TESTIMONIAL MEMBERS THE MEDICAL PROFESSION PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON, IN BEHALF OF WM. T. G. MORTON, M. D. PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, 705 JAYNE STREET. 1860. TESTIMONIAL OF MEMBERS OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION OF PHILADELPHIA. IN BEHALF OF WM. T. G. MORTON, M. D. To their Fellow Citizens: February 15, 1860. The vast importance of the effect of the inhalation of ether in preventing and suspending pain has long ceased to be a matter of doubt among the members of the medical profession, and is too well known to the intelligent citizens of Philadelphia to need any further exposition. Etherization has been tested in countless instances, under a great variety of circumstances, during more than twelve years of constant employment by thousands of operators; and the result of this unsurpassed experience is decisive in confirmation of its safety and efficiency as a suppressor of physical suffering, and a powerful assistant of the healing art. Believing, therefore, that anaesthetic inhalation is the most available and potent means of alleviating pain yet employed in the practice of surgery; and, consequently, that it is one of the greatest gifts to humanity of the present age, we cannot but regard the original and successful introducer of this invaluable boon as entitled to the warm gratitude of mankind. We believe the practical originator of anaesthetic inhalation to be Dr. William T. G. Morton, of Boston, Mass., in whose behalf we are happy to bear witness in this testimonial. We are convinced that he is the one who first resorted to ethereal inhalation for the purpose of producing insensibility to pain in a patient while undergoing a surgical operation; and that he is the one who first succeeded in effecting this result. He was, indisputably, the first to urge the anaesthetic properties of the vapor of ether upon the attention of the medical profession; and thus succeeded in establishing the practice of anaesthetic inhalation. We therefore take great pleasure, and at the same time perform an act of duty, in recom- mending the claims of Dr. Morton to the favorable consideration of our fellow citizens; and would cordially urge upon them the propriety of showing their estimate of his services by a substantial acknowledgment, such as is manifestly due from an enlightened community to one who has conferred upon its members so inestimable a benefit. We may refer to the annals of medicine in the Old World for many instances in which analogous discoveries of less moment have been recognized and paid for by European govern- ments, sometimes even before their true value had been ascertained. The length of time which has elapsed since the adoption of etherization has only the more firmly established its position by demonstrating its safety and developing its usefulness. Our National Government has admitted the justice and importance of Dr. Morton's claims in the introduction of ethereal anaesthesia, but has neglected to provide the proper reward. Under these circumstances the plan of individual contribution has been successfully resorted to by the citizens of Boston and New York as the best suited to the temper of our people, and the most likely to reach a satisfactory conclusion.. An opportunity is now offered to the citizens of Philadelphia to unite with their neighbors in the same work of benevolence and justice; and it is in this that we earnestly desire to interest them. We sincerely hope that our townsmen, in whose liberality and sense of right we have oreat confidence, may join us in rendering the tribute to his merits and necessities which has elsewhere been accorded to him, and which we believe him to deserve. fa^%S^t>*sdc<^Z>£^~^ c-. //l€T& ^'^ f v/\ ^^r *, *-—.( '0Y>/ ez^^u^p^ ¥ Ju. £^ vu - I. ___' f < /~y -'. y,. u^r ,-, >i/y/^ (*y (KZ^iS/(?&*<**>f ^^$^,'^^y-;^_^2^^^^7^ -J/& *^/» £&&u&^> ^> / ^A^t^^^ &*<^l '*-- ^A • c/&. £^ iZ^^n^^**-*-^ 0 ' <\ 1yH II " " '/we* ^v^uww JV^ ^m^c^. MfU^tt? TESTIMONIAL MEMBERS THE MEDICAL PROFESSION PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON, IN BEHALF OF WM. T. G. MORTON, M. D. PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, 705 JAYNE STREET. 1860. 5 PROCEEDINGS Of the Medical Profession of Philadelphia, in behalf of W. T. G. Morton, M. B. A meeting of the members of the medical profession who had endorsed the testimonial in behalf of Dr. W. T. G. Morton, was held-at the Hospital Buildings, Spruce Street, on Monday, March 26, 1860 ; when, on motion, Dr. Wilson Jewell was called to the chair, and Dr. T. H. Bache was chosen Secretary. The following preamble and resolutions were then offered, and having been read by the Secretary, were una- nimously adopted:— " Whereas, after innumerable trials, made during the last fourteen years, it has been established to the satis- faction of the world, that the inhalation of ether may be safely employed for producing insensibility to pain; " And whereas, the attention of the medical profession, and through it of the public generally, was directed to this fact by Dr. Wm. T. G. Morton, of