iF^^^1^ V ' ,'V ■"■ vf - ' <.T * : *"■ •***' h^k.y V* '<-*■ " . ■ V *v *<&. •■ '.-■ •• w - ■£>;£ v.'ia?^-' .! ^zr ■■■*■?^V&:?&&•.■ ■'■ X •-\-Vv ■■■•--". f.- ",'V : "iD If IS 0 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of Christine Miller Leahy and John Michael Miller In memory of James A. Miller, M.D. and Casper O. Miller, MD. ——^—■----------'• 7^11 ft* /• ; tl^^, . ?*. .'--,: .7, ;7,7 J7*** ; ■ ^ A DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY, ON THE BASIS OF MR. NICHOLSON'S; IN WHICH THE PRINCIPLES OF THE SCIENCE ARE INVESTIGATED ANEW, AND ITS APPLICATIONS TO THE PHENOMENA OF NATURE, MEDICINE, MINERALOGY, AGRICULTURE, AND MANUFACTURES, DETALLED. BY ANDREW URE, M. D. PROFESSOR OF THE ANDERSOIUAN nrSTITUTIOIT, MEMBER OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, &C &C. WITH AN antrotmctorp ^tggertatfon; CONTAINING INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTERTING THE ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT INTO A SYSTEMATIC ORDER OF STUDY. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION; WITH SOME ADDITIONS, NOTES, AND CORRECTIONS, BY ROBERT HARE, M. D. PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PEXNSYLVANIA. ASSISTED BY FRANKLIN BACHE, M. D. MEMBER OP THE AMERICAS PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ANL OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, vol. n. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY ROBERT DESDLVER, No. 110, WALNUT STREET. 1821. Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to wit: BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the thirteenth day of October, in the forty-sixfli year of the independence of the United States of America, A. D. 1821, Robert Desil- ver, of the said district, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit: " A Dictionary of Chemistry on the basis of Mr. Nicholson's; in which the prin- " ciples of the Science are investigated anew, and its applications to the phenomena *• of Nature, Medicine, Mineralogy, Agriculture, and Manufactures, detailed. By An- " drew Ure, M. D. Professor of the Andersonian Institution, Member of the Geologi- " cal Society, &c. &c. with an Introductory Dissertation; containing instructions for " converting the Alphabetical Arrangement into a systematic order of study. First " American edition; with some additions, notes, and corrections, by Robert Hare, M. " D. Professor of Chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania: Assisted by Frankliu " Bache, M. D. Member of the American Philosophical Society, and of the Academy of " Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Vol. II. In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned."—And also to the act, entitled, "An act supplementary to an act, entitled, 'An act for the En- couragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the au- thors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned,' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Paper, manufactured by £ foshuaand Thomas Gilpin. > '> r tow H+. ^ 5 DICTIONARY CHEMISTRY 5 ^'fi £-&- j/**&4<*t f^ EAR EAGLE-STONE. A clay ironstone. * EARTHS. Fifteen years ago, few •substances seemed more likely to retain a permanent place in chemical arrange- ments, than the solid and refractory earths, which compose the crust of the globe. Analysis had shown, that the various stony or pulverulent masses, which form our mountains, valleys, and plains, might be considered as resulting from the combina- tion or intermixture, in various numbers and proportions, of nine primitive earths, to which the following names were given: 1. Barytes. 2. Strontites. 3. Lime. 4. Magnesia. 5. Alumina, or clay. 6. Silica. 7. Glucina. 8. Zirconia. 9. Yttria. Alkalis, acids, metallic ores, and native metals, were supposed to be of an entirely dissimilar constitution. The brilliant discovery by Sir H. Davy in 1808, of the metallic bases of potash, soda, barytes, strontites, and lime, subvert- ed the ancient ideas regarding the earths, and taught us to regard them as all belong- ing, by most probable analogies, to the me- tallic class. According to an ingenious suggestion of Mr. Smithson, silica, howev- er, ought to be ranked with acids, since it has the power in native mineral compounds of neutralizing the alkaline earths, as well as the common metallic oxides. But as this property is also possessed by many metallic oxides, it can afford no evidence against the metallic nature of the siliceous basis. Alumina, by the experiments of Ehrman, may be made to saturate lime, producing a glass; and the triple com- pounds of magnesia, alumina, and lime, are perfectly neutral, in porcelain. We might therefore refer alumina as well as silica, to the same class with the oxides of antimony, arsenic, chromium, columbium, molybde- num, titanium, and tungsten. Alumina, however, bears to silica, the same relation that oxide of antimony does to that of arse- EGE nic j the antecedent pair acting the part of bases, while the consequent pair act only as acids. The compound or the fluoric principle with silica is of too mysterious a nature to be employed in this discussion. The almost universal function which silica enjoys of saturating the alkaline oxides in the native earthy minerals, is exhibited, in a very striking manner, in Mr. Allan's val- uable Synoptic Tables. From his fifth to his fifteenth table of analyses, the column of silica is always complete, whatever de- ficiency or variation may occur in the co- lumns of the earthy bases. At leasi, only a very few exceptions need be made for the oriental gems, which consist of strongly ag- gregated alumina. To the above nine earthy substances', Berzelius has lately added a tenth which he calls thorina.* \ See soil and analysis of soils. \ Earthenware. See Pottery. Eao db Luce, consists chiefly of the es- sential oil of amber and the volatile alkali. Echini. Calcareous petrifactions of the echinus, or sea hedgehog. Effervescence is the commotion pro- duced in fluids by some part of the mass suddenly taking the elastic form, and es- caping in numerous bubbles. Efflorescence is the effect which takes place when bodies spontaneously become converted into a dry powder. It is almost always occasioned by the loss of the water of crystallization in saline bodies. * Egkran. A sub-species of pyramidal garnet. Colour reddish-brown. Massive, sometimes crystallized in rectangular four- sided prisms, with cylindrical convex late- ral planes. The prisms are long, and deep- ly longitudinally streaked. Shining, vitre- ous. Cleavage, twofold. Fracture, uneven. Feebly translucent on the edges. Scratch- es feldspar. Brittle. Sp.gr. 3.294. It melts into a black scoria. It occurs in a bed of ELA ELE feldspar and hornblende, at Haslau, near Eger in Bohemia.* Erg9. The eggs of hens, and of birds in general, are composed of several dis- tinct substances. 1. The shell, or exter- nal coating, which is composed of carbo- nate of lime .72, phosphate of lime .2, ge- latin .3. The remaining .23 are perhaps water. 2. A thin white and strong mem- brane, possessing the usual characters of animal substances. 3. The white of the egg, for which see Albume . 4. The yolk, which appears to consist of an oil of the nature of fat oils, united with a portion of serous matter, sufficient to render it diffusible in cold water, in the form of an emulsion, and concrescible by heat. Yolk of egg is used as the medium for render- ing resins and oils diffusible in water. * Eisenrahm. Red and brown; the scaly iron ore, and scaly manganese ore.* * Elain. The oily principle of solid fats, so named by its discoverer, M. Chev- reul. Chevreul dissolves the tallow in very pure hot alcohol, separates the stearin by crystallization, and then procures the eldin, by evaporation of the spirit. But M. Bra- connot has adopted the simpler and pro- bably a more exact method. By squeez- ing tallow between the folds of porous paper, the eldin soaks into it, while the stearin remains. The paper being then soaked in water, and pressed, yields up its oily impregna.ion. Elain has very much the nppearance and properties of vegeta- ble oil. It is liquid at the temperature of 60*. Its smell and colour are derived from the solid fats from which it is extracted. Hitman eldin is yellow, without odour. Specific gravity 0.913. Eldin of sheep; colourless, a faint smell. Sp. gr. 0.915. Elain of ox ; colourless, and almost with- out odour. Sp. grav. 0.915. Elain of hog ,■ do. do. 0.915. Eldin of jaguar ; lemon colour, odorous. 0.914. Eldin of goose ; light lemon colour, little odour. 0.929. Solubility in alcohol ofsp. gr. 0.7952. Human eldin; 11.1 gr. by 9 gr. at the boiling point. Eldin of sheep; 3.79 gr. by 3 gr. at do. Eldin of ox,- 5.8 gr. by 4.7 gr. at do. Eldin of hog ,■ 11.1 gr. by 9.0 gr. at do. Eldin of jaguar,- 3.35 gr. by 2.71 gr. at do. Eldin of goose; 11.1 gr. by 9.0 gr. at do. Elain of the fat of ox, extracted by al- cohol, yields, by the action of potash. Of saponified fat, 92.6 parts Of soluble matter, 7.4 Those of the oilier fats yield, Of saponified fat, 89 Of soluble matter, 11 In M. Chevreul's 7th memoir on fats, published in the 7th vol of the Ann. dc Chimie et Phys., he gives the following as the composition of the oleates from sper- maceti :— Oleic acid - 100 Barytes - 31.24 Strontian - 23.18 Oxide of lead 100.00 If we suppose the last a suboleate, the equivalent of this oleic acid will be 28. The oil or oleic acid of the delphinus glo- biceps is remarkably soluble in cold alco- hol ; 100 parts of which of sp gr. 0.795, at 68°, dissolve 123 of the oil. When that oil is freed by cold from a crystallizable matter, 100 parts of alcohol, sp. gr. 0.820, dissolve 149.4 of oil at the atmospheric temperature. It was slightly acid by the test of litmus, which he ascribes to the presence of an aqueous fluid. See Fat.* * Elaot.it>:. A sub-species of pyra- midal feldspar. Colours, duck-brown, in- clining to green, and flesh-red, inclining to gray or brown. Massive, and in granular concretions. Lustre shining and resinous. Fracture imperfect conchoidal. Faintly translucent. Hardness as feldspar. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.6. Its powder forms a jelly with acids. Before the blow-pipe, it melts into a milk-white enamel. Its con- stituents are 46.5 silica, 30.25 alumina, 0.75 lime, 18 potash, 1 oxide of iron, and 2 wa- ter. Klaproth. The blue is found at Laur- wig, and the red at Stavern and Friedricks- warn, both in the rock named zircon syenite. The pale blue has an opalescence, like the cat's eye, which occasions it to be cut into small ornaments. It is called fettstein by Werner, from its resinous nature. Jameson.* * Elecampane. SeelNULix* * Electricity. The phenomena dis- played by rubbing a piece of amber, con- stitute the first physical fact recorded in the history of science. Thales of Miletus, founder of the Ionic school, ascribed its mysterious power of attracting and re- pelling light bodies to an inherent soul or essence, which, awakened by friction, went forth and brought back the small particles floating around. In times near to our own, the same hypothesis was resorted to, by the honourable Robert Boyle. From electron, the Greek name of amber, has arisen the science of electricity, which in- vestigates the attractions and repulsions, the emission of light, and explosions, which are produced, not only by the friction of vitreous, resinous, and metallic surfaces, but by the heating, cooling, evaporation, and mutual contact, of a vast number of bodies: ELE ELE 1. General statement of electrical pheno- mena. If we rub, with a dry hand or a silk handkerchief, a glass tube, and then ap- proach it to bits of paper or cotton, to feathers, or which is better, gold leaf, it will first attract these bodies, and then re- pel them. If the tube be held parallel to a table on which they have been laid, an electrical dance will be performed. If to the farther end of the tube we hang a brass ball, by a thread of linen, hemp, or a metallic wire, the ball will participate with the rubbed tube, in its mysterious powers. But if the ball be suspended by a cord of silk, worsted, or hair, or by a rod of glass, wax or pitch, the attractive and repulsive.' virtue will not pass into it. When the atmosphere is dry, if we take in one hand a rod of glass, and in the other a stick of sealing wax, and after having rubbed them against silk or worsted, ap- proach one of them to a bit of gold leaf floating in the air, it will first attract and then repel it. While the film of gold is seen to avoid the contact of the rod which it has touched, if we bring the other rod into its neighbourhood, attraction will im- mediately ensue; and this alternate attrac- tion and repulsion may be strikingly dis- played by placing the two excited rods at a small distance asunder, with the gold leaf between. If we suspend close together, by silk threads, two cylinders of rush-pith, and touch their lower ends with either the rub- bed wax or glass, the pieces of pith will instantly recede from each other at a con- siderable angle. If we now merely ap- proach to the bottom of the diverging cy- linders, the rod with which they had been touched, their divergence will increase; but if we approach the other rod, they will instantly collapse through their whole extent. When the rods are rubbed in the dark, a lambent light seems diffused over them, and a pungent spark will pass into a knuckle brought near them. If the per- son who makes these experiments happens to stand on a cake of wax, or a stool with glass feet, then on rubbing the glass tube, he will acquire the above attractive and repulsive powers; but the light bodies re- pelled by the tube, will be attracted by his body, and vice versa. Hence we see, that the rubbing body acquires electrical pro- perties, dissimilar to those acquired by the substances rubbed. Such is a sketch of the elementary phe- nomena of electricity. The science, in its modern augmentation, seems to compre- hend almost every change of the corpus- cular world, however minute and myste- rious, as well as the long recognized and magnificent meteors of the atmosphere. Let us now take a methodical view of them, its far as the limits of our work will permit. We shall consider electrical phenomena under four heads:— 1st, Of the- Excitement of Electricity, or the various means by which the electri- cal equilibrium is disturbed. 2d, Of the Two Electricities. 3d, Of the Distribution of Electri- city. 4th, Of the Voltaic Battery and its Ef- fects: calorific, or igniting; and decom- posing, or the chemical agencies of elec- tricity. Concerning the nature of the electrical*, essence, we are equally in the dark as con- cerning the nature of caloric. The phe- nomena may be referred in both cases, either to a peculiar fluid, whose particles are endowed with innate idio-repulsive powers, or to a peculiar affection of the molecules of common matter. I. Of Electrical Excitement. 1. The mutual friction of all solids, whe- ther similar or dissimilar, and of many fluids against solids, will invariably excite electrical phenomena, provided one of the bodies be of such a nature as to obstruct the speedy diffusion of the electrical vir- tue. Hence we must commence with a list of electrical conductors and non-con- ductors. 1st, The following substances conduct or favour the rapid distribution of electri- city. Those at the head of the list pos- sess a conducting power greater than that of water, in the proportion of three mil- lions to one. 1. Copper 16. Saline solutions 2. Silver 17. Animal fluids 3. Gold 18. Sea water 4. Iron 19. Water •— 5. Tin 20. Ice and snow 6. Lead above 0° 7. Zinc 21. Living vegetables 8. Platinum 22. Living animals 9. Charcoal-- 23. Flame 10. Plumbago.. 24. Smoke 11. 6trong acids 25. Vapour 12. Soot and lamp- 26. Salts black —■ 27. Rarefied air 13. Metallic ores 28. Dry earths 14. Metallic oxides 29. Massive minerals 15. Dilute acids 2d, The following is a list of electrical non-conductors, in the order of their insu- lating power: 1. Shell-lac trifled bodies, 2. /Vmber comprehending 3. Resins diamond and 4. Sulphur crystallized trans- 5. Wax parent minerals 6. Asphaltum 8. Raw silk 7. Glass, and all vi- 9. Bleached silk ELE ELE 10. Dyed silk 19. Caoutchouc of electricity, is probably very different 11. Wool, hair, and 20. Lycopodium from the chain ofnature.f feathers 21. Dry chalk and There seems to be no physical quality 12. Dry gases lime common to the conductors, or to the non- 13. Dry paper, parch- 22. Phosphorus conductors. The crystalline arrangement ment, and 23. Ice below 0° of always introduces non-conducting quali- leather Fahr. ties, more or less perfect, it we exclude the 14. Baked wood, and 24. Oils, of which the .metals. Thus carbon, in the pulverulent dried vegetables densest are best or fibrous form, is an excellent conductor, 15. Porcelain 25. Dry metallic ox- but crystallized in diamond, it becomes an 16. Marble ides, including insulator. The same difference exists be- 17- Massive minerals fused alkaline tween water and ice; and, as is said, be- non-metallic and earthy hy- tween pounded and compact glass. If 18. Camphor drates. pounded glass be indeed a conductor, it must, from my experiments, be so in a very The general arrangement of the above ^ imperfect degree. Glass, resins, and fats, - lists is tolerably correct, though it is pro- - which in the solid state are non-conductors, i bable that phosphorus, when freed from -become conductors on being melted. ' adhering moisture, would stand higher On the evolution of electricity by friction, among insulators. js founded the construction of our common All material substances have been usually electrical machines. It was supposed at divided into two classes; of electrics, and one time, that their action was connected non-electrics. Butthisdistinctionisground- with the oxidizement of the amalgam, less, and calculated to mislead. Every sub- which is usually applied to the face of the stance is an electric, or capable by friction rubber. But Sir H. Davy having mounted of exhibiting electrical phenomena. Thus, a small machine in a glass vessel, in such a if we take any of the bodies in the first list, manner that it could be made to revolve in which are commonly called non-electrics, any species of gas, found that it was active for instance a copper ball, and insulating it in hydrogen, and more active in carbonic by a rod of any convenient solid in the se- acid, than even in the atmosphere. Indeed cond list, if we rub the ball with a piece of if we recollect that the friction of surfaces silk or worsted, we shall find it to become of glass, silk, or sealing-wax, is sufficient electrical. It will attract and repel light to produce electrical appearances, we can- bodies, and will give lucid sparks to a fin- not suppose oxidizement of metal to be es- ger which approaches it. To account for sential to their production. If we even these appearances, it has been said that the impel a current of air, or a minute stream electrical equilibrium which constitutes the---------------------------------------- common state of matter, is disturbed by the j I have never yet met with difficulty in friction; and that one of the two bodies at- explaining the phenomena of mechanical tracts to itself a surcharge of the electrical electricity upon Franklin's theory. An ob- fluid, while the other remains in a deficient jection to it, which operates perhaps more state, whence the terms of positive and ne- than any other, is founded on erroneous gative, or plus and minus, have arisen, premises. I mean that, which is grounded Many of the appearances, however, are re- on the well-known phenomena of the reces- conciled with difficulty to a mere excess or sion from each other, of light bodies, whe- deficiency of one fluid; and hence the hy- ther electrified minus or plus. It is al- pothesis of a compound fluid, susceptible leged, that the presence and absence of a of decomposition by friction and other principle cannot have the same effect; that, means, has been introduced. The result- when bodies are surcharged with the elec- ing fluids are necessarily co-existent, the trie fluid, it is easy to conceive, that they one appearing on the body rubbed, and the may repel each other, as in the instance other on the rubber; but since the one is of the particles of solids by a union with most usually evolved on the surface of caloric; but it is not probable, that a defi- lass, and the other on that of resins, the ciency of electricity will any more cause rst has been called the vitreous, and the masses to separate, than that cold and heat second the resinous electricity. These two should both cause expansion in the same fluids, corresponding to the positive and ne- /solid. The truth is, that repulsion is not gative of Franklin, by their reunion pro- t the cause of the separation of electrified ! duce a species of reciprocal neutralization, ^bodies, whether excited positively or nega- i and electrical repose. Some recent inves- tively. Their recession is, in either case, ligations, of that profound physico-geome- the consequence of an attraction between ter M. Poisson, render the second explana- them and the surrounding medium. And tion the less improbable of the two. Let it is of no importance, whether the compa- us always bear in mind, however, that the rative surcharge in them attract the mat- hypothetical thread which we employ at ter in the medium around; or the compara- present, to tie together the scattered facts tive surcharge in this, attract them. ELE ELE of pure mercury, on a plate of dry glass, electrical excitement will result. The electrical phenomena excited by friction, are generally so energetic, as to require nothing but bits of any light mat- ter for their exhibition. When we have to detect the disturbance of the electrical equilibrium, occasioned by other and fee- bler causes, more refined electroscopic means are required. The most delicate of simple electroscopes consist of two oblong narrow v slips of gold leaf, suspended from the cen- tre of the brass cap of a glass cylinder, about 2 inches diameter and 6 inches long. The bottom of the cylinder should rest in a metallic sole; from which, on the opposite sides, two narrow slips of tin-foil should raise up the inner surface of the glass, to the level of the middle of the pendent slips of gold leaf. Coulomb's electroscope, which acts by the torsion of a fibre of the silk worm, suspending in a glass case a ho- rizontal needle of shell lac, terminated in a little disc of gilt paper, is still more sen- sible, and is much employed by the Pari- sian philosophers. Aided by either of these instruments, we can observe the excitement of electrical phenomena in the following cases, independent of friction. 2. In the fusion of inflammable bodies. If we pour melted sulphur into an insulated metallic cup, we shall find after it concretes, that the sulphur and cup will be both elec- trified; the former with the vitreous, the latter with the resinous electricity; or sometimes reversely But Messrs. Van Marum and Troostwyck, from a series of experiments which they made on a number of bodies, were led to conclude that the electricity was produced in such cases as the above,either by the friction from change of bulk, when the melted matter concretes, or from the friction which the electrical bodies undergo, when they spread upon the surfaces of other bodies, upon which they are poured in the liquid state. When gla- cial phosphoric acid congeals, and when calomel concretes in sublimation, electrical phenomena are produced. The experi- ments of Henry on the electricity excited during the concretion of melted chocolate, do not seem easily explicable on the prin ciple of friction. When it is c ioled in the tin pans into which it is first received, the electricity is strong, and continues for some time after it is removed. When it is again melted and allowed to cool, the electrical virtue is restored, but not to its former strength. After the third or fourth fusion, the electricity becomes extremely weak. When the chocolate is mixed with a little olive oil before it is poured out of the pan, it then becomes strongly electrical. Now in so far as friction is concerned, we should have the electrical phenomena as decided at the fourth fusion, as the first; and the presence of oil ought to lessen the effect, as it diminishes the friction. It is highly probable that the act of crystallization al- ways induces a change of the electrical equilibrium; as the crysUtt%e structure ] changes the electrical relations in general. ' 3. Electricity produced by evaporation. If on the cap of the gold leaf electros- cope we place a small metallic cup, con- staining a little water, and drop into it a ?'red-hot cinder, the gold leaves will in- stantly diverge to a very considerable an- gle. Or if we insulate a hot crucible of iron, copper, silver, or porcelain, and pour into it a few drops of water, alcohol, or ether, on connecting the crucible with an electroscope, electrical phenomena will appear. 4. Electricity produced by disengagement of gas. If into a platinum cup, resting on the top of the electroscope, we put a little dilute sulphuric acid, and then throw in some iron filings, or chalk, the gold leaves will diverge, as the effervescence becomes ac- tive. The same thing is producible with nitric acid and copper filings. 5. Electricity produced by disruption of a solid body. If we suddenly tear asunder plates of mica, break across a stick of sealing-wax, cleave up a piece of dry and warm wood, or scrape its surface with window glass, or finally cause a bit of unannealed glass, such as a Prince Rupert's drop, to fly asun- der by snapping off a bit of its tail, the electrical equilibrium will be disturbed. Most of these cases may, however, be pro- bably referred to friction among the mole- culae. To the same head we may also refer the electricity excited by sifting various powders and metallic filings through a me- tallic sk-ve, or by dropping them on insu- lated plates. 6. Electricity excited by change of tem- perature. M Haiiy made the important discovery, that the property of exhibiting electrical phenomena by heat, belongs to those crys- tals only whose forms are not symmetrical; that is to say, of which one extremity or side does not correspond with the opposite. Thus, for example, the variety of tourma- line which he calls isogone, a prismatic crystal of nine sides, terminated at one end with a three-sided, and at the other with a six-sided pyramid, when exposed to the temperature of 108° Fahr. shows no sign of electricity. But if we plunge it for some minutes into boiling water, and taking it put with small forceps, by the middle of the prism, present it to the cap of the elec- troscope, or to a pith ball pendulum, al- ready charged with a known electricity, we shall find it will attract it with one of its poles, and repel with the other. The ELE ELE three-sided pyramid possesses the resinous, and the six-sided the vitreous electricity. Although an elevation of temperature be» necessary to dev^lope this property, it is not needed fy»- .s maintenance. It will con- tinue electrical for six hours after its tem- perature has fallen to the former point, es- pecially if it be laid on an insulating sup- port. In fact it loses its electricity, more slowly than a piece of glass, in similar cir- cumstances. This property of attracting light bodies when heated, was recognized by the an- cients in tourmaline, which was probably their lyncurium. The Dutch in Ceylon gave it the name of Aschentrikker, from its at- tracting the ashes, when a piece of it was laid near the fire. It appears that a heat above 212°, impairs its electrical activity; and that it is some time before it recovers its pristine virtue. When the tourmaline is large, it is capable of emitting flashes of electrical light. The Brazilian or Siberian topaz exhibits the same phenomena by being slightly heated. The topazes of Sax- ony, and the blue topaz of Aberdeenshire, are electrical only by friction. Boracite, mesotype, and crystallized calamine, pos- sess similar properties of becoming elec- trical with heat. 7. Electricity produced by contact of dissimilar bodies. If we take two flat discs, one of silver or copper, and another of zinc, each two or three inches diameter, furnished with glass handles, and bring them into momentary contact by their flat surfaces, we shall find, on separating them, that they are both electrified. If we touch a disc of sulphur gently heated, with the insulated copper plate, the electrical ef- fects will be still more striking. Acid crys- tals, touched with metallic plates, yield electrical phenomena. Finally, crystals of oxalic acid, brought into contact with dry quicklime, develope electricity. On the excitation of electricity by contact of dis- similar chemical bodies, is founded the principle of galvanic action, and the con- struction of the voltaic battery. Of this admirable apparatus we shall treat in the sequel. II. Of the two Electricities. We have already stated, that the two elec- tricities are always connate and simultane- ous. If they result from the decomposi- tion of a quiescent neutral compound fluid, we can easily see that this co-existence is inevitable. Hence also we can understand, how any body by friction, may be made to exhibit either of the two electricities, ac- cording to the nature of the rubber. The only exception is the back of a living cat, which gives vitreous electricity, with every rubber hitherto tried. To know the spe- cies of electricity evolved, it is merely ne- cessary to communicate beforehand, to the Blips of gold leaf, a known electricity, ei- ther from excited glass or sealing wax. If they be divergent with the former, then the approach of a body similarly electrified, will augment the divergence, but that of one oppositely electrified will cause their collapse. The following is a table of several sub- stances which acquire the vitreous electri- city, when we rub them with those which follow them in the list; and the resinous electricity, when rubbed with those that precede them. The skin of a cat. Polished or smooth glass. Woollen stuff or worsted. Feathers. Dry wood. Paper. Silk. Lac. Roughened glass. No visible relation can be pointed out between the nature or constitution of the substances, and the species of electricity, which is developed by their mutual fric- tion. The only general law among the phenomena, is, that the rubbing, and the rubbed body, always acquire opposite elec- tricities. Sulphur is vitreously electrified when rubbed with every metal except lead, and resinously with lead and every other kind of rubber. Resinous bodies, rubbed against each other, acquire alternately the vitreous and resinous electricity; but, rub- bed against all other bodies, they become resinously electrical. White silk acquires vitreous electricity with black silk, metals, and black cloth; and resinous with paper, the human hand, hair, and weasel's skin. Black silk becomes vitreously electrical with sealing-wax; but resinously with hare's, weasel's, and ferret's skins; with brass, silver, iron, human hand, and white silk. Woollen cloth is strongly vitreous with zinc and bismuth, moderately so with sil- ver, copper, lead, and specular iron. It it resinous with platina, gold, tin, antimony, gray copper, sulphuret of copper, bisulphu- ret of copper, sulphurets of silver, antimo- ny, and iron. When two ribbons of equal surface are excited by drawing one length- wise over a part of the other; that which has suffered friction in its whole length, be- comes vitreously, and the other resinously electrical. Dry air impelled on glass be- comes resinously electrical, and leaves the glass in the opposite state. Silk stuffs, agita- ted in the atmosphere with a rapid motion, always take the resinous electricity, while the air becomes vitreously electrified. A rib- bon of white silk, rubbed against a well dyed black one, affords always marks of vitreous electricity, but if the black silk be much worn, and the white ribbon be heated, it will yield signs of resinous electricity, ELE ELE and, on cooling, it will again exhibit marks of the vitreous. The general result which was deduced by M. Coulomb, from his very numerous and exact experiments on this curious subject, is the following:— When the surfaces of two bodies are rubbed together, that whose component parts recede least from each other, or ele- vate least from their natural position of repose, appear, in consequence, more dis- posed to assume the vitreous electricity; this tendency augments if the surface ex- periences a transient compression. Reci- procally, that surface whose particles de- viate most from their ordinary position by the violence of the other, or by any cause whatever, is, for that reason, more disposed to take the resinous condition. This ten- dency increases if the surface undergo a real dilatation. The stronger is thi3 oppo- sition of circumstances, the more energetic is the development of electricity, on the two surfaces. It grows feebler in propor- tion as their state becomes more similar. Perfect equality would nullify the pheno- mena, provided it could exist. Thus, when a dry animal or vegetable substance is rub- bed against a rough metallic surface, it ex- hibits signs of resinous electricity In this case, its parts are forcibly separated. When, on the other hand, it is rubbed on a polish- ed metal, which scarcely affects its surface, or merely compresses the particles, it ei- ther aflbrds no evidence of electricity, or exhibits the vitreous kind. Heat, by dilat- ing the pores, acts on the surfaces of bo- dies, as a coarser rubber would do. It dis- poses them to take the resinous electricity. Thus also new black silk, strongly dyed, being rubbed against a ribbon of white silk, takes always the resinous electricity. But when the black stuff is worn, and the colour faded, if we open the pores of the white ribbon by heat, this acquires in its turn a greater tendency to the resinous electricity than the black silk, and, conse- quently, makes it vitreous. This disposi- tion vanishes, as might be expected, with the accidental cause that produced it, and the white ribbon, on becoming cold, re-ac- quires the vitreous electricity. The black dye produces on wool the same effect as on silk. A white ribbon, rubbed against white woollen stuff, gives always signs of resinous electricity; but, against wool dyed black, it aflbrds signs of the vitreous elec- tricity. I have entered somewhat minutely into the detail of the apparently trifling causes which give birth to the one or the other electricity, as they may tend to throw some light on the electricities evolved among chemical bodies by friction or sim- ple contact. It has been supposed, indeed, that uncombined acids, alkalis, and me- tals, are naturally and constantly in an elec- Yot.. 11. trized condition, the first resinously, the second and third vitreously. But of this position, there is neither probability nor evidence. The electricity produced by their contact, on an extensive surface, with other bodies, is evidently a disturbance of the pre-existing equilibrium. A wire connect- ed with the most delicate electroscope of torsion, which moves through 90° with a force of less than l-100,00oth of a grain, will indicate no electricity, when made to touch the most energetic acid or alkaline body. In describing the two electricities, we must not omit the interesting observations of Ehrman. There are substances of the imperfect conductor class, which are ca- pable of receiving only one kind of elec- tricity, when made to form links in the voltaic chain. M. Ehrman styled them uni- polar bodies- Perfectly dry soap, and the flame of phosphorus, when connected with the two extremities of the voltaic appara- tus, and with the ground, discharge only the resinous electricity. The flames of al- cohol, hydrogen, wax and oil, discharge, under like circumstances, only the vitre- ous electricity. All these bodies, however, when connected with only one pofe of the pile, and with the ground, destroy the di- vurgence of the leaves of the electroscope attached to that pole. To render these re- sults manifest, insulate in dry weather a battery of about 200 pairs of plates. Con- nect with each extreme pole, the cap of a gold leaf electroscope, by a moveable wire. When either electroscope is brought in contact with soap communicating with the ground, the slight divergence of the gold slips ceases. But, when the soap is con- nected with both electroscopes, and also with the ground, the divergence of the leaves of the electroscope, attached to the zinc end or vitreously electrified pole, will continue, while the leaves of the other elec- troscope will collapse. The inverse order of effects occurs, or the zinc electroscope collapses, when the flame of a taper is con- nected with both electroscopes, and with the ground. Mr Brando, in an ingenious paper pub- lished in the Phil. Trans, for 1814, has en- deavoured to explain the curious phenome- na, with regard to flames, in another way. As some chemical bodies are supposed hy him to be naturally in the resinous, and others in the positive electrical state, he supposes tliat the positive flame will be at- tracted and neutralize the negative polari- tv, while the negative flame will operate a similar restoration of the equilibrium at the positive pole. To determine the truth of this hypothesis, he placed the flames of various bodies between two insulated brass spheres, containing each a delicate thermo- ELS JliLE meter. His first experiment verified Mr. to the negative ball, both being feebly elec- CuthbertS' >n's observation, that the flame trifled by a cylindrical machine of Nairne s of a candle communicates its heat chiefly construction. Flames attr Positive Ball. Phosphurettcd hydrogen, slightly. Carbonic oxide in a small stream, doubtful. Ditto in large stream. The acid from the flame of sulphur. Flame and acid fumes of phosphorus. Stream of muriatic acid gas, shown by coat- ing the balls with litmus paper. Stream of nitrous acid. Vapour of benzoic acid. Ditto of amber. "The flame of oil, wax," &c. says Mr. Brande, "must be considered as consisting chiefly of those bodies in a state of va- pour; and their natural electricities being positive, it is obvious, that when connected with the positive pole of the battery, and with a gold leaf electrometer, the leaves will continue to diverge; but when applied to the negative pole, that electrical state will be annihilated by the inherent positive energy of the flame, and consequently the leaves of the negative electrometer will not diverge. On the other hand, the flame of phosphorus is negatively unipolar. Now it has been shown that this flame, (owing probably to the rapidity with which it is forming a powerful acid, by combination with a large quantity of oxygen), is attract- ed by the positively electrified surface, and consequently that it is itself negative, so that it would transmit negative electricity to the electrometer, but would annihilate the negative power, and thus appear as an insulator under the particular circumstan- ces which M Ehrman has described." I shall not stop 10 investigate the justness of these ingenious conclusions. They do not affect the unipolarity of dry soap; which on Mr. Brande's theory of that of flames, should be naturally anil permanently in the state of positive electricity; which we know it not to be. III. Of the Distribution of Electricity. Under this head we shall be able to ar- range several important phenomena, which, by their disjunction, authors have frequent- ly rendered complex and difficult of com- prehension. We shall treat in the first place, of the distribution of either electri- city, insulated in one body, and in a sys- tem of bodies in contact; in the second place, the distribution of electricity in a system of contiguous bodies, not in con- tact. acted by the Negative Ball. Olefiant gas. Sulphuretted hydrogen, slightly; its sul- phurous acid vapour passed off to the positive ball. Arsenuretted hydrogen; its arsenious acid passed feebly to the other ball. Hydrogen, result doubtful from equality of attraction. Flame of carburet of sulphur; its acid fumes passed to the positive. Flame and alkaline fumes of potassium. Flame of benzoic acid. Flame of camphor. Flame of resins. Flame of amber. 1. If we communicate electricity to an insulated metallic sphere, we shall find the whole electric power diffused over its sur- face, and the particles in its interior, abso- lutely devoid of the least electric virtue. Let the ball of iron or brass have a hole of about an inch diameter, reaching to its centre. Then on touching the centre, with a metallic spherule attached to the end of a needle of lac, and instantly applying it to a delicate electroscope, we shall perceive no sign of electricity whatever. If the spherule, however, touch the outer edge of the hole, or the surface of the globe at any point, it will acquire a very manifest electricity. Hence, if we apply for a mo- ment to the surface of an electrified 24 pound shot, two hemispherical cups of tin- foil, furnished with insulating handles, we shall find that the whole electrical virtue has passed into the cups, whose weight may not equal the ten-thousandth part of that of the ball. This distribution is to- tally independent of the nature of the sub- stance, and is deducible from the law dis- covered by Coulomb, that electrical attrac- tions and repulsions, are inversely propor- tional to the squares of the distances. If the body be spherical, the exterior electrical stratum, which always coincides with the surface of the body, will be the same with the thin stratum in its interior. If the proposed spheroid, be an ellipsoid, the inner surface of the electrical stratum, will be also a concentric and similar ellip- soid; for it is demonstrated, that an ellip- tical stratum, whose surfaces are thus con- centric and similar, exercises no action on a point placed in its interior. The thickness of the layer in each of its points, is found generally determined by this construction. It hence results, that this thickness is greatest at the summit of the greater axis, and least at the summit of the smaller. ELE ELE The thicknesses corresponding to the dif- ferent summits, are to each other, as the lengths of their respective axes. 2. Were the atmosphere, and the glass support, perfect non-conductors, the above distribution would continue till some other body was brought near to, or in contact with, the ball. But the surface of even lackered glass, yields slowly to the idio-re- pulsive power of the electrical fluid; and the atmosphere, partly by its aqueous par- ticles, and partly by its own feebly con- ducting power, continually robs the globe of its electricity. The immediate aerial envelope no sooner acquires electric im- pregnation, than it recedes, and is repla- ced by a new sphere of gaseous particles. By this intestine aerial movement of re- pulsion and attraction, the ball, in a short time, loses its excess of vitreous or resin- ous electricity, and resumes the neutral state. By placing it in the centre of a dry glass receiver, the period of electrization may be prolonged, but, sooner or later, the electric equilibrium is restored be- tween it, and the surrounding matter. 3. If we bring into contact with the above electrized ball, an unelectrified one of the same bulk, but of a very different Weight, we shall find an equal distribution to take place between them. An insula- ted disc or spherule applied to the surface of each, will be capable of affecting a gra- duated electrometer of torsion, to the same degree. We thus perceive that bo- dies do not act on electricity, by any spe- cies of elective attraction or affinity. They must be regarded merely as vessels, in Which this power is distributed, agree- able to the laws of mechanics. When the above globes are separated, their electricities diffuse themselves uni- formly about them, and the quantities are found equal when the surfaces are so. But if the surfaces be unequal in any given ra- tio, it then happens that the quantity of electricity varies in a different ratio, which is less than that of the surfaces. Thus Coulomb ascertained, that when the sur- face of the smaller globe was nearly one- fifteenth of that of the larger, its quantity of electric fluid was one-eleventh. The following is his general table of results:— „ . „ „,. Density in little sphere, Surface of Sphere. vho.i surface L 1. 1 1 4 1.08 16 1.30 64 1.65 Infinite, less than 2.00 Do. calculated by M Poissor, 1.65 The difference therefore can never amount to two. He placed two globes, each of two inches diameter, in a line with a globe of eight inches diameter; the two smaller ones being in contact, and one of them with the larger. He found that the quantity of electricity of the smaller globe, most distant from the greater, was to that of the intermediate, as 2.54 to 1. Four globes of two inches being placed in a row, successively in contact with each othei, and with a globe of eight inches diameter, the ratio of the quantities of electricity taken by the small globe, farthest from the large one, and that nearest it, was found to be 3.4 to 1. Having placed 24 globes, each of two inches diameter, in a like series with the larger globe, Coulomb compared the 24th little globe, that is to say, the last in the row, with others in the same row, and the results were as follow:— 24th to the 23d as 1.49 to 1 24th to the 12th as 1.7 to 1 24th to the 10th as 2.1 to 1 24th to the 1st which was in contact with the large globe, as 3.72 to 1 2*th to that of the large globe, as 2.16 to 1. When two electrified spheres, of equal size in contact, are examined as to the state of the electricity on the different points of their surfaces, we have the following rela- tions:— Position of the points Ratio of the second compared. thickness to the first. 90° and 20° insensible 90 30 0.2083 90 60 0.7994 90 90 1.0000 90 180 1.0576 If the diameters of the two globes be as 2 to 1. 90° and 30° insensible 90 60 0.5882 90 90 1.0000 90 180 133 JJ That in ordinary cases, electricity is ct n- fined on the surfaces of bodies, not merely by the non-conducting faculty of the air, but by a species of mechanical pressure which air exercises, becomes evident, when we lessen the density of the air by exhaus- tion. Though the conducting aerial par- tides are thus greatly diminished in num- ber, rendering the insulation apparently more complete, yet the electric power now emanates with vast rapidity, from the elec- trized ball, in visible coruscations Rare- fied air is therefore a good conductor. 4. By touching various points of insula- ted electrized bodies with a Bttle disc of metallic foil, cemented to die end of a nee- dle of lac, which he applied to hh electro- meter, M. Coulomb ascertained the varia- tion of electrical density, that exists at dif- ferent points on the .surfaces of bodies, of different forms and magnitudes. He thus ELE ELE found, that towards the extremities of all oblong concluding bodies, whether thin plates, prisms, or cylinders, there is a ra- pid augmentation of the electricity. He insulated a circular cylinder of two inches diameter and thirty inches in length, ter- initiated at each end with a hemisphere. By comparing the quantities of electricity accumulated at the centre, and at various points, near to its extremities, he found Ratio of the second electrometric torsion to the fir st. Touched at the middle and 2 inches from the end, - 1.25 And 1 from do. - 1.80 And at the end, - 2.30 When the cylinder becomes more and more slender towards its extremities, the increase of electricity becomes in these parts more considerable, and more rapid. Lastly, if the extremity of the cylinder be prolonged like the apex of a cone, the ac- cumulation which occurs at this point be- comes so strong, that the resistance of the air is no longer sufficient to retain the elec- triei'\ on the suiface of the conducting body, and it escapes in luminous corusca- tions, visible in the dark. In this case, the uniform distribution of electricity, extends to a very small distance from the pointed extremity. We thus perceive why bodies furnished with sharp projections, rapidly lose the electricity communicated to them. In like manner, a circular plate of five inches diameter, when electrified, has at its centre an intensity of 1, at one inch from it 1.001, at two inches 1.005, at three inches 1.17, at four inches 1.52, at four and a half inches 2 07, and at the border 2.9 times that of the centre. We can thus understand how electrical machines, fur- nished with elongated prime conductors, furnish very vivid sparks. 2. Of the distribution of electricity among contiguous bodies, not in contact. Let us examine first what happens when two electrified spheres separated from con- tact, are removed to a little distance from each other. A very remarkable phenome- non is then developed. We have seen, that during contact, the electricity is of the same nature on the two spheres. To fix our ideas, left us suppose it to be vitreous. We have likewise seen that it is null at the point of contact Now at the instant of se- parating the two spheres, if their dimen- siona be unequal, this nullity no longer ex- ists. A part of the combined electricity of the small sphere is decomposed, and that which is of a nature opposite to the electricity of the great sphere, namely the resinous in the present example, is carried towards the point where the contact occur- red. This effect diminishes according as we remove the two spheres from one ano- ther, and it becomes null at a certain dis- tance, which depends on the ratio of their radii. Then the point of the little sphere, where the contact was, passes back into its state during the contact, that is to say, it has no species of electricity. Departing from this term, if we augment the distance, the electricity remains of the same nature over the whole surface of the little sphere, and that nature is the same as during the contact. These phenomena are always pe- culiar to the smaller of the two spheres, whatever may be the quantity of electrici- ty communicated to them. On the larger sphere, the electricity is always and throughout of the same kind, as at the moment of contact. In an experiment made by Coulomb, the great globe being eleven inches, and the small four in diameter, the opposition of the two electricities continued till the dis- tance became two inches. When the di- ameter of the latter was only two and a half inches, the opposition continued till the distance became two and a half inches, but not beyond. When the globes are equal, these peculiarities do not take place. When two oppositely electrized spheres are gradually approached towards each other, the thickness of the electric coating at the nearest points of their two surfaces becomes greater, and increases indefinitely as their distance diminishes. The pressure exercised by the electricity, against the plate of air interposed between the two bo- dies, augments progressively, and termi- nates by overcoming the resistance of the air. The fluid then escaping under the form of a spark or otherwise, must pass previous to the actual contact from one surface to the other. This action at a distance is a key to the principal phenomena of electricity. In our first inquiries we remarked, that electrized bodies attract, or seem to at- tract, all the light matters presented to them, without its being necessary to de- velop in the latter the elective faculty, either by friction or communication. But now we must conceive that this development is spontaneously effected, by the mere in- fluence at a distance of the electrized body, on the combined electricities of the small bodies around. Thus all the attractions, whether real or apparent, which we ob- serve, take place only between electrized bodies. When therefore an insulated conducting body B, which is in the natural state, is put in presence of another insulated elec- trized body A, the electricity distributed on the surface of A, acts by influence on the two combined and quiescent electrici- ties of B, decomposes a quantity of them proportional to the intensity of its action, ELE ELE resolving it into its two constituent princi- ples. Of these two electricities become free, A attracts the one, and repeis the other. The second is carried to the por- tion of the surface of B, which is most re- mote from A; the first to the contiguous surface. These two electricities react in their turn on the free electricity of A, and even on its combined electricities, of which one part is decomposed by this re- action, and is separated, if the body A be also a conductor. This new separation in- duces a new decomposition of the combin- ed electricity of B, and thus in succession, till the quantities of each principle become free, or the two bodies come into an equili- brium, by the balancing of all the attrac- tive and repulsive forces, which they mu- tually exercise, in virtue of their similar or dissimilar nature. If A is vitreously electrized, and the con- ductor B is a cylinder, the end of it ad- joining to A will be resinous, and the re- mote end vitreous, while the middle portion will be nearly neutral. If we now touch this remote end with a third insulated conductor C, in the natural state, and then remove it, we shall find it charged with vitreous electricity. Or if we touch the remote end of the second con- ductor with a finger, and after withdrawing it separate the first and second insulated conductors, to a considerable distance, we shall find that B has acquired electricity, independent of the presence of A. Had we not touched it, however, then on putting them asunder, B, no longer exposed to the influence of A, would instantly recover its natural state. The two decomposed elec- tricities would in this case flow back from the extremities, and recombining, restore the equilibrium. If A was vitreous, the touch of an unelectrified finger, would make B pass into the resinously electrical state, by opening a channel, so to speak, for the repelled vitreous electricity to es- cape. We see also, how this action and reaction may prodigiously increase the in- tensity of an electricity originally very fee- ble. On this principle we can at pleasure communicate to an insulated conductor, either of the electricities, from one electri- fied body or source. Thus having excited a stick of sealing- wax by rubbing it on the sleeve of our coat, we may make this resinous electricity pro- duce either the resinous or the vitreous state, in the gold leaves of an electroscope. If we hold the stick at a little distance, above the cap of the electroscope, the leaves will immediately diverge, and if we then remove it, they will instantly col- lapse. If we now touch the cap for an in- stant with the sealing-wax, the leaves will acquire the same electrical state; they will continue divergent, with resinous electri- city. Let us restore the natural state, by touching the cap with our finger Holding again the sealing-wax, a little above the electroscope, let us then touch its cap for a moment with our finger, and after remov- ing it withdraw the wax, we shall perceive the leaves continue to diverge, and on try- ing the species of electricity, we shall find it to be the vitreous; for the approach of excited wax will make the divergence di- minish, while that of excited glass will make it increase. These reciprocal attractions, repulsions, and decompositions of the electrical com- pound, explain perfectly the action of the condenser of electricity as contrived by CEpinus or Volta, and improved by Cuth- bertson; of the electrophorus; of the Ley- den jar; and in some measure, of that mys- terious apparatus, the voltaic battery. To this subject, all our preceding electrical re- searches may be considered as merely in- troductory: for this instrument constitutes the great link between electricity and che- mistry, deriving probably its uninterrupted series of impulsive discharges, and conse- quently its marvellous power of chemical analysis, from the conjoined agencies of electricity, and elective attraction. IV. Of Voltaic Electricity. The accidental suspension of recently killed frogs, by copper hooks to the iron palisades of his garden, was the occasion of the celebrated Galvani observing certain convulsive movements, in the limbs of the animals, which no known principle could explain, and thenceforth of opening up to mankind, a rich and boundless field in phy- sical science.-f As the practical nature of this work precludes us from entering into historical details, we shall at once proceed to describe the present state of voltaic elec- tricity and electro-chemistry. Galvani had ascribed the muscular movements to a se- ries of discharges, of a peculiar electricity, inherent and innate in living beings, to which the name animal electricity, or the more mysterious term galvanism, was for some time given. Volta proved, that the phenomena proceeded from the contact of the two dissimilar metals, copper and iron, producing such a disturbance of the elec- trical equilibrium, as was sufficient to af- fect the most delicate of all electroscopes, the irritability of a newly killed frog, f According to Wilkinson's history of Galvanism, the first galvanic phenomenon observed, was that <ry bright where fresh broken; they are all striated from the centre to the circumference, and have a cavity in the mid- dle. They seem to be the petrified arms of that singular species of the sea star-fish, called Stella arborescens. ♦Epidote. Pistacite.— Werner. A sub- species of prismatoidal augite.—Jameson.— Acanticone, from Norway. Colours, pista- chio green, and green of darker shades. Massive, imfistinc. granular or fibrous con- cretions, and ciystallized. The primitive form is an oblique four-sided prism,in which the lateral planes meet at angles of 114° 37' and 65° 23'. The secondary forms are, 1. Very oblique four-sided prisms, bevelled on the extremities. 2. That figure truncated on the acute edges, and flatly bevelled on the extremities. 3. A broad unequiangular six- sided prism, variously acuminated or trun- cated. 4. A very oblique four-sided prism, truncated on the obtuse lateral edges, and doubly acuminated on the extremities by four planes. The crystals are sometimes reed-like, and the lateral planes are longitu- dinally streaked; but the truncating, acu- minating, and bevelling planes, are smooth, and the terminal planes diagonally streaked- Lustre splendent, internally inclining to pearly. Cleavage twofold. Fracture flat conchoidal. Translucent. Harder than feld- spar, but not so hard as quartz. Brittle.— Sp. gr. 3.45. Before the blow-pipe, it is converted into a brown coloured scoria, which becomes black with heat. Its consti- tuents are silica 37, alumina 21, lime 15, oxide of iron 24, oxide of manganese 1.5, water 1.5. Laugier found 26 alumina, 20 lime, and 13 oxide of iron. It occurs in pri- mitive beds and veins, along with augite, garnet, hornblende, calcareous spar, copper pyrites, &cc. It is found in Arran, in secon- dary syenite and clay-slate; in Mainland of Shetland, in syenite; "in the Island oflcolm- kill, in a rock composed of red feldspar and quartz; in the syenite of Glencoe; in simi- lar rocks among the Malvern hills; in quartz, at Wallow Crag, near Keswick; in Corn- wall; Arendal, in Norway; in Bavaria, France, &c* Ei'idebmis. If the human skin be mace- rated in hot water, it separates into two parts, the cutis, or true skin, and the epider- mis, or scarf skin. The continued action of warm water at length dissolves Che cutis, EQU EQU but does not affect the epidermis, neithev does alcohol. Caustic alkali, however, dis- solves it. It resembles coagulated albumen. Epsom Salt. Sulphate of magnesia. * Eai'ivALEffTR (Chevical). A term hap- pily introduced into chemistry by Dr. Wol- laston, to express the system of definite ra- tios, in which the corpuscular subjects of this science reciprocally combine, referred to a common standard, reckoned unity. If, with this profound philosopher, we assume oxygen asihe standard, from its almost uni- versal relations to chemical matter; then calling it unity, we shall have, in thefollovy- ing examples^ these ratios reduced to their lowest terms, in which the equivalents will be Prime ratios :— The lowest ratio, or equiva- lent prime of oxygen being That of hvdrogen will be Offluor?' (If carbon, Of phosphorus, Of azote, Of sulphur, Of calcium, Of sodium, Of p' tassium, Of copper, Of barium, Of lead, 1.000 0.125 0.375 0.750 1.500 1.750 2000 2.550 2.950 4.950 8.00 8.75 13.00, &c The substances in the above table, sus- ceptible of reciprocal saturation, can com- bii.e with oxygen or with each other, not only in proportions corresponding to these numbers, but also frequently in multiple or sub-multiple proportions. We have there- fore two distinct propositions on this nter- esting subject. 1st, The general reciprocity of the satu- rating proportions. V 2d, The multiple and submultiple pro- portions of prime equivalents, in which any one body may unite with any other body, to constitute successive binary compounds. The first proposition, or grand law of che- mical combination, was discovered by J B Richter of Berlin, about the year 1792. The second, of equal importance, and more re- condite, was discovered so early as the year 1790, by Mr. W. Higgins. Richter inferred his from the remarkable and well established fact, that two neutral salts, in reciprocally decomposing each other, give birth to two new saline compounds, always perfectly neutral. Thus, sulphate of soda being added to muriate of lime, will produce perfectly neutral sulphate of lime and muriate of soda. The conclusions he drew were, 1st, That the quantities of two alkaline bases, adequate to neutralize equal weights of any one acid, are proportional to the quantites of the same bases, requisite to neutralize the same weights of every other acid. For example, 6 parts of potash, or 4 of soda, neutralize 5 of sulphuric acid; and 4 4 of potash are adequate to the satu- ration of 5 of nitric acid. Therefore, to find the quantity of soda equivalent to the saturation of this weight of nitric acid, we need not make experiments, but merely compute it by the proportional rule of Rich- ter. Thus, as 6: 4.4 :: 4 : 2.93; or in words, as the potash equivalent to the sulphuric acid, is to the potash equivalent to the nitric acid, so is the soda equivalent to the first, to the soda equivalent to the second. And again, if 6.5 potash saturate 5 of muriatic acid gas, how much soda, by Richter's rule, will be required for the same effect. We say 6.6.5:: 4: 4.3. 3dly, If 10.9 potash combine with 5 of carbonic acid, how much soda will be equivalent to that effect. Now, 6 : 10.9 :: 4: 7.26. Here, therefore, we have found, that if 6 potash be equivalent to 4 soda, in satu- rating 5 of sulphuric acid, this ratio of 6 to 4, or 3 to 2, will pervade all the possible saline combinations; so that whatever be the quantity of potash requisite to saturate 5,10, &c. of any other acid, two-thirds of that quamity of soda will suffice. In the same manner let us find out, for five of sulphuric, or of any one standard acid, the saturating quantity of ammonia, magnesia, lime, strontites, barytes, peroxide of copper, and the other bases; then their proportions to potash, thus ascertained, for this acid, will, by arithmetical reduction, give their saturating quantity of every other acid, whose relation to potash, or indeed to any one of these bases, is known. The experimental verification of this most important law, occupied Richter from the year 1791 to the year 1802^ in which period /ne puoltshedpTn" successive parts, a curious work, entitled the Geometry of the Chemi- cal Elements, or Principles of Stechiometry. We might have expected greater accuracy in his investigations, from the circumstance, that Dr. Wollaston selected his statement of the constituents of nitre, in preference to those of all other chemists, in the construc- tion of his admirable table of chemical pro- portions. With indefatigable zeal Richter examined, by experiment, each acid, in its relation to the bases, and then compared the results with those given by calculation, presenting both in an extensive series of tables. It is curious that he does not seem to have been aware, that all his tables might have been reduced into a single one, of 21 num. bers, divided into two columns, by means of which, every question relating to the inclu- ded articles, might be solved by the rule of three, or a sliding scale. The following ta- ble, computed by Fischer from Richter's last tables, was inserted by the celebrated Ber- tholiet in a note to his chemical statics. EQU EQU Bases. Oxygen = 1. Acids. Oxygen = 1. Alumina, 525 2.625 Fluoric, 427 2 135 Magnesia, 615 3 075 Carbonic, 577 2.885 Ammonia, 672 3.36 Sebacic, 706 3.530 Lime, 793 3.965 Muriatic 712 3560 Soda, 859 4.245 Oxalic, 755 3.775 Strontian, 1329 6 645 Phosphoric, 979 4.895 Potash, 1605 8.025 Formic, 988 4.94 Barytes, 2222 1.111 Sulphuric, 1000 5.000 Succinic, 1209 6.045 Nitric, 14i.:5 7.025 Acetic, 148J 7.400 Citric, 1683 8.415 Tartarcous, 1694 8.470 I have added the two columns under oxy- gen, from which we see at once, that with the exception of the bases lime, strontian, and soda, and the acids carbonic, muriatic, sulphuric, nitric, citric, and tartaric; the numbers given by Richter do not form tole- rable approximations to the true propor- tions. The object of the above table was, to give directly the quantities of acid and al- kali requisite for mutual saturation. For ex- ample, 1605, opposite to potash, is the quan- tity of that alkali equivalent to neutralize 427 of fluoric acid, 577 carbonic, 712 muri- atic, 1000 sulphuric, &c. Each column af- fords also progressively, increasing numbers. Those nearest the top have the greatest acid or alkaline energies, as measured by their powers of saturation. The column of Rich- ter gives, therefore, as far as the analytical means of his time permitted, a table of the relative weights of what has since been hy- pothetically called the atoms. j^Cs. 2. But two chemical constmients fre- quently unite in different proportions, form- ing distinct and often dissimilar compounds. Thus, oxygen and azote constitute in one proportion, nitrous oxide, the intoxicating gas of Sir H. Davy; in a second proportion, nitric oxide, the nitrous gas of Priestley; in a third proportion, nitrous acid; and in a fourth proportion, nitric acid. Is there any law re- gulating these various compounds; so that knowing the first proportion, we may infer the whole series ? This question was first answered in a work containing many curious anticipations of discoveries, to which poste- rior writers have laid claim; I mean Mr. Higgins's Comparative View of the Phlogis- tic and Antiphlogistic Theory, printed in 1788, and published early in 1789. Besides some additional facts, decisively hostile to the hypothesis of phlogiston, this publication distinctly advances the doctrine of multiple proportion, with regard to the successive compounds of the same constituents. This was likewise interwoven, with new and in- genious views concerning gaseous and atomi- cal combination. Mr. Iliggins having felt himself aggrieved at seeing discoveries clear- ly announced by him in 1789, brought for- -j^" ward nineteen years afterwards by Mr. Dal- ton, in his own name, published in 1814a .^ book, entitled experiments and Observations'' on the Atomic Tbjpory and Electrical Phe- nomena. In this work he gives numerous quotations from his Compm<,tivc View, which abundantly establish his claim of priority to the discovery of multiple proportions, and the atomic theory of chemistry. It is no fault of Mr. Iliggins, that his first work partook of the imperfect analyses of the day. Indeed we have reason, on the contrary, to be sur- prised at his rejection of many errors then sanctioned by high authority, and his pro- mulgation of many new truths, which might appear, to contemporary writers, insulated, or of little consequence, but to which subse- quent researches have given a due place and importance in the system of chemical know- ledge. Who would deny to Columbus the glory of discovering a new world, merely be- c. use the means of research placed within his power, did not permit him to explore its extensive coasts' Is not that glory on the con- trary greatly enhanced, by the very early pe- riod at which the discovery was achieved, while navigation as a science was still un- known? 1 shall quote a few passages, as he gives them, from his Comparative View, which I th:nk are decisive in this fundamen- tal discussion. " Hepatic gas (sulphuretted hydrogen), as shall be shown, >s hydrogen in its full extent, holding sulphur in solution," This fact, of hydrogen not changing its volume, by com- bining with sulphur, has been marked among the valuable discoveries of later times. "Therefore, 100 grains of sulphur, re- quire only 100 or 102 of the dry gravitating matter of oxygen gas, to form sulphurous acid. As sulphurous acid gas is very tittle more than double the specific gravit) of oxy- gen gas, we may conclude, that the ultimate particles of snlphur and oxygen contain the EQU same quantity of matter; for oxygen gas suffers no considerable diminution of its bulk, by un.ting to the quantity of sulphur neces- Sarv for the f >rmation of sulphurous acid. It contracts 1-llth as shall be sho*'n here- after." Compare wi'h the above statement, the following from Dr. Thomson's System, published in 1807. « If this analysis be pre- cise, it follows, that 100 cubic inches of hy- drogen gas, in order to be converted into sulphuretted hydrogen, combine with 7.69 grains of sulphur, and are converted into about 26.6 cubic inches; so that hydrogen gas, by dissolving sulphur, is reduced to lit- tle more than one-fourth of its original bulk." Vol. i. p. 92. Sir II. Davy has since proved, by accurate experiments, that hydrogen, in its conversion into sulphuretted hydrogen, does not change its bulk, agreeably to Mr. Higgins's early enunciation. " But as we know the constituents of sulphuric acid, it is easy thence to deduce the following as the proportion of the ingredients of sulphu- rous acid:—• 68 sulphur, 32 oxygen. 100" System of Chemistry, 1807, vol. h. p. 179. The last is the result of Dr. Thomson's own experiments. Its true composition is now known to be 100 of the gravitating matter of oxygen to 100 of sulphur, in conformity with Mr. Higgins. The elementary proposition of Mr. Dal- ton's atomical hypothesis, seems to be most explicitly announced in the following para- graph of Mr. Higgins. Jt. " As two cubic inches of hydrogen gas require but one cubic inch of oxygen gas to condense them to water, we may presume, that they contain an equal number of divi- sions, and that the difference of the specific gravity of those gases depends on the size of their respective particles; or we must sup- pose, that an ultimate particle of hydrogen requires two or three or more particles of oxygen to saturate it. Were this the case, water, or its constituents, might be obtained in an intermediate state of combination, like those of sulphur and oxygen, or azote and oxygen, &c. This appears to be impossible; for in whatever proportion we mix hydrogen or ox_\ gen gases, or under whatever circum- stances we unite them, the result is invaria- b'y the same. Water is formed, and the surplus of either of the gases is left behind unchanged,"—" From these circumstances, we have sufficient reason to conclude, that water is composed of a single ultimate par- ticle of oxygen, and an ultimate particle of hydrogen, and that its atoms are incapable EQU of uniting lo a third particle of either of it* constituents." . Mr. Higgins inculcates very strongly, that when a body is capable of combining with another in two proportions the third parti- cle introduced is held bv a much weaker af- finity than that which unites the particles of the first or true binary compound. «In my opinion, the most perfect nitrous acid contains 5 of oxygen and 1 of azote.— Nitrous gas, according to K.rwan, contains 2 volumes of oxvgen gas, and 1 of azotic gas. According to l-avoisi'T, liiO grains of nitrous gas contain 32 grains of azote, and 68 of ox> gen. 1 am of the former philoso- pher's opinion. I also am of opinion, that everv primary particle • f azote is united to 2 of oxygen", and that the mokcile thus formed, is surrounded with one common at, mosphere of caloric. " As this requires demonstration, let A in the annexed diagram represent an ultimate particle of azote, which attracts oxygen with the force of 3; Let a be a particle of oxygen, whose attrac- tion to A we will suppose to be 3 more; hence they will unite with the force of 6; the nature of this compound will be here- after explained Let us consider this to be the utmost force of attraction that c.:-n sub- sist between oxygen and azote. We will now suppose a second particle of oxygen b to combine with A; they will only unite with the force of 4$." " This I consider to be the real stnicture of a molecule of nitrour Jfc- gas. Let a third particle"" ot" oxygen c unite' [to A it will combine only with the force of 4. This is the state of the red molecules of nitrous vapour, or when condensed, the red nitrous acid." " We will suppose a fourth particle of oxygen d to combine with A; it will unite with the force of 3J, and so on with the rest of the particles ot oxygen as the diagram represents. This I consider to be the state of a molecule of the pale or straw-coloured nitrous acid. " When a fifth particle of oxygen e unites, the force of union existing betwien the par- ticles of the molecule is still diminished as is represented by the diagram. The fractions show that the chemical attraction of azote for oxygen is nearly exhausted. This is the state of colourless nitrous acid; and, in my opinion, no more oxygen can unite to the azote, having its whole force of attraction expended in the particles a, b, c, d, e This illustrates the nature of saturation or definite proportions." " We can readily perceive from the fore- going demonstrations, that oxygen is retain- ed with less force in the colourless nitrous EQU aaid tha» in the straw-coloured; and the lat- ter acid retains it with less force than the red nitrous acid; and nitrous gas holds it with still more force than the red nitrous acid. This accounts for the separation of oxygen gas from the colourless nitrous acid (nitric acid) when exposed to the sun, at the same time that the acid becomes coloured. Nitrous acid in any other state will afford no oxygen, when exposed to the sun." " Why the giseous oxide should be more soluble in water than the nitrous gas, is what 1 cannot account for, unless it be occasioned by the smaller size of its calorific atmos- pheres, which may admit its atoms to come within the gravitating influence of that fluid." It is impossible to deny the praise of sin- gular ingenuity, and justness, to the above passages; and every one must be struck with their analogy, both as to atomical doctrines, and the calorific atmospheres of gases, single and compound, with the language and views expanded at full length in Mr Dalton's new system of Chemical Philosophy, first framed about the vear 1803, and published in 1808. It appears that this philosopher, after medita- ting on the definite proportions, in which oxy- gen was shown by M. Proust to exist in the two oxides of the same metal, on the suc- cessive combinations of oxygen and azote, and the proportions of various other chemi- cal compounds, was finally led to conclude, that the uniformity which obtains in corpus- cular combinations, results from the circum- stance, that they consist of one atom of the one constituent, united generally with one atom of the other, or with two or three a- toms. Ana he further inferred, that the re- lative weights of these ultimate atoms might be ascertained from the proportion of the two constituents in a neutral compound. Chemistry is unquestionably under great ebligations to Mr. Dalton, for the pains with which he collated the various analyses of chemical bodies, by different investigators; and for establishing, in opposition to the doctrine of indefinite affinity, taught by the illustrious Bt-rthollet, that the different com- pounds of the same principles did not pass into each other by imperceptible gradations, but proceeded, per saltum. in successive pro- portions, each a multiple of the first. By correcting and extending Richter's scale of reciprocal saturation, and reviving Mr. Hig- gins's long neglected discovery of multiple proportion, Mr Dalton has been no mean contributor to the advancement of the sci- ence. It is difficult to say how far his figur- ed groups of spherical atoms have been be- neficial or not. They may have had some use in aiding the conception of learners, and perhaps in giving a novel and imposing air to the atomical fabric. But their arrange- ment, and even their existence, are alto- EQU gether hypothetical, and therefore ought to J have no place in physical demonstrations. J That water is a compound of an atom oi oxygen and an atom of hydrogen, is assum- ed by Mr. Dalton as the basis of his system. But two volumes of hydrogen here combine with one of oxygen. He therefore infers, that an atom of hydrogen occupies double the bulk, in its gaseous state, of an atom of oxygen. These assumptions are obviously gratuitous. I agree with Dr. Pnuit in think- ing that Sir H. Davy has taken a more phi- losophical view of this subject. Guided by the strict logic of chemistry, he places no hypothesis at the foundation of his fabric. Experiment shows, 1st, That in equal vo- lumes, ox>gen weigh 16 times more than hy- drogen; and 2dly, That water is formed by the union of one volume of the former, and two volumes of the latter gas, or by weight of 8 to 1. We are not in the least authori- zed to infer from this that an atom of oxy- gen weighs 8 times as much as an atom of hydrogen. For aught we know, water may] be a compound of 2 atoms of hydrogen, and \ 1 of oxygen; in which case we should have 1 the proportion of the weights of the atoms, j as given by equ-d volumes, namely, 1 to 16. > There is no good reason for fixing on one compound ot hydrogen, more than on an- other, in the determination of the basis of the equivalent scale. If we deliberate on that combination of hydrogen in which its agency is apparently most energetic, name- ly, that with chlorine, we would surely never think of pitching on two volumes as its unity or least proportion of combination; for it is one volume of hydrogen which unites with one volume of chlorine, producing two vo- lumes of muriatic gas. Here, therefore, we see that one volume of hydrogen is quite ade- quate to effect, in an active gaseous body of equal bulk, and 36 times i's weight, an en- tire change of properties. Should we as- sume in gaseous chemistry, 2 volumes of hydrogen, as the combining unit, or as re- presenting an atom; then it should never unite in 3 volumes, or an atom and a half with another gas. Ammonia, however, is a compound of 3 volumes ofMiydrogen with 1 of azote; and if 2 volumes of hydrogen to 1 of oxygen be called an atom to an atom, sure- ly 3 volumes of hydrogen to 1 of azote should be called an atom and a half to an atom. Vet the Daltonian Commentator, on the second occasion, counts one volume an atom of hydrogen, and on the first, two vo- lumes an atom. We would steer clear of all these gratui- tous assumptions and contradictions, by ma- Sking a single volume of hydrogen represent its atom, or prime equivalent. " There is an advantage," says Dr. Prout, " in considering the volume of hydrogen equal to the atom, as, in this case, the specific gravities of most, EQU or perhaps all elementary substances, (hy- drogen being one,) will either exactly coin- cide withjOrhe some multiple of the weights of their atoms; whereas, if we make the vo EQU ;\j singly, or if either is in excess, it exceeds hr a ratio to be expressed by some simple mul- tiple of the number of its atoms." It is evident from this passage, that the lume of oxvgen unity, the weights of the principle which presented itself to Mr. mi- atoms of most elementary substances, except oxygen, will be double that of their specific gravities, with respect to hydrogen. The assumption of the volume of hydrogen, be- ing equal to the atom, will also enable us to find more readily, the specific gravities of bodies in their gaseous state, (either with . respect to hydrogen, or atmospheric air,) by anticipation of what the advancement ot means of Dr. Wollaston's logometric scale, analytical precision would infallibly have re- If the views we have ventured to ad- vealed in a very short period. I i uaw), because all bodies in a gaseous state, which unite with one another, unite with reference to their volume." From these ingenious observations, we perceive the singular felicity of judgment, with which Sir II. Davy made choice of the single volume of hydrogen, for the unit of trine of multiple proportions, by his elegant paper on super-acid, and sub-acid salts, in- serted in the Philosophical Transactions for 1808. The object of the atomic theory has been no where so happily stated as by this philosopher, in the following sentence: " But, since the publication of Mr. Dal- ton's theory of chemical combination, as ex- plained and illustrated by Dr. Thomson, (System, 3d edit.), the inquiry which 1 had designed appears superfluous; as all the facts 1 had observed are but particular instances of the more general observation of Mr. Dal- ton, that in all cases the simple elements of •odies are disposed to unite atom to atom rections, and hence their virtual extent to be spherical, (which is the most simple hy- pothesis); in this case, when different sorts combine singly, there is but one mode of union. If they unite in the proportion of two to one, the two particles will naturally arrange themselves at opposite poles of that to which they unite. If they be three, they might be arranged with regularity at the angles of an equilateral triangle, in a great circle surrounding the single spherule; but in this arrangement, for want of similar mat- ter at the poles of this circle, the equilibrium would be unstable, and would be liable to~ be deranged by Hie slightest force of adja- EQU EQU oent combinations; but, when the number ter at the poles of this circle, the equilibrium of one set of particles exceeds in the propor-t would be unstable, and would be liable to be tion of 4 to 1, then, on the contrary, a stable deranged by the slightest force of adjacent equilibrium may again take place, it the four , combinations." Compare with this remark particles are situated at the angles of the'.,[ the following sentence from my paper on four equilateral triangles composing a regu-/ sulphuric acid, as published in the Journal lar tetrahedron. of Science, October, 1817. « The terms of "But as this geometrical arrangement of dilution are, like logarithms, a series of num- the primary elements of matter is altogether bers in arithmetical progression, correspond- ing to another series, namely, the specific •onjectural, and must rely for its confirma- tion or rejection upon future inquiry, I am desirous that it should not be confounded with the results of the facts and observations related above, which are sufficiently distinct and satisfactory with respect to the existence of the law of simple multiples. It is per- haps too much to hope, that the geometrical \ a small addition of water or of acid to the arrangement of primary particles will ever above atomic group, produces a great change be perfectly known; since, even admitting //on the degree of condensation; which ac- that a very small number of these atoms./cords with the position " that the equilibri- combming together, would have a tendency um would be liable to be deranged by the gravities, in geometrical progression. For a little distance on both sides of the point of greatest condensation, the series converges with accelerated velocity, whence the 10 or 12 terms on either hand, deviate a little from experiment." Page 126. Or in other words, to arrange themselves in the manner I have imagined; yet until it is ascertained how small a proportion the primary particles themselves bear to the interval between them, it may be supposed that surrounding combinations,although themselves analogous, might disturb this arrangement; and in that case, the effect of such interference must al- so be taken into the account, before any the- ory of chemical combination can be render- ed complete." I am not aware, that any chemist has ad- duced experimental evidence, to prove that a "stable equilibrium may again take place, if the four particles are situated at the an- gles of the four equilateral triangles compo- sing a regular tetrahedron." I have, there- fore, much pleasure in referring to my re- searches on the constitution of liquid nitric acid, as unfolding a striking confirmation of Dr. Wollaston's true philosophy of atomical combination. When I wrote the following sentence, I had no recollection whatever of Dr. Wollaston's profound speculations on tetrahedral arrangement.—" We perceive, that the liquid acid of 1.420, composed of 4 primes of water -f- 1 of dry acid, possesses the greatest power of resisting the influence of temperature to change its state. It re- quires the maximum heat to boil it, when it distils unchanged; and the maximum cold to effect its congelation." See Acid (Nituic,) m this Dictionary. Here we have a fine example of the sta- bility of equilibrium, introduced by the com- bination of four atoms with one. The disco- very which I had also the good fortune to make with regard to the constitution of a- queous sulphuric acid, that the maximum condensation occurred, when one atom of the real acid was combined with three atoms of water, is equally consonant to Dr. Wollas- ton's views. "But in this arrangement," fays Dr. Wollaston, « for want of similar mat- slightest force of adjacent combinations." While considering this part of Dr. Wollas- ton's important paper, let me advert to the curious facts pointed out in the article Ni- tric Acid, relative to the compound of one atom of dry acid and seven atoms water.— In my paper on the subject, published in the eighth number of the Journal of Science, I showed that this liquid combination was ac- companied with the greatest condensation of volume, and the greatest disengagement of heat. In composing this Dictionary, I cal- culated, for the first time, the atomical con- stitution of the nitric acids employed by Mr. Cavendish, for congelation; and found with great satisfaction, that the same proportion which had exhibited, in my experiments, the most intense reciprocal action, as was indi- cated both by the aggregation of particles, and production of heat, was likewise that which most favoured solidification. Such acid congeals at — 2°; but when either stronger or weaker, it requires a much low- er temperature for that effect. 3. The next capital discovery in multiple proportions, was made by M. Gay-Lussac, in 1808, and published by him in the second volume of the Memoires d'Arcueil. After de- tailing a series of fine experiments, he de- duces the following important inferences;—~ " Thus it evidently appears, that all gases, in their mutual action, uniformly combine in the most simple proportions; ;«nd we have seen, in fact, in all the preceding examples, that the ratio of their union is that of 1 to 1, of 1 to 2; or of 1 to 3, by volume. It is im- portant to observe, that when we consider the weights,, there is no simple and definite relation between the elements of a first com- bination; it is only when there is a second between these same elements, that the new proportion of that body which has been ad- ded, is a multiple of the first. Gases, on the contrary,'in such ~ proportions as can coin- EQU EQU bine, give rise always to compounds, whose elements are, in volume, multiples the one of the other. " Not only do the gases combine in very simple proportions, as we have just seen, but moreover, the apparent contraction of volume which they experience by combina- tion, has likewise a simple relation with the volume of the gases, or rather with the vo- lume of one of them." By supposing the contraction of volume of the two gaseous constituents of water to be only equal to the whole volume of oxy- gen added, he found the ratio of the densi- ty of steam to be to that of air as 10 to 16; a computed result in exact correspondence with the experimental result lately obtained in an independent method, by the same ex- cellent philosopher. " Ammoniacal gas is composed in volume," says he, "of 3 parts of hydrogen and 1 of azote, and its density, compared to that of air, is 0 596; but if we suppose the apparent contraction to be one- half of the total volume, we find 0.594 for its density. Thus it is demonstrated by this nearly perfect accordance, that the apparent contraction of its elements is precisely one- half of the total volume or rather double the volume of azote." M. Ga\-Lussac subjoins to his beautiful memoir a table of gaseous combination, which, with some modifications derived from subsequent researches, will be inserted under the article Gas. The same volume of the JMemoires pre- sents another important discovery of M. Gay- Lussac, on the subject of equivalent pro- portions. It is entitled, On the relation which exists between the oxidation of me- tals, and their capacity of saturation for the acids. He here proves, by a series of ex- periments, that the quantity of acid which the different metallic oxides require for sa- turation, is in the direct ratio of the quanti- ty of oxygen, which they respectively con- tain. "I have arrived at this principle," says he, " not by the comparison of the known proportions of the metallic salts, which are in general too inexact to enable us to recognize this law, but by observing the mutual precipitation of the metals, from their solutions in acids." When we precipitate a solution of acetate of lead, by a plate of zinc, there is formed a beautiful vegetation known under the name of the tree of Saturn; and which arises from the reduction of the lead by a galvanic pro- cess, as was first shewn by Silvester and Grotthus. We obtain at the same time a so- lution of acetate of zinc, equally neutral with that of the lead, and entirely exempt from this last metal. No hydrogen, or al- most none, is disengaged during the preci- pitation; which proves, that the whole oxy- gen necessary to the zinc, for its becoming dissolved and saturating the acid, lias been furnished to it by the lrad. If we put into a solution of sulphate of copper, slightly acidulous, bright iron turn- ings in excess, the copper is almost instant- ly precipitated; the temperature rises, and no gas is disengaged. The sulphate of iron which we obtain, is that in which the oxide is at a minimum, and its acidity is exactly the same as that of the sulphate of copper employed. We obtain similar results, by decomposing the acetate of copper by lead, especially with the aid of heat. But since the zinc precipitates the lead from its acetic solution, we may conclude, that it would also precipi- tate copper, from its combination with the acetic acid. Experience is here in perfect accordance with theory. We know with what facility copper pre- cipitates silver, from its nitric solution. All the oxygen winch it needs for its solution, is furnished to it by the oxide of silver; for no gas is disengaged, and the acidity is un- changed. The same thing happens with cop. per, in regard to nitrate of mercury and to cobalt, in regard to nitrate of silver. In these last examples, as in the preceding, the precipitating metd, finds in the oxide of the metal, which it precipitates, all the oxygen which is necessary to it for its oxidizement, and for neutralizing to the same degree the acid of the solution. These incontestable facts naturally con- duct to the principle announced above, that the acid in the metallic salts, is directly pro- portional to the oxygen in their oxides. In the precipitation of one metal by another, the quantity of oxygen in each oxide remains the same, and consequently the larger dose of oxygen the precipitating metal takes, the less metal will it precipitate. M. Gay-Lussac next proceeds to show. with regard to the same metals at their dif- ferent stages of oxidizement, that they re- quire of acid, a quantity precisely propor- tional to the quantity of oxygen they may contain; or that the acid in the salts, is ex- actly proportional to the oxygen of the ox- ides. A very important result of this law, is the ready means it affords of determin- ing the proportions of all the metallic salts. The proportions of one metallic salt, and the oxidation of the metals, being given, we may determine those of all the salts of the same genus; or the proportions of acid, and of oxide, of all the metallic salts; and the oxidation of a single metal being given, we can calculate the oxidation of all the rest. Since the peroxides require most acid, we can easily understand how the salts containing them, should be in general more soluble than those with the protoxide. EQU M. Gay-Lussac concludes his memoir with this observation. When we preci- pitate a metallic solution, by sulphuret- ted hydrogen, either alone or combined with an alkaline base, we obtain a sulphu- ret or a metallic hydrosulphuret. In the first case, the hydrogen of the sulphuret- ted hydrogen combines with all the oxygen of the oxide, and the sulphur forms a sul- phuret with the metal; in the second case, the sulphuretted hydrogen combines di- rectly with the oxide, without being de- composed, and its proportion is such, that there is sufficient hydrogen to saturate all the oxygen of the oxide. The quantity of hydrogen neutralized, or capable of being so, depends therefore on the oxidation of the metal, as well as the quantity of the sulphur, which can combine with it. Of consequence, the same metal forms as many distinct sulphurets, as it is susceptible of distinct stages of oxidation in its acid so- lutions. And as these degrees of oxida- tion are fixed, we may also obtain sulphu- rets, of definite proportions, which we can easily determine, according to the quanti- ty of oxygen to each metal, and the pro- portions of sulphuretted hydrogen. The next chemist who contributed essen- tially to the improvement of the equiva- lent ratios of chemical bodies, was Berze- lius. By an astonishing number of analy- ses, executed for the most part with re- markable precision, he enabled chemical philosophers to fix with corresponding ac- curacy, the equivalent ratios reduced to their lowest terms. He himself took oxy- gen as the unit of proportion. The results of all this emulous cultiva- tion, were combined and illustrated with original researches, by Sir H. Davy, in his Elements of Chemical Philosophy publish- ed in 1812. In this system of truths, which will never become obsolete, we find the claims of Mr. Higgins to the discovery of the atomic theory justly advocated. But what peculiarly characterizes this chemical work, is the sound antihypotheti- cal doctrines which it inculcates on chemi- cal combination. "Mr. Higgins," says Sir H. " has supposed that water is composed of one particle of oxygen and one of hy- drogen, and Mr. Dalton of an atom each; but in the doctrine of proportions derived from facts, it is not necessary to consider the combining bodies, either as composed of indivisible particles, or even as always united, one and one, or one and two, or one and three proportions, Cases will be hereafter pointed out, in which the ratios are very different; and at present, as we have no means whatever of judging either of the relative numbers, figures, or weights, of those particles of bodies which are not in contact, our numerical expressions Vol. 1L EQU ought to relate only to the results of ex- periments." He conceives that the calculations will be much expedited, and the formulae ren- dered more simple, by considering the smallest proportion of any combining body, namely, that of hydrogen, as the integer. This radical proportion of hydrogen, is the 5rg«T» i'hti of the ancient philosophers. It has been objected by some, to our as- suming hydrogen as the unit, that the num- bers representing the metals, would be- come inconveniently large. But this could never be urged by any person acquainted with the theory of numbers. For in what respect is it more convenient to reckon ba- rium 875 on the atomic scale, or 8.75 X 16 = 140 on Sir H. Davy's scale of expe- riment? or is it any advantage to name, with Dr. Thomson, tin = 7.375, or to call it 118, on the plan of the English philoso- pher? If the combining ratios of all bo- dies be multiples of hydrogen, as is proba- ble, why not take hydrogen as the unitJ I think this question will not be answered in the negative, by those who practise the reduction of chemical proportions. The defenders of the Daltonian hypothesis, that water consists of one atom oxygen to one atom hydrogen, may refer to Dr. Wollas- ton's scale, as authority for taking oxygen as the unit. But that admirable instru- ment, which has at once subjected thou- sands of chemical combinations to all the despatch and precision of logometric cal- culation, is actually better- adapted to the hydrogen unit, than to the oxygen. For if we slide down the middle rule, till 10 on it stand opposite to 10 hydrogen on the left side, every thing on the scale is given in accordance with Sir H. Davy's system of primary proportions, and M. Gay-Lussac's theory of gaseous combination. This va- luable concurrence, as is well pointed out by Dr. Front, we lose, by adopting the vo- lume of oxygen as radix. In the first part of the Phil. Trans, for 1814, appeared Dr. Wollaston's description of his scale of chemical equivalents, an in- strument which has contributed more to fa- cilitate the general study and practice of chemistry than any other invention of man. His paper is further valuable, in presenting a series of numbers denoting the relative primary proportions, or weights of the atoms of the principal CliernicaT""bodies, both simple and compound, determined with singular sagacity, from a general re- view of the most exact analyses of other chemists, as well as his own. The list of substances which he has esti- mated, is arranged on one or other side of a scale of numbers, in the order of their relative weights, and at such distances from each other, according to their weights, o EQU that the series of numbers placed on a slid- ing scale can at pleasure be moved, so that any number expressing the weight of a compound, may be brought to correspond with the place of that compound, in the adjacent column. The arrangement is then such, that the weight of any ingredient in its composition, of any reagent to be em- ployed, or precipitate that might be obtain- ed in its analysis, will be found opposite the point, at which its respective name is placed. If the slider be drawn upwards, till 100 corresponds to muriate of soda, the scale will then show how much of each sub- stance contained in the table, is equivalent to 100 of common salt. It shows, with regard to the different views of this salt, that it contains 46.6 dry muriatic acid, and 53.4 of soda, or 39.8 sodium, and 13.6 oxy- gen; or if viewed as chloride of sodium, that it contains 602 chlorine and 39.8 so- dium. With respect to reagents, it may be seen, that 283 nitrate of lead, contain- ing 191 of litharge, employed to separate the muriatic acid, would yield a precipi- tate of 237 muriate of lead, and that there would then remain in solution, nearly 146 nitrate of soda. It may at the same time be seen; that the acid in this quantity of salt, would serve to make 232 corrosive sublimate, containing 185.5 red oxide of mercury; or make 91.5 muriate of ammo- nia, composed of 62 muriatic gas (or hy- dromuriatic acid), and 29.5 ammonia. The scale shows also, that for the purpose of obtaining the whole of the acid in dis- tillation, the quantity of oil of vitriol re- quired is nearly 84, and that the residuum of this distillation would be 122 dry sul- phate of soda, from which might be ob- tained, by crystallization, 277 of glauber salt, containing 155 water of crystallization. These, and many more such answers, ap- pear at once, by bare inspection, as soon as the weight of any substance intended for examination is made, by motion of the slider, correctly to correspond with its place in the adjacent column. Now surely the accurate and immediate solution of so many important practical problems, is an incalculable benefit conferred on the che- mist. With regard to the method of laying down the divisions of this scale, those who are accustomed to the use of other sliding rules, and are practically acquainted with their properties, will recognize upon the slider itself, the common Gunter's line of numbers, (as it is called), and will be satis- fied, that the results which it gives are the same that would be obtained by arithmeti- cal computation. Those who are acquainted with the doc- trine of ratios, and with the use of loga- rithms as measures of ratios, will under- EQU stand the principle on which this scale is founded, and will not need to bo told, that all the divisions are logometric; conse- quently, that the mechanical addition and subtraction of ratios here performed by juxtaposition, corresponds in effect to the multiplication and division of the numbers, by which those ratios are expressed in com- mon arithmetical notation. In his Essay on the cause of Chemical Proportions, Berzelius proposed a system of signs, to denote atomical combinations, which it may be proper briefly to explain. This sign is the initial letter, and by itself always expresses one atom, volume, or prime of the substance. W hen it is ne- cessary to indicate several volumes or primes, it is done by prefixing the number; for example, the cuprous oxide, or protox- ide of copper, is composed of a prime of oxygen and a prime of metal; its sign is therefore Cu -f- O. The cupric oxide, or deutoxide of copper, is composed of 1 prime metal, and 2 primes oxygen; there- fore its sign is Cu -+- 20. In like manner the sign for sulphuric acid is S -f- 30; for carbonic acid, C -f- 20; for water, 2H -f- O, &c. When we express a compound prime of the first order, or binary, we throw away the -j-, and place the number of primes above the letter, as the index or exponent is placed in arithmetic. For example, CuO -L. SO3 = sulphate of copper; CuO2 -f 2S03 = bi-deutosulphate of copper, or persulphate. These formulae have this advantage, that if we take away the oxy- gen, we see at once the ratio between the radicals. As to the primes of the second order, or ternary compounds, it is but rare- ly of any advantage to express them by for- mulae, as one prime; but if we wish to ex- press them in that way, we may do it by using the parenthesis, as is done in al- gebraic formulae; for example, according to Berzelius, alum is composed of 3 primes of sulphate of alumina, and 1 of sulphate of potash. 1's symbol is 3(AlO+S03) + (PoO-f-SO3). The prime of ammonia is 3 HN; viz. 3 primes hydrogen -f- 1 nitro- gen. We shall use these abbreviations in our table of equivalent primes, at the end of the volume. To reduce analytical results, as usually given for 100 parts, to the equivalent prime ratios, or, in hypothetical language, to the atomic proportions, is now a problem of perpetual recurrence, with which students are perplexed, as no rule has been given for its ready solution. Though numerous examples of its solution occur in this Dic- tionary, we shall here explain it in detail. As in all reasoning we must proceed from what is known or determinate, to what is unknown or indeterminate, so in every ana- lysis, there must be one ingredient whose EQU EQU prime equivalent is well ascertained. This is employed as the common measure, and the proportions of the rest are compared to it. Let us take, for instance, Sir II. Davy's analysis of fluate of lime, to deter- mine the unknown number, that should de- note the prime of fluoric acid. We know, first of all, that 2 primes of oxygen = 2, combine with 1 of carbon = 0.75, to form the compound prime 2.75 of carbonic acid. We likewise know that carbonate of lime consists of 43.6 carbonic acid -+- 54.4 lime. We therefore make this proportion, to de- termine the prime equivalent of lime. 1. 43.6 : 54.4 :: 2.75 : 3.56 = prime of lime. 2. We know that 100 parts of dry sul- phate of lime, consist of 41.6 lime and 58.4 acid. Hence, to find the prime of sul- phuric acid, we make this proportion: 41.6: 58.4:: 3.56 : 5 = prime of sulphu- ric acid. 3. Sir H. Davy obtained from 100 grains of fluor spar in powder, acted on with re- peated quantities of sulphuric acid, and ignited, 175.2 grains of sulphate of lime. Now, since 100 grains of sulphate of lime contain, as above, 41.6 of lime, we have this proportion: 100 : 41.6:: 1752:72.88 = lime, corres- ponding to 175.2 grains of sulphate, and which previously existed in the 100 gr. of fluor spar. If from 100 we subtract 72.88, the difference 27.12 is the fluoric acid, or the other ingredient of the fluor, which sa- turated the lime. Now to find its prime equivalent, we sav, 72.88 : 3.56 :: 27.12 :1.325 = the prime or atom of fluoric acid from Sir H. Davy's experiment. Had we taken Dr. Thomson's number 3.625, as representing the atom of lime, the atom of fluoric acid would come out 1.3015. As the Doctor had a particu- lar hypothesis to support, which required the weight of the acid atom to be a great deal less, he deduces it, from the same data, to be only 1.0095. By what new process of arithmetic he brought out this number, it is impossible to conjecture. But no doubt he devoted some pains to the computation, since he rears on that unsub- stantial basis, a long fabric of atomic in- duction. We shall give another example, derived from a more complex subject. M. Vauquelin found, that 33 parts of lime, saturated with sorbic acid, and care- fully dried, weighed 100 grains. Hence the difference, 67 grains, was acid. To find its equivalent prime, we say, As 33 : 67 :: 3.56 = the prime of lime :7.23 = the prime of the acid. But as he brought it to absolute neutrality by a small portion of potash, we may take 7.5 for the prime. M. Vauquelin subjected the acid, as it exists in the dry sorbates of lead and cop- per, to igneous analysis; and obtained the following results: Hydrogen, 16.8 Carbon, 28.3 Oxygen, 54.9 100.0 Now we must find such an assemblage of the primes or atoms of these elements, as will form a sum-total of 7.5; and at the same time be to each other, in the above proportions. The following very simple rule will give a ready approximation; and by a common sliding scale, it may be work- ed by inspection. Multiply each proportion per cent, by the compound prime, and compare the products with the multiples of the consti- tuent primes. You can then estimate the number of each prime requisite to compose the whole. Thus, 0.168 X 7.5 =. 1.2600 or 10 hydrogen = 1.25 0.283 X 7.5 = 2.1225 3 carbon = 2.25 0.549 X 7.5 = 4.1175 4 oxvgen = 4.00 Theory. Experiment 16.7 16.8 30.0 28.3 53.3 54.9 7.50 100.0 100.0 The differences between these theoreti- cal and experimental proportions, are pro- bably within the limits of the errors of the latter in the present state of analysis. If on Dr. Wollaston's scale we mark with a type or a pen, 2h, 3h, &c. up to 10h; 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c; and 2n, 3n, 4n; respectively opposite to twice, thrice, &c. the atoms of hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, as is al- ready done for oxygen, (with the excep- tion of the fourth, where copper stands), we shall then have ready approximations to the prime components, by inspection of the scale. Move the sliding part, so that one of the quantities per cent, may stand opposite the nearest estimate of a multiple prime of that constituent. Thus we know that hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, bear the relation to each other of 1, 6, 8; and, of course, the latter two, tb;it of 3 to 4. But 54.9 oxygen, being more than one half of 100, the weight of oxygen in the com- pound prime is more than the half of 7'.5, and therefore points to 4. Place 54.9 op- posite 4 oxygen, (where copper stands), we shall find ltf opposite 10 hydrogen, and 30.7 opposite 3 carbon. Here we see the proportions of carbon and hy- EQU drogen, are both greater than by Vau- quelin's analysis. Try 51 opposite 4 oxy- gen, then opposite 3 carbon we have, 28.7, and opposite 10 hydrogen 16.9. The pro- portions I have calculated arithmetical- ly above, seem somewhat better approxi- mations; they were deduced from hydro- gen 0.125, 'and carbon 0.75, instead of 0.132 and0754, as on the scale. If the weight of the compound prime is not given, then we must proceed to estimate the nearest prime proportions, after inspec- tion of iiose per cent. The scale may be used with advantage, as just now explained. The followingcase has been reckoned dif- ficult of solution, and has been even involved in an algebraic formula. Let us suppose a vegetable acid, containing combined water, whose prime equivalent is to be deter- mined by experiment. A crystallized salt is made with it, for example, and a deter- minate quantity of soda. Suppose the al- kali to form 26 per cent of the salt. The rest is water and acid. Dissolve 100 grains, and add them to an indefinite quantity of the solution of any salt, with whose base the vegetable acid forms an insoluble com- pound. Dry and weigh this precipitate. Without decomposing the latter, we have sufficient data for determining the prime equivalent of the real acid. We make this proportion: As the weight of soda is to its prime equivalent, so is the weight of the precipitate, to the prime of the compound. Suppose 148 grains of an insoluble salt of lead to have been obtained; then 26:3.95 :: 148:22.1 = the prime of the salt of lead. From this, if we deduct the weight of the prime equivalent of oxide of lead, = 14, we have 8.1 for the prime equivalent of the acid. And the crystallized salt must have consisted of, Dry acid, 53.3 Soda, 26.0 Water, 20.7 100.0 As the above numbers were assumed merely for arithmetical illustration, the wa- ter is not atomically expressed. Indeed the problem of finding the acid prime, does not require the salt to be either dried or weighed. A solution would suffice. Sa- turate a known weight of alkali, with an unknown quantity of the crystallized acid. Add this neutral solution, to a redundant quantity of solution of nitrate of lead. Wash, dry, and weigh the insoluble pre- cipitate, and apply the above rule. There are three systems of equivalent numbers at present employed: 1st, That having oxygen as the radix; 2d, That hav- ing one volume of hydrogen, as the radix; 3d, That having two volumes of hydrogen Cas the radix, on the Daltonian supposition, that two volumes of hydrogen contain the ETH same number of atoms, as one volume of oxygen." As this hypothesis is destitute of proof, it evidently should be discarded from physical science. Since the volumeof hydro- gen is equal in weight to l-16th the weight of the volume of oxygen, the former two systems are mutually convertible, by multi- plying the number oxygen, in the oxygen ratio, by 16, or 4 X 4, to obtain the number in the hydrogen scale; and this is re-conver- ted by the inverse operation, namely, divi- ding by 16, or by 4 X 4. Dr. Wollaston's scale, and Sir H Davy's proportional numbers, are adapted to the idea that water is a compound of 1 hydro- gen + 7.5 oxygen by weight, or 15 + 1 by volume. Their mutual conversion is there- fore very easy, for if we add to Dr. Wollas- ton's number, its half, the sum is Sir H. Davy's; and of course, if we subtract from the number of the latter, its third, the re- mainder is Dr. Wollaston's number. There is one very frequent variation in the weights of the primes among the best writers, namely, doubling or halving the number. This difference is occasioned generally by an uncertainty about the first term or pro- portion in which the body combines with oxygen; some chemists reckoning that a protoxide which others consider a deutox- ide. Thus Sir H. Davy gives 103 as the number representing iron; from which, if we deduct ^-§-^ = 34.3, the remainder 68.7 is nearly double of 34.5, the number of Dr. Wollaston. But Mr. Porrett has very in- geniously shown that perhaps —~ = 17.5, is to be preferred.* Essences. Several of the volatile or essential oils are called essences by the perfumers. Ether. A very volatile fluid, produced by the distillation of alcohol with an acid. When strong sulphuric acid is poured upon an equal weight of alcohol, the fluids unite with a hissing noise and the produc- tion of heat, at the same time that a fra- grant vegetable smell is perceived, resem- bling that of apples. It is much better and safer, however, to add the acid by small portions at a time, at such intervals as that no perceptible heat may be produced. The mixture may be made in a glass retort, and the distillation performed by regulated heat on a sand-bath, a large tubulated re- ceiver being previously well adapted, and kept cool by immersion in water, or the frequent application of wet cloths. A bent glass tube luted to the tubulure of the re- ceiver, and having its extremity immersed in a little water or mercury, will allow the gases to escape, and confine the condensi- ble vapour. The first product is a fragrant spirit of wine, which is followed by the ether, as soon as the fluid in the retort be- | gins to boil. At this period, the upper part ETH ETH of the receiver is covered with large dis- tinct streams of the fluid which run down its sides. After the ether has passed over, sulphurous acid arises, which is known by its white fume and peculiar smell. At this period the receiver must be unluted and removed, care being taken to avoid breath- ing the penetrating fumes of the acid; and the fire must at the same time be modera- ted, because the residue in the retort is disposed to swell. A light yellow oil, called sweet oil of wine, comes over after the ether, and is succeeded by black and foul sulphuric acid. The residue varies in its properties according to the management of the heat. If the fire be much increased toward the end of the process, the sulphu- rous acid that comes over, will be mixed with vinegar. The ether comes over mixed with alco- hoi and some sulphurous acid. It was usual to add some distilled water to this product, which occasioned the ether to rise to the top. Rectification is absolutely ne- cessary, if the ether have a sulphurous smell; and this is indeed the better method in all cases, because the water added in the old method always absorbs about one-tenth part of its weight of ether, which cannot be recovered without having recourse to distillation; and also because the ether is found to absorb a quantity of the water. Previous to the rectification, a small quan- tity of black oxide of manganese should be added, shaking the mixture occasionally during 24 hours. Proust prefers clean slaked lime, as recommended by Woulfe; observing that the bottle must not be above three parts filled, and that it must be moved about in cold water for some minutes be- fore the cork is taken out. The inexperienced chemist must be re- minded, that the extreme inflammability of alcohol, and still more of ether; the dan- ger of explosion which attends the sudden mixture and agitation of concentrated acids and alcohol; and the suffocating effect of the elastic fluids, which might fill the apartment if inadvertently disengaged; are all circumstances which require cautious management. Sulphuric ether is a very fragrant, light, and volatile fluid. Its evaporation pro- duces extreme cold. It is highly inflamma- ble, burns with a more luminous flame than alcohol, which is of a deep blue, and emits more smoke. At 46° below 0 of Fahr. it becomes solid. It dissolves essential oils and resins, and camphor very plentifully. By long digestion it dissolves l-13th of sulphur in the light, and l-17th in the dark. This preparation Mr. Favre recommends as an excellent test of lead in wine, which it throws down in a black precipitate. Mixed with the muriatic solution of gold, it retains a portion of the metal in solution for some time. * To give ether its utmost purity, we must add to the common purified ether, dry subcarbonate of potash in powder, till the last portions are not wetted, and draw off the ether by distillation. Its sp. gr. will fall from 0.775 to 0.746. Being thus de- prived of its water, it must next be freed from alcohol, by digesting it on dry muriate of lime, and decanting the supernatant li- quid, which is ether of sp. gr. 0.632 at 60°, according to Lowitz. Distillation increases its density to 0.7155 at 68°, according to M. T. de Saussure. Ether boils in the atmosphere at 98° F. and in vacuo at — 20°. The density of its vapour as determined by M. Gay-Lussac, is- 2.586, that of air being 1. Ether admitted to any gas standing over mercury, doubles its bulk at atmospheric temperatures. If oxygen be thus expanded with ether, and then mixed with three times its bulk of pure oxygen, on being kindled it explodes, forming carbonic acid and water. By de- tonating such a mixture M. de Saussure has lately inferred ether to consist of Hydrogen, 14.40 Carbon, 67.98 Oxygen, 17.62 100.00 These proportions per cent, correspond to Olefiant gas, 80.05 Water, 19.95 100.00 Or very nearly 5 primes olefiant gas, con- sisting of 5 carbon -J- 5 hydrogen- Or (0.750-f 0.125) X 5 = 4.375 1 prime water, or 1 hy-") — drogen -f- 1 oxygen, 5 1-1"J5 5.500 Or 6 hydrogen + 5 carbon -j- 1 oxygen. By passing ether through a red-hot por- celain tube, it is resolved into heavy in- flammable air, a viscid volatile oil, a little concrete oil, and charcoal and water. Ten parts of water combine with one of ether. Sulphuric acid converts ether into syveet oil of wine. If a very little ether be thrown into a large bottle filled with chlo- rine, a white vapour soon rises, followed by explosion and flame. Charcoal is depo- sited, and carbonic acid gas formed. If we apply to ether that principle of re- search invented by M. Gay-Lussac, and so successfully applied by him to iodine and prussic acid, we shall find that, **' ETH ETH 2 volumes of defiant gas, 1 do. vapour of water, = 0.9722 X 2 = 1.9444 = 0.6249 Condensed into one volume of vapour of ether Which is very nearly the experimental sp. gr. = 2.5693 = 2.5860 On this view, the vapour of ether con- of aqueous vapour consists of one volume of tains one-half of the combined water, that hydrogen, and half a volume of oxygen. the vapour of alcohol does. Hence the ratio of the weights of the con- But two volumes of defiant gas consist of stituents will become, on the hypothetical four volumes of hydrogen, and four of car- oxygen scale, in which half a volume of bon, in a condensed state; and one volume oxygen represents one atom, 5 atoms hydrogen, = 0.125 X 5 = 0.625 ... 13.513 4 carbon, = 0.750 X 4 = 3.000 ... 21.622 1 oxygen, = 1.000 X 1 = 1.000 ... 64.865 These proportions differ from those of M. de Saussure, in making the carbon a little more, and the oxygen a little less, than he found. Ethers, exactly the same with the sulphu- ric, may be obtained by passing alcohol through phosphoric and arsenic acids con- centrated and heated. Another kind of ethers are those which result from the combination of the alcohol with the acid employed to make them. Nine such ethers are known. Muriatic ether, nitric ether, hydriodic ether, acetic ether, benzoic ether, oxalic ether, citric ether, tartaric ether, gallic ether; the first four are more volatile than alcohol; the rest are much less so, for they boil with more difficulty than water. Muriatic ether. It is formed by saturat- ing alcohol with muriatic acid gas; or still better by mixing together equal bulks of alcohol and concentrated liquid muriatic acid, and heating the mixture in a glass re- tort connected with a Woulfe's apparatus. The first bottle should contain a quantity of water, at about 80° F.; the second should be surrounded with ice. From 10 ounces of acid, and an equal bulk of alcohol, 1.2 ounces of ether may be obtained. Under the barometric pressure of 30 inches, this ether is always gaseous at 51°, and all higher temperatures. In the state of gas it is colourless, and without action on litmus, or violets. Its odour is very strong and analogous to that of sulphuric ether; its taste is perceptibly saccharine; and its sp. gr. compared to that of air is 2-219. In the liquid state at 40° F., its sp. gr. is 0.874. Poured on the palm of the hand, it immediately boils, and produces much cold. At a dull red heat, muriatic ether is converted into muriatic acid gas, and de- fiant gas, with, most probably, water; for M. Thenard gave for its composition, from the mean of many eudiometric, and other experiments, acid 29.48 -+- carbon 36.6 -f- oxygen 23.28 + hydrogen 10.64 = 100.— 4.625 100.000 Mem. cCArcueil, i. 343. Eight years there- after, he modified these results into 46.5 acid + 53.5 alcohol, (32.6 olef. gas + 20.9 water).—Traiti, Hi. 977. According to MM. Colin and Robiquet, (Annates de Chimie et de Physique, i. p. 348.) one volume of muriatic ether, passed through a porcelain tube at a dull red heat, is resolved into a mixture of one volume olefiant gas, and one volume muriatic gas. By adding the density of olefiant gas = 0.9722 to that of muriatic acid gas = 1.2840 We have the sum = 2.2562, which is near- ly the sp. gr. of the vapour by experiment = 2.2190. When a lighted taper is brought near the surface of this ether, it immediately takes fire, and burns with a greenish flame. Muriatic gas, carbonic acid, and water re- sult. Similar products are obtained by firing a mixture of its vapour with oxygen, either by the taper or electric spark. If the oxygen be to the vapour in the ratio of 3 to 1, a violent detonation takes place, which breaks common eudiometers. Water dissolves of muriatic ether a vo- lume equal to its own, at mean pressure and temperature. The solution has a sweet and cooling taste, analogous to that of pep- permint. Although it be very soluble in alcohol, water separates the whole of it. Chlorine instantly decomposes muriatic ether. Nitrate of silver and protonitrate of mercury, two salts, which suddenly oc- casion precipitates in waters containing muriatic acid, either free or combined with a salifiable base, produce no immediate cloud with this ether. It is only after some hours contact that we begin to perceive an action; and even after three months, the muriatic acid is not completely thrown down. These experiments must be made in phials closed with well ground stoppers. The ether produced by treating certain muriates, especially the fuming muriate, or chloride of tin, with alcohol, is muriatic ETH ETH ether. The only difference which exists between the former and this kind, is that the ether formed with the acid, is a little more volatile than the ether made with the chlorides. Nitric ether. This ether is prepared by distilling equal parts by weight of alcohol, and the aquafortis of commerce. After having introduced them into a retort capa- ble of holding double the bulk, it must be put in connexion with a Woulfe's appara- tus, of which the first bottle is empty, and the other four half filled with saturated brine. The whole bottles must be put into an oblong box, and surrounded with a mix- ture of snow and salt. We then apply a gentle heat from a charcoal chauffer. As soon as the liquor begins to boil, we must instantly withdraw the heat, and, if neces- sary, check the violence of the ebullition by the application of a moist sponge, or rag, to the retort. The operation is finish- ed, when it spontaneously ceases to boil. By this time the product forms a little more than one-third of the alcohol and acid employed.* f A new process for Aritrous Ether, by Pro- fessor R. Hare, M. D. The making of nitrous ether is a critical process. The action of the materials will often spontaneously increase so as to pro- duce explosion. It may be conducted with ease and safety by means of a three necked bottle represented by fig. 7. (See plate, at the end of the work, which exhibits the eudiometers.) The two outermost necks are furnished with funnels, and the central one with a tube bent a little more than at right angles, and passing through ice to the bottom of a bottle surrounded by the same. The acid and alcohol ought to be very strong. Let a gill of the latter be poured into the bottle, and then add as much acid as will make it boil briskly. When the effervescence relaxes, add more acid until the addition of this produces no great effect. Then add more alcohol, and again more acid, till the bottle becomes one third full. The ether will be rapidly formed and collected in the bottle into which the recurved tube leads. This tube is represented in the plate of about one third of the proper length. There should be a triangular wooden trough adapted to it for holding ice or snow. It might be an improvement if another neck were added, through which the resi- dual liquor might be drawn out. With this addition, the distillation of ether might be conducted in a way analogous to that of the distillation of whiskey by the celebrated Scotch still.f * But ether is not the sole product of the operation. We obtain also much protoxide of azote and water, a little azote, deutox- ide of azote, carbonic acid gas, nitrous acid gas, acetic acid, and a substance ea- sily carbonized. We arc thus led to sup- pose that a portion of the alcohol is com- pletely decomposed by the nitric acid, that it yields almost all its hydrogen to the oxy- gen of this acid, and that hence result all the products, besides the ether, whilst the alcohol and the nitrous acid unite to con- stitute the ether properly so called. The whole ether comes over as well as the azote, protoxide of azote, deutoxide of azote, and carbonic acid. As to the water, nitrous and acetic acids, they are disengaged only in part, as well as a portion of the alcohol and nitric acid which escape their recipro- cal action. In fact, the easily charred mat- ter remains in the retort along with a little acetic acid, about 78 parts of nitric acid, 60 of alcohol, and 284 of water, supposing that we had operated upon 500 parts of al- cohol, and as much dilute nitric acid. It is because there is formed so great a quantity of gas, that the salt water and re- frigeration are required. Without these precautions, the greater part of the ether would be carried off into the atmosphere; and even with them, some is always lost. On unluting the apparatus, there is found in the first bottle a large quantity of yel- lowish liquid, formed of much weak alco- hol, of ether, with nitrous, nitric, and ace- tic acids. In the second, we find, on the surface of the salt water, a pretty thick stratum of ether contaminated with a little acid and alcohol. In the third, a thinner layer of the same, and so on. These layers are to be separated from the water by a long-necked funnel, mixed with the liquid of the first bottle, and re- distilled from a retort by a gentle heat, into a receiver surrounded with ice. The first product is an ether, which may be entirely deprived of acid, by being placed in con- tact with cold quicklime in a phial, and de- canted off it, in about half an hour. From a mixture of about 500 parts of alcohol, and as much acid, about 100 parts of ex- cellent ether may be procured. Nitric ether in its ordinary state is a li- quid of a yellowish-white colour. It has an odour analogous to that of the preced- ing ethers, but much stronger, so that its inhalation into the nostrils produces a spe- cies of giddiness. It does not redden lit- mus. Its taste is acrid and burning. Its sp. gr. is greater than that of alcohol, and less than that of water. It boils at 70° F. or at that temperature sustains a column equal to 30 inches of mercury. Poured into the hand, it immediately boils, and creates considerable cold. It is sufficient to grasp in our hands a phial containing it, to see bubbles immediately escape. It takes fire very readily, and burns quite away, with a white flame. ETH ETH When agitated with 25 or 30 times its weight of water, it is divided into three portions. One, the smallest, is dissolved; another is converted into vapour; and a third is decomposed. The solution be- comes suddenly acid; it assumes a strong smell of apples; and, if after saturating with potash the acid which it contains, it be subjected to distillation, we withdraw the alcohol, and obtain a residue formed of nitrate of potash. We see here that there is a separation, of one part of the two bodies, which constitute the ether. Left to itself in a well stopped bottle, the ether suffers a spontaneous change, for it becomes perceptibly acid. By distillation, acid is instantly developed, which shows that heat favours its decomposition. If in- stead of exposing the nitric ether to a dis- tilling heat, we make it traverse an ignited tube, it is completely decomposed. 41.5 parts of ether thus decomposed, yielded 5.63 water, containing a little prussic acid; 0.40 of ammonia; 0.80 oil; 0.30 of charcoal; 0.75 carbonic acid; 299 of gases, formed of deu- toxide of azote, azote, subcarburetted hy- drogen, and oxide of carbon. The loss amounted to 3.72. It is very slowly decomposed by potash. When combined with nitrous acid gas or acetic acid, so intimate a union is effected, that in making the compound pass through the most concentrated alkalis, only a small portion of its acid is separated. Accord- ing to M. Thenard, from whose excellent memoir in the first volume of the Memoirei d'Arcueil the above interesting facts are taken, nitric ether is composed in the hun- dred parts of Carbon 28.65 or 4 primes 3.0 Azote 14.49 1 175 Hydrogen 8.54 7 0.875 Oxygen 48.52 5 5.000 10.625 Perhaps with a little management we might coax these refractory atoms into a better correspondence with M. Thenard's results; but in such freaks of fancy, it is foolish to indulge. This distinguished che- mist indeed admitted, that the analysis is imperfect; and promised to repeat it in another and better way by explosion with oxygen, of which gas, nitric ether, from its great volatility, quintuples the volume, at ordinary temperatures. Hydriodic ether. M. Gay-Lussac, to whom the formation of this ether is due, obtained it by mixing together equal bulks of alco- hol and a coloured hydriodic acid, sp. gr. 1.700, distilling the mixture by the heat of a water bath, and diluting with water the product which gradually collects in the re- ceiver. The ether precipitates in the form of small globules, which have at first a milky aspect, but which by their union form a transparent liquid. It is purified by repeated washings with water. This ether does not redden litmus; its smell is strong, and analogous to that of the rest. Its sp. gr. is 1.9206 at 72° F. It assumes in the course of a few days a rose colour, which becomes no deeper by time, and which mercury and potash instantly remove, by seizing the iodine, which occa- sions it. Hydriodic ether boils at 156° F. At or- dinary temperatures, it does not kindle by the approach of a lighted taper to its sur- face, but only exhales purple vapours, when poured drop by drop on burning coals. Potassium keeps in it, without al- teration. Potash does not instantaneously change it. The same may be said of nitric and sulphurous acids, as well as chlorine. Bypassing it through an incandescent tube, it is converted into a carburetted inflam- mable gas; into dark brown hydriodic acid; into charcoal; and fiocculi, whose odour is ethereous, and which M. Gay-Lussac con- siders as a sort of ether, formed of hydri- odic acid, and of a vegetable product dif- ferent from alcohol. These flakes melt in boiling water, and assume on cooling the transparency and colour of wax. They are much less volatile than hydriodic ether, and evolve much more iodine when pro- jected on glowing coals. Ethers from vegetable acids. Almost all the vegetable acids dissolve in alcohol, and separate from it again by distillation, with- out any peculiar product being formed, how- ever frequently we act upon the same quan- tity of acid and alcohol. Such is the case at least with the tartaric, citric, malic, ben- zoic, oxalic, and gallic acids. But this can- not be said of the acetic. The action of this acid on alcohol is such, that by means of repeated distillations, the two bodies disappear, and form a true ether; whence it has been inferred by M. Thenard, that this fluid is probably the only one of thevegetable acids at presentknown, which can exhibit by itself the phenomena of etherization. But if instead of putting the vegetable acids alone in contact with alco- hol, we add to the mixture one of the con- centrated mineral acids, we can then pro- duce with several of them compounds ana- logous to the preceding ethers. The mi- neral acid probably acts here by con- densing the alcohol, and elevating the tem- perature, to such a degree as to determine the requisite chemical reaction. Acetic ether was discovered by Scheele, but first accurately examined by M. The- nard. Take 100 parts of rectified alcohol, 63 parts of concentrated acetic acid, 17 parts of sulphuric acid of commerce. After hav- ing mixed the whole, introduce them into ETH ETH a tubulated glass retort, connected with a large globular receiver surrounded with cold water. On applying heat, the liquid enters into ebullition; and when 123 parts of ether have passed over, the process may be stopped. To render it perfectly pure, we have only to place it, for half an hour, in contact with 10 or 12 parts of the caus- tic potash of the apothecary, in a corked phial, and to agitate from time to time. Two strata will form; the undermost thin, composed of potash and acetate of potash dissolved in water; the uppermost much more considerable, consisting of pure ether, which may be separated by a long- necked funnel. The sulphuric acid does not enter at all into the composition of this ether. It merely favours the reaction of the alcohol and acetic acid. This mode is much better than the old one, of distilling many times over, the same mixture of ace- tic acid and alcohol. Or we may obtain an excellent acetic ether, very economically, by taking 3 parts of acetate of potash, 3 of concentrated alcohol, and 2 of oil of vi- triol; introducing the mixture into a tubu- lated retort, and distilling to perfect dry- ness; then mixing the product with the fifth part of its weight of oil of vitriol, and, by a careful distillation, drawing off as much ether as there was alcohol employed. Acetic ether is a colourless liquid, hav- ing an agreeable odour of sulphuric ether and acetic acid. It does not redden litmus paper, or tincture of turnsole. Its taste is peculiar. Its sp. gr. is 0.866, at 44.5° F. Under the ordinary atmospheric pres- sure, it enters into ebullition at 160° Fahr A lighted taper brought near its surface at ordinary temperatures sets fire to it, and it burns with a yellowish-white flame. Ace- tic acid is developed in the combustion. It is not changed by keeping. Water at 62° dissolves a 7i part of its weight. When thus dissolved in water, it exer- cises no action on litmus, and it preserves its characteristic odour and taste. But when this solution is put in contact with the half of its weight of caustic pot- ash, its odour and taste disappear. It is now completely decomposed. Hence, if we submit this liquid to distillation, alco- hol passes over, and acetate of potash re- mains. Acetic ether is, like all the others, very soluble in alcohol, and separable from alcohol by water. Its other properties are unknown. It is used only in medicine, as an exhilarant and diuretic. Benzoic ether. The presence of a mine- ral acid is indispensable to its formation, as well as that of the remaining vegetable ethers. Take 30 parts of benzoic acid, 60 of al- cohol, 15 of strong muriatic acid. Intro- duce these ingredients mixed togther into Vol. II. a tubulated retort, and distil into a refrige- rated receiver, stopping the operation when two-thirds have passed over. Atmosphe- rical air, and traces of muriatic acid, are the only gaseous products. The first por- tion of the liquid is alcohol charged with a little acid, but the last will contain a cer- tain quantity of benzoic ether, which is easily separable by water. A larger quan- tity of this ether remains in the retort, co- vered by a pretty thick stratum, consisting of alcohol, water, muriatic, and benzoic acids. By repeated affusions of hot water into the retort, this stratum will be finally dissolved. It is easy thus to procure ben- zoic ether. But as so made, it is always contaminated with a portion of benzoic acid, which renders it solid at ordinary temperatures, and makes it act on litmus. It may be purified by agitation with a small quantity of alkaline solution, and subse- quent washing with water. There is no muriatic acid found in this purified ether. Ethersfrom oxalic acid, citric, &c. When we make a solution of 30 parts of oxalic acid in 35 parts of pure alcohol, and hav- ing added 10 parts of oil of vitriol, we subject the whole to distillation till a little sulphuric ether begins to be formed, we shall find that nothing but alcohol slightly etherized has passed into the receiver, and there remains in the retort a brown co- loured strongly acid liquor, from which, on cooling, crystals of oxalic acid fall down. But when we dilute the residual liquor with water, a matter is separated similar to what the benzoic acid yielded, scarcely soluble in water, very abundant, and which is obtained pure by washing it with cold water, and removing, by a little alkali, the excess of acid which it retains. If we treat in the same way, the citric and malic acids, we obtain similar products. The three substances resulting from these three acids have analogous properties. They are all yellowish, somewhat heavier than water, void of smell, perceptibly so- luble in water, and very soluble in alcohol, from which they are precipitated by Wa- ter. They differ from each other in taste. That made from oxalic acid is faintly as- tringent; that from the citric acid is very bitter. The first is the only one which is volatile; it is vaporized with boiling water, and by this means it is easily obtained white. When heated with a solution of caustic potash, they are all three decom- posed, and yield alcohol, along with their peculiar acids; but no trace of sulphuric acid. Tartaric acid is also susceptible of com- bining with alcohol like the preceding acids. But it presents some curious phe- nomena. The experiment of its forma- tion, must be conducted in the same way 6 EVA EVA as with oxalic acid. We must employ 30 parts of tartaric acid, 35 of alcohol, 10 of oil of vitriol, and distil the mixture till a little sulphuric ether begins to be formed. If at this period we withdraw the heat from the retort, the liquor will assume a sirupy consistence by cooling. But in vain shall We pour in water, in hope of separating, as in the preceding cases, a peculiar combi- nation of the vegetable acid and alcohol. But let us add by degrees solution of pot- ash, we shall throw down much cream of tartar; then, after having just saturated the redundant acid, if we evaporate the liquid, and treat it in the cold with very pure al- cohol, we shall obtain, by evaporation of the alcoholic solution, a substance which, on cooling, will become more sirupy than the matter was, before being treated with potash and alcohol. This substance, which is easily prepared in considerable quantity, has a brown colour, and a very bitter and slightly nauseous taste. It is void of smell and acidity, and is very soluble in water and alcohol. It does not precipitate mu- riate of lime, but copiously the muriate of barytes. When calcined it diffuses dense fumes, which have the odour of garlic, and at the same time it leaves a char- coaly residue, not alkaline, containing much sulphate of potash. Finally, if dis- tilled -with potash, it is resolved into a very strong alcohol, and much tartrate of pot- ash. This substance is therefore a combi- nation analogous to the preceding. But what is peculiar to it, is its sirupy state, and the property it possesses of rendering so- luble in the most concentrated alcohol the sulphate of potash, which of itself is inso- luble in ardent spirits. It is perhaps ow- ing to this admixture of sulphate of pot- ash, that it wants the oily aspect belong- ing to all the other combinations of this genus. These vegetable-acid ethers may be con- sidered either as compounds of acid and alcohol, or of the ultimate constituents of the former with those of the latter.* Ethiops (Martial). Black oxide of iron. Ethiops (Mineral). The black sul- phuret of mercury. Evaporation. A chemical operation usually performed by applying heat to any compound substance, in order to dispel the volatile parts. It differs from distillation in its object, which chiefly consists in pre- serving the more fixed matters, while the volatile substances are dissipated and lost. And the vessels are accordingly different, evaporation being commonly made in open shallow vessels, and distillation in an appa- ratus nearly closed from the external air. The degree of heat must be duly regu- lated in evaporation. When the fixed and more volatile matters do not greatly dif- fer in their tendency to fly off, the heat must be very carefully adjusted; but in other cases this is less necessary. As evaporation consists in the assump. lion of the elastic form, its rapidity will be in proportion to the degree of heat and the diminution of the pressure of the atmos- phere. A current of air is likewise of ser- vice in this process. • In treating of alum, I alluded to a me- thod of evaporating liquors lately introdu- ced into large manufactories. A water- tight stone cistern, about three or four feet broad, two feet deep, and 20, 30, or 40 feet long, is covered above by a low brick arch. At one extremity of this tunnel a grate is built, and, at the other, a lofty chimney. When the cistern is filled, and a strong fire kindled in the reverberatory grate, the flame and hot air sweep along the surface of the liquor, raise the temperature of the uppermost stratum, almost instantly, to near the boiling point, and draw it off in vapour. The great extent, rapidity, and economy of this process, recommend it to general adoption on the great scale. Mr. Barry has lately obtained a patent for an apparatus, by which vegetable ex- tracts for the apothecary may be made at a very gentle heat and in vacuo. From these two circumstances, extracts thus pre- pared differ from those in common use, not only in their physical, but medicinal pro- perties. The taste and smell of the ex. tract of hemlock made in this way are re- markably different, as is the colour both of the soluble and feculent parts. The form of apparatus is as follows:— The evaporating pan, or still, is a hemi- spherical dish of cast-iron, polished on its inner surface, and furnished with an air- tight flat lid. From the centre of this a pipe rises, and bending like the neck of a retort, it forms a declining tube, which ter- minates in a copper sphere of a capacity three (four?) times greater than that of the still. There is a stop-cock on that pipe, midway between the still and the globe, and another at the under side of the latter. The manner of setting it to work is this: The juice, or infusion, is introduced through a large opening into the polished iron still, which is then closed, made air. tight, and covered with water. The stop- cock, which leads to the sphere, is also shut. In order to produce the vacuum, steam, from a separate apparatus, is made to rush, by a pipe, through the sphere, till it has expelled all the air, for which five minutes are commonly sufficient. This is known to be effected, by the steam issuing uncondensed. At that instant the copper sphere is closed, the steam shut off, and cold water admitted on its external sur- face. The vacuum thus produced in the copper sphere, which contains four-fifths EUD EUD of the air of the whole apparatus, is now partially transferred to the still, by open- ing the intermediate stop-cock. Thus, four-fifths of the air in the still rush into the sphere, and the stop-cock being shut again, a second exhaustion is effected by steam in the same manner as the first was; after which, a momentary communication is again allowed between the iron still and the receiver; by this means, four-fifths of the air remaining, after the former exhaus- tion, are expelled. These exhaustions, re- peated five or six times, are usually found sufficient to raise the mercurial column to the height of 28 inches. The water bath, in which the iron still is immersed, is now to be heated, until the fluid that is to be inspissated begins to boil, which is known by inspection through a window in the ap- paratus, made by fastening on, air-tight, a piece of very strong glass; and the tempe- rature at which the boiling point is kept up is determined by a thermometer. Ebulli- tion is continued until the fluid is inspissa- ted to the proper degree of consistence, which also is tolerably judged of by its ap- pearance through the glass window. The temperature of the boiling fluid is usually about 100° F. but it might be reduced to nearly 90°. In the sixth volume of the Annals of Philosophy, Dr. Prout has described an ingenious apparatus by means of which he can subject substances, which he wishes thoroughly to dry, to the influence of a gen- tle heat, conjoined with the desiccating power of sulphuric acid on bodies placed in vacuo. See Congelation. From M. Biot's report, it seems to have been ascertained in some French manufac- tories, that evaporation goes on more ra- pidly from a liquid boiling in a covered vessel from the top of which a pipe issues, than when the liquid is freely exposed to the air; the fuel or heat applied, and ex- tent of surface, being the same in both cases.* •Euchlorine. Protoxide of Chlorine.* • Euclase. Prismatic Emerald.* Eudiometer. An instrument for as- certaining the purity of air, or rather the quantity of oxygen contained in any given bulk of elastic fluid. Dr. Priestley's dis- covery of the great readiness with which nitrous gas combines with oxygen, and is precipitated in the form of nitric acid, see Acid (nitric), was the basis upon which he constructed the first instrument of this kind. His method was very simple: a glass ves- sel, containing an ounce by measure, was filled with the air to be examined, which was transferred from it to a jar of an inch and half diameter inverted in water; an equal measure of fresh nitrous gas was added to it; and the mixture was allowed to stand two minutes. If the absorption were very considerable, more nitrous gas was added, till all the oxygen appeared to be absorbed. The residual gas was then transferred into a glass tube two feet long, and one-third of an inch wide, graduated to tenths and hundredths of an ounce measure; and thus the quantity of oxygen absorbed was measured by the diminution that had taken place. Von Humboldt proposes that the nitrous gas should be examined, before it is used, by agitating a given quantity with a solu- tion of sulphate of iron. Sir H. Davy employs the nitrous gas in a different manner. He passes it into a satu- rated solution of green muriate or sulphate of iron, which becomes opaque and almost black when fully impregnated with the gas. The air to be tried is contained in a small graduated tube, largest at the open end, which is introduced into the solution, and then gently inclined toward the horizon, to accelerate the action, which will be com- plete in a few minutes, so as to have ab- sorbed all the oxygen. He observes, that the measure must be taken as soon as this is done, otherwise the bulk of the air will be increased by a slow decomposition of the nitric acid formed. Volta had recourse to the accension of hydrogen gas. For this purpose, two mea- sures of hydrogen are introduced into a graduated tube with three .of the air to be examined, and fired by the electric spark. The diminution of bulk, observed after the vessel had returned to its origi- nal temperature, divided by three, gives the quantity of oxygen consumed. Phosphorus and sulphuret of potash have likewise been employed in eudiome- try. A piece of phosphorus may be introdu- ced by means of a glass rod into a tube containing the air to be examined standing over water, and suffered to remain till it has absorbed its oxygen; which, however, is a slow process. Or a glass tube may be filled with mercury and inverted, and a piece of phosphorus, dried with blotting paper, introduced, which will of course rise to the top. It is there to be melted, by bringing a red-hot iron near the glass, and the air to be admitted by little at a time. At each addition the phosphorus inflames; and, when the whole has been ad- mitted, the red-hot iron may be applied again, to ensure the absorption of all the oxygen. In either of these modes l-40th of the residuum is to be deducted, for the expansion of the nitrogen, by means of a little phosphorus which it affords. Professor Hope of Edinburgh employs a very convenient eudiometer, when sulphu- ret of potash or Sir H. Davy's liquid is used. It consists of two glass vessels, one to hold EUD EUD the solution of sulphuret of potash, or other eudiometric liquor, about two inches in diameter, and three inches high, with a neck at the top as usual, and a tubulure, to be closed with a stopple in the side near the bottom: the other is a tube, about eight inches and a half long, with a neck ground to fit into that of the former. This being filled with the air to be examined, and its mouth covered with a flat piece of glass, is to be introduced under waier, and there in- serted into the mouth of the bottle. Tak- ing them out of the water, and inclining them on one side, they are to be well shak- en, occasionally loosening the stopper in a basin filled with water, so as to admit this fluid to occupy the vacuum occasioned by the absorption. Bottles of much smaller size than here mentioned, which is calcula- ted for public exhibition, may generally be employed; and, perhaps, a graduated tube, ground to fit into the neck of a small phial, without projecting within it, may be preferable on many occasions, loosening it a little under water, from time to time, as the absorption goes on. * Mr. Dalton has written largely on the nitrous gas eudiometer. He says, that 21 measures of oxygen can unite with 36 measures, or twice 36 — 72 measures, of nitrous gas; that is, 100 with 171.4 or 342.8. Phil. Mag. vol. xxiii. and Manch. Mem. new series, 1. M. Gay-Lussac, in his excellent memoir on nitrous vapour and nitrous gas, has proved, that no confidence can be reposed in these directions of Mr. Dalton for ana- lyzing gases. Nitrous gas is there fully demonstrated to be a compound of equal volumes of oxygen and azote, and the ap- parent contraction of their volume is null; for 100 of the one and 100 of the other produce exactly 200 of nitrous gas. Nitric acid is composed of 100 parts of azote, and 200 of oxygen, or of 100 oxygen and 200 nitrous gas; = (100 o. -f- 100 az.) Nitrous vapour, or, more accurately speaking, ni- trous acid gas, results from the combination of 100 of oxygen with 300 of nitrous gas. Hence, by giving predominance alternate- ly to the oxygen and to the nitrous gas, we obtain 300 of absorption and nitric acid, or 400 of absorption and nitrous acid. The nitrous acid gas is an identical compound, very soluble in water, which it colours at first blue, then green, and lastly orange- yellow This liquid, with the alkalis, forms nitrites. These clear and simple facts con- tinue the whole theory of the formation of the nitrous and nitric acids, by means of ni- trous gas and oxygen, and perfectly explain the differences of the results of all those who have operated with them. We have now on It is stated above, that we obtain nitric acid and an absorption represented by three, or nitrous acid and a diminution of volume represented by four, every time, according as the oxygen or nitrous gas predominates in the mixture of these two gases. Now, since the object is to with- draw the whole oxygen from air, we must add the nitrous gas in excess to it, and cause thus a diminution of volume, four times greater than the volume of the con- tained oxygen. Notwithstanding this pre- caution, if we make the mixture in a very narrow tube, the nitrous vapour would be absorbed with difficulty by the water, on account of the narrow contact, and agita- tion would become necessary. But in this case, nitrous gas, to the amount of 10 or 12 per cent, would be absorbed. It is from this cause, that on mixing 100 parts of air with 100 of nitrous gas, very variable ab- sorptions were obtained, of which the mean was 93; whilst air, containing at utmost 21 per cent of oxygen, the absorption should be only four times this quantity, or 84. Nor is it a matter of indifference, to put the ni- trous gas in the tube before, or after the other gas; for if we introduce it first, there might be formed both nitrous and nitric acids. Knowing these two causes of error, it is easy to avoid them, by obeying the following injunctions of M. Gay-Lussac. Instead of selecting a very narrow tube, as Mr. Dalton prescribed, we must take a very wide tube, a tumbler for example, and after having introduced into it 100 of the air to be examined, we must pass into it 100 parts of the nitrous gas. There is in- stantly exhibited a red vapour, which dis- appears very speedily without agitation, and after half a minute, or a minute at most, the absorption may be regarded as com- plete. We transfer the residuum into a graduated tube, and we shall find the ab- sorption to be almost uniformly 84 parts, provided atmospheric air was used, one- fourth of which = 21, indicates the quan- tity per cent of oxygen. M. Gay-Lussac shows, by numerous ex- periments, the accuracy of the above pro- cess, in varied circumstances. We have thus the advantage of estimating the pro- portion of oxygen in any gas, by an absorp- tion four times greater than its own volume; so that the errors of experiment are re- duced to one-fourth, on the quantity of oxygen. Now, as we can never commit a mistake of four degrees, the error must be less than one per cent. We must never agitate, or use an under proportion of ni- trous gas, nor yet cany its excess too far, on account of its solubility in water. An apparatus for analyzing gases con- ly to show, how we may render the use of taining oxygen or chlorine, by explosion nitrous gas perfectly accurate in eudiome- with hydrogen, was communicated by me try. to the Royal Sodety of Edinburgh, and EUD EUD published in the volume of their Transac- tions for 1817 and 1818. Description of an Apparatus for the Ana- It/sis of Gaseous Matter by Explosion. Bv Dr. Ure. The analysis of combustible gases, and supporters of combustion, reciprocally, by explosion, with the electric spark, furnish- es, when it can be applied, one of the speediest and most elegant methods of che- mical research. The risk of failure to which the chemist is exposed, in operating with the simple tube, from the ejection of the mercury, and escape or introduction of the air; or of injury from the bursting of the glass, by the forcible expansion of some gaseous mixtures, has given rise to several modifications of apparatus. Volta's mechanism, which is employed very much at Paris, is complex and expen- sive^ while it is hardly applicable to expe- riments over mercury. Mr. Pepys' inge- nious contrivance, in which the glass tube is connected with a metallic spring, to di- minish the shock of explosion, is liable also to some of the above objections. A very simple form of instrument occur- red to me about two years ago, in which the atmospheric air, the most elastic and economical of all springs, is employed to receive and deaden the recoil. Having frequently used it since that time, I can now recommend it to the chemical world, as possessing every requisite advantage of convenience, cheapness, safety, and pre- cision. It consists of a glass syphon, having an interior diameter of from 2-10ths to 4-10ths of an inch. Its legs are of nearly equal length, each being from six to nine inches long. The open extremity is slightly fun- nel-shaped, the other is hermetically seal- ed; and has inserted near it, by the blow- pipe, two platina wires. The outer end of the one wire is incurvated across, so as nearly to touch the edge of the aperture; that of the other is formed into a little hook, to allow a small spherical button to be at- tached to it, when the electrical spark is to be transmitted. The two legs of the sy- phon are from one-fourth to one-half inch asunder. The sealed leg is graduated, by intro- ducing successively equal weights of mer- cury from a measure glass tube. Seven ounces troy and 66 grains, occupy the space of a cubic inch; and 34i grains represent t^-jt Part °^ tnat volume. The other leg may be graduated also, though this is not necessary. The instrument is then finished. To use it, we first fill the whole syphon with mercury or water, which a little prac- § The price of the apparatus is three guineas. tice will render easy. We then introduce into the open leg, plunged into a pneuma- tic trough, any convenient quantity of the gases, from a glass measure tube, contain- ing them previously mixed in determinate proportions. Applying a finger to the ori- fice, we next remove it from the trough in which it stands, like a simple tube; and by a little dexterity, we transfer the gas into the sealed leg of the syphon. When we conceive enough to have been passed up, we remove the finger, and next bring the mercury to a level in both legs, either by the addition of a few drops, or by the dis- placement of a portion, by thrusting down into it a small cylinder of wood. We now ascertain, by careful inspection, the volume of included gas. Applying the fore-finger again to the orifice, so as also to touch the end of the platina wire, we then approach the pendent ball or button to the electrical machine, and transmit the spark. Even when the included gas is considerable in quantity, and of a strongly explosive pow- er, we feel at the instant nothing but a slight push or pressure on the tip of the finger. After explosion, when condensa- tion of volume ensues, the finger will feel pressed down to the orifice by the superin- cumbent atmosphere. On gradually slid- ing the finger to one side, and admitting the air, the mercurial column in the sealed leg will rise more or less above that in the other. We then pour in this liquid metal, till the equilibrium be again restored, when we read off as before, without any reduction, the true resulting volume of gas. As we ought always to leave two inches or more of air, between the finger and the mercury, this atmospheric column serves as a perfect recoil spring, enabling us to explode very large quantities without any inconvenience or danger. The manipula- tion is also, after a little practice, as easy as that of the single tube. But a peculiar advantage of this detachable instrument is, to enable us to keepour pneumatic troughs, and electrical machine, at any distance which convenience may require; even in different chambers, which, in the case of wet weather, or a damp apartment, may be found necessary to ensure electrical exci- tation. In the immediate vicinity of the water pnuematic cistern, we know how of- ten the electric spark refuses to issue from a good electrophorus, or even little ma- chine. Besides, no discharging rod or communicating wire is here required. Holding the eudiometer in the left hand, we turn the handle of the machine, or lift the electrophorus plate with the right, and approaching the little ball, the explosion ensues. The electrician is well aware, that a spark so small as to excite no unpleasant feeling in the finger, is capable, when drawn off by a smooth ball, of inflaming combusti- EUD EUD hie gas. Even this trifling circumstance may be obviated, by hanging on a slender wire, instead of applying the finger. We may analyse the residual gaseous matter, by introducing either a liquid or a solid reagent. We first fill the open leg nearly to the brim with quicksilver, and then place over it the substance whose ac- tion on the gas we wish to try. If liquid, it may be passed round into the sealed leg among the gas; but if solid, fused potash, for example,the gas must be brought round into the open leg, its orifice having been previously closed with a cork or stopper. After a proper interval, the gas being trans- ferred back into the graduated tube, the change of its volume may be accurately de- termined. With this eudiometer, and a small mercurial pneumatic cistern, we may perform pneumatic analyses on a very con- siderable scale. It may be desirable in some cases, to have ready access to the graduated leg, in order to dry it speedily. This advantage is ob- tained, by closing the end of the syphon, not hermetically, but with a little brass cap screwed on, traversed vertically by a pla- tina wire insulated in a bit of thermometer tube. After the apparatus has been charg- ed with gas for explosion, we connect the spherical button with the top of the wire. With the above instrument I have ex- ploded half a cubic inch of hydrogen mixed with a quarter of a cubic inch of oxygen; as also, a bulk nearly equal of an olefiant gas explosive mixture, without any un- pleasant concussion or noise; so completely does the air-chamber abate the expansive violence, as wellas the loudness of the re- port. Projection of the mercury, or dis- placement of the gas, is obviously impossi- ble. Edin. Phil. Trans. January 1818.* f Account of .Xexv Eudiometers, invented by Robert Hare, M. D. Professor of Che- mistry, l/c in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. Amongthe operations of chemistry, none probably are more difficult than those called eudiometrical, in which aeriform substances are analyzed. Elastic fluids are so liable to contract or expand with the slightest change of tem- perature or pressure, that it is requisite to have the surface of the portion under ad- measurement exactly in the same level with that of the water or mercury employed to confine it, and the heat of the hand may render the result inaccurate. There is no simple mode of causing the surface of the gas in a measure glass to form a plane cor- responding with the brim. The transfer of small portions of gas without loss, espe- cially from large bells into small tubes is very difficult. Hence there is trouble, de- lay and waste. I shall proceed to describe some instru- ments which I have lately invented, and which appear to be free from the disad- vantages above described. They are all essentially dependent on one principle for their superiority.§ A recurved glass tube is furnished with a sliding wire of iron or copper, graduated into two hundred parts. The process of making wire by drawing it through a hole, renders its circumferences of necessity every where equal and homologous. Con- sequently equal lengths will contain equal bulks. The wire slides .through a cork soaked in bees-wax and oil, and compressed by a screw, so that neither air nor water can pass by it. The length of the longer leg is fifteen inches, that of the shorter one six inches. The bore of the tube is from -j^- to Tsg- of an inch in diameter, but converges towards the termination of the shorter leg to an orifice about large enough to admit a brass pin. Over this a screw is sometimes affixed so as to close it when necessary. The tube being filled with water or mer- cury, and the wire pushed into it as far as it can go, on drawing this out again any de- sired distance, an equivalent bulk of air must enter the capillary orifice if open. By forcing the rod back again into the tube, the air must be proportionably excluded. Thus the movements of the sliding wire are accompanied by a corresponding in- gress or egress of air; and to know how many divisions of the former have been pushed into the tube or withdrawn from it, is the same as to know how much air has been drawn in or expelled. If instead of allowing the orifice to be in the open air, it be introduced within a bell glass, holding gas over the pneumatic apparatus, on pulling out the wire, there will be a corresponding entrance of gas into the instrument; and it must be evident that if the point of the gas measurer be transferred to the interior of any other re- cipient, the gas which had entered, or any part of it may be made to go into any such recipient by reversing the motion of the wire. As the hands are, during this ope- ration, remote from the part of the tube which contains the aeriform matter, no expansion can arise from this source, and the operation is so much expedited that there is much less chance of variation from any other cause. By taking care to have the surface of the gas in the bell glasses below that of the fluid in the cistern, the density of the former will be somewhat too great, but on bringing the orifice of the gas measurer on a level with the sur- face of the fluid in the cistern, the gas no § See the plate at the end of the work. EUD EUD longer subject to any extra pressure, will assume its proper volume, the excess be- ing seen to escape in bubbles. Should the tube, in lieu of water, be filled with any solution, calculated to absorb any gas, of which the proportion, in any mixture is to be ascertained, and if the quantity of ab- sorption which can take place while the wire is drawing out, is deemed unworthy of attention, we have only to introduce the shorter leg of the tube into the con- taining vessel, as above described, and draw out the wire to two hundred on its scale; then depressing the point below the surface of the fluid in the pneumatic cis- tern, in the usual time with due agitation, all the gas which the fluid can take up, will disappear. The quantity will be re- presented by the number of divisions which remain without the tube, after pushing in the wire just so far as to exclude the resi- dual gas. Should it be deemed an object to avoid the possibility of any absorption during the time occupied in the retraction of the sliding wire, or should it be desired to ex- pose the gas to a large quantity of the ab- sorbing fluid, an additional vessel is used, which is of an oblate spheroidal form, with a large neck ground to fit the shorter leg of a gas measurer, and furnished at the op- posite apex with a tube, of which the bore converges to a capillary opening, surmount- ed by a screw, as already described, on the point of the gas measurer simply. This vessel (in shape not unlike a turnip) is filled with the absorbing fluid, and the gas mea- sure, being duly charged with gas as above described, inserted into it. By the action of the sliding wire, the gas is propelled into the spheroid, where by agitation and time the absorption is completed. Mean- while the orifice of the spheroid should be kept open, and under water, so as to per- mit the latter to take place of that portion of the gas which disappears.—Whatever remains unabsorbed, is expelled from the glass spheroid, as in the case of the tube when used alone; and the divisions on the rod remaining without, will show how much the fluid has taken up. When atmospheric air, or oxygen gas is to be analyzed by nitrous gas, the glass spheroid is filled with water, and inverted with its orifice closed over the well of the pneumatic cistern. It should be supported by a wire stand, so as to leave the neck un- obstructed. Any number of measures of nitrous gas, and of oxygen gas, or atmos- pheric air, may then be drawn into the measurer, and expelled into the spheroid successively, and the absorption estimated as already explained. When the residuum is too great to be expelled by returning the whole of the rod into the tube; by depres- sing the orifice of the spheroid just under the surface of water, the wire may be again gently retracted, water taking its place; and the movement may thus be alternated, till the whole of the remaining gas is excluded. In order to apply this principle to Vol- ta's process of ascertaining by explosion the quantity of hydrogen or oxygen gas present in a mixture, the gas measurer is made as much stronger, as eudiometers are usually, when intended to be so used. It is in like manner drilled so as to receive wires for passing the electric spark. The instrument being charged with the gases successively in any required proportion, closed by the screw, and an explosion Ac- complished; to fill any consequent vacuity, the orifice is to be opened just below the surface of water or mercury. The quan- tity destroyed by the combustion is then ascertained by the sliding wire. This experiment is more accurately per- formed by means of mercury than water. From this fluid, concussion, or even the partial vacuum produced by the gaseous matter, may extricate air, and thus vitiate results. There ought always to be a con- siderable excess of gas not liable to be acted on. The activity of the inflamma- tion is lessened, and the unconsumed air breaks the shock. I have found the galvanic ignition pro- duced by a small calorimotor preferable to the electric spark. Suppose a piece of iron to be filed down in the middle for about one half of an inch to about one third of the original diameter. The whole is cemented into the perforation drilled in the tube, so as that the smallest part may extend across the bore. The wire should then be cut off' at about one third of an inch from the tube, so as to stand out from it on each side about that distance. If these protruding wires be severally placed in the forceps of a calorimotor and the plates subjected to an acid, the small part of the wire within the tube is vividly ig- nited, and any gas in contact with it must explode. The interior wire is best made of platina, and may in that case be screwed into two larger pieces of a baser metal: or baser metal may be fastened on it, by drawing through a wire plate, and the pla- tina duly denuded by a file where it crosses the bore. The calorimotor which I have used for this purpose, consists of eleven plates of copper, and a like number of zinc placed alternately within one-fourth of an inch of each other.- those of the same kind of me- tal being all associated by means a metal- lic stratum of tin cast over them. The two heterogeneous galvanic surfaces thus formed, have each soldered to them a wire in a vertical position, and slit, so as to present a fork or snake's mouth. The wires are just so far apart as to admit the EUD EUP pas measurer between them, and so that the wires of the latter may easily be pres- sed into the snake mouths. It is better that the wires of the gas measurer should be flattened in such manner as to present a larger surface for contact. There must also be an oblong square box or hollow paral- lelopipedon of such a width as just to ad- mit the calorimotor, and more than dou- ble its length and depth. The calorimotor is placed within this box, at one end of it, about an inch below the brim. Diluted acid is poured so as to occupy the lower half of the vessel, until it nearly reaches the plates. A plunger, consisting of a wa- ter tight box, or solid block of wood, is then made to occupy the other side of the little cistern. The depression of this causes the rise of the acid among the plates in the calorimotor, and consequently the ig- nition of a wire forming a communication between the surfaces. This apparatus may be constructed in the circular form, by so placing two con- centric coils, or several concentric hollow cylinders of copper and zinc, alternately within the upper half of a glass jar as to admit of a plunger in the middle, which in this case may be of an apothecary's stop- per round or bottle. The acid solution must occupy the lower half of the vessel, unless when the plunger raises it. I am under the impression that there is no form in which a pair of galvanic sur- faces can be made so powerful in propor- tion to their extent, as in the above men- tioned. The zinc is every where opposed by two copper surfaces by having this me- tal only a small fraction in excess. ExplanatioTi of the plate. (See the end of the work.) Fig. 1. Sliding rod eudiometer or gas measurer, surmounted by its spheroidal re- cipient, r r, sliding rod graduated into twenty divisions, each subdivided into ten, so as to make two hundred parts. At m f, are male and female screws, (forming what mechanics call a stuffing box), by means of which a cork soaked in bees-wax and oil is compressed around the rod. At n, is the neck of the recipient, ground to fit the recurved tube which enters it. At S, is a screw, by which to close the capillary orifice of the recipient. Fig. 2. Eudiometer upon the same prin- ciple, but made stouter in order to resist the explosion of inflammable mixtures. W W, wire to be ignited. Fig. 3. Displays a construction of the sliding rod, by which when desirable, greater accuracy may be attained in the measurement of gas. A smaller rod of wire is made to slide within the larger. Whatever may be the ratio (in bulk) of the rods to each other, the lesser may be gra- duated to give thousandths, by ascertain- ing how far it must be moved to produce the effect of a movement of one division on the large rod, and dividing the obser ved distance into ten parts. Fig. 4. Represents an apparatus adapt- ed to explode an inflammable mixture, as mentioned in the preceding article, and no contrived as to be a substitute for the well known apparatus in which an electropho- rus is employed to ignite hydrogen gas. Moisture in the air suspends the action of that apparatus but does not interfere with the one here represented. A A, a cistern divided by a water-tight partition, which separates the holder G, from a calorimotor situated under C, and a plunger P, contained in the other part of it W W, wires severally soldered to the different galvanic surfaces, and forked or slit at their ends, so as to embrace the wire of an eudiometer for the explosion of inflammable mixtures, as mentioned in the preceding article. At f f, are forceps (se- verally soldered in the same way) for hold- ing a wire to be ignited by the galvanic influence. These wires and the plates with which they are connected may be seen at fig. 5, where there is an enlarged drawing of the calorimotor and its wires. It is supposed to be situated below the edge of the cistern which is supplied with diluted acid reaching within a little dis- tance of the plates. c, a cock soldered to a pipe communica- ting with the inside of the gasometer, hh, a gallows and guide wire, for regulating the rise of the gasometer. The construction of this will be better comprehended from fig. 6, where it repre- sents the tray for holding the zinc, by means of which hydrogen is to be evolved. The tray is supported on the pipe in the axis of the vessel by a sliding band and screw, so that it may be raised or depres- sed at pleasure. When this tray is co- vered with granulated zinc, and the lower vessel is filled with acid so as to cover it, hydrogen must be generated until it occu- pies so much of the air-holder, as to de- press the acid from off the zinc. Suppos- ing the apparatus thus prepared, on de- pressing the plunge P, fig. 4, the acid in the cistern A A, will he forced up among the galvanic surfaces, and cause the wire at f f, to be ignited. Turning the cock while the wire is red-hot, the hydrogen will be emitted and inflamed.j- Euphorbium. A gum-resin exuding from a large oriental shrub, Euphorbia offi- cin. Linn. It is brought to us immediately from Barbary, in drops of an irregular form; some of which upon being broken are found to contain little thorns, small twigs, flow- ers, and other vegetable matters; others arc EXC EYE hollow, without any thing in their cavity: the tears in general are of a pale yellow colour externally, somewhat white with- inside ; they easily break betwixt the fin- gers. Sp. gr. 1.124. Slightly applied to the tongue, they affect it with a very sharp biting taste ; and, upon being held for some time in the mouth, prove vehe- mently acrimonious, inflaming and exul- cerating the fauces, &c. Euphorbium is extremely troublesome to pulverize, the finer part of the powder, which flies off, affecting the head in a violent manner. The acrimony is so great, as to render it absolutely unfit for any internal use. It is much employed in the veterinary artas an epispastic : * The following constituents were found in Euphorbium by Braconnot : Resin, .... 37.0 Wax, .... 19.0 Malate of lime, - - - 20.5 Malate of potash, ... 2.0 Water, - - - - 5.0 Woody matter, - - 13.5 Loss, - - • 3 0 100.0 The resin is excessively acrid, poison- ous, reddish-coloured, and transparent. It dissolves in sulphuric and nitric acids, but not in alkalis, in which respect it dif- fers from other resins. Euphorbium it- self is pretty soluble in alcohol.* • Excrements. The constituents of human feces, aocording to the recent ana- lysis of Berzelius, are the following : ' Water, - 73.3 Vegetable and animal remains, 7.0 Bile, --- 0.9 Albumen, 0.9 Peculiar extractive matter, - 2.7 Salts, - - - .1*2 Slimy matter, consisting of picro- mel, peculiar animal matter, and insoluble residue, - 14.0 100.0 The salts were to one another in the following proportions : Carbonate of soda, - - 0.9 Muriate of soda, - - 0.1 Sulphate of soda, - - 0.05 Ammon. phos. magn. - - 0.05 Phosphate of lime, - - 0.1 1.20 Thaer and Einhof obtained, by ignition, from 5840 grains of the excrenTents of cattle, fed at the stall chiefly on turnips, the following earths and salts :■, Lime,* - 12. -Phosphate of lime, - - 12-5 Magnesia, - - 2.0 Vol. II, Iron, - - - 5.0 Alumina with some manganese, 14.0 Silica, .-- - 52.0 Muriate and sulphate of potash, 1.2 98.7* Expansion. See Caloric. Extract. When decoction is carried to such a point as to afford a substance either solid or of the consistence of paste, this residual product is called an extract. When chemists speak of extract, they most commonly mean the product of aqueous decoction ; but the earlier che- mists frequently speak of spirituous ex- tract. Extracts thus prepared are mixtures of several of the materials of vegetables, whence they differ greatly, according to. the plants from which they are obtained; but modern chemists distinguish by the name of extract, or extractive matter, a peculiar substance, supposed to be one of the immediate materials of vegetables, and the same in all, when separated from any foreign admixture, except as the pro- portion of its constituent principles may vary. See Evaporation. Ete. The humours of the eye had ne- ver been examined with any degree of ac- curacy till lately by M. Chenevix. Most of his experiments were made with the eyes of sheep, as fresh as they could be procured. The aqueous humour is a clear, trans- parent liquid, with little smell or taste, and at the temperature of 60°, its speci- fic gravity is 1.009. It consists of water, albumen, gelatin and muriate of soda. The crystalline contains a much larger proportion of water, and no muriate. Its specific gravity is 1.1. The vitreous humour, when pressed through a rag to free it from its capsules, differed in nothing from the aqueous, either in its specific gravity or chemical nature. Fourcroy mentions a phosphate as con- tained in these humours, but M. Chenevix could discover none. The humours of the human eye gave the same products, but the specific gra* vity of the crystalline was only 1.079, and that of the aqueous and vitreous hu- mours 1.0053. The eyes of oxen differed only in the specific gravity of the parts, that of the crystalline being 1.0765, and that of the other humours 1 0088. The specific gravity of the crystalline is not equal throughout, its density in- creasing from the surface to the centre. —ZVii7. Transt 1803- FAT FAT F * pAHLUNITE. Automalite, a sub- ■"- species of octohedral corundum.* Farina. Vegetable flour. • Fat. Concerning the nature of this important product of animalization, no. thing definite was known, till M. Chev- reul devoted himself with meritorious zeal and perseverance to its investigation. He has already published in the Annales de Cbimie, seven successive memoirs on the subject, each of them surpassing its predecessor in interest. We shall in this article give a brief abstract of the whole. By dissolving fat in a large quantity of alcohol, and observing the manner in which its different portions were acted upon by this substance, and again sepa- rated from it, it is concluded that fat is composed of an oily substance, which re- mains fluid at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere; and of another fatty substance, which is much less fusible. Hence it follows, that fat is not to be re- garded as a simple principle, but as a combination of the above two principles, which may be separated without altera- tion. One of these substances melts at about 45°, the other at 100° ; the same quantity of alcohol which dissolves 3.2 parts of the oily substance, dissolves 1.8 only of the fatty substance ; the first is separated from the alcohol in the form of an oil; the second in that of small silky needles. See Elain. Each of the constituents of natural fat was then saponified by the addition of potash ; and an accurate description giv- en of the compounds which were formed, and of the proportions of their constitu- ents. The oily substance became saponi- fied more readily than the fatty substance; the residual fluids in both cases contain- ed the sweet oily principle; but the quantity that proceeded from the soap formed of the oily substance, was four or five times as much as that from the fatty substance; the latter soap was found to contain a much greater proportion of the pearly matter than the former, in the pro- portion of 7.5 to 2.9; the proportion of the fluid fat was the reverse, a greater quantity of this being found in the soap formed from the oily substance of the fat. When the principles which constitute fat unite with potash, it is probable that they experience a change in the propor- tion of their elements ; this change de- velopes at least three bodies, margarim, fluid fatf and the sweet principle ; and it is remarkable, that it takes place without the absorption of any foreign substance, or the disengagement of any of the ele- ments which are separated from each other. As this change is effected by the intermedium of the alkali, we may con- clude that the newly formed principles must have a strong affinity for salifiable bases, and will in many respects resem- ble the acids ; and, in fact, they exhibit the leading characters of acids in redden- ing litmus, in decomposing the alkaline carbonates to unite to their bases, and in neutralizing the specific properties of the alkalis. Having already pointed out the analo- gy between the properties of acids and the principles into which fat is converted by means of the alkalis, the next object was to examine the action which other bases have upon fat, and to observe the effect of water, and of the cohesive force of the bases upon the process of saponifi- cation. The substances which the author subjected to experiment, were soda, the four alkaline earths, alumina, and the oxides of zinc, copper, and lead. After giving a detail of the processes which he employed with these substances respec- tively, he draws the following general conclusions :—Soda, barytes, strontian, lime, the oxide of zinc, and the protoxide of lead, convert fat into margarine, fluid fat, the sweet principle, the yellow colour- ing principle, and the odorous principle, precisely in the same manner as potash. Whatever be the base that has been em- ployed, the products of saponification al- ways exist in the same relative propor- tion. As the above mentioned bases form with margarine and the fluid fat, com- pounds which are insoluble in water, it follows, that the action of this liquid, as a solvent of soap, is not essential to the process of saponification. It is remar- kable that the oxides of zinc and of lead, which are insoluble in water, and which produce compounds equally insoluble, should give the same results with potash and soda, a circumstance which proves that those oxides have a strong alkaline power. Although the analogy of mag- nesia to the alkalis is, in other respects, so striking,yet we find that it cannot con. vert fat into soap under the same circum- stances with flie oxides of zinc and lead. FAT FAT It was found that 100 parts of hog's lard were reduced to the completely sa- ponified state by 16.36 parts of potash. See Elain and Acid (Margabic). The properties of spermaceti were next examined: it melts at about 112°; it is not much altered by distillation ; it dis- solves readily in hot alcohol, but sepa- rates as the fluid cools ; the solution has no effect in changing the colour of the tincture of litmus, a circumstance, as it is observed, in which it differs from mar- garine, a substance which, in many res- pects, it resembles. Spermaceti is capa- ble of being saponified by potash, with nearly the same phenomena as when we submit hog's-lard to the action of potash, although the operation is effected with more difficulty. The author's general conclusion res- pecting the fatty matter of dead bodies is, that even after the lactic acid, the lac- tates, and other ingredients, which are less essential, are removed from it, it is not a simple, ammoniacal soap, but a combination of various fatty substances with ammonia, potash, and lime. The fatty substances which were separated from alcohol, had different melting points and different sensible properties. It follows, from M. Chevreul's experiments, that the substance which is the least fu- sible, has more affinity for bases than those which are more so. It is observed, that adipocere possesses the characters of a saponified fat ; it is soluble in boiling alcohol in all proportions, reddens lit- mus, and unites readily to potash, not only without losing its weight, but with- out having its fusibility or other proper- ties changed. M. Chevreul has shown, that hog's- lard, in its natural state, has not the pro- perty of combining with alkalis ; but that it acquires it by experiencing some change in the proportion of its elements. This change being induced by the action of the alkali, it follows that the bodies of the new formation must have a deci- ded affinity for the species of body which has determined it. If we apply this foundation of the theory of saponification to the change into fat, which bodies bu- ried in the earth experience, we shall find that it explains the process in a very sa- tisfactory manner. In reality the fatty matter is the combination of the two adi- pose substances with ammonia, lime, and potash; one of these substances has the same sensible properties with margarine procured from the soap of hog's-lard; the other, the orange-coloured oil, excepting its colour, appears to have a strong ana- logy with the fluid fat. From these cir- cumstances, it is probable that the forma- tion of the fatty matter may be the result of a proper saponification produced by ammonia, proceeding from the decompo- sition of the muscle, and by the potash and lime, which proceed from the de- composition of certain salts. The author remarks, that he has hither- to made use of periphrases when speak- ing of the different bodies that he has been describing, by supposing that their nature was not sufficiently determined. He now, however, conceives, that he may apply specific names to them, which will both be more commodious, and, at the same time, by being made appropriate, will point out the relation which these bodies bear to each other. The follow. ing is the nomenclature which he after. wards adopted:—The crystalline matter of human biliary calculi is named choles- ferine, from the Greek words ^ok» bile, and f tf io( solid ; speimaceti is named cetin, from k 10.27 of soda. Y 04 of potash. were dissolved by 100 parts of the sapo- nified'fat of the ox C 15.42 of potash. were dissolved by j 100 parts of the same | 10>24 of soda. were d ssolved by y 100 parts of the saponi-' fled fat of the hog were dissolved by 100 parts of the same 5 2 f ^ were dissolved by y The following table contains the pro- portions of the saponified fat, and ofthe matter soluble in water, into which 100 parts ofthe fat are capable of being chang- ed :— Human fat. Saponified fat, Soluble matter, Fat of the sheep. Saponified fat, Soluble matter, Fat ofthe ox. Saponified fat, 95 95 5 951 4.9 Soluble matter, 8 Fat of the hog Saponified fat, ©4.7 Soluble matter, 5.3 M. Chevreul next gives an account of the analysis of fat by alcohol. The method of analysis employed was to expose the different kinds of fat to boiling alcohol, and to suffer the mixture to cool ; a portion of the fat that had been dissolved was then separated in tyvo states of combination ; one with an ex- cess of stearin was deposited, the other with an excess of elain remained in so- lution. The first was separated by filtra- tion; and by distilling the filtered fluid, and adding a little water towards the end of the operation, we obtain the se- cond in the retort, under the form of an alcoholic aqueous fluid. The distilled alcohol which had been employed in the analysis of human fat had no sensible odour ; the same was the case with that which had served for the analysis of the fat of the ox, of the hog, and of the goose. The alcohol which had been em- ployed in the analysis ofthe fat of the sheep, had a slight odour of candle- grease. The varieties of stearin from the dif- ferent species of fat, were found to pos- sess the following properties:—They were all of a beautiful white colour ; en- tirely, or almost without odour, insipid, and having no action upon litmus.—Stea. rinfrom man. The thermometer which was plunged into it when melted fell to 105.5°, and rose again to 120°. By cool- ing, the stearin crystallized in very fine needles, the surface of which was flat.— Stearin of the sheep. The thermometer fell to 104°, antl rose again to 109.5° ; it formed itself into a flat mnss; the centre, which cooled more slowly than theedges, presented small and finely radiated nee- dles.— Stearin of th" ox. The thermo- meter fell to 103°, and rose again 111°; it formed itself into a mass, the surface of which was flat, over which were dis- persed a number of minute stars, visible by the microscope; it was slightly semi- transparent.—Stearin ofthe hog. It ex- haled the odour of hog's-lard when it was melted. The thermometer fell to 100.5°, and rose again to 109.5°. By cooling, it was reduced into a mass the surface of which was very unequal, and which appeared to be formed of small needles. When it cooled rapidly, the parts which touched the sides ofthe ves- sel bad the semi-transparency of coa«ni- 1'ited albumen.—Stearin of the q-oose. The thermometer fell to 104°, and rose again to 109.5°; it was formed into a fiat mass. With respect to the solubility of these different bodies in alcohol, 100 parts of FAT FAT boiling alcohol, of the specific gravity of 0.7952, dissolved, Of human stearin, 21.50 parts. Of the stearin of the sheep, 16.0f All the soaps of stearin were analyzed by the same process as the soap ofthe fat from which they had been extracted; there was procured from tbem the pearly super-margarate of potash and the oleate; but the first was much more abundant than the second. The margaric acid of the stearins had precisely the same ca- pacity for saturation as that which was extracted from the soaps formed of fat. The margaric acid of the stearin of the sheep was fusible at 144°, and that ofthe stearin of the ox at 143.5°, while the mar- garic acids of the hog and the goose had nearly the same fusibility with the mar- garic acid ofthe fat of these animals. On Spermaceti; or, as M. Chevreul technically calls it, cetin. In the fifth memoir, in which we have an account of many of the properties of this substance, it was stated, that it is not easily saponi- fied by potash, but that it is converted by this reagent into a substance which is soluble in water, but has not the saccha- rine flavour ofthe sweet principle of oils; into an acid analogous to the margaric, to which the name of cetic was applied; and into another acid, which was con- ceived to be analogous to the oleic. Since he wrote the fifth memoir, the author has Ofthe stearin ofthe ox, 15 48 parts. Ofthe stearin of the hog, 18.25 Ofthe stearin ofthe goose, 36.00 1 made the following observations on this t subject:—1. That the portion of the soap I of cetin which is insoluble in water, or r the cetate of potash, is in part gelatinous, J and in part pearly: 2. That two kinds of '• crystals were produced from the cetate f of potash which had been dissolved in alcohol: 3. That the cetate of potash ex- '< posed, under a bell glass, to the heat of a stove, produced a sublimate of a fatty matter which was not acid. From this circumstance M. Chevreul was led to sus- pect, that the supposed cetic acid might be a combination, or a mixture of marga- ric acid and of a fatty body which was not acid; he accordingly treated a small i quantity of it with barytic water, and i boiled the soap which was formed in al. '' cohol; the greatest part of it was not dis- solved, and the alcoholic solution, when cooled, filtered, and distilled, produced a residuum of fatty matter which was not acid. The suspicion being thus confirm- § This means the salt which we obtain after having neutralized by barytes the product ofthe distillation ofthe aqueous fluid, which was procured from the soap that had been decomposed by tartaric acid. Saponification by potash. The human stearin j Saponified fat, 94.9 produced, by saponi-^ fication, [soluble matter, 5.1 Stearin ofthe sheep. Stearin ofthe ox. Stearin of the hog. Stearin ofthe goose. " It was fusible at 123.5°; it crys. ! tallized in small needles joined in ..the form of a funnel. ', The sirup of the sweet principle ^weighed 8.6, the acetate 0.3.