid, and 103 has the same effect in cleansing as sodium carbonate. Sodium silicate, the salt of weak silicic acid, behaves in the same way, and is a constituent of laundry soaps. Aluminum hydroxide, A1(OH)3, is not only insoluble, but is a weak base as well, so that aluminum ion, Al+++, in water forms some of the hydroxide, liberating the hydrogen ion and causing the solution to become distinctly acid. On this account aluminum salts can be used to liberate carbon dioxide from carbonates, as is done in the alum baking powders. A similar reaction is used by oil companies in a scheme for extinguishing gasoline or petroleum fires on oil tanks. The sodium carbonate solution and one of aluminum sulfate, containing glue to produce a froth, which retains the CO2 gas, are projected from adjacent pipes over the burning tank, when the froth produced spreads over the fire and quenches it. On account of hydrolysis of aluminum ion with ions of very weak acids aluminum salts of these cannot exist in the presence of water. When CO3", is added to Al+++, A1(OH)3 is precipitated instead of a car- bonate, and aluminum sulfide, prepared directly from the elements, decom- poses completely when put into water, as follows: A12S3 + 6H2O = 2A1(OH)3 4-6H2S. There are a number of other compounds that undergo complete hydrolysis, such as the chlorides of the non-metals. When PC13, phos- phorus tri-chloride, is put into water the following reaction takes place: PC13 + 3H2O = P(OH)3 4- 3H+ 4- 3C1". The hydroxide of phosphorus is so completely an acid rather than a base that the above reaction is complete. Bismuth chloride undergoes hydrolysis readily. In a case like this the hydrolysis doubtless takes place in steps, and we have successively, Bi+++, Bi(OH)++, Bi(OH)2+, or its anhydride, BiO+, and finally Bi(OH)3, or its anhydride. When bismuth chloride solution is used the chloride ion is capable of forming an insoluble precipitate with the bismuthyl ion, BiO+, so that the hydrolysis takes place as follows: BP++ 4- Cl- 4- H2O = BiOCl 4- 2H+. The addition of sufficient H+ of course reverses the reaction and dissolves the precipitate. Similar reactions are obtained with bismuth nitrate and with antimonous and antimonic chlorides. In titrating a weak acid with a strong base, or vice versa, it is necessary to determine, not when the solution is neutral, but when it contains equivalent amounts of acid and base, a minute proportion of which will be free, giving an alkaline or acid reaction, as the case may be. If sodium, acetate, for example, is dissolved in water, the solution is slightly alkaline, although equivalent amounts of acid and base are present. To reproduce this condition, when acetic acid is titrated with sodium hydroxide, one should use an indicator like phenolphthalein, which, as shown on page 8, changes color in a solution which is faintly alkaline, so that a slight excess of either acid or base would affect the indicator. Similarly, in titrating ammonia with hydrochloric acid, we wish to end with the solution not really neutral but slightly acid, since a solution of ammonium chloride reacts slightly acid. Hence an indicator like methyl orange, according to the table on page 99, would be suitable for this purpose. In general, the proper indicator to use in a titration may be found by taking the normal salt which will result from the titration, dissolving it in water, and determining what indicator will change color when a drop of solution of the free acid or base is added in excess. 104 b. The Solution of Hydroxides. We have seen that when a more or less insoluble metallic hydroxide is in contact with water it gives to the water a certain amount of its ions, equilibrium being reached the sooner the less soluble the hydroxide. As an example we may consider magne- siub hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, which gives a small concentration of ion as follows: Mg (OH) 2 = Mg++ + 2OH-. We have seen also that hydrogen ion has a very great tendency to unite with hydroxide ion. If, therefore, H+ is added to the precipitate of magnesium hydroxide suspended in water, there will be a competition between the H+ and the Mg++ for the OH", which may be represented, as before, by the double equation: Mg(OH)2 = Mg++ + 2OH- + 2H+ 2H2O. Now, since water is so extremely undissociated we might expect that the H+ added would be successful in stealing the OH- away from the magnesium ion, liberating the latter, which would thus go into solution so that the effect of the acid would be to dissolve the precipitate. The total reaction is therefore Mg (OH) 2 + 2H+ = Mg++ + 2H2O. As a matter of fact, water is formed so completely from its ions that it takes but a moderate concentration of acid to dissolve practically all hydroxides. Our principles of equilibrium would lead us to expect that any substance that would unite with OH- would have the effect of dissolving insoluble bases. Besides H+, we have found that NH4+ is a substance which has a tendency to unite with OH- to form the weak base NH4OH. We know, however, that these two ions do not unite nearly so completely as do H+ and OH-, so that we should not expect NH4+ to be nearly as effective as H+ in dissolving bases. It is true that the solubility of any base will be increased by the presence of NH4+, but if the base is very insoluble to begin with, the increase may not be sufficient to bring the amount in solution up to a value such that we would call it soluble, suppose, for example, that the solubilities of two bases in water are 0.001 and 0.000,001 molal respectively, and that the addition of a certain amount of NH4+ is enough to increase each 1000 times. The effect would be to make the solubilities of the two bases now 1 molal and 0.001 molal, respectively. We would then call the first soluble in NH4+, but the second, insoluble. Among the insoluble bases which may be thus dis- solved in NH4+ and Mg(OH)2, Ca(OH)2, Zn(OH)2, Fe(OH)2, Mn(OH)2, Ni(OH)2, Co(OH)2. c. The Solution of Oxides. Oxides of metals are much like the corresponding hydroxides, and may either be converted into hydroxides, in some cases, or produced from them by heating. The solubility of hydroxides in H+ leads us to expect that oxides will likewise dissolve in acids. We may think here of the formation of water from the H+ of the acid and the oxygen of the oxide. Most oxides, indeed, are easily dissolved in acids, though more difficultly than are the corresponding hydroxides. This difficulty may be largely a matter of the speed of the reaction. In a few instances, notably Fe2O3, Cr2O3, and A12O3, if they 105 have been heated to a very high temperature they become practically insoluble in acids. d. Amphoteric hydroxides. There are several metallic hydroxides that are capable of acting either as weak bases or weak acids. Any substances that behave in this way are called amphoteric. Such a sub- stance may give to water not only the metallic kation and the OH- of a base, but also H+ and a corresponding anion. Taking A1(OH)3 as an example, we may express this double power of dissociating as follows: A1++++3OH-=A1(OH)3 (or H3A1O3 = H++ H2A1O3- or H2O 4-AlO2"). As is the case with most weak polybasic acids, the various hydrogen ions dissociate in steps, and since H3A1O3 is an exceedingly weak acid, even the first H+ is ionized with difficulty, and the second and third are practically un-ionized unless a large excess of OH" is added. From the double equilibrium that we have represented it will be seen that the precipitate can be dissolved not only by the addition of H+, which would act as follows: A1(OH)3 + 3H+ = Al+++ + 3H2O, but also by the addition of OH", which would act in the following way, H3A1O3 + OH- = H2O 4- H2A1O3". It is possible, therefore, to have aluminum present either in an alkaline or in an acid solution, while in a solution approximately neutral it cannot exist, but will be precipitated as A1(OH)3. Other hydroxides behaving in this way are those of zinc, chromium, lead and tin (both stannous and stannic). This amphoteric character may be made use of in separating from each other metallic ions existing in the same solution. Thus Fe++* is commonly separated from Al+++and Cr+++ by adding concentrated OH" in excess, which leaves the first precipitated as Fe(OH)3 but dissolves the others as aluminate and chromite ions respectively. e. The Solution of Sulfides in Hydrogen Ion. The similarity between oxides and sulfides has been previously pointed out, page 6, Chap. V, also the fact that hydrogen sulfide is a very weak electrolyte, like water. It is but a slight transition, therefore, from the consideration of oxides to that of sulfides. The chief difference to be noted is that, whereas reactions like the following are very numerous, Zn++ + 2OH" = Zn(OH)2, the corresponding reaction, when sulfur is substituted for oxygen ,is the formation of a sulfide, rather than a hydrosulfide, as shown by the reaction Zn+++ 2SH"= ZnS 4-H2S. This is analogous to what takes place with OH" in the case of Ag+, and, when the solution is boiled, with Cu++, as shown by 2Ag+ 4- 2OH" = Ag2O 4- H2O, and Cu++4-2OH" = CuO 4-H,O. The solution of a sulfide in an acid depends upon the removal of the sulfide ion, given to the water by the precipitate, by the hydrogen ion of the acid to form hydrogen sulfide, H2S, and its precipitation depends upon the presence of sufficient sulfide ion. .This competition between the metallic ion and the hydrogen ion for the sulfide ion may be represented by the scheme used before, ZnS = Zn++ 4- S"~ 4" 2H+ H2S. 106 Some sulfides are so insoluble that the- metallic ion finds enough sulfide ion even when the solution contains a moderately concentrated acid. These sulfides, conversely, will not be dissolved by hydrogen ion in moderate concentrations. The sulfides which behave in this way include Ag2S, HgS, PbS, Bi2S3, CuS, As2S3, As,S5. Next, we have several that will dissolve if the H+ is concentrated but not if dilute, including CdS, Sb2S3, Sb2S5, SnS, SnS2. Then follow ZnS, MnS, FeS, NiS, CoS, which are so soluble that dilute H+ is sufficient to prevent their precipitation. The cases of NiS and CoS are peculiar in that they are not precipitated in acid solution, but nevertheless will not dissolve at all rapidly in dilute acid if first precipitated from an alkaline solution. This seems to be due to the existence of two modifications of the solids, so that when the more soluble modification is once precipitated it changes over into the insoluble modification, in the class with CuS, etc. In order to pre- cipitate this group of sulfides it is necessary to have a neutral or slightly alkaline solution so that sufficient sulfide ion can be present. The usual reagent is a solution of ammonium sulfide, made by passing H,S into NH4OH solution. If acetic acid is used, it is possible to reduce the con- centration of H+ sufficiently, by adding acetate ion, to allow the precipita- tion of ZnS. In dissolving a sulfide in H+, as represented by the equation, Sb2S3 + 6H+ = 2Sb+++ + 3H2S, we have been considering the effect of the concentration of H+, and seen that the less soluble the sulfide the more concentrated must be the H+ in order to dissolve it. Another factor may be introduced by virtue of the volatility of H2S. If the solution is boiled the H2S is more readily removed, so that more can form, resulting in an easier and more rapid solution of the sulfide. To dissolve the less soluble ones the use of con- concentrated H+, together with boiling the solution, is insufficient, and we shall see in Chapter XV that it is necessary to destroy the H2S by an oxidizing agent. The order of solubility of the above sulfides in water is roughly as follows, beginning with the most soluble: MnS, FeS, ZnS, NiS, CoS, SnS2, SnS, Sb2S3, CdS, PbS, Bi2S3, CuS, As2S5, Ag2S, HgS. f. Amphoteric sulfides. We have seen above how several hydroxides can dissociate in two ways, so as to be able to dissolve either in H+ or in OH-. There are, likewise, three sulfides which can dissolve in both OH- and SH-, namely, As2S3, As2S5, Sb2S3, Sb2S5, SnS2. These same elements, it will be recalled ,give oxides and hydroxides which dissolve in alkalies. The analogy between the oxides and sulfides may be brought out in the following parallel reactions: H3AsO4 4- 3OH-= AsO4-+ 3H2O; As2O5+ 6OH-= 2AsO4--f- 3H2O; As2S5+ 6SH-= 2AsS4-+ 3H2S; As2O5+ 2OH-= 2AsO3~ + H2O; As2S5+2SH-=2AsS3- +H2S. Since there is undoubtedly more S in an alkaline sulfide solution than there is O-- in the presence of OH-, we sometimes prefer to express the reaction for the solution of these sulfides by equations such as the following, which are a little simpler than the above, though they do not bring out the analogy with the corresponding oxygen compounds quite as well: As2S54-3S" = 2AsS4- or As2S5 4-S" = 2AsS3- As2S3 4- 3S~ = 2AsS3- or As2S3 4- S-- = 2AsS2- SnS2 4- S--=SnS3". 107 The compounds in which the metals have the lower valence are always less acidic, both in the case of the oxides and the sulfides, and Sb2S3 dissolves with some difficulty in ammonium sulfide ,and SnS .is practically insoluble in the same. In dissolving both of these sulfides yellow ammonium sulfide is used, which contains polysulfide ions, like S2~. This is capable of dissolving the lower sulfide of all three metals, changing it to the sulfo-ion of the higher valence, thus, Sb2S3 + 2S2- + S" = 2SbS4-, or Sb2S3 +S3" = 2SbS3- SnS + S2--= SnS3". When acid is added to the solutions of the above sulfo-ions the weak acid, H,S, is produced, reprecipitating the sulfides, just as the addition of acid to stannate ion reprecipitates the stannic hydroxide. This reprecipi- tation consists simply in the reversal of the reactions whereby these sulfo-ions are produced. The different behaviors of sulfides towards the H+ and SH" or S" is made the basis of important separations in both qualitative and quan- titative analysis. If a solution contained the following ions, Pb++, Bi+++, Cu++, As+++, Sb+++, Sn++, Zn++, Mn++, Mg++, they could be divided into groups by controlling the concentrations of the substances in the equilibrium. H2S = H+ + SH- = 2H+ 4- S-. This separation can best be outlined by the aid of a diagram. Have dilute H+ (HC1) present, and pass in H2S. Precipitate insoluble PbS, Bi2S3, CuS, As2S3, Sb2S3, SnS. Treat with S2" (yellow ammonium sulfide) In solution, Zn++, Mn++, Mg++ Make alkaline, add S-_(SH_) (ammonium sulfide) Left insoluble, PbS, Bi2S3, CuS. In Solution, AsS3", SbS3", SnS3"" Reprecipitate the sulfides and heat with 12NHC1 Precipitate ZnS, MnS. In solution Mg++. Left insoluble, As2SB In solution, Sn++++, Sb+++, dilute to 2 N H+, pass in H2S cold, ppt. Sb2S3. g. Salts of other weak acids. Salts of all weak acids are made more soluble by the addition of H+. This increase in solubility, in the case of carbonates, is enough to bring all insoluble carbonates into solution in dilute H+. A very interesting case of the solution of a carbonate was alluded to on page 87, Chap. XII. It is the reaction whereby hard water is produced from limestone rock. If very dilute H+, as is present in very dilute HO, is allowed to act upon CaCO, the CO3~- which the latter gives to the solution in very slight amount is con- verted into HCO3_ only, and not into H2CO3, as would be the case if more concentrated acid were used. The equation for this reaction is as follows: CaCO3 + H+ + Cl- = Ca++ + HCO3" + Cl". If H2CO3 is used instead of HC1, it also can furnish sufficient H+ to bring about essentially the same reaction, CaCO3 + H2CO3 = Ca++ + 2HCO3-. Since most surface water contains some dissolved carbon dioxide, the above reaction takes place whenever such water flows over limestone. 108 A quite analogous one occurs with MgCO3. The reaction can be reversed by removing the H2CO3, either by boiling the solution, as occurs in a tea-kettle, whence the name "temporary hardness" or else by neutralizing it with some alkali, or some substance giving OH" by hydrolysis, like sodium carbonate or borax. When this is done on a large scale, the water is analyzed and just the right amount of Ca(OH)2 is added. Although more Ca++ is added in this way, there is produced enough CO3~~ to precipitate all of it, the total reaction being represented by the equation 2Ca++ + 2HCO3- + 2OH- =.2CaCO3 + 2H2O. When the hardness in water is produced by dissolving a salt like CaSO4, then it is necessary to add CO3"" (as Na2CO3) to precipitate the Ca++. When the solubility of the hydroxide of a metal is about as small as the solubility of its carbonate, the latter will hydrolize partly to give a basic carbonate. This is the case with the carbonates of copper, lead and mercury, as illustrated by Pb(OH)2 • 2PbCO3, the "white lead" of the painter. There are no phosphates so insoluble in water but that they are dissolved by moderately concentrated H+. Although PO4 is the ion of the very weak acid, HPO4__, nevertheless dilute H+ is not sufficient to dissolve all of the normal phosphates, both because some are so insoluble to begin with that the increase is not sufficient to make them soluble in the usual sense, and also because some mono-hydrogen phos- phates, like CaHPO4 are rather insoluble, and even though Ca3(PO4)2 be converted into the former, solution does not result. As a rule the acid salts are more soluble than the normal salts, as exemplified by the series of calcium phosphates. Ca(H2PO4)2 is soluble, CaHPO4 is insoluble, and Ca3(PO4)2 is very insoluble in water. The chief exception to this rule is furnished by the sodium carbonates, where the acid salt is the least soluble. The industrial preparation of sodium carbonate by the Solvay process furnishes an interesting application of the principles here discussed. The normal salt, Na2CO3, is very soluble, but the acid salt, NaHCO3, is not very soluble in the cold. The latter can therefore be precipitated by bringing together the ions Na+ and HCO3" in sufficient concentration. To do this NH3 gas and CO2 gas are led into a cold concentrated solution of NaCl. The acid and base produced by the solution of the gases in water react to give NH4+ and HCO3_, provided they are used in the right pro- portion, and when the concentration of HCO3_ reaches a sufficient value it begins to precipitate the Na+ as NaHCO3.* h. Solution by forming weak salts. In the previous cases we have treated compounds which could be brought into solution by adding some substance, especially H+, which would use up the anion of the precipitate. It is equally possible to dissolve a compound by adding some reagent that will use up the free kation. Thus lead sulfate, PbSO4, may be dis- solved by the addition of an acetate, because lead acetate is a soluble weak salt, and the acetate ion, if in sufficient concentration ,can compete * This solid is separated from the solution and heated to produce Na2CO3 (cf. p. 113). The CO2 given off during the heating is returned to the process. A fresh supply is obtained by heating CaCO3, the CaO resulting being slaked to give Ca(OH)2, which is used to recover the NH3 from the NH4+. 