Boston, who first practically demonstrated that ether may be safely used by inhalation for annulling pain, in the' Massachusetts General Hospital, where, on the 16th of October, 1846, a severe surgical operation was successfully performed by the late Dr. John C. Warren, without pain to the patient, (5 whilst under the influence of ether, administered by Dr. Morton; " And whereas, our National Government, whilst admit- ting the claims of Dr. Morton, has failed to reward him for this great service to his country and to humanity: "Resolved, that in the opinion of this meeting, the world is indebted to Dr. Morton for having practically proved the value and safety of ether as an anaesthetic agent, and that he is, therefore, entitled to the lasting gratitude of mankind. " Resolved, That we cordially recommend to our fellow- citizens the ' National Testimonial Fund,'lately commenced in Boston and New York in behalf of Dr. Morton, and that we will do all in our power to influence them to sub- scribe to the same. " Resolved, That, for the purpose of facilitating the subscriptions, a copy of these resolutions duly authenti- cated by the officers of this meeting, be furnished to Messrs. Brown, Brothers & Co., the receivers for this city, together with such other documents in explanation of the Testimonial as may be approved by the officers of this meeting." On motion adjourned. WILSON JEWELL, Chaiaman. THOS. HEWSON BACHE, Secretary. 7 TESTIMONIAL OP MEMBERS OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION OF PHILADELPHIA, IN BEHALF OF WM. T. G. MORTOX, M. D. To their Fellow Citizens: February 15, 1860. The vast importance of the effect of the inhalation of ether in preventing and suspending pain has long ceased to be a matter of doubt among the members of the medical profession, and is too well known to the intelligent citizens of Philadelphia to need any further exposition. Etherization has been tested in countless instances, under a great variety of circumstances, during more than twelve years of constant employment by thousands of operators; and the result of this unsurpassed ex- perience is decisive in confirmation of its safety and efficiency as a suppressor of physical suffering, and a powerful assistant of the healing art. Believing, therefore, that anaesthetic inhalation is the most available and potent means of alleviating pain yet employed in the practice of surgery; and, consequently, that it is one of the greatest gifts to humanity of the present age, we cannot but regard the original and successful introducer of this invaluable boon as entitled to the warm gratitude of mankind. We believe the practical originator of anesthetic inhalation to be Dr. William T. G. Morton, of Boston, Mass., in whose behalf we are happy to bear witness in this testimonial. 8 We are convinced that he is the one who first resorted to ethereal inhalation for the purpose of producing insensibility to pain in a patient while undergoing a surgical operation; and that he is the one who first succeeded in effecting this result. He was, indisputably, the first to urge the anaesthetic properties of the vapor of ether upon the attention of the medical profession; and thus succeeded in establishing the practice of anaesthetic inhalation. We therefore take great pleasure, and at the same time per- form an act of duty, in recommending the claims of Dr. Morton to the favorable consideration of our fellow citizens; and would cordially urge upon them the propriety of showing their estimate of his services by a substantial acknowledgment, such as is manifestly due from an enlightened community to one who has conferred upon its members so inestimable a benefit. We may refer to the annals of medicine in the Old World for many instances in which analogous discoveries of less moment have been recognized and paid for by European governments, sometimes even before their true value had been ascertained. The length of time which has elapsed since the adoption of etheriza- tion has only the more firmly established its position by demon- strating its safety and developing its usefulness. Our National Government has admitted the justice and im- portance of Dr. Morton's claims in the introduction of ethereal anassthesia, but has neglected to provide the proper reward. Under these circumstances the plan of individual contribution has been successfully resorted to by the citizens of Boston and New York as the best suited to the temper of our people, and the most likely to reach a satisfactory conclusion. An opportunity is now offered to the citizens of Philadelphia to unite with their neighbors in the same work of benevolence and justice; and it is in this that we earnestly desire to interest them. We sincerely hope that our townsmen, in whose liberality and 9 sense of right we have great confidence, may join us in rendering the tribute to his merits and necessities which has elsewhere been accorded to him, and which we believe him to deserve. University of Pennsylvania. GEORGE B. WOOD, M. D , Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. HUGH L. HODGE, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. JOSEPH CARSON, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy. ROBERT E. ROGERS, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Jefferson Medical College. JOSEPH PANCOAST, M. D., Professor of General, Descriptive, and Surg. Anat. CHAS. D. MEIGS, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Dis. of Women and Children. FRANKLIN BACHE, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. SAMUEL D. GROSS, M. D., Professor of Institutes and Practice of Surgery. T. D. MITCHELL, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and General Therapeutics. SAMUEL H. DICKSON, M. D., Professor of Practice of Medicine. Pennsylvania College.