§ f It began to become opaque at Saponified fat, 94.6 1 ^f' and thfe-Se'0mo!"eter **am« r ' j stationary at 127.5°; it crystallized Lin small fine radiated needles. The sirup of the sweet principle weighed 8, the acetate 0.6; it had a C rancid odour. f It began to become solid at 129°, J but it was not perfectly so until j 125.5°; it crystallized in small nee- l_dles united into flattened globules. C The sirup of the sweet principle £ weighed 9.8, the acetate 0.3. f It began to grow solid at 129°, f Saponified fat, 94.65J and the thermometer became station- | v \ ary at 125.5 ; it crystallized in small ■^ ^needles united into flattened globules. | Soluble matter, 5.35 S Thke "ir"P °f the tsw*e} PrinciPle L £ weighed 9, the acetate 0.4. C It became solid at 119°; it crys- ("Saponified fat, 94.4 J tallized in needles united in the {.form of a funnel. Soluble matter, 5.6 5 Th« »'1™P of the swreet P™P*e * weighed 8.2. t.Soluble matter, 5.4 Saponified fat, 95.1 Soluble matter, 4.9 ' FEL FEL ed, M. Chevreul determined to subject cetin to a new train of experiments. Being treated with boiling alcohol, a ce- tin was procured which was fusible at 120°, and a yellow fatty matter which began to become solid at 89.5°, and which at 73.5°, contained a fluid oil, which was separated by filtration. Saponification of the Elainsby Potash.~ The determination ofthe soluble matter which the elains yield to water in the process of saponification, is much more difficult than the determination of the same point with respect to the stearins. The stearins are less subject to be changed than the elains: it is less diffi. cult to obtain the stearins in a uniform. ly pure state; besides the saponified fats of the stearins being less fusible than the saponified elains; it is more easy to weigh them without loss. The elains ofthe sheep, the hog, the jaguar, and the goose, extracted by alcohol, yield by the action of potash. Of saponified fat, 89 parts, Of soluble matter, 11. The elain of the ox extracted in the same manner yields, Of saponified fat, 92.6 parts, Of soluble matter, 7.4. The different kinds of fat, considered in their natural state, are distinguished from each other by their colour, odour, and fluidity. The stearins of the sheep, the ox, and the hog, have the same degree of solubili- ty in alcohol; the stearin of man is a lit- tle more soluble, while that of the goose is twice as much so. The elains of man, ofthe sheep, the ox, the jaguar, and the hog, have a specific gravity of about .915; that of the goose of about .929. The elains of the sheep, the ox, and the hog, have the same solubility in alcohol; the elai'n of the goose is a little more solu- ble. On the other hand, the margaric acids of man, of the hog, of the jaguar, and of the goose, cannot be distinguish- ed from each other; those of the sheep and the ox differ a few degrees in their melting point, and a little also in their form. As for the slight differences which the oleic acids present, they are not suf- ficiently precise for us to be able to par- ticularize them- See Acid (Oleic). Fecula. See Starch. * Fecola. Green of plants. See Chlorophyle.* •Feldspar. This important mineral genus is distributed by Professor Jameson into four species, viz. prismatic feldspar, pyrauwdal feldspar, prismato-pyramidal feldspar, and rhomboidal feldspar. I. Prismatic feldspar has- 9 sub-species; 1. Adularia; 2. Glassy feldspar; 3. Ice- spar; 4. Common feldspar^ 5. Labrador feldspar; 6. Compact feldspar; 7. Clink- stone; 8. Earthy common feldspar; and, 9. Porcelain earth. 1. Adularia- Colour greenish-white; iridescent; and in thin plates, pale flesh- red by transmitted light. Massive and crystallized. Primitive form, an oblique four-sided prism, with 2 broad and 2 nar. row lateral planes; the lateral edges are 120° and 60°. Secondary forms; an ob. lique four-sided prism, a broad rectangu- lar six-sided prism, a six-sided table, and a rectangular four-sided prism. Some- times twin crystals occur. The lateral planes of the prism are longitudinally streaked. Lustre splendent, intermedi- ate between vitreous and pearly. Clea- vage threefold. Fracture imperfect con. choidal. Semi-transparent. A beautiful pearly light is sometimes seen, when the specimen is viewed in the direction of the broader lateral planes. Refracts double. Harder than apatite, but softer than quartz. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.5. It melts before the blow-pipe, without addition, into a white-coloured transpa- rent glass. Its constituents are, 64 sili- ca, 20 alumina, 2 lime, and 14 potash.— Vauquelin. It occurs in contemporaneous veins, or drusy cavities, in granite and gneiss, in the island of Arran, in Norway, Switzer- land, France, and Germany. The finest crystals are found in the mountain of Stella, a part of St. Gothard. Rolled pi«- ces, exhibiting a most beautiful pearly light, are collected in the island of Cey- lon. Moonstone adularia is found in Greenland ; and all the varieties in the United States. Under the name of moon- stone it is worked by lapidaries. Ano- ther variety from Siberia is called sun. stone by the jewellers. It is of a yellow- ish colour, and numberless golden spots appear distributed through its whole substance. These reflections of light are either from minute fissures, or irre. gular cleavages of the mineral. The aventurine feldspar of Archangel appears to be also sunstone. It is the hyaloides ofTheophrastus. 2. Glassy feldspar. Colour grayish- white. Crystallized in broad rectangu- lar four-sided prisms, bevelled on the ex- tremities Splendent and vitreous. Clea- vage threefold. Fracture uneven. Trans- parent. Sp. gr. 2.57- It melts without addition into a gray semi-transparent glass. Its constituents are, 68 silica, 15 alumina, 14.5 potash, and 0.5 oxide of iron.—Klapr. It occurs imbedded in pitch-stone porphyry in Arran and Hum. 3. Ice spar. Colour grayish white. Mas- sive, cellular and porous; and crystal- lized in small, thin, longish six-sided ta- bles. The lateral planes are longitudi- FEL nally streaked. Lustre vitreous. Clea- vage imperfect. Translucent and trans- parent. Hard as common feldspar, and easily frangible. It occurs along with nepheline, meionite, mica, and horn- blende, at Monte Somma near Naples. 4. Common feldspar. Colours white and red, of various shades ; rarely green and blue. Massive, disseminated, and crystal- lized in a very oblique four-sided prism ; anacuterhombus; elongated octohedron ; a broad equiangular six-sided prism ; a rectangular four-sided prism ; and twin crystals ; which forms are diversified by various bevelments and truncations. Cleavage threefold. Lustre more pearly than vitreous. Fracture uneven. Frag- ments rhomboidal; and have only four splendent faces. Translucent on the ed- ges. Less hard than quartz. Easily fran- gible. Sp. gr. 2.57. It is fusible with- out addition into a gray semi-transparent glass. Its constituents are as follows : Siberian Flesh-red Feldspar from green feldspar, feldspar. Passau. Silica, 62 83 66.75 60.25 Alumina, 17.02 1/.50 22.00 Lime, 3.00 1.25 0.75 Potash, 13.00 12.00 14.00 Oxide of iron, 1.00 0.75water, 1.00 96.85 98.25 98.00 Vauq. Rose. Bucholz. Feldspar is one ofthe most abundant mi- nerals, as it forms a principal constituent part of granite and gneiss, and occurs occasionally mixed with mica-slate and clay-slate. It is also a constituent of whitestone and syenite. It forms the ba- sis of certain porphyries. Greenstone is a compound of common feldspar and horn- blende. The most beautiful crystals of it occur in the Alps of Switzerland, in Loin hardy, France, and Siberia, in veins of contemporaneous formation with the granite and gneiss rocks. It occurs abundantly in transition mountains, and in those of the secondary class. Under the name of petunze, it is an ingredient of Chinese porcelain. When the green varieties are spotted with white, they are named aventurine feldspar. Another green variety from South America is called the Amazon-stone, from the river where it is found. 5. Labradorgfeldtpar. Colour gray of various shades When light falls on it in oertain directions, it exhibits a great variety, of beautiful colours, It occurs massiVe, or in rolled pieces. Cleavage splendent. Fracture glistening. Lustre between vitreous and pearly. It breaks into rhomboidal fragments. Translucent in a very low degree. Less easily fran- gible than common feldspar. Sp. gr. 2.6 to 2.7. It is less fusible than common FER feldspar. It occurs in rolled masses of syenite, in which it is associated with common hornblende, hyperstene, and magnetic ironstone, in the island of St. Paul on the coast of Labradore. It is found round Laurwig in Norway. 6. Compact feldspar. Colours, white, gray, green and red. Massive, dissemi- nated, and crystallized in rectangular four-sided prisms. Lustre glistening, or glimmering. Fracture splintery and even Translucent only on the edges. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.69. It melts with difficulty into a whitish enamel. Its constituents are, 51 silica, 30.5 alumina, 11.25 lime, 1.75 iron, 4 soda, 1.26 water. —Klapr. It occurs in mountain masses, beds and veins : in the Pentland hills, at Sala, Dannemora, and Hallefors in Swe- den ; in the Saxon Erze-gebirge, and the Hartz. 7. Clinkstone ; which see. 8. Earthy common feldspar. This seems to be disintegrated common feldspar. 9. Porcelain earth. See Clay. II. Pyramidal feldspar. See Scapolite, and Elaolite. HI. Prismato-pyramidal feldspar. See Meionite. IV. Rhomboidal feldspar. See Nephe- LINE. Chiastolite and sodalite have also been annexed to this species by Professor Jameson.* • Fermestatios. When aqueous com- binations of vegetable or animal mat- ter are exposed to ordinary atmospheri- cal temperatures, they speedily undergo spontaneous changes, to which the gene- ric name of fermentation has been given. Animal liquids alone, or mixed with ve- getables, speedily become sour. The act which occasions this alteration is called acetous fermentation; because the product is, generally speaking, acetic acid, or vinegar. But when a moderate- ly strong solution of saccharine matter, or saccharine matter and starch, or sweet juices of fruits, suffer this intestine change, the result is an intoxicating li- quid, a beer, or wine ; whence the pro- cess is called vinous fermentation. An ulterior change, to which all moist ani- mal and vegetable matter is liable, ac- companied by the disengagement of a vast quantity of fetid gases, is called the putrefactive fermentation. .. Each of these processes goes on most rapidly at a somewhat elevated tempera- ture, such as 8Q° or 100° F. It is for these reasons, that in tropical countries, animal and vegetable substances are so speedily decomposed. As the ultimate constituents of vegeta- ble matter are oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon; and of animal matter, the same 3 FEU FER principles with azote, we can readily un. derstand that all the products of fermen- tation must be merely new compounds of these three or four ultimate constituents. Accordingly, 100 parts ot real vinegar, or acetic acid, are resolvable, by MM. Gay- Lussac and Thenard's analysis, into 50.224 carbon + 46.911 hydrogen and oxygen, as they exist in water, + 2.863 oxygen in excess. In like manner, wines are all resolvable into the same ultimate components, in proportions somewhat different. The aeriform results of putre- factive fermentation are in like manner found to be, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and azote, variously combined, and asso- ciated with minute quantities of sulphur and phosphorus. The residuary matter consists of the same principles, mixed with the saline and earthy parts of animal bodies. Lavoisier was the first philosopher, who instituted, on right principles, a series of experiments to investigate the phenomena of fermentation, and they were so judici- ously contrived, and so accurately con- ducted, as to give results, comparable to those derived from the more rigid methods ofthe present day. Since then M. The- nard and M. Gay-Lussac have each con- tributed most important researches. By the labours of these three illustrious die. mists, those material metamorphoses, for- merly quite mysterious, seem susceptible of a satisfactory explanation. 1. Vinous fermentation. As sugar is a substance of uniform and determinate composition, it has been made choice of for determining the changes which arise when its solution is fermented into wine or alcohol. Lavoisier justly regarded it as a true vegetable oxide, and stated its constituents to be, 8 hydrogen, 28 carbon, and 64 oxygen, in 100 parts. By two dif- ferent analyses of Berzelius, we have, Hydrogen, 6 802 6.891 Carbon, 44.115 42.704 Oxygen, 49.083 50.405 100 000 100.000 MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard's analysis ives, Hydrogen 6.901 3 Oxygen, 50 o3 3 Carbon, 42.47 42.47 100.00 10000 It has been said, that sugar requires to be dissolved in at least 4 parts of water, and to be mixed with some yeast, to cause its fermentation to commence. But this is a mistake. Sirup stronger than the above will ferment in warm weather, without addition. If the temperature be low, the sirup weak, and no yeast added, acetous fermentation alone will take place. To determine the vinous, there- fore, we must mix certain proportions of saccharine matter, water and yeast, and place them in a proper temperature. To observe the chemical changes which occur, we must dissolve 4 or 5 parts of pure sugar in 20 parts of water, put the solution into a matrass, and add 1 part of yeast. Into the mouth of the matrass a glass tube must be luted, which is re- curved, so as to dip into the mercury of a pneumatic trough- If the apparatus be now placed in a temperature of from 70° to 80°, we shall speedily observe the si- rup to become muddy, and a multitude of air bubbles to form all around the fer- ment. These unite, and attaching them- selves to particles of the yeast, rise along with it to the surface, forming a stratum of froth. The yeasty matter will then disengage itself from the air, fall to the bottom of the vessel, to re-acquire buoy- ancy a second time by attached air bub< bles, and thus in succession. If we operate on 3 or 4 ounces of sugar, the fermenta. tion will be very rapid during the first ten or twelve hours; it will then slacken, and terminate in the course of a few days. At this period the matter being deposited, which disturbed the transparency ofthe liquor, this will become clear. The following changes have now taken place: 1. The sugar is wholly, and the yeast partially, decomposed. 2. A quan- tity of alcohol and carbonic acid, toge- ther nearly equal in weight to the sugar, is produced. 3. A white matter is formed, composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and car- bon, equivalent to about half the weight of the decomposed ferment. The carbo- nic acid passes over into the pneumatic apparatus ; the alcohol may be separated from the vinous liquid by distillation, and the white matter falls down to the bottom of the matrass with the remain- der of the yeast. The quantity of yeast decomposed is very small. 100 parts of sugar re- quire, for complete decomposition, only two and a half of that substance, suppos- ed to be in a dry state. It is hence very probable, that the ferment, which has a strong affinity for oxygen, takes a little of it from the saccharine particles, by a part of C 3 vol. oxygen. 3d, 1 vol. carbonic acid = 1 vol. oxygen + 1 vol. vapour of carbon. 4. Neglecting the minute products which the yeast furnishes, in the act of fermenta- tion, let us regard only the alcohol and car- bonic acid. We shall then see, on compa- ring the composition of sugar to that of alcohol, that to transform sugar into alco- hol, we must withdraw from it one volume of vapour of carbon, and one volume of oxygen, which form by their union one vo- lume of carbonic acid gas. Finally, let us reduce the volumes into weights, we shall find, that 100 parts of sugar ought to be converted, during fermentation, into 51.55 of alcohol, and 48.45 of carbonic acid. Those who are partial to atomical lan- guage will see that sugar may be repre- sented by Atoms. 3 vol. vap. of carbon, = 3 = 2.250 40.00 3 do. hydrogen, - = 3 = 0.375 6.66 |- do. oxygen - =. 3 = 3.000 53.33 5.625 99.99 And alcohol, by 2 vol. carbon, = 2= 1.500 52.16 3 do. hydrogen, - = 3 = 0.375 13.04 I do. oxygen, = 1 = 1.000 34.80 2.875 100.00 And carbonic acid, by 1 vol. oxygen, - = 2 = 2.00 72.72 1 do. vap. of carbon, = 1 = 0.75 27.28 100.00 If, therefore, from the sugar group, we take away one atom of carbon, and two of oxygen, to form the carbonic acid group below, we leave an atomic assemblage for formng alcohol, as in the middle. For this interesting developement of the relation be- tween the ultimate constituents of sugar on the one hand, and alcohol and carbonic acid on the other, we arc indebted to M. Gay- Lussac. Vol. II. The following beautiful comparison, by the same philosopher, illustrates these me- tamorphoses: Sulphuric ether is composed of Dens, of vapour. 2 vol. olefiant gas= 1.9444") 9 -,Q. 1 do. vap. ofwater= 0.62503 ^oy*- And alcohol is composed of 2 vol. olefiant gas= 1.9444") . 9__- ,Q7<> 2 do. vap. of water= 1.25005 ~z"""""""*■'**'*' Hence to convert alcohol into ether, we have only to withdraw from it one-half of its constituent water. Let us nowsee how far experiment agrees with the theoretic deduction, that 100 parts of sugar, by fermentation, should give birth to 51.55 of absolute alcohol, and 48.45 of carbonic acid. In Lavoisier's elaborate ex- periment, we find, that 100 parts of sugar afforded, Alcohol, 57.70 Carbonic acid, 35.34 93.04 Unfortunately, this great chemist has omitted to state the specific gravity of his alcohol. If we assume it to have been 0.8293, as assigned for the density of highly rectified alcohol in the 8th table of the appendix to his Elements, we shall find 100 parts of it to contain, by Lowitz's table, 87.23 of ab- solute alcohol, if its temperature had been 60°. But as 54.5° was the thermometric point indicated in taking sp. gravities, we must reduce the density from 0.8293 to 0.827. We shall then find 100 parts of it, to consist of 88 of absolute alcohol, and 12 of water. Hence, the 57.7 parts obtained by Lavoisier will become 50.776 of abso- lute alcohol, which is a surprising accor- dance with the theoretical quantity 51.55. But about four parts ofthe sugar, or l-25th, had not been decomposed. If we add two parts of alcohol for this, we would have a small deviation from theory on the other Bide. There is no reasonable ground for questioning the accuracy of Lavoisier's ex- periments on fermentation. Any- person who considers the excessive care he has evidently bestowed on them, the finished precision of his apparatus, and the com- placency with which he compares " the substances submitted to fermentation, and the products resulting from that operation, as forming an algebraic equation," must be convinced that the results are deserving of confidence. Unlike the crude and contra- dictory researches, which modern vanity blazons in our Journals, those of Lavoisier on fermentation, like the coeval inquiries of Cavendish on air, will never become ob- solete. M. Thenard, in operating on a solution of 300 parts of sugar, mixed with 60 of 8 FER FER yeast, at the temperature of 59°, has ob- tained such results as abundantly confirm the previous determination of Lavoisier. The following were the products: Alcohol of 0.822, - 171-5 Carbonic acid, - - 94.6 Nauseous residue, - 12-0 Residual yeast, - - 40.0 318.1 Loss, - 41.9 360.0 The latter two ingredients may be disre- garded in the calculation, as the weight of the yeast is nearly equivalent to their sum. Dividing 171.5 by 3, we have 57.17 for the weight of alcohol of 0.822 from 100 of sugar. In the same way we get 31.53 for the carbonic acid. Now, spirit of wine of 0.822 contains 90 per cent of absolute alco- hol. Whence, we find 51.453 for the quan- tity of absolute alcohol by Thenard's ex- periment; being a perfect accordance with the theoretical deductions of M. Gay-Lus- sac, made at a subsequent period. Hy Ry By M. Lavoisier. M. Thenard. Theory. From 100 sugar. From 100 do. Abs. alco. 50.776 51.453 51.55 The coincidence of these three results seems perfectly decisive. In determining the density of absolute alcohol, M. Gay-Lussac had occasion to ob- serve, that when alcohol is mixed with wa- ter, the density of the vapour is exactly the mean between the density of the alco- holic vapour, and that of the aqueous va- pour, notwithstanding the affinity which tends to unite them. An important infe- rence flows from this observation. The ex- periments of M. de Saussure, as corrected by M. Gay-Lussac's theory of volumes, de- monstrate, that the absolute alcohol which they employed contains no separable por- tion of water, but what is essential to the existence of the liquid alcohol. Had any foreign water been present, then the speci- fic gravity of the alcoholic vapour would have been proportionally diminished; for the vapour of water is less dense than that of alcohol, in the ratio of 1 to more than 2J. But since the sp. gravity of alcoholic vapour is precisely that which would re- sult from the condensed union of one vo- lume vapour of carbon, one volume of hy- drogi n, and half a volume of oxygen, it seems absurd to talk of such alcohol still containing 8.3 per cent of water. The writer of a long article on brewing, in the supplement to the 5th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, makes the fol- lowing remarks in discussing M. Thenard's researches on fermentation. " Now, alco- hoi of the specific gravity 0.822 contains one-tenth of its weight of water, which can be separated from it; and if we suppose with Saussure, that absolute alcohol con- tains 8.3 per cent of water, then the pro- ducts of sugar decomposed by fermenta- tion, according to Saussure's (Thenard's he means) experiments, are as follows: Alcohol, - - 47.7 Carbonic acid, • 35.34 83.04 Or in 100 parts, Alcohol, - - 57.44 Carbonic acid, - 42.56 100.00 " This result approaches so nearly to that of Lavoisier, that there is reason to suspect that the coincidence is more than accidental." p. 480. This insinuation against the integrity of one of the first chemists in France, calls for reprehension. But farther, M. Gay- Lussac's account of the nature of alcohol and its vapour was published a considera- ble time before the article brewing appear- ed. Indeed our author copies a considera- ble part of it, so that the above error is less excusable. The ferment or yeast is a substance which separates under the form of flocculi, more or less viscid, from all the juices and infu- sions which experience the vinous fermen- tation. It is commonly procured from the beer manufactories, and is hence called the barm of beer. It may be easily dried, and is actually exposed for sale in Paris under the form of a firm but slightly cohesive paste, of a grayish-white colour. This pasty barm, left to itself in a close vessel, at a temperature of from 55° to 70°, is de- composed, and undergoes in some days the putrid fermentation. Placed in contact, at that temperature, with oxygen in ajar in. verted over mercury, it absorbs this gas in some hours, and there is produced carbo- nic acid and a little water. Exposed to a gentle heat, it loses more than two-thirds of its weight, becomes dry, hard, and brit- tle, and may in this state be preserved for an indefinite time. When it is more high- ly heated, it experiences a complete de- composition, and furnishes all the products which usually result from the distillation of animal substances. It is insoluble in water and alcohol. Boiling water speedily deprives it of its power of readily exciting fermentation.— In fact, if we plunge the solid yeast into water for ten or twelve minutes, and place it afterwards in contact with a saccharine solution, this exhibits no symptom of fer- mentation for a long period. By that heat, the ferment does not seem to lose any of its constituents, or to acquire others. Its habitudes with acids and alkalis have not been well investigated. From Thenard's FER FIB researches, the fermenting principle in yeast seems to be of a caseous or glutinous nature. It is to the gluten that wheat flour owes its property of making a fermentable dough with water. This flour paste may indeed be regarded as merely a viscid and elastic tissue of gluten, the interstices of which are filled with starch, albumen, and sugar. We know that it is from the gluten, that the dough derives its property of rising on the admixture of leaven. The leaven act- ing on the sweet principle of the wheat, gives rise in succession to the vinous and acetous fermentations, and of consequence to alcohol, acetic and carbonic acids. The latter gas tends to fly off, but the gluten resists its disengagement, expands like a membrane, forms a multitude of little cavi- ties, wrhich give lightness and sponginess to the bread. For the want of gluten, the flour of all those grains and roots which consist chiefly of starch are not capable of making raised bread, even with the ad- dition of leaven or yeast. There does not appear to be any peculiar fermentation to which the name panary should be given.* When it is required to preserve ferment- ed liquors in the state produced by the first stage of fermentation, it is usual to put them into casks before the vinous pro- cess is completely ended; and in these closed vessels a change very slowly con- tinues to be made for many months, and perhaps for some years. But if the fermentative process be suffer- ed to proceed in open vessels, more espe- cially if the temperature be raised to 90 de- grees, the acetous fermentation comes on. In this, the oxygen of the atmosphere is absorbed; and the more speedily in propor- tion as the surfaces of the liquor are often changed by lading it from one vessel to another. The usual method consists in ex- posing the fermented liquor to the air in open casks, the bunghole of which is co- vered with a tile to prevent the entrance of the rain. By the absorption of oxygen which takes place, the inflammable spirit becomes converted into an acid. If the li- quid be then exposed to distillation, pure vinegar comes over instead of ardent spirit. When the spontaneous decomposition is suffered to proceed beyond the acetous process, the vinegar becomes viscid and foul; air is emitted with an offensive smell; volatile alkali flies off; an earthy sedi- ment is deposited; and the remaining li- quid, if any, is mere water. This is the putrefactive process. The fermentation by which certain co- louring matters are separated from vege- tables, as in the preparation of woad and indigo, is carried much farther, approach- ing the putrefactive stage. It is not clearly ascertained what the yeast or ferment performs in this operation. It seems probable, that the fermentative pro- cess in considerable masses would be car- ried on progressively from the surface downwards; and would perhaps, be com- pleted in one part before it had perfectly commenced in another, if the yeast, which is already in a state of fermentation, did not cause the process to begin in every part at once. See Bread, Distilla- tion, PUTRE FACT ION, ALCOHOL, WlNE, Acid (Acetic), Vegetable Kingdom. * Ferrocyanates. See Acid (Fer- roprussic).* * Ferrocyanic Acid. See Acid (Ferroprussic).* * Ferroprussic Acid, and Ferro- prussiates. See Acid (Ferroprus- sic).* * Ferruretted Chyaxic Acid. The same as Ferroprussic* * Fetstein. Elaolite.* * Fibrin. A peculiar organic com- pound found both in vegetables and ani- mals. Vauquelin discovered it in the juice of the papaw tree. It is a soft solid, of a greasy appearance, insoluble in water, which softens in the air, becoming viscid, brown, and semi-transparent. On hot coals it melts, throws out greasy drops, crackles, and evolves the smoke and odour of roasting meat. Fibrin is procured, how- ever, in its most characteristic state from animal matter. It exists in chyle; it en- ters into the composition of blood. Of it, the chief part of muscular flesh is formed; and hence it may be regarded as the most abundant constituent of the soft solids of animals. To obtain it, we may beat blood, as it issues from the veins, with a bundle of twigs. Fibrin soon attaches itself to each stem, under the form of long reddish fila- ments, which become colourless by wash- ing them with cold*water. It is solid, w hite, insipid, without smell, denser than water, and incapable of effecting the hue of lit- mus or violets. When moist it possesses a species of elasticity; by desiccation it be- comes yellowisft, hard, and brittle. By dis- tillation we can extract from it much car- bonate of ammonia, some acetate, a fetid brown oil, and gaseous products; while there remains in the retort a very volumi- nous charcoal, very brilliant, difficult of in- cineration, which leaves after combustion, phosphate of lime, a little phosphate of magnesia, carbonate of lime, and carbonate of soda. Cold water has no action on fibrin. Treat- ed with boiling water, it is so changed as to lose the property of softening and dis- solving in acetic acid. I he liquor filter- ed from it, yields precipitates with infu- sion of galls,' and the residue is white, dry, hard, and of an agreeable taste. FIB FIL When kept for some time in alcohol of 0.810, it gives rise to an adipocerous mat- ter, having a strong and disagreeable odour. This matter remains dissolved in the alco- hol, and may be precipitated by water. Ether makes it undergo a similar altera- tion, but more slowly. When digested m weak muriatic acid, it evolves a little azote, and a compound is formed, hard, horny, and which washed repeatedly with water, is transformed into another gelatinous com- pound. This seems to be a neutral muri- ate, soluble in hot water; whilst the first is an acid muriate, insoluble even in boiling water. Sulphuric acid, diluted with six times its weight of water, has similar ef- fects. When not too concentrated, nitric acid has a very different action on fibrin. For example, when its sp. gr. is 1.25, there results from it at first a disengagement of azote, while the fibrin becomes covered with fat, and the liquid turns yellow. By digestion of 24 hours, the whole fibrin is attacked, and converted into a pulverulent mass of a lemon-yellow colour, which seems to be composed of a mixture of fat and fibrin, altered and intimately combined with the malic and nitric or nitrous acids. In fact, if we put this mass on a filter, and wash it copiously with water, it will part with a portion of its acid, will preserve the property of reddening litmus, and will take an orange hue On treating it after- wards with boiling alcohol, we dissolve the fatty matter; and putting the remain- der in contact with chalk and water, an efflorescence will be occasioned by the escape of carbonic acid, and malate or ni- trate of lime will remain in solution. Concentrated acetic acid renders fibrin soft at ordinary temperatures, and converts it by the aid of heat into a jelly, which is soluble in hot water, with the disengage- ment of a small quantity of azote. This solution is colourless, and possesses little taste. Evaporated to dryness, it leaves a transparent residue, which reddens litmus paper, and which cannot be dissolved even in boiling water, but by the medium of more acetic acid Sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids, precipitate the animal mat- ter, and form acid combinations. Potash, soda, ammonia, effect likewise the preci- pitation of this matter, provided we do not use too great an excess of alkali; for then the precipitated matter would be redis. solved. Aqueous potash and soda gradu- ally dissolve fibrin in the cold, without oc- casioning any perceptible change in its nature; but with heat they decompose it, giving birth to a quantity of ammoniacal gas, and other usual animal products. Fi- brin does not putrefy speedily when kept in water. It shrinks on exposure to a con- siderable heat, and emits the smell of burn- ing horn. It is composed, according to the analysis of MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, of Carbon, 53.360 Azote, 19934 Oxygen, 19.685") 22.14 water Hydrogen, 7.0213 4.56 hydrogen.* • Fibrolite. Colours white and gray; crystallized in rhomboidal prisms, the an- gles of whose planes are 80° and 100°. It is glistening internally. Principal fracture uneven. Harder than quart*. Sp. gr. 3.214. Its constituents are alumina 58.25, silica 38, iron and loss 3.75. It is found in the Carnatic.—Jameson.* * Figurestone. See Bildstein.* Filtration. An operation, by means of which a fluid is mechanically separated from consistent particles merely mixed with it. It does not differ from straining. An apparatus fitted up for this purpose is called a filter. The form of this is va- rious, according to the intention of the ope- rator. A piece of tow, or wool, or cotton, stuffed into the pipe of a funnel, will pre- vent the passage of grosser particles, and by that means render the fluid clearer which comes through. Sponge is still more effectual. A strip of linen rag wetted and hung over the side of a vessel containing a fluid, in such a manner as that one end of the rag may be immersed in the fluid, and the other end may remain without, below the surface, will act as a syphon, and carry over the clearer portion. Linen or woollen stuffs may either be fastened over the mouths of proper vessels, or fixed to a frame, like a sieve, for the purpose of filtering. All these are more commonly used by cooks and apothecaries than by philosophical chemists, who, for the most part, use the paper called cap-paper, made up without size. As the filtration of considerable quanti- ties of fluid could not be effected at once without breaking the filter of paper, it is found requisite to use a linen cloth, upon which the paper is applied and supported. Precipitates and other pulverulent mat- ters are collected more speedily by filtra- tion than by subsidence. But there are many chemists who disclaim the use of this method, and avail themselves of the latter only, which is certainly more accu- rate, and liable to no objection, where the powders are such as will admit of edulco- ration and drying in the open air. Some fluids, as turbid water, may be pu- rified by filtering through sand. A large earthen funnel, or stone bottle with the bottom beaten out, may have its neck loose- ly stopped with small stones, over which smaller may be placed, supporting layers of gravel increasing in fineness, and lastly co- vered to the depth of a few inches with fine sand, all thoroughly cleansed by wash- ing. This apparatus is superior to a filter- ing stone, as it will cleanse water in large FLI FLU quantities, and may readily be renewed when the passage is obstructed, by taking out and washing the upper stratum of sand. A filter for corrosive liquors may be con- structed, on the same principles, of broken and pounded glass. Fire. See Caloric and Combustion. •Fire-damp. See Combustion and Carburetted Hydrogen.* * Fish-scales are composed of alter- nate layers of membrane and phosphate of lime.* * Fixed Air. Carbonic acid gas.* Fixity. The property by which bodies resist the action of heat, so as not to rise in vapour. * Flake-white. Oxide of bismuth.* Flame. See Combustion. •Flesh. The muscles of animals. They consist chiefly of fibrin, with albumen, ge- latin, extractive, phosphate of soda, phos- phate of ammonia, phosphate and carbo- nate of lime, and sulphate of potash. See Muscle.* •Flint. Colour generally gray, with occasionally zoned and striped delineations. Massive, in rolled pieces, tuberose and per- forated. It rarely occurs in supposititious, hollow, pyramidal or prismatic crystals. It occurs often in extraneous shapes, as echinites, coralites, madreporites, fungites, belemnites, mytilites, &c; sometimes in la- mellar concretions. Internal lustre glim- mering. Fracture conchoidal. Fragments sharp-edged. Translucent. Hitler than quartz. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.59. In- fusible without addition, but whitens and becomes opaque. Its constituents are 98 silica, 0.50 lime, 0.25 alumina, 0.25 oxide of iron, 1.0 loss. When two pieces of flint are rubbed together in the dark, they phos- phoresce, and emit a peculiar smell. It occurs in primitive, transition, secon- dary, and alluvial mountains. In the first two, in metalliferous and agate veins. In secondary countries it is found in pudding- stone, limestone, chalk, and amygdaloid. In chalk it occurs in great abundance in beds These seem to have been both formed at the same time. Werner, however, is of opinion, that the tuberose and many other forms, have been produced by infiltration. In Scotland, it occurs imbedded in secon- dary limestone in the island of Mull, and near Kirkaldy in Fifeshire. In England, it abounds in alluvial districts in the form of gravel, or is imbedded in chalk. In Ire- land it occurs in considerable quantities in secondary limestone. It is found in most parts of the world. Its principal use is for gun flints, the mechanical operations of which manufacture, are fully detailed by Brongniart. The best flint for this purpose, is the yellowish-gray. It is an ingredient in pottery, and chemists use it for mortars.* •Fljsty-slate. Of this mineral there are two kinds, common flinty-slate, and Ly- dian stone. 1. Common. Colour ash-gray, with other colours, in flamed, striped, and spotted de- lineations. It is often traversed by quartz veins. Massive, and in lamellar concretions. Internally it is faintly glimmering. Frac- ture in the great slaty, in the small splin- tery. Translucent. Hard. Uncommonly difficultly frangible. Sp. gr. 2.63. It occurs in beds, in clay-slate and gray-wacke; and in roundish and angular masses in sandstone. It is found in different parts of the great tract of clay-slate and gray-wacke which extends from St. Abb's-head to Portpatrick; also in the Pentland hills near Edinburgh. 2. Lydian stone. Colour grayish-black, which passes into velvet-black. It occurs massive, and rolled in pieces with glisten- ing surfaces. Internally it is glimmering. Fracture even. Opaque. Less hard than flint. Difficultly frangible. Sp. gr. 2.6. It occurs very frequently along with common flinty-slate in beds in clay-slate. It is found near Prague and Carlsbad in Bohemia, in Saxony, the Hartz, and at the Moorfoot and Pentland hills near Edinburgh. It is some- times used as a touchstone for ascertaining the purity of gold and silver. See Assay.* * Floatstone. A sub-species of the indivisible quartz of Mohs. Spongiform quartz of Jameson. Colour white of vari- ous shades. In porous, massive, and tube- rose forms. Internally it is dull. Fracture coarse earthy. Feebly translucent on the edges. Soft, but its minute particles are as hard as quartz. Rather brittle. Easily frangible. Feels meagre and rough, and emits a grating noise, when the finger is drawn across it. Sp. gr. 0.49. Its consti- tuents are silica 98, carbonate of lime 2.— Vauq. It occurs encrusting flint, or in im- bedded masses in a secondary limestone at St. Ouen near Paris.—Jameson.* Flour. The powder ofthe gramineous seeds. Its use as food is well known. See Bread. Flowers. A general appellation used by the elder chemists, to denote all such bodies as have received a pulverulent form by sublimation. Flowers of Vegetables. Dr. Lewis in his notes on Neumann's Chemistry, gives a cursory account of many experiments, made with a view to ascertain how far the colour of vegetable flowers might prove of use to the dyer. He found very few capa- ble of being applied to valuable purposes. * Fluates. Compounds of the salifia- ble bases with fluoric acid.* Fluidity. The state of bodies when their parts are very readily moveable in all directions with respect to each other. See Caloric * FluoboraTes. Compounds of fluo- boric acid with the salifiable bases.* FLU FOR * Fluor. Octohedral fluor of Jameson. It is divided into three sub-species; com- pact fluor, foliated fluor, and earthy fluor. 1. Compact. Colours, greenish-gray and greenish-white. Massive. Dull or feebly glimmering. Fracture even. Fragments sharp-edged. Translucent. Harder than calcareous spar, but not so hard as apatite. Brittle, and easily frangible. Sp. gr. 3.17. It is found in veins, associated with fluor spar, at Stolbergin the Hartz. 2. Foliated. Colours, white,yellow, green, and blue. Green cubes appear with white angles. Massive, disseminated, and in dis- tinct concretions. Crystallized in cubes, perfect orvariously truncated and bevelled; in the rhomboidal dodecahedron, and the octohedron, or double four-sided pyramid. The crystals are generally placed on one another, and form druses; but are seldom single. Surface smooth and splendent, or drusy and rough. Internal lustre, specular- splendent, or shining vitreous. Cleavage, fourfold equiangular, parallel with the planes of an octohedron. Fragments octo- hedral or tetrahedral. Translucent to trans- parent. Single refraction. Harder than calcareous spar, but not so hard as apatite. Brittle, and easily frangible. Sp. gr. 3.15. Before the blow-pipe it generally decrepi- tates, gradually loses its colour and trans- parency, and melts without addition into a grayish-white glass. When two fragments are rubbed together, they become lumi- nous in the dark. When gently heated, it phosphoresces with a blue and green light. By ignition it loses its phosphorescent pro- perty. The violet blue variety from Nert- schinsky, called chlorophane. when placed on glowing coals, does not decrepitate, but soon throws out a green light Sulphuric acid evolves from pulverized fluorspar, acid fumes which corrode glass. Its constitu- ents, by Berzelius, are 72.1 lime, and 27.9 fluoric acid. It occurs principally in veins that traverse primitive, transition, and sometimes secondary rocks. It has been found only in four places in Scotland, near Monaltree in Aberdeenshire, in gneiss in Sunderland, in secondary porphyry near Gourock in Renfrewshire, and in the island of Papastour, one ofthe Shetlands. It oc- curs much more abundantly in England, being found in all the galena veins that tra- verse the coal formation in Cumberland and Durham; in secondary or floetz limestone in Derbyshire; and it is the most common veinstone in the copper, tin, and lead veins, that traverse granite clay-slate, &c. in Cornwall and Devonshire. It is also fre- quent on the Continent of Europe. It is cut into ornamental forms. It has also been used as a flux for ores; whence its name fluor.—Jameson. 3. Earthy fluor. Colour, grayish-white and violet-blue, sometimes very deep. It occurs generally in crusts investing some other mineral. Dull. Earthy. Friable. Its constituents are the same as the preceding. It occurs in veins along with fluor spar at Beeralstone in Devonshire; in Cumberland, in Saxony, and Norway.* * Fluoric Acid. See Acid (Fluo- ric.)* •Fluorine. The imaginary radical of the above acid.* * Flttosilicates. See Acid (Fluosi. licic).* Flux. A general term made use of to denote any substance or mixture added to assist the fusion of minerals. In the large way, limestone and fusible spar are used as fluxes. The fluxes made use of in assays, or philosophical experiments, consist usu- ally of alkalis, which render the earthy mix- tures fusible, by converting them into glass; or else glass itself in powder. Alkaline fluxes are either the crude flux, the white flux, or the black flux. Crude flux is a mixture of nitre and tartar, which is put into the crucible with the mineral intended to be fused. The detonation of the nitre with the inflammable matter of the tartar, is of service in some operations; though generally it is attended with incon- venience on account of the swelling of the materials, which may throw them out of the vessel, if proper care be not taken either to throw in only a little of the mixture at a time, or tp provide a large vessel. Whitewflux is formed by projecting a mixture of equal parts of nitre and tartar, by moderate portions at a time, into an ignited crucible. In the detonation which ensues, the nitric acid is decomposed and flies off with the tartaric acid, and the remainder consists ofthe potash in a state of conside- rable purity. This has been called fixed nitre. Black flux differs from the preceding, in the proportion of its ingredients. In this the weight of the tartar is double that of the nitre; on which account the combustion is incomplete, and a considerable portion of the tartaric acid is decomposed by the mere heat, and leaves a quantity of coal behind, on which the black colour de- pends. It is used where metallic ores are intended to be reduced, and effects this purpose, by combining with the oxygen of the oxide. The advantage of M. Morveau's reducing flux, seems to depend on its containing no excess of alkali. It is made of eight parts of pulverized glass, one of calcined borax, and half a part of powder of charcoal. Care must be taken to use a glass which con- tains no lead. The white glasses contain in general a large proportion, and the green bottle glasses are not perhaps entirely free from it. Forge Furnace. The forge furnace FUL FUL consists of a hearth, upon which a fire may be made, and urged by the action of a large pair of double bellows, the nozzle of which is inserted through a wall or parapet con- structed for that purpose. Black-lead pots, or small furnaces of every desired form, may be placed, as oc- casions require, upon the hearth; and the tube of the bellows being inserted into a hole in the bottom of the furnace, it be- comes easy to urge the heat to almost any degree required. •Formations. See Geology.* * Formiates. Compounds of formic acid with the salifiable bases.* * Freezing. See Caloric, and Con- gelation.* * Fossil Copal, or Highgate resin. Its colour is pale muddy yellowish-brown. It occurs in irregular roundish pieces. Lus- tre resinous. Semi-transparent. Brittle. Yields easily to the knife. Sp. gr. 1.046. When heated, it gives out a resinous aro- matic odour, melts into a limpid fluid, takes fire at a lighted candle, and burns entirely away before the blow-pipe. Insoluble in potash ley. Found in the bed of blue clay at Highgate near London. Aikin,s Minera- logy* Frankincense. See Olibanum. French Berries. The fruit of the Rhamnus infectorius, called by the French graines 8 1.004166 C2 0.995833 57 1.006249 GAS GAS Temp. 63*> Volume. Temi 0.993750 56° 64 0.991666 55 65 0.989583 54 66 0.987500 53 67 0.985416 52 68 0.983333 51 69 0.981250 5U 70 0.979166 49 71 0.977083 48 72 0.975000 47 73 0.972916 46 74 0.970833 45 75 0.968750 44 76 0.966666 43 77 0.9645S3 42 78 0 962500 41 79 0.960416 40 80 0.958333 39 81 0.95625J 38 82 0.954166 37 83 0.952083 36 84 0.950000 35 85 0.947916 34 86 0.945833 33 87 0.943750 32 88 0.941666 31 89 0.939583 30 90 0 937500 29 91 0.935416 28 92 0.933333 27 93 0.931250 26 94 0.929166 25 95 0.927083 24 96 0.925000 23 97 0.922916 22 98 0.920833 21 99 0.918750 20 100 0.916666 1.008333 1.010416 1.012199 1.014583 1.016666 1.018749 1.020833 1 022916 1.024999 1.0270K3 1.029166 1.031249 1.033333 1.035416 1.03749 i 1.039583 1.041666 1.043749 l.ii458.53 1.047916 1.049999 1-052083 1-054166 1-056249 1-U58333 1.060416 1.062499 1.06:583 1.066666 l.o68749 1 070833 1.072916 1074999 1.077083 1.079166 1081249 1.083333 Use ofthe above Table. Opposite the temperature of the gas, we find a number, which being multiplied into the volume of the gas, however expressed, gives the true volume at 60°. The table printed in some books, in which unitv is placed at 32°, and 1.375 at 212°, can be regarded merely as a specimen of multipli- cation. In practical chemistry, we seldom think of reducing experimental volumes to the standard of 32° F. The bulk of a gas being inversely as the pressure, it will necessarily increase as the barometer fulls, and decrease as it rises. Hence, to reduce the volume of a gas at any pressure, to what it would be under the mean pressure of 30 inches of mer- oury; multiply the volume by the parti- cular barometrical pressure, and divide the product by 30; the quotient is the true volume. If the gas be contained in a vessel over mercury, so that the liquid me- tal stands in the inside of the tube higher than on the outside, it is evident that the g;is will be compressed by a less weight ilia.' the ambient atmosphere, in proportion IP the diflere.iiv ofthe mercurial levels. If that difference were 10 inches, then one- third of the incumbent pressure would be counterbalanced, and the- gas would become bulkier by one-third. Hence, we nnsi sub- tract this difference of mercurial levels, from the barometric altitude at the instant, and use this reduced number or remainder, as the proper multiplier in the above rule. In- stead of reducing the volume of a gas to what it would be under a mean press re of 30 inches, it is often dcsiruMe to reduce it to another barometrical height, which exist- ed perhaps at the commencement of the ex- periment d -nvestigation. Thus, in applying the eueliometer by slow combustion of phos- phorus, we must wait for 24 hours, till the experiment be fiimshed. But in that pc- nod, and in our fickle climate, the mercury of the barometer may have moved an inch or more. The general principle, that the volume is inversely as the pressure, measur- ed by the length "of the mercurial column, affords the following simple rule:—Multi- ply the bulk of the gas by the existing height ofthe barometer, and divide the pro- duct by the original height, the quotient is its bulk as at the commencement of the ex- periment. The barometric pressure is esti- mated by the indies on its scale, minus the difference of mercurial levels in the pneu- matic apparatus. By bringing the two sur- faces to one horizontal plane, this correction vanishes. The facility of doing so with my eudiometer, i^ one of"its chief advantages. If we are operating in the water pneu- matic cistern, we can in general bring the two surfaces to a level. If not, we must allow one inch of mercurial pressure for 13.6 inches of water; and, of course, l-10th of a barometical inch, for every inch and third of water. M. Gay-Lussac contrived a very ingeni- ous apparatus, to determine the change of volume, which an absolutely dry gas under- goes, when water is admitted to it, in mi- nutely successive portions, till it (or the space it occupies) becomes saturated. He deduced from these accurate experiments, the following formula, whose results coin- cide perfectly with those deducible from Mr. Dalton's and my experiments on the elastic force of aqueous vapour. When a perfectly dry gas is admitted to moisture, its volume, v, augments, and be- v p comes —£—r; in which ti = the barometric P—J ' altitude, in inches, and/= the elastic force of steam at the given temperature. Hence, 100 cubic inches of dry air, weighing 30.519 grains, become 101.75, when transferred over water at 60°. Therefore, 100 cubic inches of such aeriform matter, standing in a jar on the hydro-pneumatic trough, must consist of, 98.28 cubic inches dry air = 29.99 gr. 1.72 aqueous vapour = 0.327gr. GAS GAS Weight of 100 cubic inches of air, over water at 60° _ 30.3 If gr. For hvdrogen we shall have, 98'.28 inches dry gas - — 2.08157 1.72 aqueous vapour -= 0.32680 Weight of 100 cu. in. moist gas = 2.4o837 Heucu its sp. gr. compared to that of dry 2.40837 air, will be — -|----—= 0.07891, and com- 30.519 2.40837 pared to moist air -= ., , _ = 0 07944. o0.ol7 For chlorine we shall have (making the sp. gr. of tne dry gas = 2.5), 98.28 cubic inches - — 74.9857 1.72 aqueous vapour - — 0.3268 Weight of 100 cu. in. of moist chl. =» 75.3125 Hence, its sp. gr. compared to that of dry air, will be =~ —' , , =» 2.4677, and com- 3o.519 75.3125 pared to moist air =. -—^—— =» 2.48416. 1 30.317 'Sow, the first is almost the density as- signed long ago by M.M. Gav-Lussac and Thenard; on which, if we make the correc- tion for aqueous vapour present in it, on ac- count of this gas never being collecte-d over mercury, we shall have its true specific grav. =— 2.5. Sir H. Davy brought out a num- ber still nearer 2.5, than that of M. G.y- Lussac. His chlorine was probably com- pared with air somewhat moist, and may therefore be considered us readily reducible, by a minute correction, to 2.5. The reason assigned by Dr. Thomson (Annals for Sept. and Oct. 182o,) for the fo-iner erroneous estimates of the sp. gravity of that gas, can- not surely apply to the two first chemists of the age; namely, that the chlorine they pre- pared as the standard of comparison, was impure. I think the true reason is that, which I have now given. For defiant and carbonic oxide gases, we shall have, 98.28 cubic inches - = 29.1564 1.72 vapour - - = 0.3268 Weight of 100 cub. in.of moist gas = 29.4832 Hence, its sp. gr. compared to that of dry 29 4832 air, will be = - 0.966, and to 30.519 29.4832 „ „ moist air = -?---— — 0.9725. 30.317 Dr. Thomson appears to have collected his chlorine, olefiant gas, and carbonic oxide, over water. Hence, his lute results on them, if at 60- F. art erroneous; anil instead of confirming ttie theore ical numbers eled.ici- ble from Higgii.s's atomic doctrine, a.id M. Gay-Lusstc's theory of volumes, they are in- consistent with both. One might suppose that he had prepared his apparatus for measuring gaseous specific gravity, in the workshop of lJiocrustes. But far be it from me, to retort on him, the insinuation which he throws out agairfct M. Thenard in his system of Che- mis.ry, vol. iv. p. 385: "this result ap- proaches so nearly that of Lavoisier (Prout), that there is reason to suspect that the coin- cidence is more than accidental." In fact, Dr. Thomson's present experiments in the above case, would prove a great deal too much. Every result indeed Which he sets down in the above two journal';, is logically deduci- ble from pre-existing facts, and in my appre- hension, dfies not add an iota to the strength of their former evidence. There are many niceties lobe observed, before we can obtain, by experiment, the exact densities of gaseous matter. On this subject the reader may consult, with much advantage, Biot's Traitt de Physique, vol. 1st, where geometry and experiment go hand and hand, notwithstand- ing Dr. Thomson's condemnation of it, in the following words: " Indeed, to be con- vinced of the little utility of mere mathe- matical formulas, towards promoting this sci- ence without the aid of experiment, the reader has only to peruse the chemical part of Biot's Traite de Physique, where he will find abundance of specimens of most elabo- rate mathematical investigations, which leave every subject precisely in the state in which they found it." Annals of Phil, for Sept. 182o. Let me recommend to the doctor, Biot's chapter on the sp. gr. of gases, and not to vilify a book, by the unacknowledged aid of which, he has given an air of origi- nal research to his article Decomposition, in the Supplement to the Enc Brit. 5th edit.* G siuic Juice is separated by glaiide placed between the membranes which line the s-omacn; anel from these it is emitted into the stomach itself. From various experiments it follows: 1. That the gastric juice reduces the ali- ments into a uniform magma, even out of the body, and in vitro; and that it acts in the same manner on the stomach afterdeath; which proves that its effect is chemical, and almost independent of vitality. 2. That the gastric juice effects the solution of the ali- ments included in tubes of metal, and con- sequently defended from any trituration. 3. That though there is no trituration in mem- branous stomachs, this action powerfully as- sists the eliect of ihe digestive juices in ani- mals with a muscular stomach, such as ducks, geese, pigeons, See. Some of these animals, bred up with sufficient care that they might not swallow stones, have nevertheless broken spheres and tubes of metal, blunted lancets, and rounded pieces of glass; which were in- troduced into their stomachs. Spallan/.uni has ascertained, that flesh, included in spheres sufficiently strong to resist the muscular ac- tion, was completely digested. 4. That gastric juice acts by its solvent power, and GEO GEO not as a ferment; because the ordinary and natural digestion is attended with no disen- gagement of air, or inflation, or heat, or, in a word, with any other of the phenomena of fermentation. * Gehlemte. A mineral substance al- fied to Vesuvian. Its colours are olive-green, leek-green, green of other shades, and brown. It occurs crystallized in rectangu- lar four-sided prisms, which are so short as to appear tables. Lustre glistening, often dull. Cleavage imperfect, but three-fold rectangular. Fracture fine splintery. Trans- lucent on the edges. Rather easily frangi- ble. Haider than feldspar, but softer than quartz. Sp. gr. 2. 98. It melts before the blow-pipe into a brownish-yellow transpa- rent glass. It is found along with calcare- ous spar in the valley of Fassa in the Tyrol. Its constituents are, lime 35.5, silica 29.64, alumina 24.8, oxide of iron 6.56, volatile matter 3.3-* Gelatin, Gellt, or Jelly, an animal substance, soluble in water, capable of as- suming a well-known elastic or tremulous consistence by cooling, when the water is not too abundant, and liquefiable again by increasing its temperature. This last pro- perty distinguishes it from albumen, which becomes consistent by heat. It is precipi- tated in an insoluble form by tannin, and it is this action of tannin on gelatin that is the foundation ofthe art of tanning leather. See Glue. * According to the analysis of MM. Gay- lkussac and Thenard gelatin is composed of Carbon, - 47.881 Oxygen, - 27.207 Hydrogen, - 7.914 Azote, - - 16.998 100.000* Gems. This word is used to denote such stones as are considered by mankind as pre- cious. These are the diamond, the ruby, the sapphire, the topaz, the chrysolite, the beryl, the emerald, the hyacinth, the ame- thyst, the garnet, the tourmalin, the opal; and to these may be added, rock crystal, the finer flints of pebbles, the cat's eye, the ocu- lus mundi, or hydrophanes, the chalcedony, the moon-stone, the onyx, the carnelian, the sardonyx, agates, and the Labrador- stone; for which, consult the several articles respectively. Gkodes. A kind of jetites, the hollow of which, instead of a nodule, contains only loose earth, and is commonly lined with crystals: * Geognosy. See Geology* ♦Geology. A description of the struc- ture of the earth. This study may be di- vided, like most others, into two parts; ob- servation and theory. By the first we learn the relative positions of the great rocky or mineral aggregates that compose the crust of our globe; through the second, we endea- vour to penetrate into the causes of these collocations. A valuable work has been lately published, compnhending a view of both parts of the subject, by Mr. Gree-nough, to which I refer my readers for much in- struction, communicated in a very interest- ing manner. The plan of this work permits me merely to give in this place an outline ofthe general arrangement ofthe great mi- neral masses, as ascertained by Werner, and described by Professor Jameson. There is a great class of rocks, which lies under every other, but never over any of them; it is therefore reckoned by Werner the oldest or first formed. It is denomi- nated the primitive class. The rocks belong- ing to this class, have a crystalline appear- ance, inelicating that they have been precipi- tated from a state of chemical solution. They are principally composed of siliceous, argil- laceous, and magnesian earths Granite, gneiss,mica-slate,clay-slate,serpentine, por- phyry, and syenite, are of this kind. Of these, granite is the oldest, and syenite is the new- est. To this succeeds another considerable class of rocks, which Werner denominates transition. In this class, which is principally composed of chemical productions, mechan- ical depositions first make their appear- ance, but in the earlier part, in inconsidera- ble quantity. Limestone first occurs in considerable quantity in this class. Graywacke, graywacke slate, and transi- tion limestone, are the predominating rock9 of this class. Still newer, and consequently lower, than the transition class, is the extensive class of floetz rocks. Here mechanical deposites occur in great quantity, and the proportion of chemical precipitate decreases. The prin- cipal rocks are limestone and sandstone; to these may be added gypsum, salt, and great accumulations of inflammable matter in the state of coal. Still newer and lower is the class of allu- vial rocks, which are almost entirely com- {>osed of mechanical deposites. Sand, clay, oam, and coal, are the principal earthy mas- ses that belong to this class. The newest of all, is the class of volcanic rocks. Different kinds ot lava and tuff in- clude nearly all the variety of rocks belong- ing to this class. in the first class, we observe several rocks always disposed in conformable and unbro- ken stratification, and in which the newer and newer strata, have always a lower and lower level. Gneiss, mica-slate, and clay- slate, are of this kind. The granite stretch- es under them uninterruptedly, and some- times rises up through them, or juts up in the form of single caps or great masses; so that the gneiss, and other rocks, are disposed GEO GEO •n its surface, sometimes in a concave, some- times in a convex direction; sometimes sad- dle shaped, and frequently mantle-shaped. It is evident, from the relations of the stra- ta, that granite will frequently form the greatest heights on the surface of the globe. Porphyry has a very different kind of Stratification from the preceding rocks It occurs sometimes broken, sometimes un- broken. When broken, it presents caps, upfillings, and shield-shaped stratifications. When unbroken, it forms widely extended masses. Its position is unconformable and werlying. Graywacke occurs sometimes in an un- conformable position; also in caps, upfillings, and shield-shaped, and frequently mantle- shaped strata, surrounding the older moun- tains. The limestone and sandstone formations are usually disposed in a manUe-shape around the older formations; sometimes they are bro- ken, but more frequently unbroken. They are very common and widely distributed for- mations. Coal again shows a very peculiar charac- ter. Its original extent is not considerable; it even appears interrupted and broken; but its internal characters show that its present apparently broken appearance is its original one. It occurs commonly in trough and ba- sin-shaped hollows, and its strata have con- sequently a concave direction. The rocks of the neivest floetz-trap forma- tion are distinguished from the older by their unconformable overlying, and broken stratification. In these respects, they nearly agree with porphyry. When the continuity of the formation is broken, it occurs in caps, upfillings, and rarely shield-shaped. Table ofthe different Mountain Rocks. Class I. Primitive rocks. 1. Granite. 2 Gneiss. 3. Mica-slate. 4. Clay-slate. 5. Primitive limestone. 6. Primitive trap. 7. Serpentine. S. Porphyry. 9. Syenite. 10. Topaz-rock. 11. Quartz-rock. 12 Primitive flinty-slate. 13. Primitive gypsum. 14 White-stone. Class II. Transition rocks. 1. Transition limestone. 2. Transition trap. 3. Graywacke. 4. Transition flinty-slate. 5. Transition gypsum. Class III. Floetz rocks. 1. Old red sandstone, or first sandstone for-. mation. 2. First or oldest floetz hmestone. 3. First or oldest floetz gypsum. 4. Second or variegated sandstone forma- tion. 5 Second floetz gypsum. 6. Second floetz limestone. 7. Third floetz limestone. 8. Rock-salt formation. 9. Chalk formation. 10. Floetz-trap formation. 11. Independent coal formation. 12. Newest floetz-trap formation. Class IV. Alluvial rocks. 1. Peat. 2. Sand and gravel. 3. Loam. 4. Bog-iron ore. 5. Nagelfluh. 6. Calctuff. 7. Calc-sinter. Class V. Volcanic rocks. * Pseudo-volcanic rocks. 1. Burnt clay. 2. Porcelain jasper. 3. Earth slag. 4. Columnar clay ironstone. 5. Polier, or polishing slate. ** True volcanic rocks. 1. Ejected stones and ashes. 2. Different kinds of lava. 3. The matter of muddy eruptions. Professor Jameson has lately announced a new volume on geology, which will most probably exhibit some modification of the above arrangements, to which Mr. Gree- nough, and other accurate practical geolo- gists, have made several objections. The ancient history of the globe, which may be regarded as the ultimate object of geological researches, is undoubtedly one of the most curious subjects that can engage the attention of enlightened men. The low- est and most level parts of the earth, whea penetrated to a very great depth, exhibit no- thing but horizontal strata, composed of va- rious substances, and containing almost all of them innumerable marine productions. Similar strata, with the same kind of produc- tions, compose the hills even to a great height. Sometimes the shells are so nume- rous as to constitute the entire body ofthe stratum. They are almost every-where in such a perfect state of preservation, that even he smallest of them retain their most deli- GEO aate parts, their sharpest v'".Ves, and tendep- est processes. Tnev are found in elevations far above the level of every part ofthe ocean, and in plates to which the s a could not be conveyed by am presently existing cause. They are not merdy enclosed in loose s.uul, but are often increased and penetrated on all sides bv the hardest stones. Every part of the earth,every hemisphere, every continent, every island of anv size, exhibits the same phenomenon. We are therefore forcibly led to believe, not only that the sea has at one period or another covered all our plains, but that it must have remained there for a long time, and in a state of tranquility; which circumstance was necessary for the formation of deposites so ext ensive, so thick, in part so solid, and containing exuviae so perft ctly preserved. A nice and scrupulous comparison of the forms, contexture, and composition of these shells, and of those which still inhabit the sea, cannot detect the slightest difference between them. They have therefore once lived in the sea, and been deposited by it; the sea consequently must have rested in the places where the deposition has taken place. Hence it is evi- dent, that the basin or reservoir containing the sea has undergone some change, either in extent, situation, or both. The traces of revolutions become still more apparent and decisive, when we ascend a little higher, and approach nearer to the foot ofthe great chain of mountains. There are still found many beds of shells; some of these are even larger and more solid; the shells are quite as numerous, and as entirely preserved; but they are not of the same species with those which were found in the less elevated regions. The strata which contain them are- not so generally horizon- tal; they have various degrees of inclination, and are sometimes situated vertically. While in the plains and low hills it was necessary to dig eleep in order to detect the succession of the strata; here we perceive them by means ofthe valleys, which time or violence has produced, and which disclose their edges to the eye of the observer. Thus the sea, previous to the formation ofthe horizontal strata, had formed others, which by some means have been broken, lifted up, and overturned in a thousand ways. But the sea has not alway s deposited stony substances of the same kind. It has observed a regular succession as to the na- ture of its deposites; the more ancient the strata are, so much the more uniform and ex- tensive are they; and the more recent they are, the more limited are they, and the more variation is observed in them at small dis- tances. Thus the great catastrophes which have produced revolutions in the basins of the sea, were preceded, accompanied, and followed by changes in the nature of the fluid, and of the substances which it held m GIL solutioa; and when the surface of the sea* came to be divided hy islands and projecting ridges, different changes took place in every separate basin. These irruptions and retreats of the sea have neither been slow nor gradual; most of the catastrophes which have occasioned them have been sudden; and this is easily proved, especially with regard to the last of them, or the Mosa'ic deluge, the traces of which are very conspicuous. In the northern regions it has left the carcases of some large quadru- peds, which the ice had arrested, and winch are preserved even to the present day, with their skin, their hair, and their flesh. If they had not been frozen as soon as killed, they must have been quickly decomposed by putrefaction. But this perpetual frost could not have taken possession of the regions which these animals inhabited, except by the same cause which elestroyed them; this cause must therefore have been as sudden as its effect. The two most remarkable pheno- mena of this kind, and which must for ever banish all idea of a slow and gradual revolu- tion, are the rhinoceros, eiiscovered in 1771 on the banks of the Vilhoui, and the ele- phant, recently found by M. Adams near the mouth of the Sena. This last retained its flesh and skin, on which was hair of two kinds; one short, fine, and crisped, resemb- ling wool; and the other like bristles. The flesh was still in such high preservation, that it was eaten by dogs. Every part of the globe bears the impress of these great and terrible events so distinctly, that they must be visible to all who are qualified to read their history in the remains which they have left behind.—See Cuvier's Tlieory of the Earth. 1 shall conclude this article by stating, that this naturalist, the most learned of the present day, as well as Dolomieu, Deluc, and Greenough, concur in thinking that not above 5000 or 6000 years have elapsed since the period of the deluge, which arrets with the Mosaic epoch of that catastrophe.* * Germination. The vital developement of a seed, when it first begins to grow.* Gilding. The art of covering the sur- faces of bodies with gold. The gold prepared for painting is called shell-gold or gold-powder, and may be ob- tained by amalgamating one part of gold with eight of quicksilver, and afterward eva- porating the latter, A'hich leaves the gold in the form of powder; or otherwise the metal may be reduceel to powder by mechanical trituration. For this purpose, gold leaf must be ground with honey or strong gum-water for a long time; and when the powder is sufficiently fine, the honey or gum may be washed off with water. For cold gilding by friction, a fine linen rag is steeped in a saturated solution of gold titt it has entirely imbibed the liquor; this GIL GIL rag is then dried over a fire, and afterward burned to tinder. Now, when any thing is to be gilded, it must be previously well bur- nished; a piece of cork is then to be dipped, first into a solution of salt in water, and af- terward into the black powder; and the piece, after it is burnished, rubbed with it. For water gilding, the solution of gold may be evaporated till it is of an oily con- sistence, suffered to crystallize, and the crys- tals dissolved in water be employed instead of the acid solution. If this be copiously diluted with alcohol, a piece of clean iron will be gilded by being steeped therein. Or add to the solution about three times its quantity of sulphuric ether, which will soon take up the nitro-muriate of gold, leaving the acid colourless at the bottom ofthe ves- sel, which must then be drawn off. Steel dipped into the ethereal solution for a mo- ment, and instantly washed in clean water, will be completely and beautifully covered with gold. The surface of the steel must be well polished, and wiped very clean. For the method called Grecian gilding, equal parts of sal ammoniac and corrosive sublimate are dissolved in nitric acid, and a solution of gold is made in this menstruum; upon this the solution is somewhat concen- trated, and applied to the surface of silver, which becomes quite black; but on being exposed to a red heat, it assumes die ap- pearance of gilding. The method of gilding silver, brass, or copper, by an amalgam, is as follows: Eight parts of mercury, and one of gold, are incor- porated together by heating them in a cruci- ble. As soon as the gold is perfectly dis- solved, the mixture is poured into cold wa- ter, and is then ready for use. Before the amalgam can be laid upon the surface of the metal, this last is brushed over with dilute aquafortis, in which it is of ad- vantage that some mercury may have been dissolved. Some artists then wash the me- tal in fair water, and scour it a little with fine sand, previous to the application ofthe gold; but others apply it to the metal while still wet with the aquafortis. But in either case the amalgam must be laid on as uni- formly as possible, and spread very evenly with a brass-wire brush, wetted from time to time with fair water. The piece is then laid upon a grate, over a charcoal fire, or in a small oven or furnace adapted to this pur- pose. The heat drives off the mercury, and leaves the gold behind. Its defects are then seen, and may be remedied by successive applications of more amalgam, and addi- tional application of heat. The expert ar- tists however, make these additional appli- cations while the piece remains in the fur- nace, though the practice is said to be highly noxious on account of the mercurial fumes. After this it is rubbed with gilder's wax, which may consist of four ounces of bees' wax, one ounce of verdigris, and one ounce Vol. II. of sulphate of copper; then expose it to a red heat, which burns off the wax; and, lastly, the work is cleared with the scratch brush, and burnished, if necessary, with a steel tool. The use of the wax seems to consist merely in covering defects, by the diffusion of a quantity of red oxide of cop- per, which is left behind after the burning. The gilding of iron by mere heat is per- formed by cleaning and polishing its sur- face, and then heating it till it has acquired a blue colour. When this has been done, the first layer of gold leaf is put on, slightly burnished down, and exposed to a gentle fire. It is usual to give three such layers, or four at the most, each consisting of a single leaf for common works, or two for extraordinary ones. The heating is repeat- ed at each layer, and last of all the work is burnished. The gilding of buttons is done in the fol- lowing way: When the buttons, which are of copper, are made, they are dipped into dilute nitric acid to clean them, and then burnished with a hard black stone. They are then put into a nitric solution of mer- cury, and stirred about with a brush, till they are quite white. An amalgam of gold and mercury is then put into an earthen vessel with a small quantity of dilute nitric acid, and in this mixture the buttons are stirred, till the gold attaches to their sur- face. They are then heated over the fire, till the mercury begins to run, when they are thrown into a large cap made of coarse wool and goat's hair, and in this they are stirred about with a brush. The mercury is then volatilized by heating over the fire in a pan, to the loss of the article, and in- jury of the workmen's health; though the greater part might be recovered, with less injury to the operators. By act of parlia- ment, a gross of buttons, of an inch diame- ter, are required to have five grains of gold on them; but many are deficient even of this small quantity. Painting with gold upon porcelain or glass is done with the powder of gold, which remains behind after distilling, the aqua regia from a solution of that metal. It is laid on with borax and gum-water, burned in, and polished. The gilding of glass is commonly effected by covering the part with a solution of borax, and applying gold leaf upon it, which is afterwards fixed by burning. Gilding in oil is performed by means of a paint sold under the name of gold size. It consists of drying oil, (that is to say, lin- seed oil boiled upon litharge), and mixed with yellow ochre. It is said to improve in its quality by keeping. This is laid upon the work; and when it has become so dry as to adhere to the fingers without soiling them, the gold leaf is laid on, and pressed 12 GLA GLA down with cotton. This method of gild- ing is proper for work intended to be ex- posed to the weather. The method of gilding in burnished gold consists in covering the work with parch- ment size and whiting, thinly laid on at five or six different times. This is covered with a yellow size made of Armenian bole, a little wax, and some parchment size; but in this, as in most other compositions used in the arts, there are variations which de- pend on the skill or the caprice of the ar- tists. When the size is dry, the gold is applied upon the surface previously wet- ted with clear water. A certain number of hours after this application, but previ- ous to the perfect hardening of the com- position, the gold may be very highly bur- nished with a tool of agate made for this purpose. This gilding is fit only for work within doors; for it readily comes off upon being wetted. The edges of the leaves of books are gilded by applying a composition of one part Armenian bole, and one quarter of a part of sugar-candy, ground together with white of eggs. This is burnished while the book remains in the press, and the gold is laid on by means of a little water. Leather is gilded either with leaf-brass or silver, but most commonly by the latter, in which case a gold coloured varnish is laid over the metal. Tin-foil may be used instead of silver leaf for this less perfect gilding upon such works as do not possess flexibility. • Glass. Most of the treatises, which I have seen on the manufacture of glass, illustrate a well known position, that it is easy to write a large volume, which shall communicate no definite information. There are five distinct kinds of glass at present manufactured:— 1. Flint glass, or glass of lead. 2. Plate glass, or glass of pure soda. 3. Crown glass, the best window-glass. 4. Broad glass, a coarse window-glass. 5. Bottle, or coarse green glass. 1. Flint Glass, so named because the sili- ceous ingredient was originally employed in the form of ground flints. It is now made of the following composition:— Purified Lynn sand, 100 parts Litharge or red lead, 60 Purified pearl ash, 30 To correct the green colour derived from combustible matter, or oxide of iron, a lit- tle black oxide of manganese is added, and sometimes nitre and arsenic The fusion is accomplished usually in about thirty hours. 2. Plate Glass. Good carbonate of soda procured by decomposing common salt with pearl ash, is employed as the flux. The proportion of the materials is, Pure sand,......430 Dry subcarbonate of soda, - 26.5 Pure quicklime, - - - - 4. Nitre,........1-5 Broken plate* glass, - - - 25.0 100.0 About seventy parts of good plate glass may be run off from these materials. 3. Crown, or fine Window-glass. This is made of sand vitrified by the impure baril- la, manufactured by incineration of sea- weed, on the Scotch and Irish shores. The most improved composition, is By measure. By weight. Fine sand purified, 5 200 Best kelp ground, 11 330 These ingredients are mixed, and then thrown into the fritting arch, where the sulphur of the kelp is dissipated, and the matters are thoroughly incorporated, form- ing, when withdrawn at the end of four hours, a grayish-white tough mass, which is cut into brick-shaped pieces, and after concretion and cooling, piled up for use. By long keeping, a soda efflorescence forms on their surface. They are then supposed to have become more valuable. These bricks are put into the melting pots, and sometimes a proportion of common salt is thrown in towards the end of the opera- tion, if the vitrification has been imperfect. Under the article sulphate of soda, in this Dictionary, retained from the old edition, there is the following sentence: " Pajot des Charmes has made some experiments on it in fabricating glass; with sand alone, it would not succeed, but equal parts of car- bonate of lime, sand, and dried sulphate of soda, produced a clear, solid, pale-yel- low glass." In the Annals of Philosophy for Jan. 1817, we find the following notice from Schweigger's Journal, xv. 89.: Geh- len, some time before his death, was occu- pied with experiments on the preparation of glass, by means of sulphate of soda. Professor Schweigger has lately published the result of his trials. He found that the following proportions were the best:— Sand, 100 Dry sulphate of soda, - 50 Dry quicklime in powder, 17 to 20 Charcoal, - - - 4 This mixture always gives a very good glass without any addition whatever. Dur- ing the fusion, the sulphuric acid is decom- posed and drawn off, and the soda unites with the silica. The sulphate of soda vi- trifies very imperfectly, when mixed alone with the silica. The vitrification succeeds better when quicklime is added, and it succeeds completely, when the proportion of charcoal in the formula is added; be- cause the sulphuric acid is thereby de- GLA GLA composed and dissipated. This decom- position may be either effected during the making of the glass, or before, at the plea- sure of the workmen. 4. Broad Glass. This is made of a mix- ture of soap boilers' waste, kelp, and sand. The first ingredient consists of lime used for rendering the alkali of the soap boiler caustic, the insoluble matter of his kelp or barilla, and a quantity of salt and wa- ter, all in a pasty state. The proportions necessarily vary. 2 of the waste, 1 of kelp, and 1 of sand, form a pretty good broad glass. They are mixed together, dried, and fritted. 5. Bottle Glass is the coarsest kind. It is made of soaper's waste and river sand, in proportions which practice must deter- mine according to the qualtity of the waste; some soap boilers extracting more saline matter, and others less from their kelps. Common sand and lime, with a little common clay and sea salt, form a cheap mixture for bottle glass.* As far as observation has hitherto direc- ted us, it appears to be a general rule, that the hardness, brittleness, elasticity, and other mechanical properties of congealed bodies, are greatly affected by the degree of rapidity with which they assume the solid state. This, which no doubt is re- ferable to the property of crystallization, and its various modes, is remarkably seen in steel and other metals, and seems to obtain in glass. When a drop of glass is suffered to fall into water, it is found to possess the remarkable property of flying into minute pieces, the instant a small part of the tail is broken off. This, which is commonly distinguished by the name of Prince Rupert's drop, is similar to the phi- losophical phial; which is a small vessel of thick glass suddenly cooled by exposure to the air. Such a vessel possesses the property of flying in pieces, when the smallest piece of flint or angular pebble is let fall into it, though a leaden bullet may be dropped into it from some height with- out injury. Many explanations have been offered, to account for these and other si- milar appearances, by referring to a sup- posed mechanism or arrangement of the particles, or sudden confinement of the matter of heat. The immediate cause, however, appears to be derived from the fact, that the dimensions of bodies sud- denly cooled remain larger, than if the re- frigeration had been more gradual. Thus the specific gravity of steel hardened by sudden cooling in water is less, and its di- mensions consequently greater than that of the same steel gradually cooled. It is more than probable, that an effect of the same nature obtains in glass; so that the dimensions of the external and suddenly- cooled surface remain laiger than are suit- ed to the accurate envelopement of the in- terior part, which is more slowly cooled. In most of the metals, the degree of flexi- bility they possess, must be sufficient to remedy this inaccuracy as it takes place; but in glass, which, though very elastic and flexible, is likewise excessively brittle, the adaptation of the parts, urged different ways by their disposition to retain their respective dimensions and likewise to re- main in contact, by virtue of the cohesive attraction, can be maintained only by an elastic yielding of the whole, as far as may be, which will therefore remain in a state of tension. It is not therefore to be won- dered at, that a solution of continuity of any part of the surface should destroy this equilibrium of elasticity; and that the sud- den action of all the parts at once, of so brittle a material, should destroy the con- tinuity of the whole, instead of producing an equilibrium of any other kind. Though the facts relating to this dispo- sition of glass too suddenly cooled, are numerous and interesting to the philoso- pher, yet they constitute a serious evil with respect to the uses of this excellent material. The remedy of the glass-maker consists in annealing the several articles, which is done by placing them in a furnace, near the furnace of fusion. The glasses are first put into the hottest part of this furnace, and gradually removed to the cooler parts at regular intervals of time. By this means the glass cools very slowly throughout, and is in a great measure free from the defects of glass which has been too hastily cooled. M. Reaumur was the first who made any direct experiments upon the conversion of glass into porcelain. Instances of this ef- fect may be observed among the rubbish of brick-kilns, where pieces of green bot- tles are not unfrequently subjected by ac- cident, to the requisite heat; but the di- rect process is as follows: A vessel of green glass is to be filled up to the top with a mixture of white sand and gypsum, and then set in a large crucible upon a quantity of the same mixture, with which the glass vessel must also be surrounded and covered over, and the whole pressed down rather hard. The crucible is then to be covered with a lid, the junctures well luted, and put into a potter's kiln, where it must remain during the whole time that the pottery is baking; after which, the glass vessel will be found transformed in- to a milk-white porcelain, The glass, on fracture, appears fibrous, as if it were com- posed merely of silken threads laid by the side of each other: it has also quite lost the smooth and shining appearance of glass, is very hard, and emits sparks of fire when struck with steel; though not so briskly as real porcelain. Lewis observed, GLA that the above-mentioned materials have not exclusively this effect upon glass; but that powdered charcoal, soot, tobacco-pipe clay, and bone-ashes, produce the same change. It is remarkable, that the sur- rounding sand becomes in some measure agglutinated by this process, which, if continued for a sufficient length of time, entirely destroys the texture of the glass, and renders it pulverulent. The ancient stained glass has been much admired, and beautiful paintings on this substance have been produced of late years. The colours are of the nature of those used in enamelling, and the glass should have no lead in its composition. Mr. Brongniart has made many experiments on this subject. The purple of Cassius, mixed with six parts of a flux, composed of borax, and glass made with silex and lead, produces a very beautiful violet, but liable to turn blue. Red oxide of iron, prepared by means of the nitric acid and subsequent exposure to fire, and mixed with a flux of borax, sand, and a small portion of minium, produces a fine red. Muriate of silver, oxide of zinc, white clay, and the yellow oxide of iron, mixed together without any flux, produce a yel- low, light or deep, according to the quan- tity laid on, and equal in beauty to that of the ancients. A powder remains on the surface after baking, which may easily be cleaned off. Blue is produced by oxide of cobalt, with a flux of silex, potash, and lead. To produce a green, blue must be put on one side of the glass, and yellow on the other; or a blue may be mixed with yellow oxide of iron. Black is made by a mixture of blue with the oxides of man- ganese and iron. The bending of the glass, and alteration of the colours, in baking, are particularly to be avoided, and require much care. Gypsum has been recommended for their support, but this frequently renders the glass white, and cracked in all directions, probably from the action of the hot sul- phuric acid on the alkali in the glass. Mr. Brongniart placed his plates of glass, some of them much larger than any ever before painted, on very smooth plates of earth or porcelain unglazed, which he found to answer extremely well. * Glauber Salt. Native sulphate of soda. Its colours are grayish and yellow- ish-white. It occurs in mealy efflores- cences, prismatic crystals, and imitative shapes. Lustre vitreous. Cleavage three- fold. Fracture conchoidal. Soft. Brit- tle. Sp. gr. 2.2 to 2.3. Taste at first cool- ing, then saline and bitter. Its solution does not, like that of Epsom salt, afford a precipitate with an alkali. Its constituents are, sulphate of soda 67; carbonate of soda 16J-; muriate of soda 11; carbonate of lime GLU 5.64. It occurs along with rock salt and Epsom salt, on the borders of salt lakes, and dissolved in the waters of lakes and the ocean; in efflorescences on moorish ground; also on sandstone, marl-slate, and walls. It is found at Eger in Bohemia, on meadow-ground, as an efflorescence, and in galleries of mines in several places.*— Jameson. * Glauberite. Colours grayish-white, and wine-yellow. Crystallized in very low oblique four-sided prisms, the lateral edges of which are 104° 28', and 75° 32'. Lateral planes transversely streaked; ter- minal planes smooth. Shining. Fracture foliated or conchoidal. Softer than calca- reous spar. Transparent. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.7- It decrepitates before the blow- pipe, and melts into white enamel. In wa- ter it becomes opaque, and is partly solu- ble. Its constituents are, dry sulphate of lime 49; dry sulphate of soda 51. It is found imbedded in rock-salt, at Villaruba, near Ocana, in New Castile in Spain.*— Jameson. Glazing. See Pottery. Glimmer. A name occasionally applied to micaceous earths. * Gliadine. See Gluten.* Glucina. This earth was discovered by Vauquelin, first in the aqua marina, and af'terward in the emerald, in the winter of 1798. Its name is derived from its distin- guishing character of forming with acids, salts that are sweet to the taste. The fol- lowing is his method of obtaining it:— Let 1Q0 parts of beryl, or emerald, be re. duced to a fine powder, and fused in a sil- ver crucible with 300 of pure potash. Let the mass be diffused in water, and dissol- ved by adding muriatic acid. Evaporate the solution, taking care to stir it toward the end: mix the residuum with a large quantity of water, and filter, to separate the silex. Precipitate the filtered liquor, which contains the muriates of alumina and glucina, with carbonate of potash; wash the precipitate, and dissolve it in sul- phuric acid. Add a certain quantity of sulphate of potash, evaporate, and crystals of alum will be obtained. When no more alum is afforded by adding sulphate of pot- ash and evaporating, add solution of car- bonate of ammonia in excess, shake the mixture well, and let it stand some hours, till the glucina is redissolved by the ex- cess of carbonate of ammonia, and nothing but the alumina remains at the bottom of the vessel. Filter the solution, evapo- rate to dryness, and expel the acid from the carbonate of glucina, by slight ignition in a crucible. Tims 15 or 16 per cent of pure glucina will be obtained. Glucina thus obtained, is a white, soft powder, light, insipid, and adhering to the tongue. It does not change vegetable GLU GLU blues. It does not harden, shrink, or ag- glutinate by heat; and is infusible. It is insoluble in water, but forms with it a slightly ductile paste. It is dissolved by potash, soda, and carbonate of ammonia; but not by pure ammonia. It unites with sulphuretted hydrogen. Its salts have a saccharine taste, with somewhat of astrin- gency. * Sir H. Davy's researches have rendered it more than probable, that glucina is a compound of oxygen and a peculiar metal- lic substance, which may be called gluci- num. By heating it along with potassium, the latter was converted for the most part into potash, and dark coloured particles, having a metallic appearance, were found diffused through the mass, which regained the earthy character by being heated in the air, and by the action of water. In this last case, hydrogen was slowly disengaged. According to Sir H. Davy, the prime equi- valent of glucina would be 3.6 on the oxy- gen scale, and that of glucinum 2.6. These are very nearly the equivalents of lime, and calcium. From the composition of the sulphate, Berzelius infers the equivalent to be 3.2, and that of its basis 2.2.» Glue. An inspissated jelly made from the parings of hides and other offals, by boiling them in water, straining through a wicker basket, suffering the impurities to subside, and then boiling it a second time. The articles should first be digest- ed in lime-water, to cleanse them from grease and dirt; then steeped in water, stirring them well from time to time; and lastly, laid in a heap, to have the water pressed out, before they are put into the boiler. Some recommend, that the water should be kept as nearly as possible to a boiling heat, without suffering it to enter into ebullition. In this state it is poured into flat frames or moulds, then cut into square pieces when congealed, and after- ward dried in a coarse net. It is said to improve by age; and that glue is reckoned the best, which swells considerably with- out dissolving by three or fdur days infu- sion in cold water, and recovers its former dimensions and properties by drying. Shreds or parings of vellum, parchment, or white leather, make a clear and almost colourless glue. Gluten (Vegetable). If wheat-flour be made into a paste, and washed in a large quantity of water, it is separated in- to three distinct substances; a mucilagi- nous saccharine matter, which is readily dissolved in the liquor, and may be sepa- rated from it by evaporation; starch, which is suspended in the fluid, and subsides to the bottom by repose; and gluten, which remains in the hand, and is tenacious, very ductile, somewhat elastic, and of a brown- gray colour. The first of these substan- ces does not essentially differ from other saccharine mucilages. The second, name- ly, the starch, forms a gluey fluid by boil- ing in water, though it is scarcely, if at alL acted upon by that fluid when cold. Its habitudes and products with the fire, or with nitric acid, are nearly the same as those of gum and of sugar. It appears to be as much more remote from the saline state than gum, as gum is more remote from that state than sugar. The vegetable gluten, though it existed before the washing, in the pulverulent form, and has acquired its tenacity and ad- hesive qualities from the water it has im- bibed, is nevertheless totally insoluble in this fluid. It has scarcely any taste. When dry, it is semi-transparent, and resembles glue in its colour and appearance. If it be drawn out thin, when first obtained, it may be dried by exposure to the air; but if it be exposed to warmth and moisture while wet, it putrefies like an animal substance. The dried gluten applied to the flame of a candle, crackles, swells, and burns ex- actly like a feather, or piece of horn. It affords the same products by destructive distillation as animal matters do; is not soluble in alcohol, oils, or ether, and is acted upon by acids and alkalis, when heat- ed. According to Rouelle, it is the same with the caseous substance of milk. * Gluten of Wheat.—M.Taddey, an Italian chemist, has lately ascertained that the gluten of wheat may be decomposed into two principles, which he has distinguished by the names, gliadine (from yxia. gluten), and zimome (from pv/u» ferment). They are obtained in a separate state by kneading the fresh gluten in successive portions of alcohol, as long as that liquid continues to become milky, when diluted with water. The alcohol solutions being set aside, gradually deposite a whitish matter, con- sisting of small filaments of gluten, and be- come perfectly transparent. Being now left to slow evaporation, the gliadine re- mains behind, of the consistence of honey, and mixed with a little yellow resinous matter, from which it may be freed, by di- gestion in sulphuric ether, in which glia- dine is not sensibly soluble. The portion of the gluten not dissolved by the alcohol is the zimome. Properties of Gliadine.—When dry, it has a straw-yellow colour, slightly trans- parent, and in thin plates, brittle, having a slight smell, similar to that of honeycomb, and, when slightly heated, giving out an odour similar to that of boiled apples. In the mouth, it becomes adhesive, and has a sweetish and balsamic taste. It is pretty soluble in boiling alcohol, which loses its transparency in proportion as it cools, and then retains only a small quantity in solu- tion. It forms a kind of varnish in those GOL GOL bodies to which it is applied. It softens, but does not dissolve in cold distilled wa- ter. At a boiling heat it is converted into froth, and the liquid remains slightly milky. It is specifically heavier than water. The alcoholic solution of gliadine be- comes milky, when mixed with water, and is precipitated in white flocks by the alka- line carbonates. It is scarcely affected by the mineral and vegetable acids. Dry glia- dine dissolves in caustic alkalis and in acids. It swells upon red-hot coals, and then contracts in the manner of animal sub- stances. It burns with a pretty lively flame, and leaves behind it a light spongy charcoal, difficult to incinerate. Gliadine, in some respects, approaches the proper- ties of resins; but differs from them in be- ing insoluble in sulphuric ether. It is very sensibly affected by the infusion of nut-galls. It is capable of itself of under- going a slow fermentation, and produces fermentation in saccharine substances. From the flour of barley, rye, or oats, no gluten can be extracted, as from that of wheat, probably because they contain too small a quantity.* See Zimome. • Gneiss. A compound rock, consist- ing of feldspar, quartz, and mica, disposed in slates, from the predominance of the mica scales. Its structure is called by Werner, granular-slaty. This geognostic formation is always stratified; contains sometimes crystals of schorl, tourmaline, and garnet, and is peculiarly rich in me- tallic ores.* Gold is a yellow metal, of specific gra- vity 19.3. It is soft, very tough, ductile, and malleable; unalterable and fixed, whe- ther exposed to the atmosphere, or to the strongest heat of furnaces. Powerful burn- ing mirrors have volatilized it; and it has been driven up in fumes, in the metallic state, by flame urged upon it by a stream of oxygen gas. The electric shock con- verts it into a purple oxide, as may be seen by transmitting that commotion through gold leaf, between two plates of glass; or by causing the explosive spark of three or more square feet of coated glass, to fall upon a gilded surface. A heat of 32° W. or perhaps 1300° F. is required to melt it, which does not happen till after ignition. Its colour when melted, is of a bluish-green; and the same colour is exhibited, by light transmitted through gold leaf. The limits of the ductility and mallea- bility of gold are not known. The method of extending gold used by the gold-beaters, consists in hammering a number of thin rolled plates between skins or animal membranes. By the weight and measure ofthe best wrought gold leaf, it is found, that one grain is made to cover 56f square inches; and from the specific gravi- ty of the metal, together with this admea- surement, it follows that the leaf itself is 5T*V?To" Part °f w inch thick. This, how- ever, is not the limit of the malleability of gold; for the gold-beaters find it necessary to add three grains of copper in the ounce to harden the gold, which otherwise would pass round the regularities of the newest skins, and not over them; and in using the old skins, which are not so perfect and smooth, they proceed so far as to add twelve grains. The wire which is used by the lacemakers, is drawn from an ingot of sil- ver, previously gilded. In this way, from the known diameter of the wire, or breadth when flattened, and its length, together with the quantity of gold used, it is found, by computation, that the covering of gold is only one 12th part of the thickness of gold-leaf, though it is still so perfect as to exhibit no cracks when viewed by a mi- croscope. No acid acts readily upon gold but aqua regia, and aqueous chlorine. Chromic acid added to the muriatic, enables it to dis- solve gold. The small degree of concentration, of which aqueous chlorine is susceptible, and the imperfect action of the latter acids, render aqua regia the most convenient sol- vent for this metal. When gold is immersed in aqua regia, an effervescence takes place; the solution tinges animal matters of a deep purple, and corrodes them. By careful evaporation, fine crystals of a topaz colour are obtained. The gold is precipitated from its solvent, by a great number of substances. Lime and magnesia precipitate it in the form of a yellowish powder. Alkalis exhibit the same appearance; but an excess of alkali redissolves the precipitate. The precipi- tate of gold obtained from aqua regia by the addition of a fixed alkali, appears to be a true oxide, and is soluble in the sul- phuric, nitric, and muriatic acids; from which, however, it separates by standing, or by evaporation of the acids. Gallic acid pre - ♦•„ „m \ Ked matter, 6 By muriatic acid ) Carbonate ^f lime> 2 Oxide of iron and alumina, 2 Silica, 3 Pure indigo, 45 100 When commercial indigo is exposed to a heat of about 400° F. it evolves a beautiful crimson smoke, which may be condensed in crystalline needles, which are supposed to be pure indigo. The blue vat ofthe dyer contains indigo deoxidized by protoxide of iron, and rendered soluble in its yellow-green state by lime-water. If a portion of this so- lution be exposed in the air, in a shallow vessel, the indigo will speedily absorb oxy- gen, and precipitate in its usual state of an insoluble blue powder. This being dried, and digested in a mixture of alcohol and muriatic acid, becomes also pure indigo, by the abstraction of all the resin and lime. In this state, it is a soft powder, of an intense. ly deep blue, verging sometimes on purple. It is unchangeable by the air. Every sub- stance which has a great affinity for oxygen, when digested with indigo, deprives it of the blue colour, and converts it, either perma- nently or for a time, to a yellow or greenish- yellow hue. Thus, if into the sulphate of indigo above described, are put a few pieces of iron or zinc, the nascent hydrogen seizes its oxygen, and discolours it. Sulphuric acid, rendered smoking by a little sul- phurous acid, is a better solvent of indigo tlian pure oil of vitriol. By boiling a lit- tle sulphur in this, its solvent power is improved. Nitric acid, digested on indigo, converts it into Mr. Hatchett's artificial tan- nin, a bitter principle, with oxalic and ben- zoic acids. When indigo is mixed with liquid fer- mentable materials, it is speedily deoxidized Bergmann showed long ago, that no gas, ex- cept carbonic acid, was disengaged from the distillation of indigo in close vessels. This seems to coincide with Dr. Thomson's late analysis, in which he exposed pure indi- go to the action of ignited peroxide of cop- per, and collected the gaseous products, which led him to assign the following as its composition:— Oxygen, Carbon, Azote, 46.154 40.384 13.462 100.000 By water The total want of hydrogen in Uiis vege- table substance, is a veiy singular and inter- esting result. He says, that indigo, in the INK INK state of a greenish-yellow soluble pigment, is composed of 5 atoms Oxvgen, 5.00 7 Carbon, 5.25 1 Azote, 1.75 12.00 The addition of a single atom of oxvgen, renders the pigment blue and insoluble. " Thus," adds he," indigo exhibits a striking refutation of the old notion, that acidity is owing to the union of oxygen with an acidi- fiable basis. Blue indigo approaches much nearer to the nature of a salifiable base, than an acid; but deoxidized indigo, seems to possess acid powers, for it becomes capable of uniting with alkalis, and alkaline earths." Annals of Philosophy for June 1820.* Ink. Every liquor or pigment used for writing or printing, is distinguished by the name of ink. Common practice knows only black and red. Of black ink there are three principal kinds: 1. Indian ink; 2. Printer's ink; and, 3. Writing ink. The Indian ink is used in China for writ- ing with a brush, and for painting upon the soft flexible paper of Chinese manufacture. It is ascertaineel, as well from experiment as from information, that the cakes of this ink are made of lampblack and size, or animal glue, with the addition of perfumes or other substances not essential to its quality as an ink. The fine soot from the flame of a lamp or candle, received by holding a plate over it, mixed with clean size from shreds of parch- ment or glove-leather not dyed, will make an ink equal to that imported. Good printer's ink is a black paint, smooth and uniform in its composition, of a firm black colour, and possesses a singular aptitude to adhere to paper thoroughly impregnated with moisture. The consistence and tenacity ofthe oil in this composition are greatly increased, and its greasiness diminished, by means of fire, Linseed oU or nut oil is made choice of for this use. The nut oil is supposed to be the best, and is accordingly preferred for the black ink, though the darker colour it ac- quires from the fire renders it less fit for the red. It is said, that the other expressed oils cannot be sufficiently freed from their unc- tuous quality. Ten or twelve gallons of the oil are set over the fire in an iron pot, capable of hold- ing at least half as much more; for the oil swells up greatly, and its boiling over into the fire would be very dangerous. When it boils, it is kept stirring with an iron ladle; and if it do not itself take fire, it is kindled with a piece of flaming paper or wood; for simple boiling, without the actual accension ofthe oil, does not communicate asufticient degree ofthe drying quality required. The oil is suffered to burn for half an hour or more, and the flame being then extinguish- ed by covering the vessel close, the boiling is afterward continued with a gentle heat, till the oil appears of a proper consistence; in which state it is called varnish. It is ne- cessary to have two kinds of this varnish, a thicker and a thinner, from the greater or less boiling, to be occasionally mixed to- gether, as different purposes may require; that which answers well in hot weather be- ing too thick in cold, and large characters not requiring so stiff an ink as small ones. The thickest varnish, when cold, may be drawn into threads like weak glue; by which criterion the workmen judge of the due boil- ing, small quantities being from time to time taken out and dropped upon a tile for this purpose. It is very viscid and tenacious, like the soft resinous juices, or thick turpen- tine. Neither water nor alcohol dissolves it; but it readily enough mingles with fresh oil, and unites with mucilages into a mass diffusible in water in an emulsive form. Boiling with caustic alkali produces a soapy compound. It is by washing with hot soap- lees and a brush that the printers clean their types. The oil loses from one-tenth to one- eighth of its weight by the boiling into the. thick varnish. It is affirmed, that varnish containing ei- ther turpentine or litharge, particularly the latter, is more adhesive than other varnish, and presents a great difficulty in cleaning the types, which soon become clogged. Very old oil requires neither of these additions. New oil can hardly be brought into a pro- per state for drying, so as not to set off, without the use of turpentine. Lampblack is the common material to give the black colour, of which two ounces and a half are sufficient for sixteen ounces of the varnish. Vermilion is a good red. They are ground together on a stone with a muller, in the same manner as oil paints. The ink used by copperplate printers dif- fers in the oil, which is not so much boiled as to acquire the adhesive quality. This would render it less disposed to enter the cavities ofthe engraving, and more difficult either to be spread or wiped off. The black is Ukewise of a different kind. Instead of lampblack, or sublimed charcoal, the Frank- fort black is used, which is a residual or den- ser charcoal, said to be made from vine-twigs. This is softer and less gritty than the ivory or other blacks prepared among us, and, no doubt, contains more coal than any animal residue, as all these abound with phosphate of lime. It is said, that lampblack gives always a degree of toughness to the ink, which the Frankfort black does not, but the goodness of the colour seems to be the lead- ing inducement for the use of the latter. A pale or brown black can be much more ea- sily endured in a book, than in the impres- sion of an engraving. INK INK We have no good explanation of what happens with regard to the chemical effect of boiling and burning upon the oil for print- ers' use. Common ink for writing is made by add- ing an infusion or decoction of the nut-gall to sulphate of iron, dissolved in water. A very fine black precipitate is thrown down, the speedy subsidence of which is prevented by the addition of a proper quantity of gum- arabic. This is usually accounted for by the superior affinity of the gallic acid, which, combining with the iron, takes it from the sulphuric, and falls down. But it appears as if this were not the simple state of the facts; for the sulphuric acid in ink is not so far disengaged as to act speedily upon fresh iron, or give other manifestations of its pre- sence in an uncombined state. According to Deyeux, the iron in ink is partly in the state of a gallate. M. Ribaucourt paid particular attention to the process for making black ink, and from his experiments he draws the following inferences:—That logwood is a useful in- gredient in ink, because its colouring matter is disposed to unite with the oxide of iron, and renders it not only of a very dark co- lour, but less capable of change from the ac- tion of acids, or of the air. Sulphate of cop- per, in a certain proportion, gives depth and firmness to the colour ef the ink. Gum-ara- bic, or any other pure gum, is of service, by retarding the precipitation ofthe feculx: by preventing the ink from spreading or sink- ing into the paper; and by aff'oraing it a kind of compact varnish, or defence from the air when dry. Sugar appears to have some bad qualities, but is of use in giving a de- gree of fluidity to the ink, which permits the dose of gum to be enlarged beyond what the ink would bear without it. Water is the best solvent. Lewis had supposed, that the defects of ink arise chiefly from a want of colouring matter. But the theory, grounded on the fact discovered by M Ribaucourt, requires that none ofthe principles should be in ex- cess. It is doubtful whether the principles of the galls, be well extracted by maceration; and it is certain, that inks made in this way flow pale from the pen, and are not of so eleep a black as those wherein strong boil- ing is recurred to. From all the foregoing considerations M. R. gives these directions for the composition of good ink:— Take eight ounces of Aleppo galls fin coarse powder;) four ounces of logwood (in thin chips;) four ounces of sulphate of iron; three ounces of gum-arabic (in powder;) one ounce of sulphate of copper; and one ounce of sugar-candy. Boil the galls and logwood together in twelve pounds of wa- fer for one hour, or till half the liquid has evaporated. Strain the decoction through a hair sieve, or linen cloth, anel then add the other ingredients. Stir the mixture, till the whole is dissolveei, more especially the gum; after which, leave it to subside for twenty. four hours. Then decant the ink, and pre- serve it in bottles of glass or stone ware, well corked. Many recommend, that the sulphate of iron should be calcined to whiteness. Mr. Desor- meaux, jun. an ink manufacturer in Spital- fields, has given the following in the Philo- sophical Magazine, as the result of much experience:—Boil four ounces of logwood about an hour in six beer quarts of water, adding boiling water from time to time; strain while hot; anel when cold add water enough to make the liquor five quarts. In- to this put one pound avoirdup. of blue galls coarsely bruised; four ounces of sulphate of iron calcined to whiteness; three ounces of coarse brown sugar; six ounces ofguni-ara- bic; and A mnce of acetate of copper, tri- turated with a little of the decoction to a paste, and then thoroughly mixed with tlie rest. This is to be kept in a bottle uncork- ed about a fortnight, shaking it twice a-day, after which it may be poured from the dregs, and corked up for use. Dr. Lewis uses vinegar .for his menstruum; and M. Ribaucourt has sulphate of copper among his ingredients. I have found an in- convenience from the use of either, which, though it does not relate to the goodness of the ink, is sufficiently great, in their practi- cal exhibition, to forbid their use. The acid of the vinegar acts so strongly upon the pen, that it very frequently requires mending; and the sulphate of copper has a still more unpleasant effect on the penknife. It sel- dom happens when a pen requires mending, that the ink is wiped very perfectly from it; and often, when the nib only is to be taken off, it is done without wiping at all. When- ever this is the case, the ink immediately de- posites a film of copper upon the knife, and by superior elective attraction of the sulphu- ric acid, a correspondent portion of the edge of the knife is dissolved, and is by this means rendered incapable of cutting till it has been again set upon the hone. If a little sugar be added to ink, a copy of the writing may easily be taken off, by lay- ing a sheet of thin unsized paper, damped with a sponge, on the written paper, and passing lightly over it a flat iron very mo- derately heated. Inks of other colours may be made from a strong decoction of the ingredients used in dyeing, mixed with a little alum and gum- arabic. For example, a strong decoction of Brazil wood, with as much alum as it can dissolve, and a little gum, forms a good red ink. These processes consist in forming a lake, and retarding its precipitation by the gum. See Lake. INK INT On many occasions it is of importance to employ an ink indestructible by any process, that will not equally destroy the material on which it is applied. Mr. Close has recom- mended for this purpose twenty-five grains of copal in powder dissolved in 200 grains of oil of lavender, by the assistance of gentle heat, and dien mixed with two and a half grains of lampblack, and half a grain of in- digo; or 120 grains of oil of lavender, seven- teen grains of copal, and sixty grains of ver- milion. A litde oil of lavender, or of tur- pentine, may be added, if the ink be found too thick. Mr. Sheldrake suggests, that a mixture of genuine asphaltum dissolved in oil of turpentine, amber varnish, and lamp- black, would be still superior. When writing with common ink has been effaced by means of aqueous chlorine, the vapour of sulphuret of ammonia, or immer- sion in water impregnated with this sul- phuret, will render it again legible. Or, if the paper that contained the writing be put into a weak solution of prussiate of potash, and, when it is thoroughly wet, a little sul- phuric acid be added to the liquor, so as to render it slightly acidulous, the same pur- pose will be answered. Mr. Haussman has given some composi- tions for marking pieces of cotton or linen, previous to their being bleached, which are capable of resisting every operation in the processes both of bleaching and dyeing, and consequently, might be employed in mark- ing linen for domestic purposes. One of these consists of asphaltum dissolved in about four parts of oil of turpentine, and with this is to be mixed lampblack, or black lead in fine powder, so as to make an ink of a proper consistence for printing with types. Another, the blackish sulphate left after ex- pelling oxygen gas from oxide of manganese with a moderate heat, being dissolved and filtered, the dark gray pasty oxide left on the filter is to be mixed with a very little solution of gum-tragacanth, and the cloth marked with this is to be dipped in a solu- tion of potash or soda, mild or caustic, in about ten parts of water. Among the amusing experiments of the art of chemistry, the exhibition of sympa- thetic inks holds a distinguished place. With these the writing is invisible, until some re- agent gives it opacity. We shall here men- tion a few out of the great number, that a slight acquaintance with chemistry may sug- gest to the student. 1. If a weak infusion of galls be used, the writing will be invisi- ble till the paper be moistened with a weak solution of sulphate of iron. It then becomes black, because these ingredients form ink. 2. If paper be soaked in a weak infusion of galls, and dried, a pen dipped in the solution of sulphate of iron will write black on that paper., but colourless en any other paper. 3. The diluted solutions of gold and silver remain colourless upon the paper, till ex- posed to the sun's light, which gives a dark colour to the oxides, and renders them vi- sible. 4. Most of the acids, or saline solu- tions, being diluted, and used to write with, become visible by heating before the fire, which concentrates them, and assists their action on the paper. 5. Diluted prussiate of potash affords blue letters when wetted with the solution of sulphate of iron. 6. The solution of cobalt in aqua regia, when di- luted, affords an ink which becomes green when held to the fire, but disappears again when suffered to cool. This has been used in fanciful drawings of trees, the green leaves of which appear when warm, and va- nish again by cold. If the heat be continued too long after the letters appear, it renders them permanent. 7. If oxide of cobalt be dissolved in acetic acid, and a little nitre addeel, the solution will exhibit a pale rose colour when heated, which disappears on cooling. 8. A solution of equal parts of sul- phate of copper and muriate of ammonia, gives a yellow colour when heated, that dis- appears when cold. Sympathetic inks have been proposed as the instruments of secret correspondence. But they are of little use in this respect, be- cause the properties change by a few days remaining on the paper; most of them have more or less of a tinge when thoroughly dry; and none of them resist the test of heating the paper till it begins to be scorched. * Nitrate of silver for a surface impreg- nated with carbonate of soda, and muriate of gold for one impregnated with protomu- riate of tin, form good indelible inks.* Insects. Various important products are obtained from insects. The chief are,' L Cantharides; 2. Millepedes; 3. Cochineal; 4. Kermes; 5. Lac; 6. Silk; 7- Wax. Instruments (Chemical.) See Balance, TnLRMOMETEH, LABORATORY. * Intestinal Concretions. For a de- scription of such of these as occur in the inferior animals, see Bezoar. I shall here insert an account of a very cu- rious concretion extracted from the rectum of a woman in Perthshire, in the year 1817. She is, I believe, still alive. It was sent to me by her physician, Dr. Kennedy of Dun- ning. The following paper was written at the time, and an abstract published in a Lon- don Medical Journal, in the autumn of the same year. The form of the concretion is a compress- ed cylinder, the length and larger diameter, each one inch; the smaller diameter, three quarters of an inch. In hardness, it is equal to wax, but without its tenacity. One of the ends, which is polished, and glistening, exhibits the appearance of concentric lami- nse, formed of circular brown lines, in ay el- INT INT low basis. Its sides have the lustre, and marbleei appearance, of Castile soap. Its internal stnicture is granular, approaching to crystalline, with radiations from the cen- tre to the circumference, of brown and bright yellow lines, possessed of pearly lus- tre. It is friable between the fingers, co- vering them, on pressure, with a mealy powder, of but little unctuosity. Its weight is 167.5 grains. Specific gra- vity ofthe mass seems at first inferior to that of distilled water; for it floats on it for a little, but it afterwards sinks to the bottom. In a solution of muriate of soda, sp. gr. 1.0135, a fragment of it remains suspended in any part of the fluid. This, therefore, is its specific gravity. Its oelour is strong, but by no means dis- agreeable. It is decidedly musky, or more precisely that of ambergris. Water has no action on it, nor does it af- fect the purple of litmus. It remains solid in boiling water. When it is heated to the temperature of about 400° F., it fuses into a black mass, and exhales a copious white smoke, in the odour of which, we may re- cognize that of ambergris, mixed with the smell of burning fat. Exposed in a platina capsule to a dull red heat, it burns with much flame and smoke, leaving no appre- ciable residuum. It dissolves rapidly in sulph. ether, form- ing an amber-coloured liquid. When the ether evaporates away, white glistening scales, of a micaceous appearance, are left. Ten parts of hot alcohol dissolve one of it, but as the alcohol cools, the greater part precipitates in these soft crystalline scales, while the surface of the liquid becomes co- vered with a beautiful iridescent pellicle, presenting stellated radiations Naphtha, the fixeel and volatile oils, rea- dily act upon it, forming bright yellow solu- tions. Small fragments of it, exposed on a sand- bath, for two days, in a glass capsule, con- taining the water of pure potash, were not found to be altered in their size or appear- ance. Neither does liquid ammonia, digest- ed on it, produce the slightest effect. In these respects, it possesses more analogies with ambergris, than with any other sub- stance I know. I was hence led to imagine that the white smoke which it exhales at a moderate heat, was benzoic acid, which Uiis substance is said copiously to contain. An alcoholic solution of the concretion was therefore added to water of ammonia, when a milky liquid was produced by the separation of the substance, in a finely di- vided state. This mixture was evaporated to dryness by a gentle heat, in order to get rid of the alcohol and uncombined ammonia. Warm water was then digested on the resi- duum, and the whole poured on a filter. The liquid which passed through, should have contained benzoate of ammonia, pro vided any benzoic acid existed in the con- cretion. It was divided into two portions. Into one of these, a few drops of dilute sul- phuric acid were poured; and the acidulous fluid was then concentrated by evaporation in a glass capsule; but on cooling, it afford- ed no traces of benzoic acid. An extremely minute quantity of benzoate of ammonia, treated in the same way, for comparison, gave the characteristic crystals of that acid. The other portion, was added to a neutral solution of red muriate of iron, but no pre- cipitate ensued. A very small particle of crystallized benzoate of ammonia being add- ed to the same muriate, speedily gave the brown precipitate, but produced no change whatever on solutions, perfectly neutral, of the green muriate and sulphate; a fact of consequence to show the state of oxidize- ment, in which iron exists in a mineral, or saline combination, indicating also an easy method of separating the two oxides of this metal. From the above experiments, we may infer, with much probability, that the concretion contains no benzoic acid. Nitric acid, sp. gravity 1.300, digested on it, at a genUe heat, and then cooled, con- verted the substance into bright yellow glo- bules, denser and less friable than the origi- nal matter, and somewhat semi -transparent, like impure rosin. There was, however,no true solution by the acid; nor was the com- bustibility in the least impaired by the ope- ration. As our Institution possesses specimens of very fragrant ambergris, said to have been imported in the genuine state from Persia, I was desirous to compare their chemical rela- tions with those of this morbid concretion. Two of the pieces of ambergris differ in many respects from one another. The first is of a light gray colour, with resinous look- ing points interspersed through it, and has a density considerably greater than water. It is 1.200. When heated in water to the temperature of 130°, it falls down into light spongy fragments. The second has a spe- cific gravity of 0.959; it is darkish brown on the outside, and light brown within. In water heated to the above degree, it softens into a viscid substance like treacle. Both are readily dissolved in warm alcohol, but the latter yields the richer golden-coloured solution. As the alcohol cools, a separa- tion of brilliant scales is perceived. With ether, naphtha, the fixed and volatile oils, the phenomena exhibited by ambergris are ab- solutely the same, as those presented by the concretion, with these solvents. The alco- holic solution, mixed with liquid ammonia, gives a similar milky emulsion. The lighter specimen of ambergris, exposed to a gentle heat over a lamp, in a glass tube seal d at one end, fuses and evolves a vola- tile oil in dense vapour, which is condensed INT INT on the upper part of the tube. A viscid substance like tar, remains at the bottom. The oil resembles the succinic, and has, like it, a disagreeable empyreumatic odour. The denser ambergris, being subjected to heat in like circumstances, fuses less rea- dily and completely, emits the same vola- tile empyreumatic oil, accompanied with crystalline needles, decidedly acidulous. These are either the benzoic or succinic acid. They precipitate peroxide of iron from the neutral red muriate. The smell of the accompanying oil, is certainly that of amber; but 1 have hitherto obtained too small quantities of the acid, to be able to determine to which of the two it belongs. The following experiments were made with this view. My first object was to discover a good criterion for discriminating benzoic from succinic acid. In operating necessa- rily on small quantities, the distinction be- comes peculiarly difficult. Both are vola- tile, crystallizable, and fall down with per- oxide of iron, from saline solutions of this metal. After many trials I finally fell on the following plan, which answers very well, even with pretty minute portions. I saturated each acid with ammonia; evapo- rated to a dry crystalline mass, by a gentle heat. Into a small glass tube, sealed atone end, 1 introduced a portion of the ben- zoate. The tube was recurved. I expo- sed the bottom where the 6alt was placed, to the heat of a lamp, but very cautiously. Pungent ammoniacal gas was exhaled, and the water of crystallization, that distilled over, was found strongly impregnated with ammonia. To avoid all fallacy in this re- sult, I slightly supersaturated the ammonia beforehand, with the acid. In the middle of the tube, pure benzoic acid was found, in acicular crystals. The succinate of am- monia, on the contrary, sublimes without decomposition. I now took a few grains of the dense am- bergris, digested with alcohol, added wa- ter of ammonia, boiled, filtered, and eva- porated to dryness. The quantity of sa- line matter obtained, was, however, too minute, even for the above mode of apply- ing an analytical criterion, with satisfac- tion; and being unwilling to consume more than a few grains of a specimen, belong- ing to a public establishment, I preferred waiting till some future opportunity might occur of examining genuine ambergris. From the lighter, and by its outward ap- pearance, more characteristic specimen, of ambergris, I could not obtain even a trace of benzoic acid, though 1 modified the tem- perature for sublimation, and other circum- stances, in every way 1 could think of. The oil that rose would not redden the most delicate litmus paper. In open capsules, fragments of the am- Vol.. 11. bergris, being exposed to pretty strong heat, exhaled the copious subfcctid smoke; and afterwards burned with the yellow flame, exhibited by the concretion. Frag- ments of the concretions, exposed to heat in a glass tube, fused, evolved the heavy smoke, which condensed into a viscid em- pyreumatic smelling oil, and in every res- pect comported itself like the light am- bergris. 1 therefore must infer it to be a modifi- cation of ambergris. It differs decidedly from the adipocere of dead bodies, which forms an emulsion with cold water, is fu- sible in boiling water, gives a soap, with evolution of ammonia, when treated with potash, and yields a clear solution, when gently heated with liquid ammonia. It resembles, however, in many respects, the chdesterine of biliary calculi; and I have no doubt that cholesterine from altered bile, is the true origin of ambergris in the whale, as well as of this morbid concre- tion. The concretion is almost wholly soluble in hot alcohol; while only one-third of adi- pocere dissolves in that menstruum at the boiling point. From ordinary fatty matter it is entirely distinguishable, by its solubility in ether and alcohol, its refusing to combine with alkalis, and the high temperature required for its fusion. With regard to their place of formation in the animal system, ambergris and this morbid concretion agree. • They are both generated in the rectum, or greater intes- tines. The physeter macrocephalus of Linnaeus is the species of whale which affords ambergris. In the examination of Captain Coffin before the Privy-Council in 1791, he stated, that he found 362 ounces of ambergris in the intestines of a female whale, struck off the coast of Guinea; part of it was voided from the rectum on cut- ting up the blubber, and the remainder was within the intestinal canal. The whales that contain ambergris are said to be always lean and sickly, yield but very little oil, and seem almost torpid. Hence when a spermaceti whale has this appearance, and does not emit feces on being harpooned, the fishers generally ex- pect to find ambergris within it. Whether it be the cause or the effect of disease, is problematical, though the latter seems the more rational conjecture. It may in suc- cession be both. The above remarkable fact of the sex of the whale, may lead to an inquiry, whether this morbid produc- tion, found also in the human subject, be peculiar to females, and connected with lactation. In the second volume of Dr. Monro's Outlines of the Anatomy of the Human 15 IOD IOD Body in its sound and diseased state, we have the analysis of several alvine concre- tions by Dr. Thomas Thomson. The re- sults, obtained by this eminent chemist, show, that the specimens which he examin- ed, were of a totally different nature from the preceding concretion.* * Inulin. From the root of the inula helenium, or elecampane, Rose first ex- tracted the peculiar vegetable principle, called inulin. M. Funke has since given the following as the analysis of elecampane root:— A crystallizable volatile oil, Inulin, Extractive, Acetic acid, A crystallizable resin, Gluten, A fibrous matter (ligneous).* •Iodine. A peculiar or undecompound- ed principle. The investigation of this singular substance will always be regard- ed as a great era in chemistry. It was then that chemical philosophers first felt the necessity of abandoning Lavoisier's partial and incorrect hypothesis of oxyge- nation, and of embracing the sound and comprehensive doctrines of Sir H. Davy on chemical theory, first promulgated in his masterly researches on Chlorine. Ioeline was accidentally discovered, in 1812, by M. de Courtois, a manufacturer of saltpetre at Paris. In his processes for pro- curing soda from the ashes of sea-weeds, he found the metallic vessels much cor- roded; and in searching for the cause of the corrosion, he made this important dis- covery. But for this circumstance, nearly accidental, one of the most curious of sub- stances might have remained for ages un- known, since nature has not distributed it, in either a simple or compound state, through her different kingdoms, but has confined it, to what the Roman satirist considers as the most worthless of things, the vile sea-weed. Iodine derived its first illustration from MM. Clement and Desormes, names asso- ciated always with sound research. In their memoir, read at a meeting of the In- stitute, these able chemists described its principal properties. They stated its sp. gr. to be about 4; that it becomes a violet- coloured gas at a temperature below that of boiling water; whence its name, Ta/nc; like a violet, was derived; that it combines with the metals, and with phosphorus and sulphur, and likewise with the alkalis and metallic oxides; that it forms a detonating compound with ammonia; that it is soluble in alcohol, and still more soluble in ether; and that, by its action upon phosphorus and upon hydrogen, a substance having the characters of muriatic acid is formed. In this communication they offered no deci- ded opinion respecting its nature. In 1813 Sir H. Davy happened to be on a visit to Paris, receiving, amid the politi- cal convulsions of France, the tranquil ho- mage due to his genius. " When M. Cle- ment showed iodine to me, he believed that the hydriodic acid was muriatic acid; and M. Gay-Lussac, after his early experi- ments, made originally with M. Clement, formed the same opinion, and maintained it, when I first stated to him my belief, that it was a new and peculiar acid, and that iodine was a substance analogous in its chemical relations to chlorine."—Sir H. Davy on the Analogies between the unde- compounded substances; Journal of Science and the Arts, vol. i. p. 284. We see therefore with what intuitive sa- gacity the English philosopher penetrated the mystery which hung at first over io- dine. Its full examination, in its multi- plied relations to simple and compound bodies, was immediately entered on with equal ardour by him, and M. Gay-Lussac. Of the relative merits of the researches, and importance of the results, of these pre-eminent chemists, it is not for me to become an arbiter. I shall content myself with offering a methodical view of the facts brought to light on iodine and the iodides, referring for its other combina- tions to what I have already stated on the hydriodic and iodic acids. Iodine has been found in the following sea-weeds, the algx aquatics of Linnaeus:— Fucus cartilagineus; Fucus palmatus, membranaceus, filum, filamentosus, digitatus, rubens, saccharinus, nodosus, Ulva umbilicalis, serratus, pavonia, siliquosus, linza, and in sponge. Dr. Fyfe has shown, in an ingenious pa- per, published in the first volume of the Edin. Phil. Journal, that on adding sulphu- ric acid to a concentrated viscid infusion of these algx in hot water, the vapour of io- dine is exhaled. But it is from the incinerated sea-weed, or kelp, that iodine in quantities is to be obtained. Dr. Wollaston first communica- ted a precise formula for extracting it. Dissolve the soluble part of kelp in water. Concentrate the liquid by evaporation, and separate all the crystals that can be obtain- ed. Pour the remaining liquid into a clean vessel, and mix with it an excess of sulphu- ric acid. Boil this liquid for some time. Sulphur is precipitated, and muriatic acid driven off. Decant off the clear liquid, and strain it through wool. Put it into a small flask, and mix it with as much black oxide of manganese, as used before of sulphuric acid. Apply to the top of the flask a glass IOD IOD tube, shut at one end. Then heat the mix- ture in the flask. The iodine sublimes into the glass tube. None can be obtained from sea-water. In repeating this process with care, I obtained from similar quantities of kelp such variable products of iodine, that I was induced to institute a series of expe- riments in 1814, for discovering the causes of these anomalies, and for procuring io- dine at an easier rate. The result, which was successful, I communicated to the world in the 50th volume of the Philoso- phical Magazine. Instead of procuring this interesting element in only a few grains, I have been able to extract ounces at a time, and at a moderate expense. I shall here transcribe the outlines of my method. As several of the Scotch soap manufac- turers use scarcely any other alkaline mat- ter for their hard soaps except kelp, it oc- curred to me that in some of their residu- um s, a substance might be found rich in iodine. Accordingly, after some investi- gation, I found a brown liquid, of an oily consistence, from which I expected to pro- cure what I wanted, and I therefore insti- tuted a series of experiments on the best mode of extraction. The specific gravity of this liquid, as ob- tained at different times, is pretty uniform- ly 1.374. It converts vegetable blues to green, thus indicating free alkali. Of this the manufacturer is aware, for he returns the liquid occasionally into his kelp leys. Its boiling point is 233° F. Eight ounces apothecaries* measure require precisely one measured ounce of sulphuric acid for their neutralization. Supposing this quan- tity of acid combined with soda, it would indicate one part of pure soda in eleven by weight of the liquid. But the chief part of the alkali is not uncombined; for an im- mense quantity of sulphurous acid, and a little sulphuretted hydrogen gas, escape during the affusion of the sulphuric acid. " 100 grains of the liquid yield 3.8 cu- bic inches of gas, chiefly sulphurous acid, and sulphur is at the same time deposited. From this last circumstance one would ex- pect a greater proportion of sulphuretted hydrogen; but the disengaged gas posses- ses the peculiar smell and pungency ot burning sulphur, blanches the petals ofthe red rose, but shows scarcely any action on paper dipped in saturnine solutions. On the instant of decomposition of the sul- phite and hydroguretted sulphuret of soda existing in the liquid, the nascent sulphu- rous acid of the former may be supposed to decompose the nascent sulphuretted hy- drogen ofthe latter; their atoms of oxy- jren and hydrogen uniting, with precipita- rion of the sulphur. I can in no other way account for the very copious separation ot sulphur, while very little sulphuretted hy- drogen appears." I now find the liquid to contain hyposulphite of soda. From 8 liquid ounces = 11 by weight, 213 grains of sulphur are obtained. The saturated liquid has a specific gravity of 1.443, a bright yellow colour, and does not change the purple colour of infusion of red cabbage. Having described the substance which I used, I shall now state, in a few words, the best method of taking the iodine out of it:— " The brown iodic liquid of the soap- boiler, was heated to about 230Q F. pour- ed into a large stone-ware basin, of which it filled about one-half, and saturated by the addition of the suitable quantity of sulphu- ric acid as above stated. It is advantage- ous to dilute the acid previously, with ita own bulk of water.§ On cooling the mix- ture, a large quantity of saline crystals is found adhering to the sides and bottom of the vessel. These are chiefly, sulphate of soda, with a very little sulphate of potash and a few beautiful oblong rhomboidal plates of hydriodate of soda. Sulphur is mixed with these crystals. " Filter the above cold liquid through woollen cloth. To every 12 oz. apotheca- ries' measure, add 1000 grains of black oxide of manganese in powder. Put this mixture into a glass globe, or large matrass with a wide neck, over which a glass globe is inverted, and apply heat with a charcoal chauffer. The less diffusive flame of a lamp, is apt to crack the bottom of the matrass; particularly, if a large quantity of materials be employed. To prevent the heat from acting on the globular receiver, a thin disc of wood, having a round hole in its centre, is placed over the shoulder of the matrass. " Iodine now sublimes very copiously,, and is readily condensed in the upper ves-_ sel. As soon as this becomes warm, ano- ther is to be put in its place; and thus the two may be applied in rotation, as long as the violet vapour rises. " From the above quantity of liquid, by this treatment, I obtain from 180 to 200 grains of iodine, perfectly pure. It is with- drawn from the globes, most conveniently by a little water, which dissolves iodine very sparingly, as is well known. It may be purified by a second sublimation from lime. " If the manganese be increased much beyond the above proportion, the product of iodine is greatly decreased. If thrice the quantity be used, for example, a furi- ous effervescence takes place, nearly the $ When concentrated acid is added, the effervescence is very violent; the liquid reddens wherever the acid falls, and a lit- tle purple vapour of iodine rises. IOD IOD whole mixture is thrown out of the ma- trass, with a kind of explosive violence, and hardly any iodine is procured, even though the materials should be saved, by the relatively large capacity of the vessel that contains them. If, on the other hand, one-half of the prescribed quantity of man- ganese be used, much hydriodic acid rises along with the iodine, and washes it perpe- tually down the sides of the balloon. Or if, during the proper and successful subli- mation of iodine, the weight of manganese be doubled, the violet vapours instantly cease. Nor will sugar or starch restore to the mixture, the power of exhaling the iodine. " The same interruption of the process is occasioned by using an excess of sul- phuric acid. For, if to the mixture of 12 oz. of saturated liquid, with 1000 or 1100 grains manganese, an additional half ounce measure of sulphuric acid be poured in, the violet vapour disappears, and the sublima- tion of iodine is at an end. Quicklime now added so as to saturate the excess of acid, will not restore the production of iodine. " The best subliming temperature is 232° Fahr. " Iodine, in open vessels, readily evapo- rates at much lower temperatures, even at the usual atmospheric heats. When it is spread thin on a plate of glass, if the eye be placed in the same plane, the violet va- pour becomes very obvious at the tempe- rature of 100° F. ' If left in the open air, it will speedily evaporate altogether away, even at 50 or 60°. When kept in a phial stopped with a common cork, the iodine also disappears, while the cork will become friable in its texture, and of a brownish- yellow colour. "240 grains of nitric acid, specific grav. 1.490, saturate 1000 grains of the brown liquid. Sulphurous acid is abundantly ex- haled as before. After filtration, a bright golden-coloured liquid is obtained. On ad- ding to this liquid a little manganese, io- dine sublimes; but the quantity procurable in this way, seems to be proportionally less than by the sulphuric acid." I have elescribed a new form of appara- tus, for sublimation, in the above paper, by which beautiful crystals may easily be pro- cured, without risk of injuring their form. Iodine is a solid, of a grayish-black co- lour and metallic lustre. It is often in scales similar to those of micaceous iron ore, sometimes in rhomboidal plates, very large anel very brilliant. It has been obtained in elongated octohedrons, nearly half an inch in length; the axes of which were shown by Dr. Wollaston to be to each other, as the numbers 2, 3, and 4, at least so nearly, that in a body so volacile, it is scarcely pos- sible to detect an error in this estimate, by the reflective goniometer, its fracture is Iamellated, and it is soft and friable to the touch. Its taste is very acrid, though it be very sparingly soluble in water. It is a deadly poison. It gives a deep brown stain to the skin, which soon vanishes by evapo- ration. In odour, and power of destroying vegetable colours, it resembles very dilute aqueous chlorine. The sp. gr. of iodine at 624° is 4.948. It dissolves in 7000 parts of water. The solution is of an orange-yellow colour, and in small quantity tinges raw starch of a purple hue, which vanishes on heating it. It melts, according to M. Gay- Lussac, at 227° F. and is volatilized under the common pressure of the atmosphere, at the temperature of 350°. By my expe- riments, it evaporates pretty quickly at or- dinary temperatures. Boiling water aids its sublimation, as is shown in the above process of extraction. The sp. gr. of its violet vapour is 8.678. It is a non-conduc- tor of electricity. When the voltaic chain is interrupted by a small fragment of it, the decomposition of water instantly ceases. Iodine is incombustible, but with azote it forms a curious detonating compound; and in combining with several bodies, the intensity of mutual action is such as to produce the phenomena of combustion. Its combinations with oxygen and chlorine, have been already described, under iodic and chloriodic acids. With a view of determining whether it was a simple or compound form of matter, Sir II. Daw exposed it to the action ofthe highly inflammable metals. When its va- pour is passed over potassium heated in a glass tube, inflammation takes place, and the potassium burns slowly with a pale blue light. There was no gas disengaged when the experiment was repeated in a mercurial apparatus. The iodide of pot- assium is white, fusible at a red heat, and soluble in water. It has a peculiar acrid taste. When acted on by sulphuric acid, it effervesces, and iodine appears. It is evident, that in this experiment there bad been no decomposition; the result depend- ing merely on the combination of iodine with potassium. By passing the vapour of iodine over dry red-hot potash, formed from potassium, oxygen is expelled, and the above iodide results. Hence we see, that at the temperature of ignition, the affinity between iodine and potassium, is superior to that of the latter for oxygen. But iodine in its turn is displaced by chlorine, at a moderate heat, and if the latter be in ex- cess, chloriodic acid is formed. M. Gay- Lussac passed vapour of iodine in a red heat over melted subcarbonate of potash; and he obtained carbonic acid and oxygen gases, in the proportions of two in volume of the first, and one of the second, pre- cisely those which exist in the salt. IOD IOD The oxide of sodium, and the subcarbo- nate of soda, are also completely decom- posed by iodine. From these experiments it would seem, that this substance ought to disengage oxygen, from most ofthe ox- ides; but this happens only in a small num- ber of cases. The protoxides of lead and bismuth are the only oxides not reducible bv mere heat, with which it exhibited that power. Barytes, strontian, anel lime com- bine with iodine, without giving out oxy- gen gas, and the oxides of zinc and iron undergo no alteration in this respect. From these facts we must conclude, that the de- composition of the oxides by iodine de- pends less on the condensed state of the oxygen, than upon the affinity of the metal for iodine. Except barytes, strontian, and lime, no oxide can remain in combination with iodine at a red heat For a more par- ticular account of some iodides, see Acid (Hydriodic); the compounds of which, in the liquid or moist state, are hydrio- dates, but change, on drying, into iodides, in the same way as the muriates become chlorides. From the proportion of the constituents in hydriodic acid, 15.5 has been deduced, as the prime equivalent of iodine. M. Gay-Lussac says, " Sulphate of potash was not altered by iodine; but, what may appear astonishing, 1 obtained oxygen with the fluate of potash, and the glass tube in which the operation was conducted was corroded. On examining the circumstan- ces of the experiment, I ascertained that the fluate became alkaline when melted in a platinum crucible. This happened to the fluate over which I passed iodine. It appears then that the iodine acts upon the excess of alkali, and decomposes it. The heat produced disengages anew portion of fluoric acid or its radical, which corrodes the glass; and thus by degrees the fluate is entirely decomposed." These facts seem to give countenance to the opinion, that the fluoric is an oxygen acid; and that the salt called fluate of potash is not a flu- oride of potassium. See Acid (Fluoric). Iodine forms with sulphur a feeble com- pound, of a grayish-black colour, radiated like sulphuret of antimony. When it is distilled with water, iodine separates. Iodine and phosphorus combine with great rapidity at common temperatures, producing heat without light. From the presence of a little moisture, small quanti- ties of hydriodic acid gas are exhaled. Oxygen expels iodine from both sulphur and phosphorus. " Hydrogen, whether dry or moist, did not seem," says M. Gay-Lussac, " to have any action on iodine at the ordinary tempe- rature; but if, as was done by M. Clement, in an experiment at which 1 was present, we expose a mixture of hydrogen and io- dine to a red heat in a tube, they unite to- gether, and hydriodic acid is produced, which gives a reddish-brown colour to water." Sir H. Davy, with his character- istic ingenuity, threw the violet-coloured gas upon the flame of hydrogen, when it seemed to support its combustion. He also formed a compound of iodine with hydro- gen, by heating to redness the two bodies in a glass tube. See Acid (Hydriodic). Charcoal has no action upon iodine, ei- ther at a high or low temperature. Seve- ral of the common metals, on the contrary, as zinc, iron, tin, mercury, attack it rea- dilv, even at a low temperature, provided they be in a divided state. Though these combinations take place rapidly, they pro- duce but little heat, and but. rarely any light. The compound of iodine and zinc, or iodide of zinc, is white. It melts readily, and is sublimed in the state of fine acicular four-sided prisms. It is very soluble in water, and rapidly deliquesces in the air. It dissolves in water, without the evolution of any gas. The solution is slightly acid, and does not crystallize. The alkalis precipitate from it white oxide of zinc; while concentrated sulphuric acid disen- gages hydriodic acid and iodine, because sulphurous acid is produced. The solu- tion is a hydriodate of oxide of zinc. When iodine and zinc are made to act on each other under water in vessels hermetically sealed, on the application of a Slight heat, the water assumes a deep reddish-brown colour, because, as soon as hydriodic acid is produced, it dissolves iodine in abun- dance. But by degrees, the zinc, supposed to be in excess, combines with the whole iodine, and the solution becomes colourless like water. Iron is acted on by iodine in the same way as zinc; and a brown iodide results, which is fusible at a red heat. It dissolves in water, forming a light green solution, like that of muriate of iron. When the dry iodide was heated, by Sir H. Davy, in a small retort containing pure ammoniacal gas, it combined with the ammonia, and formed a compound which volatilized with- out leaving any oxide. The iodide of tin is very fusible. When in powder, its colour is a dirty orange-yel- low, not unlike that of glass of antimony. When put into a considerable quantity of water, it is completely decomposed. Hy- driodic acid is formed, which remains in solution in the water, and the oxide of tin precipitates in white flocculi. If the quan- tity of water be small, the acid being more concentrated, retains a portion of oxide of tin, and forms a silky orange-coloured salt, which may be almost entirely decomposed by water. Iodine and tin act very well on each other, in water of the temperature of IOD IRI "212°. By employing an excess of tin, we may obtain pure hydriodic acid, or at ieast an acid containing only traces ofthe metal. The tin must be in considerable quantity, because the oxide which precipitates on its surface, diminishes very much its ac- tion on iodine. Antimony presents, with iodine, the same phenomena as tin; so that we might employ either for the preparation of hydriodic acid, if we were not acquainted with preferable methods. The iodides of lead, copper, bismuth, silver, and mercury, are insoluble in water, while the iodides of the very oxidizable metals are soluble in that liquid. If we mix a hydriodate with the metallic solu- tions, all the metals which do not decom- pose water will give precipitates, while those which decompose that liquid, will give none. This is at least the case with the above mentioned metals. There are two iodides of mercury; the one yellow, the other red; both are fusible and volatile. The yellow or protiodide,con- tains one-half less iodine than the deutio- dide. The latter, when crystallized, is a bright crimson. In general there ought to be for each metal as many iodides, as there are oxides and chlorides. All the iodides are decomposed by concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids. The metal is converted into an oxide, and iodine is dis- engaged. They are likewise decomposed by oxygen at a red heat, if we except the iodides of potassium, sodium, lead, and bismuth Chlorine likewise separates io- dine from all the iodides; but iodine, on the other hand, decomposes most of the sul- phurets and phosphurets. When iodine and oxides act upon each other in contact with water, very different results take place, from those above de- scribed. The water is decomposed; its hy- drogen unites with iodine, to form hydri- odic acid; while its oxygen, on the other band, produces with iodine, iodic acid. All the oxides, however, do not give the same results. We obtain them only with potash, soda, barytes, strontian, lime, and magnesia. The oxide of zinc, precipitated by ammonia from its solution in sulphuric acid, and well washed, gives no trace of iodate and hydrioelate. We shall treat of the compound of io- dine and azote under the article \ itrocen. From all the above recited facts, we are warranted in concluding iodine to be an undecompounded body. In its specific gra- vity, lustre, and magnitude of its prime equivalent, it resembles the metals; but in all its chemical agencies, it is analogous to oxygen and chlorine. It is a non-con- ductor of electricity, and possesses, like these two bodies, the negative electrical energy with regard to metals, inflammable and alkaline substances; and hence, when combined with these substances in aqueous solution, and electrized in the voltaic tir- cuit, it separates at the positive surface. But it has a positive energy with respect to chlorine; for when united to chlorine, in the chloriodic acid, it separates at the negative surface. This likewise corres- ponds with their relative attractive ener- gy, since chlorine expels iodine from all its combinations. Iodine dissolves in carburet of sulphur, giving, in very minute quanti- ties, a fine amethystine tint to the liquid. Iodide of mercury has been proposed for a pigment; in other respects, iodine has not been applied to any purpose of common life. M. Orfila swallowed 6 grains of iodine; and was immediately affected with heat, constriction of the throat, nausea, eructa- tion, salivation, and cardialgia. In ten mi- nutes he had copious bilious vomitings, and slight colic pains. His pulse rose from 70 to about 90 beats in the minute. By swal- lowing large quantities of mucilage, and emollient clysters, he recovered, and felt nothing next day but slight fatigue. About 70 or 80 grains proved a fatal dose to dogs. They usually died on the fourth or fifth day.* Iridium. Mr. Tennant, on examining the black powder left after dissolving platina, which from its appearance had been supposed to consist chiefly of plum- bago, found it contained two distinct me- tals, never before noticed, which he has named iridium and osmium. The former of these was observed soon after by Descos- tils, and by Vauquelin. To analyze the black powder, Mr. Ten- nant put it into a silver crucible, with a large proportion of pure dry soda, and kept it in a red heat for some time. The alkali being then dissolved in water, it had acquired a deep orange or brownish-yellow colour, but much of the powder remained undissolved. This, digested in muriatic acid, gave a dark blue solution, which after- wards became of a dusky olive-green; and finally, by continuing the heat, of a deep red. The residuum being treated as be- fore with alkali, and so on alternately, the whole appeared capable of solution. As some silex continued to be taken up by the alkali, till the whole of the metal was dis- solved, it seems to have been chemically combined with it. The alkaline solution contains oxide of osmium, with a small proportion of iridium, which separates spontaneously in dark-coloured thin flakes by keeping it some weeks. The acid solution contains likewise both the metals, but chiefly iridium. By slow evaporation, it affords an imperfectly crys- tallized mass; which, being dried on blot- ting-paper, and dissolved in water, gives by evaporation distinct octohedral crystals. IEI IRO These crystals, dissolved in water, produce a deep red solution, inclining to orange, Infusion of galls occasions no precipitate. but instantly renders the solution almost colourless. Muriate of tin, carbonate of soda, and prussiate of potash, produce nearly the same effect. Ammonia preci- pitates the oxide, but, possibly from being in excess, retains a part in solution, ac- quiring a purple colour. The fixed alkalis precipitate the greater part of the oxide, t»ut retain a part in solution, this becoming yellow. All the metals that Mr. Tennant tried, except gold and platina, produced a dark or black precipitate from the muriatic solution, and left it colourless. The iridium may be obtained pure, by exposing the octohedral crystals to heat, which expels the oxygen and muriatic acid. It was white, and could not be mdted by any heat Mr. Tennant could employ. It did not combine with sulphur, or with arsenic. Lead unites with it easily, but is separated by cupellation, leaving the iridi- um on the cupel as a coarse black powder. Copper forms with it a very malleable al- loy, which, after cupellation, with the ad- dition of lead, leaves a small proportion of the iridium, but much less than in the pre- ceding instance. Silver forms with it a perfectly malleable compound, the surface of which is tarnished merely by cupella- tion; yet the iridium appears to be diffused through it in fine powder only. Gold re- mains malleable, and little altered in co- lour, though alloyed with a considerable proportion; nor is it separable either by cupellation or quartation. If the gold or silver be dissolved, the iridium is left as a black powder. The French chemists observed, that this new metal gave a red colour to the triple salt of platina and sal ammoniac, was not altered by muriate of tin, and was precipi- tated of a dark brown by caustic alkali. Vauquelin added, that it was precipitated by galls, and by prussiate of potash; but Mr. Tennant ascribes this to some impu- rity. Mr. Tennant gave it the name of indium, from the striking variety of colours it af- fords while dissolving in muriatic acid. Dr. Wollaston has observed, that among the grains of crude platina, there are some scarcely distinguishable from the rest but by their insolubility in nitro-muriatic acid. They are harder, however, when tried by the file; not in the least malleable; and of the specific gravity of 19.5. These ap- peared to him to be an ore, consisting en- tirely of two new metals. * Vauquelin has since succeeded in form- ing sulphuret of iridium, by heating a mix- ture of ammonia-muriate of iridium and sulphur. It is a black powder consisting of 100 iridium -f 33.3 sulphur; whence, supposing it a neutral compound, the prime equivalent of iridium would be 6.0. The same chemist has also alloyed iridium with lead, copper, and tin. They are all malle- able; and considerably hardened by the presence of the iridium.* Iron is a metal of a bluish-white colour, of considerable hardness and elasticity; very malleable, and exceedingly tenacious and ductile. This metal is easily oxidized. A piece of iron wire, immersed in a jar of oxygen gas, being ignited at one end, will be entirely consumed by the successive combustion of its parts. It requires a very intense heat to fuse it; on which account it can only be brought into the shape of tools and utensils by hammering. This high degree of infusibility would deprive it of the most valuable property of metals, namely, the uniting of smaller masses into one, if it did not possess another singular and advantageous property, which is found in no other metal except platina; namely, that of welding. In a white heat, iron ap- pears as if covered with a kind bf varnish; and in this state, if two pieces be applied together, they will adhere, and may be per- fectly united by forging. When iron is exposed to the action of moist air or water, it acquires weight by gradual oxidation, and hydrogen gas es- capes: this is a very slow operation. But if the steam of water be made to pass through a red-hot gun barrel, or through an ignited copper or glass tube, containing iron wire, the iron becomes converted into an oxide, while hydrogen gas passes out at the other end of the barrel. By the ac- tion of stronger heat this becomes a red- dish-brown oxide. The yellow rust, form- ed when iron is long exposed to damp air, is not a simple oxide, as it contains a por- tion of carbonic acid. The concentrated sulphuric acid scarcely acts on iron, unless it is boiling. If the acid be diluted with two or three parts of water, it dissolves iron readily, without the assistance of heat. During this solution, hydrogen gas escapes in large quantities. The green sulphate of iron is much more soluble in hot than cold water; and there- fore crystallizes by cooling, as well as by evaporation. The crystals are efflorescent and fall into a white powder by exposure to a dry air, the iron becoming more oxi- dized than before. A solution of sulphate of iron, exposed to the air, imbibes oxy- gen; and a portion of the iron, becoming peroxidized, falls to the bottom. Sulphate of iron is not made in the di- rect way, because it can be obtained at less charge from the decomposition of martial pyrites. It exists in two states, one con- taining oxide of iron, with 0.22 of oxygen, which is of a pale green, not altered by gallic acid, and giving a white precipitate IRO IRO with prussiate of potash. The other, in which the iron is combined with 0.30 of oxygen, is red, not crystallizable, and gives a black precipitate with gallic acid, and a blue with prussiate of potash. In the com- mon sulphate, these two are often mixed in various proportions. Sulphate of iron is decomposed by alka- lis and by lime. Caustic fixed alkali pre- cipitates the iron in deep green flocks, which are dissolved by the addition of more alkali, and form a red tincture. Vegetable astringent matters, such as nut-galls, the husks of nuts, logwood, tea, &c. which contain tannin and gallic acid, precipitate a fine black fecula from sul- phate of iron, which remains suspended for a considerable time in the fluid, by the addition of gum-arabic. This fluid is well known by the name of ink. See Ink. The beautiful pigment, well known in the arts by the name of prussian blue, is likewise a precipitate afforded by sulphate of iron. Concentrated nitric acid acts very strong- ly upon iron filings, much nitrous gas being disengaged at the same time. The solution is of a reddish-brown, and deposites the ox- ide of iron after a certain time; more es- pecially if the vessel be left exposed to the air. A diluted nitric acid affords a more permanent solution of iron of a greenish colour, or sometimes of a yellow colour. Neither of the solutions affords crystals, but both deposite the oxide of iron by boil- ing, at the same time that the fluid as- sumes a gelatinous appearance. Diluted muriatic acid rapidly dissolves iron at the same time that a large quantity of hydrogen is disengaged, and the mix- ture becomes hot. If iron filings be triturated with muriate of ammonia, moistening the mixture; then drying, powdering, and again triturating; and lastly subliming with a heat quickly raised; yellow or orange-coloured flowers will rise, consisting of a mixture of muri- ate of ammonia, with more or less muriate of iron. These, which were called flowers of steel, and still more improperly ens ve- neris, were once much esteemed; but are now little used, as they are nauseous in solution, and cannot very conveniently be given in any other form. Carbonic acid, dissolved in water, com- bines with a considerable quantity of iron, in proportion to its mass. Phosphoric acid unites with iron, but very slowly. The union is best effected by adding an alkaline phosphate to a solution of one of the salts of iron, when it will fall down in a white precipitate. This acid is found combined with iron in the bog ores, and being at fii\-.t taken for a peculiar metal, was called siderite by Bergmann. Liquid fluoric acid attacks iron with vio- lence; the solution is not crystallizable, but thickens to a jelly, which may be rendered solid by continuing the heat. The acid may be expelled by heating it strongly, leaving a fine red oxide. Borate of iron may be obtained by pre- cipitating a solution of the sulphate with neutral borate of soda. Arsenic acid likewise unites with iron. This arseniate is found native. Chromate of iron has been found in the department of Var in France, and else- where. Sulphur combines very readily with iron. A mixture of iron filings and flowers of sulphur being moistened, or made into a paste, with water, becomes hot, swells, adheres together, breaks, and emits wa- tery vapours of an hepatic smell. If the mixture be considerable in quantity, as for example, one hundred pounds, it takes fire in twenty or thirty hours, as soon as the aqueous vapours cease. By fusion with iron, sulphur produces a compound of the same nature as the pyri- tes, and exhibiting the same radiated struc- ture when broken. If a bar of iron be heated to whiteness, and then touched with a roll of sulphur, the two substances com- bine, and drop down together in a fluid state. Mr. Hatchett found, that the mag- netical pyrites contains the same propor- tion as the artificial sulphuret. Phosphorus may be combined with iron by adding it, cut into small pieces, to fine iron wire heated moderately red in a cru- cible; or by fusing six parts of iron clip- pings, with six of glacial phosphoric acid, and one of charcoal poweler. This phos- phuret is magnetic; and Mr. Hatchett re- marks, that iron, which in its 30ft or pure state cannot retain magnetism, is enabled to do so, when hardened by carbon, sul- phur, or phosphorus, unless the dose be so great as to destroy the magnetic pro- perty, as in most of the natural pyrites and plumbago. The combination of carbon with iron is of all the most important, and under the names of Cast-Iron and Steel will be con- sidered in the latter part of the present article. Iron unites with gold, silver, and platina. When heated to a white heat, and plunged in mercury, it becomes covered with a coat- ing of that metal. Mr. A. Aitken unites an amalgam of zinc and mercury with iron fil- ings, and then adds muriate of iron, when a a decomposition takes place, the muriatic acid combining with the zinc, and the amalgam of iron and mercury assuming the metallic lustre by kneading, assisted with heat. Iron and tin very readily unite to- gether. Iron does not unite easily with bismuth, at least in the direct way. This alloy is brittle and attractible by the mag- IRO IRO liefc, even with three-fourths of bismuth. As nickel cannot be purified from iron without the greatest difficult}-, it may be presumed, that these substances readily unite. Arsenic forms a brittle substance in its combination with iron. Cobalt forms a hard mixture w ith iron, which is not easily broken. Manganese is almost always united with iron in the native state. Tungsten forms a brittle, whitish-brown, hard alloy, of a compact texture, when fused with "white crude iron. The habitudes of iron with molybelena are not known. Iron is the most diffused, and the most abundant of metallic substances. Few mi- neral boeiies or stones are without an ad- mixture of this metal. Sands, clays, the waters of rivers and springs, are scarcely ever perfectly free from it. The parts of animal and vegetable substances likewise afford iron in the residues they leave after incineration. It has been found native, in large masses, in Siberia, and in the internal parts of South America. This metal, how- ever, in its native state is scarce : most iron is found in the state of oxide, in ochres, hog ores, and other friable earthy substan- ces, of a red, brown, yellow, or black co- lour. The magnet or loadstone, is an iron ore. Iron is also found in combination with the sulphuric acid, either dissolved in wa- ter, or in the form of sulphate. In the large iron-works, it is usual to roast or calcine the ores of iron, previous to their fusion; as well for the purpose of expelling sulphureous or arsenical parts, as to render them more easily broken into fragments of a convenient size for melting. The mineral is melted or run down, in large furnaces, from 16 to 30 feet high; and variously shaped, either conical or ellip- tical, according to the opinion of the iron- master. Near the bottom of the furnace is an aperture for the insertion ofthe pipe of large bellows, worked by water or steam, or of other machines for producing a current of air; and there are also holes at proper parts of the edifice, to be occasionally open- ed, to permit the scoriae and the metal to flow out, as the process may require. Char- coal or coak, with lighted brushwood, is first thrown in ; and when the whole inside of the furnace has acquired a strong igni- tion, the ore is thrown in by small quantities at a time, with more of the fuel, and com- monly a portion of limestone, as a flux; the ore gradually subsides into the hottest part of tlie furnace, where it becomes fused; the earthy part being converted into a kind of glass ; while the metallic part is reduced by the coal, and falls through the vitreous matter to the lowest place. The quantity of fuel, the additions, and the heat, must be regulated, in order to obtain iron of any de- sired quality; and this quality must likewise, in the first product, be necessarily dlti'e* rent, according to the nature of the parts which compose the ore. The iron which is obtained from the smelting furnaces is not pure ; and may be distinguished into three states : white crude iron, which is brilliant in its fracture, ami exhibits a crystallized texture, more brittle than the other kinds, not at all malleable, and so hard as perfectly to withstand the file : gray crude iron, which exhibits a gra- nulated and dull texture when broken ; this substance is not so hard and brittle as the former, and is used in the fabrication of ar- tillery and other articles which require to be bored, turned or repaired: anel black cast-iron, which is still rougher in its frac- ture ; its parts adhere together less per- fectly than those ofthe gray crude iron. In order to convert it into malleable iron, it is placed on a hearth, in the midst of charcoal, urged by the wind of two pair of bellows. As soon as it becomes fused, a workman continually stirs it with along iron instrument. During the course of several hours it becomes gradually less fusible, and assumes the consistence of paste. In this state it is carried to a large hammer, the repeated blows of which drive out all the parts that still partake of the nature of crude iron so much as to retain the fluid state. By repeated heating and hammering, more of th e fusible iron is forced out; and the remainder, being malleable, is formed into a bar or other form for sale. Crude iron loses upwards of one-fourth of its weight in the process of refining; some* times indeed one-half Purified or bar iron is soft, ductile, flex- ible, malleable, and possesses all the quali- ties which have been enumerated under this article as belonging exclusively to iron. When a bar of iron is broken, its texture appears fibrous ; a property which depends upon the mechanical action of the hammer, while the metal is cold. Ignition destroys this fibrous texture, and renders the iron more uniform throughout; but hammering restores it. If the purest malleable iron be bedded in pounded charcoal, in a covered crucible, and kept for a certain number of hours in a strong red heat, (which time must be lon- ger or shorter, according to the greater or less thickness of the bars of iron), it is found, that by this operation, which is.call- ed cementation, the iron has gained a small addition of weight, amounting to about the hundred and fiftieth, or the two-hundredth part; ami is remarkably changed in its pro- perties. It is much more brittle and fusible than before. Its surface is commonly blis- tered, when it comes out of the crucible j and it reciuires to be forged, to bring its. parts together into a firm and continuous state. This cemented iron is called steel. It mav be welded like bar iron, if it haye. 16 IRO not been fused, or over-cemented; but its most useful anel advantageous property is that of becoming extremely hard when ig- nited and plunged into cold water. The hardness produced is greater in proportion as the steel is hotter, and the water colder. The colours which appear on the surface of steel slowly heated are yellowish-white, yellow, gold colour, purple, violet, deep blue, yellowish-white; after which the ig- nition takes place. These signs direct the artist in tempering or reducing the harelness of steel to any determinate standard. If steel be too hard, it will not be proper for tools which are intended to have a fine edge, because it will be so brittle, that the edge will soon become notched; if it be too soft, it is evident, that the edge will bend or turn. Some artists ignite their tools, and plunge them into cold water: after winch, they brighten the surface ofthe steel upon a stone: the tool being then laid upon char- coal, or upon the surface of melted lead, or placed in the flame of a candle, gradual- ly acquires the desired colour; at which instant they plunge it into water. If a hard temper be desired, the piece is dipped again, and stirred about in the cold water, as soon as the yellow tinge appears. If the purple appear before the dipping, the tem- per will be fit for gravers, and tools used in working upon metals; if dippeel while blue, it will be proper for springs, and for instru- ments used in the cutting of soft substan- ces, such as cork, leather, anel the like ; but if the last pale colour be waited for, the hardness of the steel will scarcely exceed that of iron. When soft steel is heated to any one of these colours, and then plunged into water, it does not acquire nearly so great a degree of hardness, as if previously made quite hard, and then reeluced by tem- pering. The degree of ignition required to harden steel is different in the different kinds. The best kinds require only a low red heat. The harder the steel, the more coarse and granulated its fracture will be; and as this is not completely remedied by the subsequent tempering, it is adviseableto employ the least heat capable of affording the requisite hardness. The usual time required for the cemen- tation of steel is from six to ten hours. If the cementation be continued too long, the steel becomes porous, brittle, of a darker fracture, more fusible, and incapable of be- ing forged or welded. On the contrary, steel cemented with earthy infusible pow- ders, is gradually reduced to the state of forged iron again. Simple ignition produ- ces the same effect; but is atteneled with oxielation d' the surface. The texture of steel is rendered more uniform by fusing it before it is made into bars : this is called cast steel; and is rather more difficultly wrought than common steel, because it is IRO more fusible, and is dispersed under the hammer if heated to a white-heat. The English steel maele by cementation, and afterwards fused, and sold under the name of cast steel, in bars, plates, and other forms, possesses great reputation for its uni- formity of texture, and other good qualities. I have been informed by various authorities, of which the respectability and connexions are calculated to produce the most absolute confidence, that all the prime steels of England are made from Swedish iron, known in this country by the name of steel iron, of three different marks, the first of which indicates the best quality, and the third the worst. The comersion of iron into steel, either by fusion, viz. the direct change of crude iron into steel, or by cementation of bar iron, presents many objects of interesting inquiry. From \ arious experiments of Berg- mann,itappeared,that good crude iron, kept for a certain time in a state of fusion, with such additions as appeared calculated to produce little other effect than that of de- fending the metal from oxidation, became converted into steel with loss of weight. These facts are conformable to the general theory of Vandermonde, Monge, and Ber- thollet: for, according to their researches, it shoulel follow that part of the carbon in the cruele iron was dissipated, and the re- mainder proved to be such in proportion as constitutes steel. The same chemist ce- mented crude iron with plumbago, or car- bonate of iron, and found that the metal had lost no weight. Morveau repeated the ex- periment with gray crude iron. The loss of weight was little, if any. The metal ex- hibited the black spot by the application of nitric acid, as steel usually docs, but it did not harden by ignition and plunging in wa- ter. Hence I conclude, that it was scarcely altered; for crude irons also exhibit the black spot, and camv »t by common manage- ment acquire the hardness of steel. By pursuingthis train of reflection, it will follow, that, since crude iron differs from steel only in the superabundance of carbon, it ought to be capable of extreme hardness, if ignited to that degree, which is requisite to combine the greater part of this carbon with the iron, and then suddenly cooled. This is accordingly found to be the case. If the gray crude iron, commonly distinguish- ed by our founders by the name of soft me- ted, be heated to a white heat, and then plungeel into water, it becomes very hard, much whiter, denser, and more metallic in its appearance ; and will bear a pretty good edge fit for gravers, for the use of turners in iron or steel. In these tools the angle of the planes which form the edge is about 45°. The hardness of this kind of iron is not considerably diminished but by ignition continued for a length of time, which is- a IRO IRO fact also conformable to what happens in steel. For the cast steel will be softened nearly as much by annealing to the straw colour, as the harder steels are by anneal- ing to a purple^or full blue. Some of our artists have taken advantage of this property of soft crude iron in the fa- brication of axles and collars for wheel- work ; for this material is easily filed and turned in its soft s ate, and ma afterward be hardened so as to endure a much longer time of wear. The founders who cast wheels and other articles of mechanism, are occasionally em- barrassed by this property. For, as the metal is poured into their moulds of moist- ened sand, the evaporation of the water carries off' a great portion of the heat, and cools the iron so speedily, as to reneler it extremely hard, white, and close in its tex- ture. This is most remarkable in such por- tions of the metal, as have the greatest dis- tance to run from the git or aperture of reception. For these come in contact suc- cessively with a larger portion ofthe sand, and are therefore more suddenly cooled. I have seen the teeth of cog-wheels altoge- ther in this state, while the rim and other parts ofthe wheel remained soft. The ob- vious remedy for this defect is to increase the number of gits, and to have the sand as dry as possible or convenient. In other ar- ticles this property has been applied to ad- vantage, particularly in the steel rollers for large laminating mills. i have been informed by a workman, that ignited iron, suddenly plunged into the soft leather of a shoe, becomes very hard on its surface, which must arise from an instanta- neous effect of case hardening. The increase of dimensions acquired by steel in hardening is such, that, in general, pieces of work finished soft will not fit their places when hardeneel. The fineness of grain in hard steel, as ex- hibited in its fracture, is various according to the quality ofthe metal, and the temper jt has received. The harder the steel the coarser the grain But in like circumstan- ces, fine steel has the closest grain, and is ever the most uniform in its appearance. Workmen avail themselves much of this indication. In general a neat curve lined fracture, and even gray texture, denote good steel; and the appearance of threads, cracks, or brilliant specks, denotes the con- trary. But the management of the forging and other circumstances of manufacturing will modify these indications; and the steel that is good for some purposes, may be less suited to others. It is found, that steel is more effectually hardened in cold than in warm water, and at like temperatures more effectually in mercury than in water. Oil is found to harden the surface of steel much more than its internal part, so that it resists the file, but is much less easily broken by the ham- mer. Tallow differs from oil in the heat which becomes latent for its fusion; and accordingly, solid tallow is an excellent ma- terial for hardening drills and other small articles. The makers of files cover them with the grounds of beer and common salt, which assist their hardening, and keep the surface from scoruying. The mucilage of the beer supplies a coaly matter; and the fused salt forms a varnish in the fire and de- fends the steel. Very small articles heated in a candle are found to be hardened per- fectly by suddenly whirling them in the cold air; and thin bars or plates of steel, such as the magnetic needle of a compass, acquire a good degree of hardness by being ignited, then laid on a plate of cold lead, and sud- denly covered with another plate. These would be unequally hardeneel, and bend, if plunged in water. The black spot which remains upon steel, or crude iron, after it surface has been cor- roded by acids, consists of plumbago, which remains after the iron has disappeared by solution. Solution in the sulphuric or muriatic acid not oidy exhibits the plumbago contained in iron, but likewise possesses the advan- tage of showing the state of its reduction by the quantity of hydrogen gas which is dis- engaged ; for the quantity of this gas, in like circumstances, is proportional to that ofthe iron which is converted into oxide. It is found, that the white crude iron affords the least quantity of hydrogen in proportion to its bulk, and leaves a moderate portion of plumbago; the gray crude iron affords more hydrogen, and more plumbago than the white ; and the softest bar iron affords most hydrogen of any, and little or no plumbago. The quantities of hydrogen gas, at a medi- um, by ounce measures, were 62, afforded by 100 grains of the white crude iron; 71 by the gray crude iron; and 77 by the malle- able iron. Iron is one of the principal ingredients for dyeing black. The stuff'is first prepared with a bath of galls and logwood, then with a similar bath to which verdigris is added, and lastly dyed in a similar buti>, with the addition of sulphate of iron. If it be wish- ed, that the colour should be particularly fine, the stuff'should previously be dyed of a deep blue ; otherwise a brown may be first given with the green husks of walnuts. Silk however must not be previously blued with indigo, and sumach may be substituted instead of galls. Leather prepared by tan- ning with oak bark, is blackened by a solu- tion of sulphate of iron. Cotton has a very strong affinity for oxide of iron, so that, if it be immersed in a solu- tion of any salt of iron, it assumes a chamois colour, more or less deep according to the IRO IRO strength ofthe solution. The action of the air on the oxide of iron deepens the colour; and it the shade were at first deep, the tex- ture ofthe stuff is liable to be corroded by it. To prevent this, the cotton should be immersed in the solution cold, carefully wrung, and immediately plunged into a ley of potash mixed with a solution of alum. After having lain in this four or five hours, it is to be wrung, washed, anel dried. In order to prevent gun-barrels from rust- ing they are frequently browned. This is done by rubbing it over when finished with aquafortis or spirit of salt diluted with wa- ter, and hiving it by for a week or two till a complete coat of rust is formed. A little oil is then applied, and the surface, being rubbed dry, is polished by means of a hard brush and a little bees' wax. The yellow spots called iron moulds, which are frequently occasioned by wash- ing ink spots with soap, may in general be removed by lemon-juice, or the oxalic or citric acids; or by muriatic acid diluted with five or six parts of water, but this must be washed off' in a minute or two. Ink spots may readily be removed by the same means. If the iron mould have remained so long, that the iron is very highly oxidi- zed, so as to be insoluble in the acid, a so- lution of an alkaline sulphuret may be ap- plied, and, after this has been well washed off the acid will remove the stain. * To the preceding details, which are se- lected from Mr. Nicholson's work, I shall subjoin a short systematic view ofthe che- mical nature and relations of iron. I. Of pure iron. Its specific gravity is 7.7, but it may be made 7.8 by hammering. Under the arti- cle Cohksion, the tenacity of iron is given in reference to other solids. In malleability it is much inferior to gold, silver, and cop- per ; though in ductility it approaches these metals ; for iron wires of l-150th of an inch, are frequently drawn. Is melting point is estimated by Sir G. Mackenzie at 158° Wedge wood; the extreme heat of our che- mical furnaces. Dr. Wollaston first showed, that the forms in which native iron is disposeel to break, are those ofthe regular octahedron and tetrahedron, or rhomboid, consisting of these forms combined. In a specimen possessed by this philosopher, the crystal- line surfaces appear to have been the re- sult of a process of oxidation which has penetrated the mass to a considerable depth in the direction of its laminae; but in the specimen which is in the possession of the Geological Society, the brilliant surfaces that have been occasioned by forcible se- paration from the original mass, exhibit also the same configurations as are usual in the fracture of octohedral crystals, and are •found in many simple metals. This spon- taneous decomposition of thf metal in the direction of its crystalline laminx is a new and valuable fact. From Mr. Danicll's ingenious expert- ments on the mechanical structure of iron, developed by solution, we learn, that a mass of bar iron which had undergone all the operations of puddling anel rolling, af'.cr being left in liquid muriatic acid, till satu- ration, presented the appearance of a bun- dle of fasces, whose libres run parallel through its whole length. At its two ends, the points were perfectly eletached from each other, and the rods were altogether so distinct, as to appear to the eye to be but loosely compacted. II. Compounds of iron. i. Oxide; of which there are two, or perhaps three. 1. The oxide, obtained either by digest- ing an excess of iron filings in water, by the combustion of iron wire in oxygen, or by adding pure ammonia to solution of green copperas, and drying the precipitate out of contact of air, is of a black colour, becoming white by its union with water, in the hy- drate, attractible by the magnet, but more feebly than iron. By a mean ofthe experi- ments of several chemists, its composition seems to be, Iron, 100 77.82 3.5 Oxygen, 28.5 22.18 1.0 Whence the prime equivalent of iron comes out, we perceive, 3.5. SirH. Davy's num- ber, reduced to the oxygen scale, is 6.86, one-half of which, 3.43, is very nearly the determination of Berzelius. But Mr. Por- rett, in an ingenious paper published in the Annals of Philosophy for October 1819, conceives that to make the theoretical pro- portions relative to iron harmonize with the experimental results, we must consider 1.75, or the half of 3.5, as its true prime equivalent, or lowest term of combination. The protoxide will then consist of 2 primes of iron to 1 of oxygen. M. Thenard, in his Traite', vol ii. p. 73. says, the above oxide, obtained by decom- posing protosulphate of iron by potash or soda, and washing the precipitate in close vessels with water deprived of its air, con- sists, according to M. Gay-Lussac, of 100 parts of iron, and 25 of oxygen. This de- termination would make the atom of iron 4.0 ; and is probably incorrect. This pro- portion is proved, he adds, by dissolving a certain quantity of iron in dilute sulphuric acid, anel collecting the evolved hydrogen. Now, by this method extreme precision should be ensured. 2. Deutoxide of M. Gay-Lussac. He forms it, by exposing a coil of fine iron wire, placed in an ignited porcelain tube, to a current of steam, as long as any hydrogen comes over. There is no danger, he says, of generating peroxide in this experiment; IRO mo because iron, once in the state of deutoxide, has no such affinity for oxygen, as to enable it to decompose water. It may also, he states, be procured by calcining strongly a mixture of 1 part of iron and 3 parts ofthe red oxide in a stone-ware crucible, to the neck of which a tube is adapted to cut off the contact of air. But this process is less certain than the first; because a portion of peroxide may escape the reaction of the iron. But we may dispense with the trou- ble of making it, adds M. Thenard, because it is found abundantly in nature. He re- fers to this oxide, the crystallized specular iron ore of Elba, Corsica, Dalecarlia, and Sweden. He also classes under this oxide, all the magnetic iron ores; and says, that the above described protoxide does not •xist in nature. From the synthesis of this •xide by steam, M. Gav-Lussac has deter- mined i1 s composition to be, Iron, 100 72.72 Oxygen, 37.5 27.28, which Mr. Porrett reconciles to theory, by represent ing it as consisting of 3 primes iron, 5.25 72.5 100 2 oxygen, 2.00 27.5 38 3. The red oxide. It may be obtained by igniting the nitrate, or carbonate; by calcining iron in open vessels; or simply by treating the metal with strong nitric acid, then washing and drying the resi- duum. Colcothar of vitriol, or thorough calcined copperas, may be considered as peroxide of iron. It exists abundantly na- tive in the red iron ores. It seems to be a Compound of, By Mr. Porrett. Iron, 100 70 = 4 primes. Oxygen, 43 30 = 3 primes. 2. Chlorides of iron; of which there are two, first examined in detail by Dr. Davy. The protochloride may by procured by heating to redness, in a glass tub6 with a very small orifice, the residue, which is ob- tained by evaporating to dryness the green muriate of iron. It is a fixed substance, re- quiring a red heat for its fusion. It has a grayish variegated colour, a metallic splen- dour, and a lamellar texture. It absorbs chlorine when heated in this gas, and be- comes entirely converted into the volatile deutochloride. It consists, by Dr. Davy, of Iron, 46.57 Chlorine, 53.43 By Mr. Porrett, 2 primes iron, 3.5 43.75 100.0 1 chlorine, 4.5 56.25 128.7 The deutochloride may be formed by the combustion of iron wire in chlorine gas, or by gently heating the green muriate in a glass tube. It is the volatile compound, described by Sir H. Davy in his celebrated Bakerian lecture on oxymuriatic acid. It condenses after sublimation, in the form of small brilliant iridescent plates. It consists, by Dr. Davy, of iron, 35.1 chlorine, 64.9 By Mr. Porrett, 4 primes iron, 7.0 34.14 100.08 3 chlorine, 13.5 65.86 192.85 3. For the iodide of iron, See Iodine. 4. Sulphurets of iron; of which, accord- ing to Mr. Porrett, there are four, though only two are usually described, his protosul- phuret, and persulphuret. The protosulphuret of iron exists in na- ture. It has the metallic appearance of bronze, but its powder is blackish-gray. It is in fact the magnetic pyrites of mineralogy, which see among the Ores of iron. By the analyses of Mr. Hatchett and Professor Proust, it seems to consist of iron, 63 sulphur, 37 Mr. Porrett represents it as composed of 2 primes iron = 3.5 63.75 100 1 sulphur 2.0 36.25 57 His deutosulphate and tritosulphate are as follows: Deutos. 3 primes iron, 5.25 57 100 2 sulphur, 4.00 43 76 Tritos. 