RESTRICTED DICTIONARY OF GERMAN SCIENTIFIC TERMS I December 1945 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, WAR DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON, D. C. mmm DICTIONARY OF GERMAN SCIENTIFIC TERMS MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, WAR DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON, D. C. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE WAR DEPARTMENT Washington 25, D.C. 1 December 1945 MID 461 NOTICE This dictionary is intended to assist U. S. military personnel and research agencies in interrogating German scientific personnel and in translating German scientific docu- ments. Most of the terms defined are not included in any standard German or German- English dictionary. Translations of the German terms are based upon information collected over a period of approximately 10 months by Military Intelligence Service interrogators. Defi- nitions of the terms have been taken from Weld’s "Glossary of Physics” and other standard English scientific works, except in the case of new terms for which no published definition was available. While every effort has been made to confirm the accuracy of the definitions, inaccuracies may be found. It is requested that these be brought to the attention of the Chief, CPM Branch, Military Intelligence Service, War Depart- ment, Washington 25, D. C. _A Abampere: abampere. The c.g.s. electromagnetic unit of current, viz., that current which, in a one-turn circu- lar conductor of 1 cm radius in a vacuum, produces a magnetic intensity of 2tt oersteds at the center of the circuit. Equal to 10 absolute amp. Abbau: degradation. (1) (Of energy) Any process whereby available energy becomes unavailable, as by conversion into heat. If the unavailable energy is al- lowed to escape, the term dissipation is more apt to be used. (2) (Of radiation) The transformation of radia- tion of given type into a form having lower frequency and lower quantum energy, as in the Compton effect. Abbe'sches Prisma: Abbe prisms. One of several prism combinations devised by Abbe for various pur- poses, e.g., those used in the prism binocular and in the Abbe refractometer. Abcoulomb: abcoulomb. The c.g.s. electromagnetic unit of electric charge or quantity, defined as that quan- tity of electricity which is carried past any point of a circuit in one second when the current is one abamp. Equal to 10 absolute coulombs. Aberration: aberration. An error, or deviation from ideal. (1) (astron.) Aberration of light is an apparent angular displacement of a star due to the earth’s orbital motion. Its maximum value, the aberration angle or aberration constant, is about 20.5 seconds. (2) (Geom., Opt.) Lack of point-to-point correspondence between an object and its image. Spherical aberration includes various faults of an optical image with monochromatic light, such as lack of sharpness, coma, astigmatism, cur- vature, lack of flatness, and distortion. (3) (Chromatic) The effect of dispersion upon the distinctness of optical images. Abfarad: abfarad. The c.g.s. electromagnetic unit of capacitance, corresponding to one abcoulomb per abvolt. Equal to 109f. Abflachung der Kugel: oblateness. In re a spheroid, like the earth: the fraction (E—P)/E, in which E and P are respectively the equatorial and the polar diame- ters. Value for the earth, about 1/297. abges+imm+e Spule: loading coil. A coil of adjusted inductance, introduced into certain complicated circuits to impart desired characteristics. Abhenry: abhenry. The c.g.s. electromagnetic unit of inductance (or mutual inductance), viz., that of a cir- cuit in which the variation of current at the rate of 1 abamp-sec induces an e.m.f. of 1 abvolt. Equal to lO-9 henry. Because its c.g.s. dimensional value is 1 cm, it has been called the cm of inductance. Ablenkungsoszillator: sweep oscillator. An oscillator used to deflect periodically the beam of a cathode-ray oscillograph or television tube so as to give a displace- ment which is a function of the time. The voltage ap- plied to the deflecting plates is the sweep voltage, and the amplitude of the displacement of the spot is the sweep amplitude. Abloesungsenergie: extraction energy. The energy cor- responding to an ionizing potential. Abnahme: degradation. See Abbau. Abohm: abohm. The c.g.s. electromagnetic unit of resistance; defined as the resistance of a conductor which, when a constant current of one abamp flows through it, maintains a p.d. of 1 abvolt between its terminals. Equal to 10-9 absolute ohm. Abschirmung: screening. (1) The effect of the inner orbital electrons of an atom upon the attraction of the nucleus for the outer electrons. (2) The effect of the outer layers of atoms in a crystal upon radiation or upon fields of force reaching the inner layers. (3) The effect of a conducting shell upon an electric field, or of an iron shell on a magnetic field. Abschirmungskonsfante: screening constant. A coeffi- cient, such that if the electronic charge be multiplied by it, the product represents the apparent amount of re- duction in the charge of the nucleus of an atom (as indicated), due to the screening effect of an inner electron group. With respect to corresponding X-ray spectrum lines, this coefficient is nearly the same for all elements of high atomic number. Abschirmungszahl: screening number. See Abschir- mungskonstante. Abschlemmen: levigation. The sorting of different- sized particles by virtue of the varying rate of fall of fluid. Abschweifung: straggling. The statistical variation in the range of different alpha particles, all of the same initial speed, in the same gas. The (Gaussian) dis- tribution corresponding to this variation is represented by the straggling curve, similar to the normal error curve. absolute Einheiten: absolute units. (1) A system of units defined in terms of phenomena of supposedly uni- versal occurrence, rather than in terms of the properties of special substances or systems. E.g., Planck’s system of absolute units, in which the units of mass, length, time, and temperature are so chosen that the gravita- tional constant, the velocity of light, the Planck constant, and the ideal gas constant all have the numerical value /absolute Temperatur A unity. (2) Dynamic units defined without reference to gravity, e.g., the dyne and the erg. absolute Temperatur: absolute temperature. Tempera- ture as reckoned from a zero corresponding to the en- tire absence of translational molecular motion, on either the hydrogen constant volume or the Kelvin scale. Absolute zero is approximately —273.2 degrees Centi- grade or —459.8 degrees Fahrenheit. Absorption: absorption. (1) A process in which a fluid, liquid or gaseous, passes into the interstices of a porous substance and is held there by absorption or capillarity. (2) The transformation, into other forms, of the energy of any emission as it passes through a material substance. (3) (Dielectric) The persistence of a measurable electric polarization exhibited by many dielectrics after the electric intensity responsible for the polarization has been reduced to zero. Absorp+ionsfakfor: absorption factor. (1) One minus the attenuation factor. (2) The ratio of the energy flux in a diffracted X-ray beam in the powder method to that which it would have without absorption by the powdered material. Absorptionsgrenze: absorption limit. The wave length or frequency corresponding to an abrupt discontinuity in the intensity of an X-ray absorption spectrum, which gives the appearance of a sharp "edge” in the photo- graph of such a spectrum. achromatisch: achromatic. (1) In re an optical sys- tem: having the same focal length for two distinct wave lengths, and hence approximately free from chro- matic aberration in this range. (2) In re a color: devoid of hue. Such a color is often called a gray. Absorptionshygrometer; absorption hygrometer. One of several types of hygrometer dependent upon the elon- gation or shrinkage of a hair or similar organic structure with changes of humidity. Absorptionsindex: absorption index. The value of the ratio fxX/Air n for any medium traversed by radiation of wave length A for which the refractive index is n and the absorption coefficient is p. Absorptionskante: absorption edge. See Absorptions- grenze. Absorptionskoeffizient: absorption coefficient. The frac- tional rate at which the flux density of an emission diminishes by absorption, in respect to the thickness of medium traversed; expressed by the equation di dx /x = I where I = flux density, x = thickness. The mass ab- sorption coefficient is similarly defined, except that the mass per unit area of medium replaces the thickness x. For a substance of density d, this coefficient is therefore equal to p/d. Absorptionsspektrum: absorption spectrum. The spec- trum of radiation which has passed through some se- lectively absorbing substance, e.g., of white light after passage through a vapor or a solution. Absorptionsvermoegen: absorptivity. The fraction of the radiant energy of a given character, normally inci- dent upon the surface of a body, which is absorbed by the substance of that body. For an ideal black body, its value would always be unity. Absorptivitaet: absorptivity. See Absorptionsvermoe- gen. Abstimmkondensator: tuning condenser. A condenser of variable capacitance, used to adjust the natural fre- quency of an oscillatory circuit. Abstimmspule: tuning coil. A coil of variable induc- tance, used to adjust the natural frequency of an oscilla- tory circuit. Abvolt: abvolt. The c.g.s. electromagnetic unit of electromotive force or potential; defined as that p.d. through which 1 erg of work is required to transfer 1 abcoulomb of electricity. Equal to 10~8 absolute volt. Abwatt: abwatt. A unit of power, corresponding to one abamp through a potential difference of one abvolt and equal to 10~7 watt. Achsengesetz: law of axes. States that the opposite ends of any one of the axes of a crystal are cut by the same number of similar faces similarly arranged. Achsenverhaeltnis: axial ratio. The ratio between the length of the arbitrary unit of measure along one axis of a crystal to that used along some other axis. achtfach Untersetzer: scale of eight. A vacuum tube circuit for counting pulses, in groups of eight, from ion or photon counters. Adhaesion: adhesion. An interaction between the sur- faces of two closely adjacent bodies, which causes them to cling together, as paint or a lead-pencil mark adheres to a wall or to paper. /adiabatisch 2 A adiabatisch: adiabatic. (1) A term used to character- ize any process which takes place without transfer of heat to or from the body concerned. (2) Taking place under conditions prescribed in the statement of the (quantum) adiabatic’hypothesis. (3) (n.) The graph representing an adiabatic process. adiabatische Gleichung: adiabatic equation. A char- acteristic equation relating the quantities which define the state of a body during an adiabatic change. adiabatische Hypothese: adiabatic hypothesis. A hy- pothesis of the quantum theory, set forth by Ehrenfest, to the effect that, if the motion of a mechanical system is initially adjusted in accordance with the appropriate quantum condition and if the motion is very gradually changed, it continues to operate under the same quantum condition with the same set of quantum numbers. Adsorption: adsorption. A term applied to the phe- nomena connected with the adherence of molecules of a foreign substance to the surface of a solid or a liquid. Adsorptionswaerme: heat of adsorption. Heat result- ing from the transportation of energy which takes place during adsorption; expressed quantitatively in calories per gram or per mol, or, in the case of gases, sometimes in calories per cm3. Aehnlichkeit: similitude. (1) A principle, set forth by R. C. Tolman, which he states as follows: "The fun- damental entities out of which the physical universe is constructed are of such a nature that from them a miniature universe could be constructed exactly similar in every respect to the present universe.” (2) A term used in connection with physical quantities having the same dimensional structure; e.g., in the expression VR2 + 47r2n2L2 for the impedance of an inductive circuit, the two terms under the radical have dimensional similitude. aeolo+ropisch: aeolotropic, eolotropic. Not isotropic; having different properties in different directions, as a crystal. aequatorielle Quan+enzahl: equatorial quantum num- ber. Syn. magnetic quantum number. aequipo+en+ial: equipotential. Having the same value of the potential throughout. E.g., a conductor in electri- cal equilibrium is electrically equipotential. aequivalen+e Absorption: equivalent absorption. In re any sound-absorbing object: the area of a surface of unit acoustic absorptivity which would absorb sound energy at the same rate as the given object under the same conditions. aequivalen+e Absorp+ionskraft: equivalent absorbing power. The thickness of any given absorbing material which will reduce the intensity of an emission in the same ratio as unit thickness of a standard substance (e.g., air) under specified conditions. Not to be con- fused with equivalent absorption. aequivalente Bahnen: equivalent paths. The optical path requiring the same time when traversed by light of the same frequency. aequivalente Elektronen: equivalent electrons. (1) (In atoms.) Electrons which have equal azimuthal quantum numbers and equal principal quantum numbers. (2) (In molecules.) Electrons which are identical in all orbital properties, except for a possible difference in sign of the orbital moment. Aequivalentgewicht: equivalent weight. That weight or mass of an acid, base, or salt which equals one mol divided by the total number of valence bonds connect- ing the positive and the negative ions of the molecule. E.g., for HQ the division is one; for Ca. (OH)2 it is two; for Fe2 (S04)3 it is six; etc. Aequivalentleitvermoegen: equivalent conductance. The ratio of the electric conductivity of an electrolytic solu- tion to the concentration in moles per centimeter3. Aequivalenzprinzip: equivalence principle. (1) A principle of the general relativity theory which points out that phenomena ascribed to the existence of a gravi- tational field may with equal validity be attributed to the effect of acceleration; illustrated by the sensations which one experiences in an elevator. (2) Equivalence principle of Pauli is an obsolescent synonym for exclu- sion principle. Aerodynamik: aerodynamics. That branch of dynamics which treats of the forces exerted by air or other gases upon bodies exposed to them. aeussere Arbeit: external work. Work done by a sys- tem against external forces, or upon the system by external forces, e.g., work done in compressing a gas, or by a gas during expansion against a piston. aeusserer Widerstand: external resistance. The re- sistance of that part of a circuit in which no e.m.f. is operative, e.g., the line connected between the terminals of a battery or other generator. Aether: ether, aether. A hypothetical medium, which has been supposed to pervade all space and all matter and assumed as the vehicle of propagation of light and other forms of radiation. Aetherverschiebung: ether drift. A hypothetical rela- 3 /Aggregat A tive motion of material bodies with respect to the ether; much sought for but never detected with certainty. Aggregat: aggregation. The collection of molecules composing any portion of matter. State of aggregation denotes the condition of the body as dependent upon the relative positions and the motions of the molecules, e.g., liquid, gaseous, etc. Aggregatzustand: aggregation. See Aggregat. agonische Linie: agonic line. The line on the earth’s surface, at all points of which the magnetic declination is zero. Airy'sches Experiment: Airy experiment. A celebrated observation by Airy (1871) to the effect that the aber- ration of light is independent of the medium filling the telescope with which the observation is made. Akkommodationskoeffizient: accommodation coefficient. The degree to which reflected or re-evaporated mole- cules, on the average, "accommodate” their energy to that of the surface which they strike; measured by the ratio of the observed heat loss from a surface to the theoretical heat loss which would take place if all the gas molecules came to thermal equilibrium with the surface. Akkumulationskoeffizient: accumulation coefficient. The ratio of the rate at which adsorbed molecules accumu- late on a surface to the rate at which they strike. Akkumulationszeit: accumulation time. In the theory of radiation, the time supposedly required for the ac- cumulation of a quantum of radiant energy, before it can be released. akkumulative Messmethode: cumulative method. A method of measurement in which a multiple of the un- known quantity is measured and the result divided by the multiplier; as in finding the period of a pendulum by timing a hundred successive swings. Akkumulator: accumulator. Syn. storage cell, secondary cell. Aktinium Reihe: actinium series. One of the principal radioactive series, beginning with actinium. Aktinometer: actinometer. (1) An instrument for measuring the actinic value of a given light or other radiation. (2) An instrument for measuring the flux density of solar radiation. aktiv: actinic. In re radiation: capable of producing chemical change, as in the photographic action of light. Aktivitaet: activity. (1) A measure of the intensity of the emission from a radioactive substance, in terms of observable effects. (2) An excited state in a gas, due to ionization. (3) Syn. power (Obs.).4. (Opt.) The property of producing cfptical rotation. (5) (Chem.) The concentration of free ions of a given type, e.g., hydrogen. akustische Impedanz: acoustic impedance. A complex quantity used in re the propagation of sound across any surface. It is a combination of a real term, the acoustic resistance, corresponding to internal friction and responsible for the dissipation of energy, and an imaginary component, the acoustic reactance, depending upon the inertia and the elasticity of the medium; both are expressed in acoustic ohms. akustische Inertanz: acoustic inertance. A quantity which, in the propagation of sound, enters into the acoustic reactance in a manner analogous to that in which inductance enters into electrical reactance. It is equal to the mass of the body of medium divided by the square of the cross section of the conduit in which it is contained. akustischer Strahlungsmesser: acoustic radiometer. An apparatus for measuring acoustic flux density. akustischer Widerstand: acoustic reactance, acoustic resistance. Corresponding to internal friction and re- sponsible for the dissipation of energy. akustisches Absorptionsvermoegen: acoustic absorp- tivity. The ratio of the sound energy absorbed by a surface to that incident upon it. akustisches Ohm: acoustic ohm. A unit of acoustic resistance, reactance, or impedance, corresponding to 1 bar of sound pressure per cm3 per second of volume velocity. . akustisches Reflektionsvermoegen: acoustic reflectivity. The ratio of the flux density of the sound reflected from a surface to that incident upon it. Albedo: albedo. The reflection factor of a diffusely reflecting surface; esp. of a celestial object, as a planet. allgemeine Strahlung: general radiation. Continuous radiation such as white light or the background of an X-ray spectrum. allgemeine Struktur: gross structure (1) The array of bands in a band spectrum, each represented by its head or by its zero line, without attention to the individual lines of which the bands are composed. (2) The gen- eral multiple! structure of an atomic spectrum. /allochromatisch 4 _A allochromatisch: allochromatic. A term used to char- acterize crystals which have photoconductivity on ac- count of dispersed microscopic or sub-microscopic par- ticles occurring naturally or as a result of exposure to certain radiations. Allotropie: allotropy, allotropism. The property, pos- sessed by many substances, of existing in different modi- fications, called allotropie forms, e.g., carbon, which represents itself as diamond, as graphite, or in the amorphous form of soot. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, . . . Linien: alpha, beta, gam- ma, . . . lines. The lines of a spectral series, arranged in the order of increasing frequency. E.g., the Lß line is the second line of the L series of an element. If the line is a doublet, the components are designated Lyd1, L/?2; etc. Alpha, Beta, Gamma . . . Zustand: alpha, beta gam- ma , . . form or state. Terms used to distinguish the different isomers of the same composition or different allotropie modifications of an element. E.g., these states of iron depend upon its temperature, and only the alpha iron is highly magnetic. Alpha -strahlen: alpha rays. A corpuscular emission from certain types of radioactive atom, each particle emitted consisting of a completely ionized helium atom, i.e., of a helium nucleus. Alpha-strahlen Spektrum: alpha-ray spectrum. A sepa- ration of alpha particles of different speeds, usually by the magnetic field alone, but in some cases by both magnetic and electric fields. Alternationsgesetz: alternation latv. The first of the Kossel-Sommerfeld (spectroscopic) laws. ambipolar: ambipolar. Operating in both of two op- posite directions at once, e.g., the current in an electro- lytic cell, in which there are ions moving in both di- rections. Amici'sches Prisma: Amici prism. A combination of three triangular prisms, viz., an isosceles flint-glass prism included between two equal crown-glass prisms, the refracting angles being such as to produce dispersion without deviation. Used in direct-vision spectroscopes, etc. amorph: amorphous. Devoid of regular structure, esp. of crystalline structure. Ampere: ampere. The practical unit of electric cur- rent. The absolute ampere is 1/10 of the abampere. The international ampere is the value of a steady cur- rent which would deposit 0.00111800 grams of silver per second from a solution of silver nitrate. The ratio of the international to the absolute ampere is about 0.99993. Amperemeter: ammeter. An instrument for measur- nig electric currents in amperes. Ampere'sche Regel: Ampere law. The laws appears in two equivalent forms: 1. The magnetic intensity due to a current i (abamperes) in an element of length dl, at any point P distant r from it, is dH = ipdl/r3 — i sinödl/r2, in which p is the normal from the point P to the line of the element dl, and 6 is the angle between dl and the line r joining it to P. 2. The line integral of the magnetic intensity over any closed path in a magnetic field is equal to r times the total electric current i, in abamperes, linked with the path; so that if a unit magnetic pole is carried around the path, the work done is 4?ri (ergs). Ampere'scher Strom: Amperian current, A. whirl. An electric current in a resistanceless circuit in an atom or a molecule, accounting for its magnetic moment. Ampere'scher Wirbelstrom: Amperian whirl. See Am- pere’scher Strom. Ampere'sches Gesetz: Ampere law. See Ampere’sche Regel. Amperestunde: Ampere-hour. The quantity of elec- tricity which flows past any point of a conductor carry- ing a current of one amp, in 1 hour; equal therefore to 3600 coulombs. Amperewindung: ampere-turn. A unit of magnetomo- tive force corresponding to the effect of a current of one amp traversing one turn or winding. Amplitude: amplitude. One-half the complete range of any symmetrical vibration or periodic variation; e.g., a pendulum swinging through an angle of 10 degrees has an amplitude of 5 degrees. In an asymmetric vibra- tion, the amplitude usually expresses the maximum dis- placement from the normal or neutral state during the cycle. Analysator: analyzer. An apparatus, e.g., a Nicol prism, for detecting and testing the properties of polar- ized light. Analyse von positiven Strahlen: positive-ray analysis. The separation and measurement of the masses of atoms by subjecting their positive ions to deflection by electric or magnetic fields. 5 /anastigmatisch A anastigmatisch: anastigmatic. Free from astigmatism for narrow, oblique pencils. Anemograph: anemograph. A recording anemometer. The record is called an anemogram. Anemometer: anemometer. An instrument for measur- ing the velocity of the wind. aneroid: aneroid. Free from liquid or fluid parts, as an aneroid barometer, calorimeter, etc. Aneroidbarometer besonderer Art: statoscope. A very sensitive aneroid altimeter. angenaeherter Knotenpunkt: partial node. A region in a stationary wave system similar to a node, but at which the amplitude is a minimum without being reduced to zero. Angstroem: angstrom. A unit of length, equal to 10~8 cm, used in expressing wave lengths of light, etc. Angstroemskoefficient: Angstroem coefficient. The co- efficient A in Angstroem’s formula for the scattering coefficient for dust in the atmosphere, viz., S = Aa — B in which A is the wave length and B ranges from 0 to 4 for different sized particles. anhysteretisch: anhysteretic. Taking place without hysteresis; applied to magnetization under certain con- ditions. Anion: anion. One of the negative ions moving toward the anode in an electrolytic cell or a discharge tube. Anode: anode. That electrode from which positive ions are dispersed or toward which negative ions are collected, within an electrolytic cell, discharge tube, or similar apparatus. plate. The positive electrode of a thermionic vacuum tube. Anodenfall; anode drop: An abrupt fall of electric potential at the anode of an electrolytic cell or vacuum tube. Anodenfluessigkeit: anolyte. The solution surrounding the anode in an electrolytic cell. Anodenstrahlen: anode rays. Positively charged par- ticles in a vacuum tube, which have their origin in the anode. They are of atomic dimensions, being derived, apparently, from metallic salts on the anode. Anodenstrom: plate current. A current flowing to or from the anode or "plate” of a vacuum tube. Anolyt: anolyte. See Anodenfluessigkeit. anomale Dispersion: anomalous dispersion. An in- version of the usual change of refractive index with wave length in the vicinity of an absorption band. Anpassungsstrom: transient. A temporary component of the current in a circuit which is adjusting itself to a new condition of load or of impressed e.m.f. In the current-time equation for such a circuit, the transient component may be represented by a term which rapidly approaches zero. anregen: excite. (1) To bring (an atom or a mole- cule) to a higher quantum state than its normal or ground state of lowest energy; as by heating, by radia- tion, or by electron impact. (2) To magnetize, as by a current. Anregungsfunktion: excitation junction. (l)The prob- ability of excitation of a spectrum line due to electron impact, expressed as*a function of the energy of the electron. (2) A function which expresses the correc- tion necessary in comparing calculated and observed spectral line intensities, because of the unequal numbers of atoms or molecules in the different excited states. (3) An expression for the probability that an atomic nucleus will be rendered radioactive by the impact of a rapidly moving particle, in terms of the particle energy or other factors. Anregungsgrenze: excitation limit. The least value of the quantum energy of an incident, exciting electron which is capable of producing lines of a given spectral series. Anregungspotential: excitation potential. The critical potential for the excitation of a given radiation, either a line or a group of lines. Anregungswahrscheinlichkeit: excitation probability. In re the excitation of a gas by electronic impact: the number of excited atoms produced per unit electron current, per unit path length, per unit pressure at zero degree C. Anregungswelle: excitation wave. A term used by Frenkel to charactreize the process of absorption of radiation in a crystalline solid and its transformation into heat by the excitation of the atoms. Antikathode; anticatbode. A plate or block of metal placed opposite the cathode in an X-ray tube to inter- cept the cathode rays. Antinode: antinode. A point, line, or surface, between two nodes of a vibrating body, at which the amplitude has a maximum value. /antiparellel 6 A antiparallel: antiparallel. Extending or moving in parallel lines but in opposite directions. Antiresonanz: antiresonance. A condition which, in a divided oscillatory circuit, is the antithesis of the reso- nance condition and through which the oscillation am- plitude is reduced to zero. Antizyklon: anticyclone. A rotary atmospheric dis- turbance, turning in the opposite direction from a cy- clone about a center of high pressure. aperiodisch: aperiodic. Devoid of periodicity or rhythm. aperiodisch-ausschwingend: deadbeat. Coming to rest without oscillation, as the indicator of a highly damped galvanometer. Apertur: aperture. (1) Any opening, as in a screen. (2) The diameter of the entrance-pupil of an objective. (3) (Angular.) The angle subtended at the focal point of an optical instrument by the diameter of the en- trance-pupil. (4) (Relative.) In a telescope or a cam- era: the ratio of the focal length of the objective to the diameter of the entrance-pupil; it determines the photographic speed of the objective. Aperturme+er: apertometer. A device, due to Abbe, for measuring the numerical aperture of microscope objectives. Aper+urwinkel: aperture angle. The angle subtended by the radius of the entrance-pupil of an optical instru- ment at the (axial) object-point. aplana+isch: aplanatic. (1) In re a lens: free from spherical aberration for a given point on the axis. (2) In re an optical system: free from spherical aber- ration as in (1) and also fulfilling the sine condition of Abbe. apochromatisch: apochromatic. In re an optical sys- tem: more highly corrected than an ordinary achromatic lens, i.e., achromatized for more than two wave lengths. Apsis: apse, apsis. A point on a central orbit at which the tangent is perpendicular to the radius vector from the center of force, or at which the radius vector has a maximum or a minimum value. Aragopunkt: Arago spot. A bright point which, owing to diffraction, appears at the center of the shadow of a sphere or other object casting a circular shadow in light from a point source. Arbeit: work. A physical magnitude relating to the transfer of energy from one body to another through the agency of mechanical force. Its measure is the scalar product of the force by the simultaneous linear displacement. Arbeitsfunktion: work junction. A general term ap- plied to the energy required to transfer electrons, ions, molecules, etc. from the interior of one medium across the boundary into an adjacent medium. It is of especial significance in photoelectric and thermionic emission,, sometimes referring to energy per unit charge and ex- pressed in ergs or joules, sometimes to energy per electron-volts. Arbeitssubstanz: working substance. A substance whose changes of volume and pressure figure in a thermody- namic process, as in the operation of a heat engine. Archimedes'sches Prinzip: Archimedes principle. States that the buoyant force of a liquid upon a partly or wholly submerged body is equal to the weight of the displaced liquid, and acts vertically upward through the center of displacement. Armatur: armature. (1) A removable part of a mag- netic circuit, of ferromagnetic material and usually of low reluctance; e.g., a bar of iron placed across the poles of a magnet. (2) That part of a generator or motor, or other electromagnetic device, upon whose relative motion with respect to the main magnetic field the operation of the device depends. astatisch: astatic. Coming to rest indifferently, with- out any particular orientation; e.g., an astatic pair, composed of two parallel, equally magnetized needles, rigidly connected, with their like poles in opposite di- rections. Astigmatismus: astigmatism. The property of being astigmatic, as a lens or a mirrör, i.e., having different focal power in different meridians. In an astigmatic bundle of rays, the rays do not all intersect at one point. Astigmatism of the eye is mainly due to lack of sphericity in the cornea, which has different curva- ture in different meridians. Asto'nscher Dunkelraum: Aston dark space. (1) A thin, nonluminous region of the discharge in a vacuum tube which sometimes is observed between the cathode glow and the cathode itself. (2) Aston also discovered a dark space next to the anode. Astrophysik: astrophysics. The physics of astronomical bodies and regions. atherman: athermanous. Opaque to infrared. 7 /Atmosphaere A Atmosphaere: atmosphere. (I) The air. (2) Any gaseous medium. (3) A unit of pressure, defined as the pressure of 76 cm of mercury at zero degrees C. under standard gravity. Equal to about 1,013,250 dynes/ cm2. atmosphaerisch: atmospheric. (1) (adj.) Pertaining to the atmosphere. (2) (n.) An electrical disturbance or stray produced by conditions in the atmosphere. atmosphaerisches Gesetz: Law of atmospheres. A law, first stated by Laplace, expressing the distribution of molecules in an ideal atmosphere subject only to gravity and thermal agitation. In one form, the number of molecules per unit volume at any altitude h is given by 3 g N — N0e — — h TT2 where N0 is the number at the arbitrary elevation zero. U2 is the mean square speed of molecular motion. It is a special case of the Boltzmann principle. atomare Anordnung: atomic domain. One of the sim- plest spacefilling polyhedrons which contain the con- tacting spheres used to represent the atoms in a crystal. atomarer Absorptionskoeffizient: atomic absorption co- efficient. The absorption coefficient of an element di- vided by the number of atoms per unit volume. atomare Refraktion: atomic refraction. The product of the specific refractive power of an element by its atomic weight. atomarer Streufaktor: atomic scattering factor. Syn. atom form factor. atomarer Streukoeffizient: atomic scattering coefficient. In re the scattering of a stream of electrons in travers- ing a substance: the scattered electron current per unit solid angle in any direction, per atom of scattering ma- terial, per unit incident electron current. atomarer Strukturfaktor: atomic structure factor. Syn. atom form factor. atomares Bremsvermoegen: atomic stopping power. In re the effect of different elements upon th£ motion of alpha particles: the quantity S-Z-2/3 in which S is the stopping power relative to oxygen and Z, the atomic number. Its value is approximately 0.23 for all elements. atomare Suszeptibilitaet: atomic susceptibility. The specific or mass susceptibility of an element, multiplied by its atomic weight. Atomformfaktor; atom form factor. (1) A quantity occurring in the expression for the intensity of an X-ray beam reflected by a crystal, whose value depends upon the varying configuration of the electrons in the crystal atoms relative to the center of the atom, as well as upon the angle of incidence and the wave length of the X-rays. (2) A quantity used in a manner similar to (1), but in reference to the scattering of either X-rays or electrons by gases. Atomfrequenz: atomic frequency. A natural frequency of vibration ascribed to the atoms composing a solid, and associated with the elastic constants of the solid. Atomrefraktion: atomic refraction. See atomare Re- fraktion. Atomsuszeptibllitaet: atomic susceptibility. See atomare Suszeptibilitaet. Atomvolumen: atomic volume. The volume of 1 gram atom of an element in the solid state. Atomwaerme: atomic heat. The product of the atomic mass of an element by its specific heat; or the thermal capacity of 1 gram atom of the element. Atomzahl: atomic number. The number assigned to any element in the complete series of elements, arranged in the order of the complexity of the atom; supposed to represent the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus. Audiofrequenz: audio frequency. A vibration fre- quency within the range of human tone perception. Audiooszillator: audio-oscillator. A generator of a.c.’s within the audible frequency range. Aufloesung: resolution. (1) The separation of a vector into its components. (2) The sharpness with which the images of two closely adjacent sources, two adja- cent spectrum lines, etc., may be distinguished. Aufloesungsvermoegen: resolving power. (1) Of an optical system: a measure of the distinctness with which the images of two point-sources of light may be sepa- rately detected. E.g., for ,a telescope, it is the least angular separation of the two point-sources (as stars) which can be recognized, and exists when the center of the diffraction ring system of one falls on the first dark ring of the other. (2) (Spectroscopic.) Of a grating or a prism: the value of A/AA (where A is the mean wave length for two close spectrum lines differing /Aufspaltung 8 A in wave length by AA) when the principal maximum of one line coincides with the first minimum of the other, so that they are just distinguishable. Aufspaltung: exhaustion. In re the potential energy of a material system: the quantity of work which would be required to effect the separation of the bodies or particles to infinite distances apart; a term due to Kelvin. aufteilen in Blaetter: laminate. To divide into laminae; esp. the iron core of an electro-magnet, to minimize the effect of eddy currents. aufteilen in duenne Bleche: laminate. See aufteilen in Blaetter. aufteilen in duenne Schichten: laminate. See aufteilen in Blaetter. Aufteilungskoeffizient: partition coefficient. Syn. dis- tribution coefficient. Auftriebskurve: curve of buoyancy. Any vertical sec- tion of surface of buoyancy through the metacenter. Auftriebszentrum: center of buoyancy. Syn. center of displacement. augenblickliche Achse: instantaneous axis. Syn. axis of instantaneous rotation. augenblicklicher Mittelpunkt: instantaneous center. The point at which the instantaneous axis of a plane body moving in its own plane intersects that plane. augenblickliche Rotationsachse: axis of instantaneous rotation. A straight line about which any rigid body in motion may be regarded as rotating at any instant. augenblicklicher Schalldruck: instantaneous sound pres- sure. The actual pressure at any point of a medium traversed by sound waves, at any instant, minus the normal or static pressure. It may thus be either positive or negative. augenscheinlich; ocular. Pertaining to the eye, or to vision. Auger Effekt: Auger effect. The liberation of two electrons from different levels of an atom by a single X-ray quantum; a somewhat rare phenomenon first ob- served in argon. Aureole: aureole. The hazy, less luminous, outer por- tion of an electric arc, often of a different color from that of the core. aurrorale Linie: auroral line. A green line in the spectrum of the aurora borealis at wave length 5577 Ä, undoubtedly due to a "forbidden” transition in oxygen. The line has been produced artificially by Kaplan. Ausbreitungskonstante: propagation constant. In re the steady transmission of sound through any enclosure: the Napierian logarithm of the ratio of the volume velocity at entrance to that at exit of the wave train from the enclosure. ausdehnendes Universum: expanding universe. Refers to the fact that the mean distance between the bodies of the universe is apparently increasing; the rate of recession of the more remote visible galaxies, as indi- cated by the red shift, being several thousand miles per second. Ausdehnung: expansion. An increase in volume due to a change in energy. Ausdehnungskoeffizient: expansion coefficient. A meas- ure of the rate of expansion of a substance with tem- perature; usually defined as the ratio of the temperature rate of the change in length (or area, or volume), to the length (or area, or volume) at a chosen reference temperature or zero. Thus: Al C = Atl0 Linear, superficial, and volume or cubical coefficients are thus similarly defined. Ausdehnungsmesser: extensometer, extensimeter. An instrument for measuring small changes in length, such as those produced by tension or in magnetostriction. Ausflusskoeffizient: efflux coefficient. A correction fac- tor for the rate of efflux from an orifice, to allow for friction. Ausgangsoeffnung: exit-port. The image of the en- trance-port of an optical system; or the image of the field stop as formed by the part of the system which is posterior to the field stop. If the field stop is behind the entire lens system, it is identical with the exit-port. Ausgangspupille: exit-pupil. The image of the en- trance-pupil of an optical instrument. It determines the apertures of the bundles of emergent rays. The exit- pupil of the eye is a little behind the actual pupil. ausgeglichen: balanced. (1) In re a circuit: having equal e.m.f.’s and equal currents in its main branches. (2) In re an electric network: having two conjugate branches, e.g., a Wheatstone bridge. (3) In re a 9 /ausgleichend A periodic variable: One whose average value is zero, e.g., a simple harmonic a.c. or voltage. ausgleichend: equilibrant. In re a system of forces: That single force, if such exists, which would, in co- operation with the given system, produce equilibrium. Ausgleichungslehrsatz: compensation theorem. States that if the impedance Zg of any branch B of a network, in which the current is IB, is altered by an amount A ZB, the resulting change Al in the current I at any point of the network is equal to the current which would be produced at that point by a counter e.m.f. —IbaZb in- troduced into the branch B. Ausgleichungs+rom: transient. See Anpassungsstrom. ausloeschen: quench. (1) To extinguish, as a glowing solid or a spark, by immersion in a liquid. (2) To suppress or reduce the fluorescence or phosphorescence of a substance by the admixture of some other substance, or by the action of some agency such as radiation. Ausschlussprinzip: exclusion principle. States that no two electrons in the same atomic or molecular system can have all their quantum numbers identical; discov- ered by Pauli. Ausschlussphaere: sphere of exclusion. The spherical surface drawn about any molecule, from which the cen- ter of any other molecule is excluded. ausserordentlich: extraordinary. Pertaining to that plane-polarized component of a ray of light which, in traversing a doubly refracting crystal, has its electric vector in the principal plane. So named because this component has different speeds in different directions. ausserordentlicher Index: extraordinary index. The re- fractive index for the extraordinary ray in a uni-axial crystal; defined as the ratio of the velocity of the light outside the crystal to that of the extraordinary compo- nent within the crystal in any direction perpendicular to the optic axis (in which its value differs most from the index for the ordinary component). Ausstrahlung; radiation. (1) The propagation of en- ergy through space or through material media in the form of electromagnetic waves, but subdivided in some manner into discrete portions or quanta. Commonly classified, according to frequency, as Hertzian radiation, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma- rays, etc. (2) Sometimes extended to include corpuscular emissions, as a and ß "radiation”, or emissions of mixed or unknown type, as cosmic "radiation.” Ausstroemung: effusion. The escape of a gas through a small opening. Austausch; exchange. (1) The equalization of tem- perature among neighboring bodies through mutual ra- diation, as first pointed out by Prevost (1792). (2) An interaction between electrons, protons, alpha particles, etc., in the same or in different atoms; hence the terms exchange energy, e. force, etc. Austrittsgeschwindigkeit: velocity of escape. (1) The speed with which a projectile or a particle would have to leave the surface of the earth or other planet in order never to return. (2) The speed with which an electron or other ion escapes from a conductor in ther- mionic or photoelectric emission, or with which a mole- cule emerges from a liquid in evaporation. Auswahlprinzip: selection principle. An empirical rule, which governs the electron transitions actually occurring within an atom, as distinguished from those which might be expected, but apparently do not occur. Auswahlverstaerker; push-pull amplifier. A combina- tion of two vacuum-tube circuits so related that they are in phase for those frequencies which it is desired to amplify and out of phase for those which are to be eliminated. Au+okollimator; autocollimator. A telescope provided with a transparent scale in its objective focal plane, by means of which angles subtended by distant objects may be directly read. autophoto-elekfrisch: autphotoelectric. Relates to the hypothesis, due to Richardson, that thermionic emission is a form of photo-electric effect, in which radiation comes from the hot substance itself. Autotransforma+or: autotransformer. A transformer of which the primary windings, or part of them, are con- nected differentially in series with the secondary and which has the effect of stabilizing the secondary voltage against variations in the primary voltage. Avogadro'sches Gese+z: Avogadro law. States that at equal temperatures and pressures, equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of molecules. Avogadro'sche Zahl: Avogadro number. The number of atoms in a gram atom of any element, or the number of molecules in a mol of any pure substance. Its value is approximately 6.064 x 1023. axiale Vergroesserung: axial magnification. The ratio of the interval between two adjacent image-points on the axis of an optical instrument to the interval between the corresponding axial object-points. azeotropisch: azeotropic. In re a liquid mixture: in such proportion as to have a constant boiling point, the /Azimuth 10 A distillate having the same composition as the original liquid. This property is known as azeotropism. Azimuth: azimuth. (1) Position as measured by an angle reckoned around some fixed point or pole, e.g , the azimuth of a particle moving in an orbit, or (astron.) of a star in the sky reckoned around the horizon from the south point; (2) In re elliptically polarized light: the direction of the vibration plane of the light which would result if the phase differ- ence corresponding to the ellipticity were reduced to zero without altering the amplitudes of the components. azimuthale Quantenzahl: azimuthal quantum number. A quantum number associated with angular motion, which must be an integer for any allowed stationary state of a particle moving subject to a central field. /Babinet'sches Absorptionsgesetz B Babinet'sches Absorptionsgesetz: Babinet absorption rule. States that positive, uniaxial crystals have greater absorption for the extraordinary component, negative crystals for the ordinary component, of the light doubly refracted by them. Babinet'sches Prinzip: Babinet principle. States that two diffraction screens, one of which is exactly the negative of the other, produce identical diffraction pat- terns. Babo'sches Gesetz: Babo law. States that the vapor pressure of a dilute solution of given concentration bears approximately a constant ratio to that of the pure sol- vent as the temperature changes. Back-Goudsmit'scher Effekt: Back-Goudsmit effect. A phenomenon analogous to the Paschen-Back effect but produced by a weak magnetic field upon the spectrum lines of an element having a nuclear magnetic moment. Bahn: orbit. (1) The path described by a particle, or by the centroid of the body, under the influence of a gravitational or other force field. (2) The hypothetical locus of one of the non-nuclear electrons within an atom. trajectory. The path followed by a projectile un- der the influence of gravity. bahn . . . orbital. (1) (adj.) Pertaining to an orbit or to motion in an orbit. (2) (n.) An orbital wave function pertaining to a single electron; a characteristic solution of the Schroedinger equation for a one-electron problem, excluding spin. Bahnelektron: orbital electron. One of those electrons of an atom or a molecule which are often visualized as moving in orbits around the nucleus or nuclei. Bahnmoment: orbital moment. The moment of mo- mentum of an atomic electron due to its orbital motion. Bahnumkehrprinzip: path-reversal principle. The fact that if light follows a given course through any optical system, it will, if reversed, traverse the same course in the opposite direction, so that a point and its real image are interchangeable. Bahnvalenz: orbital valence. An interaction between atoms in a molecule, ascribed to a coupling between orbital motions of electrons; a term introduced by Heitler. ballistisch: ballistic. (1) Pertaining to projectiles. (2) A term applied to an instrument which indicates the effect of an impact or of a sudden rush of energy; as a ballistic pendulum or galvanometer. Balmer Serie: Balmer series. A series of lines in the hydrogen spectrum, found by Balmer (1885) to be made up of frequencies progressing in proportion to the sequence of numbers — —)> p—-M. \ 22 32 / \22 42 / \22 521 Over 30 lines have been identified in this series. Bande: band. (1) One of the broad stripes charac- teristic of molecular spectra. They are ready sequences of spectrum lines so closely spaced as to require high resolution to detect them. (2) Any sequence or range of frequencies. (3) A bright or a dark streak or stripe due to interference or diffraction. Bandenausfilterung: band elimination. In re a wave filter: the transmission of an entire range of frequencies with the exception of a limited portion, or band, having transmitted portions on either side of it. Bandendurchlaessigkeif: band-pass. In re a wave filter: having the property of transmitting only a certain band or range of frequencies. Bandenkante: band edge. The frequency toward which the lines in any one band of a band spectrum appear to be concentrated. Bandenkopf: hand head. See Bandenkante. Bankphotometer: bench photometer. Any one of vari- ous types of photometer, the parts of which are ar- ranged on an optical bench. Bar: bar, barye. The c.g.s. absolute unit of pressure, viz., one dyne/cm2. The megabarye or megabar is one million baryes, and equals about 0.987 atm. Note. Some writers designate 10(i baryes as a bar, and the barye as a microbar. Barkhausen Effekt: Barkhausen effect. A succession of abrupt changes in magnetization in a smoothly varying magnetizing field; discovered by H. Barkhausen. Barkhausen-Kurz Oszillator: Barkhausen-Kurz oscillator. A type of triode oscillator in which oscillations of fre- quencies ranging from 3xl08 to 15xl08 are generated,, apparently by the movements of filament electrons pass- ing back and forth through the positive grid and finally settling upon it. Barnett Effekt: Barnett effect. The magnetization of a body by rotaing it, without applied magnetic field. Barograph: barograph. A recording barometer. /Barostat 12 B Barostaf: barostat. A pressure regulator, or an arrange- ment to maintain a constant pressure. Baume Skala: Baume scale. One of two arbitrary hydrometer scales, used, respectively, for liquids of specific gravity less than unity and greater than unity. Bea+fie-Bridgman'sche Gleichung: Beattie-Bridgman equation. An empirical characteristic equation for fluids, as follows: interval on a logarithmic scale. The number of bels in such an interval is the common logarithm of the ratio of the two powers compared; therefore the bei is the value of that interval for which the ratio is 10:1. Acoustically it is used to express differences in sound sensation level. Named for Alexander Graham Bell. Belflls' Bruecke: Belfils bridge. A type of resonance bridge used to ascertain the harmonic purity of an elec- tric wave train. Belichfung: exposure. A measure of photographic stimulus defined as the product of the illumination by the exposure time; usually expressed in meter-candle- seconds. Beleuchtungsschwerpunkt: luminous center of gravity. Syn, Photometric center. Beieuchtungsstaerke: illumination. The ratio of the luminous flux incident upon an element of surface to the area of the element. Beleuchtungsstaerkemesser: lumeter. A type of il- lumination photometer, depending upon the compari- son of the illuminated test area with an annular area illuminated by a lamp through a revolving adjustable diaphragm. Beleuchtungssstaerkenphotometer: illumination photo- meter, illuminometer. A portable photometer designed for the measurement of the illumination upon any sur- face, as a wall or a table. Bene+zungswaerme: heat of wetting. The quantity of heat evolved per unit mass of dry material when thor- oughly wet by immersion in a liquid. Beobachtungsgleichung: observation equation. An equation, admittedly only approximately true, which connects one or more quantities, to be experimentally determined, with the results of an observation upon some function of them. Bereich: domain. One of the regions in a ferromag- netic substance in which the atomic magnetic moments are parallel. These regions apparently behave as units during change of magnetization. Attributed to Weiss. Berichtigungsfaktor: correction factor. A constant co- efficient, multiplication by which renders a functional expression approximately the correct representation of a variable, whereas before it was only proportional to the variable. Bernoulli'sche Gleichung: Bernoulli equation. An equa- in which R, A, B, a, b, c are constants determined by experiment for each substance. Beau de Rochas' Kreis: Beau de Rochas cycle. The thermodynamic cycle of the ordinary, four-stroke, in- ternal combustion engine; commonly called the Otto cycle. Beckmann Thermometer: Beckmann thermometer. A mercurial thermometer having a very large bulb and a very fine bore; used for measurements of small tem- perature differences. Becquerel Effekt: Becquerel effect. An e.m.f. observed in a circuit having two identical electrodes immersed in an electrolyte, when the electrodes are unequally il- luminated. Becquerel Membran: Becquerel membrane. A semi- permeable membrane produced in situ by a chemical reaction e.g., by the contact of solutions of sodium sul- fide and silver nitrate. Becquerel Strahlen; Becquerel rays. The radio-active emission from uranium compounds, discovered by Bec- querel in 1896 and consisting of beta and gamma rays from parts of uranium. Bedingungsgleichung; equation of condition. An equa- tion which must be rigorously fulfilled by a set of meas- ured quantities, whatever other evidence may be avail- able as to their values. E.g., the sum of the three angles of a triangle is 180 degrees, and any set of measurements upon them must be adjusted to meet that condition