109 successfully with the sulfate ion for the lead ion, as shown by the equation PbSO4( solid)+ 2C2H3O2- = Pb(C2H3O2)2 + SO4'- Similar effects are shown, at least to some extent, wherever weak salts, such as are mentioned on page 78, can be formed. We find, for example, that Cdl2 is a moderately weak salt, consequently the following reaction can be made to proceed to some extent by using a sufficient con- centration of 1": CdS + 2I-=CdI24-S". i. Solution by forming complex ions. Wherever the kation is capable of forming a complex ion, a precipitate can be rendered more soluble than in water. Thus, a salt like ZnCO3 can be dissolved, not only by using up the anion, as in adding H+, but also by using up the kation, as when Zn(NH3)4++ is formed by the addition of ammonia solution. The com- petition between the CO3-- and the NH3 may be represented as before: ZnCO3 = Zn++ -|- CO3-- + 4NH3 Zn(NH3)4- If the concentration of the ammonia is sufficient the complex ion is formed at the expense of the insoluble carbonate, resulting in the net reaction ZnCO3 + 4NH3 = Zn(NH3)4++ + CO3". In the case of ZnS, which is much less soluble, the formation of the complex ion cannot take place to an appreciable extent, so that ZnS is not dissolved by ammonia. The copper ammonia complex ion seems to be formed more completely than the corresponding zinc ion, so that traces of Cu(NH3)4++ can be formed from CuS if concentrated ammonia is used, in spite of the smaller solubility of CuS. j. Solution by forming ions of amphoteric hydroxides. The effect of a considerable concentration of OH' may be to dissolve the relatively insoluble salts of certain metals, in a fashion similar to that whereby complex ions are formed. In fact, these ions may be considered as complex ions. Most of the lead salts, for example, are dissolved by OH-, as ex- emplified by the reaction PbSO4 + 2OH- = H2O + HPbO2- + SO4". Even ZnS is not so insoluble but that it can be dissolved by concentrated OH-. k. Systematizing the reactions of a given ion. It is not necessary to perform and remember all of the reactions of a certain ion with a set of reagents in order to tell what they will be. It suffices to make an intelligent selection of a few of the possible reactions and arrange the resulting information systematically. As an example of what is meant let us consider a number of the reactions of silver ion, Ag+, with the following: CO3", OH-, CN-, Cl-, Br-, I-, S--, NH3, S2O3--. Let us assume that we have performed experiments which show that the reac- tions take place which are represented by the following equations as read from left to right: AgCl + Br- = AgBr + Cl" AgCl + 2NH3 = Ag (NH3) / + Cl- ' Ag(NH3)2+ + I- =AgI4-2NH3 AgoO + H2O + 2C1- = 2AgCl + 2OH- Agl + 2CN- =Ag(CN)2- + I- 110 Ag,O 4- H2O 4- CO3-- = Ag2CO3 4- 2OH- (easily reversed) AgBr 4- 2S2O3- = Ag(S2O3)2 4~ Br Ag (S2O3) 2- 4-1' = Agl 4- 2S2O3- AgCl 4- CN- = AgCN 4- Cl- AgBr 4- 2NH3 = Ag(NH3)2+4-Br- (easily reversed) 2Ag(CN)2"4- S~ =AgoS4-HCN- Ag2CO3 4- 2C1" = 2AgCl 4- CO3-- AgCN'4- 2NH3 = Ag(NH3)2+ 4- CN- From these observations it is possible to arrange the following list of substances in the order showing the completeness with which they unite with Ag+ to form a precipitate or a complex ion as the case may be, it being understood that the reagents forming complexes are taken in moderate excess: Substance. OH- co3-- ci- CN- nh3 Br- S2O3 I- CN- s- To form Ag2O Ag2CO3 AgCl AgCN Ag(NH3)2+ AgBr Ag(S2O3)2™ Agl Ag(CN)2- Ag2S In order to make this list it is necessary to make eight or more observations, and from it it is possible to predict the direction of forty-five reactions. The list was made in such a way that each substance in the first line will steal Ag+ away from its combinations with any substance to the left, because less Ag+ can exist in the same solution with the former at a given concentration than with the latter at the same concentration. Thus AgBr gives to the solution more Ag+ than can exist together with I-, hence the following reaction will readily take place: AgBr -f- 1" = Agl Br-. For the same reason, Agl will dissolve in CN-, and also any precipitate in the above list can be transposed into Agl by I- except Ag2S. Where two substances have about the same power to combine with Ag+, as is the case with NH3 and Br-, it is possible to reverse the reaction by altering the concentrations. Thus the reaction AgBr 4- 2NH3 = Ag(NH3)2+ 4- Br-, can be made to take place as read from left to right or from right to left, if the concentration of NH3 or that of Br-, respectively, is taken in sufficient excess. By adding to the information given by the above list a few facts about the other reactions of the substances, we are able to predict a very large number of reactions. For example, HCN is a very weak acid, hence AgCN can be dissolved by H+. For the same reason, H+ will liberate Ag+ from a solution of Ag(CN)2-, and if Cl- is present along with the H+, then AgCl will be precipitated as follows: Ag(CN)2- + 2H+ 4- Cl-= AgCl 4- 2HCN. In similar fashion, AgCl will be dissolved by NH3, according to the reaction represented earlier, but will be reprecipitated on the addition of H+, which takes up the NH3 to form NH4+, allowing the Ag+ to recombine with the Cl- left from the previous reaction, as shown by the equation: 111 Ag(NH3)2+ + 2H+ 4- Cl- = AgCl + 2NH3. Again, since Ag2SO4 is moderately soluble (see page 7) we see that it can be readily transposed to AgCl by dissolving it in water and adding Cl", as AgCl is insoluble. In order to reverse this transposition we see that some other principle besides solubility must be invoked. If water is absent, then we can take advantage of the greater volatility of HC1 as compared with HQSO4, so that the reaction, ' 2AgCl + H2SO4 = Ag,SO4 + 2HC1, can be brought about by heating AgCl with concentrated H2SO4. Miscellaneous Transformations. The general application of the above principles and information can be illustrated by further miscellaneous examples. To change CaSO4 to CaCO3 we can take advantage of the greater solubility of the former (see page 99) and treat it with a solution of a soluble carbonate, like Na2CO3, which gives CO3--, when the insoluble CaCO3 would be precipitated. The manner of expressing this in an equation would depend upon whether the amount of water present is such that the CaSO4 is mainly present as solid or as dissolved ions. These cases would be represented respectively as follows: CaSO4 + CO3" = CaCO3 + SO4" Ca++ 4- SO4- + CO3" = CaCO3 + SO4" . To bring about the reverse transformation we would have to make up for the greater solubility of CaSO4, which shifts the equilibrium towards CaCO3, by adding H+, which would use up CO3-- and reverse the reaction. To change ZnSO4 to ZnCl2 it is necessary to replace SO4__ by Cl-. This might be done by adding BaCl2 to a solution of the ZnSO4, giving the reaction, Zn++ 4- SO4" 4- Ba++ 4- 2CB = BaSO4 4- Zn++ 4- 2C1". If exactly the right amount of BaCl2 were used, all of the Ba++ and SO4~~ present would precipitate each other, leaving in solution Zn++ and Cl-, and if the precipitate were filtered out and the solution evaporated these ions would combine to give solid ZnCl2, as desired. However, it is difficult to add just the equivalent amount of BaCl,, and it is accordingly better to use a different method, with reagents an excess of which can be easily removed. Since Zn(OH)2 is insoluble, it can be precipitated by adding OH- (e. g., NaOH solution) to the solution of ZnSO4. If the precipitate is now filtered out, the SO4" is disposed of. The precipitate of Zn(OH)2 can now be dissolved by HC1 solution, since the H+ of the acid unites so strongly with the OH" of the base, giving a solution containing Zn++, with H+ and Cl- in excess. If, now, this solution is evaporated, the excess of H+ and Cl~ go off along with the water, as HC1 gas, leaving finally solid ZnCI2. By precipitating the carbonate, ZnCO3, instead of the hydroxide, the same transformation can be made ,since ZnCO3 is equally soluble in the stronger acids. In fact, a soluble salt of any metal which has an insoluble hydroxide or carbonate can be transposed to another soluble salt of the same metal by precipitation of one of these and dissolving it in the acid corresponding to the desired salt. Aluminum chloride, A1C13, can be changed to aluminum oxide, A12O3, by first precipitating A1(OH)3, using a soluble hydroxide, e. g., NaOH, NH4OH, and then heating, which aids the decomposition of the hydroxide into the oxide and the volatile substance steam. The two processes are represented by the equations 112 Al++++ 3OH_ = A1(OH)3, and 2A1(OH)3 = A12O3 + 3H2O. To change sodium acid carbonate, NaHCO3, into sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, two methods are available. The salt can be dissolved in water and treated with 1 equivalent of NaOH, when the HCO3~ will be neutralized by the added OH", as shown by the equation, Na+ + HCO3- + Na+ + OH- = 2Na+ + CO3" " + H2O. The resulting solution yields solid Na2CO3 on evaporation. Again, the acid carbonate is capable of another kind of decomposition, represented by the equation 2NaHCO3 = Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2. Since two of the substances produced by this reaction are volatile, the reaction can be made to proceed so as to produce them by heating the mixture in an open vessel so that they can escape. To change Na2CO3 to NaOH, it is necessary to remove the CO3"- and supply OH". Since both sodium compounds are soluble, the insolu- bility of some other substances must be invoked. We need a hydroxide of some metal which is more soluble than the corresponding carbonate. The best one for this purpose is Ca(OH)2, which is itself scarcely soluble, especially in a solution of NaOH. The insolubility of CaCO3 causes the following reaction to take place, while any evcess of Ca(OH),, together with the CaCO3 produced, can be filtered off: Ca(OH)2 + 2Na+ + CO3"= CaCO3 + 2Na+ + 2OH~. Iron rust can be dissolved by moderately dilute hydrochloric acid, as shown by the equation: Fe2O3 + 6H+ = 2Fe+++ + 3H2O. In dissolving a rust or ink stain off a delicate fabric it is not desirable, however, to use such concentrated acid. More dilute H+ can be used if the reaction is aided by the removal of one of the products. This is accomplished by using oxalic acid, .which both furnishes dilute H+, since it is a rather weak acid, and also oxalic ion, C2O4"_, which unites with the free ferric ion to form a complex ion (see page 101), the reaction being Fe2O3 + 6H2C2O41 = Fe(C2O4)3- + 3H2O + 6H+. Exercises. 1. Under what conditions would you expect the following reactions to take place: CaCO3 = CaO + CO2. Fe2(SO4)3 + 6NaCl = 3Na2SO4 + 2FeCl3. 2. If a solution contains the following ions, how can they be separated: Hg+, Pb++, Cu++, Ca++ ? 3. How can the following ions be separated when in the same solution: SO4~_, Cl-, C2H3O2", CO3-~? 4. What is formed when ammonia is added, first in small amount, then in excess, to each of the following ions: cupric, zinc, aluminum and silver? 5. Name all the substances present in a dilute solution of sodium acetate, and tell whether each is present in relatively large or small amounts. 6. What class of salts gives an alkaline reaction when dissolved in water ,and what class gives an acid reaction? Give examples of each. 7. State which of the following ions would take part in hydrolysis, and write equations for two cases: Cl-, SO4", NH4+, Al+++, Ba++, CO3" ". 113 8. Which of the two salts, NaH2PO4, and Na2HPO4, would be more hydrolyzed when dissolved in water? 9. Which would be more hydrolyzed, a solution of sodium carbonate, or one of sodium acid carbonate of the same concentration? 10. What is the effect on a water glass (sodium silicate) solution of (a) exposure to the CO2 in the air; (b) the addition of a solution of ammonium chloride? 11. The following substances are relatively insoluble in water; which would dissolve in a solution of HC1? (Give equations and explain your answers.) Mg(OH)2; BaSO4; CaCO3. 12. How would you prepare a pure silver compound and a pure copper compound from a mixture of solid silver chloride and cupric hydroxide? Write equations. 13. In the following list of ions - H+, Ba++, Ag+, NH4+, SO4--, Ac-, Cl-, CO3--, CN-, OH- -state each pair that would tend to combine largely if brought together in dilute solution. In each case give reason for your answer and write equation. 14. What is an amphoteric substance? 15. Explain the solubility of lead sulfate in (a) OH-; (b) Ac-. 16. Can the following substances be present in moderate concen- tration in the same solution? If not, what is formed? H+ and NO3-; H+ and OH-; H+ and SO4--; H+ and CO3--; H+ and C2O4--; Ca++ and CO3--; Ca++ and H2CO3; OH- and H2CO3; H2CO3 and CO3--; H+ and H,CO3; HAc and CO3--; Al++ and OH-; Cu++ and NH4OH; Cu++ and NO3-; Ag+ and NH3; Hg++ and Cl-. 17. What is the effect of (1) NH4C1 solution, (2) HNO3 solution, (3) H2CO3 solution, upon a precipitate of Ca(OH)2? Explain in each case. 18. If, when 2 mols of NaCl and 1 mol of H2SO4 are brought together, the reaction ceases when the HC1 gas produced exerts a pressure of 10 atmospheres at 77° in a volume of 2 liters, (a) how many mols each of NaCl and H2SO4 have reacted; (b) what fractioon of each has reacted; (c) how might the quantities reacting be increased? 19. How do you account for the fact that antimony sulfide is soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid, while arsenic sulfide is not? 20. How could you separate arsenic from silver in a mixture of arsenous sulfide and silver sulfide? 21. Which of the precipitates, AgCl, Agl, Ag„O, Ag2S, are soluble in (a) HNO3; (b) NH3-aq; (c) CN-? 22. Cupric hydroxide is readily soluble in ammonia while cupric sulfide is only slightly soluble in the same reagtent. Discuss the reactions, and explain the difference in behavior. 23. Starting with metallic calcium, show by means of equations how you would transform it into calcium oxide, the oxide into chloride, chloride into carbonate, and carbonate again into oxide. State, with each reaction, the conditions for carrying it out. 24. Stating with cupric nitrate, how would you prepare in succession: cupric sulfate, cupric oxide, cupric chloride, cupric carbonate, cupric hydroxide ? 25. Tell how you would determine, in each of the following cases, whether the impurity named is present or absent. Name reagents used and describe the essential observation in your experiments: Sulfuric acid in vinegar. KC1 in common salt. 114 (NH4)2SO4 in concentrated H2SO4. Dissolved zinc in a solution of NaOH. BaSO4 in ZnO. 26. Tell how you would make each of the following transformations, getting the final product as a pure solid. State the reagents used and explain why you would expect your method to work: NaCl to NaoS04. CuSO4 to CuCl2 Ca++ + 2HCO3- to CaCO3. Na2CO3 to NaOH. Ag(NH3)2+ + NO3- to AgCl. NaOH to Na2CO3. Zn(NO3)2 to ZnO. BaCl2 to Ba(C2H3Oo),. NH4C1 to NaCl. 115 CHAPTER XIV. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. THE EFFECT OF PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE. When chemical equilibrium has been reached it is possible, as we have seen in the two previous chapters, to bring about a further reaction by altering the concentration of one or more of the reacting substances, which causes that reaction to proceed which will tend to restore the original concentration, or, as we may say, to neutralize the effect of the change. It is likewise possible to affect equilibrium by changing the total pressure to which the system is subject, and by changing its temperature. We will now inquire into the direction in which a reaction must proceed in order to restore equilibrium when subjected to changes in pressure or temperature. Effect of Changing Total Pressure upon a System in Equilibrium. If we have an equilibrium between a liquid and its vapor, as discussed in Chapter II, we have seen that an increase in the pressure tends to cause vapor to condense, since the number of gaseous molecules is thereby diminished, relieving the pressure. We have seen, also, that this is in harmony with the kinetic theory. Now, the same effect is always produced, no matter how complex the equilibrium. An increase in pressure always tends to produce the system having the smallest volume, a decrease in volume tending to relieve the increase in applied pressure. Whenever the total pressure is incrased it increases the concentration of all of the substances, but this increase in concentration is greatest for those substances having naturally the largest volume, hence their tendency to react is increased to a greater extent than is that of the substances having a smaller volume, so that the former react more rapidly than the latter, resulting in a shift of equilibrium whereby the set of substances having the largest volume tends to be used up. Suppose, for example, that we have a closed vessel containing SO3, SO2, and O2 in equilibrium, which has been reached by the substances reacting in one direction or the other as represented by the equation 2SO2 + O2 = 2SO3. We see from the equation that when SO3 is formed there is a change in the number of molecules in the proportion 3 to 2. If pressure is applied to the three gases in equilibrium it will compress them, resulting in a decrease in volume. A further decrease is possible, however, by the union of some of the SO2 with some of the O2, and the consequent diminution in the number of molecules, relieving somewhat the pressure applied. Starting, in two experiments, with identical amounts of SO2 and O2 at the same temperature, with a catalyst present, or else waiting for equilibrium to be established, more SO3 will be produced when equilibrium is finally attained if the pressure is high than if it is low. The same conclusion may be drawn with respect to the reaction N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3, which shows that ammonia is formed with a diminution in the number of molecules. A high pressure would favor that reaction which would yield the smallest volume, thus relieving, as far as possible, the high pressure applied. On the other hand, with the equilibria 116 N2 + O2 = 2NO, and H2-ff Cl2 = 2HC1, there being no change in the number of gaseous molecules during a reaction, pressure will be without effect on the amounts formed. In predicting the effect of pressure we must have regard to the physical states of the substances involved under the conditions of the ex- periment. It is possible, for instance, to make H2S directly from its elements, using either liquid sulfur or sulfur vapor. The respective reactions may be represented by the equations Ho + S(liquid)= HoS 2H2 + S2(vapor)= 2H2S. In the first reaction there is practically no change in volume, if the reaction is done at constant pressure, as the volume of the liquid sulfur is negligible, so that the relative amounts of H2 and H2S present at equilibrium will be practically independent of the pressure applied, or of the volume of the vessel in which the reaction takes place. In the second process, where the