INDEX MEDICUS HEART K^ (it) isolation of the heterotopic rhythm for dire** recording of the paracentral eurhythmic automatlam OlnlcaJ cases] Salvo E, et al. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol 11:1200-23. 1966 [On the problem of the origin of some electrocardiographic slgna of ventricular hypertrophy in rheumatic heart disease 1 Pomerantsev VP, et al 8ovet Med 29:8-12. Aug 66 !•»•! )h« variability of calibration ca'lh'Ktlonj In Indicator dilution si Z Kmilaiifrorsch 55:686-8. Jul (Rus) ETIOLOGY [Alcoholic cardlo chronic alcohol cages] pita J, Arch but Cardi PHYSIOPA1 The systolic mt cardiomyopathy Nellen M, et ai RADIOGRA Changes in chei replacement. O Brit Heart 1 HEART FAIL Mitral regurglUt Goodwin JP. V [Br-62 in evaluate normal subject i C, et al. BoU 8 BLOOD Plaama renin In chronic experimental heart failure and during renal sodium "escape" from mlneralocortlcolds. Johnston CI, et al. Ore Bea 22:113-26, Peb 68 [Changes In the plaama volume caused by leg exercises in the lying position In healthy subjects and patient* with Insufficiency of the right heart] Kdnig B, et al. 8 Oca Exp Med 140:266-86. 1666 (Oer) [Clinical study of blood coagulability la heart disease. especially in congeethre heart failure] Hannya H. Nlppsa Ika Daig E 34:228-43. 1967 (Jap) COMPUCATION8 Oatlams sad fibrosis of the lungs la left ventricular failure. Heard BB, et al. Brit i Radiol 41:161-71. Mar 68 K ease of veno-ocelushre disease. Demonstrated at the Boyai Poetgraduate Medical School. Brit Med J 1:818-22. SO Mar 68 !Dilution hyponatremia la cardiac Insufficiency] Prancou O, et al. Marseille Med 103:861-6, 1866 (Pr) Ventilatory chaages Induced by bronchodllator aerosols la mitral stenosis. II. Patients with congestive cardlodrculatory Insufficiency] Sarno A. BeU Sec Itai Cardiol 11:864-70, 1866 (It) Obesity sad the cardlovaacular system] Aaollna O, et al. Prlall Med 21:603-7. Jul-Aug 66 (It) Heart failure la idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis] Kwocsynnkl J. Pol Arch Med Wewaet 38:788-803. 1867 (Pol) DIAGNOSIS rhe signs and symptoms of valvular disease aod heart failure. Lulssda AA. CUa Sympos 20:3-28, Jan-Mar 68 Caaracterlatlcs sad significance of the pulmonary type of P wave in the aged] Necchl Delia Sllva A. O Oeront 14:523-37. Jun 66 (It) DRUG THERAPY leute effect* of oral ethacryalc add upon total blood volume. Samet P, et al. Amer Heart J 75:288-90, Mar 68 tods of action of ethacryalc add in congestive heart failure. Porter GA, et al. Arch latsra Med (Chicago) 121:235-42. Mar 68 lole of newer oral diuretics in cardiac failure. Sinha BC. Indian Heart I 19:181-3, Jt" fedlcal and pacemaker therapy ol block and congestive heart failure u _ JW, et si. J Amer Vet Med Ass 152:1 U. 5. >harmacologlc assistance to the fi CUusa RH. et al. •art Oyaec Obstet 126:611-31, M Myocardial Insufficiency--* clinic correlation] Kreuxer H, et al. AraaeimlUelforschaag 16:712-9, . On the quantitative effect of the cardiac glycoside beta-acetyldigoxln] Storx H. Deatseh Med Waehr 93:523-7. 22 Mar 68 (Oer) Dn the use of an association of ATP. cocarboxylaee and insufficiency. Ci!ncoexp< rlmenUl contribution | sianimrii' Bellumo A, etal. Minerva Med 58:4246-62 I |.wr67Mt) [Some clinical observations on the use of ■> cardloklnetlr extract of squill: proar1ll»rloi:> /> Differences from other mor<> wrnntom/ u*«- USERS Pattern of heart failure at Legos University Teaching Hospital Okuwobl BO. W Afr Med i 16:188-203. Dec 67 PATHOLOGY Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Weekly cilnlcopathological exerdaea. Case 3-1888. New Eng J Med 278:782-91, 4 Apr 68 PHY8IOPATHOLOOY Observation and simulation of the circulation, add-baae balance, and response to C02 In Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Lange RL, et al. Circulation 37:331-44, Mar 68 Systolic time Intervals in heart failure in man. Weiaaler AM. et al. Circulation 37:148-58. Peb 68 A comparison of the effects of vasodilator stimuli on peripheral resistance vessels In normal subjects and in patients with congestive heart failure. Zella R, et al. J Clin Invest 47:980-70, Apr 68 Renal role In fluid retention of heart failure. Undeman RD. I Okla Med Aas 61:127-8, Mar 68 [Plasma volume changes In dally tasks In the healthy heart and cardiac Insufficiency] Konlg E, et al. Kiln Wschr 44:862-70, 1 Aug 66 (Oer) HEART FUNCTION TESTS (El) The use of single plane angiocardiograms for the calculation of left ventricular volume in man. Sandler H, et al. Amer Heart J 75:325-34, Mar 68 The