4 primes iron, 7.0 54 100 3 sulphur, 6.0 46 86 He conceives, that in Proust's experi- ments, as related in the 1st volume of Nichol- son's 8vo Journal, descriptions of com- pounds corresponding to those two sulphu- rets are given. The protosulphuret is the cubic iron py- rites ofthe mineralogist. It consists, by Mr. Porrett, of 1 prime iron, 1.75 46.5 100.0 1 sulphur, 2.00 53.5 114.2; and the mean of Mr. Hatchett's celebrated expe- riments on pyrites, published in the Phu\ Trans, for 1804, gives of iron, 100 sulphur, 113 5. Carburets of iron. These compounds form steel, and probably cast iron ; though the latter contains also some other ingre- dients. The latest practical researches on the constitution of these carburets, are those of Mr. Daniel!, above quoted. A mass of steel just taken from the cruci- ble in which it had been fused, was subject- ed to the action of muriatic acid. It was of a radiated texture. When withdrawn from the solvent, it presented a high crystalline arrangement, composed of minute brilliant plates. A bar of steel of an even granular fracture being broken into two, the pieces were heated in a furnace to a cherry-red. In this state one of them was plunged into cold water, and the other allowed to cool gradually by the slow extinction ofthe fire. They were then both placed in muriatic acid, to which a few drops of nitric acid had been added. The softened piece of steel was readily attacked; but it required a pe- riod five times greater to saturate the acid with the hard piece. When the solvent had ceased to act on both, they were examined. The hard steel was exceedingly brittle, its surface was covered with small cavities like worm-eaten wood, but its text«re was very IRO IRO compact, and not at all striated. The other piece was inelastic and flexible, and pre- sented a fibrous and wavy texture. On this texture, the excellence of iron for mechan- ical purposes i- known to depend; and the parts not fibrous are thrown off by the- pro- cesses of pudelling and hammering. By cut- ting the iron bars into short pieces repeated- ly, tying them in bundles, and welding them together, a similar interlacement of fibres is given to this valuable metal, as to flax and hemp, by carding and spinning. May not the superior quality ofthe Damascus sword blades, which is still a problem, says Mr. Daniell, to our manufacturers, be owing to some such management? A specimen of white cast iron, of a radiateel fracture, took just three times as long to saturate a given portion of acid, as a cube of gray cast iron, or a mass of bar iron. Its texture, after this action, appeared to be composed of a con- geries of plates, aggregated in various po- sitions, sometimes producing stars upon the surface, from the intersection of their edges. A small bar of cold short iron, ex- ceedingly brittle, and presenting in its frac- ture bright and polished surfaces, resem- bling antimony, after the action of the acid proved to be fibrous. A rod of hot short iron presented, at the end of the operation, a closely compacteel mass of very small fibres, perfectly continuous. The congeries was twisted, but the threads preserved their parallelism. MM. Berzelius and Stromeyer produced a compound, which they consider as a com- bination of iron, carbon, and silicium, the unknown basis of silica. They mixed into a paste with gum or linseed oil, very pure iron, silex, and charcoal, and heated the mixture very intensely in a covered cruci- ble. They inferreel that silicium, in the me- tallic or inflammable state, existed in the product, because the sum ofthe iron and silex extracted from the alloy, very sensi- bly exceeded the total weight ofthe alloy; because the alloy gave a much greater quantity of hydrogen, with muriatic acid, than the iron alone which it containeel would have afforded; and because there is no known combination of a metal with an earth, which requires the successive opera- tion ofthe most powerful agents to decom- pose it, as this alloy did. The colour of this compound was that of common steel. The quantities of the component parts, however, of this alloy, differed very mate- rially, from those of the purified carburet obtained from cast iron. The former varied from the proportions of Iron, 85.3 to 96.1 Silicium, 9.2 2.2 Carbon, 5.3 1.6 The artificial compound was highly mag- netical, while the triple carburet is not. Mr. Daniell, in examining by solution in acid, a cube of gray cast iron, obtained a porous spongy substance, untouched by the menstruum. It was easily cut off by a knife; had a dark gray colour, some what resembling plumbago, and when placed in considerable quantity on blotting paper to dry, it spontaneously heated, ignited and scorched the paper. Its properties were not impaired by being left for weeks in the solution of iron, or in water. After a series of el-iborate analytical experiments, Mr. Daniell infers the composition of this cast- iron to be, Iron, 84.66 r. • ,£n,( silex, 10.13 Foreignmatter, 15.o4 J double carbur. 4M 15.34 And 100 grains of the double carburet of iron and silex upon an average of 5 experi- ments, gave the following results: Red oxide ; 31 2 = 28 Q Wack oxide ot iron, > Silex, 22.3 =. 20.6 oxide of silicium ? Carbon, 51.4=51.4 104.9 100.0~ Although the existence of silicium in the metallic state alloyed with iron, is not ac- tually demonstrated by the preceding ex- periments, yet it is renelered extremely probable. But, as Mr. Daniell remarks, much remains to be done to complete our knowledge of the nature of cast iron. The composition of steel is also very va- riable. According to M.. Vauquelin, the carbon forms T^ part, on an average. By enclosing diamonels in cavities of soft iron, and igniting; the former disappeared, and the inner surface ofthe latter was convert- ed into steel. Mr. Clouet makes the car- bon in cast iron = $ of the whole weight. But Berzelius makes the latter species a very complex compound. A specimen of very pure cast iron analyzed by him, yielded, Iron, 90.83 Silicium, 0.50 Magnesium, 0.20 Manganese, 4.57 Carbon, 3.90 100.00 Mr. Mushet has inserted in several vo- lumes of the Phil. Magazine, many excellent papers on the manufacture and habitudes of iron. In the 5th volume of the Manches- ter Memoirs, a good account ofthe process used at Sheffield for converting cast iron into pure iron, and pure iron into steel, has been published by Mr. Joseph Collier. He has given a drawing of the steel furnace of cementation. I regret that the limits of this work prevent me from transcribing their valuable communications. I shall merely annex Mr. Muschet's table of the proportions of carbon corresponding to dif- ferent carburets of iron. T^ff Soft cast steel. T^5 Common cast steeT. IRO IRO -*— The same, but harder. so * The same too hard for drawing. 5j White cast iron. 1 ■£5" Mottled cast iron. TT Black cast iron. Graphite or plumbago, is also a carburet of iron ; containing about 10 per cent of metal, which calling the prime of iron 1.75, makes it a compound of 21 primes of car- bon to I of metal. This congregation of carbonaceous atoms, by a singular enough •oincielence, is precisely that assigned by Dr. Thomson, in his analysis of coal, as the number clustered round azote, a body whose atomic weight is also 1.75. See Annals of Phil, for August 1819, p. 93. This analogy may perhaps be regarded, by those who hum after harmonic numbers, as at once a demonstration of the atom of iron being 1.75; and of an atom of carbon requiring for saturation 21 atoms of a substance, whose prime equivalent is to its own, as 1.75 is to 0.75. It is, however, rather un- lucky for this fancy, that cy anogen or prus- sine has been discovered. Pure iron becomes instantly magnetic, when presented to a magnetic bar; and as speedily loses its magnetism, when the bar is withdrawn. Its coercive power, in resist- ing the decomposition or recomposition of the austral and boreal magnetisms, is ex- tremely feeble. But when iron is combined with oxygen, carbon, sulphur or phospho- rus, it acquires the magneto-coercive virtue, which attains a maximum of force, with cer- tain proportions of the constituents, hither- to undetermined. Mr Hatchett is the only chemist who has adverted to this subject, in a philosophical manner.—" Speaking gene- rally ofthe carburets, sulphurets, and phos- phurets of iron, I have no doubt," says he, "but that, by accurate experiments, we shall find, that a certain proportion of the ingredients of each, constitutes a maximum in the magnetical power of these three bo- dies." The most useful alloy of iron, is that with tin, in tin-plate. The" surface of the iron plates is cleaned first, by steeping in a crude bran-vinegar, and then in dilute sulphuric acid ; after which they are scoured bright with hemp and sand, and deposited in pure water, to prevent oxidation. Into a pot, containing equal parts of grain and block- tin in a state of fusion, covered with tallow, the iron plates are immersed in a vertical direction, having been previously kept for about an hour in melted tallow. From 300 to 400 plates are tinned at a time: each par- cel requires an hour and a half for mutual incorporation of the metals. After lifting out the tinned plates, the striae are removed from their surfaces, and under edges, by subsequent immersion in mdted tin, and then in melted tallow, wiping the surface* at the same time with a hempen brush. Very curious and instructive experiments on the alloys of steel with several metals, with a view to improve cutting instruments and reflecting mirrors, have been lately made in the laboratory of the ltoyal Insti- tution, of which an account is inserted in the 18th number ofthe Journal of Science. Alloys of sled with platinum, rhodium, golel, and nickel may be obtained, when the heat is sufficiently high. This is so re- markable with platinum, that it will fuse when in contact with steel, at a heat at which the steel itself is not affected. There are some very curious circumstan- ces, attending the alloy of silver. If steel and silver be kept in fusion together for a length of time, an alloy is obtained, which appears to be very perfect, while the me- tals are in the fluid state ; but on solidify ing and cooling, globules of pure silver are ex- pressed from the mass, and appear on the surface of the button. If an alloy of this kind be forged into a bar, and then dissect- ed by the action of dilute sulphuric acid, the silver appears not in combination with the steel, but in threads throughout the mass; so that the whole has the appearance of a bundle of fibres of silver and steel, as if they had been united by welding. The appearance of these silver fibres is very beautiful; they are sometimes one-eighth of an inch in length, and suggest the idea of giving mechanical toughness to steel, where a very perfect edge may not be re- quired. The most interesting result is the following:—\V hen 1 of silver and 500 steel were properly fused together, a very per- fect button was produced; no silver ap- peared on its surface ; when forged and dis- sected by an acid, no fibres were seen, al- though examined by a high magnifying power. The specimen forged remarkably well, although very hard; it had, in every respect, the most favourable appearance. By a delicate test, every part of the bar gave silver. This alloy is decidedly superior to the very best steel, and this excellence is unquestionably owing to combination with a minute portion of silver. It has been re- peatedly made, and always with success. Various cutting tools have been made from it ofthe best quality. Mr. Stodart, a veiy eminent cutler, assisted at these experi- ments, which must give the public confi- dence in their practical results. Equal parts by weight, of platinum and steel, form a beautiful alloy, which takes a fine polish, anel does not tarnish; the colour is the finest imaginable for a mirror. The sp. gr. of this beautiful compound is 9.862. The proportions of platinum that appear to improve steel for eelge instruments, are from 1 to 3 per cent. While an alloy of 10 pla- tinum with 80 steel, after lying many IKO IRO months exposed, had not a speck on its sur- face; an alloy of 10 nickel with 80 plati- num, was in the same circumstances cover- ed with rust. The alloys of steel with rhodium, would prove highly valuable, were it not for the scarcity ofthe latter metal. There is a species of steel made in India, called ivootz, possessed of excellent quali- ties, which seems to have been successfully imitated in these late experiments at the Royal Institution. In a previous number ofthe same Journal, (14th), Mr. Faraday had detailed a minute, and apparently, a very accurate analysis, operated on a part of one ofthe cakes of wootz, presented by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, to Mr. Stodart. 460 grains gave 0.3 of a grain of silex, 0.6 of a grain of alumina. 42u grains of the best English steel, furnished by Mr. Stodart, afforded no earths w hatever. The imitative synthesis was performed in the fol- lowing way:— Pure steel in small pieces, and, in some instances, good iron being mixed with char- coal powder, were intensely heated for a long time. Thus, carburets, having a dark green metallic colour, were formed, highly crystallized, resemblingsomewhatthe black ore of tellurium. When broken, the facets of small buttons, not weighing more than 500 grains, were frequently above the eighth of an inch in width. The results of several experiments on its composition, which appeared very uniform, gave 94.36 iron -f- 5.64 carbon. This being broken and rubbed to powder in a mortar, was mix- ed with pure alumina, and the whole in- tensely heated in a close crucible for a con- siderable time. On being removed from the furnace and opened, an alloy was ob- tained of a white colour, a close granular texture, and very brittle. This, when ana- lyzed, gave 6.4 per cent, of alumina, and a portion of carbon not accurately estimat- ed. 700 of good steel, with 40 of the alu- mina alloy, were fused together, and formed a very good button perfectly malleable. This, on being forged into a little bar, and the surface polished, gave, on the applica- tion of sulphuric acid, the beautiful damask, peculiar to wootz. A second experiment was made with 500 grains of the same steel, and 67 of the alumina alloy, which also proved good. It forged well, and gave the damask. This specimen had all the appre- ciable characters ofthe best Bombay wootz. It is highly probable, that the much admir- ed sabres of Damascus, are made from this steel; and if this beadmitteel, there can be little reason to eloubt, that the damask itself is merely an exhibition of crystallization. Wootz requires for tempering, to be heated fully 40° F. above the best English cast steel; and affords a finer and more durable edge. When soft steel is ignited to a cherry- red, and suddenly plunged in cold water, it is rendered so hard as to resist the file".) and nearly as brittle as glass. The temper- ing of steel consists in reducing this e- xces- sive harelness to a moderate degree, hy a gentle heating, which also restores its toughness and elasticity. In the year 1/89, Mr. Hartley obtained a patent for a mode of tempering cutting instruments ot seel, by immersion in oil, heated to a ie-gulated temperature, measured by a thermometer. This was certainly a great improvement, both in point of precision and despatch, on the common method of neatmg the instru- ment over a tiame, till a certain colour, pro- duced by a fiim of oxide, appears on its sur- face. These colours are, At 43j° F. a very faint yellow, for lancets* 450 470 490 510 530 550 560 600 a pale straw-colour for razons and surgeons' instruments. a full yellow, for penknives. a brown colour, for scissarsand chisels for cutting cold iron. a brown, with purple spots, for axes and plane-irons. a purple, for table-knives and large shears. a bright blue, for swords, watch- springs, truss-springs, and bell-springs. a full blue, for small fine saws, daggers, &c. dark blue, verging on black, 19 the softest of all the grada- tions; when the metal be- comes fit only for hand and pit-saws, which must be soft, that their teeth may bear sharpening by the file, and setting by the hammer, or pliers. If the steel be heated still further, it be- comes perfectly soft. When tools having a thick back and thin edge, like penknives, are to be tempered, they are placed with their back on a plate of hot iron or on hot sand; otherwise they would become too soft at the edge, before- the backs would be sufficiently heated. To prevent warping of long blades, or bars for magnets, they are generally hardened by being plunged vertically into water. It is evident, that melted pewter, covered with grease, may be used instead of hot oil for tempering steel; the heat being regulated by a ther- mometer. Salts of iron. These salts have the following gencrA characters:— 1. Most of them are soluble in water; those with the protoxide for a base, are ge- nerally cmAallizablc; those with the per- oxide, are generally not; the former are insoluble, the latter soluble in alcohol. 2. lerroprossiate of potash throws down a blue precipitate, or one becoming blue in the air. 3. Infusion of galls gives a dark purple precipitate, or one becoming so in the air IRO IRO 4. Hvdrosulphuret of potash or ammonia gives a" black precipitate; but sulphuretted hydrogen merely deprives the solutions of iron of their yellow-brown colour. 5. Phosphate of soda gives a whitish precipitate. 6. Benzoate of ammonia, yellow. 7. Succinate of ammonia, flesh-coloured with the peroxide. 1. Protucetate of iron forms small pris- matic crystals, of a green colour, a sweet- ish styptic taste, and a sp. gr. 1.368. 2. Peracetate of iron forms a reddish- brown uncrystallizable solution, much used by the calico printers, and prepared by keeping iron-turnings, or pieces of old iron, for six months immersed in redistil- led pyrolignous acid. See Acid (Acetic) 3. Protarseniate of iron exists native in crystals, and may be formed in a pulveru- lent state, by pouring arseniate of ammo- nia into sulphate of iron. It is insoluble, and consists, according to Chenevix, of 38 acid, 43 oxide, and 19 water, in 100 parts. 4. Perarseniale of iron may be formed by pouring arseniate of ammonia into per- acetate of iron; or by boiling nitric acid on the protarseniate. It is insoluble. 5. Antimoniate of iron is white, becom- ing yellow, insoluble. 6. Borate, pale yellow, insoluble. 7. Benzoate, yellow, do. 8. Protocarbonate, greenish, soluble. 9. Percarbonate, brown, insoluble. 10. Chromate, blackish, do. 11. Protocitrate, brown crystals, soluble. 12. Protoferroprussiate, white, insoluble. 13. Perferroprussiate, blue, do. This constitutes the beautiful pigment called prussian blue. When exposed to a heat of about 400°, it takes fire in the open air; but in close vessels it is decomposed, apparently into carburetted hydrogen, wa- ter, and hydrocyanate of ammonia, which come over; while a mixture of charcoal and oxide of iron remains in the state of a pulverulent pyrophorus, ready to become inflamed with contact of air. 1 have alrea- dy considered the constitution of prussian blue, in treating ofthe Acid (Ferro- prussic); and have little farther to add to what is there stated concerning this in- tricate compound. I perceive that Dr Thomson has recently published (Ann. ot Phil, for September 1820) a new igneous analysis of prussian blue. He gives now satisfactory evidence, that hydrocyanate of ammonia is one ofthe products, which his former short notice left somewhat >n doubt. But the details of his analysis are blended with so many theoretical suppositions, that instead of clearing up the matter, they seem to involve it in greater mystery. I shall avail myself, however, ot this op- portunity of presenting my readers with Vol. IT. the valuable investigations of M. Robiquet on the nature of prussian blue, published in the 12th vol. of the Ann. de Chimie et Physique. When'sulphuric acid is added to prus- sian blue, it makes it perfectly white, ap- parently by abstracting its water; for the blue colour returns on dilution of the acid, anel if the strong acid be poured off, it yields no traces of either prussic acid or iron. On submitting pure prussian blue for some time to the action of sulphuretted hydrogen water, small brilliant crystals of a'yellowish colour appeared, which became blue in the air, and were protoprussiate of iron: M. Robiquet has succeeded in ob- taining the acid of prussian blue in a solid crystalline state, by a different process from Mr. Porrett's. Strong muriatic acid, in large quantity, being mixed with pure prussian blue, and left for some time, the sediment becomes of a green colour, and then yellow. If water be added to this mixture, it is again rendered blue; but if no water be added, and if it be allowed to stand in a narrow vessel, the sediment falls to the bottom, and a deep red-brown solu- tion covers it. This is an acid solution of muriate of iron, and cannot be made to produce a blue by any method tried. The sediment was allowed to contract itself for several days, and the supernatant liquor "being drawn off by a little syphon, the washing was then repeated with concen- trated muriatic acid as before, until the process was supposed to be complete. The magma was now collected into a capsule, and placed in a receiver, containing much lime, to dry. When dry it was digested in alcohol, filtered and evaporated sponta- neously, and a number of small crystals were obtained. These crystals were se- parated, washed in fresh alcohol, and again crystallized; and were then the pure acid of" prussian blue, or the ferrochyazic acid of Mr. Porrett. These crystals appear at times to be te- trahedral; they are white when pure; but become slightly blue by exposure to the air. They have no odour; their taste is acid and peculiar, without being like that of prus- sic acid. They are soluble in water and alcohol. The colourless solution produces an immense precipitate of prussian blue, in persulphate of iron. The acid perfectly saturates potash, and produces the com- mon triple prussiate of potash. If it be heated, a considerable quantity of prussic acid first passes off', the remainder becomes of a deep blue colour, and insoluble.— When heated in close vessels, the prussic acid is given off as before, perfectly pure, and no other effect takes place, if the tem- perature be below that of boiling mercury. The residue is yellowish-brown, but be- 17 IRO IRO comes nearly black in the air; it contains ammonia, and the iron is in such a state of combination, that it is not affected either by sulphuric acid or the magnet. If this residuum be heated still higher, then prus- sic acid in small quantities, and hydrogen and azote, in the proportion of one to two, come off, and charcoal and metallic iron remain. No carbonic acid is found in this experiment; hence the iron is in the me- tallic state in the acid. M. Robiquet con- cludes from this experiment, that the pe- culiar acid is a combination of prussic acid and cyanuret (prusside) of iron, formed by affinities so powerful, that the poisonous properties of the prussic acid are entirely neutralized and lost. "It results," says M. Robiquet, "from what has been said,— " 1. That potash is an essential element in the white prussiate of iron. " 2. That the protoprussiate of iron is slightly soluble in water, capable of being crystallized, and of a yellow colour. " 3. That the acid of prussian blue, and of triple prussiates in general, is a combi- nation of iron, cyanogen, and prussic acid. " 4. That prussian blue, and the triple prussiates in general, are formed of a cya- nuret and a hydrocyanate (a prusside and prussiate). " 5. That it is probable that prussian blue owes its colour to a certain quantity of water." These curious details of M. Robiquet have the air of chemical research, and do him much honour. I consider Mr. Porrett's process for ob- taining crystallized ferroprussic acid to be more elegant than M. Robiquet's. He dis- solved 58 gr. of crystallizeel tartaric acid in spirit of wine, and poured the solution into a phial containing 50 gr. of ferruretted chyazate of potash dissolved in 2 or 3 drachms of warm water: by this process the whole ofthe tartaric acid will combine with, and precipitate the potash, in the state of supertartrate of potash, and the alcoholic fluid will contain nothing but fer- ruretted chyazic acid, which may be ob- tained from it, in small crystals, generally resembling a cube, by spontaneous evapo- ration.—Annals of Philosophy for Septem- ber 1818. 14. Protogallate, colourless, soluble. 15. Pergallate, purple, insoluble. 16. Prolomuriate, green crystals, very soluble. 17. Permuriate, brown, uncrystallizable, very soluble. See the chlorides of iron pre- viously described. 18. Protonitrate, pale green, soluble. 19. Pernitrate, brown, do. 20. Protoxalate, green prisms, do. 21. Peroxalate, yellow, scarcely soluble. 22. Protophosphate, blue, insoluble. 23. Perphosphate, white, insoluble. 24. Protosuccinute, brown crystals, solu- ble. 25. Persuccinate, brownish-red, insolu- ble. 26. Protosulphate, green vitriol, or cop- peras. It is generally formed by exposing native pyrites to air and moisture, when the sulphur and iron both absorb oxygen, and form the salt. There is, however, an excess of sulphuric acid, which must be saturated by digesting the lixivium of the decomposed pyrites with a quantity of iron plates or turnings. It forms beautiful green crystals, which are transparent rhomboidal prisms, whose faces are rhombs with angles of 79° 50* and 100° 10' inclined to each other at an- gles of 98° 37' and 81° 23'. Sp. gr. 1.84. Its taste is harsh and styptic. It reddens vegetable blues. Two parts of cold and three-fourths of boiling water dissolve it It does not dissolve in alcohol. Exposure to air converts the surface of the crystals into a red deutosulphate. A moderate heat whitens it, by separating the water of crystallization, and a stronger heat drives off the sulphuric acid. Its constituents are 28.9 acid, 28.3 protoxide, and 45 water, according to Berzelius; consisting, by Mr. Porrett's views, of 1 prime acid + 2 oxide -+- 7 water. 27. Persulphate. Of this salt there seems to be four or more varieties, having a fer- reous base, which consists, by Mr. Porrett, of 4 primes iron -f- 3 oxygen = 10 in weight, from which their constitution may be learned. The tartrate and pertartrate of iron may also be formed; or, by digesting cream of tartar with water on iron filings, a triple salt may be obtained, formerly called tar- tarized tincture of Mars. Iron is one of the most valuable articles of the materia medica. The protoxide acts as a genial stimulant and tonic, in all cases of chronic debility not connected with or- ganic congestion or inflammation. It is peculiarly efficacious in chlorosis. It ap- pears to me that the peroxide and its com- binations are almost uniformly irritating, causing heartburn, febrile heat, and quick- ness of pulse. Many chalybeate mineral waters contain an exceedingly minute quantity of protocarbonate of iron, and yet exercise an astonishing power in recruiting the exhausted frame. 1 believe their vir- tue to be derived simply from the metal being oxidized to a minimum, and diffused by the agency of a mild acid through a great body of water, in which state it is rapielly taken up by the lacteals, and spee- dily imparts a ruddy hue to the wan coun- tenance. I find that these qualities may be imitated exactly, by dissolving 3 grains of sulphate of iron, and 60 of bicarb'—ate of ISI IYO potash, in a quart of cool water, with agi- tationjjin'a'close vessel.* • Iron-flint. Eeisenkiesel.— Werner. Colours, brown and red. Massive, and crystallized in small equiangular six-sided prisms, acuminated on both extremities. It occurs commonly in small angulo-granular distinct concretions. Lustre, vitreo-resi- nous. Fracture small conchoidal. Opaque. Gives sparks with steel. Bather difficultly frangible. Sp. gr. 2.6 to 2.8. Infusible. Its constituents are 935 silica, 5 oxide of iron, and 1 volatile matter. The red iron- flint contains 21.7 oxide of iron, and 76.8 silica. It occurs in veins in ironstone, and in trap-rocks, near Bristol, in the island of Rathlin, at Dunbar, and in many parts of Germany.—Jameson* • Isatis Tinctoria. The plant used for dyeing, called woad.* •Iskrine. Colour, iron-black. In small obtuse angular grains. Lustre splendent or glistening, and metallic. Fracture con- choidal. Opaque. Harder than feldspar. Brittle. Retains its colour in the streak Sp. gr. 4.6. It melts into a blackish-brown glass, which is slightly attracted by the magnet. The mineral acids have no effect on it, but oxalic acid extracts a portion of the titanium. Its constituents are 48 oxide of titanium, 48 oxide of iron, and 4 ura- nium, by Dr. Thomson's analysis of the iserine, found in the bed of the river Don, in Aberdeenshire; but, by Klaproth, it con- sists of 28 oxide of titanium, and 72 oxide of iron. On the continent it has hitherto been found only in the lofty Riesengebirge, near the origin of the stream called the Iser, disseminated in granite sand; and in alluvial soil along with pyrope in Bohemia. •—Jameson* Isinglass. This substance is almost wholly gelatin; 100 grains of good dry isinglass containing rather more than 98 of matter soluble in water. Isinglass is made from certain fish found in the Danube, and the rivers of Muscovy. Willoughby and others inform us, that it is made of the sound of the Beluga; and Neumann, that it is made ofthe Huso ticr- manorum, and other fish, which he has fre- quently seen sold in the public markets of Vienna. Mr. Jackson remarks, that the Bounds of cod, properly prepared, afford this substance; and that the lakes of Ame- rica abound with fish from which the very finest sort may be obtained. Isinglass receives its different shapes in the following manner:— The parts of which it is composed, par- ticularly the sounds, are takenjfrom the fish while sweet and fresh, slit open, washed from their slimy sordes, divested of a very thin membrane which envelops the sound, and then exposed to stiffen a little in the air. In this state they are formed into rolls about the thickness of a finger, and in length according to the intended size of the staple: a thin membrane is generally selected for the centre of the roll, round which the rest are folded alternately, and about half an inch of each extremity of the roll is turned inwards. Isinglass is best made in the summer, as frost gives it a disagreeable colour, de- prives it of weight, and impairs its gelati- nous principles. Isinglass boiled in milk forms a mild nu- tritious jelly, and is thus sometimes em- ployed medicinally. This, when flavoured by the art of the cook, is the blanc-manger of our tables. A solution of isinglass in water, with a very small proportion of some balsam, spread on black silk, is the court- plaster of the shops. Ivory. The tusk, or tooth of defence of the male elephant. It is an intermediate substance between bone and horn, not ca- pable of being softened by fire, not altoge- ther so hard and brittle as bone. Some- times it grows to an enormous size, so as to weigh nearly two hundred pounds. The entire tooth is of a yellowish, brown- ish, and sometimes a dark-brown colour on the outside; internally white, hollow to- wards the root, and so far as was inserted into the jaw, of a blackish-brown colour. The finest, whitest, smoothest, and most compact ivory comes from the island of Ceylon. The grand consumption of this commodity is for making ornamental uten- sils, mathematical instruments, cases, box- es, balls, combs, dice, and an infinity of toys. The workmen have methods also of tinging it of a variety of colours. Merat Guillot obtained from 100 parts of ivory, 24 gelatin, 64 phosphate of lime, and 0.1 carbonate of lime. The coal of ivory is used in the arts un- der the denomination of ivory-black. Par- ticular vessels are used in the manufactory of the pigment, for the purpose of render- ing it perfectly black. Some travellers speak of the tooth of the sea-horse as an excellent ivory; but it is too hard to be sawed or wrought like ivory. It is used for making artificial teeth. LAB LAR KALI. See Potash. Kaolin. The Chinese name of por- celain clay. Kedria Terrestris. Barbadoes tar. See Bitumen. • Kelp. Incinerated sea-weed. See Soda.* Kermes (coccus illicis, Lin.) is an insect found in many parts of Asia, and the south of Europe. On account of their figure, they were a long time taken for the seeds of the tree on which they live; whence they were call- ed gruins of kermes. They also bore the name of vermilion. To dye spun worsted with kermes, it is first boiled half an hour in water with bran, then two hours in a fresh bath with one-fifth of Roman alum, and one-tenth of tartar, to which sour water is commonly added; after which it is taken out, tied up in a linen bag, and carried to a cool place, where it is left some days. To obtain a full colour, as much kermes as equals three-fourths, or even the whole of the weight of the wool, is put into a warm bath, and the wool is put in at the first boiling. As cloth is more dense than wool, either spun or in the fleece, it requires one-fourth less of the salts in the boiling, and of kermes in the bath. The colour that kermes imparts to wool has much less bloom than the scarlet made with cochineal; whence the latter has ge- nerally been preferred, since the art of heightening its colour by means of solu- tion of tin has been known. Kermes Mineral. See Antimony. * Kiffekill. See Meerschaum.* * Kinate of Lime. A salt which forms 7 per cent of cinchona. See Acid (Kinic).* Kino. A few years ago this was intro- duced into our shops and medical practice by the name of a gum; but Dr. Duncan has shown that it is an extract. * It contains also a species of tamrin, whence it is used as an astringent in diarrhoeas * * Klebschiefer. Adhesive slate.* * Konite. See Conite.* • Koumiss. A vinous liquid, which the Tartars make by fermenting mare's milk. Something similar is prepared in Orkney and Shetland.* Kupfer Nickel. See Nickel. LABDANUM. A resin of a species of cistus in Candia, of a blackish colour. The country people collect it by means of a staff, at the end of which are fastened many leather thongs, which they gently strike on the trees. They form it into cy- lindrical pieces, which are called labdanum in tortis. It is greatly adulterated by the addition of black sand. It has been used in cephalic and stomachic plasters and perfumes. Laboratory. A place properly fitted up for the performance of chemical opera- tions. As chemistry is a science founded en- tirely on experiment, we cannot hope to understand it well, without making such experiments as verify most of the known fundamental operations, and also such as reasoning, analogy, anel the spirit of inqui- ry, never fail to suggest to those, whose taste and suitable talents leael them to this essential part of experimental philosophy. Besides, \\\\en a person himself observes, and operates, he must perceive, even in the most common operations, a great vari- ety of small facts, which must necessarily be known, but which are not mentioned either in books or in memoirs, because they are too numerous, and would appear too minute. Lastly, there are many qualities in the several agents, of which no just no- tion can be given by writing, and which are perfectly well known as soon as they have been once made to strike our senses. Many people think, that a laboratory le- vel with the ground is most convenient, for the sake of water, pounding, washing, &c. It certainly has these advantages; but it is also subject to very great inconvenience from moisture. Constant moisture, though not very con- siderable and sensible in many respects, is a very great inconvenience in a chemical laboratory. In such a place, most saline matters become moist in time, and the in- scriptions fall off, or are effaced; the bel- lows rot; the metals rust; the furnaces moulder, and every thing almost spoils. A laboratory, therefore, is more advan- tageously placed above than below the ground, that it may be as dry as possible. The air must have free access to it; and it must even be so constructed, that, by means of two or more opposite openings, a current of air may be admitted, to carry off any noxious vapours or dust. In the laboratory a chimney ought to be constructed, so high that a person may ea- sily stand under it, and as extensive as is LAB LAB possible; that is, from one wall to another. The funnel of this chimney ought to be as high as is possible, and sufficiently con- tracted to make a good draught. As char- coal only is burnt under this chimney, no sor.t is collected in it; and therefore it need not be so wide as to allow a chimney- sweeper to pass up into it. Under this chimney may be constructed some brick furnaces, particularly a melting furnace, a furnace for distilling with an alembic, and one or two ovens like those in kitchens. The rest of the space ought to be filled up with stands of different heights, from a foot to a foot and a half, on which portable furnaces of all kinds are to be placed. These furnaces are the most convenient, from the facility of disposing them at pleasure; and they are the only furnaces which are necessary in a small la- boratory. A double pair of bellows of mo- derate size must also be placed as commo- diously under the chimney, or as near as the place will allow. These bellows are sometimes mounted in a portable frame; which is sufficiently convenient when the bellows are not more than 18 or 20 inches long. These bellows ought to have a pipe directed toward the hearth where the forge is to be placed. The necessary furnaces are, the simple ftirnace, for distilling with a copper alem- bic; a lamp furnace; two reverberatory fur- naces of different sizes, for distilling with retorts; an air or melting furnace, an es- say furnace, and a forge furnace. Under the chimney, at a convenient height, must be a row of hooks driven in- to the back and side walls; upon which are to be hung small shovels; iron pans; tongs; straight, crooked, and circular pincers; po- kers; iron rods, and other utensils for dis- posing the fuel and managing the cruci- bles. To the walls of the laboratory ought to be fastened shelves of different breadths and heights; or these shelves may be sus- pended by hooks. The shelves are to con- tain glass vessels, and the products of ope- rations, and ought to be in as great a num- ber as is possible. In a laboratory where many experiments are made, there cannot be too many shelves. The most convenient place for a stone or leaden cistern, to contain water, is a corner of the laboratory, and under it a sink ought to be placed with a pipe, by which the wa- ter poured into it may discharge itself. As the vessels are always cleaned under this cistern, cloths and bottle brushes ought to be hung upon hooks fastened in the walls near it. In the middle of the laboratory a large table is to be placed, on which mixtures are to be made, preparations for opera- tions, solutions, precipitations, small nitra- tions; in a word, whatever does not require fire, excepting that of a lamp. In convenient parts of the laboratory are to be placed blocks of wood upon mats; one of which is to support a middle-sized iron mortar; another to support a middle-sized marble, or rather hard stone mortar; a third to support an anvil. Near the mortars are to be hung searces of different sizes and fineness;anel near the anvil, a hammer, files, rasps, small pincers, scissars, sheers, and other small utensils, necessary to give me- tals a form proper for the several operations. Two moveable trestles ought to be in a laboratory, which may serve to support a large filter mounted upon a frame, when it is required. This apparatus is removed occasionally to the most convenient place. Charcoal is an important article in a la- boratory, and it therefore must be placed within reach; but as the black dust which flies about it, whenever it is stirred, is apt to soil every thing in the laboratory, it had better be in some place near the labora- tory; together with some furze, which is very convenient for kindling fires quickly. This place serves, at the same time, for containing bulky things, which are not of- ten wanted; such as furnaces, bricks, tiles, clay, fire-clay, quicklime, sand, and many other things necessary for chemical opera- tions. Lastly, a middle-sized table, with solid feet, ought to be enumerated among the large moveables of a laboratory, the use of which is to support a porphyry, or levi- gating stone, or rather a very hard and dense grit-stone, together with a muller made of the same kind of stone. The other small moveables or utensils of a laboratory are, small hand mortars of iron, glass, agate, and Wedgwood's ware, and their pestles; earthen, stone, metal, and glass vessels, of different kinds, fun- nels, and measures. Some white writing paper, and some un- sized paper for filters; a large number of clean straws, eight or ten inches long, for stirring mixtures in glasses, and for sup- porting paper filters placed in glass fun- nels. Glass tubes for stirring and mixing cor- rosive liquors; spatulas of wood, ivory, me- tal, and glass. Thin pasteboards, and horns, very con- venient for collecting matters bruised with water upon the levigating stone, or in mor- tars; corks of all sizes; bladders and linen strips for luting vessels. A good portable pair of bellows; a good steel for striking fire; a glue-pot, with its little brush; lastly, a great many boxes, of various sizes, for containing most of the above-mentioned things, and which are to be placed upon the shelves. Besitle these things, some substances LAB LAR are so necessary in most chemical opera- tions, that they may be considered as in- struments requisite for the practice of this science. These substances are called re- agents, which see under Ores (Analy- sis of), and Waters (Mineral). All metals, which ought to be very pure. A person provided with such instruments and substances, may at once perform many chemical experiments. The general observations of Macquer upon the conducting of chemical processes, are truly valuable and judicious. Method, order, and cleanliness, are essentially ne- cessary in a chemical laboratory. Every vessel and utensil ought to be well cleansed as often as it is used, and put again into its place: labels ought to be put upon all the substances. These cares, which seem to be trifling, are however very fatiguing and tedious; but they are also very impor- tant, though frequently little observed. When a person is keenly engaged, experi- ments succeed each other quickly, some seem nearly to decide the matter, and others suggest new ideas; he cannot but proceed to them immeeliately, and he is led from one to another: he thinks he shall easily know again the products ofthe first experiments, and therefore he does not take time to put them in order: he prosecutes with eagerness the experiments which he has last thought of; and in the mean time, the vessels employed, the glasses and bot- tles filled, so accumulate, that he cannot any longer distinguish them; or at least, he is uncertain concerning many of his former products. This evil is increased, if a new series of operations succeed, and occupy all the laboratory; or if he be obliged to quit it for some time, every thing then goes into confusion. Thence it frequently happens, that he loses the fruits of much labour, and that he must throw away al- most all the products of his experiments. WThen new researches and inquiries are made, the mixtures, results, and products of all the operations ought to be kept a long time, distinctly labelled and register- ed; for these things, when kept some time, frequently present phenomena, that were not at all suspected. Many fine discove- ries in chemistry have been made in this manner; and many have certainly been lost by throwing away too hastily, or neglecting the products. Since chemistry offers many views for the improvement of many important arts; as it presents prospects of many useful and profitable discoveries; those who apply their labours in this way ought to be exceedingly circumspect, not to be led into a useless expense of money and time. In a certain set of experiments, some one is generally of an imposing appearance, although in reality it is nothing more. Chemistry is full of these half successes, which serve only to deceive the unwary, to multiply the number of trials, and to lead to great ex- pense before the fruitlessness of the search is discovered. By these reflections we do not intend to divert from all such research- es, those whose taste and talents render them fit for them; on the contrary, we ac- knowledge, that the improvement of the arts, and the discovery of new objects of manufacture and commerce, are undoubt- edly the finest and most interesting part of chemistry, and which make that science truly valuable; for without these ends, what would chemistry be but a science purely theoretical, anel capable of employing only some abstract and speculative minds, but useless to society? We acknowledge also, that the successes in this kind of chemical inquiry are not rare; and that their authors have sometimes acquired fortunes, so much the more honourable, as being the fruits of their talents and industry. But we repeat, that, in these researches, the more dazzling and near any success appears, the more circumspection, and even distrust is ne- cessary. See Analysis, Attraction, Balance. The plates annexed, with the following explanations of them, will give the student an idea of a large variety of the most use- ful and necessary articles of a chemical apparatus. Plate II. fig. 1. Crucibles or pots, made either of earth, black lead, forged iron, or platina. They are used for roasting, cal- cination, and fusion. Fig. 2. Cucurbits, matrasses, or bodies, which are glass, earthen, or metallic ves- sels, usually of the shape of an egg, and open at top. They serve the purposes of digestion, evaporation, &.c. Fig. 3. Retorts are globular vessels of earthen ware, glass, or metal, with a neck bended on one side. Some retorts have another neck or opening at their upper part, through which they may be charged, and the opening may be afterwards closed with a stopple. These are called tubulated retorts. A Welter's tube of safety may be inserted in this opening, instead of a stop- ple. See Plate VII. fig. 1. b and e. Receivers are vessels, usually of glass, of a spherical form, with a straight neck, into which the neck of the retort is usu- ally inserted. When any proper substance is put into a retort, and heated, its volatile parts pass over into the receiver, where thev are condensed. See fig. 5. and Plate V. fig. 2. k. Fig. 4. The alembic is used for distil- lation, when the products are too volatile to admit ofthe use of the last mentioned apparatus. The alembic consists of a body a, to which is adapted a head b. The head is of a conical figure, and has its external LAB LAB circumference or base depressed lower than its neck, so that the vapours which rise, and are condensed against its sides, run down into the circular channel formed by its depressed part, from whence they are conveyed by the nose or beak c, into the receiver d. This instrument is less simple than the retort, which certainly may be used for the most volatile products, if care be taken to apply a gentle heat on such occasions. But the alembic has its conveniences. In particular the residues of distillations may be easily cleared out of the body a; and in experiments of sub- limation, the head is very convenient to receive the dry products, while the more volatile and elastic parts pass over into the receiver. Fig. 6. Represents the large stills used in the distillation of ardent spirits, a re- presents the body, and b the head, as be- fore. Instead of using a refrigeratory or receiver, the spirit is made to pass through a spiral pipe called the worm, which is immersed in a tub of cold water d. During its passage it is condensed, and comes out at the lower extremity, e, of the pipe, in a fluid form. The manner in which the excise laws for Scotland were formed, rendering it advan- tageous to the distillers in that country to have stills of small capacity, which they could work very quickly, their ingenuity was excited to contrive the means of ef- fecting this. It was obvious, that a shal- low still, with a broad bottom completely exposed to a strong heat, would best an- swer the purpose; and this was brought to such perfection, that a still of the capacity of 40 gallons in the body, and three in the head, charged with 16 gallons of wash, could be worked 480 times in 24 hours. Fig. 7. is a vertical section of this still, a the bottom, joined to b, the shoulder, with solder, or rivets, or screws and lute, c, the turned-up edge of the bottom, against which, and on a level with a, the brick- work of the coping of the flue rests, pre- venting the flame from getting up to touch c. d, the discharge pipe, e e, the body of the still, f, section of the central steam escape pipe, g, section of one of the late- ral steam escape pipes; A, outside view of another, i i i i, inferior apertures of lateral steam pipes; kkkk, their superior aper- tures. / /, bottom scraper, or agitator, which, may either be made to apply close to the bottom, or to drag chains; m, the upright shaft of this engine, as it is called; n the horizontal wheel with its supporters. o, its vertical wheel, p, its handle and shaft; n, support of the shaft, r, froth and ebullition jet-breaker, resting on the cross bar *. t, its upright shaft, u, its cup- mouthed collar, filled with wool and grease, and held down by a plate and screws, v, general steam escape pipe, or head. The charge pipe, and the sight hole, for the man who charges it to see when it is suffi- ciently full, are not seen in this view. The best construction of a furnace has not been well ascertained from experience. There are facts which show, that a fire made on a grate near the bottom of a chimney, of equal width throughout, and open both above and below, will produce a more intense heat than any other furnace. What mny be the limits for the height of the chimney is not ascertained from any precise trials; but thirty times its diameter would not probably be too high. It seems to be an advantage to contract the diameter of a chimney, so as to make it smaller than that of the fire-place, when no other air is to go up the chimney than what has passed through the fire; and there is no prospect of advantage to be derived from widen- ing it. Plate V. fig. 3. exhibits the wind or air- furnace for melting, a is the ash-hole, / an opening for the air. c is the fire-place, containing a covered crucible, standing on a support of baked earth, which rests on the grate, d is the passage into e, the chimney. At d a shallow crucible or cu- pel may be placed in the current of the flame, and at a? is an earthen or stone co- ver, to be occasionally taken off for the purpose of supplying the fire with fuel. Fig. 2. is a reverberatory furnace, a a the ash-pit and fire-place, bb body ofthe furnace, c c dome, or reverberating roof of the furnace, dd chimney, ee door of the ash-pit. // door of the fire-place, gg handles of the body, h aperture to admit the head of the retort, ii handles of the dome. Ar receiver. II stand of the recei- ver, m m retort, represented in the body by dotted lines. Another reverberatory furnace, a little differing in figure, may be seen in Plate 1. fig. 2. M. Chenevix has constructed a wind fur- nace, which is in some respects to be pre- ferred to the usual form. The sides, in- stead of being perpendicular, are inverted, so that the hollow space is pyramidical. At the bottom the opening is 13 inches square, and at the top but eight. The per- pendicular height is 17 inches. This form appears to unite the following advantages: 1st, A great surface is exposed to the air, which having an easy entrance, rushes through the fuel with great rapidity; 2d, The inclined sides act in some measure as reverberating surfaces; and 3d, The fuel falls of itself, and is always in close con- tact with the crucible placed near the grate. The late Dr. Kennedy of Edinburgh, whose opinion on this subject claims the greatest weight, found that the strongest heat in our common wind furnaces was within two LAB or three inches of the grate. This, there- fore, is the most advantageous position for the crucible, and still more so when we can keep it surrounded with fuel. It is incon- venient, and dangerous for the crucible, to stir the fire often to make the fuel fall, and the pyramidical form renders this unneces- sary. It is also more easy to avoid a sud- den bend in the chimney, by the upper part of the furnace advancing as in this con- struction. In plate V. fig. 1. a is a grate; e and c are two bricks, which can be let in at pleasure to diminish the capacity; b is another grate, which can be placed upon the bricks c and c for smaller purposes; d and d are bricks which can be placed upon the grate b to diminish the upper capacity, so that, in fact, there are four different sizes in the same furnace. The bricks should all be ground down to the slope of the furnace, and fit in with tolerable^accu- racy. They are totally independent of the pyramidical form of the furnace. Mr. Aikin's portable blast furnace is composed of three parts, all made out of the common thin black lead melting pots, 9old in London for the use of the gold- smiths. The lower piece c, fig. 6. is the bottom of one of these pots, cut off so low as only to leave a cavity of about an inch deep, and ground smooth above and below. The outside diameter, over the top, is five inches and a half. The middle-piece or fire-place a, is a larger portion of a similar pot, with a cavity about six inches deep, and measuring seven inches and a half over the top, outside diameter, and perforated with six blast holes at the bottom. These two pots are all that are essentially neces- sary to the furnace for most operations; but when it is wished to heap up fuel above the top of a crucible contained, and espe- cially to protect the eyes from the intolera- ble glare of the fire when in full height, an upper pot b is added, of the same dimen- sions as the middle one, and with a large opening in the side, cut to allow the exit of the smoke and flame. It has also an iron stem, with a wooden handle (an old chisel answers the purpose very well) for remov- ing it occasionally. The bellows, which are double (d), are firmly fixed, by a little contrivance which will take off and on, to a heavy stool, as represented in the plate; and their handle should be lengthened so as to make them work easier to the hand. To increase their force, on particular occa- sions, a plate of lead may be firmly tied on the wood of the upper flap. The nozzle is received into a hole in the pot c, which conducts the blast into its cavity. Hence the air passes into the fire-place a, through six holes of the size of a large gimlet, drilled at equal distances through the bottom of the pot, and all converging in an inward di- rection, so that, if prolonged, they would LAB meet about the centre of the upper part screw. It is therefore easy to bring it nearer, or to move it further, at pleasure, from the vessel, which may remain fixed; a circumstance which, independent ofthe elevation and depression ofthe wicks ofthe lamp, affords the advan- tage of heating the vessels by degrees after they are duly placed, as well as of augment- ing or diminishing the heat instantly; orfor maintaining it for several hours at a certain degree, without in the least disturbing- the apparatus suspended over it. It may there- fore be used for producing the very gentle heat necessary for the rectification of ethers, or the strong heat requisite for distilling mercury. The chief improvement of this lamp consists in its power of affording an intense heat by the addition of a second cy- linder, adeledto that ofthe common lamp of Argand. This additional cylinder encloses a wick of one inch and a half in diameter, and it is by this ingenious contrivance, which was first suggested by Mr. Webster, that a double flame is caused, and more than three time the heat of an Argand's lamp of the largest size is produced. Every effect of the most violent heat of furnaces may be produced by the flame of a candle or lamp, urged upon a small particle of any substance, by the blow-pipe. This instrument is sold by the ironmongers, and consists merely of a brass pipe about one- eighth of an inch diameter at one end, and the other tapering to a much less size, with a very small perforation for the wind to escape The smaller end is bended on one side. For philosophical or other nice pur- poses the blow-pipe is provided with a bowl or enlargement a (PI. V. fig. 5.), in which the vapours of the breath are conelensed and detained, and also with three or four small nozzles, b, with different apertures, to be slippeel on the smaller extremity. These are of use when larger or smaller flamesare to be occasionally used, because a larger flame requires a large aperture, in order that the air may effectually urge it upon the matter under examination. There is an artifice in the blowing through this pipe, which is more difficult to describe than to acquire. The effect intended to be produced is a continual stream of air for many minutes, if necessary, without ceasing. This is done by applying the tongue to the Voir. II'. roof of the mouth, so as to interrupt the communication between the mouth and the passage ofthe nostrils; by which means the operator is at liberty to breathe through the nostrils, at the same time tha. by the muscles of ihe lips he forces a continual stream of air from the anterior part of the mouth through the blow-pipe. \\ hen the mouth begins to be empty, it is replenished by the lungs in an instant, while the tongue is withdrawn from the roof of the mouth, and replaced again in the same manner as in pronouncing the monosy liable tut. In this way the stream may be continued for along time without any fatigue, if the flame be not urged too impetuously, and even in this case no other fatigue is felt than that of the mus- cles ofthe lips. A wax candle, of a moderate size, but thicker wick than they are usually made with, is the most convenient for occasional experiments; but a tallow candle will do very well. The candle should be snuffed rather short, and the wick turned on one side toward the object, so thai a part of it should lie horizontally. The stream of air must be blown along this horizontal part, as near as may be without striking the wick. If the flame be ragged and irregular, it is a proof, that the hole is not round or smooth; and if the flame have a cavity through it, the aperture ofthe pipe is too large. When the hole is of a proper figure and duly propor- tioned, the flame consists of a neat luminous blue cone, surrounded by another flame of a morefaint and indistinct appearance. The strongest heat is at the point of the innex flame. The body intended to be acted on by the blow-pipe ought not to exceed the size of a peppercorn. It may be laid upon a piece of close-grained, well- burned charcoal; un- less it be of such a nature as to sink into the pores of this substance, or to have its pro- perties affected by its inflammable quality. Such bodies may be placed in a small spoon made of pure gold or silver, or platina. Many advantages may be derived from the use of this simple and valuable instru- ment. Its smallness, which renders it suit- able to the pocket, is no inconsiderable re- commendation. The most expensne ma- terials, and the minutest specimens of bo- dies, may be used in these experiments ; and the whole process, instead of being car-- ried on in an opaque vessel, is under the eye ofthe observer from beginning to end. It is true, that very little can be determined in this way concerning the quantities of pro- ducts; but, in most cases, a knowledge of the contents of any substance is a great ac- quisition, which is thus obtained in a very short time, and will at all events serve to show the best and least expensive way of conducting processes with the same matters in the larger way. The blow-pipe has deservedly oflate year* IS LAB LAB been considered as an essential instrument in a chemical laboratory, and several at- tempts have been made to facilitate its use by the addition of bellows, or some other equivalent instruments. These are doubt- less very convenient, though they render it less portable for mineralogical researches. It will not, here, be necessary to enter into any description of a pair of double bellows fixed under a table, and communicating with a blow-pipe which passes through the table. Smaller bellows, of a portable size for the pocket, have been made for the same purpose. The ingenious chemist will find no great difficulty in adapting a bladder to the blow-pipe, which, under the pressure of a board, may produce a constant stream of air, and may be replenished, as it becomes empty, by blowing into it with bellows, or the mouth, at another aperture furnished with a valve opening inwards. The chief advantage these contrivances have over the common blow-pipe is, that they may be filled with oxygen gas, which increases the activity of combustion to an astonishing degree. The vapour from al- cohol has likewise been employed, and an ingenious contrivance for this purpose by Mr. Hooke is represented, Pi. V. fig. 4. a is a hollow sphere for containing alcohol, rest- ing upon a shoulder in the ring o. If the bottom be made flat instead of spherical, the action ofthe flame will then be greater. * is a bent tube with a jet at the end, to convey the alcohol in the state of vapour into the flame at q; this tube is continued in the inside up to e, which admits of a being filled nearly, without any alcohol running over, d is a safety valve, the pressure of which is determined at pleasure, by screw- ing higher or lower on the pillar e, the two milled nuts / and g carrying the steel arm h, which rests on the valve. *' is an opening for putting in the alcohol. *■ is the lamp, which adjusts to different distances from a, by sliding up or down the two pillars I I. The distance ofthe flame q from the jet is regulated by the pipe which holds the wick being a little removed from the centre ofthe brass piece m, and of course revolving in a circle, n the mahogany stand. ■ For the various habitudes of bodies when examined by the blow-pipe, see Blow-pipe. Little need be said concerning the man- ner of making experiments with fluid bodies in the common temperature of the atmos- phere. Basins, cups, phials, matrasses, and other similar vessels, form the whole appa- ratus required for the purpose of containing the matters intended to be put together ; and no other precaution or instruction is re- quired, than to use a vessel of such materials as shall not be corroded or acted upon by its contents, and of sufficient capacity to admit of any sudden expansion or frothing of the fluid, if expected. This vessel must be placed in a current of air, if noxious fume* arise, in order that these may be blown from the operator. The method of making experiments with permanently elastic fluids, or gases, though simple, is not so obvious. We live im- mersed in an atmosphere not greatly differ- ing in density from these fluids, which for this reason are not sufficiently ponderous to be detained in open vessels by their weight. Their remarkable levity, however, affords a method of confining them by means of other denser fluids. Dr. Priestley, whose labours so far exceeded those of his predecessors and contemporaries, both in extent and importance, that he may with justice be styled the father of this important branch of natural philosophy, used the following ap- paratus. PI. VI. fig. 1. a represents a wooden ves- sel or tub; k, k, k, is. a shelf fixed in the tub. When this apparatus is used, the tub is to be filled with water to such a height, as to rise about one inch above the upper surface of the shelf, b, g, f, are glass jars inverted with their mouths downward, which rest upon the shelf. If these, or any other ves- sels open only at one end, be plunged under the water, and inverted after they are filled, they will remain full, notwithstanding their beingraised out ofthe water, provided their mouths be kept immersed; for in this case, the water is sustained by the pressure of the atmosphere, in the same manner as the mer- cury in the barometer. It may without difficulty be imagined, that if common air, or any other fluid resembling common air in lightness and elasticity, be suffered to en- ter these vessels, it will rise to the upper part, and the surface of the water will sub- side. If a bottle, a cup, or any other vessel, in that state which is usually called empty, though really full of air, be plunged into the water with its mouth downwards, scarce any water will enter, because its entrance is opposed by the elasticity of the included air; but if the vessel be turned up, it im- mediately fills, and the air rises in one or more bubbles to the surface. Suppose this operation to be performed under one of the jars which are filled with water, the air will ascend as before; but instead of escaping, it will be detained in the upper part of the jar. In this manner, therefore, we see, that air may be emptied out of one vessel into anotherby an inverted pouring, in which the air is made to ascend from the iower vessel i to theupper§-, in which the experiments are performed, by the action of the weightier fluid, exactly similar to the common pouring of denser fluids, detained in the bottoms of open vessels, by the simple action of gravity. When the receiving vessel has a narrow neck, the air may be poured through a glass funnel h. c (Ibid.) is a glass body or bottle, the bot- LAB LAB torn of which is blown very thin, that it may support the heat of a candle suddenly ap- plied, without cracking. In its neck isfitted, by grinding, a tube d, curved neatly in the form ofthe letter s. This kind of vessel is very useful in various chemical operations, for which it will be convenient to have them of several sizes. In the figure, the body c is represented as containing a fluid, in the act of combining with a substance that gives out air, which passes through the tube into the jar b, under the mouth of which the other extremity of the tube is placed. At e is a small retort of glass or earthenware, the neck of which being plunged in the water, beneath die jar /, is supposed to emit the elastic fluid, extricated from thecontentsof the retort, which is received in the jar. When any thing, as a gallipot, is to be supported at a considerable height within a jar, it is convenient to have such wire stands as are represented fig. 3. These answer better than any other, because they take up but little room, and are easily bent to any figure or height. In order to expel air from solid substances by means of heat, a gun-barrel, with the touch-hole screwed up and rivetted, may be used instead of an iron retort. The subject may be placed in the chamber of the barrel, and the rest of the bore may be filled with dry sand, thathas been well burned, to expel whatever air it might have contained. The stem of a tobacco-pipe, ora smallglass tube, being luted in the orifice of the barrel, the other extremity must be put into the fire, that the heat may expel the air from its con- tents. This air will of course pass through the tube, and may be received under an in- verted vessel, in the usual manner. But the most accurate method of procur- ing air from several substances by means of heat, is to put them, if they will bear it, into phials full of quicksilver, with the mouths inverted in the same, and then throw the focus of a burning lens or mirror upon them. For this purpose, their bottoms should be round and very thin, that they may not be liable to fly with the sudden application of heat. The body c, Pi. VI. fig. 1. answers this purpose very well. Many kinds of air combine with water, and therefore require to be treated in an ap- para' us, in which quicksilver is made use of. This fluid being very ponderous, and of considerable price, it is an object of conve- nience, as well as economy, that the trough and vessels should be smaller than when water is used. See PL VII. fig. 1.//. When trial is to be made of any kind of air, whether it be fit for maintaining com- bustion, the air may be put into a long nar- row glass vessel, the mouth of which, being carefully covered, may be turned upward. A bit of wax candle being then fastened to • he end of a wire, which is bent so that the flame of the candle may be uppermost, is to be letdown into the vessel, which must be kept covered till the instant of plunging the lighted candle into the air. Where the change of dimensions, which follows from the mixture of several kinds of air, is to be ascertained, a graduated narrow cylindrical vessel may be made use of. The graduations may be made by pouring in successive equal measures of water into this vessel, and marking its surface at each ad- dition. The measure may be afterward used for the different kinds of air, and the change of dimensions will be shown by the rise or fall of the mercury or water in th. a is the retorc, the neck of which is ground into and passed through the thick collar b, represented separately at b, with its ground stopple a, winch may be put in when the neck of ttie retort is withdrawn. The col- lar b is ground into the wide neck of the receiver c, the narrow neck of which is ground into the wide neck of d. d, e, /, and,**, are connected in a similar manner; and into the small necks of d, e, and/, are ground the tubes i, k, and /, so curved, that their lower extremities nearly reach the bot- tom ofthe receiver into which they open. From the last receiver proceeds the recurv- ed tube m, opening under an inverted cup n, a hole m the bottom of which conveys the gas issuing from it into one of the bottle placed in the moveable frame p, which has a heavy leaden foot to keep it steady in the centre of a flat pan of water, in which the mouths ofthe bottles are immersed. In the receiver d is a tube of safety h. The recei- vers are placed on a stand a little inclined, and kept steady by slips of wood hollowed out to fit their curvatures, as represented at s s. This apparatus requires no lute; has no bent tubes that are difficult to adjust, and liable to break ; and the retort may be removed at any stage ofthe process, either to find the weight it has lost, or for any other purpose, the receiver being mean- while closed with the stopple. Similar ad- vantages attend Mr. Knight's. When it is required to pass an aeriform fluid through a red-hot substance, such an apparatus as that of Barruel, PI. 1. fig. 2. may be employed. In this, three gun-bar- rels, b, c, d, are placed horizontally in a re- verberatory furnace a, about two inches dis- tance from' each other. From the extremi- tv ofthe central barrel c, a bent tube k con- veys the gas to the jar m, in the pneumatic trough /. The other extremity of c is con- nected with rfby the curved tube i ; d with b by the curved tube h; and the other end of b with the bottle y by the tube e. When this apparat us is employed for obtaining car- LAC bonic oxide, the part of each barrel exposed to the fire being filled with charcoal pressed lightly in, but not rammed hard; carbonate of lime diluted with a very little water being poured into the bottle/,- and the junctures being all well luted, the fire is to be kindled. As soon as the barrels are red-hot, sulphuric acid is to be poured into the funnel g, and the carbonic acid gas expelled, traversing three portions of red-hot charcoal, will com- pletely saturate itself with it before it reaches the receiver m. Plate V II. fig. 2. represents the different parts ofthe apparatus required for measuring the quantity of elastic fluid given out during the action of an acid on calcareous soils. The bottle for containing the soil is represented at a ; b the bottle containing the acid, fur- nished with a stop-cock; c the tube con- nected with a rlacciel bladder d,- /a gradu- ated measure ; e the bottles for containing the bladder. \V hen this instrument is used, a given quantity of soil is introduced into a; b is filled with muriatic acid, diluted with an equal quantity of water ; and the stop-cock, being closed, is connected with the upper orifice of a, which is ground to receive it. The tube c is introduced into the lower ori- fice of a, and the bladder connected with it placed in its flaccid state in e, which is filled with water. The graduated measure is plac- ed under the tube of e. When the stop- cock of b is turned, the acid flows into a, and acts upon the soil; the elastic fluid ge- nerated passes through c into the bladder, and displaces a quantity of water in e equal to it in bulk, and this water flows through the tube into the graduated measure ; the water in which gives, by its volume, the in- dication ofthe proportion of carbonic acid disengaged from the soil; for every ounce measure of which, two grains of carbonate of lime may be estimated, see Carbonate, Evdiometeii, and Vapouh. Labuadohe Stoxe. See Feldspar. Lac, is a substance well known in Eu- rope, under the different appellations of stick-lac, shell-lac, and seed-lac. The first is the lac in its natural state, encrusting small branches or twigs. Seed-lac is the stick-lac separated from the twigs, appear- ing in a granulated form, and probably de- prived of part of its colouring matter by boiling. Shell-lac is the substance which has undergone a simple purification, as men- tioned below. Beside these we sometimes meet with a fourth, called lump-lac, which is the seed-lac melted and formed into cakes. Lac is the product of the coccus lacca, which deposites its eggs on the branches of a tree called Bihar, in Assam, a country bor- dering on Thibet, and elsewhere in India. It appears designed to answer the purpose of defending the eggs from injury, and af- fording food for the maggot in a more ad- kAC LAK «anced state. It is formed into cells, finish- ed with as much art and regularity as a honeycomb, but differently arranged; and the inhabitants collect it twice a-year, in the months of February and August. For the purification, it is broken into small pieces, and put into a canvass bag of about four feet long, and not above six inches in cir- cumference. Two of these bags are in con- stant use, and each of them held by two men. The bag is placed over afire, and frequent- ly turned, till the lac is liquid enough to pass through its pores; when it is taken off the fire, and twisted in different directions by the men who hold it, at. the same time dragging it along the convex part of a plan- tain tree prepared for this purpose; and while this is doing, the other bag is heating, to be treated in the same way. The muci- laginous and smooth surface ofthe plantain tree prevents its adhering; and the degree of pressure regulates the thickness of the coating of lac, at the same time that the fineness of the bag determines its clearness and transparency. - Analyzed by Mr. Hatchett, stick-lac gave in 100 parts, resin 68, colouring extract 10, wax 6, gluten 5.5, extraneous substances 6.5; seed-lac, resin, 88.5, colouring extract 2.5, wax 4.5, gluten 2; shell-lac, resjn 90.9, colouring extract 0.5, wax 4, gluten 2.8. The gluten greatly resembles that of wheat, if it be not precisely the same ; and the wax is analogous to that of the myrica cerifera. In India, lac is fashioned into rings, beads, and other trinkets ; sealing-wax, varnishes, and lakes for painters, are made from it; it is much used as a red dye, and wool tinged with it, is employed as a fucus by the ladies; and the resinous part, melted and mixed with about thrice its weight of finely pow- dered sand, forms polishing stones. The lapidaries mix powder of corundum with it in a similar manner. The colouring matter is soluble in water; but 1 part of borax to 5 of lac, renders the whole soluble by digestion in water, nearly at a boiling heat. This solution is equal for many purposes to spirit varnish, and is an excellent vehicle for water colours, as when once dried, water has no effect on it. Lixivium of potash, soda and carbonate of soda, likewise dissolve it. So does nitric acid, if digested upon it in sufficient quan- tity 48 hours. The colouring matter of the lac loses considerably of its beauty by keeping any length of time; but when extracted fresh, and precipitated as alake, it is less liable to injury. Mr. Stephens, a surgeon in Bengal, sent home a great deal prepared in this way, which afforded a good scarlet to cloth pre- viously yellowed with quercitron; but it would probably have been better, if, instead of precipitating with alum, he had employ- ed a solution of tin, or merely evaporated the decoction to dryness. Lac is the basis ofthe best scaling-wai. * Lactates. Definite compounds of lac- tic acid with the salifiable bases/ Lacqler. Solution of lac in alcohol. Lake. This term is usctl to denote a species of colours formed by precipitating colouring matter with some earth or oxide. The principal lakes are, Carmine, Florence- lake, and lake from Madder. For the preparation of Carmine, four ounces of finely pulverized cochineal are to be poured into four or six quarts of rain or distilled water, that has been previously boiled in a pewter kettle, and boiled with it for the space of six minutes longer; (some advice to add, during the boiling, two drachms of pulverized crystals of tar- tar). Eight scruples of Roman alum in pow- der are then to be added, and the whole kept upon the fire one minute longer. As soon as the gross powder has subsided to the bottom, and the decoction is become clear, the latter is to be carefully decanted into large cylindrical glasses covered over, and kept undisturbed, till a fine powder is observed to have settled at the bottom. The superincumbent liquor is then to be poured off from this powder, and the pow- der gradually dried. From the decanted liquor, which is still much coloured, the rest of the colouring matter may be separated by means ofthe solution of tin, when it yields a carmine little inferior to the other. For the preparation of Florentine lake, the sediment of cochineal, that remained in the kettle, may be boiled with the requisite quantity of water, and the red liquor like- wise, that remained after the preparation of the carmine mixed with it, and the whole precipitated with the solution of tin. The red precipitate must be frequently edulcor- ated with water. Exclusively of this, two ounces of fresh cochineal, and one of crys- tals of tartar, are to be boiled with a suffi- cient quantity of water, poured off clear, and precipitated with the solution of tin, and the precipitate washed. At the same time, two pounds of alum are also to be dis- solved in water, precipitated with a lixivi- um of potash, and the white earth repeated- ly washed with boiling water. Finally, both precipitates are to be mixed together in their liquid state, put upon a filter, and dried. For the preparation of a cheaper sort, instead of cochineal, one pound of Brazil wood may be employed in the pre- ceding manner. For the following process for making a lake from madder, the Society of Arts voted Sir H. C. Englefield their gold medal. En- close two ounces troy of the finest Dutch crop madder in a bag of fine and strong cahco, large enough to hold three or four times as much. Put it into a large marble or porcelain mortar, and pour on it a pint of clear soft water cold. Press the bag in tvary direction, and pound and rub it about LAM LAM with a pestle, as much as can be done with- out tearing it, and when the water is load- ed with colour, pour it off. Repeat this pro- cess till the water comes off but slightly tinged, for which about five pints will be sufficient. Heat all the liquor in an earthen or silver vessel, till it is near boiling, and then pour it into a large basin, into which a troy ounce of alum dissolved in a pint of boiling soft water has been previously put. Stir the mixture together, and while stir- ring, pour in gently about an ounce and a half of a saturated solution of subcarbonate of potash. Let it stand till cold to settle ; pour off the clear yellow liquor; add to the precipitate a quart of boiling soft water, stirring it well; and when cold, separate by filtration the lake, which should weigh half an ounce. If less alum be employed, the colour will be somewhat deeper; with less than three-fourths of an ounce, the whole ofthe colouring matter will not unite with the alumina. Fresh madder root is equal, if not superior, to the dry. Almost all vegetable colouring matters may be precipitated into lakes, more or less beautiful, by means of alum or oxide •f tin. Lamp. See Light. * Lamp of Safety, for coal mines, the in- valuble and splendid invention of Sir H. Davy. For an account ofthe principles on which it acts, see Combustion. We shall here describe its construction. In the parts of coal-mines where danger was apprehendedfrom fire-damp,miners had been accustomed to guide themselves, or to work, by the light afforded by the sparks of steel, struck off from a wheel of flint. But even this apparatus, though much less dan- gerous than a candle, sometimes produced explosions ofthe fire-damp. A perfect security from accident is, how- ever, offered to the miner in the use of a safe-lamp, which transmits its light, and is fed with air, through a cylinder of iron or copper wire-gauze; and this fine invention has the advantage of requiring no machine- ry, no philosophical knowledge to direct its use, and is made at a very cheap rate. The aperturesin the gauze should not be more than SV> of an inch square. As the fire-damp is not inflamed by ignited wire, the thickness of the wire is not of impor- tance, but wire from ^y to -£-q of an inch in diameter is the most convenient. The cage,or cylinder should be made by double joinings, the gauze being folded over in such a manner, as to leave no aper- tures. When it is cylindrical, it should not be more than two inches in diameter; for in larger cylinders, the combustion of the fire-damp renders the top inconveniently hot; and a double top is always a proper precaution, fixed § or i of an inch above the first top. The gauze cylinder should be fastened ta the lamp, by a screw of four or five turns, and fitted to the screw by a tight ring. All joinings in the lamp should be made with hard solder; and the security depends upon the circumstance, that no aperture exists in the apparatus, larger than in the wire gauze. The parts of the lamp are, 1. The brass cistern which contains the oil, pierced near the centre with a vertical narrow tube, nearly filled with a wire which is recurved above, on the level of the bur- ner, to trim the wick, by acting on the lower end ofthe wire, with the fingers. It is called the safety-trimmer. 2. The rim, in which the wire-gauze cover is fixed, and which is fastened to the cistern by a moveable screw. 3. An aperture for supplying oil, fitted with a screw or a cork, and which commu- nicates with the bottom of the cistern by a tube ; and a central aperture for the wick. 4. The wire-gauze cylinder, which should not have less that 625 apertures to the square inch. 5. The second top J of an inch above the first, surmounted by a brass or copper plate, to which the ring of suspension is fixed. 6. Four or six thick vertical wires, joining the cistern below, with the top plate, and serving as protecting pillars round the cage. When the wire-gauze safe-lamp is lighted and introduced into an atmosphere gradu- ally mixed with fire-damp, the first effect of the fire-damp, is to increase the length and size ofthe flame. When the inflamma- ble gas forms as much as -j^ of the volume ofthe air, the cylinder becomes filled with a feeble blue flame, but the flame ofthe wick appears burning brightly within the blue flame, and the light of the wick aug. ments till the fire-damp increases to -J- or j, when it is lost in the flame of the fire-damp, which in this case fills the cylinder with a pretty strong fight. As long as any explosive mixture of gas exists in contact with the lamp, so long it will give light, and when it is extinguished, which happens when the foul air constitutes as much as i of the vo- lume ofthe atmosphere, the air is no longer proper for respiration; for though animal life will continue where flame is extinguish- ed, yet it is always with suffering. By fix- ing a coil of platinum wire above the wick, ignition will continue in the metal when the lamp itself is extinguished, and from the ignited wire, the wick may be again re- kindled, on going into a less inflammable atmosphere. " We have frequently used the lamps where the explosive mixture was so high, as to heat the wire-gauze red-hot; but on examining a lamp which has been in con- stant use for three months, and occasional- ly subjected to this degree of heat, I can- LAM LEA not perceive that the gauze cylinder of iron wire is at all impaired. I have not, however, thought it prudent, in our present state of experience, to persist in using the lamps under such circumstances, because I have observed, that in such situations the parti- cles of coal dust floating in the air, fire at the gas burning within the cylinder, and fly off in small luminous sparks. This appear- ance, I must confess, alarmed me in the first instance, but experience soon proved that it was not dangerous. " Besides the facilities afforded by this invention, to the working of coal-mines, abounding in fire-damp, it has enabled the directors and superintendents to ascertain, with the utmost precision and expedition, both the presence, the quantity, and cor- rect situation ofthe gas. Instead of creep- ing inch by inch with a candle, as is usual, along the galleries of a mine suspected to contain fire-damp, in order to ascertain its presence, we walk firmly on with the safe- lamps, and, with the utmost confidence, prove the actual state ofthe mine. By ob- serving attentively the several appearances upon the flame ofthe lamp, in an examina- tion of this kind, the cause of accidents which happened to the most experienced and cautious miners, is completely devel- oped ; and this has hitherto been in a great measure matter of mere conjecture. " It is not necessary that I should enlarge upon the national advantages which must necessarily result from an invention, calcu- lated to prolong our supply of mineral coal, because I think them obvious to every re- flecting mind ; but 1 cannot conclude, with- out expressing my highest sentiments of ad- miration for those talents, which have de- velopeel the properties, and controlled the power, of one of the most dangerous ele- ments, which human enterprize has hither- to had to encounter."—See Letter to Sir H. Davy, in Journal of Science, vol. i. p. 302. by John Ruddle, Esq. generally and jus'.ly esteemed the most scientific coal- miner in the kingdom.* ♦Lana Pulosophica. The snowy flakes of white oxide, which rise and float in the air, from the combustion of zinc* Limpblack. The finest lampblack is pro- duced by collecting the smoke from a lamp with a long wick, which supplies more oil than can be perfectly consumed, or by suf- fering the flame to play against a metalline cover, which impedes the combustion, not only by conducting off part ofthe heat, but by obstructing the current of air. Lamp- black.however, is prepared in a much cheap- er way, for the demands of trade. The dregs which remain after the eliquation of pitch, or else small pieces of fir-wood, are burned in tiirnaces of a peculiar construc- tion, the smoke of which is made to pass tlirough along horizontal flue, terminating in a close boarded chamber. The roof of this chamber is made of course cloth, tlirough which the current of air escapes, while the soot remains behind. Laps Infkhsalis. Potash. Lapis Lazuli. Azure-stone. Lapis Ni.piiiiii-ici's. See Nephrite. Lapis OLi.vHis. Potstone. Lava. See Yolcaxu Products. Lazuli. (Lapis). Azure-stone. Lead, is a white metal of a considerably blue tinge, very soft and flexible, not ven tenacious, and consequently incapable ot being drawn into fine wire, though it is ea- sily extended into thin plates under the hammer. Its sp. gr. is 11.35. It melts at 612°. In a strong heat it boils, and emits fumes; during which time, if exposed to the air, its oxidation proceeds with con- siderable rapidity. Lead is brittle at the time of congelation. In this state it may be broken to pieces with a hammer, and the crystallization of its internal pans will ex- hibit an arrangement in parallel lines. Lead is not much altered by exposure to air or water, though the brightness of its surface, when cut or scraped, very soon goes off. It is probable that a thin stratum of oxide isformed on the surface, which de- fends the rest ofthe metal from corrosion. * There are certainly two, perhaps three oxides of lead: 1. The powder precipitateel by potash from the solution ofthe nitrate of lead, be- ing dried, forms the yellow protoxide. When somewhat vitrified, it constitutes litharge, and combined-with carbonic acid, white lead or ceruse. It has been obtained by M. Houton-Labillardiere, in dodecahe- dral white crystals, about the size of a pin- head, by slow eleposition, from a solution of litharge in soda. Heat volatilizes it. It is of very great importance to know accu- rately the composition of this oxide of lead, especially in consequence of its great influ- ence in the analyses of organic bodies. The mean of Berzelius's last experiments, as de- tailed in the 5th vol. of the Afhandlingar i Fysik, and translated into the Ann. of Phi!. for February 1820, gives us 7.73 for the quantity of oxygen, combined with 100 of lead in 107.73 of the protoxide; whence the prime equivalent of lead conies out 12.9366. The very near approach of this to 13, will justify us in aelopting this round number; and in estimating the equivalent ofthe pro- toxide at 14. The pigment massicot is merely this oxide. 2. When massicot has been exposed for about 48 hours to the flame of a reverbera- tory furnace, it becomes red-lead, or mini- um. This substance has a sp. gr. of 8.94. At a red heat, it gives out oxygen, and pas- ses into vitrified protoxide. It consists of 100 lead-f- 11.08 oxygen; and it may be represented as a compound of 2 prime* Ol" LEA LEA fcead -f- 3 oxygen; or of 1 prime protoxide -f- 1 prime peroxide. 3. If upon 100 parts of red-lead, we di- gest nitric acid ofthe sp. gr. 1.26,92.5 parts will be dissolved, but 7.5 of a dark- brown powder will remain insoluble. This is the peroxide of lead, and consists of 100 lead -f 15.4 oxygen; or 13 + 2 = 15. By passing a stream of chlorine through red-lead diffused in water, we obtain a so- lution, which yields by potash an abundant precipitate of the brown oxide of lead. From 100 of minium, 68 of the peroxide may be obtained. It is tasteless, and with muriatic acid evolves chlorine. When heat- ed, oxygen is disengaged, and protoxide remains. The red-lead of commerce is often very impure, containing yellow oxide, sul- phate of lead, submuriate of lead and silica. Chloride of lead is formed, either by plac- ing lead in chlorine, or by exposing the muriate to a moderate heat. It is a semi- transparent grayish-white mass, somewhat like horn, whence the old name of plumbum corneum. It is fixed at a red heat in close vessels, but it evaporates at that tempera- ture in the open air. By Dr. Davy's analy- sis, it consists of chlorine 25.78 -f- lead 74.22; or 4.5 + 13. The iodide is easily formed, by heating the two constituents. It has a fine yellow colour. It precipitates when we pour hy- driodate of potash into a solution of nitrate of lead. The salts of lead have the protoxide for their base, and are distinguishable by the following general characters:— 1. The salts which dissolve in water, usually give colourless solutions, which have an astringent sweetish taste. 2. Placed on charcoal they all yield, by the blow-pipe, a button of lead. 3. Ferroprussiate of potash occasions in their solutions a white precipitate. 4. Hydrosulphuret of potash, a black pre- cipitate. 5. Sulphuretted hydrogen, a black pre- cipitate. 6. Gallic acid, and infusion of galls, a white precipitate. 7. A plate of zinc, a white precipitate, or metallic lead. Most of the acids attack lead. The sul- phuric does not act upon it, unless it be concentrated and boiling., Sulphurous acid gas escapes during this process, and the acid is decomposed. When the distillation is carried on to dryness, a saline white mass remains, a small portion of which is soluble in water, and is the sulphate of lead; it af- fords crystals. The residue of the white mass is an insoluble sulphate of lead. * It consists of 5 acid -f- 14 protoxide.* Nitric acid acts strongly on lead. *The nitric solution, by evaporation, vields tetrahedral crystals, which arc white, Vor.. IF. opaque, possess considerable lustre, and have a sp. gr. of 4. They dissolve in 7.6 parts of boiling water. They consist of 6.75 acid -f- 14 protoxide; or nearly 1 -f- 2. A subnitrate may be formed in pearl co- loured scales, by boiling in water, equal weights ofthe nitrate and protoxide. A subnitrite of lead may be formed, by boiling a solution of 10 parts ofthe nitrate, on 7.8 of metallic lead. If more ofthe me- tal be used, a quadro-subnitrite results. By saturating one-half of the oxide ofthe sub- nitrite, with the equivalent proportion of sulphuric acid, a neutral nitrite is formed.* Muriatic acid acts directly on lead by heat, oxidizing it and dissolving part of its oxide. . The acetic acid dissolves lead and its ox- ides; though probably the access of air may be necessary to the solution ofthe metal itself in this acid. White lead, or ceimse, is made by rolling leaden plates spirally up, so as to leave the space of about an inch between each coil, and placing them ver- tically in earthen pots, at the bottom of which is some good vinegar. The pots are to be covered, and exposed for a length of time to a gentle heat in a sand-bath, or by bedding them in dung. The vapour of the vinegar, assisted by the tendency ofthe lead to combine with the oxygen which is present, corrodes the lead, and converts the external portion into a white substance, which comes off in flakes, when the lead is uncoiled. The plates are thus treated re- peatedly, until they are corroded through. Ceruse is the only white used in oil paint- ings. Commonly it is adulterated with a mixture of chalk in the shops. It may be dissolved without difficulty in the acetic acid, and affords a crystallizable salt, called sugar of lead from its sweet taste. This, like all the preparations of lead, is a deadly poison. The common sugar of lead is an acetate; and Goulard's extract, made by boiling litharge in vinegar, a subacetate. The power of this salt, as a coagulator of mucus, is superior to the other. If a bit of zinc be suspended by brass or iron wire, or a thread, in a mixture of water and the ace- tate of lead, the lead will be revived, and form an arbor Saturni. * The acetate, or sugar of lead, is usually crystallized in needles, which have a silky appearance. They are flat four-sided prisms with dihedral summits. Its sp. gr. is 2.345. It is soluble in three and a half times its weight of cold water, and in somewhat less of boiling water. Its constituents are 26.96 acid + 58.71 base -f 14.32" water.—Ber- zelius. The subacetate crystallizes in plates, and is composed of 13.23 acid ■+- 86.77 base; or 1 prime -f- 3. In the extensive and excel- lent sugar of lead works of Mr. Mackintosh, and of Mr Ramsay, at Glasgow, this salt if 19 LEV LEV occasionally formed in large flat rhomboi- dal prisms, which Dr. Thomson supposes to consist of five atoms oxide of lead, four atoms acetic acid, and 19 atoms water ; while he considers the ordinary acetate as a compound of one atom aciel, one atom oxide, and three atoms water. The sulphu- ret, sulphate, carbonate, phosphate, arse- niate, and chromate of lead, are found na- tive, and will be described among its Ores. When lead is alloyed with an equal weight of tin, or perhaps even less, it ceas- es to be acted on by vinegar. Acetate and subacetate of lead in solution, have been used as external applications to inflamed surfaces, and scrofulous sores, and as eye- washes. In some extreme cases of h;emor- rhagy from the lungs and bowels, and uterus, the former salt has been prescribed, but rarely and in minute doses, asaeorrugant or astringent. The colic of the painters, and that formerly prevalent in certain coun- ties of England, from the lead used in the cyder presses, show the very deleterious operation ofthe oxide, or salts of this metal, when habitually introduced into the sys- tem in the minutest quantities at a time. Contraction ofthe thumbs, paralysis ofthe hand, or even of the extremities, have not unfrequently supervened. A course of sul- phuretted hydrogen waters, laxatives, of which sulphur, castor-oil, sulphate of mag- nesia, or calomel, should be preferred, a mercurial course, the hot sea-bath, and elec- tricity, are the appropriate remedies. Dealers in wines have occasionally sweet- ened them when acescent, with litharge or its salts. This deleterious adulteration may be detected by sulphuretted hydrogen water, which will throw down the lead in the state of a dark brown sulphuret. Or subcarbonate of ammonia, which is a more delicate test, may be employed to precipi- tate the lead in the state of a white carbo- nate ; which, on being washed and digest- ed with sulphuretted hydrogen water, will instantly become black. If the white pre- cipitate be gently heated, it will become yellow, and, on charcoal before the blow- pipe, it will yield a globule of lead. Chro- mate of potash, will throw down from satur- nine solutions, a beautiful orange-yellow powder. Burgundy wine, and all such as contain tartar, will not hold lead in solution, in consequence of the insolubility of the tartrate. The proper counter-poison for a dange- rous dose of sugar of lead, is solution of Epsom or Glauber salt, liberally swallowed; either of which medicines instantly con- verts the poisonous acetate of lead into the inert and innoxious sulphate. The sulphu- ret of potash, so much extolled by Navier, instead of being an antidote, acts itself as a poison on the stomach.* Oils dissolve the oxide of lead, and be- come thick and consistent; in which state they arc used as the basis of plasters, ce- ments for water-works, paints, &c. Sulphur readily dissolves lead in the dry way, and produces a brittle compound, of a deep gray colour and brilliant appearance-, which is much less fusible than lead itself; a property which is common to all the com- binations of sulphur with the more fusible metals. The phosphoric acid, exposed to heat together with charcoal and lead, becomes convertedinto phosphorus, which combines with the metal. This combination does not greatly differ from ordinary lead; it is malleable, and easily cut with a knife; but it loses its brilliancy more speedily than pure lead; and when fused upon charcoal with the blow-pipe, the phosphorus bunu, and leaves the lead behind. Litharge fused with common salt decom- poses it; the lead unites with the muriatic acid, and forms a yellow compound, used as a pigment. The same decomposition takes place in the humid way, if common salt be macerated with litharge; and the solution will contain caustic alkali. Lead unites with most of the metals. Gold and silver are dissolved by it in a slight reel heat Both these metals are said to be rendered brittle by a small admixture of lead, though lead itself is rendered more ductile by a small quantity of them. Pla- tina forms a brittle compound with lead; mercury amalgamates with it; but the lead is separated from the mercury by agitation, in the form of an impalpable black powder, oxygen being at the same time absorbed. Copper and lead do not unite but with a strong heat. If lead be heated so as to boil and smoke, it soon dissolves pieces of cop- per thrown into it; the mixture, when cold, is brittle. The union of these two metals is remarkably slight; for, upon ex- posing the mass to a heat no greater than that in which lead melts, the lead almost entirely runs off by itself. This process is called eliquation. The coarser sorts of lead, which owe their brittleness and granulated texture to an aelmixture of copper, throw it up to the surface on being melted by a small heat. Iron does not unite with lead, as long as both substances retain their me- tallic form. Tin unites very easily with this metal, and forms a compound, which is much more fusible than lead by itself, and is, for this reason, used as a solder for iead. Two parts of lead and one of tin, form an alloy more fusible than either metal alone: this is the solder ofthe plumbers. Bismuth combines readily with lead, and affords a metal of a fine close grain, but very brittle. A mixture of eight parts bismuth, five lead, and three tin, will mdt in a heat which is LEV L1G not sufficient to cause water to boil. Anti- mony forms a brittle alloy with lead. Nickel, cobalt, manganese, and zinc, do not unite with lead by fusion. All the oxides of lead are easily revived with heat and carbon. Leather. The skins of animals prepared by maceration in lime water, and afterward with astringent substances. See Tanking. * Leaves of P'.ants. See Chlorophtle.* LEts (Soap). See Potasu ; also Soap. Lemons. See Arm (Citric). * Lemma* Eaiith, or Sphrabide. Co- lour yellowish-gray, and frequently mar- bled with rusty spots. Dull. Fracture fine earthy. Meagre to the feel. Adheres slight- ly to the tongue. When plunged in water, it falls to pieces with disengagement of air- bubbles. Its constituents are. 66 silica, 14.5 alumina, 0.25 magnesia, 0.25 lime, 3.5 soda, 6 oxide of iron, 8.5 water.—Klaproth. It has hitherto been found only in the Island of Stalimene, (ancient Lemnos). It is rec- koned a medicine in Turkey ; and is dug up only once a year, with religious solemnities, cut into spindle-shaped pieces, anel stamp- ed with a seal. It was esteemed an anti- dote to poison and the plague in Homer's time; a virtue to which it has not the slight- est claim.* * Lepidolite. Colour peach-blossom red, sometimes gray. Massive, and in small con- cretions. Lustre glistening, pearly. Cleavage single. Fracture, coarse splintery. Feebly translucent. Soft. Rather sectile. Rather easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.6 to 2.8. It in- tumesces before the blow-pipe, and melts easily into a milk-white translucent globule. Its constituents are 54 silica, 20alumina, 18 potash, 4 fluate of lime, 3 manganese, and 1 iron.— Vauquelin. It occurs in limestone at Dalmally, and on the north side of Lochfine; on the east side of Loch-leven, nearly op- posite the Inn at Balachulish. It is found in many places on the continent. On ac- count of its beautiful colour, it has been cut into snuff-boxes, but it is rather soft and greasy to the aspect.—Jameson* * Leucite. Dodecahedral zeolite of Jameson. Colour white, whence its name. Generally in roundish imbedded grains, or crystallized in acute double eight-sided py- ramids. Internal lustre shining. Cleavage imperfect. Fracture imperfect conchoidal. Translucent. Refracts single. Harder than apatite, but softer than feldspar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.5. With borax it fuses into a brown- ish transparent glass. Its constituents are 56 silica, 20 alumina, 20 potash, 2 lime, and 2 loss —Vauquelin. It is almost peculiar to Italy, occurring in trap-rocks and lavas, at Albano, Frascati, and near Naples.* * Libavius, smoking liquor of: deuto- chloride of tin.* Levioation. The mechanical process of grinding the parts of bodies to a fine paste, by rubbing the flat face of a stone called the muller, upon a table or slab called the stone. Some fluid is always ad ed in this process. The advantage of levigation with a stone and muller, beyond that of triturating in a mortar, is, that the materials can more easi- ly be scraped together, and subjected to the action of the muller, than in the other case to that of the pestle; and, from the flatness of the two suituces, they cannot elude the pressure. * Lievrite or Venite. Colour black. Massive; in distinct concretions; and crys- tallized in oblique or almost rectangular four-sided prisms, varying from acicular to the thickness of an inch. Lateral planes longitudinally streaked. Lustre glistening, semi-metallic. Fracture uneven. Opaque. Scratches glass, and gives a few sparks with steel, but is scratched by adularia. Streak unchanged. Easily frangible. Sp.gr. 3.9. Magnetic on being heated; its colour at the same time changing to reddish-brown. It melts into an opaque black bead, having a metallic aspect, and magnetic. Its constitu- ents are 30 silica. 12.5 lime, 57.5 oxide of iron and oxide of manganese, the last of which forming only 2 or 3 parts. It occurs in primitive limestone in the island of Elba.* * Light. The agent of vision. Some philosophers regard light as con- sisting of particles of inconceivable minute- ness, emitted in succession by luminous bo- dies, which move in straight lines, at the rate of 200,000 miles per second. Others conceive that it consists in certain undulations communicated by luminous bo- dies, to an etherialfluid which fills all space. This fluid is composed of the most subtile matter, is highly elastic, and the undulations are propagated through it with great velo- city, in spherical superficies proceeding from a centre. This view derives great plausibility from its happy application by Huygens, to explain a very difficult class of optical phenomena, the double refraction of calcareous spar and other bodies. The common refraction is explained by Huygens on the supposition, that the undu- lations in the luminous fluid are propagated in the form of spherical waves. The double refraction is explained on the supposition, that the undulations of light, in passing through the calcareous spar, assume a sp/ie- roidal form; and this hypothesis, though it does not apply with the same simplicity as the former, yet admits of such precision, that a proportion of the axes of the spheroids may be assigned, which will account for the precise quantity ofthe extraordinary refrac- tion, and for all the phenomena dependent on it, which Huygenshadstudied with great care, and had reduced to the smallest num- ber of general facts. " That these spheroidal undulations ac- tually exist," says the celebrated Playfair, LIGi Lit; " he would after aH be a bold theorist who should affirm; but that the supposition of their existence is an accurate expression of the phenomena of double refraction, cannot be doubted. When one enunciates the hy- pothesis of the spheroidal undulations, he in fact expresses in a single sentence all the phenomena of double refraction. The hy- pothesis is therefore the means of represent- ing these phenomena, and the laws which they obey, to the imagination or the under- standing ; and there is perhaps no theory in optics, and but very few in natural phi- losophy, of which more can be said. The- ory therefore, in this instance, is merely to be regarded as the expression of a general law, and in that light I think it is consider- ed hy La Place." Dr. Young has selected from Sir Isaac Newton's various writings, many passages favourable to the admission of the undula- tory theory of light, or of a luminiferous ether pervading the universe, rare and elas- tic in a high degree. " 1$ not the heat (of the warm room) conveyed through the va- cuum by the vibrations of a much subtiler medium than air ? And is not this medium the same with that medium by which light is reflected and refracted, and by whose vibrations light communicates heat to bo- dies, and is put into fits of easy reflection and easy transmission ? And do not the vi- brations of this medium in hot bodies con- tribute to the intenseness and duration of their heat ? And do not hot bodies commu- nicate their heat to contiguous cold ones, by the vibrations of this medium, propaga- ted from them into the cold ones ? And is not this medium exceedingly more rare and subtile than the air, and exceedingly more clastic and active ? And doth it not readily pervade all bodies ? And is it not by its elas- tic force expanded through all the hea- vens ?"—" if any one would ask how a me- dium can be so rare, let him tell me how an electric body can by friction emit an exhala- tion so rare and subtile, and yet so potent ? And how the effluvia of a magnet can pass through a plate of glass without resistance, and yet turn a magnetic needle beyond the glass ?" - Optics, Qu. 18. 22. " Were I to assume an hypothesis, it should be this, if propounded more generally, so as not to determine what light is, farther than that it is something or other capable of exciting vibrations in the ether ; for thus it will be- come so general, and comprehensive of other hypothesis, as to leave little room for new ones to be invented."—Birch, iii. 249 Dr. Young shows, that many phenomena ^explicable on the notion of radiating cor- puscles, are easily reconciled to the theory of undulation. « On the whole," says this profound philosopher, "it appearsthatthe few optical phenomena, which admit of ex- planation by the corpuscular system, are equally consistent with this theory; that many others which have been long known, but never understood, become by these means perfectly intelligible ; and that seve- ral new facts are found to be thus, only, re- ducible to a perfect analogy with other facts, and to the simple principles of the undulatory system."—Nat. Pldl. vol. ii. p. 631. I think, however, that the new discoveries on polarized light may be more easily re- ferred to the corpuscular than undulatory hypothesis. The physical affections of light are foreign to this work. Its chemical relations are alone to be considered. These may be conveniently referred to four heads:— 1. Of the mean refractive and dispersive powers of different bodies. 2. Of the action of the different prisma- tic colours on chemical matter. 3. Of the polarization of light. 4. Ofthe absorption and disengagement of light, or phosphorescence. 1. Newton first discovered that certain bodies exercise on light a peculiar attractive force. Wheu a ray passes obliquely from air into any transparent liquid or solid sur- face, it undergoes at entrance an angular flexure, which is called refraction. The variation of this departure from the rectili- neal path for any particular substance, de- pends on the obliquity of the ray to the re- fracting surface; so that the sine ofthe angle of refraction, is to that of the angle of inci- dence, in a constant ratio. Now Newton found that unctuous or inflammable bodies occasioned a greater deviation in the lumi- nous rays than their attractive mass or den- sity gave reason to expect. Hence he con- jectured, that both diamond and water con- tained combustible matter,— a sagacious anticipation of future chemical discovery. Dr. Wollaston invented a very ingenious apparatus, in which, by means of a rectan. gular prism of flint glass, the index of re- fraction of each substance is read off at once by a vernier, the three sides of a move- able triangle performing the operations of reduction, in a very compendious manner.— Phil. Trans. 1802, or Nicholson's Journal, Svo. vol. iy. p. 89. But transparent media occasion not mere- ly a certain flexure of the white sunbeam, called the mean refraction, they likewise de- compose it into its constituent colours. This effect js called ttispersion. Now the mean refractive and dispersive powers of bodies are not proportional to each other. In some refracting media, the mean angle of refraction is larger, whilst the angle of dispersion is smaller; and in other refract- ing media, the mean angle of refraction is smaller, whilst the angle of dispersion is larger. In short, the knowledge of the mean refractive power of a given substance^ LIG L1G vill not enable us to determine its disper- sive power, and vice versa. From the refractive power of bodies we may in many cases infertheir chemical con- stitution. For discovering the purity of essential oils, an examination with Dr. Wol- laston's instrument may be of considerable utility, on account of the smallness of the quantity requisite for trial. "In oil of cloves, for instance, I have met with a wide difference. The refractive power of genu- ine oil of cloves is as high as 1.535; but I have also purchased oil by this name which did not exceed 1.498, and which had pro- bably been adulterated by some less refrac- tive oil." This fine idea, suggested by Dr. Wollaston, has been happily prosecuted by M. Biot,with regard to gaseous compounds. I shall first give general tables of the re- fractive and dispersive powers of differ- ent bodies, and then make some remarks on their chemical applications:— Index of Refraction. A vacuum, 1.00000 Atmospheric air, (mean,) 1.00033 Ice, WoJ. 1.31000 Ice, Brewster, 1.30700 Water, \ 1.336 Vitreous humour, 5 Cryolite. B. 1.344 Ether, W. 1.358 Albumen, W. 1.360 Alcohol, W. 1.370 Saturated solut. of salt, Cavallo, 1.375 Solution of sal ammoniac, 1.382 Nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.48, W. 1.410 Fluor spar, W. 1.433 Sulphuric spar, W. 1.435 Spermaceti, melted, W. 1.446 Crystalline lens of an ox, W. 1.447 Alum, W. 1.457 Tallow melted, W. 1.460 Borax, C. 1.467 Oil of lavender, W. 1.467 C. (1.469) Oil of peppermint, W. 1.468 Oil of olives, W. 1.469 Oil of almonds, W. 1.470 Oil of turpentine, rectified, W. 1.470 Do. common, W. 1.476 Essence of lemon, W. 1.476 Butter, cold, W. 1.480 Linseed oil, W. 1.485 Camphor, W. 1.487 Iceland spar, weakest refr. Wr. 1.488 Do. strongest do. W. (1.657) Tallow, cold, W. L49 Sulphate of potash, W. 1.495 Oil of nutmeg, W. 1.497 French plate-glass, W. 1.500 English plate-glass W. 1.504 Oil of amber, W. 1.505 Balsam of capivi, "W. 1.507 Gum-arabic, "W. 1.514 Dutch plate-glass, W. 1.517 Caoutchouc, W. 1.524 Nitre, *n. 1-524 Index of Refraction, Selenite, W. 1.525 Crown glass, common, W. 1.525 Canada balsam, W. 1.528 Centre ofthe crystalline of) fish, anel dry crystalline C W. 1.530 of an ox, j Pitch, W. Radcliffe crown-glass, W. 1.533 Anime, W. 1.535 Copal, W. 1.535 Oil of cloves, W. 1.535 White wax cold, "^ Elemi, Mastic, | Arseniate of potash, y W. Sugar after fusion, | Spermaceti cold, j Red sealing-wax, J Oil of sassafras, W. 1.536 Bees-wax, W. 1.542 Boxwood, W. Colophony, W. 1.543 Old plate-glass, W. 1.545 Rock crystal, (double), W. 1.547 Amber, W. 1.547 C. (1.556) Opium, W. Mica, W. Phosphorus, W. 1.579 Horn, W. Flint-glass, AV-£l586 Benzoin, W. Guaiacum, W. 1.596 Balsam of Tolu, W. 1.600 Sulphate of baryt. (double R.) W. 1.646 Iceland spar, (strongest), W. 1.657 Gum dragon, W. Carburet of sulphur, Br. 1.680 White sapphire, W. 1.768 Muriate of antimony, variable, W. Arsenic, (a good test), W. 1.811 Spindle ruby, W. 1.812 Jargon, W. 1.950 Glass of antimony, W. 1.980 Native sulphur, W. 2.040 Do. Brewster, 2.115 Plumbago, W. Phosphorus, Brewster, 2.224 Diamond, Newton, by Dr. W. 2.440 Do. Rochon, 2.755 Realgar, Brewster, 2.510 Chromate of lead, (least refr.), do. 2.479 Do. (greatest refr.) do. 2.926 TABLE II.—Refracting Powers of Gases for the temperature of 32° F. and pressure 30, by MM. Biot and Arago. Atmospheric air, - - 1.00000 Oxygen, - - - 0.86161 Azote, - 1.03408 Hydrogen, ... 6.61436 Ammonia, ... 2.16851 Carbonic acid, - - - 1.00476 Subcarburetted hydrogen, - 2.09270 Muriatic add gas, - - 1.19625. LIG LIG TABLE III.—Dispersive Powers. Cryolite, Brewster, 0.023 Fluor spar, do. 0.022 Water, do. 0.035 Diamond, do. 0.038 Flint glass, (highest), do. 0.052 Carburet of sulphur, do. 0.115 Phosphorus, do. 0.128 Sulphur, do. 0.1.50 Oil of cassia, do. 0.139 Realgar, do. 0.255 Chromate of lead, (least refr )do. 0.262 Do. (greatest refr. ) do. 0.400 Carburet of sulphur exceeds all fluid bo- dies in refractive power, surpassing even flint-glass, topaz, and tourmaline; and in dispersive power it exceeds every fluid sub- stance, except oil of cassia, holding an inter- mediate place between phosphorus and bal- sam of Tolu. Dr. Brewster has further shown, that all doubly refracting crystals have two disper- sive powers. From Table II. it appears, that the refrac- tive power of hydrogen gas greatly surpas- ses not only that of the other gases, but of all known bodies. This principle exists in great abundance, in resins, oils, and gums, where it is united to carbon and oxygen; and we must probably ascribe to it, the emi- nent refractive power of these combustibles, so justly observed by Newton. This effect of hydrogen is finely displayed in ammonia, whose refractive power is more than double that of air; and much superior to that of water. But since every substance ought to intro- duce into its combinations, its peculiar cha- racter, and preserve in them to a certain de- gree, the force with which it acts on light, let us endeavour to calculate in this point of view, the refractive influence ofthe consti- tuents of a compound. From our know- ledge ofthe extreme tenuity of light, it is probable, that the influence of a moderate chemical condensation, ought to affect its operations very slightly ; for whether it be an ether or a corpuscular emanation, the ex- cessive minuteness of its particles, compared to the distances between the molecules of bodies, ought to render the change of dis- tance among the latter, unimportant. Con- sequently, the refracting powers of bodies ought to differ very little from those of their elements, unless a very great degree of con- densation has taken place. Hence, if we multiply the proportions of azote and oxygen respectively, by their re- fractive powers, we shall obtain products, whose sums will coincide with the refractive power of the atmosphere. Thus, 100 parts fay weight ofthe atmosphere, consist of azote 77.77 + oxygen 22.22. If we multiply each of these numbers by the number repre- senting the refractive power of tbebody, ami making a small correc ion for the carbonic add present, we shall have for the sum of the products 1.0000. Ammonia, however, furnishes a more in- teresting example ofthe application of these principles. The refractive power of hydrogen is, 6.61436 of azote, 1.0.,4U8 of ammonia, 2.16851 Let x be the weight of the constituent, whose refractive power is, a y = 100 — x = that whose power is b and call the refractive power of the compound, c c — b Then x =»-----. In the present case, a — b 2.16851 — 1.03408 x =---------------= 0.203 and 6.61436—1.03408 100 — x = 0.797 = the azote in 100 parts of ammonia; which may be regarded as an approximation. The true proportions given by the equivalentratiosare, 0.823 azote -f- 0.177 hydrogen. If the refractive power of ammonia were 2.0218, then the chemical and optical analysis would coincide. If we calculate on the above data, what ought to be the refractive power of water, as a compound of 8 parts of oxygen 4- 1 hydrogen, we shall obtain the number 1.50065, which being multiplied by 0.45302, the absolute refractive power of air, when we take the density of water for unity, we shall have a product = 0.67984. Now, according to Newton's estimate, which M. Biot has found to be exact, the refractive power of water is 0.7845. Hence, we see, that the compound has acquired an increas- ed refractive force by condensation, above the mean of its constituents, in the ratio of 100 to 86|- Rays of light, in traversing the greater number of crystallized bodies, are common- ly split into two pencils; one of which, called the ordinary ray, follows the common laws of refraction, agreeably to the preceding tables, whilst the other, called the extraor- dinary ray, obeys very different laws. This phenomenon is produced in all transparent crystals, whose primitive form is neither a cube nor a regular octohedron. The division ofthe beam is greater or less, according to the nature of the crystal, and the direction in which it is cut. But of all known sub- stances, that which produces this phenome- non in the most energetic manner, is the rhomboidal carbonate of lime commonly called iceland spar. 2. Ofthe action of the different coloured rays. If the white sunbeam, admitted through a small hole of a window-shutter into a darkened room, be made to pass through a triangular prism of glass, it will LIG LIG be divided into a number of splendid colours which may be thrown upon a sheet of paper. Newton ascertained, that if this coloured image, or spectrum as it is called, be divided into 36ei parts, the red will occupy 45, the orange 27, the yellow 48, the green 60, the blue 60, the indigo 40, and the violet 80. The recLi^yji being least bent by the prism, froniTtie direction of the white beam, are said to be least refracted or the least refran- gible ; while the violet rays being always at the other extremity ofthe spectrum, are call- ed the most refrangible. According to Dr Wollas.on, when the beam of light is only l-20th of an inch broad, and received by the eye at the distance of 10 feet, through a clear prism of flint-glass, only four colours ap- pear; red, yellowish-green, blue, and videt. If the differently coloured rays of light thus separated by the prism, be concentred on one spot by a lens, they will reproduce colourless light. Newton ascribes the diffe- rent colours of bodies, to their power of ab- sorbing all the primitive colours, except the peculiar one which they reflect, and of which colour they therefore appear to our eye. * According to Sir William Herschel, the different coloured rays possessvery different powers of illumination. The lightest "green, or deepest yellow, which are near the cen- tre, throw more light on a printed page than any of the rays towards either side of the spectrum. Sir H. Davy remarks, that as there are more green rays in a given part of the sprectrum than blue'rays, the difference of illuminating power may depend on this circumstance. The rays separated by one prism, are not capable of being further di- vided by being passed through another; and in their relations to double refraction and reflection, they appear to agree with direct light. An object illuminated by any of the rays in the spectrum, is seen double through iceland crystal, in the same manner as if it had been visible by white light. Under Calobic, we have stated the pow- er of heating which the different coloured rays of the spectrum apparently possess. Sir H. Englefield, and M. Berard, confirmed the results of Sir W. Herschel, with regard to the progressive increase of calorific influ- ence from the violet to the red extremity of the spectrum ; and they also found with him, that a calorific influence extended beyond the limit ofthe red light, into the unillumi- nated space. M. Berard, however, obser- ved, that the maximum of effect was mi the light, and not beyond it. This ingenious philosopher made a pencil of the sunbeam pass across a prism of iceland spar. The di- vision ofthe rays formed two spectra, which presentedthe s'ame properties with the sin- gle spectrum. Both possessed the calorific virtue in the same manner and degree. M. Berard polarized a beam of light by reflec- tion from a mirror; -and he found that in all i the positions in which light ceased to be re- 1 fleeted, heat also ceased to appear. | The ' thermometer in the focus of the apparatus was no longer affected. Thus, we see, that , the obscure heat-making principle, accom- . panies the luminous particles, and obeys the ' same laws of action. If the white luna cornea, the muriate of silver moistened, be exposed to the dif- ferent rays in the prismatic spectrum, it will be found, that no effect is produced upon it, in the least refrangible rays, which occasion heat without light; that only a slight disco- loration will be occasioned by the red rays; that the blackening power will be greater in the violet than in any other ray'; and that beyond the violet, in a space perfectly ob- scure to our eyes, the darkening effect will be manifest on the muriate. This fine observation, due to M. Ritter and Dr. Wollaston, proves, that there are rays more refrangible than the rays producing fight and heat. As it appears, from the ob- servations of M. Berthollet, that muriatic acid gas is formed when horn-silver is black- ened by light, the above rays may be call- ed hydrogenating. Sir H. Davy found, that a mixture of chlorine and hydrogen acted more rapidly upon each other, combining without explosion, when exposed to the red rays, than when placed in the violet rays ; but that solution of chlorine in water be- came solution of muriatic acid most rapidly, when placed in the most refrangible rays in the spectrum. He also observed, that the puce-coloured oxide of lead, when moisten- ed, gradually gained a tint of red in the least refrangible rays, and at last became black, but was not affected in the most refrangible rays. The same change was produced hy exposing it to a current of hydrogen gas. The oxide of mercury from calomel and wa- ter of potash, when exposed to the spectrum, was not changed in the most refrangible rays, but became red in the least refrangible, which must have been owing to the absorp- tion of oxygen. The violet rays produced upon moistened red oxide of mercury, the same effect as hydrogen gas. Dr. Wollaston found, thatguaiac, exposed to the violet rays, passed rapidly from yellow to green; and MM. Gay-Lussac and The- nard applied to the same influence a gaseous mixture of hydrogen and chlorine, when ex- plosion immediately took place. By placing small bits of card, coated with moist horn- silver, or little phials of those mixed gases, in the different parts of the spectrum, M. Berard verified the former observations of the chemical power acquiring a maximum in the violet ray, and existing even beyond it; but he also found, that by leaving the tests a sufficient time in the indigo and blue rays, a perceptible effect was produced upon them. He concentrated by a lens all that LIG LIG portion of the spectrum which extends from the green to the extreme boundary ofthe violet; and by another lens he collected the other half of the spectrum, comprehending the red. The latter formed the focus of a white light, so brilliant, that the eye could not endure it; yet in two hours it produced no sensible change on muriate of sdver. On the contrary, the focus of the other half of the spectrum, whose fight and heat were far less intense, blackened the muriate in ten minutes. The investigations of Ddaroche enable us, in some measure, to reduce these dissimilar effects of light to a common prin- ciple. See Caloric In Mr Brande's late Bakerian lecture on the composition and analysis of coal and oil gases, this ingenious chemist shows, that the light producetl by these, or by olefiant gas, even when concentrated so as to produce a sensible degree of heat, occasioned no change on the colour of muriate of silver, nor onamixture of chlorine and hydrogen; while the light emitted by electrized charcoal, speedily affects the muriate, causes these gases to unite rapidly, anel sometimes with explosion. The concentrated light of the moon, like that of the gases, proeluced no change. He concludes with stating, that he found the photometer of Mr. Leslie in- effectual. He employed one filled with the vapour of ether (renewable from a column of that fluid), which he found to be more delicate. The general facts, says Sir H. Davy, of the refraction and effects ofthe solar beam, offer an analogy to the agencies of electrici- ty. In the voltaic circuit, the maximum of heat seems to be at the positive pole, where the power of combining with oxygen is given to bodies, and the agency of render- ing bodies inflammable is exerted at the op- posite surface; and similar chemical effects are produced by negative electricity, and by the most refrangible rays of the solar beam. In general, in nature, the effects of the solar rays are very compounded. Healthy vegetation depends upon the pre- sence of the solar beams, or of light; and whilst the heat gives fluidity and mobility to the vegetable juices, chemical effects likewise are occasioned, oxygen is separa- ted from them, and inflammable compounds formed. Plants deprived of light become white, and contain an excess of saccharine and aepieous particles; and flowers owe the variety of their hues to the influence of the solar beams. Even animals require the presence of the rays ofthe sun, and their colours seem materially to depend upon the chemical influence of these rays; a com- parison between the polar and tropical ani- mals, and between the parts of their bodies exposed, and those not exposed to light, Shows the correctness of this opinion. III. Polarization! of Light. This new branch of optical science, sprung from the ingenuity of Mains. It has been since cultivated chiefly by M. Biot in France, and by Dr. Brewster in this king- dom. I am happy to observe, that Mr. Herschel has lately entered the lists under very favourable auspices. If a solar ray fall on the anterior surface of an unsilvered mirror plate, making an angle with it of 35° 25', the ray will be re- flected in a right line, so that the angle of reflection will be equal to the angle of inci- dence. In any point of its reflected path, receive it on another plane of similar glass, it will suffer in general a second partial re- flection. But this reflection will vanish, or become null, if the second plate of glass form an angle of 35° 25' with the first re- flected ray, and at the same time be turned, so that the second reflection is made in a plane perpendicular to that in which the first reflection takes place. For the sake of illustration, suppose that the plane of inci- dence ofthe ray on the first glass, coincides with the plane ofthe meridian, anel that the reflected ray is vertical. Then, if we make the se»nd inclined plate revolve, it will turn around the reflected ray, forming al- ways with it the same angle; and the plane in which the second reflection takes place, will necessarily be directed towards the dif- ferent points of the horizon, in different azimuths. This being arranged, the follow- ing phenomena will be observed. When the second plane of reflection is directed in the meridian, and consequentiy coincides with the first, the intensity ofthe fight reflected by the second glass is at its maximum. In proportion as the second plane, in its revolution, deviates from its parallelism with the first, the intensity ofthe reflected light will diminish. Finally, when the second plane of reflec- tion is placed in the prime vertical, that is east and west, and consequently perpendic* ular to the first, the intensity ofthe reflec- tion of light is absolutely null on the two surfaces of the second glass, and the ray is entirely transmitted. Preserving the second plate at the same inclination to the horizon, if we continue to make it revolve beyond the quadrant now described, the phenomena will be re- produced in the inverse order; that is, the intensity ofthe fight will increase, precise- ly as it diminished, and it will become equal, at equal distances from the east and west. Hence, when the second plane of reflection returns once more to the meridian, a second maximum of intensity equal to the first re- curs. From these experiments it appears, that the ray reflected by the first glass, is not re- flected by the second, under this incidence, when it is presented to it by its east and west LIG LIG sides; but that it is reflected, at least in part, when it is presented to the glass by any two others of its opposite sides. Now if we re- gard the ray as an infinitely rapid succession of a series of luminous particles, the faces of the ray are merely the successive faces of these particles. We must hence conclude, that these particles possess faces endowed with different physical properties, and that in the present circumstance, the first reflec- tion has turned towards the same sides of space, similar faces, or faces equally endowed at least with the property under considera- tion. It is this arrangement of its molecules which Malus named the polarization of light, assimilating the effect of the first glass to that of a magnetic bar, which would turn a series of magnetic needles, all in the same direction. Hitherto we have supposed that the ray, whether incident or reflected, formed with the two mirror plates, an angle of 35° 25'; for it is only under this angle that the phe- nomenon is complete. Without changing the inclination of the ray to the first plate, if we vary never so little the inclination of the second, the intensity ofthe reflected light is no longer null in any azimuth, but it be- comes the feeblest possible in the prime ver- tical, in which it was formerly nulL Similar phenomena may be produced by substituting for the mirror glasses; polished plates, formed for the greater part of trans- parent bodies. The two planes of reflection must always remain rectangular, but they must be presented to the luminous ray, at different angles, according to their nature. Generally, all polished surfaces have the property of thus polarizing, more or less completely, the light which they reflect un- der certain incidences; but there is for each of them a particular incidence, in which the polarization it impresses is most complete, and for a great many, it amounts to the whole ofthe reflected light. When a ray of light has received polari- zation in a certain direction, by the processes now described, it carries with it this property into space, preserving it without perceptible alteration, when we make it traverse perpen- dicularly a considerable mass of air, water, or any substance possessed of single refrac- tion. But the substances which exercise double refraction, in general alter the polari- zation of the ray, and apparently in a sud- den manner, and communicate to it a new polarization ofthe same nature, but in ano- ther direction. It is only in certain direc- tions ofthe principal section, that the ray can escape this disturbing force. The fol- lowing may be regarded as the most gene- ral view of this subject. When the particles of light pass through a crystallized body, endowed with double refraction, they experience different move- ments round their centre of gravity, which Vol. II. depend on the nature of the forces which the particles of the crystal exercise on them. Sometimes the effect of these forces is limit- ed to the above polarization, or to the ar- ranging all the particles of one ray, parallel to each other, so that their homologous faces are turned towards the same parts of space. When this disposition occurs, the luminous molecules preserve it, in the whole extent ofthe crystal, and experience no more move- ment around their centre of gravity. But there exists other cases, in which the mole- cules that traverse the crystal are not fixed in any constant position. During the time of their passage, they oscillate round their centre of gravity, with velocities and accord- ing to periods, which may be calculated. Lastly, they sometimes revolve round their own axes, with an uninterrupted movement of rotation. The former is called fixed po- larization, the latter moveable. In the Phil. Trans, for 1813, we have the first of a series of very interesting papers on polarized lightby Dr. Brewster. This relates chiefly to some curious properties of agate. The plate of agate which he employed, was bounded by parallel faces, was about the fif- teenth of an inch thick, and was cut into a plane, perpendicular to the laminae, of which it was composed. When the image of a taper reflected from water at an angle of 52° 45', so as to acquire the property dis- cos ered by Malus, was viewed through the plate of agate, so as to have its laminae pa- rallel to the plane of reflection, the flame appeared perfectly distinct, but when the agate was turned round, so that its laminae became perpendicular to the plane of reflec- tion, the light which formed the image of the taper suffered total reflection, and not one ray of it penetrated the agate. If a ray of light incident upon one plate of agate is received, after transmission, upon another plate of the same substance, having its lami- nae parallel to those ofthe former, the light will find an easy passage through the second plate; but if the second plate has its laminae perpendicular to those of the first, the light will be wholly reflected, and the luminous object will cease to be visible. In a second important communication in 1814 on the affections of light transmitted through crystallized bodies, after suggesting that the cultivation of this department of phy- sics may enable us to explain the forms and structure of crystallized bodies, a prediction which he himself has since happily fulfilled, the Doctor states, that if the light polarized by agate, is incident at a particular angle upon any transparent body, so that the plane of reflection is perpendicular to the laminae ofthe agate, it will experience a total rejrac- tion; if it is transmitted through another plate of agate, having its laminae at right angles to those of the plate by which the light is polarized, it will suffer total reflect 20 LIG LIG tion; and if it is examined by a prism of Iceland crystal, turned round in the hand of the observer, it will vanish and reappear in every quadrant of its circular motion. The pencil of rays to which this remarkable pro- perty is communicated, is surrounded by a large mass of nebulous light, which extends about 7° 3u' in length, and 1Q 7' in breadth on each side ofthe bright image. This ne- bulous light never vanished with the bright image which it enclosed, but was obviously affected with its different changes, increasi ng in magnitude asthe bright image diminished, and diminishing as the bright image regain- ed its lustre. Light polarized by tlie agate, or by any other means, is depolarized, or partly restored to its original state, by being transmitted in a particular direction through a plate of mica, or any other crystallized body. IV. Ofthe Production of Light. Some philosophers refer the origin of all luminous phenomena to the sun, whose beams are supposed to penetrate, and com- bine with, the different forms of terrestrial matter. But we learn from Scripture, that light pre-existed before this luminary, and that its subsequent condensation in his orb, was a particular act of Almighty Power. The phosphorescence of minerals, buried since the origin of things in the bowels of the earth, coincides strictly with the Mosaic account of the creation. We shall therefore regard light, the first-born element of Chaos, as an independent essence, universally dis- tributed through the mineral, vegetable, and animal world, capable of being disengaged from its latent state by various natural and artificial operations. These are 1. Friction. To this head, belong electrical light, and that evolved from the attrition of pieces of quartz, even under water. 2. Condensation and expansion. If at- mospheric air or oxygen be suddenly com- pressed in a glass syringe, or if a glass ball, filled with the latter, be suddenly broke in vacuo, a flash of light is instantly perceived. 3. Heat. If air which has been heated up to 900° of Fahrenheit, and which is in itself obscure, be made to fall on pieces of metal, earth, &c. it will speedily com- municate to them the power of radiating light. The brilliant flame exhibited in the burning of charcoal and phosphorus, is shown in the article Combust on, to be merely the ignition ofthe solid particles of these bodies. At a certain elevation of temperature, about 800° Fahr. all solid bodies begin to give out light. The same effect is produced in vacuo by transmitting voltaic electricity through a metallic wire. To this section, we must also refer the phosphorescence of minerals. This curious phenomenon seems to have been first described by Benvenuto Cellini, in his Treatise on Jewellery, pub- lished near the beginning of the 16th cen- tury. In the year 1663, Mr. Boyle observed, that diamond, when slightly heated, rubbed, or compressed, emitted a light almost equal to that ofthe glow-worm. The most complete account which we have of mineral phosphorescence, is that re- cently given by Dr. Brewster in the first vo- lume of the Edinburgh Phil. Journal. His method of examination was ingenious and accurate. He never reduced the body to powder, but placed a fragment of it upon a thick mass of hot iron, or, in delicate expe- riments, introduced it into the bottom of a pistol barrel, heated a little below redness. The following table presents his results: Names ofthe Mnerals. Colour of the Minerals. Colour and Intensity of the Light. Fluor spar, Pink, Green, Purple, Bluish, Bluish-white, Yellowish, Blue, Fine green, Compact fluor, Sandy fluor, White, White sparks, Calcareous spar, Yellow, Yellow, Transparent, Yellowish, Limestone from north of Ireland, Phosphate of lime, Yellowish-red, Yellow, Pink, Arragonite, Dirty white, Reddish-yellow, Carbonate of barytes, Whitish, Pale white, Harmotome, Colourless, Reddish-yellow, Dipyre, White, Specks of light, Giammatite from Glentilt, ----. Yellow, /-. .....ii Bluish, Bluish, Topaz, Aberdeenshire, Blue, ------■, Brazilian, Yellow, Faint vellowiah, ------New Holland, White, Bluish, Rubellitc, Reddish, Scarlet, Sulphate of lime, Yellowish, Faint light, LIG LIG Names ofthe Minerals. \ Colour ofthe minerals. Sulphate of barytes, strontites, lead, Ynhydrite, Sodalite, Bitter spar, Red silver ore, Barystrontianite, Arseniate of lead, Sphene, Tremdite, Mica, — from Waygatz, Titanium sand, Hornstone, Table spar, Dognatska, Lapis lazuli, Spodumene, Titanite, Cyanite, Calamine, Augite, Petalite, Abestus, rigid, Datholite, Corundum, Anatase, Tungstate of lime, Quartz, Amethyst, Obsidian, Mesotype from Auvergne, Glassy actinolite, Ruby silver, Muriate of silver, Carbonate of copper, Green telesie, Yellow, Slate colour, Bluish, Transparent, Reddish, Dark green, Yellowish, Ked, White, Yellowish, Yellow, Whitish, Greenish, Black, Brown, Black, Gray, Whitish, Blue, Greenish, Reddish, Yellowish-white, Brown, Green, Reddish tinge, Transparent, Brown, Dark, Yellowish-white, The phosphorescence of these nine minerals was observed in the pistol barrel. \C'olour and Intensity ofthe Light. Pa'e light, Pale light, A fragment shone pretty bright, Fain: and by fits, Faint light, Pretty bright, Faint white, Pretty bright, but flitting, Faint, Bright white, Bright white, Reddish-j ellow, Whitish, White specks, Pretty bright, Feeble specks, Yellowish, Yellowish, Faint, Faint, Extremely faint, Bluish, Faint, Pretty bright, Blue and very bright, Pretty bright, Bright, Bright, Reddish-yellow, rilt. like a burning coal, Very faint, Faint, Pretty bright; dirty blue, Very faint, Little specks, Rather bright, Blue, Very faint, |Pale blue, & pretty bright The phosphorescence of anatase is entire- ly different from that ofthe other minerals. It appears suddenly like a flame, and is soon over. Dr. Brewster found, in opposition to what Mr. W edgwood had stated, that ex- posure of green fluor spar to the heat of a common fire in a crucible for half an hour, entirely deprived it of phosphorescence. Though he placed one fragment for several days in the beams of a summer sun, and even exposed it to the bright fight near the focus of a burning glass, he could not succeed in obtaining from it the slightest indication of phosphorescence. The light emitted in combustion belongs to the same head. The phosphoric light of minerals has the same properties as the direct light of the sun, ac- cording to Dr. Brewster. 4. Light emitted from bodies in conse- quence of the action of extraneous light. To this section we refer solar phosphori. The most powerful of these is the artificial compound of Canton. If we mix three parts of calcined oyster shells in powder, with one of flowers of sulphur, and ramming the mixture into a crucible, ignite it for half an hour, we shall find, that the bright parts will, on exposure to the sunbeam, or to'the common day light, or to an electrical explo- sion, acquire the faculty of shining in the dark, so as to illuminate "the dial of a watch and make its figures legible. It will, indeed! after a while, cease to shine; but if we keep the powder in a well corked phial, a new exposure to the sunbeam will restore the luminescence Oyster shells, stratified with sulphur, in a crucible, and ignited, yield a more powerful phosphorescent substance than the powder. It also must be kept in a close phial. When, the electric discharge is transmitted along the surfaces of certain bodies, or a little above them, a somewhat durable phosphorescence is occasioned, which probably belongs to this division. LIG LIM Sulphate of baryt. gives a bright green light, Carbonate Do. less brilliant, Acetate of potash, Brilliant green light, Succinic acid, Do. more durable, Loaf sugar, Do. Selenite, Do. but transient, Rock-crystal, Light red, and then white, Quartz, Dull white light, Borax, Faint green light, Boracic acid, Bright green fight. Mr. Skrimshire has given an extensive ca- talogue of such substances in Nicholson's Journal, 8vo. vols. 15, 16, and 19. He shows that Canton's pyrophorus yields more light by this treatment than any other body; but that almost every native mineral, except metallic ores and metals, becomes more or less luminous after the electric explosion. A slate from Colly Weston, Northamptonshire, which effervesced with acids, gives a beauti- ful effect. When the explosion of a jar is taken above the centre of a piece some inches square, not only the part above the discharg- ing rods is luminous, but the surface of the plate appears bespangled, with very minute brilliant points to some distance from its centre; and when the points of the dis- chargers rest upon the surface of the slate, these minute spangles are detached and scat- tered about the table in a luminous state. 5. Light emitted during chemical changes, independent of heat, or in which no percep- tible heat is developed. The substances from which such light is emitted, are principally the following:— Marine animals, both in a living state and when deprived of life. As instances of the first may be mentioned, the shell-fish called pholas, the medusa phosphorea, and various other mollusca. When deprived of life, ma - rine fishes, in general, seem to abound with this kind of light. The flesh of quadrupeds also evolves light. In the class of insects, are many which emit light very copiously, particularly several species offulgora, or lan- tern-fly ; and of lampyris or glow-worm; also the scolopendra electrica, and a species of crab called cancer fulgens. Rotten wood is well known to evolve light copiously, as well as peat-earth. Dr. Hulme, in an elaborate dissertation on this light, published in the Phil. Trans, for 1790, establishes the following important propositions :— 1. The quantity of light emitted by dead animal substances, is not in proportion to ■the degree of putrefaction in them, as is commonly supposed ; but, on the contrary, the greater the putrescence, the less light is evolved. It would seem, that this element, endowed with pre-eminent elasticity, is the first to escape from the condensed state of combination in which it had been imprison- ed by the powers of life; and is followed, after some lime, by the relatively less elastic gases, whose evolution constitutes putre- faction. 2. This light is a constituent chemical principle of some bodies, particularly of ma- rine fishes, from which it may be separated by a peculiar process, retained and rendered permanent for some time. A solution of 1 part of sulphate of magnesia, in 8 of water, is the most convenient menstruum for ex- tracting, retaining and increasing the bril- liancy of this light. Sulphate and muriate of soda, also answer in a proper state of di- lution with water. When any ofthe saline solutions is too concentrated, the light dis- appears, but instantly bursts forth again from absolute darkness, by dilution with wa- ter. I have frequently made this curious ex- periment with the light procured from whi- ting. Common water, lime-water, fermented liquors, acids even very dilute, alkaline leys, and many other bodies, permanently extin- guish this spontaneous light. Boiling water destroys it, but congelation merely suspends its exhibition ; for it reappears on liquefac- tion. A gentle heat increases the vividness of the phenomenon, but lessens its duration. We shall conclude the subject of light with the following important practical fact and practical problem. 1. Count Rumford has shown that the quantity of light emitted by a given portion of inflammable matter in combustion, is pro- portional in some high ratio to the elevation of temperature; and that, a lamp, having many wicks very near each other, so as mu- tually to increase their heat, burns with in- finitely more brilliancy than the Argand's lamps in common use. 2. To measure the proportional intensities of two or more lights. Place them a few inches asunder, and at the distance of a few feet or yards from a screen of white paper, or a white wall. On holding a small card, near the wall, two shadows will be projected on it, the darker one by the interception of the brighter light, and the lighter shadow by the interception of the duller light. Bring the fainter light nearer to the card, or remove the brighter one further from it, till both shadows acquire the same intensity; which the eye can judge of with great preci- sion, particularly from the conterminous shadows at the angles. Measure now the distances ofthe two lights from the wall or screen, square them, and you have the ratio of illumination. Thus if an Argand flame, and a candle, stand at the distances of 10 feet and 4 feet, respectively, when their sha- dows are equally deep, we have 102 and 42, or 100 and 16, or 64, and 1, for their rela- tive quantities of light.* * Lilalitk. The mineral Lepidolite.* * Lime. The oxide of calcium, one of the primitive earths. This subject has been already treated of under Calcium. We LIM shall add here, that in preparing the bleach- ing powder, calcined magnesian limestone would be an excellent substitute for common lime; and it may be had abundantly from many districts both of England and Ireland. Scotland seems to possess little of it. See Dolomite. The most important applications of lime are to agriculture and building; on which subjects Sir H. Davy has given some excel- lent observations. Quicklime in its pure state, whether in powder, or dissolved in water, is injurious to plants. Grass is killed by watering it with lime-water. But lime in its state of combi- nation with carbonic acid, is a useful ingre- dient in soils. Calcareous earth is found in the ashes of the greater number of plants ; and exposed to the air, lime cannot long continue caustic, but soon becomes united to carbonic acid. When lime, whether freshly burnt or slacked, is mixed with any moist fibrous vegetable matter, there is a strong action between the lime and the vegetable matter, and they form a kind of compost together, of which a part is usually soluble in water. By this kind of operation, fime renders matter, which was before comparatively in- ert, nutritive ; and as charcoal and oxygen abound in all vegetable matters, it becomes at the same time converted into carbonate of lime. Mild lime, powdered hmestone, marls, or chalks, have no action of this kind upon vegetable matter: by their action they pre- vent the too rapid decomposition of sub- stances already dissolved; but they have no tendency to form soluble matters. It is obvious from these circumstances, that the operation of quicklime, and marl or chalk, depends upon principlesaltogether different. Quicklime, in the act of becom- ing mild, prepares soluble out of insoluble matter. It is upon this circumstance that the ope- ration of lime in the preparation for wheat crops depends: and its efficacy in fertilizing peats, and in bringing into a state of culti- vation all soils abounding in hard roots or dry fibres, or inert vegetable matter. The solution of the question, whetlier quicklime ought to be applied to a soil, de- pends upon the quantity of inert vegetable matter that it contains. The solution ofthe question, whether marl, mild lime, or pow- dered limestone, ought to be applied, de- pends upon the quantity of calcareous mat- ter already in the soil. All soils are improv- ed by mild lime, and ultimately by quick- lime, which do not effervesce with acids; and sands more than clays. When a soil, deficient in calcareous mat- ter, contains much soluble vegetable manure, the application of quicklime should always be avoided; as it either tends to decompose LIM the soluble matters by uniting to their car- bon and oxygen so as to become mild lime, or it combines with the soluble matters, and forms compounds having less attraction for water than the pure vegetable substance. The case is the same v> ith respect to most animal manures; but the operation ofthe lime is different in different cases, and de- pends upon the nature ofthe animal matter. Lime forms a kind of insoluble soap with oily matters, and then gradually decomposes them by separating from them oxygen and carbon. It combines likewise with the ani- mal acids, and probably assist their decom- position by abstracting carbonaceous matter from them combined with oxygen; and consequently it mustreneler them less nutri- tive. It tends to diminish likewise the nu- tritive powers of albumen from the same causes; and always destroys, to a certain extent, the efficacy of animal manures, either by combining with certain of their elements, or by giving to them new arrange- ments. Lime should never be applied with animal manures, unless they are too rich, or for the purpose of preventing noxious efflu- via. It is injurious when mixed with any common dung, and tends to render the ex- tractive matter insoluble. In those cases in which fermentation is useful to produce nutriment from vegetable substances, lime is always efficacious, as with tanners' bark. The subject ofthe application ofthe mag- nesian limestone is one of great interest. Magnesia has a much weaker attraction for carbonic acid than lime, and will remain in the state of caustic or calcined magnesia for many months, though exposed to the air. And as long as any caustic lime remains, the magnesia cannot be combined with car- bonic acid, for lime instantly attracts car- bonic acid from magnesia. When a magnesian limestone is burnt, the magnesia is deprived of carbonic acid much sooner than the lime; and if there is not much vegetable or animal matter in the soil to supply, by its decomposition, carbonic acid, the magnesia will remain for a long while in the caustic state; and in this state acts as a poison to certain vegetables. And that more magnesian lime may be used upon rich soils, seems lo be owing to the circum- stance, that the decomposition of the ma- nure in them supplies carbonic acid. But magnesia in its mild state, i. e. fully com- bined with carbonic acid, seems to be al- ways a useful constituent of soils. The Lizard Downs which contain magne- sian earth, bear a short and green grass, which feeds sheep producing excellent mut- ton ; and the cultivated parts are amongst the best corn lands in the county of Corn- wall. It is obvious, from what has been said, that lime from the magnesian limestone may LIM LIM be applied in large quantities to peats; and that where lands have been injured by the application ot too large a quantity of mag- nesian lime, peat will be a proper and effi- cient remedy. There are two modes in which lime acts as a cement: in its combination with water, and in its combination with carbonic acid. When quicklime is rapidly made into a paste with water, it soon loses its softness, and the water and the lime form together a solidcoherent mass, which consists of 1 part of water to 3 parts of lime. When hydrate of lime, whilst it is consolidating, is mixed with red oxide of iron, alumina, or silica, the mixture becomes harder, and more cohe- rent than when lime alone is used; and it appears that this is owing to a certain de- gree of chemical attraction between hydrate of lime and these bodies; and they render it less liable to decompose by the action of the carbonic acid in the air, and less soluble in water. The basis of all cements that are used for works which are to be covered with water, must be formed from hydrate of lime ; and the lime made from impure limestones an- swers this purpose very well. Puzzolana is composed principally of silica, alumina, and oxide of iron; and it used mixed with lime to form cements intended to be employed under water. Mr. Smeaton, in the construc- tion ofthe Eddystone light-house, used a cement composed of equal parts by weight of slacked lime and puzzolana. Puzzolana is a decomposed lava. Tarras, which was formerly imported in considerable quanti- ties from Holland, is a mere decomposed basalt: two parts of slacked lime anel one part of tarras form the principal part ofthe mortar used in the great dykes of Holland. Substances which will answer all the ends of puzzolana and tarras are abundant in the British islands. An excellent red tarras may be procured in any quantities from the Giants' Causeway, in the north of Ireland; and elecomposing basalt is abundant in many parts of Scotland, and in the northern dis- tricts of England in which coal is found. Parker's cement, and cements ofthe same kind maele at the alum works of Lord Dun- das and Lord Mulgrave, are mixtures of cal- cined ferruginous, silicious, and aluminous matter, with hydrate of lime. The cements which act by combining with carbonic acid, or the common mortars, are made by mixing together slacked lime and sand. These mortars, at first solidify as hyelrates, and are slowly converted into rarbonate of lime by the action of the car- bonic acid of the air. Mr. Tennant found that a mortar of this kind, in three years anel a quarter, had regained 63 per cent of the quantity of carbonic acid gas, which constitutes the definite proportion in car- bonate of lime. The rubbish of mortar from houses owes its power to benefit lands prin- cipally to the carbonate of lime it contains, and the sand in it; and its state of cohesion renders it particularly fitted to improve clayey soils. The hardness of the mortar in very old buildings depends upon the perfect conver- sion of all its parts into carbonate of lime. The purest limestones are the best aelaptcd for making this kind of mortar; the magne- sian limestones make excellent water ce- ments, butact with too little energy upon car- bonic acid gas to make good common mortar. The Romans, according to Pliny, made their best mortar a year before it was used; so that it was partially combined with car- bonic acid gas before it was employed. In burning lime there are some particular precautions required for the different kinds of limestones. In general, one bushel of coal is sufficient to make four or five bush- els of lime. The magnesian limestone re- quires less fuel than the common limestone. In all cases in which a limestone containing much aluminous or siliceous earth is burnt, great care should be taken to prevent the fire from becoming too intense ; for such lime easily vitrifies, in consequence of the affinity of lime for silica and alumina And as in some places there are no other lime- stones than such as contain other earths, it is important to attend to this circumstance. A moderately good lime may be made at a low red heat; but it will melt into a glass at a white heat. In limekilns for burning such lime, there should be always a damper. In general, when limestones are not mag- nesian,their purity will be indicated by their loss of weight in burning; the more they lose, the larger is the quantity of calcareous matterthey contain. The magnesian lime- stones contain more carbonic acid than the common limestones; and all of them lose more than half their weight by calcination. The most important compounds of lime, are treated of under the different acids and combustibles.* * Li iifstone. A genus of minerals, which Professor Jameson divides into the four fol- lowing species: 1. Rhomb-spar; 2. Dolo- mite ; 3. Limestone; and, 4. Arragonite. We shall consider the third species here. The same excellent mineralogist divides limestone' into twelve sub-species. 1. Foliated limestone; of which there are two kinds, calcareous spar, and foliated gra- nular limestone. The first will be found in its alphabetical place in the Dictionary. Granularfoliated limestone. Colour white, of various shades; sometimes it is spotted. Massive, and indistinct angulo-granular con- cretions. Lustre glistening, between pearly and vitreous. Fracture foliated. Translu- cent. Hard as calcareous spar. Brittle. Sp. gr. Carrara marble 2.717. It generally phos- phoresces when pounded, or when thrown LIM LIM on glowing coals. Infusible. Effervesces with acids. It is a pure carbonate of lime. It occurs in beds in granite, gneiss, &c. and rarely in secondary rocks. It is found in all thegreatrangesof, rimitiverocksinEurope. Parian marble, Penteiic marble, the Marmo Greco, the white marble of Luni, of Carrara, and of Mount Hyme-.tus, the translucent white marble of statuaries, and flexible white marble, are the chief of the white marbles which tne ancients wsed for sculpture and architecture. The red antique marble, Rosso antico of the Italians, and Egyptian of the ancients; the Verde antico, an indetermi nate mixture of white marble and green ser- pentine ; yellow antique marble; the an- tique Cipohn maible, marked with green-co- loured zones, caused by talc or chlorite ; and African breccia marble, are the princi- pal coloured marbles ofthe ancients. The Scottish marbles are, the red anel white Ti- ree, the former of which contains horn- blende, sahlite, mica, and green earth ; the Iona marble, harder than most others, con- sisting of limestone and tremolite, or occa- sionally a dolomite; the Skye marble; the Assynt in Sutherland, introduced into com- merce by Mr. Joplin of Gateshead. It is white and gray, of various shades. The Glentilt marble ; the Balachulish ; the Boyne; the Blairgowrie; and the Glena- von. Hitherto but few marbles of granular foliated limestone have been quarried in England. The Mona marble is not unlike Verde antico. The black marbles of Ireland, now so generally used by architects, are Lucullites. The Toreen, in the county of Waterford, is a fine variegated sort; and a gray marble beautifully clouded with white, has been found near Kilcrump, in the same county. At Loughlougher in Tipperary, a fine purple marble is found. The county of Kerry affords several variegated marbles. Of the continental marbles a good account is given by Professor Jameson, Mineralogy, vol. ii. p. 502. 2d Sub-species. Compact limestone; of which there are three kinds, common com- pact limestone, blue Vesuvian limestone, and roestone. Common compact limestone has usually a gray colour, with coloured delineations. Massive, corroded, and in various extrane- ous shapes. Dull. Fracture fine splintery. Translucent on the edges. Softer than the preceding sub-species. Easily frangible. Streak grayish-white. Sp. gr. 2.6 to 2.7. It effervesces with acids, and burns into quicklime. It is a carbonate of lime, with variable and generally minute proportions of silica, alumina, iron, magnesia, and man- ganese. It occurs principally in secondary formations, along with sandstone, gypsum, and coal. Many animal petrifactions, and some vegetable, are found in it. It is rich in ores of lead and zinc; the English mines ofthe former metal being situated in lime- stone. When it is so hard as to take a po- lish, it is worked as a marble, under the name of shell, or lumaccel.a marble. It abounds in the sandstone and coal forma- tions, both in Scotland and England; and in Ireland it is a very abundant mineral in all the districts, where clay-slate and red- sandstone occur. The Florentine marble, or nun marble, is a compact limestone. Seen at a distance, slabs of this stone resem- ble, drawings done in bistre. 2. Blue Vesuvian limestone. Colour dark bluish-gray, partly veined with white. Rolled and uneven on the surface. Frac- ture tine earthy. Opaque. Streak white. Semi-hard in a low degree. Feels heavy. Its constituents are, lime 58, carbonic acid ^8.5, water somewhat ammoniacal 11, mag- nesia 0.5, oxide of iron 0.25, carbon 0.25, and sdica 1.25.—Kiaproth. it is found in loose masses among unaltered ejected mi- nerals, in the neighbourhood of Vesuvius. In mosaic work, it is use (Wo r representing the sky. 3. Roestone. Colours brown and gray. Massive, and in distinct concretions, which are round granular. Dull. Opaque. Frac- ture of the mass round granular. Approach- ing to soft. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.6 to 2.68. It dissolves with effervescence in acids. It occurs along with red-sandstone and Has limestone, in England this rock is called Bath-stone, Ketton-stone, Portland-stone, and Oolite. It extends, with but little in- terruption, from Somersetshire to the banks of the Humber in Lincolnshire. It is used in architecture, but it is porous, and apt to moulder away, as is seen in the ornamental work ofthe Chapel of Henry VIII. 3d Sub-species. Chalk, which see. 4th. Agaric mineral, or rock-milk. Co- lour white. In crusts or tuberose pieces. Dull. Composed of fine dusty particles. Soils strongly. Feels meagre. Adheres slightly to the tongue. Light, almost super- natant. It dissolves in muriatic acid with effervescence, being a pure carbonate of lime. It is found on the north side of Ox- ford, between the Isis and the Cherwell, and near Chipping Norton; as also in the fissures of limestone caves on the Conti- nent. It is formed by the attriction of wa- ter on limestone rocks. 5th Sub-species. Fibrous limestone; of which there are two kinds, satin-spar, or the common fibrous; and fibrous calc-sinter. Satin-spar. White of various shades. Mas- sive, and in distinct fibrous concretions. Lustre glistening and pearly ; fragments splintery; feebly translucent; as hard as cal- careous spar; easily frangible; sp. gr. 2.7. Its constituents are, lime 50.8, carbonic acid 47.6 ? Stromeyer says it contains some per cents of gypsum. It occurs in thin lay. ers in clay-slate at Aldstone-moor in CuraJ LIM LIM berland; in layers and veins in the middle district of Scotland, as in Fifeshire. It is sometimes cut into necklaces, &c. Fibrous culc-sinter It is used as marble, and the ancients formed it into unguent- vases, the atabuster~box of Scripture. See CaLC-SiNTKU. 6th Sub-species. Tufaceous limestone, or Calc-tuff'. Colour gray. Massive, and in imitathe shapes, enclosing leaves, bones, shells, &.c. Dull. Fracture fine grained uneven. Opaque. Soft. Feels rough. Brittle. It is pure carbonate of lime. It oc- curs in beds, generally in the neighbourhood of rivers ; near Starly-burn in Fifeshire, and other places. Used for lime. 7th Sub-species. Pisiform limestone, or Peastone. Colour yellowish-white. Mas- sive, and in distinct concretions, which are round granular, composed of others which are very thin and concentric lamellar. In the centre there is a bubble of air, a grain of sand, or of some mineral matter. Dull. Fracture even. 4- Opaque. Soft. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.532. It is carbonate of lime. It is found in great masses in the vicinity of Carlsbad in Bohemia. 8th Sub-species. Slate-spar. Schiefers- path. Colour white, of various shades. Massive, and in distinct curved lamellar concretions. Lustre glistening anel pearly. Feebly translucent. Soft; between sectile anel brittle. Feels rather greasy. Sp. gr. 2.63. Its constituents are carbonate of lime, with three per cent of oxide of manganese. It occurs in primitive limestone, in metalli- ferous beds and in veins. It is found in Glentilt; in Assy nt; in Cornwall; and near Granard in Ireland. 9th Sub-species. Aphrite, which see. 10th Sub-species. Luculhte ; of which there are three kinds, compact, prismatic, and fo.iated. § 1. Compact is subdivided into the com- mon or black marble ; and the stinkstone. a. The common compact. Colour grayish- black. Massive. Glimmering. Fracture fine grained uneven. Opaque. Semi- harel. Streak, dark ash-gray. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3. When two pieces are rubbed to- gether, a fetid urinous odour is exhaled, which is increased by breathing on them. It burns white, but forms a black-coloured mass with sulphuric acid. Us constituents are, lime 53.08, carbonic acid 41.5, carbon 0.75, magnesia and oxide of manganese 0.12, oxide of iron 0.25. silica 1.13, sulphur 0.25, muriates and sulphates of potash with water 2.62.—John. It is said to occur in beds in primitive anel older secondary rocks. Hills of this mineral occur in the district of Assynt in Sutherland. Varieties of it are met with in Derbyshire; a.l killenny ; in the counties of Cork and oalway. The consul Lucullus admir_,', it so much, as to give it his name. It is the Nero antico of the Italians. b. Stinkstone, or Siumestmir. Colour white, of many shades, cream-yellow, gray, black, and brown, Massive, disseminated, and in distinct granular concretions. Dull. Fracture splintery. Opaque. Semi-hard. Streak grayish-white. Emits a fetid odour on friction. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.7. The same chemical characters as the preceding. Its constituents are, 88 carbonate of lime, 4.13 silica, 3.1 alumina. 1.47 oxide of iron, 0.58 oxide of manganese, 0.30 carbon, 0.58 lime; sulphur, alkali, salt, water, 2.20.— John. It occurs in beds in secondary lime- stone, alternating occasionally with secon- dary gypsum and beds of clay. It is found in the vicinity of North Berwick, resting on red sandstone, and in the parish of Kirbean in Galloway. It is employed for bunting into lime. § 2. Prismatic luculhte. Colours black, gray, and brown. Massive, in balls, and in distinct concretions. External surface some- times streaked. Internal lustre shining. Cleavage threefold. Translucent on the edges. Semi-hard. Streak gray-coloured. Brittle. When rubbed it emits a strongly fetid urinous smell. Sp. gr. 2.67. When its powder is boiled in water, it gives out a transient hepatic odour. The water be- comes slightly alkaline. It dissolves with effervescence in muriatic acid, leaving a charcoaly residuum. Its constituents re- semble those of the preceding. It occurs in balls, in brown dolomite, at Building- hill, near Sunderland. It was at one time called madreporite. § 3. Foliated or sparry luculhte. Colours white, gray, and black. Massive, dissemi- nated and crystallized in acute six-sided py- ramids. Internal lustre glimmering. Frag- ments rhomboidal. Translucent. Semi- hard. Brittle. Emits on friction a urinous smell. Sp. gr. 2.65. In other respects similar to the preceding. It is found in veins at Andreasberg, in the Hartz. 11th Sub-species. Marl; of which there are two kinds, earthy and compact. Earthy marl has a gray colour, consistsof fine dusty particles, feebly cohering; dull; soils slight- ly ; is light; effervesces with acids; and emits a urinous smell when first dug up. Its constituents are carbonate of lime, with a little alumina, silica, and bitumen. It oc- curs in beds in the secondary limestone and gypsum formations in Thuringia and Mans- t'eld. Compact marl has a gray colour; is massive, vesicular, or in flattened balls; con- tains petrifactions; dull; fracture earthy, but in the great slaty; yields to the nail; opaque; streak grayish-white ; brittle ; feels meagre; sp.gr. 2.4. It intumesces before the blow-pipe, and melts into a greenish- black slag. It effervesces with acids. Its constituents are carbonate of lime 50, silica 12, alumina 32, iron and oxide of manga- nese 2.—Kirwun. It occurs in bcels in the secondary floetz limestone. It is frequent LIT in the coal formations of Scotland and Eng- lanel. 12th Sub-species. Bituminous marl-slate. Colour grayish-black. Massive, and fre- quently with impressions oi'fishes and plants. Lustre glistening. Fracture slaty. Opaque. Shining streak. Soft. Sectile. Frangible. Sp. gr. 2 66. Uis said to be carbonate of lime, with albumen, iron, and bitumen. It occurs in floetz limestone. It frequently contains cupreous minerals, petrified fishes, and fossil remains of cryptogamous plants. It abounds in the Hartzgebirge.—Jameson.* Liquefaction*. A chemical term, in some instances synonymous with the word fusion, in others with the word deliquescence, and in others again with the word solution. * LiauiniTT. See Caloric* Liquor of Flints. See Silica. * Lithia. A new alkali. It was disco- vered by M. Arfwedson, a young chemist of great merit, employed in the laboratory of M. Berzelius. It was found in a mineral from the mine of Uten, in Sweden, called petalite, by M. d'Andrada, who first distin- guished it. Sir II. Davy demonstrated by voltaic electricity, that the basis of this alka- li is a metal, to which the name of lithium has been given. Berzelius gives the following simple pro- cess as a test for lithia in minerals:— A fragment ofthe mineral, the size of a pin's head, is to be heated with a small ex- cess of soda, on a piece of platinum foil, by a blow-pipe for a couple of minutes. The stone is decomposed, the soda liberates the lithia, and the excess of alkali preserving the whole fluid at this temperature, it spreads over the foil, and surrounds the de- composed mineral. That part of the plati- num near to the fused alkali becomes of a dark colour, which is more intense, anel spreads over a larger surface, in proportion as there is more lithia in the mineral. The oxidation ofthe platinum does not take place beneath the alkali, but only around it, where the metal is in contact with both airand lithia. Potash destroys the reaction ofthe platinum on the lithia, if the lithia be not redundant. The platinum resumes its metallic surface, after having been washed and heated. Lithia may be obtained by fusing petalite with potash, dissolvingthe whole in muriatic acid, evaporating to dryness, and digesting in alcohol. The muriate of liihia, being very soluble in that fluid, is taken up, while the'other salts remain. By a second eva- poration and solution in alcohol, it is obtain- ed perfectly pure. The muriate isitselfasalt very characteristic of the alkali. It may easily be decomposed by carbonate of silver; anel the carbonate thus procured, when treated with lime, yields pure lithia. Dr. Gmelin fused petalite with five times its weight of nitrate of barytes, at a white heat, in a platinum crucible; digested the. mass Vox. II. LIT in muriatic acid ; evaporated the solution to dryness; dissolved in water; separated the silica ; and added rather more sulphuric acid than was equivalent to the barytes. The sulphate of barytes was got rid of by solution in water and filtration. The liquid was now concentrated by evaporation to e\pel the ex- cess of muriatic acid. It was then supersa- turated with carbonate of ammonia, which threw down the alumina and the oxide of iron. The filtered liquid was evaporated to dryness, and the residue was ignited, to drive off' the ammoniacal sulphate and muriate. The remainder was dissolved in water, and hydrosulphuret of ammonia was added to the solution to separate the manganese. Be- ing now filtered, evaporated, and ignited, it was pure sulphate of lithia, from which he obtained the carbonate by adding acetate of barytes, and decomposing the resulting ace- tate of lithia by a red heat. The first is the process of M. Vauquelin, and is vastly the simpler of the two. The most complete account, however, which we have of lithia audits compounds, is that of Dr. Gmelin. He had the benefit indeed of M. Vauquelin's very able researches, pub- lished in the Ann. de Chimie et Phys. vii. 287. Dr. Gmelin's memoir is inserted in the 62d volume of Gilbert's Annalen. Caustic liihia has a very sharp burning taste. It destroys the cuticle of the tongue, like potash. It does not dissolve with great facility in water, and appears not to be much more soluble in hot than in cold water. In this respect it has an analogy with lime. Heat is evolved during its solution in water. When exposed to the air, it does not at- tract moisture, but absorbs carbonic acid, and becomes opaque. When exposed for an hour to a white heat in a covered plati- num crucible, its bulk does not appear to be diminished; but it has absorbed a quantity of carbonic acid. It dissolves only in small quantity in al- cohol of the specific gravity 0.85. When weak alcohol is added to an aqueous solution of lithia in a well stopped phial, no change takes place at first; but after some hours the lithia precipitates in the state of a white poweler. Lithia unites with sulphur, according to Vauquelin. Sulphuret of lithia has a yellow colour, dissolves readily in water, and is de- composed by acids in the same way as the other alkaline sulphurets. Phosphorus decomposes water with the help of caustic lithia. If we heat in a retort phosphorus with a solution of caustic lithia in water, phosphuretted hydrogen gas is disengaged, which catches fire when it comes into the air. Neutral sulphate of lithia forms small pris- matic crystals, having a go*l deal of lustre, sometimes constituting pretty long, but nar- row tables. When exposed to the air, they 21 LIT LIT undergo only an insignificant efflorescence. This salt has a saline and scarcely bitter taste. It dissolves pretty readily in water, and melts when exposed to a temperature scarcely reaching a red heat. Bisulpliate of lithia dissolves in water with greater facility than the neutral sak. It forms six-sided tables, in which two of the faces, which are parallel to each other, tar exceed the remaining ones in length. When exposed to a very high temperature, it gives out sulphurous acid and oxygen gas, and is Converted into the neutral sulphate According to Arfwedson, this bisalt dis- solves with more difficulty in water than the neutral salt. Phosphate of lithia.—Phosphoric acid, when dropped into the solution of sulphate of lithia, occasions no precipitate. But when the uncombined acid is saturated by ammo- nia, the phosphate of lithia is precipitated in the state of white flocks, which are insoluble in water. When a drop of phosphoric acid islet fall into a very dilute solution of carbonae of lithia, no precipitate falls ; but when the li- quid is heated, the carbonic acid gas is dis- engageel, and phosphate of lithia falls down. From this it would seem, that the solubility of phosphate of lithia in water is owing to the presence of the carbonic acid. There exists likewise mbiphosphate of lithia. It is obtained by dissolving the neutral salt in phosphoric acid. By a very slow evapo- ration of this solution, we obtain transparent granular crystals. Nitrate of lithia forms four-sided prisms with rhomboidal bases. It has a very pun- gent taste, and seems to surpass almost all other salts in deliejuescency. In a very hot day, it crystallized in the sun ; but deli- quesced again in the shade. It dissolves m the strongest alcohol. Carbonate of Jithia constitutes a white powder.. It dissolves with great difficulty in cold water. According to Vauquelin, 100 parts of water dissolve scarcely one part of this salt. It is more soluble,in hot water. A solution of carbonate of lithia containing only l-1000th of its weight of the salt, acts strongly as an alkali. 0.535 grammes of fused carbonate of lithia were, by means of sulphuric acid and ex- posure to a strong heat, converted into 0 765 of neutral sulphate of lithia. Now this quantity of sulphate contains 0.2436 of lithia. Hence 0.535 of carbonate of lithia are composed of Lithia, 0.2436 Carbonic acid, 0.2914 0.5350' Or in the 100 parts, Lithia, 45.54 Carbolic acid, 54.46 100.00 But the oxygen in 45.51 lithia is --= 19.09 54.46 carbonic acid =^ 39.59 and 2 X ll->.<>9 -- 38.18, a number differ- ing but little from 39.59. The solution of carbonate of lithia is de- composedby lime and ban tes-water. It is insoluble in alcohol. The platinum crucible in which carbonate of lithia has been exposed toared heat, gives obvious indications of having been attacked, its surface assuming a dark olive-green co- lour; but the metallic lustre is again restor- ed by rubbing the crucible with coarse sand and water. Muriate of lithia forms small regular cubes very similar to common salt in their taste. The easiest method of obtaining the crystals, is to expose the solution to the sun in a hot day. The crystals deliquesce very speedily when exposeel to the air, but not with so much rapidity as nitrate of lithia. This salt does not melt when exposed to the red heat produced by the action of a spirit lamp; but when exposed in a platinum crucible, not completely covered, to an incipient white heat, it is fused into the chloride. Chromute of lithia forms orange-yellow crystals, which appear to contain an excess of acid. They are oblique paralldopipeds with rhomboidal bases. Sometimes they ex- hibit a dendritical vegetation. This salt is soluble in water. Oxalate of lithia.—A portion of carbonate of lithia was saturated with oxalic acid. The neutral salt crystallizes with difficulty. The crystals have the appearance of small opaque protuberances, and dissolve with fa- cility in water. To the neutral solution of oxalate of lithia was added a quantity of oxalic acid, exactly equal to that already- combined with the lithia. By evaporation, small transparent granular crystals of bino.ra- late of lithia were obtained. They appeared to dissolve with facility in water, though not to be so soluble as the neutral salt. Neutral tartrate of lithia dissolves with facility in water, but does not crystallize, forming a white opaque mass, which does not deliquesce when exposed to the air. When tartaric acid is added to the solution of the neutral tartrate, no crystallizable hi- tartrate is formed; but perhaps we may de- duce the existence of such a salt from the fact, that when the solution is evaporated, no crystals of tartaric acid make their appear- ance. W hen the solution is evaporated to dry- ness, we obtain a white opaque mass, which exhibits no appearance of crystallization, and which dissolves with facility in wa- ter. Acetate of lithia, when evaporated, forms a sirupy mass, which cracks on cooling; so that the glass looks as if it had burst. T his matter deliquesces in the air, and sometimes, LIT LIT while attracting moisture, crystalline plates appear in it. Tartrate of lithia and potash.—If the ex- cess of acid of bitartrate of potash be satu- rated by means of carbonate of lithia, we obtain, by spontaneous evaporation, a salt which forms large crystals, having the shape of four sided prisms terminated by parallelo- grams, with angles very nearly right. The diagonals of these terminal faces are distinct- ly marked, and the four triangles formed by means of them are streaked parallel er; their proportion being \aricd according to the shade desired. Logwood is used for dyeing silk, violet. For this, the silk must be scoured, alumed, and washed; because, without ahuning, it would take only a reddish tinge, that would not stand wetting. To dye silk thus, it must be turned in a cold'decoction ot log. wood, till it hasjicquiredthc proper colour: if the decoction were used hot, the colour would be in stripes and uneven. Bergmann has already observed, that a fin;. violet mi;;lit be produced from logwood, by impregnating the silk with solution of tin. In fact, we may thus obtain, particularly by mixing logwood and brasil in various pro.- portions, a great number of fine shades, more or less inclined to red, from lilac to \iolet. See Hematin. * Lomomtk, or Laumoniti. Di-prismatic Zeoliik.* •Lucullite. See Limf.stoxk, 10th spe- cies.* LUMACHF.LI.A. See LlMKSTONF.. Luna Coiini:a. Muriate of silver. See Silver. Lunar Caustic. Nitrate of silver, fused in alow heat. See Silver. Lutk. The lutes with which the joinings of vessels are closed, are of different kind*, according to the nature of the operations to be made, and of the substances to be dis- tilled in these vessels. When vapours of watery liquors,and sftch as are not corrosive, are to be contained, it is sufficient to surround the joining ofthe receiver to the nose ofthe alembic, or of the retort, with slips of paper or of linen, covered with flour-paste. In such cases also slips of wet bladder are very conve- niently used. When more penetrating and dissolving vapours are to be contained, a lute is to be employed of quicklime slackeel in the air, and beaten into a liquid paste with whites of eggs. This paste is to be spread upon linen slips, which are to be applied exactly to the joining ofthe vessels. This lute is very con- venient, easily elries, becomes solid,and suf- ficiently firm. Of this lute, vessels may be formed hard enough to bear polishing on the wheel. Lastly, when acid and corrosive vapours are to be contained, we must then have re- course to the lute called fat lute. This lute is made by forming into a paste some dried clay finely powdered, sifted through a silken searce, and moistened with water, and then by "beating this paste well in a mortar with boiled linseed oil, that is, oil which has been rendered drying by litharge dissolved in it, and fit for the use of painters. This lute easily takes and retains the form given to it. It is generally rolled into cylinders of a convenient size. These are to be applied, MAI) MAD by flattening them, to the joinings ofthe ves- sels, which oughtto be perfectly dry, because the least moisture would prevent the lute from adhering. When the joinings are well closed with this fat lute, the whole is to be covered with slips of linen spread with lute of lime and whi; es of eggs. These slips arc to be fastened with packthread. The se- cond lute is necessary to keep on the fat lute, because this latter remains soft, and does not become solid enough to stick on alone. Fine porcelain clay, mixed with a solution of borax, is well adapted to iron vessels, the part received into an aperture being smear- ed with it. Ltcopohium. The fine dust of lycopodi- um, or clubmoss, is properly the seeds ofthe plant, and when diffused or strewed in the air, it takes lire from a candle, and burns off like a flash of lightning. It is used in the London theatres. * Lyiiiav Stove. Flinty slate.* * I.ytiiuodf.s. See Scai'olitk,* M MACERATION. The steeping of a bo- dv in a cold liquor. Madhkr, a substance very extensively em- ployed in dyeing, is the root of the rubia tinctorum. Although madder will grow both in a stiff cla\ey soil, and in sand, it succeeds better in a moderately rich, soft, and somewhat sandy soil: it is cultivated in many of the provinces of France, in Alsace, Normandy, and Pro- vence : the best of European growth is that which comes from Zealand. The best roots are about the thickness of a goose quill, or at most ofthe little finger; they are semi-transparent, and of a reddish colour; they have a strong smell, and the bark is smooth. Hellot ascribes the superiority ofthe mad- der which comes from the Levant to the cir- cumstance of its having been dried in the open air. The reel colouring matter of madder may be dissolved in alcohol, and on evaporation, a residuum of a deep red is left. Fixed al- kali forms in this solution a violet, the sul- phuric acid a fawn-coloured, and the sul- phate of potash a fine red precipitate. Pre- cipitates of various shades may be obtained by alum, nitre, chalk, sugar of lead, and the muriate of tin. The quantity ofaqueouschlorine required to destroy the colour of a decoction of mad- der, is double what is necessary to destroy that of a decoction of an equal weight of brazil wrood. Wool would receive from madder only a perishable dye, if the colouring particles Mere not fixed by a base, which occasions them to combine with the stuff more inti- mately, and which in some measure defends them from the destructive influence of the air. For this purpose, the woollen stuffs are first boiled for two or three hours with alum and tartar, after which they are left to drain; they are then slightly wrung and put into a linen bag, and carried into a cool place, where they are suffered to remain for some days. The quantities of alum and tartar, as well as their proportions, vary much in different manufactories. Uellot recommends five ounces of alum and one ounce of tartar to each pound of wool. If the proportion of tartar be increased to a certain degree, in- stead of a red, a eleep and durable cinnamon colour is proeluced; because, as we have seen, acids have a tendency to give a yel- low tinge to the colouring particles of mad- der. Berthollet found, that, by emploving onerhalf tartar, the colour sensibly bordered more on the cinnamon than when the pro- portion was only one-fourth of the alum. In dyeing with madder, the bath must not be permitted to boil, because that de- gree of heat would dissolve the fawn-co- loured particles, which are less soluble than the red, and the colour would be different from that which we wish to obtain. The quantity of madder which Mr. Poer- ner employs is only one-third ofthe weight ofthe wool, and Schaeffer advises only one- fourth. If wool be boiled for two hours with one- fourth of sulphate of iron, then washed, and afterward putintocoldwaterwith one-fourth of madder, and then boded for an hour, a coffee colour is produced. Bergmann adds, that, if the wool have not been soaked, and if it be dyed with one part of sulphate of iron and two of madder, the brown obtained bor- ders upon a red. Berthollet employed a solution of tin in various ways, both in the preparation and in the maddering of cloth. He used different solutions of tin, and found that the tint was always more yellow or fawn-coloured,though sometimes brighter than that obtained by the common process. Mr. Guhliche describes a process for dye- ing silk with madder: for one pound of silk he orders a bath of four ounces of alum, and one ounce of a solution of tin; the liquor is to be left to settle, when it is to be decanted, and the silk carefully soaked in it, and left for twelve hours; and after this preparation, it is to be immersed in a hath containing half a pound of madder softened by boiling with an infusion of galls in white wine j this MAD MAD bath is to be kept moderately hot for an hour, after which it is to be made to boil for two minutes. When taken from the bath, the silk is to be washed in a stream of wa- ter, and dried in the sun. Mr. Guhliche compares the Cjlour thus obtained, which is very permanent, to the Turkey-red. If the galls be left out, the colour is clearer. A great degree of brightness may be commu- nicated to the first of these, by afterward passing it through a bath of brazil wood, to which one ounce of solution of tin has been added the colour thus obtained, he says, is very beautiful and durable. The madder red of cotton is elistinguished into two kinds : one is called simple madder red; the other, which is much brighter, is called Turkey or Adnanople ted, because it comes from the Levant, and has seldom been equalled in brightness or durability by our artists. Galls or sumach dispose thread and cotton to receive the madder colour, and the pro- per mordant is acetate of alumina. The nitrate and muriate of iron as a mor- dant, produces a better effect than the sul- phate and acetate of the same metal; they afford a beautiful, well saturated violet co- lour. The Adrianople red possesses a degree of brightness, which it is difficult for us to ap- proach by any of the processes hitherto mentioned, Some years ago, Mr. Papillon set up a dyehouse for this red at Glasgow ; and in 1790 the commissioners for manufactures in Scotland paid him a premium, for communi- cating his process to the late Prof- Black, on condition of its not being divulged for a cer- tain term of years. The time being expired, it has been made public, and is as follows:— Step. I.—For 100 lbs. of cotton, you must have 100 lb. of Alicant barilla, 20 lb. of pearl ashes, 100 lb. of quicklime. The barilla is to be mixed with soft water in a deep tub, which has a small hole near the bottom of it, stopped at first with a peg. This hole is to be covered in the inside with a cloth supported by two bricks, that the ashes may be prevented from running out at it, or stopping it up, while the ley filters through it. Under this tub must be another, to receive the ley, and pure water is to be passed repeateelly through the first tub, to form leys of different strength, which are kept separate until their strength is ex- amined. The strongest required for use must float an egg, and is called the ley of six degrees ofthe French hydrometer. The weaker are afterwards brought to this strength by passing them through fresh barilla; but a certain quantity of the weak, which is of two degrees of the above hydro- meter, is reserved for dissolving the oil, the gum, and the salt, which are used in subse- quent parts ofthe process. This ley of two degrees is called the weak barilla liquor ; the other the strong. Dissolve the pearl ashes in ten pail <_, of four gallons each, of soft water, and the lime in fourteen pails. Let all the liquors stand till they become quite clear, and then mix. ten pails of each. Boil the cotton in this mixture five hours, then wash it in running water, and dry it. Step II. Bain bis, or Gray steep.—Take a sufficient quantity (ten pails) of the strong barilla water in a tub, and mix with it two pailfuls of sheep's dung; then pour into it two quart bottles of sulphuric acid, one pound of gum-arabic, and one pound of sal ammoniac, both previously dissolved in a sufficient quantity of weak barilla water; and, lastly, twenty-five pounds of olive oil, previously dissolved, or well mixed with two pails ofthe weak barilla water. The materials of this steep being well mixed, tread down the cotton into it until it is well soaked; let it steep twenty-four hours, then wring it hard and dry it. Steep it again twenty-four hours, and again wring and dry it. Steep it a third time twenty-four hours, after which wring anel dry it; and, lasdy, wash it well and dry it. Step. III. The white steep.—This part of the process is precisely the same with the last in every particular, except that the sheep's dung is omitted in the composition ofthe steep. Step. IV. Gall steep.~Bo\l twenty-five pounds of bruised galls in ten pails of river water, until four or five are boiled away; strain the liquor into a tub, and pour cold water on the galls in the strainer to wash out of them all their tincture. As soon as the liquor is become milk- warm, dip your cotton, hank by hank, hand- ling it carefully all the time, and let it steep twenty-four hours. Then wring it care- fully and equally, and dry it well without washing. Step. V. First alum steep.—Dissolve twen- ty-five pounds of Roman alum in fourteen pails of warm water, without making it boil, scum the liquor well, add two pails of strong barilla water, and then let it cool until it is lukewarm. Dip your cotton, and handle it hank by hank, and let, it steep twenty-four hours; wring it equally, and dry it well without washing. Step. VI. Second alum steep.—This is in every particular like the last; but after the cotton is dry, steep it six hours in the river, and then wash and dry it. Step. VII. Dyeing steep. - The cotton is dyed by about ten pounds at once, for which take about two gallons and a half of bul- locks' blood, mix it in the copper with twen- ty-eight pails of milk-warm water, stir it well, add twenty-five pounds of madder, and MAG MAG lastly, stir aH well together. Then having beforehand put the cotton on sticks, dip it into the liquor, and move and turn it con- stantly one hour, during which gradually increase the heat until the licpior begins to boil at the end ofthe hour. Then sink the cotton, and boil it gently one hour longer; and lastly wash it and dry it. Take out so much ot the boiling liquor, that what remains may produce a milk-warm heat with the fresh water with which the copper is again filled up, and then proceed to make up a dyeing liquor, as above, for the next ten pounds of cotton. Step. VIII. The fixing steep.—Mix equal parts of the gray steep liquor and of the white steep liquor, taking five or six pails of each. Tread down the cotton into this mixture, and let it steep six hours: then wring it moderately and equally, and dry it without washing. Step. IX. Brightening steep.—Ten pounds of white soap must be dissolved very care- fully and completely in sixteen or eighteen pails of warm water: if any little bits of the soap remain undissolved, they will make spots in the cotton. Add four pails of strong barilla water, and stir it well. Sink the cot ton in this liquor, keeping it down with cross sticks, and cover it up; bod it gently two hours, then wash it and dry it, and it is finished. * Madrepores. A species of coral, the zoophyte of naturalists. They consist of carbonate of lime, and a little animal mem- branaceous substance.