exactly. Beharrungsvermoegen: inertia. A property common to all forms of matter and exhibited also by electrons and apparently by energy (quanta) ; manifested as a dynamic opposition to acceleration, Bel: bei. A unit used to express relationship between two amounts of power (acoustic, electric, etc.) as an /Beschleunigung ß tion which expresses the total head of a flowing liquid, as follows: bright object to appear larger than a dark one of the same dimensions. Beta-strahlen: beta rays. An emission of electrons from the atoms of an element in radioactive transfor- mation; proceeding in part directly from the nucleus and in part from the X-ray levels of the outer electron system. Be+a-s+rahlen Spektrum: beta-ray spectrum. A separa- tion of beta particles of different speeds, usually by the magnetic field alone, but in some cases by both mag- netic and electric fields. Beta-transformation: beta transformation. A radioac- tive transformation in which the atomic nucleus loses an electron (beta particle). Beta-umwand!ung: beta transformation. See Beta- transformation. Beugung: diffraction. A term applied to a variety of effects produced upon wave trains, such as light or X-rays, by the interposition of one or more obstacles, as a row of parallel bars in a grating or an array of atoms in a crystal; characterized by more or less sys- tematic interference phenomena, e.g., bands, halos, or spot patterns. Beugungsgitter: diffraction grating. A device for dis- persing light or other wave emission by ’interference between wave trains issuing from fine, parallel slits in an opaque plate or from very narrow, parallel reflecting surfaces made by ruling grooves on polished metal. Beugungswinkel: diffraction angle. The angle between the direction of an incident beam of light and any re- sulting diffracted beam. Beweglichkeit: mobility. (1) Fluidity, low viscosity, e.g., of a liquid, or of a plastic solid beyond its yield point. (2) Syn. mobility coefficient. Beweglichkeitskoeffizient; mobility coefficient. (1) (Electrolytic) The average speed per unit electric field with which ions of a given sign move in the direction of the field. (2) (Molecular) The average speed of diffusion, in the direction of the concentration gradient, of the molecules in a solution, at unit concentration and unit solution (osmotic) pressure gradient. Bewegungsgleichung: equation of motion. An equation which gives information as to the motion of a body or of a point in space in terms of suitable coordinates, ex- pressed as functions of the time. p V2 e + + = H; dg 2g in which e is the elevation above an arbitrary datum, p is the pressure, d the density, v the speed of flow, g the acceleration of gravity, and H the total head. The Bernoulli law states that for an unimpeded flow this total head H is constant. The equation appears also in other forms adapted to various situations. Beschleunigung: acceleration. (1) (Linear.) The time rate of change of linear velocity, i.e., the derivative of the linear velocity with respect to time. (2) (Angular.) The time rate of change of angular velocity, or its de- rivative with respect to time. lead. The opposite of lag. Beschleunigungszen+rum: center of acceleration. A point in a plane body, moving in its plane, at which the acceleration is momentarily zero. beschraenken; constrain. To limit to a predetermined position or path. A body has constrained motion when restricted by material barriers to move in a given line, e.g., a railroad train along its track. besonders starke Linie: enhanced line. A spectral line, from a spark or other very hot source, whose intensity is out of proportion with that of other lines as com- pared with an arc or a flame spectrum. Bessel'sche Gleichung: Bessel equation. A linear dif- ferential equation of the form d2y dy x2 -f- x -j- (x2 — a2) y zz 0 dx2 dx the solutions of which are expressible as power series in x known as Bessel’s functions or Bessel’s integrals. Important in problems of heat conduction, etc. bestrahlen: irradiate. To subject to radiation of any kind. Bestrahlung: insolation. (1) Exposure to solar radia- tion. (2) The intensity of the solar radiation received at any point on the earth’s surface. irradiation. (1) The process of irradiat- ing. (2) A quantity defined in the same manner as illumination, except that it refers to any kind of radia- tion; quantitatively expressed as the amount of radiant energy received per unit time per unit area of the ir- radiated surface. (3) A visual illusion, which causes a /Beziehung 14 Beziehung; correlation. A quantitative relationship be- tween two variables which, while suggesting some con- nection between them, is not established with sufficient definiteness to take on a clear-cut functional character. An abstract number measuring the closeness of such a connection is called a correlation coefficient. Bezugssystem: frame of reference. A set of points, lines, or planes used as a system of reference for de- fining space coordinates. biaxial: biaxial. Having two different optic axes. Biegung: flexure. A strain in which particles or points, normally in a straight line, are displaced into a plane curve, called the curve of flexure or the elastic line. Biegungsmoment: Biegemoment: bending moment, bending torque, flex- ural moment, flexural torque. The torque which exists at any point in a bent elastic rod, and to which the bending is due. Bild: image. (1) A real image of an object-point is the point at which light, originating in the object-point, is finally converged after traversing an optical system. (2) A virtual image of an object-point is the point from which light, originating in the object-point, and having traversed an optical system, appears to be di- verging. (3) The image, real or virtual, of a finite object is the aggregate of the images of its component points. (4) Also used by analogy in re the reflection of electric waves in conducting networks. Bildlinie: image-line. Syn, focal line. Bildpunkt: image-point. The real or virtual point of intersection of a pencil of rays incident upon an optical system. Bildpunkskraft: image force. The attraction between a charge concentrated upon a small body (esp. an elec- tron) and its electric image in a neighboring conductor (as the metal plate from which the electron has emerged) ; important in thermionic and photoelectric emission. Bildungswaerme: heat of formation. The heat gener- ated by the formation of a chemical compound per gram or per mol. Bindung: linkage. (1) A mechanical arrangement of solid pieces connected by movable joints, used for im- parting motion of a desired character; e.g., in the me- chanism which controls the valves of a steam engine. (2) (Magnetic) A measure of the interlocking of a magnetic flux with an electric circuit, viz., the product of the flux by the number of turns of the circuit sur- rounding it, expressed in maxwell-turns. (3) A chemi- cal bond between atoms and molecules. Bindungsenergie: binding energy. A quantity of en- ergy supposed to be released upon the formation of an atom or a molecule from alpha particles, protons, elec- trons, etc., at the expense of the total mass. Bindungskraft: bonding power. A measure of the effect, positive or negative, contributed by a shared electron in a molecule to the attraction or repulsion between atoms in the molecule. Bindungsmoment: bond moment. The dipole moment associated with a chemical bond in a polar molecule. Bindungswaerme: heat of linkage. The energy required to break any chemical bond. It includes the heat of dissociation of a diatomic molecule as a special case. Binnendruck: internal pressure. A pressure supposed to exist within a fluid because of its cohesion, and which cooperates with the external pressure to maintain equi- librium against the expansive effect of heat. Binokularprisma: prism binocular. A type of binocular field glass, each telescope of which contains two right- angled prisms (Porro prisms) so placed as to secure at the time the erection of the image, a shorter tube, and greater stereo power than an ordinary binocular. Biolumineszenz: bioluminescence. The emission of light by living organisms, as the firefly, certain fungi, and many marine forms. Biophysik: biophysics. A term used in reference to the physical processes taking place in living organisms. Biot-Savar+'sche Krakf: Biot-Savart force. Syn. Lorentz electromotive force. Biof-Savar+'sches Gesetz: Biot-Savart law. States that the magnetic intensity due to a current i (abamp) in an infinitely long, straight wire, at a point distant p from the wire, is 2i H = P Bipartitionswinkel: bipartition angle. The angle between a beam of X-rays passing through a layer of material and the conical surface (the bipartition cone) which contains paths of half the electrons ejected from the layer by the rays. Biprisma: biprism. A glass prism of almost 180 de- grees vertex angle, devised by Fresnel, to produce a 677865—46 2 15 /bipolare Elektrode B virtual-image double source for Young’s interference experiment; applied also to similar devices for produc- ing double-image fields in spectrophotometers, etc. bipolare Elektrode: bipolar electrode. A conducting partition placed across an electrolytic cell, so that one surface acts as an anode, and the other as a cathode. Biquarz: biquartz. A plate made up of two semi-cir- cular pieces, one of dextrogyrate, the other of levogyrate quartz, of equal thickness, and cemented together along tne diameter; used for demonstrating polarization tints. Blackburn Pendel: Blackburn pendulum. An apparatus consisting of a pendulum which may swing with differ- ent periods in two directions at right angles. Used in studying harmonic motions. blaues Leuchten: blue glow. (1) A type of thermo- luminescence emitted by certain metallic oxides, e.g., MgO and BeO, when heated. (2) The bluish luminosity of the gas near the cathode in a Geissler tube, esp. when the gas is air. Blockierungspotential: stopping potential. A p.d. suffi- cient to stop the outward movement of photoelectrons or thermions, and used in the determination of the speed of the emission. Blockkondensator: stopping condenser. A condenser in series with some branch of a circuit, the purpose of which is to introduce a comparatively high impedance and thus cut down the direct or low-frequency current without materially effecting the h.-f. component. Bogenspektrum: arc spectrum. The spectrum of a sub- stance produced with light from an electric arc into which the substance is introduced. Bohr-Grotrian'sches Diagramm: Bohr-Grotrian dia- gram. One form of diagrammatic representation of the energy levels in an atom. Bohr'sche Frequenzregel: Bohr frequency rule. Syn. frequency conditions. Bohr'sches Atom: Bohr atom. The atom as conceived, by Bohr and Rutherford, to consist of a positive nucleus about which circulate a number of "orbital” electrons. Bolograph: holograph. A recording bolometer; or the photographic record produced by it. The latter has also been called a hologram. Bolometer: bolometer. A very sensitive type of me- /Bourdon'sches Ventil tallic resistance thermometer, used for measurements of thermal radiation. Devised by Langley. Bol+zmann'sche En+ropiehypothese: Boltzmann entropy hypothesis.. The assumption that the entropy of a system of material particles is proportional to the logarithm of the statistical probability of the distribution. Boltzmann'sche Konstante: Boltzmann constant. The (molar) ideal gas constant divided by the Avogadro number. Its value is about 1.371xlO~~10 erg/degree. Boltzmann'sche Maschine: Boltzmann engine. An ideal thermodynamic apparatus operating in cycles and having imprisoned radiation corresponding to a working sub- stance; visualized by Boltzmann in the theoretical de- duction of the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Boltzmann'scher Faktor: Boltzmann factor. A correc- tion factor applied to calculated line intensities in spectra due to thermal excitation. Boltzmann'sches Prinzip: Boltzmann principle. In re the equilibrium distribution of particles subject to ther- mal agitation in a field of force: states that the number of particles per unit volume at any point in the field is E N = N0e kT in which E is the potential energy of a particle at that point, N0 is the number where E is zero, T is the absolute temperature, and k is the Boltzmann constant. Bombenkalorime+er: bomb calorimeter. A fuel calori- meter in which the combustion takes place inside a "bomb.” Borda Mundstueck: Borda mouthpiece. A type of re entrant orifice, viz., a tube extending inward from a discharge orifice, which has the effect of modifying the conditions of flow. Bosanquet'sches Gesetz: Bosanquet law. States that the magnetic flux in maxwells, in a magnetic circuit is equal to the magnetomotive force, in gilberts, divided by the magnetic reluctance, as formerly expressed in oersteds. Also known as the Rowland law. Bose-Elnstein Statistik: Bose-E/nstein statistics. A sys- tem of statistical analysis of the distribution of gas molecules or of radiation quanta and their momenta, based upon the number of elementary compartments of ordinary space and of momentum space having each a given number of the respective entities. Bouguer Formel: Bouguer formula. A formula for the variation of gravity with altitude. If g0 is the sea-level 16 B value at the latitude of the station, R the radius of the earth at that station, d the local crust density and dm the mean density of the earth, then the value of gravity at the altitude h is given by Bragg'sches Gesetz: Bragg law. An expression for the condition under which a system of parallel atomic layers in a crystal will reflect a beam of X-rays with maximum intensity. If d is the distance between the layers, ® the glancing angle, and A the wave length of the X-rays, the condition is 2dsin® = NA; in which N must be a whole number. Bravais-Miller'scher Index: Bravais-Miller index. One of the four numbers (h, k, f, 1) used to designate any set of parallel planes in a crystal belonging to the hexagonal system. Braun'sche Roehre: Braun tube. An early type of cathode-ray oscillograph tube requiring a potential of several thousand volts for operation. brechbar: refrangible. Capable of being refracted, or measurably deviated by refraction. Brechbarkeit: rejractivity. The refractive index minus 1. Brechkraft: focal power. In re a symmetrical optical system: a measure of the effect of the system upon the focus of a pencil of rays traversing it. If the rays are incident in air, the focal power is the reciprocal of the focal length for rays coming from the given direction; in general, ’it is the product of this reciprocal by the refractive index of the medium. Brechungsindex: extraordinary index. See ausserordent- licher Index. index of refraction, refractive index. The ratio of the speed of a refracted radiation before refraction to its speed after refraction. If the radiation passes from a vacuum into a substance, this ratio is termed the absolute index of the substance; if from one substance into another, the relative index of the two substances. Brechungswinkel: angle of refraction. The angle be- tween the direction of propagation of a refracted emis- sion and the normal to the refracting surface. Bremspotential: stopping potential. See Blockierungs- potential. Bremsvermoegen: stopping power. (1) The effect of a layer of matter upon the motion of alpha particles, expressed in terms of the thickness of ordinary air which would have the same effect. (2) The mass per cm2 of a given filter which is equivalent to 1 cm of air in reducing the speed of alpha particles. (3) For a gas: the ratio of the range of alpha particles in the given gas to that in air at N.T.P. / 2h 3dh \ g = go + This formula has been criticized and amended by Faye. Bourdon'sches Ventil: Bourdon gauge. A pressure gauge depending upon the deformation of a curved tube of elastic metal, of elliptic cross-section to the interior of which the pressure is applied. Boyle-Charles Gesetz: Boyle-Charles law. A combi- nation of Boyle’s law for the pressure-volume relation and Charles’ law for the temperature-volume relation in an ideal gas, viz., Pv = Povo 0 + at)- Boyle'sches Gesetz: Boyle law. The statement, at- tributed to Robert Boyle (1662), that in a body of gas maintained at constant temperature, the volume and the pressure vary in inverse ratio, i.e., have a constant product. Brachistochron: brachistochrone, brachystochrone. The path of constraint along which a particle, under the action of a given force, will move from one given point to another given point in the least time. Brackett Serie: Brackett series. A spectral series in the infrared of the hydrogen spectrum, whose frequen- cies are multiples of f -2 — ] V 42 n2 / where n = 5, 6, 7, Bragg-Pierce'sches Gesetz: Bragg-Pierce law. States that the true atomic absorption coefficient (scattering omitted) of an element of atomic number Z for X-rays of wave length A is represented by IM = CZ4A5/2 the value of C changing abruptly at wave lengths of absorption lines. Bragg later changed the exponent of A to 3. Bragg'sche Reflektion: Bragg reflection. The rein- forced reflection of X-rays from the successive atomic planes of a crystal, or of electrons from the grating-like structure of its surface. Bragg'scher Winkel: Bragg angle. The glancing angle for X-rays at the reflecting planes of a crystal. 17 /Brennpunkt B Brennpunkt: focal point. In re a symmetrical optical system: one of the two points on the axis which are conjugate to the axial points at infinity in opposite directions. An incident pencil of paraxial rays through the first focal point emerges as a cylindrical bundle, while an incident cylindrical bundle emerges as a pen- cil through the second focal point. These points may be real or virtual. Brennpunk+abstand: focal length. The distance of either of the two principal points of a symmetrical opti- cal system from the corresponding focal point. Brennpunktsebene: focal plane. The plane passing through either focal point of an optical system, perpen- dicular to the axis of the system. Brennpunktskollimator: focal collimator. A type of col- limator consisting of an objective lens at one end of a tube and a pair of cross hairs placed accurately in its focal plane at the other end. Brennpunktslinie: focal line. One of the two very short lines in the principal sections, i.e., sections made by the principal planes of a narrow astigmatic bundle of light rays; characterized by the fact that (according to Sturm) all of the rays intersect these two lines. Brewster'sches Gesetz: Brewster law. States that the polarizing angle of a reflecting dielectric for light of any wave length is equal to the angle whose tangent is the refractive index of the dielectric for that wave length. Discovered by Brewster in 1815. Brillianz: brilliance. That attribute of any color which permits it to be classed as equivalent to some member of the series of achromatic colors, or grays. Thus bright red is more brilliant than dark red. Brillouin Effekt: Brillouin effect. A pair of spectral satellites appearing in radiation scattered by liquids, one on each side of the unmodified line at a separation of about 0.04 Ä. Also known as the Debye-Sears effect. Brillouin Zone: Brillouin zone. A continuous ensemble of all energies and wave functions which may be ob- tained from one atomic energy level in a metallic- crystal lattice. Brinnell Haerfe: Brinell hardness. The hardness of a substance as measured by the force which must be ex- erted upon it by a rigid sphere of given radius to produce an indentation of given area. Britische'Waermeeinheit: British thermal unit. A unit, defined as that quantity of heat which is required to raise the temperature of one pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit. Equivalent to about 252 (g) cal. Bronson Widerstand: Bronson resistance. A high re- sistance consisting of two electrodes in a gas made con- ducting by a constant source of ionization. Brown'sche Bewegung: Brownian movement. An er- ratic, zigzag motion exhibited by very small particles suspended in a liquid or a gaseous medium, due to thermal agitation of the molecules of the medium. Dis- covered by Brown (a botanist) in 1827. Bucldey'sches Ventil: Buckley gauge. A type of ioniza- tion gauge for measuring very low gas pressures. Bueschelentladung: brush discharge. An electric dis- charge in a gas, intermediate between a glow discharge and a spark, and composed partly of minute sparks. Bunsenkoeffizient: Bunsen coefficient. The solubility of a given gas in a given liquid at N.T.P., expressed in terms of volume of gas absorbed per unit volume of the solution. Bunsenschirm: Bunsen screen. A photometer screen consisting of a diaphragm of paper or parchment with a translucent central spot. /Callendar-Griffi+hs Bruecke 18 c Callendar-Griffiths Bruecke: Callendar-Griffiths bridge. A type of slide-wire resistance bridge especially de- signed for use in resistance thermometry. Callendar'sche Gleichung: Callendar equation. A char- acteristic equation for steam, given by Callendar in the form Carnot Theoreme: Carnot theorems. See Carnot’sche Lehrsaetze. Cassegranischer Spiegel: Cassegranian mirror. A con- vex second mirror placed in front of the concave ob- jective in one form of reflecting telescope. It produces an image in a tube inserted at the center of the objec- tive mirror, where the eyepiece is located. Cauchy'sche Dispersionsformel: Cauchy dispersion for- mula. An approximate empirical formula for the refrac- tive index n as a function of the wave length, RT v - + b — c, P in which b is a constant and c a function of T. Campbell-Colpitts'sche Bruecke; Campbell-Colpitts bridge. A shielded a.=:c. bridge for the measurement of capacitance, using a substitution method. Candolumineszenz: candoluminescence. The lumines- cence of an incandescent body, as distinguished from the visible radiation due to temperature alone. Carcel Einheit: Carcel unit. A French unit of lumi- nous intensity, defined as one-tenth of the output of the Carcel lamp, which burns colza oil. It is approxi- mately 0.96 international candle. Carey-Foster'sche Bruecke: Carey-Foster bridge. A type of Wheatstone-bridge circuit for measuring the difference between two nearly equal resistances, in which the two ratio arms are coils connected by a slide wire. Carhart-Clark'sche Zelle: Carhart-Clark cell. A modi- fication of the Clark cell, having a lower temperature coefficient. Carnot-Clausius'sche Gleichung: Carnot-Clausius equa- tion. The equation

8 x 8 y 8z Geschwindigkeitsraum: velocity space. Defined in the /Gibbs-Helmholtz'sche Gleichung 52 G tions. Three thermodynamic quantities, expressed as follows: to maintain a potential of the desired sign upon the grid of a vacuum tube. Gütereinheit: lattice unit, unit cell, elementary cell. See Einheitskristall. Gitterenergie: lattice energy. The energy which de- pends upon the configuration of the atoms in a crystal lattice, and which changes when any change is made in that configuration through mechanical stress, electric forces, or otherwise. Gitterglimmroehre: grid-glow tube. A thermionic re- lay similar to a thyratron. Gitterkondensator: grid condenser. A small condenser interposed between the grid terminal of a thermionic vacuum tube and the source of grid potential control. Gitterkonstante: lattice constant. The distance between successive planes of a specified plane-family in a crystal. For the (111) planes of calcite it is taken as 3.028 X 10-8 cm. Gitterkonstante: grating constant, grating space. See Gitterabstand. Gitterstrom: grid current. A current flowing to or from the grid of a vacuum tube. Gittervorspannung: bias. A permanent negative poten- tial applied to the grid of a vacuum tube. Gitterwiderstand: grid leak. A very high resistance placed in parallel with a grid condenser to prevent an overaccumulation of negative charge upon the grid and thus to keep its mean negative potential approximately constant during operation. Gladstone-Dale'sches Gesetz: Gladstone-Dale law. States that the refractivity of a medium is proportional to its density as the latter varies under changing condi- tions of pressure or temperature; i.e., that the specific refractivity is constant. Glanzwinkel; glancing angle. The complement of a very large incidence angle; i.e., the very small angle between the incident emission and the surface upon which it is incident. Glan-Thompson'sches Prisma: Glan-Thompson prism. A form of polarizing prism of Iceland spar, resembling a Nicol prism but differing somewhat in design. The light enters and leaves this prism normal to the faces, and the parts are separated by a glycerine film. ip = u — Ts (free energy), X = u — pv (enthalpy), S = u — Ts + pv. In these, u is internal energy, T is temperature, v is volume, p is pressure, s is entropy. The quantities usu- ally pertain to unit mass of working substance. Gibbs-Helmholtz'sche Gleichung: Gibbs Helmholtz equation. An equation connecting the open-circuit e.m.f. of a reversible electrolytic cell with the heat of for- mation H of the compounds formed within it and with the absolute temperature T: 8 E ErH+T 8 T Gibbs'sche (thermodynamische) Oberflaeche: Gibbs (thermodynamic) surface. The (three-dimensional) graph of the equilibrium values of volume, energy, and entropy for a given pure substance. Gift: poison. A substance whose effect on a lumi- nescent material is the opposite of that produced by a phosphorogen. E.g. iron is a poison to certain phos- phorescent materials prepared from zinc sulphide. Gilbert: gilbert. The c.g.s. electromagnetic unit of magnetic potential or of magnetomotive force, equiva- lent to 5/2tr amp.—turns. Gilbert pro Zentimeter (Oersted, Gauss): gilbert per centimeter, oersted, gauss, i.e., the practical c.g.s. unit of magnetic intensity or magnetic potential gradient. It is sometimes used in analogy to the volt per centimeter for electric potential gradient, or to avoid the ambigu- ous term oested. Gitter: grid, lattice, grating. (1) An electrode con- sisting of a wire mesh placed between the cathode and the anode in a thermionic tube so that the thermions must pass through it, and used as a control of the ther- mionic current by means of variations in the negative grid potential. (2) The metallic (commonly lead) part of either of the electrodes of a storage cell. (3) An arrangement of points in space, representing the relative positions of corresponding atomic, molecular, or ionic centers in the elementary cells or structure units of a crystal. See also Beugungsgitter. Gitterabs+and: grating constant, g. space. (1) The distance between successive rulings of a diffraction grat- ing. (2) In re a crystal: syn. lattice constant. Gitterbat+erie: grid battery, C-battery. A battery used 53 /Glanzmesser 0 Glanzmesser: glossimeter, glossmeter. An instrument for measuring the ratio of the light regularly or specu- larly reflected from a surface to the total light reflected. vom gleichen Moment: equimomental. In re two or more bodies: having equal mass and equal moments of inertia about corresponding axes. gleichfarbig: homochromatic, isochromatic, ortho chro- matic. In re different areas or different parts of the same area: having the same color, or a uniformity of color. Pertaining to any variation of factors in con- nection with radiation, in which the wave length or frequency is constant. A line connecting points of con- stant shearing stress in an elastic body; so called because such lines correspond to lines of uniform color in the photoelastic test method. gleichfoermiger Fluss: uniform flow. A condition of flow in which the cross section of every stream tube remains constant, each particle moving along its stream- line with constant speed. Gleichgewicht; equilibrium. (1) A condition of bal- ance among the forces operating upon or within a physical system, such that no accelerated motions exist among the parts of the system. The equilibrium is stable when a slight change in the configuration of the system gives rise to a condition tending to restore the original configuration; unstable when the change tends to increase; neutral when equilibrium persists regardless of the change. (2) The mutual state of two or more simultaneous, continuous processes such that their net result is equivalent to a constant condition; e.g., the evaporation and condensation at the surface between a liquid and its saturated vapor. Gleichgewichtskurve: equilibrium curve, transformation c, phase diagram. A graph representing the relation be- tween values of two variables of state, as temperature and pressure, for which there is equilibrium between two states or phases. E.g., the fusion curve follows the equilibrium between solid and liquid states; the vapori- zation or saturation c., that between liquid and saturated vapor states; and the sublimation c., that between solid and vapor. Gleichgewichtslehre: statics. That branch of dynamics which deals with bodies at rest relative to some given frame of reference and with the interaction of forces between them. Gleichgewichtspotential: equilibrium potential. The potential d. between an electrolyte and an electrode immersed in it, when they have come to equilibrium. gleichrichten: rectify. (1) To change from alternat- ing to unidirectional, as an electric current. Any device for securing this result is a rectifier. (2) To replace (an inverted image by one which is erect, as by the rectifying system in a field glass. Gleichrichter: valve. A controlled inlet or outlet, esp. one permitting only a unidirectional flow. (2) An elec- tric current rectifier, esp. of the electrolytic or thermionic type. Gleidchung: Equation. An expression of equality be- tween two magnitudes or operations, the sign = being placed between them. Gleichverte'lung der Energie: equipartition of energy, Maxwell-Boltzmann law. A principle, enunciated by Boltzmann, which states that the mean kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas is equally divided among the various degrees possessed by the molecules. The aver- age molecular energy' associated with any degree of freedom is one-half the product of the absolute tem- perature by the Boltzmann constant. Gleitebene: gliding plane, glide plane, slip surface. (1) A plane within a crystal along which occurs a dis- placement of the crystal structure, i.e., a slipping of one lattice layer past the adjacent layer, when the crystal is subjected to shear. (2) The common plane of the two axes of a twin crystal. (3) A surface (often ap- proximately plane) along which a solid under severe stress tends to crack or shear. The traces of such sur- faces at an external face of the specimen are slip lines. Gleitflaeche: gliding plane. See Gleitebene. Gleitkoeffizient: slip coefficient. A quantity connected with the slipping of a fluid at the surface of a capillary tube; defined §.s the ratio of the speed of slip to the transverse velocity gradient in the fluid. It is equal to the viscosity coefficient divided by the friction coeffi- cient at the surface. Glimmen: glow, g. discharge. The most frequent form of initial electric discharge in a gas, often emitting a hissing sound but with no distinct sparks. It sometimes develops into a brush discharge. Glimmentladung: glow, g. discharge. See Glimmen. Glimmpotential: glow potential. The voltage at which a glow discharge begins in a vacuum tube as the voltage is gradually increased. Globulif: globulite, spherolite. A microscopic crystal of globular shape, without definite plane faces, due ta strong surface tension effects at the time of formation of the crystal. /gnomonische Projektion 54 0 gnomonische Projektion: gnornonic projection. A method of geometric projection used in the interpreta- tion of Laue diffraction patterns. Goldpunkt: gold point. The melting point of gold, viz., about 1064 degrees C; commonly used as a refer- ence point in pyrometry. Goniometer: goniometer. An instrument for measur- ing the angles between the faces of crystals, prisms, etc., usually by utilizing beams of light reflected from those faces. grader Strahl: pencil. A homocentric bundle of rays, corresponding to a train of concentric waves. Gradeinteilung; scale. Anything graduated, esp. when used as a measure or rule or marked by lines at regular intervals. Gradient: gradient. The vector which represents the linear derivative of a scalar point function S at any point, in a direction normal to the surface of equal values of S through this point; e.g., of temperature in a direction normal to the isothermal surface. Denoted by grad S. . > Gradientmesser: gradiometer. An instrument for measuring the gradient of the earth’s gravity field in any locality. Gradiometer: gradiometer. See Gradientmesser. Graham'sches Gesetz: Graham law. States that the rate of efflux or of diffusion of different gases (volume per unit time) are, under similar conditions, inversely proportional to the square roots of the densities of the gases. Gramm: gram, gramme. A metric unit of mass, de- fined originally as the mass of 1 cm3 of pure water at its maximum density (4 degrees C.). But for prac- tical purposes it is now defined as one-thousandth of the mass of the standard platinum kilogram at Sevres; which is 1.000027 times the original, ideal value. Grammatom: gram atom. That mass of an element which, in grams, is numerically equal to the atomic mass of the element. The gram atom of every element thus contains the same number of atoms, viz., about 6.06 X 1023 (Avogadro number). Gramme'scher Ring: Gramme ring. A form of electro- magnet in which the core is a continuous iron ring. Used in certain forms of generator armature. Grammolekuel: gram molecule. That mass of a pure substance which, in grams, is numerically equal to the molecular mass of the substance. The gram molecule of every pure substance thus contains the same number of molecules, viz., about 6.06 X 1023 (Avogadro num- ber). Syn. mol or mole. grau: gray, grey. (1) An achromatic color. (2) The property of a radiating surface such that, while its radiation has the same spectral energy distribution, its emissive power is less at any temperature than that of a black body; and such that, while not black, its absorp- tivity is nonselective. Gravitationseinheit: gravitational unit. A unit of force, pressure, work, power, or other magnitude, which in- volves in its measure the factor of terrestrial gravity e.g., the gram of force or the foot-pound. Gravlta+ionslconstante: gravitation constant, Syn. Netv- tonian constant. A constant G which appears in the expression for the Newtonian law of gravitational force between two concentrated masses m1} m2 separated by distance r: m1 m2 f = G r2 Approximately equal to 6.664 x 10~8 cm3 g^1 sec-2. Gravi+ationspoten+ial: gravitational potential, New- tonian potential, mass p. A point function analogous to electric potential, but always positive. Its value at any point is the line integral of the intensity of the gravitational field due to all matter, taken from that point to infinity. Gravi+a+ionsradius: gravitational radius. A quantity, having the dimensions of a length, associated in the relativity theory of gravitation with any particle of mat- ter, and equal to Gm/c2; in which m is the mass of the particle, G the gravitation constant, and c the elec- tromagnetic constant. Grotthus-Draper'sches Gesetz: Grotthus-Draper law. States that light is photochemically active only when it is absorbed by the material affected. Grundbeleuch+ung: priming illumination. A small, steady illumination applied to a photoelectric cell to render it more sensitive to the (superposed) variations in illumination which the cell is being used to measure or record. Grundflaeche: basal plane. A plane in a crystal paral- lel to the principal plane of symmetry. Grundform: ground form. The crystalline form of any crystal system which is bounded by natural faces, all of 55 /Grundlinie G which intersect the crystal axes. E.g., the ground form of the isometric system is the regular octahedron. Grundlinie: parent. A spectrum line which represents a normal quantum process, unaffected by such influences as are responsible for satellite lines, as in the Zeeman effect. Grundsatz: axiom. An established principle in some art or science, which though not a necessary truth, is universally received. Grundspektrum: persistent spectrum. The spectrum of a substance which results from only the most moder- ate excitation. The most persistent lines, which remain when all others have subsided or when the quantity of the substance is diminished to a trace (but which are not always the brightest in the complete spectrum), are called the "raies ultimes,” a term due to de Gramont. Grundton: fundamental. (1) (n.) The simple har- monic component of a composite vibration or musical tone which has the lowest frequency. (2) (adj.) Some- times used in connection with three-phase equilibrium; e.g., fundamental point, syn. triple point, etc. Grundzustand: ground state. That configuration of an atom which corresponds to the lowest energy level and hence has greatest stability. Gruppe: ensemble. A group comprising a great num- ber of independent systems, identical in nature but differ- ing in their configuration and velocity, e.g., the mole- cules of a pure gas. Gruppengeschwindigkeit: group velocity. The velocity of propagation of the resultant displacement maxima or minima constituting an interference wave form, in wave motion made up of two or more component wave trains of different frequency, i.e., a wave group. If the com- ponents have different individual speeds, it may be quite different from the velocity of propagation of any one component. Gruppenphaenomen: group phenomena. Properties of the crystalline state which apparently cannot be consid- ered as properties of single atoms, but arise from the agglomeration of atoms into groups, each consisting of a definite number of atoms (107 to 109). The sta- bility of the atoms thus arrayed is greater than that among the groups. Gudden-Pohl'sches Gesetz: Gudden-Pobl law. States that the number of electrons liberated in the photocon- ductive action of selenium is equal to the number of radiation quanta absorbed. Guillaume'sche Legierung: Guillaume alloy, G. metal. An alloy of about 66 percent Fe and - 34 percent Ni, which has the unusually low expansion coefficient 10-6 per °C. gyromagnetisch: gyromagnetic. Pertaining to the mag- netic properties of rotating electric charges, esp. of elec- trons moving within atoms. gyromagnetisches Verhaeltnis: gyromagnetic ratio. The ratio of the magnetic moment of a specimen of a sub- stance to the angular momentum of its atoms. Gyroskop: gyroscope. An instrument resembling a spinning top, used to demonstrate precession, etc. Gyrostat: gyrostat. Syn. gyroscope, but with emphasis upon the stabilizing effect of rotation. /H-Funktion 56 H H-Funktion: H function. A function of the coordinates describing the motion of the molecules of a gas, which represents the cologarithm of the probability of a given thermodynamic state of the gas; a concept due to Boltz- mann. H-Strahl: H-ray, H-particle. A positive hydrogen ion, or proton, which results from the bombardment of hy- drogen or a hydrogen compound by alpha rays or by swiftly moving positive ions of any kind, or from the bombardment and disintegration of certain other ele- ments, e.g. nitrogen, by alpha rays. First observed by Marsden in 1914. H-Teilchen: H-ray, H-particle. See H-Strahl. H-theorem: H-theorem. A theorem based upon the Maxwell-Boltzmann principle of equipartition of energy. States that if there are Nj molecules in one state or phase, N2 in another, etc., the quantity Hr=2, (N log N) tends to a minimum and reaches its equilibrium value only when the condition of equipartition of energy is Haarroehrchenkraft: capillarity. A class of phenomena dependent upon the interaction of molecular forces at the junction of the interface between a liquid and a gas or between two liquids, with a solid surface; e.g., the elevation or depression of a liquid in a capillary tube. Haerte: hardness. (1) Resistance to surface abrasion or indentation, as of steel or diamond. (2) in re X-rays or gamma rays, it denotes high penetration or low ab- sorption coefficient, corresponding to short wave length and high quantum energy. Haertemesser: penetrometer, sclerometer, scleroscope. (1) An instrument for testing the hardness of more or less plastic solids. (2) An instrument for indicating the quality or "hardness” of X-rays. (3) An apparatus for measuring the hardness of a substance by the re- bound of a hammer falling upon it from a given height. Haftspannung; penetration tension. In re a liquid in a capillary tube: the product of the surface tension of the liquid by the cosine of the angle of contact. halbdurchlaessige Membran: semipermeable membrane. A membrane through which osmosis can take place, but which prevents the free mixing of the fluids. Halbperiodenelement; half-period element, Huygens zone, Fresnel zone. See Fresnel’sche Zone. Halbquantenzahl: half-quantum number. One of the values of the angular momentum assumed for an atom or a molecule, each equal to a whole multiple of Yj (h/2ir), in which h is the Planck constant. Halbschatten: penumbra. That part of a shadow from which the light from only a portion of the source is excluded by the opaque obstacle. Halbschattenanalysator: half-shade analyzer. A de- vice used in polarimeters for determining the polariza- tion plane. It may be a Jellet-Cornu prism, a Lippich prism, or an opening partly covered by a half-wave plate. Halbwertsbreite: half-width (of spectrum line'), width- at-half-maximum. In re any line in the spectrum of a gas or vapor: the wave length or wave number interval throughout which the intensity equals or exceeds one- half its maximum value (value at the line peak). Halbwertsperiode: half-decay period, half-value pe- riod. The time required for any variable whose value undergoes decay in accordance with the exponential law to fall to one-half of its original value; equal numerically to 0.6931 divided by the decay coefficient. Halbswertsschicht: half-value layer. In re the ab- sorption of radiation by any given substance: the thick- ness of that substance which will reduce the intensity to one-half its initial value. It is equal to 0.6931 divided by the (linear) absorption coefficient. Halbzelle: half-cell. Consists of an electrode inserted into an electrolytic solution in order to set up a defi- nite, though not actually determinable, potential dif- ference. Hall'scher Effekt: Hall effect. A p.d. which develops between the two edges of a strip of metal, in which an electric current is flowing longitudinally, when the plane of the strip is set perpendicularly across a magnetic field. Discovered by Hall in 1879. Hall'scher Koeffizient: Hall coefficient. The transverse electric potential gradient produced in a conducting strip exhibiting the Hall effect, per unit current density per unit magnetic intensity. Halo: halo. (1) One of several different atmospheric phenomena, manifested by the appearance of faintly col- ored rings surrounding the sun or the moon, and caused by refraction due to minute ice crystals suspended in the upper air. (2) (Phot.) A ring surrounding the photographic image of a bright source, due to one of several causes. Hallwachs'scher Effekt: Hallwachs effect. The dis- charge of a negatively charged body in a vacuum due to the incidence of ultraviolet; discovered by Hallwachs in 1888. It is a type of photoelectric effect. 57 /Hamilton'sche Gleichungen H Hamilton'sche Gleichungen; Hamilton equations. A set of differential equations relating to a dynamic system, one pair for each of the n degrees of freedom corre- sponding to the generalized coordinates qx, q2, , qn and generalized momenta px, p2, p„. If H denotes the Hamiltonian function, each pair of equations has the form dqr 8H dpr 8H dt Spr dt 8qr (r = 1, 2, , n.) They are equivalent to the Legrange equations. 8 (E* — Ep) dt = 0. • to harmonisch: harmonic. (1) (n.) An overtone or par- tial bearing a simple frequency ratio to the fundamental. (2) (adj.) Capable of being expressed in terms of sine or cosine functions, and hence analogous to musi- cal sound. harmonische Analyse: harmonic analysis. The expres- sion of a function in terms of sine and cosine terms involving the variables, with such coefficients as to ren- der the resulting series approximately equal to the given function for corresponding values of the variables. harmonischer Analysator: periodometer. A type of harmonic analyzer developed by C. G. Abbot for the study of solar radiation and meteorological data. harmonic analyzer. An ap- paratus which mechanically, electrically, or otherwise, evaluates the coefficient of the Fourier series correspond- ing to any function subject to harmonic analysis. harmonisches Band: harmonic band, overtone band. A spectral frequency which bears a relation to a given spectral frequency analogous to that of an acoustic over- tone to its fundamental. harmonische Bewegung: harmonic motion. A vibration in which the acceleration is proportional to the displace- ment from the mean or zero position but with opposite sign, as the vibration of a string; or which is the re- sultant of any number of such motions. If there is but one component, the motion is termed simple harmonic. harmonisches Echo: harmonic echo. An echo in which there is a selective action on the frequencies of the in- cident sound, usually resulting in the suppression of the fundamental and other low-frequency components. harmonischer Oszillator: harmonic oscillator. A par- ticle, esp. an electric particle, oscillating with harmonic motion; a concept often used in radiation theory. harmonische Schwingung: harmonic motion. See har- monische Bewegung. Hartley'sches Gesetz: Hartley law. States that the separations of the components in any one series of doublet or of triplet spectral lines, expressed in fre- quencies or in wave numbers (not in wave lengths), are equal. Hartmann'sches Test: Hartmann test. A photographic method of testing large lenses for spherical aberration. Hamilton-Jaccbi'sche Gleichung: Hamilton-]acobi equation. A partial differential equation used in the dynamics of conservative systems, in the form of a Hamiltonion function: / «S, 8S, \ H ( — .... ,q1 .... qfj = E; V 8qx 8qr ' in which the q’s are generalized coordinates, S’s are actions, f is the number of degrees of freedom and E is the constant total energy of the system. Hamilton'sche Funktion: Hamiltonian function. A func- tion of the r generalized coordinates qx . . . . qr and generalized momenta p1 . . . . pr, defined by H = 2 p q — L ; 1 in which L is fhe Lagrangian function. H satisfies the differential equations 8H 8H = q, = - P- 8p Sq dq dp S = —. P = — • dt dt In many problems, H represents the energy of a con- servative system expressed in terms of q’s and p’s. Hamiltonoperator: Hamiltonian. The vector differen- tial operator 8 8 8 i + j k ; 8x 8y Sz sometimes abbreviated by V- Hamilton'sches Prinzip: Hamilton principle. A prin- ciple relating to any dynamic system, the total kinetic energy and potential energy of which are, respectively, and Ep; expressed by the equation /Hartmann'sche Untersuchung 58 H Hartmann'sche Untersuchung: Hartmann test. See Hartmann’sches Test. Hartree'sche Einheit: Hartree unit. A unit of wave length used in connection with the theory of diffrac- tion of electrons by crystals, and equal to h2/47r2me2, in which h is the Planck constant and m and e are the electronic mass and charge. Its value is about 5.3 X 10-19 cm. Hartree'sche Funktion: Hartree function. A wave func- tion applying to a single electron in a central field, as developed by Hartree. Hauy'sches Gesetz: Haüy law, rational index law. States that the parameters, and hence the Miller indices, of a crystal are always rational numbers. Hauptachse: principal axis. A line so chosen with reference to a rigid body, that the body may rotate about it without developing a centrifugal torque in any plane containing that line. Through any point there are in general three such lines, which are axes of maximum or minimum moment of inertia. Hauptazimut; principal azimuth. The azimuth- of the elliptically polarized beam produced when plane-polar- ized light, with an azimuth of 45 degrees with the plane of incidence is reflected at the principal angle of incidence from a metallic surface. Hauptbogen: primary bow. The inner and brighter of the two rainbows sometimes visible. Hauptbrennpunkt: principal focus, focal point. See Brennpunkt. Hauptdruecke: principal strains and p. stresses. The components of strain, and the corresponding components of stress, in the directions of the strain axes at any point of an elastic solid under deformation. Hauptebene: principal plane. (1) In re a ray of light traversing a doubly refracting crystal: the plane determined by the direction of the ray and the axial direction of the crystal. (2) In re a symmetrical optical system: one of two planes perpendicular to the axis, such that any incident paraxial ray meets the first, and the same ray upon emergence meets the second, in points on a line parallel to the axis. The magnification ratio for these two planes being + 1, they are sometimes called the "unit planes.” Hauteffekt: skin effect. A concentration of current density toward the surface of an a.-c. conductor, due to selfinduced counter e.m.f., and resulting in an in- crease in effective resistance. The phenomenon is espe- cially noticeable at higher frequencies. Haupteinfallswinke!: principal angle of incidence. The angle at which a ray of planepolarized light must be in- cident upon a reflecting metallic surface in order that the components of the elliptically polarized reflected ray, parallel and perpendicular to the plane of reflection, shall differ in phase by one-quarter cycle. Hauptgeschwindigkeit: principal velocity. One of the three velocities which, taken by twos, correspond to the velocities of propagation of the two plane-polarized light waves traveling outward from a point source within a birefringent crystal in directions parallel to the three axes of dielectric symmetry. In a uniaxial crystal, two of the three principal velocities are equal, viz., in the direction of the optic axis. Haupt'inie: principal line. The first and strongest line of a spectral series. Hauptpunkte: cardinal points, principal points. The focal points, the principal points, and the nodal points of a lens or of a symmetrical optical instrument. (See also Einheitspunkt.) Hauptquantenzahl: principal quantum number, total quantum number. The sum 1 -f 1' of the azimuthal and the radial quantum number in the Bohr theory, or 1 + 1' -f 1 in the new quantum mechanics (since in the latter 1 is one less). So called because the energy of a quantum state depends primarily upon it. The prin- cipal quantum number is usually denoted by n. Hauptschatten: umbra. That part of a shadow from which light from the source is completely excluded by the opaque obstacle. Hauptserien: principal series. A spectral series cor- responding to transitions from a low S-state to higher P-states. This gives the strong, persistent lines of the alkalis and alkaline earths but not, in general, of other elements. Haupttraegheitsmoment: principal moment of inertia. The moment of inertia of a body with respect to one of its principal axes. Hauptzuege: principal strains and p. stresses. See Hauptdruecke. Heaviside'sche Bruecke: Heaviside bridge. An arrange- ment somewhat resembling a Wheatstone bridge, but used for measuring mutual inductances. Heaviside-Lorentz Einheit: Heaviside-Lorentz unit, ra- tionalized unit. One of a system of electric and mag- netic units proposed by Heaviside and Lorentz for con- venience in theoretical discussions. 