conditions are such that the sulfur is in the vapor state, the formation of H2S at constant pressure results in a decrease in volume, hence the higher the pressure the greater the amount of H2S formed. Not only is the effect on the direction indicated by the above discussion, but its magnitude also depends upon the magnitude of the volume change during the reaction. Thus a tenfold increase in total pressure will produce a much greater increase in the amount of NH3 produced from N2 and H2 than in the amount of SO3 produced from SO^ and O2, since the decreases in volume in the two reactions are respectively from 4 to 2 and from 3 to 2. For the same reason very great changes in pressure have to be applied in order to have much effect on equilibria between liquids and solids only, where only small changes in volume occur. Effect on Equilibrium of Changing the Temperature. In order to appreciate the effect of changing temperature upon a system in equilib- rium, we must realize that the immediate effect of any difference in temperature is to determine the flow of heat. If we have a tank of water at 20°C, and put into it a piece of iron at a temperature of 30°, heat will flow from the iron to the water in the tank, tending to equalize the temperature. If, on the other hand, the piece o.f iron is at a temper- ature of 10°, when it is put into the water heat will flow from the water into the iron. Suppose, now, that we have a closed vessel containing SO2, O2 and SO3, in equilibrium, in an oven at a temperature of 500°, and we remove it to another oven in which the temperature is 550°. Just as with the piece of iron in the former case, so here heat will flow into the vessel and its reacting mixture. The immediate effect of this heat will be to increase the temperature, the heat content, of the enclosed gases. There is, however, another way in which heat may be absorbed by the mixture, that is by the reaction preceding in the direction which absorbs heat.. The direction of the reaction for heat absorption is shown by the complete thermochemical equation 2SO2 ff- O2 = 2SO3 + 45000 cal. Since heat is evolved by the formation of SO3, it will be absorbed by the reverse reaction, in which SO3 is dissociated into SO2 and O2, hence the effect of bringing the reacting mixture to the higher temperature is to shift the equilibrium so as to form less SO3. If, on the contrary, the vessel with its equilibrium mixture is put into an over at 450°, the heat will flow out of it, which heat will be 117 furnished not only by the cooling of the contained gases, but also by their reacting to some extent to give off heat, accordingly more SO3 is present at equilibrium at the lower temperature. In the formation of NO from its elements heat is absorbed, as shown by the equation N2 + O2 = 2NO - 44000 cal. Consequently, if we have these gases in equilibrium, a rise in temperature will favor the absorption of heat in every possible way, which will not only cause the temperature of the gases to increase, but will also tend to form more NO. We see here that the higher the temperature the more NO will be obtained at equilibrium, while with SO3 the reverse is true, the higher the temperature the less SO3 is obtained at equilibrium. Considerations of this sort apply to every sort of equilibrium and enable us either to predict the effect of changing the temperature from the sign (and magnitude) of the heat of reaction, or, conversely, to predict the latter from the former. As an illustration of this reverse process, let us consider a saturated salt solution where we find that the higher the temperature the more soluble is the salt, and ask ourselves whether this salt evolves or absorbs heat when more dissolves under equilibrium conditions. We have found by experiment that raising the temperature causes more salt to dissolve. From our theory we conclude that raising the temperature also favors any process that can take place with absorption of heat. Putting these two statements together we conclude that this salt absorbs heat on dissolving, since its solubility increases with the temperature. By similar reasoning, any salt that became less soluble as the temperature increased must have positive heat of solution, that is, it must evolve heat on dissolving. Simultaneous Consideration of All Factors Governing Reactions. In Chapter XI we considered the velocity of chemical reactions, as it is affected by concentration, temperature and the presence of catalysts. We have now considered separately the effect of concentration, pressure and temperature upon chemical equilibrium and are now prepared to consider the simultaneous effect of these factors in controlling chemical reactions. We must again emphasize that the question of velocity is quite distinct from that of equilibrium. If we should put some calcium fluoride, CaF2, and some calcium sulfide, CaS, into separate beakers of water, we might conclude from a hasty examination that both are very insoluble. As a matter of fact, the small amount of the solid going into solution is due to very different reasons in the two cases. Calcium fluoride is truly insoluble, and no amount of time or stirring would cause more than a very small amout of it to dissolve. On the other hand, calcium sulfide appears to be insoluble because, in order to dissolve, it must hydrolyze, giving Ca(OH)2 and Ca(SH)2, a process which takes place very slowly. Again, calcium chromate, CaCrO4, is more soluble in cold water than in hot, if sufficient time is allowed for the solution to become saturated, but it will dissolve much faster in hot water than in cold, so that after a given time more might be found in a hot than in a cold solution, although eventually the latter would contain more. It is thus very important, in attempting to realize difficult reactions, to remember that speed and equlib- rium are two different considerations, and that conditions which favor the desired equilibrium may not favor its rapid attainment, and vice versa. A discussion of the complete conditions for realizing certain important reactions will make this clearer. a. The "Contact Process" for Making Sulfuric Acid. We have 118 seen above that to make SO3 from SO2 and O2 a low temperature is desirable in order to give the most complete yield of SO3. By recalling the discussion in Chapter XI, however, we will see that the lower the temperature the more slowly will the desired equilibrium be reached. We must therefore distinguish between the amount of SO3 which would be produced in infinite time and the amount that would be produced in a given time. This difference may be brought out by the curves in the accompanying figure, Fig. 11, where the heavy line indicates the percent Fig. 11. of the total possible amount of SO3, which would be obtained at equilib- rium, provided that sufficient time were allowed. This time necessary for reaching equilibrium grows enormously as the temperature is lowered, with the result that it is practically impossible to reach equilibrium except at high temperatures, where the amount of SO2 converted into SO3 is so Small that it would not be profitable to use the reaction. The dotted lines indicate the actual approach to equilibrium in a given time, showing how, by allowing more time, more SO3 is obtained. At the higher temperatures, such as tT and t2 in the figure, where the reaction occurs with measurable speed, no amount of waiting will give a satisfac- tory yield of SO3. In order to work at temperatures at which the equilibrium is favorable a new factor must be invoked to increase 'the velocity. This is attained in practice by the use of catalysts, Fe2O3, and finely divided platinum. This allows the desired velocity to be attained at a much lower temperature, t3 in the figure, where the equilibrium is favorable to a good yield of SO3. The contact of the gases with this solid catalyst gives the name "contact process." The speed of the reaction, and also the desired equilibrium might be influenced in the right direction by having the reaction take place under high pressure. This involves difficulties in the way of more complicated machinery that it is preferred to avoid in practice. Since the SO2 must be paid for, while the O2 is gotten free from the air, it is more important to use up the SO2 completely than the O2. This is done by taking the 119 air in considerable excess of the equivalent amount required. We may summarize in tabular form our conclusions concerning the best conditions for realizing this reaction. To favor large amount To favor high speed either of formation Total pressure of SO3 at equilibrium. High or decomposition. High Temperature Low High Other factors Excess of O2 Catalyst To illustrate the conditions to be used in practice, there may be added a table showing the yield of SO3 that has been calculated, using a gas mixture at a total pressure of 1 atmosphere, with the following partial pressures: SO2, 0.07 atm.; O2, 0.10 atm.; N2, 0.83 atm. Temperature 434° 550° 645° Maximum yield, %SO3 99 85 60 Sulfuric acid is made by dissolving the sulfur trioxide in water. b. The Synthesis of Ammonia. If we compare the reaction for the synthesis of ammonia, N2 + 3H2 = 2NH2 + 24000 cal., with the above reaction for making SO3, we see that the same conditions are indicated for realizing this reaction as for the former. This reaction, however, is exceedingly slow, so that even with the best catalyst that has been discovered after extensive search, uranium, advantage must be taken of high pressure in aiding both the speed and the equilibrium at the temperatures at which the reaction will take place with measurable velocity. The effect of both temperature and pressure on the yield of NH3 at equilibrium is indicated in the following figures: • Yield of NH 3, in per cent. Temperature. At 1 atmosphere. At 100 atmospheres 800° 0.011 1.1 700° 0.021 2.1 600° 0.048 4.5 500° 0.13 10.8 A further lowering of temperature below 500° to improve the yield would give too slow a reaction, so that the process is worked at about this temperature, and under pressures up to 200 atmospheres. As the N2 and H2 pass over the catalyst they unite partially to form NH3. The gases are then passed through a cooling coil in which the NH3 is condensed to liquid and removed. The N2 and H2 again pass over the heated catalyst, again forming the equilibrium amount of NH3 and so on. The removal of NH3 is compensated by pumping in fresh H2 and N2. This process is 'now on a working basis and helping to solve the problem of making the inert nitrogen of the atmosphere available for our needs for fertilizer and explosives. It is of interest to note that it was not the discovery of the so-called "practical man," but was the result of extended and difficult scientific research along the lines here indicated. The conditions employed are such as would not occur to one not well versed in the theory, and call for pressures such as were never before used in a similar process. c. The Synthesis of Nitric Oxide. We have already referred briefly to the reaction, N2 4- O2 = 2NO - 44000 cal. 120 We see that the formation of NO would be aided by the following condi- tions, which we will tabulate as before. To favor high speed To favor large amount either of formation of NO at equilibrium. or decomposition. Total pressure No effect High Temperature High High cvs a consequence oi these conclusions, we see that INO should De formed more rapidly and also more completely at high temperatures. That this is true is seen from the following figures on the basis of ex- periments : % NO at equilibrium, starting with air 0.37 0.97 5.0 10 Temperature 1540 1920 2930 3930 Obviously NO is only stable, in a true sense, at extremely high tem- peratures, and both a favorable equilibrium and high speed in attaining it are aided by high temperatures such as those given by an electric arc. The problem is then to get it down to ordinary temperature without letting the equilibrium shift back to N2 and O2 as it cools. This is done by cooling it sufficiently rapidly as the gas mixture leaves the arc. There is also an electrical effect, due to the arc tending to give a greater yield than is indicated by the above conditions of ordinary equilibrium. At ordinary temperatures NO unites with more O2 readily to form N2O4, which will also dissolve in water forming a mixture of nitric and nitrous acids. The N2O4 may also be passed over slaked lime giving a mixture of calcium nitrate and nitrate, which is used as fertilizer to supply nitrogen to the soil. This process was first used successfully on a commercial scale in Norway, and is now responsible for the fixation of enormous quantities of nitrogen. d. The "Cracking" of Petroleum. The principles above set forth have been of great aid in "cracking" the heavier constituents of petroleum so as to increase the yield of the more valuable lighter portions, such as benzene, CGHG, toluene, CGH5CH3, and those like C5H12, C6H14, C7H16, etc., which are contained in gasolene. It has been found possible to con- trol the nature of the products to a remarkable degree by designing apparatus that would permit of the independent control of temperature and pressure. The same substance is capable of a number of different transformations which would be influenced in different ways by changing the pressure and temperature. The probable effect of these factors may be predicted by the aid of the complete equations showing both the volume changes and the heats of reaction. The subject is too com- plicated for further discussion here, and we will merely give for illus- tration several equations showing possible reactions for C12H2G, a promi- nent constituent of kerosene. 2C12H26 = CH4 + C23H48 - 500 cal. C12H26 = C2H2 + 2C5H12 «- 47,000 cal. C12Ho6 = 6C2HO + 7H2 - 381,000 cal. 3C2H2 = C6H6 + 137,700 cal. It is evident that the equilibria in these reactions would be influenced in very different ways by pressure and temperature. Exercises. 1. If the volume of a solution is greater than that of the salt and water from which it is made, how will the solubility of the salt change when pressure is applied to the saturated solution? 121 2. In which direction would each of the following equilibria be displaced by decreasing the total pressure: (explain). N2O4 = 2NO2 2HC1 = H, + Cl2 C (solid) + S2(vapor)= CS2 (vapor). 3. Ammonium chloride dissolves with considerable absorption of heat; how is its solubility affected by the temperature? 4. The solubility of sodium chloride increases very slightly with temperature; what can be concluded concerning its heat of solution? 5. When AgCl is prepared by mixing its ions heat is evolved; is the precipitate more soluble in hot or in cold water? (Explain). 6. Explain how temperature would affect the production of H,S according to the reaction: H2 + S = H2S + heat. 7. The formation of benzene from acetylene according to the reac- tion 3C2H2 = C6Hg 131,000 cal. takes place slowly at a high temper- ature (benzene being a vapor) and is reversible. (a) What weight of benzene could be made by the complete con- version of 49.3 liters of acetylene, measured at 27°C and 1 atmosphere? (b) State and explain the experimental conditions you would adopt to secure the maximum yield of benzene from acetylene in a given time. 8. Is the peculiar taste of stale bread due to its becoming dry? Why do crackers taste fresh as long as they are kept dry? How can the fresh taste be restored in either bread or crackers? Would bread keep fresh longer in a refrigerator than at room temperature? 122 CHAPTER XV. OXIDATION AND REDUCTION. In the previous chapters our attention has been largely confined to reactions in which there are no changes in valence. In Chapter V, however, brief mention was made of reactions in which such changes do occur, and it was there pointed out that oxidation consists essentially of an increase of valence and reduction of a decrease of valence. We are now prepared to give fuller attention to such reactions, considering, first, the writing of equations representing them, and, second, the oxidizing and reducing powers of the substances involved. Whenever an element is oxidized some element must be reduced. The substance containing the element which is oxidized is called the reducing agent, since it is responsible for the reduction of the other element, while, conversely, the substance which causes an increase in valence is the oxidising agent, and contains an element which is reduced. The following table illustrates these terms: Cu + 2H2SO4 =CuSO4 4- SO2 + 2H2O Valences 0 6 2,6 4 Element oxidized, Cu. Oxidizing agent, H2SO4. Element reduced, S. Reducing agent, Cu. H2S + I2 = S + 2H+ + 21- Valences 1,-2 0 0 -1 Element oxidized, S. Oxidizing agent, I2. Element reduced, I. Reducing agent, H2S. 2Fe+++ + H2SO3 + H2O = 2Fe++ + SO4" + 4H+ Valences 3 4 2 6 Element oxidized, S. Oxidizing agent, Fe+++. Element reduced, Fe. Reducing agent, H2SO3. MnO4- + 5Fe++ + 8H+ =Mn++ + 5Fe+++ + 4H2O Valences 7 2 2 3 Element oxidized, Fe. Oxidizing agent, MnO4_. Element reduced, Mn. Reducing agent, Fe++. Writing Equations for Reactions Involving Oxidation and Reduction. (a). The Substance Produced. Before an equation can be written for any reaction it is necessary to know what substances are produced. This may be determined by experiment or predicted, in most cases, from a knowledge of the reacting substances. For example, when hot concen- trated sulfuric acid reacts with copper it is possible to detect the sulfur dioxide evolved by its odor, and the copper sulfate produced by the blue color it gives on the addition of water. When sulfurous acid acts upon ferric ion, the ferrous ion produced shows its presence by its faint green color, or by other characteristic tests, while the formation of sulfate ion can be proved by adding barium ion. One sufficiently familiar with the chemistry of iron and of sulfur would not need these tests, for he knows that when ferric ion decreases in valence in acid solution it would usually 123 become ferrous ion, and that the corresponding increase of valence on the part of sulfurous acid would give sulfate ion. It is therefore important to know the valences the elements are capable of assuming ,and the com- pounds characteristic of each valence. For example, many of the metals, including the alkali and alkaline earth metals, silver, zinc, cadmium and aluminum exhibit only one valence in addition to that of the free metal which is zero. Therefore a substance like aluminum ion, Al+++, cannot be oxidized further, nor can it be reduced to metal in water solution. Hence we wouuld not expect it to take part in any oxidation or reduction process in aqueous solution. Chlorine shows the following valences, - 1, 0, 4-1, 4~ 3, 4" 5, +7, which correspond to the compounds tabulated on page 57. Consequently, we would never find the chlorine in chloride ion, Cl", acting as an oxidizing agent, because it is already as completely reduced as it is capable of being. Likewise, if chlorine, Cl2, acts as an oxidizing agent it must be reduced, and the only possible