* Magistert. Chemists formerly applied this term to almost all precipitates: at pre- sent it is applied only to a few, which have retained the name from habitual usage. Magisterx of Bismuth. See Bismuth. * Magnesia. One of the primitive earths, having a metallic basis, called magnesium. It has been found native in the state of hy- drate. Magnesia may be obtained, by pouring into a solution of its sulphate, a solution of subcarbonate of soda, washing the precipi- tate, drying it, and exposing it to a red heat. It is usually procured in commerce, by act- ing on magnesian limestone with the impure muriate of magnesia, or bittern of the sea- salt manufactories. The muriatic acid goes to the lime, forming a soluble salt, and leaves behind, the magnesia of both the bittern and limestone. Or the bittern is decomposed by a crude subcarbonate of ammonia, obtained from the distillation of bones in iron cylin- ders. Muriate of ammonia and subcarbonate of magnesia result. The former is evaporat- ed to dryness, mixed with chalk andsublim- ed, Subcarbonate of ammonia is thus reco- vered, with which a new quantity of bittern may be decomposed; and thus in ceaseless repetition, forming an elegant and economi- cal process. 100 parts of crystallized Bpsom salt, require for complete decomposition 56 of subcarbonate of potash, or 44 dry subcar- bonate of soda, and y ield 16 of pure magne- sia after calcination. Magnesia is a white, soft powder. Its sp. gr. is 2.3 by Kirwan. It renders the sirup of violets, and infusion of red cabbage, green, and reddens turmeric. It is infusible, ex- cept by the hydroxy gen blow-pipe. It has scarcely any taste, and no smell. It is near- ly insoluble in water; but it absorbs a quan- tity of that liquid with the production of heat. And when it is thrown down from the sulphate by a caustic alkali, it is combin- *ed with water constituting a hydrate, which, however, separates at a red heat. It con- tains about one-fourth its weight of water. When magnesia is exposed to the air, it very slowly attracts carbonic acid It com- bines with sulphur, forming a sulphuret. The metallic basis, or magnesium, may be obtained in the state of amalgam with mer- cury, by electrization, as is described under Barium; but a much longer time is neces- sary. Sir H. Davy succeeded also in de- composing magnesia, by passing potassium in vapour through it, heated to whiteness, in a tube of platinum out of the contact of air. He then introduced a small quantity of mercury, and heated it gently for some time in the tube. An amalgam was obtain- ed, which, by distillation, out of the contact of the atmosphere, afforded a dark-gray me- tallic film, infusible at the point at which plate-glass softened, and which in the pro- cess of the distillation ofthe mercury, ren- dered the glass black at its point of contact with it. This film burned with a red light when heated strongly, and became convert- ed into a white powder, which had the cha- racter of magnesia. When a portion of magnesium was thrown into water, it sunk to the bottom, and effervesced slowly, be- coming covered with a white powder. By adding a little muriatic acid to the water, the effervescence was violent. The metal rapidly disappeared, and the solution was found to contain magnesia. No direct ex- periments have as yet been made, to deter- mine the proportions of the elements in magnesia; but from experiments made on the combination of this substance with sul- phuric acid, assuming that they are in single proportions, Dr. Wollaston infers the equi- valent of magnesia to be 2.46. Hence mag- nesium will be 1.46. M. Gay-Lussac has lately experimented, with his characteristic accuracy, on the sulphate of magnesia, and finds it, when crystallized, a compound of dry sulphate of magnesia, 48.57 water, 51.43 The equivalent number for the dry sul- phate is 7.47129, whence that for magnesia is 2.47129, approaching very nearly to Dr. Wollaston's determination. When magnesia is strongly heated in con- MAG MAL tact with 2 volumes of chlorine, this gas is absorbed, and 1 volume of oxygen is disen- gaged Hence it is evident that there ex-- ists a combination of magnesium and chlo- rine, or a true chloride. 1'he salt called muriate of imigiitsia, is a compound of the chloride and water. W hen it is acted on by a strong heat, by far the greatest part of the chlorine unites to the hydrogen of the water, anel rises in the form of muriatic acid gas; while the oxy yen of the decom- posed water, combines witli the magnesium to form magnesia. Magnesia is often associated with lime in, minerals, and their perfect separation be- comes an interesting problem in analysis. M. Longchamp has published a valuable pa- per on the subject, m the 12th volume ofthe Ann. ds Chim. et Phys. He considers subcarbonate of ammonia as the best reagent for separating the two earths. Care must be taken to filter the so- lution from the calcareous precipitate, short- ly after the addition of the subcarbonate. If it stand 12 or 18 hours, subcarbonate of magnesia falls with the carbonate of lime. 1U0 parts of solution of pure muriate of lime gave, with subcarbonate of ammonia, 1.5475 parts of carbonate of lime: 100 ofthe same solution, previously mixed with muriate of magnesia in excess, yieldeel 1.5585 parts. Alkaline subcarbonates dissolve the subcarbonate of magnesia ; but caus- tic potash precipitates magnesia perfect- ly, either with or without heat. He ob- jects to the method of separating these earths, by first converting them into sul- phates; first, on account ofthe great diffi- culty of driving off the water from the sulphates of magnesia: secondly, from the difficult solubility of heated and dry sul- phate of magnesia in water; and, thirdly, because the sulphate of magnesia is partly decomposed at very high heats. Magnesia is chiefly used as an antacid, purgative, and lithontriptic in medicine. When incautiously used for a lonj* time, it may produce very serious evils, ot which a remarkable case is narrated by Mr. Brande, in the 1st volume of his Journal. A lady was recommended to take magnesia, in con- sequence of some very severe nephritic at- tacks, accompanied with the passage of gra- vel. She was desired to take a tea-spoonful every night; and Henry's calcined magne- sia was preferred, as that always operated upon the bowels, and "carried itself off," which other magnesia did not, but, on the contrary, felt heavy and uneasy in the sto- mach. The dose u as gradually increased to two tea-spoonfuls, in order to produce effect upon the bowels, which this quantity never failed to do. The symptoms for which it was ordered, were soon removed, but the plan was persevered in for two years and a halt; with little intermission; so that as the average weight of a tea-spoonful is at least 40 grains, and the average dose was a tea- spoonful and a half; it may be presumed that she took, during the above period, be- tween 9 anel 10 pounds troy. "In the course ofthe last autumn, she became sensi- ble of a tenderness in the let': side, just above the groin, connected with a deep scaled tumour, obscurely to be felt upon pressure, and subject to attacks of constipation, with painful spasmodic action ofthe bowels, tenes- mus, and a highlyr irritable state of stomach. These attacks recurreel every two or three weeks, varyingin violence, but requiring the use of active remedies. Several irregular lumps, of a soft light brown substance, were voided, havingthc appearance of a large mass broken down, and when dry extremely fri- able. A part of each was subjected to ana- lysis, and found to consist entirely of sub- carbonate of magnesia, concreted by the mucus of the bowels, in the proportion of about 40 per cent. She was cured by the use of other purgatives." Another case is mentioned, in which not only large quanti- ties of a concretion of a similar description were voided, but upon examination after death, which took place perhaps six months if ter any magnesia had been taken, a col- lection, supposeel to be from four to six pounds, was found imbedded in the head of the colon, which was of course much dis- tended. The most important magnesian salts are described under the acids.* * Magnesi i (Hyd it ate of). This mine- ral was found by Dr. Bruce of New York, in small veins in serpentine at Hoboken, in New Jersey. Colour white. Massive. Lus- tre pearly. Fracture foliated or radiated. Semi-transparent in the mass ; transparent in single folia. Soft, and somewhat elastic. Adheres slightly to the tongue. Sp. gr.2.13. Soluble in acids. Its constituents are mag- nesia 70, water 30, which approaches to 1 prime equivalent of each.- Jameson.* * Magnesian Limeston;:. See Dolowite.* *M\gnesite. Colour yellowish-gray, or yellowish-white, and marked with spots. It occurs massive, tuberose, reniform, and vesi- cular. Surface rough. Dull. Fracture con- choidal. Fragments rather sharp-edged. Opaque. Scratched by fluor spar, but it scratches calcareous spar. It adheres pretty strongly to the tongue. It feels rather meagre. Streak dull. Rather easily fran- gible. Sp. gr. 2.881. Infusible; but be- fore the blow-pipe it becomes so hard as to scratch glass. Its constituents are, 46 mag- nesia, 51 carbonic acid, I alumina, 0.25 ferruginous manganese, 0.16 lime, 1 water. __hncholz. It is found at Hrubschitz in Moravia, in serpentine rocks.* * Magnetic Iron Ore, and Pithites. See. Oues of Iron.* ♦ MALAtairs. See Ores or Copper * MAST MAN * Malacolite. Sahlite.* * Malates and Malic Acin. See Acid (Sorbic). * Malleability. See Ductility.* :; Maltha. The mineral tallow of Kir- wan, said to have been found on the coast of Finland. It resembles wax. Its sp. gr. is 0.77. It is white, brittle, stains paper like oil, melts with a moderate heat, and burns with a blue flame and much smoke. It dis- solves readily in oil, and imperfectly in hot alcohol.* Manganese. A metal of a dull whitish colour when broken, but which soon grows dark by oxidation, from the action of the air. It is hard, brittle, though not puherizable, and rough in its fracture ; so difficultly fusi- ble that no heat yet exhibited has caused it to run into masses of any considerable mag- nitude. Its sp. gr. is 8.0. When broken in pieces, it falls into a powder by spontane- ous oxidation. * Manganese heated in oxygen, or chlo- rine, takes fire and forms an oxide or ciilo- ride. It is difficult to decide on the oxide-s ofmanganese. .; According to Sir H. Davy there are two oxides only, the olive and the black; Mr. Brande has three, the olive, dark-red, and black ; M. Thenard has four, the green, the white (in the state of hy drate), the chesnut- brown, and the black; Berzelius has five, the first gray, the second green, the third and fourtli are not well defined, and the fifth is the black. In this perplexity it will be prudent to rest on the authority of Sir H. Davy. 1. The first oxide may be ob ained by dissolving common black manganese in sul- phuric or nitric acid, adding a little sugar, and precipitating by solution of potash. A white power is obtained, which being heat- ed to redness out ofthe contact of air, be- comes yellow, puce-coloured, and lastly red- brown. To be preserved, it should be wash- ed in boiling water, previously freed from air, and then dried by distilling off'the mois- ture in a retort filled with hydrogen. Tlie dark olive oxide, when examined in large quwitities, appears almost black; but when spread upon white paper, its olive tint is ap- parent. It takes fire when gently heated, increases in weight, and acejuires a browner tint. It slowly absorbs oxygen from the air, even at common temperatures. It dissolves in acids without effervescence. The white powder obtained above, is the hydrated prot- oxide. The different tints which it assumes by exposure to air, are ingeniously supposed by Sir H. Davy, to depend on the forma- tion of variable quantities ofthe black-brown oxide, which probably retains the water con- tained in the white hydrate, and is hence deep puce-coloured. 2. I he black peroxide. Its sp, gr. is 4. It does not combine with any of the acids. It yields oxygen when heated; and by intemse Von. ik. ignition passes in a gneat measure into the protoxide. According to Sir H. Davy, the olive oxide consists of Manganesium, - 79 Oxygen, - - - 21 And the black oxide, of Manganesium, 69 Oxygi-n, about - - 31 He considers the first as a deutoxide, whence the prime equivalent is inferred to be 7.533. The olive oxide, 7.533 met.-|- 2 ox. Or, 80. -j- 20. The black oxide will be, 7.533 + 3. Or, - - - 71.5 +28.5. The compound of the first with water is a deutoh) drate, or 7.533 -f-2.25w. The olive oxiele becomes green by the ac-; tion of potash, whence Sir H. accounts for the mistakes of chemists relative to a green oxide. In this case there is a combination. See Cameleox Mneral. Dr. Thomson pitches on the number 3.5 for the atom of manganese, from the re- searches of John and Berzelius. The con- fidence due to his authority in this case may be judged of from the following narrative : " Dr. John acknowledges, that his analyses or these oxides is by no means to be depend- ed on. Berzehus's statement is ra her theo- retical than exper.mental. He even doubts ofthe existence of his first oxide, the only one he examined; and he has advanced no proof that there exists any difference be- tween his second and third oxide."—'Hence it is evident, that protoxide (the green ox- ide of John) ofmanganese is composed d' Manganese, 3.5 100 Oxygen, 1. 28.75 " This very nearly coincides with Ber- zehus's third oxide. And in reality his third oxide is the protoxide of manganese." System, vol. i. pp. 4i>3 and 404. 5th ed. He takes his proportions in the peroxide, from Uerzelius's "theoretical considera- tions," to the exclusion of Sir II. Davy's "experiments." The perchloiide may be conveniently obtained by igniting the mu- riate of manganese. It thus appears as a pale pink-coloured substance, seini-transpa- rent.and in brilliant scales. It is acompound of 7.533 metal 4- 9 chlorine, from the ex- periments of Dr. John Davy. Probably a protochloride may be formed. Sir H. Davy is inclined to believe, that the olive oxide is the only one which enters into combination with verifiable substances. The salts of manganese have been little studied. They are mostly soluble in water. Ferroprussiale of potash gives a white pre- cipitate. Hydrosulphuret, - - white Sulphuretted hydrogen, . 0 Gallic acid, - 0 Succinate and benzoate of am. 0* Concentrated sulphuric acid attacks maH- MAN MAN ganese, at the same time that hydrogen gas is :Vsetigaged. If sulphuric acid be added, and diavvn off by distillation several times from the black oxide, by a heat nearly ap- proaching to ignition, in a glass vessel, it is found, that oxygen gas is disengaged to- ward the end of each process, and part of the oxide is dissolved. 1 he solution ofthe sulphate made from the metal itself is co- lourless, if it be made from the black ox- ide, it is a purplish-red; but this colour is de- stroy ed by the light of the sun, and again re- stored by removing the solution into the dark. Sulphurous acid dissolves the oxide, tak- ing part of its oxygen, which converts it into sul;>hurie acid, and thus forming a sulphate with the remaining oxide. Nitric acid elissolves manganese with ef- fervescence, anel the escape of nitrous gas. A spongy, black, and triable matter remains, which is a carburet of iron. The solution dots not afford crystals. The oxide is more readily soluble in nitrous acid. Manganese is dissolved in the usual man- ner by muriatic acid. The solution of man- ganese in muriatic acid scarcely affords crys ais: bit a deliquescent saline mass by evaporation, which is soluble in alcohol. In ;he dry way, the oxide of manganese combines with such earths and saline sub- stances as are capable of undergoing fusion in a strong heat. These experiments are most advantageously performed by the blow-pipe, winch see. This metal melts readily with most of the other metals, but rejects mercury. Gold and iron are rendered more fusible by a due addition of manganese ; and the latter me- tal is rendered more ductile. Copper be- comes less fusible, and is rendered whiter, but of a colour subject to tarnish. The ore of man canese, which is known in Derbyshire by the name of black wadd, is remarkable for its spontaneous inflammation with oil. It is of a dark brown colour, of a friable earthy appearance, partly in powder, and partly in lumps. If half a pound of this be dried before a fire, and afterward suffered to cool for about an hour; and it be then loosely mixed or kneaded with two ounces of linseed oil; the whole, in some- thing more than half an hour, becomes gra- dually hot, and at length bursts into flame. This effect wants explanation. It seems, in some measure, to resemble the inflammation of oils by the nitric acid. Manganese was used chiefly by glass- makers and potters; but the important dis- covery of chlorine has greatly extended its utility. See Bleacrtng.* Mansa. Several vegetables afford man- na ; but the ash, the larch, and the alhagi, afford it in the largest quantities. The ash which affords manna grows na- turally in all temperate climates; but Ca- labria and Sicily appear ,o be the most na- tural countries to this tree. The manna flows naturally from this tree, and attaches itself to its sides in the form of white transparent drops; but the extrac- tion of this juice is facilitated by incisions made in the tree during summer. Its smell is strong, and its taste sweetish and slightly nauseous; if exposed on hot coals, it swells up, takes fire, and leaves a light bulky coal. Water totally dissolves it, whether hot or cold. If it be boiled with lime, clarified with white of egg, and concentrated by evapora- tion, it affords crystals of sugar. Manna affords, by distillation, water,acid, oil, and ammonia; its coal aflbrds fixed al- kali. This substance forms the basis ot many purgative medicines. ' Man-ires. Animal and vegetable matters introduced into the soil, to acceieiate vege- tation, and increase the production ot crops. They have been used since the earliest pe- riods of agriculture. But the manner in which manures act, the best manner of ap- plying them, and their relative value and durability, were little understood, till the great chemist who gave new lustre to the whole science, turned his mind lo this, its darkest, but most important application. I conceive it will be doing a service to society, to aid the diffusion ot the light springing from the invaluable researches of Sir H. Davy, by inserting the following short ab- stract from his Agricultural Chemistry. The pores in the fibres of the roots of plants are so small, that it is with difficulty they can be discovered by the microscope; it is not therefore probable, that solid sub- stances can pass into them from the sod. He tried an experiment on this subject: some impalpable powdered churcoal procured by washing gunpowder, and dissipating the sul- phur by heat, was placed m a phial contain- ing pure water, in which a plant of pepper- mint was growing; the roots of the plant were pretty generally in contact with the charcoal. The experiment was made in the beginning of May 1805 ; the growth of the plant was very vigorous during a fortnight, when it was taken out of the phial -,m\e roots were cut through in different parts; but no carbonaceous matter could be dis- covered in them, nor were the smallest fi- brils blackened by charcoal, though this must have been the case had the charcoal been absorbed in a solid form No substance is more necessary to plants than carbonaceous matter; and if this can- not be introduced into the organs of plants except in a state of solution, there is every reason to suppose, that other substances less essential will be in the same case. He found by some experiments made in 1804, that plants introduced into strong fresh solutions of sugar, mucilage, tanning prin- ciple, jelly, and other substances, died , but :;..' plants lived in the same solutions after MAN MAN they had fermented. At that time, he sup- posed that fermentation was necessary to prepare the food of plants; but he after- wards found, that the deleterious effect of the recent vegetable solutions, was owing to their being too concentrated; in conse- quence of which the vegetable organs were probably clogged with solid matter, and the transpiration by the leaves preventeel. In the beginning of June, in the next year, he used solutions of the same substances, but so much diluted, that there was about only one two-hundredth part of solid vegetable or animal matter in the solutions. Plants of mint grew luxuriantly in all these solutions; but least so in that of the astringent matter. He watered some spots of grass in a garden with the different solutions separately, and a spot with common water: the grass wa- tered with solutions of jelly, sugar, and mucilage, grew most vigorously; and that watered with the solution of the tanning principle grew better than that watered with common water. Vegetable and animal substances deposi- ted in the soil, as is shown by universal ex- perience, are consumed during the process of vegetation ; and they can only nourish the plant by affording solid matters capable of being dissolved by water, or gaseous sub- stances capable of being absorbed by the fluids in the leaves of vegetables; but such parts of them as are rendered gaseous, and that pass into the atmosphere, must produce a comparatively small effect, for gases soon become diffused through the mass of the surrounding air. The great object in the ap- plication of manure, should be to make it afford as much soluble matter as possible to the roots of the plant; and that in a slow and gradual manner, so that it may be en- tirely consumed in forming its sap and or- ganized parts. Whenever manures consist principally of matter soluble in water, it is evident that their fermentation or putrefaction should be prevented as much as possible; and the only cases in which these processes can be use- ful, are when the manure consists principal- ly of vegetable or animal^re. The circum- stances necessary for the putrefaction of ani- mal substances, are similar to those required for the fermentation of vegetable substan- ces ; atemperature above the freezing point, the presence of water, and the presence of oxygen, at least in the first stage of the pro- cess. To prevent manures from decomposing, they should be preserved dry, defended from the contact of air, and kept as cool as possible. All gree7i succulent plants contain saccha- rine or mucilaginous matter, with woody fibre, and readily ferment. They cannot, therefore, if intended for manure, be used too soon after their death. Rape-cake, which is used with great suc- cess as a manure, contains a large quantity of mucilage, some albuminous matter, and a small quantity of oil. This manure should be used recent, and kept as dry as possible before it is applied. It forms an excellent dressing for turnip crops; and is most eco- nomically applied by being thrown into the soil at the same time with the seed. Who- ever wishes to see this practice in its high- est degree of perfection, should attend Mr. Coke's annual sheep-shearing, at Holkham. Sea-weeds, consisting of different species of fuci, algx, and confervae, are much used as a manure on the sea coasts of Britain and Ireland. This manure is transient in its effects, and does not last tor more than a single crop, which is easily accounted for from the large quantity of water, or the ele- ments of water, it contains. It decays with- out producing heat when exposed to the at- mosphere, and seems, as it were, to melt down and dissolve away. He has seen large heaps entirely destroyed in less than two years, nothing remaining but a little black fibrous matter. The best farmers in the west of England use it as fresh as it can be procured; and the practical results of this mode of apply- ing it are exactly conformable to the theory of its operation. When straw is made to ferment, it be- comes a more manageable manure; but there is likewise, on the whole, a great loss of nu- tritive matter. More manure is perhaps sup- plied for a single crop ; but the land is less improved than it would be, supposing the whole of the vegetable matter could be finely divided and mixed with the soil. Lord Meadowbank states, that one part of dung is sufficient to bring three or four parts of peat into a state in which it is fitted to be applied to land; but of course the quantity must vary according to the nature ofthe dung and of the peat. In cases in which some living vegetables are mixed with the peat, the fermentation will be more readily effected Manures, from animal substances, in gen- eral, require no chemical preparation to fit them for the soil. The great object of the farmer is to blend them with the earthy con- stituents in a proper state of division, and to prevent their too rapid decomposition. Fish forms a powerful manure, in what- ever state it is applied ; but it cannot be ploughed in too fresh, though the quantity should be limited. Mr Young records an experiment, in which herrings spread over a field, and ploughed in for wheat, proeluced so rank a crop, that it was entirely laid be- fore harvest. Bones are much used as a manure in the neighbourhood of London. After being broken, and boiled for grease, they are sold to the farmer. The more divided they are, the more powerful are their effects. The expense of grinding them in a mill would MAN probably be repaid by the increase of their fertilizing powers ; and in the state of pow- der they might be used in the drill hus- bandry, and delivered with the seed, in the same manner as rape-cake. During the putrefaction of urine the greatest part of the soluble animal matter that it contains is destroyed • it should con- sequently be used as fresh as possible ; but if not mixed with solid matter, it should be diluted with water, as when pure it contains too large a quantity of animal matter to form a proper fluid nourishment for absorption by the roots of plants. Putrid urine abounds in ammoniacal salts ; and though less active than fresh urine, is a very powerful manure. Amongst excrementitioussolid substances used as manures, one ofthe most powerful is the dung of birds that feed on animal food, particularly the dung of sea birds. The guano, which is used to a great extent in South America, and which is the manure that fertilizes the sterile plains of Peru, is a production of this kind. It contains a fourth part of its weight of uric acid, partly saturated with ammonia, and partly wiih potash; some phosphoric acid combined with ttie bases, and likewise with lime. Small quantities of sulphate and muriate of potash, a little fatty matter, and some quartzose sanel. Night-soil, it is well known, is a very powerful manure, and very liable to decom- pose. The disagreeable smell of night-soil may be destroyed by mixing it with quicklime; and if exposed to the atmosphere in thin layers strewed over with quicklime in fine weather, it speedily dries, is easily pulve- rized, and in this state may be used in the same manner as rape-cake, and delivered into the furrow with the seed. The Chinese, who have more practical knowledge of the use anel application of manures than any other people existing, mix their night-soil with one-third of its weight of a fat marl, make it into cakes, and dry it by exposure to the sun. These cakes, we are informed by the French mis- sionaries, have no disagreeable smell, and form a common article of commerce of the empire. After night-soil, pigeons'1 dung comes next in order, as to fertilizing power. If the pure dung of cattle is to be used as manure, like theother species of dung which have been mentioned, there seems no reason why it should be made to ferment except in the soil; or if suffered to ferment, it should be only in a very slight degree. The grass in the neighbourhood of recently voided dung', is always coarse and dark green; some persons have attributed this to a nox- ious quality in unfermenting dung; but it seems to be rather the result of an excess of food furnished to the plants. MAN A slight incipient fermentation is un- doubtedly of use in the dunghill; for by means of it a disposition is brought on in the woody fibre to decav anel dissolve, when it is carried to the land, or ploughed into the soil; and woody fibre is always in great excess in the refuse ofthe farm. Too great a degree of fermentation is, however, very prejudicial to the composite manure in the dunghill; it is better that there should be no fermentation at all be- fore the manure is used, than that it should be carried too far. Within the last seven years, Mr. Coke lias entirely given up the system formerly adopt- ed on his farm, of applying fermented dung; and he has founel, that his crops have been since as good as they ever were, and that his manure goes nearly twice as far. In cases when farm-yard dung cannot be immediately applied to crops the destruc- tive fermentation of it should be prevewtea very carefully. The surface should be defended as much as possible from the oxygen of the atmos. phere ; a compact marl, or a tenacious clay, offers the best protection against the air ; and before the dung is covered over, ,or, as it were, sealed up, it should be dried as much as possible. If the dung is found at any time to heat strongly, it should be turned over, and cooled by exposure to air. If a thermometer plunged into the dung does not rise to above 100 degrees of Fahr. there is little danger of much a.'riform mat- ter flying oft". If the temperature is higher, the dung should be immediately spread abroad. When a piece of paper moistened in mu- riatic acid held over the steams arising from a dunghill gives dense fumes, it is a certain test that the decomposition is going too far, for this indicates that volatile alkali is dis- engaged. VV hen dung is to be preserved for any time, the situation in which it is kept is of importance. It should, if possible, be de- fended from the sun. To preserve it under sheds would be of great use; orto make the site of a dunghill on the north side of a wall. Soot, which is principally formed from the combustion of pit-coal or coal, generally contains likewise substances derived from animal matters. This is a very powerful manure. It is well fitted to be used in the dry state, thrown into the ground with the seed, and requires no preparation. Lime should never be applied with animal manures, unless they are too rich, or for the purpose of prevent- ing noxious effluvia. It is injurious when mixed with any common dung, and tends t« render the extractive matter insoluble. "The doctrine of the proper application of manures from organized substances," says this eloquent writer, " otters an illus- tration of an important part ofthe economy MEA MEL ©f nature, and of the happy order in which it is arranged. " The death and decay of animal sub- stances tend to resolve organized forms into chemical constituents; and the pernicious effluvia disengaged in the process, seem to point out the propriety of burying them in the soil, where they are fitted to become the food of vegatables. The fermentation and putrefaction of organized substances in the free atmosphere, are noxious proces- ses; beneath the surface ofthe ground they are salutary operations. In ihis case, the food of plants is prepared where it can be used ; and that which would offend the sen- ses anel injure the health, if exposed, is con- verted by gradual processes into forms of beauty and of usefulness ; the fetid gas is rendered a constituent ofthe aroma of the flower, and what might be poison, becomes nourishment to animals and to man."* * Marble. See Limesto.nk.* Mahcasite. See Pr rites. Marl. See Limestone. Marmor Metallicum. Native sulphate of barytes. *Mars. The mythological and alche- mistical name of iron.* Mass.cot. Yellow oxide of lead. See Leas. Mastic. A resinous substance in the form of tears, of a very pale yellow colour, and farinaceous appearance, having little smell, and a bitter astringent taste. It flows naturally from the tree, but its produce is accelerated by incisions. The lesser tur- pentine tree and the lentiscus afford the mastic of commerce. No volatile oil is obtained from this sub- stance when distilled with water. Pure al- cohol and oil of turpentine dissolve it; water scarcely acts upon it; though by mastication it becomes soft and tough, like wax. When chewed a little while, howe- ver, it is white, opaque, and brittle, so as not to be softened again by chewing. The part insoluble in alcohd much resembles in its properties caoutchouc. It is used in fumigations, in the compositions of varnish- es, and is supposed to strengthen the gums. Matrass. See Laboratory. Matrix. The earthy or stony matter which accompanies ores, or envelopes them in the earth. *Meadow-ore. Conchoidal Bog Iroit-ore.* Measures. The English measures of capacitvare according to the following table; One gallon, wine mea- , four sure, is equal to y n- One quart, - two pints. One pint, - - 28.875 cubic inches. The pint is subdivided by chemists and apothecaries into 16 ounces. The gallon, quart, and pint, ale measure, are to the measures of the same denomina- tions, wine measure, respectively, as 282 to 231. See Acid (Muriatic). The Paris foot is equal to 12.789 Eng- lish inches, or to the English foot as 114 to 107. For measures of weight, see Balance. * Meerschaum. Kettekil of Kirwan. Colours, yellowish and grayish-white. Mas- sive. Dull. Fracture fine earthy. Frag- ments angular. Opaque. Streak slightly shining. Does not soil. Very soft, sectile, but rather difficultly frangible. Adheres strongly to the tongue. Feels rather greasy. Sp. gr. 1.2 to 1.6. Before the blow-pipe, it melts on the edges into a white enamel. Us constituents are, silica 41.5, magnesia 13.25, lime 0.50, water and carbonic acid 39. —Kiaproth. It occurs in the veins in the ser- pent.ue of Cornwall. When first dug, it is soft, greasy, and lathers like soap. Hence the Tartars use it for washing clothes, lu Turkey it is made into tobacco-pipes, from meersclnum dug in Natolia, and near Thebes. See Jameson's mineralogy for an entertaining account ofthe manufacture.* * Mi.ibni re. Prismato-pyramidal feldspar. Colour, gr&yish-white. Massive, but more frequently crystallized. The primitive form is a pyramie, in which the angles are 136° 22', 63° 22'. Its secondary forms are, rec- tangular foui-sided prisms, variously acumi- nated or truncated. The crystals are small, smooth and splendent. Lustre vitreous. Cleavage, doable rectangular. Transpa- rent. Harder than common feklspai-, but softer than quartz. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.6. Easily fusible before the blow- pipe, with intumescence. It occurs along with ceylanite and nepheline, in granular hmestone, at Monte Somma near Naples.* * Mklasite. Colour, velvet-black. In roundish grains, but more frequently crys- tallized in a rhomboidal dodecahedron, trun- cated on all the edges. Surface of the grains rough and uneven; that ofthe crystals shin- ing. Fracture flat conchoidal. Opaque. As hard as quartz. Rather easily frangible. Sp. gr. 3.73. Its constituents are, silica 35 5, alumina 6, lime 32.5, oxide of iron 25.25, oxide of manganese 0.4, loss 0.35. It is found in a rock at Frescati near Rome, and in the basalt of Bohemia.* * Mellates. Compounds of mellitic acid with the salifiable bases.* * Mellite, or Honey-stone. Colour honey-yellow. Rarely massive. Crystalliz- ed. Its primitive figure is a pyramid of 118° 4/, and 93° 22'. The secondary figures are ; the primitive, truncated on the apices; on the apices and angles of the common base; and the angles on the common base bevelled. Externally smooth and splendent. Cleavage pyramidal. Fracture perfect con- choidal. Semi-transparent. Refractsdouble, in the direction of the pyramidal plane. Harder than gypsum, but softer than cal- careous spar. Brittle. Sp.gr. 1.4 to 1.6. Before the blow pipe, it becomes white and opaque, with black spots, and is at length reduced to ashes; when heated in a close vessel, it becomes black. It is slightly roemo - MEll MER electric by friction. Its constituents are, alumina 16, mellitic acid 46, water of crys- tallization 38.—Klaproth It occurs super- imposed on bituminous wood, and earth coal, and is usually accompanied with sulphur. It has hitherto been found only at Artern in Thuringia.* * Melting. See Caloric, change of state* * Mi-v^chakite. Colour grayish-black. Occurs only in very small flattish angular grains, which have a rough glimmering sur- face. Glistening; adamantine, or semi-me- tallic lusire. Cleavage, imperfect. Opaque, Not so hard as magnetic iron-sand. Buttle. Retains its colour in the streak. Sp. gr. 4.3 to 4.4. It is attractible by the magnet, but in a much weaker degree, than magnetic iron-stone. Infusible without addition. It tinges borax of a greenish colour. Its con- stituents are oxide of iron 51, oxide of tita- nium 45.25, oxide of manganese 0.25, silica 3.5.—Klaproth. It is found, accompanied with fine quartz-sand, in the bed of a rivulet which enters the valley of iWanaccan in Cornwall.* * Menilite. A sub-species jf indivisible quartz. It is of two kinds; tie brown and the gray. Brown menilite is cAesnut-brown, inclining to liver-brown. It o«curs tuberose. £ eternal surface, rough and dull; internal glistening. It has sometimes a tendency to lamellar distinct concretions. Fracture very flat conchoidal. Translucent on the edges. Scratches tclass. Easily frangible. Sp.gr. 2.17. infusible. Its constituents are, silica 85.5, alumina 1, lime 0.5, oxide of iron 0.5, water uid carbonaceous matter 11.0. Founel at Mend Montant near Paris, imbedded in adhesive slate, as flint is in chalk. Gray Menilite. Colour yellowish-gray. Tuberose. Internally glimmering or dull. Fracture as above. Semi-hard in a high degree. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.3. It occurs at Argenteuil near Paris, imbedded in a clayey marl.—Jameson.* * Mephitic Acid. Carbonic Acin.* Menstruum. A word synonymous with solvent. Mercury is distinguished from all other metals by its extreme fusibility, which is such, that it does not take the solid state until cooled to the thirty-ninth degree below 0 on Fahrenheit's thermometer; and of course it is always fluid in the temperate cli- mates ofthe earth. Its colour is white, and rather bitter than silver. In the solid state it is malleable ;§ its specific gravity is 13.6. It is volatile, and rises in small portions at the common temperature ofthe atmosphere, as is evinced by several experiments, more especially in a vacuum, such as obtains in the § The reader will find an ample account of the freezing of quicksilver in Dr. Blag- den's History, vol. lxxxiii. of the Philoso- phical Transactions. upper part of a barometer tube. At the temperature of about 656-', it boils rapidly, and rises copiously in fumes. When expos- ed to such a heat as may cause it to rise quickly in the vaporous form, or about 600°, it gradually becomes converted into a red oxide, provided oxygen be present. This was formerly known by the name of pre- cipitate per se. A greater iieat, however, revives this metallic oxide, at the same time that the oxygen is again extricated. Ten days or a fortnight's constantheai is required to convert a few grains of mercury into pre- cipitate per se in the small way. From this volatility of mercury, it is com- monly purified by distillation. Mercury is not perceptibly altered by mere exposure to the air; though by long agitation, with access of air, it becomes con- verted into a black powder or oxide, which gives out oxygen by heat, the metal being at the same time revived. * When calomel or protochloride of mer- cury is acted on by potash-water, it yields the pure black protoxide; and when corro- sive sublimate or the deutochloride is treated in the same way, it affords the reddeutoxide. The former oxide, heated with access of air, slowly changes into the latter. The consti- tuents ofthe first are 100 metal -|- 4 oxy- gen ; of the second 100 + 8. Hence the prime equivalent of mercury is 25. At a red heat both oxides emit their oxygen, and pass to the metallic state. A moderate heat converts the black oxide, partly into running mercury, and partly into red oxide. The deutoxide, as usually prepared from the ni- trate by gentle calcination, is in brilliant red scales, which become of an orange hue when finely comminuted. It frequently contains a little undecomposed subnitrate. By triturating mercurj with unctuous or viscid matters, it is changed partly into pro- toxide, and partly into very minute globules. By exposing mercurial ointment to a mode- rate heat, the globules fall down, while a proportion of the oxide remains combined with the grease. This light gray chemical compound is supposed to possess all the vir- tues of the dark coloured ointment, and to be cheaper and more convenient in the ap- plication. Mr. Donovan, who introduced it, forms it directly by exposing a mixture of 1 part of black oxide, and 24 parts of hogs' lard, to a heat of 350", for about two hours. Red oxide of mercury is acrid and poison- ous, and carries these qualities into its saline combinations. The protoxide is relatively bland, and is the basis of all the mild mercu- rial meuicines. 1. When mercury is heated in chlorine, it burns with a pale red flame, and the sub- stance called corrosive sublimate is formed. This deutochloride may also be formed by mixing together equal parts of dry bi-deuto- sulphate of mercury and common salt, and subliming. The corrosive sublimate rises, MER MER and incrusts the top of the vessel, in the form of a beautiful white semi-transparent mass, composed of very small prismatic needles. It may be obtained in cubes, and rhomboidal prisms, or quadrangular prisms, with their sides alternately narrower, and terminated by dihedral summits. Its sp. gr. is 5.14. Its taste is acrid, stypto-metallic, and eminently disagreeable. It is a deadly poison. Twenty parts of cold water dissolve it, and less than one of boiling water. luO parts of alcohol at the boiling temperature dissolve 88 of corrosive sublimate ; and at 70° they dissolve 37.5 parts. The constitu- ents of this chloride are,— Mercurv, 25 73.53 Chlorine, 9 26.47 It may be recognized by the following characters: It volatilizes in white fumes, which seem to tarnish a bright copperplate, but really communicate a coating of metal- lic mercury, which appears glossy white on friction. When caustic potash is made to act on it, with heat, in a glass tube, a red colour appears, which by gentle ignition va- nishes, and metallic mercury is then found to line the upper part ofthe tube in minute globules. Solution of corrosive sublimate reddens litmus paper; but changes sirup of violets to green. Bicarbonate of potash throws down from it a deep brick-red precipitate, from which metalhc mercury may be procured by heating it in a tube. Caustic potash gives a yellow precipitate ; but if the solution be very dilute, a white cloud only is occasioned, which becomes yellowish-red on subsidence. Lime-water causes a deep yellow, verging on red. Wa- ter of ammonia forms a white precipitate, which becomes yellow on being heated. With sulphuretted hydrogen and hydrosul- phurets, a black or blackish-brown precipi- tate appears. Nitrate of silver throws down the curdy precipitate characteristic of mu- riatic acid; and the protomuriate of tin gives a white precipitate. The proper antidote to the poison of corrosive sublimate, is the white of egg or albumen, which converts it into calomel. Sulphuretted hydrogen water may also be employed, along with emetics. From six to twelve grains were the mortal doses employed by Orfilain his experiments on dogs. They died in horrible convulsions generally in two hours. But when, with the larger quantity, the whites of eight eggs were thrown into the stomach, the animals soon recovered, after vomiting. Corrosive sublimate, digested with albumen for some time, was given in considerable doses, with impunity. The instructions given under arsenic, for examination of the bowels of a person supposed to be poisoned, are equally applicable to poisoning by corrosive subli- mate ; and the appearances are much the same. 2. Protochloride of mercury, mercurius tltdci?, or calomel, is usually formed from the deutochloride, by triturating four parts of the latter with three of quicksilver, till the globules disappear, and subjecting tiie mix- ture to a subliming heat. By levigating and edulcorating with v arm water the sublimed grayish-white cake, the portion of soluble corrosive sublimate which had escaped de- composition is removed. It may also be made by adding solution of protonitrate of mercurv to solution of common salt. The protochloride or calomel precipitates. The following is the process used at Apotheca- ries' Hall, London; 50 lbs. of mercurv are boiled with 70 lbs. of sulphuric acid, to dry- ness, in a cast-iron vessel; 62 lbs. of the dry salt are triturated with 40$ lbs. of mercury, until the globules disappear, and 34 lbs. of common salt are then added. This mixture is submitted to heat in earthen vessels, and from 95 to 100 lbs. of calomel are the re- sult. It is washed in large quantities of dis- tilled water, after having been ground to a fine and impalpable powder. When protochloride of mercury is very slowly resublimed, four-sided prisms, termi- nated by pyramids, are obtained. It is near- ly tasteless and insoluble, and is purgative in doses of five or six grains. Its sp. gr. is 7.176. Exposure to air darkens its surface. When two pieces are rubbed in the dark, they phosphoresce. It is not so volatile as the deutochloride. Nitric acid dissolves calomel, converting it into corrosive subli- mate. Protochloride of mercury is com- posed of Mercury, 25. 84.746 Chlorine, 4.5 15.254 We have aiso two sulphurets of mercury; the black or ethiops mineral; and the red or cinnabar. The first is easily made by heating or tri* turating the ingredients together, or by add- ing a hydrosulphuret of alkali to a mercu- rial saline solution. It consists of Mercury, 25 92.6 Sulphur, 2 7.4 When the black sulphuret is exposed to a red heat in earthen pots, cinnabar sub- limes, which, when reduced to powder, is of a beautiful red colour, and is used as a pigment under the name of vermilion. Its sp. gr. is about 10. It is insoluble, insipid, and burns with a blue flame. If it be mixed with half its weight of iron filings, and dis- tilled in a retort, it yields pure mercury. It is deutosulphuret, and consists of Mercury, 25 86.2 Sulphur, 4 13.8 The salts of mercury have the following general characters.-— 1. A dull red heat volatilizes them. 2. Ferroprussiate of potash gives a white precipitate. 3. Hydrosulphuret, black. 4. Muriate of soda, with the protosalts, white. 5, Gallic acid, orange-yellow. MER ME II 6. Plate of copper, quicksilver.* The sulphuric acid does not act on this metal, unless it be well concentrated and boiling. For this purpose mercury is poured into a glass retort, with nearly twice its weight of sulphuric acid. As soon as the mixture is heated, a strong effervescence takes place, sulphurous acid gas escapes, the surface of the mercury becomes white, and a white powder is produced when the gas ceases to come over, the mercury is round to be converted into a white, opaque, eaustic, saline mass, at the bottom ofthe re- tort, which weighs one-third more than the mercury, and is d composed by heat. Its fixity is considerably greater than that of mercury itself. If the heat be raised, it gi\ es out a considerable quantity of oxy- gen, the mercury being at the same time revived. Water resolves it into two salts, the bi- sulphare and subsnlphate ; the latter is of a yellow colour. Much washing is required to produce this colour, if cold water be used; but if a large quantity of hot water be poured on, it immedirJely assumes a bright lemon colour. In this state it is called tur- peth mineral. The other affords, by evapo- ration, small, needK-. deliquescent en stals. The fixed alkalis, magnesia, and lime pre- cipitate oxide of mercurv from its solutions ; these precipitates are reducible in closed vessels by mere heat without addition. The nitric acid rapidly attacks and dis- solves mercury, at the same time that a large quantity of nitrous gas is disengaged ; and the colour of the acid becomes green during its escape. Strong nitric acid takes up its own weight of mercury in the cold; and this solution will bear to be diluted with water. But if the solution be made with the assistance of heat, a much larger quan- tity is dissolved ; and a precipitate will be afforded by the addition of distilled water, which is of a yellow colour if the water be hot. or white if it be cold; and greatly re- sembles the turpeth mineral produceel with sulphuric acid; it has accordingly been cal- led nitrous turpeth. All the combinations of mercury and ni- tric acid are very caustic, and form a deep purple or black spot upon the skin. They afford crystals, which differ according to the state ofthe solution. When nitric acid has taken up as much mercury as it can dissolve by heat, it usually assumes the form of a white saline mass. When the combination of nitric acid and mercury is exposed to a gradual and long continued low heat, it gives out a portion of nitric.acid, and becomes converted into a bright red oxide, still re- taining a small portion of acid. This is known by the name of red precipitate, and is much used as an escharotic. When red precipitate is strongly heated, a large quantity of oxygen is disengag- ed, together with some nitrogen, and the mercury is sublimed in the metallic form. Nitrate of mercury is more soluble in hot than cold water, and affords crystals by cool- ing. It is decomposed by the affusion of a large quantity of water, unless the acid be in excess. A fulminating preparation of mercury was discovered by Mr. Howard. A hundred grains of mercury are to be dissolved by heat in an ounce and half by measure of ni- tric acid. This solution being poured cold into two ounces by measure of alcohol in a glass vessel, heat is to be.applied, till eller- vescence is excited. A white vapour undu- lates on the surface, and a powder is gradu- ally precipitated, which is immediately to be collected on a filter, well washed,"and cautiously dried with a very moderate heat. This powder, detonates loudly by gentie heat, or slight friction. The acetic and most other acids combine with the oxide of mercury, and precipitate it from its solution in the nitric acid. When one part of native sulphuret of an- timony is triturated or accurately mixed with two parts of corrosive sublimate,and exposed to distillation; the chlorine combines with the antimony, and rises in the form of the compound called butter of antimony, while the sulphur combines with the mercury, and forms cinnabar. If antimony be used instead ofthe sulphuret, the residue which rises last consists of running mercury, in- stead of cinnabar. Mercury, being habituallv fluid, very rea- dily combines with most of the metals, to which it communicates more or less of its fusibility. When these metallic mixtures contain a sufficient quantity of mercury to render them soft at a mean temperature, they are called amalgams. It very readily combines with gold, sil- ver, lead, tin, bismuth, and zinc; more dif- ficultly with copper, arsenic, and antimony; and scarcely at all with platina or iron: it does not unite with nickel, manganese, or cobalt; and its action on tungsten and molybdena is not known. Looking-glasses are cove red on the back surface with an amalgam of tin. See Silvering. Some of the uses of mercury have alrea- dy been mentioned in the present article. The amalgamation of the noble metals, water-gilding, the making of vermilion, the silvering of looking-glasses, the making of barometers and thei-mometers, and the pre- paration of several powerful medicines, are the principal uses to which this metal is applied. Scarcely any substance is so liable to adulteration as mercurv, owing to the pro- perty which it possesses of dissolving com- pletely some of the baser metals. This union is so strong, that they even rise along with the quicksilver when distilled. The impurity of mercury is generally indicated by its dull aspect; by ite tarnishing, and be- MER MET coming covered with a coat of oxide, on long exposure to the air; by its adhesion to the surface of glass; and, when shaken with water in a bottle, by the speedy for- mation of a black powder. Lead and tin are frequent impurities, and the mercury becomes capable of taking up more of these, if zinc or bismuth be previously ad- ded. In order to discover lead, the mercury may be agitated with a little water, in order to oxidize that metal. Pour off the water, and digest the mercury with a little acetic acid. This will dissolve the oxide of lead, which will be indicated by a blackish pre- cipitate with sulphuretted water. Or to this acetic solution add a little sulphate of soda, which will precipitate a sulphate of lead, containing, when dry, 72 per cent of metal. If only a very minute quantity of lead be present in a large quantity of mer- cury, it may be detected by solution in ni- tricacid, and the addition of sulphuretted water. A dark brown precipitate will ensue, and will subside if allowed to stand a few days.' One part oflead may thus be sepa- rated from 15263 parts of mercury. Bis- muth is detected by pouring a nitric solu- «" in, prepared without heat, into distilled ater; a white precipitate will appear if this metal be present. Tin is manifested, in like manner, by a weak solution of nitro- muriate of gold, which throws down a pur- ple sediment; and zinc by exposing the metal to heat. The black oxide is rarely adulterated ; as it would be difficult to find a substance well suited to this purpose. If well pre- pared, it may be totally volatilized by heat. The red oxide of mercury by nitric acid is very liable to adulteration with red lead. It should be totally volatilized by heat. Red sulphuret of mercury is frequently adulterated with red lead; which may be detected by heat. Corrosive muriate of mercury. If there be any reason to suspect arsenic in this salt, the fraud may be discovered as follows: Dissolve a small quantity of the sublimate in distilled water; add a solution of carbo- nate of ammonia till the precipitation ceas- es, and filter the solution. If, on the addi- tion of a few drops of ammoniated copper to this solution, a precipitate of a yellowish- green colour be produced, the sublimate contains arsenic. • Sub-muriate of mercury, or calomel, should be completely saturated with mer- cury. This may be ascertained by boiling, for a few minutes, one part of calomel with a thirty-second part of muriate of ammonia in ten parts of distilled water. When car- bonate of potash is added to the filtered so- lution, no precipitation will ensue, if the calomel be pure. This preparation, when rubbed in an earthen mortar with pure am- monia, should become intensely black, and should exhibit nothing of an orange hue. Vol. II. * Mesotypi!. Prismatic zeolite. Thil species ot the genus zeolite, is divided by Professor Jameson into three sub-species, the fibrous zeolite, natrolite,and mealy zeo- lite; which see * * Meta s., The most numerous class of undecoinpounded chemical bodies, distin- guished by the following general charac- ters : — I. They possess a peculiar lustre, which continues in the streak, and in their smal- lest fragments. 2 They are fusible by heat; and in fu- sion retain the.r lustre and opacity. 3. They are all, except selenium, excel- lent conductors both of electricity and calo- ric. 4. Many of them may be extended under the hammer, and are called malleable; or under the rolling press, and are called lamin- able; or drawn into wire, and are called ductile. This capability of extention, de- pends in some measure on a tenacitjupecu- liar to the metals, and which exists in the different specfes with very different de- grees of force. See Cohesion. 5. When their saline combinations are electrized, the metals separate at the resino- electric or negative pole. 6. When exposed to the action of oxy- gen, chlorine, or iodine, at an elevated tem- perature, they generally take fire, and, combining with one or other of these three elementary dissolvents in definite proportions, are converted into earthy or saline looking bodies, devoid of metallic lustre and ductility, called oxides, chlorides, or iodides. 7. They arecapab^e of combining in their melted slate with each qther, in almost every proportion, cons'"tuting the impor- tant order of metallic alloys; in which the characteris'ic lustre and tenacity are pre- serve'.1, feee Allot. 8. From this brilliancy and opacity con- jointly, they reflect the greater part ofthe light which falls on their surface, and hence form excellent mirrors. 9. Most of them combine in definite pro- portions with sulphur and phosphorus, forming bodies frequently of a semi-metallic aspect; and others unite with hydrogen, carbon and boron, giving rise to peculiar gaseous or solid compounds. 10. Many of the metals are capable of as- suming, by particular management, crystal- line forms; which are, for the most part, either cubes or octahedrons. The relations ofthe metals to the various objects of chemistry, are so complex and diversified, as to render their classification a task of peculiar difficulty. I have not seen any arrangement to which important ob- jections may not be offered; nor do 1 hope to present one which shall be exempt from crrdUsm. The main purposes of a methodi- cal distribution are to facilitate the acquire- 23 MET MET fflent, retention, and application of know- ledge. With regard to metals in general, I conceive these purposes may be to a con- siderable extent attained, by beginning with those which are most eminently endowed with the charaders of the genus, which most distinctly possess the properties that constitute their value in common life, and which caused the early inhabitants of the earth to give to the first metallurgists a place in mythology. Happy had their idolatry been always confined to such real benefactors! Inventas aut qui vitam excoluere per artes; Quique sui memores, aliosfecere merendo. By arranging metals according to the de- gree in which they possess the obvious qualities of unalterability by common agents, tenarity and lustre, we also concili- ate their most important chemical relations, namely, those to oxygen, chlorine and io- dine; since their metallic pre-eminence is, popularly speaking, inversely as their affi- ■ General Table nities for these dissolvents. In a strictly scientific view, their habitudes with oxy gen* should perhaps be less regarded in their classification, than with chlorine ; for this element has the most energetic attraction* for the metals. But, on the other hand, oxy- gen, which forms one-fifth of the atmos- pheric volume, and eight-ninths of the aqueous mass, operates to a much greater extent among metallic bodies, and inces- santly modifies their form, both in nature and art. Now the order we propose to fol- low will indicate very nearly their relations to oxygen. As we progressively descend, the influence of that beautiful element pro> gressively increases. Among the bodies near the head, its powers are subjugated by the metallic constitution; but among those near the bottom, it exercises an almost des- potic sway, which Volta's magical pile, di- rected by the genius of Davy, can only sus- pend for a season. The emancipated metal soon relapses under thedominion of oxygen. of the Metals. NAMES. Sp. Gr. Precipitants. Colour of precipitates by Ferroprussiate of potash. Infus. of gaits. Hydrosul-phuiets. Sulphuretted hydrogen. 1 Platinum 2(47 Mur. ammon. 0 0- Black met-pow. 2 Gold 19.30 C Sulph. iron \ Nitr.int-rcury Yellowish white Green; met. Yellow Yellow 3 Silver 10.45 Common salt White Yel.-brown Black Black 4 Palladium 11.8 Prus. mercury Deep orange Blackish brown Black-brown i Mercury 13.6 I Common Salt 1 Heat White passing to yellow Orange-yellow Brownish-black Black 6 Copper 8.9 Iron Red-brown Brown Black Do. 7 Iron 7.T C Succin. soda \ with perox. Blue, or white passing to blue Protox. 0 Perox. black Black 0 8 Tin 7.29 Corr. sublim. White 0 C Protox. black I Perox. yellow Black ' Brown 9 Lead 11.35 Suiph. soda Do. White Black 10 Nickel 8>4 Sulph. potash? Do. Gray-white Do. 0 11 Cadmium 8.6 Zinc Do. 0 Orange-yellow Jrange-vellow fellowith-white 12 Zinc 6.9 A Ik. carbon. Do. O White 13 Bismuth 9.83 Water Do. Yellow Black-brown Black-brown 14 Antimony 6.70 C Water I Zinc With dilute so-lutions white White from wa-ter Orange Orange M Manganese 8. Tartr. Dot. White O White Milkiness 16 Cooalt 8.6 \ik carbon. Brown-yellow Yellow-white Black 0 17 Tellurium 6.115 J Water 0 Yellow Blackish (. Antimony 18 Arsenic C8-35? 15.76 ? Nitr. lead White Yellow Yellow 1° Chromium 5.90 Do. Green Brown Green 20 Molybdenum 8.6 I>0. ? Brown Deep brown Brown 21 Tungsten 17.4 Mur. lime? Dilute acids 22 Columbium 5.6? Zinc or inf. gal Olive Orange Chocolate 23 Selenium 4.3? 5 Iron { Sulphite am. 34 Osmium ? Mercury Purple passing to deep blue 25 Rhodium 10.65 Zinc? O 0 26 Iridium 18.68 Do.? 0 0 27 Uranium 9.0 Ferropr. pot. Brown-red Chocolate Brown-yellow 0 28 Titanium ? Inf. galls Grass-green Red-brown Grass-green O 29 Cerium ? Oxal. amm. Milk-white 0 White 0 3o Wodanium 11.47 Zinc Pearl gray 0 31 Potassium 0.865 C Mur. plat. £ Tart, acid 0 0 0 0 32 Sodium 0.972 33 Lithium 34 Calcium 3* Barium 36 Strontium 37 Magnesium 18 Yttrium 39 Glucinum 40 Aluminum 41 Thorinum 42 Zirconium • 43 Silicium ——,- -_«______. ■■ . -. MET MET ^The first 12 are malleable; and so are ttie olst, 32d, and 33d in their congealed state. The first 16 yield oxides, which are neu- tral salifiable bases. The metals 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, are acidifiable by combination with oxygen. Ofthe oxides of the rest, up to the 31st, little is known. The remaining metals form, with oxygen, the alkaline and earthy bases. The order of their affinity for oxygen, as far asit has been ascertained, is stated in the table of Elective Attraction of oxygen and the metals. We shall now give an example of the method of analyzing a metallic alloy, of sil- ver, copper, lead, bismuth, and tin. Let it be dissolved, with the aid of heat, in an excess of nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.23- Evaporate the solution almost to dryness, and pour water on the residuum. We shall thus obtain a solution of the nitrates of sil- ver, copper, and lead, while the oxides of tin and bismuth will be left at the bottom. By exposing the latter mixture, to the ac- tion of nitric acid, the oxide of bismuth will be separated from that of tin. To deter- mine the proportions of the Either metals, we pour first into the hot and pretty dilute solution, muriatic acid, which will throw down the silver. After filtration, we add sulphate of soda, to separate the lead ; and finally, carbonate of potash to precipitate the zinc. The quantity of each metal, may now be deduced from the weight of each precipitate, according to its specific nature, agreeably to the prindples of composition, given under the individual metals. See Okes (Analysis of).* * Meteoholites, or Mf.tkortc Stones, are peculiar solid compounds of earthy and me- tallic matters, of singular aspect and com- position, which occasionally descend from the atmosphere, usually from the bosom of a luminous meteor. This phenomenon af- fords an instructive example of the triumph of human testimony, over philosophical scepticism. The chronicles of almost every age had recorded the fall of ponderous stony or earthy masses from the air; but the evidence had been rejected by historians, forsooth, because the phenomenon was not within the range of their philosophy. At length 4 the sober and solid researches of ?>hysical science^put to shame theincredu- ity ofthe metaphysical school. " While all Europe," says the celebrated Vauquelin, "resounded with the rumour of stones fallen from the heavens, and while philosophers, distracted in opinion, were framing hypotheses to explain their origin, each according to his own fancy, the Hon. Mr. Howard, an able English chemist, was pursuing in silence the only route which eould lead to a solution ofthe problem. He collected specimens of stone* which had fallen at different times, procured as much information as possible respecting them, compared the physical or exterior charac- ters of these bodies; and even did more, in subjecting them to chemical analysis, by means as ingenious as exact. " It results from hi9 researches, that the stones which fell in England, in Italy, in Germany, in the East Indies, and in other places, have all such a perfect resemblance, that it »is almost impossible to distinguish them from each other; and what renders the similitude more perfect and more strik- ing is, that they are composed of the same principles, and nearly in' the same propor- tions." I have given this just and handsome tri- bute to English genius in the form of a quo- tation from the French chemist; by appro- priating the language to one's self, as has been practised in a recent compilation, the force ofthe compliment is in a great mea- sure done away. " I should have abstained," continues M. Vauquelin, " from any public notice of an object, which has been treated of in so able a manner by the English chemist, if he him- self had not induced me to do so, during his residence in Paris; had not the stones which I analyzed been from another coun- try ; and had not the interest excited by the subject, rendered this repetition excu- sable. " It is therefore to gratify Mr. Howard; to give, if possible, more weight to his ex- periments ; and to enable philosophers to place full confidence in them, father than to offer any thing new, that I publish this memoir." Journal des Mines, No. 76; and Tilloch's .1/iff. vol. xv. p. 346. It is remaRcable, that all the stones, at whatever period, or in whatever part ofthe world, they may have fallen, have appeared, as far as they have been examined, to con- sist of the same substances; and to have nothing similar to them, not only among the minerals in the neighbourhood ofthe places where they were found, but among all that have hitherto been discovered in our earth, as far as men have been able to penetrate. For the chemical analysis of a considerable number of specimens we are particularly indebted to Mr. Howard, as well as to Klap- roth and Vauquelin, and a precise mineralo- gical description of them has been given by the Count de Bournon and others. They are all covered with a thin crust of a deep black colour; they are without gloss, and their surface is roughened with small asperities. Internally they are grayish, and* of a gi^nulatefl texture, more or less fine. Four different substances are interspersed among their texture, easily distinguished by a lens. The most abundanllis from the size of a pin's head to that of a pea, opaque, with a little lustre like that of enamel, of a gray colour sometimes inclined to brown, MET MET and hard enough to give faint sparks with steel. Another is a martial pyrites, of a reddish-yellow colour, black when powder- ed, not very firm in its texture, and nor. at- tractive by the magnet. A third consists of small particles of iron in a perfectly me- tallic state, which g"ive to the mass the qual- ity of being attracted by the magnet, though in some specimens they do not exceed wo per cent of the whole weight wMule in others they extend to a.fourth. These are connected together by a fourth of an earthy consistence in most, so that they may be broken to pieces by the fingers with more or less difficulty. The black crusi is hard enough to emit sparks with steel, but may be broken by a stroke with a hninindt>, and appears to possess the properties of the very attractive black oxide of iron. Their specific gravity varies from 3.352 to 4.281 The crust appears to contain nickel uni- ted with iron, but" Mr. Hatchett could not determine its proportion. The pyrites he estimates at iron .68, sulphur .13, nickel .06, extraneous earthy, matter .13. In the metallic particles disseminated tlirough the mass, the nickel was in the proportion of one part, or thereabout, to three of iron. The hard separate bodies gave silex .50, magnesia .15, oxide of iron .34, oxide of nickel .025; and the cement, or matrix, silex .48, magnesia .18, oxide of iron .34, oxide of nickel .025. The. increase of weight in both these arose from the higher oxidation of the iron. These proportions are taken'from the stones that fell at Bena- res on the 19th of December 1798. The soli ary masses of native iron, that have been found in Siberia, Jtohehiia, Sene- gal, and South America, likewise agree in the circumstance of being an alloy of iron and nickel; and are either of a cellular tex- ture, or have earthy matter disseminated among the metal. Hence, a similar origin has been ascribed to them. Laugier, and afterward Thenard, found chrome likewise, in the proportion of about one per cent, in different meteoric stones they examined. In all the instances in which these stones have been supposed to fall from the clouds, • and of which any perfect account has been given, the appearance of a luminous meteor, exploding with loud noise, has immediately .preceded, and hence has been looked to as the cause. The stones likewise have been more or less hot, when found irnmedia.ely after their supposed fall. Different opinions • however have been entertained on this sub- ject, which is certainly involved -in much difficulty. Some have supposed them to be merely projected from volcanoes; while others have slggested, that they might be thrown from the moon ; or be bodies wan- dering through space, and at length brought within the sphere of attraction ofourplanet. Various lists of the periods, places, and appearances of these showers of stony and earthy matters, have been given from tune to time in the scientific Journals. 1 he la- test and most complete is that published in the 1st vol. ofthe Ed. Phil. Journ. compiled partly f'r.im a printed list by Cnladm, and partly from a manuscript one of Air. Allan, read some years ago, at the Royal society of Edinburgh. It appears tha. Doinemco Troth, a Jesuit, published at AloUena, in 1766, a work entitled, Deda Caduta di un Sasso dull Aria, ragionamento, in whicli the ingenious author proves, in the clearest man- ner, both from ancient and modern history, that stones had repeatedly fallen from the heavens. This curious dissertation (ragiuna- mento) is in the possession of Mr. Allan. The compiler of the new hsi. justly observes, that nothing can show more strikingly the uni- versality and obstinacy of that scepacism, which discredits every thing that it cannot understand, than the circumstance that his work should have produced so little effect, and that, the numerous falls of meteoric stones should have so long been ranked among the mventions of ignorant credulity. Mr. Howard's admirable dissertation was published in the Phil. Trans, for 1802. It is reprinted in the 13th vol. ot Tilloch's Magazine, and ought to be studied as a pat- tern of scientific research. The following .Table is copied from the above Journal :— Chuoxoiogical List of Meteoric Stones. Sect. 1.—Before the Christian Era. Division I.—Containing those which can be referred pretty nearly to a date. A. C. 1478. The thunderstone in Crete, men- tioned by Malchus, and regarded proba- bly as the symbol of Cybele.— Chronicle ofParos, 1. 18, 19. 1431. Shower of Stones which destroyed the enemies of Joshua afT Beth-horon.— Joshua, chap. x. 11 12^)0. Stones preserved at Orchomenos.— Pausanias. 1168. A mass of iron upon Mount Ida in Crete.— Chronicle of Paros, J. 22. 705 or 7u4. The Ai/cyle or sacred shield, which fell in the reign of Numa. It had nearly the same shape as those which itII at the Cape and at Agram. Plutarch, in Num. 654. Stones which fell upon Mount Alba, in the reign of Tullus Hostilius.—" Crebri cecidere coelo lapides."— Liv. 1. 31. 644. Five stones which fell in China, in the country of Song.—De Guignes. 466. A large stone at JEgospotamos, which Anaxagoras supposed to come from the sun. it was as large as a cart, and of a burnt colour.—" Qui .apis etium nunc ostenditim, magnitudine vents, colore adus- to."—Plutarch, Pliny, lib. ii. cap. 58. MET MET 465. A stone near Thebes.—Scholiast of Pindar. 461. A stone fell in the Marsh of Ancona. — Valerius .\Li.v:inns, Liv. lib. vii. cap. 28. 343. A shower of stones fell near Rome.—• Jul. Obsequens. 211. Stones fell hi China, along with a fallin ■ star. De Guignes, &c. 205 or 2J6. Fiery su.iies.—Plutarch, Fab. Mux. cap. 2. 192. Stone fell in China.— De Guignes. 176. A stone fell in the Lake of Mars.— " Lapidem in Agro Crustumino in Lucum Martis d,- ccclo ceciduse."—Liv. xii. 3. 90 or 89. " Eodem causam df Naunhoff.— Chronicle ofthe Mutes of Misnia. ---- Iron fell in Piedmont.—Mercati and ScaUger. 1548, Nov. 6. A black mass fell at Mans- field in Thuringia.—Bonav. de St. Ama- ble. 1552, May 19. Stones fell in Thuringia near Schlossingen. Spangenberg. 1559. Two large stones, as.large as a man's head, fell at Miscolz in Hungary, which are said to be preserved in the Treasury at Vienna.—Sthuansi. 1561, May 17. A stone called the Arx Julia, fell at Torgau and Eilenborg.— Gesner and De Boot. 1580, May 27. Stones fell near Gottingen. —Bange. 1581, July 26. A stone, 39 lb. weight, fell in Thuringia. It was so hot that no per- son could touch it.—Binhard, Olearius. 1583, Jan. 9. Stones fell at Castrovillari.— Casto, Mercati and Imperati. 1583, in the Ides of Jan. A stone of 30 lb. resembling iron, fell at Rosa in Lavadie. ----March 2. A stone fell in "Piedmont of the size of a grenade. 1591, June 19. Some large stones fell at Kunersdorf.—Lucas. 1596, March 1. Stones fell at Crevafcose. —MittareUL In the Sixteenth Century, not in 1603. A stone fell in the kingdom of Valencia.— Casius and the Jesuits of Coimbra. 1618, August. A great fall of stones took place in Styria.—Stammes. ----A metallic mass fell in Bohemia— Kronland. 1621, April 17. A mass of iron fell about 100 miles S. E. of Lahore.—Jehan Guir's Memoirs. 1622. Jan. 10. A stone fell in Devonshire. —Rumph. 1628, April 9. Stones fell near Hatford in Berkshire; one of them weighed 24 lb.— Gent. Mag. Dec. 1796. 1634, Oct 27. Stones fell in Ckarollois.— Morinus. 1635, June 21. A stone fell at Vago in Italy. .----July 7, or Sept. 29. A stone, weigh- ing about 11 oz. fell at Calce.— Valisnieri, Opere, vi. 64. 163§, March 6. A burnt looking stone fell between Sagan and Dubrow in Silesia.— Lucas and Cluverius. 1637, Nov. 29. 6asse»dj says, a stooe of a black metallic colour, fell on Mount Vaision, between Guilliaumc and Peine in Provence. It weighed 54 lb. and had the size and shape of the human head. Its specific .gravity was 3.5.—Gassendi, Opera, p. 96. Lyons, 1658. 1642, August 4. A stone weighing 4 lb. fell between VV'oodbridgeand Aldborough in Suffolk—Gent. Mag. Dec. 1796. 1613, or 1644. Stones fell in the sea.— Wuofbrain. 1647, Feb. 18. A stone fell near Fwicxau. — Schmid. ----August. Stones fell in the bailliage of Stolzenem in Westphalia —Gilbert's Annal. Between 1647 and 1654. A mass fell in the sea.— Willman. 1650, August 6. A stone fell at Dordrecht. —Senguesd. 1654, March 30. Stones fell in the Island of Funen.—Bartholinus. A large stone fell at Warsaw.—Petr. Borel- lus. A smafl*, stone fell at Milan, and killed a Franciscan.—Museum Septalianum. 1668, June 19. or 21. Two stones, one 300 . lb. and the other 200 lb. weight, fell near Verona. Legallois, Cojiversations, &c. Paris 1672, Valisnieri, Opere, ii. p. 64. 66. Montanan and Francisco Carli, who pub- lished a letter, containing^veral curious notices respecting the fall of stones from the heavens. 1671, Feb. 27. Stones fell in Suabia.— Gilbert's Annal. torn, xxxiii. 1673. A stone fell in the fields near Diet- ling.—" Nostris temporibus in partibm Gallite Cispadame, lapis magnte quttntitatis e nubibus cecidit."—See Leonardus, de Gemmis, lib. i. cap. 5.; and Memorie delta Societa Colombaria Fiorentina, 1747, voL i. diss. vi. p. 14. 1674, Oct. 6. Two large stones fell near Claris.—Scheuchzer. Between 1675 and 1677. A stone fell into a fishing-boat near Copinshaw. —Wal- lace's Account of Orkney, and Gent. Mag. July 1806. 1677, May 28. Several stones, which pro- bably contained copper, fell at Erniun- dorf near Roosenhaven.—Misi, Nat. Cur. 1677. App. 1680, May 18. Stones fell at London — A'ing. 1697, .tan. 13. Stones fell at Pentolina near Sienna.—Soldani after Gabrieli. 1698, May 19. A stone fell at Walhing.— Scheuchzer. 1706, June 7. A stone of 72 lb. fell at I.a- rissa in Macedonia. It smelled of sul- phur, and was like the scum of iron.— Paul Lucas. 1722, June 5. Stones fell near Scheftlas in Freisingen.- Meii helbeck. 1723, June 22, About 33 stones, black and MET MET metallic, fell near Plestowitz in Bohemia. —Rostand Stepling. 1727, July 22. Stones fell at I.ilaschitz in Bohemia.—Steplintr 1738, August 18. Stones fell near Carpen- tras. — Casrillon. 174., Oct. 25. Stones fell at Rasgrad.— Gilbert's Annal. torn. 1. ——to 1741. A large stone fell in winter in Greenland. —F.gede. 1743. Stones fell at Liboschitz in Bohemia. —Stepling. , 1750, Oct. 1. A large stone fell at Niort near Coutance.—Huard and Lalande. •1751, May 26. Two masses of iron of 71 lb. and 16 lb. fell yi the district of Agram, the capital of Croatia. The largest of these is now in Vienna. 1753, Jan. A stone fell in Germany, in*Eich- stadt.— Cavallo, iv. 377. ----July 3. Four stones,, one of which weighed 13 lb. fell at btrkow, near Tabor. —Stepling, " De Pluvia lapidea. anni 1753, ad Strkow, et ejus causis, meditatio,'' p. 4.—Prag. 1754. ----Sept. Two stones, one of 20 lb. and .the other of 11 lb. fell near the villages of Liponas and Pin in Brene.—Lalande and Richard. 1755, July. A stone fell in Calabria, at Terranuova, which weighed 7 lb. 7£ oz. — Domin. Tata. 1766, end of July. A stone fell at Albereto in Modena.— Troili. ----August 15. A stone fell at Novellara. — Troili. 1768, Sept. 13. A stone fell near Luce in Maine. It was analyzed by Lavoisier, &c. —Mem. Acad. Par. ----A stone fell at Aire.—Mem. Acad. Par. 1768, Nov. 20. A stone, weighing 38 lb. fell at Mauerkirchen in Bavaria.—Imhof. 1773, Nov. 17. A stone, weighing 9 lb. 1 oz. fell at Sena in Arragon.—Proust. 1775, Sept. 19. Stones fell near Rodach in Cobourg.— Gilbert's Annal. torn, xxiii. ----or 1776. Stones fell at Obruteza in Volhynia.—Gilbert's Annal. torn. xxxi. 1776 or 1777, Jan. or Feb. Stones fell near Fabriano.—Soldani and Amoretti. 1779. Two stones, weigning 3^ oz. each, fell at Pettiswoode in Ireland.—hi.iglaj, in Gent. Mag. Sept. 1796. 1780, April 1. Stones fell near Becstonin England. — Evening Post. 1782. A stone fell near Turin.—Tata, and Amoretti. 1785, Feb. 19. Stones fell at Eiclistadt.— Picket and Stalz. 1787, Oct. 1. Stones fell in the province of Charkow in Russia.—Gilbert's Annah torn. xxxi. 1790, July 24. A great shower of stones fell at Barbotan near Roquefort, in the vicinity of Bordeaux. A mass, 15 inches in diameter, penetrated a hut, and killed a herdsman and a bullock. Some ofthe. stones weighed 25 lb. and others 30 lb.— Lomet. 1791, May 17. Stones fell at Cassel-Ber- ardenga, in Tuscany.—Soldani. 1794, June 16. Twelve stones, one of which weighed 7\ oz. fell at Sienna. Howard and Klaproth have analyzed these stones. —Phil. Trans. 1794, p. 103. 1795, April 13. Stones fell at Ceylon.— Beck. ----Dec. 13. A large stone, weighing 55 lb. fell near Wold Cottage in Yorkshire. No light accompanied the fall.— Gent. Mug. 1796. * 1796, Jan. 4. Stones fell near Belaja-Ferk- wa in Russia.—Gilbert's Annal. torn xxxv. ----Feb. 19. A stone of 10 lb. fell in Por- tugal.—Southey's Letters from Spain. 1798, March 8. or 12. Stones, one of which was the size of a calf's head, fell at Sales. —Marquis de Dree. ----Dec. 19. Stones fell in Bengal.— Howard, Lord Valentia. 1799, April 5. Stones fell at Batonrouge on the Mississippi.— Belfast Chronicle ofthe War. 1801. Stones fell on ihe Island of Tonne» liers.—Bory de St. Vincent. 1802, Sept. Stones fell in Scotland? Month- ly Magazine, Oct. 1802. 1803, April 26. A great fall of stones took place at Aigle. They were about three thousand in number, and tne largest weighed about 17 lb. ----Oct. 5. Stones fell near Avignon.-— Bibl. Brit. ----■ Dec. 13. A stone fell near Eggen- felde in Kavaria, weighing 3$ lb.—Imhof. 1804, April 5. A stone fell at Possil, near Glasgow. ------1807. A stone fell at Dordrecht.— Van Beek. Culkoen. 1805, March 25. Stones fell at Doronins in Siberia.— Gilbert's Annal. torn. xxix. and xxxi. ----June. Stones, covered with a blacla crust, fell in Constantinople. 1806, March 15. Two stones fell at St. Etienne and Valence; one of them weigh- ed 8 lb. 6 ----May 17. A stone weighing 2$ lb. fell near Basingstoke in Hampshire.—Month* ly *uaga:i,ie. 1S07, March 13. (June 17, according to Lucas}. A stone of 160 lb. fell at Fim- ochin, in the province of Smolensko in Russia.—Gilbert'*- Annal. ----Dec. If. A great shower of stones •fell near Weston in Connecticut. Masses .of 20 lb. 25 lb. and 35 lb. were found.— Silliman and Kinsrsley. 1808, April 19. Stones fell at Borgo Sam Donino.—Cuidotti zndSpagnoni. ----May 22. Stones w&hing- 4 lb. or 5 lb. feh near Stannem m Moravia.—JSibl^ frit, MET MET 1808, Sept. 3. Stones fell at Lissa in Bo- hernia.-De Schreibers. 1809, June 17. A stone of 6 oz. fell on board an American vessel, in latitude 30° 58' N., and longitude 70° 25' W.—Bibl. Brit. 1810, Jan. 30. Stones, some of which weighed about 2 lb. fell in Caswell coun- ty, North America.—Phil. Mag. -vol. xxxvi. ----July. A great stone fell at Shahabad in India. It burned five villages, and killed several men and women.—Phil. Mag. xxxvii. p. 236. ---- Aug. 10. A stone*weighing 7| lb. fell in the county of Trpperary in Ireland. —Phil. Mag. vol. xxxviii. .---- Nov. 23. Stones fell at Mortelle, Villerai, and Moulinbrule, in the depart- ment of the Loiret; one of them weighed 40 lb. and the other 20 lb.—Nkh. Jour- nal, vol. xxxix. p. 158. 1811, March 12 or 13. A stone of 15 lb. fell in the village of Konglinhowsh, near Romea in Russia.—Bruce's American Journal, No. 3. 1811, July 8. Stones, one of which weighed 3J oz. fell near Balanguillas in Spain — Bibl. Brit. torn, xhftii. p. 162. 1812, April 10. A shower of stones fell near Thoulouse. —— April 15. A stone, the size of a child's head, fell at Erxleben. A specimen of it is in ttm possession of Professor Hauss- man of Brunswick.— Gilbert's Annal. si. and xli. ----Aug. 5. Stones fell at Chantonay.—• Brochant. 1813, March 14. Stones fell at Cutro in Calabria, during a great fall of red dust. —Bibl. Brit. Oct. 1813. ----Sept. 9. and 10. Several Stones, one of which weighed 17 lb. fell near Lime- rick in Ireland.—Phil. Mag. 1814, Feb. 3. A stone fell near Bacharut in Russia. — Gilberts Annal. torn. 1. ----Sept. 5. Stones, some of which weigh- ed 18 lb. fell in the vicinity of Agen.— Phil. Mag. vol. xlv. ■---Nov. 5. Stones, of which 19 were found, fell in the Doab in India.—Phil. Mag. 1815, Oct. 3. A large stone fell at Chas- signy near Langres.—Pisto'let. 1816. A stone fell at Glastonbury in So- mersetshire.—Phil. Mag. 1817, May 2. and 3. There is reason to think, that masses of stone fell in the Baltic after the great meteor of Gotten- burg.— Chladni. 1818, Feb. 15. A great stone appears to have fallen at Limoge, but it has not been disinterred.— Gazette de France, Feb. 25, 1818. ----July 29. O. S. A stone of 7 lb. fell at the village of Slobodka in Smolensko. It penetrated nearly 16 inches into the ground. It had a brown crust with me- tallic spots. List of Massi.s of Ino\ surposed to havj FALLEN FROM THE HKAVENS. Sect 1.—Spongy or Cellular Masses containing .\ickel 1. The mass found by Pallas in Siberia, to which the Tartars ascribe a meteoric ori- gin.— Voyages de Pyllas, torn. iv. p. 545. Paris 1793. 2. A fragment found between Eibenstock and Johanngeorgenstadt. f 3. A fragment probably from Norway, and in the imperial cabinet of Vienna. 4. A small mass weighing some pounds, anoVnow at Gotha. 5. Two mass in Greenland, out of which the knives of,the Esquimaux were made. —See Ross s Account of an Expedition to the Arctic Regions. Sect. 2.—Solid Masses where tlie Iron exists in Rhomboids or Octahedrons, composed of Strata, and containing Nickel. 1. The only fall of iron of this kind, is that which took place at Agram, in 1751. 2. A mass ofthe same kind has been found on the right bank of the Senegal.— Com- pagnon, Forster, Goldberry. 3. At the Cape of Good Hope; Strome- yer has lately detected cobalt in this mass. — Van Maritm and Dankelman ; Brandt's Journal, vol. vi. 162. 4. In different parts of Mexico.— Sonne- schmidt, Humboldt, and the Gazette de Mexico, torn. i. and v. 5. In the province of Bahiain Brazil It is seven feet long, four feet wide, and two feet thick, and its weight about 14,000 lb. —Mornay and Wollaston; Phil. Trans. 18l6,p. 270. 281. 6. In the jurisdiction of San Jago del Estera.—Rubin de Ccelis, in the Phil. Trans. 1788, vol. Ixxviii. p. 37. 7. At Elbogen in Bohemia.— Gilbert's An. nal. xlii. and xliv. 8. Near Lenarto in Hungary.—Ditto, xlix. The origin ofthe following masses seems to be uncertain, as they do not contain nic- kel, and have a different texture from the preceding:— 1. A mass found nea* the Red River, and sent from New Orleans to New York.— Journ. des Mines 1812, Bruce's Journ. 2. A mass at Aix-la-Chapelle, containing arsenic— Gilbert's Annal. xlviii. 3.'Amass found on the hill of Brianza in the Milanese.— Chladni, in Gilbert's Annal. 1. p. 275. 4. A mass found at Groskamdorf, and con- taining, according to Klaproth, a little lead and copper. MIA MIE Nickel or chromium is found to be the constant associate of the iron in the meteor- olites. It is characteristic of meteoric iron, as it is never found in mineral native iron. Nickel has been hitherto regarded as the sole characteristic ingredient of meteoric stones, but from the analysis of some late meteorolites, it would appear, that this me- tal is occasionally absent, while chromium is always found. Hence the latter has come to he viewed as the constant characteristic. The phenomenon of red snow observed at Baffin's Bay, has of late excited some specu- lation, being supposed to be a meteoric phenomenon. But Mr. Bauer has proved by microscopic examination, that the colouring particles consist of a new species of the ure- do, which grows upon the snow, to which he has given the appropriate name of uredo ni- valis. He found the real diameter of an in- dividual full grown globule of this fungus, to be the one thousand six hundredth part of an inch. Hence, in order to cover a single square inch, two million five hundred and sixty thousand of them are necessary. Journal of Science, vol. vii.p. 222.* * Meteorologt. See Climate, Dew, Uaiw.* * Miasmata. Vapours or effluvia, which by their application to the human system, are capable of exciting various diseases, of which the principal are intermittent, remit- tent, and yellow fevers, dysentery and ty- phus. That of the last is generated in the human body kself, and is sometimes called ^the typhoid fomes. The other miasmata are produced from moist vegetable matter, in some unknown state of decomposition. The contagious virus of the plague, small-pox, measles, chincough, cynanche maligna, and scarlet fever, as well as of typhus and the jail fever, operates to a much more limited dis- tance through the intermedium ofthe atmos- phere, than the marsh miasmata. Contact of a diseased person is said to be necessary for the communication of plague; and ap- proach within 2 or 3 yards of him, for that of typhus. The Walcheren miasmata ex- tended their pestilential influence to vessels riding at anchor, fully a quarter of a mile from the shore. The chemical nature of all these poison- ous effluvia is little understood. They un- doubtedly consist, however, of hydrogen, united with sulphur, phosphorus, carbon, and azote, in unknown proportions, and unknown states of combination. The proper neutralizes or destroyers of these gasiform poisons, are nitric acid vapour, muriatic acid gas, and chlorine. The last two are the most efficacious; but require to be used in situations from which the patients can be removed at the time of the application. Nitric acid vapour may, however, be dif- fused in the apartments ofthe sick, without much inconvenience. Bed-clothes, par- VOL. \t ticularly blankets, can retain the contagious fomes, in an active state, for almost any length of time. Hence, they ought to be fumigated, with peculiar care. The vapour of burning sulphur or sulphurous acid is used in the East against the plague. It is much inferior in power to the other antiloi- mic reagents.* * Mica. Professor Jameson subdivides this mineral species into ten sub-species; viz. mica, pinite, lepidolite, chlorite, green earth, talc, nacrite, potstone, steatite, and figure-stone. Misa. Colours, yellowish and greenish- gray. Massive, disseminated, and crystal- lized. Its primitive figure is a rhomboid. The secondary forms are; an equiangular six-sided prism, or table; a rectangular four-sided prism, or table; and a six-sided pyramid. Lateral planes smooth and splen- dent ; terminal, longitudinally streaked. Lustre pearly, or semi-metallic. Cleavage single. Fragments tabular and splintery. Translucent. Sectile. Streak gray-colour- ed. Harder than gypsum, but not so hard as calcareous spar. Feels meagre or smooth. Elastic-flexible. Sp. gr. 2.65. Before the blow-pipe it melts into a grayish white en- amel. Its constituents are, silica 47, alu- mina 2%, oxide of iron 15.5, oxide ofman- ganese 1.75, potash 14.5.—Klaproth. It oc- curs along with feldspar and quartz in feld- spar and gneiss. It sometimes forms short beds, in granite and other primitive rocks. Most of the mica of commerce is brought from Siberia, where it is used for window- glass.* Michocosmic Salt. A triple salt of so- da, ammonia, and phosphoric acid, obtain- ed from urine, and much used in assays by the blow-pipe. * Miemite; of which there are two kinds, the granular and prismatic, both sub-spe- cies of dolomite. Granular miemite. Colour pale asparagus- green. Massive, in granular distinct con- cretions, and crystallized in flat double three-sided pyramids. Lustre splendent, pearly. Cleavage threefold oblique angu- lar. Translucent. Semi-hard. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.885. It dissolves slowly, and with little effervescence, in cold nitric acid. Its constituents are, carbonate of lime 53, car- bonate of magnesia 42.5, carbonate of iron, with a little manganese, 3.0. It is found at Miemo in Tuscany, imbedded in gyp- sum, at Hall in the Tyrol, and in Greenland. Prismatic miemite. Colour asparagus green. It occurs in prismatic distinct con- cretions, and crystallized in flat rhomboids, which are deeply truncated on all their edges. Internally shining. Fracture passes from concealed foliated to splintery. Strongly translucent. As hard as the for- mer. Sp. gr. 2.885. It dissolves like the. other. Its constituents are, lime 33, mag- 24 MIL MIL nesia 14.5, oxide of iron 2.5, carbonic acid 47.25, water and loss 2.75.—Klapr. It oc- curs in cobalt veins that traverse sandstone, at Glucksbrunn in Gotha.* Mi • r is a well known fluid, secreted in peculiar vessels ofthe females ofthe human species, of quadrupeds, and of cetaceous animals, and destined for the purpose of nourishing their young. When milk is left to spontaneous decom- position, at a due temperature, it is found to be capable of passing through the vinous, acetous, and putrefactive fermentations. It appears, however, probable on account of the small quantity of alcohol it affords, that the vinous fermentation lasts a very short time, and can scarcely be made to take place in every part of the fluid at once by the addition of any ferment. This seems to be the reason, why the Tartars, who make a permanent liquor, or wine, from mare's milk, called koumiss, succeed by using large quantities at a time, and agitating it very frequently. They add as a ferment a sixth part of water, and an eighth part ofthe sourest cow's milk they can get, or a smaller portion of koumiss already prepared; cover the vessel with a thick cloth, and let it stand in a moderate warmth tor 24 hours; then beat it with a stick, to mix the thicker and thinner parts, which have separated; let it. stand again 24 hours in a high narrow ves- sel, and repeat the beating, till the liquor is perfectly homogeneous. This liquor will keep some months, in close vessels, and a cold place; but must be well mixed by beating or shaking every time it is used. They sometimes extract a spirit from it by distillation. The Arabs prepare a similar liquor by the name of leban, and the Turks by that of yaourt. Eton informs us, that, when properly prepared, it may be left to stand till it becomes quite dry ; and in this state it is kept in bags, and mixed with wa- ter when wanted for use. The saccharine substance, upon which the fermenting property of milk depends, is held in solution by the whey, which re- mains after the separation of the curd in making cheese. This is separated by eva- poration in the large way, for pharmaceuti- cal purposes, in various parts of Switzer- land. When the whey has been evaporated by heat, to the consistence of honey, it is poured into proper moulds, and exposed to dry in the sun. If this crude sugar of milk be dissolved in water, clarified with whites of eggs, and evaporated to the consistence of s:rup, wh;te crystals, in the form of rhomboidal parallelopipedons, are obtained. Sugar of milk has a faint saccharine taste, aiid is soluble in three or four parts of wa- ter. It yields by distillation the same pro- Jictsthat other sugars do, only in somewhat different proportions. It is remarkable, however, that the empyreumatic oil has a smell resembling flowers of benzoin. It contains an acid frequently called the sac- cholactic; but as it is common to all muci- laginous substances, it has been termed mu- cic. See Acid (Mu re). The kinds of milk that have been chemi- cally examined, are mare's, woman's, ass's, goat's, sheep's, and cow's. We have here placed them according to the proportion of •ti^arthey afforded; and this, Parmentier observes, was precisely of the «ame quality in all, while all the other parts varied in quality as well as quantity in the different milks. With regard to the whey, they rank in the following order; ass's, mare's, wo- man's, cow's, goat's, sheep's: to cream,- sheep's, woman's, goat's, cow's, ass's, mare's: to butter,- sheep's, goat's, cow's, woman's: to cheese ,- sheep's, goat's, cow's, ass's, wo- man's, mare's. Parmentier could not make any butter from the cream of woman's, ass's, or mare'smilk; andthatfrom sheep he found always remained soft. From their general properties, he has divided them into two classes ; one abounding in serous and saline parts, which includes ass's, mare's, and wo- man's; the other rich in caseous and buty- raceous parts, which are cow's, goat's, and sheep's. * Cream, sp. gr. 1.0244 by Berzelius's analysis, consists of butter 4.5, cheese 3.5, whey 92. Curd, by the analysis of MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, is composed of Carbon, 59.781 Oxygen, 11.400 Hydrogen, 7.429 Azote, 21.381 J| 100.000 Whey always reddens vegetable blues, from the presence of lactic acid. Milk, ac- cording to Berzelius, consists of, Water, .... 928.75 Curd, with a little cream, 28.00 Sugar of milk, - - 35.00 Muriate of potash, - - 1.70 Phosphate of potash, - 0.25 Lactic acid, acetate of potash,} with a trace of lactate of V- 6.00 iron, - - - J Earthy phosphates, - - 0.30 1000.00 Since both cream and water affect the spe- cific gravity of milk alike, it is not possible to infer the quality of milk from the indica- tions merely of a specific gravity instrument. We must first use as a lactometer, agraduated glass tube, in which we note the thickness of the stratum of cream afforded, after a proper interval, from a determinate column of new milk. We then apply to the skim- med milk, a hydrometric instrument, from which we learn the relative proportions of curd and whey. Thus, the combination of the two instruments furnishes a tolerably e\-' act lactometer.* * MfLK-ftUAIlTZ. SeeQrARTz*. M1N MIN * Mineralogy. That department of na- tural history which teaches us to describe, recognize, and classify, the different genera and species of the objects of inorganic na- ture. As the greater part of these are so- lids, extracted from the earth by mining, they are called Minerals. The term Fossil is now commonly restricted to such forms of organic bodies, as have been penetrated with earthy or metallic matters. Professor Mohs of Freyberg, has lately published a work, replete with profound ge- neral views on mineralogy, which promises to place the science on a surer basis than it has hitherto stood. Werner first taught mineralogists to con- sider the productions of inorganic nature in a state of mutual connexion, resulting from mineralogical similarity. Thus, heavy spar is plainly more similar to calcareous spar, than feldspar is; feldspar than garnet; gar- net than iron-glance; iron-glance than na- tive gold ; and so on. A collection of species connected by the highest, and at the same time, equal degrees of natural-history similarity, is named a ^e- nus. The same occurs in zoology and bo- tany. Thus, the wolf, dog, fox ; the lion, tiger, cat, unite into genera. Individuals whose forms belong to two different sys- tems of crystallizations, cannot be united in the same species. Radiated hepatic, and cristated iron pyrites, therefore, constitute a distinct species. Yet this species is so ^imilar to that of common iron pyrites (tes- ^lar), that we must unite them into one genus. An order comprehends several analogous genera; and a class, analogous orders. The specific character consists particu- larly of three characters. These are the crystalline forms, (including cleavage), the degrees of hardness, and the specific gra- vity. The crystalline forms may be reduced in all cases to one of four Systems of Crys- tallization ; the Rhombohehral: the Py- ramidal, derived from a four-sided isosce- les pyramid; the Prismatic, derived from a scalene four-sided pyramid ; and lastly the Trssitlar, or that which is derived from the hexahedron. Whew we wish to determine the species to which any mineral belongs; by means of a tabular view, we must first ascertain either its primitive form or cleavage, and after- wards the hardness and specific gravity. The degrees of hardness are expressed by Mohs in the following manner: 1 expresses the hardness of Talc, 2 Gypsum, 3 Calcareous spar, 4 Fluorspar, 5 Apatite, 6 Feldspar, 7 Quartz, 8 Topsr/, 9 expresses the hardness of Corundum, 10 Diamond. Professor Mohs has arranged minerals in to three classes. I. Character ofthe first class. If solid; sapid. No bituminous odour Sp. gr. under 3.8. It has 4 orders. Order 1. Gas. Expansible. Not acid. 2. Water. Liquid. Without odour or sapidity. Sp. gr. 1. 3. Acid. Acid. Specific gravity, 0.0015 to 3.7. 4. Salt. Not acid. Sp. gr. 1.2 to 2.9. II. Character of the second class. Insipid. Sp. gr. above 1.8. Order 1. Haloide (salt-like). Not metal- lic. Streak uncoloured. If pyramidal or prismatic; H. hardness ■== 4 and less. If tessular, H. = 4.0. If single, perfect, and eminent faces of cleav- age ; sp. gr. =- 2.4 and less. H. = 1.5 to 5.0. If under 2.5, sp. gr. = 2.4andless. Sp. gr = 2.2 to 3.3. If 2.4 and less ; H. under 2.5; and no resinous lustre. Order 2. Baryte. Not metallic. If adamantine or imperfect metallic lustre; sp. gr. = 6.0, and more. Streak uncoloured, or orange-yellow. If orange-yellow; sp. gr. =. 6.0 and more, and H. = 3.0 and less. H. = 2.5 to 5.0^ If 5.0; sp. gr. under 4.5. • Sp. gr. =- 3.3 to 7.2. If under 4.0 and H. = 5.0; cleavage dis-prismatic. Order 3. Kerate (Horny). Not metallic. Streak uncoloured. No single eminent cleavage. H. ■= 1.0 to 2.0. Sp. gr. — 5.5. Order 4. Malachite. Not metallic. Colour blue, green, brown. If brown, colour of streak: H. = 3.0 and less; and sp. gr. above 2 5. If uncoloured streak; sp. gr. = 2.2 and less; and H. •= 3.0. No single eminent faces of cleavage. H. = 2.0 to 5.0. Sp. gr. = 2.0 to 4.6. Order 5. Mica. If metallic : Sp. gr. under 2.2. If not metallic: Sp. gr. above 2.2. If yellow streak; pyramidal. Single eminent cleavage. II. = 1.0 to 4.5. If above 2.5; rhombohe- dral. Sp. gr. = 1.8 to 5.6. If under 2.5 5 metallic. If above 4.4; streak uncoloured. Order 6. Spar. Not metallic. Streak uncoloured, brown. If rhombohedral; sp. gr. 2.2 and less, or H. - 6.0. H. — 3.5 to 7. If 4.0 and less; single eminent cleavage. If above 6.0; sp. gr. under 2.5, or above 2.8 ; and pearly lustre. Sp. gr. — 2.0 to 3.7. If above 3.3 ; hemi- prismatic, or H. — 6.0 ; and no adamantine lustre. If 2.4 and less; not without traces ef form and cleavage. Order 7. Gem. Not metallic. Streak tmqoloured, ¥Ly M1N MIN -» 3.5 to 10. If 6.0 and less; sp. gr. " 2A and less; and no traces of form and cleav- age. Sp. gi 1.9 to 4.7. If under 3.8; no pearly lustre. Order 8. Ore. If metallic; black If not metallic; ada- mantine, or imperfert metallic lustre. If yellow or red streak ; II. — 3.5 and more ; and sp. gr. = 4.8 and more. If brown or black streak; H. = 5.0 and more, or per- fectly prismatoidal. II. = 2.5 to 70. If 4.5 and less; red, yellow, or black streak. If 6.5 and more, and streak uncoloured; sp. gr. = 6.5 and more. Sp. gr. = 3.4 to 7.4. Order 9. Metal. Metallic. Not black. If gray; malle- able ; and sp. gr. =» 7.4 and more. II. = 0.0 to 4.0 or malleable. Sp. gr. = 5.7 to 20.0. Order 10. Pyrites. Metallic. H. - 3 5 to 6.5. If 4.5 and less; sp. gr. under 5.0 Sp, gr. =4.1 to 7.7. If 5.3 and less; colour yellow or red. Order 11. Glance. Metallic. Gray, black. H. 1.0 to to 4.0. Sp. gr. = 4.0 to 7.6. If under 5.0, and single perfect cleavage; lead-gray. If above 7.4; lead-gray. Order 12. Blende. If metallic; black. If not metallic; ada- mantine lustre. If brown streak; uncolour- ed. Sp. gr. between 4#and 4.2; and the form tessular. If red streak ; sp. gr. = 4.5 and more ; and H. = 2.5 and less. II. = 1.0, 4.0. Sp. gr. = 3.9, 8.2. If 4.3 and more ; streak red. Order 13. Sulphur. Not metallic. Colour red, yellow, or brown. Prismatic. H. = 1.0 to 2.5. Sp. gr. = 1.9 to 3.6. If above 2.1; streak yel- low, or red. Class in. If fluid; bituminous odour. If solid; in- sipid. Sp.gr. under 1.8. Order 1. Resin. Fluid, solid. Streak uncoloured, yellow, brown, black. II. = 0.0 to 2.5. Sp. gr. = 0.7 to 1.6. If 1.2 and more; streak un- coloured. Order 2. Coal. Solid. Streak, brown, black. H. = 0.1 to 2.5. Sp. gr. = 1.2 to 1.5. Genera. Class I. Order 1. Gas. Genera. 1. Hydrogen. 2. Atmospheric air. Order 2. Water. Genus. 1. Atmospheric water. Order 3. Acid. . Genera. 1. Carbonic. 2. Muriatic. 3. Sulphuric. 4. Boracic; and 5. Arsenic. Order 4. Salt. Genera. 1. Natron-salt. 2. Glauber- salt. J, Nitre-salt. 4. Rock-salt. 5. Am- moniac-salt. 6. Vitriol-salt; comprising as species, the sulphates of iron, copper and zinc. 7. Epsom-salt. 8. Alum-salt. 9. Bo- rax-salt. 10. Brythine-salt (heavy-salt). Glauberite. Class II. Order 1. Haloide. Genera. 1 Gypsum-haloide. *. Cryonc haloide. 3. Alum-haloide. 4. Fluor-haloide. 5. Calc-haloide. Order 2. Baryte. Genera. 1. Parachrosc-baryte (altered colour). 2. Zinc-baryte. 3. Scheelium- baryte. 4. Hal-baryte. 5. Lead-baryte. Order 3. Kerate. Genera. 1. Pearl-kerate. Order 4. Malachite. Genera. 1. Staphy line-malachite (grape like). 2. Lirocone-malachite (form un- known). 3. Olive-malachite. 4. Azure- malachite. 5. Emerald-malacliite. 6. Ha- broncme-malachite (fine threaded). Order 5. Mica. Genera. 1. Euchlore-mica (bright-green). 2. Antimony-mica. 3. Cobalt-mica. 4. Iron-mica. 5. Graphite mica. 6. Talc- mica- 7. Pearl-mica. Order 6. Spar. Genera. 1. Schiller-spar. 2. Disthene- spar. 3. Triphane-spar. 4. Dystome-spar (difficult to cleave). 5. Kouphone-spar (light). 6. Petaline-spar. 7. Feldspar. 8. Augite-spar. 9. Azure-spar. Order 7. Gem. Genera. 1. Andalusite. 2. Corundum. 3. Diamond. 4. Topaz. 5. Emerald. J& Quartz: 7. Axinite. 8. Chrysolite. 9. Bu^ racite. 10. Tourmaline. 11. Garnet. 12. Zircon. 13. Gadolinite. Order 8. Ore. Genera. 1. Titanium-ore. 2. Zinc-ore. 3. Copper-ore. 4. Tin-ore. 5. Scheelium- ore. 6. Tantalum-ore. 7. Uranium-ore. 8. Cerium-ore. 9. Chrome-ore. 10. Iron- ore. 11. Manganese-ore. Order 9. Metal. Genera. 1. Arsenic. 2. Tellurium. 3. Antimony. 4. Bismuth. 5. Mercurv. 6. Silver. 7. Gold. 8. Platina. 9.' Iron. 10. Copper. Order 10. Pyrites. Genera. 1. Nickel-pyrites. 2. #-senic pyrites. 3. Cobalt-pyrites. 4. Iron-pyrites. 5. Copper-pyrites. Order 11. Glance, Genera. 1. Copper-glance. 2. Silver- glance. 3. Lead-glance. 4. Tellurium- glance. 5. Molybdena-glance. 6. Bismuth- glance. 7. Antimony-glance. 8. Melane- glance (black). Order 12. Blende. Genera. 1. Glance-blende. 2. Garnet- blende. 3. Purple-blende 4. Ruby-blende. Order 13. Sulphur. 1. Sulphur. Class III. Order 1. Resin. MON MOR Genus. Melichrone-resin (honey-colour- ed). Order 2. Coal. Genus. Mineral-coal. Such are the Genera of Professor Mohs. I would willingly have introduced a view of the species; but his symbols of their crystal- line structure and forms would require a detailed explanation, inconsistent with the limits of this work. An account of his new system of crystallography is given by one of his pupils in the 3d vol. ofthe Edin. Phil. Journal. But the Professor promises soon to publish that system himself; which»if we may judge from the luminous exposition of the characteristic of his Natural H.story System, recently published, will be an im- mense acquisition to mineralogical science.* * Mineral Caoutchouc See Caout- chouc* * Mineral Charcoal. See Charcoal (Mineral).* * Mineral Oil. See Petroleum.* * Mineral Pitch. See Bitumen.* Mimfralizer. Metallic substances are said to be mineralized, when deprived of their usual properties by combination with some other substance. Minium. Red oxide of lead. Mirrors. See Speculum ; also Silver- inr. * Mispickel. Common arsenical pyrites.* * Mocha-stone. See Agate.* ~ * Moltbdate of Lead. See Ores of ^■ad.* JPmolybdenfm:. A metal which has not yet been reduced into masses of any magnitude; but has been obtained only in small separate globules, in a blackish brilliant mass. This may be effected by making its acid into a paste with oil, bedding it in charcoal in a crucible, and exposing it to an intense heat. The globules are gray, brittle, and extreme- ly infusible. By heat it is converted into a white oxide, which rises in brilliant needle- formed flowers, like those of antimony. Nitric acid readily oxidizes and acidifies the metal. Nitre detonates with it, and the re- maining alkali combines with its oxide. Molybdenum unites with several of the metals, and forms brittle or friable com- pounds. No acid acts on it but the nitric and nitromuriatic. Several acids act on its oxide, and afford blue solutions.' See Acid (Molybdic). * The sp. gr. of molybdenum is 8.611. When dry moly bdate of ammonia is ignited in a crucible with charcoal powder, it is con- Verted into the brown oxide of the metal. This has a crystallized appearance, a copper- brown colour, and a sp. gr. of 5.66. It does not form salts with acids. The deu- toxide is molybdous acid, which see,* * Montmartrite. Its colour is yellowish; it occurs massive, but never crystallized. It is soft. It effervesces with nitric acid. It is a compound of 83 sulphate of lime, and 17 carbonate of lime, which is found at Montmartre, near Paris. It stands ,the weather, which common gypsum does not bear.* * Moonstone. A variety of Adularia.* * Moor-coal. See Coal.* * Morass-ore. Bog-iron ore.* • Moroxylic Acid. See Acid (Moroxy- lic).* * Morphia. A new vegetable alkali, extracted from opium, of which it constitutes the narcotic principle. It was first obtained pure, by M. Serturner, about the year 1817. Two somewhat different processes for procuring it, have been given by M. Robi- quet, and M. Choulant. According to the former, concentrated infusion of opium is to be boiled with a small quantity of common magnesia for a quarter of an hour. A considerable quanti- ty of a grayish deposite falls. This is to be washed on a filter with cold water, and, when dry, acted on by weak alcohol for some time, at a temperature beneath ebullition. In this way very little morphia, but a great quan- tity of colouring matter, is separated. The acid matter is then to be drained on a filter) washed with a little cold alcohol, and afterwards boiled with a large quantity of highly rectified alcohol. This liquid being filtered while hot, on cooling it deposites the- morphia in crystals, and very little coloured. The solution in alcohol and crystallization being repeated two or three times, colour- less morphia is obtained. The theory of this process is the follow- ing:—Opium contains a meconiate of mor- phia. The magnesia combines with the me- conic acid, and the morphia is displaced. Choulant directs us to concentrate a dilute watery infusion of opium, and leave it at rest till it spontaneously let fall its sulphate of lime in minute crystals. Evaporate to dry- ness ; redissolve in a little water, and throw- down any remaining lime and sulphuric acid, by the cautious addition, first of oxalate of ammonia, and then of muriate of barytes. Dilute the liquid with a large body of water, and add caustic ammonia to it, as long as any precipitate falls. Dissolve this in vinegar, and throw it down again with ammonia. Di- gest on the precipitate about twice its weight of sulphuric ether, and throw the whole upon a filter. The dry powder is to be di- gested three times in caustic ammonia, and as often in cold alcohol. The remaining Eowder being dissolved in twelve ounces of oiling alcohol, and the filtered hot solution being set aside for 18 hours, deposites co- lourless transparent crystals, consisting of double pyramids. By'concentrating the supernatent alcoholic solution, more crystals may be obtained. Dr. Thomson directs us to pour caustic MOR MOT ammonia into a strong infusion of opium, and to separate the brownish-white precipi- tate by the filter; to evaporate the infusion to about one-sixth of its volume, and mix the concentrated liquid with more ammonia. A new deposite of impure morphia is obtained. Let the whole ofthe deposites be collected on the filter, and washed with cold water. When well drained, pour a little alcohol on it, and let the alcoholic liquid pass through the filter It will carry off a good deal of the colouring matter, and very little of the morphia. " Dissolve the impure morphia thus obtained, in ace' ic acid, and mix the so- lution, which has a very deep brown colour, with a sufficient quantity of ivory-black. This mixture is to be frequently agitated for 24 hours, and ihc-n thrown on the filter. The liquid passes through quite colourless. If ammonia be now dropped into it, pure morphia falls in the state of a white powder. If we dissolve this precipitate in alcohol, and evaporate that liquid slowly, we obtain the morphia, in pretty regular ci- stals. It is perfectly white, has a pearly lustre, is des- titute of smell, but has an intensely bitter taste, and the shape ofthe crystals in all my trials, was a four-sided rectangular prism." Annals of Phil. June 1820. On the above process I have only to remark, that the ace- tic solution must contain a good deal of phosphate of lime, derived from the ivory- black ; and that therefore those who have used that precipitate for morphia in medi- cine, have been disappointed. The subse- quent solution in alcohol, however, and crys- tallization, render it pure. M. Choulant says, it crystallizes in dou- ble four-sided pyramids, whose bases are squares or rectangles. Sometimes in prisms with trapezoidal bases. It dissolves in 82 times its weight of boil- ing water, and the solution on cooling de- posites regular, colourless transparent crys- tals. It is soluble in 36 times its weight of boiling alcohol, and in 42 times its weight of cold alcohol, of 0.92. It dissolves in eight times its weight of sulphuric ether. All these solutions change the infusion of brazil- wood to violet, and the tincture of rhubarb to brown. The saturated alcoholic and ethereous solutions, when rubbed on the skin, leave a red mark. Sulphate of morphiacrystallizes in prisms, which dissolve in twice their weight of dis- tilled water. They are composed of Acid, 22 5.00 Morphia, 40 9.09 Water, 38 100 Nitrate of morphia yields needle-form crystals in stars, which are soluble in 1$ times their weight of distilled water. Its constituents are, Acid, 20 6.75 Morphia, 36 12.15 Mater, 44 100 Muriate of morphia, is in feather-shaped crystals, and needles. It is soluble in 101 times its weight of distilled water. Its con- stituents are, Acid, 35 4.625 Morphia, 41 5.132 Water, 24 100 The acetate crystallizes in needles ; the tartrate in prisms; and the carbonate in short prisms. Dr. Thomson states the ulti- mate constituents of morphia to be, Hydrogen, 0.0555 Carbon, 0.4528 Oxygen, 0.4917 1.0000 from the analysis of one grain, by ignited peroxide of copper. He imagines the atom to be either 40.25, or 20.125. The former number approaches to that of Pelletier and Caventou ; the latter is much greater than any of Choulant's, deduced from the above saline combinations, the mean of which* gives about 8.25. jH Morphia acts with great energy on trn^ animal economy. A grain and a half taken at three different times, produced such vio- lent s\ mptoms upon three young men of 17 years of age, that Serturner was alarmed, lest the consequences should have proved fatal.. Morphia, according to its discoverer, melts in a gentle heat; and in that state has very much the appearance of melted sul- phur. On cooling, it again crystallizes. It burns easily; and when heated in close ves- sels, leaves a solid, resinous, black matter, having a peculiar smell.* * Mortar Ckif.nt. A mixture of lime, and siliceous sand, used in masonry for ce- menting together the stones and bricks of a building. The most precise ideas which we have on this subject, were given by Sir H. Davy in his Agric. Chem. See Limk.* * Mosaic Gold. See Auhum Musivum.* * Mothir of Pkahl shells are composed of alternate layers of coagulated albumen and carbonate of lime, in the proportion, by Mr. Hatchett, of 24 ofthe former and 76 of the latter, in 100 parts.* Mother Water. When sea-water or any other solution containing various salts, is evaporated, and the crystals taken out; there always remains a fluid containing de- NAP NEE liquescent salts, and the impurities, if pre- sent. This is called the mother water. Mould. See Soil, Manure, and Analy- sis (Vegetable). * Mountain Blue. Malaehite; carbonate of copper.* ♦Mountain Cork and Mountain Leath- er. See Asbestus.* * Mountain Green.- Common copper green; a carbonate of copper.* * Mo ntain or Rock Wood. See As- BESTfS.* * Mountain Soap. Colour pale brown- ish-black. Massive. Dull. Fracture fine earthy. Opaque. Streak shining. Writes, but does not soil. Soft. Sectile. Easily frangible. Adheres strongly to the tongue. Feels very greasy. It is light, bordering on rather heavy. It occurs in trap-rocks in the island of Skyc. It is used in crayon-painting.* * MaciLAGE. An aqueous solution of gum.* Mccrs. This, according to Dr. Bostock, is one of the primary animal fluids, perfect- ly distinct from gelatin. The subacetate of lead does not affect gelatin; on the other hand, tannin, which is a delicate test of gelatin, does not affect mucus. Both these reagents, however, precipitate albumen; but the oxymuriate of mercury, which will indicate the pre- sence of albumen dissolved in 2000 parts of water, precipitates neither mucus nor gela- tin. Thus we have three distinct and deli- te tests for these three different princi- « Gum appears to resemble mucus in its properties. One grain of gum-arabic, dis- solved in 200 of water, was not affected by oxymuriate of mercury, or by tannin, but was immediately precipitated by subacetate of lead. Muffle. A small earthen oven, made and sold by the crucible manufacturers. It is to be fixed in a furnace, and is useful for cupellation, and other processes which de- mand access of air. * Muriacite. Gypsum.* * Muriatic Acu». See Acid (Muriatic).* * Mcuicalcitk. Rhomb-spar.* * Muscles of Avimai.s. See Fibrin and Flesh.* * Muscovy Glass. Mica.* * Mushrooms See Boletus.* *MrssrrE. Diopside.* * Must. The juice of grape, composed of water, sugar, jelly, gluten, and bitartrate of potash. From a French wine pint of must, the Marquis de Bullion extracted half an ounce of sugar, and 1-16th of an ounce of tartar. Proust says, the muscadine grape contains about 30 per cent of a peculiar spe- cies of sugar. By fermentation, it forms wine.* * MyrticiN. The ingredient of wax which remains after digestion with alcohol. !t is insoluble likewise in water and ether; but very soluble in fixed and volatile oils. Its melting point is about 120°. Sp. gr. 0.90. Its consistence is waxy.* * Mtrrh. A gurr.-resin, which consists, according to Braconnot, of Resin, containing some volatile oil, 33.68 Gum, -.»... 66.32 100.00 N *VTACR1TE. SeeTALciTE.* i. il * Nadelstein. Rutile.* *Naiis consist of coagulated albumen, with a little phosphate of lime.* Nankin Dye. See Iron, towards the end. * Naphtha. A native combustible liquid, of a yellowish-white colour; perfectly fluid and "shining. It feels greasy, exhales an agreeable bituminous smell, and has a spe- cific gravity of about 0.7. It takes fire on the approach of flame, affording a bright white light. It occurs in considerable springs on the shores ofthe Caspian Sea, in Sicily and Italy. It is used instead of oil, and differs from the petroleum obtained by distilling coal tar, only by its greater purity and lightness. By Dr Thomson's recent analysis of a specimen of naphtha from Per- sia, whose sp. gr. was 0.753, and boiling point 320°, it appears to be composed of carbon 82.2-+- hydrogen 14.8, with perhaps a little azote.* Naples Yellow. According to Professor Beckmann, this colour is prepared by cal- cining lead with antimony and potash in a reverberatory furnace. * Natkox. Native carbonate of soda, of which there are two kinds, the common and radiated. See Soiia.* ♦Natrolite. A sub-species of prismatic zeolite or mesotype. Colour yellowish. Massive, in plates, and ren.form. Seldom crystallized. Crystals acicular. Lustre glistening, pearly. Translucent on the edges. Sp. gr. 2.2. Before the blow-pipe, it becomes first black, then red, intumesces, and melts into a white compact glass. Its constituents are, silica 48.0, alumina 24.25, natron, 16.5, oxide of iron 1.75, and water 9 It occurs in chalkstone porphyry in Wurtemherg and Bohemia, and in the trap- tuff'hill named the Bin, behind Bruntisland in Scotland*. * Needle Ona Acicular bismuth-glance.* NIC NIC * Nesdle Zeolite. Colour grayish-white. Massive; in distinct concretions; and crys- tallized in acicular rectangular four-sided prisms, variously acuminated and truncated. The lateral planes are longitudinally streak- ed. Glistening, inclining to pearly. Cleav- age twofold, in the direction of the lateral plane of the prism. Translucent. Refracts double. As hard as apatite Brittle. Sp. gr 2.3. It intumesces before the blow-pipe, and forms a jelly with acids It becomes electric by heating, and retains this property some time after it has cooled The free ex- tremity ofthe crystal, with the acumination, shows positive, and the attached end nega- tive electricity. Its constituents are, sihca 50.24, alumina 29.3, lime 9.46. water 10. It occurs in secondary trap-rocks near the vil- lage of Old Kiipatrick in Scotland.* * Nephehne. Rhomboidal feldspar. Co- lour white. Massive and crystallized. The primitive form is a di-rhomboid of 152p 44', and 56° 15'. The secondary forms are, a perfect equiangular six-sided prism; the same truncated on the terminal edges; and a thick six-sided table, with the lateral edges all truncated. The crystals form dru- ses. Lustre splendent, vitreous. Cleavage fourfold. Fracture conchoidal. Translu- cent and transparent. As hard as feldspar. Sp. gr. 2.6 to 1.7. It melts with difficulty before the blow-pipe. Its constituents are, silica 46, alumina 49, lime 2, oxide of iron 1. It occurs in drusy cavities, along with cey- lanite, vesuvian and meionite, at Monte Somma, near Naples, in drusy cavities, in granular limestone.* • hrite. Of which mineral there are two kinds; common nephrite and axe-stone. Common nephrite. Colour leek-green. Massive and in rolled pieces. Dull. Frac- ture coarse splintery. Translucent. Nearly as hard as rock-crystal. Difficultly frangi- ble. Feels rather greasy. Rather brittle. Sp. gr. 3. It melts before the blow-pipe into a white enamel. Its constituents are, silica 50.5, magnesia 31, alumina 10, iron 5.5, chrome 0 05, water 2.75. Nephrite occurs in granite and gneiss, in Switzerland; and in veins ,.hat traverse primitive greenstone in the Hartz. The most beautiful come from Persia and Egypt. The South American variety is called Amazon-stone, from its lo- cality.* See Axi.-Si'Onk. * Nerium Ti.mctouium. A tree growing in Hindostan, which, according to Dr. Rox- burgh, affords indigo.* •Neutralization. When acid and alka- line matter are combined in such propor- tions that the compound does not change the colour of litmus or violets, they are said to be neutralized.* Nickel is a metal of great hardness, of a uniform texture, and of a colour between silver and tin ; very difficult to be purified, and magnetical. It even acquires polarity by the touch. It is malleable, both cold and red-hot; and is scarcely more fusible than manganese. Its oxides, when pure, are reducible by a sufficient heat without combustible matter; and it is little more tarnished by heating in contact with air, than platina, gold, and silver. Its specific gravity when cast, is 8.279; when forged, 8.666. Nickel is commonly obtained from its sul- phuret, the kupfernickel ofthe Germans, in which it is generally mixed also with arsenic, iron, and cobalt. This is first roasted, to drive off the sulphur and arsenic, then mix- ed with two parts of black flux, put into a crucible, covered with muriate of soda, and heated in a forge furnace. The metal thus obtained, which is still very impure, must be dissolved in dilute nitric acid, and then eva- porated to dryness; and after this process has been repeated three or four times, the residuum must be dissolved in a solution of ammonia, perfectly free from carbonic acid. Being again evaporated to dryness, it is now to be well mixed with two or three parts of black flux, and exposed to a violent heat in a crucible for half an hour or more. According to Richter, the oxide is more easily reduced, by moistening with a little oil. Thenard advises to pour chloride of lime on the oxide of nickel, and shake them well together, before the ammonia is added; as thus the oxides of cobalt and iron, if pre- sent, will be so much saturated with oxygen, as to be insoluble in the ammonia, and coum sequently may be separated. fl ' M. Chenevix observed, that a very sm;SI portion of arsenic prevents nickel from being affected by the magnet. Richter found the same. When it is not attractible, therefore, we may be pretty certain that this is present. To separate the arsenic, M. Chenevix boiled the compound in nitric acid, till the nickel was converted into an arseniate ; decompos- ed this by nitrate of lead, and evaporated the liquor, not quite to dryness. He then pour- ed in alcohol, which dissolved only the ni- trate of nickel. The alcohol being de- canted and evaporated, he redissolved the nitrate in water, and precipitated by potash. The precipitate, well washed and dried, he reduced in a Hessian crucible lined with lampblack, and found it to bo perfectly magnetic; but this property was destroyed again, by alloying the metal with a small portion of arsenic. Alloying it with cop- per weakens this property. ♦There are two oxides of nickel; the dark ash-gray, and the black. If potash be added to the solution ofthe nitrate or sul- phate, and the precipitate dried, we obtain tfie protoxide. It may be regarded as a compound of about 100 metal with 28 of oxygen; and the prime equivalent of the metal will become 3.6, while that of the protoxide will be 4.6. The preoxide was NIT MIT formed by Thenard, by passing chlorine through the protoxide diffused in water. A black insoluble peroxide remains at the bottom. Little is known of the chloride, iodide, sulphuret, or phosphuret of this metal. A compound, resembling meteoric iron, has been made, by fusing together about 5 or 10 parts of nickel with 95 or 90 of iron. The meteoric iron from Baffin's Bay contains 3 per cent of nickel; the Siberian contains 10 per cent, by Mr. Children's accurate analy- sis.—See Journal of Science, vol. ix. The salts of nickel possess the following general characters. They have usually a green colour, and yield a white precipitate with ferroprussiate of potash. Ammonia dissolves the oxide of nickel. Sulphuretted hydrogen and infusion of galls occasion no predpitate. The hvdrosulphuret of potash throws down a black precipitate. Their composition has been very imperfectly as- certained.* The sulphuric and muriatic acids have Bttle action upon nickel. The nitric and nitro-muriatic are its most appropriate sol- vents. The nitric solution is of a fine grass- green colour. Carbonate of potash throws down from it a pale apple-green precipitate, which, when well washed and dried, is very- light. One part of metal gives 2.927 of this precipitate, which by exposure to a white heatbecomesblackish-gray, barely inclining to green, and weighing only 1.285. By •ntinuing the fire it is reduced When ammonia is added in excess to a nitric solution of nickel, a blue precipitate is formed, which changes to a purple-red in a few hours, and is converted to an apple- green by an acid. If the precipitate retain its blue colour, copper is present. * Nicotin. A peculiar principle obtain- ed by Vauquelin from tobacco. It is colour- less, and has the peculiar taste and smell of the plant. It dissolves both in water and alcohol; is volatile, poisonous, and predpi- table from its solutions by tincture of galls. —Ann de Chimie, torn, lxxi.* ♦Nigiune. An ore of titanium.* Nihil Albtm. A name formerly given to the flowers or white oxide of zinc. * Nitrates. Compounds of nitric acid with the salifiable bases.* Nitre. The common name of the nitrate •f potash. See Acm (Nithic).* * Nitrogen, or Azote, an imp; rtant ele- mentary, or undecompounded principle. As it constitutes four-fifths ofthe volume of at- mospheric air, the readiest mode of procur- ing azote, is to abstract its oxygenous asso- ciate, by the combustion of phosphorus, or hydrogen. It may also be obtained from ani- ana! matters, subjected in a glass retort to the action of nitric acid, diluted with 8 or 10 times its weight of water. Azote possesses all the physical properties Vol. U. of air. It extinguishes flame andanimal life. It is absorbable by about lou volumes of water. Its spec, gravity is 0.9722. 100 cubic inches weigh 2i».65 grains. It has neither taste nor smell. It unites with oxy- gen in four proportions, forming four im- portant compounds. These are 1. Protoxide of azote, or nitrous oxide. 2. Deutoxide of azote, nitrous gas, or ni- tric oxide. 3. Nitrous acid. 4. Nitric acid. 1. Nitrous oxide, or protoxide of azote, was discovered hy Dr. Priestley in 1772, but was first accurately investigated by Sir H. Davy in 1799. The best mode of procuring it, is to expose the salt called nitrate of ammonia, to the flame of an Argand lamp, in a glass retort. When the temperature reaches400° F a whitish cloud will begin to project itself into the neck ot the retort, accompanied by the copious evolution of gas, which must be collected over mercury for accurate re- searches, but for common experiments :.ay be received over water. It has all the phy- sical properties of air. It has a sweet taste, a faint agreeable odour, and is condensible by about its own volume of water, previous- ly deprived of its atmospheric ,air. This property enables us to determine the purity of nitrous oxide. A taper plunged into this gas, burns with great brilliancy ; the flame being surrounded with a bluish halo. But phosphorus may be melted and sublimed in it, without taking fire. When this combus- tible is introduced into it, in a state of vivid combustion, the brilliancy of the flame is greatly increased. Sulphur and most other- combustible bodies, require a higher degree of heat for their combustion in it, than in either oxygen or common air. This may be attributed to the counteracting affinity ofthe intimately combined azote. Its sp. grav. is 1.5277. 100 cubic inches weigh 46.6 gr. It is respirable, but not fitted to support life. Sir H. Davy first showed, that by breathing a few quarts of it, contained in a silk bag, for two or three minutes, effects analogous to those occasioned by drinking fermented liquors, were produced. Individuals, who differ in temperament, are, however, as we might expect, differently affected. Sir H. Davy describes the effect it had upon him, as follows :—" Having previously closed my nostrils, and exhausted my lungs, I breathed four quarts of nitrous oxide from and into a silk bag. The first feelings were similar to those produced in the last experi- ment, (giddiness); but in less than half a minute, the respiration being continued, they diminished gradually, and were succeeded by a sensation analogous to gentle pressure on all the muscles, attended by an highly pleasurable thrilling, particularly in the chest and the extremities. The objects amird me became dazzling, and my hearing 25 NIT NIT more acute. _ Towards the last inspiration the thrilling increased, the sense of muscu- lar power became greater, and at last an ir- resistible propensity to action was indulged in. I recollected but indistinctly what fol- lowed; I know that my motions were vari- ous and violent. " These effects very soon ceased after res- piration. In ten minutes I had recovered my natural state of mind. The thrilling in the extremities continued lbnger than the Other sensations." " The gas has been breathed by a very great number of persons, and almost every one has observed the same things. On some few, indeed, it has no effect what ever, and on others the effects are always painful. " Mr. J. W. Tobin, (after the first imper- fect trials), when the air was pure, experi- enced sometimes sublime emotions with tranquil gestures, sometimes violent mus- cular action, with sensations indescribably exquisite; no subsequent debility—no ex- haustion ;—his trials have been very nume- rous. Of late he has only felt sedate plea- sure. In Sir H. Davy the effect is not di- minished. " Mr. jTames Thomson. Involuntary, laughter, thrilling in his toes and fingers, exquisite sensations of pleasure A pain in the back and knees, occasioned by fa- tigue the day before, recurred a few minutes afterwards. A similar observation, we thi nk, we have made on others; and we impute it to the undoubted power of the gas to in- crease the sensibility or nervous power, beyond any other agent, and probably in a peculiar manner. " Mr. Thomas Pople. At first unplea- santfeelings of tension; afterwards agreea- ble luxurious languor, with suspension of muscular power; lastly, powers increased both of body and mind. " Mr. Stephen Hammick, surgeon of the Royal Hospital, Plymouth. In a small dose, yawning and languor. It should be observ- ed that the first sensation has often been disagreeable, as giddiness; and a few per- sons, previously apprehensive, have left oft' inhaling as soon as they felt this. Two lar- ger doses produced a glow, unrcstrainable tendency to muscular action, high spirits and more vivid ideas. A bag of common air was first given to Mr. Hammick, and he observed that it produced no effect. The same precaution against the delu- sions of imagination was of course frequently taken. " Mr. Robert Southey could not distin- guish between the first effects and an ap- prehension of which he was unable to di- vest himself. His first definite sensations were, a fullness and dizziness in the head, such as to induce a fear of falling. This was 6U0Cceded by a laugh whidi was invol- untary, but highly pleasurable, accomp* nied with a peculiar thrilling in the extre- mities, a sensation perfectly new and de- lightful. Formany hours after this experi- ment, he imagined that his taste and smell were more acute, and is certain that he felt unusually strong and cheerful. I n a second experiment, he felt pleasure still superior, and has once poetically remarked, that he supposes the atmosphere of the highest of all possible heavens to be composed of this gas. " Robert Kinglake, M I). Additional freedom and power of respiration, succeed- ed by an almost delirious, but highly plea- surable sensation in the head, which became universal, with increased tone of the mut- cles. At last, an intoxicating placidity ab- sorbed for five minutes all voluntary power, and left a. cheerfulness and alacrity for se- veral hours. A second stronger dose pro- duced a perfect trance for about a minute; then a glow pervaded the system The permanent effects were an invigorated feel- ing of vital power, and improved spirits. By both trials, particularly by the former, old rheumatic feelings seemed to be re- vived for the moment. " Mr. Wedgwood breathed atmospheric air first, without knowing it was so. He de- clared it to have no effect, which confirmed him in his disbelief of the power of the gas. After breathing this some time, however, he threw the bag from him, kept breathing on laboriously with an open mouth, holding his nose with his left hand, without povv^B to take it away, though aware of the ludF crousness of his situation; all his muscles seemed to be thrown into vibrating mo- tions -, he had a violent inclination to make antic gestures, seemed lighter than the at- mosphere, and as if about to mount. Be- fore the experiment, he was a good deal fatigued after a long ride, of which he per- manently lost all sense. In a second ex- periment, nearly the same effect, but ivitb less pleasure. In a third, much greater pleasure." Res. on. nit. ox. I have often verified these pleasurable effects, on myself and my pupils. The caus- es of failure, in most cases, I believe to be, impure gas, a narrow tube or stop-cock, or precipitate breathing from fear. If a little sulphate or muriate be mixed with the ni- trate of ammonia, it will not yield an intox- icating gas. 1 use a pretty w ide glass tube^ fixed to the mouth of a large bladder. I find that mice, introduced into a jar con- taining nitrous oxide, die almost instantly; while in azote, hydrogen, and carbonic acid, they struggle for a little while. This gaseous compound may be analyzed by the combustion of hydrogen, carbon, or phosphorus in it. If we mix 100 volumes of nitrous oxide with 100 of hydrogen; and detonate the mixture in an explosive eudio- NIT NIT meter, nothing will remain but 100 mea- sures of azote. Hence 50 measures of'oxy- gen, the equivalent quantity of 100 of hy- drogen, must have existed in the oxide. It therefore consists of 100 measures of azote 4- 50 of oxygen, condensed by reciprocal attraction, into only 100 measures. Now 100 voL of azote, weigh 0.9722 1.1111 50 of oxygen,------ = 0.5555 2 1.5277 This synthetic sum exactly coincides with the specific gravity of the compound. It is therefore composed by weight of one prime equivalent of azote, «= 1.75 63.64 one of oxygen, = 1.00 36.36 2.75 100.00 The weight ofthe compound prime, is the same with that of carbonic acid. Iron wire burns with brilliancy in the above gas, but it is soon extinguished. 2. Deutoxide of azote, or nitric oxide, was first described by Dr. Priestley in 1772. In- to a glass retort, containing copper turn- ings, pour nitric acid diluted with 6 or 8 times its quantity of water, and apply a gentle heat. A gas comes over, which may be collected over water ; but for ex- act experiments, it should be received over mercury. Its sp. gr. is 1.0416. 100 cubic inches weigh 36.77 grains. Water con- denses only about ■£§ of its volume of nitric oxide. But a solution of protosulphate or protomuriate of iron, absorbs it very co- piously, forming a dark coloured liquid, which is used for condensing oxygen, in the eudiometer of Sir H. Davy. When a jar of nitric oxide is opened in the atmosphere, red fumes appear, in conse- quence of the absorption of oxygen, and formation of nitrous acid. When an animal is made to inhale this gas, it is instantly de- stroyed by the formation of this acid, and condensation of the oxygen, in its lungs. When a burning taper is immersed in this gas, it is extinguished; as well as the flame of sulphur. But inflamed phosphorus burns in it with great splendour. A mixture of hydrogen gas and nitric oxide, burns with a lambent green flame, but does not explode by the electric spark; though Fourcroy says that it detonates on being passed through an ignited porcelain tube. The pyrophorus of Homberg spontaneously burns in it. It is decomposable by several ofthe me- tals, when they are heated in it, such as arsenic, zinc, and potassium in excess. It oxidizes them, and affords half its volume of azote. Charcoal ignited in it, by a burn- ing glass, produces half a volume of azote, and half a volume of carbonic acid. All these analytical experiments concur to show, that nitric oxide consists of oxygen and azote, in equal volumes. Hence, if we take the mean weight of a volume of each gas, we shall have that ofthe gaseous com- pound ; or, its sp. gr. Sum. Hf. sum orsp.gr. Azote, 09722 > 2 g Oxygen, 1.1111 5 If we convert these into equivalent ratic-Sy we shall have the gas composed of 1 prime of azote = 1.75 46.66 2 primes oxygen «■ 2.00 53.33 100.00 When this deutoxide is exposed at ordi- nary temperatures, to bodies which have a strong attraction for oxygen, such as the sulphites, protomuriate of tin, and the al- kaline hydrosulphurets, two volumes of it are converted into one volume ofthe pro- toxide. We see here, that when one prime of oxygen is abstracted, the remaining one enters into a denser state of union with azote. For the habitudes of this gas with hydro- gen, see Ammonia ; and with oxygen, see Eudiometer, and Nitric and Nitrous Acids. Azote combines with chlorine and iodine, to form two very formidable compounds. 1. The chloride of azote was discovered about the beginning of 1812, by M. Dulong; but its nature was first investigated and as? certained by Sir II Davy. Put into an evaporating porcelain basin, a solution of one part of nitrate or muriate of ammonia in 10 of water, heated to about 100°, and invert into it a wide mouthed bottle filled with chlorine. As the liquid ascends by the condensation of the gaSj oily-looking drops are seen floating oh its surface, which collect together, and fall to the bottom in large globules. This is chlo- ride of azote. Ry putting a thin stratum of common salt into the bottom ofthe basin, we prevent the decomposition ofthe chlo- ride of azote, by the ammoniacal salt. It should be formed only in very small quan- tities. The chloride of azote thus obtained, is an oily-looking liquid; of a yellow colour; and a very pungent intolerable odour, simi- lar to that of chlorocarbonous acid. Its sp. gr. is 1.653. When tepid water is poured into a glass containing it, it expands into a volume of elastic fluid, of an orange colour, whi*h diminishes as it passes through the water. "I attempted," says Sir H. Davy, " to collect the products ofthe explosion ofthe new substance, by applying the heat of a spirit-lamp to a globule of it; confined in a curved glass tube over water: a little gas was at first extricated; but long before the water had attained the temperature of ebul- lition, a violent flash of light was perceived* .with a sharp report; the tube and glass NIT NIT were broken into small fragments, and I re- ceived a severe wound in the transparent cornea of the eye, which has produced a considerable inflammation ofthe eye, and obligjs me to make this communication by an amanuensis. This experiment proves what extreme caution is necessary in operat- ing on this substance ; for the quantity I used was scarcely as large as a grain of mustard-seed." Phil. Trail. 1813, part I. It evaporates pretty rapidh in the air; and in vacuo it expands into a vapour, which still possesses the power of exploding by heat. When it is cooled artificially in wa- ter, or the ammoniacal solution, to 40° F., the surrounding fluid congeals; but when alone, it may be surrounded with a mixture of ice and muriate of lime, without freezing. It gradually disappears in water, produc- ing azote; while the water becomes acid, acquiring the taste and smell of a weak so- lution of nitro-muriatic acid. With muriatic and nitric acids, it yields azote; and with dilute sulphuric acid, a mixture of azote and oxvgen. In strong solutions of ammonia it detonates,- with weak ones, it affords azote. H hen it was exposed to pure mercury, out of the contact of water, a white powder (calomel) and azote were the results. " Tne action of mercury on the compound," says Sir H. " appeared to offer a more cor- rect and less dangerous mode of attempting its analysis; but on introducing two -rains, under a glass tube filled with mercury and inverted, a violent detonation occurred, by which I was slightly wounded in the head and hands, and should have been severely wounded, had not my eyes and face been defended by a plate of glass, attached to a proper cap; a precaution very necessary in all investigations of this body."—Phil.Trans. 1813, part 2d. In using smaller quantities, and recently distilled mercury, he obtained the results ofthe experiments, without any violence of action. From his admirable experiments on the analysis of this formidable substance, by mercury, by muriatic acid, and from the discoloration of sulphate of indigo, we may infer its composition to be 4 vol. of chlorine = 10. 4 primes 18.0 1 of azote ■= 0.9722 1 1.75 or very nearly 10 by weight of chlorine to 1 of azote. •A small globule of it, thrown into a^lass of olive oil, produced a most violent explo- sion ; and the glass though strong, was broken into fragments. Similar effects were produced by its action on oil of turpentine and naphtha. \\ hen it was thrown into ether or alcohol, there was a very slight action. When a par icle of it was touched under waler by a particle of phosphorus, a bril- liant light was perceived under the water, and permanent ^as was disengaged, having the characters of azote. When quantities larger than a grain of mustard-seed were used for the contact with phosphorus, the explosion was always so violent as to break the vessel in which the experiment was made. On tinfoil and zinc it exerted no action; nor on sulphur and resin. But it detonated most violently when thrown into a solution of phosphorus in ether or alcohol. The mechanical force of this compound in detonation, seems superior to that of any other known, not even excepting the am- moniacal fulminating silver. The velocity of its action appears to be likewise greater. I touched a minute globule of it, in a pla- tina spoon resting on a table, with a frag- ment of phosphorus at the point of a pen- knife. The blade was instantly shivered into fragments by the explosion. Messrs. Porret, Wilson, and Rupert Kirk, brought 125 different substances in contact with it. The following were the only ones which caused it to explode :— Supersulphuretted hydrogen. Phosphorus. Phosphurct of lime. Phosphuretted camphor. Camphuretted oil. Ph sphuretted hydrogen gas. Caoutchouc. Myrrh. Pulm oil. Ambergris. W hale oil. Linseed oil. Olive oil. -* Sulphuretted oil. Oil of turpentine. ---- iar. ---- amber. ---- petroleum. ---- orange-peel. Naphtha. Soap of silver. ----— mercury. ------ copper. ------ lead. ------ manganese. Fused potash. Aqueous ammonia. Nitrous gas.—Nich. Journ. vol. 34. 2. Iodide of azote. Azote does not com- bine directly with iodine. We obtain the combination only by means of ammonia. It was discovered by M. Courtois, and care- fully examined by M. Colin. When am- moniacal gas is passed over iodine, a viscid shining liquid is immediately formed of a brownish-black colour, which, in propor- tion as it is saturated with ammonia, loses its lustre and viscosity. No gas is disen- gaged during the formation of this liquid, W hich may be called iodide of ammonia. It is not fulminating. When dissolved in wa- ter, a part of the ammonia is decomposed; its hydrogen forms hydriodic acid; and itfl azote combines with a portion of the iodine, NIT NUX »nd forms the fulminating powder. We mav obtain the iodide of azote directly, by putting pulverulent iodine into common water of ammonia. This indeed is the best way of preparing it; for the water is.not de- composed, and seems to concur in the pro- duction of this iodide, only by determining the formation of hydriodate of ammonia. The iodide of azote is pulverulent, and of a brownish-black colour. It detonates from the smallest shock, and from heat, with a feeble violet vapour. When properly prepared, it often detonates spontaneously. Hence, after the black powder is formed, and the liquid ammonia decanted off', we must leave the capsule containing it in perfect repose. When this iodide is put into potash wa- ter, azote is disengaged, and the same pro- ducts are obtained, as when iodine is dis- solved in that alkaline lixivium. The hy- driodate of ammonia, which has the proper- ty of dissolving a great deal of iodine, gra- dually decomposes the fulminating powder, while azote is set at liberty. Water itself has this property, though in a much lower degree. As the elements of iodide of azote are so feebly united, it ought to be prepared with great precautions, and* should not be preserved. In the act of transferring a lit- tle of it from a platina capsule to a piece of paper, the whole exploded in my hands, though the friction ofthe particles on each other was inappreciably small. Both Sir H. Davy and M. Gay-Lussac hrfcve exploded their iodide in glass tubes, and collected the results. The latter states, " that if we decompose a gramme (15.444 grains) of the fulminating powder, we ob- tain, at the temperature of" 32°, and under the pressure of 30 inches of mercury, a ga seous mixture amounting to 0.1152 litre, (7.03 cubic inches), andcomposedof 0.C864 ofthe vapour of iodine, and 0.0288 of azote." —Ann. de Chimie, xci. Now 0.0864 is to 0.0288 as 3 to 1 exactly. Therefore the de- tonating powder consists cf 3vols, oftheva.ofiod.=« 8.63x3= 25.89 lvol. of azote - - = 0.9722 or reduced to the oxygen equivalent scale, it consists of 3 primes of iodine = 46.5 96.37 1 azote = 1.75 3.63 100.00 Azote has hitherto resisted all attempts to decompose it. Sir H. Davy volatilized the highly combustible metal potassium in azote over mercury, and passed the voltaic flame of 2000 double plates through the vapour, but the azote underwent no change. He made also many other attempts to de- compose it, but they were unsuccessful. In my experiments on the ammoniacal salts, 1 found, that when dry lime and mu- riate of ammonia were ignited together in a Reaumur porcelain tube, connected with water in a Woulfe's apparatus, a portion of ammonia constantly disappeared, or was an- nihilated, while nothing but water was ob- tained to replace that loss. " Ofthe tight- ness ofthe apparatus I am well assured. In- deed I have performed the experiment, with a continuous glass tube, sealed and bent down at one end like a retort, while the other end was drawn into a smal' tube, which passed under ajar on the mercurial pneumatic shelf. The middle part was kept horizontal and artificially cooled. The sealed end contained the mixture of lime and sal ammoniac. A brush flame of a large alcohol blow-pipe was made to play very gently on the end of the tube at first, but afterwards so powerfully, as to keep it ig- nited for some time. The sal ammoniac recovered, did not exceed three-fourths of that originally employed." The sal ammo- niac was regenerated by saturating the am- monia with muriatic acid, and cautious evaporation. See Ann. of Phil. September 1817. The strongest arguments for the com- pound nature of azote are derived from its slight tendency to combination, and from its being found abundantly in the organs of animals, which feed on substances that do not contain it. Its uses in the economy of the globe are little understood. This is likewise favour- able to the idea that the real chemical na- ture is as yet unknown, and leads to the hope of its being decomposable. It would appear that the atmospheric azote and oxygen spontaneously combine in other proportions, under certain circum- stances, in natural operations. Thus we find, that mild calcareous or alkaline matter favours the formation of nitric acid, in cer- tain regions ofthe earth; and that they are essential to its production in our artificial ar- rangements, for forming nitre from decom- posing animal and vegetable substances.* Nitroi s Acid. See Acid (Niirous). Noble Mmms. This absurd name has been bestowed on the perfect metals, gold, silver, and platina. * NOVACULITE. WHETSLATE.* * Nux Vomica. See STaxcHBU.* OIL OIL O * /"hBSIDIAN. Of this mineral there are \J two kinds, the translucent and trans- parent. 1. Translucent obsidian. Colour velvet- black. Massive. Specular splendent. Frac- ture perfect conchoidal. Translucent, or translucent on the edges. Hard. Very brit- tle. Easily frangible. Streak gray. Sp. gr. 2.37 It melts, or becomes spongy before the blow-pipe. Its constituents are, silica 78, alumina 10, lime 1, soda 1.6, potash 6, oxide of iron 1.— Vauq. It occurs in beds in porphyry, and various secondary trap rocks in Iceland and Tokay. 2. Transparent. Colour duck-blue. Mas- sive and in brown grains. Splendent. Frac- ture perfect conchoidal. Perfectly transpa- rent. Hard. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.36. It melts more easily than the translucent obsi- dian, and into a white muddy glass. Its con- stituents are, silica 81, alumina 9.5, lime 0.33, oxide of iron 0.60, potash '2.7, soda 4.5, water 0.5.—Klaproth. It occurs imbedded in pearl-stone porphyry. It is found at Marekan, near Ochotsk in Siberia, and in the Serro de las Novajas in Mexico.* • Ochre. An ore of iron.* * Ochroits. Cente.* * Octohedrite. Pyramidal titanium-ore.* * Oetites. Clay-ironstone.* * Oil of Vitriol. See Acin (Suiphu- bic).* Oil. The distinctive characters of oil are inflammability, insolubility in water, and fluidity, at least in a moderate temperature. Oils are distinguished into fixed or fat oils, which do not rise in distillation at the tem- perature of boiling water; and volatile or es- sential oils, which do rise at that temperature with water, or under 320° by themselves. The volatile oil obtained by attenuating animal oil, by a number of successive distil- lations, is called Dipper's animal oil. Monnet asserts, that, by mixing acids with animal oil, their rectification may be very much-facilitated. The addition of a little ether, before re- distillation of old essential oils, improves the flavour of the product. See Elain and Acin (Oleic.) * MM. Gay-Lussac and Thernard ana- lyzed olive oil in 1808, by igniting a deter- minate quantity of it, mixed with chlorate of potash, and ascertaining the products; they found it to consist of Carbon, 77.213 Hvdrogen, 13.360 Oxygen, 9.427 too.ooe Or t'irboii, 77.21.-! ox. and hydr. in the pro-) io 712 portions for forming water, $ Hydrogen excess, 12.075 If the pernitrate of mercury, made by dissolving 6 parts of mercury in 7.5 parts of nitric acid, ot sp. gr. 1.36 at common tempe- ratures.be mixed with olive oil, in thecoursc of a few hours, the mixture, if kept cold, be- comes solid; but if mixed with the oil of grains, it does not solidify. M. Pontet pro- poses therefore this substance as a test of the purity or adulteration of olive oil; for the resulting mixture, after standing 12 hours, is more or less solid, as the oil is more or les9 pure. The nature of the white, hard, and opaque mixture, formed by olive oil and the nitrate of mercury, has not been ascertained, See A<-id Muig.viiic, Elain, and Fat.* ♦Oil Gas. It has been long known to chemists, that wax, oil, tallow, &c. when passed through ignited tubes, are resolved into combustible gaseous matter, which burns with a rich light. Messrs. Taylor and Martincau have availed themselves skilfully of this fact, and contrived an ingenious ap- paratus for generating oil gas on the great scale, as a substitute for candles, lamps, and coal gas. I shall insert here, a brief account of their improvements. The advantages of oil gae, wheH contrasted with c-ial gas, are the following:—The ma- terial from which it is produced containing no sulphur or other matter by which the gas is contaminated, there are no objections to its use on account of the suft'ocating smell in close rooms. It does no sort of injury to furniture, books, plate, pictures, paint, &c. All the costly and offensive operation of purifying the gas by lime, &c. is totally avoided when it is obtained from oil. No- thing is contained in oil gas which can pos- sibly injure the metal of which the convey- ance pipes are made. The economy of light from oil gas may be judged of from the following table:— Argand burner oil gas, per hour, $rf. Argand lamps spermaceti oil, - 3d. Mould candles, - - - 3$d. Wax candles, - - - lid. The oil gas has a material advantage over coal gas, from its peculiar richness in ole- fiant gas, which renders so small volume necessary, that one cube foot of oil gas will be found to go as far as four of coal gas. This circumstance is of great importance, as it reduces in the same proportion the size of the gasometers, which are necessary to contain it: this is not only a great saving of expense in fhe construction, but i% is « OIL ONY .material convenience, where room is li- mitted. In the course of their first experiments, Messrs. John and Philip Taylor were sur- prised to find, that the apparatus they em- ployed gradually lost its power of decom- posing oil, and generating gas. On investi- gation, they discovered that the metallic retorts which had originally decomposed oil and produced gas in abundance, ceased in a very great degree to possess this power, although no visible change had taken place in them. The most perfect cleaning of the interior of the retort did not restore the effect, and some alteration appears to be produced on the iron by the action of the oil, at a high temperature. Fortunately, the experiments on this sub- ject led to a most favourable result; for it was found, that by introducing fragments of brick into the retorts, a great increase of the decomposing power was obtained, and the apparatus has been much improved by a circumstance which at one time appeared to threaten its success. A small portion of the oil introduced into the retort, still passed off undecomposed, and being changed into a volatile oil, it car- ried with it a great portion of caloric, which rendered the construction ofthe apparatus more difficult than was at first anticipated; but by the present arrangement of its parts, this difficulty is fully provided for, and the volatilized oil is made to return into the oil ■reservoir, from whence it again passes into the retort, so that a total conversion of the whole into gas is accomplished without trou- ble, or the escape of any unpleasant smell. A general idea of the process may be formed from the following account of it;— A quantity of oil is placed in an air-tight vessel, in such a manner, that it may flow into retorts which are kept at a moderate red heat; and in such proportions as may regulate the production of gas to a conveni- ent rate; and it is provided, that this rate may be easily governed at the will of the operator. 'The oil, in its passage through the retorts, is principally decomposed, and converted into gas proper for illumination, having the great advantages of being pure and free from sulphurous contamination, and of sup- porting a very brilliant flame, with the ex- penditure of very small quantities. Asa further precaution to purify the gas from oil, which may be suspended in it in the state of vapour", it is conveyed into a wash vessel, where, by bubbling through water, it is further cooled and rendered fit for use ; and passes by a proper pipe into a gasometer, from which it is suffered to jiranch off in pipes in the usual-manner. The oil gas which 1 have been accustom- ed to make has only a double illuminating power, compared to good coal gas.—See & drawing of an elegant apparatus, erected by Messrs. P. and M. at the Apothecaries' Hall, London, in the 15th number of the Journal of Science and the Arts.* f * Oisanite. Pyramidal titanium-ore.* * Olefiant Gas. A compound of one prime of carbon and one of hydrogen, to which I have given the name of Carburet- ted Hydhooe.v, to distinguish it from the gas resulting from one prime of carbon and two ot hy drogen, which 1 have called sub- carburetted hydrogen.* * Oleic Acid. See Acid (Oleic).* Oleosaccharum. This name is given to a mixture of oil and sugar, incorporated with each other, to render the oil more easi- ly diffusible in watery liquors. Oleum Vim. bee Ether. Olibanum. A gum-resin, the product of the Juniperus Lycia, Linn, brought from Turkey and the East Indies, usually in drops or tears. The best is of a yellowish- white colour, solid, hard, and brittle; when chewed for a little time, it renders the spit- tle white, and impresses an unpleasant bit- terish taste; laid on burning coals, it yields an agreeable smell. * Olive.ni ie. An ore of copper.* * Olivine. A sub-species of prismatic chrysolite. Its colour is olive-green. It occurs massive and in roundish pieces. Rarely crystallized in imbedded rectangular four-sided prisms. Lustre shining. Clea- vage, imperfect double. Fracture, smaii- grained uneven. Translucent. Less hard than chrysolite. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.24. With borax it melts into a dark green bead. It loses its colouring iron in nitric acid. Its constituents are, silica 50, magnesia 38.5, lime 0.25, oxide of iron 12. It occurs i* basalt, greenstone, porphyry and lava, and generally accompanied with augite. It i« found in the Lotliians, Hebrides, north of Ireland, Iceland, France, Bohemia, &c* * Ollaius Lapis. See Potstone.* * Omfhacite. Colour pale leck-green. Massive, disseminated, and in narrow aadi- ated concretions. Lustre, glistening and resinous. Fracture, fine-grained uneven. Feebly translucent. As hard as feldspar. Sp. gr. 3.3. It occurs in primitive rocks with precious garnet, in Carinthia. Jt is a variety of augite.* * 0.\yx. Calcedony, in which there is an alternation of white, black, and dark- brown layers.* f 1 question the- correctness of these statements concerning oil gas. On account of the sale of the coak, it has been found, even in this country, more profitable to make gas from coal than tar. Yet tar costs only about one-sixth of the price of the cheapest oil in our markejs. OPA OPO • Opacity. The faculty of obstructing the passage of light.* * Opal. A sub-species ofthe indivisible quartz of Mohs.* Of opal there are seven kinds, according to Professor Jameson. 1. Precious opal. Colour milk-white, in- clining to blue. It exhibits a beautiful play of manv colours. Massive, disseminated, in plates and veins. Lustre splendent. Fracture, perfect conchoidal. Translucent, or semi-transparent. Semi-hard in a high degree. Brittle. Uncommonly easily fran- gible. Sp. ?r. 2.1. Before the blow-pipe it whitens and becomes opaque, but does not fuse. Its constituents are silica 90, water 10. It occurs in small veins in clay-por- phyry, with semi-opal, at Czscherwenitza, in Upper Hungary ; and in trap rocks, at Sandy Brae, in the north of Ireland. Some of them become transparent by immersion in water; and are called oculus mundi, hy- drophane, or changeable opal. 2. Common opal. Colour milk-white. Massive, disseminated, andin angular pieces. Lustre splendent. Fracture perfect conchoi- d:d. Semi-transparent. Scratches glass. Brittle. Adheres :o the tongue. Infusible. Its constituents are, silica 93.5, oxide oi iron 1, water 5.—Klaproth. It occurs in veins alonir with precious opal in clay.porphyry, and in metalliferous veins in Cornwall, Ice- land, and the north of Ireland. 3. Fire opal. Colour hyacinth-red. Lus- tre splendent. Indistinct concretions. Frac- ture perfect conchoidal. Completely trans- parent. Hard. Tncommonly easily fran-, gible. Sp. gr. 2 12. Heat changes the co- lour to pale flesh-red. Its constituents are, silica 92, water 7.75, iron 0.25. It has been found only at Zimapan in Mexico, in a particular variety of hornstone por- phyry. 4. Mother-of-pearl opal, or Caeholong. It is described under Cacholong, as a variety of calcedony. 5. Semi-opal. Colours white, gray, and brown ; sometimes in spotted, striped, or elouded delineations. Massive, disseminat- ed, and in imitative shapes. Lustre glisten- ing. Fracture conchoidal. Translucent. Semi-hard. Rather easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.0. Infusible. Its constituents are, si- lica 85, alumina 3, oxide of iron 1.75, car- bon 5, ammoniacal water 8, Lituminous oil 0.33.—Klaproth. It occurs in porphyry and amygdaloid, in Greenland, Iceland, and Scotland, in the Isle of Runie, &c. 6. Jasper opal, or Ferruginous opal. Co- lour scarlet-red, and gray. Massive. Lus- tre shining. Fracture perfect conchoidal. Opaque. Between hard and semi-hard. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.0. Infusible. Its constituents are. silica 43.5, oxide of iron 47,0, water 7.5.—Klap>-oth. It is found in porphyry at Tokay in Hungary. 7. Wood opal. Colours very various'. In branched pieces and stems. I. stre shining. Fracture conchoidal. Translucent. Semi- hard in a high degree. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.1. It is found in alluvial land at Zastravia in Hungary.* * Opium. See Moiphia, and Acid (Me- conic). In the 8th and 9th volumes of the Journal of Science, and in the 1st of the Edinburgh Phil. Journal, are two valuable papers on the manufacture of British opium; the first by the Rev. G. Swayne, the second by Mr. Young. The manufacture of Indian opium has been of late years greatly im- proved by Dr. Fleming, M. P., under whose superintendence that important department was placed by the Marquis of W ellesley.' According to Orfila, a dangerous dose of opium is rather aggravated than counteract- ed by vinegar. The proper remedy is a powerful emetic, such as sulphate of zinc, or sulphate of copper. See an interesting and well treated case, in the 1st volume of the Medico-Chiivrgical Trans, by Dr. Marcet and Mr. Astley Cooper.* Opobalsam. The most precious of the balsams is that commonly called Balm of Gilead, Opobalsamum, Balsumadeon, 15al- samum verum album, /Egyptiacum, Judai- cum, Syriacum, e Mecca, &c. 11, s is the produce of the amyris opobalsamum, L. The true balsam is of a pale yellowish colour, clear and transparent, about the con- sistence of Venice turpentine, of a strong, penetrating, agreeable, aromatic smell, and a slightly bitterish pungent taste. By age it becomes yellower, browner, and thicker, losing by degrees, like volatile oils, some of its finer and more subtile parts. To spread, when dropped into water, all over the sur- face, and to form a fine, thin, rainbow- coloured cuticle, so tenacious that it may be taken up entire by the point of a needle, were formerly infallible criteria of the ge- nuine opobalsam. Neumann, however, had observed, that other balsams, when ofa cer- tain degree of consistence, exhibit these phe- nomena equally with the Egyptian. Accord- ing to Bruce, if dropped on a woollen cloth, in its pure and fresh state, it may be washed out completely and readily with simple wa- ter. Opodeldoc A solution of soap in alco- hol, with the addition of camphor, and vola- tile oils. It is used externally against rheu- matic pains, sprains, bruises, and other like complaints. Oio.'avax. A concrete gummy resinous juice, obtained from the root* of an umbel- liferous plant, the pastinaca opopanax, Linn. which grows spontaneously in the warmer countries, and bears the colds of this. The juice is brought from Turkey and the Ka.-rt Indies, sometimes in round drops or tears, but more commonly in irregular lumps, ofa reddish-yellow tolour on the outside, with ORE ORE specks of white; inwardly ofa paler colour, and frequently variegated with large white pieces. It has a peculiar strong smell, and a bitter, acrid, somewhat nauseous taste. * Ores. The mineral bodies, from which metals are extracted. I.—Antimony, Ores of. 1. Native antimony, of which there are two species; dodecahedral, and octohe- dral. 1. Dodecahedral. Colour tin-white. Mas- sive and crystallized in an octohedron and dodecahedron. Harderthan calcareous spar. Sp. gr. 6.7. It consists of 98 antimony, 1.0 silver, and 0.25 iron. It is found in argentiferous veins in the gneiss mountains of Chalanches in Dauphiny, and at Andreas- berg in the Hartz. 2. Octohedral antimony,- of which there are two sub-species, the antimonial silver, and arsenical silver. See O u:s of Silver. II. Antimony Glance. Under this ge- nus are ranged the following species, sub- species, and kinds. 1. Compact gray antimony. Colour light lead-gray. Massive Soft. Easily frangi- ble. Sp. gr. 4.4. Found in Hud Boys mine in Cornwall. 2. Foliated gray antimony. Colour like the preceding. Cleavage prismatic. Not particularly brittle. Sp. gr. 4.4. 3. Radiated gray antimony. Colour com- mon lead-grav. Massive, and crystallized in four and six-sided prisms, and sometimes in acicular crystals. Lustre metallic. Sp. gr. 4.4. It melts by the flame ofa candle. Its constituents are, antimony 75, sulphur 25. These minerals occur in veins, in primitive and transition mountains. This occurs in Glendinning in Dumfries-shire; in Corn- wall, &c. 4. Plumose gray antimony. Colour be- tween dark lead-gray and smoke-gray. Mas- sive, and in capillary glistening crystals. Lustre semi-metallic. Very soft. It melts into a black slag. It contains antimony, sulphur, arsenic, iron, and silver. It occurs in veins in primitive rocks, at Andreasberg in the Hartz, &c. 5. Axifrangible antimony glance, or Bour- nonite. Colour blackish lead-gray. Mas- sive and crystallized. Primitive form, an oblique four-sided prism, which occurs va- riously modified by truncation, &c. Lustre metallic. Cleavage axifrangible. Fracture Conchoidal. Brittle Sp. gr. 5.7. Its con- stituents are, lead 42.62. antimony £4.23, copper 12.8, iron 1.2, sulphur 17.—Hatchett. It is found near Endellion in Cornwall. 6. Prismatic antimony glance. Colour blackish lead-gray. Primitive form, an oblique four-sided prism. Lustre metallic. Cleavage in the direction ofthe smaller dia- gonal ofthe prism. Sp. gr. 5.75. HI. Antimony ochre. Colour straw-yellow, incru6ting crystals of gray antimonv. Dull. Vot. J I. Fracture earthy. Very soft. Brittle. Whitens and evaporates before the blow-pipe. It oc- cnrs in veins in Saxony, &c. IV. Ntckeliferous gray antimony. Colour steel-gray. Massive. Shining. Cleavage double rectangular. Fragments cubical, Brit'le. Sp. gr. 6. to 6.7. It melts before the blow-pipe, emitting white vapour of ar- senic. It communicates a green colour to nitric acid. It consists of antimony, with arsenic 61.68, nickel 23.33, sulphur 14.16, silica, with silver and lead, 0.83, and atrace of iron. It occurs in veins near Freussberg in Nassau. V. Prismatic white antimony. Colour white. Massive and crystallized, in a rec- tangular four-sided prism, an oblique four- sided prism, a rectangular four-sided table, a six-sided prism, and in acicular and capil- lary crystals. Lustre pearly or adamantine. Cleavage in the direction of the lateral planes. Translucent. Sectile. Sp. gr. 5.0 to 5.6. It melts and volatilizes in a white va- pour. Its constituents are, oxide of antimo- ny 86, oxides of antimony and iron 3, silica 8. It occurs in veins in primitive rocks, in Bohemia and Hungary. VI. Prismatic antimony-blende, or rejd anti- mony. a. Common. Colour cherry-red. Mas- sive, in flakes, and crystallized. Primitive form, an oblique four-sided prism. Crystals delicate, capillary. Adamantine. Translu- cent on the edges. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4.5 to 4.6. It melts and evaporates before the blow-pipe. It consists of antimony 67.5, oxygen 10.8, sulphur 19.7.—Klapr. It oc- curs at Braunsdorf in Saxony. b. Tinder antimony-blende. Colour muddy cherry-red. In flexible tinder like leaves. Feebly glimmering. Opaque. Streak shin- ing. Friable. Sectile and flexible. It con- tains oxide of antimony 33, oxide of iron 40, oxide of lead 16, sulphur 4, with some silver. — Link. It occurs in the Carolina and Do- rothea mines at Clausthal. II.—Arsenic. 1. Native arsenic. Fresh fracture, whit- ish lead-gray. Massive, and in imitative shapes. Feebly glimmering. Harder than calcareous spar. Streak shining, metalfrc. When struck, it has a ringing sound, and emits an arsenical odour. Sp. gr. 5.75. It occurs in veins in primitive rocks, atKongs. berg in Norway, Sec. 2. Oxide of arsenic; common, capillary, and earthy. a. Common oxide has a white colour ; occurs in crystalline crusts; has a shining lustre; uneven fracture; and is soft and semi-transparent. b. The capillary occurs in silky, snow- white, shining, capillary crystals. c. The earthy is yellowish-white; in crusts. Dull, opaque, and friable. It oc» curs at Andreasberg in the Hartz. 26 ORE OKE 3. Arsenical pyrites. a. Common arsenical pyrites. Mispickel. Fresh fracture silver-white. Massive and in {irismatic concretions. Crystallized in ob- ique four-sided prisms. Lustre splendent metallic. Fracture coarse-grained. Cleavage in the direction of the perpendicular prism. Sometimes as hard as feldspar. Brittle. It emits an arsenical smell on friction. Sp. gr. 5.7 to 6.2. Before the blow-pipe it yields a copious arsenical vapour. Its constituents are, arsenic 43.4, iron 34.9, sulphur 20.1. It occurs in primitive rocks, in Cornwell and Devonshire, and at Alva in Stirlingshire. 6. Argentiferous arsenical pyrites. Colour silver-white. Disseminated, and in very small acicular oblique four-sided prisms. Shining and metallic. Besides arsenic and iron, it contains from 0.01 to 0.10 of silver, It has been found in Saxony; and is used as an ore of silver. 4. Pharmacolite, or arsenic-bloom. Co- lour reddish-white. As a coating of balls, or in delicate capillary shining silky crystals» Semi-transparent, or opaque. Soft. Soils. Sp. gr. 2.64. Its constituents are, lime 25 arsenic acid 50.44, water 24.56. It occurs in veins along with tin-white cobalt, at An- dreasberg, &c. 5. Orpiment. a. Red, ruby sulphur, or hemi-prismatic sulphur Colour aurora-red ; massive -, in flakes, and crystallized in oblique four-sided prisms. Lustre inclining to adamantine. Fracture uneven. Translucent. Streak orange-yellow coloured. As hard as talc. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.35. It melts and burns with a blue flame. It is idio-electric by fric- tion. Its constituents are, arsenic 69, sul- phur 31. It occurs in primitive rocks at Andreasberg, &c. b. Yellow orpiment, or prismatoidal sul- phur. Colour perfect lemon-yellow. Mas- sive, imitative, and crystallized in oblique four-sided prisms, and in flat double four- sided pyramids. Cleavage prismatoidal. Translucent. Harder than the red. Flexi- ble, but not elastic. Splits easily. Sp. gr. 3.5. Its constituents are arsenic 62, sulphur 38. It occurs in veins in floetz rocks ; and along with red silver in granite at Wittichen in Swabia. 111.—Bismuth. 1. Native or octohedral bismuth. Fresh fracture silver-white, inclining to red. Mas- sive and crystallized in an octohedron, tetra- hedron, and cube. Lustre splendent, me- tallic. Cleavage fourfold. Haider than gypsum. Malleable. Sp. gr. 8.9 to 9.0. It melts by the flame of a candle. It occurs in veins in mica-slate, &c- at St. Columb and Botallack, in Cornwall; and in Saxony. 2. Bismuth-glance. a. Acicular bismuth-g'ance. Colour dark lead-gray. Disseminated, and crystallized in oblique four or six-sided prisms. Lus- tre splendent, metallic. Fracture uneven. Opaque. Brittle. Sp. gr. 6.1 to 6.2. It fuses before the blow-pipe into a steel-gray globule. Its constituents are, bismuth 43.2, lead 24.32, copper 12.1, sulphur 11.58, nickel 1.58, tellurium 1.32, gold 0.79. It occurs imbedded in quartz near Beresof in Siberia. It is also called needle ore. b. Prismatic bismuth-glance. Colour pale lead-gray. Massive, and crystallized in aci- cular and capillary oblique four and six-si- ded prisms. Lustre splendent, metallic. It soils; is brittle; and harder than gypsum. Sp. gr. 6.1 to 6.4. It melts in the flame of a candle. Its constituents arebismuih 60, sulphur 40. It occursin veins in Cornwall, &.c. a. Cupreous bismuth Colour light lead- gray. Massive. Shining. Sectile. Its con- stituents are, bismuth 47.24, copper 34.66, sulphur 12.58. It occurs in veins in gra- nite near W ittichen in Furstemberg. b. Bismuth ochre. Colour straw-yellow. Massive. Lustre inclines to adamantine. Opaque. Soft. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4.37. It- dissolves with effervescence in acids. Its constituents are, oxide of bismuth 86.3, ox- ide of iron 5.2, carbonic acid 4.1, water 3.4. It occurs along with red cobalt. It is found at St. Agnes in Cornwall. IV.—Cerium. See Allanite, Cerite, Gadolinite, Orthite, Yttrockihte. A fluate and sub fluate of cerium have been also discovered at Finbo in Sweden. V.—Cobalt Ores. 1. Hexahedralcoba.lt pyrites, or silver-white cobalt. Colour silver-white. Massive, and crystallized in the cube, octahedron, cube truncated, pentagonal dodecahedron, icosa- hedron. Splendent, and metallic. Cleavage hexahedral. Fracture conchoidal. Semi- hard. Brittle. Streak gray. Sp. gr. 6.1 to 6.3. Before the blow-pipe, it gives out an arsenical odour; and, after being roasted, colours glass of borax smalt-blue. Its con- stituents are, cobalt 44, arsenic 55, sulphur 0.5. Iron is sometimes present. It occurs in primitive rocks at Skutterend,in Norway. It is the principal ore of cobalt. 2. Octohedral cobalt pyrites. a. The tin-white,- of which there is the compact and radiated. The compact has a tin-white, and sometimes rather dark colour. It occurs massive and crystallized in the cube, octohedron, and rhomboidal dodeca- hedron, truncated on the six four-edged angles Crystals generally rent and crack- ed. Lustre splendent, metallic. Brittle. Sp. gr. 6.0 to 6.6. Its constituents are, arsenic 74.22, cobalt 20.3, iron 3.42, copper 0.16, sulphur 0.89. It occurs in granite, gneiss, &c. in Cornwall, Saxony, &c. The radiated; cojour tin-white, inclining to gray. Massive, and in distinct radiated concretions. Lustre glistening, metallic. Softer than the compact. Its constituents are, arsenic 65.75, cobalt 28, oxide of iron ORE ORE 5.0, oxide of manganese 1.25. It occurs in clay-slate at Schneeberg. b. Gray octohedral cobalt pyrites. Colour fight steel-gray. Massive, and tubiform. Dull, and tarnished externally. Internally splendent metallic. Fracture even. Streak shining. Brittle. When struck, emits an arsenical odour. Sp. gr. 6.135. It contains 19.6 of cobalt, with iron and arsenic. It oc- curs in granite, gneiss, &c. It is found in Cornwall, Norway, &c. It affords a more beautiful blue smalt than any of the other cobalt minerals. Cobalt-kies. Colour pale steel-gray. Mas- sive, and in cubes. Lustre metallic. Frac- ture uneven. Semi-hard. Its constituents are, cobalt 43.2, sulphur 38.5, copper 14.4, iron 3.53. It occurs in a bed of gneiss in Sweden. 3. Red cobalt. a. Radiated red cobalt, or cobalt bloom. Colour crimson-red, passinginto peach-blos- som. Massive, imitative, and crystallized, in a rectangular four-sided prism, or a com- pressed acute double six-sided pyramid. Crystals acicular. Shining. Translucent. Rather sectile. Sp. gr. 4.0 to 4 3. It tinges borax glass-blue. Its constituents are, co- balt 39, arsenic acid 38, water 23. It occurs in veins in primitive, transition, and second- ary rocks. It is found at Alva in Stirling- shire, in Cornwall, &c. b. Earthy red cobalt, or cobalt crust. Co- lour, peach-blossom red. Massive, and imi- tative. Friable. Dull. Sectile. Streak shining. Does not sdl. c. Slaggy red cobalt. Colour muddy crim- son-red. In crusts and reniform. Smooth. Shining. Fracture conchoidal. Translu- cent. Soft and brittle. It occurs at Furs- temberg. 4. Cobalt ochre. a. Black. The earthy-black has a dark brown colour; is friable, has a shining streak, and feels meagre. The indurated black has a bluish-black colour; occurs massive and imitative; has a glimmering lustre; fine earthy fracture; is opaque; soft; sectile; soils; sp. gr. 2. to 2.4. It consists of black oxide of cobalt, with arsenic and oxide of iron. These two sub-species occur usually together; in primitive or secondary moun- tains; at Alderly Edge, Cheshire, in red sandstone; at Howth, near Dublin, in slate- clay. b. Brown cobalt-ochre. Colour liver- brown. Massive. Dull. Fracture, fine earthy. Opaque. Streak shining; soft, sectile, light. It consists of brown ochre of cobalt, arsenic, and oxide of iron. It oc- curs chiefly in secondary mountains. It is found at Kamsdorf, in Saxony. c. Yellow cobalt-ochre. Colour muddy straw-yellow. Massive and incrusting. Rent. Dull. Fracture fine earthy. Streak shining. Soft and sectile. Sp. gr. 2.67, after absorb- ing water. It is the purest of the cobalt- ochres. It is found with the preceding. It contains silver. 5. The sulphate of cobalt is found at Biber, near Hannau, in Germanv. It consists of sulphuric acid 19.74, oxide of cobalt 38.71, water 41.55. It has a light flesh-red co- lour; and astalactitical form. Streak yel- lowish-white. Taste styptic. VI.—Copper Ores. 1. Octohedral, or native coppei'. Colour copper-red,frequently incrusted with green. Massive, imitative, and crystallized; in the perfect cube; the cube truncated, on the angles, on the edges, and on the edges and angles; the garnet dodecahedron; perfect octohedron; and rectangular four-sided prism. Lustre glimmering, metallic. Frac- ture hackly. Streak splendent, metallic. Harder than silver. Completely malleable. Flexible, but not elastic. Difficultly fran- gible. Sp. gr. 8.4 to 8.7. It consists of 99.8 of copper, with a trace of gold and iron. It occurs in veins, in granite, gneiss, &c. and is found chiefly in Cornwall. 2. Octohedral red copper ore- a. Foliated red copper ore. Colour dark cochineal-red. Massive, and crystallized, in the perfect octohedron, which is the primitive form; in the octohedron, trun- cated on the angles; on the edges, with each angle acuminated with four planes; bevelled on the edges, and each angle acu- minated with eight planes. Lustre adaman- tine, inclining to semi-metallic. Cleavage fourfold. Translucent on the edges, or trans- lucent. Streak muddy tile-red. Hardness between calcareous and fluor spar. Brittle Sp. gr. 5.6 to 6.0 b. Compact red copper ore. Colour be tween lead-gray and cochineal-red. Massive and reniform. Lustre semi-metallic. Frac- ture even. Opaque. Streak tile-red. Brittle. c. Capillary red copper ore. Colour car- mine-red. In small capillary crystals. Lustre adamantine. Translucent. The whole of these red ores are deutox- idejj of copper, and are easily reduced to the metallic state before the blow-pipei They dissolve with effervescence when thrown in powder into nitric acid; and a green nitrate results. In muriatic acid no effervescence takes place. 'They occur principally in veins that traverse primitive and transition rocks; abundantly in the granite of Cornwall. The earthy red cop- per ore, which is rare, is a sub-species of the preceding. d. Tile ore. The earthy tile ore has a hyacinth-red colour. It occurs massive and incrusting copper pyrites. It is composed of dull dusty particles. It soils slightly, and feels meagre. It occurs in veins, as at Lau- terberginthe Hartz. The indurated tile ore has an imperfect fiat conchoidal frac- ture; a streak feebly shining ; and is inter- ORE ORE mediate between semi-hard and soft. It is an intimate combination of red copper ore and brown iron ochre, containing from 10 to 50 per cent of copper. 3. Jilack copper, or black oxide of copper. Colour between bluish and brownish-black. It occurs massive, and thinly coating cop- per pyrites. It is composed of dull dusty particles, which scarcely soil. Streak slightly shining. Before the blow-pipe it emits a sulphureous odour, melts into a slag-, and communicates a'green colour to borax. It is said to be an oxide of copper with ox- ide of iron. It occurs at Carharrack and Tincroft mines, in Cornwall. 4. Emerald copper, or dioptase. Colour emerald-green. It occurs only crystallized. The primitive form is a rhomboid of 123y 58'. The only secondary form at present known, is the equiangular six-sided prism. Lustre shining, pearly. Cleavage threefold. Fracture small conchoidal. Translucent. As hard as apatite. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.3. It becomes a chesnut-brown before the blow- pipe, and tinges the flame green, but is in- fusible ; with borax it gives a bead of cop- per. Its constituents are, oxide of copper 28.57^ carbonate of lime 42.83, silica 23.57. — Vauq. By Lowitz, it consists of 55 oxide of copper, 33 silica, and 12 water, in 100. It is found in the land of Kirguise, 125 leagues from the Russian frontier, where it is associated with malachite and hmestone. 5. Blue copper, or prismatic malachite, of which there are two kinds, the radiated and earthy. The radiated has an azure-blue colour. Massive, imitative, and crystallized. Its pri- mitive form is an oblique prism. The se-. condary forms are, an oblique four-sided prism, variously bevelled, and a rectangular four-sided prism, or eight-sided prism, acu- minated with four planes. Lustre vitreous. Cleavage threefold. Fracture imperfect conchoidal 'Translucent. Colour of the streak, lighter. Harder than calcareous spar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.65. It is soluble with effervescence in nitric acid. With bo- rax it yields a metallic globule, and colours the flux green. Its constituents are, cop- per 56, carbonic acid 25, oxygen 12.5, wa- ter 6.5.— Vauquelin. It is found at Lead- hills in Dumfries-shire, and Wanlockheadi.n Lanarkshire, and at Hud-Virgin and Car- harrack in Cornwall, and in many places on', the Continent. b. Earthy blue copper. Colour smalt- blue. Massive. Friable. Sp. gr. 3.354. It is found in Norway, &c. 'The velvet-blue copper belongs to the same species. Lustre glistening and pearly. It has been found only at Oravicza in the Bannat, along with malachite and the brown iron-stone. 6. Malachite,- of which there are, the fibrous and compact. a. Fibrous maUuMte. Colotir perfect eme, raid green. Imitative, and crysialh/ed, in oblique four-sided prisms, variously bevel- led or truncated ; and in an acute-angular three-sided prism. Cry suds short, capillar), and acicular. Lustre pearly or silky. Trans- lucent, or opaque. Suiter than blue cop- per. Streak pale green. Brittle. Sp.gr, 3.66. Before the blow-pipe it decrepitates, and becomes black. Its constituents are, copper 58, carbonic acid 18, oxygen 12.5, water 11.5.—Klaproth. It occurs princi- pally in veins. It is found at Sandlodgc in Mainland, one of the Shetlands; at Lan- didno in Caernarvonshire; and in the mines of Arendal in Norway. b. Compact ma/ac/ute. Colour emerald- green. Massive, imitative, and in four-sided prisms. Glimmering and silky. Fracture, small grained uneven. Opaque. Streak pale green. Sp. gr. 3.65. In veins, which traverse different rocks in Cornwall, Nor- way, &c. Brown copper from Hindostan is placed after this mineral by Professor Jame- son. Its colour is dark blackish-brown. Massive, Soft. Sp. gr. 2.62. It efl'ervc-^- ces in acids, letting fall a red powder. Its constituents are, carbonic acid 16.7, deut- oxide of copper 60.75, deutoxide of iron 19.5, silica 2.1.—Dr. Thomson. 7. Copper-green. Common copper-green, or chrysocolla, con- tains three sub-species. a. Conchoidal copper-green. Colour ver- digris-green. Massive, imitative, and in. crusting. Glistening. Fracture conchoidal, Translucent. Haider than gypsum. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.0 to 2.2. It becomes blaek and then brown before the blow-pipe, but does not fuse. It melts and yields a metallic globule with borax. Its constitu- ents are, pper40, oxygen 10, carbonic acid 7, water 17, silica 26.—Klaproth. It accompa- nies malachite. It is found in Cornwall, &c. Siliceous copper, or kieselkupfer, is a varie- ty of the above. Colour asparagus-green. In crusts. Glistening. Fracture even or earth). Opaque. Soft. Its constituents are, copper J7.8, oxygen 8, water 21.8, sili- ca 29, sulphate of iron 3. b. Earthy iron-shot copper-green, Colour olive green. Massive and in crusts. Friable, Opaque. Sectile. c. Slaggy iron-shot copper-green. Colour blackish-green. Massive. Glistening. Frac- ture conchoidal. Opaque. Soft. Easily frangible. It is probably a compound of conchoidal copper-green and oxide of iron. Both occur together, and pass into each other. It occurs in Cornwall, along with olivenite. 8. Prismatic vitriol, blue vitriol, or sulphate of copper. Colour dark sky-blue. Massive imitative, and crystallized. The primitive figure is an oblique four-sided prism, in which the lateral edges are 124° 2^ and 55** ORE ORE 5S7; with edges and angles often truncated. Shining. Cleavage double. Fracture con- choidal. Translucent. Harder than gyp- sum. Sp. gr. 2.1 to 2.2. Taste nauseous,' bitter, and metallic. Its solution coats iron with metallic copper. Its constituents are, oxide of copper 32.13, sulphuric acid3l.57, water 36.3.—Berzelius. It occurs along with copper pyrites, in Parys-mine in An- glesea, and^n Wicklow. 9. Prismatic olivenite, or phosphate of top- per. Colour emerald-green. Massive, and in oblique four-sided prisms of 110°. Cleav- age double oblique. Glistening. Fracture splintery. Opaque. Streak verdigris-green. As hard as apatite. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4. to 4.3. Fuses into a brownish globule. Its constituents are, oxide of copper 68.13, phosphoric acid 30.95, It is found at Vir- nebirg on the Rhine, along with quartz, red copper ore, &c. 10. Di-prismatic olivenite, or lenticular cop- per. Colour sky-blue. Massive, but gene- rally crystallized. In very oblique four- sided prisms, bevelled; in rectangular dou- ble four-sided pyramids; shining; fracture uneven; translucent. Harder than gypsum. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.85. Converted by the blow-pipe into a black friable scoria. Its constituents are, oxide of copper 49, arsenic acid 14, water 35.— Chenevix. Found in Cornwall. 11. Acicular olivenite. a. Radiated or cu- preous arseniate of iron. Colour dark verdi- gris-green. Massive, imitative and in flat oblique four-sided prisms, acuminated or truncated. Lustre glistening pearly. Trans- lucent on the edges. As hard as calcareous spar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.4. b. Foliated acicular olivenite; arseniate of copper. Colour dark olive-green. In an- gulo-granular concretions, and in small crys- tals; which are oblique four-sided prisms; and acute double four-sided pyramids. Glis- tening. Fracture conchoidal. Translucent. Streak olive-green. As hard as calcareous spar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4.2 to 4.6. It boils, and gives a hard reddish-brown scoria be- fore the blow-pipe. Its constituents are, oxide of copper 60, arsenic acid 39.7___ Chenevix. In the copper mines of Corn- wall. c. Fibrous acicular olivenite. Colour olive-green. Massive, reniform, and in capillary and acicular oblique four-sided prisms. Glistening and pearly. Opaque. As hard as calc-spar. Brittle. Fibres some- times flexible. Streak brown or yellow, Sp. gr. 4.1 to 4.2. Its constituents are, ox- ide of copper 50, arsenic acid 29, water 21. It occurs in Cornwall. d. Earthy acicular olivenite. Colour olive- green. Massive and in crusts. Dull. Frac- ture fine earthy. Opaque. Very soft. It n found in Cornwall. 2. Atacamite, or muriate of copper. a. Compact, Colour leek-green. Massive^ and in short needle-shaped crystals which are oblique four-sided prisms, bevelled or truncated. Shining and pearly. Translu- cent on the edges. Soft. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4.4 ? It tinges the flame of the blow-pipe of a bright green and blue, muriatic acid rises in vapours, and a bead of copper re- mains on the charcoal. It dissolves with- out effervescence in nitric acid. Its con- stituents are, oxide of copper 73.0, water 16.9, muriatic acid 10.1.—Klaproth. It oc- curs in veins in Chili, and Saxony. b. Arenaceous atacamite, or copper-sand. Colour grass-green. In glistening scaly par- ticles. It does not soil. It is translucent. Its constituents are, .oxide of copper 63, water 12, muriatic acid 10, carbonate of iron 1, mixed siliceous sand 11 It is found in the sand of the river Lipes, 200 leagues be- yond Copiapu in the desert of Atacama, which separates Chili from Peru. 13. Copper Pyrites. a. Octohedral copper pyrites. On the fresh fracture, its colour is brass-yellow; but it is usually tarnished. Massive, imitative and crystallized; in a regular octohedron, per- fect, truncated or bevelled; and in a perfect or truncated tetrahedron. Glistening. Frac- ture uneven. Hardness from calcareous to fluor spar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4.1 to 4.2. Before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it decre- pitates, emits a greenish-coloured sulphu- reous smoke, and meltsinto a black globule, which assumes metallic lustre. It tinges borax green. Its constituents are, copper 30, iron 53, sulphur 12.— Chenevix. It con- tains sometimes a little gold or silver. It occurs in all the great classes of rocks. It is found near Tynedrum in Perthshire; at the mines of Ecton : at Pary's mountain; abun- dantly in Cornwall; and in the county of Wicklow in Ireland. The rich ores are worked for copper; the poor, for sulphur. b. Tetrahedral copper pyrites ; of which species there are two sub-species, gray cop- per and black copper. Gray-copper. Colour steel-gray. Massive and'crystallized; in the tetrahedron, trun- cated or bevelled; and in the rhomboidal dodecahedron- Splendent. Fracture un- even. Hardness as calcareous spar and fluor. Brittle. Sp, gr. 4.41 o 4.9. Its constituents are, copper 41, iron 22.5, sulphur 10, arsenic 24.1, silver 0.4.—Klaproth. It occurs in beds and veins in Cornwall, and many other places. Black copper. Colour iron-black. Mas- sive and crystallized; in the tetrahedron, perfect, bevelled, or truncated. Splendent. Fracture conchoidal. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4.85. Its constituents are, copper 39, antimony 19.5, sulphur 26, iron 7.5, mercury 6.25.— Klaproth. The mercury is accidental. It occurs in veins in the Hartz, and in Peru. 14. White copper. Colour between silver- ORE 0RK white, and brass-yellow. Massive and dis- seminated. Glistening and metallic. Frac- ture uneven. Semi-hard. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4.5. It yields before the blow-pipe a white arsenical vapour, and melts into a grayish- black slag. It contains 40 per cent of cop- per; the rest being iron, arsenic and sulphur. It occurs in primitive and transition rocks. It is found in Cornwall and Saxony. 15. Copper-glance, or vitreous copper. Rhomboidal copper-glance § 1. Compact. Colour, blackish lead- gray. Massive, in plates and crystallized. Primitive form, a rhomboid. Secondary forms; a low equiangular six-sided prism, and a double six-sided pyramid. Glistening, metallic. Harder than gypsum. Perfectly sectile. Rather easily frangible. Sp. gr. 5.5 to 5.8. Its constituents are, copper 78.05, iron 2.25, sulphur 18.5, silica 0.75.— Klaproth. § 2. Foliated. Its constituents are, cop- per 79.5, sulphur 19, iron 0.75, quartz 1.— Ullmann. It occurs in primitive rocks. It is found also in transition rocks, at Fassney- burn in East Lothian; in Ayrshire ; at Mid- dleton Tyas in Yorkshire ; in Cornwall. &c. 16. Variegated copper. Colour, between topper-red and pinchbeck-brown. Massive, in plates, and crystallized in six-sided prisms. Glistening, metallic. Soft. Easily frangi- ble. Specific gravity, 5. It is fusible, but not so easily as copper-glance, into a globule, which acts powerfully on the magnetic nee- dle. Its constituents are, copper 69.5, sul- phur 19, iron 7.5, oxygen 4.—Klaproth. It occurs in gneiss, mica-slate, &c. It is found in Cornwall. VII.—Gold Ores. 1. Hexahedral, or native gold. a. Gold-yellow native gold. Colour, per- fect gold-yellow. Disseminated, in grains, and crystallized; in the octohedron, perfect or truncated; in the cubo-octohedron; in the cube, perfect or truncated; in the dou- ble eight-sided pyramid ; in the tetrahedron, and rhomboidal dodecahedron. Splendent. Fracture, fine hackly. Soft. Difficultly frangible. Malleable Sp. gr. from 17 to 19, and so low as 12. Fusible into a glo- bule. It is gold with a very minute por- tion of silver and copper. It occurs in many very different rocks; and in almost every country. See an extensive enumera- tion of localities, in Jameson's Mineralogy. b. Brass-yellow native gold, occurs capil- lary ; in octahedrons, and in six-sided tables. Specific gravity, 12.713. Its constituents are, gold 96.9, silver 2, iron 1.1. It is found in the gold mines of Hungary, in Si- beria, &c. c. Grayish-yellow native gold. Colour brass-yellow verging on steel-gray. In small flattish grains. Never crystallized. It is said to contain platina. It is rather denser than the last. It occurs along with platina and magnetic iron-ore in South America* d. Argentiferous gold, or electrum. Co- lour, pale brass-yellow. In small plates, and imperfect cubes. Its constituents are, 64 gold, 36 silver. It occurs along with massive heavy spar in Siberia Klaproth says, it is acted on neither by nitric nor ni- tro-muriatic acid. See Tei.hjiu' m Ores. VIII.—Iridium Ore. Colour, pale steel- gray. In very small irregular flat grains. Lustre shining and metallic. Ejacture foli- ated. Brittle. Harder than platina. Sp. gr. 19.5. By fusion with nitre, it acquires a dull black colour, but recovers its original colour and lustre, by heating with charcoal. It consists of iridium, with a portion of os. mium. It occurs in alluvial soil in South America, along with platina.— Wollaston. IX.