vibrophonocardlograph as a clinical tool. Celentano JT. et al. Blomed Sd Instrum 4:147-53, 1868 Heart-paced ergometry. Morehouse LE. Blomed Scl Inatrom 3:139-49, 1967 [Comparison of various circulatory readlons during physical and mental stress, Including the differential quotlena of QRS] Blohmke M, et al. Ergonomics 10:699-705, Nov 67 (Ger) [Studies on the utility of a direct-reporting analog computer for the determination of heart minute volume In humans] SplUer P. et al. Z Krelslaufforsch 55:665-77. Jul 66 (Oer) [Critical consideration* on cardiological polygraphlc atudlea] Caatelll E, et al. BoU Soc Ital Cardiol 11:1273-7, 1968 (It) 68 id time onor bi et al A new extracorporeal circulation heat exchan utilizing Peltier effed semiconductors. Smith Ri- al. Blomed Sd Instrum 3:269-79, 1967 HEART NEOPLASMS (C2) [A case of audden death caused by neoplss metastases of the pericardium] SzymaAskl / Prsegl Lek 23:858-8, 28 Dec 67 (1 DIAGNOSIS Clinical aapect* Of left atrial myxoma: report of a c Simula ting subacute bacterial endocarditis and rev Of 5 cases treated aurglcally. Mundth ED. et Ann Thorac Berg 5:255-61, Mar 88 [On the diagnosis of myxomas of the lefttrlum] Rom T. et al. Z Oea Inn Med 21:811-3. 15 Dec 66 (C PATHOLOGY Histogenesis of primary myxoma of the heart, a < report. Matsuyama K. et al. Gann 58:435-40. 0.1 [ A case with 2 lipomas In the myocarcllun Wojdeenowskl J. Pat Pol 18:455-8. Oct Dec 67 u HEART RATE (Gl) Adjustment of exerdse Intensity by heart rate N WP, et al. Amer Correct Ther J 21:184-8. Nov-De Photoelectric recording of cellular activity froi television Image. Andrus WD. et a I Blomed Sd Instrum 4:243-8, 1968 Monitoring, computer entry and display of the I vital signs. Geddes LA, et si. Blomed Scl Instrum 3:215-29, 1967 Heart-paced ergometry. Morehouse LE . Blomed Scl Instrum 3:139-49, 1967 Heart-controlled ergometry. Roth HP, et al. Blomed Scl Instrum 4:84-91, 1968 A simple method for recording the elect rocardlog and heart rate from consdous anlmala. Farmer JE al. Brit J Pharmacol 32:183-200. Jan 68 Exerdae electrocardiography In the horse b: radlotelemetry. Banister EW, et al. J Amer Yet Med Ass 152:1004-8. 1 Apr 61 Nonretentlon of s visual conditioned heart-r al spreading depresi DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service National Institutes of Health The use of eplcardlal variable resistance mercury column* In the analysis of Instantaneous changes In left ventricular configuration. Mantlnl E. et al 64:510-3, Dec 67 rt rate after haemorrti id Med J 44:35-8. Jai llutlon curves In auric re and after DC i K. et al 86. Jul 66 (i ■ In anxiety react lor autofagous anlmala] Frlsch O von. Z Tlerpiychol 23:497-500. Sep 66 ( DRUG EFFECTS HINTS FOR INDEX MEDICUS USERS MEDLARS indexes biomedical literature for publication in INDEX MEDICUS and for computer storage and retrieval. All aspects of an article are indexed completely by our liter- ature analysts who assign to an article as many subject headings as the content requires. The analyst must desig- nate, however, under which subject headings the citation will be published in INDEX MEDICUS and under which headings the citation will be stored in the computer only. To do this he follows many rules to help him make the judgment. Although all the rules he follows cannot be outlined here, we can give the reader some very general principles to fol- low in using the published issues of the monthly or yearly INDEX MEDICUS. By perusing the admonitions below, the user will soon learn what to expect to find in INDEX MEDICUS and what he will not expect to find; where he will expect to find it and where he will not. 1. Look for a subject only in terms of those words listed in the alphabetical vocabulary published with the January issue of each INDEX MEDICUS subscription. This list of terms is called MEDICAL SUBJECT HEADINGS (MeSH). An article on dizziness cannot be found under Dizziness since this term does not appear in MeSH. The user must try a synonym, here, VERTIGO. 2. Look for a subject where MeSH directs the user in the form of a cross-reference. An article on bacteremia will be found under SEPTICEMIA for MeSH tells the user, "BACTEREMIA see SEPTICEMIA." 