product would be chloride ion or one of its compounds. Again, knowing that chlorine reacts with hydroxide ion as follows: Cl2 4- 2OH- = Cl" 4- CIO- 4- H2O, we know that when CIO- acts as an oxidizing agent in alkaline solution the chlorine could not be reduced to the next lower valence, zero, corre- sponding to Cl2, but would be reduced all the way to chloride ion. The following table represents the substances characteristic of chromium in the valences of three and six respectively, and in acid, neutral or alkaline solution: Acid Neutral Alkaline Valence 3 Cr++ Cr(OH)3 CrO2" Valence 6 Cr2O7-_ CrO4" CrO4" In accordance with the knowledge thus summarized, we would expect Cr+++ to be produced when a reducing agent acts upon Cr2O7~". Similar information should be remembered for the other common elements giving compounds in which they show more than one valence. (b) The Assignment of Valence Numbers to the Elements Oxidized and Reduced. Having decided upon the substances produced by the reaction, the first step is to write their formulas, together with those of the substances reacting, upon the appropriate side of the equation, and to assign a valence number to the elements oxidized and reduced, as explained in Chapter V. Let us illustrate the process by balancing the equations given in the preceding table. Omitting the valence numbers for the elements obviously not oxidized or reduced during the reaction we would have the following incomplete equations: Cu + HoS04 = SO2 + CuSO4 0 6 4 2 H2S + I2 = i- + S -20 -10 Fe+++ + H2SO3 = Fe++ 4- SO4~ 3 4 2 6 MnO4~ + Fe++ = Mn++ + Fe+++ 7 2 2 3 (c) The Determination of the Change in Valence per Atom of Each Element Oxidized and Reduced is the next step. This may be conveniently indicated by marking it upon a line connecting the elements in question, as follows: 124 Cu 4- H2SO4 = SO2 4- CuSO4 0 '6 4 " 2 I I -2 I I I L -* I I 4-2 | i i H2S 4- I2 = I" 4- S - 2 0 -1 0 11-11 I I L J I I 4-2 | i i Fe+++ 4~ H2SO3 = Fe++ 4~ SO4-- 3 4 2 6 I I 14-2 1 | - 1 L + J I 1 MnO4~ + Fe++ = Mn++ 4- Fe+++ 7 2 2 3 I I 14-11 I -5 l- 4- J i . i (d) The next step is the adjustment of the molecules of these sub- stances so that the total increase in valence of the atoms oxidized equals the total decrease in valence of the atoms reduced. In the first equation it is seen that the production of one molecule of SO2 will correspond to the oxidation of one atom of copper, hence no further change is necessary under this heading. In the second, obviously, one atom of sulfur can oxidize two atoms of iodine, so that this equation should be altered to read H2S 4- I2 = 21- + S - 2 6 2(-1) 0 I I 2(-l) | | I 1 1 I I +2 | i i In the third two atoms of iron can be reduced when one atom of sulfur is oxidized, so that we should write: 2Fe+++ + H2SO3 = 2Fe++ +SO4" 2(3) 4 2(2) 6 I I I +2 I I 2(-l) L + J i i In the fourth every atom of manganese, in being reduced, can oxidize five atoms of iron, hence we write MnO4~ + 5Fe++ = Mn++ 4~ 5Fe+++ 7 5(2) 2 5(3) I I I +5 | | -5 l- + J i 1 125 e. The final balancing of the equation usually requires the addition to one side or the other of appropriate substances. Thus, in the first example it is evident that another molecule of sulfuric acid is needed on the left to furnish the sulfate radical for the copper sulfate, so that we will have Cu + 2H2SO4 = SO2 -f-CuSO4. Now we have four atoms of hydrogen and two extra atoms of oxygen on the left which must be balanced by adding 2H,O on the right, so that the completed equation will be Cu + 2H2SO4 = SO2+ CuSO4 + 2H2O. It is desirable to test the accuracy with which the above steps have been made by seeing if the total number of atoms of each element on one side of the equation equals that on the other. In the second equation we see that we have, so far, two atoms of hydrogen on the left and two negative charges on the right with no counterpart on the other side. By adding on the right two hydrogen ions the equation will obviously be balanced, reading finally as follows: H2S + I2 = 2I-+S + 2H+. In the final testing of an equation like this the total charges on the two sides, cancelling those of opposite sign, must be the same. In the third equation we have one atom of oxygen in excess on the right, and two atoms of hydrogen and four positive charges in excess on the left. In such cases probably it is simplest to balance the charges first, by adding to one side or the other the proper amount of H+ or OH". In the above instance the charges could obviously be balanced either by adding 4H+ on the right or 4OH~ on the left. Either would enable us to balance the equation, but from a chemical standpoint it would be incorrect to add 4OH", for the solution is not alkaline, Fe+++ and H2SO3 being unable to exist in alkaline solution. Accordingly we aid 4H+ on the right, whereby the equation becomes 2Fe+++ + H2SO3 = 2Fe++ + SO4" " + 4H+. All that is necessary now, finally, to balance the equation is to add H2O on the left, getting 2Fe+++ -f- H2SO3 + H2O = 2Fe++ + SO4" + 4H+. In the fourth case, evidently an acid solution likewise, it is necessary, in order to balance the charges, to add 8H+ on the left, getting MnO4" + 5Fe++ + 8H+ = Mn++ + 5Fe+++. This requires only the addition of 4H2O on the right to become complete. MnO4" 4- 5Fe++ 4- 8H+ = Mn++ 4- 5Fe+++ 4- 4H2O. As an example of balancing an equation for a reaction occurring in alkaline solution we may take the following, where the successive steps just explained are indicated successively. (a) CrO2- + CIO- = Cl" + CrO4" (b) 3 1-16 (c) | +3 | -2 | | I L J I i 1 (d) 2CrO2 + 3C1O' = 3C1- + 2CrO4"" 2(3) 3(1) 3(-l) 2(6) I I 3(-2) | | I 2(4-3) l J | i i 126 (e) 2CrO2" + 3C1O" + 2OH" = 3CF + 2CrO4" 2CrO2- + 3C1O- + 2OH- = 2OH~ + 2CrO4~ + H2O. The Relative Oxidizing and Reducing Powers of Various Substances. a. The Metals and their Ions. It was pointed out in Chapter V that the more positive elements can replace the less positive ones in their com- pounds. This is illustrated by the following reactions, all of which take place quite readily : ; 2Na 4- Zn++= Zn 4~ 2Na+ • Zn -j- Fe++- Fe 4- Zn++ Fe 4- Pb++= Pb 4- Fe++ Pb 4- Cu++= Cu 4- Pb++ Cu 4- 2Hg+= 2Hg 4- Cu++ Hg + Ag+= Ag 4- Hg+ In each of these cases the baser metal is oxidized by the ion of the nobler one, and it is exident that zinc will reduce not only ferrous ion, but lead, copper and silver ions as well. Likewise, silver ion can act as an oxidizing agent, not only to copper, but to all of the other metals represented. In all cases the metal acts as the reducing agent, their reducing power decreasing as we descend the list, while -the ions act as oxidizing agents, their oxidizing power increasing as we descend the list. This behavior mav be summarized in the following1- table: a .2 ' Weak Oxidizing agents Strong <T> , Na+ Zn++ Fe+ + Pb++ Cu++ Hg+ Ag+ CL c O Na 1 Strong Zn Fe Pb Cu Reducing agents Hg Ag Weak o' This table has been arranged so that any ion will be reduced if brought in contact with a metal to the left in the table. In order, however, for this arrangement to hold, the ions must all be in approximately equal concentration. If this is not the case the positions of some may be reversed. Thus Hg+ and Ag+ have about the same oxidizing power, hence the reaction Hg+ + Ag = Ag+ + Hg is easily reversible by changing the relative concentrations. The principles of equilibrium set forth in Chapter XII apply here also, so that a high concentration of Hg+ and a low concentration of Ag+ favor the reaction as read from left to right, whereas the reverse reaction is favored by reversing the relative concentration. With most pairs of metals the corresponding reversal requires greater differences in concentration. Many interesting applications of this oxidation-reduction series are possible. For example, it js evident that if a piece of zinc is put into a solution of ferrous ion there is a tendency for the latter to be reduced. Accordingly, if zinc and iron are in contact in an oxidizing solution the former will be dissolved before the latter. This is the reason for the protective action of the zinc coating on "galvanized" iron. When a piece of zinc is dropped into a solution of one of the ions to the right of it in the table, a reaction takes place such as the following: Zn Cu++ = Cu + Zn++. Now this may be regarded as a transfer of positive electricity from the copper ion to the zinc, or, better, as the transfer of negative electrons from the zinc to the copper ion. If this transfer of electricity can be made to take place through a wire we will have an electric current and the reaction can be made to do work. To do this the zinc must not be 127 put directly into the solution of copper ion, but electrodes of the two metals must dip into solutions of their own ions, the solutions being separated by a porous partition or by the aid of their difference in density, as in the case in the well known "gravity cell." At the zinc electrode the following process tends to take place: Zn = Zn++ 4~ 2(-) while at the copper electrode the reaction is Cu++ + 2(-)=Cu. Each of these processes can continue only if the stream of negative electrons, or atoms of electricity, can flow from the zinc to the copper, while the positive and negative ions in the solution migrate towards their respective poles. For every mol of zinc that dissolves one mol of copper will be deposited and two faradays of electricity (see Chap. X) will travel through the wire. The electromotive force between the electrodes depends upon the difference between the tendencies of the metals to become ions, and also upon the relative concentration of the ions in the solution. If the concentration of zinc ion is diminished, er that of copper ion is increased, the reaction Zn Cu++ = Cu + Zn++ will have a greater tendency to take place and will give a larger electro- motive force when occurring in an electric battery. If silver ion and silver are substituted for copper ion and copper we would have a stronger oxidizing agent, a greater tendency to take up the electrons given off by the zinc, and a battery of higher electromotive force. The electromotive force of such a battery is thus a measure of the tendency of the reaction to take place, or the chemical affinity of the reaction, a term much used in the development of chemistry, but also much abused, for it has often been used very loosely. It is only in comparatively recent years that it has been given an exact definition. On this account it is desirable to substitute the term "free energy" for affinity. The electromotive force of the copper-zinc cell when normal solutions of copper and zinc sulfates are used is about 1.09 volts. The free energy of the reaction at these concentrations is the work it can do, which would be 0.09x2x96540 volt-coulombs or joules per mol of reacting substances. The reaction between zinc and silver ion may be utilized in cleaning the tarnish from silverware. The tarnish consists of silver sulfide, Ag2S, and though this gives but a small concentration of silver ion, the free energy of the reaction is still sufficient for it to take place quite readily. If, therefore, a piece of zinc (aluminum will also serve) is placed in electrical contact with a piece of tarnished silver, both dipping into water containing a little salt to render it conducting, and hot to increase the speed of reaction, the following reaction takes place: AgS 4- Zn = Ag 4- Zn++ 4- S". The silver is thus restored instead of being rubbed off as in ordinary polishing. If a solution containing the ions of two metals is electrolyzed it is possible to reduce at the kathode, first the ion of the baser metal, and afterwards that of the nobler metal, by proper regulation of the electro- motive force. It is possible thus to make an electrolytic separation of different metals which is to be preferred, in many cases, to the ordinary methods of separation based upon the precipitation of insoluble com- pounds. b. The Solubility of Metals in Water, Acids and Alkalis. When a 128 metal dissolves in water, in alkali, or in dilute acids the substance reduced is usually hydrogen ion. Accordingly it is desirable to introduce into the table previously given H+ and H2. In attempting to do this we find an apparent discrepancy in the reactions of the metals with hydrogen ion, for iron will dissolve in dilute hydrogen ion while zinc, if very pure, and especially if wet with mercury, will not. We find, however, that this is due to the difficulty which hydrogen has in depositing on a surface of pure zinc or mercury, for if a piece of platinum is dipped into the acid and brought in contact with the zinc we find that the latter dissolves quite readily, the hydrogen depositing on the platinum, while the electrons left behind when the zinc becomes ion travel through the metals to the platinum where they neutralize the hydrogen ions, changing them into hydrogen gas. If we test the solubility of the various metals in dilute acids in this way we find that all those to the left of copper in the table will dissolve, although lead and zinc will do so only with great difficulty, when pure and in the absence of some more favorable surface for the hydrogen to deposit upon. The same difficulty is encountered in reducing hydrogen ion at certain cathodes, a higher electromotive force being required to deposit hydrogen at a certain rate on some surfaces than on others. A successively higher electromotive force is required with kathodes of the following substances: Pt (rough, Pt (smooth), Ag, Cu, Sn, Pb, Zn, Hg. Hydrogen thus takes the place given in the more extended table on page 131, provided that a platinum surface is in electrical contact with the metal dissolving. We see, then, that copper, silver, mercury and the other noble metals will not dissolve in acids like dilute hydrochloric and sulfuric under any circumstances, while lead and the baser metals will dissolve in dilute hydrogen ion, provided that platinum is in contact with the metal, but that lead and zinc, or other base metals if amalgamated with mercury, may dissolve very slowly, or practically not at all. When impure zinc is used, the particles of foreign substances, like iron and carbon, furnish nuclei upon which the hydrogen can deposit with more ease, hence such zinc will dissolve at a reasonable rate. As we approach the left side of the table, where the metals become baser, and better reducing agents, the hydrogen ion does not need to be so concentrated in order to act upon the metal, and even the extremely dilute hydrogen ion of water is able to oxidize and dissolve metals like calcium and sodium. Aluminum dissolves easily in dilute hydrogen ion, the reaction being Al + 3H+ = AW+ + 3/2H2. If hydroxide ion is used instead of hydrogen ion, although the decrease in the concentration of the latter would tend, by itself, to stop the solution of the aluminum, at the same time the concentration of aluminum ion is decreased very greatly on account of the formation of the aluminate ion, a fact which aids the reaction, and compensates for the reduction in the hydrogen ion concentration. Hence aluminum will dissolve in alkali as well as in acid. The same is true of zinc. For the metals to the right of hydrogen in the table a stronger oxidizing agent than hydrogen ion is necessary. This is found, for some, in nitric acid, whose oxidizing action is due to the reduction of nitrogen rather than hydrogen. Copper, silver and mercury can accordingly be dissolved in nitric acid, a typical reaction being the following: 3Cu + 2NO3- + 8H+ = Cu++ + 2NO + 4H2O. Sulfuric acid, if hot and concentrated, can oxidize copper, silver and mercury, its sulfur being reduced to SO2. 129 When we come to the noblest metals, like gold and platinum, even the oxidizing power of nitric acid becomes insufficient. Instead, however, of seeking a stronger oxidizing agent, another principle is invoked. The following reaction will not take place with nitric acide alone: 2Pt 4- 4NO3- + 16H+ = 2Pt++++ + 4NO + 8H2O. Platinic ion, however, is prone to form a complex acid with hydrochloric acid, H2PtClfi, chlor-platinic acid (see page 101), and hence, if a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids, known as "aqua regia," is used instead of the nitric acid alone, the platinic ion, one of the products of the oxidation, is used up sufficiently to enable the reaction to proceed. This action of aqua regia is not due, as is often erroneously stated, to the chlorine liberated by the aqua regia (4H+4-NO3" 4~ ^Cl" = Cl2 4~ NOCI 4~2H2O) being a stronger oxidizing agent than the nitric acid, for if this were the case chloride ion would not be oxidized by nitric acid. Chlorine is, however, a more rapid oxidizing agent, and the effectiveness of the aqua regia is doubtless due to this fact as well as to the formation of the complex chlor-platinic acid. The action of aqua regia on gold is quite analogous to that on platinum, the complex chlor-auric acid, HAuC14 being formed. Cyanide ion, CN", forms such a firm complex with both aurous and auric ions that when it is present the oxygen of the air is sufficient to oxidize gold, the reaction being 2Au + %O2 4- H2O 4- 4CN- = 2Au(CN)2- 4- 2OH-. This reaction is used in the "cyanide process" for the extraction of gold from its ores. c. General Table of Oxidizing and Reducing Agents. We may consider the oxidizing and reducing powers involved in changes other than those between the metals and their ions just considered. We find, for example, that chlorine will liberate bromine from bromide ion, and that bromine will liberate iodine from iodide ion. Accordingly we may conclude- that chlorine will liberate iodine from iodine ion. This information may be tabulated in the same way as was used previously for the metals, as follows: W eak Oxidizing Agents Strong I2 Br2 CL I- Br ci- Strong Reducing Agents Weak By the aid of appropriate experiments we may find the place of other common substances in such a table, and also combine it with the table previously given. The following table gives an illustration of such arrangement. 