—Iron Ore. I. Native, or octohedral iron. a. Terrestrial native iron. Colour, steel* gray. Massive, in plates and leaves. Glis- tening-, and metallic. Fracture hackly, Opaque. Malleable. Hard. Magnetic. Its constituents are, iron 92.5, lead 6, cop- per 1.5 —Klaproth. It is found with brown iron-stone and quartz in a vein, in the moun- tain of Oulle, in the vicinity of Grenoble, &c. 6. Meteoric native iron. Colour, pale steel-gray, inclining to silver-white. Gene- rally covered with a thin brownish crust of oxide of iron. It occurs ramose, imperfect globular, and disseminated in meteoric stones. Surface, smooth and glistening. Internally, it is intermediate between glim- mering and glistening, and the lustre is me- tallic. Fracture hackly. Fragments blunt- edged. Yields a splendent streak. Inter- mediate between soft and semi-hard. Mai- leable. Flexible, but not elastic. Very dif- ficultly frangible. Sp. gr. 7.575. Its coil- stituents are, Agram. Arctic. Mexico. Siberian. Iron, 96.5 97 96.75 90.54 Nickel, 3.5 3 3.25 9.46 100.0 100 100.00 100.00 Klapr. Brande. Klapr. Children. The American native iron contains 0.10 of nickel; the Siberian 0.17; and the Sene- gambian 0.05 and 0.06.—Howard. It ap- pears to be formed in the atmosphere, by some process hitherto unknown to us. See Meteorolite, and Jameson's Mineralogy, iii. p. 101. II. Iron-ore. a. Octohedral iron-ore, of which there are three kinds. § 1. Common magnetic iron-ore. Colour, iron-black. Massive, in granular concre- tions, and crystallized: in the octohedron, truncated, bevelled and cuneiform; rhom- boidal dodecahedron; rectangular four-sid- ed prism; cube; tetrahedron; equiangular six-sided table ; and twin crystal. Splen- dent, and metallic. Cleavage fourfold. Fracture uneven. Streak black. Harder than apatite. Brittle. Specific gTavity, 448 ORE ORE to 5.2. Highly magnetic, with polarity. Be- fore the blow-pipe it becomes brown, and does not melt; it gives glass of borax a dark green colour. Its constituents are, peroxide of iron 69, protoxide of iron 31___Berzelius. It occurs in beds of great magnitude, in pri- mitive rocks, at Unst; at St. Just in Corn- wall ; at Arendal in Norway, &c. It affords excellent bar-iron. § 2. Granular magnetic iron-ore, or iron- sand. Colour very dark iron-black. In small grains and octohedral crystals. Glim- mering. Fracture conchoicial. Brittle. Streak black. Sp. gr. 4.6 to 4.8. Mag- netical with polarity. Its constituents are oxide of iron 85.5, oxide of titanium 14, oxide of manganese 0.5.—Klaproth. It oc- curs imbedded in basalt, &c. It is found in Fifeshire, in the Isle of Skye, in the river Dee in Aberdeenshire, &c. § 3. Earthy magnetic iron-ore. Colour bluish-black. In blunt-edged rolled pie- ces. Dull. Fracture, fine grained uneven. Opaque. Soft. Streak black, shining. Soils. Sectile. It emits a faint clayey smell when breathed on. Sp. gr. 2.2. It occurs in the iron mines of Arendal in Norway. b. Rhomboidal iron-ore; of which there are three sub-species. § 1. Specular iron-ore, iron-glance, or fer oligiste ofthe French. Of this there are two kinds, the common and micaceous. Com- mon specular iron-ore. Colour dark steel- gray. Massive, disseminated, and crystal- lized. Prim, form ; a rhomboid, or double three-sided pyramid, in which the angles are 87° 9' and 92° 51'. The secondary figures are, the primitive form variously bevelled, truncated and acuminated; the flat rhom- boid ; equiangular six-sided table; low equi- angular six-sided prism; and very acute six- sided pyramid. Lustre, splendent metallic. Cleavage threefold. Fracture imperfect conchoidal. Streak cherry-red. Hardness, between feldspar and quartz. Rather diffi- cultly frangible. Sp. gr. 5.2. Magnetic in aslightdegree. Its constituents are, reddish- brown oxide of iron 94.38, phosphate of lime 2.75, magnesia 0.16, mineral oil ? 1.25. —Hisinger. It occurs in beds in primitive mountains. It is found at Cumberhead in Lanarkshire; at Norberg in Wesfcnannland, in Norway, &,c. It affords an excellent mal- leable iron. Micacepus specular iron-ore. Colour iron- black. Massive, disseminated and in small thinsix-sided tables, intersectingoneanother so as to form cells. Splendent, metallic. Cleavage, single curved-foliated. Translu- cent in thin plates. Streak cherry-red. As hard as the above. Most easily frangible. Sp. gr. 5.07. It slightly affects the magnet. It is peroxide of iron. It occurs in beds in mica-slate. It is found at Dunkeld, and Benmore in Perthshire; in several parts of England and Norway, &c. The iron it a'f- fords is sometimes cold short, but is well fitted for cast ware. It is characterized by its high degree of lustre, openness of its cleavage, and easy frangibility. It affords from 70 to 80 per cent, of iron. § 2. Red iron-ore,- of which there are four kinds, the scaly, ochry, compact, and fibrous.- Scaly red iron-ore, or red iron froth. Co- lo«ir dark steel-gray, to brownish-red. Fri- able, and consists of semi-metallic shining scaly parts, which are sometimes translucent and soil strongly. Its constituents are, iron 66, oxygen 28.5, silica 4.25, alumina 1.25. —Henry. But Bucholz found it to be a pure red oxide of iron, mixed with a little quartz sand. It occurs in veins in primitive rocks. It is found at Ulverstone in Lan- cashire ; in Norway, 8cc. Ochry red iron-ore, or red ochre. Colour brownish-red. Friable. Dusty dull par- ticles. Soils. Streak, blood-red. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.947. It occurs in veins, with the preceding ore. It melts more easily than any of the other ores of this metal, and affords excellent malleable iron. Compact red iron-ore. Colour between dark steel-gray and blood-red. Massive, and in supposititious crystals; which are an acute double six-sided pyramid from calcare- ous spar; and a cube from fluorspar and iron pyrites. Lustre metallic. Fracture even. Streak pale blood-red. Easily frangi- ble. Sp. gr. 4.232. When pure it does not aff'ect the magnet. Its constituents are oxide of iron 70.5? oxygen 29.5?—Bw cholz. It occurs in beds and veins in gneiss, &c. It affords good bar and cast-iron. Fibrous red iron-ore, or red hematite. Co- lour between brownish-red and dark steel- gray. Massive, imitative, and in supposi- titious double six-sided pyramids from cal- careous spar. Glistening, semi-metallic. Opaque. Streak blood-red. Brittle. Sp, gr. 4.74. Its constituents are, 90 oxide of iron, silica 2, lime 1, water 3.—Daubuis- son. It occurs with the compact. It af- fords excellent malleable and cast-iron. Its powder is used for polishing tin, silver, and gold vessels; and for colouring iron brown. § 3. Red clay iron-ore, or stone ; of which the varieties are, the ochry, the columnar, the lenticular, and jaspery. The first is used for red crayons; and is called red-chalk. It occurs in Hessia, &c. The second consists of 50 oxide of iron, 13 water, 32 silica, and 7 alumina.—Brocchi. It is rare, and is called a pseudo-volcanic product. The third affords excellent iron. It consists of oxide of iron 64, alumina 23, silica 7.5, water 5. The jaspery is found in Austria. c Prismatic iron-ore, or brown iron-stone. Of this we have four sub-species. § 1. Ochry brown iron-ore. Yellowish ORE ORE brown; massive; dull; fracture, earthy; soils ; soft; sectile. Its constituents are, peroxide of iron 83, water 12, silica 5. It occurs with the following. $ 2. Compact. Colour passes to clove- brown. Massive, and in supposititious crys- tals from pyrites. Dull. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3 to 3.7. It contains 84 peroxide of iron, 11 water, and 2 silica. It affords about 50 per cent, of good bar iron. § 3. Fibrous. Clove-brown. Imitative; and in supposititious crystals. Splendent ex- ternally. Glimmering internally. Opaque. Harder than apatite. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.9. Streak pale yellowish-brown. Its constitu- ents are, 80.25 oxide of iron, 15 water, 3.75 silica.— Vauquelin. The preceding sub-species occur most fre- quently in transition and secondary moun- tains. They are found in veins in sand- stone, along with heavy spar, at Cumber- head iu Lanarkshire, &c. They melt easily, and afford from 40 to 60 per cent of good bar, but indifferent cast-iron. Good steel may be made from it. § 4. Brown clay iron-ore ; of which there are five kinds, the common, the pisiform, the reniform, the granular, and umber. The first occurs massive; has a flat con- choidal fracture; a brown streak; and is soft. It contains 69 oxide of iron, 3 man- ganese, 13 water, 10 silica, and 3 alumina. The second has a yellowish-brown colour. It occurs in small solid spherical grains, composed of concentric concretions. Sp. gr. 3.142. It consists of 48 oxide of iron, 31 alumina, 15 silica, and 6 water.—Vauque- fin. It is found in hollows in shell lime. stone, at Galston in Ayrshire, &c. It yields from 40 to 50 per cent of iron; and in Dal- matia it is used as small shot. The tlurdh&s a yellowish-brown cdour. Massive, and imi- tative; in concentric lamellar concretions, which often include a loose nodule. Glim- mering. Sectile. Its constituents are, per- oxide of iron 76, water 14, silica 5, oxide of manganese 2. It occurs in iron-shot clay in secondary rocks. It is found in East and Mid Lothian, in Colebrookdale, &c. It yields an excellent iron. The fourth, or granular, occurs massive and in grains. Fracture thick slaty. Streak yellowish- brown. Soft. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3. It oc- curs in beds between the red limestone of the salt formation, and the lias limestone. It 13 found in Bavaria, France, &c. It affords about 40 per cent of good iron. Fifth, Umber. Colour clove-brown. Massive. Dull. Fracture, flat conchoidal. Soft. Sectile. Soils strongly. Feels meagre. Adheres strongly to the tongue, and readily fells to pieces in water. Sp. gr. 2.06. It consists of oxide of iron 48, oxide of man- ganese 20, silica 13, alumina 5, water i4.— Klaproth. It occurs in beds in the Island of Cyprus. It is used as a pigment Bog iron-ore is arranged as a variety of the above. There are three kinds of it. § 1. Meadow ore, or friable bog iron-ore. Colourpaleyellowish-brown. Friable. Dull. Fracture, earthy. Soils. It feels meagre, but fine. § 2. Swamp ore, or indurated bog iron- ore. Colour dark yellowish-brown. Cor- roded and vesicular. Dull. Earthy. Very soft. Sectile. Sp. gr. 2.944. § 3. Meadow ore, or conchoidal bog iron. ore. Blackish-brown. Massive, and tube- rose. Glistening. Fracture small conchoi- dal. Streak yellowish-gray. Soft. Sp. gr. 2.6. Its constituents are, oxide of iron 66, oxide ofmanganese 1.5, phosphoric acid 8, water 23.—KLproth. By Vauquelin's ex- periments it seems to contain also chrome, magnesia, silica, alumina, and lime; zinc and lead are likewise occasionally present. It belongs to a recent formation ; Werner's ingenious theory of which is given by Pro- fessor Jameson, vol. xiii. p. 247. It is found in the Highlands of Scotland, in Saxony, &c. The second is most easily reduced, and aflbrds the best iron. Pitchy iron-ore may also be placed here. Its colour is blackish-brown. Massive Glistening. Fracture flat conchoidal. Trans- lucent on the edges. Hard. Streak yel- lowish-gray. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.562. Its constituents are, phosphoric acid 27, man- ganese 42, oxide of iron 31.—Vauquelin. It oecurs near Limoges in France. Iron sinter. Colour brown. Massive and imitative. Glistening. Fracture flat conchoi- dal. Translucent. Soft. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.4. Its constituents are, water 25, oxide of iron 67, sulphuric acid 8.—Klaproth. It occurs in the galleries of old mines in Saxo- ny and Silesia. III. Iron pyrites. § 1. Hexahedral, or common iron pyrites. Colour perfect bronze-yellow. Massive, • imitative, and crystallized; in cubes, vari- ously bevelled. Lustre from specular- splendent, to glistening, and metallic. Cleav- age, hexahedral. Fracture uneven. Harder than feldspar, but softer than quartz. Brit- tle. When rubbed it emits a strong sul- phureous smell. Sp. gr. 4.7to 5. It bums with a bluish flame, and sulphureous odour before the blow-pipe. It afterwards changes into a brownish-coloured globule, which is attractible by the magnet. Its constituents are, sulpi.ur 52.5, iron 47.5.—Hatchett. Silver and gold are occasionally present. It occurs in beds in various mountains. It is worked for sulphur or copperas. §2. Prismatic iron pyrites. a. Radiated pyrites. Colour pale bronze- yellow. Mpst usually imitative, or crystal- lized. Primitive form is an oblique four- sided prism, in which the obtuse angle is 106w 3&. Secondary forms are the above variously bevelled; and the wedge-shaped ORE ORE double four-sided pyramid. Harder than feldspar. Sp. gr. 4.7 to 5.0. lis constitu- ents are, sulphur 53.6, iron -It), k—Huichrtt. It is much rarer than the preceding. -It is found in Cornwall, Isle of sheppy, Ui. . b Hepatic, or liver pyrites. Colour pale brass-yellow. Massive and imitative. Glim- mering and metalhc. Fracture even. Sp. gr. 4.834. It occurs in veins in primitive rocks. It is found in Derbyshire, i^c. c. Cellular pyrites. Colour bronze-;, ellow. Cellular. '.Surface of the culls drusy. Frac- ture flat conchoidal. It occurs in veins at Johanitfgeorgt-u.sta.dt in Saxony. d. Spear pyrites. Colour between bronze- yellow and steel-gray. Crystallized in twin or triple crystals. Fracture uneven. It oc- curs in veins in primitive rocks, associated with brown coal. d. Cockscomb pyrites. Colour as above. Crystallized in double four-sided pyramids. Glistening and metallic. It occurs in Der- byshire. § 3. Rhomboidal iron pyrites, or magnetic pyrites. a. Foliated magnetic. Colour between bronze-yellow and copper-red. Massive, and sometimes crystallized, in a regular six- sided prism, truncated; and in a six-sided pyramid. Splendent and metallic. Sp. gr. 4.4 to 4.6. It occurs in Saxony. b. Compact magnetic. Same colour. Mas- sive. It affects the magnetic needle. Its constituents are, sulphur 36.5, iron 63.5.— Hatchett. It is found in Galloway and Caer- narvonshire. IV. Native salts of iron. a. The Prismatic chrome-ore. Colour be- tween steel-gray and iron-black. Massive, and in oblique four-sided prisms, acumina- ted with four planes. Lustre imperfect me- tallic. Fracture small grained uneven. Opaque. Hardness, between apatite and feldspar. Streak dark brown. Sp. gr. 4.4 to 4.5. Some varieties are magnetic, others not. It is infusible before the blow-pipe. 'With borax, it forms a beautiful green- coloured mass. The constituents of the French are, oxide of iron 3417, oxide of chrome 43, alumina 20.3, silica 2,—Havy. 'The Siberian contains 34 oxide of iron, 5J oxide of chrome, 11 alumina, 1 silica, and 1 manganese.—Laugier. It occurs in primi- tive serpentine. It is found in the islands of I'nst and Fetlar, in Scotland; and also at Portsoy in Banffshire. In considerable quan- tity in serpentine on the Bare-hills near Bal- timore. 6 Sparry iron, ot carbonate of iron. Co- lour pale yellowish-gray. Massive, dis- seminated, and crystallised. The nrimitive form is a rhomboid of 10."". The fallowing are some ofthe secondary forms :—the pri- mitive rhomboid, perfect or truncated; a still flatter rhomboid; the spherical lenticu- lar form; the saddle-;!..'mci h-tis; the eqni- Vol. II. angular six-sided prism. Glistening and pearly. Cleavage threefold. Fracture fo- liated. Translucenton the edges, or opaque. Streak white or yellowish-brown. Harder than calcareous spar. Sp. gr. 3.6 to 3.9. It blackens, and becomes magnetic before the blow-pipe. It effervesces with muriatic acid. Its constituents are, oxide of iron 57.5, carbonic acid 36, oxide ofmanganese 3.5, lime 1.25.—Klaproth. It occurs in veins in granite, and in limestone. In small quan- tities in Britain. In great quantity at Sclunalkalden in Hcssia. It affords an iron well suited for making steel. c. Rhomboidal vilrwl, or green vitriol. Colour emerald-green. Primitive form of the crystals is a rhomboid, with edges of 81° 23' and 98° 37'; and plane angles of 100° 10/ and 79° 50'. Vitreous or pearly lustre. Cleavage threefold. Fracture flat conchoidal. Semi-transparent. Refracts double. As hard as gypsum. Sp. gr. 1.9 to 2.0. Taste sweetish, styptic, and me- tallic. Before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it becomes magnetic. Its constituents are, oxide of iron 25.7, sulphuric acid 28.9, wa- ter 45.4.—Berzelius. It results from the decomposition of'iron pyrites. d. Arseniate bfiron. See Cube Ore. e. Blue won, or phosphate of iron. Prismatic blue iron. § 1. Foliated blue iron. Colour dark in- digo-blue. Primitive form an oblique four- sided prism. The secondary forms are, a broad rectangular four-sided prism, trun- cated ; and an eight-sided prism. Shining. Cleavage straight, single. Translucent. As hard as gypsum. Streak, paler blue. Sec- tile, and easily frangible. Flexible in thin pieces. Sp. gr. 2.8 to 3.0. Its constituents are, oxide of iron 41.25, phosphoric acid 19.25, water 31.25, iron-shot silica 1.25, alumina 5.— Fourcroy and Laugier. It oc- curs in St. Agnes's in Cornwall. § 2. Fibrous blue iron. Colour indigo- blue. Massive, and in delicate fibrous con- cretions. Glimmering and silky. Opaque. Soft. It occurs in syenite at Stavern in Norway. § 3. Earthy blue iron. Colour as above. Friable, and in dusty particles. Soils slight- ly. Rather light. Before the blow-pipe it loses its blue colour, becomes reddish- brown, and lastly, melts into a black co- loured slag, attractible by the magnet. Its constituents are, oxide of iron 47, phospho- ric acid 32, water 20.—Klaproth. It occurs in nests in day-beds In several of the Shetland islands, and in river mud at Tox- teth, near Liverpool. 4. TungsU'.te of iron. See Ores of Tung- sten. 5. B'iie ironstone. Colour indigo-blue. Massive, and with impressions of crystals pf brown iron ore. Glimmering, or dull. Fnrtuiv coal's^ grained-uneven. Opaque. ORE ORE Semi-hard. Rather brittle. Sp. gr. 3.'.'.— Klaproth. It loses its colour by heat; and with borax forms a clear bead. Its consti- tuents are, oxide of iron 40.5, silica 50, lime 1.5, natron 6, water 3. It occurs on the banks of the Orange River in >outhern Africa. X.—Lead Ores. 1. Galena or lead-glance. Hexahedral galena. § 1. Common. Colour fresh lead-gray. Massive, imitative, and crystallized in cubes, octahedrons, rectangular four-sided prisms, broad unequiangular six-sided prisms, six- sided tables, and three-sided tables. Specu- lar splendent, to glimmering. Lustre me- tallic. Cleavage hexahedral. Fragments cubical. Harder than gypsum. Sectile and frangible. Sp. gr. 7. to 7.6. Before the blow-pipe itflies in pieces, then melts, emit- ting a sulphureous odour, while a globule of lead remains. Its constituents are, lead 83, sulphur 16.41, silver 0.08.— Westi-umb. It occurs in beds, &c. in various mountain rocks. At Leadhills in Lanarkshire, &c. Nearly all the lead of commerce is obtain- ed from galena. The ore is roasted and then reduced with turf. § 2. Compact galena. Colour somewhat darker than the preceding. Massive, shin- ing, metallic. Fracture flat conchoidal. Streak more brilliant. It consists of sul- phuret of lead, sulphuret of antimony, and a small portion of silver. It is found at Leadhills in Lanarkshire, in Derbyshire, &c. § 3. Friable galena. Colour dark fresh lead-gray. Massive and in thick flakes. Sec- tile. It is found only around Freyberg. Blue lead. Colour between very dark indigo-blue and dark lead-gray. Massive, and crystallized in regular six sided prisms. Feebly glimmering. Soft. Sectile. Sp. gr. 5.461. It is conjectured to be sulphu- ret of lead, intermixed with phosphate of lead. It occurs in veins. It has been found in Saxony and France. Cobaltic galena. Colour fresh lead-gray. Minutely disseminating in exceedingly small crystals, aggregated in a moss-like form. Shining and metallic. Scaly foliated. Opaque. Soft. Soils feebly. It commu- nicates a smalt-blue colour to glass of bo- rax. It occurs near Clausthal in the Hartz. 2. Lead spar, § 1. Tri-prismatic lead spar, or sulphate of lead. Colours yellowish and grayish-white. Massive and crystallized. In the primitive form the vertical prism is 120°. The prin- cipal crystallizations are, an oblique four- sided prism, variously bevelled or truncated; and a broad rectangular four-sided pyramid. Lustre shining, adamantine. Fracture con- ehoidal. Translucent. As hard as calca- reous spar. Streak white. Brittle. Sp. gr. 6.3. It decrepitates before the blow-pipe, then melts, and is soon reduced to theme- taHic state. Its constituents arc, oxide of lead 70.5, sulphuric acid 25.75, water 2.25. — Klaproth. It occurs in veins along with galena at A\ anlockhcad in Dumfries-shire, Leadhills, Pary's mine, and Penzance. § 2. Pyramidal lead spar, or yellow lead spar. Colour wax-yellow. Massive, cel- lular, and crystallized. Its primitive form is a pyramid, in which the angles are 99" 40' and 131° 45'. Its secondary forms are, the pyramid variously truncated, on the angle- and summits, and a regular eight-sided ta- ble. Lustre resinous. Cleavage fourfold. Fracture uneven. Translucent. As hard as calcareous spar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 6.5 to 6.8.—Moh.i. (5.706, Hatchett J. Its con- stituents are, oxide of lead 58.4, molvbdic acid 38, oxide of iron 2.08, silica 0.28.— Hatchett. It occurs at Bleiberg in Carinthia, § 3. Prismatic lead spar, or red lead spar. Colour hyacinth-red. Crystallized, in long slightly oblique four-sided prisms, variously bevelled, acuminated or truncated. Splen- dent, adamantine. Fracture uneven. Trans- lucent. Streak between lemon-yellow and orange-yellow. Harder than gypsum. Sec- tile. Easily frangible. Sp.gr. 6.0 to 6.1. Before the blow-pipe it crackles and melt-* into a gray slag. It does not effervesce with acids. Its constituents are, oxide of lead 63.96, chromic acid 36.4.— Vauquelin. It occurs in veins in gneiss in the gold mines of Beresofsk in Siberia. § 4. Rhomboidal lead spar•> a. Green lead spar. Colour, grass-green. Imitative or crystallized. The primitive form is a di-rhoraboid, or a flat equiangular double six-sided pyramid. The secondary forms are, the equiangular six-sided prism, variously truncated and acuminated. Splen- dent. Fracture uneven. Translucent. Some- times as hard as fluor. Brittle. Sp. gr. 6 9 to 7.2. It dissolves in acids without efferves- cence. Its constituents are, oxide of lead 80, phosphoric acid 18, muriatic acid 162, ox- ide of iron, a trace.—Klaproth. It occurs along with galena at Leadhills, and Wan- Iockhead; at Alston in Cumberland, &c. b. Brown lead spar. Colour, clove-brown. Massive and crystallized; in an equiangular six-sided prism; and an acute double three- sidedpyramid. Glistening, resinous. Feebly translucent. Streak grayish-white. Brittle Sp. gr. 6.91. It melts before the blow-pipe, and during cooling, shoots into acicular crystals. It dissolves without effervescence in nitric acid. Its constituents are, oxide ol lead 78.58, phosp'horic acid 19.73, muriatic acid 1.65. It occurs in veins that traverse gneiss. It is found at Miess in Bohemia. § 5. Di-prismatic lead spari a. White lead spar. Carbonate of lead Colour, white. Massive and crystallized; in a very oblique four-sided prism ; an unequi- angular six-sided prism ; acute double six- sjded pyramid; oblique double four-sided ORE ORE pyramid; long'acicular crystals; and in twin and triple crystals. Lustre, adamantine. Fracture small conchoidal. 'Translucent. Refracts double in a high degree. Harder than calcareous spar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 6.2 to 6.61 It dissolves with effervescence in muri- atic and nitric acids. It yields a metallic globule v\ ith the blow-pipe. Us constituents are, oxide of lead 82, carbonic acid 16, water 2.—Klaproth. It occurs in veins at Lead- hills in Lanarkshire. b. Black lead spar. Colour, grayish-bjack. Massive, cellular and seldom crystallized, in very small six-sided prisms. Splendent, me- tallo-adamantine. Fracture uneven. Streak whitish-gray. Its constituents are, oxide qf lead 79, carbonic acid 18, carbon 2.—Lam- padius. It occurs in the upper part of veins, at Leadhills, &c. c. Earthy lead spar. Colour, yellowish- gray. Massive. Glimmering. Opaque. Streak, brown. Very soft. Sp. gr. 5.579. Its constituents are, oxide of lead 66, car- bonic acid 12, water 2.25, silica 10.5, alu- mina 4.75, iron and oxide ofmanganese 2.25. —John. It is found at Wanlockhead. Corneous lead ore, or vmriate of lead. Colour, grayish-white. Crystallized, in an oblique four-sided prism, variously trun- cated, bevelled, and acuminated. Splendent and adamantine. Cleavage threefold. Frac- ture conchoidal. Transparent. Soft. Sec- tile and easily frangible. Sp. gr. 6.065. It melts into an orange-coloured globule. Its constituents are, oxide of lead 85.5, muriatic acid 8.5, carbonic acid 6.—Klaproth. It is found in Cromford-level near Matlock in Derbyshire. Arseniate of lead. § I. Reniform. Colour reddish-brown. Shining. Fracture conchoidal. Opaque. Soft and brittle. Sp. gr. 3.933. It gives out arsenical vapours with the blow-pipe. It colours glass of borax lemon-yellow. Its constituents are, oxide of lead 35, arsenic acid 25, water 10, oxide of iron 14, silver 1.15, silica 7, alumina 2. Itis found in Siberia. § 2. Filamentous. Colours, green or yel- low. In acicular six-sided prisms, orin silky fibres. Slightly flexible and easily frangable Sp. gr. 5.0 to 6.4. Its constituents are, ox- ide of lead 69.76, arsenic acid 26.4, muriatic acid 1.58.— Gregor. It occurs in Cornwall. § 3. Earthy arseniate. Colour, yellow. In crusts. Friable. It occurs at St. Prix in France. Native nrinium. Colour scarlet-red. Mas- sive, amorphous, and pulverulent. It is found in Grassington-moor, Craven. Mr. Smithson thinks this mineral is produced by the de- cay of galena or lead-glance. XI.—Mangami.se Ores. 1. Prismatic manganese ore. § 1. Gray manganese ore. a. Fibrous gray manganese ore. Colour, dark steel-gray. Massive, imitative, and in very delicate acicular crystals, and in thin and long rectangular four-sided tables. Shining and splendent. Soils strongly. Soft. Brittle. It occuis in the Westerwald b. Radiated. Colour, dark steel-gray. Massive, imitative, ami crystallized. The primitive form is an oblique four-sided prism, in which the largest angle is about 100°. Secondary forms are, the primitive bevelled, or acuminated, or spicular crys- tals. Cleavage prismatic. Streak dull black. Soils. Soft. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4.4 to 4.8. Shining and metallic. Its constituents are, black oxide ofmanganese 90.5, oxygen 2.25, water 7. -Klaproth. It occurs in the vici- nity of Aberdeen, in Cornwall, Devonshire, &c. c. Foliated. Colour between steel-gray and iron-black Massive and crystallized in short oblique four-sided prisms. Shining, metallic. Cleavage prismatic. Fracture un- even. Other characters, as above. Sp. gr. 3.742. It is found in Devonshire. d. Compact. Fracture even, or flat con- choidal. Sp. gr. 4. to 4.4. Other charac- ters as preceding. Its constituents are, yel- low oxide ofmanganese? 50, oxygen 33, barytes 14, silica 1 to 6. Analysis doubtful. It occurs at Upton Pyne in Devonshire. e. Earthy. Friable. It consists of semi- metallic fecbky glimmering fine scaly parti- cles, which soil strongly. It occurs in the mine Johannis in the Erzegebirge. It tin- ges borax purple ; and effervesces with mu- riatic acid, giving out chlorine. These five kinds occur in granite, gneiss, &c. either in veins or in large cotemporaneous masses. § 2. Black manganese ore. a. Compact. Colour, between bluish- black and steel-gray. Massive, imitative, and in curved lamellar concretions. Glim- mering and imperfect metallic lustre. Frac- ture conchoidal. Streak shining, with co- lour unchanged. Semi-hard. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4.75. b. Fibrous. Massive, imitative, and in delicate scopiform concretions. Fragments cuneiform and splintery. Its other charac- ters as above. It yields a violet-blue glass with borax. It occurs in veins in the Erze- gebirge. It yields a good iron; but acts very powerfully on the sides of the furnace. It is called black hematite. c. Foliated. Colour brownish-black. Crys- tallized sometimes in acute double four- sided pyramids. Shining. Cleavage sin- gle, and curved foliated. Streak dark red, dish-brown. Brittle. It is supposed to con- sist of iron and manganese. § 3. Scaly brown manganese ore. Colour between steel-gray and clove-brown. In crusts. Massive and imitative. Friable. Composed of shining scaly particles. Soils strongly. Feels greasy. It gives to glass of borax, an olive-green colour. It occurs in drusy caviti%s in brown hematite. It is ORE ORE found near Sandlodge in Mainland, one of the Shetlands. 4. Mang\inese-blende. Prismatic. Colour, iron-black. Massive, in distinct concretions, and sometimes crys- tallized. Primitive form, an oblique four- sided prism, which becomes variously riiodi- fied by truncations on the lateral edges. Lustre splendent, and semi-metallic. Streak greenish. Harder than calcareous spar. Easily frangible. Before the blow-pipe it gives out sulphur, and tinges borax violet- blue. Its constituents are, oxide of manga- nese 82, sulphur 11.5, carbonic acid 5.— Klaproth. Oxide ofmanganese 85, sulphur 15.— Vauquelin. It is found in Cornwall. 5. Phosphate of manganese. Colour, brownish-black. Massive and disseminated. Glistening. Fracture flat conchoidal. Semi- transparent, in splinters. Scratches glass. Streak yellowish-gray. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.5 to 3.7. It is fusible into a black enamel. Its constituents are, oxide ofmanganese 42, oxide of iron 31, phosphoric acid 27. It occurs in a coarse granular granite at Li- moges in France. 6. 'Rhomboidal red manganese. a. Foliated. Colour, bright rose-red. Massive, imitative, and crystallized in rhom- boids. Shining, pearly. Cleavage rhom- boidal. Translucent on the edges. Hard- ness between fluor and cwlcareous spar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.3 to 3.6. Before the blow-pipe it first becomes dark brown, and then melts into a reddish-brown bead. Its constituents are, oxide of manganese 52.6, silica 39.6, osjide of iron 4.6, lime 1.5, vola- tile ingredients 2.7.5.— Berzelius. U. occurs in beds of specular iron ore in gneiss hil's'm Sweden and Siberia. The specimens of the latter are cut into ornamental stones. h. Fibrous. Colours, rose-red and fiVsb- rcd. Massive and in distinct prismatic fi- brous concretions. Glistening ami pcaily. Fragments splintery. Feebly franslrcent. It occurs in Transv Ivania and Hunuiiy. c. Compact. Colour, pale rose-rid. Mas- sive or reniform. Glimmering". Sp. gr. 3.3 to 3.9. Its constituents are, .oxide of man- ganese 61, silica 30, oxide ot* iron 5, a'umi- na 2.—Lampad. It occurs at Kapnik in Transylvania. Pitchy iro-i ore may be regarded as a phosphate ofmanganese. XI f. Mi act -ry -Ores. 1. Native mercury. a. Fluid mercury. See Mr.m-irnv. It occurs principally in rocks of the coal for- mation, associated with cinnabar, corneous mercury, 8tc. Small veins of it are rarely met with in primitive rocks, accompanied with native silver, &c. It is found at klria, in the Friaul; Niderslana in Upper Hunga- ry ; in the Palatinate; Deux-Ponts, &.e. b. D u!-•■:<;'xctral mercury, w native amal- gam. $. 1. Fluid, or semi-flidil 'amalg.i'n. Co- lour tin-white. In roundish portions; and crystallized, in a rliomboklal dodecahedron, rarely perfect. Splendent. When cut, it emits a creaking sound. As hard as talc. Sp- gr. 10.5. Its constituents are, mercury 74, silver 25. It is found at Deux-Toms. ' ^2. Solid amalgam. Colour, silver-white. Massive and thsseminaed. Fracture flat conchoidal. As hard as gypsum. Brittle. Creaks strongly when cut. Sp. gr. 10.5. The mercury flies ol; before the blow-pipe. Its constituents are, mercury 74, silver 25, —Heye•: Mercury 64, silver 36.— Klap- roth. It is found in Hungary, the Deux- Ponts, &c. 2. Cinnabar, or prismato-rhomboidal ruby- blende. '. 1: .i f'-<:- double t'u-ir- ,ided nv ru-rnid ; ORE a square lenticular figure ; and a flat douni; four-sided pyramid. Hiining. Fracture uneven. Cleavage ninefold Translucent. Harder than fluor spar Brittle, sp gr. 6 to 6.1. Its constituents are, oxide of tungsten 65, lime 31, silica 4.—Scheelc; oxide of tungsten 75.25, lime 18."u, silica 1.56, oxide of iron 1 25, oxide of manganese 0.75__Klaproth. It occurs along with tin- stone and wolfram, in Cornwall; in Sweden, Saxony, &c. 2. Wolfram. Prismatic wolfram. Colour black. Ma- sive and crystallized. Primitive form is an oblique four-sided prism of 120°. Second- ary forms are ; the oblique four-sided prism, bevelled, truncated or acuminated; and a twin crystal. Shining Fracture uneven. Opaque. Streak dark reddish-brown. Bar- der than apatite Brittle. Sp. gr. 7.1 to 7 4. Its constituents are, tungstic acid 67, oxide of manganese 6.25, oxide of iron 18.10, silica 1.5—Vauquelin. It occurs in gneiss in the island of Ron a ofthe Hebrides^ and in Cornwall. XXIII.-Uranium Ores. 1. Uran ochre. a. Friable. Colour lemon-yellow. Hoc- curs as a coating on pitch ore. It is com- posed of dull, weakly cohering particles. It feels meagre. ■b. Indurated. Colour straw-yellow. Mis- sive and superimposed. Glimmering. Opaque. Soft. Sp. gr. 3.15. The yol- low varieties are pure oxide of uranium. The brownish and reddish contain a little iron. It is found in Bohemia and Saxony. 2. Indivisible uranium, or pitch ore. Co- lour greenish-black. Massive, reniform and in distinct concretions. Shining. Hardness between apatite and feldspar. Opaque. Brittle. Sp. gr. 6.4 to 6.6. Its constituents are, oxide of uranium 86.5, black oxide of iron 2.5, galena 6.0, silica 5.—Klaproth. It occurs in primitive rocks. It is found in. Cornwall. 3. Uranite, or uran mica. Pyramidal uran mint. Colour grass- green. In flakes and crystallized. Triiui- tive form, a pyramid in which the anglesare 95 ' 13' and 144" 5i/. 'The secondary form* are, a rectangular fbur-sided table or short prism, and a four-sided table variously be- velled and truncated. Shining. Cleavage fourfold and rectangular. T ranspaient.and translucent. Scratches gypsum, but not calcareous spar. Streak green. Sectile. Not flexible. Easily frangible. Sp, gr. 3.1 to 3.2. It decrepitates violently before tie blow-pipe on charcoal; loses about 33 per cent by ignition, and acquires a brass-yellow colour. Its constituents are, oxide of ura- nium, with a trace of oxide of lead 74.4, ox- ide of copper 8.2, w.iter 15.4.— Gregor. I* occurs in veins in primitive rocks. It t* fiund in Cornwall and Saxony. ORE ORE XKIV.—Woranium Ores. IVoodan pyritex. Colour dark tin-white. In vesicular massive portions. Lustre shin- ingand metallic. Fracture uneven. Opaque. Harder than fluor, but softer than apatite. Brittle. Sp. gr. 5.192. It contains 20 per cent of wodanium, combined with sulphur, arsenic, iron, and nickel. It is said to occur at Topschatt in Hungary. XXV—Zinc Ores. 1. Red zinc, or red oxide of zinc. Colour blood-red. Massive, disseminated. On the fresh fracture, shining. ^Cleavage single. Fracture conchoidal. Translucent on the edges. Easily scratched by the knife. Brit- tle. Streak brownish-yeliow. Sp.gr. 6.22. It is soluble in the mineral acids. Its con- stituents are, zinc 76, oxygen 16, oxides*of manganese and iron 8__Bruoe. It has been Found in New .Jersey, North America. 2. Zinc blende. Dodecahedral zinc blende. a. Yellow. Wax-yellow, and several other colours, inclining to green. Massive, dis- seminated,.and crystallized in octahedrons, rhomboidal dodecahedrons, and twin crys- tals. Splendent and adamantine. Cleavage dodecaliedral, or sixfold. Translucent. Re- fracts single. Streak yellowish-gray. Har- der than calcareous spar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4. to 4.2. It becomes phosphorescent by friction. Its constituents are, zinc 64, sul- phur 20, iron 5, fluoric acid 4, silica 1, water 6. —Bergmann. It occurs in veins, associ- ated with galena. It is found at Clifton mine, near Tyndrum, in Perthshire, also in Flintshire. Fine specimens are found in Bohemia. b. Brown zinc blende. § 1. Foliated. Colour reddish-brown. Massive, disseminated, and crystallized, in a rhomboidal dodecahedron, an octohedron, a tetrahedron, and acicular crystals. Lustre between pearly and adamantine. Cleavage sixfold or tessular. Translucent. Streak yellowish-brown. Sp. gr. 4.048. Its con- stituents are, zinc 58.8, sulphur 23.5, iron 8.4, silica 7.0.—Dr. Thomson. It occurs in veins and beds, in primitive and transition rocks. It is found in the Clifton lead mine, near Tyndrum; at Cumberheadin Lanark- shire ; at Leadhills; and in all the lead mines in England and Wales. § 2. Fibrous. Colour dark reddish-brown. Massive, reniform, and in radiated concre- tions. Glistening, inclining to pearly. O- paque. Its constituents are, zinc 62, iron 3, lead 5, arsenic 1, sulphur 21, alumina 2, wa- ter 4. It occurs in Huel-Unity copper mine in Cornwall. c. Black zinc blende. Colour between grayish and velvet-black. Massive, dissemi- nated, and crystallized in the same figures as brown blende. Shining, adamantine. Opaque. The blood-red variety is translu- cent on the edges and angles. Streak dark Vol. II. yellowish-brown. Sp. gr. 4.1665. Its con- slituentsare oxide of zinc 53, iron 12, arsen- ic 5, sulphur 26, water 4. The black blende from Naygag, besides zinc, iron, and manganese, contains a portion of auriferous silver. It occurs in veins in gneiss, in Swe- den, Saxony, &c. Of the Analysis and Reduction of Ores. By consulting the table of metallic preci- pitants, and studying the peculiar habitudes ofthe individual metals and earths, the reader may acquire a knowledge-of the methods of separating them from one another, and de- termining the proportion of each. The li- mits of the present work permit me to offer merely a short account ofthe best modes of analyzing a few of the principal ores on the small scale, and of reducing them on the large. 1. AfTIMOM. 1. A'ative antimony was skilfully examin- ed by Klaproth, the father of accurate ana- lysis, as follows- On 100 grains ofthe pul- verized mineral, he poured strong nitric acid, which attacked it with vehemence, converting it into an oxide; which being precipitable by water, he diluted the solu- tion with this liquid, and then filtered. The clear liquid was treated with muriatic acid, which threw down the silver present, in the state of muriate, equivalent to 1 grain of the precious metal. Prussiate of potash then indicated & of a grain of iron. The oxide of antimony was now dissolved in mu- riatic acid, the solution diluted with water, and a piece of zinc being introduced, pre- cipitated 98 grains of metallic antimo- ny. Hence the 100 grains of native an- timony from Andreasberg, consisted of metallic antimony, - 98 silver, ... i iron, - - - 0.25 99.25 Dr. Thomson has committed a curious mistake in describing this analysis. He says, " When the acid emitted no longer any nitrous gas, the mixture was diluted with water, and thrown upon a filter. The solu- tion was then treated with nitrate of silver. The precipitate yielded by reduction, 1 grain of silver."—System, 5th edition, iii p. 608. How 1 grain of silver was obtained by treating the solution with nitrate of silver, it is not for me to divine. 2. Fibrous red antimonial ore. Klaproth digested 100 grains with muriatic acid, mix- ed with a few drops of nitrous, in a long- necked matrass. There was a gray residuum of 1$ grains of sulphur, " The antimony contained in the solution was precipitated in the state of a white oxide, by diluting it with water, and the small portion of the metal still remaining in that fluid, was afterwards entirely thrown down by means of potash. The oxide thus procured was redissolved irj 28 ORE ORE muriatic acid, the solution diluted with six times its quantity of water, and once more combined with such aproport\on ofthe same solvent, as was necessary in order to redis- solve entirely that portion ofthe oxide which the affused water had precipitated After the dilute solution had. in this manner,again been rendered clear, its ingredient antimony was reproduced as metallic antimony, by im- mersing polished iron in the liquor. It weighed, when collected, edulcorated, and dried, 67^ grains."—Klaproth's Analytical Essays, vol. ii. p..143. English Translation. From the above result, and Thenard's state- ment of the constitution ofthe oxide, Klap- roth inferred, that the mineral consisted of, Metallic antimony, 67 5 Oxvgen, - ' 10.8 Sulphur, - 19.7 98 0 It is painful to be obliged again to point out a very absurd error in Dr. 'Thomson's account of this analysis. He says, " The solution was diluted with water. The whole precipitated in the state ofa white powder; for potash threw nothing from the liquid." It is hard to say whether the matter or ex- pression be here more remarkable: Potash did throw something from the liquid; and must do so, because oxide of antimony is so- luble in an excess of muriatic acid; on which fact, indeed, this and the preceding analysis are founded 3. "Sulphuret of antimony is to be treated with nitro muriatic acid. The sulphur and the muriate of silver (if any silver be pre- sent) will remain Water precipitates the antimony; sulphuric acid the lead ; and am- monia the iron."—Thomson's System, 5th edition, iii. 609. This paragraph betrays a strange forge tfulness ofthe first principles of chemistry; for, in the first place, nitro- muriatic acid will acidify a portion of the sulphur, and therefore the sidphur will not remain; in the second place, a portion of oxide of antimony will continue combined with the excess of muriatic acid; and, in the third place, the acidified sulphur will throw down, at first, the lead in the state of insolu- ble sulphate, along with the muriate of sil- ver. If tl.e pulverized sulphuret of antimony be acted on by nitric acid, with heat, and water be afterwards added, a precipitate will fall, consisting of oxide of antimony, with sulphur and sulphate of lead. Sulphate of silver being very soluble in dilute nitric acid, will remain in the liquid. Muriate of soda \* ill throw down the silver, without affect- ing the lead, if the solution be hot and some- what dilute. The lead, if any remain, may then be precipitated by sulphate of soda in equivalent quantity, or by hydrosulphuret of amm'iiia ;'by muriate of barytes, the sul- phuric acid resulting from acidification of the sulphur may be ascertained; and by fer- roprussiate of potash, the iron. On the first precipitate obtained by affusion of water, if muriatic acid be digested, the oxide of a,nti- moii) will be taken up, and may be recover- ed in the metallic state, by immersing a piece of zinc or iron in the muriatic solution. Lastly, the sulphur may he separated from the sulphate of lead by ustulation. Metallic antimony is best obtained from the sulphuret, by igniting it, after careful ustulation, with half its weight of crude tartar. The metal will be found at the hot- torn ofthe crucible. Or the ustulatcd oxide, mixed with oil, fax, and pounded charcoal, is to be ignited till drops ofthe metal begin to appear; and nitre equal to l-16th of the weight ofthe oxide is then to be gradually injected. Or we form the martial rcgulusof antimony (antimony containing a little iron and sulphur), hy adding 16 ounces of the sulphuret to six ounces of iron nails, ignited to whiteness in a crucible. When the whole are in fusion, inject gradually two ounces of pulverized nitre; then cover the crucible, and urge the heat for a little. Seven or eight ounces ofthe re gulus will be found at the bottom. By repeating the fusion, ar>d projection of nitre, two or three times, the regulus may be brought nearer to the state of pure metal. In what follows, I shall confine myself to the detail of a few ingenious and exact ana- lyses. 2. Bismuth Ores. The following analysis of a complex me- tallic mineral by Klaproth is peculiarly in- structive. Examination in the humid way of the bismuthic silver ore from Schaupbach, in the Black Forest, in Suabia. (a.) Upon 300 grains of this ore, he pour- ed three ounces of nitric acid, diluted with one ounce of water. The residuum being acted on with more acid, buth solutions were mixed, and evaporated to a small volume ; during which process, there separated from the fluid some crystalline grains, consisting of nitrate of lead. (b.) The concentrate rl solution had a green- ish colour. When afterwards diluted with just as much water as was requisite to rc- dissolve that crystalline sediment, it was poured into a large quantity of water This iast immediately acquired a milky appear- ance, in a high degree, and deposited a white precipitate, which weighed 44} grains, when collected, lixiviated, and dried in the air, and proved, on further examination, to be oxide of bismuth. (c.) Into the liquor, that bad been freed from this oxide, and was entirely clear and colourless, he then dropped muriatic acid as long as it was rendered turbid by it. The precipitate, which now fell, did not appear to be mere muriate of silver; for this reason he digested it for some time with a mode- rately strong nitric acid. A considerable ORE ORE portion of it was thus redissolved, and left pure horn-silver behind; which, upon careful collection, and desiccation in a brisk heat, weighed 46 grains. Thus, the portion of pure silver is determined at 34$ grains. (d.) The nitric acid that had been affused upon the precipitate obtained by the mu- riatic (c), yielded by dilution with much wa- ter, 32 grains more of oxidized bismuth ; which, with the preceding 44$ (6), gave to- gether 76$ grains. In order to ascertain the proportion of reguline bismuth in this ore, he dissolved 100 grains of bismuth in nitric acid; and after having concentrated the so- lution by evaporation, he poured it into a large quantity oftwater. When, ofthe pre- cipitate thus produced, nothing more would fall down, on adding more water he collect- ed it, on the filter, washed it, and suffered it to dry perfectly in the air. It then weigh- ed 88 grains. To the water which had been separated from it, muriatic acid was added by drops ; whereby a new precipitate ensu- ed, weighing 32 grains, after edulcoration and drying. As, by the result of this comparative ex- periment, 100 grains of bismuth have} upon the whole, given 123 grains of oxide, it fol- lows that the 76$ grains of oxide (d), ob- tained from 300 grains of this ore, contain 62-J- grains of metallic bismuth. (e) The remainder of the fluid was fur- ther reduced by evaporation ; and in this process, muriate of lead separated from it in delicate broad striated crystals. This liquor was then combined with such a quantity of sulphuric acid, as was requisite to redissolve those crystals, and a second time evaporated to a consistence of pap. The precipitate which thence ensued, was sulphate of lead, weighing 19 grains, when duly collected, washed and dried. If.) What still remained of the solution, after its having been freed from the lead be- fore contained in it, was saturated with caus- tic ammonia added in excess. In this way, a brown ferruginous precipitate was pro- duced; which was rapidly attracted by the magnet, and weighed 14 grains, when, after previous desiccation, it had been moistened with linseed oil, and well ignited. For these we must reckon 10 grains of metallic iron, (g.) 'The liquor which had been super- saturated with ammonia, and which, by its blue colour, shewed that it held copper in solution, was saturated to excess with sul- phuric acid. On immersing then a piece of polished iron into it, two grains of copper were deposited. (h.) The gray residue ofthe ore, that was left behind by the nitric acid (a), weighed 178 grains. But when its sulphureous part had been deflagrated, in a crucible gently heated, it weighed only 140$ grains. This determines the portion of sulphur at 37% grains. (»".) These 140$ grains were digested with three ounces of muriatic acid, in a heat of ebullition ; and the process was repeated once more with 1$ ounce ofthe same acid. These solutions, by means of evaporation, yielded till the end, muriate of lead in tender spicular, and likewise in broad striated crys- tals; which, when again dissolved in the re- quisite quantity of boiling water, then com- bined with sulphuric acid, and evaporated, yielded 89 grains of sulphate of lead. Thus, the whole quantity of this sulphate, includ- ing the 19 grains mentioned at (e), amount- ed to 108 grains; for which, according to comparative experiments, 76 grains of regu- line lead must be put in the computation. (k.) That portion of the ore examined, which still remained after all the constituent parts before mentioned had been discovered, consisted merely of the gray quartzose ma- trix ,- the Weight of which, in the ignited state, amounted to 70 grains. 'Therefore, these 300 grains of bismuthic silver ore were decomposed into Exc. of mat. Lead, (i) 76.00 33.00 Bismuth, (d) 62.20 27.00 Silver, (c) 34.50 15.00 Iron, (/) 10.00 4.30 Copper, (g) 2.00 0.90 Sulphur, (h) 37.50 16.30 Quartzose matrix, (k) 70.00 292.20 96.5 3. Analysis of Ckhitf. by Vauquelin:— 'The specimen was ofa slight rose colour ; and sufficiently hard to scratch glass. Sp. gr 4.53. Streak grayish. It reddened with calcination, losing 12 per cent. (a.) 100 grains of this mineral, in fine powder, were mixed with ten times their weight of nitro-muriatic acid, and subjected to ebullition for an hour; the mixture being diluted with water, and filtered, left on the filter a brown dust, which was dried and fused with caustic potash. The mixture being diluted with water, and then dissolved in muriatic acid, evaporated to dryness, and redissolved in water, left a powder which, when collected on a filter, washed and cal- cined, weighed 17 parts ; it was pure silex, still slightly coloured yellow. (b.) The nitro-muriatic solution being evaporated to dryness, and its residuum redissolved in water, left about one part of silex, coloured by a little oxide of cerium. (c ) The same solution, freed from silex, and united to the washings ofthe silex, was decomposed by ammonia; the oxide of ce- rium and the oxide of iron, precipitated by this means, were separated from the liquid by filtration. 'The oxalic acid added to this liquid, formed a precipitate, which, by cal- cination, gave two parts of lime. (d.) The metallic oxides united and cal- cined, weighed 70 parts; they had a beau- tiful reddish-brown colour. To separate the iron from the cerium, the whole was dis* ORE ORE solved in muriatic acid; the solution being coiicenv ared to evaporate the excess of acid, then diluted with water, and decom- posed by tartrate of potash, there was form- ed a very abundant white precipitate, which being washed till it contained no more foreign salts, then dried and calcined, gave 67 parts of oxide of cerium. (e.) The water froth the washing ofthe tartrate of cerium, being united and mixed with hydrosulphuret of potash, gave a pre- cipitate which became black in the air. It was oxide of iron, the weight of which, af- ter calcination, was two parts. Thus, 100 parts of cerite furnished by this analysis, Silica, (a) (6)........17 Lime, (c).........2 Oxide of iron, (d)......2 Oxide of cerium, (e).....67 Water and carbonic acid, by estimate, 12 100 4. Copper Ores. Analysis of Siberian malachite, by Klaproth:— (a.) 100 grains of malachite reduced to powder by trituration, were dissolved in ni- tric acid; which was effected without leav- ing any residue. The solution had a bright blue colour; and was saturated to excess with ammonia; but the precipitate pro- duced was entirely and without tardiness redissolved by the excess of the alkali. This shewed that the malachite here ex- amined was perfectly free from iron, and similar admixtures. (b ) He combined 100 grains of triturated malachite, with a sufficient quantity of sul- phuric acid, previously diluted with five parts of waier, and accurately weighed to- gether with the vessel. After the mala- chite had been wholly dissolved, which was effected gradually, and with a moder- ately strong effervescence, the loss of weight occasioned by the carbonic, acid gas, that was extricated, was found to consist of 18 gr. (c.) 100 grains of the same powdered ma- lachite, were ignited at a moderate heat in a covered crucible. The black residue had lost 29$ grains in weight. If from these be subtracted 18 grains for the carbonic acid, the remaining 11$ grains of loss will con- sist of water. (d.) And lastly, 100 grains, which had been dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid, and precipitated by zinc, yielded 58 grains of pure copper. In consequence of these experiments, the Siberian malachite consists of Copper, 58 Carbonic acid, 18 Oxygen, 12.5 Mater, 11.5 100.0 5. Gold Ores. A very instructive analy- sis ofthe Transylvanian auriferous lamellar ore, from Naygag, by Klaproth :— (a.) 1000 grains, freed in the best possf. ble manner from the stony matrix, v « re triturated, and digested at a moderate heat, first with ten ounces of muriatic mid,to which nitric acid was gradually added. A violent action then took place, and the black colour of the powdered ore rapidly disappeared. While the fluid was yet hot, it was poured upon a filter; and the residue was once more digested with five ounces of muriatic acid, and the whole filtered. In a short time acicular crystals were deposited in the solution, which was yellow, and like- wise on the filtering paper. These crystals were covered with boiling hot water, till they were all dissolved i after which only the quartzose portion of the matrix and some sulphur lemained. (b.) The sulphurous ingredient in the ore, had united into a coherent mass, and could therefore be easily removed from the earthy residue. Its weight was 17$ grains. Burned on a moderately heated calcining test, it left 3$ grains of blackish residuum, which was dissolved in muriatic acid and added to the foregoing solution. Hence the quantity of sulphur was 14 grains. (c.) That portion of the matrix which consisted of white grains of quartz, weighed in the dry state 440$ grains. This being mixed with four times its quantity of car- bonate of potash, was melted to vitrifaction. On breaking the crucible, a few globules of silver were found dispersed; which, how- ever, could not be well collected. But from another experiment, to be mentioned in the sequel, it resulted, that this silver may be es- timated at 2$ grains. \\ hence, since m the present case, it was in the state of muriate, 3$ grains are to be subtracted, so that ofthe above stated weight 437 grains remain. (d.) The solution (a), from which.fon ad- dition ofthe edulcorating ua'er, a white tel- luric oxide fell down in a great quantity, was concentrated by evaporation; during which process that precipitate again en- tirely dissolved. On the other hand, nume- rous crystals of muriate of lead were de- posited from the liquor, even while warm ; which being taken out, the evaporation was carried on as long as any more of them ap- peared. These crystals, when collected, were carefully rinsed, by dropping upon them muriatic acid, and highly dried. They weighed 330 grains, equiv alentto 248 grains of lead in the metallic state. (e.) After the concentrated solution had been thus freed from lead, he diluted it a little with water, and added a large quanti- tv of spirit of wine, as long as any white precipitate fell. The mixture having stood for a while in a gentle warmth, that precipi- tate was collected on the filter, edulco- rated with ardent spirit, redissolved in mu- riatic acid, and precipitated again in the state ofa pure telluric oxide, by means of caustic soda, and by strictly watching the precise ORE ORE point of saturation. This oxide, washed and dried, gave in the balance 178 grains, which correspond to 148 grains of reguline tellu- rium. (/.) For the purpose of ascertaining the proportion of gold, he now reduced the flu- id, from which the tellurium had been se- parated, by distilling off the spirit of wine in a retort; diluted again the concentrated solution with water; and lastly, dropped into it a nitric solution of mercury, prepared without the assistance of heat; adding this nitrate, until no brown precipitate any lon- ger appeared, and till the white precipitate which succeeded the brown, no more changed its own colour. After this the mix- ture was placed in a warm temperature, where the white precipitate, which was owing to the nitrated mercury added in ex- cess, again gradually disappeared. The brown precipitate, which fell to the bottom as a heavy powder, was the gold sought for. When collected and fused with nitrate of potash, it gave a bead of pure gold, weigh- ing 41$ grains. (g.) The liquor was now saturated with carbonate of soda, in a boiling heat. A co-. pious bluish-gray precipitate ensued, which turned black-brown by ignition. Digested with muriatic acid, it dissolved again clear- ly, and gave out oxygenated muriatic acid gas. By combining this solution with liquid carbonate of ammonia to a considerable de- gree of supersaturation, a grayish-white 'precipitate was produced; which, collected, washed, and dried, weighed 92 grains, and proved to be a somewhat iron shot, carbo- nated oxide ofmanganese. (h.) The ammoniacal lixivium (g) ap- peared ofa blue colour. After being super- saturated with sulphuric acid, by which it was again rendered colourless, a small plate of polished iron was introduced, and the vessel put in a warm place. The iron be- came gradually coated with copper, the weight of which after drying was six grains. Therefore the 1000 grains Exclusive ofthe were decomposed into matrix of quartz and mangnesi- an ore, Lead, (d) Tellurium, (e) Odd, (/) Silver, (c) Copper(h) Sulphur, (b) Oxide ofmanganese, (g) Quartz, (c) Loss, 1000.0 6. Iro* Ores are usually analyzed by fu- sion. On this subject, there is a valuable es- say bv Mr. Mushet, in the 4th volume of the Phil. Magazine. In the hematites iron ore, for 1 pound avoirdupois, he commonly added 6 ounces dried chalk, and | of an 248.0 54.0 148.0 32.2 41.5 9.0 2.5 0.5 6.0 1.3 14.0 3.0 ) 92.0 --- 437.0 100.0 ""989.0 11.0 ounce of charcoal; and for the splinty blue ore also a similar mixture. From both of these mixtures, he obtained the richest sort of crude iron. The kidney ore will admit of a diminution of chalk, and a small addition of glass. One pound avoirdupois of this va- riety will be accurately assayed by the ad- dition of 5 ounces chalk, I ounce glass, and | of an ounce of charcoal. The same pro- portion of mixtures will also accurately re- duce the small pieces of this ore, commonly of a soft greasy consistence, mixed with small fragments of the hematites and the kidney, and will give out the iron which they contain, supercarburctted. A mixture of this soft ore, with kidney, is preferred to the richer variety, at the iron manufactories. The Lancashire ore consists chiefly of this compound, and the poorer in iron has al- ways a decided preference given it, at the blast-furnace. The Elba ore may be reduced into smooth carburetted iron, by exposing to a melting heat 2 ounces of it mixed with 2 ounces of chalk, 1$ ounce bottle-glass, and I ounce of charcoal. To the Islay iron ore, and the Norwegian, Danish, and Swe- dish, Mr. Mushet adds, for every pound, 7 ounces of dried chalk, 3 of bottle-glass, and 1 of charcoal. By carburetted iron is meant cast-iron. I shall now give an outline of Mr. Hat- chett's much admired analysis of the mag- netical pyrites. (a.) 100 grains reduced to a .fine powder, were digested with two ounces of muriatic acid, in a glass matrass placed in a sand-bath. A strong effervescence ensued, occasioned by the production of sulphuretted hydrogen gas; and a pale yellowish-green solution was formed. The residuum was then again digested with two parts of muriatic acid, mixed with one of nitric acid; and a quan- tity of pure sulphur was obtained, which, being dried, weighed 14 grains. (b.) The acid in which the residuum had been digested, was added to the first muri- atic solution; some nitric acid was also pour-* ed in to promote the oxidizement of the iron, and thereby to facilitate the precipita- tion of it by ammonia, which was added after the liquor had been boiled for a considera- ble time. The precipitate thus obtained was boiled with lixivium of potash; it was then edulcorated, dried, made red-hot with wax in a covered porcelain crucible, and completely taken up by a magnet, and being weighed, amounted to 80 grains. (c.) The lixivium of potash was examined by muriate of ammonia, but no alumina was obtained. (d.) To the filtered liquor, from which the iron had been precipitated by ammonia, mu- riate of barytes was added, until it ceased to produce any precipitate; this was then di- gested with some very dilute muriatic acid; was collected, washed, and after exposure to a low red heat, for a few minutes in a cru- ORE ORE cible of platinum, weighed 155 grains. If therefore *he quantity of sulphur converted into sulphuric acid by the preceding opera- tions, and precipitated by barytes, be calcu- lated according to the experiments of M. Chenevix, then, 155 grains of sulphate of barytes. will denote nearly 22.5 of sulphur, (2f. Dr. Wollaston's scale); so that with the addition ofthe 14 grains previously obtained in substance, the total quantity will amount to 36.5, (35). (e.) Moreover, from what has been stated, it appears, that the iron which was obtained in the form of black oxide, weighed 80 grains; and by adding these 80 grains to the 36.5 of sulphur, an increase of weight is found = 16.5. This was evidently owing to the oxidizement ofthe iron, which in the magnetical pyrites, exists quite or very nearly in tiie metallic state ; but by the operations of the analysis, has received this addition. The real quantity of iron must on this ac- count be estimated at 63.5. 100 grains therefore, ofthe magnetical pyrites yielded, S„H.I.ur, [W g* {]{]\ «UT (35) Iron, (e) = 63.5 (62.22) 100.0 97.22 This analysis was repeated in a similar manner, exceptingthat the whole v\ as diges- ted in nitric acid, until the sulphur was en- tirely converted into sulphuric acid. 'To the liquor which remained after the separation of the iron by ammonia, muriate of barytes was added, as before, and formed a precipitate which weighed 245 grains. Now these, by Dr. Wollaston's scale, are equivalent to nearly 33.5 of sulphur. Hence it would ap- pear, that a little sulphur is dissipated, in the form of sulphurous acid, by this mode of operation. The theoretical equivalent proportions of magnetic pyrites are, Sulphur, 36.363 2.00 Iron, 63.636 3.50 * We thus see, that Mr. Ilatchett's final sta< ement is almost exact, in consequence of M. Chenevix's erroneous estimate of the composition of sulphuric acid and sulphate of barytes, making a compensation for the experimental deviation, or loss; amounting on the iron to 1.416, and on the sulphur to 1.363, in the 100 parts. Analysis of arseniate of iron, by M. Che- nevix :— 100 grains boiled with potash left 58.5. The liquor treated by nitrate of lead, gave of arseniate of lead, a quantity which he es- timated as equivalent to 31 of arsenic acid. The 58.5 left 4, which muriatic acid could fiot dissolve, and which were silica. Ammo- nia dissolved 9, and there remained 45.5 of oxide of iron. This analysis presents the following results: Arsenic acid, - 31.00 Oxide of iron, - 45.50 Oxide of copper, - 9.00 Silica, . - 4,00 M ater, by inference, 10-50 100 00 7. Lear Ore. Analysis of \ellow lead ore from Wanlockhead, by Klaproth :— («.) Upon 100 grains of this ore finely levigated, dilute nitric acid was poured and heated. They dissolved, and only a few in- considerable flocks escapedthe action ofthe solvent. The filtered colourless solution, when treated with nitrate of silver, gave 10$ muriate of silver, which indicates, say s Klap- roth, 1.62 grains dry muriatic acid. (b.) Sulphuric acid was then presented to the solution. It precipitated the lead con- tained in that fluid in the state of sulphate ; which having suffered a red heat, weighed 108-g- grains ; for which 80 grains of oxide of lead must be allowed. (c.) 'The excess of sulphuric acid being se- parated by means of nilrtae of barytes. am- monia was added to the saturation of the nitric acid, and the phosphoric acid was then thrown down with acetate of lead. From •80 grains of phosphate of'lead thusohtained, he inferred 18 grains of phosphoric acid to have existed in the ore. The residuary part ofthe fluid contained nothing more ofthe constituent parts of the mineral, excepting a slight trace of iron. Consequently 100 gr. were resolved into— Oxide of lead, 80. Phosphoric acid, 18. Muriatic acid, 1.62 99.62 8. Analysis of Ghat Silver Ore, by Klaproth :— (a.) 300 grains ofthe fragments selected from the pounded ore, though not perfectly separable from the quartzose gangue, with which they were firmly concreted, were le- vigated to a subtle powder, and digested with four times their weight of nitric acid. The digestion was renewed with the resi- duum, in an equal quantity ofthe same acid; and the portion which still remained undis- solved then assumed a grayish-yellow co- lour, and weighed 188 grains. (bT) By the addition of muriate of soda to the bright green nitric solution, its silver was thrown down ; and this precipitate col- lected and reduced by means of soda, yield- ed 31$ grains of metallic silver. (c.) The silver being thus separated, lie tried the solution for lead ; but neither the neutral sulphates, nor free sulphuric acid, could discover the least sign of it. (d.) After this he added caustic volatile alkali, so as to .supersaturate the acid; upon which a reddish-brown precipitate, ofa loose cohesion, appeared, that by ignition became ofa black-brown, and. weighed 9£ grains. It dissolved in nitric acid, leaving behind it half a grain of siliceous earth. Prussiate of ORE ORE potash produced from the filtered solution a deep blue precipitate of iron; and after this wasseparated, 1$ grains of alumina were ob- tained from it by means of soda. 'Therefore subtracting the siliceous and argillaceous earths, the portion of iron attractible by the magnet amounted to 7\ grains. (e.) To the solution, which had been be- fore supersaturated with pure ammonia, and exhibited a sapphire-blue colour, sulphuric acid was now added to excess. A polished piece of iron was then immersed into the fluid, from which it precipitated 69 grains of copper. (/.) The above grayish-yellow residuum (a) was now to be examined. It was di- gested with six times its quantity of muriatic acid, in a heat of ebullition. When filtered,' the residue which was left on the paper, be- ing first washed with muriatic acid, then with a little alcohol, and lastly dried, was 'found to weigh 105$ grains. (g.) From the solution which was obtain- ed by the last process, and was of a straw- yellow, the greater part of the fluid was drawn off by a gentle distillation in a retort. The remaining concentrated solution then deposited some crystalline grains, which were carefully collected, and proved upon inquiry to be muriate of silver, weighing £ ofa grain. A large quantity of « ater being next poured into the solution, a copious pre- dpitete subsided, weighing after desiccation 97i grains. It proved by every test to be oxide of antimony, for which, as was found by comparative experiments, 75 grains of reguline antimony must be allowed. (A.) The residue obtained (f) weighing 1*05$ grains, which comprised the sulphure- ous part of the ore, was exposed to a low heat, by which treatment the sulphur was consumed, and 80i grains of silica remain- ed. Hence the quantity ofthe sulphur was equal to 25$ grains. (*'.) The siliceous earth was next fused with four times its weight of black flux. The melted mass entirely dissolved in twice its weight of water into liquor of flints ; some minute particles of silver, weighing three- fourths ofa grain, excepted. According to this, the proportion of silica amounted to 79$ grains. The whole constituents therefore are,— Ore , exclusive Silver, (*) 31.5 ~) of silica, in 100. (ft) 0.25 C . 32.50 14.77 (0 0.75) Copper, (<0 69.00 31.36 Antimony .(*) 75.00 34.09 Iron, (d) 7.25 3.30 Sulphur, (h) 25.25 11.50 Alumina, (■rf) 1.50 0.30 Silica, (d) and (i) 80.00 95.32 9. Analysis of Tin Ores by Klaproth :— 1. Tinstone. (a.) 100 grains of tinstone from Alter- non, in Cornwall, previously ground to a subtle powder, were mixed in a silver ves- sel, with a lixivium containing 600 grains of caustic potash. 'This mixture was evapora- ted to dry ness in a sand heat, and then mo- derately ignited for half an hour. When the gray-white mass, thus obtained, had been softened while yet warm with boiling wa- ter, it left on the filter 11 grains of an un- dissolved residue. (b.) These 11 grains, again Ignited with 6 times their weight of caustic potash, and dissolved in boiling water, left now only li grains of a fine yellowish-gray powder be- hind. (c.) The alkaline solution, (a and b), which was in some degree, colourless, was saturated with muriatic acid. A brilliant white tender oxide of tin was thrown down giving to the mixture a milky appearance. This precipitate, redissolved by an addition- al quantity of muriatic acid, was precipita- ted afresh by means of carbonate of soda. When lixiviated and dried in a gentle heat, it acquired the form of bright yellowish transparent lumps, having in their fracture a vitreous lustre. (d.) This precipitate being finely powder- ed, soon dissolved entirely in muriatic acid, assisted by a gentle heat. Into the colour- less solution, previously diluted with from 2 to 3 parts of water, he put a stick of zinc ; and the oxide of tin, thus reduced, gathered around it, in delicate dendritic laminae, of a metallic lustre. These, when collected, washed, dried, and fused under a cover of tallow, in a capsule placed upon charcoal, yielded a button of pure metallic tin, weigh- ing 77 grains. (e.) The above mentioned residue of li grains, left by the treatment with caustic potash (4), afforded with muriatic acid a yel- lowish solution ; from which, by means ofa little piece of zinc introduced into it, $ grain of tin was still deposited. Ferropiussiate of potash, added to the remainder ofthe solu- tion, produced a small portion ofa light blue precipitate ; of which, after deducting the oxide of tin, now combined with it, hardly £ of a grain remained, to be put to the account of the iron, contained in the tinstone, here examined. In these experiments, (excepting only a slight indication of silex, amounting to about £ of a grain), no trace appeared, either of tungstic oxide, which some mineralogists have supposed to be one ofthe constituent parts of tinstone, nor of any other fixed sub- stance. "*'!'.■ ■e~,re what is deficient in the sum, to m;". • up the original weight ofthe mineral analyzed, must be ascribed to the loss of oxygen; and thus the constituent parts of pure tinstone from Alternon, are to each other in the following proportion ORE ore Tin, 77.50 Iron, 0.25 Silica, 0.75 Oxygen, 21.50 100.00 2. Tin pyrites, from Wheal-Rock, St. Agnes in Cornwall. (a.) 120 grains of finely triturated tin pyrites were treated with an aqua regia, com- posed of 1 ounce muriatic acid, and $ ounce of nitric acid. Within 24 hours, the greatest part of the metallic portion was dissolved in it, without application of heat; while the sulphur rose up and floated on the surface of the menstruum. Afterthe mixture hadbeen digested upon it for some time in a low sand heat, it was diluted with water, and thrown on a filter. It left 43 grains of sulphur on the paper, still, however, mixed with metallic particles. When the sulphur had been gen- tly burnt off on a test, there still remained 13 grains ; of which 8 were dissolved by ni- tro-muriatic acid. The remaining part was then ignited with a little wax; upon which the magnet attracted 1 grain of it. What remained was part of the siliceous matrix, and weighed 3 grains. (b). The solution ofthe metallic portion (a) was combined with carbonate of potash; and the dirty-green precipitate, thus obtain- ed, was redissolved in muriatic acid, diluted with 3 parts of water. Into this fluid, a cy- linder of pure metallic tin, weighing 217 grains, was immersed. The result was, that the portion of copper contained in the solu- tion, deposited itself on the cylinder of tin; at the same time that the fluid began to lose its green colour, from the bottom upwards, until after the complete precipitation ofthe copper in the reguline state, it became quite colourless. (c.) The copper thus obtained weighed 44 grains. By brisk digestion in nitric acid, it dissolved, forming a blue tincture, and left 1 grain of tin behind, in the character of a white oxide. Thus the portion of pure cop- per consisted of 43 grains. (d.) The cylinder of tin employed to pre- cipitate the copper, now weighed 128 grains; so that 89 grains of it had entered into the muriatic solution. From this, by means of a cylinder of zinc, he reproduced the whole of the dissolved tin, which was loosely de- posited n pon the zinc, in a tender dendritical form. When the tin was all precipitated, he collected and lixiviated carefully, and suffer- ed it to dry. ft weighed 130 grains. By mixing it with tallow, he melted it into' grains, under a cover of charcoal dust, in a small crucible; and separated the powder of the coal by elutriation. Among the washed grains of tin, some black particles of iron were observed, which were attractible by the magnet, and weighed I grain. Deducting this, there remain 129 grains for the weight ofthe tin. By substrarting again from these last those 89 grains, which proceeded from the cylinder of tin employed for the preci- pitation of the copper (b), there remained 40 grains, for the portion of tin contained in the tin pyrites examined. Hence, including the 1 grain of tin, which had been separated from the solution ofthe copper (r), the por- tion of pure tin contained in this ore amoun- ted to 41 grains. The following is a view In 120 gr. In 100. Sulphur 30 25 Tin, 41 34 Copper, 43 36 Iron, 2 2 Gangue, 3 — -- 97 119 The darker varieties are considerably poorer in tin. The reduction ofthe ores of tin is effected, by roasting the ore after it has been pulverized in stamping mills, ana then exposing it to heat, in a reverberatory or blast furnace, along with Welch small coal or culm. If much copper be present, it is afterwards fused at a very gentle heat, and what flows off is pretty pure tin. Zinc is reduced by distillation of its ore (previously roasted) in a retort, along with charcoal.* A sulphuret of zinc was lately met with in one of the Gwennap mines, incrusting a spongy pyrites intermixed with quartz, ami so like wood-tin, as to be supposed a variety of it by the miners. According to Dr. Kidd, it consists of 66 oxide of zinc, 33 sulphur, and a very minute portion of iron. The pyrites contains cobalt. In the dry way, zinc is reduced by distil- ling its ore after torrefaction, with a mixture of its own weight of charcoal, in an earthen retort well luted, and a strong heat: but by this method scarce half the zinc it contains is obtained. 'The first dressingofcalamine forthe large works of zinc, consists in picking out all the pieces of lead ore, lime, and ironstone, cauk, and other heterogeneous substances, which are found mixed with it in the mine : it is then roasted in proper furnaces, where it loses about a third or fourth part of its weight. It is picked out again very care- fully, as the heterogeneous particles have become more discernible by the action of the fire; it is then ground to a fine powder, and washed in a gentle rill of water, which carries off the earthy mixtures of extraneous matters; so that, by these processes, a ton ofthe crude calamine of Derbyshire is re- duced to 12 cwt. only. Bergmann affirms, that a certain English- man, whose name he does not mention, made, several years ago, a voyage to China, for the purpose of learning the art of smelt- ing zinc, or tutenague ; and that he became instructed in the secret, and rciurned safe- !v home. OSM OXA It is not improbable, but that a fact of this kind may have served to establish the nia- nufactorv of zinc in England about the year 1743, when Mr. Champion obtained a patent for the making of it, and built the first work of the kind near Bristol. It consists, as Watson relates, of a circular kind of oven, like a glass-house furnace, in which were placed six pots, of about four feet each in height, much resembling large oil jars in shape ; into the bottom of each pot is insert- ed an iron tube, which passes through the floor ofthe furnace, into a vessel of water. A mixture ofthe prepared ore is made with charcoal, and the pots are filled v. ith it to tho mouth, which are then close stopped with strong covers, and luted with clay. The fire being properly applied, the metal- lic vapour of the calamine issues, down- wards, or per descensum, through the iron tubes, there being no other place through which it can escape ; and the air being ex- cluded, it does not take fire, but is conden- sed in the water into granulated particles ; which, being remelted, are cast into ingots, and sent to Birmingham under the name of zinc, or spelter; although by this last name of spelter, only a granulated kind of soft brass is understood among the braziers, and others who work in London, used to solder pieces of brass together. •Orichalccm. The brass of the ancients; their ses was a species of bronze.* •Orpiment. Sulphuret of arsenic. See Ores of Arsenic* •Orthite. A mineral so named because it always occurs in straight layers, generally in feldspar. It resembles gadolinite, and con- sists of, peroxide of cerium 19.5, protoxide of iron 12.44, protoxide ofmanganese o.44, yttria 3.44, silica 32.0, alumina 14.8, lime 7.84, water 5.36,—Berzelius. It is found in the mine of Finbo, in the vicinity of Fah- lum in Sweden. The mine is situated in a vein of granite which traverses gneiss.* * Osmazome. If cold water which has been digested, for a few hours, on slices of raw muscular fibre, with occasional pressure, be evaporated, filtered, and then treated with pure alcohol, a peculiar animal princi- ple will be dissolved, to the exclusion ofthe salts. By dissipating the alcohol with a gen- tle heat, the osmazome is obtained. It has a brownish-yellow colour, and the taste and smell of soup. Its aqueous solution affords precipitates with infusion of nut-galls, ni- trate of mercury, and nitrate and acetate of OsnifM. A new metal lalely discovered by Mr. 'Tennant among platina, and thus called bv him from the pungent and pecu- liar smell of its oxide. For the mode in which he extracted it, see Iridium. Its oxide may likewise be obtained in small quantity by distilling with nitre the black powder left after dissolving platina ; Vol. U. when at a low red heat an apparently oily fluid sublimes into the neck of the retort, which on cooling concretes into a solid, co- lourless, semi-transparent mass. This being dissolved in water, forms a concentrated so- lution of oxide of osmium. 'This solution gives a dark stain to the skin, that cannot be effaced. Infusion of galls presently pro- duces a purple colour in it, which soon af- ter becomes of a deep vivid blue. This is the best lest ofthe oxide. With pure am- monia it becomes yellow, and slightly so with carbonate of soda. With lime it forms a bright yellow solution ; but it is not affec- ted either by chalk or by pure magnesia. The solution with lime gives a deep red precipitate with galls, which is turned blue by acids. It produces no effect on solution of gold or platina; but precipitates lead of a yellowish-brown, mercury of a white, and muriate of tin ofa brown colour. Oxide of osmium becomes of adark colour with alcohol, and after some time separates in the form of black films, leaving the al- cohol without colour. The same effect is produced by ether, and much more quickly. It parts with its oxygen to all the metals except gold and platina. Silver kept in a solution of it some time, acquires a black colour, but does not deprive it entirely of smell. Copper, tin, zinc, and phosphorus quickly produce a black or gray powder, and deprive the solution of smell, and ofthe property of turning galls blue. This black powder, which consists of the metallic os- mium, and the oxide ofthe metal employed to precipitate it, may be dissolved in nitro- muriatic acid, and then becomes blue with infusion of galls. If the pure oxide dissolved in water be shaken with mercury, it soon loses its smell, and the metal forms a perfect amalgam. By squeezing the superfluous mercury through leather, and distilling off the rest, a dark gray or blue powder is left, which is the osmium. Exposed to a strong heat in a cavity in a piece of charcoal, it does not melt; nor is it volatile, if oxidation be carefully prevented. With copper and with gold it forms mallea- ble alloys, which are easily dissolved in ni- tro-muriatic acid, and afford by distillation the oxide of osmium. The pure metal, pre- viously heated, did not appear to be acted upon by acids. Heated in a silver cup with caustic alkali, it combined with itrand gave a yellow solution, similar to that from which it was procured. From this solution acids separate the oxide of osmium. - Phil. Trans. * Ossifications. The deposition of calca- reous phosphate or carbonate on tjie soft so- lids of animal bodies ; as in the pineal gland, lungs, liver, &c* See Pulw. Concretions, * Oxalates. Compounds ofthe salifiable bases with oxalic acid. See Acid (Oxalic), and the bases.* * QxALie Acid. Thi»s acid is described 29 OXY OXY under Acid (Oxalic). It is found in the} state of oxalate of lime in the roots of the following plants:—Alkana, apiuin, bistorta, carlina acaulis, curcuma, dictamnus albus, fceniculum, gentiana rubra, vincetoxicum, lapathum, liquiritia, mandragora, ononis, iris florentina, iris nostras, rheum, saponaria, scilla, sigillum salomonis, tormentilla, Vale- riana, zedoaria, zingiber. And in the fol- lowing barks :—berberis, cassia fistularis, canella alba, cinamomum, cascarilla, cassia caryophyllata, china, culilavan, frangula, fraxinus, quassia, quercus, simaruba, lignum sanctum, ulmus. In the state of binoxalate of potash, it exists in the leaves ofthe oxalis acetosella, oxalis corniculata, different spe- cies of rumex, and geranium acidum. The juice ofthe cicer parietinum is said to be pure oxalic acid.* Oxidation. The process of converting metals, or other substances, into oxide*, by combining with them a certain portion of oxygen. It differs from acidification in the addition of oxygen not betng sufficient to form an acid with the substance oxided. Oxidks. Substances combined with oxy- gen, without being in the state of an acid. Oxygen Gas. This gas was obtained by Dr. Priestley in 1774, from red oxide of mer- cury exposed to a burning lens, who observ- ed its distinguishing properties of rendering combustion more vivid and eminently sup- porting life- Scheele obtained it in different modes in 1775 ; and in the same year La- voisier, who had begun, as he says, to sus- pect the absorption of atmospheric air, or of a portion of it, in the calcination of metals, expelled it from the red oxide of mercury heated in a retort. Oxygen gas forms about a fifth of our at- mosphere, and its base is very abundant in nature. Water contains 88.88per cent of it j and it exists in most vegetable and animal products, acids, salts, and oxides. This gas may be obtained from nitrate of potash, exposed to a red heat in a coated glass or earthen retort, or in a gun-barrel; trom a pound of which about 1200 cubic inches may be obtained ; but this is liable, particularly toward the end of the process, to a mixture of nitrogen. It may be expelled, as already observed, from the red oxide of mercury, or that of lead; and still better from the black oxide of manganese, heated red-hot in a gun-barrel, or exposed to a gentler heat in a retort with half its weight, or somewhat more, of strong sulphuric add. To obtain it of the greatest purity, how ever, the chlorate of potash is preferable to any other substance, rejecting the portions that first come over as being debased with the atmospheric air in the retort. Grow ing ve- getables, exposed to the solar light,give out oxygen gas ; so do leaves laid on water in similar situations, the green matter that forms in water, and some other substances. Oxygen gas has neither smell nor taste. Itssp.gr. is 1.1111; 100 cubic inches weigh 33.88 gr. It is a little heavier than atmos- pheric air. Under great pressure water niav be made to take up about half its bulk. It is essential to the support of life. an animal will live in it a considerable time longer than in atmospheric air; but its respiration be- comes hurried and laborious before the whole is consumed, and it dies, though a fresh animal of the same kind can still sus- tain life tor a certain time in the residuary air. Combustion is powerfully supported by oxygen gas. Any inflammable substance, previously kindled, and introduced into it, burns rapidly and vividly. If an iron or copper wire be introduced into a bottle of oxygen gas, with a bit of lighted touchwood or charcoal at the end, it will burn with a bright light, and throw out a number of sparks. The bottom of the bottle should be covered with sand, that these sparks may not crack it. If the wire coiled up in a spiral like a corkscrew, as it usually is in this ex- periment, be moved with a jerk the instant a melted globule is about to fall, so as to throw it against the side ofthe glass, it will melt its way through in. an instant, or, if the jerk be less violent, lodge itself in the sub- stance of the glass. If it be performed in a bell glass, set in a plate filled with water, the globules will frequently fuse the vitreous glazing of the plate, and unite with it so us not to be separable without detaching the glaze, though it has passed through perhaps two inches of water. Oxygenation. This word is often used instead of oxidation, and frequently con- founded with it; but it differs in being of more general import, as every union with oxygen, whatever the product may be, is an oxygenation: but oxidation takes place only when an oxide is formed. Oxymel. A compound of honey and vinegar. * Oxr.wi'RiATic Acid. Chlorine.* * OxYniussic Acid. See Anu (Chlobo- prussic).* PAI * P AINTS. In the Philosophical Tran- 1 sactionsfor 1815. Sir H. Davy has communicated the results of some interest- ing researches, which he had made at Rome, on the colours used by the ancient artists. He found the reds to be minium, ochre, and cinnabar. Tiie yellows were ochre, orpiment, and massicot. The blues were formed from carbonate of copper, or cobalt, vitrified with glass. The purples were made of shellfish, and probably also from madder and cochineal lakes. l he blacks and browns were lamp-black, ivory-black, and ores of iron and mang-anese. The whites were chalk, white clay, and ceruse. The Egyptian azure, the excellence of which is proved by its duration for seventeen hundred years, may be easily and cheaply made. Sir H. Davy found, that 15 parts by weight of carbonate of soda, 20 of pow- dered opaque flints, and 3 of copper filings, strongly heated together for two hours, gave a substance of exactly the same tint, and of nearly the same degree of fusibility, and which when powdered, produced a fine deep sky-blue. He conceives, that next to coloured frits, the most permanent pigments are those fur- nished by the peroxides, or persalts, such as ochres, carbonates of copper, patent yel- low (submuriate of lead), chromate of lead, arsenite of copper, insoluble chloride of copper, and sulphate of barytes. M. Merime has inserted a note very in- teresting to painters in the Annates de Chimie et Phys. for June 1820. When carbonate of lead is exposed tor some time to vapours of sulphuretted hydrogen, it becomes black, beingconvertedinto a sulphuret. This white pigment, employed with oil, and covered with a varnish, which screens it from the air, may be preserved for many hundred years, as the paintings of the 15th century prove. But when the varnish is abraded or decays, the whites of ceruse are apt to contract black specks and spots, which ruin fine paintings. Miniatures in water colours are frequently injured in this way. M. Thenard was re- quested to occupy himself with the means of removing these stainS, without injuring the rest ofthe picture. After some trials, which proved that the reagents which would ope- rate on sulphuret of lead, would equally at- tack the texture ofthe paper, as well as other colours, he recollected, that among the nume- rous phenomena which his discovery of oxy- genated water had presented to him, he ob- served the property it possessed, of convert- PAL P ing instantly the black sulphuret of lead intp the white sulphate of the same metal. He gave a portion of water, containing about five or six times its volume of oxygen, to an ar- tist who had a fine picture of Raphael spot- ted black. On applying a few touches of his pencil, he perceived the s'ains vanish as if by enchantment, without affecting the other colours in the slightest degree.* Palladium. This is a new metal, first found by Dr. Wollaston associated with pla- tina, among the grains of which he supposes itB ore to exist, or an alloy of it with iridium and osmium, scarcely distinguishable from the crude platina, though it is harder and heavier. If crude platina be dissolved in nitro-mu- riatic acid, and precipitated with a solution of muriate of ammonia in hot water ; the precipitate washed, and the water added to the remaining solution, and a piece of clean zinc be immersed in this liquid, till no far- ther action on it takes place; the precipitate now thrown down will be a black powder, commonly consisting of platina, palladium, iridium, rhodium, copper, and lead. The lead and copper may be separated by dilute nitric acid. The remainder being then di- gested in nitro-muriatic acid, and common salt, about half the weight ofthe precipitate, added on the solution, on evaporating this to dryness by a gentle heat, the result will be triple salts of muriate of soda with platina, palladium, and rhodium. Alcohol will dis- solve the first and second of these; and the small portion of platina may be precipitated by sal ammoniac. The solution being dilut- ed, and prussiate of potash added, a precipi- tate will be thrown down, at first ofa deep orange, and afterward changing green. This being dried, and heated with a little sulphur before the blow-pipe, fuses into a globule, from which the sulphur may be expelled by exposing it to the extremity of the flame, and the palladium will remain spongy and malleable. It may likewise be obtained by dissolving an ounce of nitrate of potash in five of mu- riatic acid, and in this mixture digesting the compound precipitate mentioned above. Or more simply by adding to a solution of crude platina, a solution of prussiate of mercury, on which a flocculent precipitate will gra- dually be formed, of a yellowish-white, co- lour. This is prussiate of palladium, from which the acid may be expelled by heat. Palladium is of a grayish-white colour, scarcely distinguishable from platina, and takes a good polish. It is ductile and very malleable ; and being reduced into thin slips is flexible, but not very elastic. Its fracture PAS PEA is fibrous, and in diverging stria, showing a kind of crystalline arrangement. In hard- ness it is superior to wrought iron. Its sp. grav. is from 10.9 to 11.8. It is a less per- fect conductor of caloric than most metals, andlessexpansible, though in this it exceeds platina. On exposure to a strong heat its surface tarnishes a little, and becomes blue; but an increased heat brightens it again. It is reducible per se. Its fusion requires a much higher heat than that of gold; but if touched whiie hot with a small bit of sul- phur, it runs like zinc. 'The sulphuret is whiter than the metal itself, and extremely brittle. Nitric acid soon acquires a fine red colour from palladium, but the quantity it dissolves is small. Nitrous acid act s on it more quick- ly and powerfully. Sulphuric acid, by boil- ing, acquires a similar colour, dissolving a small portion. Muriatic acid acts much in the same manner. Nitro-muriatic acid dis- solves it rapidly, and assumes a deep red. Alkalis and earths throw down a precipi- tate from its solutions generally ofa fine orange colour; but it is partly redissolved in an excess of alkali. Some ofthe neutral salts, particularly those of potash, form with it triple compounds, much more soluble in water than those of platina, but insoluble in alcohol. Alkalis act on palladium even in the me- tallic state; the contact of air, however, pro- motes their action. A neutralized solution of palladium is pre- cipitated of a dark orange or brown by re- cent muriate of tin; but if it be in such pro- portionsas to remain transparent, it is chang- ed to a beautiful emerald-green. Green sul- phate of iron precipitates the palladium in a metallic stale. Sulphuretted hydrogen pro- duces a dark brown precipitate; prussiate of potash an olive coloured; and prussiate of mercury a yellowish-white. As the last does not precipitate platina, it is an excellent test of palladium. This precipitate is from a neu- tral solution in nitric acid, and detonates at about 500° of Fahr. in a manner similar to gunpowder. Fluoric, arsenic, phosphoric, oxalic, tartaric, citric, and some other acids, with their salts, precipitate some of the so- lutions of palladium. All the metals except gold, silver, and platina, precipitate it in the metallic state. , * Paste. A glass made in imitation ofthe gems. M. Douault-Wieland has lately given the following directions for making them. The base of all artificial stones, is a com- pound of silex, potash, borax, red oxide of lead, and sometimes arsenic. Pure boracic acid, and colourless quartz should be used. Hessian crucibles are better than those of porcelain. The fusion should be continued in a potter's furnace for 24 hours ; the more tranquil and continued it is, the denser the paste and the greater its beauty. Paste*. Rock crystal, Minium, Potash, Borax, Arsenic, 1. 4056 gr. 6300 2154 276 12 Ceruse of Clichy, — Sand, — Topaz Very white paste, Glass of antimony, Cassius purple, 2. 3. 4. — .1456 ^600 ■_- 5.U8 — 1260 1944 1260 360 216 360 12 6 — 8508 — 8508 3000 — — No. 1. No. 2. • 1008 3456 43 — 1 — Peroxide of iron (saffron of Mars), — 36 Ruby.—Paste 2880, oxide of manganese 72. Emerald.—Paste 4608, green oxide of copper 42, oxide of chrome 2. Sapphire.— Paste 4608, oxide of cobalt 68, fused for 30 hours. Amethyst.—Paste 4608, oxide of manganese 36, oxide of cobalt 24, purple of Cassius 1. Beryl.—Paste 3456, glass of an- timony 24, oxide of cobalt 1$. Styrian, Garnet, or ancient carbuncle.—Paste 512, glass of antimony 256, Cassius purple 2, ox- ide of manganese 2. In all these mixtures, the substances should be blended by sifting, fused very carefully, and cooled very slowly, being left on the fire from 24 to 30 hours. M. Langon gives the following recipes -. Paste.—Litharge 100, white sand 75, potash 10. Emerald.—Paste 9216, acetate of copper 72, peroxide of iron 1.5. Amethyst. —Paste 9216, oxide of manganese from 15 to 24, oxide of cobalt 1.* * Pearl. A highly prized spherical con- cretion, which is formed within certain shell- fish. It has a bluish-white colour, with con- siderable lustre and iridescence. It consists of alternating concentric layers of membrane and carbonate of lime. I'o this lamellar structure the iridescence is to be ascribed. Pearls are of course very soluble in acids.* * Paroasite. Common Ae rvNOLnr..* * Pkahl Ash. An impure potash, obtain- ed by lixiviation, from the ashes of plants.* * Pearl Spar. See Brown Spar.* * Peahlsto.ne. A sub-species of indivi- sible quartz of Jameson and Mohs. Colour generally gray. Massive, vesicu- lar, and in coarse concretions, whose surface is shining and very like pearl. In the centre of these concretions, spheres of obsidian are frequently met with. Lustre, shining. Translucent on the edges. Most easily fran- gible. , Soft. Sp. gr. 2.24to 2.;>4. Before the blow-pipe it swells, and passes into a frothy glass. Its constituents are, silica 75.25, alumina 12, oxide of iron 1.6, potash 4.5, lime 0.5, water 4.5.—Klaproth. It oc- curs in great beds in clay-porphyry near Tokay in Hungary, and near Sandy Brae in Ireland.* * Pearl Sinter, or Fiorite. A variety of siliceous sinter. Colours white and gray. In imitative shapes. Glistening ; between PET PEW resinous and pearly. In thin concentric concretions. Translucent. Scratches glass, but less hard than quartz. Brittle. Sp. gr. 1.917. It is infusible before the blow-pipe. Its constituents are, silica 94, alumina 2, lime 4. — Santi. It has been found on vol- canic tuff on the Vicentine.* * Peas i one. A sub-species of limestone.* * Pechblende. An ore of uranium,* * Pirchloric Acid, See Acid (Muri- atic).* Pericardium (Liquor of tre). The constituents of the liquor pericardii appear to be Water, - 92.0 Albumen, - 5.5 f" The proportion Mucus, - 2.0 J of these substances Muriate of soda. 0.5*S is somewhat coll- ie jectural. 100.0 * Peridot. Ciikisolite.* Pi:i:late Salt and Acid. See Acid (Phosphoric). " Perlateh Acid, or Ouretic. Biphos- phate of soda.* Pm (Ba'.sam of). This substance is obtained from the myroxyion peruiferum, which grows in the warm parts of South America. The tree is full of'resin, and the balsam is obtained by boiling the twigs in water. It has the consistency of honey, a brown colour, an agreeable smell, and a hot acrid taste. P*ri vian Bark. See Cinchona. * Petalite. A mineral discovered in the mine of Uto in Sweden by M. D'Andrada, interesting, from its analysis by M. Arfwed- son having led to the knowledge of a new alkali. Externally it resembles white quartz. but it has a twofold cleavage, parallel to the sides ofa rhomboidal prism ; two of which parallel to each other are splendent, and the other two are dull. Sp. gr. 2.45. On mi- nute inspection, a pinkish hue may be dis- cerned in the v. hite colour. It scratches glass, but may be raised by a knife. It is scarcely fusible by the blow-pipe, acquiring merely a glazed surface, full of minute bub- bles. Wlien reduced to a fine powder, it appears as white as snow. Placed in nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.45, it loses its white colour, and changes to a dingy hue ; the acid at the same time becomes clouded. The same acid, somewhat dilute, dissolves it without effer- vescence, at a boiling heat. Its constituents, by M. Arfwedson, are, silex 79.212, alumina 17.225, lithia 5.761. 1'here is here an ex- cessof2.198 above the hundred parts, which M. Arfwedson says, he does not know how to account for. M. Vauquelin found 7 per cent of lithia, in some pure specimens of petalite which M. Berzelius sent him. Dr. Gmelin, as well as M. Arfwedson, state the sp. gr. at 2.42. Borax dissolves it with facility, The bead is transparent and co- lourless. Nitre, fused with pure petalite, does not betray the presence of any man- ganese ; whence we may infer that it con- tains none of this metal. By Dr. Gmelin'e analysis, petalite is composed of, silica 74.17, alumina 17.41, lithia 5.16, lime 0.32. mois- ture 2.17, and loss 0.77. He could detect no manganese in pure specimens. Those, however, of a pale rose-red colour contain it.* Petrifactions. Stony matters, deposited either in the way of incrustation, or within the cavities of organized substances, are call- ed petrifactions. Calcareous earth, being universally diffused and capable of solution in water, either alone, or by the medium of carbonic acid or sulphuric acid, which are likewise very abundant, is deposited when- ever the water or the acid becomes dissipat- ed. In this way we have incrustations of limestone or of selenite in the form of sta- lactites or dropstones from the roofs of ca- verns, and in various other situations. The most remarkable observations rela- tive to petrifactions are thus given by Kir- wan :— 1. That those of shells are found on, or near, the surface ofthe earth'; those offish deeper; and those of wood deepest. Shells in specie are found in immense quantities at considerable depths. 2. That those organic substances that re- sist putrefaction most, are frequently found petrified; such as shells and the harder species of woods: on the contrary, those tha,t are aptest to putrefy are rarely found petrified; as fish, and the softer parts of an- imals, &c. . 3. That they are most commonly found in strata of marl, chalk, limestone, or clay, seldom in sandstone, still more rarely in gypsum; but never in gneiss, granite, ba- saltes, or schorl; but they sometimes occur among pyrites, and ores of iron, copper, and silver, and almost always consist of that species of earth, stone, or other mineral that surrounds them, sometimes of silex, agate^ or carnelian. 4. That they are found in climates where their originals could not have existed. 5. That those found in slate or clay art compressed and flattened. * Petroleum. See Naphtha.* * Petrosilex. Compact feldspar.* * Petuntse. Porcelain clay.* Pkwterv which is commonly called etain in France, and generally confounded there with true tin, is a compound metal, the ba- sis of which is tin. The best sort consists of tin alloyed with about a twentieth, or less^ of copper or other metallic bodies, as the experience of the workmen has shown to be the most conducive to the improvement of its hardness and colour, such as lead, zinc, bismuth, and antimony. There are PHO p,i0 tlu-ee sorts of pewter, distinguished by the names of plate, trifle, and ley-pewter. The first was formerly much used for plates and dishes; ofthe second are made the pints, quarts, and other measures of beer; and of the lev-pewter, wine measures and large vessels. The best sort of pewter consists of 17 parts of antimony to 100 parts of tin; but the French add a little copper to this kind of pewter. A very fine silver-looking metal is composed of 100 pounds of tin, eight of antimony, one of bismuth, and four of cop- per. On the contrary, the ley-pewter, bv comparing its specific gravity with those of the mixtures of tin and lead, must contain more than a fifth part of its weight of lead. * Piiarmacolite. Arsenic bloom. Native arseniate of lime. SeeOiiKs.* * Phosfhoiikscence. See Light.* * Phosphorite. A sub-species of apatite. 1. Common phosphorite Colour yellowish- white. Massive and in curved lamellar con- cretions. Surface drusy. Dull. Fracture uneven. Opaque. Soft and rather brittle. It melts with difficulty into a white colour- ed glass. When rubbed in an iron mortar, or thrown on red-hot coals, it emits a green coloured phosphoric light. Its constituents are, lime 59, phosphoric acid 34, silica 2, fluoric acid 1, oxide of iron 1.—Pelletier. It occurs in crusts in Estremadura in Spain. 2. Earthy phosphorite. Colour grayish- white. It consists of dull dusty particles. It phosphoresces on glowing coals. Its con- stituents are, lime 47, phosphoric acid 32.25, fluoric acid 2.25, silica 0.5, oxide of iron 0.75, water 1, mixture of quartz and loam 11.5.—Klaproth. It occurs in a vein at Mar- marosch in Hungary. See Apatite.* * Phosphouis. If phosphoric acid be mix- ed with l-5th of its weight of powdered charcoal, and the mixture distilled at a mo- derate red heat, in a coated earthen retort, whose beak is partially immersed in a basin of water, drops of a waxy looking substance will pass over, and, falling into the water, will concrete into the solid, called phospho- rus.^ It must be purified, by straining it, through a piece of chamois leather, under warm water. It is yellow and semi-trans- parent. It is as soft as wax, but fully more cohesive and ductile. Its sp. gr. is 1.77. It melts at 90° F. and boils at 550°. In the atmosphere, at common tempera- tures, it emits a white smoke, which, in the dark, appears luminous. This smoke is aci- § M. Javal finds, that the bi-phosphate of lime, obtained by digesting 5 parts of cal- cined bone powder, with 2 parts of sulphu- ric acid, is better adapted to yield phospho- rus by ignition with charcoal in a retort, than pure phosphoric acid. 'The latter sub- limes in a great measure undecomposed.— .9mi. de Clam, et Physique. June 1820. dulous,and results from the slow oxygena. tion ofthe phosphorus. In air perfectly dry, however, phosphorus does not smoke, be- cause the acid which is formed is s >lid. and, closely incasing the combustible, screens it from the atmospherical oxygen. When phosphorus is healed in the air to about 148°, it takes fire, and burns with a splendid white light, and a copious dense smoke. If the combustion take place with. in a large glass receiver, the smoke becomes condensed into snowy looking particles, which fall in a successive shower, coating the bottom plate with a spongy white efflo- rescence of phosphoric acid. This acid snow soon liquefies by the absorption of aqueous vapour from the air. When phosphorus is inflamed in oxygen, the light and heat are incomparably more intense; the former dazzling the eye, and the latter cracking the glass vessel. Solid phosphoric acid results; consisting of 1.5 phosphorus 4- 2.0 oxygen. When phosphorus is heated in highly rarefied air, three products are formed from it: one is phosphoric acid; one is a volatile white powder; and the third, is a red solid of comparative fixity, requiring a heat above that of boiling water for its fusion. The vol- atile substance is soluble in water, imparting acid properties to it. It seems to be phos- phorous acid. 'The red substance is proba- bly an oxide of phosphorus, since for its conversion into phosphoric acid, it requires less oxygen than phosphorus does. See Acids (Phosphoric, Phosphorous, and Hi- roriiospiiouous.) Phosphorus and chlorine combine with great facility, when brought in contact with each other at common temperatures. When chlorine is introduced into a retort exhaust- ed of air, and containing phosphorus, the phosphorus takes fire? and burns with a pale flame, throwing off sparks; while a white substance rises and condenses on the sides ofthe vessel. If the chlorine be in considerable quanti- ty, as much as 12 cubic inches to a grain of phosphorus, the latter will entirely disap pear, and nothingbut the white powder will be formed, into which about i> cubic inches ofthe chlorine will be condensed. No new gaseous matter is produced. The powder is a compound of phospho- rus and chlorine, first described as a pecu- liar body by Sir H. Davy in 1810; and vari- ous analytical and synthetical experiments, which he made with it, prove that it con- sists of about 1 phosphorus, and 6.8 chlo- rine in weight. The equivalent ratio of 1 prime ofthe first 4- 2 ofthe second consti- tuent, gives 1.5 to 9, or 1 to 6. It is the bi- chloride of phosphorus. Its properties are very peculiar. It is snow-white, extremely volatile, rising in a gaseous form, at atemperature much below PHO PRO that of boiling water. Under pneumatic pressure it may be fused, and then it crys- tallizes in transparent prisms. It acts violently on water, decomposing it, whence result phosphoric and muriatic acids; the former from the combination of tlve phosphorus with the oxygen, and the latter from that ofthe chlorine with the hy- drogen of the water. It produces flame when exposed to a lighted taper. If it be transmitted through an ignited glass tube, along with oxygen, it is decomposed, and phosphoric acid and chlorine are obtained. The superior fixity ofthe acid, above the chloride, seems to give that ascendancy of attraction to the oxygen here, which the chlorine possesses in most other cases. Dry litmus paper exposed to its vapour in a ves- sel exhausted of air, is reddened. When in- troduced into a vessel containing ammonia, a combination takes place, accompanied with much heat, and there results a com- pound, insoluble in water, undecomposable by acid or alkaline solutions, and possessing characters analogous to earths. 2. The protochloride of phosphorus was first obtained in a pure state, by Sir H. Davy in the year 1809. If phosphorus be sublimed through corrosiv e sublimate, in powder, in a glass tube, a limpid fluid comes over, as clear as water, and having a specific gravity of 1.45. It emits acid fumes when exposed to the air, by decomposing the aqueous va- pour. If paper imbued with it be exposed to the air, it becomes acid without inflam- mation. It does not redden dry litmus pa- per plunged into it. Its vapour burns in the flame of a candle. When mixed with water, and heated, muriatic acid flies off, and phos- phorous acid remains. See Acid (Phospho- hois). If it be introduced into a vessel con- taining chlorine, it is converted into the bi- chloride ; and if made to act upon ammonia, phosphorus is produced, and the same ear- thy-like compound results, as that formed by the bi-chloride and ammonia. When phosphorus is gently heated in the protochloride, a part of it dissolves, and the fluid, on exposure to air, gives off acid fumes, from its action on atmospheric mois- ture, while a thin film of phosphorus is left behind, which usually inflames by the heat generated from the decomposition ofthe vapour. The first compound of this kind was obtained by MM. Gay-Lussac and The- nard, by distilling phosphorus and calomel together, in 1808; and they imagined it to be a peculiar combination of phosphorus, oxygen, and muriatic acid. No experiments have yet ascertained the quantity of phos- phorus which the protochloride will dis- solve. Probably, says Sir H. Davy, a defi- nite combination may be obtained, in which the proportion of chlorine will correspond to the proportion of oxygen in the oxide of phosphorus. The subchloride would consist of 3 phosphorus -}- 4.5 chlorine; or of 2 4- 3. The compounds of iodine and phosphorus have been examined by Sir H. Davy, and M. Gay-Lussac. Phosphorus unites to iodine with the dis- engagement of heat, but no light. One part of phosphorus and eight of iodine form a compound of a red orange-brown colour, fusible at about 212°, ami volatile at a high- er temperature. When brought in conlt' with water, phosphuretted hydrogen gas is disengaged, flocks of phosphorus are pre- cipitated, and the water, which is colour- less, contains, in solution, phosphorous and hydriodic acids. One part of phosphorus and 16 of iodine, produce a crystalline matter of a grayish- black colour, fusible at 84°. The hydriodic acid, produced by bringing it in contact with water, is colourless, and no phosphuretted hydrogen gas is disengaged. One part of phosphorus, and 24 of iodine, produce a black substance partially fusible at 115°. Water dissolves it, producing a strong heat, and the solution has a very deep brown colour, which is not removed by keep- ing it, for some time, in a gentle heat. With 1 phosphorus and 4 iodine, two compounds, very different from each-other, are obtained. One of them has the same colour as that formed of 1 phosphorus 4- 8 iodine, and seems to lie the same with it. It melts at 217.5°, and when dissolved in water, yields colourless hydriodic acid, phosphuretted hy- drogen, and phosphorus, which last preci- pitates in orange-yellow flocks. The other compound is reddish-brown, does not melt at 212J, nor at a considerably higher tem- perature. Water has no sensible action on it. Potash dissolves it with the disengagement of phosphuretted hydrogen gas; and when aqueous chlorine is poured into the solution, it shows only traces of iodine. When heat- ed in the open air, it takes fire and burns like phosphorus, emitting white vapours, without any iodine. When tliese vapours were condensed in a glass jar, by M. Gay- Lussac, he could perceive no iodine among them. This red substance is always obtained w hen the phosphorus is in the proportion of I to 4 of iodine. M. Gay-Lussnc is inclin- ed to consider it as identical with the red matter, which phosphorus so often furnish- es, and which is at present considered as an oxide. In whatever proportions the iodide of phosphorus has been made, it exhales, as soon as it is moistened, acid vapours, owing to the hydriodic acid formed by the decom- position ofthe water. Such is the account of the iodides of phos- phorus given by M Gay-Lussac The com* billing ratios by theory are, for the Subiodide, 3.0 ? iite-j- , ■ <•,*- ■ , ' > 4-15.5 iodine, or 1 4- 5.16 phosphorus, > ' Protiodide, 1.5 4- 15.5 1 4- 10.33 Deutiodide,l 5 -f 31.0 1 -f 20.66 Phosphuretted hydrogen. Of this compound there are two varieties; one consisting o' a PHO grime of each constituent, and therefore to Se called phosphurettedhydrogen; another, in which the relation of phosphorus is one- half less, to be called therefore subphos- phuretted hydrogen 1. Phosphurettedhydrogen. Into a small retort tilled with milk of lime, or potash- water, let some fragments of phosphorus be introduced, and let the heat of an Argand flame be applied to the bottom of the re- tort, while its beak is immersed in the water ota pneumatic trough. Bubblesofgaiw.il come over, which explode spontaneously with contact of air. It may also be procured by the action of dilute muriatic acid on phosphuret of lime. In order to obtain the gas pure, however, we must receive it over mercury. Its smell is very disagreeable. Its sp. grav. is 0.9022. 100 cubic inches weigh ~7.$ gr. In oxygen, it inflames with a bril- liant white light. In common air, when the gaseous bubble bursts the film of water, and explodes, there rises up a ring of white smoke, luminous in the dark. Water absorbs about l-40th of its bulk of this gas, and ac- quires a yellow colour, a bitter taste, and the characteristic smell of the gas. When brought in contact with chlorine, it deto- nates with a brilliant green light; but the products have never been particularly ex- amined. By transmitting a series of electric explo- sions, through phosphuretted hydrogen, the phosphorus is precipitated, and hydrogen of the original gaseous volume remains. Hence the composition ofthe gas maybe deduced from a comparison of its specific gravity with that of hydrogen. Phosphurettedhydrogen, 0.9022 Hydrogen, 0.0694 Phos.= difference of weight, 0.8328 Tims we perceive, that this compound consists of 0.8328 phosphorus 4- 0 0694 hy- drogen; or 124- 1; orl.54-0.125= 1.625, which is the weight ofthe sum ofthe primes, commonly called the weight of its atom. 'The gas may be likewise conveniently ana- lyzed by nitrous gas, nitrous oxide, or oxy- gen. 2. Suhphosphuretted hydrogen. It was dis- covered by Sir H. Davy in 1812. When the v.ystaU'me hydrate of phosphorous acid is heated in a retort, out of the contact of air, sold phosphoric acid is formed, and a large quantity of subphosphuretted hydrogen is evolved. Its smell is fetid, but not so disa- greeably so as that ofthe preceding gas. It does not spontaneously explode like it, with oxygen; but at a temperature of 300°, a violent detonation takes place. In chlorine it explodes with a white flame. Water ab- go-bs \ of its volume of this gas. When po- tash um is heated in it, its volume is doubled, an.I the resulting gas is pure hydrogen. W'.ien sulphur is sublimed in 1 volume of it, i sulphuret of phosphorus is formed, and PHO nearly 2 volumes of sulphuretted hydrogen are produced. Now as the density of vapour of phosphorus is 0.833, as appears both from the above analysis of phosphureti< d hydro- gen, and as also may be inferred from Sir H Davy's equivalent prime of phosphorus, (see Acid, Phosphoric), the present gase- ous compound results evidently from 2 volumes of hy-^ = Q ^^ 2 _ Q ^ drogen, > And 1 volume} of vapour of £- — 0.83J3 phosphorus, j ------ 0.9721 which occupy only one volume -, whence the specific gravity of this gas is 0 9721; and it consists of 2 primes of hydrogen = 0.25 4- one of phosphorus =» 1.5 = 1.75; being the same weight with the prime of azote It is probable that phosphuretted hydro. gen gas sometimes contains the subphos. phuret and common hydrogen mixed with it. " 'There is not, perhaps," says Sir H. Da vy, " in the whole series of chemical phe- nomena, a more beautiful illustration of the theory of definite proportions, than that of- fered in the decomposition of hydrophos- phorous acid into phosphoric acid, and hy- drophosphoric gas. " Four proportions of the acid, contain four proportions of phosphorus and four of oxygen; two proportions of water, contain four proportions of hydrogen and two of ox- ygen, (all by volume). The six proportions of oxygen unite to three proportions of phosphorus to form three of phosphoric acid,- and the four proportions of hydrogen combine with one of phosphorus to form one proportion of hydrophosphoric gas; and there are no other products."—Elements, p. 297. The reader will observe, that his hydrophosphoric gas, is our subphosphu- retted hydrogen. Phosphorus and sulphur are capable of combining. They may be united by melting them together in a tube exhausted of air, or under water. In this last case, they must be used in small quantities; as, at the mo- ment of their action, water is decomposed, sometimes with explosions. 'They unite in many proportions. The most fusible com- pound is that of one and a half of sulphur to two of phosphorus. This remains liquid at 40° Fahrenheit. When solid its colour is yellowish-white. It is more combustible than phosphorus, and distils undecompoun- ded at a strong heat. Had it consisted of- sulphur 4- 3 phosphorus, we should have had a definite compound of 1 prime of the first 4- 2 of the second constituent. This proportion frnis the best composition fot phosphoric fire-matches or bottles. A par- ticle of it attached to a brimstone ;natch, in- flames when gently rubbed against a surface of cork or wood. An oxide made by heating phosphorus in a narrow mouthed phial with an ignited wire, answers the same purpose. PIC PIC The phial must be kept closely corked* otherwise phosphorous acid is speedily formed. Phosphorus is soluble id oils, and com- * municates to them the property of appear- ing luminous in the dark. Alcohol and ether also dissolve it, but more sparingly. When swallowed in the quantity of a grain, it acts as a poison. Azote dissolves a little of it, and has its volume enlarged by about l-40th. See Eudiometer.* * Phosphorus (of Baldwin). Ignited mu- riate of lime.* * Phosphorus (of Canton). "Oyster shells calcined with sulphur.* * Phosphorus (of Bologna). See Light. Sulphate of barytes.* * Phosphuhet. A compound of phospho- rus, with a combustible or metallic oxide.* Phlooisitcatf.d Air. See Nitrooex. Phlogisticatkd Alkali. Ferroprussiate of potash. See Acid (Prussic). * Phlogiston. See Combustion.* * Phtsalite or Ptrophtsalite. Colour greenish-white. Massive. In granular con- cretions. Splendent in the cleavage, which is perfect, and as in topaz. Fracture uneven. Translucent on the edges. As hard as to- paz. Sp. gr. 3.451. It whitens with the blow-pipe. Its constituents are, alumina 57.74, silica 34.36, fluoric acid 7.77. It is found in granite at Finbo, in Sweden. It is a sub-species of prismatic topaz .—Jameson.* * Picromel. The characteristic principle of bile. If sulphuric acid, diluted with five parts of water, be mixed with fresh bile, a yellow precipitate will fall. Heat the mix- ture, then leave it in repose, and decant off the clear part. What remains was formerly called resin of bile, but it is a greenish com- pound of sulphuric acid and picromel. Edulcorate it with water, and digest with carbonate of barytes. The picromel now liberated will dissolve in the water. On evaporating this solution, it is obtained in a solid state. Or by dissolving the green sulphate in alcohol, and digesting the so- lution over carbonate of potash till it cease to redden litmus paper, we obtain the pic- romel combined with alcohol. It resembles inspissated bile. Its colour is greenish-yellow; its taste is intensely bitter at first, with a succeeding impression of sweetness. It is not affected by infusion of galls, but the salts of iron and subacetate of lead precipitate it from its aqueous solu- tion. It affords no ammonia by its destruc- tive distillation. Hence, the absence of azote is inferred, and the peculiarity of pic- romel.* * Picrotoxia. The bitter and poisonous principle of cocculut indicus, the fruit ofthe menispermum cocculus. To the filtered de- coction of these berries, add acetate of lead, while any precipitate falls. Filter and eva- porate the liquid cautiously to the consist- V©L. II. ence of an extract. Dissolve In alcohol of 0.817, and evaporate the solution to dryness. By repeating the solutions and evaporations, we at last obtain a substance equally solu- ble in water and alcohol. The colouring matter may be removed by agitating it with a little water. Crystals of pure picrotoxia. now fall, which may be washed with a lit- tle alcohol. The crystals are four-aided prisms, of a white colour, and intensely bitter taste. They are soluble in 25 times their weight of water, and are not precipitable by any known re-agent. Alcohol, sp. gr. 0.810, dissolves one-third of its weight of picro- toxia. Pure sulphuric ether dissolves 2-5ths of its weight. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it, but not when much diluted. Nitric acid converts it into oxalic acid. It dissolves and neutralizes in acetic acid, and falls when this is satu- rated with an alkali. It may therefore be regarded as a vegeto-alkali itself. Aqueous potash dissolves it, without evolving any smell of ammonia. It acts as an intoxicating poison. Sulphate of picrotoxia must be formed by dissolving picrotoxiain dilute sulphuric acid; for the strong acid chars and destroys it. The solution crystallizes on cooling. The sulphate of picrotoxia dissolves in 120 times its weight of boiling water. The solution gradually lets fall the salt in fine silky fila- ments disposed in bundles, and possessed of great beauty. When dry, it has a white co- lour, and feek elastic under the teeth, like plumose alum. It is composed of Sulphuric acid, 9.99 5 Picrotoxia, - 90.01 45 100.00 Nitrate of picrotoxia. Nitric acid, of the specific gravity 1-38, diluted with twice its weight of water, dissolves, when assisted by heat, the fourth of its weight of picrotoxia. When this solution is evaporated to one-half, it becomes viscid, and on cooling, is convert- ed into a transparent mass, similar to a solu- tion of gum-arable. In this state the nitrate of picrotoxia is acid, and exceedingly bitter. If it be still further dried in a temperature not exceeding 140°, it swells up, becomes opaque, and grows at last perfectly white and light, like calcined alum. If we keep h in this state, at atemperaturel>i,elow that of boiling water, adding a little water occa- sionally, the whole excess of acid exhales, and the taste become purely bitter. When this salt is washed in pure water, the acid is totally removed, and the picrotoxia is sepa- rated in the state of fine white plates. Muriate of picrotoxia. Muriatic acid, of the specific gravity 1.145, has little action on picrotoxia- It dissolves it when assisted by hea^ b\it does not become entirely saturated. Five parts of (his acid, dilutee] with thrfie 30 PIT PLA times its weight of water, dissolve about one part of picrotoxia at a strong boiling tempe- rature. The liquor, on cooling, is converted into a grayish crystalline mass, composed of confused crystals. When these crystals are well washed, they are almost destitute of taste, and feel elastic under the teeth. They dissolve in about 400 times their weight of boiling water ; but are almost entirely de- posited on cooling. The solubility is much increased by the presence of an excess of acid. Acetate of picrotoxia. Acetic acid dis- solves picrotoxia very well, and may be near- ly saturated with it by the assistance of a boiling heat. On cooling, the acetate preci- pitates in well-defined prismatic needles. This acetate is soluble in 50 times its weight of boiling water. On cooling, it forms crys- tals of great beauty, light, without any acid smell, and much less bitter than picrotoxia itself. It is decomposed by nitric acid, which disengages the acetic acid. Dilute sulphu- ric acid has no marked action on it. It is not so poisonous as pure picrotoxia.—Boul- lay. Ann. de Chimie* * Pimel.'te. A variety of steatite, found at Kosemuts, in Silesia.* \ * Pinchbeck. An alloy of copper, in which the proportion of zinc is greater than in brass.* * Pineal Concretions. Matter ofa sto- ny consistence is sometimes deposited in the substance of the pineal gland, formerly reckoned, from its position in the centre of the brain, to be the seat of the soul, the in- tellectual sanctuary. These concretions were proved by Dr. Wollaston to be phos- phate of lime.* ♦Finite. Micarelle ofKirwan. Colour blackish-green. Massive, in lamellar con- cretions, and crystallized in an equiangular six-sided prism; in the same figure trunca- ted or bevelled, and in a rectangular four- sided prism. Cleavage shining; lustre re- sinous. Fracture uneven. Opaque. Soft. Sectile; frangible, and not flexible. Feels somewhat greasy. Sp. gr. 2.95. Infusible. Its constituents are, silica 29.5, alumina 63.75, oxide of iron 6.75.—Klaproth. It is found in the granite of St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall ; and in prophyry in Glen-Gloe and Blair-Gowrie.* * Pistacte. See Epidote.* * Pitch. See Bitumen.* * Pi?ch Cc£l. See Coal.* * Pitch Orb. See Ores or uranium.* * Pitchstone. A sub-species of indivisi- ble quartz. Colour green. Massive; Vitreo- resinous lustre. Feebly transparent on the edges. Fracture conchoidal.. Semi-hard in a high degree. Rather easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.2 to 2.3. It is fusible before the blow- pipe. Its constituents are, silica 73, alu- mina 14.5, fime 1, oxide of iron 1, oxide of manganese 0.1, natron 1.75, water 8.5.— Klaproth. It occurs in vensthat traverse granite. It is found in Arran, in Mull, Canna, Skye, and in the Townland of Newry, where it was first observed by Mr Joy ot Dublin.* * Pitcoal. See Coal.* * Punts. See Vegetable Kingdom.* ♦Plasma. Colour between grass-green and leek-green. In angular pieces. Glistening. Fracture conchoidal. Translucent. Hard. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.553. Infusible. Its consti- tuents are, silica 96.75, alumina 0.25, iron 0.5, loss 2.5.—Klaproth. It occurs in beds asso- ciaied with common calcedony. It is found also among tl^e ruins of Rome.* * Pla»ter of Paris. Gypsum.* Platina is one ofthe metals for the dis- covery of which we are indebted to our contemporaries. Its ore has recently been found to contain, likew ise, four new metals, palladium, iridium, osmium, and rhodium ; which see ; beside iron and chrome. The crude platina is to be dissolved in nitro-muriatic acid, precipitated by muriate of ammonia, and exposed to a very violent heat. Then the acid and alkali are expel- led, and the metal reduced in an aggluti- nated state, which is rendered more com- pact by pressure while red-hot. Pure or refined platina is by much the heaviest body in nature. Its sp. gr. is 21.5. It is very malleable, though considerably harder than either gold or silver; and it hardens much under the hammer. Its co- lour on the touch-stone is not distinguish- able from that of silver. Pure platina re- quires a very strong heat to melt it ; but when urged by a white heat, its parts will adhere together by hammering. This pro- perty, which is distinguished by the name of welding, is peculiar to platina and iron, which resemble each other likewise in their infusibility. Platina is not altered by exposure to air ; neither is it acted upon by the most concen- trated simple acids, even when boiling, or distilled from it. The aqua regia best adapted to the solu- tion of platina, is composed of one part of the nitric and three of the muriatic acid. The solution does not take place with ra- pidity. A small quantity of nitric oxide is disengaged, the colour of the fluid becoming first yellow, and afterward of r. deep red- dish-brown, which, upon dilution with water, is found to be an intense yellow. This so- lution is very corrosive, and tinges animal matters of a blackish-brown colour; it af- fords crystals by evaporation. Count Moussin Poushkin has given the following method of preparing malleable platina: Precipitate the platina from its solution by muriate of ammonia, and wash the preci- pitate with a little cold water. Reduce it in a convenient crucible to the well-known spongy metallic texture, which wash two or three times with boiling water, to carry PLA PLA off any portion of saline matter that may have escaped the action of the fire. Boil it for about half an hour, in as much water mixed with one-tenth part of muriatic acid as will cover the mass to the depth of about half an inch, in a convenient glass vessel. This will carry off any quantity of iron that might still exist in the metal. Decant the acid water, and edulcorate, or strongly ig- nite the platina. To one part of this metal take two parts of mercury, and amalgamate in a glass or porphyry mortar. This amalgamation takes place very readily. The proper method of conducting it is to take about two drachms of mercury to three drachms of platina, and amalgamate them together; and to this amal- gam maybe added alternate small quantities of platina and mercury, till the whole ofthe two metals is combined. Several pounds may be thus amalgamated in a few hours, and in the large way a proper mill might shorten the operation. As soon as the amalgam of platina is made, compress it in tubes of wood, by the pressure of an iron screw upon a cylinder of wood adapted to the bore of the tube. This forces the superabundant mercury from the amalgam, and renders it solid. After two or three hours, burn upon the coals, or in a crucible lined with charcoal, the sheath in which the amalgam is contained, and urge the fire to a white heat; after which the platina may be taken out in a very solid state, fit to be forged. Muriate of tin is so delicate a test of pla- tina, that a single drop of the recent solu- tion of tin in muriatic acid gives a bright red colour to a solution of muriate of platina, scarcely distinguishable from water. If the muriatic solution of platina be agi- tated with ether, the ether will become im- pregnated with the metal. This ethereal solution is of a fine pale yellow, does not stain the skin, and is precipitable by ammo- nia. If the nitro-muriatic solution of platina be precipitated by lime, and the precipitate digested in sulphuric acid, a sulphate of pla- tina will be formed. A subnitrate may be formed in the same manner. According to M. Chenevix, the insoluble sulphite con tains 54.5 oxide of platina, and 45.5 acid and water; the insoluble muriate, 70 of oxide; and the subnitrate, 89 of oxide; but the purity ofthe oxide of platina in these is un- certain. Platina does not combine with sulphur directly, but is soluble by the alkaline sul. phurets, and precipitated from its nitro-mu- riatic solution by sulphuretted hydrogen. Pelletier united it with phosphorus, by projecting small bits of phosphorus on the metal heated to redness in a crucible ; or exposing to a strong heat four parts each of platina and concrete phosphoric acid with one of charcoal powder. The phosphuret of platina is of a silvery-white, very brittle, and hard enough to strike fire with steel. It is more fusible than the metal itself and a strong heat expels the phosphorus, whence Pelletier attempted to obtain pure platina in this way. He found, however, that the last portions of phosphorus were expelled with too much difficulty. Platina unites with most other metals. Added in the proportion of one-twelfth to gold, it forms a yellowish-white metal, high- ly ductile, and tolerably elastic, so that Mr. Hatchett supposed it might be used with advantage for watch-springs, and other pur- poses. Its specific gravity was 19.013. Platina renders silver more hard, but its colour more dull. Copper is much improved by alloying with platina. From l-6th to l-25th, or even less, renders it of a golden colour, harder, susceptible ofa finer polish, smooth- grained, and much less liable to rust. Alloys of platina with tin and lead art very apt to tarnish. See Iron. From its hardness, infusibility, and diffi- culty of being acted upon by most agents, platina is of great value for making various chemical vessels. These have, it is true, the inconvenience of being liable to erosion from the caustic alkalis and some of the neutral salts. * Platinum is now hammered in Paris into leaves of extreme thinness. By enclos- ing a wire of it in a little tube of silver, and drawing this through a steel plate in the usual way, Dr. Wollaston has succeeded in producing platinum wire not exceeding l-3000th of an inch in diameter. For some curious phenomena of its fu- sion, see Blow-pipe. There are two oxides of platinum:— 1. The protoxide may be obtained by pouring a solution of neutral nitrate of mercury into a dilute solution of muriate of platinum. A dark brown or olive-green powder falls, which is acompound of calo- mel and the protoxide of platinum. It must be well washed, and then gently heated so as to dissipate the mercurial salt. The pure black protoxide now remains. 100 grains of it, at a red heat, emit 12^ cubic inches of oxygen, and become metallic pla- tinum. With enamellers' flux it may be ignited without reduction. This important fact, as well as the discovery of this oxide itself, is due to Mr. Cooper. It would thus appear that protoxide of platinum consists of Platinum, 100.000 22.625 Oxygen, 4.423 1.000 2. The peroxide appears to contain three prime proportions. Berzelius obtained it by treating, the muriate of platinum with sul- phuric acid, at a distilling heat, and decom- posing the sulphate by aqueous potash. The precipitated oxide is a yellowish-brown pow- PLA P01 der, easily reducible by a red heat to the metallic state. According to Mr. E. Davy, the proto- chloride is soluble in water; while the bi- chloride is insoluble. If the common nitro- muriatic solution be cautiously dried, and heated to dull redness, washed with water, and again dried, we obtain the bichloride, apparently consisting of Platinum, 100, or 1 prime 23.73 Chlorine, 37.93 2 9.00 It has a dull olive-brown or green colour; a harsh feel; and is destitute of taste and smell. Itis not fusible by heat; nor is it altered by exposure to the atmosphere. At a full red heat the chlorine flies off, and platinum remains. According to Mr. E. Davy, there are two phosphurets and three sulphurets of plati- num. See his excellent memoir in the Pldl. Mag. vol. xl. The salts of platinum have the following general characters:— I. Their solution in water is yellowish- brpwn. 2. Potash and ammonia determine the formation of small orange-coloured crystals. 3. Sulphuretted hydrogen throws down the metal in a black powder. Ferroprussiate Of potash, and infusion of galls occasion no precipitate. 1. The sulphate of platinum may be ob- tained by passing a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas through the nitro-muriatic so- lution. It should be washed and boiled once or twice with nitric acid, to ensure its en- tire conversion into sulphate. It has a brownish-black colour, and resembles the carbonaceous crust left when sugar is de- composed by heat. It is brittle, easily pul- verized, and has the lustre nearly of crystal- lized blende. Its taste is acid, metallic, and somewhat caustic. It reddens litmus paper slightly. It is deliquescent, and soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, as well as in mu- riatic, n itric, and phosphoric acids. At a red heat it is resolved into metal. It appears from Mr. Davy's analysis to consist of Theory. Sulphuric acid, 26.3 2758 Protoxide of platinum, 73.7 72.42 This near coincidence is a verification of the analysis. A sulphate of potash and pla- tinum is formed by neutralizing the sulphate with a solution of potash, and exposing the mixture for alittle to a boiling heat. A gran- ular substance resembling gunpowder is ob- tained. It is tasteless, insoluble in water, and possesses the lustre of blende. A soda- sulphate may be formed by a similar pro- cess; as also an ammonia-sulphate. Fulminating platinum has been lately dis- covered by Mr. Edmund Davy. Into a solu- tion ofthe sulphate in water, aqueous am- monia is poured, and the precipitate which fjdls, being washed, is put into a matrass with potash-ley, and boiled for some time. It is then filtered, Washed, "and dried. A brown powder is obtained, lighter than ful- minating gold, which is the fulminating pla- tinum. It explodes violently when heated to 400° ; but does not detonate by friction or percussion. It is a non-conductor of electricity. With sulphuric acid it forms a deep coloured solution. Chlorine and mu- riatic acid gas decompose it. According to Mr. E. Davy, it consists of Nearly Peroxide of platinum, 82.5 2 primes Ammonia, 9.0 1 Water, 8.5 2 An important paper of Mr. Davy's on pla- tinum has been recently read at the Royal Society, the details of which are not yet published.* * Platinum OnE. See Onss or Plati- num.* * Pleonaste. Ceylanite.* •Plumbago. See Graphite.* * Poisons. Substances which, when ap- plied to living bodies, derange the vital functions, and produce death, by an action not mechanical. The study of their nature, mode of operation, and antidotes, has been called toxicology. Poisons have been arrang- ed into six classes: I.— Corrosive, or escharotic poisons. They are so named because they usually irritate, inflame, and corrode the animal texture with which they come into contact, Their action is in general more violent and formidable than that of the other poisons. The following list from Orfila contains the principal bodies of this class: 1. Mercurial preparations,- corrosive sub* limate; red oxide of mercury; turpeth mi- neral, or yellow subsulphatc of mercury ; pernitrate of mercury; mercurial vapours. 2. Arsenical preparations; such as white oxide of arsenic, and its combinations with the bases, called arsenites; arsenic acid, and the arseniates; yellow and red sulphu- ret of arsenic; black oxide of arsenic, or fly-powder. 3. Antimonialpreparations; such as tartar emetic, or cream-tartrate of antimony; ox- ide of antimony; kermes mineral; muriate of antimony; and antimonial wine. 4. Cupreous preparations; such as verdi- gris; acetate of copper; the cupreous sul- phate, nitrate, and muriate; ammoniacal copper; oxide of copper; cupreous soaps, or grease tainted with oxide of copper; and cupreous wines or vinegars. 5. Muriate of tin. . 6. Oxide and sulphate of zinc. 7. Nitrate of silver. 8. Muriate of gold. 9. Pearl-white or the oxide of bismuth, and the subnitrate of this metal. 10. Concentrated aculs ,• sulphuric, nitric, phosphoric, muriatic, hydriodic-, acetic, &t. POI POI 11. Corrosive alkalis, pure or subcarbo- nated potash, soda, and ammonia. 12. The caustic earths, lime and barytes. 13. Muriate and carbonate of barytes. 14. Glass and enamel powder. 15. Cantharides. H.—Astringent poisons. 1. Preparations of lead, such as the ace- tate, carbonate, wines sweetened with lead, water impregnated with its oxide, food cooked in vessels containing lead, sirups clarified with subacetate of lead, plumbean vapours. Ill —Acrid poisons. 1. The gases,- chlorine, muriatic acid, sulphurous acid, nitrous gas, and nitro-mu- riatic vapours. . 2. Jatropha manihot, the fresh root, and its juice, from which cassava is made. 3. The Indian ricinus, or Molucca wood. 4. Scummony, 5. Gamboge. 6. Seeds of palma Christi. 7. Elaterium. 8 Colocynth. 9. White hellebore root. 10. Black helle- bore root. 11. Seeds of stavesacre. 12. The wood and fruit ofthe ahovai of Brazil. 13. Rhododendron chrysanthum. 14. Bulbs of eolchicum, gathered in summer and autumn. 15. The milky juice of the convolvulus ar- vensis, 16. Asclepias. 17. OZnanthe fistulo- ea and crocata. 18. Some species of clematis. 19. Anemone pulsatilla. 20. Root of Wolf's- bane. 21. Fresh roots of Arum maculatum. 22. Berries and bark of Daphne Mezereum. 23. The plant and emanations of the rhus toxicodendron. 24. Euphorbia Officinalis. 25. Several species of ranunculus, particu- larly the aquatilis. 26. Nitre, in a large dose. 27. Some muscles and other shell-fish. IV.—Narcotic and stupefying poisons. 1. The gases; hydrogen, azote, and ox« ide of azote. 2. Poppy and opium. 3. The roots of the solanum somniferum; berries and leaves of the solanum nigrum; those ofthe morel with yellow fruit. 4. The roots and leaves of the atropa mandragora. 5. Datura stramonium. 6. Hyosciamus, or henbane. 7. Lactuca virosa. 8. Paris quad- rifolia, or herb Paris. 9. Lauro-cerasus, or bay laurel and prussic acid. 10. Berries of the yew tree. 11. Ervum ervilia; the seeds. 12. The seeds of lathyrus cicera. 13. Dis- tilled water of bitter almonds. 14. The ef- fluvia of many of the above plants. V.—Narcotico-acrid poisons. 1. Carbonic acid; the gas of charcoal stoves and fermenting liquors. 2. The man- chineel. 3. Faba Sancti Ignatii. 4. The ex- halations and juice ofthe poison-tree of Ma- cassar, or Upas-Antiar. 5. The ticunas. 6. Certain species of Strychnos. 7. The whole plant, Lauro-cerasus. 8. Belladona, or deadly nightshade. 9. Tobacco. 10. Roots of white bryony. 11. Roots of the Choero- phyllum silvcstre. 12. Conium maculatum, or spotted hemlock. 13. JEthusa cyna- pium. 14. Cicuta virosa. 15. Anagallis ar vensis. 16. Mercurialis perennis. 17. Di- gitalis purpurea. 18. The distilled waters and oils of some of the above plants. 19. The odorant principle of some of them- 20. Woorara of Guiana. 21. Camphor. 22. Cocculus Indicus. 23. Several mush- rooms; see Agaricus, and Boletus. 24. Secale cornutum. 25. Loliumtemulentum. 26. Sium latifolium. 27. Coriaria myrtiv folia. VI.—Septic or putrescent poisons. 1. Sulphuretted hydrogen. 2. Putrid effluvia d" animal bodies. 3. Contagious effluvia, or formites and miasmata; see Mias- mata. 4. Venomous animals; the viper, rattlesnake, scorpion, mad dog, 8tc. I regret that the limits of this work pre- clude me from introducing a systematic view ofthe mode of action of the principal sub- stances in the above catalogue. Under Anti- mony, Arsenic, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Sil- ver, pretty copious details are given of the poisonous effects of their preparations, and. ofthe best methods of counteracting them. Antidote for vegetable poisons. M. Dra- piez has ascertained, by numerous experi- ments, that the fruit of the feuillea cordifolia, is a powerful antidote "against vegetable poi- sons. He poisoned dogs with the rhus toxi- codendron, hemlock, and mix vomica; and all those which were left to the effects of the poison died, but those to which the above fruit was administered, recovered completely, after a short illness. To see whether the antidote would act in the same way, applied externally to wounds into which vegetable poisons had been introduced, he took two arrows, which had been dipped into the juice ofthe manchenille, and slightly wounded with them two cats; to one of these wounds he applied a poultice, composed of the fruit of the feuillea cordifolia, while the other was left without any application. The former suffered no inconvenience, except from the pain ofthe wound, which speedily healed; while the other, in a short time, fell into convulsions, and died. This fruit loses these valuable virtues, if kept two years after it is gathered. Dr. Chisholm states, that the juice of the sugar-cane is the best antidote for arsenic. Dr. Lyman Spalding of New York an- nounces in a small pamphlet, that for above these fifty years, the Scutellaria Lateriflora has proved to be an infallible means for the prevention and cure of the hydrophobia after the bite of rabid animals. It is better applied as a dry powder, than fresh. Ac- cording to the testimonies of several Ameri- can physicians, this plant, not yet received as a remedy in any European Materia Medi. ea, afforded perfect relief in above a thou- sand cases, as well in the human species, as in the brute creation, (dogs, swine, and ox- en).—Phil. Mag. lvi. p. 151.* POll POT * Polishing-Slatb. See Clat.* * Pollen. The powdery matter evolved from the anthera of flowers. 'That of the date seems, from the experiments of Four- croy and Vauquelin, to approach in its con- stitution to animal substances ; that of the hazel-nut contains tannin, resin, much glu- ten, and a little fibrin ; and that of the tulip yielded to Grot thus the following constitu- ents in 26 parts : Vegetable albumen, - 20.25 Malate of lime, with trace of ~> « ^q malate of magnesia, 5 Malic acid, - - - 1.00 Malate of ammonia, "^ Colouring matter, V. 1.25 Saltpetre ? S ---- 26.00 The principle in pollen, intermediate be- tween gluten and albumen, has been named by Dr. John, Pollenin. It is yellow, without taste and smell; in- soluble in water, alcohol, ether, fat, and vo- latile oils, and petroleum. It burns with flame. On exposure to air, it assumes the smell and taste of cheese, and soon becomes putrid with disengage- ment of ammonia.* * Paltchroite. The colouring matter of saffron.* * Pompholix. White oxide of zinc* * Ponderous Spar. See Heavt Spar.* * Porcelain Earth. See Clay.* Pohcelaln is the most beautiful and the finest of all earthen wares. The art of making porcelain is one of those in which Europe has been excelled by oriental nations. The first porcelain that was seen in Europe was brought from Japan and China. The whiteness, transparency, fineness, neatness, elegance, and even the magnificence of this pottery, which soon be- came the ornament of sumptuous tables, did not fail to excite the admiration and indus- try of Europeans. Father Entrecolles, missionary at China, sent home a summary description of the process by which the inhabitants of that country make their porcelain-, and also a small quantity of the materials which they employ in its composition. He said, that the Chinese composed their porcelain of two ingredients, one of which is a hard stone or rock, called by them petuntse, which they carefully grind to a very fine powder ; and the other, called by them kaolin, is a white earthy substance, which they mix intimately with the ground petuntse. Reaumur examined both these matters; and having exposed them separately to a vio- lent fire, he discovered, that the petuntse had fused without addition, and that the ka- olin had given no sign of fusibility. He af- terward mixed these matters, and formed cakes of them, which, by baking, were con- verted into porcelain similar to that of Chi- na. See Kaolin, Petuntse, and Potteht. Porcelain of Reaumur. Reaumur gave the quality of porcelain to glass ; that is, he rendered glass of a milky colour, semi-trans- parent, so hard as to strike fire with steel, infusible, and of a fibrous grain, by means of cementation. The process which he pub- lished is not difficult. Common glass, such as that of which wine bottles are made, suc- ceeds best. The glass vessel which is to be converted into porcelain, is to be enclosed in a baked earthen case or seggar. The vessel and case are to be filled with a ce- ment composed of equal parts of sand and powdered gypsum or plaster; and the whole is to be put into a potter's kiln, and to re- main there during the-baking of common earthenware; after which the glass vessel will be found transformed into such a mat- ter as has been described. * Porphtrt is a compound rock, having a basis, in which the other contemporaneous constituent parts are imbedded. The base is sometimes clay-stone, sometimes hornstone, sometimes compact feldspar; or pitchstone, pearlstone, and obsidian. The imbedded parts are most commonly feldspar and quartz, which are usually crystallized, more or less perfectly, and hence they appear sometimes granular. According to Werner, there are two distinct porphyry formations; the oldest occurs in gneiss, in beds of great magnitude; and also in mica-slate and clay-slate. Be- tween Blair in Athole and Dalnacardoch, there is a very fine example ofa bed of por- phyry-slate in mica. The second porphyry formation is much more widely extended. It consists principally of clay porphyry, while the former consists chiefly of horn- stone porphyry and feldspar porphyry. It sometimes contains considerable repo- sitories of ore, in veins. Gold, silver, lead, tin, copper, iron, and manganese occur in it; but chiefly in the newer porphyry, as happens with the Hungarian mines. It oc- curs in Arran, and in Perthshire, between Dalnacardoch and Tummel-bridge.* Portland Stone. A compact sandstone from the Isle of Portland. The cement is calcareous. * Potash, commonly called the vegetable alkali, because it is obtained in an impure state by the incineration of vegetables. It is the hydrated deutoxide of potassium.* Table of the saline product of one thousand lbs. of ashes of the follawittg vegetables :— Saline products. Stalks of Turkey ? 19g ,b wheat or mais, y Stalks of sun-> g^g flower, 5 Vine-branches, 162.6 Elm, 166 Box, 78 POT POT Sallow, Oak, Aspen, Beech, Fir, Fern cut in Au- gust, Wormwood, Fumitory, Heath, 102 111 61 219 132 116 $ or *^ according £ to Wildenheim. 748 360 115 Wilderheim. On these tables Kirwan makes the follow- ing remarks : — 1. Thatin general weeds yield more ashes, and their ashes much more salt than woods; and that consequently, as to salts ofthe ve- getable alkali kind, as potash, pearl ash, ca- shup, &c. neither America, Trieste, nor the northern countries, have any advantage over Ireland. 2. That of all weeds fumitory produces most salt, and next to it wormwood. But if we attend only to the quantity of salt in a given weight of ashes, the ashes of worm- wood contain most. Trifolium fibrinum also produces more ashes and salt than fern. The process for obtaining pot and pearl- ash is given by Kirwan, as follows :— 1. 'The weeds should be cut just before they seed, then spread, well dried, and ga- thered clean. 2. They should be burned within doors on a grate, and the ashes laid in a chest as fast as they are produced. If any charcoal be visible, it should be picked out, and thrown back into the fire. If the weeds be moist, much coal will be found. A close smothered fire, which has been recommend- ed by some, is very prejudicial. 3. They should be lixiviated with twelve times their weight of boiling water. A drop of the solution of corrosive sublimate will immediately discover when the water ceases to take up any more alkali. The earthy matter that remains is said to be a good ma- nure for clayey soils. 4. The ley thus formed should be evapo- rated to dryness in iron pans. Two or three at least of these should be used, and the ley, as fast as it is concreted, passed from the one to the other. Thus, much time issaved, as weak leys evaporate more quickly than the stronger. The salt thus procured is ofa dark colour, and contains much extractive matter, and being formed in iron pots, is called potash. 5. This salt should then be carried to a reverberatory furnace, in which the extrac- tive matter is burnt off', and much ofthe wa- ter dissipated : hence it generally loses from ten to fifteen per cent of its weight. Parti- cular care should be taken to prevent its melting, as the extractive matter would not then be perfectly consumed, and the alkali would form such a union with the earthy parts as could not easily be dissolved. Kir- wan adds this caution,' because Dr. Lewis and Mr. Dossie have inadvertently directed the contrary. 1'his salt thus refined is call- ed pearl-ash, and must be the same as the Dantzic pearl-ash. To obtain this alkali pure, Berthollet re- commends to evaporate a solution of pot- ash, made caustic by boiling with quicklime, till it becomes of a thickish consistence, to add about an equal weight of alcohol, and let the mixture stand some time in a close vessel. Some solid matter, partly crystal- lized, will collect at the bottom; above this will be a small quantity of a dark coloured fluid, and on the top another lighter. The latter, separated by decantation, is to be evaporated quickly in a silver basin in a sand heat. Glass, or almost any other metal, would be corroded by the potash. Before the evaporation has been carried far, the solution is to be removed from the fire, and suffered to stand at rest; when it will again separate into two fluids. The lighter, being poured off, is again to be evaporated with a quick heat; and on standing a day or two in a close vessel, it will deposite transparent crystals of pure potash.. If the liquor be evaporated to a pellicle, the potash will concrete without regular crystallization. In both cases a high-coloured liquor is separat- ed, which is to be poured off; and the pot- ash must be kept carefully secluded from air. A perfectly pure solution of potash, will remain transparent, on the addition of lime water, show no effervescence with dilute sulphuric acid, and not give any precipitate on blowing air from the lungs through it by means of a tube. * Pure potash for experimental purposes, may most easily be obtained by igniting cream of tartar in a crucible, dissolving the residue in water, filtering, boiling with a quantity of quicklime, and after subsidence, decanting the clear liquid, and evaporating in a loosely covered silver cspsule, till it flows like oil, and then pouring it out on a clean iron plate. A solid white cake of pure hydrate of potash is thus obtained, without the agency of alcohol. It must be immedi- ately broken into fragments, and kept in a well-stoppered phial. As 100 parts of subcarbonate of potash are equivalent to about 70 of pure concen- trated oil of vitriol, if into a measure tube, graduated into 100 equal parts, we intro- duce the 70 grains of acid, and fill up the remaining space with water, then we have an alkalimeter for estimating the value o' commercial pearl ashes, which, if pure, will require for 100 grains one hundred division'. of the liquid to neutralize them. If they contain only 60 per cent of genuine suhcar? bonate, then 100 grains will require only 60 divisions, and so on. When the alkalimeter indications are required in pure or absolute potash, such as constitutes the basis of nitre, then we must use 102 grains of pure oil of POT POT vUr&il, along with the requisite bulk of water to fill up the volume of the gradu- ated tube. The hydrate of potash, as obtained by the preceding process, is solid, white, and ex- tremely caustic; in minute quantities, changing the purple of violets and cabbage to a green, reddened litmus to purple, and yellow tumeric to a reddish-brown. It ra- pidly attracts humidity from the air, passing into the oil of tartar per deliquium of the old chemists; a name, however, also given to the deliquesced subcarbonate. Charcoal applied to the hydrate of potash at a cherry- red heat, gives birth to carburetted hydro- yen, and an alkaline subcarbonate; but at a heat bordering on whiteness, carburetted hydrogen, carbonous oxide, and potassium, are formed. Several metals decompose the hydrate of potash, by the aid of heat; par- ticularly potassium, sodium, and iron. The fused hydrate of potash consists of 5.95 deu- toxide of potassium 4- 1.125 water = 7.075, which number represents the compound prime equivalent. It is used in surgery, as the potential cautery for forming eschars; and it was formerly employed in medicine diluted with broths as a lithontriptic. In chemistry, it is very extensively employed, both in manufactures and as a reagent in an- alysis. It is the basis of all the common soft soaps. The oxides of the following metal6 are soluble in aqueous potash :—-Lead, tin, nickel, arsenic, cobalt, manganese, zinc, an- timony, tellurium, tungsten, molybdenum. Kor the sulphuret, see Sulphur.* * Potassium. If a thin piece of solid hy- drate of potash, be placed between two discs of platinum, connected with the ex- tremities ofa voltaic apparatus of 200 dou- ble plates, four inch square, it will soon un- dergo fusion; oxygen will separate at the positive surface, and smull metallic globules will appear at the negative surface. These form the marvellous metal potassium, first revealed to the world by Sir H. Davy, early in October 1807. If iron, turnings be heated to whiteness in a curved gun-barrel, and potash be melt- ed and made slowly to come in contact with the turnings,.air being excluded, potassium will be formed, and will collect in the cool part of the tube. This method of procuring it was discovered by MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, in 1808. It may likewise be pro- duced, by igniting potash with charcoal, as M. Curaudau showed the same year. Potassium is possessed of very extraordi- nary properties. It ig lighter than water; its sp. gr. being 0.865 to water 1.0. At com- mon temperatures, it is solid, soft, and easi- ly moulded by the fingers. At 150° F. it fu- ses, and in a heat a little below redness, it rises in vapour. It is perfectly opaque. When newly cut, its colour is splendent whit*, like that of silver, but i t rapidly tar* Irishes in the air. To preserve it unchang- ed, wo must enclose it in a small phial, with pure naphtha. It conducts electricity like the common metals. When thrown upon water, it acts with great violence, and swinw upon the surface, hurning with a beautiful light of a red colour, mixed with violet. The water becomes a solution of pure pot- ash. When moderately heated in the air, it inflames, burns with a red light, and throws off alkaline fumes. Placed in chlorine, it spontaneously burns with gTeat brilliancy. On all fluid bodies which contain wat*-, or much oxygen or chlorine, it readily acts; and in its general powers of chemical com- bination, says its illustrious discoverer, pot- assium may be compared to the alkahest, or universal solvent, imagined by the alche- mists. Potassium combines with oxygen, in dif- ferent proportions. When potassium is gently heated in common air or in oxygen, the result of its combustion is an orange. coloured fusible substance. For every grain of the metal consumed, about 1 -fo cubic inches of oxygen are condensed. To make the experiment accurately, the metal should be burned in a tray of platina covered with a coating of fused muriate of potash. The substance procured by the combus- tion of potassium at alow temperature, was first observed in October 1807, by Sir II. Davy, who supposed it to be the protoxide; but MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, in 1810, showed, that it was in reality the deutoxide or peroxide. When it is thrown iirto water, oxygen is evolved, and a solu- tion ofthe protoxide results, constituting common aqueous potash. When itis fused, and brought in contact with combustible bodies, they burn vividly, by the excess of its oxygen. If it be heated in carbonic acid, oxygen is disengaged, and common subcar- bonate of potash is formed. When it is heated very strongly upon platina, oxygen gas is expelled from it, and there remains a difficultly fusible sub- stance of a gray colour, vitreous fracture, soluble in water, without effervescence, but with much heat. Aqueous potash is produced. The above ignited solid, is pro- toxide of potassium, wbich becomes pure potash by combination with the equivalent quantity of water. When we produce po-. tassium with ignited iron turnings and pot- ash, much hydrogen is disengaged from the water of the hydrate, while the iron be- comes oxidized from the residuary oxygen. By heating together pure hydrate of potash and boracicacid, Sir H. Davy obtained from from 17 to 18 of water, from 1Q0 parts ofthe solid alkali. By acting on potassium with a very small quantity of water, or by heating potassium POT POT with fused potash, the protoxide may also he obtained. 'The proportion of oxygen in the protoxide, is determined by the action of potassium upon water. 8 grains of potas- sium produce from water about 9£ cubic inches of hydrogen; and for these the me- tal must have fixed 4£ cubic inches of oxy- gen. But as 100 cubic inches of oxygen weigh 33.9 gr. 4J will weigh 1.61. Thus, 9.61 gr. ofthe protoxide will contain 8 of metal; and 100 will contain 83.25 metal 4- 16.75 oxygen. From these data, the prime of potassium comes out 4.969; and that of the protoxide 5.969. Sir H. Davy adopts the number 75 for potassium, corresponding to 50 on the oxygen scale. When potassium is heated strongly in a small quantity of common air, the oxygen of which is not sufficient for its conversion into potash, a substance is formed of a gray- ish colour, which, when thrown into water, effervesces without taking fire. It is doubt- ful, whether it be a mixture of the protoxide and potassium, or a combination of potas- sium with a simller proportion of oxygen than exists in the protoxide. In this case, it would be a suboxide, consisting of 2 primes of potassium = 10 4- 1 of oxygen = 1. When thin pieces of potassium are intro- duced into chlorine, the inflammation is ve- ry vivid; and when potassium is made to act on chloride of sulphur, there is an explosion, The attraction of" chlorine for potassium is much stronger than the attraction of oxygen for the metal. Both of the oxides of potas- sium are immediately decomposed by chlo- rine, with the formation ofa fixed chloride, and the extrication of oxygen. The combination of potassium and chlo- rine, is the substance which has been im- properly called muriate of potash, and which, in common cases, is formed, by causing li- quid muriatic acid to saturate solution of potash, and then evaporating the liquid to dryness and igniting the solid residuum. The hydrogen of the acid here unites to the oxy- gen of the alkali, forming water, which is exhaled; while the remaining chlorine and potassium combine. It consists of 5 potas- sium + 4.5 chlorine. Potassium combines with hydrogen, to form potassuretted hydrogen, a spontaneous- ly inflammable gas, which comes over occa- sionally in the production of potassium by the gun-barrel experiment. MM. Gay-Lus- sac and Thenard describe also a solid com- pound of the same two ingredients, which they call a hydruret of potassium. It is formed by heating the metal a long while in the gas, at a temperature just under ig- nition. They describe it as a grayish solid, giving out its hydrogen on contact with mer- cury- When potassium and sulphur are heated together, they combine with great energy, with disengagement of heat and light, even VOL. II. in vacuo. The resulting sulphuret of pot- assium is of a dark gray colour. It acts with great energy on water, producing sul- phuretted hydrogen, and burns brilliantly when heated in the air, becoming sulphate of potash. It consists of 2 sulphur + 5 potassium, by Sir H. Davy's experiments. Potassium has so strong an attraction for sulphur, that it rapidly separates it from hy- drogen. If the potassium be heated in the sulphuretted gas, it takes fire and burns with great brilliancy; sulphuret of potassium is formed, and pure hydrogen is set free. Potassium and phosphorus enter into union with the evolu ion of light; but the mutual action is feebler than in the preced- ing compound. Thephosphuret of potas- sium, in its common form, is a substance of a dark chocolate colour; but when heated with potassium in great excess, it becomes of a deep gray ©dour, with considerable lustre. Hence, it is probable, that phos- phorus and potassiuin are capable of com- bining in two proportions. The phosphu- ret of potassium burns with great brillian- cy, when exposed to air, and when thrown into water produces an explosion, in conse- quence ofthe immediate disengagement of phosphuretted hydrogen. Charcoal which has been strongly heated in contact with potassium, effervesces in wa- ter, rendering it alkaline, though the char- coal may be previously exposed to a tem- perature at which potassium is volatilized. Hence, there is probably acompound ofthe two formed by a feeble attraction. Of all known substances, potassium is that which has the strongest attraction for oxygen; and it produces such a condensa- tion of it, that the oxides of potassium are denser than the metal itself- Potassium has been skilfully used by Sir H. Davy and MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, for detecting the presence of oxygen in bodies. A number of substances, indecomposable by other che- mical agents, are readily decomposed by this substance.—Elements of Chemical Phil, by Sir H Davy. * Potassium, (Iodide of.) See Acid (Ht- DR10D1C.)* Pottert. The art of making pottery is intimately connected with chemistry, not only from the great use made of earthen vessels by chemists, but also because all the^ processes of this art, and the means of per-" feeling it, are dependent on chemistry. 'The process of manufacturing stoneware, according to Dr. Watson, is as follows: Tobacco pipe clay from Dorsetshire is beaten much in water. By this process, the finer parts of the clay remain suspended in the water, while the coarser sand and other impurities fall to the bottom. The thick li- quid, consisting of water and the finer parts of the clay, is farther purified by passing it through hair and lawn sieves, of different 51 POT PRE degrees of fineness. After this, the liquid is mixed (in various proportions for various wares) with another liquor, of as nearly as may be the same density, and consisting of flints, calcined, ground, and suspended in water. The mixture is then dried in a kiln; and being afterward beaten to a proper tem- per, it becomes fit for being formed at the wheel into dishes, plates, bowls, &c. When this ware is to be put into the furnace to be baked, the several pieces of it are placed in the cases made of clay, called seggars, which are piled one upon another, in the dome of the furnace. A fire is then lighted; and when the ware is brought to a proper tem- per, which happens in about forty-eight hours, it is glazed by common salt. The salt is thrown into the furnace, through holes in the upper part of it, by the heat of which it is instantly converted into a thick vapour; which, circulating through the fur- nace, enters the seggar through holes made in its side, (the top being covered to pre- vent the salt from falling on the ware); and attaching itself to die surface of the ware, it forms that \itreous coat upon the surface which is,called its glaze. The yellow or queen's-ware is made of the same materials as the. Hint-ware; but the proportion in which the materials are mixed is not the same, nor is the ware glazed in the same way. The flint-ware is generally made of four measures of liquid flint, and of eighteen of liquid clay. The yellow ware has a greater proportion of clay in it. In some manufactories tiicy mix 20, and in others 24 measures of clay, with 4 of flint. These proportions, if est imated by the weight ofthe materials, would probably give for the flint-ware about 3 cwt. of clay to 1 cwt. of flint,and for theyellow ware somewhat more clay. The proportion, however, for both sorts of ware depends very much upon the nature of the clay, which is very variable even in the same pit. Hence a previous trial must be made ofthe quality ofthe clay, by burning a kiln of the ware. If there be too much fiint mixed witii the clay, the ware, when exposed to the air after burning, is apt to crack; and if there be too little, the ware will not receive the proper glaze from the circulation ofthe salt vapour. This glaze, even when it is most perfect, is in appearance less beautiful than the glaze on the yellow ware. The yellov glaze is made by mixing to- gether in water, till it becomes as thick as cream, 112 lb. of white lead, 24 lb. of ground flint, and 61b. of ground flint-glass. Some manufactories leave out the glass, and mix only 80 lb. of white lead with 20 lb. of ground flint; and others doubtless observe different rules, of which it is very difficult to obtain an account. The ware before it is glazed is baked in the fire. By this means it acquires the pro- perty of strongly imbibing moisture. It is therefore clipped in the liquid glaze, and suddenly taken out: the glaze is nibibed into its pores,, and the ware presently be- comes dry. It is then exposed :i second time to the fire, by which means the glaze it has imbibed is melted,and a thin glassy coat is formed upon its surface. The colour of this coat is more or less yellow, according as a greater or less proportion of lead has been used 'The lead is principally instrumental in producing the glaze, as well as in giving it the yellow colour; for lead, of all the sub- stances hitherto known, has the greatest power of promoting the vitr ficaton of the substances with which it is mixed. The flint serves to give a consistence to the K-:td during the time of its vitrification, and to hinder it from becoming too fluid, and run- ning down the sides ofthe ware, and there- by leaving them unglazed. The yellowish colour which lead gives when vitrified with flints, may be wholly changed by very small additions of other mineral substances. Thus, to give one in- stance, the beautiful black glaze, which is fixed on one sort of the ware made at Not- tingham, is composed of 21 parts by weight of white lead, of five of powdered flints and of 3 of manganese. 'The queen's-ware at present is much whiter than formerly. 'The coarse stone ware made at liristol ensists of tobacco-pipe clay and s mil, and is glazed by the vapour of salt, like Staf- fordshire flint-ware; but it is fiit inferior to it in beauty. * Potential Cauteht. Caustic potash.* * Potstone, or Lap is Ollaris. Colour greenish-gray. Massive, and in granular con- cretions. Glistening. Fracture curved fo- liated. Translucent on the edges. Streak white. Soft. Sectile. Feels greasy. Some- what tough. Sp. gr. 2.8. Its constituents are, silica 39, magnesia 16, oxide of iron 10, carbonic acid 20, water 10. Ii occurs in thick beds in primitive slate. It is found abundantly on the shores of the lake Como in Lombardy. It is fashioned into culinary vessels in Greenland. It is a sub-species of the rhomboidal mica of Professor Jameson.* * Powder of A loo roth. The white ox- ide of antimony, thrown down from the mu- riate by water.* * Prase. Colour leek-green. Massive, seldom crystallized. Its forms are, the six- sided prism, and the sixsided pyramid. Lus- tre shining. Fracture conchoidal. Trans- lucent. Hard. Tough. Sp. gr. 2.67. Its constituents are, silica 98.5, alumina, with magnesia, 0.5, and oxide of iron 1.—Bu- cholz. It occurs in mineral beds composed of magnetic ironstone, galena, &c. It is found in the island of Bute, and in Borrodale.* ♦ Prkcipitants. See Metals, and Misx- ral Waters.* ' Precipitate, and Precipitation. When PRU *"' PRU a body dissolved in'a fluid is either in whole or in part made to separate and fall er se. Red oxide of mer- cury, by heat.* ♦Prehnite. Prismatic prehnite; of which there are two sub-species, the-foliated and the fibrous. 1. FoUnted. Colour apple-green. Mas- sive, in distinct concretions, and sometimes crystallized. The primitive form is an oblique four-sided prism of 103° and 77°. The se- condary forms are, an oblique four-sided ta- ble, and irregular eight-sided table, an irre- gular six-sided table, and abroad rectangular four-sided prism. Shining. Fracture fine grained uneven. Translucent. Hardness from feldspar to quartz. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.8 to 3a». It melts with intumes- cence into a pale-green or yellow glass. It does not gelatinize with acids. Its constitu- ents are, silica 43.83, alumina 30.33, lime 18.33, oxide of iron 5.66, water 1.83.— Kaprotk. It occurs in France, in the Alps of Savoy, and in the Tyrol. It is said to become electric by heating. Beautiful va- rieties are found in the interior of Southern Africa. 2. Fibrous Prehnite. Colour siskin-green. Massive, in distinct concretions, and crystal- lized in acicular four-sided prisms. Glisten- ing, pearlv. Translucent. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.89. It melts into a vesicular ena- mel. It becomes electric by heating. Its constituents are, silica 42.5, alumina 28.5, lime 20.44, natron and potash 0 75, oxide of iron 3, water 2.—Laugier. It occurs in veins and cavities in trap-rocks near Beith in Ayr- shire, Bishoptown in Renfrewshire, at Hart- field near Paisley, and near Frisky-hall, Old Kilpatrick; in the trap-rocks round Edin- burgh, &c* * . * Prince's Metal. A species of copper alloy, in which the proportion of zinc is more considerable than in brass.* * Prostate Concretions. See Calculi* * Prussian Alkali. See Acid (Ferro- prussic.)* * Prussian Blue. See Iron and the above Acid." * Prussic Acin. See Acid (Prussic.)* * Prussine, or Prussic Gas, the cyanogen of M. Gay-Lussac. This last term signifies the producer of blue. But the production of blue is never the result of the direct ac- tion of this substance on any other single body; but an indirect and unexplained ope- ration of it in conjunction with iron, hydro- gen and oxygen. The same reason which leads to the term'cyanogen, would warrant us in calling it leucogen, erythrogen; or chlorogen; for it produces white, red, or green, with other, metals, if .t produce blue with iron. Although, therefore, the higa- es' deference be due to the nom* nclatureof so distinguished a chemist as N> Gay-Lus- sac, yet I apprehend it is better to retain the old word, connected merely with the history of the substance. As cyanogen, like chlorine and iodine, by its action on potas- sium, produces flame, and like them is aci- dified by hydrogen, I would respectfully propose "the name Prussine. Its discovery and investigation do the highest honour to to M. Gay-Lussac. Prussine, or cyanogen, is obtained by de- composing the prusside or cyanide of mer- cury by heat. But as the prusside of mer- cury varies in its composition, we shall be- gin by describing its formation. By digesting red oxide of mercury with prussian blue and hot water, we obtain a cvanide perfectly neutral, which crystallizes in long four-sided prisms, truncated oblique- ly. By repeated solutions and crystalliza- tions, we may free it from a small portion of adhering iron. But M. Gay-Lussac prefers boiling it with red oxide of mercury, which completely precipitates the oxide of iron, and he then saturates the excess of oxide of mercury, with a little prussic acid, or a lit- tle muriatic acid. The prusside thus form, ed, is decomposed by heat, to obtain the ra- dical. For common experiments, we may dispense with these precautions. When this cyanide is boiled with red ox- ide of mercury, it dissolves a considerable quantity of the oxide, becomes alkaline, crystallizes no longer in prisms, but in small scales, and its solubility in water appears a little increased. ' When evaporated to dry- ness, it is very easily charred, which obliges us to employ the heat merely of a water bath. This compound was observed by M. Proust. When decomposed by heat, it gives abundance of prussine, but mixed with car- "bonic acid gas. Proust says, that it yields ammonia, oil in considerable abundance, car- bonic acid, azote, and oxide of carbon. He employed' a moist prusside. Had it been dry, the discovery of prussine could hardly have escaped him. The prusside of mercu- ry, when neutral and quite dry, gives noth- ing but prussine; when moist, it furnishes ody carbonic acid, ammonia, and a great deal of prussic acid vapour. When we em- ploy the prusside made with excess of per- oxide, the same products are obtained, but in different proportions, along with azote, and a brown liquid, which Proust took for an oil, though it*is not one in reality. Hence to obtain pure prussine, we must employ the neutral prusside in a state of perfect dryness. The other mercurial compound is not, how- ever, simply a sub-prusside. It is a com- pound of oxide of mercury, and the prusside, analogous to the brick coloured precipitate obtained by adding a little potash to the so- lution of deutochloride of mercury (corrosive PRU PRU sublimate,) which is a triple compound of chlorine, oxygen, and mercury, or a binary compound of oxide of mercury, with the chloride of that metal. These compounds might be called, oxvprusside and oxychlo- ride of mercury. When the simple mercurial prusside is exposed to heat in a small glass retort, or tube, shut at one extremity, it soon begins to blacken. It appears to melt like an ani- mal matter, and then the prussine is disen- gaged in abundance. This gas is pure from the beginning of the process to the end, provided always that the heat be not very high; for if it were sufficiently intense to melt the glass, a little azote would be evolv- ed. Mercury is volatilized with a considera- ble quantity of prusside, and there remains a charry matter ofthe colour of soot, and as light as lampblack. The prusside of silver fives* out likewise prussine when heated; ut the mercurial prusside is preferable to every other. Prussine or cyanogen is a permanently elastic fluid. Its smell, which it is impossi- ble to describe, is very strong and penetra- ting.- Its solution in water has a very sharp taste. The gas burns with a bluish flame mixed with purple. Its sp. gr., compared to that of air, is 1.8064. M. Gay-Lussac ob- tained it by weighing at the same tempera- ture, and under the same pressure, a balloon of about 2^ litres, (152.56 cubic inches,) in which the vacuum was made to the same de- gree, and alternately full of air and prussine. 100 cubic inches weigh therefore 55.1295 grains Prussine is capable of sustaining a pretty high heat, without being decomposed. Wa- ter, with which M. Gay-Lussac agitated it, for some minutes, at the temperature of 6Jr>°, absorbed about 4£ times its volume; Pure alcohol absorbs.23 times its volume. Sulphuric eti^er and oil of turpentine dis- solve at least as much as water. Tincturt of litmus is reddened by prussine. On heating the solution the gas is disengaged, mixed with a little carbonic acid, and the blue co- lour of the litmus is restored. The carbonic »cid proceeds no doubt from the decompo- sition of a small quantity of prussine and water. It deprives the red sulphate ofman- ganese of its colour, a property which prus- sic acid does not possess. This is a proof that its elements have more mobility than those ot the acid. In the dry way, it sepa- rates the carbonic acid from the carbonates. Phosphorus, sulphur, and iodine may be •sublimed by the heat of a spirit-lamp in prussine, without occasioning any change on it. Its mixture with hydrogen was not alter- ed by the same temperature, or by passing electrical sparks through it. Copper and gold do not combine with it, but iron.-when heated almost to whiteness, decomposes it in part. The metal is covered with a slight coating of charcoal.andbecomesbrittlc The undecomposed portion of the gas is mixed with azote, (contains free azote.) In one trial the azote constituted 0.44 of the mix- ture, but in general it was less Platinum, which had been placed beside the iron, did not undergo any alteration. Neither its sur- face nor that of the tube was covered with charcoal like the iron. In the cold, potassium acts but slowly on prussine, because a crust is formed on its surface, which presents an obstacle to the mutual action. On applying the spirit- lamp, the potassium becomes speedily in- candescent; the absorption of the gas be- gins, the inflamed disc gradually diminishes, and when it disappears entirely, which takes filace in a few seconds, the absorption is ikewise at an end. Supposing we employ a quantity of potassium that would disengage 50 parts of hydrogen from water, we find that from 48 to 50 parts of gas have disap- peared. On treating the residue with pot- ash, there usually remains 4 or 5 parts of hydrogen, sometimes 10 or 12. M. Gay- Lussac made a great number of experiments to discover the origin of this gas. He thinks that it is derived from the water which the prusside of mercury contains, when it has not been sufficiently dried. 'Prussic acid vapour is then produced, which, when de- composed by the potassium, leaves half its volume of hydrogen. Potassium therefore absorbs a volume of pure prussine, equal to that ofthe hydrogen, which it woulddisen- gage from water. The compound of prussine and potassium is yellowish. It dissolves in water without effervescence, and the solution is strongly alkaline. Its taste is the same as that of hydrocyanate or simple prussiate of potash, of which it possesses all the properties. The gas being very inflammable, M. Gay- Lussac exploded it in Volta's eudiometer, with about 2£ times its volume of oxygen. The detonation is very strong; and the flame is bluish, like that of sulphur burning in oxy- gen. Supposing that we operate on 100 parts of prussine, we find after the explosion a diminution of volume, which amounts to from four to nine parts. When the residuum is treated with potash or barytes, it diminishes from 195 to 200 parts, which are carbonic acid gas. The new residuum, analyzed over water by hydrogen, gives from 94 to 98 parts of azote, and the oxygen which it contains, added to that in the carbonic acid, is equal (within four or five per cent), to that which has been employed. Neglecting the small differences, which prevent these numbers from having simple ratios to each other, and which, like the presence of hydrogen, depend upon the pre- sence of a variable portion of prussic acid vapour in the prussine em ployed, proceeding PRU PRU from the water left in the prusside of mer- cury, we may admit that prussine contains a sufficient quantity of carbon to produce twice its volume of carbonic acid gas; that is to say, two volumes ofthe vapour of car- bon, and one volume of azote, condensed into a single volume. If that supposition be exact, the density of the radical derived from it ought to be equal to the density de- rived from experiment; but supposing the density of air to be 1.00, twice that of the vapour of Carbon is 0 8320 (0.8332) Azote, 0.9691 (0.9722) 1.8011 1.8054 From the near agreement of these num- bers with the experimental density, we are entitled to conclude that M. Gay-Lussac's analysis is correct. By adding a volume of hydrogen to a volume of prussine, we ob- tain two volumes of prussic acid vapour; just as by adding a volume of hydrogen to a volume of chlorine, we obtain two vo- lumes of muriatic acid gas. The same pro- portions hold with regard to the vapour of iodine, hydrogen, and hydriodic acid. Hence the sp. gr. of these three hydrogen-acids is exactly equal to half the sum,of the densi- ties of their respective bases and hydrogen. This fine analogy was first estabhshed by M. Gay-Lussac. It is now obvious that the action of potas- sium on prussine agrees with its action on prussic acid. We have seen that it absorbs 50 parts of the first, and likewise that it absorbs 100 parts of the second, from which it separates 50 parts of hydrogen. But 100 parts of prussic acid vapour, minus 50 parts of hydrogen, amount exactly to 50 parts prussine. Hence the two results agree per- fectly, and the two compounds obtained ought to be identical, which agrees precisely with experiment. 'The analysis of prussine being of great importance, M. Gay-Lussac attempted it likewise by other methods. Having put prusside of mercury into the bottom of a glass tube, he covered it with brown oxide of copper, and then raised the heat to a dull red. On heating gradually the part of the tube containing the prusside, the prussine was gradually disengaged,and passed through the oxide, which it reduced completely to the metallic state. On'washing the gaseous products with aqueous potash, at different parts ofthe process, he obtained only from 0.19 to 0.30 of azote, instead of 0.33, which onght to have remained according to the preceding analysis. Presuming that some nitrous compound had been formed, he re- peated the experiment, covering the oxide with a column of copper filings, which he kept at die same temperature as the oxide. With this new arrangement, the results were very singular; for the smallest quantity of azote which he obtained during the whole course of the experiment was 32.7 for 100 of gas. and the greatest was 34.4. The mean of all the trials was,— Azote, 33.6 or nearly 1 Carbonic acid, 66.4 2 A result which shows clearly that prussine contains two volumes of the vapour of car- bon, and one volume of azote. In another experiment, instead of passing the prussine through the oxide of copper, he made a mixture of one part of the prusside of mercury, and 10 parts of the red oxide, and after introducing it into a glass'tube, close at one end, he covered it with copper filings, which he raised first to a red heat. On heating the mixture successively, the decomposition went on with the greatest fa- cility. The proportions of the gaseous mix- ture were less regular than-in the preceding experiment. Their mean was,— * Azote, 34.6 instead of 33.3 Carbonic add, 65.4 66.6 In another experiment he obtained,— Azote, 32.2 Carbonic acid, 67.8 Now the mean of these results gives,— Azote, 33 4 Carbonic acid, 66.6 No sensible quantity of water seemed to be formed during these analyses. This shows farther, that what has been called a prus- siate of mercury is really a prusside of that metal. When a pure solution of potash is intro- duced into this gas, the absorption is rapid. If the alkali be not too concentrated, and be not quite saturated, it is scarcely tinged ofa lemon-yellow colour. But if the prussine be in excess, we" obtain a brown solution, apparently carbonaceous. On pouring pot- ash combined with prussine into a saline so- lution of a black oxide of iron, and adding an acid, we obtain prussian blue. It would appear from this phenomenon that the prus- sine is decomposed the instant that it com bines with the .potash; but this conclusion is premature; for when this body is really decomposed bjf means of an alkaline solu- tion, carbonic acid is always produced, to- gether with prussic acid and ammonia. But on pouring barytes into a solution of prus- sine in potash, no precipitate takes place, which shows that no carbonic acid is pre- sent. On adding an excess of quicklime, no trace of ammonia is perceptible. Since, then, no carbonic acid and ammonia have been formed, water has not been decomposed, and consequently no prussic acid evolved. How then comes the solution of prussine in potash to produce prussian blue, with a solution of iron and acid!1 The following is M. Gay- Lussac's ingenious solution of this difficul- ty1- The instant an acid is poured into the solution of prussine in potash, a strong effer- PRU PRU vescencc of carbonic acid is produced, and at the same time's strong smell of prussic acid becomes perceptible. Ammonia is likewise formed, which remains combined with the acid employed, and which may be rendered very sensible to the smell by the addition of quicklime. Since therefore we are obliged to add an acid in order to form prussian blue, its formation occasions no far- ther difficulty. Soda, barytes, and strontites produce the same effect as potash. We must therefore admit that prussine forms particular combi- nations with the alkalis, which are perma- nent till some circumstance determines the formation of new products. These combi- nations are true salts, which may be regard- ed as analogous to those formed by acids. In fact prussine possesses acid characters. It contains two elements, azote and carbon, the first of which is strongly acidifying, ac- cording to M. Gay-Lussac. (Is it not as strongly alkalifying, with hydrogen, in am- monia') Prussine reddens the tincture of litmus, and neutralizes the bases. On the other hand, it acts as a simple body, when it combines with hydrogen; and it is this dou- ble function of a simple and compound body which renders its nomenclature so embarras- sing- Be this as it may, the compounds of prus- sine and the alkalis, which may be distin- guished by the term prussides, do not sepa- rate in water, like the alkaline chlorurets, (oxy muriates,) which produce chlorates and muriates. But when an acid is added, there is formed, 1st, Carbonic acid, which corres- ponds to the chloric acid; 2d, Ammonia and prussic acid, which correspond to the mu- riatic. When the prusside of potash is decom- posed by an acid, there is produced a vo- lume of carbonic acid just equal to that of the prussine employed. What then be- comes ofthe other volume of the vapour of carbon; for the prussine contains two, with one volume of azote? Since there is produced^ at the expense ofthe oxygen ofthe water, a volume of car- bonic acid, which represents 1 volume of oxygen, 2 volumes of hydrogen must like- wise have been produced. 'Therefore, ne- glecting the carbonic acid, there remains 1 volume vapour of carbon^ 1 azote, • 2 hydrogen; and we must make these three elements combine in totality, so as to produce only Jh-ussic acid and ammonia. But the one vo- ume of the vapour of carbon, with half a volume of azote, and half a volume of hydro- gen, produces exactly 1 volume of prussic acid, wbile the volume and a half of hydro- gen, and the half volume of azote remain- ing, produce 1 volume of ammoniacal gas; for this substance is formed of 2 volumes of hydrogen and 1 of azote, condensed into 2 volumes. See Ammonia. A given volume of prussine, then* com- bined first with an alkali, and then treated with an acid, produces exactly 1 volume of carbonic acid gas, 1 prussic acid vapour, 1 ammoniacal gas. It is very remarkable to see an experi- ment, apparently very complicated, give so simple a result. The metallic oxides do not seem capable of producing the same changes on prussine as the alkalis. Having precipitated proto- sulphate of iron by an alkali, so that no free alkali remained, M. Gay-Lussac caused the oxide of iron (mixed necessarily with much water) to absorb prussine, and then added muriatic acid. But he did not obtain the slightest trace of prussian blue; though the same oxide, to which he had added a little potash before adding the acid, produced it in abundance.^ From this result one is induced to believe that oxide.of iron does not combine with prussine; and so much the more, b«cause wa- ter impregnated with this gas never pro- duces prussian blue with solutions of iron, unless we begin by adding an alkali. (See Prissic Aciu) The peroxides of manga- nese and mercury, and the deutoxide of lead, absorb prussine, but very slowly. If we add water, the combination is much more rapid. With the peroxide of mercu- ry, we obtain a grayish-white compound, somewhat soluble in water. Prussine rapidly decomposes the carbon- ates at a dull red heat, and prussides of the oxides are obtained. When passed through sulphuret of barytes, it combines without disengaging the sulphur, and renders it ve- ry fusible, and of a brownish-black colour. When put into water, we obtain a colour- less solution, but which gives a deep brown (maroon) colour to muriate of iron. What does not dissolve contains a good deal of sulphate, which is doubtless formed during the preparation of the sulphuret of barytes. On dissolving prussine in the sulphuret- ted hydrosulphuret of barytes, sulphur is precipitated, which is again dissolved when the liquid is saturated with prussine, and we obtain a solution having a very deep brovin maroon colour. This gas does not decom- pose sulphuret of silver, or of potash. Prussine and sulphuretted hydrogen com- bine slowly with each other. A yellow sub- stance is obtained in fine needles, which dis- solves in water, does not precipitate nitrate of lead, produces no prussian blue, and is § Does not this experiment justify the adoption of the term prussine; since we sec that very complicated affinities must be exercised before blue is produced by cya-. nogen? PRU composed of 1 volume prussine (cyano- gen,) and 1$ volume of sulphuretted hy- dr ogen.§ Ammoniacal gas and prussine begin to act on each other whenever they come in con- tact; but some hours are requisite to render the effect complete. We perceive at first a white thick vapour, which soon disappears. The diminution of volume is considerable, and the glass in which the mixture is made, becomes opaque, its inside being covered with a solid brown matter On mixing 90 parts of prussine, and 227 ammonia, they combined nearly in the proportion of 1 to 1£. This compound gives a dark orange- brown colour to water, but dissolves only in a very small proportion. The liquid pro- duces no prussian blue with the salts of iron. . When prussic acid is exposed to the ac- tion ofa voltaic battery of 20 pairs of plates, much hydrogen "gas is disengaged at the negative pole, while nothing appears at the positive pole. It is because there is evolved at that pole, prussine, which remains dissolv- ed in the acid. We may, in this manner, attempt the combination of metals with prussine, placing them at the positive pole. It is easy now to determine what takes place, when an animal matter is calcined with potash or its carbonate. A prusside of potash is formed. It has been proved, that by heat, potash separates the hydrogen of the prussic or hydrocyanic acid. We can- not then suppose that this acid is formed, while a mixture of potash- and animal mat- ters is exposed to a high temperature. But wepbtain a prusside of potash, and not of potassium; for this last, when.dissolved in water, gives only prussiate of potash (hydro- cyanate,) which is decomposed by the acids, without producing ammonia and carbonic acid; while the prusside of potash (cyanide) dissolves in water, without being altered, and does not give ammonia, carbonic acid, and prussic (hydrocyanic) acid vapour, un- less an acid be added. This is the character, which distinguishes a prusside of a metal, from a prusside of a metalhc oxide. See Acid (Prussic) The preceding facts are taken from M. Gay-Lussac's* memoir on hydrocyanic acid, presented to the Institute, September 18, 1815, and published in the Annales de»Chi- mie, voL xcv. In the Journal de Pharmacie for Novem- ber 1818, M. Vauquelin has published an elaborate dissertation on the same subject, of which I have given some extracts under Acid (Prussic. J I shall insert here his ve- ry elegant process for obtaining pure hy- § This is the compound, which Dr. Thom- son, from atomic considerations, declares to be destitute of hydrogen. PRU drocyanic or prussic acid, from the cyanide or prusside of mercury. Considering that mercury has a strong at- traction for sulphur, and that prussine unites easily to hydrogen, when presented in the proper state, he thought that sulphuretted hydrogen might be employed for decompos- ing dry cyanide (prusside) offnercurv. He operated in the following way:—He made a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, dis- engaged slowly from a mixture of sulphuret of iron, and very dilute sulphuric acid, pass slowly through a glass tube slightly heated,. filled with the mercurial prusside, and com- municating with a receiver, cooled by a mix- ture of salt and snow. As soon as the sulphuretted hydrogen came in contact with the mercurial salt, this last substance blackened, and this effect gra- dually extended to the farthest extremity of the apparatus. During this time no trace of sulphuretted hydrpgen could be perceived at the mouth of a tube proceeding from the receiver. As soon as the odour of this gas began to be perceived, the process was stop- ped; and the tube was heated in order to drive over the acid which might still remain in it. The apparatus being unluted, he found in the receiver a colourless fluid, which pos- sessed all the known properties of prussic ■ acid. It amounted to nearly the fifth part of the prusside of mercury employed. This process is easier, and furnishes more acid, than M. Gay-Lussac's, by means of mu- riatic acid. He repeated it several times, and always successfully. It is necessary, merely to take care to stop the process, before the odour of the sulphuretted hydrogen begins to be perceived; otherwise, the hydrocyanic acid will be mixed with it. However, we may avoid this inconvenience, by placing a little carbonate of lead at the extremity of the tube. As absolute hydrocyanic acid is required only for chemical researches, and as it cannot be employed in medicine, it may be worth while, says M. Vauquelin, to bring to the reo .flection of apothecaries, a process ' of M. Proust, which has, perhaps, escaped their attention. It consists in passing a cur- rent of sulphuretted hydrogen gas through a cold saturated solution of prussiate of mer- cury in water, till the liquid contains an ex- cess of it; to put the mixture into a bottle, in order to agitate it from time to time; and finally to filter it. If this prussic acid, as almost always hap- pens, contain traces of sulphuretted hydro- gen, agitate it with a little carbonate of lead, and filter it again. By this process we may obtain hydrocyanic acid, in a much greater degree of concentration than is necessary for medicine. It has the advantage over the dry prussic acid, of being' capable of being preserved a long time, always taking care to keep it as much as possible from the contact of air and heat. Dr. Nimmo's directions for PUT PYR preparing the prusside of mercury ought to be attended to. His experiments, it will be seen, coincide perfectly with the views so ad- mirably developed by M. Gay-Lussac. See Acid (Prussic) In the first volume of the Journal of Science and the Arts, Sir H. Davy has stated some interesting particulars relative to prussine. By heating prusside of mer- cury in muriatic acid gas, lie obtained pure liquid prussic acid, and corrosive sublimate. By heating iodine, sulphur, and phosphorus, in contact with prusside of mercury, com- *pounds of these bodies with prussine or cy- anogen may be formed. That of iodine is a very curious body. It is volatile at a very modeifcite heat, and on cooling, collects in flocculi, adhering together like oxide of zinc formed by combustion. It has a pun- gent smell, and very acrid taste.