59 /Heaviside-Hertz'sche Gleichung H Heaviside-Hertz'sche Gleichung: Heaviside-Hertz equations. A set of electromagnetic field equations for a medium of dielectric constant k, permeability /x, and electric conductivity y, in which the magnetic intensity is H and the electric intensity E: grange-Helmholtz equation. (1) (Dioptrics.) An equa- tion of the form nx jq tan ai = n2 y2 tan a2 expressing the relation between the linear and the an- gular magnification at a spherical refracting interface, jq, y2 are linear dimensions of object and image, a19 a2 the angles made by focal rays and axis at object- and image-points, and the refractive indices of the two media. Helmhol+z'sches Pendel: Helmholtz pendulum. A de- vice, due to Helmholtz, whereby it is possible to charge a condenser for a definite short time, varied at will, or to impart varying amounts of magnetization to a specimen of iron. Helmholtz'sche Spulen: Helmholtz coils. Two equal circular coils placed coaxially at a distance apart equal to their radius, and traversed by the same current. The field near the axis between them is practically uniform. hemihedrisch: hemihedral. In re a crystal: having only one-half the number of faces necessary to complete a given type of symmetry. hemimorph: hemimorphic. In re a crystal: terminated at the two ends by dissimilar sets of faces. Henry: henry. The practical c.g.s. electromagnetic unit of inductance (or of mutual inductance), equal to 109 abhenrys; viz., the inductance of a circuit in which the variation of current at the rate of 1 amp per second in- duces an e.m.f. of 1 volt. The millihenry is usually more convenient, Henry'sches Gesetz: Henry law. States that, at con- stant temperature, the solubility of a gas in a liquid which does not act chemically upon it is proportional to the pressure. Herpolhode: herpolhode. The path traced by the point of contact of the energy ellipsoid of a rigid body with the fixed tangent plane on which it rolls. The term is due to Poinsot (1834). Herschel Effekt: Herschel effect. A decrease in de- velopable density on a photographic plate produced by a second exposure to radiation of longer wave length. Herschel-Qulncke Roehre: Herschel-Quincke tube. A branched acoustic tube, resembling a divided or shunted electric conductor; used in studying acoustic interference phenomena. Hertz: hertz. A unit of frequency, equal to 1 eye per second. (Rare in U. S.) Hertzoszillator: Hertz oscillator. An arrangement of conductors, electric oscillations in which are capable of If 8E curl H — ( 4?ryE -f k , c V St fj. SH curl E — — c St div /xH = O, div kE = O. Heaviside Schicht: Heaviside layer, ionosphere, Ken- nelly-Heaviside layer. A stratum of the upper atmos- phere which is believed to be more highly ionized than that at the earth’s surface,- and because of this, to be capable of reflecting radio waves and thus directing their propagation, in a general way, parallel to the ground. Hefner Einheit: Hefner unit. A German unit of lumi- nous intensity, defined as the light output of a standard Hefner amyl acetate lamp in a particular direction. It is equal to about 0.90 of the international candle. Heisenberg'sche Kraefte: Heisenberg'sche Wechselwirkung: Heisenberg forces, H. interactions. Attractive forces between nuclear par- ticles, due to the exchange energy of the type postulated by Heisenberg. This energy is now regarded as a part of the Majorana exchange energy. Heliostat: heliostat. An arrangement of mirrors driven by clockwork, used to reflect a beam of sunlight in a fixed direction as the sun moves across the sky. Helligkeit: brightness. "The quotient of the luminous intensity of a surface measured in a given direction, by the area of this surface projected on a plane perpendicu- lar to the direction considered.” Helmert'sche Formel; Helmert formula. An empirical formula for the value of gravity at a given latitude 1 and altitude h (in meters), published by Helmert in 1901: g = g45 (1 — 0.002644 cos 2l + 0.000007 cos2 21) — 0.0003086h; in which g45 is the value of g at 1 — 45 deg and h — 0. Helmholtz'sche Doppelschicht: Helmholtz double layer, electric double layer. See elektrische Doppelschicht. Helmholtz'sche Gleichung: Helmholtz equation, La- /Hertz'sche Strahlung 60 H emitting electromagnetic (Hertzian) radiations; a fore- runner of the radio transmitting antenna circuit. Her+z'sche Strahlung: Hertzian radiation, H. waves. See elektrische Welle. Hertz'scher Vektor: Hertzian vector. A vector n, per- taining to the electromagnetic field, in terms of which both the electric intensity E and the magnetic intensity H may be specified according to the equations Hicks'sche Formel: Hicks formula. A modification of the Rydberg (spectral-series) formula, in which allow- ance is made for the variation of f with the number of the line in the series. It is somewhat similar to the Ritz formula. High-pass (Kurzwellenfilter fuer HF): high-pass. In re a wave filter: having the property of transmitting all frequencies above a certain limit and suppressing those below it. Hilfskreis: line of force. (1) An imaginary line in a field of force which, at each of its points, coincides in direction with the field intensity; a concept due to Faraday. (2) A unit of flux (magnetic, electric), so defined that the number of lines intersecting any cross section, per unit area, is numerically equal to the com- ponent of field intensity normal to the section. Hit+orfscher Dunkelraum: Hittorf dark space, cathode dark space, Crookes dark space. That portion of the glow discharge in a Crookes tube lying between the cathode glow and the negative glow; so called because it is nonluminous. Hittorf'sche Zahlen: Hittorf numbers, transference numbers, transport n. A term applied by Hittorf to the fractions of an electrolytic current carried by the anions and by the cations, respectively, the sum of which is unity. Hitzdrahtamperemeter: hot-wire ammeter (or volt- meter). An instrument for measuring current (or volt- age) by the heating effect upon a filament. Hitzdrahtanemometer: hot-wire anemometer. An in- strument for measuring the velocity of a current of gas by means of its cooling effect on an electrically heated wire. Hitzdrahtmanometer: hot-wire gauge. A pressure gauge which depends upon the cooling effect of the gas upon a hot filament. Hochfrequenzgenerator: circuit driver, radio-frequency generator. A source of h.-f. e.m.f. esp. of the vacuum- tube-controlled type, for experimental use. Hodograph: hodograph. The locus of the terminal point of the evector which, drawn from a fixed origin, continuously represents the velocity of a point moving along any given path. Hodoskop: hodoscope. An apparatus for tracing the paths of cosmic rays by means of an array of small Geiger counters, each of which is connected with a neon lamp which flashes as the counter is set off by the cosmic particle. 1 s2n E - V(V • n) c2 8t2 i m H = V x ; c St physically the equivalent of the vector of an oscillating dipole. Her+z'sche Wellen: Hertzian waves, H. radiation. See Hertz’sche Strahlung. Heterodyne: heterodyne. A coupling of oscillatory circuits of such relative frequency that the beats be- tween them come within the audible range. heterodyner Wellenmesser: heterodyne wave meter. A calibrated electrical oscillator of variable frequency, to- gether with a device, employing the heterodyne prin- ciple, for indicating the setting at which the frequency of the oscillator bears a known relation to that of the circuit under test. heteromorph: heteromorphic, polymorphic. Occurring in two or more different crystalline forms. he+eropolar: heteropolar, polar. Electrically nonsym- metrical as a molecule which, like HC1, has an effective electric moment. Heusler'sche Legierungen: Heusler alloys. A series of alloys of nonferromagnetic substances, chiefly copper, manganese, and aluminum, which, however, exhibit fer- romagnetic properties in a remarkable degree. De- veloped by F. Heusler and others about 1903. hexagonal: hexagonal. In re crystal structure: having three equal axes at angles of 120 degrees and a fourth at right angles to all three. Hibber+'scher Flusstandard: Hibbert flux standard. A permanent magnet with an annular air gap through which a coil of wire is dropped to produce a known and invariable change in the magnetic flux linked with an electric circuit including the coil. Devised by W. Hibbert, 1892. 61 /Hoehenmesser H Hoehenmesser: altimeter. An instrument, resembling an aneroid barometer, which indicates the altitude of an airplane above the ground station at which it was set at zero. Hof: halo. See Halo. Hof: corona (laymen). A spectral ring sometimes ob- served surrounding the sun or the moon; caused by the diffraction of light by suspended matter in the air. Not to be confused with halo. Hohlraum: Hohlraum {Germ., ”empty space”). A black-body cavity. Hohlraumbildung: cavitation. The formation of a par- tial vacuum in a liquid, due to the separation of its parts in the process of flow; or the separation of gases from the liquid, with the formation of gas-filled spaces or bubbles. Hohlraumstrahlung: cavity radiation, black-body radia- tion. The radiation from a black body at a given tem- perature. Syn. Planckian r., black r. holohedral: holohedral. In re a crystal: having the full number of faces corresponding to the development of the complete maximum symmetry possible to the crystal system in question. holomorph: holomorphic. In re a crystal: having the two ends symmetrical with each other. holonom: bolonomic, holonomous. In re a dynamic system; (1) having a number of degrees of freedom equal to the number of independent coordinates; (2) having integrable relations connecting the coordinate velocities. Holfz'sche Roehre: Holtz tube. A vacuum tube across which are funnel-shaped constrictions pointing in one direction, and through which a h.-f. discharge passes much more readily one way than the other. homogene Formaenderung: homogeneous strain. A strain such that all pairs of points in the strained body which were initially at equal distances in parallel directions are still at equal distances in parallel direc- itons; though both the distances and the directions may have been altered. homologes Feld; homologous field. A field of force in which the lines of force in a given plane all pass through one point (center of homology), e.g., the electric field between two coaxial charged cylinders. homologe Temperaturen: homologous temperatures. In re two or more substances, esp. metals: absolute temperatures which bear the same ratio to the absolute melting points of the respective substances; especially useful in discussing the properties of plastic solids. homoeopolar: homopolar, homoeopolar. Electrically symmetrical, as a molecule which, like N2, has no effec- tive electric moment; not polar. homotrop: homotropic. Having similar crystalline structure. Hooke'sches Gesetz: Hooke law. An approximate empirical law of elasticity, which states that the ratio of the stress to the strain, in the case of elongation or rectilinear compression, is constant. First stated by Rob- ert Hooke (1660). horizontal: horizontal. Perpendicular to the direction of gravity. Horizontalintensitaet: horizontal intensity. The inten- sity of the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field at any point. Horopter: horopter. The locus of those points in the field of binocular vision which are seen single, i.e., the images of which fall on corresponding retinal points. Huefner'scher Rhombus: Huefner rhomb. A rhombic glass prism used for the comparison of two illuminated surfaces in photometry. Hull'scher Ring: Hull ring, powder pattern, Debye- Scherrer ring. A pattern of parallel lines or bands of ferromagnetic powder deposited on the surface of a magnetized crystal. Huygen'sches Okular: Huygens eyepiece. A telescope eyepiece consisting of a plano-convex field lens and a plano-convex eye lens placed behind the field lens, with a stop halfway between them. Huygen'sches Penrelgesetz: Huygens pendulum law. States that any two conjugate points of a gravity pendu- lum have the property that the period of oscillation is the same when the pendulum is suspended at either; and that this common period is equal to that of an ideal simple pendulum of length equal to the distance between the two points. Huygen'sches Prinzip: Huygens principle. An impor- tant principle of wave propagation, the essential feature of which is the concept that every point on an advancing wave front acts as a source of disturbance and sends out waves, the resultant effect of which constitutes the propagation of the wave as a whole. /Huygen'sche Wellenoberflaeche 62 H Huygen'sche Wellenoberflaeche: Huygens wave sur- face. The wave front of light traversing a doubly re- fracting medium. Huygen'sche Zone: Huygens zone, half-period element, Fresnel zone. See Fresnel’sche Zone. Hydraulik; hydraulics. The dynamics of liquids, esp. its technological applications. hydraulische Durchschnittstiefe: hydraulic mean depth, hydraulic radius. The quotient of the cross-sectional area of a stream flowing in a channel or a pipe, divided by the perimeter of the stream. hydraulischer Gradient; hydraulic gradient. The rate of fall of the pressure head along a conduit flowing full of liquid. hydraulische Gradientlinie: hydraulic grade line. An imaginary line so drawn, in reference to a conduit flow- ing full of liquid under pressure, that each point of the line lies vertically above or below the conduit, and at a distance from it equal to the pressure head at the corresponding point of the conduit. hydraulische Neigung: hydraulic slope. The slope of the hydraulic grade line at any point; numerically equal to the hydraulic gradient. Hydrodynamik: hydrodynamics. The dynamics of liquids. Hydrokinetik: hydrokinetics. That branch of physics which treats of the motion of liquids. Hydrometer: hydrometer. An instrument composed of a light float weighted at one end and bearing a ver- tical scale, which indicates the specific gravity of the liquid in which it is placed by the depth of its displace- ment when in equilibrium. Hydrostatik: hydrostatics. That portion of hydrody- namics which does not involve effects of liquid motion. Hygrograph: hygrograph. A recording hygrometer. Hygrometer, Feuchtigkeitsmesser: Hygrometer. Any one of several instruments for measuring the humidity of the atmosphere. Hyperfeinstruktur: hyperfine structure. The structure of a spectrum line which depends, upon angular mo- mentum in the atomic nucleus, each ordinary line being thereby rendered a multiplet. It is often superposed upon the isotope structure. Hyperfeinstrukturquantenzahl: hyperfine quantum num- ber, fine quantum number. See Feinstrukturquantenzahl, Hypsometer: hypsometer. An instrument for measur- ing the boiling points of liquids, esp. for the purpose of estimating elevations above sea level. Hysteresis: hysteresis. One of several effects resem- bling a kind of internal friction, accompanied by the generation of heat within the substance affected. Mag- netic h. occurs when a ferromagnetic substance is sub- jected to a varying magnetic intensity; electric h., when a dielectric is subjected to a varying electric intensity. Elastic h. is the internal friction in an elastic solid subjected to varying stress. Hys+eresiskonstante: hysteretic constan, Steinmetz co- efficient. Numerical values of the coefficient are based upon the measurement of the hysteresis loss in ergs per cubic centimeter per cycle and the maximum induction in gausses. Hys+eresiskurve: hysteresis curve, h. loop. The graph of the varying magnetic intensity H and the resulting magnetic induction B in a specimen of ferromagnetic material during a complete magnetization cycle. Hysteresismesser: hysteresis meter. An instrument for testing magnetic hysteresis, usually depending upon the torque developed on placing the specimen in a rotating magnetic field or rotating it in a stationary field. Hysteresisverlusf: hysteresis loss. A loss of power in the operation of electrical devices, due to magnetic hysteresis. Hysferesisschreiber: hysteresigraph. An instrument which automatically traces hysteresis curves for speci- mens of magnetic material placed in it. Hysteresisschleife: hysteresis loop, h, curve. See Hysteresiskurve. 677865—46 5 63 /l-Wert ! l-Wert: 7 value. The value of the quantum number I which determines the internal angular momentum of an atomic nucleus. ideale Fluessigkeif: perfect fluid. An ideal fluid pos- sessing no viscosity; a concept useful in theoretical dis- cussions. ideales Gas: perfect gas, ideal gas. A gas which obeys Boyle’s law; not realized in physical fact. ideale Gaskonstante: ideal gas constant. See Gaskon- stante. ideales Gasgesetz: ideal gas latv. A law connecting the pressure p, molar volume v, and temperature T of an ideal gas; expressed by the equation pv zz RT; in which R is the ideal gas constant. idealer Kristall: perfect crystal, ideal crystal. A crystal having no mosaic structure and capable of X-ray reflec- tion in accordance with the Darwin-Ewald-Prins law. idealer Strahler: perfect radiator, ideal radiator, black body. A body whose reflectivity is zero for radiation of all frequencies. Only an ideal, it is approximated ex- perimentally by a nearly closed cavity with a small opening or slit. idiochromatisch: id.jochromatic. In re a crystal: hav- ing photoelectric properties characteristic of the material of the pure crystal itself, and not due to foreign matter. Impedanz: impedance. The ratio of the effective e.m.f. to the effective current in an a.-c. circuit. For a circuit of resistance R, inductance L, and (series) capacitance C, carrying a current of frequency n, its value is the coordinates x, y, z, represent components of mo- mentum. The momenta of the molecules of a gas, for example, then correspond to points of this space. Impulsstrahlung: impulse radiation. Any radiation that may result from the impacts of rapidly moving particles upon a body of matter, e.g., X-rays, produced by the impacts of electrons. Impulsverhaeltnls: impulse ratio. The ratio of the po- tential difference required to initiate a spark between terminals, when the voltage is suddenly applied, to that required for the same spark gap with a steady field; a term due to Peek. Indika+ordiagramm: indicator diagram. The graphical record made by a steam-engine indicator. Indikatrix: indicatrix. A vectorial ellipsoid, introduced by Fletcher to represent the relative refractive indices of a crystal in different directions. Induktion: inductance, induction. A (not necessarily constant) characteristic of an electric circuit, the measure of which is either the e.m.f. magnetoelectrically induced in the circuit by the variation at unit rate of the current flowing in it, or the magnetic linkage with the circuit produced by unit steady current flowing in it. The practical unit is the henry (for which the linkage per ampere is 108 Maxwell-turns). Induktionsbruecke: inductance bridge. An arrangement resembling a Wheatstone bridge, and used for the comparison of inductances by a somewhat similar method. Induktlonsmo+or: induction motor. An a.-c. motor, in which the torque on the rotating circuit, or rotor, is due to currents induced in it by a varying magnetic field excited by a.c.’s in the stationary circuit, or stator. Such motors are operated by single-phase, two-phase, three-phase, or polyphase currents. Induktionsmesser: inductometer. A variable inductance, esp. one calibrated to indicate the inductance in henrys or millihenrys. Induktometer: inductometer. See Induktionsmesser. Induktionsspule: induction coil. An apparatus consist- ing of two coupled circuits, interruptions of the current in one of which (the primary) induces an e.m.f., usually large, in another (the secondary). Used for ignition, for operating vacuum tubes, etc. Induktivitaet: inductivity, dielectric constant. See di- elektrische Konstante. VR2 + (2«L -die)2- Impuls: impulse. The time integral of a force, esp. when applied for a short time; measured by the change in momentum which it would impart to a free mass if acting in a line through the c.m. Impulsmoment: momentum, moment of momentum. (1) (Linear.) The product of the mass of a body by its linear velocity. (2) The angular momentum is the product of the moment of inertia of a rotating body, with respect to the (fixed) axis of rotation, by its angu- lar velocity in radians per unit time; or, the volume integral of the products of the momenta of the elements of mass of the body by their distance from the axis of rotation. Impulsraum: momentum space. A mathematical space in which the radius vector represents momentum and /induktiver akustischer Widerstand 64 induktiver akustischer Widerstand oder akustische Iner- tanz: acoustic inertance. See akustische Inertanz. Induktor: inductor. A coil or electromagnet introduced into a circuit to provide inductance. induzieren: induce. To bring about as the result of exposure to the influence or to the variation of a field of force; e.g., an induced charge, or an induced current, etc. Infrarot: infrared. A wide range of invisible radiation frequencies adjoining the visible red and merging into Hertzian radiation. Infraschall: infrasonic. Having a frequency below the audible range. Inklination; inclination. (1) The angle which a line, a surface, or any vector makes with the horizontal. (2) (Geom.) The angle which the direction of a vector or of a curve at any point makes with the axis of abscissas. (3) (Magnetic.) The angle which the mag- netic field of the earth makes with the horizontal at any station. Syn. magnetic dip. Inklinationsmesser; inclinometer. (1) Any instrument for measuring inclination, as of the surface of the land or of a rock stratum. (2) (Magnetic.) A magnetic needle poised in a vertical plane, used to indicate the magnetic inclination. Syn. dip needle. Inklinometer: inclinometer. See Inklinationsmesser. innere Arbeit; internal work. Work done by a system against forces operating within it or between its parts, or done upon the system by such forces e.g., when a body expands or when a liquid evaporates, work is done in general against the forces of cohesion between its molecules. innerer Druck: intrinsic pressure, internal pressure. A pressure supposed to exist within a fluid because of its cohesion, and which cooperates with the external pres- sure to maintain equilibrium against the expansive effect of heat. innere Energie: internal energy, intrinsic energy. That part of the energy of a system any change in which is equal to the algebraic sum of the mechanical work and the heat received by the system; provided that the recognizable forms of bulk energy, such as the kinetic energy of motion of its parts, or its electrical and mag- netic potential energy, remain constant throughout such change. The internal energy may be regarded as a scalar, reckoned from a zero taken at some arbitrarily chosen state. inneres Feld: intrinsic field, inner field, inner force. The electric field immediately surrounding any individual molecule in the interior of a polarized dielectric, or the magnetic field surrounding a molecule of a mag- netized substance. Its intensity is a linear function of the electric polarization or of the magnetization. innere Feldkonstante: inner field constant. The con- stant coefficient of the electric polarization or of the magnetization in the linear function representing the intensity of an inner field. innere Kraft: inner force. See inneres Feld. innere magnetische Induktion: intrinsic magnetic in- duction. That component of the magnetic induction which is proportional to the local magnetization. innerer photoelektrischer Effekt: internal photoelectric effect, volume photoelectric effect. True or primary photoconductivity, apart from the secondary effects usu- ally associated with it. inneres Potential: intrinsic potential. The constant amount by which, according to the theory of Frenkel, the potential in the interior of a body differs from that of its surroundings; closely associated with con- tact p.d. Innere Quantenzahl: inner quantum number. A quan- tum number J, associated with the quantization of the total angular momentum of the atom, exclusive of nuclear spin. It is analogous to the rotational quantum number J of a molecule (inclusive of electron spin) ; and the term is sometimes thus applied to the molecule. Innere Reflektion (Zurueckstrahlung): internal reflec- tion. Reflection of light incident upon the surface of a body from the inside, or at an interface, the medium beyond which has a lower refractive index than that in which the reflection occurs. innerer Widerstand: internal resistance. The resistance of the portion of a circuit occupied by sources of e.m.f. such as batteries or generators. Innere Umkehrung, innere Umwandlung: internal con- version. The effect upon an atom produced when a gamma-ray photon emerges from the nucleus and gives up its energy in an encounter with an extranuclear electron. in recjelmaessigen Zeitabschnitten: isochronous. In re a vibration: having a period independent of the ampli- tude. in Serie gewichelt: series-wound. In re a field magnet: 65 /Instrument zur Messung der Koerzitlvkraft I having its winding in series with the external or line circuit. Instrument zur Messung der Koerzitivkraft: coercime- ter. An instrument for measuring the coercive force of magnetic materials. Integrationsinstrument: integrator. An instrument that performs definite integrations or summations mechan- ically. Integrationsmesser: integrating meter. An instrument that sums up or integrates the electric energy used over a period of time, e.g., the ordinary electric light meter. Integrationsphotometer: integrating photometer. A photometer that sums or averages the intensity of a light source in all directions and thus gives the mean spherical candle power by a single observation. Integrationssphaere: integrating sphere. (Photom.) A spherical shell coated inside with a nonselective white paint, used with a photometer for measuring the reflec- tions of material without comparison with a reflection standard. In+egra+ionswuerfel: integrating cube, cube photometer. An integrating photometer similar in principle to the sphere photometer but employing a cubical instead of a spherical cavity. In+ensitaef (zum Beispiel Emission): intensity (of an emission), flux density. The flux through unit area of a surface normal to the direction of propagation; or, for a diffuse emission, the flux per unit solid angle per unit area normal to a specified direction. Syn. intensity. Interferenz: interference. A term applied to a variety of phenomena arising from the joint effects of two or more wave trains arriving at the same point simul- taneously. Interferenzphotometer: interference photometer. A photometer in which the balance is determined by the disappearance of superposed, complementary interfer- ence bands produced by the two sources in a thin film. Interferometer: interferometer. An apparatus used to produce and exhibit interference between two or more coherent wave trains from the same large, luminous area, and often to compare wave lengths with observable displacements of reflectors or other parts. Interkombinationslinie: intercombination line. A com- bination line between multiplet energy levels having dif- ferent numbers of components, as between quintet and triplet levels. intermittency effect: intermittency effect. A difference between the photographic density produced by an ex- posure separated into short flashes and that due to a continuous exposure of the same illumination and total duration. internationaler Radiumstandard: international radium standard. A standard of radioactivity, consisting of 21.99 mg of pure radium chloride, prepared by Mme. Curie and preserved at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures at Sevres. internationale Temperaturskala: international tempera- ture scale. A scale of temperature fixed by international agreement. Between — 190 and -f 660 degrees C., it is based upon the resistance of a standard platinum resistance thermometer in accordance with the following formulas for resistance at temperature t: below 0 degree C, Rt = R0 [1 + At + Bt2 + C (t — 100°) t3], above 0 degree C, Rt = R0 (1 + At + Bt2); where A, B, C are empirical constants. From -f 660 degrees C. to the gold point it is based upon the plati- num-platin-rhodium thermel, and, beyond this, upon the optical pyrometer. interpolieren: interpolate. To estimate the value of a function for values of the variable lying between those for which the function is known; either graphically, or by a proportion or other interpolation formula. Interwall: interval. The ratio of the higher of two musical frequencies to the lower; e.g., the interval C sharp to C is 1.059. Interwallfaktor: interval factor, gamma value. A quan- tity relating to the angular momentum levels in the Zee- man effect, introduced by Lande, and denoted by y. Interwallregel (Lande): interval rule (Lande). See g- Faktor, g-Wert. Invar: invar. An alloy of nickel and iron (about 3 IT N is the number of electrons per cm3, m the electronic mass, e the electronic charge, c the electromagnetic con- stant, and Knudsen-Weber'sches Gesetz: Knudsen-Weher laiv. An experimentally established law for the resistance to the motion of spheres in a viscous medium. It is an extension of the Stokes law and reduces to it under appropriate limits. Koaggregation: coaggregation. The union of fog par- ticles into drops of appreciable size, as in the formation of rain in a cloud. Koch'scher Widerstand: Koch resistance. A high re- sistance, consisting essentially of an illuminated photo- electric cell used at voltages low enough to insure that the resistance is independent of the voltage. Kochen: ebullition. The familiar phenomenon of boil- ing, exhibited by a liquid at a temperature sufficiently high for the rapid formation and escape of bubbles of vapor. Koerpermittelpunkt: center of figure, c. of volume. In re any three-dimensional space figure: that point which coincides with the center of mass of a body formed by constructing the figure out of homogeneous material. Koerzitivkraft: coercive force, coercivity, retentivity. (1) The magnetic intensity required to reduce the mag- netic induction in a previously magnetized material to zero. If the material has been magnetized to satura- tion this quantity is called the coercivity. (2) a. The value of the remanence for the case of a symmetrical magnetic hysteresis cycle extending to practical satu- ration. h. The ratio of the remanence to the magnetic induction at saturation under these same circumstances. Syn. retentivity coefficient. Kohaerer: coherer. A cell containing a granular con- ductor between two electrodes, which becomes highly conducting only when subjected to an electric field; formerly used as a detector. Kohaerenz: coherence. A relation between two wave trains, such that when brought into coincidence they are capable of producing interference phenomena. The maximum path difference for which interference persists is the coherence length. hv a — me2 where hv is the radiation quantum energy (Planck con- stant x frequency). Klopfen: hammer, hammering. The sharp pounding of a liquid, such as water or mercury, often observed when the tube containing it is devoid of air, which would otherwise act as a cushion. Knall: pulse. A single disturbance propagated as a wave, but not having the cyclic characteristic of a wave train; e.g.; the sound of an electric spark. Kno+en: node. (1) A point, line, or surface in a vibrating medium at which the amplitude of the vibra- tion is reduced to zero by the interference of oppositely directed wave trains, forming stationary waves; e.g., one of the stationary points on a vibrating string. (2) In re a wave function: A point at which the real part of the wave variable changes sign. Knotenpunkte: nodal points. In re a symmetrical opti- cal system: two conjugate points on the axis such that any paraxial ray which, before entering the system, in- tersects the axis at the first nodal point, will emerge from the system in a parallel direction and intersect the axis at the second nodal point. If the system is sur- rounded by the same medium on both sides, the nodal points are identical with the principal points, q.v. Knudsensche Gleichung: Knudsen equation. A some- what complicated equation for the flow of a rarefied gas through a cylindrical tube at very low pressures. Knudsen Manometer: Knudsen gauge, Knudsen abso- lute manometer. A gauge for measuring extremely low gas pressures. It operates on the principle of unequal bombardment of a surface by molecules of different energies which gives a measurable resultant force pro- portional to the pressure of the gas. 75 /Kohaesion K Kohaesion: cohesion. That property of a substance which enables it to cling together in opposition to forces tending to separate it into parts. Kohlrausches Gesetz: Kohlrausch law. States that the two kinds of ions of an electrolyte in solution conduct the current independently of each other and in propor- tion to their transference numbers. Koinzidenzmethode: coincidence method. A method of timing a periodic phenomenon by observing coinci- dences between the occurrences of the phenomenon in question and those of one whose period is known, e.g., the vibration of a pendulum. Kollektor: collector. (1) An exploring electrode or probe, esp. in a vacuum tube. (2) Syn. Faraday cylin- der. (3) An apparatus for measuring the vertical poten- tial gradient of the atmosphere. Kollimator: collimator. An optical apparatus, the pur- pose of which is to furnish a beam of parallel rays of light. A common form consists of a lens, having a small opening or slit at its principal focus. Kolliniationszentrum: center of collineation. That point through which pass all straight lines joining conjugate points of a spherical refracting surface or of a thin lens. For the former it is the center of curvature and for the latter, the optical center. Kolloid: colloid. A substance in the colloidal state. Typical colloids are smoke, gelatine solution, starch solution, albumen, and very finely divided gold in sus- pension. kolloidale Loesung: colloidal solution. A mixture which contains ingredients in the colloidal state; in contra- distinction to a true or "molecular” solution. kolloidaler Zustand: colloidal state. The finely divided state of matter dispersed in solids, liquids, or gases, the particles of which have diameters ranging approxi- mately between 10~7 cm and 10-5 cm. In liquids or gases the particles remain suspended indefinitely but do not pass through very fine filters. Kolorimetrie: colorimetry. The measurement of color. Such a measurement may be made directly in terms of the three attributes of color, viz., hue, saturation, and brilliance; or directly in terms of the physical character- istics of the stimulus, such as spectral energy distribu- tion, intensity, modal wave length, spectral purity, etc. Koma: coma. One of the types of spherical aberration, due to the asymmetry of a bundle of rays of finite aperture. Kombinationslinie: combination line. An atomic spec- tral line produced by a transition between two multiplet energy levels. Kombinationsprinzip: combination principle. An ex- pression of the fact that the existence of spectral lines can be predicted by calculating the quantum energy, and hence the frequency, resulting from the transition of an electron from one stable state to another. First stated in an empirical form by Ritz. Kombinationsserie: combination series. A series of spectral lines formed in accordance with the combina- tion principle of Ritz. Kombinationston: combination tone. A subjective tone produced by the simultaneous sounding of two or more physical tones. Kombinationsverbot: combination defect. A discrep- ancy arising from the application of the combination principle to certain molecular spectra, and explained on the assumption that the initial or the final rotational energy levels are close doubles. Kommutator: commutator. Any device for reversing the direction of an electric current or for interchanging the connections to a circuit. Komparator: comparator. An instrument for the ac- curate measurement of moderate distances, usually con- sisting of a telescope or a microscope arranged to move laterally along a scale. Kompensator: compensator. An apparatus, the original form of which was designed by Babinet, for the meas- urement of the phase difference between the two com- ponents of elliptically polarized light. Kompensationstheorie: compensation theorem. See Aus- gleichslehrsatz. Komplementaerfarben: complementary colors. Two colors which, when mixed additively in proper propor- tions, produce the sensation of white. Komplex-lon: complex ion. The result of the combina- tion of a positive ion with an uncharged molecule. Komplex-Spektrum: complex spectrum. A spectrum containing multiplet lines. Kompressibilitaet: compressibility. The reciprocal of the bulk modulus. Also called compressibility coeffi- cient. Kompressionswaerme: heat of compression. The heat generated per unit mass per unit change of pressure /Kondensationskoeffizient 76 K or of volume, in the compression of a substance, such as a gas. Its value depends upon the circumstances of the compression. Kondensationskoeffizient: condensation coefficient. The ratio of the total volume of the molecules of a gas to the volume of the gas; a term due to Loschmidt. Kondensationspumpe: condensation pump. Any air pump acting on the principle which uses the impact of a stream of vapor to compress a gas to such a pressure that a force pump can take hold, the vapor being re- moved from the compression space by condensation. Kondensationswaerme: heat of condensation. See Ver- dampfungswaerme. Kondensator (elektr.): condenser. A device consisting of two electrical conductors, usually in the form of metal plates, separated by a small thickness of dielectric, which has the effect of largely increasing the capacitance of each conductor. Konsensor (opt.): condenser. A system of strongly con- verging lenses used to concentrate the light on the object or slide in a projector. - Konduktanz: conductance. (1) The reciprocal of elec- tric resistance. (2) Knudsen uses the term in an analo- gous manner as applying to the case of flow of rarefied gases in tubes. konjugierte Punkte: conjugate points. (1) (Opt.) Two points of an optical system such that each is the image of the other. (2) (Dyn.) Two points of a rigid body, on opposite sides of the c.m. and in line with it, such that if the body, when free, is given an impulse in a transverse line through either point, it begins to rotate about an axis through the other. konjugierte Zweige: conjugate branches. Two branches of an electric network, so related that an e.m.f. in one produces no current in the other. Konkavgitter: concave grating. An optical grating ruled on a concave, spherical, reflecting surface, which not only acts as a grating, but serves also to focus the image of the slit without the use of lenses. Such gratings were first constructed by Rowland. konkav-konvek: concavo-convex. Having two curved surfaces, of which one, the concave, has greater curva- ture than the other, which is convex; applied esp. to lenses. Syn. concave-meniscus. konservatives Feld: conservative field. A field of force such that, if a particle moves from one point to another within the field, the work done depends only upon its initial and its final position, and not upon the path which it follows. konservatives System: conservative system. A system of bodies acted upon only by forces within the system, so that the total dynamical energy of the system remains constant. Konstanten: constantan. An alloy of 60 percent Cu and 40 percent Ni, used for resistance coils because of its very low temperature coefficient of resistance. Kontaktpotentialdifferenz: contact potential difference. A difference of electric potential which devleops between two dissimilar conductors when they are placed in con- tact; first observed by Volta. Syn. Volta effect. Kontakt winke!: angle of contact. The angle which a liquid surface makes with the submerged part of the solid surface with which it is in contact, as in a capillary tube. kontinuierliches Spektrum: continuous spectrum. A spectrum which exhibits no structure and appears to represent a continuous variation of wave length from one end to the other, e.g., the spectrum of an incan- descent solid. Kontinuitaetsgleichung: equation of continuity. (1) An equation which, in physical analysis, expresses the fact that the rate at which the quantity of any conserved entity, e.g. matter, electricity, or energy, changes within any region is equal to the difference between the rates at which this entity enters and leaves that region. (2) An equation relating to the flow of a gaseous substance, which expresses the fact that the product of the cross section, the speed of flow, and the density remains constant. Kontrak+Ionskoeffizient: contraction coefficient. The ratio of its area of smallest cross section to the area of the orifice is the contraction coefficient. Kontur oder Gestalt: contour. (1) The geometrical form of a surface, esp. as indicated by its plane sections. (2) The wave-length-intensity curve for a particular line or band of the spectrum. Konvektion: convection. Circulation in a fluid of non- uniform temperature, due to differences of density. Konvergenz: convergence. (1) A negative divergence; e.g. for the gravitational field within a material sub- stance of density p it is — 4vp. (2) The increasing density of spacing of the lines in a spectral series as the series limit is approached with decreasing wave length. (3) (Math.) The property of converging, as an algebraic series. /Konvergenzfaktor 77 K_ Konvergenzfaktor: convergence factor. The coefficient B in the square term of the quadratic function: of the inductance of B that is shared with A, the in- ductive coupling coefficient is the mean proportional of f1 and f2. The capacitative coupling coefficient is defined in an analogous way. (2) In general, an abstract con- stant entering into the equations of motion of two coupled systems and dependent upon the mutual effect of one upon the other. Korona (elek+r.): corona (electr.). The result of a par- tial electric breakdown in a gas, such as a brush dis- charge or a glow discharge. Korona (astronom.): corona (astron.). An extended, luminous, gaseous envelope which constitutes the outer- most portion of the sun. Koronavol+meter: corona voltmeter. An apparatus for the measurement of high peak voltages by the formation of a corona. Korrektionsfaktor: correction factor. See Berichtigungs- faktor. Korrelation: correlation. See Beziehung. Korrespondenzprinzip: correspondence principle. A relation assumed, in Bohr’s radiation theory, to exist between the observed intensities and frequencies of a molecular or atomic spectrum and the radiations which would be emitted by an oscillator in accordance with classical theory. korrespondierende Zustaende: . corresponding states. See Gesetz der korrespondierenden Zustaende. Kosinus Emissionsgesetz: cosine emission law. States that the rate of emission or diffuse reflection of radiant energy in a given direction from any element of area of a perfectly diffusing surface is proportional to the cosine of the angle of emission, measured between the emitted ray and the normal to the surface. For emis- sion it holds rigorously for black surfaces only. Syn. Lambert law. Kosinus Photometer: cosine photometer. A photometer in which the illumination of one surface to be compared is varied, in accordance with the cosine emission law, by varying its orientation. kosmische Strahlung: cosmic radiation, c. rays. A type of very penetrating radiation of unknown origin, ap- parently traversing interplanetary space in all directions, and detected by the ionization which it produces in electroscopes, ion counters, etc. Kossel-Sommerfeld'sche Gesetze: Kossel-Sommerfeld laws. (1) States that the arc spectra of elements of even v = v0 + AN + BN2, representing the frequency of the spectral line of ordinal number N in a rotation-vibration spectral band. v0 is the frequency corresponding to the zero line. konvex-konkav: convexo-concave. Having two curved surfaces, of which one, the convex, has greater curva- ture than the other, which is concave; applied esp. to lenses. Syn. convex-meniscus. Konzentrationszelle: concentration cell. An electrolytic cell whose e.m.f. is due to a difference in concentration between different parts of the electrolyte. Koordinate: coordinate. (1) One of the quantities specified in defining the position of a point or the value of a point function. (2) In general, one of a set of variables used to express the condition or the behavior of a physical system, as pressure, volume, temperature, entropy, time, etc. In this broader sense they are often termed generalized coordinates. Koordinationsgitter: coordination lattice. A crystal lat- tice in which each ion bears the same relation to the adjacent ions in all three coordinate directions, so that the identity of the molecule becomes ambiguous. Koordinationsregel: coordination rule. Describes the process whereby the magnetic sublevels of a multiple! (spectral line) in weak fields are co-ordinated with the magnetic levels of the component vectors in strong fields. As the field changes, the co-ordinate levels merge. Simi- lar rules exist also for other types of coupling. Kopf: bead. (1) A quantity used in relation to fluid motion, and having the dimension of length, which is in proportion to the energy of the particles of fluid. Three component heads are distinguished, viz., those corresponding to elevation, to pressure, and to speed of flow, respectively. (2) The edge of a spectral band or series. Kopplung: coupling. (1) A juxtaposition of two elec- tric circuits, such that their mutual relationship permits variations of current in one circuit to affect the e.m.f. in the other, (2) An interaction between one of the electrons of an atom and other parts of the atomic electron system. (3) In general, any interaction be- tween two or more systems. Kopplungskoeffizient: coupling coefficient. (1) An abstract fraction relating to the closeness of coupling of two circuits A, B. If ft is the fraction of the in- ductance of A that is shared with B, and f2 the fraction /Konstante der Bindungskraft 78 K atomic number show odd multiplicity, and vice versa. Syn. alternation law. (2) States that the spectrum of a singly ionized element (first spark spectrum) resembles that of the next preceding element in the atomic-number table; the spectrum of a doubly ionized element (sec- ond spark spectrum), that of the next but one; etc. Syn. displacement law (2). Konstante der Bindungskraft; bond force constant. The Hooke-law force constant for infinitesimal extension or compression of a chemical bond in a molecule; a concept used in the treatment of the normal vibrations of a molecule. Kovolumen: covolume. A term sometimes used to denote the volume of the space throughout which a gas is distributed, minus the volume of the molecules them- selves. The factor v — b in the van der Waals equation may be considered as representing this quantity. Kraefte: forces. The cause of the change of move- ment of material bodies, determined by point of appli- cation, direction, and magnitude; the magnitude of the force is the product of mass and acceleration, the scien- tific unit of the force is the dyne, the technical unit the kilogram. Kraef+epolygon: force polygon. See Vektorpolygon. Kraeffevieleck: force polygon. See Kraeftepolygon. Kraftlinie: line of force. (1) An imaginary line in a field of force which, at each of its points, coincides in direction with the field intensity; a concept due to Faraday. (2) A unit of flux (magnetic, electric), so defined that the number of lines intersecting any cross section, per unit area, is numerically equal to the com- ponent of field intensity normal to the section. Kraftmesser: dynamometer. See Dynamometer. Kraftroehre: tube of force. See Faraday’sche Roehre. Kreis: circuit. (1) (Electr.) A conductor, or group of conductors, so arranged and connected or coupled as to be capable of conducting an electric current or sys- tem of currents when supplied with suitable e.m.f.’s. (2) (Magnetic.) A closed tube or multiple connected region, the surface of which is everywhere tangential to the magnetic induction; or a series of bodies approxi- mately filling such a region. The field magnet and armature core of a motor form a typical magnetic circuit. Kreisbahn: central orbit. An orbit traversed by a body under the influence of a force directed toward a fixed center. Kreis der geringsten Aberration: least circle of aberra- tion. The smallest cross section of a bundle of reflected or refracted rays forming a symmetrical caustic surface. Kreis der geringsten Unschaerfe: circle of least con- fusion. The small, round spot which, on account of aberration effects, constitutes the smallest image of a point source which can be formed by an uncorrected lens. Kreisel: gyro- The rotating part of any such device as a gyrostat, gyrocompass, etc., or in general, any ro- tating rigid body. See also Gyroskop and Gyrostat. Kreiseldynamik: gyrodynamics. The dynamics of rotat- ing bodies, esp. those affected by precession. Kreiselkompass: gyrostatic compass, gyrocompass. One of several devices utilizing the tendency of a rapidly spinning gyro to maintain its axis of rotation as a non- magnetic compass on shipboard. The arrangements for neutralizing various sources of error make the mechanism somewhat complicated. kreiselmagnetisch: gyromagnetic. See gyromagnetisch. Kreiselradius: radius of gyration. Of a rigid body with respect to a given axis: a distance such that, if all the particles of the body were at that distance from the given axis, its moment of inertia with respect to that axis would be unchanged. Syn. swing radius. Kristallanalyse: crystal analysis. The study of the ar- rangement of atoms, ions, or molecules in crystals, chiefly by X-ray methods, aided by the theory of space groups. Kristalldetektor: crystal detector. A rectifier consisting of a conducting crystal, e.g., of galena or silicon, against which presses a sharp steel point. The device has marked nonsymmetrical resistance. Kristalldiamagnetismus: crystal diamagnetism. Abnor- mal and anisotrop diamagnetism observed in crystals of a few substances; e.g.; bismuth. Kristallgitter: crystal grating. A crystal suitably mounted to serve as a diffraction grating, e.g., for X-rays. Kristallkunde: crystallography. That branch of physical science which deals with the geometrical form of crystals. Kristallographie: crystallography. See Kristallkunde. Kristallumineszenz: crystalloluminiscence. The emission of light upon the precipitation of crystals from a so- lution. 677865—46 6 79 /kristalloidaler Zustand K_ kristalloidaler Zustand: crystalloid state. A condition of a substance in liquid form, in which its largest particles, either single molecules or polymers, are too small to be caught on the finest filters. Substances in this state are known as crystalloids. Kristallspektograph: crystal spectograph. An instru- ment for photographing the spectrum formed by using a crystal, e.g., calcite, as the diffracting system. Kristallsystem: crystal system. A group which includes all crystals containing the same number and kind of planes of symmetry. There are six crystal systems: iso- metric or cubical, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic, hexagonal; q.v. Kristallwachstumflaeche: gliding plane. See Gleit- flaeche. Kristallwasser: water of crystallization. Water mole- cules incorporated in the structure of a crystal. kritischer Bereich: critical range. The range of tem- perature between two transitions in a metal, as iron or steel, e.g., between the recalescence points. kritische Daempfung: critical damping. The degree of damping which must be applied to a body, displaced against a potential or an elastic force, in order just to prevent its oscillating upon returning to its neutral con- dition. For a condenser circuit, the critical damping corresponds to the relation R2 = 4 L/C, in which R, L, C are resistance, inductance, and capacitance, re- spectively. kritische Frequenz: critical frequency. (1) Syn. thresh- old frequency. (2) The frequency of an intermittent illumination which is just sufficient to prevent a sen- sation of flicker. kritische Geschwindigkeit: critical speed, parabolic ve- locity. The speed with which a particle at any point in the field of a gravitational attracting center must be endowed in order that its orbit shall be a parabola. If the point is at the surface of the gravitating mass (as a planet), this speed is the same as the velocity of escape. kritischer Koeffizient: critical coefficient. The ratio of the critical temperature of a substance to its critical pressure. kritische Konstanten: critical constants. These are the critical temperature, critical pressure, and critical density of any one substance. kritische Konzentration: critical concentration. The relative proportion in the mutual solution of two par- tially immiscible liquids in the vicinity of their inter- face when the critical solution temperature is reached, but before they become mutually diffused. kritische Loesungstemperatur: critical solution tem- perature. The temperature below which each of two liquids is only partially soluble in the other (conjugate solution), but above which they are consolute. Syn. Consolate temperature. kritisches Potential: critical potential. The p.d. in volts, corresponding to the energy in electron-volts, re- quired either to excite or to ionize an atom or a mole- cule; i.e., either the radiation potential or the ionizing potential of the atom or molecule. kritische Stroemungsgeschwindigkeit: critical velocity of flow. The speed at which a smooth, streamline flow of a liquid or a gaseous substance breaks into a turbu- lent flow or eddy. kritische Temperatur: critical temperature. The tem- perature at which a fluid is in the critical state. Above this temperature, the fluid cannot exist as a liquid or as a vapor. Hence, a fluid at a temperature higher than its critical temperature cannot be liquefied by pressure alone. The critical temperature in degrees centrigrade is for water 365 degrees. kritische Wellenlaenge: critical wave length. The wave length corresponding to the critical or threshold fre- quency in a quantum process brought about by radi- ation. kritischer Winke!: critical angle. See totale Reflektion. kritischer Zustand: critical state. A condition of a substance such that the liquid and the vapor state are identical. For a pure substance, this occurs only at a particular temperature (the critical temperature) and pressure (the critical pressure). A substance above its critical temperature will not separate into two fluid phases, however great the pressure applied. For water the critical temperature is 374 degrees C., the critical pressure 217 atm., while the critical density is 0.329 g/cm3. These are its critical constants. kryoskopisch: cryoscopic. Pertaining to the freezing points of liquids or to their determination. Kryostat: cryostat. A thermostat for use at very low temperatures. kubisch: cubical. (1) (Cryst.) Syn. isometric (1). (2) Having reference to volume, esp. in cubical ex- pansion. /kubischer Photometer 80 K kubischer Photometer: cube photometer. An integrat- ing photometer similar in principle to the sphere photo- meter but employing a cubical instead of a spherical cavity. Kuehler: condenser. An apparatus for changing a vapor into the liquid state. kuenstliche Radioaktivitaet: induced radioactivity. (1) Radioactivity produced artificially, by corpuscular bom- bardment or otherwise. (2) Originally used by the Curies to denote radioactive deposit. Kugelabstand: sphere gap. A spark gap between two spherical knobs of equal diameter. From the width of the gap and the diameter of the knobs, it is possible to calculate the approximate spark potential; hence the gap may be used as a simple voltmeter for high po- tentials. Kuhn-Reich'sche Summenregel: Kuhn-Reiche sum rule. In re the quantum theory of dispersion: states that the factors by which the classical terms corresponding to the several absorption frequencies in the dispersion for- mula of the atom are multiplied, and which are char- acteristic of the respective absorption lines, have unity as their sum. Kundf'sche Konstante: Kundt constant. The Verdet "constant” divided by the magnetic susceptibility. In the case of ferromagnetic substances, having variable susceptibility, the Verdet factor is. not constant but is proportional to the susceptibility; so that it must be divided by the latter to give a constant value. Kundt'sches Rohr: Kundt tube. A long glass tube, like a horizontal organ pipe, inside which is sprinkled a quantity of fine powder, or which is provided with some other device to exhibit the acoustic nodes and antinodes when the tube is sounded. Kupplung: turn-flux, linkage, fluxturns. A measure of the interlocking of a magnetic flux with an electric circuit, viz., the product of the flux by the number of turns of the circuit surrounding it, expressed in maxwell- turns. kurze Nebelspuren: fish tracks. Short cloud tracks ter- minating in a collection of droplets, attributed by Wil- son to the scattering of X-ray quanta. 