—Medical Department. B. HOWARD RAND, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. HENRY HARTSHORNE, M. D., Professor of Practice of Medicine. LEWIS D. HARLOW, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics, Ac. WILLIAM S. HALSEY, M. D., Professor of Surgery. WILLIAM HEMBEL TAGGART, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica. JAMES AITKEN MEIGS, M. D., Professor of Institutes of Medicine. WILLIAM H. GOBRECHT, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Pennsylvania Hospital. WM. W. GERHARD, M. D., Physician. JOSEPH PANCOAST, M. D., Surgeon. JAMES J. LEVICK, M. D., " EDWARD PEACE, M.D., JOHN FORSYTH MEIGS, M. D., " EDWARD HARTSHORNE, M. D., " FRANCIS G. SMITH, M.D., Philadelphia Hospital. S. D. GROSS, M. D., Surgeon. C. PENDLETON TUTT, M. D., Physician. D H AGNEW, M.D., " JOHN WILTBANK, M. D., R. J. LEVIS, M. D., " R- A. F. PENROSE, M. D., R. S. KENDERDINE, M.D., Surgeon. LEWIS D. HARLOW, M. D., WM. MAYBURRY, M. D., Physician. WM. D. STROUD, M.D., J. L. LUDLOW, M. D., " J- DA COSTA, M. D., 10 Wills Hospital. S. LITTELL, M.D., Surgeon. S. L. HOLLINGSWORTH, M. D., Phys. ADDINELL HEWSON, M. D., Surgeon. JOHN J. REESE, M.D., T. G. MORTON.M. D., Surgeon. JAMES J. LEVICK, M. D., WILLIAM HUNT, M. D., " A. DOUGLASS HALL, Episcopal Hospital of Philadelphia. J. C. MORRIS. M. D., Physician. WILLIAM HUNT, M. D.. Surgeon. H. HARTSHORNE, M. D., " H. E. DRAYTON, M. D., J. DA COSTA, M. D., " R. S. KENDERDINE, M. D., " WM. MAYBURRY, M. D., " Charity Hospital of Philadelphia. P. B. GODDARD, M. D., Surgery. WM. H. PANCOAST, M. D., " Z. RING JONES, M. D., Eye, Ear, and Urinary Organs. H. ST. CLAIR ASH, M. D., Diseases of Children. BURROUGHS PRICE, M. D., Diseases of Digestive Organs, Brain, and Nervous System. A. W. GRIFFITHS, M. D., Obstetrics. ALEX. C. HART, M. D., Diseases of Women. W. E. WEATHERLY, M. D., Diseases of Respiratory Organs. S. UPDEGROVE, M. D., Diseases of the Skin. J. L. LUDLOW, M. D., Fevers and General Diseases. St. Joseph's Hospital of Philadelphia. WILLIAM V. KEATING, M.D., Phys. J. H. B. M'CLELLAN, M. D., Surgeon. S. WEIR MITCHELL, M. D., " WM. BYRD PAGE, M. D., WILLIAM KELLER, M. D., " JOHN H. BRINTON, M. D., A. BOURNONVILLE, M.D.,Obstetrician JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D., Pathologist. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. WM. PEPPER, M.D., Consulting Phys. WM. R. DUNTON, M. D., Attending phys. JOHN F. MEIGS, M. D., " R. A. F. PENROSE, M. D., F. W. LEWIS, M. D., Attending Phys. T. H. BACHE, M. D., Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane. THOMAS S. KIRKBRIDE, M. D., Physician in Chief. EDWARD A. SMITH, M.D., Resident Physician. City Hospital of Philadelphia. JOHN BELL, M. D. Moyamensing Prison. HENRY YALE SMITH, M. D. Board of Health. P. B. GODDARD, M. D., President. 11 Howard Hospital. D., > r y. > General and Special Surgery. S. D. GROSS, M. D., D. D. CLARK, M. J. A. MEIGS, M. D., Diseases of the Chest. J. KLAPP, M. D., Diseases of Digestive Organs. 0. A. JUDSON, M. D., Diseas'es of the Skin. G. R. MOREHOUSE, M.D., Diseases of Brain and Nervous System. W. DARRACH, M. D., Fevers. E. McCLELLAN, M. D., Diseases of Females. CHAS. NEFF, M. D., Diseases of the Urinary Organs. College of Physicians of Philadelphia. GEORGE B. WOOD, M. D., President. FRANKLIN BACHE, M. D., Vice-Prest. EDWARD HARTSHORNE, M. D., Sec. J. RODMAN PAUL, "M. D., Treasurer. JOHN BELL, M. D. HUGH L. HODGE, M. D. CHARLES D. MEIGS, M. D. R. LA ROCHE, M. D. BENJAMIN HORNOR COATES, M. D. LEWIS P. GEBHARD, M. D. WILLIAM DARRACH, M. D. THEOPHILUS E. BEESLEY, M. D. WILLIAM W. GERHARD, M. D JOSEPH PANCOAST, M. D. D. FRANCIS CONDIE, M. D. SQUIRE LITTELL, M. D. ANTHONY BOURNONVILLE, M. D. JOSEPH CARSON, M. D. THOMAS S. KIRKBRIDE, M. D. FRANCIS WEST, M. D. EDWARD PEACE, M. D. WILLIAM PEPPER, M. D. DAVID C. SKERRETT, M. D. JOHN D. GRISCOM, M. D. PAUL BECK GODDARD, M. D. ALFRED STILLE, M. D. JOHN J. REESE, M. D. JOHN FORSYTH MEIGS, M. D. LEWIS RODMAN, M. D. FRANCIS G. SMITH, M. D. WASHINGTON L. ATLEE, M. D. JOHN NEILL, M.D. SAMUEL D. GROSS, M. D. ANTHONY E. STOCKER, M. D. GOUVERNEUR EMERSON M. D. JAMES E. RHOADS, M.D. T. STEWARDSON, M.D. E. WALLACE, M. D. JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. SAMUEL L. HOLLINGSWORTH, M. D. JOHN L. LUDLOW, M. D. JOHN H. B. M'CLELLAN, M. D. WILLIAM V. KEATING, M. D. D. PAUL LAJUS, M. D. THOMAS S. REED, M.D. RICHARD II. TOWNSEND, M. D. ISAAC REMINGTON, M. D. JOHN