* * Pulmonary Concretions consist of car- bonate of lime, united to a membranous or animal matter. By Mr. Crompton's analysis, Phil. Mug. vol. xiii. 100 parts contain, carbonate of lime, 82 animal matter and water, 18 Disease proceeding from this cause, (and I believe it to be a frequent prelude and con- comitant of ulcerated lungs,) might be pro- bably benefited by the regular inhalation of aqueous vapour mixed with that of acetic acid or vinegar.* * Pumice. A mineral of which there are three kinds,—the glassy, common, and por- phyrinic. 1. Glassy pumice. Colour smoke -gray. Vesicular. Glistening, pearly. Fracture promiscuous fibrous. Translucent. Between hard and semi-hard. Very brittle. Feels rough, sharp, and meagre. Sp. gr. 0.378 to 1.44. It occurs in beds in the Lipari Is- lands. 2. Common pumice. Colour nearly white. Vesicular. Glimmering, pearly. Fracture fibrous. Translucent on the edges. Semi- hard. Very brittle. Meagre and rough. Sp. gr. 0.752 to 0.914. It melts into a gray coloured slag. Its constituents are, si- lica 77.5,alumina 17.5, natron and potash 3, iron mixed with manganese 1.75.—Klap- roth. It occurs with the preceding. 3. Porphyritic pumice. Colour grayish- white. Massive. Minutely porous. Glim- mering and pearly. Sp. gr. 1.661. It con- tains crystals of feldspar, quartz, and mica. It is associated with claystone, obsidian, pearlstone and pitchstone-porphyry. It oc- curs in Hungary, at Tokay, &c* * Putrefaction. The spontaneous de- composition of such animal or vegetable matters, as exhale a fetid smell, is called putrefaction. The solid and fluid matters are resolved inta gaseous compounds and Vapours which escape, and into an earthy residuum. See Adipocere, and Fermenta- tion, of whichjrenus, putrefaction is merely a species. As the grand resolvent of organic matter is water, its abstraction by drying, or fixation by cold, by salt, sugar, spices, fkc. will counteract the process of putre- faction. The atmospheric air is also ac- tive in putrefaction; hence, its exclusion favours the preservation of food; on which principle, some patents have been obtained.* ♦Pwieneite. Colour grayish-black. Mas- sive, and crystallized in rhomboid.il dode- cahedrons. Glistening, and metal-like. Frac- ture uneven. Opaque. Hard. Sp. gr. 2.i! It melts with intumescence, into a yellowish- green vesicular enamel. Its constituents are, silica 4-3, alumina 16. lime 20, oxide of iron 16, water 4—Vauquelin. It occurs in primitive limestone, in the Pic of Eres- Lids, near Bareges, in the French Pyre- nees* * Pyrites. Native compounds of metal with sulphur. See the particular metallic Ores* * PrROfiOM. A variety of diopside.* * Pyrometer. The most celebrated in- strument fur measuring high temperatures, is that invented by the late Mr. Wedgwood, founded on the principle, that clay progres- sively contracts in its dimensions, as it is progressively exposed to higher degrees of heat. He formed his white porcelain clay, into small cylindrical pieces, in a mould, which, when they were baked in a dull red heat, just fitted into the opening of two brass bars, fixed to a brass plate, so as to firm a tapering space between them. This space is graduated; and the farther the pyroimtric clay gauge can enter, the greater heat does it indicate. The two converging rules are placed at a distance of 0.5 of an inch aj. the commencement of the 6cale, and of 0.3 at the end. Mr. Wedgwood sought to establish a cor- respondence between the indications of hit pyrometer, and those ofthe mercurial ther- mometer, by employing a heated rod of sil- ver, whose expansions he measured, as their connecting link. The clay-piece and silver rod were heated in a muffle.* When the muffle appeared of a low red heat, such as was judged to come fully with- in the province of his thermometer, it was drawn forward toward the door of the oven; and its own door being then nimbly opened by an assistant, Mr. Wedgwood pushed the silver piece as far as it would go. But as the division, which it went to, could not be distinguished in that ignited state, the muffle was fifted out, by means of an iron rod pass- ed through two rings made for that purpose, with care to keep it steady, and avoid any shake that might endanger the displacing of the silver piece. When the muffle was grown sufficiently cold to be examined, he noted the degree of expansion which the silver piece stood at, and the degree of heat shown by the ther- PYR PYR mometer pieces measured in their own gauge; then returned the whole into the oven as before, and repeated the operation with a stronger heat, to obtain another point of correspondence on the two scales. The first was at 2£° of his thermo- meter, which coincided with 66° of the intermediate one; and as each of these last had been before found to contain 20° of Fahrenheit's, the 66 will contain 1320; to which add 50, the degree of his scale to which the (0) of the intermediate ther- mometer was adjusted, and the sum 1370 will be the degree of Fahrenheit's corres- ponding to his 2i°. The second point of coincidence was at 6-i° of his, and 92° of the intermediate; which 92 being, according to the above pro- portion, equivalent to 1840 of Fahrenheit, add 50 as before to this number, and his 6}° is found to fall upon the 1890th degree of Fahrenheit. It appears hence that an interval of four degrees upon Mr. Wedgwood's thermome- ter is equivalent to an interval of 520° upon that of Fahrenheit; and, consequently, one of the former to 130° of the latter; and that the (0) of Mr. Wedgwood corresponds to 1077^° of Fahrenheit. From these data it is easy to reduce either scale to the other through their whole range; and from such reduction it will appear, that an interval of near 480° remains between them, which the interme- diate thermometer serves as a measure for; that Mr. Wedgwood's includes an extent of about 32000 of Fahrenheit's degrees, or about 54 times as much as that between the freezing and boiling points of mercury, by which mercurial ones are naturally limited; that if the scale of Mr. Wedgwood's ther- mometer be produced downward, in the same manner as Fahrenheit's has been sup- posed to be produced upward, for an ideal standard; the freezing point of water would fall nearly on 8° below (0) of Mr. Wedg- wood's, and the freezing point of mercury a little below 8$°; and that, therefore, of the extent of now measurable heat, there are about 5-10ths of a degree of his scale from the freezing of mercury to the freez- ing of water; 8s from the freezing of water to full ignition; and 160° above this to the highest degree he has hitherto attained. Mr. Wedgwood concludes his account with the following table of the effects of heat on different substances, according to Fahrenheit's thermometer, and his own. Fahr. Wedg- Extremity of the scale of) «2-:>770 240° his thermometer ■ )J " Greatest heat of his"£ 21877 160 small air furnace - 3 Cast iron melts - - - 17977 130 Greatest heat of a com- mon smith's forge - Vol. U. Welding heat of iron,") -„. „ Q. greatest - ... 3 Welding heat of iron,) ^2777 gQ least ----- 3 Fine gold melts - - - 5237 32 Fine silver melts - - - 4717 28 Swedish copper melts • 4587 27 Brass melts - - - - 3807 21 Heat by which his ena-"J mel colours are burnt s 1857 6 on......j Red heat fully visible in ) -q-- q day-light - - - - 3 Red heat fully visible in") g.»__- the dark - - - - 3 Mercury boils .... 600 3T6oVcr Water boils.....212 6yVo% Vital heat.....97 7*fjfo Q 42 °T0"«"0" o 389 > 5_9 6 'TO 0 0 17327 125 Water freezes - - - - 32 Proof spirit freezes - - 0 The point at which mer-~\ cury congeals, conse- j quently the limit of)- — 40 mercurial tbermome-1 ters, about J In a scale of heat drawn up in this manner, the comparative extents of the different departments of this grand and universal agent are rendered conspicuous at a single glance of the eye. We see at once, for instance, how small a portion of it is concerned in animal and vegetable life, and in the ordinary operations of nature. From freezing to vital heat is barely a five- hundredth part of the scale; a quantity so inconsiderable, relatively to the whole, that in the higher stages of ignition, ten times as much might be added or taken away, without the Jeast difference being discerni- ble in any of the appearances from which the intensity of fire has hitherto been judged of. Hence, at the same time, we may be convinced ofthe utility and impor- tance ofa physical measure for these high- er degrees of heat, and the utter insuffi- ciency of the common means of discrimi- nating and estimating their force. Mr. Wedgwood adds, that he has often found differences, astonishing when considered as a part of this scale, in the heats of his own kilns and ovens, without being perceivable by the workmen at the time, or till the ware was taken out of the kiln. * Since dry air augments in volume, 3-8ths for 180 degrees, and, since its pro- gressive rate of expansion is probably uni- form by uniform increments of heat, a pyrometer might easily he constructed on this principle. Form a bulb and tube of platinum, of exactly the same form as a thermometer, and connect with the extre- mity of the stem, at right angles, a glass tube of uniform calibre, filled with mercu- ry, and terminating below in a recurved bulb, like that of the Italian barometer. PYR PYR Graduate the glass tube into a series of spaces equivalent to 3-8ths of the total vo- lume of the capacity of the platina bulb, with 3-4ths of its stem. The other fourth may be supposed to be little influenced by the source of heat. On plunging the bulb and 2-3ds of the stem into a furnace, the depression of the mercury will indicate the degree of heat. As the movement of the column will be very considerable, it will be scarcely worth while to introduce any correction for the change of the initial volume by barometric variation. Or the instrument might be made, with the recur- ved bulb sealed, as in Professor Leslie's differential thermometers. The glass tube may be joined by fusion to the platinum tube. Care must be taken to let no mercu- ry enter the platinum bulb. Should there be a mechanical difficulty in making a bulb of this metal, then a hollow cylinder of $ inch diameter, with a platinum stem, like that of a tobacco-pipe, screwed into it, will suit equally well.* Pvrophorus. By this name is denoted an artificial product, which takes fire or becomes ignited on exposure to the air. Hence, in the German language, it has ob- tained the name of luft-zunder, or air-tin- der. It is prepared from alum by calcina- tion, with the addition of various inflam- mable substances. Homberg was the first that obtained it, which he did accidentally in the year 1680, from a mixture of human excrement and alum, upon which he was operating by fire. The preparation is managed in the fol- lowing manner. Three parts of alum are mixed with from two to three parts of ho- ney, flour, or sugar; and this mixture is dried over the fire in a glazed bowl, or an iron pan, diligently stirring it all the while with an iron spatula. At first this mixture melts, but by degrees it becomes thicker, swells up, and at last runs into small dry lumps. These are triturated to powder, and once more roasted over the fire, till there is not the least moisture remaining in them, and the operator is well assured that it can liquefy no more: the mass now looks like a blackish powder of charcoal. For the sake of avoiding the previous above-mentioned operation, from four to five parts of burned alum may be mixed directly with two of charcoal powder. This powder is poured into a phial or matrass, with a neck about six inches long. The phial, which however must be filled three- quarters full only, is then put into a cruci- ble, the bottom of which is covered with sand and so much sand is put round the former, that the upper part of its body al- so is covered with it to the height of an inch; upon this, the crucible, with the phial, is put into the furnace, and surrounded «itii red-hot . a!v The fire, being now gradually increased till the phial becomes red-hot, is kept up for the space of about a quarter of an hour, or till a black smoke ceases to issue from the mouth of the phial, and instead of this a sulphureous vapour exhales, which commonly takes fire. The fire is kept up till the blue sulphure- ous flame is no longer to be seen; upon this the calcination must be put an end to, and the phial closed for a short time with • stopper of clay or loam. But as soon as the vessel is become so cool as to be capa- ble of being held in the hand, the phial is taken out of the sand, and the powder con- tained in it transferred as fast as possible from the phial, into a dry and stout glass made warm, which must be secured with a glass stopper. We have made a very good pyrophorua by simply mixing three parts of alum with one of wheat-flour, calcining them in a common phial till the blue flame disap- peared; and have kept it in the same phial, well stopped with a good cork when cold. If this powder be exposed to the atmos- phere, the sulphuret attracts moisture from the air, and generates sufficient heat to kin- dle the carbonaceous matter mingled with it. * Pyrope. A sub-species of dodecahe- dral garnet. Colour dark blood-red, ap- pearing yellowish by transmitted light. In grains. Splendent. Fracture conchoidal. Transparent. Refracts double. Scratches quartz more readily than precious garnet. Sp. gr. 3.718. Its constituents are, silica 40, alumina 28.5, magnesia 10, lime 3.5, oxide of iron 16.5, of manganese, 0.25, ox- ide of chrome 2, loss 1.25.—Klaproth. It occurs in trap-tuff, at Ely, in Fifeshire; and in claystone in Cumberland. At Zoeblitz, Saxony, it is imbedded in serpentine. It is highly valued as a gem in jewellery.* • Pyrophysalite. See Physalite.* * Pyrosmalite. Colour liver-brown, inclining to pistachio-green. In lamellar concretions, and in regular six-sided prisms, or the same truncated. Shining. Fracture uneven. Translucent. Semi-hard. Streak brownish-white. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.08. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in muria- tic acid with a small residuum of silica. It gives out vapours of chlorine before the blow-pipe, and becomes a magnetic oxide of iron. Its constituents are, peroxide of iron 21.81, protoxide of manganese 21.14, submuriate of iron 14.09, silica 35.85, lime 1.21, water and loss 5.9.—Hisinger. It oc- curs in a bed of magnetic ironstone, along with calcareous spar and hornblende, in Bjelke's mine in Nordmark, near Philip- stadt in W ermeland. It is a very singular compound.* • Pyrotartauic Acid. See Acid (Pyrotartaric).* ' Pyroxene. Augite.* RAI RAT Q QUARTATION is an operation by which the quantity of one thing is made equal to a fourth part of the quantity of another thing. Thus, when gold alloyed with silver is to be parted, we are obliged to facilitate the action of the aquafortis by reducing the quantity of the former of these metals to one-fourth part of the whole mass; which is done by sufficiently increasing the quan- tity of the silver, if it be necessary. This operation is called quartation, and is pre- paratory to the parting; and even many authors extend this name to the operation of parting. See Assay. * Quartz. Professor Jameson divides this mineral genus into two species; rhom- boidal quartz, and indivisible quartz. 1. Rhomboidal quartz contains 14 sub- species. 1. Amethyst. 2. Rock crystal. 3. Milk quartz. 4. Common quartz. 5. Prase. 6. Cat's Eye. 7. Fibrous quartz. 8. Iron flint. 9. Hornstone. 10. Flinty slate. 11. Flint. 12. Calcedony. 13. Heliotrope. 14. Jasper. 2. Indivisible quartz contains nine sub- species: 1. Float-stone. 2. Quartz sinter. 3. Hyalite. 4. Opal. 5. Menilite. 6. Ob- sidian. 7. Pitchstone. 8. Pearlstone. 9. Pumice-stone. We shall treat here of the quartz sub-species. 1. Rose, or Milk quartz. Colour rose-red, and milk-white. Massive. Shining. Frac- ture conchoidal. Translucent. It. is pro- bably silica, coloured with manganese. It is found in Bavaria, where it occurs in beds of quartz in granite, near Zwiesel, &c. 2. Common quartz. Colours, white, gray, and many others. Massive, disseminated, imitative, in impressed forms, in supposi- titious and true crystals. The latter are, a six-sided prism, acuminated on both ex- tremities by six planes; a 6'imple six-sided pyramid, and a double six-sided pyramid. Splendent to glistening. Fracture coarse splintery, and sometimes slaty. Translu- cent. It is one of the most abundant mine- rals in nature. 3. Fibrous quartz. Colours greenish and yellowish-white. Massive, and in rolled pieces. In curved fibrous concretions. Glimmering and pearly. Fracture curved slaty. Translucent on the edges Nearly as hard as quartz. Not very difficultly frangible. Sp. gr. 3.123? It occurs on the banks of the Moldare in Bohemia. 4. Quartz, or siliceous sinter. Of this there are three kinds; the common, opa- line, and pearly. § 1. Common. Colours grayish-white and reddish-white. Massive and imitative. Dull. Fracture flat conchoidal. Translu- cent on the edges. Semi-hard. Very brit- tle. Sp. gr. 1.81. Its constituents are, si- lica 98, alumina 15, iron 0.5.—Klapr. It occurs abundantly round the hot springs in Iceland. § 2. Opaline siliceous sinter. Colour yel- lowish-white. Massive. Fracture conchoi- dal. Glimmering. Translucent on the edges. Semi-hard. Brittle. Adheres to the tongue. It occurs at the hot springs in Iceland. It resembles opal. § 3. Pearl sinter, or fiorite. Colour milk- white. In imitative shapes. Lustre be- tween resinous and pearly. In thin concen- tric lamellar concretions. Fracture fine grained uneven. Translucent. Scratches glass, but not so hard as quartz. Brittle. Sp. gr. 1.917. Its constituents are, silica 94, alumina 2, lime 4.—Santi. It has been found in volcanic tuff and pumice, in the Vicentine. See Rock Crystal.* • Quercitron. See Dyeing.* • Quicksilver. See Mercury.* R RADICAL. That which is considered as constituting the distinguishing part of an acid, by its union with the acidifying principle, or oxygen, which is common to all acids. Thus, sulphur is the radical of the sulphuric and sulphurous acids. It is sometimes called the base of the acid, but base is a term of more extensive applica- tion. Radical Vinegar. See Acid (Ace- tic). • Rain. Mr. Luke Howard, who may be considered as our most accurate scien- tific meteorologist, is inclined to think, that rain is in almost every instance the result of the electrical action of clouds up- on each other. This idea is confirmed by observations made in various ways, upon the electrical state of clouds and rain; and it is very probable that a thunder-storm is only a more sudden and sensible display of those energies, which, according to the or- der observable in the creation in other res- pects, ought to be incessantly and silently operating for more general and beneficial purposes. In the formation of the rain-cloud (nim- bus), two circumstances claim particular attention; the spreading of the superior masses of cloud, in all directions, until RAl RA1 they become like the stratus, one uniform sheet; and the rapid motion, and visible decrease, of the cumulus when brought un- der the latter. The cirri also, which so frequently stretch from the superior sheet upwards, and resemble erected hairs, car- ry much the appearance of temporary con- ductors for the electricity, extricated by the sudden union of minute particles of vapour, into the vastly larger ones that form the rain. By one experiment of Ca- vallo's, with a kite carrying 360 feet of conducting string, in an interval between two showers, and kept up during rain, it seems that the superior clouds possessed a positive electricity before the rain, which on the arrival of a large cumulus, gave place to a very strong negative, continuing as long as it was over the kite. We are not, however, warranted from this to conclude the cumulus which brings on rain always negative, as the same effect might ensue from a positive cumulus uniting with a ne- gative stratus. Yet the general negative state ofthe lower atmosphere during rain, and the positive indications commonly given by the true stratus, render this the more probable opinion. It is not, however, absolutely necessary to determine the se- veral states of the clouds which appear du- ring rain, since there is sufficient evidence in favour of the conclusion, that clouds formed in different parts of the atmos- phere, operate on each other, when brought near enough, so as to occasion their partial or entire destruction; an effect which can be attributed only to their possessing be- forehand, or acquiring at the moment, the opposite electricities. It may be objected, says Mr. Howard, that this explanation is better suited to the case of a shower, than to that of continued rain, for which it does not seem sufficient. If it should appear, nevertheless, that the supply of each kind of cloud is by any means kept up in proportion to the con- sumption, the objection will be answered. Now, it is a well known fact, that evapora- tion from the surface of the earth and wa- ters, often returns and continues during rain, and consequently furnishes the lower clouds while the upper are recruited from the quantity of vapour brought by the su- perior current, and continually subsiding in the form of dew, as is evident both from the turbidness of the atmosphere in rainy seasons, and the plentiful deposition of dew in the nocturnal intervals of rain. Nei- ther is it pretended that electricity is any further concerned in the production of rain, than as a secondary agent, which modifies the effect of the two grand predisposing causes,—a falling temperature, and the in- flux of vapour. Mr. Dalton, who has paid much atten- tion to meteorology, has recently read be- fore the Manchester Society, an elaborate and interesting memoir on rain, from which I shall extract a table, and some observa- tions. Mean Monthly and Jlnnual Quantities of llain at various FlacesJJbein^ •Averages for many years, by Mr. Dalton. the 03 |» co5- -3 Ol ft o 9 ~§ oN CJs. gs? «s £ «« » <« 0? <«• <■> <« ,3 «! § «! I *« a t« cj 3 s % a 8 »" 3 "» y 5 a B 1- a t> 2 ^ 3 §• si- 33 J3 Co © C9 ^ co ,r- S* os ? 8 •• >r Co * « s> ? s. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Fr. In. Fr. In. Inch. Jan. 2.310 2.177 2.196 3.461 5.299 3.095 1.595 1.464 1.228 2A77 2.530 Feb. 2.568 1.847 5.126 2.837 1.741 1.250 1.232 1.700 2.295 Mar. 2.098 1.523 1.322 1.753 3.151 ■2.164 1.184 1.172 1.190 1.927 1.748 April. 2.010 2.104 2.078 2.180 2.986 2.017 0.979 1.279 1.185 2.686 1.950 May. 2.895 2.573 2.118 2,160 3.480 2.568 1.641 1.636 1.767 2.931 2.407 June. 2.502 2.816 2.286 2.512 2.722 2.974 1.343 1.738 1.697 2.562 2.315 July. 3.697 3.66J 3.006 4.140 4.959 3.256 2.303 2.448 1.800 1.882 3.115 Aug. 3.665 3.311 2.435 4.581 5.039 3.199 2.746 1.807 1.900 2.347 3.103 Sept. 3.281 3.654 2.289 3.751 4.874 4.350 1.617 1.842 1.550 4.140 3.155 Oct. 3.922 3.724 3.079 4.151 5.439 4.143 2.297 2.092 1.780 4.741 3.537 Nov. 3.360 3.441 2.634 3.775 4.785 3.174 1.904 2.222 1.720 4.187 3.120 Dec. 3.832 3~6\140 3.288 2.569 3.955 39^714 6.084 3.142 1.981 21.351 1.736 20.686 1.600 181549 2.397 33.977 3.058 34.118 27.664 53.944 36.919 «' Observations on the Theory of Rain. ration, and contributes to retain the vapour "Every one must have noticed an obvi- when in the atmosphere, and cold precipi- ous connexion between heat and the vapour tates or condenses the vapour. But these in the atmosphere. Heat promotes evapo- facts do not explain the phenomenon of RA.N RES rain, which is as frequently attended with an increase as with a diminution of the temperature of the atmosphere. "The late Dr. Hutton, of Edinburgh, was, I conceive, the first person who pub- lished a correct notion ofthe cause of rain. (See Edin. Trans, vol. i. and ii. and Hut- ton's Dissertations, &c.) Without deciding whether vapour be simply expanded by heat, and diffused through the atmosphere, or chemically combined with it, he main- tained from the phenomena that the quan- tity of vapour capable of entering into the air increases in a greater ratio than the temperature; and hence he fairly infers, that whenever two volumes of air of diffe- rent temperatures are mixed together, each being previously saturated with vapour, a precipitation of a portion of vapour must ensue, in consequence of the mean tempe- rature not being able to support the mean quantity of vapour. "The cause of rain, therefore, is now, I consider, no longer an object of doubt. If two masses of air of unequal tempera- tures, by the ordinary currents of the winds, are intermixed, when saturated with vapour, a precipitation ensues. If the masses are under saturation, then less precipitation takes place, or none at all, according to the degree. Also the warmer the air, the greater is the quantity of va- pour precipitated in like circumstances. Hence the reason why rains are heavier in summer than winter, and in warm coun- tries than in cold. "We now inquire into the cause why less rain falls in the first six months ofthe year than in the last six months. The whole quantity of water in the atmosphere in January is usually about three inches, as appears from the dew point, which is then about 32°. Now the force of vapour at that temperature is 0.2 of an inch of mer- cury, which is equal to 2.8 or three inches of water. The dew point in July is usual- ly about 58° or 59°, corresponding to 0.5 of an inch of mercury, which is equal to seven inches of water; the difference is four inches of water, which the atmosphere then contains more than in the former month. Hence, supposing the usual inter- mixture of currents of air in both the in- tervening periods to be the same, the rain ought to be four inches less in the former period of the year than the average, and four inches more in the latter period, ma- king a difference of eight inches between the two periods, which nearly accords with the preceding observations."* Rancidity. The change which oils undergo by exposure to the air. The rancidity of oils is probably an ef- fect analogous to the oxidation of metals. It essentially depends on the combination of oxygen with the extractive principle, which is naturally united with the oily principle. This inference is proved by at- tending to the processes used to counter- act or prevent the rancidity of oils. Reagent. In the experiments of che- mical analysis, the component parts of bo- dies may either be ascertained in quantity as well as quality, by the perfect opera- tions of the laboratory, or their quality alone may be detected by the operations of certain bodies called reagents. Thus the infusion of galls is a reagent, which detects iron by a dark purple precipitate; the prussiate of potash exhibits a blue with the same metal, &c. See Analysis, and Waters (Mineral). * Realgar. Sulphuret of arsenic, a native ore.* Receiver. Receivers are chemical ves- sels, which are adapted to the necks or beaks of retorts, alembics, and other dis- tillatory vessels, to collect, receive, and contain the products of distillations. * Red Chalk. A kind of clay iron- stone.* * Reddle. Red chalk.* REDUCTION,OrREVIVIFICATION.This word, in its most extensive sense, is appli- cable to all operations by which any sub- stance is restored to its natural state, or which is considered as such: but custom confines it to operations by which metals are restored to their metallic state, after they have been deprived of this, either by combustion, as the metallic oxides, or by the union of some heterogeneous matters which disguise them, as fulminating gold, luna cornea, cinnabar, and other compounds of the same kind. 'These reductions are also called revivifications. Refrigeratory. See Laboratory. Regulus. The name regulus was given by chemists to metallic matters when se- parated from other substances by fusion. This name was introduced by alchemists, who, expecting always to find gold in the metal collected at the bottom of their cru- cibles after fusion, called this metal, thus collected, regulus, as containing gold, the king of metals. It was afterwards applied to the metal extracted from the ores of the semi-metals, which formerly bore the name that is now given to the semi-metals them- selves. Thus we had regulus of antimony, regulus of arsenic, and regulus of cobalt. Resin. The name resin is used to de- note solid inflammable substances, of ve- getable origin, soluble in alcohol, usually affording much soot by their combustion. They are likewise soluble in oils, but not at all in water; and are more or less acted upon by the alkalis. All the resins appear to be nothing else but volatile oils, rendered concrete by their combination with oxygen. The exposure of these to the open air, and the decompo- RET KHO sition of acids applied to tliem, evidently prove this conclusion. There are some among the known resins which are very pure, and perfectly soluble in alcohol, such as the balsam of Mecca and of Capivi, turpentines, tacamahaca, elemi: others are less pure, and contain a small portion of extract, which renders them not totally soluble in alcohol; such are mastic, sandarach, guaiacum, labda- num, and dragon's blood. What is most generally known by the name of resin, simply, or sometimes of yel- low resin, is the residuum left after distil- ling the essential oil from turpentine. If this be urged by a stronger fire, a thick balsam, of a dark reddish colour, called balsam of turpentine, comes over; and the residuum, which is rendered blackish, is called black resin, or colophony. * Resin, analyzed by MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, was found to consist of Carbon, 75.944 Hydrogen, 10.719 } water 15.156 Oxygen, 13.3373 bydr. in excess 8.9.* * Respiration. A function of animals, which consists in the alternate inhalation of a portion of air into an organ called the lungs, and its subsequent exhalation. The venous blood, which enters the lungs from the pulmonary artery, is charged with car- bon, to which it owes its dark purple co- lour. When the atmospherical oxygen is applied to the interior of the air vesicles of the lungs, it combines with the carbon of the blood, forms carbonic acid, which to the amount of from 4.5 to 8 per cent of the bulk of air inspired, is immediately ex- haled. It does not appear that any oxygen or azote is absorbed by the lungs in respi- ration; for the volume of carbonic acid ge- nerated is exactly equal to that of the oxy- gen which disappears. Now, we know that carbonic acid contains its own volume of oxygen. It is probable that the quantity of carbonic acid, produced in the lungs, varies in different individuals, and in the same individual under different circum- stances. The change of the blood, from the purple venous to the bright red arte rial, seems owing to the discharge of the carbon. An ordinary sized man consumes about 46 thousand cubic inches of oxygen per diem; equivalent to 125 cubic feet of air. He makes about 20 respirations in a minute; or breathes twice, for every seven pulsations. Dr. Prout and Dr. Fyfe found, that after swallowing intoxicating liquors, the quantity of carbonic acid formed in res- piration was diminished. The same thing happens under a course of mercury, nitric acid, or vegetable diet.* * Retinite. Retin-asphalt.—Hatchett. Colour yellowish and reddish-brown. Massive, in angular pieces and thick crusts. Surface rough. Glistening, resinous. Frac ture uneven. Translucent. Soft. Brittle. At first elastic, but becomes rigid by expo- sure to the air. Sp. gr. 1.135. On a hot iron, it melts, smokes and burns, with a fragrant odour. Soluble in potash, and par- tially in spirit of wine. Its constituents are, resin 55, asphalt 42, earth 3. It is found at Bovey Tracey in Devonshire, ad- hering to brown coal.* Retort. Retorts are vessels employed for many distillations, and most frequently for those which require a degree of heat superior to that of boiling water. This ves- sel is a kind of bottle with a long neck, so bent, that it makes with the belly of the retort an angle of about sixty degrees. From this form they have probably been named retorts. The most capacious part of the retort is called its belly. Its upper part is called the arch or roof of the re- tort, and the bent part is the neck. • Reusite. Colour white. Asamealy efflorescence, and crystallized, in flat six- sided prisms and acicular crystals. Shining. Fracture conchoidal. Soft. Its constitu- ents are, sulphate of soda 66.04, sulphate of magnesia 31.35, muriate of magnesia 2.19, and sulphate of lime 0.42.—Rents. It is found as an efflorescence on the sur- face, in the country round Sedlitz and Said- schutz.* Reverberatory. See Laboratory. Rhodium. A new metal discovered among the grains of crude platina by Dr. Wollaston. The mode of obtaining it in the state of a triple salt combined with muriatic acid and soda, has been given un- der the article Palladium. This may be dissolved in water, and the oxide precipi- tated from it in a black powder by zinc. The oxide exposed to heat continues black; but with borax it acquires a white metallic lustre, though it remains infusible. Sulphur, or arsenic, however, renders it fusible, and may afterward be expelled by continuing the heat. The button however is not malleable. Its specific gravity ap- pears to exceed 11. Rhodium unites easily with every metal that has been tried, except mercurv. With gold or silver it forms a very malleable al- loy, not oxidated by a high degree of heat, but becoming incrusted with a black oxide when slowly cooled. One-sixth of it does not perceptibly alter the colour of gold, but renders it much less fusible. Neither nitric nor nitro-muriatic acid acts on it in either of these alloys; but if it be fused with three parts of bismuth, lead, or cop- per, the alloy is entirely soluble in a mix- ture of nitric acid with two parts of muri- atic. The oxide was soluble in every acid Dr. Wollaston tried. The solution in muriatic acid did not crystallize by evaporation. Its residuum formed a rose-coloured solution ROC RUT with alcohol. Muriate of ammonia and of soda, and nitrate of potash, occasioned no precipitate in the muriatic solution, but formed with the oxide, triple salts, which were insoluble in alcohol. Its solution in nitric acid likewise did not crystallize, but silver, copper, and other metals precipi- tated it. The solution of the triple salt with mu- riate of soda was not precipitated by mu- riate, carbonate, or hydrosulphuret of am- monia, by carbonate or ferroprussiate of potash, or by carbonate of soda. The caus- tic alkalis however throw down a yellow oxide, soluble in excess of alkali; and a so- lution of platina occasions in it a yellow precipitate. The title of this product to be considered as a distinct metal has been questioned; but the experiments of Dr. Wollaston have since been confirmed by Descotils.—Philos. Trans. * Rhoetizite. Colour white. Massive, and in radiated concretions. Glistening and pearly. Fragments splintery. Feebly translucent on the edges. In other charac- ters, the same as cyanite. It occurs in pri- mitive rocks, with quartz, &c. at Pfitzsci in the Tyrol.* •Rhomb Spar. Colour grayish-white. Massive, disseminated, and crystallized in rhomboids, in which the obtuse angle is 106° 15'. Splendent, between vitreous and pearly. Cleavage threefold oblique angu- lar. Fracture imperfect conchoidal. Harder than calcareous spar; sometimes as hard as fluor. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.8 to 3.2. It ef- fervesces feebly with acids. Its constitu- ents are, carbonate of lime 56.6, carbonate of magnesia 42, with a trace of iron and manganese.—Murray. It occurs imbedded in chlorite slate, limestone, &c. It is found on the banks of Loch Lomond; near New- ton-Stewart in Galloway; in compact dolo- mite in the Isle of Man and the North of England. It has been called bitter spar and muricalcite.* Rochelle Salt. Tartrate of potash and soda. See Acid (Tartaric). "Rock Butter. Colour yellowish-white. Massive and tuberose. Glimmering. Frac- ture straight foliated. Translucent on the edges. Feels rather greasy. Easily Fran- gible. It is alum mixed with alumina and oxide of iron. It oozes out of rocks that contain alum. It occurs at the Hurlett alum- work, near Paisley.* •Rock Cork. See Asbestus.* •Rock Crystal. Colour white and brown. In rolled pieces, and crystallized. The primitive form is a rhomboid of 94° 15' and 85° 45'. The secondary forms are, an equiangular six-sided prism, rather acutely acuminated on both extremities by six planes, which are set on the lateral planes; a double six-sided pyramid; an acute simple six-sided pyramid; an acute double three-sided pyramid. Splendent. Fracture perfect conchoidal. Transparent or translucent. Refracts double, feebly. Scratches feldspar. Rather easily frangi- ble. Sp. gr. 2.6 to 2.88. When two pieces are rubbed against each other, they be- come phosphorescent, and exhale an elec- tric odour. Its constituents are, silica 99 3-8ths, and a trace of ferruginous alumina. —Bucholz. Some chemists maintain, that it has one or two per cent of moisture. Crystals of great size and beauty are found in Arran, in drusy cavities in granite; but the finest are found in the neighbourhood of Cairngorm in Aberdeenshire, where they occur in granite, or in alluvial soil, along with beryl and topaz; and in the secondary greenstone of Burntisland in Fifeshire. The most magnificent groups of crystals come from Dauphiny. The varieties inclosing crystals of tita- nium, the Venus hair-stones of amateurs, and those containing actynolite, or the Thetis hair-stones, are in much repute, and sell at a considerable price.—Jameson.* * Rock Salt. Hexahedral rock salt. 1. Foliated. Colours white and gray. Massive, disseminated, and crystallized in cubes. Splendent and resinous. Cleavage threefold rectangular. Fracture conchoi- dal. Fragments cubic. Translucent. As hard as gypsum. Feels rather greasy. Brittle. It has a saline taste. Sp. gr. 2.1 to 2.2. 2. Fibrous. Colour white. Massive, and in fibrous concretions. Glistening, resin- ous. Fragments splintery. Translucent. It decrepitates when heated. The consti- tuents of Cheshire rock salt, in 1000 parts, are, muriate of soda 983£, sulphate of lime 6£, muriate of magnesia 0.-/^-, muri- ate of lime O-iV, insoluble matter 10.— Henry. The greatest formation of rock salt is in the muriatiferous clay. The salt is occa- sionally associated with thin layers of an- hydrite, stinkstone, limestone, and sand- stone. The principal deposite in Great Britain is in Cheshire. The beds alternate with clay and marl, which contains gyp- sum. It occurs also at Droitwich, in Wor- cestershire. For other localities, see Pro- fessor Jameson's Mineralogy, iii. 6.* * Rock Wood. See Asbestus.* * Roestone. See Limestone.* * Rose Quartz. See Quartz.* * Rubellite. Red tourmalin.* * Ruby. See Sapphire.* * Ruby-spinel. See Spinel.* * Rust. Red oxide of iron.* • Rutile. An ore of titanium.* SAL s SAT, * OACLACTATES. See Acid (Sac O lactic).* * Safflower. See Carthamus.* * Sagenite. Acicular Rutile.* •Sahlite. Colours greenish-gray, and green of other shades. Massive, in straight lamellar concretions, and crystal- lized; in a broad rectangular four-sided prism, approaching the tabular form, or truncated on the lateral edges. Splendent on the principal fracture; on the cross frac- ture, dull. Cleavage fivefold. Fracture, uneven. Translucent on the edges. Harder than augite. Rather brittle. Sp. gr. 3.22 to 3.47. It melts with great difficulty. Its constituents are, silica 53, magnesia 19, alumina 3, lime 20, iron and manganese 4. — Vauquelin. It occurs in the Island of Unst in Shetland; in granular limestone in the Island of Tiree; and in Glentilt. It is a sub-species of oblique edged augite.* Sal Alembroth. A compound muri- ate of mercury and ammonia. See Alem- broth. * Sal Ammoniac (Native); of which there are two kinds, the volcanic and con- choidal. 1. Volcanic. Colour yellowish and gray- ish-white. In efflorescences, imitative shapes, and crystallized; in an octohedron; rectangular four-sided prism, acuminated with four planes, set on the lateral planes; a cube truncated on the edges; a rhomboi- dal dodecahedron, and a double eight-sided pyramid, acuminated with four planes. Shining. Cleavage in the direction of the planes of the octohedron. From transpa- rent to opaque. Harder than talc. Ductile and elastic. Sp. gr. 1.5 to 1.6. Taste sharp and urinous. When rubbed with quick- lime, it exhales ammonia. Its constituents are, sal ammoniac 99.5, muriate of soda 0.5.—Klaproth. It occurs in the vicinity of burning beds of coal, both in Scotland and England. It is met with at Solfaterra, Ve- suvius, iEtna, &c. 2. Conchoidal. It occurs in angular pieces, and consists of, sal ammoniac 97.5, sulphate of ammonia 2.5.—Klaproth. It is said to occur, along with sulphur, in beds of indu- rated clay or clay-slate, in the country of Bucharia.—Jameson. See Acid (Muri- atic), Sal Ammoniac. Muriate of ammonia. Sal Ammoniac (Secret). Sulphate of ammonia, so called by its discoverer Glauber. Sal Catharticus Amarus. Sulphate of magnesia. Sal de Duobus. Sulphate of potash. Sal Diureticus. Acetate of potash. Sal Gem. Native muriate of soda. Sal Glauberi. Sulphate of soda- Sal Mart is. Green sulphate of iron. Sal Mirabile, or Sal Mirabile Glauberi. Sulphate of soda. Sal Mirabile Perlatum, or Sal Perlatum- Phosphate of soda. Sal Polychrest Glaseri. Sulphate of potash. Sal Prunella. Nitrate of potash, cast into flat cakes or round balls, after fusion. * Salifiable Bases, are the alkalis, and those earths and metallic oxides, which have the power of neutrali zing acidity, en- tirely or in part, and producing salts.* Saliva. The fluid secreted in the mouth, which flows in considerable quan- tity during a repast, is known by the name of saliva. Saliva, beside water, which constitutes at least four-fifths of its bulk, contains the following ingredients:— 1. Mucilage, 2. Albumen, 3. Muriate of soda, 4. Phosphate of soda, 5. Phosphate of lime, 6. Phosphate of ammonia. But it cannot be doubted, that, like all the other animal fluids, it is liable to many changes from disease. &c. Brugnatelli found the saliva of a patient labouring un- der an obstinate venereal disease impreg- nated with oxalic acid. The concretions which sometimes form in the salivary ducts, &c. and the tartar or bony crust, which so often attaches itself to the teeth, are composed of phosphate of lime. Salmiac. A word sometimes used for sal ammoniac. * Salt. This term has been usually employed to denote a compound, in definite proportions, of acid matter, with an alkali, earth, or metallic oxide. When the pro- portions of the constituents are so adjust- ed, that the resulting substance does not affect the colour of infusion of litmus, or red cabbage, it is then called a neutral salt. When the predominance of acid is evinced by the reddening of these infusions, the salt is said to be acidulous, and the prefix super, or bi, is used to indicate this excess of acid. If, on the contrary, the acid matter appears to be in defect, or short of the quantity necessary for neutralizing the alkalinity of the base, the salt is then said to be with excess of base, and the prefix sub is attach- ed to its name. The discoveries of Sir H. Davy have how- ever taught us to modify our opinions con- cerning saline constitution. Many bodies, such as culinary salt, and muriate of lime. SAL SAL to which the appellation of salt cannot be refused, have not been proved to contain either acid or alkaline matter; but must, according to the strict logic of chemistry, be regarded as compounds of chlorine with metals. That great chemist remarks, that very few of the substances which have been al- ways considered as neutral salts, really contain, in their dry state, the acids and alkalis from which they were formed. Ac- cording to his views, the muriates and flu- ates must be admitted to contain neither acids, nor alkaline bases. Most of the prussiates (or prussides) are shown by M. Gay-Lussac to be in the same case. Nitric and sulphuric acids cannot be procured from the nitrates and sulphates without the intervention of bodies containing hydro- gen; and if nitrate of ammonia were to be judged of from the results of its decompo- sition, it must be regarded as a compound of water and nitrous oxide. To this posi- tion it might perhaps be objected, that dry sulphate of iron yields sulphuric acid by ignition in a retort, while oxide of iron re- mains. Only those acids, says he, which are compounds of oxygen and inflammable bases, appear to enter into combination with the fixed alkalis and alkaline earths without alteration; and it is impossible to define the nature of the arrangement of the elements in their neutral compounds. The phosphate and carbonate of lime have much less of the characters attributed to neutrosaline bodies than chloride of calci- um (muriate of lime), and yet this last bo- dy is not known to contain either acid or alkaline matter. M. Gay-Lussac supposes, that a chloric acid, without water or hydro- gen, of one prime proportion of chlorine, and five of oxygen, exists in all the hyper- oxymuriates (chlorates), but he does not support his proposition by any proof. The hyperoxymuriates were shown by Sir H. Davy, in 1811, to be composed of one prime of chlorine, one of a basis, and sis of oxy- gen. Now hydrogen, in the liquid chloric acid of M. Gay-Lussac, may be considered as acting the part of a base; and to be ex- changed for potassium in the salt hypo- thetically called chlorate of potash. It is an important circumstance in the law of definite proportions, that when one metal- lic or inflammable basis (potassium or hy- drogen, for example), combines with cer- tain proportions of a compound as hexoxy- genated chlorine, all the others combine with the same proportions. M. Gay-Lussac states, that if the chloric acid be not admitted as a pure combina- tion of chlorine and oxygen, neither can the hydronitric or hydrosulphuric acids be admitted as pure combinations of oxygen. This is perfectly obvious. An acid, com- Vol. 11. posed of five proportions of oxygen ant) one of nitrogen, is altogether hypothetical; and it is a simple statement of facts to say, that liquid nitric acid is a compound of one prime equivalent of hydrogen, one of azote, and six of oxygen. (Such acid has a sp. gr. considerably greater than 1.50). The only difference therefore, between nitre and hyperoxymuriate of potash, is, that one contains a prime of azote, and the other a prime of chlorine.—Thus, Nitrate of potash. Chlorate of potash. 1 prime azote, 1 nrime chlorine, 6 primes oxygen, 6 primes oxygen, 1 prime potassium. 1 prime potassium. In each, substitute hydrogen for its kin- dred combustible, potassium, and you have the liquid acids. The chloriodic acid, the chlorocarbonous, and the binary acids, containing hydrogen, as muriatic and hydriodic, combine with ammonia without decomposition, but they appear to be decomposed in acting upon the fixed alkalis, or alkaline earths; and yet the solid substances they form, have all the characters which were formerly re- garded as peculiar to neutral salts, consist- ing of acids and alkalis, though they none of them contain the acid, and only the two first of the series contain the alkalis from which they are formed. The preceding views of saline constitution, seem to be per- fectly clear and satisfactory; and place in a conspicuous light, the paramount logic of the English chemist. The solubility of salts in water, is their most important general habitude. In this menstruum they are usually crystallized; and by its agency they are purified and se- parated from one another, in the inverse order of their solubility. The most exten- sive series of experiments on the solubility of salts, which has been published, is that of Hassenfratz, contained in the 27th, 28th, and 31st volumes ofthe Annates de Chimie. Dr. Thomson has copied them into the 3d volume of his System; and I should also have willingly followed the example, were I not aware from my own researches, that several of Hassenfratz's results are errone- ous. It is four years since I commenced a very extensive train of experiments on this subject, so important to the practical che- mist, but unforeseen obstructions have hitherto prevented their completion. Many of Hassenfratz's determinations, however, are very nearly correct. But his statement of the relation between the density of slaked lime, and the proportion of its com- bined water, is so absurd, that I wonder that a person of his reputation should have published it, and that Dr. Thomson should have embodied it in his System. In one experiment, 10000 grains of lime, sp. gr. 33 SAL SAL 1.5949, combined with 1620 of water, give a hydrate of sp. gr. 1.4877; and, in another, 10000 grains of lime, sp. gr. 1.3175, com- bined with 1875 of water, form a hydrate of sp. gr. 0.972. Four parts of lime, sp. gr. 1.4558, combined with 1 of water, are stated to yield a hydrate of sp. gr. 1.400; and with 2 of water, of specific gravity 0.8983! Now, the last proportion forms a mass greatly denser than water, instead of being much lighter than proof spirits. " Mr. Kirwan has pointed out," says Dr Thomson, " a very ingenious method of es- timating the saline contents of a mineral water whose specific gravity is known; so that the error does not exceed one or two parts in the hundred. The method is this: —subtract the specific gravity of pure wa- ter from the specific gravity of the mineral water examined (both expressed in whole numbers), and multiply the remainder by 1.4. The product is the saline contents, in a quantity of the water, denoted by the number employed to indicate the specific gravity of distilled water. Thus, let the water be of the specific gravity of 1.079, or in whole numbers 1079. Then the spe- cific gravity of distilled water will be 1000. And 1079 — 1000 x 1-4 = 110.6 = saline contents in 1000 parts of the water in question; and, consequently, 11.06 (errone- ously printed 110.6), in 100 parts of the same water." Divested of its superfluous tautology, this rule is; multiply by 140 the decimal part of the number, representing the sp. gr. of the saline solution, and the product is the dry salt in 100 grains. "This formula," adds the Doctor, "will often be of considerable use, as it serves as a kind of standard to which we' may compare our analysis." System, vol. iii. p. 231. In the article Caloric of this Diction- ary, the reader will find the following pas- sage:—" I did not so far violate the rules of philosophy, as to make a general infe- rence from a particular case, a practice, it must be confessed, too common with some chemical writers." The present instance is very instructive. For Mr. Kirwan, the original author of this formula, I entertain the highest esteem. He devoted himself, with distinguished zeal, candour, and suc- cess, to the cultivation of chemistry, and when he wrote, an empirical rule like the preceding was a very pardonable error. But, at the present day, it is ridiculous to hold it forth as a kind of standard. With solutions of nitre and common salt, it gives tolerable approximations; and hence, I fan- cy that from these solutions the rule must have been framed. But for solution of sul- phate of soda, this kind of standard gives a quantity of dry salt nearly double, and for that of sal ammoniac, less than one-half 'the real quantity present. M. Gay-Lussac has recently published in the Ann. de Chimic et Phys. xi. 296, an important memoir on the solubility of salts, from which I shall make a few extracts. One is astonished, says this excellent che- mist, on perusing the different chemical works, at the inaccuracy of our knowledge respecting the solubility of the salts. They satisfy themselves with the common obser- vation, that the salts are more soluble in hot than in cold water, and with the solubi- lity of a few of them at a temperature usu- ally very uncertain; 'yet it is upon this pro- perty of salts that their mutual decomposi- tion, their separation, and the different pro- cesses for analyzing them depend. As a chemical process, the solution of the salts deserves peculiar attention; for though the causes to which it is due are the same as those which produce other combinations, yet their effects are not similar. It is to be wished that this interesting part of che- mistry, after remaining so long in vague generalities, may at last enter the domain of experiment; and that the solubility of each body may be determined, not merely for a fixed temperature, but for variable temperatures. In the natural sciences, and especially in chemistry, general conclu- sions ought to be the result of a minute knowledge of particular facts, and should not precede that knowledge. It is only after having acquired this knowledge, that we can be sure of the existence of a com- mon type, and that we can venture to state facts in a general manner. The determination of the quantity of salt which water can dissolve is not a very diffi- cult process. It consists in saturating the water exactly with the salt whose solubility we wish to know at a determinate tempera- ture, to weigh out a certain quantity of that solution, to evaporate it, and weigh the sa- line residue. However, the saturation of water may present considerable uncertain- ty, and before going further, it is proper to examine the subject. We obtain a perfectly saturated saline solution in the two following ways. By healing the water with the salt, and allow- ing it to cool to the temperature whose solubility is wanted; or by putting into cold water a great excess of salt, and gradually elevating the temperature. In each case, it is requisite to keep the final temperature constant for two hours at least, and to stir the saline solution frequently, to be quite sure of its perfect saturation. By direct experiments made with much care, M. Gay-Lussac ascertained that these two pro- cesses give the very same result, and that of consequence they may be employed in- differently. Yet Dr. Thomson says, he found that water retains more oxide of arsenic when saturated by cooling, than when put in con- SAL SAL tact with the oxide without any elevation of temperature; but the reason I am per- suaded was that he employed too little ox- ide of arsenic relatively to the water, and that he did not prolong the contact suffi- ciently We perceive in fact, on a little reflection, that saturation follows in its pro- gress a decreasing geometrical progres- sion, and that the time necessary for com- pleting it depends upon the surface of con- tact of the solvent and the body to be dis- solved. It happens often that the solution of a salt which does not crystallize, and which, for that reason, we consider as saturated, yields saline molecules to the crystals of the same nature plunged into it; and it has been concluded from this, that the crystals of a salt impoverish a solution, and make it sink below its true point of saturation. The fact is certain; it is even very general; but I am of opinion that it has been ill ex- plained. Saturation in a saline solution of an in- variable temperature, is the point at which the solvent, always in contact with the salt, can neither take up any more, nor let go any more. This point is the only one which should be adopted, because it is determin- ed by chemical forces, and because it re- mains constant as long as these forces re- main constant. According to this definition, every saline solution which can let go salt without any change of temperature is of necessity supersaturated. It may be shown that, in general, supersaturation is not a fixed, point, and that the cause which pro- duces it, is the same as that which keeps water liquid below the temperature at whioh it congeals. " I shall now give an account of the ex- periments which I have made on the solu- bility of the salts. " Having saturated water with a salt at a determinate temperature, as I have ex- plained above, I take a matrass capable of holding 150 to 200 grammes of water, and whose neck is 15 to 18 centimetres in length. After having weighed it empty, it is filled to about a fourth part with the sa- line solution, and weighed again. To eva- porate the water, the matrass is laid hold of by the neck by a pair of pincers, and it is kept on a red-hot iron at an angle of about 45°, taking care to move it continu- ally, and to give the liquid a rotatory mo- tion, in order to favour the boiling, and to prevent the violent bubbling up which is very common with some saline solutions, as soon as, in consequence of evaporation, they begin to deposite crystals. When the saline mass is dry, and when no more aque- ous vapours are driven off at a heat nearly raised to redness, I blow into the matrass by means of a glass tube fitted to the noz- zle of a pair of bellows* in order to drive- out the aqueous vapour which fills it. The matrass is then allowed to cool, and weigh- ed. I now know the proportion of water to the salt held in solution, and this is ex- pressed by representing the quantity of water to be 100. Each of the following results is the mean of at least two experi- ments:— Solubility of Chloride of Potassium. Temperature tentigrade. 0.00° Chloride dissolved by 100 water. 29.21 19.35 34.53 52.39 43.59 79.58 50.93 109.60 59.26 Solubility of Chloride of Barium. Temperature centigrade. 15.64" Salt dissolved in 100 water. 34.86 49.31 43.84 74.89 50.94 105.48 59.58" In these experiments, the chloride of ba- rium is supposed to be anhydrous; but as when it is crystallized it retains two pro- portions of water, 22.65, for one of chlo- ride, 131.1, we must of necessity, in order to compare its solubility with that of other salts, increase each number of solubility by the same number multiplied into the ratio of 22.65 to 131.1, and diminish by as much the quantity of water. On making this correction, the preceding results will be changed into the following:— Temperature. 15.64* 49.31 74.89 105.48 Salt diss, in 100 water. 43.50 55.63 65.51 77.89 Solubility of Chloride of Sodium. Temperature. 13.89° 16.90 59.93 109.73 Salt diss, in 100 water. 35.81 35.88 37.14 40.38 Solubility of Sulphate of Potash. Temperature. Salt diss, in 100 water. 12.72° 49.08 63.90 101.50 10.57 16.91 19.29 26.33 Solubility of Sulphate of Magnesia. Temperature. Salt diss, in 100 water, 14.58* 39.86 49.08 64.35 97-03 32.76 45.05 49.18 56.75 72. ~>0 SAL SAL The sulphate of magnesia is here sup- posed anhydrous; but as it crystallizes re- taining seven portions of water, 79.3, for one proportion of salt, 74.6, each number which expresses the solubility, must be in- creased by this number multiplied by the ratio of 79.3 to 74.6, and the corresponding quantity of water diminished as much. We shall thus have for the solubility of crys- tallized sulphate of magnesia the following results:— Solubility of Nitre. Temperature. Salt diss, in 100 water. Temperature, 14.58° 39.86 49.08 64.35 97.03 103.69 178.34 212.61 295.13 644.44 These results are no longer proportional to the temperatures; they augment in a much greater ratio. Solubility of Sulphate of Soda. Salt soluble n 100 water. Temperature. Anhydrous. Crystallized. 0.00° 5.02 12.17 11.67 10.12 26.38 13.30 11.74 31.33 17.91 16.73 48.28 25.05 28.11 99.48 28.76 37.35 161.53 30.75 43.05 215.77 31.84 47.37 270.22 32.73 50.65 322.12 33.88 50.04 312.11 40.15 48.78 291.44 45.04 47.81 276.91 50.40 46.82 262.35 59.79 45.42 -- 70.61 44.35 -- 84.42 42.96 -- 103.17 42.65 -- 0.00« 5.01 11.67 17.91 24.94 35.13 45.10 54.72 65.45 79.72 97.66 13.32 16.72 22.23 29.31 38.40 54.82 74.66 97.05 125.42 169.27 236.45 We see by these results, that the solubi- lity of sulphate of soda follows a very sin- gular law. After having increased rapidly to about the temperature of 33°, where it is at its maximum, it diminishes to 103.17°, and at that point it is nearly the same as at 30.5.° The sulphate of soda presents the second example of a body whose solu- bility diminishes as the temperature aug- ments; for Mr. Dalton has already observed the same property in lime. Solubility of Nitrate of Barytes. Temperature. Salt diss, in 100 water. 0.00° 14.95 17.62 37.87 49.22 52.11 73.75 86.21 191.65 5.00 8.18 8.54 13.67 17.07 17.97 25.01 29.57 35.18 Solubility of Chlorate of Potash. Temperature. 0.00° 3.33 13.32 5.60 15.37 6.03 24.43 8.44 35.02 12.05 49.08 18.96 74.89 35.40 104.78 60.24 Plate VIII. exhibits a perpendicular sec- tion through the middle of the salt mine of Visachna, on the south-west ofthe Car- pathian mountains. 1. A stratum of vegetable mould. 2. Stiff yellow clay. 3. Gray and yellow clay, mixed with spots and veins of sand and ochre. 4. Grayish-blue clay. 5. Fine white sand. 6. Black, fat, bituminous clay, immedi- ately covering the bed of salt. 7. The body of salt, divided into inclined strata. This has been penetrated to the depth of about two hundred yards. It is traversed by veins (8, 8,) of a bituminous clay, of the same nature as that at 6. This clay contains sulphate of lime. A. The shaft by which the salt is drawn up. C. The shaft through which the work- men pass up and down by means ofa ladder placed in it. D. A shaft that receives the rain-water, and conducts it to the dram F. B. A shaft that receives rain-water, and conducts it into the gallery E. E, E, F. Sections of two circular galleries surrounding the shafts A and C, which col- lect the waters that penetrate between the strata of clay, and conduct them to the drain F, through which they are carried off. H, H. A conical space hollowed out of the rock salt in working it. a, a, a, a. Pieces of timber driven into the bed of salt, and supporting all the wood- work of the shafts. b, b, b, b. Sheep-skins, nailed on these pieces of timber, to keep them from wet. c, c. Bags in which the salt is drawn up. d, d, d. Cuts for extracting the salts in oblong squares. SAL SAL e, e. Blocks of salt ready to be put into the bags and drawn up. When this salt is impure, it must be dis- solved in water, in order to purify it. The water of the ocean contains our most ample store of salt, but not the rich- est. If we had no means of obtaining the muriate of soda from it, but by the heat of fires, salt would be an expensive article of consumption. Recourse, therefore, has been had to two methods of attaining this purpose: 1st, by natural evaporation; 2d, by natural and artificial evaporation com- bined. In the first case, the salt is extracted by means of brine-pits. These are large shal- low pits, the bottom of which is very smooth, and formed of clay. They are made near the sea-shore, and consist of, 1st, A large reservoir, deeper than the proper brine-pits, and dug between them and the sea. This reservoir communicates with the sea by means of a channel provi- ded with a sluice. On the sea-shore, these reservoirs may be filled at high water, but the tides are rather inconvenient than ad- vantageous to brine-pits. 2dly, The brine-pits properly so called, which are divided into a number of com- partments by means of little banks. All these compartments have a communication with each other, but so that the water fre- quently has a long circuit to make from one set to another. Sometimes it has four or five hundred yards to flow before it reaches the extremity of this sort of labyrinth. The various divisions have a number of singular names, by which they are technically dis- tinguished, and differing much in different places. The brine-pits should be exposed to the north, north-east, or north-west winds. Plate IX. exhibits a plan of a set of brine-pits. A, A. The great reservoir, into which the water flows through the sluice a. B, B, B. The second reservoir. Into this the water enters by a subterranean channel at b, and, circulation through the several divisions in the direction of the shaded line, finds its exit at d. c, c, c, c. Narrow banks of earth sepa- rating the divisions. C, C, C. The third reservoir. The wa- ter, on quitting the second reservoir, en- ters, through an aperture at d, the long narrow channel d, e, f, g, h, whence it flows into C, C, C, as it had before done into B, B, B. D, D, D, D. The fourth reservoir, into which the water flows, as shown in the plate, from the third reservoir; and from which it is ultimately distributed among the small square basins E, E, E, E, E, E, E,E. i, i, i, i. Heaps of salt drawn out of the basins E, E, and left to drain. K, K. The salt collected together in larger heaps, and left to drain still more. The water of the sea is let into these re- servoirs in the month of March. It af- fords, as is apparent, a vast surface for evaporation. The first reservoir is intend- ed to detain the water till its impurites have subsided, while at the same time the evaporation commences in it. From this the other reservoirs are supplied, as their water evaporates. The salt is considered as on the point of crystallizing, when the water begins to grow red. Soon after this, a pellicle forms on the surface, which breaks, and falls to the bottom. Some- times the salt is allowed to subside in the first compartment, sometimes it is made to pass on to othcs, where a larger surface is exposed to the air. In either case the salt is drawn out, and left upon the borders of the pans to d'ain and dry. In this way it is collected tw> or three times a-week, toward the end o* the operation. The salt thus obtained, partakes of the colour of the bottom on which it is form- ed; according to tie nature of which, it is white, red, or gray The last is frequently called green salt. Sea-salt has the incon- venience of tasting1 bitter, if used imme- diately after it is riade- This is owing to the muriate of line and sulphate of soda, with which it is contaminated. By expo- sure to the air for two or three years it is in part freed from these salts. Explanation of Plates X. and XL Fig. 1. Plan of the salt pans. No. 1. Small pan, No. 2. Graduating pan. No. 3. Preparing pan. No. 4. Crystallizing pan. The arrangement of the plates of iron, which compose these pans, is shown in No. 2. a, a. Elevation on which the salt is pla- ced to drain, as it is taken from the crys- tallizing pans. b, b, b. Wooden partitions, which sepa- rate the chambers. c, c, c. A raised wooden ledge, which surrounds the pans. Fig. 2. Section of the evaporating cham- ber, which contains the pans 1 and 2, in the line C, D. d, d, d. Heat-tubes, which give heat to the small pan, and contribute to heat the others. e, e, e. Fire-place for the pans. *', i, i. Pillars of cast iron, over the gra- tings g, g, g, which support the bottoms of the pans. h. Wooden chamber, which contains the- two pans. SAL SAL fc. Opening by which the vapours escape. .Fig*. 3. Section ofthe evaporating cham- ber, which contains the pans 3 and 4, in the line A, B. a. Elevation on which the salt from the crystallizing pans is placed to drain. The other letters indicate the same parts as in the preceding figures. Fig. 4. Method in which the plates of iron are joined to form the pans. a. The iron plate. b. The iron gutter, which receives the edges of the plates, and is strongly fasten- ed with screws. i, i. Pillars of cast iron, which support the bottom of the pan. Sometimes the water is evaporated to dryness; but this is rarely done, because for this the water must contain no muriate of soda. Commonly the mother-water is left, containing chiefly tiie deliquescent salts, which are muriates «f lime and mag- nesia. These salts, while :hey increase the bulk of the mother-water add also to the consumption of fuel, and render the salt obtained bitter and deliqiescent. When saline waters contain but a small quantity of salt, the evaporation of it by fire in its natural state would be too ex- pensive. It must be concentrated there- fore by some cheaper rr.ode. Now it is well known, that, to promote and accelerate the evaporation of a fluid, it should be made to present a large sur- face to the air. To effect this, the water is pumped up to the height of nine or ten yards, and made to fall on piles of faggots built up in the shape of a wall. The wa- ter, distributed uniformly over these by means of troughs, is minutely divided in its descent, and thus experiences a consi- derable evaporation. The same water is frequently pumped up twenty times or more, to bring it to the degree of concen- tration necessary. This operation is call- ed graduating, and the piles of thorn fag- gots thus erected are termed graduation houses. These piles are covered with a roof, to shelter them from the rain, are made about five yards thick, and are sometimes more than four hundred yards long. They should be so constructed that their sides may face the prevailing winds. Plate XII. represents a graduation house at Bex, with the improvements lately made in it by M. Fabre. A. Transverse section of the building. B. Longitudinal section. e, e, c. The faggots of thorns, piled up in two tiers below, and one above. a, a. Wooden troughs, to distribute the salt water over these faggots. C, C. Plan and perspective view of these troughs. b, b, b. Angular notches, through which the water runs out in slender streams, pre- senting a large surface to the air. e. Roof, covered with tiles, not laid flat, but raised so as to admit a free circulation of air between them. d, d. Reservoir, into which the concen- trated salt water flows, and from which it is pumped up to the troughs, to be distri- buted afresh over the faggots. The state of the air has a considerable influence on the celerity of the concentra- tion. A cool, dry, and moderate wind is favourable to it; while dull, damp, and fog- gy weather sometimes even adds to the quantity of water. The principal uses of the muriate of soda have already been mentioned under the article muriatic acid. In addition it may be observed, that almost all graminivorous animals are fond of it, and that it appears to be beneficial to them, when mixed with their food. Wood steeped in a solution of it, so as to be thoroughly impregnated with it, is very difficult of combustion: and in Persia it is supposed to prevent timber from the attack of worms, for which pur- pose it is used in that country. Bruce in- forms us, that in Abyssinia it is used as money; and it is very probable, that the pillars of fossil glass, in which the Abys- sinians are said by Herodotus to have en- closed the bodies of their relations, were nothing but masses of rock salt, which is very common in that part of Africa. Salt was supposed by the ancients to be so detrimental to vegetation, that, when a field was condemned to sterility, it was customary to sow it with salt. Modern agriculturists, however, consider it as a useful manure. • We are indebted to Dr. Henry for a very able and elaborate investigation of the different varieties of common salt. The following table contains the general state- ment of his experiments. SAL SAL 1000 parts by weight consist of is* B fell 5? 2 2 ^ a: £ 3 gs £S 3 S kj & *-*■ a & 40 Pure Kind of salt. <» s. S 8 t^ a k .4. -^. 3 k£> It 4* 5- S 28 muriate of soda. 960 t! "5 CSt. Ube's, 9 trace 3 3 234 o * < St. Martin's, 12 do. 3* 3* 19 6 25 40} 959* (.Oleron, 10 do. 2 2 19* 4* 23£ 35| 964i *s> fScotch (common), 4 _ 28 28 15 m 32$ 64 935$ J Scotch (Sunday), S Lymington(common) iDitto (cat), 1 — ni 11* 12 4J 16*! 29 971 "! P" 2 — 11 11 15 35 50 63 937 (3^ «• 1 — 5 5 1 5 6 12 988 w fCrushed rock, 10 O.tV oi 0-tV o.i 6* __ 6* 16j 983i J Fishery, 1 04 1 Hi — ni 13i 986£ J*S ] Common, 1 o.i 04 1 14* — 144 164 983* (J tstoved, 1 0.4 o.i 1 15* — 15i 17* 982* " In sea salt prepared by rapid evapora- tion, the insoluble portion is a mixture of carbonate of lime with carbonate of mag- nesia, and a fine siliceous sand; and in the salt prepared from Cheshire brine, it is al- most entirely carbonate of lime. The in- soluble part of the less pure pieces of rock salt is chiefly a marly earth, with some sul- phate of lime. The quantity of this im- purity, as it is stated in the table, is consi- derably below the average, which in my experiments has varied from 10 to 45 parts in 1000. Some estimate of its general pro- portion, when ascertained on a larger scale, may be formed from the fact, that govern- ment, in levying the duties, allow 65 pounds to the bushel of rock salt, instead of 56 pounds, the usual weight of a bushel of salt."—Henry. Phil. Trans, for 1810, part 1st. The enormous contamination of the Scotch variety with that septic bitter salt, muriate of magnesia, accords perfectly with my own experiments, and is a reproach to the country. " That kind of salt then," says this able chemist, " which possesses most eminently the combined properties of hardness, com- pactness, and perfection of crystals, will be best adapted to the purpose of packing fish and other provisions; because it will remain permanently between the different layers, or will be very gradually dissolved by the fluids that exude from the provisions; thus furnishing a slow but constant supply of saturated brine. On the other hand, for the purpose of preparing the pickle, or of striking the meat, which is done by immer- sion in a saturated solution of salt, the smaller grained varieties answer equally well; or, on account of their greater solu- bility, even better," provided they be equal- ly pure. His experiments show, that in compactness of texture the large grained British salt is equal to the foreign bay salt. Their antiseptic qualities are also the same.* Salt (Ammoniacal, Fixed). Muri- ate of lime. S alt ( Ammoniacal, Secret) of Glau- ber. Sulphate of ammonia. Salt (Arsenical, Neutral) of Mac- quer. Superarseniate of potash. Salt (Bitter,Cathartic). Sulphate of magnesia. Salt (Common). Muriate of soda. See Acid (Muriatic): also end of the article Salt, and Rock Salt. Salt (Digestive) op Sylvius. Ace- tate of potash. Salt (Diuretic). Acetate of potash. Salt (Epsom). Sulphate of magnesia. Salt (Febrifuge) of Sylvius. Mu- riate of potash. Salt (Fusible). Phosphate of ammo- nia. Salt (Fusible) of Urine. Triple phosphate of soda and ammonia. Salt (Glauber's). Sulphate of soda. Salt (Green). In the mines of Wie- liczka the workmen give this name to the upper stratum of native salt, which is ren- dered impure by a mixture of clay. Salt (Marine). Muriate of soda. Salt (Marine, Argillaceous). Mu- riate of alumina. Salt (Microcosmic). Triple phos- phate of soda and ammonia. Salt (Nitrous Ammoniacal). Ni- trate of ammonia. Salt of Amber. Succinic acid. Salt of Benzoin. Benzoic acid. Salt of Canal. Sulphate of magne- sia. Salt ofColcothar. Sulphate of iron. Salt of Egra. Sulphate of magnesia. Salt of Lemons (Essential). Su- peroxalate of potash. Salt of Saturn. Acetate of lead. SAP SAT Salt or Sedlitz. Sulphate of mag- nesia. Salt of Seicnette. Triple tartrate of potash and soda. Salt of Soda. Subcarbonate of soda. Salt of Sorrel. Superoxalate of pot- ash. Salt of Tartar. Subcarbonate of pot- ash. Salt o» Vitriol. Purified sulphate of zinc. Salt of Wisdom. A compound muri- ate of mercury and ammonia. See Alem- broth. Salt (Perlate). Phosphate of soda. Salt (Polychrest) ofGlaser. Sul- phate of potash. Salt (Sedative). Boracic acid. Salt (Spirit of). Muriatic acid was formerly called by this name, which it still retains in commerce. Salt (Sulphureous) ofStahl. Sul- phite of potash. Salt (Wonderful). Sulphate of soda. Salt (Wonderful Perlate). Phos- phate of soda. Saltpetre. Nitrate of potash. Sand. Sand is an assemblage of small stones. Sand-bath. See Bath. Sandaric Gum. A resin in yellowish- white tears, possessing a considerable de- gree of transparency. Sandiver, or Glass-gall. This is a saline matter, which rises as a scum in the pots or crucibles in which glass is made. •Sanguification. That process of living animals by which chyle is converted into blood. I had entertained hopes of be- ing able to present some definite facts on this mysterious subject, but have been dis- appointed. The latest and best essay on sanguification is that of Dr. Prout, in the Annals of Philosophy for April 1819.* •Sappare. Cyanite.* •Sapphire. A sub-species of rhom- boidal corundum. It is the Telesieof Haiiy, and the perfect corundum of Bournon. The oriental ruby and topaz are sapphires. Colours blue and red; it occurs also gray, white, green, and yellow. It occurs in blunt edged pieces, in roundish pebbles, and crys- tallized. The primitive figure is a slightly acute rhomboid, or double three-sided py- ramid, in which the alternate angles are 86° 4' and 93° 56'. The following are the usual forms:—a very acute, equiangular, six-sided pyramid; the same truncated on the summit; a perfect six-sided prism; an acute, double, six-sided pyramid; the same acuminated, or truncated in various ways. Splendent, inclined to adamantine. Clea- vage parallel with the terminal planes of the prism. Fracture conchoidal. From transparent to translucent. Refracts dou- ble. After diamond, it is the hardest sub- stance in nature. The blue variety or sap- phire, is harder than the ruby. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4 to 4.2. Its constituents are, Blue. Red. Alumina, 98.5 90.0 Lime, 0.5 7.0 Oxide of iron, 1. 1.2 loss 1.8 100.0 100.0 Klaproth. Chenevix. Infusible before the blow-pipe. It becomes electrical by rubbing, and retains its elec tricity for several hours; but does not be- come electrical by heating. It occurs in alluvial soil, in the vicinity of rocks belong- ing to the secondary or floetz-trap forma- tion, and imbedded in gneiss. It is found at Podsedlitz andTreblitz in Bohemia, and Ho- henstein in Saxony; Expailly in France; and particularly beautiful in the Capelan moun- tains, 12 days journey from Sirian a city of Pegu. Next to diamond, it is the most va- luable of the gems. The white and pale blue varieties, by exposure to heat, become snow- white, and when cut exhibit so high a de« gree of lustre, that they are used in place of diamond. The most highly prized va. rieties are the crimson and carmine-red; these are the oriental ruby of the jeweller; the next is sapphire, and last, the yellow, or oriental topaz. The asterias or star-stone, is a very beautiful variety, in which the co- lour is generally of a reddish-violet, and the form a rhomboid, with truncated apices, which exhibit an opalescent lustre. A sap- phire of 10 carats weight, is considered to be worth fifty guineas.—Jameson.* • Saphirin. Haiiyne.* * Sarcolite. A variety of analcime.* * Sarde, or Sardoin, a variety of car- nelian, which displays on its surface an agreeable and rich reddish-brown colour, but appears of a deep blood-red, when held between the eye and the light.- • Sardonyx. Another variety, com- posed of layers of white and red carnelian." •Sassoline. Native boracic acid. It is found on the edges of hot springs near Sasso, in the territory of Florence. It con- sists of boracic acid 86, ferruginous sul- phate ofmanganese 11, sulphate of lime 3. —Klaproth.* * SatinSpar. Fibrous limestone; whieh see.* Saturation. Some substances unite in all proportions. Such, for example, are acids in general, and some of the salts with water; and many of the metals with each other. But there are likewise many sub- stances which cannot be dissolved in a flu- id, at a settled temperature, in any quan- tity beyond a certain proportion. Thin water will dissolve only about one-third of its weight of common salt; and, if more be SCA SCH added, it will remain solid. A fluid, which holds in solution as much of any substance as it can dissolve, is said to be saturated with it. But saturation with one substance does not deprive the fluid of its power of acting on and dissolving some other bodies, and in many cases it increases this power. For example, water saturated with salt will dissolve sugar; and water saturated with carbonic acid will dissolve iron, though without this addition its action on this me- tal is scarcely perceptible. The word saturation is likewise used in another sense by chemists: the union of two principles produces a body, the properties of which differ from those of its component parts, but resemble those of the predomi- nating principle. When the principles are in such proportion that neither predomi- nates, they are said to be saturated with each other; but if otherwise, the most pre- dominant principle is said to be sub-satu- rated or undersaturated, and the other su- persaturated or oversaturated. "Saussurite. Colours white, gray, and green. Massive, disseminated, and in rolled pieces. Dull. Fracture splintery. Faintly translucent on the edges. Difficultly fran- gible. Hard, scratching quartz. Meagre to the feel. Sp. gr. 3.2. It melts on the edges and angles. Its constituents are, si- lica 49, alumina 24, lime 10.5, magnesia 3.75, natron 5.5, iron 6.5—Klaproth. It oc- curs at the foot of Mount Rosa. Professor Jameson places it near Andalusite.* • Scales of F'ish, consist of alternate layers of membrane and phosphate of lime.* • Scales of Serpents, are composed of a horny membrane, without the calcare- ous phosphate.* • Scammohy consists of Aleppo. Smyrna. Besin, 60 29 Gum, 3 8 Extractive, 2 5 Vegetable debris"? o-and earth, 5 — 58 100 loo Vogel, and Bouillon Lagrange.* * Scapolite, or Pyramidal Feld- spar. Professor Jameson divides it into four sub-species; radiated, foliated, com- pact red, and elaolite. 1. Radiated. Colour gray. Massive, in distinct concretions and crystallized. Pri- mitive figures a pyramid of 136° 38' and 62° 56'. The secondary forms are, a rec- tangular four-sided prism, acuminated or truncated- Lateral planes deeply longitu- dinally streaked. Resinous, pearly. Cleav- age double. Fracture fine grained uneven. Translucent. As hard as apatite. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 25 to 2 8. Green sca- polite becomes white before the blow-pipe, and melts into a white glass. Its consti- Vol. 11. tuents are, silica 45, alumina 33, lime 17.6, natron 1.5, potash 0.5, iron and manganese 1.—Laugier. It occurs in the neighbour- hood of Arendal in Norway, associated with magnetic ironstone, feldspar, &c. 2. Foliated scapolite. Colours gray, green, and black. Massive, disseminated, and crystallized in low eight-sided prisms, flat- ly acuminated with four planes. Splen- dent, vitreous. Fracture small grained un- even. Translucent. Streak white. Brittle. Hardness and sp. gr. as preceding species. Itis found in granular granite or whiiestone, in the Saxon Erzegebirge. 3. Compact scapolite. Colour red. Crys- tallized in long, acicular, four-sided prisms, which are often curved. Glistening. Opaque- Hard in a low degree. Easily frangible. It occurs with the others in metalliferous beds at Arendal. 4. See Elaolite.* •Schaalstein. See Tabular Spar.* * Schaum Earth. See Aphritb.* • Scheelium. Tungsten.* •Schiefer Spar. See Slate Spar.* * Schiller Spar. This species con- tains two sub-species; bronzite and com- mon schiller spar. See Bronzite.* Common schiller spar. Colour olive green. Disseminated, and in granular distinct con- cretions. Splendent and metallic-pearly. Cleavage single. Opaque. Softer than bronzite. Streak greenish gray. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.882? It occurs im- bedded in serpentine in Fetlar and Unst in Shetland, and at Portsoy in Banffshire; also in Skye, Fifeshire, Calton-hill, near Dum- barton, between Ballantrae and Girvan in Ayrshire, and in Cornwall. Labradore schiller spar. See Hyper- stene.* * Scillitin. A white transparent, acrid substance, extracted from squills; by Vo- gel .* • Schmelzetein. Dipyre.* • Schorl (Common). A sub-species of rhomboidal tourmaline. Colour velvet- black. Massive, disseminated, and crystal- lized in three, six, and nine-sided prisms. Crystals acicular. Lateral planes, longitu- dinally streaked. Between shining and glistening. Fracture conchoidal, or uneven. Opaque. Streak gray. As hard as quartz. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 3. to 3.3. It melts into a blackish slag. Its constituents are, silica 36.75, alumina 34.5, magnesia 0.25, oxide of iron 21, potash 6, and a trace of manganese.—Klaproth. It exhibits the same electric properties as tourmaline. It occurs imbedded in granite, gneiss, &c. in Perthshire, Banffshire, Cornwall, &c* * Schorl (Blue). A variety of Haiiy- ne.* * Schorl (Red and Titanitic). Rutile.* 3 4 SEL SEL • Schorlite, or Schorlous Topai. Pycnite of Werner. Colour, straw-yellow. Massive, composed of parallel prismatic concretions, and crystallized in long six- sided prisms. Glistening, resinous. Frac- ture, small conchoidal. Translucent on the edges. Nearly as hard as common topaz. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.53. Infusible. Becomes electric by heating. Its constituents are, alumina 51, silica 38.43, fluoric acid 8.84. —Berzelius. It occurs at Altenburg in Sax- ony, in a rock of quartz and mica, in por- phyry.* •Selenium. A new elementary body, extracted by M. Berzelius from the pyrites of Fahlun, which, from its chemical pro- perties, he places between sulphur and tel- lurium, though it has more properties in common with the former than with the lat- ter substance. It was obtained in exceed- ingly small quantity from a large portion of pyrites. For the mode of extraction I must refer to his long and elaborate papers, translated from the Annales de Chimie et Physique, ix. et seq. into the Annals of Phi- losophy, for June, August, October, and December 1819, and January 1820. When selenium, after being fused, be- comes solid, its surface assumes a metallic brilliancy of a very deep brown colour, re- sembling polished haematites. Its fracture is conchoidal, vitreous, of the colour of lead, and perfectly metallic. The powder of selenium has a deep red colour, but it sticks together readily when pounded, and then assumes a gray colour and a smooth surface, as happens to antimony and bis- muth. In very thin coats, selenium is trans- parent, with a ruby-red colour. When heated it softens; and at 212° it is semi- liquid, and melts completely at a tempera- ture a few degrees higher. During its cooling it retains for a long time a soft and semi-fluid state. Like Spanish wax, it may be kneaded between the fingers, and drawn out into long threads, which have a great deal of elasticity, and in which we easily perceive the transparency, when they are flat and thin. These threads, viewed by transmitted light, are red; but, by reflected light, they are gray, and have the metallic lustre. When selenium is heated in a retort, it begins to boil at a temperature below that of a red heat. It assumes the form of a dark yellow vapour, which, however, is not so intense as that of the vapour of sulphur; but it is more intense than chlorine gas. The vapour condenses in the neck of the retort, and forms black drops, which unite into larger drops, as in the distillation of mercury. If we heat selenium in the air, or in ves- sels so large, that the vapour may be con- •densed by the cold air, a red smoke is formed, which has no particular smell, and which is condensed in the form of a cinna- bar-red powder, yielding a species of flow- ers, as happens to sulphur in the same cir- cumstances. The characteristic smell of horse-radish is not perceived, till the heat becomes great enough to occasion oxida- ion. Selenium is not a good conductor of heat. We can easily hold it between the fingers, and melt it at the distance of one or two lines from the fingers, without per- ceiving that it becomes hot. It is also a non-conductor of electricity. On the other hand, M. Berzelius was not able to render it electric by friction. It is not hard; the knife scratches it easily. It is brittle like glass, and is easily reduced to powder. Its sp. gr. is between 4.3 and 4.32. The affinity of selenium for oxygen is not very great. If we heat it in the air, with- out touching it with a burning body, it is usually volatilized without alteration; but if it is touched by flame, its edges assume a fine sky-blue colour, and it is volatilized with a strong smell of horse-radish. The odorous substance is a gaseous oxide of se- lenium, which, however, has not been ob- tained in an insulated state, but only mixed with atmospherical air. If we heat seleni- um in a close phial filled with common air, till the greatest part of it is evaporated, the air of the phial acquires the odour of oxide of selenium in a very high degree. If we wash the air with pure water, the li- quid acquires the odour of the gas; but as there are always formed traces of selenie acid, this water acquires the property of reddening litmus paper feebly, and of be- coming muddy when mixed with sulphu- retted hydrogen gas. Selenic oxide gas is but very little soluble in water, and does not communicate any taste to it. If we heat selenium in a large flask filled with oxygen gas, it evaporates without combustion, and the gas assumes the odour of selenic oxide, just as would have hap- pened, if the sublimation had taken place in common air; but if we heat the selenium in a glass ball of an inch diameter, in which it has not room to volatilize and disperse; and if we allow a current of oxygen gas to pass through this ball, the selenium takes fire, just when it begins to boil, and bum9 with a feeble flame, white towards the base, but green or greenish-blue at the summit, or towards the upper edge. The oxygen gas is absorbed, and selenic acid is sublimed into the cold parts ofthe appa- ratus. The selenium is completely consu- med without any residue. The excess of oxygen gas usually assumes the odour of selenic oxide. Selenic acid is in the form of very long four-sided needles. It seems to be most readily formed by the action of nitro-muriatic acid on selenium. The selenic acid does not melt with heat; but SEP SHE it diminishes a little in bulk at the hottest place, and then assumes the gaseous form. It absorbs a little moisture from the air, so that the crystals adhere to each other, but they do not deliquesce. It has a pure acid taste, which leaves a slightly burning sen- sation on the tongue. It is very soluble in cold water, and dissolves in almost every proportion in boiling water. M. Berzelius infers the composition of selenic acid, from several experiments, to be, Selenium, 71.261 100.00 1 prime 4.96 Oxygen, 28.739 40.33 2 primes 2.00 If into a solution of selenic acid in muri- atic acid, we introduce a piece of zinc or of polished iron, the metal immediately as- sumes the colour of copper, and the sele- nium is gradually precipitated in the form of red, or brown or blackish flocks, accord- ing as the temperature is more or less ele- vated. When seleniate of potash is heated with muriate of ammonia, selenium is ob- tained by the deoxidating property of the ammonia; but in this case we always lose a small quantity of selenium, which comes over with the water in the form of an acid. If we pour dilute muriatic acid on the com- pound of selenium and potassium dissolved in water, seleniuretted hydrogen gas is evolved. Water impregnated with it preci- pitates all the metallic solutions, even those of iron and zinc, when they are neutral. Sulphur, phosphorus, the earths, and the metals combine with selenium, forming se- leniurets. Selenic acid neutralizes the ba- ses. Selenium has been recently found in two minerals, one is from Skrickerum, in the parish of Tryst-rum in Smoland.* • Scorza.. A variety of epidote." • Sea Froth. Meerschaum* Sea Salt. Muriate of soda. See Acid (Muriatic), and Salt. * Sea Wax. Maltha, a white, solid, tal- lowy looking fusible substance, soluble in alcohol, found on the Baikal Lake in Sibe- ria.* •Sebacic Acid. See Acid (Sebacic).* Sebatk. A neutral compound of sebacic acid with a base. Sedative Salt. Boracicacid. Sel de Seignette. The triple tar- trate of potash and soda, or Rochdle salt. See Acid (Tartaric). • Selenite. Sparry gypsum.* • Semiopal. See Opal.* * Septaria, or ludi helmontii, are sphe- roidal concretions that vary from a few inches to a foot in diameter. When broken in a longitudinal direction, we observe the interior of the mass intersected by a num- ber of fissures, by which it is divided into more or less regular prisms, of from 3 to 6 or more sides, the fissures being sometimes empty, but oftener filled up with another substance, which is generally calcareous spar. The body of the concretion is a fer- ruginous marl. From these septaria are manufactured that excellent material for building under water, known by the name of Parker's or Roman cement.—Jameson* * Serosity. See Blood.* * Serpentine; common and precious. 1. Common. Colour green, of various shades. Massive. Dull. Fracture, small and fine splintery. Translucent on the edges. Soft, and scratched by calcareous spar. Sectile. Difficultly frangible. Feels somewhat greasy. Sp. gr. 2.4 to 2.6. Some varieties are magnetic Its constituents are, silica 32, magnesia 37.24, alumina 0.5, lime 10.6, iron 0.66: volatile matter and carbonic acid 14.16.—Hisinger. John and Rose give 10.5 of water in it. It occurs in various mountains. It is found in Unst and Fetlar in Shetland; at Portsoy; between Ballantrae and Girvan; in Cornwall; and in the county of Donegal. 2. Precious serpentine. Of this there are two kinds, the splintery and conchoidal. a. Splintery. Colour dark leek-green. Massive. Feebly glimmering. Fracture coarse splintery. Feebly translucent. Soft. Sp. gr. 2-7. It occurs in Corsica, and is cut into snuff-boxes, &c. b. Conchoidal. Colour leek-green. Mas- sive and disseminated. Glistening, resin- ous. Fracture flat conchoidal. Translu- cent. Semi-hard. Sp. gr. 26. Its consti- tuents are, silica 42.5, magnesia 38.63, lime 0.25, alumina 1, oxide of iron 1 5, oxide of manganese 0.62, oxide of chrome 0.25, wa- ter 15.2.—John. It occurs with foliated gra- nular limestone in beds subordinate to gneiss, mica-slate, &c. It is found at Port- soy, in Banffshire; in the Shetland Islands, and in the Island of Holyhead. It receives a finer polish than common serpentine.* • Serum. See Blood and Milk.* • Shale. Slate-clay and bituminous slate-clay* Shells. Marine shells may be divided, as Mr. Hatchett observes, into two kinds: Those that have a porcellanous aspect, with an enamelled surface, and when bro- ken are often in a slight degree of a fibrous texture; and those that have generally, if not always, a strong epidermis, under which is the shell, principally or entirely composed of the substance called nacre, or inother-of-pearl. The porcellanous shells appear to consist of carbonate of lime, cemented by a very small portion of animal gluten. This ani- mal gluten is more abundant in some, how- ever, as in the patellae. The mother-of-pearl shells are composed ofthe same substances- They differ, how- ever, in their structure, which is lameiiar, the gluten forming their membranes, regu- larly alternating with strata of carbonate of lime. In these too the gluten is much more abundant. BIE SIL Mr. Hatchett made a few experiments on land shells also, which did not exhibit any differences. But the shells of the crusta- eeous animals he found to contain more or less phosphate of lime, though not equal in quantity to the carbonate, and hence ap- proaching to the nature of hone. Linnaeus therefore he observes was right in consi- dering the covering of the echini as crus- taceous, for it contains phosphate of lime. In the covering of some of the species of asterias too, a little phosphate of lime oc- curs; but in that of others there is none. Phil. Trans. * Shistus (Argillaceous). Clay- slate.* * Siberite. Red tourmaline.* • Sidero-calcite. Brown spar.* • Siderum. Bergmann's name for phos- phuret of iron.* • Sienite or Syenite. A compound granular aggregated rock, composed of feldspar and hornblende, and sometimes quartz and black mica. The hornblende is the characteristic ingredient, and distin- guishes it perfectly from granite, with which it is often confounded; but the feld- spar, which is almost always red, and sel- dom inclines to green, forms the most abundant and essential ingredient of the rock. Some varieties contain a very con- siderable portion of quartz and mica, but little hornblende. This is particularly the case with the Egyptian varieties, and hence these are often confounded with real gra- nite. As it has many points of agreement with greenstone, it is necessary to compare them together. In greenstone, the hornblende is usually the predominating ingredient; in sienite, on the contrary, it is the feldspar that predominates. In greenstone, the feld- spar is almost always green, or greenish; here, on the contrary, it is as constantly red, or reddish. Quartz and mica are very rare in greenstone, and in inconsiderable quantity; whereas they are rather frequent in sienite. Lastly, greenstone commonly contains iron pyrites, which never occurs in sienite. It has either a simple granular base, or it is granular porphyritic; and then it is denominated porphyritic sienite. When the parts of the granular base are so minute as to be distinguished with difficulty, and it contains imbedded in it large crystals of feldspar, the rock is termed sienite-por- phyry. It is sometimes unstratified, some- times very distinctly stratified. It some- times shows a tendency to the columnar structure. It contains no foreign beds. It occurs in unconformable and overlying stratification, over granite, gneiss, mica- Blate, and clay-slate, and is pretty continu- ous, and covers most of the primitive rocks. It is equally metalliferous with porphyry. In the Island of Cyprus, it af. fords much copper; many ofthe important silver and gold mines in Hungary are situ- ated in it. The sienite of the Forest of Thuringia affords iron. In this country, there is a fine example of sienite, in Callo- way, where it forms a considerable portion of the hill called Criffle. On the Continent, it occurs in the Electorate of Saxony; and in Upper Egypt, at the city of Syena, in Thebaid, at the cataracts of the Nile, whence it derives its name. The Romans brought it from that place to Rome, for architectural and statuary purposes.— Jameson.* * Silica. One of the primitive earths, which in consequence of Sir H. Davy's re- searches on the metallic bases of the alkalis and earths, has been recently regarded as a compound of a peculiar combustible prin- ciple with oxygen. If we ignite powdered quartz with three parts of pure potash in a silver crucible, dissolve the fused com- pound in water, add to the solution a quan- tity of acid, equivalent to saturate the al- kali, and evaporate to dryness, we shall obtain a fine gritty powder, which being well washed with hot water, and ignited, will leave pure silica. By passing the va- pour of potassium over silica in an ignited tube, Sir H. Davy obtained a dark-coloured powder, which apparently contained sili- con, or silicium, the basis of the earth. Like boron and carbon, it is capable of sus- taining a high temperature without suffer- ing any change. Aqueous potash seems to form with it an olive-coloured solution. But as this basis is decomposed by water, it was not possible to wash away the potash by this liquid. Berzelius and Stromeyer tried to form an alloy of silicon or silicium with iron, by exposing to the strongest heat of a blast furnace, a mixture of three parts of iron, 1.5 silica, ard 0.66 charcoal. It was in the state of fused globuks. These, freed from the charcoal, were white and ductile, and their solution in muriatic acid evolved more hydrogen than an equal weight of iron. The sp. gravity of the alloy was from 6 7 to 7.3, while that of the iron used was 7.8285 From Mr. Mushet's experiments, however, as well as from the constitution of plumbago, we know that carbon will combine with iron in very con- siderable proportions, and that in certain quantities, it can give it a whitish colour and inferior density. Nothing definitive therefore can be inferred from these expe- riments. See iron Sir H. Davy found, that more than three parts of potassium were required to de- compose one part of silica. Hence we might infer, that 100 parts of silica contain about 60 of oxygen. In this case, the prime equivalent of silicon, or silicium, would be 1.5, and that of silica 2.5; but httle confi- SIL SIL dence can at present be reposed in such deductions. " When iron," says Sir H. Davy, *' is negatively electrified, and fused by the voltaic battery in contact with hydrate of silica, the metalline globule procured con- tains a matter which affords silex during its solution; and when potassium is brought in contact with silica ignited to whiteness, a compound is formed, consisting of silica and potassa; and black particles, not unlike plumbago, are found diffused through the compound. From some experiments I made, I am inclined to believe, that these particles are conductors of electricity; they have little action upon water, unless it con- tain acid, when they slowly dissolve in it with effervescence; they burn when strong- ly heated, and become converted into a white substance, having the characters of silica; so that there can be little doubt, both from analysis and synthesis, of the nature of silica." Elements, p. 363. I have already mentioned in treating of earths, that Mr. Smithson had ingeniously suggested, that silica might be viewed in many mineral compounds as acting the part of an acid. This however is a vague analogy, and cannot justify us in ranking silica with acid bodies. When obtained by the process first de- scribed; it is a white powder, whose finest particles have a harsh and gritty feel. Its sp. gr. is 2.66. It is fusible only by the hy- droxygen blow-pipe. The saline menstru- um, formed by neutralizing its alkaline so- lution with an acid, is capable of holding it dissolved, though silica seems by experi- ment to be insoluble in water. Yet in the water of the Geyser spring, a portion of silica seems to remain dissolved, though the quantity of alkali present appears in- adequate to the effect Silica exists nearly pure in transparent quartz or rock crystal. It forms also the chief constituent of flints. By leaving a solution of silica in fluoric acid, or in aqueous potash, undisturbed for a long time, crystals of this earth have been obtained. The solution in alkaline lixivia is called liquor silicum. Glass is a compound of a similar nature, in which the proportion of silica is much greater. Mr. Kirwan made many experiments on the mutual actions of silica and the other earths, at high degrees of heat. The fol- lowing are some of his results: Proportions. 80 silica, "> 20 barytes, 5 75 silica, J 25 barytes 66 silica, ") 33 barytes, 3 50 silica, ") 50 barytes, 3 20 silica, 7 80 barytes, 3 25 silica, "> 75 barytes, 3 33 silica, 5 66 barytes, 3 Heat. 150° Wedg. 150 150 148 148 150 150 Effects. A white brittle mass. A brittle hard mass, semi-transparent at the edges. Melted into a hard somewhat porous porcelain. A hard mass, not melted. The edges were melted into a pale greenish mat- ter, between a porcelain and enamel. Melted into a somewhat porous porcelain mass. Melted into a yellowish and partly greenish white porous porcelain. When the barytes exceeds the silica in the proportion of three to one, the fused mass is soluble in acids,—a circumstance recently applied with great advantage in the analysis of minerals which contain al- kaline matter. The habitudes of strontian with silica are nearly the same as those of barytes. Lime- water added to the liquor silicum, occasions a precipitate, which is a compound of the two earths. The following are -Mr. Kir- wan's results in the dry way:— Proportions. 50 lime, ? 50 silica, C 80 lime, 7 20 silica, 3 20 lime, } 80 silica, 3 Heat. Effects. Melted into a mass of a white colour, semi-transparent 150° Wedg. at the edges, and striking fire, though feebly, with steel: it was intermediate between porcelain and enamel. 156 156 A yellowish-white loose powder. Not melted: formed a brittle mass. When exposed to the highest possible heat, magnesia and silica, in equal parts, melt into a white enamel. Silica and alumina unite both in the li- quid and dry way. The latter compound constitutes porcelain and pottery-ware. Equal parts of lime, magnesia, and sili- ca, melt, according to Achard, into a green SIL SIL ish-coloured glass, hard enough to strike fire with steel. When the magnesia ex- ceeds either of the other two ingredients, the mixture is infusible; when the silica exceeds, the only fusible proportions were, 3 silica, 2 lime, 1 magnesia; and when the lime is in excess, the mixture usually melts in a strong heat. With mixtures of lime, alumina, and silica, a fusible compound is usually obtained when the lime predomi- nates. The only refractory proportions were, Lime, 2 3 Silica, 1 1 Alumina, 2 2 Excess of silica gives a glass or porce- lain, but excess of alumina will not furnish a glass. When in mixtures of magnesia, silica, and alumina, the first is in excess, no fu- sion takes place at 150*; when the second exceeds, a porcelain may be formed, and 3 parts of silica, 2 magnesia, and 1 alumina, form a glass. From Achard's experiments it would appear, that a glass may be pro- duced by exposing to a strong heat, equal parts of alumina, silica, lime, and mag- nesia. Other proportions gave fusible mixtures, provided the silica was in excess. The mineral sommite, or nephelin, con- sists, according to Vauquelin, of 49 alumi- na + 46 silica. If we suppose it to con- sist ofa prime equivalent or atom of each constituent, then that of silica would be 3; for 49 : 3.2 :: 46 :3. But if we take Vau- quelin's analysis of euclase for the same purpose, we have the proportion of silica to that of alumina as 35 to 22. Hence, 22 : 3.2 :: 35 : 5.09, the prime equivalent of silica, which is not reconcileable to the above number, though it agrees with that deduced from Sir H. Davy's experiments on silicon. I give these examples to show how unprofitable such atomical determina- tions are. See Iron, and Acid (Fluo- silicic).* Silk. See Bleaching. Silvan. Tellurium; so called by Wer- ner. Silver is the whitest of all metals, con- siderably harder than gold, very ductile and malleable, but less malleable than gold; for the continuity of its parts begins to break when it is hammered out into leaves of about the hundred and sixty thousandth of an inch thick, which is more than one-third thicker than gold leaf; in this state it does not transmit the light. Its specific gravity is from 10.4 to 10.5. It ignites before melting, and requires a strong heat to fuse it. The heat of com- mon furnaces is insufficient to oxidize it; but the heat of the most powerful burning lenses vitrifies a portion of it, and causes it to emit fumes; which, when received on a plate of gold, are found to be silver in the metallic state. It has likewise been partly oxidized by twenty successive ex- posures to the heat of the porcelain fur- nace at Sevres. By passing a strong elec- trie shock through a silver wire, it may be converted into a black oxide; and by a powerful galvanic battery, silver leaf may he made to burn with a beautiful green light. Lavoisier oxidized it by the blow. pipe and oxygen gas; and a fine silver wire burns in the kindled united stream of oxy- gen and hydrogen gases. The air alters it very little, though it is disposed to ob- tain a thin purple or black coating from the sulphurous vapours, which are emitted from animal substances, drains, or putre- fying matters. This coating, after a long series of years, has been observed to scale off from images of silver exposed in churches; and was found, on examination, to consist of silver united with sulphur. * There seems to be only 1 oxide of sil- ver, which is formed either by intense igni- tion in an open vessel, when an olive-co- loured glass is obtained; or by adding a so- lution of caustic barytes to one of nitrate of silver, and heating the precipitate to dull redness. Sir H. Davy found that 100 of silver combine with 7.3 of oxygen in the above oxide; and if we suppose it to consist of a prime equivalent of each constituent, we shall have 13.7 for the prime of silver. Silver leaf burned by a voltaic battery, af- fords the same olive-coloured oxide. Silver combines with chlorine, when the metal is heated in contact with the gas. This chloride is, however, usually prepared by adding muriatic acid or a muriate, to nitrate of silver. It has been long known by the name of luna-eornea or horn-silver, because though a white powder, as it falls down from the nitrate solution, it fuses at a moderate heat, and forms a horny look- ing substance when it cools. It consists of 13.7 silver -f- 4.5 chlorine. The sulphuret of silver is a brittle sub- stance, of a black colour and metallic lus- tre. It is formed by heating to redness thin plates of silver stratified with sulphur. It consists of 13.7 silver + 2 sulphur. Fulminating silver is formed by pouring lime-water into the pure nitrate, and filter- ing, washing the precipitate, and then di- gesting on it liquid ammonia in a little open capsule. In 12 hours, the ammonia must be cautiously decanted from the black pow- der, which is to be dried in minute por- tions, and with extreme circumspection, on bits of filtering paper or card. If struck, in even its moist state, with a hard body, it explodes; and if in any quantity, when dry, the fulmination is tremendous. The decanted ammonia, on being gently heated, effervesces, from disengagement of azote, and small crystals appear in it when it SIL SIL cools. These possess a still more formi- dable power of detonation, and can scarce- ly bear touching, even under the liquid. It seems to be a compound either of oxide of silver and ammonia, or ofthe oxide and azote. The latter is probably its true con- stitution, like the explosive iodide and chloride. The sudden extrication of the condensed gas, is the cause of the detona- tion. In the 8th number of the Journal of Science, Mr. Farraday has described some experiments which seem to show that there is a protoxide of silver containing about two-thirds the quantity of oxygen found in the common oxide, by precipitation from the nitrate. He procures it by leaving an ammoniacal solution of oxide of silver ex- posed to the air. A succession of brilliant pellicles is obtained, which are the protox- ide. Experiments of this nature must be made cautiously, lest fulminating com- pounds should accidentally be produced.* Silver is soluble in the sulphuric acid When concentrated and boiling, and the metal in a state of division. The muriatic acid does not act upon it, but the nitric acid, if somewhat diluted, dissolves it with great rapidity, and with a plentiful disengagement of nitrous gas; which, during its extrication, gives a blue or green colour to the acid, that entirely disappears if the silver made use of be pure. If it contain copper, the solution re- mains greenish; and if the acid contain either sulphuric or muriatic acid, these combine with a portion of the silver, and form scarcely soluble compounds, which fall to the bottom. If the silver contain gold, this metal separates in blackish-co- loured flocks. The nitric acid dissolves more than half its weight of silver; and the solution is very caustic, that is to say, it destroys and corrodes animal substances very power- fully. The solution of silver, when fully satu- rated, deposites thin crystals as it C00I9, and also by evaporation. These are called lunar nitre, or nitrate of silver. A gentle heat is sufficient to fuse them, and drive off their water of crystallization. In this situation, the nitrate, or rather sub-nitrate, for the heat drives off part of the acid, is of a black colour, may be cast into small sticks in a mould, and then forms the lapis infernalis, or lunar caustic used in surgery. A stronger heat decomposes nitrate of sil- ver, the acid flying off, and the silver re- maining pure. It is obvious that, for the purpose of forming the lunar caustic, it is not necessary to suffer the salt to crystal- lize, but that it may be made by evapora- ting the solution of silver at once to dry- ness; and as soon as the salt is fused, and ceases to boil, it may be poured out. The nitric acid driven off from nitrate of silver is decomposed, the products being oxygen and nitrogen. The sulphate of silver, which is formed by pouring sulphuric acid into the nitric solution of silver, is sparingly soluble in water; and on this account forms crystals, which are so small, that they compose a white powder. The muriatic acid precipi- tates from nitric acid the saline compound called lunacornea, or horn-silver; which has been so distinguished, because, when melted and cooled, it forms a semi-trans- parent and partly flexible mass, resembling horn. It is supposed that a preparation of this kind has given rise to the accounts of malleable glass. This effect takes place with aqua regia, which acts strongly on silver, but precipitates it in the form of muriate, as fast as it is dissolved. If any salt with base of alkali, contain- ing the muriatic acid, be added to the ni- tric solution of silver, the same effect takes place by double affinity; the alkaline base uniting with the nitric acid, and the silver falling down in combination with the mu- riatic acid. Since the muriatic acid throws down only silver, lead, and mercury, and the two latter of these are not present in silver that has passed cupellation, though a small quan- tity of copper may elude the scorification in that process, the silver which may be revived from its muriate is purer than can readily be obtained by any other means. When the salt is exposed to a low red heat, its acid is not expelled; and a greater heat causes the whole concrete either to rise in fumes, or to pass through the pores of the vessel. To reduce it, therefore, it is necessary that it should be triturated with its own weight of fixed alkali, and a little water, and the whole afterwards ex- posed to heat in a crucible, the bottom of which is covered with soda; the mass of muriate of silver being likewise covered with the same substance. In this way the acid will be separated from the silver, which is reduced to its metallic state. As the precipitate of muriate of silver is very perceptible, the nitric solution of sil- ver is used as a test of the presence of mu- riatic acid in waters; for a drop of the so- lution poured into such waters will cause a very evident cloudiness. The solution of silver is also used by assayers to purify the nitric acid from any admixture of muriatic acid. In this state they call it precipitated aquafortis. M. Chenevix found, that a chlorate of silver may be formed, by passing a current of chlorine through water in which oxide of silver is suspended; or by digesting phos- phate of silver with hyperoxymuriate of alumina. It requires only two parts of hot water for its solution, and this affords, on SIL SIL cooling, small white, opaque, rhomboidal crystals. It is likewise somewhat soluble in alcohol. Half a grain, mixedwith half as much sulphur, and struck or rubbed, detonates with a loud report and a vivid flash. Compounds of silver with other acids are best formed by precipitation from its solu- tion in nitric acid; either by the acid itself, or by its alkaline salts. Phosphate of sil- ver is a dense white precipitate, insoluble in water, but soluble in an excess of its acid. By heat it fuses into a greenish opaque glass. Carbonate of silver is a white insoluble powder, which is blackened by light. The fluate and borate are equally in- soluble. Distilled vinegar readily dissolves the oxide of silver, and the solution affords long white needles, easily crystallized. The precipitates of silver, which are formed by the addition of alkalis or earths, are all reducible by mere heat, without the addition of any combustible substance. A detonating powder has been sold lately at Paris as an object of amusement. It is enclosed between the folds of a card, cut in two lengthwise; the powder being placed at one end, and the other being notched, that it may be distinguished. If it be taken by the notched end, and the other be held over the flame of a candle, it soon detonates, with a sharp sound, and violent flame. The card is torn, and changed brown; and the part in contact with the composition is covered with a slight me- tallic coating, of a grayish-white colour. This compound, which M.Descotills calls detonating silver, to distinguish it from the fulminating silver of M. Berthollet, may be made by dissolving silver in pure nitric acid, and pouring into the solution, while it is going on, a sufficient quantity of rec- tified alcohol: or by adding alcohol to a ni- tric solution of silver with considerable excess of acid. In the first case, the nitric acid, into which the silver is put, must be heated gently, till the solution commences, that is, till the first bubbles begin to appear. It is then to be removed from the fire, and a sufficient quantity of alcohol to be added immedi- ately, to prevent the evolution of any ni- trous vapours. The mixture of the two li- quors occasions an extrication of heat; the effervescence quickly recommences, with- out any nitrous gas being disengaged; and it gradually increases, emitting at the same time a strong smell of nitric ether. In a short time the liquor becomes turbid, and a very heavy, white, crystalline powder falls down, which must be separated, when it ceases to increase, and washed several times with small quantities of water. If a very acid solution of silver previously made be employed, it must be heated gent- ly, and the alcohol then added. The heat exdted by the mixture, which is to be made gradually, soon occasions a considerable ebullition, and the powder immediately pre- cipitates. It would be superfluous to remind the chemist, that the mixture of alcohol with hot nitric acid is liable to occasion acci- dents, and that it is consequently prudent to operate on small quantities. This powder has the following properties: It is white and crystalline; but the size and lustre ofthe crystals are variable. I.idit alters it a little. Heat, a blow, or long con- tinued friction, causes it to inflame with a brisk detonation. Pressure alone, if it be not very powerful, has no effect on it. It likewise detonates by the electric spark. It is slightly soluble in water. It has a very strong metallic taste. Concentrated sulphuric acid occasions it to take fire, and is thrown by it to a con- siderable distance. Dilute sulphuric acid appears to decompose it slowly. Process for separating silver from copper, by Mr. Keir. Put the pieces of plated metal into an earthen glazed pan; pour upon them some acid liquor, which may be in the propor- tion of eight or ten pounds of sulphuric acid to one pound of nitre; stir them about, that the surfaces may be frequently ex- posed to fresh liquor, and assist the action by a gentle heat from 100° to 200° of Fah- renheit's scale. When the liquor is nearly saturated, the silver is to be precipitated from it by common salt, which forms a mu- riate of silver, easily reducible by melting it in a crucible with a sufficient quantity of potash; and lastly, by refining the melted silver if necessary, with a little nitre thrown upon it. In this manner the silver will be obtained sufficiently pure, and the copper will remain unchanged. Otherwise, the silver may be precipitated in its metallic state, by adding to the solution of silver a few of the pieces of copper, and a sufficient quantity of water to enable the liquor to act upon the copper. Mr. Andrew Thomson, of Banchory, has recommended the following method of pu- rifying silver, which he observes is equally applicable to gold. The impure silver is to be flatted out to the thinness of a shil- ling, coiled up spirally, and put into a cru- cible, the bottom of which is covered with black oxide of manganese. More of this oxide is then to be added, till the silver is completely covered, and all the spaces be- tween the coils filled. A cover is then to be luted on, with a small hole for the es- cape of the gas; and after it has been ex- posed to a heat sufficient to melt silver for about a quarter of an hour, the whole of the alloy will be oxi-lized. The contents of this crucible are then to be poured into SIL" SIL a larger, into which about three times as much powdered green glass has been pre- viously put; a cover luted on as before, to prevent the access of any inflammable mat- ter; and the crucible exposed to a heat suffi- ciently strong to melt the glass very fluid. On cooling and breaking the crucible, the silver will be found reduced at the bottom, andperfectly pure. f A piece of silver coin, being dissolved in nitric acid, and left upon a warm stove, crystals were found in the vessel on the next morning. These, when dissolved in pure water, formed a colourless solution, and gave no trace of copper on adding li- quid ammonia. I infer, that crystallization may prove an eligible mode of procuring a pure nitrate, and of course lunar caustic or pure silver.f Sulphur combines very easily with silver, if thin plates, imbedded in it, be exposed to a heat sufficient to melt the sulphur. The sulphuret is of a deep violet colour, approaching to black, with a degree of me- tallic lustre, opaque, brittle, and soft. It is more fusible than silver, and this in pro- portion to the quantity of sulphur combined with it. A strong heat expels part of the sulphur. Sulphuretted hydrogen soon tarnishes the surface of polished silver, and forms on it a thin layer of sulphuret. The alkaline sulphurets combine with it by heat, and form a compound soluble in water. Acids precipitate sulphuret of sil- ver from this solution. Phosphorus, left in a nitric solution of silver, becomes covered with the metal in a dendritic form. By boiling, this becomes first white, then a light black mass, and is ultimately converted into a light brown phosphuret. The best method of forming a phosphuret of silver is Pelletier's, which consists in mixing phosphoric acid and charcoal with the metal, and exposing the mixture to heat. Most metallic substances precipitate sil- ver in the metallic state from its solution. The assayers make use of copper to sepa- rate the silver from the nitric acid used in the process of parting. The precipitate of silver by mercury is very slow, and pro- duces a peculiar symmetrical arrangement, called the tree of Diana. In this, as in all precipitations, the peculiar form may be affected by a variety of concomitant cir- cumstances; for which reason one process usually succeeds better than another. Make an amalgam, without heat, of four drachms of leaf silver with two drachms of mercury. Dissolve the amalgam in four ounces, or a sufficient quantity of pure ni- tric acid of a moderate strength; dilute this solution in about a pound and a half of distilled water; agitate the mixture, and Vol. H. preserve it for use in a glass bottle with a ground stopper. When this preparation is to be used, the quantity of one ounce is put into a phial, and the size of a pea of amalgam of gold, or silver, as soft as but- ter, is to be added; after which the vessel must be left at rest. Soon afterwards small filaments appear to issue out of the ball of amalgam, which quickly increase, and shoot out branches in the form of shrubs. Silver unites with gold by fusion, and forms a pale alloy, as has been already men- tioned in treating of that metal. With pla- tina it forms a hard mixture, rather yel- lower than silver itself, and of difficult fu- sion. The two metals do not unite well. Silver melted with one-tenth part of crude platina, from which the ferruginous parti- cles had been separated by a strong mag. net, could not be rendered clear of sca- brous parts, though it was repeatedly fused, poured out, and laminated between rollers. It was then fused, and suffered to cool in the crucible, but with no better success. After it had been formed, by rolling and hammering, into a spoon for blow-pipe experiments, it was exposed to a low red heat, and became rough, and blistered over its whole surface. The quantities were one hundred grains of sil- ver, and ten grains of platina. Nitre was added during the fusions. Silver very readily combines with mer- cury. A very sensible degree of heat is produced, when silver leaf and mercury are kneaded together in the palm of the hand. With lead it forms a soft mass, less sonorous than pure silver. With copper it becomes harder and more sonorous, at the same time that it remains sufficiently due tile: this mixture is used in the British coinage. 12^ parts of silver, alloyed with one of copper, form the compound called standard silver. The mixture of silver and iron has been little examined. With tin it forms acompound, which, like that of gold with the same metal, has been said to be brittle, however small the proportion; though there is probably as little founda- tion for the assertion in the one case as in the other. With bismuth, arsenic, zinc, and antimony, it forms brittle compounds. It does not unite with nickel. The com- pound of silver and tungsten, in the pro- portion of two of the former to one of the latter, was extended under the hammer during a few strokes; but afterwards split in pieces. See Iron. The uses of silver are well known : it is chiefly applied to the forming of various utensils for domestic use, and as the me- dium of exchange in money. Its disposi- tion to assume a black colour by tarnish- ing, and its softness, appear to be the chief objection to its use in the construction of SIL SKO graduated instruments for astronomical and other purposes, in which a good white metal would be a desirable acquisition. The nitrate of silver, besides its great use as a caustic, has been employed as a medi- cine, it is said with good success, in epi- leptic cases, in the dose of l-20th of a grain, gradually increased to l-8th, three times a-day. Dr. Cappe gave it in a dose of l-4lh of a grain three times a-day, and afterward four times, in what he supposed to be a case of angina pectoris, in a stout man of sixty, whom he cured. He took it for three or four months. Dr. Cappe imagines, that it has the effect of increasing the nervous power, by which muscular action is ex- cited. • The frequent employment in chemical researches of nitrate of silver as a reagent for combined chlorine, occasions the pro- duction of a considerable quantity of the chloride (muriate) of silver, which is usu- ally reconverted into metal by fusion with potash in a crucible. But, as much of the silver is lost in this way, it is better to ex- pose the following mixture to the requisite heat: Chloride of silver, 100 Dry quicklime, 19.8 Powdered charcoal, 4.2 An easier method, however, is to put the metallic chloride into a pot of clean iron or zinc, to cover it with a small quantity of water, and to add a little sulphuric or mu- riatic acid. The reduction ofthe chloride of silver by the zinc or iron, is an operation which it is curious to observe, especially with the chloride in mass (luna cornea). It begins first at the points of contact, and speedily extends in the form of ramifica- tions, over its whole surface, and into its interior. Hence, in less than an hour, con- siderable pieces of horn silver are entirely reduced. If the mass operated on be con- siderable, the temperature rises, and acce- lerates the revivification. On the small scale artificial heat may be applied.*—Ann. de Chimie, July 1820. Silvering. There are various methods of giving a covering of silver or silvery as- pect to the surfaces of bodies. The appli- cation of silver leaf is made in the same way as that of gold, for which see Gild- ing. Copper may be silvered over by rubbing it with the following powder : Two drachms of tartar, the same quantity of common salt, and half a drachm of alum, are mixed with fifteen or twenty grains of silver pre- cipitated from nitric acid by copper. The surface ofthe copper becomes white when rubbed with this powder, which may after- ward be brushed off and polished with lea- ther. The saddlers and harness-makers cover their wares with tin for ordinarv uses; but a cheap silvering is used for this purpose as follows : Half an ounce of silver that has been precipitated from aquafortis by the addition of copper, common salt, and mu- riate of ammonia, of each two ounces, and one drachm of corrosive muriate of mer- cury, are triturated together, and made into a paste with water; with this, copper uten- sils of every kind, that have been preri- ously boiled with tartar and alum, are rub- bed, after which they are made red-hot, and then polished. The intention of this process appears to be little more than to apply the silver in a state of minute divi- sion to the clean surface of the copper, and afterward to fix it there by fusion; and ac- cordingly this silvering may be effected by using the argentine precipitate here men- tioned, with borax or mercury, and causing it to adhere by fusion. The dial-plates of clocks, the scales of barometers, and other similar articles are silvered by rubbing upon them a mixture of muriate of silver, sea salt, and tartar, and afterward carefully washing off the saline matter with water. In this operation, the silver is precipitated from the muriatic acid, which unites with part of the cop- Eery surface. It is not durable, but may e improved by heating the article, and repeating the operation till the covering seems sufficiently thick. The silvering of pins is effected by boil. ing them with tin filings and tartar. Hollow mirrors or globes are silvered by an amalgam consisting of one part by weight of bismuth, half a part of lead, the same quantity of pure tin, and two parts mer- cury. The solid metals are to be first fu- sed together, and the mercury added when the mixture is almost cold. A very gentle heat is sufficient to fuse this amalgam. In this state it is poured into a clean glass globe intended to be silvered, by means of a paper funnel which reaches to the bot- tom. At a certain temperature it will stick to the glass, which by a proper motion may thus be silvered completely, and the su- perfluous amalgam poured out. The ap- pearance of these toys is varied by using glass of different colours, such as yellow, blue, or green. * Skorodite. Colour leek-green. Mas- sive, but generally crystallized in very short broad rectangular four-sided prisms. Frac- ture uneven. Translucent. As hard as calcareous spar. Easily frangible. It melt! before the blow-pipe, with emission of ar- senical vapour, and is converted into a red- dish-brown mass, which, when highly heat- ed, so as to drive off" all the arsenic, be- comes attracted by the magnet. It is an ar- seniate of iron, without copper. It occurs in quartz and hornstone, in primitive rocks, in the Schneeberg mining district in Saxo- nv.* SOA SOA * Slats (Adhesive). See Clay.* * Slate Clay. See Clay.* • Slate Coal. See Coal.* • Slate Spar, or Schiefer Spar. A sub-species of limestone.* • Slick ens ides. The specular variety of Galena, so called in Derbyshire. It ex- presses the smoothness of its surface. It occurs lining the walls of very narrow rents. It has a most remarkable property, that when the rock in which it is contained is struck with a hammer, a crackling noise is heard, which is generally followed by an explosion ofthe rock, in the direction and neighbourhood of the vein. The cause of this singular effect has not been satisfacto- rily explained.—Jameson* Smalt. See Zaffre. • Smaragdite. Diallage.* Smaragdus. See Emerald. Soap. Macquer gives us the following process for oil soap: One part of quicklime and two parts of good Spanish soda, are boiled together during a short time, with twelve times as much water, in an iron cal- dron. This lixivium is to be filtered, and evaporated by heat, till a phial, which is capable of containing an ounce of water, shall contain an ounce and three-eighths of this concentrated lixivium. One part of this lixivium is to be mixed with two parts of oil of olives, or of sweet almonds, in a glass or stoneware vessel. The mixture is to be stirred from time to time with an iron spatula, or with a pestle, and it soon becomes thick and white. The combina- tion is gradually completed, and in seven or eight days a very white and firm soap is obtained. For the coarser sorts of soap, cheaper oils are employed, such as oil of nuts, lin- seed, hempseed, fish, &c. Either of these kinds of soap, to be good, must neither feel greasy nor Unctuous in water, nor exhibit any vestige of fat upon the water. It ought farther to dissolve easily in water, and la- ther well, as likewise be easily soluble in alcohol. It must not become moist in the air, or throw out a saline efflorescence on its external surface. For making Brown or Yellow Soap. Let there be weighed 10 cwt. of tallow, and about 3 cwt. of resin, the resin to be broken into small lumps. In the first place, put into the boiler about 150 or 200 gallons of ley, and set the fire; then add the tallow and resin. This done, the pan is said to be charged. A good fire may be kept up until all is thoroughly melted, and the pan brought to boil; during which time there ought to be constant stirring with the paddle, to pre- vent the resin from settling to the bottom. If the goods or materials in the pan appear to swell up, damp the fire, which is done by opening the furnace door, and throwing ashes thereon, (some have proper damp- ers), when the whole will boil at leisure. As the caustic alkali immediately unites to the tallow, there is no occasion for long boiling; about two or three hours will be long enough. The fire may then be drawn, and the pan allowed to stand for four or six hours, when the weak ley may be pump- ed off, and fresh added for a second boil. It may be necessary to mention, that when the pan is wished to be cranned, or pump- ed off sooner, a few pails of cold ley must be thrown in, a little after the fire is drawn. Set the fire again for the second boil, and when properly a-boil, two or three hours may be sufficient at any one time to conti- nue the boil. The strength of the ley is often gone before this period arrives. A short experience, however, with attention, will perfectly inform any sagacious person with regard to this particular. The boilings to be thus continued day after day, until the soap becomes thick, and ofa strong consistence. Take then a little upon the forefinger, and after letting it cool a few seconds, press it with the thumb If it squeeze into a thin hard scale, the soap is fit or ready for finishing: if otherwise it appear greasy, and stick to the finger, and of a soft consistence, more ley must be add- ed; and if this does not harden it, another boil must be given. But, in consequence of the former scaly appearance, give the pan a good hearty boil, and draw the fire. Cool down with two or three pails of ley, and in about two hours thereafter pump off the ley; which should be done at all times as clean as possible. This done, put in six or eight pails of water to the boiler, (no ley at finishing being used), set a brisk fire, and keep constantly stirring with hand- stirrer and paddle alternately, until all is melted, and begins to show an appearance something like thin honey. Take now a little from a boiling part upon the hand- board, and observe, when held up, if any ley runs clearly from it If it do, more water must be put in, and the boil conti- nued. When, upon the other hand, no ley runs from the soap when held up slanting- ways upon the board, in this case too much water has already been given. A little strong solution of salt must now be added. to open it, technically termed cutting up; or, instead of salt brine, alittle strong common salt and water; about half a pailful may do. We come now to the most critical part of boiling, that is, the finishing of the soap: and it ought to be particularly attended to, that the soap be brought to such a state, as, when held up upon the hand-board, the ley does not run down from the soap, but is seen, as it were, just starting from it. The fire may then be drawn away, and the soap declared finished; or if palm-oil be wished for making it of a beautiful colour, SOA SOA about 201bs. may be put into the boiler, af- ter you discover, as above, the soap to be finished; and in about half an hour after the oil is put in, the fire may be drawn, and the whole allowed to stand for forty-eight hours, when it mav be cast into the frames. In about three days, (supposing the frames 30 inches deep), the whole will cut up into bars. A Charge for pure White Soap. The boiler being made perfectly clean, put in 10 cwt. of best home melted tallow, (no resin is used in white soap), with 200 gallons of ley; melt down with a moderate fire, as the goods now in hand are some- thing similar to milk, exceeding apt to boil over. Close attention, therefore, is absolutely needful upon this first boil; which may be continued about two hours, with a mode- rate fire, when it may be drawn away, and the pan allowed to settle about two hours, when the ley may be drawn off. The pro- cess to be observed in this soap is exactly similar to the last operation. Two or three boils a day to white soap may be given with great ease; the ley sooner subsiding in the boiler than with yellow soap, and can be cleaner pumped off. When sufficient boils have been given, and the soap is arrived at perfection, it will assume an appearance something like a curdy mass. Take then a little upon your fore-finger, (as before directed), and if the same effect seem to attend it, that is, when pressed with the thumb it squeeze into a thin, hard, clear scale, and part free- ly from the finger, the soap is ready for fi- nishing. Draw the fire, cool down with a few pails of ley, and in a short time there- after pump clean off. Set the fire, and add to the soap eight or ten pails of water, (the pail I suppose to contain about nine or ten English gal- lons). When this is melted, and properly incorporated with the soap, try, as former- ly directed, if the ley run from it when held up upon the hand-board. If it do, more water must be put in. If it do not run, or there be no appearance of it, continue boil- ing for a short while longer, and then add a pail of salt and water pretty strong, mix- ed together; about one-third salt, and two- thirds water. This will have the effect of cutting up the pan, or separating the soap and water completely from one another. When this is apparent, draw the fire; let it stand for half an hour, when the water will pump off, bringing therewith most of the remaining alkaline ley of the former boil. This I call the first washing; and if kelp ley has been used in the operation, the pro- priety of this must be conspicuous; for the water pumped off' will be of an exceeding dark bottle-green »;olofrr. The finishing of white soup without Hhi*precaution, is the sole causr of the bluencss, so frequently observed in this article when made and brought to market. The blue ley being pumped clean off, set again the fire, and put into the boiler six or eight pails of water; and when tho- roughly incorporated and boiled some time, try if the water run from the soap. If it do, add water in small quantities at a time, until it is observed not to run, but, as formerly mentioned for yellow soap, to appear as just starting from the soap. In this case after giving a good boil, and swelling the soap up in the pan to near the brim, draw away all the fire, and spread it about to die away. The pan is now finish- ed, and may stand about twelve or fourteen hours; and if the quantity be large, that is, two, three, or four ton, double this time to stand will be much in favour of the soap, providing always, that it can be kept very close and warm in the boiler. If any blue- ness still appear, repeat the washing. Before casting, I would recommend the frames to have a bottom and lining of coarse cloth, for white soap only. After all is cast into the frames, let it be well stirred, or crutched; and it is very proper, that it also be covered close up with old sheets, bass matts, &c. upon the top of the frame and soap, and allowed to cool gra- dually, and all together. In about three or four days, (supposing, as formerly, the dip 30 inches), the cover. ings and frames may be taken off, and the whole cut up into such size of bars as may best suit the customers. To give this white soap the perfume of what rs commonly called Windsor soap, a little of the essential oil of caraway seeds, mixed with a small portion of alcohol, may be incorporated with the soap when putting into the frame, stirring it in hy little at a time, So as to diffuse it throughout the whole mass. For making Black or Green Soft Soap. The peculiar method pursued in making this soap, differs considerably from that of making hard soap. The hard has the whole of the ley totally extracted before finish- ing: soft soap, on' the contrary, retains the whole of the ley used in the making; be- coming, with the other materials employ- ed, one compound body, called soft soap. A few examples will clearly explain the nature and practical means made use of in producing this very useful soap. We shall now commence an operation with a charge for what is called First Crown Soft Soap, 18 Barrels. The quantity of ley requisite for comple- tion of this charge will be about 400 gal- lons; about one-third of which must be put into the boiler previous to any ofthe other materials: afterward add, 2 cwt. 2 qrs. of tallow, 2 cwt. 2 qrs. of hogs'-Iard, and 70 SOA SOD gallons of olive oil. The ley herein to be used is supposed to be from Hungarian and English (Essex) ashes. The proportion is one of the English to eight of the Hunga- rian. The particular mode of proceeding is this: After the ley is put in, add the tal- low, and light the fire. When all the tal- low is melted, put in the oil, and draw the fire a little afterward, and allow the pan to stand about two hours. Light again the fire, and add about 20 gallons more of the ley. After the pan begins to boil, add now and then a little more ley, for the purpose of preventing the soap from boiling over; and this adding of ley is to be continued, until the soap is supposed to be about half boiled, when it will be time to try whether the soap has got too much or too httle ley. This trial is called proving, and is neces- sary to be done several times during the operation, and previous to the finishing. The method of performing it is this: Pro- vide a piece of glazed Dutch delft, and also a clear clean knife; with the knife take up a piece of the soap from the pan, and if it turn whitish thereon, and fall from it in short pieces upon the delft, it is then to be concluded that too much ley has been put in; to rectify which, a little more oil must be added. On the contrary, if the soap want ley, it will fall from the knife in long ropy pieces; in consequence of which add some more ley. When, however, it hap- pens to be brought to perfection, neither wanting more ley nor oil, but just in a right State, it will then be observed, when taken upon the knife, to stand the proper colour, not ropy, nor too white, but transparent. The fire may now be drawn, the soap be- ing properly finished, and ought immedi- ately to be cast into the barrels, firkins, &c. Remember always, after the second time the fire is lighted, to keep the soap boiling briskly, till the pan is nearly ready, when it ought to boil slow, until finishing, and rea- dy to cast. A Charge for Second Crown Soft Soap. 280 lbs. of tallow, 140 gallons of ley, 82 gallons of whale oil. Put in 100 gallons of ley, with the tallow, and light the fire. When the tallow is melted, add the oil, and draw the fire. Let all stand for two hours. Again light the fire, and add 20 gallons of ley. With this the boiling is to be continued, until the soap is about half finished, when 10 gallons more of ley are to be added. During the remainder of the boiling, add, at different periods, the other 10 gallons of ley, which will completely finish the soap. See Fat. For eau de luce, Wiegleb directs, that in two drachms of the strongest alcohol be dissolved from six to ten drops of rectified oil of amber, and afterward one scruple of white soap.: o this mixture is then to be poured an ounce of pure ammonia, and the whole well shaken together. Soap-stone. See Steatite. * Soda. Formerly called the mineral al- kali, because under the name of natron it is found native in mineral seams or crusts. The impure commercial substance called barilla is the incinerated salsola soda. Kelp, the incinerated sea-weed, is a still coarser article, containing seldom above 2 or 3 per cent of real soda, while barilla occasionally contains 20. The crystallized carbonate of soda of commerce is procured from the de- composition of sulphate of soda, or muriate of soda. The former is effected by calci- nation with charcoal and chalk in a rever- beratory furnace; the latter is accomplish- ed by the addition of carbonate of potash. To procure pure soda, we must boil a so- lution of the pure carbonate with half its weight of quicklime, and after subsidence decant the clear ley, and evaporate in a clean iron or silver vessel, till the liquid flows quietly like oil. It must then be poured out on a polished iron plate. It concretes into a hard white cake, which is to be immediately broken in pieces, and put up, while still hot, in a phial, which must be well corked. If the carbonate of soda be somewhat impure, then, after the action of lime, and subsequent concentra- tion of the ley, alcohol must be digested on it, which will dissolve only the caustic pure soda, and leave the heterogeneous salts. By distilling off the alcohol in a sil- ver alembic, the alkali may then be obtain- ed pure. This white solid substance is, however, not absolute soda, but a hydrate, consisting of about 100 soda -+- 28 water; or of nearly 77 + 23, in 100. If a piece of this soda be exposed to the air, it softens and be- comes pasty; but it never deliquesces into an oily looking liquid, as potash does. The soda in fact soon becomes drier, because by absorption of carbonic acid from the air it passes into an efflorescent carbonate. Soda is distinguishable from potash by sul- phuric acid, which forms a very soluble salt with the former, and a sparingly soluble one with the latter; by muriate of platina and tartaric acid, which occasion precipi- tates with potash salts, but not with those of soda. The basis of soda is a peculiar metal, called sodium, discovered by Sir H. Davy in 1807, a few days after he discovered potassium. It may be procured in exactly the same manner as potassium, by electri- cal or chemical decomposition of the pure hydrate. A rather higher degree of heat, and greater voltaic power, are required to decompose soda than potash. Sodium re- sembles potassium in many of its charac- ters. It is as white as silver, possesses great lustre, antl is a good conductor of SOD electricity. It enters into fusion at about 200* Fahr., and rises in vapour at a strong red heat. Its sp. gr. is, according to MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, 0.972, at the temperature of 59* Fahr. In the cold, it exercises scarcely any action on dry air, or oxygen. But when heated strongly in oxygen or chlorine, it burns with great brilliancy. When thrown upon water, it effervesces violently, but does not inflame, swims on the surface, gradually diminishes with great agitation, and renders the water a solution of soda. It acts upon most sub- stances in a manner similar to potassium, but with less energy. It tarnishes in the air, but more slowly; and, like potassium, it is best preserved under naphtha. Sodium forms two distinct combinations with oxygen; one is pure soda, whose hy- drate is above described; the other is the orange oxide of sodium, observed, like the preceding oxide, first by Sir H. Davy in 1807, but of which the true nature was pointed out in 1810, by MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard. Pure soda may be formed by burning sodium in a quantity of air, containing no more oxygen than is sufficient for its con- version into this alkali; i. e. the metal must be in excess; a strong degree of heat must be employed. Pure soda is of a gray colour; it is a non- conductor of electricity, of a vitreous frac- ture, and requires a strong red heat for its fusion. When a little water is added to it, there is a violent action between the two bodies; the soda becomes white, crystalline in its appearance, and much more fusible and volatile. It is then the substance com- monly called pure or caustic soda; but pro- perly styled the hydrate. The other oxide, or peroxide of sodium, may be formed by burning sodium in oxy- gen in excess. It is of a deep orange co- lour, very fusible, and a non-conductor of electricity. When acted on by water, it gives off oxygen, and the water becomes a solution of soda. It deflagrates when strongly heated with combustible bodies. The proportions of oxygen in soda, and in the orange peroxide of sodium are easi- ly learned by the action of sodium on wa- ter and on oxygen. If a given weight of sodium, in a little glass tube, be thrown by means of the finger under a graduated in- verted jar, filled with water, the quantity of hydrogen evolved will indicate the quan- tity of oxygen combined with the metal to form soda; and when sodium is slowly burned in a tray of platina, (lined with dry common salt), in oxygen in great excess, from the quantity of oxygen absorbed the composition of the peroxide may be learn- ed. From Sir H. Davy's experiments, com- pared with those of M M. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, it appears that the prime equi- SOD valent of sodium is 2.95, and that of dry soda, or protoxide of sodium, 3.95; while the orange oxide or deutoxide is 4.95. The numbers given by M. Thenard are, for the first, 100 metal -\- 33.995 oxygen; and for the second, 100 metal -+- 67.990 oxygen. Another oxide is described containing less oxygen than soda; it is therefore a sub- oxide. When sodium is kept for some time in a small quantity of moist air, or when sodium in excess is heated with hydrate of soda, a dark grayish substance is formed, more inflammable than sodium; and which affords hydrogen by its action upon water. Only one combination of sodium and chlorine is known. This is the important substance common salt. It may be formed directly by combustion, or by decomposing any compound of chlorine by sodium. Its properties are well known, and are already described under Acid (Muriatic). It is a non-conductor of electricity, is fusible at a strong red heat, is volatile at a white heat, and crystallizes in cubes. Sodium has a much stronger attraction for chlorine than for oxygen; and soda, or its hydrate, is decomposed by chlorine, oxygen being expelled from the first, and oxygen and water from the second. Potassium has a stronger attraction for chlorine than sodium has; and one mode of procuring sodium easily, is by heating to- gether to redness, common salt and potas- sium. This chloride of sodium, improper- ly called the muriate, consists of 4.5 chlo- rine -4- 295 sodium. There is no known action between sodium and hydrogen or azote. Sodium combines readily with sulphur and with phosphorus, presenting similar phenomena to those presented by potas- sium. The sulphurets and phosphurets of sodium agree in their general properties with those of potassium, except that they are rather less inflammable. They form, by burning, acidulous compounds of sul- phuric and phosphoric acid and soda. Potassium and sodium combine with great facility, and form peculiar com- pounds, which differ in their properties, according to the proportions of the con- stituents. By a small quantity of sodium, potassium is rendered fluid at common temperatures, and its sp. gr. is considera- bly diminished. Eight parts of potassium, and one of sodium, form a compound that swims in naphtha, and that is fluid at the common temperature of the air. Three parts of sodium, and one of potassium, make a compound, fluid at common tempe- ratures. A little potassium destroys the ductility of sodium, and renders it very brittle and soft. Since the prime of potas- sium is to that of sodium, as 4.95 to 2 95; it will require the former quantity of pot- assium, to eliminate the latter quantity of SOI SOI sodium from the chloride. The attractions of potassium, for all substances that have been examined, are stronger than those of sodium. Soda is the basis of common salt, of plate and crown-glass, and of all hard soaps. Elements of Chemical Phil* * Sodahte. Colour green. Massive and crystallized in rhomboidal dodecahe- drons. Shining. Cleavage double. Frac- ture small conchoidal. Translucent. As hard as feldspar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.378. It is infusible; becoming only dark gray before the blow-pipe. Its constituents are, silica 38.5 or 36, alumina 27.48 or 32, lime 2.7 or 0, oxide of iron 1 or 0.25, soda 25.5 or 25, muriatic acid 3 or 6.75; volatile mat- ter 2.10 or 0, loss 1.7 or 0.—Thomson and Ekeberg. It was discovered in W est Green- land by Sir Charles Gieseke, in a bed in mica slate.* • Sodium. See Soda.* Soil. The soil or earth in which vege- tables grow, varies considerably in its com- position, or in the proportions of the dif- ferent earths of which it consists; and some plants are found to thrive best in one kind of soil, others in another. Under Analysis the methods of analyzing soils, so as to as- certain their composition, will be found, as given by Sir H. Davy; and we shall here subjoin the rules he has laid down for their improvement, as connected with the prin- ciples of which they consist. In cases where a barren soil is examined with a view to its improvement, it ought in all cases, if possible, to be compared with an extremely fertile soil in the same neigh- bourhood, and in a similar situation; the difference given by their analyses would indicate the methods of cultivation, and thus the plan of improvement would be founded upon accurate scientific principles. If the fertile soil contained a large quan- tity of sand, in proportion to the barren soil, the process of melioration would de- pend simply upon a supply of this sub- stance; and the method would be equally simple with regard to soils deficient in clay or calcareous matter. In the application of clay, sand, loam, marl, or chalk to lands, there are no par- ticular chemical principles to be observed; but when quicklime is used, great care must be taken, that it is not obtained from the magnesian limestone; for in this case, as has been shown by Mr. Tennant, it is exceedingly injurious to land. The mag- nesian limestone may be distinguished from the common limestone by its greater hard- ness, and by the length of time that it re- quires for its solution in acids; and it may be analyzed by the process for carbonate of lime and magnesia. Wrhen the analytical comparison indi- cates an excess of vegetable matter as the cause of sterility, it may be destroyed by much pulverization and exposure to air, by paring and burning, or the agency of lately made quicklime. And the defect of ani- mal and vegetable matter must be supplied by animal or vegetable manure. The general indications of fertility and barrenness, as found by chemical experi- ments, must, necessarily differ in different climates, and under different circumstan- ces. The power of soils to absord mois- ture, a principle essential to their produc- tiveness, ought to be much greater in warm and dry countries, than in cold and moist ones; and the quantity of fine aluminous earth they contain should be larger. Soils likewise that are situate on declivities ought to be more absorbent than those in the same climate on plains or in valleys. The productiveness of soils must like- wise be influenced by the nature of the sub-soil, or the earthy or stony strata on which they rest; and this circumstance ought to be particularly attended to, in considering their chemical nature, and the system of improvement. Thus a sandy soil may owe its fertility to the power of the sub-soil to retain water; and an absor- bent clayey soil may occasionally be pre- vented from being barren, in a moist cli- mate, by the influence of a substratum of sand or gravel. Those soils that are most productive of corn, contain always certain proportions of aluminous or calcareous earth in a finely divided state, and a certain quantity of ve- getable or animal matter. The quantity of calcareous earth is how- ever very various, and in some cases ex- ceedingly small. A very fertile corn soil from Ormiston in East Lothian afforded in a hundred parts only eleven parts of mild calcareous earth; the finely divided clay amounted to forty-five parts. It lost nine in decomposed animal and vegetable mat- ter, and four in water, and exbibited indi- cations of a small quantity of phosphate of lime. This soil was of a very fine texture, and contained very few stones or vegetable fi- bres. It is not unlikely, that its fertility was in some measure connected with the phosphate; for this substance is found in wheat, oats, and barley, and may be a part of their food. A soil from the low lands of Somerset- shire, celebrated for producing excellent crops of wheat and beans without manure, 1 found to consist of one-ninth of sand, chiefly siliceous, and eight-ninths of calca- reous marl tinged with iron, and contain- ing about five parts in the hundred of ve- getable matter. 1 could not detect in it any phosphate or sulphate of lime, so that its fertility must have depended principally upon its power of attracting principles of SOL SPA vegetable nourishment from water and the atmosphere. Mr. Tillet, in some experiments made on the composition of soils at Paris, found, that a soil composed of three-eighths of clay, two-eighths of river sand, and three- eighths of the parings of limestone, was very proper for wheat. In general, bulbous roots require a soil much more sandy, and less absorbent, than the grasses. A very good potato soil, from Varsel in Cornwall, afforded seven-eighths of siliceous sand; and its absorbent power was so small, that 100 parts lost only 2 by drying at 400° Fahrenheit. Plants and trees, the roots of which are fibrous and hard, and capable of penetrat- ing deep into the earth, will vegetate to advantage in almost all common soils that are moderately dry, and do not contain a very great excess of vegetable matter. The soil taken from a field at Sheffield- place in Sussex, remarkable for producing flourishing oaks, was found to consist of 6 parts of sand, and 1 part of clay and finely divided matter. And 100 parts of the entire soil submitted to analysis, produced water 3, silex 54, alumina 28, carbonate of lime 3, oxide of iron 5, decomposing ve- getable matter 4, loss 3. From the great difference of the causes that influence the productiveness of lands, it is obvious, that in the present state of science, no certain system can be devised for their improvement, independent of ex- periment; but there are few cases, in which the labour of analytical trials will not be amply repaid by the certainty with which they denote the best methods of meliora- tion; and this will particularly happen, when the defect of composition is found in the proportions of the primitive earths. In supplying animal or vegetable ma- nure, a temporary food only is provided for plants, which is in all cases exhausted by means of a certain number of crops; but when a soil is rendered of the best possible constitution and texture with re- gard to its earthy parts, its fertility may be considered as permanently established. It becomes capable of attracting a very large portion of vegetable nourishment from the atmosphere, and of producing its crops with comparatively little labour and expense. Solders, and Soldering. Solders con- sist merely of simple or mixed metals, by which alone metallic bodies can be firmly united with each other. In this respect it is a general rule, that the solder should always be easier of fusion than the metal intended to be soldered by it; next to this, care must also be taken, that the solder be as far as is possible of the same colour with the metal that is to be soldered. For the simple solders, each of the me- tals may be used according to the nature of that which is to be soldered. For fine steel, copper, and brass work, gold and silver may be employed. In the large way, however, iron is soldered with copper, and copper and brass with tin. The most usual solders are the compound, which are distinguished into two principal classes, viz. hard and soft solders. The hard solders are ductile, will bear ham- mering, and are commonly prepared of the same metal with that which is to be in!. dered, with the addition of some other, by which a greater degree of fusibility is ob- tained, though the addition is not always required to be itself easier of fusion. Un- der this head comes the harder solder for gold, which is prepared from gold and sil- ver, or gold and copper, or gold, silver, and copper. The hard solder for silver is prepared from equal parts of silver and brass, but made easier of fusion by the ad- mixture of a sixteenth part of zinc. The hard solder for brass is obtained from brass mixed with a sixth, or an eighth, or even one-half of zinc, which may also be used for the hard solder of copper. It is sold in the shops in a granulated form, under the name of spelter-solder. The soft solders melt easily, but are part- ly brittle, and therefore cannot be ham- mered. Of this kind are the following mix- tures: tin and lead in equal parts; of still easier fusion is that consisting of bismuth, tin, and lead, equal parts; 1 or 2 parts of bismuth, of tin and lead each 1 part. In the operation of soldering, the sur- faces of the metal intended to be joined must be made very clean, and applied to each other. It is usual to secure them by a ligature of iron wire, or other similar contrivance. The solder is laid upon the joint, together with sal ammoniac or borax, or common glass, according to the degree of heat intended. These additions defend the metal from oxidation. Glaziers use resin; and pitch is sometimes employed. Tin-foil applied between the joints of fine brass work, first wetted with a strong solution of sal ammoniac, makes an excel- lent juncture, care being taken to avoid too much heat. * Solids and Solidity. See Calo- ric, and Crystallization.* Solution. See Salt, Crystalliza- tion, and Attraction. •Sommite. Nepheline.* • Sorb at es. Compounds of sorbic, or malic acid, with the salifiable bases. See Acid (Sorbic).* * Sory. The ancient name of sulphate of iron.* * Spar (Fluor). See Fluor.* •Spar (Ponderous). See Heaw- spar.* * Sparry Anhydrite, or Cube-Spar" SPE SPE A sub-species of prismatic gypsum. Co- lour white, passing into blue or red. Mas- sive, in distinct concretions, and crystal- lized. The primitive figure is an oblique prism, in which the angles are 108° 8' and 79° 56'. The secondary forms are, a rec- tangular four-sided prism, a broad six- sided prism, an eight-sided prism, and a broad rectangular four-sided prism, acumi- nated. Splendent, pearly. Cleavage three- fold. Fragments cubical. Fracture con- choidal. Transparent. Refracts double. Scratches calcareous spar, but not fluor. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.7 to 3.0. It does not ex- foliate before the blow-pipe, and melt like gypsum, but becomes glazed over with a white friable enamel. Its constituents are, lime 41.75, sulphuric acid 55, muriate of soda 1.—Klaproth. It is sometimes met with in the gypsum of Nottinghamshire. It occurs in the salt mines of Halle, &c* "Sparry Iron. Carbonate of iron. Co- lour pale yellowish-gray. Massive, disse- minated and crystallized. The primitive form is a rhomboid of 107°. The follow- ing are some of the secondary forms. The primitive, perfect, or truncated; a still flat- ter rhomboid; the spherical lenticular form; the saddle shaped lens, and the equiangu- lar six-sided prism. Glistening or splen- dent, or pearly. Cleavage threefold. Frac- ture foliated, or splintery. Translucent on the edges. Streak white or yellowish- brown. Harder than calcareous spar. Ea- sily frangible. Sp. gr. 3.6 to 3.9 It black- ens and "becomes magnetic before the blow-pipe, but does not melt; it effervesces with muriatic acid. Its constituents are, oxide of iron 57.5, carbonic acid 36, oxide of manganese 3.5, lime 1.25.—Klaproth. It occurs in veins in granite, gneiss, &c. associ- ated with ores of lead, cobalt, silver, copper, &c. But the most extensive formations of this mineral are in limestone. It is found in small quantities in England, Scotland, and Ireland; in Saxony, Bohemia, &c; and in large quantities in Fichtelgebirge; and at Schmalkalden in Hessia. It affords an iron well suited for conversion into steel.— Jameson* •Specific Gravity. The density of the matter of which any body is composed, compared to the density of another body, assumed as the standard. This standard is pure distilled water, at the temperature of 60° F. To determine the specific gra- vity of a solid, we weigh it, first in air, and then in water. In the latter case it loses, of its weight, a quantity precisely equal to the weight of its own bulk of wa- ter; and hence, by comparing this weight with its total weight, we find its specific gravity. The rule therefore is, divide the total weight, by the loss of weight in water, the quotient is the specific gravity. If it Vol. II. be a liquid or a gas, we weigh it in a glass or other vessel of known capacity; and di- viding that weight, by the weight of the same bulk of water, the quotient is, as be- fore, the specific gravity. See Hydrome- ter, for another modification of the same rule. To calculate the mean specific gravity of a compound from those of its compo- nents, is a problem of perpetual recurrence in chemistry. It is only by a comparison of the result of that calculation, with the specific gravity of the compound experi- mentally ascertained, that we can disco- ver whether the combination has been ac- companied with expansion or condensation of volume. As several respectable expe- rimental chemists (see Alloy and Am- monia) seem deficient in the knowledge of chemical computation, I shall here insert a short abstract of a paper which I pub- lished on this subject in the 7th number of the Journal of Science. " The specific gravity of one body is to that of another, as the weight of the first, divided by its volume, is to the weight of the second, divided by its volume; and the mean specific gravity of the two, is found, by dividing the sum of the weights by the sum of the volumes. Let W, w, be the two weights; V, v, the two volumes; P, p, the two specific gravi- ties; and M, the calculated mean specific gravity, Then W -J- w M = ■ ■ ,—; the formula by which I V + v computed the second column of Table II. L A v . W , w W/> + wP AndV+«=F-T- - = ' vp Hence \V + w = W+w _ (W+w)Pj> V + x. W/» + *>P 1'w+pW ~M vp When the difference in density, between the two substances is considerable, as it is with sulphuric acid and water, the errors produced by assuming the arithmetical mean, for the true calculated mean, are ex- cessive. If we take copper and tin, however, 8.89 -4- 7.29 then the arithmetical mean,---------- = 8.09, differs very little from 8.01, the accurate mean density. By a similar error, I suppose, in calcu- lating the mean density of liquid muriatic acid in its different stages of dilution, the celebrated Kirwan has long misled the chemical world. He asserted, that the mean specific gravity of the components, being also the experimental mean, there is no condensation of volume, as with other acid dilutions. And the illustrious Ber- thollet has even assigned a cause for this 56 SPE SP1 suppositious fact. I find, on the contrary, that 50 of acid, sp. grav. 1.1920 with 50 of water, give out heat, and have their volume diminished in the ratio of 100 to 99.28. The experimental specific grav. is 1.0954; that, by the exact rule, is only 1.0875. The preceding formula may be presented, under a still more convenient form. P, p being the specific gravities of the two « W . w components, we have P = y- and P=—'< whence V = p, v = -• In the condition when W = w = 1, we have then V = jr» v = —» and, consequently, therefore 2A=(P-j»)X P + p ~ + T P P ^_(P-/0(A-P) P + P This value being constantly negative, proves that the true value of the sp. grav. of the mixture, represented «y- — —» is always smaller than the false value, 1 / W w \ ~( V + -)' Example of the last formula, ,, , ., 19.3-+-10.5 Gold and silver, ----y----= 14.9 = false or arithmetical mean specific gravity. (P_^)2 (19.3—10-5)2 _ (8.8)3 _77.44 P+p ~ 29.8 ~~ 29.8 29.8 = 2.6 = 2 A; and A = 13» which be- ing subtracted from the arithmetical mean 14.9, leaves 13.6 for the true mean specific gravity as directly obtained by the formula (W + w) Vp Pie -f- ^W SULPHURIC ACID TABLE, Showing the erroneous results of the common method. See Allov. Acid in 100. Arithm. mean density. Experi-mental density. Apparent volume. a .,. i Arithm. Acidin\ inn mean density. Experi-mental density. 1.3884 1.2999 1.2184 1.1410 1.0680 Apparent volume. 102.6 103.02 102.95 102.50 101.57 100 90 80 70 60 1.7632 1.6784 1.5936 | 1.5088 1.8480 1.8115 1.7120 1.5975 1.4860 100 97.3 98.0 99.7 101.5 50 40 30 20 10 1.4240 1.3392 1.2541 1.1696 1.0848 • Specular Iron Ore. See Ores of Iron.* Speculum. Mr. Edwards affirms, that different kinds of copper require different doses of tin to produce the most perfect whiteness. If the dose of tin be too small, which is the fault most easily remedied, the composition will be yellowish; if it be too great, the composition will be of a gray- blue colour, and dull appearance. He casts the speculum in sand, with the face down- wards; takes it out while red-hot, and places it in hot wood ashes to cool; without which precaution it would break in cooling. Mr. Little recommends the following proportions;—32 parts of the best bar cop- per, 4 parts of the brass of pin-wire, 16$ of tin, and 1| of arsenic. Silver he rejects, as it has an extraordinary effect of soften- ing the metal; and he found, that the com- pound was not susceptible of the highest polish, unless it was extremely brittle. He first melts the brass, and adds to it about an equal weight of tin. When this mixture is cord, he puts it into the copper, previ- ously fused with black flux, adds next the remainder of the tin, and lastly the arsenic. This mixture he granulates, by pouring into cold water, as Mr. Edwards did, and fuses it a second time for casting. * Spermaceti. See Fat.* * Sphene. Prismatic titanium ore.* * Sphoerulite. Colours brown and gray. In imbedded roundish balls and grains. Glimmering. Fracture even, splin- tery. Opaque. Scratches quartz with diffi- culty. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.4 to 2.5. Nearly infusible. It occurs in pearlstone and pitch- stone porphyries, in the vicinity of Glass- hiitte near Schemnitz; and in the pitchstone of Meissen.* * Sphragide. See Lemnian Earth.* * Spinel. A sub-species of octohedral corundum. Colour red. Occurs in grains, more frequently crystallized; in a perfect octohedron, which is the fundamental fi- gure; in a tetrahedron, perfect or modified; a thick equiangular six-sided table; a very oblique four-sided table; a rhomboidal do- decahedron; a rectangular four-sided prism. SPI SPI Splendent and vitreous. Cleavage-fourfold. Fracture flat conchoidal. Translucent to transparent. Refracts single. Scratches to- paz, but is scratched by sapphire. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.5 to 3.8 Fusible with borax. Its constituents are, alumina 82.47, magnesia 8.78. chromic acid 6.18, loss 2.57.— Vau- quelin. It is found in the gneiss district of Acker in Sudermannland, in a primitive limestone; in the kingdom of Pegu, and in Ceylon. It is used as a precious stone. When it weighs four carats (about sixteen grains), it is considered of equal value with a diamond of half the weight.—Jameson* • Spinellane. Colour plum-blue. It occurs crystallized in rhomboids of 117° 23', and 62° 37': and in six-sided prisms, acuminated with three planes. It scratches glass. It is found on the shores ofthe lake of Laach, in a rock composed of glassy feldspar, quartz, hornblende, &c. It is said to be a variety of Haiiyne.* • Spinthere. Colour greenish-gray. In small oblique double four-sided pyra- mids. It does not scratch glass. It occurs in the department of Isere in France, in- crusting calcareous spar crystals. It is believed to be a variety of sphene.* Spirit of Mindererus. A solution of acetate of ammonia, made by adding concrete carbonate of ammonia to distilled vinegar till saturation takes place. Spirit of Nitre. See Acid (Ni- tric). * Spirit, (Pyro-acetic). Some dry acetates exposed to heat in a retort yield a quantity of a light volatile spirit, to which the above name is given. When the acetate is easily decomposed by the fire, it affords much acid and little spirit; and on the con- trary it yields much spirit and little acid, when a strong heat is required for its de- composition. The acetates of nickel, cop- per, &c. are in the first condition; those of barytes, potash, soda, strontian, lime, man- ganese, and zinc, are in the second. The following table of M. Chenevix, exhibits the products of the distillation of various acetates. Table of Pyro-Acetic Spirit. Acetate of Silver. Acetate of Nickel. Acetate of Copper. Acetate of Lead. Peracetate of iron. AcetateoJ Zinc. Acetate of Manganese Loss by the fire, 0.36 0.61 0.64 0.37 0.49 0.555 B r State of the .sj base (a). j. "S-----------— metallic. metallic. metallic. metallic. bl. oxide. wh. oxide. br. oxide. tt; \_Resid. Carbon. 0.05 0.14 0.055 ' 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.035 ■a $ CSp. gr a-g< Ratio of acid. S^CPyro. spir. 1.0656 107.309 0 1.0398 44.731 almost 0 1.0556 84.863 0.17 0.9407 3.045 0.555 1.011 27.236 0.24 0.8452 2.258 0.695 0.8264 1.285 0.94 g f rCarb. acid, (b) g "§ < Carb. hydro. a I CTotal gas. 8 12 20 35 60 95 10 34 44 20 8 28 18 34 52 16 28 44 20 32 52 We see, that of all the acetates, that of silver gives the most concentrated and purest acetic acid, since it contains no py- ro-acetic spirit. This spirit is limpid and colourless. Its taste is at first acrid and burning, then cooling, and in some measure urinous. Its odour approaches that of peppermint min- gled with hitter almonds. Its sp. grav. is (a) Almost all the metallic residuums are pyrophoric, or susceptible of inflaming by contact of air, after complete refrigera- tion; which M. Chenevix ascribes to the finely divided charcoal mixed with the me- tallic part. (b) The quantities marked here, are ex- pressed in volumes 0.7864. It burns with a flame interiorly blue, but white on the outside. It boils at 138.2 F. and does not congeal at 5° Fahr. With water it combines in every propor- tion, as well as with alcohol, and most of the essential oils. It dissolves but a little of sulphur and phosphorus, but camphor in very large quantity. Caustic potash has very little action on the pyro-acetic spirit. Sulphuric and nitric acids decompose it; but muriatic acid forms with this body a compound, which is npt acid, and in which we can demonstrate the presence of the muriatic acid, only by ig- neous decomposition. Hence we perceive that pyro-acetic spirit is a peculiar sub- stance, which resembles the ethers, alco- hol, and volatile oils. To obtain it cheaply,, STA STA we may employ the acetate of lead of com- merce. After having distilled this salt in an earthen retort, and collected the liquid products in a globe, communicating by a tube with a flask surrounded with ice, we saturate these products with a solution of potash or soda, and then separate the spirit by means of a second distillation, taking care to use a regulated heat. As it usually carries over with it a little water, it is pro- per to rectify it from dry muriate of lime Ann. de Chimie, torn. 69.* * Spirit of Sal Ammoniac Water of Ammonia.* Spirit (Volatile) of Sal Ammo- niac See Ammonia. * Spirit of Salt. See acid (Muri- atic).* * Spirit of Wine. Alcohol.* * Spodumene. Prismatic triphane spar. —Mohs. Colour between greenish-white and mountain-gray. Massive, disseminated and in large granular concretions. Glis- tening, pearly. Cleavage threefold. Frac- ture fine grained uneven. Translucent. As hard as feldspar. Most easily frangible. Sp, gr. 3.0 to 3.1. Before the blow-pipe, it first separates into small gold-yellow co- loured folia; and if the heat is continued, they melt into a greenish-white coloured glass. Its constituents are, silica 64.4, alu- mina 24.4, lime 3, potash 5, oxide of iron 2.2.— Vauquelin. It was first discovered in the Island of Uton in Sudermannland, where it is associated with red feldspar and quartz. It has been lately found in the vicinity of Dublin, by Dr. Taylor. It con- tains the new alkali lithia, by some recent analyses.* Sponge. A soft, light, very porous, and compressible substance, readily imbibing water, and distending thereby. It is found adhering to rocks, particularly in the Me- diterranean Sea, about the islands of the Archipelago. It was formerly supposed to be a vegetable production, but is now classed among the zoophytes; and analyzed, it yields the same principles with animal substances in general. Stalactites. These are found sus- pended from vaults, being formed by the oozing of water charged with calcareous particles, and gradually evaporating, leav- ing those particles behind. Starch. This is a white, insipid, com- bustible substance, insoluble in cold water, but forming a jelly with boiling water. It exists chit fly in the white and brittle parts of vegetables, particularly in tuberose roots, and the seeds of the gramineous plants. It may be extracted by pounding these parts, and agitating them in cold wa- ter; when the parenchyma or fibrous parts, will first subside; and these being removed, a fine white powder, diffused through the water, will gradually subside, which is the starch. Or the pounded or grated sub- stance, as the roots of arum, potatoes, acorns, or horse-chesnuts, for instance, may be put into a hair-sieve, and the starch washed through with cold water, leaving the grosser matters behind.- Pari. naceous seeds may be ground and treated in a similar manner. Oily seeds require to have the oil expressed from them before the farina is extracted. If starch be subjected to distillation, it gives out water impregnated with empy- reumatic acetous acid; a little red or brown oil, a great deal of carbonic acid, and car- buretted hydrogen gas. Its coal is bulky, easily burned, and leaves a very small quan- tity of potash and phosphate of lime. If when diffused in water, it be exposed to a heat of 60° F. or upward, it will ferment, and turn sour; but much more so if it be not freed from the gluten, extract, and co- louring matter. Thus, in starch-makinp, the farina ferments and becomes sour, but the starch that docs not undergo fermenta- tion is rendered the more pure by this pro- cess. Some water already soured is mixed with the flour and water, which regulates the fermentation, and prevents the mixture from becoming putrid; and in this state it is left about ten days in summer and fifteen in winter, before the scum is removed, and the water poured off. The starch is then washed out from the bran, and dried, first in the open air, and finally in an oven. With boiling water starch forms a nearly trans])..rent mucilage, emitting a peculiar smell, neither disagreeable nor very pow- erful. This mucilage may be dried, and will then be semi-transparent, and much resembling gum, all the products of which it affords. When dissolved it is much more easily digested and nutritious than before it has undergone this operation. Both acids and alkalies combined with water dissolve it. It separates the oxides of several metals from their solutions, and takes oxygen from many of them. It is found naturally combined with all the im- mediate principles of vegetables, and may easily be united with most of them by art. * Staurolite. Grenatite, or prismatic garnet.* * Staurotide. Grenatite, prismatic garnet, or staurolite. Colour dark reddish- brown. Only crystallized in forms which may be reduced to a prism of 129° 30'. The following are secondary forms: a very ob- lique four-sided prism, truncated on the acuter lateral edges, forming an unequian- gular six-sided prism; the same acutely be- vel; 'd on the extremities; and a twin crys- tal, formed by two perfect six-sided prisms. Splendent, resino-vitreous. Cleavage in the smaller diagonal. Fracture, small grained uneven. Opaque or translucent. Scratches quartz feebly. Brittle. Sp. gr. STE 3.3 to 3.8. Infusible. Its constituents are, alumina 44, silica 33, lime 3.84, oxide of iron 13, oxide ofmanganese l.loss 5.16.— Vauquelin. The geognostic relations of this mineral are nearly the same with those of precious garnet. It occurs in clay-slate near Ardonald, between Keith and Huntly, in Aberdeenshire, and in a micaceous rock at the Glenmalur lead-mines in the county of Wicklow, Ireland.* * Steam. See Caloric, and Vapour.* 'Stearin. See Fat.* 'Steatite, or Soapstone. A sub- species of rhomboidal mica. Colour gray- ish, or greenish white. Massive, dissemi- nated, imitative, and in the following sup- posititious figures: an equiangular six-sided prism; an acute double six-sided pyramid; and a rhomboid. The first two are on rock crystal, the last on calcareous spar. Dull. Fracture coarse splintery. T-ranslucent on the edges. Streak shining. Writes but feebly. Soft. Very sectile. Rather diffi- cultly frangible. Does not adhere to the tongue. Feels very greasy. Sp. gr. 2.4 to 2.6. Infusible. Its constituents are, silica 44, magnesia 44, alumina 2, iron 7.3, man- ganese 1.5, chrome 2. Trace of lime and muriatic acid. It occurs frequently in small contemporaneous veins, that traverse ser- pentine in all directions; at Portsoy and Shetland; in the limestone of Icolmkill; in the serpentine of Cornwall: and in Angle- sey. It is used in the manufacture of por- celain, and for taking greasy spots out of silk and woollen stuffs. It is also employed in polishing gypsum, serpentine, and mar- ble. When pounded and slightly burned, it forms the basis of certain cosmetics. It writes readily on glass. Humboldt assures us, that the Otomacks, a savage race on the banks of the Orinoco, live for nearly three months ofthe year, principally on a kind of potter's clay; and many other savages eat great quantities of steatite, which contains absolutely no nourishment.* * Steel. A modification of iron, con- cerning which our knowledge is not very precise, notwithstanding the researches of many celebrated chemists. For the follow- ing important facts, I am indebted to the proprietor of the Monkland manufactory, where bar and cast steel of superior quality are made. The chests or troughs, in which the iron bars are stratified, are 9 feet long, and com- posed of an open-grained siliceous free- Stone, unalterable by the fire. The Danne- mora or Oregrounds iron is alone employ- ed, for conversion into steel, at Monkland. The increase of weight is from 4 to 12 ounces per hundred Weight. Tiie average is therefore 1 in 224 parts. The first pro- portion constitutes mild, and the second very hard steel. Should the process be pushed much farther, the steel would then melt, and in the act of fusion would take * dose of charcoal sufficient to bring it to the state of No. 1. cast iron. The charcoal used in stratifying with the bar iron, i9 bruised so as to pass through a quarter- inch riddle. Whenever the interior of the i roughs arrives at 70° Wedgwood, the car- bon begins to be absorbed hy the iron. There is no further diminution ofthe weight of the charcoal than what is due to this combination. What remains is employed at another charge. Great differences are found between the different kinds of bar iron, imported at the same time; which oc- casion unexpected differences in the re- sulting steel. The following letter contains important information from a gentleman possessing great experience in the manu- facture of steel. " Monkland Steel- Works, " 9th November, 1820. "Sir—Mr. William Murray has written me, that you wished I should communicate to you the reason why bar iron should run into the state of soft cast iron, by the ope- ration being carried too far in the blister steel furnace; and how it does not make cast steel, as cast steel is said to be formed by the fusion of the blister steel in the crucible with charcoal " The usual practice of making cast steel is to fuse common steel in a crucible, with- out any charcoal being mixed. The degree of hardness required in the cast steel is re- gulated by selecting blister steel of the proper degree of hardness for what is wanted. " This statement is made with a view to correct a common mistake, that to make caststeel it is necessary, and that it is the practice, to mix with the steel to be melted a quantity of charcoal. " Pursuing this mistake it naturally leads to others. Dr. Thomson says, when speak- ing on this subject, that cast steel is more fusible than common steel, and for that rea- son it cannot be welded to iron. It melts before it can he heated bigh enough; and that the quantity of carbon is greater than in common steel; and that this seems to constitute the difference between the two substances. " The statement of a simple fact will show that this conclusion is erroneous. Suppose apiece of blister steel, pretty hard, yet fit to stand the operation of welding to iron without any difficulty; let this steel be made into cast steel in the ordinary way. It will not then stand the process of weld- ing. It will not melt before reaching the welding heat; but when brought to that heat, and submitted to the blows of the hammer, it will fall like a piece of sand, and the parts being once separated, they refuse to become again united. This diffi- STI culty of working the steel cannot arise from the steel containing more carbon, for the fact is, it contains less, part of it being burnt out in the operation of melting it. And if the same steel was to be melted a second time, more ofthe carbon would be burnt out, of course the steel would be softer; but at the same time the difficulty of working it would be increased; or, in other words, the red-short property it had acquired in the first melting would be dou- bly increased in the second, although a person who has not had the experience would very naturally conclude, that as the metal kept retrograding to the state of mal- leable iron, in the same proportion it would acquire all the properties of the metal in that state. When taking this view of the subject, it would appear that the difference between these two kinds of steel must arise from some other cause than that pointed out by Dr. Thomson. " When the iron has absorbed a quantity of carbon in the blister steel furnace, suffi- cient to constitute steel of a proper degree of hardness, and the heat after this is con- tinued to be kept up, the steel will keep absorbing more and more carbon. The fusibility of it will continue to increase, just in the same proportion, till at last it becomes so fusible, that even the limited heat of a blister steel furnace brings it down; and just at the time it is passing to the fluid state, it takes so great a quantity of charcoal, as changes it from the state of steel to that of cast iron. It appears to me, that the charcoal is combined in rich cast iron, in the mechanical state, and not in the chemical, as in steel. " With this you will receive a specimen from the blister steel furnace. The frac- ture of the bar will show you steel in the highest state of combination with carbon in which it can exist; and another part of the same fracture presents the transition from the state of steel to that of cast iron. Should you require it, I will send you a specimen of cast steel in the ingot, and from the same ingot, one in the hammered state. I am," &c. "John Buttery."* * Steinheilite. Blue quartz of Fin- land.* * Stibium. Antimony.* •Stilbite, or Pyramidal Zeolite. See Zeolite.* * Stilpnosiderite. Colour brown- ish-black. Massive, imitative, and in curv- ed concretions. Splendent, resinous. Frac- ture conchoidal. Opaque. Streak yellow- ish-brown. Hard in a low degree. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.77 With borax it gives a dark olive-green glass. Its constituents are, ox- ide of iron 80.5, silica 2.25, water 16, oxide of manganese a trace.— Ullmann. It is said STK to contain phosphoric acid. It occurs alonf with brown iron in Saxony and Bavaria. It is allied to meadow iron-ore.* * Stones. See Analysis, Earths, Geology, Meteorolite, and Mine- ralogy.* * Stinkstone, or Swinestonk. A variety of. compact lucullite, a sub-species of lime-stone.* * Strahlstein. Actinolite.* Strontia. About 35 years ago a mi- neral was brought to Edinburgh by a deal- er in fossils, from a lead-mine at Strontian in Argyllshire, which was generally consi- dered as a carbonate of barytes. It has since been found near Bristol, in France, in Sicily, and in Pennsylvania. Dr. Craw- ford first observed some differences be- tween its solution in muriatic acid, and that obtained from the carbonate of barytes of Anglezark, and thence supposed it to be a new earth. Dr. Hope of Edinburgh had entertained the same opinion, and confirm- ed it by experiments in 1791. Kirwan, Klaproth, Pelletier, and Sulzer did the same. The carbonic acid may be expelled by a heat of 140° of Wedgwood, leaving the strontia behind; or by dissolving in the nitric acid, and driving this off by heat. Pure strontia is of a grayish-white co- lour; a pungent acrid taste; and when pow- dered in a mortar, the dust that rises irri- tates the lungs and nostrils. Its specific gravity approaches that of barytes. It re- quires rather more than 160 parts of water at 60° to dissolve it; but of boiling water much less. On cooling, it crystallizes in thin, transparent, quadrangular plates, ge- nerally parallelograms, seldom exceeding a quarter of an inch in length, and fre- quently adhering together. The edges are most frequently bevelled from each side. Sometimes they assume a cubic form. These crystals contain about 68 of water; are soluble in 51.4 times their weight of water at 60°, and in little more than twice their weight of boiling water. They give a blood-red colour to the flame of burning alcohol The solution of strontia changes vegetable blues to a green. Strontia com- bines with sulphur either in the wet or dry way, and its sulphuret is soluble in water. In its properties, strontia has a consider- able affinity to barytes. It differs from it chiefly in being infusible, much less solu- ble, of a different form, weaker in its affi- nities, and not poisonous. Its saline com- pounds afford differences more marked.— Edinburgh Trans. * The basis of strontia, is strontium, a metal first procured by Sir H. Davy in 1808, precisely in the same manner as ba- rium, to which it is very analogous, but has less lustre. It appeared fixed, diffi- cultly fusible, and not volatile. It became converted into strontia by exposure to air', STR STR and when thrown into water, decomposed it with great violence, producing hydrogen gas, and making the water a solution of strontia. By igniting the mineral stronti- anite (see Heavy Spar) intensely with charcoal powder, strontia is cheaply pro- cured. Sir H. Davy, from indirect experi- ments, is disposed to regard it as com- posed of about 86 strontium -f- 14 oxygen, in 100 parts; and supposing it to be com- posed of a prime proportion of each con- stituent, the equivalent prime of strontium would be 6.143, and of strontia 7.143. But from the proportions ofthe constituents in the carbonate; the prime of strontia appears to be 6.4 or 6.5; and hence that of stron- tium will be 5.5. The beautiful red fire which is now so frequently used at the theatres, is com- posed of the following ingredients: 40 parts dry nitrate of strontian, 13 parts of finely powdered sulphur, 5 parts of chlorate of potash (hyperoxymuriate), and 4 parts of sulphuret of antimony. The chlorate of potash and sulphuret of antimony should be powdered separately in a mortar, and then mixed together on paper; after which they may be added to the other ingredi- ents, previously powdered and mixed. No other kind of mixture than rubbing to- gether on paper is required. Sometimes a little realgar is added to the sulphuret of antimony, and frequently when the fire burns dim and badly, a very small quan- tity of very finely powdered charcoal or lampblack will make it perfect. For the saline combinations of strontia, see the Acids at the begining of the Dic- tionary, or Dr. Hope's excellent original dissertation on this earth, in the Edin. Phil. Trans, for 1790.