130 Table of Oxidizing and Reducing Powers of Substances. Oxidation Zn Fe Sn Pb H2 on Pt Sn++ H2S only Zn++ Fe++ Sn++ Pb++ H+ Sn++++ S Strong Weak Reducing Agents Oxidizing Agents SO2 only SO4- I- Fe++ Ag Br- I2 SO. I2 Fe+++ Ag+ Br. IO3" H2SO4, hot concentrated HNO3 NO only Cr+++ Cr2O7 -f- concen- trated H+ MnO4" + H+ PbO2 + concentrated hvhnoa Strong Weak Mn++ Pb Reduction It should be borne in mind that such an arrangement is not altogether strict, and that it is affected by the concentrations of the reacting sub- stances. According to the table, for example, one might infer that the following reaction would occur: Ag+-F I-= Ag-f-%I2. This would undoubtedly take place if Ag+ and I" could act upon each other at ordinary concentrations without precipitating insoluble Agl. The same applies to the action of H2S on Ag+. The hydrogen ion concentration affects the equilibrium in many cases. For example, the reaction SO. 4- I2 4- H2O = SO4" + 21- 4- 4H+ proceeds readily in dilute solution. It will be seen, however, that by diminishing the amount of water present and increasing the relative amount of acid the equilibrium is shifted in favor of those substances on the left, and, as a matter of fact, concentrated sulfuric acid readily liberates iodine from solid iodides. Similarly, the following reaction accords with the positions in the table of the substances involved: Cr2O7" 4- 6C1- 4- 14H+ = 2CF++ 4- 3C12 4- 7H2O, and in concentrated acid the reaction proceeds in this way. The large amount of H+ used up, however, indicated that the equilibrium would be enormously affected by changing its concentration. In fact the reaction proceeds in the other direction in alkaline solution, the chromium being oxidized and the chlorine reduced. The transition from one to the other may be made by adding 16OFF to both sides of the equation. Of 131 these, 14OH" will react with the 14H+, 2OH" with Cr2O7 giving 2CrO4" + H2O, while on the right we will have 2Cr+++ 4- 8OH = 2CrO," + 4H2O, and 3C12 + 6OH~ = 6C1O~ + 3H2O, with 2OH~ in excess. Cancelling out H2O and Cl", and transposing the two sides, we have the equation previously considered on page -. 2CrO2" + 3C1O" + 2OH- = 3Cb + 2CrO4". Although this is apparently very different from the equation given above, it involves essentially the same oxidation and reduction steps. On account of the great effect on many of these reactions of varying the concentration of the ions of water, it is well to include in a separate table the reagents which act in alkaline solution. The following brief table may serve for illustration: Weak Oxidizing Agents Strong HSnOo" CrO4- C1O~ HSnO3- CrO2' C1-. Strong Reducing Agents Weak Oxidizing Power and Speed of Oxidation. There are some sub- stances,, like hydrogen peroxide, H2O2> which would have great oxidizing power if they could react rapidly enough. It is important to distinguish between an oxidizing agent that is "strong" because it is rapid, and one which is strong but slow. Thus iodine will often react more rapidly than chlorine, and hence produce more oxidation in a given time. Its true oxidizing power, however, is much less, as shown by the fact that it will not oxidize ferrous ion completely, whereas chlorine will. The oxygen acids, like nitric and sulfuric acids, are not rapidly oxidizing agents. This seems to be connected with the fact that they are highly ionized. Nitrous acid, which is not a stronger oxidizing agent in the true sense of the term, is nevertheless a much more rapid oxidizing agent, and is, at the same time, much less dissociated. As we compare the oxygen acids of chlorine we find that while their reactivity as oxidizing agents decreases in going from HC1O to HC1O3, their strength as acids increases greatly. In a reaction such as the following, C1O3- + s + H2O = Cl- + SO4" + 2H+, although hydrogen ion appears, whence we might expect it to be favored by decreasing the concentration of hydrogen ion, as a matter of fact it will not take place unless the solution is strongly acid. We may infer from this that C1O8" is very unreactive, and a large amount of H+ must be present in order to give a certain amount of the undissociated strong acid, HC1O3, which is reactive. With HC1O, however, reduction to Cl" will take place rapidly without adding H+, because HC1O is such a weak acid that most of it is undissociated even in neutral solution. The difference between nitrous and nitric acids may be explained similarly; the latter, being a strong acid, must be rather concentrated in order to give enough undissociated molecules of HNO3 to react rapidly. In general, when substances react slowly their true place in the table may not be apparent from their ordinary reactions, and the place assigned may not correspond to a reversible reaction. Substances that can act both as Oxidizing and Reducing Agents. Certain substances appear at two places in the table, corresponding to their power to act either as oxidizing or reducing agents. The way in which they will react depends, of course, upon the nature of the substances with which they are mixed. The ferrous ion can be reduced to iron by the action of a very powerful reducing agent like zinc, or it can be 132 oxidized to ferric ion by the action of a strong oxidizing agent like chlorine. Iodine may be reduced to iodide or oxidized to iodate according, respectively, as it reacts with a reducing agent stronger than iodine or an oxidizing agent stronger than iodate ion. Hydrogen peroxide, not shown in the table because of the irreversibility and slowness of its reac- tions, may act as an oxidizing agent with some substances themselves capable of oxidation, the oxygen in the hydrogen peroxide being reduced, as illustrated by the reaction 2H+ + H2O2 4- 2Fe++ = 2Fe+++ + 2H2O. . On the other hand, in the presence of a sufficiently strong oxidizing agent, the oxygen in the peroxide may be oxidized to free oxygen, as illustrated by the reaction 2MnO4~ + 5H2O2 + 6H+ = 2Mn++ + 5O2 + 8H2O. The Solution of Insoluble Sulfides. In Chapter XIII it was shown how certain metallic sulfides could be separated by controlling the hydrogen ion concentration, and it was pointed out that there is a group of sulfides so insoluble in water that even moderately concentrated hydrochloric or sulfuric acids will not sufficiently remove the sulfide ion, S"", to make the metallic ion concentration large. To dissolve such sulfides it is necessary to remove the sulfide ion more completely. This is possible by the use of a strong oxidizing agent, usually nitric acid, which changes the S"" com- pletely into S or even SO4-". Moderately concentrated hot nitric acid, accordingly, will dissolve CuS, Bi2S3, PbS and Ag2S. The solubility of mercuric sulfide is so extremely low, however, that nitric acid is prac- tically without effect. To dissolve it aqua regia is necessary, the effect- iveness of which depends upon the greater speed of reaction of chlorine as compared with hydrochloric acid, and also upon the presence of the chloride ion, which unites with the mercuric ion to form undissociated mercuric chloride. The aqua regia thus attacks both constituents of the mercuric sulfide instead of only one. Storage Batteries. Other reactions besides the simple change between metals and their ions can be utilized in generating an electric current. A very important one is that occurring in the lead storage battery. The reaction utilized is the following, Pb + PbO2 + 4H+ + 2SO4; - = 2PbSO4 + 2H2O. It is carried out so that the oxidation of the lead to lead sulfate Pb + SO4" = PbSO4 + 2(-) tages place at one electrode and the reduction of lead doixide to lead sulfate, PbO2 + 4H+ + SO4- - + 2<-)= PbSO4 + 2H2O, takes place at the other electrode, the electrons traveling through the metallic part of the circuit from one electrode to the other. To charge the cell the reaction is reversed by sending a current through the cell in the opposite direction. From the equations it may be seen that the more concentrated is the acid the more is the equilibrium shifted in favor of PbSO4, hence the larger the free energy of the reaction and electro- motive force of the cell. There are other considerations, however, which we have not room to consider here, which argue against too concentrated an acid. The nickel-iron storage battery utilizes the following reaction, taking place in alkaline solution: 2Ni(OH)3 + Fe = 2Ni(OH)2 4- Fe(OH)2. 133 The electrode reactions are 2Ni(OH)3 + 2(-)= 2Ni(OH)„+ 2OH", and Fe + 2OH- = Fe(OH)2 + 2(-). Exercises. 1. In the following reactions state which elements are oxidized and which are reduced: 2Ag+ + Zn = 2Ag + Zn++ Ag+ + Cl- = AgCl Zn + OH- + H,0 = HZnO." + H, 2Hg+ + H2S = HgS + Hg + 2H+. 2HgCl2 + Sn++ = 2HgCl + Sn^ + 2CF. 2. Write equations for the following reactions: zinc plus chlorine to give zinc ion plus chloride ion; stannous ion plus bromine to give stannic ion plus bromide ion; ferric ion plus stannous ion to give ferrous ion plus stannic ion; hydrogen sulfide (H2S) plus iodine to give sulfur plus hydrogen ion plus iodide ion; cupric ion plus iodide ion to give cuprous iodide (ppt.) plus iodine. 3. Write equations for the reactions between: (a) cupric oxide and hydrogen; (b) cupric oxide and hydrogen ion; (c) cuprous oxide and oxygen; (d) magnesium and hydrogen ion; (e) cupric ion and zinc to give copper; (f) copper and cupric ion; (g) silver ion and zinc. State in each case what elements are oxidized and which are reduced. 4. Complete the following incomplete equations: (a) H+ + NO3- + Ag = Ag+ + NO (b) H+ -j- NO3~ -j- Sn = HoSn03 + N2O3 (c) H+ + NO3' + CuS = Cu++ + SO4-' + NO (d) H+ + NO3- + Zn = Zn++ + NH4+ (e) Bi(OH)3 4- HSnO2-=Bi+ (f) HAuC14 + Fe++ = Au + (g) P4 + OH- = PH3 + H2PO2- (h) Aso03 + H+ 4-NO3- = H3AsO4 + N2O3 (i) CIO- + AsO2" = As63- + 5. What is meant by "noble" metals and "base" metals? 6. From what metals given in the table, oage -, construct the battery that would give the greatest electromotive force. 7. Explain how contact with zinc protects iron from corrosion. 8. How can you tell when a metal will dissolve in any of the following reagents: water, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, or sodium hydroxide? 9. How is the oxidizing power of H+ affected by its concentration? 10. Explain the cleaning of silver by zinc or by aluminum. 11. How would you prepare each of the following: (a) Br- from Br2 . (b) HO gas from Cl2 (c) I2 from Nai (d) PbCrO4 from Pb and CrCl3 (e) Fe from FeCl3 (f) Fe(OH)2 from Fe (g) Fe2O3 from FeSO4 (h) Mn(OH)2 from MnO4~ (i) HgCl from HgCL (j) Hg from HgCl2 12. How many grams of hydrogen peroxide are necessary to reduce 134 10 grams of MnO (OH)2 to Mn++ in acid solution? Ans. 3.24 gm. 13. A solution of KMnO4 is standardized by titrating a ferrous solution made by dissolving 1.12 grams of pure iron. The volume of KMnO4 solution required is 42.0 cc. The same permanganate solution is then used to determine the strength of a solution of hydrogen peroxide, 50 grams of the latter requiring 34.0 cc. of the former. What per cent of hydrogen peroxide is in the solution? (In this reaction Mn++ and O2 are produced). Ans. 0.55%. 14. Manganese in the form of manganous ion can be titrated with a solution of potassium permanganate, MnO2 being formed. Write the equation. 15. How many grams of K2Cr2O7, in solution, would it take to oxidize the same amount of Fe++ as would be oxidized by 1.00 gram of KMnO4, in acid solution ? 16. Starting with metallic tin, how would you prepare in succession: SnCl2; SnCl4; SnO2; SnO; SnS; SnS2; SnCl4? 17. How could you separate the metallic elements in a precipitate consisting of PbS, ZnS and SnS? 18. Why cannot HI be prepared by the action of concentrated H2SO4 on Nai? 135 CHAPTER XVI. PERIODIC SYSTEM. It became evident to chemists a long time ago that there are certain elements which may be grouped together by reason of their similarity. Among such groups may be mentioned lithium, sodium and potassium, commonly called the alkali metals, calcium, strontium and barium, the alkaline earth metals, fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine, called the halogens. In 1866 Newlands read a paper before the London Chemical Society in which he showed that if the then known elements were arranged in the order of increasing atomic weight, as follows: H Li Be B C N O 1 7 9 11 12 14 16 ; F Na Mg Al Si P S i 19 23 24 277 28 31 32 1 Cl K Ca i 35.5 39 40 there is a similarity between every eighth element in the series, so that if it is divided into groups of eight and these placed under each other in successive rows, as follows, H F Cl Li Na K Be Me Ca B Al etc. C Si N P O S then the elements standing in the same vertical column are those which correspond to each other in chemical nature. It is evident from the table that this is the case. Strange as it may seem this discovery was received with some ridicule, and its value not appreciated till later. In 1869 this same idea was more fully elaborated independently by Mendeleeff and Lothar Meyer. Each of these chemists tabulated the elements substan- tially as is here shown in Table I. The fundamental idea expressed by such an arrangement is that of the periodic recurrence of properties as the atomic weights increase. This periodicity is shown graphically in Fig. 12, where atomic volumes (the 136 number of cubic centimeters occupied by a gram-atom of the element) are plotted, not against atomic weights, however, but against the atomic numbers. The atomic numbers are whole numbers houghly half the atomic weights, which have been determined by X-ray spectra, and which are more fundamental than atomic weights. It will be noticed that at the successive peaks are found similar elements, those the alkali metals. The next element to the left of each peak is a membr of the group of rare inert gases, the next element to the right of each peak is an alkaline earth metal, and so on. The curve is thus made up of a series of roughly similar sections each of which corresponds to a row of elements in the table. If the absolute melting points are plotted against the atomic numbers we obtain the curve shown in Fig. 2, in which we see a similar periodicity. Here the peaks are occupied by the elements of the group of inert gases. This curve, likewise, could be cut up into a number of similar sections. 137 0 1 F 2 2' 3 3' 4 4' 5' 5 6' 6 7' 7 8 9 10 H 1 He Li Be B C N O F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Cu Zn Ga Ge , As Se Br 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Cb . Mo - Ru Rh Pd 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Xe Cs Ba La Ce (Rare earths, 59-72, unclassified). 54 55 56 57 58 Ta W - Os Ir Pt • 73 74 75 76 77 78 Au Hg T1 Pb Bi Po - 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Nt - Ra Ac Th UX„ U 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 TABLE I. Periodic System.-Mendeleeff. Not only do the measurable physical properites, but also the chemical characteristics show a similar periodicity. If we used figures expressing the acidic or basic characteristics of the hydroxides of the elements we would find a similar periodic curve. The periodic classification of the elements is exceedingly useful in correlating a vast number of facts regarding the elements and their compounds so that they may be more easily remembered and also pre- dicted. However, before discussing specific properties it will be well to consider certain defects in the Mendeleeff table, and other ways of representing the actual periodic behavior. In the first place, the Mendeleeff table throws into the same group such dissimilar elements as sodium and potassium, on the one hand, and copper, silver and gold, on the other hand. The only justification for this is the fact that the latter elements show the same valence in some of their compounds as do the former. In the second group zinc cadmium and mercury show a little more resem- blance to the main members of the group, though it is by no means striking. In each group there is a branching, after the second period, into a main group, whose elements resemble closely the first two elements of the group, and a sub-group, whose resemblance to the first two elements is less marked. This is shown in the table by setting the sub- groups to one side. As we go towards the middle of the table we find the sub-groups remembling the main group more and more closely, until we find, in the fourth group, that the two branches bear about equal resemblance to the first two elements. It is rather useful, for example, to have vanadium placed, in the same group as phosphorous, less so to have chromium classed with sulfur, and of very little use to have man- ganese classed with chlorine. The placing of the sub-groups more and more to one side as the ends of the table are approached is an attempt to avoid this defect in the table by representing this growing dissimi- larity, and is very significant in the discussion of properties to be taken up later. Again, Mendeleeff placed iron cobalt, and nickel and the platinum metals in the same group, regarding them as triplets really belonging in the same space on account of their nearly equal atomic weights. When the atomic numbers are used instead of atomic weights it is found that these are not triplets at all, and really belong in separate groups, as we have here indicated by numbering them 8, 9 and 10, instead of including all these elements in group 8 as Mendeleeff did. When atomic weights are used as the basis for the table there appears an anomaly due to the fact that the atomic weight of potassium is less than that of argon, though the latter should evidently come first. The same is true of tellurium and iodine, cobalt and nickel. The use of the atomic numbers, however, places all of these in their proper order. Another arrangement of the Periodic System is indicated by the curves of properties, such as given in Figs. 12 and 13, and regards the elements of the sub-group as a new series intruding after the second period. This arrangement, first given by the Danish chemist Thomsen, is shown in Table II, and though it is not quite so easily remembered, it has advantages over the first form. It does not imply relationships between the sub-groups and the main groups which are slight or non-existent, and it places together such similar elements as nickel and copper, platinum and gold, etc. The slight relationships over-emphasized by the Mendeleeff table between the main and sub-groups are here indicated by dotted lines. If three dimensions are used instead of two it is possible to give a 139 TABLE II. Periodic System-Thomsen. GROUPS. much more adequate representation of the periodic relationships. The Mendeleeff table would then be represented by a spiral on which the homologous elements fall below one another. The Thomsen table would then show the interpolated groups as branching off from the main spiral as shown in Table III, which is drawn according to an idea put forth by Soddy. This shows very clearly the nearly equal relationship of the two branches of Group 4 to carbon and silicon; the greater removal of sub-groups 3' and 5' from their main groups, 3 and 5 respectively, the still greater divergence of sub-groups 2' and 6' from the corresponding main groups, and the almost entire lack of relationship of groups 1' and 7' with 1 and 7 respectively. On the other hand it brings out the fact shown by all curves of properties, i. e., that the properties of the elements in the neighborhood of iron and platinum are farthest removed from those of the inert gases in Group 0. The peak represented by Group 0 is intended to indicate the abrupt change between Group 7 and Group 1. After becoming familiar with the basis of the Periodic System the student should familiarize himself with the position of the commoner 140 Periodic System-Soddy. TABLE III. Loop containirTg M rare earth elements. elements in some one of the three forms of the system that have been given. The designation of the groups and sub-groups has been made the same in all of the forms, so that the following discussion will be equally intelligible whichever form of the table the student decides to adopt. It is far more important to become thoroughly familiar with one of the forms than it is to attempt to learn two or three of them with possible confusion. We will now proceed to a discussion of the relationship between the position of an element in the table and its behavior. \Density. We have seen that as we go from one period to the next, i. e., from top to bottom of each group, there is nearly always a small increase in the atomic volume, and that the elements with largest atomic volume are in Group 1, while those of smallest atomic volume are among the iron and platinum metals. This corresponds to the fact that in general the elements increase in density as we go from the top to the bottom of each group, and that the heaviest elements are among the platinum metals, as illustrated by the following values: Group 1. Li 0.53 Na 0.99 K 0.86 Rb 1.52 Cs 1.90 Group 2. Be 1.73 Mg 1.74 Ca 1.53 Sr 2.55 Ba 3.78 Densities of Solid Elements. Group 2' Zn 7.1 Cd 8.6 Hg 13.5 Group 1' Cu 8.9 Ag 10.5 Au 19.2 Group 8 Fe 7.9 Ru 12.0 Os 22.5 Group 10. Ni 8.7 Pd 11.5 Pt 21.4 Melting Point. As shown by the curve in Fig. 13, the elements with the lowest melting point are in the Group 0. The adjacent groups, 1 and 7, contain elements of low melting points, increasing as we approach Group 4, where we find carbon at the top with the highest of all melting points. Another maxim is found with tungsten, whose neighbors also have high melting points. Among the metals of the main groups the melting points decrease as we descend the group. The following values may serve as illustrations: Melting Points, Absolute. Group 1. Li 459 Na 371 K . 