B. BIDDLE, M. D. HENRY E. DRAYTON, M. D. CASPAR MORRIS, M. D. JAMES J. LEVICK, M. D. JOSEPH LEIDY, M.D. WILSON JEWELL, M. D. HENRY HARTSHORNE, M. D. WILLIAM KELLER, M. D. WILLIAM MAYBURRY, M. D. THOMAS HEWSON BACHE, M. D. JAMES V. EMLEN, M. D. JOSEPH HOPKINSON, M. D. WILLIAM H. HOOPER, M.D. ADDINELL HEWSON, M. D. DAVID GILBERT, M. D. B. HOWARD RAND. M. D. WILLIAM HUNT, M. D. R. A. F. PENROSE, M. D. WILLIAM H. GOBRECHT, M. D. WILLIAM D. STROUD, M. D. NATHAN L. HATFIELD, M. D. S. WEIR MITCHELL, M. D. JOHN H. BRINTON, M. D. FRANCIS W. LEWIS, M. D. SAMUEL LEWIS, M. D. T. DILLARD, M.D. G. H. ROBINETT, M. D. S. C. BRINCKLE, M. D. 12 Philadelphia County Medical Society. ISAAC REMINGTON, M. D., President DAVID GILBERT, M.D., Vice-President. HENRY HARTSHORNE, M. D. JOSEPH CARSON, M. D., do. W. B. ATKINSON, M. D., Secretary S. D. GROSS, M. D. D. FRANCIS CONDIE, M. D. WILSON JEWELL, M. D. JOSEPH PANCOAST, M. D. CH. D. MEIGS, M. D. R. E. ROGERS, M. D. EDWARD PEACE, M. D. JOHN BELL, M. D. S. LITTELL, M. D. W. W. GERHARD, M. D. D. PAUL LAJUS, M. D. ADDINELL HEWSON, M. D. J. H. B. M'CLELLAN, M. D. A. NEBINGER, M. D. D. D. CLARK, M. D. E. WARD, M. D. S. WEIR MITCHELL, M. D. J. CHESTON MORRIS, M. D. R. H. TOWNSEND, M. D. T. M. DRYSDALE, M. D. WM. D. STROUD, M. D. ANTH'Y BOURNONVILLE, M. D. W. K. GILBERT, M. D. THEOPH'S E. BEESLEY, M. D. R. S. KENDERDINE, M. D. C. F. WITTIG, M. D. J. H. HASKELL. M. D. ROBT. Q. SHELMERDINE, M. D. ROBT. C. SHELMERDINE, M. D. J. HENRY SMALTZ, M. D. LEVI CURTIS, M. D. SAM'L B. WYLIE MITCHELL, M. D. EDWD MARIS, M. D. AUG. C. BOURNONVILLE, M. D. J. G. HUNT, M. D. JAMES V. EMLEN, M. D. GEO. B. WOOD, M. D. FRANKLIN BACHE, M. D. N. L. HATFIELD, M. D. ALFRED STILLE, M. D. WILLIAM V. KEATING, M. D. HUGH L. HODGE, M. D. JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D. JNO. WM. JONES, M. D. WILLIAM PEPPER. M. D. PAUL B. GODDARD, M. D. B. H. COATES, M. D. M. M. LEVIS, M. D. FRANCIS WEST, M. D. LEWIS D. HARLOW, M. D. LEWIS RODMAN, M. D. JAS. AITKEN MEIGS, M. D. JOHN RODMAN PAUL, M. D. WILLIAM HUNT, M. D. D. HAYES AGNEW, M. D. R. J. LEVIS, M. D. E. B. SHAPLEIGH, M. D. JNO. KNORR, M. D. WM. HARRIS, M. D. JNO. WILTBANK, M. D. W. H. GOBRECHT, M. D. SAMUEL JACKSON, M. D. A. OWEN STILLE, M. D. WM. D. HOYT, M. D. GEO. J. ZIEGLER, M. D. WASHINGTON L. ATLEE, M. D WM. CURRAN, M. D. W. DARRACH, M. D. JAMES J. LEVICK. M. D. J. FORSYTH MEIGS, M. D. WM. H. HOOPER, M. D. THOS. HEWSON BACHE, M. D. JOHN D. GRISCOM, M. D. E. BOYLSTON JACKSON, M. D. A. W. GRIFFITHS, M. D. JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. OWEN OSLER, M. D. PHILIP DE YOUNG, M. D. J. F. BIRD, M. D. R. H. LEE, M. D. COLIN ARROTT, M. D. W. KELLER, M. D. H. EVANS, M. D. PRESTON W. RUSSELL, M. D. JOHN S. ROHRER, M. D. G. EMERSON, M. D. CHARLES NEFF, M. D. D. C. SKERRETT, M. D. WM. NOTSON, M. D. WM. BYRD PAGE, M. D. 13 F. SCOFFIN, M. D. A. S. M'MURRAY, M. D. W. H. GILLINGHAM, M. D. HENRY YALE SMITH, M. D. T. STANTON CROWLY, M. D. A. H. FISH, M. D. B. H. DEACON, M. D. WM. J. FLEMING, M. D. E. M'CLELLAN, M. D. L. P. GEBHARD, M. D. WM. F. PATTERSON, M. D. WM. CLENDANIEL, M. D. ANDREW CHEESEMAN, M. D. JAMES N. PATTERSON, M. D. JOSEPH HERITAGE, M. D. J. HERSHEY, M. D. 0. J. WISTER, M. D. W. N. JOHNSON, M. D. E. F. LEAKE, M. D. A. L. KENNEDY, M. D. J. M. CORSE, M. D. ABRAHAM HELFFENSTEIN, M. D. R. W. RICHIE, M. D. A. FRICKE, M.D. WM. ASHMEAD, M. D. JOHN F. LAMB, M. D. H. D. BENNER, M. D. W. S. FORBES, M. D. WINTHROP SERGEANT, M. D. S. C. HUSTON, M. D. J. HUGHES, M. D. E. SCHOLFIELD, M. D. Northern Medical Association. JOS. R. BRYAN, L. P. GEBHARD, M. D., Vice-Pres. WM. B. ATKINSON, M. D., Secretary. WM. MAYBURRY, M. D., Corr. Sec. J. HENRY SMALTZ, M. D., Treas. N. L. HATFIELD, M. D. R. H. TOWNSEND, M. D. J. J. WOODWARD, M. D. A. M. SLOCUM, M. D. JOHN RHEIN, M. D. A. C. BOURNONVILLE, M. D. J. M. EAGLETON, M. D. L. CURTIS, M. D. OWEN OSLER, M. D. T. W. CRAIGE, M. D. M. D., President. THEO. A. DEMME, M. D. J. S. HILL. M. D. S. N. TROTH, M. D. L. S. SOMERS, M. D. D. GILBERT, M. D. R. S. KENDERDINE, M. D. R. Q. SHELMERDINE, M. D. M. M. LEVIS, M. D. L. D. HARLOW, M. D. R. J. LEVIS, M. D. W. L. ATLEE, M. D. C. WITTIG, M. D. S. UPDEGROVE, M. D. B. PRICE, M. D. Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. D. F. CONDIE, M. D., President Philadelphia Medical Society. R. LA ROCHE, M. D., President. JOHN NEILL, M. D., Vice-President. A. E. STOCKER, M. D., Secretary. Pathological Society of Philadelphia. A. STILLE, M. D., President. E. HARTSHORNE, M. D., Vice-Pres. R. LA ROCHE, M. D., Vice-President. J. DA COSTA, M. D., Secretary. JOHN K. KANE, Assistant Secretary. 