* • Strontianite. See Heavy Spar.* * Strontites. The same as strontia.* • Strontium. The metallic base of strontia.* * Strychnia. This alkaline substance was detected by Pelletier and Caventou in the fruit of the strychnos mix vomica, and strychnos ignatia, about the end of the year 1818. It was obtained from the bean of the strychnos ignatia by the following process: The bean was rasped down as small as possible. It was then exposed to the action of nitric ether in a Papin's di- gester. The residue, thus deprived of a quantity of fatty matter, was digested in alcohol as long as that reagent was capa- ble of dissolving any thing. The alcoholic solutions vJpe evaporated to dryness, and the residue redissolved in water. Caustic potash being dropped into the solution, a white crystalline precipitate fell, which was strychnia. It was purified by washing it in cold water, dissolving it in alcohol, and crystallizing it. Strychnia was obtain- ed likewise from the bean of the strychnos ignatia by boiling the infusion of the bean with magnesia, in the same manner as Ro- biquet had obtained morphia from the in- fusion of opium. The properties of strychnia, when in a state of purity, are as follows: It is crystallized in very small four-sided prisms, terminated by four-sided low pyra- mids. It has a white colour, its taste is in- tolerably bitter, leaving a metallic impres- sion in the mouth. It is destitute of smell. It is not altered by exposure to the air. It is neither fusible nor volatile, except at temperatures at which it undergoes decom- position. It is charred at the temperature at which oil enters into ebullition (about 580*). When strongly heated, it swells up, blackens, gives out empyreumatic oil, a little water and acetic acid; carbonic acid and carburetted hydrogen gases are dis- engaged, and a bulky charcoal remains be- hind. When heated with peroxide of cop- per, it gives out only carbonic acid gas and water. It is very little soluble in cold wa- ter, 100,000 parts of that liquid dissolving only 15 parts of strychnia; but it dissolves in 2500 times its weight of boiling water. A cold solution of strychnia in water may be diluted with 100 times its volume of that liquid without losing its bitter taste. When strychnia is introduced into the stomach, it acts with prodigious energy. A locked jaw is induced in a very short time, and the animal is speedily destroyed. Half a grain of strychnia blown into the throat of a rabbit proved fatal in five minutes, and brought on locked jaw in two minutes. Sulphate of strychnia is a salt which crys- tallizes in transparent cubes, soluble in less than ten times its weight of cold water. Its taste is intensely bitter, and the strychnia is precipitated from it by all the soluble salifiable bases. It is not altered by expo- sure to the air. In the temperature of 212° it loses no weight, but becomes opaque. At a higher temperature ft melts, and speedily congeals again, with a loss of three per cent of its weight. At a still higher temperature it is decomposed and charred. Its constituents are, Sulphuric acid, 9.5 5.00 Strychnia, 90.5 47.63 100.0 Muriate of strychnia crystallizes in very small needles, which are grouped together, and before the microscope exhibit the form of quadrangular prisms. When exposed to the air, it becomes opaque. It is more solu- ble in water than the sulphate, has a similar taste, and acts with the same violence upon the animal economy as all the other salts of strychnia. When heated to the tempera- ture at which the base is decomposed, it allows the muriatic acid to escape. SULS sun Phosphate of strychnia crystallizes in four-sided prisms. It can only be obtained neutral by double decomposition. Nitrate of strychnia can be obtained only by dissolving strychnia in nitric acid, dilut- ed with a great deal of water. The satu- rated solution, when cautiously evaporated, yields crystals of neutral nitrate in pearly needles. This salt is much more soluble in hot than in cold water. Its taste is ex- ceedingly bitter, and it acts with more vio- lence upon the animal economy than pure strychnia. It seems capable of uniting with an excess of acid. When heated, it be- comes yellow, and undergoes decomposi- tion. It is slightly soluble in alcohol, but is insoluble in ether. When concentrated nitric acid is poured upon strychnia, it immediately strikes an amaranthine colour, followed by a shade similar to that of blood. To this colour succeeds a tint of yellow, which passes afterwards into green. By this action the strychnia seems to be altered in its pro- perties, and to be converted into a sub- stance still capable of uniting with acids. Carbonate of strychnia is obtained in the form of white flocks, little soluble in water, but soluble in carbonic acid. Acetic, oxalic, and tartaric acids form with strychnia neutral salts, which are very soluble in water, and more or less capable of crystallizing. They crystallite best when they contain an excess of acid. The neu- tral acetate is very soluble, and crystallizes with difficulty. Hydrocyanic acid dissolves strychnia, and forms with it a crystallizable salt. Strychnia combines neither with sulphur nor carbon. When boiled with iodine, a solution takes place, and iodate and hydri- odate of strychnia are formed. Chlorine acts upon it precisely in the same way. Strychnia, when dissolved in alcohol, has the property of precipitating the greater number of m£allic oxides from their acid solutions. It is precipitated by the alkalis and alkaline earths; but the effect of the earths proper has not been tried. See Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. x. 142.* •Suber. Cork. See Cerin, and Acid (Suberic).* Sublimation is a process by which vo- latile substances are raised by heat, and again condensed in the solid form. This operation is founded on the same principles as distillation, and its rules are the same, as it is nothing but a dry distil- lation. Therefore all that has been said on the article Distillation is applicable here, especially in those cases where sub- limation is employed to separate volatile substances from others which are fixed or less volatile. Sublimation is also used in other cases: for instance, to combine volatile matters together, as in the operation of the subli- mates of mercury; or to collect some vola- tile substances, as sulphur, the acid of bo- rax, and all the preparations called flowers. The apparatus for sublimation is very simple. A matrass or small alembic is ge- nerally sufficient for the sublimation of small quantities of matter. But the ves- sels and the method of managing the fire, vary according to the nature of the matters which are to be sublimed, and according to the form which is to be given to the sub- limate. The beauty of some sublimates consists in their being composed of very fine, light parts, such as almost all those called flow- ers; as flowers of sulphur, of benzoin, and others of this kind. When the matters to be sublimed are at the same time volatile, a high cucurbit, to which is adapted a ca- pital, and even several capitals placed one upon another, are employed. The subli- mation is performed in a sand-bath, with only the precise degree of heat requisite to raise the substance which is to be sub- limed, and the capitals are to be guarded as much as possible from heat. The height of the cucurbit and of the capitals seems well contrived to accomplish this intention. When along with the dry matter which is to be collected in these sublimations, a certain quantity of some liquor is raised, as happens in the sublimation of acid of borax, and in the rectification of volatile concrete alkali, which is a kind of subli- mation, a passage and a receiver for these liquors must be provided. This is conve- niently done by using the ordinary capital of the alembic, furnished with a beak and a receiver. Some sublimates are required to be in masses as solid and compact as their na- tures allow. Of this number are camphor, muriate of ammonia, and all the subli- mates of mercury. The properest vessels for these sublimations are bottles or ma- trasses, which are to be sunk more or less deeply in sand, according to the volatility and gravity of the matters that are to be sublimed. In this manner of subliming, the substances having quitted the bottom ofthe vessel, adhere to its upper part; and as this part is low and near the fire, they there suffer a degree of heat sufficient to give them a kind of fusion. The art, there- fore, of conducting these sublimations con- sists in applying such a degree of heat, or in so disposing the sand (thafe is, making it cover more or less the matrfsf), that the heat in the upper part of the matrass shall be sufficient to make the sublimate adhere to the glass, and to give it such a degree of fusion as is necessary to render it com- pact; but at the same time this heat must not be so great as to force the sublimate through the neck of the matrass, and dis- SUG SUG sipate it. These conditions are not easily to be attained, especially in great works. Many substances may be reduced into flowers and sublimed, which require for this purpose a very great heat, with the ac- cess of free air and even the contact of coals, and therefore cannot be sublimed in close vessels. Such are most soots or flowers of metals, and even some saline substances. When tliese sublimates are required, the matters from which they are to be separated must be placed among burning coals in open air; ami the flowers are collected in the chimney of the furnace in which the ope- ration is performed. The tutty, calamine, or pompholix, collected in the upper part of furnaces in which ores are smelted, are sub- limates of this kind. Suusalt. A salt having an excess of base beyond what is requisite for saturating the acid, as supersalt'xs one with an excess of the acid. Thus sulphate of potash is the neutral compound of sulphuric acid and potash; sub- sulphate of potash, a compound ofthe 6ame ingredients, in which there is an excess of base; supersulphate of potash, a compound of the same acid and the same base, in which there is an excess of acid. The term was introduced by Dr Pearson. * Succinates. Compounds of succinic acid with the salifiable bases* * Succinic Acid. See Acin (Succinic )* Suuar is a constituent part of vegetables, existing in considerable quantities in a num- ber of plants. It is afforded by the maple, the birch, wheat, and Turkey corn. Mar- graaf obtained it from the roots of beet, red beet, skirret, parsnips, and dried grapes. The process of this chemist consisted in di- gesting these r< >ots, rasped, or finely divided, in alcohol. This fluid dissolves the sugar; and leaves the extractive matter untouched, which falls to Ae bottom. In Canada, the inhabitants extract sugar from the maple. At the commencement of spring, they heap snow in the evening at the foot ofthe tree, in which they previous- ly make apertures for the passage ofthe re- turning sap. Two hundred pounds of this jdce, afford by evaporation fifteen ofa brown- ish sugar. The quantity prepared annually, amounts to fifteen thousand weight. Dr. Rush, in the Transactions of the Ame- rican Philosophical Society, vol iii. has given an account at length, of the sugar maple tree, of which the following is a short ab- stract;— The ucer saccharinum of Linnxus, or su- gar maple tree, grows in great quantities in the western counties of all the middle States of the American Union. It is as tall as the oak, and from two to three feet in diameter; puts forth a white blossom in the spring, before any appearance of leaves; its small branches afford sustenance for cattle, aud its ashes afford a large quantity of ex- VOL. II. cellent potash. Twenty years are required for it to attain its full growth. Tapping does not injure it; but, on the contrary, it affords more sirup, and of a better quality, the oftener it is tapped. A single tree has not only survived, but flourished, after tap- ping, tor forty years. Five or six pounds of sugar are usually afforded by the sap of one tree; though there are instances of the quan- tity exceeding twenty pounds. The sugar is separated from the sap either by freezing, by spontaneous evaporation, or by boiling. The latter method is the most used. Dr. Rush describes the process; which is sim- ple, and practised without any difficulty by the farmers. From frequent trials of this sugar, it does not appear to be in any respect inferior to that ofthe West Indies. It is prepared at a time of the year when neither insect, nor the pollen of plants exist to vitiate it, as is the case with common sugar. From calcu- lations grounded on facts, it is ascertained, that America is now capable of producing a surplus of one-eighth more than its own consumption; that is, on the whole, about 135,000,000 pounds; which, in the country, may be valued at fifteen pounds weight for one dollar. The Indians likewise extract sugar from the pith of the bamboo. The beet has lately been much cultivated in Germany, for the purpose of extracting sugar from its root. For this the roots are taken up in autumn, washed clean, wiped, sliced lengthwise, strung on threads, and hung up to dry. From these the sugar is extracted by maceration in a small quantity ot water; drawing off this upon fresh roots, and adding fresh water to the first roots, which is again to be employed the same way, so as to get out all their sugar, and sa- turate the water as much as possible with it. This water is to be strained and boiled down for the sugar. Some merely express the juice from the fresh roots, and boil this down; others boil the roots; but the sugar extracted in either of these ways is not equal in quality to the first. Professor Lampadius obtained from 110 lbs. ofthe roots, 4 lbs of well grained white powder sugar; and the residuums afforded 7 pints of a spirit resembling rum. Achard says, that about a ton of roots produced him a 100 lbs. of raw sugar; which gave 55 lbs. of refined sugar, and 25 lbs. of trea- cle. But the sugar which is so universally used, is afforded by the sugar cane (arundo sac- chuiiferu,) which is raised in our colonies. When this plant is ripe, it is cut down, and crushed by passing it between iron cylinders placed perpendicularly, and moved by wa- ter or animal strength. The juice which flows out bv this strong pressure is receive^ sr SUG SUG in a shallow trough placed beneath the cy- linder. This juice is called in the French su- gar colonies vesou; and the cane, after hav- ing undergone this pressure, i> called be- gasse. The juice is more or less saccharine, according to the nature ofthe soil on which the cane has grown, and the weather that has predominated dining its growth. It is aqueous when the soil or the weather has been humid; and in contrary circumstances it is thick and glutinous. The juice of the cane is conveyed into Doilers, where it is hoiled with wood ashes and lime. It is subjected to the same ope- ration in three several boilers, care being taken to remove the scum as it rises. In this state it is called sirup; and is again boiled with lime and alum till it is sufli- cieivlv concentrated, when it is poured into a vessel ca led the cooler. In this vessel it is agitated with wooden stirrers, which break the crust as it forms on the surface. It is afterward poured into casks, to accelerate its cooling; and while it is still warm, it is conveyed inio barrels standing upright over a cistern, and pierced through their bottom with several holes stopped with cane. The sirup which is not condensed filters tlirough these canes into the cistern beneath; and leaves the su^ar in the state called coarse sugar, or muscovado. This sugir is yellow and fat, and is purified in the islands in the following manner. The sirup is boiled, and poured into conical earthen vessels, having a small perforation at the apex, which is kept closed. Each cone, reversed on its apex, is supported in another earthen ves- sel The sirup is stirred together, and then left to crystallize. At the end of fifteen or sixteen hours, he hole in the point of each cone is opened, that the impure sirup may run out. The base of these sugar loaves is then taken out, and white pulverized sugar substituted in its stead; which being well pressed down, the whole is covered with clay, mdstened with water. This water filters through the muss, carrying the sirup with it which was mixed with the sugar, but which by this management flows into a pot substituted in the place of the first. Tiiis second fluid is called fine sirup. Care is t*ken to moisten and keep the clay to a proper degree of softness, as it becomes dry. The sugar loaves are af'terward taken out, and dried in a stove for eight or ten days; after which they are pulverised, packed, and exp< ried to Europe, where they are still far- ther purified. The operation of the French sugar re- finers consists in dissolving the cassonade, or clayeil sugar, in lime-water., Bullocks' b'oou is added, to promote the clarifying; a.d, when the liquor begins to boil, the heat is diminished, and the scum carefully tak«.n off. It is in the next place concen- trated by a brisk heat; aud, as it boils up, a small quantity of butter is thrown in, tu moderate its agitation. When the boiling is sufficiently effected, the fire is put out; the liquor is poured into moulds, and agi- tated, to mix the sirup together with the grain sugar already formed. When the whole is cold, the moulds are opened, and the loaves are covered with moistened clay, which is renewed from time to time till the sugar is well cleansed from its sirup. The loaves being then taken out of the moulds, are carried to a stove, where they are gra- dually heated to 145° F. They remain in this stove eight days, after which they are wrapped in blue paper for sale. The several sirups, treated by the same methods, afford sugars of inferior qualities; and the iast portion, which no longer affords any crystals, is sold by the name of molasses. The Spaniards use this molasses in the pre- paration of sweetmeats. A solution of sugar, much less concen- trated than that we have just been speaking of, lets fall by repose crystals, which affect the form of tetrahedral prisms, terminated by dihedral summits, and known by the name of sugarcandy. The preceding account of the manufac- ture of sugar in the colonies is chiefly ex- tracted from Chaptal. The following is taken from Edwards' History of the West Indies, the authority of which is indubita- ble. Such planters as are not fortunately fur- nished with the means of grinding theircanes by water, are at this season frequently im- peded by the failure or insufficiency of their mills; for though a sugar mill is a very sim pie contrivance, yet great force is requisite to make it vanquish the resistance which it necessarily meets with. It principally con- sists of three upright iron rollers or cylind- ers, from thirty to forty inch^ in length, and from twenty to twenty-five inches in dia- meter; and the middle one, to which the moving power is applied, turns the other two by me^ns of cogs. The canes, which are previously cut short and tied into bundles, are twice compressed between these rollers; for after they have passed through the first and second rollers, they are turned round the middle one by a piece of frame work of a circular form, which is called in Jamaica the dumb-returner, and forced back through the second and third By this operation they are squeezed completely dry, and some- times even reduced to powder. The cane- juice is received in a leaden bed, and thence conveyed into a vessel called the receiver The refuse, or macerated rind of the cane, which is called cane-trash, serves for fuel to boil the liquor. The juice from the mill usually contains eight parts of pure water, one part of sugar, and one part made up of gross oil and mu- cilage, with a portion of essential oil. The SUG SUG proportions are taken at a medium; for some juice has been so rich as to make a hogshead or sixteen hundred weight of sugar from thirteen hundred gallons, and some is so watery as to require more than double that quantity. The richer the juice is, the less it abounds with redundant oil and gum; so that very little knowledge of the contents of any other quantity can be obtained by the most exact analysis of any one quantity of juice. The following matters are likewise usually contained in cane-juice. Some ofthe green tops, which serve to tie the canes in bundles, are often ground in, and yield a raw acid juice exceedingly disposed to ferment and render the whole liquor sour. Beside these they grind in some pieces of the ligneous part of the cane, some dirt, and lastly, a substance of some importance, which may be called the crust. This substance is a thin black coat of matter that surrounds the cane between the joints, beginning at each joint, and gradually growing thinner the farther from the joint upwards, till the upper part between the joints appears entirely free from it, and resumes its bright \ ellow co- lour. It is a fine black powder, that mixes with the clammy exudations from the cane; and as the fairness of the sugar is one symp- tom of its goodness, a small quantity of this crust must very much prejudice the commodity. The sugar is obtained by the following process:—The juice or liquor runs from the receiver to the boiling-house, along a wood- en gutter fined with lead. In the boiling- house, it is received into one ofthe copper pans or caldrons, called clarifiers. Of these there are generally three; and their dimen. sions are determined by the power of sup- plying them with liquor. There are wa- ter mills that will grind with great facility sufficient for thirty hogsheads of sugar in a week. Methods of quick boiling cannot be dispensed with on plantations thus fortunate- ly provided; for otherwise the cane liquor would unavoidably become tainted before it could be exposed to the fire. The purest cane-juice will not remain twenty minutes in the receiver without fermenting. Hence, clarifiers are sometimes seen of one thou- sand gallons each. But on plantations that, during crop time, make from fifteen to twen- ty hogsheads of sugar a-week, three clari- fiers of three or four hundred gallons each are sufficient. The liquor, when clarified, may be drawn off at once, with pans of this size, and there is leisure to cleanse the vessels every time they are used. Each cla- rifier is furnished either with a siphon or cock for drawing off the liquor. It has a flat bottom, and is hung to a sepaiate fire, each chimney having an iron slider, which, when shut, causes the fire to be extinguished through want of air § As soon as the stream from the receiver has filled the clarifier with fresh liquor, and the fire is lighted, the temper, which is ge- nerally Bristol white-lime in powder, is stir- red into it. This is done, in order to neu- tralize the superabundant acid, and to get rid of which is the greatest difficulty in su- gar making. Alkali, or lime, generally ef- fects this; and at the same time, part of it is said to become the basis of the sugar. Mr. Edwards affirms, that it affects both the smell and taste of the sugar. It falls to the bottom of the pans in a black insoluble mat- ter, which scorches the bottom of the ves- sels, and cannot without difficulty be de- tached from them. But, in order that less of the lime may be precipitated to the bot- tom, little more than half a pint of Bristol lime should be allowed to every hundred gallons of liquor, and Mr. Bousie's method of dissolving it in boiling water previous to mixing it with the cane-juice should be adopted t As the force ofthe fire increases, and the liquor grows hot, a scum is thrown up, which is formed of the gummy matter of the cane, with some ofthe oil, and such impurities as § The clarifiers are generally placed in the middle or at one end of the boiling- house. M'hen they are placed at one end, the boiler called the teache is placed at the other, and three boilers are usually ranged between them. The teache commonly holds from 70 to 100 gallons, and the boilers be- tween the clarifiers and teache diminish in size from the first to the last. But when the clarifiers are in the middle, there is gene- nerally a set of three boilers on each side, which in effect forma double boiling-house. This arrangement is veiy necessary on large estates. t Mr. Bousie, to whom, for his improve- ments in the art of sugar-boiling, the Assem- bly of Jamaica gave 1000/, in a paper which he distributed among the members, recom- mends the use of vegetable alkali, or ashes of wood, such as pimento tree, dumb cane, fern tree, cashew, or logwood, as affording a better temper than quicklime. Afterward, however, he was convinced, that sugar form- ed on the basis of fixed alkaline salts never stands the sea, unless some earth is united to the salts Such earth as approaches near- est to the basis of alum, Mr. Edwards thinks, would be most proper; and it deserves to be inquired, how far a proper mixture of vege- table alkaline salts and lime might prove a better temper than either lime or alkaline salts alone. In some parts of Jamaica, where the cane-liquor was exceedingly rich, Mr. Bousie made very good sugar without a par tide of temper. SUG SUG the mucilage is able to entangle. The heat is now suffered to increase gradually till it nearly rises to the heat of boiling water. The liquor, however, must by no means be suffered to boil. When the scum begins to rise into blisters, which break into white froth, and gene-ally appear in about forty minutes, it is known to be sufficiently heat- ed. Then the damper is applied, and the fire extinguished; and, if circumstances will admit, the liquor after this is suffered to re- main a full hour undisturbed. In the next place, it is carefully drawn off, either by a si- phon, which draws up the clear fluid through the scum, or by means of a cock at the bot- tom. In either case, the scum sinks down without breaking as the liquor flows; for its tenacity prevents any admixture. The liquor is received into a gutter or channel, which conveys it to the evaporating boiler, commonly called the grand copper; and if produced at first from good and untainted canes, it will then appear almost transpa- rent. In the grand or evaporating copper, which should be sufficiently large to receive the net contents of one of the clarifiers, the li- quor is suffered to boil, and the scum, is it rises, is continually taken off by large scum- mers, till the liquor becomes finer and some- what thicker. This operation is continued, till the subject is so reduced in quantity, that it may be contained in the next or se- cond copper, into which it is then ladled. The liquor is now almost of the colour of Madeira wine. In the second copper the boiling and scumming are continued; and if the subject be not so clean as is expected, lime-water is thrown into it. This addition not only serves to give more temper, but likewise to dilute the liquor, which some- times thickens too fast to permit the fecu- lencies to rise in the scum. W hen the froth in boiling arises in large bubbles, and is not much discoloured, the liquor is said to hav« a favourable appearance in the second cop- per. When, in consequence of such scum- ming and evaporation, the liquor is again so reduced, that it may be contained in the third copper, it is ladled into it, and so on to the last copper, which is called the^teache. This arrangement supposes four boilers or coppers, besides the three clarifiers. In the teache the subject undergoes an- other evaporation, till it is supposed boiled enough to be removed from the fire. This operation is usually called striking, t. e. lad- Dngthe liquor, which is now exceeding thick, into the cooler. The cooler, of which there are generally six, is a shallow wooden vessel, about eleven inches deep, seven feet in length, and from five to six feet wide. A cooler of this size holds a hogshead of sugar. Here the sugar grains, *'. e. as it cools, it runs into a coarse irregular mass of imperfec* crvstal*, «ep!t< rating itself from the molasses From the. cooler it is taken to the curing-house, where the molasses drains from it.§ But here it may he proper to notice tli*— rule for knowing when the subject is fit to be ladled from the teache to the cooler. Ma- ny of the negro boilers, from long habit, guess accurately by the eye alone, judging by the appearance of the grain on the bark of the ladle; but the practice generally adopted is to judge by what is called the touch, i. e. taking up with the thumb a small portion of the hot liquor from the ladle, and, as the heat diminishes, drawing with the fore- finger the liquid into a thread. This thread will suddenly break and shrink from the thumb to the suspended finger, in different lengths, according as the liquor is more or less boiled. A thread of a quarter' of an inch long generally determines the pro- per boiling height for strong musco\ado sugai'4 The curing-house is a large airy building, provided with a capacious molasses cistern, the sides of which are sloped and lined with terras, or boards. A frame of massy joist- work without boarding, is placed over tliis cistern; and empty hogsheads without head- ings are ranged on the joints of this frame. Eight or ten holes are bored in the bottoms of these hogsheads, and through each of the holes the stalk of a plantain leaf is § It is necessary to observe in this place, that, in order to obtain a large-grained su- gar, it must be suffered to cool slowly and gradually. If the coolers be too shallow, the grain is injured in a surprising man- ner. \ The vessel called the teache probably derived its name from this practice of trying by the touch (tactio.) Some years ago, John Proculus Baker, Esq. barrister at law, re- commended to the public a method more scientific and certain, in a treatise which he published in 1775, entitled, An Essay on the Art of making Muscovado Sugar. It is as follows:«' Provide a 9mall thin pane of clear crown glass, set in a frame, which I would call a tryer; on this drop two or three drops ofthe subject, one on the other, and carry your tryer out ofthe boiling-house into the air. Observe your subject, and more parti- cularly whether it grain freely, and whether a small edge of molasses separate at the bot- tom. I am well satisfied, that a little expe- rience will enable you to judge what appear- ance the whole skip will put on when cold, by this specimen, which is also cold. This method is used by chemists, to try evapo- rated solutions of all other salts: it may seem therefore somewhat strange, it has not been long adopted in the boiling- house." SUG FUG Vbffi«t six or eight inches below the joists, and long enough to stand upright above the top of the hogshead. Irto these hogs- heads, the mass from the cooler is put, which is called potting; and the molasses drains through the spongy stalk, and drops into the cistern, whence it is occasionally taken for distillation. In the space of three weeks, the sugar becomes tolerably dry and fair. It is then said to be cured, and the process is finished. Sugar thus obtained is called muscovado, and is the raw material whence the British sugar-bakers chiefly make their loaf or re- fined lump. There is another sort, which was formerly much used in Great Britain for do- mestic purposes, and was generally known by the name of Lisbon sugar. In the West Indies, itis called clayed sugar; and the pro- cess of making it is as follows;— A quantity of sugar from the cooler is put into conical pots or pans, which the French call formes, with the points down- ward, having a hole about half an inch in diameter at the bottom, for the molasses to drain through, but which at first is closed with a plug. As soon as the sugar in these pots is cool, and becomes a fixed body, which is known by the middle of the top falling in, the plug is taken out, and the pot placed over a large jar, intended to receive the sirup or molasses that drain from it. In this state it is left as long as the molasses continues to drop, when a stratum of clay is spread on the sugar, and moistened with water. This, imperceptibly oozing through the pores of the clay, dilutes the molasses, in consequence of which more of it comes away than from sugar cured in the hogs- head, and the sugar of course becomes so much whiter and purer. Accordingto Sloane, the process was first discovered in Brasil, by accident: " A hen," says he, " having her feet dirty, going over a pot of sugar, it was found under her feet to be whiter than else- where." The reason assigned why this pro- cess is not universally adopted in the Brit- ish sugar islands is this, that the water which dilutes and carries away the molasses, dis- solves and carries with it so much of the su- gar, that the difference in quality does not pay for the difference in quantity. It is pro- bable, however, that the French planters are of a different opinion: for upwards of four hundred of the plantations of St. Domingo have the necessary apparatus for claying, and actually carry on the system. Sugar is very soluble in water, and is a good medium for uniting that fluid with oily matters. It is much used for domestic pur- poses, and appears on the whole to be a va- luable and wholesome article of food, the uses of which are most probably restricted by its high price. This price may in a cer- tain degree arise from the nature of the ar- ticle, and its original cost; but is no doubt in a great measure owinr? to the inhuman ard wasteful culture by slaves, and the ab- surd principles of European colonization, duties, drawbacks, and bounties, which. have the effect to create unnatural mono- polies, and to prevent commerce from find- ing its level. This is eminently the case with regard to our West-India islands, and their produce. It appeai-s that sugar has the property of rendering some of the earths soluble in water. This property was accidentally discovered by Mr. William Ramsay of Glas- gow. Being empWed in making experiments on sugar, and happening to put some quick- lime into a cold solution of it, he noticed, that it had acquired an uncommon caustic taste. Hence he concluded, that sugar possesses the property of dissolving a certain propor- tion of lime; and in order to ascertain its ca- pacity in this respect, experiments were made upon this earth, together with strontites, mag- nesia, and barytes. Sugar, dissolved in water at the tempera- ture of 50°, is capable of dissolving one-half of its weight of lime. The solution of lime in sugar is of a beau- tiful white-wine colour, and has the smell of fresh slaked quicklime It is precipitated from the solution, by the carbonic, citric, tartaric, sulphuric, and oxa- lic acids; and it is decomposed, by double affinity, by caustic and carbonated potash and soda, the citrate, tartrate, and oxalate of potash, &c. An equal weight of strontia, with the su- gar employed, is capable of being dissolved at the temperature of 212°, and of being re- tained in solution by the sugar at 50° of Fahrenheit. On exposing the crystals which had fallen down during the cooling of the li- quid, to the air of the atmosphere, they at- tracted carbonic acid, and effloresced. The solution of strontia in sugar is of a fine white-wine colour, and, like that of lime, has a peculiar caustic smell. This earth is precipitated by cnustic and carbo- nated potash and soda; also by the carbonic, citric, tartaric, sulphuric, and oxalic acids; and it is decomposed, by compound affinity, by tlie carbonates of potash and soda; also by the citrate, tartrate, and oxalate of pot- ash. The solution of magnesia in snip, like those of lime and strontia, was of a pure white colour, and had no sensible variation in smell or taste from the common solution of sugar, farther than that the sweet seemed much improved, and was softer and more agreeable to the palate, as if it were entirely freed from the earthy taste, which unrefined sugar frequently has On its remaining at rest for some months, in a bottle well corked, the magnesia appears to be entirely separated. SUG SUG Very little alumina is dissolved by a solu- lion of sugar, when fresh precipitated earth is presented to it, either in the cold or hot state. The union ofthe sugar with the alkalis, has been long known; but this is rendered more strikingly evident, by carbonated pot- ash or soda, for instance, decomposing the solutions of lime and strontia in sugar, by double affinity. In making solutions of unrefined sugar for culinary "purposes, a gray-coloured sub- stance is found frequently precipitated. It is probable, that this proceeds from a super- abundance of lime, which has been used in clarifying the juice of the sugar-cane at the plantations abroad. Sugar with this imper- fection is known among the refiners of this article by the name of weak. And it is justly termed so, the precipitated matter being no- thing but lime which has attracted carbonic acid from the sugar, (of which there is a great probability,) or from the air ofthe at- mosphere. A bottle in which I had kept a solution of lime in sugar for at least four years, closely corked, was entirely incrusted with a yellowish-coloured matter, which on examination was found to be entirely carbo- nate of lime. * In the ordinary refining of raw sugars, from twenty to thirty-five per cent of molasses are separated, of which a considerable part, probably two-thirds, are formed by the high heat used in the concentration of the sirup. Various plans have been contrived to dimi- nish this production of molasses. One of these consisted in surrounding the sugar- boiler with oil or steam at a high tempera- ture, instead of exposing it to a naked fire. In a second, the boiler is covered at top, and by means of an air-pump the atmospheric pressure is removed, so as to favour ebul- lition, and rapid evaporation, at moderate heats. The celebrated chemist, Mr. Howard, took out a patent for this plan, which is undoubt- edly the most scientific and productive of anv; but requires superior skill and very minute attention in the manufacturer. No blood is used for clarification. This is ac- complished by a system of most ingenious canvas filters, aided by the intermixture with the sirup, of a small quantity of pasty gypsum and alumina, made by saturating a solution of alum with quicklime. In the Unal purification, the base of the inverted sugar cone, is covered with a stratum of very pure saturated sirup, instead of moist pipe-clay. The third method is founded on the pro- perty which animal charcoal (bone-black) possesses, of destroying vegetable colouring matter. Perhaps the combination of the last two modes promises the best results. A fourth process for refining sugar is that •f Mr. Daniel Wilson, for which a patent was granted. The specification is in the 34th vol. ofthe Uepertarv, p. 134. The pan is to be charged with strong lime- water, the sugar .1.1(led, and the fire set in the usual manner. For every hundred weight of sugar used, a sdution is to be made of four ounces of sulphate of zinc, in as small a quantity of water as will dissolve it. When the sugar in the pan is melted, the solution of sulphate of zinc is added, and the whole well stirred. The oxide of zinc combines with the extractive matter, tannin and gallic acid, and renders them insoluble, while the sulphuric acid, in combination with the lime, becomes also insoluble. When raw sugar contains much acid, and a strong grain is required, take one ounce of lime in powder for every four ounces of sulphate of zinc, and as much water as will form a milk of lime, which is added to the solution of su- gar in the pan, about five minutes after the solution of sulphate of zinc has been added. This purification of sugar by separating im- purities chemically combined with it, is em- ployed with much advantage in conjunction with the patent filtering apparatus invented by Mr. John Sutherland. The solution of sugar brought to the boiling point is run through the filter, and afterwards boiled to a proof. Mr. Wilson boils the sirup in a pan, having a coil of tinned copper or pure tin tubes placed along its bottom and sides, through which a constant stream of strongly heated oil, or other fatty matter, is made to pass. The oxide of zinc, precipitated pre- viously by adding a solution of the salt to lime-water, is also recommended, as well as the oxide of tin. Mr. Kirchoff, an ingenious Russian chemist accidentally discovered, ihat starch is con- vertible into sugar, by being boiled for some time with a very dilute sulphuric acid. Saussure showtd, that 100 parts ot starch yield 110 of sugar. He concluded, that this sugar is merely a compound of water and starch. According to his analysis, starch con- sists of Oxygen, 55.87 Carbon, 37.29 Hydrogen, 6.84 100.00 Sugar of grapes, according to the same chemist, is composed of Oxygen, 56.51 Carbon, 36.71 Hydrogen, 6.78 100.00 Common sugar has been analyzed by ma- ny eminent chemists. The following is a general view of the results: SUG SUG Berzelius. Prout. Mean of 3. 49 856 53.33 43.265 39.99 6.879 6.66 Gay-Lussac and Thenard. Oxvgen, 50.63 Carbon, 42.47 Hydrogen, 6.90 100.00 100.000 100.00 For a view of the proportions of the con- stituents referred to equivalent primes or volumes, see Fekmf. station, column 4. I am happy to observe, that Dr. Prout's ex- perimental results agree with M. Gay-Lus- sac's theory, of sugar being a compound of 40 parts of carbon -f- 60 of water, or its ele- ments. By Berzelius' analysis, starch con- sists of Oxvgen, 49.5 Carbon, 43.5 Hydrogen, 7.0 100.0 The abstraction of a little hydrogen and carbon, would convert it into sugar. But no carbonic acid or other gas is e vtricated during the conversion, according to Vogel's experiments. I find that potatoes digested with dilute sulphuric acid, yields sugar cheap- ly and abundantly. The acid is afterwards re- moved by chalk; and the strained liquor left to repose, after due evaporation, affords crys- tals of sugar. From starch sugar, good beer has been made. I would recommend pota- toes for this purpose. They are washed, grated down, and treated with the dilute acid for a day or two at a temperature of 212°. M. Braconnot has recently extended our views concerning the artificial production of sugar and gum. Sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.827) mixed with well dried elm dust, be- eame very hot, and on being diluted with water, and neutralized with chalk, afforded a liquor, which became gummy on evapora- tion. Shreds of linen triturated in a glass mortar, with sulphuric aoid, yield a similar gum. Nitric acid has a similar power. If the gummy matter from hnen be boiled for some time with dilute sulphuric acid, we ob- tain a crystallizable sugar, and an acid, which M. Braconnot calls the vegeto-sulphuricacid. The conversion of wood also into sugar, will no doubt appear remarkable; and when per- sons not familiarized with chemical specula- tions are told, that a pound weight of rags can be converted into more than a pound weight of sugar, they may regard the state- ment as a piece of pleasantly, though no- thing, says M. Braconnot, can be more real- Silk is also convertible into gum by sul- phuric acid. Twelve grammes of glue, re- duced to powder, were digested with a double weight of concentrated sulphuric acid with- out artificial heat. In twenty hours the liquid was not more coloured than if mere water had been employed. A decilitre of water was then added, and the whole was boiled for 5 hours, with renewal ofthe water, from time to time, as it wasted. It was next diluted, saturated with chalk, filtered and evaporated to a sirupy consistence, and left in repose for a month. In this period a number of granular crystals had separated, which ad- hered pretty strongly to the bottom of the vessel, and had a very decided saccharine taste. This sugar crystallizes much more easily than cane sugar. The crystals are gritty under the teeth, like sugar-candy; and in the form of flattened prisms or tabu- lar groups. Its taste is nearly as saccha- rine as grape sugar; its solubility in water, scarcely e xceeds that of sugar of milk. Boil- ing alcohol, even when diluted, has no ac- tion on this sugar. By distillation it yields ammonia, indicating the presence of azote. This sugar combines intimately with nitric acid, without sensibly decomposing it, even with the assistance of heat, and there results a peculiar crystallized acid, to which the name nitro-saccharine has been given. An- nates de Cldmie, xii. or Tilloch's Magazine, vol 55, and 56. The varieties of sugar are; cane sugar, maple sugar, liquid sugar of fruits, sugar of figs, sugar of grapes, starch sugar, the mush- room sugar of Braconnot, manna, sugar of gelatin, sugarof honey, and sugar of diabetes. " The relation," says Dr. Prout, "which ex- ists between urea and sugar, seems to explain in a satisfactory manner the phenomena ol diabetes, which may be considered as a de- praved secretion of sugar. The weight of the atom of sugar, is just half that of the weight of the atom of urea; the absolute quantity of hydrogen in a given weight of both is equal; while the absolute quantities of carbon and oxygen in a given weight of sugar, are precisely twice those of urea." The constituents of these two bodies and lithic acid, are thus expressed by that inge- nious philosopher. Elements. Urea. Sugar. Lituic Acid. No. Per Atom. Per Cent. „- I Per Na | Atom. Per Cent. No. Pei-Atom. Per Cent. Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, Azote, 2 1 1 1 2.5 7.5 10.0 17.5 6.66 19.99 26.66 46.66 100.00 1 1 1 3 125 7.50 10.00 6.66 39.99 53.33 1 2 1 1 1.25 15.00 10.00 17.50 2.85 34.28 22.85 40.00 1 5 37.5 18.75 100.00 5 43.75 100.00 SUL SUL "flhe foregoing compounds appear to be formed by the union of more simple com- pounds; as sugar, of carbon and water; urea, of carburetted hydrogen and nitrous «>\ide; lithic acid, of cyanogen and water, tc. whence it is interred, that their artifi- cial formation falls within the limits of che- mical operations.* * Scuau oi- Lead. Acetate of lead. See Leah.* * Sulphates. Definite compounds of sulphuric acid with the salifiable bases. See Acm (StLrauaic,) and the respective bases.* * Sulphites. Definite compounds of sul- phurous acid with the bases.* * Sulfihr. Of native or prismatic sul- phur, there are two species, the common and volcanic; the former is of two kinds com- pact and earthy sulphur. § 1. Compact common sulphur. Colour sulphur-} ellow, and yellow of other shades. Massive, disseminated, and cr}stallized. Its primitive figure is a pvramid of 107° 19', and 84° 24'; basis — 102° 41'. The secon- dary figures are, the primitive variously truncated, or acuminated, and delicate aci- cular ciystuls. Shining or glimmering. Clea- vage prismatic and axifrangible. Fracture uneven. Translucent. Refracts double. Harder than talc. Brittle. When rubbed, it exhales a faint sulphureous smell, and be- comes resino-electric. Sp. gr. 1.9 to 2.1. It occurs in considerable abundance in pri- mitive mountains, in a state of combination with metals, forming the different genera of pyrites, glance and blende. In secondary mountains it is more abundant in the pure liiicombuied state. It is found in the island of Iceland, associated with gypsum; or in trusts investing alluvial substances. Aery superb specimens of crystallized suiphur are found at Conil near Cape Trafalgar. It oc- curs abundantly in Sicily, at Urbino in the Papal States, in Arragou in Spain, and Lau- tiistein in Hanover. § 2. Earthy common sulphur. Colour pale straw-}ellow. Massive and dissemi- nated. Dull. Fracture fine earthy. Opaque. Does not soil. Soft to friable. It occurs in cirusy cavities in flint, and along with the compact varieties, in gypsum and other rocks. 2. Volcanic sulphur. Colour pale sulphur- yellow. Massive, imitative, and crystallized in pyramids. Glistening, inclining to ada- mantine. I racture uneven. Slightly trans- lucent. It occurs abundantly at Solfatera in the neighbourhood of Vesuvius, and in Ice- Ltnd.—Jumcson.* * Sulphur. A simple inflammable body, of great importance in chemistry and the arts. To the properties above mentioned, we shall here add, that its fusing point is about 220° !•'>, before which temperature, it begins Xm evaporate. At 560*, it takes fire in the open air, and bums with a pale blue flame. When kept melted in an open ves- sel for some time, at about 300° F., it become* thick and viscid; and if it be then poured into a basin of water, it appeal's of a red co- lour, and ductile like wax. In this state, it is used for taking impressions of seals or medals. Its sp. gr. is 8aid to be increased from 1.99 to 2.325. This change is not owing to oxidation, for it takes place in close vessels. When a roll of sulphur is suddenly seized in a warm hand, it crackles, and sometime! falls in pieces. This is owing to the une- qual action of heat, on a body which con- ducts that power slowly, and which has lit- tle cohesion. If a mass of sulphur be melt- ed in a crucible, and after the surface begins to concrete, if the liquid matter below be al- lowed to run out, fine acicular cr\ stals of sulphur will be obtained. Sulphur is insoluble in water; but in small quantity in alcohol and ether, and more largely in oil Sulphur combines with oxygen in four definite proportions, constituting an inter- esting series of acids, See Acid (Swlpuu- ric ) From these combinations it is inferred, that the prime equivalentof sulphur is 2; and the density of its vapour is 1.111 = that of oxygen gas. Sulphur combines readily with chlorine. This compound was first made hy Dr. Thorn- son, who passed chlorine gas through flow- ers of sulphur. It may be made more ex- peditiously by heating sulphur in a retort containing chlorine. The sulphur and chlo- rine unite,and form a fluid substance, which is volatile, below 200° F., and distils into the cold part of the retort. This substance, seen by reflected light, appears of a red co- lour, but is yellowibh-green when seen by transmitted light. It smokes when exposed to air, and has an odour somewhat resemb- ling that of sea-weed, but much stronger; it affects the eyes like the smoke of peat. Its taste is acid, hot, and bitter. Ls sp. gr. i> 1.7. It does not redden perfectly dry paper tinged with litmus; when it is agitated in con- tact with water, the water becomes cloudy from the appearance of sulphur, and strong- ly acid, and it is found to contain oil of vi- triol. According to Sir H. Davy's experiments, 10 grains of pure sulphur absorb nearly 30 cubic inches of chlorine; so that the com- pound contains about 2. sulphur to 4.5 chlo- rine, or a prime equivalent of each. The compound formed in the manner above described, cannot be made to unite to more chlorine; but it can dissolve a consi- derable i- rtion of sulphur by heat, aud be- comes of a tawny-yellow colour. SUL SUL Iodide of sulphur is easily formed by mixing the two ingredients in a glass tube, and exposing them to such a heat as melts the sulphur. It is grayish-black, and has a radiated structure like that of sulphuret of antimony. When distilled with water, iodine is disengaged. Sulphur and hydrogen combine. Their union may be effected, by causing sulphur to sublime in dry hydrogen in a retort. There is no change of volume; but only a part of the hydrogen can be united with the sulphur in this mode of operating. The usual way of preparing sulphuretted hydrogen, is to pour a dilute sulphuric or muriatic acid, on the black sulphuret of iron or antimony in a retort. For accurate experiments, it should be collected over mercury. It takes fire when a lighted taper is brought in contact with it, and burns with a pale blue flame, depositing sulphur. Its smell is extremely fetid, re- sembling that of rotten eggs. Its taste is sour. It reddens vegetable blues. It is ab- sorbable by water, which takes more than an equal volume of the gas. Its sp. gr. ac- cording to MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, is to that of air, 1.1912 to 1.0. From Sir H. Davy's experiments, it would appear to be a little less, but he is inclined to adopt the results of the French chemists, rather than his own, as their gas was weighed in larger quantity, and dried. Notwith- standing this preference of other experi- ments to his own, we must prefer a num- ber nearer to Sir H. Davy's than M. Gay- Lussac's. Its true sp. gr. is 1.1805. 100 cu- bic inches weigh 36.006 gr.; and it consists of 1 volume vapour of sulphur = 1.1111. -+- 1 volume of hydrogen = 0.0694 = 1.1805; or a prime equivalent of each = 2.125. If platina wires be ignited in it, by the voltaic apparatus, it is rapidly decom- posed. Sulphur is deposited, and an equal volume of hydrogen remains. The same change is effected more slowly by the elec- tric spark. Of all the gases, sulphuretted hydrogen is perhaps the most deleterious to animal life. A greenfinch, plunged into air, which contains only ttoTT of its volume, perishes instantly. A dog of middle size is de- stroyed in air that contains 7g^' and a horse would fall a victim to an atmosphere containing^- Dr. Chaussier proves, that to kill an ani- mal, it is sufficient to make the sulphuret- ted hydrogen gas act on the surface of its body, when it is absorbed by the inhalants. He "took a bladder having a stop-cock at one end, and at the other an opening, into which he introduced the body of a rabbit, leaving its head outside, and securing the bladder air-tight round the neck by adhe- sive plaster. He then sucked the air out Vol. II. of the bladder, and replaced it by sulpha- retted hydrogen gas. A young animal in tliese circumstances, usually perishes in in 15 or 20 minutes. Old rabbits resist the poison much longer. When potassium or sodium is heated, merely to fusion, in contact with sulphu- retted hydrogen, it becomes luminous, and burns with extrication of hydrogen, while a metallic sulphuret remains, combined with sulphuretted hydrogen, or a sulphu- retted hydrosulphuret. Sulphuretted hydrogen combines with an equal volume of ammonia; and unites to alkalis and oxides, so that it has all the characters of an acid. These compounds are called hydrosulphurete. All the hydrosulphurets, soluble in water, have an acrid and bitter taste, and when in the liquid state, the odour of rotten eggs. All those which are insoluble, are, on the contrary, insipid and without smell. There are only two coloured hydrosulphurets, that of iron, which is black, and of anti- mony, which is chesnut-brown. All the hydrosulphurets are decomposed by the action of fire. That of magnesia is transformed into sulphuretted hydrogen and oxide of magnesium; those of potash and soda, into sulphuretted hydrogen, hy- drogen, and sulphuretted alkalis; those of manganese, zinc, iron, tin, and antimony, into water and metallic sulphurets. When we put in contact with the air, at the ordinary temperature, an aqueous so- lution of a hydrosulphuret, there results, in the space of some days, 1st, water, and a sulphuretted hydrosulphuret, which is yellow and soluble; 2d, water, and a co- lourless hydrosulphite, which, if its base be potash, soda, or ammonia, remains in solution in the water; but which falls down in acicular crystals, if its base be barytes, strontia, or lime. The acids in general combine with the base ofthe hydrosulphurets, and disengage sulphuretted hydrogen with a lively ef- fervescence, without any deposition of sulphur, unless the acid be in excess, and be capable, like the nitric and nitrous acids, of yielding a portion of its oxygen to the hydrogen of the sulphuretted hydrogen. The hydrosulphurets of potash, soda, ammonia, lime, and magnesia, are prepared directly, by transmitting an excess of sul- phuretted hydrogen gas, through these bases, dissolved or diffused in water. The composition of the hydrosulphurets is such, that the hydrogen of the sulphu- retted hydrogen, is to the oxygen of the oxide in the same ratio as in water. Hence, when we calcine the hydrosulphurets of iron, tin, &c. we convert them into water and sulphurets. Hydrosulphuret of potash crystallizes in 38 SUL SUL four-sided prisms, terminated by four-sided pyramids. Its taste is acrid and bitter. Exposed to the air, it attracts humidity, absorbs oxygen, passes to the state of a sulphuretted hydrosulphuret, and finally to that of a hydrosulphite. It is extremely soluble in water. Its solution in this liquid occasions a perceptible refrigeration. Sub- jected to heat, it evolves much sulphuret- ted hydrogen, and the hydrosulphuret pas- ses to the state of a sub-hydrosulphuret. Hydrosulphuret of soda crystallizes with more difficulty than the preceding. Hydrosulphuret of ammonia is obtained by the direct union of the two gaseous con- stituents in a glass balloon, at a low tem- perature. As soon as the gases mingle, transparent white or yellowish crystals are formed. When a mere solution of this hy- drosulphuret is wished for medicine or analysis, we pass a current of sulphuretted hydrogen through aqueous ammonia till saturation. The pure hydrosulphuret is white, trans- parent, and crystallized in needles or fine plates. It is very volatile. Hence, at or- dinary temperatures, it gradually sublimes into the upper part of the phials in which we preserve it. We may also by the same means separate it from the yellow sulphu- retted hydrosulphuret, with which it is oc- casionally mixed. When exposed to the air, it absorbs oxygen, passes to the state of a sulphuretted hydrosulphuret, and be- comes yellow. When it contains an excess of ammonia, it dissolves speedily in water, with the production of a very considerable coal. Sub-hydrosulphuret of barytes is prepared by dissolving, in five or six parts of boiling water, the sulphuret of the earth obtained by igniting the sulphate with charcoal. The solution, being filtered while hot, will deposite, on cooling, a multitude of crystals which must be drained, and speedily dried by pressure between the folds of blotting paper. It crystallizes in white scaly plates. It is much more soluble in hot than in cold water. Its solution is colourless, and capa- ble of absorbing, at the ordinary tempera- ture, a very large quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen. Sub-hydrosulphuret of strontites crystalli- zes in the same manner as the preceding. The crystals obtained in the same way must be dissolved in water; and the solution be- ing exposed to a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen, and then concentrated by eva- poration in a retort, will afford, on cooling, crystals of pure sub-hydrosulphuret. Hydrosulphurets of lime and magnesia have been obtained only in aqueous solu- tions. The metallic hydrosulphurets of any practical importance are treated of under their respective metals. When we expose sulphur to the action of a solution of a hydrosulphuret, saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen, so much more sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved, as the temperature is more elevated. But when the solution of hydrosulphuret, instead of being saturated, has a sufficient excess of alkali, it evolves no perceptible quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen, even at a boiling heat; although it dissolves as much sulphur as in its state of saturation. It hence fol- lows, 1st, That sulphuretted hydrogen, sul- phur,* and the alkalis, have the property of forming very variable triple combinations; 2d, That all these combinations contain less sulphuretted hydrogen than the hydrosul- phurets; and, 3d, That the quantity of sul- phuretted hydrogen is inversely as the sul- phur they contain, and reciprocally. These compounds have been called, in general, sulphuretted hydrosulphurets; but the name of hydrogenated sulphurets is more particularly given to those combinations which are saturated with sulphur at a high temperature, because, by treating them with acids, we precipitate a peculiar com- pound of sulphur and hydrogen, of which we shall now treat. This compound of hydrogen and sulphur, the proportions of the elements of which have not yet been accurately ascertained, is also called a hydruret of sulphur. It is formed by putting flowers of sulphur in contact with nascent sulphuretted hydro- gen. With this view, we take an aqueous solution of the hydrogenated sulphuret of potash, and pour it gradually into liquid muriatic acid, which seizes the potash, and forms a soluble salt, whilst the sulphur and sulphuretted hydrogen unite, fall down to- gether, collecting by degrees at the bottom of the vessel, as a dense oil does in water. To preserve this hydruret of sulphur, we must fill with it a phial having a ground stopper, cork it, and keep it inverted in a cool place. We may consider this sub- stance either as a combination of sulphur and hydrogen, or of sulphur and sulphu- retted hydrogen; but its properties, and the mode of obtaining it, render the latter the more probable opinion. The proportion of the constituents is not known. The most interestingof the hydrogenated sulphurets is that of ammonia. It was dis- covered by the Hon. Robert Boyle, and called his fuming liquor. To prepare it, we take one part of muriate of ammonia and of pulverized quicklime, and half a part of flowers of sulphur. After mixing them intimately, we introduce the mixture into an earthen or glass retort, taking care that none of it remains in the neck. A dry cooled receiver is connected to the retort by means of a long adopter-tube. The heat must be urged slowly almost to redness. A yellowish liquor condenses in the receiv. er, which is to be put into a phial with its SUM SWE own weight of flowers of sulphur, and agi- tated with it seven or eight minutes. The greater part of the sulphur is dissolved, the colour ofthe mixture deepens remark- ably, and becomes thick, constituting the hydrogenated sulphuret. The distilled liquor diffuses, for a long time, dense vapour in ajar full of oxygen or common air; but scarcely any in azote or hydrogen; and the dryness or humidity ofthe gases makes no difference in the ef- fects. It is probably owing to the oxygen converting the liquor into a hydrogenated sulphuret, or perhaps to the state of sul- phite, that the vapours appear. Hydrogenated sulphurets are frequently Called hydroguretted sulphurets. Sulphur combines with carbon, forming an interesting compound, to which the name of sulphuret of carbon is sometimes given. I have described it under the title Carburet of Sulphur. For the com- binations of sulphur and phosphorus, see the latter article.* • Sulphuretted Chyaxic Acid. See Acid (Sulphuro-Prussic).* •Sulphuric Acid. See Acid (Sul- phuric).* • Sulphurous Acid. See Acid (Sul- phurous).* Sumach. Common sumach (rhus coria- ria) is a shrub that grows naturally in Sy- ria, Palestine, Spain, and Portugal. In the two last, it is cultivated with great care. Its shoots are cut down every year quite to the root, and, after being dried, they are reduced to powder by a mill, and thus pre- pared for the purposes of dyeing and tan- ning. The sumach cultivated in the neigh- bourhood of Montpellier, is called ridoul, or roudou. Mr. Hatchett found, that an ounce con- tains about 78 or 79 grains of tannin. Sumach acts on a solution of silver just as galls do; it reduces the silver to its me- tallic state; and the reduction is favoured by the action of light. Of all astringents sumach bears the great- est resemblance to galls. The precipitate, however, produced in solutions of iron by an infusion of it is less in quantity than what is obtained by an equal weight of galls; so that in most cases it may be sub- stituted for galls, the price of which is con- siderable, provided we proportionally in- crease its quantity. Sumach alone gives a fawn colour, incli- ning to green; but cotton stuffs, which have been impregnated with printer's mordant, that is, acetate of alumina, take a pretty good and very durable yellow. An incon- venience is experienced in employing su- mach in this way, which arises from the fixed nature of its colour; the ground of the stuff does not lose its colour by expo- sure on the grass, so that it becomes ne- cessary to impregnate all the stuff with dif- ferent mordants, to vary the colours, with- out leaving any part of it white. Supersalt. A compound of an acid and base, in which the acid is in excess. See Subsalt. *Surturbrand. Fibrous brown c oal, or bituminous wood, so called in Iceland, where it occurs in great quantities.* * Swamp Ore. Indurated bog iron ore.* Sweat. When the temperature of the body is much increased, either by being exposed to a hot atmosphere, or by violent exercise, the perspired vapour not only in- creases in quantity, but even appears in a liquid form. This is known by the name of sweat. Beside water, it cannot be doubted, that carbon is also emitted from the skin; but in what state, the experiments hitherto made do not enable us to decide. Mr. Cruick- shanks found, that the air ofthe glass ves- sel in which his hand and foot had been confined for an hour, contained carbonic acid gas; for a candle burned dimly in it, and it rendered lime-water turbid. And Mr. Jurine found, that air which had remained for some time in contact with the skin, consisted almost entirely of carbonic acid gas. The same conclusion may be drawn from the experiments of Ingenhousz and Milly. Trousset has lately observed, that air was separated copiously from a patient of his while bathing. Beside water and carbon, or carbonic acid gas, the skin emits also a particular odorous substance. That every aninal has a peculiar smell, is well known: the dog can discover his master, and even trace him to a distance by the scent. A dog, chained up several hours after his master had set out on a journey of some hundred miles, followed his footsteps by the smell. But it is needless to multiply instances of this fact, they are too well known to every one. Now this smell must be owing to some peculiar matter which is constantly emitted; and this matter must differ some- what either in quantity or some other property, as we see, that the dog easily distinguishes the individual by means of it. Mr. Cruickshanks has made it probable that this matter is an oily substance; or at least, that there is an oily substance emit- ted by the skin. He wore repeatedly, night and day for a month, the same under waist- coat of fleecy hosiery, during the hottest part of the summer. At the end of this time he always found an oily substance ac- cumulated in considerable masses on the nap of the inner surface of the waistcoat, in the form of black tears. When rubbed on paper, it rendered it transparent, and hardened on it like grease. It burned with TAL TAL a white flame, and left behind it a charrv residuum. Berthollet has observed the perspiration acid; and he has concluded, that the acid which is present is the phosphoric; but this has not been proved. Fourcroy and Vau- quelin have ascertained, that the scurf which collects upon the skins of horses, consists chiefly of phosphate of lime, and urea is even sometimes mixed with it. According to Thenard, however, who has lately endeavoured more particularly to ascertain this point, the acid contained in sweat is the acetous; which, he likewise observes, is the only free acid contained in urine and in milk, this acid existing in both of them when quite fresh. His account of his examination of itis as follows: The sweat is more or less copious in dif- ferent individuals; and its quantity is per- ceptibly in the inverse ratio of that ofthe urine. All other circumstances being simi- lar, much more is produced during diges- tion than during repose. The maximum of its production appears to be twenty-six grains and two-thirds in a minute, the mini- mum nine grains troy weight. It is much inferior, however, to the pulmonary trans- piration; and there is likewise a great dif- ference between their nature and manner of formation. The one is the product of a particular secretion, similar in some sort to that of the urine; the other, composed of a great deal of water and carbonic acid, is the product of a combustion gradually ef- fected by the atmospheric air. The sweat, in a healthy state, very sen- sibly reddens litmus paper or infusion. In certain diseases, and particularly in putrid fevers, it is alkaline; yet its taste is always rather saline, and more similar to that of salt than acid. Though colourless, it stains linen. Its smell is peculiar, and insupport- able when it is concentrated, which is the case in particular during distillation. But before he speaks of the trials to which he subjected it, and of which he had occasion for a great quantity, he describes the me- thod he adopted for procuring it, which was similar to that of Mr. Cruickshanks. Human sweat, accordingto M. Thenard, is formed of a great deal of water; free acetous acid; muriate of soda; an atom of phosphate of lime, and oxide of iron; and an inappreciable quantity of animal matter, which approaches much nearer to gelatin than to any other substance. * Swinestone. A variety of compact lucullite, a sub-species of limestone.* Sylvanite. Native tellurium. Sylvius (Salt of), or (Febrifuge Salt or). Muriate of potash. Synovia. Within the capsular ligament of the different joints ofthe body, there is contained a peculiar liquid, intended evi- dently to lubricate the parts, and to facili- tate their motion. This liquid is known among anatomists by the name of synovia. From the analysis of M. Margueron, it appears, that synovia is composed of the following ingredients: 11.86 fibrous matter 4.52 albumen 1.75 muriate of soda .71 soda .70 phosphate of lime 80.46 water 100.00 T * mABULAR SPAR, or Table Spar JL The schaalstein of Werner, and prismatic augite of Jameson. Colour grayish-white. Massive, and in angular-granular concretions. Shining pearly. Cleavage double. Fracture splin- tery. Translucent. Harder than fluorspar, but not so hard as apatite. Brittle. Sp. gr. S.2 to 3.5. Its constituents are, silica 50, lime 45, water 5.—-Klaproth. It occurs in primitive rocks, at Orawicza in the Bannat of Temeswar, where it is associated with brown garnets.* * Tacamahac A resin, having the aroma of musk, and soluble in alcohol.* * Talc Of this mineral, Professor Jameson's sixth sub-species of rhomboidal mica, there are two kinds; common talc, and indurated talc. 1. Common talc. Colour greenish-white. Massive, disseminated, in plates, imitative, and sometimes crystallized in small six- sided tables, which are druses. Splendent, pearly, semi-metallic. Cleavage single, with curved folia. Translucent. Flexible, but not elastic. Yields to the nail. Per- fectly sectile. Feels very greasy. Sp. gr. 2.77. It whitens, and at length affords a small globule of enamel, before the blow- pipe. Its constituents are, silica 62, mag- nesia 27, alumina 1.5, oxide of iron 3.5, water 6.—Vauquelin. Klaproth found 2.75 of potash in 100 parts. It occurs in beds in mica-slate and clav-slate. It is found in Aberdeenshire, Banffshire, and Perthshire. The finest specimens come from Saltzburg, the Tyrol, and St. Gothard. It is an ingre- dient in rouge for the toilette, along with carmine and benzoin This cosmetic com- municates a remarkable degree of softness TAN TAN to the skin, and is not injurious. The flesh polish is given to gypsum figures, by rub- bing them with talc. 2. Indurated tale, or talc-slate. Colour greenish-gray. Massive. Fragments tabu- lar. Translucent on the edges. Soft. Streak white. Rather sectile. Easily fran- gible. Not flexible. Feels greasy. Sp. gr. 2.7 to 2.8. It occurs in primitive moun- tains, where it forms beds in clay-slate and serpentine. It is found in Perthshire, Banffshire, the Shetland Islands, and abun- dantly on the Continent. It is employed for drawing lines by carpenters, tailors, hat-makers, and glaziers.—Jameson* • Talcite. Nacrite of Jameson, and earthy talc of Werner. Colour greenish- white. It consists of scaly parts. Glim- mering, pearly. Friable. Feels very greasy. Soils. It melts easily before the blow-pipe. Its constituents are, alumina 81.75, mag- nesia 0.75, lime 4, potash 0.5, water 13.5. —John. This is a very rare mineral, oc- curring in veins, with sparry ironstone and galena, in the mining district of Frey- berg.* • Tallow. See Fat.* * Tamarinds. The pulp consists, ac- cording to Vauquelin, of bitartrate of pot- ash 300, gum 432, sugar 1152, jelly 576, citric acid 864, tartaric acid 144, malic acid 40, feculent matter 2880, water 3364; in 9752 parts.* Tannin. This, which is one ofthe im- mediate principles of vegetables, was first distinguished by Seguin from the gallic acid, with which it had been confounded under the name of the astringent principle. He gave it the name of tannin, from its use in the tanning of leather; which it effects by its characteristic property, that of form- ing with gelatin a tough insoluble matter. It may be obtained from vegetables by macerating them in cold water; and preci- pitated from this solution, which contains likewise gallic acid and extractive matter, bv hyperoxygenized muriate of tin. From this precipitate, immediately diffused in a large quantity of water, the oxide of tin may be separated by sulphuretted hydro- gen gas, leaving the tannin in solution. Professor Proust has since recommended another method, the precipitation of a de- coction of galls by powdered carbonate of potash, washing well the greenish-gray flakes that fall down, with cold water, and drying them in a stove. The precipitate grows brown in the air, becomes brittle and shining like a resin, and yet remains soluble in hot water. The tannin in this state, he says, is very pure. Sir H. Davy, after making several expe- riments on different methods of ascertain- ing the quantity of tannin in astringent in- fusions, prefers for this purpose, the com- mon process of precipitating the tannin by gelatin; but he remarks, that the tannhtapf different vegetables requires different pro- portions of gelatin for its saturation; and that the quantity of precipitate obtained is influenced by the degree in which the so- lutions are concentrated. M. Chenevix observed, that coffee berries acquired by roasting the property of preci- pitating gelatin; and Mr. Hatchett has made a number of experiments, which show, that an artificial tannin, or substance having its chief property, may be formed, by treating with nitric acid, matters containing char- coal. It is remarkable that this tannin, when prepared from vegetable substances, as dry charcoal of wood, yields, on combus- tion, products analogous to those of animal matters. From his experiments it would seem, that tannin is, in reality, carbonace- ous matter combined with oxygen; and the difference in the proportion of oxygen may occasion the differences in the tannin pro- cured from different substances, that from catechu appearing to contain most. Bouillon Lagrange asserts, that tannin by absorbing oxygen is converted into gal- lic acid. It is not an unfrequent practice, to admi- nister medicines containing tannin in cases of debility, and at the same time to pre- scribe gelatinous food as nutritious. But this is evidently improper, as the tannin, from its chemical properties, must render the gelatin indigestible. For the chief use of tannin, see the following article. * According to Berzelius, tannin consists of hydrogen 4.186 + carbon 51.160 -f- oxy- gen 44.654. And the tannate of lead is composed of tannin, 100 26.923 oxide of lead, 52 14. But there is much uncertainty concerning the definite neutrality of this compound.* Tanning. The several kinds of leather are prepared from the skins of animals ma- cerated for a long time with lime and water, to promote the separation of the hair and wool, and of the fat and fleshy parts, in which recourse is also had to the assistance of mechanical pressure, scraping, and the like. The skin, when thus deprived of its more putrescible part, and brought consi- derably toward the state of mere fibre, is tanned by maceration with certain astrin- gent substances, particularly the bark of the oak-tree. The hide consists almost wholly of gela- tin, and all that is necessary is, to divest it of the hair, epidermis, and any flesh or fat adhering to it. This is commonly done, after they have been soaked in water some time, and handled or trodden to cleanse them from filth, by immersing them in milk of lime. Some, instead of lime, use an acescent infusion of barley or rye-meal, or spent tan; and others recommend watjei- TAN TAN S'dulated with sulphuric acid. Similar dulous waters are afterward employed for raising or swelling the hide, when this is necessary. The skins thus prepared, are finally to undergo what is properly called the tan- ning. This is usually done by throwing into a pit, or cistern made in the ground, a quantity of ground oak-bark, that has already been used, and on this the skins and fresh bark in alternate layers, covering the whole with half a foot of tan, and tread- ing it well down. The tanning may be accelerated by adding a little water. As it is a long time before the hide is thoroughly tanned in this mode, at least many months, during which the bark is renewed three or four times; M. Seguin steeps the skin in a strong infusion of tan, and assists its action by heat. Chaptal ob- serves, however, that this requires an ex- tensive apparatus, for preparing the liquor, and the skins: the leather imbibes so much water, that it remains spongy a long time, and wrinkles in drying; and itis extremely difficult so to arrange the hides in a copper, as to keep them apart from each other, and free of the sides of the vessel. The following account of M. Seguin's practice, was transmitted to England in the year 1796:— To tan a skin is to take away its putres- cent quality, preserving, however, a certain degree of pliability. This is effected by in- corporating with the skin particles ofa sub- stance, which destroys their tendency to putrefaction. The operations relating to tanning are therefore of two kinds:—the first is merely depriving the skin of those parts, which would oppose its preservation, or which adhere to it but little, such as hair and flesh; the other consists in incorporating with it a substance, which shall prevent its putrefying. The operations of the first kind are tech- nically termed, unhairing and fleshing; the operations of the second kind belong to tanning, properly so called. Fleshing is an operation merely mecha- nical: unhairing is a mechanical operation if performed by shaving; or a chemical operation, if effected by dissolution or de- composition of the substance, which con- nects the hair with the skin. According to the ancient method, the dissolution of this substance was effected by means of lime; the decomposition, either by the vinous fermentation of barley, by the acetous fermentation of oak-bark, or by the putrid fermentation produced by piling the hides one upon another. Unhairing by means of lime would often take 12 or 15 months; this operation with barley, or the acetous part of tan, could not be performed in less than two months. The slowness of these operations, which the experiments of Seguin have shown may be finished in a few days, and in a more advantageous manner, by means of the same substances, proves, that the nature of those operations was not understood by those who performed them. Those of tanning, properly so called, were as little known, as the details we are about giving will prove, which we compare with the least improved routine now in practice. Whatever the method of unhairing was, the mode of tanning was always the same, for skins unhaired with lime, or those pre- pared with barley or tan. This mode of operating would take eighteen months or two years, often three years, when it was wished to tan the hides thoroughly. Among the substances for tanning, gall- nut, sumach, and the bark of oak, to which may be added catechu, appear the most proper, at least, in the present state of our knowledge. In the middle departments of France, oak-bark is preferred, because it is the cheapest and most abundant sub- stance. To use it, it is first ground to powder; then, according to the old mode, it is put into large holes dug in the ground, which are filled by alternate layers of ground bark and unhaired hides. As the principle which effects the tan- ning cannot act in the interior of the skin, unless carried in by some liquid in which it is first dissolved, tanning is not produ- ced by the immediate action of the pow- dered bark upon the skin, but only by the action of the dissolution of the tanning principle originally contained in the bark. The tan therefore has the tanning proper- ty only when wetted so much as not to ab- sorb all the water thrown on it. But as tanners put in their vats only a small por- tion of water compared to what would be necessary to deprive the bark of all the tanning principle which it contains, the bark put into the vats preserves, when taken out, a portion of its tanning princi- ple. This waste is not the only disadvantage of the old modes of proceeding; they are, besides, liable never to produce in the skina a complete saturation with the tanningprin- ciple. For as the property of attraction is common to all bodies, according to the dif- ferent degree of saturation, the water con- taining in solution a certain quantity of the tanning principle, will not part, to a fixed weight of skins, with as much as the same quantity of water will, in which a greater quantity of the principle is dissolved. As the water, which in the old manner of proceeding is in the vats, can contain but a small portion of the tanning princi- ple, owing to the nature of the operation, it can give but a small portion of it to the TAN TAN skin, and even this it parts with by slow degrees. Hence, the slowness in the tan- ning of skins according to the old method, which required two whole years, and some- times three, before a skin was well tanned to the centre. Hence also, the imperfec- tion of skins tanned by that method; an imperfection resulting from the non-satu- ration of the tanning principle, even when it had penetrated the centre. The important desideratum was, there- fore, to get together, within a small com- pass, the tanning principle, to increase its action, and produce in the hide a complete saturation in a much shorter time than that necessary for the incomplete tanning pro- duced in vats. But, first of all, it was ne- cessary to analyze the skin, analyze the leather, and analyze the oak-bark. The principles of these three substances were to be insulated, and their action upon one another determined, the influence of their combination upon that action known, and the circumstances most productive of its greatest action found out. Seguin, by following this method, has determined:— 1. That the skin deprived of flesh and hair, is a substance, which can easily, by a proper process, be entirely converted into an animal jelly (glue). 2. That a solution of this last mentioned substance, mixed with a solution of tan, forms immediately an imputrescible and in- dissoluble compound. 3. That the solution of tan is composed of two very distinct substances; one of which precipitates the solution of glue, and which is the true tanning substance; the other, which precipitates sulphate of iron, without precipitating the solution of glue, and which produces only the neces- sary disoxygenation of the skin, and of the substance which connects the hair to the skin. 4. That the operation of tanning is not a simple combination of the skin with the principle which precipitates the glue, but a combination of that principle with the skin disoxygenized by the substance, which in the dissolution of tan is found to precipitate the sulphate of iron; so that every substance proper for tanning should possess the properties of precipitating the solution of glue, and of precipitating the sulphate of iron. 5. That the operation of tanning consists in swelling the skins by means of an aci- dulous principle; to disoxygenize, by means of the principle which in the solution of bark precipitates the solution of sulphate of iron, that substance which connects the hair to the skin, and thus produce an easy unhairing; to disoxygenize the skin by means of the same principle, and to bring it by this disoxygenation to the middle state between glue and skin; and then t» combine with it, after this disoxygenation, and while it is in this middle state, that particular substance in oak-bark, as well as in many other vegetables, which is found to precipitate the solution of glue, and which is not, as has been hitherto conceiv- ed, an astringent substance. Agreeably to these discoveries, there only remains, in order to tan speedily and completely, to condense the tanning prin- ciple so as to accelerate its action. Seguin, to effect this, follows a very simple pro- cess. He pours water upon the powdered tan, contained in an apparatus nearly simi- lar to that made use of in saltpetre works* This water, by going through the tan, takes from it a portion of its tanning prin- ciple, and by successive nitrations dissolves every time an additional quantity of it, till at last the bark rather tends to deprive it of some than to give up more. Seguin suc- ceeds in bringing tliese solutions to such a degree of strength, that, he says, he can, by taking proper measure, tan calf-skin in 24 hours, and the strongest ox-hides in seven or eight days. These solutions con- taining a great quantity of the tanning principle, impart to the skin as much of it as it can absorb; so that it can then easily attain a complete saturation of the princi- ple, and produce leather of a quality much superior to that of most countries famous for their leather. On the above I have only to remark, that every new art or considerable improvement must unavoidably be attended with many difficulties in the establishment of a manu- factory in the large way. From private in- quiry I find, that this also has its difficul- ties, which have hitherto prevented its be- ing carried into full effect in this country. Of what nature these may be 1 am not de- cidedly informed, and mention them in this place only to prevent manufacturers from engaging in an undertaking of this kind, without cautious inquiry. M. Desmond has recommended, to satu- rate water with tannin, by affusion on suc- cessive portions of oak-bark, or whatever may be used; and when the bark will give out no more tannin, to extract what gallic acid still remains in it, by pouring on fresh water. To the latter, or acidulous liquor, he adds one-thousandth part by measure of sulphuric acid; and in this steeps the hide, till the hair will come off easily by scra- ping. When raising is necessary, he steeps the hide ten or twelve hours in water aci- dulated with a five-hundredth part by mea- sure of sulphuric acid; after which they are to be washed repeatedly, and scraped with the round knife. Lastly, the hides are to be steeped some hours in a weak solution of tannin, then a few days in a stronger, and this must be renewed as the TAR TEA tannin is exhausted, till the leather is fully tanned. For the softer skins, as calves', goats', &c. he does not use the acid mixture, but milk of lime. Of substances used for tanning, Sir H. Davy observes, that 1 pound of catechu is nearly equal to 2i of galls, 3 of sumach, 7i of the bark of the Leicester willow, 8$ of oak-bark, 11 of the bark of the Spanish chestnut, 18 of elm-bark, and 21 of com- mon willow-bark, with respect to the tan- nin contained in them. He observes too, that leather slowly tanned in weak infusi- ons of barks appears to be better in quali- ty, being both softer and stronger than when tanned by strong infusions; and he ascribes this to the extractive matter they imbibe. This principle, therefore, affects the quality of the material employed in tanning; and galls, which contain a great deal of tannin, make a hard leather, and liable to crack, from their deficiency of extractive matter.—Ann. de Chim.—Philos. Trans.—Philos. Mag.—Chaptul's Chem. * Tantalum Ore. See Ore of Tan- talum.* * Tantalum. The metal already treat- ed of under the name of Columbium.* Tarras, or Terras. A volcanic earth used as a cement. It does not differ much in its principles from pouzzolana; but it is much more compact, hard, porous, and spongy. It is generally of a whitish-yellow colour, and contains more heterogeneous particles, as spar, quartz, schoerl, &c. and something more of a calcareous earth. It effervesces with acids, is magnetic, and fu- sible per se. When pulverized, it serves as a cement, like pouzzolana. It is found in Germany and Sweden. See Lime. •Tartar. See Acid (Tartaric).* Tartar is deposited on the sides of casks during the fermentation of wine: it .forms a lining more or less thick, which is scraped off. This is called crude tartar, and is sold in Languedoc from 10 to 15 livres the quintal. All wines do not afford the same quan- tity of tartar. Neumann remarked, that the Hungarian wines left only a thin stratum; that the wines of France afforded more; and that the Rhenish wines afforded the purest and the greatest quantity. Tartar is distinguished from its colour into red and white: the first is afforded by red wine. Tartar is purified from an abundant ex- tractive principle, by processes which are executed at Montpellier and at Venice. The following is the process used at Montpellier:—The tartar is dissolved in water, and suffered to crystallize by cool- ing. The crystals are then boiled in ano- ther vessel, with the addition of five or six pounds of the white argillaceous earth of Murveil to each quintal of the salt. After this boiling with the earth, a very white salt is obtained by evaporation, which is known by the name of cream of tartar, or the acidulous tartrate of potash. M. Desmarctz has informed us, that the process used at Venice consists, 1. In drying the tartar in iron boilers. 2. Pounding it, and dissolving it in hot water, which, by cooling, affords purer crystals. 3. Redissolving these crystals in water, and clarifying the solution by whites of eggs and ashes. The process of Montpellier is preferable to that of Venice. The addition of the ashes introduces a foreign salt, which al- ters the purity of the product. See Acm (Tartaric). T ah tar(Chalyb bated). This is pre- pared by boiling three parts of the super- tartrate of potash and two of iron filings in forty-six parts of water, till the tartar appears to be dissolved. The liquor is then filtered, and crystals are deposited on cooling, more of which are obtained by continuing the evaporation. Tartar (Cream of). The popular name of the purified supertartrate of pot- ash. Tartar (Crude). The supertartrate of potash in its natural state, before it has been purified. Tartar (Emetic). The tartrate of potash and antimony, See Antimony. Tartar of the teeth. The popular name for the concretion that so frequently incrusts the teeth, and which consists ap- parently of phosphate of lime. Tartar (Regenerated). Acetate of potash. Tartar (Salt of). The subcarbonate of potash. Tartar (Secret Foliated Earth of). Acetate of potash. Tartar (Soluble). Neutral tartrate of potash. Tartar (Vitriolated). Sulphate of potash. Tartarine. The name given by Kir- wan to the vegetable alkali, or potash. Tartarous Acid. See Acid (Tar- taric). Tartrate. A neutral compound ofthe tartaric acid with a base. Tears. That peculiar fluid, which is employed in lubricating the eye, and which is emitted in considerable quantities when we express grief by>weeping, is known by the name of tears. For an accurate analy- sis of this fluid we are indebted to Messrs. Fourcroy and Vauquelin. The liquid called tears is transparent and colourless like water; it has scarcely any smell, but its taste is always percepti- bly salt. Its specific gravity is somewhat TEL TEL greater than that of distilled water. It gives to paper stained with the juice ofthe petals of mallows or violets as permanent- ly green colour, and therefore contains a fixed alkali. It unites with water, whether cold or hot, in all proportions. Alkalis unite with it readily, and render it more fluid. The mineral acids produce no ap- parent change upon it. Exposed to the air, this liquid gradually evaporates, and becomes thicker. When nearly reduced to a state of dryness, a number of cubic crystals form in the midst of a kind of mu- cilage. These crystals possess the proper- ties of muriate of soda; but they tinge ve- getable blues green, and therefore contain an excess of soda. The mucilaginous mat- ter acquires a yellowish colour as it dries. Tears are composed of the following in- gredients:— 1. Water, 2. Mucus, 3. Muriate of soda, 4. Soda, 5. Phosphate of lime, 6. Phosphate of soda. The saline parts amount only to about 0.01 of the whole, or probably not so much. Teeth. The basis of the substance that forms the teeth, like that of other bones, (See Bone), appears to be phos- phate of lime. The enamel, however, ac- cording to Mr. Hatchett, diff'ers from other bony substances in being destitute of car- tilage: for raspings of enamel, when mace- rated in dilutedacids, he found were wholly dissolved; while raspings of bone, treated in the same manner, always left a cartila- ginous substance untouched. See Bone. •Telesia. Sapphire.* Tellurium. Muller first suspected the existence of a new metal in the aurum paradoxicum, or problematicum, which has the appearance of an ore of gold, though very little can be extracted from it. Klap- roth afterward established its existence, not only in this, but in some other Transyl- vanian ores, and named it tellurium. Pure tellurium is of a tin-white colour, verging to lead-gray, with a high metallic lustre; of a foliated fracture, and very brit- tle, so as to be easily pulverized. Its sp. gr. 6.115. It melts before ignition, requir- ing a little higher heat than lead, and less than antimony; and, according to Gmelin, is as volatile as arsenic. When cooled without agitation, its surface has a crys- tallized appearance. Before the blow-pipe on charcoal it burns with a vivid blue light, greenish on the edges; and is dissipated in grayish-white vapours, of a pungent smell, which condense into a white oxide. This oxide heated on charcoal is reduced with a kind of explosion, and soon again vola- tilized. Heated in a glass retort, it fuses Vol.. IF into a straw-coloured striated mass. It ap- pears to contain about 16 per cent of oxy- gen. Tellurium is oxidized and dissolved by the principal acids. To sulphuric acid it gives a deep purple colour. Water sepa- rates it in black flocculi, and heat throws it down in a white precipitate. With nitric acid it forms a colourless so- lution, which remains so when diluted, and aflbrds slender dendritic crystals by eva- poration. The muriatic acid, with a small portion of nitric, forms a transparent solution, from which water throws down a white submu- riate. This may be redissolved almost wholly by repeated affusions of water. Al- cohol likewise precipitates it. Sulphuric acid, diluted with two or three parts of water, to which a little nitric acid has been added, dissolves a large portion of the metal, and the solution is not de- composed by water. The alkalis throw down from its solutions a white precipitate, which is soluble in all the acids, and by an excess of the alkalis or their carbonates. They are not preci- pitated by prussiate of potash. Tincture of galls gives a yellow flocculent precipi- tate with them. Tellurium is precipitated from them in a metallic state by zinc, iron, tin, and antimony. Tellurium fused with an equal weight of sulphur, in a gentle heat, forms a lead-co- loured striated sulphuret. Alkaline sul- phurets precipitate it from its solutions of a brown or black colour. In this precipi- tate either the metal or its oxide is com- bined with sulphur. Each of these sulphu- rets burns with a pale blue flame, and white smoke. Heated in a retort, part of the sul- phur is sublimed, carrying up a little of the metal with it. It does not easily amal- gamate with quicksilver. * Teli.ure tted Hydrogen. Telluri- um and hydrogen combine to form a gas, called telluretted hydrogen. To make this compound, hydrate of potash, and oxide of tellurium are ignited with charcoal, and the mixture acted on by dilute sulphuric acid, in a retort connected with a mercu- rial pneumatic apparatus. An elastic fluid is generated, consisting of hydrogen hold- ing tellurium in solution. It is possessed of very singular properties. It is soluble in water, and forms a claret-coloured solu- tion. It combines with the alkalis. It burns with a bluish flame, depositing ox- ide of tellurium. Its smell is very strong and peculiar, not unlike that of sulphuret- ted hydrogen. This elastic fluid was dis- covered by Sir II. Davy in 1809. When tellurium is made the electrical negative surface in water in the voltaic circuit, a brown powder is formed, which appears 19 TEM TER to be a solid combination of hydrogen and tellurium. It was first observed by Mr. Ritter in 1808: The composition of the gas and the solid hydruret has not been ascertained. The prime equivalent of tel- lurium according to Sir H. Davy, is 4.93, reduced to the oxygen radix. Berzelius makes the oxide of tellurium a compound of metal 100 + oxygen 24.8. If we call the oxygen 25, then the atom or prime would be 4. In this case, telluretted hydrogen, if analogous in its constitution to sulphu- retted hydrogen, would have a sp. gr. of 2.2916, (not 2.3074, as Dr. Thomson de- duces it from the very same data).* •Temperature. A definite term of sensible heat, as measured by the thermo- meter. Thus we say a high temperature, and a low temperature, to denote a mani- fest intensity of heat or cold; the tempe- rature of boiling water, or 212" Fahr.; and a range of temperature, to designate the intermediate points of heat between two distant terms of thermometric indication. Accordingto M. Biot, temperatures are the different energies of caloric, in different circumstances. The general doctrines of caloric have been already fully treated of under the ar- ticles Caloric, Combustion, Congelation, Cli- mate, and Pyrometer. The changes induced on matter, at dif- ferent temperatures, relate either to its magnitude, form, or composition. The first two of these effects are considered under Expansion, Concreting Temperatures, and Pyrometer; the third under Combustion, and the Individual Chemical Bodies. I shall here introduce some facts concerning the tem- perature of living bodies, and that of our northern climates, as modified by the con- stitution of water. The power which man possesses of resist- ing the impression of external cold is well known, and fully exemplified in high lati- tudes. That of sustaining high heats has been made the subject of experiment. On the continent, the girls who are sent into evens often endure for a short period a heat of 300° F. and upwards. If the skin be covered with varnish, which obstructs the perspiration, such heats, however, be- come intolerable. Dr. Fordyce staid for a considerable time, and without great incon- venience, in a room heated by stoves to 260° of Fahrenheit's scale. The lock of the door, his watch and keys, lying on the ta- ble, could not be touched without burning his hand. An egg became hard; and though his pulse beat 139 times per minute, yet a thermometer held in his mouth was only 2° or 3° hotter than ordinary. He perspi- red most profusely.—Phil. Trans, vol. 64 and 65. It has been shown under Caloric, that fresh water possesses a maximum density about 39J° F. When its temperature devi- ates from this point, either upwards or downwards, its density diminishes, or its volume enlarges, Hence, when the in- tensely cold air from the circumpolar re- gions, presses southwards, after the au- tumnal equinox, it progressively abstracts the heat from the great natural basins of water or lakes, till the temperature of the whole aqueous mass sinks to 39i*\ At this term, the refrigerating influ ence of the atmosphere, incumbent on the water, be- comes nearly null. For, as the superficial stratum, by farther cooling, becomes spe- cifically lighter, it remains on the surfaee, and soon becomes a cake of ice, which be- ing an imperfect conductor of heat, screens the subjacent liquid water from the cold air. Had water resembled mercury, oils, and other liquids, in continuing to contract in volume, by cooling, till its congelation commenced, then the incumbent cold air would have robbed the mass of water in a lake, of its caloric of fluidity, by unceasing precipitation of the cold particles to the bottom, till the whole sunk to 32°. Then the water at the bottom, as well as that above, would have begun to solidify, and in the course of a severe winter in these latitudes, a deep lake would have become throughout a body of ice, never again to be liquefied. We can easily see, that such fro- zen masses would have acted as centres of baleful refrigeration to the surrounding country; and that under such a disposition of things, Great Britain must have been another Lapland. Nothing illustrates more strikingly the beneficent economy of Pro- vidence, than this peculiarity in the consti- tution of water, or anomaly, as it has been rather preposterously termed. What seems void of law to short-sighted man, is often, as in the present case, the finest symmetry and truest order.* •Tenacity. See Cohesion.* • Tennantite. Colour, from lead- gray to iron-black. Massive, but usually crystallized, in rhomboidal dodecahedrons, cubes, or octahedrons. Splendent, and tin- white; occasionally dull. Cleavage dode- cahedral. Streak reddish-gray. Rather harder than gray copper. Brittle. Sp. gr. 4.375. It yields a blue flame followed by arsenical vapours; and leaves a magnetical scoria. Its constituents are copper 45.32, sulphur 28.74, arsenic 11.84, iron 9.26, sili- ca 5.—Richard Phillips. It occurs in Corn- wall in copper veins that intersect granite and clay-slate, associated with common cop- per pyrites. It is a variety of gray copper.* * Terra Ponderosa See Heavy Spar and Barytes.* Terra Japonica. Catechu. Terra Lemnia.. A red bolar earth formerly esteemed in medicine. See Lem- nian Earth. THE THE Terra Sienna. A brown bole or ochre, with an orange cast, brought from Sienna in Italy, and used in painting, both raw and burnt. When burnt it becomes of a darker brown. It resists the fire a long time with- out fusing. It adheres to the tongue very forcibly. Terre Verte. This is used as a pig- ment, and contains iron in some unknown state, mixed with clay, and sometimes with chalk and pyrites. * Thallite. Epidote or Pistacite.* • Thermometer. An instrument for measuring heat, founded on the principle, that the expansions of matter are propor- tional to the augmentations of temperature. With regard to aeriform bodies, this prin- ciple is probably well founded; and hence, our common thermometers may be ren- dered just, by reducing their indications to those of an air thermometer. Solids, and 6till more liquids, expand unequally, by equal increments of heat, or intervals of temperature. With regard to water, alco- hol, and oils, this inequality is so consi- derable as to occasion their rejection, for purposes of exact thermometry. But we nave shown that mercury approaches more to metals than ordinary liquids, in its rate of expansion, and hence, as well as from its remaining liquid through a long range of temperature, it is justly preferred to the above substances for thermometric pur- poses. A common thermometer, therefore, is merely a vessel in which very minute expansions of mercury may be rendered perceptible; and, by certain rules of gra- duation, be compared with expansions made on the same liquid by other observers. The first condition is fulfilled by connect- ing a narrow glass tube with a bulb of con- siderable capacity, filled with quicksilver. As this fluid metal expands l-63d by being heated in glass vessels, from the melting point of ice to the boiling point of water, if 10 inches of the tube have a capacity equal to l-63d of that of the bulb, it is evident that, should the liquid stand at the begin- ning of the tube, at 32°, it will rise up and occupy ten inches of it at 212°. Hence, if the tube be uniform in its calibre, and the above space be divided into equal parts by an attached scale, then we shall have a cen- tigrade or Fahrenheit's thermometer, ac- cording as the divisions are 100 or 180 in number. Such are the general principles of thermometric construction. But to make an exact instrument, more minute in- vestigation is required. The tubes drawn at glass-houses for making thermometers, are all more or less irregular in the bore, and for the most part conical. Hence, if equal apparent expan- sions of the included mercury be taken to represent equal thermometric intervals, these equal expansions will occupy une- qual spaces in an irregular tube. The at- tached scale should therefore correspond exactly to these tubular inequalities; or if the scale be uniform in its divisions, we must be certain that the tube is absolutely uniform in its calibre. I may join the au- thority of Mr. Troughton's opinion to my own for affirming, that a tube of a truly equable bore is seldom or never to be met with. Hence we should never construct our thermometers on that supposition. The first step in the formation of this instrument, therefore, is to graduate the tube into spaces of equal capacity. A small caoutchouc bag with a stop-cock and nozzle capable of admitting the end of the glass tube, when it is wrapped round with a few folds of tissue paper, must be provided, as also pure mercury and a sensible balance. Having expelled a little air from the bag, we dip the end of the attached glass tube into the mercury, and by the elastic expan- sion of the caoutchouc; we cause a small portion of the liquid to rise into the bore. We then shut the stop-cock, place the tube in a horizontal direction, and remove it from the bag. The column of mercury should not exceed half an inch in length. By gently inclining the tube, and tapping it with our finger, we bring the mercury to about a couple of inches from the end where we mean to make the bulb, and, with a file or diamond, mark there the initial line of the scale. The slip of ivory, brass, or paper, destined to receive the graduations, being laid on a table, we apply the tube to it, so that the bottom of the column of mercury coincides with its lower edge. With a fine point we then mark on the scale the other extremity of the mercurial column. Inclining the tube gently, and tapping it we cause the liquid to flow along till its lower end is placed where the up- per previously stood. We apply the tube to the scale, taking care to make its initial line correspond to the edge as before. A new point for measuring equal capacity is now obtained. We thus proceed till the requisite length be graduated; and we then weigh the mercury with minute precision. The bulb is next formed at the enamel- ler's blow-pipe in the usual way. One of a cylindrical or conical shape, is preferable to a sphere, both for strengh and sensibili- ty. We now ascertain, and note down its weight. A tubular coil of paper is to be tied to the mouth of the tube, rising in a funnel form an inch or two above it. Into this we pour recently boiled mercury, and applying the gentle heat of a lamp to the bulb, we expel a portion ofthe air. On al- lowing the bulb to cool, a portion of the mercury will descend into it, corresponding to the quantity of air previously expelled. The bulb is now to be heated over the lamp till the included mercury boil briskly the tj 1i<: for some time. On removing it the quick- silver will descend from the paper funnel, and completely fill the bulb and stem. Should any vesicle of air appear, the pro- cess of heating or boiling must be repeated, with the precaution of keeping a column of superincumbent mercury in the paper funnel. When the temperature of the bulh has sunk to nearly that of boiling water, it may be immersed in melting ice. The fun- nel and its mercury are then to be removed, and the bulb is to be plunged into boiling water. About l-63d of the included mer- cury will now be expelled. On cooling the instrument again in melting ice, the zero point of the centigrade scale, corres- ponding to 32° of Fahrenheit, will be indi- cated by the top of the mercurial column. This point must be noted with a scratch on the glass, or else by a mark on the prepared scale. We then weigh the whole. We have now sufficient data for complet- ing the graduation of the instrument from one fixed point; and in hot climates, and other situations, where ice, for example, cannot be conveniently procured, this faci- lity of forming an exact thermometer is im- portant, We know the weight of the whole included mercury, and that of each gradus of the stem. And as from 32° to 212° F. or from 0° to 100° cent, corresponds to a mercurial expansion in glass of l-63d, we can easily compute how many of our gra- duating spaces are contained in the range of temperature between freezing and boil- ing water. Thus, supposing the mercurial contents to be 378 grains, l-63d of that quantity, or 6 grains, correspond to 180 of Fahrenheit's degrees. Now, if the initial measuring column were 0.6 of a grain, then 10 of these spaces would comprehend the range between freezing and boiling water. Hence, if we know the boiling point, we can set off the freezing point; or, from the temperature of the living body, 98° F., we can set off both the freeing and boiling points of water. In the present case, we must divide each space on our prepared scale into 18 equal parts, which would con- stitute degrees of Fahrenheit; or into 10 equal parts, which would constitute centi- grade degrees; or into 8, which would form Reaumur's degrees. I have graduated thermometers in this way, and have found them to be very correct. When we have ice and boiling water at our command, however, we may dispense with the weigh- ing processes. By plunging the instrument into melting ice, and then into boiling wa- ter, we find how many of our initial spaces on the stem correspond to that interval of temperature, and we subdivide them ac- cordingly. If the tube be very unequable, we must accommodate even our subdi- visions to its irregularities, for which pur- pose the eye is a sufficient guide. Thermometers arc used for two different purposes, each of which requires peculiar adaptation. Those employed in meteorolo- gy, or for indicating atmospherical tempe- rature, are wholly plunged in the fluid, and hence the stem as well as bulb are equally affected by the calorific energy. But when the chemist wishes to ascertain the tempe- rature of corrosive liquids, or bland liquids highly heated, he can immerse merely the bulb, and the naked part of the stem under the scale. The portion of the tube corres- ponding to the scale, is not influenced hy the heat, as in the former case; and hence, l-63d part ofthe mercury, which at 32° I'. was acted on, has at 212° escaped from its influence. (MM. Dulong and Petit make it l-64.8th between 32° and 212°; see Ui- lokic). Hence I conceive, that a meteo- rological and a chemical thermometer ought to be graduated under the peculiar conditions in which they are afterwards to be used. The former should have its stem surrounded with the steam of boiling wa- ter, while its bulb is immersed an inch or two beneath the surface of that liquid, the barometer having at the time an altitude of 30 inches. For ascertaining the boiling point on a thermometer stem, I adapt to the mouth of a tea-kettle a cylinder of tin-plate, the top of which contains a perforated cork. Through this, the glass tube can be slid to any convenient point; while the tin cy- linder may also be raised or lowered, till the bulb rest an inch beneath the water. The nozzle of the kettle is shut with a cork; and at the top of the cylinder, a side- hole for escape of the steam is left. If the barometer differs from 30, by one inch, then the boiling point of water will differ by 1 92° F. Or 1* F. by Air. Wollaston, corresponds to a difference of 0.589 of ba- rometric pressure. When the barometer, for example, stands at 29 inches, water boils at 210.08 F.; and when it stands at 31 inches, the boiling temperature is 213.92. Particular attention must be paid to this source of variation. A thermometer for chemical experiments should have its boiling point determined, by immersion only of the bulb and the na- ked portion of its stem below the scale, in boiling water. It is surely needless to say, that the water ought to be pure, since the presence of saline matter affects its boiling temperature; and it ought to be contained in a metallic vessel. Before sealing up the end of the tube, we should draw it into a capillary point, and heat the bulb till the mercury occupy the whole of the stem. A touch of the blow-pipe flame on the capillary glass will instantly close it, and exclude the air from re-entering when the bulb becomes cool, If this has been skilfully executed, the co- THE THE lumn of mercury will move rapidly from one end of the tube to the other, when it is inverted, with a jerk. An ivory scale is the handsomest, but the most expensive. Those used in Paris consist of a narrow slip of paper, enclosed in a glass tube, which is attached in a parallel direction to the thermometer stem.. It is soldered to it above, by the lamp, and hooked to it be- low, by a ring of glass. Such instruments are very convenient for corrosive liquids; and I find them not difficult to construct. In treating of the measure of tempera- ture under Caloric, I have endeavoured to show, that were the whole body of the thermometer, stem and bulb, immersed in boiling mercury, it would indicate 35° more than it does on the supposition of the bulb alone being subjected to the calorific influence, as takes place in common expe- riments. But MM. Dulong and Petit state, that it ought to indicate 680° in the former case, while Mr. Crichton shows that it ac- tually indicates 656° in the latter, giving a difference of only 24° instead of 35*. This discordance between fact and theory, is only apparent; for we must recollect, that mercury being an excellent conductor of heat, will communicate a portion of that expansive energy from the immersed bulb, to the mercury in the stem, which will be retained, in consequence of glass being a very imperfect conductor of heat. Hence we may infer, that but for this communica- tion of heat to the stem, a thermometer, whose bulb alone is plunged in boiling mer- cury, would stand at 645* F. or 17° below the true boiling temperature by an air ther- mometer, according to MM. Dulong and Petit. If we take the mean apparent ex- pansion of mercury in glass, for 180°, be- tween 32° and 662°, as given by these che- mists, at l-64th; then the above reduction would become 34.4° instead of 35°, an in- considerable difference. In consequence of this double compen- sation, a good mercurial thermometer, as constructed by Crichton, becomes an al- most exact measure of temperature, or of the relative apparent energies of caloric. At the end of the Dictionary, a table of reduction is given for the three thermo- metric scales, at present used in Europe; that of Reaumur, Celsius, or the centi- grade, and Fahrenheit. The process of re- duction is however a very simple case of arithmetic. To convert the centigrade in- terval into the Fahrenheit, we multiply by 1.8 or by 6 and 0.3, marking off the last figure of the product as a decimal. Thus an interval of 17° centigrade = 17° X 6 X 0.3 = one of 30.6° Fahrenheit. But as the former scale marks the melting of ice 0° and the latter 32°, we must add 32" to 30.6° to have the Fahrenheit .lumber = 62.6°. Another form of the same rule of con- version is, from double the centigrade in- terval, subtract one-fifth, the remainder is the Fahrenheit interval. Thus from the double of 17° = 34°, subtract ^- = 3.4, the remainder 30.6 is the corresponding interval on Fahrenheit's scale. To convert the Fahrenheit intervals into the centi- grade, divide by 6 and by 0.3, and mark off the decimal point; thus: 95°. F. = ■■■ o x 0.3 — 52.77° C. When we wish to reduce a Fahrenheit number to a centigrade, we must begin by deducting the 32° which the former is in advance, over the latter, at the melt- ing of ice, or zero of the French scale. Thus to convert 95° Fahrenheit to the cen- tigrade scale; 95°—32°== 63°; ^ n .? ° b X 0.3 = 35° C. All versed in arithmetical reduction, know how advantageous it is to confine it if possible to one rule, and not to blend two or more. Hence the ordinary rule of multiplying by 9, and dividing by 5, to bring the Fahrenheit to the centigrade in- tervals, seems less convenient than the pre- ceding. With regard to the Reaumur scale, however, which is now of rare occurrence, we may employ the usual proportion of 9 to 4, or to the double add one-fourth. F. = 9-4ths R. and R. = 4-9ths F. These are the relations of the intervals. We must, however, attend to the initial 32° of Fahrenheit. c° = 6x0.3 F°= (C°x 6x0.3)4-32° RO_4(F°-32°) r<>— iL L ~0T8 R° = 0.8 X C°. In the 15th volume of the Phil. Maga- zine, Mr. Crichton of Glasgow has describ- ed a self-registering thermometer of his in- vention, consisting of two oblong slips of steel and zinc, firmly fixed together by their faces; so that the greater expansion or contraction of the zinc, over those of the steel, by the same variations of tempe- rature, causes a flexure of the compound bar. As this is secured to a board at «i»« end, the whole flexure is exercised at the other, on the short arm of a lever index, the free extremity of which moves along a graduated arc. The instrument is origi- nally adjusted on a good mercurial ther- mometer; and the movements of the arm are registered by two fine wires, which are THO THO pushed before it, and left at the maximum deviation to the right or left of the last ob- served position or temperature. The prin- ciple is obviously that of Arnold's compen- sation balance for chronometers. An exquisite instrument on the same principle has been invented by M. Breguet, member of the academy of sciences, and board of longitude of France. It consists of a narrow metallic slip, about to~o" °f an inch thick, composed of silver and platina, soldered together; and it is coiled in a cy- lindrical form. The top of this spiral tube is suspended by a brass arm, and the bot- tom carries, in a horizontal position, a very delicate golden needle, which traverses as an index, on a graduated circular plate. A steel stud, rises in the centre of the tube, to prevent its oscillations from the central position. If the silver be on the outside of the spiral, then the influence of increased temperature will increase the curvature, and move the appended needle in the di- rection ofthe coil; while the action of cold will relax the coil, and move the needle in the opposite direction. M. Breguet was so good as present me with two instruments; both of which are perfect thermometers, but one is the most sensible which I ever saw. For some details concerning it, see Caloric. Dr. Wollaston showed me in 1809 a slip of copper coated with platinum, which exhibited by its curvature, over flame, or the vapour of water, the expan- ding influence of heat, in a striking man- ner. For other facts concerning the mea- surement of heat, see Caloric* •Thorina. An earth discovered in 1816 by M. Berzelius. He found it in small quantities in the gadolinite of Korar- vet, and two new minerals which he calls the deutofluate of cerium and the double fluate of cerium and yttria. It resembles zirconia. To obtain it from those minerals that contain protoxide of cerium and yttria, we must first separate the oxide of iron by succinate of ammonia. The new earth, indeed, may, when alone, be precipitated by the succinates; but in the analytical ex- periments in which he has obtained it, it precipitated in so small a quantity along with iron, that he could not separate it from that oxide. The deutoxide of cerium is then precipitated by ti>e sulphate of potash; after which the yttria and the new earth are precipitated together by caustic ammonia. Dissolve them in muriatic acid. Kvnporate the solution to dryness, and pour boiling water on the residue, which will dissolve the greatest ;>*-t of the yttria; but the undissolved residue still detains a portion of it. Dissolve it in muriatic or nitric acid, and evaporate it till it becomes as exactly neutral as possible. Then pour water upon it, and boil it for an instant. The new earth is precipitated, and the li- quid contains disengaged acid. By satu- rating this liquid, and boiling it a second time, we obtain a new precipitate of the new earth. This earth, when separated by the filter, has the appearance of a gelatinous, semi- transparent mass. When washed and ' dried, it becomes white, absorbs carbonic acid, and dissolves with effervescence in acids. Though calcined, it retains its white colour; and when the heat to which it has been exposed was only moderate, it dissolves readily in muriatic acid; but if the heat has been violent, it will not dis- solve till it be digested in strong muriatic acid. This solution has a yellowish colour; but it becomes colourless when diluted with water, as is the case with glucina, yttria, and alumina. If it be mixed with yttria, it dissolves more readily after hav- ing been exposed to heat The neutral solutions of this earth have a purely astrin- gent taste, which is neither sweet, nor sa- line, nor bitter, nor metallic. In this pro- perty it differs from all other species of earths, except zirconia. When dissolved in sulphuric acid with a slight excess of acid, and subjected to evaporation, it yields transparent crystals, which are not altered by exposure to the air, and which have a strong styptic taste. This earth dissolves very easily in nitric acid; but, after being heated to redness, it does not dissolve in it except by long boil- ing. The solution does not crystallize, but forms a mucilaginous mass, which becomes more liquid by exposure to the air, and which, when evaporated by a moderate heat, leaves a white, opaque mass, similar to enamel, in a great measure insoluble in water. It dissolves in muriatic acid, in the same manner as in nitric acid. The solution does not crystallize. When evaporated by a moderate heat, it is converted into a si- rupy mass, which does not deliquesce in the air, but dries, becomes white like ena- mel, and afterwards dissolves only in very small quantity in water, leaving a subsalt undissolved; so that by spontaneous evapo- ration it lets the portion of muriatic acid escape to which it owed its solubility. This earth combines with avidity with carbonic acid. The precipitates produced by caustic ammonia, or by boiling the neu- tral solutions of the earth in acids, absorb carbonic acid from the air in drying. The alkaline carbonates precipitate the earth combined with the whole of their carbonic acid. The ferruginous prussiate of potash, poured into a solution of this earth, throws down a white precipitate, which is com- pletely re-dissolved by muriatic acid. Caustic potash &nd ammonia have no ac> TIN TIN tion on this earth newly precipitated, not even at a boiling temperature. The solution of carbonate of potash, or carbonate of ammonia, dissolves a small quantity of it, which precipitates again when the liquid is supersaturated with an acid, and then neutralized by caustic am- monia; but this earth is much less soluble in the alkaline carbonates than any of the earths formerly known that dissolve in them. Thorina differs from the other earths by the following properties: From alumina by its insolubility in hydrate of potash; from glucina, by the same property; from yttria, by its purely astringent taste, without any sweetness, and by the property which its solutions possess of being precipitated by boiling when they do not contain too great an excess of acid. It differs from zirco- nia by the following properties: 1. After being heated to redness, it is still capa- ble of being dissolved in acids. 2. Sul- phate of potash does not precipitate it from its solutions while it precipitates zir- conia from solutions containing even a con- siderable excess of acid. 3. It is precipi- tated by oxalate of ammonia, which is not the case with zirconia. 4. Sulphate of thorina crystallizes readily, while sulphate of zirconia, supposing it free from alkali, forms, when dried, a gelatinous, transpa- rent mass, without any trace of crystalli- zation.* * Thorinum. The supposed metallic basis of the preceding earth, not hitherto extracted.* • Thulite. A hard peach-blossom co- loured mineral found at Sonland, in Telle- mark in Norway.* * Thumerstone. Axinite.* * Tile Ore. A sub-species of octohe- dral red copper ore.* Tin is a metal of a yellowish-white co- lour, considerably harder than lead, scarce- ly at all sonorous, very malleable, though not very tenacious. Under the hammer it is extended into leaves, called tin-foil, which are about one-thousandth of an inch thick, and might easily be beaten to less than half that thickness, if the pur- poses of trade required it. The process for making tin-foil consists simply in ham- mering out a number of plates of this me- tal, laid together upon a smooth block or plate of iron. The smallest sheets are the thinnest. Its specific gravity is 7-29. It melts at about the 442° of Fahrenheit's thermometer, and by a continuance of the heat it is slowly converted into a white powder by oxidation. Like lead, it is brittle when heated almost to fusion, and exhibits a grained or fibrous texture, if broken by the blow of a hammer; it may also be granulated by agitation at the time of its transition from the fluid to the solid state. The oxide of tin resists fusion more strongly than that of any other me- tal; from which property it is useful, to form an opaque white enamel when mixed with pure glass in fusion. The brightness of its surface, when scraped, soon goes off by exposure to the air; but it is not sub- ject to rust or corrosion by exposure to the weather. * To obtain pure tin, the metal should be boiled in nitric acid, and the oxide which falls down reduced by heat, in con- tact with charcoal, in a covered crucible. There are two definite combinations of tin and oxygen. The first or protoxide is gray; the second or peroxide is white. The first is formed by heating tin in the air, or by dissolving tin in muriatic acid, and ad- ding water of potash to the solution whilst recent, and before it has been exposed to air. The precipitate, after being heated to whiteness to expel the water of the hy- drate is the pure protoxide. It is conver- tible into the peroxide by being boiled with dilute nitric acid, dried and ignited. According to Sir H. Davy, the protoxide contains 13.5 per cent of oxygen. Suppos- ing it to consist of a prime equivalent of each constituent, that of tin would be 7.333. From the analyses of Berzelius and Gay-Lussac, the peroxide is composed of 100 metal + 27.2 oxygen; and if we re- gard it as containing 2 primes of the lat- ter principle to 1 of metal, the prime of this will be 7.353. The mean may be ta- ken at 7-35. There are also two chlorides of tin. When tin is burned in chlorine, a very volatile clear liquor is formed, a non-conductor of electricity, and which when mixed with a little water, becomes a solid crystalline substance, a true muriate of tin, contain- ing the peroxide ofthe metal. This, which has been called the liquor of Libavius, may be also procured, by heating together tin-filings and corrosive sublimate, or an amalgam of tin and corrosive sublimate. It consists, accordingto the analysis of Dr. John Davy, of 2 primes of chlorine = 9 -f- 1 of tin = 7.35. The other compound of tin and chorine, is a gray semi-transparent crystalline solid. It may be procured by heating together an amalgam of tin and ca- lomel. It dissolves in water, and forms a solution which rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air with deposition of peroxide of tin. It consists of Chlorine, 4.5 Tin, 7.35 There are two sulphurets of tin. One may be made by fusing tin and sulphur to- gether. It is of a bluish colour, and lamel- lated texture. It consists of 7.35 tin -+- 2 sulphur. The other sulphuret, or the bi- sulphuret, is made by heating together the peroxide of tin and sulphur. It is of a TIN TIN beautiful gold colour, and appears in fine flakes. It was formerly called aurum muri- vum. According to Dr. John Davy, it con- sists of 1 prime tin = 7.35 2 sulphur = 4.00 For another mode of'making it, see Aurum Musivum. The salts of tin are characterized by the following general properties: 1. Ferroprussiate of potash gives a white precipitate. 2. Hydrosulphuret of potash, a brown- black with the protoxide; and a golden- yellow with the peroxide. 3. Galls do not affect the solutions of these salts. 4. Corrosive sublimate occasions a black precipitate with the protoxide salts; a white with the peroxide. 5. A plate of lead frequently throws down metallic tin or its oxide, from the saline solutions. 6. Muriate of gold gives, with the pro- toxide solutions, the purple precipitate of Cassius. 7. Muriate of platinum occasions an orange precipitate with the protoxide salts.* Concentrated sulphuric acid, assisted by heat, dissolves half its weight of tin, at the same time that sulphureous gas escapes in great plenty. By the addition of water, an oxide of tin is precipitated. Sulphuric acid, slightly diluted, likewise acts upon this metal; but if much water be present, the solution does not take place. In the sulphuric solution of tin, there is an actual formation or extrication of sulphur, which renders the fluid of a brown colour while it continues heated, but subsides by cool- ing. The tin is likewise precipitated in the form of a white oxide, by a continu- ance ofthe heat, or by long standing with- out heat. This solution affords needle- formed crystals by cooling. Nitric acid and tin combine together very rapidly, without the assistance of heat. Most of the metal falls down in the form of a white oxide, extremely difficult of reduction; and the small portion of tin, which remains suspended, does not afford crystals, but falls down, for the most part, upon the application of heat to inspissate the fluid. The strong action of the nitric acid upon tin, produces a singular pheno- menon, which is happily accounted for by the modern discoveries in chemistry. M. de Morveau has observed, that in a solu- tion of tin by the nitric acid, no elastic fluid is disengaged, but ammonia is form- ed. This alkali must have been produced by the nitrogen of that part of the nitric acid which was employed in affording oxy- gen to oxidize the tin. The muriatic acid dissolves tin very rea- dily, at the same time that it becomes of a darker colour, and ceases to emit fumes. A slight effervescence takes place with the disengagement of a fetid inflammable gas. Muriatic acid suspends half its weight of tin, and does not let it fall by repose. It affords permanent crystals by evaporation. If the tin contain arsenic, it remains undis- solved at the bottom of the fluid. Hecent muriate of tin is a very delicate test of mer- cury. M. Chenevix says, if a single drop of a saturated solution of neutralized ni- trate, or muriate of mercury, be put into 500 grains of water, a few drops of a solu- tion of muriate of tin will render it a little turbid, and of a smoke-gray. He adds, that the effect is perceptible, if ten times as much water be added. Aqua regia, consisting of two parts nitric and one muriatic acid, combines with tin with effervescence, and the development of much heat. In order to obtain a perma- nent solution of tin in this acid, it is neces- sary to add the metal by small portions at a time; so that the one portion may be en- tirely dissolved before the next piece is added. Aqua regia, in this manner, dis- solves half its weight of tin. The solution is of a reddish-brown, and in many instan- ces assumes the form of a concrete gelati- nous substance. 'The addition of water sometimes produces the concrete form in this solution, which is then of an opal co- lour, on account of the oxide of tin diffu- sed through its substance. The uncertainty attending these experi- ments with the solution of tin in aqua re- gia, seems to depend upon the want of a sufficient degree of accuracy in ascertain- ing the specific gravities of the two acid9 which are mixed, the quantities of each, and of the tin, together with that of the water added. It is probable, that the spon- taneous assumption of the concrete state, depends upon water imbibed from the at- mosphere. The solution of tin in aqua re- gia is used by dyers to heighten the co- lours of cochineal, gum-lac, and some other red tinctures, from crimson to a bright scarlet, in the dyeing of woollens. The acetic acid scarcely acts upon tin. The operation of other acids upon this metal has been little inquired into. Phos- phate, fluate, and borate of tin have been formed by precipitating the muriate with the respective neutral salts. If the crystals of the saline combination of copper with the nitric acid be grossly powdered, moistened, and rolled up in tin- foil, the salt deliquesces, nitrous fumes are emitted, the mass becomes hot, and sud- denly takes fire. In this experiment, the rapid transition of the nitric acid to the tin, is supposed to produce or develope heat enough to set fire to the nitric salts; but by what particular changes of capaci- ty, has not been shown TIN TIT If small pieces of phosphorus be thrown on tin in fusion, it will take up from 15 to 20 per cent, and form a silvery white phos- phuret of a foliated texture, and soft enough to be cut with a knife, though but little malleable. This phosphuret may be form- ed likewise by fusing tin filings with con- crete phosphoric acid. Tin unites with bismuth by fusion, and becomes harder and more brittle in pro- portion to the quantity of that metal ad- ded. With nickel it forms a white brilliant mass. It cannot easily be united in the di- rect way with arsenic, on account of the volatility of this metal; but by heating it with the combination of the arsenical acid and potash, the salt is partly decomposed; and the tin combining with the acid, be- comes converted into a brilliant brittle compound, of a plaited texture. It has been said, that dl tin contains arsenic; and that the crackling noise which is heard upon bending pieces of tin, is produced by this impurity; but, from the experiment of Bayen, this appears not to be the fact. Co- balt unites with tin by fusion; and forms a grained mixture of a colour slightly in- clining to violet. Zinc unites very well with tin, increasing its hardness, and di- minishing its ductility, in proportion as the quantity of zinc is greater. This is one of the principal additions used in making pewter, which consists for the most part of tin. The best pewter does not contain above one-twentieth part of ad- mixture, which consists of zinc, copper, bismuth, or such other metallic substances, as experience has shown to be most con- ducive to the improvement of its hardness and colour. The inferior sorts of pewter, more especially those used abroad, contain much lead, have a bluish colour, and are soft. The tin usually met with in com- merce in this country, has no admixture to impair its purity, except such as may accidentally elude the workmen at the mines. But the tin met with in foreign countries, is so much debased by the deal- ers in that article, especially the Dutch, that pewter and tin are considered abroad as the same substance. Antimony forms a very brittle hard mix- ture with tin; the specific gravity of which is less than would have been deduced by computation from the specific gravities and quantities of each, separately taken. Tung- sten, fused with twice its weight of tin, af- fords a brown spongy mass, which is some- what ductile. The uses of tin are very numerous, and so wdl known, that they scarcely need be pointed out. Several of them have been already mentioned. 'The tinning of iron and copper, the silvering of looking-glasses, and the fabrication of a great variety of Vol. II. vessels and utensils for domestic and other uses, are among the advantages derived from this vessel. Tincal. Crude borax, as it is imported from the East Indies in yellow greasy crys- tals, is called tincal. Tinglass. Bismuth. •Tinning. See Iron." Titanites. This name has been given to certain ores of titanium, containing that metal in the state of oxide. See the fol- lowing article. Titanium. About twenty years ago, the Rev. Mr. Gregor discovered in a kind of ferruginous sand, found in the vale of Me- nachan, in Cornwall, what he supposed to be the oxide of a new metal, but was un- able to reduce. Klaproth, afterward analyzing what was called the real schorl of Hungary, found it to be the pure oxide of a new metal, which he named titanium, and the same with the menachanite of Mr. Gregor. Since that ox- ide of titanium has been discovered in se- veral fossils. We do not know that titanium has been completely reduced, except by Lampadius, who effected it by means of charcoal only. The oxide he employed was obtained from the decomposition of gallate of titanium by fixed alkali. The metal was of a dark copper colour, with much metallic brilli- ancy, brittle, and in small scales consider- ably elastic. It tarnishes in the air, and is easily oxidized by heat. It then acquires a bluish aspect. It detonates with nitre, and is highly infusible. All the dense acids act upon it with considerable energy. Ac- cording to Vauquelin, it is volatilized by intense heat. The native red oxide is insoluble in the sulphuric, nitric, muriatic, and nitro-muri- atic acids: but if it be fused with six parts of carbonate of potash, the oxide is dis- solved with effervescence. The sulphuric solution when evaporated becomes gelati- nous; the nitric affords rhomboidal crys- tals by spontaneous evaporation, but is ren- dered turbid by ebullition; the muriatic becomes gelatinous, or flocculent, by heat, and transparent crystals form in it when cooled; but if it be boiled, oxygenized mu- riatic acid gas is evolved, and a white ox- ide thrown down. Phosphoric and arsenic adds take it from the others, and form with it a white precipitate. These precipitates are soluble in muriatic acid, but in no other. The solutions of titanium give white pre- cipitates with the alkalis, or their carbo- nates; tincture of galls gives a brownish- red, and prussiate of potash, a brownish- yellow. If the prussiate produce a green precipitate, this, according to Lowitz, is owing to the presence of iron. Zinc, im- Dicrsed in the solutions, changes their co« 40 TOL TOP lour from yellow to violet, and ultimately to an indigo; tin produces in them a pale red tint, which deepens to a bright purple-red. Hydrosulphuret of potash throws down a brownish-red precipitate, but they are not decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen. By exposing phosphate of titanium, mix- ed with charcoal and borax, to a violent heat, in a double crucible luted, M. Che- nevix obtained a pale white phosphuret, with some lustre, brittle, of a granular tex- ture, and not very fusible. The oxides of iron and titanium, exposed to heat with a little oil and charcoal, pro- duce an alloy of a gray colour, intermixed with brilliant metallic particles of a golden yellow. Oxide of titanium was used to give a brown or yellow colour in painting on por- eelain, before its nature was known; but it was found difficult to obtain from it a uniform tint, probably from its not being in a state of purity. •Tobacco. The expressed juice of the leaves, according to Vauquelin, contain the following substances:— A considerable quantity of vegetable al- bumen or gluten; supermalate of lime; ace- tic acid. A notable quantity of nitrate and muri- ate of potash. A red matter soluble in al- cohol and water, which swells considerably when heated. Muriate of ammonia. Nicotin. Green fecula composed chiefly of gluten, green resin, and woody fibre.* Tolu (Balsam of). This substance is obtained from the toluifera balsamum, a tree which grows in South America. The balsam flows from incisions made in the bark. It comes to Europe in small gourd shells. It is of a reddish-brown colour and considerable consistence; and when ex- posed to the air, it becomes solid and brit- tle. Its smell is fragrant, and continues so, even after the balsam has become thick by age. When distilled with water, it yields very little volatile oil, but impreg- nates the water strongly with its taste and smell. A quantity of benzoic acid sublimes if the distillation be continued. Mr. Hatchett found it soluble in the al- kalis, like the rest of the balsams. When he dissolved it in the smallest possible quantity of lixivium of potash, it complete- ly lost its own odour, and assumed a fra- grant smell; somewhat resembling that of the clove pink. " This smell," Mr. Hat- chett observes, " is not fugitive, for it is still retained by a solution, which was pre- pared in June, and has remained in an open glass during four months." When digested in sulphuric acid, a con- siderable quantity of pure benzoic acid sublimes. When the solution of it in this acid is evaporated to dryness, and the re- siduum treated with alcohol, a portion of artificial tannin is obtained; the residual charcoal amounts to 0.54 of the original balsam. Mr. Hatchett found, that it dissolved in nitric acid, with nearly the same pheno- mena as the resins; but it assumed the smell of bitter almonds, which led him to suspect the formation of prussic acid. Dur- ing the solution in nitric acid, a portion of benzoic acid sublimes. By repeated di- gestions, it is converted into artificial tan- nin. It is totally soluble in alcohol, from which water separates the whole of it, except the benzoic acid. To m b a c. A white alloy of copper with arsenic, commonly brittle; though if the quantity of arsenic be small, it is both duc- tile and malleable in a certain degree. It is sometimes called white copper. * Topaz. According to Professor Jame- son, this mineral species contains three sub-species, common topaz, schorlite, and physalite. Common topaz. Colour wine-yellow. In granular concretions, disseminated and crystallized. Its primitive form is an ob- lique prism of 124° 22'. The following are secondary forms. An oblique four. sided prism, acuminated by four planes; the same, with the acute lateral edges be- velled; the same, with a double acumina- tion, and several other modifications, for which consult Jameson's Min. vol. i. p. 75. The lateral planes are longitudinally streak- ed. Splendent and vitreous. Cleavage per- fect and perpendicular to the axis of the prism. Fracture, small conchoidal. Trans- parent. Refracts double. Harder than quartz, or emerald; but softer than corun- dum. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 3.4 to 3.6. Saxon topaz in a gentle heat becomes white, but a strong heat deprives it of lus- tre and transparency. The Brazilian, on the contrary, by exposure to a high tem- perature, burns rose-red, and in a still higher, violet-blue. Before the blow-pipe it is infusible. The topaz of Brazil, Si- beria, Mucla in Asia-Minor, and Saxony, when heated, exhibit at one extremity, po- sitive, and at the other, negative electri- city. It also becomes electrical by friction; and retains its electricity very long. Its constituents are, Braz. Top. Sax. T. Sax. T. Alumina, 58.38 57.45 59 Silica, 34.01 34.24 35 Fluoric acid, 7.79 7.75 5 100.18 99.44 99 Berzelius. Klapr. Klapr. Topaz forms an essential constituent of a particular mountain-rock, which is an ag- gregate of topaz, quartz, and schorl, and TBA TRA is named topaz-rock. Topaz occurs in drusy cavities in granite. It has been also discovered in nests, in transition clay-slate; and it is found in rolled pieces in alluvial soil. It occurs in large crystals, and rolled masses, in an alluvial soil, in the granite and gneiss districts of Mar and Cairngorm, in the upper parts of Aberdeenshire; and in veins, along with tin-stone, in clay-slate at St. Anne's, Cornwall. On the continent, it appears most abundantly in topaz-rock at Schneckenstein.—Jameson.* * Topaxolite. A variety of precious garnet, found at Mussa in Piedmont.* • Tortoise-shell. It approaches to nail or coagulated albumen in its composi- tion. 500 parts, after incineration, leave three of earthy matter, consisting of phos- phate of lime, and soda, with a little iron.* •Touchstone. Lydian stone, a vari- ety of flinty-slate.* •Tourmaline. Rhomboidal tourma- line is divided into two sub-species, schorl and tourmaline. Tourmaline. Colours green and brown. In prismatic concretions, rolled pieces, but generally crystallized. Primitive form, a rhomboid of 133° 26'. It occurs in an equiangular three-sided prism, flatly acu- minated on the extremities with three planes. The lateral edges are frequently bevelled, and thus a nine-sided prism is formed: when the edges of the bevelment are truncated, a twelve-sided prism is formed; and when the bevelling planes in- crease so much, that the original faces of the prism disappear, an equiangular six- sided prism is formed. Sometimes the prism is nearly awanting, when a double three-sided pyramid is formed. The late- ral planes are generally cylindrical convex, and deeply longitudinally streaked. Crys- tals imbedded. Splendent, vitreous. Cleav- age threefold. Fracture conchoidal. Opaque to transparent. Refracts double. When view- ed perpendicular to the axis ofthe crystal, it is more or less transparent; but in the direction ofthe axis, even when the length ofthe prism is less than the thickness, it is opaque. As hard as quartz. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 3.0 to 3.2. By friction it yields vitreous electricity; by heating, vitreous at one end, and resinous at the other. The brown and hyacinth-red vari- eties, have these properties in the greatest degree. The ancients called it lyncurium. Before the blow-pipe, it melts into a gray- ish-white vesicular enamel. Its constitu- ents are, silica 42, alumina 40, soda 10, ox- ide of manganese with a little iron 7, loss 1.—Vauquelin. It occurs in gneiss, mica- slate, talc-slate, &c. The red occurs in Sir beria, Ava, and Ceylon.—Jameson.* Tragacanth (Gum). This substance, which is vulgarly called gum-dragon, ex- udes from a prickly bush, the astragalus tragacantha, Lin. which grows wild in the warmer climates, and endures the cold of our own, but does not here yield any gum. This commodity is brought chiefly from Turkey, in irregular lumps, or long vermi- cular pieces bent into a variety of shapes; the best sort is white, semi-transparent* dry, yet somewhat soft to the touch. Gum-tragacanth differs from all the other known gums, in giving a thick consistence to a much larger quantity of water; and in being much more difficultly soluble, or ra- ther dissolving only imperfectly. Put into water, it slowly imbibes a great quantity of the liquid, swells into a large volume, and forms a soft but not fluid mucilage; if more water be added, a fluid solution may be obtained by agitation: but the liquor looks turbid and wheyish, and on standing, the mucilage subsides, the limpid water on the surface retaining little of the gum. Nor does the admixture of the preceding more soluble gums promote its union with the water, or render its dissolution more dura- ble: when gnm-tragacanth, and gum-arabio are dissolved together in water, the traga- canth seems to separate from the mixture more speedily than when dissolved by it- self. Tragacanth is usually preferred to the other gums for making up troches, and other like purposes, and is supposed like- wise to be the most effectual as a medi- cine; but on account of its imperfect solu- bility, is unfit for liquid forms. It is com- monly given in powder with the addition of other materials of similar intention; thus to one part of gum-tragacanth, are added one of gum-arabic, one of starch, and six of sugar. See Cerasin. * Trap Formations in geology. Primitive trap. The name trap is de- rived from the Swedish word trappa, a stair. Werner understands by trap, rocks principally characterized by the presence of hornblende, and black iron clay. Hence all rocks occurring in the primitive class, having hornblende as a characteristic, or predominating ingredient, belong to the primitive trap formation. The following ta- ble from Professor Jameson exhibits the rocks of this formation. 1. Common hornblende rock. a. Granular hornblende rock. b. Hornblende slate. 2. Hornblende mixed with feldspar. a. Greenstone. it. Common greenstone. /3. Porphyritic greenstone. y. Greenstone porphyry. /. Green porphyry. b. Greenstone slate. 3. Hornblende mixed with mica. Transition trap. It contains greenstone and amygdaloid. The newest floetz-trap contains several TRE rocks which are peculiar to it, and others that occur in other floetz formations. The peculiar or characteristic rocks are, basalt, wacke, gray-stone, porphyry-slate, and trap- tuff. These, and also greenstone, are often called whinstone by mineralogists.* * Trap-tuff. It is composed of masses of basalt, amygdaloid, hornblende rock, sand-stone, and even pieces of wood (as in thei sland of Canna) cemented together by a rather loose spongy clayey basis, which has been formed from decomposed basalt or wacke rock. The masses vary much in size, from that of a pea, to several hun- dred weight. It occurs in beds, which are from a few inches to several fathoms thick. A considerable portion of Arthur's-seat, near Edinburgh, is composed of this rock: there it rests on inclined strata, which be- long to the oldest coal formation. It oc- curs also in Mull, and many other places in Scotland.* * Tremolite. This sub-species of straight-edged augite is divided into three kinds; the asbestous, common, and glassy. 1. Asbestous tremolite. Colour grayish- white. Massive, and in fibrous concretions. Shining, pearly. Fragments splintery. Translucent on the edges. Rather easily frangible. Soft. Rather sectile. When struck gently, or rubbed in the dark, it emits a pale reddish light; when pounded and thrown on coals, a greenish light. Be- fore the blow-pipe, it melts into a white opaque mass. It occurs most frequently in granular foliated limestone, or in dolo- mite. It is found in the former in Glentilt and Glenelg; in the latter, in Aberdeenshire and Icolmkill; and in basalt in the Castle- rock of Edinburgh. 2. Common tremolite. Colour white. Mas- sive, in distinct prismatic concretions, and crystallized in a very oblique four-sided prism, truncated or bevelled on the lateral edges; in an extremely oblique four-sided prism, perfect or variously modified by be- velment or truncation. The lateral planes are longitudinally streaked. Vitreous or pearly. Cleavage double oblique angular, of 124° 50' and 55° 50'. Fracture uneven or conchoidal. Translucent. As hard as hornblende. Rather brittle. Sp. grav. 2.9 to 3.2. It melts with much difficulty and ebullition into an opaque glass. Its consti- tuents are; silica 50, magnesia 25, lime 18, carbonic acid and water 5.—Laugier. It occurs with the preceding. 3. Glassy tremolite. Colour grayish, greenish, yellowish, and reddish-white. Massive, in distinct concretions, and fre- quently crystallized in long acicular crys- tals. Shining, between vitreous and pearly. Translucent. As hard as hornblende. Very brittle. Sp. gr. 2.863. It is phosphores- cent in a low degree. Infusible. Its con- stituents are, silica 35.5, lime 26.5, mag- TUX nesia 16.5, water and carbonic acid 23— Laugier. It occurs with the preceding.— Jameson* * Tuiphane. See Spodumt. ne.* * Tripoli. Colour yellowish-gray. Massive. Fracture fine or coarse earthy. Opaque. Soft. Rather easily frangible. Meagre. Does not adhere to the tongue. Sp. gr. 2.2. Infusible. Its constituents are, silica, 81, alumina 1.5, oxide of iron 8, sul- phuric acid 3.45, water 4 55.—Bucholz. Of the rottenslone, silica 4, alumina 86, carbon 10.—Phillips. It occurs in beds in coal- fields, with secondary limestone, and un- der basalt. It is found at Bakewell, in Derbyshire, where it is called rottemtone-. It is used for polishing stones, metals, and glasses. The tripoli of Corfu is reckoned the most valuable.* * Trona. The name given in Africa to the native carbonate of soda, found at Su< kena, near Fezzan.* Tube of Saeety. A tube open at both ends, inserted into a receiver, the up- per end communicating with the external air, and the lower being immersed in wa- ter. Its intention is to prevent injury from too sudden condensation or rarefaction taking place during an operation. For, if a vacuum be produced within the vessels, the external air will enter through the tube: and if air be generated, the water will yield to the pressure, being forced up the tube. Thus, too, the 'height of the water in the tube indicates the degree of pressure from the confined gas or gases. See PL VII. fig. 3. A. It is now more fre- quently used in a curved form, ib. fig. 1.; and is commonly called a,Welter's tube. * Tufaceous Limestone, or Cai.c Tuff. See Limestone.* Tumite. See Thummerstone. * Tungsten. See Ores of Tung- sten.* Tungstenum. This name, signifying heavy stone, was given by the Swedes to a mineral, which Scheele found to contain a peculiar metal, as he supposed, in the state of an acid, united with lime. The same metallic substance was afterward found by the Don d'Elhuyarts united with iron and manganese in wolfram. From the first of these the oxide maybe obtained by digesting its powder in thrice its weight of nitric acid; washing the yel- low powder that remains, and digesting it in ammonia, by which a portion of it is dis- solved. 'These alternate digestions are to he repeated, and the tungstic oxide pre- cipitated from the ammoniacal solutions by nitric acid. The precipitate is to be washed with Water, and exposed to a mo- derate heat, to expel any ammonia that may adhere to it. Or the mixture may be evaporated to a dry mass, which is to be calcined under a muffle, to dissipate the TUN TUR nitrate of ammonia. From wolfram it may be obtained by the same process, after the iron and manganese have been dissolved by muriatic acid. " The Spanish chemists reduced the oxide of tungsten to the metallic state, by ex- posing it moistened with oil, in a crucible lined with charcoal, to an intense heat. After two hours, a piece of metal weighing 40 grains, but slightly agglutinated, was found at the bottom of the crucible. Some have attempted its reduction in vain; but Guyton, Ruprecht, and Messrs. Aikin and Allen, have been more successful. The latter gentlemen produced it from the am- moniuret. From 240 grains of this sub- stance, in acicular crystals, exposed for two hours to a powerful wind furnace, in a crucible lined with charcoal, they obtain- ed a slightly cohering mass of roundish grains, about the size ofa pin's head, with a very brilliant metallic lustre, and weigh- ing in the whole 161 grains. Tungsten is said to be of a grayish-white or iron colour, with considerable brilliancy, very hard, and brittle. Its specific gravity Don d'Elhuyarts found to be 17.6; Messrs. Aikin and Allen, above 17,22. * There are two oxides of tungstenum, the brown, and the yellow or tungstic acid. The brown oxide is formed by transmit- ting hydrogen gas over tungstic acid, in an ignited glass tube. It has a flea-brown co- lour, and when heated in the air, it takes fire and burns like tinder,passinginto tungs- tic acid; which see. The brown oxide consists of Tungstenum, 100 Oxygen, 16.6—Berzel. Hence, if we regard it as composed of 2 primes oxygen -J- 1 metal, its composition will be Tungstenum, 12.05 100. Oxygen, 2.00 16.6 Hence the acid prime ought probably to be, 12-05 + 3. = 15.05 or 15; and that of the metal 12. But from Berzelius's experiments, tungs- tate of lime seems to consist of Tungstic acid, 100. 14.72 Lime, 24.12 3.55 The difference indeed is not great. Sir II. Davy found that tungstenum burns with a deep red light, when heated in chlo- rine, and forms an orange-coloured volatile substance, which affords the yellow oxide of tungstenum, and muriatic acid, when decomposed by water.* Scheele supposed the white powder, ob- tained by digesting the ore in an acid, add- ing ammonia to the residuum, and neutral- izing it by nitric acid, to be pure acid of tungsten. In fact it has a sour taste, red- dens litmus, forms neutral crystallizable salts with alkalis, and is soluble in 20 parts qf boiling water. It appears however to be a triple salt, composed of nitric acid, am- monia, and oxide of tungsten; from which the oxide may be obtained in a yellow pow- der by boiling with a pure concentrated acid. In this state it contains about 20 per cent of oxygen; part of which may be ex- pelled by a red heat, when it assumes a green colour. Tungsten is insoluble in the acids; and its oxide is nearly the same. It appears to be capable of uniting with most other me- tals, but not with sulphur. Guyton found, that the oxide gives great permanence to vegetable colours.---Scheele's Essays.---. Brongniart's Min.----\"ich. Journ.---Phil. Mag.—Murray's Chemistry. Tungsten of Bastnas, or False Tungsten. See Cerium. * Turpeth Mineral. Yellow sub- deutosulphate of mercury.* Turnsole. Heliotropium. See Ar- chil. Turkey Stone. Cos Turcica. See Whetslate. Turmeric (terra merita), curcuma longa, is a root brought to us from the East In- dies. Berthollet had an opportunity of ex- amining some turmeric that came from To- bago, which was superior to that which is met with in commerce, both in the size of the roots and the abundance of the colour- ing particles. This substance is very rich in colour, and there is no other which gives a yellow colour of such brightness; but it possesses no durability, nor can mordants give it a sufficient degree. Common salt and sal ammoniac, are those which fix the colour best, but they render it deeper and make it incline to brown: some recommend a small quantity of muriatic acid. The root must be reduced to powder to be fit for use. It is sometimes employed to give the yellows made with weld a gold cast, and to give an orange tinge to scarlet;.but the shade the turmeric imparts, soon dis- appears in the air. Mr. Guchliche gives two processes for fixing the colour of turmeric on silk. The first consists in aluming in the cold for twelve hours, a pound of silk in a solution of two ounces of alum, and dyeing it hot, but without boiling, in a bath composed of two ounces of turmeric and a quart (mea- sure) of aceto-citric acid, mixed with three quarts of water. The second process con- sists in extracting the colouring particles from the turmeric by aceto-citric acid, in the way described for Brazil wood, and in dyeing the silk, alumed as already mention- ed, in this liquor, either cold or only mode- derately warm. The colour is rendered more durable by this than by the former process. The first parcel immersed ac- quires a gold yellow; the colour of the se- cond and third parcels is lighter, but of the same kind; that of the fourth is a straw ULM ULM colour. Mr. Guchliche employs the same process to extract fine and durable colours from fustic, broom, and French berries; he prepares the wool by a slight aluming, to which he adds a little muriatic acid. He seems to content himself in these cases with vinegar or some other vegetable acid, instead of his aceto-citric acid, for the ex- traction of the colour; he directs that a very small quantity of solution of tin should be put into the dye-bath. Turpentine is a resinous juice ex- tracted from several trees. Sixteen ounces of Venice turpentine, being distilled with water, yielded four ounces and three drachms of essential oil; and the same quantity, distilled without water, yielded with the heat of a water-bath, two ounces only. When turpentine is distilled or boil- ed with water till it becomes solid, it ap- peal's yellowish; when the process is far- ther continued, it acquires a reddish-brown colour. On distilling sixteen ounces in a retort with an open fire, increased by de- grees, Neumann obtained, first, four ounces of a limpid colourless oil; then two ounces and a drachm of a dark brownish-red em- pyreumatic oil, of the consistence of a bal- sam, and commonly distinguished by that name. The essential oil, commonly called spirit of turpentine, cannot without singular diffi- culty be dissolved in alcohol, though ter- pentine itself is easily soluble in that spirit. One part of the oil may be dissolved in se- ven parts of alcohol; but on standing a while, the greatest part of the oil sepa- rates and falls to the bottom. * Turojjois, Mineral, or Calaite. Colours smalt-blue and apple-green. Mas- sive, disseminated, and imitative. Dull. Fracture conchoidal or uneven. Opaque. Harder than feldspar, but softer than quartz. Streak, white. Sp. gr. 2.86 to 3.0. Its constituents are, alumina 73, oxide of copper 4.5, water 18, oxide of iron 4.—John. It occurs in veins in clay-ironstone, and in small pieces in alluvial clay. It has been found only in the neighbourhood of Nicha- bour, in the Khorassan, in Persia. It is very highly prized as an ornamental stone in Persia, and the neighbouring countries. Malchite yields a green streak, but that of calaite is white. Bone turquois is phosphate of lime, coloured with oxide of copper.* Tutenag. This name is given in India to the metal zinc. It is sometimes applied to denote a white metallic compound, brought from China, called also Chinese copper, the art of making which is not known in Europe. It is very tough, strong, malleable, may be easily cast, hammered, and polished; and the better kinds of it, when well manufactured, are very white, and not more disposed to tarnish than sil- ver is. Three ingredients of thi9 compound may be discovered by analysis; namely, copper, zinc, and iron. Some of the Chinese white copper is said to be merely copper and arsenic. Type Metal. The basis of type metal for printers is lead, and the principal arti- cle used in communicating hardness is an- timony, to which copper and brass in vari- ous proportions are added. The properties of a good type metal are, that it should run freely into the mould, and possess hardness without being excessively brittle. The smaller letters are made of a harder composition than those of a larger size. It does not appear that our type-founders are in possession of a good composition for this purpose. The principal defect of their composition appears to be, that the metals do not uniformly unite. In a piece of cast- ing performed at one of our principal foun- deries, the thickness of which was two inches, I found one side hard and brittle when scraped, and the other side, consist- ing of nearly half the piece, was soft like lead. The transition from soft to hard was sudden, not gradual. If a parcel of letter of the same size and casting be examined, some of them are brittle and hard, and re- sist the knife, but others may be bent and cut into shavings. It may easily be ima- gined, that the duration and neatness of these types must considerably vary. I have been informed, but do not know the fact from trial, that the types cast in Scotland are harder and more uniform in their qua- lities. U ULM1N. Dr. Thomson has given this temporary name to a very singular substance lately examined by Klaproth. It differs essentially from every other known body, and must therefore constitute a new and peculiar vegetable principle. It exu- ded spontaneously from the trunks of a spe- cies of elm, which Klaproth conjectures to be the ulmus nigra, and was sent to, him from Palermo in 1802. 1. In its external characters it resembles gum. It was solid, hard, of a black colour, and had considerable lustre. Its powder was brown. It dissolved readily in the mouth, and was insipid. 2. It dissolved speedily in a small quan- tity of water. The solution was transpa- rent, of a blackish-brown colour, and, even when very much concentrated by evapora- tion, was not in the least mucilaginous or URA Iropy; nor did it answer as a paste. In this respect ulmin differs essentially from gum. 3. It was completely insoluble both in al- cohol and ether. When alcohol was poured into the aqueous solution, the greater part of the ulmin precipitated in light brown flakes. The remainder was obtained by evaporation, and was not sensibly soluble in alcohol. The alcohol by this treatment acquired a sharpish taste. 4. When a few drops of nitric acid were added to the aqueous solution, it became gelatinous, lost its blackish-brown colour, and a light brown substance precipitated. The whole solution was slowly evaporated to dryness, and the reddish-brown pow- der, which remained, was treated with al- cohol. The alcohol assumed a golden-yel- low colour; and when evaporated, left a light-brown, bitter, and sharp resinous sub- stance. 5. Oxymuriatic acid produced precisely the same effects as nitric. Thus it appears that ulmin, by the addition of a little oxy- gen, is converted into a resinous substance. In this new state it is insoluble in water. This property is very singular. Hitherto the volatile oils were the only substances known to assume the form of resins. That a substance soluble in water should assume the resinous form with such facility, is very remarkable. 6. Ulmin, when burnt, emitted little smoke or flame, and left a spongy but firm eharcoal, which, when burnt in the open air, left only a little carbonate of potash behind. Such are the properties of this curious substance, as far as they have been exa- mined by Klaproth. Ultramarine. See Axure-stone. • Umber. See Ores of Iron.* Uranglimmer. An ore of uranium, formerly called green mica, and by Werner chalcolite. See the following article. Uranite, or Uranium. A new metal- lic substance, discovered by the celebrated Klaproth in the mineral called Pechblende. In this it is in the state of sulphuret. But it likewise occurs as an oxide in the green mica, or uranglimmer, and in the uran- ochre. By treating the ores of the metal with the nitric or nitro-muriatic acid, the oxide will be dissolved; and may be precipitated by the addition of a caustic alkali. It is in- soluble in water, and of a yellow colour; but a strong heat renders it of a brownish- gray. To obtain it pure, the ore should be treated with nitric acid, the solution eva- Eorated to dryness, and the residuum eated, so as to render any iron it may contain insoluble. This being treated with distilled water, ammonia is to be poured into the solution, and digested with it for URE some time, which will precipitate the ura- nium and retain the copper. The precipi- tate, well washed with ammonia, is to be dissolved in nitric acid, and crystallized. The green crystals, dried on blotting pa- per, are to be dissolved in water, and re- crystallized, so as to get rid of the lime. Lastly, the nitrate, being exposed to a red heat, will be converted into the yellow ox- ide of uranium. It is very difficult of reduction. Fifty grains, after being ignited, were formed into a ball with wax, and exposed in a well closed charcoal crucible, to the most vehe- ment heat of a porcelain furnace, the inten- sity of which gave 170* on Wedgwood's pyrometer. Thus a metallic button was ob - tained, weighing 28 grains, of a dark gray colour, hard, firmly cohering, fine grained, of very minute pores, and externally glit- tering. On filing it, or rubbing it with ano- ther hard body, the metallic lustre has an iron-gray colour; but in less perfect assays it verges to a brown. Its specific gravity was 8.1. Bucholz, however, obtained it as high as 9.0 * There is probably but two oxides of uranium; the protoxide, which is grayish- black; and the peroxide, which is yellow. When uranium is heated to redness in an open vessel, it glows like a live coal, and passes into the protoxide, which, from the experiments of Shoiibert, consists of Uranium, 100 15.7 Oxygen, 6.373 LO The precipitate thrown down by potash from the nitrate solution is called the yel- low oxide. It consists of Uranium, 100 31.4 = 2 primes Oxygen, 9.359 3.0 = 3 • The oxide is soluble in dilute sulphuric acid gently heated, and affords lemon-co- loured prismatic crystals. Its solution in muriatic add, in which it is but imperfect- ly soluble, affords yellowish-green rhom- boidal tablets. Phosphoric acid dissolves it, but after some time the phosphate falls down in a flocculent form, and of a pale yellow colour. It combines with verifiable substances, and gives them a brown or green colour. On porcelain, with the usual flux, it pro- duces an orange. Uranochre. An ore of uranium, con- taining this metal in the oxidized state. See the preceding article. * Urates. Compounds of uric or lithic acid, with the salifiable bases. See Acid (Lithic).* * Urea. The best process for preparing urea is to evaporate urine to the consis- tence of sirup, taking care to regulate the heat towards the end of the evaporation; to add very gradually to the sirup its vo- lume of nitric acid (24* Baum£) of 1.20; to stir the mixture, and immerse it in a URE URI bath of iced water, to harden the crystals of the acidulous nitrate of urea which pre- cipitate; to wash these crystals with ice- cold water, to drain them, and press them between folds of blotting paper. When we have thus separated the adhering hetero- geneous matters, we redissolve the crystals in water, and add to them a sufficient quan- tity of carbonate of potash, to neutralize the nitric acid. We must then evaporate the new liquor, at a gentle heat, almost to dryness; and treat the residuum with very pure alcohol, which dissolves only the urea. On concentrating the alcoholic solution, the urea crystallizes. The preceding is M. Thenard's process, which Dr. Prout has improved. He sepa- rates the nitrate of potash by crystalliza- tion, makes the liquid urea into a paste with animal charcoal, digests this with cold water, filters, concentrates, then dis- solves the new colourless urea in alcohol, and lastly crystallizes. The process pre- scribed by Dr. Thomson, in the 5th edition of his System, does not answer. Urea crystallizes in four-sided prisms, which are transparent and colourless, with a slight pearly lustre. It has a peculiar, but not urinous odour; it does not affect litmus or turmeric papers; it undergoes no change from the atmosphere, except a slight deliquescence in very damp wea- ther. In a strong heat it melts, and is partly decomposed and partly sublimed without change. The sp. gr. of the crys- tals is about 1.35. It is very soluble in water. Alcohol, at the temperature of the atmosphere, dissolves about 20 per cent; and when boiling, considerably more than its own weight, from which the urea sepa- rates, on cooling, in its crystalline form. The fixed alkalis and alkaline earths de- compose it. It unites with most of the me- tallic oxides; and forms crystalline com- pounds with the nitric and oxalic acids.* If cautiously introduced into a retort with a wide short neck, it fuses with a gentle heat: a white fume rises, which is benzoic acid, and condenses on the sides of the receiver: crystallized carbonate of ammonia succeeds, and continues to the end: neither water nor oil rises, but the sublimate is turned brown: the air expelled from the apparatus is impregnated with a smell of garlic and stinking fish: when the heat is very intense, the smell is insupport- able. The matter in the retort is then dry, blackish, and covered with a raised white crust, which rises at length in a heavy va- pour, and attaches itself to the lower part ofthe retort. This is muriate of ammonia. If water be poured on the residuum, it emits a smell of prussic acid. Burned on an open fire it exhales the same smell, gives out ammonia, and leaves one-hundredth of its weight of acrid white ashes, which turn sirup of violets green, and contain a small quantity of carbonate of soda. The aqueous solution, distilled by a gen- tle fire, and carried to ebullition, affords very clear water loaded with ammonia. By adding more water, as the liquor became inspissated, Fourcroy and Vauquelin ob- tained nearly two-thirds of the weight of the urea in carbonate of ammonia, and the residuum was not then exhausted of it. The latter portions, however, were more and more coloured. This decomposition of an animal sub- stance at the low heat of boiling water is very remarkable, particularly with respect to the carbonic acid. Indeed it appears that a very slight change of equilibrium is sufficient to cause its constituent principles to pass into the state of ammonia, and car- bonic, prussic, and acetous acids. • Urea has been recently analyzed by Dr. Prout, and M. Berard. The following are its constituents:— Per cent. Per cent. Per atom. Hydrogen, 10.80 6.66 2 = 2.5 Carbon, 19.40 19.99 1 = 7.5 Oxygen, 26.40 26.66 1 = 10.0 Azote, 43.40 46.66 1 = 17.5 100.00 100.00 37.5 See Sugar for some remarks on the re- lation between it and urea. Uric, or lithic acid, is a substance quite distinct from urea in its composition. This fact, according to Dr. Prout, explains, why an excess of urea generally accompanies the phosphoric dia- thesis, and not the lithic. He has several times seen urea as abundant in the urine of a person where the phosphoric diathesis prevailed, as to crystallize spontaneously on the addition of nitric acid, without be- ing concentrated by evaporation. As urea and uric acid, says Dr. Berard, are the most azotized of all animal substan- ces, the secretion of urine appears to have for its object, the separation of the excess of azote from the blood, as respiration se- parates from it the excess of carbon.* Urea has a singular effect on the crystal- lization of some salts. If muriate of soda be dissolved in a solution of urea, it will crystallize by evaporation, not in cubes, but in octaedra; muriate of ammonia, on the contrary, treated in the same way, instead of crystallizing in octaedra, will assume the cubic form. The same effect is produced, if fresh urine be employed. Uuic Acid. See Acid (Lithic). Urine. This excrementitious fluid, in its natural state, is transparent, of a yellow colour, a peculiar smell and saline taste. Its production as to quantity, and in some measure quality, depends on the seasons and the peculiar constitution of the indivi- dual, and is likewise modified by disease. It is observed, that perspiration carries off uri uri more or less of the fluid, which would else have passed off by urine; so that the pro- fusion of the former is attended with a di- minution of the latter. From the alkaline smell of urine kept for a certain time, and other circumstances, it was formerly supposed to be an alkaline fluid; but by its reddening paper stained blue with litmus or the juice of radishes, it appears to contain an excess of acid. The numerous researches made concern- ing urine have given the following as its component parts: 1, water; 2, urea; 3, phos- phoric acid; 4, 5, 6, 7, phosphates of lime, magnesia, soda, and ammonia; 8, 9, 10, 11, lithic, rosacic, benzoic, and carbonic acids; 12, carbonate of lime; 13, 14, muriates of soda and ammonia; 15, gelatin; 16, albu- men; 17, resin; 18, sulphur. Muriate of potash may sometimes be de- tected in urine, by cautiously dropping into it some tartaric acid; as may sulphate of soda, or of lime, by a solution of muriate of barytes, which will throw down sulphate of barytes together with its phosphate; and these may be separated by a sufficient quan- tity of muriatic acid, which will take up the latter. Urine soon undergoes spontaneous chan- ges, which are more or less speedy and extensive, according to its state, as well as the temperature of the air. Its smell, when fresh made, and healthy, is somewhat fra- grant; but this presently goes off, and is succeeded by a peculiar odour termed uri- nous. As it begins to be decomposed, its smell is not very unlike that of sour milk; but this soon changes to a fetid, alkaline odour. It must be observed, however, that turpentine, asparagus, and many other ve- getable substances, taken as medicine, or used as food, have a very powerful effect on the smell of the urine. Its tendency to putrefaction depends almost wholly on the quantity of gelatin and albumen it contains; in many cases, where tliese are abundant, it comes on very quickly indeed. • According to Berzelius, healthy human urine is composed of, water 933, urea30.10, sulphate of potash 3.71, sulphate of soda 3-16, phosphate of soda 2.94, muriate of soda 4.45, phosphate of ammonia 1.65, mu- riate of ammonia 1.50, free acetic acid, with lactate of ammonia, animal matter soluble in alcohol, urea adhering to the preceding, altogether 17.14, earthy phosphates with a trace of fluate of lime 1.0, uric acid 1, mucus of the bladder 0.32, silica 0.03, in 1000.0. The phosphate of ammonia and soda, obtained from urine, by removing by alcohol the urea from its crystallized salts, was called fusible salt of urine, or microcos- mic salt, and was much employed in expe- riments with the blow-pipe.* The changes produced in urine by dis- Vol. II. ease are considerable, and of importance to be known. It is of a red colour, small in quantity, and peculiarly acrid, in inflam- matory diseases; but deposites no sediment on standing. Corrosive muriate of mercury throws down from it a copious precipitate. Toward the termination of such diseases, it becomes more abundant, and deposites a copious pink-coloured sediment, consisting of rosacic acid, with a Httle phosphate of lime and uric acid. • In jaundice'it contains a deep yellow co- louring matter, capable of staining linen. Muriatic acid renders it green, and this in- dicates the presence of bile. Sometimes, too, according to Fourcroy and Vauquelin, it contains a substance analogous to the yellow acid, which they formed by the ac« tion of nitric acid on muscular fibre. In hysterical affections, it is copious, limpid, and colourless, containing much salt, but scarcely any urea or gelatin. In dropsy the urine is generally loaded with albumen, so as to become milky, or even coagulate by heat, or on the addition of acids. In dropsy from diseased liver, however, no albumen is present; but the urine is scanty, high-coloured, and depo- sites the pink-coloured sediment. In dyspepsy, or indigestion, the urine abounds in gelatin, and putrefies rapidly. In rickets, the urine contains a great deal of a calcareous salt, which has been supposed to be phosphate of lime, but ac- cording to Bonhomme it is the oxalate. Some instances are mentioned, in which females have voided urine of a milky ap- pearance, and containing a certain portion of the caseous part of milk. But among the most remarkable altera- tions of urine is that in the diabetes, when the urine is sometimes so loaded with su- gar, as to be capable of being fermented into a vinous liquor. Upwards of l-12th of its weight of sugar was extracted from some diabetic urine by Cruikshank, which was at the rate of twenty-nine ounces troy a-day from one patient. In this disease, however, the urine, though always in very large quantity, is sometimes not sweet, but insipid. The urine of some animals, examined by Fourcroy, Vauquelin, and Rouelle, jun. appears to differ from that of man in want- ing the phosphoric and lithic acids, and containing the benzoic. That ofthe horse, according to the former two, consists of benzoate of soda .024, carbonate of lime .011, carbonate of soda .009, muriate of potash .009, urea .007, water and mucilage .940. Giese, however, observes, that the proportion of benzoate of soda varies greatly, so that sometimes scarcely any can be found. Notwithstanding the asser- tions of these chemists, that the urine of 41 VAR VAR the horse contains no phosphoric acid, Gio- bert affirms that phosphorus may be made from it. That of the cow, according to Rouelle, contains carbonate, sulphate, and muriate of potash, benzoic acid, and urea: that of the camel differed from it in affording no benzoic acid: that of the rabbit, according to Vauquelin, contains the carbonates of lime, magnesia, and potash, sulphates of potasji and lime, muriate of potash, urea, gelatin, and sulphur. All these appear to contain some free alkali, as they turn sirup of violets green. In the urine of domestic fowls, Fourcroy and Vauquelin found lithic acid. Urine has been employed for making phosphorus, volatile alkali, and sal ammo- niac; it adds to the produce of nitre-beds; and it is very useful in a putrid state for scouring woollens. * Urinary Calculi. See Calculi (Urinary).* V * T^APOUR. The general principles of v the formation of vapour have been explained under the article Caloric, changes of state. Some observations have been added under Evaporation and Gas. Fig. 15. plate XIV. represents one form ofthe apparatus, which I employed for de- termining the elastic force of vapours at different temperatures. L, 1, are the initial levels of the mercurial columns in the two legs ofthe syphon barometer. I, is the fine wire of platina, to which the quicksilver was made a tangent, at every measurement, by pouring mercury into the open leg, till its vertical pressure equipoised the elastic force of the vapour above I. The column added over L, measured directly that elas- tic force. See the Tables in the Appen- dix.* * Varec The French name for kelp, or incinerated sea-weed.* Varnish. Lac-varnishes or lacquers Consist of different resins in a state of so- lution, of which the most common are mastich, sandarach, lac, benzoin, copal, amber, and asphaltum. The menstrua are either expressed or essential oils, as also alcohol. For a lac-varnish of the first kind, the common painter's varnish is to be uni- ted by gently boiling it with some more mastich or colophony, and then diluted again with a little more oil of turpentine. The latter addition promotes both the glos- sy appearance and drying of the varnish. Of this sort is the amber-varnish. To make this varnish, half a pound of amber is kept over a gentle fire in a covered iron pot, in the lid of which there is a small hole, till it is observed to become soft, and to be melted together into one mass. As soon as this is perceived, the vessel is taken from off the fire, and suffered to cool a little; when a pound of good painter's varnish is added to it, and the whole suf- fered to boil up again over the fire, keep- ing it continually stirring. After this, it is again removed from the fire; and when it is become somewhat cool, a pound of oil of turpentine is to be gradually mixed with it. Should the varnish, when it is cool, happen to be yet too thick, it may be attenuated with more oil of turpentine. This varnish has always a dark-brown co- lour, because the amber is previously half burned in this operation; but if it be re- quired of a bright colour, amber powder must be dissolved in transparent painter's varnish, in Papin's machine, by a gentle fire. As an instance of the second sort of lac- varnishes with ethereal oils alone, may be adduced the varnish made with oil of tur- pentine. For making this, mastich alone is dissolved in oil of turpentine by a very gentle digesting heat, in close glass ves- sels. This is the varnish used for the mo- dern transparencies employed as window- blinds, fire-screens, and for other purposes. These are commonly prints, coloured on both sides, and afterwards coated with this varnish on those parts that are intend- ed to be transparent. Sometimes fine thin calico, or Irish linen, is used for this pur- pose; but it requires to be primed with a a solution of isinglass, before the colour is laid on. Copal may be dissolved in genuine Chio turpentine, according to Mr. Sheldrake, by adding it in powder to the turpentine pre- yiously melted, and stirring till the whole is fused. Oil of turpentine may then be added, to dilute it sufficiently. Or the co- pal in powder may be put into a long- necked matrass with twelve parts of oil of turpentine, and digested several days on a sand heat, frequently shaking it. This may be diluted with one-fourth or one-fifth of alcohol. Metallic vessels or instruments, covered with two or three coats of this, and dried in an oven each time, may be washed with boiling water, or even ex- posed to a still greater heat, without injury to the varnish. A varnish ofthe consistence of thin tur- pentine is obtained for aerostatic machines, by the digestion of one part of elastic gum, or caoutchouc, cut into small pieces, in VAR # VEG thirty-two parts of rectified oil of turpen- tine. Previously to its being used, how- ever, it must be passed through a linen cloth, in order that the undissolved parts may be left behind. The third sort of lac-varnishes consists in the spirit-varnish. The most solid re- sins yield the most durable varnishes; but a varnish must never be expected to be harder than the resin naturally is of which it is made. Hence, it is the height of ab- surdity to suppose, that there are any in- combustible varnishes, since there is no such thing as an incombustible resin. But the most solid resins by themselves pro- duce brittle varnishes; therefore, some- thing of a softer substance must always be mixed with them, whereby this brittleness is diminished. For this purpose gum-elemi, turpentine, or balsam of copaiva are em- ployed in proper proportions. For the so- lution of these bodies the strongest alco- hol ought to be used, which may very properly indeed be distilled over alkali, but must not have stood upon alkali. The utmost simplicity in composition with re- spect to the number of the ingredients in a formula is the result of the greatest skill in the art; hence it is no wonder, that the greatest part of the formulas and re- cipes that we meet with, are composed without any principle at all. In conformity to these rules, a fine co- lourless varnish may be obtained, by dis- solving eight ounces of gum-sandarach and two ounces of Venice turpentine in thirty- two ounces of alcohol by a gentle heat. Five ounces of shell-lac and one of tur- pentine, dissolved in thirty-two ounces of alcohol by a very gentle heat, give a harder varnish, but of a reddish cast. To these the solution of copal is undoubtedly pre- ferable in many respects. This is effected by triturating an ounce of powder of gum- copal, which has been well dried by a gen- tle heat, with a drachm of camphor, and, while these are mixing together, adding by degrees four ounces of the strongest alcohol, without any digestion. Between this and the gold-varnish there is only this difference, that some substances that communicate a yellow tinge are to be added to the latter. The most ancient de- scription of two sorts of it, one of winch was prepared with oil, and the other with alcohol, is to be found in Alexius Pedemon- tanus De i Secreti, Lucca, of which the first edition was published in the year 1557. But it is better prepared, and more durable, when made after the following prescrip- tion:---Take two ounces of shell-lac, of arnatto and turmeric of each one ounce, and thirty grains of fine dragon's-blood, and make an extract with twenty ounces of alcohol in a gentle heat. Qil-varnishes are commonly mixed im. mediately with the colours, but lac or lac* quer-varnishes are laid on by themselves upon a burnished coloured ground; when they are intended to be laid upon naked wood, a ground should be first given them of strong size, either alone or with some earthy colour, mixed up with it by leviga- tion. The gold lacquer is simply rubbed over brass, tin, or silver, to give them a gold colour. Before a resin is dissolved in a fixed oil, it is necessary to render the oil drying. For this purpose the oil is boiled with me- tallic oxides, in which operation the muci- lage of the oil combines with the metal, while the oil itself unites with the oxygen ofthe oxide. To acceleftite the drying of this varnish; it is necessary to add oil of turpentine. The essential varnishes consist of a so- lution of resin in oil of turpentine. The varnish being applied, the essential oil flies off, and leaves the resin. This is used only for paintings. When resins are dissolved in alcohol, the varnish dries very speedily, and is sub- ject to crack; but this fault is corrected by adding a small quantity of turpentine to the mixture, which renders it brighter, and less brittle when dry. The coloured resins or gums, such as gamboge, dragon's blood, &c. are used to colour varnishes. To give lustre to the varnish after it is laid on, it is rubbed with pounded pumice- stone and water; which being dried with a cloth, the work is afterward rubbed with an oiled rag and tripoli. The surface is last of all cleaned With soft linen cloths, cleared of all greasiness with powder of starch, and rubbed bright with the palm of the hand. Vegetable Kingdom. In the mine- ral kingdom, little of chemical operation takes place, wherein the peculiar locality or disposition of the principles which act upon each other, appears to have any con- siderable effect. The principles, for the most part simple, act upon each other by virtue of their respective attractions; if hekt be developed, it is for the most part speedily conducted away; if elastic pro- ducts be extricated, they in general make their escape;^-in a word, we seldom per- ceive in the operations in the mineral king- dom, any arrangement, which at all resem- bles the artificial dispositions of the che- mist. But in the animal and vegetable king- doms it is far otherwise. In the former of these, bodies are%-egularly changed by mechanical division, by digestion, and the application of peculiar solvents, in a tem- perature exceeding that ofthe atmosphere, and the whole of the effects are assisted, modified, and kept up by an apparatus for VEG • VEG admitting the air of the atmosphere. The subjects ofthe vegetable kingdom possess undoubtedly a structure less elaborate. They exhibit much less of those energies, which are said to be spontaneous. The form of their vessels is much simpler, and, as far as we can perceive, their action is obedient to the changes of the atmosphere if quality and moisture, the mechanical ac- tion of winds, the temperature of the wea- ther, and the influence of light. In these organized beings, the chemist discovers principles of a more compounded nature, than any which can be obtained from the mineral kingdom. These do not previously exist in the earth, and must therefore be results of vegetable life. The most obvious difference between ve- getables and animals is, that the latter are in general capable of conveying themselves from place to place; whereas vegetables, being fixed in the same place, absorb, by means of their roots and leaves, such sup- port as is within their reach. This appears on the whole to consist of air and water. The greatest part of the support of ani- mals are the products already elaborated in the vegetable kingdom. The products of these two kingdoms in the hands of the chemist are remarkably different, though perhaps not exclusively so. One of the most distinctive characters seems to be the presence of nitrogen or azotic gas, which may be extricated from animal substances by the application of nitric acid, and en- ters into the composition of the ammonia afforded by destructive distillation. It was long supposed, that ammonia was exclu- sively the product of the animal kingdom, but it is now well known, that certain plants likewise afford it. When it is considered, that by far the greater part of every organized substance is capable of assuming the elastic form, and being volatilized by heat; that the pro- ducts are during life brought into combi- nation by slow and long-continued proces- ses, and are kept separate from each other in the vessels of the plant or animal; that these combinations are liable to be altered by the destruction of those vessels, as well as by every notable change of temperature —it will not appear surprising, that the chemical analysis of plants should be in an imperfect state. See Analysis. In the structure of vegetables we observe the external covering or bark, the ligneous or woody matter, the vessels or tubes, and certain glandular or knotty parts. The com- parative anatomy, and immediate uses of these parts, form an o|pject of interesting research, but less immediately within the province of a chemical work. The nutrition or support of plants ap- pears to require water, earth, light, and air. There are various experiments, which have been instituted to show, that water ii the only aliment, which the root draws from the earth. Van Helmont planted a willow, weighing fifty pounds, in a certain quantity of earth covered with sheet-lead; he Wjtered it for five years with distilled water; and at the end of that time the tree weighed one hundred and sixty-nine pounds three ounces, and the earth in which it hail vegetated was found to have suffered a loss of no more than three ounces. Boyle repeated the same experiment upon a plant, which at the end of two years weighed fourteen pounds more, without the earth in which it had vegetated having lost any perceptible portion of its weight. Messrs. Duhamel and Bonnet supported plants with moss, and fed them with mere water: they observed, that the vegetation was ofthe most vigorous kind; and the na- turalist of Geneva observes, that the flow- ers were more odoriferous, and the fruit of a higher flavour. Care was taken to change the supports before they could suffer any alteration. Mr. Tillet has likewise raised plants; more especially of the gramineous kind, in a similar manner, with this differ- ence only, that his supports were pounded glass, or quartz in powder. Hales has ob- served, that a plant, which weighed three pounds, gained three ounces after a heavy- dew. Do we not every day observe hya- cinths and other bulbous plants, as well as gramineous plants, raised in saucers or bottles containing mere water? And Bra- connot has lately found mustard-seed to germinate, grow, and produce plants, that came to maturity, flowered, and ripened their seed, in litharge, flowers of sulphur, and very small uiiglazed shot. The last appeared least favourable to the growth of the plants, apparently because their roots could not penetrate between it so easily. All plants do not demand the same quan- tity of water; and nature has varied the organs of the several individuals conforma- bly to the necessity of their being supplied with this food. Plants which transpire lit- tie, such as the mosses and the lichens, have no need of a considerable quantity of this fluid; and accordingly they are fixed upon dry rocks, and have scarcely any roots; but plants which require a larger quantity, have roots which extend to a great distance, and absorb humidity throughout their whole surface. The leaves of plants have likewise the property of absorbing water, and of extract- ing from the atmosphere the same principle which the root draws from the earth. But plants which live in the water, and as it were swim in the element which serves them for food, have no need of roots; they receive the fluid at all their pores; and we accordingly find, that the fucus, the ulva, &c. have no roots whatever. AEG VEG The dung, which is mixed with earths, and decomposed, not only affords the ali- mentary principles we have spoken of, but likewise favours the growth of the plant by that constant and steady heat, which its ul- terior decomposition produces. Thus it is that Fabroni affirms his having observed the development of leaves and flowers in that part of a tree only, which was in the vicinity of a heap of dung. From the preceding circumstances it ap- pears, that the influence of the earth in ve- getation is almost totally confined to the conveyance of water, and probably the elas- tic products from putrefying substances to the plant. Vegetables cannot live without air. From the experiments of Priestley, Ingenhousz, and Sennebier; it is ascertained, that plants absorb the azotic part of the atmosphere; and this principle appears to be the cause of the fertility which arises from the use of putrefying matters in the form of manure. The carbonic acid is likewise absorbed by vegetables, when its quantity is small. If in large quantity, it is fatal to them. Chaptal has observed, that carbonic acid predominates in the fungus, and other sub- terraneous plants. But by causing these vegetables, together with the body upon which they were fixed, to pass, by imper- ceptible gradations, from an almost abso- lute darkness, into the light, the acid very nearly disappeared; the vegetable fibres being proportionally increased, at the same time that the resin and colouring principles were developed, which he ascribes to the oxygen of the same acid. Sennebier has observed, that the plants which he watered with water impregnated with carbonic acid, transpired an extraordinary quantity of oxygen, which likewise indicates a decom- position ofthe acid. Light is almost absolutely necessary to plants. In the dark they grow pale, lan- guish, and di«. The tendency of plants toward the light is remarkably seen in such vegetation as is effected in a chamber or place where the light is admitted on one side; for the plant never fails to grow in that direction. Whether the matter of light be condensed into the substance of plants, or whether it act merely as a stimulus or agent, without which the other requisite chemical processes cannot be effected, is uncertain. It is ascertained, that the processes in plants serve, like those in animals, to pro- duce a more equable temperature, which is for the most part above that of the atmos- phere. Dr. Hunter, quoted by Chaptal, ob- served by keeping a thermometer plunged in a hole made in a sound tree, that it con- stantly indicated a temperature several de- grees above that of the atmosphere, when it was below the fifty-sixth division of Fah- renheit; whereas the vegetable heat, in hot- ter weather, was always several degrees below that of the atmosphere. The same philosopher has likewise ohserved, that the sap which, out of the tree, would freeze at 32°, did not freeze in the tree unless the cold were augmented 15° more. The vegetable heat may increase or di- minish by several causes, of the nature of disease; and it may even become percepti- ble to the touch in very cold weather, ac- cording to Buffon.A The principles OT which vegetables are composed, if we pursue their analysis as far as our means have hitherto allowed, are chiefly carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Ni- trogen is a constituent principle of several, but for the most part in small quantity. Potash, soda, lime, magnesia, silex, alu- mina, sulphur, phosphorus, iron, manga- nese, and muriatic acid, have likewise been reckoned in the number; but some of these occur only occasionally, and chiefly in very small quantities; and are scarcely more entitled to be considered as belonging to them than gold, or some other substances, that have been occasionally procured from their decomposition. The following are the principal products of vegetation:— 1. Sugar. Crystallizes. Soluble in water and alcohol. Taste sweet. Soluble in nitric acid, and yields oxalic acid. 2. Sarcocol. Does not crystallize. Soluble in water and alcohol. Taste bitter sweet. Soluble in nitric acid, and yields oxalic acid. 3. Asparagin. Crystallizes. Taste cool- ing and nauseous. Soluble in hot water. Insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in nitric acid, and converted into bitter principle and arti- ficial tannin. 