335 Rb 311 Cs 299 Group 2. Be 1573 Mg 924 Ca 1083 Ba 1123 Group 2' Zn 692 Cd 594 Hg 234 Group 1' Cu 1356 Ag 1234 Au 1336 Group 8. Fe 1800 Ru 2570 Os 2970 Group 10. Ni 1725 Pd 1820 Pe 2028 Tensile Strength. The metals with the greatest tensile strength are found among the sub-groups, starting with 5' and extending to 10. These groups include iron and the metals alloyed with it to make the modern alloy steels of such remarkable properties, V, Cr, Mo, W, U, Mn, and Ni. Valence. Very striking relationships are found for the valence of the elements in the main groups. The inert gases are commonly said to have zero valence, corresponding to their group number. The alkali metals in group one have a valence of -|-1, the alkaline earth metals a valence of -j-2, and the valence of the elements in each succeeding group increases with the group number as illustrated by the formulas of the oxides and chlorides. 142 LioO LiCl Na„O NaCl BeO BeCl2 MgO" MgCl2 b203 bci3 ALO3 A1C1, co2 CC14 SiO2 SiCl4 N2O5 p2o5 PC15 so3 C12O7 With the fourth group and those following lower valences also appear, as in CO, P2O3, SO2, etc., and a negative valence becomes evident as shown in their compounds with hydrogen. ch4 NH3 'PH3 AsH3 H„O H„S H„Se HF HC1 HBr The limiting values of the valences in the main groups seem, therefore, to be as follows: Group 0 1 2 3 4 5 6'7 Valence 0 4-1 4-2 4-3 +5 4-6 4-7 -4 -3 -2 -1 Other valences lying between these extreme values may be found, as shown by the following: Valence of P P2O5 4-5 PoO2 4-3 H3PO2 4-1 H3P -3 Valence of Cl KC1O4 4-7 KC1O3 +5 KC1O2 +3 KC1O +1 KC1 -1 In the sub-groups valences corresponding to the group number usually appear, but they are not always the most characteristic, and other valences appear which might not be expected on the basis of the Periodic System. The following table illustrates this fact: Valences Cr 2, 3, 6. Fe 2, 3. Mn 2, 3, 4, 6, 7. Pt 2, 4. Os 2, 4, 8. The horizontal relationships are rather more important than the ver- tical relationships with these elements, as illustrated by the fact that the valence 4-2 is characteristic of the successive elements, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn. Again Cu and Ni are more alike than Ni and Pd, or Cu and Ag, and Au is rather more like Pt than Ag. It is rather striking that the rare earth elements, which seem to be out of harmony with the rest of the system, all have 4" 3 as their most characteristic valence. Noble and Base Metals. In the main groups there are no noble metals, all of the metals in these groups being easily oxidized. The noble metals are found rather in the sub-groups and at the bottom. Thus in group 2' we have first zinc, a base metal, cadmium, a less base one, and finally mercury, a rather noble metal. In group 1' we have copper, intermediate between the two classes, then silver, about as noble as mercury, and finally gold, one of the noblest of all. At the bottom of the adjacent groups 10 and 9 we find respectively platinum and iridium, metals which are exceedingly difficult to attack. Metals and Non-Metals. It has been pointed out in Chapter V that the distinction between metals and non-metals is of fundamental import- 143 ance in connection with the chemical behavior of the elements. We have seen, further, that this distinction may be expressed by saying that the more metallic an element is the more prone it is to take on a positive valence, while the more non-metallic it is the more prone it is to take on a negative valence. Or, we may say more briefly, the more metallic elements are more electropositive, while the less metallic elements are more electro- negative. It must be noted that this distinction is different from that between noble and base metals. A highly metallic element is one which is a good conductor of heat and electricity, has a high reflective power for light, is ductile and malleable, and tends to form compounds in which it is the positive element. According to these criteria, sodium, which is so base that it rapidly oxidizes in the air and decomposes water vigorously, is a more metallic element than the much nobler metal, tin. The most electropositive elements are in Group 1, and the most electronegative of these is cesium, at the bottom. In all of the main groups the most metallic or electropositive element is at the bottom. The metallic character decreases as we go from group to group, until, in Group 7 we find elements which are all highly electronegative. In Group 6 we have the non-metallic elements, oxygen and sulfur, at the top but the weakly metallic tellurium at the bottom. In Group 5 we find nitrogen at the top entirely non-metallic in character, phosphorus non-metallic but with a weakly metallic allotropic form, arsenic with metallic luster but brittle and volatile, antimony a fairly good metal, and bismuth at the bottom quite metallic in nature, forming no compounds in which it shows a negative valence as do the others, (e. g. AsH3). In Group 4 we find at the top the non-metal carbon with an allotropic modification, graphite, in which it shows faint metallic properties. As we approach the bottom the metallic character quickly predominates, as in tin and lead. This change in metallic character from group to group and from top to bottom of each group serves to correlate a vast array of facts which we have space only to illustrate. Strength of Acids and Bases. One of the most important chemical characteristics of the metals is that their hydroxides are bases, as discussed in Chapter V. Since we have elements of all degrees of electropositive character we have bases of all degrees of strength. The strongly positive alkali metals give hydroxides which are powerful bases, and the strongest of these is, as we should expect, cesium hydroxide. The hydroxides of the metals of Group 2 are weaker, that of beryllium, at the top being a rather weak base, though the strength increases as we descend the group, until, in barium hydroxide, we have a base approaching those of Group 1 in strength. When a base is sufficiently weak it may often show the complimentary behavior of an acid, and in the presence of very concentrated alkali beryllium hydroxide will dissolve, so that we may regard it as an ex- tremely weak acid. In Group 3 this acid character becomes more pronounced, and B(OH)3 (or H3BO3) is a strong enough acid to turn blue litmus paper red. The basic character, however, is practically absent. There exists, it is true, BC13, which may be regarded as the salt of B(OH3 with HC1, but it is completely hydrolyzed by water, and hence cannot be formed in aqueous solution. A1(OH3 is, as we should expect, a much weaker acid, and is, at the same time a weak base. The corresponding compounds with carbon and silicon, H2CO3 and 144 H2SiO3 (or SiO(OH)2 or Si(OH)4, etc.) are weak acids, H2TiO3 is amphoteric, i. e., both acidic and basic), while Th(OH)4 is a base only. The hydroxides of tin and lead are amphoteric, with the basic character most marked in the latter. As a consequence salts of Sn++ are more hydrolyzed then those of Pb++. Comparing similar compounds in Group 5 we find that HNO3 is a strong acid, HPO3 (or H3PO4) is a moderately strong acid, H3AsO4 is a weak acid, H3SbO4 is a very weak acid and a very weak base. With the corresponding trivalent compounds we go from the moderately weak acid HNO2 to the weak base Bi(OH)3 exactly as we should expect. It may aid somewhat in understanding this connection between metallic character and the behavior of the hydroxide to compare such compounds as KOH. potassium hydroxide, and C1OH (or HC1O) hypochlorous acid. In these compounds the potassium and chlorine are both postive, but the latter can be only weakly positive since its normal tendency is to become highly negative, as in HC1 and KC1. If we attempt to represent the relative positive and negative characters of the elements involved by the size of the charges we write under them we will get some such results as the following: H ; C1 C1 O : H + : + ! + K i Cl K: O H Now when dissociation takes place it tends to break up a compound into parts having charges of as nearly equal intensity as possible, accord- ingly there is a _weak tendency for C1OH to ionize into CIO- and H+, which makes it a weak acid, while KOH ionizes strongly into K+ and OH-, making it a strong base. In a compound like AIO(OH), aluminum hydroxide, where the aluminum and the hydrogen have about the same "positivity" OH- or H+ may split off with nearly equal readiness, so that the substance is'amphoteric. Amphoteric Sulfides. The relationships involving the solubility of sulfides pointed out in Chapter XII may also be correlated in accordance with the Periodic System. Thus, of the three sulfides, As2S3, Sb2S3 and Bi2S3, the first, being the sulfide of a rather non-metallic element, is suffi- ciently acidic to dissolve easily in sulfide ion, S--, forming AsS2-; the second, Sb2S3, dissolves with difficulty while Bi2S3 is insoluble in this reagtent. Stability of Hydrides. In the hydrogen compounds of the elements in groups from 5, 6 and 7, the hydrogen is doubtless always the positive element, and therefore the more electronegative the other element the more stable is the compound. Nitrogn, for example, is non-metallic and assumes the negative valence rather easily, hence ammonia, NH3, is a moderately stable compound which will withstand moderate heating 145 without decomposing. As we descend the group we find that PH3, AsH3 and SbH3 become increasingly easy to decompose by heating, while the last element of the group, bismuth, is so metallic that it will not assume the negative valence at all, hence gives no compound with hydrogen. Oxygen, the first member of Group 6, is far more electronegative than nitrogen, and therefore gives a much more stable hydride, water, which will break down into its elements only at extremely high temperatures, being only about 2% dissociated at 2000°C. Hydrogen sulfide is con- siderably less stable, and hydrogen telluride, finally, decomposes spon- taneously, and is prepared with difficulty. A similar decrease in stability is found in Group 7 as we descend from the very stable hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen chloride to the rather easily decomposable hydrogen iodide. Comparison of Oxides and Halides of Other Positive Elements. The relationships with compounds of the metals with the members of Groups 5, 6 and 7 are parallel to those already noted with the hydrides. For example, cupric iodide does not exist, while cupric chloride and bromide do. Copper is not sufficiently electropositive and iodine sufficiently elec- tronegative for this compound to be stable, consequently the attempt to prepare it results instead in the formation of cuprous iodide and iodine. Cu++ -|- 21" = Cui Molybdenum trioxide exists, MoO3, but chlorine, which is less electro- negative than oxygen, cannot call forth the highest valence of molybdenum, which forms only a pentachloride, MoC15. With fluorine, however, which is the most electronegative of all the elements, the molybdenum can again be hexavalent, and we have the hexafluoride, MoF6. If we compare the compounds of sulfur with bromine, chlorine, oxygen and fluorine, which is the order corresponding to increasing electro- iegative character, we find that highest bromide has the formula S2Br2; a chloride exists, SC14, in which the sulfur has a higher valence; in sulfur trioxide, SO3, sulfur has its maximum positive valence, but the compound breaks down rather completely above 700°C into SO2 and O2; and finally the fluoride, SF6, is an exceedingly stable inert substance. Illustrations of this sort might be multiplied almost indefinitely. Solubility of Salts. The solubility of salts changes in regular order according to the Perodic System in nearly all instances. This may be illustrated for a single group, the second, by the following table: Hydroxide Sulfate Chloride • Magnesium Insoluble Soluble Deliquescent Calcium Sparingly Soluble Sparingly Soluble Deliquescent Strontium Moderately Soluble Insoluble Soluble Barium Soluble Very Less Soluble Insoluble It may be mentioned that a similar order is shown by the more soluble salts of the alkali metals, where, for example, the least soluble sulfate is that of cesium, at the bottom of the group. Elements that Form Complex Ions. The elements- most prone to form complex ions are in the sub-groups and especially in the neighborhood of 146 Group 1' in the second and third forms of the table. Complex ions with ammonia are given by Zn, Cd, Cu, Ag, Ni and Co. Complex cyanides are given by the same elements, also by the platinum metals and iron. Complex chlorides are given chiefly by the platinum metals and gold, as illustrated by PtCl6~" and AuC14~. Resemblance Between the First Member of a Group and the Second Member of the Succeeding Group. There appears a striking similarity between the first element in Groups 1 and 3 and the second element in the succeeding group. Thus lithium, while an alkali metal, resembles magnesium in having a hydroxide and carbonate which are not very soluble, a rather insoluble phosphate and a deliquescent chloride Beryllium is so much like aluminum that the two elements are difficult to separate. Boron is like silicon in physical properties and gives similar compounds in many respects. The borates of all but the alkali metals, like the corresponding silicates, are insoluble in water, and when fused tend to give glasses on cooling. Radioactive Elements. As might be expected, it is the heaviest and most complex atoms which tend to break down into simpler ones, and all of the elements of higher atomic weight than bismuth are radioactive. These are, accordingly, found at the bottom of the table. Prediction o£ Unknown Elements. The value of the Periodic System was demonstrated in very striking fashion by the prediction of unknown elements by Mendeleeff. At the time he constructed his table it was obvious that several gaps should be left in order to have the succeeding elements fall into their proper groups. Such gaps were to be found at the places now filled by scandium, gallium and germanium. From the properties of the adjacent elements Mendeleeff predicted the properties of the unknown elements. The remarkabl accuracy of these predictions is illustrated by the following comparison of the unknown element called by Mendeleeff "ekasilicon," with germanium, discovered later by Winkler. Ekasilicon. At. wt. 72, density 5.5 Oxide EsO2, density 4.7 Chloride EsC14, liquid, boiling slightly below 100°, density 1.9. Ethide, Es(C2H,)4, liquid, boiling at 160°, density 0.96. Fluoride, EsF4, not gaseous. Germanium. At. Wt. 72.5, density 5.46. Oxide GeO2, density 4.7. Chloride, GeCl4, liquid, boiling at 86°, density 1.887. Ethide, Ge(C2H5)4, liquid, boiling at 160°, density slightly less than 1. Fluoride, GeF4, while, solid. The foregoing comparison should serve as an illustration of the value of the Periodic System to the student of chemistry, for if an undiscovered element can be foretold so brilliantly by its aid, then any knowledge a student may have some elements may be similarly projected to deduce the proprties of adjacent elements. The use of the Periodic System, therefore enormously increases the effectiveness of a given amount of mental effort, and it is very important to form the habit of using it constantly. 