14 Biological Department of the Acad, of Kat. Sciences of Philadelphia. JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D., President. W. F. ATLEE, M. D., Recorder. Profession at Large. C. P. TURNER, M. D. 0. A. JUDSON, M. D. L. D. BODDER, M. D. JOHN GEGAN, M. D. SAM. TUCKER, M. D. AND. J. SMILEY, M. D. C. S. WURTS, M. D. JAS. W. BACON, M. D. J R. McCLURG, M. D. E. SHIPPEN, M. D. W. S. SHIPPEN, M. D. C. S. BISHOP, M. D. ALEX. C. HART, M. D. G. J. CHAMBERLAIN, M. D. JAS. DARRACH, M. D. A. C. DEAKYNE, M. D. MORRIS J. ASCII, M. D. W. N. HANDY, M. D. N. C. REID, M. D. WM. GRAHAM, M. D. JOHN H. BRINTON, M. D. ROBT. BOLLING, M. D. WM. M. BREED, M. D. E. L. CARTER, M. D. EDW. A. SPOONER, M. D. GEO. B. MOREHOUSE, M. D. SAMUEL H. ASHTON, M. D. JAS. D. MUNDY, M. D. C. P. LA ROCHE, M. D. W. MOSS, M. D. J. K. T. VAN PELT, M. D. J. M. BOISNOT, M. D. J. C. COOPER, M. D. S. H. HORNER, M. D. DAVID BURPEE, M. D. A. PENNEBAKER, M. D. E. S. SHARP, M. D. GEO. SPACKMAN, M. D. ROBT. FOSTER, M. D. EDWIN FUSSELL, M. D. WM. GREGG, M. D. SAM. P. BROWN, M. D. 15 PROCEEDINGS At a Meeting of the Medical Profession of New York. On the 24th of June, a meeting of medical gentlemen, interested in raising a national testimonial for the benefit of the discoverer of Anaesthesia, was held at the residence of Dr. Willaed Parkkr. The hour for organization having arrived, Dr. Parker addressed the meeting, explained its objects, and proposed for President Dr. Joseph M. Smith ; which nomination, having been seconded, was voted upon, and carried. Dr. Gurdo.n Buck was then elected Corresponding Secretary, and Drs. Bibbins and Thomas, Recoiding Secretaries. The meeting being now duly organized, the business of the evening was called for, and proceeded in this wise:— 1st. Dr. John Watson read a list of the names of some of the most prominent, benevolent, and wealthy of the citizens of New York, and proposed that each gentleman present should charge himself with visiting such of them as he had most influence with, and raising as large subscriptions as possible to head the list. This was acted upon; a list of one hundred names was read, and the duty of canvassing them assumed by various gentlemen composing the meeting. 2d. Dr. Buck moved that a committee of medical men be appointed to confer with gentlemen out of the profession as to the most efficient means for accom- plishing the end in view. This was seconded by Dr. Parker, and carried. On the Committee, the President then appointed Drs. John W. Francis, Valentine Mott, James R. Wood, Willard Parker, James Minor, Gurdon Buck, John Watson, J. Marion Sims, Jos. M. Smith ; and upon motion of Dr. Sayre, the President was added to it. This committee, it was agreed, should meet at the house of Dr. Parker at an early date. 3d. It was then moved by Dr. Parker, that a committee of one selected from the Medical Board of each public charity of the city and its vicinity should be appointed to wait upon the Boards directing the various institutions, and solicit 16 donations in behalf of the object which has called us together this evening. This motion was seconded by Dr. Watson, and carried. The following appoint- ments were then made by the Chair:— New York Hospital, Bellevue " Emigrants1 " St. Vincent's " St. Luke's Jews' " Women's " Child's Quarantine " New York Lying-in Asylum, Brooklyn City Hospital, Long Island College Hospital Colored Home Hospital, New York Eye Infirmary, New York Ophthalmic Hospital, Dr. Gurdon Buck. " Jas. R. Wood. " J. M. Carnochan. " Wm. H. Van Buren. " Benj. Ogden. " J. Moses. " J. M. Sims. " G. T. Elliott, Jr. " Elisha Harris. " T. F. Cock. " Hutchinson. " Atres. " FlTCH. " Dubois. " Garrish. 4th. It was moved by Dr. Watson, that the minutes of this meeting be trans- mitted to Dr. Wm. T. G. Morton, by the Secretary, which was carried. No farther business appearing, the meeting then adjourned. JOSEPH M. SMITH, M. D., President. Gurdon Buck, M.D., Corresponding Secretary. T. Gaillard Thomas, M. D., Recording Secretary. 17 SUBSCRIPTIONS THAT HEAD THE BOSTON AND NEW YORK CONTRIBUTIONS. Board of Ten Governors for the City of New York Massachusetts General Hospital, . Amos A. Lawrence, John P. Cushing, . The Society of the New York Hospital The Commissioners of Emigration of the State of New York, James Brown, John David Wolf, . Peter Lorillard, James Lenox, Benjamin L. Swan, George T. Trimble, Robert B. Minturn, John C. Green, Joseph Sampson, James Donaldson, . Henry Chauncey . Charles A. Davis, . James Boorman, George Griswold, Morris Ketchum, . Robert Ray, E. D. Morgan & Co., Josiah Macy & Sons, Jonathan Thorn, . John Gardner, Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary Thomas B. Curtis, . Nathaniel I. Bowditch, Charles H. Mills, . John J. May, David Sears, Edward Wigglesworth, James Bowden Bradlee Josiah Bradlee, James Lawrence, John A. Lowell, Thomas Lee, J. M. Forbes, Benj. H. Field, Charles C. Goodhue, 2 $1500 1000 1000 500 500 250 500 250 250 250 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 100 100 100 100 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 18 S. L. Snarez, William E. Wilmarding, Lorillard Spencer, . Catharine L. Spencer, Augustus Belmont, Armstrong ., Att'g Sur. ALEX'R B. MOTT, M. D., Attend'g Sur. THOS. C. FINNELL, M. D., ,S7. Luke's Hospital. D. E. EIGINBKODT, M. D., Resident Physician. Jews' Hospital. V. MOTT, M. D.. Consulting Surgeon. I J. MOSES, M. D., Attending Surgeon. W. PARKER, M. D., " | C. R. CILMAN, M. D., Attending Phys. T. M. MARKoE. M. D., Attending Surg. I W. H. MAXWELL. M. D., ALEX'R B. MOTT, M. D., " | New York Eye Infirmary. A. DUBOIS, M. D., Surgeon. GERDOX BECK, M. !