4. Gum. Does not crystallize. Taste in- sipid. Soluble in water, and forms muci- lage. Insoluble in alcohol. Precipitated by silicated potash. Soluble in nitric acid, and forms mucous and oxalic acids. 5. Ulmin. Does not crystallize. Taste insipid. Soluble in water, and does not form mucilage. Precipitated by nitric and oxymuriatic acids in the state of resin. In- soluble in alcohol. 6. Inulin. A white powder. Insoluble in cold water. Soluble in boiling water; but precipitates unaltered after the solu- tion cools. Insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in nitric acid, and yields oxalic acid. 7. Starch. A white powder. Taste in- sipid. Insoluble in cold water. Soluble in hot water; opaque and glutinous. Pre- cipitated by an infusion of nutgalls; preci- pitate redissolved by a heat of 120°. In- soluble in alcohol. Soluble in dilute nitric acid, and precipitated by alcohol. With nitric acid yields oxalic acid and a waxy matter. VEG VEG 8. Indigo. A blue powder. Taste insi- pid. Insoluble in water, alcohol, ether. Soluble in sulphuric acid Soluble in ni- tric acid, and converted into bitter princi- ple and artificial tannin. 9. Gluten. Forms a ductile elastic mass with water. Partially soluble in water; precipitated by infusion of nutgalls and oxygenized muriatic acid. Soluble in ace- tic acid and muriatic acid. Insoluble in alcohol. By fermentation becomes viscid and adhesive, and thenAssumes the pro- perties of cheese. Soluble in nitric acid, and yields oxalic acid. 10. Albumen. Soluble in cold water. Co- agulated by heat, and becomes insoluble. Insoluble in alcohol. Precipitated by infu- sion of nutgalls. Soluble in nitric acid. Soon putrefies. 11. Fibrin. Tasteless. Insoluble in water and alcohol. Soluble in diluted alkalis, and in nitric acid. Soon putrefies. 12. Gelatin. Insipid. Soluble in water. Does not coagulate when heated. Precipi- tated by infusion of galls. 13. Bitter principle. Colour yellow or brown. Taste bitter. Equally soluble in water and alcohol Soluble in nitric acid. Precipitated by nitrate of silver. 14. Extractive Soluble in water and al- cohol. Insoluble in ether. Precipitated by oxygenized muriatic acid, muriate of tin, and muriate of alumina; but not by gelatin. Dyes fawn colour. 15. Tannin. Taste astringent. Soluble in water and in alcohol of 0.810. Precipi- tated by gelatin, muriate of alumina, and muriate of tin. 16. Fixed oils. No smell. Insoluble in water and alcohol. Forms soaps with al- kalis. Coagulated by earthy and metallic salts. 17. Wax. Insoluble in water. Soluble in alcohol, ether, and oils. Forms soap with alkalis. Fusible. 18. Volatile oil. Strong smell. Insoluble in water. Soluble in alcohol. Liquid. Vo- latile. Oily. By nitric acid inflamed, and converted into resinous substances. 19. Camphor. Strong odour. Crystal- lizes. Very little soluble in water. Soluble in alcohol, oils, acids. Insoluble in alkalis. Burns with a clear flame, and volatilizes before melting. 20. Birdlime. Viscid. Taste insipid. Insoluble in water. Partially soluble in alcohol. Very soluble in ether. Solution green. 21. Resins. Solid. Melt when heated. Insoluble in water. Soluble in alcohol, ether, and alkalis. Soluble in acetic acid. By nitric acid converted into artificial tan- nin. 22. Guaiacum Possesses the characters of resins; but dissolves in nitric acid, and yields oxalic acid and no tannin. 23. Balsams. Possess the characters of the resins, but have a strong smell; when heated, benzoic acid sublimes. It sublimes also when they are dissolved in sulphuric acid. By nitric acid converted into artifi- cial tannin. 24. Caoutchouc. Very elastic. Insoluble in water and alcohol. When steeped in ether reduced to a pulp, which adheres to every thing. Fusible, and remains liquid. Very combustible. 25. Gum-resins. Form milky solutions with water, transparent with alcohol. So- luble in alkalis. With nitric acid converted into tannin. Strong smell. Brittle, opaque, infusible. 26. Cotton. Composed of fibres. Taste- less. Very combustible. Insoluble in wa- ter, alcohol, and ether. Soluble in alkalis. Yields oxalic acid to nitric acid. 27. Suber. Burns bright, and swells. Converted by nitric acid into suberic acid and wax. Partially soluble in water and alcohol. 28. Wood. Composed of fibres. Taste- less. Insoluble in water and alcohol. So- luble in weak alkaline lixivium. Precipi- tated by acids. Leaves much charcoal when distilled in a red heat. Soluble in nitric acid, and yields oxalic acid. * To the preceding we may add, emetin, fungin, hematin, nicotin, pollenin, the new vegetable alkalis, aconita, atropia, brucia, cicuta, datura, delphia, hyosciama, mor- phia, picrotoxia, strychnia, vcratria; and the various vegetable acids, enumerated under the general article Acid.* Vegetation (Saline). M. Chaptal has given us a good memoir on this sub- ject, in the Journal de Physique, for Oc- tober 1788, entitled Observations on the Influence of the Air and Light upon the Vegetation of Salts. In the operations in the large way, of his manufactory of medical and chemical pro- ducts, he often observed that salts, particu- larly the metallic, vegetated on the side most exposed to the light, and the frequen- cy ofthe effect induced him to make some direct experiments on the subject. For this purpose he took several capsules of glass, and covered the half of each, as well above as below, with black silk. At the same time, he prepared solutions of almost all the earthy, alkaline, or metallic com- pound salts in distilled water, at the tem- perature of the atmosphere These cap- sules were placed on tables in a well closed chamber, which had no chimney, and of which the doors and windows were care- fully stopped up, in order that the evapo- ration might not be hastened by any agita- tion of the air. Reflected light, by which I understand the light from the clouds, was admitted through a small aperture in one of the window-shutters. By this manage-. VER VER ment, as well as the disposition of the cap- sules, one-half of each of their respective cavities received light from the aperture, and the other was almost perfectly in dark- ness. The solutions were then carefully poured into the capsules by means of a funnel resting on the middle of the bottom, so that the border of the fluid was neat and uniform, without any irregularity or drop of the fluid falling on the bare surface of the glass. Upwards of two hundred experiments were made, with variations of the princi- pal trials, so as to leave no doubt with re- gard to the constancy of the results. The most remarkable fact is, that the vege- tation took place on those surfaces only which were illuminated. This phenome- non was so striking in most of the solu- tions, that in the space of a few days, and frequently even within one single day, the salt was elevated several lines above the liquor upon the enlightened surface, while there did not appear the smallest crust or edge on the dark part. Nothing could be more interesting, than to observe this ve- getation, projecting frequently more than an inch, and marking the line of distinc- tion between the illuminated and dark parts of the vessel. The sulphates of iron, of zinc, and other metals, more especially presented this appearance. It was gene- rally observed, that the vegetation was strongest toward the most enlightened part. This phenomenon may be rendered still more interesting, by directing the vegeta- tion at pleasure toward the different parts of the vessel. For this purpose, nothing more is required than to cover the several parts in succession. For the vegetation always takes place in the enlightened parts, and quickly ceases in that which is covered. When the same solution has stood for several days, the insensible evaporation gradually depresses its surface, and a crust or edge of salt is left in the obscure part. But the salt never rises, or at least very imperfectly, above the liquor, and cannot be compared with the true vegetation. When salts are suffered to vegetate in this manner, the spontaneous evaporation of the fluid affords very few crystals. All the saline matter extends itself on the sides of the vessel. Veins. The ores of metals are frequent- ly found to fill certain clefts in mountains. These masses, when they run out in length, are called veins. Inconsiderable veins, which diverge from the principal, are called slips; and such masses of ore as are of considerable magnitude, but no great length, are called bellies, or stock-works. •Vbratria. A new vegetable alkali, discovered lately by MM. Pelletier and Caventou, in the veratrum sabatilla, or ce- vadilla, the veratrum album, or white hel- lebore, and the colchicum autumnale or mea- dow saffron. The seeds of cevadilla, after being freed from an unctuous and acid matter by ether, were digested in boiling alcohol. As this infusion cooled, a little wax was deposit- ed; and the liquid being evaporated to an extract, redissolved in water, and again concentrated by evaporation, parted with its colouring matter. Acetate ot lead was now poured into the solution, and an abun- dant yellow precipitate fell, leaving the fluid nearly colourless. The excess of lead was thrown down by sulphuretted hydro- gen, and the filterc d liquor being concen- trated by evaporation, was treated with magnesia, and again filtered. The preci- pitate, boiled in alcohol, gave a solution, which, on evaporation, left a pulverulent matter, extremely bitter, and with deci- dedly alkaline characters. It was at first yellow, but by solution in alcohol, and pre- cipitation by water, was obtained in a fine white powder. The precipitate by the acetate of lead, gave, on examination, gallic acid; and hence it is concluded, that the new alkali existed in the seed as a gallate. Veratria was found in the other plants above mentioned. It is white, pulverulent, has no odour, but excites violent sneezing. It is very acrid, but not bitter. It produ- ced violent vomiting in very small doses, and, according to some experiments, afew grains may cause death. It is very little soluble in cold water. Boiling water dis- solves about -foV 6" Part, and becomes acrid to the taste. It is very soluble in alcohol, and rather less soluble in ether. It fuses at 122° F., and then appears like wax. On cooling, it becomes an amber-coloured translucent mass. Heated more highly, it swells, decomposes, and burns. Decom- posed by oxide of copper, it gave no trace of azote. It acts on test papers like an al- kali, and forms salts uncrystallizable by evaporation. The salts appear like a gum. The supersulphate only seems to present crystals. Strong solutions of tliese salts are partially decomposed by water. Vera- tria falls down, and the solution becomes acid. The bisulphate appears to consist of Veratria, 93.723 100 Sulphuric acid, 6.227 6.6441 The muriate is composed of, Veratria, 95.8606 100 Muriatic acid, 4.1394 4.3181 Iodine and chlorine produce with vera- tria, an iodate, hydriodate, chloride, and muriate. Verdigris. A crude acetate of cop- per. Verditer, is a blue pigment, obtained by adding chalk or whiting to the solution of copper in aquafortis. Dr. Merret says, VIT VOL that it is prepared in the following man- ner: A quantity of whiting is put into a tub, and upon this the solution of the cop- per is poured. The mixture is to be stir- red every day for some hours together, till the liquor loses its colour. 'The liquor is then to be poured off, and more solution of copper is to be added. This is to be re- peated till the whiting has acquired the proper colour. Then it is to be spread on large pieces of chalk, and dried in the sun. It appears from M. Pelletier's analysis, that 100 grains of the very best verditer contain, of carbonic acid 30, of water 3-j> of pure fime 7, of oxygen 9§, and of pure copper 50. The author remarks, that the verditers of inferior quality contain more chalk and less copper. Verjuice. A kind of harsh austere vinegar, made of the expressed juice of the wild apple or crab. The French give this name to unripe grapes, and to the sour liquor obtained from them. Vermilion. The red sulphuret of mer- cury, or cinnabar. Vessels (Chemical). See Appara- tus. * Vesuvian. Idocrase of Haiiy; a sub- species of pyramidal garnet. Colours green and brown. Massive, disseminated, and crystalli zed. Primitive form, a pyramid of 129° 30' and 74° 12'. The following se- condary forms occur; a rectangular four- sided prism, variously acuminated, bevel- led or truncated. The lateral planes of the prism are longitudinally streaked. Glisten- ing vitreo-resinous. Cleavage imperfect, but in the direction of the diagonals. Frac- ture small grained uneven. Translucent. Refracts double. Scratches feldspar. Brit- .tle. Sp. gr. 3.3 to 34. It becomes elec- trical by friction. Before the blow-pipe it melts without addition into a yellowish, and faintly translucent glass. Its constitu- ents are, silica 35.5, lime 33, alumina 22.25, oxide of iron 7-5, oxide of manganese 0.25, loss 1.5.—Klaproth. It occurs in considera- ble abundance, in unaltered ejected rocks, in the vicinity of Vesuvius. The rare blue variety is found at Souland, in Tellemark, in Norway. At Naples it is cut into ring- stones.* Vinegar. See Fermentation (Ace- tous); and also Acid (Acetic), where the mode of making it is given. * Vinegar from Wood. M. Stolze, apothecary at Halle, has discovered a me- thod of purifying vinegar from wood, by treating it with sulphuric acid, manganese, and common salt, and afterwards distilling it over.* Vinegar of Satueh. Solution of acetate of lead. Vinegar (Radical). Acetic acid. Vital Air. See Oxygen. Vitrification. See Glass; also Si- LICA. • Vitriol, Wtie, green, red, white. See ores or Copper, Iron, Cobalt, Zinc* Vitriolic Acid. See Acid (Sul- phuric) Volatile Alkali. See Ammonia. Volatility. The property of bodies by which they are disposed to assume the vaporous or clastic state, and quit the ves- sels in which they are placed. Volcanoes. The combustion of those enormous masses of bitumen, which are deposited in the bowels of the earth, pro- duces volcanoes. They owe their origin more especially to the strata of pyritous coal. The decomposition or action of wa- ter upon the pyrities determines the heat, and the production of a great quantity of hydrogen, which exerts itself against the surrounding obstacles, and at length breaks them. This effect appears to be the chief cause of earthquakes; but when the con- course of air facilitates the combustion of the bitumen and the hydrogen, the flame is seen to issue out of the chimneys or vents which are made; and this occasions the fire of volcanoes. There are many volcanoes still in an ac- tive state on our globe, independent of those of Italy, which are the most known. The Abbe Chappe has described three burning in Siberia. Anderson and Von Troil have described those of Iceland; Asia and Africa contain several; and we find the remains of these fires or volcanic products in all parts ofthe globe. Naturalists inform us, that all the south- ern islands have been volcanized; and they are seen daily to be formed by the action of these subterraneous fires. The black colour of the stones, their spongy texture, the other products of fire, and the identity of these substances with those of the vol- canoes at present burning, are all in favour of the opinion that their origin was the same. When the decomposition of the pyrites is advanced, and the vapours and elastic fluids can no longer be contained in the bowels of the earth, the ground is shaken, and exhibits the phenomenon of earth- quakes. Mephitic vapours are multiplied ori the surface of the ground, and dreadful hollow noises are heard. In Iceland, the rivers and springs are swallowed up; a thick smoke, mixed with sparks and light- ning, is then disengaged from the crater; and naturalists have observed, when the smoke of Vesuvius takes the form of a pine, the eruption is near at hand. To these preludes, which show the inter- nal agitation to be great, and that obstacles oppose the issue of the volcanic matters, succeeds an eruption of stones and other VOL . VOL products, which the lava drives before it; and lastly, appears a river of lava, which flows out, and spreads itself down the side of the mountain. At this period the calm is restored in the bowels of the earth, and the eruption continues without earth- quakes. The violent efforts of the includ- ed matter sometimes cause the sides of the mountain to open; and this is the cause which has successively formed the smaller mountains that surround volcanoes. Mon- tenuevo, which is a hundred and eighty feet high, and three thousand in breadth, was formed in a night. This crisis is sometimes succeeded by an eruption of ashes, which darken the air. These ashes are the last result of the al- teration of the coals; and the matter which is first thrown out is that which the heat has half vitrified. In the year 1767, the ashes of Vesuvius were carried twenty leagues out to sea, and the streets of Na- ples were covered with them. The report of Dion, concerning the eruption of Vesu- vius in the reign of Titus, wherein the ashes were carried into Africa, Egypt, and Syria, seems to be fabulous. M. de Saus- sure observes, that the soil of Rome is of this character, and that the famous cata- combs are all made in the volcanic ashes. It must be admitted, however, that the force with which all these products are thrown is astonishing. In the year 1769, a stone, twelve feet high and four in cir- cumference, was thrown to the distance of a quarter of a mile from the crater: and in the year 1771 Sir William Hamilton ob- served stones of an enormous size, which employed eleven seconds in falling. This indicates an elevation of near two thousand feet. The eruption of volcanoes is frequently aqueous: the water, which is confined, and favours the decomposition of the pyrites, is sometimes strongly thrown out. Sea salt is found among the ejected matter, and likewise sal ammoniac. In the year 1630, a torrent of boiling water, mixed with lava, destroyed Portici and Torre del Greco. Sir W. Hamilton saw boiling water eject- ed. The springs of boiling water in Ice- land, and all the hot springs which abound at the surface of the globe, owe their heat only to the decomposition of pyrites, Some eruptions are of a muddy sub- stance; and these form the tuffa, and the pouzzolano. The eruption which buried Herculaneum is of this kind. Sir W. Ha- milton found an antique head, the impres- sion of which was well enough preserved to answer the purpose of a mould. Her- culaneum at the least depth is seventy feet under the surface of the ground, and in many places one hundred and twenty. The pouzzolano is of various colours. It Vol. II. is usually reddish, sometimes gray, white,, or green: it frequently consists of pumice- stone in powder; but sometimes it is form- ed of oxided clay. One hundred parts of red pouzzolano afforded Bergmann, silex 55, alumina 20, lime 5, iron 20. ■ When the lava is once thrown out of the crater, it rolls in large rivers down the side ofthe mountain to a certain distance, which forms the currents of lava, the volcanic causeways &c. The surface of the lava cools, and forms a solid crust, under which the liquid lava flows. After the eruption, this crust sometimes remains, and forms hollow galleries, which Messrs. Hamilton and Ferber have visited; it is in these hol- low places that the sal ammoniac, the mu- riate of soda, and other substances sublime. A lava may be turned out of its course by opposing banks or dykes against it: this was done in 1669 to save Catania; and Sir William Hamilton proposed it to the king of Naples to preserve Portici. The currents of lava sometimes remain several years in cooling. Sir William Ha- milton observed, in 1769, that the lav which flowed in 1766 was still smoking in some places. Lava is sometimes swelled Up and po- rous. The lightest is called pumice-stone. The substances thrown out by volcanoes are not altered by fire. They eject native substances, such as quartz, crystals of amethyst, agate, gypsum, amianthus, feld- spar, mica, shells, schorl, &c. The fire of volcanoes is seldom strong enough to vitrify the matters it throws out. We know only of the yellowish capillary and flexible glass thrown out by the volca- noes of the island of Bourbon, on the 14th of May 1766, (M. Commerson), and the la- pis gallinaceus ejected by Hecla. Mr. Egorfrigouson, who is employed by the ob- servatory at Copenhagen, has settled in Iceland, where he uses a mirror of a tele- scope, which he has made out of the black agate of Iceland. The slow operation of time decomposes lavas, and their remains are very proper for vegetation. The fertile island of Sicily has been every where volcanized. Chaptal observed several ancient volcanoes at pre- sent cultivated; and the line which sepa- rates the other earths from the volcanic earth, constitutes the limit of vegetation. The ground over the ruins of Pompeia is highly cultivated. Sir William Hamilton considers subterranean fires as the great vehicle used by nature to extract virgin earth out of the bowels of the globe, and repair the exhausted surface. The decomposition of lava is very slow. Strata of vegetable earth, and pure lava, are occasionally found applied one over the other; which denote eruptions made at dis« 42 WAD . tances of time very remote from each other, since in some instances it appears to have required nearly two thousand years before lava was fit to receive the plough. In this respect, however, lavas differ very widely, so that our reasoning from them must at best be very vague. An argument has been drawn from this phenomenon to prove the antiquity of the globe: but the silence of the most ancient authors concerning the volcanoes of the kingdom of France, of which we find such frequent traces, indi- cates that tliese volcanoes have been extin- guished from time immemorial; a circum- stance which carries their existence to a very distant period. Beside this, several thousand years of connected observations have not afforded any remarkable change in Vesuvius or JEtna; nevertheless these enormous mountains are all volcanized, and consequently formed of strata applied one upon the other. The prodigy becomes much more striking, when we observe, that all the surrounding country, to very great distances, has been thrown out of the bow- els of the earth. The height of Vesuvius above the level of the sea is three thousand six hundred and fifty-nine feet; its circumference thirty- four thousand four hundred and forty-four. The height of JEtna is ten thousand and thirty-six feet; and its circumference, one hundred and eighty thousand. The various volcanic products are appli- cable to several uses. 1. The pouzzolano is of admirable use for building in the water: when mixed with lime it speedily fixes itself; and water does not soften it, for it becomes continually harder and harder. Chaptal has proved WAT that oxided ochres afford the same advaru tage for this purpose; they are made into balls, and baked in a potter's furnace in the usual manner. The experiments made at Sette, by the commissary of the pro- vince, prove, that they may be substituted with the greatest advantage instead of the pouzzolano of Italy. 2. Lava is likewise susceptible of vitrifi- cation; and in this state it may be blown into opaque bottles of the greatest light- ness, which Chaptal says he has done at Erepian and at Alais. The very hard lava, mixed in equal parts with wood-ashes and soda, produced, he says, an excellent green glass. The bottles made of it were only half the weight of common bottles, and much stronger, as was proved by Chaptal'i experiments, and those which M. Joly de Fleury ordered to be made under his ad- ministration. 3. Pumice-stone likewise has its uses; it is more especially used to polish most bodies which are somewhat hard. It is employed in the mass or in powder, accor. ding to the intended purpose. Sometimes, after levigation, it is mixed with water to render it softer, * Volcanite. Augite.* * Vulpenite. Colour grayish-white. Massive. Splendent. Fracture foliated. Fragments rhomboidal. In distinct granu- lar concretions. Translucent on the edges. Soft. Brittle. Sp. grav. 2.878. It melts easily before the blow-pipe into a white opaque enamel. Its constituents are, sul- phate of lime 92, silica 8. It occurs along with granular foliated limestone at Vulpi« no, in Italy.* w • TTJTACKE. A mineral substance inter- TV mediate between clay and basalt. It is sometimes simple; but when it in- clines to basalt, it contains hornblende and mica. It is sometimes spotted, and these spots are unformed crystals of hornblende, resembling the unformed crystals of feld- spar in certain varieties of porphyry. It ne- ver contains augite or olivine. When it ap- proaches to an amygdaloid, it is vesicular. Its colour is greenish-gray. Massive and vesicular. Dull. Opaque. Streak shining. Soft. Easily frangible. Sp. gr. 2.55 to 2.9. Fuses like basalt. It seldom contains pe- trifactions. It occurs sometimes in beds and veins, and these veins contain very small portions of ores of different kinds, as bismuth, silver-glance, and magnetic ironstone.* Wadd. This name is given to plumba- go, or black-lead. ■Wadd Black. An ore of manganese found in Derbyshire. It is remarkable for the property of taking fire when mixed with linseed oil. Wash. The technical term for the fer- mented liquor, of whatever kind, from which spirit is intended to be distilled. See Alcohol and Distillation. Water. Itis scarcely necessary to give any definition or description of this univer- sally known fluid. It is a very transparent fluid, possessing a moderate degree of acti- vity with regard to organized substances, which renders it friendly to animal and vegetable life, for both which it is indeed indispensably necessary. Hence it acts but slightly on the organs of sense, and is therefore said to have neither taste nor smell. It appears to possess considerable elasticity, and yields ia a perceptible de« gree to the pressure of air in the conden WAT WAT sing machine, as Canton proved, by inclu- ding it in an open glass vessel with a nar- row neck. The solubility or insolubility of bodies in this fluid composes a large part of the science of chemistry. See Salt. * The habitudes of water with heat have been detailed under Caloric and Tempera- ture.* Water is not only the common measure of specific gravities, but the tables of these may be usefully employed in the admea- surement of irregular solids; for one cubic foot is very nearly equal to 1000 ounces avoirdupois. The numbers of the table denoting the specific gravities, do there- fore denote likewise the number of ounces avoirdupois in a cubic foot of each sub- stance. Native water is seldom, if ever, found perfectly pure. The waters that flow within or upon . the surface of the earth, contain various earthy, saline, metallic, vegetable, or animal particles, according to the sub- stances over or through which they pass. Rain and snow waters are much purer than these, although they also contain whatever floats in the air, or has been exhaled along with the watery vapours. The purity of water may be known by the following marks or properties of pure water:— 1. Pure water is lighter than water that is not pure. 2. Pure water is more fluid than water that is not pure. 3. It has no colour, smell, or taste. 4. It wets more easily than the waters containing metallic and earthy salts, called hard waters, and feels softer when touched. 5. Soap, or a solution of soap in alcohol, mixes easily and perfectly with it. 6. It is not rendered turbid by adding to it a solution of gold in aqua regia, or a so- lution of silver, or of lead, or of mercury, in nitric acid, or a solution of acetate of lead in water. For the habitudes of water with saline matter, see Salt, and the different sub- stances. Water was, till modern times, considered as an elementary or simple substance. Previous to the month of October 1776, the celebrated Macquer, assisted by M. Si- gaud de la Fond, made an experiment by burning hydrogen gas in a bottle, without explosion, and holding a white china saucer over the flame. His intention appears to have been that of ascertaining whether any fuliginous; smoke was produced, and he ob- serves, that the saucer remained perfectly clean and white, but was moistened with perceptible drops of a clear fluid; resem- bling water; and which, in fact, appeared to him and his assistant, to be nothing but pure water. He does not say whether any test was applied to ascertain this purity, neither does he make any remark on the fact.§ In the month of September 1777, Messrs. Bucquet and Lavoisier, not being acquaint- ed with the fact, which is incidentally and concisely mentioned by Macquer, made an experiment to discover what is produced by the combustion of hydrogen. They fired five or six pints of hydrogen in an open and wide-mouthed bottle, and instantly poured two ounces of lime-water through the flame, agitating the bottle during the time the com- bustion lasted. The result of this experi- ment showed, that carbonic acid was not produced. || Before the month of April 1781, Mr. John Warltire, encouraged by Dr. Priest- ley, fired a mixture of common air and hy- drogen gas in a close copper vessel, and found its weight diminished. Dr. Priestley, likewise, before the same period, fired a like mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gas in a closed glass vessel, Mr. Warltire being present. The inside of the vessel, though clean and dry before, became dewy, and was lined with a sooty substance.* These experiments were afterwards repeated by Mr. Cavendish and Dr. Priestley; and it was found, that the diminution of weight did not take place, neither was the sooty matter perceived.^ These circumstances, therefore, must have arisen from some im- perfection in the apparatus or materials with which the former experiments were made. It was in the summer of the year 1781, that Mr. Henry Cavendish was busied in examining what becomes of the air lost by combustion, and made those valuable expe- riments, which were read before the Royal Society on the 15th of January 1784.§§ He burned 500,000 grain measures of hydrogen gas, with about 2$ times the. quantity of common air, and by causing the burned air to pass tlirough a glass tube eight feet in $ Dictionnaire de Chymie, 2d edition, Paris, 1778. Art. Gas Inflammable, vol. ii. p. 314, 315. || Acad. Par. 1781, p. 470. * Priestley, v. 395. If Phil. Trans, lxxiv. 126. Dr. Priestley supposed the sooty matter to be part of the mercury used in filling the vessel; Phil. Trans, lxxiv. 332. §§ Mr. Lavoisier relates, that Dr. Blag- den, Sec. R. S. (who was present at the per- forming of the capital experiment of burn- ing hydrogen and oxygen gas in a closed vessel on the 24th June 1783,) informed him, that Mr. Cavendish had already done the same thing, and obtained water. See the Memoirs of the Royal Academy at Paris for 1781, p. 472j also Phil. Trans, vol, lxxiv. p. 134. WAT WAT length, 135 grains of pure water were con- dtnsed. He also exploded a mixture of 19,500 grain measures of oxygen gas, and 37,000 of hydrogen, in a close vessel. The condensed liquor was found to contain a small portion of nitric acid, when the mix- ture of the air was such, that the burned air still contained a considerable proportion of oxygen. In this case it may be presumed, that some of the oxygen combines with a portion of nitrogen present. In the mean time, M. Lavoisier continu- cd his researches, and during the winter of 1781-1782, together with M. Gingembre, he filled a bottle of six pints with hydrogen, which being fired, and two ounces of lime- water poured in, w:.s instantly stopped with a cork, through which a flexible tube com- municating with a vessel of oxygen was passed. The inflammation ceased, except at the orifice of the tube, through which the oxygen was pressed, where a beautiful flame appeared. The combustion continu- ed a considerable time, during which the lime-water was agitated in the bottle. Nei- ther this, nor the same experiment repeat- ed with pure water, and with a weak solu- tion of alkali instead of lime-water, afford- ed the information sought after, for these substances were not at all altered. The inference of Mr. Warltire, respect- ing the moisture on the inside ofthe glass, in which Dr. Priestley first fired hydrogen and common air, was, that these airs, by combustion, deposited the moisture they contained. Mr. Watt, however, inferred from these experiments, that water is a compound of the burned airs, which have given out their latent heat by combus- tion, and communicated his sentiments ta Dr. Priestley in a letter dated April 26. 1783.§ It does not appear,|| that the composition of water was known or admitted in France, till the summer of 1783, when M. Lavoi- sier and M. de la Place, on the 24th of June, repeated the experiment of burning hydrogen and oxygen in a glass vessel over mercury, in a still greater quantity than had been burned by Mr. Cavendish. The re- sult was nearly five gros of pure water.* M. Monge made a similar experiment at Paris, nearly at the same time, or perhaps before. This assiduous and accurate philosopher then proceeded, in conjunction with M. Meusnier, to pass the steam of water through a red-hot iron tube, and found that § Phil. Trans, vol. lxxiv. p. 330. || Compare Phil. Trans, vol. lxxiv. p. 138, with the Memoirs of the Royal Academy at Paris for 1781, pages 472 and 474. * The ounce poids de marc being 472.2 grains troy, this quantity will be 295 Eng- lish grains. the iron was oxidized, and hydrogen dis- engaged; and the steam of water being passed over a variety of other combustible or oxidable substances, produced similar results, the water disappearing, and hydro- gen being disengaged. These capital ex- periments were accounted for by M. La- voisier, by supposing the water to be de- composed into its component parts, oxygen and hydrogen, the former of which unites with the ignited substance, while the latter is disengaged. The grand experiment of the composi- tion of water by Fourcroy, Vauquelin, and Seguin, was begun on \\ ednesday, May 13, 1790, and was finished on Friday, the 22d of the same month. 'The combustion was kept up 185 hours with little interruption, during which time the machine was not quitted for a moment. The experimenters alternately refreshed themselves when fa- tigued, by lying for a few hours on mat- tresses in the laboratory. To obtain the hydrogen, 1. Zinc was melted and rubbed into a powder in a very hot mortar. 2. This metal was dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid diluted with seven parts of water. The air pro- cured was made to pass through caustic alkali. To obtain the oxygen, two pounds and a half of crystallized hyperoxymuriate of potash were distilled, and the air was transferred through caustic alkali. The volume of hydrogen employed was 25963.568 cubic inches, and the weight was 1039.358 grains. The volume of oxygen was 12570.942, and the weight was 6209.869 grains. The total weight of both elastic fluids was 7249.227. The weight of water obtained was 7244 grains, or 12 ounces 4 gros 45 grains. The weight of water which should have been obtained was 12 ounces 4 gros 49.227 grains. The deficit was 4.227 grains. The quantity of azotic air before the ex- periment was 415.256 cubic inches, and at the close of it 467. The excess after the experiment was consequently 51.744 cubic inches. This augmentation is to be attri- buted, the academicians think, to the small quantity of atmospheric air in the cylin- ders of the gasometers, at the time the other airs were introduced. These addi- tional 51 cubic inches could not arise from the hydrogen, for experiment showed, that it contained no azotic air. Some addition of this last fluid, the experimenters think, cannot be avoided, on account of the con- struction of the machine. The water being examined, was found to be as pure as distilled water. Its spe- cific gravity to distilled water was as 1867L 18670. * The decomposition of water is most WAT elegantly effected by Electricity; which see. The composition of water is best de- monstrated by exploding 2 volumes of hy- drogen and 1 of oxygen, in the eudiometer. They disappear totally, and pure water re- sults. A cubic inch of this liquid at 60°, weighs 252.52 grains, consisting of 28.06 grains hydrogen, and 224.46 oxygen. The bulk ofthe former | 1325 cubic . h gas is 3 That of the latter is 662 1987 Hence there is a condensation of nearly two thousand volumes into one; and one volume of water contains 662 volumes of oxygen. The prime equivalent of water is 1.125; composed of a prime of oxygen = 1.0 -f- a prime of hydrogen = 0.125; or 9 parts by weight of water, consist of 8 oxy- gen -f- 1 hydrogen.* Water of Crystallization. Many salts require a certain proportion of water to enable them to retain the crystalline form, and this is called their water of crys- tallization. Some retain this so feebly, that it flies off on exposure to the air, and they fall to powder. These are the efflo- rescent salts. Others have so great an af- finity for water, that their crystals attract more from the air, in which they dissolve. These are the deliquescent. Waters (Mineral). The examina- tion of mineral waters with a view to as- certain their ingredients, and thence their medical qualities and the means of com- pounding them artificially, is an object of considerable importance to society. It is likewise a subject which deserves to be attended to, because it affords no mean opportunity for the agreeable practice of chemical skill. But this investigation is more especially of importance to the daily purposes of life, and the success of manu- factures. It cannot but be an interesting object, to ascertain the component parts and qualities of the waters daily con- sumed by the inhabitants of large towns and vicinities. A very minute portion of unwholesome matter, daily taken, may con- stitute the principal cause of the differ- ences in salubrity, which are observable in different places. And with regard to ma- nufactures, it is well known to the brewer, the paper-maker, the bleacher, and a vari- ety of other artists, of how much conse- quence it is to them, that this fluid should either be pure, or at least not contaminated with such principles as tend to injure the qualities of the articles they make. This analysis has accordingly employed the at- tention of the first chemists. Bergmann has written an express treatise on the sub- ject, which may be found in the first vo- lume of the English translation of his Es- WAT says. Kirwan published a valuable volume on the analysis of waters. The topography of the place where these waters rise is the first thing to be consi- dered. By examining the ooze formed by them, and the earth or stones through which they are strained and filtered, some judgment may be formed of their contents. In filtering through the earth, and meander- ing on its surface, they take with them particles of various kinds, which their ex- treme attenuation renders capable of being suspended in the fluid that serves for their vehicle. Hence we shall sometimes find in these waters, siliceous, calcareous, or argillaceous earth; and at other times, though less frequently, sulphur, magnesian earth, or, from the decomposition of car- bonated iron, ochre. The following are the ingredients that may occur in mineral waters: 1. Air is contained in by far the greater number of mineral waters: its proportion does not exceed l-28th of the bulk of the water. 2. Oxygen gas was first detected in wa- ters by Scheele. Its quantity is usually in- considerable; and it is incompatible with the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen gas or iron. 3. Hydrogen gas was first detected in Buxton water by Dr. Pearson. Afterward it was discovered in Harrowgate waters by Dr. Garnet, and in those of Lemington Priors'by Mr. Lambe. 4. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas constitutes the most conspicuous ingredient in those waters, which are distinguished by the name of hepatic or sulphureous. The only acids hitherto found in waters, except in combination with a base, are the carbonic, sulphuric, and boracic. 5. Carbonic acid was first discovered in Pyrmont water by Dr. Browniigg. It is the most common ingredient in mineral waters; 100 cubic inches of the water ge- nerally containing from 6 to 40 cubic inches of this acid gas. According to WestrUmb, 100 cubic inches of Pyrmont water contain 187 cubic inches of it, or almost double its own bulk 6. Sulphurous acid has been observed in several of the hot mineral waters in Italy, which are in the neighbourhood of volca- noes. 7. The boracic acid has also been ob- served in some lakes in Italy. The only alkali which has been observed in mineral waters, uncombined, is soda; and the only earthy bodies are silex and lime. 8. Dr. Black detected soda in the hot mineral waters of Geysser and Rykum in Iceland; but in most other cases the soda is combined with carbonic acid. 9. Silex was first discovered in waters by WAT WAT Bergmann, It was afterward detected in those of Geysser and Rykum by Dr. Black, and in those of Karlsbad by Klaproth. Has- senfratz observed it in the waters of Pou- gues, as Breze' did in those of Pu. It has been found also in many other mineral wa- ters. 10. Lime is said to have been found un- combined in some mineral waters; but this has not been proved in a satisfactory man- ner. The only salts hitherto found in mineral waters are the following sulphates, nitrates, muriates, carbonates, and borates; and of these the carbonates and muriates occur by far most commonly, and the borates and nitrates most rarely. 11. Sulphate of soda is not uncommon, especially in those mineral waters which are distinguished by the epithet saline. 12. Sulphate of ammonia is found in mi- neral waters near volcanoes. 13. Sulphate of lime is exceedingly com- mon in water. Its presence seems to have been first detected by Dr. Lister in 1682. 14. Sulphate of magnesia is almost con- stantly an ingredient in those mineral wa- ters which have purgative properties. It was detected in Epsom waters in 1610, and in 1696 Dr. Grew published a treatise on it. 15 Alum is sometimes found in mineral Waters, but it is exceedingly rare. 16. Sulphate of iron occurs sometimes in volcanic mineral waters, and has even been observed in other places. 17. Sulphate of copper is only found in the waters which issue from copper mines. 18. Nitre has been found in some springs in Hungary, but it is exceedingly uncom- mon. 19. Nitrate of lime was first detected in water by Dr. Home, of Edinburgh, in 1756. It is said to occur in some springs in the sandy deserts of Arabia. 20. Nitrate of magnesia is said to have been found in some springs. 21. Muriate of potash is uncommon; but it has lately been discovered in the mine- ral springs of Uhleaborg in Sweden, by Julin. 22. Muriate of soda is so extremely com- mon in mineral waters, that hardly a single spring has been analyzed without detecting some of it. 23. Muriate of ammonia is uncommon, but it has been found in some mineral springs in Italy and in Siberia. 24. Muriate of barytes is still more un- common, but its presence in mineral wa- ters has been announced by Bergmann. 25 and 26. Muriates of lime and magne- sia are common ingredients. 27. Muriate of alumina has been observed by Dr. Withering, but it is very uncommon. 28. Muriate of manganese was mention- ed by Bergmann as sometimes occurring in mineral waters. It has lately been de- tected by Lambe in the waters of Leming- ton Priors, but in an extremely limited pro- portion. 29. The presence of carbonate of potash in mineral waters has been mentioned by several chemists; if it do occur, it must be in a very small proportion. 30. Carbonate of soda is, perhaps, one of the most common ingredients of these li- quids, if we except common salt and car- bonate of lime. SI. Carbonate of ammonia has been dis- covered in waters, but it is uncommon. 32. Carbonate of lime is found in almost all waters, and is usually held in solution by an excess of acid. It appears from the different experiments of chemists, as stated by Mr. Kirwan, and especially from those of Berthollet, that water saturated with carbonic acid is capable of holding in so- lution 0.002 of carbonate of lime. Now water saturated with carbonic acid, at the temperature of 50°, contains very nearly 0.002 of its weight of carbonic acid. Hence it follows, that carbonic acid, when present in such quantity as to saturate waters, is capable of holding its own weight of car- bonate of lime in solution. Thus we see 1000 parts by weight of water, when it contains two parts of carbonic acid, is ca- pable of dissolving two parts of carbonate of lime. When the proportion of water is increased, it is capable of holding the car- bonate of lime in solution, even when the proportion of carbonic acid united with it is diminished. Thus 24000 parts of water are capable of holding two parts of carbo- nate of lime in solution, even when they contain only one part of carbonic acid. The greater the proportion of water, the smaller proportion of carbonic acid is necessary to keep the lime in solution; and when the wa- ter is increased to a certain proportion, no sensible excess of carbonic acid is necessa- ry. It ought to be remarked also, that wa- ter, however small a quantity of carbonic acid it contains, is capable of holding car- bonate of lime in solution, provided the weight of the carbonic acid present ex- ceed that of the lime. These observations apply equally to the other earthy carbonates held in solution by mineral waters. 33. Carbonate of magnesia is also very common in mineral waters, and is almost always accompanied by carbonate of lime. 34. Carbonate of alumina is said to have been found in waters, but its presence has not been properly ascertained. 35. Carbonate of iron is by no means un- common; indeed it forms the most remark. able ingredient in those waters, which are distinguished by the epithet of chalybeate. 36. Borax exists in some lakes in Persia and Thibet, but the nature qf these waters has not been ascertained. WAT WAT 37 and 38. The hydrosulphurets of lime and of soda have been frequently detected in those waters which are called sulphu- rous, or hepatic. Mr. Westrumb says, that all sulphurous waters contain more or less hydrosulphu- ret of lime. To detect this he boiled the mineral wa- ter, excluding the contact of atmospheric air, to expel the sulphuretted hydrogen gas and carbonic, acid. Into the water thus boiled he poured sulphuric acid, when more sulphuretted hydrogen gas was evol- ved, and sulphate of lime was thrown down; fuming nitric acid, which separated from it sulphur; and oxalic acid, which expelled sulphuretted hydrogen, and formed oxalate of time. The water evaporated in open vessels let fall sulphate of lime, and gave out sulphuretted hydrogen gas. To ascertain the quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen gas and carbonic acid, Mr. West- rumb proceeded as follows: He introduced the sulphurous water into a matrass, till it was filled to a certain point, which he marked; fitted to it a curved tube, which terminated in a long cylinder; filled this cylinder with lime-water for the one expe-. riment, and with acetate of lead, with ex- cess of acid, for the other; luted the appa- ratus, and boiled the water till no more gas was expelled. When the lime-water is used, carbonate of lime is precipitated in the proportion of 20 grains to every 10 cubic inches of carbonic acid gas; when the solution of acetate of lead, hydrosul- phuret of lead is thrown down in the pro- portion of 19 grains to 10 cubic inches of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. Beside these substances, certain vegeta- ble and animal matters have been occa- sionally observed in mineral waters. But in most cases, these are rather to be con- sidered in the light of accidental mixtures, than of real component parts of the waters in which they occur. From this synoptical view of the differ- ent ingredients contained in mineral wa- ters, it is evident, that these substances occur in two different distinct states, viz. 1. As being suspended in them; and 2- As being dissolved in them chiefly in the form of a salt. The investigation of mineral waters con- sists, 1. In the examination of them by the senses: 2. In the examination of them by reagents: 3. In the analysis properly so called. The examination by the senses consists in observing the effect of the water as to appearance, smell, and taste. The appearance of the water, the instant in which it is pumped out of the well, as well as after it has stood for some time, affords several indications, from which we are enabled to form a judgment concern- ing its contents. If the water be turbid at the well, the substances are suspended only, and not dissolved; but if the water be clear and transparent at the well, and some time intervenes before it becomes turbid, the contents are dissolved by means of carbonic acid. The presence of this gas is likewise in- dicated by small bubbles, that rise from the bottom of the well, and burst in the air while they are making their escape, though the water at the same time perhaps has not an acid taste. This is the case, according to Count Razoumowski, with re- spect to the tepid spring in Vallais, and the cold vitriolated chalybeate springs at Astracan. But the most evident proof of a spring containing carbonic acid is the generation of bubbles on the water being shaken; and their bursting with more or less noise, while the air is making its escape. The sediment deposited by the water in the well is likewise to be examined: if it be yellow, it indicates the presence of iron; if black, that of iron combined with sul- phur; but chalybeate waters being seldom sulphuretted, the latter occurs very rarely. As to the colour of the water itself, there are few instances where this can give any indication of its contents, as there are not many substances that colour it. The odour of the water serves chiefly to discover the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen in it: such waters as contain this substance have a peculiar fetid smell, some- what resembling rotten eggs. The taste of a spring, provided it be • perfectly ascertained by repeated trials, may afford some useful indications with respect to the contents. It may be made very sensible by tasting water, in which the various salts that are usually found in such waters are dissolved in various proportions. There is no certain dependence, however, to be placed on this mode of investigation; for in many springs, the taste of sulphate of soda is disguised by that of the sea salt united with it. The water too is not only to be tasted at the spring, but after it has stood for some time. This precaution must be particularly observed with respect to such waters as are impregnated with car- bonic acid; for the other substances con- tained in them make no impression on the tongue, till the carbonic acid has made its escape; and it is for the same reason, that these waters must be evaporated in part, and then tasted again. Though the specific gravity of any water contributes but very little towards deter- mining its contents, still it may not be en- tirely useless to know the specific weight of ttie water, the situation of the spring, and the kind of sediment deposited by it. The examination of the water by means WAT WAT of reagents shows what they contain, but not how much of each principle. In many instances this is as much as the inquiry demands; and it is always of use to direct the proceedings in the proper analysis. It is absolutely necessary to make the experiment with water just taken up from the spring, and afterward with such as has been exposed for some hours to the open air; and sometimes a third essay is to be made with a portion of the water that has been boiled and afterward filtered. If the water contain but few saline particles, it must be evaporated; as even the most sen- sible reagents do not in the least affect it, if the salts, the presence of which is to be discovered by them, are diluted with too great a quantity of water. Now, it may happen, that a water shall be impregnated with a considerable number of saline par- ticles of different kinds, though some of them may be present in too small a quan- tity; for which reason the water must be examined a second time, after having been boiled down to three-fourths. The substances of which the presence is discoverable by reagents, are:— 1. Carbonic acid. When this is not com- bined with any base, or not with sufficient to neutralize it, the addition of lime-water will throw down a precipitate soluble with effervescence in muriatic acid. The infu- sion of litmus is reddened by it; but the red colour gradually disappears, and may be again restored by the addition of more ofthe mineral water. When boiled it loses the property of reddening the infusion of litmus. According o Pfaff, the most sen- sible test of this acid is acetate of lead. 2. The mineral acids, when present un- combined in water, give the infusion of lit- mus a permanent red, even though \Jie wa- ter has been boiled. Bergmann has shown, that paper stained with litmus is reddened when dipped into water containing -jTJT of sulphuric acid. 3. Water containing sulphuretted hydro- gen gas is distinguished by the following properties: It exhales the peculiar odour of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. It reddens the infusion of litmus fugaciously. It black- ens paper dipped into a solution of lead, and precipitates the nitrate of silver black or brown. 4. Alkalis, and alkaline and earthy car- bonates, are distinguished by the following tests: The infusion of turmeric, or paper stained with turmeric, is rendered brown by alkalis; or reddish-brown, if the quanti- ty be minute. This change is produced when the soda in water amounts only to ■yjpfpart. Paper stained with Brazilwood, or the infusion of Brazil wood, is rendered blue; but this change is produced also by the alkaline and earthy carbonates. Berg- mann ascertained, that water containing yjrVr part of carbonate of soda, renders paper stained with Brazil wood blue. Lit- mus paper reddened by vinegar is restored to its original blue colour. This change is produced by the alkaline and earthy car- bonates also. When these changes are fu- gacious, we may conclude, that the alkali is ammonia. 5. Fixed alkalis exist in water that occa- sions a precipitate with muriate of magne- sia after being boiled Volatile alkali may be distinguished by the smell; or it may be obtained in the receiver by distilling a por- tion of the water gently, and then it may be distinguished by the above tests. 6. Earthy trod metallic carbonates are precipitated by boiling the water contain- ing them; except carbonate of magnesia, which is precipitated but imperfectly. 7. Iron is discovered by the following tests:—The addition of tincture of galls gives water, containing iron, a purple or black colour. This test indicates the pre- sence of a very minute portion of iron. If the tincture have no effect upon the water, after boiling, though it colours it before, the iron is in the state of a carbonate. The following observations of Westrumb on the colour which iron gives to galls, as modifi- ed by other bodies, deserve attention. A violet indicates an alkaline carbonate, or earthy salt. Dark purple indicates other alkaline salts. Purplish-red indicates sul- phuretted hydrogen gas. Whitish, and then black, indicates sulphate of lime. Mr. Phillips has lately ascertained, that, while the iron is little oxided, the presence of lime rather facilitates the application of this test; but the lime prevents the test from acting, provided the iron be conside- rably oxidized. The prussian alkali occa- sions a blue precipitate in water containing iron. If an alkali be present, the blue pre- cipitate does not appear unless the alkali is saturated with an acid. 8. Sulphuric acid exists in waters that form a precipitate with the following solu- tions:—muriate, nitrate, or acetate of ba- rytes, strontian, or lime, or nitrate or ace- tate of lead. Of these the most powerful by far is muriate of barytes, which is capa- ble of detecting the presence of sulphuric acid uncombined, when it does not exceed the millionth part of the water. Acetate of lead is next in point of power. The muriates are more powerful than the ni- trates. The calcareous salts are least pow- erful. All these tests are capable of indi- cating a much smaller proportion of un- combined sulphuric acid, than when it is combined with a base. To render mu- riate of barytes a certain test of sulphuric acid, the following precautions must be observed:—The muriate must be diluted; the alkalis or alkaline carbonates, if the water contain arv, must be previously sa- WAT WAT turated with muriatic acid; the precipitate must be insoluble in muriatic acid; if bo- racicacid be suspected, muriate of stron- tian must be tried, which is not precipi- tated by boracic acid. The hydrosul- phurets precipitate barytic solutions, but their presence is easily discovered by the smell. 9. Muriatic acid is detected by nitrate of silver, which occasions a white preci- pitate, or a cloud, in water containing an exceedingly minute portion of this acid. To render this test certain, the following precautions are necessary:—The alkalis or carbonates must be previously saturated with nitric acid. Sulphuric acid, if any be present, must be previously removed by means of nitrate of barytes. The pre- cipitate must he insoluble in nitric acid. Pf'aff says, that the mild nitrate of mercury is the most sensible test of muriatic acid; and that the precipitate is not soluble in an excess of any acid. 10. Boracic acid is detected by means of acetate of lead, with which it forms a precipitate insoluble in acetic acid. But to render this test certain, the alkalis and earths must be previously saturated with acetic acid, and the sulphuric and muria- tic acids removed by means of acetate of strontian and acetate of silver. 11. Barytes is detected by the insoluble white precipitate, which it forms with di- luted sulphuric add. 12. Lime is detected by means of oxalic acid, which occasions a white precipitate in water containing a very minute propor- tion of this earth. To render this test de- cisive, the following precautions are ne- cessary:— The mineral acids, if any be present, must be previously saturated with an alkali. Barytes, if any be present, must be previously removed by means of sul- phuric acid. ' Oxalic acid precipitates mag- nesia but very slowly, whereas it precipi- tates lime instantly. 13. Magnesia and alumina. The pre- sence of these earths is ascertained by the following tests:---Pure ammonia precipi- tates them both, and no other earth, pro- vided the carbonic acid have been previ- ously separated by a fixed alkali, and boil- in«\ Lime-water precipitates only these two earths, provided the carbonic acid be previously removed, and the sulphuric acid also, by means of nitrate of barytes 'The alumina maybe separated from the magnesia, after both have been precipitated together, either by boiling the precipitate in caustic potash, which dissolves the alu- mina and leaves the magnesia; or the pre- cipitate may be dissolved in muriatic acid, precipitated by an alkaline carbonate, dri- ed in the temperature of 100°, and then exposed to the action of diluted muriatic Vol. 11. acid, which dissolves the magnesia.with- out touching the alumina. 14. Sile\ may be ascertained by evapo- rating a portion of water to dryness; and redissohing the precipitate in muriatic acid. The silex remains behind undissol- ved. By these means we may detect the pre- sence of the different substances commonly found in waters; but as they are generally combined so as to form salts, it is neces- sary we should know what these combina- tions are. This is a more difficult task, which Mr. Kirwan teaches us to accom- plish by the following methods:— 1. To ascertain the presence of the dif- ferent sulphates. The sulphates which occur in water are seven; but one of these, namely, sulphate of copper, is so uncommon, that it may be excluded altogether. The same remark applies to sulphate of ammonia. It is al- most unnecessary to observe, that no sul- phate need be looked for, unless both its acid and base have been previously detect- ed in the water. Sulphate of soda may be detected by the following method:—Free the water to be exam'uv d of all earthy sulphates, by eva- porating it to one-half, and adding lime- water as long as any precipitate appears. By these means the earths will all be pre- cipitated except lime, and the only remain- ing earthy sulphate will be sulphate of lime, which will be separated by evapo- rating the liquid till it becomes concen- trated, and then dropping into it a little al- cohol, and, after filtration, adding a little oxalic acid. With the water thus purified, mix solu- tion of lime. If a precipitate appear, either immediately or on the addition of a little alcohol, it is a proof, that sulphate of pot- ash or of soda is present. Which of the two may be determined, by mixing some of the purified water with acetate of ba- rytes. Sulphate of barytes precipitates. Filter and evaporate to dryness. Digest the residuum in alcohol. It will dissolve the alkaline acetate. Evaporate to dryness, and the dry salt will deliquesce if it he acetate of potash, but effloresce if it be acetate of soda. Sulphate of lime may be detected by- evaporating the water suspected to contain it to a few ounces. A precipitate appears, which, if it be sulphate of lime, is soluble in 500 parts of water; and the solution af- fords a precipitate with the muriate of ba- rytes, oxalic acid, carbonate of magnesia, and alcohol. Alum may be detected by mixing car- bonate of lime with the water suspected to contain it. If a precipitate appear, it indicates the presence of alum, or at least 43 WAT WAT of sulphate of alumina; provided the water contains no muriate of barytes or metallic sulphates. The first of these salts is in- compatible with alum. The second may be removed by the alkaline prussiates. When a precipitate is produced in water by mu- riate of lime, carbonate of lime, and muri- ate of magnesia, we may conclude, that it contains alum or sulphate of alumina. Sulphate of magnesia may be detected by means of hydrosulphuret of strontian, Which occasions an immediate precipitate with this salt, and with no other; provided the water be previously deprived of alum, if any be present, by means of carbonate of lime, and provided also that it contains no uncombined acid. Sulphate of iron is precipitated from wa- ter by alcohol, and then it may be easily recognized by its properties. 2. To ascertain the presence of the dif- ferent muriates. The muriates found in waters amount to eight, or to nine if muriate of iron be in- cluded. The most common by far is mu- riate of soda. Muriate of soda and of potash may be detected by the following method:—Sepa- rate the sulphuric acid by alcohol and ni- trate of barytes. Decompose the earthy nitrates and muriates by adding sulphuric acid. Expel the excess of muriatic and nitric acids by heat. Separate the sulphates thus formed by alcohol and barytes-water. The water thus purified can contain no- thing but alkaline nitrates and muriates. If it form a precipitate with acetate of sil- ver, we may conclude, that it contains mu- riate of soda or of potash. To ascertain which, evaporate the liquid thus precipi- tated to dryness. Dissolve the acetate in alcohol, and again evaporate to dryness. The salt will deliquesce, if it be acetate of potash; but effloresce, if it be acetate of soda. Muriate of barytes may be detected by sulphuric acid, as it is the only barytic salt hitherto found in water. Muriate of lime may be detected by the following method:—Free the water from sulphate of lime and other sulphates, by evaporating it to a few ounces, mixing it with alcohol, and adding last of all nitrate of barytes, as long as any precipitate ap- pears. Filter the water; evaporate to dry- ness; treat the dry mass with alcohol; eva- porate the alcohol to dryness; and dissolve the residuum in water. If this solution give a precipitate with acetate of silver and oxalic acid, it may contain muriate of lime. It must contain it in that case, if, after being treated with carbonate of lime, it give no precipitate with ammonia. If the liquid in the receiver give a precipitate with nitrate of silver, muriate of lime ex- isted in the water. Muriate of magnesia may be detected by separating all the sulphuric acid by means of nitrate of barytes. Filter, evapo- rate to dryness, and treat the dry mass with alcohol. Evaporate the alcoholic so- lution to dryness, and dissolve the resi- duum in water. The muriate of magnesia, if the water contained any, will be found in this solution: Let us suppose, that, by the tests formerly described, the presence of muriatic acid and of magnesia, in this solution, has been ascertained. In that case, if carbonate of lime afford no precipitate, and if sulphuric acid and evaporation, to. gether with the addition of a little alcohol, occasion no precipitate, the solution con- tains only muriate of magnesia. If these tests give precipitates, we must separate the lime which is present by sulphuric acid and alcohol, and distil off the acid with which it was combined. Then the magnesia is to be separated by the oxalic acid and alco- hol, and the acid with which it was united is to be distilled off. If the liquid in the retort give a precipitate with nitrate of silver, the water contains muriate of mag- nesia. Muriate of alumina may be discovered by saturating the water, if it contain an excess of alkali, with nitric acid, and by separating the sulphuric acid by means of nitrate of barytes. If the liquid, thus pu- rified, give a precipitate with carbonate of lime, it contains muriate of alumina. The muriate of iron or of manganese, if any be present, is also decomposed, and the iron precipitated by this salt. The precipitate may be dissolved in muriatic acid, and the alumina, iron, and manganese, if they be present, may be separated by the rules laid down below. 3. To ascertain the presence of the dif- ferent nitrates. The nitrates but seldom occur in waters; but when they do, they may be detected by the following results:— Alkaline nitrates may be detected by freeing the water examined from sulphu- ric acid by means of acetate of barytes, and from muriatic acid by acetate of silver. Evaporate the filtered liquid, and treat the dry mass with alcohol; what the alcohol leaves can consist only of the alkaline ni- trates and acetate of lime. Dissolve it in water. If carbonate of magnesia occasion a precipitate, lime is present. Separate the lime by means of carbonate of magnesia. Filter and evaporate to dryness, and treat the dried mass with alcohol. The alcohol now leaves only the alkaline nitrates, which may be easily recognized, and distinguish- ed by their respective properties. Nitrate of lime. To detect this salt, con- centrate the water, and mix it with alcohol to separate the sulphates. Filter, and dis- til off the alcohol; then separate the mu- riatic acid by acetate of silver. Filter, WAT WAT evaporate to dryness, and dissolve the resi- duum in alcohol. Evaporate to dryness, and dissolve the dry mass in water. If this last solution indicate the presence of lime by the usual tests, the water contained ni- trate of lime. To detect nitrate of magnesia, the water is to be freed from sulphates and muri- ates exactly as described in the last pa- ragraph. The liquid thus purified is to be evaporated to dryness, and the residuum treated with alcohol. The alcoholic solu- tion is to be evaporated to dryness, and the dry mass dissolved in water. To this solution potash is to be added, as long as any precipitate appears. The solution, fil- tered, and again evaporated to dryness, is to be treated with alcohol. If it leave a re- siduum consisting of nitre (the only resi- duum which it can leave) the water con- tained nitrate of magnesia. Such are the methods by which the pre- sence of the different saline contents of water may be ascertained. The labour of analysis may be considerably shortened, by observing that the following salts are incompatible with each other, and cannot exist together in water, except in very mi- nute proportion:— Salts. Incompatible with fNitrates of lime and Fixed alkaline J magnesia. sulphates < j Muriates of lime and t. magnesia. {Alkalis, Carbonate of magnesia, Muriate of barytes. f Alkalis, j Muriate of barytes, Alum -s Nitrate, muriate, carbo- ] nate of lime, V-Carbonate of magnesia. f Alkalis, Sulphate of J Muriate of barytes, magnesia j Nitrate and muriate of V. lime. TAlkalis, Sulphate of iron< Muriate of barytes, \.Earthy carbonates. _, . ,. c ("Sulphates, Muriate ot J Alkal;ie carbonates, barytes ^Earthy carbonates. {Sulphates,exceptoflime, Alkaline carbonates, Earthy carbonates. Muriate of mag- C Alkaline carbonates, nesia £ Alkaline sulphates. {Alkaline carbonates, Carbonate of magnesia and alumina, Sulphates,except of lime, Beside the substances above described, there is sometimes found in water a quan- tity of bitumen combined with alkali, and in the state of soap. In such waters, acids occasion a coagulation; and the coagulum collected on a filter discovers its bitumi- nous nature by its combustibility. Water also sometimes contains extrac- tive matter; the presence of which may be detected by means of nitrate of silver. The water suspected to contain it must be freed from sulphuric and nitric acid by means of nitrate of lead: after this, if it give a brown precipitate with nitrate of silver, we may conclude that extractive matter is present. But it is not sufficient to know that a mineral water contains certain ingredients; it is necessary to ascertain the proportions of these, and thus we arrive at their com- plete analysis. 1. The different aerial fluids ought to be first separated and estimated. For this purpose, a retort should be filled two- thirds with the water, and connected with ajar full of mercury, standing over a mer- curial trough. Let the water be made to boil for a quarter of an hour. The aerial fluids will pass over into the jar. When the apparatus is cool, the quantity of air ex- pelled from the water may be determined either by bringing the mercury within and without the jar to a level; or if this cannot be done, by reducing the air to the proper density by calculation. The air of the re- tort ought to be carefully subtracted, and the jar should be divided into cubic inches and tenths. The only gaseous bodies contained in water are, common air, oxygen gas, nitro- gen gas, carbonic acid, sulphuretted hy- drogen gas, and sulphurous acid. The last two never exist in water together. The presence of either of them must be ascer- tained previously by the application of the proper tests. If sulphuretted hydrogen gas be present, it will be mixed with the air contained in the glass jar, and must be se- parated before this air be examined. For this purpose the jar must be removed into a tub of warm water, and nitric acid in- troduced, which will absorb the sulphu- retted hydrogen. The residuum is then to be again put into a mercurial jar and exa- mined. If the water contain sulphurous acid, this previous step is not necessary. Introduce into the air a solution of pure potash, and agitate the whole gently. The carbonic acid and sulphurous acid gas will be ab- sorbed, and leave the other gases. The bulk of this residuum, subtracted from the bulk of the whole, will give the bulk of the carbonic acid and sulphurous acid ab- sorbed. Evaporate the potash slowly, almost to dryness, and leave it exposed to the at- mosphere. Sulphate of potash will be form- ed, which may be separated by dissolving the carbonate of potash by means of diluted WAT muriatic acid, and filtering the solution. 100 grains of sulphate of potash indicate 36.4 grains of sulphurous acid, or 53.66 cubic inches of that acid in the state of gas. The bulk of sulphurous acid gas ascertain- ed by this method, subtracted from the bulk of the gas absorbed by the potash, gives the bulk of the carbonic acid gas. Now 100 cubic inches of carbonic acid, at the temperature of 60° and barometer 30 inches, weigh 466 grains. Hence it is easy to ascertain its weight. The gas remaining may be examined by the common eudiometrical processes. When a water contains sulphuretted hy- drogen gas, the bulk of this gas is to be ascertained in the following manner: Fill three-fourths ofa jar with the water to be examined, and invert it in a water trough, and introduce a little nitrous gas. This gas, mixing with the air in the upper part of the jar, will form nitrous acid, which will render the water turbid, by decompo- sing the sulphuretted hydrogen and preci- pitating sulphur. Continue to add' nitrous gosatintervals as long as red fumesappear, then turn up the jar and blow out the air. If the hepatic smell continue, repeat this pro- cess. The sulphur precipitated indicates the proportion of hepatic gas in the water; one grain of sulphur indicating the pre- sence of nearly 3 cubic inches of this gas. 2. After having estimated the gaseous bodies, the next step is to ascertain the proportion of the earthy carbonates. For this purpose it is necessary to deprive the water of its sulphuretted hydrogen, if it contain any. This may be done, either by exposing it to the air for a considerable time, or treating it with litharge. A suffi- cient quantity of the water, thus purified if necessary, is to be boiled for a quarter of an hour, and filtered when cool. The earthy carbonates remain on the filter. The precipitate thus obtained may be carbonate of lime, of magnesia, of iron, of alumina, or even sulphate of lime. Let us suppose allof these substances to be present together. Treat the mixture with diluted muriatic acid, which will dissolve the whole except the alumina and sulphate of lime. Dry this residuum in a red heat, and note the weight. Then boil it in carbonate of soda, saturate the soda with muriatic acid, and boil the mixture for half an hour. Car- bonate of lime and alumina precipitate. Dry this precipitate and treat it with ace- tic acid. The lime will be dissolved, and the alumina will remain. Dry it and weigh it. Its weight, subtracted from the original weight, gives the proportion of sulphate of lime. The muriatic solution contains lime, magnesia, and iron. Add ammonia as long as a reddish precipitate appears. The iron and part of the magnesia are thus separa- WAT ted. Drv the precipitate, and expose it to the air for some time in a heat of 200 ; then treat it with acetic acid to dissolve the magnesia; which solution is to be added to the muriatic solution. The iron is to be redissolved in muriatic acid, precipitated by an alkaline carbonate.dried and weighed. Add sulphuric acid to the muriatic solu. tion as long as any precipitate appears; then heat the solution and concentrate. Heat the sulphate of lime thus obtained to red- ness, and weigh it. 100 grains of it are eqUivalentto 74.7 of carbonate of lime dried. Precipitate the magnesia hy means of car- bonate of soda. Dry it and weigh it. But as part remains in solution, evaporate to dry. ness, and wash the residuum with a suffi- cient quantity of distilled water, to dissolve the muriate of soda and sulphate of lime, if any be still present. What remains be- hind is carbonate of magnesia. Weigh it, and add its weight to the former. The sul- phate of lime, if any, must also be sepa- rated and weighed. 3. We have next to ascertain the propor- tion of mineral acids or alkalis, if any be present uncombined. The acids which may be present, omitting the gaseous, are the sulphuric, muriatic, and boracic. The proportion of sulphuric acid is ea- sily determined. Saturate it with barytes- water, and ignite the precipitate. 100 grains of sulphate of barytes thus formed indicate 34.0 of real sulphuric acid. Saturate the muriatic acid with barytes- water and then precipitate fche barytes by sulphuric acid. 100 parts of the ignited precipitate are equivalent to 23.73 grains of* real muriatic acid. Precipitate the boracic acid by means of acetate of lead. Decompose the borate of lead by boiling it in sulphuric acid. Eva- porate to dryness. Dissolve the boracic acid in alcohol, and evaporate the solution; the acid left behind may be weighed. To estimate the proportion of alkaline carbonate present in a water containing it, saturate it with sulphuric acid, and note the weight of real acid necessary. Now 100 grains of real sulphuric acid saturate 120.0 potash, and 80.0 soda. 4. The alkalidt sulphates may be esti- mated by precipitating their acid by means of nitrate of barytes, having previously freed the water from all other sulphates; for 14.75 grains of ignited sulphate of ba- rytes indicate 9.0 grains of dried sulphate of soda; while 14.75 sulphate of barytes in- dicate 11 of dry sulphate of potash. Sulphate of lime is easily estimated by evaporating the liquid containing it to a few ounces (having previously saturated the earthy carbonates with nitric acid), and precipitating the sulphate of lime by means of weak alcohol. It may then be dried an.'i weighed. WAT WAT Tke quantity of alum may be estimated bv precipitating the alumina by carbonate of lime or of magnesia (if no lime be pre- sent in the liquid). Eleven grains of the alumina, heated to incandescence, indicate 100 of crystallized alum, or 55 of dried salt. Sulphate of magnesia may be estimated, provided no other sulphate be present, by precipitating the acid by means of a bary- tic salt, as 14.75 parts of ignited sulphate of barytes indicate 7.46 of sulphate of mag- nesia. If sulphate of lime, and no other sulphate, accompany it, this may be de- composed, and the lime precipitated by carbonate of magnesia. The weight of the lime thus obtained, enables us to ascertain the quantity of sulphate of lime contained in the water. The whole of the sulphuric acid is then to be precipitated by barytes. This gives the quantity of sulphuric acid; and subtracting the portion which be- longs to the sulphate of lime, there remains that which was combined with the mag- nesia, from which the sulphate of mag- nesia may be easily estimated. If sulphate of soda be present, no earthy nitrate or muriate can exist. Therefore, if no other earthy sulphate be present, the magnesia may be precipitated by soda, dri- ed and weighed; 2.46 grains of which in- dicate 7.46 grains of dried sulphate of magnesia. The same process succeeds when sulphate of lime accompanies tliese two sulphates; only in this case the preci- pitate, which consists both of lime and magnesia, is to be dissolved in sulphuric acid, evaporated to dryness, and treated with twice its weight of cold water, which dissolves the sulphate of magnesia, and leaves the other salt. Let the sulphate of magnesia be evaporated to dryness, ex- posed to a heat of 400°, and weighed. The same process succeeds, if alum be present instead of sulphate of lime. The precipi- tate in this case, previously dried, is to be treated with acetic acid, which dissolves the magnesia, and leaves the alumina. The magnesia may be again precipitated, dried and weighed. If sulphate of iron be pre- sent, it may be separated by exposing the water to the air for some days, and mixing with it a portion of alumina. Both the ox- ide of iron, and the sulphate of alumina, thus formed, precipitate in the state of an insoluble powder. The sulphate of mag- nesia may then be estimated by the rules above given. Sulphate of iron may be estimated by precipitating the iron by means of prussic alkali, having previously determined the weight of the precipitate produced by the prussiate in a solution of a given weight of sulphate of iron in water. If muriate of iron be also present, which is a very rare Case, it may be separated by evaporating the water to dryness, and treating the re-. siduum with alcohol, which dissolves the muriate, and leaves the sulphate. 5. If muriate of potash or of soda, with- out any other salt, exist in water, we have only to decompose them by nitrate of sil- ver, and dry the precipitate; for 18.2 of muriate of silver indicate 9.5 of muriate of potash; and 18.2 of muriate of silver indi- cate 7-5 of common salt. The same process is to be followed, if the alkaline carbonates be present; only these carbonates must be previously satu- rated with sulphuric acid; and we must precipitate the muriatic acid by means of sulphate of silver instead of nitrate. The presence of sulphate of soda does not in- jure the success of this process. If muriate of ammonia accompany either of the fixed alkaline sulphates, without the presence of any other salt, decompose the sal ammoniac by barytes-water, expel the ammonia by boiling, precipitate the barytes by diluted sulphuric acid, and saturate the muriatic acid with soda The sulphate of barytes thus precipitated, indicates the quantity of muriate of ammonia; 14.75 grains of sulphate indicating 670 grains of this salt. If any sulphate be present in the solution, they ought to be previously separated. .If common salt be accompanied by mu- riate of lime, muriate of magnesia, muriate of alumina, or muriate of iron, or by all these together, without any other salt, the earths may be precipitated by barytes-wa- ter, and redissolved in muriatic acid. They are then to be separated from each other by the rules formerly laid down, and their weight, being determined, indicates the quantity of every particular earthy muriate cortained in the water. For 50 grains of lime indicate 100 of dried muriate of lime; 30 grains of magnesia indicate 100 of the muriate of that earth; and 21 8 grains of alumina indicate 100 ofthe muriate of alu- mina. The barytes is to be separated from . the solution by sulphuric acid, and the muriatic acid expelled by heat, or satura- ted with soda; the common salt may then be ascertained by evaporation; subtracting in the last case the proportion of common salt indicated by the known quantity of muriatic acid, from which the earths had been separated. When sulphates and muriates exist to- gether, they ought to be separated either by precipitating the sulphates by means of alcohol, or by evaporating the whole to dryness, and dissolving the earthy muriates in alcthol. The salts thus separated may be estimated by the rules already laid down. When alkaline and earthy muriates and sulphate of lime occur together, the last is to be decomposed by means of muriate of WAT WAT barytes. The precipitate ascertains the weight of sulphate of lime contained in the water. The estimation is then to be con- ducted as when nothing but muriates are present; only from the muriate of lime, that proportion of muriate must be deducted, which is known to have been formed by the addition of the muriate of barytes. When muriates of soda, magnesia, and alumina are present; together with sul- phates of lime and magnesia, the water to be examined ought to be divided into two equal portions. To the one portion add carbonate of magnesia, till the whole of the lime and alumina is precipitated. Ascer- tain the quantity of lime, which gives the proportion of sulphate of lime. Precipitate the sulphuric acid by muriate of barytes. This gives the quantity contained in the sulphate of magnesia and sulphate of lime; subtracting this last portion, we have the quantity of sulphate of magnesia. From the second portion of water, pre- cipitate all the magnesia and alumina by means of lime-water. The weight of these earths enables us to ascertain the weight of muriate of magnesia and of alumina con- tained in the water, subtracting that part of the magnesia which existed in the state of sulphate, as indicated by the examina- tion of the first portion of water. After this estimation, precipitate the sulphuric acid by barytes-water, and the lime by car- bonic acid. The liquid, evaporated to dryness, leaves the common salt. 6. It now only remains to explain the method of ascertaining the proportion of the nitrates which may exist in waters. When nitre accompanies sulphates and muriates without any other nitrates, the sulphates are to be decomposed by acetate of barytes, and the muriates by acetate of silver. The water, after filtration, is to be evaporated to dryness, and the residuum treated with alcohol, which dissolves the acetates, and leaves the nitre, the quantity of which may be easily calculated. If an alkali be present, it ought to be previously saturated with sulphuric or muriatic acid. If nitre, common salt, nitrate of lime, and muriate of lime or magnesia, be pre- sent together, the water ought to be eva- porated to dryness, and the dry mass treat- ed with alcohol, which takes up the earthy salts From the residuum, redissolved in water, the nitre may be separated, and cal- culated as in the last case. The alcoholic solution is to be evaporated to dryness, and the residuum redissolved in water. Let us suppose it to contain muriate of magnesia, nitrate of lime, and muriate of lime. Pre. cipitate the muriatic acid by nitrate of sil- ver, which gives the proportion of muriate of magnesia and of lime. Separate the magnesia by means of carbonate of lime, and note its quantity. This gives the quan- tity of muriate of magnesia; and subtract- ing the muriatic acid contained in that salt from the whole acid indicated by the pre- cipitate of silver, we have the proportion of muriate of lime. Lastly, saturate the lime added to precipitate the magnesia with nitric acid. Then precipitate the whole of the lime by sulphuric acid; and subtracting from the whole of the sulphate thus formed, that portion formed by the carbonate of lime added, and by the lime contained in the muriate, the residuum gives us the lime contained in the original nitrate; and 35 grains of lime form 100 of dry nitrate of lime. * In the year 1807, Dr. Marcet advanced some new ideas on the art of analyzing mineral waters, in an admirable paper on the water of the Dead Sea, inserted in the Phil. Transactions. " It is satisfactory to observe," says this excellent chemist, "that Dr. Murray adopted, several years after- wards, a mode of proceeding precisely similar, and indeed that he proposed, in a subsequent paper, a general formula for the analysis of mineral waters, in which this.method is pointed out, as likely to lead to the most accurate results. And this coincidence is the more remarkable, as it would appear from Dr. Murray not men- tioning my labours, that they had not at that time come to his knowledge." Phil. Trans. 1819. part ii. The following table exhibits the compo- sitions of the principal mineral waters, as well as that of the sea. The reader will find in the Phil. Trans, for 1819, a very valuable dissertation on sea-water, by Dr. Marcet, of which a good abstract is given in the 2d volume of the Edin. Phil. Journal. This philosopher shows, that in Baffin's- Bay, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Tro- pical Seas, the temperature of the sea dimi- nishes with the depth, according to the ob- servations of Phipps, Ross, Parry, Sabine, Saussure, Ellis, and Peron; but that in the Arctic or Greenland Seas, the temperature of the sea increases with the depth. This singular result was first obtained by Mr. Scoresby, in a series of well conducted ex- periments, and has been confirmed by the later observations of Lieutenants Franklin and Beechy, and Mr. Fisher.* * TABLE of the Composition ofthe most celebrated Mineral Waters. 1 Names of the Spring!. Grains of water. C Oxy-geu. ubic inches of gases. _ . , Sulph. ?arbo". hydro- Azote. nic acid. *en# Soda. gr- Lime. gr. Magne- j Iron." sia. I gr- ; &• Soda. gr- l.ime. Magne-: Iron.l sia. 1 1 gr. gr. j gr. | Soda. gr- Lime. jMagne-; Pot- I sia. 1 ash. 1 gr- | gr- | gr- Sili-' Alu-ca. :mina. gr- j gr. Re- | sins. gr- rero-pera-ture. i rSelizer (■) % | Pyrmont (I) -■3 -{ Spa(l) - • - -"5. | Carlsbad (2) . - • ^ LKilbum (10) - ---- 8449 8950 8933 25320 138240 -- 43.5 13.068 19.6 9.8 50.0 84.0 36.0 5.22 1.85 38.5 78.3 4.3 1.85 12.5 2.4 6.32 9.8 4.35 1.25 0.70 0.70 0.1 1-4 0.3 1-4 66.75 18.2 8.38 13.0 5.44 91.0 13.74 1.7 0.21 32.5 6.0 0.6 2.8 2.25 6.0 cold cold cold 165° cold cold cold 143« cold . rHarrowgaie (14) -ja -• J Moffat (4) - • 3g^ Aix-ia-Chapetle 0) - -3, *■ LEnghieii (5) - -rSedlitx . - -u | Cheltenham (6) ■3 4 Plombieres (20) $ | Dunblane (16) sp.gr. 1.00478 LPiteaithly(16) 103643 10.(643 8940 W160 58309 Ktf643 14600 7291 7291 8-0 19.0 1.0 10 0 13.06 18.5 : 7.0 7.0 4.0 18.5 15.25 21.4 5.5 5.89 1.35 33.3 0.5 5.8 615.5 3.6 6.21 2.4 3.0 9.1 8.0 _' 15.1 8.0 30.3 1. 3.0 13.0 36. 6.7 0.4 0.5 0.5 21.0 12.5 5.0 0.17 49.0 1.0 3.7 0.9 41.1 40. 1444 11.2 5.0 2.0 21. 12.7 20.8 20.2 36.5 12.5 1_ 1 1.12 ---1 cold cold eold cold cold cold cold cold >»a3 fTunbriilgc (3) « S •< Brighton (4) - -3 I LToplitz (7) - 103643 58309 22540 1.4 10.6 18.0 4.0 13.5 16.5 1.0 32.5 3.0 11.3 3.896 1.25 32.7 0.5 12.3 61.3 28.5 2ft 5 6.0 JK rB»th(8) - - - • g a. 1 Buxton (9) ■ - -5^ Bristol (11) - - • 5*5 1 Matlock -tf § LMalvern (15) - - - 15360 58309 58309 58309 58309 3.4 30.3 3.0 5.33 1.6 10.5 13.5 1.6 0.93 0.004 .625 18 0 2.5 11.7 trace 6.6 1.5 4W 1.55 7.25 0.4 -- 114° 82" 749 66° cold Dead Sea (17) sp. gr. 1.211 Do. (18) sp. pr. 1.245 Do. (19) tp.gr. 1.2283 100 7291 25.6 .054 10.676 7.8 6.95 1 159.3 3.8 10.6 4.0 5.7 10.1 24.2 15.31 35.5 trace. t Mac- sss:? rSjsssar $£=&. cSSf $5** c8£w (ffi Dr. Marcet. (8) KtoJ^th. (») M. Gay-Lumc. (20) Vauquelin. t Dr. Wollaston. 1--- . WAT WAX • Water (Oxygenized), or deutoxide of hydrogen. This interesting compound has been lately formed by M. Thenard, and an account of it published in the tenth vo- lume ofthe Annales de Chimie et Physique. The deutoxide of barium being dissolved in water, and sulphuric acid added, the protoxide of barium or barytes falls down, leaving the 6*xygen combined with the wa- ter. It contains, at 32 degrees Fahrenheit when saturated, twice the quantity of oxy- gen of common water; that is to say, a cubic inch absorbs 662 cubic inches = 224.46 gr. forming 476.98 grains, and ac- quires a specific gravity of 1.453. Hence 1.0 in volume, becomes apparently 1.3; containing 1324 volumes of oxygen; and 1 therefore contains very nearly 1000 vo- lumes. lf\ consequence of this great density, when it is poured into common water, we see it fall down through 'that liquid like a sort of sirup, though it is very soluble in it. It attacks the epidermis almost in- stantly, and produces a prickling pain, the^ duration of which varies, according to the quantity ofthe liquid applied to the skin. If this quantity be too great, or if the li- quid be renewed, the skin itself is attack- ed and destroyed. When applied to the tongue, it whitens it also, thickens the sa- liva, and produces in the organs of taste a sensation difficult to express, but one which approaches to that of tartar emetic. Its action on oxide of silver is exceedingly vi- olent. Every drop of the liquid let fall on the dry oxide, produces a real explosion; and so much heat is evolved, that if the experiment be made in a dark place, there is a very sensible disengagement of light. Besides the oxide of silver, there are se- veral other oxides, which act with violence on oxygenated water; for example the per- oxide of manganese, that of cobalt, the oxides of lead, platinum, gold, iridium, rhodium, palladium. Several metals in a state of extreme division, occasion the same phenomenon; such as silver, plati- num, gold, osmium, iridium, rhodium, pal- ladium. In all the preceding cases, it is always the oxygen united to the water, which is disengaged, and sometimes like- wise that ofthe oxide; but in others, a por- tion of the oxygen unites with the metal itself. This is the case when arsenic, mo- lybdenum, tungsten, or selenium is em- ployed. These metals are often acidified with the production of light. The acids render the oxygenated water more stable. Gold in a state of extreme division acts with great force on pure oxy- genated water; yet it has no action on that liquid, if it be mixed with a little sulphu- ric acid. M. Thenard took pure oxygenated water, and diluted it, so that it contained only 8 times its volume of oxygen. He passed 22 measures of it into a tube filled with mer- cury. He then introduced a little fibrin, quite white, and recently extracted from blood. The oxygen began instantly to be disengaged from the water; the mercury in the tube sunk; at the end of six minutes the water was completely disoxygenated; for it no longer effervesced with oxide of silver. Having then measured the gas dis- engaged, he found it 176 measures = 8 -j- 22, that is to say, as much as the liquid contained. This gas contained neither car- bonic acid nor azote. It was pure oxygen. The same fibrin placed in contact with new portions of oxygenated water, acted in the same manner. Urea, albumen, liquid or solid, and gela- tin, do not disengage oxygen from water, even very much oxygenated. But the tis- sue of the lungs, cut into thin slices, and well washed; that of the kidneys and the spleen, drive the oxygen out of the water, with as much facility, at least, as fibrin does. The skin and the veins possess the same property, but in a weaker degree. These results are equally interesting and myste- rious. For a valuable application of oxy- genated water, see Paints.* * Wavellite. Colour grayish-white. Imitative and crystallized, in very oblique four--sided prisms, flatly bevelled on the extremities, or truncated on the obtuse la- teral edges. Shining, pearly. Fragments wedge-shaped. Translucent. As hard as fluor spar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.3 to 2.8. Its constituents are, alumina 70, lime 1.4, wa- ter 26.2.—Davy. It is said to contain also a small quantity of fluoric acid. It occurs in veins along with fluor spar, quartz, tin-stone, and copper, pyrites in granite, at St. Austle in Cornwall. At Barnsta- ble in Devonshire, where it was first found by Dr. Wavell, it traverses slate- clay, in the form of small contemporane- ous veins. It has been found in rocks of slate-clay, near Loch Humphrey, Dumbar- tonshire.* , Wax is an oily concrete matter gathered by bees from plants. Proust says, that the bloom on fruit is real wax; and that it i« wax spread over leaves, which prevents them from being wetted, as on the cab- bage-leaf. He likewise finds it in the fe- cula of some vegetables, particularly in that of the small house-leek, in which it abounds. Huber, however, asserts, from his observations, that the wax in bee-hives is an artificial production, made by the bees from honey; that they cannot procure it, unless they have honey or sugar for the purpose; and that raw sugar affords more than honey. It was long considered as a resin, from WAX WEL some properties common to it with resins. Like them, it furnishes an oil and an acid by distillation, and is soluble in all oils; but in several respects it differs sensibly I'rom resins. Like these, wax has not a strong aromatic taste and smell, but a very weak smell, and when pure, no taste. With the heat of boiling water, no principles are distilled from it; whereas, with that lieat, some essential oil, or at least a spiritus rector, is obtained from every resin. Far- ther, wax is less soluble in alcohol. If wax be distilled with a heat greater than that of boiling water, it may be decomposed, but not so easily as resins can. By this distillation a small quantity of water is firut separated from the wax, and then some very volatile and very penetrating acid, ac- companied by a small quantity of a very fluid and very odoriferous oil. As the dis- tillation advances, the acid becomes more and more strong, and the oil more and more thick, till its consistence is such, that it becomes solid in the receiver, and is then called butter of wax. When the distilla- tion is finished, nothing remains but a small quantity of coal, which is almost incom- bustible. Wax cannot be kindled, unless it is pre- viously heated and reduced into vapours; in which respect it resembles fat oils. The oil and butter of wax may by repeated dis- tillations be attenuated and rendered more and more fluid, because some portion of acid is" thereby separated from these sub- stances; which effect is similar to what happens in the distillation of other oils and oily concretes: but this remarkable effect attends the repeated distillation of oil and butter of wax, that they become more and more soluble in alcohol; and that they never acquire greater consistence by evaporation of their more fluid parts. Boerhaave kept butter of wax in a glass vessel open, or carelessly closed, during twenty years, without acquiring a more solid consistence. It may be remarked, that wax, its butter, and its oil, differ entirely from essential oils and resins in all the above mentioned properties, and that in all these they per- fectly resemble sweet oils. Hence Macquer concludes, that wax resembles resins only in being an oil rendered concrete by an acid; but that it differs essentially from these in the kind of the oil, which in resins is of the nature of essential oils, while in wax and in other analogous oily concretions (as butter of milk, butter of cocoa, fyt of animals, spermaceti, and myrtle-wax) it is of the nature of mild, unctuous oils, that are not aromatic, and not volatile, and are obtained from vegetables by expression. It seems probable, that the acidifying principle, or oxygen, and not an actual acid, may be the leading cause of the solidity, or Vol.. II. low fusibility of wax. Wax is very useful, especially as a better material than any other for candles. Wax may be deprived of its natural yel- low disagreeable colour, and be perfectly whitened by exposure to the united action of air and water, by which method the colour of many substances may be destroy- ed. The art of bleaching wax consists in in- creasing its surface; for which purpose it must be melted with a degree of heat not sufficient to alter its quality, in a caldron so disposed, that the melted wax may flow gradually through a pipe at the bottom of the caldron into a large tub filled with wa- ter, in which is fitted a large wooden cylin- der, that turns continually round its axis, and upon which the melted wax falls. As the surface of this cylinder is always moist- ened with cold water, the wax falling upon it does not adhere to it, but quickly be- comes solid and flat, and acquires the form of ribbands. The continual rotation of the cylinder carries off these ribbands as fast as they are formed, and distributes them through the tub. When all the wax that is to be whitened is thus formed, it is put upon large frames covered with linen cloth, which are supported about a foot and a half above the ground, in a situation exposed to the air, the dew, and the sun. The thick- ness of the several ribbands, thus placed upon the frames, ought not to exceed an inch and a half, and they ought to be moved from time to time, that they may all be equally exposed to the action of the air. If the weather be favourable, the co- lour will be changed in the space of some days. It is then to be re-melted and form- ed into ribbands, and exposed to the action of the air as before. These operations are to be repeated till the wax is rendered per- fectly white, and then it is to be melted into cakes, or formed into candles. • Wax is composed, according to MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, of Oxvgen, 5.544 Hydrogen, 12.672 Carbon, 81.784 100.000 See Cerin-.* Wax is employed for many purposes in several arts. It is also used in medicine as a softening, emollient, and relaxing reme- dy: but it is only used externally, mixed with other substances. Weld, or Woald (reseda luteola, Linn.), is a plant cultivated in Kent, Here- fordshire, and many other parts of this kingdom. The whole of the plant is used for dyeing yellow; though some assert, that the seeds only afford the colouring matter. Two sorts of weld are distinguished: the 44 WEL WHI bastard, or wild, which grows naturally in the fields; and the cultivated, the stalks of which are smaller, and not so high. For dyeing, the latter is preferred, it abound- ing more in colouring matter. The more slender the stalk, the more it is valued. When the weld is ripe, it is pulled, dried, and made into bundles, in which state it is used. The yellow communicated to wool by weld has little permanency, if the wool be not previously prepared by some mordant. For this purpose alum and tartar are used, by means of which this plant gives a very pure yellow, which has the advantage of being permanent. For the boiling, which is conducted in the common way, Hellot directs four ounces of alum to every pound of wool, and only one ounce of tartar: many dyers, however, use half as much tartar as alum. Tartar renders the colour paler, but more lively. For the welding, that is, for the dyeing with weld, the plant is boiled in a fresh bath, enclosing it in a bag of thin linen, and keeping it from rising to the top by means of a heavy wooden cross. Some dyers boil it till it sinks to the bottom of the copper, and then let a cross down upon it: others, When it is boiled, take it out with a rake and throw it away. Hellot directs five or six pounds of weld for every pound of cloth; but dyers seldom use so much, contenting themselves with three or four pounds, or even much less. To dye silk plain yellow, in general no other ingredient than weld is used. The silk ought to be scoured in the proportion of twenty pounds of soap to the hundred, and afterward alumed and refreshed, that is, washed after the aluming. A bath is prepared with two pounds of weld for each pound of silk, which after a quarter of an hour's boiling is to be passed through a sieve or cloth into a vat: when it is of such a temperature as the hand can bear, the silk is put in, and turned till the colour is become uniform: during this ope- ration the weld is boiled a second time in fresh water; about half of the first bath is taken out, and its place supplied by a fresh decoction. This fresh bath may be used a little hotter than the former; too great a degree of heat, however, must be avoided, that no part of the colour already fixed may be dissolved; it is to be turned as be- fore, and in the mean time a quantity of the ashes of wine-lees is to be dissolved in a part of the second decoction; the silk is to be taken out of the bath, that more or less of this solution may be put in, accord- ing to the shade required. After it has been turned a few times, a hank is wrung with the pin, that it may be seen whether the colour be sufficiently full, and have the proper gold cast: if it should not, a little more ofthe alkaline solution is added, the effect of which is to give the colour a gold cast, and to render it deeper. In this way the,process is to be continued, until the silk has attained the desired shade; the al- kaline solution may also be added along with the second decoction of the weld, al- ways taking care, that the bath is not too hot. If we wish to produce yellows with more of a gold or jonquille colour, a quantity of anotta proportioned to the shade required most be added to the bath along with the alkali. A water-colour, called weld-yellow, is much used by paper hanging manufactu- rers. This is the colouring matter of weld precipitated with an earthy base. The fol- lowing is given in the Philosophical Maga- zine as a method of preparing it very fine: —Into a copper vessel put four pounds of fine washed whiting and as much soft wa- ter, and boil them together, stirring them with a deal stick, till the whole forms a smooth mixture: then add gradually twelve ounces of powdered alum, still stirring, till the effervescence ceases, and the whole is well mixed. Into another copper put any quantity of weld, with the roots upper- most, pour in soft water enough to cover every part containing seed; let it boil, but not more than a quarter of an hour; take out the weld, and set it to drain, and pass the whole of the liquor through flannel. To the hot mixture of earth and water, add as much of this decoction as will produce a good colour, keep it on the fire till it boils, and then pour out into a deal or earthen vessel. The next day the liquor may be decanted, and the colour dried on chalk. Welter's Tube. See Laboratory. • Wernerite. Foliated Scapolite* * Wheat Flour. See Gluten and Zimome.* Wheat. See Bread, Gluten, Starch. * Whet-Slate. Colour greenish-gray. Massive. Feebly glimmering. Fracture slaty in the large; splintery in the small. Fragments tabular. Translucent on the edges. Streak grayish-white. Soft in a low degree. Feels rather greasy. Sp. gr. 2.722. It occurs in beds in primitive and transition clay-slate. It is found at Seifersdorf near Freyberg. Very fine varieties are brought from Turkey, called Honestones. It is used for sharpening steel instruments.* Whey. The fluid part of milk which re- mains after the curd has been separated. See Milk. It contains a saccharine mat- ter, some butter, and a small portion of cheese. * Whiskey. Dilute Alcohol, which see, and Distillation.* White Copper. See TotenaG. WIN White, Sfanish, and White Leas. See Ceruse. Whiting. Chalk cleared of its grosser impurities, then ground in a mill, and made up into small loaves, is sold under the name of whiting. Wine. Chemists give the name of wine in general to all liquors that have become spirituous by fermentation. Thus cider, beer, hydromel or mead, and other similar liquors, are wines. The principles and theory of the fermen- tation which produces these liquors are essentially the same. The more general principles we have explained under the article Fermentation. All those nutritive, vegetable, and animal matters, which contain sugar ready formed, are susceptible of the spirituous fermenta- tion. Thus wine may be made of all the juices of plants, the sap of trees, the infu- sions and decoctions of farinaceous vege- tables,, the milk of frugivorous animals; and lastly, it may be made of all ripe suc- culent fruits; but all these substances are not equally proper to be changed into a good and generous wine. As the production of alcohol is the result of the spirituous fermentation, that wine may be considered as essentially the best, which contains most alcohol. But of all substances susceptible of the spirituous fermentation, none is capable of being con- verted into so good wine, as the juice of the grapes of France, or of other countries that are nearly in the same latitude, or in the same temperature. The grapes of hot- ter countries, and even those of the south- ern provinces of France, do indeed furnish wines, that have a more agreeable, that is more of a saccharine taste; but these wines, though they are sufficiently strong, are not so spirituous as those of the provinces near the middle of France: at least, from these latter wines the best vinegar and brandy are made. As an example, therefore, of spirituous fermentation in general, we shall describe the method of making wine from the juice of the grapes of France. This juice, when newly expressed, and before it has begun to ferment, is called must, and in common language sweet wine. It is turbid, has an agreeable and very sac- charine taste. It is very laxative; and when drank too freely, or by persons disposed to diarrhoeas, it is apt to occasion these dis- orders. Its consistence is somewhat less fluid than that of water, and it becomes almost of a pitchy thickness when dried. When the must is pressed from the grapes, and put into a proper vessel and place, with a temperature between fifty-tive and sixty degrees, very sensible effects are produced in it, in a shorter or longer time according to the nature of the liquor, and the exposure of the place, it then swells, WIN and is so rarefied, that it frequently over- flows the vessel containing it, if this be nearly full. An intestine motion is excited among its parts, accompanied with a small hissing noise and evident ebullition. The bubbles rise to the surface, and at the same time is disengaged a quantity of carbonic acid of such purity, and so subtle and dan- gerous, that it is capable of killing instantly men and animals exposed to it in a place where the air is not renewed. The skins, stones, and other grosser matters of the grapes are buoyed up by the particles of disengaged air that adhere to their surface, are variously agitated, and are raised in form of a scum or soft and spongy crust, that covers the whole liquor. During the fermentation this crust is frequently raised, and broken by the air disengaged from the liquor which forces its way through it; af- terward the crust subsides, and becomes entire as before. These effects continue while the fermen- tation is brisk, and at last gradually cease: then the crust, being no longer supported, falls in pieces to the bottom of the liquor At this time, if we would have a strong and generous wine, all sensible fermenta- tion must be stopped. This is done by putting the wine into close vessels, and carrying these into a cellar or other cool place. After this first operation, an interval of repose takes place, as is indicated by the cessation of the sensible effects of the spi- rituous fermentation; and thus enables us to preserve a liquor no less agreeable in its taste, than useful for its reviving and nutri- tive qualities when drank moderately. If we examine the wine produced by this first fermentation, we shall find, that it dif- fers entirely and essentially from the juice of grapes before fermentation. Its sweet and saccharine taste is changed into one that is very different, though still agreea- ble, and somewhat spirituous and piquant. It has not the laxative quality of must, but affects the head, and occasions, as is well known, drunkenness. Lastly, if it be dis- tilled, it yields, instead of the insipid water obtained from must by distillation with the heat of boiling water, a volatile, spiritu- ous, and inflammable liquor called spirit of wine, or alcohol. This spirit is conse- quently a new being, produced by the kind of fermentation called the vinous or spi- rituous. See Alcohol- When any liquor undergoes the spiritu- ous fermentation, all its parts seem not to ferment at the same time; otherwise the fermentation would probably be very quick- ly completed, and the appearances would be much more striking: hence, in a liquor much disposed to fermentation, this motion is more quick and simultaneous than in another liquor less disposed. Experience WIS NIX has shown, that a wine, the fermentation of which is very slow and tedious, is never good or veiy spirituous; and therefore, when the weather is too cold, the fermen- tation is usually accelerated by heating the place in which the wine is made. A pro- posal has been made by a person very in- telligent in economical affairs, to apply a greater than the usual heat to accelerate the fermentation of the wine, in those years in which grapes have not been sufficiently ripened, and when the juice is not suffi- ciently disposed to fermentation. A too hasty and violent fermentation is perhaps also hurtful, from the dissipation and loss of some of the spirit; but of this we are not certain. However, we may dis- tinguish in the ordinary method of making wines of grapes, two periods in the fer- mentation; the first of which lasts during the appearance of the sensible effects above mentioned, in which the greatest number of fermentable particles ferment. After this first effort of fermentation, these effects sensibly diminish, and ought to be stopped, for reasons hereafter to be mentioned. The fermentative motion of the liquors then ceases. The heterogeneous parts, that were suspended in the wines by this motion, and render it muddy, are separated, and form a sediment called the lees; after which the wine becomes clear; but though the opera- tion is then considered as finished, and the fermentation apparently ceases, it does not really cease; and it ought to be continued in some degree, if we would have good wine. In this new wine a part of the liquor pro- bably remains, that has not fermented, and which afterward ferments, but so very slow- ly, that none of the sensible effects pro- duced in the first fermentation are here perceived. The fermentation therefore still continues in the wine, during a longer or shorter time, although in an imperceptible manner; and this is the second period of the spirituous fermentation, which may be called the imperceptible fermentation. We may easily perceive, that the effect of this imperceptible fermentation is the gradual increase ofthe quantity of alcohol. It has also another effect no less advantageous, namely, the separation ofthe acid salt called tartar from the wine. This matter is there- fore a second sediment, that is formed in the wine, and adheres to the sides of the containing vessels. As the taste of tar- tar is harsh and disagreeable, it is evi- dent, that the wine, which by means of the insensible fermentation has acquired more alcohol, and has disengaged itself of the greater part of its tartar, ought to he much better and more agreeable; and for this reason chiefly old wine is universally pre- ferable to new wine. B ut insensible fermentation can only ripen and meliorate the wine, if the sensible fer- mentation have regularly proceeded, and been stopped in due time. We know cer- tainly, that if a sufficient time have not beeJi allowed for the first period ofthe fer- mentation, the unfermented matter that remains, being in too large a quantity, will then ferment in the bottles, or close vts- sels in which the wine is put, and will oc- casion effects so much more sensible, as the first fermentation shall have been sooner interrupted: hence these wines are always turbid, emit bubbles, and sometimes break the bottles, from the large quantity of air disengaged during the fermentation. We have an instance of these effects in the wine of Champagne, and in others of the same kind. The sensible fermentation of tliese wines is interrupted, or rather sup- pressed, that they may have this sparkling quality. It is well known, that these wines make the corks fly out of the bottles; that they sparkle and froth when they are pour- ed into glasses; and lastly, that they have a taste much more lively and more piquant than wines that do not sparkle: but this sparkling quality, and all the effects de- pending on it, are only caused by a consi- derable quantity of carbonic acid gas, which is disengaged during the confined ferment- ation, that the wine has undergone in close vessels. This air not having an opportunity of escaping, and of being dissipated as fast as it is. disengaged, and being interposed betwixt all the parts ofthe wine, combines in some measure with them, and adheres in the same manner as it does to certain mineral waters, in which it produces near- ly the same effects. When this air is en- tirely disengaged from these wines, they no longer sparkle, they lose their piquancy of taste, become mild, and even almost in- sipid. Such are the qualities that wine acquires in time, when its first fermentation has not continued sufficiently long. These quali- ties are given purposely to certain kinds of wine, to indulge taste or caprice; but such wines are supposed to be unfit for daily use. Wines for daily use ought to have undergone so completely the sensible fermentation, that the succeeding fermen- tation shall be insensible, or at least exceed- ingly little perceived. Wine, in which the first fermentation has been too far advanced, is liable to worse inconveniences than that in which the first fermentation has been too quickly suppressed; for every fermen- table liquor is from its nature in a continual intestine motion, more or less strong ac- cording to circumstances, from the first instant of the spirituous fermentation till it is completely purified: hence from the time of the completion of the spirituous fermentation, or even before, the wine be- gins to undergo the acid or acetous fer- WIN WIN mentation. This acid fermentation is very acescency of wine, we may conclude, that slow and insensible, when the wine is in- when this accident happens, it cannot by eluded in very close vessels, and in a cool any good method be remedied, and that place; but it gradually advances, so that nothing remains to be done with sour wine in a certain time the wine, instead of be- but to sell it to vinegar-makers, as all ho- ing improved, becomes at last sour. This nest wine-merchants do. evil cannot be remedied; because the fer- * As the wjms* of the grape contains a mentation may advance, but cannot be re- notable proportion of tartar, which our cur- verted, rant and gooseberry juices do not, I have Wine-merchants, therefore, when their been accustomed, for many years, to re- wines become sour, can only conceal or ab- commend in my lectures, the addition of sorb this acidity by certain substances, as a small portion of that salt to our must, to by alkalis and absorbent earths. But these make it ferment into a more genuine wine. substances give to wine a dark greenish Dr. M'Culloch has lately prescribed the colour, and a taste which, though not acid, same addition in his popular treatise on is somewhat disagreeable. Besides, cal- the art of making wine. careous earths accelerate considerably the The following is Mr. Brande's valuable total destruction and putrefaction of the table of the quantity of spirit in different wine. Oxides of lead, having the property kinds of wine:— of forming with the acid of vinegar a salt Proportion of of an agreeable saccharine taste, which spirit per cent does not alter the colour of the wine, and by measure. which besides has the advantage of stop- 1. Lissa.........26.47 ping fermentation and putrefaction, might Ditto, - -. - - - -•- - 24.35 be very well employed to remedy the aci- Average, 25.41 dity of wine, if lead and all its prepara- 2. Raisin wine,......26.40 tions were not pernicious to health, as they ' Ditto,........25.77 occasion most terrible colics, and even * Ditto,........23.20 death, when taken internally. We cannot Average, 25.12 believe that any wine-merchant, knowing 3. Marsala,.......26.3 the evil consequences of lead, should, for Ditto,........25.5 the sake of gain, employ it for the purpose Average, 25.9 mentioned; but if there be any such per- 4. Madeira,.......24.42 sons, they must be considered as the poi- Ditto,........23.93 soners and murderers of the public. At Ditto (Sircial) - - - - - 21.40 Alicant, where very sveet wines are made, Ditto,........19.24 it is the practice to mix a little lime with Average, 22.27 the grapes before they are pressed. This, 5. Currant wine,......20.55 however, can only neutralize the acid al- 6. Sherry, - - -.....19.81 ready existing in the grape. Ditto, - - -.....19.83 If wine contain litharge, or any other Ditto, -.......18.79 oxide of lead, it may be discovered by Ditto,........18.25 evaporating some pints of it to dryness, Average, 19.17 and melting the residuum in a crucible, at 7. TenerifFe,.......19.79 the bottom of which a small button of lead 8. Colares, - - -.....19.75 may be found after the fusiop: but an easier 9. Lachryma Christi, ... - 19.70 and more expeditious proof is by pouring 10. Constantia, white, ... - 19.75 into the wine some liquid sulphuret. If 11. Ditto red,......18.92 the precipitate occasioned by this addition 12. Lisbon,......- - 18.94 of the sulphuret be white, or only coloured 13. Malaga, (1666) - - - - - 18.94 by the wine, we may know, that no lead is 14. Bucellas,.......18.49 contained in it: but if the precipitate be 15. Red Madeira, ------ 22.30 dark coloured, brown, or blackish, we may Ditto, - - -.....18.40 conclude* that it contains lead or iron. Average, 20.35 The only substances that cannot absorb 16. Cape Muschat,.....18.25 or destroy, but cover and render support- 17. Cape Madeira, ----- 22.94 able the sharpness of wine, without any Ditto,........20.50 inconvenience, are sugar, honey, and other Ditto, --......18.11 saccharine alimentary matters; but they Average, 20.51 can succeed only when the wine is very 18. Grape wine, - -) - - - - 18.11 little acid, and when an exceeding small 19. Calcavella,.......19.20 quantity only of these substances is suffi- Ditto,........18.10 cient to produce the desired effect; other- Average, 18.65 wise the wine would have a sweetish, tart, 20. Vidonia,........19.25 and not agreeable taste. 21. Alba Flora,.......17.26 From what is here said concerning the 22. Malaga,.....- . - 17.26 WOA WOA Proportion of grows wild in some parts of France, anil spirit per cent on the coasts of the Baltic Sea; the wild by measure. woad, and that which is cultivated for the 23. White Hermitage,.....17.43 use of the dyers, appear to be the same 24. Rousillon,.......19.00 species of plant. Ditto........17.26 The preparation of woad for dyeing, as Average, 1813 practised in France, is minutely described 25. Claret»........17.11 by Astruc, in his Memoirs for a Natural Ditto ........16.32 History of Languedoc—The plant puts Ditto ........14.08 forth at first five or six upright leaves about Ditto ........ 12.91 a foot long and six inches broad; when Average, 15.10 these hang downwards, and turn yellow, 26. Malmsey Madeira, .... 16.40 they are fit for gathering; five crops are 27. Lunel,.........15.52 gathered in one year. The leaves are car- 28 Sheraaz,........15.52 ried directly to a mill, much resembling the 29. Syracuse,........ 15.28 oil or tan-mills, and ground into a smooth 30. Sauterne,........14.22 paste. If this process were deferred for 31. Burgundy,......' . 16.60 some time, they would putrefy, and send Ditto.....-•■-.. 15.22 forth an insupportable stench. The paste Ditto . . •......14.53 is laid in heaps pressed close and smooth, Ditto.......' - 11.95 and the blackish crust, which forms on the Average, 14.57 outside, reunited if it happen to crack: if 32. Hock, . •....... . 14.37 this were neglected, little worms would be Ditto........ . 13.00 produced in the cracks, and the woad would Ditto (old in cask) .... 8.88 lose part of its strength. After lying for Average, 12.08 fifteen days, the heaps are opened, the 33. Nice,.........14.63 crust rubbed and mixed with the inside, 34. Barsac,........13.86 and the matter formed into oval balls, 35. Tent,.........13.30 which are pressed close and solid in wood- 36. Champagne, (still) .... 13.80 en moulds. These are dried upon hurdles: Ditto (sparkling) . . . 12.80 in the sun they turn black on the outside, Ditto (red).....12.56 in a close place yellowish, especially if the Ditto (ditto).....11.30 weather be rainy. The dealers in this corn- Average, 12.61 modity prefer the first, though it is said 37. Red Hermitage,.....12.32 the workmen find no considerable diffe- 38. Vin de Grave,......13.94 rence between the two. The good balls Ditto ......12.80 are distinguished by their being weighty, Average, 13.37 of a pretty agreeable smell, and, when rub- 39. Frontignac,....... 1279 bed, of a violet colour within. 40. Cote Rotie........12.32 For the use of the dyer, these balls re- 41. Gooseberry wine,.....' 11.84 quire a farther preparation; they are beaten 42., Orange wine,—average of six sam- with wooden mallets, on a brick or stone pies made by a London manu- floor, into a gross powder, which is heaped facturer,.......11.26 up in the middle of the room to the height 43. Tokay,.........9.88 of four feet, a space being left for passing 44. Elder wine,.......9.87 round the sides. The powder moistened 45. Cyder, highest average, . . . 9.87 with water ferments, grows hot, and throws Ditto, lowest ditto.....5.21 out a thick fetid fume. It is shovelled 46. Perry, average of four samples, 7.26 backward and forward, and moistened ev- 47. Mead,.........7.32 ery day for twelve days; after which it is 48. Ale (Burton).......8.88 stirred less frequently, without watering; Ditto (F.dinburgh).....6.20 and at length made into a heap for the Ditto (Dorchester) .... 5.56 dyer. Average, 6.87 The powder thus prepared gives only 49. Brown stout,......6.80 brownish tinctures of different shades to 50. London Porter (average) . . 4.20 water, to alcohol, to ammonia, and to fixed 51. Ditto small beer, (ditto) . . . 1.28 alkaline lixivia; rubbed on paper, it com- 52. Brandy,........53.39 municates a green stain. On diluting the 53. Rum, ....'..-.. 53.68 powder with boiling water, and, after stand- 54. Gin,.......... 51.60 ing for some hours in a close vessel, adding 55. Scotch Whiskey, ..... 54.32 about one-twentieth its weight of lime new- 56. Irish ditto........53.90 ly slaved, digesting in a gentle warmth, and stirring the whole together every three * Witherite. Carbonate of barytes. or four hours, a new fermentation begins; See Heavy-Spar.* a blue froth rises to the surface, and the Woad, Isatis, Glastum, is a plant which liquor, though it appears itself of a reddish YTT YTT colour, dyes woollen of a green; which, like the green from indigo, changes in the air to a blue. This is one of the nicest processes in the art of dyeing, and does not well succeed in the way of a small ex- periment. * Wo dan i um. A new metal recently discovered by Lampadius in the mineral called Hroodan pyrites. This metal has a bronze-yellow colour similar to that of co- balt glance; and its sp. gr. is 11.470. It is malleable; its fracture is hackly; it has the hardness of fluor spar; and is strongly at- tracted by the magnet. It is not tarnished by exposure to the atmosphere at the common temperature; but when heated it is converted into a black oxide. The solution of this metal in acids is co- lourless; or at least has only a slight wine- yellow tinge. Its hydrated carbonate is also white. The hydrate, precipitated by caus- tic ammonia, is indigo-blue. Neither the alkaline phosphates nor ar- senates occasion any precipitate, when dropped into a saturated solution of this metal in an acid; nor is any precipitate pro- duced by the infusion of galls. A plate of zinc throws down a black metallic powder from the solution of this metal in muriatic acid. Prussiate of potash throws down a pearl-gray precipitate. Nitric acid dissolves with facility both the metal and its oxide, and the solution yields colourless needle-form crystals, which readily dissolve in water.— Gilbert's Annalen der Physik, September 1818.* * Woodan Pyrites. See Ores op Wodanium.* * Wood (Opal). See Opal.* Wood (Rock). The ligniform asbestus. * Wood-stone. A sub-species of horn- stone.* * Wood-tin. See Ores of Tin.* Wootz. The metal extracted from some kind of iron ore in the East Indies, appa- rently of good quality. It contains more carbon than steel, and less than cast iron, but from want of skill in the management is far from homogeneous.—Phil. Trans. * Wort. See Beer, Distillation, and Fermentation.* * Wolfram. See Ores of Tungs- • \TANOLITE. Axinite.* X * Yeast. See Fermentation, and Bread.* * Yellow Earth. Colour ochre-yel- low. Massive. Dull. Fracture slaty or earthy. Streak somewhat shining. Opaque. Soils slightly. Soft. Easily frangible. Ad- heres to the tongue. Feels rather greasy. Sp. grav. 2.24. Before the blow-pipe it is converted into a black and shining enamel. Its constituents are, silica 92, alumina 2, lime 3, iron 3.—Merat-Guillot. It is found at Wehraw in Upper Lusatia, where it is associated with clay and clay-ironstone. When burnt, it is sold by the Dutch as a pigment, under the name of English red. It was used as a yellow paint by the an- cients.* * Yenite. Lievrite.* Yttria. This is a new earth, disco- vered in 1794 by Prof. Gadolin in a stone from Ytterby in Sweden. See Gadoli- nite. . It may be obtained most readily by fusing the gadolinite with two parts of caustic potash, washing the mass with boiling wa- ter, and filtering the liquor, which is of a fine green. This liquor is to be evapora- ted, till no more oxide of manganese falls down from it in a black powder; after which the liquid is to be saturated with nitric acid. At the same time digest the sediment, that was not dissolved, in very dilute nitric acid, which will dissolve the earth with much heat, leaving the silex, and the highly oxided iron, undissolved. Mix the two liquors, evaporate them to dryness, redissolve, and filter, which will separate any silex or oxide of iron that may have been left. A few drops of a solution of carbonate of potash will separate any lime that may be present, and a cautious addition of hydrosulphuret of potash will throw down the oxide of manganese that may have been left; but if too much be employed, it will throw down the yttria likewise. Lastly, the yttria is to be preci- pitated by pure ammonia, well washed, and dried. Yttria is perfectly white, when not con- taminated with oxide of manganese, from which it is not easily freed. Its specific gravity is 4.842. It has neither taste nor smell. It is infusible alone; but with borax melts into a transparent glass, or opaque white, if the borax were in excess. It is insoluble in water, and in caustic fixed al- kalis; but it dissolves in carbonate of am- monia, though it requires five or six times as much as glucine. It is soluble in most of the acids. The oxalic acid, or oxalate of ammonia, forms precipitates in its solu- tions perfectly resembling the muriate of silver. Prussiate of potash, crystallized and redissolved in water, throws it down in white grains; phosphate of soda, in white gelatinous flakes; infusion of galls, in brown flocks. ZEO ZEO Some chemists are inclined to consider yttria rather as a metallic than as an earthy substance, their reasons are its specific gra- vity, its forming coloured salts, and its pro- perty of oxygenizing muriatic acid after it has undergone a long calcination—Crell's Chem. Ann.—Scherer's Journ.—Annates de Chimie. * When yttria is treated with potassium in the same manner as the other earths, similar results are obtained; the potassium becomes potash, and the earth gains ap- pearances of metallization, so that it is scarcely to be doubted, says Sir H. Davy, that yttria consists of inflammable matter, metallic in its nature, combined with oxy- gen. According to Klaproth, 55 parts of yttria combine with 18 parts of carbonic acid; consequently, if it be supposed that the carbonate of yttria consists of one prime proportion of earth and one of acid, its prime equivalent will be 8.403; and that of its metallic basis probably 7.4. The salts of yttria have the following general characters.— 1. Many of them are insoluble in water. 2. Precipitates are occasioned in those which dissolve, by phosphate of soda, car- bonate of soda, oxalate of ammonia, tar- trate of potash, and ferroprussiate of pot- ash. 3. If we except the sweet-tasted soluble sulphate ^of yttria, the other salts of this earth resemble those with base of lime in their solubility.* * Yttro-Tantalite. An ore of Tan- talum.* * Yttro-Cerite. Colours reddish and grayish-white, and violet-blue. Mas- sive, and in crusts. Cleavage indistinct. Opaque. Yields to the knife. Scratches fluor. Sp. gr. 3.447. Its constituents are, oxide of cerium 13.15, yttria 14.6, lime 47.77, fluoric acid 24.45.—-Berzelius. It has hitherto been found only at Finbo, near Fahlun in Sweden, imbedded in quartz, or incrusting pyrophysalite.* Z ZAFFRE, or SAFFRE, is the residuum of cobalt, after the sulphur, arsenic, and other volatile matters of this mineral have been expelled by calcination. The zaffre that is commonly sold, and which comes from Saxony, is a mixture of oxide of cobalt with some vitrifiable earth. It is of a gray colour, as all the oxides of cobalt are before vitrification. * Zeolite. The name ofa very exten- sive mineral genus, containing the follow- ing species:—1. Dodecahedral zeolite or leucite; 2. hexahedral zeolite or analcime; 3. rhomboidal zeolite, chabasite, or chaba- sie; 4. pyramidal zeolite, or cross stone; 5. di-prismatic zeolite,or laumonite; 6.prisma- tic zeolite, or mesotype, divided into three sub-species,—fibrous zeolite, natrolite, and mealy zeolite; 7. prismatoidal zeolite, or stilbite, comprehending foliated zeolite, and radiated zeolite; 8. axifrangible zeo- lite, or apophyllite. The following belong to this place: 6. Prismatic zeolite or mesotype. § 1. Fibrous zeolite, of which there are two kinds; the acicular or needle zeolite, and common fibrous zeolite. a. Acicular or needle zeolite, the meso- type of Hatty. Colours grayish, yellowish or" reddish-white. Massive, in distinct con- cretions, and crystallized Primitive form, a prism of 91° 25'. The following are se- condary figures:—An acicular rectangular four-sided prism, very flatly acuminated with four planes, set on the lateral planes; sometimes two of the acuminating planes disappear, when there is formed an acute bevelment, or the prism is sometimes trun- cated on the edges. Lateral planes longi- tudinally streaked. Shining, inclining to pearly. Cleavage twofold. Fracture small grained uneven. Fragments splintery. Translucent. Refracts double. As hard as apatite. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2.0 to 2.3. It intumesces before the blow-pipe, and forms a jelly with acids. It becomes elastic by heating, and retains this property some time after it has cooled. The free extre- mity of the crystal with the acumination, shows positive, the attached end, negative electricity. Its constituents are, silica 50.24, alumina 29.3, lime 9.46, water 10.— Vauquelin. It occurs in secondary trap rocks, as in basalt, green-stone, and amyg- daloid. It is found near the village of Old Kilpatrick, Dumbartonshire; in Ayrshire and Perthshire, always in trap rocks; in Iceland and the Faroe Islands. b. Common fibrous zeolite. Colour white. Massive, in distinct concretions, and in ca- pillary crystals. Glimmering, pearly. Frag- ments splintery. Faintly translucent. Hard- ness as before. Rather brittle. Sp. gr. 2.16 to 2.2- Chemical characters and si- tuations as above. Its constituents are, si- lica 49, alumina 27, soda 17, water 9.5.— Smithson. § 2. Mealy zeolite. Colour white, of va- rious shades. Massive, imitative, in a crust or in delicate fibrous concretions. Feebly glimmering. Fracture coarse earthy. Opaque. The mass is soft, but the minute) ZER ZIN parts as hard as the preceding. Sectile. Most easily frangible. Does not adhere to the tongue. Feels meagre. Sometimes so light as nearly to float on water. It in- tumesces, and gelatinizes as the preceding. Its constituents are, silica 60, alumina 15.6, lime 8, oxide of iron 1.8, loss, by exposure to heat, 11.6.—Hisinger. It occurs like the others. It is found near Tantallon-castlfc, in East Lothian, and in the islands of Skye, Mull, and Canna. 7. Prismatoidal zeolite, or stilbite. Of this there are two sub-species; the foliated and radiated. $1. Foliated zeolite, the stilbite of Hatty. Colour white, of various shades. Massive, disseminated, imitative, in distinct granu- lar concretions, and crystallized. Primi- tive form, a prism of 99° 22'. Secondary forms are, a low oblique four-sided prism, variously truncated; a low equiangular six- sided prism; and an eight-sided prism, from truncation of all the edges of the four-sided prism. Lateral planes trans- versely streaked. Shining, pearly. Cleav- age single. Fracture conchoidal. Trans- lucent. Refracts single. As hard as cal- careous spar. Brittle. Sp. gr. 2. to 2.2. It intumesces and phosphoresces before the blow-pipe, but does not form a jelly with acids. Its constituents are, silica 52.6, alumina 17.5, lime 9, water 18.5.— Vuuque- lin. It occurs principally in secondary amygdaloid, either in drusy cavities, or in contemporaneous veins. It is also met with in primitive and transition mountains. Very beautiful specimens of the red foli- ated and radiated zeolites are found at Carbeth in Stirlingshire, and at Loch Hum- phrey in Dumbartonshire; also in the se- condary trap rocks of the Hebrides, as of Skye, Canna, and Mull; and in the north of Ireland. § 2. Radiated zeolite Stilbite of Hatty. Colours yellowish-white and grayish-white. Massive, in angular pieces, in prismatic and granular concretions, and crystallized in a rectangular four-sided prism, various- ly modified by acuminations. Shining. pearly. Translucent. Hardness and che- mical characters as above. Brittle,. Sp. gr. 2.14. Its constituents are, silica 40.98, alumina 39.09, lime 10.95, water 16.5.— Meyer. Its situations are as the prece- ding.—Jameson. * • Zero. The commencement of a scale marked 0. Thus we say the zero of Fah- renheit, which is 32° below the melting point of ice; the zero of the centigrade scale, which coincides with the freezing of water. The absolute zero is the ima- ginary point in the scale of temperature, when the whole heat is exhausted; the term of absolute cold, or privation of ca- loric. See Caloric* vox. n. •Zimome. The gluten of wheat, treat. ed by alcohol, is reduced to the third part of its bulk. This diminution is owing not merely to the loss of gliadine, but likewise to that of water. The residue is zimome, which may be obtained pure by boiling it repeatedly in alcohol, or by digesting it in repeated portions of that liquid cold, till it no longer gives out any gliadine. See Gliadine. Zimome thus purified has the form of small globules, or constitutes a shapeless mass, which is hard, tough, destitute of cohesion, and of an ash-white colour. When washed in water, it recovers part of its viscosity, and becomes quickly brown, when left in contact of the air. It is spe- cifically heavier than water. Its mode of fermenting is no longer that of gluten; for when it putrefies, it exhales a fetid uri- nous odour. It dissolves completely in vinegar, and in the mineral acids at a boil- ing temperature. With caustic potash, it combines and forms a kind of soap. When put into lime-water, or into the solutions of the alkaline carbonates, it becomes harder, and assumes a new appearance without dissolving. When thrown upon red-hot coals, it exhales an odour similar to that oftburning hair or hoofs, and burns with flame. Zimome is to be found in several parts of vegetables. It produces various kinds of fermentation, according to the nature of the substance with which it comes in contact.* Zinc is a metal of a bluish-white colour, somewhat brighter than lead; of conside- rable hardness, and so malleable as not to be broken with the hammer, though it cannot be much extended in this way. It is very easily extended by the rollers of the flatting mill. Its sp. gr. is from 6.9 to 7.2. In a temperature between 210° and 300° of F., it has so much ductility that it can be drawn into wire, as well as lami- nated; for which a patent has been obtain- ed by Messrs. Hobson and Sylvester of Sheffield. The zinc thus annealed and wrought retains the malleability it had ac- quired. When broken by bending, its texture appears as if composed of cubical grains. On account of its imperfect malleability, it is difficult to reduce it into small parts by filing or hammering; but it may be gra- nulated, like the malleable metals, by pour- ing it, when fused, into cold water; or, if it be heated nearly to melting, it is then sufficiently brittle to be pulverized. It melts long before ignition, at about the 700th degree of Fahrenheit's thermo- meter; and, soon after it becomes red-hot, it burns with a dazzling white flame, of a bluish or yellowish tinge, and is oxidized 4.5 ZIN with such rapidity, that it flies up in the form of white flowers, called the flowers of zinc, or philosophical wool. These are ge- nerated so plentifully, that the access of air is soon intercepted; and the combustion ceases, unless the matter be stirred, and a considerable heat kept up. The white ox- ide of zinc is not volatile, but is driven up merely by the force of the combustion. When it is again urged by a strong heat, it becomes converted into a clear yellow glass. If zinc be heated in closed vessels, it rises without decomposition. * The oxide of zinc, according to the experiments of MM. Gay-Lussac and Ber- zelius, consists of 100 metal -+- 24.4 oxy- gen; whence the prime equivalent appears to be 4.1. Sir H. Davy makes it 4.4 from his own and his brother's experiments. When zinc is burned in chlorine, a solid substance is formed of a whitish-gray co- lour; and semi-transparent. This is the only chloride of zinc, as there is only one oxide of the metal. It may likewise be made by heating together zinc filings and corrosive sublimate. It is as soft as wax, fuses at a temperature a little above 212°, and rises in the gaseous form at a heat much below ignition. Its taste is intensely acrid, and it corrodes the ski* It acts upon water, and dissolves in it, producing much heat; and its solution, decomposed by an alkali, affords the white hydrated oxide of zinc. This chloride has been called butter of zinc, and muriate of zinc. From the experiments of Dr. John Davy, it consists of nearly equal weights of zinc and chlorine. The equivalent proportions appear to be,— Zinc4-1 -j- chlorine 4.5 Or Zinc 4.4 -f 4-5- Blende is the native sulphuret of zinc. The two bodies are difficult to combine artificially. The salts of zinc possess the following general characters:— 1. They generally yield colourless solu- tions with water. 2. Ferroprussiate of potash, hydrosul- phuret of potash, hydriodate of potash, sulphuretted hydrogei, and alkalis, occa- sion white precipitates. 3. Infusion of galls produces no precipi- tate.* The diluted sulphuric acid dissolves zinc; at the same time that the tempera- ture of the solvent is increased, and much hydrogen escapes; an undissolved residue is left, which has been supposed to consist of plumbago. Proust, however, says, that it is a mixture of arsenic, lead, and copper. As the combination of the sulphuric acid and the oxide proceeds, the temperature diminishes, and the sulphate of zinc, which is more soluble in hot than cold water, be- gins to separate, and disturb the transpa- rency of the fluid. If more water be added, ZIN the salt may he obtained in fine prismatic four-sided crystals. The white vitriol, or copperas, usually sold, is crystallized has- tily, in (he same manner as loaf-sugar, which on this account it resembles in ap- pearance; it is slightly efflorescent. The white oxide of zinc is soluble in the sul- phuric" acid, and forms the same salt as is afforded by zinc itself. The hydrogen gas, that is extricated from water by the action of sulphuric acid, carries up with it a portion of zinc, which is apparently dissolved in it; but this is de- posited spontaneously, at least in part, if not wholly, by standing. It burns with a brighter flame than common hydrogen. Sulphate of zinc is prepared in the large way from some varieties of the native sul- phuret. The ore is roasted, wetted with water, and exposed to the air. The sul- phur attracts oxygen, and is converted into sulphuric acid; and the metal, being at the same time oxidized, combines with the acid. After some time, the sulphate is ex- tracted by solution in water; and the solu- tion being evaporated to dryness, the mass is run into moulds. Thus the white vitriol of the shops, generally contains a small portion of iron, and sometimes of lead. Sulphurous acid dissolves zinc, and sul- phuretted hydrogen is evolved. The solu- tion, by exposure to the air, deposites needly crystals, which, according to Fourcroy and Vauquelin, are sulphuretted sulphite of zinc. By dissolving oxide of zinc in sul- phurous acid, the pure sulphite is obtained. This is soluble and crystallizable. Diluted nitric acid combines rapidly with zinc, and produces much heat, at the same time that a large quantity of nitrous air flies off. The solution is very caustic, and affords crystals by evaporation and cooling, which slightly detonate upon hot coals, and leave oxide of zinc behind. This salt is deliquescent. Muriatic acid acts very strongly upon zinc, and disengages much hydrogen; the solution, when evaporated, does not afford crystals, but becomes gelatinous. By a strong heat it is partly decomposed, a por- tion ofthe acid being expelled, and part of the muriate sublimes and condenses in a congeries of prisms. Phosphoric acid dissolves zinc. The phosphate does not crystallize, but becomes gelatinous, and may be fused by a strong heat. The concrete phosphoric acid heated with zinc filings is decomposed. Fluoric acid likewise dissolves zinc. The boracic acid digested with zinc be- comes milky; and if a solution of borax be added to a solution of muria'e or nitrate of zinc, an insoluble borate of zinc is thrown down. A solution of carbonic acid in water dis- solves a small quantity of zinc, and more ZIN ZIN readily its oxide- If the solution he expo- sed to the air, a thin iridescent pellicle forms on its surface. The acetic acid readily dissolves zinc, and yields by evaporation crystals of ace- tate of zinc, forming rhomboidal or hexa- gonal plates. These are not altered by exposure to the air, are soluble in water, and burn with a blue flame. The succinic acid dissolves zinc with ef- fervescence, and the solution yields long, slender, foliated crystals. Zinc is readily dissolved in benzoic acid, and the solution yields needle-shaped crys- tals, which are soluble both in water and in alcohol. Heat decomposes them by vo- latilizing their acid. The oxalic acid attacks zinc with a vio- lent effervescence, and a white powder soon subsides, which is oxalate of zinc. If oxalic acid be dropped into a solution of sulphate, nitrate, or muriate of zinc, the same salt is precipitated; it being scarcely soluble in water unless an excess of acid be present. It contains seventy-five per cent of metal. The tartaric acid likewise dissolves zinc with effervescence, and forms a salt diffi- cult of solution in water. The citric acid attacks zinc with effer- vescence, and small brilliant crystals of ci- trate of zinc are gradually deposited, which are insoluble in water. Their taste is styp- tic and metallic, and they are composed of equal parts of the acid and of oxide of zinc. The malic acid dissolves zinc, and af- fords beautiful crystals by evaporation. Lactic acid acts upon zinc with effer- vescence, and produces a crystallizable salt. The metallic acids likewise combine with zinc. If arsenic acid be poured on it, an effervescence takes place, arsenical hydro- gen gas is emitted, and a black powder falls down, which is arsenic in the metallic state, the zinc having deprived a portion of the arsenic, as well as the water, of its oxygen. If one part of zinc filings and two parts of dry arsenic acid be distilled in a retort, a violent detonation takes place When the retort becomes red, occasioned by the sudden absorption of the oxygen of the acid by the zinc. The arseniate of zinc may be precipitated by pouring arsenic acid into the solution of acetate of zinc, or by mixing a solution of an alkaline arseni- ate with that of sulphate of zinc. It is a white powder, insoluble in water. By a similar process zinc may be combi- ned with the molybdic acid, and with the oxide of tungsten, the tungstic acid of some, with both of which it forms a white insoluble compound; and with the chromic acid, the result of which compound is equally insoluble, but of an orange-red co- lour. Zinc likewise forms some triple salts. Thus, if the white oxide of zinc be boiled in a solution of muriate of ammonia, a con- siderable portion is dissolved; and though part of the oxide is again deposited as the solution cools, some of it remains combined with the acid and alkali in the solution, and is not precipitable either by pure alkalis, or their carbonates. This triple salt does not crystallize. If the acidulous tartrate of potash be boiled in water with zinc filings, a triple compound will be formed, which is very soluble in water, but not easily crystallized. This, like the preceding, cannot be preci- pitated from its solution either by pure or carbonated alkalis. A triple sulphate of zinc and iron may be formed by mixing together the sulphates of iron and of zinc dissolved in water, or by dissolving iron and zinc in dilute sulphuric acid. This salt crystallizes in rhomboids, which nearly resemble the sulphate of zinc in figure, but are of a pale green colour. In taste, and in degree of solubility, it dif- fers little from the sulphate of zinc. It con- tains a much larger proportion of zinc than of iron. A triple sulphate of zinc and cobalt, as first noticed by Link, may be obtained by digesting zaftre in a solution of sulphate of zinc. On evaporation, large quadrilateral prisms are obtained, which effloresce on exposure to the air. Zinc is precipitated from acids by the soluble earths and the alkalis: the latter redissolve the precipitate, if they be added in excess. Zinc decomposes, or alters, the neutral sulphates in the dry way. When fused with sulphate of potash, it converts that salt into a sulphuret: the zinc at the same time being oxidized, and partly dissolved in the sulphuret. When pulverized zinc is added to fused nitre, or projected toge- ther with that salt into a red-hot crucible, a very violent detonation takes place; inso- much that it is necessary for the operator to be careful in using oniy small quantities, lest the burning matter should be thrown about. The zinc is oxidized, and part of the oxide combines with the alkali, with which it forms a compound soluble in water. Zinc decomposes common salt, and also sal ammoniac, by combining with the mu- riatic acid The filings of zinc likewise decompose alum, when boiled in a solu- tion of that salt, probably by combining with its excess of acid. Zinc may be combined with phosphorus, by projecting small pieces of phosphorus on the zinc melted in a crucible, the zinc being covered with a little resin, to pre- vent its oxidation. Phosphuret of zinc is white, with a shade of bluish-gray, has a metallic lustre, aud is a little, malleable. ZIR ZOI When zinc and phosphorus are exposed to heat ih a retort, a red sublimate rises, and likewise a bluish sublimate, in needly crys- tals, with a metallic lustre. If zinc and phosphoric acid be heated together, with or without a little charcoal, needly crystals are Sublimed, of a silvery-white colour. All these, according to Pelletier, are phosphu- retted oxides of zinc. Most of the metallic combinations of zinc have been already treated of. It forms a brittle compound with antimony; and its effects on manganese, tungsten, and mo- lybdena, have not yet been ascertained. ZtRcoNiA was first discovered in the jargon of Ceylon by Klaproth, in 1789, and it has since been found in the jacinth. To obtain it, the stone should be calcined and thrown into cold Water, to render it friable, and then powdered in an agate mortar. Mix the powder with nine parts of pure potash, and project the mixture by spoon- fuls into a red-hot crucible, taking care that each portion is fused before another is added. Keep the wbple in fusion, with' an increased heat, for an hour and half. When cold, break the crucible, separate its contents, powder, and boil in water, to dis- solve the alkali. Wash the insoluble part; dissolve in muriatic acid; heat the solution, that the silex may fall down; and precipi- tate the zircon by caustic fixed alkali. Or the zircon may be precipitated by carbo- nate of soda, and the carbonic acid expel- led by heat. * New Process for preparing pure Zirconia. Powder the zircons very fine, mix them with two parts of pure potash, and heat them red-hot in a silver crucible, for an hour. Treat the substance obtained with distilled water, pour it on a filter, and wash the insoluble part well; it will be a compound of zirconia, silex, potash, and oxide of iron. Dissolve it in muriatic acid, and evaporate to dryness, to separate the silex. Redissolve the muriates of zirconia and iron in water; and to separate the zir- conia which adheres to the silex, wash it with weak muriatic acid, and add this to he solution. Filter the fluid, and preci- pitate the zirconia and iron by pure am- monia; wash the precipitates well, and then treat the hydrates with oxalic acid, boiling them well together, that the acid may act on the iron, retaining it in solution, whilst an insoluble oxalate of zirconia is formed. It is then to be filtered, and the oxalate washed, until no iron can be detected in the water that passes. The earthy oxalate is, when dry, of an opaline colour. After being well washed, it is to be decomposed by heat in a platinum crucible. Thus obtained, the zirconia is perfectly pure, but is not affected by acids. It must be reacted on by potash as before, and then "Washed until the alkali is removed. Af- terwards dissolve it in muriatic acid, and precipitate by ammonia. The hydrate thrown down, when well washed, is per- fectly pure, and easily soluble in acids.— MM. Dubois and Silveira, Ann. de Chime, et de Rhys. xiv. p. 110.* Zirconia is a fine white powder, without taste or smell, but somewhat harsh to the touch. It is insoluble in water; yet if slowly dried, it coalesces into a semi-trans- parent yellowish mass, like gum-arabic, which retains one-third its weight of w«- er. It unites with all the acids. It is insoluble in pure alkalis; but the alka- line carbonates dissolve it. Heated with the blow-pipe, it does not melt, but emits a yellowish phosphoric light. Heated in a crucible of charcoal, bedded in charcrtal powder, placed in a stone crucible, and exposed to a good forge fire for some hours, it undergoes a pasty fusion, which unites its particles into a gray opaque mass, not truly vitreous, but more resem- bling porcelain. In this state it is suffici- ently bard to strike fire with steel, and scratch glass; and is ofthe specific gravity of 4.3. * There is the same evidence for believ- ing that zirconia is a compound of a metal and oxygen, as that afforded by the action of potassium on the other earths. The al- kaline metal, when brought into contact with zirc< nia ignited to whiteness, is, for the most part, converted into potash, and dark particles, which, when examined by a magnifying glass, appear metallic in some parts, of a chocolate-brown in others, are found diffused through the potash and the decompounded earth. According to Sir H. Davy, 4.66 is the prime equivalent of zirconium on the oxy- gen scale, and 5.66 that of zirconia.* *Zoisite. A sub-species of prisma- toidal augite, which is divided into two kinds, the common and friable. §1. Common zoisite. Colour yellowish- gray., Massi e, in granular and prismatic concretions, and crystallized in very ob- lique four-sided prisms, in which the ob- tuse lateral edges are often rounded, so that the crystals have a reed-like form. Shining, or glistening and resino-pearly. Cleavage, double. Fracture small grained uneven. Feebly translucent. As hard as epidote. Very easily frangible. Sp. gr. 3.3. It is affected by the blow-pipe, as epi- dote. Its constituents are, silica 43, alu- mina 29, lime 21, oxide of iron 3.—Klap- roth. At the Saualp in Carinthia, it is found imbedded in a bed of quartz, along with cyanite, garnet, and augite; or it takes the place of feldspar in a granular rock, composed of quartz and mica. It is found in Glen Elg in Invernessshire, and in Shet- land. % 2. Friable zoisite. Colour reddish-white, zoo which is spotted with pale peach-blossom red. Massive, and in very fine loosely aggregated granular concretions. Feebly glimmering. Fracture intermediate be- tween earthy and splintery. Translucent on the edges. Semi-hard. Brittle. Sp. gr. 3.3. Us constituents are, silica 44, alu- mina 32, fime 20, oxide of iron 2.5—Klap- roth. It occurs imbedded in green talc, at Radelgraben in Carinthia.* Zoophytes. Scarcely any chemical ex- periments have been published on these interesting subjects, if we except the ad- mirable dissertation by Mr. Hatchett, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1800. From this dissertation, and from a few experiments of> Merat-Guillot, we learn, that the hard zoophytes are composed chiefly of three ingredients: 1. An animal substance of the nature of coagulated al- bumen, varying in consistency; sometimes being gelatinous and almost liquid, at others of the consistency of cartilage. 2. Carbonate of lime. 3. Phosphate of lime. In some zoophytes, the animal matter is very scanty, and phosphate of lime wanting altogether; in others the animal matter is abundant, and the earthy salt pure carbo- nate of lime; while in others the animal matter is abundant, and the hardening salt a mixture of carbonate of lime and phos- phate of lime; and there is a fourth class almost destitute of earthy salts altogether. Thus, there are four classes of zoophytes; the first resemble porcellaneous shells; the second resemble mother-of-pearl shells; the third resemble crusts; and the fourth horn. 1. When the madrepora virginea is im- mersed in diluted nitric acid, it effervesces strongly, and is soon dissolved. A few gelatinous particles float in the solution, which is otherwise transparent and colour- less. Ammonia precipitates nothing; but its carbonate throws down abundance of carbonate of lime. It is composed, then, of carbonate of lime and a little animal matter. The following zoophytes yield nearly the same results:— Madrepora muricata, -----— labyrinthica, Millepora cerulea, ---------alcicornis, Tubipora musica. 2. When the madrepora ramea is plunged into weak nitric acid, an effervescence is equally produced; but after all the soluble part is taken up, there remains a membrane which retains completely the original shape of the madrepore. The substance taken up is pure lime. Hence, this madrepore is composed of carbonate of lime, and a mem- branaceous substance, which, as in mother- of-pearl shells, retains the figure ofthe ZOO madrepore. The following zoophytes yield nearly the same results:— Madrepora fascicularis, Millepora cejlulosa, -----— fascialis, ---------truncata, Iris hippuris. The following substances, analyzed by Merat-Guillot, belong to this class from their composition, though it is difficult to say what are the species of zoophytes which were analyzed. By red coral, he pro- bably meant the gorgoma nobilis, though that substance is known, from Hatchett's analysis, to contain also some phosphate:— White Red Articulated coral, coral. coralline. Carbonate of lime, 50 53.5 49 Animal matter, 50 46.5 51 100 100.0 100* 3. When the madrepora polymorpha is steeped in weak nitri#acid, its shape con- tinues unchanged; there remaining a tough membranaceous substance of a white co- lour and opaque, filled with a transparent jelly. The acid solution yields a slight precipitate of phosphate of lime, when treated with ammonia, and carbonate of ammonia throws down a copious precipi- tate of carbonate of lime. It is composed, therefore, of animal substance, partly in the state of jelly, partly in that of mem- brane, and hardened by carbonate of lime, together with a little phosphate of lime. Flustra foliacea, treated in the same manner, left a finely reticulated membrane, which possessed the properties of coagu- lated albumen. The solution contained a little phosphate of lime, and yielded abun- dance of carbonate of lime when treated with the alkaline carbonates. The corallina opuntia, treated in the same manner, yield- ed the same constituents; with this differ- ence, that no phosphate of lime could be detected in the fresh coralline, but the so- lution of burnt coralline yielded traces of it. The iris ochracea exhibits the same phenomena, and is formed of the same con- stituents. When dissolved in weak nitric acid, its colouring matter falls in the state of a fine red powder, neither soluble in nitric nor muriatic acid, nor changed by them; whereas the tinging matter of the tubipora musica is destroyed by these acids. The branches of this iris are divided by a series of knots. These knots are cartila- ginous bodies connected together by a membraneous coat. Within this coat there is a conical cavity filled with the earthy or coralline matter; so that, in the recent state, the branches ofthe iris are capable of con- t Merat-Guillot, Ann. de Chim. xxxiv. 71. zoo tflN siderable motion, the knots answering the purpose of joints. See Coral. Mr. Hatchett analyzed many species of sponges, but found them all similar in their composition. The tpangia cancellata, ocu- lata, infundibuliformis, palmatu, and offici- nalis, may be mentioned as specimens. They consist of gelatin, which they gra- dually give out to water, and a thin brittle membranous substance, which possesses the properties of coagulated albumen. * Zumates. Combinations ofthe zumic acid with the salifiable bases.* • Ziimic Acid. See Acid (Zumic).# Zundererz,. Tinder ore. An ore of silver. APPENDIX, * Containing several Tables referred to in the body of the Work. Many important Tables usually placed at the end of Chemical Treatises are inserted under the particular articles to which they belong. Thus the Tables of the Mineral Acids will be found under Acid (Muriatic), (Nitric), and (Sulphuric). For others, see Acid in general, Alcohol, Attraction, Caloric, Climate, Coal-gas, Combustion, Equivalents, Electricity, Gas, Hydrometer, Light, Metal, Rain, Salt, Water (Mineral), Wine, &c. &c. I.—Dr. Wollaston's Numerical Table of Chemical Equivalents. Dr. Wollaston's numbers represent the weights of the atoms of bodies, oxygen being called ten. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29 Hydrogen * Oxygen .... Water..... Carbon .... Carbonic acid (20 oxygen) Sulphur .... Sulphuric acid (30 oxygen) - Phosphorus - - - - Phosphoric acid (20 oxygen) Azote or Nitrogen Nitric acid (50 oxygen) Muriatic acid, dry Oxymuriatic acid (10 oxygen) Chlorine 44.10 + 1.32 hydro- gen = muriatic acid gas Oxalic acid - - - - Ammonia . - - - Soda..... Sodium (above —10 oxygen) Potash..... Potassium (above —10 oxygen) Magnesia * Lime ■ Calcium (above — 10 oxygen) Strontites . - - Barytes - Iron - - - - Black oxide (10 oxygen) Red oxide (15 oxygen) Copper - Black oxide (10 oxygen) Zinc - Oxide (10 oxygen) Mercury - Red oxide (10 oxygen) 1.32 10.00 11.32 7.54 27.54 20.00 50.00 17.40 37.40 17.54 67.54 34.10 44.10 45.42 47.0 215 39.1 29.1 59.1 49.1 24 6 35.46 25.46 69.00 97.00 34.50 44.50 49.50 40.00 50.00 41.00 51.00 125.50 135.50 Black oxide (125.5 mercury) 261.00 Lead.....129.50 Litharge (10 oxygen) - - 139.50 Silver.....135.00 Oxide (10 oxygen) - - 145.00 Sub-carbonate of ammonia - 49.00 Bi-carbonate (27.5 carbonic acid) 76.50 Sub-carbonate of soda - - 66.60 Bi-carbonate (27.5 C. A. + 11.3 water) .... 105.50 Sub carbonate of potash - 86.00 Bi-carbonate (27-5 C. A. -f- 11.3 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. water) Carbonate of lime barytes — lead 125.50 63.00 124.50 167.00 50.00 s'ulphuric acid dry Do. sp. gr. 1.850 (50 + 11.3 water) .... 61.30 Sulphate of soda (10 water = 113.2) .... 202.30 Sulphate of potash - - 109.10 Sulphate of magnesia dry • 74.60 Do. crystallized (7 water = 79.3) .... 153.90 Sulphate of lime dry - - 85.50 Crystallized (2 water = 22.64) 108.10 Sulphate of strontites - - 119.00 ---------- barytes - - 147-00 , copper (1 acid + 1 oxide -f- 5 water) 156.60 __________iron (7 water) . 173.80 __________zinc (do.) - , 180.20 ________—lead - - - 189.50 Nitric acid dry - - - 67.54 Nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.50 (2 water = 22.64) - 51. Nitrate of soda - 52.--------potash - 53.--------lime 54.--------barytes 55.---.----lead - 56. Muriate of ammonia 57.-------- soda 58. —-----— potash - Oxymuriate of do. (60 oxygen) 59. Muriate of lime - 90.20 60---------barytes 106.60 61---------lead - 126.60 62---------silver - 103.00 63.-------- mercury 164.50 64. Sub-muriate of do. (1 acid 207.00 oxygen + 2 mercury) 66.90 65. Phosphate of lead 73.20 66. Oxalate of lead - 93.20 67. Bin-oxalate of potash - 153.20 + 1 169.60 131.00 173.60 179.10 170.10 296.10 176.90 186.50 153.00 * TABLES exhibiting a collective View of all the Frigorific Mixtures contained in Mr. Walker's Publication, 1808. II.—TABLE, consisting of Frigorific Mixtures, having the Power of generating, or cre- ating Cold, without the aid of Ice, sufficient for all useful and Philosophical purposes, in any part of the World, at any Season. FRIGORIFIC MIXTURES WITHOUT ICE. MIXTURES. Thermometer sinks, Deg. of cold produced. Muriate of ammonia - - 5 parts Nitrate of potash - - 5 Water - - - - 16 From + 50° to -+- 10° 40° Muriate of ammonia - - 5 parts Nitrate of potash - - 5 Sulphate of soda - - 8 Water - - - - 16 From -f- 50° to -+- 4° 46 Nitrate of ammonia - - 1 part Water .... 1 From -f- 50° to -+- 4° 46 Nitrate of ammonia - - 1 part Carbonate of soda - - 1 Water .... 1 From -r- 50° to — 7° 57 Sulphate of soda - - 3 parts Diluted nitric acid - - 2 From -f- 50° to — 3° 53 Sulphate of soda - - 6 parts Muriate of ammonia - - 4 Nitrate of potash - - 2 Diluted nitric acid - - 4 From + 50° to — 106 60 Sulphate of soda - ' - 6 parts Nitrate of ammonia - - 5 Diluted nitric acid 4 From + 50° to — 14° 1 64 Phosphate of soda - - 9 parts Diluted nitric acid 4 From -4- 50° to — 12° 62 Phosphate of soda 9 parts Nitrate of ammonia - - 6 Diluted nitric acid - - 4 From + 50° to — 21" 71 Sulphate of soda 8 parts Muriatic acid ... 5 From + 50° to 0° 50 Sulphate of soda - . 5 parts Diluted sulphuric acid - 4 From -f 50° to + 3° 47 N. B.—If the materials are mixed at a warmer temperature, than that expressed in the Table, the effect will be proportionably greater; thus, if the most powerful of these mixtures be made, when the air is ■+- 85°, it will sink the thermometer to -+■ 2*. III.—TABLE consisting of Frigorific Mixtures, composed of Ice, with chemical Salts if Acids Frigorific Mixtures with Ice. M1XTURKS. 1 Thermometer sinks. Deg. of cold produced. Snow, or pounded ice -Muriate of soda - 2 parts 1 5 t to —5° • Snow, or pounded ice -Muriate of soda -Muriate of ammonia - 5 parts 2 1 to-,12° • Snow, or pounded ice -Muriate of soda -Muriate of ammonia -Nitrate of potash 24 parts - 10 5 5 12 parts 5 5 to —180j * Snow, or pounded ice -Muriate of soda -Nitrate of ammonia to—25° 55 Snow - - - -Diluted sulphuric acid - 3 parts 2 From •+• 32° to — 23° Snow - - - -Muriatic acid 8 parts 5 From -+- 32° to — 27° 1 * Snow - -Diluted nitric acid 7 parts 4 From -+- 32° to — 30° 62 Snow - - - -Muriate of lime - 4 parts 5 From -+- 32° to — 40° 72 Snow - - - -Crvst. muriate of lime - 2 parts 3 From + 32° to — 50° 821 Snow - - - -Potash - 3 parts 1 - 4 | From -4- 32' to — 51° I 83 N.B.-The reason for theomi.s'ion, in the last column of this T^^^™^^,^,,,,,, of tures to the degree mentioned in the preceding column, and never lower, whatever ma> ne y the materials at mixing. , IV. -TABLE consisting of Frigorific Mixtures selected from ^e foregoing^abUs, and combined so as to increase or extend Cold to the extremest Degrees. Combinations of Frigorific Mixtures._________ MIXTURES. Thermometer sinks. Phosphate of soda Nitrate of ammonia Diluted nitric acid Phosphate of soda Nitrate of ammonia Diluted mixed acids Snow - - Diluted nitric acid Snow - - - Diluted sulphuric acid Diluted nitric acid____ Snow - - - Diluted sulphuric acid Snow Muriate of lime - Snow - Muriate of lime - From 0° to — 34° From — 34* to — 50° Deg. of cold produced. 34 3 parts Frojn Oo tQ _ 46q From — 10° to — 56° From ~ 20° to — 60c 3 parts 4 From -+- 20° to 48° 3 parts 4 From + 10Q to — 54c 46 68 Snow - Muriate of lime - Snow - Crvst. muriate of lime - 2 parts 3 From — 15° to — 68c From 0° to — 66c From — 40° to — 73e From — 68° to — 91° Snow ----- P"' Cryst. muriate of lime - - 3___ Snow':"""- ""- - - Spar Diluted!?*^™*^ to mixing «o thetemperature reo.iretl, N. B.-The materials in the first column are toi be^ooiea, pre bv mixtures taken from either of the preceding t»bi«. ^ fi Vol. IT. V.—TA&LE of Capacities of different Substances for Catonc. In this Table, the authorities are marked by the initials of the respective authors' names. C. Crawford: K. Kirwan: Ir. Irvine: G. Gadolin: L. Lavoisier: W. Wilcke: M.Meyer. 1. Hydrogen gas - 2. Oxygen gas 3. Atmospheric air GASES. 21.4000 C. 4. Aqueous vapour 47490 — 5. Carbonic acid gas 1.7900 — 6. Nitrogen gas 1.5500 C 1.6454 - .7936 - 7. Solution of carbonate of ammonia, 8. Solution of brown sugar 9. Alcohol (15.44) - 10. Arterial blood 11. Water 12. Cow's milk 13. Sulphuret of ammonia 14. Solution of muriate of so- da, 1 in 10 of water 15. Alcohol (9.44) 16. Sulphuric acid, diluted • with 10 of water, 17. Solution of muriate of so- da, in 6.4 of water 18. Venous blood 19. Sulphuric acid, with 5 parts of water • 20. Solution of muriate of so- da, in 5 of water * 21. Nitric acid (39) 22. Solution of sulphate of magnesia, in 2 of water 23. Solution of muriate of so- da in 8 of water 24. Solution of muriate of so- da in 3.33 of water 25. Solution of nitrate of pot- ash in 8 of water 26. Solution of muriate of so- da in 2.8 of water • 27. Solution of muriate of ammonia in 1.5 of water 28. Solution of muriate of so- da saturated, or in 2.69 of water 29. Solution of supertartrate of potash in 237.3 of water 30. Solution of carbonate of potash ... 31. Colourless sulphuric acid (51.55,56,57) 32. Sulphuric acid, with 2 parts of water 1.8510 K. 1.0860 — 1.0860 — 1.0300 C. 1.0000 .9999 C. .9940 K. .9360 G. .9300 Ir. .9250 G. .9050 G. .8928 C. .8760 G. .8680 G. .8440 K. .8440 -- .8320 — .8200 G. .8167 L. .8020 G. .7980 K. .7930 G. .7650 K. .7590 — LIQUIDS. 33- Solution of sulphate of iron in 2.5 of water 34. Solution of sulphate of soda in 2.9 of water 35. Olive oil ... 36. Water of ammonia, sp. gr. 0.997 37. Muriatic acid, sp. gr. 1.122 38. Sulphuric acid, 4 parts with 5 of water 39. Nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.29895 40. Solution of alum in 4.45 of water . . - 41. Mixture of nitric acid with lime, 9-y to 1 42. Sulphuric acid, with an equal weight of water 43. Sulphuric acid, 4 parts with 3 of water 44. Alcohol (9.15) 45. Nitrous acid, sp. gr. 1.354 46. Linseed oil 47. Spermaceti oil (53) 48. Sulphuric acid, with i of water 49. Oil of turpentine (52) 50. Sulphuric acid, with i of water 51. Sulphuric acid (31.55,56,57) 52. Oil of turpentine (49) 53. Spermaceti oil (47) 54. Red wine vinegar 55. Sulphuric acid, concentra- ted and colourless (31) 56. Sulphuric acid, sp. gr. 1.87058 57- Sulphuric acid (31.51) 58. Spermaceti melted 59. Quicksilver, sp. gr. 13.30 60. Quicksilver 61.--------- 62.--------- 7340 K .7580 — .7490 G. 7280 _ .7100 — .7080 K. .6800 — 6631 L. .6613 — .6490 M. .6189 L. .6050 G. ,6031 L. .6021 C. .5760 K. .6280 — .5000 C. .5000 0. .4720 K. .4420 G. .4290 C. .4000 Ir. .3990 K. .3870 — .3390 G. .3345 L. .3330 Ir. .3200 — .0330 K. .0290 L. .0290 W. .0280 Ir. 63. Ice 64.— ... 65. Ox hide with the hair 66. Sheep's lungs 67. Beef of an ox SOLIDS. .9000 K. 68. Scotch fir wood .8000 Ir. 69. Lime tree wood .7870 C. 70. Spruce fir wood .7690 — 71. Pitch pine wood .7400 — 72. Apple tree wood .6500 M. .2600 — .6000 — .5800 — .5700 — t3. Alder Wood 74. Sessile-leaved oak 75. Ash wood ... 76. Pear tree wood . 77. Rice 78. Horse-beans 79. Dust of the pine tree - 80. Pease 81. Beech 82. Hornbean wood 83. Birch wood 84. Wheat 85. Elm 86. White wax 87. Pedunculated oak wood 88. Prune tree 89. Ebony wood 90. Quicklime, with water, in the proportion of 16 to 9 91. Barley 92. Oats 93. Charcoal of birch wood (99) 94. Carbonate of magnesia 95. Prussian blue 96. Quicklime saturated with water and dried 97. Pit coal 98. Artificial gypsum 99. Charcoal (93) 100. Chalk (108) 101. Rust of iron 102. White clay 103. White oxide of antimony washed 104. Oxide of copper 105. Quicklime (107) 106. Muriate of soda in crystals 107. Quicklime (105) 108. Chalk (100) 109. Crown glass 110. Agate, sp. gr. 2.648 - 111. Earthen ware 112. Crystal glass without lead 113. Cinders 114. Sulphur 115. Ashes of cinders 116. White glass, sp. gr. 2.386 117. White clay burnt 118. Black lead .5300 M. 119 .5100 — 120. .5100 _ .5000 — 121. .5060 C. 122 .5020 — 123 .5000 _ 124 .4920 _ .4900 M. 125. .4800 — 126 .4800 — 127 .4770 C. 128 .4700 M. 129 .4500 G. .4500 M. 130 .4400 — 131 .4300 — 132 133 .4391 L. 134 .4210 C. 135 .4160 — 136. .3950 G. 137 .3790 — 138. .3300 — 139. .2800 G. 140. .2777 C. .2640 G. .2631 C. .2564 _ 141 .2500 _ .2410 G. 142 143 .2272 C. 144. .2272 — 145. .2239 _ 146. .2260 G. 147. .2168 L. 148. .2070 G. 149. .2000 Ir. 150. .1950 W. 151. .1950 K. 152. .1929 L. 153. .1923 C. 154. .1890 [r. 155. .1855 C. 156. .1870 w. 157. .1850 G. 158. .1830 — Sulphur - - . .1830 K. Oxide of antimony, nearly free of air - - .1666 C. Rust of iron, ditto ditto .1666 __ Ashes of elm wood - .1402 __ Iron (125.127, 128.132) .1450 Ir. Oxide of zinc, nearly freed from air - - .1369 C. White cast iron - .1320 G. White oxide of arsenic .1260 — Iron (123.132) - .1269 C. Iron, sp. gr. 7876 - .1260 W. Cast iron abounding in plumbago - - .1240 G. Hardened steel - .1230 — Steel softened by fire .1200 — Soft bar iron, sp. gr. 7.724 .1190 — Brass, sp. gr. 8.356 (135) .1160 W. Copper, sp. gr. 8.785 (136) .1140 W. Brass (133) - - .1123 C. Copper (133) - - .1111 — Sheet iron - - .1099 L. Zinc, sp. gr. 7.154 (143) .1020 W. White oxide of tin, nearly free of air - - .990 C. Cast pure copper, heated between charcoal, and cooled slowly, sp. gr. 7.907 - - - .990 G. Hammered copper, sp. gr. 9150 - - - .970 G. Oxide of tin - - .960 K. Zinc (198) - - .943 C. Ashes of charcoal - .909 — Sublimated arsenic - .840 G. Silver, sp. gr. 10.001 - .820 W. Tin (152) - - - .704 C. Yellow oxide of lead - .680 — White lead - - .670 G. Antimony ... .645 — Antimony, sp. gr. 6.107 .630 W. Tin, sp. gr. 7.380 (147) .600 — Red oxide of lead - .590 G. Gold, sp. gr. 19.04 - .500 W. Vitrified oxide of lead .590 G. Bismuth, sp. gr. 9.861 - .430 W. Lead, sp. gr. 11.45 - .420 — -----.....352 C. * The above capacities of the gases are all erroneous; and those of the other bodies are probably more or less incorrect. See Caloric* TABLE VI.—Con-espondence of the Thermometers of Fahrenheit and Reaumur, and that of Celsius, or the Centigrade Thermometer of the modern French Chemists. Fahr. 212 leaum. Cebi. 100 Fahr. 148 Reanm. 1 51.5 Celsi. Fnhr. 85 Reauni. Celii. 29.4 Fahr. 22 21 20 l9 Reaum. Cell). 80 64.4 23.5 4.4 5.5 211 79.5 99.4 147 51.1 63.8 84 23.1 28.8 4.8 6.1 210 79.1 98.8 14.; .■50.6 63.3 83 22.6 28.3 5 3 6.6 209 78.6 98.3 145 5u.2 62.7 82 22.2 27.7 5.7 7.2 208 78.2 97.7 144 49.7 62.2 81 217 27.2 18 6.2 7.7 207 77.7 97.2 143 49.3 61.6 80 21.3 26.6 17 6.6 8.3 206 77.3 96.6 142 48.8 61.1 79 20.8 26.1 16 7.1 8.8 205 76.8 96.1 141 4b.4 60.5 78 20.4 25.5 15 7-5 9.4 204 76.4 95.5 140 48 60 77 20 25 14 8 10 203 76 95 139 47.5 59.4 76 19.5 244 13 8.4 10.5 202 75.5 944 138 41.1 58.8 75 19.1 23.8 12 8.8 11.1 201 75.1 93.8 137 46.6 58.3 74 18.6 23-3 11 9.3 H.6 200 74.6 93.3 136 46.2 57.7 73 18.2 22.7 10 9.7 12.2 199 74.2 92.7 135 45.7 57.2 72 17.7 22.2 9 10.2 12.7 198 73.7 92.2 134 45.3 56.6 71 17.3 21-6 8 10.6 l3.3 197 73.3 91.6 133 44.8 56.1 70 16.8 211 7 11.1 13.8 196 72.8 91.1 132 44.4 55.5 69 16.4 20.5 6 11.5 14,4 195 72.4 90.5 131 44 55 68 16 20 5 12 li 194 72 90 130 43.5 54.4 67 15.5 19.4 4 12.4 15.5 193 71.5 89.4 129 43.1 53.8 66 15.1 18.8 3 12.8 16.1 192 71.1 88.8 128 42.6 53.3 65 14.6 18.3 2 13.3 16.6 191 70.6 88.3 127 42.2 52.7 64 14.2 17.7 1 13.7 17.2 190 70.2 87.7 126 41.7 52.2 63 13.7 17-2 0 14.2 17.7 189 69.7 87.2 125 41.3 51.6 62 13.3 16.6 1 14.6 18.3 188 69.3 86.6 124 40.8 51.1 61 12.8 16.1 2 15.1 18.8 187 68.8 86.1 123 40.4 50.5 60 12.4 15.5 3 15.5 19.4 186 68.4 85.5 122 40 50 59 12 15 4 16 20 185 68 85 121 39.5 49.4 58 11.5 14.4 5 16.4 20.5 184 67.5 844 120 39.1 48.8 57 11 1 13.8 6 16.8 21.1 183 67.1 83 8 119 38.6 48.3 56 10.6 133 7 17.3 21.6 182 66.6 83.3 118 38.2 47-7 55 10.2 12.7 8 17.7 22.2 . 181 66.2 82.7 117 37.7 47.2 54 9.7 12-2 9 18.2 22.7 180 65.7 82-2 116 37.3 46.6 53 9.3 11.6 10 18.6 23.3 179 65.3 81.6 115 36.8 46.1 52 8.8 11.1 11 19.1 23.8 178 64.8 81.1 114 36.4 45.5 51 8.4 10.5 12 19.5 24.4 177 64.4 80.5 113 36 45 50 8 10 13 20 25 176 64 80 112 35.5 44.4 49 7.5 9.4 14 20.4 25.5 175 63.5 79.4 111 35.1 43.8 48 7-1 8.8 15 20.8 26.1 174 63.1 78.8 110 34.6 43.3 47 6.6 8.3 16 213 26.6 173 62.6 78.3 109 34.2 42.7 46 62 7-7 17 21-7 27.2 172 62.2 77.7 108 33.7 42.2 45 5.7 7-2 18 22.2 27.7 171 61.7 77-2 107 33.3 41.6 44 5.3 6.6 19 22.6 28.3 170 61.3 76.6 106 32.8 41.1 43 4.8 6.1 20 23.1 28.8 169 60.8 76.1 105 32.4 40.5 42 4.4 5.5 21 23.5 29.4 168 60.4 75.5 104 32 40 41 4 5 22 24 30 167 60 75 103 31.5 39.4 40 3.5 4.4 23 24.4 30.5 166 59.5 74A 102 31.1 38.8 39 3.1 3.8 24 24.8 31.1 165 59.1 73.8 101 30.6 38.3 38 2.6 3.3 25 25.3 31.6 164 58.6 73.3 100 30.2 37.7 37 2.2 2.7 26 25.7 32.2 163 58.2 72.7 99 29.7 37.2 36 1.7 2.2 27 26.2 32.7 162 57.7 72.2 98 29.3 36.6 35 1.3 1.6 28 26.6 33.3 161 57.3 71.6 97 28.8 36.1 34 0.8 1.1 29 27.1 33 8 160 568 7M 96 28.4 35.5 33 0.4 0.5 30 27.5 34.4 159 56.4 70 5 95 28.0 35 32 0 0 31 28 35 158 56 70 94 275 34.4 31 0.4 0.5 32 28.4 35.5 157 55.5 69.4 93 27-1 33.8 30 0.8 1.1 33 28.8 36.1 156 55.1 68.8 92 26.6 33.3 29 1.3 1.6 34 29.3 36.6 155 54.6 68.3 91 26.2 32.7 28 1.7 22 35 29.7 372 154 54.2 67.7 90 25.7 32.2 27 2.2 2.7 36 30.2 37.7 153 53.7 67.2 89 25.3 31.6 26 2.6 3.3 37 30.6 38.3 152 53.3 66.6 88 24.8 31.1 25 3.1 3.8 38 31.1 38.8 151 52.8 66.1 87 24.4 30.5 24 3.5 4.4 39 31.5 29.4 150 52.4 65.5 86 24 30 23 4 5 40 32 40 149 52 65 * TABLE VII.—Of the Elastic Force of the Vapour of Water in inches of Mercury, by Dr. Ure. Temp. Force. Temp. Force. Temp. Force. Temp. 242° Force. Temp. 27 ° Force. Temp. Force. 24° 0170 115° 2.820 195° 21.100 53.600 86.3ut/ 295.6° 130.400 32 0.200 120 3.300 200 23.600 245 56.340 271.2 88.000 295 129.000 40 0.250 125 3.830 205 25.900 2458 57100 273.7 91.200 297.1 133.900 50 0.360 130 4.366 210 28.880 248.5 60.400 275 93.480 298 8 1,7.400 55 0.416 135 5.070 212 30.000 250 61.900 275.7 94.600 300 139.700 60 0.516 140 5.770 216.6 33.400 251.6163.500 277.9 97.800 300.6 140.900 65 0.630 145 6.600 220 35.540 254.5 66.700 279.5 101.600 302 144.300 70 0.726 150 7.530 221.6 36.700 255 67.250 280 101.900 303 8 147.700 75 0.860 155 8.500 225 39110 257.5 69.800 281.8 104.400 305 150.560 80 1.010 160 9.600 226.3 40.100 260 72.300 283.8 107.700 306.8 154.400 85 1.170 165 10.800 230 43.100 260.4 72.800 285.2 112.200 308 157.700 90 1.360 170 12.050 230.5 43.500 262.8 75.900 287.2 ,114.800 310 161.300 95 1.640 175 13.550 234.5 46.800 264.9 77.900 289 118.200 311.4 164.800 100 1.860 180 15.160 |235 47.220 265 78.040 290 120.150 1312 167.000 105 2.100 185 16.900 238.5 50.300 267 81.900 292.3 123.10011 Another exper. 110 2.456 190 19.000,1240 51.700 269 84.900 294 |l26.700|i312° 165.5 * TABLE VIII— Of the Elastic Forces of the Vapours of Alcohol, Ether, Oil of Turpe tine, and Petroleum, or Naphtha, by Dr. Ure. Ether. Temp. Force of Vapour. 34° 6.20 44 8.10 54 10.30 64 13.00 74 16.10 84 20.00 94 24.70 104 30.00 Alcoh. sp.gr. 0.813. .Akoh. sp.gr. 0.813. Force of 2d. Ether. 105° 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 30.00 32.54 35.90 39.47 43.24 47.14 51.90 56.90 62.10 67.60 73.60 80.30 86.40 92.80 99.10 108.30 116 10 124.80 133.70 142.80 151.30 166.00 Temp. 32° 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 173 178.3 180 182.3 185.3 190 Vapour. 0.40 0.56 0.70 0.86 1.00 1.23 1.49 1.76 2.10 2.45 2.93 3.40 3.90 4.50 5.20 6.00 7.10 8.10 9.25 10.60 12.15 13.90 15.95 18.00 20.30 22.60 25.40 28.30 30.00 33.50 34.73 36.40 39.90 43.20 Temp. 193.3° 196.3 200 206 210 214 216 220 225 230 232 236 238 240 244 247 248 2491 250 252 254.3 258.6 260 262 264 Force of Vapour. 46.60 50.10 53.00 60.10 65.00 69.30 72.20 78.50 87.50 94.10 97.10 103.60 106.90 111.24 118.20 122.10 126.10 131.40 132.30 138.60 143.70 151.60 155 20 161.40 166.10 Petroleum. Temp. 316° 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 372 375 Force of Vapour. 30.00 31.70 34.00 36.40 38.90 41.60 44.10 46.86 50.20 53.30 56.90 60.70 61.90 64.00 Oil of Turpen. Temp. 304° 307.6 310 315 320 322 326 330 336 340 343 347 350 354 357 360 Force of Vapour. 30.00 32.60 33.60 35.20 3706 37 80 40.20 42.10 45.00 47.30 49.40 51.70 53.80 56.60 58.70 60.80 62.40 * TABLE IX— New French Weights and Measures (calculated by Dr. DvucAN,/«n.) 1.—Measures of Length: the Metre being at 32°, and tlie Foot at 62°. English inches. Millimetre = .03937 Centimetre = .39371 Decimetre = 3.93710 Metres = 39.37100 Mil. Fur. Yds. Feet. la. Decametre = 393.71000 = 0 0 10 2 9.7 H«catometre = 3937-10000 = 0 0 109 1 1 Kilometre = 39371.00000 = 0 4 213 1 10.2 Myriometre = 393710.00000 = 6 1 156 0 6 '.—Measures of Capacity. Cubic inches. Millilitre = .06103 Centilitre = .61028 Eng lish. Decilitre = 6.10280 Tons. Hhds. Wine. G. Pints. Litre = 61 02800 = 0 0 0. 2.1133 Decalitre = 610.28000 = 0 0 o 5.1352 Hecatolitre = 6102.80000 = 0 0 26.419 Kilolitre ---- 61028.00000 = 1 0 12.19 Myriolitre = 610280.00000 == 10 1 58.9 3.—Measures of Weight. English Grains. Milligramme = .0154 Centigramme = .1544 Decigramme = 1.5444 Avoirdupois. Gramme = 15.4440 Poun. Oun. Dram Decagramme = 154.4402 = 0 0 5.65 Hecatogramme = 1544.4023 = 0 3 8.5 Kilogramme = 15444.0234 = 235 Myriogramme = 154440.2344 = 22 12 TABLE X.—Correspondence of English Weights and Measures with those used in France before the Revolution. § 1.— Weights. The Paris pound, poids de marc of Charlemagne, contains 9216 Paris grains; it is di- vided into 16 ounces, each ounce into 8 gros, and each gros into 72 grains. It is equal to 7561 English troy grains. The English troy pound of 12 ounces contains 5760 English troy grains, and is equal to 7021 Paris grains. The English avoirdupois pound of 16 ounces contains 7000 English troy grains, and is equal to 8532.5 Paris grains. To reduce Paris grains to English troy grains, divide by ).„. RP A MA T IT $ Pw.l Plahl CHEMICAL APPARATUS In- PlaUJI. EmHvJtfx 08 257357�2 TIu Que nilCal Sn^HlS /' Bef^lIirulILnL.! I + (Tjl. Wlrwlic 2 + CB- f^bPhlogisticaUd 3 + (D..........JMrous 4 + (D f^J'blogisticated 5 "*" C7........JMarinc 6 + @ ^f Meplilooisliatfrd 7 »\.........Aqua regia. 8 "*~~lAT -.......of Pluor Q CHO...........of Arsenic 10 + C-3.......of Borax 11 + ®.......of Sugar 1U + CT"1. Lof Tartar 13 + "V-......of Sorrel 2£ + ^-<.........#f Lemon, 25 J °.........of Benzoin 16 + (30....*?Amber If + @........of Sugar ofMUk 18 ''F..............Acetous distilled. JQ + @.........orjlfflfc ,26> + ■/?...........of Ants XI + Q........^.fi^ %'Z + A........./>f Phosphorus 23 + ^ •«»*«& £4 . iQ)........of Prussian, blue 'q rt............Aerial /_ 26 ©/7* PureKaaLVegctabU 21 ©L/"*/* jPk,r« HcedMuunU Off (Zf*'/t tore Volatile. I \l 29 ^........-/*»« Ponderous 30 \_/......../kra calcareous 31 ^-f........Pure Mag msian 3% \/.........Pure Argillaceous 33 -^"......Pure Siliceous 34 V.........ffaar 35 A.......Vital.lir 36 -^l ..^.Phlogiston. 37 A........Mater oflfral 38 Q........Sutpher 39 © Q.Saline Hepar 40 \.........Spirit of Wine o 41 0°0.......jBllur o 42 o Q.......Essential Oil 43 (°)........Vacuums Oil 44 ty Q~~&td 45 ^ y^.Platina 46^ J).....SUver 47^ W.....Mcrcur, 48^ fo.../w 49^ Q....Coppcr 50 ^ Q^.-lron 51 y %......Tin. 52 Sj^ [Jr Miemulh. 53^t 6.....JVieka 54 + O~0.ufr.renic 55 T Q &>i*>i* 56 y Q.....n* 57 + {_).. —Antimony 58 + (\j Manganese 59 T (^ SideriU ( w+ __^- Air Jtater forth tlrakU i I A V r.A. ...A V.......^ Y ....... tyfuum V; C V;. £«&iy T;CV; ± Quirklina >&4......... ntriilabUJv A^o.........Fhwrs of*- X. ........7ate M V -/%>««* AV ©...*«**! .V»............Sand Q.............a>w « ^'"ZS.........SUrer 4..........Tin z. &: o-o. n:.... SJVt C .....Calx Lead. Memay Iron j BumuA Andmony Jteouhu •», Arsenic ■ Jteauluri^ Cobalt /Ticket ^ Plate 111 Tht Undent OntEE 3>a^°na.s or iBarth '+t6n«Sihceous Earths ■m Fumble Earths it-Alum tofAntimony p. of Arsenic «P ^Substances COD..............Orpiment ^M................Cinnabar J_.\_>..............Xapis Calanunarie 03).................Tatty (B................Tilriol 0;0............Sea Salt Q •,<>—•,.........SalGcm 0.................xVitre r—S ; t~/\.—^oraar J^.J^...............Sedative Salt l~~l...........Tartar ^P.Q;........"kali 0v-; &f-i"*i™l'taati 0A-; @A v Volatile Alkali ^YL_Q^.........AKld fixed ,llkali .. /T\ .........Caustic fixed Alkali /r\K.........Mild rol Alkali A»..........Causae vol Alkali c. 0* TJJ.................H>awA i-5tt«...................Vinegar ®r-;>-0T Striatic Add. 0t. >- 0 ^.J/Urota ^M« 0J.. >■ 0 ;..Jfov/K .4W I/. /JiV........Aquafortis II h/R ;........Aqua&cgux A..........J£/ Sulphureous Add *JC*~.........phosphoric Acid V...................05ra« V..................«5/>im« <><-" #"»" VL...............Rcctiiied Spirit of Wine. j\*j.................Mther ..Lime TVatzr ...Urine Ashes ..ABadi CD AE; °Essential Oil \P..................Fixed Oils £...............-<*+*»■ LJ t......... Hepar of Sulphur l\............... Phosphorus rf^k................Phlogiston /V.................Soap £p..................Peretiorise >0..............Gkw (^\..................Caput Mortuum A\.................. A finrdcr E B \ "II...............Sand bath, I -wj- Ti..............Vapour bath ~\r...................An Hour A....................A.Day f~\.........„.......A. Night wrpt................ A.Mcnth A.....jlmalgam 3.8. 'A &n f(^-v Q-........To Distill _/-n_ ..........Ub Sublime ■^rz..................'& Precipitate .—_ A.Retort v--v...................An Alembic T I M*:.. . . ACrueibU TVT*; jgg^...............Slrattun Super Stratum. C.C...............CornwCervl £%^_...............^ISottU. *Q.i.A.Gr/un.....•<**/' AScruplt "jl. AJlram \J)I An Ounce-......tb i.A.Tound,........flWt/.ft^^ Table I. -t'tAe riiaracters to be made tt^-e of in ' ® A Chemistry, 'S: Bismuth n vM :>:<■ 7 Hartcnthin atul .-Met. - < simple Substances, 1 >\ Mo .jj cu „™, " IV B.trvtcs Lime 1 ("a*J ^.^ J | Tartar\-ns Tat Combmauai trith diiKraitSimple. «2 Magne.ehl 6 \v 1 Fyivtananvs rn i o:,iii,-IB zj j Ben zoic the Solid,Iiqui,l,i .5 HI J |-a J V c Aluminc Stirs-mdnku-n Carbon •J: Potash ______Jfe- / Soda-----Mi y Sulphur "£ 1 B | ; Pyrolignic Fhosphttrus diameters to crpress isudi new cottrfntstible (P^J j Pyromucic r_Vj 1 Camphoric Barytes______ Lime m stdvranees as trill be diseoveivd. j I 1. 1 I L.ictic j ALignctia .J-sjuBfl^k \ \ry-\ < i I-Sl] | Sacch.>l | \Tin\ Formic Slice_______jHI ir. o © Md 1 Hi'J/i.oe/i ....... Ojm Surer '■ |ll/'| Mombic Carlton________^^H | 1—1 © Uem.ry | t| Lithic > Sulphur ... _ __^^B \ ^ © Tin i|| /^ M"' \ fh.vphorut -_^^^B ' ^N © Copper I \A ^O ' .7/,vVW CM . .. __MjJ ( - © Lead UK V^ -««v [ty.Mu.ns . r ■ ---- --- (\wifussio;, Su(\r&t/tces XtetHic J'ld'SiO/U u»w/ cundAeidirUilie Hares yo7i Aeidida/i'e i\ w/ *c imd Substances tell. is or Caloric $ubslancej;prodtnino intlAtriibiiii Stares. Solid \Liguid Jerirorm ■ 1------- '---- -~* / V < A iA A A A A V V ; W V k?'W ^ \7 w V y w V y w D © p C C ip u U V n in-o O ©!© © ©1© © ©'© I® !©;© :© I© © SoUct Liquid yttriternt Copper © 1 © 1 0 Lead . ©!©!£>' 1 Lrvn.______ © ©!© Zitil: © ©l© Mmg.ine.rc......... © I© 0 J&Av< . 0 ©'@ Misi mull . © ©!© Atttiinony............ ©!©i© Arsenic i. © t©<© M.tybdcna......... © | © , 0 TuniTsttn „ ... © ; 0 |0 Muriatic Radical ED tO p Motoric Ka.ical CO tO P to to p Fluoric Radical Succinic Radiol m to p Acetous Ma. iicul GO tO P | Torturous- Radical...... m to p fyrotartarous Radical . \f\ \r] p Oxalic Rtuluul ED tO P liodic Aadu'al ED tO P Cdiic Radical ED tO P Sialic Radical El tiD p Relizoic Jladical ED tO P I Fyniu'rac Radical od to p Camphoric Radical eh to p Lactic JLiJicaZ-*—.. ED tO P Sacclwlactic Radic.d EO P P 1 Formic littdit'.d .... E fel [3 1 Fiussic Radical---- [0 to p Sebacic Radical---- ED | tO p ED tO P Solid Liquid dcrifc, m ej Alhohol . . i Table JIT. Thektunn C'oitibuiatiuiisof' Ox 1 g" C 1\ and i I i\ 10 I" IC »7//i ilifTerctuSubsCiUues. .J&n >a.j' Acui C< vwrvte taiYarc <*« Acul jLu, ■■> ™, t}'rv&utarou^ At ut r \tL k. u_ J r r u n- K tZl DEL m CO. I—I LLT CD- to- Continuation ot' Table-III. Liquid Acetous Acid Acetous Arid Otis Liquid .-u'elic Acid Concrete Orotic Acid Liquid Gallic Arid Liquid Citric Arid Liquid Malic Acid ' Concrete Benzoic Arid liqtudFfrvbatuous Arid Liquid' Pyromua'tts Arid Concrete Camphoric Acid Liquid Lactic Arid Concrete Saccholactic Arid Liquid Formic Arid Prussic Arid Gits Liquid Sebacic Arid liquid BomhicAad (Xride of Tungsten Tunastic Arid (lade of Molybdena Concrete Jtolybdic Arid Oride of Arsenic Concrete Arsenic Arid Oride of Cobalt Oxide of Antimony Oxide of Bismuth Oxide of Jfic&xl Oride of Muufanese Oxide of/ink Oride of Inm Oxide of Lead Oxide of Copper Oxide of Tin Oxide of Ataxia? Oride ofSHrcr Oxide or'Gold Oxide of lutaiki EL EEL EL EL tEL EZL E> © GEL EL EL EO. na. HE IbTI 0" ©. ©" ©. © gr er gr gr gr gr ©" ©" ©" gr gr gr a © Table II. Combinations oi' Tiro Substances. (alone tonus a thint in some of the. e Compositions. Ammonitual Gar Concrete Anunonia Carburetted Jtentyeu Gas Sulphuretted .Vurrye/i Cite Carl'tirrtted Jlidtooett Gas Sutpluimted lluinyen Gas Fhosphuretud llidroocn (ia. Sulphuret ot' Potash Sulphuret of Soda Sulphuret of Barytes Sulphutet of Lime Sulphuret ofAbtnii/te Sulphuret at'Gold Sulphuret. ■/' Silver Sulphuret of Atervtirr Sulphuret of Jul Sulphuret of Copper Stuphuret of Lead Sulphuret of Iron Sulphuret of Zink Sulphuret ofjtickel Sulphuret ot'Bisnmdi Sulphuret of Antimony Stuphuret of Cocult Sulphuret of Arsenic Sulphuret of Molylxlcna Phosphuret of Lead flwsphuret of Iron Alto, offiaunu Sc Gold .___of Platiiui d Silver ____of Gold XSitirr ¥ Table- V. JNeulrnl Salts compared ot' Three Subftanees. h/oeic is not tuptrsit bemuse titer tur Vs wll sttpposd to be. in the solid state. ThtAm 8 ' 8 nwniaatlSalts are composdot '4Sub?iium, 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Acetat of Lime . ________Alunune __—_ Jtaq/wsia. .Potash . Soda . Capper . Jnm Acetic of Ammonia _______Pota-rh _______lime ... VOL AE AE OE. SE JE Am- VE API OB* VELk TUtte H' Continued. CttrvoMt of Moiincsia •'______Iron Bentnu of Potash p Ammoniil lime !fionuWSmla .'. dmmonia JpJ time j Cdmpkanil ot' Potash !__________ Amnion ■■______' Lime \cintt of' Soda ll II ^ I j;' Ammonia A.' ! fc . /lat/ , ! E ■ i 1 i J i K . ..i. » L '■ ■ 1 "1 1 " 1 K _______ __ SALT VYDKlv^ Evaporalina Tims Plate X. Plate Jl SALT '^O RKS £a.varian JletAod op evaporating Salt Ifaletv. Fin. 3 Fia l ^"""""^Ti ET ^3^^^^^* SAL, T TOMS (iratiuafion house b c____£_ Piatt HI Ft o.J '\ I'm. ? ----4,---C ,f m £r-ii >ri V i Piatt. Fio.3 l-'io. ± d m Pio. 5 T~\ ,r tiv k A' Fio. 7 Fin. 8 Enodbv I War '\X^ny*lH JWarr -f CAUiOiiLMOTOIl, Fi.i. I. Fio.l. S Fault XI' f^^F; j-i„ 'in 0995 fitter Snbcdilute forWolie's oriTorSi's Apparatus Pop lite Itnpivp nation oP Fluids. Plate III Tic. I. 1 • I o \J rA U \J i f ^ r\ X.J ^C^±tz J- Pio. 2 Flo. II mMtcdbp/rDcsih-u-jnmmud^Thitad. Ensrarcd H> J.lVdirJT ,*-v^- •■ "•■■■ -4' .'t*Wr.. $