81 /L-Diagramm L L-Diagramm: Laue pattern. The photographic record of the diffracted beams produced when heterogeneous X-rays from a pinhole or slit impinge upon a single crystal. L-Entkopplung: L-uncoupling. A change that may take place in the quantization of a rotating molecule as the angular speed increases; the change being from a quan- tization of the electronic angular momentum L to that of the angular momentum of the revolving nuclei. L-Serie: L series. A series of frequencies in the X-ray spectrum of an element, believed to arise from the tran- sition of electrons from various higher quantum states to the state whose principal quantum number is 2. Ladung: Load. (1) The power delivered by a gener- tor to the line. (2) A resistance, inductance, or capaci- tance intentionally placed in a circuit, usually to in- crease or control the reactance. (3) The force sustained by any structural member, as a beam or a column. Laengendich+e: line density. The mass per unit length, as of a wire or a slender rod. Lag: lag. (1) A delay in the phase of current maxima behind the corresponding e.m.f. maxima in an inductive a.c. circuit. (2) In general, a delay in the action of any device, e.g. of a thermometer behind changes of tem- perature. Lagrange'sche Funktion: Lagrangian function. An ex- pression for the kinetic minus the potential energy in a conservative system. Syn. Kinetic potential. Lagrange'sche Gleichungen: Lagrange equations. A set of differential equations relating to a system of particles, one equation for each of the n degrees of freedom, corresponding to the generalized coordinates q15 q2 , qn. If Ek denotes the kinetic energy of the system, the form of each equation is Lambda/2-Blaeftchen; half-wave plate. A plate of mica or other doubly refracting crystal, of such thick- ness as to introduce a phase difference of 1/2 CYC be- tween the ordinary and the extraordinary components of the light traversing it. Lambda/4-Blae++chen: quarter-wave plate. A plate of mica or other doubly refracting crystal of such thick- ness as to introduce a phase difference of one-fourth cycle between the ordinary and the extraordinary com- ponents of the light traversing it. Lambdapla+fe: wave plate. See Lambda/2-Blaettchen and Lambda/4-Blaettchen. Lambda/4-Verschiebung: quadrature. A phase differ- ence of one-quarter cycle. Lambdawert: lambda value. The value of the orbital angular momentum of a molecule about its axis of figure, expressed as a multiple of the quantum number h/27T. Lambert: lambert. A unit of brightness, equal to that of a perfectly diffusing surface emitting or reflecting light at the rate of 1 lumen per cm2. Equivalent to 1/tt candle/cm2. Lambert'sches Gesetz: Lambert law. See Kosinus Emissionsgesetz. lamellar: lamellar. (1) Syn. laminar. (2) In re a vector point function: having a circuitation equal to zero. Syn. irrotational, noncircuital. laminar: laminar. In the form of a thin layer or lamina. Syn. lamellar (1). Lanchester'sche Regel: Lanchester rule. In re the pre- cessional effect on a gyroscope: view the whirling gyro from a point in the plane of its rotation and apply a torque to the axis of rotation, the axis of the applied torque being coincident with the line of sight; the immediate result is a precessional tipping of the rota- tion axis toward or from the observer, such that the gyro now appears to rotate in the same direction as the applied torque. Lande-Faktor: Lande factor. See g-Faktor. Landolt'sches Band: Landolt band. A dark band some- times appearing in the field of crossed Nicols with an intense source, as the sun; due to the light being not strictly parallel, so that it is not all extinguished at once. d j 8Ek \ 8Ek = Qr dt ' 8qr 1 8qr (r = 1.2, n); in which qr denotes dqr/dt. 2 Qr Sqr j is the work done by the external forces in the arbitrary displacement Sq2, 8q„. Laguerre'sches polynom: Laguerre polynomial. A polynomial in x and ex which occurs in the radial factor of the quantum-mechanical solution of the hy- drogen atom. /Langevin'sche Funktion 82 L first-order effect of a magnetic field upon the electronic orbits in an atom, as a precessional motion of the orbit' about an axis lying in the direction of the field, some- times referred to as the Larmor precession. Laue’sche Gleichungen: Laue equations. A set of three simultaneous equations which must be satisfied for any intensity maximum of radiation diffracted by a crystal. Lauf+erm: running term. One of a series of progres- sively different terms appearing in the energy differences which determine a series of spectral lines. Each line of the series is determined by the difference between one fixed term and one of the successive values of the run- ning term. Lautlehre: phonetics. That branch of acoustics which deals with the study of the production and the consti- tution of vocal sounds. Lautstaerke: intensity level. A term used in acoustics to denote the relation of one sound intensity to an- other, as expressed in bels or decibels; it is the common logarithm of their ratio. Le Chatelier’sches Prinzip: Le Chatelier principle. A form of the least-energy principle, stating that when a dynamic system is in stable equilibrium any change in its state brings about conditions opposed to further change in the same direction; equivalent to a definition of stable equilibrium. Lecher Oszillator: Lecher oscillator. A device for pro- ducing a system of standing waves in two parallel wires, called Lecher wires. Legendre’sche Gleichung: Legendre equation. A dif- ferential equation of the form Langevin'sche Funktion: Langevin function. A func- tion of the form 1 L(x) — cot x — ; x used in the kinetic theory of gases. Langevin'sches Gesetz: Langevin law. Expresses the average magnetic moment of the molecules of a gas as ju,2H/3kT, in which is the magnetic permeability, H the magnetizing field, k the Boltzmann constant, and T the absolute temperature. Langevin'sches Ion: Langevin ion. An electrified par- ticle in a gas, resulting from the accumulation of gase- ous ions upon dust particles or other nuclei. Langmuir'scher Dunkelraum: Langmuir dark space. A nonluminous .region surrounding a negatively charged probe inserted into the positive column of a glow or arc discharge. langwellige Grenze: long-wave limit. The quantum energy just sufficient to release photoelectrons from a given surface. The corresponding frequency is the threshold frequency. Syn. photoelectric threshold. Laplace'sches Gesetz: Laplace law. See Ampere’sches Gesetz. Laplace'sche Gleichung: Laplace equation. A linear differential equation of the second order which occurs very frequently in mathematical physics. E.g., for any point in an electric field at which there is no free elec- tricity, the potential V satisfies this equation, which in rectangular co-ordinates has- the form 82V 82V 82V _(_ + — o Sx2 Sy2 8z2 Laplace'scher Operator: Laplace Operator. The dif- ferential operator which occurs in the Laplace and the Poisson equations. In rectangular coordinates it is d ( dy ) < (1 — x2) > -f- ay — 0 dx ( dx ) r 82 82 82 -i I + , L Sx2 8y2 8z2 J The solutions of this equation are Legendre functions or Legendre polynomials. Legendre'sches Polynom: Legendre polynomial. A cosine polynomial which occurs in the angular factor of the quantum-mechanical solution of the hydrogen atom. Lehrsatz: theorem. (1) That which is considered and established as a principle or law; hence, sometimes, a rule. (2) A general statement that has been proved or whose truth has been conjectured. Lehrsatz der reziproken Energie: reciprocal-energy theorem. A theorem due to Rayleigh; as follows: Let and is often represented by the symbol \72. Thus the Laplace equation may be written \t2V — 0. Syn. La- placian. La Porte'sche Regel: La Porte rule. States that in dipole radiation, even spectral terms combine only with odd, and vice versa. Larmor-Praezession: Larmor precession. See Larmor- ’sches Prinzip. Larmor'sches Prinzip: Larmor principle. Sets forth the 83 /Leistung L an e.m.f., E1} inserted in any branch, designated as No. 1, of a transducer produce a current I2, in any other branch No. 2; correspondingly, let an e.m.f., E2, in- serted in branch No. 2, produce a current I15 in branch No. 1; then, if Ohm’s law holds, Leuchtintensitaet: luminous intensity. In re a point source of light: the luminous flux emitted per unit solid angle (spheradian) in a specified direction. Leuchtstaerkenverteilungskurve: luminosity curve. A distribution curve showing luminous flux per element of wave length as a function of wave length. Leuchttemperatur: brightness temperature. The tem- perature that is obtained for nonblack bodies with an optical pyrometer calibrated to give the correct tempera- ture of a black body. It is always less than the true temperature. Leuchtwirksamkeit: luminous efficiency. The ratio of the luminous flux to the radiant flux for the complete range of an emission of radiant energy. Levogyr: levogyrate, laevogyrate, levorotatory. The opposite of dextrogyrate, i.e., producing a left-handed rotation in polarized light. Lewls-Adams'sches Verhaeltnis: Lewis-Adams relation. A hypothetical relationship involving the elementary charge e, the electromagnetic constant c, and the Planck constant h; viz., Closely related to the reciprocity theorem. Leistung: Power. The time rate of the doing of work; or energy transferred per unit time. Leistungsfaktor: poiver factor. The ratio of the mean power to the apparent power in an a.-c. circuit. If the e.m.f. and current are sinusoidal, the power factor is equal to the cosine of the phase angle. Leitelektron: conduction electron. One of the electrons, supposedly from the outer levels of the atoms, which are concerned with the electrical conduction in a metal. The energy levels in which these electrons are found are called conduction levels. Leitfaehigkeit: conductivity. (1) (Thermal.) The fa- cility with which heat flows through a conductor, as measured by the quantity of heat transmitted per unit time, per unit temperature gradient along the direction of flow, per unit cross-sectional area. (2) (Electric.) The facility with which a substance conducts electricity, as measured by the current density per unit potential gradient in the direction of flow. It is the reciprocal of the resistivity. Syn. specific conductance. Leiffaehigkeifsdispersion: conductance dispersion. A variation of the equivalent conductance of an electrolyte for an a.c. of varying frequency. Leitfaehigkei+smesser: conductimeter. An apparatus for measuring the electrical conductivities of substances, esp. of liquids. Lenard-Roehre: Lenard tube. A vacuum tube specially designed to exhibit Lenard rays; recently improved as the Coolidge cathode-ray tube. Lenard-Strahlen: Lenard rays. Cathode rays that have escaped from the vacuum tube through a "window” or thin metallic foil. Produced and studied by Lenard in 1894. Lenz'sches Gesetz: Lenz law. States that whenever an e.m.f. is induced in a conductor by the variation of a magnetic field or by the relative motion of the con- ductor and the field, the direction of that e.m.f. is such as to tend to produce a current whose reaction with the field opposes the variation or the motion. I.Ei = I2E2. 87r3e2 I 15 '/3 ch ~ \7" / Lewls-Langmuir'sches Atom: Lewis-Langmuir atom. A concept of the nuclear atom in which the extranuclear electrons are assumed to occupy fixed relative positions; in contrast to the orbital electronic atom of Rutherford and Bohr. Syn. static atom. Lewis-Rayleigh'sches Leuchten: Lewis-Rayleigh glow. A yellow afterglow, most readily produced by condensed or electrodeless discharges in nitrogen. At ordinary tem- peratures, its spectrum consists of certain bands of the N2 system. Leydener Flasche: Leyden jar. The original form of electric condenser, in which the dielectric is a glass jar; credited to Muschenbroeck. Leydener Temperaturskala: Leyden tetnperature scale. A low temperature range of the centigrade scale, based upon the boiling point of hydrogen as — 252.74 degrees C. and and that of oxygen as — 182.95 degrees C.; from the work of Onnes at the Leyden laboratory. Lichtdruck: light pressure. A pressure proportional to the radiant energy in a unit of space, exerted by radia- tion on bodies upon which it impinges, and due to momentum. /lichtelektrische Zelle 84 L lich+elek+rische Zelle: photocell, photoelectric cell. A compact arrangement of metallic electrodes to obtain a photoelectric current. Lichtenberg'sche Figur: Lichtenberg figure. A pattern traced on a dielectric surface, which has been nonuni- formly electrified, by sifting over it fine powders, such as a mixture of sulphur and red lead. Lichtfluss: luminous flux, light flux. Rate of emission of visible radiation, esp. as judged by its visual effect. Lichtintensitaetsmesser spezieller Art: flashometer. An apparatus for studying the time-intensity distribution of flashes of light. Lichtjahr: light-year. A unit of interstellar distance, equal to the distance which light travels, in a vacuum, in 1 year; approximately equal to 9.45988 X 1017 cm or 5.87837 X 1012 mi. Lichtmenge: light, quantity of. A measure of the time integral of luminous flux; commonly expressed in lu- menhours. Lichtmesser; photometer. An apparatus for measuring the intensity of a light source. LIchtmuehle: radiometer. An instrument for measur- ing the intensity of thermal radiation. lichtnegativ: light-negative. Having negative photo- conductivity, i.e., decreasing in conductivity under the action of light. Selenium sometimes exhibits this prop- erty* Syn. photo-negative. iichtpositiv: light-positive. Having positive photocon- ductivity, i.e., increasing in conductivity under the action of light. Selenium ordinarily has this property. Lichtquanti+aet: quantity of light. See Lichtmenge. Lichtquellenausbeu+e: light-source efficiency. The ratio of the luminous flux from a source of light to the power required to maintain it; usually expressed in lumens per watt. Lich+quellens+aerke: light-source efficiency. See Licht- quellenausbeute. Lich+raster: light valve. A device, either mechanical or electro-optical, for controlling the intensity of a beam of light, or for intermittently cutting it off, as a shutter. Lichtvek+or: light vector. The electric vector concerned in the propagation of electro-magnetic radiation. Lichtver+eilungskurve: light distribution curve. A graph showing the variations of luminous intensity with the direction of emission. If it is in polar coordinates, the curve is sometimes called a polar candle-power diagram. Linearoszillator: linear oscillator. A system composed of two parts so connected that they are capable of oscil- lating with respect to each other along the line joining them, e.g., two balls at the ends of a rubber cord, the two ions of a polar molecule, or the positive and nega- tive electricity in a Hertz oscillator. Linie gleicher Ultrastrahlin+ensi+aet: isocosm. A line of equal cosmic-ray intensity on the earth’s surface. Linienabs+and: line interval. The difference in fre- quency between two adjacent lines in a spectral series. Linieninterwall: line interval. See Linienabstand. Linienspektrum: line spectrum. An atomic spectrum, characterized by distinct lines, rather than by bands as in molecular spectra. linksdrehend: levorotatory. See Levogyr. Linsenmesser: lensometer. An instrument designed for the measurement of the optical characteristics of spec- tacle lenses. Liouville'scher Lehrsatz: Liouville theorem. States that for a conservative system of particles, the number of particles per unit volume in any representative group of the particles remains unaltered as the particles move. Lippich'sches Prisma: Lippich prisma. A type of half- shade analyzer consisting of a small Nicol prism cover- ing half the field of the polarimeter. Lippmann'scher Effekt: Lippmann effect. The effect of a p.d. upon the mutual surface tension of two con- ducting, inmiscible liquids, as mercury and an electro- lytic solution. The surface tension is greatest when the p.d. is zero. Lippmann'sche Streifen: Lippmann fringes. Interfer- ence maxima which may be detected photographically, in parallel planes, in the space in front of a mercury surface from which light is normally reflected; due to the interference of the incident with the reflected light, forming stationary waves. Lissajous'sche Kurven: Lissajous curves. A family of plane curves described by a point having two simple harmonic motions at right angles; varying with the relations of amplitude, frequency, and phase. 85 /Liter L Liter: liter, litre. Originally defined as 1,000 cm3 but for practical purposes now defined as the volume of 1 kg of pure water at its maximum density (4 degrees C), and therefore equal to 1000.027 cm3. Lloyd'scher Spiegel: Lloyd mirror. A mirror used with very high incidence angle to produce by reflection two coherent light sources resulting in interference bands. Lochbild: pinhole image. The inverted picture formed by light passing from the source directly through a small opening and falling on a screen. loeschen: quench. See ausloeschen. Loeslichkeit: solubility. The equilibrium concentration of a solute in satured solution. loeslich in alien Verhaeltnissen: consolute. Miscible or mutually soluble in all proportions. Loesung: solution. A mixture of substances whose intimacy is of molecular order and the proportion of whose ingredients (concentration) is subject to con- tinuous variation over a certain range. Loesungsdruck: solution pressure. (1) The osmotic pressure of a solution of a substance in equilibrium with its solid phase. (2) (Electrolytic.) The electrolytic in- fluence which, according to Nernst’s hypothesis, urges positive metallic ions to break away from the metal and enter the solution with which it is in contact. Loesungswaerme: heat of solution. The quantity of heat absorbed or evolved per gram or per mol of a solute when it is dissolved in so large a volume of solvent that further dilution causes no further absorp- tion or evolution of heat. logarithmisches Dekrement: logarithmic decrement. The Napierian logarithm of a damping factor or oscil- lation decrement. logarithmisches Potential: logarithmic potential. A potential associated with a field of force subject to the inverse-first-power law instead of to the Newtonian or inverse-square law; so called because its value involves the logarithm of the distance. logarithmische Skala: logarithmic scale. A linear scale on which the actual distances of the points from the zero of the scale are proportional to the logarithms of the numbers with which these points are labeled. Lokalelement: local action. A chemical reaction which takes place in an electrolyte on the surface of an elec- trode at points where particles of foreign matter serve to complete microscope voltaic circuits, and which re- sults in corrosion of the electrode even when the main circuit of the cell is open. Lokalvereanderung: local change. Any dynamic proc- ess in which the attention is fixed upon a point of space, through which particles of a system pass in suc- cession, differences in their motions being noted; in contradistinction to individual change, q.v. longitudinale Masse: longitudinal mass. The ratio of force to acceleration, as given by the special theory of relativity, in the case of a particle that is accelerated in the direction of its existing velocity; not a funda- mental concept, since there is no law of conservation for this kind of mass. Lorentz'sche Doppelbrechung: Lorentz double refrac- tion. A group of optical phenomena in crystals, con- sisting of double refraction effects of the second order, not ordinarily observed and not included in the usual theories of crystal optics. E.g., Lorentz showed that even certain cubic crystals are not optically isotropic. Lorentz'sche Einheit: Lorentz unit. The difference in quantum energy corresponding to the Lorentz displace- ment in the normal Zeemann effect; expressed by the formula heH 4tt m0c, in which h is the Planck con- stant, e the elementary charge (in e.m.u.), c the elec- tromagnetic constant, m0 the rest mass of the electron, and H the magnetic intensity responsible for the effect. Lorentz'sche elektromotorische Kraft: Lorentz electro- motive force. A force acting upon an electric particle by reason of its motion relative to a magnetic field. Lorentz'sches Elektron: Lorentz electron. A moving electron which, according to the theory of Lorentz, has had its dimension parallel to the direction of motion shortened in the ratio I u2 V1 : 1 ; c2 in which u is the speed of the electron and c, the speed of light. Lorentz'scher Faktor: Lorentz factor. (1) The ratio of the intensity of an X-ray crystal-diffraction beam of a given order to that of the zero order, or undeflected, beam. (2) A factor expressing the dependence of the intensity upon the glancing angle, as the crystal is rotated. Lorentz-Fitzgerald'sche Kontraktion: Lorentz-Fitzger- ald contraction. See Fitzgerald-Lorentz’sche Kontrak- tion. /Lorentz Invarianz 86 _L Lorentz Invarianz: Lorentz invariance. An attribute of any fundamental equation of physics which exhibits its agreement with the requirements of the special the- ory of relativity by being invariant under the Lorentz transformation. Lorenz-Lorentz'sche Beziehung: Lorenz-Lorentz rela- tion. A relation connecting the refractive index n of a dielectric with its density p: The total emission in all directions from such a source is 4tt lumens. Lumenmesser: lumen meter. A device for measuring luminous flux; specifically, a photometer designed by Blondel for measuring mean spherical candle power. Lumenophor: Lumenophor. A molecule or group of molecules which according to the Kowalski theory of luminescence, is capable of emitting light when excited by absorbing the energy of an incident electron. Lumens+unde: Lumen-hour. A unit quantity of lumi- nous energy, equal to the emission of 1 lumen for 1 hour. Lummer-Brodhun Photometer: Lummer-Brodhun photo- meter. A photometer in which the comparison of the illuminations on opposite sides of a white screen is made by a method depending upon the principle of total reflection. Lummer-Gehrke Platte: Lummer-Gehrcke plate. A type of interferometer, based upon the interference effect of multiple reflections inside a glass plate with strictly plane and parallel faces, and capable of high resolving power, Lumineszenz: luminescence. (1) An emission of ra- diation, esp. visible light, by a substance as a result of the absorption of energy from some other emission, either radiant or corpuscular. (2) In general, an emis- sion of light by a substance from other causes than high temperature. Lux: lux. A practical metric unit of illumination, equal to 1 lumen per m2; or, the illumination of a surface at a uniform distance of 1m from a symmetrical point source of 1 candle. Syn. metercandle. Luxmesser: luxmeter. A type of illuminometer that measures illumination in luxes. Luxometer: luxometer. A portable form of cosine illumination photometer, depending upon the com- parison of the illuminated test area with an area illumi- nated by a lamp at an adjustable angle of incidence. Lyman Banden: Lyman bands. A group of spectral bands in the Schumann region of the hydrogen spec- trum between 1450 Ä and 1650 Ä. The frequencies are multiples of n2 — 1 = C; (n2 + 2 )p in which C is a constant for the given dielectric, known as the specific refractive power. Lorentz Transformation: Lorentz transformation, Lo- rentz-Einstein t. The process of transforming the mathe- matical expression corresponding to a given physical concept from the independent variables x, y, z, t, used by a given observer, to a new set x‘, y', z', t', used by a second observer in uniform motion relative to the first; making use of the Lorentz equations for the transformation of space and time variables. Lorentz Triplet; Lorentz triplet. A spectral triplet ob- served with light at right angles to the magnetic field, in the normal Zeeman effect. The center line is polar- ized with the electric vector parallel to the field, the others perpendicular to the field. Lorentz'sche Verschiebunq; Lorentz displacement. The difference in frequency between the undisplaced line and either of the two outer components of a Lorentz triplet in the normal Zeeman effect. Lorenz'sehe Zahl: Lorenz number. A constant which, according to Lorenz, represents the product of the mo- bility coefficient of an ion by its radius. Its value is about 9.37 X 10-7 cm/ohm. Loschmidt'sche Zahl: Loschmidt number. The number of molecules per cm3 of an ideal gas at N.T.P. equal to about 2.705 X 1019. Ludwlg-Soret Effekt: Ludwig-Soret effect. The effect of temperature upon the concentration of one of the components of a mixed crystal. Lueckensatz: vacancy principle. States that a config- uration of q of the p electrons of given principal and azimuthal quantum numbers, required to complete a closed group, gives rise to spectral terms having the same J values as those which arise from a configuration of p — q of the same electrons. Lumen (Einheit der Beleuchtung): lumen. A unit of luminous flux equal to the flux through unit solid angle (spheradian) from a uniform point source of 1 candle. V I2 n2 / in which n = 2, 3, 4, Lyman Kontinuum: Lyman continuum. A continuous spectrum in the ultraviolet, extending from the visible down to 300 Ä or lower; produced by a heavy con- denser discharge through a capillary. 87 /M-Serie M M-Serie: M series. A series of frequencies in the X-ray spectrum of an element, believed to arise from the transition of electrons from various higher quantum states to the state whose principal quantum number is 3. Discovered by Siegbahn. M-Wert: M value, magnetic quantum number. A quantum number related to the behavior of an atom or a molecule in a magnetic field, and equal to the component of the angular momentum of the system about the field direction as axis, expressed as a multiple of h/2 7r (h is the Planck constant). Used in connec- tion with magneto-optical phenomena, such as the Zee- man effect. Syn. equatorial quantum number, axial quan- tum number. Mach'sche Zahl: critical velocity ratio. The ratio of the velocity of a fluid to that of sound in that medium. Madelung'sche Konstante: Madelung constant. (1) A factor which occurs in the expression for the wave length of the residual radiation (Reststrahlen) selectively reflected by a given heteropolar crystal. (2) The con- stant k in the expression kE2/r for the potential energy of separation of the two unlike ions in a hetero- polar crystal, which have charges ± E and are a dis- tance r apart. Magnalium: magnalium. One of several alloys of aluminum and magnesium. That developed by Mach (69 percent A1 and 31 percent Mg) has high reflectiv- ity in the visible and the ultraviolet regions. magnetische Achse: magnetic axis. In re a magnet or an equivalent electric circuit: the vector direction of the magnetic moment. For a bipolar magnet with con- centrated poles, it is approximately the direction of the line drawn from the south to the north pole. magnetischer Aequator: magnetic equator. A line around the earth, approximately a great circle midway between the magnetic poles, and coinciding with the line of zero magnetic inclination. magnetische Analyse: magnetic analysis. (1) The separation of a stream of electrified particles by a mag- netic field in accordance with their mass, their charge, or their speed. (2) The study of the properties of iron or other magnetic bodies by magnetic methods. magnetische Breite: magnetic latitude. See geomag- netische Breite. magnetische Daempfung: magnetic damping. The damping of a mechanical motion by means of the re- action between a magnetic field and currents generated by the motion in accordance with the Lenz law. magnetische Doppelbrechung: magnetic double refrac- tion. See Cotton-Mouton’scher Effekt. magnetisches Element: magnetic element. (1) Syn. Amperian current. (2) Any group of Amperian cur- rents, e.g., a spinning electron, which conserves its magnetic moment throughout the process considered. (3) Any one of the quantities customarily chosen to specify the earth’s magnetic field at a given point; viz., declination, inclination, total intensity, horizontal in- tensity, or vertical intensity. magnetisches Feld: magnetic field. A region in which there is a magnetic intensity, as indicated by the torque experienced by a bipolar magnet placed in it, due to the influence of magnets or electric currents. magnetischer Fluss: magnetic flux. The surface inte- gral, over any specified area, of the normal component of the magnetic induction commonly expressed in max- wells or gauss-cm2. Magnetische Flussdichte: magnetic flux density, mag- netic induction. A vector quantity, usually associated with the condition of a substance when placed in a magnetic field, having the same direction as the mag- netizing fprce (provided the substance is isotropic), and having a magnitude dependent upon the magnetizing force and upon the nature of the substance. Its measure is the e.m.f. produced in an electric circuit linked with the induction at a definite time rate, in accordance with the Faraday law. The induction is normal if the sub- stance is not already magnetized when placed in the magnetic field. magnetische Hauptsuszeptibilitaet: principal magnetic susceptibility. The magnetic susceptibility of a nonfer- romagnetic crystal for one of the three or more direc- tions along which the magnetization is parallel to the magnetic intensity. magnetische Induktion; magnetic induction, magnetic flux density. See magnetische Flussdichte. magnetische Induktionsroehre: tube of magnetic in- duction. A magnetic circuit so bounded as to have the same magnetic flux, (esp. unit flux) through every cross section. magnetische Inklination: magnetic inclination. The angle which the magnetic field of the earth makes with the horizontal at any station. Syn. magnetic dip. magnetische Intensitaet: magnetic intensity. A vector quantity pertaining to the magnetic field, the measure of which, at any point in a vacuum, is the force per unit pole experienced by a free magnetic pole placed /magnetischer Kompass 88 M at that point. It is closely related to magnetic induc- tion; in a vacuum proportional to it, and if in the same measure, even identifiable with it. magnetischer Kompass: magneto compass. A device used as a compass on airplanes, utilizing the inductive effect of the earth’s magnetic field to excite the field magnet of a small magneto or dynamo. When the in- strument is properly oriented, the current generated re- duces to zero. magnetischer Kreis: magnetic circuit. A closed tube or multiply connected region, the surface of which is every- where tangential to the magnetic induction; or a series of bodies approximately filling such a region. The field magnet and armature core of a motor form a typical magnetic circuit. magnetischer Kreislauf: magnetic cycle. A cycle of changes in the magnetic induction or the magnetization of a ferromagnetic substance due to an alternating mag- netic intensity. A symmetrical cycle may be represented by a hysteresis curve with its center at the origin. magnetische Linse: magnetic lens. An apparatus used to focus'beams of rapidly moving electrons or ions by means of the effect of a nonuniform magnetic field. magnetischer Meridian: magnetic meridian. The hori- zontal line, through any point on the earth’s surface, which coincides with the direction of the horizontal com- ponent of the earth’s magnetic field at that point. magnetisches Moment: magnetic moment. That vec- tor, associated with a magnet or an equivalent electric circuit, whose vector product by the magnetic intensity of the field, in which the magnet or the circuit is placed, gives the resulting torque upon the same; the mag- netic intensity considered being exclusive of any com- ponent contributed by the magnetic body itself. For a bipolar magnet with concentrated poles, the magnetic moment is approximately the product of the pole strength by the distance between the poles, and its di- rection, that of the line drawn from the south to the north pole. magnetische Nachwirkung: magnetic lag, magnetic aftereffect. A delay not due to eddy currents, in the establishment of the magnetic induction which finally corresponds to a given magnetic intensity in a given sequence of magnetic states. magnetisches Pendel: magnetic pendulum. A bar mag- net suspended so as to oscillate as a pendulum in a magnetic field. magnetisches Potential: magnetic potential. A scalar point function analogous to electric potential. Its value at any point is the line integral of the magnetic in- tensity taken from that point to infinity. magnetisches Potentiometer: magnetic potentiometer. A slender solenoid, used to measure magneto-motive forces between points in a magnetic field. Its core may be of flexible, nonferromagnetic material, or of a highly permeable alloy. magnetische Quantenzahl: magnetic quantum number. See M-Wert. magnetischer Resonanzbeschleuniger: magnetic reso- nance accelerator. See Zyklotron. magnetische Rotationsinvariante: invariant of magnetic rotation. The value of the expression An p (n2 — I)2 ’ in which A is the Verdet constant, n the refractive in- dex, and p the density, of a transparent substance; ap- proximately the same for different substances. magnetische Rotation: magnetic rotation. See Faraday- ’ scher Effekt. magnetisches Rotationsspektrum: magnetic rotation spectrum. The absorption spectrum of a substance un- der the influence of a magnetic field in the direction of the transmitted light, which is thus subjected to the Faraday effect. magnetischer Spektrograph: magnetic spectrograph. A magnetic mass or velocity spectrograph. magnetisches Spektrum: magnetic spectrum. The rec- ord of a magnetic spectrograph. magnetische Strahlen: magnetic rays. A term applied by Righi to certain phenomena in a discharge tube un- der the influence of a strong magnetic field. magnetischer Vektor: magnetic vector. That compo- nent of the electromagnetic field, associated with elec- tromagnetic radiation, which is of the nature of a mag- netic field; supposed to coexist with, but to act at right angles to, the electric vector. magnetische Verzoegerung: magnetic lag. See mag- netische Nachwirkung. magnetische Viskositaet: magnetic viscosity. A prop- erty sometimes ascribed to ferromagnetic substances to account for magnetic lag. 89 /Magnetisierung M Magnetisierung: magnetization. (1) A vector quantity associated with a substance under magnetic influence, viz., the magnetic moment per unit volume. Divided by the density, it gives the specific magnetization, or magnetic moment per unit mass. Syn. intensity of mag- netization. (2) The process of increasing the magnetic moment of a body. Magnetisierungskraft: magnetizing force. The mag- netic intensity brought to bear upon a substance and effective in producing its magnetization. It is in gen- eral less than the magnetic intensity of the field ex- ternal to the substance. Magnetisierungskurve: magnetization curve. A graph on the magnetization-intensity (I-H) or the induction- intensity (B-H) diagram, representing successive states of a ferromagnetic substance. A normal magnetization curve is a portion of a symmetrical hysteresis loop. The initial or virgin magnetization curve is such a curve representing the first excursion from the origin, and is distinct from the subsequent cycles. Magnetisierungsstaerke: intensity of magnetization. See magnetische Intensitaet. Magnetismus: magnetics. That branch of physics which deals with the phenomena of magnetism. magnetoelastisch: magnetoelastic. Pertaining to mag- netostriction effects associated with elastic vibration. magnetoelektrische Induktion: magnetoelectric induc- tion. See elektromagnetische Induktion. Magnetogenerator: magneto generator. An a.-c. gen- erator in which the field is maintained by a permanent magnet. Often abbreviated "magneto.” magnetokalorischer Effekt; magnetocaloric effect. The reversible cooling of a ferromagnetic body, magnetized to saturation in a strong magnetic field, when the field is removed. Discovered by P. Weiss and R. Forrer in 1924. Magnetometer: magnetometer. An instrument for the measurement of magnetic intensity, magnetic induction, or magnetic moment. magnetomotorische Kraft: . magnetomotive force. In re any closed path constituting a magnetic circuit: the line integral of the magnetizing force, or the change in magnetic potential, due to the magnetizing agency (as a coil) which acts upon the magnetic circuit. If it is due to the current in a coil, it is proportional to the number of ampere-turns. Magneton; magneton. (1) A unit of magnetic mo- ment in terms of which molar magnetic moments are small integers (Weiss, 1911), or simple functions of small integers (Bohr, 1913). The empirical Weiss mag- neton is 1125.0 e.m.u., the theoretical Bohr magneton is 555.7 e.m.u. (2) A unit of magnetic moment in terms of which the magnetic moments of magnetic ele- ments (Amperian currents) are functions of small in- tegers. The theoretical Bohr magneton in this sense is 9.158 X 10~21 c.g.s.e.m.u. Magnetonzahl: magneton number. An integral number by which, according to Sommerfeld, the Bohr magneton must be multiplied to give the magnetic moment of a given atom. magnetooptische Analyse: magneto-optical analysis. A method of chemical analysis based upon differences in the lag of the Faraday effect behind the magnetic intensity for different substances. magne+oop+ische Dispersion: magneto-optical disper- sion. Expresses the Faraday effect as the derivative, with respect to the wave length, of the product of the Verdet constant by the refractive index. magnetooptischer Parameter: magneto-optical parame- ter. A complex constant involved in the electron theory of the Faraday and the Kerr effect, and having a dis- tinctive value for each metal. magnetooptische Rotation: magneto-optical rotation. See Faraday’scher Effekt. Magnetophotophorese: magnetophotophoresis. See Photophorese. magnetostatischer Oszillator: magnetostatic oscillator, magnetostriction oscillator. An electric oscillating system containing as one of its elements a magnetostriction resonator, by which the frequency is controlled. Magnetostriktion: magnetostriction. A class of phe- nomena involving strains (magnetostrains) in a ferro- magnetic body when placed in a magnetic field. Magnetostriktionsoszillator: magnetostriction oscillator, magnetostrictive o. See magnetostatischer Oszillator. Magnetostriktionsresonator: magnetostriction resona- tor. A magnetostrictive body, usually in the form of a rod, which may be excited magnetically into resonant vibration at one or more frequencies. Magnetostriktionsuebertrager: magnetostriction trans- ceiver. A magnetostriction resonator applied to sending and receiving subaqueous signals of definite frequency, usually 17,000 eye per sec or higher. /Magnetowiderstand 90 M Magnetowiderstand: magnetoresistance. An increase in electrical resistance of a conductor, associated with the application of a constant magnetic field; dependent upon the orientation of the conductor in the field. Magnetpol: magnetic pole. One of those regions of the surface of a magnet, just outside which the mag- netic intensity arising therefrom is greatest. Unless this intensity is everywhere zero (as may happen), a magnet must have at least one pole of each sign. Magnetpolstaerke: magnetic pole strength (unit pole, c.g.s. magnetic). An ideal magnetic point pole, two of which, at a distance of 1 cm apart in a vacuum, would exert a mutual repulsion (or attraction) of 1 dyne. Such a pole gives rise to 4?r maxwells of free magnetism. Actual magnetic poles are often treated quantitatively as if made up of a number of unit poles equal to the "pole strength.” Magnetron: magnetron. (1) A type of thermionic vacuum tube in which the motion of the ions is con- trolled by the influence of a magnetic field perpendicu- lar to the electric field propelling them. (2) A device for generating radio waves of very short wave length (from 75 to 150 cm). Magnus Effekt: Magnus effect. A lateral thrust ex- erted by wind upon a rotating cylinder (Magnus rotor) whose axis is perpendicular to the wind direction. The effect has been utilized in ship propulsion and in other devices. Majorana'sche Kraefte: Majorana forces, M. interac- tions. Attractive forces between neutrons or between protons and neutrons within an atomic nucleus; sup- posed to offset the mutual repulsion of the nuclear pro- tons and to produce saturation of bonds between nuclear particles. Of especial significance is the energy associ- ated with these forces, which is supposed to owe its origin to the exchange of position of the two interact- ing particles. Malus'sches Gesetz: Malus law. (1) States that the intensity of a beam of light, after two reflections from nonmetallic surfaces at the polarizing angle, is propor- tional to the square of the cosine of the angle between the two planes of reflection. Discovered by Malus in 1808. A similar law applies to light passing through two Nicol prisms. (2) States that an orthotomic system of rays remains orthotomic after any number of reflec- tions and refractions. Manganin: manganin. An alloy of copper (84 per- cent), manganese (12 percent), and nickel (4 percent), used for resistance coils because of its very low tempera- ture coefficient of resistance. mannigfaltig: multiple, [parallel (in the electrical sense')']. Electrically connected between the same ter- minals, as two or more conductors or condensers. Mannigfaltigkeit (opt.): multiplicity. The largest num- ber of components possessed by any multiple term in a given spectral system. Multiplicities as high as 9 are known, but not all the terms of a system have the maximum number of components. Manokriometer: manocryometer. An instrument used for determining the variation of freezing point with pressure. Devised by de Visser. Manometer: manometer. A pressure gauge. manometrische Waage: manometric balance. An ap- paratus for the comparison of the magnetic susceptibili- ties of liquids. Mariotte'sche Flasche: Mariotte bottle. A pneumatic device by which the rate of discharge of a liquid from an orifice may be maintained constant for some time, irrespective of the level of its surface. Martens'scher Keil: Martens wedge. A type of quartz wedge rotator for polarized light, used in some polarime- ters to compensate and thus measure the optical rota- tion whose value is sought. Marx'scher Effekt: Marx effect. The reduction in the energy of a photoelectric emission by the simultaneous incidence of radiation of lower frequency than that pro- ducing the emission. Observed by E. Marx in 1930, and called by him the regressive effect. Masse: mass. A basic physical magnitude pertaining primarily to matter (though having an interpretation also, in modern physics, with reference to electricity and to energy) ; the measure of which is found in its rela- tion to inertia. In accordance with Newton’s second law, the masses of bodies are inversely proportional to the accelerations given them by the same force, as when two free bodies are drawn together by an elastic cord connecting them. Massenabsorptionskoeffizient: mass absorption coeffi- cient. See Absorptionskoeffizient. Massendefekt: mass defect. The amount by which the mass of an atom falls short of the sum of the masses of the particles of which it appears to be composed, as the latter are separately measured. Massenspektrograph: mass spectrograph, m. spectrome- ter. An apparatus for separating an emission of elec- trically charged particles into distinct streams in ac- cordance with their masses, by means of magnetic or 91 /Massensuszeptibilitaet M electric deflection, and for ascertaining their masses in this way. The streams of particles are often made to strike a photographic plate and thus render their posi- tions observable as "lines,” like those of a spectrum. Massensuszeptibilltaet: mass susceptibility. The ratio of the magnetization in a substance to the magnetizing force responsible for it. Divided by the density, it gives the mass susceptibility or specific susceptibility of the substance. Massenzahl: mass number. A type of atomic number which designates the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom, instead of the older, Moseley number. Massenzen+rum: center of mass. In re any body or system of bodies: a point such that if any plane be passed through it, the mass moments, with respect to it, of the portions on opposite sides of the plane are equal. Syn. center of inertia, centroid. Masson'sche Gleichung: Masson equation. An empiri- cal formula for the apparent molar specific volume of a substance in solution, viz., Maxwell'sche Bruecke: Maxwell bridge. (1) An ar- rangement resembling a Wheatstone bridge, but used for comparing an inductance with a capacitance. (2) An arrangement similarly used for comparing an in- ductance with a mutual inductance. Maxwell'scher Daemon: Maxwell demon. An imagi- nary intelligent being of molecular proportions, intro- duced by Maxwell into his arguments on the thermo- dynamics of gases. Maxwell'sches Diagramm: Maxwell diagram. A dia- gram made up of the vector polygons of forces corre- sponding to the different members of a framed struc- ture or truss, one polygon for each joint of the structure. Maxwell'sches Dreieck: Maxwell triangle. A graphical device for representing the trichromatic coefficients of the components of a three-color mixture. Maxwell'sche elektromagnetische Gleichungen: Max- well electromagnetic equations. Four relations which, according to Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, describe the conditions at any point under the influence of vary- ing electric and magnetic fields, in a region in which, in general, there are conductors, dielectrics, and para- magnetic or ferromagnetic bodies. They are most con- cisely expressed in vector notation, and appear in vari- ous forms, of which the following are typical: in which C is the molar concentration and a and b are empirical constants. = a C1/2 + b, Materiewelle: matter wave. See de Broglie Welle. mathematisches Pendel: ideal simple pendulum. A particle of finite mass but infinitesimal size, suspended as a gravity pendulum by a weightless thread; a con- venient theoretical concept. Matrizenmechanik: matrix mechanics. The quantum mechanics of Heisenberg, expressed in the mathematical notation of matrices. Matteucci'scher Effekt: Matteucci effect. An e.m.f. developed between the ends of a twisted ferromagnetic wire upon change of its magnetization. Discovered by C. Matteucci, 1857. Maxwell: maxwell. The practical, e.g.s. electromag- netic unit of magnetic flux, equal to 1 gauss-cm2. Each maxwell may be represented by a "line” of (magnetic) force. Maxwell-Ampere'sches Gesetz: Maxwell-Amp ere law. A modification of the Ampere law, made by Maxwell to allow for the displacement current in the dielectric as well as the current in the conductor. Maxwell-Boltzmann'sches Gesetz: Maxwell-Boltzmann law. The principle of equipartition of energy. 1 8D 4ttu Y X H = + , c 8t c V • B = 0, 1 SB V X E = - ■ c8t V • D — 4?rp . In these, H — magnetic intensity, B = magnetic in- duction, E — electric intensity, D = electric displace- ment, p =. electric density, u = (conduction) current density, c is the electromagnetic constant. Maxwell'sches Gesichtsfeld: Maxwellian view. An op- tical arrangement in which a real image of a surface is formed by a lens at the pupil of the observer’s eye, resulting in a field of uniform brightness more intense than that of the surface as viewed without the lens. Maxwell'sche Reihenformel: Maxwell series formula. A formula, derived by Maxwell, which expresses the mutual inductance of two coaxial circular coils as the difference of two complicated infinite series in terms of the radii of the two coils and their distance apart. Maxwell'sche Spitze: Maxwell top. A gyroscope in /Maxwell'sche thermodynamische Beziehungen 92 M the form of an adjustable top, whose point of support may be set below, at, or above the c.m. Maxwell'sche thermodynamische Beziehungen: Max- well thermodynamic relations. Four differential equa- tions of thermodynamic change, which connect the tem- perature ®, the volume v, the pressure p, and the en- tropy <£, as follows: first compressing a portion of the gas and observing the pressure thus "magnified”; from this the original pres- sure may be calculated. Mechanik: mechanics. Syn. dynamics; but often with special reference to machines or building construction. mechanisches Aequivalent: mechanical equivalent. See dynamisches Aequivalent. mechanischer Nutzeffekt: mechanical advantage. The (ideal) ratio of the force exerted by a machine to the force exerted on it by the operator. A more practical measure is the ratio of the linear displacement effected by the operator to the displacement produced by the machine, since this is independent of the influence of friction. Megohmempfindlichkeit: megohm sensitivity. The sen- sitivity of a galvanometer expressed as the resistance in megohms (millionths of an ohm) necessary to reduce the deflection to 1 scale division, when an e.m.f. of 1 volt is applied to the circuit. mehrfach: multiple, [parallel (in the electrical sense) See mannigfaltig. Mehrfachionisa+ion: multiple ionization. The extrac- tion of more than one electron from an atom, e.g., by the impact of an electron of sufficient speed. Mehrfach+erm: multiple (spectral) term. A group of nearly equal spectral terms corresponding to a set of closely adjacent quantum states or energy levels. mehrphasisch: multiphase, polyphase. Having or util- izing several phases; e.g., a polyphase current or motor. Meissner'scher Effekt: Meissner effect. The acquisition of nearly complete diamagnetism = 0) by certain metals when cooled below the superconductivity transi- tion point. Melde'scher Versuch: Melde experiment. An experi- ment with a vibrating string, in which the nodes and antinodes are distinctly visible. Meniskus: meniscus. The concave or convex free sur- face of a liquid in a tube, due to capillary action. Meniskuskorrektor: 7neniscus correction. A correction often necessary in taking readings on liquid columns, as in a barometer, because the end of the column is not a plane surface. Meniskuslinse; meniscus lens. A lens whose two sur- faces have curvatures of the same sign, i.e., which is /S£\ _ /8v_\ /8<£\ / Sp \ * 8p / v \ 8® / \Sv/@ \ S® / v /m _ /8v\ m\ _ /sp\ Up / ® \ 8® / P ’ \8v/p I s® / $ The subscripts denote that the corresponding quantity is to be kept constant. The equations may take other forms, those here given being in terms of independent variables subject to experimental control. Maxwell'sches Verteilungsgesetz: Maxwell distribution law. An expression for the statistical distribution of speeds or energies among the molecules of a pure gas free from convection currents and at a uniform tempera- ture. It takes various forms, of which the following is typical: dN iz Au2e — B2u2du; expressing the number of molecules having speeds in the range u — l/2 du to u + y2 du. A and B are constants involving the temperature and pressure. Maxwell-Wagner'sche Polarisation: Maxwell-Wagner polarization. A type of electric polarization exhibited by heterogeneous dielectrics, e.g., colloidal suspensions, and ascribed to the accumulation of charges at the di- electric interfaces; in contrast to the dipole polarization of homoegeneous polar dielectrics. Maxwell'sche Windung: maxwell-turn. A unit of mag- netic linkage, corresponding to one. line of force sur- rounded by 1 turn of the circuit. Syn. line-turn. Maupertuis'sches Prinzip: Maupertuis principle, least- action principle. States that if a dynamic system passes spontaneously and without change in total energy from one configuration to another, the action involved in the process is a minimum; ox (an equivalent statement) that the line integral of the momentum of each particle is a minimum. Enunciated by Maupertuis. McCoy Zahl: McCoy number. The ratio of the total alpha radiation from a radioactive substance to the alpha radiation per cm2, in a direction perpendicular to the surface, of a layer of uranium oxide (U3Og) of indefinite thickness. McLeod'scher Manometer: McLeod gauge. A device for measuring the pressure of highly rarefied gases by 93 /Meridian M either convexo-concave or concavo-convex. The former is called convex-meniscus, the latter concave-meniscus. Meridian: meridian. A line perpendicular to the axis of an optical system, e.g., any diameter of a circular lens. Meridianstrahl: meridian ray. Any one of a narrow bundle of rays in a symmetrical optical instrument which lies in the meridian section of the bundle, made by the plane containing the chief ray and the optic axis of the instrument. Mersenne'sches Gesetz: Mersenne law. States that the frequency of a vibrating string varies inversely as the length, inversely as the square root of the line density, and directly as the square root of the tension. Mesoform: meso form, m. phase. A form of a sub- stance which fails to exhibit optical activity because of a structure in which the dextrogyrate and levogyrate effects are balanced against each other. mesomorph: mesomorphic. In or pertaining to the liquid crystal state. Syn. smectic. Messerkantenversuch: knife-edge test. A method of testing large mirror objectives. metakristallner Zustand: metacrystalline state. An ar- rangement of molecules, due to strain or other influence, which, while it does not involve a true crystal structure, is capable of giving rise to X-ray diffraction patterns analogous to those produced by crystals. metamagnetisch: metamagnetic. Having the property of being either paramagnetic or diamagnetic according to conditions such as the intensity or the direction of the applied field. metastabiler Zustand: metastable state. (1) A kind of equilibrium which is not attainable indifferently from different directions, e.g., that of super-cooled water, which may be reached by cooling liquid water but not by warming solid ice. (2) In re an atom: an excited state in which, however, the atom will not emit radia- tion unless further stimulated by some external influence or disturbance, such as a collision, metazentrische Hoehe: metacentric height. Height of the metacenter above the c.m. Metazentrum: metacenter. That point, always above the c.m., of a rigid body floating in equilibrium, through which the buoyant force may be considered to act when the body is slightly tipped. In general its position de- pends upon the plane of tipping; a boat has a transverse metacenter (as it rolls) and a longitudinal metacenter (as it pitches). Meteorograph: meteorograph. An apparatus which records conditions of atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity. Meteorologie: meteorology. That branch of physical science which treats primarily of atmospheric phe- nomena. Meter: meter. The basic unit of the metric system, originally defined as 0.0000001 of the earth’s meridian quadrant at sea level. The actual metal standard meter bar at Sevres is constructed to fulfill this ideal specifi- cation as accurately as possible. The ratio of the meter to the English yard is about 1.093611. Meterlcerze: meter-candle, lux. A practical metric unit of illumination, equal to 1 lumen per m2; or, the illumination of a surface at a uniform distance of 1 m from a symmetrical point source of 1 candle. Meterkerzensekunde: meter-candle-second. A unit of photographic exposure, corresponding to an illumination of 1 lux for 1 sec. Methode der kleinsten Quadrate: method of least squares. A systematic procedure for the adjustment of observations in accordance with the principle of least squares. metrische Pferdestaerke: metric horse power, force de cheval. A metric gravitational unit of power, equal to 75 m-kg of work per second, and equivalent to about 736 watts or 0.9863 hp. Metrologie: metrology. That branch of science which deals with systems of units and methods of measure- ment. Mho: mho. A unit of electrical conductance, the re- ciprocal of the ohm. Thus a conductor having a resis- tance of 4 ohms has a conductance of 0.25 mho. Syn. reciprocal ohm. Michelson'scher Interferometer: Michelson interfero- meter. An interferometer, designed by A. A. Michel- son, which is arranged to produce interference maxima and minima between two wave trains, as of light, separated from the same original train and reunited after reflection from two mirrors. The phase of the interference is varied by moving one of the mirrors forward or backward, and the wave length thereby com- pared with the mirror displacement. Michelson-Morley'scher Versuch: Michelson-Morley ex- /Mikrochronograph 94 M periment. A classic and crucial experiment, involving the transmission and reflection of light through the mirror system of an interferometer, which was intended to reveal the existence of an ether drift due to the earth’s motion, and the negative result of which was the starting point of the theory of relativity. First performed by Michelson and Morley in 1881. Mikrochronograph: microchronograph. A Chrono- graphie device for very small intervals of time, e.g., the period of a sound vibration or the duration of an electric spark. Mikrodensitometer; microdensitometer. A microphoto- meter for the measurement of the density of photo- graphic images. Mikrodichtemesser: microdensitometer. See Mikroden- sitometer. Mikrokinematograph: microcinematograph. A moving- picture camera for microscopic objects, such as particles exhibiting the Brownian movement, growing microcry- stals, etc. Mikrokristall: microcrystal. One of the small crystals in a finely crystallized mass, e.g., in cast iron. Mikromanipulator; micromanipulator. A device, con- trolled by compressed air or otherwise, for manipulating microscopic objects in any desired manner while under observation. Mikromanometer; micromanometer. An instrument for observing and measuring very small pressure differences or fluctuations. Mikromechanik: micromechanics. The dynamics of very minute bodies, such as the component parts of an atom or of a molecule. Mikrometer: micrometer. One of a class of measur- ing instruments in which linear displacements to be measured are made to correspond with the travel of a screw, of accurately adjusted pitch and provided with a large head graduated to indicate small subdivisions of the pitch. Mikron: micron. A unit of length, equal to one-mil- lionth of a meter, or 0.001 mm. Commonly designated by the symbol fi. The millimicron, or 0.001 micron, 0.000001 mm, is designated by /xfi or mp. \ Mikrophotometer: microphotometer. An instrument for the measurement or comparison of small luminous intensities. Mikropyrometer: micropyrometer. An apparatus, de- vised by Burgess, for measuring the melting points of small specimens of refractory substances. Mikroradiometer: microradiometer. An instrument for the measurement of very feeble radiation. mikroskopisches Reversibilitaetsprinzip: microscopic reversibility principle. A principle of statistical equi- librium, formulated in various ways; by Richardson as follows: "Every isolatable process is exactly compen- sated in a state of statistical equilibrium by precisely the same process working backward.” The process of detailed balancing in ionized gases is an example. mikroskopisches Umkehrungsprinzip: microscopic rever- sibility principle. See mikroskopisches Reversibilitaets- prinzip. Mikrovoltempfindlichkeit: microvolt sensitivity. The sensitivity of a galvanometer as expressed in scale divi- sions per impressed microvolt. Mikrowaage: microbalance. (I) Any balance for weighing very small masses. (2) A very small differ- ential buoyancy balance for measuring densities of gases. Mikrowellen: microwaves, ultrashort waves. The short- est electromagnetic waves employed in radio communi- cation; specifically, those below 10 m in wave length or above 30,000 kc per second in frequency. Miller'sche Bruecke: Miller bridge. A type of bridge circuit devised by J. H. Miller for measuring the ampli- fication factors of vacuum tubes. Miller'scher Index: Miller index. One of the three numbers (h, k, 1) used to designate any set of parallel planes of atoms in a crystal, viz., the simplest integers proportional to the reciprocals of the intercepts of the planes on the crystal axes. Milliamperemeter: Milliammeter. Any type of gal- vanometer which measures small electric currents di- rectly in milliamperes, or thousandths of an ampere. Millivoltmeter: millivoltmeter. A voltmeter reading in millivolts, or thousandths of a volt. Minkowski Welt: Minkowski world. The totality of the four-dimensional continuum known as space-time and measured off in space-time co-ordinates. Mischkristall: mix-crystal, mixed c. A crystal composed of two or more different chemical substances, both of whose molecules or ions occupy positions in the same crystalline structure irrespective of the substance to which they belong. 