147 CHAPTER XVII. DISPERSED SYSTEMS. In Chapter II a distinction was made between heterogeneous and homogeneous material, between mechanical mixtures and solutions. If we have a bottle containing water in the lower portion and moist air in the upper we would not hesitate to call the system heterogeneous. Even if the water were blown into the air from an atomizer, we would doubtless still considr the system heterogeneous. Suppose, however, we could break up the droplets into successively smaller and smaller ones, ending finally with molecules of water vapor in air. The resulting system we would have to consider homogeneous, a solution. When, we may well ask, did the system cease to be heterogeneous and become homogeneous? We might imagine a similar gradation starting with sand and water, which would be heterogeneous, through successively finer and finer suspensions of silica powder in water until we would have a solution of silica molecules in water. There is, evidently, no sharp boundary between systems cer- tainly heterogeneous, on the one hand, and solutions on the other, and between these two extremes there are systems which should have some of the charactristics of both. These we will call dispersed systems, one phase being highly dispersed in another. The possible systems may be clasified according to the nature of the dispersed phase and the enclosing phase as follows: Dispersed Phase Liquid Gas Solid Gas Liquid Solid Liquid Solid Enclosing Phase Gas Liquid Gas Solid Liquid Liquid Solid Solid Type Fog Foam Smoke Solid foam (e. g. pumice) Emulsion Suspension The most important of these from a chemical standpoint are emulsions and suspensions, and our attention will be largely confined to them. Brownian Movement. As the dispersed phase in suspension and emulsions becomes more and more finely divided it is possible to get systems in which the two phases do not separate on standing under the influence of gravity. A relatively large body like a grain of sand, dropped into water, will fall through the water at a rate of speed dependent on its size, the difference in density between it and water, and the viscosity of the water. A very small sand particle will fall more slowly through the water, because as the size diminishes the surface, upon which the resistance depends, does not decrease as fast as the weight. Fine suspensions, therefore, settle out more slowly than coarse ones. When a sufficiently minute particle is observed with a microscope it may be seen that it no longer falls in a straight line, but follows an irregular zigzag path. The reason for this is as follows. The molecules of water, according to the kinetic theory, are in rapid motion with a mean kinetic energy proportonal to the absolute temperature. Now in disordered 148 motion of this sort some molecules, at a given instant ,will be moving more rapidly and some more slowly than the average. Now when the particle of sand is so large compared with the water molecules that it is being bombarded by a very large number of the latter, the effect of their difference in kinetic energy will be neutralized; but when the particle gets sufficiently minute an especially hard impact on one side of it may not be neutralized by the impacts of other molecules on the other side, hence the particle will be displaced slightly. Since these abnormallc hard impacts are constantly occurring irregularly from different directions the result is the irregular zigzag movement of the particle above referred to. As smaller and smaller particles are taken the chances for inequality in the momentum or the impacts upon them increase, and also their resulting displacement increases, for a molecule of water striking a small body will have more effect on it than upon a larger one. In fact it can be seen by the aid of the microscope that the particles of a fine suspension are in much more violent motion than those of a coarse suspension. This movement is known from its discov- erer as the Brownian movement, and gives us very direct evidence of the truth of the kinetic theory. When sufficiently fine particles are taken the Brownian movement overcomes the effect of gravity so that the particles remain in permanent suspension. The system is then known as a colloidal suspension, or colloidal solution. There will be, in such a suspension, if time is allowed an increasing concentration of particles from the upper to the lower portions of the vessel, analogous to the increasing concentration of the atmosphere from high altitudes to lower. In face a French physical chemist Perrin, showed that the same rate of increase of the particles in .'suspension obeys the same laws that govern the change in barometric pressure with altitude, a most striking proof of the truth of the kinetic theory and of the real existence of molecules. The dividing line between suspensions which settle out on standing and colloidal suspensions, which remain permanently suspended, is purely one of convenience, for by applying centrifugal force it is possible to separate suspensions that would not do so under the influence of gravity alone. In general colloidal suspensions cannot be separated by filtration through ordinary filters. It is possible to distinguish in practice between true solutions and colloidal solutions or suspensions by reason of the great difference they show in the rate of diffusion. The Brownian movement of colloidal particles is so much less than the movement of the much smaller molecules of substances in true solution that the latter diffuse from regions of greater to those of smaller concentration with much greater rapidity. The first distinction between the two types was made upon this basis by Graham, in 1862. He obtained the following figures for the time required for the equal diffusion of various substances: HC1 1 NaCl 2.3 Sugar 7 MgSO4 7 Albumen 49 Caramel 98 To the class of substances which diffuse slowly he gave the name colloids, from the Greek name for glue, a member of this class. The molecular weight can be calculated from the rate of diffusion, and also from the lowering in vapor pressure or in freezing point, as explained in Chapter IV. These methods all agree in ascribing very 149 high molecular weights to substances in colloidal solution as is to be expected. The following figures illustrate the values found: Substance Molecular Weight. Egg albumen 20,000 Gelatin 40,000 Pepsin 12,000 Optical Properties of Colloidal Suspensions. When a colloidal sus- pension is viewed by transmitted light it usually appears homogeneous, like a true solution, its color depending on the size of the particles and on the nature of the material. By reflected light we usually notice a somewhat different color and an opaque muddy appearance similar to that of ordinary suspensions. The microscope will detect particles as small as O.OOO25 millimeter. Smaller particles than this cannot be viewed directly as they are smaller than the wave length of light, so that the latter cannot be regularly reflected from them. It is possible, however, to detect the presence of particles as small as 0.000006 millimeter, by looking at them in a strong transverse beam of light against a dark background. (The diameters of the molecules of most ordinary substances are less than 0.000001 millimeter.) Although no real image of the particle may be seen there is a scattering of the light by it so that a bright speck of light can be seen in the microscope. The same effect is responsible for the visibility of a beam of light in a dark room through illumination of dust particles invisible, perhaps, even in a microscope. A microscope arranged for use with powerful transverse illumination against a dark background is called an ultramicroscope. By knowing the concentration of the material in a colloidal suspension, and counting the number of particles in a tiny beam of known dimensions it is possible to determine the average size of the particles. Adsorption. Solid surfaces have the power of condensing gases upon them. The amount of gas so adsorbed depends upon the nature and area of the surface, the temperature, and the nature of the gas. The lower temperature the more slowly do the gaseous molecules move, and the more easily are they held by the attraction exerted by the solid surface, hence the gases which are most easily condensed to the liquid state are also more highly adsorbed by solid surfaces. Of all gases helium, which boils at 4.5°A, is least adsorbed, followed by hydrogen, whose boiling point is 20.5°A, then by gases like nitrogen, oxygen, etc., then by ammonia, water vapor, etc. It is a fact familiar to chemical analysts that considerable amounts of water may be condensed upon the surfaces of pieces of apparatus like crucibles and glass beakers, so that it is necessary to have them in a dry atmosphere in order to get exact and reproducible weights. If the solid is porous, like charcoal, or finely powdered, its surface is vastly increased, allowing the same amount to adsorb very much more of the gas. The use of charcoal to adsorb odorous gases in this way is very familiar. A similar adsorption of dissolved substances can take place from solutions upon solid surfaces immersed in them. "Bone black," formed by the strong heating of ground bone, turning its animal matter into charcoal, is used in the refining of sugar to remove the yellow coloring matter present. The colored bodies are mainly substances with large molecules which are readily adsorbed on the large surface of the bone-black, from which the solution of sugar can be filtered clear and colorless. Cotton seed oil is decolorized by fuller's earth in the same way. On account of the large surface even 150 a small amount of solid in colloidal suspension (a cube having a diameter of 1 cm. and a surface of 6 cm.2, is divided into cubes with a diameter of 0.0001 cm. would have a surface of 6000 cm.2) the adsorption of dissolved substances upon the colloidal particles exerts an important effect upon their properties. Electrical Migration of Colloidal Particles. An especially important effect upon the properties of fine suspensions is exerted by adsorbed ions. It is seldom that electrolytes are absent from aqueous suspensions, and even where such is the case, the ions of water may be preferentially adsorbed. Certain kinds of suspensions are prone to adsorb positive ions in excess, whereby the particles acquire a positive charge, while others, in a similar way, become negative. As a result they are able to migrate with an electric current flowing through the solution, the direction depending upon the sign of the adsorbed ions. The speed with which they move is comparable to that of the slower ions, about 7 mm. per hour under a drop of potential through the solution of 1 volt per cm. It is thus possible to classify suspensions as positive or negative, just as the ions themselves were classified in Chapter X. Among the positive suspensions are those of the metallic hydroxides and sulfides, while the negative suspensions include arsenous sulfide, silicic acid, graphite and the-noble metals. Relation Between Charge and Stability. Coagulation. Even though a suspended particle may be so small that its Brownian movement prevents its settling out under the influence of gravity, a suspension of such par- ticles may not be stable, because of the tendency of the particles to adhere to one another on impact, forming successively larger aggregates until settling out can occur. This process may be seen when silver chloride is formed by mixing its ions. At first a very fine suspension is formed, which, if not too concentrated, appears quite stable, and may run through an ordinary filter. On standing, however, and more rapidly if the .solution is heated and stirred, these extremely fine particles adhere to each other, forming eventually the familiar curdy precipitate of silver chloride. Now the effect of electrolytes upon the stability of such a suspension is very great. The presence of a charge upon the particles tends to make them repel each other and to prevent coagulation, so that a small amount of the proper electrolyte increases the stability. Suppose that we are dealing with a negative colloid like As2S3. If some electrolyte is added whose positive ion tends to be highly adsorbed it may partly dis- place the ion giving the negative charge, leaving the particle neutral and free to coagulate with others like it. In general hydrogen and hydroxide ions are highly adsorbed, so that the addition of a small amount of acid to a suspension of arsenous sulfide suffices to coagulate it while the addition of a small amount of alkali to a positive suspension like that of ferric hydroxide coagulates it completely. In general, then negative suspensions are coagulated by acids and positive suspensions by alkalis. There appear to be no striking differences in the extent to which most other ions are adsorbed, but the effect of the valence of the adsorbed ion upon its ability to coagulate a suspension is very great. Let us sup- pose that Na+, Ca++ and Al+++ are adsorbed by suspended As2S3 to the same degree. It is evidently not the amount of substance adsorbed but the amount of positive charge that it carries with it that determines its ability to neutralize a negative suspension. To have the same amount of electricity adsorbed we will need but half as much of the divalent 151 Ca++ and but one-third as much of the trivalent Al+++ as we will of the univalent Na+. Hence it will take very much less Ca++ and still less Al+++ to have the same effect as a given amount of Na+. Moreover it is the amount adsorbed, and not the amount in solution that determines the coagulating effect, and since the concentration of a substance in solution increases more rapidly than the amount adsorbed, the concen- tration of Na+ in the solution must be considerably more than three times that of the Al+++ in order that the amount of the former adsorbed be three times the latter. Use is made of the great coagulating power of aluminum ion upon the negative suspension of mud in water in purifying it for water supplies. Aluminum sulfate is extensively used in connection with filtration plants to increase the efficiency of the filtration. The aluminum hydroxide formed by the hydrolysis of the aluminum sulfate is itself a positive colloid, and aids considerably in the coagulation, since a positive colloid acts like a positive ion in neutralizing the charge on a negative suspension. The ions in sea water have a similar coagulating effect upon muddy river water discharged into it, a factor which aids in the formation of bars at river mouths. Most dyes are very fine suspensions which are themselves adsorbed or absorbed in animal or vegetable fibres. When the fiber is unable to hold the dye permanently the color may frequently be made "fast" by using a coagulant, called a "mordant." The mordant is the salt of a polyvalent ion like Al+++ or Sn++++, which can diffuse into the fiber and hydrolyze giving a positive hydroxide, which can hold the dye firmly. A "lake" is a pigment made by such coagulum of a hydroxide like Al (OH) 3 with a suitable dye. The famous "purple of Cassius" is a similar coagulum of gold and stannic hydroxide, formed simultaneously in the reaction of stannous ion with chlor-aurate ion, as follows: 2AuC14- + Sn++ 4- 12H2O = 2Au + 3Sn(OH)4 + 12H+ + 8C1-. In washing precipitates it is often found that the precipitate tends to become suspended and run through the filter. In such cases it is possible to prevent this re-suspension by washing with water containing a little acid, or ammonium salt, or ammonia, etc., as the case requires. The effect of the valence of negative ions in coagulating positive suspensions follows the principles laid down for the corresponding effect upon negative colloids. Ferric hydroxide suspension, for example, is more easily coagulated by sodium sulfate than by sodium chloride, and still more easily by sodium phosphate. Emulsions.. We have thus far been considering dispersed systems in which a solid is suspended in a liquid. We will now consider those systems in which the suspended phase is a liquid, called emulsions. Much of what has been said in regard to solid suspensions applies here. When the suspended droplets are small enough, as in cream, they are subject to Brownian movement, though in this case not sufficient to prevent their rising to the top by reason of gravity. The optical properties are similar to those suspensions. It is possible, however, to have stable emulsions with the suspended material less highly dispersed and in larger amounts than is the case ordinarily with solid suspensions, as illustrated by cream and mayonnaise dressing. In order to do this, however, an emulsifying agent must be used, for two pure liquids will not form a stable emulsion. The reason for this is as follows. 152 Whenever it is possible for two suspended droplets to come together they will coalesce into one, for the surface tension operates to make the surface as small as possible, and one spherical drop will have less surface than two of the same total volume. In order to prevent their coalescing, it is desirable to have the liquid in which they are suspended viscous, but especially is it necessary that the film of liquid which separates them when they are close' together should be difficult of rupture, like the soap bubble film which prevents two adjacent air bubbles from coalescing. Now a stable film can be produced by some substance which greatly lowers the surface tension of a liquid. An exact proof of this could be given, but the following simpler explanation may suffice. The diminu- tion in the surface tension is an evidence that the substance added diminishes the attractive forces of the molecules within the liquid, conse- quently there will be a tendency for molecules of the solvent to restore the condition of the pure solvent, where the molecules are probably closer together, by squeezing out, as it were, the molecules of the solute, which will threfore tend to be concentrated at the surface, still further lowering the surface tension. In fact we find that the surface tension of soap solutions is much less than that of water, and also that the tension at a surface that has stood for a short time is less than it is at a fresh surface, as illustrated by the following figures: • Surface Tension Fresh Surface Old Surface Water 79 79 1.25% Soap Solution 62 26 Suppose, now, that we consider a film of such a solution, representing in Fig. 14a the greater concentration of the soap at the surface by the Fig. 14. shading. If a strain is put upon the film so that it starts to rupture at a certain place, represented at b, the effect is to bring fresh solution from the interior to the surface at this point, solution in which the soap is at first less concentrated, and whose surface tension therefore greater than that of the old surface. Consequently, whenever rupture threatens the film becomes automatically stronger, and hence it is stable. Sufficient soap dissolved in water will therefore give both a stable foam, if shaken with air, or a stable emulsion if shaken with oil. Other substances like saponin, gelatin, albumen, the casein of milk, etc., may have the same effect in greater or less degree. The substances in the egg act in this way in making mayonnaise. Milk, when concentrated in the form of evaporated milk, can serve also for making mayonnaise. It is possible to have either phase the enclosed phase, the oil being the enclosing phase in mayonnaise that has "separated," and in the water- petroleum emulsions that often give trouble in oil fields. In this case the crude oil is the solution, and hence can give stable films separating water drops. An emulsion of water in benzene can be made by dissolving in the latter a magnesium soap which lowers its surface tension. There is a tendency, also, for the phase present in smallest amount to be the 153 enclosed phase, and one of the secrets of success in making mayonnaise is accordingly to wet the sides of the vessel with egg, and to add the oil slowly at first. Jellies. When the enclosed phase of an emulsion is present in sufficient amount the droplets begin to press on each other interfering with their spherical tendency and substituting a structure which would appear, in cross section, somewhat like a honeycomb. The droplets can no longer slide over each other rapidly, and any stress tending to deform the mass results in deforming the droplets, increasing their surface. On the removal of the stress their surface tension operates to restore their symmetry. Consequently such an emulsion is elastic, and represents one type of jelly. Emulsion Colloids. Allied in many respects to emulsions are solutions of many substances produced by animal and vegetable life, including glue, gelatin, albumens, tannin, gums and starch. These properties may be deduced, to a considerable extent, from the supposition that they are highly dispersed emulsions, the two phases, unlike the familiar oil-water emulsions, being soluble in each other to a