>., " T. M. HALSTED, M. D., C. R. AGNEW. M. D., Surgeon. F. J. BT MSTEAD, M. D., Assisting Sur. J. II. II1NTON, M. D., New York Ophthalmic Hospital. MARK STEPHENSON, M. D., Surgeon. | JOHN P. GARRISH, M. D., Surgeon. Colored Home Hospital. G. A. SABINE. M. D., Consulting Surg'n. I J. S. THEBAUD, M.D., Consulting Sur W. PARKER. M. D., " | J. D. FITCH, M. D., Resident Physician. Women's Hospital. J. MARION SIMS, M. D., Surgeon. Yew York Lying-in Asylum. T. F. -COCK, M. D., Consulting Physician I G. T. ELLIOTT, M. D., Consulting Phvs J. T. METCALFE, M. D.( " 8 ' 23 Nursery and Child's Hospital. G. T. ELLIOTT, M. D., Attending Phys. I GEO. A. PETERS, M. D., Attending Phy H. C. COX, M. D., " | F. U. JOHNSTON, M. D., " ' Demilt Dispensary. JNO. 0. BRONSON, M. D., House Phys'n. I. CUMMINGS, M. D., Ass't Visit'g Phys WM. B. BIBBINS, M. D., Visiting Phys. W. R. DONAGHE, M. D., Attending Sur D. L. CONANT, M. D., Attending Surg'n. i ELISHA HARRIS, M. D., Attend'g Phy T. G. THOMAS, M.D., Attending Phys'n. JNO. A. BARTHOLF, M. D., GOUV. M. SMITH, M.D., New York Academy of Medicine. JOHN WATSON, M. D., Vice-President. W. II. VAN BUREN, M. D., S. CONANT FOSTER, M. D., " C. E. ISAACS, M. D., C. T. IIEYWOOD, M. D., Recording Sec'y. S. T. HUBBARD, M. D., Dom. Cor. Sec'y. JAS. 0. POND, M. D., Treasurer. SAMUEL ROTTEN. M. D., Librarian. W. W. BLAKEMAN, M. D., Trustee. ED. L. BEADLE, M. D., BENJ. OGDEN, M. D., F. U. JOHNSTON, M. D., Assistant Sec'y. B. F. BARKER, M. D., Resident Fellow. GURDON BUCK, M. D., II. D. BULKLEY, M. D., " F. J. BUMSTEAD, M. D., THOS. COCK, M. D., THOS. F. COCK, M.D., J. J. CRANE, M. D., " GEO. T. ELLIOTT, M.D., T. C. FINNELL, M D., " J. W. FRANCIS, M. D., J. P. GARRISH, M. D., C. R. GILMAN, M.D., J. II. GRISCOM, M, D., T. M. HALSTED, M. D., E. HARRIS, M.D., " J. H. HINTON, M. D., E. LEE JONES, M. D. B. W. McCREADY, M. D., W. PARKER, M. D., G. A. SABINE, M.D., L. A. SAYRE. M. D., J. M. SIMS, M. D., C. D. SMITH, M.D., M. SMITH, M.D., MARK STEPHENSON, M.D., J. E. TAYLOR, M.D., T. G. THOMAS, M. D., W. H. VAN BUREN, M. D., New York Medical College. HORACE GREEN, M. D., President of Faculty. E. II. DAVIS, M. D., Prof, of Mat. Med. B. F. BARKER, M. D., Prof, of Obstetrics. R. OGDEN DOREMUS, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. R, M. D. President. ISAAC WOOD, M. D., Resident Fellow. J. R. WOOD, M. D., JAS. ANDERSON, M. D., E. ACOSTA, M. D., E. H. DAVIS, M. D., A. K. GARDNER, M.D., ED. DELAFIELD, M. D., JOEL FOSTER, M. D., J. C. BEALES, M. D., R. W. BARRY, M. D., H. W. BROWN. M.D., J. C. FORRESTER, M. D., H. S. DOWNS, M. D., F. S. EDWARDS, M. D., F. ELLIOTT, M. D., R. PENNELL, M. D., T. W. RICHARDS, M.D., A. UNDERHILL, M. D., JOS. WOOSTER, M. D., J. W. S. GOULEY, M. D., E. II. JANES, M. D., C. HENSCHEL, M. D., A. GESCHEIDT, M. D., A. N. GUNN, M. D., WM. H. MAXWELL, M. D., E. HALL, M. D., jared linsley, m. d., john McClelland, m.d., wm. minor, m. d., jos. martin, m.d., j. w. ranney, m.d., john priestley, m. d., alex. h. stevens, m. d., w. c livingston, m. d., stephen smith, m. d., geo. lewis, m. d., jas. d. fitch, m. d., charles a. budd, m. d., n. c. husted, m.d., th's w. horsfield, m. d., J. M. CARNOCHAN, M. D., Prof, of Sur. H. G. COX, M. D., Prof, of The. and Prac. E. R. PEASELEE, M. D., Prof, of Physiol. CHAS. A. BUDD, M. D., Lecturer on Obstetrics. 24 New York Pathological Society. E. R. PEASELEE, M.D., President. E. HARRIS, M. D., Vice President. E. LEE JONES, M. D., Secretary. W. B. BIBBINS, M. D., Treasurer. T. C. FIXNELL, M. D., Curator. Brooklyn City Hospital. JAMES CRANE, M. D., Attending Phys. H. S. SMITH. M. D., GEORGE COCHRAN, M. D., " C. E. ISAACS, M. D., Attending Surgeon. DANIEL E. KISSAM, Attending Surgn J. C. HUTCHINSON, JOS. M. MINOR, M. D., College of Physicians and Surgeons. THOMAS COCK, M. D., President. ED. DELAFIELD, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics. WILLARD PARKER, M. D., Professor of Surgery. JOSEPH M. SMITH, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica. C. R. OILMAN, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. Cniversity Medical College. WM. H. VAN BUREN, Professor of Anatomy. ALFRED C. POST, M. D., Professor of Surgery. J T. METCALFE, M. D., Professor of Practice. 25 APPENDIX B. THE BOSTON APPEAL. To tlie Public. The power of etheric vapors to produce a safe insensibility to pain during surgical operations, and on other occasions of great physical suf- fering, is one of the most beneficent discoveries that has been conferred upon the human race. It is generally conceded that Dr. W. T. G. Morton, of Boston, was instrumental in presenting this fact to the world. Nearly the whole of the Medical Profession [see page 21 et seq.