LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING ROBINSON Whoever hesitates to utter that which he thinks the highest truth, lest it should be too much in advance of the time, may reassure himself by looking at his acts from an impersonal point of view. Let him duly realize the fact that opinion is the agency thru which charac- ter adapts external arrangements to itself — that his opinion rightly forms part of this agency—is a unit of force, constituting, with other such units, the general power which works out social changes; and he will per- ceive that he may properly give full utterance to his innermost conviction: leaving it to produce what effect it may. It is not for nothing that he has in him these sympathies with some principles and repugnance to others. He, with all his capacities, and aspirations, and beliefs, is not an accident, but a product of the time. He must remember that while he is a descendant of the past, he is a parent of the future; and that his thoughts are as children born to him, which he may not care- lessly let die. ... Not as adventitious therefore will the wise man regard the faith which is in him. The highest truth he sees he will fearlessly utter; knowing that, let what may come of it, he is thus playing his right part in the world — knowing that if he can effect the change he aims at, well: if not — well also; tho not so well.—Herbert Spencer. FEWER AND BETTER BABIES OR ) THE LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING BY THE PREVENTION OF CONCEPTION THE ENORMOUS BENEFITS OF THE PRACTICE TO THE INDIVIDUAL, SOCIETY AND THE RACE POINTED OUT AND ALL OBJECTIONS ANSWERED BY WILLIAM J. ROBINSON, M.D. Chief of the Department Genito-Urinary Diseases and Dermatol- ogy, Bronx Hospital and Dispensary; Fellow of the American Medical Association and of the New York Academy of Medicine; Member of American Urological Association, American Medical Editors’ Association, etc.; Editor of The Critic and Guide, and of The American Journal of Urology, Venereal and Sexual Diseases; Author of “Never Told Tales,” “Sexual Problems of To-day,” “Practical Eugenics,” “Sexual Im- potence and Other Sexual Disorders in Men and Women,” etc. With an Introduction by A. JACOBI, M.D., LL.D. Ex-President of the American Medical Association THIRD EDITION 1915 THE CRITIC AND GUIDE CO 12 MT. MORRIS PARK W. NEW YORK CITY SOME OF DR. W. J. ROBINSON’S BOOKS AND JOURNALS A Practical Treatise on the Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Sex- ual Impotence and other Sexual Disorders in Men and Women... .$3.00 Sexual Problems of To-day 2.00 Never Told Tales 1.00 Stories of Love and Life 1.00 Sex Morality—Past, Present and Fu- ture 1.00 Practical Eugenics: Four Means of Improving the Human Race 50c. The Critic and Guide - Monthly: $1.00 a year; Single Copies, 20c. The American Journal of Urology, Venereal and Sexual Diseases. Monthly. $3.00 a year; Single Copies, 30c. Copyright 1915, by Critic and Guidb Co. To A. JACOBI, M.D., LL.D. The beloved Nestor of American Medicine, Ex-President of the American Medical Association and of the New York Academy of Medicine, one of the very few members of high stand- ing in the medical profession who are not afraid to hold and express unorthodox opinions on vital questions, A staunch friend whose quiet moral sup- port has helped me to persevere in the un- grateful task of fighting prudery, narrow- mindedness and bigotry, and of tearing away the scales of ignorance from eyes that were unwilling to see and ears that were unwilling to hear. This little volume is affectionately dedicated. W. J. R. PREFACE For over twenty years, namely since the very beginning of my medical prac- tice, I have been convinced of the very great importance, I might say of the life- and-death importance, of the knowledge of preventing conception, of avoiding un- desired pregnancy. A large portion of the work of the general practitioner con- sists of confinements, and it did not take me very long to observe that what is sup- posed to be a blessing, and is still hypo- critically spoken of as such, was often considered a curse, or at least a very un- desirable event. And this not only among the poor, but also among those who were fairly well off. During the ten years that I was in general practice the conviction, based upon experience, upon 8 PREFACE what I saw with my own eyes, grew stronger and stronger with each year. I saw that in many cases an unexpected pregnancy, an undesired child was consid- ered the most terrible calamity that could befall the family. I saw, as a result of it, the deepest anguish, the most acute suf- fering; I saw physical, mental and eco- nomic ruin; and I saw death—death by infection and death by suicide. And I determined to do all I could to change this state of affairs. I determined to devote my feeble pen and my leisure time to these things: First, to advocat- ing the propriety of preventing concep- tion, of limiting the number of one’s chil- dren according to one’s economic means and other circumstances; second, to a study of the best, safest and most harm- less means of preventing conception; and third, to a dissemination of this knowl- edge among the medical profession, and thru it, among the laity. In the begin- PREFACE 9 ning my efforts could be but feeble and sporadic, and the results correspondingly slight. But during the past ten years, as leisure and financial ease increased, as my standing and influence in the profession grew stronger, I have been hammering at the subject incessantly. At every pos- sible opportunity, by the aid of lectures, pamphlets, letters to editors, articles in medical journals and in newspapers and books, I have endeavored to bring the subject to the attention of the medical profession and of the laity. And I am glad to say, that the propaganda has been bearing fruit. The laity listened eagerly from the first; but it was a Sysiphus’ work indeed to move the medical profes- sion. What its mental state was on the subject (as well as on some other sub- jects) when I started the advocacy of my ideas, I would rather not say; the lan- guage might be slightly unparliamentary; and its attitude towards me was anything 10 PREFACE but brotherly: I was a crank, an extrem- ist (this was the mildest judgment), my ideas were pernicious and criminal; I should be forced to shut up, and some even generously suggested that I ought to be deprived of my membership in the various national and local medical soci- eties. But when I am convinced of the truth of a thing, then the opposition and threats of enemies, as well as the well- meant warnings of friends, act on me only as a stimulant to greater endeavors. And I have always been convinced that truth, presented persistently, convincingly and from different angles, cannot fail to make its impress, except on crania that are utterly impenetrable to reason, to proof, to argument. And my conviction has proved its correctness. Not only have I made tens of thousands of converts among people who had no fixed ideas on the subject or who were on the border- land, but thousands of those who sneered PREFACE 11 and stupidly shrugged their shoulders, are now acknowledging that I am doing- work of the utmost humanitarian im- portance, and feel flattered by my recog- nition of them and honored by my friend- ship. So goes the world. I thought it would be a good thing to incorporate in one book all the arguments in favor of the volitional control of the birth rate, all arguments in favor of spreading the knowledge of the preven- tion of conception among the people, and to answer all arguments and so-called arguments of those who object to the pre- vention of conception propaganda. This attempt is presented in this book. I intend it to present the last word on the subject, and to present the subject from every point of view. I expect this little volume to become the manual of all those who believe with the author that there is no other measure that would so posi- tively, so immediately, contribute toward 12 PREFACE the happiness and progress of the human race as would teaching the people the proper means of prevention of conception. Note. Some might doubt the timeli- ness of getting out such as book at the present moment, when millions of crazed people are crushing each other’s lives out, and when the weakened and decimated nations will try to make up their dimin- ished populations by an increased birth rate. On the contrary: considering, as we do, overpopulation as one of the causes of war, this book becomes doubly timely. And, then, fortunately we in this country are not engaged in the horrible carnage, and we are not running any risks of sud- den decimation. W. J. R. April 3d, 1915. INTRODUCTION The author of this new book was good enough to remind me of a few passages contained in my Presidential address de- livered before the American Medical As- sociation at its meeting in Atlantic City, in 1912. I asked the question whether there was no way to prevent those who were bom into this world from becoming incompetent both physically and mentally. That seemed almost impossible as long as the riches provided by nature and indus- try were accessible to a part of the nation only. That was why it became an irre- sistible suggestion that only a certain number of infants should be born. In- deed as long as even the well to do limit the number of their offspring, the advice 13 14 INTRODUCTION given the poor, or those to whom the rais- ing of a large family is a task of difficulty or impossibility, to limit the number of their children—even the healthy ones— is more than merely excusable. The case is worse when unhealthy, sick, sickly or infected and contagious children are born. Such an occurrence is a mis- fortune to the newcomer, to his parents and to society. The least that must be demanded is a clean bill of health. That is why I have often praised clergymen for good citizenship who refuse to marry couples without such a clean bill of health; and the health departments should see to it that contagious sexual diseases should be reported, watched and cured. Nor is this all. Hereditary influences propa- gate epilepsy, idiocy, feeblemindedness and criminality. Persons thus affected must not be permitted to propagate their ailments. This should be manifestly self- evident. The contrary should be declared INTRODUCTION 15 detrimental to the welfare of the common- wealth and punishable. But this book treats of the subject from many more points of view. The conges- tion of the population has proved danger- ous even when the nation consists of normally average individuals, originally healthy and competent. Hunger, neg- lect, poverty and chronic ailment have caused and will continue to cause the ap- pearance of malthusians and neomalthu- sians, and the question whether a family may be large or ought to be small, will always be asked again and again. There is only one country in which that question is regarded with hypocritical sneers, that country is ours; there is only one country in which a man and woman must not think of framing their own future, and constructing their fate and that of their born or unborn children—that is the land of the “free.” It is my opinion that the individual and 16 INTRODUCTION collective habits in this regard should not be guided by other than voluntary self- determination. Indeed as long as the state is founded on the family, the man and the woman must not and cannot be interfered with by anything but their own will. Parental responsibility alone must control the numerical strength of a fam- ily; the prevention of excessive offspring is a central problem of both individual and social hygiene. This problem is of such magnitude that it cannot be solved by partial or hurried study, by denying its existence or by sneers and ridicule. Med- icine, political economy, and far-seeing statesmanship should combine to solve it and help accomplish the ends of mankind. The reduction of the number of children in the family is becoming a universal ex- perience in all civilized countries. There is no cultured country at present in which the fact has not been noticed and studied. Since Octavianus and Napoleon the in- INTRODUCTION 17 crease in the number of the non-married and the decrease of human war-material have been observed with misgivings; and to-day’s several war-lords pray for more millions of slayable men. But before this year of wholesale annihilation of the vig- orous and young, white and yellow and black, the statisticians, sociologists and physicians have created a literature in newspapers, magazines and books of all languages dealing intelligently with the subject under discussion. Like sensible people, not like our own fanatics, they have not only established the facts of the decrease of births and of the general pop- ulation, but have studied the methods of birth-regulation, which could be used in an orderly and harmless manner. While I am anxious to leave the ques- tions involved to the author of this book, whose profound study and moderation I have had many opportunities to admire, I urge the readers not to pass by other 18 INTRODUCTION literature on the subject. Within the last few months Prof. A. Grotjahn has enriched it by his lucid and comprehensive work, Geburten-Ruckgang und Gebur- ten-Regelung (Berlin, 1914). Doctors and nurses and other intellectual people will learn from it, and from this new book of Dr. Robinson’s, and from their own analytical thinking, that both our Fed- eral and state laws on the subject of pre- vention are grievously wrong and unjust. It is important that these laws be re- pealed at the earliest possible moment; it is important that useful teaching be not crippled, that personal freedom be not in- terfered with, that the independence of married couples be protected, that fam- ilies he safeguarded in regard to health and comfort, and that the future children of the nation be prepared for competent and comfortable citizenship. A. Jacobi. CONTENTS PAGE Preface 7 Introduction ,, .... 13 CHAPTER I What We—the Writer and His Fol- lowers—Stand for 23 II The Specter of Too Many Children . 30 III The Orthodox Remedies 36 IV The Race Suicide Bugbear . ... 40 V It Will Lead to Immorality .... 62 VI It Is Injurious 67 VII It Produces Sterility 70 VIII It Is not Absolutely Safe 72 IX Would Lead to Excess in Married Life 74 X It Is Against Religion 76 XI It Is Immoral 78 XII It Leads to Divorce 80 XIII The One Child Argument .... 83 XIV Preventing Birth of Geniuses ... 84 XV Children Support Parents in Their Old Age 85 XVI Would Small Families Tend to Dimin- ish Wages? 88 CHAPTER PAGE XVII The Moral Standard of Those Who Make Use of or Advocate the Use of Preventives 94 XVIII What Life Means at Present to the Millions 99 XIX Would Encourage Early Marriage . . 109 XX Would Diminish Venereal Disease Among the Married Ill XXI Exhausts the Woman’s Body . . . .113 XXII Kills the Woman’s Spirit 117 XXIII Neurasthenia in Men and Women from Improper Methods 119 XXIV Largely Responsible for the Abortion Evil 120 XXV Would Diminish Prostitution in Mar- ried Life 122 XXVI The Enormous Benefits of Prevention of Conception from the Eugenic Standpoint . . . 124 XXVII Prevention of Conception and Abortion. 131 XXVIII The Best, Safest and Most Harmless Means for the Prevention of Con- ception ..... 136 XXIX Means for Prevention of Conception Which Are Disagreeable, Uncertain or Injurious 139 XXX The Law on the Subject 142 XXXI How to Abolish the Law Against the Prevention of Conception .... 148 XXXII Some Quotations . . 152 CONTENTS CONTENTS ARTICLES FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE PAGE The Came and Guide and Its Peopaganda . . . 175 A Country in Which the Prevention of Concep- tion Is Officially Sanctioned. By Dr. J. Rut- gers, The Hague, Holland 177 The Prevention oe Conception. By Clara G. Still- man 184 Prevention of Conception as a Duty. By James F. Morton, Jr 195 Prevention a Necessity to Married Life. By Ed- win C. Walker 205 Infanticide, Abortion and Prevention of Concep- tion. By L. Jacobi, M.D 210 Let Me Be Created in Love. By James P. War- basse, M.D 244 THE LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING BY THE PREVENTION OF CONCEPTION Chapter I WHAT WE THE WRITER AND HIS FOL- A LOWERS—STAND FOR The subject which we are about to dis- cuss is one of transcendent importance. I know of no single question that is of such far-reaching, vital importance to the human race. Directly or indirectly it touches every man, woman and child—nay more, it touches not only the living child, it touches the child not yet born. If I have devoted so much time to a discussion of this subject by pen and by word of mouth, it is because I sincerely believe that upon the proper solution of this ques- 23 24 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING tion depends, to a great extent, the wel- fare of the human race, the welfare of those living and of those to come after us. But before we can discuss any question intelligently we must know just what the subject under discussion is. It is easy to approve or to condemn, but before you have a right to either approve or condemn, before you can do so honestly and consci- entiously, you must know what it is that we advocate, what it is that we preach and demand. Briefly it is this. We believe that un- der any conditions and particularly under our present economic conditions, human beings should be able to control the num- ber of their offspring. They should be able to decide, how many children they want to have and when they want to have them. And to accomplish this result we demand that the knowledge of controlling the number of offspring, in other and WHAT WE STAND FOR 25 plainer words, the knowledge of prevent- ing undesirable conception, should not be considered criminal knowledge, that its dissemination should not be considered a criminal offense punishable by hard labor in Federal prisons, but that it should be considered knowledge useful and neces- sary to the welfare of the race and of the individual; and that its dissemination should be as permissible and as respect- able as is the dissemination of any hygi- enic, sanitary or eugenic knowledge. There is no element of force in our teachings; that is, we would not force any family to limit the number of their chil- dren against their will, tho we would en- deavor to create a public opinion which would consider it a disgrace for any fam- ily to have more children than they can bring up and educate properly. We would consider it a disgrace, an anti-social act for any family to bring children into the world whom they must send out at an 26 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING early age into the mills, shops and streets to earn a living, or must fall back upon public charity to save them from starva- tion. Public opinion is stronger than any laws, and in time people would be as much ashamed of having children whom they could not bring up properly in every sense of the word, as they are now ashamed of having their children turn out criminals. Now, no disgrace can attach to any poor family, no matter how many children they have, because they have not got the knowl- edge, because society prevents them from having the knowledge of how to limit the number of children. But if that knowl- edge became easily accessible and people still refused to avail themselves of it, then they would properly be considered as anti- social, as criminal members of the com- munity. As far as couples are concerned who are well-to-do, who love children, and who are well capable of taking care of a WHAT WE STAND FOR 27 large number, we, that is, we American limitationists, would put no limit. On the contrary, we would say: “God bless you, have as many children as you want to; there is plenty of room yet for all of you.” And I might as well state here that in this respect we differ from our neo-mal- thusian friends in European countries wTith whom we are otherwise in perfect accord. Our European neo-malthusian friends would put a limit to the number of children even of the well-to-do and rich. They claim that the means of subsistence are but limited, that Europe, that is West- ern Europe, is about as thickly popu- lated as it can be. And they are afraid that the birth of a large number of people, even among rich and well-to-do, means the taking out of the bread from the mouths of somebody, from the mouths of the poor. We are not afraid of it. We know that America can support in perfect comfort 28 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING millions and millions more of people. This shows how geography and economic conditions influence our opinions. Our neo-malthusian friends across the sea are actuated in their propaganda more by the fear of a famine that will even- tually stare the race in the face if the proper check is not put upon the birth rate. Their propaganda is more racial, national. I, on the other hand, was drawn into the limitation of offspring propaganda by the individual sufferings and misery re- sulting from too many children which I witnessed among my friends and acquaint- ances and, as stated in the preface, among my patients in the early years of my practice. Not that I do not recognize that, eventually, in the future, the race will, in self-preservation, have to put a strong check upon its birth rate, but I am dealing, I always prefer to deal, with the present, with the living people of to-day. WHAT WE STAND FOR 29 Somehow or other I have always been of the opinion that if we deal intelligently with the present we can safely let the fu- ture take care of itself. I even recognize that some countries of Europe are even now so overpopulated that a check has be- come necessary, but I am dealing with the United States and not with Europe; one country at a time is enough. Let our European friends deal with the problems which confront them. They can do so more intelligently, more efficiently, than we. Chapter II THE SPECTER OF TOO MANY CHILDREN The effects of the limitation of off- spring might be discussed under two sep- arate heads: the effects upon the indi- vidual family, and the effects upon the race as a whole. But this subdivision would really be an artificial one. You cannot injure or benefit the individual without injuring or benefiting the race, and you cannot injure or benefit the race without injuring or benefiting the indi- vidual. The race is not something ab- stract, separate, apart from the individuals composing it, any more than the body is something different and apart from the cells and organs composing it. The body is healthy just in proportion to the health and harmonious working of its individual 30 SPECTER OF MANY CHILDREN 31 cells. If in a nation of one million people one person is unhappy and inefficient, that nation is one-millionth unhappy and in- efficient. If five hundred thousand indi- viduals of that nation are unhappy and inefficient, then that race is one-half un- happy and inefficient. And if every in- dividual in that race is unhappy and in- efficient the entire race is unhappy and inefficient. It is, therefore, the individual and the individual family that we have to look out for, and if each individual is brought to the highest standard of happi- ness and efficiency we need not worry about the race; the entire race will be happy and efficient.* * In this connection, that is the relative value of the mass and of the individual, I am inclined to agree with old Rosegger who says: “It is constantly taught that the hope of humanity is in the absorption of the indi- vidual in the mass. It seems to me that such hope lies in the preservation of personality. The nation, as a nation, is of no worth; such value as it has is because of the many personalities it embraces, and whose projects are to be protected by it. As to the doctrine of * the individual for the state, and not the state for the indi- 32 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING That under our present economic con- ditions the fear of too many children is a most frightful specter which terrorizes the ordinary workman and the middle class and professional man, is something which requires no discussion. Anybody who has eyes to see, sees it on every side. There would not be this frenzied search and demand for contraceptive knowledge if this were not so. That an unlimited number of children is a curse to the poor, requires almost no argument. There is not a physician who has not had cases in his practice of families which started life in a respectable manner but which became quickly demoralized, financially and phy- sically, by children coming in rapid suc- cession. Every physician will tell you the gradual change in feelings on the part of vidual,’ it may, in times of great peril, happen that for a brief period it shall prevail, so that of a thousand indi- viduals a strong body is created, as in war, or under tyrannic oppression. When this danger is past, the mass, of necessity, disintegrates.” SPECTER OF MANY CHILDREN 33 the parents with the appearance of each successive child. While the first child and perhaps the second are generally received with genuine joy, unless they come too soon after marriage, the third and fourth are met with indifference, while the fifth and succeeding ones are considered catas- trophes, and many a father and mother hope for a miscarriage or pray that it be still-born or be carried off soon after birth. And many a physician will tell you of cases in which their endeavors to bring to life a still-born child were not at all con- sidered by the parents, by the father par- ticularly, with favor. More than one physician told me that when practicing ar- tificial respiration on a new-born babe he was told by the father to leave the child alone, that it was not worth while bother- ing about. That a family of three or four can live better, more comfortably, on a certain sum per week, say twenty-five dollars, than 34 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING can a family of six or seven, goes without saying. Only the obtusest mind will deny that, and still it is being denied day after day. But we will deal with this point later on. A workingman should not have more than two children. Every child after the second, and particularly after the third, is individually and racially a calamity. It means that the mother’s health is being exhausted, it means that she cannot attend as properly as she should to her first chil- dren, it means that the succeeding chil- dren are taking away a part of the indis- pensable food and clothing from the first children, it means that the first children will not be able to get the necessary bring- ing up and education that they otherwise would, it means that they will be sent to work earlier than they otherwise would, it means glutting the labor market with wage-slaves. In short, in my opinion, too many children in other than well-to-do SPECTER OF MANY CHILDREN 35 families is a crime. It is a crime against every member of the individual family, a crime against the father, a crime against the mother, a crime against the first chil- dren, a crime against the succeeding chil- dren, and a crime against society. Chapter III THE ORTHODOX REMEDIES This being so, what is the remedy? Two remedies are proposed by our reac- tionary philosophers and sociologists. One is that the poor should not marry until they are able to support a family, or they should marry late in life. This ad- vice is as stupid as it is vicious. If the poor, embracing in this term not only the workingmen but many professional men, writers, small business men, etc., were to wait until they could support a family properly, they would not be able to marry while alive. They would have to wait un- til they went to heaven, or until they were in their second incarnation. But if the advice to marry late were universally fol- lowed, it would prove an irreparable in- 36 THE ORTHODOX REMEDIES 37 jury to the human race. It would mean an indescribable increase in prostitution, in sexual perversions, in sexual weakness, and in venereal disease. The fathers would come to their nuptial beds sapped of all vitality, debilitated, infected. And as late marriages among men mean nec- essarily also late marriages among women, the mothers would be neurotic or psychotic old maids, and what children such unions would give rise to can readily be imagined. The second advice is to abstain—that married people should abstain from sexual relations. To give advice which we know is impossible of being followed is the acme of fatuity. But where married people were foolish enough to attempt to follow this advice the effects were pernicious. For married people to attempt to abstain for any length of time means to lay the foundation for irritability, weakness, nervousness, or even genuine neuroses, and a cooling or even destruction of the 38 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING affections. It means more, it very often means driving the husband into the arms of prostitutes, with the possible risks of venereal disease. Considered from every point of view these two pieces of advice, to marry late or to abstain when married, are useless, because impracticable and pernicious, be- cause if they could be followed they would result in pitiful injury to the individuals concerned and consequently to the race. But a remedy must be had. We have found remedies for most ills that afflict the human organism, and it is only a mat- ter of time when we will find remedies even for those ills that are still baffling us. The chief thing that distinguishes the hu- man being from other animals is his in- tellect. It is by the aid of the intellect alone that we have been fighting and con- quering Nature, wresting from her and unraveling her secrets, balking her at every step when it becomes necessary for THE ORTHODOX REMEDIES 39 our welfare. The human intellect has given us remedies which, while permitting men and women to marry at the proper age and to live a normal sexual life as Na- ture intended, still help them to control the number of their children. And try as I may, I cannot see what there is wrong in people who cannot afford to have many children using means which will prevent them from having many, which will help them to have just as many as they wish to have and can afford to have, and just at such times as they wish to have them. Before we proceed further, it will be best to consider the objections which the opponents of the rational limitation of off- spring have to offer. The objections are many in number, but the unbiased reader will admit that none of them have a solid foundation, that