considerable extent, so that the surface tension between them is very slight. On this account there is little adsorption of ions at their bounding surfaces, and their stability is little affected by ionic charges. This distribution of water between the two phases may, however, be considerably changed by the addition of elec- trolytes, even to the extent of "salting out" the colloid, as is done in making soap when common salt is used to make the soap separate from the solution. The effectiveness of various electrolytes in salting out colloids follows roughly the order in which they affect the surface tension of water. The effectiveness of various anions decreases in the following order: citrate, sulfate, acetate, chloride, nitrate, iodide, sulfocyanate, so that sodium sulfate, for example, would be far more effective than sodium nitrate. On account of the ease with which most colloids of this type remain in solution in water in large concentrations, they are often called hydro- philic colloids, those which "like water," as distinguished from the rela- tively unstable hydrophobic colloids, those which "hate water," which we considered earlier. Just as a fine emulsion is viscous, if at all concentrated, so these emulsion colloids, or hydrophilic colloids, are often very viscous, as illus- trated by glue, or gelatine solutions. Furthermore, when an emulsion contains enough of the enclosed phase so that the droplets deform each other, we begin to get the properties of a jelly. Similarly, by lowering the temperature, or on evaporation of water, the two phases apparently present in solutions of emulsion colloids usually become of such relative amounts as to produce gelatinization. The swelling or shrinking of these jellies when placed in solutions of different electrolytes plays an important part in biological processes, since much of the material of the living organism is colloidal in nature. As one phase of an emulsion becomes more viscous it approaches a solid in properties, hence there is no sharp distinction between a solid suspension and an emulsion. The corresponding jelly, moreover, may be less like the jelly of a true emulsion, like stiff mayonnaise, and more like wet sponge, where we have a liquid dispersed within an elastic fibrous solid. Silicic acid jelly seems to be of this nature. Protective Colloids. If an oil emulsion were mixed with a metallic 154 suspension the oil drops- would tend to enclose the metal particles, and the resulting system would behave essentially like a pure emulsion. Similarly, when an emulsion colloid, or hydrophilic colloid, is mixed with a hydro- phobic colloid the mixture behaves like a colloid of the former class. Since the hydrophilic colloids are relatively stable, a hydrophobic colloid may be made stable in this way. For example, if gelatin is present in a solution in which silver chloride is formed from its ions, each particfe of the silver chloride is coated with gelatin so as to prevent the coagulation that would otherwise ensue. The retention of this highly dispersed state in the solidified gelatin makes possible the photographic dry plate. Again, when gelatin is added to a suspension of arsenous sulfide it requires much more concentrated acid to coagulate it. Preparation of Colloidal Solutions. In addition to the colloids obtained from biological sources, like gelatin, albumens, starches, etc., it is possible to prepare highly dispersed systems of others by various methods which may be classified as dispersion or condensation methods, according, respectively, as we start with undispersed material or with molecularly dispersed material, molecules and ions. Dispersion Methods. Colloidal solutions of the nobler metals may be prepared by passing an arc between electrodes of that metal under water. The metal is vaporized in the arc and the vapor is condensed to solid particles in a highly dispersed state. Previously coagulated material may often be redispersed by washing out the coagulant, as occurs in washing certain precipitates. Basic ferric acetate, precipitated by boiling a solution containing ferric acetate, may be redispersed by washing with water containing a trace of acid. Some substances can be dispersed by the aid of a "peptonizer," usually a protective colloid, taking its name from the action of pepsin in digestion in dispersing aluminous material in the process of digestion. Thus graphite can be peptonized, or suspended, by grinding itx with tannin. The resulting solution is known commercially as "aquadag," and can be used as a lubricant. The cleansing action of soap, which is in the colloidal state when dissolved in water (not when in alcohol), is of this nature. Condensation Methods. By starting with ordinary solutions it is possible to get suspensions by suitable means. Thus a solution of a ferric chloride always contains free H+, Cl- and Fe(OH)3 (or basic chloride), the last of which is partly agglomerated, so that it will not pass through a very fine membrane like parchment. Accordingly, if such a solution is separated by parchment from pure water the H+ and Cl~ can diffuse out, the Fe(OH)3 -accumulating as the hydrolysis proceeds, as represented by the equation Fe^ + 3H2O = Fe(OH)3 4- 3H+ + 3C1" By continually renewing the water into which the hydrochloric acid diffuses the hydrolysis may be made complete, leaving a colloidal solution of ferric hydroxide. Such a process of separation by differential diffusion is called dialysis. Other hydroxides can be gotten in colloidal solution by the same method. That a colloidal solution is obtained by dialysis and not by the addition of alkali is due to the coagulating effect of the larger amount of electrolyte, chloride and hydroxide ions especially, which would be present under the latter circumstances. Whenever a relatively insoluble substance can be produced in the 155 absence of any considerable amount of electrolytes, it is possible to prepare it as a colloid*. Thus the action of H2S on a solution of As2O3 will give a suspension of As2S3 since the substances involved the still practically un-ionized. A suspension of HgS can be gotten by the action of H2S on Hg(CN)2 for the same reason. Colloidal gold can be prepared by the reduction of a very dilute solution of HAuC14 by some non-ionized reducing agent such as formaldehyde, CH2O, or a solution of phosphorus in ether. The addition of some protective colloid, like gelatin, allows the solution of the metal to be prepared in much more stable form, and more concentrated. The ''argyrol," used in curing cold in the head is a concentrated protected solution of colloidal silver. Exercises. 1. Discuss the conditions necessary for the existence of stable foams and emulsions. 2. Summarize the characteristics of hydrophilic and hydrophobic colloids, respectively. 3. It having been found that a certain colloid migrates with the positive current, decide whether it would be coagulated more easily by HC1 or NaOH. 4. When a substance is dispersed in a liquid the behavoar of the system will depend partly upon the following factors: (a) the size of the dispersed particles, (b) the magniture of the surface tension between the phases, (c) whether the dispersed phase is solid or liquid, (d) whether the dispersed particles adsorb positive or negative ions more readily. Decide what effect, if any, each of the above factors would have upon each of the following phenomena: (1) the Brownian movement, (2) the electric migration, (3) the rate of diffusion, (4) coagulation, (5) separa- tion on standing, (6) adsorbing power, (7) protective action on other dispersed substances. 5. What conditions should be observed in the formation of colloidal solutions? 6. Outline experiments to enable you to determine the most effective means for coagulating a colloidal suspension of an unfamiliar substance. 7. Make a classification of dispersed systems that will, in your opinion, best express their various behaviors. 156 INDEX Acetanilide 84 Acetates 97, 102 Acetic acid 45, 77, 79, 90, 93, 96 Acetone 79 Acids 44, 47, 78 nomenclature 56 Acid salts 57, 58, 78 Acetylene 83, 121 Addition compounds 42 Adsorption 1 148 Air 11 specific gravity of gases referred to 34 Albumen 147, 152 Alcohol t 76, 79 Alkali metals ...39, 142 Alkaline earth metals 39 Alkalis 46, 142 Aluminum 39, 79 chloride 112 hydroxide 102, 112, 142 oxide 105, 112 solution by acids and alkalis 129 sulfate 150 use in cleaning silver 128 Ammonia 45, 100, 143 complex ions with 101, 110, 145 synthesis .-. 81, 84, 116, 120 Ammonium hydroxide 45, 78, 91, 93 ion, solution of bases by 105 sulfide 107 Amphoteric hydroxides 106, 129 Amphoteric sulfides 107, 143 Analysis 11 groups in , 108 volumetric .62 Anhydrides 47 Antimonic acid 143 Antimony 142 sulfides 107, 143 Aqua regia 130, 133 Argyrol 154 Arsenic 142 oxides 107 sulfides.... 107, 143, 149 Arsenic acid : 59, 143 Arsine 144 Atom of electricity 74 Atomic numbers 137 Atomic theory 25 Atomic volumes... 136 Atomic weights, calculation of 29 choice of 26 table of 13 Atoms 26 Avogadro's Rule 22, 31 Baking soda 7, 103 Barium 39 chloride 144 hydroxide 45, 144 oxide 50 peroxide 50 sulfate.. 97, 99, 112, 144 Base metals 40, 141 Bases 45, 142 Basic salts .57, 109 Batteries ; 8, 128, 133 Benzene 121, 151 Beryllium 142, 145 Bicarbonate ion 93, 103, 108, 109 Bichromates 58, 124, 131 Binary compounds 55 Bismuth 142, 144 chloride , 57, 104 hydroxide 57, 104, 143 oxychloride 57, 104 sulfide 107, 133, 143 Bisulfates 58 Boneblack 148 Borax 58, 103, 109 Boric acid 45, 58, 78, 103, 142 Boron 145 Bromide ion..... 110, 131 Bromine 41, 131, 144 Brownian movement......... 146 Cadmium, complex ions 101, 145 halides 78, 79, 110 sulfide 107, 110 Calcium 39, 78 carbonate 43, 44, 87, 108, 112, 113 chloride 44, 144 hydroxide 45, 113, 144 nitrate 121 phosphates ..100, 109 sulfate 44, 109, 112, 144 Calorie 65 Caramel 147 Carbolic acid 76 Carbon ...42, 142, 152 dioxide 43, 45 monoxide .41 Carbonic acid 45, 78, 91, 93, 108, 142 Casein 151 Cast iron- 11 Catalysis 84, 119 Charcoal 148 Chemical affinity i . 128 Chemical reactions, control 8, 81, 87, 116 speed of ..82, 118 types 41 weight relations in .29 volume relations in ..32 Chlorate ion 132 Chlorine.... 539, 41, 124, 130, 132 Chloroform 76, 79 Chromate ion ..124, 132 Chromic ion 124, 131 Chromic oxide 105 Chromium 140 hydroxide 106 Classification of compounds ..43 of elements 13, 39, 136 of reactions 41, 42 Cleaning silver 128 Coagulation of colloids.... ...148 157 Cobalt, complex ions 101, 145 sulfide 107 Coke 41 Colloids 147 Combustion 41 Complex acids - 57 Complex ions 101, 110, 130, 144 Compounds 11 classification of 51 Concentration, effect on equilibrium 87 effect on reaction velocity 82 of gases 18 molal 60 normal 61 "Contact process" 118 Copper 72, 75 complex ions of 101, 110, 145 oxidation 127, 144 sulfide 107, 110, 133 Cotton-seed oil 148 Coulomb 73 Cryolite 79 Cupric ion 72, 75 Cyanide ion 101, 110, 130 Cyanides 55, 101, 110, 130, 145 "Cyanide process" 130 Densities of the elements 140 Diffusion 15 Dispersed systems 146 Dissociation, constants 92 electrolytic 71 thermal 43 Dry cell 8 Dyes 150 Electricity, quantity per gram-ion....73 Electrolysis 12, 40 Electrolytic dissociation 71 Electromotive force 128 Electron 74 Electropositive and electronegative character of elements, 39, 49, 74, 141 Elements 11, 12 classification 13, 136 melting points 137, 140 nomenclature 55 Emulsions 46, 146, 150 Endothermic reactions 66, 117 Enzymes 85 Equations, interpretation 28, 35 writing 49, 52,' 123 Equilibrium, effect of, concentration •_ 87 pressure 116 temperature 117 Equivalent 61 electrochemical 73 Ether 79 Ethyl alcohol 79 Exothermic reactions 66 Faraday of electricity... 73, 128 Ferric ion 131, 132 oxalate complex 101, 113 oxide 105, 113 Ferricyanides.... 59, 101, 145 Ferrocyanides 59, 101, 145 Ferrous ion.. 131, 132 sulfide 107 Fertilizers . 100, 120, 121 Films, stability of liquid 151 Fire extinguishers 104 Flash powders 41 Fluorine 41. 144 Foams 146, 151 Fog 146 Foods 68 Formulas determination of 26 meaning 26 writing 40, 52 Free energy .-128 Freezing point and molecular weights 37, 71, 77, 147 Fuels 41, 65 Fuel value of foods 68 Fuller's earth..... 148 Fused salts 79 Galvanized iron 127 Gases 15 adsorption 148 change in pressure or volume during reactions 32 volume per md 33 Gasolene 41, 121 Gelatin 148, 151, 152 Germanium 145 Glass 145 Glue 147, 152 Gold . 39 colloidal 150 solution of 130 Graham 147 Gram-atoms 27 Gram-molecules -27, 33 Graphite... 142, 149, 153 Gravity battery 152 Halogens 41 Hard water 87 Heat of reaction ...8, 65, 76, 117 Helium 148 Heterogeneous systems 9, 146 Homogeneous systems .....9, 146 Hydrides 143 Hydrochloric acid .-..40, 77, 83, 96 Hydrocyanic acid .. 93, 111 Hydrofluoric acid 96 Hydrogen 12 deposition on metals 129 formula 32 stability of compounds of 40 Hydrogen ion 74, 79, 90, 93, 99 Hydrogen peroxide 25, 36, 82, 84 132 Hydrogen sulfide 78, 93 reducing power 131 stability 144 Hydrolysis 101, 143 Hydrophilic colloids 152 Hydrophobic colloids 152 Hydrosulfide ion 93 Hydroxides 45 solution by hydrogen ion 105 Hydroxyl 45, 79, 99 Hypochlorous acid....57, 78, 124, 132, 143 158 Iodate ion . 131 Iodide ion 130, 144 Iodine 41, 130, 144 Ionic theory 71 Ionization 71, 100 constants 92 degree of 77 Ions, charges on 72 complex 101, 110, 130, 144 migration of. 72 Indicators 45, 46, 99, 100, 104 Iron 11, 39 oxides... .....105, 113 reducing power 127 rust ..113 sulfide 107 Jellies 152 Kerosene 41 Kinetic theory 15, 81, 89, 146 Lakes 150 Law of conservation of mass .24 Law of mass action.. ..90 Law of simple multiple proportions....24 Lead 39, 127, 130, 142 acetate 78, 109 carbonate 109 hydroxide 106, 143 oxides 11, 24, 131, 133 sulfate.. 99, 109, 110, 133 sulfide 107, 133 LeChatelier's Theorem 90, 116 Limestone 35, 43, 87, 108 Litharge 11 Lithium 145 Litmus ; 45, 99 Magnesium 41, 145 chloride 144 hydroxide 98, 105, 144 sulfate 144 Manganese 140 dioxide 84 ion 131 sulfide 107 Marble 7 Mass law 90 Mayonnaise 151 Melting points of the elements .....140 Mendeleeff 136 Mercuric chloride 78, 79, 97 cyanide .78 sulfide 107, 133 sulfocyanate .78 Mercurous chloride 99 ion 127 Mercury 1 127 Metals 12 noble and base... 39, 141 reducing power 127 solution in acids 83, 128 Metals and non-metals 12, 14, 39, 98 Metathesis 42 Methyl orange 45, 99, 104 Methyl violet.... 45, 99 Meyer 136 Migration of colloidal particles , 148 of ions , 72 Mol 27, 33 Molal concentration i 60 Molecular weights 34, 36 Molecules ...15, 26, 148 Molybdenum 140, 144 chloride .....144 fluoride 144 oxide 144 Mordants 150 Neutralization 46, 60 Newlands 136 Nickel 39, 140 complex ions 101, 145 hydroxides 133 sulfide 107 Nitrates 99 Nitric acid 45 oxidation by 130, 131, 132, 133 preparation 96, 121 strength 77, 143 synthesis 121 volatility 96 Nitric oxide. 82, 117, 118, 120, 131 Nitrogen 11 Nitrous acid 56, 78, 132, 143 Noble metals 39, 141 Nomenclature 55 Non-metals 13, 39, 141 Normal concentration ....61 Oxalates 101, 113 Oxalic acid 45 Oxidation 41, 53, 123 Oxides 40, 42 solution by acids 105 Oxidizing power .....127, 130 Oxygen 11 electronegative character.. 39, 144 formula 31 standard for atomic weights.... ...26 Oxy-acids 56 Ozone r 82 Partial pressure in gas mixtures 20 Pepsin 148 Peptonization 153 Periodic system 136 Permanganate ion 131, 133 Permutite - 94 Peroxides 51 Perrin 147 Petroleum . 121 Phenol 76, 102 Phenolphthalein 46, 99, 104 Phosphates- 99, 109 Phosphine 144 Phosphoric acid 45, 93, 143 Phosphorus acid 58, 104 Phosphorus 142 trichloride 104 valence 141 Platinum, complex ions 101, 130, 145 depostion of hydrogen on..... 129 solution by aqua regia 130 Plumbate ion 110 Polybasic acids 78 Polysulfide ions ..107 159 Positive and negative character of elements ..40, 46, 98 Potassium 39 chlorate 57, 76, 84 chloride 143 hydroxide 45, 143 oxide 43 Pressure, change during reactions 32 effect of temperature on 18 effect on equilibrium 116 of gases 15 partial 20 Properties 8, 75 Protective colloids 152 Pure substances 9 Purple of Cassius 150 Pyro-acids 58 Radicals .44, 52, 57 Radioactivity 145 Red lead , 11 Reducing power 127, 130 Reduction 53, 123 of metals by carbon 42 Replacement ; 41 Salts ...46 fused . 79 • nomenclature . 56 solubilities 97 solubility and temperature .118 weak 78 Silicates 145 Silicic acid 58, 78, 143, 149 Silicon . 145 Silver 39 ammonia complex 101, 110, 145 bromide 110 carbonate 98, 111 chloride 97, 99, 110, 149 cleaning 128 cyanide 110 cyanide complex .....101, 110, 145 iodide. 97, 110 oxidation 127 sulfate 99, 112 sulfide 107, 114, 128, 133 thiosulfate 110 Simple multiple proportions, law of....24 Slaked lime 7 Soap. 46, 104, 151, 153 Soddy 139 Sodium 40, 79, 127, 142 acid carbonate 91, 103, 109, 113 borate 103, 108 carbonate 45, 103, 109, 113 hydroxide 45, 79, 113 peroxide 51 phenolate 102 silicate 103 thiosulfate ("hyposulfite") 51 Solid solutions 10 Solubility 97, 144 Solutions 9 colloidal 147 freezing point lowering in 37, 71, 77, 147 ionization in 71 Solvay process ..109 Speed of reactions 81, 118, 132 Spontaneous combustion 82' Stability of compounds 39, 143, 144 Standard solutions . 61 Stannate ion 132 Stannic acid... 58, 106, 150 chloride 46 compounds 50 ion 131 sulfide 107 Stannite ion 132 Stannous compounds, compounds v - 50 hydroxide 106 ion 131, 150 sulfide 107 Steel 10, 82 Stibine 144 Stirring, effect on reaction velocity 83 Storage batteries 133 Strontium, chloride 144 hydroxide „ 144 sulfate 144 Substances 7, 8, 72, 73 Sugar 85, 69, 71, 147 Sulfides ..40 solubility in acids 106, 133 solubility in sulfide ion 107, 143 solubility in water 99 Sulfo-acids 57, 107 Sulfur dioxide 43, 47, 89, 91, 116, 117, 118, 131 Sulfur trioxide ........43, 47, 89, 91, 116, 117, 118, 144 Sulfuric acid 45, 47 oxidizing power 131 manufacture 85, 118 volatility 96 Superphosphate 100 Surface, effect on adsorption 148 effect on reaction velocity. 83 Suspensions 146 Symbols 12 Synthesis 11 Tellurium 142 Temperature, absolute scale 19 effect on chemical equilibrium 117 effect on pressure and volume of gases 16 effect on speed of reactions 81 Tensile strength 140 Thiosulfates 51, 110 Thomsen 138 Thorium hydroxide 143 Tin (see also stannic stannous).... 1 39, 131, 142 hydroxides 143 Titanic acid 143 Titration 60 Toluene 121 Trinitrobenzene 100 Tungsten 140 Ultramicroscope 148 Uranium 84, 140 Valence 49, 55, 74, 123, 140, 149 160 Vanadium 140 Vapor pressure 21, 36 Velocity of gas molecules 15 Velocity of reactions 81, 118, 132 Volatility 1 96 Volume of gases 17, 31 change during reactions 32 of a given weight.... 33 of one mol 33 Volumes, atomic 136 Washing soda 45, 103 W ater, composition 11 dielectric constant 79 formula 24, 31 hardness 87, 94, 108 ionization 79, 99 purification 150 stability 144 Weak acids and bases 77, 108 Weak salts ..78, 79, 109 Weight of a given volume of gas 33 Weight relations in chemical re- actions 29 White lead ....: 109 Wood alcohol 79 Yeast 85 Zinc 39 carbonate 110, 112 chloride 112 complex ions 101, 110, 145 hydroxide 106, 112 reducing power 127 solution by acids and alkalis 129 sulfate 112 sulfide ... 106, 110 use in cleaning silver 128