~] of this city, in the midst of whom the discovery was made, together with other bodies of competent persons, who have investigated its origin, have, after careful scrutiny, concurred in assigning this merit to Dr. Morton —and public opinion has long since affirmed their verdict. It is not necessary to enter in detail into the circumstances which have prevented Dr. Morton from receiving any pecuniary benefit from this discovery. The fact is certain, that Dr. Morton has been an instrument, under Divine Providence, of introducing to the world one of the most remark- able discoveries of this or any other age, and that he has received no reward for it but the consciousness of having done so. We are sure that we interpret the feelings of thousands, when we say that a substantial national memorial should be presented to Dr. Morton How often has the poor sufferer risen from beneath the surgeon's knife, with nerves untouched by the slightest sensation of the torture that would otherwise have been his! How often has the mother passed in unconscious slumber, through "the perils of childbirth," to wake to her new happiness, without one memory of its agonies, and breathed, with the prayer of thanksgiving to God, a thought of him—to her, per- haps, the unknown discoverer—whose happy conception, perseverance and courage, first established the astonishing fact, that the human frame may suffer all the conditions, and not one of the sensations of pain ! What has already occurred throughout the whole world, since this dis- covery was made—in hospitals, in private chambers of the sick, on fields of battle, on the ocean, and on the land—wherever humanity undergoes 26 the "ills that flesh is heir to"—is to occur through countless ages, while the race is left upon earth! And yet, year rolls after year, and the spontaneous gratitude that is felt and uttered, whenever and wherever this great discovery is used or contemplated, finds no per- manent voice, because no efforts are made to concentrate and direct it to its object. We propose that such efforts be now made. We think that the people of the United States, acting individually, should do what their govern- ment has neglected, or been able to do. National testimonials, esta- blished by the voluntary contributions of individuals, have been adopted in all countries, to mark the public sense of services to the human family, especially when such services have reflected honor and distinction upon the country where they have been performed. We propose that a national subscription be instituted, the avails of which shall be paid into the hands of Thomas B. Curtis and Charles II. Mills, Esquires, as Trustees—to be held, appropriated, and invested upon such trusts, and for such uses, for the benefit of Dr. Morton, as the Trustees may determine. The following gentlemen, as bankers, have agreed to receive for the Trustees any sums paid to them for the purpose above mentioned:— James Brown, New York. Brown, Brothers & Co., Philadelphia. W. II. Graham, Baltimore. James Adger, Charleston. Samuel Nicholson & Co., New Orleans. JAMES JACKSON, M. D. JACOB BIGELOW, M. I). S. D. TOWNSEND, M. D. JOHN JEFFRIES, M.D. EDWARD REYNOLDS, M. D. JOHN' HOMAXS, M. D. M. S. PERRY, M I). U. W. HOLMES, M. D. JOHN WARE, M. D. GEORGE HAYWARD, M. D. J. MASON WARREN, M. D. HENRY J. BIGELOW, M. D. CHARLES G. PUTNAM, M. D. RICHARD H. DANA, Jr., Esq. ALEXANDER II. VINTON, D. D. S K. LOTIIROP, D. D. JOHN B. FITZPATRICK, Bishop of Boston. WILLIAM II. PRESCOTT, Historian. N. ADAMS, D. D. Hon. RUFUS CHOATE. CHARLES P. CURTIS, Esq. F. C. LORING, Esq. Hon. G. S. HILLARD. WILLIAM DEHON, Esq. BENJAMIN PEIRCE, Professor Harvard University. F. D. HUNTINGTON, D. D. HENRY W. LONGFELLOW, Professor Harvard University. JARED SPARKS, President Harvard University. R. B. FORBES, Esq. P. W. CHANDLER, Esq. ALEXANDER H. RICE, Mayor of Boston. Hon. ROBERT C. WINTHROP. 27 MEMORIAL OF THE MEMBERS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCD3TY. To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled: The undersigned hereby testify to your honorable body, that in their opinion Dr. William T. G. Morton first proved to the world that ether would produce insensibility to the pain of surgical operations, and that it could be used with safety. In their opinion, his fellow-men owe a debt to him for this knowledge. Wherefore, they respectfully ask a recognition by Congress of his services to his country and mankind :— JOHN C. WARREN, M D., Senior Surgeon Massachusetts General Hospital, and late President American Medical Society, and Emeritus Professor of Anatomy of Harvard University. GEORGE HAY WARD, M. D., President Massachusetts Medioal Society, and Surgeon Massachusetts General Hospital. J. MASON WARREN, M. D., Surgeon Massachusetts General Hospital. S. D. TOWNSEND, M.D., S. PARKMAN, M. D., HENRY G. BIGELOW, M. D., Surgeon Massachusetts General Hospital, and Professor of Surgery Harvard University. HENRY G. CLARK, M. D., Surgeon Massachusetts General Hospital, and City Phy- sician. JACOB BIGELOW, M. D., Professor Materia Medica Harvard University, and Presi- dent of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Physician to Massachu- setts General Hospital. OLIVER W. HOLMES, M. D., Professor of Anatomy Harvard University. HENRY I. BOWDITCH, M. D.. Physician Massachusetts General Hospital. D. HUMPHREYS STORER, M.D., " " M. S. PERRY, M.D., JAMES JACKSON, M. D., ) GEORGE C. SHATTUCK, M. D., [ Consulting Physicians and Surgeons Massachusetts JOHN JEFFRIES, M. D., f General Hospital. EDWARD REYNOLDS, M. D., ) EDWARD REYNOLDS, M.D., ) W. HOOPER, M. D., [.Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. GEORGE A. BETHUNE, M. D., J JOHN L. FOX, M. D., Surgeon United States Navy. Chelsea Naval Hospital. 28 Members of Massachusetts Medical Society. Walter Channing, John Homans, President Suffolk District Medical Socirti/. Z. B. Adams, John C. Harden, John Ware, Ephraim Buck, George Bartlett, Jonas II. Lane, Anson Hooker, Henry Dyer, Augustus A. Gould, Charles Gordon, Joseph S. Jones, Samuel Kneeland, Jr., T. Fletcher Oakes, George Hubbard, Charles W. Moore, Richard H. Suiter, Fvtche Edward Oliver, William J. Dale, William Edward Coale, James W. Stone, B. W. Newel I, Enu.cis A. Willard, William Huwes, Cbnrles Mifflin, J. Wippasne, Abraham A. Watson, Aaron P. Richardson, Henry A. Ward, William Bowen Morris, Jnraes B. Gregorson, William W. Morland, M. C. Greene, Horace Stncey, Franklin F. Patch, Samuel L. Abbott, John H. Diz, James Aver, Joseph J. Fales, P. Wilbrand, Ezra Bartlett, S. F. Parcher, James Hyndman, Henry S. Lee, E. D. Cleveland, John Stuvens, Ira W. Tobie, J. Everett Herrick, X. C. Stevens, Enock C. Rolfe, Henry Willard, A. Alexander, D. McGowan, Thomas R. Owens, Luther Clark, Charles T. Hoffenvane, Samuel Morrill, Silas Durkee, George Stevens Jones, Je>se Chickering, J. A. Tarbell, I George H. Lyman, | Henry W. Williams, J. Randolph Lincoln, I George Derby, Warren J. Whitney, ! Francis Minot, D. D. Slade, W. E. Townsend, i John B. Alley, George H. Gay, Luther Parks, jr., William G. Wheeler, F. H. Gray, James F. Harlow, George Russell, ; Charles E. Ware, E. W. Blake, Edward II. Clark, Samuel Gregg, E. D. Miller, C. G. Putnam, Charles A. Phelps, John Odin, jr., Joseph Reynolds, George Hayward, jr., I Henry Osgood Stone. G. Newton Thomson, i J. M. Phipps, Abner Phelps, Josiah Curtis, E. D. G. Palmer, Daniel V. Folts, R. L. Hinckley, J. W. Hinckley, M. B. Leonard, P. E. Molloy, Henry Bryant, Charles E. Buckingham, J. W. Warren, jr., D. D. Smith, George Tower, William Read, I J. F. W. Lane, Const. B. 0 Donnell, M. R. C. S. E., John S. H. Fogg, Edmund T. Eastman, j William S. Coffin, John C. Sharp, Alexander S. Butler, Benjamin B. Appleton, M. Mattson, David Thayer, J. C. Sanborn, E. A. Kittredge. CHAKLESTOWN E. E. Braun, A. J. Bellows, Benjamin Seabury, George W. Otis, jr., Charles H. Allen, A. C. Webber, I. P. Alden, W. W. Wellington H. L. Chase, Charles F. Foster, A. J. Cummings, Thomas J. Stevens, Hutchinson Germaine, Alexander Poole, James B. Forsyth, John Toomy. CHELSEA. William Ingalls, Physician and Surgeon U. S. Ma- rine Hospital. A. L Peirson, William Mack, George Choate, William Henry Prince, J. (J. Wood, James Stone, jr., E. B. Pierson, Georgf C. S. Choate, George A. Perkins, H. Wheatland, Samuel Johnson, Edward A. Holyoke. Alfred Baylies, H. B. Hubbard, Horace Bowen, Ebenezer Dawes, William Dickinson, Daniel King, George Leonard. | NEWBUKYPOHT. E. Cross, S. M. Gale. A. S. Adams, J. T. Galloupe, Daniel Perley, D. A. Johnson, E. Porter Eastman, James M. Nye, John Renton, Nathaniel Ruggles, Charles M. Weeks, Edward Newhall. WORCESTER. Henry Clarke, Samuel Flagg, George A. Bates, Charles W. Whitcomb, Joseph Sargent, Orauiel Martin, ; William Workman, 29 Members of Massachusetts Medical Society__Continued. Rufus Woodward, Henry Sargent, A. Goulet, P. B. Mignoult, Benjamin Heywood, John E. Hathaway. SPRINGFIELD. James M. Smith, Edwin Seeger, N. Adams, A. S. McClean, Alfred Lambert, C. C. Chaffee, II. A. Hamilton, Henry B. Vaille, D. C. Perkins. PITTSF1ELD. II. H. Childs, President of Berkshire Medical Insti- tution. N. S. Barnes, 0. S. Root, Frank A. Cady, 0. E. Brewster, Nathaniel Foote, Avery Williams, A. N. Allen, L. F. Humeston, Willard Clough, Clark F. Hall, N. J. Wilson. NEW BEDFORD. T. S. Mayhew, Johnson Clark, John H. Jennings, William A. Gordon, Elijah Colby, C. D. Stickney, John Howell Mackie, Paul Spooner. FALL RIVER. James W. Hartly, P. A. Smith, Jerome Dwelly, Foster Hooper, E. T. Learned. John 0. Green, ; Henry Whiting, J. P. Jewett, J. D. Pillsbury, I Elisha Huntington, John W. Graves, Charles A. Savory, Joel Spalding, | David Wells, Benjamin Skelon, I H. Pillsbury, 1 P. P. Campbell, L. B. Morse, Charles A. Davis, Ployer G. Kittredge, Daniel Holt, Daniel Mowe, J. W. Scribner. LAWRENCE, George W. Sanborn, William D. Lamb, David Dana, J. H Morse. SOUTH ANDOVER. James Howarth, W. H. Kimball. DEDHAM. Jeremy Stimson, D. P. Wight, H. F. Spear. FITCHBURG. Thos. R. Boutelle, Levi Pillsbury, T. W. Wadsworth, W. M. Barrett, Henry M. Linrad. PLYMOUTH. James L Hunt, Winslow Warren, Benjamin Hubbard, Timothy Gordon. Ezra Stephenson, Robert T. P. Fiske. QUINCY. Ebenezer Woodward, William G. Pattee, W. Goddard. Andrew Nicholls, Joseph Osgood, David A. Grosvenor, George Osgood. MARBLEHEAD. James C. Briggs, Chandler Flagg, Daniel Gill. BEVERLY. W. C. Boyden, Charles Haddock, Ingalls Kittredge. GLOUCESTER. Isaac P. Smith, C. H. Hildreth, George W. Smith. ROCKPORT. Benjamin Haskell, Lemuel Gott, Oscar D. Abbott. NEWTON. Henry Bigelow, Cyrus K. Bartlet. FRAMINGHAM. Simon Whitney, Allston W. Whitney. MILFORD. Francis Leland, Theodore 0. Cornish.