none of them are unan- swerable. Chapter IV THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR The first objection we are apt to hear, when we advocate that the knowledge of the use of preventives be easily accessible, is that such knowledge would have dire ef- fects, that it would decrease the popula- tion to such a degree that it would soon come to a standstill, then it would begin gradually to diminish and finally to die out—in other words, that the human race would commit suicide. That this objec- tion is worthless we can prove by a con- sideration of individual families as well as by a consideration of entire nations. Are families who possess a knowledge of ef- ficient and harmless preventives perfectly childless? Of course not. There are hundreds of thousands of families now 40 THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR 41 thruout the world who employ artifi- cial preventives regularly, but very few of them are altogether childless. They have one, two or three or even four chil- dren. They regulate the time when they want to have the children and their num- ber, but very few indeed decide to remain barren altogether. That there is a small percentage of men and women who are so devoid of the pa- rental impulse that they would utilize the preventives so as never to have any chil- dren I will admit. But I ask you in all seriousness: Is it not better for the race that people who are so utterly devoid of that something that we call the parental instinct that they do not want to have any children at all, should not have any? Is a child conceived, born and brought up against the will of the parents a spectacle to be enthusiastic over? On the contrary. In my opinion this fact is rather in favor of the use of artificial preventives, in that 42 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING the race can speedily eliminate those men and women who under no circumstances wish to become fathers and mothers. When I see to what interminable trou- ble and expense some men and women go in order to have children; when I see what tortures and risks, endangering her very life—I am speaking of numerous Cesarean sections—a prospective mother will undergo in order to have a living child, I have no fear that the use of pre- ventives will result in the dying out of the human race. What I say is not based upon hearsay, upon theory, but upon actual knowledge, mostly upon personal experience with friends and patients. Just as I have seen the bride and bridegroom beg for a con- traceptive because they wanted to get married and could not just yet afford to have children, just as I have seen the mothers with five or six children weeping bitter tears and almost going down on THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR 43 their knees praying to give them some- thing to avoid the horror of another child, just so have I had the wife and husband married for some time but still childless, begging me with anguish and anxiety to do something for them so that they could have one or several children. As a mat- ter of fact, treatment for sterility of either the husband or wife or both constitutes a very substantial part of the author’s prac- tice. And I know of no greater joy than that of the married woman who had been childless for several years and has finally become a mother. It is, one must admit, the height of folly to argue that because people object to six or a dozen children, they would ob- ject to two or three. No, there is no dan- ger of the parental instinct dying out. I even deny that this instinct is now weaker or more attenuated than it was fifty or a hundred years ago. True, our ancestors had a larger progeny than we have, but 44 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING the reasons for this can be found else- where than in a strong parental instinct. Those reasons, for a large progeny, may be stated as follows: First, they could not help themselves. At that time means for the prevention of conception were practically unknown, and no matter how anxious a father or a mother (particularly the latter) might have been to put a check to further procreation, they knew of no method except abstinence, a method which was never very popular. And this brings us to the second reason. Our ancestors were generally more intemperate in rebus sexualibus, the same as in food and drink, than we are. This is true, all opinions to the contrary notwithstanding. Their life was coarse, dull, monotonous, and this was their only pleasure, as it still is of those who belong to the lowest strata of society. And third, our ancestors lacked the sense of responsibility that we possess. They might have loved their children as THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR 45 much as we do, but our love is a finer love, more intelligent, more sublime, more anxious for the future. In other words, the love of our ancestors for their children wras more a selfish love, as is the love of the low and ignorant of the present day. Our love is a noble, altruistic one, which forces us occasionally to deprive ourselves of the pleasure of children for the chil- dren’s own sake. Again I say, there is no danger of the parental instinct dying out. But we have better proofs—proofs un- answerable and undeniable. Here we have a whole country, Holland, in which the prevention of conception is legally sanctioned, in which the use of preventives is practically universal—and is the coun- try dying out? On the contrary, it is in- creasing even somewhat more rapidly than before, because we have this remarkable and gratifying phenomenon to bear in mind, that wherever the birth rate goes 46 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING down the death rate goes down pari passu, or even to a still greater degree. This can be proven by statistics from almost every country in the world. For in- stance, in 1910 the birth rate in Holland was 32 and the mortality 18, in 1912 the birth rate fell to 28 but then the mortality rate fell still lower, namely to 12, so we see that there is an actual gain even in population, instead of a loss. And the physical constitution of the people has been improving. The proportion of re- cruits for instance over 5 ft. 7 in. in height was increased from 24 to 47 per cent., while that of those under 5 ft. 2% in. has fallen from 25 to 8 per cent. (Drysdale). And in New Zealand, where the sale of contraceptives is practically free, the birth rate is now 20 and the mortality rate is 10. Does that look like race suicide? On the contrary, there is a steady increase at the rate of ten per cent., while sickness and death of children, with their attendant THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR 47 economic and emotional waste, are re- duced to a minimum. DECREASED BIRTH-RATE MEANS DECREASED INFANTILE DEATH RATE This decrease of the death rate is very- easy to understand, because the fewer chil- dren a mother has the better care she can take of those she does have. The eco- nomic condition of families with fewer children is better than of families with many children, speaking, of course, of the same strata of society. And the mother’s health not being exhausted by too fre- quent child-bearing, nursing and bringing up of children, her health is better and she gives birth to healthier and more resistant children. An interesting study on this point was made by Dr. Alice Hamilton (Bulletin of the American Academy of Medicine for May, 1910). Sixteen hundred families of wage earners were investigated, and the 48 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING results are contained in the following table: Deaths per 1000 Births in Families of 4 children and less, 118 Families of 6 children, 267 Families of 7 children, 280 Families of 8 children, 291 Families of 9 children and more, 303 Dr. Hamilton sums up her results as follows: Our study of 1600 families of the poorer working class shows that child mortality increases proportionately as the number of children per family increases, until we have a death-rate in families of 8 children and over, which is two and a half times as great as that in families of 4 children and under. In short, in families that have few chil- dren a much larger proportion remain alive, so that the balance is kept up fairly well. I admit that when the knowledge of the THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR 49 use of preventives becomes really uni- versal the rate of increase of the human race will become very much slower. But there is certainly a great difference be- tween a slow increase and suicide. Why is it necessary that the human race should increase in numbers rapidly? I permit myself here to quote a paragraph from an- other paper of mine on the same subject: Is an increase in numbers so very desir- able? In fact is it at all desirable? Ask yourself that question, if it never occurred to you before. Is there any greatness or any happiness in numbers alone ? Is China with its more than four hundred millions any happier than we, who can boast of only ninety millions? And does China from any and every point of view amount to as much as does the United States, which has only about one-fifth of its popu- lation? And would not any one of you prefer to be a citizen of Italy, or Norway, or Sweden, or the little republic of Swit- 50 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING zerland, which has fewer inhabitants than has New York City, than to be a subject of the brutal, murderous Russian Czar who reigns over one hundred and forty millions? No, there is no honor, and there should be no pride, in numbers merely. I prefer a commonwealth of five million people, all of them healthy and con- tented, all doing congenial work, all having work to do, all materially com- fortable, all educated and cultured, all free to think and free to express their thoughts, with high ideas of a greater fu- ture and a higher humanity, to an em- pire or a republic of a hundred millions, all fighting, all struggling, all cutting each other’s throats, all in fear of starvation, with senseless luxury on one hand and shameful poverty on the other, with kill- ing idleness on one hand and killing over- work on the other, with bursting over-sati- THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR 51 ation on the one hand and exhausting star- vation on the other; with millions tramp- ing the streets and highways naked and hungry, with millions of human beings il- literate, held in the clutches of supersti- tion, selfishness and brutishness; with thousands and thousands of imbeciles, criminals, perverts, grafters, prostitutes— female prostitutes who sell their bodies and male prostitutes who sell their minds, their ideas and convictions—I prefer, I say, the above-described small to the above-described larger commonwealth. No, numbers alone, I repeat, do not count. With Spencer, I despise that vul- gar conception which considers a large population, large territory, and big com- merce as its highest ideal, its noblest aim. With Spencer, I would say that, instead of an immense amount of life of low type, I would far sooner see half the amount of life of a high type. 52 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING There is one point, however, that should give all true friends of humanity cause for alarm. While the birth rate has de- creased markedly in every civilized coun- try in the world, in those countries in which the discussion of the use of preven- tives is prohibited, and in which the obtain- ing of preventive means is most difficult, the decrease in the birth rate has been most marked in the higher and in the well-to-do middle and professional classes. In other words, in countries like England and the United States, the most marked diminu- tion of the birth rate has been among the aristocracy, among the cultured classes, among artists, lawyers, physicians, clergy- men, merchants, etc., while it has been but slightly diminished among the workmen and among the poor and very poor. In fact, you can take it as an axiom that the number of children is in inverse ratio to THE CAUSE FOR ALARM LIES ELSEWHERE THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR 53 the social standing, culture and earning capacity of the parents. In still other words, it means that those best fit to breed children, those most likely to transmit a desirable heredity, and those most able to bring up children, are breeding less and less, while those least able to and least capable of bringing up children and giv- ing them a decent education and a decent start in life, and those most tainted with disease, with alcoholism, mental instabil- ity, epilepsy, insanity, moronism, etc., keep on breeding unrestrainedly. What that means for the future of a nation the most sluggish thinker can easily perceive. It means that, if no check be put to this state of affairs, eventually the mental and physical standard of the race will be low- ered, that the race will begin to degen- erate. This is something which no true friend of humanity can contemplate with equa- nimity. But what is the remedy? To 54 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING exhort, beg or command the better classes to become more prolific is, as you all know, practically useless. Nobody whose eco- nomic means or inclinations are against having many children will sacrifice him- self or herself and have six or eight chil- dren instead of two or three, just in order to save the race. Nobody who has ac- quired the knowledge of limiting his off- spring will throw that knowledge away, for altruism has not reached and will hardly ever reach this stage, and besides every man and woman will think: Oh, our two or three children will not make any difference. In other words, the bet- ter classes, or if you prefer the so-called better classes, will continue to have a very limited number of children—so the only remedy we have at command is to instruct the lower classes to make use of the same means so that they may not by their un- restricted breeding overwhelm the better THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR 55 elements, pollute the race-stock and add to human misery. And this is what I would demand. I would demand that it be not only the right but the duty of the Departments of Health, of private practitioners and visit- ing district nurses to instruct the poor in simple and cheap methods of preventing undesirable pregnancies. This idea may be shocking to you by its novelty. But it is not so very novel at all. I have been advocating it for many years. And the time will come, is bound to come, when it will be seen to be the simplest kind of com- mon sense and will be acted upon by all intelligent communities. FRANCE I cannot leave the subject of race sui- cide or depopulation without devoting a special paragraph to France. You know that France has always been the 56 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING bete noire of the anti-limitationists. It is always held up to us as a horrible specter. “See what your propaganda is apt to lead to. Look at France. Depraved, mor- ally and physically degenerate, decadent, dying. A few decades more and there will be no France. She will be swallowed up by her stronger neighbors.*’ Plau- sible as this indictment may be on a super- ficial examination, it has one fault: it is not true. But to show that it is not true, I can do no better than to present the answer to this indictment as given by Dr. C. V. Drysdale of London, who is doing such valiant work in putting the subject of the rational limitation of offspring on a solid, scientific, irrefutable basis. He has collected the vital statistics for France over the whole period of her declining birth rate, i.e., from before the Revolu- tion. (The Empire and the Birth-Rate. By C. V. Drysdale, D.Sc. A paper read before The Royal Colonial Institute, THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR 57 March 24, 1914.) And what do these statistics show? They show: “1. France is not becoming depopu- lated. Her population has been slowly but steadily rising ever since the Franco- German war, both actually and by excess of births over deaths, although in some years the deaths have exceeded the births. “2. The excess of births over deaths in the last decade, 1901-10, though small, is double that of the previous decade, not- withstanding that the birth-rate fell from 22.2 to 20.6. It averaged about 48,000 per annum. “3. In 1781-84, before the decline of the birth-rate set in, the birth-rate had the high value of 38.9 per thousand. But in- stead of this giving a high natural increase of population, the death-rate was no less than 37 per thousand, giving an excess of births over deaths of only 1.9 per thou- sand—little more than that (1.2) of the last decade. 58 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING “4. The enormous fall of the birth-rate from 38.9 to 20.6 per thousand, has been accompanied by a fall in the death-rate from 37 to 19.4 per thousand. Thus a fall of 18.3 in the birth-rate has been ac- companied by a fall of 17.6 in the death- rate, and only a drop of .7 per thousand in the rate of increase. “5. The present low rate of natural in- crease in France is not necessarily due to its low birthrrate, as Ontario in Canada, with a similar birth-rate, had a death-rate of 10 per thousand, or a natural increase of 9 per thousand—nearly as great as our own. The low increase of France is therefore due to its high death-rate, not to its low birth-rate, and an explanation or remedy should be found for the former before objection is made to the latter. “6. Possibly as a result of the present agitation in France in favor of larger families, the births in the first half of last year increased by 8,000 over those of the THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR 59 corresponding period of 1912. Instead of producing a greater increase of popu- lation, the deaths increased by 12,000, so that the survivals actually diminished.” These facts, besides showing that France is not dying out, show also inci- dentally, what we have referred to many times before, that an increase in the birth rate does not even necessarily mean an in- crease in the population; because it can he, and often is, balanced or overbalanced by an increased death rate. That there is less poverty, less wretched- ness in France than in countries where the poor have not yet learned the secret of limiting their offspring, everybody will testify who has lived in France and in Italy or Spain, for instance. The differ- ence is not so noticeable in the slums of large cities—they are wretched every- where—but it is unmistakable in the smaller cities and in the villages. As to the decadence of France, its 60 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING moral and physical degeneracy, I believe that her dignified manly behavior during this war, her efficient stubborn resistance, her unity and readiness for the most ex- treme self-sacrifice will silence her worst detractors and it seems likely that when the war is over, no matter what its issue may be, this accusation against France will be relegated to the limbo of obsolete and forgotten slanders. One thing however I am willing to admit and even to insist upon. It will not do for one country to preach and prac- tice extreme limitation of offspring, when other countries breed unrestrainedly. Just as it would be foolish to demand dis- armament of one country, when that coun- try’s neighbors refuse to disarm. But what is the remedy? The remedy is not to give up preaching limitation of off- spring, but preaching it in all countries. Fortunately, the rational control of off- spring is something that appeals to all THE RACE SUICIDE BUGBEAR 61 people, all classes, all nations (except those of the lowest moral and intellectual standing), and it is only necessary to in- troduce it into a country to find for it a ready and welcome acceptance, and this is the duty of all true, broad-minded humanitarians. I would say patriots, only this word has acquired a sinister meaning, often being used by chauvinists and jingoists as a cloak for their narrow and selfish designs. Just as disarmament must be preached to all the world, so the limitation of off- spring idea must be introduced to all na- tions at one and the same time. Chapter V IT WILL LEAD TO IMMORALITY This objection seems to be the strongest one in the opinion of some even otherwise very rational thinkers. I have heard it from freethinkers, from socialists, and from some very sincere, cultured and educated men. People who have got- ten over the “race suicide” bugaboo still consider this a serious objection to the popular spread of the knowledge of contraceptives. They are deeply afraid that if this knowledge became universal, immorality, by which they mean female unchastity, would become universal. They are convinced that what keeps our girls and other husbandless women chaste is the fear of pregnancy and nothing else. In other words, they 62 IT WILL LEAD TO IMMORALITY 63 openly acknowledge that our entire adult womanhood is mentally unchaste and what keeps a large proportion of them from physical unchastity is not morality but the fear of consequences. To this argument, which next to the race suicide argument, seems to be the most formidable, and to a good many the most unanswerable, leaving out the an- swer that virtue which is such by fear is no virtue at all, and that virtue that needs continuous guarding is scarcely worth the sentinel, my answer is that the fear of pregnancy is not the chief deterrent. What keeps most of our unmarried women chaste is the general bringing up, the general and religious education, the custom of the country, hereditary influ- ence, and the general monogamous tend- ency of the female. On a certain percentage of the female population all these factors exert no in- fluence now, and the only result the knowl- 64 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING edge we advocate would have is that illicit relations would be entered upon with less terror, perhaps, with less anxiety than they are now, but far from increas- ing immorality it would diminish it. I will explain what I mean. The fear of pregnancy does act as a deterrent in a large number of cases to the performance of coitus in the natural, normal way, but instead of that it leads to numerous per- versions of the sexual act, which are as a rule extremely injurious to the health of both partners. I know whereof I am speaking. I see daily the results of these sexual perversions in married couples, in engaged people and men and women who just keep company, and in men and women who are just acquainted; and I can assure you that while the fear of preg- nancy, as I said, does act as a deterrent in many cases, say even in a large number of cases, it does not act as a check against sexual immorality. On the contrary, it IT WILL LEAD TO IMMORALITY 65 increases it, because I consider sexual per- versions entered into out of fear of preg- nancy more immoral than natural rela- tions. And I tell you there are thousands of women who are physically virgins, whose hymen is intact, but who are so expert in various sexual perversions that they could learn nothing new from Krafft-Ebing’s Psychopathia Sexualis, and such women, such demi-vierges, are in my opinion much more unchaste than the woman who enters upon normal, tho illicit sexual relations, with the man she loves. And if some women are bound to have illicit relations, is it not better that they should know the use of a harmless pre- ventive than that they should become pregnant, disgracing and ostracizing themselves, and their families, or that they should subject themselves to the degrada- tion and risks of an abortion, or failing this take carbolic acid or bichloride, jump 66 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING into the river or throw themselves under the wheels of a running train? I may be wrong, my views may be strabismic, but I cannot help believing that I am kinder and humaner than those cruel bigots who demand that any woman who has indulged in illicit relations should expiate her “crime” by death or by all the humilia- tion, ostracism and suffering which are now imposed upon the mother of an ille- gitimate child. No, I am quite sure that the knowledge of the use of preventives will not increase immorality, using that term as a synonym of female unchastity. It will merely change perversions and injurious prac- tices into natural relations, which every humane and sane thinker must consider a gain and not a loss. IT IS INJURIOUS 67 Chapter VI it is INJURIOUS This objection we still meet quite fre- quently, and we hear it not only from the laity, who are not supposed to know any better, but from physicians who are sup- posed to know better. A whole catalogue of ills are given which are likely to result from the use of preventives of conception: congestion, inflammation, cancer, nerv- ousness, etc. This statement is unquali- fiedly false. Physicians who make such statements do it either because they are ignorant or because they know only of some methods that are injurious, or con- fuse prevention of conception with abor- tion, or they do so deliberately to mislead the people, to prevent them from engag- ing in what they call an immoral, ungodly and demoralizing practice. In a book entitled “Racial Decay,” 68 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING written with a zeal and earnestness wor- thy of a better cause, the author devotes pages and pages to the alleged pathologic consequences of prevention. But thru- out the book he shows not only complete ignorance of the subject, which might he pardonable in a layman, but he shows a muddleheadedness which is inexcusable in anybody who ventures to discuss the im- portant subject of the limitation of off- spring. For all thru the book he speaks of prevention and abortion as if they were one and the same thing, and he dilates upon the injurious effects of coitus in- terrupts, a method which we ourselves, as well as every student of sexual pathol- ogy, condemn most emphatically, most unequivocally! Some vague cases taken from antiquated medical books are of ab- solutely no value, because the modem methods of prevention were unknown at that time, and because there is the same stupid confusion of prevention of concep- IT IS INJURIOUS 69 tion with abortion, and the reports of in- juries to the nervous condition of the woman all refer to coitus interruptus or conjugal onanism. I emphasize: There is absolutely noth- ing injurious in the proper modem meth- ods of prevention. On the contrary, more than once has it been noticed that women who suffered with congestion, leucorrhea, catarrh of the cervix and va- gina, were improved by the use of modern contraceptives. Of course there is no doubt that there are injurious methods of prevention, that certain mechanical de- vices and poisonous solutions are in use which may in time produce injury to the parts. But are you going to condemn harmless methods because there are meth- ods which are not harmless? Because decomposed food is injurious are you going to condemn all food? Because an alkaline soap is irritating are you going to condemn the use of all soap? It is 70 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING absurd, and still this is the kind of argu- ment the opponents of the limitation of offspring have recourse to. And I chal- lenge any physician, any gynecologist to bring forth a single authenticated case in which disease or injury resulted from the use of the modern methods of prevention. I know they cannot do it. Chapter VII IT PRODUCES STERILITY This is another one of the fallacies which are heard frequently from clerical and medical opponents of the limitation of offspring. It could have only orig- inated from the confusion of prevention of conception with abortion, or again per- haps from the fact that those opponents have only known of methods which were particularly brutal and atrocious. We know that the proper methods of IT PRODUCES STERILITY 71 prevention have absolutely no effect what- ever in causing sterility. As long as the woman uses the preventive she is safe, as soon as she gives up the use of the pre- ventive she becomes impregnated. Some- times a single omission of the use of the preventive measure causes impregnation, as many women have found out to their sorrow. But the sterility bugaboo is firmly rooted. A couple came to me who wanted to have children. The woman wanted treatment. They had used preventives for three years and then, their circum- stances having improved, they decided to have a child, but altho they had discon- tinued the use of preventives for over a year, no offspring had resulted. They were firmly convinced that the wife was sterile owing to the use of the contracep- tives. As a matter of fact, repeated ex- aminations showed that the husband was suffering from complete azoospermia and 72 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING never could have any children, with or without contraceptives. But it was plainly to be seen that these patients were skeptical and clung to their belief that the lack of offspring was due to the means of preventing them which they had used in the past. Chapter VIII IT IS NOT ABSOLUTELY SURE Our opponents claim that there is no absolutely sure means of the prevention of conception, that the best of them fail once in a while. This is true and isn’t true. It is true in the sense that there is not one single method that is suitable for everybody, but it is not true that a certain means will not prove absolutely efficient in a certain given case, or practically so. And this uncertainty is due to the fact that the whole thing is done secretly, IT IS NOT ABSOLUTELY SURE 73 clandestinely, as if a crime were being committed. If the whole thing were free and legal, if the matter could be discussed freely in the journals, the best methods would be learned quickly enough, and each one would have no difficulty in find- ing the means most appropriate to her- self. But even as it is now, the methods are infallible in 98 or 99 per cent, of cases, and while this may be no consolation to the hundredth case that happens to be caught, we do consider that both for the individual family and for the race as a whole it is even now a means of the most wonderful potency for good. One little instance: In Berlin the birth rate was, in 1876, 240 per annum per each thousand married women; in 1912 the birth rate had fallen to 90! Doesn’t this show the great efficacy of contracep- tive measures? 