Fig. 1. General View of Exhibition Hall (First Floor) The Second International Exhibition of Eugenics HELD SEPTEMBER 22 TO OCTOBER 22, 1921, V IN CONNECTION WITH THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF EUGENICS IN THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, NEW YORK An account of the organization of the exhibition, the classification of the exhibits, the list of exhibitors, and a catalog and description of the exhibits BY HARRY H. LAUGHLIN Chairman of the Committee on Exhibits FORTY-SEVEN ILLUSTRATIONS BALTIMORE WILLIAMS & WILKINS COMPANY 1923 Copyright 1923 WILLIAMS & WILKINS COMPANY Made in United States of America All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian Composed and printed at the WAVERLY PRESS BY THE Williams & Wilkins Company Baltimore, Md., U. S. A. Committee on Exhibits: Harry H. Laughlin, Chairman Clark Wissler Laurence V. Coleman PREFACE During the sessions of the Eugenics Exhibition, many exhibitors and visitors expressed a desire to possess, for their respective libraries, perma- nent photographic and descriptive records of the material on display and under demonstration. In response to this demand, the Committee on Exhibits before dismantling the exhibition late in October, 1921, photo- graphed all of the exhibits which could be reproduced suitably in this manner. It prepared also a history and statistical account of the exhibition, and made for preservation in permanent form, a careful description of the material shown by each of the 131 exhibitors. It is trusted that the printing of the account and description of the ex- hibition, in systematic form, under one cover, will serve a useful purpose, not only to the exhibitors and the persons who are now interested in the matter, but also that it will serve an historic purpose in presenting graphically a cross-section view of eugenical science at the time of the Second Congress, and thus complement the technical papers which were presented to the Congress, and which are printed in two volumes bearing respectively the titles, Volume I, “Eugenics, Genetics, and The Family,” Volume II, “Eugenics in Race and State.” It is hoped also that this compilation will be of use to the Exhibition Committee of the Third Congress, which can build upon this work in the same manner as the present Committee built upon the work of the Com- mittee on Exhibits of the First Eugenics Congress, which first committee published its account under the title, “Catalog of Exhibits, First Inter- national Congress, London, July 24-July 30, 1912, University of London, South Kensington.” Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., N. Y. November 1, 1922. CONTENTS List of Illustrations 9 Section One : Anthropology and Archaeology. Hall of the Age of Man. Fourth Floor 13 Section Two: Eugenics and Allied Sciences. Special Exhibition. First Floor.... 14 General Character 14 Assembling the Exhibits 14 Exhibitors 16 Geographical Distribution of Exhibitors 16 Outline of Material Sought 16 Suggestions Relative to Eugenics Exhibits 16 Exhibition Space and Installation 18 Return of Exhibits 18 Classification of Exhibits: Group I. Heredity 18 Group II. The Human Family 19 Group III. The Factor of Race 19 Group IV. Applied Eugenics 20 Group V. Special Institutions and Methods 20 Opening and Attendance 20 The Eighteen Booths or Alcoves 20 Description of Exhibits, alphabetically arranged 23 7 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS In front of book: 1. General view of the Exhibition Hall—Special Exhibits. 2. Diagram of the Exhibition Hall—Special Exhibits. 3. Copy of the certificate awarded for exhibits and services of merit to the Exhibition. In back of book: 4. Eugenical Classification of the Human Stock. 5. The Average American Male. 6. Chromosomes in Man. 7. Forecasting the Growth of Nations. 8. Approaching Extinction of “Mayflower ” Descendants. 9. A Century of Change in Hawaii’s Population. 10. Miscegenation in Hawaii. 11. Intermarriage of Nationalities in New York City. 12. Increase in Population in the United States Compared with European Countries. 13. Infant Mortality in United States by Nationality of Mother. 14. Heredity of Longevity. 15. Measurement of Physical Traits. 16. Palm and Sole Prints and their Inheritance. 17. Measurement of Physical and Mental Traits. 18. Measurement of Mental Traits. 19. Heredity of Musical Ability. 20. Growth of United States Population by Immigration and by Increase in Native Stock. 21. Immigration into the United States from Different Countries. 22. Fluctuation in Distribution of Counties in the United States with at least 50 per cent Negro, 1860-1920. 23. Inheritance of Specific Iso-agglutinins in the Human Blood. 24. Comparison of White and Negro Fetuses. 25. Difference between White and Negro Fetuses. 26. The Catlin Mark. 27. Inheritance of Order of Succession in Development of the Carpal Bones. 28. Heredity of Hare-lip and Cleft-palate. 29. The Brains of Criminals. 30. Racial Differences in Mental Fatigue. 31. Heredity in Epilepsy. 32. Mentality and Delinquency. 33. Increase in United States of Whites and Negroes, both in Total and Insane Popu- lation. Also Growth of Urban Population. 34. New York State Commission for Mental Defectives, and its Extra Institutional Care. 9 10 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 35. Composite Portraiture. 36. Hawaiian, and Hawaiian Hybrids. 37. Swiss Folk Types. 38. Dutch Folk Types. 39. Pedigree of John Burroughs. 40. Pedigrees of Dramatic and Musical Talent. 41. Pedigree of the Caesars. 42. Marriage and Birth Rate in Relation to Immigration. 43. The Old Americans and the Tribe of Ishmael. 44. The Jukes. 45. The Nams. 46. Eugenical Sterilization in the United States. 47. Color Inheritance in Corn. /nformohon B J#(TH BiMCTMT »*»• InTRANCE Archway and Sion Bmtm Biatcrrrr I- ig for *h»*i*f fh< rt/o/iotf br/mn ciimatie chanpt 1. Euglnical Organizations. Societies, Associations, Eugenics Ieccwb Orrice. Eugenics TUscaum Associa- tion. Office ' of the Exhibit. 18. Geographic Environment. Human Evolution Crest Sie/ien eF a Giant bequ 3ia in which /Ae vari- ation in annual ri i gs is uud\os a hm. Statue or the Composite Athlete. 50 Strongest hw OF HARVARD. *• Gfnetics. or HEREDITY IN AKIHALS AND TiAHTS. 16. Population. Vital Statistics. Fig. 2. Floor Plan of Exhibition Hall (First Floor) oi Second ConfyUM oh &M$cnics. 3. Bhiioimg or ionestic Animals. 1 Systems or breeding systems on recording. (PUtWticawv of cHi&tov^-, ?£en’ $4ftattvC'i>i 22 "■* - m\. (‘&aiv>li.y