677865—46 7 95 /Mischungsmethode M Mischungsmethode: mixture method. A method of physical measurement in which two bodies are placed in communication until an equilibrium is obtained be- tween them. Used esp. in calorimetry, in which case the quantity measured is heat and the equilibrium is one of temperature. Mischungswaerme: heat of mixture. Heat evolved or absorbed upon the mixture of two liquids, not due to chemical reaction between them. Mittelpunkt: mean center. In re a number of points in space: the point which .corresponds to the centroid of a system of equal particles placed at the given points. Mittelpunktprojektion: gnomonic projection. See gno- monische Projektion. mittlere freie Wegelaenge: mean free path. The aver- age distance which the particles composing an ensemble, e.g., molecules composing a gas, travel between succes- sive encounters with other similar particles in the proc- ess of thermal agitation. mittlere Geschwindigkeit: drift speed. The mean speed with which electrons or ions progress through a medium where they are continually experiencing collisions. ‘ mittlere horizontale Kerzenstaerke: mean horizontal candle power. The average candle power of a light source, as viewed from all directions in the horizontal plane containing it. mittlere Lebensdauer: average life, decay modulus. In re any variable which diminishes or "decays” exponen- tially, e.g., radioactivity: the time required for the vari- able to diminish to 1/e or 36.97 percent of its original value. It is equal to 1.443 times the half-value period, and is the reciprocal of the decay coefficient. mittlere sphaerische Kerzenstaerke: mean spherical candlepower. The average candlepower of a light source, as viewed from all directions. It equals the total lumi- nous flux, in lumens, divided by 4tt. Mizelle: micelle. An aggregate of colloidal particles, associated with water molecules. modifizierte Linie: modified line. See Compton Effekt. Modul: Modulus. (1) A re netic matter the relationship is definite only under fully specified conditions. (2) (Porous.) The volume of a 1 1 32 n2 in which n - 4, 5, 6, passive Widerstand: passive resistance. A condition within a system in unstable equilibrium which keeps it from releasing energy and becoming stable until slightly disturbed, e.g., a cocked gun or a supercooled liquid. Pauli'sches Prinzip: Pauli principle. States that no two electrons in the same atomic or molecular system can have ?U their quantum numbers identical; discovered by Pauli, Peltier'scher Effetk: Peltier effect. The heating or cool- ing effect produced at the junction between two metals by a current sent across the junction (exclusive of the Joule heat due to resistance) ; depending upon the di- rection of flow. Discovered by Peltier in 1834. Heat so evolved or absorbed is called the Peltier heat. Pel+ier'sche elektromotorische Kraft: Peltier electromo- tive force. That component of the e.m.f. of a thermo- couple which corresponds to the local Peltier heats at the junctions between the different metals, and is added to the Thomson e.m.f. to make up the total (Seeheck) thermoelectromotive force. Peltier'scher Koeffizient: Peltier coefficient. The quan- tity of heat (Peltier heat) developed or absorbed per second per ampere of current at a given thermo junction in the Peltier effect. Peitier'sche Waerme: Peltier heat. See Peltier effect. Pentankerzenstaerke: pentane candle. A unit of inten- sity of a light source, equal to one-tenth of the intensity of the standard pentane lamp. Its value is approximately equal to the international standard candle. Penthode: pentode. A type of vacuum tube having five elements, viz., the filament, the plate, and three grids. Periode: period. The time interval during which a vibrating body completes one vibration. In this time the body in the reference circle makes one revolution. periodisches Gesetz: periodic law. The principle that certain properties of the elements recur in regular cycles when the elements are arranged in the order of their atomic weights (as discovered by Men dele j efj), or, 107 /Permeabili+ae+smesser p fluid of unit viscosity which, in unit time, passes through unit cross section of a porous medium under unit pres- sure gradient. Permeabilitae+smesser: permeameter. An instrument for measuring the average magnetic permeability of a ferromagnetic sample. Permeameter: permeameter. See Permeabilitaetsmesser. Permeanz: permeance. The reciprocal of the magnetic reluctance. Perminvar: perminvar. One of a series of alloys of iron, nickel, and cobalt, whose magnetic permeability is constant at different magnetic intensities, i.e., for which the induction is proportional to the magnetizing field. Permitivitaet: permittivity. See elektrische Konstante. PetzvaPsche Bedingung: Petzval condition. A criterion stated by Petzval for the flatness of an image formed by a refracting optical system of S surfaces. If the radius of curvature of the sth refracting surface through which the light passes is rs and its refractive index is ns, the condition is expressed by the summation Phasendiagramm: phase diagram, equilibrium curve. A graph representing the relation between values of two variables of state, as temperature and pressure, for which there is equilibrium between two states or phases. E.g., the fusion curve follows the equilibrium between solid and liquid states; the vaporization or saturation c., that between liquid and satured vapor states; and the sublimation c., that between solid and vapor states. Phasendichte: density-in-phase. The number of points, each of which corresponds to one of the particles of a system, per unit volume of the phase space used to rep- resent the state of the system. Phasengeschwindigkeit: phase velocity. A vector whose direction is normal to the wave front and whose magni- tude is the speed of propagation of a plane-wave dis- turbance. Syn. wave velocity. Phasengleichgewicht: phase equilibrium. An equi- librium between two or more interconvertible phases of a substance, as between ice, water, and water vapor, or between a solute and its satured solution. Phasenkonstante: phase constant. In re a harmonic, cyclic process: the constant term in that linear function of the time which appears as the argument of the sine or cosine factor in the expression for the cyclic variable. E.g., for an a.c. I = I0 cos (27rnt + A) A is the phase constant. Phasenmesser: phase meter. An apparatus for measur- ing phase differences between a.c.’s or electric oscil- lations. Phasenraum: phase space. An ideal, multidimensional space in which the coordinates represent the variables required to specify the state of a substance or of a system. Syn. extension-in-phase. Phasenregel: phase rule. A law of equilibrium be- tween phases or a chemically homogeneous mixture (as a solution) or of a pure substance; stated as follows: the number of degrees of freedom, or the variance, of the system is equal to the number of components in the mixture, minus the number of phases involved, plus 2. E.g., if the substance is pure and we include all three possible phases, there is no degree of freedom, three- phase equilibrium existing only at the triple point; but if we consider only the liquid and the vapor states, a pure substance has. one degree of freedom, i.e., along the vaporization curve. First stated in general form by J. W. Gibbs. S=s 1 r 1 1 "I Z “ — = °- s=1 rs *- ns ns—1 j Pferdestaerke: force de cheval (Fr.), metric horse- power. ( 1) A metric gravitational unit of power, equal to 75 m-kg of work per second, and equivalent to about 736 watts or 0.9863 hp.. (2) An English gravitational unit of power based originally upon Watt’s experiments with horses, and now standardized ft-lb per second. Equivalent to about 746 watts. Pfund Serie: Pfund series. A series believed to exist in the far infrared spectrum of hydrogen, in which the frequencies are characterized by the factor 1 1 _ , n = 6, 7, 8, 52 n2 Phase: phase. (1) A quantity which denotes the stage of progress of any cyclic operation, as a vibration; often expressed as an angle, by analogy with rotation. Thus if the cycle is one-third completed, the phase is 2tt/3 or 120 degrees, etc. (2) One of two or more dissimilar components of a body of matter, segregated from each other by interfaces dependent on their dissimilarity; e.g., two immiscible liquids in contact, or the solid, liquid, and vapor phases of one substance in three-phase equilibrium. Phasenumkehrung: phase reversal. A change of phase /Phasenwelle p equal to one-half cycle, such as may be experienced by light waves upon reflection under certain conditions. Phasenwelle: phase wave-de Broglie wave. A wave or wave group assumed in wave mechanics to be associated with an elementary particle (electron, proton). Phasenwinkel: phase angle. The phase difference be- tween the impressed e.m.f. and the current in an a.-c. circuit, expressed as an angle. Phona itogroph: phonautograph. An early device for recording the wave form of sounds; designed by Koenig and ccoct. Phonetik: phonetics. See Lautlehre. phonetisches Rad: phonic wheel. A type of syncho- nous motor geared to a revolution counter, which can be used to measure the frequency of the alternating or interrupted current driving it. The modern synchronous electric clock operates on a similar principle. Devised by La Cour. Phonometer: phonometer. An instrument for the measurement of the intensity of sounds. Phosphor: phosphor. Any substance which is phos- phorescent; esp. a synthetic material. Phosphoreszenz: phosphorescence. A form of lumines- cence in which the emission of light continues for a time after the exciting stimulus has ceased. Phosphorogen: phosphorogen. A substance which pro- motes phosphorescence in another, as manganese does in zinc sulphide. Phosphoroskop: phosphoroscope. An apparatus for ob- serving and measuring the decay of phosphorescence. Phot: phot. A unit of illumination, equal to 1 lumen per cm2, or 10,000 luxes. Phofoaktivitaef: photoactivity, photoconductivity. Elec- trical conductivity due to photo-ionization, e.g., in gases or in many nonmetallic crystals. Syn. photoactivity, pho- tosensitivity. Photoaniso+ropie: photo-anisotropy. The property of having different optical constants in different directions, possessed by many crystals, and by other substances un- der special anisotropic conditions. phofochemisch: photochemical. Pertaining to the chemical activity of molecules, ions, and atoms brought about by the absorption of radiant energy. photochemisches Aequivalent: photochemical equiva- lence. The principle, enunciated by Einstein, that in photochemical action each effective light quantum is transformed entire into chemical energy. Photodichtemesser: photodensitometer, Syn. densitome- ter. A form of photometer used especially for measuring the density of silver deposits on photographic plates or films. Photodissoziation: photodissociation. The dissociation of a chemical compound by the action of radiant energy. Syn. Photodisintegration. Photosffekt: photoeffect, Syn. photoelectriceffect. See oberflaechenphotoelectrischer Effekt. photoelastisch: photoelastic. Pertaining to the study of elastic phenomena in transparent solids by means of their effects on transmitted polarized light; esp. that of forced double refraction. photoelektrisch: photoelectric. See oberflaechenphoto- elektrischer effekt. photoelektrische Absorption: photoelectric absorption. The conversion of radiant energy into the energy of photoelectric emission. photoelektrisch Arbeitsfunktion: photoelectric work function. The work function for the emergence of photoelectrons from a given metal. ohotoelektrische Ausbeute: photoelectric emissivity, Syn. photoelectric yield, p. sensitivity, spectral sensitiv- ity. The rate of photoelectric emission from a metal per unit radiant flux of any given frequency. photoelektrischer Effekt: photoelectric effect. See Pho- toeffekt. photoelektrische Emission: photoelectric emission. See oberflaechenphotoelektrischer Effekt. photoelektrisches Emissionsvermoegen: photoelectric emissivity. See photoelektrische Ausbeute. photoelektrische Empfindlichkeit: photoelectric sensi- tivity, Syn. photoelectric yield. See photoelektrische Aus- beute. photoelektrisches Grenzpotential: photoelectric limit- ing potential. The stopping potential for the fastest elec- trons in a given photoelectric emission. photoelektrischer Grenzwert: photoelectric threshold. See Langwellige Grenze. 109 /photoelektrischer Konstante p photoelektrische Konstante: photoelectric constant. A quantity which, multiplied by the frequency of any radiation exciting photoemission, gives in c.g.s. units the p.d. corresponding to the quantum energy absorbed by the escaping photoelectron. Equal to h/e, where h is the Planck constant and e the electronic charge. photoelektrischer Schwellenwert: photoelectric thresh- old. See langwellige Grenze. photoelektrischer Strom: photoelectric current. See oberflaechenphotoelektrischer Effekt. photoelektromotorische Kraft: photoelectromotive force. An e.m.f. due to photovoltaic action. Photoelektron: photoelectron. See oberflaechenphoto- elektrischer Effekt. Photoemission: photoemission, Syn. photoelectric emis- sion. See oberflaechenphotoelektrischer Effekt. Photoempfindlichkeit: photosensitivity. The property of exhibiting any kind of photoelectric effect when irradiated, e.g., photoelectric emission, photoconductiv- ity, or photovoltaic action. Photogen: photogen. A substance which emits light by luminescence. Photogoniometer: photogoniometer. An apparatus for studying various aspects of crystal X-ray diffraction and X-ray spectra. May be used as an X-ray spectrograph or as a goniometer. Photoionisation: photo-ionization. Ionization in a gas which results from the action of radiation quanta, esp. those of visible light or ultraviolet. Photokathode: photocathode. The illuminated elec- trode, at a negative potential, in a photoelectric cell. Photokernspaltung: photodisintegration. The disinte- gation of an atomic nucleus by the action of radiant energy. Photoleitfaehigkeit: photoconductivity. Electrical con- ductivity due to photo-ionization, e.g., in gases or in many nonmetallic crystals. Syn. photoactivity, photo- sensitivity. Photolumineszenz: photoluminescence. Luminescence of which the stimulating cause is visible light or ultra- violet. photomagnetischer Effekt: photomagnetic effect. The direct effect of light upon the magnetic susceptibility of certain substances. Photometer: photometer. See Lichtmesser. Photometerkopf: photometer head. That part of a photometer which comprises the screen, the means of viewing it, and the accessories used in judging the equal- ity of illumination. photometrischer Mittelpunkt: photometric center, p. centroid. That point of a luminous or of an illumi- nated surface which bears the same relation to the dis- tribution of brightness or of illumination that the cen- troid of a thin plate bears to the distribution of its mass per unit area. Syn. luminous center of gravity. Photon: photon. An energy quantum of visible light; or in general, of any electromagnetic radiation. Photonenstoss: photo impact. The impact of a photon or light quantum, as in such processes as photo-ioniza- tion or photoelectric emission. Photoneutron: photoneutron. A neutron emitted as the result of photodisintegration. Photophorese: photophoresis. A propulsive effect of an intense beam of light upon very small particles (of the order of 1 micron in diameter) in suspension in the air; the particles moving either toward or away from the light source. The effect becomes less as the pressure increases. In electrophotophoresis (photopho- resis in an electric field) and in magnetophotophoresis (photophoresis in a magnetic field), the particles have a component of motion in the direction of the field. Pho+os+rom: photocurrent. A photoelectric or a photo- voltaic current. Pho+ostromkoeffizient: photocurrent coefficient. The change in the photocurrent generated by a photoelectric or a photovoltaic cell, per unit change in radiant flux producing it. photovoltaisch: photovoltaic. Capable of acting as a source of e.m.f. under the influence of light. Photozelle: photocell, photoelectric cell, photronic cell. (1) See lichtelektrische Zelle. (2) A type of photovol- taic cell using selenium. photometrisches Zentrum: photometric center, p. cen- troid. See photometrischer Mittelpunkt. physikalische Gleichung: physical equation. An equa- tion, each term of which represents a concrete physical /Pi Ebenen 110 _p quantity, or which contains symbols representing such quantities. Pi Ebenen: Pi-planes. Atomic planes bounding crevices in the mosaic structure of a crystal. Sometimes called Zwicky pi-planes. Piezo-dielektrisch: piezo-dielectric. Pertaining to changes in dielectric constants resulting from mechanical stress. Piezo-elektrisch: piezo-electric. Characterized by the property, exhibited by certain crystals, of becoming elec- trically polarized and of developing charges of "piezo- electricity” when subjected to strain. Piezo-elektrische Achse: piezo-electric axis. See elek- trische Achse. Piezo-elektrischer Generator: piezo-electric oscillator, p.-e. generator. An electric oscillating system containing as one of its elements a piezo-electric resonator by which the frequency is controlled. Syn. piezo-oscillator. Piezo-elektrische Konstanten: piezo-electric constants. The constants in the linear equations expressing the elec- tric polarization developed in a deformed crystal in terms of the components of strain and the components of stress. Piezo-elektrischer Oszillator: piezo-electric oscillator, p.-e. generator. See Piezo-elektrischer Generator. Piezo-elektrischer Resonator: piezo-electric resonator. A plate or rod of piezo-electric crystal which may be excited electrically into resonant vibration at one or more frequencies. The term is commonly applied to the combination of the piezo-electric body with elec- trodes in a suitable mounting. Developed by W. G. Cady. Piezolumineszenz: piezoluminescence, Syn. tribolumi- nescence. Luminiscence caused by grinding, in such substances as glass and certain crystals. Tribothermo- luminescence refers to the same phenomenon, when heat is required subsequent to the grinding. Piezometer: piezometer. See Fluessigkeitsmanorneter. Pilotballon: pilot balloon. A small balloon released for the purpose of studying the movements of the air. Pirani-Manometer: Pirani gauge. A type of hot-wire gauge which, as improved by Hale, has a filament re- sembling that in an incandescent lamp. The filament temperature is deduced from its resistance. Pitot-Manometer: pitometer. An instrument, utilizing the principal of the Pitot tube, which makes a continu- ous record of the variations in velocity of a liquid stream. Devised by Code. Pitometer: pitometer. See Pitot-Manometer. Pitof'sche Roehre: Pitot tube. A narrow tube inserted in a fluid stream with its open end facing the current, and communicating at the other end with a manometer; used for measuring the speed of flow. Planck-Einstein Gleichung: Planck-Einstein equation. The equation hv — Ve 11 v;nax — Y which is the mathematical expression corresponding to the Duane-Hunt law for the conversion of electron energy into X-ray quanta. vmax is the maximum X-ray frequency evoked by an electron e which has acquired its energy from a potential increment V; h is the Planck constant. An equivalent form of the relation is AV — 1.234 x 10~4 cm-volt, in which A is the X-ray wave length. Planck'sche Farbe: Planckian color. The color or the wave-length-intensity distribution of the light emitted by a black body at a given temperature. Planck'sches Gesetz: Planck law. The statement that the value of the quanta of radiation of any frequency is proportional to the frequency, as expressed by the equation q = hv in which v is the frequency and h the Planck constant. First enunciated by M. Planck in 1900. Planck'sche Gleichung: Planck equation. A formula expressing the spectral energy distribution of black-body radiation at a given absolute temperature T in terms of wave length A. The emissive power of the black body within the wave-length range dA is given as dEA = 27rC2hA~5 [ 1 dA L eKXT _ ! J in which c is the electromagnetic constant, h the Planck constant, and k the Boltzmann constant. An alternative form gives the radiant energy density within the black- body cavity as , 87TC2hA-5 1 1 dA. L eKXT — 1 J Planck'sche Konstante: Planck constant. A constant h having the dimensions of action (energy x time) and appearing in many physical formulas; approxi- mate value, 6.547 X 10“27 erg-sec. In particular it /Planck'scher Strahler 677865—46 8 p represents the ratio of the energy of any radiation quan- tum to its frequency. First recognized by Planck in 1900. Syn. elementary quantum of action. Planck'scher Strahler: Planckian radiator. An ideal black body. Planck'sehe Verteilung: Planckian distribution. See Planck’sche Gleichung. Planimeter: planimeter. An instrument used to meas- ure the area of any closed, plane figure traced on paper. A well known type which makes use of polar co-ordi- nates about a fixed pivotal point is called a polar plani- meter. plankonkav: plano-concave. Having two surfaces, one of which is plane and the other concave; applied esp. to lenses. plankonvex: plano-convex. Having two surfaces, one of which is plane and the other convex; applied esp. to lenses. ) Plasma: plasma. That part of an electric discharge in a rarefied gas which contains electrons and positive ions in such relative numbers that their charges nearly neutralize one another. Plasmoid: plasmoid. One of a class of luminous bodies of various shapes which appear in highly exhausted tubes under excitation of very high frequency, and which are not as yet well understood. Plastimeter: plastometer, Syn. mohilometer. An ap- paratus for measuring the plasticity of a substance. Plastizitaet: plasticity. A property of some solids, by virtue of which they begin to exhibit continuous shear, or to flow, when subjected to shearing stress of sufficient magnitude. Plastometer: plastometer. An apparatus for measuring the plasticity of a substance. Piattenelektrode: plate. Any flat electrode, as of a storage cell or a condenser. Platteninterferenzspektrum: channeled spectrum. A spectrum containing interference bands, produced by light which has been reflected from two parallel sur- faces, such as those of a thin glass plate. Platinit: platinite. An alloy of nickel and iron (about 46 percent Ni), whose expansion coefficient is nearly equal to that of platinum, and which may therefore be used to replace that metal for lead wires in vacuum tubes. Platinrhodium: platinrhodium. An alloy of platinum and rhodium, commonly used in thermocouples. Platinstandard: platinum standard. A unit of luminous intensity proposed by J. Violle, viz., that of 1 cm2 of the surface of molten platinum at its melting point. Syn. Violle standard. Pleochroismus: pleocbroism. The property, possessed by certain crystals, of exhibiting different absorption colors as viewed in the direction of the different crystal axes; e.g., iolite, which appears dark blue, light blue, and yellow with light transmitted along the respective axes. Syn. polychroism. ploetzliche Gasaufzehrung: leanup. The gradual dis- appearance of gases from a discharge tube during its operation. Pneumatik: pneumatics. That branch of physics which deals with the dynamic properties of gases. Poinsot'sche Bewegung: Poinsot motion. The motion of a rigid body having one point fixed, the resultant of all forces acting upon which is zero. Poinsot'scher Lehrsatz: Poinsot theorem. States that when a rigid body moves about its fixed c.m. under no forces, the energy ellipsoid, fixed in the body, rolls without slipping on a plane fixed in space (the invari- able plane) ; and the vector from the fixed point to the point of contact represents the instantaneous angular velocity of the body in direction and magnitude. Poinsot Prozession: Poinsot precession. The preces- sional rotation of a nonsymmetrical body, i.e., one which has three principal axes with different moments of in- ertia; as distinguished from regular precession. Poise: poise. A unit of viscosity, for wdiich the vis- cosity coefficient is equal to 1 dyne-sec/cm2. Named from Poiseuille. The practical unit for solutions, etc. is the centipoise, or 0.01 poise. Poiseuiüe'sches Gesetz: Poiseuille law. Expresses the (volume) rate of flow through a capillary as follows; dV 7rf4Ap dt 8^1 Ap = pressure difference, r — radius, 1 = length of capillary, rj = viscisity coefficient of fluid. Poisson'sche Gleichung: Poisson’ equation. A differ - /Poisson'sche Klammer, P. Klammerausdruck 112 p ential equation relating the potential function to the density at any point. For the gravitational potential function V it is V2 V zz — 4irp where p is the (mass) density. to correspond to the vibrations of the magnetic vector as the wave progresses. If the polarization is produced by reflection, it coincides with the plane of that re- flection. Poiarlsationsfarbe: polarization tint. A coloration of the field of a polariscope analyzer when using a white- light source, due to the emergence of the different wave lengths from the analyzer with altered relative inten- sities. Polarisationskapazitaet: polarization capacitance. The capacitance of the condenser formed by the two elec- trodes of a cell. Polarisationskreis: polarization cycle. A closed figure formed by the terminus of the vector representing the vibrations in a beam of radiation polarized in any given manner. For plane-polarized light, it is a straight line; for elliptically polarized light, it is an ellipse; etc. Polarisationsphotometer: polarization photometer. A photometer in which the intensity of the light from one or both sources is varied by the use of polarizing apparatus. Polarisationswinkel: polarizing angle. The angle at which light must be incident upon the surface of a di- electric reflector in order to experience maximum plane- polarization. Syn. Brewster angle. Polarisator: polarizer. A Nicol prism or other device for polarizing light, esp. one introduced into a polari- scope to receive the light as it enters. Polarisierbarkeit: polarizability. A quantity a pertain- ing to the molecules of a dielectric and defined as the molecular electric dipole moment per unit electric inten- sity. It is connected with the dielectric constant k through the relation. Poisson'sche Klammer, P. Klammerausdruck: Poisson bracket. An abbreviated notation used in mechanics. The Poisson bracket of Fr and Fs with respect to the variables p:, p2, , pM, qx, q2 , q„ is defined a;-. r -j E k=n / 8Fr 8FS 8FS 8Fr . tFrF-J =£ t Poisson'sches Verhaeitnis, Poisson'sche Verhaeltniszahl: Poisson ratio. The ratio of the fractional transverse con- traction to the fractional longitudinal extension of a body under tensile stress. Syn. rho ratio. Poisson'sche Verteilung: Poisson distribution. A sta- tistical distribution defined by the equation. ax e~a P = • x ! It is approximated by the Gaussian distribution when a is large. polar: polar. (1) Electrically nonsymmetrical, as a molecule which, like HC1, has an effective electric mo- ment. Syn. heteropolar. (2) In re a crystal structure: having an asymmetry in the location of certain sets of atoms. (3) Pertaining to or measured from a pole. polares Kerzenstaerkediagramm: polar candle-power diagram. See Lichtverteilungskurve. polares Traeghei+smoment: polar moment of inertia. An areal moment of inertia of a plane figure, but with respect to a line perpendicular to the plane instead of to a line lying in the plane. Polarime+er: polarimeter. A polariscope provided with circles or other equipment for making quantitative ob- servations upon the state of polarization. Polarisation: polarization. (1) (Dielectric.) In re a polarized dielectric: the electric moment per unit vol- ume. (2) (Electrolytic.) An alteration of the p.d. in an electrolytic cell by reason of a poorly conducting electrolytic deposit. (3) (Magnetic.) Syn. Magnetiza- tion. (Rare.). Polarisationsebene: polarization plane. A plane asso- ciated with a ray of plane-polarized radiation, believed 3M k — 1 a = , 4ttN (k + 2)p in which M is the molecular weight, N the Avogadro number, and p the density. polarisieren: polarize. (1) To endow with poles, as a magnet. (2) To produce an electrical separation or orientation, esp. in the molecules of a dielectric. (3) To impress some spatial characteristic, as upon the vibrations identified with radiation; e.g., in elliptically polarized light. Polariskop: polariscope. An instrument for examining the state of polarization of light or other radiation, or for studying the polarizing properties of bodies. 113 /Polaritaet p Polaritaet: polarity. (1) The electrically positive or negative condition of a battery or generator terminal. (2) The magnetically positive (north) or negative (south) character of a magnetic pole. (3) The degree in which a molecule is polar. Polari+ae+seffekt: polarity effect. An asymmetry or in- equality in the current through a series of partial con- ductors, such as metallic sulphides or oxides, according to which way it is caused to flow; illustrated by crystal detectors. Poleffekt: pole effect. A discrepancy observed in the wave lengths of spectral lines when the light comes from the vicinity of the electrodes in an arc. Polhode: polhode. The curve which marks the inter- section of the energy ellipsoid and the momentum ellip- soid of a free rigid body. The term is due to Poinsot. polydispers: polydisperse. In re a disperse system: having particles of different sizes. Polykristall: polycrystal. A body made up of a number of small crystals in a mass. Polymer: polymer. (1) One of two or more isomers having different molecular weights, e.g., C2H2 (acety- lene) and C6H6 (benzene). (2) A complex molecule, or molecular aggregate, which may be considered as a multiple of some simpler molecule, e.g., H402 = 2 H20. Polymorphismus: polymorphism, Syn. allotropy, allo- tropism. But with especial reference to differences in the crystal structure. polytrop: poly tropic. Pertaining to a change during which the pressure and the volume vary in accordance with the relation pvn zz constant (the polytropic equa- tion), in which n has special constant values in different cases. E.g., for the Boyle law, n zz 1. Porro'sches Prisma: Porro prism. A triangular optical prism having one 90- and two 45-degree angles. Light entering perpendicular to the hypothenuse face emerges from the same face after two international reflections. Two of these are used in each telescope of the prism binocular. positiver Kristall: positive crystal. A unaxial, birefrin- gent crystal in which the extraordinary wave has the less velocity, e.g., quartz. positive Saeule: positive column. A striated, luminous region adjacent to the anode in a Crookes tube at mod- erate pressure. positive Strahlen: positive rays. A stream of posi- tively charged atoms or molecules, produced by a suit- able combination of ionizing agents, accelerating fields, and limiting apertures. Positron: positron. A positive charge having a mass equal to that of the electron, and electrically its counter- part. Its existence was first announced by Carl An- derson. Syn. positive electron. Potential: potential. A term applied to several dif- ferent scalar quantities, the measure of each of which involves energy as a function of position or of con- dition (potential energy). Potentialfunktion: potential junction. A function which constitutes the variable factor in the expression for any physical potential. Potentialgalvanometer: potential galvanometer. An instrument of the galvanometer type, having such high resistance as to take practically no current, so that the readings can be taken to indicate the p.d. between its terminals. Potentialloch: potential hole, p. well. A region toward which the electric potential drops abruptly and through- out which its value is distinctly lower than on either side; a term common in nuclear physics. Potentialschranke: potential barrier. See Energiewall. Potentialschwelle: potential harrier. See Energiewall. Potentialstroemung: potential streaming. Fluid motion in which the velocity is the negative of a velocity poten- tial gradient, so that the flow is irrotational. If the fluid is incompressible, the lines of flow coincide with the lines of a possible electric field in empty space. Potentialwall: potential barrier. See Energiewall. potentielle Energie: potential energy. Any form of energy which is not demonstrably kinetic. Potenz: Power (math.). A number multiplied by it- self any number of times; the result of taking any num- ber of times as a factor. Poundal (engl. Einheit): poundal. The absolute Eng- lish (footpound second) unit of force which, acting upon a free mass of 1 lb, would impart to it an accelera- tion of 1 ft/sec2. i Powell-Bande: Powell bands. Interference bands pro- duced by the insertion of a transparent plate into a hollow prism which contains a liquid and is used to /Poynting'scher Lehrsatz 114 p produce a spectrum, when the plate, with its edge parallel to the prism edge, covers only one half of the field. Poynting'scher Lehrsatz: Poynting theorem. States that the transmission of energy in an electromagnetic field takes place in a direction perpendicular to both electric and magnetic components, and that the rate of energy transfer is proportional to the vector product of those components (electric and magnetic intensities), called the Poynting vector or vector radiant. Poynting'scher Vektor: Poynting vector. See Poynt- ing’scher Lehrsatz. Praedissozlation: predissociation. (1) A state that ex- ists in a diatomic or polyatomic molecule which, usually after the absorption of light, has a tendency to disso- ciate spontaneously, usually into two uncharged parts. The resulting absorption bands are diffuse, lacking the usual rotational fine structure. (2) The process of de- composition from the state described under (1). Prozession: precession. A motion of the axis of a symmetrical rotating body, which slowly describes a cone with the centroid as vertex, due to the action of a small torque tending to change the direction of the axis; illustrated by a spinning top or gyroscope. The axis of the cone is the precession axis. Primaerelektron: primary electron. (1) An electron belonging to a primary emission. (2) That electron which, after a collision of two electrons, has the greater energy. Primaeremission: primary emission. Incident emission, which may excite secondary emission from the irradi- ated matter. If it is of the nature of radiation (ultra- violet, X-rays, etc.), it is usually called primary ra- diation. primaerer Pho+oeffekt: volume photoelectric effect. See innerer photoelektrischer Effekt. Primaerfarben: primary colors. Additive primaries are three colors which, added in proper proportions, produce a sensation of white; those usually chosen are red, green, and blue. Their complementaries, blue-green, purple, and yellow, respectively, are substractive primaries; if white light is passed in succession through transparent screens of these colors, it is completely absorbed. Primaerschaliung: primary circuit. A circuit, the vari- ation of the current in which induces an e.m.f. in a coupled, secondary circuit as in a transformer. Often abbreviated to primary. Primaers+andard: primary standard. A unit directly and originally defined and established by some authority, e.g., the standard meter at Sevres. Primaers+ruktur: primary structure. See Sekundaer- struktur. Primaerzelle: primary cell. A battery cell whose energy is intrinsic in the substances originally composing it, and not derived from charging as in a storage (secon- dary) cell. Prinzip der geringsten Arbeit: least-work principle. A special case of the principle of least energy which states, in reference to an elastic structure having re- dundant bars or members, that the stresses developed in the members by the application of loads are such as to render the total internal work throughout the structure a minimum. Prinzip der geringsten Energie: least-energy principle. States that a dynamic system is in stable equilibrium only for configurations in which the potential energy of the system as a whole has minimum values. Prinzip des geringsten Interwalls: least-interval prin- ciple. A principle analogous to the principle of least time or the principle of least action, but which requires that any natural sequence of events take place in such a manner that the section of the world line connecting them in the space-time continuum shall be shorter than for any other, arbitrary sequence of events. Prinzip der geringsten Wirkung: least-action principle. States that if a dynamic system passes spontaneously and without change in total energy from one configuration to another, the action involved in the process is a mini- mum; or (an equivalent statement) that the line integral of the momentum of each particle is a minimum. Enun- ciated by Maupertuis. Prinzip der kleinsten Quadrate: least-squares principle. A principle of the theory of errors, based upon the normal law of error, which states that the best estimate of an experimental quantity, deducible from a number of observations, is that for which the sum of the weighted squares of the residuals is least. Prinzip der kuerzesten Zeit: least-time principle. For points in two homogeneous media separated by a plane surface, or for reflection in a single homogeneous me- dium by a plane surface, the time is a minimum, in which case the law is commonly known as the principle of least time. Prinzip der virtuellen Arbeit: virtual-work principle. States that a condition for the equilibrium of a system is that the total virtual work due to ail internal and /Prisma mit konstanter Ablenkung p external forces acting upon the system is zero; or in other words, that the potential energy of the system is a minimum or a maximum or a constant. Prisma mit konstanter Ablenkung: constant-deviation prism. A triangular prism so designed that the devia- tion of a ray of light entering it by one face and leav- ing it by another after internal reflection at the third face is always equal to the angle between the two re- fracting faces. Probespule: exploring coil. A small coil which may be moved about within a magnetic field in order to test the magnetic intensity at various points by electro- magnetic induction. Produk+ionskoeffizient: production coefficient. The rate at which primary radiation produces secondary radia- tions with respect to the thickness of medium tra- versed. If dl2 is the intensity of secondaries produced in thickness dx by primary radiation of intensity Ix, the coefficient is d.-c. power line usually near the far end, which auto- matically adjusts the voltage to a varying load. The battery discharges on heavy load and recharges when the load is light. Puffergefaess: surge chamber. A cavity connecting with a water pipe or other conduit and containing air, which acts as a cushion to shocks caused by sudden pressure or stoppage of the flow, e.g., in a force pump. Pulverdiagramm: powder pattern, Syn. Hull ring, Debye r., Debye-Scherrer r. Sometimes called Halo, esp. in connection with diffraction effects from amor- phous materials. A pattern of parallel lines or bands of ferromagnetic powder deposited on the surface of a magnetized crystal. Syn. Bitter pattern. Pulvermethode: powder method. A method of crystal analysis, devised independently by Hull and by Debye and Scherrer, in which the varied orientation of the particles of the finely pulverized substance produces the same diffraction-ring pattern as would result from giving a single crystal all possible orientations. Punkt: dot. (1) A notation, attributed to Newton, consisting of a dot placed over the symbol for a varia- ble, and signifying the derivative of that variable with respect to time. Such quantities as velocity and accelera- tion are frequently thus represented. (2) One of the symbols of vector multiplication; placed between the symbols for two vectors, it designates their scalar product. Punktfunk+ion; point function. A variable quantity which is a function of the position of a point in space. E.g., the electric potential, the temperature, the value of g, etc., are point functions. Punk+gruppe: point group, Syn. space group. A group of points in space which has one of the types of sym- metry exhibited by crystals. Punktpol: point pole. A sharply defined magnetic pole, from which the field radiates almost as if from a point. Syn. magnetic charge, Punk+symmetrie: point symmetry. The term point sym- metry or radial symmetry is used if the reference zero is a point. See also Symmetrie. punk+zentrisch: homocentric, Syn. stigmatic. In re a bundle of rays: passing through a common point, or traversing lines which, if produced, would pass through a common point. Pyknometer: specific-gravity bottle. A small flask with a perforated stopper, which may be filled completely dl2/dx ß = Ii Prometazentrum: prometacenter. The center of curva- ture of a curve of buoyancy at any point. Proton: proton. An elementary particle, of mass about 1.66 X 10~24 g (1845 times that of the electron) and with a positive charge equal to that of the electron (4.77 X 10-10 e.s.u.). The nucleus of the ordinary hydrogen atom is thought to be a single proton. Prototyp: prototype. An accurate copy of a primary standard unit. Syn. secondary standard. Prozentbruecke: percentage bridge. A type of slide- wire bridge, so adjusted that a change of 0.01 percent in the ratio of the two resistances compared requires, for balancing a change of one division on the slide scale. Devised by H. C. Parker. pseudomorph: pseudomorphic. Having a definite geo- metrical form for the external surface, but made up structurally of smaller crystals of a form quite different. Psychrometer: psychrometer, Syn. wet-and-dry-bulb thermometer. A hygrometer consisting of two identical thermometers, the bulb of one of which is kept wet with water supplied by a wick. The lowering of the temperature by evaporation indicates the relative hu- midity of the air. Pufferspannung: floating electromotive force. The e.m.f. supplied by a storage battery placed across a /Pyranometer 116 p full of a liquid for the purpose of obtaining its density and specific gravity by weighing. Pyranometer; pyranometer. An instrument which meas- ures the intensity of the radiation received from any portion of the sky. pyro-elektrisch: pyro-electric. Characterized by the property, exhibited by certain asymmetric crystals, of becoming electrically polarized and of developing charges of "pyro-electricity” upon change of tempera- ture. The true pyro-electric effect results directly from the temperature change; there is a pseudo-pyro-electric effect which arises from strains due to alteration of temperature and which is therefore an indirect piezo- electric effect. pyroelektrische Konstante: pyro-electric constant. Change in the electric polarization of a pyroelectric cry- stal per unit change in temperature. Pyroheliometer: pyroheliometer, pyrheliometer. An in- strument for measuring the total intensity of solar radia- tion, both direct and scattered by the surrounding at- mosphere. Syn, solarimeter. Pyrometer: pyrometer. Any instrument for the meas- urement of high temperatures. Pyroskop: pyroscope. A form of optical pyrometer, devised by Shore. /Q Zweig o Q Zweig: Q branch. A set of molecular spectrum lines corresponding to changes in vibrational energy with none in rotational energy. Quadrantenelektrometer: quadrant electrometer. An electrometer consisting of a light, elongated metallic plate suspended horizontally within a flat metallic cylin- der divided into quadrants. The electric reaction be- tween the charged plate and the charged quadrants causes the former to turn against the torsion of the suspending wire. quadratische Skala: squared scale. A linear scale so graduated and numbered as to indicate the square of the distance from the zero point; used on some photo- meter benches. Quadruplet!: quadruplet. A group of lines in an atomic spectrum, • arising from transitions between the different components of two multiple spectral terms and hence exhibiting the characteristic frequency differences of these terms. The number is 4. Quadrupel: quadrupole, quadripole. A system consist- ing of two equal dipoles parallel to each other, but with their corresponding charges reversed. Quadrupollinien: quadrupole lines. A type of "for- bidden” spectral lines, whose infrequency of occurrence is interpreted as due to the action of the atom as an electric quadrupole instead of as the more usual dipole. Such lines exist, however, in the spectra of nebulae and the aurora. Qualltaet: quality. (1) That characteristic of a musi- cal sound which is dependent upon the wave form and hence upon the harmonic components and their relative intensities. Syn. timbre, tone color. (2) In re a system composed of the liquid and the vapor states of a pure substance the ratio of the mass of the vapor to the total mass of both phases. Syn. dryness. Quant: quantum, quant. (1) A discrete portion of energy, of definite amount, first associated with intra- atomic or intramolecular processes involving changes among the electrons and with the corresponding radia- tion. (2) Any supposed smallest portion of a magni- tude; e.g., the electronic charge is sometimes called a quantum of electricity. Quantenausbeute: quantum efficiency. The number of photoelectrons emitted from a metal per quantum of in- cident radiation. Syn. quantum yield. Quantenaequivalenzprinzip; quantum equivalence prin- ciple. The principle that when, in a photoelectric or /Quarzfadenmanometer photovoltaic process of any kind, a quantum of radia- tion is "absorbed,” its entire energy reappears in some other definite form, such as the kinetic energy of a released photoelectron, or the energy of an ionized atom. Quantenbedingung: quantum condition. The mathe- matical condition which must be satisfied for any given quantum state of an atom or other system to be possible. Quantendefekt: quantum deject. The principal quan- tum number for the electron responsible for a spectral series, minus the square root of the Rydberg denominator for any actual spectral term of the series. It is usually, but not always, positive. Quantengewicht: quantum weight, Syn. statistical weight. An integer corresponding to the number of different levels into which a given state is subdivided when the degeneracy is completely removed. Quantenkorrektion: quantum correction. A correction required by any classical law or formula to bring it into harmony with the quantum theory. Quantenmechanik: quantum mechanics. (1) A gen- eral physical theory which seeks to deal with atomic structure and related problems in terms of only those quantities which can be actually measured, and excluding such putely inferential concepts as the position or the velocity of an electron in a supposed orbit. It embraces the matrix mechanics of Heisenberg, the wave mechan- ics of Schroedinger, and the transformation theory of Jordan and Dirac. (2) The mechanics of phenomena which are subject to quantum conditions, such as the processes going on within and among atoms and molecules. Quantenstoss: photo-impact. See Photonenstoss. Quan+uebergang: quantum transition. An abrupt re- adjustment which is accompanied by the emission or the absorption of a quantum of radiant energy. Syn. quantum jump. Quantenzahl: quantum number. An integral number which is characteristic of the statement of a quantum condition. E.g., for a hydrogen atom (disregarding rela- tivity and spin corrections) the energy corresponding to any quantum state is inversely proportional to the square of the (principal) quantum number. Quan+enzahlenvergroesserung bei Elektronen: electron promotion. See Elektronenuebergang. Quantenzustand: quantum state. See Energieniveau. 