74 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING Chapter IX WOULD LEAD TO EXCESS IN MARRIED LIFE A minor objection that is hardly worth considering, but which I will take up nevertheless, because I heard it often in the discussions following my lectures is that, with such knowledge, married people will indulge to excess, thus ruining their constitutions. Here is again the same idea: that we abstain from moral crimes and physical sins only thru fear of the consequences. I stamp this mediaeval idea as false. Some people will commit sins, crimes and bestialities in spite of consequences; others will lead a healthy, moral, rational life just for its own sake, because they can’t help being decent, because they have been brought up to be decent. And I am sure that when the study of sexual hygiene has become universal, when men know WOULD LEAD TO EXCESS 75 that excessive indulgence is injurious, they will abstain from it, the same as they ab- stain from excessive alcoholic indulgence or excessive eating. It is true, as Shaw says, that married life offers the maximum of temptation with the maximum of op- portunity, but as the variety is lacking, things equalize themselves and the vast majority of married couples settle down after the first few months to a temperate existence, sexually speaking. And then we must not forget that there is no short royal road to prevention. Every efficient method demands a little care, a little trouble, a little expense. And this alone will act as a check. The times when husbands indulge most unrestrainedly because the fear of im- pregnation is absent, is during their wives’ pregnancies; and as pregnancies will be fewer and farther between, there will be less indulgence. So that we have a right to claim, that far from increasing 76 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING indulgence in marital relations, a knowl- edge of the means of prevention will act as a check, and excesses will give place to moderation. Chapter X IT IS AGAINST RELIGION I am not dealing here with pious hypo- crites, but some very earnest and sincere people have brought up this objection, that the prevention of conception is repre- hensible because it is against religion. I know of no place in the Bible where the prevention of conception or limitation of offspring is prohibited. I do not claim to be a great student of the Bible, but when I spoke recently at St. Mark’s Church this point was brought up and the minister said distinctly that he did not know, at least he could not think at the time of any place in either the Old or the New IT IS AGAINST RELIGION 77 Testament which contained anything con- demning the use of preventives. But assuming that it did contain an ex- plicit injunction against their use, I would simply ask those whose conduct is guided by the Bible to refrain from using those means, but not to attempt to force their morals and their conduct upon people who are guided by different standards of morality. And, besides, when a man brings in re- ligion as an argument then no further dis- cussion is possible. I do not sneer at religion, I can even sincerely respect a sincerely religious person, for I know that many of them are both earnest in their convictions and humanitarian in their en- deavors, but I simply say that this is a question which we cannot discuss. Re- ligion is a matter of faith and not reason; you believe so and so and that is all there is to it. Another man believes differ- ently. Let him get his salvation in his 78 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING own way as long as he does not injure you. Chapter XI IT IS IMMORAL This argument is in the same class as the religious argument. It all depends on what you call immoral. Why the use of a harmless mechanical or chemical agent before or after coitus is more im- moral than the use of the same or similar thing by a woman suffering with leucor- rhea, I cannot for the life of me see. No inanimate thing, no act can be moral or immoral per se. It is the circumstances under which an act is performed, the uses to which a thing is put that make it moral or immoral. Immoral is something that is injurious to the community, to another individual, or to the person himself. As I am showing in this paper by the use of irrefutable arguments and figures, the use IT IS IMMORAL 79 of such contraceptives is not injurious to the persons who are using them, they are certainly not injurious to one’s neighbors, and far from being injurious to the com- munity they are helpful to it by raising the hygienic, eugenic and economic stand- ards. So wherein does the immorality consist? I am afraid that those who bring up the immorality argument have created a fetish which they would find great difficulty in maintaining on its pedestal if forced to present real arguments. But, again, as I said in discussing the religious argu- ment, some people have peculiar ideas as to what is moral and immoral, and if one has made up his mind that a certain action is immoral it is no use discussing matters. Such people are generally impervious to argument. As to those men who go even further and say that wives who use preventives are nothing hut monoga- mous prostitutes, and I have heard that 80 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING argument from apparently sane people, one of them even calling himself a social- ist, I can only say that with such people it is useless to argue. We can only give them tit for tat by calling them imbeciles. Chapter XII IT LEADS TO DIVORCE We are told that childlessness is one of the causes of divorce, and statistics seem to show that there is more divorce among childless couples than among those who have children. Let us examine this ques- tion in detail. First comes the general question: Is divorce in itself an unmitigated evil? Is it better that people who no longer care to live with each other, or who have found it impossible to live with each other, who per- haps hate and loathe each other, should be forced to live together by extraneous cir- IT LEADS TO DIVORCE 81 cumstances and obstacles, or is it better that such people should be free to go their way and perhaps find new, more congenial partners? Upon the answer to this ques- tion will depend the attitude of the person who believes that childlessness is one of the causes of divorce, for we must admit that in many cases the presence of chil- dren, the fact that they have to be brought up and cared for itself acts as a restraint, as a barrier to divorce. But those who bring this argument for- get one very important point. Most cases of divorce in which childlessness is the causative factor are due not to the fact that the parents used preventive measures, but to the fact that one of the partners, either the husband or the wife, was sterile. In other words, the divorce is not caused by the desire of the parents not to have any children, hut by the desire to have them, a desire which is frustrated by the inability of either one or both partners. 82 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING In all cases of divorce of which I know in which the partners were childless, the divorce was demanded by one of the part- ners just because he or she was extremely anxious to have children, and they hoped that by remarrying their ardent desire would be realized. No, prevention of conception plays but an insignificant part in the increase of divorce. To summarize: divorce in itself cannot be considered an unmitigated evil—in many cases it is an unmitigated blessing, freeing two people from a yoke that has become hateful to one or both; and volun- tary childlessness plays a very small role in the divorce problem; it is involuntary childlessness or sterility that does play an important part, and for this the preven- tion of conception propaganda is certainly not responsible. THE ONE CHILD ARGUMENT 83 Chapter XIII THE ONE CHILD ARGUMENT We are told that it is bad to have one child only, for the child’s own sake; that an only child is generally petted and cod- dled too much, too much anxiety is shown for his slightest ailment, and the result is that an only child usually grows up sickly, egotistic, disagreeable, handicapped in many ways, and incapable of taking his proper part in the world’s battle. And here are our answers to this criticism. First, I fully believe that rational par- ents, who know something about educa- tion and about the physiology and psychol- ogy of a child, can bring up even an only child into a normal human being. We have sickly and egotistical children in large families, and on the other hand we have finely brought up children where there are only two or three of them. It is 84 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING not so much a matter of the number of children as of the quality of the parents. And second, we have never advocated the one child system. We have always stated that in our opinion the proper num- ber is two or three. But we must give the parents the right to decide upon the num- ber and upon the time of the appearance of the children. Chapter XIV PREVENTING BIRTH OF GENIUSES Another objection is that by preventing conception we may prevent the birth of some very great genius, of some wonder- ful thinker, philosopher, writer or artist. Yes, we may—everything is possible. But just as we may prevent the birth of a great man, that very same prevention may prevent the birth of some monster, of some wretched murderer, of some malicious criminal, of some anti-social beast. CHILDREN SUPPORT PARENTS 85 And again, if this is to be taken as an argument, then every act of abstinence is a crime, for how can we know that but for the abstinence at a certain given time some wonderful man might not have been born nine months later? No, among the millions that are bom geniuses and saviors are very few and far between, and we certainly have a right to believe that by preventing conception we prevent many more undesirable than de- sirable human beings. Chapter XV CHILDREN SUPPORT PARENTS IN THEIR OLD AGE Another argument is that children often prove a blessing and support to the par- ents when the latter get old. I do not deny that. But must we have half a dozen for that purpose? Are not two or 86 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING three sufficient? And while it is true that some children do prove a blessing and sup- port to their parents, many others prove a curse and a burden as long as they live. And there are certainly many more par- ents who wear themselves out and become prematurely aged in the struggle for ex- istence, a struggle which is the more in- tense the more children there are at home, than are afterwards supported by their children. And besides it is a pretty, pretty sad state of affairs that parents who have worked all their lives should in their old age be so poor as to need the support of their children. A society that permits that is rotten, and such conditions will not be permitted to last long. I do not deny the force of this argu- ment. I myself know people who were intensely poor, who struggled fearfully to bring up and educate their children, and now the latter have attained lucrative posi- CHILDREN SUPPORT PARENTS 87 tions and have made the lot of their par- ents very much easier. But these are ex- ceptional cases. And, besides, the argu- ment is a very selfish one. To bring chil- dren into the world, to have them suffer the first twenty or twenty-five years of their lives, merely in order afterwards to be supported by them! Does that argu- ment appeal to you? It does not appeal to me. Chapter XVI WOULD SMALL FAMILIES TEND TO DIMINISH WAGES? Whether or not the universal knowledge of the limitation of offspring would tend to bring about the cooperative common- wealth is a question open to discussion. Some may believe it would, others not. I personally believe it would. By diminish- ing the number of the unemployed, by im- proving the material condition of the working people and thus giving them more time for study, for leisure and reading, etc., it would be greatly helpful in creat- ing an intelligent class-conscious working class. But as I stated before this is a question open to discussion, but it is not open to discussion that a man getting fif- teen dollars or twenty dollars or twenty- 88 SMALL FAMILIES AND WAGES 89 five dollars a week can live much more comfortably, much more healthfully, much more happily with two children than with six, and it requires a peculiarly ob- tuse mind to attempt to controvert this proposition. And whether or not the conscious limi- tation of offspring will prove an effective revolutionary weapon and will serve to bring about the millennium, worries me very little. As I have said many times before, I am not dealing with future con- tingencies and with future generations. I am dealing with the present and with the people of to-day. If we will take care of the present the future will take care of itself. And when a poor woman, ex- hausted with several labors and with the bringing up of six or eight children, comes in to me or to you and with bitter tears begs to be saved from another pregnancy, it is the acme of cruelty and bigoted idiocy to tell her that the prevention of concep- 90 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING tion is not a panacea against wage slavery, that it will not improve the condition of the working class as a whole, that capital- ism will find some means of keeping her and her children in subjection and in mis- ery all the same, that by the operation of the “iron law of wages” her husband’s wages will be diminished as soon as the capitalists find that they require less to live on, etc. Every thinking man of the present day knows that the so-called “iron law of wages” is a myth, that the minimum neces- sary to support life is not the factor that determines the size of the wages. Wages are determined by a number of other fac- tors, such as the supply and demand in the labor market, the standard of living in a given period in a given country, and very important, the efficiency and class-con- sciousness of the labor organizations. And if the law of supply and demand holds good in the labor market as it holds SMALL FAMILIES AND WAGES 91 good elsewhere, then it stands to reason that the fewer wage-slaves we have, the less glutted the labor market is, the higher the wages are apt to be. It may seem incredible but it is a fact the truth of which can be incontrovertibly proven that there are still Socialists who fear a gradual improvement in the mate- rial conditions of the working people. They fear that if their condition becomes more comfortable they will lose the revo- lutionary spirit and sink into the mire of self-content. They verily believe that the worse the condition of the workingman the better it is for the “revolution.” This attitude was very well demonstrated at the meetings held under the auspices of the Socialist Party in Berlin on August 22 and August 29, 1913. Some of the speakers violently objected to the propa- ganda for the prevention of conception, not because they believed it would not im- prove the condition of the workingman but 92 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING because they believed it would, and they plainly and loudly protested against such a possibility. They said that if the condi- tion of the workingman should become im- proved by having few children he would become verburgerlicht, bourgeois-like, and he would lose his revolutionary spirit (which as events have shown he did not possess at all). This was the cry repeated over and over again. [A report of that meeting appears in the third edition of the author’s “Sexual Problems of To-day.”] It should not be necessary at this day to point out the shallowness of this objec- tion. It is not the most wretched work- ingman that makes or gives promise of making the best revolutionist. The wretcheder the people are the wretcheder they remain. It is not the workingmen in Russia and in Spain from whom we can expect the most. On the contrary, a wretched proletariat is often a “bum” proletariat that can be used very readily SMALL FAMILIES AND WAGES 93 for strikebreaking, for crushing the revo- lution, and for every dastardly kind of work, as is well known from the brutal behavior of the Black Hundreds in Russia. It is just the other way, the better the condition of the workingman the more hope of his complete awakening, because it is only the better kind of workingman who has time to read, to study, to attend meetings, to discuss things. He who is continuously overworked and underfed makes poor revolutionary timber. Fortunately during the last few years, a decided change has been taking place in the attitude of Socialists and other radicals towards our prevention of conception propaganda and it is from them that we now get our most earnest supporters, our most zealous friends and workers. For instance, The Woman’s Page of The New York Call, edited by Anita C. Block, has been a staunch, outspoken and consistent supporter of our propaganda. Chapter XVII THE MORAL STANDARD OF THOSE WHO MAKE USE OF OR ADVOCATE THE USE OF PREVENTIVES Philippics have been delivered and pamphlets and books have been written against those who make use of preventives and against those who advocate the ra- tional limitation of the number of off- spring. They have been called immoral, decadent, degenerate, egotists, low crea- tures devoid of responsibility. It would he easy to answer by slinging epithets back at our critics and calling them fools and imbeciles incapable of logical reasoning, unwilling to be con- vinced and crawling into a corner when they are presented with arguments which they are unable to answer, when they are 94 OUR MORAL STANDARD 95 shown proofs which they are unable to refute. But calling names, while a great personal satisfaction occasionally and an excellent safety valve once in a while, is no argument. I will admit that among the upper classes, and among a certain percentage of the middle classes, the decision to limit the number of children or to avoid having any at all, does not flow from very high motives, that this decision is even selfish, egotistic in the common sense of the term, that it flows from a desire on the part of the parents not to have their comfort or personal pleasures interfered with, that they do not want to have to go thru the trouble of bringing up children. But this accusation is distinctly untrue when applied to the vast majority of the middle, professional and working classes. Far from being due to a lower morality, it is due to higher morality. Far from being due to a lack of responsibility, it is due 96 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING to a heightened sense of responsibility. The animals, and the people nearest to them, have no such responsibility; they breed unrestrictedly, leaving nature or God to take care of their offspring or to kill it off as they may see fit. Thinking parents, however, are so imbued with the sense of responsibility in bringing a human being into the world under our present social and economic conditions, that we cannot blame them, but we must praise them for refusing to bring into being too large a number. As a matter of fact, it is just the other way around, and it is we who would have a perfect right, if we were so inclined, to accuse the oppo- nents of the rational limitation of off- spring among the poor of moral strabis- mus, of disingenuousness, of hypocrisy. For those opponents of the artificial limitation of offspring are generally not even sincere, and cry out against the em- ployment of it by others, while making use OUR MORAL STANDARD 97 of it themselves. You will find that the doctors, statesmen, clergymen who weep such bitter tears over the diminished birth rate are themselves the greatest offenders in this respect, generally having few or no children. I had this experience more than once: In a discussion following one of my lectures, the man who would at- tack my ideas most severely would at the close of the meeting come up and ask me to have the kindness to tell him what I considered the best method of prevention. When I would ask him smilingly what he, being such an opponent of prevention, wanted it for, the answer would usually be: “Oh, well, I might as well know. There are occasions when such knowledge might be very useful.” Yes, it is re- markable how many people who condemn prevention of conception on general prin- ciples are willing to utilize this knowledge for themselves, their immediate families and relatives. 98 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING Old Bacon said something to the effect that the wolf never cared how many the sheep may be and Prof. Thomas Nixon Carver of Harvard expressed the same thought very neatly as follows: He said: “Foxes think large families among the rabbits highly commendable. Employers who want large supplies of cheap labor, priests who want large num- bers of parishioners, military leaders who want plenty of cheap food for gunpowder, and politicians who want plenty of voters, all agree in commending large families and rapid multiplication among the poorer classes.” Chapter XVIII WHAT LIFE MEANS AT PRESENT TO THE MILLIONS I am not an extremist, I do not take one stratum of society, namely the lowest, and try to make believe that all humanity is as wretched as that lowest stratum. I always pride myself on my sane and well- balanced radicalism, and I am certainly not a pessimist. To me personally Fate has not been particularly cruel, in fact many think that it has been particularly kind. I am distinctly an optimist. I be- lieve that this world is going to be the most glorious world to live in and there will not be an unhappy creature in it, but to assert that this is the best of all possible worlds at the present time, is to make a statement which is stupidly, palpably 99 100 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING false. Its falseness can be proven in five minutes by going outside into the street and just looking about us. I know that there is plenty of joy, plenty of happiness, plenty of pleasure in this world, but isn’t it true that the pain overbalances the pleasure in this world many thousand fold? Is it not true that we have many millions of working people in our country who have really nothing to live for, working from morning to night merely for their material necessities, merely to keep body and soul together, but without any refining influences, with- out any artistic or intellectual pleasures? Is it really reprehensible for a working family that earns eighteen or twenty dol- lars a week to refuse to have more than two children, because they know that if they have more than two the first two will have to be neglected to a certain extent, and to a certain extent will have to be deprived of food and clothes which they need? Could WHAT LIFE MEANS TO MILLIONS 101 you blame them even if they refused to have any children, because having no pleasures whatever in life, disgusted at the continual, monotonous drudgery of their work, they refuse to bring other creatures into the world that would have to live the same cheerless, hopeless life? What inducement is there for the in- telligent class-conscious workman, hold- ing a twelve or twenty dollar job, or hav- ing to hunt for a job half of the time, to bring more wage-slaves into the world? And talk to the really intelligent middle class or professional man, the man who has learned to look at the world with clear eyes. You will find that he complains as bitterly, some of them even more bitterly, than does the workman. Until twenty- five or twenty-eight he has to prepare for a career. With our increased educational requirements the age at which professional men graduate and begin to earn a living is advancing further and further from 102 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING year to year. For ten or fifteen years it is a bitter, hard, sixteen- or eighteen-hour a day struggle to build up a practice, to get a clientele, or to build up an independ- ent business. And in this desperate struggle nine-tenths fail, and lead to the end of their days the lives of drudges, just merely making a living. About ten per cent, come out victorious, get to the top; but when they have reached the top they find by looking at the family Bible that they are already forty-five or fifty years old, that they are already on the decline, or will approach it within very few years, and that the material independence, posi- tion, fame, etc., do not give them the same pleasure and satisfaction that they ex- pected to enjoy when they were strug- gling for them so ceaselessly and perhaps so relentlessly. That there are a few people who seem to have been born with silver spoons in their mouths, for whom everything is pre- WHAT LIFE MEANS TO MILLIONS 103 pared, who have nothing to struggle for, and to whom life seems to be an inex- haustible source of fun and pleasure, I admit. But their number is so small as to be entirely negligible, and is much more, is a thousand times, overbalanced by the men and women on the other end of the scale to whom life is a continuous source of suffering, pain, nay agony and torture, from the very day they are born until they are put away in a cheap pine coffin in the bosom of dear mother earth. I believe that to become convinced that this is not the best possible of worlds, and that for many millions of people this life is nothing but a round of monotonous, senseless drudgery even if devoid of actual pain and suffering, it is only necessary to take a trip, not to the slums, but just in the subway, during rush hours. I thank my fates that it is but very seldom that I have to ride in the subway, but when I do, particularly if in the rush hours, the 104 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING spectacle fills me with inexpressible sad- ness. Just look at the faces—not a happy, contented face in the ten cars of the ex- press train. Just analyze them. Tense, gloomy, dissatisfied, grouchy, distinctly unhappy, cruel, stupid or vapid, such are the expressions of practically all the faces you see there. And what are they all do- ing there? For what reason are they jostling or being jostled, crushing or be- ing crushed, trampled or being trampled upon, twice a day, morning and night of every week-day? For what reason? To go down into factories or shops or offices to do useless and disagreeable, or useful but uncongenial, or in general injurious work for eight or ten or twelve hours a day. And what for? Merely to make eight or ten or twenty dollars a week, just to support the body sufficiently to be able to work again. It is work to have what to eat and drink, anjd eat and drink to be WHAT LIFE MEANS TO MILLIONS 105 able to work. And this grind goes on day after day, week after week, year after year, without any prospect of change for millions of people. It is to me one of the great tragedies of our present system that people have to spend almost, if not the entire day, merely to earn enough to make a living. The work necessary to make a living should be the incidental work, and it certainly should not take away more than four hours a day from any man or woman. Of course, if a man loves his work that is another matter. Then he may work eighteen hours a day until his eyes close in sleep from sheer exhaustion. And as we look across the Atlantic, as we contemplate the horrible carnage there is going on in Europe, as we con- sider the cruel insanity into which millions of people have been plunged, as we think of the hundreds of thousands of peaceful, healthy men departing for the front 106 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING never to return or to return maimed and diseased, as we cast our physical and men- tal eyes over the fields and trenches filled with corpses of what but recently was the best—physically at least—of manhood— when we see and ponder these things, how can one dare to urge intelligent men and women to breed unrestrainedly, to bring forth children, to rear them, to educate them only to become food for shell and shrapnel, to become fertilizer for the ground at the age of twenty or thirty? No, this is not a pleasant world to live in at the present time, and it is a sign of a putrid morality and a petrified men- tality to curse and to throw stones at those members of the middle and working classes who believe that it is their duty to them- selves, to their children, to humanity at large, to limit the number of their off- spring within narrow bounds. Far from BEING A SIGN OF LOW MORALITY THE CON- SCIOUS CONTROL OF THE NUMBER OF CHIL- WHAT LIFE MEANS TO MILLIONS 107 DREN IS A SIGN OF HIGH MORALITY. And I will repeat what I said before, that far from being a sign of a lack of responsibil- ity it is a sign of a high sense of responsi- bility, of foresight, of love, of the true feel- ing of humanitarianism. THE EVILS OF IGNORANCE AND THE BENEFITS OF KNOWLEDGE OF HARMLESS PREVENTIVES Having answered all objections, all that I found in books or that I ever heard in discussions following my lectures on the subject, I will now present the posi- tive side, the case for prevention. I will summarize briefly what evils ig- norance of the means of prevention and excessive childbearing is responsible for, and what benefits would accrue to human- ity if the knowledge of prevention became universal, or at least universally accessible. Chapter XIX WOULD ENCOURAGE EARLY MARRIAGE The reason many men marry now at such a late age is because they are afraid they would not be able to support a wife with many children. If the men knew that by safe and harmless means they could limit their children to the number they can afford to have and to a time most convenient, they would marry much earlier and more of them would marry; and this would necessarily have a great effect in diminishing the number of bach- elors and old maids. This would in its turn have a great effect in diminishing prostitution with its terrible concomitant evil, venereal disease. I am not so optimistic as to believe that early marriages and the knowledge of pre- 109 110 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING vention of conception will do away alto- gether with prostitution. People who have studied the subject know that among the patrons of prostitutes married men— and happily married men, too—constitute quite a large contingent. Patronage of prostitutes or seeking after illicit relations emanates from a different source than a mere desire for sexual gratification. But none the less it cannot be denied that if early marriage became a common thing, and if the fear