3. Look for terms related to that which you are. seeking by examining the categorized lists of terms also publish- ed with each January issue of INDEX MEDICUS. The symbol in parentheses after the term in the alphabetical list sends you to the category in which you will find many re- lated terms. Index Auxiliary Notes Index Section Bibliographic Services Division National Library of Medicine An article on liver diseases will be found under LIVER DISEASES (C4) but in C4 the user will find a categorization of ALL liver diseases available in INDEX MEDICUS, beyond the term LIVER DISEASES: ACUTE YELLOW ATROPHY; FATTY LIVER; HEPATITIS; HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS; LIVER ABCESS; LIVER CIR- RHOSIS; etc. 4. Look for a subject containing a compound concept in an alternate place if you do not find it in the first place: arbitrarily, some terms are direct, some are inverted. An article on cutaneous tuberculosis is not found under CUTANEOUS TUBERCULOSIS, but under TUBERCULOSIS, CUTANEOUS. Vinyl ether is under VINYL ETHER, not under ETHER, VINYL. For various internal technical or medical reasons, many such decisions for direct or inverted form can only be arbitrary. The user is asked to patiently try both ways. 5. Subjects are divided into more specific breakdowns by subheadings (see the list in MeSH) . Look for specific aspects of subjects under the subject as divided by its subheadings: do not look under a heading which is an exact duplicate of the subheading. An article on the radiography of the pancreas is found under PANCREAS *radiography, not under RADIOG- RAPHY. An article on the metabolism of glucose is found under GLUCOSE *metabolism, not under METAB- OLISM. An article on penicillin In the blood is found under PENICILLIN *blood, not under BLOOD. An article on urinalysis in gout is found under GOUT *urine, not under URINE. 6. Look for the most specific term. An article on leishmaniasis is found under LEISHMANIASIS, not under TROPICAL MEDICINE. An article on penicillin is found under PENICILLIN, not under ANTIBIOTICS. 7. took for organs, diseases and physiological processes in persons of various ages under the organ, the disease or the physiological process, not under the age group. An article on gout in infants is found under GOUT, not under INFANT. An article on hand injuries in the aged is under HAND INJUR IKS, not under AGED. 8. Look for research in various laboratory animals under the subject of the research, not under the laboratory ani- mal. An article on arthritis induced in rats is found under ARTHRITIS, not under RATS. 9. Look for various technics applied to specific research under the specific disease, substance, etc., not under the technic. An article on the chromatography of amino acids is found under AMINO ACIDS ^analysis, not under CHROMATOGRAPHY. An article on the electrophoresis of gamma globulin in syphilis is found under GAMMA GLOBULIN *analysis or SYPHILIS *immunology, not under ELECTROPHORESIS nor BLOOD PROTEIN ELECTROPHOR- ESIS. 10. Look for diseases of various organs under the organ/ disease term. If an organ/disease term is not in MeSH, then look under the organ. An article on intestinal diseases is found under INTESTINAL DISEASES, not under INTESTINES. An article on jejunal diseases is sought under JEJUNAL DISEASES but since this term does not exist in MeSH, it is found under JEJUNUM and not under INTESTINAL DISEASES (since this is more general). 11. Look for diseases caused by various organisms under the organism/infection term. If an organism/infection term is not in MeSH, then look under the organism or follow the cross-reference to the correct disease. Sometimes an organ/infection term is disguised as a classical disease term. An article on E. coli infection is found under ESCHERICHIA COLI INFECTIONS, not under ESCHER- ICHIA COLI. An article on Erwinia infection is sought under Erwinia Infections but since this term is not in MeSH, it is found under ERWINIA. Loaiasis is found under FILARIASIS because that is what the cross-reference directs one to. An article on Clostridium botulinum infection is not under CLOSTRIDIUM BOTULINUM, but under BOTU- LISM. 12. Look under -ology or -iatrics terms only for articles on the field or speciality or the -ologist or -iatrist: articles on diseases, organs or patients will not be found here. An article on dermatological therapy is found under SKIN DISEASES *therapy, not under DERMA- TOLOGY. Articles on dermatology, the field of dermatology or the dermatologist are under DERMA- TOLOGY. 13. Look for general pathological processes of various or- gans under the organ or the disease term, not under the gen- eral pathological process (necrosis, gangrene, inflammation, fracture, hypertrophy, atrophy, hyperplasia, etc.). An article on necrosis of the pancreas is found under PANCREATIC DISEASES, not under NECROSIS.