118 .9 Quarzfadenmanometer: quartz-fiber manometer. A type of manometer in which the pressure of a gas is measured by the damping which it offers to the vibra- tions of a quartz fiber. Devised by Haber and Kersch- bäum. Quincke'sche Roehre: Quincke tube. An acoustic wave filter consisting of a short tube with a semicircular side branch. /r Einheit 119 R r Einheit: r unit. See Roentgen. R Zweig: R branch. A set of moelcular spectrum lines corresponding to unit decreases in rotational quantum number. Rabi'sche Feld: Rahi field. A magnetic field used to deflect particles having an intrinsic magnetic moment. It is a nonuniform field, the portion used being that in the plane midway between parallel, flat, rectangular pole pieces. Radialgeschwindigkeit: radial velocity. The component of linear velocity in line with the observer. radiale Quantenzahl: radial quantum number. A quan- tum number associated with radial motion, which must be an integer for any allowed stationary state of a par- ticle moving subject to a central field. radioaktives Element: radioelement. A radioactive ele- ment. radioaktives Gleichgewicht: radioactive equilibrium. A relationship between a radioactive substance and its parent substance, in which at any instant the rate of disintegration of the former is equal to its rate of for- mation from the latter. The equilibrium is "transient” if the balanced rates change rapidly, "secular” if the parent substance has a very long period. radioaktiver Niederschlag: radioactive deposit. A film of radioactive matter formed from the disintegration of a radioactive emanation (radon, thoron, actinon) and of the subsequent products. Such films may be found upon solid objects which have been in contact with any one of these emanations. radioaktives Produkt: radioactive product. A substance which results from the radioactive disintegration of an- other (parent) substance. radioaktive Reihen: radioactive series. A succession of radioactive elements, each of which is derived from the disintegration of the one preceding. Radloaktivitaet: radioactivity. A property of certain elements, which involves the spontaneous emission of alpha particles or of beta particles from the nucleus of the atom. Gamma rays, also of nuclear origin, may ac- company or immediately follow the disintegration, but are a byproduct of that process. Radioaktivitaetswaerme: heat of radioactivity. The heat generated per unit time by the radioactive disinte- gration in unit mass of a radioactive substance. Radioelement: radioelement. See radioaktives Element. Radiofrequenz: radio frequency. Any frequency, usually above the audible range, suitable for the transmission of radio signals. Radiogramm: Radiogram. A wireless telegraph message. Radiograph: radiograph. An X-ray or radium photo- graph, showing the nonuniform density of the structure through which the rays pass. Radiologie: radiology. (1) That branch of physics which deals with X-rays, radioactivity, and other h.-f. radiation. (2) The art of diagnosis and treatment of diseases by means of X-rays, radium, or ultraviolet ra- diation. Radiolumineszenz: radioluminescence. Luminescence stimulated by radioactive emission or by X-rays. Radiometeorograph: radiometeorograpb. A meteoro- graph which, when sent up in a balloon, automatically reports atmospheric conditions by radio to receiving ap- paratus at the ground station. Radiometer: radiometer. See Lichtmuehle. Radiomikrometer: radiomicrometer. An instrument, devised by Boys, consisting of a short-circuit thermo- couple suspended in a strong magnetic field, and sensi- tive to very feeble thermal radiation. Radiophotolumineszenz: radio-photoluminescence. Lu- minescence exhibited by certain minerals, as kunzite and fluorite, as a result, first of irradiation with beta and gamma rays, followed by exposure to light; first observed by K. Przibram. Radiothermolumineszenz: radio-thermoluminescence. Luminescence exhibited by certain vitreous and crystal- line substances as a result, first of irradiation with beta and gamma rays, or by Entladungsstrahlen, followed by heating; first observed by E. Wiedemann. Raman Effekt: Raman effect. The presence, in scattered light, of frequencies differing from that of the incident light by various values characteristic of the scattering substance but independent of the incident frequency. Discovered by C. V, Raman in 1928. The scattered or "modified” lines constitute the Raman spectrum of the scatterer. Raman'sche Viskosilae+sformel: Raman viscosity for- mula. Expresses the viscosity coefficient 77 of a liquid in terms of the absolute temperature T, as follows: JB rj = A'eT, in which A and B are constants. /Ramsauer Effekt 120 R Ramsauer Effekt: Ramsauer effect. (1) The absorp- tion of slow-moving electrons by intervening matter, somewhat as alpha particles are absorbed by gases. Ramsden-Okular: Ramsden eyepiece. An eyepiece for optical instruments, consisting of two similar plano- convex lenses with their convex faces facing each’ other and at a distance equal to two-thirds the focal length of either. Rankine'scher Kreis: Rankine cycle. A type of thermo- dynamic engine cycle in which the isothermal compres- sion is continued until the original volume is attained, and the cycle is then completed by an increase of pres- sure at that volume. The ordinary steam engine approxi- mates this cycle. Rankine'scher Zyklus: Rankine cycle. See Rankine’scher Kreis. Raoult'sches Gesetz: Raoult law. A more specific form of the van’t Hoff law; viz.: the fractional lower- ing of the vapor pressure of a solvent by a nonvolatile solute is equal to the ratio of the number of molecules of the solute to the total number of molecules of both solute and solvent. rationalisierte Einheit: rationalized unit, Syn. Heavi- side-Lorentz unit. See Heaviside-Lorentz Einheit. Raumfunktion: space function. A quantity connected with a region of space in such a way that its value depends upon the extent and the boundaries of that region. The "space” referred to may be of any number of dimensions. The element of such a function, used in integration, is equal to the element of space multiplied by some function of the co-ordinates of the space ele- ment, E.g., an element of mass is equal to the density of the substance (which may vary from point to point) multiplied by the element of volume. Raumgruppe: space group. A group of points in space which has one of the types of symmetry exhibited by crystals. Raumladung: space charge. A charge of electricity distributed more or less continuously throughout a vol- ume; as in any part of the electron stream in a thermi- onic vacuum tube or in a photoelectric cell. Raumladungsgleichung: space-charge equation. An equation which expresses the space-charge-limited cur- rent between a plane cathode and a parallel plane anode in a gas: in which e and m are the electronic charge and mass, V is the voltage, and x the distance between electrodes. A similar but more complex equation holds for a cylin- drical cathode inside a cylindrical anode. Raumphotometer: sphere photometer. An integrating photometer in which the source of light is placed inside a spherical cavity with white walls, the light from which, reflected through a suitably placed opening, is used in the measurement of the mean spherical candle power of the source. Raumquantelung: space quantization, Syn. directional quantization. The application of quantum conditions to the orientation of a system in space traversed by a field of force; which limits, e.g., the number of possible orientations of an atom in a magnetic field. Raumverteilung: spatial distribution. A definite ar- rangement of particles or points in any type of space, usually specified by means of equations which express the number located in any element of space in terms of the’ co-ordinates of the element. Raumwinkel: solid angle. A portion of the whole of space about a given point, bounded by a conical surface with vertex at that point and measured by the area cut by the bounding surface from the surface of a sphere of unit radius centered at that point. Raumzeit: space-time. A four-dimensional continuum in which the four variable co-ordinates are the three ordinary space co-ordinates (as x, y, 2) and the time t. The last may be expressed with an imaginary coefficient in order to make the resulting mathematical expressions closer in form to those of ordinary geometry. A concept due to Minkowski. raumzentriert: body-centered. In re a unit cell of crystal structure; having an atom at its center of figure. Syn. space centered. Rauscheffekt: flicker effect. A variation in plate cur- rent in a radio tube, due to variations in the surface condition of the filament. Rayleigh'sches Gesetz: Rayleigh law. States thatjit very low values of the maximum magnetic induction, the hysteresis loss in a magnetic cycle is proportional to the cube of that induction. Rayleigh'sche Linie: Rayleigh line. That component of a spectrum line in scattered radiation which has the same frequency as the corresponding incident radiation, arising simply from ordinary or Rayleigh scattering, not from the Compton or the Raman effect. i = V2 J e VVi . 9rr m X2 121 /Rayleigh-Jean'sches Gesetz R Rayleigh-Jean'sches Gesetz: Rayleigh-fean law. A law intended to express the spectral energy distribution of black-body radiation at a given absolute temperature T in terms of wave length X. The emissive power of the black body within the wave-length range is given as dE* = 27rck TA~4 dA; in which c is the electromagnetic constant and k, the Boltzmann constant. The law fails to meet the experi- mental facts except at long wave lengths. Rayleigh'sche Scheibe: Rayleigh disk. A light disk which, placed in a sound field, tends to set itself at right angles to the direction of motion of the particles of the medium. Rayleigh'sche Streuung: Rayleigh scattering. The selec- tive scattering of light by very small particles suspended in the air, such as dust or even the molecules of the air itself. razemisch: racemic. Not optically active; e.g. racemic quartz in which the two kinds are twinned so as to compensate each other. A substance having this char- acteristic is called a racemate, and the acquisition of the property is racemization. Reaktanz; reactance. (1) (Inductive.) That compo- nent of the impedance of a circuit which is due to inductance; expressed by 27rfiL. (2) (Capacitive.) That component which is due to capacitance; expressed by 1/277-nC. Both are measurable in ohms. Reaumur'sche Skala: Reaumur scale. A thermometric scale on which the freezing point of water is 0 degrees and the boiling point 80 degrees. Introduced by Rene de Reaumur about 1730, and still largely used in Cen- tral Europe. rechtsdrehend: dextrogyrate. See dextrogyr. rechtwinkelig abbildend: rectilinear. In re an optical system: forming images without distortion, so that the image of a straight line is straight, etc. reduzierter Brennpunktabstand: reduced focal length. The first focal length of a spherical refracting surface, or of a lens, divided by the refractive index of the medium in which the light is incident; or the second focal length divided by the index of the medium into which the rays emerge. reduzierte Masse: reduced mass. In re a heteropolar molecule: the value of the quantity: in which M1 and M2 are the masses of the two ions. (2) In re an orbital electron: the value of m M m -f M in which m is the mass of the electron and M, that of the nucleus. reduzierte Zustandsvariablen: reduced variables of state. The values of the pressure, specific volume, and absolute temperature of a gas expressed (as abstract ratios) in terms of their critical values, i.e., the values of p/pt, v/v0, T/Tc. Reflecktionsfaktor: reflection factor. The ratio of the total luminous flux reflected by a given surface to that incident upon it. Syn. reflectance. Reflecktionskoeffizient: reflection coefficient. The square root of the reflectivity of a surface for any type of radiation. It is the ratio of the amplitude of the reflected radiation to that of the incident radiation. Reflecktionsmesser: reflectometer. An instrument for measuring the reflection factors of reflecting surfaces. Reflectionsvermoegen; reflecting power, Syn. reflectiv- ity. The fraction of the radiant energy of a given char- acter, normally incident upon the surface of a body, which is reflected by that surface. Reflectionswinkel: reflection, angle of. The angle be- tween the direction of propagation of a reflected emis- sion and the normal to the reflecting surface. Reflectometer: reflectometer. See Reflektionsmesser. Refraktionsindex: refractive index. See Brechungsin- dex. Refraktometer: refractometer. An instrument for masuring the refractive indices of liquids or of solids, usually by determining the critical angle. Regeneration: regeneration. A general term denoting various processes, the characteristic of which is that the result automatically enhances the cause, the action there- fore tending to build itself up to greater and greater intensity. E.g., in a regenerative vacuum-tube amplify- ing circuit, the fluctuations of the plate current, by means of a feedback arrangement, re-enforce the varia- tions in grid potential, and thus increase the fluctuations in the plate current itself. regulaere Brechung: regular refraction. Refraction in a definite direction, not diffused or scattered. M, M2 m1 + m2 /regulaere Durchlaessigkeif R regulaere Durchlaessiqkeit: regular transmission. Trans- mission in a definite direction, not diffused or scattered. regulaere Reflektion: regular reflection. Reflection in a definite direction, not diffused or scattered. Syn. specu- lar reflection. Reibung: friction. The rubbing together of two bodies, or the hindrance to motion so produced; attrition. Reibungskoeffizient: friction coefficient. The ratio of the tangential force of sliding friction between two sur- faces to the force, normal to the surfaces, which presses them together. It depends upon the nature of the two surfaces, and is in general greater for static than for kinetic friction. Reibungsfaktor: friction factor. A coefficient by which a dynamic quantity, calculated without reference to fric- tion, must be multiplied in order to correct for friction. Reichweite: range. (1) The distance to which a cor- puscular emission, as alpha rays, will penetrate a given substance before all its energy is absorbed. (2) The distance from its starting point, on a horizontal plane, at which a projectile again reaches the plane. Reihe: series. An arrangement of electrical conductors, generators, condensers, etc. in succession without any branching, so that each carries the whole conduction or displacement current. Reihenschaltung: series-connection. A mode of ar- ranging the separate parts of a circuit by connecting them successively end to end to form a single path for the current. reines Spektrum: pure spectrum. A spectrum of which each point corresponds to one and only one wave length or frequency of the dispersed radiation. Rekaleszenz: recalescence. The sudden evolution of heat by solid iron and some other ferromagnetic metals at certain high temperatures as the metal cools; prob- ably due to some exothermic structural transition. Rekombinationskoeffizient: recombination coefficient. A coefficient which appears in the law expressing the rate of recombination of ions in a gas. If n+ and n_ are the respective numbers of the two kinds of ions, faint, continuous spectrum ascribed to the recombination of ions in an ionized gas. Relais: relay. Any device used to communicate or pass on impulses from one system to another system. relative Apertur: relative aperture. In a telescope or a camera: the ratio of the focal length of the objective to the diameter of the entrance-pupil; it determines the photographic speed of the objective. Syn. F-number. relative Feuchtigkeit: relative humidity. The fraction of saturation of the water vapor in the air. relative Oeffnung: relative aperture. See relative Aper- tur. Relativitaet: relativity. A modern system of natural philosophy, characterized by its recognition of the in- terdependence of the basic entities of matter, space, and time; introduced and largely developed by Albert Einstein. Relativitaetskontraktion: relativity contraction, Syn. Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction. A hypothetical shrink- age of all matter in the direction in which it moves through the ether, such that all dimensions in this di- rection are reduced in the ratio I u2 ■\ 1 — : 1 c2 where u is the speed of the motion and c, the speed of light. Relativitaetskorrektion: relativity correction. A correc- tion which must be applied to a formula derived or to a value calculated in accordance with classical theory in order to bring it into agreement with the relativity theory. Relaxationszahl: relaxation number. The reciprocal of the relaxation time (2). Relaxationszeit: relaxation time. (1) The time re- quired for the electric polarization at any point of a suitably charged dielectric to fall from its original value to 1/e of that value, due to the electric conductivity of the dielectric. (2) In general, the time required for an exponential variable to decrease to l/e of its initial value. (3) The time required for a gas, in which the Maxwell distribution of velocities has been temporarily disturbed, to recover that state. (4) The time required for the shearing stress in a flowing viscous substance to disappear after the flow has ceased. dn+ dn_ _ — — An+ n_ , dt dt A is the recombination coefficient. Rekombinationsspektrum: recombination spectrum. A 123 /Reluktanz R Reluktanz: reluctance. The ratio of the magnetomotive force acting upon any part of a magnetic circuit to the resulting magnetic flux. Reluktivitaet: reluctivity. The ratio of the magnetic intensity H to the magnetic induction B in the same region. If B and H are parallel, the reluctivity is the reciprocal of the magnetic permeability. Syn. specific reductance. remanente Magnetisierung: remanent magnetization. The magnetization I retained by a substance undergoing a symmetrical hysteresis cycle, when the magnetic in- tensity H is reduced to zero; represented by either inter- cept of the H-I hysteresis curve on the I axis. Remanenz: remanence. The residual magnetic induc- tion B in a substance undergoing a symmetrical hystere- sis cycle, when the magnetic intensity H is reduced to zero; represented by either intercept of the H-B hystere- sis curve on the B axis. Rheograph: rheograph. A type of magnetic vibration galvanometer or oscillograph, devised by Abraham, in which the effects of inertia and damping are neutralized by special means. Resonanz: resonance. A term denoting a variety of phenomena characterized by the abnormally large re- sponse of a system having a natural vibration period to a stimulus of the same, or nearly the same, frequency. Resonanzbruecke: resonance bridge. A type of a.-c. bridge, in one arm of which an inductance and a ca- pacitance are adjusted to such values that the bridge is in resonance; their product is then equal to l/Trrn2, where n is the frequency. Resonanzdurchdringung: resonance penetration. The penetration of an atomic nucleus by a charge changed particle whose energy corresponds to one of the energy levels in the nucleus. The probability of penetration by such a particle is comparatively large. Resonanzpotential: resonance potential, Syn. radiation potential. The p.d., in volts, corresponding to the en- ergy, in electron-volts, required to excite an atom or a molecule to emit one of its characteristic radiation fre- quencies. The first r.p. excites the lowest frequency, etc. Resonanzradiometer: resonance radiometer. A modi- fication of the thermo-relay, for relative measurements of small radiation intensities in infrared spectrometers. Resonanzschwingung: covibration. A resonant vibra- tion, i.e., a natural vibration of the same frequency as the stimulating or exciting impulses. Resonanzstrahlung: resonance radiation. Radiation from a gas or a vapor, due to states of excitation which may be brought about by radiation of the same frequencies; as in the case of sodium vapor traversed by sodium light. When so excited, it may be regarded as a type of fluorescence without degradation of frequency. First intensively studied by R. W. Wood. Resonanzzustand: resonance state. A state of excitation which gives rise to resonance radiation. Resonator: resonator. An apparatus designed to reso- nate, or respond as the result of resonance, to a stimu- lus of given frequency. Rest: residual. The result of a measurement upon a quantity, minus the most probable value of that quantity. Restdruck: residual stress. A stress which persists in a solid, due not to the existence of external forces but apparently to the fact that certain portions have been stressed beyond the elastic limit while the adjacent por- tions have not. Restionisation: residual ionization. Ionization of air or other gas in a closed vessel, not accounted for by recognizable agencies in the immediate neighborhood (X-rays, radioactivity, etc.). Formerly supposed to be an inherent property of the gas, but now attributed to the cosmic rays. Restladung: residual charge. The charge on the plates of a condenser, which remains temporarily bound, after an initial discharge, by that part of the polarization of its imperfect dielectric which is due to electron mi- gration. restliche magnetische Induktion: residual magnetic in- duction. The magnetic induction in a ferromagnetic body after the removal of the magnetizing force. It de- pends upon the material, the shape, and the previous history of the specimen. Reststrahlen: reststrahlen {Ger.), Syn. residual radia- tion. A nearly monochromatic infrared radiation isolated from the output of a white hot solid by successive reflections from surfaces of a given crystalline material, as quartz or rock salt; a method due to Rubens and Nichols, who termed the rays Reststrahlen. Reststrahlung: residual radiation. See Reststrahlem reversible: reversible. In re a succession of changes in a system: such that if the order in time of the changes is reversed, the only alteration in the corresponding changes in energy is reversal of sign. /reversible Maschine 124 R reversible Maschine: reversible engine. A heat engine working in a reversible thermodynamic cycle, e.g., a Carnot cycle. reversibles Pendel: reversible pendulum. A pendulum provided with two pivots at conjugate points, from which it swings in equal times. Reynolds'sche Gesetze: Reynolds laws. (1) States that for a mobile liquid in a straight tube, the gradient öf the head is proportional to the speed of flow up to the critical velocity; whereas, at speeds above this, it is proportional to a higher power of the speed. Thus Richard'sche Regel: Richard rule. States that the ratio of the molar heat of fusion to the absolute temperature of the melting point is the same for various solids. Richtungsabhaengigkeif: directional derivative. Of a scalar point function F with respect to any direction in space: the scalar (dot) product of the gradient of F by the unit vector in the given direction. Richtungsquan+elung: directional quantization. The ap- plication of quantum conditions to the orientation of a system in space traversed by a field of force; which limits, e.g., the number of possible orientations of an atom in a magnetic field. Syn. space quantization. Righi-Leduc scher Effeld: Righi-Leduc effect. A dif- ference of temperature which develops between the two edges of a strip of metal, in which heat is flowing longi- tudinally, when the plane of the strip is placed perpen- dicularly across a magnetic field. Ri+z'sche Formel: Ritz formula, Rydberg-Ritz f. A somewhat complicated modification of the Rydberg (spectral series) formula, in which allowance is made for the variation of f with the number of the line in the series. Ritz'sches Prinzip: Ritz principle. States that every wave number occurring in the spectrum of a substance may be expressed as a difference between two of a much smaller group of terms characteristic of the sub- stance. These terms correspond to what are now recog- nized as quantum states, in accordance with the "com- bination principle” of Ritz. Rochon'sches Prisma: Rochon prism. A type of polar- izer, consisting of two Iceland-spar prisms, one with its axis parallel to the entering beam of light, the other with its axis perpendicular to that beam. Upon passage from one prism into the other, the extraordinary ray is refracted while the ordinary is not, the separation being further increased upon emergence from the second prism. Roehrenelektrometer: tube electrometer. An adapta- tion of the thermionic vacuum tube to use as an elec- trometer. Roehrenkoeffizien+en: tube coefficients. The constants which serve to describe the characteristics of a thermi- onic vacuum tube, viz., the amplification factor, the mutual conductance, the a.-c. filament-to-plate resistance, the detection coefficient, etc. Roehrenspannungsmesser: tube voltmeter. An adapta- tion of the thermionic vacuum tube to the measurement of small a.-c. voltages. dH = — Avn dx where n 1. (2) States that the critical velocity of a liquid flowing in a straight tube is inversely proportional to pcf>r, in which p is the density and <£ the fluidity coefficient of the liquid and r is the radius of the tube. reziproker Vlskositaetskoeffizient: fluidity coefficient. The reciprocal of the viscosity coefficient. Reziprozitae+sgese+z: reciprocity law {photographic). States that the time of exposure and the illumination required to produce a given photographic effect on a plate or film are in reciprocal relation to each other; so that exposures having the same value of the product It will, after the same development, result in the same density of image. The law is not strictly true. Reziprozi+ae+slehrsatz: reciprocity theorem. One of several analogous theorems, e.g.: (1) A principle of electric networks, in accordance with which the current in any branch A due to an e.m.f. in any other branch B is equal to the current B due to an equal e.m.f. in A. (2) In re a vibrating string; the amplitude of vibration at a point A due to a periodic force applied at an- other point B is equal to the amplitude produced at B by an equal periodic force of the same frequency ap- plied at A. Rheologie: rheology. That branch of physics which deals with the permanent or plastic deformation or the flow of matter. Richardson'sche Gleichung: Richardson equation. An expression for the saturation current density of thermi- onic emission, in terms of the absolute temperature T of the filament: _ B I zz ATne T. Richardson used n zz y2; others have found n= 2 more accurate, B involves the thermionic work function. 125 /Roehrenspek+rometer R Roehrenspektrometer: tube spectrometer. A type of photographic X-ray spectrometer, devised by Siegbahn and Larsson. Roehrenvoltmeter: tube voltmeter. See Roehrenspan- nungsmesser. Roentgen: roentgen. The absolute unit of X-ray dos- age, viz., that obtained from the X-ray energy which, when the secondary electrons are fully utilized and secondary radiation from the wall is avoided, produces in 1 cm3 of air at N.T.P. such a degree of conductivity that the quantity of electricity measured at saturation current is 1 e.s.u. Syn. r unit. Roentgenlehre: roentgenology. That branch of science which deals with X-rays, esp. with their biological ef- fects and uses, including applications to medical diag- nosis and therapy. Roentgenmesser: roentgenmeter. An instrument of the ionization-chamber type for measuring the intensity of X-rays or gamma rays. Roentgenologle: roentgenology. See Roentgenlehre. Roentgenspektrome+er: X-ray spectrometer, x-r. spec- trograph. An apparatus for measuring the wave lengths of X-rays by means of their reflection by crystals; some- what analogous to a grating spectrometer for light, the crystal taking the place of the grating. In the spectro- graph form the reflected rays are photographically re- corded. Roenfgensfrahlen: Roentgen rays, Syn X-rays. A type of electromagnetic radiation of wave length varying from 10~9 to 10~7 cm, and highly penetrating; discov- ered by Roentgen in 1895. Roentgenvakuum: X-ray vacuum. A region in which the gas pressure has bejen reduced below 0.01 mm; so called because a pressure as low as this is necessary in an X-ray tube. Roentgenverfaerbung: roentgenization. The discolora- tion which develops in some transparent substances, such as glass, after prolonged irradiation with X-rays. Roget'sche Spirale: Roget spiral. A helix of wire which contracts in length when a current is sent through it, because of the mutual attraction of the turns. Rotation: rotation. A motion of a body or a figure, in which all the particles or points move in circles about the same axis with the same angular velocity. Rotation eines Vektors: curl. A vector differential operator, much used in physics, which, applied to a vector point function F, is denoted by the symbol V X F and read "curl F” or "del cross F”. If the three components of the vector F are iF1} jF2, kF3, then the operator is defined by the determinant i j k 8 8 8 V X F = 8x 8y 82 F, F2 F3 Rotationsachse: rotation axis. A line within the struc- ture of a unit crystal cell, about which atoms are ar- ranged in regular plane polygons centered upon the axis; so that only simple rotation would be required to bring any atom into coincidence with another in the same plane. Rotationsanalyse: rotational analysis. (1) The analysis of a molecular rotation spectrum, i.e., a setting forth of the constants relating to the series of lines consti- tuting such a spectrum. (2) The analysis of the rota- tional fine structure of an atom spectrum, due to nuclear spin. Rotationsdiagramm: rotation diagram. The photo- graphic record of diffracted beams produced when a slender beam of homogeneous X-rays impinges upon a rotating single crystal. Rotationsdispersion: rotatory dispersion. A type of optical dispersion arising from the fact that the polari- zation plane of polarized light of different wave lengths is rotated at different rates by optically active substances, so that the light emerges from such a substance with different colors polarized in different planes. Rotationsentropie: rotational entropy. That part of the entropy of a body which is concerned with mole- cular rotation. rotationsfreie Bewegung: irrotational. (1) Free from rotatory motion; esp, in re the motion of a fluid. (2) In re a vector: Syn. lamellar, noncircuital. Rotationsintegral eines Vektors: circuitation. The line integral of a vector point function taken around a closed path. rotationsintegral: circuital. In re a vector point func- tion: having a circuitation not equal to zero; not la- mellar. Syn. rotational. Rotationspolarisation: rotatory polarization, Syn. opti- cal rotation. See optische Rotation. Rotationsquantenazhl: rotational quantum number. A /Rotationsspektrum 126 _R quantum number which determines the total angular momentum of a molecule, exclusive of nuclear spin, and either inclusive or exclusive of electron spin (for which it is denoted, respectively, by J and K). Rota+ionsspektrum: rotation spectrum. An X-ray spec- trum or diffraction pattern, produced by a crystal which is rotated while an X-ray beam traverses it. Ro+ationss+ruk+ur: rotational structure. (1) The fine structure of an atomic spectrum supposed to be due to the rotation of the nucleus in conformity with quantum conditions. (2) The structure of a molecular rotation spectrum. Ro+a+ionstemperatur: rotational temperature. The tem- perature of an excited vapor as indicated by the radia- tion energy distribution in the rotational spectrum. This may be quite different from the temperature deduced from the translational energy distribution, i.e., from the true temperature as usually defined. Ro+a+ions+raegheit: rotational inertia, Syn. moment of inertia. Of a rigid body with respect to any axis: the volume inegral of the product of the element of mass by the square of its distance from the given axis. It represents the torque required, per unit angular accelera- tion in radian measure, to change the speed of rotation of the body about that axis. Ro+ationsvepmoegen: rotatory power. The amount of optical rotation produced in a beam of polarized light by an optically active substance, per unit length of path, in degrees per millimeter or per centimeter. Divided by the density, it gives the specific rotatory power. Mo- lar (or atomic) rotatory power is the specific rotatory power multiplied by the molecular (or atomic) weight. The Verdet constant is sometimes called specific mag- netic rotatory power. Rotations voltmeter: rotary voltmeter. A type of elec- trostatic voltmeter for high voltages. Rotationszustand: rotational state. One of the quan- tum states or energy levels of molecular rotation, changes in which are responsible for molecular rotation spectral lines. Rotator: rotator. (1) An optical apparatus, as a quartz plate cut perpendicular to the optic axis, which rotates the polarization plane of light traversing it. (2) In quantum theory: a point-mass endowed with uniform motion about a fixed center. (3) A mechanism for giving objects mounted upon it a motion of rotation. Rotor; rotator. See Rotator. Rotorfeld: rotary field. A magnetic field, of which the direction of the magnetic-intensity vecor rotates about an axis perpendicular to itself. Such fields are com- monly produced by means of magnets excited by poly- phase currents, e.g., in induction motors. Rotverschiebung: red shift. (1) A general shift of the lines of a spectrum in the direction of longer wave length, due to the Doppler or other effect. (2) In particular, an increase in wave length observed in the spectra of distant spiral nebulae or galaxies, which ap- pears to be progressively greater with greater distance, and the cause of which is not definitely known. Rowland'sches Gesetz: Rowland laiv. See Bosanquet’- sches Gesetz. Rowland'sche Gittermontage: Rowland mounting. A mounting for concave gratings, in which the slit is at the vertex of a right-triangular frame and the grating and the eyepiece or camera are at opposite ends of the (movable) hypothenuse. Rowland'scher Kreis: Rowland circle. The circle upon which lie the slit, grating, and line images in a Rowland concave grating spectrograph. Rowland'scher Ring: Rowland ring. A sample of mag- netic material, prepared in the form of a ring in order to test its magnetic properties by using it as the core of a transformer arrangement. Rueckkehrkoeffizient; restitution coefficient. The ratio of the relative speed of two elastic spheres, after a col- lision in their line of centers, to the relative speed before the collision. According to Newton’s experiments, this ratio is constant for the same two spheres. Rueckkehrungskoefflzient: restitution coefficient. See Rueckkehrkoeffizient. Rueckkopplung: feedback. An arrangement of a radio receiving apparatus in which the plate circuit of the detector tube is coupled to the grid circuit of the same tube, thus rendering it regenerative and very sensitive. Rueckstoss: recoil. The motion of an atom because of the emission of an alpha particle, a beta particle, a neutron, or (possibly) a quantum of radiation; or the motion of an electron because of having functioned in the Compton effect. Recoil rays are streams of such recoiling particles. Rueckstossfak+or: recoil factor. The ratio of the in- tensity of scattered X-rays modified by the Compton effect, as calculated on the quantum theory, to its classi- cal value. 677865—46—9 127 /Ruhelagewinkel R Ruhelagewinkel: angle of friction. The angle whose tangent is the friction coefficient. Ruhemasse: rest mass. The mass of a body in the classical or Newtonian sense, i.e., not including the ad- ditional mass which, according to the relativity theory, the body acquires when set in motion. Ruhepoten+ial: rest potential. A residual p.d. between an electrode and the electrolyte, which remains after the electrode has become polarized; as distinct from the true electrokinetic potential developed when the solid and the liquid are in contact. Rumpf; Rumpf {Ger., "trunk”'). The very stable electron group which remains when a chemically active atom is ionized by the removal of its incomplete outer shell of electrons. See also Kern. Rumpfatom: kernel. See Kern. Runge'sches Gesetz: Runge law. States that the wave number for the first line of the second (diffuse) sub- sidiary series of the line spectrum of an element is equal to the difference between that for the common limit of the two subsidiary series and that for the limit of the fundamental or Bergmann series. Runge'scher Nenner: Runge denominator. The small- est integer r such that the positions of the lines in a Zeeman pattern are integral multiples of 1/r, when the unit used is the Lorentz unit. Runge'sche Regel: Runge rule. States that in the anomalous Zeeman effect the separation in frequency, or resolution, for a given line bears a simple commensur- able ratio (2:3, 5:3, etc.) to the separation in the normal Zeeman effect. Ruper+'sches Troepfchen: Rupert drop. A globule of glass which has been suddenly congealed by allowing the fused drop to fall into water, and in which there are residual stresses which will cause it to explode vio- lently upon a slight shock. Russell-Saunder'sche Kopplung: Russell-Saunders coup- ling. A condition in an atom in which the torques be- tween spins and those between orbital angular momenta are much stronger than the torque between the resultant of ail spins and the resultant of all orbital angular momenta. Ru+herford-Bohr'sches Atom: Rutherford-Bohr atom. See Bohr’sches Atom. Ru+herford'sches S+reuungsgesetz: Rutherford scatter- ing law. A (classical) expression for the effective cross section about the nucleus of an atom, which an alpha particle must enter in order to be scattered into a solid angle doj at a deviation 0 from the initial direction; viz., (EE'/2mv2)2 esc4 1/2 ®dw, *n which E and E' are the charges (in electronic units) of the nucleus and the alpha particle and m is the mass and v the speed of the alpha particle. Rydberg'sche Formel: Rydberg formula. An approxi- mate formula for the wave numbers of lines in hydro- gen-like atomic spectral series, viz., 1 1 R(z + I)2 A A« (m + f)2 in which A» is the wave length for the series limit, R is (approximately) the Rydberg constant, z indicates the state of ionization (0 if not ionized, 1 if singly ionized, etc.), f is a fraction common to all the lines of the series, and m = 2, 3, 4, Rydberg-Frequenz: Rydberg fundamental frequency. The frequency equivalent to the wave number expressed by the Rydberg constant R, therefore equal to cR, in which c is the speed of light. Its value for hydrogen is 3.2878 X 10I5/sec. Note. Some authors have called this quantity the Rydberg constant. Rydberg Konstante: Rydberg constant. The coefficient R in the Rydberg formula for wave numbers of spectral lines. Its theoretical value is 27r2 me4 R = ; ch3 (1 -f- ) in which m and e are electronic mass and charge, M is the molecular mass, c is the electromagnetic constant, and h is the Planck constant. For hydrogen its value is 109677.76 cm“"1; for an infinite nuclear mass it would be 109737.42 cm-1. Rydberg'scher Nenner: Rydberg denominator. The de- nominator (22, 32, etc.) of a spectral term. Rydberg-Ritz'sche Formel: Rydberg-Ritz formula. See Ritz’sche Formel. Rydberg-Schuster'sches Gesetz: Rydberg-Schuster law. States that the wave number for the first line of the principal series of the line spectrum of an element is equal to the difference between that for the limit of the principal series and that for the common limit of the two subsidiary series. /S-Elektron 128 s S-Elekfron: s-electron. An orbital electron for which the azimuthal quantum number is zero. S-Zustand: S-state, S-level. The state of an atom in which the azimuthal quantum number is zero. Sabin: sahin. A unit of (acoustic) equivalent absorp- tion, equal in its absorbing effect to 1 ft2 of a completely absorbing surface. Named for W. C. Sabine. Sabine'sches Gese+z: Sabine law. Expresses the re- verberation time of a hall or auditorium, in seconds, as 0.164V T = aS in which V is the volume of the room in m3, S the total area of its exposed surfaces in m2, and a the mean acoustic absorptivity of those surfaces for vocal sounds.' Saccharimeter: Saccharimeter. A form of polariscope for measuring the rotatory power of sugar solutions and similarly active liquids. Sackur'sche Gleichung: Sackur equation. An expres- sion for the molar entropy of a perfect monatomic gas in terms of its volume v, its atomic weight w, and its absolute temperature T viz., S = R loge (vw3/2T3/2) + s0, in which R is the ideal gas constant. S0 is the Sackur- Tetrode constant, the value of which is about —11.05 cal/mol deg. Sae+tigung: saturation. (1) The condition of a space in which the vapor pressure of some substance contained therein has reached the highest value possible at the existing temperature; or that of a solution when at maximum concentration for the existing temperature. (2) (Magnetic.) The condition of a magnetic sub- stance whose magnetization has reached its highest pos- sible value. (3) That attribute of a chromatic color which determines its degree of difference from an achro- matic color of the same brilliance. Saet+igungsanteil: fraction of saturation. The ratio of the actual pressure of a vapor to the maximum, or satu- rated, vapor pressure at the same temperature. Saet+igungsstrom: saturation current. The limit which the current through an ionized gas, the thermionic cur- rent, or the photoelectric current approaches with in- creasing voltage, i.e., its value when the ions are car- ried off as fast as they are released. Saeule: head. See Kopf. Saint-Venant'sche Gleichuny: Saint Venant equation. An equation relating to the adiabatic flow of a fluid, the form of which is y2(V22 - V,2) = [Pl vdp; P 2 where p is pressure (in absolute units), v is specific volume, and V is speed of flow, corresponding to two points denoted by the subscripts 1 and 2. It is due to Saint Venant and Wantzel. Sammelpunkt (opt.): center of collineation. See Kol- lineationszentrum. Sammler: accumulator. See Akkumulator. Satellit: satellite. One of the fainter components of a multiple! spectral line. Sauerstoffpunkt: oxygen point. The equilibrium tem- perature between liquid and gaseous oxygen at 760 mm pressure; a standard temperature point, taken as —182.97 degrees C. Savart'sche Platte: Savart plate. A device consisting of two calcite plates of equal thickness, cut parallel to the natural cleavage faces and mounted with correspond- ing edges at right angles. Used to detect the presence of polarized light by means of interference fringes, on a principle first described by Brewster. "Scale of eight": scale of eight. A vacuum tube cir- cuit for counting pulses, in groups of eight, from ion or photon counters. Schale: shell. (1) (Electronic.) A group of electrons, supposed to form, part of the outer structure of an atom, and having a common energy level. (2) A lamina of magnetic material in which the lines of induction are in the direction of its thickness. Its strength is the mag- netic moment per unit area. Schallenergiefluss: sound energy flux. The average rate of flow of sound energy through any specified area, taken over a complete period. Schallintensitaet: sound intensity. The sound energy flux per unit area of a plane or spherical sound wave front. Schallintensi+aetsmesser: phonometer. See Phonometer. scharfe Serie: sharp series. One of several spectral series in the characteristic spectrum of an element; so called because of the small half-widths of the lines. Sometimes called second subordinate series. /Schaffen s Schatten: shade. A chromatic color of relatively low saturation and relatively low brilliance. Schattierung: hue, tint. See Faerbung, Nuance. Schauer; shower {cosmic-ray). The production of from two to several associated ion pairs at the same instant, apparently due to cosmic rays. scheinbare Kerzenstaerke: apparent candle power. A measure of the equivalent luminous intensity of an ex- tended source of light at a specified distance, viz., the candle power of a point source which would produce the same illumination at the same distance. scheinbarer Durchmesser: apparent diameter. The an- gle subtended at the eye of the observer by the diameter of any object. Syn. angular diameter. scheinbare Leistung: apparent power. The product of the effective e.m.f. and the effective current in an a.-c. circuit. Multiplied by the power factor, it gives the average power. scheinbares Loesungsvolumen: apparent volume in so- lution. The volume of a solution minus the volume of the pure solvent entering into it at the same tempera- ture. Apparent specific volume in solution: the appar- ent volume in solution per unit mass (mol or gram) of solute. Scherspannung: shear. A type of strain in which ad- jacent laminar elements have a progressive relative dis- placement; so that a cube is skewed into a rhombic prism, etc. Its measure is the amount of relative dis- placement per unit thickness perpendicular to the direc- tion of the displacement; or, the tangent of the angle of shear. Scherungsdruck: shearing stress. The stress which ac- companies shear in an elastic body; measured by the tangential force per unit area parallel to the relatively displaced laminar elements. Scherungsgrenzenmesser: pachimeter. See Pachimeter. Scherungskoeffizient: rate of shear. The derivative of the speed of flow of a fluid with respect to distance measured at right angles to the relatively moving layers. Scherungsmodul: rigidity modulus, Syn. shear modu- lus. The ratio of the shearing stress in an elastic sub- stance to the strain (shear) which accompanies it. Scherungswinkel: angle of shear. The angle through which any plane, originally perpendicular to the dis- placement laminae, is skewed in the process of shear, and whose tangent is the measure of the shear. Schicht: sheath. A part of an electric discharge in a rarefied gas, in which there is a space charge because of the great predominance of particles of one sign over those of the other. target. (1) Syn. anticathode. (2) A cold plate placed in the path of a beam of molecular rays, which condense in a spot on the cold surface. Schirmgitterroehre: screen-grid tube. A form of am- plifier vacuum tube in which the plate is surrounded by a positively charged wire mesh, in order to prevent variations of plate potential from affecting the grid fila- ment circuit and thus causing feedback. schlagen: hammer, hammering. See klopfen. Schleife: loop. (1) Syn. antinode. (2) A graph in the form of a cyclic closed curve, e.g., a hysteresis loop. Schleifdrahtbruecke: slide-wire bridge. A bridge cir- cuit, one or more branches of which are controlled by a sliding contact whose position can be adjusted along a wire stretched upon a linear scale. Schleifenelek+rome+er: string electrometer. An elec- trometer consisting of a conducting fiber stretched mid- way between two conducting plates parallel to it. The field between the plates displaces the fiber laterally by an amount dependent'upon the p.d. Schleifengalvanometer; string galvanometer. See Eint- hoven-Elektrometer. Schlupf: slip. The excess of the angular speed of the rotating field of an induction motor over that of the rotor, expressed either in rpm or as a fraction or per- centage of the field speed. Schmelzkurve: fusion curve. The fusion curve follows the equilibrium between solid and liquid states. Schmelzwaerme: heat of fusion. The quantity of heat absorbed by a substance, per unit mass, upon passing from the solid to the liquid state, or released upon solidification; in either case without change of tem- perature. Schnecken-oder Schraubenlinie: helix. (1) A space curve which lies in the surface of a cylinder, and re- sembles a corkscrew. (2) A coil of wire wound in the approximate form of a geometrical helix. Schni+tmodul: section modulus. The ratio of the sec- tional moment of inertia of the cross section of a beam /Schni+fraegheitsmoment 130 s or rod to the distance from the neutral axis to the most distant point of the section. Schnittraegheitsmoment: sectional moment of inertia. The areal moment of inertia of the cross section of an elastic beam or column with respect to the neutral axis; a constant which appears in formulas for the flexure of such members. Schot+ky-Effekt: Schottky effect. (1) The dependence of the saturation current in a thermionic vacuum tube upon the electric intensity E at the cathode; expressed by 1.91 I. = V E T in which T is the absolute temperature of the cathode. (2) Syn. shot effect. Schroedinger'sche Gleichung: Schroedinger equation. A wave equation set up by Schroedinger to represent the de Broglie wave. It contains the wave function in the form 87r2m V2* + (W — V) * - 0 h2 in which m is the particle mass, W the total energy, V the potential energy, and h the Planck constant. Schroteffekt: shot effect. A statistical irregularity in the emission of thermions or photoelectrons, which, upon amplification, may be detected by a popping noise in a telephone receiver. First explained by Schottky. Syn. Schottky effect. Schueler'sche Roehre: Schueler tube. A vacuum tube having a hollow cathode, used for the production of ionized gas or vapor spectra. Schumann Bereich: Schumann region. A range of very short ultraviolet wave lengths, extending down to about 1200 A. Schumann Gebiet: Schumann region. See Schumann Bereich. Schumann Platte: Schumann plate. A type of photo- graphic plate, containing very little gelatin, prepared by V. Schumann, and especially adapted to use in the extreme ultraviolet and in positive-ray analysis. Schutzring: guard ring. An outer region A surround- ing any enclosure or area B in which it is desired, to maintain uniform conditions throughout or to avoid edge effects; B being shielded from nonuniformity by creating in A approximately the same conditions as those required in B. Schwaechung: attenuation. The falling off of the flux density, as of radio waves, with distance from their source, due to any cause. Schwaechungsfalc+or: attentuation factor. A measure of the transparency of a layer of absorbing medium for an emission traversing it. It is the ratio of the flux density I of the emergent emission to the flux density I0 of the incident emission, for an exponentially ab- sorbed emission, the value of the factor, for thickness x of a medium whose absorption coefficient is is e-ß-x. Syn, transmission factor. Schwankung: hunting. (1) The alternate lag and ad- vance of a synchronous motor with respect to the cur- rent, or of one of two coupled alternators with respect to the other. (2) A condition of instability in a control device, such as the thermostat or an engine governor, resulting in large fluctuations in the quantity which the device is intended to keep constant. Schwankungskurve: rocking curve. The graph or con- tour of the intensity variation of the X-ray reflection from a crystal with the angle of incidence in the neigh- borhood of a diffraction maximum. The amplitude of variation of the incidence angle is the rocking angle. Schwankungsphotometer: flicker photometer. A pho- tometer in which the matching of illuminations is de- termined by the absence of flicker when one is rapidly substituted for the other in the field of view. schwarzer Koerper: black body. See idealer Strahler. schwarze Koerperfunktion: black-body function. (1) The product a T4, representing the emissive power of a black body at absolute temperature T, in accordance with the Stefan-Boltzmann law; a being the S.-B. constant. (2) The function expressing the value of dEA/dA in the Planck equation. schwarze Koerperkonstante: black-body constant, Syn. Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The constant of proportion- ality in the Stefan-Boltzmann law for the emissive power of a black body. Its experimental value is 5.735 X 10^5 erg cm-2 seer1 deg-4. schwarze Koerperstrahlung: black-body radiation, Syn. cavity radiation. See Hohlraumstrahlung. schwarze Koerpertemperatur: black-body temperature. The temperature of any body as indicated by a radiation pyrometer which has been calibrated by the use of a black body. Schwebung: beat. A maximum or minimum of inten- sity arising from the interference of two wave trains of unequal frequency. 131 /Schwebungston s Schwebungston: beat tone. A* musical tone due to beats, produced by the interference of two h.-f. wave trains, as in radio reception. Schwellenfrequenz: threshold frequency. See lang- wellige Grenze. Schwere: gravity. (1) The resultant effect, upon any body of matter belonging to the earth or other planetary mass, of the gravitational field of the mass and the cen- trifugal force of the body due to the planetary rotation. (2) The intensity of the effect (1), as measured by the force per unit mass of the body, or by the resulting acceleration of the body if free to move; commonly de- noted by g. Its standard terrestrial value is taken by international agreement as 980.665 cm/sec2. Schwerdruck: gravity force. Is the force which the earth exerts on a body and which is distributed evenly throughout that body. This force can be thought to be concentrated at the center of gravity. Schwerepotential: gravitational potential. See Gravita- tionspotential. schwerezentrisch: centrobaric. Having a true center of gravity. A rigid body is centrobaric if the resultant gravitational attraction of an external particle for it is equivalent to a single force which always passes through one point fixed relatively to the body (its center of mass), irrespective of its orientation and position. E.g., a homogeneous sphere or spherical shell is centrobaric, but bodies in general are not. Syn. baricentric. Schwerdruckzentrum: center of gravity. Is that point in body, at which the total weight of the body can be assumed to be concentrated. Schwerkraftkonstante: gravitation constant. See Gravi- tationskonstante. Schwerpunkt: center of gravity. The c.m. of a centro- baric body. Center of gravity and center of mass have come to be synonymous in common usage; but in a nonuniform gravitational field a center of gravity, in its true sense, exists only for centrobaric bodies. Schwimmflaeche: flotation plane. The plane of the level surface of the liquid in which a body floats. Schwlngzeit: period. See Periode. Schwingungsanalyse: vibrational analysis. The analy- sis of a molecular spectrum into bands, with the assign- ment of a definite pair of vibrational quantum numbers to each band, and the determination of a formula for all the bands in terms of these two quantum numbers. Schwingungsdauer: period. See Periode. Schwingungsgalvanometer: vibration galvanometer. A type of a.