of impregnating one’s wife were eliminated, the greatest part of the demand for prostitution would be cut off. And with the diminution of prostitution goes pari passu a diminution in venereal disease. Early marriage would have other bene- ficial effects; it would diminish masturba- tion, and would tend to diminish the evils of abstinence, neurasthenia and various other neuroses. But these points can only be alluded to in this book. PREVENTION AND DISEASE 111 Chapter XX WOULD DIMINISH VENEREAL DISEASE AMONG THE MARRIED There is one point that I believe has never been brought out before, not even in my own writings, and that is the remark- ably beneficent influence which the use of contraceptives has and will have on the diminution of venereal disease among married people. As is well known, there are thousands and tens of thousands of men who have had gonorrhea some time in their lives and who because they have no discharge or shreds in the urine errone- ously consider themselves cured. Some hasty or incompetent physician may even have told them that they are cured. Those people get married and sooner or later they infect their wives because some- where in their genital system a gonococcal focus was dormant. The use of contra- 112 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING ceptive measures entirely abolishes or re- duces to a minimum the danger of infec- tion in such cases. For it so happens that most of the measures that have a contra- ceptive effect are at the same time pro- phylactics against gonorrheal and syphil- itic infection. This is a point that should be carefully considered. In my practice I often base my decision as to whether I will permit or not permit a man to marry upon the fact whether or not he is going to use contra- ceptive measures for the first year or years of his married life. If the man tells me that they want to have children at once I am much more strict in my verdict than otherwise, for there are cases which are on the borderline, and in which in spite of the most careful tests it is impossible to say with scientific definiteness whether a man is absolutely free from any gonococcal focus or not. And if such a man tells me that contraceptives are going to be used EXHAUSTS THE WOMAN’S BODY 113 for the first year or so, I have no hesitation in giving him permission to marry. I simply tell him to come around in six months or a year for another examination. But where the couple objects to the use of contraceptives, as not infrequently hap- pens, then I insist upon more treatment and more examinations until I can be mor- ally certain that there is no danger of in- fection. Chapter XXI EXHAUSTS THE WOMAN’S BODY Every physician knows that too fre- quent childbirth, too frequent nursing, and the sleepless nights that are required in bringing up a child, exhaust the vitality of thousands of mothers, make them pre- maturely old or turn them into chronic invalids. The knowledge of prevention would do away with this evil. I know that we are often told by our 114. LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING opponents of their mothers and grand- mothers who had eight or twelve or fifteen children and were nevertheless healthy and pretty pictures to look upon. That there are good healthy breeding machines I do not deny. But they are the exception. In the vast majority of cases frequent preg- nancies exhaust the vitality of the mother, lead to early decay, to Bright’s disease, and shorten life. Women who lead a normal sexual life, but have few children, maintain their health and youthfulness much longer. In discussing this question man is “at his best” in showing his unlimited mascu- line egotism. One would think that the whole process of childbirth is so strictly physiologic, such a trifling matter, as to be utterly devoid of any pains and risks. The poor man utterly forgets the misery frequently associated with gestation, the nausea, the vomiting, the edema, the ag- gravation of all other diseases which the EXHAUSTS THE WOMAN’S BODY 115 woman may happen to be suffering with. He forgets the horrible agony of the process of childbirth (which in spite of twilight sleep we will still have with us for quite some time to come). He forgets the dangers of hemorrhage, of lacerations, infections, puerperal convulsions. He overlooks the troubles connected with the nursing of the child, with the involution of the uterus, etc., etc. Let us remind our dear masculine friends that in spite of the tremendous progress we have made in science, in spite of the great improvements in obstetrics and gynecology, the whole process of childbirth is still something which many women look at quite justly with some dread. Not only have the processes of gestation, labor, the puerperium and lacta- tion quite some morbidity but they have a quite respectable or even sinister mortal- ity. Tho the joke is not a particularly brilliant one, still it will bear repetition; 116 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING it is to the effect, that if nature had made it so that the man should have the first child and the woman the second, and thus further in alternation, there would never be a third child. If man had to go thru what women do, if men were not only the begetters but also the bearers of children, the laws against the prevention of concep- tion on our statute books would never have been put on, or if they had been put on they would have been very quickly taken off. Often in the discussions following my lectures a man would get up and would at- tempt to refute my argument by the state- ment that he has had six or eight or ten children and that his wife was perfectly healthy, and that they had no trouble, and that the children all grew up well and are a joy and pleasure to them. But on in- vestigating it has proved invariably that the objector was a very well-to-do or rich man, and that his wife could afford all KILLS THE WOMAN’S SPIRIT 117 possible comforts, that each child had a nurse, the girls had governesses, etc. The attempted refutation, it is clearly seen, will hold no water. I have never urged the rich and well-to-do to limit the number of their children. Under our present conditions let them have as many as they wish, but what is easy, feasible and even pleasurable for a rich couple may be extremely depressing and painful for the poor or the middle class business or professional man, and it is for them that I am pleading. Chapter XXII KILLS THE woman’s SPIRIT Besides the deleterious effect that fre- quent childbearing has upon the health of the woman, often making her prematurely aged and often hastening her death, there is another point to be considered. It 118 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING cripples or kills the spirit of many a woman. Who has not known of high spirited, high-strung girls with talent for music, painting, singing, acting or writ- ing, who in a few years after marriage have become spiritless drudges without any hope and without any ambition? Of course a husband alone may be the cause of such a condition; an uncongenial or unsympathetic husband may without any outside “aid” succeed in a very short time in completely crushing and maiming the best woman’s spirit and aspirations. But in the vast majority of cases it will he found that the real cause of this metamor- phosis is the children or pregnancies fol- lowing closely upon each other. How can a woman who has four or five children within the first ten years of her married life ever think of following up her studies and living up to her ideals and aspirations ? This argument will not appeal to many men, who think th$,t that is all a woman is KILLS THE WOMAN’S SPIRIT 119 for—to breed children, that once she has entered into the holy bonds of matrimony she must like those entering Dante’s in- ferno leave everything behind and devote herself exclusively to the business of being a mother. I, however, do not agree with the notions of those estimable members of my sex. I believe that a woman is, can be and should be a human being be- sides being a mother, and if she is to take a place in and get some enjoyment out of her individual and social life, she must not be forced to be a breeding machine merely. Chapter XXIII NEURASTHENIA IN MEN AND WOMEN FROM IMPROPER METHODS On account of our vicious laws, which prevent a free discussion of preventives and which make the imparting of knowl- edge on the subject so difficult, many 120 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING women use improper and injurious meth- ods of prevention and thereby injure their health or risk their very lives. Were a free discussion of the subject permissible this evil would be done away with. Similarly there are numberless thou- sands of men who have become pitiable weaklings, pitiable sexual neurasthenics, from coitus interruptus, or from other in- jurious methods which they practice thru ignorance of better and harmless methods of prevention. Universal knowledge of the proper means of contraception would save these men from a deplorable fate, would do away with an evil which is greatly on the increase. Chapter XXIV LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ABORTION EVIL This is one of the most important points in our discussion. The evil of abortion is RESPONSIBLE FOR ABORTION 121 one of the most terrible evils in our soci- ety. It kills thousands of unmarried and tens of thousands of married women. If it does not kill, it often infects, maims and weakens for life. The public will never know just exactly how many vic- tims are sacrificed yearly to the ter- rible Moloch. For, to the honor of the medical profession, be it said, that the physician who is called in to treat a girl or woman dying from a criminal abortion, very often at great risk to himself, pro- tects the good name of the poor woman, and does not give on the death certificate the true cause of death. And whenever I hear of a case of a woman dying from an abortion, as I do not infrequently, I blame not the woman—on the contrary, my heart goes out in pity to the poor vic- tim of our brutal laws—but my blood boils with indignation at society or the State, which mercilessly and pitilessly sacrifices every year so many of its 122 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING mothers. The knowledge of the preven- tion of conception would do away entirely with the evil of abortion, or would reduce it at least to a minimum. Every investi- gator has found that wherever means of prevention of conception are most difficult to obtain, there abortions are at their high- est. Where preventives are easy to ob- tain, where their sale is permitted by law, there both abortion and illegitimacy are reduced to a minimum. Chapter XXV WOULD DIMINISH PROSTITUTION IN MARRIED LIFE We know that a good many married men who patronize prostitution do so not on account of wickedness merely, but to a great extent they are driven to it by the fear of impregnating their wives. And what is more—and this is an illuminating PROSTITUTION IN MARRIAGE 123 commentary on our pitiful social condi- tions—many wives know it and not only say nothing, but actually encourage their husbands to visit prostitutes, only to leave them alone, such is their terror of another and another and another pregnancy. Only recently I read in a German publi- cation that it is not an infrequent occur- rence among the lower classes in Germany for the wife who earns her own money to give a part of it to the husband in order that he may go to other women and leave her alone. What this means in increased risks of venereal disease needs no detailed discussion. A knowledge of the means of prevention would obviate this terrible evil. Not only our sanitarians but our moralists who care more for a man’s soul than for his body, should from this point of view alone be in favor of prevention. 124 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING Chapter XXVI THE ENORMOUS BENEFITS OF PREVENTION OF CONCEPTION FROM THE EUGENIC STANDPOINT We now come to another extremely im- portant point. The word eugenics is on the lips of every one, people who know what it means and people who have the most fantastic notions as to the purport of eugenics and what the eugenists stand for. We know perfectly well that there are people whom it is a crime to permit to bring children into the world. About the unquestionably insane, imbeciles, morons, and perverts, we need not worry in this respect. Society will have to take care of them by sterilizing them or segregating them. But there are people who can very well get married, provided they do not bring children into the world. Among such we may mention people suffering PREVENTION AND EUGENICS 125 with tuberculosis, epilepsy, perhaps can- cer and certain mental abnormalities. We have no right to deprive those people of any affection in their lives. And be- sides, it would be worse than useless to do so. If you raise the barriers for entering matrimony too high, if you make your re- quirements for a marriage certificate too rigid, those people will be sure to enter into illicit unions, and this means an enormous increase in prostitution and ille- gitimacy, two undoubted evils. But teach those people the proper means of prevention of conception and the problem is solved. For of one thing we may be sure: Leaving out of consideration the imbeciles, morons and degenerates who could not be taught to use any precau- tionary measures, and whom, as I said be- fore, society will have to protect itself against in a different way, there are no parents who would deliberately bring children into the world whom they had 126 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING reason to fear would be tainted with hered- itary disease. No sane parents wish to bring into the world handicapped, maimed and deformed children. What I said just now also applies to thousands of syphilitics. There are thou- sands of syphilitic men and women who are perfectly safe as far as their partner is concerned, but are not safe enough to become parents. They cannot infect but they must not give birth to children for fear that the children may have the taint in them. The use of preventives settles this problem and saves the world from thousands of pitiable hereditary syphili- tics. Or is it better to permit tainted parents to bring syphilitic, epileptic and insane children into the world than to use preven- tives? One reverend gentleman who criticised my teachings said that it was. He said it was much better to have the streets full of syphilitic, maimed and de- PREVENTION AND EUGENICS 127 fective children than to accept the doc- trines of Dr. Robinson. And in speaking of the subject of hered- itary syphilis I cannot refrain from men- tioning a case that I saw but a few days ago. It was the young mother’s fifth child. The first two children were born dead, the third and fourth died very soon after birth, and at last the distressed and unsophisticated mother was overjoyed at giving birth to a child that lived. The child is a year and a half old now. It would have been better for it and for soci- ety if it had been born dead or died soon after birth—much better, of course, if it had never been conceived. For it was one of the most pitiable, one of the most sick- ening objects that we are called to look upon in our practice. I know of no more pitiable spectacle than a baby suffering with hereditary syphilis. This child was full of sores and ulcers, the lip was eaten away, it had the characteristic syphilitic 128 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING snuffles, breathing loudly and with great difficulty, in short it was a pitiable sight. The cause of all this misery is the brutal father. The mother has, of course, also become syphilitic. Now what are you going to do with that couple? Tell them to abstain? Just try to make such a brute abstain. He would simply go to another woman, infecting right and left. The only way you could make him abstain is by locking him up in jail. If you cannot do that, then in the name of decency and common sense teach such couples, of which there are thousands in our broad land, at least not to bring any more wretched, diseased creatures into the world. Then again there are thousands of women who suffer from diseases which are not hereditary, which are not dangerous in themselves, but become dangerous only when pregnancy occurs. Such are cases PREVENTION AND EUGENICS 129 of advanced heart or kidney disease, cases of very narrow or deformed pelvis, cases of tendencies to eclampsia or puerperal convulsions. As long as these women do not become pregnant they get along very well. To impregnate them means to ag- gravate their disease, to hasten their end or actually to drive them into the grave. As I have to tell many a time to some men, to impregnate their wives would be equivalent to murder. The knowledge of the prevention of conception would obvi- ate these potential murders. Many more arguments could be ad- duced, but I believe even with the points I have presented so far, the case for pre- vention is impossible to refute or demolish. I therefore feel perfectly justified in re- peating and concluding with my well- known motto, namely that: There is no single measure that would so positively, 130 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING so immediately, contribute toward the happiness and progress of the human race as teaching the people the proper means of prevention of conception. Chapter XXVII PREVENTION OF CONCEPTION AND ABORTION To this point to which I alluded before I must devote a separate chapter; for the greatest obstacle we meet in our preven- tion of conception propaganda is the con- fusion, both on the part of physicians and on the part of the laity, of prevention of conception with abortion. Just as the statute books speak of the two in the same sentence, meting out the same severe punishment for both, so the physician and the layman often speak of the two as if they were one and the same thing practically, as if the one were as objectionable or as criminal as the other, and as if believing in the one necessarily meant accepting the other. 131 132 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING This almost universally prevalent con- fusion is, as I said, one of the greatest obstacles in the spread of the prevention of conception propaganda, and it is im- portant to clarify this confusion and to shed some light on the subject. Not only do contraception and abortion not belong in the same category, but I can truthfully say that one of the principal reasons, one of the strongest motives that makes us advocate contraception so persistently and so assiduously is because we want to do away with the evil of abortion as far as we can; for we do consider abortion a ter- rible evil. Not being engaged in the lucrative practice of the abortionist, I am free to speak of the subject calmly and frankly and am not under obligation to become hysterical in condemning it publicly as are many of those who are practicing it secretly. I say frankly and boldly that there are cases, many cases, in which not PREVENTION VERSUS ABORTION 133 to induce an abortion is much more cow- ardly, much more cruel, much more dis- honest, than it would be to induce one. The peace of mind, the honor, the very life itself, and not only of one person but of several persons, very often depend upon the artificial emptying of the uterus. And under our present social and eco- nomic conditions the professional abor- tionist, much as we may despise or con- demn him, has more than once proved a real benefactor, in saving the sanity, the health and the life of a frantic young woman and her frantic family. But admitting all that, I still consider abortion a real, a serious evil. It is de- grading and humiliating to the woman. It is always accompanied with some risk, if not to the life at least to the health of the person (tho the dangers of the opera- tion when performed under proper condi- tions have been greatly diminished, they have not yet been entirely eliminated and 134 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING it is a question if they ever will be) and it is apt to lead to abuses. For this and various other reasons all true humanitari- ans are endeavoring to do everything pos- sible to diminish the evil of abortion, which is constantly on the increase. And one of the most effective remedies to diminish the evil is the universal knowledge of the proper means of prevention of concep- tion. And just as it is disgraceful for our statute books to speak of prevention and abortion in the same sentence, meting out the same punishment to both, so it is dis- graceful for any physician to get up and talk of the two in the same breath as if they belonged to the same category. Doesn’t any person with any sense see that the two are entirely different, not only in degree but in kind? In inducing abortion we destroy something already formed; we destroy a fetus or an embryo, a fertilized ovum, a potential human be- PREVENTION VERSUS ABORTION 135 ing. In prevention, however, we merely prevent chemically or mechanically the spermatozoa from coming in contact with the ovum. There is no greater crime or sin in this than there is in simple absti- nence, in refraining from sexual inter- course. And while everybody is, of course, en- titled to his opinions and anybody may entertain any opinions on the subject of prevention that he chooses, nobody has a right to confuse the issues and speak of prevention and abortion as if they were the same or similar things. And I trust that in the future our esteemed opponents will bear this point in mind, will endeavor to be more honest and will not, either ig- norantly or maliciously, confuse the issues. Chapter XXVIII THE BEST, SAFEST AND MOST HARMLESS MEANS FOR THE PREVENTION OF CON- CEPTION The means for the prevention of con- ception may be considered under two prin- cipal heads: mechanical and chemical.* *The further discussion of this subject has been com- pletely eliminated by our censorship, wliieh tho a post factum censorship is nevertheless as real and as ter- rifying as any that ever existed in darkest Russia. In fact in this respect the Russian censorship is more liberal than ours. Our censorship hangs like a Damocles’ sword over the head of every honest radical Writer. As soon as the brutal laws have been re- moved from our statute books, as soon as the censor- ship of scientific discussion of matters of vital im- portance to the race has been abolished, this chapter, which is all ready, will be published, either in the body of the book or as a separate supplement. 136 THE BEST AND SAFEST MEANS 137 138 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING Chapter XXIX MEANS FOR THE PREVENTION OF CONCEP- TION WHICH ARE DISAGREEABLE, UN- CERTAIN OR INJURIOUS* This chapter must also be eliminated. Not only are we not permitted to mention the safe and harmless means, we cannot even discuss the unsafe and injurious means and methods. And this we call Freedom of the Press! 139 140 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING UNCERTAIN, INJURIOUS MEANS 141 Chapter XXX THE LAW ON THE SUBJECT Some people are quite unaware of the existence of any laws against the dissemi- nation of information regarding the pre- vention of conception. They are the most surprised people in the world when they learn that the giving of such information is a criminal offense, punishable by fine and imprisonment. The prevention of undesirable pregnancy seems to them such a fundamental personal right, that they cannot understand how the State was ever permitted to interfere with it. Others have very vague ideas on the subject, and I have met even eminent lawyers who were in ignorance as to exact penalties prescribed by our Federal and State laws. We frequently get requests to give the 142 THE LAW ON THE SUBJECT 143 exact wording of the law. I therefore publish here verbatim the United States or Federal statute, and also the statute of the State of New York. UNITED STATES CRIMINAL CODE, SECTION 211 (Act of March 4, 1909, Chapter 321, Sec- tion 211, United States Statutes at Large, vol. 35, part 1, page 1088 et seq.) provides as follows: “Every obscene, lewd or lascivious and every filthy book, pamphlet, picture, paper, letter, writing, print, or other publication of an in- decent character, and every article or thing designated, adapted or intended for preventing conception or procuring abortion, or for any indecent or immoral use; and every article, in- strument, substance, drugs, medicine, or thing which is advertised or described in a manner calculated to lead another to use or apply it for preventing conception or producing abor- tion, or for any indecent or immoral purpose; and every written or printed card, letter, cir- cular, book, pamphlet, advertisement or notice of any kind giving information, directly, or 144 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING indirectly, where or how, or from whom or by what means any of the hereinbefore mentioned matters, articles or things may be obtained or made, or where or by whom any act or opera- tion of any kind for the procuring or produc- ing of abortion will be done or performed, or how or by what means conception may be pre- vented or abortion produced, whether sealed or unsealed; and every letter, packet or pack- age or other mail matter containing any filthy, vile or indecent thing, device or substance; and every paper, writing, advertisement or repre- sentation that any article, instrument, sub- stance, drug, medicine or thing may, or can be used or applied for preventing conception or producing abortion, or for any indecent or im- moral purpose; and every description calcu- lated to induce or incite a person to so use or apply any such article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine or thing, is hereby declared to be non-mailable matter, and shall not be con- veyed in the mails or delivered from any post- office or by any letter carrier. Whoever shall knowingly deposit, or cause to be deposited for mailing or delivery, anything declared by this section to be non-mailable, or shall knowingly THE LAW ON THE SUBJECT 145 take, or cause the same to be taken, from the mails for the purpose of circulating or dispos- ing thereof, or of aiding in the circulation or disposition of the same, shall be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.” Note the devilish ingenuity with which this law is worded. No loophole, no hope of escape. And note the criminal asininity of putting preventing conception and pro- curing abortion in exactly the same cate- gory, meting out the same punishment for one as for the other. But the Federal law deals only with the penalties for im- parting the information by mail. The Federal law cannot interfere with any in- formation sent by express within the terri- tory of a State, or imparted orally. But the laws of the various States have looked out for that. Here for instance is the law of the State of New York. Other States have similar laws, some more dras- tic, some milder. 146 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING Here for instance is the New York statute. It constitutes Section 1142 of the Penal Law and reads as follows: “A person who sells, lends, gives away, or in any manner exhibits or offers to sell, lend or give away, or has in his possession with intent to sell, lend or give away, or advertises, or offers for sale, loan or distribution, any in- strument or article, or any recipe, drug or medi- cine for the prevention of conception, or for causing unlawful abortion, or purporting to be for the prevention of conception, or for caus- ing unlawful abortion, or advertises, or holds out representations that it can be so used or applied, or any such description as will be calcu- lated to lead another to so use or apply any such article, recipe, drug, medicine or instrument, or who writes or prints, or causes to be written or printed, a card, circular, pamphlet, adver- tisement or notice of any kind, or gives infor- mation orally, stating when, where, how, of whom, or by what means such an instrument, article, recipe, drug or medicine can be pur- chased or obtained, or who manufactures any such instrument, article, recipe, drug or medi- THE LAW ON THE SUBJECT 147 cine, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall he liable to the same penalties as provided in sec- tion eleven hundred and forty-one of this chap- ter.” The punishment so provided for is a sentence of not less than ten days nor more than one year imprisonment or a fine not less than fifty dollars nor more than one thousand dollars or both fine and im- prisonment for each offense. Note again the asininity of confusing prevention of conception with abortion, of putting them in the same category and inflicting the same punishment for both, as if the two were one and the same thing. Is it any wonder that intelligent humane men and women have the deepest con- tempt for these laws, are working for their abrogation, and in the meantime, have no compunction about breaking them when- ever they can safely do so? Chapter XXXI HOW TO ABOLISH THE LAW AGAINST THE PREVENTION OF CONCEPTION I am not in sympathy with those impa- tient people who object to any propa- ganda of ideas as “mere words, words,” and demand action. As a rule those are very foolish people, because words whether spoken or written are also action and prepare the ground for effective and permanent change, while action, direct ac- tion, undertaken at a time when the condi- tions are not ripe, when the people are not ready, simply gets the perpetrator of the action into trouble and does not accom- plish anything at all. But I do agree that we have been propa- gandizing sufficiently, that public opinion seems to he more favorable towards our 148 HOW TO ABOLISH THE LAW 149 humane ideas about limiting offspring among the poor, and we believe that the time is ripe for a fight and for a test. It is time to test our strength and see if we cannot abolish altogether the brutal laws on the statute books against the preven- tion of conception propaganda. If we cannot abolish them, let us at least try to make them ridiculous and ineffective. What would he the best means of direct action? For a poor and obscure man or woman, for an extreme radical, to defy the law and to distribute circulars about pre- vention of conception would be very fool- ish, tho at the same time heroic and pa- thetic. But it would not accomplish any- thing. The man or woman would get a few months in prison and the law would still remain on our statute books to harass the physician and the layman alike, and to make an efficient propaganda among the poor—those who most need it—impos- 150 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING sible. But there are now not a few well- to-do, well-known and influential men and women who thoroly believe that teach- ing the poor the means of limiting their offspring is one of the most important means of bettering their condition and of raising the racial standard. And if a few such men and women, particularly women, were willing to risk martyrdom (they would probably not have to suffer it, merely risk it) the law would quickly fall into disrepute. I am sure that if a dozen of our rich or not rich hut respected and influential women, who are thoroly in sympathy with the limitation of offspring propaganda, would undertake to distribute informa- tion, either by word of mouth or by printed circular, Ajnthony Comstock would not dare to arrest them. And if he were goaded into arresting them, such a howl would be raised, that the law, if not abol- HOW TO ABOLISH THE LAW 151 ished, would surely fall into disrepute. And the educational value of such a trial would be enormous. Won’t a hundred, or fifty, or at least a dozen women who are deeply in sympathy with our work risk a little inconvenience for the sake of a great cause? Chapter XXXII SOME QUOTATIONS I am not a great believer in quotations from authorities. And very few of them will be found in any of my writings. For I believe that an argument should be strong enough to stand on its own bottom without props from authorities. If a thing is true, if the arguments on which it is based are logical and unanswerable, then corroborative opinions from a dozen or a hundred other men do not make it more true. And if an argument is weak, if by a little analysis its falsity, complete or partial, can be shown, then the fact that a thousand or a million people hold the same belief does not make it less false, less un- tenable. If what I have said up to this point has 152 QUOTATIONS FROM AUTHORITIES 153 not convinced my readers that the voli- tional, rational control of offspring is a measure of the utmost importance for the welfare of the individual and of the race, then the mere opinions of some great and prominent men, who believed and believe as I do, should not have any better success. And still I cannot refrain from pre- senting a few quotations. Why? Be- cause so many people belong mentally in the kindergarten class, and those people are influenced more by opinions of emi- nent authorities than by logical, well- sustained, unanswerable arguments. One might say that the opinions of mental kindergartners do not amount to much and are not worth influencing. This is not so. We have a right to use all honorable methods to convert people to our point of view, and especially so in a republic, where the vote of a mental infant counts for just as much as 154 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING the vote of a great thinker. And if we wish to have our laws against the preven- tion of conception propaganda abolished or made a dead letter, we must convert as many people as possible. In voting, un- fortunately, quantity is even more impor- tant than quality. And then, on our leg- islators opinions of great men have an undoubted influence. Hence it is worth while to see what some of the world’s good and great men think of the subject of the rational limitation of offspring. And first of all it gives me pleasure to quote from my good and esteemed friend Dr. A. Jacobi, who in his presidential ad- dress before the American Medical Asso- ciation, the largest and most influential, and also most conservative, organized body of physicians in the world, had the courage to put in a word for our limitation of offspring propaganda. Here is what he said: QUOTATIONS FROM AUTHORITIES 155 Is there no way to prevent those who are born into this world from becoming sickly both physically and mentally? It seems almost impossible as long as the riches pro- vided by this world are accessible to a part of the living only. The resources for pre- vention or cure are inaccessible to many— sometimes even to a majority. That is why it has become an indispensable sug- gestion that only a certain number of babies should be born into the world. As long as not infrequently even the well- to-do limit the number of their offspring, the advice to the poor—or those to whom the raising of a large family is worse than merely difficult—to limit the number of children, even the healthy ones, is perhaps more than merely excusable. I often hear that an American family has had ten chil- dren, but only three or four survived. Before the former succumbed they were a source of expense, poverty, and morbid- ity to the few survivors. For the interest 156 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING of the latter and the health of the com- munity at large, they had better not have been born. And here is what another president, the President of the British Medical Associa- tion, said in his presidential address at Liverpool on July 23, 1912: We have successfully interfered with the selective death-rate which Nature em- ployed in eliminating the unfit, but, on the other hand, we have made no serious at- tempt to establish a selective birthrate so as to prevent the race being carried on by the least worthy citizens. The same maudlin sentimentality which often per- vades the public not infrequently infects the medical profession. We have often joined forces with self-constituted moral- ists in denouncing the falling birth-rate, and have called out for quantity regardless of quality. ... We readily forget that utility, as long ago pointed out by John QUOTATIONS FROM AUTHORITIES 157 Stuart Mill, lies at the basis of all moral- ity. We are also apt to forget that a high birth-rate is practically always associated with a high death-rate, and a low birth- rate with a low death-rate; the former is Nature’s method, a method which has al- ways produced a fine race, tho very slow in doing so; but, with the advance of civili- zation, Nature’s method is too cruel and barbarous, and, as Man rises superior to Nature and obtains more and more control over her laws, such barbarities are replaced by more humane methods. I know that in the expression of these views I am coming into direct conflict with at least some of the Churches, of which there are almost as many varieties as there are of human beings. The maj ority preach in favor of quantity rather than quality; they advocate a high birth-rate regardless of the consequences, and boldly tell you that it is better to be born an imbecile than not to have been born at all. They forget 158 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING the saying of Jesus of Nazareth that it would have been well for this man if he had never been born. With the man-made morality of the Church I can have neither art nor part. There must be a high racial morality based on utility and the greatest happiness not merely of the individual but of the race. Medical men, when they are consulted, as they often are, on questions of matrimony and reproduction incur a very serious responsibility when they en- courage the mating of mental and physical weaklings. It is their duty not to pander to the selfish gratification of the individ- ual, but to point out to every one his posi- tive and negative duties to the race. One of the world’s greatest thinKers and philosophers, John Stuart Mill, was a very ardent believer in the principle of the arti- ficial limitation of offspring. Here is what he says in his “Principles of Politi- cal Economy” (Book II, Chapter xii) : QUOTATIONS FROM AUTHORITIES 159 Every one has a right to live. We will suppose this granted. But no one has a right to bring creatures into life to be sup- ported by other people. Whoever means to stand upon the first of these rights must renounce all pretensions to the last. If a man cannot support even himself unless others help him, those others are entitled to say that they do not also undertake the support of any offspring which it is physic- ally possible for him to summon into the world. Yet there are abundance of writ- ers and public speakers, including many of the most ostentatious pretentions to high feeling, whose views of life are so truly brutish that they see hardship in preventing paupers from breeding hered- itary paupers in the workhouse itself. Posterity will one day ask with astonish- ment, what sort of people it could be among whom such preachers could find proselytes. 160 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING It would be possible for the State to guarantee employment, at ample wages, to all who are born. But if it does this, it is bound in self-protection and for the sake of every, purpose for which govern- ment exists, to provide that no person shall he born without its consent. If the or- dinary and spontaneous motives to self- restraint are removed others must be sub- stituted. Restrictions on marriage, at least equivalent to those existing in some of the German States, or severe penalties on those who have children when unable to support them, would then be indispen- sable. Society can feed the necessitous, if it takes their multiplication under its con- trol; or (if destitute of all moral feeling for the wretched offspring) it can leave the last to their discretion, abandoning the first to their own care. But it cannot with impunity take the feeding upon it- self, and leave the multiplying free. QUOTATIONS FROM AUTHORITIES 161 Prof. Huxley, than whom no keener thinker ever lived, stated it as his opinion that: So long as unlimited multiplication goes on, no social organization which has ever been devised, no fiddle-faddling with the distribution of wealth, will deliver society from the tendency to be destroyed by the reproduction within itself, in its in- tensest form, of that struggle for exist- ence, the limitation of which is the object of society. The Population Question is the real riddle of the Sphinx. In view of the rav- ages of the terrible monster Over-Multi- plication, all other riddles sink into insig- nificance. I will conclude with the remarks of a man whom I consider one of the sanest and clearest thinkers in the English speak- ing world. I refer to H. G. Wells. I consider him the ideal type of radical. 162 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING While not afraid to go to the very root of every question, while no subject is too sacred to him for free and frank discus- sion, he does not slop over, he does not cut himself off from the rest of mankind, re- fusing to do anything because he cannot do everything; he knows that half a loaf is better than no bread, and he recognizes the important fact that if we want to ac- complish anything we must take humanity as it is and not as we should like it to be. He is less brilliant and less scintillating than George Bernard Shaw, but the brain of the latter is a complete muddle on many subjects, he will often sacrifice the truth to a bon mot or an epigram, and his flip- pancy and clownishness are sometimes— especially in times that stir men’s souls— repellant. But H. G. Wells can always he relied upon to say what he has to say in a trenchant, logical manner. He is a true humanitarian and, I repeat, the ideal type of radical, tho of course it does not mean QUOTATIONS FROM AUTHORITIES 163 that I agree with all of his ideas and con- clusions. And here is what Wells has to say on the subject of this book in his “An- ticipations” : For a multitude of contemptible and silly creatures, fear-driven and helpless and useless, unhappy or hatefully happy in the midst of squalid dishonor, feeble, ugly, inefficient, horn of unrestrained lusts, and increasing and multiplying thru sheer incontinence and stupidity, the men of the New Republic will have little pity and less benevolence. To make life convenient for the breeding of such people will seem to them not the most virtuous and amiable thing in the world, as it is held to be now, but an exceedingly abom- inable proceeding. Procreation is an avoidable thing for sane persons of even the most furious passions, and the men of the New Republic will hold that the pro- creation of children who, by the circum- stances of their parentage, must be dis- 164 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING eased bodily and mentally—I do not think it will be difficult for the medical science of the coming time to define such circum- stances—is absolutely the most loathsome of all conceivable sins. They will hold, I anticipate, that a certain portion of the population—the small minority, for ex- ample, afflicted with indisputably trans- missible diseases, with transmissible men- tal disorders, with such hideous incurable habits of mind as the craving for intoxi- cation—exists only on sufferance, out of pity and patience, and on the understand- ing that they do not propagate; . . . St. Paul tells us that it is better to marry than to burn, but to beget children on that account will appear, I imagine, to these coming men as an absolutely loath- some proceeding. They will stifle no spread of knowledge that will diminish their swarming misery of childhood in the slums, they will regard the disinclination of the artless “Society” woman to become QUOTATIONS FROM AUTHORITIES 165 a mother as a most amiable trait in her folly. . . . Most of the human types, that by civilized standards are undesirable, are quite willing to die out thru such suppres- sions if the world will only encourage them a little. They multiply in sheer ignorance, but they do not desire multi- plication even now, and they could easily be made to dread it. . . . The inevitable removal of births from the sphere of an uncontrollable Provi- dence to the category of deliberate acts will enormously enhance the responsibility of the parent—and of the State that has failed to adequately discourage the philo- progenitiveness of the parent—towards the child. Having permitted the child to come into existence, public policy and the older standard of justice alike demand, under these new conditions, that it must be fed, cherished and educated, not merely up to a respectable minimum, but to the full height of its possibilities. The State 166 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING will, therefore, be the reserve guardian of all children. If they are being under- nourished, if their education is being neg- lected, the state will step in, take over the responsibility of their management, and enforce their charge upon the par- ents. Those are splendid words which should be gravely pondered over by our reformers (and would-be reformers), philanthro- pists, sociologists and legislators. Other opinions on the subject, among them those of Herbert Spencer, will be found in Dr. Jacobi’s article, in the Articles from The Critic and Guide. And I will conclude these quotations with the words of an eminent judge. Our judges are very conservative, are in- fluenced by precedent, and when they see that one of their own class was in favor of our propaganda, they may be more in- clined to give us a hearing, and—who knows?—may perhaps even show leniency QUOTATIONS FROM AUTHORITIES 167 to one who may be unfortunate enough to fall into the clutches of the law. In the year 1888, when Mrs. Annie Besant’s “Law of Population” was prose- cuted in Australia, Mr. Justice Windeyer, in a judgment delivered in the Supreme Court of New South Wales, most strongly upheld the book as necessary and valuable. The following is an extract from this judgment: “A court of law has now to decide for the first time whether it is lawful to argue in a decent way with earnestness of thought and sobriety of language the right of married men and women to limit the number of children to be begotten by them by such means as medical science says are possible and not injurious to health. Of the enormous importance of this question, not only to persons of limited means in every society and country, but to nations, the populations of which have a tendency to increase more rapidly than the means 168 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING of subsistence, there cannot be the slight- est doubt. Since the days when Malthus first announced his views on the subject to be misrepresented and vilified, as orig- inators of new ideas usually are by the ignorant and unthinking, the question has not only been pressing itself with increas- ing intensity of force upon thinkers and social reformers dealing with it in the ab- stract, but the necessity of practically dealing with the difficulty of over-popula- tion has become a topic publicly discussed by statesmen and politicians. It is no longer a question whether it is expedient to prevent the growth of a pauper popu- lation, with all its attendant miseries fol- lowing upon semi-starvation, overcrowd- ing, disease, and an enfeebled national stamina of constitution; but how countries suffering from all these causes of national decay shall avert national disaster by checking the production of children, whose lives must be too often a misery to them- QUOTATIONS FROM AUTHORITIES 169 selves, a burden to society, and a danger to the State. Public opinion has so far advanced in the consideration of a ques- tion that has become of burning impor- tance in the mother country by reason of its notoriously increasing over-popula- tion, that invectives are no longer hurled against those who, like John Stuart Mill and others, discuss in the abstract the necessity of limiting the growth of popu- lation ; but they are reserved for those who attempt practically to follow up their teaching and show how such abstract rea- soning should be acted upon. It seems to be conceded by public opinion, and has indeed been admitted in argument before us, that the abstract discussion of the necessity of limiting the number of chil- dren brought into the world is a subject fitted for the philosopher and student of sociology. The thinkers of the world have so far succeeded in educating it upon the subject, and public attention is so 170 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING thoroly aroused as to its importance, that every reader of our English periodical lit- erature knows it to be constantly discussed in magazines and reviews. Statesmen, reviewers, and ecclesiastics join in a com- mon chorus of exhortation against im- provident marriages to the working class, and preach to them the necessity of de- ferring the ceremony till they have saved the competency necessary to support the truly British family of ten or twelve chil- dren. Those, however, who take a prac- tical view of life, will inevitably ask whether the masses, for whose benefit this exhortation is given, can be expected to exercise all the powers of self-denial which compliance with earning his three or four shillings a day, without any hope of ever being able to educate, and bring up eight or ten children would demand? The Protestant world rejects the idea of a celibate clergy as incompatible with pur- ity and the safety of female virtue, tho QUOTATIONS FROM AUTHORITIES 171 the ecclesiastic is strengthened by all the moral helps of a calling devoted to the noblest of objects, and by every induce- ment to a holy life. With strange incon- sistence, the same disbelievers in the power of male human nature to resist the most powerful instincts, expect men and women, animated by no such exalted mo- tives, with their moral nature more or less stunted, huddled together in dens where the bare conditions of living preclude even elementary ideas of modesty, with none of the pleasures of life, save those enjoyed in common with the animals—expect these victims of a social state, for which the educated are responsible if they do not use their superior wisdom and knowledge for its redress, to exercise all the self-control of which the celibate ecclesiastic is sup- posed to be incapable. If it is right to declaim against over-population as a dan- ger to society, as involving conditions of life not only destructive to morals but con- 172 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING elusive to crime and national degeneration, the question immediately arises, can it be wrong to discuss the possibility of limiting births by methods which do not involve in their application the existence of an im- possible state of society in the world as it is, and which do not ignore the natural sexual instincts in man. “Why is the philosopher who describes the nature of the diseases from which we are suffering, who detects the causes which induce it and the general character of the remedies to be applied, to be regarded as a sage and a benefactor, but his necessary complement in the evolution of a great idea, the man who works out in practice the theories of the abstract thinker, to be denounced as a criminal ?” ARTICLES FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE THE CRITIC AND GUIDE AND ITS PROPAGANDA The Critic and Guide was the first journal in this country to advocate the rational limita- tion of offspring and to demand the abrogation of the laws against imparting information about the prevention of conception. It still remains the only journal in its field. There is hardly an issue which does not contain one or several editorials and articles dealing with the subject from various points of view. When we started our propaganda, there was not a publication, either medical or lay, that could be induced to touch the subject however mildly, however gingerly. Any discussion of it, either pro or con, was in the literal sense of the word, taboo. It was considered indecent, obscene to refer to it. (A question which con- cerns the very life and happiness of the in- dividual and of the race indecent!) Fortu- nately, our persistent propaganda has had its effect. There are now several publications that 175 176 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING venture occasionally to allude to the subject. They still do it in a timid, apologetic manner; some bring it up only to condemn it in the most approved medieval fashion, but still the taboo has been broken, and the writer hopes that this volume will serve to still further influence, in the right direction, the editorial thought of the country. Of the numerous articles on the subject of prevention of conception which appeared in The Critic and Guide the following present the subjects from slightly different angles perhaps, and will serve to complement what we have had to say. The man who fails to be convinced by the arguments presented by us and by those that follow is hopeless indeed. He will never be a convert to our cause. A COUNTRY IN WHICH THE PREVEN- TION OF CONCEPTION IS OFFI- CIALLY SANCTIONED By Dr. J. Rutgers, The Hague, Holland. [I was extremely glad to learn that we have at least one country in the world in which the prevention of conception is legally sanctioned, a country which is doing exactly what I have been advocating for many years should be done, namely that physicians and visiting nurses should instruct the people in the methods of prevention and furnish these means free to the poor—and in which the results are exactly as I foretold they would be, namely the general health of the people has improved, the mortality has fallen down to the lowest in Europe, illegiti- mate births have decreased, sexual “immorality” has not increased, and poverty and various forms of degeneracy are decidedly on the de- crease. Foreigners are generally apt to mag- nify the value of the good things they find in another country, and I therefore asked Dr. J. 177 178 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING Rutgers of The Hague, one of the most indefati- gable workers in the cause of limitation of off- spring among the poor, to give me a brief statement of just what exactly the free neomal- thusian propaganda has accomplished in Hol- land. He wrote the statement for me in English, and I reproduce it in his own words with merely a few stylistic corrections here and there.] The kingdom of Holland, which in former centuries had fought itself free from the cleri- cal government of Spain, is perhaps the only country in the world where freedom of speech and press is not a fiction.* Apart from crimi- nal and obscene publications every opinion is admissible by law and by post. Limitation of offspring is as freely discussed as artificial fecundation. Conscious regulation of one’s offspring in accordance with one’s existing means for living and for education, in accord- * In 1911, we for the first time in our history had again a clerical government, and a bill was passed for- bidding the dissemination of practical neomalthusian information publicly or when not asked for. This did not stop our work, but at the first elections that fol- lowed (last summer) the ministry was overthrown and now we have again a liberal government. FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 179 ance also with individual wishes, and last not least with the health and the energy of the par- ents, is freely preached in Holland as a com- mon sense precaution, as a matter of course. So Holland is the best test of the results fol- lowing when neomalthusianism is discussed freely and when the giving of information is not checked by law. Intelligent and well to do people adopted the principle at once; the elite of the laboring class soon followed. But then came the danger that the unfit would multiply without limit and the fit would not multiply in the same ratio. Therefore the Neomalthusian League in Hol- land now doubles its efforts in order to deal with this transitional condition, and for twelve years our League has been working chiefly among the mass of laborers, where the information is also welcome as soon as it is brought within their reach. These last years even the very poor women begin to implore our assistance to ob- tain the appliances gratuitously. It is our experience that information is asked, first for maintaining the standard of life in order to give to the children a good educa- tion and all necessities of life, second for spar- 180 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING ing the health of the mother. Especially in the middle class and among the better paid labor- ing people, education of children is now careful and the bringing up joyous where formerly scarcity and anxiety reigned. Children are now a blessing, not a curse; they are welcome, or they are not born. Just as in former times I often noticed that death of infants was a re- lief and was acknowledged as such, so now par- ents are anxious for all that concerns the good health of the children. In this respect a recip- rocal a,ction may be observed: in families where children are carefully procreated they are reared carefully, and where children are care- fully treated, they are carefully procreated. So there are few countries where, propor- tional with the falling birth rate, the death rate of children in the first year of life has fallen so rapidly as in Holland, and our surplus of births over deaths is among the highest in the world, as Dr. C. V. Drysdale shows in his statistical diagrams. Indeed parental prudence is no race-suicide, as could be presumed a priori. The statistical figures in Holland that cannot be denied prove that in practice neomalthusianism is a factor FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 181 of race improvement. We see it in every case. Rich people that are too lazy, too luxurious, too selfish to want children, will die without leaving offspring. Poor people that are too miserable will also refuse to have children, since the laws forbid wage-work for children. Every mother that feels herself weak, exhausted, suf- fering, will prevent procreation. Only indi- viduals that feel themselves happy, efficient, en- ergetic, in good health, individuals endowed with a good humor and who love children heartily, only they will procreate, and that is all we want. It is conscious selection instead of brute natural selection. It is the same principle that all breeders of races in the animal kingdom and all gardeners have long since realized; there is no race improvement without limitation of numbers. Only in the human being it is the mother herself who is conscious if she feels well enough for this highest of all missions. How can any one imagine that ignorance and care- lessness should be more propitious for the fu- ture of the race than intelligent consciousness! The Neomalthusian League in Holland has worked now nearly 33 years in spreading knowledge. Mr. S. Van Houten, afterwards 182 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING Prime Minister, having prepared public opinion since 1877, the League was founded by Mr. C. V. Gerritsen, a well known business man and statesman, in Amsterdam in 1881, only four years after the inauguration of the first Neo- malthusian League in London, created by Dr. C. R. Drysdale, Sr. This was a revival of public consciousness in sexual matters against ignorance and obscur- antism. The first woman doctor in Holland, Dr. Aletta H. Jacobs in Amsterdam, was the first doctor to give information gratis to poor women. Our headquarters at The Hague and our subdivisions in all our greater towns are spreading theoretical leaflets and pamphlets; but the special pamphlet giving practical infor- mation in the prevention of conception, is only given to married people when asked. We are lecturing everywhere. But the essential mis- sionary work is done privately and modestly, often unconsciously by showing the happy re- sults in their own families, by the nearly 5,000 members of our League spread over the whole country, among whom are physicians, clergy- men and teachers, etc. Every day information is asked by letters and still more by our printed FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 183 postcards: all information is given cost-free and post-free. Almost all younger doctors and midwives are giving information, and are help- ing mothers in the cases when it is wanted on account of pathological indications. More- over special nurses are instructed in helping poor women. Harmless preventive means are more and more taking the place of dangerous abortion. So, merely by our freedom of giving information, we have reached the desirable re- sults proved most brilliantly by the statistical figures of our country. Certainly there are abuses, but the abuses of knowledge are never so enormous as the abuses of ignorance. And hygiene is the highest form of morality. THE PREVENTION OF CONCEPTION Clara G. Stillman. An illuminating paper read at the