-c. galvanometer in which the natural oscilla- tion frequency of the moving element is equal to the frequency of the a.-c. applied to it. Schwingungsgenerator: circuit driver. A source of h.-f. e.m.f., esp. of the vacuum-tube-controlled type, for experimental use. Syn. radio-frequency generator. Schwingungsmesser: vibroscope. An apparatus, con- sisting of tuning forks vibrating at right angles, used by Lissajous for studying harmonic motions. Schwingungsquantenzahl: vibrational quantum number. A quantum number, associated with the vibration of the atoms about mean positions in a molecule, which must be an integer for any permissible stationary state of such vibration. Schwingungsspektrum: vibration spectrum. See Mole- kuelspektrum. Schwingungstransformator: oscillation transformer. A helix of many turns in which very high p.d.’s are pro- duced by means of inductive coupling with a circuit containing a condenser and a spark gap. A transformer having such a coil as its secondary, with the condenser and gap in the primary circuit, is called a Tesla oscilla- tion transformer. Schwingungszentrum: center of oscillation, center of suspension. (1) One of two conjugate points of a gravity pendulum, of which the other is the center of suspension. (2) One of two conjugate points of a grav- ity pendulum, of which the other is the center of oscil- lation. sechseckig: hexagonal. See hexagonal. Seebeck'scher Effekt: Seebeck effect, Syn. thermoelec- tro motive force. The e.m.f. given by two contacting metals and depending upon the metals and upon the temperature distribution in them. In a circuit of dif- ferent metals joined in series, the resultant e.m.f. is the algebraic sum of the e.m.f.’s due to the several conjoined pairs. Discovered by Seebeck in 1821. Sehachse: visual axis. The line joining the fixation point of the ocular field of view with the first nodal point of the eye. Sehwlnkel: visual angle. The angle formed at the eye by any two rays of light entering it. Seismograph: seismograph. An apparatus for record- /Sei+enband 132 s ing the time, the direction, and the intensity of seismic disturbances (earth tremors). Seiten band: side band. A component of a modulated carrier current (or carrier wave) which comprises fre- quencies either above or below the carrier frequency, including those current (or wave) components whose frequencies are the sum or the difference of the carrier and the modulation frequencies; called the upper and the lower side band, respectively. Sekundaerelektron: secondary electron. (1) An elec- tron belonging to a secondary emission, as those emitted in various directions by substances bombarded by cath- ode rays. (2) That electron which, after a collision of two electrons, has the less energy. Sekundaeremission: secondary emission. An emission from matter which results from exposure to a primary emission; e.g., fluorescence or photoelectrons. If it is in the nature of radiation, it is usually called secondary radiation. Sekundaerfluoreszenz: sensitized fluorescence. A "sec- ond-hand” fluorescence, viz., the emission of radiation by one atom due to energy received in collision with another atom which has been excited by radiation. Sekundaerkreis: secondary circuit. The circuit in which an e.m.f. is induced by the variation of the current in another circuit, the primary, as in a transformer. Sekundaerspektrum: secondary spectrum. (1) The spectrum of the hydrogen molecule as distinct from that of the atom. (2) A spectrum overlapping from another order. (Rare or obs. in this sense.) sekundaerer Standard: secondary standard. See Pro- totyp. Sekundaerstandard: secondary standard. (1) A unit defined as a specified multiple or submultiple of a pri- mary standard; e.g., the centimeter and the foot, based, respectively, upon the standard meter and the standard yard. (2) Syn. prototype. Sekundaerstruktur: secondary structure. A regularly recurring variation which may exist in the atomic lat- tice arrangement or primary structure of a crystal by reason of electric or other stresses inherent in its physi- cal make-up and which is manifested as a distortion of the lattice and a variation of the lattice "constant” from point to point. Sekundaerzelle: secondary cell, Syn. storage cell. See Primaerzelle. Selbstinduktion: self-induction. An e.m.f. induced in a circuit, due to the change in the magnetic flux linked with it as a result of the variation of current in the circuit itself. Selbstionisation: auto-ionization. An automatic disso- ciation of a molecule, which occurs when the sum of its vibrational and electronic energies exceeds the energy necessary for dissociation. selbstphotoelektrisch: autophotoelectric. See autopho- toelektrisch. Selbssttransformator: autotransjormer. See Autotrans- formator. Selektanz: selectance. Any one of several measures for the falling off of the response of a resonance device with departure from resonance; e.g., the ratio of the amplitude of response at resonant frequency to that at some frequency differing from it by a specified amount. selektiv: selective. (1) Operating on a group of in- dividuals, in different degrees depending upon some variable attribute of the members of the group. E.g., a selective reflector reflects a larger proportion of some wave lengths than of others. (2) In re an emitter of radiation; yielding radiation of different spectral energy distribution from that of a blacl$ body at the. same tem- perature. Selektivifaet: selectivity. The degree in which any operation is selective, expressed in suitable measure, e.g., selectance, spectral resolving power, etc. Selenzelle: selenium cell. An arrangement in which is suitably mounted a thin film of selenium provided with electric terminals, for utilizing the photoconduc- tive property of that element. Sellmeier'sche Dispersionsformel: Sellmeier dispersion formula. See Ketteler-Helmholtz Dispersionsformel. semipermeable Membran: semipenrieable membrane. See halbdurchlaessige Membrane. senkrecht: vertical. (1) The direction of gravity. (2) (Geocentric.) The direction of the radius of the earth. The two cioncide, in general, only at the poles and at points on the equator. Serie: series. See Reihe. Seriengrenze: series limit. The convergence frequency of a series of spectral lines. No line occurs at this point, but a related continuous spectrum may begin just beyond it. 133 /Shenstone'scher Effekt s Shenstone'scher Effekt: Shenstone effect. An increase in the photoelectric emission of certain metals immedi- ately after having been traversed by an electric current. Shower: shower. See Schauer. Shunt: shunt. See Nebenschluss. sichtbar: ocular. See augenscheinlich. Sichtbarkeitsfaktor: visibility factor. For radiation of a given wave length: the ratio of the luminous flux at that wave length to the corresponding radiant flux. For the normal eye it has a maximum in the green, of about 660 lumens per watt. An expression for this factor in terms of wave length is called a visibility function. Sichtbarkeitsfunktion: visibility function. See Sicht- barkeitsfaktor. Sichtbarkeitsmesser: visibility meter. An instrument for measuring the clearness of definition with which an object can be seen under given circumstances. Sieden: ebullition. See Kochen. Siedepunkt: boiling point (of a liquid). The tempera- ture at which the maxinium vapor pressure of the liquid is in equilibrium with the superimposed pressure. If the latter is the normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm), this temperature is the normal boiling point. Siedepunktsgesetz; boiling-point law. States that the boiling point of a solvent is elevated by the addition of a nonvolatile solute in proportion to the molar con- centration of the solute. The boiling-point constant is the elevation in boiling point produced by adding 1 mol of a solute to 1000 g of solvent. Siedepunktskonstante: boiling-point constant. See Siedepunktsgesetz. Sigma-Wert: sigma value. The value of the quantum number which quantizes the component of angular mo- mentum of spin about the axis of figure in a diatomic molecule. Silikastab: silica pencil. A rod of silica, electrically heated and used as a source of infrared. singender Lichtbogen: singing arc. An electric arc of such characteristics as to generate an oscillating current of audio frequency when an inductance and a con- denser are connected across it; e.g., the Duddell carbon arc or the Poulsen carbon-copper arc. Syn. oscillating arc. singende Roehre: singing tube. A pipe or resonator set into musical vibration by local heating. Special forms have been devised by Bosscha, Knipp, Rijke, and others. singulaerer Punkt: singular point (or line). A point (or line) in a field of force, at which (or along which) the field intensity or the potential gradient is zero. singulaere Temperatur: singular temperature. A tem- perature at which some property of a substance becomes discontinuous, e.g., a transition temperature at which the specific heat has a discontinuity. Sinusbedingung: sine condition. A condition, stated by Abbe, which is fulfilled by any aplanatic optical system. If n, and n2 are the refractive indices of the media in which the object and the image lie, if ax and a2 are the angles made with the axis by any ray as it leaves the object and as it reaches the image, and if y1 and y2 are corresponding linear dimensions of object and image, the condition is expressed by sin ttl _ n2y2 sin a2 niYi sinusfoermig: sinusoidal. Varying in proportion to the sine (or the cosine) of an angle or of a time function. Sinusgalvanometer: sine galvanometer. An instrument resembling a tangent galvanometer, but in which the coil is turned until it lies in the plane of the deflected needle. The sine of the deflection is then proportional to the current. Sirene: siren. An acoustic instrument consisting of a revolving disk perforated with equally spaced holes, through which blasts of air escaping in rapid succes- sion produce a musical tone. skalares Produkt: scalar product. In re two vectors, P15 P2: the product of the magnitudes of the two vectors by the cosine of the angle between them. Syn. dot product, because of the use of a dot between the two vector symbols to indicate it: P1*P2. Skiaskop: skiascope. An instrument for studying the optical refraction within the eye. Skineffekt: skin effect. See Hauteffekt. Slug (engl. Masseneinheit): slug. A name proposed for a unit of mass in the British gravitational system; de- fined as the mass of a free body which, if acted upon by a force of 1 lb, would experience an acceleration of 1 ft/sec2. Its value is thus about 32.17 lb. smetisch: smetic. See mesomorph. /Smith-Helmholtz'sche Formel 134 s Smith-Helmholtz'sche Formel: Smitb-Helmholtz for- mula. An invariant relation concerning the imagery produced by paraxial rays in a centered system of spheri- cal refracting surfaces. If ©1? ®2, ©3, etc., denote the angles which a ray makes with the axis in the successive media of indices n15 n2, n3, etc. and if the magnifica- tion ratios at the points where the ray crosses the axis are JVYi. y3-Ti> etc-> then niYi®i = n2y2®2 = n3y3®3 = Snell'sches Gesetz: Snell law. The law of ordinary refraction of light, which states that the angles of incidence and of refraction have sines in a constant ratio to each other, and lie in the same plane. The constant ratio of the sines is equal to the refractive index. Sol: sol. A highly disperse colloid (Graham). Solarimeter: solarimeter. A pyrheliometer devised by L. Gorczynski for direct readings of solar radiation in- tensity from sun and sky. Solarisation: solarization. (1) An actinic effect of sunlight or of artificial ultraviolet upon glass, which results in a reduction of its transparency to ultraviolet and is also usually accompanied by a permanent colora- tion. (2) A reversal of gradation sequence in a dense photographic image sometimes observed when the nor- mal development is applied after overexposure. Still greater exposure may restore the original sequence, or may even result in a second reversal. Solarkonstante: solar constant. The total intensity of the solar radiation at the outer limit of the atmosphere, hence unaffected by atmospheric absorption. Its value is about 0.032 cal/cm2sec or 1.34 X 106 ergs/cm2 sec. Soleil'sche Platte: Soleil plate. A type of optical compensator, somewhat like that of Babinet, but so con- structed as to introduce the same relative phase change over the entire field at once, instead of varying it pro- gressively across the field. Solenoid, solenoid. A helix or cylindrical coil of wire, used to produce a magnetic field or to excite an electro- magnet. Sommerfeld'sche Konstante: Sommerfeld constant. A dimensionless constant, equal to 27re2/hc; in which e is the elementary charge in e.s.u., h the Planck constant, and c the electromagnetic constant. Its value is about 0.007284. Sonnenwaermemesser: pyrheliometer, pyroheliometer. See Pyroheliometer. Soret'scher Effekt: Soret effect. An inequality of con- centration which develops in different parts of a solu- tion, initially homogeneous, when these parts assume different temperatures; the cooler portions becoming more concentrated than the warmer. Sorption: sorption. A term including both (molecular) absorption and adsorption. Spaltung: cleavage. The tendency of a crystalline sub- stance to split along definite planes, called cleavage planes, which correspond to the layers of atoms making up the crystalline structure. Spannung: pull; voltage, tension. (1) Electromotive force as measured or expressed in volts. (2) A force applied to a body in such a way as to produce elonga- tion in the direction of the force. Spannungsmesser: voltmeter. An instrument for meas- uring e.m.f., usually directly in volts or in multiples or submultiples thereof. Spannungsvervielfacher: voltage multiplier. A series arrangement of condensers charged by rapidly rotating brushes, resulting in a high d.-c. voltage. Spektralanalyse: spectrum analysis. The analysis of chemical substances by means of their spectra. Spektralapparat: spectroscope. Any one of various forms of instrument for dispersing radiation and observ- ing the resulting spectrum. Spektralbolometer: spectrobolometer. An infrared spec- trometer utilizing a bolometer as the receiving in- strument. spektrale Empfindlichkeit: spectral sensitivity, Syn. pho- toelectric yield. The rate of photoelectric emission from a metal per unit radiant flux of any given frequency. Spektralenergieverteilung: spectral energy distribution. The distribution of the intensity of radiation through- out the spectrum, i.e., of the monochromatic flux den- sity as a function of the wave length or frequency. Such distributions are commonly represented by graphs, viz., by spectral energy curves. Spektralfarbe: spectral color. The color sensation pro- duced by a narrow frequency range of stimulating radia- tion, i.e., by monochromatic light. (A similar sensation may, however, be produced in other ways; the eye being unable to make the distinction.) Spektralhelioskop: spectrohelioscope. An instrument for observing an image of the entire sun by light of /Spektralkomparator 677865—46—10 135 s_ one wave length. If used photographically, it is called a spectroheliograph. Spektralkompara+or: spectrocomparator. A compara- tor designed especially for the measurement of line spectra. Spektrallinie: spectrum line. (1) A definite wave length or very narrow range of wave lengths; the spec- trum of monochromatic radiation. It corresponds to a distinct image of the spectroscope slit made by the single wave length. (2) One of the traces made by a mass spectrograph, which correspond to atoms of dif- ferent mass. Spektrallinienverbreiterung durch lonen-oder Atom- stoss: collision damping. An effect upon the amplitude or phase of the radiation from an atom due to collision with other atoms, which results in one type of broaden- ing of the spectrum lines. Spektralphotometer: spectrophotometer. A combina- tion of a photometer and a monochrometer, used for making spectroradiometric measurements in the visible. Spektralphotometrische Analyse: spectrophotometric analysis. A quantitative analysis based upon the spectral energy distribution in the absorption spectrum of a sub- stance in solution. . spektralphotoelektrisch: spectrophotoelectric. Pertain- ing to the dependence of photoelectric or photovoltaic phenomena upon the wave length of the incident ra- diation. Spektralpyrheliometer: spectropyrheliometer. An in- strument used for the determination of the spectral distribution of the total solar radiation. Spektralradiometer: spectroradiometer. (1) An instru- ment for ascertaining the spectral energy distribution of any type of radiation, e.g., a spectrophotometer, but esp. in the infrared. (2) An infrared spectrometer. (3) An apparatus of the wavemeter type arranged to analyze the wave-length-intensity characteristic of the output from a radio transmitter. Spektralreihen: spectral series. A series of frequencies occurring in a characteristic radiation or absorption spec- trum, which converge, or appear at progressively shorter intervals, in the direction of decreasing wave length and in accordance with a definite numerical law. In general, the spectrum of an element may have several series, designated as principal, first subordinate or diffuse, sec- ond subordinate or sharp, fundamental or Bergmann, etc. Spektralschwerpunkt: spectral centroid. The wave length which corresponds to the center of area of the wave-length-intensity (spectrophotometric) curve for light of a given quality. spektrale Selektivltaet: spectral selectivity. The varia- tion of some property of a substance or a surface with the wave length or frequency of incident radiation. Spektralserien: spectral series. See Spektralreihen. Spektraltermen; spectral terms. The fractions occur- ring in the binomials which are proportional to the fre- quencies or wave numbers of a spectral series. Spektralthermograph: Jpectrothermo graph. A spectro- graph for the study of thermal radiation. Spektrograph: spectrograph. A spectroscope which re- cords a spectrum photographically. Spektrometer: spectrometer. A spectroscope provided with a graduated circle or other equipment for rneasuT ing the deviations, and, indirectly, the wave lengths, corresponding to spectral lines. Spektroskop: spectroscope. See Spektralapparat. Spektrum: spectrum. The result of separating or dis- persing an emission (such as light) and arranging it in accordance with some progressive property (as its fre- quency), which thus constitutes a systematic analysis. Spekulum (Legierung): speculum metal. An alloy of tin and copper, (about 33 percent Sn), capable of taking a very high polish; used for optical mirrors and espe- cially for reflecting gratings. Sperrschicht: blocking layer. The surface of contact between a metal and a semiconductor (e.g., copper and cuprous oxide), which acts as a rectifier and, when il- luminated, is the seat of a photovoltaic e.m.f. Syn. bar- rier layer. spezifische Brechbarkeit: specific rejractivity. The re- fractivity divided by the density. spezifisches Brechungsvermoegen: specific refractive power. See Lorenz-Lorentz’sche Beziehung. spezifische Elektronenwaerme: electron specific heat. That part of the specific heat of a metal which is due to the free electrons; usually negligible compared with that due to the atomic lattice. It becomes significant at very low temperatures and, for ferromagnetic metals, near the Curie point. /spezifische Energie 136 s spezifische Energie: specific energy. The internal en- ergy per unit mass of a body. spezifische Entropie: specific entropy. The entropy per unit mass of a body. spezifisches Gewicht: specific gravity, specific weight. (1) The ratio of the density of any substance to the maximum density of water. (2) The weight of a sub- stance per unit volume; in absolute equal to the density multiplied by gravity. spezifische induktive Kapazitaet: specific inductive ca- pacity, Syn. dielectric constant. (1) The ratio of the dielectric constant of a substance to that of a vacuum. (2) The ratio of the capacitance of a condenser filled with a given dielectric to that of the same condenser when evacuated. See also dielektrische Konstante. spezifische Kohaesion: specific cohesion. A term used, in connection with Laplace’s theory of surface tension, to denote twice the ratio of the surface tension to the density of a liquid. spezifische Ladung: specific charge, Syn. charge-mass ratio. The ratio of the electric charge carried by an electrified particle or ion to the mass of the particle. spezifisch-magne+isches Rota+ionsvermoegen: specific magnetic rotary power, Syn. Verdet constant. The angle of optical rotation per oersted intensity per centimeter thickness in the Faraday effect. spezifische Magnetisierung: specific magnetization. See Magnetisierung. spezifische Rotationswaerme: rotational specific heat. That part of the specific heat of a substance which per- tains to the energy of molecular rotation, as distinct from translational motion and internal vibration. spezifisches Rotationsvermoegen: specific rotatory power. See Rotationsvermoegen. Sprengel'sche Pumpe: Sprengel pump. A type of mer- cury air pump, dependent upon the dropping of mercury down a tube. spezifische Schwingungswaemne: vibrational specific heat. That part of the specific heat of a substance which pertains to the energy of internal vibration within the molecule, as distinct from translational motion and rotation, spezifische Suszep+ibili+aet: specific susceptibility. See Suszeptibilitaet. spezifische Viskositaef: specific viscosity. The ratio of the viscosity coefficient of a fluid to that of some stand- ard substance, usually water at a specified temperature. spezifisches Volumen: specific volume. The volume of a substance per unit mass; the reciprocal of the density. spezifische Waerme: specific heat. (1) The thermal capacity per unit mass of a substance; usually expressed in cal/g°C. (2) The abstract ratio of the thermal capacity of any mass of a substance to that of an equal mass of water at 15 degrees C. spezifischer Widerstand: resistivity, Syn. specific re- sistance. rhat factor of the resistance of a conductor which depends upon the material and its physical con- dition. Its measure is the resistance of a specimen, in the form of a rod of unit length and unit cross section, to a current traversing it longitudinally. Usually ex- pressed in ohm-centimeters. spezifische Zaehigkeit: specific viscosity. See spezi- fische Viskositaet. sphaeroidaler Zustand: spheroidal state. A term ap- plied to the condition of a liquid in apparent contact with a hot solid, but with a layer of the liquid’s vapoi between; e.g., a drop of water on a hot plate, Sphaerometer: spherometer. One of several types oi instrument for measuring the curvature of spherical sur- faces, e.g., of lens surfaces. Spiegelungsfaktor: reflectance, Syn. reflection factot. The ratio of the total luminous flux reflected by a given surface to that incident upon it. Spinnkopplung: spin coupling. The interaction between the fields due to the spins of electrons. The energy differences between singlets and triplets are associated with differences in resultant spins. The term is also occasionally used for the interaction of the resultant electron spin with the resultant orbital angular momen- tum. Syn. spin-spin interaction. Spinnmoment: spin moment. The rotational moment of momentum of an electron on its own axis. Spinnquantenzahl: spin quantum number. The quan- tum number associated with the quantization of the angular momentum arising from the internal spin of the electrons. For a system containing a single electron, its value is Yl‘> in general, it is an odd or even multi- ple of l/2 according as the number of electrons is odd or even. Spinor: spinor. A two-dimensional, complex vector; so named because it may be used to define the spin of an electron. 137 /SpifzenefFekt s Spitzeneffekt: edge effect. See Kanteneffekt. SpreitungskoefFizient: spreading coefficient. The abso- lute value of the change in free energy which takes place when one liquid spreads on the surface of an- other, e.g., a drop of oil on water. sprunghafte Temperaturabnahme: decalescence. The reverse of recalescence; i.e., an abrupt decrease in the rate of temperature rise as heat is applied to the metal, indicating an endothermic structural change. Spule: coil. A ring or spiral formed by winding. Stabilitaet: stability. (1) That property of the stable equilibrium of a body or a system, which is measured by the amount of energy which must be applied to render it unstable. (2) The reciprocal of the sensitiveness of an instrument such as a balance. Stabilitaetsbereich; range of stability. The angle through which a floating body may be rotated from its equilibrium position without capsizing, i.e., before the restoring torque becomes zero. Staerke: strength, force. Any cause that produces, stops, changes, or tends to produce, stop, or change, the motion of a body. Stalagmome+er: stalagmometer, Syn. stactometer. An instrument for measuring the size of liquid drops, or for measuring the liquid by drops; esp. in the study of surface tension. Standardkapazi+aef: capacitor. A condenser of fixed capacitance used as a standard or as a capacitance load. S+ark-EfFekt: Stark effect. A somewhat complicated effect upon the spectral series of gaseous elements, pro- duced by subjecting the radiating atoms to a strong, transverse electric field (e.g., 100,000 v/cm) ; discov- ered in the case of hydrogen by J. Stark in 1913. Each spectral line becomes split up into polarized components. Stark-Lunelund'scher Effekt: Stark-Lunelund effect. The polarization of light emitted by a beam of moving atoms in the absence of a field. Statik: statics. See Gleichgewichtslehre. stationaere Schwebungen: stationary beats. See Disso- nanz (2). stationaere Welle: stationary wave. A condition of equilibrium at certain points or along certain lines or surfaces (nodes) in a medium, with regions of vibra- tion between them; brought about by the interference of similar wave trains traveling in opposite directions. Syn. standing wave. statisch: static. (1) (adj.) Pertaining to the phe- nomena and laws of statics. (2) (n) Radio disturbance due to natural causes, of whatever origin. Statisches Atom: static atom. See Lewis-Langmuir’- sches Atom. statische Elektrizitaet: static electricity. Electricity in the form of a charge in equilibrium, or considered ir- respective of the effects of its motion. statisches Gleichgewicht: static equilibrium. Equi- librium in which all parts of the system are relatively at rest. statische Hysteresis static hysteresis. A type of per- manent deformation or elastic lag in a stressed solid, which is independent of the rate of loading. statische Laenge static length. The length of a body in the classical or Newtonian sense, i.e., not affected by the Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction. statische Maschine: static machine. A machine for generating electric charges, usually by electric induction. Syn. electrostatic machine, induction machine. stationaere Linie: stationary line. An absorption line in the spectrum of a star which does not exhibit the Doppler shift observed in the other lines, and is at- tributed to the existence of absorbing gas in interstellar space. Syn. interstellar line. statistisches Gewicht: statistical weight. See Quanten- gewicht. statistisches Gleichgewicht: statistical equilibrium. That state of a statistical variable in which all variations are due to a distribution of chance causes. E.g., the mole- cular velocities in a gas at constant volume and tem- perature are in state of statistical equilibrium, which is altered to another such state when the volume is changed. statistische Mechanik: statistical mechanics. That branch of physical science in which the laws describ- ing the gross behavior of systems composed of many particles (e.g., molecules) are investigated by statistical methods. statistische Variable: statistical variable. A variable whose observable magnitude is subject to chance, i.e., is under incomplete control; e.g., accidental error, the range of individual alpha particles in air, etc. /statistiche Veraenderliche 138 _s sta+Is+ische Veraenderliche: statistical variable. See statistische Variable. Stafoskop: statoscope. A very sensitive aneroid al- timeter. Stefan-Boltzmann'sches Gesetz: Stefan-Boltzmann law. States that the total emissive power of a black body is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute tem- perature. First arrived at empirically by Stefan and later deduced theoretically by Boltzmann. Stefan-Bcltzmann'sche Konstante: Stefan-Boltzmann constant. See schwarze Koerperkonstante. stehende Welie: standing wave. See stationaere Welle. Steilheit: mutual conductance. In re a grid-controlled tube: the increment of plate current per unit change of grid potential. Syn. transconductance. Steinmetz'sche Formel: Steinmetz formula. An em- pirical formula for the magnetic hysteresis loss of energy per unit volume per cycle, viz., w — aBnii-6 ; in which Bm is the maximum induction during the cycle, and a a constant known as the Steinmetz coeffi- cient (q.v.), hysteretic constant, or hysteresis-loss con- stant. S+einmetz'scher Koeffizient: Steinmetz-coeffcient. See Hysteresiskonstante. Stellarinterferometer: stellar interferometer. An at- tachment for astronomical telescopes, consisting of an opaque cover over the objective in which are two parallel slits at an adjustable distance apart. Two images thus produced overlap and give rise to interference phenomena by means of which angular diameters of very small objects may be measured. Developed by Michelson. Stereophotometer: stereophotometer, Syn. stereoscopic photometer. A type of photometer in which light from the two sources compared falls simultaneously upon the same moving object. If a straight path is to appear straight, the two illuminations must be equal. Devised by Pulfrich. stereoskopisch: stereoscopic. Exhibiting a three-dimen- sional character, as in binocular vision of nearby objects. stereoskopischer Radius: stereoscopic radius. The great- est distance at which the stereoscopic effect can be per- ceived. For the unaided eyes, it is about 1500 ft; with the aid of a prism binocular, it is greater. Stereovermoegen: stereo power. In re a prism bi- nocular or similar optical system: the ratio of the dis- tance between objective axes to the distance between eyepiece axes, multiplied by the magnifying power. It indicates how many times the stereoscopic radius is increased by the instrument. Stern-Gerlach'sches Feld: Stern-Gerlacb field. A spe- cial, nonhomogeneous magnetic field used in studying molecular rays. It is produced by a wedge-shaped pole piece facing another pole in which there is a deep notch or channel. Stern-Gerlach'scher Versuch: Stern-Gerlach experiment. An experiment in which a stream of metallic atoms, de- flected by a strong, nonuniform magnetic field, is split into two parts, one part deflected toward the higher magnetic intensity, the other toward the lower. It gives evidence of directional quantization, and thus supports the quantum theory of atomic magnetic moments. Stern'scher Vervielfacher: Stern multiplier. A device due to Stern for converging a number of narrow beams of molecular rays at one point, thus securing an enhanced effect. stetiger Fluss: steady flow. A condition of flow such that the velocity of the fluid at any fixed point in the space occupied by the flow remains unchanged; though the velocity of any given particle of the fluid may be continually changing. stigmatisch: stigmatic. (1) In re a bundle of rays: Syn. homocentric. (2) In re an optical system; having equal focal power in all meridians. Stilb: stilb. A name proposed by Blondel for the unit of brightness of a luminous surface, viz., 1 candle/cm2. Stimmgabelsirene: tuning fork siren. An apparatus designed by Lord Rayleigh, having an adjustable slit in the side of a wind chest, the width of which is controlled by the vibrations of a tuning fork. When air emerges through the slit, the tuning fork is thereby maintained in vibration. * Stoerstelle: fault. See Fehler. Stoerstrom; parasite. See Parasit. Stoerung: distortion, a. A change in wave form in the transmission of a composite electric wave over a communication line, in which different component fre- quencies are transmitted with different speeds or with unequal attenuation. In a distortionless line, this effect is minimized by the use of certain devices, h. An im- 677865—46 11 139 /Stokes'sche Gesetze s perfection in an optical image, due to spherical aberra- tion or similar defects of the optical system. perturbation, a. (Spect.) An irregularity in the spacing of the lines of a band spectrum, b. A deviation of the values of terms in a spectral series from the appropriate series formula, c. (Cryst.) The influ- ence of thermal agitation on the relations between atoms in a crystal or in a molecule. A deviation of a celestial body from the ideal orbital motion, due to some disturbing force. Stokes'sche Gesetze: Stokes laws. (1) States that the force required to propel a spherical body of radius r at uniform speed v through a viscous medium of vis- cosity coefficient -q is (2) States that the wave length of luminescence excited by radiation is always greater than that of the exciting radiation; in general valid, but with notable exceptions. Sfokes'sche Linie: Stokes line. A line of the Raman spectrum which is displaced toward the long-wave- length side of the incident light; so called by analogy with the Stokes law (2) of luminescence. Lines dis- placed to the short-wave-length side are called anti- Stokes lines. Stoss: Stoss (Germ.), collision. See Kollision. Stossen, stossweises Sieden: bumping. Sudden, explo- sive ebullition. Stossfluoreszenz: impact fluorescence. Fluorescence pro- duced in atoms of one element by collisions (of the second kind) with excited atoms of another. Syn. im- pact radiation. Stossparameter: impact parameter. The distance of the initial line of motion of a scattered particle from the center of the scattering field, e.g., of the path of an incident electron from the nucleus of the scattering atom. Stosspolarisation: impact polarization. Partial polari- zation detected in radiation excited by impact. S+osstrahlung: impact radiation, Syn. impact fluores- cence. See Stossfluoreszenz. Stosswahrscheinlichkeit: collision probability. In re collosions of electrons with the atoms of a gas: the number of collisions per unit electron current, per unit path length, per unit pressure at 0 degree C. Stosswelle: surge. (1) A highly accelerated flow, e.g., that due to suddenly applied pressure or voltage. (2) A general change of atmospheric pressure, distinct from local cyclonic and diurnal changes. Stosszentrum: center of percussion. One of two con- jugate points of a free body acted upon by an impulse, the other of which lies on the axis of instantaneous rotation. S+rahlenin+erferome+er: beam interferometer. A form of stellar interferometer in which the effective distance between the slits is increased by means of mirrors mounted on a rigid beam beyond the edge of the ob- jective. First used by Michelson to measure apparent diameters of stars. Strahlenpfeil: sagittal ray. Any one of a narrow bun- dle of rays in a symmetrical optical instrument which lies in the longitudinal section of the bundle made by the plane containing the chief ray and perpendicular to the meridian section. Strahlung: radiation. See Radiation. Strahlung des schwarzen Koerpers: cavity radiation, Syn. black-body radiation. See Hohlraumstrahlung. Strahlungsdaempfung: radiation damping. A decrease in the amplitude of an electric oscillation due to the emission of energy by radiation; distinct from that due to ohmic resistance. Strahlungsdiagramm; radiogram. An X-ray pattern produced by crystal diffraction. Strahlungsdruck: radiation pressure. A pressure ex- erted upon a surface exposed to light or other electro- magnetic radiation, the value of which is proportional to the radiant energy density in the space to which the surface is exposed. Strahlungsenergie: radiant energy. Energy trans- mitted through the agency of electromagnetic radiation. strahlungserzeugt: radiogenic. Strahlungsgleichgewicht: radiative equilibrium. The maintenance of a constant temperature by the absorption and emission of radiant energy at the same rate. Strahlungsintensitaet: radiant intensity. In re a point source of radiation: the radiant flux emitted per unit solid angle (spheradian) in a specified direction. Strahlungsmanometer: radiometric gauge. Any low- pressure gas manometer dependent upon the inequality of pressure due to molecular bombardment on opposite sides of a suspended vane; e.g., the Knudsen gauge. Strahlungsmesser: radiometer. See Lichtmuehle. /Strahlungspotential 140 s Strahlungspotential: radiation potential. The p.d. in volts, corresponding to the energy, in electron-volts, required to excite an atom or a molecule to emit one of its characteristic radiation frequencies. The first r.p. excites the lowest frequency, etc. Syn. resonance po- tential. Strahlungspotentiometer: radiation potentiometer. An apparatus for studying the spectral energy distribution of thermal radiation, by the potentiometer comparison of the thermoelectric effects of radiation from limited spectral ranges with that of the total radiation. Strahlungspyrome+er: radiation pyrometer. A pyro- meter which gives the temperature of the heated body by measuring the total intensity or the spectral energy distribution of the thermal radiation emitted by it. Strahlungsrueckwirkung: radiation reaction. A force acting upon a body by reason of its emission of radia- tion, the direction of the force being opposite to that in which the radiation is emitted. It is the counter- part of force involved in radiation pressure. Sfrahlungsfemperafur: radiation temperature. See ef- fektive Temperatur. S+rahlungsvekfor: vector radiant. See Poynting’scher Vektor. Strahiungsvermoegen: radiant flux, r. power. Rate of emission of energy in the form of radiation, ex- pressed in watts or other power units. Sfrahlungswiders+and: radiation resistance. That part of the apparent or measured resistance of an oscillating circuit which is due to the loss of energy through Hertzian radiation. Sfra+osphaere: stratosphere. The atmosphere above the tropopause. Through its explored portion (the lower 20 km or so), the temperature normally changes but little with altitude, vertical convection is slight, and the winds are essentially horizontal; the term is limited by some to this portion. Syn. isothermal region. S+reckungsgrenzflaeche: limiting surface of stress. A surface, the rectangular coordinates of whose points represent the three principal stresses in an elastic sub- stance when its elastic behavior reaches the stage of plasticity. S+reckungslinie: line of stress—principal stress tra- jectory. An imaginary line extending through a stressed elastic substance in the direction of principal tension, compression, or shear. Syn. principal stress trajectory. Streifen: fringe. A band or stripe of maximum or minimum illumination, due to interference or diffraction. StrelfenbÜdung: striation. (1) A striped appearance of the positive column in a Crookes tubes at suitable pres- sures, consisting of transverse, alternate bright and dark bands. (2) One of the minute, parallel ridges some- times visible on the natural faces of crystals. streuen: scatter. To diffuse in various directions by reflection from molecules, atoms, electrons, or other particles; e.g., radiation and corpuscular emissions are scattered upon encountering matter. Streufaktor: scattering factor. The ratio S of the actual intensity of X-rays scattered in any direction by electrons to that which would exist if, in accordance with the classical theory of J. J. Thomson, the electrons acted independently. Syn. S-value. S+reukoeffizient: scattering coefficient. That part of the extinction coefficient which is due to scattering. It is defined in a manner similar to the absorption coeffi- cient and is added with it to form the total attenuation or extinction coefficient. Distinction must be made be- tween the spatial scattering coefficient (for a given stactering angle) and the total or spherical s.c. (includ- ing all angles). The mass s.c. is the s.c. divided by the density. straggling coefficient. A measure of the straggling observed in the range of alpha particles in an absorbing medium, relative to the range itself. Its value is approximately 2.096 times the ratio of the probable error of the (Gaussian) straggling distribu- tion to the mean range of the particles. Streuung: straggling. The statistical variation in the range different alpha particles, all of the same initial speed, in the same gas. The (Gaussian) distribution corresponding to this variation is represented by the straggling curve, similar to the normal error curve. Streuvermoegen: scattering power. The ratio of the total energy of scattered radiation per unit length of path in a scattering medium to the energy of the in- cident beam. S+reuwinkel: scattering angle. The angle between the original direction of an emission and its direction after scattering. Stripped Atom: stripped atom. See elektronenberaubtes Atom. Stroemungspotential: streaming potential. A p.d. pro- duced by the flow, under pressure, of a liquid through a capillary tube or a membrane. It may be regarded as the inverse of electro-osmosis. Syn. flow potential. /Strombrechung s Strombrechung: current refraction. A change in the direction of an electric current at an interface between two conductors of different conductivity. Stromdichte: current density. The magnitude of a current per unit cross-sectional area; in the case of the electric current, it is commonly expressed in amperes per square centimeter. Stromlinie: streamline. The contour of a longitudinal section of an object, such as a boat or an airplane, so shaped as to move through a fluid medium with mini- mum friction. Syn. line of flow. Stromlinienflaeche: hydrofoil. A blade or vane set in such a way as to experience a lateral thrust as it moves through the water, e.g., a rudder, or one of the blades of a screw propeller. Stromlinienkoerper or Fluegel: aerofoil. A blade or wing set in such a way as to experience a lifting force as it moves through the air, e.g., the wing of an air- plane. Stromroehre: stream tube. See Flussroehre. Stromstaerke fuer den Ausschlag I (Empfindlichkeit): figure of merit. In re a galvanometer: that current which will produce a deflection of one scale division. Stromunterbrecher: interrupter. See elektrischer Ham- mer. Strukturfaktor: structure amplitude factor, structure factor; Syn. atom form factor. A quantity occurring in the expression for the intensity of an X-ray beam re- flected by a crystal, whose value depends upon the vary- ing configuration of the electrons in the crystal atoms relative to the center of the atom, as well as upon the angle of incidence and the wave length of the X-rays. Stufe: pitch. That characteristic of a musical sound which is determined by the position to which the normal ear assigns it in the musical scale. Sublimation: sublimation. The transition of a substance from the solid directly to the vapor state, or vice versa. In the latter case, the solid formed is called a subli- mate, e.g., white frost. Sublimationsdruck: sublimation pressure. The solid vapor equilibrium pressure of a volatile solid at a given temperature. Sublimationskurve: sublimation curve. See Gleichge- wichtskurve. Sublimationswaerme: heat of sublimation. The heat liberated or absorbed, per unit mass, upon the sublima- tion of a substance. subtraktive Farbe: subtractive color. A color produced by the removal of some part of white light, as by passage through one or more filters. Summations+on: summation tone. A combination tone, heard under certain circumstances, whose pitch corre- sponds to a frequency equal to the sum of the fre- quencies of the two components. Summenregel: sum rule, Syn. permanence principle. Either of two "sum rules” relating, respectively, to the sums of the Lande factors and interval factors of the components in the Zeeman effect; which state that the sum of the values of the factor in question for all the J values, other quantum numbers remaining con- stant, is independent of the magnetic intensity. Sumptner'sches Prinzip: Sumptner principle. The prin- ciple, stated by Sumptner, which is employed in the Ulbricht sphere, viz., that when a source of light is placed at any point inside a sphere with perfectly dif- fusing walls, every part of the interior appears equally illuminated when viewed through an opening. Supraleitfaehigkeit: superconductivity, suprac. The greatly enhanced electrical conductivity attained by cer- tain metals when cooled to a sufficiently low tempera- ture, at which the resistance suddenly drops to a very low value. Suspension: suspension. (1) The state of a finely divided material sustained by thermal agitation in a fluid medium, as smoke particles in the air. (2) Any material so sustained. (3) A fine wire or filament by which a galvanometer coil or similar apparatus is sus- pended in an instrument. Suspensoid: suspensoid. A colloidal sol in which the particles do not unite with the suspending medium. Called by Perrin a lyophobe sol. Suszeptanz: susceptance. In re an a.-c. circuit having inductance L and capacitance C: the value of the quantity 1 — 2-n-nC, 27rnL in which n is the frequency. Suszeptibilitaet: susceptibility. See elektrische Suszcp- tibilitaet. /Sutherland'sches Gesetz 142 s Sutherland'sches Gesetz: Sutherland law. Expresses the viscosity coefficient 97 of a gas in terms of its abso- lute temperature T, as follows: T0 + C # T x ®/2 v = vo ) T + C V T0 / in which C is a constant. rj0 is the value of 77 at the ice point T0. Sylphon: sylphon. A closed cell with thin, corrugated metal walls, resembling the bellows of an accordion; used in high-pressure research on fluids, and in certain thermostats. Symmetrie: symmetry. (1) An arrangement of ob- jects or parts of a figure with reference to a point, a line, or a plane so that for each particle or point on one side there is a corrseponding one at an equal dis- tance on the other side of the reference zero. If the reference zero is a point, the term point symmetry or radial symmetry is used; if a line, the symmetry is said to be axial; if a plane, it is bilateral. (2) (Cryst.) An arrangement of objects or parts of a figure such that they appear to be hung, either singly or in groups of constant configuration, on a space lattice whose structure regularly repeats itself in three dimensions in space. Symmetrieebene: symmetry plane. A plane which di- vides a body or a figure in such a way that any line perpendicular to the plane and terminated by the boun- daries of the object or figure is bisected by the plane. A principal s.p. is one having at least two other s.p.’s perpendicular to it, which could be interchanged with- out apparently altering the orientation of the object or figure. Symme+riezahl: symmetry number. The number of different symmetry planes of a body or a group of atoms. E.g., for a regular tetrahedron the number is 12. The term was applied to molecules by Ehrenfest. sympathetische Schwingung: sympathetic vibration. Vibration due to resonance. Synchronophosphoroskop: synchrono-phosphoroscope. An apparatus for examining phosphorescence of brief duration. Synchroskop: synchroscope. A form of oscillograph used to test the phase difference or synchronism of two a.c.’s or electric oscillations. Szintillation: scintillation. A minute flash of light ob- served when an alpha particle strikes a suitable lumi- nescent screen in the dark. Szintilloskop: spinthariscope. An instrument devised by Crookes for conveniently viewing the scintillations of alpha particles upon a luminescent screen. 143 /Tachometer T Tachometer; tachometer, tachymeter. See Geschwindig- keitsmesser. Tag: day. (1) (Mean solar.) The average interval, during the year, between successive meridian passages of the sun. It is the basic unit of time used in physics. (2) (Sidereal.) The period of the earth’s complete rotation on its axis, equal to 23 h 56 m 4.09054 s mean solar time. (3) (Lunar.) The period between succes- sive meridian transits of the moon, average about 24 h 50.5 m mean solar time. Tageslichtfaktor: daylight factor. The ratio of the daylight illumination at any point in a building to the simultaneous illumination under the open sky. Tageslichtphotometer: hemeraphotometer. A type of photometer used for measuring daylight factor. Talbot'sche Bande: Talbot bands. Interference bands appearing in a prism spectrum when half of the aper- ture is covered by a thin glass plate with the edge parallel to the edge of the prism. Taibot'sches Gesetz: Talbot law. States that when two or more luminous areas are presented to the eye at regu- lar intervals, so that each is seen in turn for a certain time, e.g., on a rotating color disk, there is a definite frequency of alteration for which the resultant color impression is invariable and is identical with the im- pression which would result if all the lights were seen simultaneously at their mean intensities. Tangen+engalvanometer: tangent galvanometer. A gal- vanometer with a fixed field coil, for which the tangent of the deflection is proportional to the current. Tangen+enmesser: derivator. A device for measuring the slope of a curve at any point and hence, indirectly, the value of the derivative of the corresponding func- tion. Syn. tangent meter. Target: target. See Schicht. Taupunkt: dew point. The temperature at which the condensation of the water vapor in the air begins for any given state of humidity, as the air is cooled. A dew point hygrometer indicates the dew point, from which the relative humidity may be calculated. Teilknoten: partial node. See angenaeherter Knoten- punkt. Teilton: partial, Syn. overtone. (1) One of the fre- quencies with which a vibrating body or system can freely oscillate, in addition to the lowest frequency. (2) A musical sound produced by a sonorous body vibrating with one of its higher possible frequencies. Teilungsmaschine: dividing machine, dividing engine, ruling engine. (1) A mechanism operated by a long micrometer screw, for marking the divisions on instru- mental scales. (2) A mechanism operated by a long micrometer screw, for ruling the equally spaced lines on optical gratings. Its principle is similar to that of a dividing machine. Telephotographie: telephotography. (1) Photography of distant objects by means of a special magnifying camera objective system. (2) The reproduction of photographs or other pictures at a distance by means of electric currents or radio. Telethermome+er: telethermometer. An apparatus in which temperature effects are electrically communicated to a measuring or recording instrument at some distance away; commonly a thermocouple or a resistance ther- mometer circuit. telezentrisch: telecentric. In re an optical instrument: having either the entrance-pupil at infinity, e.g., when a front stop is placed in the anterior focal plane of a convergent lens—a device commonly used in optical measurements to avoid parallax between image and scale. Temperaturfaktor: temperature factor. See Debye Tem- peratufaktor, Debye-Waller’scher Faktor. Temperaturkoeffizient: temperature coefficient. The increment of a quantity, which is a function of the temperature, due to unit change of temperature; i.e., the temperature rate or derivative of a quantity. E.g., the t.c. of a standard cell is its change in voltage per degree. Temperaturwelle: temperature wave. A progressing variation of temperature, such as that inaugurated by strongly heating one end of a long bar of cold metal. A succession of such waves would result from alter- nately heating and cooling the end of the bar. tempern: anneal. To stabilize the internal structure of a solid substance, e.g., glass or a metal, by protracted heating followed by slow cooling. Tensor: tensor. The absolute or numerical value of a vector. Tesla Spule: Tesla coil. A helix of many turns in which very high p.d.’s are produced by means of induc- tive coupling with a circuit containing a condenser and /tetragonal 144 T a spark gap. A transformer having such a coil as its secondary, with the condenser and gap in the primary circuit, is called a Tesla oscillation transformer. tetragonal: tetragonal. In re crystal structure: having three mutually rectangular axes, two of which only are equal. Tetrode: tetrode. A vacuum tube having four elec- trodes, e.g., a screen-grid tube. Thalofid: t halo fide. A photoconductive composition of thallium, oxygen, and sulphur, developed by T. W. Case. Thermion: thermion. An ion, either positive or nega- tive, which has been emitted from a heated body. Nega- tive thermions are electrons (thermoelectrons). thermionische Arbeitsfunktion: thermionic work func- tion. See Arbeitsfunktion, Richardson’sche Gleichung, thermionische Emissionskonstante. thermionische Emission: thermionic emission. A stream of thermions emitted by a heated body. thermionische Emissionskonstante: thermionic emission constant. A constant appearing in the Richardson equa- tion for thermionic emission when written in the form I - A T2e ~ T-, in which w is the thermionic work function. It has the same value for all metals, viz., about 120 amp/cm2deg2. thermionischer Gleichrichter: thermionic valve. An electric-current rectifier based on the unidirectional char- acter of the thermionic current. thermische Analyse: thermal analysis, thermoanalysis. The investigation of physical transition processes or of chemical reactions by observing discontinuities in the absorption or evolution of heat, e.g., the recalescence transitions in iron, manifested by abrupt changes in temperature. thermische Bewegung: thermal agitation. A random movement of the molecules of a substance, which is be- lieved to give rise to the phenomena associated with heat and the kinetic energy of which is the usual inter- pretation of that term. Thermische Ionisation: thermal ionization. Ionization due to high temperature, as in the electrically conducting gases of a Bunsen flame. Syn. temperature ionization. thermische Stroemung: thermal transpiration. A pres- sure difference which develops between two bodies of gas, initially at the same low pressure but at different temperatures, when they are joined by a capillary tube. The flow is from the colder to the warmer gas. Discov- ered by Federsen and Reynolds. Syn. thermal effusion, thermodiffusion. Thermodynamik: thermodynamics. That branch of phy- sical science which treats of processes involving the conversion of heat into other forms of energy, and vice versa. thermodynamische Gesetze: thermodynamic laws. Two laws upon which rests the classical thermodynamic the- ory: (1) When work is expended in generating heat, the quantity of heat produced is proportional to the work expended; and, conversely, when heat is employed in the performance of work, the quantity of heat which disappears is proportional to the work done. (Joule.) (2) It is impossible for a self-acting machine, unaided by any external agency, to convey heat from a body of lower to one of higher temperature. (Clausius.) Or, it is impossible to derive mechanical work from heat taken from a body unless there is available a body of lower temperature into which the residue not so used may be discharged, (Kelvin.) (3) In addition to these, some writers refer to the following as the "third law of thermodynamics”: Every system has a finite, posi- tive entropy, but at the absolute zero of temperature, the entropy may become zero, and does so become in the case of perfect crystalline substances. This state- ment, formulated by Planck, is closely related to the Nernst heat theorem. thermodynamisches Gleichgewicht: thermodynamic equilibrium. The condition of a system whose members have conformed to the principle of equipartition of energy. thermodynamischer Kreis: thermodynamic cycle. A cyclic change of state of a body or a system which in- volves changes of temperature or the transmission of heat to or from the body or system. thermodynamisches Potential: thermodynamic poten- tial. In re any thermodynamic state of a substance: a mathematical expression for the work or change in energy per unit mass involved in bringing it to that state. It is, in general, a function of the variables which determine the state of the substance. So named by rea- son of the analogy to such cases as the energy of a body with reference to its position in a field of force. Syn. thermal potential, thermal head. thermodynamische Skala: thermodynamic scale. See Kelvin’sche Skala. thermodynamische Transformation: thermodynamic transformation. A change in the state of a body or 145 /thermodynamische Umwandlung T system which involves changes of temperature or the emission or absorption of heat, e.g., the expansion of a gas, with accompanying decrease of pressure and temperature. thermodynamische Umwandlung: thermodynamic trans- formation. See thermodynamische Transformation. thermodynamische Wahrscheinlichkeit: thermodynamic probability. The probability of a given state of dis- tribution and motion of the molecules of a body, as compared with that of some arbitrarily chosen reference state. It is proportional to the number of complexions which would result in that state. thermoelastisch: thermoelastic. Pertaining to the ther- modynamics of elastic processes, e.g., the heat generated by the deformation of an elastic body or the fall of temperature when it recovers etc. , * thermoelastische Koeffizienten: thermoelastic coeffi- cients. Two quantities relating to an elastic body, and defined by the expressions — v(8p/8v)T, — v(8p/8v)g. In these v is volume, p is pressure, T is temperature, s is entropy; and the subscripts denote that the cor- responding quantity is to be kept constant. These quan- tities are the reciprocals, respectively, of the isothermal and isentropic compressibilies. thermoelektrisches Element: thermocouple. A pair of metals forming a junction (thermojunction), considered as the seat of a thermoelectromotive force. thermoelektrische Leistung: thermoelectric power. The change in the thermoelectromotive force of a thermo- couple per degree of change in its temperature. The thermoelectric power of any metal is that of a couple composed of the given metal against some standard metal, usually lead. thermoelektrische Loetstelle; thermofunction. A pair of metals forming a junction (thermojunction), con- sidered as the seat of a thermoelectromotive force. thermoelektrisches Manometer: thermoelectric mano- meter. A manometer which depends upon the variation of thermoelectromotive force with pressure; devised by Rohn. Thermoelektrisches Thermometer: thermel. A term used to cover all forms of thermoelectric thermometer, whether single thermocouples or series of couples (ther- mopiles or multiple thermels). thermoelektrische Umkehrung: thermoelectric inver- sion. The phenomenon, exhibited by a thermocouple, of decreasing its e.m.f. with increasing temperature beyond a certain neutral point. thermoelektromotorische Kraft: thermoelectromotive force. The e.m.f. given by two contacting metals and depending upon the metals and upon the temperature distribution in them. In a circuit of different metals joined in series, the resultant e.m.f. is the algebraic sum of the e.m.f.’s due to the several conjoined pairs. Dis- covered by Seebeck in 1821. Syn. Seebeck effect. Thermoelektron: thermoelectron. See Thermion. Thermoelement: thermoelement. A combination of a thermocouple with a heating filament, used for measur- ing small currents. Thermogalvanometer: thermogalvanometer. A galvano- meter for the measurement of feeble h.