recent Eu- genics Congress ended with the sentence: “The great problem is not to bring better babies into the world, but to take care of such as come. The problem of the world is spoiled babies.” And we may add that the solution of this prob- lem will be materially advanced when we decide to bring less babies into the world. Those who are convinced that the voluntary prevention of conception is a most important weapon in the modern fight with poverty, dis- ease, and racial deterioration, will find their position only strengthened by a survey of their opponents’ objections. These objections are mainly of three kinds—and might be classified as the pseudo-religious, the pseudo-moral and the pseudo-scientific, because all are based on conceptions which our present state of knowl- edge and social development have enabled us to outgrow. In the first we find the assertion 184 FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 185 that prevention is blasphemous, since it argues a lack of confidence in the wisdom of the Cre- ator, who bade humanity: “Be fruitful and mul- tiply.” In the second, the fear that a knowl- edge of prevention will lessen the chastity of women, since they will no longer be deterred from illicit relations by fear of the conse- quences. In the third, the sinister prophecy that, with the methods of prevention a matter of common knowledge, the birth rate will de- crease until humanity disappears from the earth. Or in some cases this latter objection is raised for some specific country from motives of patriotism, as for example in France to-day. As for the first, some writer has already pointed out that the economic justification for the command to replenish the earth no longer obtains, since at the time when it was given there were only eight people in the world. The question of the effect on woman’s chas- tity may be taken more seriously. Undoubt- edly absolute chastity in women will not be reckoned as high in the future as in the past. The ideal will be increasingly that of temper- ance rather than that of complete abstinence. But this change, which is already beginning to 186 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING be noticeable, will not depend on the prevention of conception, but mainly on woman’s changed economic status, and our increased understand- ing of sexual problems. Furthermore a chas- tity that depends for its existence on fear alone is hardly a valuable moral asset. We may con- fidently expect that in the future economic in- dependence, a knowledge of sex hygiene, and the growing respect for her own individuality, will keep woman from undesirable unions at least as thoroly as she is kept from them to-day by purely conventional considerations. As for the idea that the birth rate will de- crease until mankind dies out—this danger is a purely imaginary one. The superior intelli- gence of man, by diminishing the risks of life, has enabled him to cover the earth with billions of his kind, and become its master, tho he is the least fertile of all animals. Further it is misleading to refer always to the falling birth rate without relating it to the death rate. Not a high birth rate but a low infant mortality is a sign of vigor and high development. These objections uniformly ignore present conditions and the facts of organic and social evolution which we now have at our command. FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 187 Social utility has come to be the measure of morality instead of the sanction of some arbi- trary, external authority. Insofar as they are weighed in the balance of social utility and found wanting, the accepted religious and moral codes are being cast aside and the strong religious and ethical sentiments of mankind are for the first time finding their way into channels where their influence upon the world can be for good alone, since they will be based on actual knowledge and the passion for democracy in the place of superstition and the principle of submission. If we then free our minds from old standards that are in no way related to modern life, and study impartially the effect that a general knowledge of preventive measures would have upon the social conditions of our day, we find first of all this situation: Prevention of conception is already an ac- cepted principle among the educated classes of every civilized country. According as the op- position of the law and public opinion are more or less stringent, it is practiced with more or less secrecy, but secret or open, the practice is here to stay and it is spreading. The fear of 188 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING most of its opponents is therefore not nearly so much that the human race will become extinct, as that its best elements will gradually be re- placed by the worst. At first glance this may seem plausible. Granting our opponents’ pre- mise temporarily, the conclusion is logically un- avoidable that in order to restore a normal re- lation between the so-called more or less intelli- gent or desirable classes of society, we must put into the hands of all the methods of restricting their increase, now utilized only by the few. Far from coming to this conclusion, however, the opponents of so-called race-suicide strenuously oppose its spread, and instead of teaching pre- vention to the poor, preach procreation to the rich. As preaching has never yet availed to change the course of evolution, tho it may un- doubtedly retard it, these people are simply stupidly and blindly intensifying the very con- dition they deplore. Of course the validity of this argument rests on the assumptions: first, that the less fertile stocks must diminish, which as has been pointed out is quite contrary to fact; and second, that the higher and lower classes of society are high and low because of some inherent quality and FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 189 not thru the powerful Influence of environment. In this again they are utterly out of date since the determining part that poverty plays in every social problem, for years recognized only by Socialists, is slowly penetrating the public mind—as evidenced by the recent investigation connecting prostitution with low wages. Not only is poverty the fruitful cause of child labor, alcoholism, prostitution, criminality, defective mentality and degenerate physique, but these results become in their turn the causes of more poverty and more degeneration in an endless vicious circle. Whatever strikes a blow at pov- erty will strike a blow as well at these manifold forms of human misery. It is from this point of view that the right to prevent conception appears not only morally justifiable, but a potent factor for moral regen- eration. For each family only as many chil- dren as the mother can bear in health and the family income will permit of rearing in accord- ance with the highest existing standards of hy- giene and education—this should be the first de- mand, so obviously rooted in common sense. The first consequence of feeling that we con- sciously call our children into being will be an 190 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING increased sense of responsibility for each child that is born, rather than the helpless and hope- less fatalism that accepts them as sent by God and leaves it to Him to see them safely thru ex- istence. God’s success in this direction has not been brilliant, as witness our juvenile courts, our reform schools, our wayward and delinquent boys and girls, our spoiled babies by thousands and thousands that have become the problem of the world. With the knowledge of prevention common poverty, the wide-spread practice of abortion and that of infanticide will naturally disappear; another gain for health, morality and happiness. With less children among the poor, there is an increase of leisure for both mother and children, with the result that the standard of living rises. Children are kept and cared for at home and not dumped on the street to form part of the savage and bestial sub- stratum of our civilization, and their young lives will not be blighted by premature toil un- der disgusting conditions. Here is a woman, of whom I heard recently, who on the eighth anniversary of her marriage was expecting her eighth child. Now she lies in the hospital, having had several miscarriages FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 191 since then. When her seventh child was born, they were so poor that she had to get up the next day. Her husband earned only $4.50 a week and her own mother was lying sick in the next room, where she remained helpless for nine months until she died. Another, with eleven children, thanked God when her drunken hus- band on one of his sprees walked off a pier into the East River. The assurance that she would never have to bear another child made the pros- pect of merely supporting the eleven she al- ready had comparative Heaven. It sickens one to think what love and home means to these poor wretches and what life will do to their children, yet these cases are typical of thousands. The morality that accepts such conditions as nor- mal and necessary must be abolished. I hope to see the day when a poor woman can go to a health station to get instructions for preventing an undesired pregnancy as simply and naturally as she goes to-day to get a for- mula for modifying her baby’s milk. Before this can be accomplished, however, much work will have to be done. Our physicians will have to throw overboard some of their professional ethics—wherever they conflict with social ethics 192 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING —and join with our sociologists and intelligent lay people in besieging the legislature with the demand to repeal the law which makes the giving of such information an offense punishable by five years’ imprisonment. The suffragists in this state have been using this method of hold- ing a hearing before a legislative committee every year for the past forty-five years. Their long patience is about to be rewarded, but when they began their cause was just about as unpop- ular as this is now. We hear a great deal to-day about the unma- ternal nature of the modern woman. But the accusation that the woman of to-day is less ma- ternal than her greatgrandmother has nothing to substantiate it. We do not know how the woman of the past felt, since, in the first place, she was inarticulate; secondly, marriage was the only career open to her: and thirdly, mar- riage inevitably meant children. To look upon the large families of the past as expressions of woman’s maternal sentiment is absurd. They were simply the expressions of her helplessness in the mechanical fulfillment of a duty imposed from without, a duty which often involved the sacrifice of her life. Our Colonial fathers, for FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 193 instance, were quite in the habit of wearing out three or four wives in the process of building up those splendid, old-fashioned families of theirs. Some interesting figures on this subject are given by Wm. Hard in his book “The Women of To-morrow.” Far from being a sign of ama- ternalism, as Ellen Key calls it, the movement to restrict the number of offspring results from the increased realization of the dignity and so- cial importance of maternity. Its aim is to res- cue motherhood from the degradation of being the plaything of passion, and raise it to the dignity of a science. Never before has there been such a high respect for motherhood as there is to-day. If we pursue this tendency a little further, we find that it also fully justifies the woman who elects to have no children. If evolution means anything the instinct on which depends the fu- ture continuation of the race and all its past development cannot disappear. Whether one has children or not is a purely personal matter. Only after the child is born has society any rights, and then it has duties as well as rights. In the recognition of the individual nature of love and of the social nature of parenthood, the 194 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING hitherto warring principles of individual happi- ness and social responsibility in the sexual sphere are at last beautifully harmonized—and this recognition represents the highest summit that our thought on the subject has yet reached, and the starting point for the morality of the future. PREVENTION OF CONCEPTION AS A DUTY Bv James F. Mortom, Jr. Prevention of conception is always a right, and very frequently a duty. I do not regard the question of limitation of offspring as pri- marily a quantitative one, but rather as funda- mentally qualitative. In this, I part company most emphatically from Malthus and his earlier disciples. The pressure of population against subsistence is a theoretical possibility; but un- der conditions of freedom from land monopoly and of proper cultivation it could not menace any part of the earth for many generations. There is no actual case of over-population or even the near approach of the same. All ap- parent examples, like that of Ireland, when closely examined, turn out, as long since dem- onstrated by Henry George, to be the result of human blundering with regard to the use of natural resources and natural opportunities. With the lowering of the birthrate observable 195 196 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING wherever general prosperity increases, it is probable that a natural barrier against exces- sive increase will be found amply operative under a better and more comfortable state of society. The need of prevention of conception arises from quite a different cause, or rather from many causes entirely dissociated from the hy- pothetical approach of a time when standing- room on the earth shall be available for only a fraction of the population. It is a necessity because conditions favorable to sexual associa- tion are not uniformly favorable to procreation. While our theological moralistic friends are never weary of assuring us that Nature or what they call God created the sexual organs and sex- ual appetites for the sole purpose of guaran- teeing survival and increase of the race, their unproven assertion is negatived by practical ex- perience. No sex association without a subse- quent childbirth means a maximum number of one association in two or three years during a fractional portion of the adult life of any man or woman. Even then, the outcome must be abnormally huge families, which, even if desir- able, must be economically impossible to the av- FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 197 erage man and woman, or but from one to five or six sex acts in a whole lifetime. This is a situation which cannot be evaded. If the weak reply be made that attempts at procreation are not always successful, and that successive repe- titions of the act are thus warranted and prob- able in many cases, before Nature’s end is at- tained, but little is gained for the argument. The concession is too slight to alter the situa- tion materially; and a premium is placed on natural barrenness, which of itself must tend to defeat the supposed plan of Nature. If the ne- cessity of continence is to disappear after the childbearing stage is passed, the whole principle is abandoned; since if the one end of the sex act is procreation, persistence in it after the end has ceased to be possible must be as hostile to natural ethics as the use of scientific means to prevent conception. The issue is a clearcut one. The enemies of prevention of conception must logically demand of all men and women a rigid sexual continence except on a few occasions, separated by long in- tervals. So far as appeasing the sexual urge is concerned, these few permitted occasions might as well be eliminated. If a sexual fast of sev- 198 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING eral years is no hardship, the prolongation of such fast during the whole of life would be prac- tically as easy. The few permitted tastes of the forbidden fruit are merely enough to whet the appetite, and to cause the deeper suffering from unsatisfied desire.* Yet the prohibition of anticonceptual methods involves nothing else. It is too late in the day to deny the existence and the imperative character of the sexual ap- petite. Theologians may regard it as a temp- tation of their friend the Devil; but science is compelled to recognize it as warp and woof of our being. If Nature meant to render the sex- ual act just enticing enough to ensure the con- tinuance of the race, she has been guilty of a grievous miscalculation, and has overshot the mark to an immeasurable extent. The most confirmed teleologist must admit this fact, or deny the universal testimony of history and everyday observation. The error of his deity must be counteracted in some way. If preven- tives be barred, what is the substitute? One answer to the attempt to thwart a nat- * In passing, it need only be suggested that a fre- quent result of such abnormal continence would be early impotence, involving a complete thwarting of Nature’s presupposed purpose. FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 199 ural appetite is found in the institution known as prostitution. Inevitable tho it is as a result of an entire complex of conditions which will be done away with, if at all, but slowly and in a long period of time, sexual satisfaction for hire cannot commend itself to the thoughtful mind as ideal or in any way admirable as a finality. It involves the setting apart of a fractional por- tion of one sex to relieve the surplus sexual needs of a larger portion of the other sex. The indi- viduals thus set apart are sacrificed to a form of specialization which practically destroys their personal and social life in all other re- spects. Moreover, the system is accompanied by the spread of diseases of the most hideous and deadly kind, which can be minimized but by no means annihilated by precautions. These dis- eases reach far beyond the prostitute and her patrons, and are speedily scattered among men, women and children of all classes and degrees, who are entirely innocent of voluntary contact with the source of the infection. The complete annulment of the use of preventives between lov- ers or married couples, and the consequent lim- itation of indulgence to the few occasions al- ready mentioned, would inevitably create an in- 200 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING conceivably wider demand for relief thru other channels; and prostitution, with its accompani- ments of white slavery and venereal disease, would thrive as never before, and would be as- sured of permanence and increase as an inevi- table social institution. Moreover, such relief as it brings is but for one sex. No outlet is provided for strongly sexed, that is normal and vigorously healthful women. To meet their need, the weak and waning institution of male prostitution must be revived, and established in full force. Alternative to prostitution for both sexes are only such avenues as self-abuse and homosexualism, neither of which is likely to meet the approval of our moralistic friends who de- mand the abandonment of preventives. The claim that no relief whatever will be found nec- essary is too absurd for further refutation. Yet, tho the reactionary moralists have no practical substitute to offer for scientific con- trol of conception, they persist in denouncing the application to this aspect of life of that cul- tivated intelligence with which man prides him- self on governing his other relations to the world of nature. Apart from the exploded tele- ological argument, they rest their attacks FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 201 either on alleged ethical grounds founded on an antiquated theology, or on claims that preven- tives are artificial interferences with a natural process and that they are uniformly injurious. The theological argument is of no consequence to enlightened men and women. As to artifici- ality, no such thing exists. The human brain and all its products spring directly from nature, and result by logical sequences from her method of evolution. Prevention of conception is no more perniciously artificial than the eating of cooked food or the dwelling in elaborately con- structed houses. The whole history of progress consists in the working over by human intelli- gence of the raw materials and crude activities of unintelligent nature. The charge of injuri- ousness, so often brought forward at an earlier period of the discussion of the subject, is not heard so often at the present day. That some methods of prevention have proved hurtful, and that others must be used with caution and under intelligent direction, need not trouble us greatly. The best modern scientific methods are free from this objection. Even at worst, the risk from an unsafe or ill applied method of prevention is but little compared to the certain 202 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING injury derived from excessive childbearing or abnormally protracted continence. Excessive procreation is pernicious to the woman; and its result is the forcing into the world of a breed of undesired and hence commonly undesirable chil- dren, condemned by both heredity and environ- ment (even if prenatal influence prove not to be scientifically maintainable) to wretched lives and to careers often of positive evil to society. Moreover, what is to be done with the by no means negligible class of women who are physi- ologically incapable of bearing children, and are yet possessed of a full measure of normal sex- ual passion and deeply in love? What hope is there for loving and passionate men and women, who cannot beget or bear offspring without the certainty of transmitting disease? When driven from every other refuge, the final cry of the conventionalist is that ability to prevent conception will increase what he is pleased to call immorality. The attitude of mind which can frame such a proposition is probably beyond the reach of reason, as it is without sympathy for the inner needs of hu- manity. If the current dogmas of sexual ethics rest on an unshakable foundation of natural FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 203 law, it is inconceivable that universal violation of them should be the inevitable result of the mere removal of a physical consequence. The average man or woman does not steal, simply because his hands are unchained, nor murder be- cause a paving-stone lies ready to his hand. It is not the mere thought of material consequences that prevents individuals from the continual vio- lation of their own codes. Higher ethical standards are reached by education, not by per- petual restraint of liberty. As a matter of fact, the general knowledge of methods of preventing conception would not have the dire results so confidently predicted. The strength of the sexual appetite overrides the fear of consequences to-day; and those who from weakness of desire or from intensity of moral convictions find themselves able to resist its imperious call are not moved by a mere cal- culation of the chances of safety. The few who are at present continent from no other mo- tive than fear of conception are in nearly all cases wearing out their lives in worse ways thru abnormal activities or thru a species of celibacy which hurts both themselves and the community worse than the gratification of their acute long- 204 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING ings could possibly do. At most, they are but a handful, in comparison with the other suffer- ers, both in and out of marriage, who are to- day the victims of unwelcome conception, free- dom from which, without in the least increas- ing their sexual activities, would mean health and life and the more intelligent and careful breeding of offspring blessed and not cursed into the world. PREVENTION A NECESSITY TO MAR- RIED LIFE Edwin C. Walker. Among the many facts entirely ignored or only cursorily considered and then slightingly dismissed by the opponents of scientific preven- tion of conception, are these: Late marriage is prevention of conception. It is a kind that inevitably and greatly aug- ments the volume of involuntary sexual excita- tion in men and women, strongly tends to make early and occasional masturbation the habit of years or of life, leads surely to increased pat- ronage of the prostitute and so more widely dis- seminates sexual diseases, spreads homosexu- ality, discourages normal and healthful sociabil- ity among men and women, driving members of each sex into one-sided associations that nar- row the social outlook and harden the sympa- thies ; and disturbs and wrecks the nervous sys- tems of millions. The “reformers” who seek the limitation of 205 206 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING the sexual association of a couple to the from two to six times during life when offspring are desired, also are propagandists of prevention of conception, and of a particularly mischievous kind, for to most of the evils flowing from late marriage and which necessarily are concomi- tants of this “reform,” is to be added that of sexual teasing, teasing of a peculiarly intimate and trying and disintegrating nature. A man and woman of strong or of even only moderate sexual desires who love each other and who live together must express their affection only by tender words and caresses and kisses if they are resolved to have no cohabitation except the very few times when they think they are ready for children. Such a loving and caressive associa- tion, stopping short always of its natural ter- mination, leaves strained and aching testes and ovaries, quivering and irritable nerves, all the conditions that are the very seedbed of seriousi neuroses, of bodily weakening and mental break- ing. If it be said that those who adopt such a regimen have the strength of will to endure all consequences, it may be answered that the strength of will wThich carried religious martyrs to the stake did not prevent the flames perform- FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 207 ing the full ministry of fire upon their bodies. If it be further objected that this form of pre- vention will be chosen only by those whose sexu- ality is of very low voltage and Avho therefore will not be injuriously affected by the teasing of incomplete love-association, I retort that this amounts to a confession that only those whose power to help continue the race is very near the ebbing can escape the bad consequences of this kind of prevention of conception and that, no matter how great their intellectual powers may be, their racial strains soon must reach extinc- tion. The opponents of methods of limitation of the number of children which, while preventing the union of the spermatozoa and the ova, do not put upon the race the terrible burden of the evils I have named, and many more, usually conveniently forget that the alternative prac- tically is not the discontinuance of non-pro- creative intercourse, but abortion, and that abortions will increase with the lessening of the inhibitory force of old superstitions, both with- out and within the pale of marriage, unless that evil is prevented by the “absorbent substitution of the opposite good,” scientific prevention of 208 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING conception. As to those who lump prevention and abortion together as equally evil, or as the same thing, the less we say about their men- tality and their ethics the less unparliamentary we shall be. It has even been asserted, often, that prevention is just as much “murder” as is the destruction of a six-months embryo. Then, of course, late marriage, association only when children are desired, or the abstention from mar- riage of those who think themselves physically or mentally unfit to procreate, is “murder.” This is the logical absurdity into which plunge all who can not discriminate, who can not tell likeness from unlikeness, who can not distin- guish between prevention and abortion. But I need not dwell here; others have covered this part of the field fully and convincingly. Suffice it to say, that the quickening conscience of the race is revolting more and more against the criminal childishness of the anti-naturalists; the demand is growing that the banning of the knowledge of harmless preventives shall cease, that the forcing of the alternative of wholesale infanticide, wholesale wrecking of the bodies and torturing of the nerves of women, shall cease. Every State or federal statute, every pronun- FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 209 ciamento of a church conclave, which places sci- entific prevention of conception in the category with abortion is an insult to intelligence and a crime against humanity. INFANTICIDE, ABORTION, AND PRE- VENTION OF CONCEPTION L. Jacobi, M.D. I It is an established proposition that any spe- cies of plant or animal life, if allowed to multi- ply unchecked, would in no very long time over- run the entire surface of the globe. The mul- tiplication of plants and animals takes place in a geometrical ratio. This sounds tame enough, but as soon as we attempt to realize the true meaning of such an increase, the statement be- comes highly alarming. Much ingenious com- putation has been devoted to showing the result to be expected from unchecked reproduction. For example, the eggs of a single codfish, if al- lowed to mature thru several generations unmo- lested, would in three or four years fill the oceans with one solid mass. (The curious mathematician who performed this calculation, has left the resulting overflow out of considera- 210 FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 211 tion.) A plant yielding one hundred seeds an- nually, would in ten years produce one hun- dred quintillions of adult plants. The ele- phant, of all animals the slowest breeder, would stock the entire world in several thousand years. A single pair of guinea-pigs may produce 1000 in a single year (breeding begins at two months of age). To bring the marvelous natural process of propagation vividly home to our limited imag- ination, it may be said that the unhampered re- production of any species would soon consume the total quantity of matter contained in our so- lar system! However, all these interesting calculations are made in the subjunctive mood. In reality, no unmolested propagation ever takes place long enough to reach such proportions. Speaking of the codfish, we have no evidence of any marked numerical increase, their number probably remaining near a certain average thru many generations. This means that only a small minority of the innumerable codfish eggs attain maturity, the vast remainder going to waste. The apparent extravagance of nature is nowhere more strikingly exemplified. Yet the 212 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING extravagance is only apparent. Millions of eggs are necessary in order that a few may de- velop into new individuals, for codfish-eggs have to run the gauntlet of infinite dangers from other creatures and from physical condi- tions. Vast numbers are doomed to destruc- tion, a mere lucky handful emerging victorious from this so-called “struggle for existence.” These few represent the “survival of the fittest,” as the process has been aptly named by Herbert Spencer, a term now generally accepted. In the words of John Fiske, “there is an un- ceasing struggle for life—a competition for the means of subsistence—going on among all plants and animals. In this struggle by far the greater number succumb without leaving off- spring, but a few favored ones in each genera- tion survive and propagate to their offspring the qualities by virtue of which they have sur- vived.” (“Cosmic Philosophy,” Vol. 11, Ch. X.) And again: “Battles far more deadly than those of Gettysburg or Gravelotte have been in- cessantly waged on every square mile of the earth’s life-bearing surface, since life first be- gan. It is only thus that the enormous in- FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 213 crease of each species has been kept within bounds The human race is also subject to the same law of multiplication. Populations have been known to become doubled in 25 years, and, ac- cording to Euler’s calculations, this result may be achieved under favorable conditions in half that period. We may safely accept it as an axiom, that the multiplication of mankind is capable of rapidly outstripping the means of subsistence. Ac- cording to Rev. Malthus, the famous author of the epoch-making “Essay on the Principle of Population,” published in England in 1798, the means of subsistence increase in an arithmeti- cal progression, while population grows in a geometrical progression, the latter quickly leaving the former far behind. Whether things can be reduced to such exact mathematical for- mulas or not, the essential truth inherent in the proposition of Rev. Malthus must be acknowl- edged as beyond the reach of doubt. And un- til the time arrives when man will be capable of utilizing the latent powers of his planet to an extent now undreamed, he must again and again be brought face to face with the problem of 214 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING keeping population within the limits of suste- nance derived bj human labor from Mother Earth. This tendency of population to tread on the heels of production has from the earliest times been the immediate cause of progress. “It pro- duced,” says Spencer in his “Principles of Bi- ology,” “the original diffusion of the race. It compelled men to abandon predatory habits and take to agriculture. It led to the clearing of the earth’s surface. It forced men into the so- cial state; made social organization inevitable; and has developed the social sentiments. It has stimulated to progressive improvement in production, and to increased skill and intelli- gence. It is daily thrusting us into closer con- tact and more mutually-dependent relation- ships. And after having caused, as it ulti- mately must, the due peopling of the globe, and the raising of its habitable parts into the high- est state of culture—after having perfected all processes for the satisfaction of human wants —after having, at the same time, developed the intellect into competence for its work and the feelings into fitness for social life—after having done all this, the pressure of population must FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 215 gradually approach to an end—an end, how- ever, which it cannot absolutely reach.” While thus recognizing the beneficent role played by pressure of population in the evolu- tion of mankind, we must not underestimate those forces which have always tended to antag- onize the dangers of excessive propagation. It is not the latter alone that we have to credit with the blessings of civilization. Pressure of population alone, without the counter-pressure of antagonistic forces, would have produced no progress. Both were requisite to maintain a balance. Let us now dwell briefly on these checks to excessive multiplication. In the past, pressure of population has ever been reduced and moderated by the wholesale destruction of human life in wars, epidemics, and periodical famines. Ravages by the larger beasts of prey have also contributed a small share (tigers in India, etc.). Pestilential diseases, especially such as plague and small-pox, have repeatedly devas- tated the earth’s population, and this far more thoroly and generally than any war. The death-dealing powers of Nature leave the en- mity between man and man far behind. The 216 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING great epidemic of “Black Death,” which swept over Europe in the 14th century, carried off 25,000,000 lives, amounting to one quarter of the entire European population. During the Great Plague of London in the 17th century, 70,000 died. In America, as late as 1839, whole tribes of Indians have been wiped out by small-pox. With the gradual elimination of wars and epi- demics, and with the steady improvement in hy- gienic conditions, the pressure of overpopula- tion has shown a corresponding increase. Says a recent writer (Scott Nearing) : “A con- tinuance of the rate of increase in population which prevailed in the early 19th century would have resulted, in the near future of the Western World, in an overpopulation problem as seri- ous as that now confronting China or India.” However, such a rate of increase has not con- tinued, and to understand the reason we must turn our attention to a check on overpopulation not mentioned as yet, tho it is, perhaps, the most important of them all, according to high authority (Charles Darwin). This check, pe- culiar to man, supersedes the blind cosmic forces more and more as the human race advances. FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 217 It is the conscious effort to keep the number of newly born individuals within tolerable limits. The earliest expedient resorted to by primi- tive peoples has been, naturally enough, the killing of infants at birth or shortly after. We find this method of infanticide still prevailing in many parts of the globe (it is common in Aus- tralia), and it may be safely inferred to have been very widely diffused in the past. Infanticide is employed not only as a conven- ient means of regulating the growth of popula- tion, but serves also to determine its quality, for usually the weakest infants are put to death. Males being a more valuable asset in primitive society, it is ordinarily the females who are sac- rificed. The custom of infanticide was at one time almost universal, and represents the earli- est conscious effort at dealing a blow to a peril- ous rate of multiplication. “The murder of infants,” remarks Darwin in his “Descent of Man,” “has prevailed on the largest scale thruout the world and has met with no reproach.” And again: “Barbarians find it difficult to support themselves and their children, and it is a simple plan to kill their infants.” M’Lennan in his “Primitive Marriage,” also in- 218 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING dines to the view that these practices originated in the impossibility of supporting all the in- fants that are born. True, some competent observers have attrib- uted the fearfully common practice of infanti- cide partly to female vanity, the women wish- ing to avoid lactation in order to preserve their good figure, but this additional motive may be dismissed as negligible. For the sake of completeness, other conscious checks to overpopulation may be fitly men- tioned, for instance, licentiousness, encouraged here and there in the hope of keeping down the rate of increase. The same applies to homo- sexuality, occasionally sanctioned by various peoples for the purpose of retarding multiplica- tion. Prostitution, also, has been credited by some authorities with a regulative function of this nature. Thus, G. de Molinari (La Viri- culture) believes that prostitution has acted beneficially by neutralizing the excesses of the sexual impulse, indirectly suppressing the neces- sity of infanticide, and finally leading to the prohibition of that method. In a very different way, prostitution has within recent years suppressed infanticide. FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 219 We are told, namely, that in a certain Chinese province it was customary for poor parents to kill some or all of the girls born to them, for they were too heavy a burden and brought no compensation. Lately, however, the development of steam- ship lines along the coast has brought vice and prostitution along with it, and the Chinese girls can be sold profitably into brothels. Hence the killing of female infants has been abandoned in that province. While it may be admitted that prostitution and other minor factors have not been without some influence on the custom of murdering in- fants, yet this influence has never been general or far-reaching enough to abolish infanticide. Quite another factor came into action before that institution was supplanted, as we shall presently see. II How long infanticide continued to be prac- ticed, before it dawned on the primitive mind that it could be avoided by extinguishing the in- fant’s life while yet in the mother’s womb, is a matter of vague conjecture. Sooner or later, 220 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING however, the discovery was inevitable, and hence- forth artificial abortion may be assumed to have replaced gradually the custom of infanti- cide. At first abortion was probably resorted to only during the later stages of pregnancy, when the expanding body of the mother betrayed her condition even to the unobservant eye. The initial stages are not likely to be recognized by the savage, since intercourse begins early in both sexes, and pregnancy often supervenes be- fore menstruation has appeared, while later a new impregnation may easily occur, and thus the menstrual flow repeatedly anticipated and kept in abeyance. When at last primitive man had learned to recognize early pregnancy, ef- forts were probably made to interrupt it. The substitution of abortion for infanticide must be considered chronologically and ethically a step in advance. The motives prompting abortion are in general identical with the causes of infant-murder. The deterring factors, such as maternal love, or aversion to taking life, which may have induced an occasional mother to spare her child when infanticide was the cus- tom, must have lost their influence with the ad- FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 221 vent of abortion. The latter could be invoked without any such scruples and was no doubt a welcome substitute for murder. The extensive practice of artificial abortion among the uncivilized and the semi-civilized races ought to be a matter of astonishment to those who blame civilization for all human ills, and look backward upon “the state of nature” as a paradise lost. The number of primitive peoples resorting to artificial abortion is verily legion. Wherever it is employed, we usually find in- fanticide entirely abandoned, and this confirms the conjecture indulged in above. Some peo- ples distinctly specify that abortion is per- missible, while infanticide is punishable as mur- der. In fact, the majority of lower races look leniently on artificial abortion, and even certain civilized peoples sanction the practice. The Turks, for example, allow it up to the fifth month of pregnancy, as they consider the fetus lifeless until that time. It is interesting to take notice of the methods employed by primitive races to procure abor- tion. Probably the oldest and most obvious procedure consists in violent measures directed 222 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING against the abdomen of the pregnant woman. The “patient” lies down, and the wise old woman or the medicine-man kneels on the pros- trate body, executes a dance on her stomach, kicks her, and maltreats her generally in vari- ous more or less ingenious ways, until certain symptoms make their appearance and testify to the success of the “operation.” With advancing knowledge of human anat- omy and physiology, these crude measures be- come abandoned in favor of procedures directed against the fetus or the organs concerned with gestation. Special implements are designed for the purpose of puncturing the fetal membranes or dilating the os uteri, and these primitive in- ventions often show a high degree of ingenuity, besides bearing witness to a remarkable knowl- edge of local anatomy. Medicinal remedies, too, have been very ex- tensively administered for the purpose of pro- ducing abortion. These medicines were usually derived from vegetable sources, the occasionally great specific virtues were ascribed to certain disgusting substances of animal origin. Making the necessary allowances for changes due to better knowledge of drugs and improved FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 223 technique in manufacturing instruments, it must be confessed that in principle the crude efforts of lower races are not very different from the methods now in vogue among civilized peoples. Of the latter it must be stated that abortion is universally practiced on a very extensive scale, and this condition of affairs dates back to ancient times. In Greece, Plato and Aris- totle approved of artificial abortion, recom- mending its employment as early as possible. In Rome, abortion was very commonly pro- cured, but the patriarchal law of the early Ro- mans vested the right to produce abortion not in the mother, but in the father. Abortion was unqualifiedly condemned only by the Christian Church, owing to certain the- oretical notions, as Ellis says. Various penal- ties were gradually introduced, culminating in the declaration that artificial abortion is equiv- alent to murder. All these penalties and threats and exhortations have failed signally to hold the practice in check. “Abortion,” says Havelock Ellis, “is exceedingly common in all civilized countries.” Nay, more than that, in recent years a strong 224. LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING movement in support of the right to perform abortion has sprung up. This movement appears to have originated in Italy, where Balestrini had published a learned and suggestive book on the subject, now recog- nized as a work of authority. His broad and humane ideas were received very warmly, espe- cially by members of the legal profession, who rallied to his support. Some years later a remarkable novel, called Le Droit d’Avortement, appeared in France. The author, Dr. Jean Darricarrere, advocated the thesis that a woman has the inalienable right to abortion. In Russia, a similar view is presented by Art- sibasheff in his now famous sensational novel Sanin. The protagonist cynically ridicules those who take abortion seriously. He consid- ers the interruption of early pregnancy a mat- ter of slight consequence, a mere interference with a “chemical reaction.” But it was in Germany that the new move- ment found its strongest advocates. Here a number of distinguished women have openly come forward in support of a prospective mother’s right to abortion. FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 225 Countess Gisela Streitberg was the pioneer, with her book: “Das Recht zur Beseitigung Kei- menden Lebens.” She was followed by several capable feminine disciples, and soon a number of eminent lawyers joined the women in their fight against the legal restrictions placed upon abortion. They argue that no laws are needed to pro- tect the unborn child, since the natural maternal instincts are quite adequate, and will not be disobeyed in the absence of powerful and rea- sonable motives. When, however, such motives are present, no one has the right to force moth- erhood upon the unwilling woman. That these ideas have not fallen upon unheed- ing ears, may be gathered from a resolution passed at the Woman’s Congress in 1905, de- manding that abortion should be declared pun- ishable only when brought about by another person against the will of the pregnant woman. “Alike on the side of practice and of theory,” says Havelock Ellis, “a great change has taken place during recent years in the attitude to- wards abortion.” There is even a noticeable tendency to shift all blame from the woman to her environment, and to look upon her not as an 226 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING offender, but a victim of prejudice and circum- stance. [The author could have mentioned a number of other publications which indicate a radical change of attitude towards the question of abor- tion. In belles lettres the most important con- tribution is Brieux’ famous play “Maternity”; this play, by the greatest living French drama- tist, ought to be read by everybody. In Ger- many quite some literature has sprung up de- manding a certain latitude for the pregnant woman in her decision as to whether or not she is willing to carry the fetus to full term. Among them we might mention “Das Keimende Leben” by Herbert Eulenberg which in the form of a lawyer’s plea defending an accused woman abortionist demands the acquittal of the ac- cused. In the September 1912 issue of the Critic and Guide we referred to a memorial by a Berlin physician to the Penal Code Commission sug- gesting that every woman who has already had three children or any single girl who has been seduced or raped should have perfect legal right to have abortion induced on herself. But the most important contribution to the subject that FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 227 has come to mj notice is a work in two volumes by Dr. Eduard Ritter von Liszt, Royal Im- perial District Judge in Vienna, entitled “Die Kriminelle Fruchtabtreibung.” This is a work which discusses the subject in a calm, dispas- sionate, legal manner, and is worthy the care- ful attention of every earnest student of the subject. W. J. R.] Admitting all these arguments, and giving due consideration to the exigencies of individual cases, we must, nevertheless, refuse to accept artificial abortion as a solution of the prob- lem. Even where its employment may be con- doned, it is a necessary evil at best, by no means an adequate and ethically sound remedy for overpopulation or for unwelcome pregnancy. For abortion, while indubitably more humane than infanticide, is fraught with grave conse- quences to the woman. Entirely omitting the anxious question as to its status in regard to the unborn creature, and confining ourselves to cold utilitarian considerations, we cannot close our eyes to the misery, the suffering, the un- timely deaths which so often follow in the wake of artificial abortion. Where life is not imme- diately forfeited, permanent disability fre- 228 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING quently results. In many instances, serious op- erations are subsequently necessary, and not a few lives, spared at first, are snuffed out later as a direct penalty for violating nature’s laws. The waste of energy and the distress inflicted upon the woman herself and upon her family, not to mention the economic losses which weigh heavily on the less fortunate, are in themselves arguments against abortion, more powerful and eloquent than any rhetoric. It would be sad indeed, were the human race condemned forever to invoke the aid of this gory expedient in its struggle against excessive mul- tiplication. Fortunately, however, the outlook is not so bleak. There is another resource, cer- tain to become widely diffused, and destined to supplant artificial abortion, even as abortion suppressed infanticide. Ill It may be conjectured that interruption of pregnancy during the later months was gradu- ally abandoned in favor of earlier interruption, and the steadily receding time of interference must have finally suggested a desire to avert pregnancy altogether. Presently some means FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 229 was devised to accomplish this purpose, and hu- manity witnessed the origin of a new departure in dealing with the ubiquitous problem of over- population. For a long time preventive at- tempts must have been tentative and sporadic, the older expedient of abortion continuing to exist side by side with the new method, and slowly yielding ground to its encroachments. It is only in comparatively recent times that we find abortion rapidly receding before measures employed to prevent conception in cases where pregnancy is unwelcome. This 'prophylaxis of conception, as I prefer to call it (meaning in Greek: guarding against or warding off), was known and occasionally employed in antiquity, as may be gathered from a familiar passage in Genesis (xxxviii) : And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother’s wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother’s wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.” In modern terms, Onan sought to guard against conception by practicing coitus mterruptus. Erroneously, however, his name LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING 230 has become associated with masturbation (“onanism”). The ancient Greeks, too, had remedies called Atokia, which prevented (or were supposed to prevent) conception, and were distinguished from Phthoria, or remedies producing abortion. In early Roman days, Soranus, the greatest ob- stetrician of antiquity, advocated prevention of conception as a substitute for abortion, with the dangers of which he was familiar. Nevertheless, it is only in modern times that prophylaxis of conception has come to be widely employed, and this movement for the control of procreation may be said to date from Malthus’ famous “Essay on Population” (1798). In this book, as we have already indicated, the author assumes that propagation of the human race takes place in a geometrical progression, while the means of subsistence can be augmented much more slowly, corresponding to an arith- metical progression. As a result, starvation is ever threatening mankind, and can be averted only by a judicious control of propagation. Malthus wras a clergyman, and the remedy he proposed consisted in “self-control,” that is, he counseled judicious abstinence from sexual in- FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 231 tercourse as the best preventive measure. He believed that the power of self-control increased pari passu with civilization, and would enable people to refrain altogether from marital pleasures when such restraint was demanded in the interest of the race. Without denying these assertions some sem- blance of truth, we are compelled to say that the Reverend Malthus failed signally in his esti- mate of the influence wielded by the reproduc- tive instinct. He reckoned without his host, and suggested a cure which was worse than the disease. His naively-sincere attitude brought him an abundance of undeserved ridicule, and his book is nowadays mentioned with an indul- gent smile. He had not lived and labored in vain, how- ever. His ideas were adopted by several fol- lowers, who recognized the truth inherent in his statements, while they cast about for more prac- ticable preventive measures than mere self-con- trol. The pioneer in advocating these so-called Neo-malthusian methods was James Mill, father of John Stuart Mill. He aired his views very cautiously in an article written in 1818 for the 232 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING Encyclopedia Britannica. Four years later, his friend Francis Place, wrote as follows on the subject: “If it were once clearly understood that it was not disreputable for married persons to avail themselves of such precautionary means as would, without being injurious to health, or destructive of female delicacy, prevent concep- tion, a sufficient check might at once be given to the increase of population beyond the means of subsistence. The course recommended will, I am freely persuaded, at some period be pursued by the people even if left to themselves.” These prophetic words were realized in an- other half-century and now prevention of con- ception is affecting the birth-rate of all civilized countries. There are societies and periodicals in all civilized languages, devoted to the propa- gation of Neo-malthusian principles. “It is no longer permissible,” says Havelock Ellis, “to discuss the validity of the control of procreation, for it is an accomplished fact and has become a part of our modern morality.” The same view is taken by Sidney Webb (Pop. Science Monthly, 1906, p. 526) : “If a course of conduct is habitually and deliberately pursued by vast multitudes of otherwise well- FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 233 conducted people, forming probably a majority of the whole educated class of the nation, we must assume that it does not conflict with their actual code of morality.” This widespread resort to prophylaxis of conception finds its expression in the decline of the birth-rate, and eminent authorities can be quoted to show that this decline must be at- tributed to voluntary intervention. Says Scott Nearing, in a paper on Race Suicide vs. Overpopulation (1911): “Any con- scious restriction in the birth-rate is popularly referred to as race-suicide. It is in this sense that Roosevelt employed the term. The prev- alence of a conscious restriction in the birth- rate on the part of the vast majority of Ameri- can families has been established beyond ques- tion. Until 1850 any great increase in popu- lation was prevented by a high death rate. In the succeeding century, as a result of science and sanitation, the death rate was gradually reduced, and an overwhelming increase in pop- ulation was prevented in only one way—by de- creasing the birth-rate. The decline in the birth-rate therefore saved the modern civilized world from over-population and economic dis- 234 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING aster. An equilibrium of population has been reestablished thru the saving grace of the de- crease in the birth-rate, commonly called “race suicide.” Prof. H. W. Conn likewise considers the di- minishing birth-rate voluntary: “My own belief is that this is the greatest factor in the dimin- ishing size of families. Indeed, I should rather be inclined to believe that if this factor could be removed, we should find the race practically as fertile as in previous generations.” According to Dr. John S. Billings (Forum, 1893), one of the chief causes of the diminish- ing birth-rate is the “diffusion of information with regard to the subject of generation by means of popular and school treatises on physi- ology and hygiene, which diffusion began be- tween 30 and 40 years ago. Girls of 20 years of age at the present day know much more about anatomy and physiology than did their grandmothers at the same age, and the mar- ried women are much better informed as to the means by which the number of children may be limited than were those of 30 years ago.” Prof. Chas. F. Emerick, after a study of this subject, sums up as follows: “Our conclusion is FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 235 that the diminishing birth-rate is primarily volitional, and that the various factors which make for involuntary sterility are of minor im- portance.” And he rightly adds that “the weight of well-defined opinion supports the view that the decline of the birth rate is voli- tional.” In his “Essentials of Economic Theory,” Clark says: “There are measures not here to be named in detail, which keep down the number of births. By strength and also by weakness, by virtue and also by vice, is the economic man- date which limits the rate of growth of popula- tion carried out.” These opinions may be accepted as conclu- sive evidence of the frequency and universality with which prophylaxis of conception is prac- ticed by modern civilized peoples. If addi- tional proof is demanded, it may be found in the attitude of the Church towards this prac- tice. “The Church,” says Ellis, “always alive to sexual questions, has realized the impor- tance of the modern movement and has adapted herself to it, by proclaiming to her more igno- rant children that incomplete intercourse is a deadly sin, while refraining from making in- 236 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING quiries into this matter among her more edu- cated members.” He concludes that “the adoption of preventive methods of conception follows progress and civilization, and the gen- eral practice of such methods, by Catholics and non-Catholics, is merely a matter of time.” Passing over this familiar reactionary atti- tude of the Christian Church, let us inquire how the modern movement is viewed by philan- thropists, sociologists, physicians, and think- ing people generally. Here are a few repre- sentative voices. Prof. Edward A. Ross pleads for education along the lines of birth-restriction: “Education is what is needed—education directed against the old idea that it is the woman’s duty to bring as many children into the world as possible in the belief that God will look after these chil- dren when they are brought here. Neither do I believe in the restriction of marriage save in the case of physical or mental defectives. Mar- riage is the normal state for all, whether poor or rich. But marriage, with poverty as a con- dition, should necessarily restrict the number of children. “What I stand for is the national need for a FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 237 more perfect knowledge of parental responsi- bility among all classes of our people.” Dr. William J. Robinson writes emphatically as follows: “There is no single measure that would so positively, so immediately contribute towards the happiness and progress of the hu- man race as teaching the people the proper means of prevention of conception. This has been my sincerest and deepest conviction since I have learned to think rationally. It is the sincere and deep conviction of thousands of others, but they are too cowardly to express it in public.” Another physician, Dr. William U. Holt, says: “Conscious and limited procreation is dic- tated by love and intelligence; it improves the race. Unconscious, irresponsible procreation produces domestic misery and half-starved chil- dren.” The opinion of women themselves on this sub- ject is naturally very valuable: Here is what Mrs. Helen La Reine Baker has written: “There are already too many children in the world. What we want now is quality and not quantity. Parents should be taught the re- sponsibility of bringing children into the world. 