-f. a.c.’s by their heating effect, detected by a sensitive thermocouple. Devised by W. Duddell in 1904. Thermograph: thermograph. A recording thermometer. Thermolumlneszenz: thermoluminescence. Luminescence exhibited by certain substances, as fluorite, when heated, but of wave length distinctly shorter than that of the incandescence corresponding to the exciting high tem- perature. Thus fluorite crystals heated on an iron plate may give off white light before the adjacent iron is even red hot. thermomagnetisch: thermomagnetic. Pertaining to the effects of a magnetic field upon the flow of heat or the temperature distribution in a conductor; e.g., in the Nernst effect; or to the effects of temperature upon the magnetic properties of a substance. thermomagnetische Potentialdifferenz: thermomagnetic potential difference. A change in the e.m.f. of a ther- mojunction, due to placing it in a magnetic field. Thermomanometer: thermogauge. A form of optical pyrometer, devised by Morse. Thermometerkorrektion: stetn correction. A correction applied to the reading of a liquid-in-glass thermometer because of the fact that the liquid in the stem is at a different temperature from that in the bulb. thermometrische Koeffizienten: thermometric coeffi- cients. Two quantities relating to a body of working substance; defined by the expressions 1 f SP \ 1 / 8v \ p \8T/v’ v \ ST / p In these T is temperature, v is volume, p is pressure; /thermomotorische Kraft 146 T and the subscripts denote that the corresponding quan- tity is to be kept constant. thermomotorische Kraft: thermomotive force. That which, in thermal phenomena, is analogous to electro- motive force in the corresponding electrical phenomena; e.g., the temperature difference developed in the Etting- hausen effect. Thermophon: thermophone. (1) A musical tone gen- erator composed of a thin strip of metal immersed in a gas or a volatile liquid and periodically heated by an d.c. (2) A form of teiethermometer in which a tele- phone receiver is used. Thermophosphoreszenz: thermophosphorescence. Phos- phorescence developed by heating after exposure to some exciting agency. Thermorelais: thermorelay. A device, due to Moll, for amplifying small galvanometer deflections. The gal- vanometer mirror reflects a bright beam of light upon a sensitive thermojunction in such a way that very slight deflections of the beam cause relatively large changes at the junction. A second galvanometer actuated by the thermocouple may thus be made to show deflections many times as large as the original. Thermosaeule: thermopile. A thermel consisting of a number of thermocouples in series, which amplifies the temperature effect. Thevenin'scher Lehrsatz: Thevenin theorem. States that when two points A and B of a circuit or network carrying a current (either steady or alternating) are connected by a shunt S, the resulting current in S is equal to the original p.d. between A and B, divided by the sum of the parallel impedances of the shunt S and the portion AB of the original circuit. Thixo+ropie: thixotropy. A phenomenon exhibited by some gels, which, when gently shaken, break up and form a fluid with all the properties of the original sol, but which, when left undisturbed, resume the form of a gel again. This process may be repeated indefinitely. Thomas'sche Praezession: Thomas precession. The pre- cession of the spin axis of an electron due to the ac- celeration given to the electron by the electric field of the nucleus. Thomson (Kelvin) Effekt: Thomson (Kelvin) effect. An effect manifested when an electric current is passed through a metallic conductor of nonuniform tempera- ture, e.g., in the simplest case, a wire on which there is a sharp temperature maximum. When the current flows, the maximum is observed to move, with the cur- rent in some metals, against it in others. Thomson'sche elektromotorische Kraft: Thomson elec- tromotive force. A p.d. existing between two points of different temperature on a metallic conductor; studied by William Thomson (Kelvin). Thomson'sche (Kelvin) Doppelbruecke: Thomson (Kel- vin) double bridge. A bridge having eight arms, used for comparing two resistance standards having both current and potential terminals. Thomson'scher Koeffizient: Thomson coefficient. The ratio of the Thomson e.m.f. in a metal to the corre- sponding difference in temperature. Syn. specific heat of electricity. Thomson'scher Polarisationsfaktor: Thomson polariza- tion factor. A factor to which the intensity of an X-ray beam reflected from a crystal is proportional and which, as derived by J. J. Thomson, is equal to the function 1/2(1 + cos2 2©) of the glancing angle ©. Thomson'sche Waerme: Thomson h%at. The quantity of heat which must be supplied or withdrawn in order to maintain a unit temperature difference between two points of a conductor at a given mean temperature when unit quantity of electricity flows from one point to the other, and thus to neutralize the Thomson effect. Thomson-Whiddingfon-Bohrsches Gesetz: Thomson- Whiddington-Bohr law. Expresses the depth to which cathode electrons penetrate a material target in the production of X-rays as V2/b, in which V is the voltage and b a constant, known as the Thomson-Whiddington constant, depending upon the material and other cir- cumstances. Thorium Reihe: thorium series. One of the principal radioactive series, beginning with thorium. Thyratron: thyratron. An arc discharge tube contain- ing inert gas or vapor at low pressure, in which a grid is employed to control the starting of the discharge. Tiefenmesser: fathometer. See Fadenmesser. tieferer Zustand: lower state. That one of the two energy states or levels, before and after a quantum tran- sition, in which the atom or the molecule has less elec- tronic energy. Tiltometer: tiltometer. An instrument which measures inclination to the horizontal. toenender Lichtbogen: singing arc. An electric arc of such characteristics as to generate an oscillating cur- /Toepler-Holtz'sche Maschine 147 rent of audio frequency when an inductance and a condenser are connected across it; e.g., the Duddell carbon arc or the Poulsen carbon-copper arc. Syn. oscil- lating arc. Toepler-Holtz'sche Maschine: Toepler-Holtz machnie. A type of static machine having one stationary and one rotating plate, or a number of such pairs. Toleranz: tolerance. See erlaubte Abweichung. \ Tonmesser: sonometer. See Monochord. Tonvariator: tonvariator. An adjustable resonator for comparison of musical pitches, the frequency of which is varied by means of a piston having a graduated scale. Designed by Stern. Tonveraenderer; tonvariator. See Tonvariator. Torricellisches Gesetz: Torricelli law. States that the speed of efflux of nonviscous fluid issuing from an orifice at a depth h below the level of the free surface in the container, under the influence of gravity alone, is v - V 2gh. Torricellisches Vakuum: Torricellian vacuum. A space evacuated by filling it with mercury and then lowering the reservoir more than 76 cm below the bulb, as in a barometer. Torsion: torsion. The strain due to twisting a rod, wire, or filament; measured by the angle of rotation of one cross section with respect to another at unit distance from it. Torsionskoeffizient: torsion coefficient, t. constant. The torque exerted in twisting an elastic rod per unit total angle of twist. Torsionskonstante: torsion constant, t. coefficient. See T orsionskoeff izient. Torsionskopf: torsion head. A rotary cap, often gradu- ated in degrees, atop the vertical tube supporting a tor- tion suspension, e.g., in a galvanometer or a magneto- meter. Torsionsmesser: torsometer. An instrument for study- ing the elastic behavior of solids under torsion, esp. by optical methods. Torsionsmodul: torsion modulus, Syn. shear modulus, rigidity modulus. The ratio of the shearing stress in an elastic substance to the strain (shear) which accom- panies it. Torsionspendel: torsion pendulum. A pendulum actu- ated by the torsion of an elastic wire. torische Linse: toric lens. A lens, one surface of which is a portion of the surface of a tore. Much used for spectacles. Totaler Absorptionskoeffizient; total absorption coeffi- cient, Syn. extinction coefficient. In re any type of radiation traversing a material medium: the absorption coefficient plus the scattering coefficient. totaler elastischer Wirkungsquerschnitt: total elastic cross section. In re atoms scattering electrons of given velocity: the number of electrons scattered per atom from an electron beam whose intensity is 1 electron per unit area per unit time. totales Emissionsvermoegen: total emissive power. See Emissionsstaerke. totale Quantenzahl: total quantum number, Syn. prin- cipal quantum number. The sum 1 + 1', of the azi- muthal and the radial quantum number in the Bohr theory, or 1 -f- 1' + 1 in the new quantum mechanics (since in the latter 1 is one less). So called because the energy of a quantum state depends primarily upon it. The principal quantum number is usually denoted by n. totale Retlektion: total reflection. Internal reflection in which the angle of incidence exceeds a value, known as the critical angle, whose sine is the relative refrac- tive index from the more to the less refractive medium; so called because all the radiation is reflected and none transmitted. totale Spiegelung: total reflection. See totale Reflek- tion. Totalwaerme: total heat. See Enthalpie. Townsend'sche Charakteristik; Townsend characteristic. The current-voltage characteristic curve for a photoelec- tric cell at constant illumination and at voltages below the glow potential. Townsend'sche charakteristische Kurve: Townsend characteristic. See Townsend’sche Charakteristik. Townsend'sche Entladung: Townsend discharge. Any space-charge-free electrical discharge in a gas at moder- ate pressure above 0.1 mm, whether self-or externally maintained. More loosely, Syn. coroqa. Townsend'sche Gleichung; Townsend equation. An ex- pression for the photoelectric current in a gas, as a /Townsend'scher Koeffizient 148 T function of the distance d between plates, and having the form I = Iuead a is the Townsend coefficient, which may be interpreted as the number of new ion pairs produced by the im- pacts per unit length of electron path. Townsend'scher Koeffizient: Townsend coefficient. See Townsend’sche Gleichung. Traegheit: inertia. See Beharrungsvermoegen. Traegheitsellipsoid: inertia ellipsoid. An ellipsoid so drawn, in reference to any point of a rigid body, that the radius vector from the center of the ellipsoid to any point on its surface represents the reciprocal square root of the moment of inertia of the body about that vector as an axis. The axes of the ellipsoid coincide with the principal axes of the body through the given point. Traegheitsmomenf: moment of inertia. Of a rigid body with respect to any axis: the volume integral of the product of the element of mass by the square of its distance from the given axis. It represents the torque required, per unit angular acceleration in radian meas- ure, to change the speed of rotation of the body about that axis. Syn. rotational inertia. Traegheifsmomentellipsoid: momentum ellipsoid. An ellipsoid drawn with reference to the principal axes of inertia of a rigid body in free rotation (under no ex- ternal torque) about a changing instantaneous axis, and used to represent graphically the relation between the resultant angular velocity and the position of the in- stantaneous axis when the angular momentum is con- stant. Traeghei+sprodukt: product of inertia. In re any body, with respect to any pair of rectangular axes X and Y: the value of the volume integral J f f xydxdydz taken throughout the volume of the body. Traegheitszentrum: center of inertia, Syn. center of mass. In re any body or system of bodies: a point such that if any plane be passed through it, the mass mo- ments, with respect to it, of the portions on opposite sides of the plane are equal. Transforma+ionskons+an+e: transformation, constant, Syn. disintegration constant. The decay coefficient for radioactive disintegration. Transforma+ionsperiode: transformation period. The half-value period for the decay of the activity of a radio- active substance. Transforma+ionsverhaeltnis: transformation ratio. The ratio of the voltage in the secondary to that in the pri- mary of a transformer. Transformator: transformer. A device which, through magnetoelectric induction but without the use of mov- ing parts, transforms alternating or intermittent electric energy in one circuit into energy of similar type in an- other circuit, commonly with altered values of the volt- age and current. Transkonduktanz: transconductance, Syn. mutual con- ductance. In re a grid-controlled tube: the increment of plate current per unit change of grid potential. Translation: translation. See fortschreitende Bewe- gung. transversale Effekte: transverse effects. A term col- lectively applied to the Hall, Ettingshausen, Nernst, and Righi-Leduc effects (q.v.). transversale Masse: transverse Mass. The mass of a body measured in the relativistic sense, in a direction perpendicular to that of its motion relative to the observer; in contradistinction to its longitudinal mass (q.v.). Trennungsfaktor: separation factor. See g-Faktor. Trennungslinie: line of separation. The line at which the two streams along the curved surface of a body advancing through a fluid, one from the front toward the rear, the other from the rear toward the front, meet upon the surface and at which they separate from it. Trevelyanischer mechanischer Oszillator: Trevelyan rocker. A mechanical oscillator which depends upon the alternate expansion and contraction, at the points of contact, of a heated solid in contact with a cold one. triboelektrisch: triboelectric. Pertaining to electrifica- tion generated by friction. A triboelectric series is a list of substances so arranged that any one of them becomes positively electrified when rubbed with one farther down the list. Tribolumineszenz: triholuminescence. Luminescence caused by grinding, in such substances as glass and certain crystals. Tribothermoluminescence refers to the same phenomenon, when heat is required subsequent to the grinding. Syn. piezoluminescence. Tribophosphoreszenz: tribop hasp horescence. The en- during or phosphorescent type of triholuminescence. Tribolhermolumineszenz: tribothermoluminescence. See Tribolumineszenz. 149 /trichromatlscher Koeffizient T trichromatischer Koeffizient: trichromatic coefficient. The fraction of a three-color mixture which consists of any one of the three standard colors used to obtain a match for any given color, in accordance with the three- color method of Maxwell. triklin: triclinic. In re crystal structure: having three unequal axes intresecting at angles, not more than two of which are equal, and not more than one of which is 90 degrees. Triode: triode. A vacuum tube having three electrodes, viz., a filament, a grid, and a plate; used in radio and other h.-f. apparatus. Syn. radiotron, audion, pliotron. Tripelpunkt: triple point. See Dreiphasengleichgewicht. Triplett: triplet. A multipiet of three components. Troepfchen: cluster. A group of atoms held together by the electric attraction of a charged ion, but not in permanent chemical union. Troepfchenbildung: coaggregation. See Koaggregation. Troepfchenmethode: drop-weight method. A method of investigating surface tension and cohesion in a liquid by weighing its drops which fall from a tube of speci- fied dimensions. Tropfenzaehler: stalagmometer. See Stalagmometer. Tropie: tropism. A directional property of a substance, esp. a crystal, dependent upon the vector quantities which determine the states of the constituent atoms or molecules. Tropopause: tropopause. The upper limit of the tropo- sphere, in middle latitudes generally 10 to 12 km above the earth’s surface. Troposphaere: troposphere. All that portion of the atmosphere, next above the earth’s surface, in which vertical convection is frequently active and in which clouds usually occur. Trouton'sches Gesetz: Trouton law. States that the molar heat of vaporization of a liquid at a given tem- perature, divided by its absolute boiling point (the Trouton ratio), is approximately the same for all liquids. Trouton-Noble'scher Versuch: Trouton-Noble experi- ment. An attempt to detect an ether drift by the possi- ble electromagnetic effect of the motion of an electric charge as carried with the velocity of the earth. No effect was observed. Truebung: turbidity. A property of a medium which renders it imperfectly transparent, due to having parti- cles in suspension, e.g., milky or muddy water. Truebungsfaktor: turbidity factor. The percentage of reduction of solar radiation of a given wave length re- ceived upon the earth’s surface, because of haze or other type of turbidity in the atmosphere. Truebungskoeffizient: turbidity coefficient. See Ang- stroem Koeffizient. Truebungsmesser: turbidimeter. An instrument for measuring the turbidity of a liquid, as in water-purifi- cation plants. Syn. opacimeter. See also Nephelometer. Turbulenz: turbulence. Irregular motion of a moving fluid, caused by an impediment in the stream, by fric- tion, or by vortex action. Syn. sinuosity. Turnover: turnover. The lack of symmetry in the fila- ment plate current fluctuations of a vacuum tube circuit, due to the fact that the increase in current caused by a given increase in grid potential is not equal to the decrease in current caused by an equal decrease in grid potential. Tyndall'scher Effekt: Tyndall effect. The scattering of light by very small suspended particles, which was theo- retically investigated by Tyndall, but first described by Faraday. The scattered light is polarized to an extent which is greater, the smaller the particles. For diameters less that 0.1 micron the polarization is complete. /Uebereinstimmung 150 u Uebereinstimmung: consistency. (1) The approximate agreement between results of measurements on the same quantity. External consistency refers to the agree- ment between final adjusted results obtained by differ- ent methods; internal consistency, to that between re- sults of repeated- single measurements of the same series. (2) That quality of a material which depends upon its viscosity, plasticity viscidity, etc. Ueberfuehrungszahl: transport numbers, Syn. transfer- ence numbers, Hittorf numbers. A term applied by Hit- torf to the fractions of an electrolytic current carried by the anions and by the cations, respectively, the sum of which is unity. Uebergangsphaenomen: transport phenomena. A class of phenomena due to the transfer of mass, energy, or momentum across any given surface or interface as a result of molecular or electronic agitation, in accord- ance with the kinetic theory. E.g., momentum may be so transferred from a rotating disk to an adjacent parallel disk by means of air molecules receiving momentum from the one and subsequently impinging upon the other. Uebergangsstrom: transient. See Ausgleichungsstrom. Uebergangswahrscheinlichkeit: transition probability. (1) The number of spontaneous transitions from one given state to another given state which a single atom would perform, on the average, in 1 sec, if the initial state were restored immediately after each transition. It is a function of the frequency of the radiation emitted, and of the atomic structure. (2) The number of in- duced transitions per single atom per second, as above, due to unit intensity of the incident radiation. It is likewise a function of the frequency and of the atomic structure. (3) (Radioactive) The probability that a radio-active atom of a given species will disintegrate within unit time. It is numerically equal to the disinte- gration constant. Uebergangswiderstand: passive resistance. See passiver Widerstand. ueberhitzen: superheat. (I) (v.) To raise the tem- perature of a vapor, as steam, above the saturation point. (2) To raise the temperature of a liquid above its boil- ing point at the existing pressure, without ebullition; facilitated by covering the surface with another, im- miscible liquid, as oil on water. (3) (n) The number of degrees by which the temperature of a vapor at a given pressure exceeds the temperature at which the vapor is saturated. Ueberlappung: overlapping. The coincidence of the long-wave end of a diffraction or interference spectrum with the short-wave end of the spectrum of the next higher order; which may give rise to confusion in spectroscopy. Ueberpo+ential: overpotential. An excess of potential, or p.d.; esp. the p.d. required to effect the electrolysis of an electrolyte, minus that of the electrodes with the products deposited upon them after the separation has taken place. Syn. overvoltage, excess v. Ueberschall: supersonic, Syn. ultrasonic. Having a frequency above that of audible sound. Ueberschneiden: overlapping. See Ueberlappung. uebersaet+Igen: supersaturate. To cause a solution to attain a condition of greater concentration than its nor- mal saturation concentration at the existing temperature, without initiating precipitation of the solute. This may sometimes be done by careful supercooling. Uebers+ruktur: superstructure. A regular, periodic spacing found in the structure of a solid solution; ex- hibited by certain alloys. It is due to a systematic con- figuration of atoms of the solute in the solvent crystal, and is not characteristic of the solvent. Ueberton: overtone. See Teilton. Uebertonband: overtone band. A spectral frequency which bears a relation to a given spectral frequency analogous to that of an acoustic overtone to its funda- mental. Syn. harmonic band. Uebertrager: transducer. Any device for transmit- ting energy from one system to another, esp. from one electric transmission or communication system to an- other, e.g., a transformer. uebrigbleibende Abweichung: residual. See Rest. uebrigbleibendes Blau: residual blue. A phenomenon observed by Tyndall with white light scattered by small particles in suspension. Viewed through a suitably ori- ented nicol, the scattered light appears blue. uebrigbleibendes Res+blau: residual blue. Ulbricht'sche Kugel: Ulbricht sphere. An integrating sphere used in a sphere photometer; so called because of the first adaptation of the Sumptner principle to this use by Ulbricht in 1900. Ultraionisationspotential: ultraionization potential. A definite electron potential which elicits a responsive ion- ization, but which is greater than that corresponding to the ordinary excitation limit. 151 /Ultrakurzwellen u Ultrakurzwellen: ultrashort waves. See Mikrowellen. Ultramikrometer: ultramicrometer. An instrument for the measurement of very small displacements, esp. by electrical means, e.g., by the variation of an electrical capacitance. Ultramikroskop: ultramicroscope. An arrangement con- sisting of a powerful microscope whose field is illumi- nated by a strong beam of light from one side, so that extremely minute objects (or the diffraction patterns produced by them) are visible against a dark back- ground. ultrarot: infrared. See infrarot. Ultraschall: ultrasonic, supersonic. See Ueberschall. ultraviolett: ultraviolet. A range of invisible radiation frequencies immediately adjoining the visible violet, and extending into the region of low-frequency X-rays. Umformer: converter. One of several types of machine consisting of an electric generator driven by an electric motor, with the purpose of changing the service in some respect; as from a.-c. to d.-c. (motor generator or rotary converter), to a different frequency (frequency converter), to a different number of phases (phase converter). umgekehrter photoelektrischer Effekt: inverse photo- electric effect. The transformation of the kinetic energy of a moving electron into radiant energy, as in the re- combination of an electron with an ion, or in the pro- duction of X-rays. umgekehrter piezo-elektrischer Effekt; inverse piezo- electric effect. The contraction or expansion of a piezo- electric crystal along an electric axis when subjected to an electric field in that direction. umgekehrte Spannung: inverse voltage. See inverse Spannung. umgekehrter Term: inverted term. A spectral term in which the fine-structure level having the largest inner quantum number lies farthest down on the energy-level diagram. umkehren (opt.): rectify. (1) To change from alter- nating to unidirectional, as an electric current. Any de- vice for securing this result is a rectifier. (2) To re- place (an inverted image) by one which is erect, as by the rectifying system in a field glass. Umkehrstrahlen: retrograde rays. A type of corpuscular rays, of atomic dimensions, like positive rays, and mag- netically deflected as positive rays are, but moving away from the cathode instead of toward it. They appear to be of complex character. Umwandler: inverter. A device for converting d.-c, into a.-c. Umwandlung: disintegration, transmutation. (1) The emission of an alpha or a beta particle by a radioactive atom. (2) The passage of a solid into a colloidal state. (3) A change from one chemical element into another, or the derivation of one element from another; sought for by the alchemists, and now recognized as actually taking place through either natural or induced radio- activity. Umwandlungselektron: disintegration electron. An elec- tron emitted from the nucleus of an atom upon radio- active disintegration, in that class of radioactive ele- ments which emit beta rays. Umwandlungsfaktor: conversion factor. A number by which the numerical value of a physical quantity as expressed in one set of units must be multiplied in order to obtain its numerical value as expressed in another similar set of units of different size. Syn. change ratio, Umwandlungsfunktion: transmutation function. A func- tion which expresses the probability of an induced nuclear transmutation in terms of the energy of the bombarding particle; the target being considered in- finitely thin. Umwandlungskoeffizient: conversion coefficient. An abstract fraction which represents the probability that a gamma-ray quantum, emitted from the nucleus of a radioactive atom, will give up its energy in releasing an electron from one of the outer levels. The K con- version coefficient is the probability that the release will take place at the K level, etc. Umwandlungskonstanfe: disintegration constant, Syn. transformation constant radioactive c. The decay coeffi- cient for radioactive disintegration. Umwandlungsperiode: transformation period. The half-value period for the decay of the activity of a radioactive substance. Umwandlungswaerme bei Eisen: heat of recalescence. Heat liberated per unit mass at certain temperatures by a cooling metal, due to the recalescence transformation. Unbeschraenkt mischbar: consolute. See loeslich in alien Verhaeltnissen, Unbestimmtheitsprinzip: indetermination principle, in- determinacy p., Syn. uncertainty principle. A feature /ungerader Term 152 u of the quantum mechanics of Heisenberg, which postu- lates that complete information as to the mechanism of processes taking place on the electronic scale of magnitude, in terms of the usual geometrical coordinates and of time, is impossible. E.g., the position and the velocity of an electron are, according to this principle, in capable of simultaneous expression in terms of these conventions. ungerader Term: odd term. ungequantel+er Zus+and: unquantized state. A state of an atom in which there are electrons whose motion is not subject to quantum conditions, and which give rise to continuous spectral bands rather than lines. ungeradzahliges Molekuel: odd molecule. One of the very rare molecules having in its neutral state an odd number of extranuclear electrons. unipolare Induktion: unipolar induction. See einpolige Induktion. « Univariant: univariant. Having one degree of freedom, i.e., variance unity. universeller Nebenschluss: universal shunt. A type of shunt devised by Ayrton for use with galvanometers in order to increase their range, but without change of damping. Syn. Ayrton shunt. unendlich weiter Punkt: jar point. See Fernpunkt. Unschaerfering: blur circle, circle of diffusion. The circular intersection of a screen, as the retina, with a conical pencil of rays from a point source whose image does not lie exactly upon the screen. Syn. circle of diffusion. Unterdrück: negative pressure. (1) A pressure less than that of the atmosphere. (2) A condition of stress within a cohesive body which is subjected to equal tensions in all directions, and which is thus truly the opposite of pressure. Unterdrueckung: suppression. (1) The elimination of any component of an emission, as of a given frequency in a radio wave train. (2) The nonappearance, of a normally occurring natural face on a crystal, due to the adjacent faces coming together to a point or an edge. un+erkuehlen: supercool, undercool. To reduce the temperature of a liquid below its freezing point or that of a solution below its saturation point. unmodifizierte Linie: unmodijide line. See Compton Effekt. Unterniveau: sublevel. The energy level or quantum state of the electrons in an atomic subshell. Unterstufe: sublevel. See Unterniveau. Unterschale: subshell. A subdivision of an electron shell, all the electrons of which have the same azimuthal quantum number.* untersynchron: subsynchronous. Having a frequency which is a submultiple of the driving frequency. Uranreihe: uranium series, uranium-radium s. One of the principal radioactive series, beginning with uranium and including radium. Ursaechlichkeit: causality, causation. The doctrine that there necessarily exists an actual cause-and-effect connec- tion between related phenomena, such that the same conditions must always bring about the same results. Syn. determinism. Ursprung: origin. The zero line in a band spectrum. urspruengliche magnetische Permeabilitaet: initial magnetic permeability. The magnetic permeability cor- responding to an infinitely small, normal magnetic induction. Urspruengliche Spannung: initial stress, Syn, residual stress. A stress which persists in a solid, due not to the existence of external forces but apparently to the fact that certain portions have been stressed beyond the elastic limit while the adjacent portions have not. Uviolglass: uviol glass. A glass developed by Schott, highly transparent to ultraviolet. 153 /Vakuumgewichf V Vakuumgewicht: vacuum weight. The weight obtained for an object when the result of weighing is corrected for the buoyancy of the air, i.e., the weight in vacuo. Vakuumroehre: vacuum tube. See Entladungsroehre. Vakuumspektrograph: vacuum spectrograph. A spec- trograph which operates in a vacuum, so as to introduce no air-absorption of the emission under examination. Valenz: valence, valency. In re an electro-negative chemical ion: the number of hydrogen ions or other univalent ions with which it is combined or is capable of combining. In re a positive ion: its combining power as compared with hydrogen, or the number of hydrogen ions which it displaces in chemical combina- tion. Grimm defines the absolute valence of an atom as the number of its electrons which are engaged in attaching the other atoms of the molecule to it. Valenzelektron: valence electron, Syn. peripheral elec- tron. (1) One of the outer electrons of an atom, to whose activity the spectral lines of visible light and thermal radiation are attributed, and which are supposed to be responsible for chemical combination. (2) An outer electron of an atom, which does not form part fo a closed shell, and which apparently is concerned in chemical combination. van der Bijl'sche Gleichung: van der Bijl equation. An empirical equation which expresses the plate current I„ in a triode in terms of the plate voltage Vp and the grid voltage Vp: Ip = a(Vp + fxVg + c) ; in which a and c are constants and is the amplifica- tion factor. van der Waals'sche Gleichung: van der Waals equa- tion. An empirical, or partially empirical, characteristic equation, the first successful approximation of the be- havior of real gases: (p + v)(v ~ b)= RT> in which p is the pressure in atmospheres, v is the volume of the gas in terms of its volume at N.T.P. as the unit, and a and b are the van der Waals con- stants, dependent upon the gas. van der Waals'she Kraef+e: van der Waals forces. The molecular interactions in a gas, of which account is taken in the construction of the van der Waals equation; the attractive forces by the constant a and the repulsive forces by the constant b of that equation. van der Waals'sches Potential: van der Waals poten- tial. A term used in connection with the potential en- ergies corresponding to the attractive forces between atoms and atoms or between molecules and molecules in a gas, which are taken into account by the use of the constant a in the van der Waals equation. van't Hoffscher Faktor: van’t Hoff factor. A factor by which, according to van’t Hoff, the molecular weight of an electrolyte as calculated from the freezing point law must be multiplied to give its true molecular weight. van't Hoffsches Gesetz: van’t Hoff law. States that the vapor pressure of a solvent is lowered by the addi- tion of a nonvolatile solute in proportion to the molar concentration of the solute. Syn. Wuellner law. Varianz: variance. The number of degrees of free- dom of a system. Variationsprinzip: variation principle. States that if the kinetic energy minus the potential energy of a par- ticle is denoted by L, and if we assume a slightly dif- ferent, arbitrary path to be followed, in the time inter- val tj to t2, from the one actually followed under the forces in operation, then the resulting variation of the integral i t2 j Ldt J t, is equal to zero. Variometer: variometer. (1) A variable inductance provided with a scale, arbitrary or otherwise. (2) A device for measuring or recording variations in terrestrial magnetism. Vegard'sches Gesetz: Vegard law. States that when two substances A and B having similar crystalline struc- ture form together a solid solution, the lattice constant of the solution divides the interval between the lattice constants of A and of B in proportion to the relative amounts of A and of B present. Vegard-Kaplan'sche Bande: Vegard-Kaplan bands. Spectral bands due to metastable nitrogen molecules; discovered by Vegard in the spectrum of the aurora borealis and by Kaplan in the nitrogen afterglow. Vektor: vector. A quantity which is fully specified when and only when there are given its magnitude and an associated direction in space; e.g., a velocity or a magnetic intensity. Vektorpolygon: vector polygon. A polygon (not neces- sarily plane) whose sides represent a number of similar /Vektorpotentialfunktion V vectors, and the completion or "closing” of which in- dicates that the vector sum is zero; e.g., the force polygon for a set of forces in equilibrium. Vektorpotentialfunktion: vector potential function. A variable vector V, so related to another variable vector R that R is the curl of V. V is then said to be a vector potential function of R. Vektorprodukt; vector product. In re two vectors, P-,, P2: a vector whose magnitude is the product of the magnitudes of the two vectors and the sine of the angle between them; and whose direction is that of the perpendicular to both of them, such that while look- ing along this direction one would have to turn the vector Pa clockwise to make it coincide with the vector P2. Designated by P4 X Pa- vena contrac+a: vena contracta (Lat.). The con- tracted jet in which a liquid emerges from an orifice. The ratio of its area of smallest cross section to the area of the orifice is the contraction coefficient. Venturimesser: Venturi meter. An hourglass-shaped constriction in a pipe carrying a fluid, by means of which it is possible to compute the rate of flow from the pressure difference between the main pipe and the point of least diameter, in accordance with the Bernoulli law. verallgemeinerte Koordinaten: generalized coordinates. See Koordinate. Verbindung: turn-flux, Syn. linkage, fluxturns. See Kupplung. Verbindungsaequivalent: combining equivalent. Of a chemical element: its atomic weight divided by its valence. E.g., the combining equivalent of magnesium is 24.32 ~ 2 = 12.16. In the case of a radical the radicular weight is divided by the valence; e.g., for S04, the combining equivalent is 96.06 — 2 — 48.03. Verbindungsgewicht: combining equivalent. See Ver- bindungsaequivalent. verboten: forbidden. A term applied to certain intra- atomic phenomena which, while they might be looked for in accordance with the general rules, apparently never or very rarely occur; e.g., some electron transi- tions and corresponding spectral lines. Verdampfungskurve: vaporization curve. See Gleich- gewichtskurve. Verdampfungswaerme: heat of vaporization. The quantity of heat absorbed by a substance per unit mass, upon passing from the liquid to the vapor state, or released upon condensation; in either case without change of temperature. It is a function of the tempera- ture at which the transformation takes place. Syn. heat of evaporation, heat of condensation (the latter if the vapor is condensing). Verdet Konstante: Verdet constant. The angle of optical rotation per oersted intensity per centimeter thickness in the Faraday effect. Syn. specific magnetic rotatory power. Verdraengungszentrum: center of displacement. In re a body submerged or partially submerged in a fluid: that point which coincides with the center of mass of the body of fluid thereby displaced. Syn. center of buoyancy. Verduennungswaerme: heat of dilution. The quantity of heat absorbed or evolved per gram or per mol of a solute when a solution of given concentration con- taining it is infinitely diluted. It is a function of the initial concentration. Vereinigungsebene: plane of union. The plane upon which the two components of a twin crystal are united. It always coincides with a possible crystal face. Verformbarkeit: malleability. The plasticity of a metal, by virtue of which it may be rolled into sheets or other- wise worked into permanent shape when cold. Verformungsarbeit; resilience. (1) The work required to deform an elastic body to the elastic limit. Its value depends upon the elastic constants and the dimensions of the body. (2) The ability of a material to make internal adjustment to rapid deformation without the development of excessive stress; the opposite of brit- tleness. verfuegbare Energie: available energy. That part of the energy of a body or of a system which is in such form that mechanical work may be derived from it. verfuegbare Waerme: motivity. That part of the heat energy taken in during a thermodynamic cycle which is transformed into external work, i.e., the avail- able energy of the cycle. The term is attributed to Kelvin. Vergenz: vergency. Either divergence or convergence of rays from a lens or a mirror, expressed as the re- ciprocal of the distance from lens or mirror to the focus of the rays. Vergroesserungsvermoegen: magnifying power, Syn. magnification. (1) Of a visual instrument (telescope. 677865—46 12 155 /Verhaeltnis von Ladung zu Masse V microscope, etc.): the ratio of the apparent diameter of the object as seen in the instrument to its apparent diameter as seen by the unaided eye at whatever dis- tance it would be viewed without the instrument. (For a microscope, this distance is usually taken as 25 cm or 10 in.) (2) For a projection instrument, it is the ratio of any linear dimension of the projected image to the corresponding dimension of the object. Verhaeltnis von Ladung zu Masse: charge-mass ratio, Syn. specific charge. The ratio of the electric charge carried by an electrified particle or ion to the mass of the particle. Verlaengerung: elongation. (1) Any increase in length. (2) The type of strain which accompanies tension, and which is measured by the ratio of the increase in length to the normal, unstressed length. (3) The radius vector of a body or a particle moving in an orbit. Verlust (elektr., magn.) durch hohen Widerstand: leak, leakage. (1) A ground or cross connection of very high resistance, e.g., a grid leak. Electric leakage is the small current traversing such a leak. (2) Magnetic leakage is a straying of lines of magnetic induction from the prescribed magnetic circuit into the surround- ing space. Vermoegen: power. See Leistung. Vernichtungsstrahlen: annihilation radiation. Radiation produced by the collision and mutual annihilation of an electron and a positron, and usually consisting of two quanta for each such encounter, moving in oppo- site directions. Vernier: vernier. A device applied to the graduated scale on many instruments, which serves at the same time as an index and as a means of subdividing the smallest scale unit into tenths or other aliquot parts. Named for its inventor, Pierre Vernier. Verrueckung: dislocation. A disarrangement of the perfect configuration of the units of a crystal lattice, as evidenced by anomalous mechanical, optical, or mag- netic properties. Verschiebung: dislocation, displacement. See Verrueck- ung and elektrische Verschiebung. Verschiebung: masking. A term used in accoustics to denote the shift of the audibility threshold of one sound, due to the presence of another. It may be expressed quantitatively in decibels. Verschiebungsgesetz: displacement law. (1) (Radia- tion.) The first of the Wien laws of thermal radiation (q.v.). (2) (Spect.) The second of the Kossel-Som- merfeld spectroscopic laws (q.v.). (3) (Radioact.) See Fajans und Soddysche Gesetze. (4) (Chem.) A principle which recognizes the fact that an atom which has had one of its electrons removed behaves chemically like the one preceding it in the periodic table. Verschiebungsinterferometer: displacement interfero- meter. An optical instrument consisting of an arrange- ment of mirrors, and used, in conjunction with a dis- persive system such as a prism or a grating, for meas- uring small displacements. Verschiebungslinie: line of displacement. That which, in a polarized dielectric, corresponds to a line of electric force in a vacuum. The lines of displacement in a nonisotropic dielectric do not, however, necessarily coincide with the lines of force of the field in which it is placed. Verschiebungsroehre: tube of displacement. Defined in a manner similar to tube of force, with lines of (electric) displacement substituted for lines of force. Verschiebungss+rom: displacement current. A term introduced by Maxwell to denote the effective current in a dielectric or a vacuum (as between the plates of a condenser) corresponding to the electron current in a metallic conductor (as in the wires leading to the condenser). Maxwell regarded the time rate of change of the electric intensity as equivalent to the value of an actual current. In modern usage, the displacement cur- rent density is defined as the time rate of the electric displacement, i.e., to dE dP to + 4?r ; dt dt in which E is the intensity and P the polarization. verschiedenfarbig: heterochromatic. (1) Not mono- chromatic. (2) Not homochromatic. Versor: versor. That factor of a vector which deter- mines its geometrical direction and which is multiplied by the tensor to give the complete expression for the vector. Vers+aerkerschirm: intensifying screen. A fluorescent screen placed in close contact with a photographic plate used in radiographic work, the fluorescent light from which adds its effect to that of the invisible rays in producing the image on the plate. Verstaerkungsfak+or: amplification factor. The nega- tive of the ratio of any small change of plate potential, /Versuchsballon 156 V in a triode, to the change in grid potential necessary to offset it and keep the plate current constant. Versuchsballon: sounding balloon. A free, unmanned balloon designed to carry instruments such as thermo- graphs, barographs, etc., into the upper atmosphere, for the purpose of obtaining meteorological or physical data. verteilte Kapazitaet: distributed capacitance. That part of the capacitance of an electric circuit which is due, not to the introduction of condensers, but to the insulation of the conducting wires from the ground, or esp. from a surrounding conducting conduit or sheath. Verteilung: distribution, dissipation (of energy'). A statistical tabulation of one variable in terms of an- other which may be related to it through a distribu- tion function (q.v.), e.g., frequency-energy distribution, velocity-angle d., etc. Verteilungsfunktion: distribution junction. A mathe- matical expression indicating the relative frequency with which the value of a statistical variable may be expected to lie within any specified interval. Verteilungsgesetz: distribution law, partition law. (1) States that in a dineric solution, the ratio of the con- centrations of the solute in the two solvents is inde- pendent of the quantity of solute. Attributed to Nernst. (2) The mathematical statement of statistical frequency as expressed by a distribution function, e.g., the Max- well or the Gaussian distribution law. Verteilungskoeffizient: distribution coefficient, d. con- stant, d. ratio, partition coefficient. The constant ratio of the concentrations of a solute dissolved in two im- miscible solvents which are in contact in the same con- tainer. See also Aufteilungskoeffizient. Ver+eilungskons+ante: distribution constant, d. coeffi- cient, d. ratio. See Verteilungskoeffizient. Verteilungsmodul: distribution, modulus of. A term used by Gibbs to denote the quantity kT (Boltzmann constant X absolute temperature) as it occurs in the probability distribution function e kT ; in which is the thermodynamic potential and e is the energy. Verteilungssystem: dissipative system. A nonconserva- tive system. Verteilungsverhaeltnis: distribution ratio, d. coefficient. See Verteilungskoeffizient. Vertex: vertex. That point of a refracting or a reflect- ing surface at which the axis of the optical system in- tersects it. vertikal: vertical. (1) The direction of gravity. (2) (Geocentric.) The direction of the radius of the earth. The two coincide, in general, only at the poles and at points on the equator. Vertikalintensitaet: vertical intensity. The intensity of the vertical component of the earth’s magnetic field at any point. Vervielfaeltiger: multiplier. A series resistance used in connection with a voltmeter so that it can be used to measure higher voltages than those indicated on the scale. Verzoegerung: lag, deceleration. See Lag. Verwirbelung: vorticity. A measure of the extent to which the motion of a fluid is rotational. Its value at any points is the cuti of the particle velocity, or twice the angular velocity of rotation of the fluid element, at that point; it is thus a vector quantity. Verzoegerungspotential: retarded potential. The elec- tric or magnetic potential at any point due to an electric or a magnetic system at a distance r and with due allowance for the time r/c required for the electric or magnetic effect to travel over that distance; c being the electromagnetic constant. Verzweigungsregel: branching rule. States that each term of the spectrum of a singly ionized atom gives rise to two groups of terms of consecutive multiplicity in the spectrum of the neutral atom; except the singlet terms, which give rise only to doublets. Formulated by Lande and Heisenberg. Verzweigungsverhael+nis: branching ratio. The ratio between the numbers of atoms of a radioactive element which undergo two different types of transformation, the one emitting an alpha particle, the other a beta particle. Vibrationsgalvanometer: vibration galvanometer. A type of a.-c. galvanometer in which the natural oscilla- tion frequency of the moving element is equal to the frequency of the a.-c. applied to it. Victor-Meyer'scher Apparat: Victor-Meyer apparatus. A volumetric apparatus for measuring vapor densities of volatile substances, and hence, indirectly, their mole- cular weights. Vielfaeltigkeit: multiplicity. The largest number of components possessed by any multiple term in a given /Vielgestaltigkeit 157 V spectral system. Multiplicities as high as 9 are known, but not all the terms of a system have the maximum number of components. Vielgestaltigkeit: polymorphism. See Polymorphismus. Vielkristall: polycrystal. A body made up of a number of small crystals in a mass. vierdimensionale Analyse: jour-dimensional analysis. The space-time analysis of Minkowski. viereckig: tetragonal. See tetragonal. vierkantig: tetragonal. See tetragonal. Virial: virial. A quantity which appears in the general dynamic equation of a mass of gas molecules. It is half of the sum of the average products of the coordi- nates of the molecules by the corresponding components of force acting upon them, and, according to the virial theorem of Clausius, is equal to the negative of the total kinetic energy of the molecules. Virialkoeffizienten: virial coefficients. The coefficients A, B, of an inverse-power series in v repre- senting the product pv in the equation of state for a real gas: pv — A + B,,-1 + Qr2 + + The coeffcients are functions of the temperature. virtuelle Arbeit: virtual work. The quantity of work done during an infinitely small displacement ds under the action of either a constant or a variable force f. If the force and the displacement are at an angle