238 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING When the birth-rate will decrease, we shall have a better and stronger race.” H. G. Wells, the brilliant English writer, is not alarmed by the continued fall in the birth- rate in America and in Europe. He pleads for “more temperate and better controlled procrea- tion.” These quotations could be multiplied indefi- nitely. Let one more reference suffice. Thru- out Herbert Spencer’s works there are scat- tered pithy expressions of his views on our sub- ject. A few extracts may fitly conclude our survey of authoritative opinion. Speaking, in the “Principles of Biology,” of human population in the Future, he says: “In proportion as the emotional nature becomes more evolved, and there grows up a higher sense of parental responsibility, the begetting of chil- dren that cannot be properly reared will be uni- versally held intolerable.” And again, in the “Principles of Ethics”: “If, however, improvident marriages are to be reprobated—if to bring children into the world when there will probably be no means of main- taining any, is a course calling for condemna- tion ; then there must be condemnation for those FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 239 who bring many children into the world when they have means of properly rearing only a few. Improvidence after marriage cannot be considered right, if improvidence before mar- riage is considered wrong.” Elsewhere in the same work we read: “While the rate of multiplication continues so to exceed the rate of mortality as to cause pressure on the means of subsistence, there must continue to result much unhappiness; either from balked affections or from overwork and stinfed means. Only as fast as fertility diminishes, which we have seen it must do along with further men- tal development, can there go on such diminu- tion of the labors required for efficiently sup- porting self and family, that they will not con- stitute a displeasurable tax on the energies.” In the meantime, while waiting for the ade- quate decrease of fertility to take place natu- rally, Spencer is in favor of prevention of con- ception, as will be evident from the following parenthetical phrase from a sentence occurring in his Ethics: “When the pressure of popula- tion has been rendered small—proximately by prudential restraints, and ultimately by de- crease of fertility,” etc. 240 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING In the “Principles of Ethics” there is also this passage: “While the struggle for existence among men has to be carried on with an inten- sity like that which now exists, the quantity of suffering to be borne by the majority must re- main great. This struggle for existence must continue to be thus intense so long as the rate of multiplication continues greatly in excess of the rate of mortality. Only in proportion as the production of new individuals ceases to go on so greatly in excess of the disappearance of individuals by death, can there be a diminution of the pressure upon the means of subsistence, and a diminution of the strain and the accom- panying pains that arise more or less to all, and in a greater degree to the inferior.” In his last book, “Facts and Comments,” writ- ten, as he tells us in his letters, at the rate of ten lines per day, he says emphatically (Chap- ter “Some Regrets”) : “I detest that conception of social progress which presents as its aim, in- crease of population, growth of wealth, spread of commerce. In the politico-economic ideal of human existence there is contemplated quantity only and not quality. Instead of an immense amount of life of low type I would far sooner FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 241 see half the amount of life of a high type. . . . Increase in the swarms of people whose exist- ence is subordinated to material development is rather to be lamented than be rejoiced over.” IV It is evident that prevention of conception is not a remedy for overpopulation only, but a powerful factor in improving the quality of the race. We may here appropriately consider the various groups of cases in which conception is best avoided. The least objectionable are the strictly medi- cal indications. There are many pathological conditions in which pregnancy and childbirth are equivalent to serious impairment and short- ening of life, or even to death. There is no room for difference of opinion when a woman is afflicted with advanced tuberculosis, organic heart-disease, grave changes in the kidneys, etc. Here the law permits even the use of artificial abortion when pregnancy has supervened, and no one will hesitate to advise the patient to avoid becoming pregnant altogether. We have no right to demand the sacrifice of the mother’s life for the sake of the progeny. Here pro- 242 LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING phylaxis of conception is undertaken in the in- terest of the woman. A different indication is furnished by those diseases or hereditary defects of the parents which are likely to be transmitted to their off- spring. Syphilis, insanity, degeneracy, and grave moral taints belong to the group. Here it is clearly a service to the race to desist from propagating imbeciles, lunatics and criminals. This might be called the eugenic indication for prophylaxis of conception, and the law, again, has recognized it. In some States there is a legal provision demanding the sterilization of confirmed or habitual criminals. Prevention of propagation is thus assured from the outset. After the medical and the eugenic indica- tions,- comes the economic one. This usually meets with opposition from certain quarters, yet no valid argument can be presented against it. It benefits the parents, it is decidedly beneficial to society, and it is even merciful toward the unborn and unconceived creature, which is fre- quently saved from a life of misery. If we have no right to demand a sacrifice of the mother for the sake of the child, neither have we the right to demand sacrifices which, tho FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 243 stopping short of being immediately fatal, nev- ertheless shorten and cripple the woman’s life. Finally, there are numerous and varied cases, when a woman, having conceived, will seek to interrupt pregnancy at any price. Here, if anywhere, prevention is preferable to “cure.” Such are the principal cases and conditions calling for prophylaxis of conception, and when this method of dealing with them becomes generally adopted, then will commence the period of seven lean years for all those who now thrive by interrupting undesirable pregnancy. Who will deny that much unhappiness' and misery will thus be averted, and that society will gain incalculably in consequence? Finally, prophylaxis of conception cannot fail to exert an indirect influence on our cur- rent sex morality. By conferring upon the woman immunity from the most dreaded sequel of illicit indulgence, it will undoubtedly tend to equalize the conduct of both sexes when con- fronted by temptation, and by generally facili- tating marriage, it is bound to contribute to- ward the establishment of more hygienic sex re- lations, which, again, must redound to the bene- fit of society at large. LET ME BE CREATED IN LOVE By James P. Warbasse, M.D. A proposition that would seem scarcely to need defense is that the uncreated child should not force itself upon parents who do not want it. It is so apt to find itself in an unconge- nial atmosphere that three are caused to suffer where two were happy before. There was a time, in the days of constant warfare, with its frightful mortality, and in the days of slow industry, with its meager produc- tivity, that people and more people were needed to fight and toil and kill and die. But the ma- chine, the conquest of disease, and the passing of the superstitions which glorified the crimes of war, all prompt mankind to produce more people not for the sake of the numbers alone. Only the capitalist, with his hunger for profits, and the priest with his hunger for sheep to en- large his fold, now cry out: “Give us more people, for upon their backs we ride to glory.” But to breed people, to be thrown into the 244 FROM THE CRITIC AND GUIDE 245 hopper to be ground into profits, and to bring forth sinners, to be saved for the glory of the saviors, is not so highly esteemed a human func- tion as it erstwhile was. Were the unconceived child to speak perhaps it might say: “Let me be created in love and born only as a gift to parents whose hands are held out with loving welcome to receive me. Spare me from the hostile frown of my crea- tors.” A babe is so important a thing that it is deserving only of loving parents; and parents and lovers are so important that to mar their union by an unwelcome child is to threaten both parenthood and sexual love. A Practical Treatise on the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Sexual Impotence And Other Sexual Disorders in Men and Women BY WILLIAM J. ROBINSON, M.D. Chief of the Department of Genito-Urinary Diseases and Dermatology, Bronx Hospital and Dispensary; Editor The American Journal of Urology, Venereal and Sexual Diseases; Editor and Founder of The Critic and Guide; Author of Sexual Problems of T'oday; Never Told Tales; Practical Eugenics, etc. BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. Part I—Masturbation. Its Prevalence, Causes, Varieties, Symptoms, Results, Prophylaxis and Treatment. Coitus Interruptus and its Effects. Part II—Varieties, Causes and Treatment of Pollutions, Spermator- rhea, Prostatorrhea and Urethrorrhea. Part III—Sexual Impotence in the Male. Every phase of its widely varying causes and treatment, with illuminating case reports. Part IV—Sexual Neurasthenia. Causes, Treatment, case reports, and its relation to Impotence. Part V—Sterility, Male and Female. Its Causes and Treatment. Part VI—Sexual Disorders in Woman, Including Frigidity, Vaginis- mus, Adherent Clitoris, and Injuries to the Female in Coitus. Part VII—Priapism. Etiology, Case Reports and Treatment. Part VIII—Miscellaneous Topics. Including: Is Masturbation a Vice?—Two Kinds of Premature Ejaculation.—The Frequency of Coitus.—“Useless” Sexual Excitement.—The Relation Between Mental and Sexual Activity.—Big Families and Sexual Vigor.—Sexual Per- versions. Part IX—Prescriptions and Minor Points. Third edition revised and enlarged. Cloth bound, 422 pages. Postpaid, $3.00. Address: THE CRITIC AND GUIDE COMPANY 12 MT. MORRIS PARK W., NEW YORK CITY THE DISOKDEKS OF THE SEXUAL SYSTEM “He who throws light on the dark and intricate problems of sex, helping to unravel the mysteries of and to cure the complex sexual disorders, does indeed a signal service to humanity.” We believe that in bringing out our latest work, Sexual Impotence and Other Sexual Disorders in Men and Women, we have given the profession one of the most useful, one of the most valuable books that have ever been published. A gratifyingly large num- ber of physicians have told us that the book not only helped them to treat successfully sexual weakness and other disorders in their patients or in themselves, but that it opened their eyes to the significance of many things which they did not understand before. Those who have read the book know its value and importance; those who have not may be interested to read what the medical journals have to say about it. Here are a few extracts: No American authority has given more serious thought to the subject of sexual diseases than the author of this volume; he has given to us in it the best that in him lies. No physician who has had to combat this distressing condi- tion, and those conditions dependent upon it, has any doubt of its serious importance. And we all recognize the weak- ness of the literature on the subject. Dr. Robinson takes SEXUAL IMPOTENCE a sensible view of things which have not been sensibly con- sidered; nowhere has he shown this to better advantage than in this volume on a difficult subject. —Medical Fortnightly. Dr. Robinson discusses the numerous phases of this sub- ject, in both sexes, clearly and in detail. He tells no lies to conform to moral, social and religious ideals, and con- sequently those who differ with him in beliefs or in pre- tensions may censure him as immoral. In some of these points there is opportunity for difference of opinion, but on the whole we think that Dr. Robinson has expressed what the majority of physicians believe, tho not necessarily the opinion most frequently published. Pretty nearly every conceivable sexual abnormality, physical or psychic is at least alluded to. If we were to select any one feature of this work for special mention, it would be the uniform common sense of the author.—Buffalo Medical Journal. This book is not by any means a rehash of some other book or a resume of several. This treatise is interesting and valuable, and the author is absolutely honest and fear- less in his opinions. A unique and helpful feature is the case reports which illustrate every phase of sexual dis- order.—Indianapolis Medical Journal. Dr. Robinson deals with the subject in a dignified, scien- tific way, that will be helpful to the physician who has judgment enough to realize that he is as responsible for functions around which a modern, sham, conventional modesty has thrown a hiatus of folly as he is for the ap- petite, eliminative powers or nutritive functions of the same persons. And the science of eugenics can never be worthy of medical consideration until the people are taught that it is as much the duty and Dusiness of physicians to in- quire about the sexual habits of patients as of their habits of eating and drinking. This book will do much good, and that good will be as extensive as its reading. —Texas State Journal of Medicine. SEXUAL IMPOTENCE In this book we have a complete treatise on sexual dis- orders and their treatment, with descriptions of actual individual cases, giving the individual symptomatology and individual treatment. When given in this manner the de- scription becomes indelibly impressed on the memory and enables a physician when he gets a case to understand and classify it without a great amount of difficulty. —Charlotte Medical Journal. The name of the author is ample assurance that this treatise is not a rehash nor lacking in honest opinions fear- lessly expressed. The style of the writer is notably per- sonal, clear, straightforward and conversational. The ex- haustion of the first edition in less than two months from the day of publication shows unmistakably the need of a book of this character. It also shows that the profession is at last becoming alive to its shortcomings in the matter of sexual disorders and is beginning to be willing to learn. —Southern California Practitioner. Perhaps no subject pertaining to human ills has been so neglected by medical teachers or medical text-books as the subject discussed in this volume. While legitimate medical literature was indiscreetly silent on sex teachings, the quack literature was teeming with misinformation, which, as the author intimates, did more real harm than did sexual ignorance or sex abuse. The doctor will find this work instructive.—Illinois Medical Journal. As is to be expected Robinson goes into the subject thoroly, and calls a spade a spade, with the result that he has evolved a volume full of meat and of great value to the physician, whose ingenuity is often taxed to the ut- most to discover the whys and wherefores at the bottom of impotence. The racy Robinsonesque style adds interest to the text matter of the volume.—Medical Times. Dr. William J. Robinson is to-day the most eminent student of venereal disease. This fact will not need sub- stantiation by those who have followed his work as set SEXUAL IMPOTENCE forth in his various books. This volume is a complete treatise on sexual impotence. It has the merit of being a practical work. By this we mean it can be readily con- sulted and the author’s meaning is always plain. Dr. Rob- inson is a forceful writer and his teachings are up-to-date. The author gives all that is new and true on the subject, and teaches us how to proceed in cases that we have treated without a complete guide in the past. No practitioner can afford to be without this book.—Therapeutic Record. The author states his views on certain mooted sexual questions with an unequivocal clearness and positiveness which certainly leaves no doubt in the reader’s mind as to just what the author wanted to say. This is a book full of meat, served up in the author’s frank and catchy style. —Medical Summary. In reviewing this classical work, we make unhesitatingly the statement that this is the only complete treatise on sexual impotence and other sexual disorders in the Eng- lish or any other language. Any physician who has made a careful study of the book cannot fail to treat his cases with a fair degree of success. It is a distinctly practical volume. In his inimitable style the talented author has woven his scientific truths into the fifty-eight chapters, each of which reads like an interesting novel. •—Pacific Medical Journal. The author has departed from the usual technical writ- ing of books. While his views may appear radical at times, his style is interesting, forceful, simple and yet ele- gant. The work is the result of the author’s experience, of which he is easily the literary and practical master. It contains some new information on the nature and treat- ment of sexual impotence, presented in a clear, systematized form, therefore well adapted for the general practitioner. —Denver Medical Times. Among other phases of sexual disorders that are in- cluded in this volume are sterility, relation of sexual to SEXUAL IMPOTENCE mental disorders, masturbation and many other conditions of great importance to the patient and intense interest to the physician. Many case reports are given in full that add value to the work. Patients suffering from sexual disturbances present themselves to every physician, be he specialist or general practitioner. For this reason this book by Dr. Robinson appeals to the entire medical pro- fession.—Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic. Dr. Robinson has written a great deal on the sex ques- tion. There is a large fund of information in this book which should be known. The clinical phases of the subject have been kept in mind, the frequent reports of cases, etc., fill the needs of the physician. Impotence is reviewed from every practical standpoint. It is an entertainingly written volume, and gives rise to thought and study. —Medical Herald. Especially interesting are the chapters upon treatment. These are in every respect excellent and practical and can- not fail to be of service to any physician who has patients of this kind to treat—and who has not? —American Journal of Clinical Medicine. The author expresses himself and his original ideas with the well known characteristic freedom which has given his editorials in The Critic ahd Guide such wide publicity and interest.—Northwest Medicine. Special emphasis is laid on treatment, and there are a number of entirely new conceptions dwelt upon. It is one of the most interesting clinical surveys of the subject ever offered to the profession.—Archives of Diagnosis. Dr. Robinson, the author of this book, is a specialist of national reputation and he is one of the most forcible writers in the medical profession. Such works as the one before us, are doing a great work in enlightening the medi- cal profession and thru them, the men and women of the country, who most need enlightenment, advice and SEXUAL IMPOTENCE treatment, upon the sex question. It is certainly a valuable book to the profession and contains information of in- estimable importance. Its careful perusal by every physi- cian will be the means of offering much in the way of valuable suggestions for the more successful and better management of many difficult and oftentimes misunder- stood cases. We must not lose sight of the large numbers of disorders of various kinds that may be traceable back to some sexual disturbance. The successful physician of the present time must acquaint himself with the far-reach- ing influence of the sex question. Certainly the successful management of cases of sexual impotence by the family physician will build up for him a reputation with the re- sult that he will not only be well-paid financially but will enjoy the lasting thanks of his patients as well. —Texas Medical News. It is an unfortunate fact that few physicians pay little real attention to the diagnosis and treatment of venereal diseases and still fewer to the sexual diseases or disorders that are not venereal. It is still more unfortunate that few physicians realize or admit their ignorance of these subjects. From this standpoint alone there is need of such a book as “Sexual Impotence,” but when the book is brief, concise, plainly written, and very much to the point it must be further commended. The author wastes no time on anatomy, physiology, and various theories, which may be found in other places, but goes directly at his subject, devoting the most space to those things which are of the greatest practical importance, namely: masturbation, and its influence on sexual disorders, pollutions and spermator- rhea, sexual impotence, sexual neurasthenia, and sterility with its treatment. The ground covered under the above subjects is not only intensely interesting but immensely important and practical; and few men will read the book without some benefit.—The Journal-Lancet. The author is a master of his subject and has produced a work of exceedingly great value. It will be appreciated SEXUAL IMPOTENCE by all medical men who very frequently meet cases in- cluded in this category and require aid. A section on prescriptions gives the author’s favorite methods of ex- hibiting certain drugs and combinations of drugs. It will be found a very useful book for this class of prevalent dis- orders.—Medical World. Of books on the sexual question there seems to be no end. This book however, we must admit, fills a sphere of usefulness that we cannot ascribe to many of the others. Dr. Robinson has taken a prominent lead in modernizing our present day sexual viewpoint. Many who write on these lines are theorists and dreamers, but Robinson’s writ- ings stand apart by their very practicability. Thruout this work the needs of the physician have been kept in mind, and the result is a sane, sensible and useful book. —Medical Sentinel. Dr. Robinson’s well-known ability in the clinical field of sexual deviations finds practical and scientific expression in this book, which is an adequate guide in the treatment of the sexual disorders of both men and women. —Medical Council. We think that all readers of Dr. Robinson’s book will be especially interested in his treatment of sterility and sexual neurasthenia, and we believe the work worthy of wide circulation among physicians.—American Practitioner. When the reader has completed the volume he is struck with the minuteness, the detail, the wealth of knowledge spread before him, and withal, the simple phraseology, the common-sense of the author and his uncommon power of placing before one facts, facts and yet more facts. He tears away the veil of mystery, sheds light on the all too prevailing ignorance of the medical man, specialist as well as general practitioner, and places in his hands means for the alleviation of the sufferings of many an individual whose ailments are but too often treated slightingly or not at all.—Virginia Medical Semi-Monthly. SEXUAL PROBLEMS OF TODAY WILLIAM J. ROBINSON, M.D. (Dr. Robinson’s work deals with every phase of the ex question, both in its individual and its social as- pects. In this book the scientific knowledge of a Dhysician, eminent as a specialist in everything per- iaining to the physiological and medical side of these ;opics, is combined with the vigorous social views )f a thinker who has radical ideas and is not afraid ;o give them outspoken expression. A few of the subjects which the author discusses n trenchant fashion are: The Relations Between the Sexes and Man’s Inhumanity to Woman. — The Influence of Abstinence on Man’s Sexual Health and Sexual Power. — The Double Standard of Morality and the Effect of Continence on Each Sex.— The Limitation of Offspring: the Most Important Immediate Step for the Better- (ment of the Human Race, from an Economic and Eugenic Standpoint. — What To Do With the Prostitute and How To Abolish Venereal Disease.—The Question of Abortion Considered In Its Ethical and Social Aspects. — Torturing the Wife When the Husband Is At Fault. — Influence of the Prostate on Man’s Mental Condition.—The Most Efficient Venereal Prophylactics, etc. etc. “ SEXUAL PROBLEMS OF TO-DAY ” will give [most of its readers information they never possessed oefore and ideas they never had before — or if they bad, never heard them publicly expressed before. Cloth-bound, 320 Pages, $2 Postpaid THE CRITIC AND GUIDE CO. 12 MT. MORRIS PARK W. NEW YORK At last we have a clear, plain, concise book on the treat- ment of Gonorrhea and its various complications, written expressly for the general practitioner. No Physician who has occasion to treat Gonorrhea can do justice to his Patient without a study of this latest and clearest volume on the subject. THE TREATMENT OF GONORRHEA And Its Complications in Men and Women. For the General Practitioner. By WILLIAM J. ROBINSON, M.D. An idea of the scope of this work may be gained from the Chapter Headings: i. Extent and Seriousness of Gonorrhea. 2. Classification of Urethral Inflammations. 3. Gonorrheal Urethritis in the Male. 4. The Germ and the Diagnosis of Gonorrhea. 5. Course and Symptomatology of Acute Gonorrhea. 6. Treatment of Acute Gonorrhea. 7. Case Reports. 8. Common Bacterial Ure- thritis. 9. Chancroidal Urethritis. 10. Syphilitic Urethritis. n. Chemical Urethritis. 12. Prophylactic Urethritis. 13. Traumatic Urethritis. 14. Toxic Urethritis. 15. Urethritis from Excess and Masturbation. 16. The Widely Vary- ing Conditions Known as Chronic Gonorrhea. 17. Treatment of Chronic Gonor- rhea. 18. Length of Time Required to Cure Chronic Gonorrheal Conditions. 19. Instruments Used in Treatment. 20. Abortive Treatment. 21. Prevention of Gonorrhea. 22. Minor Complications of Gonorrhea (Phimosis, Paraphimosis, Balanitis, Adenitis, Painful Erections and Chordee, Retention of Urine). 23. Acute Prostatitis. 24. Chronic Prostatitis. 25. Epididymitis. 26. Seminal Vesiculitis. 27. Gonorrhea of the Rectum. 28. Gonorrhea of the Mouth. 29. Stricture. 30. Gonorrheal Rheumatism. 31. Gonorrhea vs. Tobacco, Alcohol and Sexual Intercourse. 32. Gonorrhea in Women. 33. Vulvovaginitis in Little Girls. 34. Gonorrheal Ophthalmia. 35. Minor Points. Part 13.—Materia Medica of Gonor- rheal and Non-Gonorrheal Urethritis and Their Complications. 36. Silver Salts —Inorganic and Organic. 37. Miscellaneous Antiseptics and Astringents. 38. Vegetable Astringents. 39. Local Anesthetics. 40. Anti-Gonorrheal Remedies for Internal Use. 41. Urinary Antiseptics. 42. Lubricants. 43. Formulary. 315 pages, cloth, $2.50 postpaid - ADDRESS - CRITIC AND GUIDE CO. 12 MT. MORRIS PARK W. NEW YORK CITY A UNIQUE JOURNAL THE CRITIC AND GUIDE Dr. Robinson s Famous Little Monthly It is the most original journal in the country. It is the only one of its kind, and is interesting from cover to cover. There is no routine, dead matter in it. It is one of the very few journals that is opened with anticipation just as soon as it is received and of which every line is read with real interest. Not only are the special problems of the medical profession itself dealt with in a vigorous and progressive spirit, but the larger, social aspects of medicine and physiology are discussed in a fearless and radical manner. Many problems untouched by other publications, such as the sex question in all its varied phases, the economic causes of disease and other problems in medical sociology, are treated boldly and freely from the standpoint of modem science. In discussing questions which are considered taboo by the hyper-conservative, the editor says what he wants to say very plainly without regard for Mrs. Grundy. The Critic and Guide was a pioneer in the propaganda for birth control, venereal prophylaxis, sex education of the young, and free discussion of sexual problems in general. It contains more interesting and outspoken matter on these subjects than any other journal. While of great value to the practitioner for therapeutic sugges- tions of a practical, up-to-date and definite character, its editorials and special articles are what make The Critic and Guide unique among journals, read eagerly alike by the medical profession and the intelligent laity. PUBLISHED MONTHLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR THE CRITIC AND GUIDE COMPANY 12 MT. MORRIS PARK W. :: :: NEW YORK CITY AN EPOCH-MAKING BOOK Never-Told Tales GRAPHIC STORIES OF THE DISASTROUS RESULTS OF SEXUAL IGNORANCE By WILLIAM J. ROBINSON, M.D. Editor of the American Journal of Urology and of The Critic and Guide Every doctor, every young man and woman, every newly-married couple, every parent who has grown-up children, should read this book. Every one of the tales teaches a distinct lesson, a lesson of vital importance to the human race. We knew that we were getting out a useful, a NECESSARY book, and we expected it would meet with a favorable reception, but we never expected the reception would be so extravagantly and so unanimously enthusiastic. There seems to have been a long-felt but dormant want for just such a book. One reader, who has a fortune running into the millions, writes: “I would have given a good part of my fortune if the knowledge I obtained from one of_your stories to-day had been imparted to me ten years ago.” Another one writes: “I agree with you that your plain, unvarnished tales from real life should have been told long ago. But better late than never. Your name will be among the benefactors of the human race for having brought out so forcibly those important, life-saving truths. I know that I personally have already been benefited by them.” Fine Cloth Binding. One Dollar per Copy NINTH EDITION THE CRITIC AND GUIDE COMPANY 12 MT. MORRIS PARK, WEST NEW YORK